SECESSION IN THEORY, AS THE FRAMERS OF THE CONSTITUTION VIEWED IT. SECESSION AS PRACTISED AND AS SUSTAINED BY THE UNITED STATES. SECESSION AS ATTEMPTED BY THE CONFED- ERATE STATES. By COL. ROBERT BINGHAM, Superintendent of The Bingham School, Asheville, N. C. Annual Address of President, Ninth Annual Session, State Literary and Historical Association, Raleigh, North Carolina, October 13, 1908. Supplement to Minutes. Authorities Quoted Herein, and the Date of the Publication of the Editions from which Citations are Made : Marshall's Life of Washington, C. P. Wayne. Philadelphia, 1807. Wm. Rawle's View of the Constitution, H. L. Carey & T. Lee, Philadel- phia, 1825. Spark's Life and Writings of Gouvemeur Morris, Carey & Bowen, Boston, 1832. Spark's Writings of Washington, American Stationers' Co., Boston, 1837. The Papers of James Madison, J. & H. G. Langley, New York, 1841. The Works of Daniel Webster, C. C. Little & Jas. Brown, Boston, 185 1. The Elliott Debates, J. B. Lippincott & Co.. 1861. Gentz's Republic of Republics, 4th Edition, Little, Brown & Co., Bos- ton, 1881. Larned's History for Ready Reference, C. A. Nichols Co., Springfield, Mass., 1895. Curry's Southern States of the American Union, Johnson Pub'g Co., Richmond, 1895. Benton's A Xotable Libel Case, Chas. F. Goodspeed, Boston, 1904. Bledsoe's Is Davis a Traitor, The Hermitage Press, Richmond, Va., 1907. Hunt's James Madison Papers, C. P. Putnam's Sons, 1908. Hart's Essentials in American History, American Book Co., Copy- righted in 1905. James Bryce's The American Commonwealth. 3d Edition. The Mac- millan Co. During the preparation of this paper a number of persons kindly gave useful information, and made valuable suggestions, among whom are: Charles Francis Adams, of Boston ; the late Dr. Leonard Woolsey Bacon ; Rev. Dr. R. F. Campbell, of Asheville, X. C. : Judge G. L. Christian, of Richmond, Va. ; Senator J. W. Daniel, of Va. ; President C. H. Denny, of Washington and Lee Univ. ; Mrs. Wm. Dinwiddie, of Greenwood, Va. : Miss Ruth Early, of Lynchburg, Va. ; Prof. J. H. Latane, of Washington and Lee Univ. ; the late Gen. Fitzhugh Lee : Mrs. M. J. Leeds, of Xew Orleans, La.: the late Gen. Dabney H. Maury; John Rawle, of Xatchez, Miss. : Wm. Brooke Rawle, of Philadelphia, Penn. : the late Dr. Wm. H. Ruffner, of Lexington. Va. : President Lyon G Tyler, of William and Mary College ; President Woodrow Wilson, of Princeton Univ. ; Dr. F. C. Woodward, of Richmond, Va. ^s V) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 SECESSION When the historian of the future shall get the true perspective on the War Between the Sections in the United States, ending with the dissolu- tion of the Southern Confederacy in 1S65, the terms rebel, rebellion, trai- tor, treason must disappear in the light of historic verities as the true and scientific historian shall develop and promulgate them. Already the public prints have substituted CIVIL WAR, the name of sober judgment, for Rebellion, the name of passion. Lincoln, in his famous Thanksgiving Proclamation of November, 1863, which ranks with the greatest State Papers among men, spoke of the war then raging, not as a rebellion, but as "THE LAMENTABLE CIVIL STRIFE IN WHICH WE ARE UN- AVOIDABLY ENGAGED." Generals Fitzhugh Lee and Wheeler were educated at West Point ; they served in the U. S. Army in their earliest manhood, in the Confederate Army in their mature manhood, and again in the U. S. Army in their maturest manhood and old age. In February, 1897, the U. S. Senate changed the term Rebellion in a bill under discus- sion to CIVIL WAR, and General Luke E. Wright, a Confederate vet- eran, is Secretary of War in President Roosevelt's Cabinet. In consideration of these notable changes in public sentiment, it does not seem too soon to anticipate the Historian of the Future, and to dis- cuss : I. SECESSION IN THEORY, AS THE FRAMERS OF THE CONSTITUTION VIEWED IT; II. SECESSION AS PRACTISED AND AS SUSTAINED BY THE UNITED STATES; III. SECESSION AS ATTEMPTED BY THE CONFED- ERATE STATES. In discussing Secession in theory, the work of others has been used at will, each citation being verified, and various citations not heretofore used have also been made. In discussing Secession as practiced by the United States, and as at- tempted by the Confederate States, some views are advanced which have not been heretofore presented, as far as has been ascertained. I. Secession in Theory. When some one asked an expert student of child life when the educa- tion of a child should begin, he repliad, At least one hundred years be- fore the child was born, and two thousand years would have been a bet- ter answer. In discussing secession in theory, I shall inquire into the pre-natal life of the frainers of the Constitution for two thousand years, in order to get a proper perspective on this most notable body of men, and then I shall inquire into the conditions and discussions immediately preceding, and at its adoption, on which the proper interpretation of any piece of legislation largely depends. The history of the world is hot the history of countries, but of RACES, and each race which has been eminent and dominant has had some distinctive race characteristic along the line of which it has devel- oped. The Teuton is the dominant man of today and from his beginning hitherto he has been unconquered and unconquerable, and has never had any rulers except of his own choice. The great Caesar said that the Empire had reached the sand desert on the south and was safe on the south ; that he had carried it to the sand desert of the East and to the Ocean desert of the West, and that it was safe on the East and on the West ; but with the prevision of genius he said that the danger was from the NORTH ; and it was his purpose to hurl the whole force of the Em- pire, when he should control it, against our Teutonic ancestors, and Latinize Germany as he had Latinized Gaul so completely that the hand of the great Caesar rests on France still as the head of Latin Europe. Tacitus says, "Others give battle ; but the Germans make WAR." But with the whole force of the greatest military power which the world has seen, Shakespeare's foremost man of all this world, stimulated by his prophetic vision of the destruction of the Empire at the hands of these Northern barbarians, would have Latinized Germany, and Europ- ean history would have been written differently. But Brutus's dagger preserved the Germans, and Augustus said on his death-bead, "O Varus, my legions, my legions, where are my legions !" The Germans had de- stroyed them to a man and Caesar's prophecy was fulfilled four hundred years later. The Teutons, who became stationary, when, in their migrations west- ward, they reached the North Sea and the Baltic, though they have never had any rulers except of their own choice, have been dominated by their rulers ; though they have become more restless under this domina- tion of late years ; but the still migratory Teutons, who under Hengist and Horsa, turned Britain into Angleland, and who from thence have con- tinued to move westward till their possessions encircle the whole earth, have always dominated their rulers. They soon absorbed their temporary Norman masters, and, inspired by their most marked characteristic, their intense instinct of local self-government, the Saxon churl became the Earl, the Duke and the King. Inspired by this intensest instinct of our race, our ancestors freed themselves from feudal vassalage to the Plan- tagenets and established the principles of the Magna Charta. They freed themselves from ecclesiastical vassalage to a foreign potentate and es- tablished the Church of England instead of the Church of Rome in the time of the Tudors. They freed themselves from domestic ecclesiastical and political vassalage to the Stuarts and established the principles of The Bill of Rights. And when the Cavaliers despaired of their local rights under Cromwell, and the Puritans felt hopeless with a Stuart on the throne again, like Abraham, seeking a country, both Cavaliers and Puritans came to the New World, and wrested the American wilderness from savage beasts and more savage men, in order to be their own mas- ters. But when the hand across the sea infringed on their local rights, they seceded from England, freed themselves from the vassalage of tax- ation without representation under the House of Brunswick, established the principles of the Declaration of Independence in blood, and England acknowledged the thirteen colonies, after the War of the first Secession ended successfully for the secessionists, not as a new nation in the ag- gregate, but as thirteen Sovereign and Independent Nations. This first War of Secession was won, with the aid of France, under "The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union." The style of this Confederacy, the Articles say, shall be "The United States of America, reserving to the States full sovereignty and all rights not expressly granted to Congress." Till the war was over, "they hung together," as Dr. Franklin expressed it, "lest they should hang separately." But the conditions under "The Articles of Confederation and PER- PETUAL Union" proved unsatisfactory, and the right of secession hav- ing been established by the sword, the second act of secession occurred, which was, from "The Articles of Confederation and PERPETUAL Union," lasting only thirteen years, into "The More Perfect Union" of the Constitution, in which the idea of perpetuity was most conspicuously and most significantly left out. Webster, the great apostle of Nationalism, and called the profound- est constitutional lawyer of his time, in his debate with Hayne in 1833, said, "If a league between sovereign powers have no limitation as to time, and contain nothing to make it perpetual, it subsists only during the good pleasure of the parties." That the Constitution was such a league or compact between sovereign powers is proved most conclusively from the testimony of its trainers. It is a principle of the common law of all races in all ages that the parties to a compact, with no duration of time set in the instrument, may withdraw from it at will. There is no time set in the "New Articles of Union," as in the "Perpetual Union" of the Articles of Confederation, because the "new articles of Union" were re- garded as an experiment by their framers, from which they might with- draw at will, if their local autonomy should be endangered thereby. Nowhere among men had the tide of local autonomy risen so high as among the thirteen sovereign States after the War of Secession from England. It took tbese thirteen independent Republics from 1783 to 1789 to compromise their local rights and local jealousies sufficiently to form a federal union on any conditions ; and but for fear of attack from without, or of protectorates assumed by foreign powers over individual States, it is doubtful whether they would have united at all. Their an- cestors had resisted the Plantagenets successfully. Their ancestors had resisted the Church of Rome successfully. Their ancestors had beheaded Charles Stuart and expelled James Stuart. And when George III. op- pressed them, Patrick Henry said, "Caesar had his Brutus ; Charles I had his Cromwell, and George III. may porfit by their example." A government sufficiently strong for defense and offense must be endowed with powers delegated by thirteen Sovereign Republics and with no others; and all other powers and rights must remain with the States. The framers of the Constitution realized the necessity of com- mitting the sword and the purse to the general government ; and yet they remembered how the man of Macedon had overwhelmed the Greek re- publics, how the Roman Republic perished at the hands of the Caasars, how any one who resisted the tyranny of the Doge of Venice passed through the Bridge of Sighs to the Doge's prison and speedy death, and a similar fate had befallen all attempts at a government of the people in all the past. Knowing that the federal government, en- dowed with the power of the purse and of the sword, might easily en- croach on the States, while the States could not encroach on the general government, it was their purpose to create a general government of minimum powers, all distinctly specified, composed of Independent States with maximum powers, including all the powers not delegated ; and the