MANUAL -OF 1HE PRESBYTERY OF WflfflMTON. ADOPTED NOVEMBER, 1883. WILMINGTON, N. C: JACKSON racing the topics recommended by the General Assembly, to wit: (1.) Official fidelity on the )art of ministers, Ruling Elders and Deacons. 2.) Attendance upon service of the Sanctuary. 3. j Special out-pouring of the Holy Ghost in he Churches. (4 ) The Prevalence of intem- )erance, worldly amusements, and other forms )fsin. (5.) Family worship. (6.) Catecheti- 3al instruction in Sunday-schools and families. 7.) The observance of the Sabbath. (8.) Fi- ielity of God's people in worshipping the Lord vvith their substance. (9.) Supply of churches with ministration of the Word. (10 ) Relig- ous instruction of colored people. This report or Narrative shall be sent to the Presbytery in writing, having been previously ipproved by the session and entered upon its records. [4.] The records of the session shall be sent up for review at the Spring meeting. [5.] The Quota assessed upon each church is 10 Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. to be paid to the Treasurer at the Spring meet ing. [6.] Each church having a pastor or statec supply shall present a report, stating whethe the amount of salary promised has been paid, i rc N. B. Stated Clerk is required to furnish alj f< needed blank forms at least two months befon the meeting of Presbytery. SECTION VII. ATTENDING MEETINGS OF PRESBYTER^ i Ministers failing to attend any stated meet ing shall report by letter, when practicable, th< reason of their absence. Any Session failing to be represented shall report by letter the; reason therefor. Sessions are urged to give at tention to the provision in Book of Churct Order, Chap, v, Sec. I, Par. vii, to wit: "The expenses of Ministers and Ruling Elders, their attendance on the courts, shall be defrayed by the bodies which they respectively repre- sent." SECTION vnr. MISSIONARY SUPPLIES. The missionary field of the Presbytery shal be distributed among its ministers according tc the recommendation of tiie Committee oi Home Missions, when approved, at each stated meeting of the Presbytery. Each minister' 11 shall report his diligence in performing the missionary duty assigned to him. Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 11 SECTION IX. LICENTIATES AND CANDIDATES. 1. Licentiates under the care of Presbytery re required to attend every stated meeting, or lend satisfactory excuse for absence in writing. They shall be assigned by Presbytery to suit- able fields of labor, where they may exercise heir gifts as "Probationers for the Holy Minis- ry ;" or they may obtain leave from Presby- tery to labour in certain fields, but in neither ase shall the period of labour extend beyond >ne year at a time. 2. Candidates for the Gospel Ministry shall »e required to report by letter at least twice a 'ear to the Agent of Education. SECTION X. PERMANENT ORDER OF THE DAY. The following shall be permanent orders of he day for the stated Spring and Fall Meetings if the Presbytery, at such hours as may be ap- pointed by the Committee on Devotional Exer- ises : (See Sec. 4, par. 7.) For the Spring Meeting. econd Day. — Tlie Slate of Religion in the Churches : The Narratives from the churches to be rrad, accompanied by such verbal state- ments as may be desired. l'htrd Day. — Home Missions : The consider- ation of the report from the Committee of Home Missions and reports from Missionary supplies. 12 Manual of Wilmington Pr< nbytery. Fourth Day.— Systematic Betuflcpnce : Tht consideration of the Report of the Presby- tery's Standing Committee. tor the Fall Meeting. Second Day — Free conversation on State oi Religion in the Churches. Third Day.— Sabbath School*: The consid- eration of the Report to Synod, prepared by the Presbytery's Agent. SECTION XT. GENERAL DOCKET. Igei m 1— Prayer. ! 2— Roll Call. 3 — Election of Moderator and Temporary ^ Clerks. 4— Hours of Session fixed. (&ee Section 4, Par. 7.) 5 — Reading of Minutes of last Stated Meeting 6 — Excuses for absence. (See Standing Rule 18.) 7 — Appointment of Standing Committees. [1] On Narrative to Synod or General As sembly. [2] On Systematic Beneficence. [3] On Sessional records (Spring.) (3 Com- mittees.) [4] On time and place of next meeting. [5] On Pastoral support (Spring). 8 Reports from churches called for. (Not provided for in permanent order* of day. (Section 10.) (;■ Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 13 [1] Statisti al Report. (Spring ) [2] Sabbath-Schools. (Spring.) [3] Pastoral Support. (Spring.) [4] Sessional Records. (Spring.) 9— Roll of churches called for payment of con- ngent fund. (Spring). 