5 | od 2 . eb ; O t Ma ex anse apse gen paweneeses! z = So ee Bo ee ae Sas eete= eeteess OF THE Library +Hhrough F.v. Howell This book was presented by WH. MeaKee a" a i es \ed University of North Carolina SR CAROLINA, na Kee SS as = = = 2 Spey, 2 3, 1816. in ‘STATE OF authori ay UY OF THE BAAPRA LARA RA RAR SARAAAS $ BY-LAWS | oes OF MANTEO LODGE INSTITUTED JANUARY 13. 1846. IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH, BY AUTHORITY OF THE GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF NORTH—CAROLINA. ta RARARALD EPPA III" BAY ee ESI SPINNING LINN PRL LO OGG AGNI AANA li CPAP SH a Wi PRINTED AT THE NO ORTH — CAROLINA * INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. 1848. wy oe eB au 5" Age Pe Ua Re ae SA eRe Mera RA AG APAARPA PAPAL PLR AO RL LL Pe Ra Teese oe we jae) EAs +h es As : ; : ooh Bane le i lila Cs anne Ue Z RE NNN OS Ne Neg Nae ON at NL tO LODGE, NO. 8, I. 0. of O. F. of NORTH- CAROLINA. ARTICLE If. Duty of the Noble Grand. Sec. 1. The Noble Grand shall preside at all the meetings of the Lodge. He shall see that the By- Laws of the Lodge, the General Laws of the Grand Lodge, and the Ancient Usages of the Order are du- ly observed, and that the Officers discharge their du- ties faithfully. Bee. 2, He shall on the death of a Brother, cause notices to be furnished to every member of the Lodge to attend his funeral. He shall sign all orders on the Treasurer for the payment of money. He shall have the casting vote in all matters or questions on ° which the Lodge shall be equally divided. He shall inspect all ballots, and report thereon. He shall | have power to convene special meetings of the Lodge whenever he deems it necessary, or when five mem- bers of the Lodge shall require him so to do. YON Wow SOR WSOP OS OE SOP we SOW a Pee he ee! Se BY-LAWS ae ii . Title and Number. This Lodge shall be entitled MANTEO eA ONO Ow PAPAL LDP LPP LPL LIL PL IIE, RPPPALDN DDO 4 BY-LAWS. 3 é ; ARTICLE IIL. Of the Vice Grand. ; The Vice Grand shall see that the Brothers behave in a becoming manner. Inthe absence of the N. G. he shall preside in the Lodge, and perform such ; other duties as are required of him by the Charges ; and General Laws of the Order, and By-Laws of this Lodge. ARTICLE IV, Of the Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an ac- curate account of the proceedings of the Lodge; fill Pp Ne NN PN LPS IRN eg Pg Pars = ae + Lodge, and pay them to the Treasurer, whose receipt ; he shall take for the same. He shall make out and furnish to the Grand Lodge a Semi-annual Report, and perform such other duties as may be enjoined on him by the Lodge, and deliver all books, papers and keys belonging to his office, to his successor, on the night of his Installation. For his services, the Sec- retary shall receive the sum of twenty dollars per term of six months. RAPP PLD Pr PPA € ARTICLE Vv. Of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall hold his office for six months and until his successor is chosen, and shall be re- LLP LPL LANL PRL ONDA P?