EuTAW Springs 99 onel Williams will g'ive your Instructions on that head and whence I wish you to take post; as I feel myself under many Oblig-ations to you for your Exertions, to promote the Service and particularly for your g'allant Conduct in the Action at Eutaws [is i] Shall Still con- sider myself under additional Oblig-ations, if you'll Ex- ert yourself in providing for & accomodateing, the poor unfortinate wound'd. Thier Distress for want of Sup- plies wound my Humanity, our Victory was Complete, and nothing but the House Saved the whole Army from falling into Our Hands. The Enemy however fled to Charlestown, at Eutaws they [Stored] thier Liquors and left upwards of a Thousand Stand of Arms, and many other Military Stores. When our Prisoners are all Col- lected of the well & wound'd they will Amount to be- tween four & five Hundred, and I think Thier Kill'd and wound'd will be between live and Six Hundred; per- haps more their loss — Our Loss is Considerable as the Action was long & Obstinate With Esteem & regards, I am D'r Sir your most Obed't Humble Serv't to colonel Malmedy. AN AUTUMN LEAF. Torn from th}- stem poor, withered leaf Where goest thou? 'I nothing- know, the storm swept oak Where once I clung- at last is broke. Tossed on the breath of restless g'ale From wood to plain, from mount to vale, I g-o where blows th' inconstant wind Nor sig-h, nor find my fate unkind. I g-o where all thing's fair must come, Where thou, in turn, must find a home. There lies the rose when life is done There fall the laurels one by one." — From the French of At'nault. GENERAL INTEREST THE TWO CALDWELL MONUMENTS ON THE CAMPUS OF THE UNIVEFSSiTY OF NORTH CAROLINA. DR. Joseph Caldwell came to Chapel Hill on October 31st, 1796, from a Tutorship at Princeton Univer- sity, then and until recently, the "College of New Jer- sey." He entered upon his duties as Professor of Math- ematics after only one day's rest, and in a few months the institution was placed under his charge as Presiding- Professor. His health beginning to fail after two years, the Trustees, in order to prevent his departure gave the principalship to Rev. James S. Gillaspie, but after a rather stormy administration he resigned the place and Mr. Caldwell was induced to take charge a second time. In 1804 the Trustees elected him to the Presidency and he continued in this office until 1813. Being fond of the study and teaching of Mathematics, and wishing to com- plete his treatise on Geometry, he applied to the Trustees to choose a new President, recommending Rev. Robert Hett Chapman, D. D., of New York. His counsel was heeded but, after four years unpleasant experience, main- ly on account of the heated political feeling engendered by the war with England, Dr. Chapman gave up his post and early in January, 1817, Dr. Caldwell again became President, very reluctantly, but as a matter of duty to the University he loved so well. He had already resisted the blandishments of a larger salary and the chief place in a richer college of another state. After a few years the University came into possession 102 The University Magazine of considerable funds from the sale of Tennessee lands, and became more prosperous. Hig-h water mark was reached in 1823, the number being- 173, which, consider- ing- the sparse population and difficulty of travelling- in those da\"s, was conclusive proof of the public confidence. The Trustees, on this account, and in expectation of con- tinued receipts from the sale of their lands, sent Dr. Caldwell to Europe, at his ovvm sug-g-estion, for the pur- chase of books and apparatus for instruction, and beg-an the construction of a new chapel, the Old West Building- and a third story to the Old East. The Faculty also was enlarg-ed. It was not long- before a financial crisis came and blasted this prosperit}'. The number of students dimin- ished, the sales of land ceased and the g-olden stream from Tennessee dried up. The Trustees were no wiser than other men. They shrunk from discarding- professors and discontinuing- their building-, and soon they owed a debt of forty thousand dollars. Anxiety about this financial trouble was not the only affliction of the g-ood President. He was attacked by a g-rievous internal malady, which became a constant and chronic torture. He journeyed to Philadelphia, whose phj'sicians then stood at the head of their profession in America, but they thoug-ht his disease be3'ond the reach of surg-ery. Bravely and uncomplaining-ly he per- formed his duties, never asking for aid. Even when the' Trustees elected Professor, afterwards Judge, Walker Anderson, to perform his duties, he insisted on taking on himself half the work. He sunk to his rest on the 27th of January, 1835. He was buried in the middle of the lot now called the Village Cemetery, which had The Caldwell Monuments 103 been laid off on University land and enclosed by a stone wall under his direction. His gfrave had been walled i n b}' his own orders. President Caldwell attained a very high place in the public reg-ard. In 1804, simultaneously with his election as President, the General Assembly appointed him a Trustee of the University. He was the astronomical ex- pert to run the western part of the boundary line between the Carolinas. He had published admirable letters over the pen name of Carlton, advocating a railroad from our Western boundary to Beaufort. Pie had ably cham- pioned popular education. The name of the county of Caldwell given six years after his death shows the esti- mation of the legislature, the representatives of the people. The following resolutions of the Trustees, whom he served, have the merit of truth without exag- geration. "Raleigh, 6th of February, 1835. On motion of Governor Swain. Whereas the Executive Committee with the deepest emotions of sorrow have received intelligence of the death of Rev'd. Joseph Caldwell, D. D., President of the