0^^ ^ipiS# C ^^ ^'•% ^^^ F^HM,^^^^ THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; TRUTH AND JUSTICE. THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. BY MISS FLORENCE J. O'CONNOR. " We understand any epoch of the world but HI if we do not examine its romance ; there is as much truth in the poetry of Hfe as in its prose." P'i'^face to ihe Lnst Bayx of Pompeii. LONDON: HARRISON, 59, PALL MALL. 1665. r-v LONDON : •RTXTF.D TJY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MAETIN'S LANE. WITH FEELINGS OF ADMIRATION AND ESTEEM THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED TO THE HERO OF BELMONT (Col. Robeet H. Bakkow), o THE AUTHORESS. PREFACE '' Nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice." Every reader of history is fully aware that much of the material which guides the opinion of posterity is derived from memoirs, the writers of which little fancied they would ever see pubhcity, and from private letters, penned in all the confidence of friendship. Necessarily there must be- much in the every-day life of a people which escapes the chronicler, however acute. The war which is ragmg between the Federal and Confederate States has been, and I beheve stHl con- tinues to be, a subject of interest throughout the civi- lized world, and though much has been pubHshed by the extensive press of the Federal Union, as well as by correspondence in Em^opean journals, there still remains suflacient matter for the employment of the historian, or novehst. I have not presumed to penetrate into ex- planations which may be unknown for half a century, V)ut I would say that the contents of this work may cast Vlll PREFACE. some light on many minor points, wliich in tlieir own way may ])e co-relative ^vitll weightier evidence. I have followed with faithftil and imtiring zeal the pro- gress of the strife between North and South, and trea- sured up in the storehouse of memoiy every incident worthy of record, from the fall of Fort Sumter up to the present date. Thus, knowing much of the tone of feeling in the various portions of the South, I believe I am justified in di-awing inferences of the thoughts, hopes, and aspirations of the interior life of those who dwelt there, and have deemed that I have not inappro- priately woven a connected chain (the results of my obsei-vations and experience), which I most respectfully present to the public. THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDEEACY; OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. CHAPTER I. ^ 0, THE SWEET SOUTH. ■ By W. GiLMORE SiMMS. i < 0, the sweet South ! the sunny, sunny South ! i Land of true feeling, land for ever mine ! '•■ I drink the kisses of her rosy mouth And my heart swells as with a draught of wine, ' ^ She brings me blessings of maternal love ; ; I have her smile which hallows all my toil ; ; Her voice persuades, her generous smiles approve, \ She sings me from the sky and from the soil ! 0, by her lonely pines that wave and sigh ! O, by her myriad flowers that bloom and fade ! By all the thousand beauties of her sky, ! And the sweet solace of her forest shade, : She's mine — she's ever mine — i Nor will I aught resign ] Of what she gives me mortal or divine ; ! Will sooner part With hfe, hope, heart— ^ Will die — before I fly. ^ J 2 THE HEROINE OP THE CONFEDERACY; ! love is hers— such love as ever glows In souls where leap affection's living tide ; She is all fondness to her friends— to her foes She glows a thing of passion, strength and pride ; She feels no tremors when the danger's nigh But the fight over and the victory won, How, with strange fondness turns her loving eye In tearful welcome on each gallant son ! 0, by her virtues of the cherished past — By all her hopes of what the future brings — 1 glory that my lot with her is cast, And my soul flushes and exulting sings— She's mine— she's ever mine — For her will I resign All precious things — all placed upon her shrine ; Will freely part With life, hope, heart — Will die— do aught but fly ! At the time this story begins, there was situated, a few miles below the city of New Orleans, a magnificent chateau, on a large and extensive sugar plantation. In front swept the bold Mississippi, bearing on its bosom the mighty ship freighted vnth cotton or sugar, or the lighter craft of some Cuban Dago, returning to his island home after his sale of fruits. Ships and vessels of all nations were plying the river, and the hum of voices and song of the sailor were heard at all hours, night and day. In the rear of the building lay, for miles in extent, the cane fields, whose verdure and midulations in the wind resembled a heaving sea of emerald. Here and there were seen the sturdy negroes, as they worked at their daily labour, and in the background their cabins, at whose door, after their tasks were completed, they assembled to dance by the hght of the moon or stars, to the sound of the all-inspmng " banjo." All spoke of OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 3 happiness and repose, as well as of industry. The in- terior of tliis Southern home was not the less inviting than its exterior ; it was built in a square form, inter- sected by halls of pohshed marble, and on either side were beautifully carved doors, entering upon suites of apartments, which an inhabitant of the Orient might feel rich in possessmg. Statuettes lined the halls, and filled the niches of doors and windows, wliile little Dryads were seen peering from the richly wrought leaves of the carved staircase, which led to the upper apartments of the building. Eveiything bespoke the elegance and refinement of the possessor, to whom the reader will now be introduced. Seated in the library in an arai-chair was a gen" tleman of about forty-five years of age. His classic head and face would have been a study for an artist ; though advanced in years, his hair was jetty black, and his flashing, dark eyes bespoke him a Creole of the sunny clime, in which we find him. Poring over a book with the intentness of a deep thinker, and with con- tracted eyebrows, he had sat for hours, until, startled by a soft hand placed on his own, he started and ex- claimed : " Tliis you ! my beautiful girl ; have you come to arouse me fi'om my dreams of ambition to the realities of my state, or to chide me for spending my time in reading of the heroines of romance, when there are those around me rivalhng far in excellence and beauty anything that history afibrds us ?" " Ah, no ; the fii^t I would not rouse you fi-om, for my own soul soars aloft on the wings of ambition, and I feel that within me which, I am assured, did circum- B 2 4 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; stances afford an opportunity, woukl give the power to execute deeds such as only a Joan of Arc could dream of; as to the latter, I know yom preference for the heroines of the ancient school, and am not willing they should lose any part of yoiu- admiration." " Possibly, then, my dear girl, you will soon have an opportunity of chsplaying the power to which you allude, and I may yet he so lost in admiration at the adventures and exploits of my darling ward, as to be disgusted for ever T^-ith the tame heroines of romance." " Why think you so ? Is there aught in the elements which forebodes a storm ? Is the political heaven in a murky state, and do the Jupiters of om- country forge the thunderbolts of battle ?" " Alas, I fear that ere another month glide away, the clangor of arms will be heard amongst us, and the shiill bugle note will call to arms every honest citizen. And then will come the worst of all wars, — fraternal and civil conflict." " ^ly soul, perfectly resigned, my dear guardian, will go forth to meet it. Too long, too long, indeed, have those fierce mjTmidons of the North been allowed to make laws for us, to govern us, to teach our youth, and worst of all, to enter om* homes, and bi-ing, concealed under their sheep's clothing, the wolf's teeth, destined to gnaw out our veiy vitals. Yes, my dear guardian, come what mil, I am ready to give my last cent to a cause so holy as that of our independence. Jealous of om' wealth and happiness, they have swoitl to exter- minate us, as sincerely as we are determined to be exter- minated ere they shall rule over us." "Yes! it is indeed too true," he answered; "we OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 5 have brought into oiir homes, and warmed at onr fire- sides the serpents that, with renewed Hfe, were to tm-n and sting ns. But we must triumph ; our's is the holy cause. The South will only rise when she is invaded. It is our determination to act on the defensive ; and as South Carolina has already seceded, our o^vn State will soon be in rebellion against a government who places in the Presidental chair a negro president or defender. Would I were a Titan, to hurl him from where he sits, together with liis adherents." " Yes, dear guardian, it is the base machination of a minister who, with a host of satellites, sit at his elbow, and whisper in his uneducated ears then- own well- matured and fiendish plans. He is controlled by a crew of abolitionists, whose only grudge against the South is — slavery. Guardian, I feel that, woman as I am, I could seize a sword in so just a cause." Rising from his seat, he took the maiden's hand, and pressing it to his heart, answered — " My dear NataHe, you would not be the grand-daughter of General de Villerie, did you not feel thus ; and I have no appre- hension that should it at last come to a conflict between us, that the gMs and women of sixty-one will not be behind those of seventy-six in deeds of daring and courage ; though your Southern blood rises in all its vigour, I feel that you are yet too much the woman not to wish for an amicable arrangement of our diffi- culties." " Assuredly, you do me but justice in sa^ang so ; though I feel my spirit rise m defiance, my heart would bleed to think that a day would come when brother would wield knife agamst brother, father against son, 6 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACT ; son against father, and friend against friend ; but should that hour come you will not see me shrink." " Well, adieu, Natalie, until my return from the city. I shall be absent to-night and to-morrow — I shall return and bring company with me ; be prepared to meet them ; and say to Madame Ernestine I shall expect such a welcome for my visitors and self as she can so well prepare, and which wdll do credit to herself and me." " Rest assm'ed, all shall be as you desire, and -with yom- permission, and to render your happiness more complete, I T\'ill ride over to Yalambrosa and biing your fair friend home with me, that she, too, may be here to welcome you on your retm-n. So, au revoir I " " Au revoir, my dear gfrl." In another moment our hero was seated in his carnage on his way to the city, while his fair companion, mounted on a magnificent steed, with a groom follow- ing, dashed gaily doA\Ti the coast. The young lady who has thus far interested us was the orphan daughter of Colonel de Yillerie, and upon the death of her father was taken to the house of his earliest friend. Judge de Breuil, the subject of our stor^^ He was the only son of an old French Count, and who, ^-ith an only sister, his senior by some years, were the sole inheritors of the plantation and groimds which have just been described, Miss de Yillerie, on the death of her father, was brought to their home, and, ever since that event, had been the Hght of the household. Xot very w^ealthy herself, she was not the less aspiiiag, and those aroimd her, although possessing gTeater wealth, felt themselves when near her of less importance. Proud, high spiiited, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. intellectual, and beautiful, she shone as a star of the fii'st magnitude in every assembly, and was the observed of all observers. No relatives, she felt herself enturely alone in the world, but, her good sense and refinement caused her to look with feelings of love on those who had taken to their home the bruised flower and nourished it in their hearts. She was never so happy as when near her guardian and his gentle sister, and their hap- piness was ever hers. We will now leave her to pursue her ride and turn to other scenes which will be described in the next chapter. THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; CHAPTER 11. " THE SOUTHERN CROSS AND THE NORTH STAR." " Lo ! the crowned virgin lifts her silver shield ; From Alleghauian peaks resounds the strain, * Let glowing freedom stand once more revealed Nor bend beneath the tyrant's yoke again. Better the sickle to the sword should yield ; War's desolation mar the fertile plain ; The ripened harvest rot upon the field — Far better than to wear the despot's chain.' From shadowy vales, from mountain summits bright Gleam the sharp lightnings of the Southern sword ; Bathed in the warm meridional light, Symbol of faith and token of reward, Flaming aloft the Southern cross shall rise While pale Arcturus wanes in Hyperborean skies." Seated around a clining-table in the salle-a-manger of one of the most stately and imposing private residences in Esplanade Street, was an assemblage of the most intellectual gentlemen of the crescent city. Though wine flowed freely, as it ever does at a Southern dinner party, there was no gaiety visible in the comitenances of those who composed the company. The party con- sisted of four gentlemen. At the head of the table was seated the host, a man of about fifty years of age, small in stature, with a face the traits of which displayed OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 9 no ordinary intellect; a quick, penetrating eye, that would seem to fathom the very soul, and a voice wliich could inspire a crowd with whatever feeling the pos- sessor might wish to convey. To his right, was seated one who was, by at least fifteen years, his senior, and whose countenance bespoke more of generosity and pliilanthropy than that of decided intellect ; though it did not lack the expression of intelligence, it rather wore the look of genial kmdness. Opposite to this gentleman was placed one who, for many years, had shone as a conspicuous member of the bar, but who had, in the last few years, retired to private life to enjoy the fruits of his labour. He had long been the brilliant orator and statesman, and was again, in the political emergency of his country, called forth from the privacy of his retreat, to lend, once more, liis voice and counsel to his country's cause. His countenance was marked by a quick, shrewd, and haughty expression. The fourth party was one whom we have already described, and his visit to the city was for the purpose of meeting and discussing, with the prominent men of the day, the state of national affairs. As the servitors waited on the guests, and poured out wine into goblets of Bohe- mian glass, the following conversation was carried on: — "My friends," said the host, "we are assembled to day for the last time, I imagine around a table of the Union ; for, ere another month passes away, the tocsin of war will sound in om- streets, be echoed in our vales, and re-echoed from the mountain tops of a Southern Confederacy. The horn- is at hand when we must strike for our rights ; when a nation consents to relinquish its 10 TIIE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; independence it must take the consequences of its con- dition. It must obey the behests of a power to which it is subject ; it must follow the dictates of a master, or endm*e the stiipes which are the penalty of disobedience. I ask you, gentlemen, will you calmly submit to sei'vi- tude? Negotiation might arrest a war; negotiation might effect a peace. How to come to a negotiation, is the cHfficulty. According to our theoiy, a way is open, to a common basis, upon which the parties might nego- tiate, but Northem theory has excluded the very possi- bihty of a basis. It places both the North and the South on as entirely different planes as Hades and Elysium. It has left a chasm, between which nothing but hate can fathom, and nothing but war can pass." " But," said the gentleman to the left, " if the South were even to compromise her theory, for the purpose of meeting the North in negotiation, the expedient would defeat its own object, for the moment she yielded one jot of her theoiy, she would, by her own confession, lose her national character, and pass out of the pale of diplo- matic intercom-se. On the other hand, the Northern theoiy would seem to be essential to the veiy existence of the Lincohi government, or it might be said, perhaps, of any government at all in the North. Nothing, indeed, at this moment, appears to stand between what there is of government left in the North and a whole legion of revolutionary demons, save the pending war Tsdth the South, Lincoln must fight for the life of his government. He must labour, or seem to labour to crush out rebellion, restore the Union, or, in other words, to satisfy the aiTogance, the raj)acity, and the complex fanaticism of the dominant party in the North; or, must confront OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 11 the certainty of being himself overthrown as the head of the government. War will be the issue, and war to the knife let it be. It may be, that we shall never see the daylight of peace breaking through the clouds and darkness of war, until the last remnant of Federal government has passed away, and the last Bruce or AVallace has slept with their fathers. But be the end as it may, let Secession be our guide and watchword, and, until our independence is achieved, let not a voice be silent, but let our determination to be free ring abroad, as did the cry of our forefathers, when, crouching beneath the English lion, they broke the chains wliich fettered them ; and may our efforts be as glorious and successful. " " Yes," repHed the individual to the right, " let our watchword be SECESSION and Independence, but let it be done peaceably, if possible ; if not too late, we may yet an-est the progress of that fatal demon — war, and spare the lives of thousands, ay, millions. We sit calmly, in our council chambers and discuss the liability, possibility, and necessity of war, but we little think of the misery it will entail on those who will be compelled to fight our battles. The clouds are not, as yet, all lowering. I perceive one bright spot in the horizon, and we may yet reach the shade of its protecting shelter, ere the thunderbolts burst over our heads and leave us exposed to the storm of violence which is agitated in the political horizon of both parties. God forbid, that I should live to see this glorious Union dissolved, that my forefathers had fought, .bled, and died for, whose flag, waving over all seas commanded the respect of all nations, and whose influence, none could deny. Wher- 12 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; ever the American standard floated there might the poor and oppressed of every nation gather beneath its folds. America was the mother of the exile and home- less emigrant, America the mother, the impartial mother, who received, with outstretched arms, her children fi'om every chme. Pause, my kind friends, ere this step is taken. The shades of oiu- forefathers rise up to warn you, to entreat you to pause, ere our mother lies bleed- ing at your feet, and your matricidal hands are steeped in her blood. Will you look calmly on, and take no efiective means to redress such evils ?" "tSliall we, sii'," exclaimed the third party, "bend our backs to the lash of insolent would-be masters, and, helot like, receive the chastisement of these Romans — Romans only in cruelty ? Shall we go on in this course and not take effective means to redress such monstrous evils, shall we forfeit self-respect, abase ourselves in the eyes of posterity, or shall the South, thoroughly aroused to the necessities of her case, insist upon war to settle our difficulties ?" " Sir, do not deem that I wish to see our country humiliated, no sir, I am Southern, as well as you, and I believe I need not refer you to the pages of history to prove my ancestors no cravens. Their names shine on liistory's page, as brave and honoiu-able, but humane men. I shall not presume, longer to speak of them, it is only to vindicate myself; my birth is Southern, my education is Southern, my family and friends are Southern ; but Tvdth these sentiments come stronger feeHngs still, the feeling of philantln'opy, which forbids my desire to see the blood of the human race flo^\4ng in streams from the sanguine altars of Moloch, when it OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 13 might be arrested by those who rule at our seat of government. Yes, I am Union now, Union ever, but the Soutli must have my defence, my assistance, should * Greek meet Greek.' " " You speak. Sir, as a Christian and a Southerner," said the host, " but there is no aid that is human, to avert this war. Have we not foreborne until it has ceased to be a virtue ; are we not looked upon, already, by other nations as the footstool of a greater power. We are deemed. Sir, but another Ireland or a Poland. A press, which has pretended to be Southern, is found not only to applaud the doings of our enemies, but, also to direct its slanders agamst those who adopt a patriotic course. What wonder is it, that we should sink in the estimation of other nations. Has not the South ne- glected to employ her instrumentality in the production of native, vigorous, healthy, loyal institutions ; and, has she not, thus far, apart from local politics, depended on foreign nations for her reading ? to pause would be for her to manifest a fatal hesitation ; and has she not doomed herself to dwell amid the defilements of a detested past, and to famish in arid plains, to feed on Dead Sea apples ? but she is now about to break her bonds. She is now standing on the threshold of a glorious, mysterious, and wonderful future. Beneath the rainbow arch of hope that spans the di'eadful cloud of war, her gateway lies, her path extends ; but she must not hesitate, she must not cast one regretful look upon the doomed cities of the plain, under peril of being petrified upon the spot, to remain a melancholy monu- ment of national suicide." " To the future we must look," rephed the person to 14 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; the left, " our past relics of pride and greatness, a patriot would blusli to gaze upon." " But, sii-," said the host to the fom-th party, "you have not, as yet, given us your opinion ; you sit a silent listener. What are your sentiments ? " " Mine, sir," said the person addressed, " are those of the South in general, or that of every true Southerner. Lincoln went into the Presidency with the declaration on his hps that the Union could not exist, half-slave and half-free, and, he called to the chief pLaces in his council the Northern politician, who proclaimed an irrepressible conflict between slave labour and free labour, wliich no constitutional provision and no state measm-es could withstand. I now state that the only condition for peace wliich any part of the South mil consent to, is that of final separation from the North and acknow- ledgment of complete independence ; that wars to resist and force unwilling millions into connection as subjects with a government they have deliberately denounced, will be a gigantic folly, as well as an enormous sin. Abolition has taught its chikfren to cm'se the Soutli, to abhor the slaveholder. Could so saving a principle be sedulously inculcated without, at the same time, carry- ing along with it a group of destructive instincts and venomous propensities, that w^ould annihilate all that is beautiful, truthful and good ? Abolition, with its capa- cious mouth, has swallowed up everything. In that one idea, all self-culture, vu'tue, and intelligence has been neglected. "What abolition has sown, that also must it reap. Its manifold crimes against society and mankind have been hemous and unnatural, its retribution must be equally so. The South, when she once shakes the dust OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 15 off her feet, will never enter the gilded portals of the union again. She is confident in the glorious destiny that awaits her, and feels her mission to be one of ex- tension and conquest, and will stand alone and unaided. It may be years ere the trial is ended, but aught that can be urged to the contrary, is as nothing in the way of her determined will. To-day we know that in every Southern state the cry is ' Secession," and many more suns shall not rise ere the Confederacy will be organised. South Carolina, with all the spirit of its Irish ancestry, has sprung, armed cap-a-pie, from the head of the re- volutionary Minerva. She shall not go forth alone ; but what think you of our navy ? " " Su', our navy is as nought, in comparison with that of the North. In fact, we possess none ; but then we will be acting on the defensive. Om- ancient foes possessed all the arts and implements of warfare, but, being the aggressors or invaders, were defeated. Rest assured, they will find us equal to the emergency, and when all om* Southern officers shall have left them, they will have little to boast of in a naval point. Then let Secession be the watchword of every true Southerner," exclaimed our host ; " and now, gentlemen, we will cease this discussion for the present, and enter the di'a wing-room, where you will find the ladies, with whom you will, no doubt, be pleased to discuss other topics." "Union, Sir, is my motto, and will ever be so. Nevertheless, I shall lend my assistance to the South," exclaimed our distinguished and philanthropic fnend. As the folding doors opened, the ladies rose to ex- change courtesies with the gentlemen, and, on re-seating 16 TIIE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; themselves, Madame B remarked to Judge de Breuil, " You have been quite engrossed of late, I presume, ^^^th the politics of the day, as jomt female friends have not had the pleasm'e of seeing you very often ; and even yom' charming ward, I hear, is quite an entlmsiast on the subject of secession." " Yes, Madame, my ward, as well as myself, I believe, is prepared to rise and don the sword and buckler in defence of our country ; and, I doubt not, she could almost lead an army herself a gams t the foe." "Ah, indeed," exclaimed Madame S , "is she so determined and patriotic ? If she were not so beautiful, I should fear her offering herself as a sacrifice on the altar of her country, something on the Joan of Arc style ; but from what I know of her, I would say she will be more prudent, and offer sacrifice on the altar of Hymen." " She is a noble woman, indeed, and happy the one who ^^dll call her his," exclaimed Mr. R . "By the way, Judge," said Madame B , "we learn from the best of authority (which, of course, you know, is Madame Riunour) that your ward is soon to be led to the altar by the elegant Lieutenant Belden. May I ask, Sh, if there is any truth in the report." "As you have received your information, Madame, from so reliable an authority, my gallantry does not permit me to contradict a ^ladame, so I shall have to refer you to Miss Natalie for particulars." "Ah, Judge, you are veiy severe, at all events. I did not give credit to the rumour, as Lieutenant Belden is a Northerner by bhth, as well as by education, and I am sm-e that, with her liigh piinciples, she would never consent to wed one of om- enemies. No, we cannot OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 17 consent to see our beautiful flower borne from us. She must wed one of her own cHme." " It is unhappily the case," answered Madame S , " that our Creole young ladies are, most generally, in favour of the blue-eyed, fair-haired sons of the North, and that, vice versa, the Creole gentlemen admire Northern beauty. But should a war take place be- tween us, it will end such relations between them for years to come, and I shall be only too happy to know how soon it may be the case." The conversation was here arrested by the entrance of the usher, bearing, on a silver waiter, a card, which he delivered to Madame S . Glancing at the card, she remarked, " Usher the lady in," at the same time, turn- ing to her guests, she said, " Those amongst you who have never met before the elegant ]\Iadame N , of New York, will have the pleasure of seeing her now." As she ceased speaking, there entered a lady, gorgeously attu'ed, of a commanding person, but not, what we of the South would even term handsome. Madame S advanced to meet her, and, after their salutations were over, turned, and in a most graceful manner introduced her to the company. " I have called to make my parting adieus, Madame S , and I am happy to find some other of my friends with you, as my time is limited, and I might not have the pleasm*e of seeing them ere my departure for New York." " Then do you leave us so early," replied Madame S , "you have, generally, remained much longer with us, and have often spent a portion of the season at our summer resorts." 18 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; " Yes, sucli had been my intention when I came South, but our difficulties have tlirown up a barrier between us and enjoyment. That hissing word, Secession, whose very sound would suggest the proximity of a sei-pent, is the only thing to be heard in your city, and there is not even the common courtesies of life exhibited towards any save those who utter Southern sentiments." " I am Sony," replied Madame B , T\'itli a smile, "that yom- stay should be rendered so unpleasant, but, at the same time, must inform you that you are address- ing Southerners who are quite as devoted to that un- pleasant w^ord as you are against it, and though to you it may suggest the proximity of a serpent, to us it is only like the brazen serpent which Closes erected for the Israelites. We will only have to look upon it to be healed, and, like the Psylla of ancient times, we are jiroof against the venom of serpents ; were it not so I fear, my dear Madame, your Northern reptiles would have exterminated us long ago." "My dear ^ladame N ," exclaimed Madame S , " I am sorry that our city is not more agreeable, but I dare say that, diudng the present state of affairs, a Southem lady in New York would not be any more agreeably situated when listening to words such as union, aboHtion, &c." The gentlemen who conversed apart were amused at the conversation, and Judge de Breuil hastened to remark, with all the com-tesy of a true Southerner, " Madame N , you, of all persons, I should say, have the least cause to tliink harshly of us. I have ever deemed that you had received so many/e/e*, and met -svdth such flattering attention, during your visits here that we had OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 19- almost won you to our cause. I trust, however, we shall meet in better and happier times. So, wishing you ' hon voyage^' I will now bid you farewell." With a graceful bow he left the room, followed by the other gentlemen. Madame N , after several bitter vituperations, took leave, and there was not one of the party who regretted her departure. She was one of the Jellaby sort of women, the only difference being that she had wealth to assist her in disseminating her ideas. She was one of that style of wealthy, ill-di'essed, ill-bred Northern aristocrats who fill our hotels during the ^vinter, and who, through courtesy, are invited to the homes of our planters, and then return to the North to write of *' Legrees " and " Uncle Toms." 2 20 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; CHAPTER III. " Know ye the land of the cedar and vine, Where the flowers ever blossom, the bees ever shine ; Where the light wings of zephyr, oppressed with perfume, Wax faint o'er the garden of Gull in her bloom ; Where the citron and olive are fairest of fruit, And the voice of the nightingale never is mute ; Where the tints of the earth, and the hues of the sky, In colour, though varied, in beauty may vie, And the purple of ocean is deepest in dye 1 " The reader is now about to be introduced to another scene, one that may be seen at all times dming the winter or spring in our clime. The air in the Southern States, or those bordering on the gulf, is fresh and salubrious. It fans the cheek ^dth a fragrance borrowed from the aroma of deep green fields, wliich the frosty hand of ^dnter scarcely changes. The forests stretch far away and are pictured in dark relief against the sky. The heavens seem roimded up in their subhme expanse of deep blue, in which the diamond stars appear to swing as it were on golden pendulimas. As was said above, the breath of winter does not ^\4ther the dark and rich green leaf of the forests. The flowers are gorgeous and flauntiog while the entire sceneiy of this boundless Eden reminds one of a flower garden on an OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. gl extensive scale. Music of thousands of birds fill tlie air, and tlicir variegated plumage, golden green and red, present a brilliancy of appearance which the most fervid imagination can scarcely realize. The mocking-bird smiigs on the branches of giant trees that seem to sweep their ai-ms against the sky, while the Spanish moss, swapng gracefully to and fro, seems like a morning drapery worn for the ancient owners of the land (who are in this region almost extinct), and re- calls to mind the beautiful lines of the Rev. T. Hemp- stead : — " There is a little tangled plant tliat grows, "Within our Southern clime ; And in the fanning breezes hangs and flows Like flakes of hoary rime. " The red bird singing 'gainst the tassels grey, Presses her flaming breast ; And tears, with her strong beak, the threads away. To weave them round her nest." All nature seems here to be offering her incense to the gTeat Giver, and here the boundless heart of Southern pliilantln-opy seems flowing over with good will and generous hospitality. The future of the Southern country is as glorious as ever were those of Italy or Greece, and her brightest and best days are but dawning. Her sun is but beginning to cast its early beams around, her noon svHl awaken the world. In the midst of such scenery as has just been described was located the home of one who will figure conspicuously in this story. The house was adapted to Southern comfort, being a one-story building with a 22 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; verandah running round it, opening on which were windows descending to the floor. A spacious hall ran through the centre, on either side of which were situated parloui'S, hbrary, and di-a^Wng-rooms ; the right wing contained bed rooms and boudou's, the left being devoted to the " salle-a-mangery In the front of the house was a large park, while, in the rear, a terraced garden displayed to the visitor flowers of every hue and clime. In the distance might be seen the negro quarters glorying in brilliant white- wash, and almost hid beneath the vines which grew in front of each door- way, and which formed a pleasant shelter from the rays of the sun at noon-day. To each cabin was attached a little garden, in wliich the useful and ornamental vied T\dth ea(?h other. Far away, as the eye could reach extended the verdant enclosm-e, by which fields, house, and cabins were encircled. The beautiful cherokee rose turning its tendrils, and forming a fence so dense that not even a bird could penetrate it, and reminding one of a rich mosaic brooch in a setting of emerald. Stanchng side by side on the steps of the mansion just described were tln-ee ladies. The eldest was about forty years of age, and from her fair hafr, and yet un- wrinkled brow, you could easily perceive her to be a daughter of the North. The youngest, from the great resemblance she bore to the former, might easily be recognised as her daughter ; though her complexion and features were very like her mother's, she possessed that dolce-far-niente aii* which is only peculiar to native- born Southerners. Her face was round, childish, and artless. Her complexion, fair as a lily, ^vith the rose OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 23 tints blushing on her cheeks, while her long golden curls swept over her neck and shoulders in wanton disorder. Her figure was tall and slender ; with hands and feet so delicately moulded that they would have served as a study for an artist. She was dressed in a riding-habit of dark-blue cloth, with a cap of blue velvet and black plumes. Her companion, the very opposite of this, was Miss Natalie, spoken of in the first chapter ; she seemed like a very Diana, as, with whip in hand, and attired in a dark green velvet riding-habit, with a cap, the feathers of which floated over her shoulders, she stood awaiting, while the groom brought forth two richly caparisoned horses. " AcHeu, Mrs. Clifton," she said, gaily j "I shall keep yoiu' charming Cornie with me until you issue one of yom- stern mandates for her return, or until, at least, I can send her home under the protection of such an escort as shall prove agreeable to her." " I trust you mil not keep her long ; she is the Hght of Vallambrosa, and her voice, ringing tlirough our halls, dispels somewhat the gloom which weighs upon our hearts, when we permit our thoughts to stray outside the home circle." " Chere mamma," replied the daughter, " I shall soon return to you ; and say to papa, if either he or brother will come for me, the day after to-morrow, I shall most willingly retm-n." Kissing her mother, she sprang into her saddle, and joining Miss de Villerie, their horses were heard clattering down the road through the park, and they were soon out of sight. As they rode onwards, 24 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; the following conversation, commenced by Miss Natalie, took place. "When I look aroimd and behold our beautifiil forests, noble lands, and majestic rivers, I thiak how blessed we are in this lovely clime ; but then, when my thoughts dwell upon what it may become, through the cruelty of an invader, my heart sinks ^\^thin me. Look, Cornie, and see those sturdy negToes in the field ; do they look much like what the fiends of Abolitionism represent ? Well clothed and well fed ; their songs are rising on the au' in anthems of happiness. See, yonder, the smoke risiag fi'om then* cabins where they rest after their day's labour is done. No care, no fear for the; mon-ow. If sickness prostrate them, they are nm-sed and cared for ; not like the poor wliite slave who toils without ceasmg, and then, when illness prevents him, from labounng, he is wretched at the thought at having to pay all his hard-earned money for the services of a physician or a nurse. Which is the happier, think you ?" " Ah, my dear Xatahe, to us who know the difference, of course, the former state is preferable, but liberty, you know, is sweet. The negro may imagine that to be free comprises all the necessary enjoyments of life ; he knows nothing of self-reliance ; and, almost in eveiy instance, w^here freedom has been bestowed he was wiUing, after a very short time, to seek the home of his master, content to roam no more. Freedom, like many other things, palls upon his senses when he finds that it merely consists of mdependence, coupled with the necessity of supporting himself My father, thougji a large slave-holder, whose very interest is in the South, is of my mother s opinion — that a means might be OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 25 » adopted for their emancipation at some future day, which, if undertaken at the present, would involve the ruin of the whole South." " I fear, my dear Cornie, that yom* father has been biased in his judgment by your excellent mother, whose northern principles and education has prejudiced her too much, perhaps, in favour of the land of her nativity, and too much against the land of her adop- tion. Such an advent will never arrive ; God forbid it should. What, think you, would become of this beau- tiful land? Who would there be to till those large fields whose bosoms teem with the wealth of nations? And who, think you, would work ^ beneath the tropical sun ? They alone are fitted for it by nature. If no other feeling than that of interest would prevent my desire of their returning to their own land, the feeling of pity for their condition, which in then- own country is so degraded, would banish for ever such an idea. By ancient as well as modern writers we are told of their low state, morally and physically. They worship nought save reptiles, and, if we can believe statements made by men of science, they are, in themselves, only a higher order of serpent. Have you ever read Dr. Cart- wright's treatise ? if not, I should be pleased were you to do so, as it will elucidate more clearly my remarks. If his statements have any truth in them, or any of those from whom he quotes, then slavery has been, indeed, a mercy to them." " Yes, I have read his discourse ; but 0, Natalie, it would be terrible to entertain such a belief If I imagined it was so for a moment, I could never consent to live surrounded by them." 26 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " Comie, it is not in your power or mine to render their condition happier ; but we should be content with the thought that God has willed it thus, and that we are caiTying out the Divine intentions when we stiive, in the manner we do, to ameliorate their imhappy con- dition. But, Cornie, here we are at home, and here comes the porter to open the gates for us." " Glad you come, Miss Xat'le, and how ee do. Miss Comie ; I was jist 'bout to go arter you. Masser dune kum home, and de house full ob cumpany, and only waitin for de ladies to make der fehshity kumplete." Ere the old man had finished tliis compliment the young ladies had rode in and dismoimted, and were exchanging salutations with their friends, who had come out to greet them. " Miss Natalie," said an elegant young gentleman, stepping forward, " I feared we were to be deprived of your society this evening, as the day was waning, and you had not arrived. 1 accepted your guardian's invi- tation to Rosale for the express pm'pose of seeing you, and enjoying a spirited conversation ^vith you.", " I am most happy to see you, my kind fi-iend ; but before proceeding fm-ther, permit me to present to you my friend Miss Clifton. Miss Chfton, allow me to intro- duce you to ]\lr. La Branche." *'x\nd now, if you will excuse us," said ^liss de Yillerie, " we will retire and exchange oiu* habits for more fitting attire, and then have the pleasure of rejoining you in a few moments." Bowing low, he left them, and our young fi-iends ascended the staircase to their rooms, where we will leave them until their retui'n to the salon. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 27 CHAPTER IV. " From life without freedom, say who would not fly 1 For one day of freedom, ! who would not die ? Hark ! hark ! 'tis the trumpet ! the call of the brave, The death-song of tyrants, the dirge of the slave. Our country lies bleeding — haste, haste to her aid ; One arm that defends is worth hosts that invade." Reclining on a divan, in the back parlour of Rosale, was a lady of about fifty years of age ; her face was fair, and the bloom of earlier days was still visible on her cheeks. Her hair was silvered over by Time's frosty fingers, but her dark, clear, and penetrating eyes would have added a charm to one even younger. She was attired in a steel coloured silk, while her head was orna- mented by a rich barbe of pointe d'Alen^on, fastened with pins of jet set in the Etniscan style. She pos- sessed an easy, self-possessed manner, while her voice had that distinct, but modulated tone of the well-bred woman. By her side was seated a young gentleman, to whom the reader has just been introduced in the former chapter, while his friend. Count Beauharnais, was in a deep conversation with Judge de Breuil. " You will, I trust, remain with us some time. Sir. A person cannot be a judge of a country, its manners, customs, and institutions in less than, at least, a six 28 THE HEROIXE OF TlIE CONFEDERACY; months' sojom-n. There have been too many histories, books of travel, and such like, written on only a bird's- eye view of a nation." "This is my first visit to America," replied the stranger, " and, though I cannot see much in its institu- tions to admu-e, still, the courtesy of its people adds a charm to one's tour, and makes one love and respect them for receiving, with such open hospitality, the stranger in a foreign land. They seem to be perfectly unsuspicious, and receive one in a truly democratic style." " You are, possibly, mistaken in your judgment. Sir, of us, and draw your conclusions from our Northern friends, or rather, our enemies now. They are more enthusiastic than we, and receive, with out-stretched arms, any one who may present themselves bearing letters with any stamp of nobility or marque ; but we of the South must be veiy well assured of a person's claim on society, ere he is introduced into our home cu'cle. You do not find our Southerners making beasts of burden of themselves to draw the chariot of one even royally descended, much less that of a danseuse or prima donna, as was, and is, the case still, in the North. No, Sir, though we do not lay claim to any coat of arms, save those of nature's noblemen, every man in the South feels himself a /rec-man, and that is more than I believe your kings, queens, or princes can say. !Merit, with us, is the only nobility we acknowledge. You are well received, Su', both North and South, not for the fact that you bring letters of undeniable marque, but for tlie reason that your family is not unknown to us. We are quiet, unostentatious, but sincere people." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 29 " Yes, the difference of manner is very observable to a traveller," said the gentleman ; " but, to one who can Imger but a short time in the country, the manners of the Northerners prove more agreeable. They seem to be warm-hearted and unsuspecting ; and, if it be but ephemeral, it is like the ray which gilds the mountain- top, though it melts not the snow upon its summit, nevertheless, lends a charm, while it lasts " " And to complete the metaphor, I will add," said Judge de Breuil, " that, like the mist which floats around the mountain peak, obscuring, for a while, the snow on its summit, that reserve we bear towards strangers when we prove their worth, vanishes as imperceptibly as does the mist. Should you remain with us for any time, I trust you will leave us with the impression that, if not so democratic, we are, at least, more sincere, than the people of the North." The young ladies entering, the gentlemen rose to receive them, and, Albert La Branche introduced his friend, Count Beauhamais, to Miss de Villerie, when the latter introduced her friend to the Count. Saluta- tions being over, the party seated themselves, and Albert la Branche, turning to Miss de Villerie, said — " Madame de Breuil," (which she was termed, in courtesy to her age,) "and myself have just been listen- ing to a long discussion on the manners of North and South, between yoiu- guardian and my friend. I am sure the North will find a warm advocate in you, n'est ce pas.^^ " Though I am no friend to the North, I am not, yet, so prejudiced in my opinions but to confess that there are many, veiy many great intellects and shining lights 30 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; amongst them, and some, too, that we might be proud to denominate Southern. Yet one who will claim the poHtics of the North can never be very dear to me." " Miss Clifton, may I ask your opinion on this all- engrossing subject? " said Albert la Branche. " My opinion is of very little weight," she replied ; " but having relatives North, my views are, probably, not unprejudiced. I love the Union, and, regret that aught should have ever occmTed to render its dissolu- tion necessary. We lived so happily together, all like one large and happy family, that I must say that I cbead the hour which shall see us sundered; but my friend, Miss de Yillerie prays for the separation as ardently as I do the contrary." *' Ay, veiily," said Miss de Yillerie, " we vnll put it to the test. * And say, as stem Elijah said of old, The strife now stands upon a fair award, If Israel's Lord be God, then serve the Lord : If he be silent, faith is all a whim, Then Baal is the God, and worship Him.' " " South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Texas, have already seceded, and, to- day, we look for the returns of Louisiana," said Judge de Breuil. " Ha^dng so many friends at the North," said Miss CHfton to Miss de Yillerie, " I should imagine that you would feel some pang at the impassable gulf which Secession ^dll inevitably cast between you. Are there none whom you wish to retain as fi*iends?" " Not one, I would sever my very heart strings, if I OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 31 thouglit they bound me to an individual of Northern principles. What! to kiss the rod that smites me. Never ! No, never ! I trust to-day will bring the news of our separation from our detested enemies." " I was not aware the ladies of the South were pohticians," said Count Beauliarnais, "but I penieive that Miss de Villerie is quite a strong one. I had imagined it was only the ladies of the North who ever expressed themselves on politics, and had supposed, that, into the sacred precincts of a Southern symposium such subjects were never introduced nor debated." "I am well aware. Sir," said Miss de Villerie, "the very exalted opinion most nations have of us. They imagine us to be entirely devoid of the fundamental principles of an education, with only a slight knowledge of accompHshments ; that we do nothing ; are, in fact, incapable of thinking for ourselves, and, worse than all this, they imagine that we dream our lives away in quite an Oriental style, and sip om' cafe or eau Sucre, quite a la Turque. We are indebted to our fair sisters of the North for this very flattering portrait. In future, we shall paint and draw our own, even should we be considered somewhat egotistic for so doing." "They should employ you then to paint for all, ]\Iiss de Villerie. I think a better artist could not be found, but one so ardent and sincere as yourself on political subjects, would not be the less so in matters of love, friendship, or any feeling of the human heart. I do not thmk for an instant that you would cease to love one because liis principles did not coincide with your own, or that you would yield up, on the altar of dis- 32 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; sension, the afFection of years' standing, or the claims of an okl friend." " Then, Sir, you do not judge me rightly ; not because another's principles do not in ever^^thing agree with mine, but for the reason that those who affirm that the North is just in her course to the South, and that Lincoln is right m his determination to force her to remain in the Union, and by so doing to oppress us in the manner we have already submitted to. But hark ! heard you that sound? Yes, there it is again. I am sure we have seceded, yes, again and again." " Miss Chfton," said the gentleman, " do you not rejoice with us." " No, no, I can never exult -^^^th you over this. To you the soimd may be sweet, to me it is almost a death- knell, tolling the dirge of all I love. How very sad the booming of those cannon strils:es to my heart." " Boom on," said Miss de Yillerie ; " to me it is sweeter than the music of the spheres. Count Beau- hamais, behold Miss Clifton, she is positively weeping." " I am not weeping, my dear friend," said Miss Chfton, as she hastily bi-ushed a tear away, which trembled on her eye-lid ; " but tears vnll start involun- tarily when I behold the once tnumphant flag of oiu* country each day losing a bright star, and that too of the first magnitude. ^Miat to you brings joy, to me brings soiTOW." As she ceased speaking, she rested her ann on a corner of the table, and bowing her beautiful head, whose golden cm-Is swept over her, she gazed out into the dark, until you would have supposed, from her atti- tude, that she was holding converse ^^dth imseen spirits, -and from the expression of her deep blue eyes, that she OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 33 could read, on the defliced records before lier, the future of her uuhappy land. Count Beauharnais seated himself by the side of Miss de Villerie, while Albert la Branche seemed rapt in an admiring gaze of Miss Clifton. He at length approached, and, seating himself by her side, said, "Miss Chfton, you seem to be quite abstracted; will you allow me to ask what may be the subject of your meditations ?" " Certainly. I was just thinkmg that when we shall cease to exist on earth, will our troubles end for ever, or is there still another and yet another world, where the good and evil passions of man shall strive for the mastery. If we are all, as Plutarch supposed us to be, each possessed of a good and evil genius, or, as the modems have it, a good and bad angel, is it not a pity that the Evil One's coimsel most generally predomi- nates ?" *' It is, indeed, to be regi'etted," added he, " that such is the case. We are all born, or supposed to be, in the state of original sin, and our inclinations tend more in the dhection of evil than of good. From the time of om- first parents' trespass to the present moment it has been the same. There seems to be more pleasure in doing evil than good. Unless we have been fortunate enough to have been morally educated, man's passions, when not governed by sentiments of morality, are apt to lead him astray, and when once he does lose sight of his good angel or genius, they seldom meet again on this side of the grave." "Yes, it is too true," she replied, "that when the angel guardian takes leave of some poor wanderer, in this D 34 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; vale of sorrow, or rather, when some misguided youth turns his back upon his monitor, or closes his ear to his low but kindly whisperings, he nevertheless still follows on. Ever ready, should repentance come, to administer counsel, and to plead his cause ^^th the King of Kings ; it is seldom he is recalled, unless the dying struggle of some poor ening one summons him to his bedside at the eleventh hour, to offer some atone- ment to an offended Deity. There, even at that moment, the gentle guide is standing, his T\ings drooping over the couch of the dying sinner, mitil the last sigh is breathed forth when his earthly mission is ended ; then, pluming his flight for heaven, he records the deeds of one whose footsteps he followed here below. It is a beautifid idea, that when all desert us, that there are two who s}mipathise with us, our Heavenly Father, and our good angel." " You cannot, certainly. Miss Clifton, have ever known such son'ow as would have caused you to seek sympathy from any som'ce, celestial or teiTestial." " Sorrows of my own I have never experienced, but soiTOW for others' woes I have. I feel an interest in every one's joys and griefs. The poorest wayfarer on Hfe's high road is one of God's creatures, and, as such, is entitled to my consideration. Oh ! how I have sighed for some fair Arcadia, where all might live in peace and tranquillity, where no storms shoidd arise to destroy the calm of Hfe ! " " You desire, then, to inhabit some fair Utopia, where all would be perfect. I would say to you, then, dream on, fair dreamer, for this state of affairs can never be while the human race exists. Sir Thomas Moore OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 35 wrote his work under the inspiration of some fair spirit of another sphere. The idea is sublimely beautiful, but would require creatures of a different species as inhabi- tants, totally unallied to the human race." The servants entering, placed before each of the guests small tables of rosewood, others sei-ved the tea in cups of Sevres chiaa, while cakes were passed around in baskets of silver. The conversation now became general, Avhen, tea being over, and the tables removed, the young ladies were called upon for music. Mr. la Branche arose, and, throwing open the piano, requested the ladies to sing a duette. "As we can sing with more ease standing," said Miss de Villerie, "it would be better if Madame de Breuil would play the accompaniment for us." " Will you be so kind, Madame de Breuil, as to play for us ?" said Miss Chfton. ''^ Avec plaisir,'" ssiid Madame de Breuil, and, rising she was escorted to the instrument by Mr. la Branche. " A voire service^ mademoiselle." " What would you like to hear — something from Norma, or La Juif?" " The former. Miss de Villerie, as it is well adapted to your style," said Count Beauliarnais. " I think you will do Norma justice, while Miss Chfton, will make a fine, imploring Adalgisa." Soon music filled the room, and the exquisite voices of our fair friends rose and fell in rich bursts of melody through the halls, while the moments flew on unheeded, as song after song was sung, and piece after piece exe- cuted. Madame de Breuil played with a masterly touch, as did also the young ladies. D 2 36 THE HEROINT: of the CONFEDERACY; *' Miss Clifton, you ^\all, please, play and sing some- thing toute seuhj'^ said Judge de Breuil, " something soft and sweet ?" " Certainement ; but I shall ask ^liss de VilHere to sing the first, and I T\dll sing the second." " Guardian only desires to hear you, !Miss Chfton ; I shall not break the magic of the spell yoiu- voice \^^ll throw around him by any discordant notes of mine." " Miss de Villerie, 1 should be delighted to have you sing with Miss Clifton, if she requires a voice to sustain her, but I am more anxious to hear it unaccompanied." " Thus, you see, my dear Miss Chfton, I am formally dispensed ^N^ith." " Allow me to tium. your music," said Mr. la Branche ; " what T\all you sing ?" " Youi' favourite, if you wish." " Then sing your own, and that T\'ill be mine," he answered, bending over her. She softly and tremblingly struck the chords, and sang, in her most touching tones, " Ave Sanctissima." Her voice rose and fell like the sighing of a lost spirit, and the " ora pro nobis" died away in lingering cadence. When she ceased, there was not a soimd ; silence reigned supreme. All seemed too rapt in the dying echoes to feel that she no longer sang, and ere they were aroused, om- fair cantatrice had left the piano, and sought a seat in a retired part of the room." Miss de Villerie was the first who broke the en- chantment. Smilingly pointing to her guardian, who sat as though fearful to move, lest he should lose a note of the melody, she said, turning to Miss Clifton, " Behold thy work, fair syren." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 37 " Thanks, many thanks, my dear Miss Clifton," said Judge de Breuil. " Yom- voice has lost none of its pathos since 1 last heard you. When I Hsten to such music as yours, I do not doubt of the power of Orpheus." Madame de Breuil, rising and bowing to the gentle- men, withdrew, followed by the young ladies ; they retu-mg to their rooms to spend a gay horn- in discussing the events of the day, and then to sacrifice to the gods Somnus and Morpheus, while the gentlemen retired to the library to enjoy a cigar. As we have no disposition to know what tliei/ have to say, we will follow the young ladies, and, for your pleasure, reader, become eaves- dropper on this occasion, and will relate, as accurately as possible, their conversation. On entering the room. Miss de Villerie remarked — " Now, my dear Cornie, we shall discuss the gentle- men, as, no doubt, they will take the liberty of doing with us. How are you pleased mth our young scion of nobility and my old friend Albert la Branche." " They are both so agreeable I can scarcely make a distinction." " Ah ! it is useless to ask you for a decided opinion upon any subject. You are too grand a diplomat. I think Albert would be more candid, from w^hat I was able to discover this evening. Cornie dear, you opened the artillery of your charms upon him, and he surren- dered at once." " Natalie chere, you are cruel. If I were desirous to make use of the lex talioms, I do not think you would have much the advantage, but I shall be merciful. May I ask what you think of Count Beauharnais ?" 38 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; "Most assuredly. What dd I think — let me see. Rather a handsome Frenchman, air, trcs distingue^ very much more modest and retiiing than most of his country- men ; not remarkably intelhgent, but quite graceful in his manners, with a radicated sense of liis position and aristocratic connections^ TN^th a very capacious heart, and your humble servant, if I judge aright, occup^ong the largest chamber in it this evening. To-moiTow I shall abdicate (beifig the best policy, where a French- man's love is concerned) in favour of a more fortunate rival. Is this silfficient, or shall I be still more candid ?" " Ma cheri Xatahe," you have been over canchd, I assure you, but, as you are such an excellent delineator of character, draw a shght portrait, if you please, of Mr. la Branche." "Yes. Albert la Branche, an elegant, high-bred, feigh-souled Creole, partaking in disposition and tem- perament of the tropical nature of the clime of which he is a native. Fiery and impetuous, generous and the soul of honour, devoted to fi-iends, implacable to enemies, loving with all the ardour of a sincere natm-e : and now that I have finished the picture, I will give it to you to treasure in your heart of hearts." " Thank you for the gift, but I am scarce worthy of such a keepsake ; but, Natalie, vraiment et entre 770ns, have you never loved any one, or do you, and have you ever treated your admirers as cavalierly as I have ob- served you to do on all occasions. Is there none who has ever made an impression." " Tres bi'en pour vous, my fair inquisitor, you have donned the priestly robes, and are prepared to hear and absolve, I suppose. Well, you deserve to have your OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 39 penitent make a clean breast of it, and now listen : the citadel of my heart was stormed and taken possession of the first winter of my dehiit in society. The victori- ous general was one whom you have never seen, though he is not unknown to fame. He is a native of the far- oiF north, but I know he entertains no such ignoble sentiments as those by whom he is surrounded. I feel assured, when the war-cry rmgs from hill and dale, we will find him foremost in our defence. I know that he Avill never become the oppressor of the South." " Ah, ma cliere Natalie, thhik you that he will yield for ever his claim upon home, friends, and kindred to become the champion of a cause in which he can have no interest, save that of his love for the daughter of a clime where everything in it is opposed to him and his except that one fair being. I am no logician, my dear Natalie, such is my opinion, and you will find your idol dust; if so, be not disappomted. He may love you ardently (and who is there, knowing you, that would not ?) but, Natahe, he ^dll never, no never, desert the cause he will espouse for any love, be it human or divined " Then hear me, Comie, the moment he becomes my country's foe he can no longer be anything more to me than any other invader of om' homes and firesides, though I love him as I can never love other than my God, I would cast him fi'om me, and the gulf of obhvion should for ever roll over every reminiscence of the past. I would oifer my love, my burning, my fii'st, last, and only love, as a saciifice on the altar of my country. But this can never be, he is too noble ever to become an oppressor." 40 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; '* I trust, for your sake, dear Natalie, that he may be all you would ^^^sh him, but should ' a change come o'er the spirit of your cbeam ' you will remember, often, what I have said to-night." Miss de Yillerie, sounding a bell, a nice-looking mulatto girl answered the summons. "Cornie, Yio- torine is at your sei*vice, 1 shall not retire just at present, when you feel disposed to do so, act sans ceremonies '' I shall do so forthwith, and leave you alone in your boudoir, for I am anxious to seek my couch to revel in the land of di-eams, wliile I leave you to think on the past and dream over the future. Bon soir," she whispered, bending over Miss de Villerie until her curls, like a veil of golden mist, enslii'ouded both. " Dans voire orisons souvenez vous de moi!' and then turning to the maid she said, " Yien Victorine." Alone in her boudoir Miss de Villerie sat till long after midnight. As the damask curtains fell on the retreating form of Miss Chfton, our herome thi-ew herself at the feet of the statue of the blessed Virgin which reposed on an altar in the room, which sei-ved both as oratory and boudoir ; long and fervently she prayed, her dark hair faUing over her shoulders in artless confusion, and her large and dark eyes raised to Heaven, while her hands were clasped in an agony of despair. Her words were A\ild and stormy, and ran thus : — " Oh, God ! who hearest thy supphant, I beseech thee, if possible, to let this bitter, bitter cup pass from me ; but, hke thy Son, I too say, ' Thy will, not mme, be done.' Dark and dreadful presentiments fill my soul, but He, to whom there is nothing in Heaven or on OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 4:^ earth impossible, shield me from all ill and dash not to earth my brightest hopes. The darkest day of my life, but the brightest for my country, I see now dawn- ing. Far into the future my soul's eyes have pierced, and I see the glorious land of my nativity shining forth from the clouds which have so long envu'oned her, and growing brighter and still brighter as ages roll away, until, comet-like, her splendom- blazes forth, and comet- Hke will dazzle all the world. Yes, Thou who rulest the heavens and earth, and who giveth victory to the just, art with us. Thy strong arm shall divide the sea of blood which will flow between the North and South. Thou wilt pass thy chosen people tlu-ough its depths, and Thine arm shall be withdi^awn and, like Pharoah and his hosts, om- enemies will pensh in the surging waves which shall pass over the last remnant of them. God of my forefathers, thou hast given me the gift to foretell the fate of om- blindfolded enemies, and though, Cassandra- like, I should trumpet it forth, it would meet with a Cassandra-lilve reception. Not until the fii'e and the sword should have devastated and swept all be- fore them would my words find belief. The hour is fast approaching in which shall sound the clarion note of war ; oh ! in that hour remember the father, the mother, the sister, the brother. In that hour, oh, God! the father shall go forth from his family, mayhap never agaui on earth to behold them. The son shall go forth in the might of right, and his young blood shall flow upon the battle field, and his last sigh escape to Thy throne from his goiy bed of death. In that hour, beloved Saviour of mankind, as in this, I pray thee to have mercy. I pray, not alone for those who are near 42 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; and dear, but alike for the humblest of thy creatures, who shall march forth to vanquish the invader. I pray Thee, oh, God! to spare the inhabitant of the humblest cot in our valleys, the dweller in the rude hamlets of our mountains as well as the occupants of stately mansions. I, oh, Lord ! am but a creature of a day, formed but to die, but not eternally. I am thy victim, do with me as thou wilt. If my young life would serve as a holocaust on the altar of my country, thou knowest, who readeth all hearts, how gladly I would yield it up an offering to thee and to my owti beautiful sunny South and native land! Like the daughter of Jephtha, I would go forth to meet the victorious general and bless the hand that smote me. Thou, blessed Mother, whose arms seem stretched forth to receive me, intercede with thy dear Son in behalf of my country and of me. Sainted Mother, look down upon thy cliild and hear me. Mqther of soitows, mother of Divine Grace, beg of thy dear Son the boon, that when storms and strifes of nations shall cease, all who fight bravely under His banner, friends and enemies, shall enter hand in hand (terrestrial pains and sori'ows alike forgotten) together into Heaven. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I retire to dream that I am with you." OR, TIvUTII AND JUSTICE. 43 CHAPTER V. " Tune your harps, Ye Angels, to that sound ; and thou, ray heart, Make room to entertain my flowing joy !" " Sweet notes ! they tell of former peace, Of all that look'd so rapturous then ; — Now wither'd, lost — Oh ! pray thee, cease, I cannot hear those sounds again !" ]\I0RNIXG found oui' party assembled around tlie break- fast-table discussing over their chocolate and cafe, the morning journals, which contamed the news of the seceding of the State. The gentlemen were exultant while Madame de Breuil uttered her sentiments in favour of the act with her usual quiet dignity. ^liss de Yillerie's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and all were joyous, save Miss Clifton. She was true to the union. " The city, I presume, w^ll make a demonstration to-night in the way of an illumination," said Judge de Breuil. "Without doubt," said Albert la Branche, "and Judge, Count Beauharnais, and myself will be pleased to accompany you in your drive to the city this morning, as we are anxious to see and hear all we can." 44 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY " My dear guardian, Miss Clifton and myself will also go tliis morning, as Madame de Brenil wishes to illmninate, we are to send out the necessary materials ; and, if you have not forgotten, my fete to celebrate secession comes off as soon as possible. Miss Clifton and myself will spend the day in the city, giving the necessary orders and superintenduig the purchases." " Then I perceive, Miss de Yillerie, that you are de- termined yom- sentiments on pohtical subjects shall be blazoned forth ? " said Coimt Beauharnais. " Most assuredly, Sir ; I tnist no one wtII deem me other than I am, a loyal Southern woman." " Ladies and gentlemen, the equipages await you," said a servant. The ladies retiring, in a moment returned attired in carriage costume, and rejoined the gentlemen, who were waiting to assist them to their carriages. " Miss de Yillerie," said Count Beauharnais, as he placed her in the phaeton, " I shall long have cause to remember my pleasant visit to Kosale, can I hope the remembrance of it will be at all agreeable to you ? " " Why should it be otherwise ? " she answered, slightly colom-ing; "it affords me much pleasure to receive and welcome to my home all my friends, and as such I cannot but denominate any one to whom my old and well-b .loved fiiend Mr. la Branche may introduce me, and will certainly be remembered by me T\dth pleasure." " Then adieu for the present. Miss de Yillerie," and springing into the carnage he sat awaiting his fiiend Albert la Branche. The latter, as he was taking leave of Miss Clifton Uit, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 45 said, " May I hope to be permitted to call on you at your own home, and cultivate an acquaintance mth one whom I am desirous to know more of ? " " If a forther knowledge of myself is pleasing to you, I shall be happy to see you at Vallambrosa." " Then, with a hope of meetmg at an early day, I bid you good morning." Bowing low to Miss de Villerie, he rejoined his friend, and they were soon diiving rapidly up the coast towards the city. Madame de Breuil, with her housekeeper and maids, sat all day twining wreaths and triumphal garlands ; arches of evergreen were made, and doors, windows, and gates were festooned, while japonicas and other flowers were suspended from pillar to pillar, which were entwdned with evergreens. Evening came, and brought with it our young ladies. "Oh! how perfectly charmmg, Madame de Breuil," said the yoimg ladies, in the same breath ; " we have seen nothing thi'oughout the whole city to compare with it ; you may feel assured that yom* residence will be far more beautifully illumuiated than any." " I tlnnkmy design very pretty, as did your parents, who drove over this morning," said Madame de Breuil. " By the way, they desired me to say to you, that your brother would be over this evening, and that, if you chose, you could go home with him ; though she did not leave it to your choice until, at my earnest soHcitation, that if you wished to remain longer with NataHe, you could do so. I tmst you will consent to remain with us and assist in issuing invitations for our/e^e." " I know that mamma is anxious to have me with her ; notwithstanding, I shall remam with chere NataHe 46 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; until everything is arranged for her entertainment. Will mamma illuminate, Madame de Breuil ? " " Yom- father ^vished her to do so, but your mother, I believe, objected. Your brother vnll be here this evemng, and vn\\ join with us in our demonstrations. He, I believe, is not of your sentiments." '• Yes, my brother is a Unionist ; but he has always said he would fight for the land of his nativity." " Ah ! Cornie chere, your brother knows the just side, mais allons, there are many things to be arranged before night, and we have yet oiu- toilettes to make, and let them be quite becoming, as my dear guardian seldom comes home alone." Night came, and saw the mansion one blaze of light — ^halls, doors, Avindows, and gates shone forth in all the brightness that two thousand wax tapers could throw upon the scene, while in every tree hung coloured lamps, and through the garlands entwining the pillars light shone forth and was reflected far out into the river. In the centre of the house, and over the door- way, on a ground of cerulean-coloured silk, shone Hghts representing the constellation of the Southern cross, and the emblem of the State embroidered in silver — the pelican and her young; while, in rainbow colours of light, shone the motto, " We live and die for those we love;" on the archway of the gate blazed the word " Secession," while the sparkling waters of the foun- tains throughout the grounds added their tinkling sound to the loveliness of the scene as they fell into their marble basins. All beauty and light without, while revelry and harmony reigned within. " You cannot conceive, 'Mr. Clifton, what a strong OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 47 Unionist your little sister is. I firmly believe that when the Union ship is beheld a sinking wreck, s^e will be found clinging' to the mast." " My sister is devoted to the cause, I know, as much so, possibly, as any strong-minded woman of the North; but, like many others, her birth was cast upon an evil time. She is no politician ; she is guileless in the world and all that pertains thereto. You have drawn. Miss de Villerie, a very good portrait of my sister. Whatever cause she espouses, she will cling to it with tenacity, and where she loves, it will be with devotion." " Miss Clifton, if you have no objection, we would like to hear ' La Marseillaise,' " said Judge de Breuil. " Shall I open the piano ? " "Yes, if Miss de Villerie will lend her voice to mme. and my brother and yourself consent to sing the chorus. Madame de Breuil, will you be so kind as to accompany us ? " The latter was escorted to her seat by Beverly Clifton, and soon that soul-sth-ring air rang out and rolled in swelling numbers through the spacious halls. As the song ended, there were heard approaching voices, and the servant, entering, announced Colonel Leland, Madame Bienvenu, Hon. P. S ', and Madame S . " Rather late visitors," said Colonel Leland, as Judge de Brieid advanced to meet them; "but we were attracted by the beauty of yom* illumination, together with the singing, and we at once drove in to see and admhe. We rode all round the city to-night, but they have nothing there to equal the beauty of this scene." 48 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " I am delighted to see you, and thank you for the comphment, and am glad, as you have just anived in time for supper. I see Victor coming to announce it." Bowing low, the servitor advanced, saying, " Supper waits." He remained standing to usher them in. The guests entered, and partook of a delightful repast, of which oysters, soft shell crab, mayonaise, with cham- pagne and old burgundy, formed the principal. "Miss de Villerie," said the Hon. P. S , "did you design this ilkunination ? If so, it speaks well for yom' taste." " I designed it," she answered, " but it was arranged by Madame de Breuil." " How are you, my charming friend ? " said Colonel Leland to ^liss Clifton ; " I am surprised to find you here this evening, and lending countenance to such a demonstration. Public Opinion deems yourself and family Unionists." " I was not aware, Sii', that ' Public Opinion ' ever did us so great an honour as to think at all of us ; but I am pleased, that when it did, it thought correctly, as is but seldom the case with that well-known husy-hody. My family are Unionists, Colonel Leland, but they are, notwithstanding. Southerners." " The rockets are ascending, ladies and gentlemen," said Judge de Breuil ; " will you walk out on the balcony, to have a fine view ? " " Oh ! how transcendently beautifid," exclaimed the whole party, as one after another they flew up into the air and exploded, sending out their meteor-like lights. " You have yet to behold the most chaiTning sight," said Madame de Breuil; "but," she added, "I believe OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 4d Tve will have the whole city with us," as carriage after carriage stopped in front, depositing their occupants at the gate, which entering, they sauntered through the grounds in admiring wonder, ''^ Bon soir, ladies and gentlemen," said Albert la Branche and Count Beauharnais, as they sprang up the steps on to the balcony, where our party were standing. " We could not resist the temptation of driving out to have a view of this scene." "I assure you. Miss de Villerie," said Coimt Beau- harnais, " such a scene of enchantment would do credit to the taste of a Madame de Pompadour, and vies with any scene, I think, ever given at ' La Petite Versailles.' " " There is nothing that taste or art could suggest, Count Beauharnais," she answered, " but is worthy of the cause, for which this is but a feeble demonstration." " Miss Clifton, I had not hoped for so great a plea- sui'e as again meeting you here, and the enjoyment of tliis evenuig will be greatly enhanced by yom- presence," said Mr. la Branche. " Thank you, Sn, for your kind sentiment. But, hark ! what is this ?" The company all rose, as a most magnificent band was heard in the distance. Nearer and yet nearer it approached, until immediately in front of the mansion were seen several beautiful sailing-boats. In the front were seated the musicians. The masts w^ere wreathed with flowers, while lights, varied as the rainbow, threw a charm over the whole, far too beautiful for the power of description. Resting upon their oars immediately in front of the mansion, the band discoursed the most delicious strains, to the delight and amaze- ment of the guests. E 50 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " How soon does your ftte come off, Miss de Yil- lerie ? " said Albert la Branche. " If tliis is the prelude, I am sure it will be a most magnificent affair ; and, by the bye, I must not omit telling you of some distin- guished aiTivals in our city. There is at ^ladame G 's a most charming young lady. She is from Cuba, and spends a few months in our city. I trust Miss Clifton and yourself will call on her, and show her some attention wliile she remains amongst us. Her name is Senorita Inez Montijo. The other chstingiiished an-ival is Lord Ethelred, a Scotch nobleman, whom, if you will permit, I will take pleasm'e in introducing to you." "My/e^e will come off as soon as I can issue invita- tions, and as I do not think I shall be able to call on Senorita ^lontijo, I shall remember to drop her a card, nor shall I forget your other distmguished acquaintance." " I do not tliink, Miss de Villerie," said Count Beau- harnais, " that you Tsdll be able to forget him when once you have seen him, for he possesses the pecuHar tact of saying or doing something that generally makes an impression." " I should not judge that you were very much prepossessed in his favom*," said Miss de Villerie, smihng. " I cannot say that I am. He seems to possess that barbai-ian style of manners only fitted to the highlands of his own comitry. A lord he may be, and with right and title too, but a gentleman never." " You should not judge so harshly," she answered ; "you know there are many rough diamonds." " Certainly there are. Mademoiselle, but we do not OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 51 wear tliem in the rough. They are left with the lapi- dary mitil such time as there is sufficient polish on them." " The lapidary, in tliis instance, Count Beauharnais, to whom this gem may have been entrusted, may have been imskilful. We are told that there is but one in the world at present to whom jewels of rare value can be entrusted, and this is, I believe. Coster, of Amster- dam, and I do not thmk a Scotchman would consent to a polish from a ' Hollandais.' " " I shall not argue the subject further, but will await your opinion of the gentleman, and if it does not agree with mine, tlien Miss de Villerie will deceive me very much in the estimation I have formed of her judgment. However, to change the subject, would you like to promenade over the grounds ?" " Yes ; I have had but a contracted view of the whole scene this evening, and will walk out as far as the levee, and take a glance at the scene. Miss Clifton," she said, " mil yom'self and Mr. la Branche joni us in a promenade to the margin of the river ? The view, I imagine, is quite pretty from thence." " Most willingly," they replied ; and soon their voices were lost in the distance, and then- forms amidst the mazy labyrinths of the shrubbery. While they pursue their walk we will return to the other guests. " Who is that distingue looking gentleman with your ward. Judge de Breuil ? " inquired Madame Bienvenu. " He appears to be a foreigner." " It is Count Beauharnais. He has been here but a few weeks, having, as is the case generally with all visitors to America, paid his respects to the North first. E 2 52 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; He is quite an elegant man, and one of no ordinary intellect, but, like most foreigners, sees nothing to admire in onr comitiy. Ever comparing its buildings, its manufactm*es, its commerce, and institutions to those of the ancient world, forgetting that our nation is but in its infancy, and that, Hercules-like, it can now strangle in its infant grasp the monsters that would seek its destruction." *' Yes," said Colonel Leland, " it is but too true that there are but very few who can look upon our country as it was, and as it is. To think, but yesterday, in com- parison with other nations, this vast country was but a boundless wilderness, and that too where foot of white never trod ; where the Indian war-whoop rang through hill and dale ; and that nothing larger ever floated on the surface of those broad lakes and rivers than the birch canoe of the savage. Behold it now! Palatial steamers ply om- waters ; and see yonder forest of masts, and then think of what we were and are. America, independent of the whole world, bears within her maternal bosom the teeming wealth of the globe. The seed of the old Puritan stock, dashed upon Ply- mouth rock from the Mayflower, has spread its poison- ing influence throughout our lovely land, and choked up and A^dthered that pm-est of all seed, the seed of brotherly love. The latter can never blossom again ; there is one p:irt of the nation where it has not taken root. The proper method shall be taken to prevent it from doing so." The young ladies retummg to the house, the guests took leave, and as the gates closed upon the last stroller through the grounds, the band struck up the beautiful OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 53 air of "Farewell, farewell to thee, Araby's daughter," and soon the fauy boats were out of sight. Oui' heroine and Miss Clifton were up early the next morning, and after breakfast commenced their prepara- tions for the fete. The first thing to be done was to issue cards of invitation, and the two young ladies spent a greater portion of the morning in tliis employ- ment, while Madame de Breuil went from room to room superintendmg the arrangements. Victor was employed with his corps of assistants, and Mannassier in the con- fectionery department. " Victorine," said Miss de Villerie, "tell John I wish hun to deliver these cards." The servant withdrew, and soon returned, accom- panied by John, who bore a large, silver card basket. Miss de Villerie arranged the tickets hi the basket, and, with an injunction to retm-n as soon as possible, sent liim on his way. "Young ladies," said Victorine, '-Madame de Breuil wishes to see you, in the library." " Come, Cornie, we must now assist in the upholstery of the arrangements." Upon entering, Madame de Breuil said to them, " I merely wished to ask you if it would not be well to partition the library mto separate apartments, with hangings of damask, for card tables. The drawing- room being hung wdtli green and gold, I thought I would make the partitioning for the library of crimson." " Where will you have the dancing, Madame de Breuil ; not, surely, in either front or back parlour, it would ruin the elegant hangings ?" " The devotees of Terpsichore will have the drawing- 54 TIIE HEROINE OF TIIE COXFEDERACY ; rooms devoted to them, while the salons "will be devoted to those who feel disposed to be merely ' lookers on in Verona.' " " But, my dear young ladies, if you expect to receive yoiu* guests at the appointed time, you must assist yom-- self, and Miss Clifton can order the arrangement of these hangings with much more taste than I. How unfortu- nate that Siebrecht could not come ; possibly he may be here to-mon'ow." The hours wore on, and night fell upon the scene, when om- heroine, fatigued by the labours of the day, sauntered forth to breathe the air, unattended. The moon shone bright and beautiful upon the earth, and robed each object in silver sheen. A little star trembled beside the moon, and now and then a dark cloud would roll over and obscm-e both moon and star. " Pale trembler !" said om* heroine, •' I, like thee, follow at a distance, in thought, a planet still more lovely, for it is the image and likeness of Him who created thee. Sail on in thy imwavermg course, thou beautiftd moon ! The little star is still beside thee. Dark clouds enshroud, but when they vanish, your little star is still seen following on. So when the clouds of misfortune shall have lowered aroimd or enveloped thee, dearest, in thy far-off home, I shall be found beside thee, and when they pass away your little star will still be seen lingering near thee. Where art thou now ? Does the same orb which sliuies so calm upon me, look on thee, too ? Is it in joy or in sorrow ? Oh ! why is it not given us to know the future, or does God wdtlihold it for the best ?" Here a rustluig of the branches in the orange grove 55 startled her. Turning, she beheld an old negress gather- ing the leaves of the trees. " Good evenin, Miss Natlie, I 'spect yu in lub, as I see yn here at dis late time ob night, meandrizin trou de grove, seemin so sperrit like, and lookin so butiful." " I might ask the same question of you, Cynthia ; you are not wont to come out of your cabin at so late an hom\ Are you a worshipper of your namesake, or the stars ? I was not aware that Africans worshipped them ; supposed the Chaldeans were the only wor- shippers at that slu'ine." " Yu see. Miss Nat'lee, I've cum out to gather some leaves and yarbs to make tea for my granchild, Jake s little son, what's named Nub ; he's orful bad fever, and his modder knows nuthin bout practis medcin." " I have understood. Aunt Cynthia, that medicine is not your only profession. I have heard that you are a foreteller ' of events, and that the stars, that to others are but soulless and speechless, to you are as the Delphian oracle." " Ef you mean I'se a fortin teller by that long name, Miss Natlee, I must just tell yu, honey, that the bressed Lord sometimes spires me wid a knowledge of de futm-e." " Ah, if that is the case, you will not, I feel assured refuse to di^aw aside the veil of the futm-e, and read the inscription within. Come, Cyntliia, in simple words, tell my fortune." "Ah, my dear chile, I'se sorry you axed me, but I'll tell ee de plain truf, I'se read yom* life, chile, not by de stars, nor de moon, but, chile, by your sweet, proud lookin face long 'go. Your'e not g^vine to be happy 56 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; and 'fliction soon'll kum. Not many days '11 pass afore that hibly high head ob your'n '11 be bowed m soiTor, and den, Miss Nat'le, you wont care no more for lumi- nashuns, parties, nor nuthin. Sum body way far off yonder lubs you mitey well, Miss Nat'le, but he's g^sdne to disappoint you ; not kase he's ontrue, but kase. Miss Nat'le, he's gT\Tne to have his own 'pinion, and dat wont coinslide vdd youm. But you'll not die ob grief. Miss Nat'le, for you know de bressed Savior says as how he ' fits de back to de burden.' Yu'll be like de eagle, Miss Nat'le, yu'll soar bove it all ; and now good night and 'scuse me if I'se ben too fon-ard in teUing you what's to kum." " Good night, Cynthia, and many, very many thanks for yom' information. You are not, at least, ' The Sybil who weaves Sweet hopes for the future from memory's leaves.' " Retracing her steps, she was soon withm the portals of the mansion, and finding all had retired, sought her room, where we will leave her, and proceed to the next chapter. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 57 CHAPTER VI. " There is a festival, where knights and dames, And auglit that wealth or lofty lineage claims, Appear— a high-born and a welcome guest To Otho's hall came Lara, with the rest. The long carousal shakes the illumined hall, Well speeds alike the banquet and the ball ; And the gay dance of bounding beauty's train Links grace and harmony in happiest chain : Blest are the early hearts and gentle hands That mingle there in well-according bands ; It is a sight the careful brow might smooth And make age smile and dream itself to youth And youth forget such hour was past on earth, So springs the exulting bosom to that mirth !" *' Lo ! all the elements of love are here — The burning blush, the smile, the sigh, the tear." Morning dawned clear and cold, but found all the in- mates of Resale astir, each anxious to see the last or finishing touch given to the arrangements for the even- ing festivities. Siebrecht, A\dth his corps of assistants, had arrived, and v^as arranging, with his usual taste, the hangings of the apartments. Victor and Mannassier were controllers of pantry and cuisine ; and when evening with its purple tints fell upon the scene, it found all com- plete. 58 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; " Victorine," said Miss de Villerie, as she sat before her elegant toilette miiTor, " I trust you will exert your utmost skill this evening, to render me as beautiful as possible, as I presiune this vnl\ be om* last fete this season, and, mayhaps, for years to come." " Yes, mademoiselle, but it is unpossible to contribute a ray to the smi." " Ah, Victorme, I peiTuit not flatteiy, and now do your duty in silence." Her toilette complete, Miss de Villerie descended to the parlour, where she sat with her guardian and Madame de Breuil, awaiting the guests. Before tbeh aiTival, however, we will spend a few moments in a description of her atthc, commencing with her coiffure, which was arranged in a most becoming style. Her glossy black hah was braided on either side of her fiice m a massive, triple plait, while the back was caught up in loops ^^dth a diamond comb. In the left front plait, ghttered a diamond star, while a chain of the same jewels, but of larger size, crossed her hah just a little above the forehead, and fell in a glittering festoon of light on the right side, and was connected with the comb in the back. She was atthed in a rich crimson rep silk, with two deep fioimces of rich Chantilly lace. Her corsage was tres decolte, displaying her beautiful neck and shoulders to advantage, while her bouquet de corsage was composed of flashing diamonds. Her ear- rings, necklace, and bracelets were composed of the same, while in her hand she held a fan, which was literally covered ^dth the same jewels, and which would have been en%4ed by a Sultana. ]\Iadame de Breuil was dressed m a rich black siLk OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 59 velvet, while her white, and yet well-rounded neck, shoulders and arms were covered by a guipure spencer. Her only ornaments were a lace barb of guipure fastened on the side of her still glossy hair by diamond pins, while her spencer was caught in front by a brooch of the same jewels. Judge de Breuil, with his usual taste, was habited in a suit of black cloth, while a white vest and kid gloves completed his simple toilet. It was now the horn- of ten, and the gates, thrown wide open, admitted the carriages with then' elegantly attired and fashionable occupants. Soon the parlours began to fill with as distingue looking a crowd as ever assembled in the halls of fasliion. The lights of the chandehers were softened by the lambent rays of six huncbed wax tapers, and the blue and gold hangings and furniture of the front parlour, as also the wliite and gold of the back, shone like the starry vault of heaven, while the swaying crowd seemed like the galaxy. There was quite a stir in the assembly as Monsieur G , Madame G , and Senorita Montijo were announced, and, though we have heard much of Spanish beauty, Senorita Montijo rivalled all that was ever seen or heard of She was of the medium height, of a dark olive complexion, and black hair, with large and flashing dark eyes. She was dressed in a heavy satm of pale straw colour, with over-skirt of rich white blonde. Her hair was richly braided with pearls, and gems of the same kind adorned her ears, neck, and arms. Her corsage, formed in the Spanish style, of satin and blonde, was fastened wdth a ceinture of pearls. She had the tread of a queen, and in her countenance was perceived the dignity and bear- ing of one who sprang from a noble race. She had all 60 TIIE IIEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; the grace of an Andalusian, with the perfect features of a Castilian. As she passed through the rooms, escorted by ^Monsieur G , she was followed by crowds of ad- mmng beholders. Soon music rose with a voluptuous swell, and soon the dance began. Albert la Branche led out the graceful ^liss Clarendon, while Lord Ethelred sought the hand of the bemtching w^idow Bienvenu, who, though not beautiful, possessed that eaprit wliich never failed to draw around lier a gay and brilliant crowd of admirers. Judge de Breuil, with Madame S — — , was the vis-a-vis of Colonel Leland and the beautiful Senorita Montijo, while Mademoiselle de Yillerie's hand was sought by Count Beauharnais. Many stars of lesser magnitude sparkled in this festive throng, but, amidst all, none shone T\ath so much splen- dour as the Cuban beauty and Mademoiselle de Yillerie. They reigned supreme, and seemed to rival each other in graceful display, as both seemed to possesss the very poetiy of motion. Miss Montijo, as she glided through the mazes of the dance with her floating veil and drapery, seemed a very Venus, with the foam of the sea still resting on her; while Miss de Yillerie, with her regal, queenly, brilliant diamonds and flashing eyes, seemed a very Juno. " Ye Gods," said Lord Ethelred, as Miss de Yillerie passed him, " I must say it would be a difficult matter for a Paris to decide this evening to whom the apple should be awarded. I must candidly confess that, in all the assemblies in which I have been, either in Em-ope or America, I have never seen two more beautiful ladies. In fact, I have noticed that the Creoles of New Orleans OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 61 in beauty can vie with any nation of the earth, not ex- cepting the fair Circassians, and in taste of dress excel even the Parisians." " I thank you for the just compHment you pay my countrywomen," said Albert k^ Branche, " and they would not be the less grateful could they know your flattering opinion ; however, SenoritaMontijo is a Cuban, but not the less entitled to your praise of her truly trans- cendent beauty. " She is indeed beautiful," replied Lord Ethelred, "but I rather prefer that lofty style of Miss de Villerie ; her face is classically perfect and highly intellectual, while her eyes speak volumes. I would imagine her equal to any sacrifice when her pride was aroused." "Miss de Villerie is, most certainly, the undisputed belle, I shall not say of our city, but of our State ; she is not unknown either in a hterary point of view, and bids fair, in poesy, to be the Landon of America, while her prose equals that of De Stael." " She is, then," said Lord Ethelred, " a hlue belle." " Yes," said Albert la Branche, laughing, " and I believe gentlemen of your nationality are partial to bluebells^ " I am, indeed," said he, " and should be proud of such a lovely specimen of that class." " You will excuse me, Sir," said Albert la Branche, " while I speak to some friends, who, 1 see, have just arrived." As he spoke, he bowed to Lord Ethelred, and the latter, joining a party of ladies, was soon engaged in brilliant repartee, while Albert la Branche hastened for- ward to greet Miss Clifton, who had just entered with G2 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; her brotlier ; and now all eyes were turned npon brother and sister. Beverly Clifton was about medium height, being slightly but well formed. His head was covered with wavy, golden hair, which fell over liis fair and higlily intellectual forehead in the most careless manner, while his large, full, blue eyes Avith their darkly-fringed lashes, Grecian nose, and well-foiTued mouth, completed as perfect and handsome a face as is ever beheld. We have already described the sister, but we will now endeavour to pourtray her as she stood at the present moment. Attired in white glace silk, with an over-skirt of puffed illusion inteiTaingled throughout, with rich blonde and small bouquets of white moss-roses and gauze libbon confining the puffs here and there. She wore no jewels, her only ornament being a natiu-al white moss-rose bud fastened on the left side of her hair, and confining her golden ringlets in then- place. If Miss de Villerie and Senorita ]\Iontijo were the Juno and Venus of the occasion, Miss Clifton was certainly the personi- fication of the lovely and retiring Psyche. Albert la Branche paid his devoirs to sister and brother, and was presently seen promenading the superb apartments with Miss Clifton leaning on his arm, while Beverly Clifton was observed bowing low at the shiine of the Senorita, to whom Judge de Breuil had intro- duced him. " This is, I presume, your first visit to om- city," said Mr. Clifton, " as I have not had the pleasm-e of meeting you before." " Yes," she replied, with her rich accent, " but I grieve to say it. Had I known of its many attractions, I think I would, ere this, have been an old fiiend. As on, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 63 » it is, I do not feel as if tins were bnt a first visit. I seem to think that I have seen each object, and met each face in some familiar scene. It may have been in dreams, but I have encountered many here to-night that are strangers only in the etiquette of the word." "They may truly deem themselves fortunate who bear in their face an impress of your dreams, for I imagine you regard them with more favour than the unfortunate individual whose only recommendation is his introduction." " By no means ; yet it is pleasant to feel that we are smTounded by scenes and persons that are seemingly old acquaintances ; and yet it may be my feelings arise from the fact that Louisiana, at an early day, was under Spanish government. How strange it is, the many changes the government of this state has undergone. First under the French government, then under the Spanish, again the French, lastly the United States, and soon, I presume, to be under that of the Confede- racy. How does the latter, Mr. Clifton, accord with your sentiments ? " " I feel it were useless to express my opinion, as it has now gone too far for aught that one of Union pi-inciples could do or say to arrest the great issue, which is war. My family are Unionists, and regret to see the bright stars of the old spangled banner disap- pearing from the cerulean sky on which they shone so brightly for so many years. It may be only their sidereal day. I trust if so the sim, which rose so gloomily, may have a refulgent setting. The South is mine by birthright, the Union mine by heritage from forefathers, who fought, bled, and died in her defence." 64 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; As he ceased speaking, Madame de Breuil advanced towards tliem, leaning on the arm of the Hon. P. S , and said, in her most engaging manner, "^Ir. CHfton, I tiiist you have not been entertaining om- fair guest with treasonable sentiments. Methinks I heard the words 'Union' and 'star-spangled banner.' You are aware, I presume, that these are ostracised from all patriotic assemblies." " Most assuredly, Madame, and lest I should meet with the same fate, I shall henceforth be more guarded in my use of the condemned expressions ; however, I know that you, Madame de Breuil, would refuse to deposit a shell against me." " I will promise you my support, I assure you, but on condition that you will never more offend. And now let us go and take a view of the card tables and their occupants, as I do not think you have yet even glanced at the rooms devoted to the graces." As they entered the room Miss Montijo's eyes became riveted on the face of one of the card players, a lady, seemingly but in the primp, of womanly beauty, though, on close inspec- tion, she was no less than forty-five years of age. She was above the medium height, of a rich brunette com- plexion, dark bro^^'n hair, and large, penetrating, hazel eyes. Dressed in a robe of crimson velvet, with a scarf of black blonde, richly embroidered in gold, thro^m over her magnificent neck and shoulders, which the art of none but a Creole would di'eam of covering. She sat with one arm resting on the table, gazmg steadily on the cards which the rest of 'the party had thi'own down. " What magnificent lady is that ? " said Senorita Montijo to her companion. " She is my very idea of OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 65 an Oriental beauty." As slie spoke, Beverly Clifton turned in the direction to which he saw her looking, and replied, '• Is it possible that you have not seen before the superbly handsome Madame D , of our city ? She is the wit, and undisputed mamed belle. You perceive how completely absorbed she is in the game before her. She is accounted an unexcelled card-player, and report says she almost nightly at her palatial home either wins or loses a fortime." " I was under the impression, Mr. Clifton, that my country alone permitted the fair sex to indulge in such amusements. I had imagined it to be something un- known in America for a lady to bet on cards." " With the American portion of the community it is not tolerated, and it is only so amongst those Creoles who adhere to the customs of their French ancestors, and have clung with tenacity to a fashion which the very idea of its being Parisian is enough to make it legal in the upper circles. But let us on to other scenes. Miss Montijo. The band has ceased, and I hear a magnificent voice in strains of song. Will you go with me in pursuit ? " Leaving Madame de Breuil smTounded by a coterie of octogenarians, of whom she was the di^^nity, they advanced towards the chamber from whence the sing- ing proceeded. ]\liss Clarendon stood at one side of the piano, a very beautiful and attractive girl, while Miss Clifton stood on the other, and the melody of their voices soon drew a crowd around them. " What an enchanting voice Miss Clifton possesses," said Lord Ethelred. '• Her voice is perfect supplication F 66 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; and tenderness. I never listened to a SAveeter in my life. Though Miss Clarendon's is more the superb style, I do not like it as well. The latter would urge one to deeds of daiing, wliile the former would soothe one to acts of gentleness. The one the lark, soaring aloft, while the other is the plaintive dove. But see," he added, " here is the Pliilomel," as Miss de Yillene was seen advancing with a party of ladies and gentlemen towards the piano. " Come, Miss de Villerie, give us some music," said ^ladame Bienvenu, who anticipated the wishes of Lord Ethelred. " To afford pleasure to my fi-iends, I consent," said Miss de Villerie, and, seating herself, she sang, -wdth a soul-subduing tone, the beautiful solo " Yiens," from Charles VI. As she ended she was called upon again and again, and politeness only caused her to relinquish the seat to others, for had she yielded to the solicitations of her friends she would have done so at the expense of her courtesy. Miss Montijo was now called upon to play, and seating herself at the harp, she struck the chords with all the Tsdlthiess and mastery of a Welsh bard, and sang in thrilling tones, "The Moorish Lament." Her large and liquid eyes seemed to s^^m in revenge, and her voice rose and fell like the sigliing of a storm spirit on ocean's rock-bomid coast. Her style was lofty and grand, and her every note thrilled to the very soul. When she ceased the band struck up a march, and the doors being thrown open, the guests entered the salle-a-manger^ where was spread a banquet that the most fastidious disciple of Epicm-us could not find OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 67 the least cause to complain of. Wine flowed, and wit sparkled from fluent tongues, and the hours rolled on in revelry. Miss Clifton and Albert la Branche had sepa- rated themselves from the festive throng, and sought the inviting beauties of the conservatory, which opened from the parlours, and which was now illuminated, dis- playing the various exotics and gaily-plumaged birds in their golden wfre cages. There in the depths of arti- flcial groves, cataracts, and fountains, one might easily forget their identity, and imaguie themselves in the midst of a South American forest, or standing amidst the deep and fertile valleys of Switzerland, as here and there a miniature chalet peeped forth from an artistic opening in the shrubbery. In one part might the sad notes of the arapengo and alma-perdido be heard, and in another, and not far distant, the tinkling of a sheep bell, reminding one of Alpine glaciers, and the grazing of flocks at their vernal base. Arriving at a fountain at the lower end of the conservatory, Miss Clifton and her com- panion seated themselves. The tableau was beautiful. By the side of this fountain, in whose waters their forms were pictured, they sat while Time's flying hand pointed to the " wee small hours." Shaded by the leaves of a graceful palm, and gazing abstractedly at the nereids and dolphins which sported in the basin of the fount, sat Albert la Branche and Cornie Clifton, seemingly in all the boyishness and girhshness of a Paul and Virginia. " Miss Clifton," said Albert la Branche, as he took 'svithin his own her yielding hand, " I trust the impetuo- sity of my nature will be suflicient apology for what I am about to say to you, and this, I find, is quite as appropriate a place as any other for the avowal of my F 2 68 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; feelings. I need scarce utter the words, for you must have known that, from the moment we met, I loved you ^^dth all the ardour, depth, and sincerity of one who, though possessing a susceptible heart, never knew the meaning of the word love imtil he met you. Yes, tliough I have knelt at many shrines, it was done TN-ith the same feeling as one who bows at the altar of the idol his ancestors worsliipped, ^^-ith the conviction that there was a true God, not fonned from things of earth. I, like this idolator, have found my idols dust, but in you have fomid the true divinity, at whose sln-me I shall only offer heart-incense, pure as ever rose in clouds from the altars of Baal, or the true God. Speak, Miss Clifton ; tell me that I may hope to win yom- love, and that I am not wholly indifferent to you." As he ceased speaking, she raised her eyes to his, and said, as the blushes suffused her neck and face, '* Mr. la Branche, is it possible you can love, or desire the love of one whose feelings and sentiments are so diametrically opposed to your s ?" " What matters it to me," he said, " what youi' senti- ments in regard to other tilings or objects, so that 1 possess your love ? If we love each other there vn]\ be no difference of opinion. Parthenia gives to Ingomar the only tiTie definition of this divine feeling — ' Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one.' " " Then," she replied archly, " this implies a pelding up of one or the other's nature, which yields ? I pre- siune, however, chemically speaking, the weaker sub- stance is dissolved by the stronger fluid ties ce pas f OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 69 " Miss Clifton, there is nothing weak in love, be it human or divine. It was the latter that caused a God to immolate himself for migrateful men. It was the former which caused Coriolanus to forego a victory. It was the latter which left us records and footprints of saints and martyrs. It was the former that gave strength to a queen to suck the poison from the wound of her husband, caused by an envenomed dart. It is by the latter we hope for our salvation. Yes, Miss Clifton, it is only those who can boldly face suffering, and are pre- pared to make sacrifices, who can love. I feel assinred, too, that youi* sentiments on this subject coincide with mine." "Vraiment," she said, "you are a most excellent expounder of the code of Cupid ; he has an able advo- cate." " Ah, Miss Clifton," he answered, " I perceive that you are disposed to trifle with me, or that my homage has been offered to one who cares not for it, or who possibly gives me to understand by evasions that she would spare me the pain of a rejection." " Do not, Mr. la Branche, I entreat you, judge me so lightly, nor think for a moment I would trifle with any one's feelings, particularly one who has honoured me with such sentiments as you have expressed. No, be assured that your kind regard for me is not unappreciated, and believe me when I say that I am grateful for the partiality wliich has sought me out from amongst so many fairer and worthier ladies, and which has placed me, too, in the enviable position of being chosen by one whom it might be deemed a privilege to be permitted to love." She stopped soon as this sentence was uttered, 70 THE HEROIXE OF TIIE COXFEDERACY ; and the blood which had died away, now retimied in gushing tides, surging over neck and face, and Al])ert la Branche rapturously and respectfully placed her hand to his lips, and then pressing it to his heart, said, — "Bless you, ]\Iiss Clifton, for those words, though they do me more than justice. I knew I was not mis- taken in your true womanly heart, and though if you could not love me, even I should deem myself happy and honoured in being possessed of your friendship. I know that om' acquaintance is brief, almost too much so in the estimation of the world, for the liberty which I have taken in giving utterance to words and feehngs which are but the outpomings of a heart biu-ning ^Wth all the intensity of a first, pure, and devoted love. I had di'eamed I loved before, the reality convinces me. Miss Clifton, years of acquaintance could never make me more wholly yours than I am at this moment. If you doubt, then let years of devotion prove it. Exile me, if you will, I would deem centuries of toil as little, com- pared to any ray of hope that you would in the end be mine. May I look forward to that moment, say, dearest Miss Clifton, shall I be allowed to hope ?" " Mr. la Branche, I am unsldlled in the world's arts, and in its deceptions. I have never, like many others, been able to don the habit of h^^ocrisy to suit a pm*- pose, and then lay it aside at T\dll, like an unpleasant garment. I know, however, that if a woman wishes to be loved, she must conceal her sentiments from the object of it. This may be a true philosophy, but it is only suited to the Stoics. I, like yourself, am a Southerner by birth, though a current of Northern blood flows in my veins, and has somewhat tempered OR, TRUTH AXD JUSTICE. 71 the bm*ning, and lava-like tides, wliicli would otherwise consume me, as it does many. I, however, am not sufficiently philosophic (if it can be so termed), to school my heart to falsehood, and be it for weal or woe, I most unhesitatingly place my hand in yours, and say to you, beside the waters of this fount, in whose crystal pm'ity I trust is symbolised our hearts, that I love you fondly and devotedly, and let the world, in its cold sense of propriety, deem me what it mil for so readily confessing it ; I would not wish to know you longer, or better, if time or a greater knowledge could dispel the affection 1 have for you now." "Generous and devoted girl," said Albert la Branche, throwing his arms around her, and drawing her close to his heart, " you shall never have cause to regret the confidence you have reposed in me. Yes, love and trust me, darling, and you will find me not unworthy ; and may the love which you here confessed this evening, joined to my own, grow deeper, stronger as time passes away, and may it, when your golden locks and my raven hair are changed to argentine threads, may it be still as now, each loving and beloved. Dearest in your love, I possess strength to a^^m me for the combat, and a shield, which shall be my safeguard from all evil. And now, beloved, let me have once more your sweet assurance (ere we are intruded on), that I am loved, and that you promise to be mine ?" " Yes, dearest Albert, I love thee, and thee only, now and eternallyy " May this then seal the compact which angels now record," he said, bending over, and kissing her fair cheek, " and may your assurances be as often, ay, more often 72 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; renewed than that rainbow covenant, which reminds us of God's mercy to men." They arose from their rustic seat just as the meriy voice of ^Madame Bienvenu broke upon their ears, saying in the most bewitching tones, *' Here are the truants ! Come, you must give an accomit of yourselves, and tell us how you dared to absent yourselves from the presence of our noble company, thus displaying yoiu* preference for the solitude of the forest to the splendom'S and gaieties of a palace." " Yom' Majesty being surrounded by so many cour- tiers, should not envy your less fan- dame dlwnneur, the attendance of one of her truest, faithful, and most liege subjects," answered Miss Clifton, in the same u'onical tone; " but see," she continued, " your court approaches ; gay ladies and their attendant cavaliers, and Misses de Villerie and Montijo being alone likely to dethrone you by their seeming conspii'acies amongst the nobles of yom- realm." " Ma rhere," so long as the vrai nobility are loyal (alluding to Lord Ethelred), I shall not even fear a dethronement a misfortiuie, as you are aware that royalty seldom succeeds in pleasing the rabble. Mais allons, Lord Ethelred, I have many beauties in Rosale to point out to you." BoA^dng they passed on, and soon our young friends were suiTounded by the crowd, who now filled the conservatory, and when each and every one seemed delighted to rove. The band discoursed sweet strains, which fell upon the ear harmoniously in this lovely spot, and served to drown in melody the tones of lovers, as they breathed foi-th their love tales. But the brightest scenes must fade, and so, too, our OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 73 brilliant pageant, as one by one the guests left the festive chambers, and bade " adieu" to their hospitable entertainers. There still lingered one " when lights had fled and garlands were dead," and he alone had not " departed." Reader, can you divine who it is ? Not to keep you longer in suspense, it was Albert la Branche, the accepted. When the crowd had dispersed, the lovers had retm-ned to the conservatory, and now he stood with his arm around her slender form, seemingly loth to part from his chosen and beautiful fiancee. But foot- steps are approaching, and he must leave. Dipping his fingers into the waters of the fountain, he said (as he sprmkled the water drops upon her head), " I baptise thee, my own dear Cornie, in a new faith, that of trust in the one you have chosen as your guide through hfe, and in that of the noble cause I have espoused, and may it be pm-e as these crystal drops which I sprinkle upon your golden curls ; and may it wash away for ever every Union sentiment now existing in the bosom of my lovely, beloved, and affianced bride, and may this parting kiss be the seal on these lips to close for evermore the elo- quent pleadings, which in a just cause might win a world." Thus, with a kiss, they parted, and leaving her, he hastened to pay his respects to the family, and then left a happy and a proud man. Miss Clifton stood still beside the fountain where he had left her, and truly she looked the " spirit of the fount, as with her eyes di'camily gazing into the waters, she seemed not of earth, but of a holier sphere." The lights were fast paling as she arose to seek her chamber, there to " think on the past, and di'eam o'er the future." We will follow her, and listen to her soliloquy. Seating 74 THE IIEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; lierself, she rested her arm upon the marble slab of a table near her, and clasping her hands in an attitude of prayer, mm-mm-ed, " Engaged ! and to one I have so lately know'n, but yet so dearly love. Oh, happiness inexpressible ! Yes, my o^\ti dear Albert, how gladly I would forsake all else save thee, to follow whithersoever thou should'st go. I said I was thine, and thme only. Oh, how cold, how chillmgly cold are these words to my burning love for thee ! How ti-uly does that minstrel of Erin — Moore, express my love for thee w^hen he says,— " Imagine something, purer far, More free from stain of clay. Than friendship, love, or passion are, Yet human still as tliey. And if thy lips, for love like this Is'o mortal word can frame, Go ask of angels what it is, And call it by that name." " Yes, dearest Albert. Go ask of angels what it is, and call it by that name ! " We will now drop the curtain upon this scene and soliloquize ourselves. " Beautiful dreamer on Life's tempestuous sea, no clouds of sorrow appear above the horizon of your hopes, and no ^ands ever imffle the surface of your sunny sea. Beautiful mariner, keep close to shore ! Gentle gales ^^-ill at first arise to tempt thee farther into the treacherous depths. The sails which bear your little bark on so gallantly now will soon be fui'led, or lowered by the storms and billows amidst which you will fearlessly venture. See you not ah-eady in the distance the boilmg, eddying waves advancing slowly 75 and threateningly ? No, you are dreaming, my ocean- bird ! But see you not the stormy petrel as it dances on the foam-crested waves ? No, tliy little shallop floats on merrily with no fear of breakers a-head. Dream on, it is meet that it should be so. Soon enough the veil of the future Avill be raised, and too soon, alas ! youi* little boat will sink beneath the whirling maelstrom of trouble. It is afer off, but like the Arabs of the desert, I am accustomed to the indications of the simoons' scorching blast, and just as plainly in the distance I see thy bark overwhelmed, and thy white arms clinging to tlie wreck, thy wild eyes raised to Heaven, and thy failing voice cr^ang as he of old, ' Save Lord, or I perish.' Yes, sail on, beautiful dreamer, but keep close to shore." 76 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; CHAPTER VIL " I stake may fame (and I had fame),— my breath— (The least of all, for its last hours are uigh) My heart— my hope— my soul — upou this cast ! Such as I am, I offer me to you And to your chiefs, accept me or reject me, A Prince who fain would be a citizen Or nothing, and who has left his throne to be so.'* " Poor human love ! when did its current run Without a rock, a fiill^ beneath the sun ? "When wind through daisied meads and singing bowers, Without a dragon lurking in the flowers ? " A MONTH has passed by since the events recorded in the last chapter, and Time in his onward march has wrought many changes. Nought was now heard in the streets of the city save the measured tread of the regular soldier, or the less perfect of the raw recruit or volun- teer. Business houses were closed, and but few gather- ings were observed on the pavement of our once busy thoroughfare, Carondelet. Revolution, together with no cotton going to market, has wrought tliis change, and the haughty merchant, princes of Carondelet, bowed low in reverence to its once humble - rival. Camp, which now with its banks, brokers' offices, insurance houses, OR TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 77 publishing and printing offices, draw vast crowds to its once less frequented resorts. Camp was decidedly the street, and daily were seen thousands flocking to the doors'of the few, very few banks that still discounted. Hurrying home from the North came parties having property and assets in the city, in order to save their interest from sequestration, leaving their f:imihes in the North, where they have been citizens for many years. Pale and anxious these individuals passed one by, so occupied mth their schemes of outwitting the Govern- ment, and making transfer of property that they brushed past unheeding all save self. These despicable beings, who sucked the blood, and ground the bone and sinew of om: wealthy planters, as the last act could only turn traitor to a country that had bestowed affluence and position on the sons and daughters, childi'en and great grand children of Yankee school-masters and school- mistresses, as well as milliners, shopkeepers, and pork- dealers. Ingrates, that they were, thek horn- was fast approaching. Camp Street, as before remarked, was now the street, and this morning thousands thronged its broad pavements to witness the entrk of General D. E. Twiggs who was just retm-ned from Texas, after having delivered into the hands of the Cojifederates the United States garrison. Every door, window, and balcony was Imed with welcoming spectators. Soon the swell of music rose upon the ah: and fell upon the ear of the expectant multitude, telling that the " chieftain advanced." Now the chariots came m view which bdre the honourable escort, which consisted of the first gentlemen of the different seceded States then in the city. Next came the veteran hhnself in a 78 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; splendid landau cbawn by forn* beautiful white steeds. Bowing and smiling to the ladies who were enthusi- astically wa\ang their handkerchiefs and strewing his way TN'ith flowers, he passed slowly on, and every now and then the vast assembly of people rent the air witli accla- mations as he " bent his eminent top to their low ranks." On he passed, and the vast crowd of people rolled on in waves also, until, arriving at his mansion, he entered and was lost to yiew. Kight came and still they sought to do liim honoiu*, and when the serenade roused him up at the close of his day of weaiy travel, but of pleasant reminiscences, his heart bounded A\dth grati- tude to think he was still remembered, and advancing into the corridor bade his domestics throw wide the portals and admit those who sought to do him hom- age, and to prepare a banquet worthy of his name. (The author need not dwell upon this subject, for others who were also mtnesses of the honours con- fen-ed on him, and the high appointment which was soon after bestowed will recognise the sentiments of the people, and the patriotic devotion which prompted them). It was far into midnight when the crowd once more reluctantly ^dthdrew, and the shouts of "Hurrah for Jeff. Davis, Gen. Twiggs, and the Southem Con- federacy," broke upon the still air and died away in the glooming. But a patriot's act had called forth these huzzahs, and in the soul, heart, and voice of every man, woman, and fair maiden, chd it echo and re-echo again and again. Yes, the hour had dawned for Southem liberty, and to her standard flocked the great and lowly, and one amongst the first to place his sword at the feet of the Southern Bellona wa-s the hero ju&t OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 79 named ; ho had served too to an honourable old age hi tlie service of the United States, but when his native soil was threatened he, like a true son of a noble mother, espoused her cause and rallied to his standard his fliithful adherents. Sublime is the picture, " When all deserts thee I shall still be with thee," and such were liis sentiments now in the hour of his country's need. He was not however alone, and every day found the desks in the senatorial chambers at Washington deserted one by one, until none but the republican or Abolition party remained, and our hopes grew bright and strong. The North at this hour was losing the radiance that had made her appear as the light of a new universe and in her political, moral, and martial firmament her stars were beginning to pale, while in the Southern canopy of Heaven beamed forth new and brighter constellations. The storm of hatred had not as yet swept over the earth (true some blood had flown), but it was brewing, and the elements looked dark and for- bidding. Did it find us unprepared to meet tlie issue ? The end will prove. Dark clouds and rolling thunders, presage, ruin, but after they are passed come brighter days with smiling sunny skies. Dear reader, I am not an historian, nor do I wish to venture on historic soil. My work is only intended to pom'tray a few (to some perhaps interesting) events that will be probably lost sight of by more worthy "gray goose quills" than mine, but which are not the less true or valuable. Oh no ! I assure you I have a great hoiTor of the female poli- tician, the literary lady who affects the ]\Iadame de Stael, or Roland. Let her appear in what guise she may, wife, mother, or mauJ^ she is dangerous in ant/ 80 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; form and sure to be the mother of mischief! So now, kind reader, I will transport you to other and more agreeable scenes. "We will now return to our fair heroine with whom we parted so unceremoniously on the night of the/e^e, on this bright spring morning, and find her seated in a gTotto, whose rocky sides are thickly covered and over- hung with jessamine and honeysuckle. She holds in her hand a book entitled " Woman's Faith," and so intent is she gazing on its pages that she hears not the footfall wliich approaches. The intruder speaks, when slightly starting, she arises to her feet as Count Beau- harnais says — " Miss de Yillerie will, I trust, pardon this intrusion on her privacy of so warm a friend as Eugene Beau- harnais will prove himself." " You are pardoned, Coimt," she answered, with a slight blush ; " but may I ask who gave you the clue to this Rosamond bower? it is not many, I assure you, who ever enter here — this is my sanctum sanctorum. Tell me, I pray you, who chrected your footsteps to this spot ? " " Most willingly," he responded. " Being told you had gone forth to promenade in the grounds, and not caring to sit in the parlour to await yom- coming, I thought I would stroll through the groves of this arcadia likewise. So, saimtering through interminable labyrinths of flowers, vines, and trees, I came at last upon this grotto which, in its appearance, reminded me of Calypso's, and I thought I would enter — and, behold ! — and lo ! a divinity ! And now. Miss de Villerie, I have but one word more to say, and that is, that I promise OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 81 to act towards you with more gratitude than Ulysses or Telemachus, provided you are as generous towards me in your invitation to prolong my stay." She smilingly remarked, " I do not think, Count, that you stand in need of the consolations of either of those classic heroes, as you have not as yet apprised me of yom* misfortuneSj nor on what coast you suffered shipwreck — as the latter vnll only entitle you to my protection." " Then, fair mortel ou deesse, I claim it, for I have long since been wrecked on the coral reefs, and I now throw myself upon your mercy, as you alone have the power to render me insensible to my sufferings." " Then, allons to the mansion, where I shall take pleasm-e in recei^dng you, and where mjjeune nymphes await your pleasure." " No, Miss de Villerie, let it be here, where nature vying with art may render me eloquent to express my sentiments to you. We will now lay aside trifling, and speak sincerely. Sit down. Miss de Villerie, I have much to say. I will not speak to you of love in the hackneyed strains that is always used, but I will tell you simply that I love you — have loved you fi-om the moment we fii'st met — and that now I desire a candid response from you." As she essayed to speak, he said — " Hear me through, ^liss de Villerie, and then answer sincerely, and, as I know you to be a true woman, considerately. I came this morning to lay at your feet my heart and hand, as also to ask if the love which burns withm my own breast has met with a reciprocal feelmg in yours ; and to say that, should you not entertain feelings of love G 82 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; for me, such as would prompt you to accept my proposal at this moment, I would say, Miss de Villerie, that if you can but esteem me, and still will pemiit me to love you, I shall hope to win you at last. If, on the other hand, you love me, as I have been vain enough to hope, will you consent to wed now, and leave with me a country that is soon (I may say already) to be the theatre of a civil war, wliich Tvill end in the ruin of eveiy one ? Yes, Miss de Yillerie, I prophesy for your country a lengthy contest, then consent to be mine, and fly with me to la belle France^ where mid its scenes of splendor you are fitted by birth and natm-e to adorn, you will forget the woes of your native land, and vdih. my devoted love to guard and cherish you, you VsiM cease to regi-et the honoured, loved, but distant guardians of your child- hood's days. And now. Miss de Yillerie, I await your answer." She had in vain essayed to speak, and now as he ceased she arose from her sitting posture and stood erect, leaning her arm upon a jutting rock, and regard- ing him ^dth a sad, regretful look, she said — " Count Beauharnais, you will confess that it is your own fault that you have gone thus far in making an avowal of feelings that I can never — no, never, reciprocate. If I had ever given you to understand, by word or action, that such feelings were knowTi or would be reciprocated, then, I assm-e you, it was done without any such inten- tions on my part. But were it other-^^se, and that I loved you. Count, you know little of my natm*e when you would make such a proposal as yom- last. Think you, would I leave my country when the invaders' foot- steps are polluting its soil, and when their assassin OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 83 hands are raised to strike at the heart of each and every countryman of mme, to revel in the halls of fashion and nobility? Count Beauharnais, you little know me. Could I, suppose you, leave the graves of my Either and mother behmd me, and know that they were being trodden upon by om- nithless enemies, and I, too, far away ? Could I leave either the honoured, dearly- beloved guardians of my childliood, girlhood— ay, womanhood, to brave the storm alone, who had sheltered me from the tempests which usually beset an orphan's life. No, never, Count Beauharnais ! My God, my country, and her people first— these are termed celestial aifections. Love of man last, which is teiTestrial. One Avho is untrue to the three former, would never be true to the latter. So, now, my dear fi-iend, you will perceive that if the first of your proposal were possible, the latter were impossible. And now I trust that I have answered you as fully, as concisely, and considerately as you could desire, trusting that my candom' has not forfeited your esteem." "My esteem. Miss de Yillerie? No; nor what is more, my love, which you still possess, and which is but increased by the utterance of these noble sentiments. I shall not be long in your city. Miss de Yillerie, and I trust that I still shall be permitted the pleasure of your society, as, notwithstanding all you have said, I hope to Avin you yet. Yes, I will hope on — hope ever, for you will never meet with love so true as mine ; and when ocean's waste is between us, remember that I shall need but one word of recall and I shall be with you. Your friendship. Miss de Yillerie, I accept for the present ; all asphants to honours must serve an apprenticeship." G 2 84 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Saying this, he took her hand, knelt before her, and pressing it to his heart, impressed a burning kiss upon it, and then rising, said — " Come, let us home ; I have no desire to remain longer here." As he led her forth, he plucked an ivy leaf, and said — " Permit me, ^Miss do Villerie, to fasten this in your hair." She bent her head gracefully, and as he secured it T\ath her golden pins in her raven tresses, he continued — " I am like the ivy you will find — should adversity overtake you, I vdW cling the closer to you." He walked beside her for some time in silence ; at last, glancing at the book she now held closed in her hands, he said — " ^lay I ask of what subject your book treats that you were so engrossed with when I entered tliis morning ? " " I was reading and pondering on the inconsistency of this author, who evidently advocates abolitionism, and Protestantism, yet in her ^v^i tings has been culpable of many errors, inconsistencies, and, without malice, I can say, untruths, some of which I will read you. First, the ^^iter is evidently a rank Protestant, and can find nothing in the Catholic religion to censm'e, but launches forth into a veiy pathetic strain of moralizing, which she puts into the mouth of her hero, referring to N. 0., says, ' Here no temple-spires frown upon the gay votary of pleasm*e, but beneath the very shadow of the old cathedral, and under the mn-eproving eye of those who minister at her altars, I may pm'sue pleasm-e in her wildest revels, to her hidden and most secret retreats.' In this the author has displayed such malevolence of spirit, as well as gross aad astounding ignorance^ that, though controvertible in every point, the very idea of combatting the arguments of such a benighted indi- OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 85 ^'idual, worries me ; for though we would be wilHng to mstruct a child, we would hesitate to begin the task with one who had grown up to manhood, or woman- hood, with such a foundation for their guide, and with false views on every subject, gathered from those vnih. as small a share of enlightenment as themselves. So it is in this case. To plant the seed of a good fruit is pleasant enough, but to uproot the bad, is not so agree- able a task. But, notwithstanding, our ministers do not reprove us for sinning ; her hero comes to the conclu- sion that in our church (the Catholic) alone are found the 'self-sacrificing angels of earth.' Hear what she says. ' I know, rejoined Blanche, that few of our sex have won for themselves the golden opinions of the world, by acts of disinterested and self-denying benevo- lence, but there are some who, though their names are not blazoned upon this world's scroll of fame, will find that they are wiitten in the book of life for the unseen and blessed charities which from their hands have fallen like the dew upon the poor and deserted children of humanity. How often by the bed-side of wretched want, and pining poverty, are seen those Sisters of Charity providing for the necessitous, even to the most menial offices, or soothing the last hours of the sick and the dying, when others of our sex, blessed with the most ample means by the Father of us all, look with stolid indifference, and unconcern, upon the saddest picture presented by the wretchedness of our fallen race ! The world looks upon these, I know, as a part of a great orginery prepared by the Roman Catholic church, but such acts could spring from no sectarian feeling, and no more belong to that church than does 86 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; the magnificent old Gothic architecture, the Hving, breathing pictures of the ^Madonna, and the crucifixion, or the ora ])ro 7iobis, whose mellow, rich, solemn tones are so deeply entranciag.' 'My dear Mademoiselle Blanche,' continued Miss de Villerie, ' this is just so much wholesale robbery on your part. AVill you tell me who it is that recognises the crucifix as the emblem of salvation, or who it is who has preserved from the wreck of time the * life-breathing portraits of the Madonna,' as also who the composer of tliis chant, whose solemn tones seem so deeply to entrance you ? These were all in existence ere your Luthers, Amsdorfs, or Melancthons were dreamed of, and generations ere then* presumptuous separation from the mother church. Ye have waijdered forth like the prodigal, and would now willingly gather to yom'selves the cruml^s which have fallen from our groaning board. Return, kind friends, like that prodigal, and we will share our treasures with you, even to the ' fatted calf But permit me to read you again another of her veri/ consistent speeches. After anathematising slavery and slave- owners, she says, in reference to some slaves who were emancipated, and sent north, in response to the following question. * How are the negroes,' said Burns, ' treated by their wliite neighbours ? ' 'I am sony to say,' replied Eaton (who, by the way, is a ^lethodist minister, and, as sometliing quite rare in this instance, one of that sect tells the ti-uth), * ^4th no little degree of dis- favour. Even those are loudest in their denunciations of slaveiy, are the least tolerant of the dark skins of these chikben of Africa.' And farther on, a Xortherner by birth expresses these sentiments. 'I regret to OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 87 admit,' said Burns, ' that there is strange contradictions in the conduct of those who reside in the free States, upon the subject of the rights of the coloured race. They exclaim, \Ndtli holy horror, against the sins of slavery, and yet their prejudice against colour is vastly greater than it is at the South. And in some of the free States they have carried it to the extent of passing laws forbidding free persons of colour to reside withm the limits. This is the philanthropy they boast so much of, and this is the consistency you will ever find amongst them. I can truly exclaim, ' Consistency, thou art a jewel ! ' " "From the style. Miss de Villerie, in which it is written, I should judge the author to be a female, and you know a good ^nter amongst your sex is seldom met with, and still more rare the jewel, consistency .'' He said this with an arch look, and was about to speak again, but she stopped him with the imperative com- mand of, " Not one word more, Count. Not one word more will I listen to, after this flattering compliment paid our sex. Not writers indeed ! Is it not well kno^^Ti that the Greek poetess Corrinna took the prize Jive times over Pindar; and that in a later day a woman's pen caused one of the greatest Generals the world ever knew, afterwards an Emperor, viz., Napo- leon, to tremble and grow pale. So much did he fear the world-renowned De Stael that he even ordered her to quit his dominions. I could quote many^ but you are too well aware of those/«cfe to make it necessary." They had now reached the door of the drawing- room, and Judge de Breuil, advancing to meet them, said, as he handed Miss de Villerie a letter, " My dear 88 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; MiRs de Villerie, I was about to go in pm-suit of you, as I imagined you would be pleased to peruse the letter. The Count and myself will excuse you while you retire to learn the contents." Sa^-ing this, Judge de Breuil di'CAv the Comit's arm within his own, and they entered the library, where we vdW leave them to smoke their Havanna cigars if they like, while we follow Miss de Villerie. What has caused the blood to rush in crimson tides to our heroine's neck and brow ? Glancmg at the superscription, she had clasped the letter to her wildly- beating heart, and "v\dth hurried steps had sought her chamber, and there, turning the key in the lock to pre- vent intinision, she kissed the seal, and there opened the missive. Reader, as her eye glances over the page, what causes her cheek to pale, and the tear-drops to dim those lustrous eyes ? Can you not divine it ? The next chapter will unfold all. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 89 CHAPTER VIII. " A change came o'er the spirit of my dream." Miss DE Yillerie sat for hours gazing upon the letter she held in her hand, while the large tears coursed slowly down her cheeks. " Can I be dreaming ? " she murmured. " Oh ! is it not some dreadful illusion, or is it indeed true that he whom I have loved so fondly can be other than he once seemed to me? And yet I thought him noble, and would have yielded up my life for his happuiess ; but now, when he sees my country on the eve of a revolu- tion, which may end in the ruin of her people, he ingloriously consents to wield his sword in defence of a Union which long since ceased to be just. Oh, Clarence, Clarence, recall what you have said. No, no, I can never, never wed the enemy of my country and her people." But, kuid reader, I will not hold you longer hi suspense, and will lay before you the letter wliich called forth those remarks : — " My beloved Natalie, " Long ere this reaches you, possibly the blockade of your Southern ports by our Government (or rather 90 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; mine) may render a response to tliis by mail impossible. In the event of sucli being the case, you will please send yonr reply to our mutual friend E. G. A , and he Tsall promptly deliver it. And now, my own dear Natalie, I T\ill lay before you the exact position of affairs in regard to us both, and I know that as usual, with your good sense, sound judgment, and loving heart, you will triumph over and defeat every obstacle and objection that may come between yourself and the fulfilment of my o^ai, and I trust your ^^-ishes, and con- sent to be mine ^dthout fui'ther delay. The dissolution so long looked forward to, by some ^vith sorrow, by others with joy, has at last arrived, and our country (though we of the North still mention it as one^ we must inwardly confess that in feeling it can never be so again) is divided, and civil war now frowns upon us in its most fearful panoply. Natalie, my o^ti dear, be mine, ere rivers of blood shall flow between and separate us, mayhap for ever. I have espoused the cause of my native land, and am now clothed cap-a-pie in the armom- of faith, right, and justice, to go forth to quell this unholy rebellion. Beloved, there are none to whom you owe obedience. Though early ties will cling around your memory, and mayhaps cost you many sti-uggles, fling them aside, darling, and tmst in one whom you so fondly promised to love. Tnist in me, and give me that right Avhicli you long since promised, to protect you, and I shall feel strengthened for the contest which approaches. Give me but the right to claim you, Natalie, and I will soon be Tsdth you. Remeinber, dearest, that let your decision be as it may, I vn[\ never surrender my right to yom- hand, and though you disclaim me for OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 91 ever (for I have presumed from your letters that your heart is with the cause of the South, and I have feared that possibly your love has changed for one whose politics differed from yours, and that I have forfeited your love, your undivided love, which I once felt was mine), I will never, no, never resign you. One word, dearest, will bring me to you; less may separate us for all eternity. Be it in this world, or in the next, you can never be other than mine. Fly with me, my Natahe, from a land that will soon be deluged in blood, and its now verdant and cultivated fields and gardens be laid waste and desolate. Yes, fly with me to a clime where there are those who await to shower all the blessings of peace, love, aflfection, and heart-worship upon you. I await your decision, my truly, dearly beloved fiancee. " Clarence Belden." "This, then, oh Clarence, is the alternative— you leave me ! I cannot give thee up. Oh, why dost thou play the tyrant m this trying hourl But I must yield one or the other, and though it sever my very heart- strings, I will resign him for aye. Yes, now while love, pride, and honour struggle for the mastery, I will wite my last (0 God ! that it should be so) to one whom it is the sacrifice of all my earthly happiness to resign, but whom it were now dishonour to love." Sounding a bell, she said to Victorine, who answered the summons, " My escretoire, and let none enter my apartments, and say to all calls for me to day, 'Not at home.' " " Oui, Mademoiselle, but the gentleman below. 92 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Count Beauharnais, just desired me to say to you that lie wislied to say adieu en personnel " Say to him that I am indisposed, but will be pleased to see him on his next visit to Rosale, which I hope will be soon." The maid disappeared, and in a few moments re- turned, bearing the escretoire, as also a large crimson poppy, which she presented to her mistress, saying, " Count Beauharnais desned me to present to you this flower, which he said he himself had culled on the parterre^ and the card attached." Taking up the card, she glanced at it, and seeing the word " Consolation," remarked, " Nothing could indeed be more appropriate. I do indeed need consolation, but there is none save One who can afford it me. Noble-hearted as you are, Count Beauharnais, I could never love you, though perhaps on the altar of a less true idol my heart's best gifts have been offered up, and now the idol has proved but com- mon clay, and those God-like attributes where are they ? Ay, echo answers, 'Where are they?'" Seizing her pen, she wi-ote the following reply : — " Rosale Plantation, Louisiana. " To Clarence Belden, Esq., " As you yom'self have adopted the means of eternal separation, you will not nor can you be surprised at the manner in which I herein addi'ess you. The step you have taken -^^oll for ever efface from my heart, ay, even memory, all reminiscences of the past, and though I loved you vdih. tenfold the strength of my natinre, I would sever with my own hand the last heart-string that bound me by even one thought to the enemy of OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 93 my country, my home, and iireside. I need not tell you now of my trust in you, and how I had fondly miagined that you would be among the first to resign in the service of a Government which equals in its oppression of the South only England's tyranny over Ireland, and Russia over Poland. I need not say to you how I had trusted in yom' bravery and chivalry, and, lastly, I need •not say (for you must know it) that by your last act you proved to me that my idol was only formed from common dust or gilded loam, and the last stroke of your pen transferred my heau ideal into all and everything but that which is noble, elevated, and sincere, and how, when Qarence Belden donned his sword and buckler and armed liimself cap-a-pie for the contest, that the first thrust of the ghstening steel entered Natahe de Villerie's heart. Oh, no ! this were all unnecessary. It may be some consolation to you to feel that when the ^deluge of blood,' of which you speak with such unconcern, shall have inundated om- country, and om- ' verdant fields are laid waste ' that its sanguine floods will sweep over the graves of every man, woman, or child of our own sunny land, and that when the avarice of our Northern foes shall di'ain these fields which you say are to be laid waste, and with the natural con- sequence of a sanguinary deluge to be submerged in blood ; when they shall drain them I repeat, to plant, and in time to reap then- ill-gotten harvests, they will find, perhaps, the dragon's teeth which they sowed with such dihgence as the fruits of thefr labour. Yes, the blockade vdW soon be estabHshed at all our Southern ports, which is intended to starve us into submission, but rest assured we have not been idle. Our mountains, 94 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; lakes, hills, valleys, and rivers contain within their bosom an ample supply for the wants of om* people, and even should it last so long as to exhaust these resources, we of the South have faith enough in the right of our cause to believe that He who suffered not the Israelites, his chosen people, to perish, vnll send to us that which was vouchsafed to them — the manna. Rest assured we are prepared for all emergencies, and even our women, in devotion to their country's cause, will stand unparralleled in history. Each and every South- ern woman's cry is ' Give us but a crust of bread and a cup of water from the running brook, but give^ oh, give us liberty.' The truth of what the poet has said in the following lines is but well exemplified in the unanimity of the sentiment which pervades all ranks and condition of my sex ; — * The love that bids the patriot rise to guard his country's rest, With deeper mightier fulness thrills in woman's gentle breast.' *' Yes, like the Spartan mothers of old, our women say to their husbands, sons, fathers, and lovers, ' Come with yom* shield, or on it.' What would under other cii'cum stances have been death for me to do, under the present I do without one pang of regret, not even one lingering thought of the past. After this letter shall have received its addi-ess from my pen and be des- patched to you, the waters of oblivion will roll over every souvenir of the past, and efface even your name from a heart where once I had thought it as deeply Avritten as Queen Mary said of Calais, it would be engraven on my heart. And now farewell. Let no thought of me when you go forth in your armour of OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 95 ' Truth, Right, and Justice ' add weakness to your arm ; be assured you will find your equal in every man and a foeman worthy of yom- steel in the humblest Southerner. Then defend yourself, at least what you do do icell and bravely. Believe me in all smcerity mi- changing in my resolution, " Natalie de Villerie." The struggle was now over when ]\Iiss de Villerie laid down her pen ; she was calm, but it was the calm- ness of a martyr who lays down his life for his faith, but whose ^esA only writhes on the rack of torture, the soul bemg elevated far above the ephemeral joys of this world. Her nature was one that loved deeply and with all the intensity of those who can love but once. To Clarence Belden the first pure gushing love of her youth and womanhood was given, and now that he had failed to be all that she had deemed him she had no further faith in men. Alas, how sad it is to think how mere gilding can seem so like genuine gold ! Rising from her seat Miss de Villerie paced the apartment slowly and thoughtfully, murmuring sadly, " Yes, I have given thee up Clarence Belden, but like Marino Falerio who con- demned his son to banishment, the sentence I have pronounced will kill me. Oh! how false the words ' without one pang of regret,' and yet they are true, for it is not one pang^ but ten thousand^ and my poor heart is breaking 'neath its weight of pride and honour. Did not the rich blood of an ancient honoured Hne pour its strong tides through my veins, I would fly to thee and thy promised love ; but never ! rather let this heart of mine suffer until it cease to beat than dishonour the 96 TIIE IIEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; ancient house from whence I have sprung hj an alHance with the foe of home, friends, and country. !My father, dost thou watch over thy child fi'om thy far off home in heaven? If so strengthen me in this bitter hour. Must I say farewell to him I love (yes, oh God, more than words can tell) for ever? ^lust all the pleasant happy days be effaced from memory by the waves of that river Lethe which to some afford joy, to others grief. Away ye phantoms of evil which surround me with your flapping wings, and who seek to destroy my peace for all eternity. Away, I say, to the dark shades from whence ye sprang." Thro^\dng herself upon a couch, she fell asleep, vrith. her dark hair falling around her she slept a fevered sleep. Madame de Breuil entering, and seeing her thus, gently drew the letter from her hand, which she held close pressed to her heart. She then summoned Yictomie, and ordered her to bring ice-water and lavender. She gently bathed the brow, temples, and neck of the unhappy girl, and bending over her with all a mother's tenderness kissed her fevered cheeks, while a hot tear stole down her own and dropped upon the burning cheek of !Miss de Yillerie, who starting from her uneasy slumber, and seeing Madame de Breuil raised her head from the pillow and said wildly, " Yes, yes, he is gone for ever, and past recall, and like Mary Queen of Scots I have signed an abdication to all happi- ness. Oh God ! why have I loved so fondly ?" Bur^^mg her face in the lap of Madame de Breuil, who understood all, she wept convulsively, and tried to speak. At last, obtaining the mastery over herself, she said, "All was as I feared, Clarence Belden has espoused the Northern cause, and thus has sealed my fate and OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 97 his owTL ! You thouglit I slept when you entered. Oh no ! It was only a delicious dream of that long- ago, dreams of that sad but still happy time — when the few shadows that fell around my path in life was like the green spots m the desert where the traveller halts to rest awhile, and feels the cool refresh- ing influence of repose. Oh, I saw him as when I had first met him, in the moment when he first taught my young heart the delight, the ecstacy of loving and being loved ; and when he had breathed into my spirit bright and sunny hopes as well as celestial aspirations — making the world, this life itself, a Heaven of bliss and unalloyed felicity ! Oh, as I dreamed, there stole over my senses that perfect sense of repose which children of earth rarely feel, and to which I doubt the famed cup of Haskesch could add one drop to. This sensation thrilled my whole being, and I felt borne upon the wings of angels far past earth and clouds, ay, further, and yet further still into the realm of eternal light. Then such strains of music burst upon my ear, that it seemed as though the melody was produced by the rushing of angels' pinions, as they swept past each other in then- worship before the throne of the Eternal. But slowly died away the mellifluous cadences — and slowly, one by one. Heaven, its angels — briglit wings and golden throne — fled from my view, and earth again appeared to me as I slowly passed through aether descending. When, lo! as I approached nearer, there stood an angel on a beautiful green knoll, who beck- oned me towards him. Unconsciously I was borne to the spot; and seating myself at the feet of the angel (methought his wings o'er-shadowed the whole hill and valley in front of me), I glanced beneath at the base, H 98 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; beyond the valley, there rolled a river of blood, and beyond it nought save desolation ; wliile on the side on which I sat wdtli the angel, smiled verdant plains, clear and sparkling streams, with charming cottages beside sylvan lakes, and at my feet grazed flocks and herds, and all seemed busy, active life. On this sanguine river floated a gilded steamer, out of whose pipes flew birds instead of smoke. To the opposite side there flew the \Tiltm'e, raven, crow, and petrel, and the side on which I sat with the angel, flew over the dove and gay plumaged songsters, until all the vale rang ^vith. their song. After I had beheld the sight, the angel plumed his wings for flight, and saying, "Thou hast chosen well," vanished into the tliin grey air ; and thus, me- thought, there fell upon my face a holy dew, which dropped from his wings as he ascended; but alas ! dear, dear friend, I awoke to find it but a dream, but yet you have endeavoured to make up for the dew of Heaven by the refr'eshing dew of friendship, which yom* kind hands were administering when I awoke. Would thou were a Joseph to intei-pret my dream or vision. Oh! why is it, that it should be thus; that he, whom of all others I idolized, should now prove unworthy, but still dear, ever dear to me. Why, oh! why, did I rely so implicitly in him ? I, whom the world has teiTaed cold, and even austere, am stricken like a fi-agile blossom by the fii'st gale on life's shores. Oh, my country, my people, though I love you much, this sacrifice, for me, is greater than Jephtha. Yes, for he promised to ofier the first he should meet; but alas, I have offered myself upon the altar of patriotism. Oh, my God ! accept this heart — AND JUSTICE. 99 this life-offering, as a willing, but, oh, it is a bitter holocaust. Slowly she sank upon her couch, and with her white hands crossed upon her breast, she once more sank to repose. She had asked for his letter, and it now rested on her heart. One large tear trembled on her eyelid, com'sing its way down her fevered cheek, fell upon her bosom, and rested lilie a diamond on polished marble. She slept calmly, peaceful^, and when mornuig dawned it found her serene as a spring day. No one could have told how hard the struggle had been who saw her as she greeted Judge de Breuil, as he entered the breakfast apartment on the morning after her reception of Clarence Belden's letter. No, not the keenest observer could trace, in the smiling face, and proud manner, a single mark of giief or self-sacrifice. Little do the smiling valleys, green and fertile sides of the volcano, with here and there a hamlet at its base, bespeak the convulsion which oftens rocks the earth to its centre, and devastates the land. So with Miss de Villerie, the convulsion had passed, and the lava which flowed from the fire of love out of the crater of passion, had now cooled, and she appeared like the exterior of the volcano, smiling and unconscious of the still slumber- ing sparks within. Breakfast was eaten in silence, and though not a word was spoken on the subject to Judge de Breuil, he had guessed all. As they arose from table, he said to Miss de Villerie, " at yom* leisure I would see you in the library." " Then let it be now, dear guardian, as my leisure is ever at your pleasm-e." On entering the library. Judge de Breuil seated Miss H 2 100 TIIE HEROINE OP TIIE CONFEDERACY ; de Yillerie iii a chair, and dra^^^llg one beside it, seated himself, and thus began : — " ]\Iy dear ward, I would speak to you this morning, not as your g-uardian, but as your father, which part I have acted, to the best of my ability, since the demise of my highly esteemed and much valued fiiend, your father. I shall ask of you no recital of what I have already my suspicions, though none but the anxiety of one who loves you with parental devotion could have discovered it. I would not lacerate your heart by requesting any particu- lars of a subject which, as a woman, you would feel a (leHcacy in discussing, even with me; l)ut thus much I would say, my beloved ward, that, if Clarence Belden has possessed your heart until this moment, permit him to retain it, and do not blast yom-hopes of earthly happi- ness by resigning him. No, let no such love of patriotism destroy yom- felicity. You are now of age, and yom- o^\ti mistress, still though we (my sister and self) would regret to see the moment in which you parted from us amve, yet if you can be happier with him who has won yom' heart's worship than with us, we both would resign you to love and joy, though it must be confessed we would feel a pang in yielding you to one whom I leani is now our declared enemy, and thus placing a banier between the intercom-se of love and friendship, which, if your lot had been cast amongst us would exist. Never- theless, by follo^^dng the dictates of heart and conscience, you will never forfeit the love of those whom long years of acquaintance have endeared you to; rest assm*ed dear Natahe, that because you should give us up for a newer, but less tried love, we should not love you the less, or OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 101 would the name of Mrs. C. Belden should ever be less esteemed, nay worshipped, in our hearts and homes than that of NataHe de Villerie. Yom- property which the laws of the Confederacy, under such circumstances, would not yield to you, I have taken the precaution to save, and secure to you, and to the amount your father left you, I will add fifty thousand dollars, as your marriage portion; thus you perceive, I have shielded you from all the obstacles which generally make the road to true love so unsmooth ; and now, my dearly-loved NataHe, choose as you will, and rest assured if it be the ' better part' it shall not be taken from thee." Miss de Villerie had sat mth her face averted dm-ing this conversation, and now she knelt before him, from which position he in vain endeavoured to raise her, as, sinking low at his feet, she rested her head upon his knees, and clasped his hands close within her own, in vain she essayed to speak, when a torrent of tears coming to her relief, she said, " Oh, my guardian, my own dear father, how coidd you speak thus ? Leave you, oh no, never. Leave you to go to the love and home of one who is now and for evermore your enemy, and that of all that is true to me. Oh, my own kind, my own dearly-beloved guardian, how could you deem me such an ingrate. Yes, Clarence Belden, I have loved deeply, fondly, ay, almost madly, but it is passed now. The power he held was a tyrant's, and now I am free. Yes, free, but like a bird in the serpent's power, my heart yet clings to reminiscences of the soon to be for ever buried past, and sighs for the love-illumined paths through which I once roamed when under his fond eye. But think you, oh think you, I would accept bliss at 102 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; such a price ? No ; to happiness I have breathed a long, a sad adieu, and on the shrine of God and my countiy I have laid my bleeding, but trembling, lace- rated heart. Yes, dear, dear guardian, I have cast the die, and crossed the Rubicon, and am now passing on to victory, sadly, but gloriously. No more shall love's spells weave their thralls around me ; never again shall my bosom inhale the consuming air of passion, save love for tried and faithful friends, such as you, my dear father, by your care have proved to me. Yes, dear guardian, I shall choose the better part., and where my girlhood days have passed in bhssful repose, here will Natalie remain, and when once more tranquilhty of mind asserts its sway, you shall see no tears bedewing these now dimmed eyes, but you shall see me the happy, gay, almost thoughtless, being I was when first your kind hands, and those of your sister, commenced the training of this crooked vine. Yes, yom- home shall not be sad- dened by any sorrows of mine. Yes, oh yes, these bitter, bitter tears in wliich my eyes now swim, shall cease to flow, and I shall never look beyond the threshold of home again for love and happiness, save for above to that One whose love shall never change, and in whose guidance I shall ever trust tlirough life. Yes, my guardian, with thee have I Hved, TN-ith thee will I die. The stomis that may ruffle the waves of thy existence shall break over mine also, and the billows which may engulf thee shall also roll over me. The friends who are thine shall be mine also ; the stars which beam o'er thy pathway shall shine on mine ; the breeze which fans thy cheek shall sweep o'er mine; the flowers which waft theii' fragrance to you on the summer air will bear OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 103 my prayers for you as incense to the throne of God ; and, lastly, that God who shall be thine shall be mine, and the grave that closes over you shall also clasp me in its cold embrace. And now tell me, oh tell me, have I chosen well, my father, or do you doubt that I love you, and all the bright joys of a life which was spent with thee, and which shall continue ? Clarence Belden was all to me once, but now the spell is broken, and here alone in my cliildhood's home will I seek love such as ^vill survive the ephemeral joys of earth. Keep the dowry wliich you so generously offer to bestow, or lay it as an offering on om- country's altar, and take all else, but leave me, oh leave me, your love, which is far more preferable than gold can ever be." Arising, she caught his hand, pressed it to her heart, and imprinting a kiss upon it, turned to leave, when gently arresting the movement, he drew her to his bosom, saying, " My daughter, you have indeed chosen well and nobly, and may you find in the affection of those around you com- pensation for the love you have so heroically resiglLGd. You have icon the victory oxer self^ and proved yourself by far a greater general than those who have won their lam-els upon a gory field. Your father, who, perhaps, at this moment is witnessing yom- noble self-sacrifice, smiles a benison on thee from his far off heavenly home. Time, the great assuager of grief, will dry those tears, and you will again love as truly and ardently as you have loved yom- misguided Clarence." "Never, oh never, my guardian. I have — I have loved Clarence, and though on earth the irrevocable will of Fate is such that we have been separated, I shall at last be his in that land to which we are all hastening, 104 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; where no cold terrestrial ideas enter ; and though I renounce him for ever here, yet beyond, far beyond, ' the foes that threaten, and the friends that weep,' we shall be one. Though, like the flowers, my love cHcs for awhile, it shall bloom again in the clime where spring is eternal. Though the world may deem me stern and cold, and though Clarence should think me false-hearted, I reck but little, we shall at last meet to part no more. Then speak not of other love for me. No, never shall other love come between mine and thine, my dearly-beloved Clarence. My country now, my Heaven hereafter." "Then be it so, my child; and may no clouds darken the vision of the celestial joy which you have so beau- tifully pictured, but may every gale waft you nearer that port m which your hopes are centered, and may all your aspirations of unalloyed bliss be fulfilled; and now diy those tears and come with me for a dnve to the city " " If it were to any other I should plead an excuse, but TO you, my beloved guardian, whose vdM is law, I shall say I go with pleasure." Leaving the room, she hastened to her apartment, and soon after Judge de Breuil, who stood on the verandah, whip in hand, awaiting her, handed her into the phaeton, and they were soon seen dashing up the coast. The morning breeze, as it was bonie from the Gulf, fanned our heroine's still flushed cheeks, but soon they paled, and returned to their usual healthy, but peach-like, tinge. They di'ove briskly, and though ^liss de Yillerie was far from happy, you would say she was perfectly so, could you have seen how entirely she seemed to forget self, as she gaily talked with her guardian. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 105 " I received this morning," said Judge de Breiiil, " a card from Comit Beauharnais, who leaves to-morrow for Europe, and wishes to know if a visit from him this evening would be agreeable; I, therefore, thought we would take him home with us ; what say you ? " " I shall be pleased indeed to say farewell en personne^ and regret exceedingly the loss to our circle of friends, to which Count Beauharnais has been such an acquisi- tion. He combines m himself the true gentleman and the man of the world, and forms a rare exception to the latter class in retaining purity of heart and mind, though in constant intercourse with the world's most varied scenes. Though wealthy and noble, he is unassuming, and humble — he is a true descendant of his illustrious house, though he is quite as modest, if not much more than one of our republican-born Creoles." "He certainly possesses a fine eulogist in my fair ward, and, I fear, if he were heretofore not proud, and heard your eulogism, he could no longer buast humility as one of his characteristics." " Well, I assure you, I admire Count Beauharnais, and seek not to disguise my sentiments, and must candidly confess that if my heart had not been smitten ere I met the Count, it would most undoubtedly have smTcndered itself to him. There are none even among my oldest acquaintances who claims a higher place in my regard and esteem than does Count Beau- harnais." "A countess's tiara would well become mj ward, and I shall be delighted to see one sparkle upon her brow. What sayeth Natalie ? " "'Tis not in glittermg gems that truth, love, and 106 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; nobleness are found; oh, no, my dear guardian! nor would Count Beauhamais stand less in my estimation dispossessed of rank, wealth, and coronet. No, place a man like him in a iTide hut, amid the '\;\ilds ol om* own native forests, and he would be distinguished from the common herd by soul'' They had now reached the suburbs of the city, and the morning sun gilded spu'es and domes, and its radiance fell alike on the elegant mansions of the rich and the less pretentious abodes of the poor. ]\Iarket carts were returning from the city, and their owners were chatting gaily as they cbove to theu* humble homes, while the light bark of the fisherman glided over the waves, as, with sails unfui'led, he swept down the stream to his home on the gTdf coast. Singing gaily, these rude children of natm-e passed on their way, and om' heroine contrasted her happiness, her hopes with these, as thus she jiiused in silence. " Ah, were it not well for us if the gilded visions of joy, bliss, and content- ment which our vain imag-inations picture forth, should iq?iis fatuus like evade us as we pm-sue ; and that we might descend to the tomb still trusting that the far-off moiTow would realise the hopes of to-day. Their antici- pation of each honour and aspiration are as gTcat, according to their sphere, as mme ; but how far short when we have tasted the cup of reality, from that of the sparkling fount of imagination. There is the same difference as that between the appearance of the ocean which, to the observer, is deep blue, but when put into a glass, proves that only to the eye it appears thus." They rode on in silence, occupied solely in tliinldng and gazing at the different sights which now crowded on OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 107 their view. All was busy animated life, the Rue Royal was crowded \\dth persons of every age and sex, and Canal-street's broad pavement thronged with the beauty of this gay city, while the drum and fife of the W. A. were playing a martial air, to the time of wliicli the young volunteers stepped. Dashing officers rode by on prancing chargers, and all was as a holiday. Our heroine bowed low as she passed down the Rue Rampart to a couple who were promenading, and whom she recognised as Lord Ethelred and Madame Bienvenu, the sprightly lady returned it, and passed on, seemingly engaged in a deep political discussion which, doubtless, had more to do with Scotland's being the most agreeable place in the world for one to reside, than the States of America at this period, and of wliich he might doubtless convince his fair companion, who it seems he had almost won to his opinion and politics, and who bade fair to be Lady Ethelred. Our heroine had now arrived at the residence of Colonel G , and, ringmg the bell. Judge de Breuil left her at her friends' to spend the morning, while he returned to town to meet his gentlemen acquaintances. ]\Iiss de Villerie was ushered into the parlor, and was very soon in the warm embraces of her fi-iends, of whom there were many. " Oh ! my dear ]\liss de Yillerie, you cannot imagine the happiness it affords me," said Madame D , "to receive you once more in my home, you have scarcely afforded your friends a view of you since spring, and I have understood that your kind friend, Madame de Breuil, could not even prevail on you to come from yom- recluse's cell. I trust, my dear it does not originate from the same cause that permitted a certain disease to 108 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; prey like a worm iu the bud on a certain young lady's cheeks ? " " I assure you I have not denied myself the pleasure of my friends' society for any such reason as your remark might suggest, but in spring-time my custom is to seek the society of more inanimate natures than the human kind. I spend a great deal of time enjojHng the unfolding of the buds, and witli my botany in hand I spend hours in wandering among these gentle harbin- gers of spring, thus I feel more pleasure in receiving my friends' visits than in returning them, as I know you will agree T\dth me in saying that it is much more pleasant to be the dispenser of hospitalities than the recipient." "I quite agree with you in its being a great pleasure to dispense them, but I assure you I find an equal pleasure in the reception, and trust on being convinced of the latter. My dear Miss de Yillerie, you vn\\ make your visits much more frequent, and thus aiford me an opportunity to dispense the honours of hostess much oftener. And now I intend to engage your fair hands in our service for some weeks to come, and I know if your love for your friends does not draw you from seclusion your well-known patiiotism will. We are engaged in making up clothes, uniforms, for the volun- teer companies, and have formed societies to this pur- pose, of which my friends have appointed me president, Miss Bienvenu as vice-president, and yom-self, sans voire permission^ secretary, knoTsdng that you were anxious to fru'ther the cause, et mnintenant. AVhat say you ? " " That I accept with pleasure. And now tell me, if you please, when begin my duties ? " OR, TrxUTH AND JUSTICE. 109 " We shall hold our first meetings in the parlour of the ' St. Charles,' until we arrange a suitable place for assembling to sew. Madame Bienvenu was here this morning, and said that it would be nmch better for us to meet alternately at the houses of those who are dis- posed to join us, and appoint, and obtain some place or room where those persons who are employed and paid to sew for the soldiers can work. The companies are rapidly forming throughout the State, and it is only just that we should do all we can to aid the glorious cause of independence. ' Miss Clarendon, montrez Mademoiselle, the bannerets which you have made.' " That young lady arose and brought forth the ban- nerets of silk, which w^cre made for the regiments, and, as she presented them to Miss de Yillerie, said, " To you we have left the design for the grand banner wliich we propose presenting to the regiment next week, wdio leave on the 15th ; and I was requested in the name of the ladies of our mutual acquaintance to beg that you would also consent to present it." " I thank you, and my friends, for their generous partiality m selecting me for so distinguished an honour among so many entitled to that distinction, and wil] most w^illingly accept, if but to manifest tliat I shall not only thus prove my loyalty to our cause, but the gratitude I owe them for their kind preference. So trusting to meet you again soon, I beg leave ladies to msh you good morning, as Judge de Breuil awaits me without." Taldng an affectionate leave of her hostess our heroine was soon on her way home. 110 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; CHAPTER IX. Is it for this the Spanish maid, aroused, Hangs on the willow her unstrung guitar, And, all uusex'd, the anlace has espoused, Sung the loud song, and dared the deed of war ? And she, whom once the semblance of a scar Appalled, an owlet's 'larum chill'd with dread, Now views the column — scattering bay'net jar, The falchion flash, and o'er the yet warm dead Stalks with Minerva's step where Mars might quake to tread. " Yet others rapt, in pleasure seem, And taste of all that I forsake ; Oh ! may they still of transport dream, And ne'er at least like me awake !" " One should our interests and our passions be My friend must hate the man that injures me." " Who dares think one thing, and another tell, My heart detests him as the gates of hell !" The immense concourse of ladies wliicli filled the saloons of the " St. Charles " on the morning of the testified the sentiments which prevailed, and unanimity of heart-felt interest in the noble cause, they each and every one espoused. The moming too seemed to smile on the efibrts of these patriotic women, who left their homes and childi-en to look after the comfort of their noble volunteers. On foot and in OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. Ill carriages came the daughters of the South, all and every one but too anxious to be first to place then- name amongst those most willing to serve their country, but it would be a difficult problem to solve, as at one and the same moment ari'ived, the pedestrian and the more opulent, who rolled to the doors in their carriages. The meeting Avas soon called to order by Madame , and after some two hours, the regulations bemg formed and the places of meeting being decided upon, the assembly adjourned, sine die^ but not until they had appointed a place of rendezvous for those in the paid employ of the committee, A spacious room at the corner of Canal and Camp Streets was the place decided upon for the seamstresses of the committee, and Madame L w^as aj)pointed to the charge of this department, while Mesdames Gardame and Millendon were authorized to receive all donations for the society. Mesdames L , F , T , R , were chosen to present subscription hsts, and to Misses de Villerie and Clarendon were given the charge of the flag department, with the request of the committee that Miss de YiUerie should design the same. The forethought of the ladies seemed to embrace everythhig which might contribute to the wants of a soldier, and to the comfort of a camp life. One was appointed to receive lint bandages, and jelKes, for the wants of the sick soldiers, while others were to receive shirts, drawers, and socks, for the comfort of those who were well. As the President of the Committee parted from Miss de Villerie, she said, " I trust you will have yom- drapeau in reachness for the sabbath, as we ^dsh you to present it to the battalion." 112 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; " I shall not fail to do so," said Miss de Villerie, " as the fair hands of Misses Clilton and Clarendon, as also Madame Bienvenu have volunteered to assist me in the work of love." " Certainement,'' these ladies responded, while Madame Bienvenu continued, " I assure you it will be a pleasure to set the stitches in a flag which shall wave trium- phant over om- foe, and it will be more agreeable still to think that as many foes as there are stitches shall fall on the spot over which it shall ever wave victorious." "Ah, ma chhe amie^ you seem to be sanguinary, but I am happy to thmk though you wish our enemies amii- Iiilated, that you do not display that blood-thii'sty feeling after all which has immortalized the Chicago young lady, who, it is well knoT^m, said ' that if the South did secede, and war ensued, she would have what she most of all thmgs wished as an ornament, viz., a necklace of the eyeballs of Southern men,' which her beau^ or lover, has promised to bring her." " Mon Dieu! what fiendish cruelty. I tliink a woman Avho could give birth to such an idea worthy of the most cruel death that could be inflicted, and after death to undergo eternal pmiishment," said Madame Bienvenu. *' Oh, no," she went on, " though I trust om' foes may be defeated, and suJBfer for their wrongs and insults, yet such punishment, or the idea of it, could not origiaate in the mmd of either a woman or man, but only a fiend incarnate ; and all I have to say for this young lady is that if she had existed in the time of om- Sasaour, he might have been called upon to dispossess her of a fiend, as none but one possessed could ever dream of such a thing ; or had she lived at that time she would possibly have whispered OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. II3 something into the ear of Ilcrod ^vliich would have sug- gested a more agonising death, if, indeed, there could be one more terrible, for om* Saviour. Yes, I will pay her the compliment that in cruelty she sm-passes the most refined ideas of the Jews or Romans." "I agree with you," said Miss de Villerie. "No teaman can ever entertain such feehngs. Woman's heart has but two feelings which are natural, namely, love and pity. Revenge is not part of a true woman's nature, and hatred has no part in her breast. When her foe lies bleeding, her resentment is gone, be the wound literal or allegorical, and she flies to render all the assistance in her power, and to pom- into his gaping wounds the balm of Gilead. Such is woman, the minis^ termg angel in adversity, the sage comisellor in pros- perity. But, come, let us go ; time flies, and we forget our bamier is to wave on Tuesday next over the heads of our brave battalion." The ladies were soon in theii' carriages and on their way to Resale, where they had soon arrived, and were busying themselves cutting and se^^ing long strips of red and white, and embroidering white stars upon the blue ground. "i¥a c/iere Natahe," said Miss Clifton, looking up from her embroidery, "I am told the Count has left us for his native shore. How could you let him leave, when you might have retained him ?" "Yes, Count Beauharnais has left us, and it would have afforded me pleasm-e to have had him remain ; but I do not hnagine that I could have influenced his actions." " Ah, ma chere Natalie, soijez sincere, you cannot deny I 114 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; but what you held liiiu entliralled, and that it must have been a strong power that dispelled his hopes. There are not many who would be willing to let a coronet slip so easily from their grasp. Do you know," she remarked in a low tone, "that report says you rejected Clarence Belden to marry Count Beauliamais." As she said this she glanced up, and became silent, when she saw the agonized expression of ^liss de Yil- lerie, who first crimsoned, and then paled, but sustaining her coiu'age she left the room in a few minutes, but was quickly followed by Miss Clifton, who said, tlii'ow- ing her arms around the convulsed form of ^liss de Yillerie, " Forgive, oh forgive me, Natalie ; indeed, in- deed, I did not intend to wound you. You know I did not," she weepingly cried. " Oh, how could I have been so thoughtless ! Tell me, oh tell me you forgive me, my own dear fi-iend, whom for w^orlds I would not v\'ound in thought, word, or deed." " ;My darling Cornie, forgive ? you were forgiven ere you asked. What is there to forgive? Nought can come between thee and me, my darlmg, but pardon me if I caused you one moment's anxiety by an emo- tion that I camiot resist. But,* oh ! Coitqc, never until this moment have I breathed to other than my cherished guardian one word of that which has sepa- rated us for ever. I , Clarence, and myself Yes, Cornie, it was as you predicted, Clarence espoused the cause of his native State, and thus we are sundered from each other, as far apart as the North and South pole. But, oh, Cornie, if it should be as you say, that the world ^\dth its foolish, heartless babbhng, shall say as you have said, and that it reaches Clarence, he OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 115 may tliink that it is indeed for rank and unbounded wealth I have cast from me tlie holy ties of long, long years, but time shall prove how fondly I was his until he declared liimself my country's foe. Yes, I was and am his, and though we meet no more here, Cornie, I shall be his in heaven." " Oh speak not thus, Natalie, my friend of friends, you will meet again to be happy, I trust, when war's stern voice shall cease to be heard within om' pleasant homes, and when once again you will be the brilhant, gay Natalie of yore. Hope for the brightest, whatever betide." " No bright sun shall ever rise to me again, Cornie ; I have sacrificed my happiness on my comitry's altar, and never again shall bliss on earth be mine ; but pardon this weakness, my dear Cornie, I did not mean to betray it and thus distress you. Come, I shall summon courage to bear the next shock, and now let us descend to our friends." They were soon within the room where the laches were employed, and seating themselves they commenced the embroidery of the stars. " I assm-e you, Miss de Villerie, you deserve to have conferred on you L'etoile de Legion d'Hoimeur, you have embroidered these so beautifully," said Madame Bienvenu, as she glanced over the shoulder of Miss de Villeiie and caught sight of the beautiful golden stars which seemed to sparkle as in the firmament on then- rich azure ground- work. " Thank you for your graceful compliment, Madame Bienvenu, but as I have no aspirations for any insignia of favour that Royalty can bestow, I shall feel perfectly happy in the legion of brave soldiers that shall stand I 2 116 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; beneath these stars, and fight for not me, but all the fair sex, and whose life-blood will flow to protect their standard." " Oh, I am well aware of your very independent and truly American spirit, but feel surprised that you should have no ambition to win the smiles of royalty. I am sure, had I confeiTed a less compliment on our friend, Madame L- , of world-wide reputation, she would scarcely have thanked me. Nothing less than a royal compliment would be noticed by her." " Yes, I am quite well aware of om* friend's weak- ness, and have felt amused at her conversation in regard to the nobility with whom she mingled dm-ing her brief sojourn abroad. I have often been surprised that a lady who had held a position in her own coimtry could have ever so far forgotten the nobility of self as to pay the cornet to rank which she did." "It is not at all strange to me," said Madame Bienvenu, " anxious to shine in a sphere herself, to which she was a stranger, she deemed it more politic (which it certainly was) to serve than to act as her predecessors had done, she stooped therefore to cuny favom' where an American lady would not more than condescend. The glare and tinsel of coiu*t, accom- panied ^\\i\\ its show of pomp and ceremony, had she been a ti-ue American would have been in ridicvJous contrast with our simple and unpretending ceremonies at the " Wliite House," where all alike receive the smile and greeting of our President ; but she is evidently one of the kind who would pass carelessly by the humble violets of life, which are covered in their modest simphcity with theh green leaves, emitting then- OK, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. Il7 fragrance unseen, to revel in the rank odours of a sun- flower, Avliicli would more flatteringly turn its broad coarse disk towards her, as its height would command her respect. But she is no representative of an American lady. No, an American lady would make these scions of princely races feel how much greater to be an American, each free and independent, than be the foot- stool of hereditary greatness. I am astonished that she should have been as well received even, as it is generally the case, that those whom we seek to please most, we generally succeed least with." " I am not at all surprised, Madame Bienvenu, as after a twenty-five years' diplomacy with foreign countries, through the medium of every sprig of nobility that appeared on our shores, and the entertaining at her home of every traveller of note, she was certainly entitled to some notice ; it would be more than rude had those whom she entertained, and for whom slie strained every nerve to serve, as well as the strain of her purse-strings, treated her otherwise than cour- teously." " But why is she so silent now ?" said Miss Clifton ; " she who is always the first in the public arena ; w^hat can be the cause of ]ier silence at this time ? Surely, noiL\ she were excusable for appearing where before she might have been censured for even speaking^ " Ah, my dear young lady," said Madame de Y , " her politics are like Talleyrand's. ' Show me the vic- torious banner, and I'll tell you on which side I am.' " So said he, and so says oiu* female diplomatist. She would not endanger her popularity by such an impru- dent step as to side with either, but like our Saviour 118 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; and King James, I say, " Those not with us are against us." "So say I," said Miss C , "but you a^II find many, Kke Madame L . It is not eveiy one who is possessed of that innate independence to act without regard of consequences, and according to dictates of conscience. Yes, rest assured it is pohcy, and this alone, that keeps this modern Countess of Blessington so quiet. Her voice has been raised on all other subjects, wliy not on tliis ? Policy ! It must indeed be a stern policy wliich should dictate to a woman silence in such a cause." "I would breathe my sentiments, and speak them boldly in the face of friend and foe," said Miss deVillerie. " In a moment such as this, one should recognise no claim save their country's ; friendsliip, affection, esteem, and love should be banished far from our breasts, if it is to make cravens of us in our hour of trial. Let the tie of our coimtry's love first be strengthened, and after- wards let us find room in oiu* hearts for other. Male- dictions rest upon the head of those Tarpeias who would sell their countiy's fair fame for golden favours of the enemy, and may the fate of Rome's recreant daugh- ter be that of all lukewarm persons, who, by their c(m- duct display the traitor or the craven. Too many of the kind have dwelt in our midst, and it is necessary that our land should be rid of these moles, who plot in the dark, and undermine with their subterranean ma- chiner}^ the foundation of our most glorious institjitions. Xow is the time to judge Mend from foe ; now is the time the pruning knife should be placed at the root, to eradicate the budding imperfections of the glorious OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE 119 Confederate tree, whose branches shall o'ershaclow the earth, and whose blossoms shall be ' defiance^ — whose fruit ^ victory y " Bravo^ ma chere Mademoiselle," said Judge S , who had entered unperceived, and stood silently admir- ing the eloquence of Miss de Villerie ; " Bravo ! Such an advocate in our cause is sufficient guarantee of success." " Welcome to Rosale, tlirice welcome, Judge S ," said Miss de Villerie, advancing towards her guest, " and permit me to assure you I am not alone in my sentiments, as each of my fair lady friends here ex- pressed tliemselves with quite as much spiiit, but I was only fortunate in being heard." " By no means, Miss de Villerie ; to you we most unhesitatingly and unanimously accord the palm of patriotism, and to you alone there seems to be given an inspired voice in advocating yoiu- sentiments," said Madame Bienvenu, " but we, though unable to express om'selves in the same glowing terms and speech, nevei-theless feel the justice and truth of all you say. You knoAv, Judge, it is not all who share the gift be- stowed on Isaiah. " Ah, my dear Madame, I would still suppose, from my knowledge of the ladies, and from their powers of oratory, that, like Elijah's mantle, it was cast upon them as an inheritance, ere he left this terrestial sphere, his power of persuasion Avas certainly transmitted to one, whose lips I have myself seen glow as though touched by living coals, whatever cause she espoused." " I thank you," said Miss de Villerie, " in the name of my sex, for this graceful compliment ; and now I pre- sume, Judge, we ladies are indebted for this visit to the 120 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; complimentar\^ rumour which lias been spread abroad relative to our handiwork, and the design of the flag, which was originated within these walls, and in the fertile brains of the ladies whom you see present." " I will admit, fair lady, that such is the object of my visit, and I feared I would be compelled to return A\'itliout gTatifying my very laudable curiosity, as your porter informed me our sex were entirely excluded from these meetings ; but on informing him of my septe- genarian claims to entrance to these sacred precincts, and assm-ing him that I possessed no attractions to dis- tract the demoiselles from then' occupation, I was per- mitted to enter on my own responsibility. I think had I remained silent, I could have proven conclusively there were no Freemasons in your society, as you all seemed so intent on your own affairs, that I tliink I could have made my exit undiscovered, had not Miss de Villerie's oratory drawn forth the exclamation which betrayed my presence." " Then," said Miss Clifton, " we are indebted to ]\liss de Yillerie, for had you remained longer, we know not what denouement might have been made, and it is wt^II there were no traitorous sentiments expressed, or you might have brought us before the grand jmy for these Roland assemblies." " On the contrary, dear Miss Clifton, I should doubt- less, by force of logic, be converted to yom* piinciples, and joined your meetings." " Judge," said Miss Clarendon, *' I tliink you more comphmentary than sincere ^s-ith om- sex." " Ah, my fair sceptic, what proof can I give of my honesty ? I fear, however, as you are all sceptical, I OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 121 shall be even compelled to acknowledge more gallantry than one of my age is entitled to, to rid myself of yonr accusation of insincerity. But come, ma chere, bring forth this gonfldon, and I will pass sentence on its worth, and rest assured you shall have my ideas upon it in all candour, if I do not give them on yom' sox sufficiently so." Miss de Villerie noAV advanced, bearing the flag, and firmly planting the silver staff on the floor (whose silver tip was surmounted with gold), the broad and stream- ing banner almost fell to the floor, in its heavy silken folds. A blue union, with seven golden stars of the first magnitude surrounding a silver embroidered mag- noHa tree, whose branches overshadowed emblems of the different agricultural products of the state, while a pelican d'argent rested with outstretched wings upon the topmost limb, and underneath the tree, by the margin of a lake, were discovered the female pelican feeding her young, while far above both tree and pelican were seen the stars of the Old Union, growing " beau- tifully less" in the dim horizon, as they were eclipsed by the brilliancy of the mystic seven. The whole surrounded by this motto, " We live and die for those we love." Three horizontal stripes, red, white, and red. The first red and white extending from the imion to the end of the flag, and the lower red stripe con- tinuing the whole length of the flag, occupying the entire space below the union. The stripes all of equal w^idth, while bordering the whole was a rich golden fi'inge " Now, Judge, tell us what you think of our ensign," said ]\Iiss de Villerie, " as all the ladies are present to 122 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; receive yom* opinion? I fear fi'om your countenance, however, that you do not Hke oiu* design, if so, suggest an improvement, and ^ye -will be most happy to act upon it." "My face. Miss de Yillerie, is but a poor muTor of my thoughts, if such a sentiment is expressed. I most assuredly admu-e your skill and taste ; nothing could be more beautiful, and the warrior sm-mounting the staff TN-ith his sword drawn is the most apt device that could be imagined. The pehcan, about to plume its ^\dngs for flight, while beneath repose his mate and young, is emblematic of those who now leave their homes and children under the protecting shadow of the Confederacy, and go forth to win laui-els on the gory field. It is both apt and beautiful, and too great praise, Miss de Yillerie, cannot be awarded to yoiu'self and yom- noble companions. It is cei*tainly the most beautiful of all the state standards tliat I have seen. I am only sony that these Alpine hairs are too numerous on my brow, or I should be proud to form one of those who ^\'ill fight beneath its folds, but I trust my son Ts^ill do honour to liis father's name, and to that of his country and state." " Ah !" said :\Iiss de Yillerie, " no doubt of that. We have not forgotten his father's claim to our lasting gratitude for liis noble actions, which called forth the benedictions of our people in the war of 1812, A^dth oiu- more ancient foes, and the strong arm who helped to send those British curs howling from our shores ' Like father hke son,' so may it prove, as I have no doubt it ^\lIl in the present case." " Thank you. Miss de Yillerie, for yom- graceful com- OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 123 pliment. Your memory is no less praiseworthy than yom- taste and genius, hut I fear, if Madame Bienvenu's friend were here he woiikl not reHsh the latter part of your remark, eh, Madame ?" "I cannot be prude enough to affect not to com- prehend you. Judge, and if it is to Lord Ethelred you refer, I ^^dll answer for him that he is too loyal a supporter of the remnant of the Bruce and Wallace spirit which exists in his native land, to care for a thrust aimed at the breast of the ferocious and blood-thu'sty Taurus, whose horns are ever ready to pierce the hearts of the weak and unguarded, and whose portentous bellowmgs proclaim his deeds of oppression and ini- quity. Be assiu-ed he is now standuig off in his rich clover pastm-e chewing the cud of speculation, and lookmg at our proceedings with dull, sleepy eyes, but interested and avaricious heart. Whatever your senti- ments are towards our transatlantic cousins, or however bitter they may be, they are not more so, be assured, than are Lord Ethelred's. There are hearts ready to tear in pieces the first gladiator who shall enter the arena, and I assm-e you tliey need no bait to encourage them." " I am really indebted to you, Madame Bienvenu," said Miss O'Gara, " for your expressions in regard to my foes, for I beheve I claim it as an hereditary privilege to detest a nation who left my ancestors penniless, and who, because they could not change then- rehgion mth as much ease as Harry the Eighth coidd his wives, and Luther his principles, were disinherited and cast out from their ancestral homes to wander, some to Spain, and others to America, to seek asylum wherever they could from oppression." 124 THE HEROIXE OF TIIE COXFEDERACY ; " Ladies, je are stancli friends, but unrelenting foes, and tliougli I accord ^atli you in your sentiments, they are nevertheless tres amere^ " Yes, they are bitter. Judge, I ovn\, but not com- pared to the gall which constitutes the life-blood of those Anglo-Saxon barbarians." " It is true, indeed, Madame, that their blood seems to be of gall, and not such as com'se in rich generous streams tln-ough the hearts of other nations. And now, ladies, I will say bon soir, as I feel I have already tres- passed too far on your time and courtesy. To-moiTow, I presume, I shall again have the pleasui'e of seeing you, when we shall meet to present to our noble volun- teers this standard, which yom- fair hands have executed. Au revoiry As he said these words, Judge S bowed most gracefully to the ladies and T\'ithdrew. "Well, ladies," said Miss Clifton, "we have finished, and now it remains for Miss de Yillerie to gTace our labour, and her own exquisite taste, by presenting this banner." " Which I shall not fail to do on the moiTow, in the name of my sex," responded our heroine. " Miss de Yillerie, we T\dll now say adieu, with affec- tionate remembrances to Madame de Breuil, and the Judge, whom we tnist to see to-moiTow." "Adieu, mes cheres amies,'' said Miss de Yillerie, and soon tjie last carriage had rolled out of the grounds, when Miss de Yillerie sought her chamber to seek repose, and prepare for the approaching ceremony, which was but five horn's off. Aiu'ora's roseate hands were just unfolding her tissue-like veil to display more fully the visage of the gentle goddess, whose most gracious smiles were bestowed upon her votaries. In donning her OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 125 robes of green, gold, and azure, she seemed to hasten to the scene to which the vast concourse seemed advancing. It was but seven o'clock and all the youth and beauty of the city of New Orleans were out, some in carriages, others on foot, but all hastening to the cathech-al of St, Louis, where already the deep tones of the organ were swelling through the arches of the magnificent building. Enter with us reader, with gentle tread, and let us witness the ceremony. This way, for the aisles are already filled with the richly-dressed soldiers of the battaHon, and their magnificently attu-ed officers, Avhile every pew and niche is crowded, almost to suffocation, with the elite and beauty of the Crescent City. How gorgeous and pictm^esque is the effect the Avhole scene presents. The glowing rays of the bright morning sunbeams stealing in through the beautifully-stained windows, mingling with the red light of the uinumer- able wax tapers, tmging the rich draperies of the altar and its glittering vessels of gold and silver, with a party-coloured light, the stalwart forms of the stern soldiers, clad in their rich uniforms of varied tints, the men like bronzed statues with their dark eyes and beards, and stern and handsome forms ; the women fairer somewhat, but wearing an heroic expression on their lovely faces ; the array of priests, with their venerable bishop in his pm-ple robes, and the procession of youths in their dresses of crimson silk and white lace, added to a scene which surpasses the powers of description to pom-tray; while rich and odoriferous incense rose and filled the vast cathedral, and cast a hazy veil over the scene, both deep and impressive, which obscm-ed some- 126 THE HEROIXE OF TIIE CONFEDERACY ; what the rich frescoes of the ceiling, but added a more solemn air to the ceremony. At length the Lisliop advanced in front of the congregation, when ]\Iiss de Vil- lerie came forward ^^'ith her procession of lathes, and knelt before the altar dming the consecration of the banner ; Avhen, rising as the last words of the benechction were given, she placed her hand npon the staff of the flag wliich was supported by Gen. , and in a few grace- ful and unpressive words presented it in the name of the ladies of Xew Orleans. As the last words died on her lips there rose upon the ear a strain so rich, so inspuiiig, from the hundi'ed chanteurs in the choh, as is seldom heard on earth, and nowhere equalled unless m Rome (who yet retains a moiety of her ancient grandeiu'). Slow and sad it rose at first, but gradually quickening, the anthem pealed through the vaulted cathedral, and as the battalion marched out, each ftice expressed a deter- mination to die beneath the magnificent standard rather than yield to the foe, and eveiy soldier seemed to feel insphed with a divine courage as reverently they left the house of God, and to the sound of thefr own band proceeded to the steamer which was to bear them to the scene wliich would soon, they anticipated, be one of deadly strife. The steamer has moved ojff from the wharf amidst the loud huzzas of the multitude and the signalhng of friends — the last farewell to many, perhaps, had been spoken, and some have " parted for years, and it may be for ever;" and now the pearly tears are com'sing down the cheeks of many a fafr gfrl who had restrained them for " his sake," or lest a betrayal of her own weak- ness should unnerve him for the coming conflict. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 127 Farewell, brave soldiers ! your wives, your cliildren, yoiu* liomes and firesides, ye have looked upon, per- cliance, for the last time on earth. Blush not for the rising tear which dims your vision of the loved object you are parting from, for lo]ig ere ye meet again, if ever, the grass will have sprung over the breasts of many a loved one whose eye shone bright at parting, but whose quivering lip bespoke the suppressed grief within. God bless ye, noble men, ye are leaving homes of luxmy and ease for the hard and trying scenes of camp life. Your beds of down A\dll be exchanged for hard earth, and your only canopy often will be the spangled firmament. But ye are happy in the thought that ye will bequeath to posterity names whose glory shall vie with those of Greece or Rome, whose luitarnished lustre shall shine on history's page when the poor form of clay shall be mouldering into dust, and whose memory will breathe inspu-ation into the breasts of the youth of future ages. Then blessings on ye, noble soldiers, where'er ye go. Among the last caniages that homeward turned fi-om the wharf were the magnificent equipages of Judge de Breuil and Colonel Clifton. In that of the former were seated Miss Clifton, Miss de Yillerie, and Colonel Clifton, while in the latter were seen Madame Bienvenu, Madame de Breuil, and Judge de Breuil. As the carnages slowly tm^ned, Miss Clifton leaned forward to catch one other parting glimpse of her brother, who stood upon the deck of the steamer, in his appearance reminding one forcibly of a description of one of Ossian's heroes. " In peace thou art a gale of spiing, in war the mountain stonn." His golden hair 128 TirE HEROINE OF TIIE CONFEDERACY ; shone like a halo round his classic face, and in beauty he seemed a very Adonis. " Farewell, my brother, my darling brother," sobbed Miss Clifton, while her slight form seem con^mlsed Avith grief, " you have left us, I feel, for ever. I shall never again hear thy loved voice, never again wait to welcome thee at t^^dlight's horn', when night seemed only to draw her veil around where thou wert not. For, oh! my brother, I lived, I breathed in the sunshine of your bright, noble, happy face, and now all is darkness m our home. Has not indeed om' day-star sped ? Alas ! yes, for it is only night where thou art not Oh, my dear brother, my oa\^i dear brother, we have parted to meet no more on earth. I feel thou art lost to my earthly vision for aye ; but Beverly, far from the pains and ills of life, -in that starry world beyond the clouds, and beyond the tomb; 'in that mansion of whose beauty' eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive, there, my brother, there shall we meet once more, and thou shalt know me as thy own dear sister. Yes, there I shall find thee, like St. John, resting on the bosom of thy God. Yes, Beverly, forewell until that last meeting." Miss de Yillene, whose own heart was aching, and down Avhose pale cheeks the tears com'sed, gently stole her arm around Miss Clifton, and said, "Do not weep thus, my friend. I feel it is sad to part, and trymg it must be with yom' only brother ; but remember it is not all who enter the field of battle that are slain. Your brother is brave, and has proved it ere to-day; then trust that lie vnU. retm-n as formerly." " Oh, dear Natalie, it is for this I fear. I know him OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 129 to be brave. No, bravery is not the word. He is more than brave; he is Mars himself; and kno^ving tliis, I fear for him the more, simple victory will not content him ; it mnst be a complete triumph, or death." " My daughter," said Colonel Clifton, who had up to this moment sat silent, almost choking with emotion, "yom- brother will retm-n to us ere long, and your tears will be changed to joyful exultations. He Avill, I feel, Avin laurels for himself and family. At all events, my daughter, he has offered liimself as a victim to his country's god ; and though he is my only son, I have freely sent him forth to fight for his native land, and should Almighty God see proper to take him hence, in the flower of his age, and thus bereave me, I shall only bow this grey head of mine in resignation to the Divine fiat, who thus chasteneth me. Then, my daughter, be hopef\il, be cheerful ; it is time sufficient to prepare for the shower when the sky becomes clouded." Thus he sought to cheer her, though his own heart was sore and hea^T-. It was all in vain ; her tears flowed, and would have washed to view a bed of dia- monds had they fallen on the mine, so bitter was her woe. She was no picture of Niobe, she was Niobe herself "I imagine," said Miss de Villerie, ''that a speedy contest is at hand in Virginia, and I daily anticipate the news of a great battle." "Yes," said Colonel Clifton, "our armies are ap- proaching each other rapidly, and the cry with om- foes seems to be ' On to Richmond.' " " Affairs are indeed portentous at present, and I think this war will not be a very short one. Nor would I have 130 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; it a brief struggle, unless it slioukl result in complete indepeuclence. I would rather, if 1 were a man, share the fate of William Tell and his brave companions, and flee to the mountain fastnesses, to make my home with the beasts of the forests and birds of tlie aii', than consent to any measm'e that did not establish perfect separation and freedom, if it takes years to accomplish, — let us in the end be free, and separate." " Yes, this is the only compromise that ever can, or ought to be made," said Colonel Clifton, "but it is one that never ^dll be, only at the point of the bayonet, and much blood. Yes, rivers will flow ere this." They were now arrived at Judge de Breiul's, and ]\Iiss de Yillerie politely requested Colonel Clifton and his daughter to remain to dumer. They respectfully decHned, and entered their own can'iage that had just arrived with the other party, and drove home. Madame Bienvenu dined ^dth i\Iiss de Yillerie, and retm'ned to the city in the evening, where she made one of a most brilliant soiree at Madame D 's, as she had no one in particular for whom to grieve amongst the departed battalion, she was the gayest of the gay, being as usual accompanied by her (now ^awcee) Lord Ethelred. She shone the star of the everdng, and many 'were the en^'ious glances cast upon her by the young ladies, and the young (old) ladies whom Lord Ethelred had fumid favoin- Avith, but for one smile of the mdow he would have yielded all other marks of favom\ Report said she was soon to be Lady Ethelred (a pretty name, is it not ?) — I do not know. Time, who proves all things, will tell, and who, ^A^ith his usual good sense, reveals nought luitil the proper moment. 131 CHAPTER X. ** By the hope within us springing, Herald of to-morrow's strife ; By that sun, whose light is bringing Chains or freedom, death or life — Oh ! remember life can be No charm for him who lives not free ! Like the day-star in the wave, Sinks a hero in his grave." The voice of mom-ning is already heard ^\dtliin our Southern homes. List to the swelling wails that arise from our midst. Hark ! 'tis the sobs of a mother, wife, and friends, for one of Louisiana's fairest, brightest, and most gifted sons. The brilliant orator, and the brave warrior, were never better illustrated than hi the person of C. D. Drew, since the days of Pericles, but, unhke his ancient protot^^e, he did not hve to see his country's enemies vanquished, but died nobly in defence of his native land. Gifted and brave, his voice was one of the first raised for secession, and he willingly went forth to contend against the foe with his vahant little band. Affable, Idnd, and noble in demeanour, together ^ith a person Avhich Apollo might have envied, he Avon all hearts to himself, and we folt as we gazed upon the K 2 132 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; placard wliicli met the eye at every corner, and in gleaming letters proclaimed a company foiTaing called the "Drew Avengeis," that it was not love of countiy alone that called it forth, but undying love for the brave young Creole, who was first among the Crescent City vouth to offer up his life, and to die at the foot of the altar erected to patriotism. Yes, his young Hfe's blood has consecrated the soil of Virginia. From eveiy drop shall sprmg a wamor, armed cap-a-jne, to revenge him ; and solemnly did that little band bear their valorous leader from the spot on which he fell, and dire and cbead was the oath they swore on the shrine of Nemesis. And now they are prepaiing to bear him to his native city, to do honour to his remains ; and now the corpse is h^ing in solemn state in the parlom* of the City Hall, where the young, the old, the great, the lowly, are wending then* way to do him reverence, and to gaze upon those featm-es which death even, Tv^th all its horrors, has not deformed. Come with us now to the home of this chieftain, wliich not many months ago he was the light and soul of I T^ill introduce you " but one day pre^^ous" to the amval of his body. Seated ui her parloui', siuTOunded by her friends, was the wife of him of whom we write, and in her arms she clasped a beautiful child. Her friends, who were all cognisant of her husband's death, gazed upon mother and child with adnuration, mingled ^\dth pity, but none could summon courage to broach the dreadful subject to her, for her heart seemed light, and to her fiiends she had never seemed happier, or more beautiful, than on this sad morning. In vain they essayed to introduce the sub- ject, and though they discussed many things, that which OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 133 was nearest to the heart seemed farthest, and most difficult for expression, and the tears were wellmg to many eyes. At kst Mrs. Drew, observmg their grave looks, remarked, " I know not why yon are all looking so sad this morning. As for me, I have never felt happier in my life ; that is," she added gaily, "in the absence of Charles." At length her brother-in-law entered, and said to her, " I have sad news for yon, Mollie ; but you must meet it with fortitude. Mollie, Charles is dead. He was killed, and they are bearing his body home; but look upon it with strength, and God will help you." She gazed at him incredulously, and then laughed, saying, " Ah, my dear brother, you cannot deceive me ; you think me credulous enough to believe anything, but I know this is not true." Then seeming in a moment to realize the truth of what he had told her, from the countenances of those around her, she gave one piercing scream, and fell fainting in the arms of her brother. Language is madequate to describe the grief of the desolate Avife. Her life seemed only to return to display more plainly before her her heavy loss, and convulsion succeeded convulsion until nature seemed exhausted, and she lay calm in her desolation and grief, like a beautiful ruin over which the moonlight tln'ows its charm, adding a ten-fold beauty to this lonely one. Madly she pressed her cliild to her bosom, and wdldly she called upon its father's name, but, alas! he was deaf to her entreaties, till both babe and mother wept themselves to sleep, while the angel of sorrow enshrouded them with liis T\dngs. Stricken ^vife, fatherless babe, and 134 THE IIEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; lieart-broken mother and fiiends, ye are but types of the many wliose tears sliall floAv ere the fierce ]\Iars shall be appeased. It is not one hecatomb, but many, that shall be slain, and may the presentiment of death, which must, and could alone have dictated the following letter of him of whom I write, nerve your arms to write like- wise, when writing to those ye love, that your country, and T\qfe too, may claim you alilve. " Come what may, my dear, I belong to my country, and you know you belong to me." But read for yourselves, a letter teem- ing with loyalty and noble affection : — "Richmond, Va. "June 18th, 18C1. " Dear Mollie, " I TVTote to you a long letter yesterday, and as if Providence wished to encoui'age me in writing to my o^n dear MolHe, I received almost at the same time a long, most welcome, and long-wished-for letter from you. It makes my heart beat ^vith emotions of noble patriotism when I read the bm-ning words of inspu'ation that flow from your pen. In ftict, 1 have read a few passages of yom- letter to my fellow-soldiers, and every one ardently w^shed that he had such a brave and noble-hearted wife. The days of poHtical differences and party are gone, and only one spirit animates us all. The invaders are at om* gates, and they MUST be repelled. You have doubtless before this read of the glorious victory achieved by our troops a few days ago at Bethel Chm'ch. I have seen and conversed ^-ith eye-witnesses of the battle. The Yankees ran away Hke whipped curs, leaving for over five miles, all their muskets, canteens, knapsacks, etc., on, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 135 on the groniid. It was a perfect rout, a complete defeat. The moral effect produced by that exploit on the part of our troops is not easily to be estimated. The Southern Vohmteers are all awake, and ' eager for the fray,' and Richmond looks like a ' Champ dollars,' so many soldiers are seen around it. You hear nothing here but the soiuid of the drums, the piercing notes of the fife, and rumbling of heavy waggons, loaded with war baggage. Troops move every day and every hour. To tell you the truth, my dear, we also have to move ; the orders have just been received by me from the Adjutant-General, and the camp is now in a stir, preparing to move army and baggage. We are ordered from this place to York- town, within eight miles of the enemy's Ime, and with most glorious prospects of an early and good brush. When there, we shall be under command of Colonel Magruder, who succeeded so well in the debut at Bethel Chm'ch. The boys are delighted ^dth the prospect before them, and we are all m the highest glee. May the God of battles smile upon us. Cheer up, my dear wife ; I have brave hearts and strong arms to sustain and cheer me on, and I feel confident of the result ; many a noble son of Louisiana may fall by my side, and I may be the first to bite the dust, but rest assm-ed that they or I will always be worthy of the esteem and respect of our countrymen, and endeavour to deserve well of our country. When I reach Norfolk I shall write agam, and give you full particulars. Rest assured until you hear from me, or until the telegraph gives you bad news of our expedition. Come what may, my dear, I belong to my countiy, and you belong to me ; one in all, all in one, we owe our duty and oiu- lives to both. Were you as 136 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; good and brave a man as you are a true and noble woman, I know I would have you by my side, fighting ^vith all your might the base and miserable invaders. Excuse me, dearest, for the digression. To-moiTow we leave for the seat of war. What to-morrow ^vli\ biing forth I know not, but tln-ough prosperity or adversity, opulence or poverty, secm-ity or danger, 1 am still your own Charles. " Tell father I am ashamed to promise to A\i'ite, for he may know I shall break my promise. Kiss one and all for me at home ; press om- sweet little one to your heart, and tell her to love and cherish you, for the sake of her papa. "Yom- own Charles." This epistle needs no comment. To the heart of every patriot, husband, and fathei', it speaks in thiilling language, and long after peace shall smile upon us, that page on which this touchuig letter is inserted, shall be tm-ned to and read, while tears shall bedew the lines which were traced by him, whose form is mouldering to dust, but who still exists in the hearts of his people. This brief letter was traced by the patriot husband and father ; it is these who speak, and not the orator, states- man, or warrior. Of his own, and to his own was it written, and flowed from liis pen with all the ease with which the silent stream courses onward to the great river, for it flowed from liis heart. Here is display of no rhetorical and pompous language, which so often is traced by the pen, but so seldom emanates fi'om the heart. In his lone and distant camp he -^Trote to her, who was the choice of his youth, and whom he was never again OPx, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 137 to beliold, and to her lie poured forth his last thoughts. Two objects of love seemed to possess his entire being, and like a Christian who, standing on the confines of eternity, is offered on the one hand a teiTCstrial kingdom, wdiere he shall rule as king, and on the other a celestial and eternal mheritance, where he shall be subject of none save God ; who, with the fliith of a Christian yields his earthly for heavenly bliss, and closes his eyes to all, save his implicit trust in the Divine assurance, so he closed his eyes on the alluring joys of home, and fol- lowed where duty led, confident in the noble sense of honour and justice. For his native land he resigned these, and to-day it proves that it is not ungrateful nor mimindful of the sacrifice and wrongs. From early dawn the whole city seemed astir, and now it was approaching the hour for his burial. Up and down the streets rode officers, while sentinels were placed at the corners of all the principal thoroughfares, and with their pointed bayonets repelled the mass, which otherwise would have blockaded the way of the pro- cession, but which, thus diiven back, stood on either side of the pavement, like the moving, rolling waves of the ocean, wliile the space between reminded one forcibly of the passage of the Red Sea. Every balcony, window, doorway, or niche was crowded with anxious spectators, who came from far and near to gaze for the last time upon the youthful hero's mortal remains. Eulogies fell fi'om every lip and voice, as CA^ery one proclaimed the departed's merit. But silence, like a spell, flills upon the crowd. Every voice seems hushed, and not a breath seems to float upon the ah', for the procession is seen in the distance advancing, and the 138 THE IIERUIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; dirge-note and solemn beat of tlie muffled drum break upon the ear. Slowly it advances, lieaded by the band, whose instruments were draped in mourning; then came a company of cavalry, followed by several other companies of foot and horse, vriili furled and draped standards; then came carnages beaiing the bishop and clergy, the former, as also the latter, arrayed in their robes, next to which (smToimded by a small number of his company, who had amved from Virginia, as the escort of his remains) came the corpse, enclosed in a magnificent cofl&n of rosewood, and resting on g-un carriages (while, by its side, walked an Afiican groom, leading his splendid charger, elegantly caparisoned). A magnificent pall of black velvet drooping below, while bannerets and floatmg streamers waved from each festoon, above Avhich were flowers of rich fragance, as also on eveiy portion of the caniage, and breathed their sweet incense aroimd him. Then followed all the other mihtary companies — cavalry, artillery, and foot ; wliile the procession wound up by carnages bearing private citizens, T\4th the students of the Jesuit College, and the oiphan bo}S brought up the rear, T^^th theii' juvenile musicians, who played a sad, sweet requiem. Slowly and reverentially wended the cortege through the principal streets ; when at last, arriving at the St. Louis Cemetery, the body was borne to its last resting- place, and there an eloquent oration was delivered over the remains ; and thus, the last religious rites having been paid, they slowly lowered liim to rest, while the bamier of the Confederacy enfolded him in its em- brace. Sadly rose the requiem on the air, as the magnificent procession turned to leave ; and fast fell OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 130 the tear-drops wliicli sprang from many hearts, as the cannon and guns were fired, and they cast a last glance on the spot which contained the body only, from which the spirit had wmged its flight to that " better land." Bitter the regrets for that young oak cut down in all its strength and beauty, but sweeter the memories of its twilight shadow. The last lingerer had left the cemetery, and when night opened her dusk eyes upon the scene, it found him " alone in his glory." There shall that body slum- ber on, in its silent repose, until those last dread words shall break the cerements of the tomb, " Arise, ye dead," &c ; when man shall don his mortal robes again, and appear in the presence of his God. Then, with the humblest subject in that vale, shall stand the C^sars, the Hannibals, the Neros, and Caligulas ; their smiles or frowns then none shall heed, and in the presence of the " King of kings " shall these tyrants tremble as then- lowliest subjects. The tyranny of a royal decree alone caused men like the above to receive homage at their death, and a royal sepulchre after; but no such compulsory means drew forth the homage to the patriot whose obsequies I have just described. Love and honour were the sole dicta- tors, and these suggested to a grateful nation the mag- nificent tribute to a -wan-ior's memory, in which none were forced to act a part that did not coincide with their sense of justice or his merit. Happy he who can descend to the grave thus, the beloved of a nation, and receiving on his tomb a nation's homage, in offerings of love and tears. These are richer tributes than the sparkling mines of Golconda or Peru could yield ; the 140 former shall live till ages roll away, and after be a proof of liis worth and deeds, who receive them before the un- yielding Judge on liigh; but the latter shall crumble and pass away with earth and all its ephemeral trea- sures. Then let tears and love alone be our offering, which shall come welling up from the heart's pm*e crystal fountain. Farewell, valiant chieftain, ^dth our tears^ and not marble^ will ^we erect to you a monu- ment, which the dust and mould of time cannot cover or efface — farewell. On an evening in the latter part of the month of July, there were assembled at Valambrosa (the residence of Colonel Clifton) a party, some of whom the reader has met before, and others to whom he will be introduced. A sultry July air rendered in-doors unpleasant, and sauntering under the piazzas and in the gardens, the guests sought refuge from the ardent heat. The elders of the party confined themselves to the house, while tiie yoimger people sought the borders of the lake, where, seated on the verdant turf, they whiled the hours away ; moored in tlie recess of some drooping '\^dllows, was a small fairy-like boat, which seemed to invite to a row on the lake, and which esp^dng, Albert la Branche (who formed one of the party, and who was now an old and expected visitor at Valambrosa) said, " Ladies, the water appears in\'iting, this evening, what say you to a row? As none seemed inchned to go on the lake, I must content myself on the side, though beyond in that dark grove, is nestling that little hut, with its glimmer- ing hght reflected in the water, it looks enchanting." " Well, come then, Mr. la Branche, since you are so anxious to explore my extensive realm," said Miss OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 141 Clifton ; " come, Miss de Yillerie will join ns in a row, if only to prove the trutli of Campbell's lines — " 'Tis distance leuds enchantment to the view." " Come," she said, " wind this horn, and our Charon ^vlLl appear." He took the shell, and ^\^nding a long note on the horn, there emerged from the Imt beyond the lake, a very old, but noble-looking negro, who advanced, and seated himself in the bottom of the boat, and ^dth two or three heavy strokes of the oar, which sent the waters scintillatmg all around him, he reached the spot to w^hich he was siunmoned. Albert la Branche placed the young ladies in the boat, and then seating himself, the old ferryman plied the oars ; soon they were in motion. "Adieu, fair ladies," said Mr. la Branche; "I am sorry you had not the necessary coin to pay your ferri- age, and as this is a ferr^mian who admits of no gallantry in paying each others' fare, I shall be forced to leave you to wander on the shores, as you lacked the proper coin, which in this case was consent." "Fear not for us," said a meny voice, "from the number that crosses, I think we shall have a much merrier time on the shores ; at least, we have, I think, the stronger party, and though victory is not always in strength, there is sometimes success in numbers, par- ticularly odd numbers." But, come, let us follow the water party. Arriving at the opposite shore, they left the skiff, and walked towards the hut. " Come let us take a peep at the mansion of this 142 TIIE HEROIXE OF TIIE COXFEljERACY ; Plutonian subject. Why ! quite a pictm-e fur an artist, is it not? All the implements for fishing, hmiting, and visitors, too," said he, advancing to the back part of the room; he stood at a door leading out under a shed, formed by large branches of the palmetto, spread over long poles ; seated there were two persons, obscm-ed entii'ely by the shade. " Come, give us an air on this instrument," said Albert la Branche, as he handed a banjo to one of the persons. " Come, play the laches a welcome to your shores ; which is the best perfonner, Ike or Joe ? " Turning rudely around, they demanded, in a gTuff voice, " For whom do you take us, Sir?" " Well, from your insolence, the place, and circum- stances," answered Albert la Branche, boldly, " I should take you for what I presume you are — ruffians ; and nothing would prevent my chastising you on the spot but the presence of these ladies, whom I shall at once convey home, and then return and attend to your case, to learn the particulars of why you are here in this place-, in the negro cabin of one of Colonel Clifton's slaves, and within the precincts of that gentleman's domain." Miss Clifton and Aliss de Yillerie, who had stepped back appalled at the first sight of these intruders, now became alarmed, and the former, trembhng \4olently, entered the hut, and placing her hand on the arm of Mr. la Branche, said — " Albert, for heaven's sake forbear, if not for yom* own, for my sake ! You know not these men, nor their intention. Come, let us go. Oh ! would that we had not come." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 143 Tims entreated, ho turned to leave, at the same time he said— "If your design is not malieious in being here this evening, I shall expect to find you on my return, when I shall be pleased to hear you prove your inno- cence, if, on tlie contrary, you are absent, it shall prove your guilt." "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" roared this pair of worthies. " Well, you talk pretty fine, young gent. I would Hke to know if you can fight as well ; I think I will try you at a round or two ; but let somebody tell us which must have kum out to protect t'other, for I'm darned if I can tell, that black-eyed girl seems to have none of the ' white feather ' about her, but I cannot say as much for you, young man; it's a pity you couldn't exchange sex." Albert la Branche, as well as the young ladies, had now reached the boat, and a deaf ear was turned to this last insulting speech. They were rowed swiftly to the other shore, and springing on to the bank, Albert la Branche assisted his companions out of the boat. The party whom they had left beside the lake had retm-ned, and they now hm-ried on towcxrds the house. " What a singular and alarming rencontre," said Miss de Villerie. " I little presumed we should meet in Charon's hut abolition spies, for such they certainly appear to be, for not even the meanest Southern white man could be found who would presume to enter a gentleman's domain and visit his slaves, as we found those to-night." "Most assuredly they are spies," said Albert la Branche ; " hisurrectionary ones, and they must certainly be looked after, and if they remain (which I feel assm-ed they will not), we will administer to them some useful 144 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; lessons ; and now, young ladies, I will say good evening, as I go to speak with Colonel Clifton, and to commmii- eate tliis strange affair." " Ma chere Natalie^'' said Miss Clifton, " excuse me for a few moments, and if you feel like retu'ing, act sans cere- mome^' and, gliding from ^liss de Yillerie's side, she placed her arm in that of Albert la Branche, and said — *' Come, dearest Albert, and promise me that you 'v\dll not retm-n to that dreadful place to-night. Oh ! that grove beyond the lake with its twinlvling light, which we so admired, now that I look back upon it after the teiTors of that interview, seems like some dismal marsh, while its light appears the ignis fatuus which leads us on to deceive us — do not retm'n, Albert ; let those men go then- way in peace, they cannot mjure us, om- slaves are faithful, and you, dear Albert, are involving yom'self in a difficulty for us and our safety ; for my sake, Albert, let this go no foi'ther." " Retire to your chamber, my darling, and fear not for my safety. I think, however, the occmTcnce of tliis evening has unstrung your nerves." Placing his hand upon her head, he bent doTvm and kissed her polished brow, and then disappeared tln'ough the library door, where Colonel Clifton sat readmg by the light of a silver lamp, which was suspended from the ceiling by richly wrought silver chams, which radiated to the four corners of the room. Hearing footsteps. Colonel Chfton raised his eyes, and then recognizuig his visitor, he arose and placed a chair with all the m'banity of a gentleman of the " old school." Time's icy touch had left its mark upon his hair and brow, and though the noble features still re- OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 145 mained, the traces of sorrow lingered in tlie deep furrows. " I trust you will pardon the unceremoniousness of tills visit when I relate to you its object." " Most assuredly, my young friend ; no apologies are necessary ; and now proceed." Albert la Branche at once entered upon the sub- ject, ^nd related the particulars of the adventure, and then said, "Colonel, I await your advice, for I wish to do nothing rash, or without consulting you." Colonel Clifton arose from his seat, and rang a bell, which was answered by his valet. " Louis, say to the overseer that I wish to see him immediately." Then seating himself, he said, " It is very evident these men have evil designs, and their true object is tampering with slaves. They must at once be sought for and punished, though as far as my negroes are concerned, I have no fear. These men have been liu-king around for some time. I have heard of their bemg seen at the quarters of several of my neighbours. As to an insiu-- rectionary movement on the part of our slaves, I have not the least apprehension, yet the interference of these men may give nse to a great deal of trouble, which by the hnmediate execution of one or two of such vile wretches, would be put an end to." The overseer now entering. Colonel Clifton, said, " Valois, have you any knowledge of the two white men who have been visiting the plantations of our neighbours, among the negro cabins, and who were found this evening in the hut of Charon across the lake ? " "No, Sir; none in the least. I have been told there were a couple of low white men loitering about L 146 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; here, but had no idea, Sir, tliey Avould dare to enter yom* grounds. But, Sir, liow came they in Charon's hut? I cannot think him capable of receiving them there without permission from you, or myself" *' I know not, Valois ; and now you will at once investigate this matter, and leave no means untried to find these men, and bring them to justice. Ring for the di'iveis, and proceed at once to Charon's cabi^, to wliich place Mr. la Branche offers to accompany you. As for myself, I am too old to be of any service. I would be more hinch-ance than help." " Come, Yalois," said Mr. la Branche, " we will not cross the lake ; we vnW go round it, and enter Charon's cabin by the back way." Leaving the house, ^Ir. la Branche, the overseer, and a few trusty slaves, pursued their way in perfect silence towards the cabin. Not a sound was heard save their footsteps. All was hushed, and the light which had glimmered from the window of the hut early in the evening: was now extiniruished, and the door half closed. The party entered and found it deserted, save by the old man, who lay in unconscious slmnber on a cot. Rousing the old negro, Valois demanded in stern tones of Charon his knowledge of his ^^sitors. The old man appeared stupefied at first, but was soon brought to liis senses by the voice of Mr. la Branche, who asked him to say at once by whose permission those men were in his cabin. "Massa, 'bout sun-doT^^l I was sittin by de lake fishin, when de fii'st ting I kn'wd, dem two men kum up behind me, and gan talkin to me. Dey frist ax'd me how many niggers in dis plantation, and den they ax'd OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 147 how long I'd been liere, and if I would'nt like to be free. I told em I was just as free as dey was, and if dat was all de business dey liad wide me, dey had better tend to dare own consams. Dey just larfed at me, and said as how I was a poor nited critter, and if I'd just foller dem dey'd lead me to liberty. Well, Massa, dey sot and talked and convarsed together ontil I got up to go to my hut, and den dey followed me in, and said dat dey VI just go wid me and take a peep at Southern nigger filigity. So dere dey sot until night, and when de horn blow'd I tought dey'd hab perliteness to leave, but dey said dey'd just sit outside until I kum back, for dey had someting ob importance to tell me. I told um I did not know what time I'd kum back, and dey'd better not wait, but dey staid arter all my hintin dat der room was better den der company." " Yes, Charon, this is all very well, and finely told, but why is it, you did not inform the young ladies and myself of those visitors, as we crossed the lake ? " " Well, you see, massa, I tought dey'd be gone, and I was just stonished as you, to find 'um still outside my back door — like eve-droppers ; ob course, when dey said dey'd sit outside, I tought, of com-se dey meent de fi-ont door, like white folks, and as I didn't see 'um dare, eluded dey was gone." " And if they had been," said Mr. la Branche, " I presume you would have said nothing of their visit, nor of what they said." " No, massa, kase dare won't no harm done." "Well, see here, old man," said Valois, "your master placed you here because he trusted you, but let me find you again harbouring such characters, and yom- age ^vill L 2 148 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; be no protection for you, but like the youngest slave you shall receive chastisement. Shall we proceed in our search, Mr. la Branche?" Albert consenting, the party started, but Yalois turn- ing round said, " Charon, which way did your visitors go?" " Don't know, massa ; dey'd gone when I kum back from t'other side de lake." Pm'suing their way around the lake, they entered cautiously, stables and carriage-houses, and eveiy possi- ble place that could serve for a hidmg-place, but all to no purpose. They had entered the boat to return across the lake, when, just as they were well seated, a shot came whizzing by Albert la Branche, and struck the overseer, wounding him but slightly. Puslmig back to shore, they sprang out, and made towards the vicinity from whence the report of the pistol came, but all in vain, they Avere nowhere to be found ; and, uneasy in mind, they again returned, with a full determination to scorn- the whole country when dayhght dawTied. They reported then- adventm^e to Colonel Clifton, but made no mention to any other members of the family, who were, ere tliis, sleepmg, unconscious of the vicinity of foes. But those arch-fiends were still abroad ; and when foui' o'clock dawned, it found the occupants of Valambrosa gazing in the distance on the rising lurid flames of their burning sugar-mill, with its two thousand hogsheads of sugar destroyed in its ruin. There were scenes, some of what may be termed the petty deeds of our enemies ; and though they were diligently sought after, they managed to_^escape justice, but we shall see how long they shall do so. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 149 " Gaze upon the ruins, my dear fi-iend," said Miss de Villerie to Miss Clifton, "and then say if you think me too bitter in my hatred to our foes. Is it not a diaboHcal fanaticism that prompts such deeds towards oiu- o^^m Idnd, and what pohcy is there that can palHate such acts ? How base must be the creatures (for I can- not call them men), who would stoop to such vile methods to carry out party revenge and prejudices. This is but the prelude, I fear, to more terrible scenes. These are the acts of men who visit our shores ^vith a psalm-book in one hand, while in the other, the torch and assassin's knife are concealed only by the volumin- ous folds of theh' cloak of sanctity. What can you say for them now, my friend? " "Alas! ma chere NataHe, I know not what to say. I would fain have both North and South amicably united, but I feel this hope is at an end for ever. We who had lived so long together, like one famHy, whose laws had been the admiration of all nations for their Cretan simplicity, than which none were more rigorous and equitable, are now torn asunder, never to be re- united, for there is no strife so deadly as brotherly or family contentions." " Let us trust that it may be so once again, dear, dear fiiend ; let us hope, let us pray, that a veil may be cast over oiu- eyes to their iniquities, and that repent- ance and atonement on their part, may lead us to for- get their transgressions. Yes, let us build a fairy struc- ture upon this hope, and let us try to forgive the trespasses of others, that our own may be forgiven, as our Heavenly Father has said, and if this, at last, prove but a doree chateau en Espagne, will it not, at least, be 150 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; better to have looked on the bright side of this dark phantom ? " " Oh ! ma chere Natalie, why is it that all cannot live happy on this broad, broad earth? God lias lavished an abundance on man. Let us take but a moment's view of the map of our ot\ti hemisphere. See the vast extent of land left, and remaming' un'nhabited, and there are but few spots upon its broad surfoce but what would yield the labourer an hundred-fold. Then, wliy is it that they dispute for boundary ? and why is it that such trifles in themselves foment such temble disturbances, and involve us in miseiy and bloodshed? As for me (you will, w^ith all yom* great ideas of politics, which I do not comprehend, laugh at my pacific measures) I believe in an amicable settlement, such as Abraham made vdih. Lot, viz., 'If thou sxiW take the left hand, then I will go to the right ; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I wall go to the left.' " " I cannot but admire your sentiments, but this was in the patriarchal ages, as the world grcAV wiser (though en verite the contrary), all such gentle noble impulses of the human heart ceased. Ambition, with its thousand poisonous attributes, usm-ped the thi'one, where benignity and generosity once sat enthroned. As you say, trifles in themselves have caused the present state of affairs, which, a bubble at first, growing Httle by little, now threatens to submerge us by its turbulent foaming waves. Why is it, you ask, such trifles become of such magni- tude ? I T\ill answer you. That our political Xeptunes first raise vd\h their speculative and designing tridents the first bubble which the fii'ebrand journalists inflate to a most prodigious and overwhelming size, and then OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 151 when they threaten to engulf all save themselves, and those who encom*age them in their murderous schemes, will accept of no quarter, nor listen to any appeals for mercy. See far away, eastward, westward, are hurrying the sombre clouds, where armed bands are gathering, and soon will be wafted on the air the sounds of deathly combat ; even at tins moment methinks I hear the din of battle. Yes, now even, oiu noble soldiers may b« yielding up their lives on the field of battle, beneath their country's flag. In Virginia, whose soil has boasted so many noble heroes in om* struggle for independence, and is made sacred by the nativity of a Washington, and from whence there never sprang a traitor (save one, and he dotage and imbecility will excuse) — in Virginia, I say, mil soon be heard the battle-cry, and om* Southern youth shall doubly hallow with their young lile-blood every spot of ground defiled by the footsteps of these Vandals, or drive them to then* own rude haunts. Yes, the smoking ruins which we gaze upon, my dear Cornie, is among the least of the injuries that Ave have and shall receive fi'om our enemies." " Then, let it never be our part to reciprocate at least such deeds as these. Let us thank God, dearesi Natalie, that we are not the aggressors in this terrible and unrighteous strife. Let our men fight boldly and valiantly on the field, but let no such base deeds as this disgrace om- annals. When peace smiles once again upon us, and the sun of glory is sinking to its western rest, let its last rays be refulgent, and beautiful on the lovely horizon, which shall glow with its opal dyes. I am not like you, chere Natahe, I cannot wish evil to any of the human race. God has placed us all here for some 152 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Avise purpose, and let He who doetli all tilings well, judge, — not an humble creature like myself." " Yes, Comie, my darliag friend, you possess ideas beautiful in themselves, but not fit for tliis progressive age of om-s. I am not like you, 'tis true. I perceive the fountain fi'om wliich you were nm-tm-ed flowed in gentle and less gushing streams than that from which I imbibed my sentiments. Yes, I feel it surguig through my veins at tunes in its mad career, and it seems as if, in its force and impetuosity, it would bear rocks, trees, and every obstacle before it. But see, great Sol is soar- ing high in mid heaven, and his burnished chariot throws almost too bright a reflection around. We will not linger to receive any fm'ther indications of his royal presence. Allons" OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 153 CHAPTER XL Like clouds of the night the Northmen come, O'er the valley of Almhion lowering ; While onward moved, in the light of its foam, That banner of Erin, towering. With the mingling shock Rung cliffs and rock, "While rank on rank, the invaders die : And the shout that last, O'er the dying pass'd. Was " Victory ! victory !" — the Finion's cry. " 'Tis a cruelty, To load a falling man." Victory is ours ! Let us proclaim it far and wide, until liills and dales re-eclio the sound, and all honor, fame, and praise to the gTeat general whose wonderful Napoleonic genius has thus, with desperate, overwhelming odds against him, achieved so glorious and brilliant a victory — a victory uni-ivalled in the annals of America, North or South, not only for its magnitude, but its effulgence. Louisiana may well be proud of her great son, and Beauregard's is the name which shall shine brightest on history's page amongst the many brave heroes of the day, among whom shone conspicuous Bee, Kershaw, Johnston, Bartow, Smith, Hampton, Sloan, and others, 154 THE IIEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; whose names will live on the records of our country. From the great general himself to the lo^rest pnvatt', all, all fought valiantly, nobly, and only as Southerners alone know how to fight. To all we are indebted to-day, but I feel that from rank to rank I can hear each voice assenting that upon the brow of Beauregard alone must rest the triumphal ^^^•eatll of lam-el. Yes, to him who has so signally defeated and humbled the enemy on several occasions, award we the palm. Under him Fort Sumpter fell, and now the great battle which so long was maturing in his brain has been fought, and the foe was routed, pm-sued, scattered, captured, and slain, and had he been provided with troops to-day Washington would have been in om* possession. But as it is, another fearful and sanguinary battle must be fought, and we may not fear the result if a proper force be placed in the hands of Beam-egard. Blood must still flow, and aching hearts there still must be, but who will fear the issue who place their trust in God and Beauregard ? Let us look when he first took his position at Manasses. Gloomy indeed was it, and nothing but the teiTor of his genius could have restrained the enemy from crushing him. With a mere handful of troops, T\4thin one day's march of the enemy, boldly he made his stand in the very face of an overwhelmmg force. With weak forces badly provided, his fertile brains had to achieve all. With unwearied energy he bent liis mind to the task, and planned the campaign according to his condition, and the means fornished him. The whole field was drawn and marked out according to his plans. Batteries rose up everywhere ; time was gained ; and the enemy stood ofi appalled, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 155 making preparations, wliile lie carried on arrangements for their glorious achievement. Then all honour, ftime, and praise to our noble general. In every home to-night ascends his name from the shrine where the pure in heart lay their offt-rings, and " God bless thee," Beau- regard, is breathed by the fresh and rosy lips of beauty, no less fervently than by the wrinkled lips of age. But come with us, reader, to the interior of Southern homes, and listen to the well-merited eulogiums of our chieftain. " Let us indeed congratulate ourselves," said Judge S to Colonel F , as he hm'riedly glanced over the columns of the morning journal, " upon this brilliant victory, for truly it is the most stupendous battle ever fought upon the western hemisphere ; with a hundred thousand men upon the field, and fifty thousand men actively engaged in the contest, with all the most approved, fiendish, and mm-derous appliances of modern warfare, with all the deadly rancorous hate that low fanaticism and foiled avarice could engender on the one side, and all the burning hate that bitter scorn, and outraged honom, and trampled right could arouse on the other, has been fought between the Northerns and Southerns, planned and won by our great Beauregard. He taught them, to use the language of the London ' Times,' ' that Southerners are not to be walked over like a partridge manor, and that they have some mili- tary heads amongst them.' Yes, their cry of ' On to Richmond' is changed to one of wailing, and theii* floating banners, under which they marched, are either in the hands of the Southerners, or trampled in the dust, and the grand army of the Potomac is dispersed 156 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; like chaff before the wind. As an army they are com- pletely annihilated. Gallantly have the invaders been repelled, and have not Generals Beam-egard and John- stone well sustained their reputation for valour ? Has not Beauregard won the greatest battle since that of Waterloo, and has he not established a claim to ample, to perfect confidence ? To wdiat now amounts the vain boastings of the North that an ' exhibition of Federal power w^ould soon crush the rebellion, and bring back the revolted states to the old Union ?' They said that the contest would be easy and brief if the old Government would use force ; but to manifest that strength, which it possessed, w^ould cause a change in all the seceded states, and that the greater number w^ould be found loyal to Lincoln. In all and every thing they have asserted and done, they have been woefully deceived and frustrated." " Yes, 'tis true," said Colonel F , " they are now beginning to leel, and we to understand, the sage remark of Solon — ' It would have been easier for us to repress the advances of tyi-anny and have prevented its establishment, but now that it is established and grown to some height it vnll be more glorious to demolish it ;' and most valiantly have our brave soldiers acted upon his words. Yes, our Beam-egard has won a name than which there are none brighter. With Beam-egard in the field and Jef Davis in the presidential chair, sup- ported by such men as Stephens, &c., we may look forward to nought but success. Yes, w^e now- have a form of government, not an experiment of statesmen, but one which has proved to be the best ever inaugu- rated at the time, pruned of those errors, and improved OR, TRUTH AXD JUSTICE. 