THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY THE WILMER COLLECTION OF CIML WAR NOVELS PRESENTED BY RICHARD H. WILMER, JR. / z^ ..c^ fyuA^<'^ cJit I)I!AWKRS. WITH HIS PISTOLS IN HAM). \ Front i. Meeting of the Inflatus — Wontus and Nidd are Initiated and be- come Members — A Jolly Time, with a Startling Denouement . 218 J CHAPTER XIX. The Corps takes passage for the Front — Thomas Thomson makes Startling Disclosures, and Wilkins is declared a Champion . . 235 CHAPTER XX. On to Richmond — The Corps at the Front — Mr. Wontus buys a Relic, and Wilkins makes his First Failure 246 CHAPTER XXL Details Sundry Haps and Mishaps, and carries the Corps to York- town 254 CHAPTER XXII. What the Guardsman said happened — What did happen . . 260 CHAPTER XXIII. A New Character introduced, and an Old Story recalled , . 267 CHAPTER XXIV. And it Rained — The Army moves onward, and the Corps witnesses a Distressing Sight 275 CHAPTER XXV. The Corps becomes Equestrian — Wontus exercises his Family Steed and becomes exercised Himself — The Embalming Process, by B. AVilkins, etc. 283 CHAPTER XXVI. In which Gascon Nidd has a Startling Adventure .... 293 CHAPTER XXVII. The Battle of Fair Oaks— The Corps under Fire— An Old Character in a New Place — The Deserter — The Pursuit — The Capture and Death 297 10 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVIII. PAGE Mr. Xidd takes a Ride, and has an Unexpected Meeting with his Kival . . . ^ 311 CHAPTER XXIX. An Excellent Chapter, because it is Short, and accounts for some Things not accounted for before 316 CHAPTER XXX. Tells of Colonel Blakely's Love — The Change of Base — "Wontus's Reinforcement of the Armj . . . - 317 CHAPTER XXXI. This Chapter is principally devoted to Mr. Wilkins, who as a Sol- dier does some very Marvelous Things — Homeward Bound . 328 CHAPTER XXXII. In which Mr. Nidd revisits the Quaker City, becomes a Participant in a Fireman's Riot, and is a Jilted Man 337 CHAPTER XXXIII. Catches Mr. Wontus in the Toils of Love, and after several Disap- pointments renders him Happy 341 CHAPTER XXXIV. Disposes of some Characters, and begins the End .... 352 CHAPTER XXXV. Makes TVontus happy and ends the Book 356 WONTUS, OR THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. CHAPTER I. IN WHICH THE CHARACTERS ARE INTRODUCED, AND THE CORPS OP OBSERVATION BECOMES A THING OF LIFE. " Tommy," said Mr Olympus Wontus to his man-servant, "it's awful 1" " Yes, sir," answered Tommy, and silence reigned. " Yes, yes, it's awful !" repeated Mr. Wontus, as though speaking to himself, rising from his chair and gazing abstract- edly out of the window. " The thunder-bolts of Jove and the dogs of war have been let loose on our beautiful land, and what it has taken years to build up will be torn down in a day." And Mr. Wontus continued to gaze out of the window. " Can you see 'em, sir?" asked the man who had been ad- dressed as Tommy, and who now looked up from his work of scouring the andirons. "See who?" asked Mr. Wontus, fixing his glance on the questioner's face. "See who?" he repeated, sharply. " The thunder-bugs of Jove and the dogs." Mr. Wontus's face lost its vacant expression ; he thrust his hands into his pantaloons pockets, and for a moment gazed on his servant-man in silence. By-and-by his lips parted, and a shade of sorrow seemed to pass over his face. At length he spoke : " Tommy, you're a fool I" " Yes, sir." 11 12 ^ w ox TVS, on " I've told you so a thousand times before, but there seems to be no improvement in you." "Yes, sir." " Your associations must be bad." " They must, sir." There was silence for a few moments, during which Mr. Wontus gazed fixedly on Tommy, and Tommy worked with renewed vigor on the andirons. " Tommy," said Mr. Wontus, mildly, " with whom do you associate mostly?" " With you, sir." And Tommy looked up with innocence beaming in his face; but Mr. AVontus had turned and was looking out of the window. His face was clouded, as much as such a genial, happy face ever could be clouded ; but the cloud was soon dispelled, and a look of firm resolution took its place. He walked to the table and took a seat. " Tommy, come here." " Yes, sir." And the man arose, and running his grimy fingers through his coarse, unkempt hair, and thus streaking his face with the dirt from his hands until he looked like the colored prints of the aboriginals which we see in the shop- windows, he took his place before his employer. " YouVe been a faithful man," said Mr. Wontus, after a pause, " but, Thomas (Mr. Wontus spoke emphatically), you are a very dull one ; that is, I think you are sometimes, and then again I think you are not. Now, I did not say anything about the thunder-bugs of Jove : I said thunder-bolts." Mr. Wontus stopped speaking, and looked at his man. " Yes, sir," said Tommy, humbly. '' Then why didn't you understand me?" It was evident that scenes of this kind had occurred before, and that Mr. Wontus was now struggling for the mastership. He repeated his question, and the man stood before him scratching his head, as if in doubt. Soon a bright look stole over his face, and with an air as much as to say, " I've hit on the right thing," he answered: " My association, sir." "Damn it, sir!" cried Mr, Wontus, with explosive anger; and, jumping up, he flung his hat upon his head, and in a moment had vanished through the door, leaving his man stand- ing in bewildering uncertainty whether to stay or fly. First HcU THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 13 he looked at the chair on which Mr. Wontus had sat, then he looked to the door, and thus in silent contemplation he stood for a long while without moving. He appeared to he busy with his thoughts. In time these found expression in words. '' Thomas Thomson," said he, " you've been to blame in this here thing. Here you've been to work for Mr. Wontus these here ten years, — since you was a boy, — and you ought to know your man. (A pause.) I wonder why he didn't never get married? As rich as cream; but here he's been a livin' all alone in this here tavern for Lord knows how long, and ain't got no wife yet. (Another pause.) Yes, a good man ; as good a man as ever lived. Kind-hearted ? As kind-hearted as ever a human could be. Lord ! why he wouldn't do a mean thing to nothin' or nobody for the world ; and putty good lookin', too. Says he was born and raised here ; but if he was, where's all his 'lations ? (A pause.) Made his own money a boilin' soap, an' ain't got nothin' or nobody to bother him. Why, he's the goodest man I've ever seed in my life. Lord, look as how he treats me ! I reckon I've made him mad now, but I don't know ; I don't understand how it is that me and him have so many misunderstandin's." Thomas here fell into a condition of reflection so profound that he did not notice that his master had returned, and was standing inside the door, his face wearing its usual genial and kindly expression. " Thomas," said he, " I've been thinking." He walked to the window, and gazed abstractedly into the street. "You have?" said the gentleman addressed, looking up, without manifesting the slightest concern at the change in the manner of his master. "Thomas," said Mr. Wontus, "I've concluded to go to war." " To war?" Thomas's mouth opened, and he gazed at his master as though Mr. Wontus had suddenly transformed him- self into a cannon, which he expected to explode in a moment. " Yes, Thomas," said Mr. Wontus, firmly, " I think that's what I'll do." " You're a jokin'," cried Mr. Thomson. " They wouldn't have you. And s'pose you did go, what would you do ? Them 'ar legs couldn't march." And Mr. Thomson cast a glance 2 14 woxTUS, on over the understandings of his master, which was equivocal, if nothing more. " Yes, that's what I'll do," cried 3Ir. Wontus, without heed- ing the remarks of his servant. " I want something to do, something to engage my attention. Here I sit, day after day, week in and week out, and do — do just nothing. Every man ought to do something always, but more particularly now. I've got money, — yes, more than I want. I've subscribed to all the government loans, and about everything else, but I want to be more active. Why, I can arrange it ; and who knows but Olympus Wontus, the retired soap manufacturer, muy be of some use in the world after all." During the delivery of these remarks by the master, as though he were talking to himself, the man's face, which but a moment before was smiling, assumed a grave shape, and at length settled into an expre.ssion of terror. '■ Lord, Mr. Wontus !'' he cried, excitedly, '• you won't go to the war, will you? Why, the rebels will cut you into little pieces. You can't run like our fellei-s did at Bull Run, and, sure as shootin', you'd be took and hung !" " You don't understand," said M-r. Wontus, kindly, inter- rupting. " No, you don't understand, Thomas," said he, after a pause, during which he laid his hand on his servant's shoulder. '' Do 1/011 understand ?" cried Mr. Thomson, excitedly, — '' do you understand, sir ? Was you ever captured and hung? No, of course you wasn't ; and do ?/ou understand ? No, of course you don't. Then how am I, a feller what ain't never been out of New York in his life? No, I g-uess I don't; and 'scuse me, 3Ir. Wontus, but I don't want to. This here country is good enough for me, and them fellers what want to go can do it; but Mr. Thomas Thomson don't go, nohow!' Having finished his speech, which was delivered with great force and vehemence, Mr. Thomas Thomson stepped back and looked at his master as though his argument was unanswerable. There was very little of that feeling which commonly exists between a man and his servant, between Mr. Wontus and his >ervant; in fact, it sometimes looked as though Mr. Wontus ^^as the servant and Mr. Thomson the master. ^Mr. Wontus had peculiar ideas concerning his fellow-man, and while he drew a strict line in social intercourse with the world, yet he THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 15 alwap felt that every man wlio was born in the image of his Creator was liis equal, — no better, no worse. His servant had been with him for years ; he had grown up to manhood in his service, and he had, in his loneliness, come to look upon him more as a companion than as a menial. "Tommy," said Mr. Wontus, quietly, and with kindness beaming from his large, brown eye, " you don't understand me. Now listen and I'll tell you my plans. I don't intend going into the army as a soldier, but simply as a corps of ob- servation." (It may here be of interest to all concerned to know that Mr. Wontus not unfrequently pronounced his words as he had seen them spelled, and this fact gave rise to an in- terruption.) " A corpse !" cried Mr. Thomson, in evident trepidation. " A corpse of observation ! Oh, IMr. Wontus ! my dear, good, kind friend and pertector, don't be a corpse ! Be anything else but a corpse. Corpses ain't healthy no times — never ; and observation corpses are as bad as the worstest " " Come, come, Tommy," cried Mr. Wontus, interrupting, " as I said before, you do not understand me. Now keep quiet until I explain. A corps ain't a corpse. Tommy ; it's another thing. It's a man or two, or more than one man, or a good many, according to the way it's done and the number who want to go ; in fact, Tommy, it ain't exactly clear to my mind what a corps is, only that it ain't a corpse after all. Greneral McClellan, the great chief of our army, was a corps once ; not a dead corpse. Tommy, but a corps of observation. He was sent to the great siege of Sebastopool to see how things were done there, and that's the reason why he was a corps. You see, Tommy, Greneral McClellan was a corps, and that's the kind of corps I intend to be. I don't intend to fight ; I only want to see, — to have something to do, — to help the brave fellows who are standing between us and the enemy who would tear down that flag which we love so much and trample it in the dust ; that's all, Tommy, — that's what I want to do." For a few moments Mr. Thomson stood in an attitude of deep thought. His head was bowed, his eyes were fixed on the floor, and the dexter digit of his left hand lay along his aquiline nose. He speaks : " A corps of observation ain't a corpse?" Mr. Wontus nodded. 16 WONTUS, OR " A corj3S ain't a corpse ?" "Not as you understand it," said Mr. Wontus. " A corps ain't a dead corpse, but a live corps ?" Again Mr. Wontus nodded. " A corps " Mr. Thomson stopped suddenly and looked perplexed, and then, as if speaking to himself, he continued : " If a corps is a corpse, then it ain't a corpse ; if a corps ain't a corpse, then it is a corps ! It's mighty sing'lar. I'm blessed if I see it with these here lamps." And then again he was silent. " Tommy," said Mr. Wontus, " I shall need a man like you to accompany me ; but I'll not press you to go if you don't want to. I don't think there would be any danger." " General McClellan was a corps, was he?" remarked Mr. Thomson. " He was." " He ain't a corpse now ?" " No." " Could I be like the general?" " Certainly," replied Mr. Wontus. "Mr. Wontus," said Thomas, looking up, "I've never deserted you, and I never will ! I'll go !" And thus it was settled that Mr. Thomas Thomson, who had stood by his master faithfully in the past, would stand by him faithfully in the future, although there continued a lin- gering doubt in his mind as to how men could be a corps and yet not be a corpse. It is one of the beautiful idiosyncrasies of our langTiage, and might confound wiser heads. The matter between master and man having been satisfac- torily arranged, Mr. Wontus again turned to the window, and Mr. Thomson to the andirons. The day was bright and beau- tiful, and the buds of early spring had just commenced to make their appearance on the trees and shrubs in the small yards about him. Mr. Wontus stood gazing out of the win- dow at the flags which floated, " like a rainbow in the skies," from the diff"erent flagstafis of his patriotic neighbors, and was apparently lost in thought. " Yes, my mind is made up," said he, suddenly, looking round. " Tommy, you know where Mr. Nidd's rooms are?" " Yes, sir." " Well, you go round to Xidd and ask him if he will not THE CORPS OF OBSERVATIOX. 17 be kind enough to slip around here, on his way down-town this afternoon. Tell him I have business of importance. Yes," he continued, after a pause, " Nidd is the very man : cool, sharp, and brave. He shall be one of the party. (He- fleeting.) His meanness may prevent him. (A pause.) I'll offer to bear half of his expenses myself. He'll go ; I'm sure he will. Yes, yes, Tommy, run round and tell Nidd that I want to see him to-day — this afternoon — as soon as possible." In a brief time Tommy made his exit, and Mr, Wontus was left to himself. " Nidd's the man !" cried he, clapping his ftit hands to- gether and rubbing them till they were red. " Yes, Nidd's the veri/ man. Let me see : we've been acquainted fur ten — yes, over ten years now, — and I guess Nidd's pretty well oif. He's a little singular, and will quarrel over his rubber ; but he's the very man, for all that. Let me see : I'll write to my friend Moxley, and procure the necessary information and papers from the departments at Washington." And Mr. Wontus accordingly sat down and wrote the letters, giving full par- ticulars about how he wished to go about among the soldiers, at his own expense, and lend them a helping hand wherever he was able. He had no fears but that his application would meet with success, for his friend Moxley was a clerk in one of the departments, and he felt that Mr. Lincoln, who had never been known to refuse a kindness when it was in his power to grant it, more particularly when it was intended for the good of his brave soldiers, would grant his request. But as yet Mr. Wontus did not know how many his party would number, so, leaving a blank space, he patiently awaited the appearance of his friend, Mr. Nidd. " He's comin' !" shouted Thoma§, rushing into the room. And in truth he was, for the words had scarce died on the ser- vant's lijDS than a tall, red-ficed, gaunt-looking, middle-aged gentleman presented himself at the door, and, without further ceremony, w^ilked into the room. His hair was of a brownish hue, and was clipped close to his head. A pair of small, deep-set blue eyes looked out from beneath a pair of shaggy eyebrows; and a stiff, reddish beard, trimmed close, sur- rounded his face and mouth. His legs and arms were long, but not disproportionate to his body, and his clothes were of the shabby-genteel order, much the worse for wear. 2^ 18 WOXTUS, OR " Wontus," said he, in a sharp, brusque manner, "what do you want?" " My dear Nidd !" cried Mr. Wontus, jumping up and grasping his friend by the hand, " I want to give you a little recreation : I want you to accompany me, to leave business to the dogs for awhile, and enjoy a little of life while there is yet time." " Uh !" ejaculated Mr. Nidd. " Why, it will be grand ; so new, so novel, and decidedly original. Why, we'll be the wonder and admiration of the world," continued Wontus, without heeding the skeptical glances which his friend bestowed upon him. " Why, I can see us now, as we journey along and view — always from a safe place, Nidd, always from a safe place — the shock of battle, and " " Stop !" cried Mr. Nidd, commandingly. " What in the devil are you talking about?" " Yes, yes," said Wontus, " I had forgotten. Come, be seated, my dear Nidd. Tommy, give us two glasses and that bottle on the top shelf. Come, sit down, Nidd, and I'll relate to you my plans." Both gentlemen were seated, and, after having refreshed themselves, Mr. Wontus entered into a full and complete explanation of his plans. At first Mr. Nidd laughed, and pooh-poohed the whole affiiir as visionary and impracticable ; but Mr. Wontus knew better, and then the gentlemen again refreshed themselves from the bottle, which stood between them on the table. " My business," said Mr. Nidd, after a time, " would suf- fer by my absence ; in truth, to be candid, Wontus, I'm too poor." " Poor?" echoed Mr. Wontus. " Why, Nidd, you haven't spent an unnecessary cent since your good wife died ; let me see, that's five years ago, and your conveyancing business has been large, — I know it has. You ought to be a very rich man. I'm afraid " Mr. Wontus was intemipted by his friend jumping up and declaring that the whole aflfair was impossible ; and then he showered such a multitude of objections and obstacles on Mr. Wontus that, had that gentleman not been thoroughly imbued with the idea, he would probably have given it up. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 19 "Come, come, Nidd !" cried Wontus, rising, forcing his friend into a cliair, " I need your services in tliis matter, and I am willing to pay for them. (Nidd's eyes brightened.) Yes, you will receive enough from me to bear your expenses, and I insist that you shall take a holiday, — your health and spirits need it." And then Mr. Wontus grew eloquent over the origi- nality and beauty of his plans, and argued so conclusively that at length Mr. Nidd was able to see some merit in it, and re- marked that he did need a little recreation, and finally, with the influence of the friendly bottle, consented to at once close up his office, and assist in making the necessary awangements. " Thomas will accompany us," said Mr. Wontus, after it had been settled that Mr. Nidd would immediately render his as- sistance in making the preparations ; " but I've been thinking," he continued, after a pause, " that it wouldn't be a bad idea for us to have with us a younger and more experienced man than you or I, Nidd, — a man who has seen the world, and who is familiar with men and things. Such a man could probably be procured, and, I have no doubt, would be a great saving as well as service to us. I've thought for a long time of placing a man in the Army as a substitute for myself. I might get such a man to accompany us, and when the Government needed his services, why, we could just put him into the ranks. What do you think of that, old fellow?" almost shouted Mr. Wontus; " a grand idea, eh?" " Well," replied Mr. Nidd, sipping his liquor, and gazing out of the window, " the idea is good ; but I am afraid " " What are you afraid of?" queried Mr. Wontus, firing up. " The expense would be " " Expense be dod-rotted 1" shouted Mr. Wontus. " Nidd, I'm a rich man, and this war is making me richer ; my property is worth nearly double w^hat it was a year ago, and I've got more money than I really have any use for. To be sure, I've contributed pretty well to the different funds for the help of the government and the soldiers, but I've got money to spare. I've never spent anything for pleasure ; I've lived like a miser all my life, and I'm resolved to make a change. (A pause.) Another thing, Nidd : we'll die some of these days, and we can't take our money with us, you know." " But we can benefit our families," suggested Mr. Nidd. " Our families ? What family have you or I got ? Nobody. 20 WOXTUS, OR I've got relations, but what do I know about them, or they about me?" Mr. Wontus ceased speaking for a moment and gazed abstractedly at the table. " Well, no matter," he continued, as though following out a line of thought, "I'm resolved." And after a little more talk it was settled that Mr. Wontus, Mr. Nidd, and Mr. Thomas Thomson should immediately settle their affairs and be ready to leave for the war without delay. " Nidd," said Mr. Wontus, as that gentleman was about to leave, " see if you can't get such a man as we want. See some of your friends, and get a man if possible ; for such a man — a smart, active fellow — will be of great service to us ; don't you see ? ' Mr. Wontus would probably have gone on expatiating on the necessary qualities for such a man to be possessed of for an indefinite time, but Mr. Nidd suddenly signified that he did see ! and left the room, promising to call again in the evening. x\ll was bustle and excitement in Mr. Wontus's room during the rest of the day. Thomas Thomson was dodging here and there ; one moment doing a chore here and the next moment undoing what he had just completed. The closets and trunks and boxes were raked out, and their contents piled in heaps on the floor, only to be thrown back again in worse confusion than they were before ; chaos existed in every direction, and Mr. Thomson appeared to have suddenly been transferred to realms of perfect bliss. He chuckled with inward delight ; the longings of his heart were at last to be gratified, — he was to see the world, and in a sphere which, he fondly hoped, would pass his name into history. (Be it known that Thomas Thomson, although a man filling an humble station in life, had aspirations like other men, and, without knowing exactly how or why, he hoped to gratify them.) As for Mr. Wontus, he was the em- bodiment of pleasurable excitement. His room was too small to contain him, and, leaving Tommy to make whatever arrange- ments he chose, he rushed down-stairs to acquaint his landlord with his determination. This he did in a flighty, almost in- coherent, way, much to that gentleman's consternation and sorrow, for Mr. Wontus was not only one of his most respect- able boarders, but one of the most profitable, and he was sorry THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 21 to have him leave ; but Mr. Wontus was determined, and the landlord's best efforts toward persuading him to relinquish his project were lost. Mr. Wontus would listen to nothing, and in high glee he rushed into the street, buttonholing his ac- quaintances, and bestowing alms on all who asked. He was at peace with himself and all mankind, and he looked upon every soldier he met as his friend and companion. He was not what is generally termed a " drinking man," although he would occasionally imbibe with a friend, but on this occasion he came near forgetting that he was the retired merchant, and evening found the jolly Mr. Wontus jollier than ever. On returning to his quarters, he found them occupied by his friend, Mr. Gascon Nidd, and a stranger. The new-comer appeared to be perfectly at his ease, and, with one leg thrown over the arm of his chair, he sat reading one of the papers which Mr. Thomson had raked from the closet and left lying on the floor. Throwing his hat upon the table, and running his fingers through his hair, he hailed the gentlemen in a gleeful way, and offered a hand to each. Mr. Nidd merely nodded his head, but the strange gentleman was on his feet in a flash, and, grasping Mr. AVontus's extended hand in both of his, imme- diately poured forth such a volume of language that, for the moment, Mr. Wontus was taken quite aback. " I'm delighted to see and know you, sir," cried the stranger. " I hope you enjoy good health, and will continue to do so forever." " Mr. Wilkins, — Mr. Benjamin Wilkins, Mr. Wontus," said Nidd, introducing the gentleman. " Glad to see you, sir ; very glad to see you, sir. Sorry I can't offer you more hospitable quarters ; but, you see, I'm about to go to war, and Tommy! Tommy!" shouted Mr. Wontus ; but Tommy was not to be found. Like his master, he had found it impossible to restrain his joy, and he had gone out, where there was room to vent it. " AVar, Mr. Wontus, war ?" remarked the new acquaintance, with considerable gusto, as Mr. Wontus sank into a chair. " Ah, sir, I have seen it in all its beauties, terrors, and vicissi- tudes. The treacherous sands of Mexico have blistered my feet, and I've slept among the magnolias and cactuses ; the burning suns of India have blinded me, — I was one of the de- 22 WONTUS, OR voted garrison of Liicknow. — and my eyes beheld the snows and suflerin's of the Crimea. I have seen it all as a soldier of fortune, and I love the life with all its dangers ; bravery con- quers all difficulties." " You've seen it all !" gasped Mr. Wontus. '■^AU! Yes, and more " It is impossible to say how much further Mr. Wilkins would have gone had it not been that Mr. Nidd interrupted him with the statement that Benjamin Wilkins was the man who had been recommended to him as the sort of person Mr. Wontus wished to secure. "Ah, yes, — yes, I remember; a capital man, Mr. Nidd, — a capital man. Mr. Wilkins, I am glad to see you, — to know you, sir. You have heard what we propose to do ?" And Mr. Wontus again grasped the new-comer's hand and shook it warmly. At last it was all arranged that Mr. Wilkins should go with the party as a substitute and general managing man. He was to receive thirteen dollars a month during the time that he was with ^Ir. Wontus, and when that gentleman de- sired him to enter the service of his country as his represent- ative, he was to receive a present of five hundred dollars in A day passed. During the time that the baggage was being packed and the effects of the different gentlemen were being disposed of, Mr. Wilkins' s services were of great value. He understood everything, and appeared to have an instinctive knowledge as to where everything was to be had at the shortest notice. ■ Had it not been for his expensive habits Mr. Wontus would have thought — he was very near to it already — that his services were absolutely indispensable. At length everything was arranged. By the advice of Mr. Wilkins, each one of the party was provided with an outfit of woolen clothing; and an extensive assortment of bottles, etc., were put in the charge of Mr. Thomas Thomson. At last all was in readiness, and the party — Mr. Wontus, Mr. Nidd, Mr. Wilkins, and 3Ir. Thomson — were assembled in the first-named gentleman's room for the last time. '* I feel a little sad. for all," said Mr. Wontus, looking about the familiar walls of his room. " Bad time !" snapped Mr. Nidd. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 23 " There is a feelin' of tenderness for that which we have lived among," said Mr. Wilkins, sympathetically, — '^ a sort of indescribable feelin' ; I don't wonder at your havin' sad feelin's, Mr. Wontus. For myself, I am a man of the world, and all places are home to me." " Wilkins," said Mr. Wontus, touched with the remarks of his companion, " I have to look at you, sometimes ; you are evidently a man of varied attainments and ability. Some day you must tell us the story of your life, — why not to-night?" " I would be delighted to do so ; but first I have a propo- sition to make which I hope will meet with your approval. It is this : That inasmuch as we shall be all together, and travelin' , as it was, as one man, I propose that we resolve ourselves into a corps, and that, out of compliment to the chief of our party, we call it ' The Wontus Corps of Observation,' as a slight testimonial of our high regard, confidence, and respect. What say you, gentlemen ?" " I beg of you, gentlemen," cried Mr. Wontus, who was modest, but who, for all that, had his little vanities, — " I beg of you, gentlemen, don't call " " Mr. Wilkins, your proposition is a good one," cried Mr. Nidd. "I say ' The Wontus Corps of Observation' ;" and so it was settled. They drank each other's good health, Mr. Thomson arriving in time to be one of the party, and then Mr. Wontus demanded the story. " Well, gentlemen, I'll tell you something about myself; but I beg of you not to be curious." And Mr. Wilkins drew the back of his hand across his mouth, and, leaning forward in his chair, commenced a sketch of his life, which properly should have a place of its own. 24 WOXTUS, OR CHAPTER 11. "WHEREIN A REMARKABLE MAN RELATES A REMARKABLE STORY AND ASTONISHES HIS HEARERS. " It is scarcely necessary," said the narrator, " for me to say that I was born, since the fact of my bein' here is fair evidence of that important fact. I was born, however, in America, but exactly when or where I can't fully determine, for m}^ father was a man of the world, and moved his family frequently ; but I think it was somewhere on the coast of New Jersey, since my earliest recollections are associated with sand and the sea. Ours was a numerous family, well known and highly respected, I assure you ; in fact, my father once had some idea of being governor of the State, but soon after the idea occurred to him he moved into the State of Delaware, and the idea was practically lost forever. To be brief, soon after takin' up our residence in our new home, my father had the misfortune to be taken down with a fever, and finally handed in his checks. Well, I was the youngest in the family, and, guessin' from that stand-point, I must now be somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty years old. " As I have before remarked, the family was large, and so each one — we were all boys — was compelled to go to work. I fancied the gay and hardy life of a sailor, and accordiu'ly, soon after the old man's death, shipped before the mast in a vessel bound for Spain. I couldn't have been more than fifteen years old at the time, but from that moment a new life, with all its charms and allurements, was spread before me. Our crew wasn't numerous, so, boy that I was, I did man's duty ; and, to show you how I succeeded, allow me to relate the fii*st adventure of my life. It seems to me that I was cut out for adventures. But let me to the adventure. "Perhaps you gentlemen are not familiar with vessels? But no matter. You see we were standin' out of Delaware Bay with a spankin' breeze on our lee quarter ; the cook had just served coff"eej and I was just commencin' to take my THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 25 trick at the tiller, when Captain Coldin', who commanded the Jane Ann, came abaft the galley, and, throwin' an eye to windward, remarked that he guessed that we'd have a blow. I looked up, but not bein' much versed in the weather signs at that time, I said nothin,' but kept her close up to the wind. 'Mr. Johnsing,' said the captain, addressin' the first mate, * what's your 'pinion as to dust ?' That's a singular way these seaf'arin' men have of talkin'," remarked Mr. Wilkins, as his listeners manifested some surprise. " ' Shake my eyes,' says the mate, ' but I guess we'll have a spell.' Well, the officers went on talkin' for some time, when all at once the heavens became overcast and the wind blowed great guns. ' Tack, tack !' cried Captain Coldin', as he grasped the taifi-ail and swung the spanker-boom around on her davits. ' Tack she is !' I shouted ; but it wasn't within the power of mortal man to save her. §he swung round on her beam like a tub, and plunged a couple of times, and then went down in eighty fathoms of water with every soul on board." " Oh, dear !" cried Mr. Wontus, with a shudder. " How horrible ! And were none of them saved ?" " Where were you?" interrupted Mr. Nidd, incredulously. "Well," continued Mr. Wilkins, "I had learned to swim before I left home ; and, although I was chilled by the water, for it was in November, if I mistake not, I no sooner found that it would be useless to undertake to save the ship or her crew, than I grew selfish, and resolved to save myself. It is singu- lar — perhaps you have noticed it yourself — how a man's thoughts will travel through his head in the short space of a little while, but it is nevertheless true, for, as I sank down, I formed a plan by which I felt that I could save myself; so the moment I struck bottom I says to myself, ' Ben, this is do or die; there's a telegraph cable laid somewhere hereabouts, and if you can find it, why, you can find the shore,' — you see I knew that the other end was fastened to the shore somewhere near one of the light-houses, — so I commenced huntin' around in the mud, and, after considerable trouble, I found it, and hand over hand pulled myself to dry laud." " Just stop there, will you, Mr. Wilkins?" asked Mr. Nidd. " How far from land do you suppose you were when your vessel capsized?" " About seven miles." B 3 26 )VOXTUS, OR "The cable was lying on the bottom, I suppose?" " Yes, sir." '• And you pulled yourself all the way to land by means of the cable?" " Yes, sir." " Well, now, sir," continued Mr. Nidd, in a decided and matter-of-fact manner, "we would like to know how long you can hold your breath eighty fathoms under water?" The party all looked at ]Mr. Wilkins, and that gentleman looked puzzled. The question was evidently a poser and quite unexpected. In a moment his face assumed an air of injured innocence, and he said : " You see, I didn't hold fast to the cable all the time, but would let go every once in awhile, come to the surface, take a breath, and go down again. That's the way it was. You see there is nothin' astonishin' in that." " Certainly not," said Mr. Xidd, evidently relieved from a painful doubt. " A most miraculous escape," cried Mr. Wontus. " Take something, Mr. Wilkins ; it makes the cold chills crawl up my back to iJimk cf it." Why a libation should have such a soothing effect upon man has been a mooted question with the philosophers since the days of Xoah, and will continue time without end, and it would be folly for a man to undertake to analyze the causes now. Certain it is, however, that frequent libations invariably make men better or worse than when in their rational, sober senses ; and on this occasion even the austere Nidd became more genial and clever than was usual with him. '' But you haven't finished," said Wontus, after the com- pany had sipped their liquor for a few moments in silence. '• By no means," cried Mr. Nidd, — " by no means. Go on, Mr. Wilkins." '' Well, as I was savin'," continued Mr. Wilkins, " I landed at the light-house, and had just strength enough to crawl to its friendly shelter, when I fainted, — something I never did before or since ; and that was the last I knowed until I found myself comfortably tucked in bed, with a bright fire in the hearth and the savory odor of delicious cookin' pervadin' my room. To make a long story short, for the most important part of my life is unspoken as yet, I remained at the light-house THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 27 for some two years as assistant to Mr. Caddie, the light-keeper, and finally ended by shippin' on a passin' brigantine I'or Liver- pool." " Did you never hear of the Jane Ann f" queried Mr. Wontus, anxiously. " Nary a word." " Nor her crew ?" asked Mr. Thomson. " They w:is never heard of more, — leastwise not by me !" " Proceed !" commanded Mr. Nidd. Cleansing his throat, Mr. Wilkins proceeded : " For me to tell you all that happened to me from that day to this — how I was wrecked on a lonely island, and remained over four years, to be at last picked up by a man-of-war which had lost her course ; how I came out safely and again went to Europe, to become a soldier in Her Majesty's Second Royal In- fantry ; how I fought and bled in the Crimea, and the deeds I done ; how I went clear through the Injun rebellion from Tzgampopore to Lucknow, and then walked through Germany and Central Europe — would take more time than we have at our disposal at present." Mr. Nidd drew a long breath. " Arrivin' in Holland, I for the first time heard of these domestic conwulsions that was disturbin' the equilibrium of society in my native land ; and proceedin' at once to Amster- djini, I there learned that the strife had commenced, and men was needed to perpetuate the honor and glory of our govern- ment. I had been away from my native land for a long while ; but there was always, under all circumstances, a lingerin' love for the home of my childhood, and I resolved to make my way homeward. I was compelled to wait for some days for a vessel, and durin' this time a most unfortunate accident oc- curred to me. But I will only state that I had the misfortune to be robbed at my hotel of everything I possessed, and when the vessel was ready to sail, instead of takin' my place in her as a saloon passenger, as would become me, — a man of the world, — I was compelled to ship before the mast." " A shame !" groaned Mr. Wontus. " Yes, gentlemen, I felt a little cast down like at my mis- fortune ; but I was used to all sorts of life, and I felt that I would certainly be appreciated when I once had an opportunity to make my value known to the captain. The sailors was all 28 WOXTUS, OB Dutch, and from the start appeared to take a dislike to me ; hut when the captain finally took me aft, and made me his confidential clerk, their rage was tremendious. But what mattered that to me ? I only asked time to prove to them that I was their best friend ; but, alas ! that time never came. My duties kept me very busy, for I made out all the reckon- in's, kept the log, and so forth, and although we was out nearly two months, yet I never had an opportunity in all that time to approach my messmates. I assure you there was nothin' of pride in the matter on my part. Everything went along smoothly durin' the voyage, and I think we had been out about seven weeks, when one bright mornin' we became becalmed. There we lay a rollin' and pitchin' in the trough of the sea for days, and the thing got monotonous ; I felt it myself. The ofiicers raved and the men swore ; but it was all of no account, — there wasn't enough wind to tilt a cockle-shell. " I was brought up a protestant, gentlemen," continued the speaker, " and there never was anything like superstition in my composition. But sailors, as a class, are superstitious, you know, and Dutch sailors particula'ly so ; so, when one of the fo'top men said that the reason why we was becalmed was be- cause we had an evil spirit on board, there was a general howl of assent on the fo'castle, and from that moment nothin' would do but that the man, whoever he was, must be chucked overboard. The officers did their best, but everybody was dissatisfied, and the affair resulted in somebody assertin' that /was the cause of all the misery, and that / should be the man to go into the sea. Well, gentlemen, I was never afraid in my life, and I didn't fear even now ; but I certainly did object to the unceremonious way they had of declarin' that I was the man possessed, so I proposed that it wouldn't be any- thing more than fair for us to draw lots, and the man who drawed the unlucky number should be the man to go over- board. They wouldn't listen to this for a time, but the officers and passengers all said that it wasn't nothin' more than was right, and at last the men had to give in. The arrangements were all made, and the first mate cut the requisite number of papers, and marked one ' unlucky,' and the man who drawed this one was to be considered as guilty of harborin' an evil spirit, and should pay the penalty with his life." Here 31r. Nidd gave Thomas Thomson a severe kick, and THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION: 29 directed liim to snore in a lower key ; liis high notes were dis- agreeable. Mr. Thomson took a new position, and settled back into the arms of Morpheus. The narrator continued : " The captain put the papers in his hat, and each of the men stepped up and without lookin' drew one of the papers out and handed it to the mate, who looked at it carefully for the word that was to decide the drawer's fate. We had formed a line, and I was about in the middle. It didn't make much difference to me whether I drew the word or not ; so, when I walked up, I just stuck my hand carelessly into the hat, drawed a paper, handed it to the mate, and was walk in' aft when I heerd a shout from the men which appeared at that moment like my death-knell. I had drawed the unlucky paper !" Mr. Wontus groaned, and fortified himself with a small libation. " I halted, and the mate walked up to me, and handed me the paper. There was no occasion for me to look at it, so I merely remarked that I would be ready in a little while, and then returned to the cabin to finish the ship's work, which I had commenced before goin' to the drawin', and to arrange my own private affairs. " By the ship's chart, I reckoned that we were at this time somewhere off the coast of South Carolina, and about four hundred miles from land. I had finished the ship's business, and was engaged in writin' a letter home, when I was inter- rupted by the captain, who came in and said that the men was impatient, and that I must immej lately come on deck. I tore my letter to pieces, and in a moment was on the fo'- castle. The faces of the men were wreathed in smiles of joy ; but the officers and passengers looked sorrowful, and as they approached to bid me adieu forever, I noticed the tears trick- lin' down the cheeks of more than one brave feller. But while I was receivin' their adieus, it occurred to n;e that it was my duty to make an effort to save my life, so, signifyin' that I desired to speak, the officers and men drew near, and I com- menced : " ' Elates,' says I, ' it has been my misfortune to draw the unlucky paper { but I don't complain. I bow to the rule ; but, while I do so, I have a slight boon to ask, which I feel 3-x- 30 WON TVS, OR sure you will gratify me in.' There was a buzz went through the crowd, but I went on. ' What I want,' I said, ' is that you shall give me one of the ship's casks and put me inside. I want some bread, meat, and water ; and also that you will give me the bung-hole plug in my hand and leave the bung-hole open. There is but little chance for me to save my life, but still, if you will grant me this request, you shall retain a place in my memory which can't never fade while I live.' Some of the men understood me, and some didn't, but after the officer had translated my remarks I noticed that the men looked as though they would grant my request. ' Let him have what he wants,' cried the boatswain ; ' if he leaves the ship all will be well !' ' Yes, let him have it,' echoed some others ; and, as there was no objection, the carpenter got out one of the empty casks, and, while the men were getting me the provisions I asked for, the carpenter gave me the bung- plug, put me in the cask, and when I had said good-by to the party, and got my stores, headed up the cask, and I was ready to be tossed overboard. " Some time elapsed from the time between the he^idin' up of the cask and the time that it was chucked overboard, which I took advantage of in arrangin' my provisions and water, and decidiu' how I would act. I tried the plug, which I held in my hand, into the bung-hole, and it fit spendidly. ' Now,' says I to myself ' when they cast me overboard, I'll just jam the plug into the hole and hold it there until I come to the surface, when I can take it out, and thus give myself all the air I want ; but I must be careful to keep the bung-hole up, or else the water will come in, and I'll be drowned sure." " Yes, yes, I see," said Mr. Wontus, drawing his chair closer, his fiice wearing an expression of intense interest. " I had hardly got my calculations all made, when I felt the cask raised from the deck, carried to the side of the ship, and chucked overboard. I had taken the precaution to jam the plug into the hole, so when the cask went down under the water she rolled some, but I was as dry as we gentlemen are at this moment. The cask didn't remain under the water verj' long, and when it rose to the surface I pulled the plug out, and thus I was safe and sound. — not so sci/e. but very sound. (Here Mr. W. laughed.) The wind springin' up shortly after, I was left floatiu' on the ragin', boundless THE CORPS OF OnSERVATTOy. 