Cp907 G8Gs Why N. C. Should Erect and Preserve Memorials Grime 8 Cbe Ltttarp of t$e C[|nit)er0itp of jQott& Carolina Collection of jl2ort& CaroUniana W$\$ book toaa pregenteo G>907 C- 2> J IP? m fill i^i! ti WHY NORTH CAROLINA SHOULD ERECT AND PRESERVE MEMORIALS AND MARK HISTORIC PLACES. ADDRESS BY J. BRYAN GRIMES BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA LITERARY AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RALEIGH. N. C . NOVEMBER A. 1 909 [Reprinted from the North Carolina, Review, Literary and Historical Section of the News and Observer.'] Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/whynorthcarolinaOOgrim WHY NORTH CAROLINA SHOULD ERECT AND PRESERVE MEMORIALS AND MARK HISTORIC PLACES. ADDRESS BY J. BRYAN GRIMES BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA LITERARY AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RALEIGH, N. C . NOVEMBER 4. 1909. [Reprinted from the North Carolina Review, Literary and Historical Section of the News and Observer.] This afternoon marks the tenth an- nual session of this association. Just a decade ago a company of patriotic North Carolinians gathered together and organized the State Literary and Historical Association. The purposes of the organization are: "The collection, preservation, pro- duction and dissemination of State literature and history; the encourage- ment of public and school libraries; the establishment of an historical mu- seum; the inculcation of a literary spirit among our people; the correc- tion of printed misrepresentations con- cerning North Carolina; and the en- gendering of an intelligent, healthy State pride in the rising generation." As a result of their efforts: (a) Twenty-four hundred libraries have been established in rural public schools, containing two hundred thou- sand well selected books with a read- ing circle of a million people. (b) The Hall of History has been established containing the best collec- tion of historical relics to be found in the South. It is annually visited by more than 50,000 sons and daughters of the State to whom the exhibit Is a revelation and an inspiration. The display is an object lesson which in a few minutes demonstrates and teaches more of the State's history than can be learned in months of book study. Under the enthusiastic and devoted care of Col. F. A. Olds this museum has grown to be the pride of the State, and now contains over seven thousand articles, many of them of priceless historical value. It is in its infancy and when domiciled in a fire-proof building it will easily mul- tiply itself to seven times seven thou- sand relics. (c) This association has caused the establishment of North Carolina Day in the public schools whereby one day in each year is devoted to the celebra- tion of North Carolina history. On that day more than half a million children with their relatives and friends gather together to hear the story of their mother State. (d) In an effort to preserve the in- tegrity of our history and defend the State from misrepresentation, it set- tled beyond question our claim of "First at Bethel, Farthest at Gettys- burg, Last at Appomattox." These are no longer controverted state- ments in our history and we have chiseled the facts on imperishable granite and placed upon the gory fields of Bethel, Chickamauga and Ap- pomattox stones marking North Caro- lina's positions. (e) This association has inculcated a literary spirit and a desire for his- toric research among our people, with the result that more literature is now being written in North Carolina than she has ever before produced. Un- der its influence a gifted Carolinian has offered a jeweled cup to the au- thor of the best work of the preceding year. (f) A few years ago the student of North Carolina history had to rely upon almost inaccessible manuscripts and the obscure writings of William- son, Martin, Hawks and a few others. It is true, Murphy, Graham, Jones, HJubbard, Swain, Wiley, Davis and some others at a later period wrote ably and well, but we had nothing from them approaching the dignity of a story of our people. In the midst of many difficulties Wheeler and Moore with great labor dug out much of the history of North Carolina. Then came Saunders with his monumental work, the Colonial Records, followed by Judge Clark with his State Records, covering the period from 1776 to 1791. With the two hundred years of our State's life, our history writers could be counted within a score. Now more than a score are at work in a labor of love telling the story of an heroic past and a teeming present and the task has just begun. Within the decade Battle, Ashe, Graham, Clark, Hill, Peele, Weeks, Connor, Hamilton, Nash, Clewell, Pittman, Boyd, Sims. Allen, Hoyt, Waddell, Sikes, Noble, Schenck, Haywood, Bassett, Grady, Dodd and others have written and are now writing with accuracy and ability. Today a scholar desiring to study the history of North Carolina would go to the University of Wisconsin rather than to our own University; to the capital of Wisconsin or Massachusetts. rather than to our own capital for his material. In a few years all this will be changed. Among other credits due the Litera- ry and Historical Association is the creation of the North Carolina Histor- ical Commission. The act establish- ing it declares that, "It shall be the duty of the Com- mission to have collected from the files of old newspapers, court records, church records, private collections, and elsewhere, historical data pertain- ing to the history of North Carolina and the territory included therein from the earliest times; to have such material properly edited, published t>y the State Printer as other State print- ing, and distributed under the direc- tion of the Commission; to care for proper marking and preservation of battle-fields, houses and other places celebrated in the history of the State; to diffuse knowledge in reference to the history and resources of North Carolina; to encourage the study of North Carolina history in the schools of the State, and to stimulate and en- courage historical investigation and research among the people of the State." This Commission is not only gather- ing records, manuscripts, historic ma- terial and relics, but it