157 by the addenda that were pointed out by the experience of nearly a century's test, and weeded and brought to still greater perfection by Jef Davis, our modern Pub- Hcola. Now let those of the North, whose extravagant conceits led them to believe in om* weakness, feel our strength, and whose proud boastings and vain exulta- tions unhorsed them at Bull Run and Manasses. Our foes' early victories in Western Virginia and in Missomi, seemed to sustain the complacent theories of sanguine Unionists, and they predicted a speedy annihilation of the 'rebel mob' (which term the London 'Times' gracefully appHes to both armies), but now then tone is changed to loud lamentations, and the prechctions of Webster and Seward are now about to be reahsed, 'that the great controlling power on this continent would ultimately be in the Mississippi valley.' Yes, looking to our portion of America, we view the Confederate States as the model republic of the world, possessed of every element of greatness and prosperity that can exist in a mundane Government. We are a strictly agricultural people, and will never cultivate commerce and manu- factures further than our own necessities require, hence we have common interest and aim. We have one and the same social system, that from its peculiar natiu^e unites us in feeling against surrounding powers, and cultivates that manly independence, boldness, and love of liberty which have ever distinguished the Southerner. We have a common heritage in the achievement of our freedom from political vassalage, and the laurels ^von and blood shed by our volunteers fighting side by side against the Northern foe, fully equal to that which almost alone caused Southern men to cling sorrowfully, 158 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; yet tenaciously, to a Uiiion that had become for them an engine of injustice and oppression. AVe liave a com- pact and united territory, a common object, and a common destiny, and though we cannot say with the mother of Bresidas, should our Beauregard f dl ' that Lacedaemon could boast of many better men he,' yet there are other brave chieftains in our Confederacy who could lead us on to victoiy." Such were the sentiments and such the praise awarded to the chieftain whose triumph was complete over the invader. Yes, in their admiration and love of their general, the Southerners had been almost idolaters, a.nd in every house w^as found an image of the hero, and in every heart was enshrined his deeds of chivalry; but come with us to Yalambrosa, where, reader, you shall peruse the letter which Albert la Branche has placed in the hands of Miss Clifton, from her brother, who fought upon the renoAvned field of ]\Ianasses. " My dear Sister, " The great battle which was so long looked forward to, is fought, and the gi-and aiTay, with its streamhig flags and glistening bayonets, is now a defeated and chs- persed rabble. "We are in possession of the field, and I have seized the fii'st few moments of repose since the battle, to give you a brief account of om' gionous \nc- tory. " The scene opened on a quiet Sabbath morning, but the red light of the sun had not more than dawned upon the rich tableaux of landscape, forest, and armed men, when the whole was obscured by the dense smoke of battle. A fierce and tenible conflict was kept up on OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 159 both sides, and the storm of battle seemed only to animate and add strengtii to the Aveakest arm. Heavy losses were sustained on both sides, and our shattered colmnns fell baek more than once, under the enemy's terrific fire, but at last our retreat was arrested, and animated with heroic corn-age, we again dashed into the tliickest of the battle, and we rencAved the dreadful work of carnage. At tliis moment fell several of our most brilliant officers. The enemy bore hotly down upon us, and many brave hearts felt their hopes expiring, when Generals Beam-egard and Johnson appeared, and by their presence re-animated our flickering spirits. General Beauregard rode through the rank» with words of encom-agement, and urged his soldiers to the noble resolution of victory or death, to which they responded with cheers of 'Loug live our noble General Beam-e- gard.' " Now the fortune of the day seemed to change, and the enemy, who at one time deemed tliemsclves victorious, began to fall back precipitately, and the last charge made by General Beauregard sent them flying over the field, where, panic-stiicken, they fled towards Bull's Run. The rout now became general, and om- soldiers pursued the flying enemy for miles, but want of a cavalry force arrested the pm^suit. No language can describe the mad, the wild, insane flight of these cowardly bravadoes. In this disgraceful flight, hundreds of the wounded were crushed to death, and sights of thrilling agony met the eye everywhere. For ten miles the road over which the ruthless Vandal had marched with gay, floating, and unstained banners, and with confidence of ability to defeat the rebel, was strewed with the remains 160 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; of the retreating foe, which in one day had all the magnificence of months' labour demolished and strewed upon the earth. We have won a glorious \^ctory, and though many are the bright names which Avill be en- slu-ined in the hearts of the nation, Beauregard must ever stand first, while those of Johnston, Early, Bee, Withers, Stuart, Kirby, Smith, and others will be none the less dear, while to those nameless heroes who fought so valorously, and who fell upon the goiy field, is due a nation's gratitude. The victory is ours, but dearly it was won, by the blood of some of our best and bravest, and though the miiversal joy is gi-eat, the inward soitow is not less so, and no loud bursts of triumph or enthusiasm escaped from the conquerors; no, it is a solemn, glorious achievement, and it is felt^ not spohen. We cannot forget the noble dead, and rejoicings would be ill-timed. But alas ! the scenes I witnessed when riding over the field on the morning after the battle, are almost too painful for description. There lay dead and dymg around our path, and our officers were going amongst them, doing all they could to reheve them. " Observing an elegant-looking man Mng in great agony, I went towards him, and tmTiing upon me a look of intense agony, he said ' Water !' I had none, but taking out a small bottle of brandy, I offered it to him, and placing it to his lips he swallowed some, which seemed to revive him. Being in great pain. Colonel F (who accompanied me, and who 'seems to be pos- sessed of more valour than heart), said, ' What brought you here to fight us ? This is the fate that awaits all om- foes.' OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 161 "He turned his reproachful dying eyes upon him, and said, * Is tliis the place for such language ? ' "I felt my face crimson at the just rebuke, and T\ashed myself out of the company of such a heartless, soulless being. To our enemies in the field, and with arms in their hands, or compassing oiu injury in any respect, we cannot be too terrible. May Heaven guide every shot, and strengthen every blow aimed at such, and may every spy and traitor be brought to a just punishment. !May every battle-field be a Manasses, save in its martyrs, and may many Bethels witness as in the ancient days and of late, the presence of the Divine favour. But an enemy at our feet is no longer the target of a brave man's wrath ; the captive who asks for quarter, and he whose wounds appeal to our humanity, no magnanimous man will embitter the lot of such with rudeness or unkindness. It is a very safe tiling, no doubt, to reproach a helpless man. It is very easy to deliver lectures to him who is on his back, groaning under wounds. Alas ! how tiTie is the pro- verb, ' It is only the ass who spurs at the dead lion.' But, thank God, we have few such men, and no gene- rous spirit will (except from great inconsiderateness) thus violate the teacliings and the instincts of chivalry. AVe next passed to one w^ho was lying under a tree. His appearance and dress indicated high social position. By his side lay a beautiful sword, and a handkerchief was thrown over his face. I removed the covering, and I thought I had never beheld a more beautiful face. Calm he lay in death, with his dark locks falling over his high pale forehead, and his hands clasping a small book. Desiring to know something more of the person, M 162 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; I withdrew the book from the hands which clasped it so fondly to his breast, and on opening, perceived it was a small and very elegantly bound bible, while in the front was a photograph of a most beautiful woman, seemingly too young for a mother of one of his years (who was about twenty), but whose strong resemblance to the deceased led me to presume it was his mother or sister. In a beautiful hand was written on the fly-leaf, " To my son, A T , from liis devoted mother." " My son, remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth." Sadly I tm-ned from liim after placing in his hand the cherished souvenir^ and as I gazed down upon that inanimate form, I felt that the grave should bury every error, cover every defect, extinguish all resent- ment. From its tranquil mould should spiing none but fond regards and tender memories. Who can gaze upon the grave of even an enemy and not feel a throb of compmiction that he should ever have battled with the poor handful of earth that is lying before him ? "Many other heart-rending scenes met my view, and I must confess that I was not so callous as not to be affected by the sight. I tm-ned away, overwhelmed with feelings of sorrow and regTet. Yes, my dear sister, though bred in a militaiy school, I lack one trait of the solcher, that is, to be stony-hearted, and for this it requhes a man should not only be bred but born a soldier. I can never become insensible to the miseries of others. But I must draw my letter to a close, as doubtless the newspapers will give you a much better account of it than I can in so brief a space, and all I can say is to repeat that aU fought bravely. South Caro- lina's, Tennessee's, and Alabama's sons reaped laurels, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 1G3 and the liardy freemen of the Virginia mountains, who laiow nothing of the scientific rule of warfare, deserve a more lofty eulogy than could emanate from my pen, and wliich doubtless they will receive. The Missis- sipians, who fought with a reckless daring /Seize- him-Towser'-ferocity came in for their share of the glory of the day, and their renowned 'Bowie-Knife Fighters ' will long be remembered by those who wit- nessed what dreadful slaughter followed wherever they made their way. " These men, throwing away their muskets, met the Yankees hand to hand. The knives, with which they fought, were from 15 to 20 inches long, and were attached to a lasso some 4 feet in length, fastened round the wrist. They would plunge their knives by thro\Adng tliem in harpoon fashion through and through the bodies of then- antagonists, and then, with the ferocity of a tiger, jerk them out again, and repeat the experiment imtil they themselves were slain. As for Louisiana, it is unnecessary to say what her soldiers have accom- pKshed; all the troops sent fi'om that noble state are gallant specimens of soldiers, and well and nobly has Louisiana acted her part in this war ; and still her brave sons flock to the standard of their country. She can ])oast some of the best soldiers in the field, and she has fiu'nished the Beauregard. " I am proud of my native State, and of my brave regiment, to whom possibly the journals may do more justice than I could. Victorious v^e have been, and are? and will continue to be, and say to Albert la Branche that while such lam-els are to be won, he should be in the arena. M 2 164 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " And now, farewell, while the sun of victory shines upon us, we must not forget to be wary, for oiu" am- bushed and coucliant foe is ready to spring upon us in its first eclipse. We must therefore be watchful and ready. " Affectionately your brother, "B. Clifton." " Yes," said Albert la Branche, " it is indeed time I were in the field, and I am heartily tired of a delay which prevents my being placed in some active position, where I can prove to my coimtry my devotion to its cause. I feel a contempt for myself, and yet it is not my fault, for I have in vain desu-ed a command, which would at once place me in active service. Yes, I must at once quit this life of inaction, and if not win laurels for myself, ^\dn them for my country. Yes," he said, and I feel that you will be the fii'st to bid ' Go where glory, waits thee.' " "Indeed, Albert, I wish to see you T^dn laurels, but I cannot say that I am Spartan sufficient to be the first who bids you go. I cannot say that I Avish it even ; it is only such natures as Miss de Yillerie's who can make such sacrifices, I am not equal to them." " My dear Cornie, then be mine, and go vrith. me, and though you cannot be beside me on the field, you will be near to cheer me in my hom'S of leisure. Come, darling, be mine, and let us be united now." She turned pale, and said, " Oh, Albert, you know not what you ask, or how I have di*eaded this hom\ ^ly mother vAW never consent to our union, though she has never said it. I feel that she vn]\ not jield to our wishes. My mother is, as you no doubt have often heard, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 165 a Northerner, and to that cause she chngs. My brother resigned his commission in the army, against her will ; he espoused the Southern cause against her will, and is now fightmg against her will. I have heard her" often say that she would never form a tie of any kind with a Southerner. Though my father is a Southerner, she will not yield to his ^vish to go into the army, and thus we are a disunited, unhappy family. I feel it is but natural for my mother to cling to her people, but oh ! why render us all miserable ? To my dear brother she had ceased to speak, and refused to bestow her blessing on liim the morning he left. I know that she will never consent to our miion." "Do not despair, my darhng, I shall speak to your mother on the subject ; but should she refuse, then, Cornie, what is your intention ?" She leaned her head on his shoulder, and placing her hand in his, looked up into his face and said, " Oh, dear Albert, what alternative remains ? ' " To be mine, darling, at all hazards." " Oh, tempt me not, I feel that happiness could not follow such an miion." " Then, dearest, we will not anticipate her refusal. Give me but your consent to ask her, and this evening- shall decide om* fate. Be it as you will, then ; I will seek an interview at once." Rising he summoned a servant, and said, " Say to Mrs. Clifton that I should be pleased to see her for a few moments." " Oh, Albert, I dread the result of this meeting," and saymg this she went out as Mrs. Clifton entered. Om- hero was by no means bashful, but as Mrs. Clifton 166 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; appeared, his courage Altered. Rising and placing a chair for her, he at once entered upon the subject : " My dear Madam, my devoted attentions to your daughter have doubtless ere this aiTested your attention, and given you some idea of the pm-port of tliis inter- view, which is simply this, to demand in maniage the hand of her whom I love, and have loved since the moment of om- first meeting. I have the assurance that this affection is reciprocal, and have sought this inter- view with yoiu' daughter's consent; and now, dear ^ladam, TN-ith yoiu- knowledge of my character, social position, etc., I await your answer, and ti-ust you vnW xie^v this matter favom-ably, so that at any moment I may leave ^\'ith my command." " Colonel la Branche," said Mrs. Clifton, and as she spoke she drew herself up to her full height, rising, and standing before him, "it is needless to state that I feel you are folly aware of my political views, and that I am not a Southerner, m birth, education, or feeling, in nought, sir, save my place of residence. I have no sympathy T\4th the cause of the South whatever, and let my husband's and children's feehngs be what they may, I can never be other than I was born — a loyal Unionist ; nor can I ever consent that my child should wed any save a fi'iend of that glorious banner imder which they, as well as their mother, first drew breath ; nor can child or fiiend of mine ever receive my benison who shall raise an arm agamst the standard of oiu' forefathers. These are my sentiments. Colonel la Branche, and furthermore I will add that if I could be base enough to peld her up to an enemy of the Union, I would not wish to confide her to one who is more OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 167 worthy of her, and who is every way more estimable than Colonel la Branche, but whose misguided zeal in an unrighteous cause has placed a bamer to a union which, under other circumstances, miglit be the acme of any mother's fondest ambition. Colonel la Branche, it is needless to prolong this interview ; you have my irrevocable response, and I will have the honour to bid you good evening." She walked out of the room, and Albert la Branche, not wishing to convey in person the answer of Mrs. Clifton, took out a card, and wrote upon it a few words, which, after summoning the servant, he desired to be delivered to Miss Clifton, and then, leaving the house, he was soon on the road to the city. Miss Clifton was immediately requested to attend her mother, when upon entering, she threw herself into her mother's arms, saying, " Mother, dear mother, do not, oh ! do not blight my happiness for all eternity ; recall what you have said, and bestow your blessing on us both ; let not your devotion to the land of your birth destroy for ever the peace of all the loved and loving- inmates of our once happy home, and in blessing us may not your benediction be wafted to your darling son and my dear brother, whom you permitted to leave, perhaps for ever, without one kind adieu. Oh, my mother, you who are so noble, so beautiful, can you, oh ! will you, suffer the felicity of our home to be banished for aye, by the refusal of your gentle smiles, which of yore cast a halo over all, and everything upon which they fell. Mother, darling mother, restore the sunshine upon our household, which has so long been eclipsed by the clouds of disunion which exist amongst us." 168 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Mrs. Clifton gently raised her daughter, and, clasping her arms around her, kissed her pale brow, and stroked her sunny ringlets as she said — " My daughter, the cause which was strong enough to sustain me in parting with one of my idols will sustain me in this trying hour. Darling, ask life, or anything of yom- mother, and all she has will be bestowed freely on you, but to prove recreant to the Union — that Union which my forefathers bled for and assisted m forming — I will never, my child, never ; and, my child, let us proceed to the termination of this sad interview, which is now necessary, but which, by your consent and submission to my will, need never be renewed again. Then, my daughter, promise me faithfully that you ^nl\ never again suffer Colonel la Branche to approach you, and that by word, verbal or written, you will not encourage his addresses. Avoid him as you would a mortal enemy, and should you meet him, remember, it would be the roseleaf on the surface of my already brimming cup if you were ever to disobey my last injunction ; and were I dead, darhng, remember that from the portals of the tomb my voice would still proclaim the existence of that immeasurable abyss which must for ever separate yom'self and Colonel la Branche " " Oh, mother ! mother !" shrieked the wretijhed girl, *'thisA\dll kill me — unsay it, mother dearest, or your poor already blighted blossom must perish by the same dreadful fiat that separates Albert la Branche and myself" " Courage, Cornie, courage ; you vnl\, I trust, soon overcome -this unworthy affection and be yet happy in the love of one Avhose addresses yom- mother can sane- OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 1G9 tion ; and now, dearest, give me your promise that you will act in accordance with my wishes." As she said this, Mrs. Chfton fondly imprinted a kiss upon her daughter's marble brow. Summoning all her courage as for a mighty effort, Miss Clifton said, " My mother, you who gave me Hfe and being, have the right, I presume, to take it from me Avhen you will ; I obey you, but when all that is mortal is laid in the grave of your daughter, think then in that hour, dear mother, that you could have bid me live for love and thee, and that though Cornie Clifton may have loved deeply, fondly — ay, wildly, her duty of obedience to an earthly parent, according to the laws of God, triumphed over all other feelings, and in this thought, dear mother, you may find a solace for yom* grief for though a stern parent, I know you love your cliild." Raising her mother's hand, she kissed it and pressed it to her heart, then silently left the room and proceeded towards her father's study to imprint the wonted kiss upon his brow, and receive his nightly benediction, Avhich he never failed to accord her. Oh ! how wildly, tumultuously, palpitated poor Cornie's heart as she hesitatmgly drcAv near the door ! with what keen anguish did she stop to press her hands upon her bosom, endeavouring to arrest its wild throb- bings ! She leaned, oh ! how painfully, against the door before entering, but an almost preternatural fortitude seizing her at this moment, as it often does at the crisis of the most trying ordeals, she regained her composure, and tapping gently at the door, she entered. She drew an ottoman beside him, and taking one hand in hers, she threw the other arm round his neck, and drawing his 170 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; head down, the simny curls of eighteen summers mingled theu hues 'v\ath the silver locks of sixty winters. " My dear father, will nothing dissipate the sombre shadow which darkens your otherwise glorious brow ? Can your own Cornie do aught to dispel the gloom Avhich seems to surround her dear, dear father ?" " No, darling, the shadow is on our hearthstone, and the reflection falls here ;" and pressing one hand to his heart, he bowed his head upon the other, and a large tear-ch'op fell upon his daughter s hair and rested there like a diamond upon golden sands ; " but," he continued, " let not this gloom take possession of your biioyant soul ; and now, darling, forget my too inconsiderate speech and everything, my beloved, only how I ever, and shall ever, study yoiu happiness." Pressing a kiss, warm and fervent, on her brow, and resting his hands upon her head as she knelt to receive his blessing, he spoke his gentle " good night." Raising her he led her to the door, and as she passed out he repeated liis benisons upon his lovely child. Miss Clifton sped to her chamber. She cast herself upon a couch, and the pent-up stream of grief then burst its bonds, and threatened to destroy the channel through which it flowed. She rose from the couch, and wildly throwing herself upon her knees, she called on God to strengthen her in tliis her bitter woe. She gave vent to low and passionate wailings, and mco- herent words of agony. Alas I it was sad, sad indeed, to tliink that one of her years, who was but just verging on the bloom of womanhood, and Avhen the world should be expanchng before her as a lovely garden full of roses and lilit-s — Oh, it was sad indeed, that one OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 171 like her sliould experience such bitter, bitter deso- lation ; and yet, poor Cornie, thy cup Avas but half filled at this hour. To her father, whose cup was already brimming, she could not flee, and thus she sought for days to conceal the canker gnawing at her heart. But, alas ! nature at last sank under this meffectual effort, and as she lay upon her bed of grief, her palHd face in vain appealing to her mother, who watched and nursed her kindly, but sternly repelled every approach to that subject which alone occupied the thoughts of the suf- ferer as she lay before her. Not that Mrs. Chfton was a hard-hearted woman, but she had schooled herself for this trial, and her resolve was irrevocable. Next to her God and husband, she loved her country, and though she married a Southern planter, her soul ab- horred the system of slaveiy, and ever her thoughts returned to the green fields of her New England home, where free labour tilled the soil and garnered the grain ; and though her children were born and bred in the South, her deep-rooted principles could never be eradi- cated. In her early wedded days she had often sought, for her husband's sake (whom she deeply and ardently loved), to mould her ideas to suit his tastes, but alas ! in vain, the teachings, the inculcations, and preju- dices of childhood and youth triumphed over the expe- rience of maturer years, and at the age of forty, when her home should have been the harbour of repose for herself and all she loved from the storms of Kfe, she had made it the maelstrome of affliction, to which she beheld every loved object approaching, and calmly she sat to see them drawn into its eddying depths. Oh, woman, what a fearful responsibility is yours! Yours is the 172 THE IIEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; high and holy mission to plant the seed, and rear the tender flower. If thorns or thistles enter, thine is the hand to pluck them from amidst your blossoms. If they wither, bear evil fi-uit, or perish, thine is the fault. Nourish them kindly, and if thou see'st the worm at the roots, or in the heart, fear not to strike and kill, though in doing so the blossom or root should even perish, but so long as one green, unblighted branch remains, you T\all, with tender care, be able to produce roses of richest fragrance and lovely dye ; but should but one decayed remam, if not lopped off, 'twill soon spread to other and fafrer parts of your cherished plant, until all becomes diseased, and dies. Yes, woman's is the proud mission. To her is given the charge of man, in childhood, youth, and age ; and though she be allowed no voice in the council of a nation (as the "woman's right" society would desire), does not her voice ring loud and clear in the Senate Chamber, in the pulpit, on the battle-field, and through the press, by the medium of husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers? Yes, ah, yes, and be the voice of man raised where, or when it will, for good or evil, rest assm-ed it is his mother's teachings. We crave no greater freedom. Man owes to God and woman his existence^ his principles, and his education. From the cradle to the grave she is by his side as his ministering angel, no less needed in the tottering steps of childhood than in those of old age. Women, fair countrywomen, women of every nation, would you seek a nobler sphere? Xo, ten thousand times no ; it were selfish indeed to desire all the glory of life, when we possess the greater portion, for man is but the medium of woman's ideas and projects, and she 2)lans Avhile he achieves. Thus, alike in OR, TRUTH AXD JUSTICE. ITo the cottage and the palace— woman rules her lord: and beautifully has Longfellow expressed this unseen, silent influence, " As the bow unto the cord is, so the man unto the woman." These should be congenial in all sentiments, and without this unison of feehng no felicity can accrue from mamage. In Mrs. Clifton was ex- emphfied the truth of this. Clinging to false ideas, which neither reason nor time could subvert, she gazed coldly upon the ruin of her fast fleeting happiness, ready and mlling to sacrifice all she held dear to that false idol who sat enthroned in her heart, and whose name is Fanaticism. " My daughter," said Mrs. Chfton, " Miss de Yillerie will soon be here ; but as she has been so much engaged recently since the battle of Manasses in her various patriotic pursuits, I fear it will be trespassing on her kind- ness to invite her to be the companion of an invahd." " Oh no, dearest mother, I feel assured she vnW. con- sider it no importunate demand to come to me. Oh ! mother, you know not her generous nature ; but, hst, she comes, dearest mother. I hear her tread." Throwing open the door of the chamber, the servant ushered ]\Iadame de Breuil and Miss de Villerie into the presence of mother and daughter, and the two young friends were soon clasped in a warm embrace, while tears welled from Miss de Villerie's eyes, as she gazed on the pale face of her sad friend. " Oh, Cornie, darhng, why did you not inform me earher of your illness, and I should have ere this wooed you from this close chamber," and again she pressed her friend to her bosom, while Cornie drooped her radiant head upon Natalie's breast, and wept. 174 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; I ^Irs. Clifton and Madame de Breuil soon witlidreTV, ! and Miss de Yillerie dii-ecting the servant to draw the j couch towards the western oriel, she said, as she placed 1 the cushions gently, and laid her friend's fi-ail form upon them, " Come, chere Comie, unbm-den your giiefs to me, i if you will, and here, while gazuig out upon rich flowers, ; birds, lake, and bower, take corn-age and remember, yon ; brilliant orb, which is just descending, sets only to rise ; brighter on the moiTow." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 175 CHAPTER XII. " Weeping for thee, my love, through the long day, Lonely and wearily life wears away. Weeping for thee, my love, through the long night, No rest in darkness, no joy in light ! Nought left but memory, whose dreary tread Sounds through this ruin'd heart, where all lies dead — Wakening the echoes of joy long fled !" With hand clasped in hand, those two friends whiled the evening hours away ; and between sobs and bitter tears did IMiss Chfton nnfokl to Miss de Yillerie her woes, and ended with these words — "Oh, dearest Natalie, yon wdio seem to be above the weakness of the flesh, impart to me, hi this trying moment, somewhat of your lofty fortitude ; endow me with a portion of your philosophic natm-e to face this blasting simoon of affliction which threatens to destroy both me and mine. Oh, Natahe, would that, like you, I could give up, for the sake of duty, what you relinquished so nobly for country ; but, Natalie, within me rages a fearful storm, and, amid the muffled din, Albert's voice appeals to me not to desert him ; then counsel, aid, and guide me, dearest friend, in the true path, be it for weal or woe," and throwing herself on the bosom of Miss de Villerie, Miss Clifton wept bitterly. 176 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; IMiss de Villerie's own bosom was torn and rent with convulsive sobs, and though she endeavoured to soothe her friend by sisterly caresses, it seemed as though her own heart was bursting beneath its weight of agony ; langTiage seemed a mockery, as a source to convey consolation ; but the wildest storms must cease, and, casting herself back on her couch, ]\Iiss Clifton closed her eyes, while the last tears from giief's fountain were seen welling to her eyes, slowly overflowing their fringed marg-ins, and coursing down her wan cheeks. Miss de Villerie gazed upon her fi'iend, and there seemed an inward struggle of contenchng feelings, which appeared visible in her actions* She slowly drew forth from the folds of her dress a note, and placing it in the hands of Miss Clifton, said, " Cornie, darling, forgive me if, ere this, I have not gladdened your heart by the sight and perusal of this missive, which Albert la Branche entrusted me with for you. Read it, and may its contents be more soothing than my poor expressions of condolence ; and forgive me if I witliheld it ; I feared to interfere, dear Cornie, in matters between mother and daughter, but your grief has reopened the wounds in my own heart, which bleeds for you, my sweet friend, from every pore. God gTant you gi'ace to bear your soitows like a Christian and as a woman, and rest assured, that He who permitteth not a spaiTow to fall to the gTound without His will, vnll at last diy your tears." Miss Clifton seized the note, and tremblingly broke the seal, then kissing it, she was about to read it, when she hesitatingly laid it down beside her, as she said, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 177 ^'Oli, I fear to read it; I fear that Albert's pride has abandoned me to my fate, and tliat my mother has separated us for ever. Oh, Natchi, my friend, my heart sinks within me, when I think of the possible contents of this note, but I Avill read it, and learn to bear my sorrows." Once more pressing it to her lips, she tore it open, and her eyes glanced quickly over the page. "Beloved one, fear not, though, at present, our sky be clouded, the sunshine of a glorious love shall yet beam upon us in all its splendour. Yes, dearest, ere this reaches you, you will have, I presume, heard all from your mother s lijDS relative to our interview, whose issue was as you feared. But fear not, trust as implicitly in my love, as I do in yours, and all T\dll end, darling, as we desire. Love and trust me as you ever have, and I fear not that any earthly power shall part us. Yes, for the moment we are parted, and lieartless as it may seem to you, I have pledged my honour to your mother, that all communication between us, either verbal or written, shall cease, until she shall herself desire its renewal. I have hope, darling, and like Pandora's box, the lid of my heart has closed upon it, and there the blight spirit rests securely. Honour on my part, duty on yours, will prevent our meeting ; but the future, dearest, is before us, and but a silver veil intervenes, through which I view, with the soul's eye, a happy, peaceful vision beyond. To our mutual friend I entrust this missive, and I ask for no response, save what she will bear me verbally. I ask not to wdn you, darling, otherwise than nobly — N 178 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; and now forewell. Love and trust mc, Cornie, and leave the rest with God. " Your own, "Albert la Braxche." " Oil, Albert, if I loved you before, I worship you now ; yes, I will ' love and trust thee,' and endeavoiu' to buoy up my fainting spirit until the happy hour wherein we shall meet to part no more. But, oh, Natchi, never, never vrAl my mother yield to our wishes. No, she would rather clothe me in my burial robes than bridal. Tell him, oh, say to him, my friend, that he cannot doubt my love, nor its depth. Say to him that I ^dll love on, even though it may be hopeless ; tell him his bright spirit has done well to fold her ^^dngs and rest in the chamber of his generous soul; had she appeared to me, she could have foimd no dwelling-place. 'Tis well he gave it admittance, for, hideed, we know not when the angel is at the door. " Yes, Albert, cherish your fair spirit of light, for mine is one of darkness ; but tell liim not, Natalie, that this is so, tell him only that I am happy, very happy, in all and everything, but the knowledge that we are to meet no more renders me miserable. Oh, strange incon- sistency ! Happy and unhappy too. What shall I say, clearest Natalie ? tell me, you who seem to scorn the weakness of a feeling which has overpowered me, tell me how to veil my words, that no foolish or mconsiderate expressions of mine shall add to his grief Render him insensible to mine, if possible, but oh ! assure him of my love, which no time nor circumstances shall ever change." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 179 She had raised herself fi'om the couch as she pro- ceeded, and as she said the last words, she thi'ew her- self back upon the pillow and wept silently. Gently Miss de Villerie smoothed her golden hau', and kindly she soothed her sad spirit. " Cornie," said Miss de Villerie, " have you appealed to your father in regard to this affair?" " Oh, no, chere Natalie, I would not for worlds broach the subject to him ; already his poor heart is bowed down with woe, and I would suffer my own to break rather than add one pang to his ; besides, Natalie, it would be a source of strife in our already unhappy home. My father would consent, while my mother would pro- nounce maledictions on me, more fearful to me than deatli, for oh ! what child can be happy in the know- ledge that she has disobeyed a parent, one who has cherished her from infancy, through thoughtless gM- hood, to perilous womanhood ? Oh no, my friend, though I love Albert dearly and well, I could not leave my home to follow him, T^dth the knowledge that I left that home blighted and desolate, nor would he \vish me to do so. No, he would scorn me, and justly too. A faith- less daughter will be a faithless wife, and never will such a union be productive of good. This is all we can do to repay a parent for their care, — to marry in accordance A^dth their desires, if at the altar we can feel we are not perjuring ourselves, but should we feel that by acting in accordance with our parents' wishes, we are acting- contrary with those of God, we should obey our Heavenly Parent's dictates, and never marry if we cannot feel that in doing so we obey the voice of our terrestial and celestial guardians." N 2 , 180 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " But may not your father prevail on your mother to sanction the union ?" " No, never, though she loves my father devotedly, she would not yield in this. I know her well, and she would not give up her prejudices for either love or reason. No, Natahe, to God and time I trust for happi- ness ; but I have a strange presentiment, which seems to warn me of evil." " Banish it then, darling, it is only yom* sad state of mind which conjures up these phantoms. In a few weeks more your mother will relent, and then, my dear friend, you will once again be joyous and glad. Come, dearest, rest yom' head upon my bosom, and gaze upon this gorgeous sunset. See, it seems to bid farewell to earth lingeringly, and to cast upon it its most lovely dyes and warmest embraces, though it passes from us to Hght another sphere ; so with you, dearest, your sun of sorrow is but setting for a joyfiil dawning. You, Cornie, are unlike me ; your gentle Christian spmt can school itself to resignation, through the Divine influence of religion, while I act simply from the sentiments of duty and honour. I feel that I am not one of the chosen, and yet at times, when all my senses seem slumbering, when I feel as it were dead to the world, there steals over my soul that subUme feeling of repose, which elevates me, and seems to bear me on its wings to the feet of Jesus, where oft I have hngered m meditation for hoiu-s. Oh, Cornie, m those moments I feel I have given up for ever the world and all its vanities ; that all, all is but a day-dream, compared to the glories of eternity. But soon the ch-eam is dispelled, and then the weary round of every-day life again commences, imtil in some sad OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 181 moment my gentle guardian retm-ns, and seeks to lead me to the only true Fountain of peace. Oli, my friend, in those moments how ardently I have prayed to die ! How gladly would I leave this earth, and all its loved objects, to dwell for ever with Him ! With you it is never thus. You, my friend, seem ever ready to plume yoiu- vnngs for heaven, and to feel none of those relapses of conscience which must prove fatal in the end to the soul. At the feet of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph I have indeed poured forth my sorrow, and have risen from thence much happier. Alas ! I have felt that though they loved me, I was not their favoured child. Some natures, like gentle streams, wdnd slowly on, and empty into the great river of Hfe, and flow silently into the great ocean of eternity, without one single obstruction, while others com'se madly onward, bearing all before them, and hurl their seething waves into the vast waters. Such a natm-e as the latter is mine. Oh, Cornie, darhng, what would I not give to possess yom gentle spirit, to feel that, like you, I could 'wrap the drapery of my couch around me, and lie down to pleasant dreams! '" " Dearest Natalie, yom partiality does me more than justice. It is true that I have ever sought for bhss in the holy teachings of the Church. Nurtured in her bosom I am indeed her child, and alike in sorrow and in joy my spirit turns ever to her, and in her ear is poured forth the wail of afaiction or the glad tones of exulta- tion. To the shrine of Jesus I ever go, dearest Natahe, and in the arms of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I trust to breathe my latest sigh." " Yes, bhss is thine, Cornie, in your lovely faith you possess the alchymist's power, not to turn earth to gold 182 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; but to tinge all objects -with its golden halo. Would it were mine to believe iiiiplicitly in all which the Church has taught and now teaches, but ever the tempter Incredulity whispers ' believe not,' and in doubt I turn from all that gives to religion its charm, and yet I still pursue this Protean shadow which treacherously melts from my grasp and leaves my mental as well as physical faculties prostrated." ' " Ah, dearest Xatalie, if you are the true and sincere lover and follower of Jesus, the more doubts and con- flicts ^ith Satan here would but more surely lead you to that more bright immortal existence hereafter. Beyond the dark and dying struggle man will be for ever and completely free. The grave is the spot where he will lay down his weaknesses, his desires, soitows, and sins, that he may rise to a new and bright existence in the realms of everlasting day. This glorious hope of finally being ' made alive in Christ ' is the only true and inexhaustible fountain of happiness on earth. Tm-n to it, darling friend, diink deep of its waters ; it is acces- sible to all. All Avho taste of its sparkling waters are substantially free and equal. AVe are all journeying to the celestial world, where happiness unalloyed will be our portion, where the ties of love and fi'iendship are indissoluble, whose bright and enduring realities ^\ill never be dimmed by the clouds of sin or affliction." " You, Cornie, are one of the few who were born in the knowledge of Christ, and who seem to possess that mystic comprehension of the great (and to me incom- prehensible) works of the UnknoT\Ti. I admii'e the works of the Great Being, while you seem to under- stand their uses.'' OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 183 " Ah, Natalie, God has given all the heart to love him if not the spirit to know him. Smely you, possessed of so glorious an intellect, do not feel your comprehen- sion fail on this subject alone ?" "Yes, Cornie, religion alone to me is a mystery which I fain would solve ; I believe in a God, I believe in the apostolical succession, and many other sublime articles of our fliith, but, oh ! Cornie, there are many, very many, pious doctiines that have been handed down by tradition at which I am perplexed and doubting. My religion is that of the heart alone, I know none other. If to belong to a clnnch be to believe all it teaches, then I must say I am of no particular creed, though bowing at the altar of Catholicism." Thus sped the evening hours, and Miss de Villerie sought in such converse to soothe the mind of her unhappy friend, and when she arose to leave she was repaid in the quiet and peaceful expression of her friend's angelic face as she whispered, " Yes, dearest friend, tell him I am happy, that if I were not previously, your visit has made me so." Madame de Breuil and Mrs. Clifton entered, and the former bidding an affectionate adieu to Miss Clifton, 5aid, " My dear, we trust to see you soon at Rosale, and ilso we hope for your assistance, as we are getting up tableaux for the benefit of the soldiers, and we are anxious you should take part in them." A servant entermg, handed to Miss Clifton a letter. " Stay, my dear fi-iends, and learn the news. This is from Beverley, and bears the postmark ' Columbia.' Be seated, pray, and list to the tidings." 184 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Coldly Mrs. Clifton rose, and excusing herself, left the room, wliile Miss CHfton, too feeble to read, placed the letter in ^liss de Villerie's hand, who proceeded at once to read : — " Darling Sister, " Since my letter of the loth ult., there has been fought a great battle, and our arms have won a brilHant victory. Ere dawn on the morning of the 7th inst., General Polk was informed that the enemy was under command of General Grant, and were prepared for an attack at the small village of Belmont, on the ]\Iissouri shore. General Pillow was ordered to cross at once with four of his regiments, to the assistance of Colonel Yappen, who was stationed at Belmont, No sooner had om- men got into position than the conflict opened. We were, as usual, greatly outnumbered, and there were sufficient of the enemy to have completely van- quished us, had their valour been equal to their hate. Again and again, were attempts made by the enemy's infantry to flank both wings of om* army, but the at- tempts on the right were defeated by the galling fii-e kept up by the 13th Arkansas and 9th Tennessee, com- manded by the brave Colonel Russell, brigade com- mander. That on the left proved ineffectual througli the gallant conduct of Major Beltzhoover, whose bat- tery belched forth destructive fire. Firm and unbroken stood these wings for hours, but at last the centre, being greatly exposed, began to fiilter, as Colonels Ball, Wright, and Beltzhoover, almost at the same moment, reported themselves out of ammmiition. The enemy's force now boldly advancing into the open field, General OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 185 Pillow ordered the line to use the bayonet. The charge was valiantly made by oiu' men, and soon the enemy sought t!ie forest, but unbroken and steadily, not a line being broken, keeping up all the while a heavy firing, and being supported by a large reserve, which soon sent us retreating before them. We now desponded of victory, and General Pillow ordered the whole line to fall back to the river bank. In this movement the line lost all order, and they reached the river bank more like a dispersed and panic-stricken mob. tlowever, the loyal hearts took courage witli the hope of reinforce- ments, and at the very moment when PilloAv reached the river, hopeless, and, as he himself believed, defeated, there arrived fresh troops under command of Colonel Marks, which were ordered over to the assistance of General Pillow by General Polk. " Arriving at the scene of strife, and seehig his men mowed down like chaff, Colonel Marks ordered his men to retreat, saying, ' Boys, we shall all be cut to pieces,' when Lieutenant-Colonel Barrow rode up and exclaimed, ' No, no, never. We can at least cut our Avay to the river, and come on, my brave boys, if we have to die, I can teach you how as icell as any one else^ and seizmg the command from Colonel Marks, who seemed paralysed with fear, and waving his sword, he dashed into the thickest of the strife. To this bold and courageous act are we indebted for the great victory of Belmont ; the flank movement which gained the day, and turned the tide of battle in our favour, was made upon this nble officer's own judgment and responsibility. Too much eulogy cannot be awarded him, and m after days, as now, he must ever be regarded as the Hero of Bel- 186 THE HEROIXE OF TIIE CONFEDERACY ; MOXT. On historj^'s page this action ^vill scintillate with an undying brilliancy. This was a moment that tried men's souls, and he was found equal to the emergency ; one of the veterans of Florida and Mexico lost his laurels on the field of Belmont, while they were trans- feiTed from liis brow to that of the modern Caractacus. But, the foe vanquished, he modestly placed himself under the command of his senior, though less worthy, officer. Modest and retiring, he seems to seek no fame save the shedding of liis blood for his country, and when the din and struggle of battle were over, and he sought his tent once more, there arose along the lines a deafen- ing shout of joy and admiration for the brave ' Hero of Belmont,' as the soldiers have styled Imn. By his kind and generous deeds tliis officer has endeared himself to the rough soldier, as well as the more refined officer. Suffice it to say, that his conduct was worthy of more praise than my poor pen can award him, and in the hearts of those who fought under him on that day will ever live the name of tliis gallant man. This is one of the few cases which have proven that it does not require a military education to form the wamor. The effect of this movement was the dismay and ffight of the enemy, who were soon seen pressing to reach then- boats. General Polk ordered the pursuit, and the rem- nant of the Federal army retreated in their boats, and they steamed through an avenue of fire, (which was formed by the sharpshooters,) and up the river for more than a mile. " The dead and wounded lay everywhere, and when we sought the battle-gromid to gaze upon the dead, our eyes rested upon the noble form of the elegant and OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 187 brave Major Edward Butler, avIio had fallen in the first charge of his regiment, the 11th La. He was borne to the headquarters of General Polk, and there breathed his last. ' Tell my father, mother, and sisters, that L died as a soldier should die, and as became a Butler to die,' he said to General Polk. Peace to his slumbers ! A warrior's wreath, and a warrior's grave are his! ^lany brave men fell, but there were none more gallant than he. A gentleman in every sense, he won the esteem and admiration of all, and there were but few exceptions, save where his evident superiority excited their envy. As for myself, dear Sister, it ^^dll suffice you to learn that I escaped imin- jured, though I was everywhere surrounded by the missiles of destruction. Oh ! my dear Sister, you cannot conceive the horrors of this war. Mercy seems to have fled from us for ever, and war, in all its dread signifi- cance, we have surely. Yet it is but just we should shoAv no mercy, but it is only on the field of battle that we neither grant nor ask for quarter. While I have seen these Yankee soldiers thrust their swords through our wounded and sick men, ay, even in the agonies of death. The vindictiveness of these Yankee hirelings know no bounds, and indeed we must prepare for the worst, for long and bloody will be the contest. Craven- hearted indeed must be the man styling himself North- erner, who would consent to remain one moment under such a Government. The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. The ravages and devastations of Attilla the Hmi, the fanatical rage of Omar, the Turks' oppres- sion, the Sepoys' revenge, have been humane and charitable compared with the conduct of these hyenas. 188 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; AVe can now have some conception of how terrible the mahgnities of our foes would be, were their capacity for e\il in proportion to their malignity, which exceeds anything eyer known Or heard of. But the arch-fiend is chained in darkness, and thus powerless ; so it is Avith human beings. In the goodness of Providence those who surrender themselves to the dark passions of then- natin-e are doomed to blindness and impotence. "When we look at the results that have been achieved by the South, in spite of the incalculable disadvantages gro^dng out of the fact that we have been cut off from the commerce of the world, and forced to depend almost solely upon our undeveloped and other^^-ise limited resources, I confess that I am astonished at the might and prowess of an infant nation that has thus grappled successfully ^^th a powerful antagonist whose gigantic streng-th, humanly speaking, should have ci-ushed us long ago. Hence no wonder that the sages of the North laughed to scorn the first premonitions made by the South to establish and defend herself as a distinct Government among the nations of the earth. They saw our weakness, more than we did ourselves, for we w^ere in a degree blinded by that mysterious ' Divinity which shapes our ends, rough hew them as we may.' Seventy- five thousand men were thought, at first, amply sufficient to put do^m the rebelhon, and at that time it did seem to be a foiTaidable army, especially when panoplied so magnificently, and marching under the prest'/ge of a flag tliat had never been known to trail in the dust of defeat. But time has proved thd insufficiency of this army, and then five hundred thousand were added to them. Strange to say, this also proved OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 189 too small to overcome the ' little rebellion ' which had been sneered at as a ' ninety days affair,' at which no one should be alarmed. They still call for more troops, and soon they will be sent in millions instead of thousands. Thus far the victory has been ours. We have foiled and defeated the enemy in almost every engagement. The sympathies of the European world have been stu'red in our behalf, and tributes of praise are being showered upon us from every direction. In view of these facts, the future possesses nothing in reserve to discourage us. The finger of Providence has traced in the events of the past sufficient to indicate that we are yet to be free. Our situation m Kentucky is one of weakness at present, though the occupation of a portion of it is of great and imminent necessity for our own benefit, and for her own. By menacing Cincinnati and the Northern shore of the Ohio, we can effectually checkmate all further raids into Western Virginia or Missomi, and, at the same time, remove the fear of trouble in East Tenessee ; Kentucky is decidedly Southern, and the assumed powerful position on the part of the Union party was, from the first, a mere farce. It was but a hypocritical scheme, conceived by her designing and disappointed politicians of the stamp of those who would ' rather reign in hell than serve in Heaven,' such men as Magoffin, Wickliffe, Holt, and others to betray then- State into the hands of the aboli- tion oligarchy. But we have all the military talent of the State with us, Buckner, Smith, Williams, Marshall, Breckenridge, Hanson, and others who have seen service, and who are prepared to marshal their hosts aromid our standard. All are with us save the Tory, 190 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACT ; Rousseau, who is too dastardly to be a Soutlieni, and too little souled to be a great man. But enough, the once proud and lofty State of Kentucky has been doubly obscured and humiliated. She was refused even the ignoble privilege of wearing the gilded chain of prosperous servitude, which her demagogue statesmen sought to enchain her with. She is in the midst of a civil warfare, so cruel and sanguinary, that by the side of its prodigious hoiTors, the cruel troubles in other States appear cold and tame. The unrelenting system of persecution of Secessionists has begun, domiciliary visits are being made, and midnight arrests incessantly repay these mild neutral people for their servility and baseness. It is hard that it should ' rain on the just and unjust alike.' Farewell, dear sister. To father and mother remember me affectionately, and to our kind fi'iends at Rosale ; I know not when you t\t11 hear fi-om me again, as I anticipate a transfer to Fort Donelson. In the meantime rest assm-ed of my safety, and of my unchanging love." " What glorious news, dearest Cornie ! This should be all-sufficient to cause you to rouse yoiuself and assist us in oiu- work of love. Say to Beverley when you next wiHq that I trust every battle-field may be a Belmont for the Federals, and may lie live to be the historian." " Ah ! my dear fiiend, you cannot conceive the dark forebodings that rise ^\dthin me and before me, when- ever I think of my darling brother. I know not what to think, but I feel that 'his hour is at hand,' and when I think, too, that he will perhaps die far, far from either friends or relatives, it almost plu-ensies me." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 191 "You should not, my dear girl, encourage sucli gloomy fancies," said Madame de Breuil, " I trust I shall see you soon at oiu' home, and this delightful weather, methinks, should alone be sufficient to call you forth from your chamber. We are revelling in all the delights of a most lovely Indian summer, and the gossamer floats around each object, reminding one forcibly of beauty in tears. A dashing ride, sur le borcl du Mississippi^ would dissipate your sombre pensees.'' "■ Miss Clarendon and Natalie, together with the Judge, had a most charming ride on the coast, and were joined by Madame Bienvenu and Lord St. Leonard, who it is said will soon bear our bewitching friend to his Cale- donian home. Madame Charlotte Levy, report says, has received the order for her trousseau, and I have under- stood that she is to be married in the morning, and start at once for Europe. I rallied her somewhat a few days ago, and I must say she did not deny the charge. We must all be on the qui vive for a card. So adieu, and banish from yom- mind those gloomy reflections, and be yourself once agam. Allans, Natalie." Miss de Villerie clasped her arms around her friend, and gently pressed her to her breast, whilst she kissed her pale cheeks, whispering softly, " Be of good cheer, chere Cornie, to every cloud there is a silver lining." Madame de Breuil and Miss de Villerie, after having sought Mrs. Clifton in her boudofr, made their adieus, and seating themselves in their equipage, were rapidly driven home. On entering the house, Madame de Breuil and Miss de Villerie were agreeably surprised to find the drawing-rooms filled with guests from the 192 THE HEROIXE OF TFIE CONFEDERACY; city, whom the bracing air of a November morning called forth, "to drive dull care away." " Ah, chere Natalie, we are glad to welcome you to om- cux-le. Give us an idea for killing time. Here are we, assembled in council to decide upon the most humane means of disposing of this gray haired veteran, and be it resolved that he is to meet with an agreeable and gentle death. Let us croA^^l him ^\dth garlands, then, and let some fair ' Undine' be the executioner of tliis most unldnd Su' Huldibrand." " Ladies," said Judge de Breuil, " if this is to be di'a- matised, I shall not object to Sir Huldibrand's role. Such a death were ecstasy indeed. I fear, however, I shall not find an Undine to perform the part. By the way, speaking on the subject of the ch-ama, ladies, reminds me of our tableaux ; I presume you are all prepared to enact your parts ?" " Assuredly," they all cried, " but what are we to do ? Comie Clifton is an invalid, and if she is unable to lend her graceful person to the scene, half the beauty ^\t.11 be lost." " Ladies, 1 have just retm-ned fi'om Colonel Clifton's, and I have hopes of the appearance of that yomig lady on the occasion of om- tableaux. She has been quite ill, but a few days in the society of her companions vnW. restore her to health and animation. But, laches, while we discuss these matters, we forget the ' urn is hissmg on the board.' We t\411 enter the salle-a-manger if you like." Just at this moment the porter ushered m Monsieur la Branche. 193 The company remained standing, while Judge de Breuil and Madame de Brenil received their guests, and then entering the hall, the scarlet curtains emblazoned with gold, which separated the various chambers, were suddenly parted in the centre, and caught up with golden tassels in festoons, displaying beyond it another superb apartment, with the lengthy and hos- pitable board glittering with plate and crystal, while epergnes of flowers were placed in the most enchanting manner around. Judge de Breuil, drawing off his glove, presented his hand to Madame Bienvenue, and led her to a seat, while Lord St. Leonard escorted Madame de Breuil. Oscar McAlva presented his hand to Miss Clarendon, and the other gentlemen doing lilvc- wise, the ladies were soon all seated. At the farther end of the table sat Miss de Villerie, and by her side Monsieur la Branche. Madame Bienvenue, as usual, was the life of the company. Toast after toast was proposed and drank, and Madame Bienvenue spoke of so many things and in that charming and peculiar manner (which to a pretty woman is invaluable, and which gives an interest even to trifles), that the Judge almost forgot his resolve of remaining a bachelor, and almost vowed to become a benedict, casting such liquid, love-lit glances at her, that Lord St. Leonard's hostile expression aroused him to a sense of honour and recollection of the state of afiairs. Amidst this scene. Miss de Yfllerie and Albert la Branche sat almost oblivious of the gaiety around them, and when all rose from the table and returned to the drawing- room, they were still in close converse, until courtesy 194 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; admonished ]Miss de Yillerie to seek the presence of the guests, who had ordered their caniages, and were leaving. The ladies were speedily enveloped in their \\Tap- pings, and Judge de Breuil handed them to their carriages. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 195 CHAPTER XIIL " But lighter thought, and lighter song, Now woos the coming hours along ; For, mark, where smooth the herbage lies, Yon gay pavilion, curtain'd deep With silken folds, through which bright eyes, From time to time, are seen to peep ; While, twinkling lights, that to and fro Beneath those veils, like meteors go — Tell of some spells at work, and keep Young fancies chain'd in mute suspense, Watching what next may shine from thence. Nor long the pause ; by hands unseen That mystic curtain backward drew, And all, that late but shone between. In half-caught gleams now burst to view." Carriage after carnage rolled along the streets on the evening of the and the front of the Opera House was brilliantly illuminated, while crowds of ele- gantly attired ladies, and their attendant cavahers, entered the grand portal, and seated themselves in their respective seats, or boxes. All seemed in anxious ex- pectation, and as the cm'taui rose, a tableau of such marvellous beauty met the gaze, that the hum of voices ceased, and not a breath so faint as to waft the down from the dandehon could be heard or perceived in that vast assembly. The scene was that of " Miriam, the Prophetess, ex- 2 196 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; lilting over the defeat of Pharoah and liis host." On a chiF overlooking the sea, as it were, stood ^liss de Vil- lerie, attired in a dark crimson kirtle, tiimnied with silver, while her rich black velvet boddice, hien decolfe, displayed her magnificent form, rounded and beautiful as ever — a gem of the Orient. Her hair in glossy, jetty braids, hung over her shoulders, and her arms were en- circled with jewels of every hue and description. From a crescent of flashing diamonds on her brow, fell a veil of silver tissue to her waist, and ^^ath her hands she held high above her head a cymbal, while her glowing cheeks, sparkling eyes, and parted hps, whose coral borders displayed the ghstening ivory with which her mouth was adorned, — spoke but too plainly the trimnph of her heart. In the background were seen a band of Je^dsh maidens ^-ith then timbrels, in the act of beginning their dance of ^dctoiy. A minute only, and the curtain dropped, to rise again upon the same scene, amidst thunders of applause. There in- deed she stood a very Muiam, for but a short while before had not "the horse and his rider" been overthrown when pm'suing her own people? Yes, in triumph she stood, darkly, grandly beautiful, and when the cur- tain fell upon the scene it was amidst a deafening burst of dehghted voices. ^^ Marjnifique !'' ''' Siiperbe ! '' were heard on eveiy side, and the picture spoke volumes to the sanguine. A few moments elapsed, and then the curtain arose upon a scene so enchantingly beautiful that language cannot even convey an idea. In a light shallop, whose silken sails were unfiu'led, stood Albert la Branche. The waves were about to envelop the fi-ail sheU, in which he stood like a minor Xeptune, and OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 197 he was in tlie act of casting anchor. Far off on the shore stood Miss Chfton, despair pictured in every feature, her liands chisped, and eyes raised to Heaven. Her fleecy robe fell around her form like a cloud of ether, and her golden ringlets vied Avith the rays of morn, wliicli tlu-ew their mild beams over the scene. " Charmante r exclaimed one and all, and 'the curtain once agam fell, to rise upon very many other scenes of beauty and mterest. As the crowd arose to leave, music bm'st upon the ear, and died away in gentle cadences as the audience dispersed. On the morrow it w^as found that several thousand dollars were added to the accomit realised by the various exertions of the ladies, and this was the fruit of this amateur display of the elegance, grace, and beauty of la belle Creole. Many a night when the poor soldier slept on the cold damp earth, Avith " scarce a sentinel star in the sky above," would the fair images of these devoted women cheer the darkness and solitude aromid him. And is it not indeed gratifying to them who have left home and all its joys for the tented field to know and feel that they are not forgotten ? Is it not a solace for them to think that their friends' only pleasure and amusement consists in some endeavour of the kind to supply their wants ? In such acts have our women displayed their devotion to the poor soldier. Each day and hour wit- nessed fresh proofs of then devotion, and when next the fair ladies of the Crescent City met it was to propose a fair, to provide clothing for the soldiers. The Hotel St. Louis was chosen for the display of all goods or arti cleg sent for the use of the comitry, and there night after night were the fairest of the fair seen at then- 198 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; tables, selling to the patriotic, or promenading the rooms, in order to pm'chase something to aid the sol- diers. Here was displayed self-sacrifice, and Miss de Yillerie was the first (amongst many) to go forward and place her jewels upon the altar of her country. She cast it into the general pm'se, and her §100,000 set of jewellery served to clothe many a poor man, whose home was in the camp. Momentarily the com- mittee of the bazaar were receiving donations. Ladies sent to be sold, as an offering to theu' country, their carriages and horses, preferring to walk rather than to see then' soldiers deprived of comforts. The most rare ' and costly works of art w^ere here pm-chased, and one seemed to vie with the other in bestowing their most valuable articles on those who were defending their homes and fii'esides. Diamonds, pearls, cameos, mo- saics, and gems of all khids were sold here in profusion, all the wiUing sacrifices of the patriotic. On the closing night of the bazaar. Miss de Yillerie was seen promenading vni\i her friend Miss Clifton. They Avere followed through the room by a train of admii'ers and Miss de ViUerie was as usual the centre of attraction. Colonel E approached her and said, "^liss de Yillerie, what would I not give to possess that bunch of flowers in yom' belt ? I would give worlds for a spra}- even." " You shall have them, then, entne, but I shall not expect even one world for them. Are you willing, Colonel, to give my price ?" " Most certainly. Miss de Yillerie," he said, " anything I will give that I possess." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 199 " Gentlemen and ladies," said Miss de Villerie, "witness tliis sale. I resign herewith all right and title to the bunch of roses and geraniums which I hold in my hand for the sum of $10,000, which amoimt I bestow upon the institution for the benefit of the soldiers of om* State." " Bravo !" they all exclaimed, as, bowing low, she presented him the flowers. Whether he liked it or not we cannot say, but he bowed and accepted them. " Step this way. Colonel," said Miss de Villerie, " here is the office, and if you have no objection I will just take yom- note or order for the amomit, as we expect to close with this evening's work." With seemmg good^\dll he entered, and gave an order for the amount. As she came out she laughingly remarked — " I trust you will not think you have paid too dear for your whistle.^'* " Miss de Villerie," he answered, " I would not think twice the amount too much to give for a leaf even that you had handled." " As gallant as ever, Colonel ; you prove to me that the days of chivalry are not gone by." " Thank you," Miss de Villerie, " and permit me to reciprocate by sapng that you have proven that all the rare, noble, self-sacrificmg women did not end with the revolution." Miss Clifton promenaded the room mth the Hon. P S , and though she was seemingly gay, there was a pensive look about her which but added to her marvellous beauty. Many other lovely girls, as well as 200 THE HEROIXE OF TIIE COXFEDERACY ; aged dames, sauntered tlii*ougb the apartments with then- attendant cavaHers, and all was life and animation. A splendid suj^per ended this affair ; and when a few days afterwards it Avas known that by tliis effort there were §300,000 realised, it thrilled the heart of many an honest soldier. The Mobilians were also deshous to prove their ardom- in this cause, and soon a few of the sister city were doing all in their power to rival the patriotism of "Les belles Creoles." I must not forget, however, to mention one of the noblest of all the efforts of the Southern people, viz., " The Free Market^ Too much cannot be said ui favom* of this institution and its benevolent conductors. To this institution many a brave soldier is indebl ed for the gratuitous support of his httle family, and on every Tuesday and Saturday did tliis mother of the people bestow with generous hand her gifts of food and cloth- ing to her needy children. Contributions flowed in from all quarters, and the sm-plus store of every home of affluence or ease was sent to this place, to be disposed of as the committee thought best. All here were treated impartially, and all alike received then allowance of whatever the market afforded. Steamers from the Belize and the upper portion of the Mississippi river, as high up as Memphis, each day amved laden M-ith meal, corn, sugar, rice, potatoes, molasses, and vegetables, as well also as delicacies for the invalids. Even the confec- tioners of the city contributed their mite, and many an infant sucked its first piece of candy fi'om the hand of this thoughtful mother. No mendicants were seen in the streets, and Plenty seemed to shower her gifts upon one and all. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 201 In the country or interior of tlie state (I speak espe- cially of Louisiana) this feeling was alike displayed. In the different parishes various methods of assistance were adopted, and in West Feliciana the most generous pro- vision was made for the destitute. The wife of each soldier was allowed |25 per month for her support, and $5 for each child, mitil it amounted to |50, when it ceased. She also was provided from the Free Market of the village of Bayou Sara, and by the neighbomdng planters, with everything she reqmred in the way of provision. To give an idea of how these fair dames hved in the absence of their lords upon the field, I will just state here a remark which was made m the presence of a friend (by a poor woman of the village, whose husband was not a model father), and which was told to me, as I knew the woman. She said — "As for me, I never have lived so well in my life as since my husband left me, and for the sake of my childi-en, not self] I hope they may keep him where he is, for they have more use for him than I have." This remark did not proceed from want of affection, but from a mother's love for her cliilcben. Never were the poor happier, never did Want hang her head so low. In every home in the land Plenty smiled, though Bellona froivned. True, sadness was in the heart of many, but Hope, bright-winged Hope, stood by all her children in this moment of struggle. Each and every one looked to the glorious future, and each mother saw her son a hero, crowned with unfachng bay-wreaths. Fear entered, no hearts, and though the strong fleet of the enemy frowned in the gulf, they had not dared to venture near the forts. 202 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Shells wore sent into Forts Jackson and Phillip, and were rained upon the defenders by thousands. And what had this effected ? Nothing. Still our forts sent tlieii* fiery response to the invaders, and held them at bay. True, they succeeded in bui-ning the soldier's quarters and all their clothing, yet it mattered not so as they held the fort. News daily reached the city of the enemy's advance, but the evening edition would generally contradict the morning's statements. The mornmg jom-nal would exclaim " They come ! they come !" the evenmg's " They fly, they fly!" Newsmongers were abroad, of all de- scriptions and every variety of reports was afloat. However, thmgs were approaching a crisis. For nearly four months New Orleans had been threatened, and at Shiloh the forces on both sides were soon to be engaged m another terrible combat. But still the cry was " New Orleans cannot fall, nor shall noty The nearer the enemy approached, louder grew the voice of the people in pro- claimuig it impregnaUe. All was hope and valom\ About this time ]\Iiss Clifton was plunged in the deepest grief, as also her family. A hastily WTitten note of a friend had informed the family of the death of Beverley Clifton, whom he said was killed in a skirmish. It said no more, gi^^ng no particulars whatever, ^liss Chfton bowed once more her lovely head in soitow, and when summoned to her mother's apartment, it was to hear that mother rave madly for her loved and lost son, and to implore her pardon for the days of misery she had caused her. " Ah my daughter," she exclaimed, " it is too late now to say how I worshipped my beautiful son; it is too OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 203 late now to say what agony was mine, Avlien I turned from him, and would not say farewell. It is too late, my darhng to shed the bitter tear when he is gone from my gaze for ever. Too late 1 too late ! I have darkened my home, but, dearest, hght shall shine for thee yet. False views, felse iDrejudices, and false pride have made me what I am, a curse to my family and self Oh, dearest, it was not heart, but judgment which erred, and God has stricken me, hut justly. Have I lost your love, too, as well as all things besides ? Have you become estranged, my own noble one ?" " Ah, mamma, you pain me even by such a suspicion. Could I cease to love my mother ? No, dearest mamma, it is you who have grown cold. You know not how I have longed to cast myself hi yom- arms, and tell you how all om- hearts were broken by your coldness." "My child, you shall no longer yearn for my love, or that of any other ; and now, darhng, leave me to my own bitter grief, and say to yom' ever kmd father, that I wish to speak mth limi when he shall be disengaged." Kissing her mother, she tm^ned towards the door, and there encountered her father. "Mamma desires to see you," she said, as she kissed him, and passed on. " Ah, dearest husband, can you forgive me for my long and cruel coldness towards you, and my loved and ■ stricken family ? I loved you, my own dear husband, through all the changes that have occurred, and though you knew it not, my poor heart has been yearning to imite once more with my family. But, dearest, can 1 ever be forgiven for my conduct? Oh, dearest, I am lone and sad. Will you love me now that I have bhghted om- home, and om' loved one is gone, to return 204 THE HEROrS'E OF THE CONFEDERACY; no more ? God ! can it be tliat I shall never see my beloved Beverley again? Can it be that birds and blossoms retm'n to us, but that he is gone fi-om om* gaze for ever ? Oh, my husband, canlha forgiven ? tell me, oh, tell me !" " Calm yourself, Julia, my dear ^\dfe, and tiy to forget tliis unhappy cii-cumstance in our lives. I will love you, dearest, ever, and had never ceased to love you ; in the grave of our child let us bury all remi- niscences of the past, and let the first blade of verdure which shall spring from his grave be but to thee a souvenir of hoAv ardently he loved you. Let us, my dear, look to the future for oiu- happiness, for is it not always better than to a mingled past of bitterness and regrets? Calm yom'self, my wife, we have yet left om- lovely Cornie, whose waning cheek metliinks grows paler day by day at the thoughts of this estrange- ment." " Again my husband, I must implore your pardon. I am the cause of her pale cheek and downcast eye. Has she never told you why? Oh! my children. I have sent one away from me to die amongst strangers, and A^-ithout the mother's parting kiss ; the other I have doomed to worse than death — the separation from her beloved. Has she not told you how I sent him from her, and forbade her ever again to see him ? Has she not, my husband, told you it was her mother who was the executioner of all her brightest hopes ? Oh ! my God, forgive me. I have almost, Medea-like, sacrificed my children to my hatred of those I should have loved. Oh ! I shall go mad. My beautiful boy gone ! gone ! and for aye !" OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 205 Exhausted, she threw herself upon the pillow, and wept, as though her heart would break. As Colonel Clifton smoothed her temples, and endea- vom-ed to calm her, she said, ^' My husband, it is not too late to atone somewhat for the past. Send for Albert la Branche without delay, and let me reward the obedience, the self-sacrificing love of my child, by yield- ing- her up to one who is every way worthy of her. Send for him, dearest, and ere the sun sinks hi the west I will see my darling happy. Her poor mother never again can be so. Do not wait to write for him, send at once." As he started to summon the servant, she said, kneeling at his feet, and clasping his knees, " Say before you go that you pardon and love me still." He clasped her yet beautiful form to his breast as he answered, " Love you, Julia ? no, dearest, I do not, it is adoration I feel for you ; and, though I may be weak to confess it, never, even on the nuptial eve, did I love you better than now. We have both grown older since then, and both have felt the icy touch of time upon heart as well as brow, but I trust that we can both say, with sincerity, that we have never ceased to love one another. My darHng, you are weak and nervous, lie down and rest yourself." He gently placed her upon the couch, and dra^ving aside the curtains, he said, " Look out, dearest, upon the scene, and permit the evening air to fan your cheek. Spring is with us again in all her beauty, and promises much. I have never seen richer verdure, nor brighter sides; let them be to us a presage of the futm-e, dearest." She sobbed herself to sleep as a stricken cliild. 206 TEE HEROINE OF THE CONTEDERACY ; When evening's shadows cast their lengthened forms around, a different scene was witnessed in the boudoir of Mrs. Chfton. She still reclined upon the cushions of her couch, and by her side sat Colonel Clifton, holding her beautiful hand. At the foot of the couch sat our friend Albert la Branche, whose face wore the expression of chastened joy. Mrs. Clifton said, *' Mr. la Branche, I have sent for you in this moment of soitow and affliction, when my poor heart is breaking, and filled with repentance for the injustice of my conduct towards my son and my gentle daughter. Towards one it is too late to repine ; but yet there is one gentle, tender flower that 1 do not ^dsh to crush for ever. Say, Monsieur la Branche, if my daughter still possesses your love, unchanged by my harsh measures ? " "Ah, my dear Mrs. Chfton, how can you ask me this ? Can you deem me so fickle, so inconstant, as to cease to love her who is to me all that makes Hfe dear? Love your daughter? Yes, Madame, now and ever ! " " Thank you, ^lonsiem- la Branche, for yom- fidelity to one who is every way worthy of it. Zaide," she said, as a servant appeared that she had summoned, " say to your mistress that I wish to see her.^' In a few moments the door opened wliich entered from the garden, and Miss Clifton appeared in the apart- ment. She was clad in a white India mushn, trimmed with Valencienne, ^dthout other ornaments. She lield in her hand a bouquet of star-jasmine, and in her belt was a bunch of star-myrtle. She entered rather quickly, and was about presenting her flowers to her mother, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 207 when slie observed Monsieur la Branclie, who rose to greet her. She staggered, dropped her flowers, and said, wiklly, "What can this mean? Albert here, and at such a time ! Father, mother, Albert, tell me quickly what this means ! " " My daughter, come hither. This but means that you must be restored to happiness, and that your father and myself now yield you to one worthy of you. Come, Albert la Branche, and take her hand ; she is yours^ now and eternally. That is right, Albert, press her close to your heart, she is worthy the best spot even in your noble breast. Weeping, Cornie, darling ? I thought to make you happy." " Come, Albert, kneel with me, and ask our parents' blessing. Mamma, I am indeed happy, a heart too full for utterance ; but bless you, dear mamma, for this, and dear, kind papa, for your never-failing kindness and devotion to your child." As Albert folded his arms around her they bent their heads, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton joined their hands and blessed them. " And now, my children, go forth and breathe the air. The last tints of evening are gilding the earth, and my soul longs to pour forth in quiet its song of praise to the Great Giver. The twilight of repose will soon be here, and while you, my children, wander forth to gaze upon the flower and the tree, I will 6ffer to the Deity orisons for you. But, Cornie, dearest, where are your jasmines? Pick them up, love, and let us each keep one as a souvenir of your betrothal." She gave to her mother and father the jasmine, but to Albert she gave a sprig of myi'tle. And now we will 208 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; leave tliem alone in this, their hour of joy. We will not speak of the words of endearment wliich were spoken by both. We will only say that two purer or truer hearts never beat than those re-united on that lovely eve of spring. The scene must change again. I will ask you, reader, to accompany me to the family chapel of the Clifton s. It is noon, the dazzling sun streams in golden floods through the wuidows of the chapel, which is richly decorated for the nuptials of ^liss Chfton. Elaborate drapery of gold and silver festoons the walls, partially concealing shrines of precious metal, on which images of the Saviour, Virgin, and saints shine, blazing in jewels of " pm'est ray serene." The altar, before which the Rev. Bishop now stands, T\dth his numerous attendants, is a per- fect scene of Hght and beauty, with its varied hues and gorgeous ornaments. The few ii-iends who are assembled to witness the ceremony stand anxiously awaiting the party. At length sounds sweep along the corridor; the folding doors at the lower end of the chapel are flung open ; the bridal party enter, and slowly pass up the centre aisle to the front of the altar, where all kneel. Miss Clifton's beauty is heightened by her expres- sion of countenance, which, as her floating veil falls apart, reveals her face, which seems to shadow forth the soul within, and which appears to affect the most indifierent spectator ^-ith a species of awe and veneration. In spmtual beauty she kneels beside one, whom in a few minutes wiU be to her, her all OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 209 in life. A breathless silence reigns until, in clear silvery tones, comes the response, " I will," to the "Wilt thou accept this man as thy wedded lord — to love, honom-, and obey ? " A moment more, and Cornie Clifton and Albert la Branche are receiving: the congTatulations of then- friends as man and wife. Slowly the guests departed, and the last to leave was Miss de Villerie, after again and again clasping her friend to her heart, and kissing her fair cheek. It was over ; Miss Clifton left the chapel, followed by the train of bridesmaids, to don her travelhng robes for departure, as Colonel la Branche had been ordered with his regiment to Corinth. Already om* fak bride and bridegroom are on their way, and as they are borne onward to their nfew home let us bid them " God speed." They are now far upon then- way, and night has fallen, calmly but softly upon the scene. Oh, who that looks upon the radiant arch above, filled with its glowing beauties, of what are said to be each and every one another, and yet another world, can imagine, ^^dthout a feeling of pain and sorrow, the great mass of human passion and intense suffering which one little corner of the globe contains? Who that feels this presence of infinity, speaking as it does in the awful stillness of spiritual gloom, can return in thought to earthly things without a repulsive shudder at the misdeeds of man? The horn' was fast dawning for one more struggle, which promised success to our arms, and the steamers and trauis which daily left the city, bore food and clothing to the noble undaunted soldiers that stood 210 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; awaiting the contest. As usual, our foes not only armed themselves vrith. steel, but hoped to find then '* pen as mighty as the sword " in promulgating false- hoods like the follo™ig (probably the eftusion of the " elegant Madame N , of X Y , or some other of her style) ; I will place it before the reader, who is welcome to his own opinion. "A Terrible Picture. " We find in the 'Cincinnati Gazette' some extracts, purporting to come from the ' London Clnonicle,' descriptive of the hoiTors of slaveiy in this country, and the cnielties and atrocities practised by slave- holders. For the amusement of om- readers we cull the following : — " 'No country on the globe produces a blackguardism, a cowardice, or treachery so consummate as that of the negro-driving States in the new Southern Con- federacy. It is not enough for the auctioneers of African flesh and blood that they can tortme their stripped \'ictims, and commit assassination vdih im- punity; it is not enough that they are privileged to flay or bmn ahve then* breathing chattels; they must stalk into the Senate House armed T\^th instru- ments of murder ; they must conspne to establish a reign of terror by means of a cut-throat policy. They must plot to take the life of their new President, while the Republic is charioting him to her sacred throne. These malignant wretches, impish and paltiy beyond conception in their ideas of political revenge, endeavour- ing to blow up Abraham Lincoln with an infernal machine on his journey from Cincinnati; and scheming OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 211 to originate a railroad accident by which hundreds of lives might have been lost, in order to gratify their jealousy of a man who has triumphed over the most dangerous cabal in the commonwealth. The worst element in the position of the Union is this position of the South, which has derived from the Spaniards its barbarous vanity ; from the Huron and Mohawk, its savage indifference to suffering ; and from the mongrels of the Gulf its loathsome habit of combining the manners of the bull-ring with the morals of the bordello. President Lincoln is called upon to deal with this seditious, turbulent, and homicidal population. It is to his credit that he has not yet been provoked mto repaying their menaces in .such coin as may be minted at arsenals and issued at the cannon's mouth. " ' The South attempts to treat the North as it treats its own black vassals, who, like the serfs of Sparta, are scourged to death at the altar of the only God that the cotton planter worships. And how is the policy exemplified? Ever smce Mr. Lincoln's ascent to the Presidential chair, the cruelties of the slave-owners have been multiplied and intensified, because it is feared that, unless a system of terror be estabhshed, the hereditary bondsmen will make weapons of thefr chains, and crush oppression itself under the heel of revolted slavery. Not in Algiers, when the Deys were at the summit of their execrable jwwer ; not in Rome, ivhen the poor captive girl, after being flagi- tiously abused, was flung into a fish pond; not in Russia, when the executioner cuts out the tongue of his knouted victim, have horrors more terrible been recorded, than have been testified to unwilling witnesses since the triumjjh of Mr. P 2 212 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; Lincoln. The over-worked, underfed, miserably clad, and ^a-etchedly-lodged slaves, have been compelled, as a means of repressing then- intelligence, to work in iron collars, to sleep in the stocks, to drag heavy chains at their feet, to wear yokes, bells, and copper horns ; to stand naked, while their masters or mis- tresses brand them infamously; to have their teeth drawn, to have red pepper iTibbed into their excoriated flesh, to be bathed in turpentine, to be thrust into sacks ■u4th mad cats, to have their fingers amputated, to be shaved, and to be whipped from neck to heel with red-hot nons. It is of no avail to deny this impeach- ment. Congress itself, which contains a majority of slave-owners, admits the truth. The American journals teem with advertisements of slaves, whose bodies are marked indelibly with the traces of torture. Cases are frequently tried in the law courts of the Union, of masters who have not only flogged their black girls to death, hut have deliberately carved the flesh from their bones ; and since the panic caused by Mr. Lincohis election, these abominations have been redoubled.' " The "Cincinnati Gazette," which ought to have known how stupendous are the falsehoods in the above, not only publishes them without any denial, but calls special attention to the way in which the " London Chronicle" " denounces the brutality" of Southern slave- holders. We wonder if it ever occmTcd to those pious people who grieve so much over the cruelties practised upon slaves, that interest alone, to say nothing of humanity, would prevent any such treatment of slaves, worth fr'om fifteen hmidred to two thousand dollars a-piece, as is above recorded ? We suppose not. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 213 The " London Chronicle " got its information, no doubt, from some roving AboHtion bar bke Redpath, and eagerly swallowed the story. The great Arrow- smith hoax of the London " Times " was a tame and spiritless affair compared to the above. It must mdeed be a credulous community in which such vile misrepresentations can find belief, and the per- sons who can give it a second thought must be bereft of their senses. A few mornings after the above appeared. Colonel CHfton, who had been glancing over the morning journal, remarked, "Doubtless these are the same individuals who burnt our mill," and read the following : — " A lady, the mfe of a planter, living some few miles from a village, was seated upon her balcony late one summer's evening; her husband being absent, she sat awaiting his return. A horseman rode up to the front gate, and, dismounting, entered the house, saying, 'Madam, it is growing late, and I should like to remain here to-night.' She arose and said, ' I should be happy, Sir, to entertain you, but cannot receive you, as my husband is absent, and there are none here but myself and servants ; but,' she continued, ' the village is only a short distance, and you will there be able to procm^e lodging.' He turned from her with a dark scowl, and went out. Mountmg his horse he rode off. Fearing all was not going to pass off so smoothly, the lady entered her room, and, taking her revolver from the bureau, she returned to her posi- tion. Just as it grew quite dark the same individual stopped in front of the house, and came into the balcony, saying, ' Madame, I have returned to stay here to-night, and will do so, whether you like it or not,' at the same 214 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; time walking towards her room door, wliich opened upon the balcony. She quickly arose, and, placing herself in the doorway, said, ' If you dare to enter here I will shoot you, so do not attempt it ;' at the same time she drew a revolver. He attempted to brush past her, and to take it from her, when she fired. He fell, mortally Avounded, across the threshold. She then called her servants, and said to the man, who was in the agonies of death, ' If you have any friends, say who they are, and I will send for them. You forced me to do this, but now I vdW do what I can for you.' He answered, faintly, ' Madame, you are a brave and noble woman. I cannot blame you, nor shall you or yours be harmed. In the village of which you spoke is my accomplice. Send there and have him arrested. He drives a small waggon, seemingly a pedlar, but it has a false floor, and underneath are fire- arms, with which we had intended to arm the slaves of the whole country for an insurrection. May God for- give me, but I hope it is not too late for repentance.' As the last words escaped his lips his spuit went forth to its Creator. The lady dispatched a servant to the village with an account of the afiair. The other party was arrested, and his simple little waggon proved as for- midable as an u'on-clad. He was taken out to see the remains of his companion, and he was then hung in the negro quarters, as also the dead body of his associate." " They met with a just reward," said Colonel Clifton as he cast the paper aside ; " but I trust that God vnll have mercy upon their souls." A brave woman, and may all our women prove as heroic on such occasions. These are fearful times, and OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 215 none should be unprepared; times in which the most trifling accounts are exaggerated. The misrepresenta- tion of the article entitled "A Terrible Picture" proves the bitterness of our Abolition friends, but the following piece of irony gives a faithful and just idea of the false- ness of such an article : — " Hyfalutyn. " A Tale of the Sunny South. " Written Expressly for the ' New York Literary Humbug.' " By Sillyvanus Corncob, Junior. " At a Fabulous Expense ! " And Secured according to Every Act of Congress passed since 1814 ! "Illustrated with Twenty-fom* Superb and Original Engravings."* " 'Twas sunrise in Louisiana ! The King of Day ever rises in that luxurious land amid a panoply of gorgeous clouds, whose intermingling tints of pink and blue contrast beautifully with the pale green blossoms of the ever-blooming magnolia bush." " A narrow horse-path wound tln-ougha dense wood, along the bank of the Mississippi, upon whose bosom floated two monster steamboats, while a large ship was sailing majestically up the stream." " B^ish were swimming about promiscuously, and a * The expense being great, we do not insert them in this work. 216 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; turtle was lazily sunning himself on the bank ; while eagles, wild turkeys, and snipe flew in towering circles or darted through the air." " Occasionally a di'ove of A^-ikl horses would leap fi'om the dense cane brakes, and, after slaking their tliirst in the river, prance back to their retreat. " "But see ! who comes yotider? 'Tis a man of tall stature, noble mien, high forehead, classic countenance, and a complexion clear, but black as ebony. Across his shoulder is hung a stick, upon which hangs a bundle of unwashed linen." " Seating himself upon the bank, he carefully takes a lyre from his vest pocket, and sings, in a clear, soprano voice, the following sublime and toucliing ode to hberty.'' " (On account of a disagreement with om- poet in regard to terms, we are obliged to omit this sublime ode.) " ' Ah ! ' said Francisco Rochigiiez (for such was the coloured gentleman's name), ' now can I say ^\it]l England's monarch, " Richard is him self again ! " Listen, ye free winds that blow from the land of the sainted Fremont, and thou, too, unshackled Mississippi, listen to my tale of Avoe ; and had you only a head, I could, in the language of my favom'ite poet, Shakespeare, '' make each of your particular hans to stand on end, like quills upon the fretful porcupine." Tester eve I was brutally mutilated by my tyrannical master. See ! here is proof; " saying which, he took fr'om his parcel a small package, which, being opened, showed a large molar tooth, with a decayed cavity." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 217 " ' Oh ! were Celestina only here to sympatliise with me ill my affliction, I could die content.' " "At tliis moment, a mid, piercing shriek was heard, and a being, fair as an angel, and graceful as a gazelle, leaped from a neighbouring precipice, with a bottle of the real, old, original, genuine Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla in her hand (only two dollars per bottle, for sale at the Manufactory, No. 614, Nassau Street, New York, and by all respectable druggists throughout the United States), and alighted in the arms of her faithful and long-lost Francisco." " N.B. — The scene that followed was of a natm-e so affecting, that the author's tears have blotted it entirely out on the MSS. After recovering from her swoon, Celestina applied a magnificently embroidered pocket- handkerchief to her dewy eyes." " 'Cheer up, my own, my beloved Francisco. We Avill yet be living in a magnificent mansion in Upper Canada.' " " ' There I will enhven you with songs of love on the gentle guitar, or the sweet piano. You can then get a false set of teeth inserted, each one of which will be fiLner than that of which you were so inhumanly deprived. Oh ! we A\all live in an earthly paradise, my own Francisco ! ' " " 'Never, my love," gloomily responded the noble black man, ' we can never escape the bloodhounds that are already on our track. Hark! I hear them even now I '" 218 THE heroest: of the COXFEDERACY; "Celestina fainted, while fom* hundred swarthy- planters, with moustaches a foot and a half long, armed with two rifles and a shot-gun each, mounted on horses, and followed by a pack of bloodhounds, came in sight. "'Die, villains! die like dogs!' exclaimed one of the planters. " Rodi'iguez clasped one arm about his channing bride, while he shook his other fist at the planters, who immediately dodged beliind the trees. The hounds intimidated by the glance of the desperate man's eye, skulked off; and Francisco would have escaped had not one of the planters treacherously picked up a cotton bale, and flinging it at the devoted pair, dashed them to the ground." " At this, the homids leaped upon them, and chawed them up, stick, sarsapaiilla, extracted tooth, and all, in three minutes and a half by the watch." " The last words of Francisco Rodriguez were, * Fred Douglas ! T'other Douglas ! Seward ! Greeley ! Giddings ! Hurrah for the New York Literary Hum- bug!'" " The only thing saved was a small piece of paper, in one of Francisco's boots ; and although all of the leather was greedily devoured, the hounds found this document too tough to swallow. It read as follows : — " ' Pro-pliecy. — Douglas will be the next President of the United States; while the New York Literary Humbug, and the real, old, original, genuine, Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, will be taken by every family ia this country.'" OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 219 Countiy eclitoivs who will publish a two column prospectus of the N. Y. Literary Humbug, will be entitled to one year's subscription, and six second- hand postage stamps." ]\lrs. Clifton remained silent, she had yielded only in her affections, but she could not yet condemn the North. In her inmost heart-cells smouldered still the ashes of the sacrifice she had made to the memory of her son, whose light would never fade. But now she ceased to either speak or think of all such subjects as politics, and calmly she seemed to submit to the chastisement wdiich a Father's hand inflicted. An earnest desire to contribute towards the happiness of those around her, seemed to take possession of her; with an entire disregard of self, the quiet serene smile told of the change within, and of the strength her spirit had gamed in its upward flight, and longing for that world where she knew her son now dwelt. The poignant anguish had passed, but the memory of her love for him still lingered. Some weeks had passed since the events related above, and Mrs. Clifton was seated in the boudoir of her absent daughter. She was clad in deep mourning, and grief was written on her beautiful features. She was glancing over a letter, which we will place before you,, reader, as it is from Mrs. la Branche to her mother : — • " Camp Moore, La. '^ Dear Parents, " I have just arrived here, and Albert has this moment left me to join several of his friends, who have 220 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; already sent their cards (the petals of the magnolia leaf, Avhicli are here used as such), and who seem anxious to congratulate him upon his nuptials. While he is entertaining his friends, I Avill endeavour to give you an account of my trip, and what the prospects of comfort are. On entering the cars at New Orleans, I met several of my friends, who told me they were destined for the same journey, and all being in excellent spirits, and in a mood to enjoy the trip, we anticipated a pleasant time. The spring morning, with its fresh gladness, its glo^-ing beauties of earth and sky, and delicious atmosphere, added to the beauty and joyful- ness of the scene. For miles on our way we went through fields inlaid with a perfect mosaic of gold, white, red, violet, and gTeen, formed by the myriad fiowers with which the gentle goddess cro^vns herself Here and there hedges of the Cherokee rose, and osage, orange, the impenetrable defence of the cotton fields. In the various trees all shades of green were displayed, from the most delicate tinges of the early foliage to the deeper shades of winter-green, or olive. The borders of streams and rivulets in our course were gemmed with smiling flowers, and the wild violet peeped forth from its vernal couch, seeking a share of the praise which the more gay and flaunting beauties of the field and wood received as their just homage. " Many cottages appeared to us as we flew past in our steam carriage, and here and there a piincely looking residence would burst upon our view, and ere we had time to gaze upon it, or consider its style of architecture, it would disappear from view, and each moment the scene changed, like some phantasmagoria beneath the in- OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 221 fliience of liglit and shade. On we flew at rapid rate, and though, dear parents, I was, and am happy, my thoughts would return to you, and Hnger around ' the loved ones at home.' As I sat gazing out upon the clouds of smoke, or mist, as they rose and floated over the extensive fields, seemingly like the spirits of departed ones ascending to heaven, leaving behind them their earthly vestments, I thought of one who has left us for ever, and of his to be for ever vacant place beside our family hearthstone. Forgive me if I have pained you by referring to this, but I could not write home without giving a thought to him. It was but a few hours ere we arrived at this place, and though it is not the point for which we started, Albert thought it best we should stop here to rest for a day or so, and, besides, we both have many friends here. " This, you are aware, is what its name implies, and hundreds of soldiers surround the village. Constantly troops are arriving and departing from this point, and you cannot conceive how picturesque the scene which presents itself to the eye, as one \^ews the panorama- like tableau. The two hotels (or, to give them their proper names, inns) are the chief buildings in the place, and one stands on either side of the railroad, and when- ever the cars arrive, a stream of individuals pom* into the open doors of the road mansion. A negro generally appears at this moment on the gallery of each, and rings a bell in the most scientific manner, which the tired, and generally famished, travellers hail as the sweetest of music. " The hotel to the right as you anive from the New Orleans tram is kept by a gentleman, and the one to the 222 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; left by a widow lady. In the latter I am now domi- ciled. You T\dll be sm^rised, dear mother and father, when I tell you that here we are not put to the trouble of making dinner toilette, and that I find my travelling attire more than stylish enough for the nistic mode of apparel which I perceive here. Albert has retm-ned to escort me to the table cPhote, and I ^\'ill not close imtil we return from dinner. " Oh, dear parents, you cannot imagine what a tiaily Lacedemonian meal I have just partaken of! One, indeed, must be patriotic to subsist on such fare. Albert, however, ate A^^thout comment, and says it is all that a true soldier requires. I tried, for Albert's sake, to eat something, but I hope to cultivate a taste for the ' black broth.' I am sm-e I can do any tiling for my Albert's sake. Come what may, I am prepared to meet want, and even beggary, T\'ith him. " And now, my dear parents, both Albert and myself join in love to you, and earnestly request your prayers for us both, and we have to thank you for om- happiness, and may God for ever bless you, is the earnest prayer of yom- " Devoted child, " To Mrs. Clifton, " C. la Branche. " Yallambrosa Plantation, " New Orleans, La." Thus she vrrote in this child-like and confiding spmt. She carried the guilelessness, the innocence, the fresh- ness of the child into the deeper feeling of woman's clinging tenderness. None of the e\dl passions had ever found entrance into that pure heart, and her very soul OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 223 Avas stainless as an infant's. Her mother read and re-read the pages, breathing a sad and seemingly joyous strain. " May you, indeed, be happy, my angel-child," said Mrs. Clifton ; " you have truly suffered, only, however, to prove your true nobleness of character. My God," she continued, " I am., I feel, unworthy ; but spare, oh ! spare me this, one of my treasm*es. What dark pre- sentiment is this I feel ? Oh ! God, have pity on my already torn, crushed, and bleeding heart, and spare my child, my last, my only one." Mrs. Clifton bowed low her head upon her hands, and sobbed convulsively. A presentiment of ill seemed to take possession of her, which she could not dissipate, and anxiously she awaited the letters which occasionally the morning's postman placed in the servant's hands for her. The journals were now filled with exciting news of the approaching contest, which the next chapter will reveal. 224 THE HEmOIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; CHAPTER XIV. " Forget not our wounded companions, who stood In the day of distress by our side ; While the moss of the valley grew red with their blood, They stirr'd not, but conquer'd and died. That sun which now blesses our arms with his light, Saw them fall upon Ossory's plain ; — Oh ! let him not blush, when he leaves us to-night. To find that they fell there in vain." The spiing has again appeared, and ere we raise the cm-tain upon the principal events of '62 .we -u^ll just glance over a few incidents worthy of note in the closLQg pages of last year s records. From the first gun fired at Fort Sumpter to the last boom of the cannon at Belmont in that same year, the " Rebels " were, ^ath slight exceptions, the victors. ]Many martyrs were added to the hst upon which the noble Jackson's name must ever be the first, and many were they who met with the fate of the niffian Ellsworth, when daiing to seize upon '^Southern trophies." A monmnent was proposed to the Hero of Alexanchia, and a grateful people contributed towards the wants of his bereaved family. But the wild storm of despotism which has swept over the sunny South has left no traces of even the tombs of those whose obscure position should have OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 225 rendered them sacred. Cliiirclies and cemeteries alike were spoiled by the invader, and for this reason the idea of erecting- monuments to the memory of the martyred dead is abandoned for the present. The battles of Bethel, Rich Mountain, Bull Run, Manasses, Carthage, Oak' Hill, Lexington, Leesburg, and Belmont, had been fought, and, with the exception of the second named, they were all brilliant Southern victories. Among the heroes whose names should be engraven on all hearts are Generals Garnett and Bee, as also Colonels Bartow and Fisher, who fell nobly upon the battle-field. General Bee must ever be remembered, not only for his valour, but his having bestowed upon noble General Jackson the suggestive name of •' Stone- wall," and by which he is, and will ever be, most gene- rally known (Thomas F. Jackson). But the last month of the year '61 (December) will long be remembered as that in which the outrage of the Federal vessel, the San Jacinto (Commander Wilkes), to the Bi-itish flag, in the seizme of the Confederate Commissioners, James M. Mason, of Virginia, and Hon. John Slidell, of Louisiana, and their Secretaries, Messrs. Eustis and M'Farland, who were passengers on board H.M.S.S. The Trent, commanded by Captain Mann. The day after she had sailed from Havannah she was intercepted by the Federal steam-frigate above named, and brought-to by a shotted gun, and then boarded by an armed crew ; when the persons of the Messrs. SHdell, Mason, Eustis, and M'Farland were demanded, but these gentlemen refusing to leave it, except at the instance of physical force (and claiming British protection), were informed by Lieutenant Fairfa;x that he was ready to use it. The Q 226 TEE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; Commander of the Trent made many protests against such a piratical seizure of Ambassadors under a neutral flag; but all of no avail, and the Trent, Ix^ing an unaiTiied vessel, could make no resistance. Tlie Com- missioners, with their Secretaries, were taking leave of their friends, and the Hon. Jolm Slidell had gone into his state-room to take leave of his family, wlien Miss Slidell stationed herself in the doorway, to prevent intrusion on the leave-taking of her parents. At this moment Lieutenant Fairfax appeared, and Abashed to force an entrance into the room, at the door of which Miss Slidell was posted as sentinel (an office which she proved herself worthy of), when that young lady re- marked, " You cannot, nor shall not, enter, Sir ! " Telling her to stand aside, and endeavoming to force her from her position, the noble girl resented the affi'ont by boxing his ears, thus recalling to mind the action of Cleopatra, who slapped Seleucus, and proving to us that " the most beautiful are most brave." Had it not been, however, for the interference of the British officers on board, ^liss Slidell would probably have felt the effects of her raslmess, as the cliivah'ous Lieutenant ordered his roen to bayonet her upon the spot. Then numberless cheers for the fair Rebel and modem Cleopatra, and may such examples not be lost upon eveiy Southei-n woman when called upon in such emer- gencies. This act, instead of cmshing the hopes of our people, brought only renewed confidence in the almost worn.out expectations of "foreign intervention," and these ideal dreams were proven vain, when, at the demand of the English Goverament, the persons of the " Trent arrest " affair were delivered up and sent on OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 227 their way. The ludicrous statements of Seward, in his letter to Earl Russell, that " the safety of the Union did not require the detention of the captured persons, and that an effectual check had been put to the existing ' insurrection,' and that its waning proportions made it no longer a subject of serious consideration," were shown to be false, and yet it contained an element of truth. Om* people, elated with their success in arms, had felt confident that " foreign intervention " would speedily arrive, and that " King Cotton" would soon wave his sceptre triumphant. But at the close of this year it was e\'ident how useless, how worse than vain, om- hopes of any aid, save God's and right. The Southern people, no longer buoyed up with such expec- tations, nerved themselves, and prepared for a long and bloody contest, to conquer or to die, and felt that the battle-field alone would decide their fate. Our sick and wounded at this period were deprived of many articles necessary for their comfort, and the blockade now com- menced to be felt. Diseases of all kmds were daily making their inroads into the army of the Potomac and Western Virginia, as also among the troops at Chute ^lountains and the Kenawha Valley. The dampness, exposm^e, changeable climate, cold, and rain, want of tents, suitable food and clothing, were producing their effects, and the many nameless graves which surround the numerous camphig grounds on the borders of our rivers, in oiu* sombre forests, and in the wilds of our mountauis, tell of those " mmoticed heroes" whose last days were passed in sacrificmg on the altar of their country their love of home and friends. They shall not be forgotten! The nameless brave do not sleep uu- Q 2 228 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; remembered, and beauty's tears flow silently for them ■when the announcement of each battle tells us that the brave have fallen. At this date in our histoiy the folds of the Anaconda seemed tightening around the brave armies of the Confederacy, and a ruthless foe seemed to gloat in anticipation of their ruin ; but they were dis- appointed, and found our noble soldiers undismayed, and prepared to gird up their loins deliberately, and determinedly to drive the AboHtion hordes from onr borders. The prospects of hunger, cold, and heat did not make them shnnk ; the wealthy planter and his sons w^ent forth, as freely yielding up the comforts of luxmious homes as the day-labourer did his humble but happy abode. The issue T\dll prove how a just God repaid them for this self-sacrifice, and that time and suf- fering but proved them worthy of the success w^iich they felt awaited them. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 229 CHAPTER XV. " This battle fares like to the morning's war, When dying clouds contend with growing light ; What time°the shepherd, blowing of his nails, Can neither call it perfect day, or night." « Farewell !— God knows, when we shall meet again. I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins, That almost freezes up the heat of life." " Oh ' fair as the sea-flower close to the growing, How light was thy heart, till love's witchery came, Like the wind of the south o'er a summer lute blowing, And hush'd all its music, and wither'd its frame . " And still when the merry date-season is burning And calls to the palm-groves the young and the old. The happiest there, from this pastime returning At sunset, will weep when thy story is told. The morning of the 6th of April, 1862, opened npon a scene that will long be remembered; and, for ttalhng incident in the liistory of the Southern Confederacy, mnst ever beam npon its pages in letters of flame, i^ oi some time this engagement had been looked forward to with eagerness as to its result, and it was with a shout of ioy the forces under command of Generals Harcae Bragg, Beauregard, and Johnston were informed that the hour had arrived for the attack. 230 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; The evening previous to the battle of Shiloh, there had been considerable sldnnishing, and early on the morning of the 6th, General Hardie made an advance upon the enemy's camp, who were completely taken by surprise, and, some in demi-toilette, and others cooking their breakfasts, were instantly compelled to cease all opera- tions, and form themselves into line of battle, to meet om* forces who were now advancing from every direc- tion. The spmts of the Confederates were high and buoyant, and the trumpet-notes rang memly through hill and dale, while the rattle of the infantry drums sounded sharply from the wooded glens, and the bayonets flashed in the morning light, with thu Con- federate standard waving proudly above them. As the "rebel" columns advanced towards the foe, many a love-lit eye looked its last upon the beautiful scenery which met its view at every step. Channing the varied scene of hill and dell, rock, lakes, and streams, with now and then the gray gables of the farm-houses peeping forth from the groves of stately trees that screened them from the travellers' sight on the high-road. The wild rose and honeysuckle per- fumed the air, as arching over the road they tA\aned their luxmious tendi'ils ^vith. some sister plant, thus foiTiiing a triumphal archway, under which, on that morning, some passed to death, but most to victory. Argentine streams wound among the forests, and upon the grassy banks grazed herds of cattle. As the aniiy passed on, it was cheered m its progress by the encouraging voices that rang out from the cottages by the road side, and each vowed to perish in OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 231 defending tliis beautiful land. All nature was beautiful — the mists were rolling away from the sun-lit earth, and the odour of spring blossoms floated upon the fresh morning air. Natm-e seemed to wear her brightest and most resplendent robes, in honom^ of those Avhose eyes might close upon her beauties for ever ; and the boom of the cannon which now pealed across the sky, told that the strife had commenced. Smoke curled in shell- like ridges along the hill sides, and soon the bloody conflict was at its height. From six o'clock the battle was deadly ; and though each fought with desperation, the brave and disciphned Federal troops could not resist the valour of the Con- federates, who dashed upon the advancing foe like angry waves, and meeting with resistance, were only forced back to return with renewed strength and fary ; like chaff before the wmd, they fell and strewed the earth, wliile their broken ranks rallied behind trees or underwood, only to meet the same fate afterwards. Awfully sublime grew the scene. Shells bursting into flame, and scattermg their meteor-hghts high in air, while the sharp crack of their report startled the dwellers of the wood, as they burst far beyond the scene of action ; peals of musketry rose upon the ear, while dead and dying strewed the ground. Examples of reckless daring met the view, and into the very mouth of gaping fire would the "rebel" soldiers dash ^\ith mad determination. Ofacers and soldiers alike won laurels of unfading glory ; and, as clouds of smoke rolled away, the form of some brave fellow would be seen mangled beneath the feet of his comrades. Amono: the first who fell was the commander-in- 232 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; chief, General Albert Sidney Johnston, who was wounded in the calf of the nght leg, and soon after reeling in his saddle, fell fi'om his horse, and in a few moments expu'ed. The knowledge of his fall was kept from the army until the day was secured ; and there, amid the cheers of a victorious army, and the roar of artillery, the noble all-lamented liero breathed liis last. Among others whose names deserve more than a passing notice, were General Gladden, of South Caro- lina ; George ^I. Johnston (Provisional Governor of Kentucky) ; as also Colonels Adams, of Louisiana ; Kitt Williams, of Tennessee ; and Blythe, of i\Iississippi. Among the lesser grade, the slain were too numerous to mention ; but as the noble Captain J. T. AYheat was so well known, and so well-beloved in Louisiana, it is only just to mention him. Native of Virginia, he entered the army the moment the first tlu'eat of subjugation came from the North. He had the honour of being secretary of the Louisiana Convention, His brother Robert, noted as Cuban Fili- buster, was wounded at Manasses, but recovered and entered again upon duty, and was soon after killed. He was associated also with AValker m the expedition to Nicaragua. The Confederate victory was complete. Tlie entire encampment of the enemy was taken possession of by them, and they found the fruits of their day's labour immense ; an abundance of forage and munitions of war, as also a great amount of clothing, fine blankets, and numerous tents, repaid them for the latter which they had thi'own away in thefr weansome march. Sunday night General Beauregard estabhshed his OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 233 liead-quarters at the rude log-cliurch of Shiloh, and the troops were ordered to sleep upon their arms, but the time had now come for feasting upon the spoils, and all night long soldiers and citizens were seen robbing and plundering. Disgraceful as this is to an army, there may be an excuse for such conduct on the side of the Confederates, as they, being deprived for so long a time of even the necessaries of life, they could but hail with gladness the moment such prizes were within reach. Before we condemn, let us not boast of strength to conquer temptation such as our hearts have never felt ; it is only those who are exposed to the heat of the furnace, that can judge of its intense heat. Monday morning found the enemy reinforced, and the Confederates much demoralised by their night of feasting and revelry ; notwithstanding they bared their bosoms to the strife and fought valor ously, imtil Beau- regard ordered a retreat, which was executed with steadiness. General Breakinridge, who had been ordered to cover the retreat, stood guard and vigil, with his little band prepared, if necessary, like Leonidas at the pass of Thermopylae, to hold the enemy in check, if it required the sacriiice of his last man. The enemy, already sorely chastised, did not pursue, but Breakinridge and his noble heroes are not deserving of the less praise. Beauregard retireel to Corinth, intending to make that place the strategic point of his campaign. But let us return to the field of battle, which presented a frightful scene of slaughter. The whole earth was strewn ^vith ghastly corpses, and the dying who had fallen among horses, muskets, swords, drums, and haversacks ; many of whom were in agony, moaning and entreating for 234 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; water, or begging that some kind hand would kill them outright, and thus end their pain. ^lany liad died whose wounds were slight, from exposure and want of attention. The calmness of the descending dew re\'ived some, while to others it sent a chill, as they struggled in tlie cold embraces of Death. Alas ! a sad and strange sight is that of a battle field — all those who were, ere yesterday, strangers to each other, now lying side by side on their sanguine couch, and taking then- eternal sleep together. A scene of horror from which the coldest turns with a shudder, while gazing upon the distorted A^sages and discolom*ed features of the dead, over which insects were creeping, and fr'om which there now rose a miasma foul and sickening. With morning came many women, the mothers, ■v\dves, sisters, and friends of the soldiers, to search among the slain for the beloved ones, gone to return no more, and thefr shi'ieks, sobs, and vnld cries, mingled with the moans of the dpng, sent a pang to the heart, of the observer, and deeply did the arrow of sympatliy enter the soul for those who died alone and uncared for. There they wandered over that field of carnage, some ^^ath dishevelled hair, blood- shot eyes, and blanched cheeks, searching out from thb already decaying mass of human beings, the loved and brave. Oh ! the sight was heartrending. Apart from the rest of the boches lay the form of a young man, beautiful even in death, and over which a young and lovely woman was bending. Her face was of an ashen hue, and her eyes were tearless, but in them a wild stare, as she cast them upon the body before her. She seized the arm of the dead man, and endeavoured to place it around her neck, but, alas, its stiffened state rendered OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 235 it impossible, then kissing its hands, she madly cast her- self on the body, and pressed her lips to the cold fore- head. " Albert, Albert," she mm-mured, " ask of God to take me too." The most callous-hearted wept at tliis scene of deso- lation, and seeing her endeavour to re-enfold him to her heart, her friends approached, and as they essayed to draw her from the scene, by pleadings and gentle force, she fell fainting upon the body, and was borne from the spot in the arms of her friends. Reader, do you recognise the characters ? They are Albert and Cornie, and soon the curtain must drop for ever upon two Avdiom I feel you have followed with some interest this far. Yes, Albert la Branche was in the thickest of the glorious strife, and fell upon the last day. He had taken a fond farewell of his bride that morning, confident in his promise of returning as soon as the conflict was passed, and had kissed her at the cottage door of the rustic abode in which they had taken up then- quarters. Anxiously she had watched and awaited the couriers, as they almost momentarily dashed by, and when Monday passed and no hastily-scribbled ]ine told her of his safety, unheeding the counsel of her friends' she flew to the battle-field, and now the reader, if he will, may witness her last hours. Sadly her friends bore her to her couch, and weep- ingly they pressed aromid her inanimate form, that they might assist in restoring her to consciousness. Thus she lay for hours, seemingly dead, with her icy gaze rivetted upon them. No sound escaped her hps, but at length her breast heaved vdVii heavy sighs, and the tears 236 TIIE IIEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; stole quietly do^^^l her cheeks from that now unsealed fountain in her heart. Tenderly they watched her, and silently she thanked them, while now and then she pressed their hands to her heart, or smiled upon them in her almost seraphic beauty. But the canker worm was at her heart, and momentarily they saw her fading away. Her parents were summoned, and they came and stood beside her, and that mother, now crushed and broken- hearted, no longer raved, but bowled to the Divine will, which seemed not to feel satisfied witli the already brimming chalice which she had di'ained to the tbegs. There lay that fragile flower — the blessed, the loved, and cherished ; she was passing "to that bourne from w^hence no traveller returns," and to that land " where never sounds farewell." She gazed lingeringly upon the departing sun, and watched the shadows of the vine-lines, which drooped m festoons from the doors and windows of the room she occupied, and when the last gleam of sunlight departed, wHith it her spirit fled, to shed its light and radiance on another world. Her deli- cate hands were clasped upon her breast, and her cheek shone with a hue unlike that of death. The dark and troubled waves were stilled ; the lamp had gone out, and her soul had gone forth to meet the kindred spirit that stood awaiting it. The harps of heaven were hushed, and darkness spread her pall over the scene. Wrapt in gloom sat the pale w- atchers by the dead — father and mother. They shed no tears, for they felt their darling was now in her proper sphere — an angel m heaven as she had been on earth. But while these events were passing, other scenes w^ere being enacted in the various portions of the Confederacy, which cast OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 237 an additional lustre upon the Confederate arms. The commencement of the year '62 was disastrous to the Southern cause, and though many battles were fought, few were termed victorious. Many of our brave men had fallen upon the various battle-fields, and in particular Virginia's soil was crimsoned with the blood of her heroes. Tennessee had felt the foot of the invader, and Nashville was occupied by the enemy. Her citizens turned out of doors, and her most palatial residences possessed by the hordes of hirelings that composed the Federal army. Not content with confiscating property, the vilest insults were offered to the families of those brave men whom duty to their country left their famihes unpro- tected and exposed to their tender mercies. Arrests were daily made, and a repetition of the Washington style of espionage was instituted. Mrs. Greenhow and family's treatment was but tame in comparison with that of many others, and the most sacred privileges of the female sex were wrested from them, and private correspondence of every nature was laid open to the world. No family was deemed secure from intrusion at any hour, night nor day, and though the ladies feared the brutality of those in command, they ever displayed a defiant spirit when face to face with their jailors. Many fled their homes to return no more, and the man- sions that a few weeks before blazed Avith light, and in whose halls echoed happy voices, were now dark and desolate, and the floors soiled with the dust shaken fi'om the feet of the blood-thirsty invaders. Those who remained, however, spurned all attempts at recognition, or effort of social intercourse with the Yankees. Those 238 THE IIEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; who had been sufficiently clehided to imagine tliat a union sentiment existed in Nashville saw how false the impression, when naught met their gaze but scowls, and muttered imprecations from the men, and the most un- pi tying scorn and intense hatred of the women. No condescension on the part of the inhabitants was mani- fested, and the insulting foe was soon taught that " stone walls do not a prison make," so that the mind be free. The enemy was harassed in every manner, and the dashing and intrepid cavalier, Captain John H. Morgan* (since Colonel), was every day performing deeds of valour which, for strategy and boldness, rivalled all the daring exploits of the time. Heroic acts and chivalrous conduct (when the history of this period shall be written) will place his name far before that of the heroes of the olden time, and when, in after days, we shall place the goblet to om- lips, we shall exclaim, with Byron — " Wer't the last drop in the well, As I gasped upon the brink, Ere my fainting spirits fell, 'Tis to thee that I would drink." Other men have added to their name a list of deeds by which they will be remembered when the present generation have passed from earth for ever. One has passed from amongst us, but when the grandsires shall sit around the blazing fire on winter eves, with their young about theh knees, the name of General Ben M'Cullock will be breathed forth, and tales of his * Afterwards promoted to a General, and since killed. 239 wondrous adventures related. His name was long known, and already liistorically, when the war broke out, and Texas looked to Inm as one of her strongest pillars of defence. On the field of San Jacinto and Mexico he had won unfading lamels, and in later days he was known as the " Texas Ranger." This noble man joined his fortunes with those of the Confederacy, and was killed at the battle of Elk Horn; standing on a slight elevation, he was marked by one of the shai^- shooters of the enemy from his conspicuous dress, wliich was a black velvet suit, patent leather liigh-top boots, and on his head a light-coloured broad-brimmed hat. His death was regarded as a national calamity, and General Van Dorn, in his official report, declared that no successes could repair the loss of the gallant dead who had fallen on the well-fought field. In this engagement General Mcintosh also fell, shot through the heart ; but in hastily reviewing those events I will not forget to pay a just tribute to the gallant veteran, Major-General Price, and his brave troops, who had won glory on other fields than Elk Horn. A more gallant commander than General Price the Confederate army could not boast of, and not only for his bravery and military skill was he remembered, but for his noble heart and tender sentiments. On many occasions this hardy warrior gave evidence of his humane feelings, but particularly on his retreat at the battle of Elk Horn, and I can give no better idea of it than quoting the exact words of the historian : - " In the progress of the re- treat," writes an officer, " every few hundi'ed yards we would overtake some wounded soldier. As soon as he saw the old General he would cry out, ' General, I am 240 TIIE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; wounded ! ' Instantly some vehicle was ordered to s+op, and the poor soldier s wants cared for. Again and again it occiin-ed, nntil our conveyances were covered with the wounded. Another one cried out, ' General, I am wounded ! ' The General's head cbopped upon his breast, and his eyes, bedimmed with tears, were thrown up, and he looked in front, but could see no place to put his poor soldier. He discovered sometliing on wheels in front, and commanded — * Halt, and put this wounded soldier up ; by G — d, I vdW save my wounded, if I lose the whole army ! ' " This explains why the old man's poor soldiers love him so well. But even he is not TN-ithout his enemies, nor his brave soldiers, and it has been frequently asked, "Who are Price's men?" and, to quote in compliment to ^Missouri's soldiers, we reply, " These veteran soldiers never falter in battle. They are never whipped ! They do not seek sick furloughs. They do not straggle. When battenes are to be taken, they tah them ! When an enemy is to be routed, they charge him ^yit]l a shout of defiance. They have met the foe on fifty battle-fields ! They may be killed, but they cannot be conquered ! These are ' Price's men ! ' " General Price had under his command troops from Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee, as well as those of Missouri ; and when, after the battle of Sliiloh, it was resolved to consolidate the armies of Price and Van Dorn with that of Beaui'egard, the call was responded to vrith. the most self-sacrificing spii-it by the Missourians and Arkansans. Their devotion to the cause of their country was manifested in the most patriotic manner, when, turning their back upon their homes, they crossed the Mississippi to fight for other OR, TRUTH iVKB JUSTICE. 241 portions of tlie broad land, feeling that ultimately they would rescue their own State from the detested control of the enemy. General Price's address to his army, though properly belonging to history, I cannot resist introducing here, teeming, as it does, with beauty, patriotism, and flow of soul, which seems to have gushed forth from his honest, manly heart in unfettered language, like one of the mighty streams of his native State : — ■ " Head Quarters Missouri State Guard, "Des Homes Arkansas, April 3rd, 1862. " Soldiers of the State Guard ! " I command you no longer. I have this day re- signed the commission which your patient endurance, your devoted patriotism, and yom' dauntless bravery have made so honourable. I have done this that I may the better serve you, our State, and our country ; that I may the sooner lead you back to the fertile prairies, the rich woodlands, and the majestic streams of our beloved Missouri ; that I may the more certainly restore you to your once happy homes and to the loved ones there. "Five thousand of those who have fought side by side with us under the grizzly bears of Missouri have followed me into the Confederate camp. They appeal to you, as I do, by all the tender memories of the past, not to leave us now, but to go with us wherever the path of duty may lead, till we shall have conquered a peace, and won our independence by brilliant deeds upon new fields of battle. " Soldiers of the State Guard ! veterans of six R 242 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; pitched battles, and nearly twenty sliinnislies ! con- querors in them all! your country, with its 'ruined hearths and shrines,' calls upon you to rally once more in her defence, and rescue her for ever fi'om the terrible tlu-aldom which threatens her. I know that she will not call hi vain. The insolent and barbarous liordes which have dared to invade om* soil, and to desecrate oiu' homes, have just met with a signal overthrow beyond the Mississippi. Now^ is the time to end this mihappy w^ar. If every man will but do his duty, his own roof will shelter him in peace fi'om the storms of the coming winter. " Let not history record that the men who bore with patience the privations of Cowskin Prairie, wdio endured uncomplamingly the biu'nmg heats of a ]\Iissouri sum- mer, and the frosts and snows of a Missouri winter ; that the men who met the enemy at Carthage, Oak Hills, at Fort Scott, at Lexington, and in numberless lesser battle-fields in Missouri, and met them but to conquer ; that the men who fought so bravely and so well at Elk tloin ; that the unpaid soldiery of Missouri were, after so many victories, and after so much suffer- mg, unequal to the great task of achieving an mde- pendence of their magnificent State. " Soldiers ! I go but to mark a pathw^ay to om* homes. Follow me ! *' Sterling Price." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 243 CHAPTER XVI. ** But hark ! that heavy sound breaks in once more, As if the clouds its echo would repeat ; And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before ! Arm ! Arm !— it is— it is— the cannon's opening roar ! " Ah ! then and there was hurrying to and fro. And gathering tears, and tremblings of distress, And cheeks all pale, which but an hour ago Blush'd at the praise of their own loveliness, And there were sudden partings, such as press The life from out young hearts, and choking sighs Which ne'er might be repeated ; who could guess If ever more should meet those mutual eyes. Since upon night so sweet such awful morn could rise ! " And there was mounting in hot haste : the steed, The mustering squadrou, and the clattering car, Went pouring forward with impetuous speed. And swiftly forming in the ranks of war ; And the deep thunder peal on peal afar ; And, near, the beat of the alarming drum Roused up the soldier ere the morning star ; While throng'd the citizens, with terror dumb. Or whispering with white lips, 'The foe!— they come!— they come!'" The morning of the 24th of April, '62 dawned upon the most important event of the times. An event that will long be remembered, and one that cast gloom over the whole Confederacy. R 2 244 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; New Orleans had long been considered an impreg- nable point, and the inhabitants had considered them- selves perfectly secm-e in their defences of coast and river. Vast sums had been expended on the nver batteries, and the city itself was supposed to be occupied by a large and well-disciplined force under command of General Lovell, and in its harbour was a fleet consist- ing of twelve gun-boats, one u'on-clad steamer, and the famous ram " Manasses." The outer line of defences were Forts Jackson and St. Philhp, some sixty miles below the city, and General Duncan, who was said to be the best artillerist in the Confederate service, was in command. The bombardment of these forts by the Federal fleet, had continued some time without much damage, and though 25,000 thirteen-inch shells had been thrown within the forts, the Federals only succeeded in dis- mounting some guns, and killing five men and wound- ing ten. On the 23rd the news from the forts was encourag- ing, but on the morning of the 24th the Federal fleet steamed up the stream to the forts, and opened fire upon them and the gun-boats. Soon the strife became furious, and in one hour several of the attacking sliips sailed past the forts. Owing to the night-signals being the same as those of the Confederates, the vessels were not discovered until abreast of the batteries. The conflict now became deadly, and the forts belched forth fii-e fi'om ail the guns that could be brought to bear ; but it was too late to produce much impression, and the " Hartford," commanded by Comman- der Farragut, led the van, and the Federal fleet pushed OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 245 on through the storm of shot and shell. On the other hand, the Confederate fleet, which consisted of only seventeen vessels in all, eight of which only were armed, disputed with desperation the pass, and fought against overwhelming odds, until they were driven on shore. These vessels were scuttled or burned by then- own commanders. The "Manasses" was run ashore and sunk, and the famous "Louisiana," the great kon-clad, could not be brought into action, as her machinery was not in good working order. Fifty-two killed and wounded, were the total loss of tliis contest ; amongst the latter was Commander Mcintosh, desperately wounded. In the fiercest of tlie strife, he and Commander Mitchell stood on the deck of the " Louisiana." Valiantly that little fleet withstood the attack, and towards the close of the action, and just as the "Doub- loon" appeared in view, the "Iroon" was about over- hauling her, when the " Governor Moore," commanded by Captain Beverley Kennon, darted upon the " Iroon," and ran into her three times. The Federal vessel managed to escape, and was again about capturmg the " Governor Moore," when the " Quitman " ran into her amid-ship, and smik her, thus allowing General Lovell to make his escape. But Captain Kennon, the last to yield, sped down the river into the midst of the Mam- moth fleet— dasliing hither and thither, attacking first one and then another of his monstrous antagonists. Being ordered repeatedly to haul down his flag, which floated defiantly in the face of the foe, he would answer, " Come and take it down, if you can." " Haul do^^^l that flag," repeated the Federal com- mander. 246 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " Never ! " replied Captain Kennon, as he answered with a volley of shot. Again came the command, " Haul down that flag, or I'll fire into you ! " " Fire ! " he added, with a strong objurgation, at the same time firing away his last romid oi ammu- nition, and, seeing that he would be captured, he sprang to tlie bow of the vessel, and dra^dng his sword fi'om the scabbard, broke it across his knee, exclaiming " I .w411 never sm-render this to a d — ned Yankee." Then, perceiving the Federals about to board the vessel, he drew his pistol, and ainimg at one, fired, and the splash which followed the report, told of the precision of the aim. The wounded lay thick upon the deck of the " Gover- nor Moore," a,nd though Caj^tain Kennon felt that he no longer possessed the means of fighting the foe, he determined not to yield, and seizing a torch, set fire to the vessel and then sprang into the river, hoping to swim to shore, but was captui'ed after some resistance, being only sKghtly wounded. Refusing to take the oath of parole, he was sent on board the "Cayuga," which vessel bore him to Fort Wan-en, where he re- mained some three months, and then, being exchanged, arrived shortly afterwards in Richmond, and once more proffered liis services to the Confederacy. He may well be styled the Hero of Fort Jackson, and his valorous conduct elicited comphment even from his enemies. The Northern jom-nals teemed with accounts of his gallant behaviom*, and articles headed " Honom* to whom honom- is due," " Give the Devil his due," etc., were devoted to anecdotes of his chivalrous deeds. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 247 When all tlie other vessels of the Confederate fleet had lowered then- flags at the command of the invader, or by force, one alone remained floating defiant alike of threat or force, and when Captain Kennon was /Sent to Fort Warren, it was on the criminal charge of having kept the standard raised when the rest of the fleet had surrendered. The officers of the Federal navy recog- nised in this hero their friend of former days, and Captain Kennon did not sever the ties of sixteen years' companionship with many of those without regret. But a Virginian by birth, he sprang from a race of heroes, and his father will long be remembered as the gallant Commodore Kennon who was blown up on board the " Princeton " several years since. He left two sons, one the subject of this sketch, and the other, Captain Dan- bridge Kennon, wdio with his brave cousin, the gallant J. E. B. Stewart, fought and won laurels from the commencement of hostilities. Allied to the families of George Washington (through the Custis's), the Lee's, and Butlers, Ave are not surprised at Captain Kennon's deeds of valour. The "Governor Moore" being the last antagonist, the Federals had nothing further to fear from the fleet, and slowdy they passed on towards the city. The citizens of New Orleans, startled from their slumber of repose and by the tolling of the alarm bells, supposed that the foe had passed the forts, and were approaching the city. The entire city was thrown into a state of commotion, and the whole of its inhabi- tants rushed into the streets, each enquiiing the meaning of the excitement, and when they were told ot their danger they could not beheve it, until General Lovell arrived, at 2 P. M., from the forts. The river forts 248 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY.; had not fallen, but two of the enemy's gun-boats actually threatened the city and the works at Chalmette ; five 32-pounders on one side of the river and nine on the other, still remained intact. The civil authorities of New Orleans entreated the Confederate commander to retire from the city, as it was feared a bombardment would be the result if he did not. General Lovell ordered his troops to Camp Moore, a distance of some seventy miles above New Orleans. Farragut made a formal demand for the surrender of the command, which General Lovell refused, and told the officers who bore the message that he w^ould attack any troops that iniglit land. General Loyell held an interview with Mayor Monroe and offered to hold the city as long as there was a man left. But this sacrifice of life w^as deemed unnecessary, as the few raw and poorly armed infantry could do notliing against the fleet, and the whole force then in the city amounted to only 2,800 men. Language can give no idea of the scene whicli followed the order for evacuation. Through an avenue of grief and woe indescribable, the Confederate soldiers passed on the way to the trains which were to bear them fi'om their homes, and all they held dear. Slowly they passed on through the difierent streets, and hushed and awful was the tread of their feet, like their now muffled hopes. Stem was their look, and they scarce dared a glance of adieu to the fafr wdio bade them " God speed " thi'ough theu* tears and sobs. No di'ums sounded, not a note was heard, but the beatmg of many hearts was in imison with the dirge-like sounds of mourning wliich were wafted on the whids of Heaven to the ear of the brave little band, who were forced to OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. ' 249 see their beautiful city polluted by the footsteps of the invader. Lovely in their sorrow even, stood the women of New Orleans, waving farewell to the heroes, and some in their desolation reminded one of the daughters of Zion hanging their harps on the willows by the waters of Babylon. Some stood calm as statues, with clasped hands and tearless eyes, while others wept convulsively, and some again gazed upon the scene with heaving bosoms and kindling eyes. The latter were predominant, and by their manner convinced the parting fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers, that there was nought to fear for. them, and that should a brutal soldiery take possession of then- city, there yet remained a protection agamst the foe, viz., nerve to plant the steel deep in the heart of the dastard who should dare to outrage or oppress them. Carriages, with the fau-est and loveliest of the city, were rolling on towards the depot to bid a passionate farewell to departing friends, and when the train moved off with the mass of human freight, it was amidst tears, bless- ings, and sobs. But hope yet remained, and the citizens of New Orleans believed their city still secure, as forts Jackson and 'Phillip had not fallen. Alas ! on the morning of the next day the Federal fleet turned the point and came in sight of the city. The Confederate troops were still busy in the evacu- ation, and the streets were thronged with all descrip- tions of vehicles, laden with every article of warfare. Mounted officers were galloping to and fro, in a state of the greatest excitement, and the streets were crowded with persons, who were laden A\ath provisions plundered 250 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; from the public stores, while others, more patriotic, were busy in destroying property wliich would prove of value to tlie enemy, and huge loads of cotton were seen rumbling along on the way to the levee. When the Federal fleet made its appearance, it was amidst the smoke of burning cotton, and the stifling odom- of the sugar and bacon consigned to the flames. Vast columns of flame rose in the air, and ^ded ^\'ith the suiiKght, and sublimely grand became the scene, when the torch was set to the steam-boats, ships, and gun- boats which were m the river, and they were sent floatuig down the stream into the midst of the enemy's fleet, threatening destruction to it. In the sacrifice was included the celebrated iron-clad frigate the "Mississippi," which was accounted the most important naval structure the Confederate Government hadyet undertaken. Fifteen thousand bales were consumed, the value of wliich was estimated at a milKon and a-half of dollars. The specie of the banks, to the amount of twelve or fifteen millions, was removed fi-om the city, and placed in conceahnent as well as all the stores and moveable property of the Confederate States. Thus when the Federal Comman- der took possession of the city, a few days afterwards, it was to find it deserted, and in pla<5e of the royal monarch " Khig Cotton," whom he had expected to grace his triumphal entrance, he found only the smoking funeral pyre of this Sardanapohs. Throughout the city deeds of lieroism were being enacted, and in CaiTollton the cannon Avere spiked by ]\lrs. Brown and her maid, while the delicate hands of the fonner were swollen and bleedmg fi-om her patnotic effort to prevent the guns being of use to the enemy. New Orleans shoifld remem- OR, TRUTH AXD JUSTICE. 251 ber this fair lady aiul her spii'ited conduct. BeautiM and delicate, you would scarcely suppose her possessed of such nerve — to gaze upon her when her beautiful di'eamy eyes were in repose. Her husband had left with his command, and she remained to do what she could for the cause of her country. The city was now under the jm^isdiction of Mayor Monroe, and nohly^ gallantly^ did he perform his part in this trying hour. To the demand from Flag Officer Farragut to the Mayor, that all the flags should be hauled down that were flying from the various public buildings in the city, the latter replied, that the citizens of New Orleans yielded to physical force alone, and that they maintained their allegiance to the Confederate States. On the 26th of April, however, a force landed from the sloop-of-war " Peusacola " lying opposite Esplanade Street, and hoisted a United States flag upon the Mint. The excitement was intense, and this was the moment in which an act was done, that in a few days after added one more martyr to the list of Confederates. In that crowd stood one in whose eyes flashed indignant fire, and with whom to think was to act, when, mount- ing to the dome, he tore the emblem of oppression from the staff*, and descending with it, he was joined by others, who trailed it through the dust of the streets, until it was soiled and in rags. Flag-Officer Farragut, exasperated beyond all boimds, determined to spare no mortification to a city, whose only protection was now in its civil officers. The State flag still floated from the City Hall, an emblem of State sovereignty, nothing more, yet it was required that this should be lowered by the citizens. 252 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Again the fair and lovely women of New Orleans proved their claims to an immortal wreath of glory^ when the proudest and wealthiest of them signed a memorial, praying the Common Council to protect at least the emblem of their State sovereignty from insult. The copy of the memorial I place before you : — " This petition was drawn up and signed by some fifty to sixty names before it was known that the Mayor and Council had decided upon their reply to Captain Farragnit's ultimatum : *' To the Honom-able the Mayor and Common Council of the city of New Orleans : — " The petition of the wives, the daughters, the mothers and the sisters of your constituents : — "Understanding that Flag-Officer FaiTagut, com- manding the naval squadi'on now tln-eatening the city, has given notice to the authorities to haul down the Louisiana State flag from the City Hall, and to make a formal act of suiTcnder of the city of New Orleans, Tsdth the alternative of remo\dng the women and childi'en Avithin forty-eight hours, we do pray yom- Jlonour and yom- honourable body to refuse to sm-render the city, or to haul down the flag, which is the emblem of the sovereignty of Louisiana, promising you om* counte- nance and support." On the 28th of Apiil Flag-Oflicer FaiTagut addressed his ultimatum to the Mayor, and tlu-eatening a bombard- ment of the city, and notification to remove the women and children within forty-eight hours. I place these, too, before you, not, kind reader, to OK, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 253 weary yon with useless detail, but to prove the worth of one who held within his hand the fair fame of the Crescent City, and though hie was a deUcate and respon- sible duty, he proved bis claims to the eternal gratitude of all by his dignified, resolute, and heroic conduct :— "U. S. Flag-ship "Hartford," " At Anchor off the city of New Orleans, "April 28th, 1862. " To liis Honour the Mayor and City Council of the city of New Orleans : — " Yoiu- communication of the 26th instant has been received, together with that of the City Council. "1 deeply regret to see, both by their contents, and the continued display of the flag of Louisiana on the court-house, a detennination on the part of the city authoi-ities not to haul it down. Moreover, when my officers and men were sent on shore to communicate with the authorities, and to hoist the United States flag on the Custom House, with the strictest order not to use their arms unless assailed, they were insulted m the grossest manner, and the flag which had been hoisted by my orders on the Mint, was pulled down and dragged through the streets. " All of which go to show that the fire of this fleet may be drawn upon the city at any moment, and m such an event the levee would in all probability be cut by the shells, and an amount of distress ensue to the imiocent population, which I have heretofore endea- voured to assure you that I desired by all means to avoid. The election is therefore with you. But 254 TIIE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACT ; it becomes my duty to notify you to remove the women and childi-en from the city ^\dtliin forty-eight hom'S, if I have ligTitly iindei'stood your determination. " Veiy respectfully your obechent sei-vant, " (Signed) D. G. Farragut, " Flag-Officer, Western Gulf Blockading " Squacbon." The Mayor replied verbally to the communication, by sapng he would call the Council together, and send a communication to the Flag-Officer to-morrow morning. After the reception of Captain Farragut's com- munication, the Mayor convened the City Comicil, wliich met at 2 o'clock in joint session. Home Department. Action of the City Authorities. The Mayors message to the Common Council ; Action of that Body ; Mayors Reply to Commodore Farragut^ s Renewed Demand; His Letter^ Announcing the Surrender of the Forts. The following is the Mayor's message to the Council, accompanpng Flag-Officer's communication, received yesterday : — " Mayoralty of New Orleans. ' " aty HaU, April 28th, 1862. " Gentlemen of the Common Council, " I herewith transmit to you a communication from Flag-Officer FaiTagTit, commanding the United States' fleet now lying in front of this city. I have informed the officer bearing the communication that I would lay OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 255 it before you, and return such answer as the city authorities might deem proper to be made. " In the meantime, permit me to suggest that Flag- Officer Farragut appears to have misimdorstood the City of New Orleans. He has been distinctly informed that, at this moment, the city has no power to impede the exercise of such acts of forcible authority as the Commander of the United States' naval forces may choose to exercise ; and that, therefore, no resistance could be offered to the occupation of the city by the United States' forces. If it is deemed necessary to remove the flag now floating from this building, or to raise United States' flags on others, the power which tlnreatens the destruction of our city is certainly capable of performing those acts. New Orleans is not now a military post ; there is no military commander within its limits ; it is like an unoccupied fortress, of which an assailant may at any moment take possession. But I do not beheve that the constituency repre- sented by you or by me embraces one loyal citizen who would be wilhng to incur the odium of tearing down the symbol representing the State authority to wliich New Orleans owes her municipal existence. I am deeply sensible of the distress which would be brought upon our community by a consummation of the mhuman threats of the United States' commander ; but I cannot conceive that those who so recently declared themselves to be animated by a Christian spirit, and by a regard for the rights of private pro- perty, would venture to incur for themselves and the government they represent, the universal execration of the ci\4hzed world, by attempting to achieve, through a 256 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; wanton destiiiction of life and property, that which they can accomphsh without bloodshed, and ^vithout a resoi*t to those hostile measures which the law of nations condemns and execrates, when employed upon the defenceless women and children of an unresisting city. " Very respectfully, " John T. Monroe, Mayor." The following is the resolution of the City Council, after receiving the Mayor s message : — Resolved — "That the views communicated by his Honour the Mayor to the Common Council, respecting the answer which it behoves the City of New Orleans to retm-n to the ultimatum of Flag-Officer Farragut, meet the um-eserved approbation of this Council, and embody their own views and sentiments, and the Mayor is therefore respectfully requested to act accordingly. " S. P. De Labarre, President, pro tem.^ " of Board of Aldermen. " J. Magioni, President Board Assistant " Alderman. "Approved April 28th, 1862, " John T. Monroe, Mayor. " A true copy, " M. A. B.VKER, Secretary to Mayor." The following is the Mayor's reply to the com- munication of Flag-Officer Fari'agut, received yester- day : — "City Hall, New Orleans, April 29th, 1862. " To Flag-Officer D. C. Farragut, ''U. S. Flag-Ship 'Hartford.' "Sir, — Your communication is the first intimation OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 257 I ever liad that it was by * your strict orders ' that the United States' flag was attempted to be hoisted upon certain of our public edifices, by officers sent on shore to connnunicate with the authorities. The officers who approached me, in your name, disclosed no such order, and intimated no such design on your part ; nor could I have for a moment entertamed the remotest suspicion that they could have been invested with such powers to enter on such an errand, while the negotiation for a surrender between you and the city authorities were still pending. The mterference of any one, under your command, as long as these negotiations were not brought to a close, could not be viewed by me otherwise than as a flagrant violation of those coui-tesies, if not the absolute rights, which prevail between belli- gerents under such cncumstances. My views and my sentiments, with reference to such conduct, remam unchanged. " You now renew the demand made in your former communication, and you insist on then being comphed with, unconditionally, under a threat of bombardment, within forty-eight hours ; and you notify me to remove the women and children from the city, that they may be protected from your shells. " Sn, you cannot but know that there is no possible exit from this city for a population which still exceeds in number one hundred and forty thousand, and you must, therefore, be aware of the utter inanity of such a notification. Our women and children cannot escape from your shells, if it be your pleasure to murder them on a mere question of etiquette ; but, if they could, there are but few among them who would consent to s 258 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; desert their families and their homes, and the graves of their relatives, in so awful a moment; they would bravely stand the sight of your shells rolling over the bones of those who were once dear to them, and would deem that they died not ingloriously by the side of the tombs erected by their piety to the memoiy of departed relatives. " You are not satisfied with the peaceable possession of an undefended city, opposing no resistance to yoiu- guns, because of its beaiing its doom with some manli- ness and dignity ; and you wish to humble and disgrace us by the performance of an act against which our nature rebels. This satisfaction you cannot expect to obtain at our hands. "We will stand your bombardment, imarmed and undefended as we are. The civilized world will consign to indelible infamy the heart that will conceive the deed and the hand that will dare to consummate it. " Respectfully, " John T. Monroe, Mayor." The following letter was received by the ^layor this morning from Flag-Officer Farragut : — "U.S. Flag-ship 'Hartford,' '^ At anchor off the City of New Orleans. "April 29th, 1862. " To His Honoiu' the Mayor and City Council of the City of Orleans. "Gentlemen, — The Forts St. Phillip and Jackson having surrendered, and all the military defences of the OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 259 city being either capitulated or abandoned, you are re- quii'ed, as the sole representative of any supposed autho- rity in the city, to haul down and suppress ^very ensign and symbol of government, whether State or Confederate, except that of the United States. I am now about to raise the flag of the United States upon the Custom House, and you will see that it is respected with all the civil power of the city. " I have the honour to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, " D. G. Farragut, "Flag-Officer, Western Gulf, Blockading Squadron." Correspondence between the Mayor and Captain Farragut : — The following letters conclude the correspondence which has been gomg on for several days between the U.S. Flag-Officer and the Mayor of this city. It will be seen from the letter of Captain Farragut that he seeks to vindicate himself from the conclu- sion that he intended to threaten the city in a certain event. We would further add, in justification of the construction placed by the Mayor and the people, and we may say of the foreign Consuls, on Flag-Officer Far- ragut's letter, that when Commander Bell delivered the last letter to the Mayor the following conversation oc- cm'red : — Mayor Monroe — "As I consider this a threat to bom- bard the city, and as it is a matter about which the notice should be clear and specific, I desire to know when the forty-eight hom's began to run ? " s 2 260 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; Commander Bell — "It begins from the time you receive this notice." The Major then drew his watch, and showing it to Commander Bell, said, " Then you see it is fifteen minutes past twelve o'clock." The Commander recognised the coiTectness of the time, and made some remarks, which were understood by all present to convey distinctly the threat, that if the flag was not hauled down in forty-eight hom's, the city would be shelled. The letters below were laid before the Council by the Mayor, but the Council did not see any necessity for any action on them : — *' Mayoralty of New Orleans, " City Hall, May 1st, 1862. *' To the Common Council in Joint Session. *' Gentlemen, — I herewith lay before you a copy of a communication received yesterday from Flag-Officer Farragut. You will observe that the note mtimates a misinterpretation on the part of the city authorities of Flag-Officer Farragut's previous communication. I ven- tm-e to say, gentlemen, that no reasoning mind can fail to place on the note of ]\Ionday, the 28th instant, the interpretation attached to it by the people of this city. The notification to remove om- women and childi'en within forty-eight hom*s, in case we adhered to our reso- lution not to haul down our flag, can be construed in no other way than as a tlu'eat to bombard the city. The meaning was plain, not only to us, but to the Consuls of the foreign nations residing here. But in so clear a case argument is superfluous. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 261 "Flag-Officer Farragut informs us that, in conse- quence of the offensive nature of our answer to his threat, he dechnes fiu'ther communication with us, and shall, on the arrival of General Butler, hand the city over to his charge. He certainly should be conscious that the city of New Orleans sought no communication with him or his forces, and that the cessation of inter- com'se, while it depended entirely on his will, could not fail to be quite as agreeable to us as to him. " It would add still further to our gratification should General Butler find it equally unpleasant to hold com- munication with the city. " Respectfully, (Signed) " John T. Monroe, Mayor." ' '•U. S. Flag-ship 'Hartford,' *' At Anchor off the City of New Orleans, "April 30th, 1862. J "To His Honom- the Mayor and City Council of New Orleans. " Gentlemen, — I informed you in my communication of 28th of April, that your determination, as I under- stood it, was not to haul doAvn the flag of Louisiana on the City Hall, and that my officers and men were treated with insult and rudeness when they landed, even with a flag of truce, to communicate with the authorities, &c., and that if such was to be the determined com'se of the people, the fire of the vessels might at any moment be drawn upon the city. " This you have thought proper to construe into a determination on my part to mm'der your women and 2Q2 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; children, and made your letter so offensive that it will terminate oiu* intercourse, and so soon as GeneralJButler anives ^^th his force, I shall turn over the charge of the city to him, and resume my naval duties. " Very respectfully, your obedient servant, " (Signed) D. G. Farragut. ♦' Flag-Officer, AVestern Gulf, Blockading Squadron." Thus he forced the insolent foe to perfoiTQ this act of insult, and reluctantly Flag-Officer Farragut con- sented to send his own forces to take down the flag. At noon appeared a force of about two hundred aiTaed marines, and a number of sailors, dragging two brass howitzers, and the officer in command mounting to the dome of the building, removed the flag of the State, in sight of an immense crowed, who stood viewing this act ^\ath a solemn and sad regard. The stillness was awful of that vast assembly, and the tears bedewed the cheeks of stern men, as w^eU as fair maidens. The scene of humiliation was over, and as the crowd dispersed for their homes, the silent grasp of the hand spoke volumes, and told of the agony of heart with which they left the spot. An incident of the time is well deserving of record. A prominent citizen — one of tlie city fathers — passing the residence of one of om- most patriotic and wann- hearted women, not a thousand miles from the City Hall, and seeing the ladies of the house on the front steps, saluted them, and entered into conversation respecting the events of the hour. He remarked upon the demand of Commodore Farragut to haul down our flag from the City Hall, and said that if even the Mayor and Council OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 263 came to the determination to yield, there was no man to be found wilKng to perform the himiiliating and craven act. He then, by way^of banter, said to one of the ladies : — " Won't yon relieve us from the difficulty, and go up to the roof and take the flag down ?" To which she replied, " Yes^ I ivill go tip, but ivill take a hammer with me, and nail the flag to the flag- staff:' We wish it were possible to transfer to paper the spirit and manner of the utterance of tliis noble and fearless woman. The expression of her feelings was worthy of her — worthy of the cause, and a fit represen- tation of the sentiment which animated both sexes. In this moment of excitement, the most shameful and outrageous scandals were being cnculated, and with- out grounds or satisfactory evidence. Generals Lovell and Duncan, though they had done all that. men could do to defend forts Jackson and St. Phillip, were by the ignorant, rash, and inconsiderate, pronounced " traitors." General Lovell acted upon the advice of the Mayor and City Council, and General Duncan only surrendered when the soldiers tlireatened to fire upon then- own officers, and spiked their gims. He had no other resource than to haul down his flag, and when on his return he made his address to the citizens of New Orleans, he wept like a child. But even for the poor worn out, weary soldiers there is some excuse for this conduct, as they had been exposed for many days to the furious and terrible fire of the bombardment, having been in water to their waists dming the whole time. One com- pany, however, refused to join the rest of the garrison 264 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACT ; in tliis act of mutiny, and in letters of gold let theii- names shine for ever, the " St. Mary's CvxxoxiERS." The Mayor thanked General Duncan, in the name of the citizens, for his gallant conduct, and the Hon. Pieri'e Soule was called upon to express to General Duncan the sentiments of the people, and that he would be held in everlasting remembrance for his gallant conduct. This scene was void of foiinality, and had no display or useless parade. In the hearts of all honest individuals Generals Lovell and Duncan were awarded their proper praise and merited admiration. An article appearing about this time. General Lovell presumed it refeiTed to him, and accordingly responded. Both are worthy of pei-usal, and I place them before you. "Fallen but not Disgraced. " Let us not be humiliated. New Orleans has borne herself in this great struggle as became the renown of her people. She has fought, singly and alone, T\4th her own resources, and those of a small State, ^\'ith less than half a million of population, the naval and nnlitaiy power of a great nation of twenty millions of people, and with vast military resources. She has kept that hostile nation at bay for more than twelve months. She has only yielded now to an overT\^helming power. Her only protection, the forts below the city, have held out for ten days against a hostile squadi'on, can-ying over thi-ee hundred guns, including mortars of unusual calibre, and against a land and naval force of many thousands. It was only when the small garrisons of these forts were worn out and exhausted b^^ the constant toil and OR, TRUTH ^VXD JUSTICE. 265 sleeplessness of an uninterrupted bombardment of ten days that they succumbed. When the United States' squadron succeeded stealthily in passing the forts, they were met by a small and weak squadron of gunboats, which grappled their huge ships, and fought until they were sunk or blown up. The success of the hostile squadron in passing the forts left the city at their mercy. The surface of the Mississippi, now at its highest stage, gave their four large frigates, can-ying over one hundred large guns, and then- ten smaller ships, bearing as many more, complete range of our streets and houses. It was folly long to resist such a power. Our troops had left the city. There only remained the foreign brigades, the non-combatants, the women and children. The demeanour of these was noble and heroic beyond all example. When on a point of etiquette to them, but a point of honom- to us, the city was menaced with a bombard- ment, there was no panic, no hesitation, no fear. Awful as the consequences would have been in such a city, with no place to retreat save the swamps, already sub- merged, the people cheerfully awaited the fate with which they were threatened. If the men had dared to yield the point of honour, the women would have scourged them from the city ; but there was no yielding. The civil authorities were worthy of the people. No flag was lowered by them, none hoisted but that which the enemy alone could by his physical force raise. The in vader met no friend, no ally, no sympathizer among us ; the people presented their breasts to his guns and bayo- nets, in a solid phalanx. Thus far, we can honestly say that, except in the 266 TEE HEROIKE OF THE CONFEDERACY; inconsistent, unauthorised, and cruel demand of the commanding oflScer of the fleet relative to the State flag, and, in the event of refusal, the menace to bombard the city, the enemy has bonie himself wdth digTiity and propriety. The terms yielded to the gallant gar- rison of our forts were honourable. The officers retired on their parole Avith their side-arms. The highest tributes were paid by the enemy to the heroism of the defence. The United States' flag waves over the city. It is the flag of the conqueror. Its presence has made doubly dear the standard which it has displaced. That will be embalmed in the hearts and memories of this people. This sad fate has come upon our city from no fault of om' people and authorities. Louisiana was left alone to defend this great city. The forts were prepared, armed and defended exclusively by the troops of this State ; the river by hastily constructed gunboats, manned by om- ovm. volunteers. The Government at Eichmond gave us Httle aid, and, indeed, embaiTassed us by the aid which it attempted to give. The defences would have been stronger and more formidable if a Con- federate naval officer had never had command in oui' river. The lack of energy and earnestness on the part of the agents of the Confederate Government deprived us of the most powerful of our resom'ces for defence. Indeed, had not our resources been drained for the defences of other and far less important portions of the Confederacy, Louisiana would have had ample means for the maintenance of her own integrity ; but we had already nearly exhausted our militaiy resources to pro- tect distant sections of our Confederacy. There is another source of consolation to us. All OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 267 the great cities of the world have been subjected to the humihation which we are now passing through. Paris, Vienna, Moscoav, London, Madrid, Antwerp, and all the great capitals of Europe, have in their tiu-n been occu- pied by hostile armies. So, too, in our o^vn country, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Charles- ton, and Savannah, have had to succumb to invaders. There is no disgrace or dishonour in this. The only dis- grace and dishonour that can come to us will be when we surrender the convictions of our minds, the loyalty of our hearts, and the duties of our conscience. The physical victory has been won by the invader ; it is for us to see that the moral victory is om*s. General Lovell. We publish below a letter from General Lovell, which presents a clear and satisfactory vindication of his course in the defence of this city. The statements of General Lovell, we believe, are fully sustained by the facts. In vindication of ourselves for the allusion to which the General takes exception, we beg to say that he never was in the contemplation of the writer in reference to lack of energy and earnestness on the part of the agents of the Confederate Government. We believe, on the contrary, that General Lovell, so far from being obnoxious to the charge of a lack of earnest- ness and energy, accomplished with the resources placed at his command, results of a character which have excited general surprise and admiration. There were other parties who were in our view in the allusion to which the General takes exception, who did not prove equal to the occasion. 