31 ocean, witli the sliuimest chance for my life that ever mortal man had since the creation of the world. I rather beat old Noah ; and I felt it, bnt I didn't cave, for, says I to myself, ' a man who has passed throngh what you have, Ben AVilkins, and come out safe, shouldn't never despair.' " Well, the wind kept on frcshenin' until it came to blow a perfect gale. I couldn't see anything, for the bung-hole was my only window, but I knew the sea must be runnin' high from the motion of the cask. The trouble I had is beyond description ; but between keepin' the provisions in their places and the bung-hole closed over when the waves rolled over the cask, or vice versa, was a job, I tell you. Sometimes the cask would roll clean over, and at them times I had to be mighty spry to keep the water out and at the same time to let enough air in ; but I was equal to the task, although I felt weak and faint very often ; and when the storm went over, and the sea became more calm, I set to work at gettin' somethin' to eat. There were hams, ship-biscuit, a jar full of water, and some dried fruits and vegetables, and so settin' down, with the bung-hole immejiately over my head, and my provisions between my knees, I managed to make a solid, square meal ; and so on I lived for over a week, with nothin' happenin' worth noticin', until one mornin' — I had fallen into a doze — a light wind sprang up and my cask careened to one side. Of course I was awake in a moment, and by shiftin' myself and my provisions I righted her before any damage was done, but, when I came to look, I had lost the plug. (Sensation on the part of the listeners.) Whatever became of that plug I don't know, for I could never find it. So from that time out I was afraid to go to sleep. More days passed, — how many I can't say, — and I was almost perishin' for sleep, and, besides, my provisions commenced to be scarce, and I was compelled to put myself on half rations. It wasn't until now that I com- menced to despair. Were there no ships passin' to pick me up, or would they if they did see my barrel ? I feared not. Was there no land near? I couldn't see nothin' but the sky. I was thinkin' these things over one afternoon, when the cask gave a sudden heave, and I felt her strike bottom. * The breakers !' I cried ; and from that moment I took heart. Bunqi, bump, I went, strikin' the ground at every roll of the sea, but I braced my legs against the side of the cask and kept 32 WOXTUS, OR her level. So on it went for an hour or two, when at length one wave, bigger and heavier than the othei"s, picked me up and throwed the cask upon the sand." " My, oh !" cried Mr. Nidd, skepticjdly. "Terrible!'t it?" said Mr. Wuntus. "But go on, Mr. Wilkins, go on." " I felt that I was safe. But fearin' that I might be washed back into the sea again, I doubled myself up, as I had seen the circus actors do at Madrid, and in that way rolled my cask over and over, until I could hear it crush in' the twigs and grass beneath it, and then I felt that I was safe. It makes me shudder even now, gentlemen, when 1 think over it." " I should think so !" cried Mr. Wontus; "shouldn't you, Nidd?" Mr. Nidd volunteered a simple " Uh !" in reply. " But how did you make out ? Where did you find your- self?" asked Mr. Wontus, all interest. " My glass, if you please," said 3Ir. Wilkins, with a bland smile. "Shame, shame, Nidd! 9/ou ought to have thought of it; here Wilkins't had a drop all this time ! Certainly, Mr. Wilkins ; drink hearty ; your good health, sir." And Wontus helped Wilkins and then helped himself, and both drank. " Well," said Mr. Wilkins, after having wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, "you see I was now in a new fix ; to be sure there was no danger of my bein' drowned, but there I was coopered up in the cask, as tight and as fast as if I was so much mess-pork. I tried to break the heads and the sides, but both were too strong for me, — want of sleep and short rations had made me very weak, you know, — so I took to shoutin', and shouted until I was hoarse ; but all of no avail, for another day dawned and found me as great a prisoner as ever Baron Trenck was. The sun rose clear and beautiful, and the birds sang their sweetest notes among the trees which surrounded me, but there I was. My cask lay with the bung- hole toward the land, and I could see the green fields and all the ether beauties of nature, but no human bein' or habita- tion. I beat the sides of the cask with fury and shed tears of anger. I couldn't stand it mach longer, and for the first time in my life I was commencin' to despair, when, lo ! a drove of cattle hove in sight. How I watched them cattle ! For a THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 33 long while I alternated between hope and fear, but at length — I cuiild not be mistaken— they were comin' toward me. Now, thinks I, these cattle will be attended by a human bein' with whom I can communicate, and then I shall be liberated. I looked again; yes, they were comin' toward me, but oh, how slow! Gradually they approached nearer and nearer, and then, to my great sorrow, I discovered that they were unat- tended. Now I heard a horn blowin', such as is used in country-places to call the workmen to meals. Heavens ! was I to lay here, within sight and hearin' of civilization, after passin' through what I had, and then die of starvation ? The thought was madness to me. But I was weak and could not break the walls that surrounded me. I was hoarse and could not call aloud. " By this time the cattle had come quite near me, and as they walked past, switchin' the flies from their backs, a new thoudit struck me. What if I could catch one of those long tails and pull it through the bung-hole ? Happy thought ! Certainly the animal would be frightened and run, and then there would be a chance of the cask bein' broken, and me liberated. I resolved to adopt the plan." " Glorious idea!" shouted Mr. Wontus, interrupting. " No spider ever watched his fly with more interest than I did them tails. The animals came and rubbed their noses ao-ainst the cask, but I wanted the other end, and kept quiet, fearin' that I might frighten them away altogether. At length a fine large bull came up, and after takin' a calm sur- vey°of the cask, walked leisurely along by its side and halted. Now was the time! so with fingers ready to seize the tail which occasionally swept past the hole, I waited. The long- looked-for moment came at last, and catchin' hold of the end of the tail, I quickly drew it through the hole, and in a twink- lin' had tied a knot in that portion which I had inside. I couldn't see what was bein' done outside, for the tail com- pletely blocked up the hole, but directly I felt the cask move, first gently, then fiistcr, and faster, and faster, until my head reeled, and my bones cracked and ached like a man on the rack. Onward the bull went, tearin' through hedge and field, as though the devil had sent him, and sendin' up such terrific roars a? to make the very earth tremble,— at least I should think so. I have no recollection of how he came to stop, for B* 34 WOXTUS, OR I am free to confess that I fainted ; but the first thing I did know was, that I was surrounded with people, whose voices I could hear but whose language I could not distinguish. Presently, light shone in at the bung-hole, and the knotted end of the bull's tail fell into my hands. Soon after this, blows resounded on the side of the cask, and it was broken open, and in a few moments after, amid exclamations of great wonder, I was lifted out more dead than alive. " Things — brandy and water — were administered to me, and after awhile I revived sufficient to be able to inquire where I was. The people informed me that I was in the vicinity of Onionville, on the coast of North Carolina, and that I had been brought to my present location by the bull that lay dead by the side of the cask. I looked and there hi3 did lay, sure enough. " I could have embraced that bull, gentlemen, dead as he was, had I been able, but I wasn't ; and as the people insisted on knowin' who I was, and how I came to be in the cask, I related as much of the affair as I thought proper, — for they were a skeptical people and I was afraid to tell them the whole truth, as I have told you, — and after receivin' the mayor and other city authorities who had come out to see me, in fittin' and proper style, I consented to accept the hospitality offered me, and shoitly afterward took my place in the chariot, and pro- ceeded to the city. Here I was waited on by the principal citizens, who heard of my wonderful escape from death, and in due course of time recovered my health, and was induced to accept the pastorate of one of the principal churches of the place. Here I remained for some three weeks, beloved by my flock, until it came to be understood that I was a Northern man, and then I was promised a suit of clothes made of feathers and tar, and directed to leave. The inducement was great, but, after a hasty consideration, I concluded to forego the pleasure of wearin' such a suit of clothes, and one evening, with tears of regret, I left, and here I am. " Now, gentlemen," said Mr. Wilkins, after a pause, " ycu know the principal points of my history, and I hope it is satisfactory. I have only to add, that I am to be depended on ; and while I acknowledge that self-praise is a poor recom- mendation, yet I take the liberty of tellin' you that I think you have, in securin' me. got the right man in the right place. Finally, should you ever relate to any man what I have just THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION'. 35 related to you, and he should doubt it, hand him over to me, and I'll attend to his case with care and consideration." " My gracious !" cried Mr. Wontus, " but you are really— yes, you are really— but there's Nidd gone to sleep. Nidd, Nidd ! I say, come, wake up." "Is it over?" queried Mr. Nidd, opening his eyes. On beini^ assured that the story was entirely done, Mr. Nidd quietly remarked that he was going home, and accordingly started for the door sans ceremonle. "Remember, Nidd," said Mr. Wontus, "we start for Philadelphia at eight to-morrow morning, so look sharp !" " All right,' ' sai'd the gentleman. And he passed out of the door, soon to be followed by Messrs. Wilkins and Thomson, who were, on this occasion, to lodge together. " A wonderful man,— a treasure ; a being with a charmed life. Just to think of it, here I am nearly double the age of that fellow, and yet not seen anything. Never mind, my time will come yet." And thus soliloquizing, Mr. Wontus un- dressed, and sank into slumber, to dream that he had visited the moon, and was to dine with the man in it on the morrow. CHAPTER III. STARTS THE CORPS ON ITS WINDING WAY, AND RELATES SOME ACCIDENTS WHICH BEFELL THE TRAVELERS. The sun had scarcely commenced tinging the eastern hori- zon with its golden hues, when Mr. Wontus leaped from his couch, and, consulting his watch, hastily dressed himself Everything was in confusion about the room; trunks and ]t)oxes — some that were to go, and some that were to be left \>q- hind — were jumbled in confusion in different parts of the room ; and Mr. Wontus was in deep distress. He shouted for Tommy to fetch his shaving- water ; but there was no re- sponse from his usually punctual servant. Mr. Wontus's anger did not have the slightest eifect on the man ; and that very moment the servant was regaling himself with sundry "smiles," in company with Mr. Wilkins, in the bar-room 36 T^^o.vrr.S', or below, where they had spent the entire night drinking to the health, wealth, and prosperity of Mr, Wontus, who they both declared was the best man in the world, and who, by the way, was to settle for the liquor they were drinking. The arrival of Mr. Gascon Nidd put an end to their amusement, as it also did to the rather forcible language of Mr. AVontus. Both the servant and Mr. Wilkins were very drunk when they presented themselves ; but there was no time to lose, and, at the risk of numerous necessary articles being left behind, both of the worthies were hustled into the express-wagon, and were quickly followed by such baggage as had been arranged the day previous ; Mr. Wontas and Mr. Nidd each lending his assistance in handling the trunks and boxes. At length the wagon rattled away from the door, and Mr. Wontus re- turned to the bar-room to bid his landlord adieu. AVith a final shake of the hand Mr. Wontus parted from the generous Mr. Diddler, and the carriage, containing Mr. Wontus and his friend, rumbled through the streets to the ferry, where the duo which had preceded them waited. Thus far everything had progressed rather favorably, and Mr. Wontus and the other members of the corps had scarcely taken their seats in the cars when the little trials and incidents were dismissed from Mr. Wontus' s mind, and he devoted him- self to an inspection of surrounding objects, while Mr Xidd settled himself back in his seat and buried his flice in the morning newspaper. Messrs. Thomson and Wilkins had taken an end seat, and having planted their feet on the seat in front of them, which I presume is an indication of serene independ- ence, settled themselves to sleep. The day was bright and pleasant, and Mr. Wontus gave full sway to his feelings, and was heard to remark, as the cars sped along, that " it was worth living for." Now, exactly what Mr. Wontus considered as worth living for will perhaps never be positively known ; but he looked so perfectly con- tented that any one possessed with a fair share of the milk of human kindness would have considered it cruel to disturb him. A halt. Passengers got out and in ; among the latter a rather corpulent lady, with a very red face, and numerous boxes and baskets ; who, after taking a survey of the diflferent faces, ventured to sit down by the side of 3Ir. Wontus. To that gentleman's credit be it said, he was very gallant to THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 37 the ladies on most occasions, and on this one he not only screwed himself up into the smallest possible proportions, but he absolutely — whether through necessity or not I am unable to say — took one of the baskets on his knees. " Mr. Nidd !" cried Mr. Wontus, leaning back and talking over his shoulder to that gentleman, who had taken a seat behind him, " it's a long while since I passed over this road before. Why, it was long before I quit business ; and now everything seems strange to me. What place was that we just passed through ? I think the conductor called it Baldeytow^n ; but those fellows speak so indistinctly that it is impossible to understand what they do say." " Bordintown, sir !" shouted the corpulent lady by his side, in tones loud and shrill enough to draw the attention of all the passengers in the coach. " Yes, ma'am ; thank you !" cried Mr. Wontus ; and then turning to Nidd, he added, in a low tone : " In the name of all that is good, don't ask any questions. What place did she say it was ? I was so taken aback that I could not understand." Mr. Nidd gave him the desired information ; but whether the corpulent lady had taken offense at what Mr. Wontus had said, or whether she had misunderstood what he said, will probably never be known ; but no sooner had Wontus turned his attention to surrounding objects again than the lady com- menced acting as though her seat had suddenly become un- comfortable. Mr. Wontus compressed himself still smaller. " Mister !" cried the lady, emphasizing the noun, " p'raps my company ain't agreeable ? " " Nothing of the kind, madam, I assure you," cried Mr. Wontus, smiling blandly. "Give me that!" shouted the lady. And, snatching the basket which he had so kindly been holding on his knees for the past two hours, wanted to know if Mr. Wontus " hadn't come out to put on airs with poor folks." " Madam," cried Mr. Wontus, beseechingly, " I assure you that nothing was said by my friend or myself to offend the most delicate ears. I would rather " " ' Madam !' Don't madam me, you old reprobate !" inter- rupted the lady. " I'm no ma-dam^ sir. You've made a mistake, sir. I've seen your kind of folks before. Folks may 4 38 wo XT us, OR talk about the 'moralizin' eifects of the war, and you look like one of them ; and you're the first man I've seen — juan ! did I say? No, sir, you're no man, or you would never think of insultin' a lone woman who was tryin' to do you a favor. You, you " The lady could stand it no longer ; her face had become redder and redder as she progressed, and now the veins in her forehead threatened to burst. Drawing her hand- kerchief from her pocket, she buried her face in it. Mr. Wontus, during the delivery of this tirade, had sat per- fectly immovable, and was the observed of all observers. lie looked over his shoulder at Mr. Nidd, but that gentleman was absorbed in his newspaper ; his assistants were asleep ; there was no sympathy anywhere. He looked out of the window, and then quickly turning, as though a sudden thought had occurred to him, he stood up in his seat, thrusting one foot out toward the aisle, was about stepping past his companion, whose face was still buried in the folds of the handkerchief, when a sudden jolt of the car unsettled his equilibrium, and down went the extended foot into one of the boxes of the lady, and 3Ir. Wontus seated himself rather unceremoniously, and with a sudden jerk, in her lap. Consternation is not the word to depict the scene that followed. It was at once aw- fully and woefully exciting. The coqiulent lady screamed murder, and Mr. Wontus made frantic efforts to release him- self from the unpleasant and rather ridiculous situation, but , the room between Mr. Wontus's knees and the seat before him, and the almost interminable mass of boxes and baskets at his feet, acted as an effectual stopper to his best intentions. He struggled ; the lady struggled and shouted ; the passengers assembled about them. Mr. Nidd stood up in his seat and shook his head dolefully, " Go it, old boss !" shouted one passenger. " You're doing right well for a man of your age," laughed another. " Why, the lady seems to like it," said another. "Mr. Nidd," said Wontus, ceasing his efforts for a moment, and looking at that gentleman with mingled rage and suppli- cation, '-will you help me out of this, sir?" " I'll help you out !" shouted the lady, and instantly there fell upon Mr. Wontus's devoted head such a shower of blo-ws as to induce him to redouble his efforts, and finally to throw THE CORPS OF OBSERVATIOy. 39 himself, pantino; and sore,' into a vacant seat on the other side of the car How much further progress this scene might have made cannot be said, for the train had arrived at Camden, and everybody, inehiding the corpulent lady, who kept up a constant scream of invectives addressed to all brutish beasts, but Mr Wontus in particular, busied themselves in collecting their bagoacre and leaving the ciirs. At last Mr. Wontus and party were all that was left. Mr. Nidd stood in the aisle look- ino- at Mr Wontus, while Thomson and Wilkins sat upright, rubbino- their eyes. As for Mr. Wontus, his spirit seemed to be crushed, and he sat, with his hand to his head, gazing list- lessly out of the window; he was wrapped in deep meditation. " All aboard !" shouted the conductor as the ferry-boat bell tapped for the last time. "Come, boys," cried Mr. Nidd, "assist your master from the cars." The boys did as they were bid, and Mr. \\ ontus suffered himself to be led to the boat without a word. His fellow-passengers indulged in some facetious remarks as he passed but he was immovable, and sat looking at one object, like the enchanted people whom I recollect to have read about when a boy. ^ n i • i i The Quaker City, with its row after row of brick houses, ri'^ino- one above the other like steps, was reached, and it now became IMr. Wilkins's duty to secure quarters for the party, for Mr. Wontus declared that he would go no firther just now,— perhaps never,— and he begged of Mr. Nidd never to mention to any living person the scene that had taken place in the cars. . . With the party temporarily quartered on the river, in a quarter of the town not calculated to impress any one with the beauty or cleanliness of the place, 3Ir. Wilkins drew an advance on his month's salary and started out in search of other lodgings, as it had been finally decided that the party should reraam for a time in Philadelphia. That Mr. Wilkins should feel himself perfectly at home in Philadelphia is not to be wondered at when we remember, first, that he is a man of the world, and second, that his varied experiences have given him such a familiarity with men and things as to make him perfectly at home anywhere. So without deionino- to ask his way, he jammed his hands into his pockets and walked up Walnut Street to the Exchange. 40 WOXTUS, OR Here, as was more common then than now, all was bustle and excitement, and, after refreshing himself with numerous pota- tions of the great naticrual drink — whisky — he sauntered out among the car-drivers and otl>er gentry, such as generally con- gregate about that locality. His happiness was entirely too great for him to enjoy alone ; but, after two or three fruitless attempts to cultivate acquaintances, he secured the company of a gentleman of fine military bearing, who introduced him- self over a glass, as Major Flick, of Indiana, at present on duty in Philadelphia, as a special officer of the government on secret service. Mr. Wilkins was delighted to make such a distinguished acquai-ntaiK-e, — wouldn't the major be per- suaded to take just one more. The major was persuaded ; and then Mr. Wilkins confidentially informed him that he, too, was on secret service, but in the employ of a private party, and with many mj^sterious winks and nods proceeded to add that he was now out in search of lodgings for himself and party. With many more winks and nods from the major, that individual said that he understood, and would be delighted to be of service to his friend. " You're not acquainted in the city ?" queried the major. " Oh, yes," cried Mr. Wilkins ; and then, pausing a moment, he added : " That is, I was here some years ago ; but I sup- pose things have changed very much since then, major?*' " Considerably ! Will you have a cigar, Mr. — Mr. . What is your name ? Indeed, I've forgotten." " Wilkins, sir, — Benjamin Wilkins, formerly of Jersey, but now — now, major, a man of the world." " I'm glad I've met you, Mr. Wilkins. Ill call you Ben, if you have no objections. "No objections in the least, major; I'm a common man like yourself. Allow ???e to pay for them cigars." The major allowed him. " So your party is at Hodgood's temporarily, eh ? Well, never mind, there will be plenty of time an hour hence for you to look for new quarters for them. Have you ever seen the noble old State House, where the Declaration of Inde- pendence was framed and proclaimed, and where Jefferson and his compeers fought the battle that has made us the gTeat nation that we are? What a pity it is," cried the major, after a brief pause, " that we — I mean the whole country — THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 41 haven't got tlic same kind of material in the councils of our nation ! They — they were Southern men, Mr. Wilkins, — Ben, I mean, — but to-day, alas ! they arc no more. I'm a Southron myself, sir; would you believe it?" " Certainly, major, certainly. I took your measure the mo- ment I clapped my eyes on you. What's your tonnage?" " Come," said the major, rising, without appearing to hear Mr. Wilkins's query, " we will take a walk up, and have a squint at the State House." "Certainly!" cried Mr. "Wilkins, and arm-in-arm they started off together. " 'E's a rum chap that," said a burly Englishman to a com- panion, as the gentlemen passed out of the door ; " but the major'U fix 'im, I'll warrant. 'E's a coon, is the major !" Turning up Third Street, and passing the newspaper offices, which were besieged with anxious crowds, waiting to hear the latest news from the front, and turning up Chestnut Street, Mr. Wilkins found numerous things to admire and excite his curiosity, and in course of conversation remarked to the major that it wasn't so much of a village after all. In due time the precincts of the State House were reached, and as the major discoursed learnedly on the ancient appear- ance of the structure, and the many deeds of glory it had witnessed, Mr. Wilkins was filled with so much pleasure that nothing would satisfy him but a little more — one more — in- dulgence ; and the major consented. [It should ifot be understood that Mr. Wilkins had missed the opportunity of an acquaintance with the major to venti- late some of his own little peculiarities in the wonderful line, for he did ventilate them whenever opportunity offered ; but as he frequently appears in the course of this narrative, we have thought proper to merely trace him in liis travels in search of lodgings.] Major Flick was one of that sort of men that all cities are possessed of. No one knew from whence he came or how he lived. He had grown to be an institution in certain localities, and was as regular in his habit of appearing at certain places, at certain times, as the most attentive merchant. Early in the morning the vicinity of Dock and Water Streets — a thriv- ing locality for certain questionable characters of both sexes as well as other people — saw him ere he brushed the cobwebs 4^- 42 WOXTUS, OR from liis throat. A little later he graced the pavement in front of the State House, where he met the men who govern the city, and where he hobnobed, drank, and lunched with the rulers with that ease and freedom which I learn is an inherent right in all who assist in lubricating the cumbrous machinery of a city government. In brief, he might be called a politi- cian, for ife was whispered among his associates, and hence reached the ears of the patriots who were willing to assume the grave responsibilities and toil of public office, that he car- ried such and such a division in his pocket, and if he had carried a whole congressional district about him he certainly could not have been more respected among his associates. His clothes were of last season's fashion, and were unduly polished in some places, but withal he was imposing. His complexion was dark, and his regular features were surrounded by heavy, black whiskers, which, together with his erect bearing and particular poise of the head, gave him that peculiar air which men are apt to fancy only belongs to military gentlemen. That the major had ever been in the army is questionable, but the war had given him the opportunity of making some- thing of himself (in a manner not in the general acceptance of the term), and hence he became major more by virtue of his military appearance than by his prowess. It was a custom of the times for all men, of a i)eculiar class, to make the most of whatever fell in their way, and the major was with them heart and soul. I may be excused for mentioning here that fortunately these men were in a striking minority, so far as numbers were concerned ; had it been otherwise, the flag which they hurrahed so lustily for, when all was bright, might have been dragged and trampled in the dust without their stirring a foot to prevent it. But they were powerful then, and will continue to be powerful just so long as the respecta- ble and retiring tax-payers of the land choose to allow them to be, — and that may be forever. But I digress. The Hall of Independence, with its ancient pictures, or pic- tures of ancient men, was gone through ; the old bell with its prophetic inscription was gazed at ; and the chair and the pew used by the immortal Washington, were all displayed to the enraptured vision of 3Ir. Wilkins, and duly expatiated on by the major. But the crowning feature of the day was yet to come: the steeple was to be visited; and armed with due THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 43 authority, — it is passing strange that any man can secure a ticket to visit the steeple by asking for it, and yet cannot visit the steeple without it ! — the party passed up the winding, dirty, rickety stairs, and were rewarded for their trouble, when at the top, by a fine view of the city. Stretching far away beyond the power of sight, with the naked eye, to the north, west, and south, lies the city, with its regular streets, smoking chimneys, and toy-like houses ; while on the east and south- west run the rivers, glittering like silver threads in the sun- light. "Not so much village," muttered Mr. Wilkins, after contemplating the picture for a time in silence. " Not so much," replied the major ; and the gentlemen re- turned to terra Jirma, to again meet hosts of the major's friends, and indulge in many toasts to their friends and ton- fusion to their enemies. Darkness at length found Mr. Wilkins, somewhat under the influence of liquor and still searching for lodgings, wending his way down Dock Street, with his hand resting on the arm of his friend, and indulging in the relation of sundry little episodes, which made both gentlemen laugh most uproariously. Down Dock, until that street became^ a part of Spruce Street, the worthies wended their way ; thence into Water Street, and thence into one of the numerous lodging-houses, where the sign "Boarding, Wine, and Liquors," gives the weary traveler to understand that he can be at once lodged, fed, and refreshed. Into these establishments, kept genemlly by men of low character, the general drift of the river and the town found its way. They always remind me of the eddies in the river formed by a jut- ing of land, or other obstacle, wherein all the scum and filth which floats on the surface of the water is caught, twirled round and round as if on inspection, and then allowed to float on, soon to be followed by more and more until the end of time. The room into which the major ushered his friend Mr. Wilkins was cramped. The ceiling was low, and the atmos- phere was thick with the fumes of liquor and tobacco smoke. A hio-h counter traversed the back part of the room, behind which were arrayed bottles, glasses, lemons, and such otlier paraphernalia common to all bar-rooms, not to forget the pic- ture of Noah's Ark, with the animals and birds just in the act of entering it, flanked by the time-honored portraits of 44 WOXTUS, OR Washington and Paul Jones. A motley assemblaire of per- haps a dozen tilled the room. Here sat the half-drunken sailor, with unkempt hair and disfigured countenance, flanked on either side by the stool-pigeons of the landlord, whose business is to see that Jack judiciously spends all his money in a proper manner — which is highly improper in a moral sense — in the shortest possible time, that he may be reshii)ped, and his "advance" consumed by the loving landlord before he shall have had the chance of becoming food for other sharks, or been maimed for life by the master of the ship with whom he sails, — all of which has since been altered by a wholesome law. The longshore-man, with cadaverous eyes and ruddy complexion, sits opposite, rising only from his chair at regular intervals to quaft' the villainous mixture set before him, and for which be pays with the proceeds of sundry ropes and bits of ironmongery which a vessel had lost the night before, and which found its way to the junk-shop ere the sun was au hour high. Woman lends her soothing influence and presence, and the haggard faces, sunkeai eyes, and colorless lips speak of a life of debauchery and crime. The landlord, an Englishman of rotund form, dark com- plexion, close-crjDpped hair, and lustreless, fishy eyes, stands leaning on the bar, and watches with the keenest interest the proceedings of the assemblage before him, lest at some unpro- pitious moment there shall be a moiety of the hard-earned cash of his customers that will slip into other hands than his. All, all is his ! x\.s the major and his friend stepped into the room, and the landlord caught sight of the rather genteel-looking Mr. Wilkins, his fishy eyes brightened and his lips parted. " (rood-even', major ; I'm glad to set e3'es on you. Ah ! — a friend?" "Good-evening, Tommy, my boy!" returned the major, grasping the fat, purple hand of the landlord, and shaking it vigorously. " My friend, Mr. Wilkins." " I'm glad to see you, sir." And then followed a hearty hand- shaking between Mr. Wilkins and the landlord, and sundry knowing winks between the latter and the major, after which the landlord passed behind the counter, and with a business- like flourish set out the glasses. THE CORPS OF OnSEIiVATIOX. 45 "What will it be, gents?*' The query was lost on Mr. Wilkins, for with his chin on his breast and that stupid gaze peculiar to a person in a state of semi-intoxication, that gentleman was taking a survey of the premises and the people, as became a man of the world. The question was repeated, and aided by a nudge from his com- panion, ]Mr. Wilkins at length swung around and pronounced the word " w — hisky !" " The same," said the major. " Perhaps you'll join us ?" this was addressed to the landlord. " Hi never drink in my own 'ouse," replied that most virtu- ous gentleman ; and then added, in a w^hisper, intended only for the major's ear, " Fresh fish ?" " Secret service," whispered the major; and seeing that Mr. Wilkins was again interested in the company, he added : " Full of cash ?" " No tricks, major ; it won't do 'ere, you know." Mr. Wilkins drew a chair to the side of one of the ladies and entered into a vivid description of his experience as a man of the world and the responsibilities of his present mysterious duty. " What's 'is lay?" asked the host. "Sh ," whispered the major; "that's what I want to find out." And then a conversation ensued betw^een the major and the landlord, which plainly indicated that the English gen- tleman was interested in the recruiting business, and that an efi"ort should be made to hold Mr. Wilkins over until the next morning, and, if satisfactory, Mr. Wilkins should enlist in one of the many offices then open for that purpose, and the bounty due him should be shared between the agents. [At this time the bounties, both national and local, were small, and the biisi- Qiess of manufacturing recruits had not arrived at that condition of perfection which followed at a later day, although fairly un- derstood and practiced by a few of the vampires who preyed upon the unsuspecting public] Mr. Wilkins, encouraged by the smiles and graces of his fair companion, had slid gracefully from the historic to the senti- mental ; his hand had stolen around her waist, and his lips were alarmingly close to her damask cheek ; w^ords of love and fidelity poured from his lips like the limpid water of a gushing streamlet. His fortunes should be hers ; his boundless estates 46 wo XT US, OR in the Raratonga Islands should be hers if she would fly with him. She smiled and returned evasive answers to his heated questions. He became vehement, and, at a moment most un- fortunate, threw his disengaged hand around her neck, and, drawing her toward him, imprinted a kiss upon her lips which Sounded like the crack of a whip-h^sh. At this juncture the landlord, who had been watching the scene with eyes glowing like living coals, and whose bosom was evidently filled with a deep-seated and overpowering jealousy, advanced with hasty strides to the side of Mr. Wilkins, and, with one tremendous blow, felled that gentleman to the floor like an ox struck by the axe of a butcher. " Murder!" shouted the major, without disturbing his atti- tude at the counter. •' Murder!" screamed the ladies. '-Mur- der !" shouted the landlord, throwing open the door and giving ]Mr. WilkiiLs's prostrate form a sounding kick as he did so. '• Fight ! fight !" shouted the rabble in the street, and every- body seemed highly amused at the prospect. "What int^Jit have occurred is simply a matter of conjecture, for three vigilant guardians of the public peace soon made their appearance on the scene, and. after the landlord had explained how Mr. Wil- kins had ferociously tried to murder one of the beautiful young ladies, which assertion was backed up by a chorus of voices, including Major Flick's, and how he had only been prevented from fulfilling his blood-thirsty intentions by the timely inter- ference of the landlord, the prostrate and senseless form of ]Mr. Wilkins was dragged from the house and thence to the police station, where it was thrust into a cell, to await the charge which would be sworn to before the police magistrate by the landlord at the hearing in the morning. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 47 CHAPTER IV. DETAILS now AN AMBITIOUS MAN MAY PERMIT niS AMBI- TION TO LEAD IIIM INTO GREAT AND UNLOOKICD-FOR DIFFICULTIES. Mr. Wontus had recovered his accustomed good spirits, and after being tired with inspecting the shipping on the river, suggested that he and Nidd should proceed to see some of the sights of the city. Mr. Nidd being in an agreeable mood, accepted the suggestion, and after dinner — they dined at one o'clock — the gentlemen set out, leaving Thomas Thomson to await the arrival of jNlr. Wilkins. But it is not my intention to follow our hero, but to devote a few pages to no greater person than Thom is Thomson. The refreshing sleep which Tommy had enjoyed in the cars, together with the newness of his situation, naturally created in his rather inquiring disposition a desire to see more than could be found in the limits of a hotel sitting-room, and Mr. Wontus' s coat-tail had scarcely vanished from the doorway when Mr. Thomson stretched himself and walked to the win- dow. Here he gazed for a long time at the wagons, drays, and crowds of busy people who kept passing him ; presently he buttoned his coat and crammed his hands to the very bottom of his pantaloons pockets. Evidently there was something on his mind. He drew his hands from his pockets and raised the window and looked up and down the street ; he drew his head in and shut the window down ; then he balanced himself, first on one foot, then on the other. This he repeated many times, and then finally spreading his legs out so that they formed the letter V inverted, he again thrust his hands into his pockets and stood gazing into the street. "Harm?" said he, speaking to himself, "of course there ain't no harm in it. Why, I won't stay two minutes." And he collected his feet together and walked out to the sidewalk. Here he stood for some time as if in doubt. He gazed up and down, when suddenly something down the street attracted his 48 WOXTCS, OR attention and he followed his desires, and did not cease walk- ing until he had reached the oyster dock, a square from the hotel. Be it remembered that Thomas Thomson was a most loving and faithful subject, although his mind was a little clouded at times, and that in all his term of years in the sen'ice of Mr. Wontus he had been most obedient, honest, and faithful. To be sure, Mr. Wontus's wants were not so extravagant or so fashionable but that a plain, unlettered man like Thomas Thomson suited him, and for his fidelity Mr. Wontus had at different times rewarded him, besides giving him very fair wages. Mr. Thomson was, to the best of his own knowledge and belief, an orphan ; and as his wants were few and easily satisfied, he had managed to stow away his money from time to time, until now he considered himself a man of almost boundless wealth, and a part of this wealth, consisting of some two hundred dollars, he had brought with him, more for Mr. Wontus's use than for his own, for he frequently said to him- self, " Maybe he'll get out some time, and then Til make him open his eyes by offerin' to lend him some." That he might not appear poor when in company, he generally carried some money about him, and at the time of his wandering along the oyster docks he had in his pockets four five-dollar notes, a two- dollar note, and some small change, amounting in all to about twenty-three dollars. The scene was new to him, and he watched the oyster deal- ers and the people who came to buy with great interest. He looked at the shallops, as they rolled and dipped with each suc- cessive wave ; and, as he had never been on a boat of this kind in his life, he stepped aboard of one of them, and permitted himself to enjoy the easy, swaying motion. Crowds of men were passing from vessel to vessel, engaged in showing their oysters to customers, and when tired of holding part of the rig- ging to keep himself from falling into the water, Mr. Thomson fell into a passing bevy of gentlemen, who appeared to be in a high good humor, and followed them to the wharf. Once ashore, he became more confident than he had been while on the vessel, and without knowing, or, in fact, caring, he followed the gentlemen into a neighboring saloon, and while there en- gaged in inspecting the pictures on the walls, he was invited and pressed to take something. It was a new thing for Mr. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 49 Thomson to be asked to imbibe by a stranger, and he felt highly elated and complimented. He felt as though something was expected of him, and placing his hat, which was new, on the side of his head, he thanked the gentlemen, and drank his liquor with as much gusto as the best of them. He had long desired to be one of those free-and-easy fellows wdio pass as gentlemen, and it now occurred to him that here was an opportunity to distinguish himself; and, forgetting for the time that such a being as Mr. Wontus ever lived, he cMtered into a conversation with the man behind the bar for a few min- utes, and ended that conversation by insisting that all the gentle- men should join him. The company was of that convivial character which one often finds in places where he is least ex- pecting it, and the gentlemen were all watermen, in one way or other, and possessed to a considerable extent that sociability and, I may add, capacity for which this class is celebrated throughout the wide world. The man behind the bar vouch- safed the information that the gentlemen had just completed a fine bargain in the sale of a certain steamboat, and were jolly good fellows. Mr. Thomson was delightedj and, with spirits somewhat elevated, he again insisted on the gentlemen joining him in a "sociable." And they did, each raising his glass and drinking the good health of iMr. Thomson. " My name is Birkill," said one of the gentlemen, stepping up and extending his hand. " Excuse me, sir, but I didn't hear yours." Mr. Thomson took the extended hand in his. The gentle- men shook hands and were acquainted. Mr. Birkill was a man measuring, say about five feet seven in height, and would weigh in the neighborhood of a hundred and fifty pounds, certainly nothing under. He had a round head, probably as broad as it was long, and his complexion was inclined to be light, though exposure to the weather had bronzed it. His fiice w^as as round as his head, and his features cor- responded with everything else about him : they were mod- erately prominent, and were well displayed by the close cropping of his hair. His eyes were of a grayish cast, surface-like, but twinkling, and his manner was such that a close observer W(juld be apt to put him down a man of wonderful aptitude in what- ever direction he chose to throw his energy. In conversation he was rather more inquiring than communicative j he never made a c 5 50 wax res, on flat denial of anything, yet there was a doc:ree of cynicism about him that always assumed an amusincr, whether'in earnest or in jest ; in a word, he belonued to that class of men who, while they impress us with their manners, invariably leave doubts in our mind as to their sincerity. '• Jones," cried Mr. Birkill, " an old friend." And Mr. Thomson was introduced to Mr. Jones. " Smith, Brown, Ciip'n Iluskins, Walker, Magdus, Lorton," continued Mr. Birkill, introducing the different gentlemen. " Lamber, IMcMinigan, Outslager — damn it, gentlemen, this is Mr. Thomson, introduce yourselves." And the different gentle- men of the party, to the number of a dozen, stepped up and shook hands with Thomas Thomson, for they were in a merry mood, and would have shaken hands with a wooden tobacco sign had one been presented. The party became thoroughly homogeneous ere long, and the liquor was poured frequently ; they were jolly to a man, and Mr. Thomson was so far in his cups as not to care, even if he did remember that .Mr. Wontua would be looking for him. To his credit be it said, that he intended to return to the hotel, but somehow or another every time he set about doing so an invisible and irresistible hand took hold of his coat-tail and pulled him back. I have never known exactly how " merry a marriage-bell " was, but since it has become the stereotyped phrase in all de- scriptions of gatherings, I may be excused for following the ex- ample of other writers and saying that everything went along "As merry as a marriage-bell."' Still Thomas Thomson lingered. He was treated with dis- tinguished consideration and many of his remarks loudly ap- plauded by the company, led by Mr. Birkill. He had been a witness to many amusing times like the present, he said, but he never knew that there was so much real pleasure about them. Mr. Magdus assured him that this was an excep- tionable time, — that the company were all perfect gentlemen, and it was probable that the same thing would never happen again. The landlord spread a lunch in an adjoining room, and the gentlemen were invited in. As they entered the door Captain Huskins. a man of large size and herculean form, stood in the doorway and compelled each to take off his hat and bow to the picture of Washington. All were seated at the board, THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 51 the hats deposited on a little table which stood in the corner. They ate, drank, and sang patriotic songs, and Mr. Thomson became easier in his manner as the affair progressed. He already felt that he was a gentleman. '' Tum-diddle tnm, diddlc-dum-dum-dum !" shouted Mr. Birkill, arising from his chair, seizing a hat, and marching around the room in military style. " Trat-de-tat-de-tat-tat- ta !" shouted Mr. Smith, following suit, and marching into the bar-room. Captain Huskins now arose, and taking his well- worn hat from the pile on the table, cut the rim so as to leave a visor in front. " That's the style !" shouted the captain, and striking his rather well-developed stomach vigorous blows in imitation of the artist who performs on that most melodious instrument, the bass drum, he became a member of the mili- tary corps of Mr. Birkill. The captain's hat excited a new interest ; it had a unique, semi-military appearance, and was just the style for the oc- casion. Brooms and sticks were added, and soon the entire company was adorned with hats like the captain's. There was no respect paid to right or justice in the selection of the hats, but each gentleman seized the first one that came to hand ; new and old, large and small, found customers, and not with any regard to the " eternal fitness of things" either. Thus Mr. Birkill, whose head was round, wore a hat that was long and narrow, while Mr. McMinigan, whose head was very small, wore a hat intended for a man wdth a very large head. Thomas Thomson was not so drunk but that he thought of his new tile, but it was bereft of its rim and perched on Mr. Jones's head. There was a hat left, and Thomson, believing that it was his bounden duty, took it and joined the procession, most of which was composed of musicians, and everybody in a high good humor. But it was suddenly discovered that there wasn't room enough in the house, and wdth draw^n sword. Captain Huskins formed the troops into line and addressed them: " This here time," said the captain, " is beared down with monstrous interests, which must and shall be kept up. [Cheers. J Me noble warriors, your looks speak your determination [loud applause] to follow me [cries of "We'll elect you !" and ap- plause] and never desert your — your liquor. [Sensation.] You are here — I see it in your eyes — straighten up there, Smith — • 52 WOXTUS, OR and I tell you — I tell you — yes, gentlemen [applause], I tell you " The captain was evidently in want of words. " Let the band play !" cried Birkill, relieving the captain, and instantly the trat-de-tat, tum-diddle-de-dum, and other sounds, intended for imitations of various musical instruments, sounded from all the voices, and most effectually put a stop to further remarks from the captain. '' Right face !" commanded the captain, " forward — march !" and the party stepped off in true military style, with the line a little zigzag. '- Here, this here way," cried the captain, as the head of the line reached the bar. " Xo chargin' till the word's give." And the line faced about and marched down the room again. Mr. Thomson thought the fun was grand, and he laughed im- moderately. " To the right flank there !" commanded the captain, whose knowledge of military tactics and evolutions was rather limited. " Now, square around. Here, you Smith, get back ; throw your eyes to the right and dress. A little back, Mr. Thomson, if you please. Now then, me braves, before you lies the foe ; we conquer to-night, or to-morrow Mrs. Huskins' a widow — charge !" With a shout the line rushed forward ; the bar was stormed and capitulated unconditionally. " Faces aft !" cried the captain, as the gentlemen deposited their glasses after emptying them of their contents. " Port there a little, Birkill, — blarst your soldier lingo, I can't go it. Now then, march ! — this way. gentlemen," and the party poured forth into the street. Down the avenue the motley platoon marched. South Street was reached ; " Larboard !" cried the captain, adding: "I've run a steamboat for twenty 3'eai-s, — blarst me if it" ain't the only talk that tells after all." The platoon filed to the left and marched on board the ferry-boat, and without accident were conveyed to Gloucester, where the party disembarked, and, in battle array, marched through the town, to the great wonder of some and amusement of others. [As the readei"s of these pages may be inclined to think that some portions of this narrative are overdrawn, and hence false, we desire to add our testimony to the truth of everything herein contained. Who the historian of the '' Wontus Corps of Observation" was we are unable to say ; but a patient pe- THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 53 rusal of the MSS. which have passed into our hands leads us to the beUef that he has endeavored to be as fair as he is truth- ful, and that the scenes and men which he speaks of — or men and scenes like them — have come under the observation of most men who dwell in cities, and who move about, observe, and note the incidents of the day. — Pub.] " Halt !" commanded Captain Huskins, himself unable to execute the command without the assistance of a friehdly fence- post. " Luff there a little, Outslager. Now, boys, here's the enemy." And as he spoke, he pointed with his sword to a neighborino- house, which had painted, in red, white, and blue letters, on the window, TiiE^'^Ea'-^trAvEIj^ rEs/ " And now, gents, do your duty." The captain evidently did not lack the courage to lead his men, for he made divers efforts to start, but the fence-post clung to him so tenaciously that he was finally compelled to throw himself at full length on the ground. The captain down, the military line at once became a mass. '' To the rescue !" shouted Mr. Birkill. No attention was paid to the order, until Mr. Thomas Thom- son made his appearance in the front rank and offered his assistance in raising the captain. "Certainly, certainly, Mr, Thomson, — without the 'p', I believe, sir, — I am glad you're come to the rescue of our be- loved commander. Lift him up ; convey him to yonder friendly shelter, and you shall receive a handsome reward — in heaven." Mr. Thomson's will was strong, but his joints were weak ; and the more he undertook to lift the captain up, the more he fell down himself Exhausted, he at length stretched himself by the side of his commander, and vowed he would stay there. Such fidelity is rare, and the observing Birkill, who during the time that the private was endeavoring to raise his captain was sobering the men up by a vigorous course of tactics, noticed the condition of affairs, demanded the assistance of the company in conveying the wounded to the " Weary Traveler's liest," " You shall be promoted," he whispered to Thomas, as he as- sisted in putting that personage on his feet. " The Weary Traveler's Rest" had been duly invested by the 6* 54 W ox TVS, OB party, who, after partaking of the planked shad, for wliich the town has been celebrated, paid their reckoning, and wore pre- pared to vacate the place, when, upon vote, it was agreed that thej should pay their respects to the establishment of a gentle- man whose tent stood on the street leading to the ferry, and who had on exhibition a fat woman, a thin man, an anaconda, a goat with five legs, and sundry other curiosities ; all of which could be seen for the small sum of ten cents. The resolution passed, the party started, under the command of 3Ir. Birkill, who took the place of Captain Huskins, by reason of that gen- tleman's declination to serve in that capacity, and who exalted Mr.Thomson by promoting him to sergeant, and presenting him with a lockless musket. " Forward — march !" cried the new captain. And, with the usual rat-tat-tat, the party moved off, Thomas Thomson leiiding, his hat ornamented with a plume, and his musket by his side. *' File right !" And the showman's tent was reached. " Captain," said Mr. Birkill, halting his command, and saluting the showman in true military style, '*' we wish to enter this show." '''Ten cents apiece, gents. The greatest living curiosities, secured at an enormous expense " " Hold up !" interrupted Mr. Birkill, " we want in !" " Ten cents, gents !" " Couldn't you lump it an' make it fifty for the lot ? Wery interestin' crowd, you see." " Ten cents, sir ; it ought to be twenty-five. No such curiosities to be seen anywhere else " " Hold up !" cried Mr. Birkill, again interrupting. " Can't you be persuaded?" "No, sir." " Ain't there no inducements we could offer except payin' the price ?" " No, sir." " You won't lump it and let us in for half price, bein' it's a crowd ?" " Can't do it, gents." And the showman went on expatiating on the beauties of his curiosities. " Face around here, fellers," said Mr. Birkill. And the line spread itself out before him, in all the magnitude it could muster. TBE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 55 " Eum'ns, feller-citizens, and me braves," said he, tragically, " I'm agoin' to address you. I'm your iMark Antony ; but it's not for the likes of me to excite your passions ; more better should I counsel peace, which I do." Hear me for our siike, that you who do hear may come to the right understandin'^ of this here grievous wrong which has been done you'ns. This here man is your Brutus ; and he's an hon'rable man, as hon'- rable men goes in these here times ; but I would put to him a question." Mr. Birkill assumed a still more tragic attitude, and, turning to the showman, said : " Can these here gentlemen, all rum'ns, go into this here show, or not ?" " I have already answered that question, sir." " Then they can't go in ?" " Not without paying the admittance fee." Turning to his men, Mr. Birkill continued : " Eum'ns and feller-citizens : I want to know if it's accordin' to the dignity of an American citizen to not go into this here show? [Cries of " No ! no !"] Then foller me !" And brandish- ing his stick in the air, he marched to the entrance, which the showman immediately threw aside, and in the most matter-of- fact way imaginable, said : " Walk in, gentlemen ! walk right in !" Trat-de-tat, trat-de-tat, trat-de-tat, trat-tat-tat ! and the platoon marched in, with colors flying and band playing. Once inside, Thomas Thomson left the ranks, and diligently inspected the curiosities. He had the snakes stirred up by the keeper of the den, and he made the thin man walk before him in review. He pinched the fat woman's arms, and won- dered if it was real flesh. He conversed with her, and spoke feelingly of a young lady whose image he declared she resem- bled. He wished her joy, and, notwithstanding the incoher- ence of his remarks, would probably have made love to the lady had it not suddenly occurred to him that he was alone, — that his friends had left him. He left the fat lady quickly and unceremoniously, and proceeded to the ferry, arriving just m time to see the boat containing his companions rounding out of the slip. There was nothing to do but wait for the next boat, so he solaced himself at a ntaghboring tavern, and when the next boat left for Philadelphia, it had for a part of its precious frei"ht a drunken man, and his name was Thomas Thomson. 