THE LOYALSPECTRE Ml :» «iff-ic f if l-*m ■■■ II, \\"3k>^M^ CAMERON fc FERGUSON, GLASGOW m TXXE3 LOYAL SPECTRE; OB, THE TRUE HEARTS OF ATLANTA. ET EDWARD WILLETT, Author of " Kate Sharp," " Vicksburg Spy," " Old Bill Woodworth," etc GLASGOW: CAMERON & FERGUSON 88 WEST KILE STREET. LONDON : 4 SALISBURY COURT, FLEET ST. GLASGOW: d;sh and weight, PBINTEES. THE LOYAL SPECTRE. CHAPTER I. Yankee and Georgian. At the close of a hot summer day, two young men sat by an open window, in the parlour of a fine Southern mansion in Georgia. They were very different in appearance, in character, in worldly position, in all outward and visible things from which the world forms its estimation of men. The younger was named Arthur Arment. He had nearly finished his twenty-first year—was handsome, of a true Southern type, with raven hair, brown eyes, regular features, and a sym- metrical form. His black hair was abundant — a possession for which he might well have been envied ; his brown eyes were large and expressive ; his complexion was clear and rather pale ; his rich lips were finely cut and arched ; his symmetrical form w r as inclined to be tall and slim ; his voice was musical, though somewhat languid ; his upper lip was ornamented, not disfigured, by a deli- cate black mustache ; his dress was elegant and tasteful, though carelessly worn. Such was the external appearance of Arthur Arment, a scion of one of the really first — one of the best — families of Georgia. His grandfather had been a noted man during the Revolution. His father, Jefferson Arment, a wealthy planter and proprietor, had been prominent in the State and national councils, and had gone to his grave in the prime of life and full of honours. Arthur was proud of his ancestry, and justly so, for neither public nor private history recorded any mean or dishonourable action performed by any of them. He had always resolved that, if he could not in- crease the good reputation of the family, he would do nothing to sully it. As he had not, as yet, attempted anything grand or heroic, his virtues were principally of a negative kind. His mother having died while he was quite young, Artiiur found himself, at the death of his father, the sole heir of his large property in money, land and negroes. There was, however, a condition annexed to his heirship, that diminished its value for the time. Jefferson Arment, by his will, had made his brother, Madi- son Arment, sole guardian of his son, and the trustee of his property, until Arthur should reach the age of twenty -four. He 6 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. had wished that the young in an should be well educated, and should fully arrive at "years of discretion," before entering upon the control of such an extensive and valuable estate. The two brothers. Jefferson and Madison, always had loved each other with a true brotherly love. In addition to the well-known integrity and honour of Madison Arment, he was a rich man, and could have no interest in managing Arthur and his affairs contrary to the will of the young man's father. Arthur never had entertained any objection to this arrangement, for he honoured the memory cf his father, and respected his uncle. Whatever was planned by the one and carried out by the other could not but seem right in his eyes. He had the use of as much money as he could wish ; he was not limited in going where he pleased, nor in doing what he desired ; his estate was well and prosperously managed, and he was in no hurry to assume the labour and care necessary to its possession. The young gentleman owned the bodies, and partially controlled the spirits, of some three hundred negroes. Three hundred slaves, with a proportionate amount of productive land, formed a xery valuable property at that time. The mansion in which he wa3 seated was connected with the principal plantation, situated on the Flint river, a few miles from Fayetteville. It was a large and roomy building, with elegant grounds. A furnished house in Atlanta also belonged to the estate. The other young man was seven or eight years older than Arthur. He was a native of New Hampshire, and was named Seth Staples. Seth was light-haired and blue-eyed, with ruddy chcekd and a sandy beard. He was not handsome, but would have been called "fine looking," for there was a nobility of expression in his features, and a quickness of perception in his eyes, which could not fail to attract attention, and to command admiration. He 6eemcd to possess considerable strength, with a nervous, wiry organization, and always spoke with promptness, clearness, and decision. Arthur Arment had made the acquaintance of Staples, and had contracted a friendship with him, at a New England college, which the former had entered as a Freshman, while the latter was a Senior. Soon becoming disgusted with the routine and discipline of college life, Arthur Arment quitted it, just as Staples graduated, and easily prevailed upon his friend, whose worldly wealth amounted to little besides his clothes and his books, to accompany him to his home in the South, in the nominal capacity of tutor. The salary was liberal ; Arthur studied what he pleased and when he pleased ; he took his friend into the same society which he frequented ; the residence was a splendid one ; means were afforded to Staples to make such experiments and pursue such studies as he chose ; he was treated as a friend, more than as an instructor, and his position was, in every sense, a pleasant one. THE LOYAL SPECTRE. 7 There was only one person who objected to Seth. Madison Arment, Arthur's uncle and guardian, did not like the young man, although he was gentleman enough to conceal his antipathy from its object. lie had nothing to allege against Staples, but he dis- liked Yankees ; and the dislike so increased, that it finally amounted to positive hatred. The very name, Seth Staples, he said, was suggestive of wooden nutmegs, clock-peddlers and abo- litionists. But Seth was the friend and tutor of Arthur, and, as the uncle made it a point not to attempt to control the likes and dislikes of his ward, he always treated the New Englander with ceremonious politeness. Seth Staples icas a Yankee, but seemed to have little of the Yankee desire for wealth, and faculty of acquiring it, for his abilities and opportunities were such that he might have largely bettered his circumstances. After the rebellion had broken out, and had acquired formidable strength and consistency, he found himself in an awkward position, and it was upon that subject that the two friends were conversing at the close of that hot summer day. " I am sorry, Seth," said young Arment, continuing the conversa- tion. "It is useless to tell you how sorry I am; but I see no help for it. It is a pity that the abolitionists could not have minded their own business, and it is a pity that our people could not have been satisfied to let well enough alone ; but the evil has been done, the separation has been made, and we are now at war. It is not to be expected that you, who are hostile to the Southern side, by birth, by education, and by conscientious belief, will be permitted to remain here, even if you should wish to." " Put you, also," interrupted Staples ; " are you not hostile to the Southern idea and action ?" " Not a bit of it, my dear fellow. We have talked it over often enough, and have settled the matter, abstractly, morally, scien- tifically, and politico-economically ; but words are cheap, and niggers are worth money. Principle won't feed and clothe a man, while property will procure him luxuries as well as necessities. If I should be hostile to the South, I would oppose myself and my property, my bread-and-butter and my books, my cigars and my wine." "What do you propose to do?" "That is easily answered. I propose to do nothing. I shall maintain a masterly inactivity. I shall plant myself on my re- served rights, whatever they may be. I look upon this war, and those who are waging it, as a great game of children playing with fire. It is very dangerous, and some of them will get hurt ; but the sport does not tempt me to burn my fingers. I hope to look at it, from this 'loophole of retreat,' as sadly as I must, and as philosophically as I can." " Suppose you are not permitted to do so, what will then be your 8 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. course ? Events may carry you along trith them, whether you wish it or not." " My dear fellow, you seem to have forgotten your philosophy. The pupil has outstripped the tutor. When circumstances change, my course may be determined by them. In the mean time I shall wait. ' Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.' I have no fear of events Events are men in disguise, and I recognize no power in any man to change my feelings, my thoughts, my will. I can- not be forced to fight, and am sure that I have no desire to. Be* sides, until I am twenty-four years of age, I am not responsible