powers delegated to the general government were not del- egated "in fee simple," so to speak, but on the condition, ipsis verbis, as shall be hereinafter clearly shown, that these powers should be resumed by three of the states, Virginia, New York and Rhode Island, if in the judgment of these States, these powers should be used by the general government for the oppression of the states, just as a testator often wills property to an heir on condition that it shall revert to the original owner if the conditions of the transfer should be violated. Such a con- dition, made inherent in one party to a compact, must adhere to every other party to the compact. It is safe to say that the convention of 1787 was composed of the wisest, the most intelligent and the most patriotic men who ever un- dertook to organize a government of the people, by the people and for the people. But with all their wisdom, their work was a foredoomed failure from the first. Every republic in all the past had failed through internal strife or external violence. The task of the framers of the Con- stitution was not only to organize a republic in the usual sense, which others in all the past had failed to do successfully, but to organize a Republic of Republics, a Sovereignty of Sovereignties. The Almighty balances the centripetal and centrifugal forces so that the heavenly bodies revolve in their orbits from age to age. But it was beyond the wisdom and power of mortal man to balance the centripetal and centri- fugal forces in a Republic of Republics so that some of the Independent Sovereignties already in the union, or to be in it later, should not come into conflict, not only with the powers, but with the necessities of the general government. Such a conflict was imminent in 1803 on account of expansion through the Louisiana purchase. It was imminent in 1S14 through a foreign War, when New England proposed to secede from the Union and resume her allegiance to Great Britain. It was immi- nent in 1832 through taxation, the thing which had precipitated the se- cession from England in 1776. Some of these causes might recur. After a terrible war which settled some of the questions left unsettled by the framers of the Constitution, the country is still in jeopardy both at home and abroad by conditions not provided for or against ; and un- expected emergencies, like the Spanish War, may arise at any time, necessitating action not provided for under our system. As an example of a domestic menace not provided against by the Constitution, the white citizens of Springfield, Illinois. President Lin- coln's own State and President Lincoln's own home city, may murder their black fellow-citizens, burn their houses and churches, and chase the survivors, their women and their children from the city a second time as they did with impunity in August of the year of grace 1908, and un- less the local authorities choose to punish the criminals for making war not only on men accused of crimes and of being undesirable citizens, but upon their women and children, both the State of Illinois and the United States Government are powerless to intervene, and men guilty of murder and arson go scot free. The same thing occurred twice within three years in Springfield, Ohio, President McKinley's own State, and no one of the law-breakers has been punished by the local authorities because the local authorities are in sympathy with them and neither the State of Ohio nor the United States may intervene. Mobs may anticipate the law and put men to death for rape, arson or murder in any section of the union as mobs have done in every section of the union, and unless the local authorities choose to punish the law- breakers, they go scot free. If Italy had demanded blood instead of a mere money indemnity for the blood of her citizens murdered with impunity in Louisiana, and had sent war ships to New Orleans to enforce these demands ; if China of the near future should demand blood for the blood of her citizens mur- dered again, as they were murderd with impunity on the Pacific coast when China was helpless ; if Japan had sent war ships to enforce a sol- emn treaty, violated with impunity by the single city of San Francisco, the United States might be involved in a foreign war, because the United States, alone among the great powers is powerless, under our system, to punish the murderers of their fellow citizens, or of the citizens of a foreign friendly power, against the verdict of a jury in sympathy with the criminals ; and under our too centrifugal system any indemnity must be paid, not by the murderers, not by the county or state of which the murderers are residents, but by the United States Government. Such anomalous conditions constitute a constant menace both at home and abroad. But in 1S60 a crisis foreseen, and not provided against, came through the election, for the first time in the history of the Republic, of a strictly sectional President and Vice-President by a small but compact minority of the Northern States. This sectionalism of the Northern States caused the Southern States to withdraw from the union for the preservation of their local rights, in accordance with the compact of 1789, as the framers of the Constitution interpreted it, as the whole country interpreted it up to 1830, and as the United States Government taught it at West Point, as shall be herein- after shown. In order to form a union at all, on any conditions, many compro- mises were necessary. As far back as 1776 a minority saw that slavery was a menace and Jefferson introduced an emancipation section into the Declaration of Independence, but this section was voted out by the ma- jority, in 17S7, and slavery existed in every one of the thirteen original States without further protest, was made as much a part of the Consti- tution as the President, the Vice-President or Congress, and a premium was put on it by allowing every slave holder five-fifths of a vote for him- self and three-fifths of a vote for each slave, thereby greatly increasing the slave-holder's power. The slave-holders were further placated by incorporating the fugitive slave law into the Constitution. The States engaged in the slave trade (including all New England, but excluding every Southern State) refused to enter the Union unless they should be allowed till 1S10 to get their shipping out of the slave trade. The small States, which had no grants of public lands, demanded that the public lands of the larger States should be turned over to the general govern- ment. The smaller States demanded equal representation in the Senate with the larger States, and through this most unjust discrimination against the larger in favor of the smaller, several mining camps have been foisted of late on the Union in order to secure Republican senators for oppressive class legislation, and nothing emphasizes state sovereignty more than that Rhode Island demanded and received as many senators as New York and Virginia, and keeps them still. Questions of taxation, of interstate commerce came up for adjust- ment and caused much wrangling. It was the blood and breed of people of these thirteen independent republics from their beginning in the forests of Germany to their secession from England and again from the Confederation, to be intensely jealous of their local rights. While they saw the necessity of a stronger government than under the Con- federation, they were afraid to consign their individual supremacy in anything to any general government even of their own creation, without the right to secede from it, even though the powers not expressly granted to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, were most distinctly reserved to the States respectively. Patrick Henry opposed the adoption of the Constitution bitterly. "Away with your President," he said ; "we shall have a KING. The army will salute him monarch. Your militia will leave you and assist in making him king and fight against you. And what have you to oppose this force? What will become of you and your rights? Will not absolute despotism ensue?" Samuel Adams, one of the great revolutionary leaders of Massa- chusetts, had gone to the convention with many others to defeat the Con- stitution. In a letter to Richard Henry Lee, dated December 3, 1787, he says, "I stumble at the threshold. I meet with a national government instead of a federal union of sovereign States. If the several States are to become one nation, under one legislature, its powers to extend to all legislation, and its laws to be supreme and control the whole, the idea of the sovereignty of these States must be lost." Late in the session, when everything betokened defeat, Gov. Hancock came forward with conciliatory propositions, embodying what afterwards became the Tenth Amendment, and Samuel Adams said, "Your Excellency's first proposi- tion is, that it be explicity declared that all powers not expressly dele- gated to Congress are reserved to the several States to be by them ex- ercised. This appears to my mind to be a summary of a bill of rights which gentlemen are anxious to obtain. * * * It is consonant with the Second Article of present Confederation that each State retains its sov- ereignty, freedom and independence and every power, jurisdiction and right, which is not by the Confederation expressly delegated to the United States in Congress assembled." (II. Elliott's Debates, p. 131. Republic of Republics, pp. 85-86.) How amply have Patrick Henry's prophesies and Samuel Adams' fears been fulfilled in the history of the Southern States since 1S61 ! It will help us to realize the difficulties under which the trainers of the Constitution labored to remember that in 1787, four years after the treaty of peace, Benjamin Franklin, then 81 years of age, and supposed in his earlier life to have been an atheist, moved that prayer be offered every morning at the opening of the Convention, using these words, "We are assured in the sacred writings that 'except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it.' I firmly believe this, and I also believe that without this concurring aid, we shall proceed in this political build- ing no better than the builders of Babel. We shall be divided by our little, partial, local interests ; our prosperity will be confounded, and we ourselves shall be a reproach and a by-word to future ages. And, what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance despair of founding a government by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war or conquest." (Madison Papers, I. p. 259, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 190S.) It having been shown who and what manner of men the framers of the Constitution were from their beginning in the forests of Germany two thousand years ago, to their latest migration to the forests of Amer- ica in obedience to their intensest instinct, the instinct of local self-gov- ernment, any student of the man of Anglo-Saxon blood and breed in all the past, and especially at this particular crisis, is prepared to say that it is not within the bounds of possibility for these Independent Repub- lics, all intensely jealous of their liberties and of each other, to commit the power of the purse and sword unconditionally to the collective will of the whole American people, or to any other person or persons what- soever, when there was nothing except a king which they dreaded as much as a consolidated democracy. The referendum was more than 100 years in the womb of the future, and is of very doubtful value now that it has been born. The Colonies had won the right of secession from Great Britain with the sword. As the United States of 1783 they had exercised the right of secession at will from the Articles of Confedera- tion and Perpetual Union. It is not conceivable that these thirteen Independent Republics should have committed themselves to the "New Articles of Union," as the Constitution was constantly called by its framers, without protecting their cherished liberties by retaining the right of seceding from the New Articles at will, as they had seceded forcibly from England and peace- ably from the Articles of Confederation, and of resuming the powers del- egated conditionally to the general Government, if these powers should be used for their oppression. And to this end the absence of any dura- tion of time to the compact carried the right of