is endeavoring to arouse our people to the necessity of preserving our memorials and im- press upon them the importance of telling the story of the Old North State in paintings, marble and bronze. It is making an effort to secure the erection of monuments to the great men and great events in our history and as far as possible to locate and mark historic sites in North Carolina. The State Literary and Historical As- sociation from now on should lend itself and bend itself to co-operate with the Historical Commission to that end. Prom the earliest civilizations of antiquity, nations have adorned their halls with statues of their rulers and patriots and ornamented their walls with pictorial stories of national traits and heroism. By song and story, pic- torial history and allegory they have kept ever present before their peoples the hero traditions of their races. They have garlanded their triumphs and woven the willow and cypress to make more sacred their lost causes. Not only should we cluster in and around our capital such monuments and me- morials, but we should mark the his- toric places within our State and such places within our neighboring States as have been made sacred by the blood of our hero soldiers and have been the scene of their prowess and valor. To the traveler there must be a feel- ing of disappointment when he comes to North Carolina. Accustomed as he is in visiting the capitals of the old world to read their history and study the li-'J of the nations in monuments and marble busts, in portraits, great paintings and magnificent buildings, he cannot but feel and be impressed with our want of pride. In the States to the north of us every hamlet and every city has markers, tablets and monuments commemorating every im- portant event in its history; every man who has served his State is re- membered with granite, marble or bronze. Their story is told to all the world, their greatness proclaimed to all men and their States enriched by their services and their people are ennobled in the eyes of the world and elevated in their own self esteem. What avails a great deed after the crisis that called it forth has passed, if it is not recorded? It is lost, its memory is gone, its example is wasted; whereas, if recorded it will live to in- spire others to emulate, and its story will enrich the world. We must study the past to guide and inspire the pres- ent, avoiding its weaknesses, emu- lating its successes and profiting by its experiences. Our life and our being are part of it — built on it. If built on honor and virtue, our future is safe; if characterless and weak, the future is less hopeful. "We must know how we became what we are in order to become better than we are." "The roots of the present lie deep in the past, and nothing in the past is dead to the man who would learn how the present came to be what it is." "Men may rise on stepping stones of their dead selves to higher things." Because we are a Democratic people with Democratic tastes is no reason why we should withhold honor from those who have served us faithfully and well. A gifted author has written, "A democracy, fellow citizens, cannot af- ford to be ungrateful. Built as it is upon loyal service and patriotic sacri- fice, the day of its forgetting will be the day of its undermining." Justice has not been done our dead, we have not been jealous of their fame and zealous in seeing that they have re- ceived their just meed of praise, neither have we been grateful for their services. The people of North Carolina have been doers rather than writers. They have been wanting in State pride and that lack has been largely for want of a State history. They have lacked self assertion and self appreciation because there was no record to which they could appeal. Those who would defend their State were ignorant of the testimony. We have been sensitive because historians neglected or misrepresented us, while it has largely been our own fault, as we have expected others to do for us what we have not done for ourselves. We had to learn that we must keep our own records to receive proper credits. North Carolina has been sub- jected to ridicule, misrepresentation and malignment from the day of Seth Sothel, Urmstone, Byrd and Chalmers on down to the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 1, pg. 719) where we find, after a discussion of the thinkers in the South, "Nor is it too much to say that mainly by their connection with the North, the Caro- linas have been saved from sinking to the level of Mexico or the Antilles." We are unknown to the outside world because we are almost unknown to ourselves. The early royalist writers draw unkind pictures of us be- cause "the most inconsiderable com- munity of North Carolina has never relinquished the flattering gratifica- tion of self rule." Many of our own historians fell into the error of accept- ing the royalist views and even some of our more recent painters have clouded rather than illumined the can- vas in making the picture of the early Carolinians. He was the freest of the free. He demanded the rights under his charter and under the Great Deed of Grant. With him the fundamental ideal was self government and he waged a continual fight against usurp- ed authority, resisting and arresting any invasion of his guaranteed rights. Patriotism was his religion, his hearth- stone was his altar and he loved the soil that gave him inspiration, strength and sustenance. In our capitol today the only monu- ment or bust is to a South Carolinian. Eight empty niches in the rotunda in- variably provoke comment from the historians, scholars and sightseers. These blanks misrepresent our State as it leaves the impression that we have had no sons whom we admired and esteemed sufficiently to commem- orate in marble or bronze. It is the purpose of the Historical Commission, at an early date, to place in one of these niches a bust of one of the great- est men of the Union — William A. Graham. We hope the people of the State, acting through their legislature, will soon fill them all with busts of other great North Carolinians. In the Hall of the General Assem- bly there are three great paintings — ■ only one of them to a North Caro- linian — Zebulon B. Vance. In