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Too long by jealous Chaos hid from sight, Shone in unclouded radiance from on high, And gladden'd with refulgent warmth the sky. 95 Thus every region own'd its proper race ; The Gods and staiTy host heaven's altar grace, Each element contain'd a peopled train, The glittering' fishes frolickM in the main, Earth held the beasts, the birds aloft repair, 100 And soar and flutter in congenial air. There still was wanting to direct the whole, A being bless'd with reason and a soul. Man was that being : — whether thus decreed To emanate from pure celestial seed, 105 Or whether earth of late from ether riven, Retain'd some atom of its recent heaven, To which Prometheus a new image gave, Smooth'd the rude clay and blended with the wave, Moulding with plastic art the mimic clod, 110 By nature mortal, but in form a god. Prone to the earth while lesser beings bow, Man walks erect, and with undaunted brow Haec super imposuitliqxiidumet gravitate Deerat adhuc, et quod dominari !■ carentem eaetera posset, ^thera, nee quicquam terrenae faecis Natus homo est. Sivehuncdivinogemine habentem. fecit Vixealiinitihus dissepserat omnia certis; Illeopifex rerum, mundi melioris orign ; Cum, quae pressa dlu mass^ latuere sub Sive recens tellus, seductaque nuper ab ilia. , 70 alto 80 Sidera cceperunt toto effervescere ccelo. Others, cognati retinebat semina coeli ; Neu regio foret «lla suis animantibus Quam satus lapeto, mistam fluvialibos orba ; roeorum ; undis, Astra tenent coeleste so'um, formaeque Finxit in effigiem moderantum cuncta Cesserunt nitidis habitandae pisciiius Deorum. undae ; Pronaque cum spectent animalia eaetera Terra feras cepit ; volucre» agitabilis terram j aSr. 7& Os homini sublime dedit; coelumqne Sanctius his animal, mentisque capacius taeri 85 altae B 10 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The starry canopy reflecting eyes, And longs to mingle with his native skies. 115 Thus earth, no longer void of shape or grace, Was thenceforth peopled by the human race. First rose the golden age, when mortals saw Truth leagued with virtue unallied to law ; No penal terrors awed the guilty clime, 120 No brazen tablets raark'd th' imputed crime ; No trembling criminal from justice flies, For each was safe where all were free from vice ; The lofty pine, torn from the mountain's brow, Stem'dnotthe billows with adventurous prow 125 In search of climates distant and unknown, For mortals knew no climate but their own ; No yawning dyke at fierce Bellona's call, Begirt with shelving bank th' embattled wall. Nor brazen trumpet with discordant breath, ISO Strew'd sword and buckler o'er the fields of death. The nations slept in innocence, nor made Of peace a pastime and of war a trade ; Earth, genial mother, with a bounteous grace, Indulgent parent of a spotless race, 135 Gave all spontaneous, nor required, as now. The pointed harrow and th' inverted plough. Plain was the board, undeck'd by anxious thought, Wild strawberries from leafy mountains brought, Jiissit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus. Montibus, in liquidas pinus descenderat Sic, modo quae fuerat rudis et sine ima- undasj 95 gine, tellus Nullaque inortales, praeter sua littora, Jnduitignotas hominum conversa figu- norant. ras. Nondum prascipites cingebant oppida Aurea prima sata est aetas, quae, vin- fosss ; dice nullo, Non tuba direct!, non aeris cornua flexi, Sponte sua sine lege fidem rectunique Non galeae, non ensis, erant. Sine mi- colebat. 90 litis usu Poena metusqne aberant; nee verba Molliasecurse peragebant otiagentes. 100 minaciafixo Ipsa quoque iminunis rastroque in- ^re legebantur, nee supplex turba iacla, nee ullis timebant Saucia vomeribus, per se dabat omnia Judicis Ota sui ; sed erant sine vindi^ce tellus ; tuti. Contentique cibis nullo cogente creatis, Nondum caesa suis, peregriHum ut vise. Arbuteos foetus, moutanaquefragralege. ret orbcm, bant. BOOK I. 11 Red mulberries which deck th' entangled grove, 140 And acorns dropping from the tree of Jove. Thus conscious virtue banish'd guilt and fear, And spring eternal crown'd the circling year, Young zephyrs breathing incense o'er the plain, Woo'd in soft whisper Flora's blooming train : 145 Unaided by the ploughman's annual toil. Benignant Ceres bless'd the fruitful soil, The rivers flow'd with milk and nectar fill'd, And yellow honey from the oak distill'd. Now Jove his aged sire to Styx had hurl'd, 150 And wav'd his sceptre o'er a subject world ; Succeeding times a silver age unfold, Than brass more precious, and less pure than gold. The seasons follow'd, heaven's eternal king In narrower limits bound the flowers of spring, 155 Red summer glow'd, and winter in the rear Of doubtful autumn ruled the ptirted year. Then first the air was parch'd with sultry beams, Alid icy fetters bound the stagnant streams : No more the tangled bough, the arching cave, 160 To weary mortals a fit refuge gave ; To brave the summer heat, the winter storm. Fixed mansions rear'd their well compacted form. The stubborn glebe the long drawn furrow broke. And lagging oxen bent beneath the yoke. 1/55 Cornaque, et in duiis haerentia mora Auro detcrior, fulvo pretiosior xre. 115 rubetis ; 10.0 Jupiter antiqui contraxil tempora veris ; Et quae deciderant patula Jovis arbore Perque iiyemes, aestusque, et inaiquales glandes. autumnos, Ver erat seternum, placidique tepentibus Et breve ver, spatiis exegit quatuor auris annum. Mulcebant Zephyri natos sine semine Turn priinum siccis aer fervoribus ustils floras. Ca^duit ; et ventjs glacies adstricta pe Mox etiam fruges telUis inarata feiebat; pendit. 120 Nee renovatus ager gra^idis canebat Turn pritnum subiere doiiios. Domus aristis, 1 10 antra fueriint, Ruminajam lactic, jam flumina nectarts Mt den?i frutices, et vinctK cortice ibant; virgx. Flavaque de viridt stiliabant ilice mella. Semina turn primum longis Cereali» Postquam, Saturno tenebrosa in Ta»'- siikis tara misso, [proles, Obruta sunt, pressique jugo gemuere Sub Jove jnundnserat; subiit argentea jwejici, B 2 ' 14 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The third in rank a brazen age succeeds, A hardier race, more prone to martial deeds. Last came the iron age, by Jove accurs'd, The last in order and in crimes the worst. Then every vice that blots th' historic page 170 Rushed in a torrent o'er the guilty age. Truth was no more, indignant Virtue fled, And pining Shame in secret hung her head. And Fraud ensued, and Falsehood's specious train. And brutal force and wicked lust of gain. 175 Then hollow vessels plough 'd the unknown seas, And gave their canvas to the wondering breeze. Land was no longer free as air or light, A fixed division mark'd each owner's right. Earth proflFer'd corn — but wild Ambition's slaves ISO Disdain'd her surface and explored her caves. In Stygian darkness prob'd th' incumbent clay, And riches, source of evil, saw the day. Now fatal iron, and more fatal gold. Corrupt the guilty and inspire the bold. 185 War shakes his lance, fell Rapine stalks around, And hospitality's an empty sound: Brother and brother, son-in-law and sire, Husband and wife, by mutual guilt expire ; Tertia post illassuccesaitaUenea proles. Nee tantiim segetes alimentaque debita SiEviov ingenjis, et ad horrida promptior dives arma; [ferro. Poscebatur humus j sed itum est in vis- Nee tcelerata tamen- De duro est uitima cera ten-Ee ; Protinus irrampit venae pejoris in aevum Quasque recondiderat, Stygiisque ad* Omne nefas ; fugere pudor, verumqne moverat umbris, fldesque; Effodiuntur opes irritamenta maln- In quorum Eubicre locum fraudesque, rum. 140 dolique, 130 Jamque nocens ferrum, ferroque no- Insidixque, et vis, et amor sceleratus centius aurum habendi. Prodierat ; prodit belUim, quod pugnat Vela dabat ventis, nee adhuc bene no- utroque ; verat illos, SanguineSque manu crepitantia concutit Navita : quaeque diu stelerant in men- arraa. tibus altis, Vivitur ex rapto. Non hospes ab hospite Fluctibus ignotis insultavere carinae, tutus, Communemque prius, cea lumina Solis Non socer a genero ; fratrum quoque et auras, 135 gratia rara est. 14!> ma caedis, iBontes. [Olympum Et violeniafuit; scirese sanguine nates. Turn pater omnipotens misso perfregit Quae pater ut summa vidit Satuniius Fulmine, et excussit subjecto Pelio arcej Ossam. 155 Ingemit 5 et, facto nondum^vulgata re» 4>bruta mole sa& cnm corpora dirajacc^ centi rent. 14 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. From heaven's high arch indignantly deplor'd The recent horrors of Lycaon's board ; Then called a council in the realms of day, The godhead spoke, th' assembled powers obey, A path there lies the plains of glory through, S20 'Tis call'd the milky, from its milk -white hue : O'er the bright footway march the powers above Tkrough splendid court-yards to the throne of Jove. On either side along the argent plain ^ Are mansions where the Gods in synod reign, S25 > Wide folding doors receive th' immortal train : ^ The higher deities in front reclin'd. In order rang'd the lesser rank behind. This place (ye powers forgive the bold design) I dare to call the heavenly Palatine. 230 On marble seats the sons of heaven await, When thron'd above the rest in sceptred state, Thrice shook his head the cloud compelling God, And whilst vet trembling from the thunderer's nod, Earth, sea, and stars, their conscious fear confes&'d, Th' Omnipotent his anger thus express'd : 2S6 This anxious heart knew no severer pain O'er rebel earth our empire to retain, At that dread moment when the giant brood. With hundred liands their impious siege pursu'd, 240 And sought by rocky pyramids to rise On dragon foot athwart our captive skies; Foeda Lycaonise referens convjvia men- Hie locus eat, quem, si verbis audacia sse, 165 detiir, 174 Ingeniee animo at dignas Jove concipit Hand timeam magni dixlsse Palatia cffili. iras ; - Eigo ubi marmoreo Supeii sedere recessit, Conciliiimque vocat, Tenuit mora nulla Ceisior ipse loco, sceptroque innixus vocatos. ebiirno. Est via sublimis, coelo manifesta sereno ; Terrificam capitis concussit terque qua- Lactea nomen habet; candore notabilis terque ipso. Caesarieni ; cum quS terrain, mare, s^- Hac iter est Superis ad magni tecta To- dera, movit. 180 nantis, 170 Talibusindemodis era indignantia solvit. Kegalemqiie domum. Dextr& levSque Non ego pro niundi regno magis anxius Deorum ill& Atria nobilium valvis celebranturapertis. Tempestate fui, qua centum quisque pa- Plebs habitant diversa loeis. A fronte rabant potentes Injicere anguiptdum captjvo brachra Coelicvlee, clai'iqueeuosposuere penates, cselo. BOOK I. 15 Rude was the conflict, yet the battle's force Was single in its object and its source ; But now where'er old Ocean's billows lie, 245 All sin alike, and all alike must die. I swear by all the sacred streams that lave Earth's sable womb below the Stygian cave, Man in his headlong ruin to restrain ; All has been tried, and tried, alas ! in vain ; 250 But when contagion spreads the limbs around, We lop the tainted to preserve the sound. Mine are the satyrs, mine the nymphs and fauns. Who haunt below the forests and the lawns ; These tho' I form'd in dignity and worth, 255 Unfit for heaven, should rove secure on earth. But think ye^Gods, in safety they can rove. When fierce Lycaon sought the life of Jove ; Of Jove, the thunderer, whose heavenly sway All nature owns, and even you obey ? 260 He spoke, low murmuring the celestial throng Indignant cried, Lycaon lives too long. So when an impious rabble sought in vain To drown the Roman name in Caesar slain. Fear governs all, the nations sunk in woe, 265 Foresee the wound, and deprecate the blow. For thee, Augustus, all the grateful love The world then felt, th' immortals felt for Jove. Nam, quanquam ferus hostis erat, tamen Quas dedimus, certe terras habitare illiid ab uno 1S5 sinamus. igs Corpore, et ex una pendebat origine An satis, 6 Siiperi, tutos fore creditis belliim. illos, [ijiie» regoque. Nunc mihi, qna totum Nereus clrcvim- Cum niilii, oiii fulmen, qui vos habeo- tonat orbem, [juro Struxerit insidias notus feritate Lycaon? Perdeiidum mortale genus. Perfliimina tonfremuere omnes; studiisque aiden^ Infera, sub terras Stygio labentia luco, tihus ausum Cuncta prius tentata ; sed immedicabile Talia deposcunt. Sic, cum manus impia vulnus 190 saevit . 20O Ense recidendum ; ne pars sincera tra- Sanguine Csesareo Romanum extinguere hatur. nomen, Sunt mihi Semidei, sunt rustica numina Attonitum tanto subitje terrore ruinas Nymphae, Hamanum genus est; totusque perhor- Faunique, Satyrique, et monticolae Syl- ruit orbis. [tuoruni, vani ; Nee tibi grata minus pietas, Auguste, Quos quoniam coeli nondum dignaraur Quam fuit ilia Jovi. Qui postqnaiu voce honore, inanucjue 205 16 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The mighty sire now raisM his voice and hand To hush the murmurs of th' offended band. 270 Awed by the eye of him whom all adore, The voice of indignation sounds no more, Till Jove again the general silence broke, And thusth' assembled multitude bespoke; Lycaon's doom is fix'd, your cares resign, 275 Th' offending guilt was his, the vengeance mine. A rumour ran thro' heaven's ether<&l space. That sin polluted the whole human race; Willing to doubt what yet I fear'd was true, In secret from Olympus I withdrew, 280 On earth from clime to clime observant ran. And veiled my godhead in the form of man ; The sway of guilt how general and how great, Were sad to hear and tedious to relate. Fame often errs, but here incurr'd no blame, 285 Truth more than verified the trump of fame. Mount Maenalus for beasts of prey renown'd, Lycaeus cold with piny forests crown'd, Cylene too I past in secret state, And staid my journey at Lycaon's gate . 290 Sol's parting beam yet lingered in the sky, A sign I gave to shew a godhead nigh; The prostrate multitude adoring bow. The tyrant laugh'd, and raock'd the pious vow, Murmura compres?it ; tenuere silentia Longa mora est, quantum noxse sit cuncti. ubique repertum, Substitit vit clamor pressus gravitate re- Enumerare j minor fuit ipsa infamia gentis ; vero. 215 Jupiter h6c iterum sermone silentia Mxnala transierem latebris horrend,a rumpit. [solvit; ferarum, llle quidem pfEnas (curam dimmitite) Et cum Cylleno gelidi pinetaLycaei. Quod tamen admissum, quae sit vindicta, Arcados hinc sedes et inhospita tecta docebo. _ 210 tyranni Contigerat nostras infamia temporis Iiigredior,traherent cum sera crepuscula- aures ; noctem. Quam cupiens falsam, summo delabor Signa dedi venisse Deum : vulgusque Olympo, [terras. precari 220 Et Deus hutnanft lustro sub imagine Coeperat. Irridet prime pia vota Lycaom, BOOK r. 17 Then cried, Erelon^^ the doubtful truth I'll scan, 295 And prove this stranger whether (jod or man : While sunk in sleep the traitor first essaj'd To bury in my heart th' unconscious blade ; Still not content, the wretch condemn'd to bleed A harmless hostage of Molossan breed ; 300 His quivering liml)s he for my viands stor'd, And serv'd half boiled, half roasted at his board ; Enraged, T bade th' avenging flames arise— His household Gods consumed, the tyrant flies; O'er solitary plains for safety pro^.vls, 305 Then tries to speak, and as he tries he howls ; Still prone to ill, in deeds of slaughter bold, No more a king, he seeks the shepherd's fold ; His arms are chang'd to legs, the ermin'd pride That deck'd his form is now a shaggy hide ; 310 Chang'd to a wolf, there still remains behind Lycaou's manners, and Lycaon's mind ; His hoary locks, his eyc-bal's darling flame, His savage countenance, are slill the same. But not his race alone is doom'd to fall, 315 Vice rears her standard o'er the darken'd ball. From pole to pole the race of man is still Sworn foe to good, confederate in ill. Wox, ait.Experiar, Deus hie, discrimine Territus ille fiigit; nactusque silentia".. aperto, riiris [ipso Jua sit movtalis; nec erit dubitabile Exubilat, fmstraqile loqui conatur r' And trees, and men, and cattle bear away. Houses and temples, household gods and fanes, In one huge mass are borne along the plains. If chance some mansion of a loftier form 385 Withstands unhurt (he inundating storm, The rising waves succeed the falling showers, Sap its foundation and o'ertop its towers. Now earth and sea one mix'd lioiizon boast, 'Twas water all, and ocean void of coast. 390 One climbs a hill, one grasps the pliant oar, And ploughs the wave where late he plough'd thei shore ; This guides his bark where rolls the devious main, O'er buried houses and the bearded grain ; That steers o'er wave-encircled woods the helm, 395 While fishes frolic in the branching elm. Nunc, ait, utendum j vires eifiiiiclite Si qua domus mansit, poluitque resistere vestras. [remo'ft tan to Sic opus est. Aperite^'^omus ; ac mole Indejecta malo: culmen tamen altior riuminibua vestris tolas irnmittite habe- liti.jus nas. 2R0 Unda teait, pressaeque labant sub gurgite Jusserat. Hi redeunt, ac fontibus ora turres. Qao relax-int : Jamqiie mare et tellus nullum discrimen Et defrEeuato volvuntur in aequora cursu. habebant. Iljse tridrn'esuote^wtm-psrj^us'iitt at ilia Omnia pontuf erant- Beerant quoque Jntreniuit, motuque sinus patefecit aqua. littora ponr^i. rum. Occupat hie coUem ; cymba sedet alter Eypaiiata niunt per apertos flumina adunca, '-cainnosj '" Q85 Et dufit remos iHic xibi nuper aiirat, - Cunique'satis arbusta simul, pecudesque, Ille supra segeles, am mersae culmina virosque, villEe, 295 Tectaque, cumque suis rapiunt peueiia. Navigat : hie summi piscem deprendit liasacrio. in ulmo. BOOK. I. >U The harrass'd crew as chance directs the tide, Drop the barb'd anchor on the meadow's side. .Torn by the streams, the ruin'd vineyards feel The bruising terrors of the crooked keel. 400 Where slender kidlings nip'd the verdant blade. The shapeless sea-calf now usurps the glade, And sleeps secure. The wondering Nereids ey'd Woods, houses, cities, in their native tide. In watery graves huge dolphins frolic now, 405 Strike the firm oak, and shake the lofty bough. The wolf and tyger swim among the sheep, And yellow lions flounder in the deep; His sharpen'd tusks no longer aid the boar, His rapid legs avail the stag no more. 410 Aloft the feather'd nation soar distress'd, And screaming seek a landing place of rest, Awhile on lagging plumes o'erhang the wave, Then shuddering drop and find a watery grave. The rising waters of the main o'erspread 415 The liills and deluge every mountain's head ; Thousands are whelm'd beneath the ruthless deep, And Famine stalks where Ocean fails to sweep. between Aonia and Actasa's plain Stands fertile Phocis, fertile ere the main 420 With spreading billows had its fields embrac'd, And liid its honors in the watery waste. figitur in viridi (si Fors tulil) aiicliora Crura nee ablato pro?unt velociacervo. praio ; QuaisiUsquR diu tervis, ubi sidere detur, Aut snbjef ta terunt curv» vineta carinse. In mure lassatis voUicris vaga decidit Et, modo qua graciles gramen carpsere alis. capella;, Obruerut tumulos iramensa licenti» Kunc il)i deformee ponunt sua corpora ponti, pliocte. 300 Pulsabiuitque novi montana caciimina Mirautur sub aqua lucos, urbesquc, do. fluctuj. ^ 310 mosque, Maxima pars unda rapitur; quibus unda Nereides: sylvasque lenent delphines, pepercit, et altis [sant. lllos longa domant inopi jejunia victu. ■ Incursiiut ramis, agitataque rob >rii pul- Sepurat Aonios Actaeis, Phoiis ab arvis, Jsat luiKis inter ovtjs: fuWos veliit unda Terra ferax, dam terra fuit; sed tempore leoues; i" iHo Und.i veliit tigres. Nee vifes fulminis Pars maris, et latus subitarum campus ^ aprp, 30i aquarupi. 3li 22 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Parnassus there its double summit shrouds In heaven, and overtops the parted clouds; Still o'er the tides it rear'd its lofty form, 425 And singly brav'd the desolating storm. Here twain survivors in the wreck of life, The sad Deucalion and his wretched wife, Moor'd in their little bark embrace the shore, With pious vows the mountain Gods adore, 430 Invoke Corycia's Nymphs on bended knee, And Themis skilful in the fate's decree. Of virtue he the pattern and the pride, More pious she than all her sex beside. Soon as great Jove had seen the waters fall, 435 And one wide lake o'erspread the delug'dball, While midst the general death of human kind, One pious pair alone remained behind ; He chac'd the clouds from Ether's vaulted plains, And bade loud Boreas dissipate the rains. 440 Heaven smil'd serene, Earth rear'd her joyous head, And troubled Ocean smooth'd his ruffled bed. Stern Neptune wav'd his trident o'er the deep. And hush'd his subject element in sleep. At his command blue Triton quits his caves, 445 And lifts his scaly form above the waves. The God then bids his finny envoy swell A general mandate thro' his echoing shell. Won? ibi verticibus petit arduus astra Et siiperesse videt de tot modo inillibus duobus ; unuin j 325 Nomine Parnassus, superatqiie cacu- Et superesse videt de tot modo millibus mine iiubes. unam ; [ambos ; Hie ubi Deucalion (nam caetera texerat Innocuos ambos, ciiltores numinia ffiquor) TJubila disjecit: iiimbisqiie Aquilone Cum consorte tori parvi rate vectus remotis, adhsesit : Et cceIo terras ostendit, et setheraterris. Corycidas Nymphas, et numina mentis Nee maris ira manet : positoque tricus- adorant, 320 pide lelo 330 Fatidicamque Tliemin; quae tunc oracula Mulcet aquas rector pelagi, supraque teriebat. profundam [rice tectum Non illo nielior quisquam, nee amantior Exstantem, atque linmeros innato mu- aequi Casrnleum Tritona vocat ; concliaeque Virfuit, aut illi metuentiorulliTDeorum. sonaci Jupiter ul liquidis stagnare paludibus Inspirare jubet j fluctusque et flumina orbem, signo BOOK L itS^ To bid the rivers leave the lawless main, And flow within their native bounds again. 450 A hollow tube obedient Triton holds Whose gradual swell is bent in circling folds; Then from mid-sea he blows a blast around, And east and west obey the echoing sound. As thus the demi-god his message blew 455t From lips yet trickling with the briny dew, Tides of the earth and billows of the main Obey the mandate, and their course restrain. Now round the sea retiring coasts are spread, Obedient rivers seek their ancient bed, 460 The waters sink, the gradual mountains rise, And earth advances as the ocean flies ; The leafless forests raise above the flood Their spreading branches yet defil'd with mud ; Earth rose again to mourn her children drown'd,465 Deucalion view'd the silent horrors round. Then thus with agonizing tears oppress'd, His Pyrrha partner of his woe, address'd. O wife ! O sister! all that's left on earth, Conjoin'd in marriage, and allied in birth, 470 Nowjoin'd, alas! in sympathy of woe ! Of all who peopled once the world below, Jam revocare dato. Cava buccina sumi- Surgit humus ; crescunt loca decrescen- tur illi 335 tibus undis. 34* Tortilis, in latum quae turbine crescit ab Postque diem longam nudata c:icumina imuj sylvsB Buccina, quae medio concepit ut aera Osteiidunt, limumque tenent in fronde ponlo, [Phoebo. reliclum. Litloia voce replet sub utroquejacentia Eedditus orbis erat. Quern postquap» Turn quoque, ut ora Dei madidS. rorantia vidit inanem, barbd Et desolatas agere alta silentia terras ; Contigit, et cecinit jussos inflata re- Deucalion lacrymis ita Pyrrham affatiir ceptua, 340 obonis ; 3M> Omnibus audita est telluris et asquoris O soror, 6 conjux, 6 fcemina sola su- nndii ; perstes, Et quibus est undi» audita, coercuit Quam commune milii genus, etpatruelis omnes, origo. Jam maie littus habet; plenos capit Deinde torus junxit; nunc ipsa pericul* alveusamnes; junguntj Flumina subsiduut ; coUes exire ^idea- Terrarum, quascunque videRt occasi« et tur. «rtus. tit OVID'S MfitAMdRPHOSES. "We two alone remain, the ocean's tide Kiiid but to us, has swallow'd all beside. Even now no certainty of life is ours ; 475 Clouds o'er our heads again may burst in showers. [f from this world of woe death sets me free, Who, wretched Pyrrha, who shall comfort thee ? What soothing voice shall check thy falling tears, Divide thy sorrows and assuage thy fears ? 480 For thee, dear partner, should the roaring wave Again returning, yield a watery grave, Thy wretched mate shall brave an equal doom, And Ocean's bed shall be Deucalion's tomb. Oh, could I imitate my gifted sire, ' 485 And warm the moulded clod with living fire ! For now, alas, o'er earth's depeopl^d space, One couple comprehends all human race ; 'Tis angry Jove's decree — and we remain A living monument of mortals slain. 490 He spoke. Their tears distill'd in kindred showers. Then lowly bending to the heavenly powers, They seek Cephisus' waters to obtain Prophetic wisdom at the Delphic fane ; The waters in their wonted channel glide, 495 Yet roll unpurified a troubled tide ; The blameless pair the limpid treasures spread O'er their moist robes, and bath'd th' anointed head. ■ Nos duo turba sumus. Possedit cstera Artibus ; atque animas formatBe infuii' pontas. 355. dereteris! Nunc quoi|ue adlnic vitse non est fiducia Nunc genus in nobis restat mortale nosrrx duobiis. 365 Cevta satis; terrent etiamnum nubila Sic visum Sviperis ; liomiHumque exem- - nienlem. phi maneir.us. Quid tibi, si sine me fatis erepta fuisses, Dixerat, et flebant. Placait cceleste pre- ' Nunc animi, miseranda, foret ? qiio sola cari timorcm Numen ; et auxilium persacrasqnaerere - Ferre modo posses I quo consolante do- series. .. lores? 360 Nulla mora est; adeunt pariterCephisi- - Namquc ego (crede mihi), si te modo das undas, ;, pontiis haberet, _. Ut nondum liquidas, sic jam vada nota > Te sequercr, conjux, et mequoquepon- secantos. 370 tus haberet. Inde ubi libalos iiroravere liquores utinam possem populos reparare pa- Vestibus et capiti j flectunt vestigia terni» sanctst BOOK I. 25 To Themis* temple then their course address'd, No holy flame its humid altars bless'd; 500 Its squalid roof yet wept the recent flood, With moss dishonor'd, and defiled with mud. Soon as their footsteps press'd the sacred floor, In prostrate reverence Themis they adore ; The marble fane with trembling lips embrace, 505 And thus invoke the genius of the place. If Gods in pity list to mortal cares, If heavenly rage is sooth'd by pious prayers, Speak, gracious Themis ; designate some plan To build anew the fallen fabric man : 510 Assist the feeble and exalt the low, And snatch thy votaries from the gulph of woe. Thus the sad pair the Delphic maid invoke. When thus oracular the Goddess spoke. Back from my fane your measured footsteps tread, While each in darkness veils the muflied head, 516 Unloose your flowing garments to the wind. And cast your mighty parent's bones behind : Both felt the agony which both conceal'd, Till Pyrrha first her anxious thoughts reveaPd. 520 The task declines, the harsh command disdains, Feigns an excuse, and trembles while she feigns ; And fears tlius sacrilegious to invade A mother's bones, may vex a mother's shade. They paused and ponder'd, hopeless to unshroud 525 The Delphic fiat from its mystic cloud. Ad delubra Des ; quorum fasligia «lurpi Mota Dea est ; sortenique dedit : Dis- SquallebaiiL uiusco; slabaiitque s-ine cedite tetnplo j fve-=tes • ignibus ^rse. , . ^' ^^''"^ <'ap"t : cinctasque res.ilvite Ut ttfinpli tetigere giadus; procunibit Ossaque post tergum magnffi lactate pa- uterque 375 rentis. Pronus humi, gelidoque pavens dedit Obstupueie diu : nimpitque silentiavo-e osrula saxo. [lustis Pyrrha prior j jussisque Dea; parere re- Atqiie iia, Si precibus, dixerunt, Numiiia rusat: 385 Victa remoUescuut, si fitftitur ira Deo- Detque sibi veniam, pavido roJat ore : rum ; pavetqiie Die, Themi, qui generis damnum repa- La>derejactatismateinasossibusumbras. rabile nnstri Interea repetunt caecis obscnra latebris Arte sit : et.mersis fer opem mitissima. Verba data; sonis secum. inter seque vo-. lebos, 380 lutant. D 26 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Till sudden skill'd to read the book of fate, Deucalion thus address'd his anxious mate. Or false the sense the Goddess now inspires, Or blameless what the Goddess now requires, 53Q Our mighty parent is the earth ; the stones In fair construction maybe deem'd her bones. 'Tis these the dubious oracle design'd Deucalion and his mate should cast behind. The constru'd meaning pleas'd his pious spouse, 535 Yet fear annihilates what hope allows. The Gods they doubt: — at length to chance th^jr trust, Th' eft'ect is harmless where th' attempt is just. They loose their robes, their shrouded foreheads bind, And cast, as Themis bids, the stones behind ; 54Q The stones (oh, who would credit what I say, Did not old legends verify the lay !) Their ancient rigour lost, and to the view Assum'd a loftier shape, a milder hue ; Their nature alter'd, fled their form, and then 545 Withdrew from rocks and soften'd into men ; Yet rugged still, like marble statues plann'd, But not completed by the sculptor's hand. The earthy parts where streams of moisture stray, Attain the aspect of corporeal clay, 550 Inde Promethides placidis Epimethida Et jussos lapides sui; postvestigi miia- dictis . 390 tiinr. Mulcet, et, Aiit fallax, ait, est soUertia Saxa (quis hoc cre^at, nisi sit pro teste nobis, vetustas ?^ 400, Aut pia sunt, nullumque nefas oracula Ponere duritiem coepere, suuroque rigo- suadent. rem ; Magna parens te'Ta est s lapid^s in cor- MoUirique mora, mollitaque d\icere fp.r- pore terrae mam. Ossa reor dici : jacere lios post terga ju- Mox, ubi creverunt, naturaque mitior bemur. illis fvideri ConjngisaugurioquanquamTitaniamota Contigtt, ut qiisedam, sic non manifesta, est; 39i Forma potest hominis J seduti de mar- Spes tamen in dubio est. Adeo coeles- more ccepto 405 tibus ambo Non exacta satis, rudibusque simillima Diffidunt monitis. Sed quid tentare no- signis. Cfbit? Quae tamen ex illis aliquo pars humida pescendunt; velantque caput, tunicas- succo, [usum. que rei'iuguntj Et terrena fuit, vers^i es^ in corporis BOOK I. 27 To solid bone the rocky masses glides The veins of marble boast a purple tide. Thus in short time, by heaven's assenting graccj The outcast pebbles form'd a human race ; Deucalion's cast the form of man assum'd, 553 And Pyrrha's softer race in woman bloom'd. Whence to stern labour boruj the sons of earthy A hardy race proclaim their hardy birth. All living beings else of different size, And diiferent tiibes spontaneous earth supplies; 560 Her ancient moisture own'd the God of fire, Her marshy meadows long manured by mire, Bade in new life the reptile nations bloom, And Nature sprang from Earth's maternal womb; Time brought the motley progeny to view, 565 Of various stature, quality and hue. Then sevenfold Nile the watery lowlands fledj And roll'd his billows in their ancient bed; Sol warm'd the watery lowlands with his beam, And pour'd his ray where Nile had pour'd his stream. Ere long the ploughman views th' inverted sod 571 Peopled with insects by the procreant God ; Some from the glebe in perfect form escape, Some shorn of members and of monstrous shape j Abortive some their doubtful limbs display, 575 JHalf glow with life, and half are lifeless clay. Quod solidum est, fiectique nequit, mu- Intumuere aestu : foecundaque semina tatur in ossa : rerum 419 itjuod inodo vciia fuit, sub eodem rtomine Vivaci nutrila solo, ceu matris in alvo, mansit : 410 Crevemnt, faciemque aliquam cepere Inque bievi spatio, superorum munerei morando. saxa Sic ubi deseruit madidos septemfluus Missa viri niaiiibus faciem traxere vi- agros [alveo. rilem : _ Milus, et antiquo sua flutnina reddidit Et de loertiineo reparata est foemina jactu. iEtliereoque recens exarsit sidere limus ; Inde genus durum sumUs, experiensque Plurima cultores versis animalia glebis; laborum : Inveniuut, et in his quaedam modo coepta Et documenta damus, qu& simus origine sub ipsum 426 nati. _ _ 415 Nascendi spatium : quaidam imperfecta, Caetera diversis tellus animalia formis suisque Sponte sua peperit, postquam vetus Trunca vident numeris : ct eodem in humor ab igne corpoie saepe Percaluit Solis: coenumque, udasque pa- Altera pars vivit -. rudis est pars altera lude* telkis. 28- OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Thus heat and moisture jointly temper'd give Creation birth, and life to all that live. Harmonious discord ruled the teeming ball. And, leagued with wafer, fire created all : 580 Earth slow emerging from the recent flood) Immers'd in water and suffus'd in mud. With genial life by ardent Sol imbued, Pour'd from her loins a myriad multitude. Part take their former stature, while the rest 585 Crawl forth in monsters, and the world infest. Thee, too, of sinuous bulk unknown before, Thee, mighty Python, earth repugnant bore; The infant nations saw aghast with dread. Thy serpent form o'er half the mountain spread ; 590 Till Phoebus, erst unskill'd to launch the dart On dught beside the kid or bounding hart, Shot many an arrow from his heavenly bow, And emptied all his quiver on the foe ; Writhing in death the monster bites the ground, 595 And blood and venom issue from the wound. The God, his name with glory to adorn. And bear the deed to ages yet unborn, Bade annual pastimes grace the martial plain, And call'd them Pythian from the monster slain. 600 The victor here who urged the wrestler's war, Who plied the foot-race or who drove the car, Quippe ubi temperiera sumsere humor- Terror eras, Tantum spatii de monte quecalorque; [duobus. tenebas. 440 Concipiunt; et ab his oriuntur cunrta Hunc Deus arcitenens, at nunquam tali- Cumque sit ignis aqus pugnax ; vapor bus armis humidus omnes 432 Ante, nisi in damis capreisque fugaci- Ees creat, et discors concordia foetibus bus, usus, apta est. Mille gravem telis, exhausta pene pha- Er£?o ubi diluvio telUis lutulenta recenti retr&, Solibus aethereis, altoque recanduit settu, Perdidit eifuso per vulnera nigra veneno. Edidit intiumeras species: partimque Neveoperis famam possit delerevetustas, gguras 43S Instiluit sacros celebri cenamine ludos ; Retalit antiquas ; partim nova moiistra Pytliia de domiti serpentis nomine creavit. dictos. 447 Ilia quidem noUet, sed te quoque, max* His juvenum quicunque manu, pedi- ime Pytlaon, busve, rot&ve Turn genuit : popuUs^ue novis, incog- Vicerat ; esculese capiebat frondis hono- sita serpens, rem. BOOK I. 29 A wreath of triumph from the beech tree made, No blooming laurel yet adorn'd the glade ; The God of day his radiant locks entwin'd 605 With the first tree the wanderer chanc'd to find. Then first the pangs of love Apollo found, Thy daughter, Peneus, Daphne gave the wound. No random arrow caused the thrilling smart, Love wing'd the shaft, and Malice barb'd the dart. 610 Proud in his triumph o'er the serpent foe, Phoebus beheld young Cupid bend his bow, And thus exclaira'd. Hcnce,God of wanton charms f Can feeble boyhood wield the warrior's arms ? That sounding quiver, and that bow of thine, 615 Would more become a stately form like mine : O'er man and beast I raise my martial throne. My godlike force let giant Python own ; Who late erect his scaly volumes bore, And stretch'd his venom'd folds the mountain o'er, 620 Now pierc'd and mangled by a feather'd flight Of countless arrows owns Apollo's might. Go;^light thy torch, to lovers guide the flame, Nor bend my bow, nor arrogate my fame. To whom the son of Venus. God of day, 625 Thy bow may conquer mortals in the fray, Mine conquers thee — henceforth the palm resign. And own the glory great that shadows thine. 1 — : : , Nondum lauruserat; longoque decentia Qui dare certa ferse, dare vulnera possu- Cfine 450 mus liosti; Teni^ora cingebat de qualibet arbore Qui tnodo pestifero tot jugera ventre Phoebus. prementem Primus amor Phcebi Daphne Peneia ; Stravimus inniimeris tumidum Pythona quern non • sagittis. 460 Fors ignaradedil, sed saevaCupidinis ira. Tu face nescio quos esto contentu» Deliiis tiunc nuper vict& serpcnte super- amores bus, Irritarc tiiS : ncc laiides assere nostras. Viderat a^ducto flectentem cornua ner- Filius huic Veneris ; Figat tuus omnia, vo; 455 Phoebe; Quidque tibi, lascive puer, cum fortibus Te meus arcus, ait: quantoque animalia armis? cedunt Dixerat: istadecent li umeros gestamina Cuncta tibi, tanto minor est tua gloria Douros: nostra. 403 so OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. He spoke ; and winging high his airy flight O'er sloping woodlands reach'd Parnassus' height. 630 There from his quiver hastens to select Twoi equal darts of opposite effect : This sheathM with goldj and sharpen'd at the head, That blunted at tlie point and tipp'd with lead ; The dart of gold the lover's passion swells 635 And lights the flame, the other shaft repels; He wounds fair Daphne with the leaden dart, And wings the golden t6 A polio's heart. The God adores--^coy Daphne seeks the grove, Haunts the cool grot, and flies the name of love. 640 Fond as chaste Dian of the hunter's toil. From captive beasts exulting bears the spoil; Ensnaring them, herself avoids the snare, And with a fillet binds her flowing hair. Enamour'd suitors urge the maid to wed, did Averse from mauj she loaths the nuptial bed : In sylvan dells eludes the amorous train, And laughs at Cupid's dart and Hymen's chain. Oft would her father cry, forewarn'd by fate, Thou owest to thyself, dear child, a mate ; 650 Thou owest to thy sire a filial race ; Then would a blush suff"use her lovely face ; The nuptial torch, like sin, her soul alarms, And casting round his neck her polish'd arms, Dixit : el eliso perrussis aere pennis, Sylvarom latebris captivarumque ferarum Impiger urabros&Parnassiconstilit arce: Exuviis gandens; innuptaeqiie aemiila Eque sagittifeia promsit duo teJa pha- Phoebes. 47(i relrS Vitta coercebat positos sine lege capillos. Diversorutn operum. Fugat hoc, facit Multi illam pe^iere: ilia averfata pe illud amorem. tentes, . Quod facit, auratiim est, et cuEpide fivlget Impatiens expersque viri, nemorum avia acuta. : 470 lustrat : Quod fugat, obtusram est, et habet sub Nee quid Hymen, quid Amor, quid sint arundine plumbum. connubia, curat. 48cr Hoc Deus in Nympha Penefde flxit; at Ssepe pater dixit: Generum mihi, filia, illo debes.. . LsEsit ApoUineas trajecta per ossa me- Saepe pater dixit : Debes mihi, nata, ne- duUas. potes. Prptinus alter amat; fugit altera nomen Ilia velut crimpn taedas exosa jugales, sunantis, 474 PulchraTerecundosulfundituroiarubore; BOOK I. 31 Give me, oh best of fathers, she replied, 655 Give me to live and die in virgin pride ; Thy Daphne sues, and sure a daughter's love, May gain from thee what Dian gain'd from Jove. Consenting Peneus listens to the strain, Yet, ah ! he cries, thou'lt find thy wishes vain ; 660 While Beauty fascinates and Passion fires, Thy form opposes what thy soul desires. Phoebus adores, intent the maid to gain, He calls on Hymen to relieve his pain ; Hope and desire a mutual snare afford, 665 And his own oracles deceive their lord. As chaff by threshers parted from the corn. Burns in the flame; as lights at early morn By travellers left, dart their destructive rays. Till crackling hedge-rows perish in the blaze, 670 So pines the God, so burns his tortur'd breast. By hope elated, and by love deprest. He sees her hair float carelessly behind, Shade her white neck, and wanton in the wind : Oh, were it bound, he cries! — and to his aid 675 Creative fancy weaves the plaited braid. He views her eyes, serene with heaven's own blue, He views her lips and fain would more than view ; Her polish'd arms, her fingers marble white, The thigh half veil'd, and half exposed to sight, 680 Inque patris blandis haerens cervice la- Ut facibus sepes ardent, quas forte viator certis, 4R5 Vel nimis admovit, vel jam sub luce re- Da mihi perpetui, genitor carissirae, liquit ; dixit. Sic Deus in flammas abiit: sic pectore Virginitate frui ; dedit hoc paler ante toto 493 Dianae. Uritur, et sterilem sperando nutrit amo- lUe quidcm obsequitur: sed te decor rem. iste, quod optas, Spectat inornatos coUopendere capillos. Esse vetat: votoque tuo tua forma re- Et, Quid si comantur ? ait. Videt igne pugnat. micantes Phoelnis aiiiHt, visaeque cupit connubia Sideribus similes oculos. Videt oacula; Diplines: 490 qujE non tjuacque cupit, sperat : suaque ilium era- Est vidisse satis. Laudat digitosque, culafallunt. manusque, 500 Utque leves stipiilae demtis adolentur Brachiaque, et nudos media plus parte aristisj lacertus. 32 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The raptur'd Deity beholds confest, And busy fancy magnifies the rest. Swift as the wind the virgin scour'd the plains, Nor stopped her flight to hear these moving strains: Stay, born of Peneus, whither would*^st thou fly ? 685 Stay, lovely Nymph, no hateful foe am I ; Thus flies the lamb when wolves are in the rear,, Thus from the lion scours the trembling deer, Thus from the eagle darts the timorous dove, War is their motive, my pursuit is love : 690 Ah should'st thou fall where rugged is the ground, Those tender limbs should pointed brambles wound, I, the sad guilty author of the smart, Should more than share the anguish I impart. Oh ! stay thy course, those idle fears despise, 695 I follow slow, when slow my Daphne flies. Yet learn, rash maid, who moves thy haughty scorn. Nor mountain bred am J, nor shepherd born: 'Tis ignorance that speeds thee on thy wayj Me Dclphos and its mystic fanes obey, 700 Claros and Tenedos my empire own, In sceptred state I mount Patara's throne; Jove is my father, with a prophet's art The present, past, and future 1 impart, Soft warbled to the lyre my numbers flow, 705 Swift is my dart, and certain is my bow. Si qua latent, melioraputat. Fugit ocyor Curre, fugamque inhibe ; moderatius aur^ iusequar i)>se. Ilia levi : neque ad lisec revocantU verba Ciii placeas, inquire tameii. Non in- resistit : [cola montis, Nym\)ha, precor, Penei, mane: non in- Non ego sum pastor : non hie armenta, sequor liostis. gregetve NympUa, mane. Sic agna lupiim, sic Horridus observo. Nescis, temeraria, cerva leonem, 505 nescis Sic aquilam penna fugiunt trepidante Quern fugias; ideoque fugis. Milii Pel- columbae; p'.iica tellus, 515 Hostes quEEque suos. Amor est milii Et Claros, et Tenedos, Patareaque regia causa sequendi. servit- Me miserura ! ne prona cadas, indignave Jupiter est genitor. Per me, quod erit- laedi que, fuitque. Crura secent sentes ; et sim tihi causa Estquc, patet ; per me concordant car- doloria. mina nervis. Aspera, qua properas, loca sunt: mode- Carta quidem nostra est: nosUa taiuea ratius, oro, iio una saggittS BOOK I. 3$ But, ah ! more certain his whose barb imprest Thy heavenly image on Apollo's breast. Mine is the healing art, nor herb nor flower Springs from the earth, but owns my magic power ; 710 From subject plants the juices I distil , And pale disease reviving owns my skill. Ah ! useless power, the wound which I endure Mocks the physician, and disdains a cure. How vain my skill opposed to Daphne's eyes ! 715 The art may triumph, but the artist dies. So swift her speed, th' unfinish'd accents fail To reach her ear, and perish in the gale : Her lovely form the radiant suitor sees Made still more lovely by the passing breeze ; 720 Her uncomb'd tresses loosely flow'd behind. And her light garments flutter'd in the wind; While her long flight bestow'd an added grace, And beauty bloom'd around her in the race. No longer strives the God to intercede, 725 And lose by flattery what she gains by speed, But presses forward as the maid retires, With zeal proportion'd to his own desires. As the fleet greyhound every muscle strains, Pursues the game and bounds along the plains, 730 Coursing the harmless leveret on his way, While this for safety runs, and that for prey; Certior, in vacuo qus vulnera pectore Obviaque adveisas vibrabant tiamina fecit. 620 vesles; Inveatum medii ina meum est; opifer- Et levi» impexos retro dabat aura ca- que per oibem [nobis. piilos : Dicor; el heibariim subjecta potentia Auctaque forma fug^ est. Sed enim non Hei mihi, quod nullis amor est medica- sustinet ulira 5iO bilis lierbis : Perd pre bland itias juvenis Deus : utque Nee prosunt domino, quae prosunt cm- movebat nibus, arles ! Ipfe Amor, admisso sequitur vestigia Plura locutorum timido Peneia cursu 5Q5 passu. Fugit ; cumque ipso verba imperfecta re- Ut canis in vacuo leporem cum GaVlicus liquit : arvo ■ Turn quoque visa decens. Nudabant cor- Vidit ; et hie prsedam pedibus petit, ille pora \enti, ealutem j 34 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. That prone to snap, and ready fo destroy, \. With outstretch'd fangs anticipates the joy : This doubts, and doubling scapes th' impending' wound, 733 Eludes the grasp, and disappoints the hound 5 Thus Phoebus follow'd, and thus Daphne fled, He urged by love, and she inspir'd by dread, Wing'd by desire, the God pursues the chace, And speeds each moment swifter in the race ; 740 Nor respite gives, but gathering on the fair, Breathes on her neck, and fans tlie parted hair. Her limbs enfeebl'd by her lengthen'd flight, Pale wilh dismay, and viewing in her fright Jler native Peneus murmur thro' the glade, 745 Help, Father, if thou cans't, the virgin said; Or thou, oh Earth ! this hateful figure hide. My present sorrow, and my former pride ; To some new shape transform a wretched fair, Death is relief, when beauty proves a snare. 750 Her prayer scarce breath'd, the maid devoted found A listless torpor spread her limbs around j Beneath light bark her tender bosom heaves, Her armg expand in boughs, her hair in leaves j The feet which once outvied the hunter's toil, 755 Distend in roots, and clasp th' inserted soil ; Her blooming face no more remains behind, Yet still her beauty animates the rind. Alter inhsesuro similis, jam jamque te- Victa labore fiigse, spectans Peneidas nere 535 undas, Sperat, el extentostringit vestigia rostro; Fer, pater inquit, opem j si fiumina nu- Alter in ambiguo est, an sit deprensus, (nen liabetis. 5i5 etipsis [Oua iiimiuin placiii, telhis aiil hisce, Ivlorsihus eripitiir; tatigentiaque ora re- vel istam, [ram. linquit. Quae faoit ut leedar, mutando perde figu- Sic Deus, et virgo est ; liic spe celer, ilia Vix prece finilS, torpor gravis alligat tiniore. artus ; Qui laiiieii iiisequitur, penriis adjutns IMollia cingunlur tenui praecordia libro. ' Aitioijs, 640 111 frondem crines, in ramos biachia' Ocyor est, rf quietnque negat ; tergoque crcscunt : .550 fugaci Pes moOo tam velox pigris radicibus Imminet; et crinem sparsum cervieibus liaeret : sifflat. Qr.i cacunien obit: reiaanet nitor unus Virit>us absumtis expaluil ilia: citxqiie in ilia. BOOK I. SS This Phoebus woo'd, her spreading boughs caress'd, And clasp'd the new made laurel to his breast, 760 And still perceiv'd his Daphne's bosom beat, And pant and tremble in its green retreat. On the warm bark he prints an ardent kiss, The swerving bark declines the proffer'd bliss. To whom the God — Though fated to resign 765 My wedded love, still^Daphnej thou art mine; A wreath from thee my tresses shall attire, O'erhang my quiver, and adorn my lyre. When shouting triumph hails the chiefs of Rome, And long processions grace her pompous dome : 770 At CtBsar's portal thou shalt still be seen, ^ Rome's faithful guard and tutelary queen; Succeeding times shall echo thy renown, The brightest jewel in the civic crown ; And as, still young) my radiant tresses shine, 775 So endless honors shall await on thine. Here ceas'd the God. The laurel heard his vowsj Bent in mute awe, and wav'd her verdant boughs. Full in the midst of dark Thessalia's shades Stands fertile Tempe, thro' whose sylvan glades, 780 FromPindus rising, Peneus' billows roam^ And pour a headlong torrent white with foam. Forth rush the tides the neighbouring forests thro'. Whose topmost foliage owns the misty dew ; Banc quoque Plicebus amat: positaqile Postibus Augustis eadem fidissima cus- in stipite dextra tos Sentit adliuc trepidare novo sub cortice Ante fores stabis ; mediamque uiebere pectus. quercum. Complexusque suis ramos, lit membra, Utque meum intonsis caput est juvenile lacertis, 655 capillis; Oscula dat ligno : refugit tamen oscula Tu quoque perpetuos semper gerefrondis lignum. honores. 56S- Ctti Deus, At conjux quoniam mea non Rnierat Piean. i-'acfis modo lanrea ramis' potes esse, Annuit : utque caput, visa est agitSsse Arbor eris certe, dixit, mea. Semper cacumen. liabebunt Est nemus Hsemonia, prarupta quod. Te coma, te citharse, te nostrae, laure, andique cluudit pharetrae. Sylva ; vocant Tempe : per quiE Peneus,- Tji ducibus Latiis aderis, cum laeta tri- ab imo . ... flmphura iiJO Effusus Pindospumosis volviturondls J Vox canet ; et longse visent Capitolia Dejectuque gravi tenues agitanlia )u- pomp»'. mos 147 b2 # 36 ' OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. While distant far beyond th' insulted shore, 785 The woodlands echo to his watery roar ; Here mighty Peneus fixes his abode, And rocky caverns shroud the watery God ; His various laws hence issuing far and wide, O'erawe the Naiad, and controul the tide. 790 To soothe the sire of Daphne, now no more, Around his throne the neighbouring rivers pour; Yet doubting how to treat the wonderous tale, Applaud her honors, or her loss bewail. See crown'd with poplars, swift Spercheus roll, 795 Enipeus too, whose tides disdain controul: Next sluggish came Apidanus the seer, Amphrysus smooth, with JEas in his rear; And every other stream whose eddying course, Rolls to the main its tributary force, 800 Sad Inachus alone remain'd behind. To his own cave by dark despair confin'd ; Of lo lost disconsolately raves, And with a father's tears augments the waves. Lost to the shades, thro' which his waters flow, 805 He deems her hurried to the shades below; Foreboding Fear benumbs his soul with dread) And lo missing is deplored as dead : Her late returning from her native tide, The mighty son of Saturn had espied ; 810 Nubila conducit, sumraasque aspergine Apidamisquesenex, lenisque Amplirysos, sylvas et Mas : 58» Iinpluit; et sonitu plus quam vicina Moxque amnes alii ; qui, qua tiilit impe> fatigat. tus illos, IJsec doinus, hje fedes, h»c sunt pene- In mare deducunt fessas erroribus un- tralia magni das. Amnis; in k6cresideDs facto decaulibus Inachus unus abest; imoque reconditus antio, 575 antro Undis jura dabat, Nymphisque coleuti- Fietibus auget aquas } natatnque miser, bus undas. rlmus 16 Conveniunt illuc popuiaria flumina pri- Luget, ut amissam. Nescit vitSne fru. mum ; ratur, 584 Kescia gratentur, coiisolenturae paren- An sit apud manes. Sed quam non in- tern ; venit usquam, fopulifer Spercheos, et irrequietus Eni- Esse putat nusquam ; atque animo pejot» peus, veretur BOOK I. a? And thus exclaim'd. Oh virgin ! worthy Jove, Fated perchance ere long to plight thy love With lowly indigence, and bless the arms Of some base suitor with those heavenly charms, See mounted high in air the God of day 815 Darts from the topmost heav'n his ardent ray ; Then turn thee, fair, where yonder grove entwines (And as he spake he shew'd the neighbouring pines,) To tread the dark retreat of beasts of prey Alone, may well appall thee with dismay ; 820 But led by rae, all idle fear subsides, No danger enters where a God presides. No vulgar God, sweet To, courts thy love, I rule despotic in the realms above. Wave ray bright sceptre with resistless might, 825 And hurl my thunder from the heavenly height. Then fly me not. Yet dreading to remain, Lerna's green marsh, Lycsea's woody plain Fair lo pass'd ; till Jove, to stop her flight, Hid her wide pathway in the shades of night ; 830 Then caught the timid wanderer in his arras, ^nd snatch'd by force her violated charms. Juno meanwhile the darken'd plain survey'd. And wonder'd much to view the murky shade Thus intercept Apollo's orient light, 835 And shroud the face of day in mimic night. Full well she knew the cloud nor drew its birth From winding rivers nor from marshy earth. Viderat a patrio rediuntem Jupiter 16 Sceptra tnanu teneo; sed quivaga ful- Flumine : et, O viigo Jove digna, tuoque mina mitto. beatum Ne fuge ine. Fugiebat enim. Jam pas- Mescio quein factura toro, pete, dixerat, cuaLernse, umbras 590 Consitaque arboribus Lircaea reliquerat Altorum nemonim, (et nemorum mon- arva ; straverat umbras) [orbe. Cum Deus induct^ latascaligine terras Dum calet, et medio Sol est altissimus Occuluit, tenuitquefugam, rapuitquepu- Quod si sola times latebras iutrare fera- dorem. 600 rum ; [bibis ; Interea medios Juno despexit in agros ; Prscside tuta Deo, aemorum secreta su- Et noctis fatiem nebulas fecissc volucres Nes de plcbe Deo, sed qui coelestia Sub nitidomirata die; non fluminis ilia» magni i9i- Esse, nee humenti sentit tellure remitti j 38 OVID'S METAMOllPHOSES. In vain thro' heaven she sought imperial Jove, The frequent votary of illicit love ; 840 Some recent treason ready to suspect^ Prone to accuse, and eager to detect, She cried, or false illusions round me spread. Or Jove is faithless to the nuptial bed. From heaven to earth descends the haughty fair, 845 And bids the conscious vapour melt in air. The truant God foresees th' approaching storm, And 16 strait assumes a heifer's form ; So glossy white the skin she now acquir'd, Ev'n envious Juno wonder'd and admir'd. 850 Then while indifference seem'd to prompt the word, Asks who her owner is, and where the herd. Jove feigns her born of earth, in hopes to veil Her real maker by the specious tale* His Queen the heifer as a gift implored — 855 Saturnia's wish perplex'd her guilty lord : Shall love ungrateful thus its victim use ? 'Twere base to grant, suspicious to refuse. Now shame and love within his bosom vie, That bids him grant the boon, and this deny ; 860 Love nearly gain'd the laurel in the fight, When Jove bethought him, should he rudely slight. And thus refuse the favor, it might breed Doubt of the beast, suspicion of the deed, Atque suus conjux ubi sit, circumspicit ; Jupiter e terra genitam mewtitur, «t ut quae 605 auctor 615" Deprensi toties jam n6sset furta mariti. Desinat inquiri. Petit hanc Saturnia. Quern postquam ccelo non repperit; Aul munus. [amores;. ego fallor, Quid facial? crudele, suos addicere Aut egolsedor, ait, Delapsaqueabaethere Non dare, suspectum. Pudor est, qui- summo suadeat illinc ; [amore ; Constitit in terris j nebulasque recedere Hinc dissuadi't amor. Victus pudor esset- jussit. Sed leve si munus sociae generisque, tori- Conj\i^is adventum prassenserat, inque que 620' nitentem 610 Vacca negarelur: poterat non vacc». Inacbidos vultus mutaverat ille juven- videri. cam. Pellice donatS, non protinus exuit om- Bos quoque formosa eat. Speciem Sa. r.em turnia vaccae. Diva metum ; timuttque Jovem, et fuU- Quanquam invita, probat; nee nonet anxiafuiti, - cujus, et unde, [quaerjt. Donee Aristorids servandum tradidit Quore sit armento, veri ^ustsi nescia, Argo, BOOK I. S9 At length he yields the object of his flame, 865 Yet jealous fear still haunts his haughty dame ; Her troubled soul with various doubts o'ercast, And dreading future falsehoods from the past, To Argus she commits the milk white fair, And bids him guard her with attentive care. 870 An hundred eyes great Argus' head surround, Two are by turns in heavy slumber bound ; The rest, by Juno's mandate watchful made, Were bent on lo wheresoe'ershe stray'd. No change of place lier goaler could surprise ; 875 Behind his back, yet still before his eyes. By day he suffered her to nip the blade, But when Apollo casta lengthen'd shade, He drove his captive to the fold, and broke Her neck indignant to the galling yoke. 880 On strawberry leaves and bitter grass she fed. And earth oft bare of herbage was her bed ; There lay she down, deserted and betrayed, And water mixed with mud her thirst allay'd. To raise her arms in prayer she oft essays, 885 But wretched lii has no arms to raise; And when she tries her sorrows to bewail, A heifer's lowings echo thro' the va]e; The mournful changeling wonders at the tone. Starts at the voice, nor knovi^s it for her own. 890 Now to a stream, M'here once her childhood play'd, (Her father's stream) unhappy lii stray'd ; Centnm Iiiminibus cinctum caput Arjiis Frondibiis arUuteis, et amara pascitur habebat. 6'2S herba : Inde siiis vicibiis capiebant bina quie- Proque toto, teirsB non semper gramcn tern : hahenti CiEtera servabant, atque in statione ma- Inctibat infelix; limosaquefliiminapotat. iiebaiit. Ilia eti.im supplex Argo cum brachia Constiterat quocunquc modo; spectabat vellet 63S . ad lo : Tendere; non habuit, quae brachia ten- Ante oculos 16, quamvis aversus, habe- deret Argo : bat. Cotiatoque qiieri mugitus edidit ore; Luce sinit pasci : cum Sol tellure sub Pertimuitcue sonos : propriaque exter» altaest! 630 rita voce est. Claudif, et iudigno circumdat vincula Venit et ad ripas, ubi ludere ssepe sole- coUo. bat. 40 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. But when reclining, o'er the wave she spied Her rising horns reflected in the tide, Humbled by misery — appall'd with dread— 895 She loath'd her image, and affrighted fled. lo thus chang'd the water nymphs beguiled. Not Inachus himself suspects his child; She towards her father and her sisters strays, Bends to the touch, and courts th' admiring gaze. 900 Her sire unconscious gave her grass to eat, She lick'd the hand that tender'd her the treat, Then wept ; — and wanting words, in vain essay'd To tell her sorrows and implore his aid : Yet aiming still the mournful truth to teach, 905 She made her foot the substitute of speech ; And told her wondering sire her woes and birth, By printing lo on th' indented earth. Wretch that I am, he cried, in transport wild, Bent o'er her horns, and wept his alter'd child ; 910 Then hanging fondly on her milk white breast, Thus drown'd in tears his agony express'd : Oh daughter, sought in vain the world around ! Oh worse than lost ! thus lamentably found ! Thou answerest not, no human voice is thine, 915 Thy nameless griefs to interchange with mine. Yet (all thou can'st) thou lowest in reply, And when I groan thou heav'st the heartfelt sigh ; Inachidiis ripas : novaque ut conspexit Littera pro verbis, quam pes in pulvere in unda 640 ducit, 649 Corniia, pertimuit, seque externata re- Corporis indicium mutati triste peregit. fugit. Me miserum ! exclamat pater Inachus : Na'ides ignorant, ignorat et Inachus ipse inque gementis Qu8E sit. At illu patrem sequitur, sequi- Cornibus, et niveae pendens cervice ju- turque sorores : vencae, Et patitur tangi, seque admirantibus Me miserum ! ingemiiiat. Tune es offert. quaesita per omnes, Decerplas senior porrexerat Inachus Nata, mihi terras .' tu non inventa re- herbas ; 645 pertS nia manus lambit, patriisque dat oscula Luctus eras levior. Reticesj necmutua palmis; nostris 6!)5 Nee retinet lacrymas; et, si modo verba Dicta refers. Alto tantum suspiria pro- sequantiir, dis Oret opem ; nomenque suuin, casusqae Pectore ; qnodque nnutn putes, ad mea loquatur. TSiba remugis. BOOK I. 4i I fondly thought to see young Hymen shed His brightest ray around thy nuptial bed, 920 And hoped to view a son-in-law adorn My winding banks with children yet unborn. But now, alas ! thy spouse must graze the plain, And lowing heifers be thy filial train. Oh, could I yield to earth my forfeit breath ! 925 But here my godhead bars the gates of death, Impedes my progress to the shades below, And bids me linger in eternal woe. Now watchful Argns forc'd her to retire, And drove the daughter from her weeping sire, 930 In other fields the verdant blade to crop. Then took his station on a mountain's top ; From whose commanding brow his hundred eyes Watched on all sides his raetamorphos'd prize. The wretched victim of unhallow'd love 935 At length to pity melts the heart of Jove. He summon'd strait his son, around whose head Her silver ray maternal Maia shed ; , Then bade the youth to Thessaly repair, Destroy the guardian, and release the fair. 940 Cas'd in his plumed helm, the nimble God Grasps in his hand the sleep-compelling rod ; On winged heel from heaven's etherCil heights, Darts eddying downward, and on earth alights. At tibi ego iguarus tUalambs taedasque Occupat : uiide sedens partes specnletur parabam : in omnes. Spesque fuit generi mihi prima, secunda Nee Superftm rector mala tanta Fhoro. nepotum . nidos ultra De grege nunc tibi vir, nunc de grege Ferre potest: natumque vocatj quetn natus habendus. 660 lucida partu Nee finire licet tantos mihi raorte dolo- Ple'ias enixa est: letoque det, imperat, res : Argum. 670 Sednocet esse Deum; prsclusaque janim Parva mora est, alas pedibus, virgamque leti potenti Sternum nostros luctus extendit in Somniferam sumsisse manu, tegimenque sevum. ■ capiUis. Talia nioeienti stelSatus siibmovet Argus, H^c ubi disposuit patriS, Jove natus ab Ereptamquepatridiversain pascuanatam arce Abstraliit. Ipse procul mentis sublime Desilit in terras. lUic tegimenque re- cacumen 666 movit, F 42 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. No more liis feather'd casque the God betray 'dj 945 He hid his pinions, but his wand displaj'd ^ This as a crook the mimic herdsman wields, To drive the cattle thro' the neighbouring fields ; Roams thro' the sheep-fold, sings as he proceeds, And tunes to melody unequal reeds. 950 Charra'd with the sound, unconscious Argus said. Who e'er thou art, come share ray grateful shade. Rest here with me, on this o'erhanging rock, And in yon verdant pasture feed thy flock. Hermes obey'd ; and mindful of his prey, 955 With lengthen'd speech beguil'd the passing day > And try'd by piping on his reeds, to close The weary eyes of Argus in repose : But striving still their wonted guard to keep, Part hold their watch, and part are seal'd in sleep. Now Argus begs the piper to impart, 961 Whence he derived the new invented art Of joining reeds, to wake melodious strains. Which Maia's son thus craftily explains* In the cold mountains of Arcadia born, 965 A Naiad, young and blooming as the morn, Made hills and vallies echo to her fame, And Syrinx was the Hamadryad's name. The Satyr race to loose desire allied, The fauns, and various demigods beside, 970 Et posuit pennas : tantummodo virga re- Vincere arundinibus servantia lumina tenia est. 675 tentat. Hac agit, ut pastor, per devia riua ca- lUe tamen pugnat moUes evincere som- pellas, nos ■. 68* Bum veuit» abductas : et struclis cantat Et, quamvis sopor estoculonim parte re. avenis, ceptiis ; Voce novs captus custos Junonius artis, Parte tatnen vigilat. Quaerit quoque, Quisquis es, h6c poteras mecum consi- namque reperta dere saxo, Fistula nupererat,qu& sit ratione reperta. Argus ait : neque enim pecori foecundior Turn Deus, Arcadiae gelidis in monli- uUo 680 bus, inquit, Herba loco est : aptamque videe pas tori- Inter Hamadryadas celeberrima Nona- bus UHibram. criuas 999 Sedit Atlantiades, et euntem multa lo- Na!as una fuit. Nymphae Syringa voca- quendo bant. De'tinuit sermone diem ; juncUsque c*« Non semci et Satyros eluserat ilia S6> nenda quentes. BOOK I. 43 Who haunt the shady wood, or pathless plain, Pursu'd the fair one, but pursu'd in vain. A foe to lawless love, the virtuous maid Ador'd Diana, and her laws obey'd ; Array'd in Luna's garb, deceiv'd the sight, 975 And seem'd to outward view, the Queen of night; But braids of gold Diclna's bow adorn, And Syrinx hunted with a bow of horn. Pan crown'd with pine leaves, once contrived to trace The fair returning from the mountain chace, 9S0 And woo'd the maid, but Syrinx scorn'd his love, And fled for safety thro' the devious grove. The God pursu'd, her course the maiden bore To slowly winding Ladon's sandy shore ; Here, by the stream her farther flight denied, 985 The Nymph implor'd the Naiads of the tide To change her form, and Pan in fancy prest Reluctant Syrinx to his panting breast ; When to his view a different form succeeds, And for the Nymph he clasps the marshy reeds; 990 O'er these he with a lover's sigh reclin'd, The new made rushes shaken by the wind, Sigh'd in the gale, and seeming to complain, Sent forth, low murmuring, a melodious strain. Et quoscunque Decs umbrosave sylva. Donee arenosi placitum Ladonis ad ani/- i'eraxve nem Bus liabet. Orlygiatn studiis ips&qxie Venerit, hie illi cursum impedientibus colebat . undis, Virgiiiitate Deam. Ritu quoque cinela Ut se mutarent, liqiiidas or&sse sorores : Dianae 695 Panaque, cuni prensam sibi jam Syringa Falleret ; et credi posset Latonia, si non putaret, 705 Cornells huic arcus, si non forei aureus Corpore pro Nymphse calamos tenuisse illi. palustres ; Sic quoque fallebat, Redeuntem colle Dumque ibi suspirat, motos in anindine Lycecj ventos Pan videt banc, pinuque caput prfficinc- Effecissesonum tenuetnjsimilemqueque- tijs acut^, ' renti : Talia verba' refert. Kestabat verba re- Arte novS, vocisque Deum dulcedine cap. ferre, 700 turn, Et precibus spretls fugisse per aviayym- Hoc mihi concilium tecumj dixisae, ma- phaipi nebit : 710 f2 44 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Charm'd with the pleasing harmony, he cried, 995 Be this our union, though our love's denied, Then each unequal reed with wax unites, Essays tlie sound, and in the sound delights. The sylvan pipe yet breathes the virgin's fame, And form'd of Syrinx, still retains her name. 1000 Hermes now saw the welcome languor creep, And all the eyes of Argus sink in sleep. Then ceasing further speech, the crafty God Wav'd o'er his lids the medicated rod: This done, the God his crooked faulchion drew, 1003 And at a blow th' unconscious sleeper slew ; The sever'd head confess'd the weapon's force ; While from the summit hurl'd, the lifeless corse RoU'd bleeding down the craggy mountain's side, And tinged the verdure with a purple tide. 1010 Argus, farewell, those watchful orbs that bore A starry splendor shine for thee no more ; One endless night enshrouds thy hundred eyes, Yet Juno still preserves the glittering prize; Those eyes which late o'erlooked Arcadia's vale, 101^ Now dart their radiance from her peacock's tail. Maddening with rage to see her Argus bleed, She calls Erynnis to avenge the deed, Rous'd at the sound, the fury lowers above The blameless victim of the thunderer's love > 1020 Atque ita disparibus calaitiis compagine Arge, jacas : quoque in tot lumina lu- cer nor gems, nor ivory impart A wonder equal to the sculptor's art — Here Vulcan gave a new creation birth, With mimic seas embracing mimic earth ; 10 Here land was pictur'd, and th' ethereal plain. And Sea-gods flounder'd in the glassy main, REGTA Solis erat sublimibus iilta colum- Materiem superabat opus. Nam Mulci- nis, ber iUic 'j Clara micante ax\rD flamniasqiie imitanle jTlmioia csUrat medias cingenlia terra», pyropo : Tcirraiimciue orbem, ccelumqiie, qund Cujus ebur nitidum fastigia siimma te- iiiimincl orbi. gebat : CErvilcos liabct unda Deo? ; Tritonacai Argenii bifores radiabaiit lumine valvK. noiwm, NO. II. G so OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Triton and Proteus of ambiguous form, And huge Egeon, giant of the storm, ^P High o'er the deep in scaly triumph rides> 15 Parts the rude billows, and a whale bestrides. Fair Doris here her blooming daughters led. Some frolic in old Ocean's azure bed, Some ride on fishes, others on the rocks Seem to recline, and dry their humid locks ; 20 Not wholly diff'rent, yet not quite the same, Their features their affinity proclaim. Here sculptur'd earth bore over-arching woods, And men, and cities, beasts of prey, and floods. Nymphs of the chace, and Demigods were there, And heav'n refulgent glow'd in upper air. 26 Six Zodiac signs the dexter portals grac'd, And six were o'er the left in order plac'd. Now Phaeton th' ascending pathway trod, And gain' d the palace of the radiant God, SO But when he feels the monarch's genial rays, Confus'd, he halts, nor nearer tempts the blaze. High on a throne with em'rald lustre bright, Array'd in purple, sat the God of light, jMi^ Around his lof(y seat on either hand, 35 The days, and months, and years in order stand ; And ages, too, diversify the scene, And marshall'd hours with equal space between. Proteaque ambiguuui, balaenarunique Signaque sex foribus dexlris, totideinque prementem siiiistris. /Eg32ona suU immania terga lacertis, 10 Quo simulacclivo Clymeneia limilepro- Doridaque, el natas : quarum pars nare les videntur, Venit, et intravit dubitati tecla paren- Pars in mole sedeus virides siccare ca- tis ; 90 . pillos J Protinus ad patrios sua fert vestigia Fisce velii quxdanii fades non omnibus vultus : una, Consistirque procul; neque enim pro- Kec diversa tamen: qualem decet esse piora feiebat oiorum. Lumina. Purpurea velatusvestesedebat Terra viros, urbesque gerit, sj'lvasque. In solio Phoebus Claris lucerne smaraudi» ferasque, 15 A dextrS, Iffiv&que Dies, et Mensis, et Fluniinaque, et nymphas, et csetera nu- Annus, 25 mina ruris. Saeculaque, et poaitse spatiis aequalibvK Uftc super imposiia est coeli fulgentis Hot-% : iiiiag») BOOK II. 5 There blooming roses infant Spring adorn, There Summer glows array'd in wreaths of corn, 40 And Autumn, red with trodden grapes, is there, And hoary Winter shakes his frozen hair. Full in the midst the God's all-seeing ray Saw, from his throne, the wond'ring boy survey The splendid novelties with awful dread, 45 Then speak the cause, indulgent Phoebus said, That bids my son, a daring wand'rer, stray From earthly mansions to the realms of day ! Oh ! glory ofthe world, of heaven the pride, Phoebus my father, Phaeton replied, 50 If rightly Clymene bestows that name, Nor feigns thy godhead to conceal her shame. Give me some pledge my parentage to tell, Reveal my father, and ray fears dispel. Scarce had he spoken, when the God unbound 53 The glitt'ring rays that shone his brows around, Then bade him nearer view the hallow'd place, Approach his sire, and share a sire's embrace. Yes, thou 'rt my son, he cries, exalted youth, And Clymene, thy mother, speaks the truth ; 60 To end thy doubts, a father's bounty task, 'Tis mine to grant whate'er my son can ask ; By Styx I swear, whose billows shun the day. Impervious even to my searching ray. Verque mivum stabat cinctum florente Nee falsa Clymene culpam sub imagine coronS.: [bat: celat ; [propago Stabat mida ^stas, et spicea serta gere- Pignora da, genitor j per qus tua vera Stabat et Aiitummis calcalis sordidus Credar ; et hunc aiiimis errorem detralie uvis; nostris. Et glacialis Hyems canos Uirsuta ca. Dixerat. At genitor circum caput omne pillos. 30 micantes 40 Inde loco niedius, rerum novitate pa- Deposuit radios; propiusque accedere ventem [nia, vidit. jussit: [gari Sol oculis jnvenem, quibus aspicitom- Amplexuque dato, Nee tu meus esse ne- Qiiseqiie vice tibi causa? quid hkc, ait, Dignuses; et Clymene veros, ait, edidit arce petisti, ortus. Progenies, Phaeton, liaud inficianda pa- Quoque minus dubites ; quodvis pete renti > munus : ut illud [esto llle refertjOltiximmensi publicamundi. Me tribuenteferas. Promissis testis ad. Phoebe pater, si daa l»ujus"mihinominis Dis juranda palus, oculis incognita nos- usum. 3(5 tris. 4ff g2 52 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The grateful youth now speaks his soul's desire, 65 And asks to mount the chariot of his sire, And let the nimble footed coursers run, Rein'd by his hand from morn to setting sun. The God bethought him of his oath with dread, And three times shaking his illustrious head, 70 Rash, he exclaim'd, the vow these lips let fall, Unfit to grant, yet fruitless to recall ; Had I surmis'd thy strange request, I own My fondness had denied this gift alone; Thou seek'st a mighty mischief fraught with fears, 75 Above thy strength, ill suited to thy years; Not to the Gods themselves that boon is giv'n, Earth is thy lot, but thy ambition heav'n. JEach has his sep'rale province, none but I Can guide the fiery axle thro' the sky : SO Not he who heav'n itself creative plann'd, And hurls the thunder with unerring hand, Dares mount ray car: yet who in heav'n above, Or earth below, can equal mighty Jove I Steep is the first ascent, each toiling steed 85 Is scarcely equal to the arduous deed. And when high pois'd in ether's middle plain, I view the earth and far extended main. Oft will the dizzy precipice impart The chill of terror to Apollo's heart. 90; Tix bene desierat : currus rogat ille pa- Sors tua mortalis : non est mortalf! quod ternoE, [equomni. optas. [gcre las sit, Inqiie diem alipedum jus et modcramen Plus etiam, quatn quod Superis contin- Pcenituit jurasse patrem. Qui terque qua- iMescins aifectas. Placeat sibi quisque li- teiquc cebii; [in axe Coutuliens illustre caput, Temeraria, Nou tameii ignifero quisquam consislere dixit, 50 Me valet excepto. Vasii quoquo rector V^ox inea f Ida tuS. est. Utinam proinissa Olympi 60 litercl Quifera terribili jaculafurfiilmina dtxtrfl, Kon diire! Cotifiteor, solum hoc tibi, Non agat hos cunus. Et quid .love majus nate, ncgarem. habemus.' DissiiKdeie licet. Non est tua tuta vo- Ardua prima via est ; et qua vix mane luntas. reieiues Slagna petis, Phaeton ; et qus nee viri- Knitaniuroqcii : medio est aliissirnacalo; bus istis Undeniaie t-t terras ipsi milii s^tpc viilcre Munera conveulant, nee tani puerilibus Fit timor, et pavida irep'.dal formidinp. aiiLiis. 55 pectus. {■& BOOK II. 53 Prone is the final pathway, and demands A vet' ran judgment and long practis'd hands. Then Tethys who receives thy sire, and laves My weary horses in her subject waves, Tethys herself has fear'd to view afar 95 My headlong journey, and impending car;^ The planets, too, in orbs eccentric driv'n, Whirl ceaseless danger o'er the plains of heav'n. *Tis mine alone to stem their devious force, My rapid wheels pursue an adverse course. 100 JBut grant thou gain'st the chariot of the sun, Think'st thou the motion of the poles to shun, To steer m safety, and securely fly The all absorbing current of the sky ? Perchance thou dream'stof wood encompass'd plains. Of heav'nly cities, and of glitt'ring fanes; 105 Then learn the truth. Mis-^shapen beasts of prey, And countless snares await thee on thy way. ^'en wert thou on thy road unerring borne. The bull confronts thee with opposing horn, 110 The archer's bow, the lion's op'ning jaws, The angry scorpion's Avide extended claws, The backward crab in smaller circles bent. Combine to fright thee from thy wild intent. Can'st thou the highly mettled steeds oppose, 115 When the red flame which in their bosoms glows, pltima prona viaest ; et eget niodera- O'ovius ire pulis, ne tecitus auferat axis ? minecerti). Forsifan et hicos illic urbesque Deniiiin Tunc etiam, quae mc subject-s excipit Concipias aiiimo, delubiaque ditiadoiiis iindis. Esse. I'er insidias iter est, t'ormasquefe Me forar in praeceps, Tethys solet ipsa r.^riiir;. vereri. Utque viam teneas, nulloque eiro e tro,- Adde, quiid assidua rapitiir vertigine c 100 Pignora certa petis. Do pignora certa ti- Ne dubita ; dabitur (Stygias juravimus niencio : undas) Et patrio pater essenietu prober. As- Quodciinqiie optaris : sed, tu sapientius pice vultus opla. fliugiiat . Eccemeos: utinamque oculos in pectora Finierat monitus. Dictis tanipn ill-Me.^ posses [ras 1 Bropositiimque tenet: flagralquc cupi- Inserere, et p^trjas intusdeprenderecu- dine currus. BOOK 11. 55 Him to the car, at length, Apollo brought, The wond'rous car by Vulcan's labour wrought. Gold was the axle, gold the massy beam, 145 And gold th' encircling wheels refulgent gleam ; The spokes of silver shone with milder rays, And gems, reflecting Phoebus' orient blaze, Adorn'd the seat : the youth with beating heart, Applauds the artist, and admires the art. 150 Now rising morn in purple vest array'd, Unbarr'd her portals, and her courts display'd ; Bright Lucifer dispers'd the starry train. And ling'ring fled at length th' ethereal plain. Soon as the God beheld the glow of morn, 155 And Luna glimmer with diminish'd horn, He bade the rapid Hours in meet array The coursers yoke : the Goddesses obey. From lofty stalls the gen'rous steeds retire, Fill'd with ambrosial food, and breathing (ire. 160 The harness fasten'd ; cautious Phoebus shed A mystic unction o'er his offspring's head, To mitigate the heat ; and careful bound The glory beaming rays his brows around. Then thus, while sorrow labour'd in his breast, 165 With sighs, foreboding ill, the youth address'd. If yet a parent aught of pow'r retaius, Oh ! spare the lash, and firmly grasp the reins, Ergo, qua licuit genitor cunctatus adaU At pater ut terras, mundumque nihes- tos 105 cere vidit, lUi DeducitjuvenemViilcaniamuneracurrus. Cornuaque extremffi velut evanescere Aureus axis erat, temo aureus, aurea Lunte; [Horis. sumiiae Jungere equos Titan velocibus imperat Curvaturarotae; radiorum argenteusordo. Jussa Des celeres pera^unt. : ignemque Per juga clirysolithi, positaeque ex or- vomeutes ^ine gemmse, Ambrosife succo saturcs praesejiilius altie Clara repercusso reddebant lumina Quadrupedes ducuut; adduatque sonan- Plioebo. 110 tiafiaena. 121 Dumque ea magnanimus Pliaiilon mira- Turn pai er era sui sacro medicamine nati tur, opusque • CoiUigit; et rapida; fecit patientia flam- Perspicit : ecce vigil rutilo patefecit ab mse, [lucius ortu [ru'ra Imposuitque corns radios : praesaRaque Purpureas Aurora fores, et plena rosa- Pectore sollicito repetens suspiria, dixit : Atria. Diffugiuntsiells: quarum agmina Sipoteshic saltern monit^s parere pater- cogit nis ; [loris. I.uciter, eieoeU »tationenQvis8imus exit. Farce, puer, stjinulisj et fortius utere '5S OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Spontaneous haste impels each flying steed, 'Tis thine to curb, and not increase their speed. 170 Tow'rd the five zones let not thy chariot swerve, I5ut where, diverging in a lengthen'd curve, By three zones bound, the highway stretches forth, Avoids the south pole, yet eludes the north. There lies thy path, the beaten track reveals 173 The obvious traces of the frequent wheels. To render equal heat to earth and sky, Nor sin*k thy course too low, nor raise too high ; Upborne too high, the heav'nsare lost in fires, Depress'd too low, earth blazes and expires. 180 'Tis thine secure the middle path to take. The right will hurl thee on the writhing snake. The altar on the left thy course molest, Steer 'twixt them both, and leave to chance the rest; And, oh ! may chance thy daring speed direct, 185 And, wiser than himself, my son protect. Lo ! while I speak, night spreads her veil no more^ But slow departing seeks Hesperia's shore ; Aurora calls, reproves my dull delay. Dispels the shades, and gives the promis'd day ; 190 Snatch up the reins, or yet the task decline. My counsel follow, but my car resign ; Remain on earth, while yet thou may'st, nor dare Direct my axle thro' the fields of air. Sponte sua properant. Labor est inliibere Neve sinisterior pressatn rota ducat ad volentes. [per arcus. Aram : Nee tibi directos placeat via qiiinque Inter utrumque tene; Fortuna: cjetera Bectus in obliquum est lato curvamine mando; !40 \imes. 130 Quae juvet, et melius, quam tu tibi, con- Zonarumque trium conteiitus fine, po- sulat opto. [melas lumque ffi^^us Arcton. Dumloquor; Hesperio positas in I'lttore EfFugit australem, junctamque aquilo- Humida nox tetigit. Non est mora libera Hac sit iter : manjfesta rolae vestigia cer- nobis: [gatis. nes. [calores, Poscimur. EiFulget tenebris Aurora fu- Utque ferant sequos tt caelum et t^rra Corripe lora nianu : vel, si mutabile pec- Nee preme, nee summu.m molire per tus 145 sethera currum. 135 Est tibi, consiliis, non curribus, Uterfe Altius egressus coelestia tecta cremabis ; nostris : [bus adstas j Inferius terras : medio tutissimus ibis. Dum potes ; et solidis eliamniim sedi- Neii te dexterior tortum declinet in ^n« Dumque male optatos nondum preniis f ucm, iuscius axes, BOOK IL St But safe behold my flaming chariot glide, 195 Content to view, not emulous to guide. He spokci The heedless youth the seat obtains, Mounts high in air, and joys to stretch the reins, And thanking Phoebus with exulting nod, Bids glad farewell to the reluctant God. 200 Now the wing'd coursers of th' unwilling sire. Fleet Pyroeis and Eons breathing fire, ^thon and Phlegon proudly neigh, and beat The sounding barrier with their echoing feet. Tethys (her grandson's fate unknown) complies, 205 Unbars the portal, and expands the skies: l^orth dart the steeds, by hands unskilful driv'n, Divide the clouds, and thro' the plains of hcav'n Extead their wings, and, with resistless force, Outstrip the east wind in their burning course. 