withdrawal from it at 9 will on its very face, as even Webster himself admits, and three of the States entered the Union conditionally, as shall be hereafter shown. In his debate with Hayne in 1833, forty-three years after the adop- tion of the Constitution, Webster said that if the Constitution was a compact between the States, to which they acceded one by one, they could secede from it at will, but he denied in 1833 that the union was a compact, and he called the word "compact" UNCONSTITUTIONAL language. He said further as has already been noted, "If a league be- tween sovereign powers have no limitation as to time and contain noth- ing to make it perpetual, it subsists only during the good pleasure of the parties." Justice Story, in his Commentaries on the Constitution, Vol. III., p. 287, says, "The deductions drawn from considering the Consti- tution a compact between the States are that it has an obligatory force no longer than suits the pleasure or consent" (of the States.) Now, if it can be shown from the words of the framers of the Consti- tution that it icas a compact between the States and that the States did accede to it, the theoretical right of secession is admitted by the extreme Nationalists themselves. The Constitution a Compact. Madison, the acknowledged father of the Constitution, called it a COMPACT, not only during the session of the convention of 1787, but all the rest of his life. "In case of a union of the people under one Con- stitution," he says, in urging the ratification of the new articles of union, "the nature of the PACT has always been understood, etc' (Madison Papers, p. 11S4.) In the Virginia Resolutions of 1798, drafted by Madison, he says, "This Assembly doth explicitly and peremptorily declare that it views the powers of theFederal Government as resulting from the COMPACTS to which the States are parties ; as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting the COMPACT ; as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants authorized by that COMPACT ; and in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers not granted by the said COMPACT, the States which are parties thereto have the right and are in duty bound to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil and for maintaining within their respective limits the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them." (Larned's History for Ready Reference, Vol. V., p. 3322.) Again in his letter to Mr. Everitt in 1830, Madison calls the Constitution "A COMPACT be- tween the States in their highest sovereign capacity." In the same letter he speaks of the States as "parties to the constitutional COMPACT." Governor Morris, the representative from Pennsylvania and a steady advocate of a strong national Government, used these words (Madison Papers, 1081-2), "He came here to form a compact for the good of America. He hoped and believed that all the States would enter into such a compact. But as the compact was to be voluntary, it was vain for the Eastern States to insist on what the Southern States would not agree to." Chief Justice Jay of the Supreme Court, in the case of Chis- holm vs. the State of Georgia, 3 Dal. R. P. 419, says. "The Constitution of the United States is a COMPACT." John Quincy Adams, the sixth 10 President, says, "The Constitution of the United States and all our State Constitutions, have been voluntary COMPACTS, deriving their authority from the free consent of the parties to them." Again in the Virginia Reports of 1S00 it is said, "The States being parties to the Constitutional COMPACT." Edmund Pendleton, President of the ratifying Convention of Virginia, says, "This is the only Government founded on a real COM- PACT." (Elliott Debates, Vol. III., p. 57.) Judge Tucker, in his Com- mentaries on Blackstone, frequently calls the Constitution a COMPACT between the States. Jefferson was Minister to France during the Convention of 17S7 ; but his attitude towards the powers of the Federal Governmnt are plainly indicated. "The States." he says in his Correspondence, Vol. V., p. 415, "Entered into a COMPACT which is called The Constitution of the United States." In the Kentucky Resolutions, passed by the Legis- lature of Kentucky on November 13th, 179S, approved by the Governor on the 16th, and sent officially by him to every other State and to the members of Congress, Jefferson uses the following language: "Resolved, that the several States composing the United States of America are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general govern- ment ; but that by COMPACT under the style and title of a Constitution for the United States and of amendments thereto, they constitute a Gen- eral Government for special purposes, delegating to that Government certain definite powers, reserving each State to itself the residuary mass of right to their own self-government ; and that whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts were unauthoritative, void and of no force ; that to this COMPACT each State acceded as a State ; * * * that the Government CREATED by this COMPACT was not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself, since that would have made its discretion, not the Constitu- tion, the measure of its powers ; but, that, as in all other cases of COM- PACT among parties having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractions, as of the mode and measure of redress." (Larned's History for Ready Reference, Vol. V., p. 3319.) Even the Federalist, No. 39, sets the Constitution before the public as a COMPACT. And Webster, called, "the great expounder of the Constitution, and the greatest constitutional lawyer of his time," is a very strong witness to the Constitution's being a compact. Before 1830 no one had discovered that the Constitution was not a compact. In the great debate on the Foote Resolutions in 1S30, Webster, like every- body else up to that time, spoke of the Constitution as a COMPACT. "It is the original bargain, the Compact ; let it stand," he said. "Let the advantage of it be fully enjoyed. The Union is too full of benefits to be hazarded by propositions to change its original basis. I go for the Con- stitution as it is and the Union as it is ;" and he repels "both for himself and for the North accusations which impute to us a disposition to evade the Constitutional COMPACT." This was just forty-one years after the Constitution was adopted. In the great debate of 1833 Webster had changed his opinion and said that the Constitution was not a compact, and that the word "compact" as applied to it was "unconstitutional language," although it had been used constantly by the framers of the 11 Constitution from 1787, as has been already shown, and was distinctly used by himself in 1830. But by 1850 he had receded from his position in 1833, when he said (Webster's Works, Vol. V., p. 159), "The North finds itself in regard to the relative influence of the South and North of the free States and the slave States, where it never ex- pected to find itself when they agreed to the COMPACT of the Consti- tution." In the same speech (page 574), he says, "When the Constitu- tion was framed, its framers and the people who adopted it, came to a clear, express, unquestionable stipulation and COMPACT." (Webster's Works, Vol. II., p. 574.) In the same speech he says in connection with the NULLIFICATION of the Constitution by the refusal to obey the fugitive slave law, "These States passed acts (fourteen Northern States in all did so), defeating the law of Congress. They said in effect, we will not execute it. Thus the law is become a dead letter. But here was the Constitution and COMPACT still binding." And in the same speech he calls this nullification of the Constitution treason and says further : "It has been said in the States of New York, Massachusetts and Ohio that the fugitive slave law shall not be executed. These pro- ceedings are distinctly treasonable. The act of taking Shadrick from the public authorities of Boston was a clear act of treason." Mr. Web- ster says again, "I do not hesitate to say and to repeat that if the Northern States wilfully and deliberately refuse to carry out that part of the Constitution which respects the restoration of fugitive slaves, the South would no longer be bound to keep the COMPACT. A bargain broken on one side is broken on all sides." That is, the South would have a right to secede. After seeing this testimony it cannot be denied that its framers con- sidered the Constitution a COMPACT, and we call on Webster himself to decide who the rebels and traitors are, if the men who created the Constitution can be allowed to interpret it. The Constitution Acceded To. The testimony that it was acceded to by the States is equally con- vincing. In the debate with Calhoun, forty-four years after the Consti- tution was adopted, Webster said, "If in adopting the Constitution noth- ing was done but acceding to it. nothing would be necessary in order to break it up, but to secede from it. This term accede is wholly out of place. It is unconstitutional language." But no form of expression was more common among the framers of the Constitution in speaking of its being adopted than "the accession of the States to it." James Wilson, of Pennsylvania, whose fame has been steadily growing, "preferred a partial union of the States with the door open for the accession of the rest rather than to see a disposition defeated to confederate on better principles." (Madison Papers, p. 797.) Madison, the father of the Constitution, spoke of acceding to the new form of government by the States. (Madison Papers, p. 1103.) Gov- ernor Randolph, of Virginia, said, "The accession of eight States re- duced our deliberations to the single question of Union or no Union." Patrick Henry said. "If the Constitution be amended, every State will accede to it." (Elliott Debates. Vol. III., p. 652.) 12 "I come hither," said Innes, "under the persuasion that the felicity of our country requires that we should accede to this system" (the Con- stitution.) (Elliott Debates, Vol. III., p. 632.) Franklin, the most dis- tinguished member of the Convention except Washington, said, "Our new Constitution is now established with eleven States, and the accession of a twelfth is soon expected." (Franklin's Works. Vol. V., p. 409.) And finally we add the testimony of Washington himself, who says, "If these, with the States Eastward and Northward of us should accede to the Federal Government." (Writings of Washington, Vol. IX.. p. 280.) And in a letter to Bushrod Washington, he said, "Let the opponents of the proposed Constitution be asked, and it is a question they certainly ought to ask themselves, what line of conduct they would advise, if none other States, of which I think there is little doubt, should accede to the Constitution." Chief Justice Marshall says in his Life of Washington, Vol. V., Chap. 3, "This intelligence was more than counterbalanced by the accession of North Carolina to the Union." Justice Story says, "The Constitution has been ratified by all the States ; Rhode Island did not accede to it till more than a year after it had been in operation." Book III., Chap. 43. And in the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, Jefferson, as already referred to says. "To this Compact each State acceded as a State." Thus Webster, "the great Expoundor of the Constitution." admits the abstract right of secession, if the Constitution was a compact, and if it was acceded to by the States. It has been shown that Webster had not discovered that it was not a compact in 1830, that he asserted in 1833 that it was not a compact, and in 1851 he returned to his own opinion held in 1830 that it was a compact, an opinion held by all tbe framers of the Constitution, and by the whole country up to 1830. The proof that it was acceded to by the States is clear, if we can accept the testimony of its framers, including Franklin, and Washington himself. In Webster's celebrated debate with Calhoun, Calhoun reminded him that the principles he advanced would be subjected to the judgment of posterity. "I do not decline its judgment nor withhold myself from its scrutiny." Webster replied. Posterity has judged sooner than could have been expected. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, of Massachusetts, a successor of Webster's in the United States Senate, in his Life of Web- ster, American Statesmen Series, page 176, uses the following language : "In his reply to Hayne (in 1833) Webster labored to show, first, that nullification had never found foothold in New England, and second, that the Federal Constitution was not a compact. Unfortunately the facts were against Webster in both instances. When the Constitution was adopted by the vote of the States in Philadelphia, and accepted by the vote of the States in popular Conventions, it is safe to say that there was not a man in the country from Washington and Hamilton on one side to George Clinton and George Mason on the other, who regarded the new system as anything but an experiment, entered upon by the States, from whicb ^ach and every State had the right peaceably to withdraw, a right which was very likely to be exercised." Webstee's National Govebnment Claim. A study of the discussions of the Convention of 1787 refutes two 13 other claims of the Nationalists if the framers of the Constitution un- derstood what they were doing. Webster and his followers stress the claim that the first resolution passed by the Convention of 17S7 was, "That a NATIONAL Government be established." But this resolution was passed before the Convention had a quorum, only six States being represented up to that time. When the Convention was full, this reso- lution for a National Government was reconsidered and rescinded by a unanimous vote (Madison Papers, pp. 90S, 909.) And yet Webster and Story, in the face of the facts of the case, and in default of any better foundation than their own opinion, built what they parade as a weighty argument on a resolution which was rejected unanimously by the fram- ers of the Constitution. The Referendum Claim Examined. Again, more than forty years after 17S9. Webster and his school be- gan to press the claim that the words, "We, the people of the United States," in the preamble of the Constitution, make the Constitution para- mount law through the action of the people of the United States in the aggregate, and abrogate State sovereignty. The framers of the Con- stitution left the clearest testimony to the contrary. It is well known that the preamble to the "New Articles of Union," as its framers called the Constitution, began exactly as the Articles of Confederation did. "We, the people of the United States," naming the original thirteen States individually. This continued for more than a year, until it be- came doubtful whether all the thirteen States would accede to the "new articles," or whether any of them would, and which ones would, if any should ; and after much discussion and much wrangling, it was agreed that nine States should make a quorum ; and when nine States acceded to the Constitution, Washington was inaugurated, and the door was left open for the accession of the others to come in individually, if their people in convention assembled should see fit to do so, just as those al- ready in the Union had come in individually, by the action of the con- vention of each State. Gouverneur Morris, afterward minister to France and Senator from New York, a zealous advocate of a strong government, moved that "the reference of the plan of the new articles of Union be made to a general convention, chosen and authorized by the people to con- sider, amend and establish the same." But this motion did not receive a second in the convention of 1787, such a mode of ratification being deemed impossible by the framers of the Constitution (Madison Papers, p. 1184.) The people of the United States in the aggregate are not now, * never were, and never can be a political entity. Except in a merely geographical or in a sentimental sense, no such "people" ever existed. They have no political existence. They have no method of legislation on any subject whatever. They have never elected a President, Vice- President or Presidential Elector. They cannot elect a constable. The very name, The United States, adopted by the framers of the Constitution, establishes the sovereignty of the States. Jackson had a plurality of the votes of "The People of the United States" in 1S24 ; but John Quincy Adams became President. Tilden had a majority of 2l0,935 of the votes of "The People of the United States" in 1876; but Hayes became Presi- 14 dent by the majority of the electoral votes. Cleveland had a majority of 98,017 of the votes of "The People of the United States" in 18SS; but Harrison became President by the majority of the electoral votes. The Courts have decided that the presidential electors are STATE and not Federal officers, and in most of the States for more than a quarter of a century after 1TS9, the State legislatures appointed the presidential electors, and the people, therefore, voted only indirectly for the electors even, their choice being expressed by their votes for the members of the legislature. It was only after the provisions of the Constitution had been agreed upon and its language referred to "a committee on style" more than a year after the convention assembled, that the names of the original thirteen States were omitted, and "We, the people of the United States" (that is, of the States to be united) was substituted. It was the pen of Gouverneur Morris, in the interest of mere style, that made the substitution, which Webster and his school interpret as abrogating the sovereignty of the States, although the framers of the Constitution con- sidered it mere verbiage in the interest of style (Is Davis a Traitor, pp. 60-61), having no effect on the intent of the instrument; and Gouverneur Morris, by the stroke of whose pen, according to Webster, the sover- eignty of the States was abrogated, said, years afterwards, "The Con- stitution was a compact, not between individuals, but between political societies, between the people, not of America, but of the United States, each enjoying sovereign power and of course equal rights." (Life and Writings of G. M., Vol. III., p. 193.) The Sovereignty of the United States Affirmed. Nothing was more fixed in the minds of the framers of the Consti- tution, or more distinctly and constantly affirmed by them than the sov- ereignty of the States. Alexander Hamilton said the present union is "an association of States, a confederacy," and that "the people of New York are the sovereigns of it." (Fed. IX., his address in 17S9.) Chan- cellor Livingston said our "general polity is a league of States." (II. Elliott Debates, 274.) James Madison said, "The States are regarded as distinct and Independent Sovereigns by the Constitution. (Fed. XL.) Washington wrote of the Constitution as "a compact or treaty," and of the same union as formed by it as "The New Confederacy" (Let- ter to Gen. Pinckney, June 28, 17S8 ; letter' to D. Stuart, October 17, 1787.) Dr. Franklin said that the Senate was to secure in the union "the sovereignties of the individual States (V. Elliott Debates, 266.) James Wilson said, "The sovereignty is in the people before they make a constitution, and remains in them after it is made," and that the said people are the "thirteen Independent Sovereignties." (Mass. Senti- nel, October 24, 17S7.) John Dickinson called the new political system a "Confederacy of Republics," and recognized therein "the sovereignty of each State" (John Dickinson's Political Writings, II., p. 107.) Gouver- neur Morris, as already noted, said, "The Constitution is a compact be- tween political societies, each enjoying sovereign powers." (Life of Morris, III., p. 193.) Roger Sherman said. "The Government was insti- tuted by a number of sovereign States." (Letter to John Adams in Vol. VII., of Writings of J. A.) Oliver Elsworth called the States "Sovereign 15 bodies." (II. Elliott Debates, 197.) John Marshall spoke of the State in the Union as the "sovereign power." (III. Elliott Debates, 297, 549.) Samuel Adams said, "Each State retains its sovereignty in the present Union." (Elliott Debates, 131.) Gov. James Bowdoin spoke of the Union as "a confederacy," and of the States as "distinct sovereignties." (II. Elliott Debates. 129.) James Iredell, of North Carolina, after- wards on the Supreme Court of the United States, said that "the fed- eral senate was necessary to preserve completely the sovereignty of the States." (IV. •Ellliott Debates. 133.) Fisher Ames said. "The Senators represent the sovereignty of the States in the QUALITIES OF AMBASSADORS." (II. Elliott Debates, 46.) Theophilus Parsons, the celebrated Chief Justice of Massachusetts, said that "the Senate was de- signed to preserve the sovereignty of the States." (Memoirs of Par- sons, p. 9S.) Christopher Gore said. "The Senate represents the sov- ereignty of the States." (II. Ellliott Debates, 18.) These quotations might be multiplied indefinitely, as showing what the framers of the Constitution felt, said and did, and these facts were never questioned before 1S30, when the agitation against slavery began. In 1826 Everett wrote to Jefferson that "the Constitution of the United States is a com- pact of Independent Nations." To Washington Hunt he wrote, May 29, I860. "Our union of co-equal, Sovereign States requires the harmony of its members and their voluntary combination in its organic functions." John Quincy Adams said in his discourse on the Constitution, delivered in 1S39. "To the people alone is there reserved as well the DISSOLVING as the constituent powers of the Union, and the people of each State have the right to secede from the confederated union." (Republic of Repub- lics, p. 330.) William H. Seward at Cleveland in 1844. said. "This Union must be a voluntary one and not compulsory. A union upheld by force would be despotism." And on October 20, 1865, in an elaborate address on the then condition of things, he said, "This absolute existence of the States which constitute the republic is the most palpable of all the facts which the American statesman has to deal with. In a practical sense the States were before the Union teas. Our federal republic exists, and henceforth and forever, must exist through the combination of these free, self-existing, stubborn States. They are living, growing, majestic trees, whose roots are widely spread and interlaced with the soil, and whose shade covers the earth." (Republic of Republics, p. 331.) And perhaps the most significant and far-reaching thought developed in the Council of the Governors of forty-four States, assembled in the East Room of the White House on invitation of President Roosevelt, May 13, 1908, was in the address of the Hon. Elihu Root, Secretary of State, who said in part : "Forty-four sovereign States are represented here, all sovereigns, here on invitation of the Executive of a sovereign Na- tion. No one can estimate the importance of maintaining each and every one of the sovereignties of the States, and no one can over-estimate the importance of maintaining the sovereignty of the Nation. The Nation cannot perform functions of State sovereignties. If it were to under- take to perform these functions, it would break down. The pressure is already too heavy on the National machinery. I feel deeply impressed with the idea that the forty-six sovereign States, in the performance of 16 their duties of government are lagging behind the stage of development which other sovereignties on earth have reached. If you look at the in- ternational life of the world, you will see that the correspondence be- tween nations is continually increasing. Scores and hundreds of confer- ences and congresses are being held under government auspices to reg- ulate the action of the different nations of the earth. All the nations of Europe are considering the effect which their action shall have on the people of each other government. Now, our States in the exercise of their sovereignty, in the exercise of the powers reserved to them, rest under the same kind of duty, a duty which forbids the people of any State to live unto themselves alone. Why should not the powers re- served to the State sovereignties be exercised by these sov- ereignties with a wise regard for the common interest, under a firm re- solve to make it wholly unnecessary that this continual pressure to force the national government into the performance of duties which the States should perform should continue? I regard this meeting as the beginning of an era in which the States will exercise their sovereign powers on a higher plane of patriotism