56 W ox TVS, OR From the time that ^Ir. Thomson took the boat at Glouces- ter until he awoke some time in the nii:ht, very thirsty, in the police station, all was blank and confused, and as he sat and listened to the drunken ravings of those around him, he ac- cused himself of being a fool instead of a gentleman, and vowed that he'd do so never again. CHAPTER V. DILATES OX THE BEAUTIES OF MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, INTRODUCES A NEW CHARACTER, AND RESTORES TWO UNFORTUNATES TO THEIR FRIENDS. GrASCON XiDD and Mr. Wontus strolled leisurely along the river until reaching Market Street, then turned up to Third. " How very happy these people should be !" said Mr. Wontus, looking about him. '' Why ?'' questioned Mr. Nidd. " Look at their delightful railroads ; see, every street is traversed with them. I suppose these companies pay the people very handsomely for the use of their streets?" " Guess not." " Guess not ? Why, Nidd, certainly when citizens give up their highways — the streets which they have paid for — to cor- porations, they ought to be well paid for it." " Mr. Wontus," said Xidd, laying his hand on his friend's shoulder. " 3'ou are a very innocent man." Mr. Wontus looked amazed. " Don't you know," said Nidd, continuing, " that all cities are governed the same as New York, — except not quite so bad, — and that the corporations are all politicians, and that politi- cians are all corporations ; they own everything." Mr. Wontus looked incredulous. " Yes, sir, we have the reputation of being a free people here, but I tell you there is no people in the world so shame- fully treated, and more tyrannized over than we are. We vote for whom we please, but what difference does that make ? The whole affair has been arranged beforehand by one party THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 57 or the other, and whichever side wins, the men who pay the taxes are the only ones to suffer, and so the world has always been, and I presume ever will be." Mr. Nidd having delivered himself of this rather extraor- dinary homily, took his hand from Mr. Wontus's shoulder, and that gentleman said, "Shameful!" and they continued their walk. Soldiers incipient, and soldiers mature, were prevalent everywhere, and Mr. Wontus spoke of them as noble fellows, and hoped they would all live to come back and enjoy the fruits of their labor and hardship. Sight-seeing was post- poned until a more favorable time, for Mr. Wontus confessed that his little affair with the ruddy-faced, corpulent lady in the cars had somewhat unmanned him, and he desired rest. It was near tea-time, however, when Mr. Nidd walked into the hotel, with Mr. Wontus close behind him, and inquired for Thomas Thomson. "Out?" said Mr. Nidd. " Out ?" echoed Mr. Wontus. " Pray how long has he been out, sir?" The clerk consulted the clock carefully, as all hotel clerks do under similar circumstances. " At least three hours." " Zounds !" cried Mr. Wontus, in astonishment, " then our baggage is gone." The clerk assured him that it was safe in the baggage-room. Mr. Wontus's face assumed a more placid expression. "And Wilkins, — Mr. Wilkins ?" said Mr. Nidd, inquiringly. " Not returned yet." " Uh !" grunted Mr. Wontus. " Hasn't found a satisfactory place yet," said Mr. Nidd, turning to Mr. Wontus. " Careful man, — highly recom- mended by " " But Tommy !" interrupted Mr. Wontus ; " he'll be lost." "Streets very plain and straight," suggested the clerk, smiling blandly. " Will the gents have tea?" " Of course," said Mr. Wontus. " Certainly," said Mr. Nidd. And the gentlemen walked into the di«ing-room, and were discussing the probabilities of the whereabouts of Messrs. Wilkins and Thomson. " Are you sure your man Wilkins is the right sort of a man?" asked Mr. Wontus, as he sipped his tea. c* ' 58 wo XT us, OR " He's not my man," cried Mr. XiJd, wiping his mouth. " Why, yes he is," insisted Mr. Wuutus. "Certainly he isn't!" " You hired him." " I secured him for yow. He's the kind of man you wanted. Tou recollect his story of himself?" "Yes, yes," said Mr. Wontus, reflectively; "but you, Mr. Nidd, ought to have known '' " The gentleman waits outside," said a servant, handing Mr. Wontus a card. Wontus took the card, and adjusting his glasses, read : " Edward Pason Montcalmb Higginsox — Scrihendi''' Mr. Wontus looked at the card a long while in silence. " I don't know him, — at I dont recollect him," said he, and he handed the card to Mr. Nidd. "Scribendi?" said Mr. Nidd, thoughtfully. "Don't know him ! ' And handing the card back, he went on with his eating. " Fine name," said Mr. Wontus, again reading the card thoughtfully. " Old family I expect ; I've often heard of these old Philadelphia families, — great place for blood. My compliments to the gentleman," said he, aloud, "ask him to be kind enough to wait a few moments." Mr. Wontus de- posited the card in his vest-pocket, and casting a look about him which seemed to say, " I did that very well," he sipped his tea in silence. Tea concluded, Mr. Wontus ran his fingers through his hair, pulled down his waistcoat, and left the room followed by Mr. Nidd. On entering the office an inquiring glance was cast at the clerk, who in turn cast an inquiring glance at the clock and said : " Not yet, sir !" the supposition being that Mr. Wontus had inquired concerning the looked-for arrival of Tommy and Mr. Wilkins. Edward Pason Montcalmb Higginson was a gentleman of medium height, light complexion, and light chestnut hair, which he brushed very slick over his forehead. His features were well cut, and his form sinewy and compact. He had a gray- ish-blue eye, which appeared to be perfectly under its owner's control and which spoke defiance, anger, or sorrow at his bid- ding. A large and luxuriant moustache graced his upper lip, and lent a rather distingue appearance to his mouth. His manner was easy, though at times a little forced and con- THE CORPS OF OnSERVATIOX. 59 strained ; and having cultivated a supreme love for association with the best society, he not only believed it necessary, but wherever opportunity offered made use of the most glowiivj; language, which he delivered in a studied, impressive style. Such a person stepped up to Mr. Wontus as he entered the gentlemen's sitting-room, and remarked : " Mr. Wontus, if I am not mistaken, sir ?" " At your service, sir," said Mr. Wontus, bowing. " ^Ir. Higginson, I presume, sir?" " Your obedient servant." And Mr. Higginson bowed very low. " ^Ir. Nidd, sir, one of our party. Mr. Nidd, Mr. Higgin- son." " Delighted to meet you, sir," said Mr. Higginson, bowing very low again; "of New York, I presume" (turning to Mr. Wontus). " What a strong likeness to Sherman, who I predict is destined to be one of our great leaders ! Mr. Nidd, pardon me, sir, but your name is familiar ; let me see. Yes, I am sure I've heard your name ; perhaps some member of your family — but excuse me, gentlemen ; I had almost forgotten. It was by the merest accident in the world that I learned of your distinguished presence in the city. Was here to meet a friend from your delightful city. Heard from a gentleman who was on the train that you were here. Always too happy to be of service to strangers visiting our city. Consider me at your service. Y'"ou propose staying with us awhile, I hope. Much to see of interest, I assure you." Mr. Wontus turned to Nidd and whispered: "Some mis- take." " Evidently," whispered Nidd. " Not at all, gentlemen," cried the voluble Higginson, who had overheard the remarks. "Not at all, gentlemen. Y'our secret is safe with me (and he winked knowingly). I can well understand your desire to be incog. Momentous time ! very, indeed. Men intrusted with important governmental business cannot be too careful." (Mr. AVontus and Mr. Nidd exchanged glances.) " Only men of sterling integrity and great qualifications would be chosen, I know. One moment, gentle- men." And jMr. Higginson dashed out of the room to return in a moment and inform Mr. Wontus that the train had come in, and it would be necessary for him to tear himself away. Would 60 WOXTUS, OR they pardon his intrusion ? They would. Would they call upon him and take a glass of old wine before they left town? They would. "Would they pardon him for calling on them again to-morrow ? They would be pleased to see him. He shook them by the hand heartily, and was gone like a flash. " Strange," said Nidd. " Veri/ strange," said Mr. Wontus. " For whom, and what in the devil does he take us ? Per- haps Wilkins has been talking." " Perhaps," said Mr. Wontus. And both gentlemen settled back in their chairs and into silence at the same time. The hour of ten at length tolled from the old State-House bell, and lingered on the quiet air. '• Eight, nine, ten ; yes, ten o'clock," said Wontus, counting the strokes and consulting his watch. " Poor boys! perhaps they have found a watery grave." " No danger," growled Nidd, without looking up. '• Perhaps they have ventured on the river," said "Wontus, reflectively. " People who are born to be hung will never be drowned," growled Mr. Nidd, rising. "I'm going to bed." and without further ado he marched out and asked to be shown to his room. Mr. Wontus sat in a thoughtful mood for a long while, but the dreamy god claimed him for his own, and he concluded to go to bed. although sorely worried at the protracted absence of his people. The following morning the two gentlemen were up by times, and were smoking their after-breakfast cigars, when Mr. Ed- ward Pason Montcalmb Higginson again presented himself. " Ah !" cried Mr. Wontus. " have you seen Thomas or Wilkins ? — pardon me, Mr. Higginson, but these men have worried me so that I forgot that you were not acquainted with them. ' '' I will, freely, — don't mention it, sir. I know what it is to be looking for people with whom one has urgent business, — it impresses itself on one's mind so terribly. Just the other day I had an engagement of importance with the Hon. Mr. High- strung, — you know him? Splendid, genial, high-toned soul, I assure you ; and do you know that I was so worried by the pressure on my brain that I really asked General ]McDabb — he of the lion-heart — if he had seen him, when really the general THE COUPS OF OBSERVATION. 61 doesn't know him at all. ITa ! ha ! it was really laughable. Do you know the general ? As brave a man and as gallant a sol- dier as ever drew a sword. He dined with me yesterday, in company with the Hon. Judge Nabem, — the judge is a distant relation of mine, and a capital fellow at table, I assure you." Mr. \Yontus and Mr. Nidd both said that they had no acquaintance with the gentleman. "I'm sure you would be perfectly delighted with the gen- eral, — destined to command the army, and occupy a high place in the councils of the nation ; and he deserves it." " Scribendi !" said Mr. Nidd. Mr. Edward Pason Montcalmb Higginson looked at Mr. Nidd, when that gentleman apologetically asked him why he placed that word on his card. " Oh, yes, gentlemen ; I ought to have explained before. Well, you see, while I am not exactly a paid contributor to any of our daily newspapers, yet, you see, as the adage has it, ' knowledge is power,' and I occasionally contribute matter a trifle deeper and more varied than the editors are accustomed to handle, and my intercourse with the most prominent men of the country gives me an opportunity to speak by the card about the events of the day. Besides this," continued Mr. Higginson, after a brief pause, " these newspaper fellows are generally a clever set of fellows, — that is, in their places, — and I occasionally assist them when I feel that they are unable to assist themselves ; hence I placed the word on the card which I sent into you yesterday." Mr. Nidd drew a long breath and walked to the clerk's desk. That gentleman looked up at the clock, and said : " Not yet, sir." And Mr. Nidd walked back again and said to Mr. Won- tus: "Not yet." " Very strange," said Mr. Wontus. " Did you notice the little address I made last evening ?" asked Mr. Higginson. ]Mr. Wontus answered in the negative, — he had not had the pleasure. " In these times one must do all he can to give the govern- ment the support which it needs. It's rather a pleasing posi- tion for me, although I cannot agree with the Hon. Secretary of War that the Virginia campaign should be conducted on the basis he proposes. You see — but then I presume you know 62 WOXTUS, OR quite as mucli as I do. Ifideed, gentlemen, I would be glad to have you take a glass of wine with me to-day. But my address last evening (producing a paper from his coat-tuil pocket) I had almost forgotten. I really feel ashamed, the reporter has so very highly praised me ; but then, you know, there is no way of stopping them if they take a ftincy to you." And Mr. Higginson laid the paper on the table and turned away. Of course Mr. Wontus looked at the paper. Mr. Hig- ginson knew he would when he laid it down. After a brief perusal, Mr. Wontus pronounced the whole affair as capital. [Note. — Be it known that Mr. Higginson had written the speech and the flattering preface himself, and worried one of the reporters with numerous invitations to dine and wine with him, until he secured it a place in the columns of the Morning Flash.'] " I hope you may be successful," said Mr. Higginson, turn- ing to Mr. Nidd. '^ I hope so," replied Mr. Nidd. " But is it so very secret?" "Pretty secret." " Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I have understood " " What have you understood?" cried Mr. Nidd, internipting. " That you were secret officers of the government on impor- tant business connected Avith the Treasur3\" Mr. Nidd laughed heartily as he repeated the conversation to Mr. AVontus, who had been deeply interested in the j^aper, and ]\Ir. Higginson looked astonished and angry. "Why, dash it, old fellow," cried Mr. Nidd, "it is all a mistake. My friend here is a retired soap-boiler, and I am a poor conveyancer ; we are traveling for our own pleasure, and at oui* own expense." Mr. Higgiusou's manner changed at once. " Then you are not officers of the government ?" " No." "' Nor on secret business ?" " No." " Soap-boiler and conveyancer," said Mr. Higginson, sneer- ingly. " Yes." And Mr. Nidd and Mr. Wontus both laughed most heartily. " Good -morning !" cried Higginson, rising. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 63 " Don't hurry," said Nidd, but Mr. Iligginson was gone. " That man is not to be trusted," said jNIr. Nidd, seriously. " Ha, ha, ha !" laughed Mr. Wontus. " Soap-boiler did the business for him." Further remark on the part of the gentlemen was cut short by a gentleman asking if Colonel Wontus was in. " Been promoted," said Nidd, laconically. A tall, military-looking gentleman stepped up to Mr. Wontus and inquired if he was Colonel Wontus. The gentleman answered that his name was Wontus, but he had never had the pleasure of being an army officer, much less a colonel. " Ah, yes, I see," said the major. " Your friend here, per- haps he " " No, nor he either." " Rather surprising in these days, gentlemen, — but no matter, — I am Major Flick, of the secret service, your most obedient servant." And the major bowed and looked really humble. " Secret service," said Mr. Nidd, aside ; " dash the secret service ! Scribendi next, I presume." "Well, sir," said Mr. Wontus, dignity and severity beam- ing from every lineament of his pastoral countenance, " what is your business ?" And he eyed the major from head to foot, and then from foot to head. " A word in your private ear," said the major, confidently, in no wise abashed by the stern manner of Mr. Wontus, and castino- a meaning glance at Nidd. " No secrets from that gentleman," said Mr. Wontus, de- cisively. " Pray go on, sir." " You have a gentleman — a most excellent gentleman — by the name of Wilkins in your party ?" Mr. Wontus and Mr. Nidd exchanced glances. " We had !" replied Mr. Wontus. " He isn't here now ?" A nod. " You don't know where he is ?" " In heaven, we hope !" interposed Mr. Nidd. " In prison," said the major. " Nidd, I have feared from the first that that man of yours would get us into trouble," said Mr. Wontus, addressing him- self to his friend. G4 WOXTUS, OR " He's not my man, sir !" said Mr. Nidd, sharply ; " you wanted him, and I procured him.' " Not his fault by any mean.s," cried the major, spiritedly ; " looking for quart xi, * p ^ The gentlemen all laughed at Mr. Wontus s outburst of passion,^ind the game went on. But our hero had lo«t all in- terest in the game, and let it go by default. "You've Tost," said Mr. Nidd, deprecatmgly, laymg his hand on Mr. Wontus's arm. u r.ivi ..^f " Mr. Nidd," said Wontus, calmly, but severely, /d d not lose ; it was that infernal jackass sitting there 1 And with this he jumped up from his chair, and, mashing his hat on his head, walked with hearty strides to the door, which he flung open as though he was going out. Suddenly he halted. " Nidd " he cried, in a subdued voice, " come here. Mr. Nidd advanced to the door and looked in the direction indicated by Mr. Wontus's finger. " Scribendi! he whis- pered. And, in truth, there stood Mr. Edward Pason Mont- calmb Higginson, with his ann encircling the waist ol Mrs. Scmirm, the landlady. ... , . " What's to be done?" asked Mr. Wontus, partially closmg the door, his face losing its vexed expression. " Whit's to be done ?" echoed Mr. Nidd. " Why, what u to be done?" _^ ^ . i "It's so amusing," whispered Mr. Wontus, mysteriously and he shrugged his shoulders and gave vent to a subdued laugh. " Let us have another peep at them. The door was opened cautiously, but Mr. Edward Pason Montcalmb Higginson, who had been standing in the mom just across the first landing on the stairs, and not more than a dozen yards off, had mysteriously disappeared, and the land- lady was sitting in the centre of the room, completely ab- sorbed in writing. j ^v ,„i, "Very singular," said Mr. Wontus, as he ga^d through the partially-open door at her placid, innocent face; very singular!" "Rather good-looking, said Mr. Nidcl. " Pleasant, too," continued Mr. Wontus. ^, " All women are pleasant until you are married to them, replied Mr. Nidd. " Nidd, I'm astonished." . ,, " You'd be more astonished if you were married. 7 7-1 WOXTUS, OB " But, Nidd," continued Mr. Wontns, without heeding his friend's last remark, " men are the same. I do not approve of this fasliiou men have of laying everything to women." '• The first great cause,'' said Nidd, deci.^ively. '• I was never married," and Mr. Wontus's face assumed a rather regretful cast as he spoke, '"but I am sure " " So am I sure .'" interrupted Mr. Nidd. " That's the rea- son why I spoke. I loved my wife " " Ahem !" sjiid a female voice just outside of the door. Mr. Nidd darted on tip-toe to the front window and looked out. Mr. Wontus stood with his hand on the knob of the door, the picture of perplexity ; he seemed to be rooted to the spot. A gentle knocking at the door did not relieve him in the least. He feared to move lest he should be heard, and he feared to speak lest his close proximity to the partially open door would indicate the fact that he had been peeping. Another gentle rapping. Mr. Wontus's face flushed and his knees trembled. Mr. Wontus felt that he had been guilty of something that was really disgraceful. Something must be done, and he commenced a series of pantomimic signs to Tommy and Wilkins, but these gentlemen were busily engaged in a lesson at seven-up, and failed to see the signs and postures which Mr. Wontus threw them to attract their attention. The knock was repeated ; this time a trifle louder than before. The party looked up and gazed in mute astonishment at the contortions of Mr. Wontus's face and body. First he would wave his hand to command silence ; then he would wriggle his body as though troubled with a pain ; then he would point to the door with such a look of intense disgust that he pre- sented a really painful picture. Tommy no sooner saw the position and contortions of his master than he was upon his feet in a moment, upsetting his chair, and making considerable noise in his efforts to be quick, and was about to fly to the rescue, when he was checked by the warning hand and grievous face of 3Ir. Wontus. •'What's the matter?" cried Tommy, excitedly. Mr. Wontus only waved his hand more vigorously and shook his head warningly. " Sit down," whispered Mr. Wilkins, instantly comprehend- ing the situation. Mr. Thomson resumed his seat with wondennent depicted THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 75 in ever}^ lineament of his countenance, and IMr. Wontus looked somewhat relieved. All this had transpired in the brief space of a few seconds ; but as Mr. Wilkins advanced to the door atid placed himself between it and Mr. Wontus the latter gentleman's face was bathed in perspiration. " Beg pardon, madam, did you knock?" said Mr. Wilkins, forcing Mr. Wontus into a corner and opening the door. He spoke in his blandest and sweetest accents. Mr. Wontus looked relieved, and for the first time since the scene commenced drew a long breath. " Beg your pardon, sir," said a sweet, mellow female voice, " but Ihetird you talking and I thought I would step over and see if you would like to have anything. I like my boarders to be waited on properly." Mr. Wontus wiped the perspiration from his face and en- deavored to peer through the chink of the door. " Not at all, madam," said Mr. Wilkins, shading his already shaded eyes. " We were deeply interested in a philosophical question, — you are very kind, — no occasion to ask pardon, — only very happy not to be so situated as to trouble you." " Grood-evening, sir," and the voice and its owner, Mrs. Squirm, vanished down the stairs. Wilkins shut the door. "Splendid! splendid!" shouted Mr. Wontus, capering about the room. " Wilkins, you are a man of ;he world ; a perfect jewel. Who could have done the thing ro well as you? Nobody. Nidd's a deserter. What a sweet voice she ha.s ! But there's that man Higginson ; what's he doing here? No matter, she is an elegant woman, — a splendid woman ; and what anxiety she manifests for our comfort ! Nidd, I say, why did you desert? I am confounded glad you did ; but why did you ?" " Mr. Wontus," said Mr. Nidd, turning from the window for the first time, "that is a fine woman, — an exception to the rule. No nonsense about her ; all business, — common sense ; the first woman of the kind I have ever seen. In some respects she reminds me of my deceased, dear wife. Fine round form, blue eyes, dark hair; and what shoulders! Grand woman. Mr. Wontus, if we remain here any length of time I shall take pains to cultivate her acquaintance. What was the matter with you ? You did not show that courage that a man of your age should always display in the presence of the fair sex. I was amazed at you." "76 WOXTUS, OR " You! you amazed at nie !" cried Mr. Wontus. picking up the cards and tlirowing them down again with violence. " You amazed ! Well, sir, it was / who ought to have been amazed ! I stood by the door and would have entertained the lady most handsomely had she entered, but she did not. As it was, you deserted. Where is your gallantry, Mr. Nidd ? Where is it?" Mr. Nidd did not deign to reply to these remarks, or if he did, he did not have the opportunity, for Mr. Wilkins's mildest voice suggested that if the liquor which had been played for and won was not forthcoming pretty soon it would be too late. But the harmony of the occasion was disturbed, and Wontus suddenly became crabbed and disagreeable. " Good-night, sir," said Mr, Nidd, and he walked into his room, adjoining Mr. Wontus's, and closed the door after him. "A cheat," soliloquized Mr. Wontus, and then adding, aloud : " Go to bed, boys, go to bed ; there has been enough excitement in the past few days to kill a man ; we all want rest." And directing Mr. Thomson to turn oiF the gas, 3Ir. Wontus rolled himself into bed, and thought of the vexations and mishaps that had met him thus far at every step on his journey. After a time his thoughts assumed a more agreeable line, and he fell asleep with the mellow voice of Mrs. Squirm ringing in his ears and bright pictures of the future dancing before his eyes. [It would be tedious for the reader to wade through the many pages of closely written matter which tell of the steps of the members of the club, from the time they became in- stalled in Mrs. Squirm's house until they left the City of Brotherly Love, a week afterwards, therefore w^e have set one of our savants to work with a view to cull the choicest mor- sels, and present them, with a brief summary, to the reader. — Pub.] Mr. Nidd could never tell why he had taken a dislike to Mr. Edward Pason Montcalmb Higginson at the first, and now that they were both quartered beneath the same roof, and eat- ing day after day at the same table, the feeling was not im- proved in the slightest. Mr. Higginson quietly ignored the members of the corps, and treated them as though they were perfect strangers. With Mr. Wontus this made no particular difference, because he was seldom in the house except to meals; but with Mr. Nidd the matter was quite different. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION^. 77 That gentleman appeared to take a particular delight in thrust- ing himself into Mr. Iligginson's way whenever opportunity ofiered. If he met Mr. lligginson on the stairs, he stood in his way, and that gentleman quietly walked round him. If ]Mr. Higginson said to anybody in Mr. Nidd's presence that the weather was charming, that gentleman at once said to some- body else that it Wiis miserable. If he said the news from the front was distressing, Mr. Nidd at once pronounced it delight- ful and most cheering. To all of which Mr. Higginson never ventured a reply or even a look. But what angered Mr. Nidd more than anything else was the assiduous attention bestowed upon the charming Mrs. Squirm. There were two reasons for this : first, because Mr. Nidd was naturally a jealous man, and second, because Mrs. Squirm was always attentive to him, when Mr. Higginson was not present, but appeared to lose in- terest in him when Mr. Higginson was there. As the days wore on the condition of affairs grew worse instead of better, and finally the matter came to a head, after a style that will be delineated farther on in these pages. . With Mr. Wontus everything was very pleasant. He awoke the morning after his game of euchre, feeling re- freshed ; and, while he dressed himself, thought over the affair with his friend the night before, and was willing to confess to himself that his anger had really a woman at the bottom of it, and that woman w^is Mrs. Squirm, his landlady. "Wine and women," said he, "are at the bottom of most things, but with the second I am forever done." And thus he philosophized, and quietly dismissed the matter from his head — after asking his friend's pardon. From that time out his happiness was not clouded by a single mishap. He kept both Tommy and Mr. Wilkins by his side continually, and spent his days visiting the different places of interest about the city, and his nights either in his room or at the theatre. He visited the Volunteer llefresh- ment Saloons at the lower end of the city, where thousands of brave men were fed by the dainty hands of fair ladies every day, and watched with the keenest interest the sacrifices that were made by men and women, young and old, rich and poor, that the government and the ^ag which they loved so well might be preserved to them and posterity. He heard the heartfelt thanks and the hearty cheers that welled up from 7* 78 WONTUS, OR the bosoms of the brave fellows who were thus so generously cared for, and his hands itched with the desire to aid with his personal services the patriotic men and women who toiled, without money, without price, for the dear old flag of our fathers. There was help in abundance, for each and every one seemed to vie with his neighbor as to who should con- tribute the most to the welfare of their soldier guests, and both day and night found willing hands to minister to the wants of all. Girard College also came in for a share of his attention ; and here a little incident occurred, which, though trifling in its character, deserves a place in the archives of the corps. It was a bright, cheerful morning when Mr. Wontus and his friends, armed with the necessary pass and dressed with more care than usual, presented themselves at the gate for admittance. " Gentlemen of your cloth are not permitted to visit the institution," said the gate-keeper, looking at Mr. Wontus, " but these other gentlemen can go in if they desire." And he pointed to Wilkius and Thomson. " Not go in?" said Mr. Wontus, regretfully. " No, sir." " These men can go in ?" " Yes, sir." " Then why not me also ?" asked Mr. Wontus, excitedly. " You haven't read your card of admission carefully, have you ?" "No." " You ought to do it." "Why?" said Mr. Wontus. " I did not understand that any man was excluded from visiting this place, and I would like to know, sir, why I am singled out in this manner?" " Well, sir," said the gate-keeper, with a smile, " men of your calling — ministers of the gospel — are not admitted. It is a part of the will of the gentleman who founded the col- lege, and was intended, I presume, to keep the scholars from quarreling about the difterent modes of worshiping God." " Thuuderation !" cried Mr. Wontus, not exactly compre- hending the matter. " I am not a minister. I was a soap manufacturer, but " " Soap manufacturers are admitted," interrupted the gate- keeper, laconically, and he ushered the party in. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 79 It was a long while before Mr. Wontus got the matter thoroughly fixed in his head ; but during his wanderings through tiie spacious halls of the institution he finally accom- plished that important feat, and informed Mr. AVilkins that he thought it was perfectly right, and that Mr. Girard must have been a man of great foresight and penetration to have ever thought of such a thing; for himself (Wontus), he would never have dreamed of it. At the close of the club's first week with Mrs. Squirm the chasm existing between Mr. Nidd and Mr. Higginson had grown wider, deeper, and more threatening. The landlady, anxious to please both parties, had endeavored to keep herself out of the way of both ; but, somehow or other, Mr.^ Nidd always managed to find her and spend an hour or so in her company, at such times regaling her with the admii-able attri- butes of the former Mrs. Nidd, and hinting at the many simi- larities which existed between that lamented lady and Mrs. Squirm. These occasions generally occurred during the ab- sence of Mr. Wontus, and, strange to say, were invariably interrupted by Mr. Higginson calling Mrs. Squirm away to look at some delicate flowers, or something of that sort, which he had just purchased. At such times Mr. Nidd indulged in words not proper to mention here, and showered curses deep and long on the de- voted head of the aforesaid Higginson. Finally affliirs were brought to a climax one evening by Mr. Nidd calling his rival a snipe, a puppy, and various other choice names, ending the whole by giving Mrs. Squirm, in Higginson's presence, an ac- count of "' Scribendi's" visit to them at the hotel ; the airs he put on, and the invitations he had given them to dine and wine with him. The lady expressed her astonishment, but begged the gentleman to forbear. Mr. Higginson in his loftiest manner undertook to explain the matter to the lady, but making sundry trifling errors in point of truth, Nidd grew more furious than ever, and ended the scene by pulling ^Ir. Higginson's nose, telling him he could have satisfaction if required, and dashing out into the street. Mr. Wontus returned rather later than usual, and was much surprised to find Mr. Nidd absent. He proceeded directly to his room, and was therefore unacquainted with what the reader already knows. In blissful ignorance, he felt happy ; the day 80 WOXTCS, OR had been full of interest, and the news from the army was more cheering. McClellan had perfected all his arrangements ; the troops were brigaded ; the brigades were formed into corps, and everything betokened activity and an early movement. Mr. WonlQS was sitting ruminating over the news, when he was .startled by the well-known voice of Mr. Nidd singing "Hail Columbia," in a minor key, and so high that his voice occasionall}' found it necessary to change into a falsetto of the most distresiiing shrillness. Had a bombshell fallen into the room Mr. Wontus could not have been more astounded, but there was little time for thought, before the tall form of Mr. Nidd came bounding into the room in the most unceremonious and uncalled-for manner imaginable. " I'm drunk," said Mr. Nidd. His saying so was entirely superfluous, for anybody who had eyes could see that he was. " Hush !" said Wontus. shutting the door and forcing Nidd into a chair. '• Hush ! you will alarm the house." " Alar-alar-alarm the house ? That's what I want to do !" And followinir this. Mr. Nidd indultred in a howl, somethino' between the cry of a mastiff and a Sioux war-whoop. " In Heaven's name, hush !"" cried Mr. Wontus. " Tommy, "Wilkins," he continued, " come here." But these gentlemen had retired or gone out. " 111 li-hic him now ! ' cried Mr. Nidd. endeavoring to force himself out of the chair. " Yes, 111 li-hic him now — this very min't. Hi2:-Hiir'son, where are you? Scribendi. come fo-forth." Mr. Wontus endeavored to find out where his friend had been, and after considerable effort on Mr. Nidd's part, in which Higginson — gin — nose pulled — fight — Squirm — muss — pis- tols, etc., were prominently mixed up, that gentleman said enough to give Mr. Wontus to understand that there had been a difliculty, that was likely to end in something serious, and that his friend had been fortifying himself. This ascertained, he succeeded in getting him to bed, and at once made prepara- tions for leaving the city. The next morning Mr. Wontus consulted the party at an early hour. Mr. Nidd coming up " groggy," as the pugilists say, and informed them that the corps would leave on the eight o'clock train for Baltimore. Mr. Nidd demurred at first, but finally consented, and after breakfast the bill was paid, Mrs. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 81 Squirm bid adieu by all but IMr. Nidd, and tlie corps was again on its way toward the seat of war. As a simple matter of justice I am constrained to say that if Mr. Nidd remembered anything of the evening before, he never permitted a syllable of it to pass his lips ; therefore, as is customary under like circumstances, we shall be charitable enough to believe that Mr. Nidd had entirely forgotten that he had pulled Edward Pason Montcalmb Higginson's nose and had promised satisfaction, with the saving clause, " if required." It is probably well enough for the reader to know that it was not required, and that Mr. Higginson only wished that he could remain at home and demand satisfaction ; but most un- fortunately, business called him to New York, on the six o'clock train, hence he was on his way two hours before his antagonist was awake, and thus what might have been a decided "affiiir of honor," was successfully checkmated by an affair of business. CHAPTER YII. QUARTERS THE CORPS IN BALTIMORE, AND DEVELOPS A NEW TALENT IN MR. WILKINS — IT ALSO TAKES THREE- QUARTERS OF THE PARTY TO A BALL, AND RELATES A LUDICROUS SCENE, AND OTHER THINGS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. The ride to Baltimore was unattended by any occurrence worthy of note, and had it not been that Mr. Wilkins had only checked the baggage to that place, it is probable that the Monumental City would have been left out of these records, or if mentioned at all, would have received but a passing notice. That Mr. Wilkins did a most lucky thing in doing this there can be no question, for while the corps was eager to proceed directly to AVashington, Mr. Wontus has since expressed him- self as being delighted at his having assumed extraordinary authority on the occasion, and insisted on spending a day or two with the Baltimoreans. He had heard of the disloyal element which was said to pervade the city so extensively, and as he had never seen any disloyal people outside of his native 82 WOXTUS, OR city, he concluded that it would be time well spent for him to per^^onull}^ investigate the charge. Rooms were secured at a hotel on Pratt Street by Mr. AVil- kius, and after dinner Messrs. Wontus and Nidd sauntered through the city, leaving Wilkins and Thomson to arranj_e the baggage. The trunks once in the rooms, Mr. Wilkins suggested the propriety of his calling on some friends ; and leaving 31 r. Thomson to await the return of his employer, he took his de- parture, assuring Tommy that his absence would be of very brief duration. That a man's life should be one constant round of exciting or vexing incidents seems at the first glance to be rather im- probable, if not exactly impossible, and yet it is within the knowledge of almost every man who has a large circle of ac- quaintance that there are men in the world whose mode of living and thii-st for the exciting and curious render their every-day life a perfect panorama of the Diost singular mis- haps and exciting scenes. That these accidents should occur day after day without cessation, however, is a little singular, and the reader would be inclined to believe, if they followed in regular rotation, that the writer w.-^s allowing his imagina- tion to play an important part in th • detailing of events that came beneath his notice. Now thi>; should not be, for in the days we write of no man who moved about, particularly in the vicinity of the large cities or" the country, could fail to notice — if not too much absorbed in himself — that every day brought with it something interesting ; either ludicrous, pleas- ant, or distressing. Thu.