10 — Reports of Permanent Committees and Agents, Trustees, &c. [1] Committe of Home Missions. [2] Agent of Foreign Missions. (Spring.) [3] Agent of Publication. (Spring.) [4] Agent of Education. (Spring.) [5] Agent of Sunday Schools. (Spring.) [6] Permanent Committee on Sabbath. (Spring.) [7] Permanent Committee on Minutes of General Assembly. (Fall.) [8] Permanent Committee on Minutes of Synod. (Spring.) [9] Permanent Committee to audit Treas- urer's account. (Spring.) [10] Trustees of Davidson College. (Fall.) [11[ Commissioners to General Assembly. gall.) 11— Free Conversation on State of Religion. (Fall.) 12 — Report of Treasurer. (Spring.) 13 — Report of Evangelists. 14 — Nominate and elect Commissioners to General Assembly. (Spring.) (See Standing (Rule 21.) 15 — Elect Trustees of Davidson College. (Fall.) 10— Reports from Standing Committees. 14 Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. [1] On Narrative. [2] On Systematic Beneficence. [3] On Sessional Records. (Spring.) [4] On time and place of next meeting. [5] On Pastoral Support. (Spring). 17 — Election of Presbyterial Agents and Com' mittee of Home Missions, (Spring). 18 — Reports from Special Committees. 19 — Orders on Treasurer. 20— Vote of thanks. 21— Minutes to be read and approved. 22 — Adjournment and close with singing, prayer and Apostolic Benediction. SECTION XIT. STANDING RULES— MISCELLANEOUS. Rule 1.— The Rules of Parliamentary order adopted by the General Assembly of the Presby- terian Church in the United States, are hereby adopted as Standing Rules for the government of the Presbytery. (See page — ) Rule 2.— It shall require two-thirds of all the members present to suspend, amend or abolish a Standing Rule. Rule 3. — Candidates for Licensure, unless otherwise ordered, shall be examined on Lan- guages, Science, &c, privately, on all other sub- jects publicly. Rule 4. — Trustees of Davidson College shall be elected at Fall meetings only. Rule 5. — Every church shall report and transmit promptly to the Treasurer of the Pres- Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 15 bytery all monies collected for the Benevolent Causes of the Church as ordered by the General Assembly. Rule 6. — Sessions shall give their careful at- tention to the provisions of the Book of Disci- pline, chap, xv, par. 2 3 and 4, respecting the transfer of non-resident members; and they shall always report the whole number of regis- tered communicants to the Presbytery, and not merely the number residing at the time in the bounds of the congregation. Rule 7. — The Treasurer shall notify Church Sessions of amount due Contingent Fund of Presbytery at least one month before meeting of the Presbytery. Rule 8. — Presbyterial Agents and Perma- nent Committees, excepting the Agent of Home Missions and the Committee on Minutes of General Assembly and Synod, shall make their reports only at each stated Spring meeting. Rule !). — An evening shall be set apart at Spring meeting for the consideration of the cause of Foreign Missions, and at each Fall meeting for the consideration of the cause of Home Missions, and the Committee on Devo- tional Exercises shall make the necessary ar- rangement for these services respectively. Rule 10 — Sessions are hereby advised to ap- point the Principal or Alternate delegate to Fall Presbytery as Principal or Alternate dele- gate to Synod. Rule 11. — The Presbyterial Agents and Com- mittee of Home Missions shall be appointed at each stated Spring meeting. : El v 16 Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. Rule 12. — Presbyterial Agents, in reporting the resultof their efforts to secure contributions! from all the churches to the causes respectively committed to their care, shall report annually to the stated Spring meeting the names of thosei churches that have failed to contribute, and to shall correspond with the delinquent churchesj »He- exhorting to the performance of their neglected duty. Rule 13. — The Committee of Home Missions is charged [1] with the duty of looking after ami providing for the permanent supply of thefcii feeble and vacant churches of the Presbytery, [2] With the oversight and conduct of the mis- sionary work within its bounds in accordance with the General Assembly's plan. [3] With the duty of recommending the appointment ofi ttoi supplies to vacant churches. [4] With the| k duty of receiving and acting upon all applica- tions for aid in building or repairing church edifices. [5] With the distribution of the In-I valid Fund and [6] with the duty of urging upon all our churches the importance of sys-< tematic and liberal contributions to the cause of Home Missions. It shall report in full of alL its operations at every stated meeting Rule 14. — The Agent of Foreign Missions isi charged with the interests of this cause, which he shall seek to promote by all appropriate! means. He shall write to each church prior to the time appointed for the annual collection fori this cause, reminding it of the claims of thisle, cause and urging 'he duty of liberality. j l\ Mi bar Dj Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 17 Rule 15. — The Agent of Publication