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It is DUE on the DAY ‘' '•d ^*1 r’r : ;• 'I NORTH CAROLINA STATE ROAD LAW Raleigh Capital Printing Company State Printers 1923 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill https://archive.org/details/northcarolinasta00nort_3 [Public Laws, Session 1921, as Amended by Session 1923] An act to provide for the construction and maintenance of a State System of Hard-surfaced and other de¬ pendable roads connecting by the most practicable routes the various county-seats and other principal towns of every county in the State for the develop¬ ment of agriculture, commercial and industrial interests of the State, and to secure benefits of Federal Aid therefor, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina clo enact: Section 1. That chapter one hundred and eighty-nine of the Law amended. Public Laws of North Carolina, session one thousand nine hun¬ dred and nineteen, be amended so as to hereafter read as follows: General Purposes of the Act Sec. 2. The general purposes of this act are for the State to General purposes of act. lay out, take over, establish and construct, and assume control of approximately 5,500 miles of hard-surfaced and other depend- Mileage contem- able highways running to all county-seats, and to all principal plated * towns, State parks, and principal State institutions, and linking up with State highways of adjoining states and with National highways into National Forest Reserves by the most practicable routes, with special view of development of agriculture, commer¬ cial, and natural resources of the State, and for the further pur- post of permitting the State to assume control of the State high- Control of state ways, repair, construct, and reconstruct and maintain said high- R^ a 7r and ma ; n . ways at the expense of the entire State, and to relieve the counties tenance of high¬ ways. and cities and towns of the State of this burden. Purpose and Intent of Act—Hard-Surfaced Roads and Maintaining Same Sec. 3. That the purpose and intent of this act is to establish a system of State highways for the State, hard-surfacing said System of state highways as rapidly as possible, and maintaining the entire sys- Har'— A '" C ^ HZ~ ^ \ > ^ Lu<**^ as^Ct ■+ ! f v ^ - * t l "V\J h^S- (TV. f yy W r^j r] ^Uj~^ u^£<^ yi (jU^S~^ (A_ fy-LAt-Lg/Lu-cs^i yyi/u /kfaL ^ t ofa^- 3/a -V>^ ^ "j^ — jfafafa <^~fa i fak^ => nnhfa\ h^y) '^3. tfyn 7 ^ aAust 3 v0-W^ rv ^ t 4 r ,„%Z", "-A- •y^o a Cja^y 1 ^ . " ^ ou jP^- L ^ I ^ S-^£- I ^CO^-^-y H-'V* <^ry 1 s State Road Law 15 regulations and by such method as the State Highway Commis¬ sion may provide. If the State Highway Commission shall undertake to do the work, it shall not obstruct or impair the operation of the railroad and shall keep the roadbed and tracks safe for the operation of trains at every stage of the work. (a) The jurisdiction over and control of grade crossings and Jurisdiction safety devices upon the State highway system herein given the exclusive - State Highway Commission shall be exclusive. (&) Prom all decisions or determinations made by the State Appeal from deci- Highway Commission, any party affected thereby shall be entitled commission, to an appeal, and the procedure for such an appeal shall be the same as provided in chapter twenty-one, Consolidated Statutes, for appeals from decisions and determinations of the Corporation Commission. Maintenance, Upkeep, and Control Sec. 20. In assuming control of the roads constituting the State highway system, the commission shall assume as soon as practicable the maintenance and upkeep of said roads, and shall as soon as practicable organize a proper and sufficient patrol force to keep said roads in good condition. In the event of failure to maintain said roads in good condition, upon compaint of the board of county commissioners, or road-governing body of any county, the State Highway Commission shall at once investigate such complaint, and if the same be well founded, then it shall at once order the repair and maintenance of the road complained of, and investigate the neglect of the person in charge of the road so complained of, and, if upon investigation the person or persons in charge of the road complained of be at fault, he may promptly be discharged from the service of the commission. Maintenance and upkeep. Patrol force. Complaint by county authori¬ ties. Investigation of complaint. Order for repair and maintenance. Investigation of neglect. Dismissal of delin¬ quent employee. Employment of Counsel Sec. 21. The State Highway Commission may in its discretion Employment of employ any attorney or attorneys to advise them for the purpose of condemning land acquired by this act, making any contracts, and do other legal work that the commission may believe neces¬ sary for carrying out this act, and compensation for all such Compensation, services shall be paid out of the State Highway Fund. Sec. 22. The State Highway Commission is