Library of The University of North Carolina COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINI/vNA ENDOWED BY JOHN 8PRUNT HILr. of the Ciass (3f 1889 iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiii 00006776C This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a tine uf FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It was taken out on the day indicated below: l5May'30M V JOHN-M-MORLHLAD 1796- 1866 \ EXERCISES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRESENTATION TO THE STATE BY THE North Carolina Historical Commission OF A BUST OF JOHN MOTLEY MOREHEAD C'^r^^.^r. K 'O W Hall of the House of Representatives, December 4, 1912 CIS Introductory Note On Decemt»er 4, 1912, in the Hall of the House of Representatives and in the rotunda of the State Capitol, the North Carolina Historical Commis- sion presented to the State a handsome marble bust of John Motley More- head, Governor of North Carolina, 1840-1844. The bust was a donation to the Commission from Governor Morehead's grandsons, John Motley Morehead and J. Lindsay Patterson, and was executed by the wellknown sculptor, Frederick Wellington Ruckstuhl. The exercises in connection with the presentation consisted of an address on "John Motley Morehead: Architect and Builder of Public Works," by R. D. W. Connor; the Address of Presentation, by Hon. J. Bryan Grimes, Chairman of the North Carolina Historical Commission; and the Address of Acceptance on behalf of the Governor, by Hon. J. Y. Joyner, Superintendent of Public Instruction. John Motley Morehead: Architect and Builder of Public Works' By R. D. W. Connor. An Addbess Delivered in the Hall of the House of Representatives, Decem- ber 4, 1912, UPON THE Presentation to the State of a Bust of Governor Morehead by the North Carolina Historical Commission. Along the line of the I^orth Carolina Kailroad, from its eastern terminus at Goldsboro to its western terminus at Charlotte, lie eleven counties embracing six thousand square miles of territory, now one of the most prosperous and productive regions in North Carolina. During the decade from 1840 to 1850, perhaps no other State on the entire At- lantic seaboard could have exhibited a stretch of country of equal area which presented to the patriotic citizen so discouraging a prospect or so hopeless an outlook. Such a citizen traversing this region would have found public roads and methods of travel and transportation that were primitive when George III claimed the allegiance of the American col- onies. Delays, inconveniences, and discomforts were the least of the evils that beset the traveler who entrusted life and limbs to the public convey- ances of that period.2 The cost of transportation was so great that the profits of one half the planters' crops were consumed in getting the other half to market, and hundreds of them found it profitless to pro- iJohn Motley Morehead was born in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, July 4, 1796, son of John Morehead and Obedience Motley. In 1798 his parents moved to Rockingham County, North Caro- lina, where John grew to manhood. He was prepared for college partly under the private instruction of Thomas Settle and partly at the Academy of Dr. David Caldwell, near Greensboro. He afterwards entered the University of North Carolina, from which he was graduated in 1817. In his junior year he was appointed a tutor in the University. From 1828 to 1866 he served on the Board of Trustees, and in 1849 was President of the Alumni Association. Morehead was the sixth alumnus of the Uni- versity to become Governor of North Carolina. After his graduation from the University he studied law under Archibald D. Murphey. In 1819, receiving his license to practice, he settled at Wentworth, county seat of Rockingham County, where he lived until his marriage to Miss Ann Eliza Lindsay, eldest daughter of Col. Robert Lindsay, of Guilford County. He removed to Greensboro which con- tinued to be his home during the rest of his life. 2" The road [from Weldon to Gaston] was as bad as anything, under the name of a road, can be conceived to be. Whenever the adjoining swamps, fallen trees, stumps, and plantation fences would admit of it, the coach was driven, with a great deal of dexterity, out of the road. When the wheels sunk in the mud, below the hubs, we were sometimes requested to get out and walk. An upset seemed every moment ine\-itable. At length, it came."— Frederick Law Olmsted. "A Journey in the bea- board Slave States," 1853-1854. Vol. I, page 348. "From personal observations, I have found the roads leading from Raleigh westward, for the distance of fifty or sixty miles, *,,„,. _ decid- edly the worst in the State."- Governor Morehead's message to the Legislature of 1842. Journal ot the General Assembly, page 409. 6 Ceremonies in Connection with Presentation of duce more than their own families could use.^ In 1853 a traveler, within thirty miles of the State Capitol, saw "three thousand barrels of an article worth a dollar and a half a barrel in ]!^ew York, thrown away, a mere heap of useless offal, because it would cost more to transport it than it would be worth."^ Under such conditions there could be, of course, no commerce, and without commerce no markets. Such commerce as the produce of the fertile valleys and plateaux of the Piedmont section created found its way to the markets of Virginia and South Carolina ;' and among the people who dwelt west of Greensboro, declared Governor Morehead in 1842, "Cheraw, Camden, Columbia, * * * Augusta, and Charles- ton are much more familiarly known than even Fayetteville and Raleigh."