Vol. I. ] *""*^ e^^rnrsVeer**- ^^^^ } NEW S ORK I single Civf, 1" r»nt» i X-,> | . I $S Per Sear. ) J^ " > l"*' - TONY/TIBBrrS; THE "CrnNrionNr /xDi^LXjnvtnvLEiP^ :^o^5r. By major/ WALTER WILMOT. The Boy, Oruni and aUi were jerked npward, and placed beside tbe driver. TXIEI TONY TIBBITS; xjiiNrionNr iDi=^xj:]VEivd:Bi=\. :^c:>^^. A Tale of Gettysburg and the T-nrelfth Army Corps. By MAJOR WALTER WILMOT. 'lor of " Dashing Ddany ;" Jack, the Hero of Ftilo Alto;" " The Fightmg Brigade ^ Deep," etc., etc. CHAPTER I. THE WAB CORRESPONDENT AND HIS PRISONER. It was the night after the first day's fight at Gettysburg. General Hancock had already joined the troops on Cemetery Hill, having been sent by General Meade, on learning the death of Reynolds, to assume the command of the field till he himself could reach the front. In conjunction with General How- ard, General Hajncock had immedi- ately proceeded «o post troojU and epel an attack on the right flank. The attack, however, had been but feebly made, and so was promptly repulsed. At nightfall the little army on the hill that had so gallantly sustained itself through the toil and peril of the day was cheered by the arrival of General Slocum, with the Twelfth Corps, and General Sickles, with a part of the Third. With Slocum there had come a young man of good build, a resolute ^Jook, and, withal, a military air. He ' was mounted upon a magni ftcent horse, wore heavy riding boots, a military cloak and slouch hat ; and yet this beligerant-looking young maji was not, in a strict military sense, connected with the army. Who and what he was we shall soon discover. In a marvelously short time he had possessed himself of the situation — kne V all that had transpired from early dawn when Reynolds pushed forward to Gettysburg, and found iByfort with his cavalry engaging the enemy, till dewy eve, wheu the attack on the right flank had been re)>nlsed. Having learned all it was possible to lind out, he. once more mounted his horse and galloped away into the darkness, muttering to himself as he sped over the ground: " Now how to get the news to New York before any of the other fellows, that's the question. Wires cut for miles in every direction, so they say, and of course it's true— leave Stuart and his cavalry alone for that. All the instruments destroyed too. Hum! that's worse ; might manage somehow about the wires, but, deuce take iti I can't make a new instrument nor procure one either at a moment's no- tice. But pshaw! some operator has had sense and wit enough to conceal his instrument, and if there's one to be found within ^u radius of twentv miles, I'll h4\e Vy Walloo! what's that place ahiiad? I'm sure I see a light." I " Yes, a farm house. Hope the rebs ain't in possession there; but of course they're not; this side at least is held by the blue coats. I must stop and see what I can find out. I may have struck the very spot I'm in search of." The gate had been torn from its hinges, so without dismounting he rode into the front yard, and having reached the door, gave a sounding knock with the handle of his heavy riding whip. The alarm seemed to cause a gen- eral disturbance within, for he could hear the sound of hurrying footsteps and excited voices ; but after another and more impatient knock, a white- robed form appeared at the window just over his head. It was a woman's form, and a wo- man's voice that demanded, in a somewhat excited and querrulous tone, what in the world he wanted now? "My dear madam," answered the horseman, in a polite and persuasive toqe, " pardon my unseasonable visit, I beg; but the fact is, I am most anx- ious to procure a guide to the nearest town or railway station that the reb- els have not visited, and where there's likely to be a telegraph ofiice. " "Tliere ain't no sich town in these parts, stranger— they've been every, where." "You're sure?" "Sartin sure." * " Well, then, I must have a guide to put me in the way of finding a town or station not in these parts, if they've been everywhere about here." "There ain't nobody in this 'ere house to show you the way, mister," Then looking back into the room: " What ? what d'ye say ?" A man's voice murmured a ques- tion, which, once more looking out, she repeated : "I say, mister, who be you, any way?" "I'm connected with the press, and 7nust get a disjiatch through to New York to night — do you understand?" "The press! What kind of a press is it now?" " The newspaper press, madain,the newspaper press. " "Oh!" and again she turned back, and there was a scarcely audible murmur, to which she answered, "HeyP" and then, on its being re- peated, called out to the stranger: "I say, you ain't no rebel, be you?" " No— no, of course not, I tell you I'm a newspaper correspondent, and connected with the army of the Po- tomac." "Will you pay for a guide?" "Yes, yes, let me in, and we can easily settle that business." "Better let him in, Nancy," now in- terrupted the unseen man, in quite a distinct tone of voice ; " reckon he's all right any way," and so a minute or two later, the door was opened, and the war correspondent -sprang from his horse and hurried into the house. Behind the woman who had open- ed -the door stood a great burly man, in his shirt sleeves, who at once hinted to the correspondent that, for good pay, he was ready to put him THE ARMY AlfD NAVY LIBEARY. bearded old soldier suddenly thrust a drum into his hands, with the hur- ried words: " Here, bub, this is more in your line than mine, just give it particular fits, its bettr music to the boys' ears than dying greans; and I say, don't stand there as if you were a- going to take root, but just drive on for the other side of the hill. By Jove ! I'd take you for a raw re- crnit if your uniform didn't tell a better tale." Tony, from very fear began beat- ing the drum with might and main, and if he didn't succeed in get- ting much music out of it, he made noise enough, and that seemed to be the most essential point just then. At the same time he hurried for- ward, as he had been ordered to do, and for- a while kept pretty well up with the men with whom he had passed a portion of the night, and some of whose faces he recognized. But soon he became confused by all that was i)assing around him, the heavy tramp of armed men, the neigh of the war horse, the harsh rattle of the wheels of artillery hur- rying to their stations, the voice of the bugle, the roll of the drum, and all the indescribable tumult of preparaiiou. From the point where he now found himself, he saw the various corps of the army as they arrived and were moved to their positions on Cemetery Hill and the ridge that extended southeast and southwest; and as if by magic, he saw batteries planted and breastworks thrown up. Faster and faster the troops assem- bled, and by seven o'clock the second and fifth cori^s with the rest of the third had reached the ground, and now the skiimishing began, but as yet no severe conflict took place. Tony continued to gaze upon all that was passing around him as if fascinated, and presently forgot even to beat his drum. "Out o'ther way there, bub !" and a span of spirited horses, attached to a caisson swept madly by. But when the team was gone, Tony was no longer standing where it had found him— a hand had reach- ed down from the wagon, and the next instant the boy, drum and all, were jerked upward, and placed be- side the driver. Tony regarded the powerful man with a look of astonishment. " There's no use in gettin' killed when you won't be even so much as thanked for it," said the driver, " time enough for that when you can't help yourself." " What, was I likely to get killed where I was standing?" asked Tony. " Well, I reckon," was the reply, then regarding the boy curiously; " What regiment and corps do you belong to ?" " What did you say, sir ?" " I asked what was your com- mand ?" "1 — 1 don't know," stammered poor Tony. "Well, here's a pretty go," mut- tered the driver, as he brought his horses to a stand, " a bright look- ing boy enough, and yet don't know his own regiment. Jump down, bub.'' •Tony quickly descended to the ground. The driver's attention was now directed another way— an oflicer was ordering him to move the caisson further to the right, thus the boy was left once more to himself— alone in a great crowd, bent on death and destruction. Strange to say, not a thought of getting away from that pandemo- nium of a place, even entered his head. In a passive sort of sense he began to consider himself as belong- ing there — as a x)art of the tremen- dous panorama that was continually unfolding itself before the eye. The great body of the rebels were posted on the opposite ridge, north of the town, distant from a mile to a mile and a half, and overtopping the Federal army on each wing. The roads on which the enemy would desire to march across the valley were commanded by Meade's guns; and hence General Lee must fight with the hills against him. There was no conceivable approach that could not be raked and crossed by the fire of the Federal cannon. The reserve, artillery, and all the essentials to insui'e victory were in position, and at tfi'e right time. The immense clavalry force, too, for once, at least, was present, covering both flanks of the army, and ready for constantly harassing the enemy. The latter, we may here say, was a new and encouraging circumstance which gave confidence to the men, while it aftbrded security to the teams. The southern ends of the two di- verging ridges or lines of hills on which the Federal army was drawn up terminated, each, in a steep, sugar-loaf peak, which thoroughly protected the Hanks. To attempt to march along the sides of these ridges and around these terminal i>eaiis, would have exposed the rebels to the danger of weakening their front so greatly, as to make it easy for General Meade to cut oft' the flanking force. Hence, a battle being de- termined on, there was no alternative but to attack the Federal position directly in front. For once, then, in the history of the Army of the Potomac, the enemy in accepting the guage of combat was compelled to fight at a disadvantage. Tony could neither see nor under- stand all this, but he did see, and he could interpret the exultant looks which animated the countenances of all about him. And a thrill of ex- citement agitated his own breast, and he longed to take some other part in the great drama about to open, than that of a mere spectator. CHAPTER IV. TONY BECOMES A SOLDIER ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE. Skirmishing continued, and now and then the roar of a great gun broke on the air; but the real con- flict seemed as far off as ever. Regiment after regiment was still pressing foward around the hill, in a ceaseless stream, and all at once Tony was caught up by the hurrying mass and earned onward with it toward a park of artillery, which crowned a neighboring eminence. Suddenly, he heard a hail, the next ., instant he was jerked to one side, 1 and on turning round, saw the gray- \ bearded, kindly face of the old sol- dier who had given him the drum a little while before, looking down up- on liim. j-s "So, my lad, here you art, -^Sf' Didn't know what had become of you. Lost your command in the ex- citement this morning, I fancy." "Hain't got any command to lose," said Tony desperately, "and that's just what I wish I had." "What's that he says?" asked a good natured, pleasant looking Irish- man, coming toward them, "hain't got any command ? Shure, thin, haa your whole regiment been wiped out entirely?" "I never had any regiment," said Tony. "Never had a regiment ! Phat did ye have thin ? — a;battalion, a com- (>aiiy, or jihat ?" ' "I didn't have any thing at all." "The deuce ye didn't ! then what are ye doin' in thim regimentals?" "Them what?" "Regimentals — uniform— clothes." "Oh, the man who sent me here had me put them on. Some fellows who called themselves soldiers forced their way into our house Jast night after I had gone to bed, 'and along with a great many other things, car- ried ofl' all my clothing, so, when this man wanted to send me with a letter to the general, he told me tQ put on these." "^' "And to whom did these belong to, my boy?" asked the old soldier thoughtfully. This may prove to be a serious matter for you, or for some- body. " "Oh, divil a serious matter at all will it be for ye, me boy," exclaimed Tim, quickly; "we'll see to all that; but who did they belong to, jist ther same?"' " A wounded drummer boy who was brought to our house early in the evening." ) "This case ought to be reported tS the officers at once," said the old soldier. " To the deuce wid the oflBcers ! Corporal Snowden, shure, 'tis yerself that knows they've got something of more importance than this b'y to think av jist now." "You're right there, Tim, so they . THE ARMY AND NAYT LIBEAET. have. Still, we ought not to lose sight of the lad." "Av course not. We'll keep him will our comijany. Shure, 'tis an il- igant soldier I'll make av him, if he's only put in me charge. " "Yes," said the corporal, "we'll keep him with iis; come on, boy," and as they hurried him along: "By- the-way, what's your name?" "Tonv." "Tony what?" " Tibbits, sir, Tony Tibbits." "Tony Tibbits!" exclaimed the Irishman; "shure, thin, it's an ili- gant name, almost as foine as me own, and that's Tim Oooney, all the worruld over. " " And if the world don't know it, it won't be your fault, Tim," laughed the corporal. "Yer niver said a thruer word in your loife, corporal." ^—By this time the trio had reached a somewhat secluded nook on the hillside, where a portion of a regi- ment had installed itself, and seemed, in a desultory sort of way, to be pre- paring breakfast. " How are you, corporal — halloo, Tim, me boy 1" called out at least a dozen voices, and then some one asked : " Where did you pick up the kid?" "Is that yerself, Billy Duffy?" said Tim; "thin jist Ink at him an' tell me is he an old soldier or not ?" "He's a plaguey young soldier, I should say," laughed Sergeant Small, who just tihen was preparing to swallow a cup >'i>f hot coffee. "Av course he's young," assented Tim, but that ain't phat I mean at all, for, d'ye see, Peter Small, he may be a young b'y and yet an old soldier. Phat de ye say, Billy Duffy ?" "He looks as though he'd seen service," said Billy, with a wise nod of the head. "An' you, Stephen Hui^hes ?" "He's got the right color on him," answered Stephen, critically. "I'd like to see how he handles the drumsticks before I give an opinion," said Phil McGiveney, " I've a boy of TBe own about his age, and if he can't knock Hail Columbia and Yankee Doodle out of a drum in less time and in better style than any other drum- mer in the army, why, I wouldn't say so, that's all." " Yes, yes," cried Tommy Glynn, and at least half a dozen others,"let's see how he can handle the sticks. Come, bub, just hammer away for us a little." "Give the sheepskin fits, me boy, " said Jimmy Keenan, with an encour- aging nod and a wink. ^ "I can pound hard enough, if that's all you want," said Tony, grasping the two sticks; "but as for making any music, I can't do it. I never had a drum or a pair of drumsticks in my hands before to-day in all my life.'' "What's that he says ?" demanded Joe O'Brien; "never had hold of a drum before? Then what in the world is he doing round here in that uniform, I'd like to know." "Yes," said Sergeant Small, turn- ing to Snowden, "where did you pick up the lad, corporal ? Let's know all about it. " "Listen to me, sergeant, darlint," exclaimed Tim Cooney, as he eagerly pressed his way forward; "it's well acquainted I am wid the lad, and 1 can tell ye his story as aisy as ther praste can say mass. Hear me now." "Hold up a moment,will you, Tim ? The only trouble with you is that you ain't a priest yourself; you were surely cut out for one." "It's right ye are, sergeant. Shure I have an iligant gift av the gab, an' would have made a foine praste in- tirely ; but, murther, phat would Mrs. Cooney and the gorsoons have done thin, I dunno?" "That's more than I can tell you. But come, let's hear what the cor- poral has to say." In a few words Corporal Snowden told all he knew about Tony and sat- isfactorily accounted for the manner in which he had come into possess- ion of the driun. Then, without in- vitation, Tim told a beautiful ro- mance about the young adventurer, and wound up by proposing that the company should formally adopt him, and that he should at once be in- stalled as their drummer. "The very thing!" exclaimed Steve Hughes, "for you know that our drummer is in the hospital, and is to receive hii> ili-'scbarge for disa- bility, if he hasn't "J^ot it alreiidy." "True enough," said Sergeant Small; "but then, as I understand it, the boy don't know any more about drumming than a mule about sacred music." "That don't make any difference," said Phil McGiveney, quickly; "he shall know all about it in less than a week; I'll teach him myself." "What, you, Phil?" "Of course; didn't I make a musi- cian of my own boy, and can't I do as well by another?" " That settles it," cried Duffy; "run the kid over to Professor Mc- Giveney at once. " "What's all this talk about ?" ask- ed a fine looking officer, of some twenty-six or seven years, as he now approached the group. Sergeant Small started to his feet, and with a military salute entered into an explanation. "Hum," said Captain Ellsworth, when he had finished. " I've Leard something about this boy before, I fancy." Then turning to Tony: " Did you enter our lines in the night with a note for the general ?" " Yes, sir. was the prompt reply. "Who sent you?" asked the Cap- tain. "A man who came to our house on horseback, sir." " Where is your house ?" " Down the creek apiece — Farmer Gripper's place, sir." " What hind of a looking man was it?" Tony, to the best of his ability, described the correspondent. "Ah! I think I know who he means," exclaimed Corjioral Snow- pen, suddenly. "Well?" said the Cairtain. "I'm pretty sure it was Byington of the New York Tribiine. I saw him start out in the early part of the night and he took that direction." "You must be right," said the Captain musingly, "he probably wanted help to repair the telegrapjti wires, and so sent to the general for it." "But about the boy, Captain dar- lint," put in Tim, with the greatest assurance in the world, " Shure we may kape him?" "I don't