^^^^•^ «?*» Library OF THE University of NortK Carolina Tliis hook was pi-esenled l\v VCB -^^^ .■"^m^ K ^^«9l»' r" V *Cik-i;? ^^^'.'Jl-^:. /^ This book must not be taken from the Library building. laocfSBCO Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2012 witii funding from University of Nortii Carolina at Chapel Hill http://archive.org/details/inmemoriamgeorgeOOvann THIS COPY IS NUMBER J5- OF AN EDITION OF ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE COPIES AND IS PRESENTED TO Cyt^, m^ j^tI^ ^^^4.^/ y^;C£/ GEORGE WASHINGTON WATTS IN MEMORIAM ..-X.---'> A- , .,.i.*.J«'B^-.-!»'. . .'•*»" tf"»* * jaSii^St^ <^-UxK4) IN MEMORIAM GEORGE WASHINGTON WATTS BORN AUGUST i8, 185 1 DIED MARCH 7, 1921 COMPILED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE FAMILY BY CHARLES L. VanNOPPEN GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA "There is no death! The stais go doKii To rise upon some other shore; And bright in Heaven's jeweled crown They shine forevennore." PRIVATELY PRINTED 1922 GEORGE WASHINGTON WATTS An Epitome HIS chief characteristics were his i It is no part of the plan of this brief sketch to enlarge upon his benevolence. Large donations to the Union Theological Seminary, to Davidson College, to Flora Macdonald College, to Barium Springs Orphanage, to the various benevolences of his church, capped by a bequest of 1 150,000 to the First Pres- byterian Church of Durham and also 1 10,000 to the Durham Y.M.C.A., besides |20o,ooo to add to the endowment of the Watts Hospital, are only the principal items of a splendid list. For his service was more than money. It was pioneer work. Never before had a rich North Carolinian risen to so high a standard of generosity. His conception of service to his kind has blazed a path that will surely not remain untrodden. He has given to his State more than money — he has left it an ideal ! THE MAN But the story is not yet told. Down through the corridors of the ages still thunders the ruthless Apostle: "Though 1 have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries; . . . and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains; . . . and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing." Napoleon also wrought great works, and plunged into statecraft, and even erected shelters for the friendless; yet after a hundred years his name is accursed. George Watts might have been never so great a business genius, never so mighty a prop to a tottering State, never so generous a contributor of alms, and still have been a man whose foot- steps no God-fearing father would direct his son to follow. But George Watts, though a giant towering even among the gigantic race of American business men, never for a moment lost his faith in a Power that was mightier than he. It was grounded in him from infancy. Back in the old home in Mary- land, under the tutelage of a godly father and mother, he had been instructed in the doctrines of the church. His people were Lutherans, and he was confirmed in that faith in 1868, in the Second Church in Baltimore; by letter he transferred his mem- bership to the First Presbyterian Church of Durham, but his L92 affection for the old church never died, as is evidenced by the fact that later, when he had become a power in the business world, he contributed to it I2000 toward the purchase of an organ and $4000 for a parsonage, and at different times he gave a total of $31,000 to that church's mission in India. It was in Durham, however, that his religious life developed to its fine flower. There he became the mainstay of the church he had joined, and he was chiefly responsible for the building of the three successive edifices known as the First Presbyterian Church. All of these progressive works received his loyal sup- port, and his contributions to foreign missions, in particular, were regal in their magnificence. Missionaries were maintained by him in Korea, in Cuba, in Africa; and his donations to that cause run far into the hundreds of thousands. Nor did he forget the fundamentally important work of his church in the less developed regions of this country, for, on the books of the Home Mission Board, he is credited with vast sums given to prosecute that work. Royally generous was he also toward the old minis- ters, worn out in the service of the Lord. The ministerial relief fund of the Presbyterian Church in the United States was enor- mously increased by his benevolence. However, if there was one phase of church work dearer to his heart than another, one would not go far astray in judging that the Sunday-school was his favorite. To this work he gave unstintedly, both of his time and of his means. His was a famil- iar figure at both state and national conventions, whilst at Tokio, Japan, he was elected as one of the vice-presidents of that great international, or world, Sunday-school association which met there in the summer of 1920. While on this tour with Mrs. Watts to the Far East, Mr. Watts visited the mission stations in Korea in which he was so largely interested. It seems that some six years prior thereto the Japanese had closed the mission schools in Korea because the Koreans would not agree not to teach the Bible in these schools. Thus when Mr. Watts visited Soonchun, Korea, in the summer of 1920, the missionaries prevailed upon him to pay a visit to the governor-general, Baron Saito, and to speak to him about this matter. Mr. Watts did this, and in March, 1 92 1 , the schools were reopened with permission to teach the Bible, and it is noteworthy that the schools of the Southern Presby- terian Church are the only ones to which this permission has been given. This, it is true, might have been called by the Apostle "bestowing my goods to feed the poor," and perhaps also his services as Moderator of the Synod of North Carolina and the perpetual gifts of his time and energy to furthering the work of his church might come under the same classification. But there is one test that cannot be rejected, for it cannot be simulated successfully. That was the humble piety of his daily life. George Watts did not put on his religion with his Sunday coat, as is the practice of so many. It was an every- day affair with him. Not that there was anything approaching ostentation about it. It was far too genuine for that. But quietly, as he did everything, he walked with his God quietly, that is, as long as there was no need for demonstration. But on a matter that touched his religious principles he could, if necessary, be anything but quiet. No slinking, hole-and-corner Christian was he. While he was not the type of man to go out of his way to seek trouble, yet he was most emphatically not of the type to step one inch out of his way to avoid it, if it was a matter of morals or of religion. Yet he had also the gentleness of the true Christian, espe- cially with children. He was intensely fond of young people, and although he lived for seventy years he never grew old; for his heart was the heart of youth, and this made him a joyous and acceptable companion to youth, wherever it gathered for innocent merrymaking. Utterly free from pomposity, he never regarded it as beneath his dignity to exercise his ingenious mind in devising amusement for the young people; and his strong sense of humor enabled him to stage ludicrous situations that captivated both boys and girls. One daughter, Annie Louise, now Mrs. John Sprunt Hill, was his only child, and her children, George Watts, Laura Valinda, and Francis Faison, were the delight of his life. The great captain of industry was to them only an indulgent and delightful grandfather when they were small, the merriest of playfellows, romping with them like a child himself; and, as they grew older, still their companion; especially did he enjoy walking with them to and from school, listening seriously to the problems of adolescence, and gravely advising them about their childhood difTiculties. But his ability to relax was not confined to occasions when he associated with the very young. He was keenly interested in almost all forms of athletics and outdoor sports, and, while not a fanatic on the subject, an enthusiastic follower of the national game of base-ball. But the sport that was peculiarly his own was golf. He was an excellent player, and his tall and well-proportioned figure with its athletic stride was known to most of the clubs where the royal and ancient pastime is followed, from Poland Springs, Maine, to Palm Beach, Florida, in a surprisingly large number of these clubs he held honorary membership. On April 26, 191 5, A4r. Watts was greatly bereaved by the loss of his wife. But time, the great healer of sorrows, somewhat assuaged his grief, and on October 25, 19 17, he was again married, and Miss Sara V. Ecker, of Syracuse, New York, became his bride. This union, like the first, was marked by harmony and happiness. Strong in the contests of life, far-seeing, tireless in pursuit of an end, bold yet idealistic, generous and tender, the finest trib- ute to George Watts yet remains to be paid. Let it be phrased in the words of the Rev. Dr. W. W. Moore as, standing over the mortal remains of this noble man, he spoke as follows: "As we remember how he labored to teach young and old the will of God and the grace of Christ, and how he set in operation forces which will continue that blessed work through all the future, we are grateful for that great promise of God's word: 'They that be teachers shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.' " Charles L. VanNoppen. CO "It is more blessed to give than to receive' GEORGE WASHINGTON WATTS A MEMORIAL 'HE Board of Trustees of Union Theological Seminary lias suffered an irreparable loss in the death of its honored and beloved President, Mr. George W. Watts. As an expression of our ap- preciation of his unparalleled services to the Seminary, as v^ell as of our personal affection for him, the Board places on its permanent records the following Memorial of his life and work : He was born at Cumberland, Maryland, August 18, 1851, and died at Durham, North Carolina, March 7, 1 92 1 . Of a thought- ful and earnest nature, he set before himself in his youth a high ideal of life and pursued it steadily. Notwithstanding the handicap of somewhat delicate health in his boyhood, he devel- oped studious habits, attending the public schools of Baltimore from 1839 to 1868 and the University of Virginia from 1868 to 1 87 1, and so trained the powers of a naturally quick and vigor- ous mind that by the time he entered business as a salesman for his father's firm he possessed the qualities which foretoken suc- cess. He was a man of clear intelligence, sound judgment, sys- tematic habits, steady industry, and inflexible integrity. At the age of twenty-seven he purchased an interest in the business of W. Duke Sons & Company, and moved to Durham. Here it soon became evident that he was not only a creative force in the business world, a public-spirited community builder and leader of civic progress, and an open-handed philanthropist, but also and above all an upstanding, outspoken, exemplary Christian, seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteous- ness, making religion the paramount concern of a busy life, and working tirelessly for the cause of Christ. He was always pres- ent at every service of the church, not only on Sundays, but also at the mid-week meeting, unless providentially hindered. For over thirty years he superintended the main Sunday-school of his church, putting the same enthusiasm, energy, and system into this work that he did into his business. During the same long period he went every Sunday afternoon, through fair weather and foul, and taught a Bible class in the Mission School at Pearl Mill. Every Friday night he went to the same Mission to conduct the prayer-meeting. It would not be easy to find a parallel for such arduous and self-denying Christian work carried on through so many crowded years. No less remarkable were his interest and activity in the work of the church at large and in all manner of philanthropic and educational enterprises. He was a frequent attendant at meet- ings of the church courts, presbytery, synod and general assem- bly, always present at the beginning of the sessions and always remaining till the close. He was equally faithful and regular in his attendance on the meetings of the various boards of church institutions of which he was a member, and gave a great deal of time to arduous committee work. He became a member of the Board of Trustees of Union Sem- inary by appointment of the Synod of North Carolina in 1894, was elected President of the Board in 1905, then reelected an- nually till 1911, when by unanimous action he was made the Permanent President, and continued in that office till the end of his life. Since 1904 he had been a valued member of the Executive Committee, the most important committee of this body. During the twenty-seven years of his official connection with the Seminary he served the institution with unwaver- ing loyalty and love, with unsurpassed wisdom and energy, and with unequaled munificence in the use of his means for the strengthening and enlargement of its work. [•43 It was largely his liberality that made possible the removal of the Seminary to Richmond twenty-three years ago. Since this move was made the attendance of students has increased, notwithstanding the general decline in the number of candidates for the ministry, the faculty has been enlarged, new professor- ships have been established, besides a well-endowed special Lec- tureship and a Fellowship of graduate study, the assets of the Seminary have quintupled, and it has secured an admirable material outfit, including eleven substantial buildings. The main building of the group was the gift of Mr. Watts, and by action of the Board of Directors is to bear his name through all the future. A little later he provided also the beautiful Chapel. Nor was that all. Being himself a member of the Board and of its Executive Committee, and therefore thoroughly familiar with the work of the institution and its value to the church as the main source of her supply of ministers and missionaries, he made repeated contributions to its permanent funds. Thus, besides his gift of $50,000 for Watts Hall and $20,000 for the Chapel, he provided in succession $60,000 for the endowment of the presidency of the Seminary, 1 10,000 as a repair fund for Watts Hall and Chapel, $30,000 for the supplementing of the salaries of incumbents of inadequately endowed professorships, and $50,000 for the endowment of the Professorship of Reli- gious Education. His generous interest in the Seminary con- tinued to the end, and in his will he made it a bequest of $50,000. The aggregate amount of the benefactions mentioned is $270,- 000. This summary includes only his larger gifts to the insti- tution; it takes no account of the help he gave it in various other ways, such as his contribution of $5000 toward the pur- chase of the Westwood property, his provision of Professor Gil- mour's salary, and his annual provision of $3000 for a number of years to enable the Seminary to dispense with the fees for- merly collected from the students. He was the greatest benefactor the institution has ever had, and this Board records its profound gratitude to God for raising up such a friend for the Seminary at a critical period of its his- tory. Realizing its vital relation to all the work of the church C'5: and seeing at close range its needs and possibilities, he gave to it frequently and freely of his consecrated wealth, so that to all our people we may say : Here he made his investments in living voices for Christ, and through the successive bands of young ministers going forth from this Seminary he will be preaching the Gospel through all time to come. He being dead yet speaketh. Mr. Watts was a great steward of God. Besides his generous gifts to the Seminary he made large donations to other educa- tional and religious institutions, orphan asylums, schools and colleges, to Sunday-school work, to the great causes of home and foreign missions, to hospitals and all forms of relief work. A specially striking and beautiful feature of his largess was that all his benevolences were benevolences in the literal mean- ing of the word. His heart went with them. There was nothing cold or detached about them. Numerous and varied as they were, there was in them all the warmth of personal knowledge, personal interest, and personal sympathy. We place on record our witness that the most valuable contribution he made to the well-being of Union Seminary was the influence of his own per- sonality. He exemplified to us the right combination of busi- ness capacity and Christian character. We admired him for his quiet force, his great abilities, the swiftness and sureness of his mental grasp, and the far-reaching scope of his vision. We admired him for his courtesy, skill, and dispatch as our presid- ing officer. We admired him as a preeminently successful man absolutely unspoiled. We honored him for his unaffected hu- mility and modesty. We loved him for his big warm heart and his sunny disposition. The Christian fellowship of the mem- bers of this Board has become a proverb throughout the church. To no man who ever served on the Board was this fellowship more refreshing and gladdening than to him. The touch of reserve which is not unnatural to the wary business man in the marts of trade was here cast off entirely. From the moment he set foot on this campus he was unrestrained, buoyant, beaming, happy in the affection of his trusted colleagues on the Board and his trusted friends on the campus. He never seemed more light-hearted and gay than on his visits to the Seminary. Little wonder that we reciprocated his confidence and affection with a deep and warm personal love. To us he was not merely the wise counselor, the faithful trustee, and the generous benefactor of the Seminary, but also our dear personal friend. It is with a sense of wistful loneliness that we recall to-day that alert strong figure in the chair, that beaming face in the Chapel, and those genial greetings which for so many years have lifted and cheered and strengthened us in our endeavor to discharge aright the great trust committed to us by the church. We lament the loss of a colleague of loving heart and large vision and liberal hand, but we thank God for the privilege of laboring with him so long in the Lord's work. This Seminary is the lasting memorial of his greatest work for the Gospel. "If you seek his monument look around." We rejoice that his influence abides and will ever abide in this beloved school of the prophets, and we hum- bly pray that his mantle may fall on us who remain, that we may emulate his consecration and zeal in the service of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. To the members of his family we express our profound sym- pathy in their bereavement, commending them affectionately to the God of all grace and comfort. n'7] 'Few men are both rich and generous" THE RELIGIOUS AND BENEVOLENT WORK OF MR. WATTS BY Rev. Walter W. Moore EORGE W. WATTS was a great gift of God to our generation. From beginning to end his life was one of sound principles and solid achieve- ments and beneficent influence. Born and reared in a Christian home, of a thoughtful and earnest nature, he set before himself in his youth a high ideal and pur- sued it steadily. Notwithstanding the handicap of somewhat delicate health in his boyhood, he developed studious habits and so trained the powers of a naturally quick and vigorous mind that by the time he entered business as a salesman for his fa- ther's firm he possessed the qualities which foretoken success: clear intelligence, sound judgment, systematic habits, steady industry, and inflexible integrity, so that when his first great business opportunity came to him, at the age of twenty-seven, he was ready for it. This was the purchase of an interest in the business of the now famous house of W. Duke Sons & Com- pany. When he moved to Durham and entered upon his new duties it soon became evident that, like other able members of that firm, he was a creative force in the business world. Under their joint efi'orts the business grew with amazing rapidity, passing quickly from its original territory and establishing itself not only throughout America, but in every part of the civilized world. With the increase of his means Mr. Watts, like his associates in the firm, engaged in other large enterprises, including banks, railroads, and manufacturing companies. Throughout his en- tire business career he was prominent also as a public-spirited citizen and community builder, as shown, for example, in his zealous leadership or active cooperation in all the improvements that have marked the civic progress of Durham and the promo- tion of the comfort and convenience of its people. The most notable of these services to his own community was his splendid benefaction in the erection, equipment, and endowment of Watts Hospital. But after all is said, the most valuable contribution he made to the well-being of Durham was the influence of his own char- acter and personality. The city is not an old one. It has made its marvelous growth for the most part in the last forty years. Its citizens can never be thankful enough that during this for- mative period, when their character as a people was being moulded and their ideals as a community were being fixed, so many of the men who have controlled its capital and directed its energies and determined its business life have been men of God, not only correct men but religious men, not only men of sound morality but of pronounced religious faith. The people of Durham have been greatly blessed with material prosperity, but they are a thrice happy people in the fact that, amid the rapid increase of their wealth, their leaders in business have not been indifferent to the things of the mind and the heart, have not undervalued character and culture; and that the man whose memory they honor as their model citizen, the noblest exponent of their life, was not only a capable and successful man of af- fairs, but a man of living faith and pure character and abound- ing benevolence — a golden-hearted gentleman, an open-minded philanthropist, an exemplary Christian. This phase of his character and influence deserves special emphasis, for he really obeyed the Lord's injunction to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; he made religion the paramount concern of a busy life; he was a tireless worker for the cause of Christ. He was always present at every service of the church, not only on Sundays but also at the mid-week meeting, unless providentially hindered. For over thirty years he superintended the main Sunday-school of his church, putting the same enthusiasm, energy, and system into this work that he did into his business. During the same long period he went every Sunday afternoon, through fair weather and foul, and taught a Bible class in the Mission School at Pearl Mill. Every Friday night he went to the same Mission to conduct the prayer-meeting. It would not be easy to find a parallel for such arduous and self-denying Christian work carried on through so many crowded years. No less remarkable were his interest and activity in the work of the church at large and in all manner of philanthropic and educational enterprises. His relation to some of these may be briefly mentioned. He became a member of the Board of Trus- tees of Union Theological Seminary by appointment of the Synod of North Carolina in 1894, was elected President of the Board in 1905, then reelected annually till 191 1, when by unanimous action he was made the Permanent President, and continued in that office till the end of his life. During the twenty-seven years of his official connection with the Seminary he served the institution with unwavering loyalty and love, with unsurpassed wisdom and energy, and with unequaled munificence in the use of his means for the strengthening and enlargement of its work. It was largely his liberality that made possible the removal of the Seminary to Richmond twenty-three years ago. Since this move was made the attendance of students has increased, notwithstanding the general decline in the number of