210 Their wonted weight no more the coursers drew, ^oo soon the steeds the lighter burthen knew ; And as the bark, devoid of ballast, rides The sport of winds, and tosses on the tides, So, drawn as Iho' no charioteer were there, 215 The car unpois'd light dances in the air. A master's hand unfelt, the horses stray Wide of the road, and scorn the beaten way; Unskill'd to guide, unable to enforce, Dismay 'd, he knows not where to bend his course. 220 "QuSE tutus species, sine me dare lumina PrjetereuntortositsdemdepartiliusEuros. tenis. lio Sed leve poiiduscrat; nee quod cognos- Occupat ille levem juvenili corpore cur- cere possent 149 rum: [tiiv.;ere hab<:nas Solis equi; solit&que jugum gravitate Statque super? maiiibusque datas con- carebat. [naves, 'tiauuet : et invito grates agit inde pa- I'tque lalianl curvee juslo sine pondere renti. f.Ulhon, Perque mare instabiles nimiA levitate fe- Interea volucres iPyroeis, et Etius, et runtur; Solis equi, quarluscjae Plilegon, hiniiili- Sic outre assiieto vacuos dat in aiira sal- bus auras tus, ItiS Flanimiferis implent, pedibasque repa- Succutiturqne alte, similisque est currus gula pnlsaiit. Ii5 inani. [rclinquuut Qu£E postquim Tethys, fatorum ignara Quod simui ac seiiseve ; ruunt, tritumque nepotii [mundi ; Quadrijugi spatiura : nee, quo prius, or- llepulit; et facta est immensi copia dine currnut. [habcnas, Corripuere viam: pedibusque per aiira Ipse pavef; nee qua comraissas tiectai motis [levati Nee scit, qua sit iter: nee, si stiat, ira- Obstantes findunt nebulas, pennisque peret iJli*. 170 NO. II. H 5S OVID'S METAMORPHOSE^. Then first the bear, no longer frozen, tried In vain to plunge in the forbidden tide, * The harmless serpent, too, condemn'd to roll In torpid volumes round the icy pole, Benumb'd no raorcjcoil'd round, and seem*d to meet '.With sudden rage the unaccustom'd heat. 22Q Thou, too, Bootes, fame reports, in vain Essay'd to fly, drawn backward by thy wain. The luckless youth now bending from on high, Wide and more wide saw earth extended lie ; 230 His trembling knees confess'd his inward fright, His eyes were darken'd by the blaze of light; Fain would he now forego the heavenly field, Renounce the horses, and his birthright yield; He wishes unattain'd the car of fire, 235 And sighs for Merops, and a mortal sire. Thus when rude seas the shatter'd bark o'erwhelm, Loud Boreas roars, the pilot quits the helm, Abandons oars and rudder in despair, And leaves his vessel to the Gods and pray'r. 240 What shall he do ? His wand'ring eyes explore A waste behind, a wider waste before ; On both he ponders with an anxious breast. Now for\yard views the yet untrodden west, Now eyes the east, and reckless where to go, 24^ Is fix'd in fear, and stupified in woe ; Turn primum radiis gelidicahiereTricnes Et jam mallet equos nunquam tetigisse Et vetito fruRtra tentarunt sequore lingi. paternos : Qusque polo posita est glaciali proxima Jamque agnosse genus piget, et valuisge serpens, rogando : Frigcre pigra prius, n^c formidabilis ulli j Jam Meropis dici cupiens ; ita fertur, ut Incalait; sumsitque novas fervoribus acta iras. 175 Praecipiti pinus Borea, cui victa temisit Te qnoque turbatum memorant fugisse, Frsena suus rector, quam Dis votisque re- - BoOte; [tenebant. liquit. 188 (Juamvis tardtis eras, et te tna plaustra Quidfaciati multum coeli post terga re- lit vero summo despexitab sethere terras lictum s [utrumque; fnfelix Phaeton, peiiitus penitusque pa- Ante oculos plus est. Animo metitur tentes; Etmodo,quos illi fatocontingerenon est, Palluit, et subito genua intremuere ti- Prospicit occasus ; interdum respicit or- more : 180 tus. ISO iduntque oculis teaetrst per tantum lu- Quidque agat ignarus, stupet: et nee m«i).oborte. frcna remUtit. BOOK ir. 59 His coursers* names forgot, he ill retains, Yet not renounces the unraanag'd reins. Now round him swarm the monster brood on high, The scatter'd wonders of the starry sky. SoO A place there is, where, bent, the scorpion draws In two half circles his extended claws. And with his tail and monstrous arras entwines A space sufficient for two heavenly signs. Him when the youth beheld with caution slow 255 Uncoil his tail, and meditate the blow. The poison oozing from his bloated veins, Appall'd with terror, he let fall the reins: When on their backs the reins descending lie. The uncurb'd steeds dart furious thro' the sky, 260 By fear unbridled, unrestrain'd by law, O'er realms unknown the hapless youth they draw, Invade the stars, by raadd'ning mischief driv'n. And whirl the chariot o'er a pathless heav'n ; Now mount aloft, and now with headlong force, 265 Precipitate to earth their downward course. The moon beholds (a sight till then unknown) Her brother's horses run below her own : The clouds are lost in smoke, earth's summits nigh Yawn in the blaze, and mourn their fountains dry : Parcli'd is the grass, the trees no longer bloom, 271 And bark and foliage meet an equal doom ; Nee retinere valet: nee nomina novit Exspatiantur equi: nulloque inhibente eqiiorum. [coslo, per auras [egit, S-,)arsa quoque in vario passim miracula Ignotae regionis euntj quaque impetus Vastarumque videttrepidus simulacra fe- Hac sine lege ruunt : altoquesubsellifre rarum. fiXis ~ [rum.. Est locus, in geminos ubi brachia con- Incursantstellis, rapiiintqueperaviaciir- cavat arcus 195 Et mode summa petunt mode per de- Scorpios; et caud& flexisque utrinque cliva, viasque 206 lacertis [duorum. Praecipites spatio terraepropioreferuntur. Porrigit in spatium signorum membra Inferiusque suis fraternos currere Luna Hunc piier ut nigri madidum sudore ve- Admiratur equos: arabustaque nubile neni [dilj fumant. Vulnera curvata minitantem cuspide v'l- Corripitur flammis, ut quteque altissima. Mentis in'ops, gelida formidine lora re- tellus ; 210 misit. 200 Fissaque agit rimas, et succis arit ad- Qi\ae postquam sumnmm tetigere jacen- emtis. [tur arbos j tin turgum, Fabula canescunt: cum frondibvJs„uii- h2 ^O OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The slieaves of corn add fuel to tbe heat, 7\nd j'ield a weapon for their own defeat. Small evils these. — Whole towns to ashes turn, 275 And mighty realms depopulated burn. The woods, the mountains, mourn the murd'rous rays, High Athos, Taurus, Tmolus, GEt^ blaze ; Thy forked hills, renown'd Parnassus, shine "With Helicon, sad refuge of the Nine : 280 Eryx and Cynthus mourn in equal woe; Redoubled heats in roaring ^Etna glow ; Othys and Mimas in the glare are lost, And Rhodope no longer white with frost ; Cithjeron, sacred to the rosy God, 283 With Dindyma in smoaky columns nod j Wide Mycale in sad destruction glows, And Scythia burns amid her waste of snows; Tall Ossa, Pindus, Caucasus expire, And high o'er all Olympus feeds the fire. 290 From cloud to cloud the flaming ruin shines, Mounts o'er the Alps, and scales the Appenines^ Amidst the blaze the wretched victim flies, O'er burning earth, thro' flame envelop'd skies. Now the hot air, as from a furnace cast, 295 He scarce sustains the sufl^ocating blast. While embers upward driv'n in scorching smoke, Whirl round the car, and fire the glowing yoke; Materiamqiie suo praebet seges arida Dindymaque, ct Mycale, natiisque ad sa. damno. era Cilliajron. [cusiis ardet, Parva qiieror- Magiiae pereunt cum Nee prosuiit Srythiie s>ia frigora: Cau- mcenibus urbe* : Pssaque cum Pindo, majoique ambobus Cumque siiis tolas populis incendia gen- Olympus: '225 tes ms Aeriseqiie Alpe?, et nubifer Apennimis. In cinerem verlunt. Sylvse cum mnnti Tu"c vero Phat-ton cunctis e partiUus bus aidtiit. [et CEte ; orbetn Ardet Athos, Taurusque Ci1ix,et Tmolus; Aspicit aecensum : nee tantos sustinot Et nuuc sicca, prius celeberrimafontibus sestus: [fnnua, Ide : [srius Ha;mr.s. perventesque aura=, vcliit e fornace pro- Vireineusque Helicon, ct noudum CEa- Ore traliit, currusque sues candescere Ardet in immensum geminatis ignibiis sentit. 239 JEtne, 920 Et neque jam cineres ejectalamque fa- Parnassusque biceps, et Eryx, et Cyn. villam thus, et Othrys, [Mrr.aEqiie, perre potest ; cal^doque ipvolvitur undj» F-l tftndem JlUodope nivibus caritura, cjvie fumo. BOOK II. 61 In pitchj darkness hid, he neither knows Whence came the fatal car, nor whither goes; SOO But void of sight or sense, is wihlly driv'n, As will the steeds, along a trackless heav'n. Then first by Sol inflam'd, the Ethiop's blood Renounc'd a purple for a sable flood ; Then parch'd with heat, and nnrefresh'd by rain, 305 Thy pastures, Lybia, grew a desart plain ; Dishevell'd Naiads view'd, with weeping eye, Their lakes exhausted, and their fountains dry, Boeotia mourn'd her murra'ring Dirce fled, And Argos wept his Amymone dead ; 310 While Corinth vainly for Pirene calls, The greater streams no better chance befalls : Cai'cus, Peneus, mourn the scorching beam. Huge Tanais smokes amidst his bubbling stream, Ismaros pours a flying tide in vain, 315 And Erymanthus watering Phocis' plain, And rich Lycormas in one blaze expire. With Trojan Xanthus twice consum'd by fire ; IMffiander sporting in returning tides. Dark Melas who Mygdonia's plain divides ; 320 Eurotas bathing old Laconia's coast, Immense Euphrates Babylonia's boast; Thermodon weeping his exhausted urn. With Ganges, Phasis, and Orontes burn ; <2iioqiie erat, aut ubi sit, picei caligine Nee sortita loco distantes flumina ripas tectus Tutamanent: mediis Tanais fiimavit in Nescit; et arbitrio volucram raptatur undis, equorum. Peiieosciue seiiex, Teutlirantetisquc CaV- Sanguiiie turn crcduiil in corpora summa cus, vocalo, QSi Et ccler Ismenos, cum Phocaico Ery. ^tliiopum popiilos nigrum traxisse co- manthn, lorem. Arsuiiisque itenim Xantluis, flafusque Turn facta est Libye raptis hunioribus LycDrmaa, 24S a;stLi Quique recurvatis ludit Msandros in un- Ariila; turn Nymphas passis fontesque dis ; lacujque Mygdoniusque Melas, et Taenarius Eu- Diflevere comis. Quxritur Boeolia Dir- rotas. cen, Arsit et Euphrates Babylonius, arsit /ligos Amymonsn, Ep'.iyre Pirenidas Orontes, [Pliasis, ct Isier, «ndas, e+0 Tiiermodonqne ciUis, Gangesquej ct «2 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Burns, too, great Ister on his steaming wave, B25 Alpheus parching seeks a fiery grave ; In vain his banks Spercheus' stream enfold, And Tagus rolls a tide of melted gold. The floating swans, Maeouia's tuneful pride, Droop lifeless o*er Cayster's boiling tide. S30 Affrighted Nile to Earth's deep caverns fled, And hid, and still in secret hides his headj While his sev'n mouths, with dust dishonor'd, seem Sev'n channels gaping for their wonted stream ; Hebrus and Slrymon, Thracian brothers, glow ; SS5 Hesperia's tides, the Rhine, the Rhone, the Po, Dry in the blaze, in one sad ruin hurl'd, With Tyber, mistress of a future world. Thro' gaping earth the dazzling rays of light Amaze hell's monarch, and his queen affright; 340 The wither'd ocean seem'd a sandy plain. And mountains once immers'd below the main Spurn'd Ocean's bed, and upward rising, gave ISew Cyclades to crown Egea's wave 3 The crooked dolphins now no longer dare 345 Dart from the surge, and frolic in the air. The fishes sink, the gasping Phocas sleep Stretch'd on their backs, half dead along the deep ; Nereus and Poris, and their natal train, In smoaking caves elude the bubbling main : 350 JEstuat Alplieosj ripas Sperche'ides ar- DissiUt omne solum: penetratque m dent ; 250 Taitaia rimis 260 Qiiodqne suo Tagus arane vehit, fluit ig. Lunifii, et infernum terret cum conjuge nibus iiurum. [ripas, Regem. [pus snenx, Et, quEE Maeonias celebrarant fannine Et mare contrahitur: siccsque est cam - Elumineae volucrcs medio caluereCaystro. Quod modopontus erat- Quosque altum, Nilus in extremum fugit pertenilus or- texerat a;quor, bem, Exsistunt monies, et sparsas Cycladas Occiiluitque caput, quod adliuc latet. augent, Ostia septem 255 Ima petunt pisces : nee se super sequora Pulverulenta vacant septem sine flumine curvi 26S valles. [mone siccat, ToUere consuetas audent delphines in Tors eadem Ismarios Hebrum cum Stry- auras. [fundo Hesperiosque amnes, Khenum, Rhoda- Corpora phocarum summo resupina pro- numque, I'adumque, Exanimata KAtant. IpsumquoqueNerea Clique fuit rerum proinissa potentia, famaest, [autris. Tybrin. Doridaque, et natas, tepidas latuisse sul» BOOK II. ga Thrice Neptune wav'd his hand, tlie scorchin» heat "With downward speed thrice forc'd him to retreat. The Earth, at length, surrounded and oppress'd By boiling seas that floated round her breast j Or to her genial womb for refuge fled, 355 Uprais'd to heav'n her sad and suff'ring head, Then struck her brow, sunk deeper down belowj And from parch'd lips thus shudd'ring told her woe. If for ray crimes I now am doom'd to die, Where sleeps thy thunder, monarch of the sky? 360 If thus to sink, o'ercome by fires, be mine. Let light'nings blast me, and the fires be thine j At once annihilate thy forfeit earth, And give a death where once thou gav'st a birth. Scarce "vvill my tongue articulate my vows ; 3G5 (For now dense vapours gather'd round her brows) View my burnt tresses, see the cinders rise, Choak my spent breath, and scorch my face and eyes : Are these due honors to my fertile soil ? Are these the fruits of all my annual toil, 370 That still from day to day I patient bow. Torn by the harrow, tortur'd by the plough, That shade and food to cattle I supply, Support to man, and incense to the sky ? Yet, grant it fit that earth to ashes turn, 375 Why mourns thy brother his exhausted urn ? Ter Neptunus aquis cum torvo brachia Igneperire tuo, clademqvie auctore levare. vuUu 270 Vix equidem fauces h sylvas. bat ; Dum redit, itque frequensj in virgine Cum subit ilia nemus, quod nulla ceci- NonacrinS derat aetas. Haesit: &accepticalueresubossibusignes. Exuit hie humero pharetram, lentosque Non erat hujua opus lanam mollire tra- retendit heiido ; Arcus: iiique solo, quod texerat herba. Nee positu variare comas. Ubi fibula jacebat : 42« vestem, Et pictam posit& pharetram cervice pre-- ViUacoercuerat nejiectos alba capillos, mebat. BOOK II. 71 Her. thus unguarded, crafty Jove espied — This lovely prize be mine, the thund'rer cried ; 560 E'en should ray queen suspect the stolen bliss, How weak her hate oppos'd to joy like this. Strait he assum'd Diana's garb and face, And cried, O fav'rite of my virgin race ! Say, o'er what mountain pass'd the sylvan train : 565 To whom Calisto, starting from the plain, All hail ! great Dian ! Goddess of the grove. Greater in my esteem than mighty Jove, E'en did he hear me speak — Jove laughing heard Himself thus strangely to himself preferr'd ; 570 Then kisses gave which spoke a lover's heart, More warm than suits a virgin to impart. The maid prepares to tell the varied chace. The God prevents her with a strict embrace. Against his aim, now obvious grown, she strove, 575 But who of mortal born can conquer Jove? Had'st thou, Saturnia, jealous dame, beheld, Compassion, sure, thine anger had repell'd ! The sated God regains the heav'nly height ; The fair abhors the grove, and in her flight 580 Had nearly left upon the turf below, Her well-stor'd quiver and suspended bow. Lo Dian ! now, and all her choral train. From Maenalus descending, sought the plain : Jupiter lit vidit fessam, & custode va- Ona venata foret sylva narrare parantem canleni ; [inquit : Iinpedit amplexu, nee se sine criinine H^if certe conjux fariiim mea iiesciet, prodit, [niina potsit, Aut si rescierit ; sunt 6, sunt jiirgia tanti. Ilia qiiidem contra, quantum mndo fce- Protinus iiiduilui facicni culliimque Di- (Aspiceres utinam, Saturnia, milior es- anae: 425 ses !) 43i Atque ait, O CQmitum virgo pars una Ilia quidem pugnat : sed quje superare inearum, puella. In quibus es veiiata jugis .' de cespite Quisve Jovem poterat ? superum petit virgo asthera victor [sylva. Se levat: &, Salve numen, me judice, Jupiter. Huic odiomemus est, & conscia dixit, Unde, pedem referens, pene est oblita Audiat ipse licet, majus Jove- Ridet, & pliaretrain audit ; ToUere cum telis, &, quern suspepderat, Et sihi prslerri se gaudetj & oscula jun- arcura. 440 git; 430 Ecce, suo comitata chore Dictynna per Nee moderata satis, nee eic a virgiiie altum [ferarum, danda. Msenalun ingrediens, k cxde superb» 72 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Proud of the spoils, she call'd her fav'rite maid, 585 Calisto falter'd, nor the call obey'd, Mistrusts the queen, and fears a second Jove ; But when she sees the nymphs around her rove. No fraud suspects, nor dreads a new disgrace, But joins the buxom daughters of the chace. 590 Alas! how rarely do we see combined An honest countenance and guilty mind ! No more with Dian leagued, she joys to wield A hunter's jav'lin foremost in the field; Her downcast eyes and falt'ring tongue proclaim 595 An outward token of her inward shame. Had not the Goddess been a spotless maid, A thousand symptoms had the truth betray 'd. Yet Fame reports, that her attendant crew The cause develop'd, and the secret knew. COO Nine waning moons had shed their silver rays, "When Dian, fainting in her brother's blaze. Sought a cool grove, whence, in transparent flow, A river murmur'd o'er the sands below; In sportive mood her iv'ry foot she laves, 605 And loves the coolness of the rippling waves. Here let us bathe, she cries, my sylvan maids. No human eye can pierce these bow'ring shades. Calislo blush'd, the rest the call obey, She slights the summons, and attempts delay. 610 Aspicit hanc, visamque vocat : clamata Mille notis culpam. Nymphffi sensisse refugit; ferunlur. Et timuit pTimo, ne Jupiter esset in illS. Orbe resurgebant Lunaria cornua nono ;• Sed po«tquam pariter Nymplias incedere Cum Dea venutrix, fraternis languida vidit ; 443 flaramis, Sensit abesse dolos : numemmque acces- Nacta nemus gelidum : de quo cum mur- sit ad liarum. mure labens 43S Heu quam difficile est, crimen non pro- Ibat, el ivttritas versabat rivus arenas. dere vultu ! Ut loca laudavit j snmmas pede contigit V'ix oculos attollit humo: ner, ut ante undas. solebat. His quoque laudatis, Procul est, ait, ar- Juncla Dex lateri, nee. toto est agmine biter omnis: prima: Nuda superfusis tingamus corpora lym- Sed silet; et laesi dat signa rubore pu- phis. doris. 450 Parrliasis erubuit. Cunctsvelamina po- Et (nisi quod virgo est) poterat sentire nunt ; 4(50 Diana BOOK. ir. ^ 7^ *rhe nymphs by force disrobe her, and proclaim Her alter'd figure, and her ruin'd fame ; Appall'd, she strives the growing truth to hide : Hence, cries the Goddess, witli indifo more the Imman voice Calisto knows, To melt in pray'r the author of her woes; From her hoarse throat a harsh and angry sound Dispenses terror all the realms around ; 640 Yet still the mem'ry of the former fair Exists unfaded in the grov'lling bear. Her grief she testifies in groans and sighs, Uplifts her paws in anguish to the skies, And of th' ungrateful author of her shame, 645 Thinks what her tongue forbids her to proclaim. Ah ! then how oft afraid to rest alone In desert woods, to mansions once her own She wanders back ; how oft affrighted bounds O'er craggy mountains from the op'ning hounds. 650 The huntress fears the hunters on her way, Yet flies the gaze of kindred beasts of prey ; Herself a bear, from bears would fain retire. And dreads the wolves, altho' a wolf her sire. Now fifteen summers past, her son began, 655 His boyhood ended, to appear a man ; To catch the game, the cautious youth besets Arcadia's forests with his winding nets ; And meets his unknown mother in the wild ; His unknown mother recognis'd her child, 660 And ey'd her darling with maternal joy: Her ardent gaze alarm'd th' unconscious boy ; JJeve pieces animos, el verba siiperflua Sspeferis lafuit visis : oblita quid esset; flectant ; [naxque, Ursaque conspectos in montibus horruit Posse loqui eripitur. Vox iracuiida, mi- iirsos; Plenaq e terroiis raiicode gutture fertur. Pertimuiiquelupos ; quamvis pater esset Aleus ant jquatamen facta quoqiie mansit in illis. 495 inursS; 485 Ecce Lycaoniae proles ignara parenti Assiduoque SUDS gemitu testata dolores, Areas adest, ter quinque fere natal ibus Qualescunque manus ad coelutn ei sidera actis ; [a|)tos, lollit; Diimque feras sequitur; dum saltiis digit Ingratfin\que Jovem.iiequeat cum dicere, Nexilibiisque plagis sylvus Erymanthidas sentit. ambit. Ah quoti( s, sola non ausaquiescere sylva, Incidit in niatrcm: quse reslitit Arcade Ante domum, quondamque suis erravit vis6; 500 in agris ! 490 F.t cognoscenti similis fiiit. Ille refiigitj Ah quoties per saxa canum latratibns Immotosque oculos in se sine fine tenen- attaest! [fuait ! tem [aventi yenatrixque metu venantitm lerrita Nescius extimuitj propiusque accedere BOOK II. 75 And as the bear in fondness nearer prest, Young Areas aira'd an arrow at her breast : But Jove, the horrid purpose to confound, 665 By changing both, anticipates the wound ; Wafts in a whirlwind thro' the fields of air, And plants in heav'n the constellated pair. Indignant Juno views with sparkling eyes, The hated harlot glilt'ring in the skies : 670 To Tethys, and Oceanus the seer, Whom mortals honor, and the Gods revele, She strait descends; their wat'ry mansion gainsj ■Reveals her anger, and the cause explains. Ask you why heav'n's majestic queen endures 675 To quit her birth place, and to visit yours ? Another Juno now usurps the sky; Either this tongue proclaims a labour'd lie, Or where the arctifc circle bends, to roll A shorter circuit round the northern pole, 680 Soon as the world is hid in shades of night, Two new made stars shall dart their spurious light. Who now will fear Jove's counteracted mate ? Who will not scoff at Juno's harmless hate ? How great my pow'r, my plans how sure to last ! 6S5 How wide my empire, and ray sway how vast ! She whom 1 chang'd a woman, in the skies Now shines a Goddess, and my wrath defies. Vulnifico fuerat fixurus jiectnra telo. Mentiai, obscurum nisi iiox cum fecerit Arcuit omnipotens ; pariterque ipsosque orbem, nefasque 503 Nuper honoratas summo mea vulnera Sustulit; et celeri raptos per inaiiiaveiito coelo ilS Imposuitc(jelo, vicinaque sidera fecit. Videriiis Stellas illic, ubi Circulus axera Intumuit Juni, postquam inter sidera Ultimus extremuni spatioque brevissi- pellex inns ambit. Fulsit ; et ad canam descendit in aequora Est vero, cur qiiis Jiinonem Isedere nolit, Tethyn, Offensamque tremat; quK prosim sol». Oceanumque senem, quoiiim reverentia nocendo ? niovit 510 En ego quantum esi ! quam vasta po-i SacpeDeos; causamque viae scitantibus lentia nostra est ! infit; Esse honiinem vetui : facta est Dea. Sic QuKriii^ setbereis quare regina Deorum ego ncenas 591 Sedibus luic adsim ? pro me tenet altera Sontibus impono: sic est nnea magtia eoelum. potestas 1 K 2 76 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Let Jove my victim's female form restore, And give to her what lo gain'd before. 690 Or let him place her in the nuptial bed. Repudiate Juno, and Calisto wed. Oh I if a daughter's wrongs attention gain, Liet not the Bear invade your azure main ; Since Jove ordain'd it, let the guilty fair 695 Dart from above her meretricious glare, But ne'er allow the concubine to lave Her tainted body in your limpid wave. > They nod assent. Saturnia quits the main, Deck'd in the starry spoils of Argus slain, 700 Her gaudy peacocks spread their wings, and bear The glitt'ring car, self-pois'd in purple air. 'Twas then, loquacious crow, a sable gloom Veil'd thy white wings, and darken'd ev'ry plume ; Ere while thou shon'st the feather'd choir above, 705 Thy snow-white plumage sham'd tlie spotless dove, The web foot bird whose loud portentous scream Sav'd falling Rome, the swan who loves the stream, Ne'er equali'd thee, till fate conspir'd to teach The mournful evils of unbridled speech j 710 Thy mad loquacity became thy curse. And chang'd thy hue from white to white's reverse. Throughout all Tliessaly no blooming fair. In charms with sweet Coronis could compare ; Vindicet antiquain faciem, vultftsqiie fe- Tarn nuper pictis cseso pavonibus ArgOj rinos Qiiam tu nuper eras, cum tandidus ante Detrahat ; Avgoric& quod in ante Pho- fuisses, ronide fecit. Corve loquax, subito nigrantes versus in Cur non et pulsd ducat Junone, meoque alas. 53* Collocet in thalamo, socerumque Ly- Nam fuit hsec quondam niveis argentea. caonasumat? 5Q6 pennis At vos si laesae contemtus tangit aUitnnse; Ales, ut isquaret totas sine labecolutn- Ourgite caeruleo septem prohibete Trio- bas ; nes ; Nee servaturis \igili Capitolia voce Sideraque in coelo stupri mercede recepta Cederet anseribus, nee amanti fiumina Pellite : ne puro tingatur in aquore pel- cycno. lex. 530 Lingua fuit damno : lingu& faciente lo- Di maris annuerant. Habili Saturnia quaci, 540 curru Qui color albus erat, nunc est contrariits Jngveditur liq,uidum pavonibus aEra pic- albo. tisi fuicuiMriutQiafquaaiLarisssaCoroniSf BOOK II. ^ Chaste in appearance as the queen of nighf , 715 She pleas'd the unsuspecting God of light. The crow, Apollo's bird, the fair suspects, Observes in ambush, and her shame detects, Then flies to Phoebus on exulting wing, To tell the scandal to the radiant king; 720 The daw, light flutt'ring, follow'd close behind. Intent the motive of his speed to find ; The motive known, Return, th' adviser cries, Stay thy vain course, nor ray advice despise, Let what I was, and what I am, reveal 725 The fatal error of officious zeal. In former times, Minerva, martial maid. From her own Athens secretly convey'd Young Erichthonius, who no mother knew, And in an ozier basket hid from view; 730 With Cecrops' daughters she the infant left, And strict enjoin'd them to conceal the tlieft. Hid in an elm I peer'd the leaves between, O'eiheard the compact, and o'erlook'd the scene. Herse and Pandrosos the charge obey, 7S5 The third, Aglauros, less discreet than they. Her sisters summon'd, and to view reveal'd The dragon footed babe within conceal'd; I told Minerva, but ray zeal was vain, Th' ungrateful Goddess drove me from her fane, 740 Non fuit Hsemonia. Placuit tibi, Del- Clauserat ActJEO texa de vimine cistS.; phice, certe, [ales Virginibusque tribus gemhie de Cecrope Dun vel casta fuit vel, inobservata. Sed natis 553 Sensit adulterium Phcebeius : lUque la- Hanc legem dederat, sua ne secreta vide- tentem 54j rent. Detegeret culpani non exorabilis index, Abdita fronde levi densa spectilabar ab Ad domiiium tendebat iter : qaein gar- ulmo, rula motis Quid facerent. Commissa duae sine Conseqnitur pennis, scitetur wt omnia, fraude tiientur, comix. Pandrosos atque Herse. Timidas vocat Audit^que viae causS, Non utile carpis, una sorores Inquit, iter; ne sperne mes prsesajia Aglauros: nodosque manu diducit : at lingiis. 530 intus 500 Quid fuerira, quid simque, vide; me- Infantemque vident, apporrectumque ritumqiie require: draconem. Invenies nocuisse fidem. Nam tempore Acta Deae refero, pro quo milii gratia quodam [ creatara, talis Pallas Erichthonium, prolem sins matre Bedditur^ utdicar tuteiapuUa Minerrsj 78 OVID'S METAMORPHOSE^. And bade (lie bird of night enjoy my place.- Then let my story warn the featherVl race, When the tongue rules what perils intervene. Perchance you think the alienated queen Ne'er lov'd the daw, if such your thoughts, away/ And from Minerva learn what now I say. 746 Tho' angry, she disdains to do me wrong. And public rumour verifies my song; Greece saw me born a fair and royal maid, My sire, Coroneus, Phocis' sceptre sway'd. 750 Then taunt me not: rich suitors in my train. My beauty woo'd, but beauty prov'd my bane. As with slow steps the wat'ry waste beside, I trac'd the sandy margin of the tide, Neptune beheld, and kindling strove to reach 755 His ara'rous purpose by persuasive speech; Scorning his suit, my backward course I sped, Force he prepar'd, and follow 'd where I fled ; O'er the soft sand with bootless toil I ran. The Gods implor'd, and supplicated man: 760 Earth gave no succour, but with pitying aid, A heav'nly virgin sav'd a mortal maid. As thus I fled, each outstretch'd arm assumes A sable hue, and waves in flutt'ring plumes; To cast away my floating vest I tried, 7G5 The feather'd garb is rooted to my side ; Et ponar post noctisavem. Meapoena Vidit, et incaluit pielagi Deus : utqtie volucres precando Admonuisse potest; ne voce pericnla Tempora cum blandis absumsit inania' quaerant. 665 verbis ; 575 At puto lion ultvo, nee quicquam tale Vim parat, et sequltur. Fiigio, densum- rogantem [quaeras : querelinquo [arenS. Me petiit. Ips4 licet hoc a Pallade Littus, et in niolli neqiiicquam lassor Quamvis irata est, non hoc irataiiecabit. Inde Dens, hominesque voco : nee con- Nam me Phocaicd clarus tellure Coro- tigit ullum neus Vox mea mortalcm. Mota est pro vir- (Nota loquor) genuit. Fueramque ego gine virgo, regia virgO; 570 AuxUiunique tulit. Tendebam brachia Divitibusque piocis (ne me contemne) ccelo; [pennis. petebar. [lentis Bracliia coeperunt levibus nigrescefe Forma mihi nocuit. Nam dum per tillora Rejicere ex humeris vestem molibar; at Passibiis, ut soleo, supima spatiarer iUa [imas. arena, Pluma erat^ inque cutem radices egerat BOOK ri. 79> To clasp my breast, my hands I strove to join, But hands or breast are now no longer mine; I ran, no sinking sands my speed restrain, Light floating pinions raise me from the plain, 770 To realms of air my upward flight I press'd, And perch'd triumphant on Minerva's crest. But honor faded is an empty boast, Nyctimene has gain'd my vacant post : Chang'd to an owl for spurning Nature's law, 775 She veils my glory, and o'ertops the daw. Is the dire truth by Fame's loud trumpet blown All Lesbos o'er, conceal'd from you alone ? That vile Nyctimcne, by madness led, Attain'd her father's violated bed: 780 Her conscience still the guilty bird invades, She hates the sun, and hides her head in shades; Tije feather'd race a'bhor her as she flies, And join to hunt her from th' insulted skies. Thus spoke the daw : when thus the crow replied, 785 May all thy boding ills thyself betide ; I spurn thy council, and thy omen slight. He spoke : and to Apollo wing'd his flight j Betray'd Coronis, pointed out the youth, And told his lord the whole invidious truth. 790 Soon as the God his fair one's treach'ry found. The with'ring laurel droop'd his brows around, Plangere quda ir.eis conabar pectoia Nyctimenen ? avis ilia quidem ; sed con- palmis; scia culpae, Sed neque jam palmas, nee pectora mida Conspectum lucemque fugit, tenebrisqiie geri-bani. pudorem Cunebani; iiec, ut ante, pedes retinebat Celat; et a cunctis expellitur aitliere arena ; 583 toto. 5Si Et eumin^ tollebar humo. Mox acta per Talia dicenti, Tibi, ait, revocamina, auras r.orvus, Evehor, et data sum comes inculpata Sint precor ista malo. Nos vanum sper- Minerv«. iiimvis omen. Quid tameii hoc uprodest, si diro facta Nee roeptum dimittit iter; dominoque volucris [lionori ? jacentem Crimine Kyclimene nostrti successit Cum juvene Haemonio vidisse Coronida An, quae per totam res est notissima narrat. Lesbon, [cubile Laurea delapsa est audito crimine aman- Non audita libi est .' patriutn temerasse tis; 6ua m OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Pale grew Iiis cheek, bis eyeballs flash'd with fire, His trembling fingers dropp'd the sacred lyre. Then mad with rage, on dire revenge intent, 795 He snatch'd his arrows, and his bow he bent, Aim'd at Coronis with relentless haste. And pierc'd the bosom he before embrac'd. She groan'd, and from the wound the weapon tore, Bath'd her white body with the crimson gore, 800 And cried ; Thine ire, much injurd God, is right, Yet sure thy child might first have seen the light j Now by one blow we sink in kindred death : She spoke, and yielded with a sigh her breath. Her lovely form an icy chill invades, 805 And her soul joins the disembodied shades. Phcebus too late his fatal rage repents, Loaths his own anger, and his loss laments 5 He hates the bird who forc'd him thus to view Himself dishonour'd, and his love untrue : 810 Detests the hand that caus'd her blood to flow, Abjures the arrow, and abhors the bow ; Hangs o'er her corse to stay the shafts of fate. And tries his health dispensing pow'rs too late. Vain tlie attempt, for now the fun'ral pyre 815 Prepar'd to wrap her lifeless limbs in fire ; Then a loud groan (for tears can ne'er disgrace The radiant features of the heav'nly race) Et pariler vult usque Deo, plectrijniqiie, Pocnitet, lieu I sevo poenEe crudelis aman- colorque [abira; tern; [odit ; Excidit. Utque animus tumida fervebat Seque, quod audierit, quod sic exarseiit, Arnia assueta capit ; flexunique a lonii- Odit avcm, per quam ciimen causainque bus ai;cum [juncta dolendi [l""-'. mamimque Tendit : et TTTa suo toties cum peclore Scire coactus erat ; nervumque, arcum- Indevitato traje'^it pector.i telo. 60'> Odit; cumquemanu temeraria tela sa- Icta dedit gemituni, tractoque a vulnere giltas. [cere fata feiro, [ore: Collapsamciue fovet; seraque ope viii- Candida Puniceo perfudit membra cru- Nititur; et medicas exercet inaniter Et dixit, Potui poenas tilii, Phoebe, de- ailes. * disse; [in una. Qu8e poslquam frustra tentata, rogum- ged peperisseprius. Duo nunc morienuir que paiari Hacleuus; et pari er vitam cum san- Sensit, etarsuros supremis ignibus artus; guine ludit. eio Turn Vf ro geiuilus (neque enim ccelestia Corpus inane aninise frigus letale se- tingi cutumest. Ora decetlacry mis) alto de cordepelilos COOK II. 81 Dra^n in deep sorrow from his heart, declares His inward grief and agonizing cares. 820 So when the fatal axe is rais'd on high, To bid the calf on holy altars die, The cow, its mother, eyes the murd'rous deed, And grieves to view her milk-white ofFsipring bleed. The God in fun'ral pomp his victim dress'd, S'25 Embrac'd, and pour'd rich odours on her breast; Yet ere she slept within her fiery tomb, He snatch'd his unborn infant from her womb. Chiron within his cave the babe protects — Th' officious crow a rich reward expects ; 8S0 But Phoebus soon the bird to vengeance dooms, And bids the babbler croak in sable plumes. The Centaur, Chiron, in the desart wild, Proud of the honor, rear'd the heav'nly child. Soon Chiron's daughter his retreat explores ; 835 Born on a rapid river's shelving shores, Ocyroe her name ; her tresses hung In wild disorder o'er her shoulders flung ; Her magic skill outsoar'd her lowly state, And bade her sing the mysteries of fate. 840 Prophetic wisdom" now the maid inspires, Full of the God, and glowing with his fires, Thus to the babe she tells her mystic tale : Hail man's restorer ! ^Esculapius hail ! Edidit. Haad aliter, quam cum spec- Semifer interea divinse stirpis alumno tante juvenoa Lsetiis erat; mistoque oneri gaudebat Lactentis vituli, dextra libratns ab aure, honore. Tempera discussit claio cava lualleus Ecce venit rutilis humeros protecta ca- ictu, 625 pillis 635 Ut tamen ingratos in pectoia fudit odoies, Filia Centauri: qnam quondam Nyir.pha Et dedit amplexus, injustaque jusla pe- Chariclo, regit : FUiminis in rapid! ripis enixa, vocavit Non tulit in cineres labi sua Plicebas ' Ocyroen. Non haec artes contenta pa. eosdem teriias Semina: sed natum flammis uteroque Edidicisse fiiit : fatornm arcana canebat, . parentis Ergo ubi fatidicos concepit mente fii- Eripuit; geminique tulit Cliironis in rores, 640 antrum. 630 Incaluiique Deo, quern clausum pectore Sperantemque sibi ncn falsEe praemia habebat ; linguae Aspicit infantem, Totique salutifer orbi Inter aves albas vetuit considere corvum. Cresce puer, dixit : libi se mortalia ssb^is MO. II. L 82 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Benignant Sol irradiates thy birth, 845 To snatch from pale disease a suiF'ring earth; I see thy skill avert dread Pluto's dart, And souls again embodied own thy art. Indignant heav'n, at length, thy life invades, And Jove's own eagle wings thee to the shades; 850 A two-fold birth thy favour'd soul shall save, Snatch'd from the womb, triumphant in the grave ; JBorn of a God, and as a mortal slain, Death shall exalt thee to a God again. Thou, too, dear father, whose immortal birth 855 Seem'd to imply eternal life on earth, Death thou shalt covet, when the Hydra's wound Spreads baneful venom all thy limbs around. Till the three sisters cut thy fatal thread. And pitying heav'n unite thee with the dead. 8G0 Here ceas'd the maid : for Fate forbade the rest. Tears bath'd her cheek, and sorrow swell'd her breast. Then thus again. The fates my iitt'rance chain, And when I strive to speak, my speech restrain. Believe me, sire, 'tis not this skill of mine 865 Provokes the vengeance of the pow'rs divine, Oh, that the future I could fail to trace ! Soon shall I boast no more the human face, Chang'd to a mare, a well known form I gain, I graze the field, and bound along the plain. 870 Pori>ora debebvmt: animas tibi reddere Teque ex setevno patieutem uumiiia adembas mortis [solvent. Fas erit. Idque scmel D3s indignantibus EfEcicnt : triplice^qiie Dene tua fi!a re- ausus, f>4& Bes'ab^t fatis aliquid ; siispirat ah imis Posse dare hoc iterum flamma probibe- Pecioribiis, lacryina;qiie genis labuntur bereavpa: obortae : PbS Eq'.ie Deo corpus Pes exsaiigue; Deusque, Atque ita, Prsevertunt, inquit, me fata; Qui inodn corpus eras : et bis tua fata vetorque novabis. Pluraloqui; vocisque mese praicludituf Tu quoque, care pater, non jam mortalis, usiis. [iram et revis Won fu^rant arles tanti, quae niiminis Omnibus ut maneas, nascendi lege orea- Contraxfire milii. Mallein nescisse fu- nis ; fiiO tura. 660 Posse mori cupies turn, cum cruciabere Jam iniiji subduci faiiesbumana videtur: dirae Jam cibus herba placet: jam latis currere Sanguine serpentis per sancia membra c-ampis [pora vertor. tfi-^pto. Impetus est} in equam, cognataquc cor- BOOK II. 83 \Vhy thus, ye Gods, let loose your vengeful ire ? Leave me, at least, half human, like my sire. She murni'ring spoke. No other sounds succeed ; No more a woman, yet not quite a steed : Compound of both, her wild ambiguous speech 875 To neither turns, yet seems to mimic each. Soon the loud neigh denotes the change complete, Prone on the earth her arms extend in feet, Her nails, her fingers, now elude the sight, Exchange to horn, and in a hoof unite ; 880 Her robe loose flutt'ring in a tail descends. Her neck grows longer, and her mouth extends ; Her scalter'd tresses still the braid disdain, Shade her right shoulder, and become a mane. Nought of Ocyroe is left, her name, 885 Voice, figure, features are no more the same. The Centaur wept, and vainly pious pray'd Thee, Delphic Phoebus, to afford thine aid. Ev'n hadst thou pow'r Jove's edict to restrain, 889 Thine absence, sure, that pow'r had render'd vain. Driv'n from the skies, a wand'ring shepherd grown^ Elis, Messene, claim'd thee for their own; Thy matchless form a russet mantle wore, A rugged rural staff thy left hand bore ; Thy right a pipe, by Pan compos'd with art, 895 Love gave the wound, and music heal'd the smart. Tola tamen quare ? pater est mihinempe In dextras abiere jubas: p riterqueno. biformis. 6Sd vata est ^alia diccnti pars est extrema querela Et vox et facies. Nomeii quoque moTis'ra llitellecta paium : confusaque verba dedere. 6Tj fueie. Flebat, opemque Uiam fiustra Pliilj'- Mox iiec verba qiiidem, nee equs soniis reiusheros, [niaglii illevidetur; [pore certos Delphiie, poscebat. Sed nee rescindere Sed simulanti* equam : parvoque in tern- Jussa Jovis poteras : nee, si rescindere Edidit hinnitus: et brachia iiiovil in posses, herbas. Tunc aderas. Elin, Messeniaque arva Tu.m digili coeunt; et quinos alligat colebas. ungues fi70 IlKid erat tempus, quo te postoria pellis terpetuo cornu levis ungula ; crescit et lexit; onusque fuit baciihim syUcstre oris, sinistra; : 6Sl Et colli spatium : longas pars maxima Altcrius, oiispar septenis fistula cannis. palla- [jacebant, Dumque amor est cura^j dt«)n te fUc aliquis vidisse nega. Neu gratia At senior, postqiiai» merces geminata, fattu Sub illi^ BOOK II. 85 Behold yon mountain's brow — go seek them there — And lo ! beneath the mountain's brow they were. Hermes, with laughter cried, Perfidious elf, 925 Is this thy fraud ? Betray me to myself» Then for his knavish folly to atone, The old informer hardens into stone. Touchstone 'tis call'd, where still remains confin'd In rocky durance the perfidious hind. 930 Borne upward o'er Munychia's fertile height, On equal wings now Hermes took his flight, And saw extended on the earth below, Ljcaius' forest wave, and Athens glow. 'Twas on a day when damsels chaste and fair, 935 With votive gifts to Pallas' fane repair; Each on her bead, with flow'ry wreaths array'd, Bears her pure offering to the heav'nly maid. The God beheld the lovely train reveal'd, Check'd his long flight, and in a circle wheel'd. 940 As when the rapid kite, upborne on high. Sees the white victim on the altar die, He marks th' expected prey, enjoys the wound. While stand the sacred ministers around; Irapell'd by hope, unwilling to renounce, 945 Fix'd to regale, and resolute to pounce ; Thus agile Hermes, wheeling round, divides The liquid air, and over Athens glides. Montibus, inqait, erunt. Et erant sub Venice supposito festas in Paltadis arces montibus illis. Piira tnronalis portabant sacra canisiris. Risit Atlaniiades: et, Me milii, perfide, Inde revertentes Deus aspicitales ; iier- prodis > que Me mihi prodis .' ait. Perjuraque pec- Non agit in rectum ; sed in orbem curvat toravertit 705 rundem. 71i In durum silicem ; qui nunc quoquedi- Ut voli'cris visis rapidissimamiltlusfxtis, citurlndex: Duni timet, et densi circumstant sacra Inque nihil merilovelusest infaraiasaxo. ministri, Hinc.Ee sustulerat paribus caduciier Flcctitvw in gyrum; nee longius audet alis : abire : Munychiosque volans agros, gratamque Spemciue suam motis avidus circumvolal Minervae alis. 7itf Despectabat humum, caltique arbusta Sic super Actseas agilis Cyllenius arces I.yc<3ei. 710 Inclinat cursus: et easdem circinat U!A ferte di,e casfie de morepuense auras. 86 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. As Lucifer's bright beams the stars outshine. As Luna, Lucifer, outglitters thine, 950 So Herse soar'd above the virgin train, Grace of the throngs and glory of the plain* The son of Jove admir'd th' enchanting fair, And hover'd kindling in the realms of air : So from the Balearic engine flies 95B The rapid bullet thro' the yielding skies j With added motion added heat acquires, And glows above with unaccustomed fires. He stopt his course i on earth securely trod, No borrow'd form conceal'd the sportive God* OGdt Yet still the aid his native charms impart, Is made more potent by the aid of art* He smooths his locks, his vest in graceful fold Reveals the border, and displays the gold ; The sleep-compelling rod his hand assumes, 963 And his white feet are grac'd with whiter plumes. Within the palace where great Cecrops dwells, Adorn'd with iv'ry, and emboss'd with shells, Three chambers stand, where j plac'd in kindred rows, Aglauros, Herse, Pandrosos repose ; 970 One fix'd at either end her station keeps, And in the middle beauteous Herse sleeps. Aglauros saw, and bade the youth proclaim The motive of his course, and tell his name : ^aatito apAendidior, quam cattera sidera, Quae qiiamqiiam jnstaest: cur4 tatlien fulget adjuvat illam : Lucifer; et quanto te, Lucifer, aurea Pennuketqne comas, chlamydemque, Phoebe i ut pendeat apte, [duruui : Tanto virginibus prEcslantior omnibus Collocat: ut limbus, totumque appaieat Herse Ut ters-s in dextra, qui soinnos ducit et Ibat : eratque decus potnys, comituiM- arcet, 73d que suarum. ' 725 Virga sit: ut tersis niteatit talaria Obstupuit fotm^ Jove natiis : et aftliere plantis. [cultos pendens Pars sccreta domfis ebore et testudine Non secus exarsit, quam cum balearica Tres habait tlialamos. Quorum tu. Pan- plumbum droso, dextrum, [Herse, Fundajacit. Volat illud, et incandescit Aglauros laevum, medium possederaf eundo : [ignes. Qus tenuit laevum, venitntem priraa no- Et qiios non habuit, sub niibibus invenit, tavit [ansa est, Vertititer; coEloque petit diversa relicto : Merturium : nomcnque Dei scitar'er Nee se dissimulatj tanta est fiducia for- Et causam adventus. Cui sic respondU miSt 73 1 Atlantis BOOK. II. 87 To whom the son of Maia. Thro' the air 975 The high behests of Jove, my sire, I bear, A sister's aid to yon sweet sister grant, And soon a heav'n-born race shall call thee aunt : *Twas this that drew me from the realms above, Herse the object, and the motive love. S80 Scarce had he spoken, when the curious maid With the same treach'rous glance the God survey'd^ As when of late her sister train she led To Pallas' foundling in its ozier bed. She promises for gold to aid his cause, 985 And for awhile the am'rous God withdraws. Minerva now, with anger-glancing eye. Beheld the maid, and with a long drawn sigh. Her heart high lab'ring all its care express'd. And shook the frowning aegis on her breast. 990 Well she rcraembcr'd, how, with hand profane, Her compact broken, and her promise vain, i\glauros dared to set the babe at large, And give to light her dragon-footed charge. She sees the maid to Love's commission true, 995 Grateful to Hermes, and to Herse too, Tim'rous in virtue, but in av'rice bold. And rich in bargain'd heaps of guilty gold. Now Envy's palace ardent to explore, Squalid with venom, and defiled with gore, 1000 pieiones(jue nepos : Ego sum, qui jussa Ut pariter jjecUis, posil&mque in peetore per auras fqrti Verb^ piitris porto. Pater est mihi Jupiter JEgida concuterel. Subit, hanc arf ana ipse. 745 profiina 7jS Necfliigam causas. Til tantura fida sorori Detexisse manu turn, cum sinfe matre Esse vslis, prolisque mecB materlera dici. creatam Herse causa vis. Faveas cramus amanti. Lemnicolae stirpem contra data fcEdera Adspicit huiic oculis isdem, quibusabdi- vidit : ta nuper Et gratamque Deo fore .iam, gratamque Viderat Afilaiiros flav» secreta Minervse : sorori : Pi'oque ministerio niagni sibi ponderis Et ditem siimto, quod avara poposcerit, auriim 760 auro. Post^.llat■ Interea tectis excedere cogit. Protinus InvidiiE nigro squallentia tabo Vertit t\d lianc torvi Dea bellica luminis Tecta petit. Pomiu est imis in vallilnis orbem, antri 76S £t tai)to peuitus traxit suspiria tnotu. 88 OVID'S METAMOTIPHOSES. Thro' low brow'd rocks descends the heav'nly maid, To seek the Fury in th' infected shade. Deep in a cave the sad retreat she finds, Hid from the sun, impervious to the winds ; Eternal night and ceaseless winter dwell 1005 With kindred horror in the dreary cell. The warlike maid, not daring to advance, Now strikes the portal with her pointed lance ; The gates unbarr'd, confess'd the Fury stood, Vice her support, and vipers' flesh her food. 1010 Pallas scarce dares to cast her eyes around. When Envy, slowly rising from the ground. Leaves her vile food, in writhing heaps displayed, And feebly totters towards the martial maid. But when she saw a Goddess in her cliarms, 1015 Blooming in beauty, and renown'd in arms, She groan'd ; her bosom heav'd with galling sighs ; Xican was her form ; obliquely cast her eyes ; Wan was her cheek ; imbu'd with rust her teeth ; And bloated poison swell'd her breasts beneath j Venom and gall her tainted tongue defile ; 1021 And nought but human woe provokes her smile; By gnawing cares oppress'd, she never sleeps ; She laughs at misery — at joy she Aveeps ; To torture others, rears her hissing snakes,' 1025 And self tormenting, feels the hell she makes. Abdita, solecarens, non uUi pervia vento; Utqne Deam vidit form&que, armisque Trisiis, et ignavi plenissiiiia frig.iris; et decoramj qua; abundet. Ingemuit: viiltumque ima ad suspiria Icne vacet, semper, calicine seniijer duxit. Hue ubi ptTVpnit belli metuenda virago; Pallor in ore sedet: macies in corpora; Constilit ante domiuu, (neque eiiiai sue- toto : 77i cedeie tertis ■jm Nusquam recta aciea : livent rubigine Fas habet) et postes extrema cuspide denies; [veneno. pulsat. Pectora felle virent: lingua est suffusa Concussae patuere fores. Videt intus Risus abest; nisi quem visi movere do- edentem [rum, lores, Vipereas carnes viiiorum alimenti sue- Ner. fruitur somno, vigilacibus excita e«- Invidiam : visfiqua oculos avertit. At ilia ris : Surgit hnmo pigra: semesarunique re- Sed videt ingratos, infabescitque vi- li'iqu't 771 dendo, 780 Corpora serpentum; passuque incedit Successus hominum- carpitcue & car inerti. pitur una ; BOOK II. 89 Pallas recoils, the dame repugnant hates^ And in brief speech her message thus relatesi To Cecrop's daughter hence thy course direct, Seize on Aglauros, and the maid infect. 1030 No more she said ; but back to heav'n return'd, And with her spear the earth departing spurn'd. With inward murmur^ and malicious eyes, Envy beholds the Goddess as she flies ; The mandate hears with mingled fear and scorn, 1035 And brandishes her staff beset with thorn ; Veil'd in black clouds she leaves her dark retreatj While prostrate Flora fades beneath her feet; Tlie topmost herbage withers at her breath, Men^ cities, houses, feel th* envenom'd death* 1040 But when her journey to her view imparts Fair Athens ricli in peace, and queen of arts, She scarce contains the tear that nought appears To nourish sorrow^ and to draw down tears. Beside Aglauros' couch she takes her stand, 10 i5 And grasps her bosom with corrosive hand. Here, while she breathes disease and death around, Her thorns the lacerated victim wound ; Black venom fills her bones, her lungs inhale Contagious horror in the noisome gale. 1050 Nor small the cause of grief the crone supplies, Fair Herse's image swims before her eyes, Suppliciumqiie suiitn est. Quamvis ta- Afflatuque suo populos, urbesque, do- men oderat illain ; mosque Talibus adlalaestbreviterTritoniadictis. Polluil: et tandem Triton'.da conspicit Jnfice talie tiia natarum Cecropis unam. arccm. Sic opus est. Aglauros ea est. Haud IngeniiSi opibusque, et festS pace vi- pkiralocuta, 785 rentem : 795 Fugit: et impress^ tellurem rei)ulithasid. Vixque tenet lacrymas ; quia nil lacry- lUa Deam obliquo fugicalem lum ne cer- mabile cernit. [nutarj nens, IMineivse Sed postquam thalamos intravit Cecrope Murmura parva dedit; successuiumque Jussj tacit: pectusque manu feirugine Indoluit : baculumque capit; quod spi- tinctS. [imulet. nea totum Tangit: et hamatis praecordia sentibus Vinculu cingebant ; adopertaque nubibus Iiispiratque iiocens virus: piceumque atris, 790 per ossa [nenuin. Quacunque ingreditur, florentia proterit Dissipat, et ni'dio spargit piilmone, ve.. arva, Neve inali spatium causae per latins er- Exuritque herbas, et summa cacumina reuij [sororis carpit : Germanuin ante oculos, fortunatumque KO. III. M so OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. With Maia's godlike son in love allied, A happy bridegroom and exalted bride ; Their jojs, by Envy magnified, infest 1055 With gnawing pangs her spectre-haunted breast. As when inconstant Phoebus darts his ray, Ice owns the beam, and gradual melts away. So slow consuming agonies invade By day, by night, the miserable maid : 1060 The joys of others fill her soul with dread, Like smolher'd fires beneath dry stubble spread. When mounting flames no warning beacon yield. But slowly wasting heat devours the field ; Now death she covets to relieve her woes, 1065 And now resolves the secret to disclose To rigid Cecrops, Wav'ring thus, she spied Light Hermes hast'ning to embrace his bride: Across the threshold sat th' undaunted maid, And to the supplicating wooer said, 1070 Think not to move Aglauros from her seat, Ne'er shall she rise till Mercury retreat. Stand to the bargain, cried the taunting God, And touch'd the well carv'd portals with his rod ; From her bent posture she essays to rise, 1075 A gravitating force her wish denies ; Again she strives, her knees refuse their aid, And stifF'ning muscles all her limbs pervade. Conjugium, pulchr&que Deum sub ima- Deiiique in adverse venientem limine gine ponit; sedit Cunctaque magna facit. Quibus irritata, Exclusura Deum. Cui blandimenta, dolore 80S precesque, 8i5 Cecropis ccculto mordetur: et atixia Verbaque jactanti mitissiraa, Desine, iiocte, dixit : [pulso. Anxia Kice gemit; lentaque miserrima Hinc ego me non sum nisi te motui'a re- tabe Stemus, ait, pacto, velox Cyllenius, isto: ■Liqiiituv, lit glacies incerto saiicia sole : ('slatasque lores virf a patcrfecit. At illi Telicisque bonis non stciusuriturHerses, Surgere conanti partes, quascunque se- ^uam cum spinosis ignis supponitur dendo, 820 lierbis ; Sio Flectimur, ignava nequeunt gravitate Quse neque dant flommas, lenique tepore moveri. cremantiir. Ilia quidcm recto pugnat se attollere Sspe mori voluit; ne quicquam tale vi- triinco : deret : Sed geniium junctura riget, frigusque per Sape velit crimen rigido narraj'e parenti, ungues BOOK II. Qi An icy cold thro' ev'ry finger reigns, 1079 Creeps thro' her bloodless form and chills hev veins; And as a cancer spreads the frame around, Inflames the tainted parts, and taints the sound, So winter lulls her in the sleep of death. Freezes her lungs, and stops her panting breath; Ev'n had the lungs a vocal eflbrt tried, 1085 The rigid (hroat a passage had denied. The gradual torpor numbs her neck and face. And soon a lifeless statue guards the place. Nor white the statue, for tho' marble grown, Envy's dark venom still imbues the stone. 1090 Soon as the God due veng'ance had consign'd To words unguarded and an impious mind, From smiling Athens upward borne he flies, And gains on agile plumes his native skies. Now Jove apart his sportive offspring draws, 1095 And thus instructs him, but conceals the cause. My faithful delegate, of heav'nly birth, Wave thy fleet pinions and revisit earth ; Go seek the land, whereon from heav'n afar Beams brilliant on the left thy native star, J 100 (Sidon 'tis call'd) and when before tbee pass Agenor's herd to crop the mountain grass, Arrest their march, their inland course restrain, And ffuide the drove of oxen to the main. Labitur; et pallent amisso sanguine Cepit Atlantiadesj dictas a Pallade ter- venae. ras Utque malum late solet immedicabile Linquit, et ingreditur jactatis sethera cancer Sia pennis. 835 Serpeie, et illassas vitiatis addere partes ; Sevocat luinc genitor ; nee causam fassus Sic letlialis liyeirfs paullatim in peclora amoris, venit ; Fideminister.aitJuEsorum nate nieorum, Vitalesqiie vias, et respiramina clansit. Pelle morain, lolitoque celer delabere Nee conata loqui est j nee, si coiiata cursu : fuisset, [nebat ; Quseque tuam matrera tellus a parte Vocis haberet iter. Saxum jam coila te- sinistra Oraque duvuerant : signumque exsangue Suspicit, (indigenae Sidonida nomine sedebat. dicunt) 840 Nee lapis albuserat. Sua mens iiifecerat Hanc pete: quodque procul montano iliam. [protanae gramine pasci lias ubi vcrboiiua pcenas mentisque Armentum regale vides j ad littora verto. M 2 92 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The trusty youth, obedient to the word, 1105 Drove downward to the sea the monarch's herd. Here, fond to mingle in her virgins' sport, Agenor's daughter left her father's court. Majestic state but ill accords with love — The sire and ruler of the Gods above, 1110 From whose right hand the forked bolt is hurl'd. Whose sceptre awes, whose nod affrights the world, Chang'd to a bull, deceives the virgin train, And, lowing, joins the heifers on the plain. White is his colour as the spotless snow, 1115 Ere footsteps sully, or warm breezes blow ; His brawny back huge rolls of fat bedeck, Hang from his shoulders, and inflate his neck; His horns, tho' small, in artful beauty curl, And emulate in hue the lucid pearl ; 1120 No formidable glance his eyes dispense. But all without is peace and innocence, Agenor's daughter views with wond'ring eyes His gentle mien and well proportion'd size ; Yet greets the monarch of the herd with fear, 1125 Nor dares, tho' gentle, to approach too near. Now bolder grown, and scorning to retreat. She smooths his face, and gives him flow'rs to eat. The am'rous God, in expectation blest, Kisses her hands, and scarce defers the rest. 1130 Dixit : et expulsi jamdudumjmonte ju- CoUa toris extant; armis palearia pen- venci dent : Littora.iussapetunt : ubimagni filia regis Cornua parva quidem ; sed quae conten- Ludere virginibusTyriiscomitata solebat. dere possis 85a Non bene conveniiint, nee in una sede Facta manu, puraqu? magis perlucid* morantur, 846 gemma. Majcsias et amor. Sceptri gravitate re- Niiltse in fronte minae; nee formidabile licta, [trisulcis lumen : [nata, Ille pater rectorque Deum ; cui dextra Pacem vuUus habet. Miratiir Agenore Ignibus armata est, qui nutu coucutit Quod tarn formosus, quoJ praelia nulla orbem ; minetur. Induitur tauri faciem : mistusque ju- Sed, quamvis mitem, metuii contingere vencis 850 primo. 860i Mugit, et in teneris formosus obambulat Mox adit : et flores ad Candida porrigit herbis. ora. Quippe color nivis est ; quam nee ves- Gaudet amans : et, dum veniat sperata tigia duri [Auster. voluptas, fdiffcrt. Calcaveie pedis, nee solvit aquaticus Oscula Uat manibus, Vix ah, vix csetcr» BOOK II. 93 As now he rolls beside the glassy main, Or frisks exulting- o'er the verdant plain, 8he pats his milk white body, and adorns With Flora's newest wreath, his polisli'd horns: Then boldly mounted on his back, nor guest llSa The greatness shrouded in the form she prest. He slowly wanders from the herd, and laves His foot, for seeming pastime, iu the waves ; Then rashes deeper in, and bears aAvay Thro' boundless ocean his devoted prey. 1140 Th' affrighted virgin, from her country torn, Clings to her spoiler's back, and grasps his horn ; And, as her garments flutter in the wind. Views with despair the land she leaves behind. Et nunc alludit, viridique exsijUat in Cum Deus a terra siccoque a littore, herba; • sensim 870 Nunc lutiis in fulvis niveum deponit are- Falsa pedum primis vestigia ponit in nis. Stj5 imdis. PauUatimque metu demto, modo peclora Inde abit ulterius, mediique per aequora prsebet ponti Virgineaplaudendamanu : modo cornua Pert praeJam- Pavet lia:c ; littusque sertis ablata relictum Jmpedieiidanovis. Ausa est quoqueregia Kespicit ; et dexli'^cornu tenet ; altera virgo, dorso flescia (luetn premeret, tergo considcre Impositaest; tremulaesinuanturflamine tauri : veste». 875 OVID s METAMORPHOSES. BOOK III. THE AllGUMENT. The battle of Cadmus and the Serpent. — The Formation of Men from the Dragon's Teeth. — The Transformation of Aciceon into a Stag,— The Birth of Bacchus. — The Transformation of Tiresias. — The Transformation of Echo — and of Narcissus. — The Story of Pen- theus. — The Mariners transformed to Dolphins, — The Death of Pen,- theuSf and the Triumph of Bacchus. J500N as the Cretan shore the spoiler trod. He dropp'd the heifer, and resura'd the God. But sad Agenor, sedulous to aid His lost Europa, and regain the maid. Bade Cadmus seek his sister o'er the main, 5 Denouncing exile if he sought in vain. Thus was the king, to passion's sway consign'd, Devoutly wicked, and austerely kind. Condemn'd in vain o'er all the world to rove, (For who can counteract the craft of Jove ?) 10 Exil'd from Tyre, the wretched wand'rer flies His father's anger, and his native skies* JAMQUE Deus, posila fallacis imagine Imperat : et pcciium, si non invenerit, tauii, addit 4 Se confessus erat; Dictaeaque riifa tene- Exilium, facto piiis etsceleratus codem. bat. Oibe pererrato (quis eniin depic-ndere Cum pater ignarus Cadmo perquirere possit [pavrntis rapum riuta Jovis ?) profugus patriamque irainq; BOOK III. 8§ At length at Phoebus' shrine the youth implores Prophetic aid, to gain the prorais'd shores. For thee a heifer (thus Apollo spoka) 15 Free from the plough, a stranger to the yoke, Shall wander solitary o'er the meads; Be thine the task to follow where she leads; Where'er for rest her weary length she lays, Plan thy foundations, and Boeotia raise. 20 Scarce had 3'oung Cadmus left Castalia's height. When an unguarded heifer met his sight; Her spotless neck unbent to servitude; Slow walk'd the beast, and slow the youth pursu'd, And as he press'd with cautious steps the sod, 25 Ador'd in silence the prophetic God. Now Phocis' plains and Aganippe fled: With tow'ring horns, and heav'n erected head, The sacred beast stood still, and lowing loud, Ey'd in her rear the mute Phoenician crowd ; SO Then on the verdant plain her body threw : Agenor's son, elated at (he view, Kisses the earth, the friendly omen hails, Bows to the unknown hills, salutes (he vales, And bids to worship Jove his comrades bring 35 The limpid waters from some neighb'ring spring. Within an ancient grove, whose 'bow'ring shade Ne'er bent submissive to the woodman's blade. Vital Auenorides ; Plioebique oranila Jam vada Cepliisi, Panopcsque evaserat supplex [lequirit. arva : Consulit : et, quES sit lelUis habitinda, Bos sletit : et, toUens spatiosam cor- Bos libi, Phcebus ait, solis occuiret in nibus altis qq arvis, 10 Ad coeUun lioiitem, mugitibus impiilit Nullum passa jugum, cuiTique immunis auias. [seqiientes, arali'i. [herbi, Atqae ita, respiciens comites sua terga Hac diice carpe vias : et, qua reqiiieveiit Piocubuit, teneraque latus submisit in. Wcenia fac coudas: Boeotiaque ilia vo- lierba. [tula ten ae cato. [antro : Cadmus agit grates; peregrinaeque os- Vix bene Castalio Cadmus descenderat Figil : et ignotos iiiontes agrosque sahi- Incustoditamlente videt irejuvencaiTi, 13 tat. <>i "Nullum servilii signumcervicegerentem. Sacra Jovi facturus erat: jubet ire mi- Subsequitur, piessoque legit vestigia nistros, gressu ; Et petere e vivis libandas fontibus un- Auctorenique vise Phcebuni taciturnus das. adgrat. Sylva vetus stabat, nulla violata securi j i95 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. A dreary den with tangled briars o'ergrown, Form'd a low arch compact of mossy stone, 4(J A stream prolific from the dark recess Meand'ring flovv'd, and lav'd the wilderness. Hid in the den, with crest that fiam'd with gold. Sacred to Mars, a monstrous serpent roll'd His bloated length, fire sparkled in his eyes, 45 And venom swell'd his more than mortal size ; His three tongues hiss'd above, while rang'd beneath^ Stood in three rows his death denouncing teeth. Soon as the luckless Tyrians gain'd the wood^ And threw their sounding vessels in the flood, 50 The scaly monster horrid hisses gave, tlprear'd his head, and darted from the cave; Thro' ev'ry limb an instant terror reigns, The blood congealing curdled in their veins; Pale and aghast with fear they dropp'd their urns i In spiry volumes roll'd, the serpent turns^ 50 Uncoils his circles, soars the plain above, Till half his body overlooks the grove. Immense his size, as his who, pois*d in air, Divides the greater from the lesser bear* 60 This bends Ins bow, that aims the pointed spear> Some turn to fly, and some are fix'd in fear; But tortur'd, bruis'd and torn, all meet their deathj' Crush'd in his folds, or poison'd by his breath. Est sperus in medio virgis ac vimine Caeruleiis serpens j liorrendaque sibila cleiisa, misit. [linqiiit EfEciens humilem lapidum ciiinpagibus Effliixere urnse manibus : sangiiisque le- arcUm ; 30 Corpus, el attonitos subitus treirior oc-i Uberibiis foecundiis aquis. Hoc condilus cupat artus. 40 antro Ille volubilibus sqiiamcsos nexibus orbeS Martius anguis erut, crislis praisignis et Torquet, et iinmeiisos saltu sinuatiir iii auro. _ arcus: [aiiraS Igne micant'otuli; corpus tumet oirine Ac media plus parte leves erertus in veneuo ; Despicit omne nenius: tantoqiie est Tresque vibrant linguse: triplici stant corpore, qiiaiito, [Arctos» ordine denies. Si lotum species, gcminas qui separai Qiiem postquam Tyria luciun de genie Nee mora: Phoenicas (sive ill i tela para- profecti 3d bant, [utrumque) Infausto tetieere gradu ; demissaqiie in Sive fugam; sive ipse timor prolnbebat Hildas Occiipat; lios niorsu, longis complexibus Urna dedit sonitum J longo caput extulit illos : anuo Hos necut afflatos funesti tabe veneni. BOOK lU. 97 Now Phoebus shone ■with full meridian ray, 65 When Cadmus> wond'ring at their strange delay, His comrades sought. A lion*s skin he wore, A dart and iron-pointed lance he bore. And (far more terrible than lance or dart) His bosom bore an adamantine heart. 70 Soon as the grove he gain'd with nimble tread. And saw the Tyrians stretch'd among the dead, While the huge snake, their sad remains among, liick'd their gor'd bodies with his bloody tongue ; I come, my friends, he cried in deep despair, 75 Your dreadful fate or to avenge or share. He spoke : and raising with intent to throw, Launch'd forth a rocky fragment at the foe : So vast a force impell'd th' assailing rock, Embattled tow'rs hadtrembled at the shock. 80 No wound the serpent knew, each plaited scale Embracing, like a warrior's coat of mail. The solid thickness of his sable hide, Blunted the force, and turn'd the blow aside. Not so the dart which, hurl'd with fell design, 85 Pierc'd the curv'dback, and quiver'd in the spine. The monster turn'd, and madd'nipg with the smart, Th' incision ey'd, and gnaw'd the missile dart, Tugg'd to and fro, each laboring sinew strain'd. The shaft extracted — but the barb remain'd. 90 Fecerat exiguas jam Sol altissimus um- Sustulit: et magnum magno conamine bras : 50 misit. 60 Quae mora sit sociis miratur Agenore lllius impulsu cum tiiirilius ardua celsis, natus ; Moenia niota forent, serpens sine vulnere Vestigatque viros. Tegimeh direpta mansit. leoni Loricseqiie modo squamis defensus, et Pellis erat: telum splendent! lancea atrse ferro, Tomni. Duritia pellis, validos cvUe reputit ictus, Et jaculum; teloque animus praestantior At non duriti^ jaculum quoque vincit Ut nemus intravit, lethataque corprira eadem ; 65 vidit, 55 Quod medio lentae flxum curvamine Victoremque supra spatiosi corporis spinse hostem [lingua Constitit'; et toto descendit in ilia ferro. Tristia satiguineS lambentem vulnera lUe dolore ferox caput in sua terga re- Ant ultorvestr^,fidissiraacorpora,iiiortis, torsit : Aut comes, iuquit, ero. Pixit : dex- Vulneraque adspexit, fixumqufe hastil-c traque molarem momordit. NO. lii N 98 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The recent wound adds fuel to the fire, His swelling throat distends with purple ire, White foam appears his pois'nous jaws around, His echoing scales strike harshly on the ground, His panting breath a baneful mist exhales, 95 Sable as Styx, and taints th' infected gales ; In monstrous volumes now his folds entwine. Now quit Iheir curve and lengthen in aline. Now onward borne, like tempest driven floods, His mighty force mows down th' opposing woods. 100 Cadmus recedes, and on his lion's spoils Receives the onset, and the effort foils ; His outstretch'd spear the raging monster gnaws, Till blood and venom, issuing from his jaws. Bedew tlie plain ; yet still the hurt was slight, 105 For now the snake shrinks backward from the fight, With bleeding throat regains his former ground, Eludes the lance, and disappoints the wound* Agenor's son pursues, till in the rear An oak the serpent stops, the pointed spear 110 Pierces his neck, the Harb projects behind. And thus impales him writhing on the rind ; The bending tree with groans attests his fate, Lash'dby his tail, and lab'ring with his weight. Idque, ubi vi muUa partem labefecit Suslinet incursus: instantiaque ora re- in omnem 70 tardat [duro, Vix tergo eripuit: ferrum lamen ossi- Cuspide praetenta. Furit ille, et iriania bus liEeret. [adiras Vulnera dat ferro ; figitque in acumine Turn vero; postquam solitas accessit dentes. 84 Plaga recens, plenis tumuerunt gnttura Jamque veneni fero sanguis manare pa- venis : lato [herbas: Spumaque pestiferos circumfluit albida Cceperat; et virides aspergine tinxerat Tictus : ' Sed leve vulnus erat : quia se retrahebat Terraque rasa sonat squamis ; quiqne ab ictu ; [seders halitus exit 75 Lresaque co'Ia dabat retro; plagamque Ore niger Stygio, vitiatas inficit auras. Cedeiido arcebat, nee loneius ire sinebat. Ipse modo iramensum spiris facientibus Donee Agenorides conjectum in gutture orbem [exit. ferrum 90 Cingiiur: interdum longa trabe rectior Usque sequens pressit: dum retro quei'- Impete nunc vasto, seu coiicitus imbri- cul: eunti [cervix, bus amnif, . 79 Obstitit; et fixa est pariter cum robore Fertur, et obstantes proturbat pectore Ponderc serpentis curvala est arbor, et sylvas. fleonis imae Cedit Agenorides paullum : spolioque Parte flagellari gemuit sua robora eauda. BOOK Iir. 99 His mighty victim while the victor ey'd, 115 A voice (but whence unknown) prophetic cried, Oh ! Prince of Tyre, why thus intently gaze ? Cadmus ere long shall be what now he slays. Mute with amaze, in terror and despair. His colour faded, and uprose his hair; 120 When lo ! the clouds asunder drawn, display'd His guardian Goddess, Pallas, martial maid ; Who bids the youth insert the soil beneath. Seed of a future race, the dragon's teeth. Cadmus obeys : and o'er each fiirrow'd space 125 Scatters the teeth, to rear a warlike race : When soon (oh, wond'rous to relate !) appears. Bright o'er the glebe, a crop of pointed spears ; Next polish'd helms their painted plumage nod, 129 Shoulders and breasts'shake oft" th' incumbent clod, Hands fiU'd with lances, arms adorn'd with shields, And steel clad warriors grace th' embattled fields. So in a theatre, 'mid festive cries. By slow degrees the pictur'd forms arise, 134 Face, shoulders, arms, appear the boards between, Till the whole mimic man usurps the scene, Cadmus prepar'd to brave the martial fray. When thus exclaim'd a new born son of clay. Oh ! fly our social strife, and at the word, Pierc'd a fraternal bosom with his sv/ord. 140 Dum siiatlum victor victi considerat Primaque de sulcis acies apparuit hastac. liristis; [noscere promtum Tegmina mox capiium picto mitaiitia Vox siibito aiulita est: (neipie erat cog- cono : [cliiatelis Uiidc; sed audita est) Quid, Agenore Mox humeri pectiis^iue, onerataqiie bra- nate, pertmlum '[p»;ns. Existunt: crescilque st-ges clypeata vi- Serpeniuin spectas ? et tu speclabere ser- roriim. 110 Ille diu pavidus, pariter cum mente Sic, iibi tolluntur festis aula-a tlieatris, colorein [eebaiit Surgere tigna solent : piimumqae osten- Perdiderat : geliduque comse terrore ri- dere vuliuni ; [leiiore Eccc viii faiitrix superas delapsa per C'aeteva pauUatim : placidoque educta auras [terra; Tola patent ; imoque pedes in marRine Pallas adest: mola:que jubet supponere ponurit. [parabat: Vipercos denies, populi iucrementa iu- Territus lioste novo Cadmus capere arma turi. [aratro. Me cape, de populo, quem terra creave- Paret : et, tit presso sulcum patefecit rat, iinus Spargit humi jussos, morlalia semina, Exclaiv.at; nee te civilibus insere bellis. dentej. 105 Atque ita terrigenis rigidode fratribus Inde (flde majus) glebse cocpere moveri : unuin N 2 100 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. As dart from distance hurl'd the slayer slew, A third in death soon joins tlie other two, And breathes away the lately given gales; From rank to rank the din of war prevails ; Each madly bent a brother's blood to shed, 145 The new creation sink among the dead, Change to a tomb the cradle of their birth. And beat with panting breasts th' ensanguin'd earth. Echion, one of five who yet drew breath, Cast to the ground the implements of death, 150 (So Pallas will'd the less'ning band to save) And from his brothers ask'd the peace he gave. These in his train Agenor's son enroU'd To build the town the Delphic God foretold. 154 Thus Thebes arose : and thou , Oh ! prince of Tyre, Blest as an husband, happy as a sire, Seem'd proudly seated on a foreign earth, For Mars and Venus gave thy consort birth. A num'rous issue bless'd the royal pair, And grandsons, pledges of their tend'rest care, 160 Gave hopes of joy ; but man by Nature's doom, Must seek for bliss in realms beyond the tomb. Action first his grandsire's peace destroys. And turns to bitter woe his promis'd joys ; Chang'd to a deer, the branching horns he wore 165 TJrff'd the fleet hounds to drink their master's ffore. Cominus eiise ferit: jaculo caditeminus Cum posuit jujsamPhoebjeis sortibus ur- ipse. [gills illo bem. 130 Hie quoque, qui letho dederat, noii Ion- Jam stabant TUebae ; poteras jam, Vivit, etexspiiat, modo quas acceperat, Cadme, videri. auras. [Ve Exilio felix : soceri tibi Marsque Veiius- Exemploque pari furit omnis turba ; suo- que [tanta, Marte cadunt subiti per mutua vulnera Contigerant. Hue adde gemis dc conjuge fratres. [ventus Tot natos, nalasque, et pignoacara ne- Jamque brevis spativim vitse sortitaju- poles- [ultima semper Sanguineam trepido plangebant pectore Hos quoque. jam juvenes ; sed scilicet matrem J 125 Expectanda dies liomini: dicique boatus Quinque superstitibus ; quorum fuitunus Ante obituvn nemo supremaque funera Echion. _ debet. Is sua jecit hui'ni monitu Tritonidis Prima nepos inter tot res tibi, Cadme, arma; [lut-. secundas [frouti Frateinseqiie fidem pacis petiitque dedit- Caussa fuit luctus, alienaque cornua Hos operis comites habuit Sidonius hos- Addila, vosque canes satiaia; sanguine pes; herili. 140 BOOK III, lOtf Ask you the cause ? 'twas Fortune, fickle dame, het her, and not Actaeon, bear the blame : Misled by her, Actaeon's blood was spilt ; And who so harsh to call misfortune guilt? 170 There stood a mountain o'er whose purple head The hunter bounded, and the victim bled. Now Sol had cast a shorter shade from high. And journey'd half his circuit thro' the sky. When, sated with the chace, Action stood 175 And hail'd his comrades wand'ring thro' the wood. Enough of game, ray friends, the chace imparts, Red are our nets, and wet with blood our darts ; Soon as Aurora, borne on yellow wheels. Remounts her chariot, and the morn reveals, 180 Ours be the task our labours to repeat; Now Phoebus cleaves the soil with parching heat, Desist awhile, and bear your nets away ; They mark the mandate and their lord obey. The vale Gargaphia stretch'd along the glade, 185 Hid from the sun, and thick with Cypress shade. Sacred to Dian : in its deepest part, Ingenious Nature, imitating art. Had form'd a sylvan grot with moss o'ergrown, Arch'd in a bow, and bright with spars and stone ; 190 Forth from the right a chrystal torrent fell In soothing murmurs doAvn the grassy dell : At bene si qusius ; Fortuna? crimen in Distat idem terr&; finditque vaporibus Ulo, [terror habebat > arva. Non scelus invenies. Quod enim scelus Sistile opus prxsens : nodosaque tollile Mons erat, infectus variarura CEede fera- lina. rum : [umbras, Jussa viri faciunt : intermittuntque labo- Jamque dies rernm medias contraxeral rem. 164 Et Sol ex aequo meta disiabat utraque; Vallis erat, piceis et acuta densacupressu, Cum juvenis placido per devia lustra va- Nomine Gargaphie, succincta; sacra gantes " fore : Dianae : [recessu, Participes opernm compellat Hyantius Cujus in extremo est antrum nemorale / Lina madent, comites, ferrumque cruore Arte laburatum nulla; simulaverat artem ferarum : Ingenio Natura suo. Nam pumice vivo Foftunaeque dies habuit satis; altera Et levibus tophisnativum duxeiatarcum. lucem Fons sonat a dextra tenui per 'lucidus Cum croceis invectarotis Aurora reducet, unda 161 Propositiim repetamiis opus. Nunc Phoe- Marjvine gramineo patulos incinctus bus utrique 151 hiatusi 102 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Here Dian lov'd to cast her cares aside, And bathe her virgin body in the tide. Now to a fav'rite nymph the queen imparts 195 Her unstrung bow, her quiver and her darts; One takes her vest, and two in concert meet To snatch the sandals from her iv'ry feet ; While Hyale and Nephele the fair. With Rhanis, Psecas, Phiale, prepare^ 200 In jocund unanimity, by turns To pour the waters from capacious urns. While thus the Goddess sported in the place, Actaeon left the labours of the chace, And wand'ring careless thro' the unknown wood, 205 Approach 'd, with fate misguided steps, the flood; Soon as he gain'dthe spot, in wild surprise The naked maidens fiU'd the air with cries, Smote their white breasts in terror at the sight. And huddled shrieking round the queen of night. 210 In vain her guardian nymphs around her prest, She taller by the head o'ertops the rest; Expos'd to view, and conscious of disgrace. Indignant blushes mantled o'er her face, Like fleecy clouds, when purpled by the gleam 215 Of setting Phoebus, or Aurora's beam ; And tho' surrounded by her sylvan crew, Cast, turning from the youth, a sidelong view; Hie Dca sylvarum veniitu fessa solebat Per nemus igiiotum non certis passibus Virgineos artus liquido perfuiidere rore. eirana 175 Quo postquam subiit ; Nympharum tra- Pervenit in lucum : sic ilium fata fere- didit uiii 1()S bant' [anrra; Armisers jaculum, pharetramque, ar- Qui simiil intravit roraiitia fontibus cusque rettntos. Sicut erant, viso nuds sua pertora Altera deposita:: subjecit brachia pallae; Nymphae [omne Vincla dua pedibus deraunt. Nam doc- Percussijie, viro, subitisque ululatibus tier illis omne [nam Ismenis Crocale spav?os per colla capillos Implevere nemus ; ciicumfusaeque Dia- Colligit in noduin, quamviseral ipsa so- Corporibus tcxere suis. Tarnen altior lutis." 170 illis [oiimes. Excipiuntlaticem Nepheleque,Hyaleque, Ipsa Pi'a est, colloque tenuj supereminet Rhanisq-ie, Qui color infeciis adversi Solis ab ictii EtPsecas, etPliiale; funduntque capaci- Nuhibus esse solef,aut purpureas Aurors; bus urnis. Is fuit in vultu visae sine veste Uiana:.185 Dumque ibi perUiitur solita Titania lym- Quae quaiiquani comitum turbS. stipata pha, suarum, [retro Ecce nepos Cadmi, dilata parte laborum In latus obliquum tamen adstitit, oraque BOOK III. 103 Then from the troubleti waves a handful bore, Quick as she oft had snatch'd her bow before, 220 Threw o'er his face and hair the vengeful tide, And (prophetess of future slaughter) cried ; Thou seest a Goddess naked in the vale. Go tell, if now thou can'st, the babbling tale. Swift as the threat a stag's broad antlers spread, 225 Dart from his brow, and decorate his head ; His parted ears erect, his throat expands. His arras are chang'd to legs, to feet his hands : A spotted skin o'erspreads each alter'd part. And terror chills his palpitating heart. 230 Now wond'ring at his rapid flight he flies: But when reflected in the stream he spies His branching horns, appall'd, he would have said, Wretched Actason ! -But its former aid His tongue denied : in groans he tells his woe, 235 And tears adown his alter'd visage flow : Yet still unchang'd his mental pow'rs remain. What shall he do ? His grandsire's court regain. Or lurk in woods and brave the hunter's cries ? This fear prohibits, and that shame denies. 240 Now tlie fleet hounds come bounding o'er the mead ; Melampus first, a dog of Spartan breed, With Cretan Ichnobates at his back. Bark the dread signal to the op'ning pack. riexit: et ut vellet promptas habuisse AddiUis et pavor est. Fugit Autoneius sagitt.as ; [que virilem lieros : Quas habuit, sic hausit aquas : vuUum- Et se tam celerem cursumiratiir in ipso; Perfiidit: spargensque comas ultiicibus Ut vero solitis suacornua vidit in undis, iindis, 190 Me ir.iserum ! dicturus eral : vox nulla Addidit haec cladis praenuntia verba tu- secuta est. 201 tur£e:_ [narres, Ingemuit ; vox ilia fuit; lachrymiEque Nunc tibi nie posito visam velamine per ora Si poteris narrare, licet. Nee, plura mi- Non sua fluxerunt. Mens tantum pristina nata, man sit. Dat sparso capiti vivacis cornna cervi ; Quid faciat ? repetatne dpmum et regalia Dat spalium coUo : sum masque Ci;cu mi- tecta ? nataures: 195 An lateal sylvis ? timor hoc, pudor im- Cnm pedibusquemanus, cum longisbra- pedit ill'ud. 205 chia iTiutat Dum dubitat videre canes : primusque Cruribus : et velat maculoso tellei-e Melampus, [dere ; corpus. Ichnobatcsque sagax latratu sigua de- 104 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. On rush the rest, impetuous as the wind, 245 Quick sighted Dorceus, Paraphagus behind ; And Oribasus from Arcadia's lawn, Nebrophonos by scent unerring drawn ; Theron and Laelaps terrible of yore, Hyleeus lately wounded by a boar ; 250 And Pterelas and Agre course the dell. That swift of foot, and this acute of smell. See wolf-born Nape here in battle bold. Staunch Poeraenis the guardian of the fold ', Thin bodied Ladon there the onset helps, 235 With fierce Harpyia and her twin-born whelps ; Dromas and Canace pursue the track, Leucon the white and Asbolos the black ; Aello, too, and Lacon bold of heart, With Stict^, Tigris, Alee, bear a part ; 260 Swift Thous never in tbe sport fatigued, Lycisca with her brother Cyprius leagued ; And Harpalos whose face two lines divide, White in the middle, black on either side ; And Melaneus of sable hide is there, 265 And Sylvan Lachne with her rugged hair; Voracious Labros, Agriodos fleet, Their mother Spartan, but their sire from Crete ; Shrill voic'd Hylactor, and a countless train Whose various names 'twere tedious to explain. 