-—LAA ALIVE ARAL a. NLL OE ‘ up all Certificates, and receive all monies due to the » a i i i i i a a a a i a a a i ni eae a i et de ie ROP eT een el ee ee ee Pee elt SL Le 4 VER ae PAAAAAKRAABAARARAAS AMAA PLA MURA RLALSUN A - and mental Infirmities, which may prevent them from MVP PPM PAF PAAR AA APs DAA APLAR A ce RN Ee OA PARRA RIAL PP a using efficient means in obtaining a respectable sub- sistence for themselves and families ARTICLE XIII. Of Candidates for Membership. Every Person Initiated into this Lodge, ( except Mimisters of the Gospel in charge of Congregations ) shall pay a fee of ‘T'en dollars; and no person beyond the age of forty five, shall be sdmitted into this: Ledge without paying an additional Fee of Qne Dollar, for } each and every year he may have a overand above: said age. ARTICLE. XIv. + pith Of Degrees. ge Dereuios = SAA LWA g WPL WEP EP PLL ALD ph PA, I IL LLL LO LLG. I LL LN I PO LOLI IA ON LOL ENS ALO LIN IL a el lO LOR Sag an SAAR AL fe RAR PARPRAARAAAAAAASARAAARAAAAAS BNAARAAAARAAN AAAS, | ae. BY-LAWS. 9 Each Candidate for Degrees ‘shall pay the sum of two dollars for each degree conferred. Applications for Degrees shall be made in open Lodge, and eve- ry candidate for Degrees must receive a Certificate from the Secretary, certifying that he has paid the proper fee, and is clear of the books. TNS NT Ne Ne Ne ae ANION ¢ | ARTICLE XV. Of Depositing Card. - Any Brother hailing from another Lodge, and ; wishing to become a member of this Lodge shall send in his card. A committee of three shall be appointed } to examine him, and if found to be a bona fide mem- ber, he shall be balloted for, and if a majority do not oppose him he shall be admitted upon the payment of two dollars and fifty cents, but shall not be entitled to benefits, until he shall have been a Contributing Member for one year, or shall have taken the fourth and fifth Degrees in this Lodge. ARTICLE XVI. Of Travelling Cards. Members Drawing Travelling Cards,shall not be exempt from paying their regular Dues. Any Mem- ber neglecting to return his Travelling Card within two meetings of the Lodge after his return, shall be fined One Dollar. No member shall draw a Travel- ling Card, unless his Dues are paid up to the time le ; 3 BO INae LOLA ILI ENNIS NE NINL LEANN NS MNS NEN NES LN Lo LN INI EE, PLD PDL ALLEL DIA IA DP PADD PPD PP PPP DIP LD LPL DOP LOE LOPLI NINES PN NOD NI NA SPI Nt PLCS, LAPP PPP PPI PAIR ANas t NINLOS RAN ALL ONL NENA RSS N RSS SN PRA ANI PSA LO IPRS PIR APL PRP PRP ALPINA PDA RAAAAAAAAA APA AAAAA PAR ARAALRASAALAAAAAALALAAANAAAAY PAA #. LPL EOL a of its expiration. ARTICLE XVII. Of Committees. Every Member who consents to serve on a Com- mittee, and does not attend to the duties thereof, shall be fined fifty cents, unless excused by the Lodge. ARTICLE XVII. Of Smoking and. Refreshments. _No Smoking shall be allowed in the Lodge room, and no Refreshments except Water, shall at any time be allowed in the Lodge, or any apartment thereunto belonging. NOS SI NENA NA PRL APRS NEA NA PN NE NG SP NS LS NDP POLO ARTICLE XIX. Of the Commitiee of Finance. The Noble Grand within two nights of the éxpira- tion of his term of Office, shall appoint a Finance Committee of three, whose duty it shall be to audit the Books and Accounts of the Secretary and Treas- urer, together with all the accounts of the Lodge, and report thereon on the night of the Installation. = ARTICLE, XX. Refusal of the Sec. and Tr. to attend F. Coa: If the Secretary or Treasurer shall refuse to attend WAAL AAA NO NN fhe RAPALA PAARARILIAIIINSAAAAA NAR AAAAAAAAARAAAAARNA ADI ARI Me eee PRRAEE RA APPAPALEAAAAAAAMAAAN PAPI ALRA AAAS RANG RPLNAPRARL ANIA AAS a = BY-LAWS iat e eres ee ee & the meetings of the Finance Committee with their Books &c, the delinquent shall be fined five dollars. ARTICLE XXI. Of Resolutions. All Motions and Resolutions offered, shall be nut in writing, when it is required by any member. ARTICLE