candi- dates for the ministry, the faculty has been enlarged, new pro- fessorships have been established, besides a well-endowed spe- cial Lectureship and a Fellowship of graduate study, the assets of the Seminary have been quintupled, and it has secured an admirable material outfit, including eleven substantial build- ings. The main building of the group was the gift of Mr. Watts, and by action of the Board of Directors is to bear his name through all the future. A little later he provided also the beau- tiful Chapel. Nor was that all. Being himself a member of the Board and of its Executive Committee, and therefore thor- oughly familiar with the work of the institution and its value to the church as the main source of her supply of ministers and missionaries, he made repeated contributions to its permanent funds, his gifts aggregating $300,000. He was the greatest benefactor the institution has ever had. Realizing its vital relation to all the work of the church and seeing at close range its needs and possibilities, he gave to it frequently and freely of his consecrated wealth. Here he made his largest investments in living voices for Christ, and through the successive bands of young ministers going forth from this Seminary he will be preaching the Gospel through all time to come. He being dead yet speaketh. Besides his generous gifts to the Seminary he made large donations to other educational and religious institutions, to orphan asylums, to schools and colleges, to Sunday-school work, to the great causes of home and foreign missions, to hos- pitals and all forms of relief work. A specially striking and beautiful feature of his largess was that all his benevolences were benevolences in the literal meaning of the word. His heart went with them. There was nothing cold or detached about them. Numerous and varied as they were, there was in them all the warmth of personal knowledge, personal interest, and personal sympathy. It was so with his gifts to the Watts Hos- pital, to Union Seminary, to Davidson College, to Flora Mac- donald College, to Barium Springs Orphanage, to Lees-McRae Institute, to the causes of ministerial relief, home missions, and foreign missions. Take the last-named cause for illustration. Not only did he make an annual contribution of $13,000 for many years for the support of the missionaries of the Soonchun station in Korea, eventually making it permanent by an en- dowment fund of $256,000; not only did he support mission- aries in Cuba and Africa, eventually creating an endowment for the latter of $48,000; but to all the missionaries he was a loyal and sympathetic friend, especially those whom he supported, invariably and promptly answering their letters, and aflfection- ately interested in all that concerned them. No part of the church's work appealed to him more strongly or engaged more of his time and thought and personal effort than that of the Sunday-school. He was enthusiastic and in- cessant in his activities as leader, organizer, teacher, and superintendent. His contributions to Sunday-school equip- ment and support were frequent and free-handed, such as the substantial and convenient building which he erected for the Sunday-school of his home church at Durham and the endow- ment he provided for the department of Sunday-school Teacher Training at Union Seminary, The last great religious gath- ering he attended was the World's Sunday-school Convention at Tokio, Japan, during the summer of 1920, and his last public address was the account he gave of that convention to his own school at Durham. C^O EULOGY BY REV. EDWARD R. LEYBURN, D.D. EULOGY DELIVERED AT THE FUNERAL OF MR. GEORGE W. WATTS BY REV. EDV^/ARD R. LEYBURN, D.D. For seventeen and a half years his pastor FEEL very much more like sitting beside the bereaved family to-day, mourning with them over the loss of this dear friend and brother, than standing here undertaking to speak about him. The feeling of my heart and the heart of this vast assemblage is voiced by the Psalmist in the Twelfth Psalm and first verse: "Help, Lord; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men." God- liness and faithfulness : these are the two words which best sum up Mr. Watts's life and character and career. Gifted with unusual talents and abilities and resources and influence, he used them all faithfully for the glory of God and the blessing of his fellow-man. Those who were not personally acquainted with Mr. Watts admired him for his great liberality, and he was known and honored from one end of our land to the other for his large and numerous gifts to the church and its edu- cational institutions, and to philanthropy. But those of us who knew him intimately admired him most because of the larger and richer gift of himself, his time, his interest, his energy to the cause of Christ. He put God and the things of His kingdom as the first con- cerns of his life. This is illustrated by an incident which oc- curred a few years ago. One of the large business corporations with which he was connected was passing through a critical period in its history, and there was an important meeting of its [253 board of directors to be held in New York City on a certain date. On that same date there was to be a meeting of the board of directors of Union Theological Seminary, of which Mr. Watts had been a member and President for years. Without a moment's hesitation he decided to go to the Richmond meeting and look after the interests of the Seminary, and left his large business interests to be looked after by others. Mr. Watts loved his church, and showed his love and loyalty by being present at every service, not only on Sundays, but also at the mid-week prayer-meeting, unless providentially pre- vented from being there. In fact, he is the only man whom I have ever urged not to come to church so much, for I felt that after superintending the Sunday-school in the morning, throw- ing his whole soul and strength into it, as he did with everything he undertook, then attending the morning preaching service, then going down to the Pearl Mill Mission and teaching a Bible class there in the afternoon, he ought not to come out to church again at night. But when I remonstrated with him and urged him to take more care of himself, he would reply that he needed the worship for his own spiritual good, and that as a member and officer of the church he felt that his influence and example might help to make others more loyal and faithful to the church and its services. He was the best Sunday-school superintendent with whom 1 have ever been associated, putting his business energy and en- thusiasm and system into its work, and at the same time keep- ing the spiritual aims and nature of the work uppermost and foremost, and impressing his teachers continually with the fact that their great business was to lead souls to Christ and train them for His service. In addition to superintending the main Sunday-school of his church for over thirty years with marked ability and success, he went down every Sunday afternoon dur- ing all those years to the Pearl Mill Mission, through fair weather and through storm, through heat and through cold, to teach a Bible class in that Mission. Thus this great man, who was closely identified with the World's Sunday-school Associa- tion and a member of the International Committee, and who was so highly esteemed by that body that they held a special prayer-meeting for him during his illness, devoted his own precious time and strength through all these years to teaching a class in a mission Sunday-school. This was characteristic of the man, and one of the reasons why he was so greatly beloved by all who knew him, of every class and condition. In addition to teaching this mission school every Sunday afternoon, he and Mr. Leo D. Heartt, another saint of God who has passed to his reward, went down every Friday night for fifteen or twenty years to conduct the prayer-meeting in this same Mission, keep- ing up this work until the Mission secured a pastor of its own who took charge of that service. Those of us who have heard him teach his Bible class and lead these prayer-meetings re- member with what clearness and force and aptness of illustra- tion he applied the great truths of God's word to the present-day needs of those to whom he spoke. Often during the pastor's absence from home he conducted the mid-week prayer-meeting of his church, and these meetings were always times of spiritual refreshing to all who attended them. Mr. Watts was a very busy man, and he did not hesitate to let it be known that he had no time to waste, and yet I never knew him to be too busy or too much engrossed with business to be willing to stop and have a conference with his pastor or any of the representatives of the church's work who wanted to consult with him about the interests of the kingdom. He was a modest man, who made no parade and desired no pub- licity about what he was doing and giving. He gave not only with liberality but with cheerfulness, esteeming it a privilege to use what God had entrusted to him for the advancement of His kingdom. And yet he never gave carelessly or indiscrimi- nately, but as a faithful steward of God he examined carefully into the merits of every appeal that was made to him, and if the cause did not commend itself to his judgment, no amount of argument or appeal could induce him to give a penny to it. I shall not undertake to enumerate to-day the different activ- ities of the church at large with which Mr. Watts was connected as a director. A very large part of the time of his busy life was devoted to looking after the work of the church and its institu- tions. The great number of representatives here to-day from the different educational institutions of the church and its dif- ferent executive departments, in addition to the representatives from the numerous business enterprises and civic organiza- tions to which he belonged, witness to the high esteem in which he was held, and the great value which was placed upon his counsel and advice. Mr. Watts needs no material monument to perpetuate his memory, for he will continue to live on and exert his influence in the lives which he has blessed and in the hearts which he has cheered. Through the lips of the ministers who received their training through his liberality, through the many missionaries in foreign lands for whose support he has made perpetual pro- vision, and through his many home mission workers in the des- titute parts of our own country, he will continue to preach the blessed Gospel of God's dear Son to untold multitudes as the years go by. In the buildings which he has erected at Union Seminary and Davidson College and Barium Springs and the endowment which he has provided for these and many other institutions of learning, he is continuing to prepare men and women for the service of God. Through his large gifts to the Endowment Fund of Ministerial Relief he will continue to bring joy and comfort and cheer to the hearts of God's aged and infirm servants worn out in the work of the Master, and to bless the widows and little orphan children of those who have been called to their reward. In the beautiful and imposing group of buildings which he has erected and endowed on the outskirts of this city he will continue the beautiful ministry of Him who went about doing good, healing the sick, and relieving the sorrowing and suffering children of men. No other man whom we have ever known has so many worthy monuments to perpetuate his memory and to carry on his work of glorifying God in blessing mankind. I shall not, of course, undertake to speak in detail on this occasion of Mr. Watts's beautiful life in the home. It is enough to say that he was a perfect Christian gentleman, who lived his [28] religion in all the relations of life seven days in the week. Con- sequently those who knew him best and who associated with him most intimately appreciated him most fully and loved him most devotedly. May the God of all grace and comfort, the blessed Saviour, the Elder Brother, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Triune God of the Covenant, comfort and cheer and sustain these dear ones till they, too, reach the Father's House of Many Mansions, and are reunited with the loved ones, so many of whom have gone up in recent years from this beautiful hilltop to walk with the Saviour and with each other on the hilltops of eternal glory. No other preeminently successful man of our time has exem- plified more strikingly than Mr. Watts the right combination of business capacity and Christian character; and he has set in operation forces which will carry on his beneficent influence till the last syllable of recorded time. n^Q] PRAYER BY REV. WALTER W. MOORE PRAYER AT THE FUNERAL OF MR. GEORGE W. WATTS BY REV. WALTER W. MOORE jLMIGHTY GOD, our heavenly Father, Who alone art the Author and Disposer of our lives, from Whom our spirits come and unto Whom they return, we acknowledge Thy sovereign power and right both to give and take away as seemeth good to Thee; and we pray that unto all Thy righteous dealings we may yield ourselves with due resignation and pa- tience, being assured that Thy wisdom never errs and Thy love never fails. Remembering to-day all Thy love to us in our Lord Jesus Christ and all the promises of Thy grace, we would resign ourselves into Thy hands, to be taught and sanctified by Thee, that while we mourn we may not murmur nor faint under Thy chastening, but hold fast the assurance of Thy mercy and the blessed hope of everlasting life through Him Who died and rose again, even Jesus Christ, our Lord. We pray Thee for His sake to enable us so to heed Thy holy word that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures may have hope, and to so fill our hearts with Thy love that we may cleave more closely to Thee Who bringest life out of death and Who canst turn our grief into eternal joy. We bless Thy name for all those who have died in the Lord and who now rest from their labors, having received the end of their faith, even the salvation of their souls. We thank Thee for every life of living faith and loving sympathy and helpful [33] service. Especially we call to remembrance Th}' loving-kind- ness to this Thy servant. For all Thy goodness that withheld not his portion in the joys of this earthly life, and for Thy guid- ing hand along the way of his pilgrimage, we give Thee thanks and praise. Most of all we bless Thee for Thy grace that kin- dled in his heart a living faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and made his life a benediction to our time. We magnify Thy holy name for the assurance that, his trials being ended and death passed, with all the dangers and difficulties of this mortal life, his spirit is at home and at peace in our Father's house. Grant, O Lord, that we who rejoice in the triumph of Thy saints may profit by their example, that becoming followers of their faith and patience we, too, may enter into the inheritance incorrupti- ble and undefiled and that fadeth not away; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. When we remember the strong and beautiful and beneficent life of Thy servant, in the home, in the church, in the com- munity, in the State, in the world at large, how he adorned the doctrine of God, our Saviour, how he witnessed and worked for Thee, how he let his light so shine that men glorified our Father in heaven, how he taught Thy truth and lived it, how we loved him for his loving heart and leaned on him for counsel and strength, it is inevitable that we should grieve for the great loss we have suffered. We mourn before Thee together, O Lord — the members of his immediate family who knew him best and loved him most, the wide circle of relatives whose affectionate intimacy with him has extended through years, the large num- ber of personal friends whom he had long honored with his confidence and affection, his associates in business, his co-work- ers in the community, the teachers and pupils of his Sunday- schools, his fellow-members in the church, his fellow-citizens in the State, hundreds of people also who never saw him but who loved him for his great heart and his Christian benevolence, boys and girls in orphans' homes, aged and indigent servants of God, relieved, comforted, and cheered by his munificence, young men and young women of vigor and promise in schools and colleges, missionaries of the Cross in distant lands, patients [34:1 in hospitals — all mourn to-day the departure from this world of one of God's noblemen. But we bless Thee that while we mourn we may also rejoice. We rejoice in all the memories of such a life and in its blessed influence which abides and will ever abide. We recognize the fact that the gift of such a man to our generation is a blessing from the hand of God that calls for profound and abiding grati- tude. We recognize in him a fulfilment of the ancient promise of Thy word that "a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest, as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." In the strength of his character and the kindness of his heart he was like a great rock affording shelter to many from the sweep of calamity. In the outflow of his benevolence he was like rivers of water in a dry place. We bless Thee that the streams of it have not only flowed copiously through his own community, but that they have gone far and wide through this land and other lands and even to the ends of the earth, pure, refreshing, life-giving. We thank God for a man who was both a rock and a river, both a shelter and a source of fertility. We recognize gratefully Thy goodness in giving to this com- munity during its formative period, when its character as a people was being moulded and its ideals as a community were being fixed, a leader who, with all his sagacity and skill and success in practical afi'airs, remained throughout a Christian idealist, high-souled, golden-hearted, sympathetic, benevolent, devout. As we remember how he labored to teach young and old the will of God and the grace of Christ, and how he set in operation forces which will continue that blessed work through all the future, we call to mind that great promise of God's word: "They that be teachers shall shine as the brightness of the fir- mament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." And so, with hearts subdued and sorrowful, yet believing, we give this great life back to God, thanking Thee for all that it has meant to us, and praying of Thee that comfort in our bereavement which Thou alone canst give. Lay Thy hand of D5] healing on all these stricken hearts. Speak to them as to Thy disciples of old, "Let not your hearts be troubled. In my Father's house are many mansions. 1 go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am there ye may be also." Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, according to His abundant mercy, hath begotten us again unto a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. [36] EXTRACTS FROM THE PRESS >vv\ V P TA 'There is a prince and a great man j alien this day in Israel" lEORGE WASHINGTON WATTS, aged seventy, one of the South's great business men and philanthropists, died at his home on South Duke Street, this city, yesterday morning at 10.25 o'clock. His death was due to cancer of the stomach, with which he had suffered for something like a year. He was actively connected with a large number of business enterprises, including banks, railroads, and manufacturing plants. He has given of his finances without stint to the cause of religion and education, in addition to which he did many deeds of charity of which the world never knew. He was the State's largest individual taxpayer and wealthiest citizen. Mr. Watts had been in ill health for the past year. In the first stages of his illness he went to a hospital in Baltimore for treat- ment and an operation. After some months of treatment he returned home with improved health. His physicians, however, sent him to Europe in the hope of complete health restoration. Late last summer Mr. Watts sailed for Europe. He toured through many countries, but more especially in the Orient, where he had invested large sums of money to promote mis- sionary work. Returning home late in 1920, Mr. Watts appeared to be in much better health. Within less than two weeks afterward, however, his illness attacked him with renewed violence. He began a game battle for life, assisted by specialists, surgeons, and physicians. Despite his age he fought off the inevitable [39] for weeks after physicians had admitted their inability to con- quer his affliction. Until the end Mr. Watts maintained a cheerful frame of mind and indefatigable spirit. Although not unexpected, Mr. Watts's death came as a dis- tinct shock to his relatives and many friends. The news spread rapidly, and yesterday afternoon many institutions with which he has been affiliated either as an official or benefactor lowered their flags to half mast. Last night telegrams of sympathy and condolence were reaching the city from various parts of the United States. Although the funeral arrangements have not been completed, it is known that the service will be held to-morrow afternoon at the home. The services will be conducted by Dr. David H. Scanlon, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, assisted by Dr. W. W. Moore, of the Union Theological Seminary, and Dr. E. R. Leyburn, of Rome, Georgia, former pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in this city. The interment will be in Maplewood cemetery. Surviving the deceased is his wife and one daughter, Mrs. John Sprunt Hill, of this city. Also one brother, James H. Watts, of Baltimore, and one sister, Mrs. Charles B. King, of Charlotte. He leaves three grandchildren, George Watts Hill, Laura Valinda Hill, and Frances Faison Hill. The deceased was probably the greatest philanthropist that North Carolina has produced. His charities reached around the globe. In December, 1909, he gave to Durham the new Watts Hospital, which represents an outlay for buildings of about 1500,000, and he also endowed it heavily with about $500,000 more. The hospital was the "apple of his eye." For many years he was President of the Board of Trustees of this institution. Several years ago Mr. Watts built a handsome Sunday-school room for the First Presbyterian Church in this city at a cost of many thousands of dollars, and it was largely through his efforts that the new Presbyterian Church was built. Mr. Watts was actively interested in foreign mission work. He personally supported ten missionaries in Korea, two in Cuba, and one in Africa, and some years ago secured the permanent . 1:40] support of these missionaries by providing endowment of sev- eral hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Watts while attending the World's Sunday-school Convention in Japan last fall paid a visit to the mission field in Korea. The deceased was also a large contributor to many colleges and schools. Among his largest gifts were donations to Union Theological Seminary, Davidson College, Flora Macdonald College, and Agnes Scott College. He was probably the great- est benefactor of Union Theological Seminary. The President of the Seminary, in speaking of Mr. Watts's donation, said: "It was his unprecedented liberality that made possible the removal of the Seminary from its former isolated and disadvantageous location to its present admirable site in the suburbs of Rich- mond, where it has experienced a large increase of attendance and an improvement in facilities so great that it has now an equipment second to that of no other institution in its class. The main building of the Seminary was erected through the munificence of Mr. Watts," and by the action of the Board of Directors is to bear his name through the future. Mr. Watts had been a resident of Durham forty years. He came here to handle a part interest in the great tobacco manu- facturing industry which afterward was incorporated as W. Duke Sons & Company. While he was one of the most efficient in the group of men who built up the industry as one of the greatest tobacco houses in America, his interests have for many years not been consigned along one line, and his ability and capital have entered into much that constitutes the greatness and prosperity of this city. Mr. Watts was born at Cumberland, Maryland, August i8, 185 1, a son of Gerard S. and Annie E. (Wolvington) Watts. He was reared at Baltimore, attending the public schools there from 1859 to 1868, and from 1868 to 187 1 as a student of civil engi- neering in the University of Virginia. However, it has been along manufacturing and industrial lines that his career has been made. His father was an extensive wholesale tobacco dealer, and from college the son went on the road as a salesman for G. S. Watts & Company. 