270 Gnossius Ichnobates, Spartana geiite Et niveis Leucon, et villis Asbolus ati is, MelKinpus. Prsvalidusque Lacon, et cursu fortis Inde nuint alii rapida velocius aura, 909 Aello Pampliagus, et Dorceus, et Oribasus 3 Et Thous, et Cyprio velox curtj fratre Arc ades omnes ; Lycisca; 220 NebropUonosque valens, et Irux cum Et nigram medio frontem distinctus ab Laelape Theron, albo Et pedibus Pterelas, et naribus utilis Harpalos, et Melaneus, hirsutaque cor. Agre, pore Lachne : Hylaeusque fero nuper percussus ab apro Et patre Djctaeo, sed malre Laconide Deque lupo concepta Nape, pecudesque nati, secula Labros, et Agriodos, et acutae vocis Pcemenis, et natis comitata Harpyia duo- Hylactor : bus, 215 Quosque referre mora est- Ea turba Et substricta gerensSicyonius ilia Ladon: cupidine praedx Et Dromas, et Canace, Sticteque, et Per rupes, scopulosque, adituque careniia Tigris, et Alee, saxa, 826 BOOK III. lOS Liir'd by the prey, the pack voracious sweeps Up high ascents, and over pathless steeps; And while the woodlands echo to their cries, From rock to rock pursue him as he flies. From his own menials now the master speeds, 275 Shuns whom he chear'd, and whom he follow'd leads. In vain, to clieck their course, he strove to cry Call off the hounds, your lord, Actaeon, I. On rush the rav'nous leaders of the pack, First Melanchfetes fasten'd on liis back; 280 Theridamas succeeds, and nurs'd in gore, Next Oresitrophus his shoulder tore: Thro' shorter paths the three attain the place. Anticipate the train, and lead the chace; These hold him fast, the rest their lord surround, 285 And soon the wretch is one continued wound. With groans and piercing cries the air he fills; And plaints half human echo from tlie hills ; Prone on his knees he sinks in speechless dread, And wanting hands, uprears his suppliant head. 290 They call Actason to enjoy the game. Their dying master startled at the name : And while they chide his absence from the prey, Would gladly merit all the blame they lay, Nor thus the glories of the chace reveal, 295 To see 'twere pleasure what 'tis pain to feel. Qua vii difficiiis, quaque est via nulla, Et, si non hominis, quern non tamen ferunlur. edere possit Illefueit.peiquEcfaeratlocascepe secutus. Cervus, tiabet: mcestisquereplet juganota Heu famulos fugit ipse suos ! clamare querelis : libebat, Et genibus supptex pronis, similisque ro- ActtEon ego sum ! dominutn cognoscite ganti, 240 vestrum. [Betlier. Circumferttacitos, lanquam sua brachia. Verba animo desant: resonat latriitibus vultus. [agvneii PiimaMelanchEetesintergovuliierafecit: At comites rapidum solitis latratibus ProximaTheridainas ; Oresitrophus liEesit Ignari iiistigant, oculisque Actaeona quae- in anno". 233 runt, [mant. Tardius exierant ; sed per compendia Et velut absentera certatim Actjeona cla- montis ' [illis Ad iiomen caput ille refert : ut abesse Anticipataviaest. Dominumretinentibus queruntur, 245 Caetera turba coit, confertque in corpore Nee capere oblatae segnem spectacula denies. [sonumque, praedae. [que Videre, Jam loca Mulneribus desunt. Gemit ille, Vellet abesse quidemi sed ade»t: veltet. NO. III. O i09 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. On ev'ry side the ruthless blood-hounds poui'd, And mangling tore their metamorphos'd lord : An agonizing death thus clos'd the scene, To glut the malice of the huntress queen. SOO Fame spreads the story of theTheban deer. Some deem Diana's vengeance too severe, Some greet the haughty virgin with applause, And all find arguments to prop their cause : Juno alone, a slave to jealous hate, 305 Nor blames nor praises, but enjoys his fate ; ExuUing thus to view Europa's sin Remotely punish'd in her harmless kin ; When lo ! a greater ill the less includes — Again Jove strays and Semele deludes; SIO Then, with the feelings of aninjur'd wife, Saturnia's tongue thus kindles into strife. Oh ! what avails my rage at Jove's neglect ! Still am I doom'd new culprits to detect : If mighty Juno be the name I own, Sid If jointly seated on the heav'nly throne I wield the sceptre in majestic state, By birth Jove's sister, and by choice his mate, (If not by love) my rival soon sliall fall. At first I deera'd the casual evil small ; S20 A love nor form'd to last, nor doom'd to spread ; A transient falsehood to the marriage bed ; JJon etiam sentire canum fera facta Gaudet : et a Tyria collectum pellice suoriini. transfert Undique circumstant, niersisque in cor- In generis socios odium. Subit ecce priori pore rostris Causa receus; gravidamque dolet de se? Dilaceraiit falsi dominum sub imagine mine magni 260 cervi. 250 Esse Jovis Semelen. Turn linguam ad Nee, nisi finila per plurima viilnera vita, jurgia solvit. Ira pharetratiB lertur satiata DianiE. Vrofeci quidenim toties perjurgia ? dixit. IJunior in ambiguo est ; aliis violenlior Ipsa petenda milii est : ipsara, si maxima seauo Juno Visa Dea est: alii laudant, dignanique Kite vocor, perdam ; si me gemrasntia severe dextra [visque Virginitate vocant. Pars invenit utraque Sceptra tenere decet : si.sum regina, Jo- caiisas. 265 Et soror et conjux. Certe soior. At puto Sola Jovis conjux, non tarn culpetne, pro- furlo ab'g betne, [liuctae Contenta: et tlialami brevi^ est injuria Bloquiturj quam clade dom(lsab Agenor; nostri. BOOK Iir. 107 But now the harlot bears, matur'd by tiraCi Within her womb the issue of her crime ; And made a mother by the king of heav'nj 325 Enjoys an honor scarce to Juno giv'n. If from great Saturn Juno draws her birth, Her boasted charms shall snatch her from the earth ; When next my guilty spouse her bed invades, Jove, Jove himself, shall hurl her to the shades. 330 Veil'd in a mist, Saturnia quits her state, And knocks a mortal at her rival's gate ; Her silver hair, the wrinkles in her face. Her feeble accent> and her tott'ring pace, To outward view old Beroe proclaim, 335 Her rival's nurse, an Epidaurian dame. With various talk together now they strove. And passing man, atJength alight on Jove. When thus the sighing beldame. Much I fear. Yet still I hope, 'tis Jove who enters here ; 340 Full many a seeming God, with am'rous haste. Has gain'd ere now the chambers of the chaste : When next the wooer comes, some pledge require To probe the truth of heav'n's almighty sire ; Bid him put on the ensigns of his mighty 345 Announce his glory in a blaze of light. And woo thy beauty with majestic grace. As tho' his Juno shar'd her lord's embrace» Concipit; id deerat; manifestaque cri- Ipsaque fit Beroe, Semeles Epidauria nu- minapleno trix. Fert utero -. et mater, quod vix mihi con- Ergo ufii, captato sermone, diuque 1q. tigit «ni, 269 queiido, De Jove vult fieri. TatitaestfidaciafoTmsp. Ad nomcn venere Jovis; suspirat : et, Fallat earn faxoi iiec sim Saturnia, si non Optem 289 Ah Jove mersa suo Stygias penetrant in Jupiter ut sit, ait; metuo tamen omnia. undas. [nube Multi Surgit ab his solio, fulvSque rerondita NomineDivorum thalamosinier]B pudicos. Limen adit Semeles. Nee nubes ante re- Nee tamen esse Jovem satis est; det pig- movit, llius amoris 5 <2uam simulavit anum : posuitque ad tem- Si modo verus is est ; quantusque et qua- poracanus: 275 lis ab alta SS'Ji Sulcavitque cutem rugis : et curva tre- Junone excipitur; tantus talisque rogato menti [anilem. Det libicomplexus : suaque ante itisigni» Membra tulit passu '. Tocein quoque fecit sumat> m 2 108 OVID'S METAMORPHOSED. The simple fair, when next great Jove assails, Requests a favour, but the motive veils. 350 Chuse, cries the God, I sanctify thy choice : The Stygian pow'rs who listen to my voice, O'erawe the Gods, and heav'n itself restrain—- Poor Semele, elated with her bane, Doom'd to enjoy, and deslin'd to prevail, 35^ To win by losing, and succeeding fail, Thus spoke her wish. When next thy footsteps rove, And Venus lights tbee to illicit love, . Thy heav'nly attributes on earth employ, And give to Semele Saturnia's joy. 360 The Godhead groan'd, and tried in deep distress To check the speaker, and the wish repress : 'Tis pass'd, and Fate, an enemy to both. Records of this the wish, of that the oatli. Back to his heav'n returns the mournful God, 363f^ The clouds obedient, gather at his nod ; Jn his right hand appear the misty show'rs, The thunder swells, the stormy light'ning low'rs ; Yet these he tempers with a feebler fire. Nor hurls aloft his thunderbolts in ire, 370 As when in vengeful majesty he stands O'er huge Typhoeus with his hundred hands : Sad he selects his secondary darts. The milder monuments of Vulcan's arts. Talibus ignaram Juno Cadme'ida tlictis Ingemuit : neque enim non haec opl&ssOj^ Formarat. Rogat i'.la Jpvem sine nomine neqiie ille munus. [pulsam. Non jurSsse potest. Ergo nr.oEstissimin Cui Deus, EUge, ait ; nullum patiere re- altum ftf»»:'* Quoquemagis credas, Stygii quoquecon- ^lliera conscendit; nutuque sequentia scia sunto 290 Nubila: queis nirabos.immistaquei'ulgiira tlumina torrentis, timor et Deus ille venlls 309 Deorum. Addidit, et tonitrus, etinevitabilefulmen. Laeta male, nimiumque potens, peritu- Qua lamen usque potest, vires siWdeniere, raque amantis tenlat. [TyphcEa^. Obsequio Semele, Qualem Saturnia, dixit, Nee, quo centimanum dejeceral ignd T.e solet amplecti. Veneris cum foedus Nunc armatureo; nimiumferitatisinillo.' initis. Est aliud levius lulmen ; cui dextra Cy- Da mihi te talem. Voluit Deus ora In- clopum 30& quentis _ 295 Sa3vitije flammsque minus, minus addidit Opprimere. Exierat jam vox propetata irae ; [domumque sub aura;. Tela secunda TOCiUit Superi. Capit ills; BOOK III. 109 'l!'hus arm'd, the lover cleaves the lurid air, 375 And clasps in thunder the devoted fair; Uneqnal to the boon, her mortal form Burns in the blaze, and withers in the storm. Bacchus, the babe extracted from her womb, Gains in Jove's thigh a refuge from the tomb ; 380 And when nine moons their circling orbs complete, In perfect boyhood quits his strange retreat; Ino, his aunt, protects the cradled child ; Then Nysa's maidens hide him in the wild. In secret caves their precious charge confine, 385 And feed with milk the Deity of wine. Whilst Fate records these miracles on earth. And fosters Bacchus with a double birth, Jove drown'd in nectar all the cares of state. And sportive, thus address'd his sportive mate. 390 When genial Venus mounts h^r Paphian throne, She gives to woman joys to man unknown. Juno dissents. This urg'd, and that denied, Till both appoint Tiiesias to decide. The joys of either sex he understood, 395 For rambling once within a shady wood. He spied two serpents coupled on the green, And threw unguardedly his staff between ; The wondVous youth a female thence became, And sev'n long autumns saw him still the same ; 400 Intrat Agenoream. Corpus moitale tu- TntaqiiebisgeiiitisumincunabulaBacchi: niultus [arsit. Forte Jovem memorant diffusum nectare Non tulit sethereos; donisque jugalibus curas Imperfectus adhuc infans genitricis ab Seposiiisse graves, vacuaque agitasse re- alvo 310 missos Eripitur, patrioque tener (si credere dig- Cum Junone jocos ; et, Major vestra prb- num) feitoe?t, 320 Insuitur femori ; maternaque tempora Quam quae contingit maribus, dixisse, complet. voluptas. Furtim ilium primis Ino matertera cunis lUanegat. Placuit quae sit sententia docti Educat. Inde datum Nymphje Nyseides Quaerere Tiresiae. Venus huic erat utra- antris que nota. Occuluere suis; lactisque aliment a de- Nam duomagnorum viridicoenntiasyWS <■ dere. 315 Corpora serpentum baculi violaveratiltu ; Dumque ea per terras fatalilege ge- Deque viro fartus (mirabile) foemina, nintur j septem 110 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. As on the eighth his course he musing takesj Again he views the re-united snakes : If such, he cries, your attributes, to vex Whoe'er assaults you by a change of sex, The hidden pow'rs of destiny or luck 405 Once more my staff shall try. He spoke, and struck* Th' event proclaim'd the wisdom of the plan, Hedropp'd the woman, and resum'd the man. Enabled thus their bick'ringto remove, He heard both sides, and gave the palm to Jove. 410 Saturnia in the trivial contest beat, Yet e'en in trifles jealous of defeat, - On her own umpire vents her causeless spitej And in eternal darkness veils his sight. No counteraction mars the heav'nly race, 41.5 What one effects the rest can ne'er efface; But Jove by honor mitigates the pain. Alleviates outward loss by inward gain ; With wisdom's light irradiates the blind, And opens all the future to his mind 420 His apt responses rais'd the prophet's name. And all Achaia echo'd to his fame. First in the throng, to prove her faith sincere, Blue ey'd Liriope consults the seer ; Her, warm with wild desire, Cephisus spied, 4S5 Then snatch'd a pris'ner in his winding tide ; Bgerat autumnos- Octavo rursiis eosdem Facta Dei fecisse Deo) pro lumine a- ATdit : et. Est vestrae si tanta potentia dempto plagffi. Scire futiira dertit; pcenamque levavit Dixit, lit auctorls sortem in contraria honore. mutet ; Ille per Aonias faniii celeberrimus urbes Jfunc quoque vos feriam. Perciissis an- Irreprehensa dabat populo responsa pe- giiibus5sdem, tenti. S40 Forma prior rediit; genitivaque venit Prima fide vocisque raise tentaiiiina i:nago. sumsit Arbiter hie igitursumtus de lite jocosa, Caeriila Liriope : quam quondam flumin^ Dicta Jovisfirmat. Gravius Saturnia justo, curvo Nee pro materia fertur doluisse; suique Implicuit ; clausxque suis Cephisos in Judicis a;terna damnavit lumina iiocte. undis At pater omnipotens (neque enim jicet Vim tulit. Enixa est «tero pulcherrims irrita cuiqvtam 336 plcno BOOK III. Ill *the lovely fair a lovelier infant bore, Whom e'en while cradled, maidens might adore. Narcissus was his name. Tiresias states Thus o'er the child the mandate of the Fates. 430 Maturity of years shall be his own, If to himself himself remains unknown. Whilst unaccomplish'd, the prophetic strain Was spuru'd as idle, and despis'd as vain : But soon the strange delirium of the youth, 435 His love, his death, bore witness to its truth. Narcissus now, in sixteen circling years. Nor yet a man, nor yet a boy appears ; Him youths in friendship, maids in love behold. But haughty pride, a heart reserv'd and cold, 440 Usurp his bosom, and conspiring blend To freeze the lover, and repel the friend. Echo, the nymph amid the mountains nurs'd, Repeating last, and never speaking first, Beheld Narcissus with a hunter's spear 445 Drive to his nets the nimble footed deer; Not then, as now, a disembodied shade. Yet then, as now, restricted spoke the maid ; When to her lips her words for utt'rance past, Drown'd were the first, and only heard the last. 450 Juno oft lurk'd beneath the mountains' brows. To catch the nymphs, and shame her vagrant spouse; Infantem, Nymphis jam tunc qui posset NuUi ilium juvenes, nullaeletigerepuellae. amari; 345 Aspicit luinc, trepidos agitantem in retia Narcissumque vocat. De quo consultus, cervos, 35g an esset Voc.ilis Nymphe, quae nee reticere lo- Tempora matura; visurus longa senertae, qiienti, Fatiiiicus vates, si se non noverit, inquit. Nee prior ipsaloqiii didicit, resonabilis Vana diu visa est vox auguris. Exitus Eclio. illam, Corpus arthuc Echo, non vox eril : et Eesque probat,letl)ique genus, novitasque tamen usum furoris. 350 Garrula non alium, qua nunc habet, orig Jamque ter ad quinos unum Cephisius habrbat ; annum Reddere de multis ut verba novissima Addiderat : poteratque puer, juvenisque posset, 361 videri. Fecerat hoc Juno. Quia, cum deprendere Multi ilium juvenes, multie cupiere pu- posset ells. Sub Jove saBpe suo Nymphas in monte a- Sedfuitintenera tarn dirasuperbia forma; centes, 112 OVID'3 METAMORPHOSES. As oft would prattling Echo stop the queen. Till gaining time, the nymphs escap'd unseen. Juno detects the mischievous pretence, 455 And thus indignant visits the offence. Restricted be the tongue that lies for sport, Maim'd be tliy language, and thy utt'rance short. E'er since the nymph, by Juno's sentence bound. Doubles the speaker, and retorts the sound. 460 Narcissus now the hunter's sport pursues ; Echo beholds, and kindles while she views ; Herself unseen, pursues with fond desire, And feels at each approach a brighter fire. So, tipp'd with sulphur, torches dart their raysj 465 Touch'd by a spark so kindle in a blaze. Oft would she strive his pity to beseech With mild entreaties and persuasive speech, But nature checks each sentence in its course ; 469 Thus foird, the nymph prepares her sole resource, To trace the rover o'er the sylvan plain, Wait till he speaks, and then respond the strain. By chance Narcissus in a lonely place Had distanced all his followers in the chace. 470 Who's there ? exclaim'd the youth, the am'rous fair Caught his last accent, and repeated, There. Amaz'd, he casts his eyes the hills around. And cries, come hither — she returns the sound. IllaDeamlongoprudenssermonetenebat, Non aliter, quamcumsummiscircuinlita Dum fugerent Nymphas. postquain Sa. tadis tiiriua seiisit; Admotam rapiunt vivacia sulfura flam- Hujus, ait, linguffi, quS. sum delusa, po- mam. 374 testas 366 O quoties vcluit blandis accedere dictis, Parva tibi dabitur, vocisque brevissimus Et molles adhibere preces ! natura re- usus. pugnat; [parata est Reque minas firmat. Tamen haecin fine Nee sniit incipiat, sed quod sinit, ilia loquendi, Exspettare sonos, ad quos sua verba re- Ingeminat voces: auditaque verba re- miuat. portat. Forte puer, oomitum seductus ab agmine Ergo ubi Karcissum per devia lusli'a fido [derat Echo. vaganleni 370 Dixerat, ecqais adest ? ct, Adc-st, respon- Vidil.etincaluit; seqiiitur vestigia furtim. Hie stupet : iitque acieiii partes divisit in (Quoque magissfquimr J nammapropiore omnes; [vocantem. Ciiltscit. Voce, Veiii, clamat magna. Vocat ill* BOOK III. 113 Again he stopp'd, again he thought to find 475 Some fellow sportsman in the vale behind. Whither so fast ? he cried — she caught the strain, And every word sent back to him again. Once more he listens to the vocal cheat. And cries, again deluded, Here we meet : 480 Th' inviting note her soul with transport fills, And Here we meet, resounded from the hills. Swift from the copse enamour'd Echo sprung, Embrac'd his neck, and on his bosom hnng ; He struggling said. Thy rude embrace remove, 485 Death be my portion ere I yield to love — I yield to love, rejected Echo cries, And to her green recess indignant flies; Where, hid in caves, the solitary maid Conceals her crimson blushes in the shade. 490 Yet love remains, his darts her bosom goad, And gnawing cares the sleepless fair corrode. Her waning body sickens in despair. Till all its juices dissipate in air : Her voice alone survives ; her fleshless bones 495 Cling to the rocks, and harden into stones ; The phantom flits the hills and mountains round, Heard, but not seen, a disembodied sound. Not her alone, but either sex beside. Nymphs of the mountain. Naiads of the tide, 500 Respicit : et nullo rursus veniente. Quid, Sed tamen Iiaeret amor; crescitqiie dolore iuquit, [recepit. repulsa:. 39,% Me fugis ? et totidem, quot dixit, verba Attenuant vigiles corpus miserabile cu- Perstat ; et alternse deceptiis imagine vo- rae : cis; 385 Adducitque cutem macies; et in atira Hue coeamus, ait: nullique Hbentius succus ' uiiqiiam Corporis omnis abit. Vox tantum, atque Responsura soiio, Coeamus retulitEciio : ossa supersunt. Et verbis favet ipsa sui5;egressaquesylvi3 Vox manet. Ossa ferunt lapidis traxisse Ibat, ul injiceret sperato brachia collo. figurani. llle fugit : fugiensque, Manus complexi- Inde latet sjlvis, nulloque in monte vi- busaafer: 390 detur; 40O Ante, ait, eraoriar, quam sit tibi copia Omnibus auditur. Sonus est, qui vivit in nostri. [tri. ilia. Retulit ilia nihil ; nisi, Sit tibi copia nos- Sic banc, sic alias undis aut montibus Sprela latet sylvis : pudibundaque fron- ortas dibus ora Luserat hie Nymphas ; sic ccetus ante vi- Frotegit! et soUs ex tUo vivit in antris. riles. NO. III. P 114 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Narcissus spurn'd : till one heart broken fair, With outstretch'd arms thus bent to heaven in pray'r. So may he love, so unrequited sigh. She spoke. Th' avenging Deities comply. There stood a fountain spotless to the sight, 505 Clear as a rairror, and as silver bright; No mountain goat descending from the rock. Nor beast of prey, nor shepherd with his flock, Nor bird, nor falling bough, had dared to wake The peaceful surface of the slumb'ring lake. 510 Impervious to the sun, an arching shade Cool'd the clear spring, and darken'd all the glade ; Tir'd of the sylvan sport, and faint with heat. Narcissus saw, and courted the retreat : Stretch'd on the dewy grass allays his thirst, 515 But feels a second ere he slakes the first. For while he drinks, by wild illusion sway'd, He deems a body his reflected shade; And self enamour'd, with unalter'd look. Bends, like a Parian statue, o'er the brook; 520 He sees two eyes, like heav'nly stars that glow. An iv'ry neck adorns the tides below. Hands like young Bacchus, tresses that display An auburn worthy of the God of day. And cheeks whos.e variegated tints disclose 525 The snow-white lilly, and the blooming rose. Inde manus aliquis despectus ad aethera Procubuit; faciemque loci, fontemque tollens, secutiis. Sic amet iste licet, sic non potiatur ania- Puinque sitim sedare cupit ; sitis altera to, 40b crevit. 415 DJxeiat. Assensit precibus Rliammisia Dumque bibit, visae correptus imagine justis. [dis, forma;, Fons erat illimi», nitidis arsenteiis un- Erm sine corpore amat : corpus putat {Juem nequc pastores, neque paj^tie monte esse, quod umbra est. capellae [volucris, Adslupet ipse sibi; vultuque immotua Contigerant, aliudve pecus : quern nulla eodem fsigii'im- Nee fera tiirbaret, nee lapsus ab arbore Haeret, ut e Pariu formatum marmore ramus. 4i0 Spectat humipositus getniiium,sua lumi- Gramen erat circa, quod proximus humor na, sidus, 420 alebat: Et dignos Baccho, dignos et Apolline Sylvaque, sole lacum pafsura tepescere crines ; nullo. Impubesqiie genas, et eburnea colla, de- HJc puer, et studio venandi lassus et cusque [rem : sestu. Oris, et in niveo mistum candore rubo- BOOK IIL 115 Fix'd in amaze, and burning with desire For charms which others in himself admire, He sues and scorns, adores and hates by turns, Inflicting suffers, and inflaming burns. 530 Th' illusive lake now touches with his lips. Now, bolder grown, within its bosom dips ; With eyes to error blind the phantom wooes, And pines unconscious of the form he views. Oh foolish youth ! why doat upon the wind? 535 That which thou seck'st no mortal power can find ; Turn but thy head, 'twill instantly depart, A colour'd shadow captivates thy heart; With thee it comes, with thee it lingers here, Quit thou the place, with thee 'twill disappear. 540 No care of needful rest, no thought of food Can draw th' enamouT*d lover from the wood t Prone on the bank he ponders o'er the stream, Views his own eyes, and sickens in the beam. At length, with hands uprais'd, to speak he strove. And gently rising, thus address'd the grove. 546 Ye friendly woods, whose close embow'ring shade Enchants the lover, while it shrouds the maid, Thro' all the ages ye have wav*d on high. Has mortal liv'd so curs'd in love as I ? 550 My eyes are charm'd^andthat which charms my eyes, Seems to approach, but when I grasp it, flies. Cunrtaque miratur, quibus est niirabilis Tecum discedet ; situ discedere possis. ipie. Non ilium Cereris, non ilium cuia quietis Se cupit imprudens : et, qui probat, ipse Abslrahere inde potest. Sed opaca fusus probatur. 425 in lierba [mam ; Dumque petit, petitur: pariterque in- Spectat inexpleto meiidacem Uimine for- tendit, etardet. Perque oculos perit ipse suos. PauUumque Irrita fallaci quoties dedit oscula font! ! levaius, 440 In medias quoties visum captantia coUum Ad circumstantes tendens sua brachia Brachia meisit uquis; nee se deprcndit sylvas: [vttj ia illis ! [tur illo : Erquis, io sylvae, crudelius, inquit, ama- ' Quid videat nescit. Sed quod videt, \iii- Scitis enim, et multis latebrn opportuna Atque oculos idem, qui decipit, incilat fuisti?. error. [captas,' E-.qiiem, cum vestrse t"t agantur saecula Credule, quid frustra simiilaclira fugacia vita;. Quod petis, est nusquam: quod amas, Qui sic tabuerit, longo meministis in avertere, perdes. [umbra est. aevo ? 449 ista reiien. ussae, quam cernis, imaginis Et placet, et video: sed quod videoque. Nil liabet ista Eui. Tecum venitque,'ma- placetque, [amantein. netque ; 435 Non tamen invcnio. Tantus tenet error p 2 116 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The slender barrier aggravates my woe^ Nor mountains rise between, nor oceans flow; No distance thwarts, no lofty tow'r annoys, 559 A little water interrupts our joys ; The form I love expects the proffer'd bliss^ For as reclining o'er the stream, I kiss The glassy wave, it hastens to the place, And meets ray kisses with uprising face. 560 So slight the hind'rance, the partition such, We bend, we meetj and almost seem to touch. O lovely Naiad ! quit thy watery cave, Whoe'er thou art, desert th' illusive wave. Me whom thou flyest other nymphs pursue, 565 Doat on my form, and my embraces woo. Yet still sweet hope, I know not why, is mine. For when I stretch my arms, thou stretchest thine ; Whene'er I nod, thou noddest in reply. We laugh in concert, and in concert cry ; 579 And when I speak, thy rosy lips appear To frame an answer which 1 fail to hear. Wretch that I am! Th' illusive dream is o'er, Myself I gaze on, and myself adore. Starving in plenty, what can I desire ? 575 Alternate flames I suffer and inspire. Strange to relate ! I wish my love away — Come, Death, and snatch me from the realms of day j Quodque magis doleani, nee nos mare se- Cumque ego porrexi tibi brachia, porriJ parat ingens, gisultro: [iiotavi Nee via, nee niontes, nee clausis moenia Cum risi, arrides : lacrymasquoquesaepe portis. Me lacrymante tuas. S'utu quoque signa Exigua prohibemur aqui- Cupit ipso te- remittis : 460 neri : 4 50 Et, quantum motu formnsi suspicor oris. Nam quoties liquidis porrcximus oscula Verba refers aures non peivenientia nos- lymphis; tras. [imago. Hie ioties ad me resupirio nitilur ore. In te ego sum, sensi . nee me mea fallit Posse putes tiingi. Minimum est quod Uror amore mei ; flammas moveoque fe- amantibus obstat- [unice, fallis? roquc. guisquis es, hue exi. Quid me, puer Quid faciam ? roger, anne rogem ? quid uovc petitus abis? eerie nee forma, nee deinde rogabo ? 4(55 setas 455 Quod cupio meeum est. Inopem me co- Est mea, quam fugias ; et am&runt me pia recit. quoque Nyniphae. [amico : O utinam nostra secedere corpore pos-- Spem inihi nescio quam vultu promittis sem I BOOK III. 117 Corroding grief anticipates ray doom, And youth's pale blossoms wither in their bloom ; 580 Death were at once ray solace and ray pride, Could'st thou, dear image, still adorn the tide. Vain wish ! One zephyr wafts our closing sigh. We live united, and united die. He spoke : and madly sought the shade again, 585 His falling tears the glassy fountain stain, Sraall rippling waves the troubled image shake, Obscure the likeness, and disturb the lake. Stay, he exclaims, ah! whither dost thou fly ? Return, fair nymph ; 'tis cruel to deny 590 A lost and wretched lover to behold A form the Fates forbid him to enfold* While thus Narcissus rav'd, his border'd vest He tore, and beat witii iv'ry hands his breast ; The wounded breast a gradual blush assumes j 595 So blending red with white the apple blooms, So cluster'd grapes, by Phoebus ripen'd, shine In gradual purple on the parent vine» Narcissus saw the troubled tides between His alter'd look, and shudd'ring fled the scene. 600 As yellow wax, when melted, slowly runsj As morning dews exhale in mid-day suns, The wasting victim burns in Cupid's fire, His health, his spirits, and his strength expire. Votiiin in amante novum; vellein, quod Uumque dolet, summd vestem deduxit auiamus, abesset. [vitas ab ora, 480 Jamque doloi' vires adimit : nee tern pora Nudaque marmoreis percussit pectora Longa mesE superant : priiiioque extin- palmis. [borem. guiir in sEvo. 470 Pectora traxerunt tenuem percussa ru- Nec milii mors gravis est posiluro morie JJon aliter, quam poma solent; quae can- dolores, dida pane, [temis Hie, qBidiliftitur, vellem diuturnior esset. Parte nibent: aut ut variis solet uva ra- Niinc duo eoncordes anima raoriemur in Ducere purpureum, nondura matura, co. un&. [dem ; lorem. 48i Dixit, et ad faeiem rediit male sanus eaii- Quae simul aspexit liquefacta rursus in Et laerymis turbavit aquas : obscuraque uuda ; [flavae moio 485 Kon tulit ulterius : sed, ut inlabescere Heddita forma lacu est. Quam cum vi- Igne levi cerae, matutiiiaeve pruinre disset abire ; [lis, amantem Sole tepente solent ; sic atteiuiatus amore Quo tVigis; oro, mane; nee me, crude- Liquitur, et caeco paullatim carpitur igni. Uesere, clamavit; lietat, quod tangere Kt neque jam color est misto candore ru- non est, [furori. boii; [cebant; Adspicere ; et misero prsebere iiliiiKnta Nee vigor, et Tirei,.et (^\i% mode visa pla> lis OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Lost is the youth whose love all hearts implor'd, 605 And fled the beauty Echo once ador'd ; She, hov*ring near, beheld his hapless lot, Her love remember'd, and her wrongs forgot; Oft as, Alas ! forlorn Narcissus cried, The still enamour'd maid, Alas ! replied ; 610 And when he smote his bosom in his woe, Gave back the sound and answer'd blow for blow. E'en his last words, Adieu, belov'd in vain ! The mournful nymph gave back to him again. Farewell ! he whisper'd — Echo in the dell 615 Caught his last breath, and whisp'ringsigh'd, Farewell I Down on the turf he bows his head and dies, Pale Death enshrouds his self-admiring eyes. And bears his ghost to realms below the grave, To view its beauties in the Stygian wave. 620 His sister Naiads raourn'd their brother dead, And strew'd their sever'd tresses o'er his head; The Dryads wept, and Echo join'd their woe. Now moves the fun'ral bier, the torclies glow ; To burn his lifeless limbs the sorrowing train 625 Prepare the pile, but seek the corse in vain t The corse is fled, and in i(s place is found A yellow flow'r with pearly foliage bound. Thro' all Achaia borne, the rumour spread New rays of glory round Tiresias' head. 630 Kec corpus remanet, quondam quod ama- Lurnina nox claudil domini mirantia for- verat Echo. [morqiie, mam. [receptus. Quae tamen ut \idit, quamvis irata me- Turn quoqiie se, postqiiam est infernasede IndoUiit, quotiesque puer miserabilis. In StygiS. spectabal aqu&. Plaiixere so- Eheu, 495 rbres 505 Dixerats haec resonis iterabat vocibus, Nai'des : et sectos fratri posuere capillos. Elieii. Planxere et Dryades' Ptangentibus asso- Ciunque sucrs manibus percusserat ille nat Echo : lacertos, [eundem. Jamaue rogum, qiiassasque faces, fere- Hxc quoque reddcbat sonitum plangoris tnimque parabant : Ultima vox solitam fait haec speclantis Nusquam corpus erat. Croceum pro cor- in undam, pore florem Heu friistra dilecte puer! totidemque Inveniunt, foliis medium cingentibus al- reniisit 500 bis. 510 Verba locus : dictoque Vale, Vale inquit Cognita res meritam vati per Acha'idas et Echo- urbes [ris ingens. lUe caput viridifessumsubtnisit in herbfi. Attulerat famam ; nomenque erat augu* BOOK III. 119 Pentheus alone, Echion's son, surveys With impious scorn the prophet and his laysj Profanely sneers, and treats with equal slight His clouded intellect, and darken'd sight : Shaking his hoary head, the prophet sigh'd, 635 And to the scoffer thus indignant cried. 'Twere well for thee if Fate, severely kind. Ere Bacchus' rites approach would strike thee blind ; Soon shall the son of Semele appear ; Then should'stthou fail the Godhead to revere 640 With honors due, thy mother, furious, wild, Leagued with her sisters, shall destroy her child ; With thy spilt blood the verdant forest stain. And strew thy mangled body o'er the plain; Then shalt thou own,- beneath their shadowy spell, A prophet's eyes may chance to see too well. 646 Pentheus still scoff'd, and drove the seer away. But sad experience soon confirm'd the lay. Bacchus draws nigh, the mob tumultuous pours, And festive bowlings echo round the shores ; 650 All ranks and ages seek the mystic fane. Men, wives and mothers rush along the plain. Sons of the Martial serpent, Pentheus cries. What madness drives, what cheat deludes your eyes? Shall rattling drums, a chorus that proceeds 655 From crooked horns, shrill brass, and sounding reeds, Spernit Echionides lamen hunc, ex on- Foedabis, matremque tiiam, matrisque nibus unus [que ridet sorores. [honore: Cmitemtor Superfim Pentlieiis : prsesaga- Evenient : neque eiiim digiiabere niimen Verba senis : tfnebrasquc ettladem lucis Meque sub his tenebris nimium vidisse ademta; il5 quereris. S25 Objicit, i.le movens albeiitia tempora ca- T;ilia diccntem proturbat Echione natus. nis, [luijus Dicta fides sequiuir; responsaque vatis Quam felix esses, si tii q\ioque Uiminis aguntur. [agri. Oibus, ail, fieres; ne Bacciiia sacra vi- Liber adest: festisque fremunt ululatiljus deres ! Turbaruunt: mistaeque viris matresqiie Jamque dies aderit, jamquc hand prociil nurusque, augiiror esse, Vulgusque, proceresque, ignota ad sacra Qua novus liuc veniat proles Semeleia feriinuir. 530 Liber. 520 Quis furor, aiiguigense, proles Mavortia, Quem nisi templorura fuerisdignatus lio- vestras [tantum nore ; [sylvas Attonuit ir.entes > Pentheus ait. ^rane Mille lacer spargere loiis: et sanguine ^rerepulsavalentJctaduaco tibia coniu? 120 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Obscene devotions at a drunkard's shrine, The shrieks of women, and the fumes of wine, A race o'ercome, whose valour scorn'd to yield To swords and hostile armies in the field ? 660 Ye elders who the stormy ocean pass'd. And fix'd in Thebes your household Gods at last. Tell me, does Tyrian valour ebb so low. To yield without a struggle to the foe ? 664; Ye youths, whose years approach more near to mine, Whose brows should bear the helmet, not the vine. Whom not the thyrsus, butthespear should grace, Recall the mem'ry of your warlike race. He from whose buried teeth our birth we boast. In valour single overcame an host ; 670 Assail'd by Cadmus, darted from the brake, And perisb'd nobly fighting for his lake. Go, taught by him, your country's glory save. And conquer cowards where he slew the brave. If Fate has destin'd infant Thebes to fall, 675 Let engines shake, and armies scale her wall ; Devouring flames and blood in battle spilt. Inflict no pangs corapar'd with conscious guilt : Grief void of shame would then extort our sighs, And tears descend where blushes fail to rise. 680 But now, a child unskill'd to hurl the spear, Or rein the martial courser, triumphs here ; Et magicae fraudes ? ut quos nou belliger Illiiisqueaninios,quimultosperdiditunus, ensis, Sumite serpentis. Pro fontibus ille la- Non tuba terruerint, noti strictis agmina cftque 545 telis; hSb Interiit : at vos pro fama vincite vestra. Fcemiiieae voces, et mota insania vino, Ille dedit leto fortes : vos pellite moUes, Obseoenique greges, et iiiania tympana Et pafvium levocate decus. Si fata veta- vincant? _ bant [que Vosne, sene?, nairer ! qui longa per asquo- Stare diu Thebas ; utinam tormenta viri- ra vecti [Penates: Mcenia diruerent, ferrumque ignisque Hac TyroD, hac profugos posuistis sede sonarent ! 550 Nunc siniiis sine JMarte capi ? vosne, Essemus miseri sine crimine: sorsque acriov Betas, 640 queienda, O juvenes, propiorque meae, quos arma Non celanda ibret: lacrymaeque pudore tenere, [deceba! ? carerent. [mi : Non thyrsos ; galeaque tegi, non fronde At nunc a puero Thebse capientur iner- Este, precor, inemores, qua sitis etirpe Quern i\e(ine bella juvant, nee tela, nee creati : usus equotum; BOOK III. 121 His tresses wet with myrrh soft crowns enfold, His red embroider'd garment flames with gold; Stand off awhile, and soon the wretch shall own 685 His rites a fable, and his sire unknown. This mimic God could bold Acrisius beat, And shut the gates of Argos on the cheat. And shall the same deceitful vagrant charm The rage of Penthens, and all Thebes disarm ? 690 Then to his servants, hence, he cries, away ! Bind, and bring in the leader of the fray. His friends, his grandsire, Athamas, in vain Strive by reproof his anger to restrain; Remonstrance wounds, prevention fans the fire, 605 And admonition aggravates his ire. So have I seen. -when unoppos'd, a tide In a smooth current gently murm'ring glide ; But, thwarted by a rock or slanting beam, Down rolls in frothy cataracts the stream. 700 Back in a crowd his wounded servants pour'd. And breathless thus address'd their eager lord. Bacchus has 'scap'd, but, following where he fled, This his high priest we captur'd in his stead. Thus spoke the ruffians, and produc'd in scorn A hand-cufF'd pris'ner, in Etruria born. 706 Impatient to condemn, with furious eyes Pentheus surveys the captive youth, and cries, Sed madidus myrrhs crinis, mollesque El rrescit rabies : remoraminaque ipsa coronae, [aurum. nocebant. Ptirpuraque, et piclis intextum veslibus Sicego torrentem, qua nil obstabat eunti, Quern quidem ego actuUim (niodo vos ab- Leiiiuf, et modico strepitii decurrere vidi. sistile) cogam [era fateri. At, quacunque trabts obstructaque aixa, Assumtumque patrem commentaque sa- tenebant, 570 An satis Acrisio est animi, contemnere Spumeus, et fervens, et ab objice ssvior vanum ibat. [esset, Numeii, et Argolicas venienti claudere Ecce cruentati redeunt : et, Baccbus ubi P'lrlas ; 5G0 QuEereiiti domino, Bacchum vidisse ne- Pentheaterrebit cum tolls advenaThebis? garunt. [sacrorum Ite citi, (famulis hoc imperal) ite, dii- Hunc,dixere,tamen comitem, famulumq; cemqiie [nis abeslo. Cepimus : et tradunt manibus post terga Attrahite hue vinctum. Jussis mora seg- ligatis. 575 Huiic avus, liiinc Athamas, hunc ciEtera (Sacra Dei quondamTyrrhenH gente secu- turba suorum turn.) [tremendos Corripiunt dictis; frustraque inhiberela- Aspicit hunc oculis Pentbeus qi\os irgi jDorant. 565 Fecerat: et, quanquam Eoenae vix lera- Acrior Bdmonitii est; irritalurqueretenta pora differt, NO. III. Q 122 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Wretch, who ere long by ling'ring death shall give A dreadful warning to the slaves who live, 710 Thj name, thy country, and thy birth reveal. And whence the motive of thy ideot zeal. He fearless answer'd, From Maonia's earth I drew my breath, ignoble is my birth ; My name Acoetes ; from ray sire I gain 715 Kor flocks, nor herds, nor cultivated plain ; 'Twas his, with rod, and hook, and line, to cheat The frolic fishes from their blue retreat. His frail estate, thus floating, and compris'd In ocean's bed, he dying thus devis'd. 720 Heir to my skill, and follower of ray art. Take all the wealth thy father can impart. Thus left alone, behold Acoetes gain All that was his, the waters of the main. Close to the rocks disdaining to adhere, 725 I bought a vessel, and I learnt to steer; Studious, by converse with the stars, to find Fit harbours to elude th' approaching wind. Once we were seeking Delos, but our oars Plied on the right, and veer'd to Chios' sliores; 750 Quick bounding from the ship, 1 touch'd the isle, Night ceas'd to frown, and morn began to smile ; I rose betimes, and bade the seamen bring Fresh water for the ship, and shew'd the spring ; O periture, tuaque aliis document^ da- Prseter aquas. Umira hoc possum appel- ture lave piiternuin. [isdcm, Morte, .lit, ede tuum nomen, iiomenque Mox ego, ne scopulis haererem semper in pareiitiim [qnentes. Addidici regimen, dextra moderante, ca- Et patriam ; morisqiie novi cur sacra fre- rinae lUe mctu vacuus, Nomen iiiilii, dixit. A- Flectere : etOleniaesidus pluviale capellae, coctes: [rentes. Taygetenque, Hyadasque, oculis Arcton- Patria Maeonia est : liumili dc plebe pa- que notavi. bOh Kon milii, quae duri colerent pater arva Ventorumque domos, et portus puppibus juvenci, [liqixit. aptos. Lanigerosve greges, non uUa armenta re- Forte petens Delon, Diae tcUuvis ad oras Pauper el ipse fuil; Uiioque solebar, et Applicor, eldextris adducorliuoraremis: ha:mis [pisces. Doque leves saltus; udaeque immittor Decipere, et calamo salientes ducere arenae. Ars illi sua census erat. Cum traderet Nox ubi consumta est ; Aurora rubescere artem; [liaeres, primura 600 AccipS quas habeo, studii successor et Coeperat : exsurgo, laticesquc inferre re- P'ixit, opes; mpriensque milii nihil ille centes [ad undag. rejiquit 690 Admoneoj monstroque viatn, quae ducat BOOK III. 12« I'hen noting from a hill the wind that blew, 735 Return'd on board, and beckon'd to the crew ; We come, Opheltes the chief mate replies, Triumphant leading what he deem'd a prize ; Caught on the plains, he towards the beach convey'd A youth with all the beauty of a maid ; 740 Heavy with wine and sleep the captive reel'd. And scarce contriv'd to stagger o'er the field; I view'd his dress, his features, and his air^ But found no traces of a mortal there. Then to the rest I thus my doubts reveal'd : 745 Within that form some Godhead lies conceal'd. Whoe'er thou art, thy bounteous aid dispense,. Direct our course, and pardon our offence. Pray not for us, cried Dictys, the profane. Best of the crew the sail ^yards height to gain, 750 And down the rope with flying speed to slip ; Light hair'd Melanthus, steersman of the ship, X(ibys, Epopeus, he whose voice impress'd Th« signal when to row, and when to rest,, Alcimidon, and all the crew, decoy'd 755 By fatal avarice, the cry enjoy 'd. Nay then, I cried, desist from your design. Yon sacred burthen loads no ship of mine j My casting vote, as master^ who denies ? I spoke; and barr'd the entrance of the prize. 760 tpse, quid aura mihi tumulo promittat Qiiisquis es, 6 faveas, nostrisque laborU ab alto, [cfiiinam. bus adsis, [precari, Prospicio: comitesque voco, repetoque His quoque des Teniam. Pro nobis mitte Adsunnis en, iiiquit sociorum primus Dictys aitr quo non alius cdnscendere Opheltes: 605 summas 61> Utque putat, pr.xdam desertb uactus iu Ocyor antennas, prensoqtie mdente re- agro, Ubi. [lanthus, VirgineS. puerum ducit per littora forma. Hoc Libys, Hoc flavus prorae tutela Me- Hie, mero, somnoque gravis, titubare vi- Hoc probat Alcimedon: et, qui requienj- detur; que modumque yixque seq«ti. Specto cultum, faciemque. Voce dabat remis, animorum hortator gradunique: Epopeus: Nil ibi, quod posset credi mortale, vide- Hoc omnes alii. Praedse tarn caeca cupido bam; 610 est. 630 Et sensi, et dixi soCiis, Qubd numen in Non tamen banc sacro violari pondere istrt [in isto est. pinum [juris- Corpore sit dubito : eed corpofen^en Per^etiar, di^ci : pars hie mihi maxima 124 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Fierce Ljcabas, condemn'd abroad to roarHj For murder exil'd from his Tuscan home, Madd'ning with rage his victim to forego, Struck sudden on my throat a sidelong blow. The ropes around my senseless weight sustain, 765 Or sure the wretch had plung'd me in the main. The impious crowd applaud the coward deed. When Bacchus (for 'twas he) from slumber freed, The clam'rous noise with seeming anger blames, And shaking off the fumes of wine, exclaims, 770 What is't ye do ? What makes this deaf'ning sound ? Whence came I here, and whither am I bound? Fear nauglit, Melanthus answers; but declare What port- thou seek'st, and we will land thee there. To Naxos, cried the God, your course pursue, 773 The land that nurtui'd me shall welcome you. The pcrjur'd knaves, pretending to comply, Swear by the sea and all the pow'rs on high, It shall be so, and bid me set the sails. The painted ship now feels the fav'ring gales ; 780 For Naxos on the right the helm I steer; Thou fool, Acoetes,' whither would'st thou veer ? Sail to the left, they cry; some wink and nod, And others whisper to entrap the God. Fear and amaze my troubled soul overwhelm — 785 Some other. I exclaim'd, must take the helm; Inque aditii obsisto. Fuit avidticissimus Pone metum,Proreiis, etquoscoiitingere omni [ab urbe portus De numero Lycabas ; qui Thusca pulsus Ede velis, dixit. Terr& sistere petit&. fiSi Exsilium, dira pcenam pro csede, luebat. Naxon, ait Liber, cursus advertite vestros. Is mihi, dum resto, juvenili guttura Ilia milii domus est: vobis erit hospita pugno 626 tellus. [jurant Kupit : et extussum misisset in asquora. Per mare fallaces, perque omnia numina si non [tus. Sic fore: meque jubent pictse dare vela Hsesissem, quamvis aniens, in fune reten- carinae. Impia turba probat factum. Turn deni- Dextra Naxos erat. Dextr& mihi lintea que Bacclrus, danli, 640 (Bacohus enim fuerat) veluti clamore so- Quid facis, fldemensf quis te furor, in- liitus 630 quit, Acoete, [ima nutu Sit sopor, eque mero redeant in pectora Pro se quisque, tenet 1 laevam pete. Max- sensus; [nautae. Pars mihi significat ; pars, quid velit. Quid facitis ? quis clamor, ait ? quS, dicite. aure susurrat. [dixi : Mac ope ijeiveni ? quo me deferre paratis ? Obstupui ; Capiatc^ue alius moiierainina. BOOK III. 125 Force may prevail, but my unfetter'd skill Shall never bend to purposes of ill. The raurm'ring sailors vent their wrath on me ; Is all our safety to depend on thee ? 790 iEthalion cries, assumes my vacant post, And sails from Naxos towards the adverse coast. Now gazing from tlie vessel o'er the deep, Bacchus appear'd to doubt their faith, and weep. Sailors, he cries, is this the promis'd main ? 795 Are these the shores you pledg'd yourselves to gain ? Can nura'rous men thus innocence decoy, And glory to entrap a single boy ? I wept, the impious crew my tears deride, Tug at the oar and hasten thro' the tide. 800 Now by the injur'd God himself I swear,' (And none more potent rules tlie fields of air) Strict is the truth these artless lips convey, Tho' wild invention seems to prompt the lay, Fix'd in the ocean, dry as in a dock, 805 The vessel braves the elemental shock; The wond'ring crew redoubled toil bestow, They set the sails and still persist to row ; But creeping ivy bids their efforts fail. And pouting berries cluster round the sail ; 810 The God himself adorri'd Avith ivy shines. And brandishes a jav'lin wreath'd with vines ; Meque ministerioscelerisqueartisque re- Jamdiidum flehara. Laci-ymas manusi m- movi. 643 pia nosiras (i55 Increpor a cunctis ; totumque immur- Kidet : et impellit properantibus aeqnora murat agmen. [uno remis. [illo E quibus ^.lUalion, Te scilicet omiijs in Per tibi nunc ipsitm (iiec enim praeseniior Nostra saUis positaest? ait, etsubit ipse : Est Pens) arijuro, tam me lilii verarelerrf, meumque Quam veri inajora fide. Stetit a;quore Explet opus : Naxoque petit diversa re- puppis 6fiO licta. Hand aliter, quam si siccum navale tene- Tu\n Dpus illudens, tanquam modo de- ret. [slants nique fraudeni Illi admiranles remorum in verbere per- ^enserit, ^ puppi pontum prospectal a- Velaqne deducunt; geminaque ope cur- dunca, 631 rere tentant. [curvo Et flenti similis, Non liaec niilii littora, Impediiint liedera iemo3, nexuqiie Te- iiaiitse, [gataest. Serpunt; et gravidis dislringunt vela co- Promisistis, ait : non liEEc mil'.i terra ro- rymbis. ee.i Quo merui poeiiain facto ! qiiiE gloria ves- Ipse, racemiferis frontera circumdatus tra rst, . uvis, [tarn. 9\ puerum juvenes, si multi fallitis unum? Pampineis agitat vtlatani frondibus has. 126 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Imagia'd tygeis roar, and lynxes howl, And spotted panthers o'er the vessel prowl ; The sailors try, as fear or madness drives, 815 By leaping from the ship to save their lives. More wonders follow : Medon first begins, Bent in the spine, to shake his sable fins. The wond'rous change when Lycabas espies, What miracle is this? the ruffian cries ; 820 But as he speaks, his mouth and nose grow wide. And scaly armour guards his fishes side* As tugging at the oar bold Libys stands, To dolphins fins contract his shrinking hands; The lengthen'd cordage one attempts to coil, 825 His arras shrink inward and his eiForts foil. His tail protrudes its semicircled tip, Like Dian's crescent glitt'ring round the ship, And void of legs or arms, his flound'ring form Dives in the wave, and tosses in the storm. 830 Thus all the crew in dolphins plough the main, Dart from below, then disappear again j Like wanton dancers playfully emerge. And through their spreading nostrils spout the surge* Of twenty which our vessel late contain'd, 835 He who now speaks alone unhurt remain'd.. Bacchus beheld me stupified with fear. And cried, take courage, and for Naxos steer. Qiiem circa tigres, simulacraque inan a Bracliia non liabuitj trimcoque repan- lyncum, dus in undas 680 Pictarumque jacent fera corpora panthe- Corporedesiluit. Falcala novissima rauda rarum. est, Exsiluere viri ; sive lioc insatiia fecit, Qualia dividuse sinuantur comua LiinaB. Sive timor ; primusque Medon nigrescere Undique dani saltiis : multaque aspergine pinnis fiyi rorant. Corpoie depresso, et spinae ciirvamiiia Emerguntque iteriim: redeuntque su'.) flecti [la, dixit, sequora rui'sus : Incipit. Huic Lyciibas, In quae miracu- Inque chori ludunt speciem : lasciyaque Veneris ? et lati rictus, et panda loquunti jactant 685 Naris erat, Equammamque cutis durata Corporaj et acceptuin patulis mare nari- trahebat. 675 bus efflant. [bat) At Libys, obstantes dum vult obvertere De raodo viginti (tot enim ratis ilia fere- remos, [illas Restabam solus. Pavidum, gelidumque In spatium resilrre manus breve vidii; et trementi [cute, dicen;--. Jam non esse manus, jam pinnas posse Corpore, vixqne meiim firniat Deus, Ex- vocari. [nes, Corde raetum, Diamque tene, Delams in Alter ad intortoscuplens dare brachiafiA' illain 690 BOOK III. 127 Thither arriv'd, 1 hail the sacred shore, Attend his altars, and the God adore. 840 'Tis false, cries Pentheus, all this tedious lay Is forg'd to blunt our anger by delay. Slaves, bear him hence, in chains his body fix, And send his soul in tortures down to Styx. Within a prison's triple bolted gates 845 Acoetes now his punishment awaits; But while they forge the instruments of ire, The murd'rous steel and slow consuming fire. Each massy gate spontaneously expands, Spontaneous drop the fetters from his hands. 850 Pentheus persists, nor trusts to others now, But scales himself Cithasron's lofty brow; Where babl)ling Echo caught the strains divine, Pour'd in loud Pceans to the God of wine. As chafing at the brazen trumpets' breath, 855 The foaming war-horse seeks the fields of death, So Pentheus rav'd to hear the Bacchants' cry Borne in long bowlings thro' the vaulted sky. A plain o'erspreads the mountain's middle space, Clear'd of the wood that circles round its base; 860 Here first Agave saw her son profane. With bold unhallow'd eyes, the sacred fane» Fir'd at the sight, by madd'ning impulse led. She yelld, and cast her thyrsus at his head ; Accensis aris Baccheia sacra freqiiento. Cantibus et clara bacchantum voce so- PrEcbuimus longis Peiitlieus ambagibus nabat. aures, Ut fremit acer equus, cum bellicus aere Inquit: ut ira mora vires absumcre posset. canoro PrKciiiitem famuli rapile liinc; ciuciata- Sigiia dedit tubicen, pugnaeque assumit que diris 694 amorem : 705 CorporatorraentisStygiffidimittitennrti. Pcnihea sic ictus longis ululatibus sether Protinus abstractus soliUis Tyrrhenus Movit : et audito clangore reranduit ira. Acoetes Monte fere medio est, cingentibus ultima Clauditiir in tectis; et dum crudelia.jussae sylvis, Instrumenta uecis lerrumqiie ignesque Pnrus ab arboribus, spectabilis undique parantur; [certis campus. SpDHte suS. patuisse fores, lapsasque la- Hie oculis ilium cernentem sacra pro- Sponte sua, famaest, nullo solventeca- fanis 710 tenas. 700 Prima videt, prima est insano concita Peistat Echionides J nee jam jubet ire, motu, sed ipse [Cithaeron Prima suum misso violavit Penthe» Vadit ubi electus facienda ad sacra thyrso 128 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Sisters, she cries, forbear your holy strains, 865 A boar, a boar, is ravaging our plains ! Lead to the chace. Then, kindling as they run, The furious multitude pursue her son. As gath'ring on his rear the deluge pours, He trembles, sues, pleads guilty, and implores, 870 And bleeding from their fury as he flies, His aunts Autonoe and I no spies ; Help! dear Autonoe, the victim said, 1 urge thee by thy son Actaeon's shade : She heard hira not, but with her faulchion cleft 875 His maim'd right hand, whilst Ino lopp'd his left : As from his veins the tides departing run. He fainting cries, O mother, help thy son ! Agave heated at the Godhead's shrine. Exulting howl'd. This victory is mine! 880 Loose to the winds her wanton tresses spread, And from his writhing body tore the head. Swift as a tree its wither'd foliage casts, Chill'd and exhausted by autumnal blasts. The mob assail him with resistless force, 883 And scatter limb from limb his mangled corse. Aw'd by his fate, awaken'd to the truth, The wond'ring Thebans hail the heav'n-born youth ; Kneel with devotion at the recent shrine. And offer incense to the God of wine. 890 Mater: lo, geminas, damavit, adeste Triinca sed ostendens disjeclis corpora sorores. [agris, membris ; \\le aper, in nostris errnt qui maximiis Adspice, mater ait. Visis nlulavit Agave ; Ille iniiii feriendus aper. Riiit omnis in CoUaque jactavit, movitque per aera umim 715 crinem; 726 Turba fiirens. CunctjB coeunt, ciinctse- Avulsumque caput digitis com plexa cru- que sequuntur, [locutum, entis Jam trepidum, jam verba minus violenta Clamat, lo comites, opus hrec victoria Jam se daranantem, jam se peccisse fa- nostrum est. tentera. [dixit, Non citius froiides autumno frigore Saucius ille tamen, Fer opem, matertera, tactas, Autonoe; moveant animos Actseonisuni- Jamque male hsrentes alta rapit arbore brae. 720 ventus ; 730 JUa quid Actseon nescit ; dextramque Quam sunt membra viri manibus direpta precanli nefandis. [qucntant, Abstulil; Inoo lacerata est altera raptu. Talibus exemplis monits nova sacra fre- Non habet infelix qu8B matii biachia Thuraque dant, sanctasque rolunt Isme- tendat ; nides aras. OVID's METAMORPHOSES. BOOK IV. ^ THE ARGUMENT. Invocation to Bacchus. — The Story of Pyramus and Thisbe. — The Detection of Mars and Venus. — The Story of Leucothoe and the Sun. — Clylie changed to a Sunflower. — The Union of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus. — Alcithoc and her Sisters transformed to Bats.—^ Juno's Descent into Hell. — Ino and Melicerta transformed to Marine Deities. — The Transformation of the Ththan Matrons, — Cadmus and his Queen transformed to Serpents. — The Story of Perseus,— r He changes Atlas to a Mountain — And rescues Andromeda from a Sea Monster, — History of Medusa''s Head. Bi >UT yet Alcithoe the warning sligbt-f/, Despises Bacchus, and abjures his rites; Her sisters, too, depreciate his worth, And rashly question his immortal birth. The priest now bids, to tend the mystic fane, 5 Mistress and maid their household toils disdain; Bids them entwine fresh garlands for the head. Across their breasts the sacred doe-skin spread; Loose from their flowing hair the circling bands. And grasp the leafy thyrsus in their hands ; 10 Denouncing heav'nly veng'ance if they fail; Mothers and brides the holy mandate hail. AT non Alcithoe Minyeias ovgia censet Pectora pelle tegi, crinales solvere vittas, Actipienda Dei: sed adhuc temeraria Sertacoma, manibus frondentes sumere Baccluim [sorores thyrsos Progeniera negat esse Jovis ; sociasque Jusserat: et saevam Isesi fore numinis Impietalis habet. Festuin celebrare sa- irain cerdos, [que suoium Vaticinatus erat, Parent «latresqiie nu» Immiinesque operum dominas fainulas- rusque^ MO. III. R 130 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Their baskets, webs, and various work resign, And scatter ofF'rings at great Bacchus' shrine. ^ Him they invoke by many a well-known name, 15 Bromiup, LyaBUS, and the son of flame ; From death twice rescued, of two mothers born,. Nyseus the fair, Thyoneus the unshorn; Lenffius planter of the genial vine, Nyctelius, Evan, Eleleus, divine: 2Q And lacclius, and ev'ry other name That round Achaia spreads his sacred fame. Immortal boy! unfading youth is thine. From heav'n's high arch thy dazzling glories shine; When horns no more thy polish'd forehead grace, 25 A virgin's beauty decorates thy face. Far in the east, where Ganges' billows roll. The swarthy Indian owns thy mild controul, Pentheus intent thy orgies to pollute, The king whose axe assail'd thy gen'rous root, 30 The Tuscan pirates in the ocean thrown, O venerated youth! thy veng'ance own. The Bacchaa, Satyrs, thee their God invoke, And spotted lynxes gambol in thy yoke ; Whilst, old Silenus still intent to quaff, 35 Scarce props his stagg'ring bodj^ with his staff; Borne on a lagging ass, from side to side He reels and nods, yet still contrives to ride. S'elasque, calathosqne, hifectaqne pensa Conspicoris ccelo : tibi, cum sjiie corni- reponiiiit : 10 bus adstas, Thuraque dant : Eacf biimque vocant, Virginenm caput est : Oriens tibi victiis, Broniiiimqae, Lyaeumque, ad usque _ 20 Ignieenamque, satumque iterum, so- Decolor exlremo quae r.ingitur India Inmque bimatrem. Gauge. [que Lycuravim Additur his Nyseus, iiidetonsusqueThyo- Penthea tu, venerande, bipenniferum- neus, Sacrileges maclas : Tyrrhenaque mittis Et cum Lenteo genialis consitor uvffi, ii) aequor [fraenis Kycteliusque, Eleleiisque parens, et Corpora. Tu bijiipum pictis insignia lacchus, et Evan : 15 Colla premis lyticum : Baccha; Satyrique Etqu32 prsetevea perGraias plurima pentes sequuntur : 25 Nomina, Liber, babes. Tibi enim incon- Quique senex ferula titubantcs ebrins sunita Juventas- artus [asello. yu puer leternus, tu formosissimus alto Susimet; et pando non fortiter liaerqt. BOOK IV. 131 Where e^erthy march extends o'er plain or glen, The shrieks of women, and the shouts of men, 40 Cymbals and drums, the pipe of lengthen'd bore Sound echoing Paeans round th' exulting shore. All Thebes with incense feeds thy sacred fire, Lives in thy smile, and deprecates thine ire. Unaw'd Alcithoe and her sisters spoil 45 The festive rites with inappropriate toil ; Prepare the wool, the rapid spindle twid, Athwart the loom the flying shuttle hurl ; And call their maids the impious task to share. At length one sister drew, with steady care, 50 Forth from the loom the disentangled thread, And to the partners of her office said; Whilst idlers seek imaginary fanes. Let us, whom Pallas' better task detains, Beguile the time while industry prevails, 65 And lighten labour by alternate tales» She spoke. The female train applaud the scheme, And urge the speaker to commence the theme. Amid the treasures of her copious muse Awhile she ponders, doubtful Avhich tochuse j 60 Whether, Dercetis, to record thy fate. Thee whom in songs the Syrians celebrate. Oft seen where Palestine's wide waters flowj^ Above a woman, but a tish below. — ■ ■ ■' — — — -v Quaciinque jngrcderis, clamor juvenilis, Nos quoqiie, quas Pallas melior Dea de- et una t ne , iiiquit, Fcemiiieic voces, impulsaque tympana Utile opus manuum vario sermone leve- palmis, mus: Concavaque oera sonant, longoque fora- Peique vices aliquid, quod teinpora lonp» mine buxus. ' 30 videri 40 Pacatiis mitisque, rogant Ismenides, Noii sinat, in medium vacuas referamu» adsis : ad aures. Jussaque sacra colunt- Sols Minyeide» Dicta probant, piimamque jubent nar- intus, rare soiores. Intempestivalurbantes festa Minerva, Ilia, quid e mulUa referat (nam pliirima Aut due tint lanas, aut stamina poliice n6rat) versant, Cogitat; et dubia est, de te. Babylonia, Aut literent telae, famulasque laboribus narret, urgent. 35 Derceli, quam versa squamis velantibu» E quibusunalevi deduccns poliice filuir: artus ' 4& Darn cessant alia;, comuie»itaque sacf» Stagiia Palaestini crsdunt celtbrissc 6£H« frequentant, ra : »2 132 OVID'S METAMORPHOSED. Or shall she sing the slave of hapless love, 65 Renown'd Serairamis, the mountain dove : Who, borne on high, her lengthen'd life consumes On lofty tow'rs as spotless as her plumes. Or how, by herbs and incantations strange, • False Nais once could men to fishes change, 70 Till chang'd herself, she mourns her magic arts. And takes the scales her melody imparts. Or how the tree that once white berries bore. Now bears a sable fruit imbu'd with gore ; This (for 'twas new) she thouglit would please the throng, 75 And thus, still weaving, she began her song. In Babylon, whose lofty sides around Semiramis had solid ramparts bound, Young Py ramus and Thisbe, peerless pair, Contiguous dwelt and drew congenial air ; 80 Sol from his eastern turret ne'er survey 'd So fair a youth, so.beautiful a maid; The verdant wreath their infant friendship wove. Grew as they grew, and blossom'd into love; Fain would they marry ; but their sires repel 85 And check the flame they vainly strive to quell. Thus foil'd, when ev'ry eye is clos'd in rest, By nods and signs their passion is express'd; And all the barriers Caution aims to raise, But feed the fuel and augment the blaze. ^ An magis ut suroplis iiliuS filia pennis Contiguas tenuere dumos: ubi dicituB Exlremos albis in turribus egeritannos. allam Nai's an ut taritu, nimiumque potentibiis Coclilibiis muris cinxisse Semirami» herbis, [|)isces : uibem. Verterit in tacitos juvenilia corpora Notitiam piiinosquegradusvicinia fecit j Ponec idem passa est. An, quae poma Tempore crevit amor ; ttedaj quoque alba ferebat, [arbor, jure coissent; 60 Ut nunc nigra ferat contactu singuinis Sed vetucre patres, quod non potuere Ha:c placet : banc, quoniam vulgaris vetare. fabula non est, [quente. Ex asquo captis ardebant mentibus am. Talibus orsa modis, lanS, sua fila se- bo. Pyramus et Tliisbe, juvenum pulcher- Conscius omnis abest. Nutu signisque "rimus alter, 55 loquuntiir. Altera, quas Ojienshabuit, pralata pueU Quoque magis tcgitur, tectus niagts lis, aestuat ignis. BOOK IV. ISt When with cement the wall the builder knit, It warp'd, unseason'd, and asunder split; No eye till now the narrow fissure saw. But prying Cupid soon espied the flawj Thither unseen the arn'rous pair retire, 95 And in soft whispers speak their souls desire. As thus they breath'd the slender cranny thro*. While each exhal'd the sigh the other drew, Oft would they cry. Thou envious wall, remove. Nor thus oppose an obstacle to love ! 100 Yield to our pray'r, propitiate our design, Extend thy chasm, and let our bodies join; Or if too great the boon, allow but this, A casual op'ning for a casual kiss : Yet take thy due, but for thy friendly care, 105 An ardent lover and devoted fair Ne'er on this spot had cull'd love's stolen flow'rs; Thine is the merit, let the praise be ours. Thus day by day on either side they meet. Till night returning forc'd them to retreat ; 110 Each cried, farewell, still panting to remain, And gave the kiss the other fail'd to gain. Soon as the starry host of heav'n withdrew, And rosy Phoebus drank the morning dew, Again they hasten to th* accustora'd spot, 115 In gentle murmurs to lament their lot ; Fissus erat tenui rim4, quam duxerat Aiit hoc si nimium, vel ad oscula danda olim, (i5 patents ! 75^ Cum fieret, paries domui communis Nee sumus ingrati; tibi nos debere utvique, [turn fitcmur, Id vitium TiulH per psecula longa nota- Quod datus est verbis ad arnicas transitu? (Quid non sentit amor ?) priiui sensistis aures. araantcs, . Talia clivers4 nequicquam sede locuti ; Et voci fecistis iter, tutreqiie per illnd Sub noctcm dixere Vale : partique de- Muriiiure blanditise miiiimo transira dere solebant. 70 Oscula quisque suae, non pervenientia Saepe ut constiterant, hinc Tiiisbe, Pyia- contra. 80 mus illinc; [oris; Postfra nocturnes Aurora removeral Inquc vicem fuerat captatus anheliius ignes, Invide, dicebant, paries, quid umantibus Solque pruiiiosas radiis siccaverat her- obstas .' bas ; Quantum erat, ut sineres nos toio cov- Ad so itum co'jere locum. Tura murmure pore jungil jiarvo 134 OVID'S METAMORPHOS^ES. At length they fix by night abroad to roam, Deceive their guardians, and desert their homej Far from the town some blest retreat to gain ; Yet lest they rove benighted o'er the plain, 12Q A spot by mutual compact they assume, Beneath the boughs that droop o'er Ninus' tomb, Where a tall mulberry with snow-white fruit, Bent o'er a glassy spring thatbath'd its root. Long o'er the red horizon Hesper glows, 125 But seeks, at last, the wave whence night arose; Thisbe, when darkness shadows o'er the skies. Eludes her household, lifts the latch and flies; Hid in a veil, the love embolden'd maid First gain'd the tomb, and sat beneath the shade; 130 When, lo! a lioness, whose mouth distill'd. The crimson gore of oxen lately kill'd. To slake her thirst came prowling o'er the glade ; But when the moon the hideous sight betray'd, AiTrighted Thisbe, fleeter than the v/ind, 135 Fled to a cave and left her veil behind. When now the beast had quaff'd the copious flood. And sought again the mazes of the wood. She found the veil the bow'ring shade beneath, And tore the relic with her bloody teeth» 140 Arriving late, and tracing in his way The obvious footsteps of a beast of prey, MuUa prius questi, statuunt ut nocte Perveiiit ad tiiraulum : clict&qiie sub ar- sileuti bore sedit. 9S Fallere custodes, foiibueque excedere Audacem faciebat amor. Veiiit etce tentcnt; fiS recenli [riitiis, Cumnue domo exierint, urbis quoque Caede Icicna boum spumantes ublita. tecta relinquant: Depositura sitiin virini fontis in nndu. fJevesiterrariduni latospatiantibusarvo; Quam procul ad Lunae radios Babylonia Conveniant ad busta Nini: lateantque ' Tliikbe sub umbra Vidit: et obscurum timido pede fugit in Arboris. Arbor ibi niveis uberrima pomis anlrum. 100 Ardua moru» erat, gelido contermina Dumque fngit tergo velaniina lapsa fonti. 90 relinquit. [unda. Pacta placent: etluxtardediscedere visa Ut lea sa;va silim roult4 compescuit I'rfficipitatur aquis, et aquis nox surgit Dum rcdii in sylvas, inventos lorte sine abisdem. [Tliisbe ipsa Crtllida per tenebras, yersato cardine. Ore- iruentato tenucs laiiiavit amictns. Egreditur, fallitque suos: adopertaque Serius egres&us vestigia vidit in alio JO? vitUum Pulvere terta ferae, lotoque exj)alKiit ore BOOK rV. IS5 Affrififhted Py ramus turnM deadly pale, But when he found the blood besprinkled veil, Not this, be cried, two lovers shall divide, 145 One soul inspir'd us, and one grave shall hide. wretched maid ! 'twas I that laid thee low. My fatal rashness caus'd thy blood to flow, 1 lur'd chee darkling to this spot accurs'd, And, like a laggard, fear'd to enter first. 150 Ye hungry lions, from your caverns dart, Devour my body, lacerate my heart! But heroes act where cowards only rail — ■ Wild with despair, he snatch'd from earth the veil, Sought the appointed tomb, forlorn, distress'd, 155 Wept as he view'd, and kiss'd the crimson'd vest: Then drawing forth his sword, accept, he cried, From Sorrow's breast a tributary tide; I follow thee to Styx, lamented shade ! He spoke, and buried in his heart the blade. 160 Then drew the reeking weapon from the wound, And fell a lifeless body on the ground. Forth from his side a bubbling fountain heaves : So when a pipe a casual fissure cleaves. The mounting stream in semicircles bent, 165 Plays in the air, and hisses from the vent. Dark in the rising tide the berries grew. And white no longer took a sable hue, Pyranius. Ut vero vestem quoqwe san- Utque dedit note lacrymas, dedit osciila guiae tinctam vesti : [guinis hauslus; Keperit; Una duos nox, iiiquit, peidet AocipL' nunc, inquil, nostri qunque san- amanies; Quoque erat accinctus, dimiitit in ilia E quibus ilia fait longa dignissima vitA. ferrum. Nostra ncceiis anima est. Ego te, mise- Nee inora; ferventi moriens ^a'ulnere i-anda, peveini, 1 10 traxit. 120 Jn loca plena melCis qui jiissi nocte ve- IJI jacuit resupinus humi; criior emicat nires : alte. Nee prior hue veni. Nostrum divellite Non aliter, quam cum vitiato fistula corpus, plumbo Et scelerataferqconsumite viscera morsu, Scinditur, et tenues stridente foramine O quicunque sub liic liabitatis rupe, longe leones. Ejaculatur aquas ; atque ictlbus aera Sed timidi est optare necem. Velamina rumpit. Thisbes 113 Arborei foetus aspergine caedis in atram Tollit, et ad pact» secure fert arboris Verumtur faciem : madefactaque san- utr.braDii guine radix 12S 138 OVID'S METAMORPHOSE?. But brighter crimson springing from the root, Shot thro' the black and purpled o'er the fruit. 170 Now stealing timid from her dark recess, Thisbe returns her Pyramus to bless. Looks eager round her, and prepares to tell Of all her recent dangers in the dell; But when her eyes the moisten'd foliage see, 175 The darken'd fruit, and crimson tinctured tree. She hesitates in doubt, till, gazing round. She sees a body bleeding on the ground; Back she retreated with averted look, 179 Pale grew her cheek, her limbs with terror shook. Like seas, when undulating zephyrs play. Glide o'er the surf and quiver in the spray : But when she saw her lover bath'd in gore. She beat her bosom, and her tresses tore. And clasp'd the body, while the briny lElood 185 Pour'd o'er his wounds, and mingled with the blood j Then printing kisses on his clay cold cheek. Speak! she exclaim'd, my Pyramus, O, speak! Say whence these horrors! raise thy drooping head, Thy dearest Thisbe calls thee from the dead ! 190 The well known name recall'd his flitting breath. And stay'd awhile the heavy hand of death ; His fading eyes one moment saw the light, Gaz'd on his love, then clos'd in endless night. Puniceo tingitpendentia mora colore. Scd poslquam remorata suos cognovit Etce, metu nondum posito, ne fallat amoves ; aimantem, Peixalit iudignos claroplanporc lacertos; Ilia redit : jiivenemqueociilis, aiiimoqiie Et laiiiala comas; amplcxaque corpus requirit : amaliiin, Quanta(iue vitftvit narrarepericiila geslit. Vulnera supplevit lacrymis ; fletumque Utque locum, et versara cognovit in ar- cruori 140 bore foi mam; 131 Miscuit: et gelidis in vultibxis oscula (Sic facit inoertara pomi color) haeret an figpiis, lisecsit. Pyraine, clamavit, qiiis te niihi casus Dum diibitat, ttemebunda virlet pulsare ' ademit? cruentum Pyraiiie, respoiide. Tiia te, carissime. Membra solum; retroque pedem tulit; 'I'hisbe oiaquebuxo Nomiiiut, Exaudi j vultfisque attoUe ja- Pallidinra gerens, cxhorruit sequoris ccntcs. instar, 135 Ad nonien Thisbes oculos jam morte Quod fremit, exigua cum summum strin- gravatos Hi ^itur aura, Pyramus eresit, visaque recondiclit illa< BOOK IV. 137 Soon as she saw, half hid, his corse beneath 195 The scarf she quitted, and the vacant sheath, O youth ! she cried, lamented and a'dor'd, Love ofFer'd, and thy hand receiv'd the sword ; I, too, have love, a hand with thine to vie, Like thee I suffer, and like thee I die : 200 Soon shall my faithful shade on thine await. At .once the cause and partner of thy fate ; Not greedy Death, who all alike devours, CNot Death himself shall sever hearts like ours. Ye mournful parents of a mournful pair, 205 Attend in pity to our dying pray'r ; In one short hour we meet an equal doom, Our love was common, common be our torab! And thou, O tree ! whose boughs of dismal hue Wave o'er one corse, and soon shall shadow two, 210 Still may thy gloom with scenes of sorrow suit. Dark be thy shade, and sable be thy fruit. Thus wild, despairing, spoke the constant maid, Then buried in her breast the reeking blade. 214 To love's last pray'r both heav'n and earth consent^ Th' immortals pity, and their sires relent. Sable, when ripe, the pouting berry grows : Their faithful ashes in one urn repose. Here ceas'd the lay: the sympathizing train Paus'd a short space, then ask'd a second strain. 220 Quae postquam vestemqiie suam cog- Componi tumulo non invideatis eodem. novir, et ense At tu, quae ramis arbor miseribile lorpus Vidit ebur vacuum ; Tua te tnanus, in- Nunc tegisunius,moxestecturaduorum; • quit, amorque Sigiia tene caedis: puUosque, et luctibus Perdidit, infelix. Est et mihi fortis in aptos i fiO unum Semper habe foetus gemini monutnenta Hocinauus: est et amor : dabit Uic in cruoris. vulnera vires. 160 Dixit: et aptato pectus murrone sub Persequarextinctum: lethiquemiserrima iraum [tepebat. dicar [revelli Incubuit ferro; quod adliuc a caede Causa, comesque tui : quique h. me morte Vota tamen tetigere Deos, tetigere pa- Heu sola poteras, potens nee morte rentes. revelli. Nam color in porno est, ubi permaturuit. Hoc tameu ambomm verbis estote rogati, ater: 16* Omultum miserimeusilliusqueparentes, Quodque rogis superest, un& requiescit in Ut, guos ccrtus amor, qups hora novis. luna. [pus; et ors? est sima junxit, , 156 Desierat; mediumque fuit breve ten>- »0, iv. S 138 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES'. When (bus the next in turn began to pour Forth to the rest her legendary lore. Phoebus, who glows in heav'nly light above, Felt Cupid's flame. I sing of Phoebus' love. First by his scrutinizing glance was seen 225 Mars join'd adulterous with the Cyprian queen : Griev'd, he to Vulcan bore the dire disgrace, And when he told the crime, reveal'd the place. Astonish'd Vulcan left th' unfinish'd task. His trembling hand let fall the polish'd casque ; 230 To other work the injur'd artist set, And form'd, of wiry brass, the finest net. Whose circumventing meshes might surprise The craftiest foe, and cheat the wariest eyes ; The nicest threads, the spider's pendent line, 235 Ne'er wove a web so faultless and so fine ; So soft its substance, its coherence such, 'Twould yield elastic to the tend'rest touch ; This o'er the couch, unseen of all, he spread. To catch the lover and his spouse in bed, 240 The husband's art prevails ; the am'rous pair Cling in the maze, and struggle in the snare; Wide burst the iv'ry gates, and Vulcan drew The Gods around the shameful scene to view ; Yet some, less serious than the rest, would fain 245 To share the pleasure, undergo the pain. Dicere Leuconoe. Vocem teniiere so- Elimat. Non iUud opus tenuissima rores. fot^ni* luce, vincaiit Hunc qiioque, siderea qui temperat Stamina, non summo quEe pendet arnnea Cepit amor Solem. Solis referemiis tigno. amores. 170 Utque leves tactus, momentaque parva Primus adulterium Veneris cum Marte sequantur, 180, putatur [primus. F.fficil : et leclocircumdatacollocat apte. Hie vidisse Dens. Videt hie Deus omnia Ut venere torum conjux et adulter in Jiidoluit facto ; Jiuionigenajque marito unum; Furta tori, fuitique locum monstravit. Arte viri, vinclisque novci ratione paratis. At illi In mediis ambo deprensi amplexibu^ Et mens, et quod opus fabrilis dextra hserent. tenebat, 175 Lemnius extemplo valvas patefecit ebur- £xcidit. Extemplo graciles ex jere ca- nas: 185 tenas, AdmisitqueDeos. Illi jacuere ligati Jletjaque, et laqueos, quae luinina fal- Turpiier. Atque aljquis 4e DJs nori Jerepossint, tristibus optet BOOK IV. 139 Loud iaugh'd th' immortals, and the droll surprise Was long the fav'rite topic of the skies. Glad to retaliate, and the breast invade Of him who first her hidden joys betray'd, 250 Now Venus bids oiBcious Phoebus feel The love his beams were foremost to reveal. Hyperion's soHj what now avail thy rays, Thy faultless beauty, and thine ardent blaze ! Thee, who wert wont all nature to illume, 255 Fires not thine own now conquer and consume t Those eyes the many quit to court the one, And fair Leucothoe enchants the Sun. Too early now thy steeds, disdaining rest, Start from the east, now linger in the west. 260 While thus thou gazest, Winter spreads his sway, And shuddering mortals chide thy dull delay ; 'Tis not that Luna's interposing shade Darkens thine orb, and bids thy glory fade ; 264: *Tis Love's eclipse, the mind's distemper'd dream, Shadows thy disk, and intercepts thy beam. Leucothoe alone inspires thy vow. Nor Clyraen^ nor Rhodos charm thee now ;, Circe's fair mother fades in ev'ry grace, And Clyti^ vainly courts thy cold embrace — 270 Clytie still bent to lure thee to her arms> E'en when thine own embraced a rival's charms. Sic fieri turpis- Superi risere : diuque Tetnporius coelo : modo serius incidi^ Haec fuit in toto notissima fabula ccelo. undis, Exigit indicii memorem Cythereia Spectandique mora brumales porrigis poenam : 190 liora-. Inque vices ilium, tectos qui laesit Deficis interdum : vitiumque in lumina amores, mentis 200 Laedit amore pari. Quid nunc. Hype- Transit; et obscurus mortalia pe^tora rione nate, terrea. . [imigo Forma, calorque tibi, radiataque lumina Nee, tibi quod Lunx terris propioiis prosuntf imago [colorem. Nempe tuis omnes qui terras ignibus Obstiterit, palles. Facit hunc amor iste uvis, Diligis hauc unam ; nee te Clymeneque, Ureris igne novo: quique omnia cernere Rhodosque, debes, 19.0 Nee tenet jEseae genitrix pulcUerrima Leucothoen spectas: et virgine figis in Circes, 205 una, [gis Eoo Quseque tuos Clytife, quamvis despecta, Quos mundo debes, oculos. Modo sur- ^et«bat s 2 140 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Tlje maid whose beauties captivate thy breast, (Awake to one, oblivious to the rest,) On sweet Arabia's incense breathing sliore^ 275 Etirynome, old Ocean's daughter, bore ; ' The mother's full blown charms the East illum'd^ Nor found an equal till the daughter bloom'd ; Her sire was Persia's king, 'twas his to trace. Seventh in descent, his blood of Belus' race, 280 Apollo's steeds in Hesper's glowing vale Reclining, on ambrosial food regale ; The costly viand renovates their pow'rs, Imparting vigour for the morning hours. 