for myself. My uncle Madison is my guardian, and on his head be it, if I fall into wrong. He has purchased substitutes enough to keep me out of the war, and I do not intend to crawl into the pit of my own accord." " Would you not fight for your negroes ?" " To keep them, you mean ? No, Seth ; I would do no such thing. If I had a dog that refused to stay with me, I would not compel him to do so, unless I absolutely needed him for a watch- dog, or unless I had reason to fear that he would fall into worsa hands. I should not object to their having their freedom, if it could be given to them consistently with their interests, and with the interests of all concerned. But I do not object to owning them, mind you ; and I cannot see how their condition could be bettered, as affairs now stand." " I suppose that question is decided for you, by the time this war is ended, if not sooner." " I hope it may, for I confess myself incompetent to its solution. Whatever may be the issue of the war, or whatever may happen during its progress, I foresee that I shall be out of pocket. My southern friends will look upon me with distrust, if not with sus- picion, and my northern friends will capture my cotton and my negroes, if they can, as if I was the hottest rebel breathing. Well, I hope I shall not be childish enough to weep over the loss. I had the misfortune to be born rich. I know that that sounds strangely, but you have too much sense to laugh at it. There is that within me, which if circumstances should concur to draw it out, might make me do something great or heroic. I would be childish to object to any circumstances that would make a man of me. If I thought I was dependent on a certain amount of land, or a certain number of negroes, I should have a much poorer opinion of myself than I now have." "Perhaps, Arthur, you may grow more worldly-minded as you become older." " I hope not, for I think I am sufficiently worldly — that I am practical to a fault. But, this is idle talk. The mournful fact is before us, that you must leave, and that is trouble enough. Uncle Madison has procured a pass for you, which will take you to the. Yankee lines, wherever they mav b«. He w^g very kind to do so, THE LOYAL SPECTItE 9 considering that he really dislikes you, end can't help it. We will drive up to Atlanta to-morrow, end' I will draw some money, and get gold if it is possible. You must take all I choose to give you, for I know that you would do the same by me, il our positions were reversed." '•I shall be very sorry to go, Arthur. But perhaps it is for the best. I have been living here with you, lapped in luxury, and dreaming away life, until I had really forgotten what I was made for. Perhaps I may turn out to be something after all. Who can say that I was not made for a modern Napoleon ? Like the man who had never played the fiddle, I can't tell until I try. I shall be sorry to give up our old ways, our old books, our old studies, our old experiments. When Ave were succeeding so well with our investigations of spiritualism and clairvoyance, or whatever the misty, moonshiny science may be named, it seems a pity to break them off." " Yes, it is indeed a pity. We were getting along so finely, and hnd our table trained until it was as sensible as a circus-mule. I suppose the thunders of war will kill the rappings. and the smell of burning sulphur will drive away the spirits. But we must con- tinue to experiment, Seth, and if we can establish a mental tele- graph, across the lines of the contending armies, who knows how it may affect the price of cotton ? But I fear that I shall care fof no more of such things. I have only two wishes at present, that you may remain with me, and that I might see my cousin, Carrie Chappelle." "Has she not returned from the North?" " Yes. She has contrived to enter the mystic circle of those un- pleasant and inconvenient lines, but I don't know where she is. Uncle Madison is her guardian, for she is an orphan, as well as myself, and he must be presumed to know something about her, but he chooses to preserve a very mysterious silence on the subject, and does not vouchsafe any information. I will compel him to break his silence before long, or will penetrate the mystery myself, for I am not a child, although I am a ward. I wonder whether I shall admire her as well as I once thought I should." "It is useless to wonder, Arthur, and it is contrary to your philosophy. When your fate comes to you, you will know it." " My philosophy does not prevent me from being impatient. As for you, you go away from your fate, and you know it What shall I say to Laura Cijmer?" " Say nothing to her, Arthur," retorted the Northerner. " Say nothing to me. The heart knoweth its own bitterness. I have a letter to write, and must pack up for my journey." " Ah ! Speaking of Laura reminds you of a letter. Very well. You may trust me to deliver it. Don't forget your money-belt, Seth, for you may need it. When you reach the North, perhaps I 10 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. will send you a cargo of cotton through the blockade as far as Havana, and that will make you a rich man among the Yankees." " I want nothing contraband, Arthur. Good-night." "Good-night. We will drive up to Atlanta, directly after breakfast, and there you will take the cars for the North." The two friends then separated for the night, and the next morning, as had been arranged, they drove to Atlanta, where they Vid each other a long farewell. CHAPTER H. Not One of them! It was more than two years since the separation mentioned in the last chapter, whan Arthur Arment was again seated at the open window of his elegant plantation mansion. There wa3 scarcely any change about the house or the grounds attached to it. There Mas nothing to indicate that the land had been desolated by three years of bloody war. All was peaceful, serene and smiling. The earth had not failed to yield her increase, the rain had fal?en upon the just and the unjust, and the harvests had been as abun- dant as when the same flag quietly and grandly ruled the whole country. In the owner of that fine house and those fertile acres, there was little change to note. The delicate black mustache had become longer and heavier, the form had grown fuller and more manly, but that was all — if we may except a shade of care, a suspicion of suffering, that seemed to have added to the years of the young man. It was not a gloomy shadow that occasionally crossed his face — it was a sad one, as if his cause for sorrow was continual, not transient There was nothing fretful or impatient about his de- meanour, but he sat and puffed his cigar with an abstracted and thoughtful air, while the same shade of sadness stole over his fine countenance at intervals. As he was thus engaged, a gentleman entered the room, unan- nounced. The new-comer was a fine-looking, elderly person, tall, rather than stout, with iron-gray hair, and dark, expressive eyes. His countenance spoke of great strength of will and tenacity oi purpose, of sternness, tempered by benevolence. He was plainly but neatly dressed, and carried his hat and cane in his hand, a9 he entered the room. "Good evening, uncle Madison," said Arthur, as he rose and ex- tended his hand. "Good evening, Arthur," answered his uncle, with a pleasant smile. "I find you communing with your cigar, as usual. You seem to be as lonely and listless as ever." "Yes," sighed the young man, as he seated himself. "I sup- THE LOYAL SPECTRE. 11 pose you would call me lonely and listles3, but I know that I am weary." " Weary 1 Of what, in the name of common sense, can you be ■weary, unless of your own life of inaction and utter idleness? You have nothing to do, aad you never trouble yourself to seek anything to occupy your mind or your body." "As for my mind, it is busy enough, too busy to please me. I have sufficient exercise for my body, and was never in better health. It is true that I have nothing to do, for you have kindly relieved me of all business cares." '•You know that it is no fault of mine, Arthur. I have not de- sired the management of the estate, and what I have done has been in accordance with the express directions of your father, contained in Iiis will." " My dear uncle, I was not complaining. I have never questioned the justice or propriety of my father's will, and have never objected to your management of the estate. On the contrary, the arrange- ment is an admirable one, and fully proves my father's wisdom and foresight. The estate, as far as I am able to judge, could not have been better managed, and I must confess that I am glad that the responsibility of its control is not on my shoulders, particularly during the existing unpleasant state of affairs." ; - What, then, is there to weary you? I wish that you had some of my responsibility to bear, so that you might be wearied to some purpose." "Don't be so cruel, uncle. I hardly think that you would really wish