XX. Of Applications for Membership. All Applications for Membership, shall be accom- panied by the Initiation fee. In case the Candidate shall be rejected, the fee shall be returned to the Member recommending him. ARTICLE XXIII. Of Signing the By-Laws. Every Member on being admitted, shall sign the By-Laws of the Lodge, thereby agreeing to support the same. And shall furnish himself with the proper Regalia within Three Months after having taken the Fifth Degree. o ARTICLE XXIv. Of Withdrawal Card. When any member desires to withdraw from this Lodge, he shall signify his desire or request some other brother to do so for him, in open Lodge, when : : : ww ) ON IN OTT NINN LN Ng NNN NWN NO NNO NN IOLA NOE EEN ONION SN ee DINO AAA ARIANA WAAR AKA ma am PAPAAPRARAAAALAAS > 2 BY-LAWS. if clear of the Books he shall be entitled to a withdraw- al card upon paying the sum of twenty-five cents. NSN NIN Nl Ne ARTICLE XXV. Of Elections. The Election of Officers shall be held on the night of the last rezular meeting in June and December. And they shall be Installed on the night of the next regular meeting after Election, The Officers to be chosen by ballot. ‘i PPA AOI. Of Fines. Every elected Officer who shall be absent from the Lodge fifteen minutes after the time of meeting, shall be subject to a fine of twenty five cents. Every ap- pointed Officer who shall be absent for the same time shall be subject to a fine of Twelve and a half cents, unless a satisfactory excuse be rendered. | ’ ARTICLE XXVI. i ANAS ARTICLE XXVIL. Of the funds. viet Should the Funds of the Lodge at any time be ex hausted, there shall be an equal assessment upon ev- ery member ofthe Lodge, for the relief of any sick or distressed Brother. ARTICLE XXVIII. LP LOGO RPP IP PLP AAP PRAP ARPA PPPO PAP PLP PANEL PP RPPALP SPL PPR AAL LAL - DNS ASORADIDDANDW NAPE AAAI ONS NL INANE NA PN Ne ND ne Ot I LOL NP EOL gL gl GS ANAL DAAAAAAAAAA NAA URAL ARAL NR RA APRA ARAALR AR LLP LL AAA By BY-LAWS. 13 Of the Sitting Past Grand. The sitting Past Grand shall attend each meeting ¢ of the Lodge at the time of opening, or be fined 25 cents, unless excused by the Lodge. PDN LLIN LENSE | ak mt ee ate ARTICLE XXIX. * ? Of Drunkenness. : Any Member who shall be guilty of Habitual ¢ Drunkenness, or of any Heinous Offence against the } Laws of the Land, or of feigning himself sick with a view to abuse the benevolent institutions of the Order, shall be expelled. : ; ARTICLE XXX. Alteration of the By-Laws. Propositions to alter the By-Laws shall be read in ih AE 4 open lodge for two successive regular meetings, and acted upon the third. No proposition shal! be sustain- ed unless two-thirds of the members present concur therein. Pi 2 o] ARTICLE XXXI. Withdrawing Petition for Membership. When a Petition for membership shall be made, ¢. the same shall not be withdrawn after it has been re- é ferred to a Committee. And the Candidate thus pro- posed, upon the report of the Committee shall be ballotted for. VPP ALA LEAIE PPP AARAPRA ADP PPP DP PPP LPP EP LPL LEE LEP APA PBLLPAP PLAS « & - : - P ae EIS aD : ARTICLE -XXXH. | Of the Ballot Box. In Ballotting for Candidates, the Ballot Box shall be placed in full view of the N.