the capitol grounds for generations the only statue was of a Virginian, but in the last decade a heroic statue of the beloved Vance has been erected by the State and the people. There has also been erected a bronze figure to the gallant Worth Bagley. In the Statuary Hall at Washington, both the niches assigned to North Carolina are still vacant, though the General Assembly of 1907 authorized the placing of a statue to Vance in one of them after 1911. It would be to the credit of North Carolina to erect memorials to the leading characters in the most re- markable incidents in her history. We should preserve the name and fame of such men as John Culpepper, George Durant and Capt. James Blount, leaders in the Culpepper Revo- lution against usurped power. They were the first men in America to set up a government independent of royal authority. An effort is now being made by patriotic ladies in Pasquo- tank County to mark the place where this assembly was held. There should be a memorial to John Porter, the father of democracy in North Caro- lina, the leader of the people in their fight for chartered rights and against the test oaths of an established church. His lieutenant and successor to leadership, Edward Moseley, should also be remembered. Of him the Hon. George Davis wrote: "Of all the men who watched and guarded the tottering footsteps of our infant State, there was not one who in intellectual ability, in solid and po- lite learning, in scholarly cultivation and refinement, in courage and en- durance, in high Christian morality, in generous consideration for the wel- fare of others, in all the true merit, in fine, which makes a man among men could equal Edward Moseley." Col. Saunders said, "And to him, above all others, should North Caro- lina erect her first statue, for to him, above all others, is she indebted for stimulating that love of liberty regu- lated by law, and that hatred of ar- bitrary government that has ever characterized her people." The day will come in North Carolina when we shall see statues, monuments and memorials to such men as Col. James Moore, who in time of need brought his South Carolina soldiers to our relief and defeated the Indians at Nohoroco. To Col. James Innes, Commander- in-Chief of the American forces in the expedition to the Ohio against the French and Indians, who as Governor of Fort Cumberland received and pro- tected the broken and fugitive forces of Braddock on their flight from that ill-fated field; (Col. Innes left his plan- tation, Point Pleasant, and other property to establish a "free school for the benefite of the youth of North Carolina.") To General Hugh Waddell. a hero of the Fort Duquesne expedition, the foremost soldier of the colony and the commander of an expedition against the Indians. To Samuel Swann, the veteran Speaker of the Assembly; to "The Great Ajax of the Revolution" in North Carolina, the patriotic. and lion-hearted John Harvey; to Corne- lius Harnett, "The Samuel Adams of North Carolina;" to Gen. John Ashe, "The most chivalrous hero of the Revolution;" to Richard Caswell, one of the greatest of Carolinians; to John Paul Jones, who made the stars and stripes known and feared on every sea; to Joseph Hewes, signer of the Declaration of Independence and organizer of the Ameri- can Navy; to John Penn, signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence; to Samuel Johnston, Speaker, Governor and United States Senator; to Col. Alexander Lillington, of Moore's Creek fame; to Col. James Moore, soldier of the Revolution; to Thomas Jones, one of the authors of the Constitution; to James Iredell and Alfred Moore, the great jurists; to General William R. Davie, ora- tor, soldier, statesman and father of the University of North Carolina; to Willie Jones, statesman and leader; to Nathaniel Macon, Congressman, United States Senator, "The last of the Romans;" to William Gaston, jurist and statesman; to James C. Dobbin, Speaker of the House of Commons, member of Congress, and Secretary of the Navy; to John Branch, member of Congress, Gov- ernor and Secretary of Navy; to George E. Badger, jurist, United States Senator and Secretary of Navy; to Thomas Ruffin, one of the greatest of American jurists; to Archibald D. Murphey, scholar and jurist; to David L. Swain, jurist, Governor and Pres- ident of the University of North Car- olina; to Weldon N. Edwards, states- man and president of the Secession Convention; to William L. Saunders, soldier, editor, historian, statesman; to General M. W. Ransom, soldier, orator and statesman; to General Thomas L. Clingman, soldier and Uni- ted States Senator; to General D. H. Hill, the hero of a hundred battles; to General W. D. Pender, the superb soldier who, had he commanded at Gettysburg, would have saved the Con- federacy, now lying in an unmarked grave at Tarboro; to General J. John r ston Pettigrew, brilliant soldier and commander of the world -famed charge at Gettysburg; to General Ju- nius Daniel, the gallant soldier killed at Spottsylvania; to Branch, Ander- son, Ramseur, Gordon and others who made glory for North Carolina, and who sealed their devotion to their State with their lives. North Carolina has been criticized for a want of spirit in not having delegates attend the *Stamp Act Con- gress at New York, October 2, 1765. This colony's want of representation was due to Governor Tryon's shrewd- ness in preventing all meetings of the North Carolina Assembly during the Stamp Act troubles, which made it impossible for the colony to select delegates; but while the Stamp Act Congress was passing resolves, the Cape Fear planters led by the most distinguished soldier of the Province. General Hugh Waddell, and by Colo- nel John Ashe, Speaker of the As- * It is not generally known that Henry M'Culloh was probably the author of the proposal to extend the Stamp duties to the American Colonies. ...,,„,. .j i, a~ +„ „™ He proposed stamp duties "as a source of taxation by which the Colonies could be made to con- tribute a quota to the cost of the late war * * * and to put these concerns upon a_Pr°Per footing- it will be absolutely necessary to establish proper Funds in America, by a stamp Duty on Vellum and Paper." Grenville adopted this suggestion and reaped all