me to have the management of the estate, for you know that I would not manage it, if I could help myself, to suit your patroi saint, .Teffersrm Davis. I am weary in my mind, uncle, and weary at heart, weary with wishing that there might be an end to this fruitless, destructive struggle." "It will be ended, Arthur, when Ave achieve our independence." "If that is to be the only end, it will be endless. For my part, I was weary of it at the beginning, and my weariness increases with its continuance. I know — at least, I feel — how vain, how suicidal it is, and it pains me to see such a splendid people throw- ing away their lives and fortunes so uselessly." "Do you never feel a desire to mingle in the glorious strife, to share the undying honour of the heroes who are fighting for liberty, for the inviolability of their homes, for all they hold dear?" " Where did you learn that parrot-talk, uncle? I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you speak that speech as mechanically as a parrot repeats the words that have been taught to it." "It comes from the heart, Arthur, and I am surprised that it falls so coldly upon your ears. I am surprised that you can speak and act as you do, when you remember the glories of your ances- tors, who always were the first to array themselves on the side of liberty and country. It hardly seems possible that the blood of 12 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. the Arments runs in your veins. Your grandfather would hava acted differently." "Have you had any communication from the spirit of my grandfather?" retorted the young man. "I cannot think that you are authorized to speak for him, or to pronounce so positively on the course he would have taken. The blood of the Arments does run in my veins, uncle Madison. There never was an Arment o( them all who loved liberty more than I do, or who would dare and bear more than I would for the cause of liberty, and I can assure you that my blood often boils when I think of the tyranny undel which the people are labouring." "What tyranny do you mean, Arthur?" "The tyranny of Jefferson Davis and his coadjutors in this attempt to build up an empire for themselves upon the ruins of our glorious old Union." " Do you know that your talk is treasonable, Arthur ? It i3 rank, bitter, malignant treason, and it is my duty as your uncle and your guardian, to warn you that you must put a bridle on your tongue, that you must be more careful how you speak, if you value your own safety. You are known, already, as an enemy of the government. Your actions and your speech have been severely ecmrnented upon in high places, and your arrest has been seriously epoken of. My influence has hitherto been sufficient to prevent Euch action ; but, I warn you, that, unless you change your course, the time may come when forbearance will cease to be a virtue with "^the authorities, and you will be no longer able to escape the con- sequences of your treasonable conduct." " I accept the consequences, uncle, whatever they may be," answered the young man, as he threw his extinguished cigar out of the window. " I care no more for them than I do for that wasted cigar end. Imprisonment and confiscation, I suppose, are the worst evils that would be likely to afflict me. My liberty is worth nothing to me, unless I can use it as I please ; and property, without liberty, would be only an eye-sore and an aggravation." "You talk wildly, Arthur," said Madison Arment, with a troubled look at his nephew, "and I earnestly hope that you will not express such sentiments to any one except myself. I am sorry to find you in such a mood, particularly when I came to speak to you concerning yourself and your affairs, in connection with the present condition of the country." " What would you have now, uncle? What new sacrifice can 1 make — or, rather, what new sacrifice can be made for me by you — to further the ambitious schemes of Jefferson Davis and his friends." "I do-not speak in behalf of President Davis, whu is only the chosen ruler of our people, to whom we have delegated certain limited powers. I speak in behalf of your bleeding and suffering country, that needs your aid in this hour of her trial. You know THE LOYAL SPECTRE. 18 that the horde9 of Yankee mercenaries, led by the unscrupulous Sherman, have pressed down through the State, although slaughtered at every step by our heroic defenders, until they are now almost at the gates of Atlanta, and the city is virtually besieged. The question is, shall Atlanta be given up to the rapacious invader, and be trampled under the feet of the Vandals of the North ?" " Really, uncle, I hardly know how to answer that long speech. As to whether Atlanta shall be evacuated or not, that is a question for Mr. Davis and hi3 generals, and I have no doubt that they will decide it in the arffiinative before long." "But you, Arthur — are you not willing to lift a finger to pre- vent such a catastrophe?" "What can I do to prevent it, uncle, supposing it to be a catas- trophe ? Shall I shoulder a musket, and run away with the rest when Sherman flanks us?" "I do not ask you to carry a musket, although there are many as good men as you, if not better, who are now marching in the ranks." " Running, you mean," interrupted Arthur. "Retreating only to lure the enemy on to certain destruction. But I do not ask you to imitate their example, or to peril your lif<* in any way, though you might have had an important and honour- able position, if you had desired it, and might have upheld the ancient glory of the Arments on many a victorious field." "Uncle, you are growing eloquent. You make me feel already as if a bullet was in me." " But I do ask you," continued Madison Arment, not noticing the interruption, "to throw the weight of your position and in- fluence on the side of your country at this crisis. I know that your example, no less than your words and actions, have had a very pernicious effect thus far, leading some of our young men to draw back from entering the service, leading others to be luke- warm in our defence, and luring some even into open disloyalty. They feel and say that if Arthur Arment can persist in a treason- able course with impunity, they see no reason why they should not be allowed to imitate his example. It is my duty to tell you that this can go no further. It must be stopped, or there will be an ex- ample made of some one. Is it not better for you to aid your country in the hour of her peril, and thus gain the gratitude and respect of all true patriots, than to see the arm of offended authority uplifted to punish you for your contumacy ?" "Uncle," answered Arthur Arment, leaning back with a settled expression upon his features, and fixing his dark eyes upon the ?arnest countenance of his relative, "this matter may as well be understood once for all. I hoped that you had understood me already. I now say that I have had, and can have, but one opin- ion concerning this war that is being waged to break up the Union, »nd that opinion can be expressed in two Avords— it is unnecessary U THE LOYAL SPECTRE. and suicidal. Being such, I have no part nor lot in the matter, unless to oppose it. I have not endeavoured to oppose it, but have suffered you, without remonstrance, to use my property for the benefit of the usurpers in Richmond, as seemed best to you. I shall continue that course, and shall not object to your actions ; but, I will go no further. I am neither to he frightened nor coaxed, but shall utterly refuse to do what I believe to be wrong. You are responsible for my property, and I am responsible for myself. I freely accept my share of the responsibility, and am ready to take the consequences of my own action or inaction." "Do I understand you, "hen, as endeavouring to assume a posi- tion of neutrality?" " Neutrality !" proudly exclaimed the young man. as the blood mounted to his cheeks. "By no means! Yon may understand ma as taking a position of independence. You say that the South is fighting for her independence. You will see that I can fight for mine, if it is necessary." "Then, Arthur—" " Pardon me, uncle. That question is settled, and I have no- thing more to 6ay on that unpleasant subject. As you have spoken plainly to me, I now wish to speak plainly to you. Where have you hid my cousin, Carrie Chnppelle?" "She is not hid. She is in Atlanta." "Yet, through your machinations and manoeuvres, I have not been able even to see her. When I have asked you about her, she has been here, she has been there; she has been occupied with this thing, she has been busily engaged with that; anything, so that I might not see her. Now, uncle Madison, that, also, has gone far enough. I am not a child, although I am a ward, nor is Carrie a child. For my part, I am nearly twenty-four years old and have a will of my own. I wish to see my cousin Carrie, and if I cannot see her with your consent, I will use my own means of effecting my object." Madison