268 TIIE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDEKACY ; We would fLU*ther add, that in the several allusions to the evacuation of the city by General Lovell, Ave do not think it was intended by any sober-thinldng person to convey any censure or any doubt as to ihjd propriety of General Lovell's conduct in withdrawing his troops fi'om the city after the fortifications had been forced by the enemy. Left with only an infontry force, General Lovell remained in the city after the enemy's fleet had anchored in its port. He was willing and ready to share the fate of the city; but it was evident that he was not only impotent for defence, but the enemy, AAath his command of the river, would have had it in his power to reduce the city to stai-vation, by cutting off all communication T\dth the interior. Besides, the continu- ation of the troops iii the city would have exposed it to a bombardment, in which the enemy would have been justified by the laws of war, a gamsoned town being always subject to such a fate. If General Lovell had had five or ten times the infantry force which he really had, he could not have made any adequate defence against the enemy's powerful fleet. His retirement was, therefore, not only an act of sound policy and wisdom, but one of absolute necessity for the salvation of the city from the most terrible disaster, as well as for the seciuity of the army, which General Lovell has saved to lead to other fields, where their valour may be made available for the maintenance and defence of our cause. "Xew Orleans, April 29th, 1862. " To Judge Walker. " Dear Sir. — In the ' Evening Delta,' in an article headed ' Fallen but not Disgraced,' this expression OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 269 occurs : — ' The lack of energy and earnestness on the part of the agents of the Confederate Government,' &c. ' " This includes me in its sweep, and I think un- justly. AVhen I came here, but a few short months since, I found the State completely defenceless ; its ports blockaded, and its young men gone to other parts of the Confederacy in the army. Without anything but what was created, every inlet was put in a position to offer a protracted and gallant defence. Forts were armed, powder and munitions of every description were made, and a gallant body of troops organized and drilled. Guns w^ere cast and materials of all kinds extemporized by incessant labom- and activity. The river, at the forts, was twice bridged by obstructions which would have resisted anything but the formidable rush of the great Mississippi in its swollen T\Tath. " My troops, at the call of then' country, rushed to Corinth, and the deeds of the Louisiana regiments on the 6th and 7th of April, indicated their courage and their trainmg. Our founderies were beginning to turn out heavy guns of the best quality; and a newly- erected arsenal furnished us with various implements of war. All tliis has been done since October, besides pre- paring sixteen vessels for river defence, eight of which are now defending the upper river, and eight have been destroyed in the vain attempt to keep back the enemy's fleet of war vessels below. Tliis has been done with no host of generals and staff-officers of experience to assist. Almost alone, with but few exceptions, I have worked day and night for more than five months to defend this great city. The responsibility of its fall is not due to any wantof 'energy or earnestness' on my part. 270 In a short time more I should have had guns enough, and men enough, to defend the numerous approaches on that element on which the enemy is so pre-emineirtly powerful ; and I, therefore, beg that you will do me the justice to say to the people of New Orleans, that I did all that one man could do to preserve them from an insolent and powerful foe, " When then' fleets passed all our batteries, I T\ath- drew my infantry forces beyond the city limits, in order to permit the people ol New Orleans to decide whether they would subject their wives, their children, and property to bombardment in the endeavour to maintain their freedom intact ; and retmTied to the city to-day to learn their decision, and to offer myself and my command to stand by them to the last moment, in case they should decide to undergo a bombardment. I know that there are many gentlemen here who ^^'ill bear me Asdtness that all that is here set forth, and much more, has been done to avert this sad disaster. An exammation of my letter and order books and telegraphic despatches, will show that no stone has been left unturned by me to save New Orleans from this humiliation ; and I feel well convinced that a few short weeks would have rendered the position impreg- nable. All I ask is simple justice, and nothing more. In conclusion I will add, that terrible as the blow has been, I am neither disheai-tened nor in despair. This war of mdependence is not yet fought out. Om- ancestors struggled on against the massive power of Great Britain, when Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, and Savannah were all in possession of the enemy, and gained their hberty. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 271 "It is a moral and physical impossibility that we can be conquered. Let us but be true to ourselves and our cause — never tiring, never despairiaig — but rising, Actaeon-like, with renewed vigour from every fall, and we shall yet be rewarded with success. Above all, we should not crush do^vn the spirit and the energies of those who are using all the faculties, mental and physical, that God has given them, by making light of their labours, because, with hmited means and under adverse circumstances, they have not been successful in resisting at all points a great, wealthy, and powerful enemy, with all the appliances of modern warfare, both military and naval, in great abundance at his control. We have never yet seen such dark days as those which environed George Washington at Valley Forge; and should such be our lot, I trust that the same spirit will animate us to work out the same successful results. " Respectftdly your obedient servant, "M. LOVELL, "Major-General, C.S.A." Could such sentiments exist in the heart of a traitor? I answer. No ! The brigade of foreign residents, under command of General Paul Juge, deserve lasting gratitude for the efficiency displayed in maintaining peace and order in the city, during the confusion and trouble incident to the appearance of the United States' fleet in the port. And now httle remains to be said. The city was taken possession of by General B. F. Butler, and as his troops marched into the city, they found how great was the mistake that Union sentiments existed in New Orleans, 272 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; and well they know tliat Union feelings could not be masked by the darkened visages which met their gaze at every step, and the fearful scowls, and muttered cm'ses of the few men who gathered around to witness their entrance, left them no hope for establisliing, on anything lil^e a fu'm basis, Federal government in Louisiana. General Butler established himself at the St. Charles Hotel, which, on the amval of the Federals, was by the Southerners vacated, and the Yankees were thus left to occupy it. General Butler, as well as several officers of the Federal army, were accompanied by their wives, but unfortunately for those ladies they were regarded in quite a different light by the citizens of Xew Orleans, and thus subjected to the most cruel suspicions; the commanding general's own wife was regarded as a courtezan, and in a few days after her arrival, was called upon by two women of infamous character, who represented themselves as the wives of Confederate officers. A longer stay, and greater knowledge of the Southern women, proved to General Butler and his staff, that none save a courtezan, and one of the most reckless character, would have dared to countenance or recognize them or their wives. They were thus forced to seek society amongst their kind ; and the Southern man or woman base enough to stretch forth the hand of recogTiition to them, was stamped with the brand of infamy, and their names remembered for that day in which the traitor shall be judged. No kind glance, no word of welcome met the eye, or fell upon the ear, and the lone sentinel paced the streets of the silent and fallen city, Tvdth a vision ever OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 273 before his eyes of a gleaming stiletto, and muffled form, for they knew not at what moment they might fall victims to the suppressed, but burning hatred of the citizens. Tremblingly the pickets marched to their duty on the outskirts of the city, as with blanched cheeks they each day heard of the guerilla bands and their daring deeds. Within the city mihtary rule was now established, and soon "The Reign of Terror" was maugurated, which has given to future ages even more material than its sister period in France. General Butler won the title of Robespierre, and many other tender soubriquets, which will appear m their proper places. Officers and men paraded the streets daily, mvesti- gating matters, to them of great importance, and houses were searched throughout for Confederate arms, flags, tents, clothing, and money. A party for the above purpose landed from one of the enemy's ships above Carrollton, and proceedmg to the abandoned fortifica- tions inspected them, and tore up a small Confederate flag which they found flying over the works. Retm-ning down the Levee, the officers met a family of ladies and children, accompanied by then- coloured servant. The Federals, addressing themselves first to the ladies, expressed a hope that the presence of the fleet was not a cause of fear to them. We will relate, verbatim, the conversation that ensued : — Mrs. B. : " That sensation. Sir, is unknown to us here." Officer : " Madame, may I ask you if there is any Union sentiment here ? " Mrs. B. : "None, Sir, that I am aware of; certamly none among the ladies." T 274 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; Officer : " Then we may take it for granted that there is none among either sex, as the ladies generally go with the gentlemen in political questions ? " Mrs. B. : " I am confident, Sii', yom- inference as to the entire absence of any Union sentiments is coiTect. As to the ladies following the gentlemen in pohtical questions, I beg you to understand that, however it may be in your section, the ladies here advocate that only which is just and honom-able." Officer: (Tm'ning his attention to one of the ser- vants) " Well, Sis, can you tell me if all the troops have left yet?" Nancy being for a moment quiet, the lady said: " Nancy, why don't you answer your brother ? " Nancy: (With great indignation) "Don't you call me Sis again. I don't want no Yankee for a bruder." The whole Federal party passed on without another word. This was the reception they met with on eveiy side, and Mrs. Brown proved herself as spirited in her converse with the foe, as she did when spiking the guns. Then long live such women, and may the foe, when he comes in his insolent pride, ever meet ^dth the scorn of all true women. We will now close the veil upon this scene, and introduce you, reader, to spectacles of interest which will never fade from memor}^, though they be lost to vision. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 275 CHAPTER XVII. " Our earth as it rolls through the regions of space, Wears always two faces, the dark side and sunny ; And poor human life runs the same sort of race, Being sad, on one side, — on the other side funny. " For our parts, though gravity's good for the soul. Such a fancy have we for the side that there's fun on, We'd rather, with Sydney, south-west take a ' stroll,' Than coach it north-east with his Lordship of Lunnun." " And in her air There was a something which bespoke command, As one who was a lady in the land." " But faith, fanatic faith, once wedded fast To some dear falsehood, hugs it to the last." The fall of New Orleans, tliough a most dreadful blow to the Confederacy, in no manner decided the fate of the war, and the victories of the brave troops in the battles around Richmond gave them renewed hopes for the future. The Confederates needed something to awaken them from the lethargy into which they had fallen, through their long and almost constant success. Like a storm this broke upon them after their empyream repose, and now those men who had been even cari- catured in their own journals in the following spicy T 2 276 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; tone, threw off their habits of indolence, and on the battle field, it were difiicult indeed to recognise in the tanned and resolute soldier a resemblance to the portrait below, wliich was indeed life like in every feature, when the clarion notes first burst upon the land. The Drill of the Lapstone Rangers. — This body of citizen soldiery, composed of the best blood of the land, has grown into a regiment, and has so organised in advance to meet the requirements of the new law which goes into effect on the 15th, that Colonel Sole, commanding the regiment, assures us that the regi- ment embraces in its ranks none but gentlemen; and Colonel Sole being a reliable gentleman himself, we repose the greatest confidence in his statement. He has presented us vnih. a revised copy of Hardee, de- signed for the exclusive government of the Lapstone Rangers, which certainly goes to show that the regi- mental orders, the drill exercises, and the manual generally, were gotten up expressly for the government of gentlemen. Colonel Sole always publishes the order for battalion drill on .the second page of a morning paper — ^headed notice — and in the following coui-teous style : — *' Gentlemen of the Lapstone Rangers, " If in perfect accordance with the economy of your digestive code, I have the honom- to invite you to ride down town to your respective armom-ies, as soon after dinner as you may deem it prudent, to-morrow, to par- ticipate in a portion of the exercises incident to battahon OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 277 drill. Provided tlie weather be not threatening or inclement. " I have the honour, gentlemen, to be, " yours, very truly, '' Crispin Sole, " Colonel Commanding Lapstone Rangers." Supposing, of com'se, the invitation harmonises with " digestive code," the different companies composing the regiment of Lapstone Rangers appear, according to card, upon the field used for drill. Colonel Sole, after saluting the vast number of ladies who are gathered on the field, and replacmg his white handkerchief, turns to the regiment, draws his sword, and opens — " Gentlemen, — If any gentleman in the battalion has in his mouth a cigar that is not quite smoked, I have the honour to inform him that the hour has amved when he can throw it away with impunity, if he chooses to do so." Upon this courteously delivered piece of military information, sundry gentlemen proceed to suck sundiy cigar stumps, preparatory to the whiff that will consign these stumps to the usual position of " old sojors." Whereupon Colonel Sole draws his sword, lifts off his hat, throws his eyes to the left, then to the right, wreathes his military lips into a bland smile, and says, *' Gentlemen of the Battalion — I deshe to state, to insinuate, with due sense of the com^teous relations existing between the members of this regiment and your humble Colonel, that if perfectly agreeable to you, you will place yourselves in the attitude of attention." 278 THE HEEOINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; The gentlemen thus courteously appealed to, of course respond, with the exception of one or two of the men who are deeply absorbed in an argument ^^th tlieir Captain and 1st Lieutenant upon the most improved method of tanning hides without the use of bark. They too, however, take their proper position in line, and the Colonel, after acknowledging the fact, proceeds — " G entlemen, — You will do me the favour to shoulder arms — if you please." The arms are duly shouldered in gentlemanly style. The Colonel now goes on — " Gentlemen, — Alexander wept for a second world to conquer, Solomon sighed for the \\4ngs of a dove, but neither of them, could they have reahsed their desires, would have been happier than your Colonel would be if you, by the right of companies, would change your position to the rear into column. In order to accomplish this very important manoeuvre, gentlemen, I will beg that each company will face to the right. Now do me the kindness to march?" The request is complied with to the extreme satis- faction of the Colonel and the delight of the ladies. The applause of the latter is gracefnJly acknowledged by Colonel Sole, who gallops away to the right of the line, and then gallops back again. After satisfying himself that the Hne is di'essed to suit those in it, he continues — " Gentlemen, — It would probably be more to your con- venience and ease — and I assm-e you it would meet with the entire approbation of yom- Colonel — were you to come to an ' order arms.' " Of course, the regiment comes to an " order arms." Whereiipon Colonel Sole says : — OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 279 " Gentlemen, — Your Colonel, ever mindful of the fe,ct that the human frame, after the performance of arduous duties, should indulge in reasonable repose, you are invited to assume the position usually assumed by soldiers when the order is given to 'rest.' It now devolves upon Major Strap to see that every gentleman in the ranks who is suffeiing from fatigue is supplied mtli refreshments." A reasonable time having elapsed for rest, the Colonel respectfrilly insinuates, in an extremely delicate manner, that the gentlemen should resume the attitude of a corps iji attention. The Colonel then states ; — " Gentlemen, — You would place me under lasting obligations if you would kindly consent to shoulder arms." The regiment courteously complied. *' Gentlemen, — Would you noAV honour your Colonel and please the ladies by showing them the perfect regu- larity with which you can support arms." The regiment kindly honom-ed the Colonel and pleased the ladies by executing the order. Colonel Sole, highly dehghted, put his white handkerchief into his pocket, and relieved himself thus : — " Gentlemen, — There is one more manoeuvre which I desfre executed, provided it meets with yom- approval. Gentlemen, — If you are not too much fatigued (I will not ask you to shoulder arms), gladden the heart of your commanding officer and yield to the request he will now make of you. Gentlemen, — I beg that you will now form a column upon the company which has the deserved honom- of being the first — that is, if the 280 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; front had not been changed — and I hope the gentlemen who command the different companies will hire people to see that wheeling distance is observed." This is a movement which belongs especially to the regiment of Lapstone Rangers, and is executed in superior style. Whereupon Colonel Sole, in the pride of his heart and the full satisfaction of the afternoon's performance, addi'esses the regiment : — *' Gentlemen, — The country is safe. I have the honour to congratulate you, gentlemen, upon the pmic- tuality of your attendance, the precision of your move- ments, and the mihtary bearing wliich every gentleman exhibits. Gentlemen, you will now take the first street you come to without the formality of forming into line and senduig the commissioned gentlemen to the front and centre. Gentlemen, — If you should find it incon- venient to take the fii'st street you come to, please take any street or streets convenient to you. And you would consult your own interests and futiue welfare if you would select those thoroughfares in which the mud is less than two feet deep. Gentlemen, — Hoping to meet you again upon the occasion of our next di'ill, I have the honour to wish you a very good evening." The Lapstone Rangers, it is almost unnecessaiy to state, form the very upper leather of society. Awl the chivahy of the parish, not connected with other regi- ments, may be found in its ranks ; and should they wax ■v\Toth, and have to foot it to the borders of the land, the bristles will be taken from some of the Yanks sure. Colonel Sole assm'es us that the Feds may hammer other portions of our reserve coi-ps, but when they come to the regiment of Lapstone Rangers, the latter -^411 OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 281 welt tliem till tliey are thinned out like slioe thread, and are compelled to peg out at last. This likeness bears a strong resemblance to those who filled the volunteer ranks in New Orleans, and tlieir sybarite customs could not be laid aside until the stern experience of camp life made them feel that to the patriot Lacedemonian fare and the "black broth" of Sparta is sufficient luxury. The above picture was not overdrawn, and though it only referred to the working men of Southern cities, who, not like the opulent planter, in whom this indolence was by natm^e, became inoculated ^dth this truly tropical spirit. But this scene was too bright to be lasting, and it wanted some shadow to relieve the dazzling hues, whose glow and voluptuous richness were but the true harbinger of storm and devas- tation. We were not sorry thus to see the sinews of the South strung to the war-pitch, as much was to be dreaded from the national languor which the last blow felled by the Federals dissipated for ever. The spirit which actuated the South was not that of fanaticism, which in its mad orgies kindles the torch of intolerance, and in its msane fury tln-eatens destruction to all, save those who join in its diabolical rites. The fanaticism of the North has plotted the death of the Goddess of Liberty, and though she still struggles to shun the fate which the world knows awaits her. Fanaticism has pro- nounced her sentence, and she must die. Then let the South take warning, and give no encou- ragement to the stranger — let them extend no welcome, and let their hearts close upon this demon, whose kiss is poison, whose embrace is deadly, whose triumph would 282 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; banish God from creation, and convert creation into chaos. It plotted the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and organised the Reign of TeiTor. It set up the Inquisition in Spain, and in France worshipped Reason in the form of a courtezan, and chose a madman for its priest, a fitting representative of its helhsh ceremonies. It was Abo- lition fanaticism, which appeared sans toilette, and in its most hideous deformity in its last character before the world, which eHcited the compHment, '^Nothing civilizes them' from the London "Times," and pronounces the Northern people "neither amenable to courtesy nor misfortune" and now to quote a criticism on this remark, I vnR beg, dear reader, your kind attention : — " The barbarism of the North, Nothing civilizes them." It is held by some T\Titers on the philosophy of history, that civiHsation is not the result of gradual development, but is an essential condition — that it is not an incident to progress, but an uiherent principle ; that it cannot be superadded where it is not already an indwelling quahty, appertaining to the thoughts and sentiments, and manifesting itself in the manners and institutions of a people. History has proved, as far as history can prove anything, the utter incapacity of certam races to acquire a genuine and intrinsic civilisation. No amount of white-washing can place the Afi-ican on the same social platfoi-m ^ath the civilised European. No tempta- tions of commerce, of comfort, of security, can localise the nomadic Arabs and Tartars. No laws, no treaties, no threats, no promises, can overcome the ferine propen- sities of the North American aborigine. We have had OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 283 good historical grounds for regarding these races as imcivilised and uncivilisable. But what are we to say to the bold assertion of the London "Times," that the Yankee race belongs to the same category ? Will the glorious land of universal Sham consent to see its claims to superior civilisation thus contumeliously spurned ? AVill the famous authors of hqueoiis nutmegs, and the similitudes of hams that are perfectly innocent of pork, peaceably bear to have those eminent tokens of march of mind and culmination of art msultingly overlooked by the leading organ of English opinion? We pause breathless for an answer. Meantime let us note more particularly the proposition of the London " Times." That joiu-nal (as may be seen in its article pub- lished in another column), while speaking of the battle of Manasses — of the vulgar bravado of the Lincoln press that preceded it, the rout and disaster that attended it ; the monstrous mendacity and brutal sentiments of the same press, that followed it— remarks that, judged by these and like indications, the Northern people " are amenable neither to courtesy nor misfortune. Nothing civilises them." Strange, indeed, must such language sound to an English pubhc, which had been so long schooled in the belief that if there was any civihsation in the States lying between the St. Lawrence and the Rio Grande, the true and only well assured seat of it existed in what was known as the Northern section. All the rest— Seward and Sumner, Beecher and Stowe Cheeverand Helper had told them, and their press, T\'itli small exception, with indolent complacency, had parroted the canting accusation — was blighted with the " black 284 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; cm-se of slaveiy." The text of the last and longest of Sumner's senatorial phiHppics was " The barbarism of slavery." The South, he maintained, was maculate with all manner of vice and crime, and barbaric to the core by reason of slaveiy, and it was the rightful and bounden mission of the North, immaculate, saintly, and pre-eminently enhghtened and progressive, to broad- cast the seeds of genmne civilisation to the moral wilderness of the slaveholding States. Xow, what is ]\Ir. Sumner to tliink? What are his constituency at Boston, that "hub of creation," that "Athens of America," to think? ^Miat are the great war party of the North to think ? AVhat are the pen-and-ink warriors of the Northern war press to think ? ^Miat is the whole Abolition and Lincoln capoodle of them to think, Avhen told by the principal jom-nalistic representative of the English public, whose s^Tupathies they have so assiduously courted, and so confidently counted on, that, taken upon evidence of their ovni making, upon their avowed acts and public professions, they are uncivilised, and incapable of civilisation ? The language of the London " Times," to wliich we refer, is doubtless to be construed, with some allowance for an exaggeration of bitter sarcasm. But the words contain a ci*uel sting, which no qualification of that kind can remove. It is the sting of truth — of truth as inexorable as death, as remorseless as the gTave. Allowing for all excess of badinage, for all extravagance of ridicule, the general accusation against oui' vaunting enemies at the North remains, that m then- an'ogation of superior civilisation, in their assumption of moral and intellectual supremacy over their Southem neighbom's, they were practising a OK, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. " 285 stupendous cheat upon the world, and that noAv, when war, with its vicissitudes and excitements, reveals them in the nakedness of their nature, in all the coarseness of their bad propensities, they are found to be " amenable neither to com-tesy nor misfortune," that, in fact, " nothing civihses them." Even so. The Abohtion fanaticism of the North is only another name for bar- barism. Slavery is an occasion, not the cause of its manifestation. The Union is the symbol of cohesion employed by the leaders of barbarous hosts tlinsting for rapine and slaughter, not the intelligible object of the war which is waged upon the South. If there were no cry of slavery, no cry of Union, there would have been some other cry, which would have meant the same thing. Substantially the same issue would have been forced upon us under any disposition of events. It is a proverbial impossibility to manufacture a " silk purse out of a sow's ear." With the " Tunes," so we exclaim, " Nothing civilises them," and not till New Orleans fell did these savages prove their claim to ancestry with the Aborigines— and fiill scope was now given by their chief B. F. B. (which being translated means brute, fiend, butcher), whose acts of brutality, military dommation, and insult, causing the universal poverty and beggary of millions, and the triumph of the vilest individuals in the community, and abasement of the honest and mdustrious, too-ether with the outlawry of slaves (mth whom on his arrival in New Orleans he professed to have no sympathy) the destruction in this region of agriculture and commerce, and the emigration of some of the wealthiest and most thriving citizens. But the soldiers of the Confederacy left for other 286 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; fields, where they could meet the foe on equal terms, and none remained save those who had families depen- dent on them, and were incapable of efficient military duty. But those who remained proved themselves as patiiotic perhaps as those upon the field, in their noble resistance to the Federal authonty. On the arrival of the Federals, every one who could conveniently leave the city did so at once, and amongst the number Judge de Breuil, leaving his sister and Miss de Villerie to follow at leisure. As the fleet came slowly up the river, passing " Rosale Plantation," one of the sentinels on board the " Pensicola " remarked, " Is not that a Confederate flag which I see floating from the tmTct of yonder man- sion?" " By heavens, it is ! " exclaimed one and all. "And methinks a lady is standing Tsdth her arms around the stafi"." " Fire a volley at it," remarked the commander, " and blow the woman and flag into h — 11 ! " A thundering sound was heard, and, when the smoke cleared away, the flag which a few moments before had streamed out so defiantly was now no longer to be seen, and those who looked through the telescope coifld per- ceive that much damage was done to the building, and, from the seeming confusion amongst the persons on the plantation, that it was more than probable the captain's order had been obeyed. And now tm-n we to Rosale. Miss de Villerie, on learning the approach of the fleet, had gone up into a turret of the building, and taking with her the Confede- rate flag, resolved to die beneath its folds. Standing OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 287 out on the small balcony in front of the tniTet, she placed the staff firmly in one corner, and, clasping her arms around it, she stood awaiting the penalty of her rash coiu'se. Thus, when the shot struck one, it struck both ; and when Madame de Breuil and her terrified servants sought Miss de Villeiie, it was to find her wounded and bleeding beneath the folds of the " Southern Flag," whose every fold was saturated with the blood of this intrepid girl. " Let me die here ! " she murmured, as they sought to restore and to remove her. " Oh 1 let me die beneath the folds of our own true banner. I ask no greater glory than to share a like fate to those who have fallen beneath it!" " This is an act of madness, dear Natalie," murmured Madame de Breuil, as she washed the blood fi:om her wounds, and endeavom-ed to staunch it ere the physician would arrive. On the an-ival of Dr. S , he pronounced her wounds not dangerous, and, administering an opiate, left her, with the injmictions to Madame de Breuil that all excitmg news should be kept from her, and no one should visit her until she was entirely well. With a constitution such as hers she was soon able to dispense with all services of the disciple of Escu- lapius, and her first resolve was to leave the city, or rather her home, which was now within the Federal lines. Ordering her carriage one morning, she drove, unaccompanied, to the St. Charles Hotel, and, sending her card to. General B. F. Butler, requested an inter- view, as she desired to obtain passports to go into the Confederacy. She was shown into the reception-room, 288 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; and soon afterwards the General entered. Bo^Wne: to Miss de Yillerie, who rose upon his entrance, he said, " Madame, can I serve you ? " " Yes, Sir," she answered, " if you are so disposed. I wish to obtain a couple of passports to go into the Confederacy, and trust you will have the kindness to grant them." "I am granting no passports at present, but in a few days I shall be happy to oblige you, or that is, as soon as Vicksburg shall be in our possession, which is momentarily expected." "Am I to wait. General," she replied, "until Vicks- burg falls, for a passport ? " " I can gTant none until that event." " Then," she responded, " I may as well take a fare- well to my hopes of getting one, for I am convinced you will not be troubled soon for them, as Vicksburg is regarded as an impregnable fortress." "I believe, Madame, that Forts Jackson and St. Phillip were also so deemed, but they were by our fleet regarded as but toy fortifications." " Rather formidable toys, I should judge, that kept at bay your fleet for four months, and ichen you did make the attack, held out seven days against all the engines of destruction that your imagination could devise." " Truly, this is the case, Madame ; yet you must acknowledge your fleet is but a burlesque when com- pared to that of the Federal." "Most assuredly, Sir, and so much the more credit our officers and men deserve for combatting the giant of which you boast. Yes, Sir, I admit your superiority over us in a naval pointy but to us belongs the victor s OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 289 wreath on land, where physical force j^roves the warrior s claim to pj^aise, and where, I beHeve, our sokliers have ever proved themselves the most entitled to eulogy." " You cannot claim much glory for them in the last engagement, and the traitor Lovell at their head was the most contemptible of all." " Spare General Lovell, and do not term him traitor, for that is our name for him, if he desey^ves it of either ; but remember him gratefully, for if he be a traitor you are indebted to him, and others of the same sort, for yom- present victory." "We are indebted to none save our own valom-, Madame, which has placed us in possession of this city, and which will soon open the Mississippi River, which has been so long closed from Western commerce, and thus place ^^dthin my power the means to assist your starving population." " I was not aware. General Butler, that our popula- tion were in this condition before, and feel assm-ed it must have been since your amval, as thus all communi- cation has been cut off from whence supplies heretofore were sent to New Orleans." " No, Madame ; when I arrived here I found them in a starving state, and it is not even the poor that have sought me for assistance, but I have had your wealthy men, slave-owners, to come and plead to me on their knees for bread for their families and food for their slaves." " Permit me, Sfr, then, to say to you that you have been most terribly imposed upon, if this be the case, as I can assm-e you there is no man, no real Southerner and slave-owner in the South, base enough for such an u 290 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; action. There may be persons who have represented themselves as such, but they icere neither Soutlieimers or slave-owners. It were impossible that any one could have been in such a state of extreme distress, and in so short a time after your entrance, as before you came there was an abundance of provisions, and such a thing as a mendicant in our streets was unknown. Never, Sir, never, was there less pauperism known in the South (where it at all times exists less than in any part of the world) than since the war commenced, for our State Government provided against the wants of the families of her soldiers, and even in the country, in the difterent parishes, so much is allowed to each family^ say $20 to the wife, and §5 to each child, until it amounts to §50, and then it ceases. Besides tliis, provision is given them by the surrounding planters, and thus, you perceive. Sir, our poor are properly cared for. Xo, Sir, you may be assured there are none now in the city vile enough to take the oath, to save their property or obtain provision." " Madame, will you be so kind as to name some of those you imagine so loyal, and I will send for them this moment and prove to you that they will tahe the oath, and in your presence ? " " Doubtless, Sir, as a man would deliver his purse to a highwayman. I could name many to you, Sir, that not even such a threat could intimidate, but I have no desu'e to compromise my friends." " I should imagine that your confidence in the spirit of your people was somewhat lessened since their inglorious flight, leaATiig only the ladies and childi-en to defend the citv." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 291 " They could not, General, liave left it under better protection, women are no mean adversaries, as has been proved, more than once, both in the field and in the Chamber of Council. Do not presume, however, that ice regard the exit of our troops from the city as you do. What would you have the handful of men do ? Remain and subject the city to a bombardment (which was threatened by Farragut) and perhaps perish with the women and children, with no means left them to defend it?" "There was no reason," he answered, "for the flight of these men, nor the destruction of property, and as for a bombardment it was never threatened." "Pardon me. General Butler, if I tell you that I am not dull of comprehension, and I do not know what other interpretation could have been put upon the words of Commander Farragut, when he ordered that the women and children should be re-moved luitliin forty-eight hours. Or if it be, General, that this is not the case, and if you pretend to have taken our city by any other means than by yom- fleet, which frowned upon us threatening destruction every moment, though your soldiers feared to land, I say that no 2?ersonal valour was displayed, and that if you msh to put your soldiers and our own to the test, just signify to General Lovell that you will meet him at Camp Moore, out of range of your gun-boats, and that a physical combat will decide the right of conquest, and you will find. Sir, that though you may outnumber him in men he will give you as nice a thrashing as was administered at Bull Run, and Manasses." " Your soldiers certainly know how to fight," he C 2 292 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; rejoined, " but pray tell me who are your men of the South ? As for the North has she not given to America all the inventive genius, and has she not produced the ship-builders, and manufacturers, as well as constructed your railroads, and dug your canals, in fact been the great lever which raised her to her present gigantic height amongst the nations of the globe, wliile the South, what has she done ? " " If you will allow me. Sir, I will tell you who our men of the South are first ; secondly, what they have done ; and thndly, what they intend doing. To begin. History, I presume, will inform you that the South gave to you many Presidents and Statesmen, and ruled the Cabinet at Washington long enough at least that you might have felt who the South was. Secondly, the Southern people being mostly proprietors of estates, they had no necessity for trying then* inventive genius in any manner, but left such icork for theii* more needy neighboui's, who were generally well paid for their services, as often in exchange for a hogshead of sugar, or a bale of cotton, they would manage to smuggle in a wooden ham into the hogshead of pork, which was sent for the consumption of the Negroes, which even they could not be forced nor tempted to believe was genuine, as they knew it came from the land of imiver- sal sham, 'and harshly as the Southerners treat their slaves they would not insist upon then partakmg of this fare so kindly sent them from then sympathisers. Lastly, the Southerners, aroused from then slmnbers of Oriental repose, have sworn to burst their bonds and extermi- nate their enemies^ or be exterminated. This, Sfr, is what the South has done, and what she intends doing." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 293 " My dear Madame, what can tlie South do in the Hlhputian struggle with the Federal giant ? Tell me, of what is yom- army composed ? " " A dwarf in earlier days slew the giant, and we would consider it no miracle now. WJio are our troops ? What are they, did you ask ? I, Sir, will tell you. They are the flower of the land, and men that were most of them nursed in the lap of luxury, and this is why they fight so well, for history tells us that the patricians have been better soldiers than the plebians. They do not shrink from suffering, and already have given proof of their ability as w^arriors, orators, statesmen, |and authors. Amongst the first named we place the im- mortal Washington, amongst the second, their names are too numerous to mention. Can you now deny our claims ? " " Granting all this, Madame, you cannot deny the great superiority of intelligence of the masses of the North compared with the South, and, for instance, I can point out to you in one company (which he named) alone twenty-five graduates of Harvard Col- lege." "Twenty-five graduates of Harvard College," she scornfully replied, "I can point out to you. General, one company of the Parish of West Feliciana, in which there is scarce an exception in it, and those who compose it are graduates of the first colleges, either in the North, South, or of Europe. They are each and everyone worth at least some fom- or five hundred thousand dollars, and thus you will perceive they were not educated, like most of your Northern young men, with the view of making their way in the world by their 29-4 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; talents — therefore I cannot admit a superiority of intellect. Probably, had the youth of the North the same inducements towards idleness and ignorance, they would prove less worthy than our Southerners." *' I am well aware," he responded, " of your vast wealth, but, ^ladam, when we look at all tliis we must consider that it is the poor slave who works for it, and that it is his hands that fill your pm'ses and provide these luxmies, and that no personal endeavour on your part have ever placed one penny in your pockets. As for me," he added, " I would prefer to earn my bread by the sweat of my brow." " General, as we have broached this subject, what, presume you, must your soldiers have thought on am^dng in New Orleans, to find the negroes pro- menading in the square and streets, dressed in broad- cloth, and some in silks and satins, carr^-ing gold watches in then- pockets, and looking better, and H\Hng better, than their poor families at home, whom they had left there in poverty to fi^ht forthe negro, and to loosen th^ir bonds of slavery. What were your sentiments V " Oh, my dear Madame, as for me, I have ceased to be astonished at anything ; and I must assure you that I am no Abolitionist, have never been one, nor have I any sympathy in this cause; I came here to fight for the Union, to restore order, and to feed your starving peopler " Well, kind sir, I would advise you to begin at home in the latter work of charity, for if the poor of the North have enough to eat and drink now, it is more than they ever had before. They should pray for a continu- ance of the war; and the Abolitionists of the North should fii'st begin their work of enfranchisement in New OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 295 York and Pliiladelphia, where the free negroes are the most God-forsaken wretches on earth, and where the chains of filth and poverty bind the millions of black and white stronger than any manacles forged from iron. Go to the Five Points of New York and glance at the miserable hovels on the shore, of the Bay of Brooklyn, and tell me then if you can find a negro in the whole South who would change his quarters with the poor white slave of your cities ? You made use, Sir, of the remark, ' I would prefer to earn my bread by the sweat of my brow.' This, Sir, may be a pleasant enough theory seated, as you are, in a cool apartment of the St. Charles, in the most delightful part of the city, and with ices to drink every hour, and when inchnation prompts a pro- menade, seat yourself in an equipage ; but if you would like the practice for a few moments, I would advise you to enter a cotton-field and begin your day of labour by pulling off your coat and exposing yourself to the sun's rays, and then take the cotton-bag in your hand, cull a few of the beautiful white blossoms that look so delicate, or take the hoe (if earHer m the season) and turn the soil up, even lightly, for a few hours, and then give me your idea of ^earning your own hreacV Theory^ most usually, is pleasant — practice^ seldom so." " I must say, notwithstanding all this, Madame, that the life of a Southern man reflects little credit upon the Creator, and leaves him without aim or object, save the pursuit of pleasure." " Yet, Sir, they place yearly in the hands of the Northerners the profits of the planters' crops, and Nor- thern shopkeepers and the landlords of the hotels in your various watering-places have generally reaped a golden 296 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; harvest from the pockets of the Southemers, who, as soon as spring, arrived — like all geese prepared to be plucked." "Yes, as you say," he answered, "they spent their money recklessly, and, after a grand dash and flomish, usually handed over a draft on their merchants, and returned to their homes satisfied, I beheve, ^^-ith ha^nng made a display." Miss de Yillerie was about to reply, but at this point a lady made her appearance at the door of the apart- ment, and said, addressing the General, " Before you go out I wish to see you." The General rose, and bowing, said, "Twill attend you soon." Then the lady withdrew. She was ladylike and graceful in appearance, and Miss de Villerie being anxious to learn who it could be, remarked, " I was not aware there were ladies in the hotel now ; I presumed they had ail left the day of the arrival of the fleet." " My wife. Madam," he replied ; " and thus you ^dll perceive I have come prepared to stay." "We are all liable. Sir, to grievous disappointment in tliis w^orld, and this may prove your greatest." " AYell, when I leave New Orleans I will leave it what it was, viz. — the home of the alligator." *• Thank you, courteous Sir, for yoiu- compliment ; do you pretend to say you found nothing here but alHgators? Do I look much like that amphibious creature?" " Excuse me," he laughingly responded, " I meant in its original state ; and when I do leave, I shall leave the d 1 to take it (pardon the expression, I pray you," OR, TRUTH AXD JUSTICE. 297 he added) ; a prophecy which was fulfilled to the letter. " You are pardoned, Sh^, for the hasty expression, and be as indulgent, I pray you, with me when I say to you that had you been in New Orleans the day on which your soldiers landed and marched up the streets, you would have presumed his Satanic majesty had already arrived with all his imps ; and I assure you. Sir, we never wish to see anything bearing a stronger re- semblance to him than the Yankees." " Well, Madam, I own they might have done Avorse than we did ; for instance, we have a right to take the feather beds from imder the people even, and it would only be considered just according to the rules of war- fare." " I assure you you are quite welcome to all the feather-beds you find; but fortunately we don't use them, spring mattresses are in vogue here ; and now. General, I presume that I must leave without a pass, as you need not have the slightest hopes of placing Vicksburg witliin your lines." " We shall see, madam ; and should you feel disposed to take the oath and retmn here within two weeks, I will provide you with a passport." " Bidding you good morning, General, I will state that I should not value nor accept a passport purchased at such a price," and thus saying she bowed low to the commander, who accompanied her to the door. Entering her carriage, she drove to the office of the provost marshal, and there obtaining passports, for which she paid two dollars in silver, she proceeded to the City Hall, and had them signed by General G. F. 298 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Shapley (wlio for his courtesy towards the ladies of New Orleans ^^•ill long be remembered), and once more seating herself in her equipage, drove to Rosale. In a few days, the latter plantation was deserted by all the w^liite inmates, and Miss de Villerie had gone to figure in other scenes. General Butler soon established his head-quarters at the Custom House, and the orders for confiscation and arrest began. He took possession of the residence of General D. F. Twiggs (the latter havhig left immediately on the arrival of the fleet), and also seized all the silver and articles of value he could find in the house, as well as the jewels of Mrs. Myer (the daughter of General Twiggs), but returned the latter by request of Dr. N. Mercer. Ascertaining, tLrough the domestics, that General Twiggs had left his swords in the keeping of the Florence family, as also some silver, he sent an order to the family to give them up, which they refused to do, asserting that General Twiggs had presented those articles to Miss Florence, but this was considered as a mere subterfuge, and General Butler took them without further ceremony. He forbade all display of Confederate badges, emblems, or other rebel demonstrations. Yet in the face of threats, and with Ship Island and Fort Jackson as the penalty, there were those reckless enough to sport the colours, and to meet, face to face, the Union officers and sokhers without a tremor for the con- sequences. Amongst the number famous for such conduct was ]\Irs. Pliillips (formerly of Washington) and her daughters. They had suffered in Washington at the commencement of the war, and Mrs. Philhps at that time was arrested on the charge of an iatention to on, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 299 illuminate her mansion after the victory of Bull's Run. Her treatment then should have taught her a lesson, as also that of Mrs. Greenhow and others. The latter's ride, where she acted as chief of the fair band of female prisoners in the old Capital Prison, though a most amusing incident of prison-life, scarce repaid her for her suffering during her captivity. But I cannot say that I advocate such a course. It hut exasperates the enemy, while it benefits the cause in no w^ay. The only course to be pursued in such circum- stances is one of quiet dignity. I feel that all ladies of pi-ide will agree Avith me in saying I would not care to sport my flag where it was simply tolerated, and could only feel at ease in wearing my colours where they floated triumphant. It was the mistaken zeal of some well-meaning, but rash and thoughtless persons, that created bitter sentiments and unjust acts to spring up and originate in the minds of the many, that a proper self-respect and guarded manner would have avoided. Before the city was invested, all acts of heroism were to be admired, but once it liad fallen, the only course should have been a silent, cautious, and resolute endea- vour to bear the chains in cold disdain, until the moment should arrive when they might cast aside their shackles and walk forth free. But it would be useless to advise the almost h-enzied citizens of New Orleans ; and often when the commanding general was driving with all the state of ofiice in his equipage, followed by twelve armed cavalry, he would see a Confederate fan flirted before him, or perhaps catch the glimpse of a head with a Confederate rosette, as it hastily withdrew from a window on his approach. 300 In vain were menaces of vengeance ; the Confederate emblems were eveiywliere seen, and sported even by tlie French, British, and Spanish officers. The Spanish' man-of-war generally was crowded during the evening ; and the commander, who was a most splendid performer on the piano, generally regaled the assemblies with Confederate music duiing the intei'vals of the dance ; and the summer evenings passed off* gaily in this man- ner, for those who remained in the city. Though Lincoln's emancipation proclamation had not been published, the negroes arrived in vast numbers every day in the city, as they heard their deliverers were come, and soon the plantations m the vicinity of New Orleans were depopulated, not through any Avill of then- own, l)ut by the violence of the Yankee soldiery they were forced to leave then- comfortable quarters, and take lodgings at the Custom House, where, being closely confined and treated to rations from the refuse of the soldiers, they became sick, and daily the remains of those who died were borne off" in waggons to the commons, w^ere a hole was dug in the damp earth, into which then- bodies were rudely pitched and left to decay. Hundi-eds in this manner died and were buried; and when, half-starved and almost mad, they, in their moments of recreation, wandered through the streets with no kind glance to meet theirs, sadly they sighed for their comfortable cabins, and the green bright fields, w^here the breath of heaven fanned their cheeks, when the day's labour was ended. Gladly would they have retmiied, but alas ! the spot once so dear to them was deserted, and the masters' or mistresses' kind smile would greet them never again. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 301 Do we blame you, ye misguided beings, for what ye icere and are ? No. Our hearts bleed for you, victims that you are to the lying hypocrisy that led you from all that could render your lives pleasant; and ten thousand curses rest upon yoiu* miu-derers, who tore you from the arms of repose and happiness, only that they might see your bones bleaching upon the earth. "Vengeance is mme saith the Lord." Ay! with blood shall blood be paid. Not alone were they tempted to leave then homes, ay, forced, but they were advised, like the Israelites of old, to " spoil the Egyptians," and daily were heard of ladies who were left without a gar- ment, or one article of dress or jewellery — the most valu- able articles were stolen, and the receivers icere the officers and soldiers of the United States Army and Navy. All that could not be confiscated was pm^loined, and no redress could be had for any grievance whatever. General Butler at fii'st did not countenance this con- duct on the part of the slaves, but General Phelps did, and the former, when the proclamation was issued, be- came as violent an Abolitionist as the latter, notwith- standing his asserting to Miss de Villerie that he sympathized in no way with the negroes, and his public address to the authorities in Washington, where he ends by quoting from Lord Chatham^s celebrated address : — "/ will never consent to so vile an act, and if ye ivish to adopt this course, you must find some other iiistru- ment to carry out your intentions, for I will never he used as such." Is it not a pity that the beauty of the concluding remark should be marred for ever by after deeds, and is 302 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACT ; it not to be regretted that a speech which fills the mind with ideas of a lofty and elevated being should, when compared in contrast to his other and later ex- pressions, leave only the impression that the nobleness of feeling was only bon'owed for the occasion, and the address but penned in order to make use of a portion of the eloquence and elegant sentiment of Chatham's when speaking of the employing of Indians against the colo- nies? In vain do we attire ourselves in character ; if the mask be not raised before the end of the pageant, it must fall from the face at its close, and when morning dawns we appear in our o"^m garb. Once the mask dropped from General Butler's face he did not seek to conceal aught further, and we must admire his boldness and the entire indifference Tv^th which he regarded public opinion. The first men of Xew Orleans and its \dcinity were aiTaigned before this absolute monarch, and for the most trifling offences were sent to Fort Jackson. Mayor Monroe, Dr. Stone, and others of celebrity, were imprisoned there, and now the clergy trembled for thefr safety, though many of them posi- tively refused to pray for the President of the United States, and were threatened wdth tortm-e in conse- quence. One fact is here worthy of record, and this is, that the Reverend Father Mullen, of St. Patrick's Cathedi-al, resisted to the last aU threats of the General's, and when called before the Commander said, in response to his menace of Fort Jackson, '* Sir, I do not fear you m the least ; and were you to dare to interfere vrith me, you would find your ranks of soldiery quickly thinned, as OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 303 more than two-thirds of yoiir army is composed of Irish Catholics, and with them their God and Religion is first, and then their country ; so touch me at your jyeril ! " General Butler, feeling the force as well as tiTith of the remark, made no further tlneat, but insisted on the prayer for the Confederacy being dispensed with, to which Father Mullen consented, and on the next Sunday made the follo^v^ng remarks : — " My Beloved Brethren, there are some here to-day who have listened to my voice of instruction from infancy to womanhood and manliood, and others who have but just entered the fold of which I am the shepherd. We have passed through various changes of life, and yet we never di'eamed the hour would arrive when the invader would silence our tongues, or close our ears to the dictates of conscience ; but it has come, the invader is at oiu' doors, and now we can only pray in silence for that which is dearest and nearest. Beloved Brethren, 1 have taught you how to pray, and what to pray, and noio do your duty I ! I " Comment is unnecessary. On another occasion he was requested by General Butler to ofSciate at the bm'ial of an officer, and, to the inquiry of whether he would do so or not, he replied, " Most assm-edly, with a great deal of pleasure ; it icill afford me happiness to hury the ichole army I " Officers attended the various chmx'hes, not from motives of piety, but to act as spies upon the ministers. The places of worship were for a time deserted almost, as the inhabitants refused to bow at the altars of the same God with then cruel and heartless persecutors. But the Houses of God were not long ore they were 304 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; once again filled with the sad worshippers, who, even in their desolate woe, prayed for their enemies, that they might become changed in heart, and true followers of Hun whose last injunction was, "Love ye one another." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 305 CHAPTER XYIII. " She gave the thirsty, water. And dressed the bleeding wound, And gentle prayer she uttered For those who sighed around. " She cast a look of anguish On dying and on dead, Her lap she made the pillow For those who groaned and bled. " And when the dying soldier For one bright gleam did pray, He blessed this gentle being. As his spirit passed away." Once arrived in tlie Confederacy, Miss de Villerie sought to aid the cause of her people in contributing towards the support of the soldiers, and her first act was at Crystal Springs, Copiah County, Mississippi. Madame de Breuil and herself, on entering Rebeldom, proposed remaining at the first village which would promise any degree of comfort, until they should be joined by Judge de Breuil, who had gone to Richmond. Learning that Crystal Springs was a quiet, beautifully-situated retreat, and free from soldiery, they determined to await the Judge there, and, accordingly, they engaged rooms at a cleanly-looking mansion in view of the railroad, and X 306 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; which gloried in the poetic and floral name of " The ^lay House." The proprietress of this establishment, a ^Irs. ]\Iay, was a lady of about sixty years of age, a tlmfty, hard-worldng dame of the olden time, and one who had constantly "many u'ous in the fire," as keeping boarders was not her sole means of subsistence, but together witli keeping a loom, and sewing for the soldiers, she seemed to coin money. Hers was such a face " as would a home- spun dress adorn," and ]\Iiss de Yillerie chd not refuse to enter the weaving-room where the old lady invited her. After watching for some moments the manner in which the rosy, good-looking rustic lass (a niece of the proprietress) dashed the shuttle to and fro, she sat doAvn at the loom and commenced weaving with even more celerity than the rustic maid. The old lady was quite charmed at the " city gal's " condescension, and vowed she'd make " Elie " (her lubberly bumpkm son, whose name was Elijah) set up to her; "for," she ended, " arter all, when it kums to the pint, I believe the town gals is just as i^ashanal as the country wuns, and it all depends upon their fotchen up." After having weaved a quarter of a yard, which the old lady pronounced a " nashun site evener than Jemima's," Miss de Yillerie was desu-ed to walk out and see the gyardin (garden), and afterwards the chief beauties of each plant, ornamental and useful, were dis- cussed ; the old lady pointed out a beautifal hedge of the Cayenne pepper, sa^dng, " I alHz liked um, and them's purty to look at, and mazen healthy, and I'se tried to get a contract from the Govei-nment for fornishin the soldiers with bottles of pepper sarss, which would save a heap of sickntiss 'mongst 'um, but I couldn't git um to OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 307 do it, and I wan't gwine to make the vinegar and raise the pepper for notliin, so if they want sarss they may pay for it." Next Miss de Yillerie was shown the process of smoking beef, which in the language of those who under- stand it is termed "jerked." The latter, though delight- ful to the taste (to those who have strength to masticate it), threatens momentarily to demonstrate the definition of its name. Miss de Yillerie was next invited to ride with the old lady in a search through the country after home- spmi, which she intended purchasing to speculate upon, and forthwith they started in a nice little buggy, with one horse, which the dame herself drove. As they passed through the country, Mrs. May explained to our heroine each object of interest, and drove to the beautiful and truly crystal spring from which the village derives its name. In the midst of a lovely pine forest, and at the base of charming hills, it gushes forth, and invites the weary traveller to a di'ink from its mossy brink. Miss de Villerie, getting out of the buggy, drew near to the well of nature, and plucking a leaf from a small tree which grew near, formed it into a cup, and dipping it into the water, regaled herself with a draught of pure Adam's ale. After this they re-entered the buggy, and drove to each and every cottage for miles around, and then returned to the May House, when Miss de Villerie recounted her adventures to Madame de Breuil, and dwelt upon the extreme poverty of what is termed the " piney woods" people, and their extreme filth, and almost bnite ignorance, concluding her account of them by saying that more intelligence, and more marks of X 2 308 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; civilisation might be found amongst the T\nldest and most roving tribes of the desert. But Uke all countries where great and intelligent men have existed, there may also be found their opposites. Ireland, amidst all her poverty, has produced some of the greatest lumi- naries of the world, and in her firmament has sparkled some of the greatest constellations of the British realm. Charonea, in Greece, gave to the world one of its great- est historians, and Plutarch is an example of where the mu'e produced a gem. Mississippi produced many brilliant men, and Kentucky a Jeff Davis, ^vith many others whose intelHgence more than compensate us for the ignorance of her masses. However partial we may be to Mississippi, for having given birth to illustrious statesmen, we cannot forgive her treatment of Con- federate soldiers, nor can we forget that on the retreat of the anny from Tupelo they (the soldiers) were charged hy the patnotic inliahitants twenty- five cents for a canteen of ivater, and ten cents for a glass I Think of this, Mississippians, and ye who boast of your deeds of patriotism. " By their works ye shall know them," and thus do we judge you. Conmig generations shall point with the finger of scorn to tliis fact in history, and speak in trumpet-tones of the self-sacrificing s]3irit of those who ministered to the weary soldiers for flthy lucre. In sorrow do we trace the words which record your avari- ciousness, but t)mth alone we wiite, and therefore " let the galled jade winced Long years after ye are gathered home, and when even the httle mounds that mark yom* resting place lie level T\dth the earth around it, these deeds T^'ill be your only mausoleum, to remind us that ye existed, and more huge this memorial shall be of ye OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 309 than tlie pyramids of Egypt ; but ye have erected it yourselves, and it is neither of stone, silver, nor gold, neither of iron nor brass, but of pinchbeck, emblematic of your narrow hearts. Sad is it that it should rain " alike on the just and the unjust," and though there certainly were more than '^ ten just," Ave could not spare like Him, the rest. Miss de Villerie, who in her own State had witnessed naught but the most ardent endea- vours to add to the happiness and comfort of the soldiers, saw with feelmgs of sm-prise and indignation their treatment at every place in this State. Famished soldiers ordered on a hasty movement to some point? and having no time for waiting to cook rations, would beg even for a crust of cold bread wherever they stopped, and were invariably refused. Becoming desperate at times, they would scale walls, leap fences, and break doA\Ti gates to steal a few vegetables, such as turnips or onions, which they would eat raw. Occasionally a soldier more bold than the rest would shoot a chicken, or a turkey, and for this offence be severely punished by the officer in command, whose well-filled stomach left him no room for sympathy with the starving soldiers. On all occasions the officers fared well, as wherever they went the best was at their disposal, but RANK was treated not jMERIT. Miss de Villerie had just returned from Jackson, where she had been for some months, and was now estabhshed again at Crystal Springs. One morning towards the close of October Mrs. May, the proprietress, who has already been presented to the reader, came into Miss de Villerie's room, and, seating herself, re- marked, " Dr. R has jist bi7i to see me, and to ax 310 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; me to take into my house a sick soldier, but you knows yourself, Miss Villery, I hasn't any room." " Then, my dear ^Madame," exclaimed Miss de Yil- lerie, "I trust you ^^1 not refuse to take him on this account, as Madame de Breuil and myself will consent to occupy the same chamber, that you may give place to him. I assure you, I would much prefer pelding all claims to comfort, than one of those men should be deprived who has fallen ill for my sake and for yours." " Wall," replied the old lady, whose features were seemingly cai^^ed out of stone, " I'll see him, and, if he am't too sick, 111 have him fotched over, for he's l}Tng now in the depot, and they talk 'bout takin him to the hospital at Magnolia," and so saying she left the room, and donning her sun-bonnet, left the house. In a few moments she retiuned, and said, " I'm not g^^ne to take him, for he's most dead anyhow ; and, besides, he aint got any money, and I'm too old to have the trouble of him, and ther's plenty folks in the neighbom*- hood sides me." This was quite tme, and so thought Miss de Yillerie ; but she rephed, "My good Madame, it should be no reason that, because others act unkindly and uncharit- ably, we should follow theu' example ; by no means, and I would much prefer your taking this man, as his being so ill is a greater call upon our charity. I beg you will •do this, and I will endeavour to make him as little trouble as possible to yom-self and servants, by waiting on him myself; and, if money be the object with you, I will pay you." "No, money hain't the reason," the old dame re- sponded " but I don't Hke sick folks in the house." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 311 " Mrs. May," said our heroine, " did I understand you to say that this man is in the depot ? " " Yes, and it's orfiil cokl too thar, and it's jist bloin a perfect harricane out doors. I'm sorry, but. Miss Yiliery, I can't take him." Miss de Villerie arose, and, remarking to Madame de Breuil that she woukl go and see what she coukl do for him, and at the same time she took a couple of letters for the mail, as she wished this to serve as an excuse for going to the depot, the post-office being at this place, and, owing to the absence of most of the gentle- men, the ladies now crowded the depot. Entering the depot. Miss de Villerie deposited her letters in the box, and then, casting a glance around the room, where several of the villagers were assembled, she perceived the sick man lying on a hard bench, and seem- ingly near dying. From his emaciated form, sunken cheeks, and hollow eyes, even the careless observer would know that he could not live many hours, and that the flickering light of life was about being extinguished for ever. Seated in the same room were the cold heart- less beings who had refused him shelter, and talking, laugliing, smoking, and chewing, they sat there, view- ing with stolid indiflerence a fellow-creature's suffering and last hom-s. Miss de Villerie, who was exasperated almost beyond bounds at the brutal conduct of these men, turned to- wards the most respectable in appearance of the group, and asked, in a clear and imperative voice, " Is this the man you intend sending to the Magnolia Hospital ? " " Yes, Madame," responded the gentleman addressed. "What, tills man?" she said; "why he does not 312 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; seem scarcely to have life in him, and how do you imagine he will be able to make such a trip ? Is there no person in Ciystal Springs that will give him shelter until he is able to travel ? To send him now, in his weak state, and in such cold weather, will be mm'der. May I ask how came he here ? " The d}TLQg man turned upon her his langniid eyes, and opening them to their fullest extent, as it were, to gaze in wonder at this being who dared speak m his defence, said, " Lady, they would not have treated me so if I had had money ; but," he added, " I did have a little, about $160, which my captain keeps for me, but now it is too late, it would not do me much good it I even had it." " Money ! " exclaimed our heroine ; " what do you want with money ? SJiould not every mans money he the soldiers money^ who have gone forth to defend then- homes from the enemy, who spill their heart's blood for then country's safety, and expose themselves to all kinds of danger for the public defence ? Money, indeed, my poor man ; you are entitled to every mans money, and none save brutes could refuse you. Pro- tecting these people and then' property has brought you to this, and while such lazy louts as are here as- sembled have been lolling on downy couches, eating and di'inking ot the best, you, poor man, were l}^g on the cold, damp earth, with youi' musket clasped close, even m yom- sleep, to your breast, that you might be ready for the foe at any moment; and now," she said, turning to those around her, " what must you think of your- selves, in a village of plenty, where no troops are quartered, that you refuse even to grant this man, this OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 313 soldier^ a roof to shield liim from tlie inclement weather, and a bed whereon to die ? To term you savages and Hottentots would be to pay you a high compliment. I am houseless myself, or I would take you, my poor man," she said, addressmg him. " I liave already prof- ferred my room, if the person with whom I am boarding will take you, and, if there is any one to give you shelter, I ^vill pay them." " Are you a Mississippian ? " inquired the person first addressed by Miss de Villerie. " Mississippian!" she almost thundered out, ""Mississi- pian I Oh ! no, Sh. I would scorn the name ; and if I had been so unfortunate as to have been born here, I would, after this example of their patriotistn, and generous, high-souled, and charitable conduct, diso^ai for ever all knowledge of such a State." Miss de Villerie left the room, and soon after return- ing to the depot with some brandy and port-wine for the invalid, found that the people, brought to a sense of their duty by her bold and stern remarks, had lifted him on a mattress and taken him to the hotel on the opposite side of the rail-road, then placing him in bed, in the most comfortable room in the house, they sought by their attention to efface the unfavourable impression, and to gain a charitable reputation. Alas ! the cloven foot had been displayed, and no aiTangement of the drapery around the form of the hideous figure could disguise or erase the vision of its natural deformity. However, Miss de Villerie was delighted to think her conduct had been the means of even gaining for one human being repose in the last sad moments of his pilgrimage here, and proceeding to the hotel, she 314 THE HEROINE OF TEE CONFEDERACY; placed brandy, port Avine, and tea in the hands of the propiietor of the house, to be used for the patient, and then made a search through the village fur some one who would sell her a chicken at any price, to make soup for the invaHd. She was fortunate enough to meet with a German woman who was land enough to let her have one for 50 cents (at this time a most reasonable price) and paying her for it, had it sent to the May House, where she had a soup prepared, and took it herself to Stubbs' Hotel, where the sick man was quartered. Alas ! it was almost too late for atten- tions, and he was too weak to eat the chicken, but sipped a few mouthfals of soup fi'om the spoon, which Miss de Villerie held to liis hps. After remaining with him until late that night. Miss de Villerie returned to her hotel, at the same time extracting a promise from several men that they would remain for the rest of the night, and administer the medicine which the physician had ordered for him. Returning early the next mommg, Miss de Villerie found the medicine on the mantel-piece^ the room deserted^ and the poor soldier evidently dying fast. She had said and done all she could ; her vocabulary of invectives was exiiausted the day previous, so, seating herself by the bedside, after she had wet his parched lips with brandy and water, she took the soldier's hand in her o^vn, and while the tears hung upon her fringed lids, endea- vom-ed to discover his name and family, that she might apprise them of his death. The day previous, he could speak distinctly, but now it was with difficulty she could make out what he said. At last she learned aU that was necessary, his OR, TRUTH AXD JUSTICE. 315 name, place of residence, and his mother's address, and also that he was the son of a widow— whose husband was an Episcopalian minister in Tennessee. Miss de Yillerie stayed with him until dinner hour; when, returning with Madame de Breuil (who had offered to watch the poor man during the next night), they found that his spirit had fled from the coldness and soitow of earth to its home in Heaven, where, we trust, that in the glory and happiness there he is amply repaid for liis suffering here below. The tears fell fast over the form of the poor soldier ; and Iicill do the town of Crystal Sjjrmgs the justice to saij that it did wash the body, and give it a dean shirt, as loell as bestow a few feet of earth on the edge of the jniblic road (land belonging to the government), and— to their honour be it said for ever — they did bury him. " Tennesseeans, remember your debt to Mississippians, you owe them one days lodging for a soldier, and the price of six feet of inddic earth. /, Natalie de Yillerie, am icitness to it," said our heroine, as she sadly walked into the house from the gallery where she had remained gazing at the waggon wliich contained all that was mortal of a v^ddow's hope. That night. Miss de Villerie seated herself to pen a letter to the bereaved mother, and she endeavoured to send balm for the wound which she knew the informa- tion would inflict, by stating the kind treatment her son had received in his last hours ; and though she felt she was doing a foul injustice to the human race by slander- ing the inhabitants of Crystal Springs so greatly as to call them Und, Miss de Villerie did state that her son had received every attention in the power of the people ol 316 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; Ciystal Springs. At the same time slie enclosed a lock of his hail-, which she caused to be cut off, reservnug another in case the first letter should not reach its destination ; his canteen was the only souvenir of him that she could obtain, and she sent this to the express office at Vicksbm-g, to be forwarded to his mother, but was told there was no express farther than to Okolona. In a few weeks she received a response from the mother, a beautiful and grateful epistle, penned by the family physician, and in heart-inspired tones it breathed of gratitude. But now that we have broached this subject, we must not forget to give to the public the name of the chief actor in this scene. The young man whose melancholy end we have just recorded, was on his way on board the cars, with his company, to Camp ]\loore. The train being very much crowded, and having stopped for a few moments at this station, he got out to walk about, and when the whistle sounded, and the cars started, he endeavoured to get on again, but was pushed off by the crowd, and left behind. Wandering around the village, he was met by a man li\Tng in the neighbourhood, who, though not the representative of a Southern planter, was a veiy rich person, and owned a number of slaves. He lived m the vicinity of the village, and was considered the wealthiest person in the neighbourhood. This day he happened to be in town, and meeting with the soldier, asked him to accompany him home in his buggy, and remain until he got well, which invitation the poor fellow gladly and thankfully accepted. In a few days after his anival, Mr. Robinson (for OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 317 sucli is tlie person's name) went off to some place, most probably to Jackson, where he mtendecl remaming some days. Mrs. Robmson, finding the man was becoming worse instead of better, and considering him Yery troublesome, determined to send for the village doctor, with the view of obtaining an order for his removal to the hospital. She having accomplished this, on a cold and blustering day in October, the man was told by Mrs. Robinson that she had ordered the buggy, and that the driver would take him to the depot, whence he could go to the Magnolia Hospital. The poor man arose from his bed, the picture of death, and started out into the cold air, less cold than the heart that turned him forth. Two days after, God released him from his pain, and we trust He may forgive the unkindness of those into whose hands he fell. Had this woman been a person who had never been a mother there might possibly be an excuse for such conduct, but in one who had herself lost a son a few months before on the battle-field, and who was told that it was not certain where or how he died, it cannot be over- looked. Lost to all feeling must that mother be who can gaze upon the sufferings, in any form, of the child of another and not feel that perhaps her own may yet be in the same condition, and need a friend. Base, beyond conception, are those who can view the necessi- ties and miseries of their fellow-beings and not seek to relieve them. But " Vengeance is mme, saith the Lord, I will repay." The soldier was buried on the evening of the last day of October, 1862, and the next day Miss de Villerie, according to the custom in New Orleans on All Saints' Day, gathered a few blossoms and, accom- 318 THE HEROIXE OF TIIE CONFEDERACY ; panied by a young lady of the village, strewed them over the grave of the humble dead. Seven other soldiers were sleeping beneath the brown hillocks, and ]\Iiss de Villerie was ahke thoughtful of them as she strewed the blossoms around. Kneelmg at the head of each grave, she breathed a fei*vent prayer to the One who alone can give either celestial or terrestial peace, and transcendently beautiful was the tableau, as with hands clasped, and eyes raised to heaven, she knelt in holy prayer. The last rays of the setting sun, as it glinted tlu'ough the autumn foliage, fell upon her ; and it seemed to enfold her in its last embrace, and to cast a halo around her wliich nought save a celestial being could wear. She arose from her knees as the last rays of the sunlight died in the West, and, as she turned to leave the spot, she raised her hand, and niaking the sign of the cross in the ah' above the eight sleeping forms, thus consecrated then- resting-place, and departed for home. Judge de Breuil arrived at Crystal Springs a few weeks after, and Madame de Breuil and Miss de Villerie left ivithoiit regret the village which, possessing all the natm-al characteristics of beautiful scenery, T\dll be always engraven on her memory as the most frightful of all spots on earth, from the unpleasant cfrcumstances above-mentioned. Miss de Villerie, on arriving in the capital, joined at once the association for contributing towards the wants of the soldiers, and in her di'ess of Confederate grey she might be seen eveiy morning at the rooms of the various societies, aiding with money and counsel to the utmost of her power. Miss de Villerie was charmed with the OK, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 319 patriotic spirit of the ladies of Riclimond and Vii'ginia generally, and, in lier letter to her friends in New Orleans, spoke of their conduct in the most glowing terms. And well the maidens of Virginia desei-ved her admiration, for more faithfully than the vestals of Rome did they tend the sacred fire of patriotism, and kept it blazing brightly amidst the dim clouds of war. South Carohna s women are also worthy of undying praise, and many a wearied soldier will long remember the bright faces and willing hands of those he met at the " Soldiers' Rests " (established by the side of the railroad, tended by ladies and then- servants), and the generous attention received there. The scene presented on the an-ival of the different trains at the various stations were interesting to the beholders, as, laden with provisions, the ladies flocked towards the cars bearing abmidance of fruit and dehca- cies, as well as the more substantial articles of diet — viz., bread, and meats cooked in every manner, made doubly dehcious by being bestowed by the fan and lovely women of the South. On every hand they admmistered aid to the weaiy soldiers, and in filling canteens with water and milk, and hi distributing loaves of bread, these ladies would stand for hours seemmgly unwearied, smiling and speaking words of encourage- ment and good counsel to the rough and stern-looking soldiers, who, in their dusty attire, formed a strong contrast to the lovely women and gnls by whom they were served. Much lighter felt the knapsack of the trudging infantry man as he turned fr-om one of these "Rests," and stouter grew his heart when he felt he was not fighting uncared-for, and that kind 320 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; hearts and gentle hands were ready to nurse him should disease lay low his form or render him unfit for service. Willingly, devotedly, worked the women of the South for the promotion of the Confederate cause, and day and night in untiring labour were their fair hands employed in knitting, scudng, and mending for the army, and the most expensive articles of dress were sacrificed to pro\^de comfortable apparel. Elegant India shawls were cut up and made shii^ts of, while silk, satin, and meiino dresses were sacrificed in the same manner. Carpets were dispensed with in every mansion, and when army blankets became scarce, these were formed into blankets for the soldiers. Eveiything that could be foimd about the homes and in the apartments of the rich, were bestowed at once upon the public altar for the use of the country as soon as its value was kno^Ti to the possessor. Few were the cases in which those who could bestow refused, and when such were met 'W'ith, and the avaricious being who refused was known, the Government, like a sensible mother, said to the base and ignoble child, " Your brothers and sisters have divided their portion with you, and now I shall force you (since fail' means have proven ineifectual) to share with them," and accordingly she acted. How proud, how gratified, must those persons be who generously came forward when the tocsin first sounded and placed their all at stake for the countiy ! How happy they must feel to think they did not wait, like many others, to have it all swept from them, and by the foe ; and who, in their ruined state, are now left to wander homeless, without the thanks or eulogy those 321 icill ever receive wlio spring to the assistance of their treasury at the first cry of alarm ! In vain those selfish inchviduals looked forward to peace, and in vain they counted their rich herds and flocks, hoping that the storm of war would pass over their heads, and leave them possessed of theh^ treasm-e. " All is vanity," saith the preacher, and these beings proved the truth of the proverb. Sans remorse^ we have seen the torch applied to hundreds — ay, thousands, of cotton-bales which were heaped in the gin-houses of these national thieves, and with delight we witnessed the ruin of those miserable nan-ow-minded specimens of the human race, that were ever ready, for avarice' sake, to plant the poignard in the heart of patriotism. Yes, I have seen these " Gods of their idolatry cast to the earth." " And the widows of Ashur were loud in their wail, And the idols were broke in the temple of Baal." Not less, kind reader, were the widowers ; and when the moment shall dawn wherein our country shall have properly chastised these worshippers of false gods, let us hope that they will view, with different ideas, their former misgiiided actions, and in the freedom of their country kneel with us in the worship of the true God^ and of liberty. 