-G. and each Mem- ber shall before he votes, give to to N. G. the first ¢ half ofthe C8) = see : ARTICLE XXXII. Of the Suspension of the By-Laws. By uhanimous consent, phic of the By-Laws may be suspended. PAGE. A ye vatican at ae A nee a ‘ f. Alveration o1 tae yr bars, n ‘ - 13 , Applications for Membership, » Hae. 14 Benefits, c : Sih ee “1 es G3 Ballotting for Candidates, wl leet cw Sad, ES * a > wees r Candidates for Memberzhin, - é & Oe TER Committee of Minance, WS 92d Tri: eiekO- _ Committees, Set « =. ctw Datel a0 INDEX T 0 BY-LAWS. — Baakchness, id al ‘ ¥ Dues, - - ri Si a Duty of the Noble Grand, ~ : : Duty of the Secretary, gists Duty'of the Treasurer, - - ~ Delinquency, - : Depositing Card, “oe - Decrees, - | Elections,. - eh ae Expulsion and Suspension, “ Fines, foie - “3 Funds, - - : ~ ” 5 Imptoper Conduct of Membexs, Qualifications of Candidates a for cig citi Refusal of Sec, and Tr. to meet the «. Com. Resolutions, - - 2 Se ieee ac EMIS LA Se Reeular Meetings oi the Leuge, .Smoking-and Refresuments, ‘Sitting Past Grand, Signing the By-Laws, Suspension of the Sy—Laws, - Pitle a sg Number, ~ + Travelling Card, .» + ft) ce Withdrawing Petition for Merabership, : Withdrawal Cards;<) + ¢-amseoe4) oo" pecseemmrpscuinrscnaaie: tik 2 head Duty of the Vice Grand, pois tie m “15 ey pat ject tO =] 2 OO NM AAPA AL PES YT ISS SISSY ILI ILD feet. bo OEE att smut, CR = © oO: frat fena pew i Go x= BO C2 OS APPAR A LRP APPAREL PLP P PIPE P PL LLP PPP PPP POPP PRL PD DS PP EP PPC T ETE eee ek tm OD — Ct HS ae ok © APRA AAPA TIARA ARLE AAYLAS AAAS AAAS PRP PAP PRP RPP PRP PP RPA PP PPP ee PER PP PPLE PA LP ARE PPE IPL INAS ed « PPA IA AAALA A RPAL BAAD RAPALA LAP AAPM AM, REPRE AAAP YER A AA Bic 5) GENERAL LAWS For the Government of Subordinate Lodges, working under the Jurisdiction of the GRAND LODGE of NORTH-CAROLINA, => ARTICLE 1. « Time of Meeting, Lodges shall assemble on their appointed eve- nings of meeting during the two Winter Quarters ; at half past six o’clock, and durng the two Sum- mor Quarters at eight o,clock. ARTICLE 2. Quorum. No Lodge shall be opened unless Five brethren be present, one of whom shall be qualified to fill the chair. ARTICLE 3. Duty of the Warden. The Warden shall examine every person in the room prior to the opening of the Lodge, and when opened the Guardian shall not allow Egress or In- gress without the usual formality. Wen : ° OOO NT NS NT TN Nn AN eS a he Re RN ae NI Ne PN ONE te NS Ne INL ee Ne BAA AAPA AAAFARAAAAAAAARAASAAAAASZAAAA SAMS, MARA DER ARAAAR ABA AE GENERAL LAWS, © 17 ARTICLE 4. Weekly Dues, The Members composing a Lodge shall each pay into the funds of.such Lodge a sum not-Jess than six and one quarter cents per week. ARTICLE 6. Of the Officers. There shal! be four Elective Offers, viz: the No- ble Grand, Vice Grand, Secretary and Treasurer. The right and left Supporters tothe Noble Grand, 3 the Warden, Conductor, Guardians, and Scene Supporters, shall be appointed by the Noble Grand. The Right and Left Supporters to the Vice Grand, shall be appointed by the Vice Grand. OPP LLY PP DOLL SLI GS FS SG EPO POT IO ARTICLE 6. Time of Holding Office. Every Officer shall fill his station during the spa- ce of thirteen Lodge nights or tothe end of the | quarter. ARTICLE 7, Eligibility of Officers. Any Brother of the Scarlet Degree in good stand- ing, shall be eligible to any Office in the Subordin- ate Lodges, provided he has been a Contributing » Member six months.. ww ONIN EE e e RAPPER PRL DN ye ae Ne ey RRP AA A A TN Re PNP . aL RPP ERNE NA ES EN PLP OP PL Ne NAS AP Pine ION , S ae # be ® PPP PLB PRS ee PALL PALL aa Ny RA Wes SRP AAR RA RAR RAE. *% 18.25 bE NERAL i K WAS BYR ai te Re % ARTICLE 8, | Nominations te fil} Chairs. Propositions for Candidates to fll any of the