Arment was silent for a few moments, holding his head down, as if lost in thought. Then he looked up, and there was a frown upon his face as he addressed his nephew. "Your wish shall be complied with," he said. "You shall see your cousin, if you will accompany me to Atlanta to-morrow." " Thank you, uncle. I will do so with pleasure. Shall I direct your room to be made ready for you?" "You may." After some unimportant conversation, the relatives separated until supper time, and the subjects that were respectively nearest to their hearts— Southern independence and Carrie Chappelie, were not again mentioned. THE LOYiL SPECTRE. lu CHAPTER fll. Met at Last. The nnxt day Arthur Arment drove his uncle, hehind a pair of fine horses, to Atlanta, the " Gate City" of the South. It was late in the afternoon when they reached their destination, and they proceeded directly to the furnished house in the city, heretofore mentioned as belonging to the Arment estate. The house was a plain brick building, unpretending in appear- ance, but roomy and substantial, and was surrounded by pleasant grounds. A wooden addition was attached to the house, and several large outbuildings were in the rear. It was situated in the southern outskirt of the city, near the fair ground, but not in proximity to any of the lines of intrenchment, which were not then extended so far in that direction. Arthur expressed his wonder as he noticed that the grounds had been so well cared for, and that a negro servant was ready to receive them when they drove up to the door. "The house has not been unoccupied," answered his uncle. " I have kept the place in good order and repair, at my own expense. That house, Arthur, has been honoured by the presence of General Brag, of General Johnston, of General Hoed, and of President Davis himself." " Were they all flanked out of it, uncle?" "At present," continued Madison Arment, "it is occupied by your cousin, Carrie Chappelle, and a friend of hers, named Laura Clymer." " Ah ! that is, indeed, an honour, and I feel interested. I hope the house has been properly fumigated since the ambitious Mis- eissippian left it. If the stable is in order, please tell the boy to take care of my team, an£ let us enter, for I am impatient to see my cousin." "You will find, Arthur, that she entirely disagrees with you in politics, and you will need to change your course if you desire her to sympathise with you. Carrie's heart, as well as her blood, is Southern, and she is true to the cause of Southern independence." " So you told me, last evening, and I can believe your word without any repetition. But I do not expect to interfere with her political opinions, and have no fear of quarrelling with her on that score." The two Arments were ushered through a broad hall into a 13 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. large and finely-furnished parlour, where the younger negligently seated himself on a sofa, while the elder nervously and anxiously paced the room. " This place seems very solitary, uncle," said Arthur. " I have not yet heard or seen any one except the servant who admitted us. Where are its fair occupants?" " They are up stairs, I suppose, and have not heard of our ar- rival. Excuse me for a few moments, and I will see that they are notified. You had better he careful not to express your treason- able sentiments before your cousin, for you will find her a true Southerner." So saying, Madison Arment bowed himself out of the room, with the same frown on his face that it had worn the evening before. " Uncle Madison seems very particular in informing me about Carrie's politics," muttered Arthur. " I suppose he is afraid that I will try to make a convert of her." Giving the subject no more thought, the young gentleman rose from his seat, and amused himself with examining the pictures on the walls, and the various articles about the room. It was a long time since he had been inside of that house, and nearly everything seemed new to him. While he was thus engaged, the door of the parlour opened, and his uncle appeared, followed by two ladies. The first who entered was a beautiful blonde, rather slight in figure, and seeming almost to float in the atmosphere of the room, so lightly and airily she moved. Her hair was a rich brown, neatly braided ; her eyes were large and blue, shaded by long lashes, and her cheeks were- smooth as alabaster, and of so pure a complexion as to seem almost transparent. The other was a brunette, not beau- tiful, but with something strangely attractive in her face and ex- pression. She was taller and stronger than the blonde, and there was an appearance of resolution in her figure and in her move- ments, as well as in her earnest eyes and firmly-cut lips. Both were richly and tastefully dressed. " Your cousin, Arthur, Carrie," said Madison Arment, as they entered the toom. "My nephew, Miss Clymer, Arthur Arment." The brunette slightly inclined her head to the young man ; but the sylph-like blonde advanced and extended her hand to him, with that rich, winning, glowing, unspeakable smile which he so well remembered, and which sent the warm blood gushing to his cheeks and brow. " I am heartily glad, cousin Arthur," she said, " to meet you again, at last. We have been separated for a long time, and I have wished to see you, but something has always seemed to inter- pose to prevent a meeting." " It was no fault of mine, I assure you," answered Arthur ; "for I have sought you eagerly and vainly. When you have seemed the nearest to me, you have been the furthest off, for something, THE LOYAL SPECTRE. 17 as you say, has always interposed to prevent me from seeing you." •'Perhaps it was fate." " I suppose it was," replied Arthur, with a meaning glance at his uncle. 'It is said that fate generally acts through human agencies." " We must try to forget that, and must let bygones he bygones. It is a satisfaction to know that we have really met at last. I wish you to know my friend, Laura Clymer." "I have had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Arment before," said the brunette. " As Miss Clymer is kind enough to remember me," said Arthur, "I may say that I have passed many pleasant hours in her society, and in that of a friend who left us about two years ago." A deep blush mantled the dark cheeks of Laura Clymer, and she glanced from under her eyelashes at Madison Arment. That gentleman, who had been sitting uneasily in his chair, anxiously watching the interview between the cousins, and nervously fidgeting with his gloves and handkerchief, now seemed to think that it was time for him to take part in the conversation. " Carrie," he commenced, " I have told Arthur that if he ex- pected to find in you a sympathizer with his treasonable and anti- Southern opinions, he was greatly mistaken ; that you are true to your country, and always ready to devote yourself to the good cause." " Treasonable opinions !" exclaimed Carrie. " I really hope that Arthur is not tinctured with treason. I should be very sorry to disagree with him, especially upon that subject. I hope, Arthur, that you do not covet the unenviable distinction of being known as a traitor to your country." "Not I," answered the young man, "and therefore I abjure Jefferson Davis and all his works. But I have not come here to talk politics, and the subject is always distasteful to me. My opinions, whatever they may be, are of no consequence, and could have no more influence in this struggle than the winking of my eye would have in determining the course of the sun." " As you are disinclined to converse upon the subject, I can only hope for the best. For my part, I can assure you, as uncle Madison has said, that I am true to my country, that I am always ready to devote myself to the good cause, aad to die for it, if necessary." " I admire your spirit, Carrie. The Arment blood can never be tftdking in that, whether it takes aright direction or a wrong one." Madison Arment rose from his seat, and after a few words of farewell, left the house. As he did so, it might have been noticed that the anxious frown had left his countenance, that his troubled, nervous manner had disappeared, and that he agaiu worediis usual nild, courtly, quiet, stately demeanour. 