281: Here as they champ'd the heav'nly food, the light Sunk in the west^ and all around was night. Now Phoebus to Leucotlioe's chamber stray'd, In outward form the mother of the maid. And, guided by her glimm'ring taper, found The peerless fair with twice six maids around ; 290 The busy train sat working in the roora. And plied with care the labours of the loom. Soon as the seeming dame, with accents mild. Had fondly greeted and caress'd her child, Servants, depart, she cries, on things unknown 295 I fain would commune with my child alone. With nimble pace away the menials trod. And left the chamber vacant to the God. puerum diva Cy tliere'ide natutn Scython. NKides Tdaeis enutrivere sub antris. Te quoquo, nunc adamas, quondam, Cujas erat facies, in qua materque pa- iidissime parvo, terque 290 Celmi, Jovi: largoque satos Curetas ab Cognosci possent: nomea quoque tiaxit imbri. ab illis- [monies Et Crocon in parvos versum cum Smi- Is iria cum primum fecit quinquennia; lace flores, Deseruit patiios; l Nor bent the bow, nor mingled in the race t Her, lost in ease, from nimble Dian hid, Thus many a time her sister Naiads chid ; 410 Snatch, Salmacis, the quiver, poise the dart, And mix thy leisure with tlie hunter's art. Yet she nor quiver snatch'd, nor pois'd the dart, Nor mix'd her leisure with the hunter's art; But now her lovely form supinely laves, 413 Now combs her tresses bending o'er the waves, Her charms reflected in the spring beholds^ Adjusts her garment in transparent folds. And culls the flow'rs on nature's carpet spread, Soft leaves her pillow, and soft grass her bed. 420 Here as, perchance, she toys in sportive ease, She sees the youth, and covets whom she sees; Longs to approach, yet stays awhile apart. Till, doubting nature, and invoking art, She gilds her face with captivating smiles, " 425 And adds to woman's beauty woman's wiles; Displays in nicest order her attire^ And thus accosts the object of desire t Usque solum lymphae. Non illic canna Sed modo fonte suo formosos perluit paluslris, anus: 310 N€csteriles ulvaeinecaculS.cuspide junci. Saepe Citoriaco deducit pec tine crines; Peispiciius liquor est. Siagni tamen ul- Et quid se deceat, spectatas coasulit tima VIVO 300 undas. [amictii, Cespite cinguntur, semperque virentibus Nunc perlucenti circumdata corpu» lierbis. MoUibus aut foliis, aut mollibiis incubat Nympha colit : sed nee venatibus apta, lierbis. nee arcus [derecuisu; Szepe legit floras. Et tunc quoque forte Flectere qua; soleat, nee qajE conten- legebat, 31 a Solaque Naiadumceleri non notaDiaiise. Cum puerum vidit: visumque optavit Saepe suas illi famaesl dixisse soroies : 30i habere. Salmaci, vel jaculuin, vel pictas sumS Nee tamen atite adiit, etsi properabat pharetras ; adirej Et tui cum duris venatibus olia misee. Quam se composuit, quani circumspexit Nee jaculum sumit, nee pictas ilia pha- ainictus, retras! Et finxit vultom, et merait formos» Nee sua eum duris venatibus otia mUcst. Tideri. NO. IV. T 146 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. O lovely youth ! well worthy to be styl'd A God, and, if a God, Idalia's child ; 4^ But if thou rov'st on earth a mortal boy, Great is thy parents', great thy brother's joy; Blest is thy sister, and the fostering- breast That nurtur'd charms like thine supremely blest ! But Oh, how joyful all thy kin above, 435 The fair exalted to thy lawful love ! If wedded, yet may stolen sweets be tried, But if still free, be Salmacis thy bride. The Naiad ceas'd : unbent to Cupid's yoke, The wond'ring boy blush'd graceful as she spoke. 4ci.& So, warm'd by Phoebus, ripening apples blush, So iv'ry glows beneath the artist's brush ; So glows the moon when mystic shouts invade, Chaunt her eclipse, and vainly seem to aid. The nymph now asks, unskill'd her flame to check, A sister's cold salute, and claips hia neck ; 44(J Away ! he cries, or let me leave a. tide Where shameless water-nymphs like thee preside. Thus threaten'd, Salmacis appears to yield: Fair stranger, she exclaims, I quit the field. 450 Forc'd to retire, tho' ardent to advance. She feigns retreat, yet casts a backward glance, Awhile recedes, then lowly crouching stops, And still beholds him ambush'd in the copse. Tunc sic orsa loqui t Puer 6 dignissime Hie color aprieS. pendentibus arbor» credi 320 pomis, E«ieDeus; sei\ tu Deuses, potes esse Aut ebori tincto est, aut sub candorc Cupido : rubenti, [Lunae- Sive es mortalis; qui te genuere beati! Cum frustra resonant sera auxiliaria, Et frater felix, et fortunato profecto PoscentiNyHiphaesine fine sororia saltern Si qua tibi soror est, et quae dedit ubera Oscula, jamque manus ad eburnea coUa nutrix. ferenti, 33>- Sedlongecunctislongeque potentiorillis, Desinis? an fugio, tecumque, ait, ista Si qua tibi sponsa est; si quam dignabere relinquo ? txdk. _ 326 Salmacis extimuitj Locaque Iwec tibl - Haec tibi sive aliqua est; mea sit furtiva libera trade, voluptas: Hofpes ait: simulatque gradu discedere Seu nulla est; ego sim : thalamumque verso. ineamus eundem. Turn quoque respiciens, fruticumque iNa'is ab his iacuit: pueri rubor oranotavit recondita sylv& Nescia quid «it amor : sed erubuisse de- Delituit : flexumque genu subioisit. At cebat. 3S0 iUe 94»- BOOK IV. 147 The simple youth now deems himself unseen, 455 Walks to and fro, and frolics o'er the green ; Now vie\rs the stream in lazy murmurs cr^ep, Now dips his foot, now ventures ankle deep, Loves the mild touch, and, emulous to swim, Casts the soft garment from each softer limb ; 460 His naked beauties fill her with surprise, And her soul's rapture sparkles in her eyes. So Phcebus glitters, when his piercing rays Dart on a mirror, and reflected blaze. Madd'ning with love, the nymph beholds the boy, 465 Longs to embrace, and scarce defers the joy. Yet on the bank the son of Venus stands, And sportive claps his body with his hands, Then springs exulting from the grassy verge. And cleaves with iv'ry arms the lucid surge ; 470 White shine his limbs as thro' the waves they pass, Like spotless lilies in a polish'd glass. He's mine ! he's mine ! she cried, we part no more ! And spurn'd at once her raiment and the shore ; With fervent lips th' unwilling youth caress'd, 475 Pinion'd his hands, and caught him to her breast ; Now here, now there, th' eluding effort foil'd, Clung to his neck, and round his body coil'd. Adhering ivy thus entwines the trees ; Thus winds the polypus beneath the seas, 480 Ut pner, et vacuis ut inobservatiis in Desilit in latices: altemaque brarhia herbis, ['undis ducens [si quis Hue it ; ethincilluc: et in alludeiitibus Inliquidis translucet aquis ; lit eburnea Summa pedum, taloque tenus vestigia Signa tegat claro, vel Candida lllia, vitro, tingit. [aquanim, Vicimiis, en mens est, exclamat Nai's : Nee mora; temperie blandarum captus et, oinni [undis ; MoUia de tenero velamina corpore ponit. Veste procul jacta, mediis immiititur Turn vero obstupnit, nudaeque cupidine Pugnacemque tenet ; luctantiaque oscula formae 'US carpit: Salmacis exarsit. Flagrant quoqne hi- Subjectatque manus, in\itaque pectora minaNymphes; [mus cube tangil: Non aliter, quara cum puro nitidissi- El nunc hac juveni, nunc circumfun- Opposita speculi referitur imagine Phoe- ditur iliac- 360 bus. [gauUia differt. Denique nitentem contra. Elabique vo- Vixque moram patitur; vix jam sua I en tern Jam cupit amplecti : jam se male con- Implicat, nt serpens, quam regiasustinet tinet amens. 3'il ales: [pede«que lile, cavis velox app'auso corpore palmis, Sublimemque rapil: pendens caput ilia) 148 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Protrudes his claws, the fatal toil prepares, And grasps the victim in the scaly snares. Thus when Jove's bird aloft a serpent holds. The pendent captive bends in spiral folds, Across the spoiler's feet tenacious clings, 485 Twists round his head, and fastens on his wings. The youth still strives, determin'd to refuse The proffer'd bliss; the Naiad still pursues, And, breast to breast, thus vents her arn'rous pain : Ungrateful boy, thy struggles all are vain ! 490 Ye Gods ! incorporate our ev'ry iiinb, Nor separate him from me, nor me from him. The Gods assenting listen to her speech ; They blend, adhere, and graduate each to each. Like boughs engrafted from a different root, 495 Which mix together, and together shoot. Ere long the pair a wond'rous sight display'd. Not two, but doubtful, neither youth nor maid ; Neither, yet both, they mingle, and annex To unity of form a double sex. 500 When now the changeling found the stream invade His supple limbs, and felt their strength decay'd. With feeble voice, and hands uprais'd from earth, He thus invok'd the authors of his birth : O heav'nly pair ! whose names, conjoin'd in one, 505 Hermaphroditus boasts, avenge your son : Allipat; el Cauda spauautesimplicat alas. Una. Velut si quis conducta cortice Utve Solent hederte longos intexere triin- raiiit s 375 cos : 365 Crescendo jungi, pariterque adolescere Utque sub requonlms deprensum polypus ceniat. [naci, hostem Sic ubi complexu coienint inembra te- Continet, ex omni dimissis parte flagellis. Nee duo suut, et forma duplex, nee Perstat Atlvmtiades; sperataque gaudia fcEuiina die:, Nymphffi [pore toio Nee puer ut posgint; neiitrumque, et Denesat. Illapremit: commi^saquecor- utrumque videntur. Sicut i hierebai, Pugn-3 lictt, improbe. Ergo ubi se liquidas, quo vir desccnderat, dixit, ;70 undas 380 Non tamen effiigies, Ita 1)5 jubeatis, et Semimarem fecisse yidet, mollitaque in istum illis [voce virili. Nulla dies a ine, nee we ?educat ab istq. Membra; manus tendens, sed jam non Vota suos habuere Deos. Nam misia Hermaphroditus ait, Nato oate munera duorum [illis vestro, [benti; Co^iora junguntur, faciesque induciiur Et paler etgenitrix, atnborum noinen ha- BOOK IV. ' 149 Whoe'er, like me, with blooming manhood fraught, Intent to bathe, shall seek the stream I sought. Let him, like me, lament th' enervate surge. Plunge vigorous in, and half a man emerge. 510 His parents heard : and yielding to the praj'r, Imbued the waters with the pow'r they bear. The sisters cease : but Bacchus still abjure. Still urge their work, nor yet his rites endure. Sudden athwart the echoing welkin comes 515 A rattling din of horns, and flutes, and drums ; Loud clash the cymbals, myrrh its scent exhales, And saffron smoke drifts yellow in the gales : Now, wond'rous to relate ! the vests they wove Burst forth in leaves, and seem an ivy grove : 520 Part turn to vines ; where late the varied thread Shot thro' the warp, now verdant tendrils spread Around the loom ; the purple raiment shapes Its hue and texture to the purple grapes. 'Twas now the hour of eve, when waning light 525 Shot pale and glimmering on the verge of night, When lo I the mansion shakes, red lamps illume. And spread devouring flames from room to room ; Full on their view ideal tygers broke ; Forth ran the sisters shrieking thro' the smoke, 530 And various coverts gain'd thro' various ways, To hide in darkness from the lurid blaze : ^nisquis in hos fontes vir venerit, exeat Pars abit in vites: et quae modo fila hide SSi fueriint, [nusexit: Semivir; et tactis siibito mollescat in Palmite miitantur: de stamine pampi- undis. (bifnrmis Purpura fiilgorem piclis accommodat IVlotus uterqiie parens nati rata vota uvis. [subibat. Fecit, et ineerto fontem medicamine Jamque djes ejtactus erat, tempusque tinxit. rproles Quod in nee tenebras, nee posses dicere Finis erat dictis; et adhuc Minyeia lucem; 400 Urget opus.spernitque Deum, fesUimque Sed cum li\ce tamen dubise confinia prolanat: 3gO nociis. [videntur Tympana cum subito non apparenlia Tecta repente quati, pinguesque ardere raiicis Lampades, et rutilis collucere ignibus Obstrepueresonis : et adunco tibia cornn, jedtsj; Tinnulaque aera sonant; redolent myrr- Falsaque saevarum simulacra ululare fe. heeque, crocique : rarum. Resque fide major, coepere virescere telae, Fumida jamdudum latitant per tecta ]nq\\e hedera; 'faciem pendens frondes- sorores ; 40S tej-e vestis. 395 Divti'sscque locis ignes ac lutnina vitanc. 150 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Swift o'er their limbs a sable membrane flings Its filmy web ; their arms are cas'd in wings : No fluttering plume aloft each sister holds, 535 Wide dusky pinions flap their leathern folds» But how or whence the transformation rose, The shades of night forbade them to disclose ; Thej strive to speak, thin murm'ring sounds escape, Minutely shrill, proportion'd to their shape : 540 Now chang'd to bats, from sylvan scenes aloofj They nightly hover round some ivied roof; And shunning Phcebus' light and Vulcan's flame, Take from the ev'ning star their Roman name. Throughout all Thebes the rumour'd wonder flies, And wafts the fame of Bacchus to the skies. 346 Ino, his aunt, proclaims, with thoughtless joy, The recent Godhead of her sister's boy. Happiest of Cadmus' progeny, she owes Her sorrows solely to her sister's woes ; 550 Her, boastful vaunting thus her bliss aloud. Proud of her nephew, of her offspring proud, Proud of great Athamas her royal spouse, Juno abhors ; and thus her hate avows : Shall then a spurious urchin rous'd from sleep, 555 Bid a ship's crew in dolphins cleave the deep. To fowls of air disjointed Pentheus fling, And change to bats the daughters of a king ? Dumque petiint latebras, parvos mem- Turn vero totis Bacchi memorabile biana per artus Thebis Porrigitur, tenuique inducit brachia Numenerat: magnasque novi matertera penri4. vires Nee qua perdiderint veterem ratione Nairat ubique Dei ; de totque sororibus (igiiram expers Scire sinunt tenebrse. Non illas pluma Una doloriserat, nisi quern feceresorores. levavit: 410 Aspicit banc nati?, thalamoque Atha- Sustinuere tamen se perlucentibus alis. mantis habentein Conataeque loqui, mininiam pro corpore Sublimes animos, et alumno niimine vocem [querelas. Juno; 421 Emitmnt; pcraguntque leves stridore Nee tulit : et secum, Potuit de pellice Tectaque, non sylvas, celebrant ; lucem- natus [nantas, que pernsae Vertere Maeoiiios, pelagoque imraergere, ffocte volant, seroque a, trahunt vespere Et laceranda suae nati dare viscera matri, nomen. 41& EttripUces operirenovisMinyeiidasalisf BOOK IV. VO S^l And shall the tame, ignoble, lot be mine, To weep my wrongs, and, weeping, rest supine ? 560 No : Bacchus' self shall expedite the blow — The wise learn wisdom even from a foe. The headlong rage that bade Autonoe run, Wild and insane, to immolate her son, To Ino's heart the Furies shall direct, 565 Repeat the cause, and echo the effect. A downward path, by baleful yews o'erspread, Winds to the dreary mansions of the dead : Thither descend departed shades, to mix In sad communion on the shores of Styx : 560^ Pale squalid Winter guards the gulph below, Where spectres wander, reckless where to go. Lost in the Stygian mists that noxious spring Around the palace of hell's gloomy king. A thousand streets his mighty city boasts, 565 A thousand portals open to the ghosts ; As Earth her ebbing tides to Neptune rolls, So down to Pluto sink departed souls. Interminable range ! tho' myriads pour. Still ample space remains for myriads more. 570 Hither the wand'ring bloodless troop resort, And some frequent the forum, some the court, Some exercise the arts they call' d their own Above on earth, and some in torture groan. Nil poterit Juno, nisi inultos flere do- Qua sit iter, manes, Stygiam quod ducif- lores > 426 ad urbem, Idque mihi satis est? haec una potentia iRnorant, ubi sit nigri fera regia Ditis. nostra est? MiUe capax aditus, et apertas undique Ipse doret quid again. Fas est et ab portas hoste doceri. [tisque Urbs habet. Ulque fretum de tola flu- Quidque furor valeat, PeritheS cade sa- mina terra, 440. Ac super ostendit. Cur non stimuletur. Sic omnes animas locus accipit ille; nee eatque 430 ulli [sentit. Per cognata suis exempla furoribus Ino J Exigiius populo est, lurbamve accedere Est via declivis funesiS. nubila taxo : Errant exsaiigues sine curpore et ossibua , Ducit ad iiifernas per muta silentia sedes. umbrae : SStyx nebulas exlialat iners : urabraeque Parsque forum celebrant, pars imi tecta . recentes tyranni ; J)e£cendunt iliac, simulacraque functa Pars aliquas artes antiquae imitamini^; sepulcris. 43i vitas. 44*' Pallor Hyemsque tenent late loca senta: Exercent: aiiam partem sua poena co> flovique, ercet. 152 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Downward alike by rage and hatred driv'n^ 575 Saturnia fled the azure fields of heav'n, Nor fear'd to visit hell's terrific God — Harsh creak'd the threshold where the Goddess trod : Rous'd by the sound, upstarting with a yell, Thrice bark'd the three-neck'd janitor of hell. 580 Now to the Furies haughty Juno cries, Daughters of Acheron and Night arise ! Low crouch'd before the adamantine gate. Sad and implacable the sisters wait, Brood o'er the cave of darkness and despair, 585 And comb the serpents hissing from their hair. Obedient now before the queen they stand. And bid the sepulchre of sin expands Stretch'd many a rood, gigantic Tityus there Gives his torn liver to the birds of air ; 590 'Tis there the tempting tide, the bending fruit, O Tantalus ! still baffle thy pursuit ; Thy rolling stone, O Sysiphus ! rolls still, Toils ponderous up, then rushes down the hill ', Fix'd on his whirling wheel Ixion lies, 595 Retreats advancing, and pursuing flies ; And Danaus' daughters mourn their murd'rous deeds^ Still doom'd to court the wave that still recedes. Now bent Saturnia on each suff"ring ghost A frowning brow, but on Ixion most ; 600 Sustinet ire iliac, coelesti sede relicta, * Viscera prsbebat Tityos lanianda; no- (Tantum odiis irseque dabat) Saturnia vemque Juno. [pressum Jugeribus distentus erat. Tibi, Tantale, Qio simul intravit, sacroqne h. corpore null» [tftugit arbos. Ingemuit limen; tria Cerberus extulit Deprenduntur aquae: quaequc iniminet< ora: 4a0 Aut petis, aut urges ruiturum, Sisyphe,, Et tres \atratus simul edidit. Ilia sorores saxum. 46Cf' Nocte vocat genitas, grave et implac.ibile Volvilur Ixion : et se sequiturque fugit- numsn. que. Carceris ante fores clausas adamante se- Molirique suis lethum patrnelibus aufs, debant : Assidus repetunt, quas perdant, Belides Deque suis atros p?ctebant crinibus an- undas. gues. Quos onines acie postquam Saturnia Sed tamen ambobus versae solatia for- Me quoque, coelestes, in eundem vertitis Magna nepos fuerat: quem debellata Dixerat. Ille suae lambeftat conjugis ova: colebat 60S }nq>ie sinus caios, veluti cognosceret, India : quern positis celebribat Acha'ia ibat; ^S t^mplis. 160 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. In blood affianc'd, but disjoin'd in soul, Acrisius only spurn'd the God's controul, From Argos' walls with impious weapons drove, 785 And vainly question'd his descent from Jove. Born of fair Danae in a golden show'r. Then valiant Perseus first uprose to pow'r, Him, too, Acrisius spurn'd, but own'd the growth Of might unknown to man ere long in both. 790 That soar'd aloft, in heav'n's high courts to dwell ; This, downward sweeping, smote the king of hell : Then sever'd fierce Medusa's head, and bore The memorable prize from shore to shore. And while on wings aloft bold Perseus trac'd 795 His course, and flutt'ring hung o'er Lybia's waste, The blood flow'd procreant from the snaky spoil, And where it dropp'd, with vipers strew'd the soil ; The reptile brood rose various to the view, And still infest the sands o'er which he flew. 800 Thence, like a wat'ry cloud by tempests blown, Now here, now there, he flies o'er realms unknown ; And, upward borne, beholds from side to side The distant land extending far and wide. Thrice the pale east, the purple west he saw, • 805 The frozen Bear, the Crab's contracted claw ; But as the day declin'd his pinions furl'd, And sought retirement in the western world, Solus Abantiades aborigine cretus eSdem es, ait Perseus illi, seu gloria tangit Hie lioniinum cunctos ingenti torpore Te generis magni : generis mihi Jupiter preestans auctor : 640 lapetionides Atlas fuit. Ultima tellus Sive es mirator rerum : mirabere nostras. Bege sub li6c et pontus erat, qui Solis Hospitium requiemque peio. Memor aniielis lUe vetustjB jEquora subdit equis, et fessos excipit Sortiserat: (Themis hanc dederat Par- axes, nassia sortem) •Mille greges illi, totidemque armenta per Tempus, Atla, veniet, tua quo spuliabitur herbas 636 auro Errabant: et humum vicinia nulla pre- Arbor: et hunc prsdse titnlum Jove mebant. natus habebit. $ii NO. IV. X 162 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. This Atlas dreading, had enclos'd the place 835 With solid walls, at whose tremendous base A mighty dragon, ever watchful, waits The foe to terrify, and guard the gates. Hence ! cries the giant to the heav'n born youth, Nor with broad lies thus shade the face of truth : S-IO Hence ! or thy fabled feats, thy golden sire, Shall prove weak ramparts 'gainst a monarch's ire. Then force prepares : tlie youth in varied strain Remonstrates, sues, and menaces in vain. Inferior in the field, (for who could hope 84^ In such a fight with such a foe to cope !) Since thus my suit is slighted, Perseus cries, Take this at least : — then, with averted eyes. Bade from his side the fatal head advance. And hideous Gorgon met the monarch's glance. 83i3 Sudden his ponderous form, immense before, Swoln to a mountain stalks a man no more ; In verdant forests wave his beard and locks. His gath'ring bones condense in massy rocks, 854 Stretch'd o'er the hill, each brawny shoulder tpw'rs, A^pve in frowns his sullen brow still low'rs : (So will'd the GodsJ) to such a bulk he spread, Heav'n and its stars repos'd upon his head. Now bound the monarch of the winds in caves. Firm and impassable, his howling slaves; 860 Id metuens, solidis pomaria clauserat Accipe munus, ait. Lsev^que a parte Atlas Medusffi ,655 MceuUnis, et vasto dederat servanda dra- Ipse retroversus sqiiallentia prodidit ora. conj : Quantiis erat, mons factus Atlas. Jaiij Arcebatque suis externos finibus omres. barba comieque Huic quoque, Vade procul, ne longe In sylvas abeunt; juga sunt luimeriqiie gloria rerum, maniisque; Quas mentirisj ait, longe tibi Jupiter Qaod caput ante fuit, sumnio est in absit. 650 monte cacunien : Vimque minis addit : foribusque ex- Ossa lapis fiiint. Turn partes aiictus in pellere tentat omnes CQQt Cunrtantem, et placidis miscentem for- Crevit in immensum, (sic D5 statuistis) tia dictis. ei omne yiribus inferior, (qnis enim par esset Cum totsiderib scnelum requievitiniIlo.i Ailanti * [nostra estj Clauserat Hippotades isierno carcere .Viritus .') At quoniam parvi tibi gratia veiitos ; • BOOK IV. 163 And, harbingef of toil, from heav'n afar Shot the pale lustre of the morning star. Perseus to either heel his agile plumes Hastes to refit, his crooked sword resumes, And lightly soaring on elastic wind, 865 Whole nations views around, and leaves behind; And gains, at last, on unabating wing. The plains of Cepheus, Ethiopia's king. There, for a mother's boast, harsh Ammon sped Misguided vengeance on a daughter's head ; 870 To meet the fate th' indignant God designs, Chain'd to a rock, Andromeda reclines : Perseus beholds, and, but that zephyrs rise To fan her hair, and tears bedew her eyes, Had thought a marble statue grac'd the shores : 87S He looks and loves — he wonders and adores. Oblivious of his course, around he wheels On trembling wing, and thus his flame reveals : O thou ! whose charms no fetters should conti oul, Save those that sweetly rivet soul to soul, 880 Thy name, thy country, and thy race explain^ What thy offence, and why this hideous chain ? Silent, abash'd, the virgin stood, and tried To» raise her shackled hands her face to hide : Yettho' devoid of words, her eyes express, 885 With gushing tears, her anguish and distress ; Aditionitorque operum coelo clarissiitms Marmoreimi ratus esset opus. Tralnt alto inscius ignes; 675 tucifer ovtns erat. Pennis ligat ille Etstupet: et, visse correptus imagine resumtis 665 forrnse. Parte ab utiaque pedes j leloque accin- Pene suas qnatere est oblitus in aefc gituriinco: peiinas. Et liqnidum motis talnribus ati-a findit. Ut stetit, O, dixit, non istis digna ti ■- iSetrtibus innumeris circumque infraqiie tenis, reliclis, [;irva. Sed quibus inter se cupidi juilpnntur jEtlliopiim populos, Ceplic'ia conspicit amantes ; Illicimmeritam maternae peiidere linguae Pande requirenti nomen terraeque tuum- Aiidroilledan pftnas injustus jusserat qwe; 690 Ammon. 671 Et cur vincla geras. Priino silet ilia- <^ftm sUliul ad duras religatam brachia nee audet [modestos cautes [capillos Appellare virum virgo : manibusqus Vidit Abantiades; nisi quod lev is aura Celasset vultus; si non religata fuisset- Moverat} et tiepitlo munabarit Ittmirifa tuittirta, ^uott potuit, lacrymia implevlt fletuj ■ oViortis. X 2 164 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Fearing, at length, the unknown youth might blame Her silence, and impute to guilty shame, She told her birth, reveal'd her native coast, Her mother's beauty, and its fatal boast. 890 While thus in broken speech her tale she tells, Harsh roar the waves, expanding Neptune swells, And shrouding ocean in his pond'rous sweep, A huge sea monster rises from the deep : Loud shrieks the virgin ; weeping on the strand 895 Mer raving sire and guilty mother stand, And tears and groans uniting with the storm, Pow'rless to aid, embrace her fetter'd form. When Perseus thus : The future that succeeds May suit for words, the present calls for deeds ; 900 Perseus I'm call'd, in arms, in honor, bold; Great Jove begot me in a show'r of gold ; The Gorgon's snaky crested head I bear, And cleave on fearless wing the yielding air : Should I, by native skill and heav'nly aid, 905 Snatch from destruction yon devoted maid, (Mark well the<;ompaet,) I, your future son, . Must wear for life the prize my valour won. Tears of assent her grateful parents show'r. And promise, too, a kingdom for a dow'r. 910 As when on board a bark the brawny crew Tug at the oar, and sweep the waters thro', iSxpius instanti, euanedelicia fateri €85 .T«inpora vos poterunl: ad opem brevi* Nolle vidcretur, nuuiea teirccque suum- liora fereniuim est. [et ill& que, Banc ego si peterem Perseus Jove natu», (Juiintaque maternffifuerit fiduciafonnx, Quam clausain iioplcvit foecundo Jupiter ludicat. £t, nondiiua ineinoralis oin- auio, _ [et ali« iiibus, Hilda [poino Gorgonis angnkomsE Perseus superator, Insoiiuii.: veniensque imraenso bellua ^lliereas ausu^jaitatis neper auras; 700 ^minet; et latum sub pectore pussidet Prieferrer cunctis eerie gener. Addere a?Huor. 691) tantis Conctatiiat Virgo : genitor luguUris, et Dotibus et nierituiii, (faveant modo uu- amens £illa. miiia) tentu. Mater adest; ambo miseri, sed justiug 0t mea sit, servatameS virtute.paciscor. Hfic decuiD auxilioiTi, £ed dignos tem- Accipiunt legem, (quis eniiu dubitaret }) pure flelus, et orant, [pareate^. Plaiigoiienuiueferunt J viiictoque in cof* Promittuntque super regnuiu dotale, pur« adlixrent. . Ecie velutnavis prsefisocoHCitaiostro704 CUtm sic liuspea an: Jl^atu-ymarum longa SuUat aquas, juvenuui sudantibus acta fliiwere 6glt laiertia ; BOOK IV. k4 So parted ocean own'd the moDkster's shock, Who now had gain'd a distance from the rock, Far as the Balearic sling can throw, 915 Hurl'd in a curve, the bullet at the foe ; Spurning the rock, bold Perseus mounts the clouds, The surf below his passing image shrouds. His scaly foe the darken'd deep survej'd, And idly buffeted the empty shade. 920 As when the bird of Jove beholds from high, Coil'd basking in the sun, a serpent lie. Cautious in air the plura'd assailant hangs. Then pouncing on his neck eludes his fangs ; So Perseus downward wing'd his airy track, 925 And nimbly vaulting on the monster's back. Thro' the right shoulder of his roaring foe Plung'd to the hilt his faulchion at a blow. Mad with the smart, v/ith many a furious leap, He mounted, div'd, and flounder'd on the deepj 930 Then like a boar that dreads the rav'nous hound, Turn'd on the valiant author of the wound — On rapid wing the youth avoids the bite, And where the hollow shells but ill unite, Repeats the thrust, soars hostile o'er the tides, 935 Divides his sloping tail, and stabs his sides : The sickening monster vomits forth a flood, And spouts a stream of water mix'd with blood. Sic fera dimotis impuUu pectoris undis Tergaferje pressit ; dextroque frementis Tantam aberat seopuUs, quantum Ba- in armu [liamo. learica torto Inacliides ferrum curvo tenus abdidit .Funda potest plurabo medii transsiittere Vulnere Isesa giavi modo se sublimis in. coeii : 710 auras C»msubitoj«veoisp6dibustellurerepuls4 Attoilit: njodosubdit aquis: modo more Arduus in nubea abiit. Vt in sequore ferocis [sona tenet. swmnao Versat apri, quern turba canum circum- Uinbra virivisaest, visam fera saevit in Ille avidos morsus velocibus effngit alis^ umbrain. [arvo Quaque patent, nunc lerga gavis super Utque Jovis praspes, varuo cum vidit in obsita conchis, 7i>i Prxbentem Pliosbo liventia terga dra Nunc laterura costas, nunc qua tenuis* conem, 715 siraa cauda Occupat aversura; aeu taeva retorqueat Desinit in piscem, falcato vulnerat ense. ora, [gues : Bellua puniceo inisto: cum s.iuguine Squamigeris avidos figit cervicibus un- fluctus [peuiife. j£i6 C£leri lissgiui pTKj>9s per ia contact with the snakes. And all the plant, thro' branches, stem, and leaves, Heaves into life, and stiffens as it heaves : The wond'ring Nereids new supplies collect, Repeat the cause, and iterate th' effect ; 960 Then cast the petrifying seed, and find A crimson forest harden in the wind : 'Twas thus that ruddy coral sprang to birth, A weed in water, and a stone on earth. Nee bihulis nltra Perseas talaribns ausaa MoUit hmnum foliis : natasque sub Crenjere; conspexit scopulum, qui ver- sequore virgas [Medusae; tice sunmio 73) Sternit, et imponil Phorcynkios ora Stantibus extat aquis ; oiTerjturabrequorC Virga rerens, bibulique etiamnum viva moto. [sinistra, medulla, Nixus eo, nipisqne tenens jnga prima Vim rapuit monstri, tactuque induniii Ter quatere?;egit repetitaperiliaferrum. hujus: 74& Littora cum plausu clamor, superasque Percepiique «ovum ramis et fronde ri- Deorum 73S gorem. [tentant Implevere doraos. Gaudent, generumqu« At pelagi Nymphs factum mirabile saUitain, [tentur Pluribus in virgis, et idem contingere Anxiliumque domds servalovenique fa- gaudent : [nndas. Cassiope, Ceplieusque pater, Eesoluta Seminaque ex illis iterant jactata per catenis Nuncqiioque turaliife eadem natura re^ Inceditvirgo'pi'etiumqueelcausalaboris. mansit, ibo Ipse manus liaust^ viarices abluit unda: Duritiem tactocapiant at abaere; quod*. Anguifefumque caput mwSa ne Isdat que [saxumw areu&, 740 Vimcn in sequore erat, fiat super ajquori» BOOK ly. %w Now sacred turf the pious youth selects, 965 Aad to three Gods three holy fanes erects : Pallas the right, Hermes the left invokes. For mighty Jove the middle altar smokes, To Pallas' shrine a cow devoted roves, A calf to Mercury's, a bull to Jove's. 970 The heav'n born victor weds his lovely bride, But waves her portion with heroic pride ; Cupid and Hymen light the happy pair — The choicest incense fills the balmy air ; Shrill sounds the pipe ; the animating song, 975 The harp, the lyre, enchant the Ethiop throng; And Flora's braided ofF'rings, pendent proofs Of geij'ral gladness, decorate the roofs ; Wide fly the palace gates, and plenty sports In gay luxuriance thro' the gilded courts, ^SO Where gorgeous nobles round their king appear, To grace his pageant, and partake his cheer. When now, the banquet o'er, the mantling bowl Had ev'ry sorrow chac'd from ev'ry soul, Perseus in converse fain would understand 985 The manners, laws, and customs of the land ; Lyncides tells him all he seeks to learn. And thus th' enquirer questions in return ; O gallant Perseus ! to the king impart By what bold deed, or stratagem of art, 990 Dis tribus ills focos totidem de cespite Argumeiita, sonant. Ueseratis aiirea ponit; valvis Ljevum Mercurio, dextrum tibi, bellica Atria tola patent, pulcroque instmcta Virgo ; paratu Ara Jovis media est, Mactatiir vncca Ceplieni proceres ineunt convivia regis. Minervffij 75S Postquam epulis functi generosi munere Alipedi vitiilusj taurus tibi, summe Bacclii 76s Deorum. PifFudere animos: cultCisque, habitftsqiie Protinus Andromedan, et tanti pramia locoriim [unu^ facti Qiiffirit Abanti.ides ; qiioerenti piutinns Indot.ita rapit. TaedasHymenaeus Amor- Narrat Lyncides, inoresque, liabilCiSque que viroium. PTa;cininnt: largis satiantur odoribiis Quee siinul edocuit. Nunc, 6 fortissime, ignee. dixit, Sertaque dependent tectis : lotiqiie, ly- Fare precor, Perseu, quanta virtute, qui- ra;que, ^6Q busque 77id! Tibiaque, et cantusi animi felicia Iseti Artibus abstuleris crinita druconibus ora, le& OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The snaky head grew thine. The courteous yonti» Thus to the board proclaim'd the wondVous truth : Huge rocky caves beneath cold Atlas lie. There, twin-born sisters, with one mutual eye, Dwelt Phorcus' daughters : whilst their orb of light The one transferr'd to give the other sight, 99S My intercepting hand contrived to bear The common optic fi'om the darkened pair. Rocks, mountains, woodlands, labyrinths, I pass'd, And to the Gorgon's dwelling came at last. 1000 Throughout my march, in man and beast I trace The marble mischiefs of Medusa's face. Some line with stone the road, and some the field. From my left shoulder hung my brazen shield, In whose reflecting surface I surveyed 1005 The horrid visage of the magic maid : When sleep Medusa and her snakes o'erspread, I sever' d with a backward stroke her head. And saw, engender'd from the gory corse, Spring to high Helicon the winged horse. 1010 The story ended, Perseus next recites His earthly perils, and his heav'nly flights ; Recounting, as he spoke, each sea and land, And ev'ry star his waving plumes had fann'd. He ceas'd. To dissipate th' unwelcome pause, 1015 A curious noble now enquires the cause, Narrat Abantiades, gelido sub Allan te ^re repercusso formam aspexisse Me- jacentem [molis : diisffi : Esse loriim, solidse tutuni munimine Diimque gravis somnus colubiasque ipi- Ciijns in introitu gpniinas liabitasse so- sainqiie tenebat, rores 774 Eripuisse caput cojlo :■ pennisque fn. Phorcydas, unius partitas luininisusiim; gacem 785 Id se s'olerti furtim, dum traditur, astu Pegason, et fratrem ir.atris de sanguine Supposit^ cepisse manu : perque abdita natos. longe, [gosis Addidit et longi non falsa pericula cur- Deviaque, et sylvis horrentia saxa fra- silis : Goigoiieas tetigisse domos: pjissiroque Quae freta, quas terras sub se vidisset ab per agvos, alto ■ Perque vias vidisse hominum simulacra Et quae jactatis tetigisset sidera pennis^ t'erarumqiie 780 Ante exspectatum tacuit taaien. Excipit In silicem ex ipsis visa conversalVledusa'- onus 79a Se tamen horrendse clypei, quod Isva £ nuniero procerum, . [hastnm, iras : t*unctatusqive brevi, contortam viribus Telaqiie conjiciunt. Et sunt, qui Ce- Qiiamas iradaba», nequicqiuim in Persea phea dicant ., nii$it. Cam gcnero debere mori. Sed limine; ttsictit ilia toro, stratis turn denique tecti Perseus 3l Exierat t'epheus, testatus jusque, fidem- Exsiluif : teloqiie ferox iniinita renijsso que, Pettora rupisset; nisi post altaria Phin- Hospitiique Daos. Ea se prohibente- eus [ard. rooveri. 4i Isf et : et (iiidignum) scelerato profiiit Bellica P.illas adest, et protegit aegide Frontf lamen Khceti non irrita cuspis fratrem : ' adh3!sit. Datque animos. Erat Indus Atdis, quera Qui postquam cecidit, ferrumqae ex osse flumine Gange [antris revnlsitm est, Edita Liranate vitreis peperisse 3iU> BOOK V. 173 Pellucid Ganges, bore. His boyish mien And rash demeanour spoke his age sixteen : With studied care his graceful form is drest, Gold shines.embroider'd on his Tjrian vest, Fillets of gold his perfum'd tresses deck, (Ja And gold,en chains hang glitt'ring round his neck. To hurl the distant jav'lin great his art, But greater still to shoot the feathered dart. Already had he bent, with cunning aim, His bow, when Perseus from the altar's flame 70 A blazing billet at the Indian sped, And crush'd his mangled features in his head. Assyrian Ly cabas with horror view'd His darling Atys thus in blood imbu'd ; To see his bosom's idol, as he lay, 75 Scarce human from the wound, and groan away His tortur'd life, o'erwhelm'd his soul with woe : Then snatching up his lov'd companion's bow, Traitor ! he cried, with me the fight maintain ; Thy paltry triumph o'er an infant slain 80 Not praise, but scorn and hatred shall provoke, And twang'd the fatal bowstring as he spoke : The well aim'd arrow fail'd the heart to probe, But hung entangled in the hero's robe. Perseus the sword that slew Medusa try'd 85 On Lycabas, and plung'd it in his side ; Creditur, egregius formi: quam divite Et comes, et veri non dissimulator amo- _. ciiltu ris; AiiEPbal, bis adiuic octonis integer annif; Postqiiamexhalantem subacerbo vulnere lltdii'us f lilamyUem Tyriam, quam lim- vitam bus cibibat bl Deploravit AtUin : quos ille tetenderati Aureus : omabant auratamoniliacollum j arcus Et madidos myriha curvum crinale ca- Arripit : et, Mecum tibi sint certamina, pillos. [misso dixit: lUe quidem jaculo quamvis distantia Nee longam pueri fato Istabere ; quo Ftgere doctus erat, sed tundere doctior plus (31 arms. 53 Invidix, quam laudis, hubes. Hxc om- Tuiri qunque lenta manu flectentem nia nondum cornua Perseus Dixerat; emicuit nervo penetrabile te- Stipite, qui media po^itns fumabat in arS, lum : [dit. Perculit : et fractis confudit in ossibus Vitatumque, tamen siniiosd veste pepen- ora. Veitit in hunc harpen spectatam ca:de Hl^ncubi taudatos jnctaiitem iq sanguine Medusie vulius Acri^ioniades, adigitque in pectuf. At As«yrius vidit Lycabas, junctisiimus ilK ille 70 174 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Tho' death's dark mantle shades has smmming eyes, He stagg'ring seeks for Atys ere he dies, And on his bosom yields his flitting breath, Content to die, when thus allied in death. 90 Now fierce Amphiraedon, intent on guile, And furious Phorbas from the banks of Nile, Ran to the fight, but in the floating gore Slipp'd as they ran, and fell to rise no more : The blade of Perseus either rebel smote, 95 And pierc'd of that the ribs, of this the throat. Huge Erithus, who wields a pond'rous axe, Perseus avoids, nor hand to hand attacks : When lo ! a golden cup, carv'd and emboss'd With swelling images, his eye-sight cross'd ; 100 This in both hands he pois'd, prepared to throw, Then heav'd the massy goblet at the foe ; Down on the earth he drops his shatter'd head, Vomits red gore, and sleeps among the dead. V Next Polydaemon, of a princess born, 1G5 Young Abaris and Elyees unshorn, Lycetus, offspring of Thessalia's flood, Phlegias and Clytus welt' ring- in their blood, Perseus o'erthroAVs, and still where'er he turns. Beneath his feet the dead and dying spurns. 110 Pliineus meanwhile, not daring to advance, Hurl'd from a distant spot a random lance. Jam moriens, oculis< Enb.nocte natanti- Ingentem manibus tollit cratera duabus; bus atrS, [in ilium : Inliigitque viro. Kutilum vomit, ille Circumspexit Atliin-: seqne acclinavit cruorem ; Et tvilii ad manes jiincta' solatia rnonis. Et iesii|'inu6 humiim moribundo verlir.c Ecce Syenites genitus Methioue Phorbas, pulsat, Et Libys Ampliimedon, aviriicommittere liide Semiramio Polydiemona sanguine piignam, 7» crelura, 8* Sanguine, quo tellus late madefacta te- Caiicasiumque Abarin, Spercliioniden- pebat, [ensis, que I.ytetum, Concideraiit laps! : sUTgentibiis obslitit Intonsumque comas Elycen, Pliligian- Alteriuscostis.jugulo Hborbaniisadaitus. que, Clytumqi\e At non Actoriden Krithoii, cui lata bi- Slernif. et exstructos morientum calcaf pcr.nis acervos. Telum erat, admoto Perseus petit enses Ni?C Priineus ausus coucurrere coininus> sed alti» SO liosti, £xstaniem signis} muUsque in pondtTie Intorqiiet jaculum; quod detulit error itfjiS^my in Idan, vti' BOOK V. i7e On Idas' breast 'twas fated to alight, Guiltless of war and neutral in the fight ; With frowning brow on Phineus bent, he cried, llj5 Since thus I'm forc'd to chuse an hostile side^ Take from a friend thy folly made a foe, Meet punishment, and suffer blow for blow ; Then from his body strove the barb to force, But in the struggle sunk a lifeless corse. 120 First of the peers, Odites, who enjoy'd Rank next the king, by Clemenus destroy'd, Fled to the shades. Hipseus Protenor gor'd, And Hipseus fell by bold Lyncides' sword. Renown'd for virtue, as for age rever'd, 12§ Pious Eraathion in the lists appear'd ; The war of hands resigning to the young, He owns no weapon, save a wai-ning tongue. And rails with holy curses at the rest; But while his palsied hands the altar prest, 130 His hoary head, dissever'd at the spine By Cromis' sword, dropp'd reeking on the shrine ; There, mingling with the curling smoke its breath, Blaz'd a short space, then mutt'ring sunk in death. Broteas and twin born Ammon, skilFd to wield 1^3 The Cestus, (useless in Bellona's field,) Ampycus, too, whose mitred head a braid Of white adorn'd, were slain by Phineus' blade. Expertem frustra belli, et neiitra arma Quern quoniam prohibent anni bellare, seciitum. ^ loquendo [arma." IHe tnens ociiHs iniinitem Pbinea torvis, Pucniit ; et iiiccssit, sceleratequedevovet QuanJoquUlein iti partes, ait, abstralior, Huic Cliromis amplexo treinulis altaria accipe, I'hineu, palmis Quem fpcisli hostem ; pensaqiie hoc Detnetit ense caput, quod protinus in- vulnere vulniis. ciditara;: Jatnque remissurus tvactum <}e corpora Atque ibi semanimi verba exsecranlia telum 95 lingua los Sanguine defectos cecidit collapsus in Edidit, et medios animam expiravit in artuf. fnius Odites ignes- Hie quoque Ceplierium post regem pri- Hinc gemini fratres, Broteasque et Ense.jacet Clymeni : Protenora perculit csslibus Ammon Hypseus -. . [illis Inv'.cti, (vinci si possent csestibns enses,) Hypsea Lyncides. Fiiit et gratidxvus in Phinea cecidere manu : Cereri.'sque sa. pmatliion, iqui cultor, timidusque De- cerdos jpr.um j 100 Ampycus, albenti velatus tempera vittd. 176 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. O lapetides ! whose Ijric lay Was ill adapted to the martial fray, 140 Thine was the task to touch the peaceful wire. And chaunt the festive g-lories to thy lyre : Him when fierce Pettalus afar survey'd Waking the tuneful shell, he sneering said, Go, with the burthen of thy song invoke 145 The ghosts, and pierc'd his temples as he spoke. The dying bard still feebly sweeps the strings, And as he falls his own sad requiem sings. Lycormas, to avenge the minstrel's fate, Tore down a massy barrier from the gate, 150 Aim'd at th' assassin's neck the fracturing wound. And, like a slaughter'd heifer, fell'd to ground : Pelates, too, a door-post strove to throw, But as he tugg'd laborious to and fro, Sly Corythus discharg'd the lance he bore, 155 Transfix'd his hand and nail'dit to the door; When Abas with a thrust his side assail'd, And left the body on the post impal'd. Now Melaneus the battle's tide o'erwhelms ; And Dorylas, the rich, from Lybian realms — 160 Large acred chief! to whom each rival yields In heaps of grain and wide extent of fields ; Obliquely thrown, an Ethiopian dart Glanc'd thro' his groin, and found a mortal part : Tu qnoqne, lapetide, non hos adhiben- Demere tentabat laevi quoque robora dus in 11511« ; frnovere? ; postis [fixa est SeH qiii p;jcis opus ciiliaram cum voce Cinypbiiis Pelates : teiuanti dextera Jussiis eras celebrare dapes, festumque Cuspide Mantlarida; Corytlii, lignoque catiendo. [tenemi, cohaEsit. 125 Cui procul astanti pleclriinique imbelle Hserenti lati>s liausit Abas : iiec corruit Petlalns, 1, ridens, Siygiis cane cxlera, ille ; [peiidil. dixit, 115 Sed retinente imniim morjeus fe poste pe- Manibus; et Isvo mucronc-m tempore Sternitur el Melaneus Perseia castra se- fipit. Ctentat cu'iis, Concidit. et dieitis morienlibus ille re. EtNas.unmii.ici Dorylas ditissimus agri j Fila lyrae : casdque caiiit miserabile Dives agii DorylaS : quo non possederat carmen. alter 130 Non sinit hunc inipune ferox cecidisse Latins, aut totidem tollebatfarrisacervos. Lycormas: Hujus in obliquo missum Stelit ingiiiue llaptaque de dextro robusta repagnla posi i ferru ni ; Os5ibusilli|dit medisereivicis. Arille 121 Lctifer ille locus. Qiiem postquam vul- Procubuit terra: innum vivere, que veil e ' Ion go Ora loqui credas ; nee sunt 6a. pervia Enseferit: sonuittinnitibusensis acutis. verbis. 0um stupet Astyages, naturam traxit Increpat ho?, Vitioque animi, noil crini- eaudem ; 205- bu.=, inquit, 195 Marmoreoque manet vwKus miraptis in Gorgoneis torpetis, Eryx: incurrile me- ore. cum; Nomina longa mora est raediS de plebe Et prosternite humi juvenum magica viiorura [pngnae: arma movemem. Dicere. Bis centum restabant corpora Incursurus erat; tenult vestigia tellus : Gorgone bis centum riguerunt corpora Imniotusque silex, armataque mansit visa. 209 imago. Pcenitet injusti nunc denique Phinca Hi tamen exinerito pcenas subiere, Sed belli. [figurisj units 200 Sed c^uid agat i simnlacra videt divers» BOOK V. 181 Each comrade still in shape^ in face the same, He views, invokes his aid, and calls by name ; 270 Then folds their hands, half doubting, in his own — 'Tis marble all, a regiment of stone ! When thus the suppliant, with averted eyes, And outstretch'd hands, to conquering Perseus cries : The battle's thine, hence with that horrid shield, 275 Whose Gorgon centre petrifies the field ! Hence ! I implore thee ; no vindictive spite, !No lust of pow'r impell'd me to the fight : I merely sought to claim my consort's vow ; The first in order I, in merit thou : 280 Gladly I part with glory, kingdom, wife — All, all is thine, but spare, Oh, spare my life ! His lowly suit, thus urg'd, with downcast eye, Prew from the victor youth this brief reply ; Dismiss thy fears, thou timorous son of Woe ! 283 A mighty boon 1 purpose to bestow : All that I can I will ; in safety rest ; No sAvord of mine shall violate thy breast ; Nay more, in Cepheus' palace to thy praise A solid monument shall Perseus raise ; 290 Devouring Time shall spare thy marble face, And oft, in fond affection, to thy base Andromeda her footsteps shall direct, To view the image of her spouse elect. Agnoscitque suos : et nomine qiiemque Non cpssisse pigct. Nihil, 6 fortissinrCi, vocatos prseter Posc.it opem : credensque parum, sibi Banc aniitiam concede milM : tuacajtera proxiuia taiigit sunlo. Corpora: niarmor erant. Avertitur ; Talia diceiiti, neque eum, quem voce atqiieita supplex, rogabat, Confess^sque manus, obliquaquebracbia Respicere audenti, Quod, ait, timidis- tendens, 515 sime Phineu, Vincis, ait, Perseu : remove fera moii- Et possum tribuisse, et magnum muntis stra; tiiseqne [Medusa;. inerti est ; 225 Saxifieos vulius, qusecunquc ea, tolle (Pone inetum) tribuam : nullo violabere ToUe, precor. Nou nus odium regnive ftrro. cupido Q^'in eliam mansura dabo momimentat Ccmpulit ad bellum : pro conjiige mo- per aevum ; vimus arma. Inque domo soceri semper spectabere Causa fuit merivis meliortua, tempore nostri : nostra. 2'20 Ut mea se^ponsisoleturimagirjeconjuxv 182 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. He spoke ; and where aside the caitiff glanc'd 295 His ejes, the snake environ'd head advanc'd. Now his hard neck the dreaded change bespeaks, Big tears of chrjstal glitter on his cheeks; Yet still Avith suppliant look, extended hands, And servile mien, the marble miscreant stands. 300 Back to his native Argos, with his bride, From Cepheus' courtjtriumphant Perseus hied; But found the walls by rebel spears o'ergrown, And Proetus seated on Acrisius' throne : Dauntless his mother to avenge, he braves 305 His traitor uncle, and his vassal slaves. Whose vanquish'd arms and treason tainted tow'rs Devoted totter when Medusa low'rs. Yet still his martial deeds, his various toil. All fail to blossom on Seriphus' soil : 310 There Polydectes rules in feeble state : With rancorous ire, and unextinguish'd hate He treats the hero, and, with spiteful breath, Deems a romantic lie Medusa's death. Soon will I give a token of its truth: 315 Friends, guard your eyes ! apart exclaims the youth ; Then into view his slander'd trophy brings, And Gorgon's visage petrifies the king's. Here ceas'd Minerva longer to uphold Her martial brother born in showers of gold. 320 Dixit: et in partem Ftiorcynidatranstitlit Torva colubrit'eri superavit luinina luou- illam, "230 stvi. Ad quatu se trepido Pliineus obvertei-at Te tamen, 6 parvae rector Polydccta ore. [cervix Ser;|)h!, [res. Turn quoque conanti sua flectere Uuniiia Nee juveuis virliis per tot speclatn labo- Diriguit, saxoque oculoriim induriiit Kec mala moUieriiut; seci inexorabilc humor, rmarmore siipplex, duius Sed tamen os timidiim, vultiisque in Exerces odiiun: nee iniqiii finis in irft SubmisssEque manus, faciesque uljnuxia est. '24$ tnansit. 2)3 Detiectas etiam lauues: fiitaraque Me- Victor Abantiades patrios cum ton- dusa; juge muros Arguis esse necem» Dubimus tibi pig. Intrat : et immeritas vindPx ullorque nora veri ; parentis tarmafugato Panite I'lmiiiibus, Perieus ait : oraque Aggreditur Proetum. Nam fratre per regis ^crisioneas Proetus possederat arces. Ore Mednsieo silicem sine sanguine fetit. Sed nee ope armoi'umj uec, quum male Hactenus nurigena; coniitem Tritunia ■ ctperat, arce HO fs4Ui «M BOOK V. 183 Within a cloud's dark bosom hid from sight, The Goddess from Seriphus wing'd her flight, High darting o'er the main with rapid sweep, O'ertopp'deach isle that crowns ^Eoea's deep, Then passing Thebes, attain'd the Muses' shrine, 325 And courteous thus bespoke the learned Nine : Fame tells, that where Medusa's soaring steed Struck with his horned heel your grassy mead, A new born fountain flows ; to sift the tale Or true or false, I seek Boeotia's vale ; 330 Him starting from the Gorgon's blood I spied, And fain would view his hoof created tide. Whate'er the cause, Urania thus replies. That brings our guardian Goddess from the skies. Grateful, most grateful, are the thanks we pay. 335 Fame in this instance chaunts no fabled lay : Yes, the fair stream that down our mountain flows, Sprang from his hoof; and, as she speaks, she shows. X/ong ponder'd Pallas o'er the recent waves, Time sanction'd woods, cool grots, and mossy caves ; Fair Memory's daughters in their classic bow'rs, 341 On turf reclining deck'd with countless flow'rs. The Goddess hails, and, wrapt in wonder, greets Their polish'd studies and serene retreats. When thus a sister Muse her queen address'd : 345 O thou! who sure had'st with the Nine found rest, Se dedit, iiide cava circiimdala nube Excipit Uranie; Quaecunque est causa Seriphon videmli 960 Deserit; a dextrl Cythno Gyaroqiie re- Has tibi. Diva, domos, animo gratissiraa licti's. nostro es. Quaqiie super pontum via visa brevissi- Vera tamen fama est: et Pegasus hujus ina, Thebas, origo Virgineiimque Helicona petit : quo mon- Fontis. Et ad lalices deducit Pallada te polita sacros. Constitit; et doctassic est affata sorores: Quae miratadiu fuctas pedis ictibris undas, Fama novi fontis nostras pervenit ad Sylvarumlucoscircumspicit antiquarum; aures- 25f5 Anlraque, et iiinumoris distinctas flori- Diira Mednscei quem praepetis ungula bus lierbas ■• 26^ riipit. Felicesque vocat pariter studiiqiielocique Is mihi causa vise. Volui mirabile mon- Mnemonidas. Quam sic affaia est una strum sororum : Fernere : vidi ipsum materno sanguine O, nisi te virtus opera ad majora tttlisset, nasci, 1" partem ventura cliori Tritonia nustri. 184 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Did not Bellona point a loftier view, The groves we haunt, the studies we pursue, Deserve thy praise ; and thankful were our hearts, Could we but safely keep what heav'n imparts : S50 But Vice unbridled like a torrent rolls — All that we see alarms our virgin souls ; Abhorr'd Pyreneus still I seem to meet. And Reason yet scarce reassumes her seat : He, ruthless spoiler ! from the shores of Thrace, 355 O'er-ran fair Daulis, and possess'd the place ; As late we sought Parnassus' lofty fane, With seeming reverence he o'ertook the train. And cried, Ye Nine ! who seek Pieria's shades, (For well the smiling traitor knew the maids,) 360 Halt here awhile, and from the storm aloof (A storm there was) accept my humble roof; Ere now immortal Gods have deign'd to shrine Their lofty forms in lowly cots like mine. His specious tale, the clouds that in the sky 365 Still threaten'd storms, impell'd us to comply : Beneath his porch awhile we paus'd; the rain Now ceas'd to pour, loud Boreas blew again, And humid Auster, from his station driv'n. Fled with his sable clouds the cope of heav'n, 370 We wish to go : Pyreneus checks our course. Blockades the gateway, and prepares for force ; Vera refers! meritoque probas artesque Miiemonides, (cogn6rat enim) consis- locuinque : 271 tite, dixit ; 280 Et giatam surtem, tutsemodo simus, ha- Nee diibitate, precor, tecto grave sidus, beraus. fterrent et imbrem Sed (vetitiira est adeo sceleri nihi)) omnia (Inil)er erat) vitaremeo j subiere minores Viigiiieas uieutes : dirusque ante ora Saipe casas Superi. Biciis et tempore Pyreneus motee Vertitur: et nondum me totd mente Amiuimusque vu'o, primasque intra- recepi, 273 viinus sedes. Daulia Tlireuio Plioceaque milite rnra Desierant imbres : victoque Aquilonibiis Ceperat ille ferox, injustaque regna te- Austro, 283 nebat. Fiista rtpurgato fugiebant niibila coelo. Templa petebanuis Parnassia. Vidit Impetus ire fuit„ Claudit sua tecta Py- euntes : rcneus Nostraque fallaci veneratus numina cul- Vimque parat ; qiiain nos sumtis effagi- ta; Dius alis. BOOK V. 185 Poil'd in our exit thro' his bolted door. 5 From off his roof on spreading wings we soar; Not this, the madman cries, shall set you free, 375 The road that winds for you must wind for me ; Then from his topmost turret with a bound He vaults, and rushes headlong to the ground. With shatter'd features, blood in torrents spilt, Torture, and death, he expiates his guilt. SSO Soon as the troubled Muse had told her tale, A sound of rustling plumage shakes the gale. And, echo'd from the branches o'er their heads, A courtly note of salutation spreads : Pallas, enquiring whence the voices sprung S85 That talk'd so plain, and aped the human tongue. Saw on the boughs, in sympathetic prate. Nine magpies chattering forth their doleful fate. Again the muse address'd her wond'ring queen : Nine virgins late yon babbling race were seen ; 390 With us contending in the war of words. They lost the prize, and now are chang'd to birds. Evippe thrice three times Lucina woo'd, And bore to Pierus the luckless brood; Proud of their numbers, ardent for the fray, S93 Thro' Thessaly and Greece they bent their way. With brazen folly sought Apollo's shrine, And thus to vocal strife defied the Nine s Ipse secutviro siinilis stetit ordmis arc.e: Unde soiiecit : hominemque putat Jove Quaque via est vobis, erit et milii, dixit, nata locutuin, [qiieientes eiidem: 290 Ales erant ; numeroqiie novera sua tuta "Seqvie jacit vefQfs h siirainae ciilminf Institerant ramis imitantes omnia pica;. tunis • Wiranti sc orsaDea; Dea : Nuperetistje Jit cadit in vultus, discussique ossibus Auxeiiint volucrem vict-,E certamine tur- ijris b.im. 301 Tundit liiimiirc ifloiiens scelerato san. Pieros has Eteimit Pellaeis dives in arv is. g:xiine tinctam. Poeonis Evippe mater fuit. ilia poteutem Musa loquebatur. Peiinae sonuere per Lucinam novies, novies paiitura, voca- auras : vit. Voxqiie salutantdm ramis veniebat ab Inturaait nuinero stolidarmn tiirba so- altis. 29b rorum : 305 Suspicit ; et linguse (luaerit taxn ceila Peique lot Hsemonias, et per tot AchaS; loquentes das urbes ??9. V, A X 186 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Cease with vain minstrelsy to <;lieat the throng ; With us, ye bold monopolists of song, 4Q0 Contest the palm, with us the lay pursue, We, too, can sing-, and we are nine like you ; If vanquished, from yon Pegasus dismount^ Quit Aganipp^, and Medusa's fount ; If victors, take from us Emathia's green ; 405 And let the Wood-nymphs arbitrate between. With such vain boasters to display our skill Was base, but to decline were baser still. Our sylvan judges sate the rocks beneath, And vow'd to fi^^ on merit's brow the wreath, 410 Then one essay'd in tuneful verse to vie, And boldly sung the battles of the sky ; The sons of Earth with false encomiums grac'd, Extoll'd the giants, and the Gods debas'd. She sings how huge Typhoeus, upward driv'n, 415 Struck with a panic all the host of heav'n, Who fled the starry zone, and sought to hide In distant Egypt's sands and Nilus' tide ; The foe still following, to avoid the storm Each hunted Godhead takes a different form ; 420 A ram's curv'd antlers Jove for safety wears. Whence Lybian Amnion still the trophy bears ; Bacchus a goat the dizzy rock explores ; On glossy raven pinions Phcebus soars ; Hue venit; et tali committunt proelia Bella canit Supertim : falsoque in honore voce: Gigantas Besiniteiiidoclum vanadulcedinevulgus Ponit, et. extenuat magnorum facta Deo- Falleie. Nobiscum, si qua est fidiicia rura ; 3Q0 vobis, 309 Eitiissumque irn a de se^eTyphovJa terras Thespiades certate Deae. Nee voce, ncc Coelitibus fecisse metum ; cunctosque arte [dite virtac dedisse Vincemur; totidemque siim-s. Vel ce- Terga fugae : donee fessn= jEgyptia lellus Fonte Medusffio, et Hyantea Aganippe : Cepcrit, et septem discretus in ostia Vel nos Ematliiis ad PjBonas usque ni-'' Nilus^ vosos [Nymphse. Hue quoque terrigenam venisseTyphofea Cedamus campis. Dirimant certamina narrat, ' 3. ''.5 Tnrpe quidem contendere eral ; sed ce-r Et se mentitis Superos celasse figuris : dere visum 315 Daxque gregis, dixit, Bt Jupiterj unde Turpius. ElectjE jurant per flumina recurvis Nympha;; Nunc quoque formatus Libys est cum pactaquede vivo presseresedilia saxo. cornihus Amnion. Tunc, sine sorte prior quae se certare Delius in corvo, proles Semelciacapro, profesaa est, Fele soror Phoebi, nive^ Saluniia vacc&, BOOK V. nf Venus a fish divides her native main ; 425 An ibis Hermes bounds across the plain ; Dian a cat creeps timid from her foes ; And Juno in a snbw-w^hite heifer lows. Thus far our rivStl wak'd her impious string, And now ouf umpires call'd on us to sing — 430 But haply, to attend our tedious lyre, Great Pallas owns nor leisure nor desire» Doubt not, the queen replies, thj skill display, Here, in this shade, I'll listen to the lay* Resuming thus her tale, thd muse obey'd : 435 Calliope engaged to foil the maid ; Upstarting from her seat, the heav'nly fair With wreaths of ivy bound her flowing hair, In plaintive prelude swept the wires along, Then thus commenced her consecrated song : 410 Cei'es first gave the crooked ploughshare birtli, Upturn'd the glebej and scatter'd corn on earth ; She founded laws ; whate'ef we boast below To heifj the subject of my song, we owe. Oh, that the miise could wake her slumb'rlng strings To numbers heav'nly as the theme she sings ! 446 Triumphant Jove o'er huge Typhoeus' head Fair Sicily with all her mountains spread ; Stretch'd on his back, supine, and howling, lies In Earth's dark womb th' assailant of the skies. 450 Pisre Venus latuit, Cylleniusibidis atis. Atqiie haec peicussis subjungit carmina Hacteiuis ad citliiiinm vi-calia mo- nervis. 34a verat ora : Prima Cares unco glebam dimovit ar.tro : toscimur Aonides. Sed forsitau otia noa Prima dediUruges, alimeutaqae mitia . •„ sint; terris : [mumis. Nee nostris praebere vacet tibi cantibus Prima dedit leges. Cereris sumus omni ^ aurem. " Ilia curieii-da milii est. Utinam niodo lie dubitaj vestrumque ttiihi refer «rdine dicere possem carmen, 355 Carmina digna Dese ! certfe 0ea carmine Pallas ait : nemorisque levi consedit in digjia est. 34s umbra. Vasta giganteis ingestaest insula meni- Mu«a refert : Dedimus summam certa- bris minis uni. Trinacris; et Magiiis subjectum molibu» Surgit, at iramissos heder^ coUecta ca- urget piilos .^ihereas ausum sperareTyphoga sedes. Calliope querulasfr%tentatpollice chor- Nitiiur ille quidem, pugnatquc resur^er* das* ««pe : A & 2 ISS OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Oft to ascend the panting giant strains. But his right hand immense Pelorus chains j High o'er his left Pachyhus' summits meet, And LilybjEum binds his struggling feet ; While, bj hot ylStna pent, his mouth respires 455 White cinders to the skies and crimson fires. Oft, too, he strives, by ponderous earth oppress'd, To roll off rocks and cities from his breast : Thence earthquakes rise, and hell's tremendous God Trembles beneath, lest, thro' the opening sod, 460 Intrusive Sol descend with hateful ray. And on his spectres flash unwelcome day. Fraught with this dread the king from Styx recedes, Yokes to his murky car his sable steeds. And upward stealing, marks with cautious toil, 465 The deep foundations of Sicilians soil. Above, below, he finds secure her coasts, And doubt no more appals the king of ghosts. Him, Wand'ring thus, the queen of love espied From Eryx' height, embrac'd her son, and cried, 470 My arms, my glory, minion of my arts, Snatch, dearest boy, thine all subduing darts, Arid, with thy fleetest shaft, the heart transfix Of him who rules by lot the realms of Styx. The Gods, the king of Gods, the Nereid train, 475 And he who sways the Nereids and the main, Dextra «ed Ausonio raanus est subjecta Ambibat Siculae cautus fundamina terras. Peloro : 350 Postquam exploiatum satia est, loca taeva, Pacliyne, tibi : Lilybaeo crura pre- nulla labare ; m'.intiir: Depositiqne metus, videt hunc Erycina Degravat ^tna caput ; sub qu^ resupinus " vag^ntem arenas [Typhceeus. Monte siio residens, natumque amplest Ejectat, flammamque fero vomit ore voVacrem ; Ssepe reinoUri luctaturptfiidera terrae; Arma, manusque meae, mea, nate, po- Oppidaque. et magnos evolvere corpore tentra, dixit,- 36» inontes- 355 Ilia, quibus superas omnes, cape tela, Inde tremit tellus: et Rex pavet ipse si- Cupido, lentuiii, Inque Dei pectus celercs molire sagittae, Ne pateat, latoque solum retegaturliiatu; Cui triplices cessit fortuna uovissima Immissusque dies trepidantes terreat regni, umbris. [tyiannus Tu Superos, ipsumque Jovem, tu numina Hanc raetuens cladem tenehro'sa '?ede ponli Esierat: curruque atiorum vectus equu- Victa domas, ipsumque, regit qui nu-" nim 360 isina ponti. . 370 BOOK V* U9 Confess thy might : whj not to Pluto's throne Extend thy mother's empire and thine own ? Since in the skies Love's waning glory fades, 'Tis time to wave thy sceptre o'er the shades : 480 See'st thou not Pallas and the queen of night Spurn my enchantmentj and my bondage slight ? Nay, Ceres' daughter hopes to ape their plan, And, (should'st thou suffer,) shuns the love of man. Dear son! if aught of pride thy bosom fires, 485 If our joint empire aught of zeal requires, With Love's bright torch fair Proserpine invade, And to her uncle Pluto yoke the maid. She spoke. Now, aided by her choice, her son Forth from a thousand darts selected one ; 490 None more acute, more rapid on the wing, Ere whizz'd unerring from the bowman's string : This, pois'd on outstretch'd knee, the urchin sped. And pierc'd th' unconscious monarch of the dead. Near Enna's walls, o'er fair Sicilia's lands, 495 Fergus, a wide and chrystal lake, expands, Whose swans harmonious rival, as they glide, Their tuneful brethren on Cayster's tide : The waving woods, that shade the green retreat. Veil the cool stream from Sol's meridian heat ; 500 Around the margin Flora's blush illumes The humid turf, and spring eternal blooms. Tartara quid cessant f curnon matrisque Unam seposuit. Sedquanec acutiorulla, tuumque Nee minus incerta est, nee quic magis Imperium prefers? agitur pars tenia aiidiat arcum. mundi. " Oppositoque genu citrvavit ftexile cormi; Et tamen ill coelo quoque tanla potentia Inque cor hamati percussit arundina nostro Diteni. ■Spernitur : ac iiiecum vires minuuiitur Baud procul Hennaeis Jacus est a moeni- Amoiis. bus altce, 38s Fallada nonne vides, jaculatricemqne Nomine Fergus, aquae. Non iUo plura Dianam -Mb Caystros Abscessisse mihi? Cereris quoque filia Carmiiia cygnoi'um labentibus audit in vir!(o, [easdeni. undis. Si patiemur, erit : nam spes afft-ctat Sylvacoronataqua?, cingens latus omnej At tu, pro socio si qua est mea gratia suisque regno, [pharetram Frondibus, ut velo, Phocbeos submovet, Junee Deam patruo. Dixit Venus. Ille ignes. Solvit: et arbitiio matris de mille sa- Frigora dant rami, Tyrios humus hiimida Sjiitia. 380 flores, sgi» 190 OVID'S METAMORPlIO^ESo Here Proserpine, disporting in the vale, Cuird the blue violet and lily pale ; And as with infant eagerness she strove 50S To distance all her playmates in the gro ve, While the fresh flow'rets from th' enamell'd sod Her bosom and her basket fill'd, the God, Warm with desire, rush'd furious thro' the shade, Savr, lov'd, and bore aAvaj th' affrighted maid. 51(7 Now, gazing round, her comrades' aid she seeks, Now for her mother, wild, despairing-, shrieks ; As from her eyes, the tears descend in show'rs. From her torn vest she drops her gather'd flovv'rs : These, too, she mourns, with still increasing tears — * Artless regret ! well suited to her years ! 51& High in his rattling chariot Pluto speeds, Guides, and exhorts by name, his coal black steeds, O'er their arch'd necks the rusty harness shakes. And drives o'er rivers, pools, and sulphurous lakes, To where, 'twixt two unequal harbours rear'd, 52t Offspring of Corinth, Syracuse appear'd; There by two coasts, like circling hornsj embrac'd, Near Arethusa's tide, a watery waste O'erspread the valley, and, as nymphs proclaim, 59^ Took from Sicilian Cyane its name : She, watchful Naiad, from her native tide Breast high emerging, knew the God, and cried, Perpetuum ver est. Quo dum Proserpina ExhortaUir equos. Quorum per coUaj luco jubasque Ludit, et aut violas, aut Candida lilia Excutit obscnra tinctas ferrugine ha< rarpit ; benas. Dunique puellari studio calathosqne si- Perque lacus altos, et olentia sulfure uumque [Stiido, fertiir 405 Implet, et aequales certat superare le* Stagiia P;ilicorilm rnpta ferventia teriS: ptne simul visa est, dileclaque, rapta. El qua Bacchiads bimari gens orta Co- que Dili : 395 rintho Usque adeo properatur amor. Dca ter- Inter insequales posuerunt moenia per- rita mnesio tus Et matrem, et comites, sed matrem sae- Est medium Cyanes, et Pissae Arethusae, pius, ore f^b orS, Quod coit aiigustis inclusum cornibus Clamat: et, ut summjL vesteui laiii&ial aquor. 410' Gollerti fiores tunicis cecidere remissis. Hie fuit, ^ cujus stagnum quoque no- Tantaque simplicitas puerilibus adfuit mine dictum est, aunis : 400 Inter Sicelidas Cyane celeberriina Nym- Ha:c quoque virgineum movit jactura do- phas ; lorem. [vocatcs Gurgite qu£E medio summi tenus es» Raptor agit currus ; et nomine quemque stitit alvo. BOOK V. m Here check thy progress, tyrant of the dead ! Nor 'gainst the mother's will the daughter wed; 530 Let mildness win the maid, not terror scare : Me, too, if small with great I may compare, Anapis woo'd, but not with wild alarms, 'Twas love, not fear, that won me to his arms. With hands outstretch'd, the nymph, thus speaking, brav'd 535 The baffled king : indignant Pluto rav'd, Urg'd on his foaming coursers in the race, And furious to the eddying whirlpool's base His sceptre plung'd ; earth opens from afar, And prone to Tartarus descends the car. 540 Her much lov'd Proserpine, her native spring, Alike dishonour'd by the lawless king. Fair Cyane laments : the dire disgrace Chains her mute tongue, and drowns in tears her face. Now in the lake that once confess' d her sway, 545 In gradual flow her limbs dissolve away ; Rigid no more, her nails, her bones subside, Blend with the waters, and augment the tide : First melt the lesser members of the fair, Her legs, her feet, her fingers, and her hair ; 550 For parts like these, uniting with the wave, Gain a fleet transit to the stream they brave ; The larger limbs now softening like the rest. Her sides, her back, her shoulders, and her breast, Agnovitqiie Deum .- Nee longius ibitis. At Cyane, raptamque Deam, contemta. inquit. [roganda, quefontis 435 Noil potes invitse Cereris geiier esse. Jura sui moerens, inconsolabile vulnus Non rapienda fnil. Quod si componere Mente gerit tacjtj; lacrj'misqiie absii. magnis 416 mitur omnis : [men, in illas Parva milii fas est : et me dilexit Anapis. Et, quarum fuerat magnum modo nu, Exorata tamen, nee, ut liiec, exterrita Extenuatiir aquas. MoUiri membra vi- nupsi. [tendens, deres : [goreni- Dixit: et, in partes diversas bracliia Ossa pati fiexus : ungues posuisse ri- Obstitit. Haud ultra tenuit Saturnius Primaque de tot& teuuiasima quieque iram : 420 liquescunt ; [desque: Terribilesque hortatus equos, in gurgitis Caerulei crines, digitique, et crura, pp, ima Nam brevis in gelidas membris exilibus Pontovtum valido sceptnim regale la- undas [merique, latusque, certo [fecit, Transitus est. Post haec tergumque, liu- Condidit. Icta viam tellus in Tartara Pectoraque in tenues abeunt evanida Et ^I'onos currus medio cratere recepit, jivos. 435 192 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Disperse in rivulets ; the circling flood 55d Bounds thro' her arteries, and supplants the blood, Till on the stream the Naiad rul'd before, She flit? a shadow, tangible no more. Meanwhile, an outcast, over land and main Affrighted Ceres seeks her child in vain ; 560 O'er her sad foot-prints, guiltless of repose, Aurora gleams, and parting Hesper glows ; A torch in either hand, from ^Etna's height Illum'd, she bears to guide her thro' the night ; And when the stars the beams of morning shun, 565 Again from east to west pursues the sun. Parch'd is her throat with thirst, she droops with toil, No welcome spring meandering o'er the soil ; When lo ! an humble cottage, roof 'd with thatch. Appears ; she knocks — a beldame lifts the latch, 370 And when for water suppliant Ceres sued, Proffer'd a grateful juice from barley brew'd : This while the Goddess from the pitcher quaff'd, A rude hard-featur'd boy stood by andlaugh'd; How greedily she swills ! he scoffing said, 575 Th' offending youth with frowns the queen suryey'd, Forebore th' unfinish'd beverage to sup, And in the urchin's face discharged the cup : Scarce o'er his head the sprays of barley flow, When legs appear, where arms were wont to grow, 580 Denique pro vivo vitiatas sanRiiine venas CoUuer^nt fontes j cum tectatn stratnine Lyiiipha subit : restalque nihil, quod vidit" pi-^tiderie possis. Forte casam, parvasque fores pulsavit j Iiiterea payidsE neqiiicquam filia matri at inde Omnibus est terri?, pmni q^ijesita pro- Prodit anus ; Divamque videt, lymphamT fnndo. qne rogaiiti, Illain tion rutilis veniens Aurora capilli? Dulre dedit, tosta quod coxerat antfe po- Cessantem vidi't, non Hesperus. Ilia lent&. 4iia duahus 441 Dum biliit ilia datum ; duri puer oris et Flixmmifer^ pinus manibus succendit ab audiix ^tna ; Consti lit ante JQearn; risitque, avidam- Perquepruinosastulitirrequietatenebras. quevocavit. Rursus, ubi alma dies hebetarat sidera, Oifensa esl ; neque adhuc epota part^ natam loqueniem Solis ad occasiTS, Solis quasrebat ab ortu. Cum liiiuidn mistS, perfudit Diva polenta. Fessa labore sitim coUegeratj oraque Combibit os macuiasj et, qua modo' nulU ^ 446 brachia gessit, ' 4i5, BOOK V. iSt Behind a tail in little volumes sweeps ; Innocuous, weak, the pigmy lizard creeps : Now from the wond'ring crone the reptile shrinks, Eludes her touch, and hides in holes and chinks, And from the spots which, thick as heav'nly fires, 585 Speckle his skin, his Roman name acquires. What lands and waters in her restless flight The Goddess trac'd, 'twere tedious to recite. Round the wide world in vain she roam'd, and back To Sicily, at length, resum'dher track; 590 Where ardent still each covert to explore, She gain'd, mute Cyane, thy willowy shore. Lost was the shadowy nymph, her lips, her breath. Her voice, were drown'd in elemental death : Yet true to Proserpine, her sacred wave 595 A purple clue to sorrowing Ceres gave ; And, (dropp'd by chance within her tide,) display'd The well known girdle of the captive maid. This when the Goddess saw, in wild despair She beat her breast, and tore her golden hair : 600 Dubious what shore her daughter may enthral. Her annual bounty she denies to all ; She deems all realms ingrate, immers'd in guile, But chiefly loathing sad Sicilians isle That now confirm'd her loss, with rapid hand 605 She breaks the ploughs that cleave th' inverted land. Crura gerit: cauda est mutatis addita Diccre ron aderant: rec, quo loqiier?- membris: [nannendi, tiir, habeb.^t. [parent! Inque brevem formam, ne sit vis mag- S;gna tainen mariifeftadedit : notamque Contrahiinr: parvaque minor meisitra lUo fnrte loco delapsam gnigite sacio lacerta est. [stra pajaiitem Persepbonea zon-.m summis os endit in Miraiitein, fleniemque, et tai'gere uj» n- undis 470 Fiigitanum: latctrarnqge petit; aptum- Qiiam simiil agr.ovit, tanqiiam turn de- que colori 4'0 nique ri'pam Nomen liabet, variis stellatns C(>r!)'ra Srisset, inoinaros laniavitDiva capillns : guttis. Uindis, Etrepetila suis percussit perlora pabnis. Quas Dea per terras, et quns err iverit Nee sit adbiic ubi sit : terras tamen iii- Diceielonga mora est. Qua;reiiti defuit crepat omnes ; [dignas; orbis Ingratasque vocat, nee frugiim munere Sicaniam repctit. Duinque omnia lustrat Trinacriam ante alias, in qua vestigia euudo; damni 47S Venitet ad Cyanen; ea,i)5 mutafa fuisspt, Ueperit: Ergo illic saevl vertenti 1 giebas Omnia nanasset, Sed et os ei lingua Fregit aratra manu : parilique irata co- volenti 466 lono NO. V. B B 194 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Fell Murder stalks aroundj and Famine reigns O'er cities, oxen, husbandmen, and swains. Th^ stubborn glebe its promised store denies, The seed corrupted in the furrow lies. 610 An isle which late in Plenty's bosom smil'd. Pride of the world, now droops a barren wild: Here tainted wheat dies mildew'd in the bud, Scorch'd bj the sun, polluted by the flood. Or bjasted by the stars or driving show'r, 615 There ravenous birds the recent seed devour ; While thorus and weeds wave noxious o'er the plain, Vex the corrupted soil, and choak the grain, Now from the tide spft Arethusa rears Her head, and shaking backward to her ears Q2Q Her dewy locks, to vengeful Ceres said, O genial Goddess ! parent of the maid Thus sought all nations thro', forbear thy toil, JVor pour thy vengeance on a faithful soil ; This isle is innocent, 'twas riv'n aside 625 By force resistless as the rape it eyed. Think not I sue thee for my native earth, Pisa's my land, and Flis gave me birth ; Yet dear to iiie all other realms before Is this thro' which a foreign urn I pour; 630 My household Gods, sweet objects of iny care. While here I sojourn, gracious Goddess ! spare. Ruricolasqiie bovgs let)iD dedit : arvaqiie Atqne ait-. O toto quassitae Virginia jussit orbe, Fiilleie depositum, vitiataqiie semina El fmgiim genitrix, immensos siste fecit. . 480 labores; 4Uq Fertilitas terra: latum vnlgata per qrbem Neve tibi fidae violenta irascere terrae, Cassa jaiet : priinis tegetes moriuntur "Terra nihil uieriiit : paiuitque invita rar in lierbii; pinte. Et modo sol nimius, nimiiis modo par- Nee sum pro patriS supplex j b(ic hos- ripitimber. [voliicres pila veni. Sideraqne, yentique npcent: avidaequp Pisa mihi patria est : et ab Elide duci- Sumina jact'a leguiit : jplium, tribuliqiie musortum. fatig<:nt 483 Sicauiam peregrina cojq : sed gratior Triticeas messes, et inexpugnabile gra- omiii 495 inen. ' t[aBC milii terra solq est, H.JsnuncAre- SUim caput Eleis Alpliei. IS pxtulit undis, thus ■ penates, toraiitt'sque comas a t'ronie removit ad Hanc habeo sedem t quam tu, mitissimai aures ; serva. ^ BOOK V. IffSf Whj, braving distant Earth and Ocean's swell, Hete in Ortvgia I a stranger dwell. Fit season may arrive to speak, Avhen thou 635? Shalt chace thy grief, and smooth thy ruffled brow. Thro' coral rocks beneath old Ocean's waves, Me pervious Earth draws darkling thro' her caves, Till hither borne, my upward fountains spy Wew planets glitter in a foreign sky: 640 As late I murmuring lav'd the Stygian shrine^ These eyes beheld thy long-lost Proserpine : Pale tho' her looks and ting'd with wild affright, Yet, mighty empress in the shades of night, She waves her ebon wand o'er realms unknown, 645 And shares with Pluto hell's tremendous throne. The hapless mother at the dfeadful tale Stood like a statue, thunderstruck and pale ; But when a flood of tears reliev'd her pain. She mounts her car, ascends th' ethereal plain, 650 And thus with clouded brow, dishevell'd hair. And streaming eyes^ to Jove prefers her prayer i Before thy throne^ great monarch ! I recline A suppliant pleader for my blood and thine. If Ceres fail to raise the lover's fire, 659 The child's oppression may arouse the sire ; Nor, be Jove's heart regardless of her doom, Ev'n tho' the victim sprang from Ceres' womb. Mota loco cur sim, tantique per oequo- Sed tamen inferni pollens matroiia ty« ris iindas [lioia raiini. Advehar Ortygiam, veniet narratibus Mater ad auditas sttipiiit, ceu saxeaj Tempestiva meis, cum tu curisque le- voces: vala, iOO Attonitsqiiediii similisfuit: utqiiedolore Et vultftsmelioris eris. Mihi perviatellus Pulsa gravi gravis est anienlia, cunibns Praebet iter: subterque iinas ablata ca» auras - su vernas [cemo. Exit in tethereas : ibi toto niibila vultu Hie caput attoUo: desuetaque sidera Ante Joveinpassisstelit invidiosjeapillis. Ergo, dum Slygio sub terris gurgite Praqne meo veni supples tibi, Jupiter; labor, inquit. Visa tua est oculis ill ic Proserpina nostris. Sanguine, proque tuo. Si nulla est gratia lUa quidem trislis, nee adluic interrila matris, oli vultu 1 506 Nata patrem moveat : neu sit tibi cura Sed regina tamen, sed opaci maxima precamur munUi) Viliorillius, quod jioitro est edita parttf, B b 2 . ' 196 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. If certainty of loss indeed be gain, Or if to trace the captive snaps the chain, 660 She whom so long 1 sought the world around, My child, my darling Proserpine, is found. The Avrong I pardon, but still claim the fair : Tamely to brook a tyrant robber's snare, And leave our child in Stygian caves to rove, 665 111 suits great Ceres and immortal Jove. Pledge of our mutual joy, thy daughter shares (Thus answer'd Jove) our fondness and our cares ; To Pluto's act appropriate terms affix, 'Twas love, not rapine, snatch'd our girl to Styx : 670 And could'st thou. Goddess, thy resentment rein, Ne'er should I deem so proud a match a stain ; Were all else wanting, why should'st thou repine ? 'Tis Jove's own brother joins his blood to thine. But say what else is wanting ? chance alone 675 Debarred our brother from our heav'nly throne. Yet, if so great thy wish, go, bid her rise To earth, and view again her native skies; On one condition she may yet elude Her spouse, her lips must ne'er have tasted food j 680 So will the Fates. The parents part in peace, And Ceres hastens to her child's release ; But destiny forbids : the simple bride. Late wand'ring in her tyrant's orchard, spied En quxsita diu tandem milii nata re- Tu modo. Diva, velis. Utdesint ceetera, peita esl ; quantum est Si reperire vocas, aroiltere certiusj autsi Esse Jovis fratrem ! quid quod nee cse» Scire ubi sit, reperire vocas. Quodrapta, teradesunt, feremus ; 520 Nee cedit nisi sorte tnihi? sed tanta cu- Dumniodo reddat earn. Neque enim pido praedone marito Si tibi dtssidii; repetat Proserpina coe- f ilia digna tua est, si jam mea filia lum : 530 digna est. Lege tamen certa ; si nullos contigit illic Jupiter excepit: commune est pignus. Ore cibos. Mam sic Parcarum foedere onusque cautum est- Nata milii tecum ; sed, si modo nomina Dixerat. At Cereri ceitum est educere rebus natam. Addcre vera placet, non hoc injuria Non ita fata sinunt. Quoniam jejunia factum, S^5 Virgo Yerum amor est ; neque erit nobis gener Solverat : et, cuUU dum simplex errat in ilte pudori-. hortis, &»» BOOK V. 197 A ripe pomegranate, from whose pallid core 685 To her red lips seven seeds the damsel bore. Ascalaphus alone beheld the deed, — Him Orphne vilest of the Stjgian breed, Naiad obscure, on Phlegethon's dark shore To Acheron in murky caverns bore : 690 He saw, and told ; this barr'd her upward flight, And bound her captive in the shades of night. Deep groan'd Hell's empress on her throne beloWj And to a bird transform'd her babbling foe. Immersed in Phlegethon, his face assumes 695 Huge eyes, a blunted beak, and starting plumes; No more himself, his bulbous head expands, Wings brace his shoulders, curling claws his hands, His lazy arms heave flagging thro' the air, And scarce uphold the dusky Avings they bear; 700 A filthy owl, he hoots discordant still, To fear struck mortals harbinger of ill. Fitly th' ofifence here justice seem'd to reach, Meet retribution for unlicenc'd speech. But why should Fate, ye Sirens ! bid you sweep, 705 Half birds, half women, o'er Sicilia's deep? Say, was it not, that late on Fergus' shore, You cuU'd with Proserpine the flow'ry store ? When o'er the earth you sought in vain the fair, That conscious Neptune might attest your care, 710 Puniceutn curv& decerpserat aibore po- llle sibi ablatus fulvis araicitur ab alis ; mum: [grana Inque caput crcscit; longosque reflecli- Sumtaque pallenti septem Oe cortice turuneues; Presserat ore suo, soliisque ex omnibus Vixque inoVet natas per inertia brachia ilUid pennas : [tils, Viderat Ascalaphus : quern quondam dl- Foedaqueflt volucris, venturi nuntia luc- «itur Orphne, Ignavus bubo, du'uin mortalibiis omen. Inter Avernalfs baud ignotissima Nym- Hie tamen indicio poenam linguSque phas, 540 videri Sol Ex Acheronte suo furvis pcperisse sub Commeruisse potest. Vobis, Acheloides, antris. unde [geratisf Vidit: el indicio reditum crudelis ade- Pluma pedesque avium, cuin virginis ora niit. An quia, cum legeiet vernos Proserpina Ingemuit regina Erebi ; testemque pro- flores, fanain In comitum numcto mista, Sirenes, Fecit uvem: sparsumque caput Plilege- eratis ( hbb ihontidt lympliA. Vjuam postquam toto frustra qusslstis In rostrum, etptumas, et grandia lumina in oibe ; [curam, vertit. i45 Pfotinas ut vsstrair sentirent squura 198 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. You pray'd for plumes, solicitous to spread Your fond research o'er ocean's azure bed ; The Gods propitious listen'd to the strain, Light jellow pinions waft you o^er the main, Yet still your dulcet carols to prolong, 715 Still to outvvarble Philomela's song, Our eyes and ears you rivet and rejoice With virgin faces and a human voice. Now shares impartial Jove the year between Ihe king of spectres and his captive queen. 