>< far it has been the fortune of the members of the Wontus Corps of Observation to be the prin- cipal actors in strange comedies or ludicrous farces ; nor is this at all singular when we consider how differently in many things each member was constituted, and how each, if we may except the usually skeptical Mr. Nidd. thirsted for entertain- ment and consequent adventure. " If all the trees of the forests were made into pens, and all the oceans were ink."' there would scarcely be enough of either to indite the noticeable incidents that transpire beneath the notice of the most com- monplace sight-seer in the course of a lifetime of threescore years and ten. But I digress. As Mr. Wontus and his friend did nothing more than wan- der about and look at the monuments and forts during the first THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 83 two days of their stay, I shall leave that important fraction of the club and turn to our friend Mr. Wilkins. It is not ex- actly certain that that gentleman had ever been in BaltiuiDro before, but he strode up Pratt Street to Light, and turned up that street with the air of a man who knows what he v ants to do and means to do it. He had a happy faculty, and (»uc which sits well on very few people, that of bestowing a coii- tinuous nod of recognition on gentlemen that he mot on the street, and which was invariably returned, sometimes out of politeness and at others because the gentleman (Wilkins) had one of those peculiar faces which (constantly remind us of some person who exists in the misty memories of the past. I say this was a happy faculty, and so it was, for on more than one occasion Mr. Wilkins was greeted most warmly by men who had never seen him before in their lives, and to whom he instantly made himself a most agreeable acquaintance by his suavity and knowledge of the world, — not as the term is generally understood, but in a geographical sense. These oc- casions he never allowed to slip by, but at once proceeded to turn them to advantage in some way. " Good-evening, doctor," cried a gentleman, rushing up to Mr. Wilkins as he turned into Baltimore Street. " Ah, good-evening," returned Wilkins, and both shook hands most heartily. " How have you been ? I'm glad to see you looking so well — family all well, I hope. Terrible times these — much sickness in your locality ?" And again Mr. Wilkins shook the gentleman's hand most vigorously. " I fear I am mistaken," said the gentleman, after a close scrutiny of Mr. Wilkins's face and form. " Indeed, I must ask your pardon, sir ; I thought you were my old friend, Doctor Nimrod." It was now Mr. Wilkins's turn to be surprised, and he did it most beautifully. " And are you not my old friend, Sena- tor ?" He mentioned a certain prominent gentleman's name and then stepped back and threw his eyes over the gentle- man's person. The gentleman answered that he was plain Mr. Jones, but looked as though his being mistaken for Sena- tor was quite a compliment. Mr. Wilkins saw that he had him. " Indeed, sir, it is I who should apologize," said Mr. Wilkins. g4 WOXTUS, OR " Dasli it ! it's neither of us," returned the gentleman. " We have both been mistaken. Allow me to be so imperti- nent as to ask your name." '• "Wilkins, sir ; of the secret service." " Ah ! G-lad to have met you, Mr. Wilkins ; allow mt, as a settlement of this difficulty, to insist on you joining me in a glass of wine." Mr. Wilkins demurred. Mr. Jones insisted, and finally pei*suaded Mr. Wilkins to walk around to Barnum's, where they cracked a bottle of wine and numerous jokes at the same time. "Wine' works won- ders," says an old play, and in this case it created a most genial friendship between the two gentlemen who had been brought together in such an unexpected and strange manner. " Secret service, eh?" said Mr. Jones, sipping his wine. " Yes, — a party of us ; excellent gentlemen, I assure you." And Mr. Wilkins reclined back in his chair, and threw one leg over the other like a man who feels his importance. '• Going to remain any time in town?" asked Mr. Jones. " Can't tell exactly ; don't think we will remain more than a day or two longer. You see I am dressed for out-door service." " I hope you will remain over Wednesday ; splendid party on AVednesday evening ; strangers attached to the service and known to the committee are invited ; elegant time, I assure you ; everything first class ; would like to invite your party ; all gentlemen?" '• Perfect gentlemen," said Mr. Wilkins ; " and I've no doubt but that they'd be pleased to attend, if convenient." " Have you a card?" asked Mr. Jones. Mr. Wilkins went through the unnecessary trouble — for he knew he had none — of searching his pockets, and then said he had not. Mr. Jones took one of his own cards, and asked Mr. Wilkins his address. Having written it down, and ascertained how many there were in Mr. Wilkins's party, the gentleman excused himself for a moment and left the room. Wilkins was perfectly satisfied with ever^'thing thus far, and gave him- self no concern as to the future. In a few moments Mr. Jones returned, and brought with him a piece of printed paper, in- viting Major Benjamin Wilkins and friends to the Union As- sembly, which would take place on Wednesday evening next THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 85 " There," said the gentleman, placing the paper in Mr. Wil- kins's hand ; " now I hope you will be able to come ; pretty girls, good music. You will enjoy yourselves, I know." Mr. Wilkins thanked him most fluently, and Mr. Jones soon after remarking that he had an engagement, the gentlemen ex- pressed the pleasure each had derived from meeting the other, and, with a promise to meet again on Wednesday, they parted. It being near tea-time, Mr. Wilkins returned to the hotel, congratulating himself on his good fortune, and thinking of the surprise he had in store for the other members of the corps. AVontus and Nidd came in soon after, and all the members proceeded to the tea-table in excellent spirits. During the meal Mr. Wilkins related, in a matter-of-fact sort of way, how he had met an old friend of his, whom he had not seen since he left him at Ems, in Germany, some two years before, and how his old friend Jonesey (he grew familiar) had insisted on inviting the whole party to attend the very fashionable and very select Union Assemblies that were then being held every two weeks in the city, and wound up his story by the production of the invitation. It is but proper to say that Mr. Nidd believed Mr. Wilkins to be relating what was not true when Mr. Wilkins spoke of " Jonesey," but the production of the invitation was more than he could bear quietly, and he ejaculated : " The devil !" and was about to say more, but was stopped by Mr. Wontus declaring that he was in favor of remaining over Wednesday and participating in the affair. And so it was settled that the corps should remain over Wednesday and attend the hop. Two things are here necessary to be understood : the first is, that to all outward appearances all the members of the party were on the same footing, except on occasions that were mutually understood ; and .second, that neither Wontus, Nidd, nor Thomson had ever danced a step in their lives. Had Mr. Wilkins? Certainly, he had waltzed with the Duchess of Sadowa, at Copenhagen, and " varsovieii- nied" with the Princess Metternich at the Tuileries ; but, then, his circumstances were such that his dress was not the most creditable in point of elegance and fashion. " That just makes me think," said :Mr. Wontus. " What are we to do for proper wardrobes to attend the party in ? Nidd, have you anything to suit?" y 86 wo XT us, OB Mr. Nidd said he guessed he could make out, and Mr. Wontus guessed he could ; but Wilkins ? That gentleman's wardrobe was brief, or, in other words, it did not take any considerable length of time to pack or unpack. The party left the table and adjourned to the sitting-room, where the subject was renewed. Mr. Wontus guessed that Tommy didn't want to go, and referred to that gentleman for an answer. Tommy guessed he didn't. Mr. Wilkins guessed that he'd not go, but Mr. Wontus would not hear of such a thing. " Why, we don't know anybody," said Mr. Nidd. " No," said Mr. Wontus. " Got no proper clothing," said Mr. Wilkins, looking down at himself suggestively. " We'll fix't^iat," said Mr. Nidd. " Eh, Wontus?" Mr. Wontus nodded, and thus it was settled that three-fourths of the corps should attend the next party, — the last of the season. Wednesday evening came, and with- it came rain, — a pa- tient, easy-going rain, which seemed to say that it had come with a determination to stay and shed its liquid influences upon all mankind. The storm was quite an inconvenience to most people, but to our friends it was quite a blessing, for Mr. Nidd said — and he was authority on such matters in the party — that any peculiarity of dress, or absence of dress-coats on such an evening, would be perfectly excusable. The hours rolled round, and about half-past seven Mr. Wontus presented himself in the parlor, followed by Nidd, Wilkins, and Tommy, the latter a spectator ; and, as they stood surveying themselves in the mirror, let me devote a few minutes to a description of each. About Mr. Wontus there was nothing particularly notice- able, except that his shirt-collar appeared to be making an effort to embrace his ears, which effort Mr. Wontus was con- stantly frustrating by elevating his chin and smoothing down the collar with his hands. His shirt-bosom was rather elab- orate, — that is, it fell in a bulging, wavy sort of manner over his noble bosom; but with these little exceptions he was fault- less, in a black sack-coat, blue vest, and black pantaloons. Mr. Nidd had rendered himself captivating in a blue cloth swallow-tail coat, ornamented wit*li brass buttons. It came up very high about his neck and down very low about his legsj THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 87 the sleeves might have been longer, for as it was, every time Mr. Nidd extended his arm in any direction the sleeves would bashfully shrink up his arm, leaving his cuffs entirely exposed, or displaying, in a ravishing manner, his bony wrists. It was not a new garment by any means, — if I mistake not, the owner was married in it, — and the collar luxuriated in a su- perfluous quantity of pomatum, in which dust and oil were probably the most important, if not the only ingredients. The seams, too, were plainly visible to the naked eye, but, as the gentleman was not a proud man in point of dress, this made little difference. His dark-green vest was cut very low iu front, and was rather short-waisted. His pants were of black cassimere, and resembled his coat in more than one respect. They had been cut in the flishion of some years before, were tight in the legs and low at the waist, thus givimg his long legs the semblance of a large pair of tongs. His feet were encased in a neat pair of boots, — as neat as his feet would permit, — whose legs were plainly outlined on the outside of his pants. At first sight, the casual observer might be in- duced to think that Mr. Nidd's pantaloons gave him trouble, — for he frequently pulled them up that they might meet his vest, and just as frequently pulled them down again that they might cover as much of his feet as was possible, — but this was not the case. Mr. Nidd was entirely at his ease. He had carefully brushed his hair, trimmed his whiskers, and oiled them, and, as he surveyed himself in the mirror, he looked as though he would like to say, " Much improved." Mr. Wilkins mildly protested against changing his dress, for he saw that little improvement could be made. But both Mr. Wontus and Mr. Nidd insisted on his wearing certain articles of dress which they selected from among their own stock of clothing, and, as a "man of the world," Mr. Wilkins bowed in submission to fate. As he stood in the middle of the floor, he made a figure at once severely grotesque. One of Mr. Nidd's well-worn bottle-green frock-coats hung in loose folds about his back and shoulders, while a waistcoat of Mr. Wontus's, mammoth in its proportions, enveloped his chest and extended far down toward the abdominal regions. A pair of black pantaloons, also the property of Mr. Wontus, graced his lower extremities. These articles of dress had been made expressly for Mr. Wontus, and hence were very wide and 88 woxTus, on baggy in every part, but more particularly so about the hips. They were short in the legs, too, — that is, for Mr. Wilkins, — . and altogether resembled, as well as I can imagine it, that pic- ture of looseness which is intended to be represented by the phrase "a shirt on a bean-pole." Mr. Wilkins had made sundry tucks in different parts of his dress, and, with the assistance of a few towels and other articles, had filled out the parts, so that, so long as the tucks held good and the filling remained in its place, he presented the appearance of a gentle- man who was growing suddenly corpulent, and whose tailor was anticipating further developments. The Union Assemblies of Baltimore were probably the most social and enjoyable, as well as the most fashionable, parties given in the Union during the war. Gotten up and supported entirely and exclusively by the Union men of the city, the officers of the army and uslvj, as well as other distinguished Union men who happened to be passing through or stationed in the city, were invited to enjoy the hospitalities. As the name indicates, they were social assemblies in fact, for all who met there were looked upon as belonging to one common family. In this way men and lovely "women were brought together, amid scenes that were never to be forgotten ; and acquaintances formed among the people of the city, which, in many instances, ripened into the closest friendship. The greatest care was taken by the committees that no person who was tinged with disloj'alty to the government should secure admittance, and thus those who were strangers to the people of the city were able to select for themselves friends from among those only who were friendly to the cause which they espoused. That such a thing was necessary those who mingled with the citizen population of the border State cities can very well understand. But to proceed. " Nidd, you're looking young again," said Mr. Wontus, taking a survey of his friend ; " I told you that a little out — a little recreation from business would do you good, and by gTacious, it has." '•Think so?" said Mr. Xidd, elevating his eyebrows and casting side glances at Mr. Wontus. " You'll be at your old game of flirting with the women again, I expect," laughed Mr. Wontus, as Nidd strode proudly across the room. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 89 " Ah !" ejaculated Mr. Nidd. " It" 31rs. Squirm could be here," said Mr. Wilkins, with animation, " then " " It's time to go !" cried Mr. Nidd, suddenly and almost fiercely. " So it is," said Mr. "Wontus, looking at his watch, and directing Thomas to wait up for them. The gentlemen pro- ceeded to the assembly. " Wilkins and friends," said the door-keeper, as the gentle- men presented themselves. " Wilkins and friends," echoed a committee-man, who looked over the list of enrolled guests. " All right, gentlemen ; walk in." '' Secret service," said the committee-man, whispering to the door-keeper, and casting significant glances at the party. The door-keeper winked his eye in a knov/ing way, and the gentlemen were ushered in in imposing style. The opening promenade had not taken place, and the three- quarters of the Wontus Corps of Observation stood near the doorway and gazed with rapturous delight upon the living panorama of beautiful women and gallant men who passed them. Mr. Nidd's eyes fairly danced in their sockets, and his constant requests for Mr. Wontus to look here and then there, as some pleasing female face or form met his gaze, at length induced Mr. Wontus to move a little to one side and enjoy the scene uninterruptedly. In the gallery at the upper end of the room the fine band of the 2d Artillery was stationed. Along each side, arranged in couples or in groups, were ofiicers of the ordnance department, cavalry, artillery, and infantry ; each was chaperoned by a fair lady, whose sparkling eyes were rendering captive the sons of Mars. The band plays a march, and in double files the company moves in grand review around the room. The scene was both new and inspiring to Mr. Wontus, and perhaps to Mr. Nidd, but the latter gentleman was so deep in his admiration for the ladies that he appeared lost to all else. Mr. Wilkins stood with his right foot extended, his left hand on his left hip, and his right in the upper button-hole of his coat, and surveyed the throng as it passed with dignified scrutiny. " Mr. Jones, I'm delighted to be with you," said Mr. Wilkins, advancing toward a gentleman who was passing. *' I've been looking for you ; allow me to introduce my friends 3* 90 woxrrs, or — splendid affair — excels the court ball at St. Cloud. ]\Ir. Jones allow me to introduce Colonel Wontus, 3Iajor Nidd, — particular friends of mine, and true blue to the core. (Aside.) In disguise — all of us — keep mum." And with a knowing look, he dragged ^Ir. Jones to one side and whispered sonK3 infor- mation in that gentleman's ear which the world will never know, leaving Wontus and Nidd to express their surprise at the titles which had just been bestowed upon them. " Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the company. It is our desire that all who visit here should enjoy themselves." And taking the senior member of the corps by the arm, Mr. Jones excused himself to Wilkins and escorted them through the hall, and introduced them to the different ladies and gen- tlemen of his acquaintance. Some of the ladies smiled, and the gentlemen exchanged glances as the rather odd-looking gentlemen were introduced ; but after a little whispering from Mr. Jones, in which the words " secret service" and " dis- guise" were easily distinguishable, the smiles invariably gave way to looks of awe. (The word " secret," no matter under what circumstances it may be spoken, invariably carries with it a mysterious influence, which no other word in the language can or ever does command.) Mr. Nidd. observing that con- siderable attention was being paid to them on every hand, became more enamored of himself than usual, and elevated his chin higher than ever. At length the first quadrille was summoned by a blast of a trumpet, and a grand dash was made for places on the floor. Mr. Jones was engaged for the first set, and placing Mr. Wontus in the hands of a venerable-looking gentleman wearing the straps of a brigadier-general, and introducing Mr. Nidd to a lady who answered to the descriptive language of the three F's, viz., "fat, fair, and forty," he bounded away, and was soon lost in the throng. To inform the reader that Mr. Wontus soon found himself in the refreshment-room with the venerable-looking gentleman with the brigadier's uniform, and that that gentleman (the brigadier) would persist in drinking numerous toasts to tlie secret service, until both gentlemen became a little mixed, would simply be what really happened. To add that Mr. Nidd frequently visited the refreshment-room during the evening, in company with the three F's, and that his pants would per- THE CORPS OF OBSEUVATTON. 91 sist in being either too long or too short, and that as the even- ing progressed he became more and more didactic in his manners, would simply be superfluous, fur it belonged to Mr. AV^ilkins to play the part of the real hero of the occasion. That gentleman presented a never-to-be-forgotten appearance, but his countenance was as clear and his manner as self-assured as though he was attired in the tip of the mode and the cyno- sure of all observers. Fashion, in choosing him as her own, would make a fearful mistake, and yet he stood there, after Mr. Jones had left with his friends, in an attitude which gave all who chose to look, to understand that he was in no way em- barrassed or impressed by the beauty, life, and grandeur that surrounded him. Under such circumstances, inactivity and non-communication with those that were about him was equal to all the tortures of the rack. By accident or intent, an officer of infontry took his stand close by him. Now was the time, and Mr. Wilkins commenced the siege. " Fine party, sir, — seen nothing to excel it since the grand fete in Venice in honor of the Doge in '57. Ever been in Venice ?" Mr. Wilkins paused for a reply. The officer surveyed the rather singular-looking gentleman for a moment, and answered : " No, sir." " Splendid place ; girls beautiful — large black eyes — dark hair — dark skins — real Venuses." (A pause.) " Any place where a thirsty man could wet his whistle?" continued Mr. Wilkins, in an under-tone. " Up-stairs," said the officer, a captain, moving his head in the direction of the refreshment-room. " Thanks, colonel, thanks," said Mr. Wilkins, in his most impressive manner. "■ But, pardon me, will you do me the favor to tell me that gentleman's name ?" (He pointed with his finger.) " I think I met him at Moscow a year or two since." There is nothing like a modest-looking and yet familiar man to take hold of and hold one's attention. I look at one of these gentlemen with the same absorbing, anxious interest that I do at a loaded cannon, expecting that it will go oiF — when it does go ofi" — in some unexpected moment and direction. The officer looked on Mr. Wilkins as if he was one of this sort of cannon, and after giving Mr. Wilkins the desired in- formation, seemed to await the next explosion. But it never 92 WOXTUS, OR came. Mr. TTilkins no sooner heard the gentleman's name pronounced audibly by the captain, and pronounced it himself to insure correctness, than, throwing his left hand in the hollow of his back and keeping his right in the lapel of his coat, he marched up to the gentleman and spoke : " Pardon me, sir, if I intrude ; but, if I mistake not, you are Mr. Pattei-son ?" Mr. AVilkins paused for a reply. " You are right, sir," said the gentleman, pleasantly ; " that is my name." " Let me see," solilociuized Mr. Wilkins, in an attitude of deep thought, " I was endeavoring to place you, — remember your name very well, but can't place you to save me." And again Mr. Wilkins fell to thinking. '' I've traveled considerably," said the gentleman : " South America, Mexico, and our own continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific ; in fact, pretty generally evcr^'where." '"Let me see," said Mr. Wilkins, contemplatively, '"Pots- dam, — ever been at Potsdam?" "Prussia?" " Yes ; grand review, — splendid military spectacle, — 23d of May, '59.'"'' The gentleman nodded in the affirmative. " Glad to meet you once again," cried Mr. Wilkins, and seizing the gentleman's hand he shook it warmly. Mr. Patterson could not be brought to remember the familiar face of Mr. Wilkins. although that gentleman pointed out, by means of an imaginary diagram, which he drew with the toe of his boot on the floor, the exact location and relative posi- tions of the gentleman and himself on the particular 2od of May. He even went so far as to repeat the very language which Count Seidelitz used on the occasion of their introduction, and described, in precise lang-uage, how his friend was stand- ing beneath the shade of a tree, with one foot resting on a bench and a malacca cane under his arm, at the very moment the introduction took place. Quite a group had collected around the gentlemen, attracted by ]Mr, Wilkins' s singular appearance and animated manner, and this made that gentle- man anxious that he should be acknowledged. At length the gentleman did think that he had a faint recollection of the matter, which Mr. Wilkins at once clinched by saying, '^Certainly you have," and resumed the hand-shaking. THE CORPS OF OTiSEIiVATIOy. 93 This was the point that Mr. Wilkins had been watching for, and taking the gentleman by the arm lie insisted on Mr. Patterson joining him in a short " eommodieum,'" and bowing to the group which surrounded him, he absolutely compelled his new acquaintance to show him to the refreshment-saloon and there help him to some liquor and drink to Auld Lang Syne. From this moment he was once more " a man of the world." He managed to impress in a mysterious way all who came in contact with him of the importance of the secret service, and he enjoined on all who learned his name that he desired to remain entirely and completely incog. ^ and as an evidence of his sincerity, he pointed, with no little gravity, to his dress, which was certainly calculated to impress all who saw it with the idea that it was either intended as a disguise or that the wearer was a lunatic. To jMr. Wilkins this made no particular difference. It had been selected by Messrs. AVontus and Nidd, and he felt that whatever odium was at- tached to it, all of it certainly belonged to them. How many times he endeavored to find a partner, and how many times he was refused, and how many times he solaced himself by visiting the refreshment-saloon, I cannot undertake to say, but the times were certainly numerous. The more he was refused the more he pressed himself, until, at length, his importunities became almost unbearable. He felt that he was not understood, or at least not appreciated ; and where he would have stopped can never be recorded, for it transpired in course of time that Mr. Wontus indignantly denied, in his conversation with the brigadier, that either he or any of his party belonged to the secret service, and to make assurances doubly sure, he further said that any man who said that he or any of his party belonged to, or had, in any manner, the remotest connection with the service, was an impostor and should be kicked. This becoming noised about, taken in connection with Mr. Wilkins's excessive "freshness," soon brought that gentleman in the midst of a throng of excited and angry men, who insisted on his leaving the room at once. Mr. Wilkins would argue the point with them. He belonged to Mr. ' Wontus's party, and that gentleman, or Mr. Nidd, could prove him to be anything else than an impostor. They laughed at him, and quoted Mr. Wontus's language used to the brigadier. He asked to be allowed to seek Mr. Nidd or Mr. Wontus, but 94 WOXTUS, OR they would hear nothing except his immediate departure, Mr. Wilkins was becoming dejected. A sight met his gaze, it was Nidd with the three F's hanging on his arm. Mr. Wilkins called to him, but Mr. Nidd was deaf to all but the charming voice of the F's. The situation became desperate. He must see Mr. Nidd, — that gentleman could untangle the matter. He undertook to fly to his side, but the undertaking was misunderstood to be an effort to escape, and a dozen hands took hold of him. He struggled, and more hands took hold. The tucks in his pants commenced giving way, and the towels, etc., began to show signs of uneasiness. " Out with him !" was shouted on all sides; and just at a most critical moment, when his pantaloons appeared to have a desire to take leave of his pereon, and the filling of his breast had sought a resting-place under his right arm, he was raised from the floor and conveyed — one grand, struggling mass of ill-assorted clothes — to the door and thence down the stairs, where he was liberated and directed to depart., amid the laughter and jeers of the company. It was rather late when Mr. Wontus and Nidd arrived at the hotel, and they expressed considerable astonishment whoa they found that Mr, Wilkins had reached there before them. He pleaded sickness as the cause of his leaving the assembly so unceremoniously, and as the gentlemen were in utter igno- rance as to the true cause, the party soon after retired. CHAPTER YIII. DOMICILES THE CORPS IN THE CAPITAL OF THE NATION, AND TREATS OF SICKNESS, LOVE, AND OTHER THINGS. Nothing of particular interest transpired during the re- maining time that the corps spent in the Monumental City. Mr. Wilkins was entirely recovered from his sickness the next morning, and the party were all enjoying the most excellent health and spirits. The more Mr. Wontus saw of the world the better he liked it, nnd Mr. Nidd, although less expressive, was none the less charmed by the novelty of being entirely THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 95 free from care. That Mr. Thomson was delighted, certainly none who have noticed his fidelity to Mr. Wontiis can question. The morning at length arrived for the corps to take its de- parture, and it bid adieu to Baltimore witli feelings akin to re*^ret. "As they passed along in the cars toward the capital of the nation, Mr. Wontus could scarcely restrain himself from ask- ing the conductor to stop the train, that he might converse wi'th and assist the soldiers who guarded every mile of the road. It was the first real indication of war that he had seen, and the tenderest emotions of his sympathetic bosom were awakened. The train would not stop and Mr. Wontus knew it, so he bought all the daily newspapers he could from the news- dealer on "the train, and as he passed along he dropped them from the window, that the lonely guardians of his peace and safety might at least know that they were remembered. The papers becoming exhausted, he fell to throwing out money, and although Mr. Nidd expostulated with him, he persisted in doing so until the train moved into the depot at Washington. The ''depot of any of the great railroad lines, during the rebellion, was an object of peculiar interest. The strange faces; the incidents which graduated "from grave to gay, from lively to severe," were afiliirs, not of days or hours, but of moments. Each click of the clock pointed to a moment preirnant with startling events, and faces marked with all the different passions which fill the human breast, made up one grand picture, which having been once seen, can never be obliterated by the march of thue. That the Washington depot, of the solitary line then leading to that great centre, from the populous North, West, and East, should be particularly noticeable is not surprising. G-rief-stricken mothers in search of wounded sons ; disheart- ened wives in search of missing husbands ; bereaved sisters prepared to follow a loved soldier-brother to a premature grave ; men seeking office ; politicians seeking jobs ; statesmen,^ soldiers, sjamen. and men of every cast, condition, and complexion, were here to be seen, the whole a living panorama of humanity, done in such colors and shapes as to defy the pencil of the most astute artist. Each was intent on the business which brought him or her to this grand centre, and the commoner fbelings of respect and 96 wo XT us, OR love gave place to one of supreme selfishness. At least Mr. Wontus thought so, when he observed the grand rush and dash made by each and every individual to keep ahead of his neigh- bor, and reach the street. Having reached the avenue, Mr. Wontus insisted on a halt, and for the space of a few moments was apparently lost in contemplation of the wondrous pile of marble, which stood before him, and marked its grand outline against the clear, blue sky. " Have a hack, sir? Ride up, sir?" greeted his ears in showers ; and drums were beating, and armed men marching in every direction, but he was deaf to all ; his eyes were fixed upon the Capitol. Here was where the great men of the nation assembled ; here it was that speeches were uttered that made the very earth tremble, and made Europe look with undisguised emotion upon the infant nation of the New World. Ah, it was a great sight for Mr. Wontus; it kindled emotions in his bosom that were strangers there before, and he longed for the moment when he should be allowed to fiill down and worship at the feet of the great men, whose greatness stared him full in the fiice from the columns of every newspaper in the land. " Come along," said he, at length, '"'we have plenty of time before us (it was not yet noon) ; we can let our baggage re- main in the hands of the express company until we are ready to send for it." And leading the way himself, the corps passed along up the avenue without seeming to have the re- motest idea as to where they were likely to halt. Reaching Second Street, Mr. Wontus took a hasty survey of the conservatory, where everybody, except those who pay for it, are permitted to gather flowers, and expressed a desire to pay it a visit. Mr. Nidd suggested that they return to Baltimore, and was answered by an incredulous look from Mr. Wontus. " Fine woman — splendid !" said Nidd, half aloud. Mr. Wontus looked in every direction, but not seeing any- body particularly fine-looking, cast a glance at his friend, and asked, ''Where?" He was compelled to repeat his question. "Baltimore!" said Mr. Nidd. coolly. "The three F's !" cried Mr. Wontus, laughing, the truth THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 97 darting into his mind. "Come, old boy," he continued, punching Mr. Nidd in the side with his thumb, " this will never do." But whither were they to turn their footsteps? None knew, and they stood on the sidewalk in a condition of uncer- tainty bordering on uneasiness. "Must have some place," said Mr. Wilkins, ramming his hand first into one pocket and then into another, and then re- turning to the first one and turning it inside out, and repeat- ing the same process with his other pockets in regular order. "Must have some place," echoed Mr. Wontus, abstractedly, and then he silently contemplated Mr. Wilkins in the process of turning his pockets inside out. "What's the matter?" he asked, at length. "Nothing partic'lar," said Mr. Wilkins, growing more in- dustrious than ever. "What are you looking for?" asked Mr. Wontus, corn- man din gly. Mr. Wilkins hesitated for some time before replying, but at length faltered out, in an apologetic way, that he thought he had some money, but he believed he hadn't, after all. "Money?" said Mr. Wontus. "What do you want with money?" This was what Mr. Wilkins had been fishing for, — the ques- tion, not the money, for he knew he had none of the latter, — • and he quickly replied : "You see, sir, if I could go into one of these saloons and ask the landlord, it might be that he could tell me where to find rooms; but I don't like to go in without taking some- thing. I was just lookin' to see if I couldn't raise enough for a short 'commodicum.' " "A good idea," said Mr. Nidd. "Very," said Mr. Wontus, comprehending; and handing IMr. Wilkins a quarter, he directed him to see what could be done. The money once in Wilkins's hand, that gentleman lost no time in finding his way into a neighboring saloon, from which he emerged in a few moments, his face beaming with undis- guised satisfaction, and a card in his hand. "Got a place?" asked Mr. Nidd. "Splendid!" E 9 93 WOXTUS, OR "Where?" asked Mr. Wontus, with interest. '' No. — , D Street, two rooms, ample accommodations, widow "woman, cheap, ver}' private, central, all hunkey." And without allowing time for any questions to be asked, Mr. Wilkins leads the way briskly up the avenue to Third Street, and up Third to D Street, on which street, with great fiimiliarity, he walked up to a door and rang the bell. A lady waited on the door. The business being explained, the party was admitted, and after the rooms had been examined a bargain was struck, and 3Ir. Wilkins dispatched to the express office for the baggage. "]Moxley must be seen immediately," said Mr. Wontus; "he can put us on the ri^ht course." '•Certainly," said Mr. Nidd. The two gentlemen were sitting in one of their two rooms, looking out of the window, and Thomas Thomson was survey- ing the various articles of furniture and the pictures that graced the wall. " Better leave it until to-mon'ow," said Mr. Nidd, and Mr. Wontus making no objection, it was agreed that the visit to Mr. Wontus's friend (Mr. 31oxley), who was a clerk* in one of the departments, but which one Mr. Wontus was unable to say, should be postponed until the following day. The latitude of Washington is particularly agreeable in the spring, because there is little or no monotony about it. The clerk of the weather seems to have been particularly instructed with respect to the latitude of Washington, and impressed with the fact that the residents belong pretty generally to that class who desire variety. Hence it is never very warm or very cold, or very sunshiny or very cloudy, very long at a time, but agreeably alternates between the different conditions. Some- times, however, with a little — just a little — favoritism toward one or the other of the four. It had been clear and pleasant when the party arrived at the capital, but while Mr. Wontus and Mr. Nidd were looking out of the window the sky became suddenly overcast with clouds, and this was soon followed by such a storm of rain as is seldom seen on this side of the tropics. The gentlemen looked on in silence. " I reckon it'll rain," said Mr. Thomson, approaching the window and looking out at the rain, which came down as THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 99 tlioiigli each stream was poured through a funnel. ^Ir. Nidd gave the speaker a look of disgust, and Mr. Wontus became suddenly interested in his right foot. " Gout?" said Nidd, looking at the foot. " Rheumatics, I think," said Mr. Wontus. " Terrible cli- mate ; Tommy, have a fire made here as soon as possible; roast a man one hour and freeze him the next. Oh, oh, oh !" cried Mr. Wontus, seizing his foot with both ha;ids and twist- ing his mouth and eyes so as to make flices which the clown in a pantomime would be delighted to imitate. " Had it bad before, but never so bad as this." And again he indulged in numerous, long-drawn-out pronunciations of the vowel 0. Mr. Nidd, contraiy to custom, proffered his sympathies, and Tommy ran about the room like a madman, seeking for some- thing with which to alleviate Mr. Wontus's pain. " What shall I do?" he cried. " Go to the devil — for a doctor!" cried Mr. Wontus, look- ing up at his servant with enraged eyes. Had Mr. Wontus directed Thomas to proceed directly to the top of the dome of the Capitol and there take his stand on a single and particular hair on the head of Miss America (who surveys her vast domain from that position), Thomas would gladly have undertaken the rather difficult task ; as it was, the order to go to his satanic majesty for a doctor was fixed in his mind theoretically, and it never occurred to him that it was very nearly impossible to execute the command literally until he had reached the street. Once there, he was in a worse quandary than ever. He had a very erroneous idea in his head that Mr. Wontus, his guardian, almost father, was going to die, and this lent its wings to his steps, and he flew to the first door that came in his way and asked for a doctor. It is hard to go amiss in a search for the disciples of ^sculapius nowadays. In this instance, Mr. Thomson's call — the first door — was rewarded by a young gentleman promising to be with Mr. Wontus in a few moments. And he was as good as his word, for Tommy had scarcely given answer to the questions that were showered upon him than the door-bell rang and the doctor was shown in. " Don't make an infernal blunder and call it gout," cried Mr. Wontus, interspersing his remarks with numerous large and small O's, as the professional gentleman examined his foot. 100 WON TVS, OB The physician whom Tommy had called in to see Mr. Won- tas had evidently taken one or more lessons in " acumen," and the disease was accordin ment. The party would leave the next morning early, and, without a word to anj^body, Mr. Wontus sent for the landlady's bill and paid it. He harbored no enmity, and would leave in peace. But there was one duty yet to be attended to. We are entirely conversant with the fact that Mr. Wontus found it a rather difficult and embarrassing task to present himself to the invalid at any time ; but now that he was going away, and perhaps forever, his frame of mind was rather more distressing than otherwise. Up to this time the invalid had never expressed a word indicative of more than a high regard and deep appreciation of the gentleman, and Mr. Won- tus had forced himself to think — well, no, not exactly think, either, but, more properly, to believe — that his regard for the lady, notwithstanding her disloyal proclivities and condemna- tion of those he loved, was simply such a feeling as any other woman might stir up in his bosom under similar circumstan- ces. I say he had forced himself to believe this, and the rea- son why I say it is because his actions resembled so strongly those of a man who is deeply, darkly, and strangely in love. He wished to see her, and yet he feared the interview ; and in this condition he did many strange things, which excited the curiosity of Mr. Nidd, and caused that gentleman to tell Mr. Wontus that he resembled a boy who was experiencing his first love. But a word was needed, and with the quickness that a shot will roll oflP a shovel, the senior member proceeded up-stairs. He had been expected ; and. although Mrs. Batta- dore had done just as little as was possible, yet the apartment and its occupants presented rather a better appearance than was usual. During the interview, which was rather protracted, Mr. Wontus was about as ignorant of the past, present, and the future as any man well could be, and his modesty would not THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 187 nllow him to do more than to liint, in a very ol).sciirc way, that tlic invalid should not trouble herself, but should take courage, and do her best to convalesce speedily ; also, that IMr. Moxley lived in the immediate neighborhood, and Avould be pleased to render her assistance at any moment if she would call on him ; a.t the same time he hinted that her iiiends had been communicated with in some mysterious man- ner, and that her wants would be attended to. The return for all this kindness of Mr. Wontus was most profuse thanks on the part of the invalid. The gentleman could stand almost anything better than thanks, and, as he rose to depart, his old agitation returned, and, fearing that he was about to make a scene, he bade a hasty adieu, and dashed out of the room. The others had retired when Mr. Wontus readied his room, and noiselessly he mixed himself a decoction of brandy, water, and sugar, and sat down to reflect. His reflections were nu- merous and strangely mixed, and it was only after he had in- dulged in more brandy, water, and sugar that " nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep," came to relieve his troubled mind of the pressure. It was very near the last day of April or the first day of May, but exactly which I am unable to say just now, for each day of the week and of the month so closely resembled the other in scenes and events that there was nothing by which to mark the march of time, that ThomiLS Thomson rose with the sun, and soon after called up the other members. Everything had been attended to, and the moment that breakfast was fin- ished the party proceeded to the depot, and took their last survey of the Capitol. With Wilkins and Thomson the idea of a change was refreshing, and these two gentlemen were in high good humor, and, to their credit be it said, were also sober. AVith Nidd there was nothing particularly noticeable. His face bore the same imperturable, grave a])pearance, and he moved about with the same firm stride and elevated head. Wontus's face wore a mingled look of sorrow and pleasure : a soft smile played about his mouth, but sorrow looked forth from his eyes. He moved about in a mechanical way, and it was not until he took his seat in the car^s that he ventured a remark. '' Is everything all right?" he asked of Mr. Nidd. "To the best of my knowledge and belief, it is," said Mr. Nidd, dryly. 188 WOXTUS, OR It is reasonable to suppose that more would have been said, but two things occurred Avhich prevent-jd : one was the start- ing; of ilie train, and the other was the presence of Mr. AVil- kins. This gentleman had taken char2'e of the hand baggage of the corps, and ensconced himself in the centre of the car, and at the moment he presented himself to Mr, Wontus, re- sembled a man who had traveled all his life, and knew just exactly how it should be done. His hat was pulled firmly down over his head, almost to his ears, and a handkerchief, which had one day been white, was folded carefully about his neck. " Mr. Wontus !"' he cried, as he leaned over that gentleman's seat, and supported himself by its back. Mr. Wontus looked '• I ve . ' Further remarks were lost in the clatter of the wheels and the sudden backing of the speaker, caused by the train moving around a curve. "What did you say?' yelled Mr. Wontus, with his hand at his ear to catch the reply. Clatter, clatter, clatter ! went the wheels. Skruge, bang ! went the couplings. Whew, whew, whew ! screamed the whistle, and the cars rocked and swayed as only cars can rock and sway. Mr. Wilkins held firmly to the seat, and Mr. Wontus looked into his face in expectation of what was to come. A conversation held in the cars is never a very agreeable one, but it is particularly ti-^ing and vexatious when the car is an old one, the track a rough one, and the train bounding along at what is very properly called break-neck speed. This w:is exactly the sort of a train that the party had taken passage on, and when Mr. Wilkins succeeded in assuming an upright position, and a moment afterward was cast headlong across Mr. Xidd's legs, nobody was particularly astonished, except the two gentlemen most concerned. Whether Mr. Nidd con- sidered the unceremonious conduct of Mr. Wilkins intentional or not I cannot say, but I am enabled to relate that which immediately followed, to wit : After the first shock Mr. Nidd's face wore a really savage expression, and as the prostrate form of Wilkins lay across his knees, his mind may have wandered back to the moment wherein the man who was now so com- pletely in his power had used his name in a rather unwarrant- THE CORPS OF OBSEBVATION. 189 able way ; at any rate, he no sooner noticed who the party was. than he seized him by the neck, and before Mr. Wontus could interfere, commenced exercising his fist on the party's head, neck, and back, very much after the same fashion that he would have exercised it on the drum in an accompaniment to a wonderfully quick march. Mr. Wilkins was no passive party to all this, but displayed his interest in the affair by shouting and kicking to an extent truly wonderful. The more he kicked the more Mr. Nidd thumped, until at length the friendly arms of Mr. Wontus interfered, and Mr. Wilkins was allowed to gather himself up from the floor, where he had cast himself the moment Mr. Nidd relaxed his muscular exercise. It was a relief to everybody to get out of the car at Balti- more ; and, leaving Mr. Wilkins to attend to the transportation of the baggage, the other gentlemen proceeded at once to the steamboat, which left for Fortress Monroe in the evening. There was plenty of time ; and aft«r the tickets and the necessary military passes had been secured, and the luggage stacked away, Mr. Wontus gave notice that each and every member of the corps was at liberty to do as he pleased until five o'clock, at which hour the boat would leave her moorings. Wontus and Nidd declared their intention to remain on the boat, but Wilkins and Thomson concluded to do otherwise, and accordingly made their way toward the Canton-street railroad depot. Mr. Thomson's conduct while in Washington had been of such an exemplary character that he had not only husbanded his own resources, but had also won numerous small rewards from his employer, and hence to-day, in the parlance of the times, he was pretty well " fixed," which, when explained, means that he had a fair amount of money. Pecuniarily, Mr. AVilkins was not " fixed" at all, but as that was a matter which seldom disturbed him so long as his com- panions were, Mr. Wilkins went along quite gleefully, first borrowing and treating, and then changing the condition of things a little by treating and borrowing afterward. That this suited both gentlemen there can be no question. Mr. Thom- son had confidence in human nature, and believed that the liberal loans he was making to his friend would be returned, and, per consequence, his pleasure was actually costing him nothing. Mr. Wilkins's intentions were of the very highest order, but his almost constant mingling of pleasure with duty 190 WOXTUS, OR invariably rendered his most excellent intentions null and void ; he therefore borrowed with impunity. I do not know that there is any particular fascination about a railroad depot ; in fact, I am sure there is not, except that it affords one a fine opportunity to have a hasty glance at hasty people ; and yet what stranger who had time hanging heavily on his hands ever passed a railroad depot without going in and tiiking a look around ? If there are any such, Messrs. Thomson and Wilkins were exceptions. The Canton- street depot fell in their way, and they walked in. A train of cars had just come in, and was freighted, as was usual, with a goodly number of soldiei-s. It was rather a novel sight for Mr. Thomson, and, steadying himself by the doorway, he gazed vacantly into the faces as they passed. I am thoroughly convinced in my own mind, and the circumstance which I am about to relate proves the correctness of my belief, that Mr. Thomson did not see arfV single individual who passed him. The fiice of a man partially drunk would certainly never be chosen by an artist for the study of intelligence, and I am brought to this conclusion by the fact that while Mr. Thomson stood leanins; against the doorwav. a number of men came alons: CD ~ 1/ - O whose faces, I am sure. Mr. Thomson would have recollected, had he been in his sober senses. There were Birkill, 3Iagdus, Captain Haskius, Smith, McMinigan, and, if I mistake not, all the other heroes of Mr. Thomson's first eifort at being a gen- tleman. The party were dressed in the livery of that ubiqui- tous old gentleman, Uncle Sam, and appeared to be in the same flow of good spirits which characterized them on Mr. Thomson's first acquaintance, at the oyster wharves elsewhere. It was no unusual thing, in these early days of the war, for parties who had been boys and men together for years to enlist in a body, and it so occurred that the gentlemen above referred to had been attacked by the war fever, and were now eu route to join their regiment. " I tell you it's him," cried Birkill. as he called the attention of the party to the form of Thomas Thomson. '' B'lieve my soul it is," replied Captain Magdus. " And he don't see us," said Birkill, hairing the party, and a merry twinkle coming into his eyes. " Here's some fun !" he continued, after a moment's pause. " Follow me !" and then, to the inspiring vocal strains of " The Girl I left Behind THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION: 191 Mc," with the imitation drum accompaniment, the party moved aloni?, and by the nn^rest accident in the world, tirst hustled Mr. Thomson from his support, and then allowed him to t'.U to the ground. There was considerable surprise and no littb solicitude manifested by the party when it was discovered that a gentleman had been accidental/ >/ knocked down, but when the gentleman was picked up, and was discovered to be '• our old friend, Mr. Thomson without the ' p,' "the surprise was doubled, and the most friendly congratulations and inquiries followed. After Mr. Wilkins had been introduced, the entire party proceeded to the boat. It wanted but a few moments of the hour for the vessel to start, and as Thomas Thomson expressed a desire to remain out of the sight of Mr. Wontus, he was carefully deposited on a pile of quartermaster's stores, in the gangway, while Mr. Wilkins and the others fell to enjoying themselves as best suited their fancy. Mr. Wontus was quietly enjoying what is expressively called a " snooze," and Mr. Nidd was taking a view of Fort McHenry, and wondering that the sentinels who paced the wall by the edge of the water did not first fall asleep and then fall into the water, when the bell tapped, and the hurry and bustle of easting ofi" the fastenings commenced. This roused Mr. Nidd from his reverie, and he took his stand on the promenade deck at the rear of the boat. '' Cast off that stern hawser !" cried the captain, and the wheels commenced to revolve. " Cast loose, for'ard, there !" This was all Mr. Nidd heard, for an object in the shape of a man, with a large traveling-bag in his hand, came moving down the street at a rapid rate of speed, sawing the air with his disengaged hand, and yelling at the top of his voice for the boat to wait for him. For a moment Mr. Nidd stood as though riveted to the spot. His hands nervously clutched the taffrail, and he bent forward to be better able to see the face of the new-comer. The man came nearer, and a moment more would see him upon the boat. The tide was running out swiftly, and the motion of the wheels was fast moving the craft out into the stream. If they were stopped there was a fair chance that the party would get aboard. But they were not, and all because Mr. Nidd suddenly cried out "Scribendi!" and (piickly followed that exclamation Avith " Let her go ! Cast off them ropes! Be lively ! be quick — botheration! be quick!" 