2 S3- Mb C.2. t P* THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA Cp283.09 CU6 c.2 This BOOK may be kept out ONE MONTH unless a recall notice is sent to you. A book may be renewed only once; it must be brought to the library for renewal. Form No. 470 Enlargement of the Chapel of the Cross CHAPEL HILL, N. C. At the Convention of the Diocese of North Carolina in Durham, May 10-12, it was unanimously decided that the time had come to enlarge the Church and Parish House at Chapel Hill. The Building Plan presented by the Parish at Chapel Hill was enthusiastically endorsed, and the Bishop appointed a com- mittee from the Diocese to co-operate with the local committee in raising funds for this purpose. A few weeks later, the plan received the endorsement of the Bishop of East Carolina, and he also appointed a committee from that Diocese for the same purpose. The "Jt^eed The University is growing rapidly. One thousand, eight hundred and fifty students were registered in the last twelve months, not counting the normal students in the Summer School. The State has realized its responsibility nobly. In the next two years, North Carolina will spend nearly a million and a half dollars for new buildings and in- creased facilities at Chapel ' Hill. The Church must not lag behind the State. As the present University plant is inadequate, so also is the Church plant inade- quate. If we are to look after the young men and women of our Church at the University properly, we must have more room. The condition is not pecu- front of chapel of the cross liar tO OUr Church. The This will remain exactly as it is. same problem confronts the other religious bodies who have work at Chapel Hill, and they too are taking steps to meet this need. Not only do we need an enlarged Church to accommo- date the increased number of students who wish to attend, but we must also have more room for the Sunday School, Bible Classes, and student gatherings, so that the Parish may be a heal home for the students. The "Plan The method of enlargement is in accordance with the plans put out seven years ago, when the Battle Memorial Parish House was built. That Parish House is an immense asset to the work at Chapel Hill, and its use is a convincing proof of the need of enlargement. It was built in such a way as to be part of the whole plan that we must now complete. The architect is Mr. Hobart B. Upjohn, whose work in this State is well known. The parish houses of Christ Church, Raleigh, and of Holy Innocents, Henderson, are his work. The tower and side walls of the present beautiful Chapel of the Cross ( see illustration) will not be disturbed. The enlarge- ment will be made by adding to the chancel end of the Church, so making the building about twice as long as at present. The seating capacity will be more than doubled. Back of the present Parish House will be built a large assembly room, with a number of smaller rooms suitable for Sunday School and Bible Classes, and for meetings of students and others (see illustration). The interior of the present Church will of necessity be remodelled. Here the especial need is to open up the flat ceiling, making a proper Gothic roof. The estimated cost of the whole work, including furniture, organ, and heating plant, is $70,000.00. The extension is needed now. The sum of $70,000.00 is not a large one, considering what can be accomplished with it. The Chapel of the Cross, like the University, is really a state- wide institution. We confidently appeal to the University alumni, to those who have or have had sons or daughters at the University, and to all those who desire to see the spiritual forces at Chapel Hill keep pace with the material and intellectual forces, to help to their utmost ability to provide the sum needed. tiffl i ; f> ! . Hi' ' WWW*-' • f i -v 4? , •??'" | 5 "|| j || ■MM'!"" II |j The proposed enlargement of the Chapel of the Cross Committee from the Diocese of North Carolina William A. Erwin ...... Durham, N. C. Thomas H. Battle .... Rocky Mount, N. C. Richard H. Lewis, M.D Raleigh, N. C. Erwin A. Holt ...... Burlington, N. C. Burton Craige ..... Winston-Salem, N. C. William A. Ruffin ..... Louisburg, N. C. Heriot Clarkson ..... Charlotte, N. C. J. Augustus Moore .... Roanoke Rapids, N. C. John L. Patterson . . Westhampton, Richmond, Va. Committee from the Diocese of East Carolina Francis D. Winston . ... Windsor, N. C. Stephen Bragaw Washington, N. C. George C. Royall ..... Goldsboro, N. C. Frank Wood . . . . . . . Edenton, N. C. Robert Strange, Jr. . . . . . Wilmington, N. C. G. V. Cowper . . . . . . . Kinston, N. C. William Dunn, Jr. . New Bern, N. C. Committee from the Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, N. C. Andrew H. Patterson, Chairman Joseph Hyde Pratt Isaac Hall Manning Archibald Henderson James B. Bullitt Checks should be made payable to Dr. James B. Bullitt, Treasurer of the Building Fund, Chapel Hill, N. C. July 20, 1921. 1 UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034014067