720 -Six moons she shines in heav'n a Goddess, six She reigns an empress on the shores of Styx : Sudden she blooms, her face in smiles is clad, And she who erst to Pluto's self seem'd sad, Awakes to joy ; like Sol, whose golden ray 72^ Darts thro' the clouds and renovates the day. Ceres with placid brow, and jocund heart, Now asks thee, Arethusa, to impart Thy promis'd tale : the murmuring stream subsides. And Arethusa rising from the tides, 730 The pearly moisture from her tresses wTings, And thus the loves of old Alpheus sings : Among the nymphs who Dian's pastime grace, In fair Achaia once I led the chace ; None more alert the sylvan toil to share, 735 None more alert to spread the sylvan snare ; / Possesuperfluctus alaruminsistere r-Tiiis Nam, modo quae pcrterat Dili quoqvre Opt&stis : facilesque Ueos liabuistis ; et inocita videri, arias Lieta Dese fions est : ut Sol, qui tectus Vidistis vestros subitis flavescere peiinis. aquosis 570 Ne tainen ille canor mulcendas natus ad Nubibus antefuit, victisubi tiubibusexit. aures, Alii lixigit alma Ceres, natasecura repertSi, Tantaque dos oris linguse deperderet Quae tibi causa viae ; cur sis, Arethusa, usum; sacer Ions > Virginei vultus, et vox luimana remansit. Coiiticuere unda: : quarum Dea sustulit At mediiis fratrisque sui mastaeque so- alto roris Fonte caput: viridesque manu siccafa Jupiter ex aequo volventemdividit annum. capillos 576 Nunc Dea regiiorum numen commune Fluminis Elei veteres narravit amcres. duorum hOG Pars ego Nympharum, qua; sunt in Aclia- Cum matre est totidem, totidem cum ide, dixit, conjuge menses. Una fui : nee me studio;ius altera saltu»^ Vertitur extenipl& facies et mentis et oris: Legit, nee posuit studiosius altera casses. BOOK V. 199 A huntress bred, I slighted beauty's fame, Yet gain'd the wreath I wanted pride to claim. Soft compliment with subtle flattery fraught, To others all in all, to me was nought ; 740 And when a lover sued, in wild alarm I blush'd, and deem'd it criminal to charm. Once, I remember, in Arcadia's shade, (The chace redoubling Phoebus' heat,) I stray 'd; A lake I found, whose smooth pellucid face 745 Expos'd to view each pebble at its base : Devoid of eddy, down Stymphalia's grove Stole the slow tide, and scarcely seem'd to move : Poplars and willows grac'd the bank, and gave Spontaneous shelter to the parent wave. 750 Advancing, first my shiv'ring foot I wet. Then play'd knee deep ; but not contented yet, Intent to lave, Avith joyous speed undrest, And on a bending ozier, hung my vest. Now as along the grateful stream I dart, 755 And striking, plunging, ape the diver's art ; A murmuring sound stole upward from the sand. And drove me pale and trembling back to land. Stay, Arethusa ! from his subject tide. Stay, Arethusa! hoarse Alpheus cried. 760 Naked I fled, by chance the vest I wore O'erhung the river on the adverse shore. Sed i)iiamvis formae nunquam mihi fatna Cstna salicta dabant, niiiritafiue popiiUis petita est, i80 unda, iyo Qiiamvis fortis eram, formosse nomen Sponte sua natasripis declivibus umbras. h;ibebam : Accessi; piiiniiiiique pedis vestigia tinxi; Nee mea me facies nimium laudata ju- Poplile deinde leiius. Neque eo con. vabat. [dote ' tenta, recmgor: Qiiaciue alijE eaudere si'lent, ego nistira MoUiaque impdno salici velamina curvae; rorporis ernbui; crimenque placeie pu- Niidaqiie meigor aquis. Quas diim fe- tavi. rioque, traiioque, Lassa revertebar (meminij Stymphalide MiUe niodis lab<;ns, excussaque brachia svlva. 585 jacto; [mur: jE?tuserat: magmimque labor geniina- Nescio quod medio sens! sub gurgiteranr- verat isuim. Terrilaqueinsisto piopioris margine ripie. Inveniofine vortice aquas, sine murmure <2uo properas, Aretliusa ? suis Alplieus euntcs, ab nndis, [ore. Perspicuas imo; per quas numerabi'is Quo properas? iterum rauco milii dixerat alte [putares. Sicuf. eram, fugio sine vestibus, Altera PaltijlKS omnis eral i quas tu visf ire vestes 601 500 . OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Fir'd by the view, and ardent to embrace, The lawless God rush'd eager to the chace. As from the hawk the dove devoted flies, 765 As drives the hawk the dove thro' summer skies, So 1 escaping', he pursuing fled : Orchomenos, Cyllene's sylvan head, Fair Psophis, fragrant from Arcadian gales, Cold Erimanthus' hills, Maenalia's vales, 770 I past ; and flew o'er fertile Elis' soil With lightning's speed and unabated toil : Spent with the labours of the way, at length My spirits flagg'd, while he with gath'ring strength Gain'd on my rear ; ev'n yet o'er hill and glade, 775 Wide open plain, and mountain thick with shade. Impending precipice, untrodden waste. And dizzy cliff;, I rush'd with headlong haste : But now, (or fear beguil'd,) in Sol's decline, I saw in front his shadow dance o'er mine ; 780 Now echoing heard his footsteps as he ran. Now felt his heated breath my tresses fan. Help, Dian ! help ! I cried, to madness di:iv'n ; One to whose faithful hand thou oft hast giv'n Thy bow, thy quiver, and thy sylvan spoils, 785 Invokes thee — haste ! — I struggle in the toils. — Cynthia assents ; and from her midnight clouds Selecting one, her breathless votary shrouds ; Uipa tneas habuif. Tanto magis jnstat. Per tamen etcampos, per opertos arbore et ardet ; montes, Et quia nuda fui, sum visa paiatior illi. Saxa quoque, et rupes, et qua via nulla. Sic ejco currebatn ; sic me ierus ille pre- ciuurri. mebat : Sol crat ktergn -. vitii pra-cedere longam Ut fugere accipitrem penna trepidante Ante pedes umbram; nisi si timor ilia colnmbaE, tOS videbat, CI* yt solet accipiter trepidas agitare co- Sed cei te sonitfiriue pedum terrebar ; et lumbas. ingeiis Usque sub Orehomonon, Piophidaque, Crinules viitas aftlabat anhelitusoris. Cyllenenquc, Fessa labore fugae, Fer opein, deprendi- MsEnaliosque sinus, gelidumqueEriman- niiir, inquam,. [dedisti thun.etElin Aimigera", I)i<:ivnna, tuse : cui ssepe Currere sustinui. Necme velociorille. Ferre tuosarcus.irichiEaqnetelapliaret S. Sad tolerarediu riirsus ego viribiis impar MotaUeaeslj spissisque feiens e nubi- JJon poteram; longi paliens erat ille In- bus uiiam 6-21 boris. 6lt Me super iiijecit, {^ustratcaliginctectain BOOK V. 201 Benighted in the mist, Alpheus chid His fate, and wond'ring where his victim hid, 790 Twice rambled to the covert where I lay, And, reckless, almost touch'd his panting prey : Twice, Arethusa, Ho ! aloud he call'd : Ah me ! what anguish then my soul appall'd. The lamb who hears the wolf, in slaughter bold, 795 Howl thro' the night around the lofty fold ; The ambush'd hare that, fearful of attack, Crouch'd in the fern, eludes the opening pack. Ne'er felt my fears, which doubled, when I found That still, tho' foil'd, Alpheus kept his ground. 800 Puzzled to view my footprints cease, he stops, Walks round this cloud, and loiters in the copse. Cold swea,t drops oozing from my shadow'd limbs, My melting form a sea green fluid swims, Beneath each foot a rivulet extends, 805 Down my moist hair the pearly dew descends, And sooner. Goddess, than the tale I tell, Chang'd to a stream, I murmur'd down the dell. The amorous God his Arethusa knew, Resign'd his form, and gush'd a fountain too, 810 And sought my love, still ardent to entwine His winding waters confluent with mine. Diana cleaves the opening soil, J mock The God, and downward borne, from rock to rock, Amiiis; et ignarus circum cava nubila Longius iiUa pedum. Servat nnbemque quaerit. locmnque. [anus: Bisque locum, quo me Dta texerat, in- Occupal obsessos sudor mihi ' frigidus scius ambit : CiErulea;que ladimt toto de.corpore gut- F.t bis, lo Arethusa, lo Arethusa, vo- tsc. [capillis cavil. 62.1 Quaque pedeni movi, manat lacus ; ique Quid mihi tunc animi misers fuit? anne Kos cadit: et citius, quam uuric tibi fata quod aRua; est, renarro, 633, Si qua lupos audit circum stabula alta In laticem mulor. Sed eiiim cognoscit frementes? amalas Autlepori.qui veprelatens hosliliacernit Amnis aquas, pQsitoque viri, quod sum., Ora canum, nullusque oiidet dare cor- serat, ore, [undas. poremotus? Vertitur in prcprias, ut ?e mihi misceat, Non tamen abscedit: neque enimvesfi- Delia ruiupit humuin. Ca;tis ego mersa gia cernit 630 caverais NO. V. C C 202 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Thro' darkling earth, my course submerging trace : 815 But when I lav'd this fertile island's base, Ortygia, dear to Dian, chac'd my fright, And bade my tides exulting spring to light. Thus far the Naiad. Ceres now regains Her car, refits the harness, smooths the reins, 820 Yokes her twain dragons to the beam, and flies A midway circuit 'tvyixt the earth and skies ; Then hovering in descent, o'er Athens flits, And to Triptolemus her car commits, With bounteous charge to strew her golden grain 825 On desart heath, and cultivated plain. Europe and Asia o'er the hero soars Aloft in air, and seeks the Scythian shores : Here Lyncus reign'd; the monarch asks his name, His plape of birth, and how and why he came, 830 When thus, beneath the royal roof receiv'd, The car-l?orne youth his jealous host reliev'd : Great Athens gave me birth, the trump of fame Swells with her deeds; ; T^^ptolemus rpy name :^ I neither walk the earth, i^or plough the deep, 835 Air is my pathj thro' pervious heav'n I sweep ; I bring thee grain ; when scattered by thy hand 'Twill nod in genic^l harvests o'er the land. The king foresees the glory of the deed.-r^ He fain would take the merit with the seed ; 840 Advehor Oi'tygiam : quae me cognomine Vectus eratjavenis; Scythicas advertitur DivsE 640 oras. Grata mess siiperas edtixU prima sub Rex ibi Lyiicus erat. Regis subit ille auras. penates, 6i>0 Hac Arethusfi tepus. Geminos Dea Qua vefiiat, causamque viae, iiomenqiie fertilis angiies roga'us, Curribua sdmovitj frspnisque coercuit Bt patriam: Patria est clarae, mihii dixit, ora : ' [estr Athenaej Et medium cceli terrseque per afira vecta Triptolemus' nomen. Veni nee puppe Atque levem currum Tritonida misit in per undas, arrem fi45 Nee pede per terras: patiiit iijihi perviuj Triptolemoj partimque rudi datasemina stlier; jnssif Dona fero Cereris 1 latog qux sparsa per Spargere hiimo, partim post tempora agros 654 longarecultsE. Frugiferas metses, alimeutaque niitia Jam super Europen sublimis et Asida reddunt _ [auclor terras Barbarus invidit : tantique ut muueris bOOK V. SOS And wJien soft sleep o'erpow'rs his Weary guest, Steals with a naked sword to pierce his breast; But Ceres, while with lifted arm he thinks The blow secure^ transforms him to a Ijnx ; Then bids again her sacred dragons bear 84.5 Triptolemus triumphant thro' the air. Here, (quoth the Muse,) Calliop6 her lay Forbore to chaunt : here ceasM our tuneful fray. The umpire Nymphs each rival claim discuss, Then yield the palm unanimous to us: 850 Evippe's brood the victor Nine abuse With clamorous criesj when thus again the Muse t You merit vengeance by presumptuous song-. Your speech presumptuous aggravates the wrong. 'Tis past : on Folly's head the ruin falls : 855 Patience, begone ! we fly where anger calls. The foolish sisters laugh our threats to scorn ; When, as with brandish'd tongues and hands upborne^ In rude defiance they attempt to rail. Small gradual feathers shade each finger nail; 860 A chequer'd pinion every shoulder tips. Long beaks of horn encrust their scolding lips ; Struggling to smite their breasts, aloft they rove On magpie wings, the scandal of the grove ; Where yet their ceaseless tongues betray the birds, 865 Pert gabble and a greedy love of words. tpse sit, liosphio recipif. somnoque gra- Ibimus in pccnas; et qua vocat ira, se- vatum qiiemur. [verba i Aggrediiur ferro. Conarttem figere pectus Rident Emathides, spernuntque minacia Lynca Ceres fecit: rursusque per aCni Conataeque loqui, et nlagno cliimore pfo- misit 660 tervas 670 Mopsopiuni juvenum sacros agitare ju- IntentarematiuS, pennasexireperiingue» gales. Asiiexere suOs, operiri brachia pliimis : Fihierat dictos & nobis maxima cantus; Alieramie alterius rigido concrescete Ai Nyitipliae vicisseDeaS Helirona colen- rostrb fsylvis. tes Ora vident, volucresqiie novas acredere Concordi dixere sono. Convicia victae Dumqiie volunt plangi; per bruchia mbta Cum jacerent; Quoniam, dixit, certa- levatae 675 mine vobis 665 ASre pendebant nemorum convicia picae* Supplicium merliisse parum est; maledic- Nunc quoque in alitibus facundia prisca taqiie culpse remansit, [lUqUehdi Aduitisi ct nou e&t p tientla libera nobis ; Raucaquegarrulitas, studiumque tmmanc c c i OVID's METAMORPHOSES. BOOK VI. THE ARGUMENT* The Hisiori) of AraChnt, — Her Contest with Minerva ifi the Art of Weaving .—Description of their different Webs. — The Goddiss pourtrays the Birth of Athens, and the Danger of setting the Gods at Defiance. — Arachni delineates the Amours of Jupiter, Neptunet Apollo, Bacchus, and Saturn. — Her Transformation iftto a Spider. — Pride of Niobe. — Her Insult to Latona.—'Latona's Complaint to her Twins. — Slaughter of Niobe's Children. — Death of Amphion.—^ Transforination of Niobe into a Statue. — Of the Lycian Huiband» men into Frogs. — Story of the Satyr Marsyas,— -Origin of the River Marsya. — Story of Pelops. — Conference of the Cities of Greece.—' Story of Tereus, Progne, and Philornela.-^Their Transformation into Birds.^' Boreas in Love. .INERVA, listening' to the heav'nly throng, Approves their anger, and admires their song ; Then thus apart : My pow'r celestial, too, Like theirs, profan'd, demands the vengeance due. Enough of courteous speech; henceforth 'tis mine 5 To share the praise 1 lavish on the Nine. Her soul now ponders on a Ljdian's doom, Renown'd Arachne, who athwart the loom, With bold unerring hand, the shuttle darts ; In art a rival to the queen of arts. 10 Her fame, the meed of industry and worth, Sprang nor from pomp of place, nor pride of birth. PR^BUERAT dictis Tritonia talibus Mseonisequeanimumfatisintenditilrach» aurein ; [baverat iram. nes : k Carminaque ASi idum, justamque pro- Quam sibi lanificae non cedere laudibus Turn secum, Laudare parutn est ; laude- artis iiiur et ipssf [sinatnus. Audierat. Noa ilia loco, nec origin* X^umina nec sperni sine poen^ nostra gentis BOOK VI. 205 Idmon of Colophon, her father, spread The saturated wool and djed it red : JFIer mother, like her sire, by birth was cast 15 Among the poor, and now had breath'd her last : Yet this their child, in small HjptEpa bred, Thus meanly born, ill-clothed, and coarsely fed, The distaff and the fleece her only boast, Crain'd high repute throughout the Lydian coast. SO From where green vineyards Tmolus' brow enfold, From bright Pactolus rolling tides of gold, The Nymphs and Naiads, fascinated, rove To view the wonderous v^sts Arachne wove : Oft, too, delighted round the loom they lurk, 25 To watch the skilful progress of her work. Whether in gathering orbs her fingers drew The infant wool, or wound it round the clue, Or frequent carding bade its roughness cease, And spread in shadowy clouds the subtle fleece, 30 Or with light, dexterous hand from side to side Turn'd the swift spindle, or the needle plied, All deem'd the art by wise Minerva taught. The lofty artist, jealous of the thought, Th' imputed tutor with disdain denies : 35 Let her with me dispute the palm, she cries; If conquer'dby her talents, I engage To brave the direst tokens of her rage. Clara, sed arte, fuit. Pater huic Colo- Nee factas solum vestes spectarejuvabat; phonius Idmon Turn quoque, cum fierent, lantus decor Phocaico bibulas tingebat miirice lanas. afFuit arti. Occiderat mater : ted et hiec de plebe, Sive rudem primes lanam glomerabat in suoque 10 orbes: ^Equa viro fuerat. Lydas taftien ilia per Seu digitis siibigebat opus, repetitaqne urbes [vis longo SO Quaesierat studio nomen mernorabile; Vellera moUibat nebulas sequantia tractu; quaiiivis [psepis. Sive levi teretem versabat ^ollice fusum ; Orta domo parvS, parvis habitabat Hy- Seu pingebat acu ; scires a Pallade doc- Hiijus ut aspicereiit opus admirabile, tarn. ssepe Quod tamenipsa negat: tant&que offensa Deseruere sui Nymph» vinela Tymoli : 15 magistr^, Deseruere suas Nymphie Paclolides un- Cenet, u it, mecum> nihil est quodvicta das. recusein. 3» 266 OVID^S MElTAMORPHOSES. Minerva strait a beldame's figure gaiii'd, Grej hairs her temples hid^ a staff sustain'd 40 Her palsied limbs; then thus the veteran said: Age need not alvvajs fill the joung with dread, Slow gain'd experience gilds our waning years ; Spurn not my counsel; with thy mortal peers ,., Go, ply the distaff, and contest the prize, 4S Nor wage a fruitless battle with the skies ; Thy rash contempt of Pallas quick repair, And gain her pardon by submissive pray'r. With frowning brow, with fury glancing eyes. And hand uprais'd, half willing to chastise^ 60 Arachne cast th' unfinish'd web aside. And to her shrouded rival thus replied : I'eace, crazy fool ! to doting age a prey ; I'll be mine own adviser; hence! away ! Hast thou a daughter ? has thy son a mate ? 55 Go home, and lull their organs with thy prate : Nor think by dull prudential lore to hold My captive speech: I'm resolute and bold : If Pallas hopes to make Arachne yield. Why skulk evasive? why not brave the field? 60 She comes ! retorts the crone ; then swift resigns The seeming beldame, and a Goddess shines. The Nymphs and Lydian dames, who view'd the scene^ With prostrate reverence own the heav'nly queen : Pallas anum simulat : fulsosque in tem- poia canos Addit, et infirmos baculo quoque sustinet artus. [dior aetas. Turn sic orsa loqui : Non omnia grati- Quae fUgiamus, habet. Seris venit usus ab annis. Consilium ne sperne meum. Tibi fama petauir 30 Inter morrales faciendse maxima lanae. Cede Deae : veniamque tuis temeraria dictis Supplice voce roga. Veniam dabit ilia roganti. Aspicit lianc lorvis, inceptaque fila re- linquit; Vixque manum retinens, confessaque vuUibus iram, 3i Talibiis obscuram resecuta est Palbida dirtis ; [senecta ; Alenils inops, longSque vehis confecta Et nimiinn vixisse diu nocet. Audiat istas, Si qua tibi nurus est, si qua est tibi iiliai voces. Consilii satis est in me mihi. Neve mo- netido 40 Profecisse putes; eadem sententia nobis. Cur non ipsa venit; cur hcEC certamina vitat } Turn Dea, Venit, ait J formamque remo- vit anilein j Palladaqne exliibuiti VenerantUr numl. na Nymphae, MyEdonidesque nurus. Sola est nOn teir- (ita viigo. 49 BOOK VI. 20f Arachn^ only eyes unaw'd her foe, 65 Yet o'er her cheek unwilling seems to glow A starting blush, but ere 'tis felt it flies. So when Aurora paints the morning skies, Soft purple decks the clouds, 'till, dazzling bright, Ascendant Phoebus turns their hue to white. 70 Blind to reproof, with fancied wreaths elate, The stubborn artist rushes on her fate. Jove's daughter, taunted to the lists, forbears All further counsel, and for war prepares. Swifter than thought from either side they spread 75 Athvf^rt the loom two webs, whose subtle thread Clings to the beam ; the rapid slay aloof Divides the work, sharp shuttles urge the woof: This, too, across their dexterous lingers pull. And when the warp receives th' inserted wool, 80 The rival maids their nicest pow'r display. And nimbly dart the intersecting slay ; Around their breasts their gather'd drap'ry coil, And ply their task unconscious of the toil. Now the bright red that Tyrian cauldrons brew'd, 83 In scarce discriminated shades is strew'd. As when fair Iris glitters from on high, And shoots her gaudy rainbow thro' the sky, Her countless colours seemingly unite. In blended shades, to cheat the dazzled sight, 90 Seci tamen erubult; subitusque invita Tnseritnr medium radiis subtetnen acutis; notavit [agr Quod digiti expediunt, atque inter sta- Ora rubor; rursusque evaniiit. lit sol t minaductum furpureus fieri, cum primum Aurora Percnsso feriunt insect! pectine dentes. movetur; [ictu. Utraque festiiiant : cinctieque ad pectora Et breve post tempus candescere ?olis ab vestes I'erstat in incepto, stolidaeque" cupidine Bracbia docta movent, studio faliente palmaa 50 laborem. 60 In sua fata ruit. JJeque eiiira Jove nata IIlicetTyrium qua3 purpura sensit a henum recusal: Texitur, et tenues parvi discrimiiiis um-f Nee monet ulterius: nee jam certamina brae: [cus differt. [ambsB, Qualisab imbre solet percussis solibus ar- Haudmora; constituunt diversis partiliHs Inficere ingenli longum curvamine coe- Et gracili geminas intendunt stamine )um : telas. In quo diversi niteant cum niille colores^ Tela jugo vincta est: stamen secernit Transitus ipse tamen spectantia lumina arundo; 5S> fallit: 66 208 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. So the fair maids around their colours dealt : Opposing tints in gradual union melt, With threads of gold the sparkling loom is fraught, And ancient lore breath'd vivid as they wrought. Pallas the rock of Mars in Athens trac'd, 95 And shew'd the Gods in wrangling synod plac'd : As yet an humble town, unknown to fame, Fair Athens lay, they met to give it name ; Th' immortal twelve, in majesty divine, With Jove between, on lofty seats recline : 100 To each his proper shape and face is giv'n ; Jove grasps the sceptre of the king of heav'n ; The monarch of the main the solid rock Strikes with his trident ; sudden as the shock, A warrior's steed bounds living from the stone, 105 And Neptune claims the city for his own. Herself she draws in spear and buckler dress'd, A helm her head, an aegis guards her breast : Her jav'lin cleaves the soil, and from the ground An olive springs, with pouting berries crown'd. 110 Th' admiring Gods applaud : th' Athenian queen With her own victory consummates the scene. And now, to paint, by precedent, the snares That blind Arachne for herself prepares, On the four corners of her work she prints, 1 15 In breathing figures, and conspicuous tints, Usque adeo quod tangit idem est; tamen At sibi dat clypeum, dal acutae cuspidU ultima distfint. hastain : ]lUc etlentum filis immittitur aurum, Dat galeam capiti: deftenditur segide Et vetus ill tela dedncilur argumentum. pectus, Cecropia Pallas scopuluin Mavortis in Percussamque su& simulat de cuspide arce 70 terram 80 Pingit, et antiquam de tcriae nomine Prodere cum bnccis fostum canentis oli- li'.em. V2e : Bis sex coelestes, medioJove, sedibus altis Miiaiique Decs. Opeii victoria finis. Augusta giavitate sedent. Sua quemque Ut taincn exemplis intelligat semula Deorum taudis, Inscribit faries. Jovis est reealis imago. Qund prelium speret pro lam fiirialibus Stare Deum pelagi, longoque ftrire tri- ausls, dente 75 Quatuor in partes certamina fjuatuor Aspera saxa facit, medioque fe vulnere - addit $5 saxi [urbem. Clara colore suo, brevibus distincta ei- Exsiluisse ferum 5 quo pignore vindicet gillis. BOOK VJ. 209 Four earthly combats with the heav'nly race : Here Rhodope and Haemus, pride of Thrace, Swell from the web ; they sprang from mortal dames, But daring- to assume celestial names, 120 Ruin o'ertook them from th' avenging Gods, And each a frozen cloud-capt mountain nods. In order next her rapid threads relate The pigmy matron's miserable fate, Who ventur'd to engage in beauty's strife 123 With heaven's high empress, Jove's majestic wife ; But forc'd to yield, now, fluttering in a crane, Pecks the dwarf tenants of her native plain. Now, passing to the thii-d, she brings to view Antigone, who strove with Juno too ; 130 And quitted, too, on soaring plumes the earth ; Not Ilion's lofty tow'rs that gave her birth, Nor great Laomedon, her sire and king. Could ward her doom : upborne on snowy wing She soars a stork, and still, intent to speak, 13^ Sings her own praises with sonorous beak. The final angle shoAvs, in rich relief, Devoid of children, sad Assyria's chief; Where cold in marble steps his daughters sleep, Prostrate he clings, and still appears to weep. 140 Last with her own pale olive, pledge of peace, Bordering the work, Minerva's labours cease. ThreYciam Rhodophen liabet angulus In volucrem vertit: nee piofuit llion unus, et HEBiiion ; illi, 05 Nunc gelidos raontes, mortalia corpora Laomedonve pater, sumtis ciuin candid» quondam ; peiinis Nomina summorum sibi tiui IribiiSre Ipsa sibi plaudat crepitante ciconia Deorum. roslro. Altera Pygmaese fatum miserable ma- Qui superest solus Cinyran liabet an- tris 90 guliis orbiim : Pars liabet. Banc Junovictam certamine Isque gradus templi nalarum memiira. jussit suariim Esse gruem , populisque suis indicere Ampieilens, saxoque jacens, lacrymare belUini. videtur. 100 Pingit et Antigonen ausam contendere Circuit extremas oleis pacalibus eras. quondam [Juno Is modus est j ^operique sua facil vbore Cum magni consorte Jovis J quam regia fiiiem. NO. V. D Ji 210 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Araclme pictures on her rival wool Europa cheated bj a seeming bull : The bull appears to low, the waves to roar, 45 The trembling- virgin eyes the lessening shore, Calls to her nymphs, and shrinking strives to hide Her timid feet, drawn upward from the tide. Jove o'er Asteria struggling to prevail She paints, an eagle he and she a quail; 150 Now as a swan his Leda's breast he shades ; A satyr now Antiope invades ; Amphytrion here, he seeks Alcmena's bow'r ; Here tempts fair Danae in a golden show'r ; JNow hid in flames delusive, he inspires 155 iEgina's bosom with congenial fires ; In shepherd's form Mnemosyne o'ertakes ; And lures Deois in a spotted snake's. Thee, Neptune, too, her skilful hand pourtray'd A heifer sporting with th' ^olian maid; 16Q Now murmuring wanton in Thessalia's tide, Thy fluid arms embrace the giant's bride ; A ram, thy form Bisaltes' daughter mocks ; And fruitful Ceres, with her golden locks Chang'd to a mane, in vain eludes thy force, 165 She a fleet mare, but thou a fleeter horse ; Medusa next thou winnest in a dove; And last a dolphin gain'st Melanthe's love. MsoiiUelusam designat imagine tauri Aureus ut Danaen, Asopida liiserit ig. Europen : verum taurum, fieta vera pu- neus ; tares. Mnemosynen pastor, varius DeoTda ser- Ipsavidebatur terras spectarerelictas, 105 pens. Et comites claraare suas, tactumque ve- Te quoque mutatum torvo, Neptune, ju- reri venco 1J5 A?silientis aquse; timidasque reducere Virgine in ^olia posuit. Tu visus EnU plantas. peus Fecit et Asterien aquilaluctante teneri : Gignis Alo'idas; aries Bisaltida fallis. Fecit olorinis Ledam recubare sub alis : Et te, flava comas, frugum mitissima Addidit, ut Salyri celatus imagine puU mater, cram 110 Sensitequumj te sen sit avem crinita co- Jupiter implfirit gemino NycteVda foetu; lubris Amphitryon fuefit, cum te Tirynihia Mater equi volucris: sensit Selpbina cepitj Meluntho. X80 BOOK VI. 211 Each aptly she describes, and weaves between Appropriate views, to localize the scene. 170 Here, doom'd hy Jove a rural swain to stray, Deluding Issd, kneels the God of day; Now in a lion's stately form he stalks ; Now cleaves apparent ether in a hawk's ; Here round Erigone, a seeming vine, 175 In purple clusters coils thp God of wine; While Saturn here in secret roams the earth A horse, and gives the Centaur Chiron birth. Around her web, to crown the whole, she weaves A fancy wreath of flow'rs and ivy leaves. 180 Pallas with scrutinizing glance surveys What none could blame, and Envy's self might praise : Then, fir'd with jealous rivalry, begins To tear the record of celestial sins ; And with her wooden shuttle pois'd in air, 183 Thrice wounds the forehead of the Lydian fair ; Th' unhappy girl ill-brooks the harsh controul, And in a noose discards her strangled soul. The pitying queen upholds her sinking weight, And cries. Still live ! suspended live, ingrate ! 190 For past misconduct present ills endure. Nor deem the future from my rage secure : No, the dire penance that awaits thy crime, Shall stamp thy offspring to remotest time. Omnibus his faciemque suam faciemque Possitopus. Doluit successu flava virago: locorum [Phoebus. Et rupit pictas coeleitiacriniina vestes. Reddidit. Est illic agrestis imagine Utque Cytoriaco radium de monte tene- Utque modo accipitris pennas, raodo ter- bat, galeonis [Issen. Ter qualer Idmoniae frontem percussic Gesseril: ut paslor Macareida luserit Araclines. Liber ul Erigoncn falsa decepiirituva: 123 JJon tulit infelix ! laqueoque animosa Ut Saturnus equo geminum Chiiona ligavit crearit. Guttata. Pendentem Pallas miserata Ultima pars telje, tenui circumdata levavit : 135 limbo, [tos. Atque ita, Vive quidem, pende lamen, Nexilibus flores hederis habel intertex- improba, dixit: Non illud Pallas, non illud carpere Lexque eadem poense, nesissecurafuturi, Livor 1-29 Dicta tuo generi, serjsque nepgtlbus esto < D d 2 212 OVID'S METAMORPHO-ES. She spoke : and ere to heav'n she wing'd her flight, 195 Sprinkled her foe with baleful Aconite. Scarce o'er her form th' envenom'd waters play, When lo ! her tresses, nose, and ears, decay ; Her limbs, contracting to their centre, close ; Her withering head contracts ev'n less than those ; 200 Beneath her breast her gathering fingers crouch, Then in long legs uphold a sable pouch ; Whence still her thread she draws with anxious thought, And guards a spider, what a maid she wrought. All Ljdia murmurs. Rumour's trumpet sounds 205 From Phrjgia's plain to earth's remotest bounds. Fair Niobe, the foremost once to scale Tall Sipjlus, and pace Masonia's vale, Ere yet the partner of Amphion's throne, In early youth the hapless girl had known ; 210 Yet ev'n this warning fail'd to teach the queen The Gods to rev'rence, and abate her spleen : Her plenteous joys seem'd durable as fate : But not the sceptre of her Theban mate; Her lofty grandeur, his creative lyre, 215 Nor their joint kindred to th' almighty sire, So pleas'd, (tho' these no common rapture shed,) As the fair race that crown'd her nuptial bed. But woes excessive follow pride's excess : Happiest of mothers, had her joys been less ! 220 PoEteadiscedensBUCcUHecateldosherbae Ante siios Niobe tbalamos cognoverat Spargit. Et extemplo tristi medicamine illam, [colebat. ti'.ctae 140 Turn cum MEeotiiam virgo Sipylumqne Defliixere comx; cumque hig et naris et Nee tainen admonita est poena popular!» auris. Arachnes ISO Fitque caput minimum toto quoque cor- Cedere ccelitibus, verbisque minoribus pore parvae. uti. In latere exiles digiti pro cruribushaerent. Multa dabant animos. Sed enim neo Ceetera venter habet. De quo tamen ilia conjugis artes, remitlit Nee genus amborum, magnique potentia Stamen; et antiquasexerretaraneatelas, regni, [cebant, Lydiatotafremit: Plirygixqueper op- Sic placuere illi, quamvis ea cuncta pla- pida facti 146 Ut sua progenies : et felicissima matrun» Humor it, ct magnum sermonibus occu- Dicta foret Niobe, si non sibi vita fuis- paturbejn. set.. laS' BOOK VI. 213 NoAV panting recent from the Delphic shrine, Born of Tiresias, prophetess divune ! Rapt in the future, Manto thus exclaims : Ye Theban virgins, and ye Theban dames, Quick on your holy fanes due offerings place 223 To great Latona and her twin-born race ; Bind, too, her sacred laurel round your brows : Latona dictates what my breath avows. Swift to their fanes th' obedient dames repair, Entwine the bidden laurel round their hair, 230 Devoutly deprecate Latona's ire, And feed with frankincense her sacred fire. When lo ! environed by a titled throng, Fair Niobe majestic mov'd along ; Attir'd in Phrygian robes that flam'd with gold, 235 And ev'n in anger lovely to behold, Tossing aloft in air her graceful head, While on her neck her locks descending spread; Sudden she halts : surveys with scornful eyes The tira'rous females, and indignant cries, 240 O idect race ! thus blindly to pursue A hearsay Goddess, yet neglect the true ; Why smokes with sacred fire Latona's shrine, While yet no holy incense burns on mine ? My sire was Tantalus, 'twas his to boast 245 A feast ennobled with the heav'nly host : Kam sata Tiresia venturi praescia Manlo Vestibus inlexto Plirygiis spectabilis Per medias fuerat, divino concita moln, auro : [que decoro Vaticinatfi vias ; Jsmenides, ite fre- Et, quantum ira sinit, formosa : movens- quemes. Com capite immissos liumerum per Et date Latonaa, Latonigenisqueduobus, utrumque capillos. [snperbos; Cum precc thura piS; lauioque innectite Constitit: utque oculos circumtulit alta crinem. Qu'S furor auditos, inquit, praeponere pre meo Latona jubet. Paretur: et visis 170 oinnes Crelestes ? aut cur colitur Latona per Thebaides JHSsis sua tempora frondibus aras ; ornant: fl;a, flmimis. Numen adhucsinetburemeum est? mihi Thur&que diint Sanctis, et verba precan- Tanlahis auctor; Ecce venit cQinilun» Niobe cel«bervima Cui licuit soU Supqrorijm tungere men- turbS, 16» s»s. 214 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. My mother glitters in the starry train, Atlas, her sire, upholds th' ethereal plain ; Great Jove, who gave my spouse and father birth, By two-fold kindred sanctifies my worth. 250 Aw'd by my royal nod, me Phrygia fears, Me Cadmus' palace as its queen reveres; Yon walls, the refuge of the sons of Tyre, Rais'd and cemented by Amphion's lyre. Confess our sway : behold my courts around 255 Pow'r without question, wealth that knows no bound. Look on this face, this form is worthy heav'n ; Sev'n are my daughters, and my sons are sev'n ; Each shall ere long select, or be, a bride. Now, dotards, ask the motive of my pride ; 260 Nor henceforth, o'er your lawful queen, presume To rank this daughter of— I know not whom; This harlot, to whose Jove imparted throes Chaste earth denied or refuge or repose : Sad roam'd the vagrant over land and main, 265 Till Delos, mingling pity with disdain, Cried, Halt, poor outlaw ! Delos tends to thee That rest on earth he sought himself by sea : Halt here awhile, lay down thy galling yoke ; And gave precarious refuge as he spoke. 270 There bore she twins, O miracle divine ! Two are her children, sev'n times two are mine. rie'iadum soror est genitrix mihi: maxi- Et totidem jUvenesj et niox penerosque m us Atlas nurusqiie. [perbia causam : Est avus, aethereum qui fert cervicibiis Quserite nunc, habeat quam nostra su« axem : 175 Nescio quoque audete satam Titanida Jupiter alter avus. Socero quoque glo- deo 18S rior illo. Latonam prsferre mihi 3 cui maxima Me gentes metuunt Phrygiae : me regia quondam Cadmi Exiguam sedem pariturae terra negavit. Sub dominS. est: fidibusque mei com- liecccelo, nee humo, necaquisDeavestra missa mariti recepta est. . [gantem, Mcenia cum populis h. meque viroque re- Exul erat mundi ; donee miserata va- guntur. Hospita-tu terris erras, ego, dixit, in In quamcunque domtis adrerto lumina undis, 190 partem, 180 Instabilemque locum Delos dedit. Ilia Immense spectanturopes. Accediteodem duobus Digna De& facies. Hue natas adjice sep- Facta parens : uteri pars est hxc septima tern, noEtri. BOOK VI. . 215 Who dares deny my joys are form'd to last ? Let him who doubts the future view the past : Safe in fruition, from my dazzling- height 273 I brave defeat, and laugh at Fortune's spite : Her whirling wheel ne'er frights my dauntless mind; Much she may take, but more must leave behind; Let Pluto's arrow thin my filial crew, Ne'er shall they dwindle to Latona's two : 280 Twins are her little all, O bounteous doom! O mighty distance from a barren womb ! Hence with this idle incense ! cease your prayer ! And pluck those leafy gewgaws from your hair. The mob obey, dishearten'd by her taunt, 283 Yet whisper praises fear forbids to chaunt. From Cynthus' mount, with agony oppress'd, Latona now her twin-born pair address'd : Lo ! I, your parent, mighty in your might, Next Juno lofty in the heav'nly height, 290 Should you, dear children ! fail to give me aid, Doubted, deny'd, attainted, and dismay'd. From fanes erst honour' d, am an outcast driv'n, The scorn of mortals, and the jest of heav'n ; Nor this my only grief; profaner still, 295 This impious Theban adds reproach to ill : Her father's tongue inherits with his sins, Extols her offspring o'er my radiant twins,. Sum felix. Quis enim neget hoc? felix- Foiiite. Dsponunt; infectaque sacra re- que manebo. [pia fecit. linquimt : Hoc qiKique quis dubitet? tutam me co- Qiiodque licet, tacito venerantur mur- Major sum, quam cui possit Fortuna mureuumen. nocere. 195 Indignata Dea est: summoque in vertice Multaque ut eripiat; multb milii plura Cynthi relinquet. Talibiis est dictis gemina cum prole lo- Excessfere metum mea jam bona. Fingite cuta ; 205 demi En ego vestra parens, vobis aniraosa Huic aliquid populo natorum posse me- creatis, orum ; Et nisi Junoni, nuUi cessura Dearum, Kon tameii ad numerum redigar «poliata An Dea sim, dubitor: perque omnia sae- duorum cula cultis Latonae. TurbS. quo quantum distat ab Arceor, &nati, nisivos succurritis. Aris, orba! 200 Nee dolor hie solus. Diro eonvicia facto Ite sacris, propcrate sacrisj laurumque Tantalis adjecit: vosque est postponere capillis natis 216 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. And calls me barren— may the odious slur Glance fi-om Latona, and alight on her ! SOO To their griev'd parent, bending thus in pray'r, Forbear ! cries Phoebus ; Phoebe cries, forbear ; Complaint be dumb, time flies, and vengeance calls : Then darting downward toward the Theban walls, Pois'd o'er Araphion's citadel, they stop, S05 And stand cloud-cover'd on the palace top. Close to the walls a plain extends afar. Where many a courser, many a whirling car, Upturning in the race the trampled glebes, With martial sport delight the sons of Thebes: 310 Here the bold offspring of Amphion's bed Mount the tall steed, with Tyrian housings red. Draw the bright curb, and shake the golden rein : Of these Ismenus, eldest of the train, 315 As now intrepid round the course he rides His foaming horse, and in a circle guides. Exclaims, Ah me ! with sudden pang oppress'd, And bears a quivering arrow in his breast ; Loose fall the slacken'd reins, his spirit flies, 320 And sinking on his courser's neck he dies. Next Sipylus, when rattled o'er his head The sounding quiver, smit with instant dread, Wheel'd round to fly. So warn'd by gathering clouds. Prescient of storms, the pilot mounts the shrouds, 325 Ausa suis; et me (quod in ipsam reci- Terga premunt; auroque graves mode- dat orbam rantiir habenns. Dixit ; et exhibuit linguam scelerata pa- E quibus Ismenos, qui matri sarcitia ternam. quondam Adjectura preces erat his Lalona relatis : - Prima suae fuerat, dum certum flectit in Desine, Phoebus ait, (pcEnse n^ora longn) orbem 225 querelas. £15 Quadrupedes cursiis, spumantiaque ora Dixit idem Phoebe. Celerique per aera coercet; lapsu Heiniihi! conclamatj medioque in pec- Conligerant tecti Cadmeida nubibus tore fixus arcem. Tela gerit ; frsenisque nianu morlente Hanus erat lateque patens prope moenia remissis campus, In latus h. dextro paulatim defluit armo. Assiduis pulsatus equis; ubi turba rota- Proximus, audilo sonitu per inane pha- runi, retr£E, 230 Duraque mollierant subjectas unguis gle- Fraena dabat Sipylus : veluti cum prae- bas. 220 scius imbris pars ibi de septem genitisAmphione fortes Nube fugil visa, pendentiaque undique Conscenduat in equos, Tyrioque rubentia rector fuco Carbasa deducit, ne qua levis eiBuat aura. BOOK vr. nf Gives to the wind his whole extent of sailj Woo's the light breeze, and catches at the gale. Ah, vain attempt ! his flying speed to check An arrow downward glancing pierc'd his neck, And passing through his throat appeared before : 330 Prone on his horse's mane, sufFas'd with gore, Headlong he fell, and dyed with blood the soil Now jointly sated with the racer's toil, Poor PhoBdimus and Tantalus apart. In boyish pastime, ply'd the wrestler's art : SSa As thus close clinging in a strict embrace, They panted breast to breast, and face to face, A feather'd dart, borne whizzing thro' the air, Transfix'd, together lock'd, the struggling pair. A mutual groan attests the mutual wound ; 340 They fall and writhe together on the ground ; His dying eyes awhile each upward rolls. Then with a sigh both breathe away their souls.. Alphenor smites his breast in wild dismay, And, clasping, strives to raise their lifeless clay ; 345 But in the pious duty dies : a dart, From Phoebus' bow, glanc'd close below his heart, And sought the lungs : of these a part he tore Forth with the barb, then fell to rise no more. No single shaft laid Damasichthon low ; 350 Athwart the nervous knee first came the blow, Franadabat. Dantemnonevitabiletelum Ingemufire simulj simul incurrata dO'. Consequilui: summdque tremens cervice lore 245 sagitta Q35 Membra solo posuere; simul supTeuna H«Esit; et exstabat nudum de gutture JHcentes ferrum. [jubasque Lumina versarunt : animam simul ex- Ille, ut erat pronus, per coUa admissa, halarunt. Volvitur ; et calido tellurem sanguine Aspicit Alphenor, laniataque pector» foedat. plangens Phaeaimus infelix, etavitinorainis liseres Advolat, ut gelidos complexibus allevet Tantalus, Htholitofinem imposuerelaborj, artus : 249 Transierant ad opus nitidas juvenile pa- Inque pio cadit officio. Nam Delius ill! Isestrje: 241 Intima fatifero rumpit praecordia ferro. Etjam contulerant arcto luctantia nexu Quod simul ediictura, pars est pulmonis Pectora pectotibus; cum tento concita in hamis [in auras. cornu, F.nita: cumque anim& cruor est effusus- Sicuteraiu juncti, trajeqitutnJiTiqvie sa- At non intonsum simplex Oapnasichtho- gitla. na vulnus ' ' KG. Y. £ £ 218 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Where curves 'twixt leg and thigh the supple joint j And as he struggled to extract the point, A second arrow, in the air afloat, Prob'd to the feather's edge his swelling throat ; 353 Forth with the gore the crimson weapon flies, And the red fountain bubbles to the skies. Ilioneus, the last, distracted stands With unavailing vows, and folded hands ; O all ye Gods ! he cries, your votary spare ! 360 Reckless that two alone should prompt the pray'r. The victim's vow, thus piously express'd, To pity mov'd, too late, Apollo's breast. Forth speeds the fatal arrow from the bow. And gores the heart with slight, tho' mortal blow. S6b The shrieking mob, her courtiers, bathed in tears, Wing the dread message to the mother's ears ; Stunn'd by the news, she starts with pale affright, Blames, hates the Gods, and wonders at their might. To his own heart her spouse his sword address'd, 370 And fled from day and grief to night and rest. Is this the Niobe who, giddy, vain, Drove the pale matrons from Latona's fanoj And proudly march'd the streets of Thebes along, The terror, pride, and envy of the throng ? 375 Alas ! whom friends ador'd, o'erwhelm'd with woes. Now wakes compassion, even in her foes. AfBcit. Ictus erat, qua crus esse incipit, Vulnere; non alta percusso corde sagittft. et q«k 2o5 Fama inali, pupulique dolor, lacrymffi* MoUianervosiis facjt internodia poples. que suorum Dumque manu lentat trahere exitiabile Tani subitae matrem certain fec6ren\inaB, teUim, [sagitta est. Mirantem potuisse; irascentemque, quod Altera per jugulum peiinis tenus acta ausi Bxpulit hancsa»guis: seque ejaculatus Hoc essentSuperi, quod tantum juris ha- in altum Ijerent. 270 Emicat, et longfe terrebrata prosilit atira. Nam' pater Amphion, ferro per pectu* IMtimus Ilioneus noti prpfectura pre- adacto, [rem. cando 261 Finierat moriens pariter cum luce dolo- Brachia Bustulerat : Dique Gcommun^ter Heu quantum heec Niobe Niobe distabat omnes, i [ (gandos ab iUi, [aris, Dijcerat 3 (ignarus non omn-ei esse ro- Qusemodo Latoispopulum submoverat I'arcite. Motus erat, cum jam revoca- Et mediam tulerat gressus resupina per bile telum urbem, 2T» Non fuit, Arcitenens» Miiiimo taraen oc- Invidiosa suis; at nunc miseranda veJ cidit ille i6i hosti t BOOK VL 219 From corse to corse distractedly she flew, Clasp'd their cold limbs, and kiss'd a sad adieu. Then her pale hands extending to the skies, 380 Cruel Latona ! glut thy rage, she cries ; There feed ! thy malice, view my murder'd boys, Laugh at my tears, my sorrows are thy joys, Sev'n deaths I die ! exult, and triumph now, Foil'd in the conflict I, the victor thou : S85 The victor ? No ! with agony and me More still survives, than lives, with joy and thee : Triumphant e'vn in death, I brave the foe. She spoke. Again the death denouncing bow Twang'd from above, and chill'd with icy care ^HJ All save the queen, embolden'd by despair. Array'd in black around their brothers' beds The sev'n sad sisters hung their mournful heads. WHen lo ! one drew an arrow from her side. And, sinking lifeless, on her brother died; 393 A second weeping at her parent's moan. Halts in her speech, and feels, (its source unknown,) A mortal shaft, sinks, gasps awhile for breath. Then, coil'd in anguish, seals her lips in death ; This falls, o'ertaken as she wildly flies, 400 That headlong o'er a dying sister dies ; This hides, that trembles, bootless all ! for six, By various wounds, are hurried down to Styx : Corporibus gelidis incumbit : et ordine Qui, praeter Nioben iiiiam. conterruit niiUo [nes. omnes, ©scula dispensat natos supreina per om- Ilia malo est aiidax. Stabant cum ves- A quibns ad ccelum liventia bracliia ten- tibus atris dens, Ante torosfratrura demissocrine sorores/ Pascere, crudelis, iiostro, Latona, dolore; E quibus una, trahens hsrentia viscere Pascere, aitj satiaque meo tna pectora tela, 290t luctu: S81 Impositofratri moribunda relaiiguit ore. Corqne fer«m satia, dixit: per funera' Altera, solart miseram conata paientem, septem [umpha. Conticiiit subitij j duplicataque vulneie Efferor; exnlta; victrixqne inimica tri cajcoest. [tusexit. Cur autem victrix? misera; niihi phira Oraque non pressit, nisi postquain spiri- supersunt, Haec frustra fugieiis collabitiir, ilia so- iQuam tibi felici. Post tot quoque funera rori vinco. 285 Immoritur: latet hsec ; illara trepidare Dixerat: insonuit contento nervus ab videres. [passis, «rcn 5 Sexque datis leto, diversaque yulner» E e 2 «20 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The seventh yet liv'd : her madly to her breast The mother clasp'd, and sheltered in her vest. 405 Oh ! spare my little one, in horror wild, Oh ! save, she cried, my youngest, dearest child. But while again the wretched matron calls, Oh, save my child ! her trembling darling falls. Stunn'd by her woes ; her spouse, her children slain, She sits her down amid the murder'd train, 411 And utters nought : her cheeks are icy pale, Smooth flow her locks, unruffled by the gale; Glazed is her eye, and nought of life is seen Thro' the whole figure of the wretched queen; 415 Her tongue, her palate, lose their vital beatj Her petrifying pulses cease to beat ; Her armsj her feet, her neck, no motion own, And ev'n her entrails harden into stone : Yet still she weeps, and, hurried thro' the skies. 420 By eddying tempests, to MaBonia flies; Where fix'd eternal on her native hill, The marble matron weeps a statue still. Aw'd by the obvious anger of the skies, l*f ow males and females, by experience wise, 425 With ardent zeal and frequent fanes proclaim The greatness of the twin-producing dame; And, passing from her recent act, unfold What change the Goddess wrought in days of old : ' 1^ _»_ yitima restabat: quam toto corpore Congelat, et venae desistimt posse mover!.- mater. Nee flecti cervix, nee bracliia reddere Tpt& veste tegens, Unam, niinimainque geslus, [saxiim est» relinque; Nee pes ire potest. Intra quoque viscera Pe multus minimam posco, clamavit, et Flet tamen, et vulidi circumdata uirbine liiiam. goo venti 310 puiiH|ue rogat, pro quS rogat, occidit' In patriam rapta est. Ibi fixa cacumin^. Diha resedit montis JExanimes inter nates, natasque, virum- l,iquitur, et lacrymas etiamnum mar- que : mora manarit, Pirigiijtque malis. NuUos movet aura Turn vero cuncti manifestam numinis capil OS. iram Jn yultu color est sine sanguine : lumiqiV Foemina virque timent: cultuque im- mosstis pensius onines Sfant immqta genis 5 nihil est in ima- Magna geraelliparse venerantur numina gine vivi. 305 IJivse. 31^ 'Ipsa quoque interfus cuiji) dure lingua Utque fit, k facto propriorepriorarenar»' palato ' fant. BOOK VI. 221 When thus a herdsman : Certain hinds of yore 430 Spurn'd great Latona on fair Lycia's shore, Nor spurn'd unhurt. The deed no record finds, Obscure it sleeps, because obscure the hinds. 'T was strange ! these eyes have seen the bank, the dell. The very pool, where still the w retches dwell. 435 My father now grown old, unfit to roam, Gave me in charge to bring him oxen home ; Lycia the place, and, since unknown it lay. His kindness gave a guide to point the way. While winding thro' the marsh our course we take, 440 Rear'd lofty in the centre of a lake, And fenc'd by trembling rushes, we remark An antique shrine, with holy ashes dark. All hail ! exclaimed my guide, with terror pale ; I caught the sound, and, timorous, cried. All hail ! 445 Then whisper'd thus : Speak, comrade, and explain What Demi-god or Naiad owns this fane : No mountain God, O youth! reigns here, he cried, This is her shrine, whom Jove's insidted bride Once hunted thro' the world : whom wandering, griev'd, Kind Delos, then a floating isle, receiv'd : 451 There 'twixt a laurel and a palm the fair, In Juno's spite, brought forth her radiant pair : These to her breast she caught, and wildly fled The vengeful cloud still gathering o'er her head. 455 E quibus unus ait : Lyciae quoque fertilis Dux meus: et simili, Faveas, ego mur- a^ris ' iriure dixi. Haudimpune Deam veteres sprevere cp. KaTiaduni, taunine foret taraen ara ro> loni. gabani, Res obscura qiiidem est ignobililate vU Indigenaene Dei; cum talia reddidit hos- rorum ; pes : 330 Mira tamen. Vidi prjesens stagnumque Non hac, 6 juvenis, montanum numen laciimque, 320 in ara est. [gia Juno Prodigio nolum. Nam me jam grandior Ilia suani vocat banc, cui quondam re- a:vo, Orbe interdixit : qimm vix erratita Delos Impaliensque vijEgenitordeducere lectos Orantem accepit. turn cum levis insula Jusserat inde boves j gentisque illius nabat. eunti [pascua lustre, lUic, incumbens cum P.illadis arbore Ipse ducem dederat. Cum quo duni palmae, 33a Ecce lacCis medio sacrorum nigra favilla Eddidit invita geminns Latona novercli. Ara vetiis stabat, tremulis circumdata Hijic quoque Junonera fugisse puerpera cannis. 326 fcrtur: Jlestitit ; et pavido, Faveas mihi, jnur- Inque suo portasse sinu duo numina na>? fnure dixit to». S^ OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. To Lycia here, where huge Chimera low'rs, At that dry season, when no grateful show'rs Bedew, but Phosbus cleaves the burning soil, Parch'd with a raging thirst, bow'd down by toil, The Goddess came, by heat and hunger pain'd, 460 And dry the milky founts her offspring drain'd: When in the vale below she joys to spy Smooth limpid waters ; certain hinds stood by The lake, collecting water-lilies, weeds. Twigs of pale ozier, rushes, sedge, and reeds. 465 Prone on her knees, Latona o'er the brink Bent eager downward, and prepar'd to drink. The rustic churls forbade : to whom the dame : Why keep from me what all beside may claim ? Common to all alike, kind Nature ne'er 470 Stinted her gifts of water, sun, or air ; Yet what a lawful right her bounty gave, Thus humbly suing, as a boon I crave : I seek not in your glassy pool to drench My weary members, but my thirst to quench : 475 Parch'd are my lips, my speech, in faultering not^j Scarce gains a passage thro' my feverish throat : Sweeter than nectar now were yonder wave — Who gives me water snatches from the grave : Lo ! my twin babes, who in my bosom lie, 480 Stretch forth their hands, and urge you to comply ; Jamque Chimserifcrae, cum Sol gravis Nee ?olem propriutn Natura, nee aera ureret arva, fecit. 350 Finibus inLyciffi, longo Dea fessa labore, Nee tenues undas. Ad publiea inunera Sidereosiccata sitiiii collegil ab aestu: 341 veni. IJberaqueebiberantavidi iactanlia nati. Quae t amen ut detis supplex peto. Non Jortfe lacum melioris aquae prospexit in ego nostros [parabam ; imis Abluere liic artus, lassataque membra Vallibus: agrestes illic fruticosa legebant Sed lelevare sitim. Caret os humore lo- yimina cum juncis, gratamque paludi- quentis ; bus ulvani. 345 Et f.iuces arent ; vixque est via voeis i» Aceessit, positoque genu Titania terram iliis. 355 Pressit; ut liauriiet gclidos potura li- Haustus aquae mihi nectar erit: vitam- quores. que fatebor Eustiea lurba vetant. Dea sic affata ve- Accepisse simul. Vitam dederitis iu unda. tantes: [aquarum. Hi quoque vos moveailt, qui nustro bra» (Juid proiiibetis aquis? usus communis cliiatendunt BOOK VI. f«l And each by chance held out its little hand. What heart could eloquence like this withstand? Yet with abuse, and rude assault beside, The heartless monsters drive her from the tide : 485 Nay more, the knaves with hands and feet destroy The water's smoothness, and, with savage joy, Now here, now there jump wanton in the flood, And, in mere malice, kick up clouds of mud. Rage banish'd thirst, no more Latona deigns 490 To hold a parley with unpolish'd swains; No longer strives their hearts by words to stir, To them a pastime, a disgrace to her ; But, either hand extending to the skies, Live, wretches ! ever in this pool, she cries. 495 Her wish succeeds : alert they seek the pool. Where now, submerging, every limb they cool; Now their broad heads above the surface pop, And now sprawl swimming on the water's top; Of'times they squat along the marsh's side, 500 Then sudden with a jump regain the tide : Here, too, they wrangle, hid below the lake, And vile uncourteous jargon give and take : Hoarsely they croak, the wind their throat inflates, The foul abuse their ample jaws dilates ; 505 Their head and shoulders leave no neck between, White is their belly, and their back is green : Parva sinu. Et ca;u tendebant brachia Eveniunt optata Deae. Juvat isse sub nati. iiridas, 370 Quem non blanda Dex potuissent verba Et modo tola cav& sammergere inenibra movere? 560 palude : [gite nare: Jli tameti orantem perstant prohibere : Nunc proferre caput, sunimo modo gur- minasque, [addunt. Sl Eumenides tettuere faces de funere anni : raptas: 430 Cumblanditaviro Progne, Si gratia, dixit, Eumenides stravere torum ; tectoque UUameaest, vel rae visenda; mitte so.". profanus rori j 441 BOOK VI. 227 Or let her come to me, and tell our sire How soon from Thrace his daughter shall retire : Oh ! could 'st thou waft mj sister to our shore, Thee as a God thy Progne would adore. Now Tereus in a galley courts the gale ; 590 For Athens plies the oar, and hoists the sail, And gains PiraBa's port : there springs to land, And with his consort's father hand in hand. With seeming friendship, but ill-omen'd strain, Unfolds the cause that urg'd him o'er the main ; 595 Tells for what boon a sister's feelings yearn, And promises, ere long, a safe return. Lo ! Philomela now, in bright attire. But brighter far in beauty, joins her sire : So, were their graceful forms like hers array'd, 600 Roam the fair Dryads thro' the woodland shade. As spreads the blaze thro' bearded corn, or flax. Or dry autumnal leaves, or hay in stacks, So glow'd the traitor with impure desires. Well might her face have rais'd a lover's fires ! 605 But the wild heat to which all Thrace is prone^ Leagued with a frantic passion all his own, Usurps his soul, and drives from bad to worse. Now he resolves to bribe her faithful nurse, Corrupt her guards, invade the fair by stealth, 610 And proffer at her feet his kingdom's wealth; Vel soror hue veniat. Redituram tempore Si modo des illis cultus, similesque pa- parvo ratus. Promittes socero. Magni mihi numinis Non secus exarsit conspecta virgine iiistar Tereus, 455 Germanam vidisse dabis, Jubet ille ca- Quam si quis canis ignem supponat rinas aristis; In Ireta deduci: veloque et remige Aut frondein, positasque cremel fcenili'. portus 445 bus iierbas. Cecropios intrat;PirEaquelittora tangit. Digiia quidem facies. Sed et hunc innativ Ut primum soceridata copia, dextraque libido dextr^e [sermo. Exstimulat ;pronumque genus regionibu» Jungiturj infansto coramittitur omine iUis Coeperat, adventfts causam, mandata In Venerem est. Flagrat vitio gentisqua refcrre suoque. 460 Conjugis; et celeres missse spondere Impetus est illi, comltum corrumpere recursus. 450 curam, flcce venitmagno dives Philomelaparatu; Mutricisque fidem : nee non ingen1ibu$ Divitior forml : quales audire solemus ipsani Najdas et Dryadas mcdiis incedere SoMicitare datis ; totiitnque itspendgrc sylvisi rrgnum: F fg 228 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Now vows to snatch by force, to battle run, And shield by rapine what by guilt he won. Thus his scorch'd breast, all thoughts of fear above, Owns the wild impulse of unbridled love : 613 Mad with delay, again the wretch refers To Progne's suit, and veils his wish in hers ; Love gilds his speech, and when his accents lose Discretion's garbj he cries, 'Tis Progne sues ! Nay more, ascribes to her his tears and sighs. 620 Ye Gods, what shadows darken human eyes ! Tereusj who aims the heights of vice to climb, Culls virtue's wreath, and gathers praise from crime. Sweet Philomel, unconscious of her charms. Casts round her father's neck her suppliant arms ; 625 There suing for her sister fondly fawns, And dreams of safety while destruction yawns. Tereus looks on, and views Pandion prest In envied transport to his daughter's breast ; And, as he views, from each embrace acquires 630 Food to his lust, and fuel to his fires, And longs to be the sire, to lull the storm Of Tereus' passion in Pandion's form. At length, by either daughter woo' d, tho' loth. The father yields : her separate thanks for both 635 Fair Philomela hastens to bestow. Hails mutual bliss, nor deems it mutual woe. Aut rapere, et savo raptam defendere Qaid quod idem Phil6mela cupit i pa. bello. triosque lacertis Et nihil est, quod non efiraeno captns Blanda tenens humeros, ut eat visura amore 4f>i sororem, 476 Ausit: nee capiunt inclusas pectora Perque suam, contraque suain, petit flammas. wsque saiutem. [videndo; Jamque moras male fert ; cupidoqiie re- Spectat earn Tereus ; praecontreciatque Tertitur ore Osculaque, et collo circumdata brachia Ad mandata I'rognes ; et agit sua vota cernens, sub illis. [rogabat Omnia pro stimulis, facibusque, ciboque Facundum faciebat amor. Quotiesque furoris 430 Ulterius justo ; Prognen ita velle ferebat, Accipit: et quoties amplectitur ilia pa- Addiflit et lacrymas ; tanquam man. rentera, [impius esset. d&sset et illas. 471 Esse parens vellet:. neque enim minus fit Superi, quantum mortalia pectora Vincitur ambarum genitorprece. G.iudet, csecx agitque Noctis habenti ipso seeleris molimine Ilia patri grates: et successisse duahus Tej-eus [sivmit. Id putat infelix, raptor. Absentes memori pro se jubet ore sal u- Jamque iter effectum : jamque in sua lit- tent : tora fessis ■Supremumquevale, plenosingultibus ore, Puppibiis exieraiit; cum rex Pandione Vix dixit: timuitque suse prssagia natain 590 mentiS' 610 In stabula alta trahit, sylvis obscura ve. At simul imposila est pictse Philomela tustis; carinx j [repulsa est ; Atque ibi pallentem, trepidamque, et Admotumque frelum remis, tellusque cuncta timentero, Vicimus, exclamat: mecum mea vota Etjam cum lacrymis, ubi sit germana, terunlur. [differt. roganlem, Exsultatque, et vix animo sua gaudia Includit ; fassnsque nefas, et virginem, Barbaras : et nusquam lij^men detor- et unam quet ab ilia. 515 Vi superat ; frustra clamatosaepeparente, Kon aiiter, quam cum pedibus prsedator Seepe sorore sn&, magnis super omnia «buncis J>ivis. MS BOOK VI. 231 As bleeding from the wolf's extended jaws 690 Flies the poor lamb, as from the vulture's claws The trembling dove her faultering course resumes, Faint with her wounds, and shakes her crimson plumes, So shuddered Philomel : in wild despair She beat her panting breast, and tore her hair ; 695 And holding forth her hands in frantic stretch, Cried, Base barbarian ! vile, remorseless wretch ! Could not my weeping sire, thj Progne's trust, Thy vows, my virtue, force thee to be just ? Each tie thou'st trampled on, scorn'd every oath, 700 Pledg'd to two sisters, treacherous to both; Whilst I shall mourn in seeming guilt immers'd, Abhorr'd by Prognfe, by Pandion curs'd ! Say what (to vice abandon'd as thou art) Forbids thee now to stab me to the heart ? 705 Oh! had thy sword in pity pierc'd my breast, Ere yet to thine, perfidious traitor ! prest, From earth's dark confines to the realms of liffht. My soul had wing'd her unpolluted flight. But, by the Gods above ! if Gods there be, 710 And Nature droops not desolate like me, Soon shalt thou mourn thy sins : devoid of shame, Myself shall to the world my wrongs proclaim : But if this wilderness of horrors mocks My flight, the silent woods, the conscious rocks, 715 Ilia tremit, velut agna pavens, qujE san- Tu geminis conjux. Non hsBC milii de- cia cani biia poena. [perfide, restet) Ore excussa lupi, nondum sibi tuta vi- Quin animam hanc (ne quid facinus tibi, detur : Eripis ? atque utinam fecisses ante ne- tItquecolumba,suomadefactis sanguine faudos 540 plumis, [lijeserat.uiikues. Concubitus! vacuas habuissem crirainis Horret adhuc, avidosque timet, quibus umbras. Mox iibi mens rediit : passes laniala ca. Si tamen liaec Saperi cernuutt si numina pillos, 531 Divftm [cum ; Lugcnti similis, csesis plangore lacertis. Sunt aliquid; si non perierunt omnia me' Intendens palmas. Pro diris, Barbare, ^uandocunque mihi pcenas dabis. Ipsa faclis, [rentis pudtire [detur, Pr6 crudelis, ait! nee te mandata pa- Projecto tua facta loquar. Si copia Cum lacrymis movere piis, nee cura so- In populos veniam : si sylvis clausa te- roris ; SSft nebor, S4g Kec mea virginitas, nee conjugialia jura ? Implebo sylvas, et conscia eaxa mo» Ooinia Tarb&sti. I'ellex ego facta socoi'i : v«t>o. 232 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Shall hear my cries, and call on heaven to shed The bolt of vengeance on thy guilty head. Boiling with rage to hear her dauntless speech, Benumb'd with terror, and impelled by each, He grasps her flowing hair, then furious stands 720 With sword unsheath'd, and binds in chains her hands : In hopes of death, the princess, undismay'd, Calmly beheld with profFer'd throat the blade : But as she cried, with grief indignant wrung, Help, father ! help ! by pincers torn, her tongue 725 Starts from her mouth, cleft from its root in twain, And bath'd in blood, writhes murmuring on the plain ; Where, like a wounded snake, its vital heat Not quite extinct, it quivers at her feet. Yet still with guilt no sufferings could assuage, 730 On the dumb victim of his barbarous rage (Scarce dares the muse the horrid deed relate,) Oft would the wretch his monstrous passion sate. To Prognfe soon returns, with downcast mien. The king. Say, where's my sister ? cries the queen : Her spouse, to outward view with anguish rack'd, 736 With many a fabled lie to prove the fact. Cries, with false groans, and tears in torrents shed, Weep Progne ! weep ! thy Philomela's dead ! The robe emboss'd with burnish'dgold she wears, 740 Distracted Progne from her shoulders tears, Audiat haec jether, et si Deus uUus in Ipsa jacet, terrseque tremens iinmar- illo est. muratalrse. Taiibus ira feri poslquam commuta Utque salire solet mutilatse cauda co- tyranni ; lubra;, Nee minor hac metus est : causi stimu- Palpitat: et moriens dominae vestigia latus utraque ; SbO qusrit. 5fiO Quo fuit accinctuSiVaptina liberal ensem : Hoc quoqne post facinus (vix ausim cre- Arreptamque coma, fiexis post terga la- dere) fertur certis, Saepe sua lacerum repetisse libidine , Vir-cla pat! cogit. Jugulum Philomela corpus. parabal; Sustinet adPrognen post talia facta re- SpemqiiesuEE mortis visoconceperatense. veni. Ille indignanti, et nomen patris usque Conjuge qua- yiso germanam quaerit : at vocanti, 555 ille Luctantique loqui comprensam forcipe Dat gemitus fictos, commentaque funera linguam narrat. i6S Abstulil ense fero. Radix micat ultima Eliacrvmaifecerefidem.VelaminaProgne' linguse, Deripit ex huraeris auto fulgentia Into ^ BOOK VI. 235 Then vainly soothes, in sable weeds array'd, With pious offerings an imagin'd shade ; And o'er an empty sepulchre bemoans Her sister's death with inappropriate groans. 745 Round the wide zodiac roli'd the orb of day, Yet still in durance Philomela lay. What shall she do ? A watchful guard around Her prison waits, and lofty ramparts bound ; Dumb are her lips ; yet oft, when tears are vain, 750 Grief sharpens wit, and cunning springs from pain. A Phrygian web she weaves, and slily spreads The warp, uniting white with crimson threads, To mark the crime ; then bids, by mute command, A menial bear it to her sister's hand. 755 Proud of the charge, his flight the vassal wings To Tereus' gate, not guessing what he brings. Progne receives the gift, unfolds with care, And reads her sister's fatal history there. Mute is her anguish, silent in excess — 760 Words are too weak to paint her soul's distress ; No tear bedews her cheek, a hurried throng Of wild ideas, blending right with wrong, Athwart her frenzied brain impetuous roll. And burning vengeance occupies her soul. 765 Triennial now approach'd the sacred day When Thracian dames to Bacchus chaunt the lay ; Induiturqiie atfas Testes: et inane Utque ferat dominee gestu rogat. lUo eepulcram [infert ; rogato Constiluit: falsisque piacula manibus Pertulit ad Prognen : nee sil quid tradat Et liiget non sic lugendie fata sororis.570 in illis. 580 Signa Deus bis sex actolustraverat anno. Evolvit vestes s?evi inatrona tyranni : Quid facial Philomela ? fugam custodia Germanaeque suie carmen miserabile claudit -. legit : Structa rigejit solido stabulorum mcEnia Et (mirum potuisse !) silet. Dolor era re- saxo : [dolori pressit: Os mutiini facti caret indice. Grande Verbaque quserenti satis indignantialin- Ingenium est : miserisque venit solertia guae rebus. Syj Defuerunt : nee flere vacat. Sed fasque Stamina barbarica suspenditcallida tela. nefasque SSS Purpiireasque notas fllisintexuit albis Confusura ruit : posnaeque in imagine Indicium sceleris : perfectaque tradidit tota est. [Bacchi uni : Tempus erat, quo sacra sulent Trifeterica NO. VI. G G 234 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Night broods portentous o'er the sacred rite; With rattling cymbals, Rhodope, by night, Sounds to the skies ; Night spreads her sable scene, And veils, forth sallying from the town, the queen. 771 Bent on revenge, the plains of Thrace she trod, Deck'd in the frantic ensigns of the God : A wreath of vines around her temples clung, Down her left side a spotted deer skin hung, 775 Light pois'd across her shoulder shone a spear, And thus, with gathering females in her rear. She sought the woods, a prey to passion's storm, And mask'd her anger in religion's form. To Philomel's retreat the Bacchants pour : 780 Hail Bacchus! howls the queen, and bursts the doorj Seizes her sister, o'er her hastes to place Green vines, and hides in ivy leaves her face ; Then drags her forth aghast in wild amaze, And to the palace privately conveys. 785 As to the house of sin the victim came. Pale grew her cheek, with horror shook her frame : But when, remote from view, the queen laid bare The blushing visage of the vine-clad fair. And clasp'd her to her heart, with mournful eyes 790 Bent to the earth, th' unwilling rival tries To heaven and injur'd Progne to proclaim. That treachery led, and force compell'd to shame ; Sithoniae celebrare nurus. Nox conscia Germananique rapit : raptaeque insignia sacris. Bacchi [abdit; JJocte sonat Rhodope tinnilibus aeris Induit; et vulUis hederarum frondibus acuti : Attonitamque trahens intra sua limina Nocte suft est egtessa domo regina s ducit. [600 Deique 690 _ Ut sensit tetigisse domum Philomela ne- Ritibus instruitur; furialiaque accipit fandamj arma. Horriiit infelix; totoque expalluit ore. Vite caput tegitur : later! cervina si- Nacta locum Progne, sacrorum pignora nistro demit, Vellera dependent : humero levis incubat Oraqne develat miserae pudibunda sorori" hasta. Amplexuque petit. Sed non attollere Concita per sylvas, turba comitante sua- contra 605 ram Sustinet haec oculos : pellex sibi visa Terribilis Progne, furiisque agitata do- sororis ; loris, 595 Dejectoque in humum vultu, jurare vo- Sacche, tuas simulat. Venit ad stabula lenti, avia tandem: [refiingit : Testa rique Deos, per vim sibi dedecuB ExuUUatqne, Evoeque sonat, porcasque illud BOOK Vr. 235 But wanting words, bj signs pourtrays her woe ; Progne, her passion kindling in a glow, 795 Cries, Hence with tears ! draw, draw the murderous sword ! Be wrongs like thine aveng'd, and not deplor'd ! Or rouse, with worse than sword, the battle's din ! Sister ! my soul is ripe for ev'rj sin : ^ Come, round these walls a conflagration raise, 800 And hurl the tyrant headlong to the blaze ; Or pierce his eyes, or cleave his tongue in twain, Or leave him pow'rless e'er to sin again ; Or falling on the wretch with sword or dart, Stab with a thousand wounds his guilty heart. 805 Plans of immense revenge my soul pursues ; All grand, all vast, ray doubt is which to chuse. Now to his mother ran her infant son. And all her schemes concentrated in one : Welcome ! she cried, with eyes that flash'd with fire, Dear Itys, welcome ! image of thy sire ! 811 Nor utter'd more, but pondered on his fate In silent gloom and unextinguish'd hate : Yet as with playful kiss, and infant charms, To clasp her neck he lifts his little arms, 815 Her fluttering heart beats high, and soars above The wife's resentment in the mother's love. Not long with melting tears her feelings yearn Thus lenient towards her babe, on each in turn Illatiim, pro voce manus fuit. Ardet, et Ad matiem veniebat Itys. Quid possitf iram abillo 620 Men capit ipsa suam Progne s fletumque Admonita est; oculisque tuens immi. sororis 610 tibiis. Ah quam Corripiens, Non est lacrymis hie, iiiquit, Essimilis palri ! dixit. Nee phira iocuta, agendum, [cerefemim Triste parat facinusj tacit dque exsestuat Sed ferro ; sed si quid habes, quod vin- irft. [tem Possit. In omne nefas ego me, germana, Ut tamen accesitnatus, matrique salu- puravi. [mSro, Attulit, et parvisadduxit colla lacertis, Aiit ego, cum facibus regalia tecta ere- Mistaque blanditiis puerilibus oscula Artificem mediis immittam Terea flam- junxit; 626 mis: 615 Mota quidem est genitrix; infractaque Aut linguam, aut oculos, aut quae tibi constitit ira : * membra pudorem [vulnera mille InvitiqueocuU lacrymis maduerecoactis.- Abstulerunt, ferro rapiam: aut per Sed simul ex niinia matrem pietate Soiitem animain expellam. Magnum labare quodcuncq j paravi. [talia Progne j Sensit: ab h6c iterum est ad vultus versa Quid sit, adhuc dubito, Peragit dum sororis; 630 G g 2 236 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. She looks, then thus to pity steels her heart : 820 Ah ! why should this his lisping love impart, While that her lot bemoans in silent shame ? Whom this calls mother, that should sister name : Oh thou ! who to Pandion ow'st thy life, Think, Progne, on the wretch who calls thee wife ! 825 Degenerate queen ! arouse, while yet 'tis time ; In Tereus' mate humanity is crime. Then as, where Ganges rolls, o'er wood and lawn, The savage tigress drags the sucking fawn, She hurries Itys to a distant room : 830 The wretched boy anticipates his doom. Clings round her neck, and on his mother cries. In vain ! with steady, unaverted eyes, Each sister sets the tide of life afloat. This stabs his breast, that lacerates his throat : 835 Then both asunder tear his quivering frame; Part whirls on spits, part bubbles o'er the flame : The chamber swims in blood. The hideous treat The queen prepares, and calls the king to eat. This feast, she cries, Athenian laws decree 840 The spouse alone must taste, alone must see : Hence, then, ray courtier train. The train recedes. High on his natal throne the monarch feeds, Views not th' avenging cloud that o'er him lowers. And his own bowels satiates and devours ; 845 Inque vicem spectans ambos, Cur ad- Nee vultum avertil. Satis illi ad fata vel movet, inquit, unum Alter bUinditias ; raptasiletalteralingua? Vulnus erat ; juguliim ferro Philomel» Quam vocat liic matrem, cur non vocat resolvit. [tinentia membra ilia sororem ? [rito. Vivaque adhuc, animaeque aliquid re- Cuisis nupta vide, Pandione nata, ma- Dilaniant. Pars inde cavis exultat aheiiis: Degeneras. Scclus est pietas in conjupe Pars verubus stridet ; manaiii penetralia / Tereo. 63 fi labo. 64S Nee mora ; traxilltyn ; veluti Gaiigetira His adhibet conjux ignarum Terea men* cerviE [cas. sis : Lactentem fcetum per sylvas tigris opa- Et patrii moris sacrum mentita, quod Utque domtis altae partem tenuere remo- uni tam 5 [videntem, Fas sit adire viro, comites famulosquc Tendentemque manus, et jam sua fata removit. Eia, et jam, mater, clamdntem, et colla Ipse sedens solio Tereus sublimis avito peten(em [hseret ; Vescitur ; inque suani sua viscera con- Ense ferit Progne, lateri qua pectus ad- geritalvum. 6H BOOK VI. 237 Then cries, Come hither, Itys ! darling- boj ! No longer hides the queen her cruel joy, But thus with scornful laugh proclaims the sin; Him whom thou seek'st without, thou hast within. Within ! retorts the king, with wondering air, 850 Then pauses, looks around, and questions, where ? And, still unconscious, calls the child once more ; When, lo ! with scattered tresses wet with gore, Wrong'd Philomel rush'd furious to the place, And hurl'd the head of Itys in his face! 835 And all her transports ardent to avow, Ne'er mourn'd her mutilated tongue till noW. Tereus o'erturns the banquet with a yell. And calls the Furies from the caves of hell. Now from his entrails upward strives to cast 860 His offspring, and disgorge the dire repast ; Now weeping, raving, execrates his doom. And deems himself his son's detested tomb ; Now with drawn sabre o'er the plains of Thrace, Eager for blood, he hunts Pandion's race. 865 Swift as the birds of air the sisters fly, And soon, like them, on pinions cleave the sky. This charms, a nightingale, the sylvan glen; That skims a swallow, and resides with men ; And atill in crimson tokens bears imprest 870 The hue of slaughter on her wings and breast. Tantaque nox animi est, Ity n hue arces- Thracius ingenti meiisas clamore repellit, site, dixit. Vipereusq < eciet Stygi4 de valle sorores ; Dissimulare nequit crudelia gaiidia Et inodo, si possit, reseratopectore diras Progne : [cladis, Egerere inde dapes, semesaqiie viscera Jatnqiie sua: cupiens exsisteie nuntia geslit; Intus habes, quod poscis, ait, Circuni- Flet modo, seque vocat bustum misera- spicit ille, 6ii bile nati : ggS Atque ubi sit, quaeriu Quaerenti, iteruin- Nunc sequitur nudo genitas Fandiune que vocanli, ferro. Sicut erat sparsis iuriali caede capillis. Corpora Cecropidum pennis penderepu- Prosiliit, Ityos^iue caput Philomela tares; cruentum Pendebant pennis. Quaruin petit alters Misitin ora patris ; nee tempore maluit sylvas: [tore c«dis uHo Altera tecta subit. Neque adhuc de pec- Posse loqui, et meriti» testari gaudia Excessere notsj signatanue sanguine dictis. 66» pluma est. «7» 238 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. As headlong in pursuit the Thracian pours, He drops the monarch, and a lapwing soars ; A nodding crest still shades his rugged cheek, Sharp as a spear projects his endless beak, 875 Around whose root small ruffled feathers spread, And seem a helmet to protect the head. Pandion heard ; and struck with heart-felt woe,^ Fled to the shades ere Nature gave the blow. Renown'd in war, with virtues all his own, 880 Now brave Erechtheus mounts th' Athenian throne. Forth from his loins a matchless offspring pour : Four were the monarch's sons, his daughters four. Two of the maids, with equal beauty fraught, Young Cephalus and haughty Boreas sought : 885 That gains the blooming Procris for his bride ; To Tereus this, and hated Thrace allied. Long bent in vain to Orithyia's charms With patient suit, preferring arts to arms ; But when soft breath avaiFd not, roaring forth 890 In strains of ire too frequent with the north, Slave that I was ! I'm fitly scorn'd, he cried j Why did I cast ray native arms aside. Power, rage, a threatening voice, a blustering air. And stoop to feeble, inefficient prayer ? 895 Force is my attribute — by force I urge Big lowering clouds, and shake the curling surge, lUedoloresuo, pcenaeque cupidine velox, E quibus bolides Cephalus te conjuge Vertitur in volucrem, cui stant iu vei tice felix, cristses (rostnim. Procri, fuit: Borese Tereus Thracesque Prominet immodicum pro long^ cuspide iiocebant > Notnen Epops volucri : facies annala Dilectaque diu caruit Deus Orithyia, '*'' OVID'S MTTTAMORPHOSES* As if unseen before, with kindling gaze His matchless form the enamour'di maid surveys'; Maddening looks on, with crimson-tinctur'd cheek, And more than mortal deems th' accomplish'd Greeks But when he spoke, and clasp'd her hand, and sued, And sought her succour in submissive mood. And promis'd marriage — Yes, suffus'd in tears, Medea sigh'd, too plain the path appears : Not ignorance, but love my heart secures, 125' Yes, bj Medea's aid life still is yours : Oh, then devote that life to me and love !' By tri-form'd Hecate, Groddess of the grove, hy Phoebus, skill'd the Fates' decrees to thread, By all the perils lowering o'er his head, ISd ^he hero sVi^ears ; the maid his transport curbsj Believes his oath^ and proffers magic herbs : Then tells their virtue to prevent defeats, And joyful Jason to his home retreats. Soon as the morn dispels the glittering stars^ l3^ The people throng the sacred field ofMars^ And line the hills : the king o'ertops the rest. Known by his sceptre and his purple vest: Whenlo! with feet of brass, half mad with- ire, From adamantine nostrils snorting fire, 1^- Whose scorching vapour blights the bearded grain j TJie furious bulls luish bellowing o'er the plain. lit- vJdtt jttvenein, specie prscsentis- S6rvatus promissa datd. Pgr'sacfa' ti*!-:' inarsit. formis , [ill»«.- Etcasu, solito formosior ^?one natus Ille DeSj lucoqoe foret quod numeti in llli luce fiiit. Posses ignoscere amanti. Perqiie patrem 'socepi cerlietiti;m' cuncta' S{>ectat; et in vultu, veluti nunc denique fiitiiri, vVso, 8S I5ventusquestTOs,pertantapenciilaj«»*at." Lumina iixa tenet: nee se mortaUa de- Crediius, accepit cantatas protinus lier- ■ niens has, [cessit.