than ever before." This sounds as if Root were addressing the Convention of 1787, or Madison the Conference of Governors in 1908. The Conditional Entrance of the States Into the Union. The conditions on which Virginia, New York and Rhode Island went into the Union are very significant. Virginia was then much the largest State in the Union, her population in 1790 being 747,610 ; New York, with a population of 340,120, was reckoned among the smaller States, but her central position made her accession especially important. Rhode Island was the smallest State. The preamble of Virginia's ratification of the Constitution is as fol- lows: "We, the delegates of the people of Virginia, duly elected in pursu- ance of a recommendation from the General Assembly, and now met in Convention, having fully and freely investigated and discussed the pro- ceedings of the Federal Convention, and being prepared, as well as the most mature deliberation hath enabled us, to decide thereon, do, in the name and in behalf of the people of Virginia, declare and make known, that the powers granted under the Constitution, being derived from the people of the United States, be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression, and that every power, not granted thereby, remains with them, and at their will; that, therefore, no right of any denomination can be cancelled, abridged, re- strained, or modified, by the Congress, by the Senate or House of Rep- resentatives, acting in any capacity, by the President, or any depart- ment officer of the United States, except in those instances in which power is given by the Constitution for those purposes." In this statement of the conditions under which Virginia entered the Union, it is significant that the word secede or withdraw is not used. The use of either of these words would have been conceding too much to the Union. The condition made by Virginia was that she should resume 17 the powers only conditionally delegated, if these powers should be used injuriously or oppressively by the general government. On page 12 of E. P. Powell's "Nullification and Secession in the United States," it is stated that New York voted the ratification of the Constitution on the declared premise that "the powers of govern- ment may be resumed by the people (of New York) whenever it shall become necessary to their happiness." It thus appears that New York went into the Union on the condition that the powers delegated to the general government should be resumed when it became necessary to her happiness to resume them. On page 55 of his "Southern States of the American Union," Dr. J. L. M. Curry states that "Rhode Island reserved in terms the right to withdraw from the Union whenever her interests demanded it." If any one of the parties to a contract may withdraw at will, the right of withdrawal at will must be conceded to every party to the contract. Not one only, but three parties to the constitutional compact entered it with the right distinctly reserved to resume the powers delegated if these powers should be used to their injury or oppression. It may be worth while to add the opinion of two intelligent foreign- ers, both deep and earnest students of the American government, with a better perspective than any American can get. De Tocqueville, in his "Democracy in America," published in 1835, speaks as follows on pages 393, 394, 395, Vol. I. (World's Great Classics, Colonial Press 1899), "However strong a government may be, it cannot easily escape from a principle which it has once admitted as the founda- tion of its Constitution. The Union was formed by the voluntary agree- ment of the States, and in uniting together they have not forfeited their nationality. If one of the States chose to withdraw its name from the contract, it would be difficult to disprove its right of doing so and the Federal Government would have no means of maintaining its claims di- rectly either by force or by right." (In coercing a state) "the Govern- ment would be exerting a force not derived from itself, but contrary to its nature." "The present Union will last only as long as the States which compose it choose to continue members of the Confederation." In his "American Commonwealth," 3d Edition, 1900, p. 17, James Brice speaks as follows : ""The American Federal Republic is itself a commonwealth as well as a union of commonwealths, because it claims directly the obedience of every citizen and acts immediately on him through its courts and executive officers. Still less are its minor com- munities, the States, mere subdivisions of the Union, mere creatures of the National Government, like the counties of England or the depart- ments of France. They have over their citizens an authority which is their own, and not delegated by the central government. They have not been called into being by that government. They, that is the older ones among them, existed before it. They could exist without it. * * * It might be destroyed and they might survive as independent, self-govern- ing communities." In the light of these historic verities what would the trainers of the Constitution think of Lincoln's extra constitutional claim in his first in- 18 augural that the States occupy the same relative position to the general government which the counties occupy to a State? The Theory of Secession Affiemed by the Northern States. Having discussed the THEORY of secession as the trainers of the. Constitution understood and promulgated it, let us proceed to discuss the theory and PRACTICE of nullification and secession since 1789. No Southern State has ever nullified a single article of requirement of the Constitution. In 1832 South Carolina threatened to nullify an act of Congress imposing unjust and oppressive taxation laws, as the Fathers had opposed unjust taxation in 1776 and to exercise her inalienable right of withdrawal from the Union unless these laws were made less oppres- sive; but President Jackson made the adjustment, the matter was set- tied amicably ; it was a complaint, not against any action of the Consti- tution, but only against an act of Congress, and it was made only once. Before 1SG0 fourteen Northern States had nullified the fugitive slave law, which was as much a part of the Constitution as the President or Con- gress, and these acts of nullification were denounced by Daniel Webster in 1850 as distinct acts of treason. In 1S03, it was feared by New England that the Louisiana purchase would diminish the influence of their section of the Union ; and Senator Pickering, of Massachusetts, strongly advocated the formation of a "Northern Confederacy," and the legislature of Massachusetts passed the following resolution : "Resolved, That the annexation of Louisiana to the Union transcends the constitutional power of the Government of the United States. It formed a new Confederacy to which the States united by the former compact are not bound to adhere." On January 14, 1811, in the debate in Congress on the admission of Louisiana, Josiah Quincy of Massachusetts, said, "If this bill (for the admission of Lou- isiana) passes, it is my deliberate opinion that it is virtually a dissolu- tion of the Union; that it will free the States from their moral obliga- tion, and as it will be the right of all, so it will be the duty of some, to prepare for separation, amicably if they can, violently if they must." The Embargo Act, passed by Congress, caused so much dissatisfaction during Jefferson's second administration that it was repealed in 1S09 ; but not until John Quincy Adams declared that if it was not repealed, the New England States would withdraw from the Union and had opened negotiations with Great Britain toward that end (Encyclopedia Amer- icana, Embargo.) The repeal of the Embargo Act in 1809 did not relieve the people of the United States from the unjust and arbitrary conduct of England. She did not revoke her Orders of Council ; she still continued to search our ships, blockade our ports and impress our seamen, until at last an indignant people forced the hand of President Madison, and on June 18, 1812, we entered into our second War of Independnce. But the ship owners of New England suffered hardship, and the New England Feder- alists, under the leadership of Timothy Pickering, late Senator from Massachusetts, opposed the prosecution of this second War of Indepen- dence in every way. We find in "Familiar Letters on Public Charac- ters," p. 275, an account of a public meeting in Faneuil Hall, July 14, 1814, 19 denouncing the War, in which Josiah Quincy and Harrison Gray Otis were the principal speakers. The plan of a Northern Confederacy, pro- posed by Pickering, Plumer, Griswold and Burr in 1804, and threatened in 180S and 1809, was revived. This resulted in the famous Hartford Convention, held on invitation of the Legislature of Massachusetts, which on October 18, 1814, "appointed twelve delegates to meet and confer with delegates from other States of New England, or any of them, on subjects of their public grievances and concerns." On this invitation, Connecti- cut appointed seven delegates and Rhode Island four. These twenty- four delegates met in Hartford, December 15, 1S14, and admitted two delegates from New Hampshire and one from Vermont, every New Eng- land State being represented. This convention adopted the doctrine that the States had the right to nullify the laws of Congress, and advised separate action of the States in matters confided by the Constitution to the General Government. This report was transmitted to the Governor on January 18, 1815, was laid before the Legislature, which, on January 27th, adopted a resolution highly approving the proceedings of the Con- vention, and authorizing the Governor and Council to appoint three com- missioners to go immediately to Washington and make application for some arrangement by which "The State of Massachusetts, separately or in concert with the neighboring States, may be able to assume the de- fense of their territories AGAINST THE ENEMY" (that is the General Government.) In all this opposition to the Embargo and to the second War for Independence against England, Daniel Webster took an active and leading part. In July, 1812, he made a speech against the War with England, and in August of the same year he wrote the "Rockingham Memorial," in which he threatened secession from the Union (Writings and Speeches of Webster, Vol. XV., p. 598.) In December, 1814, Webster said in Congress that Congress had no power to raise armies by calling out the militia against the will of the States, and taught resistance to the National Government in these words, "It is the solemn duty of the State Governments to protect their own authority over their own militia, and to interpose between their own citizens and arbitrary power. I shall exhort them to exercise their rights of providing for the security of their liberties." Col. Josiah H. Benton, Jr., in "A Notable Libel Case," says, "There is no word or intimation here of the power of the Federal Judiciary to de- cide this and any similar question. There is only an unqualified appeal to the doctrine of States Rights and a practical declaration of the right of the States to nullify the Acts of Congress." There is no wonder that such words were followed within a month by the declaration of the Hart- ford Convention that, "In case of infractions of the Constitution affecting the sovereignty of a State and the liberty of its people, it is not only the right but the duty of such a State to interpose its authority for their protection in the manner best calculated to secure that end. * * * In such emergencies the States which have no common umpire, must be their own judges and execute their own declarations." Albert Bushnell Hart, professor of History in Harvard University, speaks as follows on page 284 of his "Essentials of American History :" "When the President of the United States called on the States for a cer- 20 tain number of militia (during the War of 1812), New Hampshire, Mas- sachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Jersey refused to send any," although the London Times said of American war ships, "If they fight they are sure to conquer ; if they fly, they are sure to escape." (Essentials of American History, p. 284.) On the same page Prof. Hart says again : "In 1811 Josiah Quincy, a New England member of Con- gress, roundly