1:413 In the meantime Mr. Watts had been traveUng for the to- bacco house of G. S. Watts & Company from 1871 to 1878. In the latter year he came to Durham, and at once used his ideas and his enterprise to stimulate the growth of the Duke firm, and subsequently aided in organizing and incorporating W. Duke Sons & Company, in which he became a stockholder and Sec- retary and Treasurer. This business joined the American To- bacco Company in 1890. It would be a difficult matter to describe fully and adequately all the many activities and influences that have radiated from Mr. Watts since he took up his residence at Durham. In 1884, when the Commonwealth Club of Durham was organized, he was elected its first President. This club under his presidency collected the capital and furnished the faith and enthusiasm which brought about the building of the Lynchburg and Dur- ham Railroad, the Oxford and Durham Railroad, and the Dur- ham and Northern Railroad. These railroads gave Durham what is most required, adequate transportation facilities, and insured for all time the substantial prosperity of the city as a commercial center. Mr. Watts erected the Loan and Trust Building of Durham and has been interested in practically every development enter- prise of the city in the past thirty or thirty-five years. He was President of the Pearl Cotton Mills, Vice-President of the Erwin Cotton Mills, a Director of the Seaboard Air Line Rail- way, Vice-President of the Golden Belt Manufacturing Com- pany; had interests in the Durham Cotton Manufacturing Company, Mayo Cotton Mills, at Mayodan, North Carolina, the Cooleemee Cotton Mills, the Golden Belt Bag Manufactur- ing Company, the Durham Loan and Trust Company; was a Director of the Fidelity Bank, the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company, Southern Cotton Oil Company, Republic Iron and Steel Company, and many other companies. He was also Presi- dent of the Home Savings Bank, of Durham. What he has done to stimulate business growth and enter- prise is matched by his public-spirited citizenship and his im- portant contribution to the institutions of the city and State. n42] He erected the Watts Hospital at Durham, and has made large contributions to the orphan asylums at Barium and the Eliza- beth College, also to the Union Theological Seminary, at Rich- mond, Virginia, he being President of the Board of Trustees and Vice-President of the Board at Davidson College. Mr. Watts was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and had been superintendent of its Sunday-school continuously since 1885. On October 19, 1875, he married Miss Laura Valinda Beall. Their only daughter is the wife of John Sprunt Hill, of Durham. Mr. Watts was married the second time, on October 25, 191 7, to Miss Sara V. Ecker, of Syracuse, New York. Durham Morning Herald, March 9, 1921. VAST ASSEMBLAGE OF PEOPLE AT WATTS'S FUNERAL FINAL TRIBUTE PAID DECEASED BY DR. LEYBURN Beautiful simplicity marked the funeral services held yester- day afternoon for George Washington Watts, Durham's multi- millionaire philanthropist, who died last Monday morning. The services were held in the Watts home on South Duke Street, with hundreds of friends and relatives in attendance. Every detail connected with the funeral was carried out in the manner which the family believed Mr. Watts would have wanted it had he himself planned the arrangements. The sim- plicity of the service was in keeping with his natural modesty, and the assemblage made up of men and women from every walk of life was a voluntary testimony of the esteem in which he was held. Multi-millionaires, statesmen, bankers, lawyers, ministers, and men of more humble professions and employ- ment mingled their grief and parting respect for the deceased humanitarian. During the services business operations in Durham were at a standstill. Practically every industry and place of business was closed between the hours of 2.30 and 4 o'clock. 11433 The more than 200 tributes and the more than 100 telegrams of sympathy and condolence for the bereaved family were an even greater attest to the love and friendship in which the de- ceased was held. Attending the funeral from out of the city were many promi- nent people. Among them were: Mrs. Charles B. King and sons, Charles Banks and George Watts King, of Charlotte; Governor Cameron Morrison, of North Carolina; Lieutenant- Governor W. B. Cooper, of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. James H. Watts, of Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Watts, of New York; Misses Minnie and Retta Wolvington, of Baltimore; Mr. and Mrs. J. Augustus Mason, of Hagerstown, Maryland; Dr. George Scholl, of Baltimore; Dr. W. W. Moore, of Union Theological Seminary; Dr. E. R. Leyburn, of Rome, Georgia; Dr. C. G. Vardell, of Flora Macdonald College; Dr. Curry, of Davidson College; Dr. Martin Turnbull, of Union Theological Seminary; James B. Duke and Frank L. Fuller, of New York; Dr. M. L. Swineheart, of Korea; Henry Sweets, of New York; Rev. S. L. Morris, of Atlanta; Mrs. Rufus L. Patterson, of New York; Judge R. W. Winston, of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Al. Fairbrother, of Greensboro; A. M. Scales, of Greensboro, and William R. Miller, of Union Theological Seminary. The services were opened by Dr. David H. Scanlon, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. The sermon was delivered by Dr. E. R. Leyburn, who was for seventeen years Mr. Watts's pastor, and Dr. W. W. Moore offered prayer. Interment was made in Maplewood cemetery. Durham Morning Herald, March 10, 1921. DEATH OF MR. WATTS Durham is to-day in the solemn hush of the deepest grief. Not only does this city mourn the death of George Washington Watts, one of its foremost citizens, but the State and the nation [44] as well. He was known for his sterling qualities of mind and heart; and the friends who knew and loved him were not con- fined to Durham, or the State of North Carolina, but extended in foreign lands. In civic as well as in religious activities he was a paragon of piety and public-spirited philanthropy. He was led through the furnace of lingering affliction and bodily sufi'ering, in which his golden patience was refined from the dross of complaint. He died the death of a life-long Chris- tian, and his end was like unto the departure of the saints of old. His works will live after him, in the Watts Hospital, the care of orphans, church activities, and his influence in the for- eign missionary field. From the formative period of his youth, and his coming to Durham forty-three years ago, to the last hours of his useful career, he belonged to the number of those who "point to better worlds and lead the way." With his fine instincts of an exalted citizenship he carried his wholesome, manly, and inspiring creed into the practical aflfairs of daily life. Everybody loved "George Watts," as he was familiarly called by intimate friends. It would have been difficult to find a better exemplar of in- flexible integrity and uncompromising devotion to duty. He possessed in the fullest degree the cardinal virtues which cluster around the home, and in the broader fields of activity he was always alert to the best interests of his fellow-man, according to his convictions. Modest as a maiden, the good deeds he did were never known to the world and will never be estimated. He was largely instrumental in bringing to Durham three of the present great branches of railroads which center here, to say nothing of his activities and influence in many of the great enterprises of this city in which he had a hand in shaping and pushing to success. The acuteness of his mind was nothing short of genius — an intuitive perception by which he went straight to the heart of things. It is, perhaps, in religious activ- ities, and the service of his Master, that he wrought with greater zeal and loving affection. Many will rise up and call him blessed. There was a suave charm of manner in his strongly individual personality which made it easy for him to win and [453 retain strong friendships, for he "held his patent of nobility direct from the Almighty." His fidelity and loyalty were con- spicuous characteristics which blossomed in every relation of life. The death of Mr. Watts is nothing short of a calamity to Durham. Those who knew him best and longest deplore his death most. Now that he has "outsoared the shadow of our night," the perspective in which his character appears gives us a deeper appreciation of his virtues and a keener realization of our loss. There was knightliness about his mind and manner which suggests the tribute to the dead Hamlet: "Good night, sweet prince, And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest." J. A. Robinson, in Durham Morning Herald, .March 8, 1921. A GENEROUS SOUL There will be wide-spread regret at the death of Mr. George W. Watts, of Durham. A native of Maryland, he came to Durham as a young man to become a member of the firm of W. Duke Sons & Co., then a young and growing company engaged in man- ufacturing smoking tobacco. Quiet, modest, an earnest church worker, diligent in business, he was welcomed for his worth and fine spirit. The company with which he was associated rapidly grew to be the greatest tobacco concern in the world, he became very rich, and yet al- ways he remained the same unassuming quiet gentleman he was before riches enabled his generous soul to find expression in large gifts to benevolence. His first notable donation was the establishment of the hos- pital which bears his name. In many other ways he gave money, and much money. But best of all he gave himself in good works in Christian labor and in Christian service. JosEPHUs Daniels, in News and Observer, March 8, 1921, Raleigh, N. C. [46] WATTS-BEALL MARRIAGE 'Blessed their life whose marriage prospers well" WATTS-BE ALL ,N the evening of Tuesday, the nineteenth inst., a brilliant marriage was celebrated at Cumber- land, Maryland. The happy contracting par- ties were Mr. George W. Watts, of this city, and Miss Laura Valinda Beall, of Cumberland, Maryland, one of the most beautiful and amiable young belles of the Queen City. Much before the appointed hour there were assembled at the Lutheran Church a large number of the friends of the youthful pair, and at eight o'clock, the hour fixed for the ceremony, every seat was filled. The bridal party arrived shortly after the appointed time and with much difficulty ef- fected an entrance into the church. They approached the altar, preceded by the ushers, viz., Messrs. Bruce and Glesson Porter, of Cumberland. These were followed by Mr. H. E. Roberts, of this city, who escorted Miss Mary Lynn, of Cumberland; Mr. James H. Watts, of this city, a brother of the groom, and Miss Eugie Bausch, of Piedmont, West Virginia; Mr. L. Albert Carr, of this city, and Miss Helen Beall, of Cumberland, a sister of the bride; Mr. Charles N. Parkinson, of this city, and Miss Nannie Cushwa, of Hagerstown, Maryland, and Miss Clara Watts, a sister of the groom. Next came the happy pair who were so soon to become husband and wife. The bride was at- tired in white silk trimmed with point lace, and the bridal veil was looped with natural orange blossoms. The bridesmaids were all in white, and each carried a beautiful bouquet. The 1149] groomsmen were in full dress suits. The officiating clergyman, Rev. R. C. Hollowaym, of Cumberland, read the Lutheran service, which was very impressive. The ceremony over, the newly wedded couple and attendants, accompanied by many friends, repaired to the residence of William R. Beall, Esq., the father of the bride, where a handsome reception awaited them. Numerous congratulations were tendered and a sumptuous collation served, after which the happy young couple embarked upon the 1 1.30 train for an extended tour through the West. Upon their return to this city the parents of the groom will give a reception, at which, no doubt, the happy couple will re- ceive the congratulations of their numerous Baltimore friends. Their future residence will be in this city. Among the many invited guests from Baltimore were noticed Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Watts, parents of the happy groom; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wol- vington. Miss Allie Wolvington, and Mr. John M. Wait. From the Baltimorean, October 30, 1875. [50] 'What greater ornament is there to a son than a father's glory; or what to a father than a son's honorable conduct" DEATH OF GERARD SNOWDEN WATTS On the evening of February 26, 1905, at his country home, "Beverly Farm," near Baltimore, Maryland, Mr. Gerard Snow- den Watts passed away, aged eighty-two years and four months. He was born in Baltimore County, in 1823. In young man- hood he was identified with the Baltimore & Ohio R. R., after- ward settling in Cumberland, Maryland, where he engaged in merchandising, there marrying Miss Annie E. Wolvington. In 1858 he moved to Baltimore, where he established the firm of G. S. Watts & Co., doing a very extensive business, known throughout the country. As a business man he was energetic, enterprising, and efficient. In 1890 he retired from active business, spending the time since at his beautiful country place. Mr. Watts became a member of the Second Lutheran Church, Baltimore, forty-six years ago, serving most of this time in the Council. During all these years he has been faithful, loyal, lib- eral toward all of its undertakings. Outspoken, positive, con- scientious, he was a true friend and follower of God. Sympa- thetic, sincere, he withheld his hand from no truly philanthropic enterprise. His support was general and continuous toward every benev- olent interest of our General Synod, both at home and abroad. Through his liberality, together with that of his son, George W. Watts, of Durham, North Carolina, Watts Memorial Col- [51] lege, Guntur, India, was made possible. His sympathy and substantial help were rendered toward the educational help of our Lutheran Church in the South, implanting and nourishing Elizabeth College, Charlotte, North Carolina, bearing the name of Mrs. Watts. Mr. Watts's home was one of abounding hospitality. Joy was scarcely joy to him unless shared by others; a home, too, where God was honored, reverenced, and loved. Such men of prayer, consecration, and lifelong loyalty are too uncommon. A wife, daughter, and two sons, with many others, mourn his loss. His body, lying in our beautiful Louden Park, awaits God's call on the resurrection morning. D^D THE (FIRST) WATTS HOSPITAL "/ was sick and ye visited me" THE (FIRST) WATTS HOSPITAL ITS INAUGURATION LAST NIGHT — A LARGE TURNOUT — PRESENTED TO THE TRUSTEES — PATRIOTIC SPEECHES — A HAPPY TIME J>AST night was an eventful one in Durham. There was enacted at Stokes Hall scenes never before witnessed in our city. It was the inauguration of the Watts Hospital and the transfer of the >^ v^.^^^ property to the trustees. A singular coincidence is the fact that on the eve of the anniversary of George Washing- ton, 163 after his birth, a namesake, George Washington Watts, presented to Durham the best equipped hospital in the South. The ladies — God bless them — had transformed the stage of the hall into a bower of loveliness. The Durham orchestra furnished fine music and everything had a pleasing effect upon the immense crowd that packed the hall from stage to rear of gallery. Surrounding the president of the meeting, Rev. L. B. Turnbull, and the speakers, were the Board of Trustees of the hospital, members of the Durham Medical Academy, and prom- inent citizens. Mr. Turnbull made the announcements. Rev. W. C. Tyree opened the exercises with a most fervent prayer. Mr. Watts, the donor, made the following presentation speech: "Ladies and Gentlemen: This is rather an unusual and peculiar position for me, first, to make a public address upon any subject, and, second, upon a subject referring to my own acts. "Seventeen years ago next month I came among you with [55D my wife and baby and all I had. I burned the bridges behind me, casting my lot here 'for better or worse.' Durham was then a small town with about 2500 inhabitants, but then, as now, it was a live, wide-awake, thrifty place; the people, as always before and since, were hospitable and kindly disposed toward the stranger. I had never seen the faces of but three residents of Durham previous to our coming here, yet we were warmly welcomed, received into your homes, invited to your churches, and encouraged in every way to make ourselves part of the com- monwealth. "From that day to the present we have cheerfully recipro- cated the feelings as then expressed, and we have endeavored to become fellow-citizens with you; we have to the best of our feeble abilities striven to aid in the growth and progress of the town, have been jealous at all times of her good name and re- joiced in her continued advancement and progression in num- bers, education, morality, and wealth. To-day we have among your numbers some of our closest, warmest, and dearest friends. What success we have achieved has been in your midst. "It has been my desire for several years to show my appre- ciation of your fellowship and kindness, and to do so in such a manner as would benefit our people and glorify the name of the Master who has placed in my hands means with which to honor Him and the responsibility as one of His stewards. I have carefully considered the needs of our community and sought to learn what was best to be done. Education is well provided for in our beautiful and well equipped Trinity College and our graded and private schools, second to none in the State. The imposing and commodious Hotel Carrolina, a structure of which every citizen is proud, is all that we could wish in that line. The energetic, pushing men of the community have stud- ded the town with manufacturing plants, large and small, which give employment to all who wish to work. Churches are upon all our streets. But, my friends, times come in our lives when we cannot do what we would. Our brains refuse to study or enjoy the educational advantages we have. The body cannot toil, the shop or office, store or factory has no attraction for us. [56] The comforts and pleasures of the CarroHna no longer allure us. The sanctuary is beyond our reach. The fell hand of dis- ease is upon us. Our doctors, God bless them, are then our best friends; they serve us skilfully, linger by our bedsides and min- ister to us. Yet often their almost superhuman efforts and most intelligent attentions are thwarted because of the environ- ments of the sick one, or lack of knowledge of those left in charge, or possibly because there is no one to leave in charge. "Three years ago I was for a short while a patient in a hos- pital, and only then did I fully learn the invaluable services of her we term a trained nurse. With her womanly gentleness given to her by God, augmented by years of study, reflection, and experience, she becomes almost a heavenly visitant, an angel of mercy at the bedside of the sick. She knows his needs, she realizes his condition, her hand is always ready to make him comfortable, her earnest sympathy encourages him, her firm- ness stimulates him, and her training enables her to faithfully carry out the physicians' instructions. More than once I have been told that her services are more valuable than physic. "This experience directed my attention and reflection to hos- pital work. I have studied the subject during my leisure hours and examined hospitals whenever possible. My visits among dif- ferent conditions of people in our community convinced me of the benefits to be derived from an institution of this character here. "I now have the pleasure of informing you that my desire has culminated in a finished group of buildings on West Main Street, furnished and equipped for the purposes of a hospital. The construction and furnishing, as far as possible, have been done by our own home people. "The hospital consists of five buildings: the Administration Building in the center, 38 x 36 feet, two stories and basement; Male and Female pavilions, each 31 x 62 feet, one story high; a Surgical Building, 17 x 27 feet, at the rear of the Administra- tion Building, and a low one-story building containing the Au- topsy and Mortuary and carriage shed. The first four of these are connected by corridors, enclosed in winter, and the last entirely isolated on lower ground at the rear of the east pavilion. [57] "Upon the first floor of the Administration Building are located reception room, medical ofTice, matron's room, dining- room, and surgical ward. Upon the second floor are two special pay wards, two chambers for nurses, bath-room, lava- tory, and closets. In the basement are kitchen, store-rooms, heating apparatus, and laundry. "The east and west pavilions each contain a free ward with seven beds, two pay wards, one bed each, diet kitchen, linen closet, patients' clothes closet, medicine closet, bath, and lava- tory. "The ground contains 4.55 acres. The architects. Rand & Taylor, of Boston, Massachusetts, make hospital architecture a specialty. They have planned a very simple yet comprehen- sive and complete contagious ward, to be located later on the rear of the lot. They have endeavored to produce, as far as possible, an ideal small hospital, having all the absolute essen- tials of a large institution yet so carefully and economically studied as to be possible under such conditions as surround us. "The total number of patients' beds are twenty-two, includ- ing two in the surgical ward. These beds are the same as those in the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and were designed by Dr. Hurd, superintendent of that institution. "The heating, ventilating, and sanitary arrangements are all worked out in the most complete manner, every precaution being taken to produce the most perfect conditions in all sick wards of which modern hospital science is capable. The sani- tary appliances are all of the simplest, strongest character, everything open and accessible. "The heating is with steam, and in the wards is indirect; the air-ducts, both inlet and outlet, are proportioned to their use. All beds have special ventilation in addition to the top and bottom vents of the rooms, — the surgical ward and operating room having extra ventilating capacity. "The entire buildings are lighted by electricity from our town plant. Electric bells and speaking tubes connect every department, and telephones bring the hospital in connection with all sections of the town. [58] "The finish is absolutely plain with rounded edges and curved inner angles, every dust-catching and dust-retaining member being eliminated. "Although no money is wasted upon the exterior of the insti- tution, we wished to have as pleasing an effect produced as pos- sible. The architects have adopted a simple Renaissance style, having in the low pitch and broad overhang of the roofs a Spanish feeling, capable of producing a stately as well as pic- turesque effect. "The buildings and equipment have cost about $30,000 (a detailed statement will be furnished in the first published report of the trustees). What remains of $50,000 I will place as an endowment on the hospital, which will yield probably $1200 annually. It will require at least $4000 — I trust that some of the other speakers may indicate to you the necessity of raising sufficient revenue and how to do it. "This is not an institution for the exhibition of brilliant sur- gery and specialties in diseases by renowned experts. It is sim- ply a cottage hospital, a home for the care and treatment of those sick and injured citizens of Durham who are deprived of the favorable conditions that are necessary for their comfort and the successful management