*; Ora videre putat : nee se declinat ab illo. Edidicitque usum ; lastusqwe in lecta re- tJt vero ccepitque loqui, dextrSmque pre- Postera Cepuleiat sieUas -Aurora micant- hendit ; es : 100, 'Ho&pes, et auxilium submissS voce ro- ConvenJunt p6puU sacnim Mavdrtis in' gavitj 90 arvum-j [sedit' Piromisitque torum j lacrymis ait il a- Cousiaiuntque jugis» Medio Rex ipse re- profiisis, Agm ne piirpureus, sceptroque iiisrgnis" Qitidfaciam video : nee me ignniantia' ebumo. [flanlr veri Erce adatnanteis Vnlcanum naribiis ef. Decipiet, sed amor, Scrvatere munere ^ripedes lauri ; tacLxque vaporibus' nostFu: Kerba: loy BOOK VII. 24f As choak'd by flame the heated chimney groans, As the full forge, surcharg'd with crimson stones, Sprinkled by water, roars, the monsters blow 145 From their parch'd throats red vengeance on the foe» The hero dares the field, the danger scorns. With frowning brows and iron-pointed horns, Pawing- the dust, the bulls to war advance, And smoaky lowings fill the wide expanse : 150 The Grecians shake with fear : their fiery breath Bold Jason braves, by magic sav'd from death. His hand their hanging dewlaps dares to stroke, His hand their brawny shoulders dares to yoke; Bent to the massy beam, the monsters yield, 155 And whirl the ploughshare o'er the wondering field. The Colchians marvel : with tumultuous cry The Argonauts proclaim the victory. fif ow from his brazen helm the hero throws The viper's teeth, and plants the furrow'd rows. 160 Fraught with strong poison, soften'd by the earth. The ivory seed, expanding into birth. Heaves in new forms : as quickening babes assume Their earthly image in the mother's womb, Moulded by time, acquire a mortal shape, 165 Nor, till mature to live, to life escape ; So, form'd to manhood in the pregnant clod. Wide o'er the plain the earth-born mortals nod. Ardent. Utque solentpleni resonare ca- Supppsitosquejiigo pondus grave cogit mini, aratri [campHm. Atit ulii terren^ silices fornace soluti Diicere, et insuetum ferro proscindeie Concipiunt ignem liquidarum aspergine MirantuFColchi: Minyaeclamoribusini- aquaruin ; [mas, plent, 120 Pectora sic intus clausas volventia flam- Adjiciiintque anirnos. Galea turn snmit GuUuraque usta sonanl. Tamen illis ahenA [agros, ^sone natus llO Vipereos dentes; et aratos spargit in Obviiis it. Vertere truces venientis ad ora Semina mollit humus valido prseiinctg. Terribites vultus, praefixaque cornua venenos fdente». ferro; [suiro ; Kt crescunt, fiuntque sati nova lorpore Pulvereumque solum pede pulsavere bi^ Utque hotninis speciem matem^ sumii Fumificisque locum mugitibusimplevere. in alvo ; 12% Diriguere metuMinyae. Subit iUe ; nee Perque suos intus nutneros componitur ignes 115 infans ; [ras • Sentit anhelatos : tantum niedicamina Nee nisi maturus communes exit in aul possunt. Sic ubi visceribus gravidas telluris ima;;» Pendulaque audaci mulcet palearia dex» Effecta est hominis, fcBto .cons«irgit in tra: arvo 248 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. And, still more wonderous, arm'd for war appear, Grasp the bright shield, and shake the hostile spear. These when his friends behold with hasty tread 171 Approach to hurl their darts at Jason's head, They gaze with fallen hopes and mouniful eyes. E'en she who sav'd him for his safety sighs. She views, with trembling limbs and bloodless cheek, Whole armies threat her sole, her godlike Greek, 176 Doubts her late boon, redoubled spells imparts, Chaunts a fresh hymn, and pours forth all her arts. A ponderous stone, the battle's tide to stem. He hurls, and turns the strife from him to them ; 180 By mutual wounds the earth-born brothers die, And fall in civil fight. A second cry Springs from the Greeks, who throng around the place. And clasp the victor in a glad embrace : And thou, .barbarian maid, would'st fain pursue 185 The Grecian mode, and clasp the victor too. But prudence check'd thee : avv'd by conscious shame. Dread of reproof, and reverence of fame ; Yet thanking heaven and heaven-imparted spells, With secret ecstasy thy bosom swells. 190 One toil alone remain'd, by herbs to steep The serpent's ever- watchful eyes in sleep. With glittering crest the three-tongued monster lies, And guards with brandish'd teeth the golden prize. Quoilque magis mirum, simul edita con- Terrigenae pereunt per mutua vulnera cutit arir.a. 130 fratres; 141 Quos ubi viderunt praeacutse cuspidis Civilique cadunt acie- Gratantur Achivi; hastas [rantes ; Victoreitique tenent ; avidisque amplexi- ln caput Haemonii juvenis torqueie pa- bus haerent. [velles; Demifere metu vuliumque aniniumque Tu quoque victorem complecti, barbara, Pelasgi. [ilium': Obstitit iiicepto pudor; at complexa .Ipsa quoqueextimuit, quae lutum fecerat fuisses ; 14S Utque peti vidit juvenem tot ab hostibus Sed te.tve faceres, tenuit reverentia famae. unum, 135 Quod licet, affectu tacitolaetaris: agisque Palluit; et subito sine sanguine frigida Carminibus grates, et Dis auctoribus sedit. [carmen horum. [conera j JiJeve parum valeant h. se data gramina, Pervigilem superest herbis sopire dra- Auxiliare canii ; secretasque advocat Qui crista linguisque tribus praesigni^. artes. [liostes, et uncis ibo .IlTe, gravem medios silicem jaculatus in Dentibus horreu^lus, custos era! arietta ,^se4£pulsumMarteuiconvertitinipsos. aurei. • ' BOOK VII. 24« Soft o'er His seal J head the hero strews 193 Plants of rare virtue, dipp'd in Lethe's dews ; And utters thrice a sleep-inspiring^ strain, Whose opiate sound might lull the roaring main. The drowsj^ serpent nods, his vigils cease. And joyful Jason grasps the golden fleece. * 200 Now with his Argonauts once more adrift, Blest with the giver, happy with the gift. He bears Medea o'er the waves, and back To Thessaly pursues his venturous track. Thessalia's aged sires and matrons burn 20& Glad incense, grateful for their son's return ; Red glows the fane, a sacrifice succeeds,. With gilded horns the votive victim bleeds : But iEson fails to join the choral lay, Bow'd down by age, and tottering in decay. SlO When thus his son : Medea, much-lov'd wife,. Cause of my conquest, saviour of my lifej. All, all is thine : thy virtues to recount^ Would scare belief, so mighty their amount. Oh, if thou can'st, by spells and magic song, 215 Shorten my days, to make my father's long ? He wept. Medea, mov'd by his desire, Thought on iEeta, her own slighted sire^ But check'd the contrite pang, and cried. Dear youth. What impious wish thus soils the lips of truth ? 220 Hunc postquam sparsit LetliEei gramine Jam proprior leto, fessusque senilibus succi ; [somnos, annis. Vevbaqtie ter dixit placidos faci.entia Cum sic ^sonides ^ Ocui deberesalutem Quae mare turbatum, quae concita flumina Confiteor, conjux, quanquam mihi cunc- sistent ; [auro 155 ta dedisti, 165 Somnus in ignotos oculos eubrepits et Excessitque tidera meritorumsumma lu- heros ^sonius potitur; syolioq'ue su- orum ; [carmina possum J perbus, [portans, Si tamen hoc possmit ; quid enim noa Muneris auctorem secum spolia altera Deme meis annis; et demptos adde pa- Victor lolciacostetigit cum conjuge per- renti. [rogantiss tus. [ceptis. Nee tenuitlacrymaa. Mota est pietate Haemoniae maties pro gnatis dona re- Dissimilemque aniinum subiit .Beta re- Grandasviqueferunt patres: congestaque lictus. 170 flamm^ IfiO Non tamen affectus tales confessa. Back to cold Winter's cheek the rose of spring : And ye will grant them ; yonder glittering star Shines not in vain, yon dragon-harness'd car Floats on no idle embassy on high : And as she spoke, a chariot grac'd the sky. 280 Soon as the venturous dame the foot-board gains. And smooths the dragons' necks, and shakes the reins, Aloft she soars, and wheels her giddy flight, On dragon wing, to Tempe's chalky height ; From Ossa and high Pelion bears the plants, 285 Culls all that Othrys, all that Pindus grants ; Then tracks Olympus, tearing, as she walks, Part from the roots, part sundering at the stalks. Thy banks, Apidanus, green tribute bring. And thine, Amphrysus ; cold Enipeus' spring, 290 Peneus' blue tide, Spercheus' winding shore, With rushy Boebe swell the chymic store ; And, (since renown'd for Glaucus' wonderous change,) Anthedon's turf completes her mystic range. 294 Nine days, nine nights, she wheels her studious track, jCar -borne, by dragons drawn, then wanders back. Nought save her odourous plants her snakes regales, Yet, green in youth, they cast their wrinkled scales. A'indice deceptoGraias misistis in urbes. Partim succidit cnrvamine falcis ahense< Nunp opus est succisj per quos renovata Mulla quoque Apidani placuenint gra- senectus 215 miiia rip:?, [munis, Enipeu : In fiorem xedeat, primosque recolligat Multaqiioque Amphrysi : nequeeras im^ annus. [rafrustra; Nee i;(in Penea;, nee non Sperciie'ides Et dubitis ; neque enim niiciierunt side- unds 230 Kec frustra volucram traclus cervice Contribuere aliquid, juncosaque llttora draconum [ciirrus. Boebes. Curriis adest. Aderat demissiis ab a;tliere Carpit et Eubp'ica vivax Anthedone gra- Quo simul ascendit; JriEnataque roll^ men, draconum [liabsnas ; Nondum mutatp vulgatum corpora Pcrmulsit, manibusque leves agitavit Glauci. Sublimis rapitur ; subjectaque Tliessala Etjamnoiia dies curru pennisque dra. Tpmpe [angues : ronuin, Despicit, et creteis regionibus applicat Nonaque nox omnes lustrantem viderat pt quas Ossa tulit, quas altus Pelion agros ; Iierbas, [Olytnpus, 925 Cum rediil; nequeerant pasti, nisiodore, Otbrysqiie, Pindusque, et Pindo major dracones ; ttse « ^rspicitj eiplacit4 partim radicerevelJ;t; Et tamen uunosx pellem posuerc seneie» BOOK VII. 253 $he seeks her palace gate, she bares her head To heaven's bleak dew, she shuns the nuptial bed, 300 Then rears two fanes with verdant chaplets bright ; Youth claims the left, and Hecate crowns the right; Slips of green wood she brings, and vervain sprigs. Mould from two neighbouring apertures she digs. Slays a black ram across the pits, and traps 305 The purple current in the yawning gaps ; Then pouring downwards on the reeking shrine Bowls of warm milk, and bowls of liquid wine. With rapid speech implores the Stygian pair, Remorseless Pluto and his captive fair, 310 Old ^son's span one moment to prolong : There, while with plaintive voice and lengthen'd song Medea sues, she bids the attendant train Bring the bald dotard tottering to the fane. By incantations lulFd, with close-shut eyes, 315 Stretch'd on her magic herbs old iEson lies : My spouse, my slaves, th' enchantress cries, depart, Nor read with glance profane my hallowed art. Swift they retire. With scattered locks the dame Wheels like a Bacchant round the holy flame, 320 Her torches twain in rugged splinters slits, Immures them darkling in the gory pits, Then lights them at the fane, then dips the sire Thrice in cold water, thrice in crimson fire, Coustitit adveniens citra liraenque, fo- Uinbrarumque rogat raptS cum conjuge resqiie ; regem, Ettaiitiim coolotegitur: refugitqueviiiles Ne properent artus aiiiinS. fraudare se- Contactusi statuitque aras fe cespite bi- niles. 250 nas, ' 256 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. State their fond hopes, and bid Medea ask What e'er she wishes, to perform the task. Silent awhile she broods, (a grave pretence To hold the anxious sisters in suspense,) 380 Then cries. Your wish Medea shall fulfil: And now, to give you earnest of my skill, From yonder fold an age-encumber'd ram, Charm'd by my art, shall frolic in a lamb. With spiral horns, by countless 3'ears increas'd, 3S5 Halting and slow forth creeps the reverend beast ; Per shining steel his flaccid throat divides. And drop by drop distil the languid tides; The bloodless trunk she next asunder hews, And, drugg'd by philtersj in her cauldron brews j 390 His limbs collapse, in youth's recover'd prime He sheds his horns, and spurns the weight of time; thrill, tender bleatings thro' the cauldron ring, And from its brazen prison, with a spring, An infant lamb, with frolic life endued, 395 Bounds o'er the field, aiid seeks ita milky food. Jler power divine, thus prpv'd, the maids confest, And urg'd with tenfold fervour their request. Thrice had Apollo, with desqending sweepj TJnyok'd his coursers in Iberia's deep j 400 Four times the stars had gemm'd the robe of night, When feU Medea, urg'd by deadly spite, Jdque petunt: pretiumque jubent sine Membra simul pecudis, Talidosque Vf- fine pacisi'i. nefica succos Ilia brevi spatio silet; et dubitare vi- Mergit in sre cavo. MinuuutuT corporis detur, artus : [annos t Suspenditque animos Acta gravitate ro- Cornuaqueexuitur, necnoncumcornibus gantes. [major Et tcner auditur medio balatus aheno. Mox ubi pollicita est. Quo sit hducia Nee mora; balatum mirantibus exsili( .^uneris hujus, ait: qui vestras maxi< agnus: 3^20 mus^evoest 310 Lascivitque fug& ; lactantiaque uber^ Dux gregis inter oves, agnus medi^amine quscrit. fiet. Obstupuere satae Feli&: promissaqu^ •Protinus innumeris eifoetus laniger annis postquam Attrahitur, flexo circum cava tempora Exhibuere fidem j turn vero impensiu$ cornu : instant, Ciijus ut Hsmonio marcentia guttura Ter juga Phoebus equis in Ibero gurgite cuitro mersis / Fodit, et exigoo maculayit fanpjlne fer- Deraserati et quarts radiantia noct« tawi ,§i> tnicabant S8» BOOK VII. 2&7 Red o*er the fire her bubbling cauldron feeds With powerless water and innocuous weeds, Then tunes her lay, her wand of witchcraft waves, 405 And lulls to sleep the monarch and his slaves. The sisters now, by sly Medea led. Bend, mute and breathless, o'er their father's bed. Haste I haste ! she cries, discard this idle doubt, Unsheath your swords, and let life's current out ; 410 Then shall my charms replace th' exhausted flood, And charge the veins of age with youthful blood. His life, his age, one general wound redeems. Oh ! if your hopes are aught but shadowy dreams. If filial duty prompts you, haste to give 415 Youth to old age, and bid death's victim live : Now, now, with brandish'd swords approach by stealth. Discard decrepitude, and welcome health. Thus urg'd, each sister, foremost to begin, With impious virtue sins thro' dead of sin ; 420 But shuddering to behold the wounds they made. With darkling thrust, and chance-directed blade, The fair assassins, with reluctant woe And heads averted, deal the deadly blow. Weltering in gore, the monarch lifts his head, 425 And strives, half murder'd, to escape from bed; But when he saw high rais'd on every side Their glittering swords, with outstretch'd hands, he cried, Sidera ; cum rapidofallax ^eOas igni Si pietas iiUaest, necspesagitatis inanes: Impantt puiuin laticcm, et sine viribus Officiiim pra;state p-itri; telisque senec lierbas. [legem, tarn [ferro. Jamque neci similis, resolnto coipore, Exigite ; et saniem ronjecto emittite Et cum rege suo custodes somnus hu- His, ut quaeque pia est, hortatibus impia bebat, prima est: Quern dederant cantus, magicaeque po- Et ne sit scelerata, facit scelus. Hand tenlia lingUte. 330 tamen ictus 340 Jntrarant jussae cum Colchide limiiia Ulla suos spectare potest : oculosquere- nata;: flectunt; Ambierantque torum : Quid nunc dubi- Ceecaque dant saevis aversae vuliiera dex- talis inenes ? tris. [artus: Stringite, ait, gladios : veteieraqae liau- Ille, ciuore fluens, ciibito tamen allevat rite ciuorem, [venas. Seinilacerque toro tentat consurgere : et Ut repleam vacuas jiivenili sanguine inter In manibus vestris vita est eetasque pa- Tot medius gUdios pallentia brachia rentis. 335 tendensi 345 NO. VI. K K. $68 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Hold, parricides ! what vile inhuman strife Thus arms the daughter 'gainst the father's life ? 43d Their courage fails : their murderous blows they check ; But vile Medea thro' his wither'd neck Passes her blade : his head dissever'd swims, Boil'd in the cauldron, with his mangled limbs ; While she aloft, upborne on dragon wing, 435 Eludes all vengeance for the slaughter'd king. High pois'd in air, her serpents' pinions wave O'er Pelion's shady mount, o'er Chiron's cave, Othrys' tall steep, and cool Parnassus' seat, Where old Cerambus found a safe retreat ; 440 Taught by the Nymphs his upward flight to urge On spreading wings, when Neptune's roaring surge Hung heavy o'er the globe, in ether hurl'd, He 'scap'd the deluge that o'erwhelm'd the world. Downward she eyes, far lessening to her left, 44|^ In marble columns coil'd, of life bereft. The mighty dragon; Pitane's tall towers, folia's pride, and Phrygia's shady bowers, Where furtive Bacchus hid (by art withdrawn) A real heifer in a seeming fawn. 450 Next to where Paris sleeps in drifted sand; Where barking Moera frights the echoing land ; Where rebel dames Alcides' oxen turn Far from their fold, and seeming what they spurn, Quid facitis, gnatae? quid vos in fata Cum gravis iiifuso tellus foret obruta paremis ponio, 335 Armat, ait? cecidere illis animiiiue ma- Deucalioneas effugit inobiutusiindas. nusque. jEoliam Pitanen a iaeva parte relin- Plnraloculuro cum verbis guttura C»Irliis quit, Abstu!it,etcalidislauiatum mersitalienis, Factaque de saxo longi simulacra dra- Quon nisi pennalis serpentibus isset in conis ; auras; 350 Idseumque nemus: quo raptum fitrta Kon exempta foret poenae. Fugit alta su- juvencum perque Occuluit Liber falsi sub imagine cervi : Pelion umbrosum Philyreia tecta, su- Quaque pater Corythi parva tumulatur perque arena: Pthryn, et eventu veteris loca notaCe- Et quos Maera novo latratu terruit rambi- agros. Bic ope NynipUarum sublatus in aSra Euiypylique uibem, qua Cox cornua |)fnniSj nvaires BOOK VII. 259 While budding horns their wondering brows emboss, Low round the fields of insulated Cos, 456 Her scaly guides the bold enchantress goads. And views thy fascinating offspring, Rhodes, Whose hateful eyes beneath his brother's deep Great. Jove immers'd in everlasting sleep. 460 O'er Cea's mouldering walls Medea fled ; There old Alcidamus, with wondering dread, Beheld a dove, upborne on glossy plume, Start mild, yet agile, from his daughter's womb. Now Hyrie's lake the car-borne dame explores, 465 O'er whose smooth breast her son, young Cycnus, soars ; Phyllius, to please the boy, would oft ensnare The forest's monarch, and the fowls of air, And tame the captives ; bending to his will, A lordly bull once own'd the captor's skill : 470 But Phyllius, slighted by his play-mate, claims Himself the prize, and keeps the bull he tames. Churl ! thou'lt repent, offended Cycnus cries, And leaping headlong from the mountain, flies. All deem'd him lost, but, pois'd on wings of snow, 475 He soar'd a swan, and spurn'd the vale below : While reckless Hyrie, drown'd in tears, became The fluid lake that still preserves her name. Pleuron she vie w'd,whence, borne on trembling wings To 'scape her murderous offspring. Combe springs. 480 Gesserunt, turn cum discedcret Herculis Tradid-'rat domitos: tdurura quoque vin. agmen : cerejussus Phoebeamque Uhodon, et lalysios Tel- Viceratj et, spreto foties iratus amore, chinas, 365 Praeraia poscenti laurum suprema ne^a. Quorum oculos ipso vitiantes omnia visa bat. 373 Jupiter exosus, fraternis subdidit undis. Ule indigiiatus, Cupies dare, dixit: et Transit et antiqus CartheKa moenia alto Ceae, Desiluit saxo. Cuncticecidissepiitabant: Qua pater Alcidamas placidam decor- Factus olorniveis pendebat in ugre pen« pore natae nis. Miralurus erat nasci potuissecolumbam. At genitrix Hyrie, servari nescia, Inde lacns Hyries videt, et Cycne'ia Hendo 380 Tempe, Delicuit; stagnumque siio de nomine Quae subitus celebravit olor. Nam Phyl- fecit. lius illuc - Adjacet his Pleuron ; in quS trepidan. Imperio pueri voiucresque Jerumque leo- tibusalis Jtem Ophias effugit natorum vulnera Combe. K k 2 260 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Latona's isle, whose king in feather'd form Mounts with his mate, and braves the dizzy storm, Medea passes in her rapid flight, And leaves thj hills, Cyllene, on her right. Where vile Menephron, like the beasts of earth, 485 Bade her who bore him give his offspring birth. She saw Cephisus weep his grandson's fate, Chang'd to a bloated seal by Phoebus' hate : Eumelus too she view'd, with streaming eyes Bewail his son, hurl'd headlong from the skies. 490 At length her dragons droop'd on flagging wing O'er Corinth, water'd by Pirene's spring. Where in old times, as fabled tales disclose. The race of man from bulbous mushrooms rose: Here when she found her perjur'd lord allied 493 To a new queen, her fires consume the bride: High o'er the dome the flame destructive plays. And lightens either ocean with the blaze. The enchantress now, by deeper sins disgrac'd, Slays her own children, and with guilty haste 500 Safe from indignant Jason's vengeance glides, Whirl' d high in ether by her scaly guides. Stooping to earth, at last Medea lowers On Athens, o'er whose consecrated towers Old Periphus and pious Phineus fly 505 With Polypemon's grandchild thro' the sky. lude CalauresB Latoidos aspicit arva, Corpora vulg&runt pluvialibiis edita fun» In volucrem versi cum conjuge conscia gis. regis. 385 Sed postqaam Colchis arsit nova nupta Dtxtera Cyllene est; in qu^ cum inatre venenis, Menephron Flagrantemque domum regis mare vidit Concubituras erat, saevarum more fe- iitrumque. 39S rarum. Sanguine natorum perfunditur impius Cephison procul hinc deflentem fata ensis : nepntib, Ultaque se male mater, Jasonis effugit Respicit in tumidam phocen ab ApoUine arma, versi : Hinc Titaniacis ablata draconibus, intra^ Eumelifiue domum tngentis in agre na- Palladias arces : qus te, justissime tarn. 3S0 Phineu, Tandem vipereis Ephyren Pirenida Teque, senex Peripha, pariter videre vo- pennis lanles, 400 Cgnticit. Hie asvo veteres moitslia Innixamque noris neptem Potypentttnis pritpo alis. BOOK VII. 201 Now vEgeus (culpable in this alone) JExalts Medea to his bed and throne. Theseus, his son, who bade rebellion cease, And bound the isthmus in the bonds of peace, 510 Meantime, with laurels grac'd, on Corinth's strand^ Unknown to ^Egeus, sought his native land. Medea fix'd to kill th' obnoxious youth, Culls from the Stygian cur's polluted tooth A baneful plant, in frozen Scythia dug, 515 And in her cauldron brews the fatal drug. Hid from the sun, o'ershadow'd in a dell, A yawning cavern downward slopes to hell ; Thither upborne, the meed of glory won, Loaded with massy chains, Alcmena's son 520 Dragg'd backward Cerberus to realms of day, Howling and blinking at Apollo's ray : Shrill thro' the echoing sky, with rabid wrath Bark'd the three heads, the fields were white with froth; Concrete in earth, and ripening o'er the plain, 525 In rank luxuriance bred, the deadly bane filooms in full vigour on the mountain's height, And shepherds name the venom aconite. The monarchj blinded by Medea's craft. As to a foe to Theseus tends the draught, 530 Who grasps the bowl, unconscious of the guilt ; When lo I in ivory carv'd, his faulchion's hilt Excipithanc^geus, facto damnsmdus Bestantera, contraque diem radiosque inuno: micantes [latenis, Nec satis liospitium eat, thalaini quoque Obliquantem ocnlos, nexis aoamante foedere jungil. Cerberon abstraxit : rabid^ qui concitu» Jamqueaderat Tlicseus proles ignara pa- irS renli; ImpU'vit pariter terais latratibus auras? Qui virtute su& bimarem pacaverat Isth- Et sparsit virides spumis albentibus mon. 405 agios. 4l3 Hujvis in exltium iniscet Medea, quod Has concr^sse piitant; nactasque aU- olim [oris. menta feracis Attulerat secum Scythicis aconilon ab Foecuiidique soli, vires cepisse noccndi. Illud Echidnes memorant e dentibus or- Quae quia nascuntur dura vivacia caute, turn Agresies aconiia vocant. Ea conjugis astii Esse cauis. Specus est tenebroso ca;cu9 Ipse parens ^geus nato porrexit, ut hiatu : hosti. 42(i Est via declirisj per quam Tirynihiu» Sumserat ignar4 The«eua data pocuja hcros 41Q dextraj 462 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Betrays the prince, and yEgeus, ere he sip?. Dashes the fatal goblet from his lips : But in a magic cloud Medea swerves 635 From earth, and 'scapes the death her crime deserves. The monarch, proud to elude the dire disgrace, Yet fiU'd w^ith horror that a deed so base Was all but perpetrated, incense showers. And soothes with sacrifice the heavenly powers. 540 Forth stalk the bulls, their horns the fillet decks, The axe falls murderous on their brawny necks, Blooming with festive wreaths : no morn before E'er beam'd so glorious on the Athenian shore. Senates and mobs alike one feeling tires, 545 And wine exalts the lay that joy inspires. Thee, Theseus, thee, their souls, of transport full. Applaud — thee, slayer of the Cretan bull : Thine is the boon, that Corinth's grateful swains, Safe from the boar, still walk their native plains : 550 •On Epidaurus' coast thy sword could tame The club-arm'd offspring of the God of flame ; The vile Procrustes felt thy murderous thrust ; Elusis saw Cercyon bite the dust ; Sinis, with strength abus'd, who joy'd to bind 555 His headlong captives to the bending rind, Then sudden free th' elastic boughs again, And piecemeal strew their members o'er the plainj Cum paler in capulo gladii cognovit Ingenium faciente, canunt. Te, maxime eburno [ab ore. Theseu, Signa sui generis: faciiiusqne excussit Mirata est Marathon Cretsei sanguine Effugit ills necem, nebulis per carmiiia tauri: metis. Quodque suis securis arat Cromyona At genitor, quanquam Ixtatur sospite colonus ; nato ; 425 Munus opusque tuum est. Tellus Epi- Attonitus tantum leti discrimine parvo dauria per te [lem : Committt potuisse nefas, fovet ignibus Clavigeram viditVulcaiii occumbereprj- aras, [secures Vidit et immitem Cephesias era tro- Muneribusque Decs implet: feriuntque cnisten: Colla torosa bourn vinctorum cornua Cercyonis letum videt Cerealis Eleusis. vitlis. 429 Occidit ille Sinis, magnis male viribus Nullus Erechthidis fertur celebratior illo usus ; 440 lUuxisse dies. Agitant convivia patres, Qui poterat curvare trabes ; etagebatab Et medium vulgus} nee non et carmina alto \ino Ad terram late sparsuras corpora pinus. BOOK VII. 26a Fell by thy arm : Alcathoe's highway, free From plundering Scirori, owes the gift to thee : 560 His bones, toss'd diverse by thy mighty hand, Nor found a sepulchre by sea or land ; But, bleaching in the hurricane, became Hard rocks, which still preserve the caitiff's name. Would we thy merits scan, thy years disclose, 565 Great chief, how few were these compar'd with those ! For thee, invincible ! our vows we pour, For thee our wine : the giddy rabble's roar Wide o'er the palace echoes thy renown, And grief can gain no refuge in the town. 570 But yet, (so sure is sorrow's dark alloy To mingle baleful in the cup of joy,) Scarce has the king embrac'd his son restor'd, When grim Bellona scares the festive board. Minos prepares for war ; in hostile Crete 575 Large are his armaments, and large his fleet : But greater still his rage, which aims to gain In war due vengeance for Androgens slain. Ere this, in league to bind the neighbouring states, With many a rapid bark he scour'd the straits. 580 Thus Anaphe, Astypale, he past. And gain'd by gifts the first, by force the last ; He gain'd Cymolus white in Phoebus' glow, Seriphos smooth, and Myconos the low. Tutus ad Alcathoen LelegeVa moenia SoUicitique aliquid liEtis intervenit) limes [ironis ^geus Composito Scirone patet : sparsique la- Gaudia percepit nato sccura recepto. 455 Terra negat sedem, sedeni negat osfibiis Bella parat Minos: qui quanquam milite, unda: 41:1 quannnam [inus ira : Quae jactala diu feitur duresse vetustas Classe valet; p'ltria tan» en est firmissi- In so.pulos- Scopulis nomen Scironis Androneique necein justis iilciscitur ar- inhaeret. [mus; mis. Si til.ilos annosque toos niimerave veli. Ante tamen belluinvires acquirit arnicas : facta premantannos. Pro te, fortissime, Quaque potens habitus, volucri freta vota [mus liaustus. classe pererrat. 460 T'ublica snscipimus : Bacchi tibi sumi- Hinc Anaphen sibijungit, et Astypaleia Consonat assensu popnli, precibusque regna ; faventum [urbe est- I'romissis Anaphen, regna Astypaleia Rtgia : nee tola tristis locus ullus in bello : Nee ramen (usque lideo nulli siucera Hinc humilem Myconon, cretosaque ru- voluptas } ra Cimoli . 564 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Paros, whose marble aids the artist's powers, 585 Scyros, and blooming- Cynthos red with flowers, And that small isle where once the Thracian maid The ramparts for a sordid bribe betray'd, Whence now, with fingers chang'd to sable claws, Her woman's body dwindling to a daw's, 590 With glossy wing, keen eye, and greedy bill, The prying plunderer hunts for money still. Some isles stood neutral in jEgea's sea, Tenos, Oliaros, and Didymae, Fair Peparethos, where pale olives nod, 595 And Gyaros, sacred to old Ocean's God. Now, sailing to the left, the king survey'd An isle where iEacus the sceptre sway'd : Thither great Minos steer'd his valiant prow, ('Twas call'd Oenopia once, ^ginanow:) 60O Forth rush the multitude, with loud acclaim. To view a warrior of such mighty fame. Him Peleus, Telamon, and Phocus greet, And tottering last, to view the king of Crete, Old ^acus, their father, gains the strand, 605 And asks what brings the Cretan to his land; When thus, deep groaning with paternal sighs, * The ruler of the hundred cities cries : A son I fight for, murder'd in his bloom ; Join thou my standard, and avenge his tomb. 610 FlorenlemqueCythnon,Scyron, planam- Oenopiam veteres appellavere: sed ipse queSeriphon, ^aciis ^ginam gtnitricis nomine dixit. Mai'moveamqiie Paron, quaque impia Turha ruit, lantaeque virum cognoscere piodidit aicem 46b famae 475 Sithonis accepto, quod avara poposceiat, Expetit. Occurrent illi Telamonque, auro. minorque [Phocus Mutata est in avem, quae nunc quoqne Quam Telamon Peleus, et proles tenia diligit aurum ; [pennis. Ipse qiioque egreditur tardus gravitate Nigra pedem ; nigris velata monedula senili At non Oliaros, Didymaeque, et Tenos, JEacus : et quae sit veniendi causa requi- et Andros, rit. JSt Gyaros, nitidaeque ferax Peparetiios Admonitus patrii luctOs suspirat, et illi olivae, 470 Dicta refert rector populorum talia cen- Gnossiacas juvere rates: latere inde si- turn: mi nistro Armajuvesorp prognato sumta; piaeque Oenopiain Minos petit ;Eacideja regna. Pars sis militi%- Tumulo solatia posco . BOOK VII. 265 In vain, replied the monarch, Minos sues For what my realm is plighted to refuse ; My country's fate with Athens I combine, Her love, her hate, in peace or war is mine. Minos prepares his backward course to steer, 615 And muttering cries. Thy love shall cost thee dear. But since delay would mar his hostile rage, To threaten war was wiser than to wage. Now gradual fading from ^Egina's height The Cretan ships, tho' small, were still in sight, 620 When, lo ! a rival bark from Athens sails, And gains the friendly coast with prosperous gales. Great Cephalus the lofty galley bore, Charg'd with a mandate from his native shore. Tho' many a year had hid him from their view, C2J The sons of ^Eacus the hero knew, And clasp'd his hand : the chief, whose handsome face And sightly figure, yet retain'd the trace Of former charms, returns their plighted vow— His right hand waves a friendly olive bough. 630 Rang'd on his left, co-envoys to the land, Clytos and Butes, sons of Pallas, stand. Their greeting o'er, th' Athenian chief display'd The message of his court, and ask'd for aid ; Recounts what treaties bound their sires in peace, 63^ And adds, that Minos aims to conquer Greece. Huic AsopiadesjPelis irrita, dixit, et urbi Agnovere tamen Cephalum ; dextrasque Haud facienda meae : neque enim con- dedere : [495 jumtior uUa 485 Jnque patris dijxeredomiim. Spectabili» Cecropidishac est tellus.Eafoedera nobis. heros, [forma;, Tristis abit, Stabuntque tibi tua foedera Et veleris rfitinena etiamnum pignora magno, Ingreditur; ramumque tenens popularis Dixit tetutiliusbellumpiital esse minari, olivje Quam gereie, atque suas ibi praconsu- A dextra Isevaque duos aetate minores mere vires. fmuris 490 Major liabet, Clyton et Buten, Pallanta Classis ab Oenopiis etiamnum Lyctia creates. 6IK) Speciari poterat ; cum pleno cOncita velo Postquara congressus primi sua verbai Attica puppis adest, in povtusque intrat tulevunt ; [rogatqua. amicos: Cerropidum Cephalus peragit mahdata, QiiseCephalum, palriaeque iimulmanda- Aujsilium ; foedusque refert, et jura pa- .ta fevebat. rentuni : iEarida; longojuvKn^s post temporevisum Imperiumqiie peti totivis Acha'idos addit, NO. VI. LI 266 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. While fervent thus he paints the Cretan's guilt. The king-, reclining on his sceptre's hilt, Courteous replies : Ye sons of Athens' coast, Ask not, but take whate'er my land can boast ; 640 Nor doubt, that, whilst our mutual pact endures. This isle, its riches, and its sons are yours : Power we possess, a band the foe to foil, Thanks to the Gods, so fruitful is our soil, Refusal now were base. — Thanks, bounteous king-^ The envoy ery'd, may joy, may riches spring- 646 Around your realm : your populace appears All fair, all young, alike in form and years ; Yet many a former face these eyes again Long to behold. Say why they long in vain ? 650^ i/ist, cried the monarch, to a tale of woes ; Tears dim its outset, smiles adorn its close. Would that my tongue could narrate every ill In order meet ! Yet what I can I will. What thousands in this isle to Pluto bow t 655" They whom you seek are bones and ashes now. Great Jove's tyrannic mate, with rage iniSam'd, Hating this island, from her rival nam'd, Bade pestilential dews the land infest *, While merely mortal seem'd the noxious pest, ^i^ Unknown the mighty hand that seal'd our doom, We fled to physic to escape the tomb. Sic ubi mandaUim juvit facuiidiacausairt, Quos quondam vidi vestrfl prius urbe rev iEacus in capulu scepti'i Ditente sinistra, ceptus. [eutus i Ne petite auxiHum, sed sumite, dixitj ^acus ingerauit; tristique ita voce lo» Atlienae : [veslras Flebile principnim melior fortune sequey l^ec dubit: vires, quas lisec liabet insula, tur. Ducite, et omnis cat rerum status iste Hancutinam possem vobis memorare ! meaEjivm. siufe ullo ^Ij> Koboranundesunt: superat niihi niiles, Ordiife nunc repetam. Neu longS awiw et hosti. 510 bage morer vos ; [requires. Gratia l>ts: felixet inexcusabiletetnpus. Ossa cinisquejacent, memoriquosmeBtc» lmt> ita sit, Ctplialus, cruscat tua civi- Et quota pars illi rerum periere meai'unlf' bus opto [dia cepi ; Bira lues irS populis Juiionis iniquse Res, ait. Adveniensequidem modo gau- Incidit exosfi dictas a pellice terras. Cum tarn pukhra mihi, lam par a:tate Dum visum mortale malum, tantaeqae' juvenlus latebat 596 Cb\u proccssit. Multos tam«n indfe^ re- Causa nocens ckdisj piignatum ^tane qairo, i>t^ medendi. BOOK Vir. 267 O feeble flight ! O insecure retreat ! Death tower'd, and Art laj prostrate at his feet. At first the sky the earth in darkness shrouds, 665 A listless heat hangs flagging in the clouds, And while the moon in circling oi-bits spread, Four times had cut her horns and four times shed, Hot from the south, a pestilential blast, 669 Death's harbinger, o'er streams and fountains past, Dark thro' the meadows coil'd unnumber'd snakes, Corrupting, as they roll'd, our pools and lakes. First, dumb precursors in the march of death. Birds, sheep, and oxen yield their panting breath ; The hapless hind, amaz'd amid his toil, 675 Sees the bull tumble in the furrow'd soil ; Spontaneous from the flocks that browze the glade The wool drops sickly, and their bodies fade ; The steed erst honour'd in the lists of fame. Degenerate, reckless of his ancient name, 680 Feels the slow death his throbbing heart appal. Groans at the rack, and sickens at the stall : The bear neglects the oxen in the mead ; The boar forgets his rage, the stag his speed; ^11 droop, all die : in forests, roads, and vales, 685 Dead bodies putrefy, and taint the gales. Wonders I speak. Nor dogs, nor birds of prey^ Nor hoary wolves, would bear the dead away. PxitUim superabat opein ; quaa victa ja- Inter opus tauros ; medi6que r(?cunibere cebat. sulco. [aigros 540 Princjplo ccelum spissA caligine terras Lanigeiis gregibus balatus dunlibus pressit; et jgnavos inclusit niibibus aes- Sponte su^lanaeqae cadunt, et corpora tus, [bus orbem tabenl. [vere famae, Pumque quater junrtis imp'.evit corni- Acer equus quondam, magnseque in pul- Luna; quater plenum tenuata retexuit Begencrat palmas ; veterumque oblitus orbem, 531 honoriim, [inerti. Leliferis calidi spirarunt flatibus Austri- Art praesepe geinit, morbo moritiirus Constat et in fontes vitium venisse, la- Non aper irasci ineminit; non fidere cusque : [agros cursu [ursi. Milliaque incullos scrpentum miiUa per Cerva ; nee arinentis incurrere furtibiis Errasse; atque suis fluvios temerasse Omnia Unguor habet- Sylvisque, ae' is, venenis. [umque, boumque, que, viisque [bus aiir«. Strage canum primS, volucramque, ovi- Corpora foeda jacent. Vitiantur odori- Inque feris subiti deprensa potentia Mira loquor. Non ilia canes, avida?qiie niorbi. volucres, [scant; 'Concidere infelix validos miratur arator Non cani teugere lupi : dilapsa lique- _ Ll 2 S68 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES Exhaling death they moulder on the ground, And spread the hideous pestilence around. 690 X^rom these the pest the hapless shepherd meets ; It stalks the plain, it riots in the streets. A scorching fire first thro' the bowels darts, lied glows the skin, the breath is drawn by starts, To catch the gale of death the patient strains 693 His heated throat, surcharg'd with swelling veins ; He loathes his bed, he casts aside his vest, I*rone on the earth he bends his burning breast In quest of frost, while Earth, aiFrighted dame. Cools not his fever, but imbibes his flame. 700 No balm the sons of physic now impart. Death mocks their skill, the artist shuns his art : He who by med'cine aims the sick to guard, But meets the fate he labours to retard. Soon as the wretches hope no more for ease, 705 But find that death must finish the disease, Now here, now there, as whim directs, they turn. And, kjiowing caution useless, caution spurn. Devoid of shame, in many a listless group. O'er fountains, streams, and spreading wells they stoop ; Nor slake their thirst, till ebbing life subsides ; 711 Too faint to rise, some perish in the tides. While others, reckless, still bow down their heads. And quaff the stream : some bounding fi'om their beds, AfBatuque nocent: etaguntcontagialate. Erumpit elides; obsuntque auctoribus Pervenit ad miseros damno gniviore CO- artes. [liusaegro; loiios [urbis. Quo propior quisque est, servitque fide- Peatis, et in magns dominaturmoenibu» In partem leti ciiius venit. Utquesalutis Viscera toirtntur prim6 ; flammaeque Spes abiit, fin^mque videut in funere latenlis. [sgre. 5b5 morbi; 5fit> Indicium rubor est, et ductus anhelitus Indulgent animis, et nulla; quid utile, Aspera lingua tumet; trepidisque aren- cura est : [puilore, tia venis [hiatu Utile enim nihil est, passim, posit6que Oa patent; auraeque graves captantur Fontibus, et fluviis, puteisque capacibus Jioa stratum, nou uUa patl velamiua haerent : [bibendo. possunt : [fit Nee priils est exstinctasitis, quam vita, Dura sed in V rra ponunt praecordia : nee Inde graves multi nequeunt consul gere. Corpus humo gelidum, sed humus de et ipsis 370 corpore fervet. 560 Iminoriuntur aquis : aliquis taraen >Iec model atoradest: inque ipsoa eaeva haurit et illas. inedeiiies Taniaque sunt miseris invisi taedisilecti; BOOK VIl. 269 Half frantic leap, or, if too weak to roam, 715 Roll on the earth. Each flies his hated home. Each strives in vain the deadly cause to trace, And each ascribes it to his dwelling place. There might you view, while yet they kept their feet. Wretches half dead reel staggering thro' the street. While others weeping, prostrate on the plain, 721 Their dim eyes rolling in convulsive pain. Raise their hands feebly to the realms of day. Then groan their last, and breathe their souls away. What wish'd I then ? What kings should wish, to fly This hated life, and with my people die. 726 O mournful scene ! where'er I look'd around, The dead in heaps lay huddled on the ground. Like mellow fruit beneath rude Boreas' yoke, Or acorns from the agitated oak. 730 See'st thou yon edifice whose summit roves High o'er its lofty steps ? The dome is Jove's. What various incense fed that sacred fane ! Spouse knelt for wife, and son for sire in vain. While yet they pray, part feeds the holy fires, 735 And part with him that tends the gift expires. How oft, low bending o'er th' anointed shrine, Ere yet his horns are wet with spotless wine, The loathsome ptest the staggering bull attacks. And morbid death anticipates the axe. 740 Prosiliunt: aut, si piohib^nt consisteie Quo se cuiique acies oculorum flexerat; vires, illic Corpora devolvunt in liumiim ; fugiunt- Yiilgvis erat stratum. Veluti cum putiia que penates - motis S85 Quique suos ; sua cuique domus fuiiesta Poina cadunt ramis, agitatAque ilice videtur. bvi glandes. [longis: Et quia causa latet, locus est in crimine Templa vides contri gradibus subliniia notus. [bant, Jupiter ilia tenet. Quisnon altaribus illis Semianimes errare viis, dum stare vale- Irrita tliura tulit > quoties pro conjuge AspiL-erei; flentes alios, terrseque ja- conjux, ceutes; [inotu: Pro gnato genitor, dum verba precaiitia Lassaque versantes supremo lu iiina dicit, 59O Meinbraque pendentis teuriunt ad sidera Non exoratis animam finivit in aris: ca'li, ftSO Inque manu tliuris pars incomsumta re- Hic, ill'ic ubi mors depvenderat, exha- perta est ! [cerdoB lantes- Admoti quoties templis, dum vota sa. ^uid milii tunc animi fuit! an, quod Concipit, et fundit purum inter cornua debuit esse, [meorum ? vinum, [ri! Ut vitam odissem, et cuperem pars esse Haud exspectato cecideiunt vulnere tau» $70 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. When for myself, my children, and my land, I press'd Jove's altar with a trembling hand, Deep groan'd the victim, and devoid of wound, Struggling in death, fell headlong to the ground ; No ruddy tide the holy altar stains, 745 The morbid entrails and the sickly veins Contagious, decomposed, forbore to state Truth's holy mandate and the will of fate. Beneath the dome I saw the mingled slain Defile the steps, nay more, pollute the fane. 750 There were who with a halter stopp'd their breath From choice, and lost the fear of death in death. Reft of its usual rites each body falls. Else had the gathering numbers choak'd the walls ; Some lie unburied, some on piles are spread 755 Without the accustom'd tribute to the dead ; Reverence, respect, affrighted fled the isle ; Men fought for flames, each grasp'd his neighbour's pile; Each for himself, none weeps his neighbour's doom. Nor tree remains for fire, nor scite for tomb, 760 But young and old, sons, sires, and guardians mix, Abandon'd spectres on the shores of Styx. O'erwhelm'd with grief to view on every side Death stalk triumphant. King of Gods ! 1 cried, If, as fame tells, ^gina wrapp'd in fire, 765 Bade me, her son, hail mighty Jove my sire, Ipse ego sacra Jovi pro me, patri4que Funeribns; nequeenim capiebantfunera tribusque portBe. Cum fiicerem natis, mugitvis victima Aut inhumata premunt terras : aut dan- diros [uUis tur in altos Edidit : et subit6 c illapsa sinfe ictibiis Indotata rogos. Et jam reverentia nulla EKiguo tinxit snbjectos sanguine cviltros. est : Fibra quoque aegra notas veri, monitiis- D^que rogis pugnant: alienisque igni- qne Deorum 600 bus ardent. "fiio Perdiderat. Tristes penetrant ad viscera Qui latryment,desunt; indetletaeque va- morbi. gantur Antesacros vidi projecta cadaveiapostes: Natoriimque virumque animae, uve- ilnte ipsas, qub mors foret invidiosior, numque, senumque; aras. Nee locus in tumulos, nee suiiicit arbor Pars animam laqueo claudunt; mortis- in ignes. [rgm, que timurem Attonitus tanto miserarum turbine re- Morte fugant: ultr6que vocant venienlia Jupiter 6, dixi, si te non falsa loquuntur fata. 605 Dicta sub amplexus^ginaeAsopidosisse; Corpora missa neci nullis de more fe- Nee te, magne pater, no3tri pudet es^e Tuntur paientem } BOOK vir. ^fi Spurn not my prayer : thy matchless power employ, Or save ray people, or their king destroy. Loud thunder roar'd : blue lightning flash'd around: 'Tis well, I cried, Oh ! may the awful sound 770 By thee, benignant Jove, to mortals given, Prove the glad signal of assenting heaven* Sacred to Jove, with boughs that wav'd on high. An oak from old Dodona's seed grew nigh, There I beheld of ants a busy train, 775 Each with its little mouth surcharg'd with grain, Stretch'd in a line ascend the rugged bark; And as their gathering numbers I remark, Reverend I cry, O father ! with a band Countless as this, recruit my wasted land. 780 Tho' calm the air, the oak deep shuddering spread More wide its boughs, and bent with groans its head, Uprose my hair, my limbs in fear were bound. Yet still I clasp'd the oak, I kiss'd the ground, Deera'd the dread omen in compassion dealt, 785 And hoped, yet scarce confess'd the hopes I felt. Night gloom'd, and sleep, who sets the captive fre^, Dispell'd my cares; yet still Dodona's tree With all its branches, all its busy crew Rank'd as before, rose trembling to my view. And downward to the grass the reptiles pour, 79t Then sudden rise, and swelling more and more, Ant mihi reilde meos: aut Die quoqne Alw «iedit quercus. Pavido mihi mem. conde sepulrro. [cundo. bra limore 630' lUe notam fulgore dedit, tonitrOque se- HorrUerant, stapantque coma;. Tamen Accipio, siiitque ista precor felicia men- oscula terriE," [tebar > tis 620 Roboribusqite dedi : ni-t me sperare fa- Signa t«*, dixU quod das mihi, pigne- Sperabam tamen; atque animo me* ror, omen. vota fovebam- ^oni fiiit juKt^ patiilis rarissima ramis Nox siibit; et curis exercita corpora Sacra Jijvi quercus de semine DodonjEO. somnus H^c nos frugHegas aspeximiis agmine Occupal. Ante oculos eadem mihi quer« longo cus adesse, 63S Grande dnus exigoo formicas 6re geren- Et ramos totidem, tottdemque animalrai te», 695 ramis Jflugos6qvie suum «ervantes' cortice cal- Ferre suis visa est > parilique trenviscertt leni. [optime, dixi, mota: Diim numerum miror, Totidem, pater Graniferumqu« agnien subjectissparger^ Til mihi da cives : etinania mcenja reple. ifl artis. Intrerauit, ramnqne aonum sine flaming Cresrere quod subito, et majiis majusqu«- wotis videt',, 272 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Stalk bipeds o'er the plain; their numerous feet, Their sable hue, their wrinkled skins retreat, And mortals roam where emmets crept before. 795 Sleep flies. The wild delusion I deplore, And tax with mockery tli' inhuman fates, When, lo ! a murmur buzzes round my gates, And (sound unusual) human voices near Break shrill and joyous on my startled ear : 800 Yet still I doubt — a second dream I dread. When Telamon runs breathless to my bed : Wake, and behold, the youth astonish'd cries. What hope nor faith could paint — Rise, father, rise! I quit my roof, and on the plains survey, 805 Awake, the self-same forms my dreams pourtray. The train approach, and hail me as their king, Grateful to Jove my votive gifts I bring : Then every field my spacious island through. Void of old tenants, share among the new. 810 I call them Myrmidons — the name describes Aptly their source ; thou'st seen my infant tribes : Tho' mortal limbs their creeping forms supplant, In humour still they imitate the ant: Laborious, patient, parsimonious, plain, 815 Gaining with toil, and keeping what they gain. Soon as the favouring gale that brought thee here (East was the gale) from east to south shall veer, Ac se tollere Ii'.imo; lectoque adsistere Egreileie. Egrcdior : qualesqne in ima- trunco: 64O giiie soir.ni Et maciem numerumque pedum, iii- Visus eram vidisseviros, ex ordine tales grumque colorem Aspicioagnoscoque. Adeunt; regemqu? I'oneie ; et humanum membris inducere salutant. fisi formam. Vota Jovi, solve, populisque recentibu» Somnus abit. Damno vigilans mea urbem visa; querorque Partior, et vacuos pviscis cultoribus In Soperis opis esse nihil. At in aedibu» agios, ingens IVJyrmidonasque voce; nee origine no-. Murmur erat : vocesqiie hominum ex- mina fraudo. audlre videbar, 64i Corpora vidisti. Mores, quos ante gere- Jam mihi desuetas. Dum suspicor has bant, en quoque sonini, Nunc qucque habent; parcumque, ge« Ecce venit Telamon properus; foribus- nus, paliensque, laborum, que roclusjs, Qusesitique tenax, et qui qua;sita reser- Speque, fideque, pater, dixit, majora vent. [quentur, Tidebis. H'l tc ai\ be}la pares nnnis ,animi£que so BOOK VII. 3^ Equal in age and soul my band shall rise And follow to the field their bold allies. 820 In talk like this thej wore away the light, In feasts the evening, and in sleep the night ; Aurora beam'd, bright glow'd the God of day, Yet eastern gales still check'd their backward way. Now Cephalus the sons of Pallas meet, 82.> And join with him the aged king to gr«et ; But still the joys of sleep the monarch shar'd ; Peleus and Telamon for war prepar'd, But Phocus met th' Athenians at his gate, And led the heroes to the hall of state. US&^ There sitting, Cephalus was seen to clasp A curious javelin in his valiant grasp ; This youthful Phocus wonder'd to behold, Shap'd from an unknown tree, and barb'd with gold : Then, having in brief parley borne a part, 835 He thus address'd the owner of the dart : I haunt the forests, track the slaughter'd deer. Yet know not whence the wood that forms thy spear;. To me it seems (tho' to decide were rash) Too smooth for cherry, and too white for ash, 84Q Never before did mortal hand engraft On steel or gold so beautiful a shaft. To whom th' Athenian : Tho' thine eyes explore Fondly its hue, its power will charm thee more ; Cum primum, qui te feliciter attuUt, P)iocns in interiuS 3patium pulchrosqu'e, Euriis [Austros. recessus [resedit, ^urus enim attulerat) fuerit mutatus in Cecropidas durit. Cum quels simiil ipjs 'I'alibus atque aliis languin seimonibus Aspicit .fljqliden ignota ex arbore facluin illi " Ferre manu jacuVum, cujus fait aurea Impleverediem. Lucis pars ultima mensae cuspis. Jtus, 67* i,s,t dat^, iiox somnis. Jubar aureus ex- Pauc.a prius mediis sermonibus ille locu- tiileratSoI. [nebat. fifib Sum nemorum studiosus, ait, cacdisqu* Flabat adliuc Eurus, redituraque vela te- ferlnse ; [sum. Ad Cepluilum Pallante sati, cui grandior Qafi taiiien h sylva teneas hastile reci- Ktas ; [crenti Jamdudum dublto : certe, si fraxinus Ad regem Cephalus, simul et PMlante esset, - [inesset. Conveniunt : sed adliuc vegem soppr al- Fulva colpre foret ; si cornus, nodu» tus habebat. Unde sit ignoro ; sednon formosius islo Excipit .iEacides illos in limine Phocus ; Viderunt oculi telum jaculabile nostri. Ijlam Telamon fiaterque viios ad bella Excipit»Acta:is ^ fratribus alter ; et usum lei^ebant. gyl Majorem specie miTabere, dixit, ii^i^to^ sfo. VI. M ra 274 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES Chance guides it not, whate'er it seeks it wounds, 845 And self-retorted, bath'd in blood, rebounds. The youth still strives its source and use to sift, And asks the giver of so rare a gift. All this he narrates : but the costly bribe That gain'd the shaft, shame faulters to describe. 850 Then, while his eyes with gushing tears o'erflow, He thus relates the story of his woe : Strange to recite, O Goddess born ! this spear Now draws, and long shall draw, affliction's tear, Long as life's blood shall mantle in my heart. 855 Oh ! that I ne'er had known the fatal dart. Barb'd with despair, 'twas given me to destroy My bosom's partner and my bosom's joy. Procris, my spouse, was sister to the fair Whom rugged Boreas snatch'd thro' northern air. 860 Did fickle love depend on lovely forms, Procris, not she, had charm'd the God of storms. To me, in all her native charms array'd. Love and her sire Erechtheus join'd the maid. Envied by all, enraptur'd with my bride, B65 I hoped for bliss, but heaven the hope denied. One month had roli'd unheeded o'er my head, When, as to catch the stag, my nets I spread, Aurora, as she chac'd the shades of night, 869 Saw, lov'd, and snatch'd me from Hymettus' height. Consequilur quodcunque petit : fortuna- Perdidit. Hoc utinam caniissem munere quemissnm [cruentum. 684 semper! Non regit; et revolat nullo referente Procris erat (si forte magis perven it ad Turn vero juveuis Nereius omnia quaerit ; aures 6gi Cur sit, et unde datum, quis tanti mune- OritliyVa tuas raptae) soror OritliyiEe. ris auctor. [pudori est, Si faciem moresque velis conferre dua« Quae petit, ilie refert ; sed, quae narrare rum, [Erechtheus: Qua tuleritmercede, silet; tactusque do. Dignior ipsa rapi. Paterhanc mihi junxit lore [tis; Banc mihijuiixit Amor. Felix dicebar, 'Conjugis amissae,lacrymisitafaturobor- eramque t [forsitan essem. Hoc me, nate dea, (qiiis posset credere >) (Non ita diis visum est) at nunc quoque telum 6S1 Alter agebatur post pacta jugaiiivmensis; Tlere facit, facietque diu, si vivere nobis Cum me cornigeris tendentem retiacervis I'uta diu dedfrint. Hoc ine cum coiijuge Vertice de summo semper florenlis Hy- cara. * metti BOOK Vir. 275 (Queen of the mora ! Oh pardon what I speak ! On me, if false the tale, thy vengeance wreak ;) Tho' in her rosy car serenely gay, She tracks the boundaries of night and day; Tho' her brow blooms in youth's eternal wreaths, 875 And sweets exhale in nectar as she breathes, Still to my lips the name of Procris sprung, Fix'd in my heart, and ever on my tongue : I urg'd our love, the ties that bound us both. Our recent union, and our marriage oath. 880 Cold youth, avaunt ! th' offended Goddess cries, Go, take thy Procris — cease thy foolish sighs — But if the future by my glance is ey'd. Ere long thou'lt wish thy marriage knot untied. She spake : and furious drove me from the place. 885 Her dubious threat as pondering I retrace, A jealous doubt, that Procris might disdain Her marriage compact, flush'd across my brain. Her youth, her beauty threaten'd peril near, Her love, her virtue chac'd th' injurious fear. 890 Time had elaps'd, and she who bade me stray Had shewn too plain, that women can betray. Fearing the truth of what the queen describes, I plot deceit, and probe her faith with bribes. Morn's subtle queen, (I now began to find,) 895 Had chang'd my form, my reckless spouse to blind ; Lutea mane videt pulsis Aurora tenebris : Dum redeo, meeumque Deae memorata Invitiimque rap'it. Liceat mihi vera rf- ratracto, ferre. Esse metus ccepit, ne jura jiigalia con- Pace DeiE; quod sit roseo speclabilis ore, jux 715 Qaod teneat lucis, teneat tonfinia rtoctis, Non bene servasset. Faciesque aetasque Nectareis quod alatur aquis; ego Procrin jubebant aniabani : Creaere adullerium: prohibebant cre- Pectore Procris erat, Procris mihi sem- dere mores. per in ore. Sed tamen abfueram : sed et haec erat, Sacra tori, coitusque novos, tlialamosque unde rsdibam, recentes, Criminis exemplum : sed cuncta time- Priraaque deserti referebaiii Tocdera lecti. mus araantes. Mota Dea est; et, Siste tuas, ingrate, Quaereie quo doleam, studeoj donisque querelas; pudicam 720 Prociiii babe, dixit. Quod si mea provi- Sollicitare fldem. Favet buic Aurora t'i- da mens est, mori; Non habuisse voles. Meque illi irata re. Immutatque meam (videor sensisse) fi- ^isit. guram. M m 2 ^76 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. I enter Athens, to my house repair, All's fair, all chaste, no sign of guilt is there. By various wiles I pass the outer gate. And find my Procris weeping for her mate. 900 Amaz'd, delighted to behold my bride, 1 almost left her virtue's strength untried, Scarce could my tongue the stratagem contain, Scarce could my eager lip from her's refrain. Tho' sad her brow, her cheek how heavenly fair ! 905 For me she wept, for me she tor€ her hair. Think, Phocus, what a charm must crown that face Where grief itself imprints a lovelier grace. Why should I tell how oft by truth upborne, Her virtues foil'd my overtures with scorn ? 910 How oft she cried, For one, where'er he rove, I plight my faith, my person, and my love ? Whom but a fool had such a constant mind Fail'd to convince ? Yet jealous still, and blind? With zeal destructive of my own delight, 915 J promise treasures for a single night. New bribes I proffer. I augment the old. And find, too sure, th' omnipotence of gold. Ah me ! I murmur with desponding sigh, Hence with disguise, no loose adulterer I ! 920 In me vile recreant from thy marriage vows, Behold thy real, lost, deluded spouse, Palladias ineo nnn cognoscendus Athe- Phoce, decor fuerit ; quam sic dolor ipse Has; [carebatj decebat. [pCidiC» Ingrediorque doinum. Culpa domus ipsa Quid referam, quoties tentamina nostra Caslaqiie signa dabat : dominoque erat Heppulerint mores? Quoties, Ego, dix- anxia rapto. 725 eris, uni J35 Vix aditu per mille doles ad Erechthida Servor, ubicunque est: uni mea gaudia facto 3 [retiqui servo? Pt vidi, obstupui : meditataque pene Ciii non ista fide satis experientia sano Tentamenta fide: male me, quin vera Magna foret? iion sum ccSntentus; et ih faterer, [ferrem. mea pugno [paciscor. .Continui ; male quin, utoportuit, oscula Vnlnera : duni census dare Hie pro nocte Tristis efatj sed nulla tamen fofmosior Muneraque augendo tandem dubitare illA 730 cbtigi. 7^0 Bsse potest trlsti ; desiderioque calebat ' Exclamo : Male tectns ego en, male pac- Coinugis abrepti. Tu collige, qu&lis in tus adulter [teneris. J115, Veros efitm conJit:{ : me, perfida, teste BOOK VII. 277 She answered nouo-ht, but fiU'd with shame and dread. Her senseless husband and her dwelling fled: Warn'd by my lures, abhorr'd the iace of man, 92S And leagued with Dian, o'er the mountains ran. But, Oh, the pangs my heart deserted felt ! I crav'd her pardon, at her feet I knelt; And own'd, did woman urge by bribes to sin. Me, too, temptations large as those might win. 930 Thus soothed, thus urg'd, she softened to consent, And many a happy year in love we spent ; She gave (why more than love should love confer?) A curious dog by Cynthia given to her ; And giving cried. When opening hounds attack 935 Their prey, this dog shall distance all the pack. Nay more, she gave this javelin barb'd with gold, Which mov'd your wonder and which now I hold. Ask you the virtues of the dog ? attend. The wonder shall reward the ears you lend. 940 When QEdipus, deep vers'd in learning's loi*e, Had solv'd what human wit ne'er solv'd before. And stunn'd to view her riddle's web unwound. The maddening Sphinx leap'd headlong to the ground^ Themis, the just, on impious Thebes decreed 945 A vengeance worthy of so vile a deed. Forth prowls a wolf: fear chills the hearts of all. And sheep and shepherd in the slaughter fall. Ilia nihil : tacito tantummodo victa pu- Cynthia, Currendo superabit, d'lxerat. dore omnes 7.=.* Insidiosa malo cum conjdgedimfnafugit: Dat siimil et jaculum ; manibus quod Otfensaque niei gemis omne perosa vi- (cernis) habemus. rorum 74b Muneii-; alteiUis quae sit fortuna re. Montibiis errabat stndiis operata Dianae. qiiiris I Turn mihi desertoviolentior ignis ad ossa Accipe. Miiandi novitate moveberei'acti. Pervenit: orabam veniam; peccasse Carmiiia Laiades non intellecta prio- fatebar. mm Etpotuissedatissimilisuccnmberectilpse 'Solverat ingeniis ; el praecipitata jacebat Me quoque muneribiis; si munera tanta Immemor ambagiim vales obscuVa siia- darentur. 750 rum. yfjl Hoc mihi confesso, IffiSttTn prius iiltapu- Scilicet alma Themis non lalia linijint dorem, [annos. inttha. Tbi» •'Redaitur, et dulees Concorditer exigit Protitius Aoniis immittitur altera The- Ddt mihi praelerea, tanquam se parva I'estiS; et exilio multi pecorunique suo- dedisset [traderet illi que j^tug pona, canem muiius: quem cum sua Kurigense pavere lerara. Vitina javeu- 278 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. We neighbouring youths unite, our scheme is plann'd, With lofty nets we circumvent the land ; 950 The wolf high bounding all our labour foils, Springs the tall fence, and overleaps the toils. Uncoupled now, the hounds pursue her track; She flying like a bird escapes the pack ; On Procris' gift soon settles every eye ; 955 Lelaps ! Let Lelaps loose ! the hunters cry. He panting, struggling, strains the rattling clog, The chain snaps short, off scours the joyful dog. Dazzled, amazed, we saw not where he flew : The glowing sand alone his footprints knew ; 960 Not the light spear, the bullet from the sling, Nor Cretan arrow from the twanging string- So cleaves the air : in gradual slope between The subject fields, a hill o'erlooks the scene : Thither I climb, and looking down survey 965 Rare sport ne'er witnessed till that glorious day. The wolf now seems to fall, the ravenous hound Snaps at her throat, the wolf eludes the wound ; Too cunning in a line to keep her course, She turns, she doubles ; Lelaps' headlong force 970 O'erruns the mark ; recovering soon he strains Each agile nerve, and hunts her o'er the plains, Seems to secure, yet fails his prey to find, And idly toiling snaps the empty wind. Venimns ; et Intos indagine cinximus Hasta, nee excussje contorto verbeie as;ros. 166 glandes, I\la levi velox superaliat retia Galtu : Nee Goityniaco calamus levis exit ab Summaque traiisibat positarum lina arcu. plasaniin. [seq\ientes Collis apex medii subjectis imminet Copula"detral\itiir caiiibus, quos ilia se- arvis ; quentes Tollor eo, capioque novi spectacula cur. Effugit. et volucri non seciusalite ludit. sfts: 780 Poscor et ip,e meum consensu Laela pa Qua modo deprendi, modr» se siibducere magno. abipso [recto, Muneris hoc nomen. Jamdudum vin- Vulnere vi'-a fera est. Ncc limite callida CLila pugni'-t In spatiumqus fugit; sed dei ipit era se- Exueri ipse sibi, coUoque morantia ten- quentis; dit. Et redit in gyriim, ne sit suus impetus Vix bene missus erat; nee jam polera- liosti- mus, ubi csset, Immiiiet hir, senuiturque parem : simi- Scire; pedum calidus vestigia pulvis lisque tt-nenti 78* habebaf. 775 Non tenet, et vacuos exercet in aer» Ipse oculis ereptus erat. Non ocior illo niorsus. BOOK VII. 279 In act to throw, my Procris' spear I slant, 975 But while my fingers in the thongs I plant, Mj wondering eyes two marble forms remark, This still appears to fly and that to bark ; Some God perchance transform'd them to display Both dog and wolf unconquer'd in the fray. 980 Thus far the chief. But whence young Phocus cries. Thy javelin's fault ? The Athenian thus replies : Joys once were mine, ere joys were merged in woes ; Be these forgotten, while I dwell on those. O son of ^acus ! how time endears 985 The fond remembrance of those happy years, When youthful Cephalus Avith Procris dwelt, And each conferr'd the bliss the other felt. Our love so constant, mine had scornM to rove Did Venus sue, and hers had baffled Jove. 990 When Sol's first ray illum'd the mountain tops, As youths are wont, I trac'd the sylvan copse In quest of game : nor slave nor steed was mine. Nor hound sagacious, nor ensnaring line : Safe in this spear no other arms I wield, 995 But when my limbs droop'd weary in the field, Fatigued, I gain'd the covert of the vale : Cold from the neighbouring mountain blew the gale. Air then I sought my panting toil to ease, Stretch'd on tlie turf, I woo'd the western breeze, 1000 Ad jaculi vertebar opem : quod dex- Mulua cara duos, et aiuor socialis ha- tera librat bebat. 800 Dnm mea; diim digitos amentU indere Nee Jovis ilia meo tjialamos praeferret tento; (eodein aniori: Liimina deflexi -. revocataque rursus Nee me quae caperet, non si Venus ipsa Betulerara, medio (inirum) duo mar- veniret, [flaminsE. moiacampi) 7gO Ulla eiat. Equates urebaiu pertora Aspicio ; fugere hoe, illud latrare pu- Sole fere radiis ferienleracumina primis, tares. Venatum in sylvas juveniliier ire sole- Scilicet invictos am bo certamiiie cCirsns bam: 804 ■E-ise Dews voluit; si quia Deusadfuitillis, Nee meciim famulos, nee equos, nee Hacter.us : et tacuit. Jaculo quod naribus acres :[bam. crimen in ipso f Ire canes, nee lina sequi nodosa sine- ■Phocus ait. Jaculi sic crimina reddidit Tutus eram jaculo. Sed cum satiata ille- 795 ferinse [et umbras, €audia principium noftri sint, Phoce, Dextera cxdis erat ; repetebam frigus, dolcris. et umbras, lUaprius referam. Juvat 6 nieminisse Et, quae de gelidis halabat yallibiis, beati [aiinos auram. 810 T«mporis, j?Eacida, quo primos rite per Aura petebatur medio mihi lenis in sestu ; Conjiige eram felix; fclix erat ilia ma- Auram expectabam ; requies era.l ill» iiio. labori. 280 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Oft would I crj, exhausted and oppress'd, Come, gentle air, sweet Aura, soothe my breast;! Come, as thou'rtwont, thy Wandishraents impart, Assuage the fiames that riot in my heart : Oft, too, I added, urg'd by Fate's decrees^ 1005 Words softer still, enticing strains like these : Come, gentle air, dear Aura, hither stray 1 Joy of my soul, sweet Aura come away ! For thee dark groves and silent glens I prizCj Inhaling rapture in thy balmy sighs. 1010 Some unknown shepherd lurking in the wild O'erheard the sound, and by the sound beguiled, Thought when I fondly woo'd my Aura's charms, I sigh'd to clasp some mistress in my arms. Strait hies the rash informer to my spouse, 1015 Dwells on the crime, and paints my amorous vows. How credulous is love ! o'erwhelm'd, astound, Down fell my Procris lifeless on the ground. Long lay she senseless, but when life at last Returning, gave to view the hateful past, lOS'O With trickling tears she wailed her cruel fate. And tax'd with perjury her guilty mate. Stung with imagined wrongs, in passion's storm, She dreads a shade, a name without a form, In empty air a concubine she fears, 10^5 Now doubts, and now discredits what she hears. Aura (recorder enim) venias, cantare Esse putans Nympha;, Nynipham milii Sjlebani« credit amari- fileque jiives, iutresque sinus, gratissima, Criminis txtemplo ficli temerarius index noslros : Procrin adit : liiiguaque refert audita Utque lacis, relevare velis, ^«ibiia uri- susurr^. S3.i miir, ic-tus. 815 Credula res amor est. Subito collapsa Eorsitan addiderim ("sic me mea fata dolore, [refecta trahebant) Ut sibi narratnr, cecidit : longoque Bland'tias plures: et, Tii milii magna Tempore; se miserant, st fali dixit volupfas, iniqui: [cila vano, Dicere sim solitiis; tu roe reficisqiie fo- Deque fide questaest: et crimine con- vesque: [meoque Quod niliil est, metuit; metuit sine cor- Tii facis, ut sylvas, ut amem lora sola ; pore nomen : 8^0 tpiriius istetuus semper captattir ab ore. Et dolet infelix veluli de pellicevera. ot'ibus ambiguis Ueceptain praebuit an- Scepe tamen dubitatj speratque miserri'* rem [vociitum mafalli: [ipsa, Mes(ig (jijis : nomenque avxx tain sa.'pe Indicioque fidem negat ; ^t, nisii vidqrit BOOK VIL 281 And scorns to tbink her fiiithfiil husband frail, Till solid proof shall verify the tale. Soon as the following morn the stars had chac'd, I quit my dwelling, to the woods I haste, 1030 And crown'd with spoils, repeat my former strain, Come, gentle air, sweet Aura, soothe my pain. Sudden I hear a groan — with wonder dumb Awhile I pause, then cry. Come, Aura, come! Again a rustling sound disturb'd the shade, 1035 I thought some beast lay lurking in the glade. And hurl'd my dart. Her breast in crimson died. Ah me, I bleed ! a wounded female cried. 'Twas Procris ! when her mournful voice I knew. With headlong horror to the spot I flew, 104O And stretch'd along the plain my Procris found, Struggling to tug the weapon from the wound: Swift in my guilty arms, forlorn, amazed, A form far dearer than my own I raised. My severed raiment from my breast I tore, 1045 Closed the deep wound and strove to staunch the gore. Oh live ! I cried, from death dear Procris rouse. Save from the worst of crimes thy guilty spouse ! Sinking in death, inanimate and weak. She yet contriv'd these faultering words to speak.: 1050 By rigid Pluto, by the Gods above Who seal'd our compact, by the jealous love Damnaturasui lion est delicta mariti. Conjugis; ad vocem prseceps amensqne Posteni depulerant Aurorae lumina noc- ciicurri. tern ; 835 Semianimem, et sparsas foedanlem san Egredior, sylvasque peto ; victorque per guine vestes, 8-15 herbas, Et sua (me miserum !) de vulnere duna Auraveni, dixi, nustroque medere labori. trahentem. Etsubuogeinilus intermea verba videbar Invenio ; corpiisque meo mihi charius Nescio qiios audisse. Veni, tamen, op- SontibusattoUo: scissaqueipectoreveste tima, dixi. Vulnera saeva liga; conorque hiibere cm- Fronde levem rursiis slrepitum faciente orem : cadui-a., 840 Neu me morte sua sceleratum dc-serat,. Sum ratus esse feram : telumque volatile oro. 850 niisi. Viribus ilia carens, et jam moribunda, Frocris eral : medioque teiiens in pec- coegit flecli, tore vul mis, Hebc se pauca loqui : Per nostri foedera Heimihi! oonclamat. Vox est ubi cog- Perque Deos supples oro, superosque, nita fidiB ~ meosquej NO» VI. N N 282 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. That drew me hithei* to i^et^ive thy dart, And ev'n in death still lingers round my heart,. When wretched Procris sleeps among the dead, 1655 Ne'er be that Aura partner of thy bedl She 3poke. The dread mistake, the fatal spell,, I saw and told ; but what availed to tell ? Her pulse beat slow, slow ebb'd the parting tide,- I felt her gently from my bosom glide ; 1X)60 On me one dying look of love she cast. Then on my lips my Procris breath'd her last : Yet thus convinc'd, she drew her closing breath With placid ease, and seem'd to smile at death. Here ceas'dthe prince : when lo! iEgina's king, 1065 Bold Telamon, and valiant Peleus bring. A band of conscript warriors to the place, And Cephalus receives the martial race. Per si quid merui de te bene; perque Dumqiie aliquid spectare potest, me maiientem speetatj et in me Nunc quoque, cum pereo, Caiisain mihi Infelicem ahimam, nosttoque exhalat in mortis, amorem ; 855 ore; Ne tliaianiis auram patiare innubere Sed vulMi melioreinori secura videtur. nostris. Flentibus haec laci-ymans heros memo- Dixit : et errorem tum denique nominis rabat ; et eoce 1 esse [juvabat f ^acus ingreditur duplici cum prole, no- Et sensi, et docui. Sed quid docuisse voque 856- Labitur, et-parv9AfoBiimt- cUm sanguine Mllite ; quem Cephalus cum fortibus ac- vires; »0O , oipitarrais.. OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. BOOK VIII. THE ARGUMENT. Tlie Sfori/ of Nisus atid Scylla. — The Labyrinth of Crete. — The Escape of Theseus and Ariadne. — Her Crown changed to a Constellation. — The Flight of Ucedalus and the Death of Icarus. — The Transformation of Talus into a Partridge. — The Calydonian Boar. — TheStory of Meleager and Atalanta.—' . Death of Meleager. — His Sisters changed to Birds. — The Naiads and the Nymph Perimele into Islands. — A City changed to a Lake. — Jupiter and. Mercury assume the Forms of Men. — The Story of Bands and Philemon,— The Changes of Proteus. — The Impiety of Erisichthon. — Description of Famine. — The Daughter of Erisichthon changed t^various Forms. — Th9 Death of Erisichtiion, JlA OW glowing Lucifer had driven away The stars of night, and usher'd in the day ; Chill Eurus flagg'd, uprose the azure clouds. And humid Auster, whistling through the shrouds, Fann'd the three heroes o'er the billowy track, 5 With unexpected speed, to Athens back. Minos, meanwhile, laid waste Megara's coast, And round Alcatho'e pour'd his martial host. Here aged Nisus held imperial sway ; Amid whose tresses, chang'd by time to grey, 10 JAM nitidum retegente diem, noctis- Ante expectatum portus tenuere pe- que fugante [midasurgunt titos. 5 Tempora Lucifeio, cadit Euius ; & bu- Interea Minos Lelegeialittora vastat: Nubila, Dantplacidi cursum redeun- Prsetentatque sui vires Mavortis ia tibus Austri [acti urbe [splendidus ostro i£acidis,Cepbaloque; quibusfeliciter Alcathoe, quam Nisus liabet; cui NO. VII. O O &U OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. One bright unfaded lock of purple grew To guard the coronet that veil'd its hue. Six times the moon repair'd her waning light, Yet doubt Still sway'd the fortunes of the fight ; And proud Victoria, hovering o'er the field, 15, Now perch'd on Nisus', now on Minos' shield. Megara's palace, rich in sculptur'd grace, O'erhung the walls ; at whose harmonious base. As Fame reports, the lyre of Phoebus thrown, Imbu'd with melody the vocal stone. 20-- Thither ascending oft, in infant sport. While peace and pleasure crown'd her father's court, Tair Scylla, daughter of the purple king. With a small pebble made the ramparts ring. Thither, in war, too, oft would Scylla go 25' To view the battle on the plain below, Till every Cretan chief in time she guess'd. His arms, his steed, his quiver, and his vest. While o'er the rest her eyes indifferent run. They dwell too fondly on Europa's son. 3Q- Did Minos shade in crested plumes his face, — ■ She dcem'd the shadowy plume an added grace. Did his left arm the golden buckler wield, — ■ Grace shone reflected on the pohsh'd shield. Did he with arm retorted hurl the dart, — 3S She dwelt delighted on his strength and art. Inter lionoratos medio tie veitice Spectare, eqne illi rigid! certainiiiii canos Marti s. 20 Crinis iiiliserebat, magna fiducia reg- Jamque morl belli procerum quoqii»- ni. 10 nomina noral, Sexta resiirgebant oricntis coriiua Arraaqiie, eqiiosqiie, liabitusque, Cy- PlicKbt's : [que doiicasqiie pliaretras. Utpendelirttadliiicbelli Fortima: dill- Noverat ante alios facicni diicis Eu- Inter utnuiique volat diibiis Victoria ropa;i ; [Jiidice Minos, pentiis. [ria : Pins etiani, qnam nosse sat est, hSc Ticgia tiirriser>it vncaiibiisaddila iiju- Sen lajiut abdiderat cristate cassid* In qiiibus aurutam proles Latoia fer- pennis, -.* tur la In galea formosiis erat ; sen suinsoraK icposuisse lyram : gaxo sonus ejus anio [sisse deoebat. inlij^sit. [X'isi, Fidgenlem clypeum, clypeirni sum. Hxpe illuc solita est ascendere lilia Xorsfr.il addiiclis hastiUa leuta lu" lEt petere exiguo resonantia saxa la- ecilis; , pillo; [sa>pe solebat LandaliaL virgo junctaui cum Yilibiis 5''»m cii;« pax csset, J3eUniu quoquc wLcui, BOOK VIII, m He drew the bow — No mortal twangs the cord, The virgin sigh'd, 'tis day's majestic lord! T3ut when no brazen helmet veil'd his head. When, deck'd for state in robes of Tyrian red, 40 He rode his milk-white charger o'er the mead. And ruled with glittering reins the foaming steed, ,; Tottering on reason's verge, she wildly blest The spear he brandish'd, and the reins he prest. She longs (but Fortune frustrates her designs) 43 On virgin foot to pass the Cretan lines : She longs (but lofty towers her efforts damp) To leap down headlong on the Cretan camp ; Or ope the brazen gates, betray her sire. And do aught else that Minos might require, 50 Pensive awhile she eyes the whitening tents ;- Then, sighing, thus her soul's emotion vents ' Who shall decide if yonder sanguine fight Be cause to me of sorrow or deli2;ht ? I grieve that Minos threats my father's throne, 55 Yet but for war I ne'er had Minos known. Would that this hand could bid the conflict cease, And, link'd in his, cement our nation's peace ! loveliest of creation ! youth divine! If she who bore thee boasted charms hke thine, CO Well might Europa fire the Thunderer's breast ! Thrice happy I, beyond all mortals blest, ■ — —r Iniposito palulos calanjo sinuaveiat Castra ; vel aeratas hosti recludere areus ; 30 portas : [sedebap Sic PhcEbum sumtisjiirabat stare sa. Vel si quid Jlinos alind velit. Utque gittis. [aire, Candida Dictaii spectans teiitoiia re- Ciini verb faciem denito nudaverat gis ; [bile bellum, I'lirpiireusque albistialis insigijiapicr L?e,tej-, ait, doleimne geri laciyma- liB [ora regebat : In dubio est. Doleo,qu6d Minos hcstis Terga preniebat, leqm, spiiniij,ntiaque anianti est, 45 Vix sua, vix saijae virgo Kiseia conir Sed nisi bella forent, numquid niilii pos 35 cognitus esset ? [belluiu Mentis erat, FeliKJaculiim, quod tanr Me tamen accepta poterat deponeie geret jUe, [na vocabat. Obside : me comiteiu, me pacis ])ignus OiiaMiu nianu premeret, t'elicia fia;- habere, [leruni. Impetus est illi, (liceat inodo) ferre Si, quip te peperit, talis, pulcherrime per agmen [illi. Quails es ipse, fail; merit6 Deus arsit Virgineos hostile gradus : est impetus in illi. 5U lurribus e simjuiis ill Giiossia luittere O ego ter felis, si pennis lapsa ^«j forpij3 4Q >vi),r.aa ^S6 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Could I to yonder camp, on pinion fleet, Soar through the air, and clasp the king of Crete I There own my love ; bid Minos call his own 65 Me ajad my wealth, but spare these towers alone. For, perish love ! ye blooming hopes expire! Die Cupid's torch, ere treason light the fire! Yet courteous victory makes bondage light : T"or slain Androgeus Minos seeks the fight, 70 And rightly seeks. To Minos conquest leans : Just is his cause, omnipotent his means. If on Megara's sons defeat awaits, Let love expand, not fury burst her gates. Better hy stratagem the conflict end, 75 Than stain by slaughter, by delay extend. O ! how I tremble, lest some random dart Transfix, O peerless prince ! thy gallant heart ! For sure no mortal, in the battle's storm. Could wound designedly thy godlike form ! 80 'Tis fix'd. Love prompts ; the Cretans scale the walls. War furls his banner, and Megara falls. Ah, Scylla ! what avail resolves like these ? Guards watch the gates ; thy father holds the keys. Wretch that I am ! my sire aloile destroys 85 My bosom's peace, and mars my promis'd joys. Would that kind Fate would gather to the grave. And bounteous Heaven take back the sire it gave J Gnossiaci possem castris insistere re- Impensique siii poterit superare cru- gis: [dote, logarem, oris. [tora, Minos, Tassique me, flammisqiie meas, qua Quani metuo cert^, ne qiils tua pec- Vellet emi ! taatiim patiias ne posce- Vulneret iuiprudens! quia enim tarn ret arces. dims, ut in te 0'3 Ifam pereant potius sperata cubilia, Dirigere immitem, nisi nescius, au- quam sim 55 deat hasUim' [dere uiecui» Proditionepotens. Quamvissa>pc utile Coepta placent, & stat sententia tra- viuci [lis: Dotaleni patriam ; fiatmquc imponere Victoris placidi fecit dementia iiiul- hello. [dia servat: Justa gerit cert(; pro nato bella pe- Verum velle panun est. Aditus custo- remto: [til^us amiis. Claustraque poitarum genitor tenet. In caus&que valet, causamque tuen- Hunc ego solum 70. T7t puto, vincemur. Qui si manet exi- Infelixtimeo: solus meavotamoratur. tusurbeni; 60 Dt facerent, sim- patre forem! sibi Cur suus ha;c illi reserabit moenia quisqueprofecto Mavors, [inoraqne. Tit Deus. Ignavis precibus Fortuna Et avn noster amor? mcliiVs sine cade, r epugnat. BOOK VIII. 287 But Jove to idle prayers disdains to nod ; True valour is its own protecting God. 90 Another maid, scorcb'd by so fierce a fire, Had burst, ere this, the baniers of desire : Yet who more brave, m.ore resolute than I ? For Minos' sake, how gladly would I fly Thro' fire and sword : but these I well can spare ; 95 I need no weapon save my father's hair. There sleeps my treasure: joys that ne'er can fade Lurk in the mazes of the purple braid. Now, nurse of care, wide spreads the tranquil night. Her courage rises as departs the light. 100 ^Twas now the silent hour when ev'ry breast, LuU'd by diurnal toils, is sunk in rest ; Tiptoe she seeks her slumbering parent's bed. And (deed of horror !) severs from his head The fatal lock ; then, bearing swift away, 105 Pledge of vmnatural guilt, her purple prey, Forth sallying from the gate her flight she wings, (Assur'd of welcotne from the gift she brings); Speeds through the camp, Europa's son to greet. And thus accosts the wondering king of Crete ; — 110 Love bade me from my father's roof retire ; My name is Scylla, Nisus is my sire : To Minos now our household bends the knee, — I seek no recompense, but love and thee. Altera iamdudum succeusa Cupidiue Pectora somnus habet. Thalamos ta- tanto citunia pateiuos Perdere §;auderet, quodcumxjae obsta- Intrat: & (heu faciiius!) fatali iiati ictaniori. 75 pareiitem 85 Et cur uUa foret me foitior? ire per Crine siiuinspoliat: praedAriue potita ignes, [men ignibus iillis, netandii [siiqiie porta Per ghidios ansim. jSfeque iii hoc ta- Fert seciim spoliumsceleris; progres- Aut gladiis opus est: opus est milii Per nieuios hosles (iiieritis tiduciit crine paterno, [tani tanta est) [pai'eulem: Ilia mihi est aura pretiosior; ilia bea- Perveuit ad regem : queiu sic alF.ita Purpura me, votique mei faclura po- Suasit amor facinus. Proles ego regia tentem. 80 !Nisi, yo Taliadiceuti,curarummaximanutri_\, Scylla, tibi trado patriosque medsque Nox intervenit; teuebrisque auiacia Penates. crevit. [diuniis Pra?mia nulla peto, ixisi te. Capep^j- Pi'iina qiiies aderat, qua cutis icssa uus aiuori». 