18 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. " Of course, cousin Arthur," said Carrie, when her uncle had gone, "you will accept our hospitality to-night. The house is your own, but we are the present proprietors, and the dispensers of such cheer as it affords." " I shall accept your hospitality with pleasure, cousin. If you had not offered it, I should have concluded to drive back to Oak Grove to-night, for no hotel in Atlanta could hold me." Laura Clymer, who had taken no part in the conversation, left the room, for the purpose, as she said, of giving directions to the servants, and Arthur Arment found himself alone with his fair cousin. He then felt that she was very beautiful, and wondered whether her heart was as clear and pure as her face was bright and fair. He wondered whether she was as rank a rebel as his uncle had represented. He could not help thinking that, in any event, he was fated to love her. He was half afraid to ask her, fearing that difference of political opinion might create a gulf be- tween them, but he thought the truth must be known some day, and the sooner the better. " Is it true, cousin Carrie," he asked, " that uncle Madison has correctly represented your opinions concerning this terrible civil war, concerning this attempt to divide and destroy our glorious Union ?" " What do you mean, cousin ? I do not know what uncle Madi« son has told you concerning me and my opinions." "Are your opinions the same as those of uncle Madison ? Aro you a follower of Jeff. Davis and his disciples? Do you believa in the disruption of the Union, and in waging a bloody and de- structive war for the sake of a shadowy phantom misnamed Southern Rights?" "You are begging the question, Arthur, and that is not fair. You do not give me a chance to answer you, yes or no. I can tell you that I am a Southerner, by birth and inclination— that I believe the South should have its rights and should fight for them if necessary— that I am true to my country, as a Southern girl ought to be, and that I am ready to devote my life, and all that I have, to the good cause." "You are a secessionist, then. Well, let it pass, cousin. But your ideas were different when you used to write to me, after my return from college. You agreed with me then, and we both believed that the old flag ought never to be lowered." " I was younger then than I am now, Arthur, and less experi- enced. Besides, affairs had not reached the crisis, and we were speaking of abstractions, not of realities. Everything has changed since that time." "Everything. Cousin Carrie," ejaculated Arthur, in a mournful tone. " Has everything changed ?; * " Much has changed, cousin." As the young man cast a sorrewfal glance at the fair face of > THE LOTAL SPECTRE. 19 is companion, he perceived an expression of severe pain resting upon her lips and clouding her eyes, but he could not interpret it, and felt that lie had no right to ask what it meant. He bowed hit head in his hands, and remained silent for a few moments, while the hard and painful expression of his cousin changed, as sl"3 watched him, to one of pity, that might easily soften into love. "But your friend," he resumed — " Miss Clymcr— does she shar3 your opinions? Does she, also, believe in the righteousness of this rebellion ?" "Laura believes as I do," was the calm reply. "We have nf Occasion of disagreement." "And she has changed, as well as the rest. I suppose she has forgotten the man who won her love two years ago — my friend, Beth Staples. Absence and separation must have done their work with regard to him." "I can assure you that his absence docs not grieve her." "Such is life," sighed Arthur, "and such, I suppose, it always must be. I feel more than ever alon^n the world. My life seems etill more desolate. A man might as well be dead, as have nothing to live for. I see nothing left for me, except to cast myself into this vortex, and be swept away to nonentity with the rest of the brainless stragglers, who court riot and disorder, and call it glory." Arthur spoke musingly and meditatively, as if communing with himself; but, if he had looked at her, he might have seen that Carrie Chappelle was touched by his words. She seemed about to speak, when the door opened, and Laura Clymer entered, to announce that supper was ready. After supper, Arthur and the two ladies remained in the parlour, and occupied themselves with general conversation and music. There was a fine piano in the room, upon which Carrie and Laura accompanied their voices, while Arthur sat buried in a chair, silent, and seemingly lost in thought. He noticed that Carrie's voice was clear and sweet, while that of Laura's was rich and powerful. He also noticed that they sung nothing that might possibly be con- sidered as having a political bearing, and he thought that they were fearful of wounding his feelings, for which kind consideration he was duly grateful. When bed-time arrived, the ladies bade Arthur good-night, and sought their rooms. Ee was conducted to his apartment by a aegro servant. THE LOYAL SPECTBfc CHAPTER IV. The Apparition. The room into which Arthur was ushered was a large bed- chamber, with a high ceiling. It contained only a few articles of furniture, but those were of very rich quality. The principal ob- ject was a large canopied bed. The carpet was of velvet pile, very heavy, and noiseless to the tread. The walls were papered, and adorned with a large mirror, and several pictures. There w as one door in the room, and two windows, reaching to the flcor, that opened, upon a balcony, overlooking the garden. Arthur notice that a window, which had formerly opened out at the rear of the house, had been blocked up, by the building of the wooden addition, and that its place was supplied with paneling. In all this there was nothing strange, and Arthur, after a glance at the room and its contents, and a mournful glance at his pale and anxious face in the mirror, undressed, extinguished his light, and laid down to rest. Sleep was slow to visit his eyelids, for his mind was perturbed, and his thoughts were haunted by remembrances of what had been, by dark forebodings of the future-, and by vain dreams of what might never be. He had seen his cousin, and had found her as beautiful as a poet's dream. The love that had been half-born within his breast a few years ago, had suddenly sprung into life, full-grown and full-formed, and armed with all its powers to blesr or torture, as Minerva sprung from the brain of Jove. But il seemed destined to be a vain, useless, heart-wearying love, for il could not be possible that he and his cousin, holding such oppo- site opinions upon such a vital question, ever could be joiued by a closer tie than that of relationship. This, then, was the reason why his uncle had never brought them together; he had feared that Arthurs peace of mind might be destroyed, and had merci- fully preserved him from temptation. Arthur appreciated the supposed kindness of his uncle, and was duly thankful for it; but he felt that he must have met ins fate sooner or later, and was not inclined to shirk the issue. For his own part, he was certain that nothing, not even love itself, could change his convictions, and he felt that he was as far from Carrie Chappelle as if they were separated by thousands of miles of ocean. Thus musing, he fell into a doze, from which he was presently awi THE LOYAL SPECTRE. 21 awakened by the iound of music. It seemed afar off, and fell faintly upon his dull ear, lulling him to sleep again. "Some military band," he thought, "or a party of midnight serenaders," and again closed his eyes to slumber. But he was not to be permitted to sleep, for the sound of music Beeming to grow nearer and louder, and the strains were so sweet and ravishing, that he involuntarily reclined his head upon his hand to listen. Scon he was able to distinguish the instruments — a violin, a flute, and a guitar. He heard, also, the sound of vocal music — two female voices, as he thought, but so perfectly blended that they seemed like one, and, at least, one rich in sonorous manly voice. " Some serenaders in the street," thought Arthur ; and yet it seemed strange that there should be ladies among them. Pie could Wily consider it a new development of the customs of Atlanta. The music at first appeared to be a gentle, softly-modulated symphony, with no particular meaning or purpose; but, after a while, it changed, and the dear old melody of "Sweet Home" saluted the charmed ears of the half -awake young man — the clear notes of the violin, the melodious tinkling of the guitar, the rich, swelling tones of the flute, the sweet voices of the female singers, and the deeper intonations of the males, all chiming in so har- moniously, that everything in the room seemed to respond to theix delicious vibrations, and Arthur felt himself lapped in Elysium. " This is strange," dimly mused the young man. " These ara surely the sweetest serenaders I ever heard. The ladies will soon • answer them, I suppose." But there was no opening of windows, nor any other response to the music. As the last strains of " Sweet Home " died away, they melted imperceptibly into another symphony, soft and delicate like the first, but decidedly martial in its character. Then arose, from violin, guitar, flute, and melodious voices, the music and words of Captain Cutter's beautiful song, now seldom heard, known as "Many in One:" "O! many and bright are the stars that appear, In the flag of our glory unfurled, And the stripes that are swelling in majesty there, Like a rainbow adorning the world I" Arthur listened, as if spell-bound, while the song proceeded, the