of their maladies. The pure air, sunlight, good food, and careful nursing which this institu- tion will afford will of themselves save many lives which would be sacrificed under the poorer sanitary conditions of many homes and boarding-houses. "There is one thing to which I desire to call your attention. As far as I can learn it is the only hospital in the State or this section (not receiving government assistance) which has a real charity feature connected with it. In Wilmington, Raleigh, and Danville patients are required to pay five dollars per week for admittance to the charity wards. We propose to give all persons in need care and treatment absolutely without price; yet it should be borne in mind that the service is not necessarily free. All those who are able to pay for their care and medical attendance will be expected to do so. The doors of the hospital are always open, however, and are open for all. [59] "Our physicians from the beginning have heartily taken up the work and will give freely of their time and ability. The work is just begun. Do we realize what the proper conduct of this hospital means to them? The medical and surgical staff, which includes all members of the Durham Academy of Medi- cine, pledge to this institution their faithful and continued service, absolutely without hope of any reward whatever except the consciousness that they are exemplifying those humane and chivalrous traits which are not tradition only, but are a living, daily record with the medical profession everywhere. They enter upon the arduous work cheerfully, hopefully, and 1 bid them God-speed; but unless this hospital differs from every other occasions will arise when they will especially need the steadfast confidence of all good citizens. For, give of their time and skill as faithfully and freely as they may, poor human nature will sometimes refuse to respond, remedies will fail, and life goes out, perhaps without any apparent cause. Then when the baffled physician is himself bewailing the impotence of hu- man knowledge and human effort, let us see to it that he is not further depressed by the criticism or ingratitude of the thought- less and unworthy. We must do more than give our money and our service; we must remember to be loyal in our support of those who are the special instruments to carry out the work of this, our institution. "Great care has been taken to arrange the administration of this hospital so that it shall never be managed by a few persons who may lose sight of the fact that it is built for and belongs to the people. Party politics, sect, nor clique can obtain control; the trustees are appointed by the several religious bodies. Hos- pital Aid Association, Academy of Medicine, Town Commis- sioners, Trinity College, and the donor. "In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, it gives me pleasure to place in your hands, as a representative of the citizens of Durham, this deed of gift. May the door of Watts Hospital never be closed to the suffering for lack of liberal contributions, of will- ing service, or kindly sympathy. May it ever be conducted in the true Christian or Christ-like spirit, where all distinctions of [60] class or creed fade away in the one universal desire to bind up the wounds, to relieve the pains, and strengthen the courage of our common humanity." Here Mr. Watts presented the deed to the President, Mr. Turnbull. To this graceful speech Mr. C. B. Green responded in behalf of the town and accepted the generous gift. He spoke of the epochs in the history of men, towns, and communities. This was one of them. The scenes of to-night will be indelibly im- pressed upon the hearts of all the people. Time might destroy the beautiful building, but the philanthropic spirit, the Christ- like charity thus manifested will live on and on when these bodies shall have returned to the dust from whence they sprung. "The people of Durham thank you, yea, thrice thank you for this beneficent gift." Rev. J. C. Kilgo made the address. It was a stirring and elo- quent effort. Great ideas ruled the world. Mr. Watts had great ideas and had set a living example which would live and grow. Speaking to Mr. Watts he said: "You do not know what you have done. You have made a revelation of yourself to us; we know you better than we ever did before. You have sur- rendered yourself to us; it will not be Mr. or Colonel, but plain George Watts; you have become the property of your fellow- men. God bless you." The meeting was then thrown open to citizens who desired to express themselves. Dr. A. E. Yates said his remarks were im- promptu but on paper. Education, religion, and high-toned journalism were the great factors in this life. He spoke of our churches. Trinity College, and the magnificent Watts Hospital, and what a blessing they were to humanity. His remarks were at times witty and produced much good feeling. R. B. Boone spoke from a sense of high appreciation for the man who had so much of the image of his Maker in him. It was a great institution. When the idea was first born in the mind of the donor, there was by his side a gentle spirit, not seen, but who encouraged and helped it on. The honors were partly hers. H. A. Foushee spoke of those in "single cussedness," and pic- [613 tured Durham fifty years hence when the Watts Medical Uni- versity would be a great institution in the then great city of Durham. Its blessings would go on through all generations. He was glad we had such citizens who could accomplish such grand works. Dr. A. G. Carr made a humorous little talk in behalf of the medical profession. It was a splendid, well-equipped institu- tion. We can now have the best of medical care and operations performed without going away from home. Captain E. J. Parrish spoke of the great responsibility the transfer of this institution carries with it. He urged the organi- zation of Watts Hospital Associations. The annual payment was only two dollars. Every citizen should join and thus carry on the grand work. The by-laws governing the trustees and the hospital were read by the Secretary of the Board, Mr. J. L. Markham. The benediction was pronounced by Rev. J. W. Wellons, and the large audience dispersed with warm Christian hearts and a just pride in the noble gift and work Mr. Watts has made and put on foot. Durham's appreciation can best be shown by standing close to this institution. Daily Sun, Durham, February 22, 1895. THE (FIRST) WATTS HOSPITAL AN HOUR SPENT AT DURHAM'S HAVEN FOR THE SICK — CLOSE OF THE FIRST YEAR — THE BLESSINGS ARE SEEN IN MANY WAYS — EQUIPMENT AND MANAGEMENT — THE EXAMPLE OF GEORGE WATTS AND HIS UNDERLYING MOTIVE WORTHY OF WIDE EMU- LATION I SPENT an hour this morning at the Watts Hospital. It has been open just a little over a year, and ever since its doors were open I have intended to visit and to tell the readers of the News and Observer something about its perfect equipment and be- neficent work. Every traveler on the North Carolina Railroad as he enters Durham from the west has admired the good taste 1:62 3 that the exterior of the hospital presents. The plan is a simple Renaissance style, giving in the low pitch and broad overhang of the roofs a Spanish appearance which provides a stately as well as picturesque effect. The interior arrangements, planned with a view to the special needs for which the generous donor founded it, are even more perfect and complete. The finish is plain, with rounded edges and curved inner angles, every dust- catching and dust-retaining member being eliminated. The hospital consists of five buildings: the Administration Building in the center, 38 x 36 feet, two stories and basement; Male and Female Pavilions, each 31 x62 feet, one story high; a Surgical Building, 17 x 27 feet, at the rear of the Administra- tion Building, and a low one-story building containing the Autopsy and Mortuary, and carriage shed. The first four of these are connected by corridors, enclosed in glass in winter, and the last entirely isolated on the lower ground, at the rear of the east pavilion. These commodious and well constructed buildings stand in an enclosure of nearly five acres, which is being beautified by grass and shrubbery. From the moment you enter the front door you are impressed with the sweetness and cleanliness, the laundry and kitchen being as bright and as cheerful-looking as the neat reception room or the office of the doctors. The pay wards and the free wards are models of neatness and comfort. At the head of each bed (there are twenty-two) is an electric bell by which the patient can summon immediate attendance, and an electric light which gives light to the patient without disturbing those in adjoining cots. The beds are the same as those in the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and were designed by Dr. Hurd, superin- tendent of that institution. The heating, ventilating, and sanitary arrangements have been worked out in the most complete manner, every precaution having been taken to produce the most perfect conditions in all sick wards of which modern hospital science is capable. Particularly are the sanitary appliances to be commended. They are all of the simplest and strongest character — every- thing open and accessible. C633 There is not a method of ventilating, a surgical instrument, a comfort or convenience — in a word, there is nothing that could add to the completeness that is wanting, and I was astonished at the many devices of ventilation, heating, and for surgery that the donor had provided, and provided in a way that chal- lenges admiration of the skill in arrangement as well as in the generosity that prompted the gift. It is evident that Mr. Watts gave as much time in planning as in money to make this lovely ideal hospital. Not long ago friends asked Mr. Watts what influenced him in the beginning to build the hospital, and he said: "Three years ago I was, for a short while, a patient in a hos- pital, and only then did I fully learn the invaluable services of her we term a trained nurse. With her womanly gentleness, given to her by God, augmented by years of study, reflection, and experience, she becomes almost a heavenly visitant, an angel of mercy at the bedside of the sick. She knows his needs; she realizes his condition ; her hand is always ready to make him comfortable; her earnest sympathy encourages him; her firm- ness stimulates him, and her training enables her to faithfully carry out the physicians' instructions. More than once I have been told that her services are more valuable than physic. "This experience directed my attention and reflection to hos- pital work. I have studied the subject during my leisure hours, and examined hospitals whenever possible. My visits among different conditions of people in our community convinced me of the benefits to be derived from an institution of this char- acter here." Mr. Watts has given |50,ooo to the hospital. The total cost of the ground, buildings, furnishings, and advancements for expenses was $29,944.68 — say $30,000 in round numbers. In addition to paying this sum out in cash Mr. Watts has given I9000 in Durham & Northern Railway bonds (6 per cent.), $5000 in Rocky Mount Mills bonds (6 per cent.), and $6000 in Riverside cotton mill stock. The interest from these stocks and bonds gives an income of about $1200 per year; the city of Durham appropriates I900 per year, and the other expenses, 1:643 approximating $4000 per year, are met by pay patients (this brought in I708.53 the first ten months), the aid association, and other donations and gifts. The hospital is managed by a Board of Trustees as follows: George W. Watts, President; B. N. Duke, Vice-President; John L. Markham, Secretary; Leo D. Heartt, Treasurer; W. W. Fuller, E. J. Parrish, Dr. A. G. Carr, M. A. Angier, Rev. J. C. Kilgo, L. A. Carr, W. L. Wall, and S. T. Morgan, representing every church and every benevolent organization in Durham. There is no sectarianism about the hospital. Nobody asks any questions about church. The measure of need is the measure of help extended. One of the nurses is a Catholic, and she is as efficient and as popular as any Presbyterian in a community in which there are few Catholics. The Durham Academy of Medicine give to the hospital, without charge, their services, and are as faithful in minister- ing to the suffering poor as to any millionaire patient. Regu- larly two of them are in charge two months at a time, alternat- ing in such manner that at no time do two take their turns at the same time. They feel a great pride in the institution, hav- ing long felt more keenly than the other members of the com- munity the need of a place for the treatment of those who needed quiet and skilled training. Sixty-eight persons were treated the first ten months, and there were twenty-seven sur- gical operations, forty-seven discharged cured, eleven im- proved, and only two died. This attests the ability of the attending physicians. The matron. Miss Florence McNulty, is now absent on a short leave. The trustees have put on record that "she is wise in her management of all details pertaining to the hospital. Physicians, patients, nurses, servants, and all who come into communication with her acknowledge her master hand in di- recting affairs." A Lady Board of Visitors, of which Mrs. Bessie Leak is Pres- ident and Mrs. James A. Robinson Secretary, visit the hospital regularly, and have been very helpful in their supervision and encouragement. [65] One of the good agencies of the hospital is a training school for professional nurses, and there are now several young wo- men under training, and instruction and lectures are given by all the members of Durham Academy of Medicine. I have thus gone into particulars about the arrangement of this hospital, its management, its first year's useful work, for two purposes: I. To show how much good a generous rich man can do when he mixes his money, his brains, and his heart. Mr. Watts did not build this hospital by his money alone. He saw the need of a place where those who could not have the quiet and best attention at home could be tenderly nursed back to health and strength, and a place where the lack of money would not debar any one. When he gave the hospital, in a formal pres- entation speech, Mr. Watts used these words (and they are an index to the motives that actuate his life) : "It has been my de- sire for several years to show my appreciation of your fellow- ship and kindness, and to do so in such a manner as would bene- fit our people and glorify the name of the Master who has placed in my hands means with which to honor Him, and the responsibility of one of His stewards." There never yet lived a man, poor or rich, who thus felt his responsibility to God, who did not find or make a way to help or to lift up his fellow-men. Mr. Watts is one among the few rich men who regards him- self as one of God's stewards, has it in his heart to "glorify the Master." He has done it in a way that the Master would ap- prove, for this hospital has already brought hope and health to many, and will be a place of refuge and a haven of rest for the sick of earth for all time to come. While not inappreciative of commendation of his fellows, Mr. Watts finds his chief grati- fication in the knowledge that he has been the means of bringing back health to the sick and giving release from deformity or injury to those who stood in need of the surgeon's knife. And in this further fact: that the usefulness of this hospital will not end with his life, but will stand as a place of help to the sick of generations yet unborn. In these feelings of love for his fel- lows and stewardship for the Master, Mr. Watts has the sym- [66] pathy and active help of his wife, who seconds all the generous deeds that are associated with his name. On the occasion of the formal presentation of the hospital R. B. Boone, Esq., turn- ing to Mrs. Watts, said: "Madam, I present to you the grati- tude of this community for the beneficent influence of your Christian life over that of your husband, which influence is evi- denced by the gift of to-night. You inspired the benediction, your husband bestowed it. Honors are even." 2. I hope that the example of Mr. Watts here in Durham (as well as the example of the late John Rex, who bequeathed money to found the Rex Hospital in Raleigh) will induce wealthy men in other towns and cities to forever associate their names with a public hospital for their towns. There are twenty towns in the State that need such a hospital. The man who founds, even if he does not endow, a hospital in his community is the Good Samaritan to those of his own and future genera- tions. JosEPHus Daniels, in the Newi and Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina, March 17, 1896. 1:67: THE (SECOND) WATTS HOSPITAL 'They serve God well who serve His creatures'' THE (SECOND) HOSPITAL IS TENDERED CITY AND COUNTY TAKE IT OVER FORMALLY — LARGE CROWDS PRES- ENT — EXERCISES HEARD BY MORE THAN A THOUSAND PEOPLE ■ — SOME OF ADDRESSES MADE — NUMBER OF VISITORS FROM RALEIGH AND GREENSBORO — SOMETHING IN DETAIL OF THE GREAT INSTITUTION — FEATURES OF DAY 'HE WATTS HOSPITAL yesterday became the property of the city and county of Durham by formal tender of its donor, Mr. George W. Watts, and upon one condition only, that it be used as a hospital and be open always to the indigent sufferers of Durham. The joy of the hour was greater than the author of that good gift had hoped. He thought there might be a coterie of personal friends and professionalists who might go out and inspect the premises, share with him the enthusiasm of his proffer, but he did not expect half the number who came and trod upon each other's feet for standing room to hear the exercises. Three times as many stood entirely outside, caught a desultory word and sentence, joined in the applause, and imbibed the spirit of the occasion, which was among the half dozen biggest things ever done in Durham. Persons skilled in the manipulation of crowds guessed looo to be there. Those more skilled set the figures higher. From the car line a steady stream of vehicles, horses and buggies, phaetons, landeaus, automobiles, and cabs, kept the traffic up until after the ceremonies began, and many walked all the way. It was hospital day and the people were there. Raleigh sent up a large delegation of physicians, among them being Doctors Richard Henry Lewis, Hubert A. Royster, Al- bert Anderson, W. S. Rankin, A. W. Goodwin, Delia Dixon Carroll, and Miss Orchard, of the Rex Hospital. From Greens- boro came Doctors J. W. Long and B. B. Williams, the first named of these being one of the most noted of state surgeons. Many other physicians from counties adjacent were there, the difTiculty of obtaining their names being all the greater by rea- son of the jam at the general entrance door. At 2.45 Captain E. J. Parrish, chairman of the committee on arrangements, made a brief introductory address stating the object of the exercises. In presenting Rev. E. R. Leyburn, of the Presbyterian Church, Captain Parrish said he felt that such a ceremony as that which had for its object the reception of a gift like this should be opened with prayer, and Mr. Ley- burn offered a petition which covered the spirit of giving and the spirit of receiving. Mr. Watts was then introduced, and in a speech of five minutes turned over to Mr. James H. Southgate the deed to the property, adding the first instalment of the donation, $100,000, and giving his personal pledge of enough cash to balance the interest on the other $100,000. Long ap- plause greeted this announcement. It lasted a full minute and again did it appear that more friends and better friends were behind the munificent offering of one man to all men. The spirit of all the speeches yesterday was most harmoni- ous. All struck independently upon the same idea and treated it their own way. The acceptance of so large a gift was no easy ceremony, and representatives of all elements of the coun- ty's life spoke feelingly of the new duties the institution opens to every person in the city. The printed program, marked for its brevity, was followed. The responses came in their order, and music divided the speak- ing periods into short whiles. When the ceremonies were de- clared complete the people were invited to go through the buildings to inspect them, and the real magnificence of the in- stitution was thereby gained. But a moment's hesitation at any one of the buildings was possible. A perfect labyrinth of rooms, closets, wards, toilets, and all accessories was met. [70 The lobby where the exercises were held probably seated 300 people. The speech of Mr. Watts offering the institution is printed elsewhere, and Mr. James H. Southgate arose to the response for the Board of Trustees. "Thirty years ago," he smiled broadly, "when I was an old man, there were but two places which Durham people could visit daily, the post-ofTice and the railway station. It was about this time that we learned of a young Marylander who was to come here, purchase an in- terest in the W. Duke & Sons factory, and be one of us. I remember well the young stranger, younger and better looking then we were, because he wore a tailor-made gown, or, I should have said, suit, and we didn't. He was as quiet as a girl and as gentle as two girls. He was sober that day, and I might say now that it has been more than thirty years since we took one together. He came here then and projected his life rightly. "As old men and members of the old Commonwealth Club we used to plan for the city's future, and there were laid such foundations that no one of the two or three generations to come will be able to build such superstructures as to break these foundations down. And since coming here his life has radiated its goodness in all directions, until his gifts are felt in Union Theological Seminary, in Elizabeth College, in Barium Springs Orphanage. And to-day there is no city whose philanthropies have been so great as those of our own Durham. "That philanthropy has been constructive and preventive. It is over the entire world, and comes to tell us that we grow better with the years. There is one man, Mr. Kennedy, willing $25,000,000 to education; there is the great generosity of Mr. Carnegie, of which you have read so much; another man tells us that we have the hook-worm in the South and gives a million to fight it; we find another giving largely for the fight against pellagra, and all for that preventive purpose characteristic of giving. Let this great wave of philanthropy roll on. And, changing the figure, let it be a river which widens and deepens on its sweep. "I want you young men to-day to study the life of this young Marylander. He has always been on the right side, and from such a pinnacle his words and deeds fall with the added gravity [73] of one standing upon such heights. I want you to look upon him as one of the State's noblest philanthropists, who has taught us how to spend and how to give. "We accept this great institution, Mr. President, and from this day let us set it apart and pray that it shall ever produce the fruit of soundness in men." MAYOR GRISWOLD Following music by the orchestra, Mayor Griswold rose to a short acceptance on the part of the city of Durham through the Board of Aldermen, of which board he is ex-officio chairman. He referred to the first report of Mr. Watts, in which it was prophesied that the institution now about to be abandoned would prove inadequate to the growing needs of the county and the immediate vicinity. He referred to the high Christian character of the giver, and pledged the city's best to enter as properly in the spirit of receiving as the philanthropist had done in the giving. MR. BROGDEN County Attorney W. J. Brogden, for the Board of Commis- sioners, accepted the hospital and traced the growth of the com- munity idea from the first to its high expression in the great institutions. He defined religion, science, and brotherhood as the great tan- gible triumvirate which put mankind in condition to redeem or be redeemed. The first must move men to something better, science must tell them what it is, and brotherhood must direct the goodness in the right channels. With these principles the philanthropist becomes the prophet. He is the seer, gazes into the "dreamy yet