the fam'e and ill-fame of it. See "Miscellaneous Representations relative to Our Concerns In America Submitted to tnefcarl of Bute by Henry M'Culloh." Published by Wm. A. Shaw, Editor of the Calendar of Treasury Books George Harding, Dealer in Economics. Historical Works, etc., 64 Great Russell St., London, W. C. Henry M'Culloh was Inspector of quit rents in North and South Carolina (1739). Naval Officer at Cape Breton ( 1746). Secretary and Clerk of the Crown for North Carolina. He owned over one million acres of land in North Carolina, at the heads of Pee Dee, Cape Fear and Neuse Rivers. He was the father of Henry Eustace M'Culloh and great uncle of James Iredell. sembly, were defying- the British Gov- ernment. After having made the Stamp Master sign a paper declaring he would never execute the duties de- volving upon him by this position, they forced the Captain of the British Sloop of War "Diligence" to surren- der to their demands. This was the first armed resistance to British op- pression in America and a painting of that scene should be familiar to every child in this country. As subjects for paintings worthy of world fame that should adorn our Capitol walls may be mentioned: The landing of the English in America. The first English settlement and fort in the New World. Virginia Dare. The first rite of Christian baptism in America. George Durant in 1661 buying land from Kilcocanen, King of the Teopim Indians, twenty years before the Wil- liam Penn treaty at Uplands in 1682. The Mecklenburg Declaration of In- dependence, 1775. Halifax Convention and Resolution of April 12. 1776. General Jethro Sumner's famous bayonet charge at Eutaw Springs, the most celebrated charge of the Revolu- tionary War. Eattle of King's Mountain. General Robert Howe in command of Virginia and North Carolina troops driving Lord Dunmore, the British Governor, to his ships in Norfolk har- bor. Andrew Jackson commanding North Carolinians and Tennesseeans at the battle of New Orleans. Johnston Blakeley's battles on the high seas. Secession Convention of 1861 when North Carolina left the Union without a dissenting vote. Pettigrew's world renowned charge at Gettysburg. Ramseur's Brigade saving the army at Spottsylvania. The Fourth North Carolina Regi- ment at Seven Pines. The Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment at Gettysburg. The Fifth North Carolina Regiment at Williamsburg. Capt. Tuttle's Company at Gettys- burg. The undaunted Hill at South Moun- tain, where, with 4,000 men, he held at bay for a whole day 30,000 men, the flower of McClellan's army. Hoke's capture of Plymouth. The Albemarle fight at the mouth of Roanoke River. Fort Fisher, the greatest bombard- ment in history. Last at Appomattox. James Iredell Waddell, commanding the Shenandoah, carrying the Stars and Bars around the world eight months after Lee's surrender, and other remarkable events. At the University of North Carolina is the great Memorial Hall upon whose walls are tablets to her distin- guished alumni, embracing many of the most illustrious sons. On the walls of the Philanthropic and Dialectic Societies is probably the best collection of oil portraits of distin- guished men to be found in the South. The sons of this institution have adorned North Carolina life for more than a century and their Alma Mater honors them and herself in perpetu- ating their memory, and the history of the State can be read in the lives of these men. At Chapel Hill was built the first astronomical observa- tory in the United States (1831) by Dr. Joseph Caldwell, a president of this institution. A monument to Dr. Caldwell stands on the campus. Prof. Olmstead, of the University, organ- ized the first geological and mineral- ogic survey in America. In the State Library, Supreme Court Library, Governor's Mansion and Ex- ecutive office there are many portraits of North Carolinians who have been foremost in the service of the State. At the Governor's Mansion there is also a bust of Governor John W. Ellis. There are also paintings and memori- als to soldiers of the State in the North Carolina Room in the Confederate Museum in Richmond, and at the Lee Camp Hall in Rich- mond. North Carolina has honored the memory of some of her sons by naming counti.es for them. Alexander was named for the Alex- ander family of Mecklenburg. Ashe for Governor Samuel Ashe. Buncombe for Colonel Edward Bun- combe. Burke for Governor Thomas Burke. Cabarrus for Stephen Cabarrus. Caldwell for Dr. Joseph Caldwell. Caswell for General Richard Cas- well. Cleveland for Col. Benjamin Clove- land. Dare for Virginia Dare. Davidson for General William L. Davidson. Davie for General W. R. Davie. Durham for Dr. B. L. Durham. Forsyth for Col. Benjamin Forsyth. Gaston for Judge William Gaston. Graham for Hon. W. A. Graham. Harnett for Cornelius Harnett. Haywood for Hon. John Haywood. Henderson for Hon. Leonard Hend- erson. Iredell for Judge James Iredell. Jones for General Willie Jones. Lenoir for Gen. William Lenoir. McDowell for Col. Joseph McDow- ell. Macon for Nathaniel Macon. Mitchell for Rev. Dr. Elisha Mitchell. Moore for Judge Alfred Moore. Nash for Gen. Francis Nash. Pender for Gen. W. D. Pender. Person for Gen. Thomas Person. Polk for Gen. Thomas Polk. Rutherford for Gen. Griffith Ruth- erford. Sampson for Col. John Sampson. Stanly for Hon. John Stanly. Stokes for Hon. John Stokes. Swain for Governor David L. Swain. Vance for Governor Zebulon B. Vance. Wilson for Col. Louis D. Wilson. Yancey for Hon. Bartlett Yancey. The great growth in the past few years of patriotic organizations in North Carolina promises much for the development of historic interest in the State. Now at work are the various Confederate Memorial Associations, the Daughters of the Confederacy, the Society of the Cincinnati, the Sons of the Revolution, North Carolina His- torical Society at the University, Trinity College Historical Society, Wachovia Historical Society, Alamance Battle Ground Association, Guilford Battle Ground Association, Moore's Creek Battle Ground Association, North Carolina Society of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, North Carolina Society of the Daugh- ters of the Revolution, King's Moun- tain Battle Ground Association, Daniel