is 3harged with the duty of promoting the inter- ests of the cause of Publication in co-operation with the General Assembly's Committee. He hall endeavor, by correspondence, to secure rom all the churches, at the appointed time, Elections for this cause. Rule 16. — The Agent of Education is charged with the immediate care and oversight of our :andidates for the ministry; and, by corre- pondence with the Faculty of the College or Seminary in which these candidates are pursui- ng their studies, he is expected to keep him- self informed with reference to their deport- nent, diligence and progress, which informa- tion he shall report to Presbytery with any recommendation of action he may consider tin wise and appropriate. He shall endeavor also, )y correspondence, to secure from all the ml 3hurches, at the time appointed, collections for his cause. Rule 17. — The Agent of Sunday Schools is iharged with the general interests of the Sun- lay School work in the Presbytery. He shall mdeavor by all suitable means to awaken, ex- end and maintain within our bounds a deeper » is nterest in Sabbath Schools. He shall receive md digest the Reports from the churches on his subject, and shall prepare therefrom a Re- )ort to be forwarded, when approved, to the general Assembly or Synod, as the case may >e. Rule 18.— At each stated meeting the Mod- irator shall call on all ministers present who ■lj :il <.\ r t: ;: 18 Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. are marked as absentees to state their reasons for previous failure to attend. If no motion is made expressive of disapprobations the reasons assigned shall be deemed satisfactory. Rule 19.— The Stated Clerk shall cause to be published an Abstract of the Minutes of each stated meeting in the form of a circular letter, as soon as practicable after its adjournment, and shall send as many copies of the same to the Pastor or Session of each church as there are officers in that church. This abstract shall contain only such matter as he deems import- ant to be brought to the attention of our churches. Rule 20. — The Treasurer shall procure and forward by mail, as soon as published, a eopy of the "Minutes of the General Assembly" of each year to every Minister and Licentiate in the Presbytery. Rule 21.— Commissioners to the General Assembly shall be nominated at least one day before the election. Rule 22. — The Presbytery asserts and main- tains its authority over the relation of Stated Supply. It can be formed only by the consent of Presbytery, and it can be continued only by a new application to the Presbytery at every Spring meeting, or in the interim it may be formed or continued by the Committee of Home Missions, subject to the endorsement of the Presbytery. Rule 23.— By the adoption of this "Manual" the Presbytery hereby declares the repeal of all existing "Standing Rules." Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 19 SECTION XIII. RULES OF PARLIAMENTARY ORDER. 1. The Moderator shall take the chair pre- cisely at ttie hour to which the court stands ad- journed ; shall immediately call the members to order; and on the appearance of a quorum, the session shall be opened with prayer. 2. If a quorum be assembled at the hour ap- pointed and the Moderator be absent, the last ^Moderator, or oldest minister present, shall take the chair without delay. 3. If a quorum be not assembled at the hour appointed, any two members shall be competent to adjourn from time to time, that an oppor- tunity may be given for a quorum to assemble. 4. After calling the roll and marking the ab- sentees, the minutes of t^e last sitting shall be read, and if requisite, corrected. OF THE MODERATOR. 5. It shall be the duty of the Moderator to preserve order, and to conduct all business be- fore the court to a speedy and proper result. 6. He is to propose to the court every subject of deliberation that comes before it. 7. He may propose what appears to him the most regular and direct way of bringing any business to i:~sue. 8. He shall always announce the names of members rising to speak, prevent them from interrupting each other, and require them in speaking always to address the chair. 20 Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 9. He shall prevent a speaker from deviat ing from the subject, and from using personalis reflections. 10. He shall silence those who refuse to ob- serve order. 11. He shall prevent members from leaving the court without his permission. 12. He shall, when the deliberations are ended, put the question and call the vote. 13. In all questions he shall give a clear andP 1 concise statement of the object of the vote, and the vote being taken, he shall declare how the question is decided. 14. He shall carefully keep notes of the orders of the day, and call them up at thetimes appointed. 