2g8 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Take then, great oiFspring of immortal Jove, ll5 This purple lock, proof of a woman's love ; Nor think an empty ringlet I resign — The head that bore it from this hour is thine. She spoke, and shew'd the prize. In speechless grief, Back, chill'd with dread, recoils the virtuous chief, 120 Broods o'er the crime awhile with mournful sighs. Then thus, indignant, to the maid replies : Shanie of thine age ! in sin's dark mazes hurl'd. May Heaven, in fury, hunt thee through the world ! Be earth, be ocean to thy foot denied ! 325 Thjiik'st thou that spotless Crete, old Ocean's pride. That nurtur'd Jove of old, and Minos now. Shall groan beneath so base a wretch as thou ? Thus Minos spoke, and hastening to impose Laws firm, yet lenient, on his captive foes, 130 Bade his assembled crew, with sweeping oars, And sever'd cables, fly the tainted shores. Now, when she saw the brazen gallies wing Their watery flight, and Crete's indignant king Thro' the cleft surge, with rapid keel, retire, 135 She pass'd ftova wasted prayer to maddening ire : — • With scatter'd hair, rais'd hands, and streaming eyes. Whither so fast ? Barbarian, halt ! she cries : O ! false to her from whom thy glories spring ! By me preferr'd to country, sire, and king ; 140 Purpureum cri»em. STec me nunc tra- Dixit: ei, ut leges captis justissimu'i dere crineni, auctor [sohi Sed patiium tibi crede caput. Scele- Hostibus imposuit, classis retinacula rataque dextri Jussit;iS:a?ratasinipelii leinigepuppes. Muneia poirexit. Minos porrccta re- Scylla, tVeto postquaiu deductas nare fugit; 93 carinas, Turbatusque novi respondit imagine Xec pia-stare ducem sccl^ris sibipra»-, facti; [cli, niiavidit; ^ lOa Dt te submoveant, finostriiiifaniia sa'- Consumtis precibus violcntem transit Orbe suo: tcllusque tibi poutusque in iram : [capillis, negentur. [Creten, Intendtnsqne maniis,passisfiiribunda, Cprti ego non patiarjovis incunabula Quo fugis, exclamat, ineriloium auc- ^•lii; nieus est orbis, tantum conlin- tore relictii, [renti f gere monstruni, lOQ O patriae prtclate mcK-, prKlaie pa-« BOOK VIII. 289 Whose midnight conquest of my native clime Proclaims my merit, while it proves my crime. Not all the gifts I tend, the love I plight, Nor the sad thought that all my hopes unite In thee alone, can melt thy savage heart f 145 ! whither shall a wretched maid depart ? — ■ Back to her home ? — 'tis lost ; or grant it free, A traitor's sentence bars its gates on me. Shall I implore my sire ? — His subjects' hate Would rightly spurn a traitor from his gate. 150 Forewarn'd, all Greece denies me a retreat : 1 scorn'd the world to live for love and Crete. Is Crete denied me ? am I shunn'd, beguil'd ? Boast not thy lineage from Agenor's child ; Armenian tigers, Afric's rocky earth, 153^ And tempest-swept Charybdis, gave thee births No God, in form a bull, thy mother won, Jove ne'er begat so vile, so base a son ! False is the heavenly sire thy flatterers give ; The herd's true lowing monarch bade thee live. 160 From yonder walls, betray 'd by guilt and me. Thy daughter's shame, O royal Nisus, see ! Enjoy my grief, my well-earn'd torments eye: My crime I own — 'tis fit that I should die. Here, father Nisus, sheath thy vengeful blade ! 1 65 Ye towers, by Scylla's wretchedness betray'd. Quo fugls, immitis ? cujus victoria nos- Hie quoque sic proliibes t sic nos, ii>- truin llO grate, relinquis? I*.» r,t scelus & meritum est. Nee te datu Nou genetrix Europa tibi, sedinhos- miiuera, uec te [omiiLsiu ununi pita Syi'tis, isoster niovit amor; nee qu6d spes Aruieiiia>ve tigres, Austrove agitata U'e nieacongcstacst? iiamquo deserta Charybdis. [tauri revertari [mawere: Kec Jove tunatiis: nee materimagine In patriam? superata jacet. Sed firige Ducta tuaest. Generis falsa est ea fa- Proditione mei cluusa est niilii. Pa- bulavestri. [vencip, tris ad era J 115 Kt ferus, & captus nullius amore ja- Quip libi donavi. Gives odere meren- Qui te progenuit, taurus fuit. Exige tern. [imus orbein punas, 1-5 Finitimiexemplummetuunt. Obstnix- Nise pater. Gaudele malis moAb pix>. l*oiuuiu uobis ut Crete sflla patcrst. tiita nostjis ^SK) OYID'S METAMORPHOSES. Rejoice ! I own my guilt ; — 'tis just I full : Yet, in yon city, could not one of all Her sons, enrag'd at Scylla's guilt, impart Due puiiisbment, and pierce this wretched heart? 170 O ! why should'st thou on her who serv'd thee frown, And take at once the vengeance and the town ? The crime that bids my land in slavery pine. And shrouds my father's fame, irradiates thine. Thy harlot spouse, whose brutal love could bow 175 To lure a bull, herself in form a cow, And thence within her womb a monster bred, May well aspire, base king, to share thy bed ! iSay, cruel! do thine ears my sorrows mark i* Or sweep they o'er the billows with thy bark ? 180 Sure, in a bull Pasiphae ?idor'd A brute less brutal than her wedded lord. Ah me ! he joys to fly ! his sounding oars Dash in the deep — dissever'd ocean roars. It nought avails to stem the oblivious tides — 185 Still will I follow where thy vessel glides, Embrace thy keel, the boundless ocean brave, And trail, heart-broken, through the roaring wave ! She spoke ; and darting down from ocean's verge. Pursued the flying vessel through the surge ; 190 And, nerv'd by Cupid, strain'd (a hated guest) The Cretan rudder to her panting breast. MceniPi: nam fateor, meriii; & sum Jamjam Pasiphaen non est mirabile cligiia periie. taurura [bebas. 3Ie tanieu ex illis aliquis, quos impia Preuposuisse tibi: tu plus feritatis ha- Ucsi, [iiostio. Me miserani! pi-operare juvat : «iivul- Me perimat. Cur, qui vicisti ctiiwine saque reniis [ra recedit. luseqiieris crimen? scelus hoc pa- Undasonat. Meci\msimu] ah mea ter- triiV'que patrique; 130 Kil agis, 6 frustra nieritorum oblite Officium libi sit. Te veri conjuge dig- meorum. 140 na est, [laiuum; Insequar invitum: pupplmqiie am- OnA>. torsum ligno decepit adultera jjlexa recurvam. [iiiailit undas: DissoitLiiiqae utero i'ffilum tulit. Ec- Per tiela longa traliar. Vix dixerat, quid ad aures [reiiti Cousequituique rates faciente Cupi- Peivenhiiit mea dicta tuas? an inaiiia dine vires. Yeiba ienint, idcjuciue tuas, iugrate, Guossiacasque hseret comes invidiosa canuus'J 133. cariiix. BOOK VIIL 2^1 Hev when her s!re (who now, in alter'd foi'm, A pendent eagle, hover'cl in the storm) Saw from the clouds, he pounc'd with downward wheel, ^o tear his clinging daughter from the keel. I9Q Shuddering, she loos'd her grasp ; the buoyant breeze Lpheld her weight, and snatch'd her from the seas. Arr^y'd in plumes, above the Cretan bark She cleaves the air, and heaven- ward soars a lark ; 200 AVhose Grecian name still designates the maid, Perfidious shearer of the purple braid. Soon as the king, debarking from the fleet, Safe on the land regain'd his subject Crete, An hecatomb to Jove devoted falls, 205 Arid martial trophies decorate the walls. Meantime, half man, half bullj deform'd to view, His house's shame in years and statiire grew^. And bar'd the adulterous intercourse to light. Minos, to bar the monster from his sight, 210 Resolves to kee^ his consort's shame aloof Beneath the confines of a mazy roof. Wise architect! of wondering Crete the theme. Sagacious Daedalus completes the scheme; By complicated exits he confounds 215 The puzzled eye, and hides the prison's bounds. As thro' the fields of Troy Maeander glides, Ebbing and flowing with ambiguous tides, Qiiain pater ut vidit, (nam janl pende- Creverat opprobrium generis: foEdum- bat in auras, 145 que patebat 155 Et modo factus erat fulvis Halyseetos Matris adulterium monstri novitate ulis) [adunco. bifovmis. [vere pudorem ; Tbat; ut hserentem restro laniaret Destinat liunc Minos thalamis renio- lUa metu puppim dimittit : at aura Multipliclque domo, caecisque inclu- cadeuteni [visa est. dere tecLis. [artis Sustiiiuisse Icvis, ne tangexet aiquora, Daedalus ingenio fabrse celeberriraus PJtima fuit. Plumis in avem niutata Ponitopus: turbutque notas, et lu- vocatur 150 mina flexum 160 Ciris: et i tonsoest hocnonlenademp- Ducit in errorem variarum ambage tacapillo. [centum viaruni. Vota Jovi Minos taurorum corpora Non secusac liquidus PhrygiisMaean- Solvit, ut egrcssus ratibus Curetida dros in arvis tcrram / [/ixis. Ludit; et ambiguo lapsu refluitquc, rontiyit J et spoliis dccorata est rcgia fluitque ; NO. VIT. P p Stjf OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Meets his own waters in their winding course Down to the main and upward to his source, Q20 Rolhng his dubious wave; with many a road The artist thus perpJex'd the strange abode : E'en Daedalus himself could scarce recall The devious pathway to the secret wall. Minos conceal'd the biform'd monster here, ^» And Once in every ninth revolving year, Brought human victims to the dark retreat, And fed the monster with the blood of Crete. Twice, and no more, he gorg'd ; for Theseus, led iSafe through the maze by Ariadne's thread, 230 Xeaving the monster weltering in his gore, Itepass'd the gate by none repass'd before. Theseus to Naxos hurries off the fair. And, treacherous, leaves the lonely sufferer there ; But while she wept, deserted and distress'd, 23^ Immortal Bacchus caugrht her to his breast. o From her white brow a chaplet he unties. And hurls it upward in eternal skies ; ifeuoyant, aloft in air the wreath aspires, And as it mounts, its jewels, fann'd to fires, 24Barlalus sigh'd ardent to retreat 245 Back from his exile, and abandon Crete, But Neptune check'd tlie wish. Tho' Earth, he cvles, And Ocean guard me, yon o'er-arching skies No tyrant rules ; the air, at least, is free : Thine, Minos, is the land, and thine the sea; 230 Heaven be my refuge, — heaven is still my own. /: He spoke ; and brooding long on arts unknown, [ Plans a device to startled Nature strange : r He ranks assorted plumes in gradual range ; The smallest fringe the top ; the rest find place 253 As size requires ; the larger form the base, , . ^ x\s in Pan's pipe the pyramid succeeds .-h From large to small, proportioned to the reeds. (J Then, having bound the middle plumes with flax, And seal'd the largest at the base w^ith wax, 2^0 He bends the pinion with a gentle swerve, . j Like real wings, and rounds it to a curve. /\^ As danc'cj the feathers in the gale, his child. Young Icarus, stood by, and joyous smil'd, Cauglit at the waving down with playful jerk, 205 Nor knew what peril nestled in the work, < But smooth'd the yellow wax, unconscious laugh'd, a And check'd his father's wonderous handy-craft, | His task complete, the sire, with upward spring, ' Hover'd awhile in air on balanc'd wing ; 270 Da-dalus jnterea Creten lotigumque Ti"alii\o medias, et ceris alligat imas, peiosus Atque ita corapositas par\o curva- Exsiliiiin,tuctiisquesorinata]isaniore; mine fiectit; Clausus ei-iit pelago. Terras licet, in- Ut veras imiteattir avea. Puer Icarus quit, el uiidas IHp una 195 Obstruat; at cceluiu certti patet, Ibi- Stabat; et, ignJtrus sua se trartare pe» iiius iliac, [Mjnos. ricia, [verat aura. Omnia possideat; non possidet aera Ore renidenti, modi quas vaga mo- Uixit: et ignotas animuni diniittit in Captabat plumas; flavani modd iioU artes; [dine i)en|ias, lice ceram Katuramquenovat, Nam ponit in or- Mollibat; lusiique suo mirabile patrls A mininid cosptas, longaiu breviore Impediebat opus. Postquani uianu^- sequenti : I90 ultima cceptis 20O Ut clivo crevisse putes. Sic lustica Imposita est ; geniinas opife.\ libravi^ quondam in alas JFistula disparibus paulatim surgit J^ise st(uui corpus; mot» OVID'S me;;pamprpiioses, Then gifts his soa with equal plumes, and cities, Heed my advice, nor quit the middJc skies. Thy wings, if downward to tlie sea they turn, The surf will clog, if high, the sun will burn : Shun both. Of huge Orion's sword beware, •: ■■» < ■27'^ And dread alike Bootes and the Bear. ''^ .'^'ViflT Make me thy guide. His wary precepts done, The sire now decks the shoulders of his son 5 ^^ Yet still his fingers tremble as he speaks, ''' And boding tears bedew his aged cheeks ; SSQ Then fondles one he ne'er shall fondle more, And pois'd on airy pinions flies before. As fears the bird when first her offspring flies Down from the dizzy nest, and braves tt^e skieSj So pants the sire as onward he proceeds, 9.85. Yet cheers his son to follow where he leads ; With baleful skill his fluttering wings employs, And, while he waves his own, o'erlooks the bo3''s. The patient fisher with his reed and hook, ■ •» J«i«i> - The listless shepherd leaning on his crook, ' QQp The sluggish ploughman, with uplifted eye, Saw, thunderstruck, the aeronauts on high. And thought them Gods. Now on their left they spied Delos and Paros dwindling in the tide. With Samos, sacred to the wife of Jove ; 294^ While to the right, retreating as they rove, Instruit et natum : Medioque ut limite Anli volat; coniitique timet, velut ciirras, ales, ab alto ' s Icare, ait, moneo; ne, sidimissioribis. Quae teneram prolcm produxitinatra Viida gravet pennas; si celsior, ignis nido. adurat, 205 Hoituturque sequi ; damnosasque eru- Inter utrnmque vola. Nee te spectare ditartes: 215 Bobteii [oitis ensem. Et movetipse siirs,&nati respicitalas. Ant Helicen jubeo, sthctuniqiie Ori- llosaliquis,tieiniila duiu capiat aruii'- Me duce carpc viam. Pariter praicep- dinepisces, tavolandi [dat alas. Aut pastor baculo, stivave innixus Tradit; et ignotas hiimeris accommo- aralor. Inter opus monitusque geiiaj madueie Vidit; etobstupujt: quiqueiBtheracar- seniles : Clt) jieie possetit, Et patria? tremuere matius. Dedit os^ Credidit esse Decs. Et jam Junonia cula uato Jicva ' 220 Jnou iteram i-epeteuda suo: pennis- Parte Samos fiieraut, Delosque, Paioa- quelevutus ■ " ' qiieiclicto;; BOOK VIII. 295 Beneath the horizon dim Lebynthos dives, And green Calymne with her hundred hives. Now, emulous ol" heaven, the elated boy Deserts his guide, and, with audacious joy, 300 Mounts higher up : when lo ! the God of day Pierces his piaions with his glowing ray ; !* The wax distils, his untledg'd arms are bare, Hebuffets, void of buoyant oars, the air, And downward drops. Astounded and dismay'd, 305 He calls, vyith shrieks, his father to his aid : Jn vain ; bhie Ocean, herald of his fame, Infjulphs his form, and still retains liis name. The unhappy father (father now no more) .Calls, Icarus! O Icarus ! what shore, 310 What cloudy region can my darling hide ? , And sees his feathers floating in the tide. Cursing his skill, by his own arts undone, ' Heart-broken Daedalus entombs his sou In a lone island in the watery wild ; fcirf e/rf rao/ 315 Since call'd Icaria, from the artist's child. Him burying thus in earth his hapless boy A chattering partridge, wijth triumphant joy, Sees from an oak, and, as she sees, she sings, And claps, mahciously elate, her wings. 320 Sole of the species then, a mortal late, And cloth'4 in pinions by the artist's hate. Dextra Lebynthos erat, foecundaque Icare, dixit, ubi es? qua te regionere- rnclleCalyrarte. quiram, Cimpueraudticicoepitgauderevolatu; Icare, dicebat : pennas aspexit in un» peseriiitquedacem : cceliquecupidiue dis. taciiis Devovitqiie suas artes; corpiisque se* Altiusc'gititer. RapidiviciniaSoljs'.'CS pulcro MoJlit odoratas pehnarum vincula ce- Condidil; et tellus a nomine dicta se- ras. [cer'tos: pulti. 235 Tabuerant cerse : nudos qi\atit illc la- Hiiiic miseri tumulo ppnent?m coi- Itenugioque carens non ullas pei'cipit poranati [dix: auras. [men Garrula rainosa prospexit ^bilicePer- prsiquecieruleipatrium claniantia no- Et plausit pemiis: testatiqiie gaudia Excipiuntur aqua: quae uonien traxit cantuest; ' [bus annis, ab iiio. 230 Unica tunc volucris; nee visa priori. Atpaterinfelix, nee jam pater, Icure, Faclaque nuper avis, longum tibi, dixit, Usedule, cromeu. " 249 296 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The artist's sister, to the future blind, Perdix her son to Daedalus consign'd. Greedy of knowledge soon the youth appears, 325 Sound was his judgment, and twice six his years. Noting the bones in equidistant line That start on either side the fishes' spine. He pierc'd indented steel, then taught to draw The weapon to and fro, and form'd the saw. 350 Twas he who first cemented at the joint Tw o prongs of steel, one resting on a point, While one in rotatory gyres convey'd, Spmi round the centre, and a circle made. Him Daedalus, with envy stung, o'erpowers, 335 And hurls, by seeming chance, from Athens' towers; But Pallas, heavenly Pallas, guards the wall. And (for she lov'd his genius) broke his fall : Chang'd to a bird, precipitant he darts Thro' middle air : the quickness of his parts 340 Flies from his brain, his feet and pinions nerves. And Perdix still jiis former name preserves. Dreading the storm, he shuns the mountain's brow. Nor builds on towering rock or lofty bough, But guards his egg in hedges, earthward flics, 345 Still recollects his fall, and shuns the skies. Now ceas'd the self-pois'd artizan his toil. And sought repose on glowing Etna's soil. Kamque huic tradiderat fatorum ig- Praacipitem mittit, lapsuni mentilas. nara, docendum [actis At ilium, Progeniem gemiana snain, natalibu« Quib favet iiigeniis, excepit Pallas : Jis puerum seuis, animi ad prsECtpla aveiuque rajjacis. Reddidit: et medio volavit in aere Illeetiaiiunedio spinasinpisceiiotatas peiinis. [alas, Traxil in exeniplum; fcnoqueiucidit Sad vigor ingcnii quondam velocis in acuto 213 Inque pedes abiit. Mouien, quod et Perpetuos denies; et serra; reperit ant^, reinansit. £55 usuui. [nodo Kon tamen ha-c alti volucris sua coi-- Primus et ex «mo duo ferrea bracliia jiora tollit, [nidos; Viiixit; ut, wqiiali «patio distantibus Nee tacit in rami s aU6que cacuniine illis. Propter hunium volilat; ponilque in Altera pars staret, pars altera duceret scpibus ova: [siis. orbem, Antiquiquenieniormetuitsublimiaca. Ditdalusinvidit; sacrlque ex arce Mi- Jdnique I'uttsatum tellus iEtnxa te- Jiervaj £50 Jiebat 260 BOOK VIIL 297 Him Cocalus with aid delights to greet. And pours the host of Sicily on Crete ; 3^50 Whence Athens, from her odious tribute fi«e. Immortal Theseus! pays her vows to thee. Prostrate she bends, in temples deck'd with flower*. To Jove, to Pallas, and the heavenly powers. While fragrant censors and the blood of beasts 355 Swell the rich incense of her votive feasts. j The fame of Theseus fiU'd Achaia's shore ; ; And every nation rich Achaia o'er. Tottering on peril's precipice, implor'd Strength from his arm, and safety from his sword : $60 Ev'n Calydon, tho' Meleager sway'd Her martial throne, submissive sought his aid : The cause a boar, who scour'd her ravag'd state, Avenging instrument of Dian's hate. Q^lneus, as Fame reports, for plenty given, S6^ With copious incense fed the host of heaven; To Ceres offerings of the vernal soil ; Green vines to Bacchus, to Minerva oil : From these protectors of the cultur'd sod, Th' invidious honor pass'd from God to God, 370 Prone to propitiate all the heavenly train. But ceas'd, presumptuous, at Diana's fane. Gods sometimes yield to ire : — Tho' spurn'd my shrine. And scorn'd my power, revenge, at least, is mine. — Daedalon: ct sumtis pro supplice Co- Solliciti supplex petiit prece. Cau^» calus armis [Athenic petendi [Dianic Wilis habebatiir. Jam laincntabile Sus erat, infesta? famulus, vindexqqe Pendere desieruut Theses laudetribu- Oenea uamque fcrunt, pleiii successi- tum. [Alinervam bus auni, [Lya-o, Templa coronantur: bellalriceuique Primitias frugum Cereri, sua vina Cum Jove Dtsque vocaut aliis; quos Palladios flava; latices lib^sse Miner- sanguiue voto, 265 vk, 275 Muneribusque datis, et a^erris thuris Cceptus ab agricolis Superos per\'eui6 adorant. [per urbes ad omnes [liotas ■SparseratArgolicasnomen vagaFaiiia Tiividiosus honos : solas sin^ thure re- TUeseos: et populi, quos dives Aehaia Piieterita; cessasse teruiit Latoido» cepit, [elis: aras. [feremmsj IIujus opem magnislmploravere peri Tangit et ira Decs. At non iuipunj; i_iujus opein CalTdon, (juumvis MpIc- Qiixque inlionorittj;, non et dicemgi- 298 OVID'S MttAiMORPllOSES. So spoke the queen ; and on iEtolia's shore, 375 Scourge of the fields, let loose a furious boar. No brawny bull, so huge of stature, reigns Lord of Epirus' or Sicilia's plains : His blood-shot eyes dart fire like branching spears ; A grove of bristles on his neck appears ; 380 He grunts, hot froth and foam his shoulders dye ; His tusks the lordly elephant's outvie. He growls hoarse thunder : o'ef the scorching shade He breathes destruction ; in the verdant blade The trampled corn, to miry death consign'd, 385 Derides the labours of the mournful hind ; Pale Ceres droops ; barn, grancry, threshing-floor. Vacant, expect in vain the promis'd store. Stretch'd on the earth th' uprooted olive pines ; Laden with grapes, prone coil the withering vines. Next o'er the folds he drives with ravenous sweep; 391 Nor dog nor shepherd saves the slaughter'd sheep ; In vain the sullen bull, with stooping horn. Protects the herd : affrighted and forlorn Off scour the reapers from their native ground, 390 Nor, till they gain the city, gaze around. Now Meleager and a chosen band, Ardent for fame, rush fearless to the land* The egg-bom twins the valiant onset lead, One fam'd to guide the cestus, one the steed ; 400 Inquit: etOeneos ultorem spreta per Et Cererem in spiels intercipit. Arc's agros [tauros IVustra, Misit aprum: quanto majoresherbida Et friistia exspectant promissas bor- Kon habet Epiros: sed habentSicula rea messes. [luilfc fiEtus, arvaminores. [horrida cervix: Sternimtur gi-avidi longo cum pal- Sanguine et igne micant oculi, riget Baccaque cum ramis semper t'rohden- Et setae densis similes hastilibus lior- tis oliva*. (?95 rent, 285 Sacvit et inpecude», Nonhas past6rve Stantque velut vallum, velut alta lias- cantsve, [tauri. tilia setie. [armos Konarmenta trucespossuntdefeudere Fen'ida cum rauco latos stridore per Difl'ugiunt populi: «60 56, uisimoeni- Spumafluit: denies a^qiianlur denli- busurbis, [et una bus Indis. [bus ardent. Esse iwtant tutos: donet Meleagros, Fnlmenab ore venit: frondes afllati- Lecta. mantis juvenulii coiere cupi- Is mod6 crescenti segetesprocwlcatin dine laudis. 300 herba.: i 290 Tyndaridgc geaiini, specta'.usc'restibus Nec maturametitiletari vota coloni ; alter. BOOK VIIL 2B9 Jason, who taught the skiff the rock to shun ; Great Theseus, plighted to Ixion's son ; Tereus ; Plexippus ; Ceneus, now a man ; Lynceus, self-taught celestial lore to scan j Idas, the swift; Leucippus, foe to fear ; 4Q5 Acastus, with his never-failing spear; Thei'e, too, their bows Hippothous, Dryas, strung; Phoenix, the outcast, from Amyotor sprung ; The sons of Actor join the venturous crew ; Phyleus, whose father bold Alcides slew ; 410 The sire of Ajax, and Achilles' sire ; The son of Pheris, scorning to retire ; Young lolalis, by Alcides taught ; Renown'd Eurytion, fearless Argonaut ; Young Lelex, Pan6[-2us, and Hyleus grace 415 The plain ; Echion, matchless in the race ; And Hippasus, who scowl'd vindictive gloom; And crafty Nestor, then in manhood's bloom ; Hippocoon's sons, from old Amycles' shore ; The sire whose queen the sage Ulysses bore ; 420 Mopsus the wise, the prophet skill'd in fate, Ere yet the victim of his treacherous mate ; And, skill'd in Dian's buxom train to rove, JSweet Atalanta, glory of the grove : A polish'd clasp upheld her flowing vest, 425 Her simple tresses in a knot were drest, Alter equo; primaeque ratis inolitor Impiger Eurytion, et cursii invictus lasoii, Ecluon, [lousque, fei-^xque Et cum ririthoo felix concordiaThe- Naiyciu^que Lelex, Panopciisqiie, Ily- seus, [reia Lynceus, llippasus, etprimis etiamnunj Nestor Et clud Tliesliadac, prolesque Apha- in annis. [Amyclis; lit veloK Idas; cc jam non t'oeiniua Cse- Et quos Ilippocooji antiquis misit neiis, 305 Penelopesque socer, cum Pairhasio ijcucippusque fcrox, jacul6que insig- Anc«o. nis Acastus, [Amyntore PJicenix, Ampycidesque sagax, et adhuc a con- IIippotlio6sque, Drj'asque, et cretus juge tutus [Lyc»i. Actoiidaeque pares, et missus ab Elide Oeclides, nemorisque decus Tegeaejv Phyleus. [torAchillis: Rasilis huic summam mordebat fibula Ifec Telanion aberat, maguique crea- vestem; CXiHique I'heretiade et Hyanteo lo- Crinis erat simplex n^dum collectu^ lao 310 in unum : 9iO. VII. Q q^ &^ OVttf'S METAMORPHOSEg». From her left shoulder to her hip below Her quiver hung, her left hand held her bow. • Such her attire ; but who has power to trace The various charms that mantled in her face ? 430 A face whose beauty either sex enjoys, To boys it seems a girl's, to girls a boy's. The Calydonian hero saw and sigh'd ; Love urg'd the wish, but heaven the wish denied ; Then thus, consum'd by secret flames, he cries, 436 O ! blest (if mortal man deserve the prize) The youth decreed thy wedded love to reach. He ceas'd ; for time and shame suppress'd his speech. A mighty contest now demands his aid : An ancient forest, thick with bowering shade^ 440 For ages to the axe untaught to yield, Towers from the plain, and overlooks the field : Thither the hunters hie ; the forest bounds Some track in nets, while some unyoke the hounds ; Some bend to trace the boar's feet on the plain, 445 And quit their safety to acquire their bane. A hollow vale, where watery torrents gush, Sinks in the plain ; the ozier and the rush. The marsliy sedge and bending willow nod Tlieir trailing foliage o'er its oozy sod. 450 Hence rouz'd, like lightning from the roaring skies. Fierce on his foes the boar terrific flies. Ex humerti pontieus lesonabat ebiir- Ineipit i piano; devexAque prospioit nea la^vo 3 arva. .":10 Tc'loruin nistos: avcaiu quoqne la;\-a Qu6 postquam venerc viii; pars retia teiithat. [vevi tciuUiiit : [prossa seqiuintiir Talis ei;tt ciiUiis : facies, nuam diceie Viiiciila pars atlimunt canibiis: pars Viigiiifain in puero, puei'ilum in ^'i^- Sigaa pedum: cupiuntque su*^ra repc- iiine posses [niiis lieros rire i)ericluni. [rivi Ilniic paiiler vidit, I'aritcr Calydiit5iii.> it : auctnrteliPeuasiviis.Tasoii. dextra tuentes 360 J'li.i-.;,!', lit Aiu^jycidcs, site coluique, Coruua piOiteraiV. Socii rapuere ju. "coiu^ue; 3^0 cciites, 302 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Sink prone ; their comrades bear them to the rear. Ensesimus aghast, appall'd with fear, 480 Prepar'd for flight; in vain ! the ivory point Slants throug-h his ham, and bares the nervous joint. Nestor had fallen before the fall of Troy, But rising on his spear, with agile buoy, He swings in air, eludes the passing stroke, 485 And falls, safe landed, on a neighbouring oak, Whence looking down he eyes the boar beneath ; He, whetting on the knotty trunk his teeth, With sharper fangs the embattled field defies, Assaults Othriades, and gores his thighs. 49Q Ordain'd in after-times twin stars to glow, Conspicuous both on coursers white as snow. The sons of Leda ride the ranks before. Launch forth their brandish'd javelins at the boar, And sure had slain ; but gathering short, he stops, 495 And rushes sidelong to the briary copse, Inipei'vious or to javelin, dog, or steed. Bold Telamon, with unobservant speed, Rush'd forward, when a root projecting, bound His tangled feet, and threw him to the ground : 500 While Peleus frees him from the thorus below, Pair Atalanta from her bending bow Sends forth a dart ; beneath the ear it sped. And ting'd the bristles round the throat with red : At nonletifeiosefiTugit Bnaesinius ictus Ambo conspicui iiive candidioribiis Ilipiiocoontc saliis. Trepidantem, et alba. [aiiias terga paraiitem [neivi. Voctabaiitur eqnis : ambo vibrala iht Veitere sucei.so liquerunt poplite Ilastarum tieimilo quatiebant spiciila rorsilan et Pj lius citia Trojunu pe- motii. .iTo risset y()5 Vulneia i'ecissent ; nisi setijjlpr ii>ler Tempora: sedsumtopositi conamiue opacas [.=y^va^. lib has ta, [laiuis: Kec jacijlislsset ucc equo loca ])ei\ia Arboiis insiliiit, qtiaj stabat pioxinia, I'erseqiiitur Telamon: sUidi(j(iiie J!i- Despexitque loco tutus, quem tiigeral, cautiis ciindi, [tcntiip. iiosteni. [liitis Pronns ab ailjoreii cccidittradice i e- Pentibus ille ferox in q^ienio slijjita Duiii ievat luiuc Peletis; celcrciii IV- Imniinet exitio, lidOiisqite receutibus yea-a ^asittani .«0 '■•'''"is " ;!76 Impo*uit nt'ivo, sinuatoque expulit Othiiada" magui rostro femur Jiausit arcii. [ariindo. adunco. Fixa sub aiire ffii summuni distrinxlt' At gtiuiiii noadiiM coelestia sldcra. Corpus: ti ciiguo rubclecit siiuguine. ■ liHtres, ' ■ - . , . ^^^.^^^ ;7 BOOK VllL 303 Tlio'her heart tliriU'cl with joy, her joy was less 505 Than Meleager's at the maid's success. First in the train, his eyes the weapon trace, And to his comrades pointing out the place. He cries, hail Atalanta! nsaid divine ! Thine is the merit, be the glory thine. , 510 The hunters blush, with shouts their valorous hearts They nerve, and void of order, hurl their darts. Thick fly the shafts, so numerous, they confound The baffled marksmen, and impedethe wound., Avaunt ! Ancajus cries, with jealous hate, 515 Stalks towards the beast, and madly braves his fat-#: Stand by, and when his blow a hero hurls. Compare a warrior's prowess with a girl's ; Tho' Dian's might}^ self protect her boar. This steel, in Dian's spite, shall drink his gore, 520 AncsBus thus, with vaunting words, attacks The foe, and rais'd on tiptoe, wields his axe. Thro' his uprooted groin, the hip beneath, Rapid to slay, the boar implants his teeth ; Prone sinks Anc£eus in a sanguine flood, 5^ His falling bowels dj^e the earth with blood. Pirithous now (Txion's sou) draws «ear, And shakes, with sinewy arm, his huntei''s spear. When Theseus thus, O partner of my heart ! Life of my life ! my soul's far dearer part ! .^30 Xec tiimen iUa siii successii Ixtior Ilunc tamen invito jierituet mea del- ictus, tra Diana. 395 Quaiii Mcleagros erat. Primus vidisse Talia luagniloquo tuniidus meinorave" piitatiir; 585 rat ore: [securim, lit priiiuis sociisvisain o^tcndisso cr tt- Aiicipittniquc manu tollens utiiinue orem : [liDUo.i cm. lusliterat dijjitis priiiios suspt'ii.sus in Et, Mcrituin, dixisse, ieies viilacis arlus. [proxima I«to, Erubuere viri: scqiic exlioi tantiir; ct Occupat audaccui: fjuaque eit \ia addaiit [online tela. Suumia feras gemiuos direxit in iti- Cum clamore aninios: jaciiinliiiio sine ijuivia dente-;. 40U Turbanocetjaclis: et, quos petit, iiu- Coueidit Aiicteus: glomeratdqiie S3U- pcdit ictus. .y'jo guiiiemuito [terra cruoro est. Ecce fureiiscoutra sua fata bipeiiuiter Viscera Jiii^su fiaijul: iiiadeiactiique Areas, [pra'slent, lljatinadvcrsun) prtiles Ixiouisliostt^u Discite fosmineis qn.'ini tel.i xinlia Piritiious, valuU quatieiis vetiabulsi Pjuvencs, operique lueo coiiccdiic, dextri. tlixit. ' [aniiis; Cui procid .S^JideJ, O me r^ihi ciTior, Ipsa s«!s lie-it biuK Lat>))iia prulc-jjat iiiquu^ 405. 504 OtID'S METAMORPHOSES» Calm courage from afar the foe invades, Hash folly hurl'd Ancacus to the shades. He spoke : and with an aim mierring threw His brazen-pointed spear ; the weapon flew Firm toward the mark, but fail'd the mark to reach^ Caught in the foliage of a branching beech. 53S Next Jason threw, but fated not to wound Tlie boar, by chance impaled a hapless hound. Next Meleager in the van appears. And hurls, with opposite effect, two spears ; 540 One deep in burrow'd earth pursues its track, And one sticks quivering in the monster's back. While whirling round with anguish raves the boar. And pours a mingled tide of foam and gore. The author of the wound, with bold advance, 545' Thro' either shoulder thrusts his conquering lance. Shouting with joy awhile his comrades stand, Then forward rush to grasp the victor's hand ; Tho' lifeless, still from near approach refrain, And view with wonder the gigantic slain, 55® Till bolder grown, around the slaughter'd boar Tliey throng, and dip their lances in his gore. Now Meleager, on the bristly head Resting his foot, to Atalanta said, Behold the meed of valour and of toil ; 555 Who shares the glory should divide the spoil. Pais aniniK eousi^te ine» : Tjcet etni-. Nee mora: dnm sjevH, dum corpora iin.s esse [virlus. versat in orbein ; Fortibns: Anca?o nocnit temeraria ritrideiilemquenavo «pi'imam cum saii- Dixrt: et aerata torsit grave ciispide guine futidit; cormim: [tiiro, Vuluertsauctor adost : lio-iU'iiifine irri» Ouo bene librato, vnlique potentc in- tat ad irain ; [ilii in armos. Obstilit esculei tVoiidosus ab arboie SplendidacixiP adversa; venuljula con- ranius. 41q Gaudia teitantur socii elauiore secun-^ Misitetilisouvtlesjaeuhim : quod casus do: /I'-i) ab illo [inter Victriccvnffne pctunt dextrx conjuu- Vertit in inimeriti faUini latranlis, tt, sere dcxtv^jm: [centeiii. lUa conjeelum, tellure per ilia lixuni IniiU(Unim<|ue I'erum niultii trlUireja- est, [dnahus, Miruntes spcctanl; neque adluic con- At maims Oenidte variat: niissisque tingeie tntum i;,i»ta jirior teiva, mftdio Stelit altera Essepiituul ; sed tela taiuen sua quis. tergo. 'iia ^vie crucntaut. BOOK VIJI. Q05 Tluls he : and at her feet triumphant spread The hristly skin, and tusk-iinplanted head. The proffer'd boon with joy the huntress eyes, And values, for the victoi's sake, the prize. 560 An envious murmur tbro'.the hunters runs, Aud spreads to open threats in Thesteus' sonsj. That prize is ours, they shout with savage din ; 3^ay down the head, nor dare to touch the skin ; If beauty's smile must valour's heart deceive, 565 Let yonder love-sick donor take his leave. They spok« : and snatch'd, with sneer and lawless whim, The gift from her, the right to give from him. Ill brook'd the furious chief th' opprobrious sight. But cried. Vile robbers of another's right, 570 How differ words and deeds ye soon shall feel, And buried in Plexippus' breast the steel. Toxeus in mute mazement dubious grown. To avenge his brother's fate or shun his own, Doubted not long, but in his bosom bore 573 The blade yet reeking with Plexippus' gore. Proud of her conquering son, Althaea showers Her votive incense to the heavenly powers ; When, dreadful sight! she sees the hunter train Bear home the bodies of her brothers slain : 580 Howling with grief, she flies the city thro', And doffs her gold for robes of sable hue ; J|)*e pede imposito caput exitiabUe Non tiilit; et lumida frende"s Mavor- piessit: 425 tins iri, Atque ila, Surae me^ spoliuni, Koia- Disciternptores alieni, dixit, lionori.s, cria, jiui'i. [tecBm. Facta minis quanlfimdi.stejil. HausiL- Sixit : ct in partem veniat milu gloria que netand» Protinusexuviasiigidis honeiitiksetis Pectora Plexippi, nil tale timentii», tt'eigadat, etuiagiiis insignia dciitibus ferro. 4.40 "la. Toxea, quirt faciat, dubinm, paritec- lUi Ixtitiffi est cum rauaere muneri? que \H)lentcm [meutcm, iiuctor. 430 XJlcisc-i frntrem, fratertiaque fata ti- iHvidere alii; totoque erat agmiiie Haud patitur dnbitare diu ; caLidum- nuirinur. [voce, ([ue priori [luni. E quibus ingenti tcjideiites brachia Ca-de reGaU'ccit consorti sansaii^e le- I'one, age, nee titulos iuleicipe fainina Dona Deimi leiuphs nato victore lircr noMvus, [mx bat, 445 ThestiadB clamant: neutefiducia for- Cum videt axlinctos fratres AUli;cd Uecipiat: longitjue tuo sit captiis referri. [nrbem aniore 435 Quse plangore dato, moestis ulalatibu* Awctor, et liuicadiiiiu.it muiuis.. jiis Implft: et auralis mulavit vestii''^'* -auwjieii^ ilU. iUras. 306 OVID'S ^IETA^IORPIIOSES. But when she learns vrbo dealt the deadly blow. Rage dries her tears, and passion checks lier woe. In days long past, when forth in infant bloom 585 Sprang Meleager from Althffia's womb, The sister Furies spun their fatal chie. Then on the fire a wooden billet thre-.v, And cried, O n.ew-born babe ! the Fates decree Coeval days to yonder log and thee. 59O They spoke and vanish'd : rising in amaze. Althaea snatch'd the billet from the blaze. And deep in water plung'd the hissing wood. Far in a chamber hid the relic stood, Saving and sav'd ; but now Althaia v.ild, 595 With fell intent to sacrifice her child, Draws forth tlie billet with remorseless ffuile. And fetches fire to light the murderous pile : Four times she strove to hurl the fatal brand. And feebly faultering, four times check'd her hand ; Mother and sister in her bosom vie, GOl And chain one bosom by a double tie ; Dread of her crime now chills her pallid cheeky Now her fierce eyes remorseless fury speak, A nameless cruelty now paints her face, 605 Now gentle pity in her breast finds place. Rage now appear'd the source of tears to dry. Yet still the tear-drop trembled in her eye, ^ ' Atsimul est auctornecis editus; exci- riotiilit hunc genetrix, tiedasque in dit omnis (V;i^niiiia poni 46a Liictus: et ii laprymis in pcena; versus Xinper.it: el jiositisiiuniicos admovct amoiem est. 450 is'iiP-». Sti]5cs erat: quem, ciim partus eiiixa Tumtonata quater flamnii-s imponei-e jaceiet [suere soioix-s: raisiiim, [ iiw sordinne/ Thcslias, in flammam tnplices po- Capta qiialcr tenuit.- rii^iirtiit mater- Stttminaque impresso fatalia poliicc Et divoisa Lrahuut uiiumi tkio uomiiia neiites; [tibique, pcctu'^. . [tiiri : Tempoia, disprunt, eadem li^noqiie Sa^pe luelu sreleris pallcbaiit oi-a fu- O uiodo nate, *ainus. Quo postquam S.ljjc •;uiiiii fjivens ocuVis dabat ir» carmine dicto 4,"-5 niijortiu. [in i nan It ■ Excessere Dea-.: flagrantem mater ab Et niodo nescio quid simili»; cnideie igue [bus unriis. Vulluscrat; niod^ quem miscreri cre- Pa-jpint torrem : spar«ilque iiqueiiti- dere jio-;-.es. [verat ardor; ille diu fuerat peuelralibus abditu'? Cunique ferus larryraas aniini sicca- iinis: [annus. in\ cniebau! ir lacryiu*taniea, Utqiie ficfvafusque tuos, jureiiis, servavtr^t equina/ 47«- BOOK VIII. (Jt70 307 As tempest tost, when wind opposes tide, ' The dubious vessel heels from side to side^ ClQ" And yields alternate to the double force, tKrlV' So» nerv'd by rage and palsied by lemorse, rnaaaA Althtca stands : her son to death now doomsj Y And now licr rage discards, and now resumes. ^ At lengtli the mother in the- sister fades, 6l5 And, ardent to appease her brother's shades, A Devoutly impious, cruelly humane, -T Slie saw the deadly fire ascend the fane^ . ?I And cried, as leaning o'er the pyre she stood, (*> And pois'd aloft in air the fatal wood, 69.0 Smile, sister furies, on the avenging grave, i And take, remorseless fane, the life I gave ; '* ^Vrongs I avenge, yet do the deed I dread ; Blood must have bloody and death appease the dead ; Crime follows crime, death lights new funeral fires, 625 Till, whelm'd in gathering woes, our house expires. ^Vhat ! shall my spouse alive his offspring view, While wretched Thestius weeps the death of two ? No, o'er us ail one tide of ruin rolls ; Ye brother shades, late disembodied souls, • 630 Accept the ofFei'ing— lo ! to death I doom, Pledge of my love, and offspring of my womb. 'J Wliat madness drives me ? Whither do I rove ? f Relent, stern spectres, to a mother's love : /J Ciiiam ventus, vcntoqiue rapit contra- Eumenides, sacris vultus advertite litis a-itiis, [duobus : vestros. [pianda est: Vim geiiiiiuim sealil.paretqueiiicerta Ulciscor, facioque nefas. Slors morte •JhtsUas lumd alitor dubiis afleclibiis In scelus addendum scelas est, in fil- arial, [citatiram. nera fuuus. lut(ue vices ponit, positiiaqiie resus- Per cbacervatos pereat domus impia Jncii)it esse laiiu'ii uielior germana luctus. 485 pareute : 475 An fellx Oeneus natovictore fruetur: 1-t, consaiiguiiieas lit sanguine leni.it Thestius orbus erit? meliiis lugebitis umbras, [lifer ignis aiubo. Iinpietiite piacst. Nam postqiiam pes- Vos mod6, fraterni manes, anima^que Coiivaluit; llogus iste creuict niea receutes, [rata? viscera, dixit. Oflicium senlitemeum: magn6quepa- IJtqueniaiiudirilinnumfataletenebat; Accipite inferias, uteri mala pignora Ante se|;ulor.ik"^iiit"fUx: adstitit aras. nostri; 49O I'cfcMaruiuque Deiu triplices furialibus, Heimihi! qn6 rapior? fratreis ignos- inqliit, 461 cite niatH. Ko. VII. R r 508 OVID'S M^TAMOHPIIOSES, Lost Me^eagei's fate too well I know, 635 But other hands than mine must deal the blow. "What ! shall my hlood-stain'd, my triumphant son. Assume thy sceptre, subject Calydon, While you, cold brethren, haunt the Stygian glades,. In earth your bodies, and in hell your shades ? 640 NO) let him die ; devour, ye greedy fires, A kfnsgdoin's hopes, his country's, and his sirens. Is, then, a mother's heai't, with fondness fraught. Her pious cares, her ten months' travail, nought ? ! hadst thou died when, on thy natal day, 645 1 snatch'd the billet from the blaze away ! Fate sav'd thee then, fate iramolates thee now ; Heaven wills thy death — to righteous heaven L bow. Thy life, twice given thee by a mother's hand. Freed fVdm the womb, and sheltereel with the brandy Heiideforth renounce ; to kindred dust return, 65 i Or shroud thy mother in thy uncle's urn. I wish, I patise, I know not what to do, My brdthev's wounds novC^ open to my view ; Affection now unnerves my sterfier party 655 And all the mother rises in my heart. O- fatal change!" against a mother's wilT, Brothers, ye con(5[uer, hvst ye conquer still ; To soothe youF ghosts my son shall seek the grave ; Ere long, I too will plough tlie Stygian wave. 66& Deficiniit ad CiBpta inanus. Mtriiisse MfHieeKopassafoiem! vixisti munerc fatrtnnr {crt mrrtor. HoBtro: [mia laclif Ilhir.i, cor pereat : mortis uuiii displi- Tv'niic lueiito moriere luo: Cape prac- Ergoim))iTne tVrft: vivusqoc, tt vie- Kisqlie datam, priiuinn purto, niox tor, rtip'-rt stipite rapto^ Succi?ssii tnmitlus rcgiuii» Cidydoiiis Rcdde aniniam: velmcfratcmls add»' liiibebil'f ig<> sepi\kri«. 503^ Vos cinis e\i;4uu'i, gelidx,ctnetiueo.€Juid again? mod6' imilnw? " [liis: ft ille vulnoia fiatium [iinago- }laud eqiiideni patiar. ^l•l•«^iltsc•ele^a- Ante oculos inihi sunt, cl tantA* «ivdis Spemque patl'is rcgiilque lr;ili,il, pa- KunC aiiiinum pietas, ir.ateniaque no- tria-que niiiiain. [jiirapaic-iivuin? niiiia fraiigunt. Icile, I'lalre?: ^Mensubi nialeiiia t-t".' ubi sum jiia ]\re miserain! mal6 viuottis, scd viiv- It, qnos sastiiiui, bis uieiiiium quiiique Dunniiodo, qux .dcik-ro vobis hwlalia, hiboics? WJ vi'i'ique 31vi But when his last remains to ashes turn-, '" "*^ iifiVl They clasp in silent agony his urn ; '"*" "''- -'* f^^rs. And where engrav'd his noble name appears, 69% Bedew the letter'd marble with tVieir tears. To each pale sister, thus disconsolate, (Save Gorge and Alcides' future mate) Latona, touch'd with pity, lent her aid, And high in air the feather'd train convey'd. 70S> They feel long pinions from their shoulders thrust; Long beaks of horn their coral hps incrust. And, women now no more, in alter'd form, Upsoaring birds, they cleave the midway storm. Theseus meanwhile, joint labourer in the fray, 705 The boar destroy'd, to Athens bent his way ; But watery Acheloiis, swell'd with showers, Denied him access to Minerva's towers. Rest, warrior, criod the God ; awhile abide Beneath my roof, and shun my greedy tide ; 71Q Oft roaring thus, with eddying sweep, my streams Engulph tiissever'd rocks and massy beams. Tristia persequerer miserarum dicta AUev^at; et longas per bracliia porri- sororam. ' ;jit alas, Immemoi-es decdris liventia pectora Cornea(iu^ 'ora facit; yersasque per tundunt: ' 535 atra luittit. 5i5 Dumque ujaiiet corpus, corpus refo- Inle»faTheseus sociata parte labon's ventque tdVentque : [lecto. Fu'iictus, Erechtheas Xritoliidos ibut Osciila daiit ipsi, posito dant oScula ad arces. [euiiti, yost chierein, ciaeres liaust*s ad pec- Clausit iter, fecitque moras Aclieloiis tora versawt : [saxo Intbre'tninens. Succvde jiieis, ait, iu- Affiisxque jaceut tumtilo: signataque clyte, lectis. IJoinina coinplexie, lacryiuus in no- Cecropida; uec tecorumitterapacibn» niiaafmiduiit'- • ' 540 uudis. ;wO Ouas Partliaouia tandem Li) toi'aelade Eerre liabes solidaSj oljliqii^iqiie vo!' Xxsatiata doinus, pi\rler Gorgeiique vere niagao JuirCimque [peunis Muriimr« saxa solent. Vidi conter- Jfobilis Aleaieux, natis in corpore mjuarip*' '' ' ' • s^*' BOOK VIII. ~ 3it Oft l)ave I seen, my sounding banks beside, High folds and cattle swept along the tide; Nought then avail'd, beneath my sweeping shocks, 715 His speed the courser, or his strength the ox; When swell'd by mountain snows my waters wind. Oft in the whirlpool sinks the gasping hind. Then rest awhile, till, spent their eddying force, Smooth fipw my waters in their wonted course. 730 Thanks, cried the chief; no farther will I roam, But use at once thy council and thy home. He spoke, and used them. By the Naiads plann'd, The walls were porous pumice-stone and sand; Soft moss bestrew'd the floor, the roof in cells 725 Shone arch'd and brilliant with resplendent shells. Sol half his march had measur'd o'er their hea/ls. When Theseus and his comrades sought their beds : There bold Pirithons found repose, and there Lay aged Lelex with his silver hair, 730 With other chieftains, whom the God, with pride. For Theseus' sake receiv'd beneath his tide. Now, bare of foot, young Nymphs appear'd, and stor'd With plenteous viands Achelous board. The feast remov'd, rich wines were pour'd from jars 735 Eiirich'd with brilliants and beset with spars. The mighty hero now afar survey 'd Wide ocean, and to Achelous said, Cuii) g;iT;;ibiis stabula alta ttaUi ; nee Ja^pque duas lucis partes Hyperioae I'oilihtis illic [osse. luenso, Profiiit armeiilis, nee eqiiis velocihn? Disi'iibuore toris Theseus comitcsque Miilta ciuo<(ue hie toneii's nivibu-; de laborum; 5(55 iiioiile soliitis :ij5 Hie- Ixionidts, ilia. Trcjezenins Iicros Corpora tiirbinoo juvenilia vortice Parte Lelex, raris jaln sparsus tcin- mersit. ' [eurraiit pora caiiis. Tiitior est requles; splito dun> fluinina Quosque. alios parili fuerat diirnatu» I^imite; duui leuuescapiatsiiiis iilvfii« honoro ' [liinlo. undas. [doni^^que Aninis Acarnanuni, Iteti^simus hii.~])ile Aiinuit .-Egides: Utarqiie, Aclielhr, Protiiiu? apposilas nudaj vcslijifa Ciinsilijque ttio, respoiidll; eC iisus Kympli.c ?70 uti-i)(|ui" est.. - 5(jD Instnixerc epulis mensas; dapibu.sqiie Piinuce iniilticavo, nee 1-evibus atii.i rcmotis tiipliis [da luiiseo. lu gemma posuere naerum. Turn ma S' StriKtd, sdhit. Molli telluserat luimi- imos hero.s Jjuiiiuiii IdciuialnuU alLeruu muiice jEquora pri»pie:en5 oculis s»l;je?ta, cuucii-u. Gui'^5 iuqiit. 3^1^ OVID'S METAMORPHOSED. Is that a single isle whose boundaries run ,jc^ Diagonal, or many isles in one ? 740^ (^Vnd as he spoke he pointed out the spot.) To whom the owner of the humid grot : Not one, but five small isles assembled lie, Their narrow intervals deceive the eye. Let their sad fate thy sympathy engage, 7 15 Kg more thou'lt wonder at Diana's rage. Those isles were Naiads once ; with empty boast Ten bulls they slaughter'd to the heavenly host ; They woo'd each rural godhead to the shrine/ Proud to propitiate every power but mine: 750 I swell with rage, I overspread the land; Wide as when widest, all ray streams expand ; Foaming with ire and surge I mount the air, And woods from woods, from meadows meadows tear ; Then, weeping all too late their proud disdain, 755 8weep the lost Naiads shrieking to the main. My tide and Neptune's in the strife confound The flooded soil, and intersect the ground ; Still in their> new-found beds our waters stay. And form the cluster'd isles we now survey. 7Q0 But gee'st thou not that isle beyond the rest ? Dear, ah ! too dear, to Acheloiis' breast ; *Tis call'd Perimele : 'twas once a maid. To shame, alas! by love and nie betray'd: lUe locus? digit(ique ostendit : eti Iif TantiiRerjini: pgriterque aniniisiiuiua» sula nornen nis et undis Quod geratillii, doce. Qaanquani non Asylvissylvas.&abarvisaivarevellik unavidctur. 575 Cuuique loco ^yiuplias, iiieiiioicsluiii Amiiis ad lia-c, Non est, inquit, quoil deiiique uo^'lii, 585 cti'ilimas, lumm. [tallqut. In freta provolvi. Flactqs nosK'njue Quinqiie,jacciitterra:;spatiidiscriniine marisque [qun rusolvit fiuonne ntiniis spi-eta; factum iiiiiere Coiitinuani didiixit Injimim; paites- Piaii-.i;; [qije juvt-neos Iij toUdeni, iiiediis qaol ceniis Kchi- Xaiadfs li* fuerant: qqa; cini bis qqiu- nadas iindis. HJactisseiit; lurisque Peos ad sacra Ut tanieu ipsevides,procul, en pro- vocisr-ciit, 580 cul una recessit Jmuifuioies iior.Lri fcstas duxere ciio- Insula ifiata milii. Perimelen navita reas. dicil. 59« • J^)^^ull)i: qgantusqiieferor, ciin phiri. Hufc t-tio virgincuu» (likctic nomoi (uus, uiiouani; ^dcmi. BOOK VIII. 3} 3 Her sire, Hippodamas, her pregnant form 76^ Hiul'd from a rock to brave old ocean's storm: I bore her buoyant, and to Neptune cried, O trident-bearer ! monarch of the tide 7'hy liand by lot from Jove and Pluto won, ^if In whom we rivers end, to whom we run, 776 Bend, mighty power, propitious to my prayer, ■'Tuas I betray'd the outcast maid I bear : It well became her sire, in mercy mild, Kather to pity than abjure his child ; And pardon me. O monarch of the sea ) 775 JSet from parental rage one victim free ; Let her, ere icy death her limbs benumb, Some friendly isle inhabit or become, And let me still embrace her. With a nod That shakes all ocean, yields all ocean's God ; 78O 7'he trembling Nymph yet swims, my current laves Her beating Ijosom with its trembling waves; But while I lave, I feel the earth enfold Her struggling limbs, and shroud her breast in mould; Encreasing clay around her body clings, 785 And o'er her form a grassy island springs. Here ends the God : an awful feeling runs Thro' every bosom save Ixion's sons, '■*» hiu; Who, in a maze of doubt and darkness hid, Lov'd not the Gods, and scoff'd at those who did. 7Q0 Cuod pater Hippodainas a^gre tiilit : Hanc qnoqiiecomplectar. Movitcaput inque proruiirtum a;qiioieus rex : [uiitlas. Propulit «i sj^opulu paritura: coi-pora Concussitnue suis onities assensibu* natiR. ■' [iiiiaccplo EKtiiiiiiitJsymphe : nubultameii. Ipst; Excepi; nallt^lnq^1P fcreiK, O piox- nataiilis. 6uO Htgnavag-*, dixi, .'joil'ile, tritleulifcr, I'ectoia taugebam trepido salienliu mula;, 595 niolu: [cere seiisi In quo desiuimus, qu^ sacri cuniimis Dui>iq«e ea contrecto, totiim durcs- auines, [tune, jirCcantem. Corpus; et iuducta coiidi pia;cordia Hue aides, atque audi phtcidus, Nep- lena. [terra nalaiites, I£uic ego, quam portw, nocui. Si mi- Dum loquor; amplexa Cil arlus nuya tis, ct a-'qutw. [P'l's esset; Ll gravis increvit luulutisiusulanieiii- Si paterllippodamas, aut si miuusim- brLs. ClO JJebuit illiu-s luisereri; iguoscere no- Aiuuis ab his tacuil. Fa&tiim mint- bis. (joo bile eunctos Affer opem; mei-ssEque precorferitate Move rat. Irridet credentes: utque De- patetui [liccbit. orum [iiatu.-j- Da^iitfytiiiic, locuia.; velsillocaiJpsa Spretiw; etat, uteutisque fcrox Ixioae SH OVID'S METAMORPHOSE^. 'Tis false, he madly cries ; i>o God has skitl To form a woman and transform at will. }£ Profane his freedom to the rest appears ; f But Leiex, ripe in wisdom as in years. Most horror feels, and thus rebukes his friend ; 7§$ Vast is the power of heaven, it knows n6 end j j j With Gods to will is to perform ; to quell jf Thy doubts, list, scoffer, to the tale I tell. Phrygia's tall mountains to the eyes reveal An oak, whose boughs .o'erhang a verdant t€il : 80(J 'Tis fenc'd by narrow battlements below ; I've trac'd the region ; well the spot I know. For Pittheus sent me thither, to explore For him the fields his father rul'd before. Hard by the oak now spreads a stagnant fen, 805 Fit habitation once for herds and men ; But now 'tis water all, where chattering hoot The greedy cormorant and naked coot. Here, shorn of fluttering plumes, once deign'd to rove Sly Mercury and metamorphos'd Jove ; 810 At every door they knock'd for food and rest. But every door was barr'd to their request. At length ahovel, shelter'd from the air By reeds and straw, receiv'd the heavenly pair : Here old Philemon, with his honest wife, 815 Time-stricken Baucis, trod the verge of life. i ricla refers, niiniu.mque putas. Ache- Misit in arva, siio quondam regnat» loe, i)Otenl«s I):ireiUi. [bitabilisolini : l,sse Deos, dixit; si dant adimiintque naiul prociilbinc stagiiUM» telliis Ua-^ figuras. 6l5 Iviiiic^ cclebres nieigis ^pBicisque pa- Obstupuere omnes ; nee talia dicta liistiibus unda-. (5'23r Ijrobdrunt: [rus et xvo, Jiipiie^r hue, specie mortali, ci'imque /Vnle onuK'sque Lelex, animo matu- purerjte [alis. .Sic ait; Inmiensa est, fint'inque poLen- Vciut Atianliades positia cadicifep lia cceU [peractuin est. Mille d(Ynos adiere, lociuu requiem- ?v'oiihabet:etqiiicquidSuperivoliiere, que petentes: [recepit^ Qu6qae luinfis dubites; tilisc coiiter- ]\IiUe donios claus«re senu. Taiiien uiiiv mina qucieus 6C0 I'arva quidcin, slipulis et caniia tecta Cullibus est I'hrygiis, modico circuui- paluslii: t).">L>- data nmro. Se repiiitiique ro- McB^rtutet adeuut i pcenuaque £i'isicii« 322 OViD'S METAMORPHOSES, The Goddess nods ; wide o'er the Avaving plom, Sway'd by the impulse, nods her golden grain. lOOO A dire revenge she hastens to invent, Which, hut that vice's anguish none? lament, Might pity move; with racking pains oppress'd. She bids continual hunger gnaw his breast. Forbade by r*ate to enter Famine's cells, 10O5 (For Ceres ne'er appears v/here Famine dwells) The vengeful Goddess, for an envoy, sefeks Oreas the mountain Nymph, arid thus bespeaks : A spot there is where Scythia's liiountains freeze, Sadj lonely, sterile, void of corn or trees ; 1010 Dull winter there and pallid tremors groan. And greedy Famine reats her wretched throne. Bid the dread queen approach this shore, and dart Her sharpest fangs in Erisichthon's heart : Let no choice viands scare her from hef prey, 10*5 Let Famine vanquish Ceres in the fray ; And lest the distant land, from Greece so far, Affright thee, startled Nymph, here, take my car ; Take, too, my dragons, yok'd for speed, and brave The dreary length of road : she spoke, and gave. ICKlO* Car-borne thro' giddy air, the Nymph alights On Scythian Caucasus' snow-cover'd heights ; Loose on her dragons' necks unyokes the rein, And sees gaunt Famine in a stony plain Annuithisrcapitisquesuipulcherrinia Frigus inersillic liabitant, PaHorqiiey motu 780 Tieiiidrf|iie, TIXJ" Concussit gravidis oneratos messibii» Et jejuna Fames : ea se in proeconlia agros : [si noii condat [luiu Moliturqne genus pcenx iniserabile, Sacrilegi scelerata jnbe. 'Nee copiaie- llle suis esset nulli miserabilis acti«, Vincateani; super^tque lueas certa- Pestiferi lacerare Fame. Qua; quateuus mine vires. [cuirns: ipsi ' Neve via; spatium te terreat; accipe Nonadeunda Dese, (neqiieenim Cere' Accipe, quos fi-aenis altt modereie, reinque Famemque 785 dracones. 795- Fata coiie sinunt) ujoiitani numinis Et dedit. Ilia dato sUbvecta per aera unani [diclis; currii [iiiiue inontis Talibus agrestem eoinpellnt Oreada Devenit in Scytbiam: rioidiqiie cacil- Est locus extremiS' Scytliia' glacialis in (Caucason appellaut) serpeutuin colla oris, " [Hiborc, tellus ; lev'avit: [agro», Triat* SoIhjb, sterilis, sinij fruge, sind Quajsitimqisc Faniei»lapidosovidit tn BOOK Vlir. 323 Tear, wildly ravenous, with her claw& and teeth, 1 025 The thinly-scatter'd herbs that strew 'd the heath. Rough hung her tresses, hollow was her eye, Pale was her cheek, her scaly lips were dry ; Rust lin'd her jaws, and thro' her shrivell'd skin, Distinct her famish'd bowels shine within ; 1030 Her hideous hips, wide, wither 'd, dry and lean. Project ; and naught of belly swells between : Her flaccid breasts seem pendent from the spine, Uncloth'd in fat, her obvious joints entwine; Knees stiff and swoln uphold the sordid crone, 1035 And high in tumors swells each ankle-bone. Her when the Nymph beholds, with dread oppress'd. Parleying from fai", she speaks her queen's behest ; Tho' short her visit, as she look'd askance, She seem'd to feel new hunger from the glance, 1 040 And, guiding round her wheeling dragons, back To fair Hsemonia wings her airy track. Famine, tho' discord ever soars at large 'Twixt her and Ceres, executes the charge. From rigid Scythia tempest-bonie aloof, 1 045 Prompt she o'erhangs the sacrilegious roof; Round Erisichthon, sunk in reckless sleep, ('Twas night,) her plague-imparting pinions sweep : She breathes his breath, o'er every limb she reigns. She scatters hunger thro' his empty veins, 1050 Unguibus et raras vellentem dentibus Quamquam aberat longii, quaniquam mo herbas. 800 do venerat illuc, Ilirtus erat criuis : cava luraina: pallor Visa tamen sensisse Famem ; retr6que in ore : ^ces : ,' dracones Labia incana situ : scabrse rubigine fau- Egit in Hsemoniani versis sublimis habe - Dura cutis, per quam spectari viscera nis. possent : Dicta Fames Cereris (quamvis contra- Ossa sub incurvis exstabant arida lumbis: ria semper Ventris erat pro ventre locus. Pendere lUius est operi) peragit : ptrque aera putares S05 vento 815 Pectus, et i spinse tantummodo crate te- Ad jussam delata domum est : et proti- neri. [gebat nus intrat [tum Auxerat articulos macies, genuumque ri- Sacrilegi thalamos : alt6que sopore solu- Orbis, et immodico prodibanttubera talo. (Noctis erat tempus) gemiuis amplectitur Hanc procul ut vidit, (neque enim est alls : [et ora aw.edere juxfi Seque viro inspirat, faucesque, et pegtus, AuBa) refert mandata Dex; paulumque Afflatj et in vacuis spargit jejunia ve- morata, 810 nis. ' 850 Tt 324 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. And swift, her function done, her journey braves Thro' frozen deserts to her native caves. Soft placid sleep on downy pinion soar'd Still o'er the wretch ; in dreams he seeks the board ; His jaws he seems to move, his teeth to grind, 1055 And, craving viands, masticates the wind. Now bounding from his couch, sharp hunger gnaws His wasting entrails : his voracious jaws Yawn for their aliment, and long to tear All living born of earth, or sea, or air ; 1060 He pines with hunger 'midst a plenteous store ; Amid huge dishes, calls aloud for more ; A mass of viands, copious to o'errun Whole towns, whole nations, is too small for one; The more he eats, the more to eat he craves : 1065 As Earth to Ocean's all-imbibing waves Pours forth her tides ; as fire rapacious gleams Athwart red roofs, devouring countless beams, Feeds on repletion, and, in darting flakes. Soars more insatiate from the food it takes; 1070 So Erisichthon's mouth, with feverish heat. Starves while it gorges, chews, yet cries for meat. Food genders hunger ; hunger, fierce, uncloy'd ; And all he gorges finds an empty void. Thus grinds the recreant his paternal store 1075 Between his teeth, yet, famish'd, calls for more. FunctAque mandate ftiecundum deserit Utque fretum recipit de tot& flumina orbem ; [arva. terra, 835 Inque domos inopes ajsueta revertitur Kec satiatur aquis; peregrin(5sque ebibit Leiiis adhuc somnus placidis Erisicbtho- amnes ; [recusal; na pennis [somni : Utque rapax ignis non unquam alimenta Mulcebat. Petit ille dapes sub imagine Innumerisque trabes cremat : et, quo Orique vana movet, dentemque in dente copia major fatigat ; 825 Est data, plura petit ; turbaque voracior Exercetque cibo dclusum guttur inani : ipsa est : Proque epulis tenues nequicquam devo- Sic epulas omnes Erisichthonis ora pro- rat auras. [edcudi': faui 840 tJt verb est expulsa quies ; furit ardor Accipiunt, poscuntque simul. Cibus om- P6rque avidas fauces, immensique visce- nis in illo ra regnat. Causa cibi est : semperqne locus fit ina- Kec mora: quod pontus, quod terra, nis edendo. quod educat aer, 830 Jimque fame patrias altique voragine Poscit ; et appositis queritur jejuuia ventris [bat mensis : [bibus esse, Atteimarat opes ; sed inattennata mane- liique epulis epulas quserit. Quodque ur- Turn quoque, dira fames; implacata^que Quodque satis populo poterat; non suffi- vigebat 845 cit uui. [in alvuni. Flamma gulas. Tandem, demisso in viscc- Plusque cupit, quo plura suam demittit ra censu, BOOK VIII. 325 His daughter now, too good for such a sire, Of all he had, alone remain'd entire ; Her next the pauper sold, but, nobly born. She view'd the bondage of a slave with scorn ; 1080 And stretching far her hands, to Neptune cried : O thou, whose love first lower'd my virgin pride ! Snatch me from slavery ! the God obey'd : For while her owner sought her o'er the glade, And track'd her steps, he views a lowly lad, 1085 Bent o'er the ocean, as a fisher clad ; Then cries : O thou, who snar'st the scaly breed With brazen-baited hook and pendent reed ! So may the fish lie listless on the main. Nor eye thy hook before they feel its pain ; lOyO As thou shalt show the maid, who o'er yon strand Fled to that spot ; 'twas there I saw her stand ; Thither I trac'd her steps, I lost them there. She, joyous at the granting of her prayer. Glad to herself to hear herself pourtray'd, lOQo To her enquiring lord this answer made : Pardon me, stranger ; these dull eyes of mine Have ne'er been lifted from my rod and line : Close to my work I bend : may ocean's God My line entangle and engulph my rod, 1 100 If woman o'er the beach has this way run ; Unless, redoubted Sir, thou deem'st me one. Filia restabat, non illo dicna parente. Quae mod6 cum vili turbatis veste capil- Ilaiic quoquc vendit inops. Dominucu ge- lis nerosa recusal: [palmas, Littoie in hoc steterat, (nam stantem in Et vicina suas tendens super asquora littore vidi) 860 Eripe me domino, qui raptae pra;mia no- Die ubi sit: neque enim vestigia lonsius bis 850 exstant. [ae Virginitatis habes; ait. Hasc Neptunus Ilia Dei munus bene cedere sentit: et i habebat. [sequeuti Se quteri gaudens, his est reseruta rogan- Qui prece nou spreta, quamvls modb visa tem : Esset liero : forrnSmque novat; vultura- Quisquis es, ignoscas; in nuUam lumina que virilem [tos. partem Induit, et cultus piscem capientibus ap- Gurgite ab h&c flexi; studidque operatus Hanc dominus spectans, O qui pendeutia inliasi. 865 parvo 855 Quoque miniis dubites, sic has Deus ae- Mra cibo celas, moderator arundinis, in- quoris artes quit, [und^ Adjuvet, ut nemo jamdudura littore in Sic mare compositum, sic sit tibi piscis in isto, Credulus, et iiuUos, nisi fixus, scutiat (Me tamen excepto) nee foemina constitit hamos ; ulla. / 326 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. He, credulous, ne'er guess'd the. maid's deceit. But press'd the sand with back-returning feet. Now, when her greedy father saw her 'scape 1 105 Her menac'd fetters in an alter'd shape, To many a lord in turn he sold the fair ; While she, a stag, a bird, a cow, a mare, Slipp'd from them all, and he, with wealth endued, Gain'd from the purchase-price fresh piles of food. 1110 All he acquir'd, thus pouring by degrees New inflammation on an old disease ; In his own blood the wretch devoted swims, He gnaws his flesh, he lacerates his limbs. Feeds on the source of life in passion's storm, 1115 And by destroying nourishes his form. Yet why on others dwell ? High heaven confers On Achelous, power to change like her's : Yes, gentle guests, these supple limbs can change To various shapes, tho' limited their range : 1120 The form I hold to-day, 1 oft-times take ; Sometimes I track the shore a sinuous snake ; Oft, too, a lowing bull, with eye that scorns The subject herd, I poise aloft my horns : Horns said I ? No! bruis'd, baffled, and undone, 1125 This mangled brow laments the loss of one ; See whence the spoiler pluck'd my forehead's pride. Behold this piteous void : he spoke and sigh'd. Credidit ; et verso domiuus pede pressit Ipse suos artus lacero divelleie morsu arenam; Cffipit: e.t infelix minuendo corpus ale- Elust'isque abiit. Illi sua reddita forma bat. [novandi est. 87(1 Quid moror exterms ? etiam mihi ssepe Ast ubi habere suam transformia corpora Corporis, o juvenes, numero finita potes- sentit, [ilia tas. 880 Saspe pater dominisTrjopeida vendit. At Nam niod6, quod nunc sum, videor : ISTunc equa, nunc ales, modo bos, moc'.o niod6 fiector in anguem : cervus abiha.. : [parenti. Artnenti mod6 dux vires in cornua sumo :. PraebebAtq'ue avido non justa alimenla Cornua, ollicib6sque meas pugnabam evellere Dixerat ; at Nymphe ritu succincta Dia- fauces. Una ministranim, fusis utrimque capil- Sicquoquedevicto restabattertia taurieO lis, 90 Forma trucis: tauro mutatus membra Incessit, tot^mque tulit pnedivite cornu rebello. Autumnum, et measas felici» poma se- Induit ille torie k lxy% parte lacertos; cundas. Uu 332 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Morn peep'd ; and Phcebus tinging with his fire 115 The mountains, warn'd the travellers to retire ; Nor stay'd they till the river's waning force Pour'd smooth and level its accustom'd course. Old Acheloiis in his oozy bed Hid his rough face and mutilated head ; 120 Nought else dishonor'd ; every limb remains Firm from his toils, unbroken from his pains ; And, pleas'd to shroud him, reeds and willows now Trail their thick foliage o'er his wounded brow. Thee, too, fierce Nessus, Dejanira's charms 1 25 To love inspir'd, and plung'd in deadly harms ; Thee, too, Alcides smote : his flying dart Glanc'd thro' thy back, and rankled in thy heart. Now had the son of Jove, with her his bride, Returning home, gain'd swift Lycormas' side, 130 Where, swoln by wintry rains beyond its verge. In eddying whirlpools roar'd the impervious surge. Him brooding, anxious, o'er the watery strife. Bold in himself, yet trembling for his wife. The brawny Centaur views, and, skill'd to seek 135 The fords and passes, thus accosts the Greek ; Warrior, swim thou alone to yonder shore, And trust to me to bear thy consort o'er. The youth to Nessus trusts his trembling bride. Dreading alike the river and her guide, 140 Lux subit ; et, primo feriente cacurnina Naaique, nov^ repetens patrios cum con- Sole, [fluinina pacem, juge mures, [undas. Discedunt juvenes. Neque eniiti dum Venerat Eveni rapidas Jove natus ad Et placidos habeant lapsus, motaeque re- TJberiOis solito nimbis hyemalibus auc- sidant, 95 tus, 105 Opperiuntur, aquae. Vultus Aclielbus Vorticibus(Jue frequens erat, atque imper- agrestes, [undis. vius amnis. [ageiitem Et lacerum cornu mediis caput abdidit Tntrepidum pfo se, curam de conjuge Hunc tamen ablati domuit jactura deco- Nessus adit, membrisque valens, scit6sque ris; [fronde saligni,, vadorum; Csetera sospes erat. Capitis quoque, Officidque meo ripa sistetur in ill& Aut super impositicelatui'arundine dam- Hkc, ait, Alcide : tu viribus utere nan- num. 100 do. 110 At te, Nesse ferox, ejusdem virginis Palleiit^mque metu ; flaviumque, ipsum- ardor [ti, que timentem [Nesso. Perdiderat volucri trajectutn terga sagit> Tradidit Aocids pavidam Caiydonida BOOK IX. 333 And hurling o'er the gulph, with potent throw. His monster-quelUng ckib and crooked bow, Clad in his quiver and his lion's skin. Cries, yield thee, surge, and plunges fearless in ; Nor, sedulous of safety, halts, nor creeps 14o Along the shallows, but defies the deeps. He gains the adverse bank, he spurns the stream, He grasps his bow : when, bark, a piteous scream Salutes his ear : — 'tis Dejanira cries — OIF with his beauteous charge the Centaur flies. 1.50 " Halt," cries Alcides, " dread my prompt pursuit. Halt, biform'd ravisher ; half man, half brute I If fear of me forbids thee not to steal. Think, caitiff, on thy sire Ixion's wheel. Methinks his fate might check thy lawless heat : 155 Spite of thy horse's strength, thy horse's feet. My rapid arrow shall o'ertake thy speed." Swift flew the fatal word, and swift the deed; The weapon, with unerring skill address'd, Pass'd thro' the Centaur's back, and pierc'd his breast : l60 Blood, when the barb came forth, thro' either wound, Mix'd with Lernean venom, dyed the ground. " Revenge ! revenge !" the dying centaur cried ; Then his warm vest, in blood and poison dyed. Proffering, he said, "take this, fair dame; 'twill prove 165 The last, best bulwark of a husband's love," Mox, ut erat, pharetraque gravis, spoli6- Si te nulla mei reverentianiovit; at orbes que leonis, [serat arc us) Concubitus vetitos poterant iuhibere pa- (Nam clavam, et cui-vos trans ripam mi- terni. Quandoquidem coepi, superentur flumina, Ilaud tameu effugies, quamvis ope fidis dixit. 115 equina. 125 Nee dubltat; nee qua sit clementissimus Vulnere, non pedibus te consequar. Ul- amnis [rum. tima dicta [gitti Quasrit: et obsequio deferri spernit aqua- Re probat: et missa fugientia terga sa- Jimque tenens ripam, missos cum tolle- Trajicit. Exstabat ferrum de pectore a- ret arcus, [rante duucum. [utrumque foramen Conjugis agnovit vocem : Nessoque pa- Quod simul evulsum est, sanguis per Fallere depositum. Quo te fiducia, cla- Emicuit, mistus Lernsei tabe veneni. 130 mat, 120 Excipit ImncNessus: Neque enim mo- Vana pedum, violente, rapit ? tibi, Nesse riemur inuiti, [ore biformis, [nostras. Secum ait: calido velamina tincta cm- Bicimus. Exaudi; nee res intercipe Dat munusrapt», velut irritamen amons. 334 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Swift fled revolving time. Aleides' name. Leagued with the hate of Jove's relentless dame, Ran echoing round the earth. OEchalia now Adds greener laurel to the hero's brow ; 1 70 And votive kneels to Jove the heaven-born youth : When babbling Fame, who mingles lies with truth, And thrives on scandal, bids the rumour rove, That lol^ enchants the son of Jove. His consort hears, and credits what she hears; 175 Dwells on his alienated love M'ith tears. Reviles the falsehood of the perjur'd chief. And, by indulging, magnifies her grief. At length she cries, " Cease, idle tears, to flow ; The crafty harlot frolics in my woe. 180 She comes ! time chides ; 'tis fit some web I spread To bar the stranger from my lawful bed. How shall I act ? be patient, or complain ? Return to Calydon, or here remain ! Shall I retire, desert my husband's roof, 185 Or stay, and staying keep the wretch aloof? What if, O Meleager, I pursue The path of glory to thy sister due ? On faithless lol^ indignant dart. And stab my guilty rival to the heart?" 190 Thus veers her mhid ; till, desolate, distress'd. Unconscious of its power, the poison'd vest, Long» fuit medii mora temporis : ac- Quae quoniam adventat, properandum, a- tique magni liquidque novandum est, 145 Herculis impl£raiit terras, odiumque no- Dum licet; et uondum thalamos teuet vercse. 135 altera nostros. Victor ab CEchaliil Cena;o sacra parabat Conquerar, an sileam ? repetam Calydo- Vota Jovi, ciim Fama loqiiax praecessit ad na, morerne ? aures, Excedam tecti» .' an, si nihil amplius, ob- Beiauira, tuas, (quae veris addere falsa stem ? [sororem, Gaudet, et i minimi sua per mendacia Quid si, me, Meleagre, tuam memor esse crcscit) Forte paro facinus; quantumque injuria Amphitryoniaden Idles ardore teneri. 140 possit, 150 Credit amans : Venerisque novoe perter- Foemine6sque dolor, jugulati pellice tes- rita fami [lorem tor ? [illi Tndulsit prim6 lacrymis ; flend6que do- In cursus animus varios abit. Omnibus SifTudit miseranda suum: mox delude, Frastulit imbutam Messeo sanguine ves- Quid autem [istis : tern Flemus, ait ? pellex lachrymis lastabitur Mittere ; quae vires defecto reddat amori. BOOK IX. :-33S By Nessus given, on Lichas she bestows, And bids the stripling, to relieve her woes. Cast the imputed antidote to hate 195 O'er the wide shoulders of her perjur'd mate. 'Tis done. The gift the unwitting hero takes, And wears the venom of the Hydra's snakes. Now, while he kneels at Jove's high-flaming shrine, And on the marble altar pours the wine, 200 Dissolving in the heat the poison swims. Drops from his vest and oozes o'er his limbs. Long as he could, the hero scorn'd to vent His stifled anguish, till, his patience spent, Down to the earth he hurls the uprooted fane, 205 And sylvan CEte echoes to his pain. Torn from his side, to earth his vest he flings ; The vest, or fastening to his body clings. Or tears the muscles when aslant it swerves. Bares the big bones and lacerates the nerves. 2f0 Like red-hot iron plung'd beneath the flood. Bubbling in poison, hiss'd the scalding blood; Red thro' his entrails, shot the greedy flame, Green sweat flow'd copious o'er his tortur'd frame ; The flame, the venom, thro' his marrow track'd 215 Their melting course ; his parting sinews crack'd ; Stretching at length his hands to heaven, he cries, " Feed on my pains, Saturnia ! glut thine eyes ; Tgnar6que Lichae, quid tradat ncscia, Kec mora ; letiferam conatur scindere luctUR 155 vestem : [que Tclatu, Ipsa suos tradit; blandisque miserrinia Qua trahitur, trabit ilia cuteni ; fedum- verbis [heros: Aulliaeret membrisfrustratentatarevelli; Bona det ilia viro, Riandat. Capit ipscius Aut laceros artus, et grandia detegitossa. Induiturque humeris . Lernaeae virus Ipse cruor, gelido ceu quondam laniiua Echidux. [flammis ; candens I70 Thura dabat prirais, et verba precantia, Tincta lacu, stridit ; coquiturque ardente Vindque marmoreas patera fundebat in veneno. [flaramae: aras: IfiO Nee modus est: sorbent avida; praecordia Incaluit vis ilia mali ; resoluldque flammis Coeruleusque fluit toto de corpore sudor: Herculeos abiit lat^ diffusa per artus. Ambustique sonant ncrvi : coecaque me- Dum potnit, soUt^ gemitum virtute re- duUis pressit. [aras; Tabe liquefactis, tendens ad sidera paU Victa malis postquam patientia, reppulit - mas, 173 Implevitque suis nemorosum vocibus Cladibus, exclamal, Saturnia, pascere (Eten. 165 nostris : 536 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Bend^ ruthless step-dame, from thy heavenly shrine. And glad thy bosom with the pangs of mine ! 220 If pity for a foe within thee reigns, (Thy foe am I) destroy me by these pains. Snatch my torn body from convulsive strife. And plunge in welcome death unwelcome life ! I fall— 'tis fit Saturnia give the blow ! 225 Laid I for this renovvn'd Busiris low ? Did I for this two triform'd monsters quell, Iberia's shepherd and the Dog of hell ? From strength-imparting earth Antaeus strain. Then heave, a stifled corse, to earth again? 230 Did not these hands victorious downward pull The butting forehead of the fiery bull ? Augasa's hundred stalls, laborious, clear ? Grasp the gold antlers of Arcadia's deer ? Scare the vile harpies from Stymphalia's creeks, 235 Brave their huge talons and their brazen beaks ? And clasp, undaunted, in my nervous hold. The Amazonian belt inlaid with gold ? Who but Alcides, dauntless, dared to take Hesperia's apples from the sleepless snake ? 240 Who slew the Centaurs and Arcadia's boar ? Who bade the coiling Hydra coil no more ? 'Twas 1. 'Twas I alone that dar'd to face. Fattening on human flesh, the steeds of Thrace, Pascere: et banc pestem specta, crude- Vestrum opus Elis habet, vestrum Stym- lis, ab alto : [hosti, phalides undae, [latus Corqiic feruni satia: vel si miserandus et Partheniumque nemus ? vestrA virtute re- (Hostis enim tibi sum) diris cruciatibus Thermodontiaco caslatus baltheus auro, aegram, Pomaque ab.iiisomni mali custodita dra- Invisimque. animani, natdmque laboribus, cone? I90 aufer. 180 Nee mihi Centauri potuere resistere, nee Mors mihi munus erit : decet hasc dare ml [dra dona novercam. [cruore Arcadiae vastator aper ? nee profuit Hj- Ergo ego foedantem peregrine templa Crescere per damnum, geminisque resu- Busirin domui ? ssevoque alimenta parentis mere vires ? Antaeo eripui ? nee me pastoris Iberi Quid ? ciim Thracas equos humano san- Forma triplex, nee forma triplex tua, guine pingues, Cerbere, movit? 185 Plenique corporibus laceris praesepia Vdsne, manus, validi pressistis cornua vidi, 195 tauri? BOOK IX. 337 Then down to earth the reeking mangers threw, 245 O'erpower'd the coursers, and their keeper slew. Did not this right hand bid the Hon die ? : Did not this neck uphold the incumbent sky ? 'Till sham'd and baffled, from her purpose driven, My prompt obedience quell'd the queen of heaven. 250 But a new labour now appals my soul. Too vast for arms or courage to controul : A mighty flame within my bosom reigns. Feeds on my lungs and courses thro' my veins. Eurysteus towers, to earth Alcides nods : 255 Wlio can hear this and yet believe in Gods ?" So spake the youth ; and smarting with his wounds, O'er rugged CEte like a tygress bounds. Who striving from the hunter's eye to hide, Bears his barb'd arrow quivering in her side. 260 There might you view him, with his pains oppress'd. Bellowing and groaning, tear the adhesive vest, Uproot the trees, rebuke, with piercing cries, The mountains, and revile his parent skies. While thus, with countless pangs, the sufferer raves, 265 Half dead with terror, crouch'd in hollow caves, Lychas he spied, and thus in madness spoke : Ha ! 'twas thy hand that bore the fatal cloak. Wretch ! shall I fall by thee ? With mild pretence And stammering speech, the boy affects defence ; 270 Vis^que dejeci, dominumqiie ips6sque Coipore fixa gerst, factlque refugerit peremi ? aiictor. His elisa jacet moles Nemesea lacertis ; Seepe ilium gemitus edentem, sjepe fre- I-Iacco?lum cervice tuli ? defessa jubendo mentem, est Saspe retentantera totas infringere vesles, SiEva Jovis conjux : ego sum indefessiis Sternentemque trabes, irasceiitemque vi- agendo. deres Sed nova pestis adest: cui nee virtute Montibus, aut patrio tendentem brachia resisti, 200 coelo. 210 Jfec telis armisve potest. Pulraonibus Ecce Lichan trepidum, et latitantem riipe errat [artus. cavali [omnem ; Ignis edax imis, p^rque omnes pascitur Adspicit : utque dolor rabiem coUegerat At valet Eurystheus. Et sunt, qui credere Tune, Liclia, dixit, feralia dona tnlisti ? possint [CKten Tune mese necis auctor eris ? tremit ille, Esse Deos ? dixit, perque altum saucius pavttque Haud aliter graditur, ^u^m si venabula Pallidus; et timid^ verba excusantia di- tigris 205 cit. 21o 338 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. But while he sues, and, sinking by degrees, Prostrate essays to grasp Alcides' knees. Furious he seiz'd him ; and, with whirling sweep, Cast the pale victim toward the Euboic deep With all an engine's force : thin .^Ether thro', QJ5 Flew the dead youth, and stiiFen'd as he flew ; And as soft showers, when gelid breezes blow, On fleecy pinions flit aloft in snow, Till roll'd to chrystal, rounded in the gale, Downward they slant, and beat thie earth in hail ; 280 So, legends tell, by force gigantic cast. Bloodless with fear and hardening in the blast, Descending Lychas brav'd the dizzy shock, And falling on the Euboic coast a rock. Still in impassive marble braves the storm, 285 Still keeps his name, and still preserves his form : The seamen fear the frowning mole to tread, As tho' sensation yet inspire the dead. But thou, great son of Jove, with brawny stroke. On arduous CEte's top, mad'st many an oak 290 Rush headlong to the plain ; then, gathering round The splinter'd fragments in a massy mound, Gav'st, from the top, to Poean's son below. Thy sounding quiver, thy far-darting bow. And every deadly arrow, doom'd once more, QQ5 In after-times, to visit Phrygians shore : Dicentem, genibusque manus adhibere In rigidos versum silices prior edidik parantem, zetas. 