^ In all the region from Goldsboro to Charlotte, Raleigh, then a straggling country village, was the only town of sufficient im- portance to be noted in the United States census of 1850. This section, now the heart of the manufacturing region of the South, reported to the census takers of that year no other manufactures than a handful of "homemade" articles valued at $396,473. The social and labor sys- tems upon which the civilization of the State was founded confined the energies of the people almost exclusively to agriculture, yet their farm- ing operations were so crude and unproductive that a traveler, comment- ing on the agriculture in the vicinity of Raleigh, found it "a mystery how a town of 2,500 inhabitants can obtain sufficient supplies from it to exist. "^ This was not the view merely of an unsympathetic stranger. Calvin H. Wiley, attempting to arouse his fellow members of the Legis- lature of 1852 from their indifference and lethargy, after referring to the "magnificent capitol" in which they sat, exclaimed, "But what is the view from these porticoes, and what do we see as we travel hither? Wasted fields and decaying tenements; long stretches of silent desola- tion with here and there a rudely cultivated farm and a tottering barn."''' But more forcible than any other evidence, because incontrovertible, is the testimony of the United States census. 'The census reports of 1840 show that nearly one-third of the adult white population of the State could neither read nor write. The population of the State was at 'Speaking of the building of a turnpike, from Raleigh westward, Governor Morehead in his message of 1842, said: "Labor can not be difficult to obtain in a region now growing cotton at six cents per pound, corn at one dollar per barrel, and wheat so low that it takes one half to transport the other to market."— Journals of the Legislature 1842-'43, page 41L "A farmer told me that he considered twenty- five bushels of corn a large crop, and that he generally got as much as fifteen. He said that no money was to be got by raising corn, and very few farmers here [about ten miles from Raleigh] 'made' any more than they needed for their own force. It cost too much to get it to market."— Olmsted, "Sea- board Slave States," Vol. I, page .358. ♦Olmsted: A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States. 1853-1854. Vol. I, page 369. ^Annual Message. Legislative Journals, 1842-'43, page 409. •Olmsted. ^Speech in favor of his bill to appoint a State Superintendent of Common Schools. Bust of John M. Morehead 7 a standstill. From 1830 to 1840, thirty-two of the sixty-eight counties of Worth Carolina lost in population, while the increase in the State as a whole was less than two and a half per cent.^ The best blood of Worth Carolina, refusing to remain at home and stagnate, was flowing in a steady stream into the vast and fertile regions of the South and West; and that brain and energy which should have been utilized in developing the resources of Worth Carolina was being forced to seek an outlet in other regions where it went to lay the foundations of Alabama, Missis- sippi, and Texas, of Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana. Dr. Wiley was guilty of no exaggeration when he declared that Worth Carolina had "long been regarded by her own citizens as a mere nursery to grow up in"; that the State had become a great camping ground on which the inhabi- tants were merely tenanted for a while; and that thousands were annu- ally seeking homes elsewhere whose sacrifices in moving would have paid for twenty years their share of taxation sufficient to give to Worth Carolina all the fancied advantages of those regions whither they went to be taxed with disease and suffering. The melancholy sign "For Sale" seemed plowed in deep black characters over the whole State, and the State flag which floated over the Capitol was jestingly called by our neighbors of Virginia and South Carolina an auctioneer's sign. "The ruinous effects," said he, "are eloquently recorded in deserted farms, in wide wastes of guttered sedgefields, in neglected resources, in the absence of improvements, and in the hardships, sacrifices and sorrows of con- stant emigration." Such was the view which Central Worth Carolina presented to the keen eyes of John M. Morehead when, in the closing days of 1840, he journeyed from Greensboro to Raleigh to assume his duties and responsi- bilities as Chief Magistrate of the Commonwealth. As desolate as the prospect was, however, Morehead's foresight saw in it not a little to give him courage. He must have realized that Worth Carolina was standing at the turn of the road and that much depended on the wisdom and prudence with which he himself directed her choice of future routes. Four years before a new Constitution, profoundly affecting the political life of the State, had gone into operation, from which Morehead, and other leaders who thought as he did, had prophesied great results for the upbuilding of the State. This new Constitution had paved the way for the work of a small group of constructive statesmen, of whom More- head was now the chosen leader, who were destined to direct and lead the public thought of Worth Carolina during the quarter century from 1835 to 1860. , Among these men two distinct types of genius were represented. On sPopulation in 1830, 737,987; in 1840, 753,409. 