p< CONVENTION OF THE Diocese of North Carolina ADDRESS OF THE BISHOP t 1911 CONVENTION OF THE Diocese of North Carolina ADDRESS OF THE BISHOP 1 t 1911 THE BISHOP'S ADDRESS. Brethren of the Clergy and Laity: We meet again in annual council for the interests of God's Kingdom. For the first time this particular community entertains our Diocesan gathering. May God be with us, to bless our deliberations and determinations to the advance- ment of His cause throughout the field especially committed to our care; and may He make our meeting a help and a blessing to this congregation and to this whole community, whose generous hospitality ministers to. and is doing so much for, our comfort and enjoyment. We look about us, and greet our brethren in this annual reunion ; and that reminds us that from time to time God takes one and another to the rest which remaineth after labor for the faithful servant. October 18, 1910. the Rev. Primus Priss Alston, of St. Michael and All Angels, Charlotte, a most faithful and effi- cient colored Priest of the Diocese, fell on sleep upon a brief and sudden call. He had told me, when I had last seen him, that he was not in good health, but I thought him mistaken. He looked the picture of mature and vigorous manhood. I was inexpressibly shocked by the announcement of his death, which came to me while I was in attendance upon the General Convention in Cincinnati. He was one of the early grad- uates of the Theological class at St. Augustine's School, Ra- leigh, and was ordained to the Diaconate by Bishop Lyman. May 13, 1883. Soon after his ordination Bishop Lyman sent him to me, that I might make use of his services in the Mission of St. Michael and All Angels, which I had begun among the colored people of my parish. He continued in that work until his sudden call last October. I have no time or space here to give a history of that work, but today, with its beautiful brick church, its large and admirably appointed Industrial School, and its congregation of zealous workers and worshipers, it is one of the best specimens of a church institution among our colored people, and it stands as his monument. He was a man of excellent mind, of 2,'ood judgment, of rare devotion, of an unswerving faithfulness to the work undertaken, which knew no turning back or turn- ing aside, but went straight on to the end ; and the end usually meant the accomplishment of his purpose. We have had, and we have still, upon the rolls of this Diocese, some of the best clergymen in the Church in the United States. We have been singularly fortunate in the character of our colored Priests bred in our own Diocese. I do not think we have had a poor one among them ; and among them all our brother lately departed holds a very high place. His death is a distinct loss to the Diocese and to the Church. The Rev. Hardy Hardison Phelps was also one of our native clergy, though he had served some years in other Dioceses. He came to us from West Virginia not quite two years ago, though he was not formally transferred to me until a few months before his death. In the summer of 1909 I put him in charge of the work in the upper part of Halifax County, and he greatly endeared himself to his people, and won the affectionate regard of all who came into personal contact with him, by his faithful performance of his duty and his sympathetic and kindly ministrations to all who would receive them. I felt greatly encouraged at the pros- pect of seeing that part of our diocesan field so well sup- plied, and could already discern precious fruits of his labors, when he suddenly developed symptoms of the fatal malady which carried him off. He gave promise of much good serv- ice, but was called to lay it down and to face the fact that his work in this world was ended. He bore with great patience the burden laid upon him, and through some months of waiting grew strong in spirit, committing himself without a murmur to the will of his Master and Saviour. I can not refrain from giving at least a very brief and inadequate mention of another, whose tragical end sent a thrill of pain and grief through all our hearts. The Rev. McNeely DuBose, for four years Rector of St. Mary's School, retained his canonical connection with the District of Ashe- ville, but in fact he was one of us, and with us during those years, as he had been connected with the Diocese before the creation of the Missionary District. I think I never knew a more faithful and godly priest and pastor, and he had few equals in the oversight and administration of a parish. The Church in our State has suffered a grievous loss in his removal, and many of tt.s have felt thai his place in our hearts can not be filled. My official acts during the year have been as follows: May 1. The Fifth Sunday after Hauler ; St. Philip and St. .lames' Day: S p. in.. Raleigh, St. Saviour's Chapel, visitation: Preached, mill confirmed seven persons. 10. Winston, St. Paul's Church, visitation: Officiated at Evening Prayer, and confirmed twelve persons. 11. The Ninety-fourth Annual Convention of Hie Diocese. The Convention met at 10 a. in. 11 a. m. In connection with the opening service of the Con- vention, 1 consecrated the new and beautiful stone parish church of St. Paul's, Winston. Presided in the afternoon business session. 8 p. m. Visited St. Stephen's Chapel, Winston, our colored mission, confirmed six persons, and made an address. 12. In St. Paul's Church, officiated at the morning and evening- services, and presided in the business session of the Conven- tion forenoon and afternoon. 13. Presided in the Convention at its business session. 10 a. m., opened the annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese: at 8 p. m., conducted the closing service, as- sisted by several of the clergy, and confirmed at this service one person. 15. Whitsunday, Raleigh. Christ Church: Officiated at the morn- ing service: and in the evening at the Church of the Good Shepherd. 22. Tbinity Sunday, Raleigh: 7.30 a. m. In St. Mary's Chapel administered the Holy Com- munion. In the same at 1 1 a. m. officiated in the "Com- mencement Sunday" service, the sermon being preached by the Bishop-Coadjutor of Southern Virginia. 5 p. m. In St. Augustine's Chapel conducted the "Commence- ment Sunday" service, the sermon being by the Rev. D. L. Ferguson, of Louisville, Ky. 8 p. m. Officiated in the Church of the Good Shepherd. 24. 12 in. Presided at annual meeting of the Trustees of St. Augustine's School. 25. 10 a. m. Presided at the annual Commencement of St. Au- gustine's School. 3.30 ]). m. Presided at annual meeting of the Trustees of St. Mary's School. 26. 11 a. in. Annual Commencement of St. Mary's School: offi- ciated at closing service in St. Mary's Chapel- May 29. The First Sunday after Trinity, Hillsboro, St. Matthew's Church : Officiated forenoon and afternoon, and preached at the former service. 30. Attended the annual Commencement of the University of North Carolina. June 1. Attended meeting of Executive Committee of St. Mary's School. 9 p. m. Raleigh, Christ Church: Officiated at a marriage. 5. The Second Sunday after Trinity. Henderson, Church of the Holy Innocents: Confirmed eleven persons. IS. Attended meeting of Executive Committee of St. Mary's School. 19. The Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Raleigh, Christ Church: Offi- ciated in the absence of the rector. 20. Duke, St. Stephen's Church, special visitation: Confirmed five persons, and made an address. 21. "St. Mary's Conference" : Said Evening Prayer in St. Mary's Chapel, Raleigh. 22. Officiated in same place at Evening Prayer. 24. St. -John Baptist's Day, St, Mary's Chapel: 7.30 a. m. Administered the Holy Communion. 2 j). m. In same place conducted closing service of "St. Mary's ('(inference'' and made an address. 2(3. The Fifth Sunday after Trinity, Salisbury, St. Luke's Church: H» a. m. Made an address to Men's Bible Class. 11 a. m. Confirmed eleven persons, and made an address; preached a sermon memorial of Rev. Dr. Murdoch, and ad- ministered the Holy Communion. 4 p. m. In St. Matthew's Chapel, Rowan County, preached, and confirmed seven persons. 7.4.") p. m. Preached in St. Peter's Chapel, Salisbury. 29. St. Peter's Day, Scotland Neck: In Trinity Church, officiated at a marriage. 8.30 p. m. In a large warehouse at Wendell, Wake County, preached, and confirmed and addressed five persons. July 3. The Sixth Sunday after Trinity, Monroe, St. Paul's Church: Officiated morning and evening, preached, administered the Holy Communion, confirmed one person, and made an address. At this point, by the advice of my physician, I cancelled all my engagements, and discontinued my visitations for the rest of the summer. Sept. 1. Scotland Neck: In the old church, now used as a Mortuary Chapel, I officiated at a funeral. 2. Lexington: Had a conference with the members of the con- gregation. 3. In Salisbury, examined the property known as "the Harrison Place." belonging to the Diocese, and took measures to have it repaired. Sept. 4. The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, Salisbury) St. Luke's Church: Administered the Holy Communion. 3.30 p. m. Rowan County, St. Jude's Chapel: Preached, and confirmed three persons. 5. Concord: Had a conference with members of the congre- gation. 7. Charlotte. Church of St. Michael and All Angels: Ninth An- nual Meeting of the Colored Convocation of the Diocese. At the opening service T ordained two colored deacons to the Priesthood, and administered the Holy Communion. 4 p. m. Presided in the business .session, and read an address to the Convocation. 8. Presided at the business meetings. 8 ]). in. Confirmed two persons in same church. 9. Bristow, St. Mark's Church, visitation: Preached, and admin- istered the Holy Commounion. 10. Union County, St. Timothy's Church, visitation: Baptized two infants, preached, and administered the Holy Com- munion. 11. The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, Ansonville, All Souls' Church, visitation : Said Morning Prayer, preached, and ad- ministered the Holy Communion. 25. The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Louisburg, visitation: 11 a. m. St. Paul's Church: Preached, and administered the Holy Communion. Had a conference with the vestry. 4 ]>. m. St. Matthew's Church for Xegroes: Said Evening Prayer, and preached. In returning from Louisburg a slight accident caused a pain- ful sprain in my left ankle, which laid me up for two weeks. Oct. 30. The Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity. Jackson, Church of the Saviour, visitation : Officiated morning and evening, ad- ministered the Holy Communion, and preached twice. Nov. 2. Gaston, St. Luke's Church, visitation: Baptized and con- firmed an adult, preached, and administered the Holy Com- munion. 7.30 p. m., Roanoke Rapids, All Saints' Chapel, visitation: Said Evening Prayer, and preached. 3. In Roanoke Rapids baptized an infant in private, there being no minister in charge. 8 p.m. Middleburg, Church of the Heavenly Rest, visitation: Church vacant. I said Evening Prayer, and preached. 4. YYilliamsboro. St. John's Church, visitation: The parish vacant. I said Morning Prayer and the Litany, and preached. 6. The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity, Oxford, St. Stephen's Church, visitation : Confirmed and addressed seven persons. preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 8 Nov. 7. Attended meeting of Executive Committee of St. Mary's School. 13. The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity. Hillsboro, St. Mat- thew's Church: Officiated at a funeral. Hi. Henderson, Church of the Holy Innocents: Annual meeting of the Convocation of Raleigh. 8 ]). m. Officiated at opening service, and confirmed three persons. 17. Presided (hiring the session of the Convocation, and officiated at the midday and evening services. IS. Officiated at closing service of the Convocation. 8 p. m. Oxford. St. Cyprian's Church, visitation: Preached, and confirmed a colored person. 20. The Sunday next before Advent, visitations : 11 a. m. Goshen, St. Paul's Church: Preached, and adminis- tered the Holy Communion. 3.30 p. m. Satterwhite, St. Simeon's Church: Preached, and confirmed five persons. 24. Thanksgiving Day. Raleigh: In St. Mary's Chapel I preached. 4.30 p. m. In same place baptized an infant. 25. Madison, St. John's Church, visitation: Preached. 26. Rockingham County. Knowlhurst Chapel, visitation: Con- firmed four persons, preached, and administered the Holy ( 'ommunion. 27. The First Sunday in Adroit, visitations: 11 a. m. Walnut Cove, Christ Church: Confirmed two per- sons, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 7.30 j). m. Winston, St. Paul's Church: Preached, and con- firmed seven persons. 2S. Mount Airy, Trinity Church, visitation : Preached, confirmed and addressed four persons. 20. Germanton, St. Philip's Church, visitation: Preached. 30. Administered the Holy Communion in a private house for the benefit of a sick person. S p. m. Greensboro, Church of the Holy Trinity: Officiated at opening service at the annual meeting of the Convocation of Charlotte. Dec. 1. In the same church administered the Holy Communion 10 a. m., and made an address. Presided in the business meet- ings of the Convocation. 8 p. m. In the same church confirmed fifteen persons, and made an address. 2. Attended the business sessions of the Convocation. 7.30 p. m. Church of the Redeemer. Colored Mission, visita- tion: Preached, confirmed three persons, and made an address. Dec. 4. The Second Sunday in Advent, visitations: 1] a. in. Leaksville, Church of the Epiphany: Preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 3.30 p. in. Spray. St. Luke's Chapel: Preached. 5. Reidsville, St. Thomas's Church, visitation: Confirmed nine persons, and made an address. 6. In the same church confirmed one person. 7. Charlotte: Conference with Archdeacon Delany and others in regard to the church and school of St. Michael and All Angels. 10. Davie County. Cooleemee Plantations: Had a service in an apartment of Mr. Hairston's residence for the family and servants, and preached. 11. The Third Sunday in Advent, visitations: 11 a. m. Davie County. Ascension Chapel: Confirmed one person, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 7 p. m. Lexington, Grace Church : Said Evening Prayer, and preached. 13. Attended meeting of Executive Committee of Convocation of Raleigh. 14. Enfield. Church of the Advent, visitation: The rector being ill, I said Evening Prayer, and preached. 15. Ringwood, St. Clement's Church, visitation: Said Evening Prayer, and preached. 16. Tarboro, Calvary Church, special visitation: Preached, eon- firmed nineteen persons, and made an address. 17. Weldon: Conferred with members of vestry. 18. The Fourth Sunday in Ad rent. Warrenton. visitations: 11 a. m. Emmanuel Church: The parish vacant. I said the Litany, confirmed four persons, made an address, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. Had a conference with the vestry. 3 p. m. All Saints' Chapel, Colored Mission : Said Evening- Prayer, and preached. 20. Raleigh. Church of the Good Shepherd: Officiated at a funeral. 25. Christmas Day. Raleigh. Church of the Good Shepherd : 11 a. m. The rector being sick. I conducted the appointed services, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. Officiated in the same church. 28. Winston, St. Stephen's Church. Colored Mission, special visi- tation : Confirmed three persons, and made an address. 29. Winston. St. Paul's Church: Officiated at a marriage. 1911. Jan. 1. The Feast of the Circumcision. Raleigh, Church of the Good Shepherd: The rector being sick, I officiated at the regular services, morning and evening, administered the Holy Com- munion, and preached once. 10 Feb. 5. The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Hiilsboro, St. Mat- thew's (lunch: Preached, and administered the Holy Com- munion. 