music growing richer and more glorious as it interpreted the swelling sentences, and when the grand climax wa3 reached, he had become so excited and enthusiastic, that he could hardly restrain himself from leaping out of his bed and going in search of those wonderful serenaders. But he feared that he might break the charm, and resolved to remain quiet. "This is the strangest thing of all," he mused. "I wonder whether I am really awake. Either I am dreaming, or this is *2 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. some strange hallucination of my waking senses. It cannot be possible that such a song should be sung in this city, and at this house, right in the hearing of such rank rebels as my cousin Carrie and Laura Clymer. If that music was real music, they could not: help hearing it, and would soon put a stop to the singing of a- Union Song like that. I surely can't be awake, but iUs a very • pleasant dream, and I have no wish for it to end. If I had any i matches, I would strike a light and investigate the mystery, but : the room is so confoundedly dark, that I would only get myself ! into trouble." The young gentleman sat up in his bed, laid down again, pulled his hair, pinched his cheeks, bit his lips, and tried other methods to determine whether he was awake or asleep, but with no satis- factory result. The evidence of his senses told him that he was awake, but his re-lion told him that he must certainly be dreaming. He gazed around: the room, to endeavour to discern the objects which he had noticed on retiring, but the darkness of the night was increased by the heavy curtains that shrouded the windows, and he could distinguish nothing but vague outlines. As he gazed, a faint, yellowish light began to pervade the room, seeming to insinuate itself through the walls and ceiling. Dim and indistinct at first, it grew more vivid and powerful, until Arthur could plainly perceive the large mirror and the pictures on the walls. Then the light changed to a purplish hue, and a strange, suffocating, but pleasant odour filled the chamber, gradually dulling the senses of the young man, and substituting a feeling of listlessnesa and languor for the previous excited condition of his nerves. Satisfied, now, that he must be dreaming, he leaned upon his arm, and freely gave himself up to the ecstatic feeling of the illu- sion. As he continued to gaze, with half-shut eyes, the large mirror upon the opposite wall gradually lowered, until it touched and rested on the floor, and in its place appeared an American flag, with all the glorious stars and stripes emblazoned upon it, and with its folds falling over the mirror beneath it. At the same moment, the flute, the guitar, and the violin, which had been again playing a soft and pleasing symphony, blended their tones in the opening to our national anthem, the "Star Spangled Banner," and immediately the sweet female voices, and the rich tones of the males, joined in singing the stirring words of the song. The folds of the banner seemed to wave responsive to the stirring chords, and the young man felt himself moved by an enthusiasm which he was powerless to express. He yielded him- self up to the influences of the illusion, and closed his eyes. But a greater astonishment awaited him ; for, when he opened his eyes again, he saw a figure standing before him on the floor, in front of the banner. It was robed entirely in white, and. in form and feature, was the exact likeness of his cousin Carrie. The THE LOYAL SPECTRE. 23 j^BemWance was so perfect, and struck him so suddenly, that ho ihiiddered, fearing that it might be a reality, but not daring to hone so. Its delicate drapery rested upon the iloor, but its feet I . scarcely to touch the soft texture of the carpet. The music, which had melted to a slow and soleum symphony, now swelled into greater power and richness, as the figure slowly rai 1 its arm, pointed toward the banner, with its bdlliaut eyes fixed up m Arthur, and spoke as follows : " Arthur Arment, be true to the flag of your country! You believe in the Union ; prove your faith by your works !" That clear, musical, silvery voice was none other— could be none other — than that of Carrie Chappelle. The illusion was perfect. Arthur felt irresistibly impelled to rise and pursue this beautiful phantom, but he was powerless to move. He could only gaze in wonder, while his eyes dilated, as if they would burst out of his head. Again he heard the musical voice: '• Arthur Arment, be true to your country and flag. Let nothing lead you astray, but persevere, and true happiness awaits you. Look ! its glory is even now over your head !" The young man involuntarily raised his eyes. As he did so, Ihe light disappeared, and, when he again looked around, the figure of Carrie Chappelle had vanished, and he could distinguish nothing in the darkness. ; Now," he thought, "I know that I have been dreaming, and have just awakened. It needed only that apparition to fully con- vince me, for it is not possible that Carrie Chappelle would have exhorted me to stand by the Union and the old flag. It was a glorious dream, and I wish it might have been true, but like all pleasant dreams from which one wakes to a sad reality, it Leave s an impression of pain." Having thus settled the matter to his sntisfaction, Arthur Arment again laid his head on the pillow, and was soon, aided by the aromatic odour that pervaded the room, lost in a dreamless peep. It was quite late in the morning when he was aroused by a negro servant, who knocked at the door, and told him that it was time to dress for breakfast. He immediately rose, astonished and vexed at having slept so late. While he was dressing, he carefully examined the room and its furniture, and found, as he had expected, that everything was as he had noticed it on retiring. No article of furniture had been moved, and even the mirror, which had been so mysteriously lowered to the floor, hung quietly in its accustomed place. The pungent, suffocating odour, that seemed to have saluted his senses during the night, was not perceptible. Nothing had changed, except hi3 own countenance, which looked pale and careworn, as if he had passed a restless and painful nigliS, 24 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. The young gentleman smiled sadly as he surveyed himself in the glass. "It is wonderful," he said, "how strongly a delusion can take hold upon a healthy and balanced mind. I really thought, during that strange vision of last night, that I was wide awake, and that it was not possible that the evidence of my eyes and ears could deceive me. Still, my reason told me that it could not be real, and I knew that I must be dreaming, as well as I know that I am now awake." His feeling of certainty was destined to be short-lived, and his philosophy was soon upset ; for, on taking up his coat, he dis covered a small American flag pinned upon the lappel ! His surprise was so great, that he dropped the coat, and nearly fell upon the floor. When he again took up the garment, and un pinned the badge, he was trembling as if with an ague. "Am I sure that I am awake now?" he muttered. "Was I dreaming last night, or am I dreaming this morning? If I am awake now, this is certainly real, for I can hold it in my hands, I can feel it, and the pin will prick me. There is nothing unsub- stantial about this little flag." After some more perplexing thought, he came to the conclusion that the mystery was beyond his penetration, and must be left to time and circumstances to unravel. Accordingly, when his nerves had become quiet, he composed his features as well as he could, and went down stairs, resolved to spend the coming night in that raom. At the breakfast -table he was kindly greeted by the ladies, in whose demeanour and appearance he noticed nothing unusual. Carrie Chappelle asked him how he had rested, and he replied that he had seldom passed a night so greatly to his satisfaction, having been favoured with a dream that had given him a great deal of comfort. He could not help feeling, at times, in his vest pocket, to see if the little flag was still there, and was a real, palpable piece of paper. His desire to pass another night in the room which had fur- nished his strange experience, was frustrated by the arrival of his uncle, who informed him that it was necessary to proceed im- mediately to Oak Grove, on important business. Arthur en- deavoured to evade compliance with this request, but his uncle was urgent, declaring that the business would admit of no delay, and the young man reluctantly said gocd-bye to his cousin and her friend, and drove his uncle, sullenly and silently, toward his own house, CHAPTER V. Long Looked for, Come at Last. Arthur Arment did not reach Oak Grove until evening. He was very moody and uncommunicative during the ride, and, as his uncle seemed quite anxious and meditative, few words passed betweea them. Arthur kept revolving in his