vested with the power to acquire such rights of way and title to such land, gravel, Acquirement of , , , , . , lands and deposits gravel beds, or bars, sand beds or bars, rock, stone, boulders, G f mate rial. quarries, or quarry beds, lime, or other earth or mineral deposits or formations, and such standing timber as it may deem neces¬ sary and suitable for road construction, maintenance, and repair, and the necessary approaches and ways through, and a sufficient amount of land surrounding and adjacent thereto, as it may de- 16 State Road Law Purchase, dona¬ tion, or condemna¬ tion. Proviso: Deposits of mate¬ rial in actual use. Land additional to rights of way. Power to con¬ demn land, mate rial, and timber. Procedure. General and special benefits considered as offsets. Entry prior to condemnation and payment. Deposit on appeals not required. Use of property pending appeal. Reports to General Assembly. Details of report. termine to enable it to properly prosecute the work, either by pur¬ chase, donation, or condemnation, in the manner hereinafter set out: Provided, that the right of condemnation provided for in this act shall not apply to gravel beds or bars, sand beds or bars, rock, stone, boulders, quarries, or quarry beds, lime, or other earth, or mineral deposits or formations, in actual bona fide operation for commercial purposes by private enterprise. The State Highway Commission is also vested with the power to acquire such additional land alongside of the rights of way or roads as in its opinion may be necessary and proper for the protection of the roads and roadways, and such additional area as may be necessary as by it determined for approaches to and from such material and other requisite area as may be desired by it for working purposes. Whenever the State Highway Commission and the owner or owners of the lands, materials, and timber required by the State Highway Commission to carry on the work as herein provided for, are unable to agree as to the price thereof, the State Highway Commission is hereby vested with the power to condemn the lands, materials, and timber, and in so doing the ways, means, methods, and procedure of chapter thirty-three of the Consoli¬ dated Statutes of North Carolina, entitled “Eminent Domain,” shall be used by it as near as the same is suitable for the purposes of this act. And in all instances the general and special benefits shall be assessed as offsets against the damages: Provided, that all actions for damages for rights of way or other causes, shall be commenced within six months from the com¬ pletion of each particular project. In case condemnation shall become necessary the State High¬ way Commission is authorized to enter the lands and take posses¬ sion of the same, and also take possession of such materials and timber as is required by it prior to bringing the proceeding for condemnation, and prior to the payment of the money for the said property. In the event the owner or owners shall appeal from the report of the commissioners, it shall not be necessary for the State High¬ way Commission to deposit the money assessed with the clerk, but it may proceed and use the property to be condemned until the final determination of the action. Reports to the State Sec. 23. The Highway Commission shall, on or before the tenth day of the convening of each regular session of the General Assembly of North Carolina, make full printed, detailed report to the General Assembly, showing the construction and mainte¬ nance work and the cost of the same, receipts of license fees, and disbursements of the commission, and such other data as may be State Road Law 17 of interest in connection with the work of the Highway Commis¬ sion. A full account of each road project shall be kept by and Accounts of each under the direction of the Highway Commission or its repre- project - sentatives, to ascertain at any time the expenditures and the lia¬ bilities against all projects; also records of contracts and force account work. The account records, together with all supporting inspection of documents, shall be open at all times to the inspection of the andTcume^ 3 ’ Governor or road authorities of any county, or their authorized c °P ies to officials, representatives, and copies thereof shall be furnished such officials upon request. Sec. 24. That the books and accounts of the Highway Commis¬ sion shall be audited at least once a year by a certified public Annual audits, accountant to be designated by the Auditor of the State, and Re P° rt of audit tepoit of certified accountant shall be made a part of the accom- commission, panying report of the State Highway Commission to the General Assembly as herein provided. Construction Districts Sec. 25. That with the special view of an equitable distribution Nine construction of the construction funds throughout all portions of the State, the dlstncts - State shall be divided into nine (9) construction districts, the same being designated and