University, Resolved unanimously, that by the eminent purity of his life, his patriotism and zeal in the cause of learning, and his long, faithful and distinguished public service at the head of the University, Doctor Caldwell has ap- proved himself one of the noblest benefactors of the State and deserves the lasting gratitude and reverence of his countrymen. Professor Anderson was then requested to prepare a memoir of the life and character of the deceased Presi- 104 The University Magazine dent, to be be delivered at the following- Commencement. This was excellently done and was printed in pamphlet. Judg-e Frederick Nash and Rev. Dr. Wm. McPhcctcrs were appointed to erect an appropriate monument "in the burial g-round near the University. " The authorities afterwards concluded to place it in the Campus, and the site chosen was thought to be sufficiently' remote from any building- then standing or likely to be erected. Its in- convenient proximity to the New AVest Building- shows how mistaken as to the progress of the University were the locators. The body of Dr Caldwell has been exhumed twice. A day or two after his death, at the instance of the Philan- thropic Society, it was taken up by Mr. A¥aug-h of Ral- eig-h in order to procure a plaster cast of his features. The bust is now in Gerrard Hall and is a faithful repro- duction. The g-rave was reopened on October 31st 1846 and the remains were reinterred by the side of his wife at the base of the monument. His wife died October 30th, 1846, while on a visit to Chapel Hill. Her maiden name was Helen Hogg-, she being a daughter of James Hogg-, a prominent merchant of Hillsboro, who was one of the Commissioners that chose the site for the University. Her first husband was William Hooper, son of the Signer of the Declaration of Independence of the same name. He died early leaving- two sons, William and Thomas Clark, and when the elder was prepared for the University, she moved to Chapel Hill in order to have him with her. Dr. Cald- well had married Susan Rowan, who, with her infant daughter, died soon leaving him a widower and childless. Before many years elapsed the fascinating young widow The Caldwell Monuments 105 l)ecame the President's wife, and well she adorned her station by the g-raciousness of her manners the activity of her benevolence and leadership in g-ood works. Her elder son, Rev. Wm. Hooper, D. D., became one of the ripest scholars, the most interesting- and informing speakers and most learned divines in the South. After the President's death she moved back to Hillsboro, where were many relations, and was on a visit to Chapel Hill when she died. The following notice, kindly copied for me by Miss Alice C. Heartt from the Hillsboro Rec- order, of which her father, Mr. Demnis Heath, was for many years editor, is a truthful estimate. "H11.LSBOR0 Recorder." Thursday, November 5th, 1846. "Died at Chapel Hill on Friday morning-, the 30th ultimo, in the 78th 3'ear of her age, Mrs. Helen Caldwell, relict of the Rev. Dr. Joseph Caldwell, late President of the University of North Carolina. The deceased was a woman of extraordinary endowments, blending- in her character the hig-hest mental culture with all the Christ- ian graces, in their liveliest exercise. She has left few superiors; and those who enjoyed her acquaintance will feel that, by her removal, a space has been left in society, which will not soon be filled. But with what confidence can her friends and relations commit her to the tomb. She was a brig-ht and shining- lig-ht in the Church, and it was impossible to be in her company without admiring the Cristian cheerfulness which she at all times exhib- ited. "The funeral obsequies were performed at Chapel Hill on Sunday last, the President and Faculty of the Uni- versity acting- as pall-bearers on the occasion. The 106 The University Magazine sermon was delivered bv the Rev. Dr. !\Iitchell from Phil. IV. 3, and lier remains were dei)Ositcd with those of her late husband, at the base of the monument erected to his memory 1:>\- the Trustees of the Univer- sity." Thirty years afterwards her child, Dr. William Hooper, after laliorin^;- in many fields, was iivins>- in Chapel Plill, where he had spent most of hisl)oyliood an at the Charter Centennial. "These woods must ever call up the memory, form and characteristics of Joseph Caldwell, and will, as long- as these walls by which we are surrounded shall stand, or this pleasant village is known as a seat of learning; and so long as the name of the University is on the map; it will be associated with that of the first President. To leave it out would be as if the topog-rapher should present us with Switzerland without its profile of mount- ains, or old Eg'3'pt without its overflowing and fertiliz- ing Nile, or our vast North American Continent without the great Father of Waters, in his grand sweep from the lakes of the North to the Gulf of Mexico. The good man needs no euology at my hands, and no praise of mine can add a cubit to his stature. His early struggles in its behalf must stand alone in the building up of this institution. He came like Paul to plant, and then like Apollos to water with his tears, prayers, benedictions and benefactions to the end of his days — a continuous effort of thirty-one years.'' "It is a pleasant memory to the surviving Alumni to renri the stendv devotion of good President Caldwell to this institution and his complete identification of him- self with the citizens of the State in every interest. He made himself a freeholder and a slave-holder, and today the chief servant* of the institution is of his famih^ of slaves. And so long as the great trunk line railroad from Morehead Cit}- shall increase the wealth and com- merce of the State the name of Caldwell will be remem- bered as its first projector in the letters of 'Carlton.' " Kemp P. Battle, '49. * The late Wilson Caldwell.