to be," when he hears the voice of the "ever- lasting now." Mr. Brogden took over for the county commissioners the county's part of the gift, and declaring that nature is full of redemption and that this hospital is redemptive in its aims, he closed his ten minutes address, which was applauded among the most heartily of them all. [74] DR. A. C. JORDAN Dr. a. C. Jordan responded for the County Medical Society. He was reminiscent for a moment, and rehearsed the gifts of Mr. Watts and spoke of the County Medical Society's joy in the new institution. He read the resolutions passed by that body thanking him for the institution and pledging the society to proper effort to manage the large trust reposed in them. Elsewhere appears the complete text of Dr. J. C. Kilgo's written remarks uttered in such fine taste and excellent Eng- lish. Mr. Watts's written remarks, terse, exactly to the issue, will also be found in another column. HOSPITAL OFFICERS It was announced that the following officers of the hospital will be known in connection with the institution : George W. Watts, President; John Sprunt Hill, Vice-President; Professor A. H. Merritt, Secretary; P. W. Vaughan, Treasurer. THE TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees will be composed of George W. Watts, F. L. Fuller, B. N. Duke, and John Sprunt Hill, appointed by Mr. Watts. Appointed by the mayor and representing the Board of Aldermen will be Alderman R. L. Lindsey, and upon the Hospital Aid Association's vacancy of one man J. Ed. Stagg is named. Dr. N. M. Johnson represents the Durham Medical Society, Professor A. H. Merritt is Trinity College's appointee, P. W. Vaughan represents the Baptist Church, Rev. E. R. Ley- burn the Presbyterian, Captain E. J. Parrish Trinity Church, and Dr. J. M. Manning the Episcopal. The charter provides for twelve trustees and it can be changed only by the legislature. But at the next general as- sembly application will be made for an increase in the number, and it will, of course, be granted. The Board of Lady Visitors will be composed of Mesdames J. S. Mesley, L. L. Morehead, J. Harper Erwin, C. W. Toms, Q. E. Rawls, B. L. Tyree, J. C. Michie, W. C. Barrett, J. S. Hill, W. D. Carmichael, George W. Watts, and J. S. Carr, Jr. FACTS ABOUT HOSPITALS For a sort of ready reference there have been compiled a few short facts about the hospital which will be interesting to pre- serve. They follow: This new Watts Hospital is situated just northwest of the city limits, on a beautiful eminence overlooking Trinity College and West Durham. The architect is Bertrand E. Taylor, of Boston, one of the best known hospital architects in the world. He built more than two hundred hospitals in the United States and other countries. The contractor is John L. Wilson, of Richmond, Virginia, who built the Jefferson Hotel at Richmond, Mutual Building at Richmond, and many other expensive buildings in the South- ern States. During the past few years he has devoted his at- tention almost entirely to reinforced concrete structures. The Watts Hospital is a thoroughly fire-proof structure, built of reinforced concrete and brick. The main building is three stories high and the other buildings two stories high. The total cost of land and buildings to date is $217,000. In the early spring a nurses' home is to be built, which will bring the cost up to about 1250,000 for land and buildings. The endowment of building, given entirely by Mr. Watts, is $200,000. The building at present will accommodate seventy-one patients, and as soon as the nurses' home can be built it will accommodate ninety patients. It is, therefore, four times as large as the pres- ent hospital. Its equipment is as good as any hospital in the United States so far as it goes. It is beautifully situated on a high hill about one half mile northwest of Trinity College, and overlooks the entire city of Durham. It is in the center of a well-graded plot of land consisting of twenty-five acres. Upon twelve acres of this ground there is a fine growth of oak and hickory trees. For detailed description of each building call upon Mr. George W. Watts or visit the buildings themselves. This gives no detail, and minutis is one of the wonders of the institution. Near the general entrance will be observed the superintendent's office, the private office, and one moves but a [763 few steps until one begins to comment upon the doors. They are all of ash, prettily painted, and inviting. Nobody would ever fail to open one of them. The telephone system is very ingenious. Instantaneous connection with all parts of the building follows the pressing of the correct button, and it is the best that such an institution could find. When one emerges from the first suite of offices one goes into the nurses' parlor, and from there to the patients' examination room. From there is wound the way to the resident physicians' rooms, but there will be none of these until the graduation of young physicians next spring. There will be two then. Passing along, the attention is directed to the floors, every particle of which is of the most enduring concrete. The thought of fire bankrupts the imagination, but there hang the significant twenty-three extinguishers which could wrestle with any blaze that could reasonably be expected to start there. Going on, the nurses' dining-room, a place that looks like a modern hotel, will be seen, and the serving room, a bailiwick laid ofi" for those who are on sentry all the time, is next met. The maternity room, well lighted, with noiseless chairs and lights for gas or electricity, a rolling screen, and sterilizers plentiful, was seen by the visitors, and a place known as the gen- eral sitting-room was then viewed. The interesting baby room, with attachable bed-baskets and a private suite for the nurses, came among the never-ending number of divisions in the build- ings. Private rooms for ladies, linen closets, the children's ar- cade and balcony, constructed so as to make impossible their falling over, connect the three-story building with the charity wards. All of these fixtures are of copper, the best possible metal, and have an undoubted quality of endurance and stabil- ity. The two-story building has duplicate rooms, and what is seen below is also viewed above. The general ward room with six beds, equipped with all the furniture, rolling chairs, and screens that the best ones have, shows upon what scale the insti- tution can take care of those not able to provide for themselves, and there is a convalescents' dining-room. [77] WILL HAVE DIETITL'\N This hospital is to have a dietitian, one person whose sole care is the kind of food that the patients shall be entitled to use. She is not to be a nurse and will have no other duties than those pertinent to the convalescents or the more ill patients require as to diet. The dietitian will be here soon, and just as iMr. Watts would not purchase any but the best fixtures for his hos- pital, so did he act in the choice of people, and his head of this new department will have all necessary credentials. THE OPERATING ROOM The ward in which the operations are done is one among the last in the excursion through the hospital. There is perhaps the most interesting and complete room of them all. Equipped with a great sterilizer in which all instruments are dipped pre- paratory to use, there are individual sterilizers all about it so that an instrument dropped or anywise infected may be imme- diately dropped into those basins nearer and used again. The tables work easily and are adapted to all kinds of position. Ad- joining or near by is the anesthetic room and not far away the X-ray, which can be made a dungeon in darkness with a simple touch of the fixtures in the room. Not a more up-to-date feature is found than the big mattress disinfector, something very new here. The instrument par- takes greatly of the nature of a great boiler, and the bed and its clothes are put into it. When thoroughly steamed and all germs put to a finish, in the superabundance of care the clothes are not again exposed to the room through which they were taken, but are carried through another. And this big mattress machine has one end in the pure room while the other is in the infected one. There is the gildless mortuary room, one of the morbid mem- ories that one must carry, but a necessity. Patients die some- times despite the hospitals and the skill. An isolated ward is reserved for those contagious diseases which find their way into the hospital despite all efforts to thwart them. No such cases are admitted, but once broken out there is this room which will [78] give the patient treatment, yet all of the hospital community complete separation from the diseased man. There is a lab- oratory fitted up in connection with the institution, and it is adapted to the experiments that the doctors will make. Away from the hospital and connected with the walk the engine-room and laundry are noticed; but these were not vis- ited yesterday. Electric irons for the laundresses are provided, and the engine-room is ready soon to run the hospital with elec- tricity. To the west of these the best half of the twenty-five- acre site is being developed for a park to be used by the hospital. The front is bare now, but gardeners are getting it ready for its carpet of green next year, and by the close of the next summer it is expected that the campus will be as beautiful as everything else about the place is. Circular troughs, running so as to carry all water to a certain point, have been provided and the drainage is perfect. There will be no washing, and the front of the hospital campus will soon be alluring in its attractiveness. The excursion through the buildings is now finished, and one feels impelled to ask who are to be physician-in-charge and all of the heads. So far as the hospital itself goes there will be no head. The Durham County Medical Association will direct the institution, and what physicians are brought here will be under their direction. Each physician will be assigned to what- ever work is laid out, and persons having their own physicians and coming there will not be denied their ministrations. There will be no visible head, and a harmonious working is assured. Miss Wyche is head nurse, and there will be something like twenty in that institution. Such, briefly, are the inside features of the sanatorium. Of the man and his impulses everybody in Durham and North Carohna well knows. Christian charity and pagan philan- thropists have had their champions since history began to write their deeds, and neither has been willing to admit that the one antedated the other. The great gifts of the enormously rich find their authors divided, a pious Rockefeller on the one side and a doubtfully religious Carnegie giving as freely without regard for the thing men call religion. There is an irreligious Stephen Girard and his college pledged to the secular spirit solely, but there is a more splendid expression in a score of really religious men who heed the still small voice within them. There is an egoist who protests that all of these generous gifts in hospitals, asylums, and their kindred are but the assertion of selfishness where the community assumes the attitude of the individual and declines to harbor the sick, the maimed, and imbecile. All of these disagreeing factors searching for the secret springs of human action might well agree that there is in our midst one man who has accepted the Nazarene's simple dictum, that a kindness to one of the least of men is a ministration to the greatest of men; that no personal equation has entered into this broad charity. It is a corporate Good Samaritan, the con- crete expression of human service, an inspiration founded in the aspiration to be the chief among men — and their servant, and lastly the gift of love out of the pure heart of George W. Watts, of Durham. George W. Watts, in turning over the hospital to the city of Durham, said: "Fifteen years ago, February 21 next, we presented to Dur- ham the hospital on Main Street, containing twenty-one beds and costing 130,000, with an endowment of |20,ooo. "For some three or four years afterward we were much dis- appointed in the failure of the public in general to make use of the institution. Yet the reasons now seem obvious. But few of the smaller cities or larger towns had hospitals, and their uses were not only not known, but misapprehended by the large majority of our citizens. They were regarded as places where the sick were taken to die, and those in need of surgical atten- tion to be mutilated. Time was required to correct this im- pression and educate the people as to the true intent and pur- pose of the hospital. "Those in charge and our medical fraternity continued faith- ful in advocating the advantages to the sick of such a place. Those who had been patients were pleased and told others of their experiences. The hospital then began to grow in popular [80] favor, until there ceased to be room for the applicants. This required, in the spring of 1906, an additional two-story build- ing, containing eight wards with the necessary baths, kitchens, etc. Even this, however, did not supply the demands and the opportunity of doing the greatest amount of good, so we began to think of bigger and better things. The matter was carefully considered for many months and discussed with my family. We concluded that a new hospital, to meet all the demands for years to come and modern in all respects, might be erected for about 175,000. Then the architect was sent for and a location sought. He disapproved of an addition to the old hospital be- cause of lack of room as well as the noise and smoke from the street and trains. Sentiment for the old place was hard to over- come. The present location was selected after careful inspec- tion of all the available sites near Durham. The architects submitted plans; these were changed as other useful features were suggested, until the final plans had grown several times larger than originally contemplated. Work was started in May, 1908, and now, after nineteen months, we bid you welcome to the consummation of the first group of buildings, which we believe you will find as nearly complete as a small hospital can be. Much work yet remains to be done on the grounds ; this will be continued until the grounds are as complete as the buildings. "It is our desire and purpose to erect next year a nurses' home on the north side of the main building, similar in outward ap- pearance to the general pavilion now on the south side. "We also hope from time to time, as the demands for more space grow, to add other pavilions, or wards, in conformity to a plan for a large group of buildings. "In response to a desire expressed by many it may not be amiss to give approximately the cost, as follows : Land, grading, drives, fencing, etc $25,000.00 Buildings 1 74,000.00 Furniture and equipment (not including what we can use from old hospital) 14,000.00 Water pipings, etc 2,800.00 X-ray and clinical laboratory (estimated) 1,200.00 Total I2 1 7,000.00 C813 "And now, Mr. Chairman, it is a great pleasure to hand to you, as the representative of the trustees and the people, the deed for this property, to be yours as long as it is used exclu- sively for a hospital for the sick, at which board, attention, and nursing shall be free to the indigent sick of Durham City and County. May it ever be conducted in the true Christian or Christ-like spirit, where all distinctions of class or creed fade away in the one universal desire to bind up the wounds, to re- lieve the pains, and strengthen the courage of our common hu- manity. "In addition, Mr. Chairman, I hand you securities amount- ing to $100,000 to be added to the endowment. At a convenient time I will increase the endowment to |20o,ooo, and until this is done I shall contribute in cash sufficient to make the income from this source as if the amount of the endowment was already |200,000." President J. C. Kilgo, of Trinity College, made the following address : DR. KILGO'S SPEECH "The event which calls us together to-day creates a new date in the calendar of Durham. These splendid buildings, occupy- ing the summit of this hill and overlooking our city, appeal to every noble impulse of our minds and inspire in us all a gratitude which we cannot express. The brick and mortar and timber which have gone into their construction are visible and can be easily reckoned in their commercial values and estimated in their architectural form. But as expensive as they are, they do not constitute the real material out of which this superb hos- pital has been built. Into these walls has been put an invisible material which was not dug out of the clay or cut out of the forests, nor can it be measured in cubic yards and valued in the terms of the market. "Here the things which do appear were made of the things which do not appear. Faith, hope, and love have gone into every piece of material that is in these buildings, while they are the eternal foundation that holds these walls in place and gives to them incalculable worth. These are the things that shine [SO with immortal splendor from these walls and stir in us the deep- est feelings of thankfulness. "Nothing seems surer in the world than that goodness is steadily winning its battle. Its advance has been and is still slow and oftentimes apparently not at all, but in events like this is proclaimed its progress, and faith is given another indisput- able reason for its hopes. Listening to voices of sorrow, wit- nessing the struggles of men, and seeing the desperate powers of evil that are at work on all sides, one is apt to grow despond- ent and yield himself to gloom and to despair. But the world has come a long distance of progress from the reign of paganism and brutal disregard of human needs to this moment and to this place. It is a long distance from the savage custom of slaugh- tering the captives of war to the patient and expensive care in well-ordered hospitals of the wounded enemy taken on the field of battle. "Freedom has come a long journey from the days when in Attica there were three slaves to every freeman, and in Sparta seven Helots to every free citizen. Rome in the vainglory of its greed, lust, and blind brutality boasted that when the Colos- seum, that temple of bestial shame and wild savagery, fell, then Rome would fall, and when Rome fell the world would fall. But the Colosseum has fallen and Rome has fallen, yet the world abides and in the place of the temple of human slaughter are schools and asylums and hospitals and churches. These things tell the story of human progress and assure the faith of those who truly believe in the triumphant destiny of truth and righteousness. "Such deeds as this are therefore of deep and far-reaching meaning. It is common enough to think of them as monuments which will gratefully perpetuate the memory of those who do them, and this is inevitably true; but the minds from which they spring do not so intend them. Deeper and mightier motives inspire such noble work. It is also easy to see the im- mediate benefits which will flow from them, and this is full of assurance and encouragement, yet it is far from summing up the total outcome. They have their places in the wide sweep of patriotic and sanctified labor to make this world a better 1:83] world, to take from the shoulders of mankind something of the load that is crushing out life, to drive away some of the clouds that make the way of human history dark and dangerous for those who must go along its roughest parts, to add some new force to the powers that are making for universal good, and to unite with the Saviour of mankind in the vast enterprise of hu- man redemption. In this larger perspective this hospital had its birth, and in this larger setting alone can the meaning of its buildings and equipments and ministries be correctly read. "While we as citizens of Durham and the recipients of this munificent gift cannot and do not wish to restrain self-congrat- ulations, yet it may not be amiss to remind ourselves in this hour of gratitude and joy that this donation brings to us new tasks and demands of us all new and larger fidelity to human welfare. It is a true cause for thanksgiving that we have in our midst a home where our suffering may receive the ministry of wise experts and the patient care of the faithful nurse. But we are charged with the care and the support of this superb hos- pital, than which there is none better in the South, if there is a single one so excellent. The measure of its service will be the degree of our fidelity to our duty. If in the place of verbal praise we bestow substantial support, we shall not only extend good, but we will make our gracious benefactor doubly glad that he trusted us. We must keep ourselves reminded that out of the success of one effort springs another and a larger effort. "Into these elegant halls will come an unbroken line of weak and suffering men, women, and children in search of health and a longer life. Their faces will be pale and their bodies trembling with disease. Some must go down into the operating room, where they will come face to face with death. The many ele- gant rooms that have been provided with scientific care are to be the scenes of sufferings and weary waiting. The glee of this happy hour will soon be hushed in behalf of the sick, and the groan of pain will take the place of our laughter. When we pass along the way in our evening drives, the quiet dignity of these buildings should be a message of sympathy addressed 1:84] to our conscience, and not one of us should be so dead to truth and mercy as not to hear the voice. To remember our sick out here will make us a people with deeper souls, larger hearts, wider spirits, and diviner servants. I am much disposed to reckon the Watts Hospital into our system of education, where the people of Durham are trained in mercy, in human sympathy, and Christly love. "But far beyond our borders must the service of this institu- tion be extended. As the years multiply and the ministry in this place goes on, this will become less and less a Durham in- stitution. We may to-day call it ours, to-morrow it will as truly belong to all this region, and any sick man may equally call it his, though he may not be able to speak a word of our lan- guage. From this beautiful summit will go forth a light of hope that will penetrate into the sick room of the palace and fall with cheer on the poor bed of the pale child in the mountain cabin. It will shed forth a light that will make clearer the way of that heroic servant, the country physician, who toils away without facilities to serve the people among whom he lives. But far better still, this hilltop will be radiant by day and by night with that heavenly light which the Saviour of mankind shed nearly two thousand years ago on the hills, in the valleys, and along roads of Judea, and which has shone brighter and brighter to this good day. Here is an altar of mercy upon which the light of His healing grace rests with ceaseless splendor. "1 heartily congratulate our people in our city who have so many causes to be thankful for the things they have, and to show their gratitude by deeds of kindness that shall be known and read of all men. 1 congratulate the sick who may come hither with confidence and get from this institution all that it has to give. I congratulate our faithful physicians that they have at their command such rare instruments and agencies to do the work to which they have been called and dedicated. I congratulate those unselfish women who have given themselves to the task of nursing the sick that they have such an elegant home, such exceptional opportunities to study their profession, and such excellent chances to minister to the suffering. [1853 "And while I would not mar this hour with words of flattery, yet gratitude, justice, and truth unite to demand that I sin- cerely congratulate him, our fellow-townsman, Mr. George W. Watts, not only that he has come into larger resources of wealth, but especially that his heart is rich with the feelings of brother- hood, that his ear is open to the groan of the sick, that his eyes cannot look undimmed upon the suffering, and that his hand cannot shut itself against the call of helpless men. These