indicated on the map hereto attached to this act, and work in each of the construction districts shall be Work in districts started as simultaneously as practicable and continued so in each bimUjLdne0Ub * district. The commission may change, reform, and relocate the Change of dis- lines of said construction districts. Apportionment of Funds to Construction Districts Sec. 26. The State Highway Commission shall apportion among Ratio of appor- . ... . tionment of road the various construction districts as nearly as possible an equal construction fund. amount of the construction fund on the basis of one-third in the ratio of area of each district to the entire area of the State, one- third in the ratio of population of the districts, as determined by the last United States census, to the entire population of the State, and one-third in the ratio of the State highway mileage of the district in proportion to the total mileage of State highways. Sec. 27. That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions Appropriation for expenses of com- of this act and provide for the maintenance and construction of mission. the highways contemplated under this act from the funds derived from the various taxes levied under this act, there shall first be set aside the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250- 000) annually, or so much thereof as may be necessary to defray the expenses of the State Highway Commission. From the Appropriation for remainder of said taxes there shall then be set aside annually the following, in order named: (a) a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon the first fifty million dollars bonds issued under IS State Road Law Balance for maintenance of highways. Surplus of admin¬ istration and interest funds to maintenance and construction fund. Fund for securing Federal aid. Proviso: Expense of col¬ lecting funds. Approval of expenses. Limit of amount. Fees for registra¬ tion and license of vehicles. Rates for auto mobiles. Automobiles for hire. Computation of horsepower. Vehicles operated by steam or electricity. this act, (&) a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon any bonds issued under this act in excess of fifty million dollars, and (c) any interest or sinking fund payments now or hereafter directed to he made therefrom by the General Assembly. The remainder of such fund shall be used by the Highway Commis¬ sion in the maintenance of the highways taken over under the provision of this act, and to be adopted and designated by the commission as State highways under the provisions of this act; any part of the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) set apart for the expenses of the commission, and any part of the balance unexpended in the payment of interest on the bonds, shall pass each year under the control of the Highway Commis¬ sion and be used by it in the maintenance and construction of the State system of highways herein provided for. All funds derived from the taxes herein levied, or from the sale of the bonds herein provided for, may be used by the commission in meeting the requirements of the United States Government as to Federal aid: Provided, that all necessary expenses of collecting the said license or registration fees or other State highway funds hereinafter provided for, including clerical assistance, the cost of furnishing number plates and mailing same, and for such blanks, books, and other supplies as cannot be furnished by the State Printer, shall be paid for monthly by the Auditor from the revenue derived from fees or taxes that are collected, said expenses shall be approved by the Governor and Council of State, and shall not in the aggregate exceed ten per cent of the total amount collected by the Secretary of State under this act. Registration, Licensing, and Permit Fees Sec. 28. That the fees for the registration and licensing of vehicles as herein required shall be according to the following schedules: Rates for Automobiles 24 h. p. or less .$12.50 per year Over 24 h. p., and not more than 30 h. p. 20.00 per year More than 30 h. p., and less than 35 h. p. 30.00 per year 35 h. p. or more . 40.00 per year Motor vehicles used for the transportation of passengers for hire shall pay fifty per cent more than the above rates. Horsepower shall be computed according to the N. A. C. C. formula of rating for all motor vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines. On motor vehicles operated by steam or electricity the horsepower rating shall be computed according to the rating by the manufacturer of such vehicle. State Road Law 19 Rates foe Motor Trucks Rates for motor trucks. Trucks with carrying capacity less than 1,000 pounds.$ 12.50 1,000 pounds and under one ton. 15.00 One ton and under two tons. 25.00 Two tons and under three tons . 75.00 Three tons and under four tons. 200.00 Four tons and over. 300.00 On all trailers, $15 per ton carrying capacity. Trailers. Motorcycles Motorcycles. $5 on each motorcycle, and $5 for each motorcycle side-car. Dealers in Motor Vehicles Dealers in motor vehicles. Registration fee and first five plates.