Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/constitutionofstOOstst JOHN ELU8 COULTER COLUECTtON 1861 - 1947 cons: tution ST. STEPHEN'S EV. .ttJTH. CONGREGATION, CATAWBA CO., N. C. PRV tVMBLE. - Wc the undersigned m* rubers of the Ev. Lutheran Church, sensible of our spiritual needs and mindful of our Christian duties, in Jesus' name and with the hope of His blessing, adopt the ubjoined Constitution, there- by to perfect the organization of a church in which we hope God to be both our Saviour and our Lord and we his people, praying that Je will graciously multiply and prosper us to the prai: $ of His great name. Amen. CHA TER I. TKKNAME. The name of this cor%r« gation shall be St. Stephen's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation. CHA) TER II. THK I c TRINE. Art. i. This congreg don confesses the canonical Books of the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired word of God and therefou the only rule of faith and life. It also confesses the conf sional writings of the Ev. Luth. Church as container 1 in the Book of Concord of the year 1580 to be a correct interpretation of this word. Art. 2. Doctrines and practices in conflict with this confession shall not be to! rated in this congregation. CHAP! ,R III. THE MEMi 5RSHIP. Art. i. Only those pers*