chairs shall be made’one Lodge night immediately preceeding, and on the night of Hlevtion. ? ARTICLE 9. _ Past Gutcers “net to Opdove other Brothers. | No Past Officer siiall oppose ainy qualified: Brother for sich offices as he may have filled, unless the past Offiter whall Weve been four quarters “out of office. : except for the office of Seerétaty dnd Treasurer. PRA RARE AIOE LD PDF LDA LD DL IOLA ND et ARTHCHE 10°" pet end Fines for Tardiness: - | iSBe Every Elected or Appointed Officer, shall attend the Lodge at the time of opening or be fined such sum as the Lodge shall determine; unless he sub- _mit 4 reasonable excuse, to el wei of by the Lodge. ARTICLE iL Caadidates Infiuencing Elections, Any Candidate who shall attempt to influence the Election, shall’be’ fined such sum as the Lodge shall determine. — + elead? path ARTICLE 12.000. ee eet Absence fromthe Lodge: «©. %o.0 «* Any Elected or Appointed Officer, who shall’ ab- Re SEER LPL PPP el Neel el Nl ENE et ¢ ¥ FPP PD A te AP eA ee PPAR AAPA SEP ARAVA RAIA GONERAL ATAWS.. 19 3 ? “4 = sent himself from his- Lodge for more than three sue- seeéssive. Lodge nights, shall thereby. vacate his seat, unless excused by the Ledge: and another, officer shall be elected or appointed as the case may require, who shall fill the situation for the remainder of the quarter, and who shall receive all the honors of the station as though he had served the full term, ee nate ee Hees ¥ OE INS LOO IP OIF iq $ | ? f : ; ARTICLE : Ipstaliation of Otteers 3 The new elected Officers shall be Installed on the ; 2 : NNO tee night of their election. ARTICLE 14, Using Profane or Vulgar Language. Any Brother who shall make use of Profane, Vul- gar, or Indecent Language, shall be fined in such sum as the Lodge shall determine. + w oe Ns et ge Ne af AL Naf I ARTICLE 15. Power of the Noble Grand. The Noble Grand shali have full power to preseve order in the Lodge; and any brother refusing to obey his commands, shall for the first offence be fined; and for a second offence may be ordered to leave the room for the night. ARTICLE. 16, 4 Es COPPELL EP PL PPP PPLE LOPE EEN NNER L ALS NN ee ~ait EAA AAAARAA PRAIA ADL DOAPFE DAI GENERAL LAWS. ~ . SPP AND OS INL EAE ae NN NLS SAPD OL LOE LO ALN IA OE BOLD DD GD DDL LL LLL EDL GA DPD DLS LOIS wo i) Subordinate Lodges cannot Adjourn, No Subordinate Lodge has a right to Adjourn, but must close in due form, after its regular business shall have been gone through with. ARTICLE 12 Committee of the whole. No Subordinate Lodge has a right to go into Com- mittee of the whole. RT Re a Na FT Ns Pe RIL gL RNA id NILA SSO Bo ARTICLE 18, Dfferences between Brethren. Any Disputes, Aggrievances, or Differences exist- ing between Brethren, shall be laid before the Lodge whereof the offending party is a member; the Noble Grand of the Lodge shall thereupon appoint a Com- mittee of five, who shall have power to summon the contending parties and determine the matter in ques- tion nevertheless an appeal may be had at all times to. the Lodge, and from its decision to the G. Lodge. ARTICLE. 