3 8 Ceremonies in Connection with Presentation of the one hand there were the dreamers, — men who had the power of vision to see what the future held in store for their country, who wrote and spoke forcibly of what they foresaw, but lacked the power to con- vince men of the practicability of their visions. On the other hand there were the so called practical men, — men who knew well enough how to construct what other men had planned, but lacked the power of vision necessary to see beyond the common everyday affairs that sur- rounded and engrossed them. Once in an age appears that rare indi- vidual, both architect and contractor, both poet and man of action, to whom is given both the power to dream and the power to execute. Such men write themselves deep in their country's annals and make the epochs of history. ^ In the history of North Carolina such a man was John M. Morehead. Those v/ho have written and spoken of Governor Morehead heretofore have been chiefly impressed with his great practical wisdom,^ and this he certainly had as much as any other man in our history. As for myself, what most impresses me after a careful study of his life and works, is his wonderful power of vision. He was our most visionary builder, our greatest practical dreamer. K"o other man of his day had so clear a vision of the future to which I^orth Carolina was destined, or did so much to bring about its realization as Governor Morehead. It is no exaggeration to say that we have not now in process of construction, and have not had since his day, a single great work of internal improve- ment of which he did not dream and for which he did not labor. He dreamed of great lines of railroad binding together not only all sections of ITorth Carolina, but connecting this State with every part of the American Union. He dreamed of a network of improved country roads leading from every farm in the State to all her markets. He dreamed of a great central highway, fed by these roads, finding its origin in the waters of the Atlantic at Morehead City and finally losing itself in the clouds that hang about the crests of the Blue Ridge. He dreamed of the day when the channels of our rivers would be so deepened and widened that they could bear upon their waters our share of the com- merce of the world.. He dreamed of an inland waterway connecting the harbor of Beaufort with the waters of Pamlico Sound and through the opening of Roanoke Inlet, affording a safe inland passage for coastwise vessels around the whitecaps of Cape Hatteras. He dreamed of the day when the flags of all nations might be seen floating from the mast- heads of their fleets riding at anchor in the harbors of Beaufort and •Kerr, John, "Oration on the Life and Character of John M. Morehead"; In Memoriam of John M. Morehead, Raleieh, 186S; Scott, William Lafayette, "Tribute to the Genius and Worth of John M. Morehead"; Ibid: Smith, C Alphonso, "John Motley Morehead"; The Biographical History of North Carolina, Vol. VI, pp. 250-258; Wooten, Council, "Governor Morehead"; Charlotte Daily Observer, September 30, 1901. Bust of John M. Morehead 9 Wilmington. He dreamed of a chain of mills and factories dotting eA^ery river bank in the State and distributing over these highways of commerce a variety of products bearing the brand of North Carolina manufacturers. Such were his dreams, and the history of ISTorth Carolina during the last half-century is largely the story of their realization. It is this fact that gives to Morehead his unique place in our history. He had a distinguished political career, but his fame is not the fame of the office holder. 10 Indeed, no other man in our history, save Charles B. Aycock alone, in so brief a public career, made so deep an impression on the life of the State. The explanation is simple. The public service of each was inspired by a genuine love of the State and consecrated to the accomplishment of a great purpose. The educational and intellectual development which Aycock stimulated was based on the material pros- perity of which Morehead laid the foundation. It is, then, his service as architect and builder of great and enduring public works that gives to Morehead his distinctive place in our annals, and it is of this service that I shall speak today. When Morehead began his public career the prevailing political thought of the State was, in modern political vernacular, reactionary. Representation was distributed equally among the counties, regardless of population. East of Raleigh, where the institution of slavery was most strongly entrenched, thirty-five counties with a combined popula- tion of 294,312, sent to the General Assembly sixteen more Commoners and eight more Senators than twenty-seven counties west of Raleigh which had a combined population of 50,205 more people. A property qualification was requisite for membership in the General Assembly and inasmuch as all State officials were elected by the Legislature, not by the people directly. Property, not Men, controlled the government. The theory of Property was that the best government is that which governs least. Adherents of this school of politics taught, therefore, that gov- ernment had fulfilled its mission when it had preserved order, pun- ished crime, and kept down the rate of taxation. But another school of political thought, originating in the counties west of Raleigh, where the institution of slavery had not secured so strong a foothold, was now beginning to make itself heard. Its adherents favored a constitutional loin 1821 he represented Rockingham County in the House of Commons; in 1826, 1827 and 1858 he represented Guilford County in the House, and in 1860 in the Senate. He was one of the delegates from Guilford in the Convention of lS3o. In 1S40 he was elected Governor, and in 1842 wasre-elected. He was the permanent presiding officer of the National Whig Convention, which met at Philadelphia, June 7, 1848, and nominated General Zachary Taylor for the Presidency. By the act establishing the North Carolina Insane Asylum he was designated as Chairman of the Board of Cornmissi oners to locate and build the asylum. In 1857 he was elected President of the association organized for the purpose of erectine: at Greensboro a monument to General Nathanael Greene. He was one of the delegates from North Carolina to the Peace Congress at Washington in 1861. In 1861-'62 he was a member of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States. He died at Greensboro, August 27. 