know about that," answer- ed the Captain, slowly. "If I un- derstand the matter rightly, he's le- gally bound to this farmer until he's twenty-one, and the master or guardian could come and demand him of us at any time." " No fear of his coming for the next two or three days, at least," said Tim, "an' after that he might have a hard job huntin' us up, I'm thinkin'." "And I fancy," said Corporal Snowden, "that Uncle Sam needs his services quite as much as this hard fisted farmer, and for that matter, is quite as much entitled to them." "There's much truth in that. Cor- poral," rejoined the captain, approv- ingly, then turning to Tony: "How is it, my boy, had you rath- er go back to the farm, or stay 'with us?" "Stay with you a hundred times over," was the earnest reply. "Think seriously, my boy, a sol- dier's life is full of hardships and dangers, then — " "It's a glorious life, sir," inter- rupted Tony eagerly, "and I should be fighting for my country." "Well said," murmured Corporal Snowden, with an approving nod. "But listen," urged the Captain, "even now you can hear the sounds that herald death to some one ; and look around you, at this very mo- ment, on every hand, you see thou- sands hurrying to their fate.'' "No matter," said Tony firmly, "it may as well be me as they. If I die, I shall die in a good cause; if I live, I shall be proud of the choice I make this day." "Enough, you shall be one of us, and if Farmer Gripper institutes a search for you, I fancy, from what.I know of these brave boys, that it will be no easy task to find you." "Arrah ! jist let him come," said Tim, "Sure, its a foine scare we'll give him." "By Jove ! I hope he will," chuck- led Duffy, rubbing his hands togeth- ei-. "Then that's settled," said the captain, and I leave the young re- THE AEMY AND NAVY LIBRARY. cruit for you to look after, boys. See that he doesn't sufler in your hands." "All right, captain," and as Ran- dal Ellsworth turned away, Sergeant Small called out, "Tony, my boy, I'll bet a Scotch shilling— and that's a big one — that you haven't had bite nor sup since yon woke this morning." "You're right, sir," answered Tony, casting a wistful glance at some hard-tack and a few other sol- diers' delicacies which were scatter- ed around. "Come and sit down beside me then and help yourself, lad." Tony obeyed with alacrity, and for the next few minutes was too busy to answer half the questions that were rained upon him by the boys. CHAPTER V. DESPEEATE FIGHTJNG TDM COONEY PEEDICTS GKEAT THINGS FOE TONY. HoUE after hour passed, and still Tony and his new friends remained out of harm's way in the sheltering nook. The inaction of the rebel army seemed providential. Had the con- test been renewed in earnest at day- light, with the first and eleventh corps exhausted by the battle and the subsequent retreat, the third and twelfth weary from their forced march, and the second, fifth and sixth not yet arrived, nothing but a miracle could have saved the army from destruction. Instead of this, as we have seen, the day dawned, the sun rose, the cool hours of morning passed, and the forenoon wore away, with no se- rious aggressive movement on the part of the enemy. Thus, time was given for the absent half of the Union army to arrive and take their place in the lines, while the rest of the troops enjoyed a much needed half day's rest. It was not until two o'clock in the afternoon that Sedgwick arrived with the sixth corps. He had march- ed thirty-two miles since nine o'clock in the morning of the day before. It was only on his arrival that the Federal army attained anything like an equality of numbers with that of the rebels pitted against it. At length, between three and four o'clock in the afternoon, the work of death began. The Federal batteries in front of the rebel line of fire re- plied vigorously; and for two hours the roar and thunder, and flame, and smoke of artillery so completely fill- ed the heavens that all else seemed forgotten. At length through the woods on the left black masses were seen mov- ing — larger, more frequent, and nearer ! Skirmishing in that part of the field became sharper. General Sickles moved forward to develop the enemy s intentions and to gain a commanding position from which to repel the rebel attack. Bigelow's Massachusett's battery ac- companied him. General Sickles' position was un- fortunately too far from the main line to be promptly or immediately supported by the second or Fifth corps. General Meade saw this and sought Sickles at once, and discussed with him the ijropriety of falling back to the line of his supports; but the enemy had perceived his exposed position, and were rushing forward to the attack in heavy force, about twenty-six thousand men being thrown at once upon this single corps. Very early in the engagement Gen- eral Sickles was severely wounded, and Major General Birney took com- mand oif the coi-ps, and retained it, tfiough himself wounded soon after. After a brave and determined re- sistance, the corps was forced back; and the enemy, flushed with success, pressed forward with all their might for the high ground between 'Round Top and Little Round Top. If they could reach and hold this they woiUd be able to command the Federal position on Cemetery Hill. The struggle was fierce and des- perate, and, for nearly four hours, victory seemed poised in the balance. Bigelow's battery, which had not previously been under fire, occupied an exposed positiini, and the rebels seemed determimid to take it. Major McGilvraj", who commanded the ar- tillery on the left, ordered Captain Bigelow to hold his position till he could get up two batteries on the ridge, and to give the rebels grave and canister. Captain Bigelow obeyed, and as the rebels came up to the very muz- zles of'his cannon to capture them, he blew them to pieces, and filled the air with the scattered fragments of their bodies. Still they rushed on with demoniac yells, climbing upon the limbers, and shooting the horses,but Bigelow held ouj though nearly all his horses were killed, five of his sergeants dead, and three of his cajanouers and twen- ty-two of his men wounded, and him- self shot through the side, till the booming of the guns from the ridge told that McGilvray had planted his batteries. He then brought off five of his limbers and two of his guns, dragging them in part by hand. The rebels rushed forward, seized the four jjieces with loud shouts, and came on for new triumphs, but McGil- vray' s batteries drove them back with terrible slaughter, and a fresh division coming up to reinforce the third corps, charged upon the rebels and recaptured the guns. It was at this moment that Larry O'Brien and Jim Pender, both of Captain Ellsworth's company,rushed in among their comrades, and with one breath exclaimed: "O," boys, the most elegant piece j of fighting you ever saw in your lives. Sickles' corps is in for it hot and heavy, and they want help the worst way. I wish the colonel would let us take a hand." "Arrah, now, Sergeant darlint," cried Tim Cooney, "just spake to the captain, af he axes it as a favor, shure, the colonel won't refuse." "I'll do it," said Sergeant Small, " but I fear its of no use. It's irreg- ular, you see." At that moment the ca]>tain and several other officers approached. The Sergeant at once made known the wishes of his comrades. Captain Ellsworth shook his head. "No use," he said, "the regiment, will have enough to do by-and-by, I'm thinking; still, if you wish it, I'll speak to the colonel." _^ "Then spake at onct, captain, dar- lint," said Tim, "for see, sure, he's comin' now." As the colonel came up, the cap- tain referred to him the singular re- quest of his men. "No use," exclaimed the colonel, promptly; " 'twouldn't do at all — can't think of it for a moment. Meade will see that Sickles' corjjs don't suf- fer." "Arrah now, colonel," began Tim, in a wheedling voice. "Well, I don't know," continued the colonel, with a grim smile; "if you're all so mighty anxious to get killed, if there were any other troops about here moving to the support of the Third Corps, why, you might join them without attracting atten- tion." . "See, colonel !" exclaimed Cor- poral Snowden, "two divisions of our corps and the Sixth there are just moving toward Little Round Top; we can easily join them." "Well, if Captain Ellsworth ap- proves, you may go." "Hurrah for the Colonel !" and with three ringing cheers, the brave boys fell into rank, and with Ells- worth at their head, hastened to join « the moving divisions. In addition to the Sixth Corps, and the two divisions of the Twelfth, Doubleday's division of the First Corps, the Second and part of the Fifth came to the assistance of the Third, and after nearly three hours of the hardest fightiny ui the war, succeeded in repulsing the enemy, who had at one time gained possess- ion of the summit of Little Round Top. From this point they were driven by Ellsworth's company and Craw- ford's division,who, cnmingup fresh, charged upon them with great fury, drove them down the rocky front of that hill, across the valley below, over the next hill and into the woods beyond, taking over three hundred prisoners. In this fearful charge it was that Tony Tibbits for the first time in his young life saw what real fighting THE AKMY AND XAVY LIBRARY \— ■was; then it was he learned to love and respect every man with whom his lot had been so suddenly and strangely cast. I j He saw Captain Randal Ellsworth cheer on his men, and noted that not for one single instant did he shrink from danger. He saw that the friend- ly sergeant and corporal were both great warriors, a host in themselves, and that the two O'Briens, Diifly, Phil McGiveney, Tim Cooney, Hughes, Glynn and all the others were in their native element when the fight was hottest aud blood was . flowing most freely. Then he forgot everything — every- thing but the light, and casting aside HIS drum, which a half dozen shots liad rendered useless, he picked up -a rifle, the use of which he well un- ^ijTstood, and went in with the rest in dead earnest. At this time the fighting was fear- ful in the extreme, and the Union troops were doing terrible work; but the rebel General Barksdale was seen to fall; then thoroughly disheart- ened and driven back with severe loss, the rebels made no further at- tempt on the Federal left wing. But now word was passed that the Twelfth Corps was in danger, and Captain Ellsworth with his company, which had suffered severely, has- tened to rejoin his regiment. It was time. The rebel commaiiding general was now determined t-> break through the right and gain the central one of the valley roads. The failure of his troops to turn the left, the snatching of the victory, as it were, from their very clutches, aud the hurling back of their broken columns, defeated and in confusion, made the case more desperate; and so the attack on Slocum was furious even to madness. But shortly after Ellsworth's men had joined their regiment the First and "Sixth Corps came ap to the sup- port of the Twelfth, aud sustained it in au unyielding combat. Until half past nine o'clock the battle raged with uumitigated fierce- ness, the lines moved to and fro, each in turn advancing and falling back. At this hour of the night the en- emy made his final charge on the left of the right wing held by General Geasy'S division. He was repulsed with terrible slaughter, and refused to renew the attack. At ten o'clock the battle ceased, and for a time peaceful quiet reigned . over the field of carnage. Ellsworth's men now had a little time to rest, and Corporal Snowden, placing his hand kindly on Tony's head, said : "You made no mistake, my brave boy, you were cut out for a soldier, if ever boy was yet. " "Thrue for ye, Corporal Snowden," exclaimed Tim Cooney, who was standing near; "I had me eye on him all through ther foight, an' I predict the b'y will prove an honor to me sagacity; shure there's not a doubt av it. " CHAPTER VI. THE GEEAT VICTORY AT GETTTS- BUKG. EwELL, operating against the ex- treme right of the Federals, which had been weakened by the withdraw- al 'of troops sent over to support the left, had succeeded in gaining a foot- hold within a portion of the Union lines near Spangler's Spring. This was the only advantage obtained by the rebels to compensate them for the terrible disasters of the day, and of this they were destined to be soon deprived. Duriug the night General Meade, determined to dislodge Ewell from his position, and as a matter of per- sonal honor assigned the task to General Slocum, who had previously held the same place. A division of the Sixth Corps was stationed on the right of the Twelfth, Slocum's, thus forming the extreme outpost of the right wing. The Fifth Corps was sent over as a reserve, and General Wadsworth's division of the First Corps took position to strength- en Howard's right where it joined Slocum's left. These were the preliminaries. The men well kView the fearful called to ^^erform, and nerved their hearts to the perilous task. The next morning at four o'clock, Slocum's line opened a terrific fire on Ewell's men. The enemy re- sponded in a furious charge— per- haps the most furious ever made on a field of battle. With fiendish yells and seeming contempt of death, during six full hours, they hurled their solid masses against the well-defended lines. Tlie Federal troops stood like a wall of fire, whose flaming tongues inwrapped in death whatever came near, whose foundations were as firm as if one with the primal rock on which they rested. Nothing during the war had equal- ed this six hours of carnage. In front of Geary's position were more rebel dead than the number of the entire list of casualities in the twelfth corps. They lay in bloody mounds, some pierced with a single bullet- wound, others torn and mangled in the most frightful manner. Before half-past ten o'clock, Slo- cum had repulsed and driven back the foe at every point, and reoccu- pied his original position. As they fell back, a battery on the Baltimore turnpike plowed through the ene- my's lines with shot and shell hurl- ed over the heads of the twelfth corps, and made terrible havoc in their ranks. Ellsworth's brave boys now had a breathing spell, for after the retreat of Ewell's troops to the west and northwest of the town of Gettysbtirg, the enemy remained quiet till one o'clock in the afternoon, when they opened fire with one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty guns on the centre and left, the posi- tion of General Hancock's corps, which from the want of natural de- fenses, was the weakest portion of the Federal lines. The Federal batteries, fully equal in number and caliber, replied promptly, and for the next two hours the earth fairly shook xinderthe feet of the two armies with the terrible concussion. The air seemed filled with iron missiles, and the forest trees on both sides were riven, torn and splintered, as if struck by lightening. At last the Federal troops ceased to reply, not from any disposition to yield, or from lack of ammunition, but •to compel the rebels to a further de- monstration. They were not slow in making it. Pickett's division, the elite of Long- street's corps, which had not yet been under fire in this battle, was advanced, and supported by three brigades from two divisions of Hill's corps. They moved steadily forward for nearly half a mile, intending evi- dently to carry the Federal lines by assault; when having arrived within short range , the artillery opened on them with grape, canister, and shell. They hesitated for a moment, then with tremendous yells rushed on till, when within a short distance of the lines, they were received with a most deadly and destructive fire of musketry. Under this they reeled and stag- gered, and a part rushing up to the Federal lines threw down their arms, and surrendered, while the remainder turned and fled. Two brigades of Doubleday's di- vision sprang foward, and each cap- tured more than eight hundred pris- oners, aud the other brigades took considerable numbers. Fifteen stands of colors were also taken by the the Federal troojjs. Over one third of the rebels en- gaged in this assault were left upon the field, and three thousand more were taken prisoners. One of their generals was killed, and four more weunded— two of them mortally. On the Federal side the loss had been much less, but Major General Hancock and Brigadier General Gib- bon were severely, and Generals Warren and Hunt slightly wounded. Of course this closed the battle in this part of the field, as there was no probability of rallying these broken and disheartened troops for another attack. But Longstreet had not relinquish- ed the hope of effecting a lodgment of his troops upon Round Top or Little Round Top. Hood's aud Mo- Laws' divisions of his corps, while THE AEMY AND NAVY LIBRAKT. the fight with the Federal center was progressing, assaulted these points with great vigor in front, and at the same time Longstreet sent an infantry force with two or three batteries, to a point nearly two miles southwest of Bound Top, with orders to press foward and turn the flank of the sixth corps, so as to fall upon the Federal rear and secure its trains of ammunition, which were packed be- hind Bound Top. They were, as they thought, mak- ing good progress in this movement, when they suddenly found them- selves confronted by two brigades of Kilpatrick's division of cavalry. A fierce engagement ensued, in which the rebel batteries were silenced, and the infantry driven back to their original position in front of Bound Top, and the Penn- sylvania Beserves charged upon them, capturing the battery, taking three hundred prisoners, and five thousand stand of arms. At the same time. General Gregg, with his division of cavalry, who had held a position on the extreme right, crossed the Baltimore and Bonaugh- town road, and successfully attacked Stuart's cavalry and Ewell's force on the left and rear. The great battle was over. Thwart- ed at every point, his eftbrts to pene- trate and destroy the Federal army all defeated, with nearly one third of his whole force either killed or pris- oners, his ammunition and supjjlies nearly exhausted, the rebel com- manding general sullenly drew back to his intreuchments, and ordered the gathering up of such of his wounded as could be most readily moved. The rebel