are things that give him a regnant place in the esteem of all good men, and while we value as best we can this great plant which to-day he gives to us, more than it all we value the man whose heart conceived it and whose hand built it, and from him we would learn something of the lesson of good will which he seems so well fitted to teach. And I am sure that all present and all absent will unite truly with me in expressing our assurance of esteem for him who has wrought so well among us in the years that he has lived in our midst. In every good work he has stood in the hottest part of the line of battle, his voice has joined our voices in the hymns we sing in our temples of holy worship, his prayers have been united with ours that the God of us all would keep us in the right way, his fine simplicity of spirit and living has made him one of us, while his quiet and steadfast faith in Christ has given us an inspiring example of Christian living. With gratitude we take his gift, and with joy Vv'e give him, if it is possible, a larger place in our thankful hearts." The Morning Herald, Durham, North CaroHna, December 3, 1909. WATTS HOSPITAL OPENING A BRILLIANT EVENT THOUSANDS VIEW THE VARIOUS ROOMS AND LISTEN TO ADDRESSES THAT MARKED THE EXERCISES — GENEROUS DONOR WILL MAKE ENDOWMENT $200,000 More than looo people fell over themselves literally this after- noon crowding into the varied rooms of the new Watts Hospital in their efforts to hear all of the addresses and take their small part in the ceremonies that marked its opening. Its generous author's formal presentation had a sentence in it that indicated a change of community attitude toward sana- toriums. When he gave the first hospital that stands next to Trinity College, he said he was greatly disappointed in the way the people received its advent. A corporate Good Samaritan (though he didn't intimate as much) was welcomed, not as an inn where the pain-worn traveler stopped for rest, but as a sec- ond-rate butcher shop where exquisite tortures were inflicted by medical tyros. The donor himself said the first idea of the public was that the hospital was a place where men were mutilated, mostly by experimentalists, and the public feared them. That was a decade and a half ago. He had lived to see interest stim- ulated in modern medical science and had been forced to en- large his gifts. Later he conceived the present plan, which is a finality with to-day's ceremonies. In presenting the hospital Mr. Watts first off"ered the deed to the property and then laid down a certificate for 1 100,000, which will be its first endowment. He followed this with the an- nouncement that the institution would need cash, and from time to time he meant to furnish it, the amount that a $200,000 endowment would mean. The hospital was received by James H. Southgate in an elo- quent resume of a successful life, one which he said has been projected rightly in every interest of the city. He spoke of Mr. Watts's benefactions here, at Barium Springs Orphanage, Union Theological Seminary, and Elizabeth College, all for the com- mon good and with no thought of himself. "He belongs to that young race of men," Mr. Southgate said, "who in our old Com- monwealth Club used to plan, when Durham was but a manu- facturing shanty, with the station and the post-office as the city's visiting places daily, a young race of men who laid such foundations that no one, two, or three generations of men can build such superstructures as to crush those foundations. Look at that Maryland boy," Mr. Southgate continued, "and see one of the State's, one of our nation's, most noble philanthropists." [873 Referring to the wave of philanthropy that sweeps the coun- try, he said: "Let it roll on. We are living in an age of the greatest giving that the world has ever known, and from this day let us set apart this magnificent institution that it may pro- duce the fruit of soundness in men." Mayor Griswold spoke very briefly in accepting the building for the Board of Aldermen, declaring that in spite of the popular fear of the hospitals, Mr. Watts had announced in his first re- port in 1905, marking the tenth year, that the building now deserted for the new hospital had grown inadequate. County Attorney W. J. Brogden accepted the hospital for the county commissioners. He declared that to be truly philan- thropic, religion, science, and brotherhood must conspire in the human heart. Dr. A. C. Jordan, for the Medical Society, praised the gift and read resolutions that the Medical Society had passed in accepting the gift. The doctor declared that the opening of the institution sets a new date in the Durham calendar. The brick and mortar in the sanatorium may tell its material worth, but he said no estimate of its significance could be made. Faith, hope, and love in unmeasured degree are in all of the bricks and walls. The gift, he said, imposes the obligation to live up to its fine spirit and makes receiving it in itself a high duty. Dr. Kilgo said that the builder of this institution did not dream of erecting a monument to himself, but had done it any way, and "united with the Saviour of mankind in the redemp- tion of mankind. The measure of service of this institution will be the degree of fidelity to our duty. I wished when 1 penned that line that I could rivet it upon your consciences." The address of Dr. Kilgo was immediately followed by an in- spection of the hospital. There was nothing to be added to the day. Fine weather, fine interest, short and inspiring addresses, and the simple giv- ing that makes one believe that there are folks who are impelled to do things from purely altruistic motives, all left the good taste in the system that will not leave with the break of crowd. [88J FACTS ABOUT THE WATTS HOSPITAL The Watts Hospital was designed by the late Bertrand E. Taylor, of Boston, who died before it reached completion, and was the last of a chain of more than 200 which he erected in this and the old countries. It was built by John T. Wilson, of Richmond, the builder of the Jefferson Hotel and Mutual Build- ing, of Richmond, and many other handsome structures in the South. His class of work is almost entirely reinforced con- crete, and of this the new Watts Hospital is made entirely, being thoroughly fire-proof and of brick where concrete isn't used. The main building is three stories, but the accessories are two stories, and form now a sort of triangle, and not connected with the hospital building except by a kind of arcade. The laundry and engine-room are together, the laundry being over the engine. The hospital is beautifully situated over a twenty-five-acre campus, half a mile west of Trinity College and the highest place about the city. It is easily seen by travelers, and even at that distance can be seen to be a magnificent institution. To the rear of the building Mr. Watts is developing a park of twelve or more acres, something that will be a rendezvous for those who live there and those who come to be with their sick. THE HOSPITAL The sanatorium itself is the admiration of every man who has seen it, and there is said generally to be nothing in all the South its superior. New Orleans and Baltimore are accredited with having no better. Though designed for 175,000 originally, its first cost has gone to |2 1 7,000 for site and buildings, and a trip through it will relieve any possible impression of extravagance in the work. Mr. Watts may be said to have been its superin- tendent. The plans were the architect's, but his own mind has evolved the structure and equipment to its present degree of magnificence. WILL BUILD NURSES' HOME Mr. Watts has determined to erect next spring a nurses' home, which will be in appearance, externally, the exact replica of the [89] chanty wards in the building that sits farthest south. When completed, the chain will be one beautifully symmetrical, and the cost will be run up to $250,000 for buildings alone. One lonely ward is set off for the contagious disease patients. None of such will be taken, but it can't always be avoided, and treatment of such will always be necessary. There is a chemical laboratory, a dietitian's room, this lady being an expert in the foods allowed convalescents and there for no other purpose. There is every other room that anybody ever thought necessary, and nobody who has gone through the building has been able to make a suggestion as to one of its needs. ITS CONTROL There will be no visible head to the institution. It is as much the county's as the city's, and the Durham Medical Society will control it. What they do in the way of operations, employment of other physicians, and the like will be their own concern. Mr. Watts gives this institution to the ill-fortunate of his county with the simple recommendation that no worthy poor be shut out from its blessings. He builds a nurses' home that none may be denied their comfort in their poverty. And all of this is done with the true charity that is not puffed up. The simple ceremonies which the public witnessed to-day were in keeping with his desires. No show at the Academy of Music would be permitted, and everything was had at the home of the hospital. Representing every phase of life that will have actual share in the hospital's blessings there was some one to make a speech of acceptance for the gift, which is one of the largest that any resident of North Carolina has ever been able to make in behalf of the least of men. Greensboro Daily News, December 3, 1909. Coo] HONORS "/ am among you as one that serveth" GEORGE W. WATTS ELECTED MODERATOR OF THE SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA 'he synod honored itself in the nomination of George W. Watts as its Moderator. Dr. Hill disqualified a good many of the brethren by say- ing that it was necessary, on this occasion of feminine numerousness, to have a good-looking man as Moderator. There were other pleasant things said about Mr. Watts, but what we should like to have understood is that the Synod of North Carolina did not elect him because he is a rich man who has given of his means to the causes of the church. It has recognized what has been known about him for many years, his simple, unaiTected piety and Christian zeal. It was not the building of a church for his factory employees and friends so much as the fact that Sunday after Sunday, year in and year out, wet and dry and hot and cold, he is to be found at his post teaching a Sunday-school class there. It is not that he has made large gifts that could not be kept from the knowledge of men, but that the members of the Synod have come to learn through the years that he is guilty of left-handed ignorance of right-hand beneficence. In these days of the revelation of unsavory things about the self-indulgent rich, of dishonest things about those who have hasted to be rich, it is refreshing 1:93: to know a man of Mr. Watts's type. And it is the simple truth that the Synod, while grateful for his benefactions, is more grateful for the abiding influence of his Christian character. Presbyterian Standard, Charlotte, North Carolina, November 1, 1905. 1:94: OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY, GEORGIA March 25, 1921. Mrs. George W. Watts, Durham, N. C. My dear Mrs. Watts: As 1 wrote you a few days ago, our Board has determined to confer the Degree of Doctor of Laws upon your husband at the approaching commencement of the University, in recognition of his outstanding services in the promotion of education and the founding of philanthropic and religious institutions. At a meeting of the Board held yesterday the recommenda- tions previously made were considered and, by unanimous ac- tion, the Board decided that the lamented death of Mr. Watts should in no way change their intentions, but that the degree which had already, in effect, been conferred, should be an- nounced on Commencement Day, and the diploma, properly engrossed, forwarded to yourself at that time. I think that you will be very much interested in learning that this is the third Degree of Doctor of Laws given by Oglethorpe University, the first being to President Woodrow Wilson, a copy of whose acceptance I am enclosing, believing that you would like to keep it for historical interest, and the other will be con- ferred on Bishop Gailor, who preaches our Baccalaureate Ser- mon for us in May. The Board asks me to convey to you their genuine sympathy, for they, also, are sorrowed by the loss of so good a friend and so true and loyal a comrade in this great enterprise. Heartily yours, Thornwell Jacobs, President. [95] LIST OF CLUBS TO WHICH MR. WATTS BELONGED Apavvamis Club, Rye, New York Automobile Club of America Baltimore Country Club, Baltimore, Md. Colonnade Club, University of Virginia Commonwealth Club, Durham, N. C. ^ Country Club, Durham, N. C. Quail Roost Gun Club, Durham, N. C. Seaview Golf Club, Absecon, N. J. Seniors Golf Club, Palm Beach, Fla. Tin Whistlers, Pinehurst, N. C. Winter Golf League of Advertising Interests, Pinehurst, N. C. 1:96] RESOLUTIONS SUNDAY-SCHOOLS, MISSIONS, EDUCATIONAL > u z 'And Jems called a little child unto Him and set him in the midst of them' GEORGE W. WATTS AS A SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORKER ;Y ACQUAINTANCE with Mr. Watts reaches back full twenty-five years and came about be- cause of his interest in the Sunday-school work. 1 met him first in connection with the Interna- ^i_^ tional Sunday-school Association. In the early days he became a member of the Executive Committee, repre- senting the State of North Carolina. According to a ruling that was then in force, when anybody had been a member of the International Committee for twenty years, he was constituted a Life Member. Mr. Watts was elected to this position at the Buft'alo Convention, in 1918, indicating that he had served twenty years prior to that time. He was always, ever since I have known him, officially connected with the Sunday-school work of his own State, and was superintendent of his own Sunday-school in Durham. I have had opportunity to become well acquainted with this dear brother through years of fellowship and association, hav- ing crossed the ocean and traveled in foreign lands with him. This gave me an opportunity to know him in a very intimate way. I think I have never known a man in my life, of his finan- cial standing in the world and wide connection with great busi- ness enterprises, and with all possessing such large ability as an administrator of great afi"airs and also as a Christian worker, who was as quiet, modest, and retiring as Mr. Watts. While he brought great things to pass, he never sought the credit for anything he did, but passed it on to others in a gracious way that showed the bigness of his heart and his loyalty to his Mas- ter, of Whom it was said "He pleased not Himself." To know Mr. Watts was to love him. His convictions were always strong, and everybody knew he meant just what he said, and yet he was tender as a woman, always ready to lend a help- ing hand wherever needed. This was shown in his munificent gifts for the relief of suffering at home and abroad and his great devotion to the missionary enterprises of the church. His name will live as long as time lasts, because of his consistent Christian life. The influence of such lives never perishes. Marion Lawrence, Consulting General Secretary, International Sunday-school Association. C'oo] RESOLUTIONS OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN SUN- DAY-SCHOOL ON THE DEATH OF MR. GEORGE W. WATTS, WHO FOR THIRTY-FIVE YEARS WAS SU- PERINTENDENT OF THE SCHOOL We come to-day with one accord to give voice first of all to the deep and sore personal loss which has come to every one of us in the taking away of him whom we have for the thirty-five years of his splendid leadership as our Superintendent looked up to and respected and loved as the very heart and soul of our school. God, the Father, had first place with him always, and he consecrated to His service fully the splendid powers which gave him early in life a leading place among the industrial and financial leaders of the nation. He was one of the commanding leaders of our church, and he devoted not only his means but his personal service and thought generously to every feature of the church work. The Sunday-school, however, made the strongest appeal to him. He looked upon it as the institution of the church which not only trained the children and led them to God, but he thought of it as a great Bible school which was for all the peo- ple, a place where all should learn to know God and thus be led to love Him and serve Him. With this conception of the supreme importance of the work of the Sunday-school, he devoted his best thought and interest to it, and so deeply and broadly did he think and work in this field that he became years ago one of the prominent world Sunday-school leaders. He brought to this Sunday-school the vision, inspiration, and direction of such a leader, and gave to it in this leadership a very distinctive place among the Sunday-schools of this country. [10.] The welfare and progress of this school were a passion with him, and he never suffered any of his personal or business in- terests to interfere with his work here among us. Those of us who knew him best felt for years that of all the various activi- ties of his life, his work and leadership in this school had the first place. His cheering smile and affectionate handclasp for thirty-five years made this a happy place for hundreds of girls and boys and men and women. Promptness, punctuality in meeting every obligation, and discharging every task with thoroughness as soon as it came to hand, early in life ceased to be senses and became second nature to him. He preached these things here and lived them among us so perfectly as to bring power to this school, and inspiration and blessing and strength to many lives who were privileged to touch him here. His vigorous, forceful, vital, and lovable per- sonality drew us toward him, and inspired us with impelling force to more and more faithful service. His loyalty and devo- tion to this school, and, above all, his deep and abiding faith in our Lord and his love and service for Him, made this a place where little children and men and women learned to love the Master and to consecrate their lives to Him in service. We come in deep grief and with a profound sense of our un- paralleled loss in the death of this noble man of God whom we loved so dearly and who has led us so faithfully through all these years. We bow, however, in deep submission to the will of the Almighty God, and with hearts grateful to Him that He has given us through these long years the blessing of the leadership of His great servant and of our noble and true friend. We shall cherish his memory forever, and we pray God that He may give us the strength and will to follow his great example and to honor his memory in carrying on the work which has fallen from his hands. William D. Carmichael, Chairman of the Committee. C'oO FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA SUNDAY-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION IN CONVENTION ASSEMBLED Whereas, our highly esteemed and beloved Executive Com- mitteeman, George W. Watts, of Durham, passed away on the yth day of March, 192 1 ; and whereas, for more than ten years he was a faithful, generous, and loyal friend to the North Caro- lina Sunday-school Association and to Sunday-school work everywhere : Therefore, be it Resolved by The North Carolina Sunday- school Association in convention assembled: That in the death of George W. Watts the North Carolina Sunday-school Association has lost a staunch and liberal friend, the State of North Carolina a useful and distinguished citizen, and our Christian forces a true and faithful leader; That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Convention, and a copy sent to the family of our de- ceased brother. The above resolutions were adopted at the last session of the State Sunday-school Convention, Raleigh, North Carolina, April 1 2- 1 3- 1 4, 1 92 1. D.W.Sims, General Superintendent. C'ob;] PENNSYLVANIA STATE SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Philadelphia, Pa., March ii, 1921. Mrs. Sara V. Watts, Durham, North Carolina. My dear Mrs. Watts: Through the International Office I have been advised of the death of your good husband. This is indeed a great shock to me, as it is to the many Sunday-school workers throughout the country who knew your husband and learned to love him. My last contact with him was in Tokyo, on the floor of that great convention, as we were raising money for the World's work. He was greatly interested and enjoyed that service seem- ingly more than any of the rest. It fell to my lot to make the appeal, and I never will forget the good words he gave to me in appreciation of the way in which the service was handled. It is hard to lose loved ones, and this letter of sympathy, I know, is far from being adequate in its consolation, for words are such meaningless things at a time like this. However, I do want you to know that the friends of your good husband suffer this loss with you, and unitedly will hold you tenderly in prayer to the Throne of Grace for the strength that you need in this hour. Mrs. Landes joins me in this letter, and we both commend you to the love of our Elder Brother, who knows how to give consolation at such a time as this. Believe me to be, Very sincerely, W. G. Landes. C'04] CALIFORNIA STATE SUNDAY-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION San Francisco, Cal., March 21, 1921. Mrs. Geo. W. Watts, Durham, N. C. Dear Mrs. Watts: Just a line to extend the sympathy of the Sunday-school workers of California to you and family during your bereave- ment. I knew Mr. Watts personally, and he has left a rich in- heritance of Christian character to his family. Again extending the sympathy of our Sunday-school work- ers on the Pacific Coast, and praying God's blessing to rest upon you and yours, I remain. Sincerely yours, CALIFORNIA STATE SUNDAY- SCHOOL ASSOCIATION C. R. Fisher, General Superintendent. 