1866. 10 Ceremonies in Connection with Presentation of convention to revise the basis of representation, to give to the people the right to elect their chief magistrate, and in other respects to make the government popular in practice as well as in form ; and they advo- cated internal improvements, geological surveys, the conservation of resources, asylums for the insane, public schools, schools for the deaf and dumb and for the blind, and numerous other progressive measures which all right thinking people now acknowledge to be governmental in their nature. These men were the Progressives of their day. Morehead found his place among these Progressives. As a member of the General Assembly he was among the foremost in advocating a con- stitutional convention. He supported measures for the building of good roads, for the digging of canals, for the improvement of inland navigation, for drainage of swamps, and for railroad surveys.^^ He opposed a bill to prevent the education of negroes, moved the appoint- ment of a select committee on the colonization of slaves, introduced a bill providing for their emancipation under certain conditions, and displayed so much interest in measures for the amelioration of the con- ditions of the slaves that his opponents, when he became a candidate for Governor, charged him with being at heart an Abolitionist. ^^ He endeavored to secure the appropriation of funds for the collection of material for the preservation of the history of J^Torth Carolina^'^ and took a deep interest in all measures for the promotion of public educa- tion. In 1827, while he was chairman of the Committee on Education, a bill came before his committee to repeal the Act of 1825 which had created the Literary Fund "for the establishment of common schools." Morehead submitted the report of the committee, in which he said : Your committee believe that the passage of that act [to establish common schools] must have been greeted by every philanthropist and friend of civil liberty as the foundation on which was to rest the future happiness of our citizens and the perpetuity of our political institutions. * * * From the very nature of our civil institutions, the people must act; it is wisdom and policy to teach them to act from the lights of reason, and not from the blind impulse of deluded feeling. * * * Independent of any political influence that general education might have, your committee are of opinion that any State or sovereign, having the means at command, are morally criminal if they neglect to contribute to each citizen or subject that individual usefulness and happiness which arises from a well cultured understanding. * * * Your committee can not conceive a nobler idea than that of the genius of our coun- "In the Legislature of 1821 he voted with the minority for a resolution providing for the calling of a Constitutional Convention; for a bill "to provide an additional fund for internal improvements"; in 1826, for a bill to improve the navigation of the Cape Fear River below Wilmington, and for a sim- ilar bill in 1827; for the survey of a route for a railroad from New Bern through Raleigh, to the western counties. i^The Raleigh Standard called him an Abolitionist because as a Member of the Legislature he "drew a report against the proposition of Mr. Stedman, from Chatham, forbidding the instruction of slaves." Quoted in the Raleigh Register, January 3, 1840. I'He introduced a resolution to advance money from the Literary Fund to be used "in aiding Archi- bald D. Murphey, of Orange County, in ^^Titing and publishing the History of this State," to be repaid from the proceeds of a lottery authorized by the Legislature for the purpose. Bust of John M. Morehead 11 try, hovering over the tattered son of some miserable hovel, leading his in* fant but gigantic mind in the paths of useful knowledge, and pointing out to his noble ambition the open way by which talented merit may reach the highest honors and preferments of our government. The committee, accordingly, unanimously recommended the rejection of the bill to discontinue the Literary Fund.^^ The recommendation was accepted, the bill was lost, the Literary Fund was saved, and the foundation on which our common school system was afterwards built was preserved intact. In the Convention of 1835, in which he represented Guilford County, Morehead supported the amendments offered to the Constitution de- signed to democratize the State Government. Two of these amendments in particular have had a far reaching influence on our history. One of them placed representation in the House of Commons on a basis of Federal population; the other took away from the Legislature the elec- tion of the Governor and gave it to the people. To this latter change we may trace the origin of two of the most important political institu- tions of our own day, — the party State Convention and the preelection canvass of the State by the nominees for State offices. The first party State Convention ever held in N^orth Carolina was the Whig Convention which met in Raleigh, ^N'ovember 12, 1839, and nominated John M. Morehead for Governor.i^ Reading the contem- porary newspaper reports of this Convention shortly after attending the last State Convention held in this city in June of the present year, one is greatly impressed with the marked contrast in the two bodies. They were typical of the political conditions of the two eras in which they were held. The latter with its more than one thousand cheering, shouting, declaiming delegates, uncontrolled and uncontrollable, was truly representative of the aggressive direct democracy of the twentieth century. The former