troops which had hitherto occupied the town and the tract southeast of it, moved during the night to Seminary ridge. During the same night, the Fede- ral army, worn out with the stress of the terrible combat, bivouacked in its position; the men dropping in their places and sleeping. Before the sun rose on the morning of the fourth, Lee had decamped with his whole army toward the Potomac. Details of Federal soldiers were at once made to bury the dead. Along the Union lines and down the slope in front, especially in front of the point where Ellsworth's men had been sta- tioned, the ground was strewn with corpses, many of them already black- ened and swollen, some still in striking attitudes. Here a soldier had evident- ly been engaged in trying to save the life of a wounded comrade by binding a handkerchief about the shattered limb, but was shot, and, falling on his wounded companion, both had died together. Tony, who with Corporal Snowden had accompanied the detail from his regiment, beheld this and many other fearful spectacles, and as he gazed about him he could have recognized the truthfulness of the picture drawn by a certain ofiicer there. " I could im.agine," he said, "no- thing more terrible than the silent indications of agony that marked the features of the pale corpses which lay at every step. Though dead and rigid in e very muscle, they still writh- ed and seemed to turn to catch the passing breeze for a cooling breath. Staring eyes, gaping mouth, clinched hands, and strangly contracted limbs, seemingly drawn into the smallest compass as if by a mighty effort to rend asunder some irresistible bond which held them down to the torture of which they died. " One sat against a tree, and, with mouth and eyes wide open, looked up into the sky as if to catch a glimpse of its own fleeting spirit. Another clutched the branch of an overhang- ing tree, and hung half suspended, as if in death he had raised himself partly from the ground. Another had grasped his faithful musket, and the compression of his mouth told of a determination which would have been fatal to a foe had life ebbed a minute later. Another clung with both hands to a bayonet which was buried in the ground. Great numbers lay in heaps, just as the fire of the artillery mowed them down, mangled their forms into almost indistinguish- able mass." Tony Tibbits saw all this and more. No wonder then, taking into consid- eration all he had previously passed through on Ilia, bloody field, since leaving the farmer s house, that, at one bound, so to speak, he became transformed from a diffident country boy to a brave and thorough soldier. GHAPTEE VII. GILES GRIPPEE GETS INTO HOT WATEE. For two days after the battle the greater part of the Federal army re- mained on the field of Gettysburg, and the Twentieth Connecticut Vol- unteers, the regiment of which Ean- dal Ellsworth's company formed a part, occupied a position near the spot where Tony Tibbits had first found it. The boy had quickly won his way to the heart of every member of the company, they would gladly have made a pet of him had he not resent- ed the idea and shown them conclu- sively that he wanted to be treated as a man, and do a man's whole duty. This manly bearing of the brave young drummer boy only increased the love and respect his comrades felt for him, and so, by the time the great battle was fairly fought and won, they were ready to do anything in the world for him. It was the second day after the battle, all the work assigned to the Twentieth had been performed and Ellsworth's boys, in common with the rest of the regiment, were " tak- ing things easy." Tony, Joe O'Brien, Jim Keegan, and one or two others, were lying in the shade of a clump of trees, at the rear of the camp, and at some distance from the rest. Suddenly, on looking up, Tony saw two persons advancing to their quar- ters, one from his neat uniform it was easy to see was the orderly of some general, the other wore plain clothes of a country farmer. As the boy caught sight of the latter's face he uttered an exclama- tion of alarm. His comrades turned quickly and asked to know what was the mat- ter. " Gripper," gasped Tony, "he come to take me away. " " Where is the griper ? " demanded Jim Keegan savagely. *' Just let I me get a-hold of him, and I'll show ' him what a griper is." ^^ " Don't talk so loud, Jim," whi^-*} ered Tony, " he'll hear you and then ' it will be all day with me— sure." ^ " Pshaw! " laughed Jimmy, " don't • bother your liead about him, the boys • iiever'U let him get away with you in \ the world." J " I don't know about that," mut- ? tered Tony, with a sorrowful shake * of the head, " I'm worth a good deal to him and he won't go away without ! me if he can possibly help himself." ' "Ah! but that's just it — he can't help himself." " Hark! " exclaimed Joe, " there's Snowden, Lairy, and Tim Cooney, the farmer and orderly are going to speak to them. Let's hear what they've got to say," and cautiously bending forward, they all listened. "Corporal, here's a man who wants to see your captain — Ellsworth I be- lieve," said the orderly. "He has particular business with him." "Ah!" responded Snowden, who at once suspected the farmer's identity, "very sorry that Captain Ellsworth is not about — off on si>ecial service, you know." "Well, I suppose one of lieuten- ; ants would do as well " the orderly. "That's bad again, our first lieuten- ant was seriously wounded in the , late battle and is now in hospital, I the second lieutenant is busy making out a report and as he don't like the business, and has got the temper of a fiend, it would be about as much .' as any man's life is worth to disturb ; him." I "Oh Lord! don't disttirb him on ' any account then," exclaimed the farmer hastily. "Hum," said the orderly, "at least you must have some officer about who cau give the man the informal.,, tion he seek. Of course its no busi- ! ness of mine, but you see, I was sent , by General Slocum, and I dare say ^ he'll want me to make some kind of ' a report. Where's your first Ser- geant—Thompson, Brown, or what- ever his name is?" "It happens to be Small — Pete Small, since the charge we made on Little Bound Top, when the rebels I- si THE AEMY AND NAVY LIBEAEY. held possession of the summit there. " i "Ah! your orderly was killed then'" "Yes, and Sergeant Small was pro- I moted to be orderly Sergeant, and I was advanced a peg or two myself. I Peter's first sergeant, and I'm first corporal now." "Well, can we set Small?" "Why— yes, I think so." Then turning to Tim Cooney with a sly wink, "Tim, old boy, go fetch the ser- geant. — But wait a moment; who shall I say wants to see him?" "Giles Gripper," answered the farmer, "and you may as well say that I've come about a boy, who, I ^yiderstand, has enlisted in this com- j^Miiy — the little scamp want's to rob me of his time — the rascally villain." "Oh, the dhirty spalpeen!" ex- claimed Tim, "Phat's the name ov him?" "Tony Tibbets," answered the far- mer, "and he's no more fit to go to war than I am — no! I don't mean that — than my old woman is." "Well, sor, I'll call the sergeant — and a few more besides, I'm thinkin' " muttered Tim, sotto voce, as he moved away. "Have you such a boy in yonr company as he describes, corporal?" asked the orderly. "Let me see," mused Snowden, "Tibbits— Tony Tibbits. About how old should you say, sir?" "Wal, may be fourteen," said the farmer, "p'r'aps a leetle more." "Hum! I fancy there was a boy of that description who came into our quarters during the night, after the first day's fight." 1 "Ah! and he's with you now?" said the orderly quickly. I "It may be so." "Then, Mr. Gripper," continued the orderly, turning to the farmer, "I don't see as I can be of any fur- ±her use to you, and so, as I've much to look after, at headquarters, I'll bid you good day. Good day, cor- poral, good day, comrades," and he was gone. "Nice likely fellow, that," said the farmer approvingly; "reckon he'll be a general some day, sure." "Very likely," replied Snowden dryly, "that's the kind of timber the government makes geneials out of," and he cast a furtive glance in the direction Tim had taken. But Tim did not seem to be in any hurry to return, neither did Sergeant Small show up." Farmer Gripper began to grow im- patient. "What in thunder's the matter with all you sojers?" he growled, "a pesky lazy lot seems ter me." "Don't get impatient, sir," srtid Corporal Snowden jneaiiiii.<;l\ , "l>er- haps the sergeant will get hci »■ quite as soon as you'll care to see him, after all." "What's that you say?" The corporal drew nearer, and gazed earnestly into his face. "The more I look at you," he said gravely," the better I am satisfied that I've heard of you before." "What d'ye mean, sir?" asked Gripper with a bewildered and star- tled look. "O, nothing— that is, you'll learn fast enough when the sergeant "Good Lord ! what mess have I got into now?" groaned the unhap- py farmer. The corporal with an impenetra- ble look, shook his head. "Why the deuce don't yer speak ?" snapped Gripper. Then brightening up a little, "But confound it all, I hain't done nothin', all I want's my boy, an' him I'm goin' ter have, I reckon if there's any law in the land." Snowden made no answer, and a minute or two later. Sergeant Small and quite a number of the boys came up. The sergeant had a slip of paper in his hand, which, after regarding the farmer attentively for a moment or 80, he referred to, "Ah ! you are Giles Gripper, a far- mer in this neighborhood?" he said sharply at last. "Yes, sir," faltered the poor farm- er, who didn't know what to make of what was going on. , "And you gained admission within our lines on the pretext that you wanted to find a boy, who, as I un- derstand it, you claim, was bound to you by the town authorities?" "Of course, that's it exactly." "Hum, a very ingenious storj', Mr. Gripper." "What, sir?" "A very ingenious story, I say. But, sir, let me tell you, we're up to all such dodges. And whatever you've done in other parts of the army, you can't fool us. We know you." "Good Lord ! What do you mean ?" "Mean ! What do you suppose we mean ? We understand your little game — that's all. The fact is, you've played it once too often." "Played it too often ? Played what too often?" "This lost boy business. We know what your real business is within our lines. " "Sir!" "How much did you expect to get from Lee for the information, you were going to send him to-day, eh ?" For a moment the poor farmer seemed completely dumbfounded. At length he managed to gasp out ! "Lee ! I never had anything to do with Lee in all my life. What're you drivin' at, any way ?" "Ofconi'sc yon ileiiy it, but weun- "(_>f (■(iiirsc, of (■(iiiisc," went up from tlie altciitivc crowd. "You umlerstaiid, do you ?" ex- claimed the farmer fiercely, "then what d'ye take me for, any way ?" "A spy! a spy!" shouted the boys. "Yes," added Snowden, "and the worst kind of a spy too ; for he would have betrayed us when we had just saved his home and fields from pil- lage, think of it !" CHAPTEE VIII. THE FAEMEE IS TRIED, AND SENTEN- CED TO BE BUUEIED AXIVE. "That's a dnmed lie any how," exclaimed the farmer angrily, "yer didn't save either ther house or fields from pillage, an' ther very wust thieves that carried ofl'my property war men, who claimed ter be Union soldiers." "Well," said the sergeant, "if any men have misconducted themselves about your place they were not Union soldiers, though they may have pretended to be such. But that's not to the point, the question now is, what punishment shall we in- flict on you — a miserable spy. " "It's a durned lie, I tell yer," cried the farmer, "I'm as good a Union as any o' yer, and love my country just as well. " "Ah, phat are ye givin' us, yer dirty divil ?" growled Tim. "If ye war that, ye'd be in the army, wear- in' a blue coat, an' wid a good mus- ket or rifle over your shoulder, so yer would. " "Everybody can't fight," retorted Gripper, "some must stay home, and raise stuff for you sojers ter eat." "Arroh, go ''way wid yer, there'd always be cowards enough for ther likes o' that." "Sergeant," said Larry O'Brien, suddenly and in a serious tone, "I'd just like to know what all this talk is about any way. This man is either a spy or he is not a spy. If the first, he ought to be hung at once, if the last, we ought to send him home to his old woman with the least possible delay." "That's the talk ! that's the talk !" went up from a dozen ai)proving voices. "Then I reckon yer'd better let me go right straight away," exclaimed the farmer eagerly. "Hold up ! Not so fast, my man," said the sergeant sternly. "Tim, are all the witnesses here?" "Yes, sir, ivery mother's sou av thim." "Then bring up the first." "Here he is, sor, John Faulkner, who, loike ther great Gineral Wash- ington himself, niver told a loi." "John," said the sergeant, in a magisterial tone, "do you know the prisoner at the bar? — Ahem ! I wish to goodness there was a bar here, — I say, do you know him ?" "i do, sir," responded Johnny promptly. THE ARMY AND NAVY LIBRARY. 11 "Where did you ever see him be- fore ?" "Down by the spring yonder, just before dark last evening. " "Ah 1 And what was he doing there?" "lie was whispering to a soldier." "He was ! Anything else ?" "I saw him offering the soldier money. " "Oho 1 trying to corrupt one of our noble^comrades. But of course the brave defender of our country rejected the filthy lucre with scorn, eh?" "Not much, sir; he pocketed the greenback so quick it fairly made me wink." "Ah ! I see, the prisoner is an old sinner. He knows how to corrupt the innocent." At this point the boys, with one accord, sent up a dismal groan— they saw no chance of being "corrupted" just then. "Is that all, John?" asked the sergeant. "Didn't you catch any words that passetl between the plot- ters?" "O yes, sir, I heard this man say, 'you must find a chance to smuggle me in some time to-night,' and the soldier said, 'that may be difficult,' then, after a moments thought, this one said something about bringing some one out to him." "I see, I see!" exclaimed the ser- geant; "there was another, probably an officer, concerned in the plot. Is that all?" "Yes, sir." "Step down — that is, stand to one side. Bring on the next witness, sheriff — I mean Tim. " "Here he is, sir, Billy Duffy." "Well, William, look upon the prisoner and tell me, did you ever see his face before?" "Think I have, yer honor," an- swered Billy, carelessly. "Ahl when and where?" "He was jumping bounties in Con- necticut, more than a year ago." "Ah-h-hi" exclaimed the ser- geant. "O-o-o!" groaned the boys, and a look of bewildered astonishment set- tled on the face of the farmer. "Are you quite sure of what you say?" asked the sergeant, seriously. "Oh, yes," answered Billy, "I re- member him well. I have good cause to— he picked my pocket of a heavy gold hunting-case watch over on Grapevine Point one day. " "He did?" "Yes, indeed, sir. You remember that watch, Jim Pender — the one I lent you the night you went courting the ilillhouse avenue girl?" "Oh, yes," said Jim, with an hon- est look, "I remember it very well." "Well, that's the watch he robbed me of, and I swore I'd be even with him some day, and now the time has come. " "Look-a-here," cried Gripper ner- vously, "what's all this nonsense you're a gettin' off ? I never was in that miserable little State of Con- necticut in all my life, and what's more, never expect te be there, either. " "You're more than half right, any- way, I suspect, old man," said Larry O'Brien, with a chuckle; "the fact is, you won't live to get so far as Connecticut. " "What's that you say?" "Silence in the court!" said Ser- geant Small, sternly. "Go on with your testimony, Mr. Duffy." "Am I to tell all I to tell all I know about the prisoner?" "Certainly, everything." "Well, sir, this man is not at all what he seems. " "What! how's that?" "He is acting a part when he claims to be. a farmer. He was act- ing a part when he was in Connecti- cut, more than a year ago." "Acting a part! who is he then?" "In pointof fact, he's a lieutenant- general in the Confederate army!" "Oh, what a lie!" groaned Grip- per. "And the bosom friend of General Lee," added Duffy. "That's another whopper; never saw Lee in all my life, I tell yer." "This is getting serious," said the sergeant, with a solemn shake of the head. "Are you sure of what you say, comrade?" "Certainly," was Billy's unblush- ing answer; "and it so happens I am able to fully account for his being here at this moment. " "We are listening." "Well, sir, it grew oiit of a serious conference between him and Lee. He saw that the South could never whip us in the regular way, and at length told Lee so. Then when the rebel commander-in-chief acknowledged that he was right, and asked him what he would advise, he said: " 'Let some officer with a pleasing person and good address disguise himself as a substantial Pennsylva- nia farmer, and make his way into the Union lines. Then let him pick out some boy and claim him as his or bound apprentice, and get away with him. When he's secured the first in this way, let him go back and secure another and another, usiug a different disguise each time, if he likes. In that way, don't you see, we can soon carry off' the whole Union army, and at no great risk of being shot, either, which is a consideration worthy of attention.' " "You are the worst liar I ever heard!" said the astonished farmer. "Sir!" said Billy, with dignity. "Go on, Mr. Duffy," commanded the sergeant, "and tell us what Gen- eral Lee said to the prisoner's sug- gestion." "He said, as he grasped the pris- oner's hand : ' my dear general, I like your idea very much ; but where in the world can we find just the right man — I mean with a pleasing person and good address? for in truth these things do count with the Yankees, there's no denying it." " And then our friend here straightened himself up and striking his manly bosom with his shapely right hand, said: " 'General Lee, I am not, I believe,, a vain man, but I know my merits, both of person and mind. If I am. handsome, 'tis as God made me, and as for my address, deign to remember that I have always associated with gentlemen. In short, I am just the man you want; I will undertake the important mission. One by one I will bring ofl' the whole Union army, 1 swear it!' " "Good heavens, what an awful plot!" exclaimed the sergeant, roll- ing his eyes upward in holy horror. "Terrible!" murmured Snowdon.