19. Expulsion. Any motion for‘an Expulson, shall be announced in open Lodge on the two Lodge nights previous to its being acted upon. If then carried, the person Ex- pelled shall not again be admitted into the Lodge. ; (unless the decsion should be reversed by the Grand A Ce en ee a i et i i i i i Se Ai aa i Ml ills id POLL LDLL LIL OPIN PP PAP AAAAA AAPA APD ADAP ee NN NEN le « PAPA PP PPAR PLL LPP “GENERAL LAWS. 20. Lodge) and notice thereof shall be sent to all the $ , Subordinate Lodges under her jurisdiction, | | ARTICLE 20, Voting No brother shall be allowed the privilege of voting on the same night whereon he is initiated. } ARTICLE 21. Neglect of Guardians, ! diy Outside or Inside Guardian who shall admit : a Brother without the necessary formality, shall be | $ fined or suspended at the discietion of the Lodge } and should they conjointly suf er a stranger to enter * the Lodge, they shall be expelled. ARTICLE 22 Divuiging Proceedings. Any Member or Visiting Brother who shall divul- ge any of the proceedings required of them to be kept secret, or the name of a Brother who may have op- posed a person coming into the Order, or who may have reported unfavorably of him to such applicant, shall he suspended or expelled atthe discretion of the , Lodge. a ARTICLE 23. Duty of the N. G. to Sick Brothers. In case of the application from a Sick Brother for assistance, the Noble Grand of the Lodge to which he is attached shall visit him, or cause him to be vis- 1 ited by the Vice Grand or some other Brother; and j 22 : ! : WAAAY ONIN OOOO RRA ALD RRA PPV POAT AA | QGUENBIR ANE | Hale: if the Brother so applying’ bea bona fida member, be_ shall pay hin weekly from the funds of the Lolge, not less than three dollafs!per week, and also provic de} ; perso to sit up ith such’ brother if found necessar sa : ARTICLE OM, Funeral . ‘Benefits, In case of the death of a brother. the Noble Grand | : of the Lod xe whereof he is amember shall cause the : Funeral Benefit granted by such Lodge,to be imme- | distely paid to the Widow of the deceased Brother, which sum shall not be less than Twenty dollars: Should there be no widow, itshall be the duty of the Noble G::an1 to have him'decently interred at the ex- , pense of Lodge. ARTICLE. 25. Absence from the Lodge, no bar to Benefits. Absenting himself from the Lodge shall not depri- > ve the Brother from receiving the Benefit granted by © the Lodge in case of sickness, provided such Broth- » er’s weekly contributions spall have been regularly / paid. RS ARTICLE » 96... Of Intoxication while receiving Aid. , Any Brother found in a state of Intoxication while ~ ; receiving the Benefit of the Lodge, shall seisg Goat Bane, at the discretion of the Lodge. NNN OS Ne INT NI tall el + 5 laa Bye a Oe Rrann~ RIPPER POPPA AAA ANA AAA ARAN NSPE NENA NAO N AAI GENERAL LAWS. 23 Uh ERC are Ose ~ ARTICLE 97, Penalty for: ‘ntoxieation. ~Any Brother who shall be found in a state of In- toxicat on, shall be suspended not less than twelve weeks, or may be Expelled. ARTICLE 28. Of iecal Practices. Any Member of the Order who shall follow any Ifleval Practice, shall be Suspended or E:xpeliled, as the Lodge shell determine. . ARTICLE 29. The Right Of Appeal.« In all Decisions by the Noble Grand, the right of § Appeal to the Lodge shall be allowed to all brethren affected by his decisions, and from that decision to the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE 30. FEES fer Admission and Degrees. No person shall be received into this Order for a less sum than five dollars, nor shall the five Degrees be conferred on any member for a less sum than fif- teen dollars (except Ministers of the id Sec in charge of Congregations, all of whom shall be admitted Sree of charge, ) and in all cases the fees shall be paid in advanee, mw t eine ck 5 eked LOLLIPOP LLP PLP PP PGRN RAPPER ge So stat , : ; ARTICLE 81, Of Candidates tor