192 WOXTUS, OR These expressions. startHnfr in themselves, were accompanied by a series of frantic gesticulations, which drew the attention not only of the officers of the boat, but everybody else, to the speaker, and induced the pilot to believe that something ter- rible had happened or was about to happen, and to ring on more steam; the ultimate result of which was that the boat shot rapidly forward, and left the wharf just far enough be- hind to prevent the gentleman on shore from undertaking to leap on board. The whole affair occurred under the imme- diate and intensely interested supervision of Mr. Nidd ; and no sooner did he observe the result, and the disappointed look which the face of the man on the slip wore, than he threw his head back, placed his thumbs in the arm-holes of his waistcoat, and then and there actually danced what he in- tended for a most triumphant jig. The conduct of 3Ir. Nidd on this occasion was without question malevolent ; for, as he stood on the deck, his eyes fixed on the receding form of his rival, a shade of pleasurable emotion appeared to glide over his countenance, and, without deig-ning to give any one a reason for his singular behavior, he walked to his state-room, muttering the word, " Beautiful !" CHAPTER XYL DOWN THE CHESAPEAKE — THE PIRATES, AND THE HERO- ISM OF BENJAMIN WILKINS. The coolness of the sea air. together with the monotonous motion of the boat, soon lulled the passengers into silence, and afterwards to sleep, and the next morning dawned very much the same as it dawns on all other mornings when the weather is clear. When it became light enough to distinguish objects at a distance, the form of Thomas Thomson was seen standing on the forward deck, his hands resting on the rail, and his eyes fixed upon the foaming water beneath him. As he stood there his face wore an expression of deep distress, if not despair, and he mentally vowed, as he had done before, that he would never get drunk any more. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 193 The sun was just showing his face over the tops of the pine trees which fringed the eastern shore of the bay when lAIr. ^ Wontus stepped out from his state-room, accompanied by Mr. Nidd. The two made their way to the promenade deck, where they were shortly joined by Mr. Wilkins. "A grand and imposing morning," said Mr. Wontus, stretching his arms and beating his breast with his hands. '' And lies left behind," said Mr. Nidd, rubbing his hands. " Left behind !" cried Mr. Wontus, wonderingly. " Who is left behind ?" Mr. Nidd made no reply ; his mind appeared to be wander- ing back to the evening before, when he had been so instru- mental in clearing the boat from her fastenings, and thereby leaving an anxious gentleman on shore. Mr. Wontus found it necessary to repeat his question. " Scribendi !— Edward Pason Montcalm Higginson." As Mr. Nidd spoke he laughed most immoderately, and as such conduct on his part was extraordinary, Mr. Wontus looked more astonished than ever, and asked Mr. Nidd if he had slept well, and if he felt well now. " I am almost sorry," said Mr. Nidd, after a pause, and without heeding his friend's query concerning his health, " that I didn't let him get aboard. (A pause, during which Mr. Nidd looked down into the water.) I'd have drowned him." he continued, his face assuming an almost savage ex- pression. " Would I forgive him ? I'll see ; yes, I'll see. This was said as though he was speaking to himself; and more of the same style might have followed had it not been that Mr. Wontus interrupted by demanding an explanation. The whole affair was a mystery to him, and he feared that Nidd might be afflicted with the primary symptoms of lunacy. Mr. Nidd therefore explained, and the party soon after retired to breakfast. n t x a It was after breakfast, for the boat was unusually late, and Mr. Wontus and Nidd were sitting on the after-deck, smoking their cio-ars and listening to the conversation of the passengers concernmg the conduct of the war (a veiy popular subject at this time), when Mr. Wilkins approached and asked Mr. Wontus for the loan of his cigar until he lit his. ^^ " This is a perfect inland sea,— a beautiful sheet of water, said Mr. Wontus, without addressing anybody in particular. I 17 194 WO X TVS, OR " Very fine," said Mr. Nidrl. puffinir his cigar. " It 'minds me," said Mr. Wilkins, sitting down and placing his feet on the chair in front of him, and holding his cigar between his fingers, '' of a voyage I once made in tlie Caribbean Sea. The pirates were very troublesome at that time." " Pirates !" interrupted Mr. Wontus, turning to Mr. AVilkins, and speaking in accents of interest; " I've often read of them, but it has never been my good fortune to meet with a man who has come in contiict with them." '•Didn't?" asked Mr. Wilkins, nonchalantly. '• Never !" said Mr. Wontus. " Oh, I've met 'em, often, in different ways and latitudes," replied AVilkius. pufl&ng his cigar again. '' Indeed !" cried Mr. Wontus. '• Why, I thought they were such blood-thirsty people that no man was ever left to tell the tale." " Nor they ain't, as a general thing," said Mr. Wilkins. " And you met them ? — the pirates themselves?" " Yes." "And escaped ?" "Yes." " Didn't lose your life?" It was a rather singular question under the circumstances. " No, but I had considerable trouble to save it, although I didn't think much of it then." This was said by Mr. Wilkins in such a manner as to convey the idea that he considered it but an every-day affiiir, and would like to drop the subject. But Mr. Wontus was interested, and insisted on hearing the story. '' We have plenty of time yet," said he. " The captain says that we will not be in for an hour or two, and I should like to hear you tell it. Wouldn't we. Nidd ?" Mr. Nidd, thus appealed to, thought he would oblige 3Ir. Wontus, and accordingly said " We would. ' " It was just such a place as this here, but a little off shore," said Mr. Wilkins. clearing his throat and moving his hand toward the land. '' We had touched at Barbadoes the day be- fore to take on the captain's niece, one of the most beautiful and interestin' young ladies I ever saw ; and was all a lookin' to a quick and safe pa.ssage home, and in a pretty general high good humor. We were standin' a little to the no'th of east, under a stiff breeze, with the mizzeu, spanker, fo'-top gallants, THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 195 all the jibs, mains'l, and maintop studdin' sails all set and trim ; and the skys'l in the wind. (A pause.) But>— indeed, gen- tlemen, I don't want to be horrofierin' you with scenes like this one was." And Mr. Wilkins again smoked his cigar. " Go on, Mr. Wilkins, go on !" cried Mr. Wontus, turning round in his chair and looking at Wilkins. " Go on, sir ; I demand— we demand it. Don't we, Nidd ?" Mr. Nidd said " We do," and the story proceeded. " Well," continued the story-teller, " I was, at this time, the first mate of the brig Galatsea, as trim and snug a craft as ever carved the water of the ocean, and almost as swift as the Flyin' Dutchman. Captain Jacobs, of the State of Maine, was her commander, and I was the first officer. We were sailin' along on the outside of the islands, and were just a little off" Martin- ique, when a lively-lookin' ketch shot out from under the land up toward Dominica, — I'm partic'lar about the places, because I want to come right down to the facts,— and made right for us, with all her canvas pullin' like a harpooned whale. There wasn't nothin' singular about the boat, and I've seen hundreds of 'em pass the ship without givin' 'em the slightest particle of notice, but this here feller kind of somehow or another ex- cited my attention, and says I to myself, says I, ' Ben, better keep your weather eye open, old boy ;' and, by gracious ! I did, old man. Bonaparte can say what he pleases, gentlemen, about Providence bein' on the side of the heaviest artillery,^ but my experience is that Provey's somewhere else too, sometimes." " Quite right,'- remarked Mr. Wontus, in an attitude of deep attention. " Quite right." " You see, our ship bein' a merchantman, didn't have more than enough men to work her, and very few arms ; so without lettin' on, says I to old Joe Bunker, one of the fo'-top men, ' Joe, you go down in the hold and get out that chist of cut- lasses, and send 'em up along with all the muskets you can find. I want,' says I, ' to see just what there is on this here ship, and clean things up, so that when we get into port we can invite folks on board and make somethin' like a show.' The old man didn't say nothin', nor did I, for I didn't want to raise no fuss or alarm, but I thought I'd just have things ready, and if there wasn't any occasion to use 'em, why, it wasn't any trouble to put 'em away again ; all the time, though, I kind of thought that we'd want 'em, and kept my eye on 196 WOXTUS, OR the ketch." (The speaker ceased, and commenced vigorously puffing his cigar.) ''She looked innocent enough, was as light as a duck, and was now just abreast of the waist of the ship, and seemed to be gettin' in on the same tack as ourselves, without comin' closer ; but still I watched her, and it was a pretty good thing I did, for it gave us a show which we wouldn't a' had if I hadn't. It wasn't long before Joe sent the chist and the muskets up, and I was look in' at 'em ; thinks I, them's pretty heavy war material, but I didn't say nothin', only call a couple of men and start 'em to gettin' out the am- munition and cleanin' the muskets up. The chist I undertook to open myself, but, be thunder ! it was rusted clean shut and the hinges wouldn't move, so I sent for a screw-driver and took the hinges off. (Smoke.) Now, gentlemen, a screw- driver ain't much of an instrument for fightin' with, is it?" Mr. Wontus said it was not, and the bystanders agreed with him, " Well, while I was gettin' out the cutlasses, the young lady come along, looking so sweet and nice, that I almost trembled when I looked at her. " ' What are you doin', Mr. Wilkins?' says she, kickin' the butt of a musket with her pretty little foot. " ' Oh, just brightneu' up things,' says I ; ' when we've got handsome young ladies aboard we've got to have things lookin' ship-shape.' " ' Why,' says she, a-smilin' in a way that most made my heart sick, ' you look as if you were cxpectin' a corsair to attack us, and you were makin' preparations to defend us.' " ' Oh, I guess not,' says I. And I took a sly squint at my ketch over the taffrail. " ' Oh, I hope one will come ! I would so love to see a real live corsair, such as I have read about.' And the young lady went on a-clappin' her hands in high delight. Directly says she, a-soberin' down and lookin' regretful like, ' I don't believe any will come ; but I wish they would ; I do so.' And sayin' this, she flung herself around and passed aft." " Brave girl ! very brave girl !" said some of the passengers, who had become interested listeners. " Fool ! " said Mr. Xidd, without raising his head or show- ing the slightest emotion. Mr. Wontus cast a glance at his friend, and would probably THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 197 have made some rem:irk had it not been for Mr. Wilkins, who secured a new light tor his cigar, and continued : '' It was about four bells, I guess, when I first spied my gentleman, and it was now nearly noon, and yet the feller had been about the same distance off for the last hour. Every- thing was now in as good order as it could be put in, and the guns was all loaded, and I kept 'em on deck without creatin' any talk by sayin' we'd have a salute at sundown in honor of the young lady. (Smoke.) ' Now, Benjamin,' says I, ' you've done about what's right, you'd better go aloft and see what you can see.' Up I goes, and I had hardly got into the top when the ketch laid her helm hard aport, and was makin' right for us. (Smoke.) From where I was I could see her deck through the glass ; but there was nothin' there but the cove at the" helm and two or three fellers tendin' sail. I commenced to think that I'd been mistaken after all, and that the feller was nothin' more'n a market craft, when I spied some move- ments about the aft hatch, and two or three heads stick out and then dart back again. This was pretty convincin' evidence that the feller wasn't exactly snug and right, so I goes down on deck and tell the captain the whole affair. " ' Mr. Wilkins,' says he, in a partic'lar laughin' way he had when he didn't exactly take things in, ' I guess there ain't nothin' the matter with the feller ; there ain't none of them kind of people in these waters about now, I'm of the opinion ; but it won't hurt nothin' to put on a little more sail, and we'll leave him astern just for fun.' " ' Ay, ay, cap,' says I ; but I meant to keep a bright eye in my head, and I went on deck and had the ship dressed in all the canvas she owned. My eyes ! she nearly jumped out of the water, and I commenced to think that the thing was about over, when old Joe Bunker comes up, and, says he, ' xMr. Wilkins, them fellers is a-catchin' up on to us.' I looked over the rail, and, by gracious ! there the ketch come sure enough, a-jumpin' through the water like mad, and with my naked eye I could see her deck a-swarmin' with as dirty a lookin' set of thieves as ever st<)od up under canvas. " ' Beat to quarters !' I yelled, thinkin' I was on board a man-o'-war. But it didn't make any difference, for it seemed as if everybody understood the thing at once ; and, nearly as 17* 198 woxTUS, on quick as it takes me to tell it, every man had his musket and sabre : some of 'em had two sabres. '' ' What in the devil's up ?' cried Captain Jacobs, comin' out of the cabin, with the young lady close behind him. " ' Up?' says I. ' The devils up !' And I pointed to the ketch, which was glidin' over the water like a gull, and comin' close and closer every minute. " ' Put on more sail !' cried the captain. " ' Can't do it, sir,' says I. ' She's got all she'll hold now.' The captain thro wed his eyes aloft, and seen the truth of my ■words. " ' The Galatea never was beat a-sailin', cried the captain, 'and she sha'n't be beat now.' " A murmur ran through the crowd of listeners, and Mr. Wilkins smoked more vigorously than ever. " I cast my eye at the ketch, which was now jumpin' along like a race-horse, and beside which the Galataea seemed to be a snail, and then I looked at the lovely girl. There she stood, her silky tresses wavin' in the breeze, and her blue eyes flashin' like lanterns on a dark night. Her brow was clouded, ^ and her ruby lips was frozed together like chunks of coral. (Smoke.) I can't say exactly that I know what love is, gen- tlemen, but at that moment I rather think that I loved that girl, for I made up my mind that, live or die, sink or swim, bust up or go down, I'd stand by her. ' Ben Wilkins,' says I, 'you shall do it !' and shiver my tarry top-lights if I didn't. But there wasn't much time to think of anything, so I glanced around at the men ; but. from the looks of things, I felt that there wasn't much to be looked for from them, and the captain had gone below for his pistols. " ' Miss,' says I, stcppin' up to the young woman. ' can you fight?' " ' Fight ?' says she, her lips curlin' and her beautiful eyes snappin'. 'Fight? Indeed, I can! But I haven't got no arms.' " '• There's a pistol,' says I, handin' one of my weapons to her. I turned my attention to other things." " Astonishing !" interrupted Mr. Wontus. " Astonishin' ? Well, I should think it was. But just hold on a minute. Directin' the girl to stand by me, and tellin' her that no harm should come to her except over my THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. ]<)9 lifeless body, I took another look over the side, and there was the ketch, swarmin' with pirates, just under our (quarter. " ' Here they come, boys !' I cried, and I jumped for a cut- lass. Old Joe Bunker jumped at the same time, and as soon as we got our weapons, me and him and the girl went to the poop and prepared ourselves for the muss." (Here Mr. Wil- kins paused for a moment, as though overcome by the memo- ries of that dreadful day.) " Poor man ! I've never seen Captain Jacobs since. We had hardly got the lady sheltered behind us when the devils come a-rushin' over the side like a parcel of monkeys. There must have been over a hundred of 'em, and our crew didn't count over twenty-two men, all told ; and each of 'em was armed with a kind of a spear like a boat-hook, and a big knife. I can never forget 'em. As they crawled along the bulwarks, they looked so much like the blood-thirsty monsters which I fell in with once off the coast of Africa. But somethin' had to be done, so I sung out to look out for them ; and then such a scene took place as I hope, as I am a livin' man, I never want to see again. The boys had got together on the fo'cas'le, and were poppin' away as fast as they could load ; but the thieves dropped over the sides, and hid behind the galley and other places, until there must have been more than half of the whole crowd on the ship. Of course, Joe and I weren't idle, and we made more than one of the bloody scoundrels roll round in his own gore durin' the time they were gettin' together for a charge." " The girl ! the young lady !" cried Mr. Wontus, excitedly. "What was she doing?" " She? — she was couchin' behind the binnacle. I wouldn't let her expose her life needlessly, although she kept her pistol cocked, and often wanted to have a shot. But I couldn't allow it, you see, gentlemen ; I couldn't allow it." " Certainly not !" cried a chorus of voices. " Well, the whole thing took place in a flash, and before I knowed exactly what had been done, there wasn't a man of all our crew left standin' on the deck. The pirates rushed into the poor fellers in a mob, and them that they didn't spear or cut down with their knives they chucked overboard, and the deck was swimmin' with blood. The crew fighted well, — like tigers, — but the number was overpowerin', and they caved like srass before the mower. The cuttin' and slashin' was 200 TVOXTUS, OR horrible, and for a moment — only a moment — I didn't know wliiit to do. There was one big feller, with a red cap on his head, who appeared to be the leader, and thinks I to myself, ' If I can get you, this thing may make a change yet.' I was just runnin' this through my mind when the pirates got a sight of the young woman's dress floatin' in the wind, and, with a fiendish howl, they started aft. My mind was made up in a moment, and tellin' the girl to keep quiet, and biddin' Joe follow me, I dashed down ofi" the poop and made for 'em, Joe just behind me. (Smoke.) " A good many of the devils was a-lookin' after plunder about the ship, but there must have been more nor a dozen under the command of the feller with the red cap. We met 'em about amidships, and me and the feller with the red cap commenced business immediately. I pulled my pistol on bim, but she missed fire, and then we closed. The man was nearly double my heft, and fought like a fiend. But it was no use, for we clinched; and I just doubled him over backwards, arid then rammed the end of his spear-handle down his throat, and he went under. (Sensation on the part of the listeners.) When I got time to look around, Joe was a-lyin' dead at my feet, with about a dozen lyin' dead around him, every one bearin' the wide mark of Joe's cutlass. But there wasn't much time to do any lookin' or thinkin' either just about then ; so, drawin' my weapon, I sailed into the crowd, and beat 'em back to near the fo'mast, where they turned on me, and things got warmer than I ever want to see 'em again, I tell you.'^ "How many were in the crowd which you and Joe attacked in the first place ?" asked Mr. Xidd, looking up. " Well, over a dozen, I reckon." " And Joe had a dozen dead ones piled around him, had he?" " Yes." " Well now, Mr. Wilkins, how many was in the party you drove to the mast?" A murmur ran through the crowd of listeners. The narrator saw that he had made a slight mistake, and sought to rectify it. " You see," said he, placing his cigar in his mouth and rolling it around like a cow does her cud, " there was a lot of 'em come up out of the fo'hatch just as THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 201 I was a scttlin' the leader, so after Joe had finished his men there was as many more left." The explanation was evidently satisfactory, and the speaker continued : " My idea was to keep myself between the pirates and the girl, but, gentlemen, it wasn't within the range of a human bein's power to do it, for they crowded around me as thick as flies in a sugar bar'l, and I had to take the best ground I could to defend myself I kept 'em back a long while, and we cut and slashed in fine style. I don't think I ever made so many — and I've made considerable — narrow escapes in my life. Why, really my clothin' was fairly shaved off from my body, and one feller would have taken off my head if I hadn't been a little too quick for him and dodged ; as it was he cut off all the hair on the top of my head so thunderin' close that I looked as if I was bald. (Another murmur in the crowd.) But I stuck to 'em until my strength commenced to give out, and then castin' my eyes to the poop, I saw that it was all up, for two or three of the scoundrels were there and was holdin' the strugglin' girl by the arms. 'Here's the only chance left,' says I ; so knockin' three or four of 'em down with my fists, I took hold of the mainstay, and, before they recovered themselves, I pulled myself, hand over hand, out of their reach, and then swung myself on to the main yard-arm and took a blow. But maybe I'm tirin' you, gentlemen?" said Mr. Wilkins, complacently, after a pause. " No ; go on ! go on !" cried Mr. Wontus and others. "Go on!" The speaker went on : " But I wasn't allowed to rest there long before a half-dozen of the pirates commenced climbin' the shrouds, holdin' their knives in their teeth. Says I, ' Ben, your time's about come ;' but bein' a good swimmer I made up my mind that I'd make one more effort, so just as they were climbin' over the main-top I dropped down into the sea with a yell, and swam under the ship's bottom, where I took hold of the keel and held fast till I felt sure that the pirates would believe I had gone to the bottom or been devoured by sharks (Smoke.) " I forgot to mentK)n," said the speaker, pausing, " that I dropped my cutlass durin' the fight on deck, and picked up the screw-driver and rammed it in my belt just as I was goiu' I* 202 woyrus, or up the stay. I mention this here because that screw-driver is of considerable account in the completion of this story, or was to me, anyhow. Well, as I was sayiu', I held fast to the keel for some considerable time, and then pulled myself along the bottom till I saw the ketch move off, and the ship luff around into the wind and move toward the shore. Now, thinks I, most of 'em have gone and now's the time for me to act. Climbin' up the cut-water, which was pretty hard work, I swung myself on the martingale, got on to the jib- boom and took a peep over the deck ; and there, what a sight met my eyes ! (Smoke.") The deck was swimmin' with blood, and not more than fifteen or twenty of the pirates were left to navigate the ship. There was the mu-kets a-layin' scattered over the fo' castle, but there were two or three of the villains between me and them, and I commenced to form a plan for gittin' to 'em. I had no weapons, leastwise I thought I hadn't, when my hand accidentall}^ touched the screw-driver in my belt, and my heart liked to have jumped out of my mouth with gladness. Have you ever been that way ?" asked Mr. Wilkins, stopping the story and looking round at the party ; but before any one had an opportunity to reply he an- swered the question himself, and commenced to furnish a dis- sertation on the different feelings w^hich come over a man under sundry circumstances which he mentioned. In fact, he waded so deeply into his new subject that it was only after a rather severe reprimand from Mr. Wontus that he went on with the narrative. "AYell, to return," said he. "The moment I felt the screw-driver in my hand, that minute I felt that there was hope. For myself I didn't care ; but the desire to save the beautiful creature, thus left alone among a barid of ferocious, unchristian devils, gave me new strength, and I felt that I could fight a regiment. The fellers between me and the mus- kets had their backs to me ; so slidin' down the boom, with the screw-driver in my right hand, I made one bound for the nearest man, and sunk the tool so hard into his back that it came out the other side. Quick as lightnin' I drew it from his body, and sunk it into another feller, while with my left hand I twisted another's head so bad that hp fell down dead. So in I went, the sight of warm, fresh blood addiu' fuel to my infuriated passion, until I reached the muskets. Once among THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION: 203 tlie muskets, with all the pirates at the stern, I commenced lo.alin' and firin' as fast as I could, and in less than ten minutes there wasn't a live head to be seen anywhere on the ship s deck except the young lady. I called to her to conic to me, and she did, and throwed her arms around my neck and called me her deliverer. (Smoke.) But this wasn't no time for thanks, so I went to work a-batterin' down the hatches, to keep the skunks below that had gone there to keep clear of me. When that was done, I commenced lookin' around to see how things stood. There was the ketch a-sailiu' otf as gay as a lark, thinkin' that the Galat'^a would follow. But she didn't, for, takin' the young woman to the wheel, I showed her how to keep the ship steady. Then I went to work throwin' the carcasses overboard, and there must have been over fifty of 'em, all told, — all pirates. (Sensation and more smoke.) " I soon got things pretty well fixed, and then went to the wheel myself Of course, the girl was about played out with the scenes she'd seen and the work she'd done, but she didn't want to give up ; but it was no use. So makin' her sit down I commenced manoeuvrin' the ship, so as to make the pirates on the ketch think she was becalmed, and in that way night come and give us a chance to escape. They signaled once or twice, and I throwed the ship around into the wind to fool 'em, and when the sun went down they was hull down. As soon as they were out of sight I tacked ship, and by morniu' was far enough out of their reach." " But what became of the ship and the young lady ?" asked Mr. AVoutus, as Wilkins ceased speaking, and was about to move Oil. " AV'hy, we had a good breeze and fine weather," he con- tinued, turning round, " and takin' turns, me and the girl sailed her into New Orleans in less than a fortnight, and there I left her to keep my business engagements in another quar- ter. The pirates who had hid in the hold I kept there, and delivered them to the authorities, and they were hung." "But the girl?" queried Mr. Wontus. '' Well, me and her were pretty thick, that's a fiict, and the owners wanted me to marry her and take charge of the Ca- lat^a, but I hadn't time, and one evenin' I just cleared out without sayin' a word to anybody, and I've never seen any of 'em since." 204 WOXTUS, OR " Wonderful !" said Mr. Nidd, skeptically. " Self-sacrificing !" said Mr. Wontus. "Deserved a great reward," said a score of voices; and amid the exclamations of surprise which this rather remark- able story had elicited, Mr. Wilkins threw his cigar over- board, and modestly withdrew^ from the party. "A great liar !" said Mr. Nidd, looking after the retreating form of the hero. " Baron Munchausen must look to his laurels as long as that man lives. Munchausen himself " "Mr. Xidd ! Mr. Nidd!" cried Mr. Wontus, interrupting, " be a little charitable. Perhaps the man has gone through these things. In fact, from his earnest manner and his great familiarity with the subject, I have no doubt of it." " You're right, old man," cried a voice on the outside of the crowd, which sounded like Mr. Birkell's ; " I was on that ship myself; was one of 'em that was chucked overboard. I swam ashore, and am here to corroborate the story, — every word of it. It's as true as preachin'." Mr. Wontus jumped to his feet the moment the words were spoken, and, slapping Nidd on the shoulder, with a tri- umphant look in his eye, demanded to know what he (Nidd) thought of that. The bystanders also manifested considerable interest. But the boat was approaching her landing, and amid the bustle and excitement which followed this event, the affair was completely swallowed, and some important informa- tion probably lost forever. CHAPTER XVII. NIDD MEETS WITH A TERRIBLE ADVENTURE, AND THE CORPS MAKES SUNDRY ACQUAINTANCES OF AN AGREE- ABLE CHARACTER. Few of my readers, I dare say, have ever met in society or elsewhere the renowned Doctor ^sculapius, yet I imagine him to be pretty well known for all that, for on every side I hear of his beautiful daughter Hygeia. I am not certain, but I presume that it must have been the fashion of the day in THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 205 which this daughter was born to the doctor, for each and every one of the female sex to assume some degree or title, for I find it recorded that this young lady grew to the years of mature womanhood without experiencing the mumps or the measles, or any of the other events which mark the passing years of youth, and hence on arriving at that interesting age was christened Hygeia, the goddess of health. Now the young woman being christened a goddess, and goddesses being quite fashionable, and fashionable people being much sought after, suggests the thought that the hotel at Fortress Monroe is called the Hygeia. A hotel anywhere along the sea-coast and in the vicinity of a fort is not generally such an important afiair as to become a matter of history, and yet there is something so exceedingly odd and interesting about this hotel, just at this time, that I cannot forbear mentioning it. Now by this I do not mean that the hotel itself — that is, the building and the different rooms — is very odd ; but I refer more particularly to the people who inhabit the hotel, and may be considered as fix- tures, either of the building or its immediate vicinity. It was Sunday morning that the Wontus Corps of Observa- tion first laid eyes on the Hygeia Hotel, and saw its dark and sombre background, the walls of Fortress Monroe. A few clouds had made their appearance in the sky, and the weather was warm and murky. I cannot say whether Mr. Wontus was aware of the fact that it was Sunday or not, but when at length the boat was fastened to the wharf he insisted that the corps should remain on board, and it was not until every other passenger had gone ashore that Mr. Wontus and his party ventured up the gang-plank to where the captain of the boat was standing. Once here, Mr. Wontus inquired if his baggage could remain aboard until he had secured apartments at the hotel, and being answered in the affirmative, he took Mr. Nidd's arm and sauntered up the wharf. The scene was so entirely new to him that he lost no time in expressing his delight, which at each moment was heightened by some new object meeting his gaze, and ere he had gone many steps he stood stock still and looked about him. Directly in front of him stood the hotel, its white walls peeping out from amidst the green shrubbery, and behind it were the gray walls of the fort, from whose parapet looked 18 206 wax TVS, or outward the black muzzles of the heavy g:uns of defense. In his rear lie the pleasant waters of Hampton Roads, in the middle of which were the Rip-raps, with its derricks and tripods, a shapeless mass of hny:(i stones and iron ; and farther over were the glittering white sands of the shores, gradually losing themselves in the Elizabeth River. To his right were the capes and the open sea in the distance, and nearer was the red hull of the light-sliip rocking in the silent, ncver-cea.sing swell of the ocean. On the left, and beyond the shipping which lie at anchor in the dim distance, the James River came stealing down until it mingled with the Elizabeth and is lost in the waters of the Roads ; while nearer is the faint outline of Newport News, and the grounds made forever memorable by the Monitor and Merrimac but a few days before. Shore- ward are seen the tree-tops where the village of Hampton stood, and still nearer the marine hospitid stands like a vidette picket on the bleak sands of the Peninsula. Coming closer are the camps of troops, and still nearer is the settlement of contrabands. All these things Mr. Wontus saw and admired ; not only admired himself, but compelled the com- pany to join him in his admiration and agi*ee in his remarks. The passengers, and those who had flocked to the boat to secure the newspapers of the day before, had left the wharf, but still ]Mr. Wontus and his party lingered. Now the freight was being landed ; all the space was needed, and the corps was politely requested to move on. The party started, and. in all probability would have gone directly to the hotel, but fur the directions from a sentinel to " go in there," pointing at the same time to a small frame building, over the door of which were the words " Provost 3Iai*shal.'' Mr. Wontus looked at Nidd, then at the guard, and then at the words over the door. It was evident that he still retained some recollection of his Washington experience, for no sooner had he comprehended the meaning of the words than he almost upset Mr. Nidd by the suddenness of his movements in the direction indicated by the sentinel. '' Your passes, gentlemen," said an officer who was sitting behind a small rough table in one corner of the little room. '' Yes, sir," said Mr. Wontus. and forthwith he commenced fumbling in his different pockets. But the passes were not there, and the great drops of perspiration stood out upon his THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 207 brow as he announced the fact that he could not find the documents. '' Very sorry, gentlemen ; but you will have to go on board the steamer auain and return to Baltimore. Persons not in the service and without written authority are not permitted to land on the Point." Mr. Nidd, who had been gazing out of the window, with his attention fixed on the shipping, to the exclusion of more impor- tant business, now turned round, and, seeing Mr. Wontus and the rest wearing such sorrowful countenances, asked the reason therefor, and was informed. His only reply was a low muttering, and he deposited the passes on the table. " All correct !" remarked the officer, scanning the papers ; and with more elasticity than was usual with him Mr. Wontus walked out of the room and led the way toward the hotel. " How very beautiful it is!" cried Mr. Wontus, as he reached the sidewalk running in front of the hotel, and pointing to the long, wide veranda which traversed the entire south front of the building. "How cool and refreshing it looks!" said he, plucking the leaves from an overhanging branch. " I suppose this is the entrance." And he laid his hand upon the gate and opened it. " Very quiet," said Mr. Nidd, looking up and down the veranda. " Somebody's dead, I reckon," remarked Mr. Wilkins, coming forward and manifesting his accustomed interest. " Shutters shut." " Ah, there's a man !" cried Wontus, as a soldier with his musket at a shoulder came slowly along the path. " We'll walk in." The gentlemen walked in. " Halt !" commanded the soldier, quickly, but not so quick as to prevent Mr. Wilkins from throwing himself at full length on the luxuriant grass. "You can't go in here, sir!" The last was addressed to Mr. Nidd, who was staring the man in the face in a manner which some people would be inclined to call impudent. " You must get out of here !" continued the soldier. " Certainly," said Mr. Wontus; and he walked out, accom- panied by Wilkins and Thomson. The day was warm, and the shade of the trees was most refreshing. Mr. Nidd con- cluded that he would stay where he was. 208 WOXTUS, OR " Yr»u must get out of here," said the guard, as Xidd seated himself on the steps and commenced fanning himself with his hat. "This way," cried Mr. Won t us, cheerfully ; and he passed on up the sidewalk. Mr. Nidd neitlier .spoke nor moved, his face wore a look of warm, stoical indifference, and he fanned himself vigorously. " Are you going out?" asked the soldier. Mr. Nidd made no reply, nor was there evpn the slightest indication that he had heard the remark. There was silence for a time, during which the soldier looked at Mr. Nidd, and Mr. Nidd looked at everything but the interrogator. " Come, come!"' said the guard, at length, speaking quickly, and looking about him as though he was fearful that he might be observed and thought negligent of his duty ; " you must got out of here, do you hear ?" Mr. Nidd cast a contemptuous glance at the guard, and then glanced up and down the porch. Placing his hat upon his head he at length stood upon his feet, aud the guard, believing that he was about taking his departure from the grounds and that portion of the building used by the military authorities for the storage of a variety of material, faced about and pro- ceeded on his beat. That the sentinel was mistaken in his conclusions there can be no reasonable doubt, for the moment his back was turned, Nidd very unceremoniously stepped along the sward, and again seated himself on the porch. From his new position he had a good view of Mr. Wontus. who was busily engaged in making sundry necessary inquiries of a number of gentlemen at the corner of the hotel. Mr. Nidd had planted" himself beneath the shade of a bushy apple-tree whose blossoms perfumed the air with their fragrance, and as he took off his hat and recommenced the fanning process, his face wore a more serene and contented appearance. He looked comfortable. I have heard of men, ignorant of the imminent peril which underlaid them, sitting on a barrel of powder, complacently smoking their pipes ; and I have often imagined how exceed- ingly uncomfortable they must have been when made ac- quainted with the fact. But there is a degi'ee of pleasure found in being in the midst of danger, when you feel sure in your own mind that either Providence or some arrangement THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 209 of your own makes you porfectly safe, which cannot be found in an}' other condition in life ; at least, such is my experience. But no matter. Mr. Nidd had fixed himself in the most comfortable atti- tude, and was enjoying the cool sea air which fanned his heated brow, when the guard again approached, but at such a distance that Mr. Nidd felt sure that he would escape his at- tention. And he bid fair to do so, for the guard passed slowly along, with his eyes turned toward the shipping. Not knowing exactly, I take the liberty of presuming, that most people have experienced that peculiar sensation caused by a most intense desire to scratch a certain part of the body just at some particular time when one's hands are in such a position or condition as to effectually prevent any such move- ment, and to make a noise just at some particular moment when it was your heart's greatest desire to remain perfectly quiet. At the very moment that jMr. Nidd believed that he was going to escape the vigilance of the guard and be allowed a continuation of his enjoyment, he was taken with an irre- pressible desire to sneeze. Now sneezing was something that Mr. Nidd was seldom afflicted with, but just now he felt that he must sneeze or die. In vain he pressed his handkerchief into his mouth and held his nose ; it icoidd come, and come it did, and in a most astounding fashion. Once, twice, three times he sneezed, and in such a manner as would astonish the ears of a cannoneer. Instinctively, the guard no sooner heard the sound emanating from a forbidden direction than he let his piece fall into the hollow of his left hand, and, gazing through the intermediate foliage, he demanded with an oath what ]Mr. Nidd was doing there. Had IMr. Nidd been inclined to answer, it is probable that he could not have articulated a word, for he was diligently applying his handkerchief to his nose, and large, pearly tears were standing in his eyes. The knowledge that the intruder had disobeyed the former orders to vacate the premises, and the rather nonchalant man- ner of Mr. Nidd, had evilently aroused the guard's ire, for, upon his receiving no reply to his request, without further ceremony he charged at Mr. Nidd with a rush, and barely gave that gentleman time to gather up his long legs and spiing on to the floor of the veranda before he was upon 18"- 210 WOXTUS, OR him. The reader knows that 3Ir. NidJ was by habit generally austere and didactic in his manner ; but now that he was op- posed in such a terrible manner, and had little or no exper- ience as to the duties or privileges of a soldier, his severe manner was increased, and the moment he was out of the way of the bayonet that moment he commenced such a tirade of abuse as to cause 3Ir. Wontus and the party to look round in wonder. " Come down out of there !" cried the soldier. " I'm a free American citizen," shouted Mr. Nidd, savagely, in return, '' and I'll see you cursed first !'' " I'll shoot you !" cried the soldier, cocking his piece, which, Mr. Xidd observed, was without a cap. "Shoot and be continentaled !'' cried Nidd, at the same time, however, seeking the protection of the pile of material on the porch. The sentinel was now thoroughly aroused. There was mis- chief lurking in his eye and manner. " I'll see about this !" said he ; and, with a bound, he leaped on to the floor, and, with his piece at a charge, he made at Nidd as though he thirsted for his blood. '' Go it, old man !" cried the party at the corner, now thor- oughly interested in the affair. But Mr. Xidd wanted no advice, for the determined manner and the vigorous lunges which the guard made at him whtn- ever he came near enough to warrant the effort was all that was necessary to induce him to go it just as fast as his leg's would carry him. The affair commenced to assume a serious as well as a ludicrous aspect ; serious to Mr. Nidd, but ludicrous to the bystanders. First around one corner of the heap of boxes went Nidd, his hat on the back of his head, and his eyes thrown to the rear in the most fearful manner, and close behind him came the g-uard. Now they went following each other round and round the pile, which reached nearly to the ceiling ; then they halt at different corners, and eye each other with fiendish glances, and the chase began again. The crowd of spectators became larger each moment, and the choicest mor- sels of advice were showered upon Nidd and his assailant. Again they halted, each peeping from his corner, each intent on doing his best,, and then around they went again. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 211 " Tear down the boxes !" slioiited a soldit;r from the fence. The guard cast his eye upward, and iMr. Nidd seized upon the moment to make a grand dash for lite and liberty. " There he goes !" cried tlie lookers-on, and round the cor- ner came the guard with quickened steps, and now the chase became more exciting than ever, " Stop, stop !" cried Mr. AVontus, drawing nearer ; but some- body politely requested him to mind his own business, and he did as he was directed, but not without first appealing to some of the bystanders to save his friend's life, which he considered was in danger, on account of the gleaming bayonet and the stalwart form behind it. Up and down, in and out, first dodging behind this tree and ^ then that, went the guard and Mr. Nidd, in the narrow place between the fence and the veranda ; and to everybody save the participants themselves the afi'air was most laughable. Mr. Nidd's face was now the color of a well-baked brick, and the perspiration stood out on his brow like huge beads, and trickled from the end of his nose as though that impor- tant feature had suddenly become a miniature fountain. On a straight run he was the better man, because of his long legs, but at close quarters and in dodging the guard was many de- grees his superior, for many reasons, but principally for his short legs. The aifair from the commencement had occupied but a few minutes, and now the end was drawing near. Twice in the last heat the guard had thrust at Mr. Nidd, and Nidd had escaped by the merest chance. It is probable that he would have run out at the gate, but every time that he essayed that movement his long legs occupied too much time in turn- ing the necessary corners, and the close proximity of the guard forbade the undertaking. But the denouement was at hand. Nidd had thrice successfully created erroneous ideas in the mind of his pursuer by some clever feints at the lower end of the inclosure, and now he sprang forward with huge strides, and made directly for the front yard, with the bayonet close behind him. It was now plain that he intended leaping the fence at any hazard of life or limb, and he was encouraged in his determination by Thomas Thomson, who, oblivious to all surroundings, was carrying on a most astonishing pantomimic performance intended to be expressive of his desire to see Mr. Nidd safely through his difiiculties. 212 WOXTUS, OR The decisive momeat was at hand. Gathering himself up for the leap, he clinched his hands and made the spring. His toes touched the top rail, his hands swung wildly in the air, and his eyes wore a horrifying expression ; his equipoise has been disturbed, and his body slanted to the right ; he is clear ; n(j, the guard is too close, and the bright bayonet flashes in the sunshine. An encouraging word escaped the lips of Mr. ^Vontus, and the spectators laughed gleefully. He struggles to clear his foot from the rail ; he succeeds ! No, it is too late, and the glittering bayonet is thrust forward like a flash, and Mr. Nidd tumbles, not to the ground, for the bayonet has punctured the back part of his trousers, and he is impaled on ^ its point, while the soldier makes a fulcrum of the fence, and holds the gentleman aloft, as an angler would a fish. It was all done with the quickness of thought, and the soldier rested l:is body on the st(X'k of his musket, while the long arms and longer legs of Mr. Nidd dangled in the air, like a huge spider dangling from his web. What hard-heiirted fellows these soldiers are ! This Mr. Wontus not only thought, but said, as he motioned Wilkins to follow him, and the two flew to the rescue. To extricate the gentleman from his uncomfortable position was a work of some magnitude, owing to the dogged indifference of the soldier, who hung to his musket and his victim with a satisfaction so grim as to excite feelings of the greatest disgust in the breast of our hero. At last the task was done, but not until the hands of two or three of the delicate-looking gentlemen who were standing by had lent their assistance. Mr. Nidd was once more upon his feet, while the guard stood leaning on his piece, eyeing the rent in his victim's pantaloons with savage pleasure. It was some minutes before Mr. Xidd regained his compo- sure, and the moment he did so he inspected his pantaloons, and then cast curses lung and deep upon the head of the soldier, who was now at a safe distance, perambulating his beat as though nothing had occurred to disturb the even current of his life. '• Most unfortunate !" said Mr. Wontus ; " I hope you are not hurt." And he looked at his fellow-member with solicitude and sympathy. "Hurt!" cried Mr. Nidd, savagely. "Hurt! I am hurt, — ■ I am crushed, — I shall die of mortification ! I shall leave here THE CORPS OF OBSERVATIOX. 