^ and O'Brien. The rest of the boys indulged in another dismal groan. "You understand it all now," Duffy continued, "Lee gladly accepted his proposition and so you see how he happens to be among us. 1 tell you, sergeant and comrades, this thing strikes right home to us. After car- rying oft' the Lord only knoMS how many of our brave boys, he under- takes to deplete our own company!" "Ah! I see — I understand," ex- claimed the sergeant, "and of course he's communicating with Lee all the time, eh?" "O, of course," said Billy, readily taking the hint, "and there's where more of his ingenious and diabolical work comes in. How do you think he does it?" "Hum, can't say. Evidently^he's got a head capable of plotting" any deviltry." "You're right there, as 1 shall pres- ently prove." "We're listening." "Well he has a curious mongrel cur that follows him about wherever he goes, and when he's got anything to communicate to his chief, he writes it on thin paper, crams the paper into ~ a piece of meat, makes the dog swal- low it whole, and posts him oft" to- find Lee, who, knowing the dodge, gives the cur an emetic, and so makes him throw up his dispatches." Another groan from all the boys. "Sergeant with all due deference, I think we've heard enough to con- demn a dozen spies," said Cori)oral Snowden solemnly. "Indeed we have," assented the grave judge. "And now the only thing left for us to do is to pass sen- tence." "Of course." "And that sentence must be " "Death!" exclaimed the boys in a breath. "Ah! but this is an aggravated case," said Steve Hughes. "Hang- ing's too good for such a man." "You're quite right, Steve," nod-/ ded the sergeant. "By what death shall he die then? " THE ARMY AND NAVY LIBEAEY. There was a moment of unbroken silence, and all looked toward Billy Dufiy. "1 have it! " exclaimed Billy at last. "Let's Iniry him alive!" "The very thins!" shouted the boys. "We'll bury the oldspy alive!" CHAPTEE IX. POOR GEIPPEK FINDS HIS WAY TO THE BOTTOMLESS BIT. "Let a dozen set to work at once and dig a grave," commamded the sergeant. The boys rushed away with a shout Hiid the faimer pleaded in vain for "Yer all wrong. I'm as good a m:tii as any ov yer," he moaned. ■>— v3^eii with another gasp, "Oh! what'll ther old woman say when she hears of it!" But it was all of no use, the dig- ging went on steadily and soon the grave was ready. Then they led the unhappy man to its bripk. "Giles Gripxier, have you anything to say before we proceed to carry out tlie just sentence that has been pronounced against you? " asked the sergeant gravely. The farmer gazed upon the un- frioudly faces in the crowd which surrounded him, looked down into the gaping grave at his feet, gave a profound sigh, and then blurted out: "Go on with yerdurued old funeral ; reckon as how it'll save me burial expenses, any way." "What a hardened sinner!" groan- ed Corporal Snowden. "What a precious old file!" mut- tered Billy Dufify. "Better blindfold him, sergeant," suggested Jim Pender. "Of course," and a handkerchief was tightly bound over his eyes, ef- fectually shutting out all light. Tlie miserable man was then low- ered into the narrow grave, and dirt thrown upon him. ~~' "He's gone oil t)ie handle, boj's!" exclaimed Duily suddenly. "Sure!" asked the sergeant anxi- ously. " Yes, look for yourself. " The sergeant let himself down into the grave and carefully examined the victim. "Only fainted," he said at last. "But it's a dead faint, that is cer- tain." "Then hustle him out lively^ and let's sow him up in the blanket and take him to that confoundedly dark cave that Johnny Loftus discovered. He'll think sure that he's in his grave or the bottomless pit when he comes to there." "You're right Billy," exclaimed Ell. Lillie, "and we'll have just loads and loads of fun— you bet." Poor Gripper was now lifted out J, of the grave, and his arms folded 1^ across his breast, were tied in that I position, his feet were also tied to- gether. He was then wrapped up in an army blanket, which was secured by strings, the bandage, of course, was still left over his eyes. "Now, then," said Duffy, when all their arrangements were completed, " let's take him to the cave, it's more like a grave than anything else, and we can all set around and wake the corpse." "Agreed!" and the unconscious farmer was conveyed to a low and dark cave at no great distance, where he was carefully lain upon the ground. "Now then," said Joe O'Brien, "let's go away and leave him to him- self for awhile." "No, no! what's the use of that?" exclaimed Duffy, "Let's stay right here. If we fasten a blanket over the entrance, he can't see us, even if we take the bandage from his eyes. " "That's so," said the corporal, "and if we stay and keep mighty quiet, we shall soon hear what he thinks of death and the other world. " "That's all right," said Duffy; "but I propose to get even more fun than that out of him. But you shall see for yourselves. Now then, hang up a blanket, some of you, you can drive a peg or two into the cracks over the entrance there easy enough. The rest sit down and keep quiet; he may come round at any moment now. " Nearly the whole company had by this time crowded its way into the cave, which was by no means a large one. The blanket was at last sus- pended over the opening, and every ray of light shut out, then Duffy re- moved the handkerchief from the farmer's eyes. "Now," he whispered, "keep quiet ever mother's son of you; he'll be coming round before you know it, and I don't want th> tempted to send word to General Meade, what would become of me then?" "Good heavens, what can the man mean? What in the world is he driving at? , Hans, can you make out?" "Nein, I have not understand," answered the Dutchman, stoically. "No more can I; do tell us, sir." "Once more then, madam, listen," and putting his lips close to her ears, he whispered: "I am General Lee! Now don't, donH give it away, I beg." "General Lee! Good Lord!" ex- claimed the woman, starting back aghast. "There, I told yon just how it would be," said Duffy, bitterly. "You'll have a whole troop of Yan- kees down upon me in less than no time, and. then I shall be hung, per- haps drawn and quartered." "Oh, Hans, Hans, what shall we do with him?" asked the bewildered woman. "I have not know," replied the man, "unless you vos took him in an' give him somedings to eat." "That's it," slie exclaimed, bright- ening up; "you want your supper, ~ sir, then we can talk afterwards." "Ah, dear madam, how thoughtful — how kind! just as that sweet child Tony said I should find you." "What! you know where that lit- tle scamp Tony is?" "Don't say scamp, dear madam; I have heard him say how he loved yon ; I have heard his pitiable story. " "Ah, and what is his story?" "After delivering the message- with which he was intrusted he started to return home and losi his way. He was then taken in charge by a Union picket, and held by them until the next day, when the boy, picket and all were captured by my men, and he is now a prisoner in our hands." "An' so ther rebels have really got him, have they ?" With great dignity: "He is a prisoner in the hands of the Confederal^, m-A'am." i THE ARMY AND XAVY LIBRAEY. "O, I beg pardon, I'm sure. YouVe really got liim though? An' ain"t yer goin' ter give him up ter me?" "Do you really wish it?" "Of course I do." "Then it shall be so. The moment I again reach my army I will send him to you, with a pair of beautiful diamond earrings, which I shall beg you to accept as a memento of this interesting occasion." "YouTC very kind. General, an' I thank yer a thousand times. But, mercy me! now that I look at yer, how is it that you're wearin' a blue uniform! an' I thought General Lee had a gray beard?" "Ah, I foresaw that you would ask those questions. The fact is, mad- am, that I was most anxious to know whether Meade was likely to follow jne up promptly after his victory, or let me get back into Virginia at my leisure, and in my own way ; and as this information was of the iitmost importiince to me, I resolved to ob- tain it myself; so I borrowed this uniform from one of my prisoners, shaved off my beard, and entered the Union lines; and now comes the un- pleasant part of my story." "Do let's hear it, General, I'm awfully interested." "It leaked out through the prison- er whose uniform I wear that I had left the Confederate lines in dis- guise. Some Yankee spies got hold of it and at once reported to Meado, anil now his trooi>s are scouring the country for me. I may be taken at any moment — indeed, if you do not nse the utmost caution, I may be taken before your very eyes." "General Lee, I would " "Ah, Madam, what have you done? You have betrayed me. See. yonder comes a squad of the enemy. Hold on, boys! don't shoot! I — I surren- der!" The boys, who had succeeded in getting the old man into his bed, and were now making toward the road, on hearing Duffy's voice, turned, and at once hastened toward him. "You surrender, do you?" said Jim Pender, who quickly took the cue. " Yes, comrade ; and I will cheer- fully bear testimony before General Meade that it was you who captured me. Ah! it isn't every day that you take such an illustrious prisoner as General Lee." "That's so. General, you never made a truer remark. But we can't stay here all night; so come on," and after a sad good bye to|Mrs. Grii^per and Hans, the great Con- federate general started oft' with his captors- CHAPTER XI. MKS. GKIPPEE AND HANS ARE FRIGHT- ENED BY THE FARMER'S SHOT. "Hans what a great pity it is that them soldiers came just as they did," said Mrs. Gripper regretfully, as she started slowly toward the house. "Why vosdot?" asked Hans. "Why, don't you see, if we had only got him safely into the barn, you could have run off to the other general — Meade, and then we should have got a big reward, p'r'haps four or five thousand dollars, then if my old man didn't come back, you and I could have settled right down here in mighty comfortable shape, and if he did, why we could have pulled uj) stakes an' gone off' together. " "Yaw," grunted Hans. "Five thousand dollars is a good deal of money, Hans," persisted the old woman. "Yaw." By this time they had entered the house, and on Hans hinting that he would like a leetle soinedings more to eat, Mrs. Gripper bestirred her- self, and soon placed a piece of cold spare-rib, some potatoes, bread and pie on the table, and begged him to draw up and help himself. When it came to the matter of eat- ing, Hans was in no way "backward in coming forward," he drew his chair up to the table, seized knife and fork, and went to work with alacrity and enthusiasm. To see him one would think he had not tasted food in twenty-four hours, and would have been incredulous when informed that he had eaten a hearty supper only a little before sun-down. For some time Mrs. Gripper watch- ed the stalwart feeder in silence. At length she burst out — "Ah ! Hans, how you do enjoy my victuals." "Yaw," grunted the young Dutch- man, with his mouth full. "You know when good cookin's set before you," she proceeded. "You shust pet." Tenderly : "Ah, Hans, how I should love to cook for you all your life !" "Dot vos all righd, Mrs. Grib- ber. " "You would really like it too?"' "You vos know your peesness, Mrs. Gribber, you vos geep der house in goot shape, you vos set er goot dable. Dot vos all righd." "And — and — Hans, you would really like to live with me always ?" "I vos willin', if der old man bays me all righd." "Ah, but if he don't come home again, Hans. — And really, I don't think he will now. I'm quite sure some accident has happened to him. He must have got killed by mistake, either by the Union men or rebels, otherwise, he would have been home before this." "Dot vos so," said Hans slowly. "Der old man don't vos like ter pe out all nights. " "Yes," exclaimed the woman ea- gerly, "and so, if he don't come, just see how nice we can have everything, you'll take charge of the farm, and I'll make the butter and cheese, and cook for you. " "Dot vos goot. An' how much vos you bay me, Mrs. Gribber?" "Why — why — don't you under- stand, Hans? I— 1 — thought you liked me, that^ — that you loved me, and so— and so we'd get married, don't you see?" "O, dot vos it, hey?" "Why, yes; and then, don't you see, we'd own everything together, and we could live much cheaper as man and wife. Just come and see our bedroom. I think you have never been in it yet." Slowly raising from his seat, and casting a regretful glance at the remnants of the spare-rib (the pota- toes, bread and pie were all gone), Hans followed her into her sleeping apartment. "Wait a moment," she said softly, "let me bring a light." "Yaw," he grunted. She returned to the dining room, and snatching up the lamp which still stood on the table, hastened back. As she entered the bedroom, and put her arm lovingly around the Dutchman's waist, in order to draw him further into the room, a deep groan, which seemed to come from the corner beyond the bed, startled them both, and made the woman drop the light, which, fortunately, was extinguished without doing any harm. "Ter dnyfel !" exclaimed Hans, "vot vos dot ?" "Merciful heavens ! pardon me, a miserable sinner," moaned Mrs. Grip- per. "It's my old man's ghost come back on earth to haunt me. I know it is." "Ter duyfel !" again ejaculated Hans. "A ghost! shust let me get out of dis, righd away,pooty quick," and he made for the point where he supposed the door ought to be, and tumbling over a chair, pitched head forward into a closet, filled with the loving Mrs. Gripper's wardrobe, among which he became so entangled that he found it difficult to extricate himself. Meantime, Mrs. Gripper had be- come bewildered, and falling back- wards over a stool, had come down so emphatically upon a somewhat dilipated cane-bottom chair, that she had gone clean through it, and so was imprisoned there — shut up like a jack-knife, so to speak. Now all this noise and confusion had the effect of rousing the drowsy farmei-, and suddenly he started up in bed. "Oh, darkness impenetrable !" he moaned, "not a ray of light, not a shadow of hope ! And this is hell !" The woman uttered a scream— not a particularly low one — she was not in a position to give full play to her lungs. And Hans, in a muffled voice, from among the skirts and petticoats, grunted out: THE AEMY AKD NAVY LIBKAEY. 16 "Ter duyfel !" Gripper heeded them not, e\ en if he heard them, he probably supposed the cries came from some other lost spirits, and so went on: "Oh, why wasn't I a better man while on earth, then I might have been in the kingdom of light now, and not chained down here in the pit of darkness and despair." Then something seemed to come back to his memory. " Ah ! he said, the evil one himself, that was — that 1 must be burned, and he sent Beelzebub to stir up the fire, I wonder if he's got it hot enough, and when he's coming for me ?" "Oh, Lord ! what misery. What horror ! And then ter think that my old womans's enjoying everything I left behind me on earth — p'r'aps is married to that Hans Traeger before this. She wouldn't waste any time about it, Zknow. "But jist let her do it, an' I'll haunt 'em both, every time ther devil will give me a day off, an' 1 hope that'll be ])urty often. Jist let me get at 'em now !" "Lord, no, Giles ! don't come a near me. Jist rest quiet in yer grave, can't yer, an' let us alone." "Who — who spoke ?" gasped Grip- per wonderingly, "that sounded like Nancy's voice." "Of course it's me, Giles, an' I think y'er pesky mean ter come back here an' bother me, jist 'cause 1 want er nuther husband now you're dead. Why can't yer rest quiet in yer grave, like any decent man ? I'm sure if I was dead you'd marry again fast enough. How long would it be, I'd like ter know, before the widow Bangs, ther bold ugly thing, would be a-standing in my old shoes?" And in her anger she tried te extri- cate herself from her uncomfortable position, and, naturally, upset the - chair. In falling, her head came in violent ' contact with Hans' overloaded stom- ' ach. Not being able to see, and with 1 his mind full of ghosts and super- I natural apparitions, the Dutchman I supposed, of course, that the enraged ' shade of the farmer had come to take ^ vengeance on him for the tender pas- sion he had inspired in the bosom of his widow. So he at once set up a howl of fright, and began kicking vigorously with his big feet, his arms being so entangled that he could not use them. But his feet did fearful execution, they soon knocked to pieces the chair he had tumbled over, and then tear- ing through Mrs. Gripper's dress and skirts, sadly bashed her shins, and made her fairly howl with pain. Meanwhile, firmly persuaded that he was among the lost spirits, all this seemed peifectly natural to Gripper, who remembered that he had always heard while on earth that Hade's was anything but a quiet place. And now a new fancy took posses- sion of him — probably the effects of Duffy's dose, which must have left his throat dry, and an unpleasant taste in his mouth. "Water! water!" he cried, "oh ! I'm burning up inside, fire consumes me. I'm in agony — agony !" "Poor old critter," murmured Mrs. Gripper, for the moment forgetting her own pains. "Ter duyfels! Why don't dot g:host geep quiet und go avay, I vos like to know ?" "Water ! wa — " At that moment thore came a thundering knock on the outside door. "Oh, Lord, there comes Beelze- bub," groaned Gripper. "Land sakes alive ! what's that?" exclaimed Mrs. Gripper, with chat- tering teeth. "Ter duyfels 1 dare vas ein odder ghost," moaned Hans. Bang ! bang ! bang ! on the door, and now the most profound silence reigned in the bedroom. Bang ! bang ! bang 1 and then a loud " hallo, there !" But no one moved. After a moment Gripper began his groans and mutterings again, and Hans, feeling Mrs. Gripper's hand stealing upward toward his throat, became frightened, and once more began to kick and tumble about. The woman sciean/ipd, and in the midst of all this '"iiproar, a bright light burst upon the scene, and a strong, manly voice demanded, in a tone ef wonder and amazement: "What the deuce is to pay here, I'd like to know ?" Then, as he caught sight of the farmer in bed, the old woman on the floor, with tattered dress and skirts, and the chair