$25.00 Each additional plate. 1.00 The fiscal year for the collection of automobile licenses shall Fiscal year, terminate June thirtieth. The fee for licenses issued after Janu- Licenses between ary first of each year, and before June thirtieth, for the period 3o J june! J and ending June thirtieth, shall be one-half the annual fee. Schedule effective. The foregoing schedule of license fees on motor vehicles shall become effective July first, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, and the present schedule of license fees shall remain in force until said date. The fiscal year for the payment of said Beginning of fiscal vG 2 ,r license fees shall begin July first of each year. Fees to Cover Licenses, Etc. Sec. 29. The foregoing fees shall be paid to the Secretary of Fees paid to Secre- „ , tary of State. State at the time of issuance of said registration certificates, pei- mits, or licenses. They shall include all costs of registration, items covered by £06. issuance of permits, licenses, and certificates, and the furnishing of registration plates, and shall be in lieu of all other State or local taxes (except ad valorem), registration, or license fees, privilege taxes, or other charges: Provided, however, a county, Proviso: . . . ,. £ Fee of county, city, or town may charge a license or registration tee on motor city> or town vehicles in the sum of one dollar ($1) per annum: Provided Proviso: ^^0 £003 for further, that no county, city, or town shall charge or collect an driver’s license, additional fee for the privilege of operating a motor vehicle, either as chauffeur’s or driver’s license: Provided, nothing herein shall prevent the governing authorities of any city from legu- lating, licensing, controlling of chauffeurs and drivers of any such car or vehicle, and charging a reasonable fee: Provided further, that any city or town may charge a license not to exceed fifty dollars ($50) for any motor vehicle used in trans¬ porting persons or property for hire in lieu of all other charges, Proviso: Cities may regu¬ late, license and control chauffers and drivers and charge fee. Proviso: City or town license for auto¬ mobiles for hire. fees, and licenses now charged. 20 State Road Law Operating motor vehicles without license misde¬ meanor. Punishment. Maximum weight. Violation of sec¬ tion misdemeanor. State Highway Fund. Vouchers. Definitions. Motor vehicles. Motor vehicle fuels. Dealer. Dealers in motor vehicle fuels to make monthly reports of pur¬ chases and deliv¬ eries. Gallon tax on purchases. Violation a Misdemeanor Sec. 30. Any person, firm, or corporation that shall operate any motor vehicle upon any highway of the State, without license, as is required under this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the court. No motor or other vehicle or trailer which has a greater rated weight of both vehicle and load exceeding seven and one-half (T 1 /^) tons shall go over or be operated upon any State highway. Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 31. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act the funds collected hereunder shall be kept by the State Treas¬ urer in a separate fund to be known and designated as “State Highway Fund,” and all moneys directed to be paid out under this act shall be paid by the State Treasurer upon voucher issued by the State Highway Commission, and charged to the State Highway Fund. Gasoline Tax Sec. 32. The following words, terms, and phrases in this sec¬ tion of this act for the purposes hereof are defined as follows: (a) “Motor vehicles” shall include all vehicles, movable en¬ gines, or machines which are operated or propelled by combustion of gasoline, or other volatile and inflammable liquid fuels, and are operated and used for travel on the public highways. (b) “Motor vehicle fuels” are such fuels known as gasoline, benzine, naptha, liberty fuel, and such other volatile and inflam¬ mable liquids produced or compounded for the purpose of operat¬ ing or propelling motor vehicles, except the product commonly known as kerosene oil. (c) The term “dealer” is hereby defined as any person or corpo¬ ration who has in his, its, or their possession, for sale to the con¬ sumer, any gasoline, benzine, naptha, liberty fuel, and such other volatile or inflammable liquids produced or compounded for operating or propelling motor vehicles as herein defined for use, distribution or sale in the State. Sec. 33. That in addition to the taxes now provided for by law, each and every dealer, as defined in this act, who is now engaged, or who may hereafter engage, in his own name or in the name of others, or in the name of his representatives or agents in this State, in the sale or distribution as dealers or distributors of motor vehicle fuel as herein defined, shall not later than the twentieth day of each