322 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACT CHAPTER XIX. " What is it that you would impart to me ? If it be aught toward the general good, Set honor in one eye, and death in the other, And I will look on both indifferently : For let the gods so speed me, as I love The name of honour more than I fear death." " Let the galled jade wince." " Madam, are you \\T.lling to undertake this business ?" said General J , to a lady who j^had just entered his tent, escorted there by one of the General's staS officers. "Most assuredly, General," she replied! "Do I look like one that would fear the consequences, if resolved upon an act ?" " Then, Madam, I feel I can safely enti-ust you with this despatch," he said, as he handed to her a folded paper, " and trust to hear of yom- successful entrance into L , and your safe exit once youi* mission be ended. Please give strict attention. Madam, to direc- tions in regard to delivery. On entering L , go at once to the House, and once there, atth-e yourself in gray, when you vrill enter the drawing-room, and seat yourself immediately in front of the door, holding in your hand a book, and to appearance be reading atten- 323 tively. There will enter a person dressed in citizen's clothing, who will at once advance and call you by name, and address you in the famiHar style of an old acquaintance. He will wear a slouched felt hat, and over his left eyebrow you will perceive a deep scar. You will deliver to him, without delay, the paper ; and now, dear Madam, this accomphshed, I shall hope for the pleasure of meeting you again." The lady arose, and bowing to the General, was escorted to her carriage, and was soon on her way to On arriving in L , she drove as directed to the House. She soon procured a room, and entering made a hasty toilette, and descended to the drawing- room. There she sat for hours, and looked and looked in vain for the person to whom she was to deliver the despatches. She knew not at what moment she would be arrested, and probably searched, as she had been sus- pected on a former visit to the place as a spy. She at last (when day commenced to close, and he had not made his appearance) resolved to retire to her chamber, feeling fatigued and annoyed. Once in her apartraent, she began to think of some means of secreting the despatch, as she feared keeping it about her person. In her fear no place seemed safe, and after thinking of several modes of concealing it, decided on placing it under the carpet. She was just in the act of stooping down to raise the carpet, when a rap at the door startled her, and the blood rushed from her heart in ten-or. She unlocked her door, however, and to her amazement she received fr-om the waiter the card of a Federal officer. Though it was one whom she had some acquaintance Y 2 324 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; with, and who had done her several acts of kinchiess m his official capacity, she knew not at this moment to what cause she should attribute his visit. In her con- fusion she knew not what to do with the paper, fearing that should she leave it in the room, it might be found there (should they have it searched dming her absence) ; ha^^ing no time to conceal it wdth any certainty of safety, and presummg that at the very moment, probably, she would not have it ready to deliver when the person would call ; resolving, however, to dare the worst, she placedit in her pocket, and proceeded to the drawing-room. The cordial manner of the officer soon placed her at ease. A few moments passed in agTceable converse, when Colonel D , said, " With yom' permission, I shall be most happy to present to you my fiiends General G d and Major X n." With a feeling of uneasiness Miss C consented, saj'ing "I shall be most happy," when excusing himself, he ^\T.thdi'ew, and returned in a few moments with two gentlemen, whom he introduced to her. She conversed for an hour or more quite affably, and then being asked to sing and play, arose, and seated herself at the piano, thus placing her back towards the door. She struck the chords nervously, and was so excited she could scarcely command her voice to sing. She had not been long thus, however, when the door opened, and turning to see who had entered, she beheld the person to whom the despatch was to be delivered. Recognizing her at once, he came forward, saying, — " I am pleased to see you again, ^liss C ; when I left you about three hours since, I went to my aunts, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 325 and informed tliem of your anival ; they will be down to see you in the morning." Surprised at his cool manner, she said, " I shall be pleased to see your aunt and Cousin Mattie." " May I request you to continue your musical enter- tainment of yom- friends," he rejomed ; " do not permit my entrance to inten'upt yom- performance," and leaning on the piano, he said, " By-the-way have you written, or rather copied those Avords of ' Lorena,' which you promised me this morning ?" Taking the hint, she rephed, as she drew forth the despatch, and threw it on the piano, "Yes Charles, I scribbled them off this morning. I doubt if you can read them, but I assure you you may make the most of this copy, as I dislike of all things copying." Takmg up the paper, he said, mth nonchalance, as he placed it in his vest-pocket, " Thanks, many thanks," and after waiting some fifteen minutes, said, " I have an engagement with a party of gentlemen, and if you ■will excuse me, will go and keep it, and return in one hour hence." » Au revoir, then," she answered ; " but remember, if later tlian an hour hence, you will not find me m the parlour, and I shall ask you to excuse my receiving you until to-morrow." " I shall return in an hour," and bowing to the gentle- men, he left the room. Feeling free now that the despatch was out of her possession, she soon excused herself on the plea of fatigue to the ofiicers, and left the room, after having summoned a servant, in the presence of the officers, to whom she said, — 326 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " You will say to a gentleman who will ask for mo tliis evening, that I am quite indisposed, and vdW see him in the morning." Once alone in her apartment, and the paper no longer in her possession, she breathed a sigh of relief, and sought her couch to seek repose, for the first time since she had undertaken the mission. Of com-se, friend Charles did not return, and it is more than probable these patriots had met for the fii'st and last time on this side of the grave. Miss C determined she would not leave the city with a less important object than she entered, so remained several days, until learning that the bridge between the Federal and Confederate lines had been destroyed, to prevent an attack on the city, which it was rumoured was contemplated by General M that night, she resolved to cross the lines, and thus give warning to the Con- federates. She sought her friend, the Federal oflficer, and stated that it was absolutely necessary she should reach home in two days, and implored him to obtain her a pass. " Are you aware, Miss C , that there is no exit in the direction you wish to go, the bridge having been destroyed ? " ** I am aware of that. Colonel D . Only obtain a pass for me to leave, I ^dll find the means to cross the bridge." " Why, my dear lady, nought remains save the beams, the flooring has been removed ; and surely you would not venture upon the beams without further sup- port." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 327 " Obtain the pass, Colonel, and you will see whether I will or not." ^' Then be it as you desire, fair lady," and, leaving the apartment, soon returned with the desired pass. " Thanks, Colonel, thanks ; I value this pass more than my life." Miss C left the city in a few hours, led over the beams of the bridge by a Federal soldier I By this fearless act she saved the destruction of General M and his whole force. On arriving in the Confederacy, she at once proceeded to the head-quarters of General J . It is needless to say that he received her kindly, and once again placed in her hands despatches. These were of much greater importance than the former, and were to be borne several hundred miles. They were written upon two small slips of paper. One of these slips of paper she rolled tightly, and placed in the top of a quill tooth-pick ; the other she folded and placed conveniently, that, at a moment's warning, she might place it in her mouth. She had many miles to travel, and, seating herself in a rude conveyance, a carry-all (on the style of an army ambulance), she started upon her hazardous expedition. Her driver was a negro man, and, with some degree of doubt, she had resolved to go with him. They drove all the fh-st day through a lonely plain, and at night stopped at a plantation. Early on the next morning they began their journey, and late in the evening came upon the head-quarters of General R , situated on the river R ; and some twenty miles beyond this pomt it was necessary she should cross the river, and tliis would place her within the Federal lines. As she 328 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY stopped in front of the tent (or rather as the conveyance stopped) she bade the negro to siunmon a soldier, and ask him to request the General to step to the carriage (we will thus dignify it), that a lady wished to speak T\dth him. A soldier advancing, he and the driver entered the General's tent, and in a few moments re- appeared wdth the General, who walked at once np to the carriage, and, pohtely bowing to Miss C , re- marked, " Madame, can I serve you? " *' You can, Sir, if you desu'e." " In what manner, Madame ? " " I wish to cross the river some twenty miles distant from here, and to enter the Federal lines. Will you be so kind as to furnish me with a pass ? " " Most assuredly not, Madame. I would not pennit at this moment a colonel of our army to do so. I regret it, Madame ; but I camiot comply with yom- request." *' You will let me jyass, General," she said, smiling, as, stoopmg down, she drew off her shoe, " and in less than ten minutest "Not if I know myself," he rejoined. Kaising the shoe^ she handed it to him, at the s^me time saying, " General, does this article look imiyerative, commanding, authoritative, or anything in that style?" He answered her, though his risibles were much affected, " Madame, there was a time in my hfe that the sight of a slipper might awe me, but I am past that age." " Not yet. General," she said; " you are still under dominion of sole leather." Pressing the heel of the shoe, the sole flew apart, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 329 and therein lay a small strip of paper, which, taking out of its bed, she handed to the General. He glanced at it, and said, " I hav?^ nothing further to say, Madame. You shall have a pass." In less than ten minutes it was in her possession, and she was on her icay. It became quite dark as she reached the river, and in a dense swamp, with the rain pouring in torrents, she was forced to abandon further travel. Imagine the scene, gentle ladies, in your quiet homes. Out in a lonely marsh, the rain falling, thunder rolling, lightning flashing, the terrified birds screaming in the midnight air, with venomous reptiles around you, and a burly negro, dark as Erebus, as your sole companion. Imagine yourselves thus, and seated back in the corner of a dilapidated vehicle, with your hand grasping a revolver, and your thumb upon the trigger, not daring to close your eyes ; the negro a stranger to you, and fearing lest he should prove less gentle or merciful than the elements. If you have, dear ladies, imagination to picture this to yom-selves, you can form some idea of what one of your own sex suffered in her character of Confederate emissary. The negro ivas true to his trust, and in this act might have put to the blush many a free man, with fair face, but with a black heart. Here was beauts/, youth, and 7noney, all within the negro's reach ; yet, like " an honest man, the noblest work of God," he laid him down to rest, with the warring elements as his lullaby, and when morning's roseate stole upon the world once more, he arose, and they proceeded on their journey. God bless you, noble man ! You are a bright example of the " genus homo." Yes, erring, sinful man ! As 330 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; you read this does it not strike home ? Ponder upon it, ye who have injured the brightest beings ! Ponder upon it, ye who have had charge of the youthful maiden, and have destroyed her! Ponder upon it, ye who have bhghted homes, and sent the gray-haired sire to his grave with a broken heart ! Ponder upon it, ye who have ruthlessly torn from her home the young and fah', and have then cast her from you to sink in the mire of destitution and disgrace ! Yes, go think of it, and compare your heart vdih. that of this dark son of Afric, and ask yourselves whose crown should be the brightest in that home to which we are all passmg, slowly but surely, and where He who sees all hearts shall judge. There, indeed, will appear dis- tinction, not of skin, but soul. Oh! could we but remove the silver veil, so dazzling, from the faces of some we deem so fair, would not we, indeed, find re- vealed the loathsome visage of a Mokenna ? Miss C soon arnved at the point from which she would be forced to continue her journey alone, as the negro could not venture farther. She bade adieu to her faithful attendant, and after having purchased a mule and a buggy, seated herself in it, and was soon on the other side of the river, on what is termed neutral gTOund — being T\dthin Federal authority at one time and Confederate at other, as well as being infested with guerilla bands, making it dangerous for any one to venture T\4thin the limits. On the side to which Miss C crossed, ran a road, in a direct line of a mile and a half, through a dense swamp, bordered with oak and c^-press, whose sombre forms were rendered still more so by the Spanish moss OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 331 which di'ooped in festoons from the boughs; the under- brush was impenetrable, while weeds and coarse marshy plants grew in profusion ; the decaying trunks of trees formed asylums for the serpents which the traveller might observe trailing across the road, or coiling them- selves around the huge bodies of giant lords of the forest. Miss C shuddered as she entered upon this scene, but felt that if it were only these reptiles to fear she could brave them undaunted; she grew faint as she thought of the human eyes that might be staring upon her, whose glance was more deadly than the serpents'. She summoned all her courage, and rising in her seat, struck the mule with the liickory-rod (in lieu of a whip), and plying it well, she almost flew past this mile of horrors, and soon entered upon a less dangerous part of the country. Warm, weary, and soiled with dust and mud, she arrived in the suburbs of M , and at the station where a train every half-hour conveyed the passengers into the city. She was just about congratulating her- self upon the success of her journey, when, in front of the depot in M , two officers stepped up to the train, and just as she was descendmg from the car, one of them accosted her, saying, '* Miss C , I presume ? " " Yes, Sir." " I regret exceedingly, then, that I am under the painful orders to arrest you." The passengers becoming quite excited at this, an old lady ran forward, and placing her arms around Miss C , said, "Oh, dear, what have you done, young lady ? I trust you have not been guilty of any crime." 332 TirE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; Miss C answered in dignified tones, " Pray do not be alarmed, dear madame, I have committed no crime, nor have I offended in any manner against the ten commandments ; iDermit this gentleman to perfonn his duty. I am quite ready," she said, " to accompany you. Sir, and may I ask upon what charge I am ari'ested ? " "I regret to state I am not fully informed, but think it is simply on suspicion as a sjyy. We will go to the ladies' waiting room of the depot, madame, where I will leave you in the charge of a couple of soldiers, until such time as I can sunnnon some ladies to search you." She bowed, and withdrawing from the crowd they were soon in the apartment mentioned. Calling a couple of soldiers, he said, " You will guard this lady until my return, and do not for a momentr withdraw yom- eyes from her ; pardon me, lady, such is their duty ; " and taking up her cabasse, he said, " I will keep this safe for you, and hope, for your owti sake, you may prove innocent of any charge against you." Miss C , now left alone ^dtli her guards, pro- ceeded to scan their appearance. Their faces were ruddy and smihng, and bespoke them honest j)lain fellows. She entered into conversation mth them at once, and tm-ned the subject upon home and friends. She could perceive their eyes fill as they spoke of loved ones there, and, kno^Adng she had not a moment's time to spare, said, when she felt their hearts were filled with tender memories, "Just see that great boy in fr'ont of the door imposing on that little urchin — is it not shameful?" They turned, as quick as a flash of lightning the tooth-pick was in the grate by which they were OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 333 standing ; and wlicn they turned their eyes upon her, she Avas quietly poking the fire. One despatch still remained, and what to do with it she knew not — to destroy both she could not bear the thought of it, and after undergoing so many difficulties in reaching tliis point. Time was flying, their eyes were up- on her, and she could not, dare not, place her hand in her pocket, to pull out her pm'se (in which the other despatch lay) and open it before thsm. She glanced at eveiy object, did every tiling to divert their attention, and at last saw an old fruiterer passhig the door. She turned to the soldiers, and said, " I am very thirsty, and hungry as well, would you not let me have some apples ? You, do not object to my purchasing, do you ? " " Certainly not, lady." " Then call the man ; " at the same time di'awing forth her purse and emptying the contents into the palm of her hand. Miss C paid for the apples, and saying "Help yourselves, my good men," returned the money to her purse, keeping the despatch in her hand. Peeling an apple, she cut a small piece, and placed it with the despatch in her mouth ; and, laughing at the time, pretended she was quite choked, and coughed violently, thus finding an excuse to place her finger in her mouth, and arranged the despatch between her cheek and gum. She now felt safe ; and it was with an an of indiiference she viewed the return of the officer, in a few minutes after, and the ladies, with whom he entered. The officer left the females to perform the work, and withdrew. Miss C stood viewing them contemp- tuously, as they undressed her, and searched each 334 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; article of clothing — ripping open hems, letting out tucks, and tearing away the linings of her garments. Satisfied with this, they next proceeded to take down and comb out her hair, apologizing for this last act, Miss C not even condescending to acknowledge it. She was quite determined they should do then- work alone, and stood quite nonchalant as they undressed and re- arranged lier toilet. When finished, her national-paid femme des chamhres^ left the room mortified, not even having claimed the perquisites of the office. The officer now entered, and said, " Madam, you are quite at liberty, and I will take pleasure in placing my caniage at yom- disposal to proceed to the hotel." Miss C thanking liim, accepted his polite offer, and was soon in her apartment at the hotel. One despatch reached its destination, when she returned once again into the Confederacy. Miss C w^as untuing in her efforts to promote the interests of her countr}^, and Louisiana and Tennessee are as much indebted to her as Yu'ginia to Miss Belle Boyd (the present Mrs. Hardinge). The latter's career, though more brilliant and dashing, is not more praise- worthy, ^liss Clayton and Miss B were kindred spirits. The former was to General T m Louisiana what Miss Boyd was to Stonewall Jackson in Yii'ginia. Both risked life and liberty for the Southern cause. Miss Boyd's patriotism gushed forth like the mountain torrent ; Jiliss Clayton's, like a hidden spring in the desert — each alike destined to empty in the sea of glory. OR, TRUTH AXD JUSTICE. 335 CHAPTER XX. " He is bending his brow o'er some plan For the hospital service ; wise, skilful, humane. The officer standing beside him is fain To refer to the angel-solicitous care Of the sisters of charity ; one he declares To be known thro' the camp as a seraph of grace, He has seen, all have seen her, indeed, in each place Where suffering is seen, silent, active — the Soeur Soeur how do you call her ? " Ay, truly of her I have heard much ! the General, musing, replied ; And we owe her already (unless rumour lies) The lives of not few of our bravest. You mean — Ay, how do you call her 1 the Soeur Seraphine. (Is it not so 1) I rarely forget names once heard, Yes, the Soeur Seraphine. Her I meant." " On my word I have much wish'd to see her, something more than The grace of an angel. I mean an acute, human mind, Ingenious, constructive, intelligent. Find, And, if possible, let her come to me. We shall, I think, aid each other." Towards one of tlie hospitals in Richmond was borne a Htter, upon which a wounded Federal officer was lying. No groan escaped him, though his pallid face bespoke mtense suffering. His brow, over which his dark brown hair swept, was bathed in blood. 33t> THE H^ROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; " Tliis way, if you please," said a lady, as tlicy entered the door of the hospital. " You may .place this gentleman in Soeur Secessia's Ward, all the others are thronged, at any rate she has the best accommoda- tion for him, and I think he may be put in her own room, as she is absent at the lower hospital, where she will be " for a week yet." They gently bore the litter towards the room, as directed, and entering they placed him upon the pure white couch.. The lady sent an attendant to summon the surgeon, and placed bands and lint convenient for his use when he should arrive. The sm-geon soon entered, and prepared to examine the wounds. Anxiously the lady awaited to learn his opinion, and when he whispered softly, " Poor young gentleman, his race is almost rmi ; not many hours ere Death shall claim him," she clasj)ed her hands, and bowing her head, prayed for his soul's rest in that clime where no evil cometh, and her tears fell fast for those to whom he should return no more. " You Ts-ill please summon Soeiu Secessia to attend this patient," the Doctor said ; " she is a fitting mu'se, and well prepared to prepare one for such a jom-ney as he is soon to enter upon." "I am sorry to say she is at the uj)per hospital. Doctor, but if you Tsdll call and say to her as much, she will, I know, retm'n here at once. She felt that the invahds at the other hospital were neglected, and went there to remain a week ; but I am certain she will not refuse to retm-n here if requested by you to do so." "I will speak vrith. her, then," he said, and bowing, left the apartment. Soem' Secessia was the favourite nurse amongst all OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 337 the invalids of tlie various hospitals which she in turn attended. Like a new star, she beamed in the clouded firmament of the sick and suffering. She was welcome everywhere, and in her fioatmg black serge garb, and religieuse cap, she glided through the chamber, tending the sick, speaking words of hope and comfort to the soiTowful, praying with the despairing, kneeling beside the couch of the dying, and placuig wreaths on the brow of the dead. The small apartment which was allotted to her was now occupied by the woimded Federal officer. The couch upon Avhich she sometimes rechned when overpowered by fatigue, was simple in its style, and covered with snowy dimity, spoke of purity. The room was devoid of all luxury, as a hermit's cell. One large window descending to the floor, was cur- tained with the same material as the couch. Graceful wreaths of woodbine and wild yellow jessamine looped back the drapeiy from the casement, permittmg balmy breezes to float thi'ough the room. A crucifix t^\dned with garlands of sweet briar and honeysuckle, was sus- pended over the mantelshelf, while two vases filled with myi'tle and orange blossoms, completed the ornamental part. Three cane-seat chairs and a lavabo, and you have a list of the fm-niture. The officer lay in this chamber, seemingly imcon- scious, nor did he move even when the door softly opened, and a form glided to liis bedside. His face was covered, and tm-ned from her, but one of his hands lay outside. Taking it in her own she felt the pulse, and then summoning a domestic, ordered a basin of ice- water and lavender. Turning up the cufis of her habit, she prepared to bathe his temples, and softly di-ew the z 338 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; cover fi'om the face, when the officer, opening liis eyes, turned them upon her. She cast her eyes down, as he rested his gaze searchingly on her face, and she said, quietly, " Pardon me. Sir, I should not have disturbed you, but I was only going to lave your brow." " Can it heV he faintly mm-mm-ed, "or am I but dreaming, and yet it is the voice." Soeur Secessia raised her eyes, and they rested full upon liis face. She grew pale, and wildly crjnng, "Clarence, Clarence," she threw herself on her knees beside the couch, saying, " At last we have met. Oh, God, that it should be thus ordained." The wounded officer, with all the energy of an almost dying struggle, raised himself, and bending over the side of the couch, clasped his arms around the kneeling form, as he said, " Yes, darling Natalie, we have met, and /to release you fi'om yom' promise in a few short hours ; tell me, oh tell me, ere I die, that in heart you have been true to me, and reveal the reason for this strange apparel." While sobs choked the utterance, she answered, " Clarence, beloved, when I had strength to sacrifice you on the altar of my country, I needed not so great a struggle to renounce the world. You were my world. Without, all was as a fearful night. I donned this garb that none should love me more ; that voice of man should never breathe to me of love again. They are but worn for the period in which I attend here. I did not vow to wear them. Say, tell me, was not this love?" She had said this through her tears, and with OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 339 •unnatural composure, but then came such a sudden and agonised change over his features, that her calmness forsook her, and rising she said, as she kissed his pale brow, — " I thought not of this, dreamed not of this, even in the sombre shadow clinging around the hour of meet- ing. Oh, Clarence, Clarence, would to God it were but a dream 1" He caught her to his heart and impressed a kiss on her brow, while the hot tears (which physical pain had failed to draw forth) fell upon her burning cheek. "Natalie," he said, " I wish to see thee as in the olden time. Cast aside this cap, dearest, in this last parting hour." She threw off the religieuse hood, and her hair thus unconfined fell in sweeping tresses around her, like a sombre pall. She knelt beside him, and bowed her head upon his throbbing bosom. The excitement caused by this scene brought on a hemorrhage, and feeling some- thing cold dripping upon her, she glanced up, and found his life-blood streaming over her dark hair. She sprang to her feet, uttering a cry of despair, to summon assist- ance, but he held her firmly, and, as a smile of ineffable happiness wreathed his lips, said, *' Let ^us be alone, Natalie ; it is meet we should thus part, and may He who parts us, hear my prayer, and grant that we shall at last meet where there shall be no more griefs, tnals, or separations ; and may God for ever guide, guard, and bless thee. We were each true unto the cause we espoused — true also unto each other. I am happy, dearest, though soon to enter another country, dear alike imto both. God has granted my orisons, I am passing z 2 340 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; from earth as I would, darling, clasped in yoiu' anns, with heai-t to heart and hand in hand. Weep not, dearest, I shall soon rest calmly, but what shall comfort t]iee — what shall fill the void of everlasting aljsence when I leave to return no more, and when I shall have entered the chambers of death's dreary mansion ?" " Say not — say no ! — no ! — no ! Clarence. Clarence, say not death ! live for my sake, though not for me ! My vow was made to the dead not to wed T\dth thee, as thou wert the foe of my country. I made the vow, but my heart was still thine ; promise to Hve — add not — add not the pang of death to my ah-eady ci-ucified heart — it is broken, and is only now cemented (like a ruined vase) by ties of duty and of honour — then, Clarence, pray with me to Him to give thee life. I have borne much, suffered much, and my worn frame only remains like a casket fr'om which the jewel has departed." " Natalie, for thy sake I will. Cease, pray do not sob so." "Oh! Clarence, Clarence, thou knowest not all I have suffered — the anguish caused by the vow to which I was impelled by an imperious conscience, and which I must hold sacred, as it was sworn to the dead and registered in heaven, by death alone to be absolved." " Thou wilt be mine above, darling," he answered ; we were not destined for each other here." She Idssed his pale brow, and twining her arms around him, said, " Yes, tliine indeed above." Snence, lilie a shadow, rested for a moment, and then folding her to his heart, he murmm-ed, " Farewell, press closer to my heart, its last struggle will soon be over. Natahe, good-bye — do not weep; it is thus I would OR, TRITTH AND JUSTICE. 341 depart. Stay, do not leave, I wish none near save tliee, dearest. Kiss me, love; tliy kisses are laden with balm from the flowers of thine own bright land. I feel now that the cause of thy country is that of Truth, Eight and Justice ; and may the God of battles give to thee and thy cause success and victory. Nay, do not grieve ; I am passing away tranquilly to the goal of the human race. God has granted my prayer, to die beside thee — then — do not weep when I am gone — I only ask thee to sometimes remember me, and to visit the spot where I shall be reposing, and then, love, think of me as one whose sphit will ever linger near thee." " Clarence, Clarence, do not speak thus — oh ! I could have borne exile from you through life, did I know you still lived — I could have seen you another's without pain — I could have lovedyouhad you not one spark of affection for me— I would have sacrificed all to you— could bear all but to see you die." She wi'ung her hands wildly, and then madly clasped him to her heart with a cry of mtense agony, saying implormgly, " Stay with me, Clarence, or pray that God may permit us to enter upon this un- known shore together. I cannot bear to think of yoiu- entering upon the labyrinthian passage to the world of shades alone." "Natahe, beloved, all is Hght beyond — I see its glories beaming even now — I hear the music fi'om the world afar stealing upon mine ear ; but the breezes are chilling me, dearest, they are cold and damp— the dews are already on my brow, I feel them, love — do not, love — stay — I shall soon breathe freely, and I would speak with thee to the last. Thmk of me, love, at twilight's hour ; remember me when autumn's winds are sighing 342 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; and decking my grave with nature's mosaic gems ; forget me not by moonlight — pray for me at starhght ; by streamlets and fountains let my memory^ dwell with thee — in every scene of beauty and repose — yet let it not sit with thee as a shadow. I would have thee cherish the memory of our love ; but let it not come as clouds o'er another's happiness. I grow wear)^ — my eyes seem closing — I grow faint — I am going home — adieu — beloved Nat " His lips closed with a sera- phic smile and the sentence was finished in another world. One heart-rending shriek burst upon the startled inmates of the hospital, and the surgeon entered the apartment with an officer of high rank. The two stood in speechless amazement gazing upon the scene, while the room was filling with the fiightened convalescents, attendants, and servants. Seated upon the couch, pressing in her arms the rigid corpse of her lover, her long raven tresses (clotted with liis life-blood), streaming around her, her di'ess of black serge stauied with gore, and her dark eyes staring upon his marble face. The surgeon was first to approach her, and, as he did so, she clasped the form of her lover more tightly, sa^dng, '• You shall not take him from me, in death at least he's mine." The officer now approached, and, Ts^th the sm-geon, disengaged her hold, when she fell in their amis fainting. The officer regarded her features attentively for some moments, and said slowly to himself, as he placed her in charge of the female attendants, "I feel it is the same, yet how changed. Who can this Soeur Seces- sia be? it is plain her habit was but donned for a 343 purpose. I almost feel assured I am correct in my surmise." Soon the story rang through the city, and Soeur Secessia was borne to the mansion of Mrs. General L — , where she received every attention. The shock, it was supposed, was such that she could not speedily recover from. TLe Federal officer, Major Clarence Belden, was interred with the honour due to his rank, and the small chamber, where he breathed his last in the embrace of Miss Natalie de Villerie, was closed by order of the Commanding General, made sacred to his memory, and only permitted to be entered by Soeur Secessia (as she was now knoT\m). Nought was removed, the flowers withered in their vases, the woodbme and jessamine wreaths decayed and scattered their petals and leaves upon the floor, the alpine-hued dimity changed to amber- tint, and silence hung its mournful pall around ScEUR Secessia's Cell, 344 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; CHAPTER XXL " Why should this man So mock us with the semblance of our kind ? Moor ! Moor ! thou dost too daringly provoke, In thy bold cruelty, th' all-judging One, Who visits for such things ! Hast thou no sense Of thy frail nature ? 'Twill be taught thee yet ; And darkly shall the anguish of my soul, Darkly and hea\ily, pour itself on thine. When thou shalt cry for mercy from the dust. And be denied ! " Amongst the first plantations tliat were seized were those of Mr. MilleTidon, one teimed the Milleudon, and the other the Estelle. The atrocities committed on these places hy both the Federal soldiery and the negroes are beyond description. I ^\dll, however, en- deavom- to give an account of some of the scenes which transphed. It was in the month of October, 'Q2^ that Colonel Thomas and Captain Lynes, of Co. I, 98tli Vermont, were sent to take possession of the plantations just mentioned, belonging to Mr. ^Milleudon. Captain Lynes informed Mr. M that his plantations were in posses- sion of the United States Government, and that they would take off the crop. Mr. M w^ent immediately to New Orleans, and, having consulted some of his fiiends, OE, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 345 Avas advised to call on General Butler, wliicli lie did at once, and was told by the General that lie would make inquiry in regard to the affair. Mr. M , after having left General Butler, called upon the General's brother. Colonel Butler, to endeavour to make some arrangement for the sale of his crop, but, failing to come to satisfactory terms, he entered into a bargain with a Mr. Benjamin F. Smith, the latter agreeing to protect the plantations and take off the crops. Colonel Butler, or rather General Butler, hearing of this arrangement, sent a company of coloured soldiers to the plantations to take possession. When Mr. Mil- leudon returned to his home he found that his negroes had been tampered with, and that they were completely demoralized. The overseer complained repeatedly of the insubordination of the slaves, and of one especially, called Freeman. Mr. Milleudon summoned Freeman before him, and rebuked him for his impudence to the overseer, and threatened him with chastisement, when the negro actually attacked his master, and, a scuffle ensuing, they both fell to the ground. By some most fortunate chance, Mr. M obtained possession of his revolver, which, the negro perceiving, relinquished his hold and fled. • Mr. M then retm^ned to the city, and the first thing he heard from his plantation was that the negro Freeman had seized an axe, and incited the slaves to revolt, and had made an attack on the overseer, who was obliged to fly to his house for safety. The negroes then smTounded the house, into which they fh^ed several shots. The overseer, being armed, retmned their fire bravely, until, wounded and exhausted, he sank upon 346 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; the floor. The negroes then determined to set fii-e to the builchng, observing wliich, the overseer endeavoured to creep out at the back door, and by this means to make his escape ; but he was observed, pursued by the negroes, overtaken, and hewed to pieces. Freeman, having been the ringleader, was arrested, with one or two others, and taken to the city for trial, and are still in gaol (or were up to February 1, '64) await- ing sentence. General Butler had arrested, some few weeks after his arrival, the man who had torn down the flag from the Mint, and he was placed in confinement until the month of August, w^hen, after a trial, he was sentenced to be hanged. Up to the moment of the verdict being- given there were but few cognizant of the name of this man, wliich has been traced in blood upon the escutcheon of the Confederacy. But as soon as the fate which awaited him was known, the name of Mumford was pro- nounced and blazoned forth by Northern journals as that of a traitor, and by the Southern as that of a mart}-r. In vain were petitions of mercy drawn up and signed by the most prominent citizens, in vain did Mrs. Butler plead upon her knees for his life. The fiat of this stem monarch had gone forth, and would not be recalled ; Mumford must die, and meet the penalty of his daring. Not even when the scafibld was erected did the people believe that Butler would dare out this act of worse than Haynau atrocity. But they httle knew the man until he had proved, by his countless acts of despotism, his claim to be classed amongst those whom Shakes- peare has pourtrayed so faithfully in the lines : — OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 347 " But man, proud man, Drest in a little brief authority ; Most ignorant of what he's most assured ; His glossy essence— like an angry ape, Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven, As make the angels weep." On a bright and beautiful morning the sun rose for the last time to meet the gaze of the condemned prisoner, and its glorious rays illumined the cell whose portals would only open to usher him into the arms of death. Bravely, manfully, heroically, he met his doom! Tried and condemned to death, and such a death ! How would he have rushed to meet it on the battle-field in Freedom's strife, in any form save this most vile and most degrading one. To the last moment he was prof- ferred Hfe, if he would forswear his allegiance to the Confederacy ; but no, he spurned the proffer at such a price, saying death had no terrors for hun, and with un- blanched cheek, upon the verge of eternity, bade them do their duty, and to finish theh work of cruelty and infamy. One more act— the rope was drawn, a soul was ushered into the presence of its Creator — Butler stood before the world an assassin and a murderer — while the " dew-fall of a nation's tears " consecrated the spot where Mumford, the martyr, fell a victim to fanatic hate. After large confiscations of property and beggaring thousands. General Butler prepared to leave New Orleans, having been recalled by his President, Mr. Lincoln. Prior to his departure he made the following address to his soldiers :. — 348 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " Head Quarters, Department of the Gulf, "New Orleans, Dec. 15, 1862. " General Orders, No. 106. " Soldiers of the Army of the Gulf! "Relieved from further duties in this department, by direction of the President, under date of November 9th, 1862, I take leave of you by this final order, it being impossible to visit yom* scattered outposts, covering hundreds of miles of the frontier of a larger territory than some of the kingdoms of Europe. I greet you, my brave comrades, and say Farewell! This word — en- deared, as you are, by community of privations, hard- ships, dangers, ^^cto^es, successes, military and ciyH — is the only sorrowful thought I have. You have deserved well of your country. AYithout a mmnnur you sustained an encampment on a sand-bar, so deso- late that banishment to it, with every care and comfort possible, has been the most dreaded punishment in- flicted upon yom- bitterest and most insulting enemies. You had so few means of transportation that but a handful could advance to compel submission by the queen city of the rebellion, whilst others waded breast deep in the marshes which surround St. Phihp, and forced the surrender of a fort deemed impregnable to land attack by the most skilful engineers of your comitry and her enemy. At your occupation, order, law, quiet and peace sprang to this city, filled A^dth the bravos of all nations, where, for a score of years, during the profoundest peace, human life was scarcely safe at noonday. By your discipline you illustrated the best traits of the American soldier, and enchained the admi- ration of those who came to scoff. Landing ^dth a 349 militaiy chest containing but seventy -five dollars from the hoards of a rebel government, you have given to your country's treasury nearly a half a million of dollars, and so supplied yourselves with the needs of your ser- vices that your expedition has cost your government less by four-fifths than any other. You have fed the starvmg poor, the wives and children of your enemies, so converting enemies into friends that they have sent their representatives to your Congress by a vote greater than 3'our entire numbers from districts in which, when you entered, you were tauntingly told that there was ' no one to raise your flag.' By your practical philan- thropy you have won the confidence of the ' oppressed race ' and the slave. Hailing you as deliverers, they are ready to aid you as willing servants, faithful labourers, or, using the tactics taught them by our enemies, to fight with you in the field. By steady attention to the laws of health you have stayed the pestilence, and, humble instruments in the hands of God, you have demonstrated the necessity that His creatures should obey his laws ; and, reaping His blessing in this most unhealthy climate, you have preserved your ranks fuller than those of any other battalions of the same length of service. You have met double numbers of the enemy, and defeated him in the open field ; but I need not further enlarge upon this topic. You were sent here to do that. I commend you to your Com- mander. You are worthy of his love. Farewell, my comrades ! Again farewell ! " Benjamin F. Butler, " Major General Commanding." 350 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; To one who had exerted himself so assiduously in his vaiious efforts to please the ladies, it was deemed but just that they should present him a testimonial of their appreciation, and they, I beHeve, endeavoured to embrace within their remarks all that tender regard which each and all felt for liim ; and it was ^-ith beating hearts they drained their goblets to the following toast the moment his departure was signalised : — THE LADIES OF NEW ORLEANS' FAREWELL TO GEN. BUTLER. (( We fill this cup to one made up Of beastliness alone, The caitiff of his dastard crew, The seeming paragon Who had a coward heart bestowed, And brutal instincts given, In fiendish mirth then spawned on earth To shame the God of heaven. His every tone is murder's own, Like those unhallowed birds Who feed on corpses, and the lie Dwells ever in his word. His very face a living curse To mankind's lofty state, Marked with the stain of branded Cain, None knew him but to hate. Fair woman's fame he makes his game, On children wreaks his spite, A tyrant 'mid his bayonets, He never dared a fight. Think you a mother's holy smile E'er beamed for him ? Ah ! no ; The jackall nursed the whelps accursed Humanity's worst foe. OK, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 351 On every hand in every land The scoundrel is despised ; In Butler's name the foulest wrongs And crimes are all comprised. 'Twill be the sign of infamy Unto time's utmost verge ; Ages unborn will tell in scorn Of him as mankind's scourge. We filled this cup to one made up Of beastliness alone, The caitiff of his Yankee crew, The lauded paragon. Farewell ! and if in hell there dwells A demon such as thou, Then, Satan, yield the sceptre up, Thy mission's over now. New Orleans, December 20th." 352 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY CHAPTER XXIL " Conspiracy ! Sham'st thou to show thy dangerous brow by night, "When evils are most free ? ! then by day, Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough To mask thy monstrous visage ? Seek none. Conspiracy, Hide it in smiles and affability." We all know how, in the communities in which we Hve, that there are many facts bearing upon the habits and character of public men, which in no way appear in the jounials ; and ui variably there is an under-cmTent of action and of interest, winch, if known, would satis- factorily explain an inexpHcable pohtical combination, which the world at large never knows. But as the actors die, and the causes of reseiwe cease to exist, so truth is laid bare, and a future generation finds nothing concealed. The riddle is thus solved. It is almost impossible correctly to analyse the various causes, influences, and motives which, have sthred up the fearful strife. It is hard, indeed, to fancy any one, however earnest, however loyal in his connec- tions, and however deep his feehngs, contemplating beforehand this fom- years' contest, with its miseiy, its bloodshed, its huncbeds of thousands of \^ctims, its myi'iads of happy homes devastated, the anguish it has . OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 353 caused, the innocence it has polluted. Who could find in his heart reasons to justify such a holocaust ? But events grow from events, and a small matter is often the commencement of great things. The fii'st inflammatory signal of civil war was flung upon the winds in Kansas, and with every breeze from the Nortli it increased, imtil its burning breath has consumed all kindly feeling between North and South, and trodden out every brotherly sentiment. Who cast this brand amidst us? Who sounded the clarion note that started the fears, the passions, the furies which have their haunt amidst the multitude ? Who guided on the ship of state to this fearful pass — this strait between Scylla and Charybdis? Who, for all this mischief that has accrued to us in fact, and still guiltier design, is responsible? Who, but the Black Kepublicans? They broke in upon the peace of our country, and filled it with bayonets, angry blood, desperate broils, confusion, and wrong. The Catalines of America wrought this work of turbulence and sedi- tion, and with torch-light processions and riotous songs are now slowly, but surely, bearing the coi-pse of the Union to its interment. Yes, these conspirators left no means untried to advance their schemes; and a press, venal and un- scrupulous, backed them by its pestilential uifluence, and in its task of devotion to the cause, paled its almost ineffectual fires before the fulminations of brimstone, which issued from the pulpits of the Beechers and the Brownlows. Ministers of the gospel, with a voca- tion only for cant and slander, thundered their anathemas against the Southern people ; and fibrous old maids, 2 A 354 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERxVCY ; secure of self-approbation and trusting to notoriety, as a dernier resort^ set up their hue and cry, and went to raising subscriptions for the purchase of Bibles, to be sent to their barbaric brethren of the South. The gaol-birds were loosed even, to fill the ranks ; and Billy Wilson and Ellsworth were placed in command of men whom, to use the expression of their own commanders, it was necessary to place six feet apart, when in line of march, to prevent their picking each others' pockets. These were the braves sent to sub- due the "rebellion." These were the men sent into the heai-t of a lovely land to ravage and lay waste all before them ; these were the men our unprotected women had to face, and these were the dastards that applied the torch to the dwellings of our gallant absent soldiers, and left our women and children without a shelter from the summer's gale or winter's storm. Yes, in Alexandria, the citizens, after the town was laid in ashes, had to shelter themselves under the boughs of the trees ; and a Mrs. Texliada (whose husband had been a wealthy man, and a Louisiana State senator, ere the war), when heard of last, was seated in a go-cart, with her six little children, and with rope reins attached to a mule, was driving to General Banks' head-quarters, to beg rations for herself and little ones, while the ruins of her once happy home was still vi\^d in her memory. Such scenes are common to the view of our people ; and the ag-itators of the North are exulting, though they pretend to be ovei-whelmed with despair and grief. Nero-like, they now sit upon then- tower, fiddling over the conflagration of their country, and singing paeans of triumph over the success of their vile project. Orx, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 355 " Sing hey ! sing ho ! for the royal death, That scatters a host with a single breath, That opens the prison to spoil the palace. And rids honest necks from the hangman's malice ; Here's a health to the plague ! let the mighty ones dread. The poor never lived 'till the wealthy were dead ; A health to the plague ! may she ever as now, Loose the rogue from his chain and the nun from her vow, To the jailor a sword, to the captive a key, Hurrah for earth's curse, 'tis a blessing to me ! " Yes, it is now four years since the first sound of strife awoke the world from slumber, and startled the echoes in our mountains, hills, and valleys. It is now four years since the turbulent passions of man broke loose his shackles of virtuous restraint, and wooed the demon intolerance. It is now four years since the mad fanaticism of our Northern brethren cast the firebrand of desolation into the midst of our Southern homes, and left in the charred ruins their lasting testimonial of fiendish hate. Yes, four years of deadly contest has passed into the ocean of time, and its billows now roll over friend and foe ahke. Where are now the misguided beings, on the one hand, who rushed to battle for filthy lucre ? Where are now the valiant heroes, on the other, who fought for country and their firesides ? Echo answers, " Where ? " Gone for ever from I'amongst us, and both alike to be judged by Him who giveth victory to the just. Thousands have fallen, and yet the struggle is no nearer closing ; and on the altars of Mars and Bellona hecatombs of victims have been offered, while sanguine streams are purling through om- forests, whose source is the hearts of Northern hirehngs and Southern chivalry. 2 A 2 356 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Even in death theii- blood refuses to mingle, and that of the Southerners, • like the Gulf Stream, winds clearly on, distinct from the darker waves aromid it, which flow from spiings of rancom- and jealousy. The breach which has been made by crafty politicians, whose only aim was (and is) pecuniary interest, cannot now be closed by coercive measm^es ; and they care not so long as the Goddess of Liberty dispenses her golden favom's, or rather now her emerald gifts, for the fickle Goddess Fortune, tfred of weighing out her gold and silver, has chosen to measure her gifts in a lighter sub- stance, and thus she rewards her chosen by several yards of tissue paper, which, at a short distance, might be taken for the Hibernian flag, if it did not bear the por- traits of demons instead of saints. The wily politicians, in the present instance displayed thefr diplomacy, as the colour was given to the shin-plasters in compliment to the sons of the Green Isle whom they expected to rally around the Stars and Stripes, as in former days, and whom they deemed could feel themselves repaid for loss of blood, Hfe, or lunb, by gazuig upon their wages paid them in their own colours. The Winifield Scott style of compliment was paid the troops, and the " rich Irish brogue," and the "sweet Gei-man accent," were made the " Faughaballach " to many a battle field of the Union. Yes, the poor deluded victims of foreign birth, by the cunning of Yankee eloquence and Yankee trickery, were marched out and placed foremost in the ranks, that should death await ani/, the foreigners should be the first to meet it. The places of honour were bestowed upon them, not fr'om love, but because they felt by so doing they secured thefr own safety. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 357 Will you not learn wisdom from the past? Will you still madly rush on death and suffering, when you know the award which awaits yoiu- generous conduct? Have you not heard already of Know- nothingism — of the many isms, which ere the war sprang up in the North, had for their aim the depriv- ing of foreigners of any of the rights of citizenship ? Are you blind to the treachery of former conduct? The Janus-faced people of the North still lure you on, and her army proves to-day that you still re- main deaf to every entreaty. It is said to be a belief in Africa, that people can be destroyed or withered up, not by curses but by praises. I feel assured that the Northerners have adopted this style for the annihilation of all who come within their influence. The South was beginning to feel the workings of the charm, when the *' fetich " was procured which broke the spell. 358 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; CHAPTER XXIII. " It is hard to act a part long— for where Truth is not at the bottom, Nature will always be endeavouring to return, and will peep out and betray herself one time or other." — Tillotsoiu I WILL now direct youi' attention to other scenes. You A\dll please accompany me in fancy to New Orleans, the theatre of those scenes. General Banks was now stationed here, and he entered upon his duties wdth seemingly a disposition to efface by gentle treatment the evil impression left upon the minds of the people by the despotic rule of General Butler. General Banks bore an air of mildness and suavity towards all who approached him, while his promises of protection, assist- ance, and influence were lavished on every side. The dictatorial style of his predecessor was not adopted by liim, and in dri^dng out for an audng, he could scarce be recognised from the plainest citizen. But the inhabi- tants of New Orleans soon discovered this habit of humi- lity was but the sheep's clothing to conceal the wolf, and he had not been long in the city ere he might have heard, had he listened attentively, the same compliment paid him as the t^nrant of Syi'acuse received. Thus it runs : — " One day a tyrant of old S}Tacuse overheard a woman praying to the gods to prolong liis life. He demanded of her A\-hat he had ever done for her, that she prayed thus. Frightened into sincerity, she said, ' You have done nothing for me, but the t^Tant that reigned before your predecessor, oppressed the people OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICK. 359 SO that we prayed for his death. Wlien he died, the tyrant that succeeded Mm was worse than he had been We prayed for his death, and the gods have sent you. Taught by the past, I see that each change of tyrants increases the common misery. Hell itsell may find some even worse than you. So I pray tor your life.'" . o ai General Banks' principal achievement m the South was the capture of Port Hudson, General Grant havmg the entire honour of the surrender of Vicksburg. Both these places were strongly garrisoned, but poorly victualled ; after suffering innumerable! hardships at Port Hudson, its commander. General Gardiner, sm-ren- dered, and was sent with the famished prisoners to New Orleans. There is no eulogistic expression of suftcient strength to give an idea of the esteem in wliich General Gardiner, the modern Massena, was and is held. On his arrival in New Orleans, he was sought by high and low, and the Federal ofiBcers were each day galled at the attentions which the noble captive received, who, as ho promenaded the streets during his hom:s of liberty, clad in his sober garb of gray, was surrounded by bevies of ladies, each desirous of the honour of his acquamtance, as his gallant and self-sacrificmg conduct had won their undviag gratitude and admiration. General Banks stationed at Port Hudson several coloured regiments, under command of General Andrews. Port Hudson had been fortified by the Confederates after the attack, and though the fortification was but hastily constructed, it could have withstood a siege of ■ any length had it been well suppUed with provisions. General Banks, after the laurels won at Port Hudson, 360 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; deemed it best to rest from his labom-s for awhile, and enjoy the effulgence of the sun of glory which radiated from his past conquests. His was now a life of ease and luxury ; driving to the office on a fine morning, after a late breakfast, such as the most fastidious disciple of Epicmnis would feel content to partake of; residing in a confiscated mansion, with the servants and equipage of the former owner at his disposal, and treating his staff and honoured guests to sumptuous entertainments, which the unfortimate Confederates were forced to pay for. The next acts of this " most potent, grave, and reverend seignior" were his banishment of those who refused to take the oath, and his \4ctory over the female sex on the occasion of the departure of husbands, sous, and brothers for the "Land of Dixie." Banks is immortalised in the graphic description given of his troops, by the fair poetess Eugenie in her poem of *' Le Bataille des mouchoirs," which I place before you. LE BATAILLE DES MOUCHOIRS. The Greatest Victobt op the Was. Fought Friday, February 20th, 1863. " Of all the battles, modern or old, By poet sung or historian told ; Of all the routs that ever were seen From the days of Saladin to I\Iarshal Tureme ; Or all the victories late— yet won, From Waterloo's field to that of Buller Run ; All, all must hide their fading light, In the radiant glow of the handkerchief figh ; And a paean of joy must thrill the land, When they hear the deeds of Banks's band. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 361 'Twas oil the Levee, where the tide Of Father Mississippi flows ; Our gallant lads their country's pride, Won this great victory o'er her foes. Four hundred rebels were to leave That morning for Secessia's shades. When down there came (you'd scarce believe) A troop of children, wives and maids, To wave farewell, to bid God speed, To shed for them the parting tear, To waft them kisses as the meed Of praise, to soldiers' hearts most dear. They came in hundreds— thousands lined The streets, the roofs, the shipping too, Their ribbons dancing in the wind. Their bright eyes flashing love's adieu. 'Twas then to danger we awoke, But nobly faced the unarmed throng, And beat them back with hearty stroke, Till reinforcements came along. We waited long ; our aching sight Was strained in eager, anxious gaze — At last we saw the bayonets bright Flash in the sunlight's welcome rays ; The cannon's dull and heavy roll. Fell greeting on our gladdened ear — Then fired each eye, then glowed each soul, For well we knew the strife was near. Charge ! rang the cry, and on we dashed Upon our female foes. As seas, in stormy fury lashed. Where'er the tempest blows. Like chaff" their parasols went down. As on our gallants rushed, And many a bonnet, robe and gown. Was torn to shreds or crushed. Though well we plied the bayonet. Still some our efforts braved, Defiant both of blow and threat, Their handkerchiefs still waved. 362 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Thick grew the fight, loud rolled the din — When " Charge ! " rang out again, And then the cannon thundered in, And scoured o'er the plain. Down 'neath the unpityiug iron heels Of horses, children sank. While through the crowd the cannon wheels Mowed roads on either flank. One startled shriek, one hollow groan. One headlong rush and then — Huzzah ! the field was all our own. For ue were Banks's men. That night, released from all our toils, Our danger past and gone, We gladly gathered up the spoils Our chivalry had won. Five hundred 'kerchiefs we had snatched From rebel ladies' hands, Ten parasols, two shoes (not matched). Some ribbons, belts, and bands, And other things that I forgot ; But then you'll find them all, — As trophies in that hallowed spot — The cradle Faneuil Hall ! And long on Massachusets' shore. Or on green mountain's side. Or where Long Islands' breakers roar, And by the Hudsons' tide. In times to come, when lamps are lit, As fires brightly blaze. While round the knees of heroes sit The young of happier days. Who listen to their storied deeds, To them sublimely grand, Then glory shall award its meed Of praise to Banks's band. And fame proclaim that they alone (In triumph's loudest note) May v:ear henceforth for valour shown A woman s petticoat! " OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 363 Mrs. Banks, after this great conquest of her lord's, felt that she was losing the opportunity of getting into first class society, which she felt assured she had only to go South to enter. Thus one fine morning she arrived in the city, much to the delight of the Federal ladies, who had been awaiting her entrance into New Orleans as the signal for the season of gaiety, wliich they knew would follow. They were not disappointed. After Mrs. Banks had received several calls from her Union friends, she gave a fete, to which all who had called upon her were invited, as luell as those who had not. Rumour says it was a most gorgeous affair: the incense or perfume which floated through the extensive salons was most delightful and agreeable to the sympathisers of the sable race, and an odour only patronised by Republicans or Abolitionists ; it is distilled m Boston, in the largest quantities, and is called " L'eau d'Afrique," or essence of Africa. Mrs. Banks was attired in a blue silk dress, with an overdress of point lace, with diamonds adorning ears, neck, and arms. She exhibited the elegant taste of being the best dressed at her own reception, thus intro- ducing to the ladies of the South a new code of etiquette. Mrs. Banks's next efibrt to become the leader of the ' ton was in getting up tableaux representations at the Opera House, in Bourbon Street. She personated the North, while several Federal ladies were surrounding the pedestal on which she stood, and kneeling in suppli- cation to her, the latter representing the Southern States. Think of it women of the South, kneeling to the North, and that represented- in the person of a Massachusets Factory Girl ! By a strange coincidence, on the very day of the 3G4 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; night in which this farce was enacted, General Banks was defeated on Red River, and sent flying piu-sued a second time by General Taylor, leaving all his stores behind for the Confederates, who have a particular fond- ness for General Banks, as he is said and known to be the best Quartermaster the Confederacy can boast of ; he invariably leaves them an abundance of provisions, clothing, arms, and ammunition. General Banks's fickle master at Washington was about to send him for this last defeat, to join that procession of f dlen Generals who have long since passed into the gulf of oblivion, but whose shades yet wander sadly on the shores. The banner of their country, the faithless "Stars and Stripes," now waves over their successors, who in their turn, too, must join the ranks of those phantoms of illustrious men, who have not died, but only "gone before," to meet contempt and shame as the reward of their valour. The " Stars and Stripes" is a beautiful standard, and was given up with regi'et by many. The poem introduced Tvdll display the cause of its being renounced for its noble substitute the glorious Stars and Bars. STARS AND STRIPES. " ! there was a time, but 'twas long ago, In the days of my childhood's years, Ere the North had evoked this cloud of woe With its tempests of blood and tears — When I loved to look on the stars and stripes, On that banner waving so free, O'er the hills and vales of a happy land, And o'er many a rolling sea. " But that day has passed— and the land is changed, And that flag's a degraded flag j OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 365 Aye, that banner is nothing now to me But a soiled and a worthless rag. It is fann'd by the frenzied breath of hate, It is borne by cowards and knaves ; In my heart I loathe such a flag as that, And the cause over which it waves. Aye, I loved it once, with a childish pride, When I read on the scroll of fame Of the victories won beneath its folds, As it flashed like an Oriflamme. But now I can see it with cold contempt As our battle fields have seen, Torn, faded, and trampled down in the dust, In the hands of the base and mean. " Yes, I loved it once, I despise it now, ■ 'Tis the ensign of fraud and wrong ; i And here in the presence of God and man, I recant each word of that song ! ; Aye, that childish song, when with childhood's trust ^ I believed the North to be true, ' Nor dreamed it would seek, in its soulless lust, 1 To defile the land to its rue. " I sang of that banner an artless song, Such as ignorant childhood sings ; 'Twas childish, I know, ' but now I'm a man, I have put away childish things.' And I say to the reckless, heartless crew, Who insanely rave at the North, That your ' Union ' is dead, its requiem said, And what is its 'prestige worth ? • Worth ? Scarcely the dust in which it is laid, Slain, slain by your murderous hands ! And its tomb, enwreathed by the stars and stripes, In the field ' Aceldama ' stands. I've finished my song — 'tis my manhood's lay, Not the chant of the foolish child ; The lanner IworsMi^pd in boyhood's day^ Is sullied, degraded, defiled P 366 CHAPTER XXIV. " Thy sails, my friend, are to me the clouds of the morning ; thy ships the light of heaven, and thou thyself a pillar of fire that beams on the world by night.— Ossian, Reclinixg on a pile of cushions on the deck of a blockade- nmner might be seen a beautiful lady, apparelled in deep mourning. The bark was steadily advancing through the dense fog, and anxiously she watched through her ivory lorgnette the course of the vessel as it ghded out of the harboui' of M and pm'sued its perilous way tlu'ough the vapour and invisible guns of the enemy's ships. The few passengers calmly and almost breathlessly awaited the moment when they should arrive in the open sea, and thus have space to spread their canvas and to dare the foe. Xo fear was exhibited in the countenance of either passengers or crew, but a determination to meet the foe man to man, hand to hand, should they encounter them. On flew the fairy craft, like a frightened bu'd o'er the waves. Fust poising on a mountain billow, then sinking, seemingly, the next minute, to rise to the sm-face. Several hom-s passed thus in suspense, and then safely the bark was afloat on the deep. One long, loud, cheer for Jefi". Davis and the Southern Confederacy, and then the "Bonny Blue Flag" was sung in stimng tones. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 367 The passengers and crew, when this was ended, sought amusement to while away the time. The morning of the sixth day had dawned upon the voyagers, and they were just entering the salon from their respective state rooms when they were startled by a voice crying out, " The Alabama ! the Alabama !" In a moment all were on deck, and straining their eyes for a glimpse of the fast approaching noted privateer. Just in front, and grimly frowning upon the little bark, loomed the dreadful " demon of the deep." Guns pro- truded from the port-holes, and the stern-looking crew seemed armed to the teeth. All was excitement on board the blockade-runner, and everyone was anxious to catch a view of Commander Semmes as he stood upon the bow of the vessel. The lady whom I mentioned as di'essed in mourning, said to the Captain, as the vessel drew near the Alabama, " Sir, may I ask if we are to have the pleasure of meet- ing Captain Semmes en personne^ or does he condescend to board us ?" " I tliink it is not his custom, lady, to leave his own vessel, though we cannot answer for his movements." " Oh, I should so like to meet him," she said, " and I may never have such another opportunity ; would he think it unladylike if I should go over in the small boat? Oh ! if I could but grasp his hand, and say to him how his valorous conduct is appreciated, and how the Southern people long for the moment wherein they shall bear him in triumph through their cities. Pray, Captain, permit me to enter the boat ; I would dare death to feel that I had but clasped his hand !" " Certainly, lady," the old weather-beaten Captain 368 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; replied ; "I ^^^11 await you here mitil you get your hat." She disappeared, and in a moment retm*ned, wlien she was placed in the dancing boat, and was soon beside the "Alabama." Commander Semmes was not a little sm-prised to see this lady mounting the side of the vessel, and stood politely awaiting her. The moment she placed her feet upon the deck she advanced frankly towards the Captam, sajdng — " Fame, Sir, has already presented you to me, and I will take the hberty of introducing to you (in the person of myself) Miss Louise Laval, who has overstepped, perhaps, the boundaiy of propriety in her desire to see and hear Captain Semmes." " Thanks," replied the " pirate " Captain, as he clasped both her hands within his own, wliile the blushes tinged liis bronzed face; "thanks, dear lady, I am scarce able to reply to so complimentary a speech. I will say, however, that I am gratified for the kind ex- pressions you have honoured me in using, and would fin-ther state, you need have no fear as to the propiiety of the act, as you are amongst gentlemen, and those, I feel, who appreciate your conduct, and who, if necessary, would be prepared to chastise any who might impugn yom- motives." " Most gallant Captain ! accept my most profound acknowledgments. I have only met the reception I anticipated at the hands of yom'self and brave com- panions, but come. Captain, I wish you to show me over yom- vessel, and to point out each gun yom'self — would that I could assist in sweeping from ofi* the ocean the fleet of our gTim foe. Yours, Captain, is an OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 369 enviable position." Captain Semmes smiled, and, accom- panied by several officers, he showed her over the vessel. She examined the works minutely, and said, as she turned to go on deck, " Oh ! how glorious and trans- cendent must be the feeling when after a combat with the enemy, when victory has crowned your arms, you exclaim, as you fui-1 yom- sails contentedly, 'Alabama' {Here ice rest)." They had reached the side of the ship, and Miss Laval raised her hands to her neck, and, unclasping a neck- lace of exquisite pearls, said as she took the Captain's hand within her own, " Permit me. Captain Semmes, in the name of all my sex, to place upon your brow this little offering, suggestive of the crown of more unfading gems wdth which your brow is decked in the image of yourself, which every loyal man and woman of the South wear enshrined within their hearts." Captain Semmes bowed ; she placed it over his brow ; he then, smiling, took it off, and, kissing it, said, " I have met the enemy many times. Miss Laval, and met them to defeat them, but I have never had, I confess, so siu-prising, and yet so embarrassing, an adventure on land or sea as the present. I accept your gift in your own name and that of the lovely sex which, in yourself, is so well represented, trusting that the purity of my course, devoid of self interest, will prove me worthy of this offering." " Farewell, Captain, we may never meet again. Had I never met you I could not be a less ardent admirer than this brief personal acquaintance has made me. Farewell, Captain, once again; such men as Davis, 2 B 370 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; Semmes, Lee, Jackson, and Beatiregard need not tlie * painted flomisli ' of mine or anyone's ' praise.' " He handed her into the boat, and the "Ahxbama" and blockade-i-unner were soon parted on hfe's wide sea, perhaps never to meet again ; but wc will follow our little bark, for it bears within its bosom much that is precious. Miss Laval promenaded the deck late on the evening of the morning of her intei-view with Captain Semmes, and when the stars peeped forth she was still wrapped in her shawl and Xubia, gazing upon the sea and sky, and soliloquising thus — " I am a wanderer and alone ; what should I care for if not for my comitry ? I gaze upon the past, and down its solemn aisles I see the forms of loved ones draped in habiliments of woe, and gloom shrouds their once happy homes. I am lost in immeasurable darkness, the torch of patriotism alone lights my com'se or cheers the solitary Heavens !" she exclaimed, as a cannot-shot bm'st across the bows of the vessel. Jn a moment the startled passengers were on deck, and, though the Captain knew he must surrender, he steadily kept on his course through a perfect river of fii'e ; on flew the pui'sued and pm'suer, and with intense excitement gazed Miss Laval; at last one appalling burst boomed across the waters, and when the smoke cleared away the blockade-runner was seen in a dis- mantled and sinking state, ^vith the crew and passengers seemingly collected, awaiting their doom. Not a word was spoken ; not a cry for mercy arose upon the ah', not a voice to cry " Save or we perish." Miss Laval drew forth a small Confederate flag, which had been concealed beneath the folds of her atth-e, and, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 371 raising it on liigli, said, " Beneath this emblem none need fear death !" The waters gathered around the Httle barque, the pm-suing ship was soon beside them, and, though the pm-suers sprang on board, they could not rescue all that determined band. The boats were, ready, and vainly the foe sought to persuade them to board their vessel ; they coolly stood amid the rush of waters, with defiance gleaming in their eyes and scorn upon their hps. *' My dear lady, place yourself under my protection," said a Federal officer, as he approached Miss Laval ; " You have not a moment to lose." " Away !" she answered ; " I scorn the succour afforded by an enemy, I will die beside my friends." '• Madam, pardon me, I shall not permit you to thus perish." Seizing her gently around the waist, he bore her per force to the side of the vessel and lowered her into the arms of the men, who awaited to receive any who might seek the boats. He returned to seek out others, and was with his companions near perishing with the resolute crew of the blockade runner. The few females were saved, but the men preferred death to languishing in Federal dungeons. Down like a flash almost sank the Confederate steamer, while the few whom the mercy of the enemy saved were borne to the victorious vessel. Miss La,val bore with her the banneret, and closely she pressed it to her heart, as she left the wi-ecked vessel and its inmates in their watery couch. " Sir," she said, " I cannot thank you for my life ; for I have suffered death in seemg my friends en- gulphed." 