attachment, and poor Hans, with his head and arms envel- oped in dresses, skirts, and other female wearing apparel, he burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. CHAPTEE Xn. THE WAE CORRESPONDENT SETS THINGS TO RIGHTS. "Well, well," exclaimed the stran- ger, as soon as he was able to speak, " this beats any thing I ever saw be- fore in all my eventful life, and I've seen a good deal too. I wonder what in the world I shall come across next." All this time the farmer had been sitting up in bed, regarding the in- truder attentively. "You ain't the devil?" he asked at last. "No, I should hope not," was the laughing reply ; "still I should think someone had been raising the devil here." "Nor yet Beelzebub?" persisted the fanner. "No, nor him either," laughed By- ington. "And yet I have seen you before." "Eight again, old man." "Ah! I know now, you're the news paper fellow that came to my house the first night of the great battle, and who got me into all this trouble by sending Tony Tibbits off to the army. " " I got you into trouble! What do you mean, old boy?" "Ah, sir, it was through you, in the first place, that I lost my life, — But say, how come it that you too are in the bottomless pit ? Was you so awful mean and wicked while on earth ?" "Nowj'old man, you've got me, un- til this minute I didn't know that I was in the bottomless pit, — indeed, I supposed I was in your own farm- house, near Gettysburg. But to tell the exact truth, when 1 came up to_ your door, I was inclined to think" that jiandemonium had broke loose." "See here, mister," whimpered Mrs. Gripper, at this point, "if you've got any of ther milk o' human kindness left inter your soul, I wish yer'd jist come here an' pull this cheer oft' on me. Almost dying with suppressed laughter, Byington obeyed. He caught hold of the chair, and after two or three vigorous yanks pulled it oft. He then helped the dilapidated woman to her feet. With a bitter groan she sank into another chair; but this time she was careful tc see that it had a firm wood bottom before she trusted her weight upon it. Hans was next extricated from his unpleasant predicament, and as he slowly raised himself to his feet, he merely ejaculated — from force of hab- it, probably: "Ter duyfels!" and then stared, first at the war correspondent, then at Mrs. Gripper, and lastly at her befogged husband on the bed. "Now, if it's all the same to you," said Byington, "I'd like to have some one tell me the meaning of all I've seen here. What's the matter with Mr. Gripper? and what were you two doing on the floor there ?" He had addressed himself to the farmer's wife, and she hastened to answer: "We'd been out-doors," she said, — "Hans an' me. General Lee called us out, an' wanted Hans ter hide him in ther barn an' " "What!" exclaimed the aston- ished Byington, "General Lee want- ed to hide in your barn ! What in the world are you talking about, wo- man ?" "Talkin' about what really hap- pened," she afiirmed, "General Lee did want to hide in our barn, didn't he, Hans?" "Yaw, dot vos such." "Yes, indeed, an' he would a-done it too, if six Yankee soldiers hadn't a come up an' took him prisoner, wouldn't he, Hans ?" "Yaw." THE ARMY AKD JfAVY LIBEART. "A squad of Union troops captured him, eh ?" "Yes. they did." "Right here in your front yard?" "Yes." "How did they happen along so opportunely ?" "They knew he was somewhere hereabouts,' and were out in search of him." "This is news," muttered Bying- ton to himself, "Lee a prisoner in the hands of the Federals! I won- der if any of the other boys have got hold of it yet. If they hain't, by Jove, I shall be pretty well up in the world. Lord! how the Tribunes will go off to-morrow," and he began to write rapidly, holding his pad in his left hand, and shoving the iieucil over the paper with his right. "But come," he said at last, "you haven't told me the whole story yet, go ou." "Why, sir, you see, after the soldiers had carried off General Lee " "Stop! How long ago was that ?" "Let me see. How long ago was it, Hans? An hour?" "Not so much as dot." "Half an hour?" "More." "All right," said Byington, "say three-quarters, and go on. " "Well, after they'd carried him off, we came inside, an' Hans feelin' hun- gry, I got him something to eat. "Just as he finished, and da I was thinkiu' of puttin' thei*things away, we both heard an awful groan, com- in', as it seemed ter us, from this here very room, an' as yer may well suppose, we war both awfully dis- turbed. " "Why, didn't you know it was Mr. Gripper?" "Ah! there it is, yer see, sir, we supposed ther old man was dead." "Dead! why should you suppose so?" "Why, you know how you sent Tony Tib bits away that night? Well, he never came back at all, an' ther moment ther battle was over — that is, yesterday mornin', Giles started out ter find him, an' we hadn't seen uothin' of the old man since, so we supposed he must have got killed by mistake. " "An' I was killed," spoke up the farmer abruptly; "but not by mis- take—no, not be a long shot." "How was that, sir?" asked the correspondent curiously. "Why, yer see, I searched all day long yesterday — I suppose it was — for that pesky boy, an' not flndin' him, one o' ther generals gave me quarters last night, sayin' as how he'd got track on him himself, an' that he'd send me to him terday. Well, he did, an' a young soldier went with me; an' when we got to ther regiment an' company where ter boy was, ther soldier left me, and them fellers said as how I was a spy, an' so they dug a grave an' buried me alive, that's how it comes that I'm dead now." " Ah ! I see, "said By ington thought- fully. Then turning to the woman: "Well, go on, madam." "Where was I? O, I remember. Hearin' that awful groan, we rushed in here; but it beiu' dark, we couldn't see nuthin', so I went out for alight, an' jist as I came back with it, we heer'd ther awfulest noise yer ever listed to an' I was so skeert that I dropped ther lamp— there 'tis now. Then Hans tumbled over a cheer, an' fell inter ter closet, an' I sot down in er nuther an' went clean through it. An' when I heer'd Giles tell as how he was in ther bad place an' had come ter haunt me, I tumbled over, as you found me. " "Ah! I see it all now," said Bying- ton, with a smile. "And so, old man, you -really think your dead, do you?" "Of course; how can a man that's been buried be alive?" "Such things have happened be- fore, and will happen again," said the correspondent. "Is that so?" "Yes; and in your own case, I think I can tell you about how it was. You were speedily dug up after you were buried, and when you revived a little, being still somewhat dazed, came home mechanically, and with- out knowing what j'ou were about. Your wife and \tlaus being outside, you fouuil the jSOut door open, and so walked m and came right here, naturally enough, and went to bed. After a while you got back your faculties a little more — enough so that you could recall the past, in a meas- ure, and now, I fancy, you're all right. Come, old man, say that you are, for I want to do a stroke of business with you, and in a hurry too." "What! and ain't I really dead?" asked the old man excitedly. "No more than I am." "And you ain't dead?" "Not much." "Hurrah! I'm ready for anything then. Want er do a stroke o' busi- ness with me, eh? Well, wait er minute, an' I'll be with you," and he sprang out of bed as buoyantly as a boy of ten. "Mercy me!" exclaimed his wife, and rushed from the room. Byington and Hans followed her, and a little later the farmer joined them in the dining-room. "I ain't dead, that's a fact," said the old man, looking around him; "but I don't understand it yet." "Well, it will all come back to you by-and-bye," said the correspondent. "And now let's talk. You've got a good horse in your stable, eh?" " Why — yes — purty good. " "You bought him of a Union of- ficer?" . "Ye— yes," "Well, mine's a little lame. Come and look at him. The army is just moving South and I must be well mounted. If you're a mind to make a trade, I'll give you a hundred dol- lars to boot. Come, now, let's make quick work of it, for I must get off my dispatch about the capture of ' Lee, and then join Meade or Slocum, wherever they may happen to be. " "All right, mister, I'll look at your horse," and being now thoroughly convinced that he was still in the laud of the living, the farmer became more worldly-minded than ever. He sold the correspondent a horse he had never owned, stabled the one he took in exchange, and put one hundred and ten dollars in green- ' backs in his pocket, and then he re- turned to his house feeling that he had done a very smart thing. So there, for the present, we will leave him. CHAPTER Xni. FROM GETTTSBUKG TO THE TENNES- Unfortunately for the the Union cause. General Meade did not seem , to comprehend the great advantage he had won. Two days after the battle he carefully pushed the Sixth corps toward the enemy ; taking his other corps by different roads and advancing as rapidly as Lee moved on and got out of the way. The general course was toward,, •Frederick, which was reach the second day out. The Seventeenth pressed forward with the Eleventh corps to Hagers- town,which it occuxjied on the twelfth of July, capturing one hundred and twenty-five prisoners. The Fifth and Twentieth overtook the enemy intrenched at Fair Play on the twelfth and were ordered to take position and throw up earthworks. Next night the main rebel army escaped across the Potomac. The retreat and pursuit were continued, - without much in the way of interest, until Lee's army occupied the south side of the Kapidan, near Orange Court House. The Twelfth corps went into camp near Raccoon Ford. Ross, the colonel » of the Twentieth, now had command of the brigade. On the twenty-fourth of September the Twelfth corps was relieved and marched back to Brandy Station ; and all property was turned over to the post quartermaster. » The march was resumed to Bealton Station, where to the surprise of all, the corps was embarked on board the cars to reenforce the Army of the Cumberland in Tennessee. This was to meet Longstreet's , army, already thrown into the west- ern scale in aid of Bragg. Rosecrans had been pushed into the fortifications around Chattanoo- ga; and Bragg was investing the place, while operating on the Union communications with strong detach- , ments. The enemy occupied Look- i THE ARMY AND NAVY LIBEAEY. 17 out Mountain, and the railroad and ri vcr back to Bridgeport, Alabama. The Union army was on balf-ratious. Every day their provision-trains were attacked and wagons cap- tured. The twelfth corps travelled night and day from Virginia westward. The twentieth regiment, in which we are particularly interested, was stow- ed away in freight-cars. Dispatch was indispensable. Comfort could not be considered. The commissary had preceded; and at regular intervals the train stopped for sandwiches and coffee for the soldiers. All through Ohio and Indiana the troops were greeted with an ovation. ^Thousands turned out at every stop- Ipingijlace; and ladies brought to the (veterans bouquets and wreaths of I flowers. Haversacks were seized, I and filled with fruit, cake, baked I meat-pies ; and the pork and hard- tack came to be despised. Prom Louisville they went on to Nashville, thence to Murfreesbor- ough and to Fullahoma. The rebel guerrillas infested the whole country; arid they now cut the railway immediately in the rear of the reenforcements. A division of the Twelfth corps was ordered to defend the track from Bridgeport back toward Nash- ville; and the guerrillas became, for a time, somewhat more timid, and their raids less frequent. The Twentieth regiment went through Tennessee to Steplienson, Alabama, where they arrived on the fourth of October. Here the Twelfth corps had its headquarters, and was occupied in guarding the lines of communication for the army at Chat- tanooga. A few weeks later the Twentieth Eegiment went to Cowan, Tennessee. Grant wos now in command, and had an army of one hundred thousand veterans in and around Chattanooga. During the succeeding weeks, he moved on Lookout Mountain and Mission Eidge; defeated the rebel army with frightful slaughter; cap- tured six thousand prisoners, seven thousand stand of arms, and scores of cannon, and pursued the shattered hosts of Bragg as far as Dal ton. The Twentieth regiment was still guardiug the lines of communication at Cowan. The duties of the regi- ment were extremely arduous; and they suffered every few days from guerrilla raids. One company, sta- tioned at Tracy City, was surprised by a band of more than one hundred and fifty land pirates, who dashed into their lines, and attempted to capture or murder the boys. One brave fellow, a guard, was shot dead from the first fire. Cap- tain Upson, commander of the post, was murdered in cold blood. While he was trying to join his company, only a few rods distant, he was shot twice through his body after his sur- render, and he soon after died from the effects of his wounds. A part of this same band of guer- rillas attacked a freight - train of eleven cars, at some distance from Cowan, A rail had cautiously been displaced from the track, which threw oft' the train with a terrible crash. Instantly a gang of rebels jumped from behind trees and ledges, and commenced the work of bloodshed and plunder upon the passengers; simultanously firing the train, which was loaded with hay, lumber, and the like. Captain Ellsworth, who at the time acting as brigade-inspector, and who sometimes was unlucky and then again lucky, happened unfor- tunately to be on board. Thtee brave soldiers were shot down by his side; and a musket was leveled and fired at him, which missed its mark, just grazing his neck. Ellsworth, in company with two lieutenants and three negroes, brake- men on the train, was then taken un- der guard, and rixn off three miles or more into a dense woods. The poor negroes wore shot; Ellsworth expected the same fate; but was finally simply robbed of his watch, about four hundred dollars in money, his coat, hat, boots; and then asked to sign a parole. He flatly refused:, and. after strip- ping ll.e two li',' i/i^i^.;nfs, who were with him, of all ln-Ly had, they were then left by the cutthroats to grope their way back through the woods barefooted, which they did, guided by the light of the burning cars. Captain Ellsworth was not in the best of humor when he got back to his regiment, and he lost no time in laying the matter before the lieu- tenant-colonel commanding. The officers were called together, as a sort of committee of war, and it was unanimously determined, that the land pirates must be extermin- ated. But how should they go at it? only a small portion of the regiment could be spared to follow them up, the rest were absolutely needed for guard duty along the road. While they were still deliberating. Major Andley Peale, of the Tennes- see Union cavalry, was announced. He listened attentively to what was being said, and at last asked pel-mission to say a word himself. Permission was promptly granted. "I understand," said the Major, "that quite a number of Kentucky horses were captured by your men the other day. How many of them were there?" "Between fifty and sixty," said the Lieutenant-Colonel. "Ah! then let me have between fifty and sixty of your best men,who can keep the saddle when on horse- back, and I'll so»n settle this busi- ness for you." "By Jove!" laughei! the Lieuten- ant-Colonel, "I dou't ku >w as we've got that number of horsemen in the whole regiment. Connecticut is hardly big enough, you know, to practice horsemanship in to advan- tage" "I'll guarantee to furnish the men," exclaimed Captain Ellsworth, quickly, "if I may be allowed to ac- company them." "It 8 a bargain," said the lieuten- ant-colonel, promptly; "and now you and Major Peale go off and settle all the details of the expedition between you." "You turn the capable horses over to us, of course," said Peale. "Certainly." "Come, then. Captain." And the two went out together. Less than an hour Inter Eandal Ellsworth, at the head of neaji.v hjs_ whole command, rode out of Cowan, in company with Audley P.eale, and his Union cavalry, and that night they bivouacked on the t)ank8 of a swiftly flowing stream, near the out- skirts of a pretty village, and many- miles from headquarters. CHAPTEE XIV. EDNA STAmVOOD DEFENDS HEE HOME. About two miles from the bivouac, and south ol the village, standing on a slight eminence, Twljich overlooked ^j broad acres ol 'one ol the best plantations in East Teispessee, .stood a stately mansion, which for more than sixty years had been the abode of one of the proudest families in all the land. An unnatural silence reigned about the place, no one could be seen in the grounds, no lights ap- peared in the windows, and even the negro quarters seemed deserted. All at once, a steady, growing sound was head in the distance, which soon resolved itself into the measured hoof-Fti ok-«ys of a number of well-trained hojses; and soon a squad of mounted men appeared, who, on coming in sight of the man- sion, halted, and held a brief consul- tation. "Now, then, Bolton," said the leader of the party, "you're quite sure of what you say; the general left those papers with his wife, did he?" "Yes, Colonel, either with his wife or Miss Edna, I won't be certain which; but I'd think it more likely the latter, for she's got more grit and determination about her than her mother. If she wasn't a woman, she'd be her father right over again." "O, bother her and her father too," growled one of the number, "what we want to know about is the papers; eh, Colonel?" "To be sure," acquiesced the col- onel; "still, I must say Bolton is 18 THE AEMT AND NAVY LIBRAET. right about the girl. Edna Stan- wood is a young lady of very decided character, and she comes of mighty good stock, too." "She's a regular she devil," growled the man who had before spoken. "Come, come, Captain, not quite so bad as that. I fear you have a particular grudge against her and her family." "So I have; and against every oth- er Union family in East Tennes- "Humph! is that all? Then you haven't so much cause for grievance as I have myself." "Ah! I remember," said the cap- tain before he thought, "she reject- ed vou too." "Oho! then she didTejeat you, my dear captain? In truth, I always thought so. " ^'"^aptaiu Jillson bit his lip with vexation, but presently blurted out: "Yes, Colonel Hicks, she did re- ject me; and at the time I swore the day should come when she should repent it — when I'd be even with her and all her race. You may judge, then, with what delight I heard, af- ter the South had taken up arms, that St. Clair Stanwood had boldly announced himself as an uncom- promising Union man, and had ac- cepted a commission in the Union army. Then it was that I resolved to take an active part in the war on the side of the sSouth; and in order not to be drawn U.oo far away from my main object, I joined your inde-r pendent force, Colonel." "I see. Well, I've no great cause to love the Stanwoods myself, and with such a good hater as you by my side, Abner, we ought to be able to accomplish something to-night." "If we get hold of those papees we shall accomplish sometMng." "Ah! but suppose the girl refuses to give them up, or to tell where they are?" J'TLen force her," hissed Jillson, between his set teeth. „ "But suppose sTie still refuses, in spite of all I can do?" "Then turn her over to me, and threaten to burn down the house. " "That woidd be pretty tough, wouldn't it? I hear Mrs. Stanwood is quite an invalid, and Flora Pen- rose, her niece, as kind and inoffen- sive a girl as ever lived, is staying there with her." "That can't be helped, we must have those papers, at whatever cost. V You know as well as I, Colonel, the possession of them would set us up for life." "That's so," muttered the Colonel, thoughtfully — "Well, cov...