22. Raleigh: Confirmed three sick persons in private, two in one house and . in. Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, visitation: Con- firmed six persons, and made an address. 29. Mayodan, Church of the Messiah, visitation: Preached, and confirmed eight persons. 30. Cooleemee, Church of the Good Shepherd, visitation : Preached, and confirmed three persons. 31. YYoodleaf, St. George's Chapel, visitation: Preached, and confirmed four persons. April 1. Had an appointment for a visitation to Christ Church, Cleve- land; but found carpenters engaged in repairing the build- ing, and so had to omit the service. 8 p. m. At Mooresville, in a public hall, I preached, and con- firmed one person. 2. The Fifth Sunday in Lent, visitations: Iredell County, St. James's Church : Preached, confirmed twelve persons, made an address, and administered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. Statesville, Trinity Church: Preached. 3. Statesville, Holy Cross Chapel, Colored Mission, visitation: Preached, and confirmed two persons. 4. Spray, St. Luke's Chapel, special visitation: Preached, con- firmed six person's; one being a sick man in private. 5. High Point, St. Mary's Church, visitation: Preached, and confirmed three persons. 7. Raleigh : Meeting of Executive Committee of St. Mary's School. 9. Palm Sunday, Raleigh, visitations: 11 a. m. Christ Church: Confirmed fifteen persons, made an address, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 5 p. m. St. Mary's Chapel: Confirmed eight pupils of the school, and made an address. 8 p. in. Church of the Good Shepherd: Preached, and con- firmed six persons. 10. Confirmed in private a sick man and his wife, of Christ Church. 11. Sanford, St. Thomas's Church, visitation: Preached. 12. Gulf. St. Mark's Church, visitation: Preached. 14. Good Friday, Pittsboro, visitations : 11 a. m. St. Bartholomew's Church: Preached, and admin- istered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. St. James's Chapel : Said Evening Prayer. 16. Easter Dat, Raleigh, visitations : 11a. m. St. Augustine's Chapel: Preached, confirmed twenty- eight colored pupils of the school, and made an address. 12 8 p. 111. St. Saviour's Chapel : Confirmed sixteen persons, and preached. April 19. Raleigh, St. Ambrose's Church, Colored Parish: Confirmed seventeen persons, and preached. 20. In Salisbury had a conference with the rector of St. Luke's Church and several representative men of the parish upon a matter of important diocesan interest. 21. Wadesboro, Calvary Church, visitation: Preached, and con- firmed two persons. 23. The First Sunday after Easter, visitations: 11 a. m. Rockingham, Church of the Messiah: Preached, confirmed two persons, and administered the Holy Com- munion. 4.30 p. m. Hamlet, in the Presbyterian Church: Preached, and confirmed three persons. 25. >S7. Mark's Day, Laurinburg, St. David's Church, visitation: Preached, and confirmed three persons. 26. Charlotte, Church of the Holy Comforter, visitation : Preached, and confirmed thirteen persons. 27. Charlotte, The Thompson Orphanage and Training Institu- tion, visitation: 10 a. m. Animal meeting of the Board of Managers. 1 1 a. in. Confirmed nine pupils of the institution, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 8 p. m. St. Martin's Chapel, visitation: Preached, and con- firmed five persons. 28. 10 a. m. Charlotte, St. Michael's Industrial School: Held a conference with a number of local clergymen and laymen to consider the means of. developing and organizing the work of this school. The Rev. Samuel H. Bishop, Secretary of the American Church Institute for Negroes, kindly came from New York to be present at this conference, at my request, and was of great assistance in arriving at a hopeful conclusion. 8 p. m. Concord. All Saints' Church, visitation : Preached, and confirmed three persons. 29. Charlotte: Confirmed a sick person in private. 30. The Second Sunday after Easter, Charlotte, visitations: 9.30 a. m. St. Andrew's Chapel: Confirmed one person. 11 a. m. St. Peter's Church: Confirmed thirty-four persons, preached, and administered the Holy Communion. 4 p. m. Church of St. Michael and All Angels: Confirmed two colored persons, and made an address. During the year I have officiated a number of times beyond the limits of the Diocese. 13 June 8. Diocese of Southern Virginia, in St. Paul's Church, Newporl News: Officiated with the rector at a marriage. 9. Diocese of East Carolina, in St. Paul's Church, Edenton: Officiated with the rector at a marriage. 12. The Third Sunday after Trinity, and the throe following days, attended the services in connection with the Commencement of fhe University of the South at Sewanee. July 10. The Seventh Sunday after Trinity: Preached in a country meeting-house in Mitchell County. 17. The Eighth Sunday after Trinity: Preached in the Presby- terian Church in Pineola, Mitchell County. 24. The Ninth Sunday after Trinity: hi the Chapel of the Cross. Valle Crucis, 1 preached, and administered the Holy Com- munion. Aug. 7. The Eleventh- Sunday after Trinity: In All Faith Church. St. Mary's County, Md., Diocese of Washington, I preached, and administered the Holy Communion. Aug. 14. The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity: In Trinity Church, St. Mary's City, Md.. Diocese of Washington, I preached. 18. On Roanoke Island attended a service in commemoration of the Birth of Virginia Dare, the first white child of English parents born in America, and made an address. 21. The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity: In a private house at Xag's Head. Diocese of East Carolina, had an early cele- bration of the Holy Communion, and at midday preached. Oct. 19. Cincinnati. Ohio: Made an address before the meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary. 23. The Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity: Preached in the Cathedral Church, St. Paul's, at Cincinnati. 24, 25. 26. In the Chapel of the Theological Seminary at Alex- andria, Va.. delivered three addresses on "The Church in the Confederate States." 27. In the Chapel of the University of Virginia, at Charlottes- ville, I officiated at a marriage. Nov. 10. In Grace Church, Brooklyn, Diocese of Long Island, made an address before the Diocesan Branch of the Woman's Auxil- iary. The evening of the same day, and on 11. In the library of the Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Connecticut, I gave three lectures on "The Church in the Confederate States." 1911. Jan. 4. In Philadelphia, at the University Hospital. I administered the Holy Communion to a sick person. I was absent from the Diocese the whole month of January in a trip to the West Indian Island of Jamaica, having been appointed by the Presiding Bishop to represent our American Church at the interesting 14 services in connection with the consecration of the churches in and near Kingston, which bad been rebuilt since the destruction by the great earthquake of January 14, 1907. Jan. 8. The First Sunday after the Epiphany : At sea in SS. Zacapa, hit. 25° 57' X.. long. 74° 18' W., I said Morning Prayer and made an address. 12. Took part with Archbishop Xuttall and the other Bishops and Clergy in the consecration of St. Thomas's Church, in St. Catharine's Parish, Jamaica ; and preached the Consecration Sermon. 15. The Second Sunday after the Epiphany: In the Cathedral at Spanish Town, Jamaica, took part in the consecration of the Rev. Edward Hutson as Bishop of Antigua. The same evening preached in St. George's Church, Kingston. l(i. At the invitation of the Archbishop I attended a meeting of the Bishops of the Province of the West Indies, held at Half-way Tree Church, in the suburbs of Kingston. There wen' present also the Bishop of St. Alban's, England, the Assistant Bishop of Toronto, Archdeacon Bryan, late of Panama, and the Rev. Ernest H. Pearce. the Archbishop's Commissary in London. An interesting conference was held upon several subjects of common interest brought forward by Archbishop Xuttall. 17. Assisted in the service at the Consecration of the Parish Church (St. Thomas's) in Kingston, and after the service attended a large meeting of the Clergy and Laity of Jamaica, at which an address was presented to the visiting Bishops and Clergy on behalf of the Church in Jamaica, and re- sponses made by the visitors. I spoke on behalf of the Church in the United States, and read a letter from our Presiding Bishop, which he had sent by me to the Arch- bishop as head of the Church in Jamaica. The evening of the same day I preached at the consecration of All Saints' Church, Kingston. 22. The Third Sunday after the Epiphany : At sea on board the SS. Zacapa, lat. 20° 51' X.; long. 74° 11' W., I said Morning Prayer and preached. 29. The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany : Washington, D. C, in St. Alban's Church, I preached. Feb. 12. Septuagesima Sunday: In Jacksonville. Florida, I made two addresses in behalf of the University of the South, in the forenoon in St. John's Church, and in the evening in the Church of the Good Shepherd. 15. In the Church of the Holy Trinity, Gainesville, Florida, I made an address on the same subject; and, 19. Sexagesima Sunday, spoke again in the Church of the Holy Trinity, St. Augustine. 15 The total of services held during the year covered by this report in 185. I have administered the Holy Communion forty-two times, preached ninety-eight sermons, made forty-two addresses, baptized one adult and live infants, married six couples, officiated at four funerals, ordained two priests, consecrated one church, and confirmed 47U persons. September 7th, in the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Char- lotte, T advanced to the Priesthood two of our young colored Deacons. James King Satterwhite and Robert Josiah Johnson. The sermon was preached by Archdeacon Delany, and the candidates were presented by the Rev. Walter J. Smith. The priests above named, together with the Rev. Primus P. Alston, James E. King, ('has. II. .Male, of this Diocese, and the Rev. .Jacob Jones, of the Diocese of South Carolina, united in the Imposition of Hands. May 11, 1910, at the opening service of our last annual Convention, I had the pleasure of consecrating the new and beautiful stone church. St. Paul's, Winston, which is a material addition to the work of the Church in that growing city, and equally a credit to the faith and liberality of the people, and to the zeal and practical efficiency of the faithful rector. We have added to our Clergy List by transfer from other Dioceses: The Rev. Hardy Hardison Phelps, Priest, from West Virginia, May 14, 1010. The Rev. William Jones Gordon, Priest, from East Carolina, Novem- ber 1, 1910. The Rev. Frank James Mallett, Priest, from Pittsburg, December 3, 1911. The Rev. John Benners Gibble, Priest, from East. Carolina. February 2, 1911. We have lost The ReA r . Louis Hector Schubert. Priest, deposed September 21, 1910. The Rev. Richard Louis Bame, Deacon, deposed September 21, 1910. The Rev. Primus Priss Alston, Priest, died October IS. 1910. The Rev. Hardy Hardison Phelps. Priest, died January 9. 1911. The Rev. John London, Priest, transferred to Virginia, November 23. 1910. The Rev. John Coleman Horton, Priest, transferred to Tennessee, October 24 3 1911. Making a total gain of four and a loss of six. a net loss of two as compared with our numbers last year. The Candidates for Holy Orders are: Geo. C. Pollard. Arthur Myron Cochran, Lewis Nathaniel Taylor, Joseph McDonald and Henry Alpheus Willey. The Postulants are: Foster N. Cox. Walter L. Loftin. Israel Hard- ing Hughes. Wm. Hoke Ransom, Geo. Gregory Mabry, Henry Clark Smith, Robert James Sellers, and Joseph Alfred Edgar LeBlanc. 16 The fields of labor of the Clergy are as in last year's Journal, except as follows : The Rev. J. C. Davis, D.D., on account of the increasing infirmities of age, has resigned All Saints' Church, Concord, and is residing with his son in Athens, Ga., though retaining his canonical connection with this Diocese. The Rev. Wm. II. Ball, having resigned charge of Wades- bo ro and Ansonville, and having for some months rendered faithful service in St. Paul's, Monroe, and St. Timothy's, Union County, has for the past two months been officiating in All Saints' Church, Concord. The Rev. Edward L. Ogilby has resigned the parish of St. Athanasius, Burlington, and has been placed in charge of Emmanuel Church, Southern Pines. The Rev. Ceo. M. Tolson, having given up the work at Leaksville and Spray, has accepted the rectorship of St. Thomas's Church, Reidsville, and has been given the care of St. Mary's Church, High Point. The Row Wm. J. Gordon, transferred from East Carolina, has taken the work at Leaksville and Spray. The Row Frank J. Mallett, transferred from the Dio- cese of Pittsburg, has become rector of St. Luke's Church, Salisbury. The Rev. John B. Gibble, transferred from East Carolina, has accepted the rectorship of St. Athanasius' Church, Bur- lington. The Canons require the Bishop to make, at every annual Convention of his Diocese, a statement of the affairs of the Diocese, giving detailed information of his acts and services, such as is contained in the foregoing pages of this Address. Heretofore I have been accustomed to read this statement and these details in full, following the unbroken custom of my predecessors, Bishops of Xorth Carolina. But I have felt for some years that this was uninteresting and unedify- ing. seeing such information may be more readily and more effectively conveyed by submitting the printed statement to the Convention. T therefore omit at this time the reading of the details of my official acts, and ask the members of the Convention to consider my canonical duty sufficiently per- formed by submitting to them printed copies of those parts of this Address. The Canons also require the Bishop to include in his annual statement, "all matters tending to throw light upon 17 the affairs of the Diocese." This I understand as requiring me to lay before you all matters of special importance re- lating to the duties, opportunities, and obligations of this Diocesan Convention, with reference to the general work and welfare of the Church. And this part of my annual statement I think it most proper that I should read publicly in the Convention. OUR GENERAL WORK. First of all when we come together we are reminded of our oneness in Christ. That is what every Christian assem- bly means. And the one great note of life and power in our American Christianity of today is this increasing sense of the relation of the individual Christian to the whole Body. No one who remembers our General Conventions for the last thirty years can have failed to note how the small matters of our domestic trials and difficulties have fallen out of notice in that great meeting, and how the great things of the Church's world-wide commission, and its relations with all Christian people, have come to occupy the time and thought of our Bishops and deputies. And if Ave would align our- selves with this advance, we must place first in our thought and action our duty and relationship to the general work of the Church. I therefore ask the attention of this Convention to our General Missionary work. In no part of our activities have we greater cause of encouragement than in the work of our Board of Missions. Beginning with the action of our Gen- eral Convention at San Francisco in 1001, in laying out its annual work, and apportioning among the Dioceses the sum to be raised for that work, there has been a steady advance in the extent and effectiveness of the work of the Board of Missions, and in the systematic and generous support given to it throughout the Church. ITp to that time this Diocese had so imperfectly realized its relationship to the Board that it had never done anything at all commensurate with its duty to our general Foreign and Domestic work. Since our duty was pointed out to us, and our part of it assigned in the suggestion of a definite proportion of the obligation, I am proud and thankful to say that this Diocese has never failed, up to the present time, to give more than the amount asked for. But the work still moves forward, and the circumference 3 18 of our enterprises expands. The Convention of 1910 effected a most important reorganization of the Board of Missions, and it. is more than likely that we shall find the new Board disposed to push on the work with increased vigor. Indeed, since J first sent these lines to the printer, the Church papers inform us that the Board of Missions, at its meeting this month, resolved to increase the apportionment by an addition of 15 per cent, to the amount asked of the Church last year. This calls for increased faith and liberality, and for in- creased diligence on our part. Heretofore the Clergy and people have kindly and generously responded to the appeals which, as their Bishop, I have made to them, and our appor- tionment has been promptly and generously met. But I have received communications and suggestions from the Board of Missions, looking to the more active participation of ibis Convention and of the vestries of the several parishes in the distribution of the obligation and the collection of the fund.