Boone Association, John Charles Mc- Neill Memorial Society and others. The most pathetic, the most tragic, the most heroic, the grandest figure of all the ages, is the Confederate soldier at Appomattox. Over his vis- ion comes the scene of the smoulder- ing ruins of his boyhood home. His land is drenched in blood. An old widowed mother weeps for his father who gave his life for a lost cause and prays for her son's return. A pal- lid and sickened wife overwrought and overworked struggles in vain for bread, the hunger-cry of his starv- ing children maddens his brain, the shot-torn, lifeless form of his brother lies piled unburied in the trenches behind him; half starved, half naked, foot-sore and emaciated he stands. A far-away look is on his face, tears furrow his powder-sta'ned, dusty cheeks, but there is the light of bat- tle in his eye, the fire of a great un- conquerable principle within his heart. Resolute and undaunted he turns about and with bitter protests at being surrendered, begs his old commander to lead him back to battle, back to the field of blood and death; pleading he stands as the life-blood of the Confederacy ebbs away in the smoke of the North Carolina guns at Appomattox. To the Confederate soldier North Carolina has erected a great monu- ment in the Capitol Square at Ral- eigh. The State has also placed a monument at Appomattox which bears on the north side this inscription: "Last at Appomattox. At This Place the North Carolina Brigade of Brigadier-General W. R. Cox of Grimes' Division Fired the Last Volley 9 April, 1865. M„.ior-General Bryan Grimes of North Carolina Planned the Last Battle Fought by the Army of Northern Virginia and Commanded the Infantry Engasred Therein, the Greater Part of Whom Were North Carolinians. This Stone is Erected by the Author- ity of The General Assembly of North Carolina In Grateful and Perpetual Memory of the Valor, Endurance, and Patri- otism of Her Sons Who Followed with Unshaken Fidel- ity the Fortunes of the Confed- eracy to This Closing Scene, Faithful to the End. Erected 9 April, 1905." On the south side is a list of the North Carolina Brigades with number of troops paroled at Appomattox. The east and west ends are devoted to North Carolina's war record. At Appomattox markers have also been placed on the spot where a bat- tery was captured the morning of the surrender by the North Carolina Brigade of General W. P. Roberts, and at the place where was fought the last skirmish by Capt. W. T. Jenkins, of the 14th North Carolina Regiment, commanding men of the \ 4th and 14th regiments. At Bethel, the Bethel Monument As- sociation of Virginia and North Car- olina have erected a monument to Henry Lawson Wyatt, and North Car- olina has placed a marker where Wyatt fell. At Chickamauga, the State of North Carolina has erected a monument "To mark the point attained by the Six- tieth N. C. Regiment on September 20, 1863;" another "To mark the point attained by the Thirty-ninth North Carolina Regiment on September 19, 1863;" another on Snodgrass Hill "To mark the extreme point attained in a charge by the right of the Fifty-eighth North Carolina Regiment about 6 p. m., September 20, 1863;" and yet an- other on Snodgrass Hill where the Thirty-ninth North Carolina Regiment crossed the Federal line about sunset September 20, 1863. Another monument at Chickamauga has been erected by the Asheville Chapter of the Daughters of the Con- federacy and friends of Sixtieth North Carolina Regiment. "Thi.s marks the spot reached by the Sixtieth Regi- ment North Carolina Volunteers about noon September 20, 1863, the farth- est point attained by Confederate troops in that famous charge." To the Confederate soldier a grate- ful and responsive people haye erect- ed many monuments, and others are now being raised. Among them may bo mentioned those at: Asheville, Bentonville, Charlotte, Columbia, Concord, Edenton, Frank- lin, Fayetteville, Goldsboro, Greens- boro, Henderson, Hendersr nville, Lex- ington, Lumberton, Louisburg, Mor- ganton, New Bern, Newton, Oxford, Fitisboro, Rockingham. Raleigh, Staiesville, Shelby, Salisbury, Tarboro, Wilmington, Warrent^n, Wilson. V a'lesboro, "Washington. Windsor, Weldon. The Daughters of the Confederacy are now erecting a. monument at Wil- mington to George Davis, attorney General of the Confederacy, the cor- ner-stone of which was laid during the recent Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederal.';/ in that city on October 14, 1909. At the old Blandford Church at Petersburg, Virginia, a North Caro- lina memorial window was unveiled on Sunday, June 2nd, 1907. "In mem- ory of North Carolina's soldiers 40.- 275 of whom proved their devotion by their death." These lines are fol- lowed by the words "God Bless North Carolina. R. E. Lee." (Fac simile signature). At Guilford Court House the Bat- tle Ground Association, under the leadership of that gallant soldier and patriotic citizen, Col. Joseph M. More- head, has erected or secured the erec- tion of the following monuments: Col. Arthur Forbes (1888). Battle Ground Pyramid (1888). Shaft over three Continentals, called "Red, White and Blue." (1888). Capt. James Tate (1891). General Jethro Sumner (1891). Maryland Monument (1892). Major John Daves (1903). Col. Joseph Winston and Gov. Jesse Franklin, 1S95, reinterred here 1906. Lieut.