- ou, we I must try for them, any way. Bolton, is there many niggers about the I place?" 1 "Very few, colonel, not more than ' twenty-five or thjrty in all, and most of 'em mind there own business too." "All right, that's the safest plan for them. Come on, let's make straight for the front door, and so get inside before they have time to fasten it. Forward!" The little party moved on, rode through the open gateway, and pushed forward to the broad veranda which ran across the whole front of the mansion. "Dismount!" was the Colonel's brief order, and springing from his own horse, he made a rush toward the open door. "Back! not another step forward or I Are!" and a fair young girl, of not more than nineteen summers, suddenly appeared in the doorway, a revolver ready in her hand. Taken completely by surprise, the colonel at first retreated down the steps; but quickly recovering him- self, and supported by his dozen fol- lowers, he again advanced toward the door. "Back, I say!" came in firm deter- mined tones from the lady's lips, "not one of you can enter here, 1 know you all for a baud of heartless outlaws, and while I live you shall never cross the threshold of my father's house." "Out of the way, Edna Stanwood!" said Abner Jillson, in a brutal voice, "We have not come hear this night to be balked in our purpose by a woman, out of the way, I say, or it maj be the wor.se for you." "No sir! I move not from where I stand until you hawe lipft this place," was the brave repljf, "One moment," Laid Colonel Hicks, in a somewhat conciliatory tone, "it may be that this matter can be com- promised. We have come for a cer- tain package of papers, which, as we happen to know, your father left, some days since, either in your own, or your mother's hands, for safe keep- ing." "You happen to know!" sneered Edna, "I see Austin Bolton among you, and understand very well how you 'happen to know' that my dear and brave father, when he visited us the other day, left certain papers be- hind him." "Ah! he did leave them then;" ex- claimed Hicks quickly. "Well, de- liver up those papers to us, and we will go away at once, and make you no further trouble. " "Those papers are no longer in this house," said Edna firmly. "What! no longer here ? I don't be- lieve you." "Of course she lies," growled Jill- sou, casting a look of deep and bitter hatred on the girl. "It makes not the slightest differ- ence to me what you say or think," she said calmly, "the papers are not here. Do you for a moment suppose, after learning that Austin Bolton had been seen sneaking about our draw- ing room, while my father was talking to my mother and myself in the libra- ry adjoining, that I would keep the papers in the house another hour ?" Lester Hicks, I knew his connection with you, and that bad man by your side, and therefore understood only too well how dangerous it would be." "Hum," said the colonel, after a moments' consideration, "then you will give us no information about the package ?" "I will not," was the decided re- ply- "Then you must stand out of the way, for I propose to question your mother. " "You ^will do nothing of the kind, sir, my mother is confined to her room, where my cousin is attending her, and she cannot be disturbed, it . would be dangerous to her health, which, I frankly tell you, is very pre- carious." "Oh, come, hain't we heard about enough of this chin music?" asked Jillson impatiently, "What are we standing here for, any way? Shall we let one weak girl keep a dozen of us strong men in awe?" "I wouldn't advise one of the dozen strong men to attempt to interfere with the weak girl," said Edna quietly. At this moment .one of the men whi.spered to Jillson, and as Edna saw, directed his attention to one of the windows opening on the veranda, and which was partially raised. "Yes," exclaimed the captain eagerly, "do it, then we shall have her sure; for she can't defend her- self both in front and rear at the same time. " The girlf' sharp ear caught every word of this, and fully comprehending its meaning, her resolution was at once taken. The man who had whispered to Jillson watched her closely for a mo- ment, and when he thought her at- tention was directed another way, sprang suddenly forward, and made a leap at the partially open win- dow. He caught the upraised sash in his left hand, and his knee rested ou the window-sill, He was about to lift the other leg over the stU. when — Crack! A bullet pierced his temple, and without uttering the slightest sound, he fell backward upon the floor of the veranda — dead. CHAPTER XV. THE QUBHILLAS DISCOMFITED. For one single moment the other partisans were too thoroughly confounded to speak or act, then a cry of rage went up, and each called upon the other to shoot down the gal in her tracks, " I gave you all fair warning," she said coolly. " He knew the risk he ran, and has only paid the just penalty. He knew he had no right to invade this house, and I know, and you know that I have a perfect right to defend it, and what's more, 1 will too. So be- ware — every one of you — how you provoke me to pull the trigger again,— " Hold, there! You, sir, you need not try to sneak away. I understand your purpose, you would attempt to get around to the back of the house; but it won't do, the first man THE AEMY AND NAVY LIBEAKY. who undertakes to leave the grounds in front here, dies,— ay, and the first who attempts to draw a weapon tool " While Edna was speaking she kept her eyes fixed on the group directly in front of her, and particularly on one man who ap- peared to be edging off toward the corner of the house, and another, whose hand was ner- vously groping for the handle of his revolver. Her attention being thus engaged, she did not see that Abner Jillson had gained a foot- ing on the veranda, and was slowly and cau- tiously approaching her from one side. All at once he sprang toward her, and strik- ing her wrist a sudden blow, the revolver dropped from her hand, then, with a mock- ing laugh, he tried to seize her about the waist and drag her from the doorway. She uttered a slight scream, and quickly freeing herself, started back a step or two, then, as Jillson attempted to follow and seize her again, she plucked a dagger from her bosom, and aimed a blow at his breast. He quickly raised his arm to defend him- aelf, and the keen blade was buried in his flesh. He uttered a sharp cry of rage, and fell back a step or two toward the edge of the ve- randa. One of the men, a friend, both of the captain and of him who had been killed, now drew a bowie, and with a horrible oath, sprang toward the beautiful girl. The gleaming knife was upraised, in an- other moment it would descend and be buried in her fair bosom. Crack I It fell; but it was not sheathed in the maiden's heart. It went ringing to the ve- randa floor, aud he who had dropped it, him- self fell prone at the brave girl's feet. Had a shell suddenly burst among them, it could not have created greater consternation. All, with one accord, turned in the direction from whence the unexpected shot had come, aud there, close to the last pillow of the ve- randa, they beheld a noble-looking Federal officer, of perhaps twenty-six or seven years, holding in each hand a heavy revolver, and they at once understood that he also held tlieir lives in his hands. For almost a minute not a worr" was ut- tered by anyone, then, slowly the Federal ap. preached the group, his eyes never leaving it for an instant, his revolvers always presented. " Well, I must say," he began, as he drew nearer, " this is the queerest sort of a fight I ever had the fortune to witness -a dozen strong men against one weak woman I I've heard a great deal about Southern chivalry in my time — a great deal too much; but I never saw such a practical illustration of it as I witness at this moment. But say, ain't it about time this farce was played out? Let's see how many there are of you — ten, and the wounded captain there is eleven, then there were thirteen in all; but dead men don't count. Now then, let's see what we shall do with you, and in the first place, gentlemen, I will thank you for any little present in the way of barkers and tooth- picks. You may just throw them down here on the veranda at my feet. No doubt you vrill accept this invitation with alacrity and enthusiasm." " But suppose we won't accept it at all, what then?" growled Jillson. The young officer did not answer in words, he simply tapped the revolver in his right hand with his forefinger. But the action was so peculiarly suggestive that words were not needed to complete his meaning. And with another growl the nearest man threw down his weapons. "Hallol" exclaimed the next man, as he cast a bowie on the veranda. " I've seen this fellow before. By the Lord Harry I he's the same Tank we captured on the train last night — ^he is, for a thousandl " " Thunderl so he is," muttered half a dozen. " Exactly," smiled Randal Ellsworth, "and now, as you see, the table is turned, and as I have some four hundred dollars in greenbacks to collect from you, besides a first-rate pair of boots and many other articles of wearing ap- parel, to say nothing of much valuable per- sonal property, I shall stay with you till the debt is canceled. Tou may make your minds perfectly easy on that score." " What thundering fools we were not to treat you as we did the niggers last night," said Jillson regretfully. " I don't know as to that," said Randal, in a careless tone; " but if you don't hurry ujj with your offerings I know how some of you will get treated, and in mighty short order too." By this time about half the men had thrown down their arms, and others were advancing, when Jillson hurriedly said something to Hicks, who nodded hastily, and drawing his revolver and addressing Ellsworth, said: •' Tou want my arms, do you, captain ? Well, you can't have 'em; but you can take the contents of this," and he pulled the trig- ger. If Randal Ellsworth had not been expect- ing something of the kind, or if the game had been tried in the first place, when all were armed, it might have proved fatal. But as it was, the Tankee captain was prepared for treachery, and as half the men had already thrown down their arms, he had only the other half to look after, aud this he was able to do. He saw Jillson whisper to the colonel. He saw the colonel's assenting nod, and readily understood its meaning. So the instant be- fore the rebel chief pressed the trigger, he slightly changed his position, and at the same time, fired. The colonel's bullet buried itself in the clapboarding behind the Tankee captain, while the tatter's ball struck the colonel's right hand, carrying away a finger, and caus- ing him to drop his revolver. At the same time, Jillson cried out: " Now's our time, boys I Down with the cursed Tankeel KUl him in bis tracks!" Those who had not surrendered their wea- pons prepared to use them while those who had, sprang forward to recover them. "Back, fools!" his.sed Ellsworth, "yon come only to your death," and he gave a pe- culiar whistle. Before the echo liad "iSed away, two pistol shots rang out. f~ Crack! crack! And two of the foremost of the guerillas fell, and the others, feeling sure that a large force was coming to the assistance of the Tan kee oliicer, turned to fly. And now, for the first time, they saw ;hat their horses, which they had left only a short distance from the veranda, were gone. " It's of no use, my rebel friends," said Ellsworth quietly, " the game is in our hands, and ycu may as well sulimit without making any fuss about it. It's either that, or the other thing — take your choice. It makes very liitle difference to me." " What do you require of us?" demanded Hicks sullenly. " Tour unconditional surrender," was the firm reply, " And what then?" " That's nothing to do with the question now. Tou must surrender first, what shall be done with you afterwards, can be settled in the future." " Well, we submit." " Very wise, I'll call up a coupleof my men to receive such weapons as may still be lin- gering about your clothes, I can't trust you to give them up yourselves— Tim 1— Tony I' And immediately Tim Cooney and Tony Tib- bits presented themselves. " Disarm these men," said thecaptain, "I'll see to it that they make you no trouble." " Throuble. is it!" exclaimed Tim, scorn- fully, " Oi'd jist loike ter see ther loikes uv thim a-makin' me throuble . Now howld stiU, will yez, till I go through yer pockets." CHAPTER SVI. The eleven deeply chagrined guerrillas quietly submitted to the close inspection insti- tuted by Tim and Tony, and when it was con- cluded quite a pile of deadly weapons lay up on the veranda, almost enough, in fact, to set up a young arsenal. " Now, then," said the captain, " they must be securely bound. See to it, will you, Tim?" "Oh, murther 1" exclaimed Tim, " divil a bit av rope have oi to tie thim with, barrin' me bridle, an' that ain't rope at all." " Tou want cords, I suppose, to secure your prisoners?" said Edna, now speaking for the first time since Randal Ellsworth's well direct- ed shot had saved her life. " Tes, miss, and good stout ones too," an- swered Randal, raising his cap. " I will get them for you." "Tony, go with her; you may be of some assistance." The young lady had already turned, and so did not hear this order, therefore she was not aware that she was being accompanied. As she was passing the broad staircase which led up to the second story, a feeble and anxious voice came floating down .o her: " Edna, Edna, my daughter, what is the matter? Has anything happened to you? Are you quite safe? Childl child! where are you? Flora, do go to her." "Tes, aunty, it you wish it," responded the sweetest voice ever heard by mortal ear; " but you know she made me promise not t«^ leave you for a single moment on any account, unless she called me herself." " I know, I know; but 1 am sure something must have happened to her, or she would have come to reassure nje. Tou heard those firearms yourself. I tell you I can't stand this terrible suspense." On hearing this, Edna fairly flew np the staircase, and Tony, as in duty bound, follow- ed her. She threw open the door of her mother's room, and without pausing to shut it, rushed to the invalid's side . and throwing her arms about her neck, exclaimed: " Here I am, darling mother, and safe and sound, as you see." Her mother folded her in a fond and silent embrace, and then holding her away from her gazed long and tenderly into her face. Presently, with a lovintf kiss, Edna started to j.er feet. As she di(/ so, Mrs. Stanwood caught sight of the young drummer boy, who was now stiinding in the middle of the room. "Good heavens!" she exclaimed, "that face! that face! Who is he, child?" Wonderingly Edna turned, and caught sight of Tony. "Why, boy, how came you here?" she asked in astonishment. "Captain Ellsworth sent me," he replied. " He said I might be of some assistance to you." "Ah, his name is Ellsworth, then," she murmured. " Well, I must not forget my er- rand. I will find the cord for you at once." " But who is he? who is he?" persisted her mother, pointing to Tony. "Tell her," said Edua, addressing the boy. Then turning to her mother: "But I don't see why he should so interest you ?" "The very image," she murmured, "the very image." Then aloud: " Who are you, child?" "My name is Tony Tibbits," he replied, " and I belong in Adams county .Pennsylvania. " " Tony Tibbits! a most singular name, I "I should think so!" exclaimed Edna. " Now who could have the heart to christen a child Tony, I'd lUie to know." " I don't think I was christened Tony," the boy ventured to say. " I've heard Mr. Stover — that's the town guardian — say that my right name was Anthony." "Anthony!" mused Mrs. Stanwood, "An- thony! " "Ah! that's somewhat better," said Edna; " still there are other names I should like quite as well." '■ But — Tibbits," said the elder lady sudden- ly. "Who was your father, child? " Tony blushed. " 1 — 1 — really ma'am, I don't know." "Don't know! How can that be ? " A sad look came into the boy's face as he answered: THE AEMT AND NAVY LIBEAEY. " I have but a dim recollection of the first few years of my life.and if I ever saw him, I can- not recall my father's face. Of my mother I am sure I remember somethiug — a beautiful lady, who dressed elegantly, and looked, it seems to me, like you, miss," — indicating Edna — "and I am sure we lived in a pleasant home, sur- rounded by every comfort. Then comes a blank, and my next recollection is of the terri- ble life I was forced to lead at the town farm, near Gettysburg," " The what, did you say?" "Alas, ma'am, the poorhouse." " Shocking! " exclaimed the lady. " But you did not stay there long, I hope?" "Till 1 was quite a well-grown boy. then Mr. Gripper took me to work on his farm and help about the house, and I lived