Membership The name, place of abode, and occupation of a per- POPBBA DARD DBRS PPD GLP PPL PPL EOL PPS ORT Pag laf lL NEN OO a Sl ll AL NI OEE NOL OD ofr dg Il AL g IRIEL LL PELE i ae oe F ln NII ILRI PR a Ne a ed eR ALS I Nees Ref — PPL PDP PALL a - * BBR LPPS PPL PL ILP PP ee Ges ee 24 GENERAL LAWS. son proposed for Membership, shall be recorded by © the Secretary of the Lodge, and the Novle Grand & 3 Vice Grand shall appoint a Committee of three Bre- thren to examine into the Character of such person, and the Committee shallon the ensuing Lodge night | give in their report. Ifafter Balloting there should be found but one Black Ballin the Ballot Box, a second i balloting may ve had thereon; ifon the second ballot- ing there should not be more than one Black Ball, the Election shall lie over until the next meeting. If then after balloting, two or move black balls are found in the ballot box, the person so opposed shall not } be received into the Order, and notice thereof shall be 3 sent to the Grand Lodge, and all other Lodges under 3 her Jurisdiction; nevertheless, such person may again be proposed at the expiration of six months from such ; application, and if elected, shall be received into the § Order. ARTICLE 32, Of Proposing an _Unworthy Candidate. Any Brother p:oposing an Unworthy Person or % Minor knowingly, shal! be fined at the discretion of 3 the Lodge. ~ ‘ ARTICLE 33, Of Visiting another Lodge. , Any Brother who shall have drawn his Certificate of Membeiship from the. Lodge whereunto he was | connected, shall not be allowed to visit any one Lodge 8 BPP PPP PLL DODD LOPLI DPW OBA FAFA IAAP GENERAL LAWS. ; i more than three times, without depositing his Certif- icate in such Lodge. ee ARTICLE 84. Of Withdrawal Card. _ Any Brother who may wish to leave his Lodge to join any other, shall receive his Certificate of mem- bership, provided no Accounts or Charges stand ag- ainst him on the Secretary’s book; and any Brother wishing to deposite his Certificate in any Lodge shall make paplicatiGn to such Lodge for the same through a Member thereof; and if a majority do not oppose him, he shall be admitted into such Lodge. ARTICLE 36, Of the Interpretation Of the Laws. Should any doubts arise respecting these laws they shall be determined by the Grand Lodge, and no one of them shall be altered, amended, or annulled, ex- cept through motion made in the Grand Lodge, after G due notice having been given to the subordinate Lod- | ARTICLE 36, Of Spurious Lodges. ~ _ Any brother who shall be concerned in organizing or who shall give countenance and support, or whe shall visit any Lodge or Lodges in the State of N. C. purporting to be Odd Fellows and not possessing a legal and valid Charter, duly granted and presented bythe grand lodge of North Carolina, shall be deem- POPOL LOEB LN NINE NONE al AP NPG NS NA ed Mal Nea LORIN A SNL NPL Ns NS ig eee it tee te EO” NAS, ‘ the last Installed Officers shall within’ three months 3 SPA AA we NT e™ NOAA PPDPLDAAALNG 2 ) S 5 > Q ‘the Ist Section of Article XVIII. of the Constitution ¢ other brother as may be appointed to receive them) % said Lodge; members of extinct Lodges, who were SSP PNA a A REE PEE NC NY SER IELTS NAC MUD AUN e ae OPE NEY GENERAL UAWS. ws oye “4 tory proof be bit rote af or gaa at t the Saas ny ; the Lodge. And any Brother so Suspended or Ex- ; pelled, shall not be Reinstated unless he makes suit- ; able submission, and the Grand Lodge assents there- } to, Nor shall any person who