-Col. James Stewart (British) (1895). Col. Hal Dixon (1896). Hooper-Penn Signers (1896). Northern Limit; Southern Limit. Old Manor House. Gillies Lee's Bugler Boy (1898). Nathaniel Macon (1908). Capt. James Morehead (1902). A Polished Marker (4 sides) "No North, Washington; No South, Greene" (1903). Alamance Monument (1901). King's Mountain (1904). Judge Schenck (1904). Gen. Davidson (1906). General Nash (1906). Clio, Muse of History (1908). Caldwell (1909). Bretigny and Wm. Washington (1909). Monolith "E Pluribus Unum." (On the grounds, yet to be erected). Completed base awaiting projected Delaware monument. The Wachovia Historical Society has been active in collecting historical records and has erected the following memorials: Tablet marking the place and time of arrival of the first Moravian settlers in Wachovia, November, 1753, and site of their first dwelling. Tablet erected on the site of the "Old Dutch Fort" which was erected for protection from the Indians dur- ing the French and Indian War, 1756- 1759. Granite posts marking the corners and outline of the "Old Dutch Fort." Granite monument at Bethabara Church to commemorate the beginning of Wachovia and the founding ofj Bethabara in November, 1753. Monu- ment gives the names of the first set- tlers, etc. All of the above tablets are at Beth- abara, six miles north of Winston- Salem and were erected in 1903. There is another tablet at Bethabara, erect- ed in 1803, to commemorate the first fifty years of Wachovia. Tablet erected at the Old Salem Hotel, in Salem, to commemorate the visit of President Washington in 17 91. Gov. Martin, of North Carolina, visit- ed President Washington while he was a guest there. Bronze tablet placed on the door to "Washington's Room" in Old Salem Hotel. These two tablets were erected in 190S by the Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution and the Wachovia His- torical Society. The Sons of the Revolution annual- ly present to the State of North Caro- lina, an oil portrait of some distin- guished Revolutionary leader. This society has presented to the State portraits of James Iredell, Alfred Moore, Samuel Johnson and Alexander Martin, and will in a few days present a portrait of Governor Abner Nash. The North Carolina Society of the Daughters of the American Revo- lution has erected a number of me- morials. The Elizabeth Maxwell Steele Chap- ter, of Salisbury, has erected one to Elizabeth Maxwell Steele. The Dorcas Bell Love Chapter of TVaynesville, has erected a bronze tablet in memory of Col. Robert Love. The Edward Buncombe Chapter in .Asheville will establish a memorial to Col. Edward Buncombe. The Morganton Chapter will mark the place of the Council Oak at Qua- ker Meadows under which Colonels Sevier, Campbell and the two McDow- ells planned the battle of King's Mountain. The Mecklenburg Chapter has mon- uments to the Mclntyre Skirmish, Oct. 3, 1780. Monument near Pineville to mark birthplace of James K. Polk, and a marker at the Sugar Creek Burying Ground. The Joseph Winston Chapter, co- operating with the Wachovia Histori- cal Association has marked with two bronze tablets points in Old Salem town identified with Washington's visit, and this chapter will soon mark Junaluska's grave. The North Carolina Society of the Daughters of the Revolution has erect- ed a memorial tablet in the rotunda of the Capitol to commemorate the Edenton Tea Party. A patriotic citizen has marked the spot on which the celebrated Tea Party house stood. The North Carolina Society of the Colonial Dames of America has erect- ed a monument to Cornelius Harnett; a monument at the ruins of the Church of St. Philip, and under their auspices a memorial has been erected at Brunswick to Col. Maurice Moore and "to the heroes and patriots of the Lower Cape Fear led by Hugh Wad- dell and John Ashe;" and they have also marked the site of Governor Try- on's palace at Russelboro. At Moore's Creek, the first great American victory of the Revolution was won, an event that not only in- spirited the whole of America, but as Frothingham says, "Carried North Carolina as a unit in favor of inde- pendence when the colonies from New England to Virginia were in solid ar- ray against it." On the battlefield there has recently been unveiled a monument to the Loyalists who fought and fell there, beautifully illustrating the present homogeneity of our people whose ancestors fought on both sides in that momentous battle. At King's Mountain the government has just finished a handsome monu- ment and the King's Mountain Battle Ground Association is making an ef- fort to have the government establish a national park there. On the Alamance Battlefield chere is a monument erected to "The First Battle of the Revolution," and the Alamance Battle Ground Association also proposes to erect one where the Pyle Hacking Match took place near Burlington. Among others worthy of mention are monuments to The Mecklenburg Declaration at Charlotte; Memorial Stone at Fort Raleigh; to Andrew Jackson at ; to William Hooper at Wilmington; to Richard Caswell at Kinston;'to Dr. Elisha Mitchell at Mt. Mitchell; to Capt. Otway Burns at Burnsville; to Washington Duke at Trinity College; to Zebulon B. Vance at Asheville; to Richmond M. Pearson at Raleigh (by his former law stu- dents) ; and one at Charlotte to the heroic William E. Shipp, whose gal- lant young life was laid down for his country at Santiago. Probably the most important event in the history of North Carolina was the Halifax Resolution presented for the committee by Cornelius Harnett to the Provincial Congress, April 12, 1776, which reads as follows: "Resolved, That the delegates for this colony in the Continental Con- gress be empowered to concur with the delegates of other colonies in de- claring independency, and forming foreign alliances, reserving to this colony the sole and exclusive right of forming a constitution and laws for this colony, and of appointing dele- gates from time to time under the direction of a general representation thereof, to meet delegates of other colonies for such purposes as shall be hereafter pointed out." From this time forward all political relations were severed with Great Britain and North Carolina acted as an independent colony. This reso- lution should be lettered in bronze and affixed to the walls of our capitol. The General Assembly of North Car- olina of 1909 made April 12th a State holiday in commemoration of that great event. Various Northern States have erected monuments to their dead in Federal cemeteries at different points in North Carolina, notably at Salisbury and New Bern. A number of I\orth Carolinians have established memorials in the form of college buildings, endowments, schol- arships and prizes; but the most beau- tiful memorial in this State is the Olivia Raney Library. This li- brary was built by a generous man as a memorial to his wife, a gift- ed Christian woman whose mission in life was to help and make happier those who came within the radius of her acquaintance. In life her work was a benediction — in death her in- fluence still lives and grows, benefit- ting and giving pleasure to the many hundreds