calendar month, render a statement to the Secretary of State, showing all motor vehicle fuel purchased for sale and delivered during the preceding cal¬ endar month, and pay a license tax of three cents per gallon on all motor vehicle fuel so purchased as shown by such statement in State Road Law 21 the manner and within the time aforesaid: Provided , hoivever, Proviso: that whenever any dealer or distributor of motor vehicle fuel wholesale dealer, shall show to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State, by com¬ plying with such rules and regulations as shall be made by the Secretary of State for that purpose, that the tax hereby pro¬ vided to be paid by the dealer or distributor of motor vehicle fuel as aforesaid has been voluntarily paid by the wholesale dealer, then and in that event the reports required by this act to be made by such dealer or distributor, and by the whole¬ sale dealer, shall not be required to be made, and the dealer or distributor shall not be required to pay the tax hereby levied. That every wholesale dealer selling any motor vehicle fuel in Wholesale dealers the State shall render to the Secretary of State every thirty days monthly! SaleS a statement of all the sales in the State, which statement shall contain the name and business address of the dealer and the date and amount of such sale. Any wholesale dealer willfully Failure a misde- failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall be meanor - guilty of a misdemeanor and fined or imprisoned in the discretion Punishment, of the court. Sec. 34. Every dealer in motor vehicle fuel shall render to the Monthly reports Secretary of State, on or before the twentieth day of each month, saies. rchabeb and on forms prescribed, prepared, and furnished by the Secretary of State, a sworn statement of the number of gallons of motor vehicle fuel purchased and sold to be used in motor vehicles as herein defined by him or them during the preceding calendar month, which statement shall be sworn to by one of the principal Report sworn. officers in the case of a domestic corporation, or by the resident general agent of a foreign corporation, by the managing agent or owner in case of a firm or association, and shall contain an itemized accounts • of purchases itemized account of the dates and quantities of motor vehicle fuel purchased. Sec. 35. Said license tax shall be paid on or before the twen- Tax^pai^monthiy tieth day of each month to the Secretary of State, who shall re- state, ceipt the dealer therefor and promptly turn over to the state Secretary to ^ Treasurer as other receipts of his office, and the State Treasurer credit to state shall place the same to the credit of the “State Highway Fund,” Highway Fund. to be expended as provided by this act. Sec. 36. Every dealer in motor vehicle fuel shall keep a record Records^to^e^ in such form as may be prescribed by the Secretary of State of all purchases of motor vehicle fuel; such records to include copies of Details, all invoices or bills of all such purchases, and shall at all times J^J r ^ ion of during the business hours of the day be subject to inspection by the Secretary of State or his deputies, or such other officers as may be duly authorized by said Secretary of State. Sec. 37. Any dealer, association of persons, firm, or corporation Vjolatum of act violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a Punishment. 22 State Road Law Action for recovery of tax. Judgment if failure willful. Collections to credit of Highway Fund. Remedies for col¬ lection of tax. fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100), or by Imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed six months, or both. Sec. 38. If any person, firm, or corporation shall fail to pay the tax on motor vehicle fuel, due by such person, firm, or corpo¬ ration under the provisions of this act, within thirty (30) days after such tax shall be due, the State Treasurer shall bring the appropriate action in the courts of the State for the recovery of such tax, and if it shall be found as a fact that such failure to pay was willful on the part of such person, firm, or corporation, judgment shall be rendered against such person, firm, or corpora¬ tion for double the amount of the tax found to be due, together with cost, and the amount collected shall be placed by the State Treasurer to the “State Highway Fund/' All remedies now, or which may hereafter be given by the laws of the State of North Carolina for the collection of taxes, are expressly given herein for the collection of the judgment recovered by the State Treas¬ urer under this section. Bond Issue foe Road Construction Purposes of bond issue. Bond issue directed. Maturity. Amount. Official designa¬ tion. Maturity in series. Amounts annually issued. Progress: Additional sale authorized by Governor and Council. Sec. 39. That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act, and of enabling the State to avail itself to the