[for the soldiers.] Ho. 26* ARE YOU READY " Whit do ymc mean hy this question?" There la a great event before you: its arrival is certain; but it is utterly be- yond your power to ascertain at what hour it will arrive. Ten or twenty years may elapse before its arrival — perhaps not. as many minutes. Some have expected it long, but it still delays. Millions have put it far off, but it has burst unexpectedly upon them. This is a most momentous 'event. It will sunder all your relations to the present world : it will break ever}' tie ot mortality — strip oft' every disguise — expose every error and deception — bring out to light your whole character, even to every secret, thing — present you before a just and holy Judge, and introduce you to an unchangeable condition of joy or sorrow. This event is DEATH ; and the question is, " Are you ready to die 1" " Who asks this question?" Your Maker. Ho does it in his word. Ono of the errand objects of that blessed volume is to enable you to give it an affirmative answer. By judg- ments and by mercies does his holy providence press this matter upon you. Your own rational, niiure does the same. When reason and conscience are permitted to speak, they urge attention to this great concern. Dispel from your mind the delusive charms of this world ; press your way out of that torrent of cares or pleasures which sweeps every serious thought away; rebuke every other appeal, and let that only be hoard which the unblinded reason and the un- seared conscience make, and you will perceive that this inquiry is solemnly addressed to you. By your frailty and r'ioCUty is this question pressed'. Nothing can' hernOre "2 ARE YOU READY ''. precarious thau your hold on life. Your body ia the tie that binds you to the earth. How frail a flower. " The wind passeth over it, and it is gone.'' It is in health and vigor to-day ; to-morrow it is lif'e'ess and cold, and full of corrup- tion. "The worm is thy sister and thy mother." Your frailty therefore cries, A re you rendyf and the voice waxes louder and louder with, every wasting hour of your probation. Eternity seems uttering the same appeal: as if with a 1 ving voice, it presses every human mind with the momentous truth, that beyond the grave man's destiny is irreversibly settled; therigh:eous are "righteous stil," the filthy, "filthy still." And it utters the earnest admonition, "Beware of unprepareclness to die." But there is yet another voice — and, reader, if there be any voice that should drown all the appeals of the cares and pleasures of this world, which should excite the soul's most intei se and devout attention, which shou'd penetrate its lowest depths, and arouse its strongest emot'ons, it should be the voice of the Redeemer. "Be ye also ready," is his admonition. No voice breaks upon human ears in so much tenderness and love; for no friendship has man experienced like that shown by the Son of God, and no voice is so suited to inspire solemnity and awe as that of the final Judge. " Why ash rais question?" Because none can be conceived of so much importance. Because, disturbing men's sinful minds as it does, they are not disposed to press it honestly and earnestly upon themselves. Because an honest, serious, enlightened dec : sion of this -question may be of everlasting benefit to your. soul. Because, amid the hurry of business or the whirl of pleasure, you may at this hour need some- thing to lead you to consider your character and eternal prospects. Because, if the subject which this question urges upon you is not attended to, the soul will be lost. " Why ask me this question?" Because it respects interests of yours of infinite value — interests in fearful peril, if you cannot answer this question in the affirmative. Because this question is suited to arouse attention to what you may have totally neglected. Because you may be the very person of of all living who most need such an appeal ; being, perhaps, the victim of ■< false hope, or of fatal error, and borne farther and farther every day from God by the growing power of sin. Because it is of infinite importance that you make a correct AUK Vol' RKA1)V '. '■'<■ decision of this question. And especially, because the nc-M bosom pierced by the dart of death may he, your oivn. *f Who are not ready f Common opinion, in a gospel land, sweeps a large circle, and there stand within it the murderer, the thief, the drunkard, the idolater, the profane swearer, the adulterer, the ecoii'er, the liar, and the hypocrite. But the word of God sweeps a 1-arger circle still, including not only those, but these: the covetous, the lewd, the lovers of plea- sure more than of God, the frauY f being now ready also implies very great, guilt. It implies insensibility to the most powerful and affecting motives: stubborn refusal of a thousand kind and affectionate invita- tions; contempt of most solemn warnings; reckless indif- ference to the 60ul's value. I appeal not to vices and crimes in proof of sin ; there is evidence enough without this to prove you stained with crimson guilt. But if you are not ready, there is no work so important, no obligation so press- ing, as your immediately seeking the favor of God. Bid the world retire. Its highest 'and most pressing claims should not impede you for a moment in the great work of getting ready to die. " " But I am in health, in the fulness of my strength, why press this matter so earnestly upon me V You are just the person to be addressed. If you lay upon a dying bed, life's lamp expiring, and all your powers sinking into ruin — if you had reached such a point unprepared, had crowded this great work into that most unfit hour, there would be scarce the slightest prospect that any appeal would avail. Once more, the question. Arcyou ready? though now asked in affectionate earnestness, will not be asked by that unre- lenting destroyer, Death. He asks no man if he is ready. He drives bis dart alike through the ready and the reluctant soul. Furnished or unfurnished for the world to come, it must obey the dreadful summons. Eeader, by all that is blessed in a death of pence and hope, lie entreated to regard the solemn expostulation of your Lord : " Be ye also ready ; for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man cometh." Each dollar given aends out 1500 pages? of this Tr«&ti