who avail themselves of this beneficence. On this curtain we see a picture of the famous Taj Mahal, built by an Indian Prince, in memory of his queen — a tribute to love and vanity. Surrounding us is the Olivia Raney Library, erected by a noble hearted gentleman in memory of the queen of his home — an expression of love and altruism. There are hundreds of historic sites, buildings, colonial forts, battle grounds, churches and schools, colonial houses, burial places, etc., which are still unmarked. The best list of these places obtainable has been arranged and compiled by that devoted Carolinian, Mrs. James Sprunt, in a most interesting and val- uable paper prepared for the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. As complete a list as the Historical Commission has been able to compile is appended to this paper. The State Historical Commission is now endeavoring, though with slow local co-operation, to make an accurate list of these places, arranged by counties. The work of marking and protecting these places must be done by the home people and local societies. There are public spirited citizens with local pride in every community who should organize for this purpose. The Com- mission hopes to be able to co-operate with local chapters of the Daughters of the Confederacy, Colonial Dames and Daughters of the Revolution, Daughters of the American Revolu- tion and other patriotic societies. This would be one of the most pa- triotic ends to which these associa- tions could lend themselves. The Commission will also make an effort to interest the schools and school or- ganizations in the various counties in this work. In no other way can his- tory be better taught or local pride stimulated or interest aw r akened in the State. Another phase of histori- cal work to which our patriotic so- cieties could direct their efforts is to prevent vandalism and desecration. On a beautiful eminence overlook- ing the wide waters of Pasquotank River as it loses itself in Albemarle Sound is the site of Elmwood, or Th'e Elms, the old colonial seat of the Swanns. Here stood a brick house-, one of the first built in the colony. During the war between the States Federal troops tore it down to use the brick for other purposes. In it probably lived more distinguished men than ever occupied any one residence in North Carolina. Judge Iredell said it was celebrated for a more lavish hospitality and more generous enter- tainment than any home in the col- ony. Here lived Col. Thomas Swann, Speaker; Col. William Swann, Speak- er; and three members of the family by the name of Samuel Swann; John Swann, member of Congress, and their families. Here lived Frederick Blount, son of Col. John. Blount, a brother-in- law of Bishop Pettigrew and' a man of wealth and culture and an intimate associate of Governor Tryon's. Here lived for a while, William Shepard, a staunch Federalist, ship owner, planter, and merchant. Of William Shepard's sons several moved to the far South. The three who remained in North Carolina were Charles B., who was a member of Congress and declined re-election; William B., who was a member of Congress and declined re- election; James B., who was a can- didate for Governor of North Caro- lina. Of his sons-in-law John H. Bryan was Member of Congress and declined re-election; Ebenezer Petti- grew was Member of Congress and declined re-election. In later years Rev. Solomon Pool, President of the University of North Carolina, lived there, as did John Pool. United States Senator and can- didate for Governor. At Elmwood lived and with it were identified, two Speakers of the As- sembly, five Congressmen, one United States Senator, a candidate for Gov- ernor and a President of the Univer- sity. No other home in North Caro- lina had so many historic associa- tions. This old estate has now been sold and divided into smaller farms. In the preparation of a sketch not long since, the writer was anxious to get inscription records from the Swann tombstones, but was informed that the Swann bricked in graves had re- cently been dug up by treasure hunters and such stones as might be there were covered with brick and dirt from the excavations of the gold diggers and grave robbers. Such vandalism is a disgrace to North Carolina and no punishment is too severe for these ghouls. My attention has been called to other colonial graves that have been robbed within the year. The State should watch more carefully over these men who after serving her have been laid to rest in her bosom. Let them "rest in peace." Some means should be de- IO vised to protect our sacred places from profanation by those base de- generates who fringe the lowest shores of humanity. We call upon the pa- triotic people in every community to locate, mark and care for their his- toric places. The want of cities in North Caro- lina with well known depositories is one of the chief reasons why there has been no large collection of his- torical papers. Individuals have from time to time made valuable collec- tions, but these collections in some cases have been burned or otherwise destroyed or have found their way to other States. The want of a fixed capital also accounts in a large de- gree for the loss of much of the offi- cial history of the State. In 1748 Governor Gabriel Johnston writing from Edenton to the Lords of the Eoard of Trade in discussing "An act for Building of Public offices for Public Meetings and Keeping of Rec- ords" says "This Province has been very unhappy for want of such build- ings ever since I knew it. The Pub- lic Records lye in a miserable condi- tion; one part of them at Edenton. near the Virginia line, in a place without Lock or Key; a great part of them in the Secretary's house at Cape Fear, about two hundred miles distance from the other. Some few of them at the Clerk of the Council's house at New Bern, so that in what- ever part of the colony a man happens to be. if he wants to consult any pa- per or record he must send some hundred of miles before he can come at it." In 1749 the General Assembly ap- pointed John Starkey. Edward Grif- fith and Jeremiah "Vail, commission- ers, for erecting Public Buildinsrs at New Pern. If these commissioners had erected the Public Buildings at this