fullest extent of all Federal aid funds that are now or may become avail¬ able for use in the State for road purposes, the State Treasurer is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to issue and sell serial bonds of the State payable in not less than ten nor more than forty years from the date of issue, and aggregating not more than fifty million dollars ($50,000,000), to be known, styled, and designated “State of North Carolina Highway Serial Bonds/' said bonds to mature at such time or times, not less than ten years nor more than forty years from the date of said bonds, as may be determined and fixed by the Governor and Council of State. Not more than ten million dollars ($10,000,000) of said bonds may be issued and sold in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one; and not more than ten million dollars ($10,000,- 000) of said bonds may be issued and sold in the year one thou¬ sand nine hundred and twenty-two; and the balance may be issued and sold at the rate of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) per annum: Provided, however, that if the progress of the work shall be such as to justify it, then, and in that event, more than ten million dollars ($10,000,000) of the total amount herein authorized may be issued and sold in any one year at the request of the State Highway Commission, and by and with the consent of the Governor and Council of State. An additional issue of fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000) of bonds is hereby authorized. The said bonds shall be issued in the manner and in accordance with the provisions of said State Road Law 23 ehaptei two of said act as amended, and the proceeds received therefrom shall be used for the purposes in said act prescribed. Sec. 40. That all of said bonds shall bear interest at a rate to interest, be fixed by the Governor and Council of State, but not exceeding five per cent per annum, and are to be dated the first day of Dates. January or July, of the year in which the bonds are issued. Interest on said bonds shall be payable semiannually on the interest semi- first day of January and July of each and every year so long as annual - any portion of said bonds shall remain unpaid; and when sold state Highway and turned over to the State Treasurer all of said fund to be Fund - part of the construction fund and known as the “State Highway Fund.” Sec. 41. That all bonds authorized and issued under this act Bonds coupon or shall be coupon bonds of the denomination of one hundred dol- re sistered. lars ($100), five hundred dollars ($500), and one thousand dollars ($1,000), respectively, or such other denominations as the State Treasurer may determine, and shall be signed by the Governor and the State Treasurer, and sealed with the great seal of the State. The coupons thereon may be signed by the State Treasurer alone, or he may have lithographed, engraved, or printed thereon a facsimile of his signature. The said bonds shall be in all other respects in such form as the State Treasurer may direct. The coupons after maturity shall be receivable in payment of taxes, debts, dues, licenses, fines, and demands due the State of any kind whatsoever, which shall be expressed on the face of the bonds. Before selling the bonds herein authorized to be issued, the State Treasurer shall advertise the sale and in¬ vite sealed bids in such manner as in his judgment may seem most effectual to secure the best price. He is authorized to ac¬ cept bids for the entire amount of such issue to be sold in any one year, or any portion thereof, and when the conditions are equal, he shall give the preference of purchase to the citizens of North Carolina; and he is empowered to sell the bonds herein authorized in such manner as in his judgment will produce the best price, but not for less than par and accrued interest, and the full faith, credit, and taxing power of the State are hereby pledged for the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds herein authorized to be issued and sold. All ex¬ penses necessarily incurred in the preparation and sale of the bonds shall be paid from the proceeds of such sale. Sec. 42. That the said bonds shall be subject to registration as to principal alone, or both principal and interest, in accordance with the provisions of the general law governing registration of the State securities as the same may from time to time be in force. Sec. 43. The said bonds and coupons and notes issued in antici¬ pation of the sale of the bonds, or for the payment of the interest Denominations. Authentication. Coupons receiv¬ able for State taxes. Advertisement of sale of bonds. Bids for whole or part of issue. Preference to citizens. Sale below par forbidden. Faith, credit, and taxing power of State pledged. Expenses of preparation and sale of bonds. Exemption from taxation. 