threatened that New England would secede if Louisiana was made a State." Moreover, Webster voted constantly with Pickering, then in the House, and acted at all times with the ultra Federals, who, as Mr. Adams charged, undoubtedly proposed in 1804, and again in 1808, and again in 1814, to break up the Union, and form a separate Confederacy of New England and other States. (See letters of Pickering to Theodore Lyman, February 11, 1804 ; to Stephen Higginson December 24, 1803 ; to Bufus King, March 4, 1S04 ; and to other correspondence on the subject of a Northern Confederacy, printed in Henry Cabot Lodge's Life and Letters of George Cabot.) Webster was a politician, and secession was popular in New England. Even after the British had captured Wash- ington, had burnt our Capitol, torn down our flag and were red-handed in the blood of our soldiers and sailors, in the interest of secession from the United States and of annexation to England, with whom New Eng- land proposed a private peace during the War of 1812, Webster voted against taxes to carry on this second War of Independence. These facts are not mentioned by any of Webster's biographers except Curtis, and he slurs them over with a word, Webster's purpose apparently being to have them suppressed. Cromwell insisted on turning the side of his face with the wart on it towards the portrait painter. Webster's biographers tried to conceal the wart, so to speak, on their hero's character, and when Theodore Lyman, Jr., published the facts in 182S from the records of the Courts, Webster prosecuted him for criminal libel. The case was prosecuted with personal and political rancor as well, Webster and his friends being bitter against Lyman, because he had dared to support Jackson against Adams, Jackson representing in the minds of New England, everything bad and dangerous. The prosecution was instituted iu the Supreme Judicial Court, in which Webster could testify and Ly- man could not, as he could have done in the lower court, before which the case properly should have come. But with everything in Webster's favor, Lyman was cleared, and Webster was virtually convicted of trying for years to break up the Union by secession or war, and of attempting re-annexation to Great Britain, this being the popular side to take in New England at the time, or Webster would never have taken it. After Webster's virtual conviction, the tide of popular feeling turned in Ly- man's favor, and he was elected mayor of Boston without opposition in 1834 and again in 1835. And yet Webster has been canonized as the great apostle and saint of Nationalism, and as the great expounder of the Constitution as para- mount law, and as abrogating the rights of the States, as the fathers of the Republic described and revered them. "The people of New England," says Col. Benton (page 108 of A Notable Libel Case), "yielded slowly and with extreme reluctance to the power of the National Government 21 under the Constitution. The Federal Union was good enough as long as it worked good to their local interests ; but when it did not, they deemed it entirely patriotic to consider the question of its dissolution. Hence, the Northern Confederacy scheme of 1S04, the violent and almost forcible opposition to the Embargo of 1S09, and the determined opposition to the War of 1S12, culminating in the proceedings of the Hartford Con- vention of 1S14." Again as late as 1S44, the Legislature of Massachusetts passed an ordinance of secession, declaring that "the annexation of Texas tended to drive the States into a dissolution of the Union," and that "Massa- chusetts was determined to submit her undelegated powers to no body of men on earth ;" and again in 1S4S Massachusetts talked freely and boldly of nullifying the Constitution by refusing to send a single soldier to uphold the flag in what she considered an unjust war with Mexico, though afterwards she did send one regiment. To these repeated acts or threats of disunion by the people of New England before 1SG0, we may add that William Lloyd Garrison's "Liber- ator," established in 1S31 as the organ of the unconditional abolitionists, constantly took the ground that the Constitution was a "league with death and a covenant with hell," because it recognized the right to hold slaves ; and the abolition of slavery was urged, although Mr. Garrison held that "slavery could be abolished only by the dissolution of the Union." The following resolutions were passed at this time by the American Anti-Slavery Society, composed of but recent descendants of the New England slave traders (Is Davis a Traitor? p. 149) : "Resolved, That secession from the United States Government is the duty of every Aboli- tionist. Resolved, That the only exodus of the slave to freedom is over the remains of the present American Church and the grave of the pres- ent Union. Resolved, That the Abolitionists should make it one of the primary objects of this agitation to dissolve the American Union." The New York Tribune became poetical on the subject, and addressed tbe American Flag as follows : "Tear down that flaunting lie; Half mast the starry flag! Insult no sunny sky With hate's polluted rag." And Henry Ward Beecher, the great apostle and high priest of the unconditional Abolitionists, called the Constitution "only that antiquated parchment." This sectional, compact and extra-constitutional minority elected Lincoln, during whose administration the too centrifugal Constitution and the too voluntary union of the Fathers of the Republic came to its foredoomed end, because it was too centrifugal and too voluntary to pro- tect and conserve the greatly expanded national life and to meet the vastly increased national and international responsibilities which de- veloped during the seventy years following 17S9. Secession as Taught at West Point. It is not surprising that the theory of secession as one of the reserved rights of the States should have prevailed more generally in the North than in the South, and that the practice of secession should have been much more frequently advocated in the North than in the South, when we consider that the right of secession was taught officially by the United States Government at West Point up to about 1S40 from Rawle's View of the Constitution, which was the text-book on Constitutional Law in the Military Academy. In this United States Text-Book the following language occurs: "If a faction should attempt to subvert the Government of a State for the purpose of destroying its republican form, the national power of the Union could be called forth to subdue it. Yet it is not to be under- stood that its interposition would be justifiable if a State should deter- mine to retire from the Union." (p. 2S9.) "It depends on the State itself whether it will continue a member of the Union. To deny this right would be inconsistent with the principle on which all our political systems are founded, which is, that the people have in all cases the right to determine how they shall be governed." (p. 289.) "The States may then wholly withdraw from the Union." (p. 290.) "If a majority of the people of a State deliberately and peaceably resolve to relinquish the re- publican form of government, they cease to be members of the Union." (p. 292.) "The secession of a State from the Union depends on the will of the people of such State." (p. 295.) "In any manner by which se- cession is to take place, nothing is more certain than that the act should be deliberate, clear and unequivocal." (p. 296.) "The people of a State may have reason to complain in respect to the acts of the general gov- ernment ; they may, in such cases, invest some of their own officers with the power of negotiation, and may declare an absolute secession in case of failure. The secession in such cases must be distinctly and peremp- torily declared to take place, and in such case, as the case of uncondi- tional secession, the previous ligament with the Union would be legiti- mately and fairly destroyed." (p. 296.) "It was foreseen that there would be a natural tendency to increase the number of the States. It was also known that a State might withdraw itself." (p. 207.) "To withdraw from the Union is a solemn, serious act." "Whenever it may appear expedient to the people of a State to withdraw from the Union, it must be manifested in a direct and unequivocal manner." (p. 298.) And the instruction given at West Point, from 1825 to 1840, as to the nature of a personal allegiance, from "Rawle on the Constitution," is especially significant: "This right (of secession) must be considered an ingredient in the original composition of the general government, and the doctrine here- tofore presented in regard to the indefeasible nature of personal alleg- iance is so far qualified in respect to allegiance to the United States. It was observed that the reciprocal relations of protection and allegiance might cease in certain events, and it was further observed that allegiance would necessarily cease in case of the dissolution of the society (the Union, in that case) to which it was due." (p. 289-200.) It thus appears that the West Point cadets were taught by the United States Government at West Point that the Union was dissoluble, and 23 that, if it should be dissolved, allegiance to the Union ceased, reverting to the States by which the Union had been created. And when at the beginning of a great war Robert E. Lee, who had been thus taught, subordinated his loyalty to the flag, under which he had served so long and with such distinction, to his sense of duty and to his native State; and when he stopped his ears to the call of ambition from the strong and opened them to the cry for help from the weak ; when he refused to accept the command of the armies of the United States and took a subordinate position offered him by Virginia, he set an example of self-sacrifice and devotion to duty for duty's sake un- equaled in the history of soldiers and of armies. It is an historic fact that Jefferson Davis was not tried for treason, because, under several States' rights decisions of Chief Justice Chase, before he became Chief Justice, and under the States' rights instruction received at West Point from "Rawle on the Constitution," which was to be put in evidence if the trial had occurred, he could not have been con- victed. It would foster harmony between the sections if the people of the North would acquaint themselves with these historic verities ; if they would cease to call a war a rebellion which President Lincoln in his fa- mous Thanksgiving Proclamation of November, 1863, called "this la- mentable strife in which we are unavoidably engaged ;" if they would realize that the Confederates were neither rebels nor traitors and that there were good and solid, historical and constitutional grounds for the action of the Southern States in 1S61 on the belief that their patriotism should centre around the STATES rather than around the UNION of States, around the PLURES which had created the Union rather than around the Union which the Plures had created in 17S9 and had dis- solved in 1S61, justly and legally according to the conditions of the original compact as its framers created it, and as the whole country iuterpreted it during the first forty years of the existence of the Gov- ernment. And it is interesting to knoio and very pertinent to this discussion to note, that on January 11, 1907, the United States Senate changed the of- ficial name of the War of the Rebellion to The Civil War (Congressional Globe of even date.) The Senate, as a Committee of the Whole, had under consideration "A bill (S. 967) granting pensions to certain enlisted men, soldiers and officers, who served in the War of the Rebellion." Senator Teller, of Colorado, had used the term rebellion twice, basing his contention on what he expressd as his desire that the truth of history should be spoken and recorded. Senator A. O. Bacon, of Georgia, said, "* * * I rise to say that I do not think the term rebellion is a proper designation for the War (between the sections), nor have I any belief or apprehension that history will so record it. If it is not a proper des- ignation, the word rebellion should be stricken out and the words Civil War should be substituted." After some discussion. Senator Bacon's contention prevailed, and by the action of the United States Senate, the official name