mind the mysterious occurrence of the night before, and often put his hand in his pocket to see if the little flag, that he had so strangely received, was still there, or had melted away like fairy goM. He was satisfied that that part of his vision, at least, was real. It turned out, greatly to the chagrin of the young man, that the business for which his uncle had hurried him back from Atlanta, was only the arrangement of some trilling matters of detail, con- nected with the management of the estate. To be sure, he was required to give his decision upon some unimportant questions about which he cared nothing, and to sign a few papers, which, he thought, might as well have been signed at any other time. He could come to no other conclusion, than that his astute uncle ! wished to shut him out, as much as possible, from the society of 1 his cousin Carrie, and had brought him back from Atlanta be- | cause he seemed entirely too willing to remain there. Arthur respected his uncle too highly to complain openly of this conduct, but he sought to penetrate his motives by some quiet questioning. " I believe," he said, in the course of a desultory conversation, "that Carrie Chappelle's property is very valuable." "It is a large property," answered his uncle ; "not as large as yours, Arthur, but a large one— a very good property." " \Va3 there not a condition in her father's will, that if she should marry before the age of twenty-one, your guardianship should cease, and that she should have entire control of her property?" " Yes ; there is such a condition, provided she marries with my ( consent." "If she was not such a stanch advocate of the Confederacy, or if she should marry a man who is opposed to it, it is possible that '■ her property might not benefit Jefferson Davis and his friends as much as it otherwise would." " I hardly know what you mean, Arthur," nervously answered the old gentleman. "The case that you present is not a suppos- able one. Carrie is true to the South, and she would never think of marrying a man who was hostile to the cause of his country, even if I would ever give my concent to such an unnatural alli- ance. You need not attempt to convert her, for she is proof against treason." 20 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. "It is not my business to make proselytes, uncle. I was only asking for information. As she is one of the few relatives that I have, I am naturally interested in her." Arthur was sure that he had divined the motive of his uncle in separating him from Carrie. I'adison Arment evidently feared that his handsome nephew migh* win the love of his niece, and that the joint importunities of the two might prevail upon him to give his consent to their marriage, so that the property-influence of at least one fine estate would probably be lost to the Confederacy. In the morning, Arthur drove his uncle to the station at which ^ie was to take the cars for Atlanta, and returned to his solitary home. He was at first inclined to start immediately for the city, and seek an interview with his cousin ; but, on seeond thoughts, he concluded that such a course would betray too much eagerness and impatience, and he determined to wait awhile. He passed a long and dreary day. He could not remember when the hours had seemed to creep so slowly. He endeavoured to read, but threw book after book aside in disgust. He played with his dog, but soon tired of that sport. He ordered his horse to be saddled and brought to the door for a ride, but immediately changed his mind, and sent it back. He smoked cigars, until he was sick of the scent of tobacco. Do what he could, turn where he \rould, lie could not shut out the thought of his fair cousin C:irrie and the mysterious occurrences in his sleeping room. Ho could not doubt that he had been dreaming, or labouring under a strange optical delusion, but he wished that it might visit him again. lie took the miniature flag from his pocket, and piuned it upon the lappel of his coat, as he had found it. He went to tho mirror, and thought that it looked well. That part of his ex- perience, at least, was real, tangible, indubitable. Not satisfied with this evidence, he called in his body-servant, and gave him some trifling directions. The black boy noticed the flag on his master's coat, and started. " Oh. mass'r Arthur !" he exclaimed, " whar'd ycu git dat?" " I found it, Henry. Are you afraid of it ?" "No. sah; not much, I s'pect." The flag was real, then, for other eyes besides his own had seen it, and he had evidence on which he could rely with certainty. He could only &.^. lecture that the ladies had wished to taunt him with his Unionism, and had fastened the flag to his coat as a freak. That could have nothing to do with his remarkable Tision. Towards evening, the young gentleman was again seated by his parlour window, smoking a cigar, and communing with his dis- contented thoughts, -when he perceived four Confederate horsemen, with an officer at their head, riding down the road that led by the house, from the direction of Atlanta. He watched them, and saw Uiem stop in front of the housa- The officer and two of the men THE LOYAL SFECTP.3. 27 dismounted, and walked up to the front door, while the otherv heid their horses. The bell rung, and in a few minutes a servant entered the room, and informed his master that a gentleman wished to see him. " Snow him in," s.iid Arthur, and the Confederate officer made his appearance, while the two soldiers stood at the door of the parlour. "I have an unpleasant duty to perform, Mr. Arment," said the officer, quite politely. "I have an order for your arrest, signed by the Provost-Marshal-General of the Army of Tennessee." "You surprise me," said Arthur, calmly puffing his cigar. "There must be some mistake about the matter, for I don't know what authority the State of Tennessee has to order the arrest of a citizen of Georgia." "You misapprehend me, sir — wilfully, I suppose. I did not speak of the State of Tennessee, but of the Confederate Army of Tennessee, which is now in the vicinity of Atlanta" " Ah ! pardon me, for the mistake was a natural one. What is the Army of Tennessee doing down here in Georgia?" "It has fallen back before the enemy, to protect the city of Atlanta." "Just as it protected Chatanooga, I suppose. I am glad to hear that it has successfully flanked its way so far. I hope the men are not wearied by their long march. This order, you say, is signed by an officer of the Confedeiate army. I do not recog- nise any such authority." " Whether you recognise it or not, you will have to submit to 1 it," said the officer, who was really provoked by the coolness of ! the young gentleman. • "I suppose so," answered Arthur, throwing his cigar out of the window. The threatened and long-expected arrest had come at last. He had spoken and thought of such a possibility very lightly, but now it was a reality, and a very unwelcome one, for it occurred just at a time when he desired his liberty. It would be very irksome, he thought, to be confined, and restrained of his freedom of action, when he was so anxious to see his cousin again, and to sleep once more in the room where he had passed the previous night. He mentally consigned the officer and his order to a better place than Atlanta. "If you will excuse me for a moment," he said, "I will step up to my room and get a few articles that I need, and will be ready in a few minutes." ** Certainly, Mr. Arment, if you will give me your word! that you will come down here again." " I will return directly, upon my honour." The young gentleman rose, and left the parlour. He had two loaded revolvers in his room, and it was his intention to bring 28 THELOFAL SPECTHE. down those weapons, refuse to submit to the arrest, and sell his j life ns dearly as possible, if he could not boat off the officer and j his men. There was a strong probability that the rich carpets of. 1 the Arment mansion would be stained by Southern blood. As he passed out of the room, his hand -was touched by.; a soldier who stood at the door — a heavily bearded man with a stolid countenance— and he felt a paper thrust into it. His hand mechanically closed upon the scrap, and he passed on, and walked up-stairs, as if there had been no interruption. ' ; When he reached his room, he opened the paper, and, to his surprise, read as follows : " Submit quietly to the arrest. The flag that was pinned upon your coat will protect you. Be true to the Union, and fear no- thing. " A Fsiend." Here was a new development. The soldier who had handed him the paper must be a friend, whether in disguise or not. But how could he know anything of the flag that Arthur had found pinned upon his coat? After he had shown it to Henry, he had replaced it within his vest pocket, and no eyes but his own had seen it This circumstance increased the mystery, and, gave it a new char- acter. The young man grew more anxious to penetrate it, and resolved