213 on the next boat. Stay ? No, sir ; I will not stay. Wounded? No, sir, I am not wounded ! My flesh is intact, thank God, but I have had enough of this, and enough is as good as a feast!" Mr. Wontus now endeavored to soothe the wounded spirit of his friend, and cited his own experience to prove that he had been deah with more severely and witliout cause. Misery loves company, and the recollections of Mr. Wontus's experience, together with that gentleman's sympathetic manner, so palliated the sufferings of Mr. Nidd, that he finally allowed himself to be led into the office of the hotel, where an explanation of af- fairs was made to the Officer of the Day by IMr. Wontus, which was so entirely satisfactory that the officer gave them no further trouble. Everybody else appeared to take the matter as an every-day affair, and while Mr. Nidd came in for a fair share of quizzical looks, none were so indelicate as to address him on the subject. In those days, the office of the Hygeia Hotel was more than an office ; it was, among other things, a sort of grand entrepot for everything, from an officer's haversack to a quartermaster's out- fit, as well as a bed-chamber, dining-room, parlor, and reading- room ; and the vast concourse of people who are constantly en route from or to some one of the scenes of military operations made it what it was. It was a most interesting sight, to be seated here and watch the different people who came and went, like the tide. Of course everything was under the control of the military authorities, and but few men were here save those who came armed with that authority in some way or another. Birkill and his fellow-recruits were not allowed to enter the hotel, and Mr. Thomson had walked with them as far as he dare on their road to Camp Hamilton. Soldiers were everywhere, and the clean, bright uniform of the garrison contrasts strongly with that of those who come from far over the tops of the green pine-trees, to the westward. But here is a group of men whose dress and manner indicate that they do not belong to th^ army, or, if they do, they are of a corps distinct from any branch of the service I have ever seen. Perhaps there are a dozen of them. They appear to be known by everybody, and everybody, from the greatest and most dignified general to the lowest private, has a word with them. There is a spice of jollity and nonchalance about them which IS charming to look upon in these days of military pre- 214 WOXTL'S, OR cision, and yet the lines of thouuht are so strongly marked on each countenance as to indicate that there is more about them than is seen on the surface. Quick at repartee, and with a pleasant smile for all who come in contact with them, they wander about the grounds in a careless, listless manner, and 3X't I find that the smallest event is noticed. None of them are old men, not even what we call middle-aged men, and yet each wears a sort of indescribable air about him, which seems to say, so far shalt thou go and no farther. They wear no uniform. Each appears to be clothed to suit himself, and with an eye single to comfort and convenience. Nor do they appear to be engaged in any movement which needs concert of action, but each moves about individually, except at stated intervals, and then they come together and engage in whispers most mysterious. It was this fiict which first caused 31r. Wontus to notice them particularly, and as they apparently belonged to a class that he had never met be- fore, he considered it his duty, as a corps of observation, to inquire who and what they were. Leaving Nidd still brooding over his troubles, seated on the CiUitle of a saddle which lay on the floor, Mr. "Wontus walked to the clerk, and asked : " Who are those gentlemen ?" and as he spoke he nodded his head in the direction of a group of men who stood in the doorway. " The men who make considerable of the generals and other great men," said the clerk, with a smile. "Ah!" exclaimed Mr. Wontus, a shade of doubt passing over his foce. " Yes, but where did they come from?" Our hero did not like to expose his ignorance, and ap- proached the matter delicately. " From every quarter. All the cities, North, East, and West." " Any from New York ?" asked Mr. Wontus. " Let me see," said the clerk, leaning his chin upon his hand and gazing at the party. " See those two on the right?" Mr. Wontus nodded. "They're from New York. The one just outside, from Philadelphia ; that little fellow, with specs, from Cincinnati ; the others from Chicago. St. Louis, and, in fact, from all over." "Engineers?" queried 31r. Wontus, softly. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 215 "Engineers? I should think so!" The clerk laughed, and then added, in a mysterious whisper, " Bohemians !" Now, 3Ir. Wontus had often heard of Bohemians, and had a rather indistinct idea that they were gypsies, or, more prob- ably, natives of Bohemia, and ho* remarked to the clerk that it was really wonderful that the government would allow them to be at such an important place, in a military sense, as Fort- ress Monroe. " Allow them to be here ?" said the clerk, with surprise manifested in his tone. " Why, sir, they are probably one of the most important, useful, and powerful elements in the army. To be sure, they often disclose the news of an impor- tant movement, which may be wrong ; but I don't think there is one among them who would do so willfully. In fact, I know them to have been blamed many times for disclosures of this character when they were as guiltless as you are, and when the very men themselves who made the charges against them were the ones who were really in fault and to blame." Mr. Wontus saii "Yes, sir," and stood like a man be- fogged. The clerk's language was incomprehensible. " They are always ready," continued the clerk, " to do a good turn for a friend, and I often wonder at them doing so much for everybody and so little for themselves. I have seen men have them work for them day after day, at work which they couldn't do themselves, and then give them a 'thank you' for pay. But they don't often say anything about it (he lowered his voice to a whisper), although I know that some of 'em don't get more pay than will keep body and soul to- gether. And then they are blamed for about everything that happens. Powerful ? why, I'll tell you how powerful. Why, you see people can talk about their not believing anything they see in the newspapers, but everybody does believe, not- w^ithstanding. Well, suppose these men undertake to tell half — -just half — of what they could tell if they were so minded, it wouldn't take long before they'd have the people disgusted with about half the gi'eat men which we hear about; but they don't. Occasionally they may sail into a fellow who has been weighed frequently and found wanting, but that don't take place often, considering how many men of that kind we come across every day. And, just now, look at what they are doing for the government by encouraging 216 wax TVS, on eulistraents. — you know they could discourage them just as easily, — and how much they are doing for the people by keep- ing them informed of the whereabouts and condition of the members of their families who are in the army. Brave ? as brave as anybody else. They go everywhere that the army goes, and have a good deal worse time of it than many of the soldiers, because they are entirely alone and unprovided for in any respect. Thanks? not much. If they do their best they haVe simply done their duty, and I've known men about here to speak in the severest terms about them because they spoke of them in a way that they richly deserved, but not half as bad as nine out of every ten men you meet would have done under the same circumstances." Mr. Wontus had asked numerous questions, and listened most eagerly, but when the clerk had concluded he knew as little in regard to who the men were as he did before. "Good fellows?" asked Mr. Wontus, by way of starting the conversation anew. " Don't carry any weapons, do they?" The clerk laughed immoderately. " Carry weapons?" said he. " No. Wiiy, don't you really know who they are?" Mr. Wontus assumed a dignified manner, and said that he did not. " They are Bohemians, — reporters, editors, correspondents for the newspapers. I'll introduce you." Mr. Wontus stood back like a man who had suddenly touched the poles of a galvanic battery, and a mingled expres- sion of pleasure and surprise came over his flice, and he gazed at the group of young men in the doorway with renewed inter- est. " And these are the men who do so much of our think- ing for us," said he ; and then, turning to the clerk, he assured that gentleman that nothing could possibly give him more pleasure than to be introduced to the mysterious fraternity. The clerk called some of the gentlemen by name, and, as they came up, introduced them to Mr. Wontus by the names of the papers they represented, and, in a moment, Mr. Wontus found himself talking to them as if he had known them all his life. The sun had so fir traveled his path that now his face could not be seen, still. ^Ir. Nidd sat like a statue on the saddle where he had first seated himself Thomas Thomson was standing in the roadway, engaged in inspecting the different THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 217 objects of interest that came within the line of his vision. And Benjamin Wilkins was gone, nobody knew wheie. It now occurred to Mr. Wontus that it was high time tliat the baggage was moved ashore, and accommodations secured at the hotel. It was impossible for Mr. Wontus to siiy how long he should remain on the Point, and it was only after he had signed his own name and that of his companions on the book that he was informed by the clerk that he was ^'cry soriy to say that it would be impossible to accommodate them with rooms, but he was very glad to be able to say that he could give them meals, — at least just now. This information was astonishing. For the first time Mr. Wontus^ commenced to realize some of the vicissitudes of war, and he immediately communicated the information he had re- ceived to Mr. Nidd. I have never noticed how^ cross a bear with a sore head is, or can be, yet the phrase is familiar, and I now say that Mr. Nidd was as cross as a bear with a sore head, and was commensurately disagreeable. Nothing but an immediate departure for home would suit him, and Mr. Wontus finally gave up endeavoring to persuade him to take a philo- sophical view of his affair with the guard, and started out in quest of Mr. Wilkins. It was gome time before the factotum could be found, and when he was found it was on the steps of one of the many small buildings which lined the way from the Fort to Camp Hamilton. He was the centre of a group of listeners, whose eager manners and sparkling eyes told how interested they were; but Mr. Wontus calted him sharply, and his story was ended most unceremoniously. Directing Wilkins to secure the services of Mr. Thomson, and immediately have all the corps effects brought to the hotel, Mr. Wontus returned to Nidd, and found that gentleman deeply absorbed in relating to one of the correspondents the full particulars of his aflfair with the guard. "And now," cried Mr. Nidd, bringing his right fist down into his left hand with great force, " I'll bet I can flog him ; and I will do it, if I have a chance." " Certainly, certainly, sir," replied the correspondent; "but then, you see, it is not the man's fault. It is his officer's fault, and he is the man upon whom you should wreak your vengeance." " Certainly," chimed in Mr. Wontus ; and Mr. Nidd, glad K 19 218 WOXTUS, OR to secure any honorable way of getting out of the affair, finally agreed that his friends were right, but avowed, in the strongest lawful language, that the next time such a thing occurred there would be blood spilt, and it would not be his. Good counsel prevailed in the conversation which followed, and by the time 3Ir. Wilkins, with the assistance of a score or so of " contrabands," had succeeded in getting the baggage all ashore and conveyed to the neighborhood of the hotel (I lay some stress on the word neighborhood, because it was im- possible to find storage for it i/i the hotel) Mr. Nidd had so far forgotten, or rather forgiven, the indignity he had suffered as to insist on all the gentlemen with whom he had had con- versation taking a glass of whisky with him from his private flask. During this ceremony Mr. Wontus was loud in his complaints concerning the want of accommodations at the Hygeia ; but his trouble was laid aside for the time by the generous offer of the New York Morning Glorij^ inviting him to a place in the " Halls of the Literati." Mr. Wontus, with- out knowing what or where this was, gladly accepted the offer for himself and Nidd, and what followed the acceptance must find a place in another chapter. CHAPTER XVIIL MEETING OF THE INFLATUS — TVONTUS AND NIDD ARE INITIATED AND BECOME MEMBERS A JOLLY TIME, WITH A STARTLING DENOUEMENT. If the first floor of the Hygeia Hotel was full, the second was crowded. Not crowded in a wide or general sense, but crowded in that particular sense which might be called jammed, by those who are not accustomed to the peculiar style of dove- tailing practiced by hotel-keepers in those localities where armies most do congregate. Every room in the house was full ; so were the halls, so were the stairways, and so was the yard. I think that I have mentioned before that Mr. Wontus was a deeply -grateful man ; therefore it is not necessary for THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 219 me to reiterate the fact here. He was keenly sensible to the kindness of the New York Morning Glory, for observation and inquiry had given him to understand that, unless some- body took him in, his bed was likely to be the pebbly sands of the sea-side, or perhaps the proverbial soft side of a plank. He had no fears for the other members of the corps. Mr. Thomson was with Wilkins, and he was sure that Wilkins would provide himself with quarters without difficulty, and then Tommy would be taken care of Early in the evening our hero had directed Wilkins to hand over to the care of the clerk one of the largest demi- johns, and when the hour came for retiring, he had fully ma- tured his plans and decided that his new-found and very jolly friends should have a substantial evidence of his appreciation. The contents of the demijohn had been purchased for the use of the sick soldiers, and Mr. Wontus was loth to part with a drop of it ; but he felt that common courtesy demanded something at his hands, and he sacrificed a principle to do what he considered a kindness. With thoughts like these he followed the gentlemen up-stairs, keeping the demijohn well concealed behind his portly person. The company should have a surprise as well as a treat. The aeriform fluid known as gas was not among the luxu- ries of Old Point Comfort. So our friends and their new companions found their way up-stairs amid the refulgency of those luminaries called "dips," and were in high good humor. The literati of the Point were generally in a good humor, but just now the stirring events which were transpiring around them every day gave ample employment to their minds and pens, and they were comparatively happy. The hall of the second floor was reached, and all the rooms being full, — and by that I mean they were to be full some time during the night, — it was resolved that the regular meeting of the literati should be held in the hall. "Sit down, sir!" said the Morning Glory, elevating his candle above his head that he might be better enabled to see, and pointing to one of the cots which were arranged along one side of the hall ; " sit down, gentlemen. We are exceed- ingly glad to see you, but somewhat depressed in spirits at not being able to offer you more comfortable quarters ; but really this grand hotel, although accustomed to a great many 220 WONTUS, OR things, is not accustomed to such an influx of visitors. Poor quarters are better than none, though, and you are welcome ; make yourselves at home. The boys are not all in yet, — out on the war-path, I suppose, — but they will all be in presently." And the speaker went on fastening his candle to the door frame, while Mr. Wontus and the others seated themselves on the cots and such other furniture as could be found. In the dull, flickering liiiht of two candles the party pre- sented a picture at once odd and singularly grotesque. The feeble rays from the candles but seemed to cast elongated shadows on the walls and make the dark background of the hall look thrice darker than it w^is. The solitary chair which found a place in the circle became a spectre as it marked \\.s dull outline on the floor beyond, and as Mr. Wontus peered into the darkness and then cast a glance over the deeply- shadowed faces about him, he remarked, in an under-tone, to Mr. Nidd, that he never had seen anything so solemn in his life, which remark he recalled a moment afterwards, and ex- cepted the guard-house at AYashington. To this Mr. Xidd made no reply, but sat down on a cot which had been stretched across the hall for his accommodation. " Ah, gentlemen !" cried the Morning Glory ^ after he had succeeded in fastening the candles to his satistaction and was about sitting down, " if I mistake not, I have forgotten to introduce you to my friends, — your friends, friends of all of us. This is Mr. Wompus " " Wontus !" interrupted the gentleman introduced ; '• Won- tus, sir ! Wontus !" "Ah. yes; excuse me, sir," continued the gentleman, in the most polite and affable manner. " Mr. Wontus." The gentlemen rose from their seats and bowed, and all the gentlemen said they were very glad to see him. " This is Mr. Diddler," cried the spokesman, turning to Mr. Nidd. " Xo relation to the celebrated Jeremy. The friend of " " Nidd !" cried Mr. Wontus, again interrupting when he heard his friend" s name subjected to such a metamorphosis; " Mr. Nidd ! Not Diddler,— Nidd !" " Ten thousand pardons, sir ! I really hope you will ex- cuse me. I heard your name very indistinctly when intro- duced, and I assure you I am very soriy that I should have THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 221 made such a blunder. You do not look like a man who would be the owner of such a name. I might have known better by a single glance. Mr. Nidd, gentlemen !" Mr. Nidd was inclined to leave his seat when he first heard himself called by — what he considered — the horrible name of Diddler; but the MoDiing Glory s serenity, together with his (Nidd's) want of knowledge as to where he should go in case he did leave, held him in his place, and he expressed himself as fully and entirely satisfied with the apology and explanation. And then the company extended the same greeting to him that they had extended to Mr. Wontus. The Morning Glory was a man of medium height, spare, wiry frame, and finely-developed head. His complexion had been light, but exposure had bronzed it so, that now, in the dim candle-light, it was a dark olive. His features were regular, and his forehead was strongly marked at the base by a pair of heavy eyebrows, which shaded and at times almost hid his sparkling blue eyes from view. A continual smile seemed to play over his features ; yet each look and gesture conveyed to the surface every emotion, either real or assumed, which found a place in his heart or mind. He was a ruling spirit among his companions, and his presence was always the signal for a jolly time. " Now, gentlemen," cried this ruling spirit, addressing him- self to Wontus and Nidd, and speaking in a deep, serious voice, which was strangely at variance with the sparkle in his eye, " we have no strangers within the precincts of this hal- lowed circle. The halls of The Infiatus — the name of our association — are sacred, and none dare breathe the scented air save those wlio are bound by the ties of membership. As individuals, we stand like the planets in the blue arch above us — alone ; as an association, we are as homogeneous as granu- lated silver; and it therefore becomes my duty, before going further, to introduce the members of our association, to explain certain rules, and to do certain acts, before you can be taken into the full embrace of our circle, which — Has made a brotherhood to tower, Erect aud high, a sovereign power. "As 1 have already remarked, the precincts of The Inflatus 19* 222 WOXTUS, OR are sacred ; therefore its scented air is never profaned by the mention of a mortal's name. Need I say more than to men- tion that those beautiful, euphonious names, Smith, Brown, and Jones, would dispel the most charming illusion? Per consequence, as all men must be recognized in some way, we have ruled that the moment the club commences its session, each gentleman who is a member of the craft takes the name of the journal which he represents in this most sanguinary field, and holds it until he becomes the individual he was before he entered." Messi-s. Wontus and Nidd exchanged glances. The Morn- ing Ghjry proceeded : " I am now about to introduce you to our good fellows. Let me commence with myself. ( Sensation. j As you have already understood, my name is plain Thomas Spadrick ; but as I represent that most powerful and influential (cries of " Oh !" and '* Draw it mild !"' from the company) journal, the New York Monung Glory ^ I take that name, and am known by none other while I am here. " The gentleman on your right." continued the speaker, pointing to a gentleman sitting by Mr. Nidd, " is the Chicago Trumpet of Liberty, an ephemeral sheet of strong convictions on both sides of every question. The next gentleman is the Philadelphia Voice of Truth, a paper noted among its few readers for the falsehoods with which its columns teem day after day, time without end. The next gentleman is the Bos- ton Illustrated Grape Shot, a paper of large paits, limited cir- culation, but rather more able than any of the other illustrated journals, whose representatives are not among us now. This latter fact accounts, in a measure, for its greatness. His paper is able, and in it can be found the most heart-rending cuts ; price-.ten cents. The gentleman who represents the Cincin- nati Falcon sits here on my left. He can speak for himself. That gentleman there, he with the green spectacles and min- isterial countenance, is from that diabolical and most infamous journal, the New York Slasher, a paper of no importance (sensation, and cries of " Don't !") ; of limited circulation and no influence ; notorious only for making a map of the battle of Bull Bun answer for all the battles fought since that day in every quarter of the globe, each time underlined with the words, ' Drawn by our special artist on the spot.' " THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 223 "Successful rival of the Morning Glory 1'^ cried the Grap6 jShof, iu a stage whisper. The speaker proceeded, without noticing the interruption : " This gentleman is the Cleveland Bantam, a paper of small size, but great liberality in point of salaries, and of astonishing perseverance. It employs, as you observe, only the very best talent, and was never known to back down from an assertion once made. The reverse of this is the fine-looking gentleman sitting there, just back of Mr. Didd — Nidd. He represents, or rather the Baltimore Echo sent him here ; but since he has never been known to be fully aw\ake except at the meetings of The Inflatus, I doubt whether he represents anybody but him- self. However, I presume he drawls his salary, and that's saying a great deal !" And the gentleman continued in this strain until all were introduced. The smile which each face had worn during what I may be excused for calling the performance, now broke into a roar of laughter and applause, amid which the Mornhig Glory took his seat, and Mr. Wontus brought forth his demijohn from be- neath the cot. Mr. Wontus always considered himself one of the most un- fortunate of men in a social point of view, for while he was extravagantly fond of fun of almost every description, yet, when in company, he found himself entirely incapable of contributing the slightest moiety to the general fund. He often tried to do his share, but his stories fell flat on the listeners, and when he essayed to repeat w4iat he had enjoyed himself and knew that others enjoyed, his version was spiritless, and made every- body look at him in astonishment. In short, experience had taught him that he was a bad story-teller, and, like other mea have done, and will continue to do, he made his contribution to the pleasure of the party through the gastronomic organs. In other words, he found men's hearts by way of their mouths. I am not positively certain, and therefore cannot say with truth, that any of the members of The Inflatus saw Mr. Won- tus produce the demijohn, which he had so carefully placed under the cot on which he was sitting, and yet I do not consider it presumption on my part when I say I am inclined to believe, taking the action of the members as my guide, that they did. First, the Voice of Truth arose and stole silently away into the darkness. Then, in quick succession, as if by some pre- 224 WOXTCS, OR conc-ertod arrangement, mysteriously followed the SlasJicr^ the Grape Shot, the Moriiing Glory, and the Trinnpef of Liberty. Mr. Wuutus and Mr. Nidd looked at the silent movements of their new friends with some astonishment, but ere they had an opportunity to express their thoughts upon the subject, the gentlemen came flitting back again, and dropped into their seats as silently as they had left them. The smile had faded from their fl^ces, and a look of grave drollery had taken ita place. Each held something in his hand, but in the uncertain light of the candles Mr. Wontus was unable to determine what it was, although he believed it to be a piece of glassware. For a moment the silence was only broken by the deep roar of the sea. The Voice of Truth after a time, rose to his feet, and in slow, measured tones, and with mock gravity in his manner, addressed the company : " Oh, sjDeak, if voice thou hast ! Tell me what sacrifice can soothe your spirits, Can still the unquiet sleepers of the grave, For this most horrid visitation Beyond endurance of the noblest mind." Solemn voices : " The generous wine ; the flowing bowl." Mr. Wontus looked alarmed. His fingers nervously clutched the neck of the demijohn, and he glanced first at the Morning Glory and then at Nidd. The Morning Glory had his face turned to the ceiling, and Nidd's eyes were tight shut. " Let us rise !" said the Bantam., in a deep, sepulchral voice ; and the company, with the exception of Messrs. Wontus and Nidd, rose to their feet. Mr. Wontus looked more astonished than ever. He was about to ask an explanation, when he was interrupted by the Grape Shot : " Fill full. Why, this is as it should be. Here Is my true realm, amidst bright eyes and faces." Voices : " All hail the initiates !" As they spoke, the members of The Inflatus assumed differ- ent positions, mostly of a highly dramatic character, each ex- tending his hand, in which was grasped a goblet or other drinking vessel, toward Mr. Wontus. The movement was sudden, and was not accomplished without considerable confu- sion, which confusion brought Mr. Nidd to his feet, and startled Mr. Wontus into an efi'ort to extricate himself from the cots. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. £25 and fly. A dozen hands were extended to prevent the con- summation of the movement, but Mr. Nidd's long arms out- reached the others, and ere Mr. Wontus could recover himself ^^idd had seized the demijohn and was pouring its contents into the -oblets. Once filled, and before Mr. Wontus rightly comprehended what had been done, the Grape Shot, m a clear, ringing voice, sang a verse, commencing — " List ! 'twill be well for thee ! List ! while I tell for thee What magic spell for thee I have in store." At the conclusion of this, a chorus was sung, and the Morn- ing Glory pronounced Messrs. Wontus and Nidd full-fledged members and fellows of The Inflatus. I do not exactly know why, at this particular moment, ^sop's Fables should come stealing before my mind's eye like some fancy of my childhood, and yet so it is. I see now the first picture, as I saw it many years ago in a little book which I prized most highly. There are the boys, with frolic- some innocence depicted on their faces, playing at marbles m the shady path, with their kites, and bows, and arrows lying by. I see a man, whose hair and beard have been frosted by the hand of time, his tall and commanding form bending over as he watches the game with keen interest. His forehead, high and massive, bespeaks intellect, and his face wears the lines of deep study, yet his eye is sparkling and bright, and tells me that cultivation has not absorbed the nutriment which dame Nature had planted in the system. See ! He stoops and plays with the lads as gayly as the gayest one among them, and their youthful happiness is rendered most complete by his presence among them in their play. But another character comes standing out upon the picture, and I hate him now as I hated him years ago. The new-comer is a man of scrupulous nicety in dress, and his features are rigid and severe. He gazes for a moment in silence at the game, his lips curling with a lofty look of mingled pity and scorn, and then he speaks to the old man : " I am surprised, sir, to see a man of your years and learn- ing, to be thus playing with idle lads like these." %e bends his haughty head, and the muscles of his face seem to fall into the grooves already prepared to receive them. 226 wo XT us, OR But hark ! The old man, with a chilulike smile on his lips, has taken up the bow and arrows, and is speaking. " Sir," he says, his voice low and musical, " do you see this bow ? If it is kept strunc: and bent all the time, it soon loses its elasticity, and is rendered unfit for use ; but if you will unstring it every time you have done using it, and let it spring back to its natural shape, when you come to use it again it will possess all the elasticity and power of a new bow. So it is with the human mind. Keep it strunir up and bent to labor all the time, and it soon becomes worthless ; let it do its work and then return to the shape in which He who doeth all things well created it, and when it is called on to labor again it, like the bow, is fresh and ready for the task." The man I hate is silenced. But wh}^ should this picture present itself to me just now ? This question I have asked myself; but the answer is vague and unsatisfactory. Can it be that I have pennitted my mind to wander among the haunts of the money kings of the world ; among the men whose very business seems to dictate a solemn, or at least a serious, cast of countenance and demeanor ? It must be that, for if not that, why should it occur to me that the men who are here before me now are the men to whom the future historian, and the patriot at home, are now look- ing for that information so essential to their success and happiness ? Pardon the digression. " Two corps !" cried Mr. AVontus, as a goblet was handed him. and Nidd filled it. " "We are now members of two corps." And with this, he laughed most heartily, — not that he was par- ticularly overjoyed with the fact of his being a member of two corps, but because he felt that it was necessary for him to do something to disabuse the minds of his new friends of anvlinaer- ing doubt as to his courage and knowledge of men and things. " It now becomes my duty," said the Falcon, " to announce to you, as a past officer, that you are members of our circle, with all the rights, privileges, and immunities thereunto be- longing, and as such we now drink your good health, wishing you every happiness and good fortune." " Here's to our noble selves ! jNIay our shadows never grow less !" And with this the company elevated their glasses and drained them, — Nidd and Wontus joining in the ceremony, — and at once proceeded to make themselves comfortable. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 227 "It's a comfort," said Nidd, wliispering to Mr. Wontus, " to fall among gciitlcnien like these, — smart fellows !" Mr. Wontus nodded, and was about to reply, when the voice of the Morning Glory was heard above the buzz of conversa- tion: " The witching time of night," said he, " has come, when a song is in order." Voices. " Certainly ; a song ! A song, by all means !" " And, if I mistake not, brethren of the mysterious scalp- ing-knives, 'tis the Trumpet of Liberty s turn to sing." "Hi! hi! the Trumpet of Liberty ! the Trumpet of Lib- erty I Let the band play !" And all eyes were at once turned toward the gentleman whose turn it was to sing. " What shall I sing?" asked the gentleman, getting on his legs and supporting himself by the door-frame, his eyes wander- ing to the faces of his companions. "I Dreamt that I Dwelt in Marble Halls," shouted the Bantam. " Why do Summer Roses Fade ?" cried the Eclio. "Give it up!" said the Voice of Truth, as though a conundrum hacl been propounded. Then followed in quick succession the titles of a score of other pieces. At last the voice of the Morning Glory de- manded silence. The command being obeyed, he continued : " Brethren of the gory locks, if I mistake not, the brother promised at our last meeting to furnish the ' Song of The Inflatus.'" " Song of The Inflatus 1" A babel of voices demanded the song. " I've not written it yet !" cried the chosen singer. " No matter ; sing it !" commanded the chairman. " Yes, sing it. It must be sung, composed or not," demanded the company. And there being no way of escape, the singer ex- plained how necessary it was that all should join in the chorus, which being fully understood, he commenced : THE SONG OF THE INFLATUS. Every day when all our work is done, Good wine, we love good wine! We assemble here and have great fun, Good wine, we love good wine! 228 WOXTUS, OR We indite strange things and history make, We cause the globe to tremble and shake, — And when we've done we're all awake. And ready then our thirst to slake With good wine ! Chorus. — We fight with lead and with steel, Good wine, we love good wine! And only 't beauty's shrine we kneel, Good wine ! Unlike knights of old, as we are told, Good wine, we love good wine ! We ask no fame but to make and mould, Good wine, we love good wine! We seek but little, but get much less : We ask good wine our lives to bless; We make much fame, that is, we guess, For the men who love us, no more no less — Than we love good wine ! Chorus. When among ourselves we throw off the mask, Good wine, we love good wine ! Which society makes us as a task, — Good wine, we love good wine ! Wear to suit the tastes and days. That like others we may have strange ways, — At blinding those whose curious gaze Would fathom the depths of future days, — And partake of good wine ! Chorus. Good fellows we love and will stand by. Good wine, we love good wine ! Yes, we'll stand by them till the sea runs dry, Good wine, we love good wine ! Then join in the chorus and make it ring. For to be merry and jolly will always bring A balm for every ache and sting That may fall to the lot of this charmed ring, While it sings of good wine ! Chorus. As an exquisitelj-wroiiglit frame will make a picture appear more beautiful, so too will the suiTOundings of an accident often throw about the accident a charm, which, if seen under different circumstances, would be insipid, — perhaps disgusting. "We take it, therefore, that the shouts of applause and bravos which rent the air at the conclusion of the song of the Trumpet were induced more by the peculiar circumstances under which it was rendered than by any noticeable merit THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 229 either in the song itself or the manner in which it was sung. Yet it answered the purpose for which it was intended, and the Trumpet was congratulated most heartily for his happy hit. There was a sort of cloudy understanding in Mr. Wontus's mind that the song was quite appropriate to the time and place, and he therefore insisted on the singer partaking of the contents of the demijohn. This suggestion was acted upon not only by the singer himself but by the w. S^ company, and Mr. Wontus was highly complimented by fii^ Morning Glory ^ speaking in behalf of The Inflatus for his forethought in producing, unasked, that which was so highly necessary in the initiation of a new member, but which had generally to be sent for on those occasions, owing to the want of a common degree of understanding on the part of applicants for member- ship. It occurred to Mr. Wontus that he had never made any application ; but he rose to his feet and thanked the gen- tlemen for their politeness and kindness. Now, for a man to rise to his feet in a jovial company is generally the signal for him to be called upon for something, and in this instance loud calls were made for a song from Wontus. As we already know, Mr. Wontus was not much of a poetaster, but still less a songster ; and he was at a loss to know what course to pursue, when his attention was at- tracted to Mr. Nidd, who was giving to the Grape Sliot^ in a loud voice, a sketch of a gentleman whom, from his descrip- tion, Mr. Wontus recognized as Scribendi. For once in his life a happy thought struck our hero, and, in the most glow- ing terms that he could command, he referred to the superior vocal qualities of his friend, and hoped the gentlemen would excuse him, and allow Mr. Nidd to take his place. It is probable that nothing would have persuaded Mr. Nidd to sing had he been familiar with the manner in which he had been selected ; but he was not, for he had been so com- pletely absorbed in his conversation that hearing his name pronounced by a dozen voices in chorus was the first intima- tion he had of the matter. There are two things which I desire to mention here : one is, that while Mr. Nidd was generally very careful that he should not make himself ridiculous in any respect, yet there were times when he did become a little that way inclined ; the other is, that I have never heard the jay-bird sing except in 20 230 WOXTUS, OR the most distressing accents, and yet I firmly believe that this bird is Mr. Nidd's superior as a songster. The liquor had had its influence on -Mr. Nidd as on the others, and those influences were plainly to be seen the mo- ment he took the floor and begged the gentlemen to excuse him : he never did sing ; he never knew a song in his life. His voice was drowned in cries of " Nidd ! Nidd ! a song ! a song !" And seeing that nothing he could say would excuse him, the gentleman cleared his voice, and commencing some- where near high G, and gradually ascending, sang, in a minor key, the SOXG OF COLORS. I won't wear the red any more, any more, — I won't wear the red, Sally Jenkins, ! I won't wear the red, 'cause it's the color of my head. Chorus. — Buy me the tally-ally-i, Buy me the double-row-sariberry-sic-a- Jinny-hey-green-gown-tally-i-brown-berry, Sally Jenkins, ! I won't wear the yellow any more, any more, — I won't wear the yellow, Sally Jenkins, 0! I won't wear the yellow, 'cause it makes a cow bellow. Chorns. — Buy me the tally-ally-i, etc. I Avon't wear the gray any more, any more, — I won't wear the gray, Sally Jenkins, ! I won't wear the gray, 'cause it's the color of the hay. Chorus. — Buy me the tally-ally-i, etc. It has been a long while ago since I saw on the stage the representation of a wandering minstrel, who was supposed to meander through the country (the scene was laid in England) and perform in his own peculiar way on the clarionet ; and it struck me at the time I witnessed the piece that the musical talent, together with the tone of the instrument, would make the minstrel a most valuable auxiliary to a private lunatic asylum. The reason why I thought this was because I felt sure that those who were compelled to listen to the tones of the instrument, if not insane at the time, would soon become so, and those who were suff'ering under temporary fits of the malady would soon become incurable. I can only compare Mr. Nidd's rendition of his song to that minstrel. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATIOX. 231 To even guess where the gentleman procured his song is simply a m.itter which I number among the impossibilities. It may have been the treasured recollections of childhood, or it m ly have been anything else ; but whatever it was, it was received with uproarious exclamations of delight by The In- flatus, and the singer sat down amidst the most impressive plaudits. Just at this juncture the other members, whom the Morning Glory had referred to at an earlier stage of the proceedings as being on the war-path, made their appearance in the hall, and Wontus and Nidd were introduced. Now, on the introduction of a gentleman or gentlemen to an assemblage such as this, it is not, as a general thing, proper to give either three or any other number of cheers; but Mr. Wontus, who had, in common with the rest, indulged rather freely in the contents of the demijohn, believed that it was incumbent upon him as a new member to impress the new-comers with the fact that he had not only been initiated but was a member in the fullest meaning of the word. " Three cheers for The Inflatus !" cried the gentleman, placing the accent on the penultimate syllable of the noun, and swinging his hat wildly about his head. The cheers were given with a will, the members rising to their feet, and in the commotion which followed, knocking the candles from their places on the doorway, and leaving the party in darkness. " Three more cheers !" shouted the voice of Mr. Wontus, apparently undismayed by the loss of the candles. But the cheers were not given. No ; there were no cheers, for the war-path gentlemen, and by that I mean those who had just put in an appearance, seemed to think that it was highly necessary for them to make their presence manifest in some way or another, and from that moment the atmosphere of the hall of The Inflatus was sadly changed. The meeting had evidently reached its climax ; and so deeply had Mr. Wontus been impressed with the ceremonies up to this moment, that he fmcied that that which was now transpiring was but a part of the regular order of business, and hence enjoyed it most heartily. Cots, which before the lights were extinguished were stead- fast and sober, now reeled and tumbled in all directions, while beds and bedding, pillows and bolsters, flew through the dark- ness in such profusion as to not only cff"ectually prevent the 232 WOXTUS, on relighting of the candles, but to make a position on the floor and perfect quietness the safest place within the hall. All this Mr. Wontus devoutly believed was a part of the ceremo- nies, and ensconcing himself in a recess he patiently awaited the conclusion. Others were evidently awaiting the end, for divers doore were opened along the hall and divers voices were heard to use proftine language and shower maledictions upon the heads of all concerned. It so happened that it was a general officer's doorway that had served as shelter for our hero, and it was by that officer that he was discovered during the height of the melee. " What are you doing there, you cursed rascal?" cried the enraged officer, opening the door and looking at the form of Mr. Wontus. whose outline could be indistinctly seen crouch- ing against the wall. " Sh-h-h !" whispered Wontus. " What do you mean, sir ? I'll teach you to disturb people in this style !" " Hush !" whispered Mr. Wontus, soothingly ; '• it's not over yet." " Over yet !" screamed the enraged individual. " It uill be over, and will be over with some of you, cui*se you, as soon as I can find my pistols !" And saying this the form dis- appeared. Mr. Wontus had cultivated an abiding faith in The Inflatus and its members, and having already seen a number of strange things in his brief connection with the association, the lan- g-uage of the enraged officer fell upon him like the singing of some harmless insect. 3Ir. Nidd did not consider it soldier-like for him to desert the party, although he felt like doing so at the commence- ment of hostilities, and it would probably have been well had he done so ; for not desiring to be an active participant in the lively scenes that were transpiring about him, he was groping his way along the hall, on his hands and knees, at the very moment that the enraged and savage gentleman who had gone for his pistols was making his way to the door. Now the light which came from the candle in the back part of the officer's room, and thence found its way through the open door to the hall, was no sooner descried by Nidd than that gentleman turned his course in that direction, with a full determination THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 233 to seek the hospitality of tlie owner of the room, and there await the end of the exercises. Holding his head well down, that he might shield his face from the missiles that were now flying through the air in all directions, Mr. Nidd did not notice either the form of Mr. Wontus or the enraged officer, who, in shirt and drawers, with his pistols in hand, was just mak- ing a rapid advance to the entrance of his room. The sill of the door was reached; Mr. Wontus' s form had been avoided, and Nidd was just about congratulating himself on his superior good fortune, when one of those accidents occurred which so frequently turn our most pleasant anticipations to the bitterest disappointment. The whole affair had occupied but a few moments, yet, short as it was, there w^as ample time for enough to happen to make the condition of affairs most terrible. Looking toward the darkness, the officer could not see Mr. Nidd, and Mr. Nidd did not see the officer because he was not looking for him, and thus it occurred that just as Nidd was about assuming an upright position the officer reached the same spot, and in a moment had first trod on Nidd's hand and then went tumbling on him and prostrating Nidd at full length on the floor, amid the most startling vociferation from both parties. The voices were strange to each other, and it was this ftict, together with the hurt to his hand, that induced Mr. Nidd to allow his pugnacity to rise, and to clinch with his antagonist. AVhat followed this cannot be more accurately described than to say that there was a severe struggle, and that during the struggle between the enraged officer and Nidd, pistol-shots were fired, and most alarming shouts rang out from the throat of Mr. Wontus and others. The light in the officer's room suddenly went out, and confusion was now confounded. Those of the guests wdio were annoyed before were now horribly alarmed ; and the occupants of the different rooms rushed out into the hall, and as is customary, everybody asked everybody else what was the matter without anybody being able to tell. "What's the matter?' cried 3Ir. Galumpus, the landlord, coming upon the scene in his drawers, with a light in his hand, flanked by a numerous corps of servants. Light settles a great many perplexing things in the world, and on this occa- sion it no sooner made its appearance on the scene than a meeker, milder, and more innocent-looking set of gentlemen 20^^ 234 WOXTUS, OR did not exist than the members of The Inflatus, and Gahimpus received no answer to his query. A brief council between the landlord and some of the «riic'Sts was now held, and it was resolved to advance en masse to the scene of conflict in room Xo. — . First came boniface with his lamp elevated above his head, and then followed a line of servants, the membei-s of The Inflatus and the guests making up the main bod}' and bring- ing up the rear. Stealthily and cautiously the force advanced until it reached the doorway, where it found 3Ir. AVontus flat on his face and partially concealed by a cot. which he had evi- dently endeavored to crawl beneath, but failed to achieve suc- cess owing to his alderman ic proportions ; and here the party halted until the Grape Shot came forward and generously assisted the gentleman to his feet, and without further ceremony escorted him to the rear of the hall. The noise and confusion in the officer's room had ceased, and nothing could now be heard but low groans and suppressed, long-drawn breaths. Which one of the participants was dead? "Who had been shot ? These thoughts, with visions of pools and ninning streams of blood, ran through the minds of the company, and the landlord elevated his light still higher, and looked in. The room was in a condition of confusion, but no blood met his eye. He advanced still farther, and at length stood inside of the room. The suppressed breathing could still be heard ; but where were the combatants ? No living being could be seen except those who had entered with the light. Of course everybody was in a quandary. Could the battle have been like that between the Kilkenny cats, where each participant is said to have swallowed his adversary, or had the gentlemen thrown each other out of the window ? " Let us look around,*' cried the Bantam, advancing to the front line, and at once a search was instituted, which resulted in the enraged officer being dragged from the recess of a closet, and Mr. Xidd being fished from under the bed. The assembled company had now found its way into the room, and anxious inquiries were made by the friends of each as to the exact amount of damage sustained by the participants. It was found that neither gentleman had suffered any considerable injury, although both were well-nigh exhausted. As the gentlemen stood thus in the candle-light. Xidd glared at his adversary, and his adversary returned the look with compound THE CORPS OF OnSEErATION. 