with him until the battle of Gettysburg was fought, when I joined Captain Ellsworth's com- pany." "And haven't you anything at all connected with your early life — a ring — a locket — any trinket that might serve to identify you, or show who your parents were ? " •' I have a chain with a peculiar trinket hanging to it: but It's in Tim Cooney's knap- sack, and timt's at our blvouace, a conple of miles from here. " " Boy, boy, you must bring that chain and trinket. All your future depends on your do- ing so. I may be able to tell you who your parents are. God grant I am not mistaken." "Oh, ma'am, I will surely bring them to you if the captain will let me come." " He must. Boy, do you hear me, he mtfst." While Mrs. Stanwood was talking to Tony, Edna had left the room. She now returned with a quantity of strong cord in her hand. " Take this to your captain," she said, and then, as her cheeks became suflused with blushes, — " and tell him — and tell him — I would like to see him for a few moments be- fore ha goes away." " Tes, Miss, I'll tell him," and bowing, cap in hand, to each of the three ladies, 'Tony backed out of the door. "And don't forget to bring the chain and trinket, child," rl,nlled Mrs, Stanwootf after him, as he disappc^ired in the hallway. "I'll not forget." And he hurried down the stairs. The prisoners were speedily bound, and then, after a word of caution to Tim and Tony, Ellsworth entered the house. He found Edna waiting for him in the par- lor. She arose as he approached, and frankly ex- tending her hand, said: " I have to thank you, sir, for the valuable assistance you rendered me. Captain, you saved my life." " I require no thanks. Miss Stanwood," said Eandal, earnestly. " I am proud indeed to know that I have been of the slightest service to you -to General Stan wood's daughter." " Yv, i^iiow my fathex, then?" sho usked, quickly. •' I Lave some acquaintance with him; but I kno-^ him by repuiatiou far better." " He is a noble gentleman, it he is my fath- er, and a true, disinterested patriot," said Edna, proudly. " He is indeed," rejoined Ellsworth, "and is beloved by every Union soldier in "Tennes- see." " I am so glad to hear you say so. And now let me ask, what will you do with your pris- oners?" " I cannot tell what will be doco with them ultimately. I shall turn them over to the senior officer. Major Peale, who commands the exnedition of which my company forms a part, say.'" What he will do with them I cannot ' But you have some idea?" " Probably they will be sent North, as pris- oners of war." " Then I am satisfied. I should not care to think that I, in anyway, was connected with the death of the most unworthy among them. I have already sent one man into eternity, and I do not wish to add to the number." " Don't let the thought trouble you in the least, Miss Stanwood. It is not at all likely that the scoundrels out yonder will get any- thing like their just deserts." "And yet." said she, " I have heard that Major Peale was not inclined to be very ten- der hearted when guerrillas fell into his hands. Then, abruptly: " Where did you say your camp was?" "About two miles from here, on the banks of a beautiful stream." " OhI I think I know. I suppose you will not remain there long ? " " Only until morning." " What, will you leave this neighborhood so soon?" "We muat. We started out to search for Hick's guerrillas, and as we have come across the leader himself and a dozen of his men, the whole gang, I should think, must be some- where in this neighborhood." " I am quite sure of it," she said; "but just where I cannot tell." "Then, if you too think so, I ought to hasten to camp at once, and report." " Before you leave, will j ou do me the favor to speak to my mother. She would like to thank you herself for the great service you have rendered us; and there Is another thing; she would like to ask you a question or two about that really remarkable boy you have with you, Tony, I think he Is called." " Certainly, I will speak to your mother, and be glad to do so; but, as I have already told you, I don't care to be thanked; and as for Tony, I can tell her very little about him, excepting that he is the brightest boy I ever happened to run across." " Well, come, and tell her that." " I will, and if she cares to hear a prediction I will tell her that if the war only lasts a year or two longer, and he has the good luck to es- cape flying bullets, I have no hesitation in saying that Tony Tibbits will leave the army a commissioned oflicer. CHAPTER XVII. THE PKISONKKS USDER GUAKD. As Edna and Csjub)?) JCIIsworth.enteroJ Mrs. StanwooJ'3 r'."'in, -i'.jif- invalid iooked up quickly, "The bo> — where is the boy ? " she asked impatiently. " He is out in front, waiting for his com- manding officer," said Edna. Then indicating Ellsworth, "this, mother, is Captain Ells- worth, the gentleman who saved my life just now, when, had it not been for him, I should have died at the hands of Lester Hick's guer- rillas." " Capt!(in," said Mrs. Stanwood, extending her hand, and speaking with great feeling, " how can I ever thank you? You have laid us under a life long obligation. It would have killed the general, as well as myself, had any- thing happened to our child — our only child." Then suddenly: "Is that boy — Anthony, he said Lia name was, in your company, captain ? " "Yes, ma'am, he is," responded Randal, " and a great favorite with us all."' " What do you know of him — his early life, I mean ? " asked the lady. " Very little, I fear, that will interest you, ma'am." "Please permit me to be the judge, captain. Tell me what you do know." Then Ellsworth told how Tony had first made his appearance on the battle field of Gettysburg, and how it had happened that he became a member of his company. He also mentioned his former relations with Gripper the farmer. "And is that all you know about him?" asked Mrs. Stanwood, in a disappointed tone, when he had finished. " I regret to say it is," was the answer. " He has a fine gold chain with a little trin- ket attached. He says it is in the kit of one of his comrades . Will you permit him to bring it to me in the morning ? " "If such a thing is possible, he shall do so. If not to-morrow, at all events, I will see that the chain and trinket reach you vrithin a day or so at the latest." " Let him bring it himself, if possible, please." "If possible — yes." "Thank you, captain, you are very kind." And the invalid lady spoke in a weary tone. Ellsworth took the hint and arose to depart. At that moment Flora Penrose, who had been out of the room when he was introduced, entered it from an inner apartment. As his eyes rested upon her sweet face, Randal Ells- worth was absolutely startled by her wondrous btauty. He was quietly introduced, and soon found himself comparing the charms of the two cousins. Edna was grand, queenly, self-reliant, and her beauty was of a dazzling quality. Flora was more subdued, home like, and her beauty, while perfect, was of a less striking charac- Had he seen Flora first he might have loved her at once; but as it was, when he looked upon Edna's perfect features, flashing eyes, and commanding figure, he concluded that, after all, there could be nothing half so glo- rious in all the world as thisgrand and majes- tic woman, and mentally, he resolved to tell her 60 some day. Having bid the ladies good night, he hur- ried down the broad staircase and out upon the veranda, and at once commanded Tim and Tony to prepare for their return to camp. "An' phat about thim thirteen horses we captured. Captain, darliut ?" asked Tim. "Why," began the captain, "as we are in a great hurry — but, stopl an idea has occurred to me," and hastily he again entered the house. Edna stood by the window, in a thoughtful attitude. She raised her eyes as he entered the room, and a faint blush sufiused her cheeks. ■ ' I find myself in a somewhat embarrassing situation," said Randal, rapidly, "and have come back to ask a question, and beg a favor at your bauds." 'Any question you may see fit to ask, I shall cheerfully answer," she rejoined, " and ihe favor, whatever it may be, is already granted." " ilany thanks. I Tri.=ih. then, to ask if you have not at least one or two faithful negroes ou your place, and if so, where they are, and why we have not seen them," " We have a few — a vey few negroes left," said Edna, slowly, " most of them have been killed by the lawless guerrillas. Still, there are two men who I am sure would lay down their lives for any member of my father's fam- Uy." "And where are those two?" asked I. an dal. For a moment Edna hesitated; then, after a glance through the window, and into the hall- way, she said : " I sent them on a secret mission early this evening." "Ah!" exclaimed Ellsworth, "and when will ihey return '!'' '■ I expect them at any moment." "Good! Now, then, for my request, Tou see. Miss Stanwood, I startea out tonight on a sort of a quixotic expedition, and took only one man and that boy, Tony, with me. We have taken eleven prisoners, together with thirteen horses and a large number of weap- ons. It would be somewhat difficult, I appre- hend, for us three to take our prisoners and booty to camp in safety, especially as we feel pretty sure that the full band to which the outlaws belong is at no great distance. 1 will, then, with your kind permission, leave the prisoners here, with one of my men and your two faitnful negroes to guard them, und at once return to camp myself with the boy. It will not take long to reach our bivouac, and I shall speedily return with Major Peale and our full force to relieve you of your unpleas- "A very good plan indeed. Captain, and the only proper one for you to follow, I should say," exclaimed Edna, heartily. "You really think so?" " 1 do indeed. And you have only to wait for the return of EUick and Wash to carry it out." ' Then I'll go and speak to Tim. Tou can THE AEMY AND NAVY LIBRA KY. let me know when the two negroes you men- tion liave returned." The captain rejoined Tim and Touy, and having drawn them to one side, hastily ex- plained his plans. Tim, with the freedom of his race, hastily approved, and assured Ellfiworth that he could safely leave the dhirty guerrillas in his hands, and that he would see to it that ther black naygars didn't go ter slape on their posts or duty. While they were yet talking, Edna came out on the veranda, followed by two blacks, one of them a perfect Hercules in stature, build and str-ugth. This was EUick. It took but a moment to inform them of the situation, and having seen the prisoners placed in an out-building, and the guard duly mount- ed. Captain Ellsworth sprang to saddle, and closely followed by Tony, started at a gallop for the Union camp. CHAPTER XVIII. A FBAKFtTL SLAUOHTER. — THE GUERRILLA CHIEF AND CAPTAIN ESCAPE. In Jess than ten minutes the captain and Tony reached the bivouac, and while the former was yet asking where he could find Major Peale, that officer came up and eagerly requested to be informed where in the world he had been for the last hour or so, and what adventures he had met with. Randal explained. Before he had finished the major ordered the boot and saddle call to be sounded, and hastily prepared to mount his own horse. " You can finish your story on the road, cap- tain," he said. And when they were gallop- ing toward the Stanwood mansion, he abruptly renewed the conversation with the remark: "And so you were fortunate enough to make the acquaintance of Miss Edna Stanwood, eh?" " Yes," said Ellsworth, " I had that honor. She is a beautiful woman." "Magnificent. Did you see her mother 1" " Yes; she too must have been beautiful in her day — indeed, she is so still; but she is a sad invalid." "Ah — yes, a sad invalid, as you say. TKere is a dark chapter in the history of the Stan- wood family, and while it has to a great extent affected the general, it has almost completely broken up his wife. Did you meet anybody else at the mansion?" "Only one other person, the sweetest— the most lovable girl I ever met, unless " "Ah I who was that ?" asked Peale hastily. ' ' Miss Penrose . " " You saw her then ? And — and (uneasily) you think her lovely 1 " " I do, indeed," was the emphatic reply. "And to be frank with you, major, I should have fallen in love with her. had I not seen Edna Stanwood first." "Ahl and so you have fallen in love with Edna?" exclaimed the major, lu a tone of great relief. " " I suppose I'm a fool to confess it," said Randal; " for it ain't at all likely that such a glourious being would ever give a second thought to a poor devil of a captain like me." " Why not?" said Peale, "you saved her life, and I know Edna Stanwood, she is warm- hearted and grateful, believe me." " She has a regal look, and I should hardly think " " I know what you would say, my friend ; but for all her stately appearance, she has a wealth of affection to bestow upon the right man — the man who shall win her heart, I am sure of it." At this moment a figure glided from the side of the road and approached the rapidly moving column. Aa it came near, by the pale light of the moon, it could be seen that it was a man, somewhat beyond middle life, and indeed his iron-gray looks indicated that old age was rapidly advancing. Still, his active body and strength of limbs seemed an assurrance that many years of usefulness were yet before him. ■' Stop one moment, Major," he exclaimed abruptly, as he raised his hand, " you're lookin' fur Hicks's gang, their varmints is m ther valley, tother side o' Stanwood creek." Major Peale and Randal both brought their horses to a -land as the old man spoke, and Peale, in a tone of great satisfaction, ex- " Farley, by all that's glorious I" "Yes, Major, its me" nodded the union scout. " Nor don't lose any time, an' you can come down on ter'em like a clap o' thunder, then Cunnel and Capin Jillson ain't with 'em." " We know that ; but can't you guide us to the spot, Farley?" " Its unpossible. Major, I've got-ter be thirty miles from this afore mornin.' You can't miss it, — in the valley, just over the creek, good night," and the renowned scout of the Tennessee was gone. "That's luck for us, any way," exclaimed Peale, exultingly, as they once more started on. " Yes," said Ellsworth, " I fancy we shall thin out that gang of cutthroats before morn- ing now, for a fact." A minute later they reached the Stanwood place, .and having left a sufficient guard to watch the prisoners, and permitted Tim and Tony to join them, they started for the valley beyond Stanwood creek. Audley Peale knew exactly how to conduct such an' enterprise as the one on which they were now engaged, and his force entered the valley from two directions, rendering it utterly impossible for the guenillas to escape. At length they came upon the camp, and before their presence was even suspected, the signal for the attack was given, and a fearful fight ensued. No, it was not a fight, it was a slaughter — a terrible, a bloody slaughetr, in which the Union men had it all their own way, and they smote the guerilla and spared not. Ellsworth and his men would have wUlingly given quarter ; but when the carnage was at its height, Peale's Tennessean'.s could not be restrained, they only remembered all the wrongs they had suffered, at the hands of the rebels — wrongs in their^iiwn persons, and in the persons of thetr wiyos, sisters, mothers and daughters, and so, when the fight was over, not a guerilla was left alive on that Uoody field I It was fearful, appalling; but many fearful and appalling things occurred during the great war of the Rebellion. The Union force suffered very little, only one or two men were killed, and less than a dozen wounded. More than a hundred horses were captured, and a large quantity of arms and ammunition was secured. Just before daylight the victors left the valley, and agaiu started for the Stanwood plantation. As they reached the open gateway, it was evident to them all that something of Impor- tance had happened during their absence. Two or three Union men could be seen hurry- ing arouud to the rear of the house, and Ells- worth counted six dead bodies in front, where only two had been a few hours before. Then they saw EUick and Wash approach- ing, the former with his head bound up in a red and yellow bandana handkerchief, and the latter with his left arm in a sling. "What the deuce has been to pay here ?" ' Major Peale, sharply, as they drew " Dar's trouble enough, Mars'r Major," an- swered Ellick, with gleaming eyes. "Dem guerrillas got hold oh de arms in some way, an' we've had er purty hot fight, I tole yer. Cunnel Hicks, him an' Cap'n Jillson, dey's done gone an' got clean away. De odder pris- oners, dey didn't get off, dey — " " Well, what of them?" asked Peale, impa- tiently. " Dey's done gone dead — ebery one on "And our men — are any of them dead ?" " No, sah; but dey's purty much all ou 'em hurt, an' some mighty bad." "This is serious," said Ellsworth, regret- fully. "For my part, I'd rather all the.rest had escaped than those two." " It is bad," rejoined the major, " and from what you have told me, I fear it would 't do to leave this place unguarded while they are at liberty. They are capable of returning here and murdering the whole family." " That's what I was thinking. What do you propose to do ?" "Make this place our headquarters until they are captured and hung." "Ah! and you believe they can be found?'' " Look at that negro there— the big one, I mean." "Well?" " I'll stake my life it was either Hicks or Jillsen who cracked his skull for h'm. He's bent on revenge. I can see it; and nobody knows all the hiding places in this part of the country as well as he. With his help we can track the scoundrels to their death. Ellick, come here. Whose work was that ';" pointing to his head. " Cap'u Jillson's, sah, de cowardly dog! He comed up from behind an' knocked me sense less. Et he'd a-comed at me liker man, wouldn't say er word; but now — " ' ' You want to find him, don't you ?" The negro's eyes gleamed like lightning. " Never fear, you shall find him. Wh winged Wash ? " " Mas'r Hicks." "Ah! and he don't feel over friendly toward the colonel, I suppose ?" "No, eah!" "All right, we'll have something to eat, and let our horses rest, and then we'll start out on the trail." CHAPTER XIX. TONT BKIKGB DOWN THE GUERILLA CHrEP. Breakfast was speedily prepared, the officers ate theirs together, with the troopers in groups at no great distance about them. They would not go to the house on account of the illness of Mrs. Stanwood. Soon as the meal was finished the bugle sounded and speedily the squadron was mounted. As Major Peale was iibout to give the order. Forward! Ellsworth's eyes happened to rest on Tony Tibhits, wh<) — .