that he would follow his fate, in whatever direction it might lead him. He took out his pistols, examined them, and then, with a shake of his head, put them back in their drawer. He changed some of his clothes, brushed his hair, and walked down to the parlour. Thus it happened that the Arment carpets were not stained. " I am ready, captain," said Arthur, with a pleasant smile. " As soon as my horse is brought up, we will start, if you wish." He ordered some refreshments for the soldiers, and entered into a good-humoured conversation with the officer, until his horse was brought to the door. The Confederate was agreeably surprised at the change in the demeanour of hi3 prisoner, and congratulated himself that his unpleasant duty was likely to be so pleasantly performed. M I suppose we will ride to Atlanta," suggested Arthur. "Yes, sir. It is a long ride, but we will have a moon, and I trust that you will not be inconvenienced by the journey." " Not at all. It is a pleasant ride, and I need exercise. I was intending to go to the city to-morrow. I suppose there is a little attempt at strategy, in conveying me through the country by night, but I assure you that it is entirely unnecessary." "I know nothing about the strategy," replied the officer. "I hope, however, that your restraint wiil be a brief one, for I have been agreeably surprised in you. I was given to understand that I should find you an obstinate man, and, probably, a desperate one," THE LOYAL SPECTRE- 2D "I have been belied," laughed Arthur. "I assure you that I am a very mild-mannered and peaceable person, if I am nut pushed too hard." When Arthur's horse was brought to the door, he mounted, in company with the officer and his men, and they trotted up th« road together, in the direction of Atlanta. CHAPTER VI. Who Were They f As the party started off, young Arment was by the side of the officer, with two soldiers riding in front, and two in their rear. Arthur had looked closely at the man who had handed him the note, before leaving the house, and he turned in his saddle and glanced back at him several times as he rode. The soldier, how- ever, gave not the slightest sign of recognition, nor was there the least change in his heavily-bearded, stolid, inexpressive counte- nance. Arthur began to wonder whether b.3 had actually received the note, and whether that circumstance was not as unreal as his vision. It was after sunset when they commenced their journey ; but the moon soon rose, and its rays, struggling through the scattered clouds, enabled them to see quite distinctly. Whec they had tra- velled about ten miles, they reached a dry and sandy upland, where the road ran through a thick grove of pines, mingled with a stunted undergrowth. They had come to the densest part of the grove, where the road made a sharp turn to the right, when there was a sudden rush from among the pines, and a number of armed men, some of whom were mounted, sprung out upon the party. A few shots were fired, and there was a brief struggle, accompanied by oaths and cries, at the conclusion of which the Confederate officer and his escort were all driven off, or secured as prisoners. The onset was so sudden, and the attacking force was so overwhelming that little resistance was made. Arthur Arment did not see the conclusion of the little conflict. His horse, frightened by the flash and report of a pistol fired near 00 THE LOYAL SPECTRE. its head, suddenly reared up, throwing its rider to the ground, and falling upon him. Arthur felt a stunning shock, and all conscious- ness left hitn. When he came to his senses, he was lying on a soft bed, in a darkened room. He tried to raise himself, to look around and as- certain where he was, but found himself so weak and sore in body, that he was obliged to desist from the attempt, and to be content with surveying the situation from the position in which he found himself. The room was a small one, furnished neatly and comfortably, but not in a costly manner. There was but one window, which was darkened by heavy curtains, admitting only a few faint rays of sunshine. A chair and a small table were near the bed, and on the latter were a few bottles, a cup and saucer, and a Bible. The bed was overhung by dark curtains, shutting out his view, except at one side. There was a peculiar air of neatness about the room and its appurtenances, and the arrangement of everything spoke to Arthur's fastidious eyes of the delicate and tasteful hand of woman. The young gentleman was bewildered. He wondered where he was, and his anxiety to know made him uervous. He again essayed to rise, and, in making the effort, reached out his hand and knocked over the chair by the bedside, which fell on the floor with something of a crash. Directly he heard the patter of gaitered feet on the stairs, and a rustling of muslin at the door, which opened, and admitted a fresh-faced, cheery, matronly-like woman, who immediately closed the door behind her. She was neatly dressed, wore a widow's cap, and had a pleasant smile, which went right to Arthur's heart, and made him feel at home. " So -you are awake, sir," she said, in a clear and chirping voice, as she tripped to the bedside. " Have you been trying to get up? You shouldn't exert yourself, sir, for you are very weak. Well, 1 declare ! if you haven't turned over a chair ! That is what made the racket. It is lucky that you didn't upset the table, for jou would have spilt all those excellent medicines that you don't need at all." " Will you have the kindness to take a seat, madam, and tell me where lam?" " You are in my house, to be sure," answered the little woman, as she seated herself, and smiled sunnily at the invalid. " And who are you, if it is not too rude a question?" "I am Mrs. Bennett, and your nurse at present." " How long have I been here ?" " Only since last night. You were brought here by some men, who said they were your friends, and that you had b:-en injured by a fall from your horse. You were insensible when you wero brought in, and the doctor said that he feared you had suffered a TIIE LOYAL SPECTRE. 31 concussion of the brain. When you awoke, you were slightly delirious, talking about flags and dreams, and such nonsense, and he gave you, as he said, a powerful opiate. You went to sleep, and have just woke up, I suppose." "Ami in Atlanta?" M No, indeed, sir. Your friends who brought you here would not have taken you to Atlanta." "Who were they, and where are they now?" " They are strangers to me, sir, and I have not seen them since. But you are talking too much. The doctor said that if you wer Ii means," answered Carrie, " that I am a friend to the Union, and always have been ; that I never was a rebel, in thought or io THE LOYAL SPECTRE. 7« " Is this possible ? Are you capable of such deception T" "Don't forget your motto, uncle; everything for the cause. Allow me to make you acquainted with Captain Seth Staples, and Mrs. Staples." "That Yankee here? And the husband of Laura Clymer? I am astonished and disgusted. Arthur, I revoke the consent that I gave you." • "It is too late, uncle, for we are already married. " I disown you both. I despise and detest you, as traitors and deceivers. I hope that I shall never see your faces or hear your namps again. I will leave this house and this God-forsaken city immediately, and will try to forget that I have such unworthy re- latives." .•.*_.!. " You had better stay with us until morning, uncle, said Arthur. "You could not leave the city at night, and it will be necessary to procure a pass for you." # "I will do so. I wish to be shown to my room immediately. "Certainly," answered Arthur, as he went to call a servant. " We will send your supper to your room, as you do not fancy our company." . The next morning, Madison Arment, mounted on his horse, and provided with a pass, shook the dust of Atlanta from his feet, and went in search of " the last ditch," which was then supposed to be located in the neighbourhood of Macon. Arthur Arment, after converting into money and movables as much as possible of his wife's property and his own, told his ne- groes to look out for themselves (which they did, as a general thing, by seeking protection in the army of General Sherman), and carried his beautiful bride to the peaceful North, being disinclined to " prove his faith by his works" before the honeymoon was over. Laura Staples accompanied them, as her husband had received a staff appointment, and his duties would not permit him to leave the army. DUNN AND WRIGHT, PRINTERS, GLASGOW CAMERON & FERGUSON'S POPULAR PUBLICATIONS. ,* Any of (he Bools mentioned in (his List, as veell as (he other Publications cf Cameron & Ferguson, may be had of the Booksellers, or will I post free, to an;/ person who forward* (o the Publishers, at (heir address, S3 West M'e Stree(, Glasgow, (he required number of postage stamps. MUSIC BOOKS. FOR THE PIANOFORTE. 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