24 State Road Law Lawful investment for fiduciaries. Loans in antici¬ pation of sale of bonds. Loans for pay¬ ment of interest and installments. Execution of notes. Renewal. Details fixed by Governor and Council. Notes entitled to exemptions as bonds. Faith, credit, and taxing power of State pledged. Proceeds to credit of Highway Fund. Payment of notes from bond sales. Notes for payment of interest. Vouchers for pay¬ ment from funds. thereon, shall be exempt from all State, county, and municipal taxation or assessments, direct or indirect, general or special, whether imposed for the purposes of general revenue or other- interest thereon, or installment or principal, be subject to taxation for incomes, nor shall said bonds and coupons and notes issued in anticipation of sale of the bonds, or for the payment of the interest thereon, or installment or principal, be subject to taxation when constituting a part of the surplus of any bank, trust com¬ pany or other corporation. Sec. 44. It shall be lawful for all executors, administrators, guardians, and fiduciaries generally, and all sinking fund commis¬ sioners to invest any moneys in their hands in said bonds when such investments are made. Sec. 45. The State Treasurer, by and with the consent of the Governor and Council of State, is hereby authorized to borrow money at the lowest rate of interest obtainable, in anticipation of the sale of the bonds herein authorized, and for the purposes for which said bonds are authorized to be issued. The State Treasurer is hereby further authorized, by and with the consent of the Governor and Council of State, to borrow money at the lowest rate of interest obtainable, for the purpose of paying the interest on, or any installments of the said bonds, in the event that there are not sufficient funds in the State Treasury with which to pay said interest or installments of principal as they respectively fall due. The State Treasurer shall execute and issue notes of the State for the money so borrowed, and he is hereby authorized to renew any such notes from time to time by issuing new notes. The rates of interest, the date of payment of said notes or renewals, and all matters and details in con¬ nection with the issuance and sale thereof shall be fixed and determined by the Governor and Council of State. Such notes when issued shall be entitled to all the privileges, immunities and exemptions that the bonds authorized to be issued are entitled to. The full faith, credit and taxing power of the State are hereby pledged for the payment of such notes as may be issued, and all interest thereon. The proceeds received from said notes, other than notes that may be issued to pay interest or installments of principal of the bonds, shall be placed by the State Treasurer in the “State Highway Fund” herein provided for. The notes issued in anticipation of the sale of the bonds shall be paid with funds derived from the sale of bonds, unless otherwise provided for by the General Assembly. The notes issued for the payment of interest shall be paid from the funds collected under this act, as herein provided for, when collected, unless otherwise provided for by the General Assembly. Sec. 46. The State Highway Commission, under rules and reg¬ ulations established by the commission, shall have full control State Road Law 25 over the funds in the hands of the State Treasurer known as the “State Highway Fund,” and the same shall be paid out by the State Treasurer upon proper voucher of the State Highway Commission for carrying out the purposes of this act. Law to be Published Sec. 47. That the State Highway Commission, as soon as prac- Compilation of ticable after the ratification of this act, shall have carefully com- pubPshld.* 0 be piled the road laws of this State relating to the State highway system, and shall have published not exceeding 10,000 copies of said compilation to be distributed by said commission, the cost thereof to be paid out of the State Highway Fund. Sec. 48. All contracts or agreements heretofore made or en- Contracts tered into by the existing Highway Commission as to location heretofor e made, and construction of any roads or highways, or for any other purpose, shall be and remain in full force and effect and taken over by the Highway Commission provided for in this act, and all contractors who have entered into any contract with the existing Highway Commission, whether private or municipal, shall carry out such contracts so made and all rights and remedies existing under such contracts by the present Highway Commission or any contractor shall remain in full force and effect. Malfeasance a Felony Sec. 49. Any member of the Highway Commission, or any per- Acts declared son employed by the Highway Commission in connection with felonies - carrying on the work outlined in this act, who shall knowingly, of fraudently, perform any act with intent to injure the State, or any contractor, or his agent or employee, who shall conspire with a member of the Highway Commission or employee thereof or any State official to permit a violation of the contract or