1^05 2 MARYLAND SUNDAY-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Baltimore, Md., March 1 1, 1921. Mrs. George W. Watts, Durham, N. C. My dear Mrs. Watts: Dr. Pearce informs us that one of the pillars of the Interna- tional staff, in the person of your husband, has fallen. A great record of a quarter of a century, however, remains. Your hus- band could not have been in a greater work, as the Sunday- school work is the greatest of which the human mind can con- ceive. Please accept, therefore, the deepest sympathy of the State of Maryland in your bereavement. Sincerely yours, Abner B. Brown, General Secretary. i:'o6] MAINE STATE SUNDAY-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Portland, Maine, March 1 1, 1921. Mrs. Sara V. Watts, Durham, N. C. My dear Mrs. Watts: I have received word this morning through the International office at Chicago of the death of your husband, who for so long a time was an honored member of the International Executive Committee. Please accept the sincere regrets and sympathy of the Maine State Sunday-school Association. All Association workers will feel a deep sense of loss in the passing of your distinguished husband. Very sincerely, E. H. Brewster, General Secretary. i:'07] WISCONSIN SUNDAY-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Oshkosh, Wisconsin, March 12, 1921. Mrs. Sara V. Watts, Durham, North Carolina. Dear Mrs. Watts: I am just advised by Mr. W. C. Pearce of your sad bereave- ment. Any words Vi'hich I might offer seem like formality, but I wish you to know that I sympathize with you at this time. There is only one source to whom we can go in such times, and I am sure the Master would never fail us. With very sincere respect, I am. Yours very truly, William Mainland, President, Wisconsin Sunday-school Association. [.08] NEW JERSEY SUNDAY-SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Newark, N. J., March 12, 1921. Mrs. Sara V. Watts, Durham, N. C. My dear Mrs. Watts: A letter from Mr. Pearce, our Acting General Secretary, brings us the sad news of your husband's death. Though it was not my privilege to have had fellowship with him personally, I have known through our State leaders of his very excellent character and work, and want to express the sympathy of the State workers of New Jersey as well as my own personally to you and say that we share with you the feeling of the loss of a great and good man in the Master's Kingdom. You of course have the comfort and consciousness of his splendid Christian character and the great service he had ren- dered to the cause of Christ. Commending you to Him Who careth for you, I am, Sincerely yours, Jos. E. Appley. C'OQ] FROM THE EXECUTIVE COMiMlTTEE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY George W. Watts The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Union Theological Seminary, in session for the first time since the death of Mr. George W. Watts, a member of this Committee, de- sires to place on record its deep and keen sense of sorrow and be- reavement occasioned by his death, which occurred in Durham, North Carolina, March 7, 192 1. For many years Mr. Watts was the efficient President of the Board of Trustees of the Seminary, and in addition to his great liberality to the institution he brought to the meetings of the Board the benefit of extensive business experience and the force of his noble Christian character. He was likewise an honored and valued member of this Ex- ecutive Committee, and when able to attend the meetings in the interval between the Board meetings, by his genial person- ality, his fine business sense, his deep interest in the things of the kingdom, his large outlook upon the world, he contributed much to the results of the deliberations and the wisdom of the Committee's actions. An earnest and devoted Christian gentleman, an active church worker, a most liberal benefactor to the Seminary and to all worthy benevolences, known and honored throughout the church as well as in his own city, he was a faithful exponent of the religion of his Master Whom he served, and his death is mourned by the whole church, and especially by this Seminary. Be it Resolved: 1. That in the death of Mr. Watts the Seminary mourns the loss of one who had endeared himself to us all and who combined such deep spiritual power with such fine business ability which he always used gladly for the Master. 2. That we bow in humble submission to Him Who doeth all things well, and say, "Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in Thy sight." 3. That we express to Mrs. Watts and to his daughter, Mrs. John Sprunt Hill, our deepest sympathy, and "commend them to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build them up and give them an inheritance among all them that are sanc- tified." C'"] RESOLUTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF FOREIGN MISSIONS OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES UPON THE RE- CENT DEATH OF MR. GEORGE W. WATTS The Executive Committee of Foreign Missions desires to put on record its profound appreciation of the noble missionary spirit of Mr. George W. Watts and of his eminent services to the missionary cause. Among his numerous Foreign Mission gifts may be mentioned the annual $13,000 which for many years he gave for the support of the missionaries of the Soon- chun station in Korea, and which eventually he made perma- nent by an endowment fund of 1256,600. He also supported missionaries in Cuba and Africa, and recently donated $48,000 as an endowment fund for the permanent support of a mission- ary pair in the latter country. To all the missionaries he was a loyal and sympathetic friend, and in an especial manner to those whom he supported, invari- ably and promptly answering their letters and affectionately interested in all that concerned them. We warmly appreciate and highly value his public testimony, given on his return from his recent trip to Korea, that the suc- cess and extent of the work there had far exceeded his expecta- tions, and that he considered his missionary investment in that country the most satisfactory investment he had ever made. Throughout the years he has been the constant friend of the Executive Committee of Foreign Missions, aiding its work not only by his means but by his wise counsel. For several months he was a member of the Committee, making monthly the long trip from Durham to Nashville and back, and winning the ad- u miring affection of his fellow-members by the soundness of his judgment and the charm of his personality. In their varied relations with him the Foreign Mission Committee always found him the golden-hearted Christian gentleman, walking humbly in the steps and illustrating the spirit of Him Who came not to be ministered unto but to minister. To his loved ones we express our sincere sympathy in their bereavement, and we pray that upon his descendants to the third and fourth generation may rest a double portion of his spirit. Egbert W. Smith, Executive Secretary. C"3] FROM THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF HOME MISSIONS OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES In Memoriam George W. Watts, of Durham, North Carolina, March 7, 1921 In the removal by death from the scene of his earthly labors of George W. Watts, our beloved and worthy fellovv'-worker, the Executive Committee of Flome Missions has lost one of its most sympathetic and noblest friends. About ten years ago he voluntarily assumed the support of Stuart Robinson School at Blackey, Kentucky, and subsequently expressed his purpose at the proper time of taking a worthy part in giving this institu- tion permanent and adequate equipment in appropriate build- ings. Flis benefactions were not confined, however, to this one school. On several occasions of his own accord he made sub- stantial contributions to the Oklahoma Presbyterian College, and in all the great enterprises undertaken by the Home Mis- sion Committee he seldom failed to express his interest by gen- erous gifts. He did not need to be urged and he did not give grudgingly. One of the delightful features of his liberality was the cordial and hearty terms in which he expressed his pleasure in making his contributions. The breadth of his sympathies and the magnanimity of his heart did not permit the narrowing of his benefactions to even a few worthy causes. He was a public benefactor and a philan- thropist of world-wide sympathies. His loss will be felt not simply in his community and denomination, but in interna- tional spheres and operations. C"4: To the world he was known for his conspicuous benefactions, but to his church and to his wide circle of intimate friends his most distinguishing trait was his nobility of character as an ideal Christian gentleman. "His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up And say to all the world, 'This was a man.' " With mingled emotions of sorrow and gladness the Executive Committee records its profound appreciation of his generosity to its work and its high appraisement of his Christian character. Resolved: That we accept with sincere gratitude his generous bequest to the Executive Committee, and that the same be set aside as a Permanent Fund and designated "The George W. Watts Foun- dation" for carrying on the mission supported by him during his earthly life. That this Memorial be entered on our records as the expres- sion of our testimony to his genuine worth as a man and a benefactor for the benefit of future generations — an example of the highest ideals of Christian life. That a copy of this Memorial be furnished his bereaved fam- ily with the assurance of our tender sympathy in this their sorrow, shared alike by us and the whole church. Unanimously adopted by the Executive Committee in its regular monthly session, April 12, 1921. S. L. Morris, Secretary. n"5] RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE LAYMEN'S CON- VENTION OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Laymen's Convention of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, in session at Greenville, South Carolina, has heard with great sorrow of the death of Mr. George W. Watts. We feel that a prince and great man in Israel has fallen this day. We would record our high estimate of his character, our pro- found gratitude for his noble service to our church, and our deep sorrow at his loss to our work. Every department of our church work has felt the inspiration of his service, the blessing of his mature judgment, and the help of his princely gifts. We extend to his bereaved family our most sincere sympathy in their sore loss. May the God of all grace most tenderly comfort them. C. A. Rowland, Chairman. ["6] FROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF MISSION COURT MEMORIAL OF MR. GEORGE W. WATTS The Board of Directors of Mission Court has since its last meeting sustained a heavy loss in the death of Mr. George W. Watts, a member of this body from the time of its organization. His great abilities, his wisdom in counsel, his deep interest in missions, and his concern for the well-being of our workers in foreign lands made him a specially valuable member of an or- ganization which has for its object the promotion of the health, comfort, and efficiency of our devoted missionaries. We lament the loss of a colleague of large vision and loving heart and liberal hand, a truly great servant of God, honored and beloved by all who knew him. We record our gratitude for all that he did for the cause of foreign missions; we rejoice in his example and his abiding influence, and we pray that we who remain may emu- late his consecration and zeal in carrying out the Great Com- mission. Mrs. George Randolph Cannon, Secretary. C'>73 RESOLUTIONS OF SESSION OF FIRST PRESBYTE- RIAN CHURCH, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, RE- GARDING THE DEPARTURE FROM THIS LIFE OF RULING ELDER GEORGE W. WATTS, MARCH 7, 1921 Inasmuch as our Heavenly Father hath removed from our midst by death Ruling Elder George W. Watts, this Session, of which he was an honored and esteemed member for thirty-two years, hereby records : First. Its humble submission to the wisdom of God in call- ing our beloved brother to that rest which remaineth for the people of God. Second. After years of close and intimate fellowship and service with him, we express our profound conviction that God gives to the church few men, either as members or officers, who are so devoted to duty or faithful and efficient in service as our departed brother was. Third. We esteemed him for his wise counsel and broad vision regarding the Master's Kingdom at home and abroad, and having depended on his prudent judgment so many years, we keenly feel our loss and deeply mourn his departure. Fourth. It is the sense of this Session that his splendid in- fluence and example will abide for years in the hearts and lives of this people whom he loved and for whom he spent and was spent freely. Fifth. We hereby record our deep conviction that his in- telligent interest in the outer provinces of our Lord's Kingdom has done much to arouse and stimulate an abiding interest in the cause of both Home and Foreign Missions. Sixth. His unfailing interest in the young, especially in the u u Sunday-school, has left a deep, earnest, spiritual impression, not only on those of his own generation, but through a genera- tion now arising who call him blessed. Seventh. We express our deep sympathy to his family, and commend them to the gentle care and abundant love and com- fort of our Heavenly Father. Subscribed by David Scanlon, Moderator. J. R. Patton, Clerk of Session. c:"93 FROM THE BOARD OF DEACONS OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA At a meeting of the Board of Deacons of the First Presbyterian Church, of Durham, the following resolutions were adopted: The death of George W. Watts brings him a reward for which he had labored throughout his life, the priceless inheritance of a place among God's elect; but as our friend and co-worker, his passing causes us the very deepest sorrow and a full realiza- tion of our great personal loss. From the very earliest period of life he heard the call of Christ, "Follow Me," and until the end was a consistent disci- ple of the Master. His great soul was the key to the earthly possessions with which God had blessed him, and at home and abroad he spent his life in spreading the Gospel and helping those who could not help themselves. Few men have lived who reached the heights of Christian development as did our departed friend and associate. We can exalt his memory best by undertaking to carry on the work which was so close to his heart, and this we do under the in- spiring influence and example he set before us in life. We extend to the bereaved family our deep sympathy and direct that a copy of these resolutions be sent to them, and a copy spread upon the minutes of this Board. T. C. Worth, W. G. Bramham, L. D. KlRKLAND. C'^o] First Presbyterian Church (the Second Church) and Sundav-school FROM THE WOMAN'S AUXILIARY, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Durham, N. C, April 9, 1 92 1. My dear Mrs. Watts: The members of Circle No. 6 of the Woman's Auxiliary of 1920 and 1 92 1 wish to express to you their love and sympathy in your recent great sorrow and bereavement. Such lives are greatly missed, but leave behind them an inspiration and an incentive to those coming after, to give forth their noblest pow- ers in the channels of truth and righteousness. He lives with us still with an influence that will continue in force as long as memory endures. Yours with much love and sympathy, Etta F. Murray, Secretary. [12.3 FROM "OUR FATHERLESS ONES" The Annie Louise Cottage was built and furnished by Mr. G. W. Watts and named in honor of his only child, Miss Annie Louise. The little girls, the baby girls, live in that house now; but when it was first built, when Miss Annie Louise was herself a girl, it was the only house we had for girls. The dolls in the house were named Annie Louise; when these little ladies put on long dresses and played grown-up, they called themselves Annie Louise. On the night of Miss Annie Louise's marriage in Durham, the Annie Louise Cottage was made to look very beautiful. A light was hung in every Vv'indow, and just at the time of the ceremony prayer service was held by the little people here. Then the little girls played getting married and being Mrs. Hill. When a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. Watts, the grandfather of the baby, made a handsome dona- tion to the home, and the father of the little boy has since kept up this generous birthday donation. The little girls felt almost that this baby, George Watts Hill, belonged to them. They were told if they always remembered his birthday and reminded the superintendent a few days before, they might have a holiday in their house. The twenty-seventh of October is the birthday, and it came on Sunday this time, but the little girls celebrated on Monday. They had a glorious time all day, and were allowed to decorate the playroom for the party. The guests were aston- ished when they came in the evening and found that the decorat- ing in the playroom had been by the little girls themselves. It was a literal bower of autumn leaves. How the little hands had reached so high and had succeeded in making the beautiful branches stay there was a marvel to every one. The sitting- room had been converted into a dining-room, but wee ladies rn IT rirl ^r-fe,^ u hadn't had one peep into it. When the door was thrown open and they were ushered in, it was all so beautiful they couldn't restrain their exclamations. Autumn leaves had been used by older hands for decorations in there. The room was lighted with candles. In the center of the room were two large round tables, and the rest of the space was filled with smaller tables. A color- scheme was carried out in red and yellow. Unless you have tried it, you can't think how beautiful this can be made with autumn leaves. The first course consisted of chicken cro- quettes, beaten biscuit, cheese sandwiches, pickle, and coffee; for the second, fruit, salad, and cake were served. At each place were dainty souvenirs made of gilded nut shells tied with red ribbon. When these were opened a picture of little Watts was found. Nothing throughout the whole day pleased the little girls so thoroughly. It was a happy party of children. We said an early good night, remembering that they never keep late hours. The small boys at Synod's Cottage wished that Synod had a birthday. i:'23:i BOARD OF REGENTS, BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C. October 1 1, 1921. The Board of Regents, in session at Barium Springs, October II, 1 92 1, wish to record our appreciation of the late George W. Watts, of Durham. We were deeply grieved at his death, and wish to bear testimony to the interest he manifested in the Or- phanage and the great value that his life was to this institution. The interest he manifested was a great inspiration to all those who love the home and recognize its value to the fatherless chil- dren of our State. We wish to express to his wife and daughter our deepest and most heartfelt sympathy, and pray that the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort will be their stay. The interest he manifested in the home, the gifts that he made during his lifetime, and the legacy he left in his will will continue to bear fruit in the lives of those who have been de- prived of parental care. Signed by the Board of Regents, R. A. Lapsley, Jr., President. Mrs. W. B. Ramsey, Secretary. L'243 RESOLUTIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF DAVIDSON COLLEGE George Washington Watts 1851-1921 The Board of Trustees of Davidson College desires to place upon its record its appreciation of George Washington Watts, who entered into richly earned rest at Durham, North Carolina, March 7, 1921. Reared in a Christian home, receiving the stamp of academic culture in his training, Mr. Watts brought to bear upon the problems of his business career, upon which he early entered, the powers of a well-trained mind, a balanced judgment, and thoroughgoing integrity that won for him a commanding posi- tion among those who have directed the business interests of the South in its most formative and critical period. From the beginning of his career Mr. Watts was inspired by a spirit of service that led him to devote his talents and tre- mendous energy to the upbuilding of the city of his adoption. And he left upon its every civic interest the stamp of his per- sonality. The center of his interests, however, was his church. Its noble edifice and well-equipped Sunday-school building are a monument to his generosity. But George Watts's life of service as Sunday-school teacher, superintendent, lay worker, ruling elder, humble Christian gentleman was his best and most last- ing gift to his church and community. Such a life could not be confined to the environment of city or local congregation, and his constructive brain grasped the vital importance of missions and education to the extension of the kingdom of God. He gave with unstinted generosity, not only his money, but his best thought, to the most remote mission fields, and thou- sands whom he never saw welcomed him on the other side as God's instrument in their redemption. It was, however, in the field of education that he recognized the largest opportunities for constructive service. And as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Union Theological Sem- inary he was recognized as the guiding spirit in the plans that have placed that institution in the foremost rank among Amer- ican seminaries. Grasping the vital relation of Christian colleges to the king- dom of God, Mr. Watts devoted his fortune to princely gifts and his time and energy to the schools and colleges of the church. He recognized that Davidson College was an opportunity for exceptional service to the whole church, both at home and abroad, and as trustee, benefactor, and loyal friend he gave to the College his very best. In placing upon record their appreciation of Mr. Watts, the Trustees would accept as their own the tribute paid by one of the College's most distinguished alumni: "No other preemi- nently successful man of our time has exemplified more strik- ingly than Mr. Watts the right combination of business capacity and Christian character. He was, indeed, a remarkable busi- ness man; but the beautiful thing is that his nature was not dwarfed but enlarged by his devotion to business. The key to his character was his religion; the core of his character was his faith in God." ni26] RESOLUTION ON THE DEATH OF MR. GEORGE W. WATTS, ADOPTED AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE, HELD MARCH 15 The Trustees of Agnes Scott College have learned with sor- row of the death of Mr. George W. Watts, and they wish to express their appreciation of the splendid service which he ren- dered to the causes of Christian education and spreading the Gospel throughout the world. The Trustees would especially record with gratitude his friendly interest in Agnes Scott Col- lege and his financial help in one of the crises of our history. Their sincerest sympathy is hereby extended to his loved ones in this hour of bereavement. F. H. Gaines, Secretary of Board. Il'^y] RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL STAFF OF WATTS HOSPITAL Whereas death has claimed George Washington Watts, an eminent citizen of Durham whose noble benefaction has made it possible to have in this community the splendid institution for the relief of suffering which bears his name, now, therefore, be it resolved that in his death First. The Medical and Surgical Staff of Watts Hospital has sustained the loss of a generous friend who was ever ready to cooperate with them in furthering the efficiency of their labors. Second. The City of Durham and the State of North Caro- lina have lost a citizen whose heart was ever responsive to the call of suffering and stricken humanity from all the walks of life. Third. That while we extend our sympathy to his family in their sorrow, yet we rejoice in the heritage of the memory of a life of beautiful deeds which he has bequeathed them. Fourth. That a copy of these resolutions be spread on our records and a copy be forwarded to his family. Robert L. Felts, B. U. Brooks, N. D. Bitting, Co7nniittee. i:.283 "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away: blessed be the name of the Lord" FROM THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WATTS HOSPITAL On the death of Mr. George Washington Watts It is with a sense of personal loss and deep grief that we, the Board of Trustees of Watts Hospital, take official cognizance of the death of the President of the Board, Mr. George Wash- ington Watts. We esteem it, however, a sacred duty and a great privilege to bear testimony at this sad moment to his noble life and his unselfish service to his fellow-men as revealed in his activity on our Board. For his tender sympathy with his suffering fellow-men and his constant, unostentatious. Christian concern in their behalf, so strikingly evidenced in his unfailing interest in the hospital he founded for their relief, we herewith express our unbounded admiration. We, likewise, pay sincere tribute to his benevolent and wise generosity in establishing and maintaining up to his death the institution for human relief which will cause thousands through the oncoming years to cherish his name in loving esteem and tender gratitude. Inspired by his example and his spirit we pledge ourselves to minister the trust he has left to our care with due regard to his wishes and in accord with his high ideals as to what the Watts Hospital should become. We order that a page in our minute-book be inscribed to his memory and that a copy of this expression of our sorrow and esteem be sent to the bereaved family, to whom we extend our deep sympathy. Wm. H. Wannamaker, John F. Wily, R. L. LiNDSEY, T. B. Fuller, Committee. ['293 THE LADY BOARD OF VISITORS, WATTS HOSPITAL My dear Mrs. Watts: In the death of Mr. Watts, whose sympathy, loving-kindness, and generosity have contributed so largely to suffering human- ity in our town and community, by donating to us and endow- ing Watts Hospital, each member of the Lady Board of Visitors grieves with his family. To the hospital his loss is irreparable. His influence and personality inspired every one connected with this institution to do their