with its ninety-one sober, orderly, deliberative gentlemen of the old school, thoroughly responsive to the mallet of their chairman, was just as truly representative of the staid, self-restrained, representative democracy of the early nineteenth century. "Coon. Charles L.: Public Education in North Carolina, 1790-1840; Vol. T, pa»e 376. i^Ex-Gov. John Owen, delegate from Bladen, presided. A General Committee of Thirteen, one from each Congressional District, was appointed "to take into consideration the purposes for which the Convention bad assembled" and to report thereon. November 13th, this committee reported, among other resolutions, the following: "Resolved, That having been inspired with a deep and lively sense of the eminent practical vigor, sound Republican principles, unblemished public and private virtues, ardent patriotism and decided abilities of John M. Morehead, of the County of Guilford, we do accordingly recommend him to our fellow citizens as a fit successor to our present enlightened Chief Magistrate, Governor Dudley."— Adopted unanimously. The platform of the Convention favored: (1) Economy in government; (2) Reform in the revenue system; (3) Reduction in the num- ber of government employees; (4) Selection of government employees "without discrimination of par- ties"; (5) An Amendment to the Federal Constitution to abolish the Electoral College; (6) One term of four years for the President; (7) A National Bank; (H) A division of the proceeds of public lands among the States on a basis of Federal population; (9) Public education; (10) Strict Construction of the Constitution. It opposed; (1) Jackson's Spoil System; (2) Appointment of Members of Congress to Federal offices during their terms in Congress; (3) flaking judicial appointments for partisan rea- sons; (4) Interference of Federal Officers in elections; (5) Protective tariff; (6) The Federal Government's making internal improvements "except such as may be stampt with a national character"; (7) The Sub-Treasury scheme; (8) Federal interference with slavery. 12 Ceremonies in Connection with Presentation of Morehead's election as Governor followed a campaign that is memorable in the history of ISTorth Carolina as the first in which candidates for public office ever made a canvass of the State.^^ But in other respects also his election and inauguration as Chief Execu- tive marks a turning point in our history. He was the first Governor to sit in this Capitol, in itself typical of the new era then dawning upon the State ;i'^ and, what is more important still, he was the first of our Governors to discard the old laissez faire policy which his predecessors had followed since the Revolution, and to come into office with a distinct program in view. This program he outlined in very general terms in his Inaugural Address before the Members of the General Assembly, in the course of which he said: I shall be happy to cooperate with you in bringing into active operation all the elements of greatness and usefulness with which our State is so abund- antly blessed. Other States have outstripped us in the career of improve- ments, and in the development of their natural resources, but North Carolina will stand a favorable comparison with most of her sister States in her natural advantages, — her great extent of fertile soil, her great variety of pro- duction, her exhaustless deposits of mineral wealth, her extraordinary water- power, inviting to manufactures, all, all combine to give her advantages that few other States possess. Whatever measures you may adopt to encourage agriculture and to induce the husbandman while he toils and sweats to hope that his labors will be duly rewarded; whatever measures you may adopt to facilitate commerce and to aid industry in all departments of life to reap its full rewards, will meet with my cordial approbation. * * * It is equally our duty, fellow citizens, to attend to our moral and intellectual cultivation. * * * It is to our common schools, in which every child can receive the rudiments of an education, that our attention should be mainly directed. Our system is yet in its infancy; it will require time and experience to give to it its greatest perfection. * * * i doubt not, in due time, the legisla- tive v/isdom of the State will perfect the system as far as human sagacity can do it. And no part of my official duty will be performed with more pleasure than that part which may aid in bringing about that happy result. is I'Morebead's opponent in 1840 was Romulus M. Saunders. The vote was, Morehead 44,434; Saun- ders, 35,903; Morehead's majority, 8,581. In 1842 Morehead's opponent was Louis D. Henry. The vote was, Morehead, 37,943; Henry, 34,411; Morehead's majority, 3,532. The falling off in Morehead's vote is attributable to the disorganization of the Whig party following the death of President Harri- son, and the defection of President Tyler. Morehead's first inauguration was January 1, 1S41; his second, December 31, 1842. "Referring to this fact in his Inaugural Address before the General Assembly he said: "You are the first legislative body that ever had the honor to assemble in its splendid halls. I am the first Executive who ever had the honor to be installed within its durable walls. It will endure as a monument for ages to come of the munificence, the liberality and taste of the age in which we live. There is a moral effect produced by the erection of such an edifice as this,— it will serve in the chain of time to link the past with the future. And if ever that proud spirit that has ever characterized us, which has ever been ready to assert its rights and to avenge its -wTongs, which exhibited itself at the Regulation Battle of 1770 [1771], which burnt with more briUiance at the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence in 1775, and which boldly declared for independence in 1776,— if ever that proud spirit shall become craven in time to come, and shall not dare animate the bosom of a freeman, let it look upon this monument and remember the glorious institution under which its foundations were laid, and the noble people by whom it was reared, and then let it become a slave if it can. May it endure for ages to come— may it endure until time itself shall grow old; may a thousand years find these halls still occupied by freemen legislating for a free and happy people."