for the war between the sections shall henceforward be THE CIVIL WAR. In consideration of all the facts of the case, which cannot be gainsaid 24 or denied, the words rebel, rebellion, traitor and treason should disap- pear, and NATIONAL AMERICANS should no longer do injustice to each other's motives, as every one who took up arms on either side of the War between the Sections did so in obedience to the call to arms by his STATE, to which his primary and ultimate allegiance was due, ac- cording to the theory of the founders of the Government and of their successors till 1860, and according to the official instruction given by the Government itself at West Point to those who were to command its armies. II. The Practice or Secession by the U. S. Government. Having discussed the attitude of the trainers of the Constitution and of the people of the North, and especially of New England, towards the THEORY of secession, let us proceed to discuss the PRACTICE of se- cession as exercised or supported by the Government of the United States. The United States Government has been a party to six acts of seces- sion since 177G. The first secession, from England, of which the United States Government was born, and the second act of secession, from "The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union," of which "The more perfect Union of the Constitution" was born, have already been referred to, and the fact that no duration of time was specified in "The New Ar- ticles of Union" carries with it the right of withdrawal from it at will, an in every compact between persons, States or nations in all ages and among all people of all races, and settles legally, definitely and conclus- ively the abstract right of secession as the framers of the Constitution viewed in 1779. The first secession was bloody. The second secession was bloodless. The third secession, the second in which the United States Government was involved with armed men, was that of Texas from Mexico, through which we got our Pacific coast and became an in- teroceanic power with the most impregnable continental position among men. By the fifth act of secession, the fourth supported by armed men, that of Cuba from Spain, we got our Atlantic and Pacific Islands, and became a World Power, late enough in our history, but not too late. By the sixth act of secession, the fifth supported by our armed men, we got our Panama Belt, the most far-reaching National and International event in our history since the acquisition of our Pacific Coast. The third secession, that of the Southern from the Northern States in 1861, though in strict accordance with the compact of 17S9, was suppressed by the Armies and Navies of the United States. But in dealing with it, the United States Government itself made the strongest possible pronounce- ment in favor of secession as an accomplished fact. When the sword decided that we, and the fathers, and New England up to 1850 were all wrong, that the teachings of the United States Government at West Point were false and that the Union had never been dissolved and could never be dissolved, the victors dissolved a union which they had them- selves declared indissoluble ; a third of the States of this inseparable union were declared to be out of the union ; the dissolution of the union which the Southern States had failed to secure through the constitutional secession of 1861, was achieved by the extra- and super-constitutional 25 f dictum of the United States Government in 1865 ; the now seceded States were treated as conquered provinces and lived under a military govern- ment, contrary to the decision of the sword in 18G5 that the union was indissoluble, contrary to the Constitution of 17S9 and contrary to all the traditions and antecedents of the English-speaking race since the mili- tary despotism of William the Bastard ; and were restored to the Union only over the extra- and super-constitutional barrier of suffrage for ALL black men, literate and illiterate alike, although throughout the Northern States the ballot was denied to ALL illiterate black men, to ALL illiterate white men, to ALL red men, to ALL yellow men ; and later to ALL black men in Porto Rico, to ALL brown men in the Philip- pines, and to enough brown men in Hawaii to turn the Island over to the white men, and the ballot is still denied to all these classes, in the Northern States, and in our Atlantic and Pacific Islands. By the nulli- fication of the foredoomed Constitution of 17S9 in passing laws in four- teen States before 1S60 against the rendition of fugitive slaves, which rendition was as much a part of the Constitution as the President or Congress ; by the nullification of the Constitution of 17S9 in the emanci- pation proclamation, in direct opposition to one of its most distinct pro- visions, and indirect opposition to Lincoln's solemn promse in his first inaugural not to interfere with slavery where it existed ; by the entire abnegation of the Constitution of 17S9 and of the conception which its trainers had of the work of their hands in acting on the assumption that the STATES which created the Union called the UNITED STATES had no more power in this Union than the counties have in a State ; by the abnegation of the Constitution of 17S9, however foredoomed it might have been, in coercing sovereign STATES, by the abnegation of the Con- stitution of the Fathers (however foredoomed it might have been and however necessary its destruction as the Fathers conceived and promul- gated it might have become), in establishing a military despotism over one-third of the STATES, the determinate and constitutional, but fore- doomed, because too centrifugal United States Government of the Fathers, is a thing of the past, and the indeterminate and extra- and super-constitutional U. S. Government of the present is committed to the future, because the conditions in 1.8G0 constituted a Gordian Knot which conditions Lincoln must needs be the Alexander to solve with the SWORD. III. Secession as Attempted by the Confederate States. Having shown that secession in theory was legal and constitutional, and that the theory was abundantly affirmed by the practice of the United States Government in the six acts of secession in which the Government has been involved, once without armed men, five times with armed men, sustaining it five times and suppressing it once, let us discuss secession as attempted by the Southern States. An armed conflict between the reserved rights of the thirteen Inde- pendent Republics acknowledged by Great Britain in 1783 and the rights, powers and necessities of the general government was inevitable probably from the first. Madison feared that it would be sectional. Chancellor Kent predicted that it would be over a Presidential election. The fears of Madison and the prediction of Kent were verified in 1860. 26 When the Constitution was formed in 1789, slavery existed in all the States, as has been already said, and was incorporated in the instru- ment as distinctly as the President, Congress or the Supreme Court. The right to withdraw from the Union was as fully accepted as the right to accede to it. It took those political "coopers," so to speak, six years of wrangling, crimination and recrimination to "set up," so to speak, their little keg of thirteen independent, jealous and recalcitrant staves ; and but for danger from without, it seems doubtful whether, with all their skill and patriotism, they would ever have got it "set up" at all, and humanly speaking they certainly would not if slavery, ipsissimis verbis, and secession tacitly, had not been "headed up" in it. The pre- natal political history of the framers of the Constitution for twenty cen- turies, from the forests of Germany to the forests of the Atlantic coast of the New World, justified and necessitated their theory of secession as indispensable for the preservation of their strongest instinct, the right of local self-government. The facts of the case should estop crimination and recrimination about African slavery. The right to enslave men, to buy, breed, and sell them had been as unquestioned from the beginning of historic time as the right to enslave and domesticate wild animals, to buy, breed and sell them. The English, the Dutch and especially the people of New England, were responsible for the presence of African slavery in America, as they owned all the ships, the people of the South never having owned a ship engaged in the slave trade. The people of New England were responsible for importing slaves from Africa, for breeding, buying and selling slaves, for turning them into gold when they became unprofitable in their section. The people of the South, though innocent of the slave trade on the high seas, shared the responsi- bility with the New Englanders of owning, breeding, buying and selling them. But the cotton gin was more responsible than any other agency whatever for the conditions in 1860 by having made slavery profitable and sectional ; and so, to return to the figure of the coopers and the keg, the political coopers of 1789 headed up two charges of dynamite in their little- thirteen-stave keg, with little else in it as yet, and with hoops barely strong enough to keep it from falling to pieces. But by degrees the keg expanded into a barrel, and the barrel into the hogshead, so to speak, with contents of inestimable value. During these eventful years, the conscience of the world had been awakened on the subject of human slavery. France had freed her slaves and had paid for them. England had freed her slaves and had paid for them. New England had sold hers and had pocketed the money. The Abolition party was gaining strength steadily at the North with the avowed purpose, not of paying for the slaves whom their fathers had imported and sold, as England and France had paid for theirs, nor of sending them back to Africa, whence their fathers had brought them forcibly, but of freeing them without paying for them, thereby abrogating the Constitution and committing the greatest piece of highway robbery in history. Even Russia had freed her serfs, and the company in which the people of the South found them- selves as slaveholders was the Spanish peoples of South America, the Turks in Europe and Asia, and the slave-hunting tribes of Africa. But the Southern leaders claimed slaveholding as one of the rights distinctly 27 guaranteed by the Constitution, so highly esteemed in the South and never nullified in a single particular, but very lightly esteemed in the North and often nullified, and they could not see or would not see that all this EVOLUTION meant REVOLUTION; for a blow striking the dynamite of slavery must of necessity explode the dynamite of secession and slavery at the same time. When the explosion occurred, it blew one of the heads out of the "hogshead," so to speak, and greatly endan- gered its now invaluable contents ; and whatever the theory of secession and States' rights might be, and however non-constitutional, extra con- stitutional or unconstitutional the means used might be, the disruption of the United States Government could not be permitted, if a strong and highly organized commercial, manufacturing and industrial majority, with everything to fight with themselves, with everywhere to get mate- rial, money and men from, and with absolute command of the sea, could prevent a weak, unorganized, agricultural minority from disrupting it, who had practically nothing to fight with themselves, who had nowhere to get material, a dollar or a man from, and who had not a ship to de- fend their 2,500 miles of seacoast from Norfolk, Va., to Brownsville, Texas, though sea power is decisive in wars involving maritime peoples. The time had come for the conditions to change and it is worth our while to note that there are many other historic instances of an entire change of opinion and action about things once deemed eminent and dom- inant when the time came for the change. Our ancestors were firm be- lievers in the .influence of the stars over human life and destiny, as is shown in such words as jovial, mercurial, and saturnine, meaning origi- nally, born under the influence of Jupiter, Mercury or Saturn. Disas- trous, an ill-starred expedition, born under a lucky star, and the expres- sion, "you may thank your stars" in such universal use, all indicate the once dominance of astrology, to which