has been admitted to : membership in such spurious Ledge, be received into any regular Lodge without-the consent: of the be 8 Holeas ARTICLE 1, a Subordinate Lodges failing to make Reta, 3 Any Subordinate Lodge failing:to make its return 3 and pay its dues to the Grand Lodge, as required by of the Grand Lodwve; for two stated’ Communications im succession, shall thereby be: deemed. Extmet and its Charter Forfeited: Upon ,the demise ofa. Lodge, transmit or surrender to the Grand Secretary (orsuch % the Charter, Books, Papers, Furniture, and Funds of ” 4 Oh eh clear of the books of such Lodge at the time of itsidis- se solution, or who have paid. up all arrearages then due : to the Grand Lodge, shall upon application to the G. 3 | Secretary receive certificates under the seal of the Gr. { Lodge to enable them to make application for admis-, sion to membership in other Lodges, and nomember { ON NIFONG NL aS al ef aN Nl Nag Pg NP Ni ae A Nea ae Nel le NPN NON Nad” al Ne Safi OO en Oe “GENERADDAWS. 0) 27 NN NIE ofa defunct Lodge shall be admitted, either as a ViSi- tor or member, into any regular Lodge without such Certificate. ARTICLE 38. Power of Expulsion. No Lodge shall have power to Expel a Brother from his Lod: ve for any other cause than that ofa vi- olation of the Constitution of the Grand Lod; ge of the - United States, the Constitution and General Laws of . this Grand ‘Lodge, or a violation of the Laws.of the Land. ARTIGLE 39," ie Candidates over 45 years of Age, ‘No Subordinate Lodge shall Initiate an individual over Forty-five years of age, without the unanimous concurrence of its Members. “ty xh'to9 INDEX TO GENERAL DAWS./ PAGE. PR ON ) Absence from the Lodge .~ - he RW a 8 . Absence from the Lodge no bar to Benefits pace _ Candidates Influencing ‘lection, Ca Sey aia 2 ( Committee of the Whole, -. .'- mts OO -CandidatesforMembership, - - - . - 28 Candidates over forty-five years of a age, Mage PMY A Duty of the Warden, - "" — - aca As) Dues, - : i _ ERE -. uv , Differences between Brothers, - oe rr eO Divulging Proceedings, si Pn elm aiiig mn ne Sea ne Aes eae een ee em ee ee ee eee Ce eee * | ) Bigibitity of Officers,” a lade ee LT: Expulsions, Raa yey eee eri. : 920 Fines for Tardiness, 2 ¢pyyr, | - : - 18 | Funeral Benefits, . . eee ah eae ann So Oa ne | Hees for eaten, and Degrees, ; Hee ak wes ) Interpretation. of the. Laws,, Ye Yl - 25. . Installation, fre ie eon Te Mi Wowie di} 1G: plete Intoxication while yee Benefits, BS BOS ) PR SAI Paras, POMOMSIONY BNO. Oye eS ae Neglect of Guardian TIITaA 7 - re 21 | Nominations to fill the a sera es RN | Of the: Officers, al Lara e9 rbheck «35 ; 17 ’ Penalty, for lntesiomilen al He aisdt eviityorut 728 PowerofExpulsion, — .< igwel Bice) 6 hy oO" ) Power of the Noble Grand, - Byes ee es) - Past Officers not {6 op; oppose ‘other Brothers, mC (s tid: cl ' Proposing AnrUnsporthy; Cangidases . ge 24 ' Quorum, - - 16 Right of Appeal, - wien ae Subordinate Lodges failing toa age Returns, “26 &, | Spurious Lodges, ce eer ee 25'¢ a of Meeting, -— biel fe er es GO Time of Holding Office, Ly pie, 7 At Using Profane or Vlog J La AnEUage cree Og Visiting another Lodge,” ° ius a we Oe, Voting, - es ieee ebb i | Withdrawal Card, IGE han mic Se A. t ey mh TOR ie: @oribes BETTS NR PR PRP Ra on ld cee is le ee ese fh a a ee ea pe, et el el ~ Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT, JAN 21, 1908 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION | ERSITY OF N ig i ll NOI "I 089316