— Raleigh Register, January isRaleigh Register, January 5, 1841. Bust of John M. Moeehead 13 But we should not expect a man of Governor Morehead's great prac- tical wisdom to content himself with general observations. To reduce these general observations into a concrete, practical system was the work of his first two years in the Governor's office, and when the Legis- lature of 1842 met he was ready with a message outlining a complete system of internal improvements.^^ His scheme embraced the further extension of the railroad lines already built in the State, the improve- ment of our rivers and harbors, the construction of extensive lines of turnpikes, and the linking of all three together in one general system of transportation. One of the ablest public documents in our history, this message, for its practical bearing on the problems of our own day, still repays a careful study. With reference to the great inland water- way now nearing completion, of which the connection between Pamlico Sound and Beaufort Harbor forms an important link, he said : Turning our attention to the eastern part of the State, two improvements said to be practicable, assume an importance that renders them national in their character. I allude to the opening of Roanoke Inlet and the connection of Pamlico Sound by a ship canal with Beaufort harbor. Frequent surveys of the first of these proposed improvements * * * establish the feasi- bility of this work. The advantages arising from this improvement to our commerce are too obvious to need pointing out. But the view to be taken of its vast importance is in the protection it will afford to our shipping and the lives of our seamen. The difficulty and dangers often encountered at Ocracoke Inlet render the connection between Pamlico Sound and Beaufort harbor of vast importance to the convenience and security of our commerce and shipping. It will be an extension of that inland navigation, so essential to us in time of war, and give access to one of the safest harbors on our coast, and one from which a vessel can be quicker at sea than from any other, perhaps, on the continent. In these improvements the commerce of the nation is interested; it becomes the duty of the nation to make them, if they be practicable and proper. I therefore recommend that you bring the attention of Congress to the subject in the manner most likely to effect the object. * * * We should assert a continual claim to our right to have this work effected by the general government. * * * You would be saved the trouble of this appeal if the nation could witness one of those storms so frequent on our coast— could witness the war of elements which rage around Hatteras and the dangers which dance about Ocracoke— could witness the noble daring of our pilots and the ineffectual but manly struggles of our seamen— could see our coast fringed with wrecks and our towns filled with the widows and orphans of our gallant tars. Justice and humanity would extort what we now ask in vain. isThis message is published in the Journals of the Legislature, Session of 1842-'43, pp, 405-422; also in the Public Documents of the same year. Doc. No. 1. 14 Ceremonies in Connection with Presentation of Of tlie conditions of transportation and travel in the central section of the State, he said: I would respectfully invite your attention to the public highways generally. * * * From Fayetteville, the highest point of good navigation, westward to the Buncombe Turnpike, a distance of some two hundred and fifty or three hundred miles, what navigable stream, railroad, turnpike, or macadamized highway gives to the laborer facilities of transportation? None! Literally none! This vast extent of territory, reaching from the Blue Ridge in the west to the alluvial region in the east, and extending across the whole State, it is believed, will compare with any spot upon the globe for the fertility of its soil, the variety of its productions, the salubrity of its climate, the beauty of its landscapes, the richness of its mines, the facilities for manufactures, and the intelligence and moral worth of its population. Can another such territory, combining all these advantages, be found upon the face of the whole earth, so wholly destitute of natural or artificial facilities for trans- portation? "What scheme, that is practicable," he asked, "will afford the de- sired facilities?" And in answer to this query he made two recom- mendations. The remedy for these evils is believed to be in good turnpikes. * * * I therefore recommend that a charter be granted to make a turnpike road from the city of Raleigh to some point westward selected with a view to its ultimate continuance to the extreme west. * * * Should this road be continued to Waynesboro [now Goldsboro], which might be done at com- paratively small expense, the farmer would have the choice of markets, of Wilmington by the railroad, or New Bern by the river Neuse. Further he recommended : That a charter be granted to make a turnpike from Fayetteville to the Yadkin River at some point above the Narrows, or, if deemed more expedient, to some point on a similar road leading from Raleigh westward, thus giving the west the advantages of