2 B 2 372 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; He bowed, and politely ushered her into the cabin, where she was most comfortably provided for. The Captain soon entered, and addressing the group of ladies who stood weeping and TVTinging their hands, said, " Dear ladies, permit me to say how sincerely I regi'et the fortune of war which has placed both yourselves and me in so painful a position. I shall, however, do all I can to mitigate your troubles, and will send you to your various homes at the earliest convenience, or land you at any port you may vdsh. to enter." Miss Laval being the only one who could command her voice, said, " If you will but send us to Havi-e, you will be acting in accordance with the desire of one and all." " You shall, ladies, be sent upon the first vessel bound for Ha\a-e, and in the meantime I will exert myself, as well as all my officers, to make you comfort- able." He kept his word. The ladies were placed upon a vessel, and not many days elapsed, ere the following note was received by a Confederate Commissioner : — " Paris, Rue Chaussee d'Antin. Sir, — I send by the bearer of this note a package ; it contains a black Insh poplin dress. You will doubtless deem tliis a strange gift, yet if you will rip the seams you will discover that the cord is valuable, and only manufactured in ' Richmond on the James,' and used for tying up Government documents. The buttons are large, and if uncovered will ' a tale unfold.' Should you find it serve you, retain it as a model, but if you should OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 373 design any improvement on the style, I will take pleasure in bearing a specimen of your model for Gabrielles to Eichmond, wliicli I may safely have patented. " Hoping for an early response, " I am, respectfully, (Signed) " LouiSE Laval." It is needless to state the Commissioner's surprise, when on taking out the cord it proved to be despatches on diplomatised paper, and rolled as cord and covered as such. The buttons each bore one word, and when placed all together, formed quite a long despatch. ^ In wonder the Commissioner gazed upon this dress— at the wit Avhich could have conceived this plan of artifice. Miss Laval had worn this dress, changing neither night or day during the voyage. She feigned her desire to perish, and had the Federal officer known that in his arms was held a contraband parcel, he would doubtless have left it on board the wreck. In a few days Miss Laval was again atthed in the black Irish pophn gabrielle, and on her way to Rich- mond, where I will introduce you to her in an interview with the noble President, Jefferson Da\as. The room in which Miss Lavall sat awaiting the President, was furnished with Cretan simpUcity. No glare of sunHght illumined gilding or fresco, but papers, books, maps, and designs were scattered over the plam tables, "etageres," &c., which filled the room. Miss Laval was gazing mtently on a portrait, when a step fell upon her ear. She turned, and met the kindly beaming but worn face of the President, who said, as he wannly grasped her hand, 374 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; "Welcome! thrice welcome to these halls once again; their echoes, Miss Laval, can never be awakened by truer voice than thine." " Thanks" she answered, smiling ; " feeling the sin- cerity, and being conscious myself of the truth of your speech, I will not accuse you of gallantry. Yes, I am true to my country. I feel there can be no doubt of this, T\dth my weak ability true as yourself The mind, the power, the vast erudition of the President is greater, but his energy is not superior to Miss LavaPs. I have returned after a successful mission to Europe, and now I stand ready and willing to serve my country or its ruler, should either choose to honour me again. Would, Sir, that I had eloquence sufficient to utter the just eulogies which everyw^here in Europe I have heard lavished upon my coimtry and its wise and renowned President. Would that I could have borne these foreign, priceless gems of rich and rare value in a proper casket to present you ; but they come to you not the less pm-e in a Confederate case of rude workmanship, but honest and firm setting. The sleepless nights, the long, long weary hours by day that you have spent in planning, reasoning, counselling, are each numbered in golden sheen upon the record of Fame." " Lady, I am gratified for your generous appreciation, and feel that I am indebted to many fi.'om your report of my character abroad. I serve my countiy and her people, however, with no desire or expectation of reward, yet I must say it is refreshing to feel that oui' motives are understood, and that such men as Lee and Jackson have, as w^arriors and men, entitled themselves to rank amongst those whom Fisher Ames would call great, when he OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 375 says, " The most substantial glory of a country is in its virtuous great men ; its prosperity will depend on its docility to learn from their example ; that nation is fated to ignominy and servitude for which such men have lived in vain. Power may be seized by a nation that is yet barbarous, and wealth may be enjoyed by one that it finds or renders sordid. The one is the gift and sport of accident, and the other is the gift and sport of power. Both are mutable, and have passed away without leav- ing behind them any other memorial than ruins that oftend taste, and traditions that baffle conjecture." Good and noble actions, lady, strike an everlasting root, and leave perennial blossoms on the grave. Man should not consider self; our men have been regardless of theu' lives, their fortunes, their all, in the great endeavour to promote the interest of their country. I have much to be thankful for. Miss Laval, for if success has thus far crowned my efforts, I owe much of it to Messrs. Benjamin Stephens, Yancey, and such like, on the one hand ; while in the field, Lee, Beauregard, Jackson, Hardee, Taylor, Stewart, and others too numerous for mention, have made the sword finish all the pen or tongue was incapable of executing." "Had we, Sir, a less sage President," Miss Laval replied, " I fear we would, ere this, have had a disgrace- ful compromise, which I feel assured will never be listened to by you." " Not for a moment, lady, trust me. We have sacri- ficed too many of our best and bravest ; we have been called to witness the devastation of om' homes ; we have felt the sting of their vile pens where they have pre- sumed to caricature our ragged and worn troops. These 376 THE HEROEs-E OF THE CONFEDERACY; are people who would turn to ridicule such men as Marion and his suffering host, and would point the finger of sconi at a George Washington, if mounted upon a ''Rosinante." But let them laugh, so much the more credit to us, and shame to them, if we can still say, in the face of want of every kind, and starvation, * Come on ; we defy you !' " " I am glad to hear you speak thus ; I knew I was not deceived in my ideas of your intentions, and may God grant thee and thy countrymen heart and nei-ve to bide the issue. Honoured representative of my country, thou art faithful and firm." They clasped hands and parted, ^liss Laval to enter again upon her path of duty, the President to return to the affau's of the nation, where I shall drop the cm'tain upon him, not again to be drawn aside until gentle Peace shall part it, and display our noble President in the jewelled niche of Glory, wearing his well-merited wreath of lam-el, and receiving the homage of a grateful people for his exalted virtues and pubHc ser- OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 377 CHAPTER XXY. The heait-r ending scenes wliicli have taken place in the Valley of the Shenandoah by command of General Sherman, have so far outshone in diabolical intent all other actions of earlier, date, and so greatly out- Butler'd Butler, that my brain can scarcely conceive the reality of them, and it is with feelings of hoiTor I even place them before the world, through the medium of such letters and articles as this chapter will embrace. If Butler was outlawed, Sherman should be doubly so. , Butler confiscated, and even may have placed the pro- ceeds in his own purse, but he never adopted the wholesale style of individual destruction as did Sher- man. The following letter is one of the many worthy of record, which was penned by "A Daughter of a Revolutionary Hero " to General Hunter, U.S.A. (From the Richmond Examiner.) *' Shepherdstown, Va., July 20. " General Hunter, " Yesterday your underling, Captain Martindale, of the First New York Veteran Cavalry, executed your infamous order, and burned my house. You have had the satisfaction, ere this, of receiving from him the infonnation that your orders were fulfilled to the letter, 378 TIIE IIEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; the dwelling and every outbuilding, seven in number, ■\\dtli tlieii' contents, being burned. I, therefore, a help- less woman, whom you have cruelly wronged, address you, a Major-General of the United States Army, and demand why this was done ? " What was my offence ? "My husband was absent, an exile. He has never been a politician, or in any way engaged in the struggle now going on — his age preventing it. This fact, David Strother, your chief of staff, could have told you. The house was built by my father, a revolutionary^ soldier, who served the whole seven years for your indepen- dence. There was I born ; there the sacred dead repose ; it was my house and my home ; and there has youi' niece, who hved among us dm*ing this hori'id war, up to the present moment, met ^dth eveiy kindness and hos23itality at my hands. "Was it for tliis that you turned me, my young daughter, and little son out upon the world Avithout a shelter ? or was it because my husband is the gTandson of the revolutionary patriot, and of the noblest of Christian warriors, the greatest of generals, Robert E. Lee? Heaven's blessings be upon his head for ever! You and yom- government have failed to conquer, subdue, or match him ; and disappointed rage and malice find vent upon the helpless and inoffensive. " Hyena-like, you have torn my heart to pieces, for all hallowed memories clustered around that homestead; and, demon-like, you have done it without even the pretext of revenge — for I never saw or harmed you. Your ofiice is not to lead, like a brave man and soldier, your men to fight in the ranks of war, but yom- work has been to OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 379 separate yourself from danger, and, with your incendiary band, steal unawares upon helpless women and children, to insult and destroy. Two fair homes did you, yester- day, ruthlessly lay in ashes, giving not a moment's w^arning to the startled inmates of your mcked pm-- pose ; turning mothers and children out of doors ; your very name execrated by yom- own men, for the cruel work you gave them to do. " In the case of Mr. A. R. Boteler, both father and mother were far away. Any heart but that of Captain Martindale (and yours) would have been touched by that httle ckcle, comprismg a -^^ddowed daughter, just risen from her bed of illness, her three little fatherless babies, the eldest not five years old, and her heroic sister. I repeat that any man w^ould have been touched at that sight but Captain Martindale; one might as well hope to find mercy and feeling in the heart of a wolf, bent on its prey of young lambs, as to search for such qualities in his bosom. You have chosen well yom- man for such deeds ; doubtless you will promote him. " A colonel of the Federal army has stated that you deprived forty of your officers of their commands because they refused to carry out your mahgnant mischief. All honom- to their names for this, at least. They are men ; they have human hearts, and blush for such a com- mander. " I ask, who that does not wish infamy and disgrace attached to him for ever, would serve under you? Your name will stand on history's page as the hunter of weak women and innocent children; the hunter to destroy defenceless villages and refined and beautiful 380 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; homes ; to torture afresh the agonized hearts of suiFer- mg widows; the hunter of Africa's poor sons and daughters, to lure them on to i-uin and death of soul and body ; the hunter with the relentless heart of a vnid beast, the face of a fiend, and the form of a man. Ob, earth ! behold the monster. " Can I say ' God forgive you ? ' No prayer can be offered for you. Were it possible for human lips to raise yom- name heavenward, angels would tlu'ust the foul thing back again, and demons claim their own. The curses of thousands, the scorn of the manly and upiight, and the hatred of the true and honourable will follow you and yours through all time, and brand your name — infamy ! infamy 1 ! " Again I demand why you have burned my house ? Answer, as you must answer before the Searcher of all hearts, why have you added this cruel wicked deed to yom- many crimes ? " We glance at another paper, and, behold, another bitter maddening wail is upon our ear, fi'om one who, in all her anguish, pom's forth her soul's agony in flow- mg poesy. Read it ; your blood will chill as the wild rhythm gushes from that lacerated heart. ''THIS IS A TIME TO DANCE." [From the " Chattanooga Rebel"] " Let hypocrite " or " puritan " Dethrone fair Pleasure if they can. What if our friends are dying now ? And every drop of kindred blood Has ceased its living course to flow, And joined the dark and clotted flood ? StiU fill it up, the sparkling cup, and let us sup, OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 381 A draught to-night, of nectar bright, with crimson light Whateer may chance, to-night we dance, 'neath pleasure's glance. " For what to us is stififened clay If pleasure holds her joyous sway, Or what are tears or mourner's groan, If still to sweet and mirthful sound Our laughing queen sits on her throne To see the dancers circle round ] Still fill it up, the sparkling cup, &c. " Our sisters danced in olden time Like us to music's merry chime ; Of gay ' glee girls ' we've often read, Who waited till the death of day. Then to the battlefield they sped, And danced until the morning gray. Then fill it up, the sparkling cup, &c. " Like them we'll dance, this is the time. When dying groans make sweetest chime, Then fill the cup with crimson gore. Fresh from the flooded battle-ground. I never drank a draught before That half so sweet as hlood I found. Vhen fill it up, the sparkling cup, &c. " I hear a glad and joyous sound. Come deep and far from under ground. Far our loud call of mirth's been heard, By every fiend in hell's expanse • And all its darkest depths are stirred, To give us music for the dance. Jhen fill it up, the sparkling cup, &c. " Come want, and death, and rapine come ! As partners come to youth and bloom. Grim Want, you closed my mother's eyes, And Death, you laid my brother low. Rapine, my home in ashes lies. But still come on, the dance is slow. Then fill it up, the sparkling cup, (fee. 382 THE HSROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; " Weve left the hall and battlefield, "We've danced till every head has reeled, But still we circle round and round, Nor stop, for ' 'tis a time to dance.' But see that chasm in the ground ! And see the hluelights upward glance ! I hear a sound, deep under ground, a fiendish sound : The demons come, yes, every one, our dance begun, Will iiever end, and hell we'll spend in bow and bend, Our cup's mixed up, a fiery cup with blood mixed up." Then again we glance at a journal ; it is not our own ; but read what it says also. How calmly this fiend T\Tites, how smoothly his pen glides over bloody battle-fields, devastation, iTiin, and death ! — " Secessia FE:NnxixA. " The faces that look doT\Ti from the windows of this valley have, in many instances, a strange and fasci- nating beauty. Between them and one who glances up that glamor, so fatal to Phyrsis, rises to cheat the senses, and inform the heart with the most persuasive lie. There is no tenderness in these faces. Then- charm is far difierent from that known to Xorthem corn-tiers ; it is a steel-cold languor, to witness which is chilhng to the soul. One who commences speech "udth these damsels finds himself wondering what sort of beings have arisen in this soil, in place of the children of Eve. Here are smiles, and courtesy, and refinement ; but, oh ! how very like a cymbal is the hollow something in the sound of all. These women have suffered. "War is nearer their hearths than to ours. It is a sterner thing by far. Their hearts are in it, buried, some of them, iu graves that thicken every day upon the soil. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 383 " Along tins valley, in wliicli, from the Potomac to Staunton, there is no law nor safety, the scom'ge of battle is a monthly episode. All the horror, all the sacrifice of war, knocks at the door of every mansion on the way. Property and life are things of chance. "People make few plans for the future. To-morrow may shatter them for ever. ^larriage is little thought of; all marriageable men are under arms, and marriage- able women let them go with little murmur. There is no use in murmuring. War is the one great passion to which both sexes are alike devoted, and for which both are ready to make any sacrifice. These women seem to have tacitly accepted the fact that, until the war is over, courtship is a mockery that had better not be thought of " The maiden who says good-bye to her lover makes up her mind for the worst that can befall. Death is the rival of love ; and death, nine times out of ten, is con- queror. Is it strange, then, that we who seek for ten- derness in the hearts of these women must seek deep ? Wrong as is the cause, it has a more wide-spread, and a bitterer, deeper devotion among the masses in this region than has oui's. One of the most beautiful of any women in the valley, who visited the North before the war, and was a belle at several watering-places during the summer months, refused last week to take the hand of an old friend, in Federal uniform, who presented him- self at her door. " I have heard no less than half-a-dozen damsels say, in a tone of perfect calmness, that they had rather have every friend they had die, and die themselves, than have the South submit to a restoration with those whom 384 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; they esteem to be its enemies. I believe they meant what they said, and would abide by it to the letter. Such women as these are influential enemies, and it will be said by many that they deserve all the insult and harm they have received in retm-n for their enmity. I do not think so, and, far as I am from defending their devotion to a cause wicked in its inception, I cannot refrain fr-om as much wonder as admhation of the few among the many in the valley who preserve a like devo- tion to the sacred cause of the Union. " One incident avtLI always be g-ratefiil and thi-ilHng in the memory of this army. While the troops were passing through Winchester, on their retm-n, three yoimg and accomplished ladies, wearing the colours of our flag upon their breasts, and weaving the same banner borne by the marching regiments, stood in front of a single dwelling, smiling welcome. To the officers who stopped to greet them they expressed a heartfelt joy at the presence of om* soldiers', and to those officers they bade farewell with trembling voices, and eyes swimming in regretful tears." See, here is another paper ; look at it also ; it is from my own loved State, dear reader, and, bidding adieu to Sherman and his associate band of thieving, murdering outlaws, we will just read this letter, w^hose caption promises much for the Confederacy in the event of the supposed extei-mmation of her male heroes : — A PROVOST-MARSHAL BEARDED BY A GIRL OF SEVENTEEN. Bayon des Allemands, October 20, 1863. « ! -wliither hast thou led me, Egypt (nigger), see How I convey my shame out of thine eyes OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 385 By looking back on what I have left behind, 'Stroy'd in dishonour." Antony and Cleopatra, Act iii. Sc. ix. " Mr. Editor, — What have we come to ? Has this cruel and -iinnatural war scattered away manly feelings ? Has it destroyed that courtesy and those delicate atten- tions towards ladies for which our country was once so justly famed ? It would seem, indeed, that our instincts were changed, and that our sense of propriety had worn itself out. " The tale I will now tell does not seem to appertain to an order of things apparently possible in the nine- teenth century, and yet I vouch that it is not taken from the history of the Goths, Vandals, or Saracens. The whole is modern history ; not that of the middle ages, but of yesterday. The hero is an officer of volun- teers, a captain, a provost-marshal, and not one of Attila, Totila, or Tamerlane's savage hordes. The heroine is a pretty girl of seventeen, of French descent, a sweet, a lovely Creole. " There you have, Mr. Editor, the ' dramatis personse.' Reader, blush, not through modesty ; there is no love in my story, and it will not end in a marriage, I am sure ; for some one must blush through shame when he looks back on what 'he has left behind,' ''stroy'd in dis- honour.' "In Napoleonville, a pretty village on Bayon La- fourche, Louisiana, on the 9th of October, as the rich sun of the South was descending behind the tall cypresses, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in the full face of the nineteenth century, a man, an officer of the United 2 C 386 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; States Volunteers, di'ove in his buggy to a gate opening into a flower garden, stretched before a mansion with some pretension to taste, comfort, and even elegance. AVhilst the man secm-es his horse near the gate, watch him ; he is fretting ; he looks all-sorts ; his step, his mien, tell of his designs of anger. He comes lq all the grandem- of his wrath — he, the representative of an al- mighty power — to exercise retributive justice. On the piazza you may see a young lady, reading. Mr. Editor, I ^^oll introduce her to you — ' Miss Leontia Bordis.' - She rose to receive, with a courtesy, the man who approached the house. " ' Miss Bordis, I suppose ? ' " ' Yes, Su',' she replied. " ' You have here a colom'ed gnl ? ' " ' Yes, Sn,' she returned. ' You are Capt. Rudgard, I presume ? ' " ' I am Captain Budgard,' said he, advancing towards her, with a threat in his looks and in the gesture of his hands. ' Go for that gnl,' continued he, pointing to the door. " ' The masters of this house, Sn, receive no one's orders ; they are not your servants.' " However, as this Miss Leontia had heard of the man's temper and character, she dii'ected her younger sister to call Juhenne, the servant girl. " ' Go yom'self, I command you ; do you understand me?' " ' No, Sn, never I ' was the reply. "The servant had now come, when the Captain commenced speaking to her in English, of which Julienne did not understand one word. OK, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 387 " ' Sis, you mil come with me ? ' " The girl shakes her head, rolls her eyes, grins ; she does not understand. Then with emphasis, ' Miss, you shall interpret for me.' " ' Never ! ' she rephed. " Having lost all hope of subduing that noble spirit, he turned to the younger sister with a peremptory order to repeat faithfully to the servant all he would tell her, and to return her answers to him. "'Ondine,' said Leontia, 'not a word, sister, speak not a word.' " She had scarcely finished, when that man— if I can call him a man — sprang towards Leontia, and, seizing her by the shoulders, tried to thi'ow her down. He did not succeed ui the attempt, but he pushed her against the wall. A second time he made an effort to tlu'ow her, when she, taking hold of his long beard, fell upon his breast. She clung to that beard with all the desperate energy of an offended female. There were present at that hideous scuffle Leontia's venerable grandmother and little Ondine ; her mother is in the grave, her father was not at home— he is far away, he will come. " The maddened provost, now bearded, seized her wrists, tearing her skin with his nails, shaking her whole frame with all his power, while she, having become frantic with pain, convulsed with indignation, clings to his whiskers and beard, tearing both away. Her efforts to protect herself have enraged hhn ; with his nails he digs in her flesh; but she cannot be overcome. So far the little rebel has won the field ! "When bloody tragedy ceases, then commences 2 C 2 388 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACT ; ludicrous comedy. There is no flag of truce sent from one belligerent to the other ; they are still face to face, but panting, bleeding, choked with pain and madness, in the presence of the T\dtnesses whom his roaring, the cries of the children, and the loud supplication of the grandmother have caused to assemble. The Captain asks for quarter; he proposes terms to her who is nearly fainting, but whose indomitable corn-age bears up against the weakness of her sex. " He capitulates, ' Please, miss, let my beard go ! ' She at first says nothing, but continues to hold on firmly. ' If I let yom- arms go ^^t.11 you let my beard go?' " 'Yes,' she answers. " ' "Well, then let my beard go.' " ' Xo, let my arms free first.' " Then he released her. He can look on what he has left beliind, " 'stroy'd in dishonom*," scattered on the floor, and hanging to those delicate fingers which an u'on will has made terrible ; he maddens at the sight ; it is a whole wreck of his manhood around liim. But he dares not retm^n to the charge ; there stands before him that pretty gfrl of seventeen, with her large beautiful black eyes, her dark tresses, her delicate features of the deepest ciimson. All her blood seems to have rushed to her heart to make it stout, and to her face, returning to render her more lovely. There she stands, mute, bidding defiance. " ' Say,' exclaims the man, the Captain, the Provost- Marshal. ' Say that hereafter you vnll behave like a lady!' . " • I have always been a lady. I was bom one.' OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 389 "Again Mr. Editor, the man, sprung upon her, scratch- ing and bruising her ; but he bethought himself of his beard before she had time to recommence hostihties. It was well ; it was in good time that he drew back his fangs. At that moment he remembers that he is Pro- vost-Marshal, and he says, ' I arrest you, Miss ; you are my prisoner ; you shall follow me.' " ' No, Sir, I shall not follow you.' '"If you do not, I will send for my guard and take you in my arms.' Good heavens ! such a girl in the arms of such a man ! ' By force I will put you in my buggy.' " Leontia pauses, she trembles, her breast heaves with fear ; with a sigh, in a low tone of voice, she says, * I will go.' " ' To-night you shall stay in prison, to-morrow you shall be sent to New Orleans.' And then, coming nearer to her and holding a handful of that hair which had been his beard, he piteously said, ' What must I do with it ?' " ' Give it to me,' she replied ; ' I will take proper care of it.' " He does not answer, but carefully puts it in his pocket. It will be produced in court ; a witness — an undeniable proof of guilt when he sits in judgment against her. " Whilst she puts on her gloves, before leaving the house, he whispers to her, ' I shall make it impossible for you, when you are in New Orleans, to ' she heard no more, his words are low, inaudible, incompre- hensible sounds, falling upon the ears of one, whom her present emotions made insensible to all except to pain, and her dread of the future. 390 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " They leave ; Leontia's grandmother has obtained permission to accompany her cliild ; they reach the Com't-house. The Provost-Marshal sends for IMr. D. Leblanc to be a protection to his captive — perhaps this means to be her security against further attempts on his beard ; for, taking in both hands what he had already bestowed in his pockets — ' See two handfuls.' He sits looking gloomily on what had been ''stroy'd in dis- honour.' After telling his own version of the facts he orders that Leontia should spend the night in prison ; but Mr. Leblanc prays so hard, begs so earnestly, sup- plicates with so much humility, that he consents, at last, that she should stay for the night in Mr. Leblanc's house, with a Provost-Marshal's guard keeping the watch. " Early in the morning Leontia and her friends appeared at the Court-house. Mr. Leblanc has sent for Mr. Gentil, a friend of the Bordis family. The Captain Provost-Marshal sits calm and composed on the judge's chair, in the quadruple capacity of plaintiff, prosecuting attorney, witness — the evidence in his pocket — and judge, to mete out justice. Hear ! hear ! he spake fii'st of Julienne, the servant-girl, stating that she had been cmelly treated by Miss Bordis. To this statement Leontia gave an indignant denial. There was contempt enough in her cui'ved lip to crush an ordinary man, but not enough for a captain of volunteers ; there was a flash of indig- nation in her eyes — erect, she was beautifally scornful. The judge di'opped the nigger, and his beard was the next charge. Some has been saved, it is true ; he has it in his pocket ; but there is no salve that viiH remedy the evil. From the judge's hands it cannot be replanted on the judge's face. Whereas this cannot be done, the OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 391 court condemns the accused, found guilty of tearing a provost-marshars beard, to take forthwith the oath of allegiance to the United States Constitution — a repara- tion, an atonement, due to the majesty of the law. On the fulfilling of this infliction the accused shall be set at liberty. " Miss Leontia, who, like most of the pretty girls of seventeen, seems to be made up of such components as self-will, self-dignity, with a little of reckless stubborn- ness, replies in the negative to the judge's injunction. ' No,' she says ; ' I will never take the oath of allegi- ance.' " ' Something must be done. Take her to the next room, and prevail upon her to take the oath,' says the judge. Officious friends expostulate with her; her grandmother cries ; they all beg her to yield. " ' No,' she repeats ; ' I Tvdll never take that oath.' " ' Then write to the judge a letter of apology.' "She writes; it is not a letter of apology; it is refused. She writes another ; it is also refused, and both are sent back. She will wiite no more. It is for the judge to extricate himself from the difficulty the best way he can ; the girl demm'S, and stays all pro- ceedings towards an adjustment. Another efibrt is made; she yields at last, and sends her ultimatum — ' I consider myself French; I will consent to take the oath of neutrality.' " ' That will do,' says the judge, ' provided I regam possession of one of those letters I reftised to receive.* " The letter is given to him ; he administers the oath of neutrality to Miss Leontia Bordis, who returns to her home with her grandmother and her friends. 392 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; " Girls of the World ! nine cheers for Leontia ! Men of all nations ! nine groans for the Captain Provost- Marshal. "Modern History." From scenes like the first of this chapter — painful, and like the last — farcical, I will now, dear reader, turn and beg your perusal of the letter wliich vdW conclude tliis recital, which, in its false prophecy, reminds us of the oft-repeated " On to Richmond ;" but its sentiment finds an echo in all Southern hearts, teeming as it does with hope, confidence in God, and finn intention to conquer or to die. " Address to the Citizens of New Orleans, " Executive Office, Shreveport, La., January 30, 1864. " To the Citizens of New Orleans, — " I greet you as the Governor of Louisiana. Your trials and your troubles are well known, and your patriotic conduct fully appreciated by the Executive of your State. Do not be despondent ! Do not despair ; but rather let the fii-es of patriotism bum brightly at every fii-eside ; for in a few short months you shall be free. You have been despoiled and robbed, and basely insulted. Every indignity that a brutal, unpriacipled, and a vindictive foe could invent, has been heaped upon you. Bear your persecutions as did yom* fathers before you, and nerve your hearts for the coming hour. Our people are flocking to the army in every direction, and when the spring campaign opens, half a million of gallant Confederate soldiers will strike for liberty and inde- pendence. OR TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 393 "Citizens of New Orleans,— Be true to yourselves, and your State will be true to you. Spurn all proposi- tions for compromises of any kind. Spit upon the insulting proposal for a bastard State Government. Keep your own counsels. Do your duty and bide your time. You shall be free ! The hated tyrants who lord it over you now, who daily insult you without remorse, and rob you without shame— these accursed villains, this crew of thieves and murderers, will yet receive their reward. " Ladies of New Orleans,— God Almighty bless you and sustain you in all your trials ; may Heaven guard you and protect you ! ' When spring-time comes,' gentle ladies, you will see the ' Grey Coats ' again, and then f ou shall Avelcome back to New Orleans the sons and daughters of Louisiana. You are the treasures of the earth. Oh ! be not weary in well doing. Cheer up the desponding. Be kind to our prisoners who are lan- guishing ui the wretched cells of the enemy. You will receive the undying gratitude of your country, and in heaven above you will be crowned among the angels of the living God. "(Signed) "HenryW. Allen, " Governor of the State of Louisiana." 394 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; CHAPTER XXYI. While sacred music floats upon the air, The mournful cortege wends its way along Through myrtle groves, while feathered warblers waking Blend with the chant their melancholy song. The grove is reached ! the last sad notes are over, The requiem fades upon the morning air ! They strew bright blossoms on the earth above her, And leave her, while they breathe a silent prayer. No cypress tree above her couch is waving, But palm and date trees shade her lonely grave, While glancing sunbeams, and the bright stars shining. Keep quiet vigil by the amber wave. " Be just and fear not." Again we turn to New Orleans to fatness a mournful spectacle, one in its solemnity, sublimely grand. The bells are pealing the funeral knell of one of Louisiana's faii'est and best beloved daughters, and we behold in front of her residence, corner of Rampart and Esplanade Streets, the sympathising multitude, who have assembled from humble cottages and stately homes to catch a glimpse of the coffin, in which the mortal remains of Margueiite Caroline Deslonde, -wife of General G. T. Beauregard, are enshrined. Hushed and respectful stand the vast multitude. A stifled sob arises at inter- vals, but breaks softly on the rock of despotism, which 395 it stniggles against. The voice of tlie petty tyi-ant has proclaimed that she may be borne to her last resting place, in the parish of Saint John Baptist, " provided there be no demonstration." The procession of priests in their robes, with Bishop Odin at the head ; the array of youth and age ; the sad regard that each face wears, the silent tear coursing down the cheek ; the flower- covered streets which lead from her mandon to where the steamer lay ; the almost audible beating of hearts as the burial casket comes in view of the multitude on its bed of lilies, roses, and orange blossoms ; the bowed heads of the awe-inspired thousands ; the whispered prayer of the vast throng — is demonstration^ such as no tyrant can suppress, and beyond the power of language to pom^tray. Only sixty persons are allowed to act as escort to the body, and Marguerite Caroline Deslonde, the honoured, noble wife of G. T. Beaiu-egard, is soon borne down the river to the plantation, where, after an imposing service, she is left in quiet peace, alike uncon- scious of homage or of insult. General Banks would scarcely have granted the request, to convey her body to the plantation, nor would he have placed his own steamer, the " Nebraska," at the disposal of her family, had not the organ through which he breathes his true sentiments, betrayed his inhuman and indelicate feelings, when it published the following brutal announcement of Mrs. Beauregard's death : — " The morning papers announce the death of the wife of G. T. Beauregard. She died at her residence, on Esplanade Street, on the evening of the 2nd instant. This Avoman has, we learn, been in poor health for the 396 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; past two or three years, and has required, what has been denied her, the care and attention of the man who gave her his word at the altar to cherish and protect her. He also swore at one time to support the consti- tution of the United States. He does not hold his oath in very high estimation, as we find him not only plotting for the destruction of his country, but deserting his invalid wife for years together, and leaving her depend- ant upon others for those acts of kindness and support that should be given by a husband. We know very little of the life or character of the deceased, further than that she was an invalid, neglected by her sworn protector, and left by him under the powerful protection of the flag whose glory he is devoting his puny energies to sully. But when he is called to his final account, he will have the mortification of kno^\TQg that the lustre of the Stars and Stripes is all the blighter, and liis betrayed country the more powerful, for the treason of himself and co-conspirators." The intense excitement caused by this article filled General Banks's soul vrith. dread, and in order, after a fashion, to make some show of manliness, he permitted a public funeral. This was poor atonement for the base insult, and the scowl which rested upon the brow of Southerners, as they read "tliis woman," told of a deeper thinist of the poignard of outrage than the famous article ^Vo. 28, of General- Butler-notoriety^ ivhich only pointed to ^^ women styling themselves ladies" and whose conduct in the public thoroughfares deserved reproach. " This woman " was apphed to a lady, born and bred 6uch. One whose position dming her whole Hfe was exalted, and whose career from the cradle to the grave OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 397 was one of virtue and unparalleled excellence. Not content with casting a slur upon the dead, he has pre- sumed in this article to asperse the character of the noble Beauregard, whose attachment to his wife is well known. Yes, in the silent face of the dead has this vile loathsome wretch dared to utter falsehood. General Banks did not even require his mouthpiece to apologise. How different did General Butler act, when upon his arrival in New Orleans, he heard that Mrs. Beauregard was ill. He sent for Mr. Sauve, and said to him, " I leam that Mrs. Beam-egard is quite ill — not expected to live ; if this be the case, and she desires an inter^aew -with her husband, he may enter the city, unmolested, / shall not see it^ It was said that General Beauregard did visit Mrs. Beauregard, but / can only vouch for the conduct of General Butler, as related by an intimate friend of General Beauregard. General Butler again evinced charitable feeling upon an occasion which it may not be inappropriate to mention here. I had been staying some few weeks at the Ursuline Convent, and it was during the dearth of provisions (floiu- especially), when Generals Butler and Shepley monopolised the purchase and sale. One of the nuns (the Mother Assistant) said to me, " From what I have heard you say regarding your interviews with Generals Butler and Shepley, they may allow us, at your request, to pm-chase flour, for if they do not we shall have to discharge our scholars, retaining only our orphans, whom we are forced to keep. We cannot get provisions, and are nearly out." I told her that I would do so, and when I went into 398 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; the city visited General Butler, for the piirpose of asking a pass to enter the Confederacy. I was received most courteously, but was refused the pass unless I would take the oath of allegiance to the United States, which I refused most positively to do. Upon rising to leave, I mentioned briefly my conversa- tion vdth. the ^lother Assistant of the Ursuline Convent. '^ When did this occur. Miss ?" he said. I responded, " Last week." " Then present my compliments to the Superior, and say to her, that if she tnt.11 make out a list of what pro- visions she requh-es, I will fill it Tvith pleasm-e icith or ivitJiout moneys I forthwith bore the message, and was told by Sister St. Michel that they had that day been fortunate enough to make a prnx-hase at auction of all they would need for some time. I wi'ote the General a note of thanks, in the name of the ladies, saying that they would be most happy to accept liis proffer should a dearth occur again. I vrniQ this from my personal experience, and to prove to the world that there is a difference between " to seem " and " to her I was detained in New Oi'leans after its occuj^ation, for five months, and though I was granted eveiy favour which I condescended to ask of either Generals Butler or Shepley, I was thus put to many inconveniences, but at last made my escape, with a pass penned hy General Butler himself, for a Miss " Jane Florence," which he gave to a lady who had taken the oath for a per- son whom he deemed her protege, as the inchvidual led him to suppose. The lady who procm*ed it for me OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 399 was an entire stranger to me, but having heard I was anxious to leave the city, vohniteered to obtaui a pass, which I told her could not be done if my own name were given, so she merely reversed my pro and cogno- men, and succeeded in deceiving the- General. General Butler did many acts while in New Orleans, for which he has just claims on the regard of some of the first famihes ; in f.xct the elite of the city in many instances wi'oto him letters, in which were expressed the most unbounded admiration and esteem. Mrs. Slocum of New Orleans, wound up her epistle of grateful acknowledgments (for his protection of her property) by a sentence which speaks volumes for Butler, while it reflects no credit upon her as a Confederate and Southerner, whose son was then in the Confederate States Army. She concluded, " Yom- magnanimity can only be equalled by the cowardice of the men of New Orleans." " I have a plain, unvarnished Tale delivered ; " receive it or Reject it, as you like. 400 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY CHAPTER XXVII. " A strange woman, truly — not young ; yet her face, Wan and worn as it was, bore about it the trace Of a beauty time could not ruin. For the whole Quiet cheek, youth's lost bloom left transparent, the soul Seem'd to fill with its own light, like some sunny fountain Everlastingly fed from far off in the mountain. That pours, in a garden deserted, its streams, And all the more lovely for loneliness seems. So that watching that face, you would scarce pause to guess The years whicli its calm careworn lines might express. Feeling only what suffering with these must have past. To have perfected there so much sweetness at last." Loud boomed the cannon, shrill sounded fife and drum, and gaily rang the stirring music of the various bands throughout the city of Richmond, on the morning of the , while the patriotic citizens were seen huii'^dng to and fro in holiday costume ; and regiments of worn soldiers were di'awn up in fi'ont of the Presi- dent's mansion, whose doors, windows, and gates were garlanded with bright blossoms fix)m wood and glen, and floating ribbons fluttered in the breeze ; and though war was at their thi'eshold, they veiled the vision for this day, and even danced with mirth and song, when assembled in the Grey Mansion to do honom- to one OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 401 whose name and fame had cast a lustre upon the Con- federate arms. General Beaumont, a French gentleman of distinction, had gallantly fought, side by side, with the renowned General Lee ; and, grateful for his ser- vice, the people of Richmond had determined to present him and his brave troops with a testimonial of their regard in the form of a flag, made by the fau-est women of the South. Miss de Villerie was chosen to present the colours ; and in military style, in front of the President's man- sion, and in presence of the entire population. Miss de Villerie, at the appointed hour, escorted by a corps of ladies, attired in grey, and mounted, like herself, on magnificent steeds, and wearing the military ^chapeau, proceeded to the place of rendezvous. AiTayed in thread-bare uniforms, and mounted upon war-worn steeds, awaited the generals and military men, and when Miss de Villerie appeared, a cheer of enthusiastic greeting arose and rent the air ; an avenue at the same time opening through the dense throng to admit the cavalcade. General Beaumont was seated beside the President, in an open landau, drawn by four magnificent grey chargers. Miss de Villerie, joined by General S (who bore the banner), advanced towards the equipage and stopped immediately in front, a burst of applause startling the echoes of city, hill, and dale. When silence reigned, she spoke in clear tones ; address- ing a few appropriate remarks to the General, expressive of the appreciation of the Southern people for his ser- vices, so nobly, gallantly rendered, and placing her hand upon the flag-staff, she said, in conclusion, "Accept this tribute of a bleeding nation's esteem, hallowed as 2 D 402 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; its folds are by the tears of mothers, wives, and sisters, and consecrated to the cause of Truth and Juftfice.'" She ceased, and General Beaumont rephed in a few brief sentences, gracefully delivered ; the band struck La Marseillaise; — the crowd dispersed, — and de Miss Villerie, with her escort, proceeded to the President's mansion, where music, dance, and haimony reigned until a late hour. Miss de Villerie passed through this scene in dreamy abstractedness ; her pale cheek, from which the roses had long since fled, bespeaking suffering such as only those who have seen their brightest highest hopes perish, and have witnessed the entombiug even of their best and firmest trust, can feel. She passed amidst the crowd regardless of the praise which rang from the lips of gay cavaliers around her. In this brilliant assembly she was with, not of them, and her eye seemed to follow — *' Her heart, and that was far away, Where a rude grave ly James River layV OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 403 CHAPTER XXVm. *' 'T is not that — but, alas ! — but I cannot conceal That I have not forgotten the past — but I feel That I cannot accept all these gifts on your part, — Rank, wealth, love, esteem — in return for a heart, Which is only a ruin ! " With words warm and wild, " Tho' a ruin it be, trust me yet to rebuild And restore," the Duke cried ; " tho' ruin it be, Since so dear is that ruin, ah ! yield it to me." On the morning after the day on which the above scene was enacted Miss De Villerie sat alone in her boudoir. Reader, when first she was presented to your notice, it was in the zenith of her beauty and bloom ; when the star of hope shone bright in mid-heaven, and sur- rounded by jfriends tried and faithful — she stood the peerless queen of the Crescent city, and the fair repre- sentative of its Creole maidens. A brief period of years has passed since then, but a century of woe has rolled over her soul, and her raven tresses, bespiinkled by Care's argent threads, bespeak a tale of mental anguish, and shadow forth a ruin such as Father Time could not have paralleled. She now sits arrayed in cloud-like India muslin morning-dress, richly trimmed in Valen- ciennes lace, and the misty floating folds of her dress are 2 D 2 404 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; confined to her slender waist by a sash of lilac ribbon, a few sprigs of lilies of the valley worn in the side of her hair, which is combed in a Grecian knot low on her neck, complete her simple yet elegant toilette. She was seated beside a small table on which rested three minia- tm-es and a lock of nut-brown hair ; she had placed the latter to her lips when a gentle rap at the door of the apartment caused her to drop the hair into the case of the miniature and say, " Entrez'' Her sei-vant, Victorine, who remained faithful to her amidst every change, entered with a card, wliich she handed to her mistress. " Ah ! General Beaumont," she said, " ask liim to enter, and place these (pointing to the miniatm-es) in my jewel-casket." General Beaumont entering, gracefully, the compli- ments of the morning were exchanged, when the General, pohtely alluding to the event of the day previous, said, " Miss De Villerie, yesterday, to me, was indeed a day of triumph, and of happy recollections never to be forgotten! Not that I received your coimtry's homage and witnessed its gratitude, but because God should have so ordained it that the offering should be made by Natalie De Villerie, the only being I ever loved;" at the same time thro\\4ng off the light Tvng and whiskers he stood before Miss De Villerie's astonished gaze the veritable Count Beauhar- nais, he continued, " Natalie, do you not know me ? Do you not feel me at last worthy of your love ? I who have so long, so ardently hoped and prayed for this moment when yom* countiy would have acknowledged me worthy its lovely daughter. Speak, Natahe; tell me I have not loved in vain." OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 405 Miss De Yillerie trembled with emotion cat tliis denouement, she clasped her hands to her forehead as it were to shut out some vision ; gradually her head sunk upon her breast— he approached her, she waived him off, but he knelt before her, saying, "forgive me, Natalie, if my expressions of a feehng wliich overpowers me pain you. I know your heart and read its story long ago, and none, save love pure as mine, could have wor- shipped you, even when you held the cold hfeless form of another pressed to your heart, and prayed for your happiness wliile you kissed another's lips. Natalie, nought but love, enduring as Time could have recog- nised under the various forms and disguises of Miss Clayton, Soeur Secessia, and Miss Laval, the beautiful Natahe De Villerie. I have traced you everywhere ; I have followed on faithfully ; I know your suftering, I respect it ; but, Natahe, endeavour to forget, and trust to my love for futm-e happiness." She answered through her tears, "Happiness, Count! Alas, there is none for me m this world. My heart is in the grave. I speak thus, as you seem to know all. I never loved but once— can never love again. You ask me to be yours ; would you care to wed with one between whose love and yours would hang a funeral pall ? Would you wish to place the firm founda- tion of such a structure as love has reared in your noble heart upon a quagmire in which it would sink to rise no more? Do you desire to place golden drapery on the wmdows of a ruin where the mildew of cold and damp shall gather? No! no! I cannot consent to a deed of sacrilege." " Natahe, I will not urge the matter, nor say more 406 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; at present. You have termed your heart a ruiii, it is, nevertheless, dear to me. I Avill rebuild its broken arches, I Tvdll on the adamantine base of my o^vti rear again its fallen columns of beauty, and on the pinnacle of this edifice inscribe my motto, ^ Xil desperandum.^ Farewell." Respectfully he raised her hand, and pressing it to his lips arose and left the apartment. Again the tide of bitter memories rose and fell, and once again she was called upon for a sacrifice. The morning passed away in tears and reflection, and when evening fell she wrote thus : — " Count Beauharnais, — If the gratitude and esteem of one whose love dwells with the dead are deemed a sufficient recompense for your long and faithful sei^ce to my country, and your unwavering devotion to me, I consent to be yours ; trusting that if I cannot be happy myself, I shall thus render happy one who is worthy of a pm-er and more profound affection than I can ever give him. " Give me but until the end of this unhappy strife, and by that time, perhaps, the feehng which now seems perjury to the dead ^^11 have somewhat lessened, and I shall be more fit to vow fealty as your bride, and more strengthened in the idea of the duty I owe towards the Kving as well as the dead. The heart, withered and crushed, could never be revived by a less noble or ardent love than that of a Beauharnais; this name alone is worthy the heart's first offering, which, alas ! it is not mine to yield. " Farewell ! Rest content with my promise ; if God OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 407 SO ordains it, it will be fulfilled. Until then we are, before the world and to each other, but as friends. "Natalie de Yillerie." Reader, I feel you would fain know more. Would that I might rise the dim veil of futurity, and take your hand m mine, and, pressing it to my lips, say farewell to her and thee, as I pointed to a happy home, envu-oned by all which is bright and beautiftd. *' Shut out by Alpine hills from the rude world, Near a clear lake, margined by fruits of gold And whispering myrtles ; glassing softest skies, As cloudless, save with rare and roseate shadows, As we would have her fate ! " ROSALE PLANTATION. 1865. " The steed is vanished from the stall ; No eerf is seen in Hassan's hall ; The lonely spider's thin grey pall Waves slowly widening oer the wall ; The bat builds in his harem bower, And in the fortress of his power, The owl usurps the beacon-tower ; The wild dog howls o'er the fountain's brim With baffled thirst, and famine grim ; For the stream has shrunk from its marble bed. Where the weeds and the desolate dust are spread." The once beautifully cultivated fields are overgrown with nettles, and the fences are torn down ; the slaves are no longer to be heard by the traveller, at mom or at eve, singing their songs of merry, innocent glee ; the charred rums of then: once pretty cottages are seen, and the cattle even are no more heard, nor tmklmg bells of sheep greet the ear, while withui all speaks of rum 408 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; and decay. The skrubs are withered and uncared for, the parterres are weed-grown, and reptiles lurk beneath ; now and then a shattered marble rises amidst the rank grass and brambles, to speak of some spent shell aimed at an imaginary guerilla ; the places where statues once stood are now but the resting-place of the couchant in- vader on sentinel duty ; the fountains are fissured and broken, and their once clear streams are now a sanguine hue ; the birds, even, have flown to sunnier scenes, and warble their strains amidst gayer foliage ; the chateau is in a state of dilapidation, and the mournful winds sweep through its open casements, wailing for the dead and absent ; the floor is strewn with pieces of marble of exquisite workmansliip, while the fresco work of walls and ceilings is covered with ruin, and insects are creep- ing over all ; the bat flaps his dark wings in the upper chambers ; and the dove alone remains to moan in piteous strains o'er Desolation's Tableaux ! 1 1 REPLY To the Addresses of Messrs. Hiestand and Homer (Union), Appearing before the public for the first time, as the press feared arrest, suppression, and imprisonment, should they publish it. CONCLUSION. " There was a little man, and he had a little soul, And he said, ' Little Soul, let us try, try, try, Whether it's within our reach To make up a little speech Just between little you, and little I, I, I, Just between little you and little I ! ' " Away then cheek by jowl. Little Man and little Soul Went and spoke their little speech to a tittle, tittle, tittle, And the world all declare That this priggish little pair Never yet in all their lives look'd so little, little, little. Never yet in all their lives looked so Little." The vaunted liberty of an American press has been long the theme upon which all nations have dwelt with praise, and then- admuation has been unbounded, at the piivi- 412 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; lege which they have heretofore imagmed all fi'ee citizens of oiu- far-famed countiy possessed, namely, liberty to think, speak, and write as each and eveiy one felt inclined. I Tvill now lay before the eyes of the civilized world a case in point, and prove this impression false. In the month of November, 1863, I was called upon by a gentleman, and asked by him if I had seen the last " Era," to which I replied in the negative ; he went on to state its contents, and remarked that it was teeming with interesting matter, and that he would send it to me ; stating that I might probably find the speeches of Messrs. Hiestand and Horner worthy a penisal, as they seemed devoted exclusively to the abuse of my sex, and the ridiculing of " old men," who were so indiscreet as to ventm-e upon any subjects in their presence, save the most common-place remarks. The same evening I received the paper, and found the addi'ess to be of the same style as those delivered some months previously by the same gentlemen, and which, strange to state, I had in my possession (not being retained for their rhetorical beauty, but their absm'd remarks and inelegant language) ; and I T\dll now lay them both before the public, with the regret that, hke Herastratus, who bm*ned the Temple of Diana at Ephesus, for the purpose of having his napie im- mortalized, the author vrHl gain notoiiety by even ignoble means. On reading the article, I was fired ^dth indignation, and, seizing my pen, wrote hastily a reponse, which I took to the office of one of the leading joui'nals, for publication ; but, after retahiing it thi'ee days, the OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 413 editor, wlio desii'ocl to publish it, returned it, with the note wliich you will also find herein. It speaks for itself. I then, en personne^ asked several editors to publish it^ saying that / in no icay feared the consequences ; but though all were solicitous to have it published, each in turn returned it, saying that they feared their offices would be closed by the authorities, and that the greatest difficulty would be that it would never be believed a woman had written it. But forced to abandon the idea of publishing it, I resolved to place it before the public in this form, and trust that the " Ladies of New Orleans " may not deem their defence as arrived too late. Heaven bless them ! they need none ; but like the little rivulet that though small its offering, it forms a part of the many waters which go to make up the vast ocean, I like it, have contributed one ripple more to the surface of that sea of eulogy, on wliich the Southern women must ever float triumphant above the malignity and envy of their enemies. With an apology for digression, and quoting Byron, I will place the subject before you. I must own, If I have any fault, it is digression, Leaving my people to proceed alone, While I soliloquize beyond expression ; But these are my addresses from the throne, Which put off business to the ensuing session : Forgetting each omission is a loss to The world, not quite so great as Ariosto. Sham State Government. " The traitors in New Orleans, who have shifted their allegiance with the same facility that they do their 414 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; garments, have held a meeting to precipitate the forma- tion of a civil government for the State. It does not appear whether they have been disturbed by any qualms of conscience concerning the legality of their military government, or whether they are itching for a share of power. It is most likely, since the prominent actors in the proceedings are lawyers, that the distribution of the judicial posts, and the desire to open others by the appointment of a Supreme Court, have been the incen- tives. This suggestion derives some plausibility from the fact that a meeting of those laT\yers who dena- tionalized and degraded themselves by taldng the oath, was recently held to request General Shipley, the "Military Governor of Louisiana," to appoint a Supreme Com't, or to fill the vacancies m it, Judge Buchanan having qualified himself for infamy by retracting his oath of loyalty to the Confederacy, and swearing another to the United States, with a promptitude that entitles him to their highest consideration. We have before us the " Era " of the 15th March, fr'om which it appears that Dr. Riddell presided at the meeting of the Union Association to which we have aUuded, and Hiestand was the principal speaker. The report proceeds: — Judge Hiestand took up the question as to the expediency of organizing a provisional State Govern- ment. He remarked that " at the present critical period it were far better to raise aimies than to make con- stitutions. There is no civil government in Louisiana. Om- escutcheon bears an eagle, vriih the oHve branch in one hand and the thunderbolt in the other. Until the rebellion is quelled we should dispense only thunder- OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 415 bolts ; then make constitutions. I appeal to this assem- blage to know if there are not thousands of 'loyal' traitors in NeAV Orleans to-night— men who have taken the oath of allegiance? I ask if there are not men holding high positions in this city to-day who are traitors ? The truth must be told, and I am not afraid to tell it. Why do we never see here the faces of our city officials ? Their very silence is damning to them. The women of New Orleans yet insult loyal men by the rebel badge in their bonnets, two red roses with a white one in the centre. Our national constitution is strong enough to protect us. Civil government is impracticable in the face of these military operations. " Mr. President, take away these Federal bayonets and I doubt if you or I would live twenty-four hours, simply because, through all these dark days of rebelhon, we have been true to the old flag. Are you aware that on the pine trees across the lake, there is posted a black list containing the names of those who would be instantly sacrificed should New Orleans be retaken? The South has rebelled against progress and the laws of God Almighty. I sleep more soundly at night, because I know I am protected by Federal bayonets. To me, almost a refugee from all I hold dear, the absence of military protection at present would be a degradation worse than damnation itself. Inaugm-ate civil government and you will give the cotton barons of Caronnelet Street the exclusive control of our liberties. For God's sake, let us do nothing to hazard the lives of our soldiers or om'selves." It is gratifying to perceive that the perjured mis- creants have some foretaste and conception of the doom 416 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; wliicli certainly awaits them when the day of righteous vengeance shall come. Mr. Horner and Colonel Field seem not to be so nervous. They insist on a re-estabhshment of civil government. Hiestand w^as appointed a judge by Shepley. Horner and Field are out in the cold. Mr. Horner said the speaker had entirely failed to convhice him of the tnith of his statements. Om- flag is the emblem of progress, not of regress. The gTeat cause of the rebelhon has passed away from this section of Louisiana, and all the powers of hell cannot revive it. Every State is guaranteed a republican form of government. We want the reign of bayonets to con- tinue no longer than is absolutely necessary. I am m favom- of civil government here. Let us take advantage of the presence of the mihtary to inaugm-ate it. I have confidence in the integrity and honesty of the masses. Colonel Field said he could not agree w4th the doctrines of the first speaker. Have not members of Congress been admitted fr'om Louisiana ? Is not civil law in force here ? Does not the Governor, as also his judges and justices, administer civil law ? Does military law conflict T\4th the exercise of civil right ? It was always a principle of oui' government that the mihtary was subsei^aent to the civil power. I believe in the motto of Senator Davis " Fight, pay, or emigTate." Do you suppose any but a loyal man could be elected to a responsible position here ? And yet one of the chief arguments against the establishment of a provisional government is that it would fall into the hands of disloyal men. OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 417 Mr. Rozier followed, favouring the scheme, and Madison Day " closed the debate by hoping the rebeUion would be crushed before measures were taken to in- augurate civil government," when the further con- sideration of the question was postponed until the next meeting. Can any punishment be too rigorous for men who dip their hands so deep in treason ? Some commi- seration can be felt, and perhaps some excuse made for those who, timid by nature and threatened by starva- tion to their families, have incurred the guilt of for- swearing their country, but the participators in this meeting and others of like principles are bearing a ^dUing allegiance to the enemy. When New Orleans shall again come under our rule they will attempt to justify their conduct on the plea of obligation to obey the authorities, who had the mihtary means to enforce their orders. If our people accept the plea as sufficient they are made of different material than we now believe. It appears that the traitors propose to fill the various civil offices, governor, judges, legislature, &c. Such proceedings can of course lay no claim to legality, but if the enemy shall control sufficient territory to prevent our election next fall of one-half of the legislature, where will the power of making laws reside? Will it be suspended? Some persons ridi- cule the argument of Chief Justice Ven-ick by which he attempts to prove that a majority of those elected within our lines will constitute a constitutional legis- lature. We do not venture an opmion on the subject. We leave it to lawyers to discuss and judges to decide, 2 E 418 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; but if tlie contrary doctrine be correct, and one-half of the legislature fail of an election by the presence of Federal bayonets, the State will have lost one of the most important attributes of her sovereignty, viz., her legislative function. Our jocose picture of a heated canvass for the Chief Justiceship, which extorted the judge's argument, will have served to set on foot an investigation of this curious question. Union Assocl\tion. Meeting at the Lyceum Hall. Speeches of C. W, Homer, Esq., and Judge Hiestand. There was another grand gathering of the friends of the Union at Lyceum Hall last night, and, although the weather was rather unpropitious, the attendance on the part of the ladies was very large — showing the deep interest our fair friends take in the Union cause. . The meeting was presided over by Dr. Schuppert, and Mr. Chadwick acted as secretary. The president announced that ^Ir. Homer and Judge Hiestand had been invited to address the Association, and Mr. H. immediately took the stand, and was gTeeted with a round of applause. He thanked the audience for their kind welcome on his return. He came back to them confirmed in the convictions with which he left them — that this rebelHon would finally be crushed. He left New Orleans in the latter part of June, at a time when the clouds of defeat had darkened o'er the land, and the fi-iends of the Union were despondent, if not despairing. The city was excited to an intense degree. Hooker had fought the OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 419 battle of Chancellorsville, and some twelve or fifteen thousand of our fellow-countrymen lay killed or wounded on the bloody field. So much for Hooker ! Grant had commenced his campaign in Mississippi, and was besieg- ing the boasted Gibraltar of the rebels. The Con- federates were threatening New Orleans, and had all the means at their disposal to make good their threats.' Such was the condition of our army when he left the city for the North. Treason was the common conversa- tion in the streets and saloons, and the spiteful "she adders " spit and spluttered more venomously than ever. Arriving at New York, he found the same state of afiairs. The Unionists were sad and gloomy ; the Copperheads were jubilant, and our friends gave up all as lost. " The game is up," they said, " our money is worthless, our armies are defeated, our leaders out- generaled ; " and hearing them talk, he almost imagined himself back again on Canal Street, standing by the statute of the noble Clay — the great champion of the Union, whose hand of fellowship is always stretched out, not across the way, directing you to " get your slnrts at Moody's," but towards the North, as it ever was during his lifetime — he imagined himself standing there and listening to the foul treason of our New Orleans secessionists, for he found the Copperheadism of New York even more bitterly disunion than was the secessionism of New Orleans. He returned, however, and all was changed. The grand battle of Gettysburg had been fought, crowning the Union arms with a glorious and complete victory. Lee had been hurled back to Virginia in a terrible defeat — discomfited, overwhelmed, and pelted by the 2 E 2 420 THE HEROINE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; merciless elements. Grant had taken the impregnable fortress of Vicksbnrg, and the cowering and stai-xang gan'ison had been forced to humble itself before the Stars and Stripes. And Banks, at Port Hudson, had re-enacted the same glorious drama, and inscribed his own, and the names of the heroic army he commanded, upon the roll of those names who have deserved so well of their country. He returned to find no indications of joy in the eyes of the secession ladies, they were as meek as lambs, and their tongues had lost the ac- customed sting. With the traitors all was gloom, wliile joy reigned in the heart of each friend of the Union. It was a glorious change, and had been T\TOught by the prowess of om- gallant armies on many a bloody field. A few days after he got home, he met a very old and wealthy citizen, who has devoted all his energies in life to making money, and who had formerly pub- lished a newspaper called the " National Advocate," a Secession sheet, that for the sake of the few picayunes that it wrung fi-om the hands of its Secession supporters, was wont to issue an extra every fifteen minutes, con- taining the most encouraging news of the rebel cause that could be gathered from the four quarters of the Confederacy. This old man asked him if he had read his brochure, entitled '' The Bhth, Life, and Death of the ' National Advocate.' " He rephed that he had not, but since then he has read it, and he found that the old gentlemen was right in the view he had taken of the condition of afiairs in this State, and of the necessities of the times, for he therein puts forth the very doctrine for which we are contending. He is sound in his prin- OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 421 eiples, and to prove that he is, the speaker then read the foUowmg extract from the pamphlet aUuded to : — " By the new census, Louisiana is entitled to five members. Let them be elected on a general picket, to be voted for by every white loyal citizen who has resided in the State a required period ; and at the proper time, let there be a convention to form a new constitution, providing for an immediate or ultimate emancipation of slaves." Napoleon had said that he more dreaded three news- papers than a hundred thousand bayonets ; and since he had been gone from the city three newspapers had sprung hito existence — thi-ee loyal papers, advocating the principles of hberty and free speech — a fact which shows that freedom of the press and of speech exist here. He spoke in terms of commendation of the coloured schools, and was glad to see the little children of a down-trodden race receiving the benefits of an educa- tion. He hoped these institutions would flourish and prosper, and that they might prove the germ of a higher and brighter civilization. It was an indication of the progress of the times. He had met a rank Secessionist a few days since, who seemed to forget his former rancorous feelings, and had entered into conversation with him. This man ex- pressed an unwillingness to speak on the politics of the times ; but was very anxious about getting rid of martial law, that the civil authorities should be rein- stated, and the government of Louisiana be set in motion once more in the old way ; and he asked his opinion as to the feasibihty of adopting some measure 422 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY ; to bring about such a state of affairs. " Sir," said I, "we will never get rid of martial law till we get rid oi AMcan slavery. Never can we sever the destinies of Louisiana from the North-west, so long as that grand chain, that perpetual bond of union, the Mississippi, con- tinues to roll her mighty flood down to the great gulf below." With calm resignation the Roman father of old, bound in chams, awaited the coming of his sons to release him. With equal patience w^ill Louisiana, bound by the chains of slavers^, wait, and never accept relief, except at the hands of her o^m noble sons ; and the day is not far distant when they will come m their strength, and strike off her shackles, and she will rise in the grandeur of her newly-acquired liberty, redeemed, re- generated, and disenthralled. He visited Boston while in the North, and paid liis devotions to Liberty at the slnine erected on Bunker Hill. He remembered, too, that this monument com- memorated a defeat. It was the first great battle for American liberty, and it was the first defeat. And fi'om this first field of our first struggle for liberty his thoughts turned to the battle-stained plains of Manassas. The coincidence was striking. There, too, had the armies of freedom met defeat in theh fu'st encounter ; and after we had washed out by our blood all record of our sinful temporizing with foul treason, and had achieved the victoiy in this second war of independence, by crushing out black rebelhon, he wanted to see a monu- ment twice as high as that of Bunker Hill erected upon the plains of Manassas, upon which shall be engraved the words, in letters of gold, " One God, one nation, one OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 423 people, and one freedom." " Liberty, justice, and truth, now and for ever." The splendid effort of Mr. Homer, to wliich we have failed to do justice by this hasty sketch, was received with delight by the audience. Judge Hiestand was next introduced. As he was slightly indisposed, he feared that he would not be able to entertain or interest his auditors, but his apology was unnecessary, for he made an excellent and powerful speech. We have only room for some of the most im- portant parts this morning, but shall endeavour to give it more in full in oui* next issue. He told of his trip to the North — how, like the devout Mahomedan, he had made a pilgrimage to the Meccas of America, to renew his faith and his patriotism, by bowing where our fathers bled for freedom in the early days of the Republic. He had also visited the seat of government, that he might learn from the lips of the President himself the policy he intended to pursue, both Tvdth regard to the emancipation proclamation and the retm*n of Louisiana to the Union. In company with Mr. Horner and another citizen of Louisiana he called upon Mr. Lincoln. It was the belief of some in this city that the President would recede from the proclamation freeing the slaves, and he was desirous of bemg satisfied upon that point. Mr. Lincoln expressed much anxiety that Louisiana should, as soon as it could be consistently done, range herself in line with the other loyal States of the Union; "but at the same time," he remarked, " the loyal people of Louisiana are themselves the best judges as to the moment when such a movement shall become practicable." 424 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; In regard to the question of receding from the pro- clamation, during the conversation on the subject the President said : — " It is dangerous for a man to say what he will not do, for thrice did Peler deny his Lord; but, if I know myself, while I occupy the Presidential chair, not one jot or tittle of that proclamation shall be withdrawn." The interview with the President was ui every way satisfactory. In New York, Judge Hiestand could not but con- trast the miiversal prosperity of all classes ; so marked was the difference in every respect from the state of affairs at home, even in the most peaceful times, that he w^as convinced there never had been any prosperity in the South, except that of a privileged class, and the only way to make our State prosperous is to imitate those great States of the North, and cast loose from that crushing incubus which weighs do^vn our energies and destroys our wealth and power — Afr'ican slavery. He spoke of the almost universal determiaation of the North to persist in this war till the rebelKon was crushed. He had met with but few who held any other opinion or desire. As for himself, he wished that he could stand in the centre of the Confederacy and pro- claim the only grounds upon which this struggle can be brought to a close. He would tell them, " Lay down yom' arms, depart from the country, or die ! " Twenty millions will not surrender up their liberties, or be dictated to by these rebels. They may meet with reverses, may suffer defeats ; but in the end the cause of justice and humanity will prevail, the rebellion will he crushed, and the Southern States will take their place OR, TRUTH .VND JUSTICE. 425 once more among the glorious stars that shine with eternal brightness in the American constellation. In the North he was approached by many with the question : " What are you going to do with the negroes ? They are lazy, thievish, and, when freed from the power of their masters, will not work, and what can you do with them ?" He replied : " We will put them in a position to take care of themselves, and then, if they don't do it, why let them go down as other worthless races have done, and let their places be filled by others who will work. We will release them from their chains, and give them Hberty to act for themselves. Give them a trial ere we condemn them." He \\dshed it particularly to be understood that he was no negro worshipper, nor had he ever had any scruples about the morality of slavery ; but the question is, shall we sacrifice that institution or sacrifice our country — the fr-ee institutions bequeathed to us by our fathers. Forbid it. Heaven ! He would rather see the earth open and swallow up the entire Confederacy, him- self included, than that the rebellion should succeed and such a fate overtake the Republic, which is now the only hope of freedom in the world. The people of the United States are playing for no small stake. He could calcu- late to a fraction the value of the vast wealth and resources of the country, but he could not calculate the value of that inestimable privilege the freeman enjoys of sitting beneath his own vine and fig tree with none to make him afr-aid, as he plucks his grapes and figs in peace and freedom. God Almighty never intended that so great a creation should be so Hghtly destroyed. 426 THE HEROIXE OF THE COXFEDERACY ; He has seen many negroes in New York who were industrious, worked faithfully, were honest and trust- worthy, and when he asked those who seemed so deeply concerned about what we would do with the negroes, how they managed to get along with that class of their population, the answer was, " Oh, they are educated.' "Well, oui' negroes are also educated — educated to work, and there is no reason why in their altered condition they should not become as honest and industrious as the same race has proved in the North. He chd not wish to be understood as holding the opinion that the negToes can be at once brought into a condition to folly enjoy all the privileges of freedom. It was diJBficult to elevate a race from absolute slavery to a high state of civilisation immediately, but that was no reason why a commencement should not be made. It is a great poli- tical question we have to solve. What shall we do with the 4,000,000 of human beings that have been released from slavery — but that is a secondary matter to the grand object of putting down the rebeUion. Let aU our energies be dnected to the accomphshment of that great task; let us get rid of that fii'st, and then we shall find a way to get rid of the negTo question. In closing, he would take occasion to express his heartfelt satisfaction at the manner in which he was received wherever he went, in the East and in the "West. He was warmly and cordially welcomed by his brethren in the gTeat cause of the Union everywhere he went, and could not but feel gTatified "uith the many proofs of friendship that had been exhibited towards him by the supporters of the Union in the loyal States ; and when the proper time comes none will rejoice more than he to OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 427 isee Louisiana the first to range herself by their side in the glorious cause of Union and liberty. He retired from the stand amid loud plaudits of his auditors, and the meeting was adj omened. Previous to the adjournment Dr. Dostie announced that Colonel A. P. Field and Rufiis Waples, Esq., would addi'ess the Association on next Saturday evening. *' Messrs. Horner and Hiestand, " I have read with mingled feelings of disgust and contempt your stump-orator-like address delivered before the audience which assembled at the Lyceum Hall on Satm-day evening last. I have always been under the impression that persons who go abroad to see the world, or in other words make a tour, generally return more cultivated and refined ; what your claims to the above may have been ere yom- extensive tour I am unable to state, but judging from the feeble, nay, abortive efforts made in your orations of 31st ultimo to find words to convey your ideas, I should say your tour was not like that of ' the dove who flies over the earth and rests upon the beautiftil only,' but, like the buzzard, you alighted on nought save filthy carrion, and having be- come impregnated with the stench, you now seek to * spit and splutter it over your hearers, who must have felt themselves degraded, be their politics what they may, at the presumption of individuals so little gifted by nature, as well as education, in advancing such remarks as the extracts teem with. But as your genius seldom soars above the ''roses' in a lady's bonnet, or, at the- farthest, the top of 'Moody's signboard,' which board must forcibly remind you of the stained garments 428 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY; of deceit, malice, and treachery in which yon walk daily habited. I was not sm-prised at the spoutings of bad EngHsh and slang, only suited to the haunts where the dark sons of Africa ' most do congregate.' — A fit orator indeed for the Sable Race. " Though I looked, and looked in vain, for that high stand (Hiestand) of rhetoric which I had expected to find you had assumed, I found only the sting of the Horner (t) throughout. The next thing to be considered is the entfre absence of the bump of reverence in your cranium (which, if you ever possessed it, was certainly by some accident ' stove in'), when you are so lost to everything like veneration as to facetiously dub the gentleman refeiTed to of the National Advocate * The Old Man.' Of course we recognize the person thus irreverently alluded to as Jacob Barker, Esq., whose character as a loyal citizen you would fain asperse by yom- vile insinua- tions of Secessionism. Has the learned gentleman ever read the history of his country, or does he presume any one else has ? Is he aware that the gentleman whom he thus dares to tamper with, and hold up to pubhc ridicule, is styled by all who are acquainted with the dark stmggle of 1812 - 14, ' The Preserver of the Union 1 Is the honourable speaker aware that this ' OLD :man' for- nished the means to cany on the war which led to our final independence, and by his herculean efibrts cast into the then empty United States treasury the sum of over jive millions of doUars, and came gallantly to the rescue of the sinking ship of state when others held tight their pm'se-stnngs ? Is the veiy urbane gentleman acquainted with the antecedents of this old man, and of the fact of his having ' exhausted all his means and energies' years OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 429 agone to presence this Glorious Union, of which all can talk and babble, but few have had the honom- of framing ? Is he cognizant of these facts ? If not I am happy to be able to inform him, but probably history can do so more lucidly. ' The great champion of the noble Union,' whom you have termed Henry Clay, was the intimate friend of this ' old man,' as well as others, many others, too numerous to mention, upon whose brow Fame^s laurel wreath has rested. I am fully aware that, in aU revolutions, the scum of society rises to the surface for a brief while, but I trust, lilve all fermentations of a sappy nature, it may soon be skimmed off by the ladle of good sense and discrimination. There are some cha- racters which, like the sun, are too effulgent to gaze upon, and pain the vision until, like the sun, they are in eclipse ; does the courteous and kirid speaker wish to cast over Jacob Barker, Esq., an echpse, that his brightness may not be so painful to him ? If so he will find him- self unsuccessful m his attempts, as the halo of glory which beams upon this ^old jnan shrow vdll but increase in radience as he nears the shore of eternity. There may be individuals forgetfril or ignorant of his worth, but so long as the ' Stars and Stripes' shall wave shall the name of Jacob Barker be dear to every true Unionist. What has excited your animosity against this gentleman is, I presume, his having espoused the cause of the LADIES OF New Orleans, and his having endeavoured to place them before those in command in the proper hght, as well as to discern prejudice. For this act he should have been lauded, instead of being traduced and made the mark for poisoned shafts ; and I believe that his remarks did find an echo in the heart of every honest 430 THE HEROIXE OF THE CONFEDERACY; gentleman, be they Unionist or Secessionist. What must your opinion of yourself be, or what imagine you must the public think of an individual so lost to all claims to manliood as to employ his eloquence (ye gods forgive for this misnomer I) and pen in the nolle abuse of women 2 Surely you are but a bm'lesque man, not the elevated, high-souled being foiTQed to the image and likeness of God? Truly, there is nought of the Don Quixote in you. What, presume you, must yom* mother think of you ? I am sure if she were possessed of any of the principles of a lady she would, if Hving, blush to acknow- ledge you, and if dead, her very ashes icould turn a sau' guine hue at the scun-ilous vituperations used against her sex. But, alas ! we generally judge the tree by its fruit ; and I pity from my heart a son whose ungentlemanly conduct has caused me to cast reflection upon the mother. Have not the ladies of New Orleans been sufficiently humiliated in seeing their beautiful city in the possession of strangers ? and have they not suJBfered enough of anguish in being deprived of all that life holds dear, viz., the presence of husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers, parted never to meet again on earth ? If they choose to wear a few blossoms twined from memory's wreath, (even be they red^ white and red), should this be cause for such wholesale abuse'? Ai'e ladies whose presence you would not dare to enter to calmly submit to such inso- lence, because you deem yourself protected by a row of bayonets'? (Judge H , I believe, is the one who objected so strongly to the military government being dis- pensed with, as he considered himself safe only when behind a rampart of steel.) Forbid it. Heaven ! I am a lady, and as such pronounce you COXTE]\iptible OR, TRUTH AND JUSTICE. 431 POLTROONS. If there be any females who are so devoid of the respect and homage that is due to their sex as to endorse anything you have said or may say, I would suggest to them to weave a chaplet of spotless unfadinq mushrooms for the brow of this modern Cicero and Demosthenes. "N.B.— Will the very erudite speaker be so kind as to mfom us where the Meccas of America are geo- graphically situated, or whom he deems the Mahomets of the Western world, as he so generously and gratuit- ously informs us of the situation of the ^g^df heloio-?' But possibly we were mistaken as to the point to which the gentleman would fain direct our attention, and that It IS not the Gulf of Mexico to which he refers, but the fiery gulf of which we read in Scripture, towards which in my mmd's eye, I see him rapidly approaching in the steam-frigate 'Self-Importance,' whose figure-head is a ' She Adder.' "* ' OiEce, "Miss F. J. O'Connor. _" I am very soiTy I cannot have the pleasure of pub- lishing the communication, but I'm over-rukd. Indeed I find It IS considered a much more dangerous document than I can regard it, so much so, that parties who have hitherto printed simUar efilisions, now refuse to do this ' Order,' you are aware, ' reigns in Warsaw,' and with it a very successful system of espionage, one begotten in tear, and pursued in the interest of the first law of nature-self.preservation. The Unionists would band together, and hunt down, like a pack of bloodhoimds, the author and puWisher of such a writing. To my * The name given to females by General Butler. 432 THE HEROINE OF THE CONFEDERACY. own knowledge they have done such things abeady, and the miHtary authorities were compelled to sustain them, and to punish by heavy fine the authors of some pasquinades on Doske and others. Even the distribu- tors of them were also fined. Believe me, you are giving those creatures an undue importance when you consider their ' bad eminence.' " So do not honour him so much To prick thy finger, though to wound his heart ; What valour were it, when a cur doth grin, For one to thrust his hand between his teeth. When he might spurn him with his foot away." " Youi' obedient servant." PEiyiED Ur UAKliiSOX A2«'D SONS, ST. 3IAETI>" S LAKE. • ^. .#*»' RARE BOOK COLLECTION THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL Wilmer 839 %^: «:: ■v#' ^^t^*- i^^^