contractor with intent to injure the State, or any agent or employee of any contractor who shall do any work on any State highway in viola¬ tion of contract, and with intent to defraud the State, and the member of the State Highway Commission employee or State official so conspiring shall each be guilty of a felony, and upon con¬ viction thereof, shall be confined in the State Prison not less than Punishment, one year and not more than five years, and be liable to the State in a civil action instituted by the State on relation of the State Liablity in civil actions. Highway Commission, for double the amount the State may have lost by reason thereof. Sec. 50. The board of county commissioners or other road- governing bodies of the various counties in the State are hereby relieved of all responsibility or liability for the upkeep or main- Responsibility of tenance of any of the roads or bridges thereon constituting the countles devolved. State highway system, after the same shall have been taken over, 26 State Road Law Liability of State Highway Commis¬ sion. Declaration of un¬ constitutionality of part of act not to affect re¬ mainder. Repealing clause. Law excepted from repeal. Continuation of present commis¬ sion. Further action authorized. Contracts to be taken over. When act effec¬ tive. and the control thereof assumed by the State Highway Commis¬ sion, and the State Highway Commission both as a commission and the individual members thereof, shall not be liable for any damage sustained by any person, firm, or corporation on the said State highway system, except for wanton and corrupt negligence. Sec. 51. That if any provision of this act shall be declared by the courts unconstitutional, such declaration shall not affect the validity of any of the remaining provisions of this act. Sec. 52. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with the pro¬ visions of this act, except chapter 64 of the Public Laws of the Extra Session of the General Assembly of nineteen twenty, are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. Sec. 53. Until the organization of the State Highway Commis¬ sion provided for in this act the present existing State Highway Commission shall continue in effect and be authorized to act pur¬ suant to chapter 189, Public Laws of nineteen nineteen and all other laws in force at this time relating to the State Highway Commission, and to enter into contracts, which, together with all existing contracts, shall be taken over by the State Highway Com¬ mission created by this act, and in all other respects this act shall be in force from and after the date of its ratification. Ratified this the 5th day of March, A. D. 1923. An act to require every person driving any motor ve¬ hicle on a public highway on approaching railroad grade crossings to stop, look, and listen before passing thereover. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That no person operating any motor vehicle upon a public road shall cross, or attempt to cross, any railroad or interurban track intersecting the road at grade other than a crossing at which there is a gate or a watchman (except an electric railway track in a city, town, or village) without first bringing said motor vehicle to a full stop at a distance not exceeding fifty (50) feet from the nearest rail. That no failure so to stop, however, shall be considered contributory negligence per se in any action against the railroad or interurban company for injury to person or property; but the facts relating to such failure to stop may be considered with the other facts in the case in determining whether the plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence. Sec. 2. That every railroad or interurban company operating or leasing any track intersecting a public road at grade shall place a sign-board not less than ten feet from the ground, on the right side of the road, forty inches by fifty inches, one hundred feet from said crossing, which shall be painted with red lettering, to insure warning of the proximity of the crossing and notice to stop said motor vehicle, with the following: “N. C. Law. Stop!”: Provided, this act shall not interfere with the regula¬ tions prescribed by towns and cities. Sec. 3. That any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not more than ten dollars, or imprisoned not more than ten days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 4. That this act shall be in force from and after the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three. In the General Assembly, read three times and ratified this the 6th day of March, 1923. (Signed) W. B. Cooper, President of the Senate. (Signed) John G. Dawson, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Examined and found correct: (Signed) W. R. Vaughan, For Committee. C> \ C ^ v' S' St n , /' UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00 49324462 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION , , ’• • »—*' jA'.V‘"'Vv 3»' r '\V