both markets. * * * Should this road ever reach the Yadkin, no doubt is entertained of its continuance across the Catawba westward — thus giving to this road the advantages which will arise from the navigation of these two noble rivers. , JSTearly seventy years were to pass before the State was ready for the execution of these plans, and it was left for the engineers of 1912 to realize what the statesman of 1842 had dreamed. A vaster work was waiting the constructive genius of Morehead. Turning his eyes farther westward. Governor Morehead foresaw the future development of the mountainous section of J^orth Carolina. To make this region more interesting, he declared, we have only to make it more accessible,* and continuing, he said : The sublimity and beauty of its mountain scenery, the purity of its waters, the buoyancy and salubrity of its atmosphere, the fertility of its valleys, the Bust of John M. Morehead 15 verdure of its mountains, and, above all, its energetic, intelligent and hospitable inhabitants, make it an inviting portion of the State. * * * When good roads shall be established in that region, it is believed the population will increase with rapidity, agriculture improve, grazing will be extended, and manufactures and the mechanic arts will flourish in a location combining so many advantages and inviting their growth. The improved highways will be additional inducements to the citizens of other sections of our State to abandon their usual northern tours, or visits to the Virginia watering places, for a tour much more interesting among our own mountains, much cheaper, and much more beautiful — a tour in which they will inspire health in every breath and drink in health at every draught. Governor Morehead did not expect, indeed lie did not desire that the General Assembly should proceed to put all o£ his recommendations into immediate effect. He realized only too well that such a procedure would require enormous outlays far beyond the resources of the State, and he never forgot that debts contracted today must be paid tomorrow. Sufficient warning of the effects of such a course was not lacking. Many of the Southern and Western States embarking in wild and extrav- agant schemes of internal improvements had made such vast expendi- tures that their treasuries had become bankrupt and their people op- pressed with obligations which they could not meet; and to extricate themselves they had resorted to the very simple but very effective means of repudiation. If Governor Morehead loved progress much, he detest- ed repudiation more; and the most vigorous passage in his message is that in which he warns the Legislature against such a course. Said he: I would recommend that whatever schemes of expenditure you may embark in, you keep within the means at the command of the State; otherwise the people must be taxed more heavily or the State must contract a loan. The pressure of the times forbids the former— the tarnished honor of some of the States should make us, for the present, decline the latter. The mania for State banking and the mad career of internal improvements, which seized a number of the States, have involved them in an indebtedness very oppressive, but not hopeless. American credit and character requires that this stain of violated faith should be obliterated by our honest acknowledgment of the debt, and a still more honest effort to pay it. I therefore recommend the passage of resolutions expressive of the strong interest which this State feels in the full redemption of every pledge of public faith, and of its utter detesta- tion of the abominable doctrine of Repudiation. That State which honestly owes a debt and has or can command the means of payment, and refuses to pay because it can not be compelled to do so, has already bartered Public Honor, and only waits an increase of price to barter Public Liberty. Thi; recommendation will come with peculiar force from you. North Carolina has been jeered for sluggishness and indolence, because she has chosen to guard her treasury and protect her honor by avoiding debt and promptly meeting her engagements. She has yielded to others the glory of their 16 Ceremonies in Connection with Presentation of magnificent expenditures and will yield to them all that glory which will arise from a repudiation of their contracts. In the language of one of her noblest sons, "It is better for her to sleep on in indolence and innocence than to wake up in infamy and treason." ^ The scliemes outlined in Moreliead's message of 1842 were laid before a Legislature controlled by the Democratic party, and tbe policy of that party was hostile to internal improvements. Morehead accordingly was forced to wait uj)on events for the consummation of his great schemes. In outlining these schemes he had given evidences of his extraordinary- power of vision; the next few years were to bring him an opportunity to demonstrate his ability to transform his dreams into actual realities. This opportunity, for which he had so long waited, came with the pas- sage by the Legislature of 1849 of the act to charter "The North Caro- lina Railroad Company."