15. He may speak to points of order in preference to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose, and shall decide questions of order subject to an appeal to the court, with out debate, by any two members. 16. If any member consider himself aggriev ed by a decision of the Moderator, it shall be his privilege to appeal to the court, and the ques- tion on such appeal shall be taken without de bate. 17. It is his duty to appoint all committees except in those cases in which the court shall! decide otherwise. 18. When a vote is taken by ballot, or by yeas and nays, he shall vote with the other' members; in other cases, when the court m\ equally divided, he shall possess the castingi vote. If he be not willing to decide, he shaj Ji- ll ferk [est In I 'V. I K k\ :,i« Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 21 )Ut the question a second time, and if the court >e again equally divided, and he decline to give lis vote, the question shall be lost. 19. He may call any member to the chair to preside temporarily. OF THE CLERK. 20. As soon as possible after the com men ce- in | nent of the first session of every court, the jlerk shall form a complete roll of the members ij jresent, and put the same into the hands of the Moderator; and whenes^er any additional ll 1( nembers take their seats, he shall add their w James in their proper places to the said roll. 21. He shall immediately file all papers in he order in which they have been read, with proper endorsements, and keep them in per- fect order. OF THE ORDER OF BUSINESS. 12. After the reading of the minutes of the receding day, the following order of business hall be observed : First — The receiving of [a] Communications addressed to the body ; [b] Reports of standing committees ; [c] Reports of select committees ; [d] Resolutions; each of which papers may, >y unanimous consent, betaken up immediate- y on presentation, but if objection be made it hall be docketed. 22 Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. Secondly — The unfinished business in whi the court was engaged at the last precedii adjournment, in preference to orders of t day ; but such unfinished business may, < motion without debate, be laid on the tat to proceed with the special order. Thirdly — As soon as the special order and tl unfinished business are disposed of, the bus, , ness on the docket will be called ; b motions to elect officers, to appoint comm tees, and to enroll members shall always 1 in order, unless a member is speaking, or tl court is voting. OF MOTIONS. 23. A motion must be seconded, and afte ward repeated by the Moderator, or read alou before it is debated ; but this shall be no bar explanation of the object of any motion by tl mover, provided he does not exceed five mil utes ; and every motion shall be reduced writing, if the Moderator or any member r quire it. 24.— The mover of a resolution is entitled the floor if he so desires, after the Moderate has stated the question. OF WITHDRAWAL OF MOTIONS. 25. Any member who shall have made motion, shall have liberty to withdraw it wit the consent of his second, before any debai has taken place thereon, but not afterward witl, out the leave of the court. U :;;, '; Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 23 OF LIMITATIONS OF DEBATE. m. Motions to lay on the table, to docket, to ke up business, and to adjourn, and the call t* the question, shall be put without debate. I questions ot order, postponement or com- itment, no member shall speak more than ce. On all other questions, each member 'sty speak twice, but not oftener without ex- ess leave of the court. OF PRIVILEGED QUESTIONS 27. — When a question is under debate, no otion shall be received unless to adjourn, to cket, to lay on the table, to amend, to post- ne indefinitely, to postpone to a day certain, to commit; which several motions shall ve precedence in the order in which they are rein arranged ; and the motion for adjou ru- nt shall alw T ays be in order. I il OF "THE question." 28. When any member shall call for "the mtion" the Moderator shall, without debate, t the vote, "Is the court ready for the ques- >n ?" If the call be seconded by a majority the members present, the vote shall i in- nately be taken on the pending question, latever it may be, without further debate. ON DIVISION OF THE QUESTION. al 29 If a motion under debate contain several rts, any two members may have it divided, d a question taken on each part. lis 24 Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. OF AMENDMENTS. 30. An amendment may be moved on any question, as also an amendment to the amend- ment, which shall be decided before the original proposition ; bat two distinct amendments tci the pending question shall not be entertained at the same time, whether moved as substitute for the whole matter, or as changing any part thereof. 