235 interest, and the scene was only brought to a conclusion by the first named suddenly rushing through the crowd and out of the house. The officer soon after peremptorily ordered everybody from the room, and then it was that search was instituted for the person of Mr. Nidd. That individual was nowhere to be found, however, and where he spent the balance of^ that most eventful night is a mystery, which even Mr. Wontus has never dared to undertake to solve. CHAPTER XIX. THE CORPS TAKES PASSAGE FOR THE FRONT — THOMAS THOMSON MAKES STARTLING DISCLOSURES, AND WILKINS IS DECLARED A CHAMPION. No boat left for the North on the morning following the initiation of Messrs. Wontus and Nidd into the mystic circle of The Inflatus, and that alone prevented Nidd from immedi- ately leaving for home. The terrible experiences of the day and evening- before had left him without bodily injury, but his feelings had been so deeply wounded that it was found utterly impossible to soothe him. The wounds were deep, but their very depth seemed to steel his nature against every influence. He was desperate. He had spent the night no one knew where, and he was proof against all inquiries. In his remarks he was severe and caustic,"and while his face was unexprcssive of anything except determination, yet the short, hysterical bursts of laughter which occasionally came from his lips when the proceedings of the night before were referred to, told of the bitterness within. A guest at the Hygeia, in those days, might make his break- fast on the flattest and toughest of cakes, or his dinner on the roundest of potatoes or dumplings ; yet, if he secured enough to eat, and thereby satisfied the cravings of the moment, his meal was always a '^ square" one. Quantity, rather tlu.n quality, was the great desideratum, and it was no unccmmcn thing for a man to boast of his having made a good square 23G WOXTUS, OR meal on " tacks." By this he would not mean that he feasted on a pound or so of flat-headed, sharp-pointed little pieces of ironuionuery which we occasionally find in most in- convenient places in our chambers. No, he meant a far dif- ferent thing, and Mr. Wontus was delighted when he devel- oped the fact that " tacks" were in reality not tacks at all, but were a sort of bread or unleavened cracker, which had been invented by some diabolically-inclined individual — who must have been a dentist — for the special amusement of the men who enlisted in the army. By times the corps iissembled, Mr. Wilkins and Mr. Thom- son looking as though their slumbers might have been a little ruffled or disturbed ; Mr. Nidd as before described, and 3Ir. AVontus flushed and nervous, but pacific. By dint of perse- verance, and through the assistance of the Morning Glory and others of The Inflatus, the corps was enabled to secure a seat at the seventh table, and partake of flapjacks and coffee. During the meal reference was made to the scenes of the night before, which references, though vague, were nevertheless noticed by Mr. Wilkins, and some inquiries made, which, however, were Cjuickly silenced and disposed of by th« re- proachful and warning frowns of Mr. Wontus. '' A boat leaves here for somewhere this morning, does it not?" queried Mr. Nidd of the Grape Shot, as he was about leaving the table. "Let me see," said the gentleman addressed. "Yes, I think the Veteran leaves for the front at eleven o'clock." There was silence for a few moments, Mr. Wontus consult- ing his watch in the mean time. " We'll go in that boat," he remarked, with determination. Mr. Wontus made a reply, but what it was could not be determined on account of the conversation which sprang up among the members of The Inflatus concerning the terrible sc-anes, the privations and dangers, which a man threw himself into when he persisted in going to the front at this particular time. The Bantam was especially horrifying in his descrip- tion of affairs as they existed at Yorktown, and went so far as to declare that he had seen with his own eyes dead men piled up along the roadside like cordwood. Other accounts, as to how strangers were treated by the army, were given by differ- ent gentlemen, most of which were calculated to cause a man THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 237 to deliberate some before he ventured among the scenes de- scribed. But if i]\Q stories were intended to influence Mr. Nidd and cause him to abandon his determination, they fell wide of their mark. He listened, but his eye never quivered, nor did liis face indicate the slightest change in the character of his feelings, and he left the room with" his usual dignity. He was soon followed by the others, and after seeking the privacy of the bridge crossing the moat in the shade of the walls of the fort, a sort of council of war was held, during which the question of leaving for the front at eleven o'clock was discussed. Mr. Nidd was not only positive as to the duty of the corps' leaving for the front immediately, but he swore roundly that, whether the others departed or not, he certainly would. Mr. Wontus was rather undecided. Mr. Thomson opposed the move- ment in the strongest terms, and Mr. Wilkins, while he was in- clined to the opinion of Mr. Nidd, nevertheless feared so much for the welfare of Mr. Wontus that he was inclined to think INIr. Wontus's plan the best. He backed his opinion with pieces of his own experience in the many campaigns throutih which he had passed. But what he said had no "other influ- ence than to induce Mr. Nidd to refer in glowing terms to their magnificent and ample outfit, by the aid of which he was sure everybody could be made as comfortable as at home. The argument was unanswerable, and it was then and there settled that the party should depart at eleven o'clock, to take its place in the midst of the active operations in the field, in its legitimate character as a corps of observation. _ Some days before the departure of the corps from the pre- cincts of Fortress Monroe, some fifty thousand men and nearly one hundred field guns had left the same locality and marched up the Peninsula. This Mr. Wontus knew ; this the whole country knew; and both the country and Mr. Wontus were correspondingly happy over the proposed immediate engulf- ing of the sundry opposing forces, which had been rendering the government and the people uneasy and unsettled for the past year. It was just such an idea as this that came into iMr. Wontus's head as he lent a hand in shipping the camp and garrison equipage of the corps on the steamer Vetei^an at the hour of eleven. The captain of the boat, as well as the pro- vost-marshal, had questioned Mr. Wilkins concerning' the 238 WOXTCS, OR rint and from form to form, which gradunlly faded away in the distance. His features lengthened, and he grasped a friendly stanchion for support. He believed that he had considered every phase and consequence of his journey before starting, but now that he was on the direct road to the scene of active hostilities, with nothing between him and death but the frail craft which rocked and trembled beneath him, his thoughts were carried back to his cosy little parlor at Mr. Diddler's, and all that was needed was a kind word to cause the teai-s of sadness which came struggling up to the surface from bubbling over. Had this occurred there would have been relief, but it did not. Neither Mr. Thomson nor Wilkins were concerning themselves about their master, and the tears were forced back into the heart, there to linger and evaporate at leisure. He was sad ; and yet what was there in the world that he should care for, or would care for him ? "What business have I here?" he asked himself; and then THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 239 anr^wcrcd the question by saying, " None at all. Suppose by any untbrcsoen accident I should be killed, who is there to shjil a tear over my grave ? Nobody ! And if I was killed, the verdict would be, ' Served hiin right : he had no business to be there.' " As he thus soliloquized, he looked around at Thomas Thomson, and wondered if that individual ever had such thoughts as he had. Oblivious to all this, Thomas Thomson sat contentedly on the top of a pile of freight, and listlessly watched the loons as they went winging their way along the surface of the water, in their frantic efforts to clear themselves from the vicinity of the noisy paddle-wheels of the vessel. '' Come here, Thomas," said Mr. Wontus, after a time, dropping into a chair. Tommy obeyed, and took a seat by the side of his master, while Benjamin Wilkins made his way to the pilot-house, for the purpose, he remarked, of seeing that things went right in the navigation of the vessel. Left alone with Thomas, Mr. Wontus at once opened the conversation. " We are getting there fast," he remarked, turning his eyes toward the shore. Thomas did not appear to have 'a very distinct idea as to what Mr. Wontus meant; therefore he merely answered, " Yes, sir." And for a time there was silence. " Thomas, you are seeing a great deal of the world," said ]Mr. Wontus, as though he was giving utterance to the thoughts which had been passing through his head ; " you are seeing a great deal of the world." " Resume I am, sir." " I often wonder, Tommy, if you ever had a care, — if there is anything in your philosophy which at any time weighs on your spirits, and brings them down to that zero of thought which freezes the warm blood, and makes one almost wish that they had never been." Mr. Wontus waited for a reply; but Tommy's head was turned away, and he looked troubled. " Do you know what philosophy is ?" continued Mr. Wontus, after a time, tapping his man's shoulder in a gentle, friendly way. " Do you know it?" 240 WOXTVS, OR ^^It /" cried Mr. Thomson, suddenly turning to his master, and speaking with visible agitiitiou ; " it's a site /" It was now Mr. AVontus's turn to be surprised. "Why, Tommy, my boy, what do you mean ?" '' Mean, mean !" cried Thomas, as though his pent-up feel- ings were about to burst forth against his will; " I have never said nothin' about it, sir, but she's allers been in my head." It was cool, and a fine breeze blowing from off the land, but Tommy nevertheless found it necessary to make use of his handkerchief, and Mr. Wontus was fairly amazed at the new and unexpected turn of affairs. " 1*11 tell you, sir," said Tommy, recovering himself, and looking down at the deck. " I ought to of told you much afore this, but since you've guessed mor'n half, why, I'll jist tell you the rest." " You're a fool!" cried Mr. Wontus. He was forgetting his own reflections. " Yes, sir, an' I'll tell you jist how it come about." Mr. Thomson spoke with considerable vehemence. " You see, Phillis — she had a red head, but she was one of the peartist gals anyways round our neighborhood. Eveiy mornin' when 1 Wcis a-blackin' yer boots out in the yard, Phil used for to come a-peepin' over the fence, — it's morn a year ago since she first commenced it, — an' would holler boots an' make faces at me. At first I didn't took no notice onto her, but one day I told her I'd fling a brush at her if she didn't clear about her business, an' then she hollered boots an' made faces woi-se nor ever. I can't say I was mad, but next mornin' when she come agin an' commenced her foolin', I jist heaved the shinin' brush at her, an' the darn thing went over the fence into the yard where she was a livin'." Mr. Wontus was all attention, and wheeled his chair around to have a better view of the villain who would shy a blacking brush at a young lady, but as yet he was unable to compre- hend what the man was getting at. " i\.ssoon as I chucked the brush," continued Tommy, play- ing nervously with the corners of his handkerchief, " I was sorry, 'cause the boots was blacked but wasn't sliined, an' I went an' I peeped through a crack in the fence, an' there was the brush a-layin' in the yard, an' there wasn't a soul about anywheres, so I jist jumped over the fence, au' THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 241 was a-comin' right back agin' without disturbiii' notliin', when some man come out of tlie liouse an' grabbed me. lie said I was a thief, an' was just agoin' to give me to the polices, M'lien the gal as which I had shied the brush at come to us an' swore that she was all of the fault of it, an' that 'air made the man stop touchin' of me an' tell me for to go about my business, an' I got over the fence agin an' went on a-blackin' the boots." " Well, what then ?'' asked Mr. Wontus, interestedly, as Tommy ceased speaking and commenced twining his handker- chief into a small, hard knot. " What then?' repeated Mr. W'outus. " Well, sir," continued the speaker, hesitatingly, " me an' her used for to talk every mornin' after that. Sometimes, when she wasn't there, I used for to wait for her, an' some- times, wdien I wasn't there, she used for to wait for me ; an' evenin's when you didn't want me. an' she hadn't nothin' to do, I used for to go round to Third x\ venue, an' she'd be a-comin' from the store or somewhere (Mr. Wontus sighed), an* we'd meet an' have a little chat. I couldn't get it out of my head how she tooket all the blame on to her ownself when I was in her boss's yard, an' every time I come neerd her I felt closer an' closer ; but I never felted as how she was so clost to me as since we've been away from New York on this here corps of observation." Here the speaker fairly broke down. Big tears came into his eyes, and as he wiped them away with the sleeves of his coat, he looked so beseechingly into Mr. Wontus's face that it w^as with difficulty that that gentleman refrained from shedding tears himself. Both master and man sat for a time in silence, but Mr. Wontus soon found his tongue, because he believed it necessary for him to show Mr. Thomson that such conduct could not be repeated vrith impunity. " Well, sir," said he, " who was this young woman ? Tell me her name, I command you, that I may write to her parents and acquaint them with her unladylike conduct." "She ain't got no parents, sir," interrupted Tommy. " No matter, sir," cried Mr. Wontus, assuming a manner which he certainly did not feel ; " what was or is her name ?" " Phillis," said Mr. Thomson, meekly. L 21 g42 WOXTUS, OR " Her other name?" "Offley." "Phillis Offley, then, is her name, is it?' demanded Mr. Wontus. " Yes, sir ; Phillis Offley." " Ha ! ha ! ha !" laughed Mr. Wontus, it just now occurring to him how he had come to unearth this most inmost secret of his sen'ant's heart ; and he smacked his knees with his liands and laughed until his face was as red as Mr. Thomas's handkerchief. '' Ha ! ha ! ha ! This is too good, — too rich. Where is Nidd ? Where is somebody that can enjoy this with me ?" And he turned round in his chair and looked about ; but they were alone, and he continued to laugh most heartily, while Thomas Thomson looked on demurely, not knowing whether it was becoming in him to laugh or cry. -' Tommy. Tommy, my boy, you did very wrong." And here Mr. Wontus laughed more than ever. " Yet it was all wrong to keep such things from me ; but then I knew nothing of the matter, and it would have done no particular harm — since we are away from there — if I had never found it out. But I did not ask you anything about that. I asked you if there was anything in jouy philosophy, — not Phillis Offley.' - And here the gentleman went into another fit of laughing, while Thomas commenced undoing the complicated knots in his handkerchief, his flice wearing an expression of indecision. A full and complete explanation from Wontus, together with sundry hints of a pleasant nature, soon put Thomas Thomson in a more comfortable mood, and the elder having evidently turned his attention to more absorbing questions, both gentle- men found themselves more pleasantly situated than either expected when the conversation commenced. As a single sun- beam will brighten the gloomiest day. so the little accident in which misunderstanding and Thomas Thomson were promi- nently mixed, served to brighten Mr. Wontus's thoughts, and here we leave them to their enjoyment, and turn our attention to the other members of the party. Mr. Wilkins had proceeded to the pilot-house, as is the cus- tom of traveled people, at the opening of the conversation be- tween his employer and Mr. Thomson, that he should engage in conversation with the pilot there can be no question, for at the moment we take him up we find that gentleman (the pilot) THE CORPS OF observation: ' 243 evidently endeavoring to outstrip Mr. Wilkins in the relation of a story, the concluding portion of which is all that finds a place hero. " You see," remarked the pilot, giving the wheel a vigorous turn, " we had just passed around Hatteras, and commenced to think that we were to escape our usual dose of storm, when Tim Brown, one of the best men that ever shook out a sail or hove an anchor, sang out, ' A blow !' AVe were sliding oflf before a good, stiff breeze, with every rag of canvas set, and as soon as we heard Tim's voice every man was looking out, sure enough. I was at the wheel at the time, and the captain was standing in the waist. I couldn't see anything, and was just about telling the captain so, when he guessed my thoughts and pointed off to leeward. I looked, and at first could scarcely believe my eyes, for right there, cutting clean athwart the wind, was the blackest and most threatening cloud I most ever saw, and it was coming to us like a flash of lightning. It was singular ; it was unaccountable ; but there was no mistaking it, and orders were immediately given to take in sail. The men jumped to the work lively, but it was of no use, for before they could get in a rag, the biggest cloud of mosquitoes went over us that mortal man ever set eyes on." (Mr. Wilkins elevated his eye- brows.) " Yes, sir ; the storm was nothing more than a cloud of mosquitoes. Well, for awhile they made the day as dark as night, and when they had all passed over and the daylight shone again there wasn't the first patch of canvas left on the spars. The infernal things had stripped us, and left the masts as bare as a dead tree," The pilot turned to his wheel again as he finished speaking, and Mr. Wilkins stood looking in the window. His face wore a puzzled air ; and it was some time ere the silence was broken, except by the clanking of the rudder-chains. "It was late in the month of August, wasn't it?" said Wilkins, in mild mjitter-of-fact manner. " About the twenty-ninth," replied the pilot. In a moment Mr. Wilkins's manner changed, and with a smile on his lips he extended his hand toward his companion, and said : " Your hand, mate. I've been wantin' for years to meet a man that was aboard that ship. I recollect the occasion jist as well as if it was yesterday." 24:4: WOXTUS, OB "You do?" interrupted the pilot in ill-concealed astonish- ment. " Yes, siree, I do !" " How's that?" The pilot knew that Jie did not remember either the accident or the day, and further than that he did not believe that any other mortal man ever remembered seeing such a thing, or that such a thing ever had existence in the world. " Well, you see," said Wilkins, without paying any atten- tion to the manner of his companion, " I'll tell you jist how- somever it was, — I recollect it jist as if it was yesterday. We must have been dead to leeward of your ship about twenty miles, I guess, when that same cloud made its appearance. I know'd what it was the minute I clapped my eyes on it, so I jist told the boys to look out for their eyes and not git skeered. Well, sir, they come right along and went skimmin' over us like the wind. I see right away that they'd been to some other ship, so I jist laughed and kept shady." " Did none of them stop ?" queried the pilot, with assumed carelessness, as Mr. Wilkins ceased speaking. " Oh, yes ; one or two of 'em couldn't go no fiirther, and they stopped, but most of 'em went on. It was a thunderin' gist of 'em, wasn't it?" The pilot thus appealed to replied that it was, but looked nonplused. After a time, however, he asked Wilkins how he knew that the mosquitoes had visited another ship before calling on him. " I knowed," replied Wilkins, complacently, " because each one of 'em wore canvas trousers, and a good sprinklin' of 'em carried with 'em travelin' bags made out of new sailcloth." The pilot looked at Wilkins and Wilkins looked at the pilot. Neither spoke for some moments. The pilot felt that he was defeated, and Mr. Wilkins was sure that he had gained a victory. " Stranger," remarked the pilot at length, " for twenty years I've had a reputation among watennen of being able to outlie any man that trod a plank, but I give it up ; yes, sir, I relinquish all claim to the championship, and if you will only accept my knife, you will do me a great favor. You won it fair, by thunder !" " Sir," remarked Wilkins, after a pause, •' I lay no claim to THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 245 tellin' lies, and I don't want your knife." And saying this he cast a look of injured innocence at the pilot, and walked out of the pilot-house. i\lr. Nidd was still in the cr.bin. The beautiful sunshine and the fresh, salt air had no charms for him. His thounhts were far away, wandering among the elysian groves of fancy. His face was grave and serious, with occasional flashes of sun- shine. These flashes always accompanied pictures in which the lovely Mrs. Squirm stood out in bold relief. The clouds which followed them were brought there by Edward Pason Montcalm Higginson, whose face always would come in and darken the brightest dreams. There was a'peculiar sort of tact about Mr. Nidd, which I scarcely know whether to admire or condemn. I do not think that he lacked courage, and yet I know that, despite his best efforts to be the contrary, he was terribly afraid of his thoughts. He seemed to belong to that peculiar class of people who were always treasuring and bringing forward the darkest and most disagreeable incidents in their past life, while the bright ones were hidden away. It was a part of his life to keep this fiict from the knowledge of a curious world, and often, when he was troubled most at heart, his animal spirits fiiirly eff"er- vesced, and it was in this concealment that his tact was of value. I have always believed that he was excessively sensi- tive. Not that he ever betrayed any particular outward show of his feelings, but because I have always noticed that an accident wherein he was worsted was invariably followed by a condition of despondency, which in turn was followed by ex- citement superinduced by liquor or other artificial means. Sometimes this excitement would be of a boisterous character ; at others it was nothing more than careless stubbornness. He was careless and stubborn now. 21* 246 WOXTCS, OR CHAPTER XX. ON TO RICHMOND THE CORPS AT THE FRONT — MR. WON- TUS BUYS A RELIC, AND WILKINS MAKES HIS FIRST FAILURE. For nearly a year the city of Richmond had been the grand point upon which the attention of all the people of the land had been riveted. With the men in the field, whose months of weariness and exposure had commenced to make them careless as to danger or destination, all places were alike; but to those who rested from the toils of the day beneath the shade of their leafy vines, or toasted their toes before the glowing grate, and were surrounded by peace, plenty, and happiness, the cry came forth, " (3n to Richmond !" Ten thousand throats spread it to the breeze, and ten times ten thousand echoed it, until the very trees seemed to say '•On to Richmond!" Those mercuries of public opinion which come silently stealing to our side at the breakfast-table had wafted the cry upon the genial spring air. and now the aiTny was again in motion. Again, did I say? Yes, again. For three long, weary months naught had been heard save the monotonous, plaintive cry, " All quiet on the Potomac !" Ah, well may I say they were weary months. How many weeping mothers and anxious friends listened day after day, and wondered how, amid the storms of snow and sleet, with nothing save their canvas tents between them and the storm without, some loved one was resting wrapped in his blanket* of uncertain warmth ! But it was over now. The grand ai*my of the Potomac was in motion, and a new feeling came to the hearts of the people and a new look to their ej'es. Even the army itself assumed a new life. The odd mixture of g^yety and misery consequent to winter quarters in the field was forgotten, and joy beamed from the faces of men who confronted death in all its varied and horrible shapes at every step. Mr. Wontus was always perfectly .=;ure that when once the THE CORPS OF observation: 247 army commenced- the forward movement it would keep steadily on until it possessed the capital of the Confederacy. He had been standing alone gazing at the shore for some moments, when he discovered that the Veteran had suddenly made its way up a little inlet, and was just then being made fast to one of the numerous canal barges which had been used in transporting material for the army, but was now fast in the mud and serving as wharfage for the transports. "What place is this?" he asked of the captain, as that officer walked by him. " Cheesman's Creek ; your destination, sir. You can go no farther by water." The officer had more than answered the question. Exactly how fir, in miles, Cheesman's Creek is from York- town I am unable to say, but I know that it cannot be very far, and I have two reasons for the assertion. First, because the booming of the guns which were hurling their iron hail into the town could be distinctly heard at the creek ; and second, because it was one of the principal depots of sup- plies. I cannot say that there was anything either enticing or beautiful about the place, for there was little for the eye to rest on but shimmering sand and rank vegetation, with a back- ground of tall, straight pine-trees, whose very regularity was wearisome to look at. Outward, looking toward the broad waters of the bay, w^ere the ojster-beds, with their bounds fairly marked out to the eye by the rows of tall stakes which swayed and bent with the heaving of the waters ; and this was all ; this completed the picture. Mr. Wontus thought that it was a masterly idea on the part of General McClellan when he ordered the provisional division of Franklin into this inlet, there to remain on board the trans- ports, and wait the moment that the enemy should be driven from his stronghold, and then pounce upon him by sailing up the river, disembarking, and throwing the division across his path, thus placing him between two forces, one of which was on his only line of retreat ; and he only ceased to admire it when the boat was tied up. It was some time before ^Ir. AVontus could induce Nidd to come out of the cabin ; and when he did come out, it was evi- dent that his meditations had not improved his disposition * and I think now that the corps, after having taken a view of 248 WOXTUS, OR the surroundings, -would as lief have remained on board the Vetercni ; in fact, Mr. Wilkins hinted, distantly of course, that even the Hygeia, with all its distressing circumstances cluster- ing about it, was preferable to the comforts that could be had among the sands and pines which surrounded them now. Mr. Wontus's face wore a dubious expression, and it was only after the pilot — who had guessed the state of affairs — had twitted them severely that the gentlemen made their way down the gang-plank to the deck of one of the barges. The baggage had preceded them, and a good portion of it was already un- dergoing a minute inspection in the hands of a squad of soldiers. It was quite a long while before the united elo- quence of Wontus and Wilkins could persuade the men that the mass of stuff was private property ; but it was done after a time, and ere Mr. Wontus was fully aware of what was going on, Nidd had departed, and was out of sight, while Thomson and Wilkins were busy in giving the men who sur- rounded them the latest news from home. Wontus never for a moment believed that he was at all likely to be killed in the course of his observation in the army. He argued that as he had simply come into the field to see and render such assistance to the sick and wounded as he was able, there was no reason, that he could see, why even so much as a chance shot should come anywhere near him. In brief, he had no thought but that he would soon be on his way back to the latitude of Washington. With this idea firmly fixed in his mind, he was determined that when he did return he would carry with him such trophies and relics as would be indubitable evidence of his having been among the scenes which he intended to describe to his circle of friends at home. In this our hero was no exception to the rule, for of all the people who visited the troops in the field, scarcely more than one in every hun- dred returned home without carrying — or endeavoring to carry — with him some relic of the place he had visited. It was a sort of disease, and as Mr. Wontus could not be expected to escape its influences, I shall proceed to relate his experi- ence. " How do you like it here ?" he asked of one of the soldiers who stood near him. The soldier replied, laughingly, that he supposed that it didn't make much difference whether he liked it or not, he would have to stay. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATIOX. 249 " It's pretty warm," continued Woutus, cheerily, by way of continuing the conversation. " Well, yes," replied the man ; "but not so warm as I've seen it." "Ah!" ejaculated Wontus; "been fighting, perliaps?" " Some," said the soldier, laconically ; " took a little of Bull Eun, Rich Mountain, and 'round Manassas." " You don't tell me ! and — and unhurt?" " Got a little one in the thigh, and lost a chunk of this ear," continued the soldier, pointing to his wounds. " How wonderful !" soliloquized Mr. Wontus. And then turn- ing to the soldier, and speaking aloud, he asked if it was pos- sible for him to secure some relic from some one of the men who had passed through so much. " Why, certainly," replied the soldier, showing a much greater interest in the conversation than he had heretofore done. " Certainly ; I've some myself, and I know others who wouldn't part with some of the relics they've got for anything in the world." " I don't like to trouble you, sir," said Mr. Wontus, after a pause, " but I presume this would be a good place for me to secure some little mementos ; could I see some of these things?" " Of course," replied the soldier. " It's no trouble at all. Just wait here a moment and I'll fetch some to you." Say- ing this, the man turned quickly away, and in a few moments more was lost among the tents of the camp. Wilkins and Tommy were carrying the baggage ashore, and Mr. Wontus found himself alone ; that is to say, that although there were in the immediate vicinity thousands of men, yet of all these there was none that he could call a friend or even an acquaintance. Yet he smiled as he looked about him and en- deavored to make himself think the horrors of war were visionary, for on every side soldiers could be seen enjoying themselves as best suited their fimcy. Idleness seemed to be the rule, and our hero said to himself that it was no wonder that there was nothing done since nobody appeared to have anything to do. While he stood thinking, the soldier came toward him, carrying in his arms a heterogeneous mass of cannon rammers, belts, hats, shoes, and what not. As the man drew near Mr. W^ontus's eyes brightened, and he advanced to meet him. " You've got them," said he, pleasantly. 250 WOXTUS, OR The soldier was nearly out of breath, but as he tossed the relics on the ground, he managed to say that he had got them, and that he had had considerable trouble in doing it, as they were growing ver}' scarce. " 2sow," Said AVontus, as he examined the stuff before him, '' you must tell me about these things, — each one has an in- teresting and eventful history, I've no doubt." " This," said the soldier, taking up a somewhat dilapidated shoe, which bore unmistakable evidences of having been but recently taken from the foot of the owner, " is the only relic in the country of a most remarkable event." " Ah !" exclaimed our hero, examining the shoe critically. " Yes, sir," continued the man ; " it was once the property of a gentleman named Eussell. and was lost by him while skedaddling from the field at Bull Run." " Russelt? — Eussell?" said Mr. Wontus. '• I don't remem- ber any general by that name." " He wasn't a general," replied the soldier, "he was the correspondent of a London newspaper." " Yes, yes," cried Wontus. "I do remember now. I read his vivid description of the battle you speak of in one of the papers. And this is one of his shoes, lost in scampering away from the battle-field. He must have been going very fast?" Mr. Wontus spoke interestedly, and seemed deeply absorbed. "Fasti" said the soldier, " going fiist ! You just bet he was. He hadn't time to pick up his shoe, and as I was stand- ing by, and thought perhaps this was about the only thing about him that I'd ever see again, I picked it up, and have carried it ever since." " What will you take for it ?" demanded Wontus. " It ?s a relic, — a treasure." His patriotic feelings had been roused, and when he remembered how disrespectfully the reputed owner of the shoe had spoken of the government, he was de- termined to have the relic at any price. " What will you take for it ?" he repeated. " I don't care about, selling it," said the man, doggedly. " I'll give you five dollars for it," cried Wontus, toying with the shoe, and looking covetous. " I don't care about " " ril give you ten dollars for it," interrupted Wontus. THE CORPS OF OIlHEllVATION. 251 "I've carried it so long,'' said the man, regretfully, ''that really I don't care about " " Here's four (juarter eagles !" cried Mr. Wontus, shaking the gold in his extended hand. " Well," said the soldier after a time, and heaving a deep sigh, as though he was making a terrible sacrifice, " you're a clever sort of a man, and I'll let you have it, — providing," he continued, as Mr. Wontus was about speaking, " that you let me have it back again in case I live to get home." This Mr. Wontus agreed to, and the money was deposited in the soldier's pocket. " Do you want any of the other things?" he asked, looking cautiously around. Mr. Wontus believed not, — at least not at present ; and while he still stood examining his prize, the soldier quietly withdrew and disappeared. " Why, he's left all his relics here," said Mr. Wontus, no- ticing that the soldier was gone, and that the rammers, belts, and so on were still lying before him on the ground. " He knows he need have no fear of me," continued the gentleman, proudly. And then, after some reflection and inquiry, it occurred to him that he might have been swindled. The soldier did not return for the relics which he had left on the ground, and this fact, as much as anything else, convinced Wontus that his purchase was valueless, — that the whole story was a fraud, and that he had been swindled. What would Nidd and the others say if they knew he had been deceived by such a transparent trick ? He would never mention it ! And he solaced himself with the belief that after all he was probably better ofi" than most relic-hunters, and with a sigh he cast his treasure from him into the water at his feet. The afternoon had nearly passed before the other members of the party made their appearance, and preparations were made for the first camp. It was wonderful. A sandy knoll had been selected, and Wontus, Wilkins, and Thomson were busy, under the superintendence of the second-named gentle- man, in hunting out the diiferent articles necessary for the formation of the camp. With a knowledge that he would be expected to superintend the raising of the tents, Wilkins had wandered among the camps which surrounded him, and had so far conquered the mysteries about a tent, as to know that poles, pins, and cordage were necessary to make one of them 'lo'l WON TVS, OR stand upright. This knowledge he put to the best possible use b^' standing by and issuing directions as to where each article should be laid, preparatory to the putting up of the tent. I have strongly intimated before that the varied experi- ences of Benjamin Wilkins, as narrated by himself, had about them, to say the least, the strong element of fiction ; but now that he is so profuse in his orders and masterly inactive in every other respect, I have come to the conclusion that the gentleman was either entirely inexperienced or that his mem- ory was extraordinarily faulty. Charitably accepting the latter as the real cause of his singular conduct, let me leave my speculations and proceed at once to describe the corps' first experience at the front. I have noticed, and so have others, I suppose, that whenever the sun once commences to go down he goes duwn much faster than is agreeable, if you have anything which you wish to complete before he takes his departure. "Well, this was exactly the case on the evening of our friends' arrival at Cheesman's Creek. Nidd, more sullen and uncommunicative than we (I always mean the reader and myself) have seen him of late, sat facing the water, with his back supported by a tree. He took no part in the scenes that were transpiring about him, nor did he offer a word of remonstrance or advice. Wontus was most active, and with a view of stimulating the other members of the party, his manner was calm and cheerful. Thomas Thomson had scarceh^ compreheuded the new life which was spread before him, and being subject to the orders of Mr. Wilkins and the suggestions of Mr. Wontus, his time, I may say, was fairly occupied. " When I was in the Crimea,'" remarked Mr. Wilkins. with a faint shadow of doubt on his face, " our tents were pitched in this way." And as he spoke he thrust a ridge-pole into one of the large tents, and raised the end from the ground. Once having the tent in an upright position, he held it there, and then followed such a multitude of directions as to what should be done next, that both Mr. Wontus and Thomson bathed themselves in perspiration in their efforts to execute all the orders. But it was of no use. and with complaints long and deep showered on the head of the manufacturer, Mr. AVilkins THE CORPS OF OBSEEVATION. 253 finally gave all to understand that all the poles, and eveiy- tlung else, in fact, had been made for some other tent, and that the gentlemen would be compelled to wait until he Qould procure new fixtures. When this came to be perfectly under- stood, Mr. Wontus was really a sad picture. Was there no house near in which he could shelter himself from the chillin- night air which came fresh from the sea? He would be coii^ tent without a bed if he only had a roof to cover him. He scanned the country in every direction, but nothing wearing the semblance of a house met his eyes. He had walked to where Mr. Nidd was sitting, and the sun went down as he did so. His lips parted as if he would speak, but just then there came up from the neighboring camps a sound which filled the air like sweet perfume, and made even Mr. Nidd raise his head and look about. It was "retreat," and as the soft music came floating on the stillness of the evening, and echoing again and a'n'ain among the pines, Mr. Wontus felt a thrill of melancholy come stealing into his heart, and he gazed in deep abstraction to- ward the snowy canvas city. By-and-by, as the sweet, flimiliar air of '' Home, Sweet Home" brought strange fancies before him, like some shadow of the past, he rested against the tree, and a bright, sparkling tear came to his eyes. It was sad! very sad, and I have seen tears gathering into t\iQ eyes of men, on like occasions, whose eyes had never felt the moisture of a tear since childhood's hour. The cun-ent of Mr. W^ontus's thoughts was changed. When he first walked toward Nidd, it was with the evident intention of complaining of the conduct of Benjamin Wilkins ; but now his heart was melted, and it was only with some eff"ort that he was enabled to direct his men to spread the tents out on the ground and prepare some supper. The first meal in the field came in for the stronirest con- demnation of Mr. Nidd's strong language, and he wSit so far as to hope that the enemy would come in the night and carry all of them to Richmond as prisoners. In vain the other mem- bers of the corps essayed to suit him. There was nothino- right, and ere darkness had fairly settled down upon the camp Mr. Nidd had rolled himself up in one of the tents and lay on the ground, the semblance of a newly-preserved mummy With the going down of the sun the wind freshened, and 12 254 WOXTUS, OR ere " taps" had sounded in the canvas city Mr. "Wontus was chilled to the bone. He had ordered Thomson and Wilkins not to leave the immediate precincts of the camp, and now the three gentlemen sat looking at the camp-fires which sparkled and flashed in the distance, and wished, among other things, that they too miuht have a fire. But this Mr. Wontus would not hear to. His ideas of military life were peculiar concern- ing discipline, and he almost feared to move lest by some mis- hap or misunderstanding he might be shot down as a lurking spy or murderer. Thus he sat as the night wore on, his thoughts busy with the past, present, and the future. The memories of the past were tinged with a brightness reflective of purity and happi- ness ; and he lingered among them as one is apt to do when viewing the paintings of a master. He traced himself step by step from childhood up, and there came up before him the likeness of It, — she whom he had so tenderly cared for in Washington. He dismissed this thought as quickly as he could, and then looked out upon the future. It was blank and void, and while he sat trying to gaze into the maze of dark- ness, he instinctively gathered his wrappings, and, pulling the folds of the tent about him, sank into a peaceful sleep. CHAPTER XXI. CORPS TO TORKTOWX. Mr. Wontus was astonished when he awoke in the morn- ing and found that he had slept through the din of reveille, and that now the sun and a score of idle, curious soldiers were looking down upon him with more intent than was agreeable. At first he was at a loss to comprehend his situation, but when he put his hand out from beneath the tent and felt the cold moisture which had collected on the canvas during his slum- bar, his mind appeared to take in the situation, and he com- menced feeling his limbs as if to assure himself that no part THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION: 255 of him had mysteriously disappeared in the niii'ht. The gen- tleman first raised his head and glanced around him, and then rose up to a sitting posture and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles. He had been performing this interesting and highly necessary operation some moments, when," glancing toward the water, his attention was at once riveted upon an object which he saw there. Even now I can go to the ornithological museum and find no little pleasure in gazing at that strange, fmtastic bird called the stork. His long, lank, greenish-yellow legs are to me the most astonishing part of his general make up, and I have often asked myself, when T saw the specimen wading through the shallow water, whether there was anything in the human family which resembled it. The same thought might have occurred to Mr. AVontus, for when his gaze first met the object which had caused him to cease rubbing his eyes and look with so much attention upon one spot, he was in some doubt whether the object belonged to the family Ardeinse, of colossal proportions, or whether it was really a human being. It was Gascon Nidd. The rattling of drums and the blowing of bugles had aroused Mr. Nidd at the break of day, and he had shook the dampness from off his coverings and immediately arisen. His first desire was to wash himself, and as there was no way of reaching the water except over the muddy banks, he had divested himself of his habiliments, except his red flannel drawers and shirt, and was now floundering through the ooze in search of some path by which he might return to dry land without taking with him such vast quantities of the mud as would persist in sticking to him. It was no wonder that Wontus was surprised, for Mr. Nidd's long legs and slim body, encased in tight-fitting red flannel, to which were added the long, swinging arms and hatless head, were enough to make even the natives of the region (if there were any) believe that he was some singular nondescript who had suddenly dropped among them from the clouds. The gentleman in red flannel was still smarting under other wounds, to which the new dilemma certainly added no salve. The more he lifted his bare feet from the mud and endeavored to lighten himself by sundry contortions of the body, the more his feet would sink into it. Desperation finally induced him 256 WOXTUS, OB to walk boldly forth, carrying with him everything that dis- played a practical desire to cultivate so close an acquaintance as to stick to him. What he said to Mr. "Wontus on drawing near that gentleman was of so forcible a character as to induce our hero to rise without delay and close his eai-s with las hands. The breakfiist which followed the first niuht in the field was not what might be called a very luxurious one ; in fact, the corps, while it was provided witli almost everything else, was without a mouthful of provisions, and had it not been ftir the persuasive abilities of Mr. Wilkins and the generosity of some of the soldiers, it is probable that the party would have had no breakfast at all. As it was, cofi'ee, which Mr. Wontus declared wasn't fit for swine, and a few "hard-tacks" were partaken of. and then a council was held as to the next move- ment. There were just as many different opinions as there were men. Wontus insisted on pushing on fiirther into the field ; Xidd would go to Philadelphia or New York ; Thomson would prefer New York, and Wilkins thought that more could be seen in Washington than anywhere else. The arguments jjro and con were strong and seductive ; but. to the utter sur- prise of everybody, Mr. Wontus ended the matter by declaring that the other gentlemen could desert him if they pleased, but for himself, he had started out with a purpose, and he would not return until he had fulfilled it. Thomas Thomson was the first to declare his intention to stand by Mr. Wontus, and after him came Wilkins. with the strongest asseverations that he had never had any other desire or intention than to stand by Mr. Wontus, anywhere and everywhere, at all times. Nidd never quit his ground for a moment, but it was plainly evident that while he differed from the othei-s yet he was willing to abide by the will of the majority. It was a victory for Mr. Wontus, and cur hero knew it and felt it, and preparations were at once made for the onward march. But now a new dilemma presented itself. Here was baggage enough to fill a wagon, but no wagon. Hundreds of wagons were constantly passing and repassing, but it was only after gi-eat trouble that a bargain was finally struck with one of the teamsters, and the baggage loaded, with ]\lr. Wilkins detailed as guard. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 257 The marcli to Yorktown was enjoyable to Mr. Wontus, for he chatted cheerfully with the soldiers that he met by the way ; but by the time the party emerged from the pines into the rather pleasant fields in the rear of the right wing of the besieging army, Mr. Nidd was footsore and miserable. His feet had suffered considerable injury on account of the mud which had found its way into his shoes in the morning, and he looked vexed. Once among the scenes of active hostilities, the gentlemen selected a comfortable spot by the side of the road, and awaited the arrival of the baggage, and amid the speculations and scenes which followed even Nidd forgot his misfortunes and became talkative, and Mr. Wontus was social and highly good- humored. Noon came ; but Wilkins and the baggage did not. The gentlemen had partially fasted at breakfast, and bid fair to repeat the ceremony at dinner. They wondered where Mr. Wilkins could be, but there was so much to see that it was not until late in the afternoon that the growlings of hunger bid them make the acquaintance of somebody who could tell them where something eatable might be had. The first man questioned on this important subject gazed at them a moment in astonishment, and then bobbed his head to one side and passed on. The question was a failure. Mr. Nidd now took the matter into his hands, and without further ado walked up to a squad of soldiers and entered into conversation. When he returned he had not only the information as to wlxere something to eat might be had, but also had a verbal bill of fare, and geographical directions for finding the purveyor. No time was lost in following the leadership of Nidd, and ere many minutes had passed Thomas Thomson was freighted with a goodly quantity of food, among which the article cheese figured most prominently. During the afternoon, the sullen roar of the siege pieces and mortars which were then being mounted with a view of reducing the rebel stronghold, and the constant marching and countermarching of soldiers, gave the corps sufficient excite- ment to enable its members to pass the hours pleasantly. Everything was neat and orderly, and but for the stacks of muskets which stood like bristling, closely-cropped hedges in the streets, many of the regimental camps might readily have 22-^ 258 wo\Tr.