time, thousands of most valuable records and interesting papers would have been saved. This would have preserved much lost history and would have given the State a rank in the eyes of the world that millions in money could not buy. Tn 170 7 was commenced the build- ing of the Palace at New Bern. It was the State House, as well as resi- dence for the Governor and contained an Assembly Hall, Council Chamber and public offices. Writing of this elegant and noble structure Governor Tryon in 1770 says it was "A Palace that is a public ornament and credit to the colony, as well as an honor to British America." The public rec- ords were moved into it in January, 1771. It probably cost more than the people could afford at the time, but had the seat of government remained at New Bern, the building of that State House would have been a wise investment. There were about 250,- 000 people in the Province at that time and there was an in-rush of im- migration then in progress such as no other province in America exper- ienced. So great was the prejudice against this "monument to royalty" and such was the inconvenience to the central and western sections of the State that the Palace was aban- doned and the Capital became peram- bulatory, naturally causing the loss of many priceleci records and manu- scripts. With a migratory capital for nearly twenty years, it is impossible to estimate the dis- advantage to the State. The cost of the Palace was an unending source of criticism of Tryon, but as a State House it was necessary, even if built on too grand a scale for North Carolina. It undoubtedly had an ef- fect upon architecture in the province, it preserved our records and we now take pride in having had the finest building of its time on the Western Hemisphere, even though it was aban- doned and finally lost from neglect and carelessness. The building of the present capitol at a time when the State was very poor (in the decade between 1830-40 when our population increased only 2 per cent, and we had about three- fourths of a million people) at a cost of more than half a million dollars provoked much criticism. But every intelligent man admits that it was a most wise expenditure and though the State has long outgrown it, we find satisfaction in its symmetry and un- surpassed architectural beauty and we are loath to enlarge it. All the de- partments of State are too much crowded to render the best service and a more capacious building is now ab- solutely necessary for the transaction of public business. A larger capitol or additional building must come as a business necessity and economy. In considering additional buildings, it may be found wise to take under advisement the acquirement by the State of the area bounded by Wil- mington, Jones. Salisbury and Eden- ton streets. This would give a public square 420x516 feet, the same width as Union Square, on which the capitol stands. In the center of that square across Halifax street could be erected a State government building, commodious, fire proof, mod- ern in its equipments and adequate for the transaction of the affairs of the State. It could contain offices for II State offices, State Library, Supreme Court Rooms, and Supreme Court Li- brary, Agricultural Department, etc. The basement could be made into stor- age rooms, arsenal, etc. One floor should be devoted to a Hall of History, in which portraits, paintings, mural tablets, medallions, inscriptions, stat- ues and monuments would show the history and life of our people spread out as a great panorama for the gaze of our own and future generations. In our Capitol should be mural tab- lets portraying the war record of our State. Inscriptions should tell the tale of the ill-fated Carthagena ex- pedition in which hundreds died with no record of even their names; of the North Carolina soldiers sent to the French and Indian Wars; of the sol- diers in the Revolution when North Carolina was the great recruiting ground for the American army (this State furnished over 22,000 soldiers to the army of the Revolution and the names of only about 9,000 have been preserved); of North Carolina's record in the War of 1S12; of our part in the Mexican War; of North Carolina's sacrifices in the Great War for South- ern Independence; and of our record in the Spanish-American War. Our State is now enjoying a period of marvelous growth, such as she never before experienced. Great man- ufacturing enterprises have sprung up and are being enlarged and enlarged again. Industries are being developed, agriculture is being improved and an era of prosperity and increase in pop- ulation is upon us. The State and the people are growing richer and stronger, education is encouraged with a liberality of money and of thought never before known; culture, litera- ture, and the arts will increase with wealth and leisure. But with our agricultural growth and resources un- surpassed, with material wealth enor- mously increasing, with our manu- facturing plants being multiplied with- out end, we realize that our greatest resource and asset are our people — people of intelligence and character, and our greatest manufacturing plants are the schools which convert the un- finished product of a raw boy or girl into the educated, patriotic North Carolinian. Today there are over 700,000 children in the schools of the State — the State will live in them and they will make the State. We must plant into the hearts and minds of those who are one day to shape its destinies, make its laws, write its his- tory, sing its songs and paint its glor- ies, a love and veneration for the State. To make a great and glorious future, we must have the knowledge and inspiration of a great past, for hu- manity is most powerful in teaching by example, and history is most gra- phic when our ideals or examples can be shown in imperishable paintings, marbles or bronze. Let us strive not only to offer the written word, but show to the world the visible forms and features of the great actors in the life of our State. II I UNIVERSITY OF N C AT CHAPEL HILL 00033941637 This book may be kept out one month unless a recall notice is sent to you. It must be brought to the North Carolina Collection (in Wilson Library) for renewal. FEB 2 4 ifl WMiM :