the world has now ceased to give credence. The entire change in the minds of men as to witchcraft, re- ligious persecution and duelling, all so dominant once, and each with its holocaust of victims, illustrates the same thing. Belief in the right of secession was eminent and dominant in 1789. The maintenance of this belief in 1S60 was as much a thing of the past as the belief in astrol- ogy, witchcraft, religious persecution or duelling, once so dominant. "The old order changeth, yielding place to new ; And God fulfills Himself in many ways Lest one good custom should corrupt the world." Looking backward, we must be filled with wonder that the secession of the Southern from the Northern States should ever have been at- tempted at all ; but the Southern leaders could not or would not see that it was a case of Shakespeare's "Very Midsummer Madness," for a weak, unorganized, agricultural minority, without money, without credit, with- out arms, without ships, with scarcely a machine south of Richmond, without the skilled labor to produce any of these indispensable appli- ances of war, to undertake to fight a strong, highly organized, manu- facturing and industrial majority, supplied with all the appliances of war themselves ; able to command war material and men from the whole world, and with absolute command of the sea which washed 2,500 miles of the minority's coast line. 28 Nor could the Southern leaders see that the North's fighting for a strengthened unity was business-like and logical, and that the South's fighting for a unity on the basis of disunity at will afterwards was un- businesslike and illogical. It was like moving heaven and earth to es- tablish a marriage, with the right of divorce attached, at the will, or even at the whim, of either party afterwards. With the prevision of political genius, Calhoun foresaw it all and warned the South of its danger. But he was regarded as a political Cas- sandra. With the prevision of military genius, General Lee saw it all, freed his slaves and urged all the slave owners to free theirs and arm them for their protection. But he was a military Cassandra, and in- stead of the South's taking the initiative and breaking the backbone of the opposition at home and securing intervention abroad, to which slave- holding was the only bar, the foredoomed emancipation of the slave was left to the enemy, a nascent nation was brought to the birth without strength to bring forth, and a radiant but unstable civilization was swept away. The obligations of the Nation to the South are very great. It was Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence, which ranks with the Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights as one of the three greatest and most fai'-reaching state papers among men. It was George Washington who established that independence. It was James Madison, who, as the constructive thinker, did more than all others to create the Constitution and to secure its ratification. It was John Marshall, that prince of jurists, who as Chief Justice for thirty years, developed the relations of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the gov- ernment. John Fiske, New England historian and Harvard professor, says that these four, Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Marshall with Alexander Hamilton, "are distinguished above all others, and in an especial sense they deserve to be called the founders of the American Union." Hamil- ton was foreign born and bred. The other four were Virginians. Of the fifteen Presidents from 1789 to 1861, eight were from the South, and a ninth, William Henry Harrison, was born and educated in Virginia. During the seventy-two years between 1789 and 1861, Southern Presi- dents occupied the excutive chair forty-eight years, or two-thirds of the time, and five of them were re-elected. Northern Presidents occupied it but twenty-four years, one-third of the time, and no one of them was re-elected. It was Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia, who inaugurated the Southern Democratic policy of expansion and added the Mississippi Valley to our, at that time, narrow and most vulnerable domain. And perhaps the most singular thing in the history of America since the landing of Columbus is the determinel effort of New England to keep the mouth of the Mississippi River in the hands of a foreign and hostile power by bitter opposition to the Louisiana purchase. It was James K. Polk, of Tennessee, who added Texas and the Pacific Slope to our domain ; and, in pursuance of this Southern Democratic policy of expansion, during the incumbency of President Johnson of Tennessee, Alaska was added ; 29 aud as Jefferson gave us our oceanic river and Polk made us an interoceanic power with the most impregnable continental position among men, the possession of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands gives us control of the North Pacific, while the possession of the Panama Canal Zone makes an attack on our Pacific Coast practically impossible except by the English, if we are wise enough to prepare for war in time of peace. As in peace, so in war, the record of Southern men has been conspicuous. Washing- ton won the War of Secession from England. In the War of 1812, the successful fighting on land was done by Scott and Harrison, of Virginia, and Jackson, of Tennessee. The Mexican War was won by Scott, of Vir- ginia, and Taylor, of Kentucky, ably seconded by younger officers, mostly from the South, among whom R. E. Lee, Joseph E. Johnston, T. J. Jack- son, and G. T. Beauregard were the most conspicuous. Military critics the world over recognize the superior generalship of Southern command- ers and the superior fighting of the Southern rank and file. In the Civil War, the victors themselves proclaim this to the world in having erected to the vanquished the most stupendous monument ever erected, since time began, by man to any men or to any cause. It is their pension roll, which after more than forty years numbers more of the disabled than the Confederates had in the field from Bethel to Appomattox. This most magnificent tribute to the vanquished is already THREE BILLION dol- lars high, is growing ONE HUNDRED and FORTY MILLION DOL- LARS higher every year, and will be at length SIX BILLION dollars high before the men who "saA r ed the Union" from patriotism get pay for their patriotism in money. The end was bitter to the vanquished ; but these bitter pangs were the birth pangs of the NEW SOUTH, which is already richer and more powerful than the old South could ever have been. Having surrendered in good faith, the men of the South betook themselves to the repairing of the wreck and ruin around them. Being of the purest Anglo-Saxon blood now left on earth and having their intense instinct of local self- government stimulated to the utmost, in order to preserve their civiliza- tion, they recovered what they had lost in the imminent, deadly breach, and a government of white men, by white men and primarily for white men, the only suitable and possible government for any other men among us, has been established. But in the agony of preserving their civiliza- tion, when for the first time since time began a white race undertook to put the feet of a colored race on the necks of men and women of their own blood and breed, the men of the South took no thought for National Politics, from which, nolentes volentes, they were rigidly excluded by the sectionalism of the Northern people, always one of their most marked characteristics. As long as the South had her legitimate share in national politics, American statesmen were pure and patriotic, American politics were clean, graft was practically unknown, and the government was a gov- ernment OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people. But since the people of the Southern States have been excluded from all share in National politics, the Great Republic of the west has drifted away more and more from the basic principles of local self-government. By tariff legislation for the Classes and pension legislation for the 30 Masses (from which the South has been mercifully delivered), the fal- lacy that the government must support the people has been enthroned and the sound Democratic doctrine of the fathers of the republic that the people must support the government has been dethroned ; and instead of a democracy, the United States Government, as administered by lead- ers from the Northern States since 1865, has become a pronounced plu- tocracy, in which a few men, protected by legislation in their own inter- ests, have heaped up fortunes in comparison with which Croesus and Crassus were paupers. Moreover, this dangerous tendency is fostered in the Northern States by the fact that with the very large infusion of for- eign blood, the intense instinct of local self-government has been large!} bred out. In the central west one inhabitant in every five is of foreign birth. In the South as a whole, only one in one hundred and twenty-five is of foreign birth ; and so with the phenomenal increase of wealth and luxury, which in all ages has been accompanied by a decline of civic vir- tue and righteousness, a government OF the plutocrat, BY the pluto- crat, and FOR the plutocrat has displaced a government of the people, by the people and for the people, and graft stalks rampant. Of all the changes since 1861, this is perhaps the most notable, and it is the most malign and the most ominous. The people of the Southern States fought a terrific war, not for slav- ery, not for secession, but for the right of local self-government, and this intensest instinct of the man of Anglo-Saxon blood and breed is more emphasized and intensified in the South today than anywhere else where God's sun shines. In the face of the fearful compression, suppres- sion, repression, depression and OPPRESSION of the reconstruction period, in the face of the hostile army kept on a war footing for years after 1865, in the face of a hostile North outnumbering the South five to one, in the face of the enfranchised negroes at home, instigated by hos- tile carpet-baggers, in the face of the South's abject poverty at the end of the war, every State in the South has regained its local autonomy ; the cotton crop has been quadrupled and the Southern States have en- tered upon a period of financial and industrial wealth, expansion and power inconceivable in 1860 and never before attained by any conquered people in so short a time. The sword has decided necessarily and finally against the right of secession as the framers of the Constitution conceived it, as both sec- tions of the Union understood it, and as the United States Government taught it at West Point and practiced it six times. But the right of REVOLUTION will always be claimed and will always be exercised by men of Anglo-Saxon blood when oppression forces them into revolution. Southern men created the Nation at first. And when the time comes for the plutocrats and the autocratic bosses to be dethroned, and for a gov- ernment of the people, by the people and for the people to be en- throned again, as come it must, unless the American Republic is to go the way of all the republics of the past, the conservative men of both sections, who esteem patriotism above greed, and democracy above plu- tocracy, will work cordially together again, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, hand to hand as of yore; but the lion-like leaders of this ref- ormation, if it can be a reformation, and of this REVOLUTION, if it 31 must be a REVOLUTION, must come largely from the South again, as in the days of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Marshall, who made the Nation at first ; for it is in the South where the lion-like leaders of local self-government have been born, bred and nourished, and where the conditions since 1865 have kept them in the most strenuous training. And then the sceptre will return to the South again, and the law-giver will be between our feet again as of yore; for all things come to those who wait and who keep pure and grow strong while they wait. "But new occasions teach new duties. Time makes ancient good uncouth ; They must onward still, and upward, Who would keep abreast of truth. Lo, before us lies the future, In it let us motors be ; But we ne'er must try that Future's Portal With any weak, dishonored key." :;2