-. I therefore ask that a committee of this Convention be appointed to take into consideration the obligations of our Diocese and people to the missionary work of the Church and the best methods to be recommended for the prompt and systematic performance of the same. In this connection I can not refrain from asking your serious consideration of our duty with reference to what has been called the "Forward Movement," and the "Men's Missionary Movement," of which we were thinking and talk- ing so much at this time last year. We were stirred up to much interest and zeal, and made large promises to ourselves id' more devoted service and more generous gifts for the bringing of the world to Christ. I called together some of our prominent laymen, and endeavored to secure their more active participation in the work of the Church at home as well as increased efforts abroad. T trust that we have not forgotten the good resolutions then made. May I hope that the committee, above suggested, may take up the whole ques- tions of arousing our people, and putting them in the way of more effective and persistent co-operation in all the activities of diocesan and general work? st. .mart's conference. The reference to our "Men's Meeting" of January, 1910, reminds me that that meeting adjourned to meet again in connection with the Conference of clergy and laity to be 19 held at St. Mary's School. The Conference was held as appointed, June 20-24, 1910, and no one who had the privi- lege of participating in it can have failed to experience in some degree the benefits, spiritual, intellectual, and social, of its sessions. The addresses of Bishop Kinsman were its chief feature, and of themselves abundantly rewarded all who heard them for the lime devoted to the meeting. But the more informal conferences and discussions were most interesting and helpful, and calculated to be of great advan- tage to our Church people of the Carolinas, if we can so excite their interest as to attract in future a general attend- ance from different parts of our associated Dioceses. It is planned to repeat the Conference this year, June 5th-9th, and I most earnestly press upon our clergy and laity the importance of attending this meeting. I trust that every clergyman of the Diocese will endeavor to be present, and that one layman at least, or two if practicable, may be in- duced to attend from each parish. With such a general attendance much may be done in securing a better under- standing of many practical problems of our Church life, and better co-operation in dealing with them. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. The mention of St. Mary's School naturally suggests the subject of Christian Education. I do not, in this Address, discuss particularly the interests of St. Mary's School, since the report of the Trustees, and the presence of the Kector of St. Mary's sufficiently assure us of its adequate considera- tion by the Convention. We have done something towards putting St. Mary's upon a proper foundation, but very much remains to be done. You are well assured of my deep in- terest in that school, and of my readiness to co-operate to the utmost extent, of my ability in its behalf. At this time we have another of the institutions of the Church, and of the Diocese, demanding our most serious attention. The University of the South at Sewanee is in a peculiar manner the child of the Church in the South. I will not at this time discuss its history, or enlarge upon the very strong- claims it has upon us, more than barely to mention them. This Diocese is one of those responsible for its existence, and bound in honor, as it seems to me, to respond to its 20 appeal for loyal sympathy and support. It exists by our act ; it is carried on by our authority, and under our direc- tion. Its responsibilities have been assumed with our sanc- tion. We made it ; we are resjDonsible for it. And nobly has it justified its existence, and repaid a thousand-fold all that has been done for it. I have, during the past twelve or fifteen months, been devoting some degree of special atten- tion and study to the history of the Church in the South since the year 1859. The growth of the Church since that time has been truly marvelous, more than three hundred per cent, in the clergy, and more than six hundred per cent, in communicants, taking the Southern Dioceses south and west of Virginia, and the Carolinas. And, leaving out of account the element of immigration, I am satisfied that in these Dioceses the most important factor in the life of the Church has been the influence and work of the University of the South. Tn proportion to the means at its command it has exerted an intellectual and spiritual power in the country far beyond that of our oldest and most amply endowed universi- ties. We, in North Carolina, have come but little within its influence ourselves on account of the closer identification of our people with our State University at Chapel Hill ; but with the few men we have sent, and the meager contribu- tions we have made, we have yet received incalculable re- turns in the character and work of both clergymen and lay- men of our Diocese educated and trained at Sewanee. We have with us at this Convention a commissioned representa- tive of the University of the South, to whom I have felt it my duty to assign a special place upon our program, and a set hour for speaking to us in behalf of our own institution. This Convention should attend carefully to what he and others shall lay before us, and we should determine what oar duty demands of us in regard to this work. I have re- ceived from the Bishop and Diocese of Atlanta a communica- tion on this subject, which I am asked to lay before this Con- vention, and also other papers from the Commissioner of Endowments of the University of the South, which shall be at the command of any committee which the Convention may see fit to appoint for the further and detailed considera- tion of this important matter. In the meanwhile I ask your intelligent and sympathetic attention to what the rep- resentatives and advocates of our own institution may have to sav to us. 21 DIOCESAN WORK. Iii many respects the work of the Diocese at large is going on vigorously and well. There are many signs of growth and development in our large towns. I am much gratified at finding that in many of our parishes there is a disposition to provide a more adequate support for the clergy; and mosl of our stronger parishes are fairly alive to the duty of push- ing the work of the Church in their immediate vicinity. A great deal of excellent work of this kind is being done, in Charlotte, in Raleigh, in Henderson, in Durham, in Tar- boro, and in other places. And the Diocese still main- tains its admirable work in the new manufacturing towns and suburbs, which is of much importance, and in which I believe this Diocese leads among all the Dioceses of the South. Our greatest weakness, and our consequent greatest need, at this time, are in connection with the work in our smaller parishes in towns and in the country. Many of these are dependent upon outside assistance to maintain even infre- quent services. And in the missionary work of our Con- vocations we need renewed and increased interest and co- operation of our people — both the clergy and the laity of our stronger parishes. This work, formerly carried on under an Executive Missionary Committee of this Convention, is now remitted wholly to the three Convocations. This change has fully justified itself in the results of the work. T be- lieve that quite twice as much is expended for Diocesan Mis- sionary work under the new method as under the old. But we are still far below the measure of our duty. And I make here an earnest appeal to the clergy and laity to remember their duty to our Diocesan Missions, and to remember that that duty can only be discharged through the medium of our Convocations. Our people have not come to realize the importance of attending the meetings of the Convocations, and of co-operating with our faithful Archdeacons in the good work which they are doing. We have heard the reports of these Archdeacons, and have been shown the opportuni- ties which lie open before us. Let me ask you to remember that, to the missionary work of our own Diocese, attendance by laymen as well as clergymen upon the annual meetings of the Convocations, in the summer or autumn, when these meetings are held, is more important than attendance on our annual Conventions in May. There has been much im- 29 provement within the last two or three years. Let us work for more. We must have these meetings better attended if we are to do our work successfully. In concluding this part of the subject, I can not refrain from mentioning three new enterprises which have marked the year covered by this Address, namely : the hopeful begin- ning we have made upon work in the very important manu- facturing town of Spray, where I have been able to put the Rev. Wm. J. Gordon, and a parish visitor and worker main- tained by a stipend from the "United Offering 1 '; the Rev. Mr. Bost's admirable enterprise in the interest of diocesan work among the Deaf Mutes, with a faithful woman worker devoting herself wholly to the cause; and Archdeacon Hughes's efforts in behalf of the convicts on the State Farm in Halifax County, and the work carried on there by Mr. LeBlanc. I hope the members of the Convention may be able to hear something more from those engaged in the work; but T can not refrain from recording in this place my own very high appreciation of this work among the deaf mutes, and also that for the people of the State Farm, and my very hearty commendation of both to the sympathy and support of the Diocese. T would say one word on behalf of our diocesan work among the Xegroes. Should not each parish in the Diocese do something in aid of this work? In South Carolina the Convention has asked that the Easter Offering in every parish lie devoted to the missionary work of the Diocese, one- half to the white work, one-half to the black. Surely we should do something. I ask this Convention to recommend some method by which all our people may be encouraged to show their sympathy for our colored brethren, and to extend their generous assistance to our own faithful colored Arch- deacon and the workers under him, in the efforts in behalf of our colored people. In conclusion, and looking again at matters of universal concern, I think all Christian hearts must feel a deep sym- pathy with the widespread sentiment in behalf of Peace and Good Will among all the nations of the earth, which seems to be one of the hopeful signs of the time. And while we are sensible of that fatal weakness and perversity of our fallen nature which still breaks out in public and private contention and strife and bloodshed, yet what the Angels promised as the gift of God in the new-born Christ we, His 23 people, nmsi continue to pray for and to strive after. The President of this great Country is in many ways showing himself to be a great and a magnanimous Leader; and in none more than in his advocacy of Peace on Earth, and par- ticularly in his proposals for the better security of perma- nent amity and concord between America and our Mother Country, England. This has no party or sectional element-, but is intended to express and to develop the mutual good will of all people at home and abroad. Shall not we, as representing one Diocese in the Kingdom of the Prince of Peace, put on record our devout hope and prayer, that God may bless and bring to good effect the efforts of our govern- ment on behalf of Peace among the Nations and the Peoples of the Earth? Jos. Blount Cheshire, Bishop of North Carolina. PAROCHIAL REPORTS FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1911. Ansonville, All fouls' Church. Families 7. Baptized persons 26. Communicants 10. Sunday- school teachers 4: scholars 15. Public services: Sundays 6 or 8. Holy Communion .'!. Church sittings 150. Value «>f church $1,000; other church property $400— total $1,400. Salary pledged minister $100. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $100. Current Ex- penses $1.50. Improvements $15. Sunday-school $6.25 — total $122.75. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $18.75. Diocesan Mis- sions $40. Thompson Orphanage $15— total $73.75. General: General Missions $10. Foreign Missions $3.75 — total $13.75. Aggregate $210.25. The mission is suffering greatly for lack of the services of a minister. Baitleboro, St. John's Church ; the Rev. R. B. Owens,, Min- ister in ( 'liarge. Baptisms: infant 3. Confirmed 1. Communicants: last reported 31; removed 2: present number 30. Sunday-school teachers 3; scholars 12. Public services: Sundays 15: other days 6. Holy Communion 4. Salary pledged Minister $100. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $110.10. Current Ex- penses $7.03. Other Objects $1— total $118.13. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $15.65. Diocesan Mis- sions $13.55. Thompson Orphanage $32.50. Other Objects $1.25— total $62.95. General: General Missions $22.41. Foreign Missions $2. Sewanee $1.50. General Clergy Relief $8— total $33.91. Aggregate $214.99. Bristow, Si. Mark's Church; the Rev. Edwin A. Osborne, Archdeacon. Families 20. Baptized persons 150. Communicants: last reported 70: died 1: present number 69. Sunday-school teachers 4; scholars 60. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary: Altar Guild. Pub- lic services: Sundays 50; other days 10. Holy Communion 4. Church sittings 200. 25 Value of church $3,000; rectory $1,000; other church property $400— total $4,400. Insurance $1,000. Disbursements — Parochial : Insurance $17.50. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $18.35. Diocesan Mis sions $3.40. Education Fund $1.42— total $23.17. General: Foreign Missions $1.15. Aggregate $41.82. This Mission has been without a pastor for more than a year, but Mr. Thos. Griffin has conducted services with much regularity as lay reader. And I have visited the place four times on Sundays and preached eight times on other days. Mr. Henry A. Willey is now serv- ing as lay reader and catechist. Burlington, Chinch of $t. Athanasius; the Rev. Joux Bex:- xrrs Gibble. Rector. Families 34. Baptized persons 132. Baptisms: infant 1. Burials 6. Communicants : last reported 78 : died 1 ; removed 4 ; present num- ber 86. Sunday-school teachers 5; scholars 39. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Guild; Auxiliaries: Altar Guild. Public services: Sundays 16; other days 24. Holy Communion: public 5: private 1. Church sittings 250. Value of church $2,500; chapel $500; rectory $3,000: other church property $4,000— total $10,000. Salary pledged Minister $1,500. In- surance $2,400. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $19.25. Minister's Salary $825. Current Expenses $172.79. Improvements $143.69. Other Objects $71— total $1,231.73. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $164.15. Education Fund $17.55— total $181.70. General: General Missions $93.90. Sewanee $2.25. Other Objects $5.56— total $101.71. Aggregate $1,515.14. The finishing work is being done on the new granite church, and we hope to have it consecrated at an early date. The present incumbent entered upon his Rectorship February 2, 1911. Chapel Hill, Chapel of the Cross; the Eev. Richard Wal- lace Hogue, Rector. Families 26. Baptized persons 125. Baptisms: infant 2; adult 1 — total S. Confirmed 6. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 62: admitted 6: received 46: died 1: removed 10: present number 103. Sunday-school teachers 5 : scholars 27. Public services : Sundays 92 : other days 81. Holy Communion 30. Church sittings 125. Value of church $4,000; rectory $3,000— total $7,000. Salary pledged Minister $600. Insurance $3,500. Indebtedness on property $225. 26 Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $42.50. Minister's Salary $600. Current Expenses $193. Improvements $300. Insurance $11.50. Other Objects $35— total $1,182. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $79.40. Diocesan Mis- sions $50. Thompson Orphanage $32.50. Other Objects $30 — total $191.90. General: General Missions $50. General Clergy Relief $58. Other objects $357 — total $405. Aggregate $1,838.90. Charlotte. Church of the Holy Comforter (Bishop Atkinson Memorial) ; the Rev. Francis M. Osborne, Minister in Charge. Families 58. Baptized persons 175. Baptisms: infant 3. Confirmed 3. Burials 3. Communicants: last reported 68; admitted 2; re- ceived 17: died 1; removed 5: withdrawn 2; present number 79. Sunday-school teachers 7: scholars 48. Other Parish Agencies: St. Elizabeth Guild; Auxiliaries: Boy's Club; St. Margaret's Guild for Girls; Brotherhood of St. Andrew; Church Club. Public services: Sun- days 80; other days 70. Holy Communion: public 45: private 3. Church sittings LOO. Value of church $25,000- other church property $500— total $25,500. Salary pledged Minister $1,200. Insurance $12,000. Indebtedness on property $9. odd. Other debts $109. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $7.75. Minister's Salary $1,200. Current Expenses $129.82. Building $5,000. Sunday-school $46.40. Other Objects $61.50— total $6,445.47. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $50. Diocesan Missions $73.50. Education Fund $1.50. Thompson Orphanage $18.50. Colored Convocation $2. Other Objects $9.70— total $155.20. General: General .Missions $28. Foreign Missions $10.80. Se- wanee $1.55. General Clergy Relief $22.75. American Church Build- ing Fund $1.75— total $64.85. Aggregate $6,665.52. The congregation is now worshipping in the Sunday-school room in the basement of the Bishop Atkinson Memorial Church, which now has chancel and transepts under roof. Up to this year the congregation has held services in a rented hall from the time of its organization. Charlotte (Seversville) . St. Andrew's Chapel (Clarkson Me- morial) ; the Rev. Francis M. Osborne, Minister in Charge; Mr. IT. -T. Marsh, Lav Reader. Families 4. Baptized persons 14. Communicants 4. Sunday-school teachers 3: scholars 20. Public services: Sundays 20. Holy Com- munion 3. Chapel sittings 180. 27 Value of chapel $1,350; other church property $200— total $1,550. Insurance $500. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $1.05. Current Expenses $12.60. Sunday-school $10— total $23.65. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan .Mis- sions $5 — total $7.50. Aggregate $31.15. Two services a month arc now held in this chapel, and in addition a celebration of the Holy Communion when a fifth Sunday occurs in any month. Although our number of communicants is small the semi-monthly services are well attended and also attractive by reason of the regular presence of the vested choir from St. Martin's Chapel. Charlotte, St. Martin's Chapel; the Rev. Francis Moore Osborne, Minister in Charge; Mr. C. E. Frick, Lay Reader. Families 24. Baptized persons 64. Baptisms: infant 4. Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 37; received 1; died 1; removed 1; withdrawn 2 : present number 34. Sunday-school teachers 6 ; scholars 52. Other Parish Agencies: St. Martin's Guild; Pense Club; Friday Afternoon Club for Children. Public services : Sundays 65 ; other days 50. Holy Communion: public 15; private 3. Chapel sittings 100. Value of Chapel $3,500; Guild E,oom $500: other church property $200— total $4,200. Salary pledged Minister $200. Insurance $900. Indebtedness on property $230. Other debts $31.05. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $2.55. Minister's Salary $200. Improvements $630. Sunday-school $32.25. Other Objects $26— total $890.80. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $24.60. Diocesan Mis- sions $28.05. Education Fund $1.10. Thompson Orphanage $7.82. Colored Convocation $.85. Church work at State University $1.10 — total $63.52. General: General Missions $3. Sewanee $.83. General Clergy Re- lief $6.75— total $10.58. Aggregate $964.90. Chcurlotte-, Chapel of St. Mary the Virgin; the Rev. Walter J. Smitti, Chaplain. Families 3. Baptized persons 81. Baptisms: infant 5: adult 4 — ■ total 9. Confirmed 11. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 52; admitted 12; removed 6; present number 58. Sunday-school teachers 7: scholars 60. Parish school teachers 2; scholars 56. Industrial school teachers 1; scholars 32. Other Parish Agencies: Junior Auxil- iary: Daughters of the King. Public services: Sundays 91: other days 244. Holy Communion 2S. Chapel sittings 200. 28 Value of chapel $3,000. Insurance $2,250. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $2.75. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $14.69. Education Fund $3.56. Other Objects $14.59— total $35.34. General: General Missions $7.50. Domestic Missions $1.57. For- eign Missions $1.74. Sewanee $4.08. General Clergy Relief $3.23. Other Objects $14.27— total $32.39. Aggregate $70.48. My official acts other than the above have been as follows : Services 16; sermons 14; celebrations of Holy Communion 9; 1 in- fant baptism and 1 burial. Most of the services have been performed in Charlotte, two in Greensboro, one in Scotland Neck and one in Morganton. Charlotte, Church of St. Michael and All Angels (colored) ; the Rev. H. B. Delany, Archdeacon; Me. A. Myron Cochran, Lay Reader. Families 29. Baptized persons 233. Baptisms: infant 8. Confirmed 11. Burials 4. Communicants: last reported 111; admitted 11; died 4; present number 118. Sunday-school teachers 8; scholars 120. Par- ish school teachers 7; scholars 134. Industrial school teachers 3; scholars 100. Other Parish Agencies: Ladies' Aid; Altar Guild; Auxiliaries; Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Public services: Sundays 80; other days 150. Holy Communion: public 15; private 1. Church sittings 375. Value of church $6,500; other church property $9,000 — total $15,500. Salary pledged Minister $120. Insurance $11,000. Indebtedness on Minister's Salary $27. Other debts $4.10. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $6. Minister's Salary $114. Cur- rent Expenses $115.46. Sunday-school $24.26. Insurance $69. Other Objects $4.55— total $333.27. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $21.60. Diocesan Mis- sions $17.24. Other Objects $4— total $42.84. General: General Missions $8. Foreign Missions $8.17. General Clergy Relief $3.32— total $19.49. Aggregate $395.60. During the past year the work at St. Michael's has sustained a very great loss by the death of the Priest, Rev. P. P. Alston, who for about 27 years had labored so patiently and well for the establishment of a really splendid plant of a beautiful, Well appointed church and substantial school building. We feel a great measure of thankfulness to the Rev. W. J. Smith, Rev. E. A. Osborne and others who have most graciously come to our assistance in trying to keep alive the spirit and work of our worthy leader. 29 Chestnut Hill, St. Paul's Church; the Rev. Edwin A. Os- borne, Archdeacon. Families 30. Baptized persons 90. Baptisms: infant 2. Com- municants: last reported 41; died 2; present number 39. Sunday- school teachers 5; scholars 25. Public services: Sundays 64. Holy Communion 4. Church sitting's 150. Value of church $2,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $10. Diocesan: Diocesan Missions $2. Aggregate $12. This report is only approximately correct, as there is no pastor and practically no organization. There is no financial report from the Treasurer. Mr. Walter Loflin has been acting as lay reader and preacher during the past year and the Bev. T. A. Cheatham held a num- ber of services while he was rector of St. Luke's Church. The Arch- deacon has also held services and celebrated the Holy Communion once. Cleveland, Christ Church; the Rev. S. J. M. Brown, Min- ister in charge. Families 35. Baptized persons 120. Baptisms: infant 3. Marriages 1. Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 58; died 1; withdrawn 1; present number 48. Sunday-school teachers 4; scholars 50. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary. Public services: Sundays 27; other days 10. Holy Communion 3. Church sittings 400. Value of church $800; other church property $400— total $1,200. Salary pledged Minister $125. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $125. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $7.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $14.30. Thompson Orphanage $4.95. Other Objects $3.75— total $30.50. General: General Missions $3. General Clergy Relief $1.77. Amer- ican Church Building Fund $1.06— total $5.83. Aggregate $161.33. Concord, All Saints' Church ; the Rev. Wm. H. Ball. Priest in Charge. Families 16. Baptized persons 57. Baptisms: infant 2. Confirmed 3. Communicants : last reported 43 : admitted 3 ; removed 2 ; present number 45. Sunday-school teachers 3: scholars 15. Other Parish Agencies: Daughters of the King. Church sittings 125. Value of church $2,000. Salary pledged Minister $456. 30 Cooleemee, Church of the Good Shepherd; the Rev. S. J. M. Brown, Minister in Charge; Me. J. H:- L. Rice, Lay Reader. Families 14. Baptized persons 52. Baptisms: infant 2; adult 1 — total 3. Confirmed 3. Marriages 2. Burials 3. Communicants: last reported 32: admitted 3: died 2; removed 7; present number 25. Sunday-school teachers 5; scholars 64. Other Parish Agencies: Wom- an's Auxiliary: Parish Guild; Junior Guild. Public services: Sun- days 54: other days 2(5. Holy Communion 4. Church sitting's 275. Value of church $1,200. Salary pledged Minister $200. Insurance $800. Indebtedness on Minister's Salary $25. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $175. Improvements $104— total $339. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $21.60. Diocesan Mis- sions $13.90. Education Fund $4. IS. Thompson Orphanage $7.98. Other Objects $11.42— total $59.08. General: General Missions $7.14. Sewanee $1.87. American Church Building Fund $1.58— total $10.59. Aggregate $408.67. Cuningham Chapel; the Rev. Edwin A. Osborne, Arch- deacon. Families 1. Baptized persons 4. Communicants 4. Public services: monthly. Salary pledged Minister $50. Archdeacon Hughes holds services in this chapel once a month. Da rie County, Ascension Chapel; the Rev. S. J. M. Brown, Minister in Charge. Families 3. Baptized persons 12. Confirmed 1. Communicants 7. Sunday-school teachers 3; scholars 32. Other Parish Agencies: Wom- an's Auxiliary. Public services: Sundays 10; other days 10. Holy Communion 4. Chapel sittings 120. Value of chapel $800. Salary pledged Minister $100. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $85.80. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $7.20. Diocesan Mis- sions $16— total $23.20. General: General Missions $6. Aggregate $115. At Cooleeinee plantation there is 1 colored family; a Sunday-school: 2 teachers, and about 32 scholars. I hold a monthly service for them in the Hairston home. This report begins August, 1910, when I took charge of this work. 31 Duke, St. Stephens Church; the Rev. S. M. IIami, Min- ister in Charge. Families 32. Baptized persons 90. Baptisms: infant 0: adult 3 — total 9. Confirmed 15. Marriages 2. Burials 4. Communicants: last reported 54; admitted 15; removed I; present number 68. Sunday- school teachers 7: scholars 125. Other Parish Agencies: Auxiliaries; Aid Society; Boy's Club; Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Public services: Sundays 78; other days 27. Holy Communion 12. Church sittings 175. Value of church $1,600; parish house $1, Kid— total $2. 700. Salary pledged Minister $350. Insurance $2.0(1(1. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $40. Minister's Salary $350. Cur- rent Expenses $12. Improvements $10. Sunday-school $80. Other Objects $175 — total $007. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $25. Diocesan Mis- sions $50. Thompson Orphanage $35. Other Objects $10— total $120. General: General Missions $7.50. Foreign Missions $7. General Clergy Relief $9. Other Objects $12— total $35.50. Aggregate $822.50. Durham, St. Philip's Church; St. Joseph's Church, West Durham; anci SI. Andrew's Chapel, East Durham; the Rev. Sidney S. Bost., Rector; the Rev. Thomas L. Teott, Associate Rector. Families 145. Baptized persons 750. Baptisms: infant 11: adult 3 — total 14. Confirmed 38. Marriages 6. Burials 8. Communicants: last reported 425 ; admitted 38 ; received 22 : restored 1 : died 4 : re- moved 6 ; present number 470. Sunday-school teachers 25 ; scholars 340. Other Parish Agencies: Parish Aid; Altar Guild; Auxiliaries. Public services: Sundays 300; other days 200. Holy Communion: public 43 ; private 4. Church sittings 650; chapel sittings 450. Value of churches $35,000 ; chapels $5,000 ; other church property $2,500— total $42,500. Salary pledged Minister $1,500. Insurance $19,200. Indebtedness on property $800. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $90. Parish Missions $1,260. Minister's Salary $1,380. Current Expenses $410. Improvements $50. Sunday-school $90. Insurance $150. Other Objects $2.250— total $5,680. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $203.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $185. Thompson Orphanage $144. Other Objects $50 — total $582.50. General: General Missions $185. Domestic Missions $62. Foreign Missions $15. Colored Missions $5. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $12 — total $279. Aggregate $6,541.50. 32 Durham, St. Titus' Chapel (colored) ; the Rev. Robert J. Johnson, Minister in Charge. Families 3. Baptized persons 70. Baptisms: adult 2. Confirmed 6. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 17; admitted 6; received 4; removed 6: withdrawn 1; present number 20. Sunday-school teachers 4; scholars 65. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary; Woman's Guild. Public services: Sundays 55; other days 9. Holy Commun- ion 10. Chapel sittings 150. Value of chapel $400: rectory $900— total $1,300. Insurance $1,000. Indebtedness on property $1,465. Other debts $85. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $20. Current expenses $10. Im- provements $310. Sunday-school $3. Insurance $17— total $360. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Other Objects $5.25— total $7.75. General: General Missions $1.35. Other Objects $1.05— total $2.40. Aggregate $370.15. The outlook for the work in Durham is very bright and the Bishop made no mistake in reopening the mission. Since we have been wor- shipping in our little chapel our congregation has grown steadily. We have assumed a great responsibility, but we hope, after a few years of struggles and hardships, we will be able to erect on our lot a sub- stantial building. Elkin, Gallaway Memorial Chapel; the Rev. Edwin A. Os- borne, Archdeacon. Families 2. Baptized persons 8. Communicants 4. Chapel sittings 250. Value of chapel $2,500. Disbursements — Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $5. Dio- cesan Missions $2. Education Fund $2. Thompson Orphanage $5. Other Objects $2— total $16. General: General Missions $2. Sewanee $2. American Church Building Fund $2 — total $6. Aggregate $22. I have not been able to visit this chapel during the year, and can not give any account of the services that may have been held there. I hope to be able to do better the coming year. Elm City; the Rev. Evan Alexander Edwards, Minister in Charge. Families 5. Confirmed 1. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 3: admitted 1: received 2: present number 6. Value of church $1,200. Salary pledged Minister $50. 33 Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $50. Improvements $10— total $60. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $2.50— total $5. Aggregate $05. Gaston, St. Luke's Church; the Rev. Francis Joyxer, Min- ister in ( 'barge. Families 8. Baptized persons 20. Baptisms: adult 2. Confirmed 2. Communicants: last reported 17: admitted 2; present number 19. Sunday-school teachers 2; scholars 23. Other Parish Agencies: Wom- an's Auxiliary. Public services: Sundays 10. Holy Communion 5. Church sittings 150. Value of church $1,000. Salary pledged Minister $50. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $62.25. Current Ex- penses $2.76— total $65.01. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $4.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $6. Thompson Orphanage $2.50. Other Objects $4.60 — total $17.60. General: General Missions $6.35. Other Objects $5.50— total $11.85. Aggregate $94.46. German/on, St. Philip's Church; the Rev. Cyprian P. Will- cox, Minister in Charge. Families 4. Baptized persons 12. Communicants 9. Public services 10. Holy Communion: public 1: private 1. Church sittings 200. Value of church $1,000; other church property $200— total $1,200. Salary pledged Minister $54. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $54. Current Ex- penses $15. Improvements $200 — total $269. General: General Missions $4.17. Aggregate $273.17. The present minister was put in charge of this mission in July, 1910. Judge Bynum's bequest of $200 has been used to re-cover and paint the church building. Goshen, St. Paul's Church; the Rev. Frederick H. T. Horsfield, Minister in Charge. Families 3. Baptized persons 15. Baptisms: infant 1. Communi- cants 9. Public services: Sundays 10. Holy Communion 1. Church sittings 150. Value of church $800. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $100. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $4.37. Aggregate $104.37. 34 Greensboro, Holy Trinity Church; the Rev. Thomas Green Faclkxek, Rector. Families 164. Baptized persons 454. Baptisms: infant 3: adult 1 — total 4. Confirmed 15. Marriages 6. Burials 3. Communicants: ad- mitted 15: received 8; died 2; removed 9; withdrawn 2: present num- ber 310. Sunday-school teachers 23; scholars 174. Other Parish Agen- cies: Woman's Auxiliary; Holy Trinity Guild; Altar Guild; Brother- hood of St. Andrew. Public services: Sundays 103: other days 75. Holy Communion 28. Church sittings 175; chapel sittings 150. Value of church $4,500; chapel $2,000; rectory $4,500; other church property $22,000— total $33,000. Salary pledged Minister $1,200. In- surance $12,600. Indebtedness on property $14,900. Disbursements— Parochial: Alms $8.40. Minister's Salary $1,050. Current Expenses $314.97. Improvements $25.50. Sunday-school $45.31. Other Objects $750— total $2,194.18. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $200. Diocesan Mis- sions $197.05. Thompson Orphanage $88.11. Colored Convocation $21.41— total $506.57. (lateral: General Missions $67. Domestic Missions $65.40. For- eign Missions $54.80. Colored Missions $5. Clergymen's Retiring Yuud $14. General Clergy Relief $40— total $246.20. Aggregate $2,946.05. This report covers only ten and one-half months, as Holy Trinity Paiish came into existence May 15. 1010. The report is as accurate as possible considering the fact that Holy Trinity Parish was organized through the consolidation of the two parishes of St. Barnabas and St. Andrew's. The congregation worships now in the St. Barnabas Church building, but are taking steps to erect a new edifice. In addition to the two church buildings and rectories of St. Andrew's and St. Barnabas's and St. Cuthbert's Chapel, the parish owns a house and lot and another lot, the latter to be used for the new church building. Greensboro, Chapel of the Redeemer (colored) ; the Rev. James K. Satterwiiite. Minister in Charge. Families 12. Baptized persons 33. Baptisms: infant 3. Confirmed 3. Marriages 1. Communicants: last reported 18; admitted 2; re- moved 1; present number 20. Sunday-school teachers 2; scholars 37. Other Parish Agencies: Auxiliaries. Public services: Sundays 46; other days 18. Holy Communion 7. Chapel sittings 85. Value of chape] $200. Salary pledged Minister $60. Indebtedness on Minister's Salary $27. Other debts $408. Disbursements — Parochial : Minister's Salary $33. Current Ex- penses $16.63. Improvements $64.65. Other Objects $244 — total $358.28. 35 Diocesan: Total $1.89. General: Clergymen's Retiring Fund $.87. Aggregate $361.04. The work here has a few difficulties, which, under present conditions, we can not overcome. The spirit manifested among the denominational churches is one of great enthusiasm, more marked, however, on the material side, and as we arc not aide financially to cope with them, the majority of the people naturally remain away from us. Much good can be done, and the opportunity is now, if we were only able to grasp it ; but for a lack of sufficient means to do what we have at hand, the few church people are unable to meet and face the situation. Gulf, St. Mark's Church; the Rev. 11. 0. Nash, Minister in Charge. Families 4. Baptized persons IS. Communicants 12. Sunday-school teachers 2; scholars 0. Public services: Sundays 25. Holy Commun- ion 7. Church sittings 75. Value of church $50(1: other church property $400— total $900. Sal- ary pledged Minister $50. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $75. Current Ex- penses $4. Improvements $33.50. Sunday-school $6.10— total $118.60. Diocesan: Diocesan Missions $7.50. Aggregate $126.10. Halifax, St. Mark's Church; the Rev. Clement G. Bradley, Rector. Families 16. Baptized persons 45. Baptisms: adult 2. Confirmed 3. Marriages 3. Communicants: last reported 17: admitted 3: re- moved 1; present number 19. Sunday-school teachers 3; scholars 21. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary; Church Improvement So- ciety. Public services: Sundays 24; other days 11. Holy Commun- ion 12. Church sittings 150. Value of church $2,000; other church property $350 — total $2,350. Salary pledged Minister $150. Indebtedness $150. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $1.50. Minister's Salary $150. Current Expenses $33.66. Organ $200. Sunday-school $13.92. Other Objects $9— total $408.08. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $0.96. Diocesan Mis- sions $20. Other Objects $3.10— total $33.06. General: General Missions $5. Aggregate $446.14. Hamlet, All Saints' Mission; the Rev. Emvix A. Osbokxe. Archdeacon. Families 7. Baptized persons 22. Communicants: last reported 17; removed 4; present number 13. 36 Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $25.32. This place has been without a minister during the past year except some three months, when it was under the charge of the Rev. Wm. H. Ball, of which I have no report except the financial statement fur- nished by the treasurer, as shown in this report. I have visited it twice and held one service and preached once. Henderson, Holy Innocents' Church; the Rev. Isaac Wayne Hughes, Rector. Families 78. Baptized persons 302. Baptisms: infant 14; adult 3 — total 17. Confirmed 13. Marriages 3. Burials 5. Communicants: last reported 189: admitted 13; received 1; died 2; removed 5; present number 1!)2. Sunday-school teachers 21: scholars 240. Other Parish Agencies: Ladies' Guild: Auxiliaries; Thompson Orphanage Chapter; Men's Club; Brotherhood; Bible Classes for Men and Women. Public services: Sundays 140: other days 173. Holy Communion: public 74; private 2. Value of church $15,500; rectory $4,000; endowments $1,154.97; other church property $1.750 — total $22,404.97. Salary pledged Minister $2,000. Insurance $10,000. Indebtedness on property $500. Other debts $257. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $72.75. Parish Missions $25. Minister's Salary $1,900. Current Expenses $330. Improvements $50. Sunday-school $27.50. Endowments $52. Other Objects $478.85— total $2,930.10. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $177.35. Diocesan Mis- sions $251.25. Education Fund $15. Thompson Orphanage $197.47. Other Objects $42.98— total $684.05. General: General Missions $181. Domestic Missions $25. Foreign Missions $35. Sewanee $18. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $25. General Clergy Relief $37.29. American Church Building Fund $10.65— total $331.94. Aggregate $3,952.09. High Point, St. Mary's Church ; the Rev. George M. Tol- sox, Minister in Charge. Families 27. Baptized persons 75. Confirmed 3. Marriages 1. Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 63; admitted 3: received 8 died 1 : removed 4 : present number 65. Sunday-school teachers 4 scholars 25. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Guild: Auxiliaries Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Public services: Sundays 37: other days 9. Holy Communion 12. Church sittings 200. Value of church $6,000. Salary pledged Minister $300. Insurance $2,000. 37 Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $251.15. Current Ex- peases $27.64. Other Objects $32— total $310.79. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $3.40. General: General Missions $14.58. General Clergy Relief $2.40 — total $10.98. Aggregate $331.17. I took charge of St. Mary's in June, and 1 have served as Priest in charge ten months. The church, or mission, lias few men. and is finan- cially very weak. The ladies of the mission have done commendable work and raised money for local and Diocesan purposes, hut it does not appear in this report, Hillsboro, St. Matthew's Church; the Rev. S. Paxson Wai- ters, Eector. Families 30. Baptized persons 125. Baptisms: infant 3. Burials 3. Communicants: last reported 73; died 1; present number 72. Sun- day-school teachers 3; scholars 15. Other Parish Agencies: Auxiliaries; Aid Society. Public services: Sundays 104; other days semi -weekly. Holy Communion 23. Church sittings 250. Value of church $8,000; rectory $1,200; endowments $7,117; other church property $2,000— total $18,317. Salary pledged Minister $550. Insurance $6,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $939. Current Ex- penses $95.68. Insurance $9— total $1,043.68. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $117.40. Diocesan Mis- sions $75. Education Fund $4.89. Thompson Orphanage $92.50 — total $289.79. General: General Missions $101.75. Sewanee $10.15. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $16.30. General Clergy Relief $20. American Church Building Fund $5.05. Other Objects $29.50— total $182.75. Aggregate $1,516.22. Iredell County, St. James Church; the Rev. Edwin A. Os- boene, Archdeacon. Families 18. Baptized persons 127. Baptisms: infant 13; adult 1 — total 14. Confirmed 12. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 46; admitted 1 ; present number 46. Sunday-school teachers 2 ; scholars 20. Parish school teachers 1; scholars 30. Public services: Sundays 5: other days 1. Holy Communion: public 3: private 1. Church sittings 200. Value of church $700; school house $300— total $1,000. Salary pledged Minister $7.50. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $7.50. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $2.15. Education Fund $.71— total $5.36. 38 General: General Missions $4.50. Aggregate $17.36. This mission lias been without a pastor for more than a year except such attention as the Archdeacon has been able to give there, and one or two services by the Rev. R. Percy Eubanks. Mr. Henry A. Willey is now serving there as lay reader and catechist. ■Jackson, Church of the Saviour; the Rev. Francis Joynek, Rector; the Rev. William T. Picard, Assistant Min- ister. Families 14. Baptized persons 55. Marriages 1. Burials 1. Com- municants: last reported 38: died 1: present number 37. Sunday- school teachers 1: scholars 5. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxil- iary. Public services: Sundays 75: other days 65. Holy Commu- nion 11. Church sittings 250. Value of church $4,000: other church property $500— total $4,500. Salary pledged Minister $200. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $192.25. Current Ex- penses $51.51— total $243.76. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $29.05. Diocesan Mis- sions $34. Education Fund $2. Thompson Orphanage $21.44. Other Objects $8.70— total $95.19. General: General Missions $26.61. Sewanee $2. Clergymen's Re- tiring Fund $8. General Clergy Relief $15.14. American Church Building Fund $2. Other Objects $17.45— total $71.20. Aggregate $410.15. Kittrell . St. James' Church. Families 10. Baptized persons 40. Baptisms: adult 1. Confirmed 5. Communicants: last reported 29: admitted 5; removed 2; present number 32. Sunday-school teachers 3; scholars 14. Public services: Sundays 8: other days 5. Holy Communion 4. Value of church $1,200; rectory $600— total $1,800. Salary pledged Minister $200. Insurance $1,200. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $100. Current Ex- penses $2.03. Insurance $18— total $120.03. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $22. Thompson Orphan- age $5. Other Objects $25— total $52. General: Domestic Missions $10. Foreign Missions $9.62. Other Objects $7— total $26.62. Aggregate $198.65. Laurinburg , St. David's Church; the Rev. Edwin A. Os- borne, Archdeacon. Families 7. Baptized persons 50. Baptisms: infant 10. Confirmed 39 3. Communicants L5. Sunday-school teachers 3; scholars 21. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary. Public services: Sundays 1. Holy Communion: public 1; private I. ( Ihurch sittings 125. Value of church $1,300. Salary pledged .Minister $150. Disbursements — Parochial: .Minister's Salary $33.62. Current Ex- penses $28.85— total $62.47. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $10. Diocesan Missions $10. Thompson Orphanage Advent Offering $4.70 — total .$24.70. General: General Missions $5. Aggregate $02.23. 1 have visited the mission twice, held two services, and celebrated the Holy Communion twice. There are five cotton mills within a radius of about five miles, and a very fruitful field for mission work. The Register of this congregation has not been found since the death of the Rev. Charles Fetter. The number of persons reported is only approximately correct, as the mill people are constantly moving, and it is difficult to keep in touch with them. Lawrence, Grace Memorial Chapel; the Rev. Bertram E. Brown. Minister in ( 'ha rge. Families 50. Baptisms: adult 5. Burials 2. Communicants 18. Sunday-school teachers 6: scholars 150. Parish school teachers 2: scholars 33. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary; Ladies' Im- provement Society: Mission School. Public services: Sundays 104: other days 4. Chapel sittings 250. Value of chapel $1,500; other church property $1.250 — total $2,750. Disbursements — Parochial : Minister's Salary A27.19. Current Ex- penses $2.50. Improvements $5. Sunday-school $2.50 — total $37.10. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $4.03. Diocesan Mis- sions $10.50. Thompson Orphanage $26.15. Other Objects $6.65 — total $47.93. General: General Missions $4.35. Domestic Missions $.40. For- eign Missions $4.33. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $1.28 — total $10.36. Aggregate $95.48. Parker Mission, five miles off, is an offshoot of this mission, ami its services and Sunday-school scholars are included in this report. LeaJcsville, Church of the Epiphany; the Tli>\ . \V.\i. .1. Gor- don", Rector. Families 14. Baptized persons 75. Baptisms: infant 3. Marriages 1. Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 40: died 1: removed 1: present number 44. Sunday-school teachers 5: scholars 50. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Guild: Auxiliaries. Public services: Sun- davs 28: other days 19. Holy Communion 13. 42 General: Domestic Missions $2. General Clergy Relief $2. Other Objects $2.00— total $6.60. Aggregate $114.49. We have added an industrial department to oifr work, including cooking, sewing, and music. Our work is very much improved. Our day school and Sunday-school number nearly the same. We are trying to make our children feel the same interest in both schools, and hope to do much good. We have two small rooms to teach in. We can not accommodate the large number of children that daily crowd our rooms. We arc sadly in need of more room. Louisburg, St. Paul's Church. Families 24. Baptized persons 81. Baptisms: infant 1. Communi- cants: last reported 55: died 5: removed 7; present number 43. Sunday-school teachers 6: scholars 38. Other Parish Agencies: Auxil- iaries; Parish Aid. Public services: Sundays 12. Holy Communion 7. Church sittings 225. Value of church $0,000: rectory $2.500— total $8,500. Insurance $4.41)0. Disbursements — Parochial Objects: Alms $24.64. Minister's Salary .$300. Current Expenses $24.64. Sunday-school $27.90— total $377.18. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $40.96. Diocesan Mis- sions $24— total $64.96. General: Foreign Missions $21.50. Aggregate $463.64. Madison, St. Johns Church; the Rev. Alfred R. Berkeley, Minister in ( Charge. Families 10. Baptized persons 22. Baptisms: infant 2. Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 17: received 1; died 1; removed 1: present number 16. Public services: Sundays 22: other days 4. Holy Com- munion 5. Church sittings 250. Value of church $1,200. Salary pledged Minister $200. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $112.50. Current Ex- penses .$3.50— total $116. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $18. Diocesan Missions $20. Education Fund $.50. Thompson Orphanage $4.50. Other Ob- jects $1— total $44. General: General Missions $7.50. Sewanee $1.25. General Clergy Belief $.75. Amercian Church Building Fund $.80. Other Objects $1.50— total $11.80. Aggregate $171.80. Mayodanj, Church of the Messiah; the Rev. Alfred R. Berkeley, Minister in Charge ; the Rev. Cypriax P. YYillcox, Assistant Minister; Miss Emma Karrer, Parish Visitor. Families 85. Baptized persons 162. Baptisms: infant 1: adult 13 — 43 total 14. Confirmed 37. Marriages I. Burials 9. Communicants: last reported 90; admitted 24 : received 2 ; died 1; removed \ ; with- drawn 4: present number L07. Sunday-school teachers 8; scholars L76. Other Parish Agencies: Auxiliaries; Knights of King Arthur; Boy Scouts; Cottage Prayer Meeting. Public services: Sundays 78; other days -20. Holy Communion: public 20; private 4. Church sittings 200. Value of church $1,500; other church property $3,000 — total $4,500. Salary pledged Minister $550. Insurance $.'{,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $5. Minister's Salary $512.50. Current Expenses $39.65. Improvements $27.11. Sunday-school $20.55. Other Objects $13.25— total $618.06. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $25. Diocesan Missions $50.15. Education Fund $2. S3. Thompson Orphanage $21.15. Other Objects $0.20— total $105.33. General: General Missions $24.45. Domestic Missions $1.35. For- eign Missions $3.50. Sewanee $2. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $.50. General Clergy Relief $5.45. American Church Building Fund $3. Other Objects $.85— total $41.10. Aggregate $764.49. Milton, Christ Church : the Rev. Edwix A. Osbokxp:, Arch- deacon. Families 3. Communicants 4. Salary pledged Minister $75. Disbursements — Parochial: Diocesan Missions $1.75. Archdeacon Hughes, of the Convocation of Raleigh, holds monthly services here and ministers to the members, as I am informed. Xo financial report has been made to me except the items named above. Mocksville, St. Philip's Church; the Rev. S. J. M. Brown, Minister in Charge. Families 4. Baptized persons (i. Communicants 6; present number 4. Public services: Sundays 11. Church sittings 150. Value of church $000. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $15. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $4. Thompson Orphanage $1.05 — total $7.55. General: General Missions $1. Aggregate $23.55. Monroe, St. Pout's Chinch; the Rev. Edwix A. Osboijxk. Archdeacon. Families 18. Baptized persons 70. Confirmed 1. Burials 2. Com- municants: last reported 45; present number 44. Sunday-school teach- 44 ers 5; scholars 35. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary. Pub- lic services: Sundays 42; other days 52. Holy Communion 44. Church sittings 150. Value of rectory $2,000: other church property $3,000— total $5,000. Salary pledged Minister $300. Insurance $1,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $250. Current Ex- penses $65.04. Insurance $15— total $330.04. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $98.60. Diocesan Mis- sions $30— total $128.60. General: General Missions $12. Aggregate $470.64. New church just started. The Rev. William H. Ball had charge of this mission during the greater part of the past year, and Mr. Thomas P. Dillon has furnished lay services regularly at other times; also Col. Hugh Hind. Mount Airy. Trinity Church: the Rev. Cypkian P. Wii/l- < o.\. Minister in Charge. Families 20. Baptized persons 45. Baptisms: infant 2: adult 1 — total 3. Confirmed 4. Communicants: received 3; present number 27. Sunday-school teachers 4: scholars 20. Other Parish Agencies: La-dies' Guild. Public services: Sundays 8: other days 12. Holy Communion 2. Church sittings 12.5. Value (if church $2,500; other church property $750— total $3,250. Salary pledged Minister $200. Indebtedness on Minister's Salary $50. Disbursements — Parochial : Minister's Salary $150. Current Ex- penses $20 — total $170. Diocesan: Thompson Orphanage $2.15. General: General Missions $12.20. Domestic Missions $.60 — total $12.80. Aggregate $184.95. I was placed in charge of Trinity Church June. 1911. The church had been vacant previous to this time for a year or more. Good chance at Mt. Airy for a constant worker. Noise, St. Philip's Chapel (colored) ; the Rev. H. B. De- lasy, Archdeacon. Families 3. Communicants 8. Sunday-school teachers 1: scholars 20. Value of church $300: rectory $200; other church property $75 — total $575. Olive Branch. St. Timothy's Chapel: the Rev. Edwin A. Osboexe. Archdeacon. Families 8. Baptized persons 44. Communicants 44. Public serv- ices: Sundays 12. Holy Communion 3. Church sittings 150. 45 Value of church $650; other church property $250— total $900. Sal- ary pledged Minister $10. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $10. Current Expenses $11.77— total $21.77. This mission has been under the charge of the Rev. William 11. JJall during a portion of the past year, and Mr. Thos. P. Dillon, of Monroe, has given lay services once each month during the year. Orange County, St. Mary's Chapel; the Rev. S. Paxson Wattees, Minister in Charge. Families 9. Baptized persons 40. Communicants 21. Other Parish Agencies: Junior Auxiliary. Public services: Sundays monthly. Holy Communion 1. Chapel sittings 100. Value of chapel $1,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Current Expenses $12. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan Missions $5— total $7.50. General: General Missions $1. Aggregate $20.50. Oxford, St. Cyprian's Chapel (colored) ; the Rev. Chas. H. Male, Minister in Charge. Families 6. Baptized persons 88. Baptisms: infant 3. Confirmed 1. Burials 7. Communicants : admitted 8 ; present number 36. Sunday-school teachers 3; scholars 100. Other Parish Agencies: Bible Class. Public services : Sundays 80 ; other days 20. Holy Communion : public 12; private 1. Chapel sittings 140. Value of chapel $500. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $30. Sunday-school $9. Other Ob- jects $10— total $49. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2. Other objects $1 — total $3. General: Domestic Missions $1. Foreign Missions $1. General Clergy Relief $2— total $4. Aggregate $56. Oxford, St. Stephens Church : the Rev. Frederick H. T. Horsfield, Rector. Families 52. Baptized persons 225. Baptisms: infant 5. Confirmed 7. Marriages 1. Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 145; ad- mitted 7: received 1; removed 1; present number 152. Sunday-school teachers 7; scholars 80. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary; Altar Guild; Ladies' Aid; Allied Groups on Missions and Parisli 46 Finance. Public services: Sundays 140; other days 135. Holy Com- munion SO. Church sittings 350. Value of church $20,000; rectory $2,500; other church property $3.000— total $25,500. Salary pledged Minister $900. Insurance $6,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $900. Current Ex- penses $109.70. Improvements $71.10. Sunday-school $21. Insurance $27. Other Objects $145.40— total $1,274.20. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $188.40. Diocesan Mis- sions $30.40. Thompson Orphanage $22.27 — total $241.07. (lateral: General Clergy Relief $14.85. Aggregate $1,530.12. Dining the year I have held a number of Sunday afternoon services in a schoolhouse in Berea, a little hamlet about nine miles from the parish church. These services have been largely attended. Pittsboro, St. Bartholomeiv's Church; the Rev. Haery Os- wald Xasii, Minister in Charge. Families 11. Baptized persons 55. Baptisms: infant 2. Marriages 1. Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 36; died 1; present num- ber 35. Sunday-school teachers 3; scholars 17. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary: Bible Class. Public services: Sundays 78; other days 24. Holy Communion 19. Church sittings 250. Value of church $1,500: rectory $1.000— total $2,500. Salary pledged Minister $350. Insurance $1,050. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $366.75. Current Ex- penses $25.75. Improvements $3— total $395.50. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $24.90. Diocesan Mis- sions $65. Thompson Orphanage $17— total $106.90. General: Foreign Missions $9.42. General Clergy Relief $11.21 — total $20.63. Aggregate $523.03. Pittsboro. St. James'' Chapel (colored) ; the Rev. J. E. King, Minister in Charge. Families 7. Baptized persons 82. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 35; admitted 4: died 1; removed 1; present number 33. Sunday-school teachers 4: scholars 66. Other Parish Agencies: Wo- man's Auxiliary: Church Aid. Public services: Sundays 30; other days 1. Holy Communion 9. Chapel sittings 150. Value of church $1,200: schoolhouse $80— total $1,280. Insurance $600. Disbursements — Parochial: Current expenses $39.96. Sunday-school $10.15— total $50.11. 47 Diocesan: Diocesan Missions $8.10. Other Objects $3.10— total $11.26. (lateral: General .Missions $8.17. Aggregate $69.54. Owing to my duties in Raleigh, I have not been able to do as much for this mission as is needed. 'I lie greatest drawback to the work at Pittsboro is the lack of a mission school. With a mission school teacher on the ground much effective work could !><■ done. Without one the mission will continue to grow weaker. I need $-2.1 per month for such a teacher. The next Colored Convocation will 1"' held at this mission. Raleigh . Christ Church; the Rev. Milton A. Barber, Rec- tor; the Rev. R. Percy Eubakks, Assistant Minister. families 200. Baptisms: infant 11: adult 2 — total 13. Confirmed 17. Marriages (5. Burials 14. Communicants: last reported 424; re- ceived 10; restored 2; died 5: removed 0: present number 445. Sunday- school teachers 8; scholars 125. Other Parish Agencies: Brotherhood of St. Andrew: Altar Guild: St. Agnes' Guild: St. Timothy's Guild: Rector's Guild: Auxiliaries. Public services: Sundays 135: other days 127. Holy Communion: public 72; private 9. Church sittings 600; chapel sittings 200. Value of church $50,000; chapel $2,000: rectory $8.000— total $60,000. Salary pledged Minister $2,000. Insurance $3,450. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $355.45. Parish Missions $1,243. Minister's Salary $2,000. Current Expenses $1,156. Improvements $1,019.35. Sunday-school $143.30. Insurance $50. Other Objects $315.65— total $6,282.75. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $355.90. Diocesan Mis- sions $517.95. Thompson Orphanage $503.35. Colored Convocation $22.75. Other Objects $140.25— total $1,540.20. General: General Missions $488.45. Domestic Missions $45.25. For- eign Missions $131.15. Jewish Missions $29.65. Sewanee $19.55. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $13. General Clergy Relief $155. Other Objects $20.50— total $902.55. Aggregate $8,725.50. In addition to these contributions of money herein recorded, four boxes have been sent out. whose total value was estimated at $206.35. The parish .also provided a free Thanksgiving dinner at St. Saviour's Chapel in cash and provisions, valued at $100. of which no account is taken in this report. In addition to the services herein recorded, the Rector has held services at the Soldiers' Home, Raleigh, at Clayton, at a mission at Williamsboro; also held services every Sunday for six weeks in the District of Asheville. Raleigh, Church of the Good Shepherd: the Rev. T. McK. Ptttexger, D.D., Rector. Families 147. Baptized persons 803. Baptisms: infant S: adult 1 — 48 total 9. Marriages 1. Burials 12. Communicants: last reported 421; received 1(5; restored 7; died 12; removed 5; present number 424. Sun- day-school teachers 18; scholars 143. Other Parish Agencies: Auxil- iaries; St. Mary's Guild; Relief Society; Brotherhood of the Good Shepherd. Public services: Sundays 113; other days 83. Holy Com- munion: public 67; private 14. Value of church $6,000; rectory $5,000; other church property $34,000 —total $45,000. Salary pledged Minister $1,500. Insurance $17,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $105.45. Minister's Salary $1,375. Current Expenses $662.81. Improvements $167.64. Sunday-school $247.67. Insurance $17.50. Other Objects $149.78— total $2,725.85. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $224.55. Diocesan Mis- sions $290.80. Thompson Orphanage $198.39. Colored Convocation $36.54. Other Objects $73.47— total $823.75. General: General Missions $274.11. Domestic Missions $57.83. For- eign Missions $77.25. Colored Missions $31.54. Jewish Missions $17.20. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $12. General Clergy Relief $8.96. Other Objects $94.17— total $573.06. Aggregate $4,122.66. The Building Fund is not included in the above report. Boxes valued at $243 have been sent to Thompson Orphanage and Walnut Cove. Raleigh, Church of St. Ambrose (colored); the Rev. J. E. King, Rector. Families 38. Baptized persons 363. Baptisms: infant 8; adult 2 — total 19. Marriages 3. Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 101; admitted 8; restored 1; died 2; withdrawn 1; suspended 1; present number 106. Sunday-school teachers 7; scholars 150. Parish school teachers 3; scholars 102. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary; Church Aid: Altar Guild; Brotherhood of St. Andrew; Junior Brother- hood. Public services: Sundays 105; other days 75. Holy Com- munion 26. Church sittings 250. Value of church $3,000; sehoolhouse $300— total $3,300. Salary pledged Minister $200. Insurance $2,100. Disbursements— Parochial: Alms $16.88. Minister's Salary $184. Current Expenses $125.17. Improvements $14. Sunday-school $15.98. Insurance $14 — total $370.03. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $24. Diocesan Missions $46.13— total $70.13. General: General Clergy Relief $8. Other Objects $10— total $18. Aggregate $458.16. I continue my work at the State Prison, on the first Sunday of each month taking a part of our choir to assist in the services. Definite steps have been taken to erect a new church building. We hope to begin work in the early fall. 49 Haleighj St. Augustine's Chapel (colored); the Rev. A. \>. Hunter, Minister in Charge. Families 21. Baptized persons 270. Baptisms: infant 4. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 155: admitted 10; received I; removed 1; present number 165. Sunday-school teachers 17: scholars 258. Other Parish Agencies: Mothers' Meeting; Auxiliaries. Public sev vices: Sundays liji): other days 330. Holy Communion 36. Value of church $10,000. Insurance $2,700. Disbursements — Parochial : Total $6.60. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $25. Diocesan Missions $183.34. Education Fund $10. Thompson Orphanage .$15. Other Ob- jects $200.1]— total $433.45. (Intend: General Missions $10. Domestic Missions $28.72. For- eign Missions $89.16. Sewanee $15.8."). Clergymen's Retiring Fund $24. General Clergy Relief $3.43. American (lunch Building Fund $19.90. Other Objects $58.45— total $249.51. Aggregate $689.50. Raleigh, St. Mary's Chapel, the Rev. George W. Lay. Rector. Families 1. Baptized person 14. Baptisms: infant 1. Communi- cants 10. Sunday-school teachers 6: scholars 150. Other Parish Agen- cies: Altar Guild: Woman's Auxiliary (one chapter) : Junior Auxiliary (six chapters). Public services: Sundays 73: other days 350. Holy Communion: public 50. Value of chapel $5,000; rectory $2.500— total $7,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Current Expenses $50. Other Objects $45.50— total $95.50. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $24. Diocesan Missions $24.83. Education Fund $5.15. Thompson Orphanage $154.51. Col- ored Convocation $12.64. Other Objects $7.70— total $228.83. General: General Missions $12.29. Domestic $40. Foreign Missions $76.19. Sewanee $6.63. General Clergy Pvelief $9.12. Church Build- ing Fund $7.67. Other Objects $41.69 — total $193.59. Aggregate $517.92. Raleigh, St. Saviour's Chapel; the Rev. R. Percy Eubaxks. Minister in Charge. Families 30. Baptized persons 150. Baptisms: infant 40: adult 10 — total 50. Confirmed 10. Burials 3. Communicants: last reported 34; admitted 10: received 10: died 1: removed 2: suspended 2: present number 52. Sunday-school teachers 7: scholars 150. Parish school teachers 4: scholars 40. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary: Brotherhood of St. Saviour's: Sewing School. Public services: Sundays 104: other days 20. Holy Communion: public 12: private 3. 50 Chapel sittings 200. Value of chapel $2,000; Parish House $3,000— total $5,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $8.2.5. Current Expenses $41.75. Improvements $1. Sunday-school $20.70 — total $77.70. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $7.50. Thompson Or- phanage $6— total $13.50. Aggregate $91.20. Besides the work reported above, I held seven services in St. Mark's, Mecklenburg, last summer, baptized two children in the district of Asheville, held one service at Cuningham and one in Milton. Have held twenty services at the State Hospital and officiated at funerals of twenty of the inmates. Have also officiated a great number of times in Christ Church. Reidsville, St. Thomas' Church : the Rev. Geo. M. Tolson^ Rector. Families 23. Baptized persons SO. Baptisms: infant 2. Confirmed 10. Communicants: last reported 40: admitted 10; received 4; died 1: removed 1: present number 56. Sunday-school teachers 9; scholars 37. Other Parish Agencies: Auxiliaries; Brotherhood of St. Andrew; Knights of St. Andrew: Woman's Guild. Public services: Sundays 41: other days 47. Holy Communion 19. Church sittings 300. Value of church $3,000. Salary pledged Minister $300. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $250. Current Ex- penses $43.94. Other Objects $02. 50— total $356.44. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $22.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $40.95. Thompson Orphanage $5.90. Other Objects $2.20 — total $71.55. General: General Missions $35.49. Jewish Missions $1.35. General Clergy Relief $4— total $40.84. Aggregate $468.83. I took charge June 1, 1910. This report dates from that time only. The work dour by the Woman's Auxiliary is not included in it. Iiidfjeiray, Church of the (load Shepherd; the Rev. Francis JoyneRj Rector. Families 9. Baptized persons 44. Burials 1. Communicants 32. Sunday-school teachers 3; scholars 10. Other Parish Agencies: Auxil- iaries. Public services: Sundays 22. Holy Communion 13. Church sittings 200. Value of church $1,000; rectory $1,000— total $2,000. Salary pledged Minister $100. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $105. Current Ex- penses $8. Improvements $35 — total $148. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $12.70. Diocesan Mis- 51 sions $20. Thompson Orphanage $14. Other Objects .$4.2.1— total $50.95. General: General Missions $17. Foreign Missions $2. Sewanee $3. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $.50— total $22.50. Aggregate $221.45. Roanoke Rapids, All Saints 3 Chapel ; the Rev. X. ( !. Hughes, Archdeacon. Families ti. Baptized persons 20. Baptisms: infant I. Communi- cants 11. Value of church $1,000. Salary pledged Minister $125. Insurance $700. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $77.10. Current Ex- penses $10.20. Sunday-school $3.94. Insurance $7.50 — total $98.80. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $10. Aggregate $108.80. This Mission lias been vacant since the death of the Rev. H. H. Phelps in January last. Rockingham, Church of the Messiah; the Rev. W. H. Ball, Minister in Charge. Families 13. Baptized persons 47. Communicants 19. Parish school teachers 4: scholars 40. Public services: Sundays 18. Holy Commun- ion 9. Church sittings 250. Salary pledged Minister $180. Indebtedness on Minister's Salary $34.25. Disbursements — Parochial : Minister's Salary $70.75. Current Ex- penses $12. Improvements $75 — total $157.75. Diocesan: Diocesan Missions $7.22. Thompson Orphanage $6.85— total $14.07. Aggregate $171.82. Rocky Mount, Church of the (hod Shepherd; the Rev. Robt. B. Owens. Rector. Families 78. Baptisms: infant 15; adult 9 — total 24. Confirmed 30. Marriages 3. Burials 4. Communicants: last reported 204; ad- mitted 30: received 2: restored 2: died 3: present number 235. Sun- day-school teachers 8: scholars 100. Other Parish Agencies: Ladies' Aid: Chancel Guild: Auxiliaries: Young Women's Guild. Public services: Sundays 85; other days (39. Holy Communion: public 55; private 1. Church sittings 350. Value of church $20,000; rectory $5.000— total $25,000. Salary pledged Minister $1,200. Insurance $8,500. Indebtedness on property $1,200. Disbursements — Parochial : Minister's Salary $1,200. Current Ex- 52 penses $107.31. Improvements $1,997.18. Other Objects $266.79— total $3,631.28. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $163.90. Diocesan Mis- sions $108.15. Thompson Orphanage $115.73. Other Objects $32.32— total $420.10. General: General Missions $158. Sewanee $10. Clergymen's Re- tiring Fund $12. General Relief $15.15. Other Objects $48— total $243.15. Aggregate $4,294.53. In addition to services reported above, I have officiated at one funeral in Weldon, one in Goldsboro, and one in Wilson. I have also kept up occasional services at Spring Hope. We have been very much crippled there by the removal of four of our most faithful communi- cants. Rowan County, - s 7. J tide's Chapel; the Rev. Edwin A. Osbokxe. Archdeacon; Mr. Walter Loflix, Lay Reader. Families 20. Baptized persons 00. Communicants 23. Sunday- school teachers 3: scholars 21. Chapel sittings 80. Value of chapel $450. This report and the three that follow are only approximately correct. There has been no minister in charge of this field the past year, but the Rev. T. A. Cheatham, while at St. Luke's Church, Salisbury, con- ducted services and pleached here a number of times: and Mr. Walter Loflin lias been acting for some months as lay reader and catechist. Rowan County, St. Mark's Church; the Rev. Edwin A. Osborne, Archdeacon. Families 4. Baptized persons 6. Communicants 6. Church sittings 100. Value of church building $250. Rowan County, St. Mary's Church; the Rev. Edwin A. Osbokxe, Archdeacon. Families 4. Baptized persons about 30. Baptisms: infant 1. Com- municants: last reported 24: removed 4; present number 20. Church sittings 120. Value of church $1,000; other church property $700— total $1,700. There is no financial statement from the Treasurer and no organi- zation here. Rowan County, St. Matthew's Church; the Rev. Edwix t A. Osborne, Archdeacon ; Mr. W alter Loflin, Lay Reader. Families 25. Baptized persons 60. Communicants: last reported 53 43; died 1; present number 42. Sunday-school teachers 5; scholars 51. Church sittings 80. Value of church $700. Insurance $500. Salisbury, St. Luke's Church; the Rev. Frank -I. Mali.ktt, Rector. Families 100. Baptized persons .'{50. Baptisms: infant 17. Con- firmed 11. Communicants: last reported 171; admitted 11; died 4; present number 178. Marriages 4. Burials s. Sunday school teachers 9; scholars 160. Other Parish Agencies: Auxiliaries; St. Luke's Guild: St. Agnes' Guild; Boy Scouts; Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Public services: Sundays 112: other days 55. Holy Communion (in. Value of church $30,000; rectory $6,000; other church property $700 — total $3(1.700. Salary pledged Minister $1,500. Insurance $23,000. Indebtedness on property $4,000. Other debts $2,900. Disbiusrnicnts — Parochial: Alms $150. Parish Missions $75. Min- ister's Salary $1,500. Current Expenses $204. Improvements $6,716. Insurance $275. Other Objects $300— total $9,220. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $95.90. Diocesan Missions $150. Thompson Orphanage $100. Other Objects $45.20— total $391.10. General: General Missions $62.70. Domestic Missions $6.15. For- eign Missions $6.15. Sewanee $4.50. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $5. General Clergy Relief $29.10. Other Objects $100— total $213.60. Aggregate $9,824.70. No services are held in St. John's Church. Salisbury, or St. Joseph's, Spencer. Salisbury, St. Peter's Chapel; the Rev. Edwix A. Osborne, Archdeacon. Families 10. Baptized persons about 60. Communicants 21. Burials 1. Sunday-school teachers 6; scholars 41. Public services 55. Holy Communion 2. Chapel sittings 120. Value of chapel $800. Insurance $400. Sanford. St. Thomas' Church; the Rev. H. O. JSTash, Min- ister in Charge. Families 3. Baptized persons 7. Communicants: last reported 14: removed 7; present number 7. Sunday-school teachers 4: scholars 25. Other Parish Agencies: Night School -.Ladies' Guild; Bible Class. Pub- lic services: Sundays IS; other days 20. Holy Communion 5. Chapel sittings 125. Value of church $1,500. Salary pledged Minister $115. Insurance $500. 54 Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $79.80. Current Ex- penses $20. Insurance $5— total $104. 80. Diocesan: Diocesan Missions $10. Aggregate $114.80. Satterwhite, St. Simeon's Church (colored) ; the Rev. Ciias. II. Mali;. Minister in Charge. Families 18. Baptized persons 79. Baptisms: infant 3. Confirmed 5. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 51; admitted 5; present number 50. Sunday-school teachers 2; scholars 50. Other Parish Agencies: St. Andrew's Brotherhood: Mother's Meeting. Public serv- ices: Sundays 14. Holy Communion ti. ( Uurch sittings 250. Value of church $1,000; other church property $40— total $1,040. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $26. Current Expenses $12. Other Objects $20— total $58. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $3. General: General Missions $2. Aggregate $63. Scotland Neck, Trinity Church ; the Rev. Clement G. Bjkad- i.kv. Rector. Families 03. Baptized persons 175. Baptisms: infant 0. Marriages 2. Burials 4. Communicants: last reported 114: received 2; died 3; removed 2: withdrawn 1: present number 110. Sunday-school teachers 9; scholars 75. Other Parish Agencies: Church Improvement Society; Auxiliaries; St. Agnes Guild; Altar Guild; Orphanage Guild. Public services: Sundays 120; other days 89. Holy Communion 68. Church sittings 350, chapel sittings 250. Value of church $5,000: chapel $3,000; rectory $4,000— total $12,000. Salary pledged Minister $700. Insurance $6,100. Indebtedness on prop- erty $1,200. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $18.27. Minister's Salary $720. Current Expenses $93.64. Improvements $6. Sunday-school $20. In- surance $16. Other Objects $331.65— total $1,205.56. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $36. Diocesan Missions $37.50. Thompson Orphanage $39.24. Other Objects $4.66— total $117.40. General: Sewanee $5.12. General Clergy Relief $20.52. American Church Building Fund $4.97— total $30.61. Aggregate $1,353.57. Selma, St. Gabriel's Chapel; the Rev. S. M. Hanff, Minister in ( 'barge. Families 4. Baptized persons 10. Baptisms: infant 1. Communi- cants: last reported 9: removed 4: present number 5. Other Parish Agencies: Auxiliaries: Aid Society. Public services: Sundays 12. Chapel sittings 150. Value of church $2,500. Salary pledged Minister $36. Insurance $1,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $30. [improvements $20. Other Objects $2— total $58. General: General Missions $2. oilier Objects $5— total $7. Aggre- gate $65. Smith field, Church of the Transfiguration; the Rev. S. M. IIakfk, Minister in Charge. Families 15. Baptized persons 43. Baptisms: adult 1. Burials L. Communicants: last reported 28; received 1: present number 29. Sun- day-school teachers 3 ; scholars 25. Other Parish Agencies: Auxiliaries; Aid Society. Public services: Sundays 28; other days 2. Holy Com- munion !). Church sittings 200. Value of church $1,250: rectory $] .ODD— total $2,251). Salary pledged Minister $200. Insurance $1,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $200. Current Ex- penses $10. Improvements $000. Sunday-school $10. Other Objects $5— total $825. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $15. Diocesan Missions $10. Thompson Orphanage $6. Other Objects $6 — total $37. General: General Missions $5. Other Objects $14 — total $19. Ag- gregate $881. Southern fines. Emmanuel Church; the Rev. Hlnwix Leslie Ogilby, Minister in Charge. Families 17. Baptized persons 42. Marriages 1. Burials 2. Com municants 27. Sunday-school teachers 2: scholars 10. Other Parish Agencies: Parish Guild. Public services: Sundays 54: other days 32. Holy Communion: public 15; private 2. Church sittings 100. Value of church $2,000. Insurance $1,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $7.50. Minister's Salary $275. Current Expenses $50.87. Improvements $150. Sunday-school $4.55. Insurance $18. Other Objects $08— total $582.92. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $26. Diocesan Missions $20. Thompson Orphanage $16.10. Other Objects $13.07 — total $75.77. General: General Missions $30.10. Jewish Missions $10. Clergy- men's Retiring Fund $5. General Clergy Relief $23.75. Other Objects $5— total $70.85. Aggregate $738.54. The present minister took charge November 1. 1010. and the greater part of the foregoing financial report covers the time since then. A new modern heating furnace has been installed at a cost of $150. enabling the church to be made comfortable in the winter season. 