31. One proposition may be substituted foi another when the substitute covers the whole matter of the original, and this shall be done) by moving to strike out the original, and to in sert the substitute. t OF RECONSIDERATION. 32. A question shall not be reconsidered al the same session of the court at which it has been decided, unless by the consent of a major- ity of the members who were present at the de- cision, and unless the motion to reconsider be made by a person who voted with the ma- jority. 33. — A subject which has been indefinitely: postponed, shall not be again called up during the same session of the court, unless by the consent of three-fourths of the members wh( were present at the decision. :.\r 38, b\i m, If 'St! f iej i I lot l, OF SPEAKERS. Der sJ by th 34. If more than one member rise to speakj^ at the same time, the member who is most dis | esi Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 25 taut from the Moderator's chair shall speak first. 35. Every member, when speaking, shall address himself to the Moderator, and shall treat his fellow members, and especially the Moderator, with decorum and respect. OF INTERRUPTIONS. 36. No speaker shall be interrupted unless he be out of order, or for the purpose of correct- ing mistakes or misrepresentations. OF VOTING. in • 37. Members shall not decline voting unless excused by the court. :8. When various motions are made with respect to the filling of blanks with particular numbers or times, the question shall always be first taken on the highest number and the long- est time. 39. When the Moderator has commenced jaking the vote, no further debate or remark shall be admitted, unless there has evidently been a mistake, in which case the mistake shall pe rectified, and the Moderator shall recom- mence taking the vote. 40. The yeas and nays on any question shall lot be recorded, unless it be required by one- ;hird of the members present : and every mem- ber shall vote "yea" or 'nay," unless excused )y the court. In a judicial case, members thus DeaUxcused, shall not be allowed a vote in any of lis- he subsequent proceedings relating thereto. 41 In all elections it shall require a majori- ■y of the votes cast to elect. 26 Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. OF COMMITTEES. 42. The person first named on any commit- tee shall be considered as the chairman thereof, whose duty it shall he to convene the committee and preside therein ; and in case of his absence, or inability to act, the second named member shall take his place and perform his duties. OP PRIVATE SESSIONS. 43. All courts have a right to sit in private on business which, in their judgment, ought not to be matter of public speculation. OP THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. ft ft fi Hi ■ft If I- II, ft. 44 Every court has a right to resolve itself into a committee of the whole, or to hold what are commonly called interlocutory meetings, in which members may freely converse together without the formalities necessary in their ordi nary proceedings. In all such cases the Mod- erator shall name the member who is to pre- side as chairman. If the committee is unable to agree, a motion may be made that the com- mittee rise, and upon the adoption of such motion the Moderator shall resume the chair, and the chairman of the committee shall reportjfii what has been done, and ask that the com mittee be discharged, which being allowed, the matter shall be dropped. If the committee shall agree upon the report to be made, or have made p rogr ess in t h e sa m e w i t h o u t coming to a conclusion, the committee may rise, report! what has been done, and if the case require, may ask leave to sit again ; or the committeeim ,1; 1\ itii to C ft: Manual of Wilmington Presbytery. 27 )f the whole may be dissolved, and the ques- ion considered by the court in the usual order )f business. of DECORUM. 45. Without express permission, no mem- )er of a court, while business is going on, shall engage in private conversation; nor shall nembers address one another, nor any person >resent, but through the Moderator. 46. When more than three members of the ourt shall be standing at the same time, the vloderator shall require all to take their seats, he person only excepted who may be speak- ng. 47. If any member act in any respect in a lisorderly manner, it shall be the privilege of ny member and the duty of the Moderator, to all him to order. 48. No member shall retire from any court without the leave of the Moderator, nor with- raw from it to return home without the con- ent of the court. I it OF CASES UNPROVIDED FOR. 49. All cases that may arise, not provided )r in the foregoing rules, shall be governed by be general principles of parliamentary law. OF CLOSING THE SESSION. 50. Trie Moderator of every court, above the hurch session, in finally closing its sessions, l addition to prayer, may cause to be sung an ppropriate psalm or hymn, and shall pro- ounce the apostolic benediction. r,