<^, OR been taken for the bivouac of an extensive picnic-party. The men who were on duty were hidden from view by the woods just beyond the lino of tents, while those who had gone through their share of the toil and danger in the saps on the night before sauntered about and talked of the future, when the land should be once more at peace, and the victors re- warded for their patriotism and fidelity. Here a party might be seen indulging in euchre, while each convenient stump fur- nished a desk for some brave fellow to indite a few hearty lines to the loved ones at home. It was a strange sight, such as was never seen in an army before, and such as will prob- ably never be seen again. With nothing save disaster and defeat as a prestige, the men seemed confident of ultimate victory, and were merry. Heavy mortars and siege trains passed along the road, but IMr. Wilkins did not. Long lines of wagons also passed as the shades of evening gathered, but among them all one was wanting. It was the one containing the baggage. Time wore on, and night came. Was ever a corps of observation so dLs- tressed before? Strangers to all who surrounded them, alone among half a hundred thousand men, three-quarters of the Woutus Corps of Observation sat, and asked themselves what they were doing there. And it rained. A night of slow, misty, miserable rain is bad, very bad, in the streets of a city ; but a night of rain in the fields is superlatively bad. It is even distressing when you are sheltered from its dampening influences, but when you are without shelter it is simply iKsrrible. I cannot undertake to follow Mr. Wilkins's every movement since he was left to guard the baggage on the wagons at Cheesman's Creek. I have therefore only to ask the reader to imagine the guard and the teamster both on very fomiliar terms and both gloriously and enthusiastically drunk. Mr. Wontus might have thought of it before, but it wa.s not until the night and the rain came on together, and found them without shelter, that he concluded that that condition of affairs was within the range of human possibilities. He communi- cated his thoughts to Nidd, and received for a sympathetic reply that such was no doubt the case, and that he was old enough to have known better. How the trio passed the night I must partially leave to the THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 259 imagination of the reader. Without a tent, blanket, overcoat, or other coverinLi-, the gentlemen luiddletl together at the root of a friendly i)ine, and there they sat during the night. Nidd's mind had evidently taken a new turn, for while they were sitting back to back, vainly trying to find a dry place beneath the tree, Mr. Wontus remarked to Mr. Nidd that it was ter- rible. " Not much," replied Nidd, with savage satisfaction ; " not much, sir ! Very pleasant, I am sure, for a man who desires to gratify his curiosity ; supremely pleasant, sir !" There was so much of irony in Mr. Nidd's manner that Wontus refrained from addressing him further, and from that hour until the breaking of the morning but few sounds broke the stillness of the night save the fire of the gunboats on the river as they showered their iron bolts at regular intervals into Yorktowu and the answeiing shots of the uneasy foe. To our friends the sound of screaming shells, as they went flying through the air high above them, was something so terrible that had it been daylight it is probable that Wontus would have chosen a safer place than his present situation seemed to be, and he was nervous and excited. Now he waited for the gunboats to fire, and when the report had died away, he drew his coat collar higher about his ears, and lis- tened attentively for the dull inimitable thug — thug — thug, of the ponderous bolt as it sped through the air on its mis- sion of destruction. Then he waited for the shot in reply, and listened to the echoing sounds which rolled and tossed among the hills and vales away in the distance. Occasionally, as a lull in the storm would give one particular shot a louder and more distinct report than another, Mr. Wontus would turn to his trembling servant and ask him if he had noticed it. " There, notice that !" cried he, beneath his breath. " ^Y]^ere- are-you^ tcliere-are-you, v:here-arc-you ? That's what that one said. Oh, horror of horrors ! Tommy, I fear somebody will be killed with this horrible firing." To this sage speech Thomson made no reply, and the night wore away without Mr. Wontus having the knowledge that he had closed his eyes in repose for a moment. 260 WONTUS, OR CHAPTER XXII. "WHAT THE GUARDSMAN SAID HAPPENED WHAT DID HAPPEN. The morning came at last, leaden-colored and gloomy, and the tliree gentlemen stood, soaked to the skin, beneath the pine- tree, until the moving soldiers and the pangs of hunger warned them that it was time they were astir. The long line of white-covered wagons was scanned in vain in the search for Wilkins and the baggage, but since each wagon resembled the other so closely, and none contained the smallest article which could be identified, their attention was soon turned in another direction. Fortunately, Mr. Wontus was well provided with money, and the soldiers were generous with their colFee, or the gentlemen would have been compelled to have breakfasted on cheese and water. " Where can that man have gone to? What has become of him?" asked Wontus, as he sipped his cofi'ee from a black and rusty tin cup. ''Gone to the devil, I hope," replied Nidd, as he walked about, with a tin cup in one hand and a great piece of cheese in the other, looking for a dry spot to sit upon. " P'raps somethin' has killed him," remarked Thomson. Mr. Nidd halted, and looked scornfully at the speaker. "Killed!" said he, after a moment's pause; "him killed? Not much. The bullet was never made that could kill him. He was born to be hung !" " I hope " Mr. Wontus was interrupted by Nidd : " You can hope ! but what does hope amount to when applied to such a consummate scoundrel as this fellow ? You should have known better than to trust him, knowing his propensities." '• There he is now !" shouted Tommy, joyfully, pointing to- ward the woods. Just emerging into the clear field was the form of Benjamin Wilkins. His chin was resting upon his breast, his hands THE COUPS OF OnSERVATIOX. 2C1 jammed into Ins pockets, ;iih1 liisj liii^crushed down over his eyes. With slow and fahering stei)S he moved along, until he reached his anxious friends, and then stood like a culprit awaiting sentence. " Well, sir !" cried Mr. Wontus, with dignified anger, "you have arrived, have you?" Mr. Wilkins shrugged his shoulders, and, drawing his hands from his pockets, stood with his eyes fixed upon the ground, as though he would have said, had he said anything, that it was of no use to cry over spilt milk. " You've evidently enjoyed yourself," said Mr. Nidd, ironi- cally, taking a survey of his person. To this Mr. Wilkins made no rejoiner, but raising his head he took a hasty glance at his angular friend, and again shrugged his shoulders. This movement was what Mr. Wontus had been looking for, and as he caught sight of Benjamin's flice, he started back with an exclamation of surprise. It was plain now that the guardsman had been intoxicated. His clothes were torn and besmeared with mud, and his eyes were discolored and badly swollen. Added to this were sundry marks across his forehead and cheeks, which gave him the appearance of having fallen into hands which marked him well before per- mitting him to depart. "Where is the baggage?" cried Wontus, angrily. "I de- mand an explanation, sir !" " Could I have a mouthful to eat or " He spoke most humbly, and tried to look with his bloodshot eyes beseechingly at his employer. The look had done the business for Mr. Wontus, and, much to the disgust of Nidd, that gentleman at once offered the new-comer his cup, and ordered Tommy to bring forth the cheese and crackers. While Wilkins was re- freshing himself, Wontus wandered off and stood eyeing him from a distance, and it was plain to be seen that the old gen- tleman was determined to have an explanation as to what dis- position had been made of the baggage. Wilkins's appetite on this occasion was easily satisfied, and as he gulped down his cup of coffee our hero walked up to him and renewed his demand for an explanation. As the guardsman was not in a very talkative mood, I will give his statement as he made it. What Mr. Wilkins said iLappened. — " When you left," said the speaker, " I told the driver which baggage he was for to 262 rroxTus, on load, and then, that I n^ght be sure that everything was right, I took charge of the jimuiijohn, and we mounted. Of course you know it ain't very far from here to where we landed, but somehow or another the wagon-driver, he lost his way. and al- though I done all that laid in my power to get us straight on the road again, it was night before we knowed exactly where we'd got to. As soon as I got my bearin's, you just bet we made tracks, because I knowed you would be anxious. Well, everything went on all hunke}' until we struck the cor- duvoY road, and jist there about forty men come out of the woods and attacked us. The fii-st thing I knowed was that the driver was knocked off his horse. I was a-sittin' up on the wagon, and as soon as I saw this I jumped down and pitched in. But there was too many of 'em. and they got the best of me. They left me for dead, and when I come to, the wagon and the driver and the attackin' party was gone, — clean gone. As soon as I was able — for I'm kind of badly hurted — I started out to find you, and now I'm decently well glad that I'm alive." Wontus listened attentively to the story, and then turned away. A moment afterwards he heard from some straggling soldiers What did hcqyjjcn. — It was this: Wontus and party had scarcely got out of sight when Mr. Wilkins and the driver of the wagon sat down to a sociable game of cards. The game was kept up for a greater part of the day, and toward evening it was proposed that they should take up their line of march toward Yorktown. This movement they had endeavored to execute, but as they had transferred a greater part of the liquor from the demijohn to their own stomachs, they found it impossible for either of them to go in an}' particular direc- tion for any great length of time, and finally pitched into each other and had a grand fight. They were ably seconded by the crews of some of the barges lying in the creek, and when through, were quietly laid away to refresh. While thus they were enjoying repose the barge-men had rifled the wagon of its contents, and passed the vehicle itself over to the military authorities, and that was all. It was seldom that Mr. Wontus indulged in swearing, but he did swear now. and looked around for Nidd, with whom he desii-ed to consult as to the proper coui-se of action to be taken THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 263 in the premises. But Nidd was gone. He had departed a few moments after Wilkins's arrival. Unable to find him, Mr. AVontus consulted with himself, and concluded to discharge Wilkius forthwith. But he never put his resolution into effect. He never had the heart to do anything that would harm anybody. He informed the guardsman of his intention, but the guardsman's appeals were calculated to melt harder substances than Mr.. Wontus's heart, and he ended the matter by excusing him, provided it should never occur again. The day was spent by Mr. Wontus and Tommy in inspect- ing the works near at hand, and when night came our hero and his man found themselves the guests of the Rev. Mr. Grospill, of the — th New York. Mr. Wontus scarcely knew how he had become acquainted with the reverend gentleman, but he was delighted with his new companion, and gladly ac- cepted the gentleman's invitation to make his (the chaplain's) tent his home as long as circumstances would permit. Through the same kind friend, Nidd and Wilkins were furnished with a tent near at hand, and thus the corps was provided for. There were some amusing things connected with the rela- tionship which now existed between Nidd and Wilkins which cannot find a place here, and for the record of the few days which followed we must again have recourse to Mr. Nidd's note-book. [extract ] Before Yorktown, Thursday^ May 1. — Wontus and Thomson fixed with a minister ; the wretch Wilkins and myself live together. Wontus furnishes the table. Every- thing pretty good considering the war. No peace at night ; thundering roar of cannons and scream of shells all night. Wonder how the soldiers stand it; can't sleep for the noise. Great preparations being made by McClellan for taking the enemy's lines. Was out in a sap to-day. Men make the saps and rifle-pits at night, and then lie in them all day, firing at the enemy's gunners; great thing, but very dangerous. Some- times two parties — one from each side — have selected the same ground for a rifle-pit during the day, and go out under cover of the darkness to make the work ; meet and fight in the dark. Ugh ! Men go out at night full of life and good humor, and come back dead in the morning, shot, or stuck with a bayonet. Nobody makes much account of it. It makes me sad, but 264 WOXTUS, OR what I write here I never mention. Members of tlie corps are seeing the sights as best suits their f^iucy. Could write a book about what I see, but will not. Fridai/j May 2. — Making many acquaintances ; called on a number of generals ; been received so-so by some, and very pleasantly by others. Have found the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee. One is an officer of the regular army, and the other isn't. Notice many rather singular things, and hear some surprising conversations. Come to the conclu- sion that military genius is composed of three essentials : pluck, luck, and perseverance ; don't believe there is anything else in it except what an^Miian of common sense and gumption would do without being educated to it. Know that this idea would be unpopular, and therefore sha'n't mention it. Heard a general say that he didn't like to fire into Magru- der ; Magruder was an old classmate and a good fellow. Been wondering if he was in earnest, and if he would cease firing in case his classmate was endangered by it. Very singular, and yet remarks of a similar character are plenty in many circles. Don't expect a soldier to condemn his foe simply be- cause he is his foe, but can't help feeling that there is more in these remarks than appears on the surfoce. Thought I would write to Mr. Lincoln, but have changed my mind. Don't believe a man can or will fight and do his best if his heart is not in the cause. Have concluded that some of our high officers are here for fame. Hope they may get it, but not at the expense of somebody else. Saw Gi-eneral McClellan to-day. Splendid gentleman, and is fairly worshiped by the men. Believe him to be a good man ; think he dislikes to spill human blood. Very commendable, but not of much value in war. Soldiers everywhere, and more coming in all the time. The day is drawing near when we shall crush the rebellion like a wisp of straw. Saturday^ May 3. — Terrible firing all last night : listened to the shells flying through the air, and then felt the sides of the tent. Concluded that the tent wouldn't prevent the shells from striking me. Horrible thought. Been wondering why I haven't heard from [erasures] Phil- adelphia. Very strange. Perhaps Scribendi ? We shall see. I believe him to be a man of craven spirit and devoid of prin- ciple. Time only is necessary to develop him. THE CORPS OF ODSERVATIOiV. 2G5 The preparations for the grand assault still go on. Men and large mortars were mounted last evening ; the trenches are nearly finished ; the soldiers are in good spirits, and the hour of victory seems to draw near. AVould to Heaven that I could think so ! Am I a skeptic, or do I lack confidence in the ability of the government and the courage and endurance of the people ? Yes, I lack confidence. I would believe in some men if I could ; but I cannot. But, since the country is blind to their faults and shortcomings, should I complain ? No! Sunday^ May 4. — I think I am disconcerted this morning. Have had an unexpected shock. The enemy have evacuated their works. They did it well. It was a masterly movement, — and we never thought of such a thing until an hour since (four o'clock). Like a coward, he has stolen away in the night. But he did it well, and I give him credit for it. It was deeply strate- gic. But the troops at Cheesman's Creek ! Ah ! I had most forgotten. I see it all ; but still I fear. They will go up the river on their boats ; but will they head him off ? There is the question which troubles me. Wontus is a simpleton. He does nothing but laugh, and declare that the war is already ended. He says we must be in at the death. We move immediately. Our troops are in hot pursuit. And it rained ! I have read of the battles of Waterloo, of Inkerman, of Lowositz, of Rossbach, of Kollin, of Bunker Hill, of Mon- mouth, of Monterey, of Puebla, of Sedan, and countless others, and from these readings, and the prints I have gazed upon with so much interest, I painted my first pictures of the hor- rors, glories, and beauties of war. The corps had marched to Williamsburg, and were willing to confess that they had been most miserably, most shame- fully, deceived. They looked for the gallant general, whose waving plume and prancing horse was thought to be foremost in the fniy, but have been disappointed. True, they saw him ; but he was such a miserable-looking man, and his horse was so quiet and submissive, that they should not have known him had they not been so informed. They have looked for M 23 266 WOXTUS, OR the soldier on foot, who struggles among a score of men, with no arms save a broken musket, to do battle against a score of savage, blood-thirsty foes ; but they haven't seen him either, and yet they have seen much that is painful and heart-rend- ing to behold. All the blood and misery was there, and it was easily to be seen that Mr. Wontus was seriously disap- pointed in his first battle. The pictures from which he had formed his ideas of a battle-field were faulty. The rain fell in slow and easy, but drenching, showers, and as the drenched and weary lines filed past him to take their places where the fire was hottest and the danger most immi- nent, he fell to regretting that his store of liquors and other comforts which he had intended for just such occasions was gone — had been swallowed by Wilkins. He was about to remark something concerning the loss of the stores, when his attention was attracted to Mr. Nidd. That gentleman, who had been sitting on a stone by the roadside, had got upon his feet, and, with glaring eyes, was scanning a troop of horsemen who were passing. I have heard of people " looking daggers"' at other people, and if such a thing can be, I am sure that Nidd was "looking daggers" either at the troop of horse col- lectively, or at some one of the horsemen individually. En- tirely heedless of Mr. \idd or his manner, the troop passed on, but it was not until they were obscured from view by the mist and rain that he took his eyes from them. " Did you see that ?"' he cried, turning to AVontus. '• Did you see that ? The infernal scoundrel ! A.nd here we are, weary and wet, and on foot, without a living soul to ask us to even take so much as a smile, while that fellow is mounted, and riding along like a prince." "Why, what?" queried Mr. TVontus, entirely unable to comprehend the meaning of his friend's strange language. For himself, he had seen nothing about the cavalcade more than a cluster of generals, and as it was no unusual thing to see clusters of these gentleman, Mr. Wontus thought nothing of it. He stood looking at Xidd in silence. '•Didn't you see him?" cried Xidd, guessing Wontus's thoughts ; " didn't you see him ?" "Who?" •• ^Ir. Edward Pason Montcalm Higginson." x\nd Nidd fairly hissjd the name from between his teeth. THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 267 Wilkins had taken refuge behind the trunk of a large oak, which stood just where the principal tributary of King's Creek is crossed by the Yorktown road, and sat with the tree between the foe and himself. Thus far most of the heavy firing had been done near where the Warwick road enters the town, but now the right wing, which had been creeping up through tlie wet, tangled grass in the fields almost within sight of the York River, commenced to show itself to the enemy, and was received with a furious cannonade. It was just at this moment that Mr. Nidd had undertaken to explain his conduct to Wontus more fully, when a screaming but " lazy" shell came screaming through the air, and almost at the same moment the entire corps, without waiting for a word of com- mand, commenced an accelerated march in the direction of Yorktown. Troops lined every road and by-path, and hun- dreds of wagons littered the roads. The mud was deep and traveling bad, but the furious firing which was constantly kept up in the rear, induced our hero and his friends to press onward, regardless alike of the roads and the men who thronged them. Nor did they question each other for the seeming haste. I cannot say that the corps was frightened, but I can say that, with the exception of Mr. Wilkins, they were disappointed. And it rained. Yorktown was reached early in the evening, and by that time the firing had nearly ceased, and couriers were arriving, who related to anxious crowds of listeners that the enemy would be held in his position for the night, and the fight continued on the morrow. CHAPTER XXIII. A NEW CHARACTER INTRODUCED, AND AN OLD STORY RE- CALLED. The morning following the battle of Williamsburg was clear and beautiful, and the wet leaves and grass glittered in the sunlight as though made of wax. Wontus and his party had spent the night in a hut near the landing, and, with the 268 WOXTUS, OR exception of the recollection of the thorough ducking they had received the day before, were in fine trim. Among the fii>t Union men who had planted their feet on the landing at York- town after the evacuation was a sutler, and through his instru- mentality, or rather through his store, the gentlemen had been enabled to refresh themselves. The army sutler was a peculiar institution, and the reason why he was peculiar was because he had made up his mind to be peculiar before he left home. Like the vulture and turkey- buzzard, he was a necessary evil. To fight was none of his business ; to die was out of his calculations — he had come to the army to live and fatten, and if he failed it was certainly more the result of accident than intention. The first principle in his business was to buy cheap and sell dear, and he was never known to violate those principles in the slightest ; and he was always happiest when others were most unhappy, and that was when delicacies in the surrounding country were scarce and his stock was full. He would sell anything ; his whole life appeared to be a sell on a grand scale, and he was ever ready to part with anything, except his life, at the short- est notice, provided always that collat^-al of sufficient weight and bulk could be seen withia easy reach. A clever volume might be written about him, and — but I must '-On to Eich- mond." I must leave my readers to imagine what the evacuated town looked like, and to imagine Mr. Nidd and the others — Wontus excepted — loaded down with relics. Nor can I relate the adventures of the gentlemen in search of the deadly tor- pedoes, which the foe had ingeniously hidden in eveiy place where they were most likely to be found. All these things I must pass over, and proceed to state at once that, after the gentlemen had become thoroughly dry and well rested, they took a retrospective glance over the scenes and incidents of the past twenty- four hours, and concluded that everything was much better than they had reason to expect. It was noon. Mr. AVontus sat on the wharf-log at the landing, and waited for the news to come which should tell him of the annihilation or capture o^the entire rebel army on the Peninsula. He had every reason to expect this, because he had heard from good authority that such was the intention of the commander. But he was disappointed here again, for THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 269 instead of hearing of the capture of the enemy, he heard with amazement that he had quKjtly slipped away from our hands in the night, and was now well on his way toward the interior. " It avails nothing," cried Wontus, a moment after he had heard the news. Nidd and the soldiers standing about looked at him in astonishment. " No, gentlemen ; it avails nothing. He cannot escape." " He has escaped !" interrupted Nidd, dogmatically. " Ah !" cried Mr. Wontus, rubbing his hands in great glee ; " you've forgot the other army, on the transports, held back on purpose for this occasion. It has gone up the river, and by this time is standing like a wall of fire between the fly- ing rebels and the haven of rest." The bystanders remarked that Mr. Wontus was correct, and from that moment nothing would suit him but the imme- diate departure of the party for the new scene of action. " What ! so close as we are to the scene, and not be there when the final blow is struck ! Why, Nidd, I'm astonished ! Why, what would the people at home say if we were to leave just at the very moment that the rebellion is about to be brought to a close ? Of course we will go !" This argument had the desired effect, and four o'clock in the afternoon found the four gentlemen on one of the trans- ports heading for West Point. For further particulars, see the notes of Gascon Nidd : [extract.] Tuesday, May 6. — On board the fine steamer C. Vanderhilt. Wilkins's cheek secured the passage. Things comfortable. Whisky in great abundance. No water. Scenery fine and safe. Grunboats just ahead of us, throwing occasional shells into the woods and other places where an enemy might be lurking. Wontus a fit subject for lunatic asylum. Wilkins in a beastly state of intoxication ; has related seven chapters of lies to the captain of the boat, and is taken, by more than half the people on the boat, for the head of our party. Ecening. — Have cast anchor among a number of other vessels. Have no idea where we are. Have a place to sleep, and will p'oceed to occupy it. Wednesday^ May 7. — Was awakened by Wontus at day- 23* 270 WOXTUS, OR break. Went on shore immediately. Fell in with lot of men boiling meat and coflfee. K;it a iiearty with them. Is this West Point? No point here.. West Point is just opposite to us. Firing ! On landing from the transport Mr. Wontus had hastily partaken of some of the strong salt beef and stronger coffee, which the soldiers had kindly volunteered to give him, and immediately after stepped up the sloping, gnissy bank, and scanned the country. Before him lay a beautiful, level plain, here and there dotted with the white tents of the troops who had landed the evening before. On each side, and in front, the plain was fringed by a thick wood, which entirely hid from view the little rivulets which flowed sluggishly along and mingled their waters with those of the York on either flunk of the line of white tents. The country to the right was level, and the glittering waters of the rapid Pamunkey could be seen through the trees, flashing like a mirror as it wound its serpentine course in the direction of the mountains far beyond. On the left, and perhaps a half-mile distant from the line of tents, was a steep bluff surmounted by a house, and beyond that was the forest, symmetrical and unbroken. The spot was one of surpassing beauty, and Mr. Wontus drank in the loveliness of the scene, and lost all consciousness of war and its attending horrors in the contemplation of pure, innocent nature. Ah ! how many brave, noble-minded fellows, he sighed, whose natures and education fitted them for the enjoyment of just such scenes as these, lie buried beneath the very branches which they looked upon and carried to their hearts as a solace to the misery which war. cruel, inhuman war had thrown about them ? Thousands ! Wontus had fallen into a deep reverie, from which he was suddenly aroused by the bang and clatter of musketry. In a breath he called Nidd, Thomson, and Wiikins, and in a mo- ment after wondered why he had done so. At first the shots were scattering, and Mr. Wontus com- menced to hope that it was a returning picket-party who were firing off their pieces ; but the soldiers knew better than that, and when the long lines of blue commenced moving silently through the haze of early morning out from among the tents, our hero guessed the truth, and looked wonderingly at the transports, whose decks were crowded with men, as they rode THE CORPS OF OBSERVATIOX. 271 silently and bolcmnlj at anchor in niicl-rivcr. Did these men belong to the division which was to stund like a wall across the path of the flying enemy, or were they reinforcements ? He had little or no knowledge of what is called the science of war, but common sense taught him that if these were the men who were to constitute the wall, it was time they were moving ; he wondered why they had not moved before. Not having any positive knowledge of the exact condition of afiairs, he chose to believe that the men on the transports were reinforcements, and that the division which had been selected for the purpose was already standing across the track of the retreating foe. It was a comfortable thought, and he enjoyed it. The army needed a success; the country needed a success ; and Mr. AVontus felt sure that the time had come when the brilliant expectations of months were to be realized. As the sun rose up from behind the trees, the fire, which had been desultory and uncertain, became more regular, and volley after volley broke upon the air. It came no nearer, nor was it fluther off. What could it mean ? Informing the others of his intentions, and bidding Tommy accompany him, our hero walked through the deserted streets of the camp and onward over the plain in the direction of the firing, which became heavier as he progressed. As he walked, he turned and glanced at the vessels in the river, and was de- lighted with the fact that at last the troops were disembarking and coming to the assistance of those already engaged in battle. In the centre of the plain a barn of rough-hewn logs stood, like a huge, grim sentinel, and toward this structure Mr. Wontus bent his footsteps. It is not known that Wontus was a coward, nor is it known that he was a brave man, except when under some extraordinary excitement, but he wisely se- lected the strong logs of the barn as a proj^er place for a corps of observation to take its stand. The fight went on, but nowhere could an enemy be seen. For a time the lines of blue-coated men stood immovable, and then they moved off briskly into the thick woods, only to be received by a withering fire from a hidden foe. The wounded men were carried to tlie rear by the members of the regimental bands; and now, for the first time, Mr. Wontus was made ac- quainted with the fact that instead of forming a wail of fire across the line of retreat of the enemy, the enemy had actually 272 WOXTUS, OR placed a wall before vi^, and but for the gunboats would have driven us into the river ; as it was, a section of artillery had made its way to the bluff on the extreme left, and for a time threatened the destruction of the fleet of transports. The gun- boats, however, thoroughly alive to the necessities of the occa- sion, opened their iron mouths, and belched such a shower of iron hail upon the battery, that it was compelled to retire. The battle soon after ceased by the withdrawal of the enemy. Wontus had been so deeply absorbed in the workings of a battery planted near the barn, that it was not until he heard a particular name mentioned that he cast his eyes over the wounded men who were lying spread upon the ground in the shade of its shelter, " Are you hurt bad, colonel ?" asked a poor fellow who was sitting near, binding up a wound in his ankle. There was no answer, " Who is he?" asked one of the musicians, who had been diligently engaged carrying water to the wounded. " Who is he?" " Colonel Blakely, — Colonel Lathrop Blakely, of the — th Ohio. He came up in the night, and when the fight commenced to be pretty brisk, got a lot of men together and led them mto that hell-trap there by the fence. They thought it was smart to lay in the brush behind them rails, but it weren't ; anybody could do that that was coward enough to think of it." '' I don't think he's hurt badly," remarked the surgeon, who was examining the colonel ; " only faint from loss of blood ; no bones appear to be broken." " Doctor," remarked the soldier with the wounded ankle, mixing up his own troubles with the solicitude he felt for another, " I hope he ain't hurt much — this confounded thing bleeds so — good men are scarce, you know — I can't stop the thunderin' bleeding — he comes from the same town I do — see here, ain't you got one of them turneykets with you ? — where's he hit, anyhow ? I saw one of them Mississippi fellers go for him — I had it pretty well tied, darn it, look at that ! — I seen him fall, too, but I got this feller about that time, and I don't know whether he was stuck with a knife or hit with a bullet — see here, doc, this thing won't amount to much, will it?" And thus the soldier carried on a conversation which might be called a double one, since it was an odd mixture, partially THE CORPS OF OnSERVATIOX. 273 addressed to the surgeon and partially to the wound in his ankle. " What do you mean by saying that you don't know w^hether he was stuck with a knife or not?" queried the surgeon. " See here ; just fix this thing a little, will you, doctor? It don't hurt so thuuderin' much, but it spouts blood like a stuck whale." And the soldier ground his clinched teeth more in anger than in pain. The surgeon ordered Colonel Blakely to be conveyed to the hospital, and then turned his attention to the soldier. Mr. Wontus felt inclined to follow Blakely, but a desire to hear the soldier's story held him back. "You see," said the soldier, supporting his wounded leg with his hands, " a lot of us fellers were separated from the regiment, and when Colonel Blakely come along and asked us if we'd follow him, why, we just went right in. Some of the New York and Pennsylvaney boys who had just come out told us we'd better stay out, but the colonel went on and we followed. We'd just got in the middle of that swamp over there, when, thunder and lightnin', how they did pour it into us ! Of course we broke, and when I looked around I noticed Colonel Blakely, who was on foot, had stuck in the swamp, — got mired ; and just at the same time I saw one of the ugly devils jump over the fence, with a big knife in his hand, and make for him. That's all I saw, for, pink ! and down I goes myself with this feller. You don't think it will amount to much, do you, doctor?" The surgeon said he did not think the wound dangerous, and then turning to Wontus, remarked : " I noticed that the officer's wound was rather a peculiar one, and I guess that there is no doubt but that it was done with a knife." " Is the wound serious?" asked Wontus, anxiously. " There is a large incision immediately in the rear and be- low the left arm, but as yet I am unable to tell its exact extent." As the surgeon spoke he moved off toward the hospital, and AVontus at once commenced rendering such assistance as was in his power to the men about him. At length the last one was spread upon a stretcher and carried away. Mr. Wontus and Tommy were alone. " Tommy," remarked Mr. Wontus, after a time, " do I know anybody by the name of Blakely, — Colonel Blakely ?" " Maybe you do, sir." 274 WO\TUS, OR " Yes, yes, T know ! I must certainly know somebody by that name. I thouuht so the moment I heard it." " Met 'em sdraewheres?' remarked Thomson, suggestively. " For the life of me I can't t oomier become the day, yet the battle raged unceasingly, while the clou( s opened and poured down their deluge of water. Backward, still backward, the struggling lines of blue were pressed ; dis- puting each foot of ground as though it were a treasure, until tlie sheltering banks of the railroad were reached, and then the toe was compelled to fly to the shelter of the woods, there to pre- pare for the onslaught which was intended to crush and anni- hilate the left wing of the army of the Potomac But the prayer which had been ascending all day was an- swered, and the men from Long Island, and Maine and xNew Hampshire came marching over the tottering bridges which spanned the maddened waters of the Chickahominy. To the rescue, or all is lost. The momentary lull was but the calm which precedes the storm, and belts were tightened and mus- kets clutched firmer, for a change is being made among the divisions of the enemy, and long lines of men in gray cwiie swarming along the road, and disappear m the woods But the lines'^of men in blue are no longer inactive; close by, and with a clear, smooth, undulating field between him and the enemy, the batteries of Heintzelman are manoeuvring under the cover of the thick woods. Twelve pieces have already taken their places, and more are following. Their movements are masked from the sight of the enemy by the dense foliage of the trees, and no word is spoken. Determinationis stamped upon the orimy faces of the artillerists, and while the thunder ot^the fight is sounding away to the right and left, all is silent here. Heintzelman knows the love which his foe kis for the cannon of the government ; he has seen him on other fields, and at other times, do daring acts that he might embrace the ol)iect of his affection, and now he is about to profit by it. A section of six-pounders are advanced from the line in the woods, and take up position in the clear, open field beyond, i hey stand in plain view of the enemy, and pour their shot and shell iut(. his ranks as though he were but a harmless target. The ruse succeeded; the exultant foe debouched from the woods, and advanced across the plain, with drums beatin ^ and 1.0 302 WOXTCS, OR flags flying. Still the artilleryman with his two lone pieces played upon them. Onward they came, line after line, in one Solid mass, stretching from the railroad on our right to the AVilliamsburg road on the left. They came up like a division on review. " Double shot with canister !" rang from the line of guns in the wood, and the command was quickly executed, and again all was silent and motionless. " Charge !" cried the rebel leader, and with a triumphant j'ell, the men let their guns fall into their hands, and bounded forward. Onward they came, and now the lunbers and caissons of the two pieces in the field are reversed and hastily retire, leaving the cannoneers to seek shelter where best they may. This movement is the signal for another yell, and the guns are captured. For a moment the lines seem to falter as though their duty had been performed, and then again they advance. '• Fire !"' The command rings from the line of guns in the woods, and a score of cannons hurl their hundreds of missiles of death and destruction in the solid mass of advancing men. Wide, gaping avenues are mowed by the resistless canister at point-blank range, and the dead and dying lay where they fell like grass in the swath of the mower. The lines quiver and break, but the officers rally their followers, and in a moment are ready for renewed action. Still the guns belch forth their hail of iron and lead. Again the reformed lines are broken, and resist the efi"orts of their officer to reform them, and con- fusion pervades the ranks. Men are seen to throw themselves on the ground and seek shelter behind the prostrate forms of their dead comrades. Frenzied with excitement, the officers endeavor to cheer their men, but without avail. A third and fourth attempt is made to renew the charge, but the murderous fire from the guns has had its influence, and the men will no longer face the wall of death. They break again ; they fly and seek the shelter of the woods from whence they came, and the setting sun now breaks out from among the clouds and tells us that the day is ours. During the night which followed, long lines of men from the north bank of the Chickahominy came upon the field, and the dawn of day found the gallant Sumner ready for the fray. Fighting Dick Richardson was the first to receive the compli- ments of the enemy, and right well he accepted them. The THE CORPS OF OnSERVATIOX. 303 fields, still strewn with the dead and wounded of the day before, were fought over and over again, until at last the enemy with- drew to the former grounds of Casey, and assumed a defensive position. Now was the time for the decisive blow, but it fell not, and ere the midnight hour had come the enemy had re- treated and taken up a new position. During the fighting of the first day, and far into the hours of the night, Mr. Wontus, accompanied by Nidd and Thomson, had endeavored to fulfill their self-imposed duties, and many a wounded, dying soldier had his lips moistened and his terrible thirst slaked by the hands of the corps of observation. In the misery which surrounded him, Wontus appeared to forget the dangers and fatigues of the battle, and he labored as he had never labored before. Nor was Mr. Nidd or Thomas Thomson backward in coming forward, but each did his best. Early in the action, Wilkins'had started to search for a spring of water, and Wontus was charitable enough to believe that the reason he did not return was because he was lost or had been taken prisoner. Neither accident had occurred ; Mr. Wilkins and his mule were both safe, and on their way to the haunts of the sutlers in the rear. :Mr. Wontus and his friends had spent the night in the j)its with Richardson, and the dawn of day found them astir. With the light came the rebel legions, still intent on the anni- hilation of the left wing. The — th Pennsylvania, the — th New York, and the — th Massachusetts were drawn up to receive their earliest compliments, and acting under orders, our hero threw himself on the ground behind the friendly heaps of dirt, and awaited developments. As he lay there he saw, or thought he saw, the fiice of a man he had seen before, in the person of a young officer wearing the insignia of a colonel, who dashed hither and thither with a bravery that made Mr. Wontus shudder. Our hero, usually forgetful, found that the excitement and stirring scenes about him caused his mind to wander in so many directions that it was not until the officer dismounted in front of him that he could concentrate his faculties, and then he recognized the face of Colonel Blakely. " Good morning, colonel," cried Richardson, extending his hand and speaking in a manner which characterized him ; '' we are likely to have some more of the lively times of yesterday ; 304 woxTus, on but, old fellow, you've been in the saddle all night ; you must be weary ; come, take something-. Staff duty's not so liglit as it might be. eh?" Colonel Blakely returned the greeting of the general with warmth, and then the conversation turned upon the aff.iirs of the past, and Mr. Wontus learned that the wound which the colonel had received at Brick House had been but a slight affair, and that he was now acting as a staff officer of the commanding general. He had been engaged all night iu carrying instructions and posting the different commands. He had fulfilled his duties, and now wanted to sec some of the fighting. It was while this conversation between General Richardson and Colonel Blakely was going on that a man from one of the regiments drawn up in line near by came to our hero and asked for a chew of tobacco. He was referred to Thomas Thomson, and while he was engaged in cutting a slice from that gentle- man's plug, both Wontus and Colonel Blakely looked at him as one often does at the men who pass him in the street, and who resemble, in some strange, unaccountable way, the char- acters of a dream. The man was dressed in the uniform of a private, and was tall and commanding in his presence. His face was surrounded with heavy black whiskers, and the pecu- liarity of his walk gave him a highly military air. As the soldier deposited the tobacco iu his mouth, he cast a quick, anxious glance toward the lines of the enemy, and then took his place in his company. As he passed Colonel Blakely that officer looked at him as though he would read his very thoughts, and then fell into a thoughtful mood, from which he was soon awakened by the voice of the general call- ing his attention to the lines of gray then fringing the woods alone the Williamsburg road. " It cannot be," muttered the colonel, as he cast his eyes in the direction indicated ; •' and yet the walk and general bearing of the man is the same." ''I have seen that individual before," solilofjuized Mr. Wontus, as he watched the man take his place in the ranks. He was about to call Mr. Nidd's attention to the matter, when the action along the front became general, and he deferred it until a more quiet opportunity should be presented. Hours passed, each second of which were recorded by the THE CORPS OF OBSERVATION. 305 dying breath of brave men, and the battle was at its height. The regiment from whose ranks the man who had attracted the attention of our hero and the youthful colonel came, had been held in reserve. They had stood manfully, where bullets flew the thickest, awaiting the word of command. ^Ir. Won- tus had watched the man with anxiety, and despite his best efforts to the contrary, his eyes would wander to that portion of the line where the strange face — strange because it was impressed on his memory and yet could not be fixed — had taken its place. There had been a lull of the din for a few moments, and Wontus was just about turning his attention to another direction, when the man whose face he felt so much interest in, stepped quickly forward, and jumping over the rifle-pits, loosened his belts, and with a wild shout threw his gun aside, and sprang forward across the field in the direction of the enemy. " A spy !" " A deserter !" rang out from a score of voices, and a hundred muskets were leveled at the flying man. ^ But none dared shoot. With a cat-like spring, a lithe, sinewy form had come up as it were from the ground, and with mighty strides was following in the footsteps of the deserter. ^ Don't shoot, fellers !" cried a voice which Mr. Thomson at once recognized as his old friend Birkill. " It's Blakely, — Colonel Blakely ; an' a thousand to one he wins. The rebs are retreatin', an' it's a long chase." A cheer greeted this remark, and the dangers of the battle were lost in the excite- ment of the chase. Nearly a mile now intervened betvreen the lines of Casey and those of the enemy, and the country was clear and level. Onward flew the deserter, and at his heels was his pursuer. Men volunteered to go to his assistance, but they were denied the privilege. Now he gains ; again he loses ; he falls ; and the deserter will escape ; a shade of sorrow passes over the faces of the men. Again he has him almost within his grasp, and now a curl of smoke is seen to ascend from the hand of the pursuer, and the deserter falters, swings his arms in the air — falls. Wontus and Nidd, who had been witnesses to the whole afi"air, could no longer restrain themselves, and with a shout from Nidd, such as was never heard before and will probably never be heard again, the two gentlemen left their shelter and made their way to the spot as fast as the short legs and short 26* 306 WOXTCS, OR wind of ]Mr. Wontus would permit. It was probably fortunate that Gorman at this moment struck the rebel left and drew his attention in that direction, otherwise the little knot of men who had assembled in mid-field, about the wounded man, might liave come in for a disagreeable share of utt