56 'J lie Parish Guild had the church building newly painted at a cost of $75, and also made up and sent a box of excellent clothing, valued at $25, to the orphans at St. .James' Mission, Iredell County. Speed, St. Mary's Chapel; the Rev. B. E. Brown, Minister in Charge. Families 15. Baptisms: adult 5. Burials 4. Communicants 20. Sunday-school teachers 0; scholars 75. Other Parish Agencies: Wom- an's Auxiliary. Public services: Sundays 52; other days 2. Holy Communion ]. Chapel sittings 200. Value of chapel $1,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $25.78. Current Ex- penses $2.50. Improvements $50. Sunday-school $2.50— total $S0.78. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.53. Diocesan Missions $10.05. Thompson Orphanage $0— total $18.58. General: General Missions $3.75. Aggregate $103.11. Spray, St. Luke's Chapel; the Rev. Wm. J. Gordon, Minister in Charge; Miss Roxana Riddle, Parish Visitor. Families 4. Baptized persons 20. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 4: received 5: present number 10. Sunday-school teachers 5; scholars 75. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Guild: Auxiliaries. Public services: Sundays 25: other days 30. Holy Communion 8. Church sittings SO. Value of chapel $250. Salary pledged Minister $650. Disbursements — Parochial} Alms $2. Minister's Salary $216.67. Current Expenses $35. Sunday-school $25. Other Objects $100— total $378.67. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan Missions $30. Education Fund $1.00. Thompson Orphanage $3. Other Objects $4— total $41.40. General: General Missions $38.19. General Clergy Relief $3— total $41.10. Aggregate $461.26. The present minister in charge began work on the first Sunday in December, 1910. Since the preceding March the work had been without a minister. The Sunday-school was, however, kept up by the earnest work of two faithful women. The following facts in regard to the present work may be worthy of mention: (1) A visit of one month by Miss Kate Cheshire in December. (2) Mission by Rev. A. R. Berkeley, of Mayodan, in March. (3) Appointment of Miss Roxana. Riddle as Parish visitor under the United Offering. (4) Securing of a rented Parish House. 57 Statesville, Chapel of the Holy Cross (colored ) : the Rev. II. B. Delany, Archdeacon ; Air. A. Myron Cochran, Lay Reader, in ( 'barge. Families 5. Baptized persons 17. Baptisms: infant 5; adult 1 — total (i. Communicants 9. Sunday-school teachers 3; scholars 30. Public services: Sundays 1"-?: other days 2. Holy Communion 8. Chapel sittings 100. Value of chapel $600. Disbursements — Parochial: Current Expenses $10. Improvements $30— total $40. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. General: General Missions $1.50. Aggregate $44. Statesville, Trinity ('lunch; the Rev. Edwin A. Osborne, Archdeacon. Families 11. Baptized persons 60. Baptisms: infant 2; adult 1 — total 3. Con finned 2. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 42; admitted 2; died 1; removed 3; present number 40. Sunday-school teachers 4: scholars 12. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary: Parish Guild. Public services: Sundays 32: other days 23. Holy Communion 13. Church sittings 150. Value of church $3,000; rectory $1,000— total $4,000. Salary pledged Minister $300. Disbursements — Parochial : Alms $0.13. Minister's Salary $201. Current Expenses $6.78— total $303.01. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $23.12. Diocesan Mis- sions $24.75. Education Fund $1.50. Thompson Orphanage $13.50. Colored Convocation $1.50. Other Objects $1.75— total $66.12. General: Sewanee $2. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $1.22. Other Objects $5.20 — total $8.42. Aggregate $378.45. I spent two Sundays each month at this mission until the first of October. Since then I have only given them one service a month for which this mission contributes $17.50 to the mission funds of the Con- vocation. Stokes Count)/, Knowlhurst Chapel; the Rev. Alfred R. Berkeley. Minister in Charge; the Rev. Cyprian P. Wiixcox, Assistant Minister. Families 6. Baptized persons 0. Baptisms: adult 2. Confirmed 4. Communicants: last reported 2: admitted 7: present number 0. Pub- lic services: Sundays 16; other days 7. Holy Communion 1. Church sittings 100. 58 Value of church $250. Disbursements — Parochial: Total $2.35. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $5. Thompson Orphanage $.51. Other Objects $.50— total $8.51. General: General Missions $1. Sewanee $.50. General Clergy Re- lief $.32— total $1.82. Aggregate $12.68. Stoneville, Emmanuel Church ; the Rev. Alfred R. Berke- ley, Minister in Charge ; Mr.-JY. S. Smith, Lay Reader. Families 10. Baptized persons 20. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 12; received 4; present number 16. Sunday-school teachers 2; scholars 15. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary. Public services : Sundays 20 ; other days 2. Holy Communion 3. Church sittings 200. Value of chinch $1,000. Salary pledged Minister $25. Insurance $750. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $25. Current Expenses $3. Sunday-school $2. Other Objects $2— total $32. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan Missions $5. Thompson Orphanage $1.05 — total $9.15. enteral: General Missions $1. Sewanee $.50. American Church Building Fund $.82— total $2.32. Aggregate $43.47. Stovall, St. Peters Church; the Rev. Thomas Lee Trott, Rector. Families 7. Baptized persons 2i. Baptisms: infant 1. Communi- cants 9. Sunday-school teachers 1: scholars 6. Public services: Sun- days 12. Holy Communion 7. Church sittings 150. Value of church $000. Salary pledged Minister $80. Disbursements — Parochial : Minister's Salary $S0. Diocesan : Education Fund $4. General: Domestic Missions $13.33. Aggregate $97.33. Tarboro, Calvary Church; the Rev. Bertram E. Brown, Rector. Families 120. Baptized persons 475. Baptisms: infant 32; adult 17 — total 49. Confirmed 28. Marriages 6. Burials 5. Communicants: last reported 325: admitted 28: received 4: died 1; removed 9; present number 347. Sunday-school teachers 13: scholars 95. Public services: Sundays 154: other days 250. Holy Communion: public 53; private 5. Church sittings 700; chapel sittings 400. Value of church $25,000; chapels $5,000: rectory $6,500— total $36,500. Salary pledged Minister $1,500. Insurance $8,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $46. Parish Missions $110.33. Minister's Salary $1,500. ('uncut Expenses $465.64. Improvements $2!). 55. Insurance $14.88. Other Objects $8,516.83— total $10,683.23. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent fund $50. Diocesan .Missions $115. 65. Thompson Orphanage $100— total $265.65. General: General Missions $46.32. General Clergy Relief $20.34— total $66.66. Aggregate $11,015.54. Tarboro, SI. Lukes Church (colored); the Rev. Joh^m \Y. Perky, Rector. Families 17. Baptized persons L96. Baptisms: infant 2: adult 2 — total 4. Confirmed 7. Burials 6. Communicants: last reported 86; admitted 7; died 2; withdrawn 2; present number 89. Sunday-school teachers 8: scholars 90. Parish school teachers 4; scholars 121. Sew- ing and basketry teachers 2: scholars 4S. Other Parish Agencies: St. Luke's Guild: Woman's Auxiliary; Mission Helpers; Altar Guild; Junior Brotherhood. Public services: Sundays 104; other days 100. Holy Communion 18. Church sittings 280. Value of church $3,500. Salary pledged Minister $120. Insurance $2,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $4.20. Minister's Salary $120. Current Expenses $58.84. Sunday-school $38.35. Insurance $12 — total $233.39. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $18.60. Diocesan Mis- sions $15.50. Other Objects $2.54— total $36.64. General: General Missions $36. Clergymen's Retiring Fund $4. General Clergy Relief $6— total $46. Aggregate $316.03. Wadesboro, Calvary Church. Disbursements — Parochial : Minister's Salary $150. Current Ex- penses $28.88. Improvements $15.86. Insurance $20— total $214.74. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $73.50. Diocesan Mis- sions $15.40— total $88.90. General: General Missions $6.72. Aggregate $310.36. The rectorship of the parish has been vacant since June 1, 1910, when the Rev. Wm. H. Ball resigned. Walnut Core, Christ Church; the Rev. Alfred R. Berke- ley, Minister in Charge; the Rev. Cyprian P. "Wtll- cox, Assistant Minister. Families 30. Baptized persons 43. Baptisms: infant 6: adult 2 — - total 8. Confirmed 2. Marriages 1. Burials 1. Communicants: last reported 27; admitted 2: died 1: removed 1: present number 27. Sun- 60 day-school teachers 0; scholars 75. Public services: Sundays 22; other days 5. Holy Communion 3. Church sittings 250. Value of church $1,500. Salary pledged Minister $80. Insurance $1,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $80. Improvements $25. Sunday-school $20. Insurance $0. Other Objects $2.98 — total $133.08. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $9.35. Diocesan Missions $11.50. Education Fund $.50. Thompson Orphanage $5.86. Other Objects $4— total $31.27. General: Genera] Missions $6. Sewanee $1. General Clergy Relief $1.08. Amercian ( lunch Building Fund $1.01 — total $9.09. Aggregate $174.34. This report includes occasional services conducted on Sunday after- noons at the home of Mr. Joel Blackburn, four miles from Walnut Cove. Warren County, SI. Luke's Chapel (colored) ; the Rev. H. B. Delaxy. Archdeacon; Mr. Virgil X. Bond, Lay Reader, in Charge. Families 5. Baptized persons 52. Baptisms: infant 1; adult 1 — total 2. Communicants 14. Sunday-school teachers 2: scholars 29. Public services: Sundays 7: other days 2. Holy Communion 3. Chapel sittings SO. Value of church $200. Disbursements — Parochial: Improvements $1.50. Sunday-school $1.69 —total $3.19. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. General: Foreign Missions $2. General Clergy Relief $.71 — total $2.71. Aggregate $8.40. Warrenton, All Saints' Chapel (colored); the Rev. H. B. Delaxy. Archdeacon; Mr. Otis Gkeex. Lay Reader. Families 11. Baptized persons 43. Baptisms: adult 2. Confirmed 2. Marriages 1. Communicants: last reported 28; admitted 2: present number 28. Sunday-school teachers 4: scholars 46. Parish school teachei s 1: scholars 50. Public services: Sundays 14. Holy Com- munion 0. Value church property $700. Disbursements — Parochial: Current Expenses $8.81. Sunday-school $2.50— total $11.31. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $2.50. Diocesan Missions $9— total $11.50. Aggregate $22.81. We have sold our old property and bought another place better 61 situated for our work, and we hope soon to begin the building of our new chapel and school. The new site cost us $700 cash, all of which is now paid and the deed properly ceded to the trustees of t lie Diocese. We believe this to be the beginning of a better day for the church's work among our people in the town of Warrenton. WarrentoUj Emmanuel Church. Families 39. Baptized persons L30. Confirmed 4. Marriages 2. Burials 2. Communicants: admitted 4; received 5; died 2; removed LI; present number 60. Sunday-school teachers 9 : scholars 55. Value of church $3,500; rectory $2,000; other church property $1,000 — total $6,500. Salary pledged Minister $400. Insurance $4,475. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $233.33. Current Ex- penses $100. Improvements $150. Sunday-school $-25.25 — total $508.58. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $04. SO. Diocesan Missions $45. Thompson Orphanage $21. Other Objects $10.02— total $140.s2. General: General Missions $34.17. Aggregate $683.57. We have had no Rector since October 1, 1010. Mr. W. (',. Rogers, Senior Warden, conducts Lay services on 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. Occasional services are held by visiting ministers. Weldon, Grace ( 'h urch. Baptisms: infant 5. Confirmed 4. Marriages 1. Burials 5. Com- municants: last reported ^^ ; died 1; present number 54. Sunday-school teachers 7; scholars 47. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary and Parish Guild. Public services: Sundays 31; other days 29. Holy Communion: public 15: private 4. Church sittings 300. Value of church $3,000; rectory $1,000— total $4,000. Salary pledged Minister $400. Insurance $1,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $5.20. Minister's Salary $400. Current Expenses $75.00. Improvements $0. Sunday-school $4.37. Insurance $12.12— total $503.50. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $58.20. Diocesan Mis- sions $20. Thompson Orphanage $114— total $192.20. Aggregate $695.79. W T 'tlliamsboro, St. John's Church. Families 5. Baptized persons 38. Baptisms: infant 2. Burials 3. Communicants: last reported 77: died 1: present number 7(5. Public services: Sundays 7; other days 4. Holy Communion 5. Value of church $1,500. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $65.50. Current Ex- penses $2.25— total $67.75. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $10. Diocesan Missions $10— total $20. 62 General: Foreign Missions $4. Aggregate $91.75. The Rev. J. C. Horton resigned the charge of this Parish October 1. 1910. II ilson, St. Mark's Chapel (colored J ; the "Rev. Robt. jSF. Pebey, Minister in Charge. Families 27. Baptized persons 59. Baptisms: adult 1. Communi- cants 37. Sunday-school teachers 5; scholars 97. Parish school teach- ers 2: scholars 159. Other Parish Agencies: Woman's Auxiliary; Ladies' Church Aid. Public services: Sundays 93: other days 79. Holy Communion: public 35: private 5. Chapel sittings 250. . Value of church $1,200; other church property $1,050— total $2,250. Salary pledged Minister $120. Insurance $1,550. Indebtedness on property $39.01. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $27.35. Minister's Salary $120. Current Expenses $16.75. Sunday-school $23.33. Insurance $16.85 — total $204.28. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $8.70. Diocesan Mis- sions $20. Other Objects $3— total $31.70. General: General Missions $5. Aggregate $240.98. II ilson s St. Timothy's Church; the Rev. Evan Alexandee Edwaeds, Rector. Families 66. Baptized persons 210. Baptisms: infant 6; adult 1 — total 7. Confirmed 3. Marriages 4. Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 130: admitted 3: received 8: restored 1; present number 140. Sunday-school teachers 9; scholars 80. Other Parish Agencies: St. Timothy's Guild: St. Agnes' Guild: Altar Guild; Auxiliaries. Public services: Sundays 126; other days 66. Holy Communion: public 96; private 6. Church sittings 400. Value of church $30,000. Salary pledged Minister $1,200. Insurance $13,500. Indebtedness on property $5,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Alms $50. Minister's Salary $1,296. Current Expenses $100. Improvements $200. Sunday-school $65. Pay- ment of debts $1.716— total $3,427. Diocesan : Episcopal and Contingent Fund $132. Diocesan Missions $42. Thompson Orphanage $30. Other Objects $7.80— total $211.80. General: General Missions $23. Aggregate $3,661.80. Winston-Salem, St. Paul's Church; the Rev. Heney Teleeb Cocke, Rector. Baptisms: infant 4: adult 3 — total 7. Confirmed 20. Marriages 3. 63 Burials 2. Communicants: last reported 171: admitted 20; received 3; restored 1; died 2; removed 7: presenf number L86. Sunday-school teachers 12; scholars '.Mi. Public services: Sundays LOO; other days (14. Holy Communion: weekly. Church sittings 400. Value of church $30,000; rectories $5,500 — total $35,500. Salary pledged Minister $1,200. Indebtedness on property $5,000. Disbursements — Parochial: Minister's Salary $1,200. Current Ex- penses $485.58. Improvements $115. OS. Sunday-school $118.27. In- surance $60.75. Other objects $113— total $2.002. (is. Diocesan: Episcopal and Contingent Fund $200. Diocesan Missions $31.70. Thompson Orphanage $20. Other objects $181.20 — total $522.00. General: General Missions $68.96. Other Objects $6.68 — total $75.64. A