best, and only by endeavoring to live up to his standards can those in authority attain the ideals upon which he had planned its future. Our aim will be to strive to accomplish what he would have us do. The Board of Lady Visitors wishes to express to you their loving sympathy in this bereavement and a desire to serve. May God's blessing abide with you always! April 10. LiDA D. Angier, Margaret C. Carr, Emily N. Michie. i:'3o] RESOLUTIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DURHAM YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO- CIATION ON THE DEATH OF MR. GEORGE W. WATTS, WHO WAS A TRUSTEE AND CHAIRMAN OF THE ADVISORY BOARD OF THE ASSOCIATION Whereas, the Young Men's Christian Association of the City of Durham, North Carolina, regrets the death and loss of its devoted friend Mr. George W. Watts, a citizen whose life and activities in our midst were such as to reflect the highest ideals of Christian citizenship, and Whereas, this institution, since its creation, has always had the whole-hearted support of Mr. Watts, morally, spiritually, and financially, and Whereas, as an evidence of his belief in the perpetuation of the work, needs, and usefulness of the Young Men's Christian Association in the City of Durham he bequeathed to this in- stitution the sum of |io,ooo. Therefore be it Resolved, that in memory of the support and service rendered by Mr. Watts to this Association, reflecting at all times his high ideals of Christian manhood, this Association create a fund to be known as The George W. Watts Endow- ment, to consist of the bequest made by Mr. Watts, the same to remain intact and the interest only to be applied to the mainte- nance charges of the Association. G. Frank Warner, General Secretary. C'3.] YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Durham, N. C. March 21, 1921, Mrs. Geo. W. Watts, Durham, N. C. My dear Mrs. Watts: At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Young Women's Christian Association I was requested to express to you their sympathy in your great bereavement. To their individual sorrow is added a deep sense of the col- lective loss which they are sharing with the city's various or- ganizations; it will be hard, indeed, to fill the place of a man like Mr. Watts, who, with highest ideals for his community's good, actually identified himself with every movement tending to the converting of those ideals into practicalities, and who consistently furnished an example of devoted, conscientious citizenship. With sincere appreciation of his splendid life, and with a lasting sense of the irreparable loss caused by his death, I am. Sincerely yours, Mrs. J. E. Driscoll, Recording Secretary. C'32:i RESOLUTIONS CIVIC AND BUSINESS ii O O u 'He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good" RESOLUTION OF DURHAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 'HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Durham Chamber of Commerce, having heard with great sorrow of the death of our former fellow- member Mr. George W. Watts, and desiring to place upon record a testimonial of our regard for him, do now in regular session assembled: Resolve, that in the death of Mr. Watts we feel that Durham has lost one of its most loyal and useful citizens, whose life was inspired by the highest ideals of public duty, personal honor, and civic righteousness. His splendid concept of good citizen- ship, purity in all walks of life, and devotion to the cause of humanity will always remain as a memorial to his well spent life and as an inspiration to those who were privileged to know him. We desire also to give expression to the indebtedness we feel as a community for his many wise, liberal, and beneficent deeds and to our admiration of the high standards of business, social, and religious conduct that characterized his entire life. To us he exemplified the best type of Christian gentleman. Our asso- ciation with him as a member of this Board was a forceful in- fluence, inspiring us to endeavor to perpetuate in this com- munity the noble and worthy things for which his life was spent. Resolved further, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the family of Mr. Watts. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, the under- signed committee was appointed to draft a Memorial express- ing the great loss the City has sustained in the death of George W. Watts, who for many years was a distinguished and honored citizen of Durham and a Trustee of the Sinking Fund which from year to year had been created to retire the bonded indebt- edness of the City : Resolved, that in the passing of this distinguished man from the business, social, and religious activities of life to the higher life above, Durham has sustained an irreparable loss. Mr. Watts was indeed an humble follower of his Master, and used the wealth which his business sagacity, honesty, and integrity had gained for him to advance the Kingdom of God on earth. His charities were numerous and were directed through those channels which his fine spirituality and judgment suggested would accomplish the most good. Thus he builded and endowed the magnificent Watts Hospital, which will live on through the ages, a memorial to his generosity and sympathy for suffering humanity. Directed by the same spirituality, he provided a fund which would be perpetually used to carry forward mission work in difi'erent parts of the world, in order that the heathen may learn of that religion Vv'hich tells us of the glorious resur- rection prepared for those who love the Lord. Resolved, that a copy of this Memorial be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, a copy be sent to the family, expressing the sympathy of the Board, and one to the newspapers of the city for publication. Durham, N. C, March 17, 1921. John M. Manning, John T. Salmon, 'W. T. Minor, Committee. ^36] DURHAM LODGE, B. P. O. E. No. 568 Mrs. George W. Watts, Durham, N. C. Dear Madam: At a recent meeting of Durham Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks the undersigned committee was di- rected to convey to you in this form the sentiments of the Lodge upon the recent death of your husband. The members of this organization feel that in the death of Mr. Watts they and the entire community have lost a friend, a man whose whole life was inspired by feelings of benevolence and love for his fellow-beings. His long and useful life in our community has always been an inspiration to the men of our fraternity. We regarded him as an ideal citizen, and in his death we wish to tender you our sincere sympathy and con- dolence. The wise and judicious gifts which he has made to worthy organizations in the city and elsewhere are a perpetual memo- rial to the love and tender regard he had for humanity. As a fraternal organization we share with you the feelings of loss in his death, and assure you again of our sympathy. Very respectfully, W. G. Wegener, J. W. Spransey, R. H. Sykes, Committee. PB?] BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY COMPANY [copy OF resolutions] April 21, 1 92 1 Resolved that this Board receive with profound sorrow the announcement of the death of Mr. George W. Watts, at his home in Durham, North Carolina, on March 7, 1921. Mr. Watts was born at Cumberland, Maryland, on August 18, 1851, son of Gerard S. and Annie E. Watts. He was reared in Baltimore, Maryland, attending the public schools in that city from 1859 to 1868, and from 1868 to 1871 he was a student of civil engineering in the University of Virginia. From 1871 to 1878 he was associated with the tobacco firm of G. S. Watts & Co., and later aided in the organization and management of W. Duke Sons & Co., at Durham, North Carolina, in which company he became a stock-holder and served as Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. Watts was also interested in many other enter- prises throughout North Carolina and the South. Mr. Watts was elected a director of the Seaboard Air Line Railway on March 26, 1902, and served the Company continu- ously in the capacity of director for nineteen years. His breadth of view, clearness of perception, accuracy of judgment, and above all his correctness of intention and fine sense of honor, commanded confidence and gave force and ef- fectiveness to his counsel and direction. He was modest in his estimate of his own powers without being distrustful of them, generous in his appreciation of his associates, and just in all his relations with them. Mr. Watts was one of the leading philanthropists of the [•38] country, and contributed very largely to religious work both in this country and abroad. On behalf of the stock-holders, whose interests he well served, and of the members of this Board, who greatly admired him, we now place on our records our regret at the loss of Mr. Watts, and offer to his bereaved family our sincere sympathy. Resolved, that this Memorial be spread upon the minutes of the Board and that a copy be sent to Mr. Watts's family. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Sea- board Air Line Railway Company at a meeting held at New York, N. Y., on April 21, 1921. Robert L. Nutt, Secretary. C'BQ] EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY, MAY 19, 1921 The Board of Directors of Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com- pany sorrowfully here records the death of Mr. George W. Watts, a member of this Board since 1890. Mr. Watts was a successful man of business and a distin- guished citizen of the State of North Carolina. He was born in Maryland and his early training was had among old-time Baltimore merchants. When a young man he moved to North Carolina, where his talents and public spirit found scope in the development of the resources of his adopted State and Section and in augmenting the welfare of its citizens. Moreover, Mr. Watts was faithful to the tenets of his church and most generous in the practice of good works. His relations to this Company were marked by a high sense of duty, and he was a good and loyal friend of our late Presi- dent, Mr. Samuel T. Morgan, for many years. Mr. Watts's death deprives us of a friendly personality and of a capable associate. C. T. Wilson, President. S. D. Crenshaw, Secretary. I '40-2 REPUBLIC IRON & STEEL COMPANY IN MEMORY OF GEORGE WASHINGTON WATTS We, the Associate Members of the Board of Directors of the RepubHc Iron & Steel Company, have assembled in special ses- sion, this 1 6th day of March, 1921, to acknowledge and make of record the high personal character and business ability of our late friend and associate, George W. Watts, and to express our sense of deep regret over the loss of the personal association we have sustained through his death. Our co-worker became a Director of this Company in the year 1918 and served us continuously and faithfully in that capacity to the time of his death. His fidelity to duty was char- acterized by personal sacrifice; as a counselor he was cautious and prudent, and clear-sighted to a degree. As a friend he was generous and kind-hearted. In his death the Company loses the benefit of his broad business experience and initiative. In recognition of his services, business attainments, and of his personal friendship we do hereby Resolve, that a page on the minutes of the Board of Directors be set apart for the enrolment of this testimonial. We do further Resolve, that to the wife and daughter of our departed friend we tender our deepest sympathy, and beg to express the hope that their great grief may be lightened to some degree by this earnest expression of our high regard for the husband and father whom they have lost. John Topping, Chairvian. Richard Laws, Jr., Secretary. [■4i: RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FIDELITY BANK, DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA Whereas, the death of Mr. George W. Watts has removed from our Board one of its most efficient and valued members, one who for many years has aided the Bank by his counsel, his finan- cial aid, and by his loyal and untiring efforts to build up this institution in every way. Therefore, he it Resolved: That we deplore the loss of Mr. Watts to this Board on account of his prudent counsel, his wide- spread influence, and his foresight and skill as a banker. We mourn the loss of a companion who was always bright and cheerful, a friendly man, who did not in the turmoil and stress of business relations forget those finer feelings of esteem and respect by which he was held by his associates, and which he ever tendered to them, thereby maintaining a tie that has cemented the Directors of this Bank together by a spirit of cooperation that has been of great value to the institution; Resolved further: That we deplore the death of Mr. Watts as removing from this community one of its finest citizens, an example of high Christian character, a man of lofty ideals and of wide-spread benevolences, always true to the best in civic and industrial life, and whose consistent honesty and integrity has adorned a long life of usefulness in our city. We unani- mously adopt these resolutions as an expression of our loss, and direct that a copy be spread on the records of this Bank, and a copy be furnished the bereaved family with our sincere sym- pathy to them in their affliction. T. B. Fuller, Jno. F. Wily, Jones Fuller, E. K. PowE. i:'42 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS, DURHAM LOAN & TRUST COMPANY [Copy of Resolutions] Resolved, that this Board receives with profound sorrow the announcement of the death of Mr. George W. Watts, at his home in Durham, North CaroHna, on March 7, 1921. Mr. Watts was elected a Director of Durham Loan & Trust Company at the organization of the Company in the year 1904, and served continuously in that capacity until his death. While serving as a Director of Durham Loan & Trust Com- pany he brought to that institution the benefit of his great ex- perience and accurate judgment in business affairs, as well as his uprightness of character, fairness of dealing, and far-seeing vision. Mr. Watts was also at all times the friend who did so much to create the feeling of unity and mutual confidence that has been so invaluable to the life of this institution. On behalf of the stock-holders, whose interests he well served, and of the members of this Board, we now place on our records our regret at the loss of Mr. Watts, and offer to the bereaved family our sincere sympathy. Resolved, that this memorial be spread upon the minutes of the Board and that a copy be sent to Mr. Watts's family. (Signed) T. C. Worth, E. A. Seeman, F. L. Fuller, Jr. i:'43i IN MEMORY OF GEORGE WASHINGTON WATTS [Resolutions of Respect] A man's faith in small things often demonstrates his sound wisdom and keen intellect. This was fully manifested in the life and character of George Washington Watts. With him thrift and saving were virtues not to be despised but fondly cultivated and nurtured. The Home Savings Bank was cre- ated under and by virtue of the laws of the State of North Caro- lina in 1903, with its office and place of business in the City of Durham, and Mr. George W. Watts became its President and was its controlling stock-holder at the time its doors were opened to the public. The Bank at that time seemed to be a small institution in comparison with the large and modern banking institutions, and it was at that time that Mr. Watts had begun to reah .- that "Great oaks from little acorns grow." While Mr. Watts was the owner of the majority shares of the stock of the Home Savings Bank, he did not seek to dominate its affairs and alone fix its policies. He was always desirous that the small stock- holders should attend the meetings and fully set forth their views. Mr. Watts had accumulated a large part of his holdings by the practice of the strictest thrift. He was eager to make money, but he was more zealous in his determined efforts to save. He felt that the average man — the man who works for his daily bread — ought to be a saving man, and that a bank which thoroughly encouraged the accumulation of savings was an institution which could prove to be a real factor in the up- building of the community life. Mr. Watts left the details of the management of the Home i:'44] Savings Bank to others, though he took a personal pride and pleasure in attending the annual meeting of the stock-holders and presiding over the frequent sessions of the Board of Direc- tors. From the founding of the Home Savings Bank until his death Mr. Watts was the first and only President of said insti- tution. The establishment of this Bank but extended his right arm of helpfulness and usefulness to people who desired to help themselves. It is now, therefore, Resolved by the Board of Directors and the stock-holders, by and through the Special Committee, that the Home Savings Bank has lost a valuable and experienced President who always served its best interests without salary or hope of pecuniary reward; a director who gladly cooperated with his fellow-directors to determine the best policies for the institution; and a stock-holder who was unselfish enough to take a personal pride in seeing the Bank grow as a community builder instead of a money maker. It is further ordered and directed that a page of the minutes of the meetings of the stock-holders and of the Board of Di- rectors be set apart in honor of the memory of said George Washington Watts; that a copy of these resolutions be spread ! full thereon; and that a certified copy thereof be forwarded by the cashier of the Home Savings Bank to the widow of our beloved fellow-worker. Alphonsus Cobb, d. w. sorrell, F. T. Rollins. i:'45: RESOLUTIONS UNANIMOUSLY PASSED AT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ERWIN COTTON MILLS COMPANY, APRIL 25, 1921 Whereas our beloved Vice-President, Mr. George W. Watts, was called to his final reward on March 7, 1921, Resolved that we, the Board of Directors of this Company, go on record at this time in expressing our deep distress at his death. For nearly twenty-nine years, beginning with the or- ganization of this Company, he served as its Vice-President, and by his wise counsel and active interest, and high ideals which dominated his life, he was of marked assistance in the establishment of the policies of this Company and in the eleva- tion of its standards, and his advice was many times sought by the active management of the Company and found most help- ful. His noble Christian life was an inspiration to the entire community, and his example did much good among our mill people. We feel that this Company was rarely fortunate in having him through so many years as an officer and director, and it was with the deepest regret, and with a sense of profound loss, both in a personal and business way, that we heard of his death. Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be mailed to his family and spread upon the minutes of this meeting. B. N. Duke, President. W. A. Erwin, Secretary and Treasurer. ['46] LOCKE COTTON MILLS COMPANY Resolved by the Board of Directors of the Locke Cotton Mills Company in special meeting on this, the 24th day of June, 1 92 1 , a quorum being present, that the members of our Board feel a deep personal loss in the absence of our much esteemed and valued former member of this board, Mr. George W. Watts, who answered our Heavenly Father's summons since our last meeting. That our Company in the passing of our associate has lost a valuable, sympathetic, and ever cheerful and wise counselor from its Board of Directors and in his official capac- ity as Vice-President. That we shall cherish his memory and ever keep fresh the example of his pure and unselfish character. Resolved that these resolutions be spread upon our records and a copy of same be transmitted by our Secretary to his widow and his daughter, Mrs. John Sprunt Hill. LOCKE COTTON MILLS COMPANY By Thos. H. Webb, Secretary and Treasurer. [-47] PEARL COTTON MILLS Resolved by the Directors of the Pearl Cotton Mills in meet- ing April 25, 1 92 1, that in the passing away of our President, Mr. George W. Watts, on the 7th of March, 1921, our Cor- poration has lost its most honored official head. Through all the years of his intimate connection with our Corporation we have seen his genial smile and felt his sympathetic touch, and his death has brought the deepest sense of sorrow to our Board of Directors and stock-holders. The people who serve these mills and all who live in this community have been blessed by his unfailing interest in, and devoted and untiring administra- tions through, the church and Sunday-school, from which he never absented himself on the afternoon of Sundays when it was practicable for him to be present. Through his teachings and in the example of his godly life he cheered and blessed all with whom he came in contact, regardless of creed or church affiliation; be it therefore further Resolved, that our Board of Directors, stock-holders, and associates of this community shall deeply feel his loss, and ever be blessed through loving memory of this godly man and wise counselor. Resolved, that this testimony of him be spread upon our records and a copy of same be sent to his bereaved wife and daughter. J. Harper Erwin, Secretary and Treasurer. C'48] GOLDEN BELT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Whereas Mr. George W. Watts has been for many years con- nected with the Golden Belt Manufacturing Company in the capacity of Vice-President and Director, Therefore he it Resolved that in his death we have lost one of our most respected and beloved Directors, one whose per- sonality has endeared him to us all, and whose attendance at the meetings of this Board has been a source of pleasure and benefit to us. We therefore extend our sympathy to his be- reaved family in their affliction and spread these resolutions on our minutes to perpetuate our sorrow in his death. T. B. Fuller, John F. Wily, Committee. C'49] FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH u u 'He was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit, and of faith' 1871-1921 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main and Roxboro Streets, Durham, N. C. Rev. David H. Scanlon, Ph.D., Minister GEORGE W. WATTS Ruling Elder in this Church July 7, 1889, to March 7, 1921 ^EW men attain the life of fuller purpose as did our beloved brother who ascended from our midst, the past week, to enter upon his promised possession. The Father trusted him with princely posses- sions because he was a wise steward in that he was constantly sending them on ahead by investing them in spiritual pro- ductions. But what he was was far greater than anything that he ever did. His largest possession was the manner of his life — strong, gentle, trustful, the soul of honor and integrity, the kind of a man that enjoys constant companionship and fellowship with Christ, and lives it out in his daily life and in all his relation- ships between man and man. Truly, he brought the faithfulness of Christ to every duty and the tenderness of Christ to every relationship. He was modest and simple in his mode of living, and yet the evidence of an elegant Christian gentleman was never lacking. [:'53] This church and all its activities shall, for years to come, show the reflection of his helpful life and service. No child has passed through this Sunday-school without re- membering the cordial hand-shake of this prince among men, and no weary soul ever sought in vain the consolations of this Great Heart. The ends of the earth have been blessed by his having passed this way. "God's finger touched him, and he slept." "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, — they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them." 1^34-2 THERE IS NO DEATH J f- THERE IS NO DEATH There is no death — They only truly live Who pass into the land beyond, and see This earth is but a school-preparation For larger ministry. We call them "dead" — But they look back and smile At our dead living in the bonds of flesh, And do rejoice that in so short a while Our soul will slip the leash. There is no death To those whose hearts are set On higher things than this life can afford; How shall their passing leave one least regret. Who go to join their Lord? — John Oxenham. [■573 '^{\ ^' .^'' ^.J«l iti^''%t^- £v\ i .-s.-/^ >% K/' n. ,i:illk^m^.>