^ The history of this measure — the long and bitter contest between the East and the West over the proposed railroad from Charlotte to Danville, the statesmanlike compromise of its advo- cates in accepting the road from Charlotte to Goldsboro, the prolonged struggle and ultimate victory in the House of Commons, the dramatic scene in the Senate wherein Calvin Graves immolated his own personal ambition on the altar of public duty, — all this has been described so often that it is not necessary to repeat the story here. The act authorized the organization of a corporation with stock of $3,000,000, of which the State was to take $2,000,000 when private individuals had subscribed $1,000,000 and actually paid in $500,000. North Carolina had long stood at the turn of the road hesitatingly. By the passage of this act she finally made her decision. The enthusiam of Governor Morehead, who was not usually given to picturesque language, was too great for plain speech. "The passage of the act," he declared, "under which this company is organized was the dawning of hope to North Carolina; the securing its charter was the rising sun of that hope; the completion of the road will be the meridian glory of that hope, pregnant with the results that none living can divine."20 For the next five years, during which the private subscription of $1,- 000,000 was secured, the charter obtained, the company organized, the route surveyed, and the road constructed, the dominant figure in its his- tory is the figure of John M. Morehead. In this period he performed his greatest service to the State and enrolled his name permanently among the builders of the Commonwealth. The experience of North Carolina in railroad building up to that time had not been encouraging. Both the Wilmington and Weldon and the Raleigh and Gaston railroads ^OReport of the Directors of the North Carolina Railroad Company: Legislative Documents 1850-'51. Executive Document No. 9. Bust of John M. Morehead 17 were bankrupt for tlie want of patronage. In tlie face of this fact, it was no slight achievement to raise a million dollars in North Carolina for another similar enterprise. Yet this is the task to which Governor Morehead now set himself. On June 15, 1849, he presided over a great Internal Improvements Convention at Salisbury at which measures, largely suggested by himself, were adopted for securing the stock.^i Placed by this convention at the head of an executive committee to carry out these measures, he pushed them with a vigor, determination, and wis- dom that aroused the enthusiasm of the whole State and inspired confi- dence in the enterprise. Speaking of his work at a convention held in Greensboro, ^N'ovember 30, 1849, in the interest of the road, the Greens- boro Patriot declared that "the determined spirit of this distinguished gentleman touched every heart in that assembly and awoke a feeling of enthusiasm and anxiety, deep, startling, and fervent as we have ever witncssed."22 On March 6, 1850, Morehead was able to announce to a convention at Hillsboro that only $100,000 remained to be taken to com- plete the private subscription, and then announced his willingness to be one of the ten men to take the balance. ISTine others promptly came forward, subscribed their proportionate part, and thus ensured the building of the road.23 "It is worthy of remark," declared Major Walter Gwyn, the eminent engineer whose skill ccntribut-ed so much to the construction of the road, "that the whole amount was subscribed by individuals, without the aid of corporations, the largest subscription 2iThis convention was attended by two hundred and twenty-five delegates from twenty-one coun- ties and Norfolk, Virginia. Among those present were, ex-Gov. D. L. Swain, ex-Gov. W. A. Graham, ex-Gov. John M. Morehead, John W. Ellis, afterwards Governor, John A. Gilmer, Rufus Barringer, Victor Barringer, James W. Osborne, Calvin H. Wiley, Hamilton C. Jones. IMorehead was unani- mously elected president. The correspondent of the Raleigh Register wrote that the meetings of this convention "had been looked to for some time past with the most intense interest, by the friends of the Central Railroad, as determining, to a considerable extent, the probable success or failure of that enterprise." He declared that "the Convention in every respect— the numbers, intelligence and re- spectability of its m.embers, its zeal and its harmony of action— was all that even the most sanguine would have desired * * * The address of the President was, in all respects, worthy the importance of the occasion and the high reputation of the man." A Committee of Thirteen was ap- pointed "to consider of and report upon the measures to be acted on by the Convention." This com- mittee recommended a plan, which the Convention adopted, for securing stock subscriptions and the appointment of an Executive Committee of three to carry it into effect. Morehead was made Chair- man of this Executive Committee. The other members were George W. Mordecai and Dr. W. R. Holt— The Raleigh Register, June 23, 1849. Similar Conventions were held at Greensboro, November 29, 1849; Raleigh, December 15, 1849; Goldsboro, in January, 1850; and Hillsboro, March, 1850. At the Greensboro Convention Governor Morehead "passed a high eulogism upon Calvin Graves, of Caswell, who had given the casting vote by which this charter of the N. C. Railroad Company had been passed," and then nominated him for president. Morehead was appointed chairman of the commit- tee on subscriptions. He reported subscriptions of S190,800. John A. Gilmer suggested that one hun- dred men come forward to take the balance in equal parts. Morehead headed the list, but the requisite number was not secured. After several addresses had been delivered, Morehead rose and said that as the speaking seemed to be over, he reckoned we had as well get to work now, and take the remainder of the stock." As only fifty-one men had taken up Mr. Gilmer's suggestion, Morehead agreed to double his subscription, if the others would. The proposition, however, was not accepted.— Raleigh Star, December 5, 1849. On December 15, Morehead addressed the Convention at Raleigh at which about $40,000 of stock was subscribed. He was also at the Goldsboro Convention. At the Hillsboro Con- vention the sulDScription was completed, and a meeting of the stockholders called to be held at Sahs- bury. to organize the company. 22Quoted in the Raleigh S