^ .-...-^ horse ahead at a half trot in order to join DU Coorey, who v.a.s calling for him. Doment, Miijor, if you please," exclaimed y e i nif Til I ] . MS his hand wentnp to " That chain and trinket," said the Captain, "have you it about you no'W V " Yes, Captain, I got it from Tim a while ago." "Very eood. ride on to the houBC and ehow it to the lady. But mind 1 if she detains yon over two minutes we eliall not waitforyou. We aregoing in the direc- tion of thu valley. You are not afraid to ride after ue "No, sir. not at all." "Very well. But hurry ; and if you can rejoin us immediattly, I shiill be better pleased. Tony at once dat^lied off toward the hocee. He brought his horue to a stand before a aide entrance, andquickfy dismounted. Tlie door stood open, and as he ascended the steps EdnaStanwood appeared in thehallwuy. "All I its you. "she said, hastening t'onvard. "come right in, I have Tbeen esp<*eting you. But stop a mo- ment where you are, and let me take one good look at yon." When taking the boys head between her hands, she gazed down earnestly into his eyee. Tony looked up into her lovely face wonderingly. "Yes," murmured the girl at last, "yes, I too can see the look audi no longer marvel at mother's agita- tion. Did you bring the little keep sake, Anthony ?" "Yes, Miss." "Letme havft itthen. and I will see if it is possihJe for my mother to receive you. She passed a miserable night, and was very poorly a little while ago when I was in her room. Can you wait ?" The captain gave me two minuies, Mies. If I am not bark in that time the column wili move on, and " "I won't keep you a moment. Sit down here iu the hallway, where you can hear my voice if I call;" and Edna hastei ed hghtly up the si She was gone quite two minn slowly, with a thonghtful and a ny," she said, seating herself by the side of the id taking his band iu hers, " my poor mother is and she has jnst fallen asleep. I dare not However, let me say, as I entered her r i troubled look up- y the Bide of th r poor mother i wake he trinket which I held i nized it as one she had eeeri before. " What she said it ia not best that I should repeat to yon now; it would take too much time, and I am sure you are anxious to rejoin your comrades who have al- ready passed down the road. " ■ ' ' ' ' - , and instantly recog- Tony " You need not doubt I leave this with me for a little while?" be returned to you ; if— of that, miss," broke in Tony; " bi back this way, you know." THE AEMY AND NAYT LIBRARY. "Who told v"u that?" she asked, hastUy. "Did Unptain Ellsworth tiij- to*" '■ Oh, no, miss; liut. you see, we arc followm^ up those guerrilla otBceis — Hicks and Jillson— and we don't know where the chase may lead us. " She thought a moment, and then hastened into a side room, a sort of library. A minute later she returned, a email, three-comered note in her hand, "There," she said, "give that to yonr captam, and take my word for it, you will come back this way. Now will you leave the chain ?" 'Certainly, miss," responded Tony, promptly. "But ■ ■ are of it? You see. it was my -but you will t loor mother's, and ' ememberher by." "You are quite sui " Oh, yea, miss, I ler neck, with that vith i thinj; hanging i 1 your keepsake shall not get lost." With a hasty good-mornmg, Tony ran down the c ,andsr ng it about Slyofer me. 1 know this," he continued, musingly, "or else— or else, the thing has happened in my dreams. Alas, it is so htUel do remember, surely I cannot be mistaken " Go— go, boy, at oncet" esclaiined Edna, excitedly; " go, ana return as speedily '" th a hasty good-morn...^, aide steps, and sprang to saddle. The squadron was already out of sight: but this did not trouble him much, it only caused him a momentary feeling of annoyance. His mind was so much taken up by all Edna had slid that he thought of very little else. Still, he felt the necessity of rejoining his command ith as little delay us possible and so, ditiging his heels ^ ato the horse's danks— he had no spurs— he put him to the top of bis speed. , , j -.v For some distance his way lay along a level road , with rich open fields on either hand; then came a gradual rise, and when he had reached the top of the hill, he saw that just before him the road took an abrupt bend to the left, and ran through a thick woods. Now, witaout in the least being able to account for It, Tony felt a presentiment that danger lurked in that forest, and without slackening the speed of ' ' ' ^ ■ carbine that had ■ revol- nnslung m, loosened ihill at breakneck soeed, and then, suddenly, turned 'Uto the wood-bordered road, Tony was now on the alert; his eyes were searching the underbrush on either side for the slightest indica- ■ of a larking enemy. He took another look, and ■ and shoulder of a man, and oarbine, pointed suggestively thought he saw a slight movement of a sure he saw the neck his direction, became '^Instantly his own carliine was brought The skulking enemy' evidorlly Stantly there was a % cd Tony had I laid a rlorllvsaw fhen)nyemPiit,nnd 1. followed by u s^mrp report, 1 be felt t ■etarded his i But this had not- for an instant i and without checking his horse, he aiming just below where he saw the A sharp cry followed the shot, and tnere was a violent commotion in the underbrush. Tony brought his horse to a stand, and spriaging from the saddle, rushed to the cover. He quickly caught sight of a man in the gray uni- form of a rebel officer, trying to crawl away mto the bushes. " Halt!" he cried, sternly, " halt, I say, or I flrel and this time I shall Are to kill . ' , , ^ The officer stopped his onward progress, and turned. Then Tony for tlie first time caught sight of his face, and to his utter amazement, recognized Colonel Lester Hicics, the guerrilla chief! CHAPTER XX. TOKT ACTS THE I ' FATHER COimSSOB. " There's no use wasting any more time on me, ooy, said the colonel, gloomily; "you've cooked my goose— I'm done tor, sure as preaching." Then, with a gasp, he sank down. , . « .,. A strange, a solemn feeling took possession of the boy's heart, and slowly making his way to the ' ' Help me," he gasped, " I caimot breathe, I can't—" and again he sank back . Tony now haroly knew what to do. He was most anxious to hurry on and rejoin his command, and yet he did not like to leave tho-apparently dying man. ■While he was considering what — ° *'~* *" adopt the gnrrella chief suddenly "A drop of spirits." he gasped. Now of all tilings in the world liquor of any kind lust what Tony hadn't got, nor wasn't likely to h The very small of the stuff wa sick, and he invariably kmt possible. So he was obliged U " I haven't got any •■- " The colonel took a long draught, and ihen, in a itronger voice said ; "Raise me up a little higher, and place my back igainst that tree." Tony, with some difficulty, did so. As he was moving the almost helpless man, his foot :ame in contact with the side pocket-book and turned t over, causing most of its contents to slip out, Tony looked round. A number of letters and a card picture caught his another effort away from it isped the colonel and indicated his right Tony quickly unbuttoned Ws coat which had been hand breast i seemed to dawn upon him that the picture .t an exact likeness of the jMiss Stanwood from he had parted a little while before, there was something mure subdued, more gentle, perhaps, re- face before him. It reminded him of . had struck him in Flora Penrose's quiet Then too the picture was a very old one— ten or fifteen years at least, and yet it represented a woman of be- tween eighteen and twenty years. He did not know what to make of it written at the bottom caught his eye — " £ long, Tonj " Father, mother, the girl hereelf, all received him with open arms, and before I hardly had time to catch my breath, they were married, and my happiness and prospects were blighted for ever. " Isaw my prospects were blighted, for more than mere love was concerned in all this, I had hoped to keep Antoine single, in case of his death I became sole heir to the Marsden estates, and now my affairs were in such a condition t>iat the possession of my cousin's fortune had become, I believed, absolutely necessary to me. still brooding over my fancied V the news reached his wife had died . cousin and ruccessful rival was in full colossal ortune. possession of his look down upon me " Should I submit enjoy tall, whilel v " By the Eternal I , and could afford to ith cold disdain. I Should I quietly permit her to 18 poor and miserable ? myself of all that work to accomplish my purpose. " Months rolled by. ' *■■"' theirs, and deliberltely I tightly buttoned across his chest, and 1 The first thing his hand enconnterei "He took out' the cork, and with a gr™ace of disCTSt^ raised the head of the wounded man, and held the flask to his lipe. ildest and proudest fami- head of the house is now w'ho has been the father „. „. .. children. "The oldest child was a daughter; sons and daugl daughter, the It left allte to-day," , The colonel paused, and he was silent feared he had fainted. ^'BuTil'^s'oftre'Zeft^Ihave to speak Edith. She was a grand, stately, yet gentle and conhdmg woman, and b^utifil as a dream. Edna looks very much like ' The^cVo^nll's h^d'h^ad wien forward mitU his chin rested unon his breast. He seemed to have wholly for- gotrer Tony's presence, and Wlked on aloud as though Uiiniiins to himself. CHAPTER XXI. HICK'S CONFESSION ANB DEATH. " Tes, Edith was as beautifiU as a dream, "murmured the dying max - - ■ . . - - . . „ '°"''bS her father, her mother, her other relatives-- none of them liked me, and perhaps, they had just cause tor their dislike, i was wUd-desperately wild, and dissipated a large fortune before I was twenty-five, " Well then came my accomplished cousin- Antome Warsden, the only son and heir of Govenor Warsden the wealthiest man in all this southern country, and saw my Edith, and there was no more chance for me. that I had a hard task yet I was beginning to think I could see daylight. I had another setback, word came that a son and heir had been born to them. " I swore to delay no longer in my revenge, which I promised myself should be s - " --^ •"*" "-■ *- inclu' *■ had many sp called 1 not take me long to draw up a will to suit myself, "At this time Antoine was in Washington, on public business, I went there too. " I personated him, and so the requisite number o*^ persons witnessed the forged will, firmly believing that it was the real Antoine Marsen who made it. " Shortly after this— not wishing to mu too much risk myself, I got up a quarrel between my coasm and Abner Jillson, whoatthattimewas a very young and hot headed fellow. ..... " He called Marsden out and killed him, unfau-ly it was said, and for many reasons the matter was hushed up. I doubt if even General Stanwood himself knows the real facts to this day. t, .. ,. "My o\vn course was now plain before me. Edith had determined to return to her father's house with her child. I resolved to take that child from her. . "I secured the services of a trusty man, and waylaid her on the road. ,„^ " She became unconscious from fright. When she came to her/ielf, a dead child, whose face was horribly disfigured, and who was dressed in her own child f clothes, lay by her eide. , , , . , . _ " She was told that it had been killed by a kick from ""•'she rlfiised"o believe the story. She emphatically declared that the child was not hers, and loudly caUed tor her own darling r,oy. And this cry she kept up all that niirbt and un-H the evening of the next day, whea her f.ittier arrived at the houre where she had becucon- veyeH, ill order to take her home. " Once in her childhood's home, she became more quiet. She still insisted, however, that the dead boy was a stranger. But her friends thought this omy.tho ravings of an unsound mind, and so the little one wa« buried, and no search was made for the living child. "That child was in my possession. "At first it was my attention to kill it; but somehow I could not bring myself to do that Then I thought of a sweeter vengeance. . .... * "The man who had helped me in the plot thus far was one Tibbits, a queer sort of a fellow, with very lit- tle conscience. He had a wife living in KnoxvUle, " He could be hired to go anywhere— do anything, ana I had always found him reliable. There is such a thing as honor among thieves, , , . ^ , .^ " Well -1 gave him the child and told him to take it North somewhere, gain a resiuence, seem to be desper- ately poor, and at last see that the brat fetched up m the almshouse. ,.,,.. ^ *--.^ " He sought out his wife, gave the child into her ec j; aged 1 3 wife disappeared. ipper a id to kee keep a jealous eye c , I suppose, "And hie poor mother!" faltered Tony, "his poor mother, did she die of a broken heart?" Lester Uicks looked np with a start. He seemed to awake as from a dream. ., , ^ .i ,«» " His mother, his mother," he said, ''whose mother? "Tony's— the hoy you stole away." "Ah, Tonyl that's what they called him. to be sure. He was named Antoine, after his father, or Anthony, as it is in English; but he was called Tony by 1 ibbita, and took that worthy's last name. Yes, yes, Tony Tibbiis, that's the boy, And-ha! ha!-he's my cousm and heir. " But his mother-is sHe dead?" urged Tony. " Dead? of course she is— died within a month after her child was stolen away, believing, too, m its exist- ence to the moment of her death. And what s more, at thel'ast,! believe, she made a convertof her mother. Edna was too young to think much abont the matter m those days; for that-let-mc—see, must have been quite twelve or thu'teen years ago . „■!„„„„. "Ednal" he continued, after a moment s silence, "ah, yes, and since then I have been a suitor for liar hand—a suitor, and rejected . But— ha 1 ha I not with the scorn she lavished on Jillson, the slaver of her bro- ther-in-law. I wonder how much ^he knows, or sus- pects, of that affaur. I wonder if her father lether into the secret of those papers, which he intrusted to hr care, and which, if we could have got hold of tin would have insured to me another fortune. THE AEMY AND NAVY LIBEAEY. nnded tinued thoughtfully kneeling '""■'-"'■■ •'•■■ dying sinner pasped for breath, and empty aaek on the ground, man- 1 becam* silent, and Tony con- "Suddenly"""""" "'""" pointing tc aged to ntter the word- •Quickl" Tony picked up the flask and held it to his lips. He drank eagerly, and when at length the boy took it away, murmurt-d feebly: ' "Tiiny TibbitsI Yes, that is what they called him. Iwish-I wish— word could be got to him. I wish I could right that poor child's wrongs, at Jeaet. But this ''?.'';7''° friends— dying like a dog in these woods—" "You would really like to see that boy f" broke in Tony, "to tell him you have wronged him, and to do all th.t lies in your power to give Him a name and sta- 3 eager answer. . onl'^eaid Tony solemnly. , Edith Htanwood's child!" known as Tony Tibbits," ly aven^. fell foni Tonv iiprine to. ell on his ea CUAPTKR XXII. , boy, yon have fearful- ssuing from hie mouth. "Be dad, ther by's proud— jist loike meself " claimed Tim. "He's got good blood in his veins." "And have you, Timf" asked Lillie. "Have. I Shure, thin, an' didn't yer know I was t ''■rect descendant av wan av ther greatest i owld Oirelandf" " It's thrue for yer." The boys sent np a shout of laughter, amid i irder to mount was heard. They were quickly in the saddle, and, at a li I the c 'elyt , theys nhewb 1 advanc- luK turtaru tueill. " Wait one moment," cull "I have somethingof theun The column was brought Major Pealc and Captam Ellsworth rode toward Tlie little squad. " What is it?" asked the former. „.■',''>. 'he first place," answered Snowden, "Colonel Hicks IS dead!" " Dead 1 Who killed him, and where f " "TonyTibbits shot him." was the answer, " and he lies in the woods to the east of the road, about a mile from this." "Did yoti find any papers on But must you die?" Of course. I am bleeding to death, and all the e us in yonr army couldn't save me." Very well, you shall have your wish." One thing more." "Well "After and bury boy there vegot that hole dug out, pitch me int You'll find much that belongs to I rof theStanwood«." Snowden, onderinglj ! body?*'3sked Peale, important, major." ! they?" Lnded him all the papers. eu men JU81 coming into view. Were they friemls or enemies? At that distance he could not tell. lakmg his horse by the bridle he led him a short ^rSroeri^Lr-^'-"'-" "•- «turo'Sd\?S He rushed out into the middle of the road, and when ng/guad caught sight of him, they sen ""' put theii- horses company He 1 ■ the ad' a loud cheer of joy and relief, headed the e close behind r..,']i n'" ""^ g'*'' '? *'"' yo" «^f« aod sound, my boy 'sajd Coropal Snowden, with a great i'— ' -' « ^^^ ■' ' "Be ther powers I" exclaimed Tii onaisy on your account, Tony Bui lhfir^^E'et'°v^L"'/;?J?,';r.P'""''-^'' -"^ "be. They ditl ec considered Uie ble. Come!' t once," said Peale. ciding that moBt of them " ■ ■ '' "ithout delay, of feeling. 'Iwaamightly anything TlmH?'SeTKd.'£mS:riy1?''='"^"°''"'<'rs>"- "Shm-e, thin, I do." \ " Just talk French to them." said Ed, amid a shont of laughter. V " Oh, go 'long wid 3 *' Where's yoiu" hori moment. " Right here, close at hand," was the reply. *' Well, come then, my boy, mount," . Corpora^ Snowden, somewhat impatiently, we 30m the squadron without delay. "What, did you come out on purpose to fi "Shaft, thin, don't I bes tillm yer that it was ml self that got onaisy' esclmmedTim, " and 1 wouldn't "iv'e ther captain any pace till he sent us. ' * " Have you found either of the escaped prisoners f asked Tony, without making any movement toward his "No: but what did you stop here for!" asked the "Dismount, all of you, andlwin "iiowyou" Wonderingly, they dlsmoiiuted, add 'Tony led the way to the spot where the dead guerilla chief was lying. Au exclaD.<.iiun of astonishment burst from their &l^ they caught sight of the dead body, and then turnmg to Tony, Corporal Snowden asked : I. ' Is this your work, boy !" Tony gave au aflirmative nod. i