CJ Library OF THE University of North. Carolina This book was presented by 01». X d«A,*vel( 'Q>32iM_ ft»t>vh REPORT FROM THE PUBLIC TREASURER. IN ANSWBR TO A RESOLUTION OP THE LEGISLATURE, ftALEIGH: W. E, GALES, PRINTER TO THE LEGISLATURE, 1846, Treasury Office of North Carolina, j Raleigh, 14th Dec. 1846. { lb the honorable, the General Assembly of North Carolina : | The House of Commons having passed the following Resolution, " Whereas, the State of North Carolina has become liable, by endorsements, for the Raleigh and Gas- ton Rail Road Company for the amount stated in the Re- port of the Public Treasurer, and the present Legislature being determined, so far as depends on their action, to preserve the faith and credit of the State, and to enable her to meet promptly all her liabilities. Therefore, Re- solved, that the Public Treasurer be called on to submit to this Legislature his views in regard to a scheme of Finance, whereby a Fund can be created to meet the wants of the Treasury arising from the endorsements aforesaid;" the Public Treasurer in obedience thereto, has the honor to submit the following Report. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://www.archive.org/details/reportfrompublicOOnort REPORT. STATE LIABILITIES. The State became responsible for $500,000 as a surety of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per year, payable half yearly. The principal of the Debt is redeemable at the pleas- ure of the State after 1st January, 1860. (Act of 1838.) Of this Scrip, individuals hold at this time, $360,000 The Literary Board holds at this time. 140,000 Whole Loan, $500,000 The Interest has been paid to July, 1846. The State afterwards became responsible in like man- ner for the same company, for the sum of $300,000, bear- ing the same rate of interest. The principal of the debt is redeemable by annual instalments of 530,000, begin- ginning in January 1815. (Acts of 1840.) 0f this Scrip, the Literary Board holds 823,300 Individuals now hold 203,200 $226,500 The instalments duo in January 1845 and January 184b', having been paid off, 50,000 There remains on hand, not used by the Company, of the .$300,000 loan, 13,500 $73,500 So any " scheme of Finahec," which will " preserve the faith and credit of the State, and enable her to meet promptly all her liabilities," must provide revenues to pay the following sums and the interest on them, to-wit: To individuals, a principal debt of $503,200 To Literary Fund, do. of 163,300 Tke debt to individuals falling due at different periods and by unequal instalments, and that to the Literary Eoard all at one time, January 1860, except 823,300. WAYS AND MEANS. After the annual Report from this Department, it is hardly necessary to remark, that the Revenues of the State Treasury are not sufficient to meet these demands wpon it- But the difficulty may be obviated in several ways, without hazarding the public faith. First. Let the President and Directors of the Literary Fund call in their outstanding loans, (as recommended in ths Governor's Message.) arid invest the amount in the scrip now held by individuals, (of the $500,000 loan,} so as to purchase at least $63,200, as on the 1st January 1847, and hold the same as a part of tile invested Funds of that Board. Let the Public Treasurer sell and dispose of Two thou- sand Shares of the Stocks owned in the Bank of the State. and in the Bank of Cape Fear, viz ; 1,000 Shares in each Bank and apply the proceeds in satisfaction of so much of the $300,000 loan as remains unpaid ; crediting the Literary Board with .$200,000 principal, on account of said Stock at the State Treasury. Let the Raleigh and Gaston Kail Road be conveyed to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund forth- with, with power to control and manage the same, and to take the profits until it can be otherwise disposed of; and let said Board be directed to- sell the said Road upon such terms as they shall deem best for the interest of the Fund, with a guaranty that their bargain shall be ap- proved, whether the purchaser be an individual or an in- corporated company, &c. And upon the conveyance of said Road to the said President and Directors, let them be charged by the State Treasury with $303,000 the price bid for said Road. The State by the same Act might pledge herself to make good to the said Fund, in the end that any loss may occur in the re-sale of said Rail Road, and to preserve and keep up the income of said Fund to 6 per cent, per an- num by future appropriations thereto, should they become necessary. These changes being made in the public property, (and with the means on hand they may be accomplished by the operation of simple resolutions requiring the State officers and Agents to make them.) the debt owing to in- dividuals will be reduced from 8563,200 due By instal- ments to $300,000 payable after 1st January. I860. And the yearly interest payable to individuals will be reduced from $33,822 to $18,000. 8 A DDITION AL REVENUES. To provide for the interest on the Public Debt, and to commence a system for accumulating a fund to sink the principal for both, or either, it will be necessary to en- large the Revenues of the State Treasury. This may be done also., without any fundamental changes of the existing system of taxation in North Carolina, and with- out oppressing the people by unreasonable exactions. The Public Treasurer, in obedience to the mandate of the House of Commons, respectfully suggests, therefore. that the following taxes might be levied and paid into the State Treasury, as the necessary part of any " scheme of Finance" to fee devised for meeting the demands upon it : 1st. Let the Vacant lands in the State, here- toforc excluded from entry, be made lia-* ble to sale by entry, at sueh prices as may be reasonable, and that will proba- bly increase the receipts for entries per year, at least 85,000 2d. Let the Tavern Tax, and Tax on Retail- ers, and Tax on Auctions, with all monies hereafter paid into the Treasury by vir- tue of the present Revenue laws for Land Entries, be attd remain therein as ; a part of the State Treasury, until the year I8G0, any law to the contrary not- withstanding. They amount, per year r to about 22.0CC 3