225 Corripit Alcides : et ttrque quaterque Nunc quoque in Euboico scopulus brevis rotatum emicat alti^ Mittit in Eubo'icas, tormento fortiiis, un- Gurgite, et Immanse servat vestigia das. forms:. Ille per aerias pendens induruit auras. Quern, quasi sensurum, nautee calcare Utque ferunt imbres gelidis concrescere verentur ; ventis; 220 AppelUntque Lichan. At tu, Jovis in- Ind^ nives fieri : uivibus quoque moUe clyta proles, rotatis Arboribus cxsis, quas ardua gesserat Adstringi, et spissll glomerari grandine (£te, £30 corpus ; Inque pyram structis, arcus, pharetrim- Sic illiim validis actum per inane lacertis, que capacera, Exsangu^mque metu, nee quicquain hu- Regn^que visuras iterum Trojana sagit- moris habentem, tas. BOOK IX. 339 'llien, bending downward, with a god-like sn)ile, Bad'st the mute hero light the fatal pile : Thy lion's mantle was beneath thee spread, Light on thy club reclin'd thy gentle head, 300 As tho', 'mid clustering grapes and blooming flowers. Light-hearted Bacchus crown'd thy joyous hours. Now, creeping thro' the pile, the hissing flame Mounted aloft, and wrapp'd the giant frame Of one who scorn'd its rage. The Gods on high 305 Saw, pale with terror, earth's avenger die. Jove knew their thoughts, and thus, in placid strain, To soothe their grief, address'd the heavenly train : Your fears, immortal chiefs, my fears efface ; Sire and protector of a grateful race, 310 It glads my heart to view your pity shine Thus mildly radiant o'er a son of mine ; His mighty deeds might claim it_, I confess ; Yet feel I not your generous love the less ; Dismiss your fears, commit him to his sire, 315 Scorn earthly ills, and laugh at CEte's fire : Who conquer'd all shall conquer fire in turn ; Nought of Alcides shall yon altar burn. Save the mere mortal dust Alcmena gave. The soul I form'd, elastic from the grave, 320 Shall soar, thro' endless ages, still the same. Nor yield to wasting time nor raging flame : Ferre jubes Poeante satum: quo flamma O Superi : totoque libens milii pectore ministro [nibus agger; grator, Subdita. Dumque avidis comprenditur ig- Qubd niemoris populi dicor rectorque pa- Cougeriem sylvse Nemeseo vellere sum- teique : 245 mam 235 Et mea progenies vestro quoque tuta fa- Sternis : et imposit^ clavae cervice re- vore est. cumbis, [ceres Nam quanquam ipsius datur hoc imnja- Haud alio vultu, quam si conviva ja- nibiis actis ; Inter plena meri redimitiis pocula sertis. Obligor ipse tameu. Sed enim, ne pectora Jimqiie valens, et in omne latus diffusa vano [mas. sonabat, Fida metu paveant, CEtaeas spernite flam- Securdsque artus, contemtortmque pete- Omnia qui vicit, vincct, quos cernitis, bat 240 ignes: 250 Flamma suum. Tirauere Dei pro vindice Nee nisi matem^ Vulcanum parte poten- terrae. tern [et expers Quos ita (sensit enim) lato Saturnius ore Sentiet. jEternura est, k me quod traxit, Jupiter alloquitur: Nostra est timor iste Atque immune iiecis, null^que domabile voluptas, flammi. X X 340 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. That soul, when earthly ties no more enthral, Here, 'mid the sons of heaven, shall Jove install Thenceforth a God : nor doubt I, the decree 3^5 Shall win approval less in you than me : Yet, should a God among you grieve to trace Renown'd Alcides in the heavenly race. His worth, in envy's spite, applause shall raise. And matchless merit snatch extorted praise. 330 The Gods assent. E'en Jove's imperious queen I^ists to the lay with no ungracious mien ; Yet frowns at last, as seeming to suppose Herself too rudely noted toward the close. Now all that fire could quell was quell'd by fire ; 335 No vestige of Alcides grac'd the pyre ; ITie mortal substance that Alcmena's womb Gave to the world sleeps mouldering in the tomb. Yet Jove's immortal semblance still survives, And as in second youth the serpent thrives, 340 Casts with his skin his age, with glittering scales Reflects the sun, and frolics in the vales ; So, when his fleshly form the flame devours, Strong in his better part, Alcides towers ; Smooth shines his godlike brow, his limbs expand, 34S Serenely noble, and augustly grand ; Snatch'd from the earth, conceal'd in hollow clouds, Now heaven's puissant sire his son enshrouds. Idque ego defunctum terr^ coelestibus oris Malciber abstulerat; nee cognoscenda Accipiam, cunctisque meum Isetabile fac- remansit turn 255 Herculis effigies nee quidquam ab imagine Dh fore confide. Si quis tamen Hercule, ductum si quis Matris habet : tanturnque Jovis vestigia Forts Deo doliturus erit, data prasmia serva.t. 265 nolet: Utque novus serpens, posita cum pelle Sed meruisse dari sciet; invitisque pro- senectS, babit. Luxuriare solet; squamaque nitere re« Assensere Dei. Coojux quoque regia visa cenli; est Sic, ubi mortales Tirynthius exuit artus, Csetera non dure, duro tamen ultima Parte sui meliore viget ; maj6rque \'ideri vultu 260 Coepit; et augusta fieri gravitate veren- Dicta tulisse Jovis; s^que indoluisse no- dus. 270- tatam. [mx, Quern pater omnipotens, inter cava nubila Jnterea, quodcunque fuit populabile flam- raptum, BOOK IX. 341 Bids, in a car, the youth exalted rise, And thrones, immortal, in the starry skies. 350 Heaven-bearing Atlas felt the added weight. Yet, toward the hero, harsh Eurystheiis' hate Glows not the less for all the chief had done. But lowers on Hyllus, great Alcides' son. Bow'd down with age, and worn with many a care, 355 Now sad Alcmena was no longer fair : Hyllus, by Hercules' desire, had led Fair lole to grace the nuptial bed ; In whose young ear Alcmena pours her grief, Depicts the valor of the immortal chief, 360 And, viewing lole with procreant yoke Concipient labor, thus foreboding spoke : Heaven help thee, daughter ! may no dire delay Bar thy delivery on that fatal day^ When for relief thy tongue, imploring, names 365 Lucina, patroness of wedded dames : Ne'er may she aid Saturnia's dark design. Nor check thy throes as she retarded mine. Toward the tenth sign when Sol illum'd th» sky. And Hercules' computed birth drew nigh, 370 My womb confess'd a more than mortal weight ; So huge, so ponderous, its gigantic freight, All must have guess'd the progeny of love Could own no author save immortal Jove. Quadrijugo cuiru radiantibus intulit lucipit Alcmene : ' Faveant tibi nuiuina «stris. saltern ; Sensit Atlas pondus. Neqiie adhuc Corripiantque moras, turn ciim matura Stheneleius iias vocabis Solverat Eurystheus; odiumque in prole Praspositaratimidis parieutibusllithyiam; paternUm 274 Quam mihi difficilem Junonis gratia fecit. Exercebat atrox. At loiigis anxia curis Namque laboriferi ciim jam natalis ades- Argolis Alcmeue, qucstus ubi ponat aui- set 283 les, Herculis, et decimum premeretur sidere Cui referat nati testates orbe labores, sigiium: Cuive suos casus, lolen habet. Herculis Tendebat gravitas uterum mihi : quoJque illam ferebam, Imperiis, thalam6que anim<5que receperat Tantum erat, ut posses auctorem dicere- Hyllus: tecti Impl^ritque vterum generoso germine. Ponderis esse Jovem. Nee jam tolerate Cui sic SOO- labores 342' OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. No longer bore I mute my nameless ills; 375' E'en while I speak, a frigid horror chills My shivering limbs ; the mere remembrance frights My palsied soul. Thro' seven long days and nights, I woo'd Lucina to afford relief, I urg'd the Nixi to assuage my grief. 380 Lucina came not ; Juno, ruthless still, Came in her semblance, not to cure, but kill. Soon as she heard me movingly implore. She on the altar bent before the door, And, crouching, cross-legg'd persever'd to sit ; 385 Her straighten'd fingers like a comb she knit. And, muttering secret spells, in hollow strains, Check'd my delivery and prolong'd my pains. Half frantic with my ills, in vain 1 strove, Pour'd moving plaints, and call'd in vain on Jove, , 390 Invoking Death. The Theban dames draw nigh. Put up their vows, and urge me not to die. Among my maids, a light-hair'd damsel stood. Her name Galanthis, kind, officious, good : Beholding Juho at the threshold squat, 395 She guess'd some evil, tho' she knew not what ; For while she passes to and fro, she sees Saturnia with her hands still clasp her knees. * Whoe'er thou art,' the cunning damsel cried, *■ Rise, and congratulate Amphitryon's bride ; 400 Ulterii'ii poteram : tfuin nunc quoque Nitor, et ingrato facio convicia demens frigid u "j artus, 290 Vana Jovi : cupioque mori; moturaque Dum loquor, horror habet; pdrsq; est duras meminisse doloris. Verba queror silices. Matres Cadmeides Septem ego per noctes, totidem cruciata adsunt ; diebus, [cl)ia, maguo Votaque suscipiunt; exhortanturque do- Fessa malis, tendensque ad coelum bra- lentem. 305 Lucinam INiKosque pares clamore voca- Una ministrarum media de plebe Galan- bam. this, [jussis: II!a quidem veuit, sed pra;corrupta, Flava comas, aderat, faciendis strenua racLiimque 293 Officiis dilecta suis. Ea sensit iniqua Qiias douare caput Junoni vellet iniquae. Nescio quid Junnne geri : diimque exit, Utque nieos audit gernitus; subsedit in et intrat illi [vum Sajpe fore^ ; Divam residentem vidit in Ante fores ara : dextr6que a poplile las- ara; 310 Pressageiui, digitis inter se pectinej line- Bracliiique in genibus digitis connexa tis, teneutcm : Sustinuit partus. Tacita quoque carmina Et, Qusecunque es, ait, dominas gratare ; voce 300 levata est Dixit: et inceptos tenuerunt carmiua Argolis Alrmene : potiturque puerpera partus. voto. BOOK IX. 343 Her babe is born.' Upstarting, Juno stands. Her kuees uncrosses, and unfolds her hands ; The charm is solv'd, I writhe in grief no more, Alcides lives, and all my pains are o'er. Pleas'd at her trick, loud laugh'd the luckless fair ; 405 But, while she laugh'd, the Goddess by the hair Dragged her to earth, and, striving to retreat, As turns the maid, she turns her arms to feet : A weazle now, her back still keeps its hue, Its colour ancient, but its fashion new. 410 Her busy zeal, her quickness still remain. And as her mouth by falsehood eas'd my pain. Forth from her mouth in pain she's doom'd to pour Her young ; and haunts our houses as before. She ceas'd, and, sorrowing for Galanthis, seeks 415 Relief in tears, when lole thus speaks : If thus thine eyes pour forth compassion's flood^ And blandly weep an alien to thy blood_, What if (should grief permit me to pursue The tale) I tell the fate a sister knew. 420 Tho' beauteous Nymphs throughout CEchalia shine. Yet beauty's meed, sweet Dryope, was thine ! My lov'd half-sister she ; a different dame Each own'd as mother, but our sire the same. Her, when the car-borne God, whose golden smile 425 Irradiates Delphos and the Delian isle. Exsiluit, junctasque nianus pavefacta re- Dixit: et, admonitu veteris commota misit ministrae, Diva potens uteri. Vinclis levor ipsa re- Ingemuit. Quam sic Qurus est affata do- missis. 315 lentem: 325 Numine decepto risisse Galauthida fama Te tamen, 6 genitrix, alienje sanguine est. [capillis vestro [sororis Ridentem, prensdmque ipsis Dea saeva Rapta movet facies. Quid si tibi mira Traxit: et ^ terra corpus relevare volen- Fata nneae leferam? quanquam lacryma^- tem [mos. que dolorque. Arcuit: inque pedes iiiutavit brachia pri- Impediunt, probibentque loqui. Fuit Strenuitas antiqua manet : nee lerga co- unica matri lorem 320 (Me pater ex alii genuit) notissima for- Amisere suum : forma est diversa priori. mk 330 Quae, quia mendaci parientem juverat CEchalidum Dryope: quam virginitate ore, [frequentat. carentem, [tenentis. Ore parit: nostr^sque domos, ut et antd, Vimque Dei passam, Delphos I»eI non est rorem. Ausasuo vigilans. Placidaresolutaquiete Buramodo tale nihil vigilans committere Sspe videt, quod ainat. Visa est quoque tentetn ; [aus. jungere fiatri Saspe licet simili redeat sub imagine som- Corpus ; et erubuit, quamvis sopita jdce- Testis abest somno; nee abest imitita bat. 470 voluptas. 480. Somnus abit: silet ilia diu; repetitque Pr6 Venus, et tenersl volucer cum matre quielis [profatur: Ciipido, [libidq Ipsa suae speciem; dubiaque ila mente Gaudia quanta tuli! qu-^m me manifesta Me miseram ! tacitie quid vult sibi uoctis Conligit ! ut jacui totis resoluta mednl- imago ? [vidi ? lis ! Quam nolim rata sit. Cur hjec ego somuia Ut meminfese juvat ! quamvis brevis ilia Ille quidem est oculis quamvis formosus voluptas, iniquis : 4*5 !N6xque fuit praeceps, et coeptis invida. 5t placet, et possum, si non sit frater, nostris. 485 ware ; O ego, si liceat mutato nomine jungi. 352 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Daughter-in-law I to our sire might be, Or to thee, Caunus, sire, by marriage, he. Ye bless'd immortals, grant what I require, 635 Make all in common 'twixt us, save our sire. Were Caunus nobly born, his love might shine To warm some female bosom, haply mine ; But now, one common sire forbids his heart Aught save a brother's friendship to impart. 640 Ah ! what avail mere visions, absent youth ? What weight have dreams ? do visions spring from truth ? O happy Gods ! when tosses passion's flood Within your breasts, ye laugh at ties of blood ; No thought of kindred your alliance stops ; 645 Jove weds with Juno, Saturn weds with Ops ; Oceanus woos Tethys to his bed : Immortals love at will, and, loving, wed. Hold! by what idle cavils am I driven. To fashion earthly laws by those of heaven? 650 Cease, fluttering heart, within my breast to burn, Or rest thee, rebel, in the mouldering urn. When stretched a corse, O best belov'd of men ! Sure thou may'st weep and tender kisses then. Grant that myself o'erlook the lawless whim, 655 How know I that the guilt will pleasure him ? Did not the sons of a^olus, above Mere mortal prejudice, their sisters love ? Quam bene, Caune, tuo poteram nurus Sic Saturnus Opim junctam sibi sanguine esse parent! ! [esse parent! ! duxit, Quiim bene, Caune, meo poteras gener Oceanus Tethyn, Junouem rector Olympi. O.iinia, Dl faccrcnt, esseut eonununia Sunt Superis sua jura. Quid ad coelestia nobis ; ritus Prcet^er avos. Tu me vellem generosior Exigere huraanos, diversique fcedera esses. 490 tento ? 500 Kcscio quam fades igitur, pulclierrime, Aut nostro vetitus de corde fugabitur matrem: , [parentes, ardor: [tor6que At mill i, quae malii sum, quos tu, sortita Aut, hoc si nequeo, peream precor anl^; Kil nisi frater eris. Quod obest, id liabe- Mortua componar : positaeque det oscula bimus unum. [autem frater. [rum. Quid niilii significant ergo tnea visa ? quod Et tamen arbitrium quserit res ista duo- Somnia pondus liabeut ? an habent et Finge placere milii : scelus esse videbitur somnia pondus ? 495 illi. 505 pi melius! Dt nempe suas babucre so- At non ^olidas thalamos timuere soro- lorej. rum. BOOK IX. 353 Why cite their conduct ? their examples trust ? Hence, idle phantasy ! illusive lust ! 660 Nought but a sister's love shall warm my breast. But had he first for me a flame confess'd, Perchance my Caunus' love had met return ; Shall 1 then court whom virtue bids me spurn ? Shall I my love avow, the fact instill, 665 By soft confessions sigh ? I must, I will. Or, if by fear confounded, aw 'd by shame, A secret letter shall depict the flame." T The sudden impulse sways her wavering mind ; Rais'd on her elbow, on her side reclin'd, 670 She thus resumes : " to Caunus be confess'd The frenzied passion of his Byblis' breast. ' T Ah ! whither am I fall'n ? What fury dooms iv; oi We. My bosom to despair, what fire consumes r" Her timorous mind the half-form'd purpose racks ; 675 Her right-hand holds the pen ; her left, the wax ; She plans, and doubts ; she schemes, then fears her plots. Condemns, approves, discards, replaces, blots ; Now grasps the pen, now hurls it from her sight. Hates what she wrote, yet knows not what to write. 680 Her visage glows with boldness mix'd with shame ; Sister is written : Conscience hates the name ; Sear'd from the wax, the word all vestige shuns. Till thus, correct at length, her letter runs : trade sed hos aovi ! cur hsec exempia Viderit : iasauos, inquit, fateamur amo-: paravi ? [dite flammas: res. [concipit ignera? Quo feror? obacoenae procul hinc disce- Hei mihi ! qu6 labor ? quem mens mea Nee, nisi qua fas est germanas, frater Et raeditata manu coinponit verba tre- ametur. meiiti. 520 Si tamen ipse mei captus" prior esset Dextra tenet ferrum : vacuatn tenet al- amore, 510 tera ceram. [que tabellas: Forsitan illius possem indulgere furori. Incipit; et dubitat: scribit; damniu. £rgo ego, quem fuerara non rejectura Etnotat; etdelet: mutat; culpitque, petentem, [tateri ? prob.-ttque : [sumit. Ipsa petam? poterisne loqui? poterisne Inque vicem sumtas ponit, positisque re-. Cogetamor; potero. Vel, si pudor era Quid velit, ignorat: quicquid factura vi- tenebit, detur, 525 Uttera celatos arcana fatebiturignes. 515 Displicet. In vultu est audacia mista pu- Hsc placet, bsec dubiam vincit sententia dori. [sororem, mentem. [tro, Scripta soror fuerat: visum est delere la latus erigitur ; cubiUqu^ innUa sinls- Verblque correctis incidere talia ceris : ., 854 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. A maid who wills thee, Caunus^ all that bliss 685 Thj'self alone can render her, sends this : Her name the blush of fear forbids to speak. But would'st thou^ gentle youth, her purpose seek, First for her beating heart exchange thine own. Nor till her wish be gain'd, be Byblis known. 690 My pale and hollow cheek, my weeping eyes, My faded form, involuntary sighs. My fond embraces, and the burning kiss That oft bespoke a more than sister's bliss, (If memory fail thee not) must sure impart 695 Too plain an index to my wounded heart. Yet tho' the barb lay festering in my soul, Tho' fires within me raged without controul, I call to witness all the powers above. How long I wrestled with the God of love ; 700 How firm awhile the conflict 1 withstood. And fought defensive long as maiden could. Conquer'd at length, before the foe I flee, And seek with timid prayer relief from thee : Choose which thou wilt, or rouse to grief or joy, 705 Tis thine, 'tis thine, to save or to destroy. No secret foe to wake thy pity sighs. But one who, liuk'd e'en now by closest ties, Link'd and united closer still, would fain Bind thee, O peerless youth, in Hymen's chain ; 710 Quatn, nisi tn dederis, non est habitura Quamv^s intus erat furor igneus, omnia salutem, feci, 540 Hauc tibi inittit amans : pudeL all, pudet (Sunt mihi Dl testes) ut tandem sanior edere nomen ! ^30 essem : Xt si, quid cupiam, quseris; sin^ nomine Puguavique dia violenta Cupidinis arrna vellem [Byblis Effugere infelix; et plus, quam ferre pu- Posset agi mp.a causa meo : nee cognita ellam [terl Ant^ forem, quam apes votorum certa Posse putes, ego dura tuli. Superata la- fuisset. [index, Cogor, opemque tuam timidis exposcere Esse quidem lassi poterant tibi pectoris votis. 545 El color, et macies, et vultus, et humida Tu servare potes, tu perdere solus aman- ssepe 535 tern : Lumina, nert caus^ suspiria mota patenti ; EHge, utrura facias. Non hoc inimic» Et crebri amplexus ; et quK, si fortune- precatur: ta^ti, Sed quae, cum tibi sit junctissima, juaC" Oscula sentiri non esse sororia possent. tior esse Ipsa tamen, quamvis aninao grave vuluus Eapetit j et viiiclo tecuip propiore Ugarir habebain. BOOK IX. 355 Let age, in right and wrong e?iperienc'd, draw Its frigid dogmas from the web of law : Love rules o'er youth, and beckons to delight ; Let us, untutor'd yet in wrong or right. Deem all we wish, or lawful, or forgiven, 715 And emulate the amorous sons of heaven. No scandal tracks our haunts, no sire is near, With nought to dread, why cherish groundless fear ? Hid be thy joys beneath a brother's name ; Abroad, a sister's privilege I claim ; 720 We talk, we kiss, in concert when we roam ; Sure we may claim a higher joy at home : Pity a heart that labours to conceal What love and anguish force it to reveal, Nor let my early tomb this record stain, 725 * Here rests a sister by a brother slain.' " So eloquent her love, her lines surpass'd The tablet's size, the margin held the last. To seal the register of guilt, she dips The gem in tears, for moisture flies her lips ; 730 Then from the household hastens to decoy A faithful slave, and thus instructs the boy : " This to my " Words her conscious tongue forsake ; " This, gentle menial, to my brother, take." The tablet slipp'd and fell : the omen'd ill 735 She saw with horror, yet she sent it still. Jura jenes norint : et quid liceitque, ne- Et non fassuree, nisi cogeret ultimus ar- fasque, 550 dor: [pulcro. I'^sque sit, iaquirant; legumque examina Neve merere, meo subscribi causa se- servent : [nostris. Talia nequicquam perarantem plena reli- Conveniens Venus est annis temeraria quit [versus adhassit. Quid liceat, nescimus adhuc : ' et cuQcta Cera manura: summiisque iu margine licere [empla Deorum. Protinus impress^ signal sua crimina Credimus: et sequimur maguorum ex- gemm&; 565 Nee nos aut durus pater, aut reverentia Quam tinxit lacrymis: linguam defecerat fams?, 555 humor. [cavit : Aut timorimpedient ; tantim absit causa Deque snis ununi famulis pudibunda vo. timendi. Et paviddm blandita, Fer has, fidissime, Dulcia frateruo sub nomine furtategemus. nostro, [tri. Est mihi Ubertas tecum secreta loquendi. Dixit, et adjecit pbst longo tempore, fra- Et damus amplexus; et jungimus oscula Cim daret ; elapsas manibus cecidere ta- coram. bellae. 570 Quantum est, quod desit ! miserere faten- Omine turbata est: misit tamen. Apta tis amoreo), 560 minister Z z 356 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Apt season for the deed soon found the slave, Produc'd the letter, and to Caunus gave. He reads, he starts ; with rage and shame aghast, Down to the earth the half-read scroll he cast ; 740 Scarce fails to massacre her trembling page. Then jn brief answer thus proclaims his rage : " Hence, worthless pander to a harlot's flame ! But that thy tainted blood would stain my fame. Shame of thy race, and scandal of thy clime, 745 Thy life should pay the forfeit of thy crime." Back, pale with fear, the trembling menial fled. And told to Byblis all that Caunus said. Grief chills the maiden as the tale is told; Low beats her pulse, her breast is icy cold ; 750 Yet, with returning sense, new passions seize Her soul, and find their vent in words like these : *' Fitly I'm scorn'd ; fool that 1 was, to write ! Why blew I thus my hidden flame to light ? Why, with a hasty pencil, hopes imprint, 755 That art should hide, or words ambiguous hint ? Lest he should fail to follow where I led, 'Twas mine with gradual sail, half furl'd, half spread. To court the breeze, unruffled waves to find ; But now, with canvas floating in the wind, 760 Driven on the rocks, a founder 'd bark I sweep. And towering waves entomb rae in the deep. Tempora nactus adit; tradltque latentia Linguique vix talesictodeditaere voces: verba. Et merito; quid enim temeraria vulneris Attonitus subita juvenis Masandrius ir&, hujus Projicit acceptas, lectasibi parte, tabellas: Indicium feci ? quid, quffi celanda fue- Vixque manus retinens trepidantis ab ore runt, 585 ministri, 575 Tam citi) commisi properatis verba tabel- Sum licet, 6 vetitae scelerate libidinis lis ? auctor, [dorem Ant^ eratambiguisanimisententiadictis Effuge, ait: qui, si nostrum tua fata pu- Prastentanda mihi. ]Sfe non sequeretur !Non traherent secum, poenas mihi morte euntem, [tare dedis3,es. [Cauni Parte aliqua veli, qualis foret aura, no- lUe fugit pavidus: dominaeque ferocia Debueram; tutoque mari decurrere: quae Dicta lefert. Palles audita, Bybli, re- nunc 590 pulsa : 580 Non exploratis implevi liutea ventis. Et pavet obsessum glaciali frigore pectus. Auferor in scopulos igitur, submersaque Meais tamen ut rediit ; pariter rediere fu- toto [recursus. xores : Obruor Oceano : neque habent mea vela BOOK IX. 357 Was I not warn'd, by omens from above, Cautious to hide, not trumpet forth, my love ? When as my mandate I prepar'd to tell, 765 Down from my hand the fatal letter fell : The day, the scheme deluded to betray. If not the scheme delusive, sure the day ; Some God was there, the warning came from heaven. Yet on 1 rush'd, by fatal frenzy driven. 770 1 should have flown in person to excite My Caunus' love : fool that I was, to write ! My tears had mov'd his heart, my anguish wrung ; The pen how weak ! how eloquent the tongue ! 1 might have kiss'd his feet ; distracted, cast 775 My arms around his neck ; nay, breath'd my last. If still my passion he resolv'd to shun ; All this, and more than this, I might have done. Tho' each had fail'd his bosom to enthral. What heart so flinty to resist them all ? 7S0 Perhaps, my thoughtless servant fail'd to hit The proper hour ; the season was unfit ; Business might vex his thoughts, and care might strain ; Omitted opportimity's my bane : It must be so — no lioness athirst 785 For blood gave Caunus birth, no tigress nurs'd ; No shield of adamant protects his breast ; Nor iron sheaths his heart ; nor rocks invest. Quid qu6d et ominibus certis prohibebar Invito potui circumdare brachia collo: amori ^implectlque pedes : affiisiique poscere Indulgere meo, turn cim milii ferre ju- vitam: 603 benti 5Q5 Et, si lejicerer, potui moritura videri. ExciditjCt fecit spes nostras ceiacaducas? Omnia fecissem. Quorum si singuladuram !N6nne vel ilia dies fueiat, vel tota vo- Flectere non poterant, potuissent omnia luntas [monebat; mentem. Scd potiiis mutanda dies ? Deus ipse Forsitan et missi sit quEedam culpa minis-i Signique cerla dabat : si non mal6 saua tri. 609 fuissetn. Non adiit apt^ : non legit idonea, credo, Et tamen ipsa loqui, nee me committere Tempora : nee petiit horamque animum- cera3 60O que vacantem. Debuerara; pra;sensque meos aperire fu- Hsec nocuere mild, Neque enim de ti- rores. [tis. gride natus; Vidisset lacrymas : vultus vidisset aman- Nee rigidas silices, solidumve in pectore Plura loqui poierjim, quam quae cepere ferrum, tabellje. 358 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Could aught recall the past, 'twere best to woo The bounteous Fates, old doings to undo ; 790 But since no power can flying time redeem, 'Tis wise to hasten now my present scheme : For grant I halt ; will Caunus be exempt From new suspicion of a new attempt ? Or will he not conclude, if left at peace, 795 My love the child of folly or caprice ? A blaze meteorous, a transient flame. To tempt his virtue, and ensnare his fame ? Or born, at best, of lawless, lewd desire, A prostituted blaze, a harlot's fire ; 800 Nought I can do will now increase the ill ; I wrote, I sued ; perverted is my will. E'en should I now relinquish my intent. Can I be counted pure and innocent ? No harm can spring from venturing further in ; 80,5 'Twill raise the bliss, yet not increase the sin." Thus veers the irresolute, with wavering sigh. And dreads the trial, yet resolves to try : At length, in person she proclaims her pain. Is scorn'd, and, oft repuls'd, attacks again. 810 The virtuous youth, to shun the odious crime, (What else remains ?) deserts his native clime ; Eludes the toils his sinful sister plann'd. And founds a city in a foreign land. Aut adamanta gerit: nee lac bibit ille Pectora nostra, Deo, sed victa Jibidine lesence. credar. Vincetur. Repetendus erit. Nee taedia Denique jam nequeo nil comraisisse ne- coepti 6l5 fanduQi. 6C3 XJlla mei capiam ; dum spiritus iste ma- Et scripsi, et petii : temerata est nostra nebit. [ceret) voluntas. [dici. Nam primum (si fata mihi revocare li' Ut niliil adjiciara, non possum innoxia Non coepisse fuit : cospta expugnare, se- Quod superest, multum est in vota, in cundum est. [relinquain) crimina parvum, Qnippe nee ille potest (ut jam mea vota Dixit : et (iiicei ta: tanta est discordia Non tamen ausorum semper memor esse mentis) meorum. 620 Dfim pigeat tentasse, libet tentare : mo- Et, quia desierim, leviter voluisse vide- d6mque 630 bor : [tisse. Exit; et infelix committit saspc repelli. Aut etiam tenlasse ilium, insidiisque pe- Mox ubi finis abest; patiiam fugit ille, Vel certii nou hoc, qui plurimus urit et nefdsque : nssit Inque peregrin» ponit nova mcsnia terri. BOOK IX. 359 Now boundless frenzy burns in Byblis' breast; 81.5 She faints, revives, and raving, tears her vest : And as the Bacchanals, with rites divine. Triennial, celebrate the God of wine. Thus Caria saw the maid, in mournful strains, Rush thro' her groves, and howl along her plains. 820 Caria she quits, and, swifter than the M'ind, Leaves Lycia and the Lelegae behind ; Next, o'er fair Lymire the wanderer fled, Xanthus' swift tide, and Cragon's towering head, And that tall steep where fires eternal glow, 825 Above, a lion ; and a snake, below. Back fly the lessening woods, till, wearied, weak. Low on the green-sward droops her pensive cheek ; Fainting, she falls ; her panting bosom heaves. Her head hangs listless on the fallen leaves : 830 The neighbouring Nymphs to raise the mourner strove. And, soothing, urg'd her to renounce her love. Nought they can urge, her silent grief disturbs ; From the green earth she tears the uprooted herbs, Clings to the sod in agony profound, 835 And waters with a flood of tears the ground : These the sad Naiads, partners in her woe. Change to a fountain, fated still to flow. What could they more ? When, lo ! as, cleft in slips, The pitch-tree bark with viscous fluid drips ; 840 Turn verb nioestam tota Miletida mente Pectus et ora lese, caudam serpentis ha- Defecbse ferunt. Turn vero a pectore bebat. vestem 635 Deficiunt sylvae : cim tu lassata sequendo Deripuit, planxitque suos furibunda la- Procidis; et, duril positis tellure capillis, certos. [que fatetur Bybli, taces; froudesque tuo premis ore Jamque palam est demens; inconcessim- catlucas, 650 Spem Veneris, sin^ qua patriam, invisds- Sa:pe etiam Nymphse teneris Lelege'ides que penates [tris. ulnis Deserit; et profugi sequitur vestigia fra- Tollere conantur: saepe, ut moderetur a- Utque tuo motce, proles Semeleia, thyr- mori, so 640 Prsecipiunt; surdaeque adliibent solatia IsmariK celebrant repetita triennia Bac- menti. chas; Muta jacet; viridesque suis terit ungui- Byblida non aliter latos ululisse per agros bus herbas Bubasides videre nurus: quibus ilia re- Byblis; et humectat lacrymarum grami- lictis [pererrat. na rivo. 655 Caras, et armiferos Lelegas,' Lyciimque Naidas his venam, quae nunqtiam ares- Jam Cragon, et Lymiren, Xanthlque re- cere posset, liquerat undas, Supposuisse ferunt. Quid enim dare Qu6que Chimsera jugo mediis in partibus majus habebant? iguem, 646 Frotiuus, ut secto picee de cortice gnttac, 360 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. As from impregnate earth bitumen flows ; As stagnant water, chain'd by winter snows, When mild Favonius breathes, unshackled runs, And owns the influence of returning suns : So Byblis, melted to a stream, bewails 845 Her love^ and murmurs thro' her native vales : Beneath a sable oak, the bubbling rill Still flows, and bears the name of Byblis still. The tale had flown the Cretan shores to greet ; But mightier wonders of her own had Crete : 850 One marvel thro' her hundred cities rung, Fill'd every mind, and dwelt on every tongue. Where Phaestia's sons the sweets of commerce felt, A freeborn commoner, one Ligdus, dwelt. Tho' small his fortune, and obscure his birth, 855 Fair was his fame, unquestion'd was his worth. Now had eight moons increas'd his consort's yoke, When Ligdus thus to Telethusa spoke : ** With two petitions I the Gods assail ; Brief be thy labour, and thy issue male ; 860 Girls are a heavy charge, an anxious care. Too great for mortals poor like us to bear : Should fate destroy my wishes in their bloom, And female be the produce of thy womb, (Heaven knows I utter the decree with sighs,) 865 Soon as the infant wakes to life, it dies !" Utve teuax gravid^ manat telliire bitu- I'rogeuuit tellus, ignoto nomine Ligdunx; men; Ingenui de plebe virum. Nee census in TTtve sub adventum spirantis lene Favo- lUo 67O ui 660 Nobllitate sua major: sed vita fidesque Sole remollescit, quae frigore constitit, un- Inculpata fuiU Gravidas qui conjugi» da, aures SiclacrymisconsumtasuisPhoebeia Bjblis Vocibus his movit: cim jam prope partus Vertitur in fontem, qui nunc quoque val- adesset: libus illis [manat. Quae voveam duo sunt: minimo ut rele- Nomen liabet doniinae ; nigriique sub ilice vere labore ; Faraa novi centum Cretaeas forsitan ur- Utque marem parias. Onerosior altera bes 663 sors est: 675 Implfesset monstri; si non miracula nuper Et vires Natura negat. Quod abominor, Ipliide mutate Crete propiora tulisset. ergo Proxima Gnossiaco nam quondam Phass- Edita fort^ tuo fuerit si femina partu; lia regno (Invitus mando : pietas^ iguosce) necetur. BOOK IX. 361 Thus he : and tears at once the cheeks o'erspread Of her who listen'd and of him who said. Oft Telethusa urg'd him not to place His hopes, his fortunes, on so small a base ; 870 But vain her wishes, her entreaties vain : Now heavy throes bespoke the hour of pain, When, lo ! in dead of night, beside her bed. The lunar crescent glittering on her head, In pomp preceded by her votive band, 875 Immortal Isis stands, oi* seems to stand. Bright gems and burnish'd gold her brows adorn ; Loose on her forehead waves the yellow corn : In front Bubasis, leagued with Apis, marks The coming queen ; behind, Anubis barks ; 880 With that stern deity, whose finger, prest Firm on his lips, to silence awes the rest ; There, writhing in his grasp, Osiris hugs A sleep-inspiring snake, surcharg'd with drugs. Loud clashing cymbals echo thro' the air, 880 And Isis thus bespeaks the startled fair : " Hear what thy tutelary queen avows ; Dispel thy terrors, and deceive thy spouse ; His mandate, when thy babe is living, brave, Nor hesitate, whate'er its sex, to save : 890 Ne'er shalt thou find me careless of my trust, 'Tis Isis speaks, protectress of the just." Dixerat : et lacrymis vultum lavere pro- Sanctique Bubastis, variusque coloribus fiisis. Apis : 69O Tarn qui mandabat, quim cui mandata Quique premit vocem, digitdque sllentia dabantur. 680 suadet; [tiis Osiris, Sed tamen usque suum vanis Telethusa Sisti-dque erant, nunquimque satis quaasi- maritum [arcto. Pleu^que somniferi serpens peregrina ve- Sollicitat precibus; ne spem sibi ponat in ueni. Certa sua est Ligdo sententia, Jdmque Cim velut excussam sotnno et manifesta ferendo [trem; videntem Vix erat ilia gravem maturo pondere ven- Sic affata Dea est : Pars o Telethusa me- Ciim medio noctis spatio sub imagine arum, 6qS somni 685 Pone graves curas; mandatique falle ma- Inachis ante torum, pompsl comitata suo- riti. rum, [fronti Nee dabita, ciim te partu Lucina levSrit, Ant stetit, aut visa est. Inerant lunaria ToUere quicquid erit. Dea sum auxilia^ Cornua, cum spicis nitido flaventibus auro, ris, opemque Et regale degvis; cum quSi latrator AnubiSj Esorata fero. Nee te coluisse quereris 362 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The Goddess ceas'd, and from the chamber fled. Up-springs the dame, elated, from her bed, Lifts her pure hands to Phoebus' orient beam, 895 And sues the Gods to verify her dream. A female babe is born ; her pains reliev'd, The sex is hid, the father is deceiv'd. No babbling tongues the project counteract, None but the nurse is witness to the fact. 900 Ligdus with votive mirth the hours beguil'd, And_, from its grandsire, Iphis nam'd the child. Pleas'd Telethusa hails the name with joy ; (The name is common, fit for girl or boy ;) Thus pious stratagem conceals the truth : 905 In man's apparel walks the seeming youth ; Nor does the face, in infancy, perplex The mother's plan ; 'tis fair for either sex. Now thirteen springs had blossom'd o'er her head, When prudent Ligdus thinks 'tis time to wed; 910 And culls the fairest of the Phaestian fair, Renown'd lanthe, with her golden hair : Telestes was her sire ; her nation, Crete ; Equal M ere both in years, in form complete ; Together school'd, together they engage 915 In infant studies suited to their age : Love in their simple hearts an entrance found. Love pierc'd their bosoms with a mutual wound : Jiigratum nuraen. Monuit, thalamdque Impercepta pia mendacia fraude latebant. recessit. 700 Cultus erat pueri: facies, quam sive pu- Lseta toro surgit, purisque ad sidera sup- ellje, 711 plex [precatur. Sive dares puero, fieret formosiis uterque. Cressa inanus tollens, rata sint sua visa Tertius interea decimo successerat annus; Vt dolor increvit; seque ipsum poudus Cim pater, Iphi, tibi flavam despondet in auras lanthen, Expiilit, et nata est ignaro fcemina patri ; Inter Phoestiadas quae laudatissima formse Jussit ali mater, puerum mentita: fidem- Dote fait virgo, Dictso nataTeleste. 716 que 705 Par aslas, par forma fuit : primasque ma- Res habuit : neque erat facti nisi conscia gistris nutrix. ■ [turn. Accepere artes elementa setatis ab is- ^ota pater solvit, nomenque imponit avi- dem. Iphis avus fuerat. Gavisa est nomine Hinc amor ambarum tetigit rude pectus : mater, et asquum Quod commune foret, nee queuquam Vulnus utrique tulit. Sed erat fiducia falleret iUo. dispar. 730 BOOK IX. S63 How opposite the effect ! Without a sigh, lanth^ sees the appointed hour draw nigh, 920 Anticipates with joy the wedded state, Nor doubts the manhood of her future mate. Iphis is sad, despairing to possess That which she loves ; yet loves she not the less. She sorrows that a maid a maid inflames, 925 And thus, soft-melting into tears, exclaims : *^ What new event draws on ? what strange desires Usurp my soul ? what monstrous passion fires ? Did fate for this to wretched life decoy ? To slay were kind, 'twere mercy to destroy ; 930 If punishment, not death, be heaven's high will. Why not some usual scourge, some common ill ? Cows love not cows ; no mare a mare pursues ; Bucks pair with does, and rams unite with ewes ; So couple birds ; in water, earth, or skies, 935 No female bosom for a female sighs. Would 1 were man ! How fatal this deceit ! What various monsters taint thy bosom, Crete ! Love of a bull here smote Apollo's child ; The sex was proper, tho' the passion wild. 940 Mine is the direr lot ; my amorous pain, Tho' less deprav'd than her's, is more insane : A seeming cow her native form effac'd. The lordly bull a seeming cow embrac'd, Conjugii pactaeque exspectat tempora Nee vaccani vaccae, nee equas amor urit tasdae, [credit lanthe. equarum. 730 Quimque virum putat esse, suum fore XTrit oves aries : sequitur sua femina cer- Iphis amat, qu^ posse frui desperat, et vum. [cuiicta auget [virgo. Sic et aves coeunt : interque animalia Hoc ipsum flammas : ardetque in virgine FiEmina fosniinea correpta cupidine nulla Vixque tenens lacrymas, Quis me manet est. exitus, iiiquit, 725 Vellem nulla forera. Ne non tameu omnia Coguita quam nulli, quam prodigiosa, Crete 734 novaeque Monstra ferat ; taurum dilexit filia Soils, Cura tenet Veneris ? si Di mihi parcere Foeuiina nempe marem. Meus est furio- vellent ; sior illo, [Perdere debuerant: si non et perdere Si verum profitemur, amor. Tamen ilia vellent ;] secuta est Katurale malum saltern et de more de- Spem Veneris : tamen ilia dolls et ima- dissent. gine vacca; NO. X. Aaa 364 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Nor knew the cheat : but were the globe my lot, 945 Were the globe's cunnmg center'd in this spot. Should Daedalus himself, on waxen wing, Fly back to Crete, what solace could he bring ? Not e'en his art could war with nature's plan. And make or Iphis or lanth^ man. 950 Arouse thee, Iphis ! wake to sense and shame j Dispel this foolish love, this idle flame ; Think on thy sex ; with lawful passion fraught. Seek what thou should'st, and love as woman ought. Hope, that inspires the youth, and melts the fair, 955 Beams not for thee ; thy portion is despair : No watchful guards thy fetter'd footsteps trace. No jealous husband checks the stolen embrace ; Thine is thy sire's consent, the maid's free-will, Yet love eludes, enjoyment flies thee still. Q60 That which thou seek'st, to cause thee to attain, Gods would decree, and mortals toil, in vain. AH, all is mine ; youth, health, my native isle ; Earth nods, and heaven itself appears to smile ; My sire, lanthe's self, lanthe's sire, 965 Bend to my wish, and grant what I require ; But nature's voice, omnipotent above Youth, father, bride, and all, forbids our love. On flies, on wings of down, the hour divine. The hour ordain'd to make lanthe mine ; 970 Passa bovem est : et erat, qui deciperetur, Arcet ab amplexu, nee cauti cura mari> adulter. ti. 750 Hue licit & toto solertia confluat orbe, 740 Non patris asperitas, nou se negat ipsa Ipse licit revolet ceratis Dsedalus alls ; roganti. [nia fiant. Quid faciei? num me puerum de virgine Nee tamen est potiunda tibi: nee, ut om- doctis Esse potes felix; ut Dique hominesque Artibus efficiet ? num te mutabit lanthe ? laborent. [vana meorum : Quinanimum firmas, tequeipsa recblligis, [Nunc quoque votorum pars nulla est Iphi: Dlque mihi faciles, quidquid valuere, de- Consiliique inopes et stultos excutis ig- derunt.] 735 nes? 745 Qu6dque ego, v.ult genitor, vult ipsa, so- Quid sis nata vide : (nisi te quoque deci- cirque futurus : [istis ; pis ipsam) [na debes. At non vult Natura, potentior omnibus Et pete quod fas est: et ama, quod foemi- Quee raihi sola nocet. Venit ecce opia- [Spes est quas capiat: spes est qua; pascat bile tempus : amorem,] Luxque jugalis adest: ut jam mea fiat Ilanc tibi res adimit : non te custodia caro lanthe ; BOOK IX. 365 Mine ? Vain illusion ! on the water's brink. Both shall complain of thirst, yet neither drink. Hence, great Lucina, harbinger of bliss ! Why speed'st thou. Hymen, to a fane like this ? Can ye, — ah no! high heaven the thought derides ; 975 Without one bridegroom, make two maidens brides ? " She ceas'd. lanthe, bath'd in pleasure's trance, Invokes young Hymen, chides his slow advance ; In fancy's dream her plighted Iphis weds, And courts the hour that Telethusa dreads. 980 She, wretched matron, strives, by many a trick, To elude the day ; now feigning Iphis sick. Now raising omens, now inventing dreams, Till, having driven excuses to extremes, In rapid perspective the hour is seen, 985 And but a single day intrudes between. Now from her daughter's forehead, and her own. Trembling with fear, the dame unbinds the zone ; With hair dishevell'd clasps the sacred fane. And on bent knee thus vents a mother's pain : 990 " Isis, dread queen, whose nod thy slave obeys. Whose mighty sceptre Paraetonium sways. Whose power o'er Mareotis' meadow spreads. Pharos' tall tower, and Nilus' winding heads. Help, help, great Isis ! bid our fears subside ; 995 Thee, and the ensigns of thy power beside. ;Nec mihi continget. Mediis sitiemus in Visdque causatur. Sed jam consumserat undis. 760 omnem Pronuba quid Juno, quid ad liac, Hyme- Materiam ficti : dilatique tempora taedae nase, venitis [mus ambse? Institerant; uniisque dies restabat: at Sacra : quibus qui ducat abest, ubi nubi- ilia 76g Pressit ab liis vocem. Nee leniiis altera Crinalem capiti vittam nataeque sibique virgo [precatur. Eetrahit: et passis aram complexa capil- ^stuat: utque celer venias, Hjmenase, lis, [ronque Quod petit haic, Teletliusa timens, modb Isi, Parastoniutn, Mareoticaque arva, Plia- tempora diiFert: 765 Quae colis, et septem digestum in cornua Nunc ficto languore moram trahit. Om- Nilum; [dere timori. ina ssepe, Fer, precor, inquit, opem ; nostroque me- $66 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Thy sacred train, their cymbals, and their fires, I once beheld, and bow'd to thy desires. That I 'scap'd blame, an unsuspected wife. That this poor trembling virgin 'scap'd with life, 1000 To thee is due. Then, Oh ! thy power resume ; Fulfil thy promise and avert our doom." She wept. The queen her votary's prayer approves ; The altar seems to move ; nay^ more, it moves ; The cymbals clash, a trembling shakes the doors, 1005 And horns, like Dian's, gleam athwart the floors. Back from the temple, Telethusa turns. And while, elated at the omen, burns Her heart with joy, half-check'd with doubt and dread, Lo ! Iphis follows with a bolder tread : 1010 The ivory white forsakes her visage now. Red glows her cheek, and sterner bends her brow ; Short in her neck her uncomb'd tresses curl ; With added vigour stalks the alter'd girl : O'er all her frame, the change impetuous ran, 1015 And Iphis, once a maid, is now a man. Haste, blameless pair, the sacred incense shower ; Hail, with no timid faith, great Isis' power, 'Tis done : they tend their gifts in votive strain. And, in brief verse, thus consecrate the fane : 1020 " Iphis, with manly attributes endow'd, Here pours the offerings maiden Iphis vow'd." Te Dea, te quondam, tuique hsec insig- Mater abit templo. Sequitur comes Iphis niavidi: 775 euntem, 785 Cunctaque cognovi; comitesque, faces- Quam solLta est, majore gradu: nee can- que, soni'imque [notavi. dor in ore [ipse est Sistrorum, mem6rique animo tua jussa Permanet; et vires augenlur; et acrior Quod videt heec lucem, quod nou ego pu- Vultus: et incomtis brevior ruensura ca- nlor ipsa ; [rere duarum, pillis. [na. Jam, quje Consilium, monitumque tuum est. Mise- Plusque vigoris adest, liabuit quam foemi- Auxilioque juva. Lacrymae sunt verba Foemina nuper eras, puer es. Date mu- secutEe. 780 nera templis: 790 Visa Dea est movisse suas (et moverat) Nee timida gaudete fide. Dant munera aras. [uaiu templis. Et templi tremuere fores, imitatdque Lu- Addunt et titulum: titul us breve carmen Cornua fulserunt; crepuitque sonabile liabebat: sistnim. [Iceta Dona puer solvit, quae foemina voverat, ]Slon secura quidem, fausto tamen omiiie Iphis. BOOK IX. 367 Bright in the east now rosy morn is seen. When heaven's high empress, and Idalia's queen, Leagued with young Hymen, o'er the rites preside, 1025 And a glad bridegroom clasps a willing bride. Postera lux radiis latum patefecerat or- Conveuiunt: potiturque sui puer Iphis hem; [us ad ignes lanthe. 799 Cilm Venus, et Juno, socidsque Hymenas- i' OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. BOOK X. THE ARGUMENT. The Nuptials of Orpheus and EurydicL — Her Death, — The Transforma- tion of Cyparissus. — The Song of Orpheus ; containing the Ascent of Ganymede, the Destruction of Hyacinthus by Apollo, the Transforma- tion of the CerastcB and Propcetidce, Pygmalion and the animated Statue, Story of Cinyras and Myrrha, the Birth of Adonis, Venus re- lates to him the Fable of Hippomenes and Atalanta. — The Song of Orpheus concludes with the Death qf Adonis. _L HENCE thro' unmeasur'd air^ in saffron vest, Hymen to distant Thrace his course address'd. To smile propitious on the nuptial fane, Orpheus invokes him, but invokes in vain. He comes : but luckless signs the bard affright ; 5 No ray of gladness gilds the glooiny rite ; His slow advance no lucky omen spoke : Whirl'd in the air, his torch, surcharg'd with smoke, Cast o'er the couple no refulgent fire : Dire was the omen, but the event more dire, 10 INDE per immensum croceo velatus Nee Ixtos vultus, nee felix attulit o- amictu [ad oras men. 5 Aera digreditur, Ciconfimque Hymenaeus Fax quoque, quam tenuit, lacrymoso stri» Tendit ; et Orphei nequiequam voee vo- dula fumo, catur. Utque fuit, nullos invenit motibus ignes. Adfuit ille quidera: sed nee solennia Esitus auspicio graWor: nam nupU, pM verba, herbas BOOK X. 369 For whilst, attended by her virgin train, Eurydic^ roams sportive o'er the plain, A venom'd snake assails her heel ; she flies, Alas, too late! she shudders, sinks and dies. Her, when awhile the bard on earth deplores, 15 He boldly ventures on Avernus' shores ; Thro' the Taenarian gate he speeds his flight To Styx, enshrouded in the gloom of night ; And seeks, enthron'd in dark Tartarean glades. Fair Ceres' daughter and the king of shades : 20 Then thus bespeaks the potentates of hell. In sounds, soft warbled to his tuneful shell : " Ye powers, deep-seated in the lap of earth. To whose dark cavern all of mortal birth Must sink at last ! If, rending falsehood's veil, 0,5 Plain truth may utter an unvarnish'd tale, Know, that from upper earth I hither haste. Not idly bent to explore this unknown waste. Nor aiming with my feeble arm to quell The snaky-crested, three-neck'd dog of hell. 30 My spouse 1 seek ; for her the lyre I wake ; Her, in whose sportive heel a trodden snake Instill'd its venom with remorseless tooth. And shook to earth the blossom'd sweets of youth. My lot, thus sunder'd from the bridal fair. So Patient I strove, but strove in vain, to bear ; Dum nova Naiadum turbi comitata va- Sic ait : O positi sub terri numina mundi, gatur. In quem recidimus, quicquid mortale cre- Occidit, in talum serpenlis dente recep- amur; to. 10 Si licet, et, falsi positis ambagibus oris, Quam satis ad superas postquam Rhodo- Vera loqui sinitis : non hue, ut opaca vi- peius auras derem 20 Deftevit vates : ne non tentaret et umbras, Tartara, descendi; nee uti villosa colu- Ad Styga Tsenariil est ausus descenders bris porta. [sepulcris Terna Medusasi viacircm guttura monstri. Perque leves populos simulacrique functa Causa viae conjux : in quam calcata ve- Persephonen adiit, inamoendque regna te- nenum [annos. nentem 13 Vipera diffudit; crescent^sque abstulit Vmbrarum dominuiia: puUisque ad car- Fosse pati volui: nee me teatasse nega- tnina ner\'is bo. 3S 370 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Love conquer'd all, a power well-known above. But whether Pluto's court e'er bow'd to love. Is lost in doubt. No ! hence, desponding fear ! Hope whispers, love is e'en triumphant here. 40 Fair Proserpine (if ancient tales be true) Can tell that Cupid weaves a chain for you. Oh ! by these plains, a prey to wild affright, By Chaos, and the silent realms of night, The sunder'd thread of life unite once more, 45 And to these arms Eurydice restore. All born of earth must plough the Stygian wave, And, soon or late, all seek one equal grave ; Hither we tend — this our allotted place — Your downward stream engulphs all human race : 50 Hither, when time shall blight her vernal bloom. My spouse must speed ; Oh ! check, till then, her doom. But if ye still demand her forfeit life. Take, ruthless powers, the husband with the wife : Both shar'd on earth the scenes of joy and woe, 55 And both shall mingle with the ghosts below." He ceas'd. To hear the strain, thin shades drew near, And listening spectres dropp'd the silent tear : Charm'd by the lay, awhile the vultures shun To tear the liver of Elara's son ; 60 Lo ! Tantalus to catch the illusive rill No longer stoops ; Ixion's wheel stands still : Vicit Amor. Superb Deus hie bene notus Hiimani generis longissima regna tene- in or^ est. [auguror esse. tis. .35 An sit et hie, dubito: sed et lilc tamen Haec qiioque, cim justos matura perege- FamSquesi veterisnou estmentitarapinse, rit annos, [usum. Vos quoque junxit Amor. Per ego haec Juris erit vestrl. Pro munere poscimus loca plena timoris, Qu6d si fata negant veniam pro conjuge. Per Chaos lioc iugens, vastlque silentia certum est [rum. regni, 30 Nolle redire mihi. Letho gaudete duo- Eurydiees oro properata retexite fila. Talia dicentem, uerv6sque ad verba mo- Omnia debemur vobis : paulumque mora- ventem, 40 ti, Exsangues flebant animas. Nee Tantalus Seriis aut citiis sedera properamus ad undam [orbis. unam. Captd%-it refugam: stupultque Ixionis Xendimus hue omnes. Hasc est domus Nee carpsere jecur volucres, urnisque ultima: v6sque vacarunt BOOK X. 371 Thy stone, O Sisyphus ! no longer turns, And Belus' daughters rest upon their urns ; Then first, by music mov'd, as rumour speaks, 65 Relenting tears bedew'd the Furies* cheeks. His prayer is granted : hell's terrific God, And hell's fair Goddess, acquiescent nod. Eurydice is call'd : from Lethe's side. Slow from her woiuid, forth halts the shadowy bride. 70 '^ Fly," cries the monarch, " from the realms of hell ; Take hence thy wife ; but mark the compact well : As on thou journeyest, thro' Avemus' glade, Should'st thou look back, thy bride returns a shade." Up a tall steep, they take their joyful flight, 75 Arduous, obscure, and hid in viewless night. Earth's glimmering border Orpheus now survey 'd ; When, fearing lest his spouse might faint for aid. Back glanc'd his eye, when, lo ! devoid of life. Back to Avernus flits his forfeit wife : 80 He sees her sink ; he views, in wild despair. Her outstretch'd hands, and grasps impassive air. No sounds reproachful from his consort fell : For who can blame a heart that loves too well ? " Adieu ! " she sigh'd : his ear scarce caught the strain, When down to Styx she sunk a ghost again. 86 Stunn'd with amazement, speechless, void of breath, Her widow'd mate beheld her second death. Belides: inquetuo sedisti, Sisyphe.saxo. Nee procaJ abfuerunt telluris margins Turn primdm lacrymis victaium carmine siimmEe. 55 fama est 43 Hie, ne deficeret, metuens, avidusque vi- Eumenidum maduisse geuas: nee regia dendi, [lapsa est; conjux Flexit amans oculos: et protinus ilia re- Sustinet oranti, nee qui regit ima, negare : Brachiique intendens, prendique et prea- Eurydicenque vocant. Umbras eral ilia dere certans, recentes Nil nisi cedentes infelix arripit auras. 59 Inter: et incessit passu de vulneretardo. J^mqueiterummoriensnonestdeconjuge Hane simul, et legem Rhodopeiusaccipit quicquam [amatam? heros, 50 Questa suo : quid enim sese quereretur Neflectat retro sua lumina; donee Aver- Supremuraque vale, quod jam vix auribut nas ille [dem est. Exierat valles: aut irrita dona futura. Aeciperet, dixit: revolutique rursus e6- Carpituracclivuspermutasilentiatrames, Non aliter stupuit gemin^ nece cODJugis Arduus, obscuru», caligine densua opac^ Orpheus, Bbb 372 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. So look'd the hiad^ when on the Phrygian plains The dog's three necks, the midmost bright with chains, 90 Broke on his view : astonish'd at the shock. His bloodless body hardeu'd into rock. So Olenus appear'd, v\ hen, impious grown. Daring to make his spouse's guilt his own. He saw her boasted breasts of marble-white, QS To marble turn on humid Ida's height. Oft strives the bard to pass the gulph once more. But ruthless Charon drives him from the shore. Fix'd on the bank seven days, devoid of food^ Sorrowing and comfortless, the mourner stood. 100 Tears were his drivik ; his aliment, despair ; Till, scorning hell, and hell's imperial pair. O'er Haemus, beaten by the boisterous north. And Rhodope's tall steep, he rushes forth. Whate'er the cause, whether his luckless vows, 10^ Or plighted faith with his departed spouse, Thrice thro' the Zodiac, Sol had driven above. And found him heedless still of woman's love. Many the Nymphs, who sought his love to gain ; Many the Nymphs, who sought his love in vain. 1 10 From him, their ancient founder, spraug the race, Who, youth-enauiour'd, on the shores of Thrace, Averse from Cupid and his amorous strife, Cull the short spring and early flowers of life. Quam tria qui timidus, medio portante Esse Deos Erebi crudeles questus, in ai- catenae, 65 tarn CoUa canis vidit : quern non pavor anti Se recipit Rhodopen, pulsumque Aquilo- reliquit, [oborto : nibus Hzemon. Qu^tn natura prior, saxo per corpus Tertius asquoreisincIusumPiscibusannom Quiqiie ia se crimen traxit; voluitque vi- iinierat Titan : ooinentque refugerat Oi^ deri [rse, pheiis Olenosesse nocens: tuque, 6 confisa figu- Foemiueam Venerem; seu qu^d maU ces- Infelix Lethasa, tuse; junclissima quon- serat illi; 80 dam 70 Sive fidem dederat. Multas tamen ardor Pectora, nunc lapides, quos liumida sus- habebat tiiiet Ide. [lentem, Jiingere se vati ; multae doluere repulsae. Orantem, frustrdque iterum transire vo- Ille etiam Thracuin populis fiiit auctor, Portitor arcuerat. Septem tamen ille di- amorem ebus [sedit. In teneros transferre mares: citrique jifr Squallidus in ripa Cereris sin^ munere ventam Cura, doI6rque animi, lacryma^que ali- ^tatis breve ver, et primes carpere flo> ment? fuere. 7^ res. S5 BOOK X. 373 Tliere stood a mountain, on whose towering head, 115 Wide, void of shade^ a grassy meadow spread. Here, while, harmonious as his radiant sire, Orpheus reclin'd, and struck his golden lyre, Trees, gathering round, his godlike power bespoke : The ponlar tall, the wide-expanding oak, 120 Join the sort ten, and first the meadow reach ; The brittle hazel next ; the mountain beech ; The wild-ash, hewn in spears, when clarions stir Assembled chiefs to war ; the knotless fir ; The lotos red, in marshy lowlands found ; 1*25 The tree of heavenly Jove with acorns crownM ; The plant whose smiles Apollo sought in vain ; The mottled maple and the genial plane ; The tamarisk ; the willow, whose green locks Trail o'er the stream ; the ever-verdant box ; 1 30 The flowery myrtle ; the green-berried tine ; The tendrill'd ivy and the branching vine ; The sable pitch-tree, with expanded root ; The slender cherry, red with nodding fruit ; The lofty elm, with creeping vines o'erspread ; 1 35 The bending palm, that graces Victory's head ; And that rough tree whose branching foliage nods, Lov'd by the mighty mother of the Gods, Since youthful Attis, to her fondness blind. Slept in its core, and harden'd in its rind. 140 Collis erat, coUemque super planissima Amnicolaeque simul salic«s, el aquatica campj lotos, Area: quam viridem faciebant gratninis Perpetuoque virens buxus, tenuesquemy- herbas. ricje, Umbra loco deerat. Qua postquam parte Et bkolor myrtus, et baccis caerula tinus: resedit Vos quoque flexipedes hederse venistis, et Dts genitus vates, et fila sonantia movit; una Umbra loco venit. Non Chaoois abfuit Pampiueae vites, et amictae vitibus ul- arbos, gO mi ; 100 Non nemus Heliadum, non frondibus es- Ornique, et picea;, pom6que onerata ru- culus altis, [rus, benti UTec tiliae molles,necfagus,et innuba lau- Arbutus, et lentse victoris praemia palma: : Et coryli fragiles, et fraxinus utilis hastis, Et succincta comas, hirsutdque vertice Enodisque abies, curvatique glandibus pinus; Attis ilex. Grata Dei^m matri ; siquidem Cybeleius JEt platanus genialis, acerque coloribus Exuit hac hominem, truncoque induruit JTipar, 95 illo. JOS 374 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Dear to the God, who awes, yet charms the throng, Who strings the bow for war, the harp for song, Thither, a youth of yore, but now a shade. Small by degrees, the mournful Cypress stray 'd. _ A giant stag once cours'd Carthaea's glades, 145 Admir'd, nay, worshipp'd, by the sylvan maids : Antlers of gold rose glittering on his head. Round his sieek throat, a chain of jewels spread. Fell on his shoulder ; fix'd by leathern ties, A ball of silver play'd between his eyes, 1.50 And brazen drops, suspended from the ear, Beam'd on the hollow temples of the deer. His timorous nature cast aside, he ran Oft, fond and fearless, to the haunts of man ; And proffer'd oft, with not a doubt to check, 155 E'en to a stranger's patting hand, his neck. Belov'd of all, he roam'd : but whose soft care, Fond Cyparissus, could with thine compare ? lioveliest of Cea's sons, 'twas thine to lead The stag, light-bounding, to some greener mead, l60 Or clearer spring ; delighted, to adorn With wreaths of blooming flowers each polish'd horn ; Or mount his back, and guide, with purple rein. Now here, now there, thy playmate o'er the plain. It chanc'd that Sol, in Cancer's hot embrace, l65 Blaz'd in meridian fervor o'er the f)lace : Adfuit liuic turbse metas imitata cu- Isque metu vacuus, naturalique pavore pressus, Deposito, celebrare domos, mulcend£que Nunc arbor, puer ant^ Deo dilectus ab colla [bat. illo, Quamlib^t ignotis manibus praebere sole- Qui citharam nervis, et nervis temperat Sed tamen ante alios, Cese pulcherrime arcus. [ibus arva gentis, 120 Namque sacer Nymphis Carthasa tenent- Gratus erat, Cyparisse, tibi. Tu pabula Ingens cervus erat : lateque patentibus cervUQi altas 110 Ad nova, tu liquid! ducebas fontis ad un- Ipse sue capidprsebebatcornibus umbras: dam: Cornua fulgebant auro : demissique in Tu modo texebas varios per cornua flores : armos Nunc eques in tergo residens, hue latus Pendebant tereti gemmata monilia coUo. et illuc Bulla super frontem parvis argentea loris Mollia purpureis frsenabas ora capis* Vincta laovebatur: parilique ex aere ni- tris. 123 tebant 115 jEstus erat, mediusque dies: Solisque va* Auribus in geminis circimi cava tempera pore baccas. Concava littorei fervebant brachia Cancri. BOOK X. 375 Down lay the stag, beneath a cooling shade, Supine and panting on the grassy glade. Thither young Cyparissus strays ; his spear Is hurl'd, it flies, it strikes the unknown deer; 170 But when he views his darling weltering there. How longs the boy the death he dealt to share ! The radiant God thus strives to yield relief : " The loss is trivial, trivial be the grief; For what thou'st done thy tears have well aton'd; 175 Then groan no more : " yet still the stripling groan'd ; And pray'd of heaven, his last request, to doom His life to waste in everlasting gloom. When lost in tears, the blood his veins forsakes; His every limb a grassy hue partakes ; 180 His flowing tresses, stiff and bushy grown. Point to the stars, and taper to a cone. Now Phcfibus thus : '* Ah ! youth, belov'd in vain. Long shall thy boughs the gloom I feel retain : Henceforth, when mourners grieve, their grief to share. Emblem of woe, the cypress shall be there." 186 Such were the trees that own'd the magic sound ; When now, while listening birds and beasts surround The bard, reclining in the jiew-form'd shade, His hand in prelude first the strings essay'd; IQO And when each varying tone, or weak or strong. Fitly accords, he thus pours forth his song : Fessus in herbosvl posuit sua corpora terra Et niod6, qui uivea pendebant fronte Cervus: et arborcil ducebat frigus ab capilli, umbra. Horrida caesaries fieri ; surat6que rigore Ilunc puer imprudens jaculo Cyparissus Sidereum gracili spectare cacnmine coe- acuto 130 lum. 140 Fixit: et, ut sasvo morientem vulnere vi- Ingemuit, tristisque Deus.Lugebere nobis, dit, ' [Phoebus Lugebisque alios, aderisque dolentibus, Velle mori statuit. Qua5 noli solatia inquit. [rarum Dixit? et ut leviter, pro materiaque do- Tale nemus vates attraxerat: iaque fe- leret, [supremum Concilio medius, turbae volucrumque se- Adnionuit. Gemit ilie tamen : munusque debat. Hoc petit a Superis; ut tempore lugeat Ut satis impulsas tentavit pollice chor- omni. 1.35 das; 145 -Timque, per immensos pgesto sanguine Et sensit varies, quamvis diversa sona- fletus, [rem; rent, [movit: In viridem verti coeperunt membra colo- Concordare modes ; hoc vocem carmioe $76 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. " O parent Muse ! with Jove commence the lay ; All nature bows to Jove's imperial sway. Oft have I chaunted in heroic strains, 195 His thunder, scatter'd o'er Phlegraea's plains. To blast the giants with avenging fire. Now, Muse, to milder numbers wake the lyre : Of youths, the favourites of the powers above, Of girls, the victims of licentious love, 200 Sing, heavenly queen. From state majestic freed. The king of Gods once glow'd for Ganymede. Strait wills the thunderer, for his favourite's sake, A shape less lofty than his own to take. He soars a bird ; yet scorns a meaner form 205 Than his, who wings his thunder thro' the storm : On eagle-pinions borne, to earth he flies. And upward bears the Trojan to the sides ; Who now prepares the cup, with nectar stor'd. In Juno's spite, at Jove's imperial board. 210 Thee, Hyacinthus, too, if fate had given Time for the deed, my sire had plac'd in heaven ; Yet, in some sort, eternity is thine. Oft as the beams of vernal Phoebus shine. And his full orb, dispelling winter, turns 215 From humid Pisces, and in Aries burns, Thou lift'st thy head with renovated powers. And the green meadows bloom with brighter flowers. Ab Jove, Musa parens, (cedunt Jovis om- Dignatur, nisi quae possit sua fulmina nia regno) [ssepe potestas ferre. Carmina nostra move. Jovis est mihi Nee mora: percusso mendacibus aere Dicta priis. Cecini plectro graviore Gi- pennis gantas, 150 ^bripit Iliaden. Qui nunc quoque pocu- Sparsilquc Phlegraiis victricia fulmina la miscet, 160 campis. [canamus Invitaque Jovi nectar Junone ministrat. Nunc opus est leviore lyr^: puer<5sque Te quoque, Amyeiide, posuisset in Dilectos Superis; inconcessisque puellas aethere Phoebus ; Ignibus atlonitas meruisse libidine pee- Tristia si spatium ponendi fata dedissent. nam. Qua licet, aeternus tamen es: quotiesqu» Kex Superftm I'hrygii quondam Ganyme- repellit dis ;.more 155 Ver hyemem, Piscique ^ries succedit Arsit: et inventum est aliquid, quod Ju- aquoso : 165 piter esse, [alite verti Tu toties oreris: viridique in cespite flo- Quara quod erat, mallet. Nulla tamen res. BOOK X. 377 My father lov'd thee. Spurning glory's call, Eurotas' bank, and Sparta void of wall, 220 With thee, his guide, enamour'd Phoebus trod. And Delphi mourn'd its alienated God : H is twanging bow, his harp, no longer sounds ; He spreads the sylvan net, he leads the hounds With Hyacinthus, o'er the rocks, for game, 0,25 And by continual presence feeds the flame. Now equi-distant plac'd 't^vixt either night. Far-darting Titan cast meridian light : Both strip, both bathe in olive oil, adroit For manly contest with the massy quoit. 23Q First throws tlie God : aloft the circle flies. And cleaves with whizzing speed th' opposing skies ; In length of time, fleet monument of toil And matchless skill, it seeks the solid soil : Meanwhile the boy, whose frolic joys absorb 235 All thought of fear, prepares to seize the orb ; When, lo ! the quoit o'erleaps the n^easur'd space, Bounds, slanting from tlie goal, and strikes his face. Pale grew the cheek of bolh ; Apollo prest The youth's cold members to his burning breast ; 240 He stops awhile the blood ; awhile he curbs The flying soul with medicated herbs. Vain all his efforts : mortal is the wound. As, smitten by a casual blow to ground. Te meus anle alios genitor dilexit: et or- Mhit, et oppositas disjccitpondere nubes, bis Recidit in solidam longo p6st tempore In medio positi carueruntpraeside Delphi; terrara 180 Cum Deu3 Eurotan, immunitimque fre- Pondus: et exiiibuit juuctam cum viiibus quentat artem. Sparten; nee citharse, nee suut iii honore Protmus imprudens, actiisque cupiiiine sagittiE. 170 ludi, Immemor ipse sul nonretia ferre recusal; ToUere Taenarides orbera properabat: at Non tenuisse canes; non per juga mon- ilium tis iuiqui [flammas. Dura repercussum subjecit in aera tellus Isse comes: longique alit assuetudine In vultus, Hyacinthe, tuos. Expalluit Jimque fer^ medius Titan venientis et Eeqii^, 183 actse Ac puer, ipse Deus : collapsosque excipit Noctis erat, spati6que pari distabat u- artus: trimque; 175 Et modb te refovet : mod6 tristia vulnera Corpora veste levant, et succo pinguis siccat: olivi £disci. Nunc animam admotis lugientem sustinet Splendescunt, ialique ineunt certamina herbis. Quern priCts aiirias libratum Phoebus In Kii prosunt artes. Erat immedicabil« auras vulnus. 378 OVID'S METAMOllPHOSES. Droops the red poppy in the meadow's walk, 245 As the pale lily bends her yellow stalk, As tender violets in garden beds Languid recline, and bow to earth their heads. So, wounded by the luckless God of day, Droop'd the pale youth and breath'd his soul away. 250 * Snatch'd in his opening bloom/ Apollo cries, ' Slain by my sins, sweet Hyacinthus dies : Yet where's the sin ? thy blood by chance was spilt. Js sport a crime ? Is too much fondness guilt ? Oh ! that this life (to blend his shade with thine) 255 For thee, and with thee, Phoebus could resign ! But, since the Fates forbid me to depart. First on my tongue, and foremost in my heart. When, tun'd to song, my lyre thy loss bemoans, Thy letter'd buds shall imitate my groans. 260 Nay, more ; ere long, Achaia's valiant chief Shall with his mighty name inscribe thy leaf/ While yet Apollo speaks, the flowing gore. That dy*d the grass with blood_, is blood no more. A flower of Tyrian splendor springs to view, 265 Shap'd like a lily, but unlike in hue ;■ (This shines in silver, that in purple glows ;) More honors yet the grateful God bestows; As, o'er the flower, his darling youth he grieves. He prints his letter'd sadness on the leaves : 270 Ut si quis violas, rigu6ve papaver in Semper eris meciim, memorique haerebis horto, 190 ia ore. Liliique infringat, fulvis hasreutia virgis; Te lyra pulsa manu, te carmina nostra Marcida demittant subit6 caput ilia gra- sonabuut: 205 vatum; [mine terram. ri6sque novus scripto gemitus imitabere Nee se sustineant; spectentque cacu- nostros. [heros Sic vultus nioriens jacet; at defecta vi- Tempus et illud erit, quo se fortissimus gore Addat in hunc florem ; folloque legatur Ipsa sibi est oneri cervix ; humeriSque re- eodem. cumbit. 193 Taliadum veromemoranturApollirilBore, J,aberis, Oebalide, prima fraudate juven- Ecce cruor, qui fusus humi signaverat ta, [vulnus. herbam, 210 Photbus ait: vide6que tuum mea crimina Desinit esse cruor: Tyri6que nitentior Tu dolor es, facinusque meum. Mea dex- ostro [si non tera leto [ris auctor. Flos oritur; formimque capit, quam lilia : Inscribenda tuo est. Ego sum tibi fune- Purpureus color liuic, argenteus esset in Qiia^ mea culpa tamen ? nisi si lusisse, illis. vocari 200 Non satis hoc Phoebo est. Is enini fuit Culpa potest. Nisi culpa potest, et auctor honoris. amasse, vocari. [ret Ipse suos gemitus foliis inscribit: et ai, Atque utinam pro te vitam, tecurave lice- ai, 21S Reddere! sed quouiatn fatali lege tene* Flos habet inscriptum: funestique littera mur; ducta est. BOOK X. 379 Sparta her stripling's memory guards with care ; E'en to this hour liis honours blossom there. She keeps her ancient usage, and proclaims. With annual splendor, Hyacinthine games. Say, Amathus, the wealthy, rich in coins, 275 Would'st thou, fair city, from ihy procreant loins Pour the Propoetidae ? attainted line ! Or would'st thou call Cerastse's offspring thine. Who, loudly blazon'd by nefarious fame, Gain'd from their foreheads, rough with horns, their name .'' Sacred to Jove, dark monument of gore ! 28 1 There a red altar rose at every door. Ye curious voyagers, to Cyprus drawn, Think not the tender lamb or suc'sing fawn Bleed, sacred tributes to the powers divine : 285 Ah, no ! the blood of man pollutes the shrine. Soft Venus, struck with horror at their guile, Shuddering, prepared to fly her favorite isle : * Yet why,' she cries, ' these reckless fields condemn ? Why harm these cities ? where 's the crime in them ? 290 Exile or death, these horrors shall requite ; Or, in some middle pain, 'twixt death and flight. Some transformation, let them mourn their shame.' While thus, suspended, broods the Idalian dame. She views their horns, and thus their fate avows : 295 ' Keep, wretches, still, the badges of your brows.' Nee genuisse pudet Sparten Hyacinthon: Lactentes vltulos, Amathusiacasve bi- honorque dentes: [faudis, Durat in hoc revi: celebrandaque more Hospes erat esesus. Sacris ofFeuba ne- priorum [pa. Ipsa suas urbes.Ophiusiaquearva paralat Annua prielat^ ledeunt Ilyacinthia pom- Deserere alma Venus. Sed quid Ipca At si fort^ roges foecundaai Amatliunta grata, quid urbes 230 metalli, 2C'0 Peccavere mes? quod crimen, dixit, in An genuisse velit Propcetidas; abnuat illis? aequ6, [pera coruu Exsilio pcenam potifis gens impia pendat, Atque illos, gemino quondam quibus as- Vel nece; vel si quid medium mortisque Frons erat; unde etiam nomen traxere fugaeque. [figurae? Cerastae. Tdque quid esse potest, nisi versae pceiia Ante fores horumstabatJovishospitisara, Dum dubitat, quomuteteos; ad cornua Lugubris scelcris ; iiuam si quis_aangjuine vultum 233 tinctam 225 Plexit, et admonita est bsec illii poss* Advena vidisset; raactatos crederet illic relinqui; Ccc 3S0 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Straight, a new form the blood-stain'd culprits gain. And roam grim bullocks o'er their native plain. Thee, too, soft queen of love, Idalia's pride ! Thee the Propoetidae, vile race, denied : 300 For this, base concubines, they felt thine ire, The first to prostitute their charms for hire. Their shame forgotten in the lewd embrace. The purple current frozen in their face. Small change remains ; no more thy power they mock : The worthless harlots harden into rock. 306 These, lost to virtue, when Pygmalion view'd. Deeming the sex alike in vice imbued, Shock'd at their crimes, from Cupid's toils he fled, Nor sought a married partner of his bed. 310 Meantime, of ivory form'd, with genius plann'd, A female statue started from his hand : As more than mortal grace her shape unfolds, He gldws with passion for the form he moulds. Life seems concenter 'd there : her lovely frame 315 Appears from motion check'd alone by shame ; So wonderful is art when veil'd by art ! He looks, he sighs, love fires his amorous heart. He handles oft her limbs with curious care. And doubts if life, or ivory, be there : 320 He talks ; he clasps the image to his breast ; Caressing her, he thinks himself caress'd. Gfandiique in torvos transformat mem- Inteiea niveum mira feliciter arte bra juvencos. Sculpit ebur; formimque dedit, qui» foe. Sunt tamen obscoenas Venercfli Propos- mina nasci [amorem. tides auses [iril Nulla potest: operisque sui concepit Esse negare Deam : ^ro quo sua numiais Virginis est verse facies ; quam vivere Corpora cum forma primas vulgasse ferun- credas : 250 tur. 240 Et, si non obstet reverentia, velle moveri. Utque pudor cessit, sanguisque induruit Ars adeo latet arte suS. Miratur, et hau- oris. rit In rigidum parvo silicem discrimine versas. Pectore Pygmalion shnulati corporis ignes. Quas quia Pygmalion sevum per crimen Saspe manus operi tentantes admovet, an agentes [ti sit "Viderat, offensus vitils, quae plurima men- Corpus, an illud ebur : uec ebur tamen I'oemincae Natura dedit, sini conjuge cce- ' esse fatetur. 255 lebs 245 Osculadat, reddiqueputat: loquiturquej Viv^bat : thalamique diu consorte carebat, tenetque : . , BOOK X. 3^1 She seems to shrink ; he deems the force too much. And fears, a bruise may follow from the touch : With glossy compliment his tongue he decks j 325 He proffers presents grateful to the sex ; Shells, painted balls, rare flowers from various stems, White lilies, amber, little birds, and gems. Loose o'er her faultless form rich garments float ; Rings grace her fingers ; diamond chains her throat ; 330 Brilliants her ears ; an amethyst her breast ; But naked loveliness becomes her best. Her polish'd limbs the enamor'd artist laid (As tho' sensation warm'd the ivory maid) High on a downy couch of Tyrian red, 335 And call'd the statue, partner of his bed. On drew the day when Cyprus' sons proclaim Thy festive honours, laughter-loving dame ! Heifers, for thee, with gilded antlers, slain. Struck by the axe, fall bleeding at the fane. 340 High fumes the incense ; with imploring sighs, Pygmalion kneels, and thus, half-doubting, cries : ' Ye heavenly powers, omnipotent to aid. Grant me, — my ivory love/ he would have said, Butcheck'd the word; and cried, * Ye powers above, 345 Grant me the likeness of my ivory love.' Venus, who read his wish, propitious bent High o'er her fane, and, omen of assent, F.t credit tactis digitos insidere membris : AppelUtque tori sociam : accUnat Ifeve feras, quibus amia dedit Natura, escere tecum, 550 lacesse : [vet stas, £t requievit, humo : pressltque et gra- Stet mihi oe maguo tua gloria. Non mo- men, et ipsum. Kec facies, nee qua V^])i$TeiB movere, le- Inque sinujuveuis posits cervirerenidens ones, ' .'. Sic ait: ac mediis interserit oscula verbis, E e e ^^ OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. ' Perchance thou'st heard of her, who, as she ra» Fleet as the wind, outstripp'd contending man ; Truth stamps the rumor ; matchless was her speed ; 715' Nor could'st thou tell, when bourvded o'er the mead The agile Nymph, which form'd her fairest grace — Or nimbleness of foot, or blown of face. Curious to learn what spouse the Fates ordain, The anxious maiden seeks the Delphic fane : 72© When thus the God : ' Fly, Atalanta, fly Connubial joys ; avoid the marriage-tie: Yet thou wilt on f till, resolute ta wed. Thyself shall, living, to thyself be dead/ Shock'd at the answer, forth the wanderer roves, 725 Dwells in dark glens and unfrequented groves> Unyok'd, and thus repels the amorous train : ' He who overpowers my feet, my hand shall gain. Be yonder plain the spot ; let him who tries To will my favor, rob me of the prize. 730 Then mark the consequence, the compact know. Love's dart awaits the swift, but Death's the slow.' These were hard terms ; yet, such her beauty's force, Her rash adorers madly brave the course. Hippomenes sat by to view the strife. 735- * What ! all this peril to obtain a wife ? The risk is theirs alone,' the youth exclaims. And, in his heart, her senseless lovers blames. Forsitaa audieris aliqivam certamine CoQditione fugat: Nee sum potiunda, ni- cursus ."560 si, inquit, Veloces superasse viros. Non fabula ru- Victa priiVs cursu. Pedibus contendite mor [posses, mecum. 5*0 Ille fuit: superabat enira. Nee dicere PFsemia veloci conjux thalamlque dabun- l/aude peduni,foiTHaene bono preestantior tur; [esto. esset. [dixit. Mors pretium tardis. Ea lex certaminis Scitanti Deus huic de conjuge, Conjuge, Ilia quidem immitis: sed (tanta polentia Nil opus est, Atalanta, tibi. Fuge conjugis formae est :) [corura. usum. 5(55 Venit ad hanc legem tcmeraria turba pro- Hec tameu effugies : teque ips^ viva ca- Sederat Hippomenes cursils spectator ini- rebis. qui: 575 Territa sorteDei peropacasinnubasylvas Et, Petitur cuiquam per tanta pericula Vivit : et instantem turbaai violenta pro- conjux ? [amores. coram Sixerat: ac xiimios ji}veuum dainnSU;art BOOK X. S9T But when he saw, unclad, her form divine, (Her form like mine, or, thou a maid, like thine,) 740 He cried, with hands uplifted, wonder-fraught, * Heroic suitors, pardon all I thought : How great the prize I knew not till I gaz'd.' Thus spoke the youth_, and kindled as he prais'd. He sighs ; he fears, some foot may reach the goal 745 Before the maiden's ; envy fires his soul : ' In yonder field, why stand not I enroll'd ? ' Apart he cries, ' heaven animates the bold/ While thus desire within his bosom stirr'd, Off scour'd the virgin, nimble as a bird ; 750 Tho', like a Scythian dart, she seem'd to trace The meadow, nou^t could hide her matchless grace. Speed added to her charms, the opposing wind Blew her light footwiogs on her heels behind : On her white back, disported in the breeze 7<55 Her lovely locks ; the ribands from her knees, Rich in embroidery, flutter'd ; while the race Threw o'er her ivory skin a ruddier grace. So, in high courts, red tapestry, display 'd On marble columns, casts a crimson shade. 760 Hipponvines admires : the race is run, The panting Nymph is crown'd, the victory won ; The vanquish'd groan, and sink into the tomb. Yet, nought affrighted at their dismal doom. Utfaciem.etposito corpus velaminevidit. Aonio visa est juveni; tamen ille decp- Qiiale meum, vel quale tuum, si fcemina rem fias; Miratur magis: et cursus facit ipse deco- Obstupuit: toUensque manus, Tgnoscite, rem. 590 dixit, 580 Aura refert oblata citis talaria plantis: Quos modi) cylpavi- no,nd.um milii pr5s- Tergaque jact?ntur crines per eburnea, ti'.ia nota, quaeque Quae peteretis, erant. Laudando couci- Poplitibus suberautpicto genualia limbo: pit ifrnem; Inque puellaji corpus candore ruborem Et, ne quis juvenum currat velociis, op- Traxerat. Ilaud alitor, quam ciim super tat: [hujus atria velum 5@5 Invidiaque timet. Sed cur certaminis Cand,ida purpujeum simulatas inficit um- Intentata mihi fortuna relinquitur? in- bras. [mametaest: quit. 585 Dum nolat hoec hospes ; decursa novis&i- Audeiitcs Deus ipse juvat. Dum talia Et tegitur festa victrix Atalanta coron|. spcum Dant gemitum victi; penauntque ex fe. Exigit Ilippomenes; passu yolat alite dere pcenas. virgo, [sagiua Non tamen eveiitu juyenuin deterritus Qfix quanquam Scythici non secius ire horum £09 398 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Up starts the youth, and, pointing at her foes, 7o5 ' How poor thy boast,' he cries, * in conquering those ! Contend with me ; if fate my efforts crown, Blush not; in wedding me, thou'lt wed renown. My sire was Megareus ; Onchestius gave Him to the world ; the monarch of the wave 770 Begat Onchestius : thus by birth I spring, Fourth in descent, from boundless Ocean's king. Nor less my virtue than my lofty line ; If conquest crown thee, what a wreath is thine ! * Him Atalanta, with relenting breast, 77S Doubtful^ if conquest or defeat were best. Beholding, thus exclaims : * What power on high, Foe to the comely, bids this stripling die ? Why seek my hand, when he who faulters dies ? Methinks the risk is greater than the prize. 780 'Tis not his form, tho' that, I own, has charms ; *Tis not his face, his tender age alarms : What the' he boldly stand on ruin's verge ! What tho' he spring from him who rules the surge ! What tho' so vast his love, that, if he fail, 78S Death appears trivial, balanc'd in the scale ! Still would I shun him. Hence ! aspire no more ; Thou wedd'st with death, my couch is steep'd in gore. Some prudent maiden may thy love requite ; No other maiden can thy passion slight ; 790 Constitit in medio; vultuque in virgine Perderevult; charseque jubet discrimine fixo, [inertes ? vitae Quid facilem titulum siiperando quasris Conjugiuni petere lioc ? non sum me ju- Mecum confer, ait. Sen me fortuua po- dice tanti. [quoque tangi. tentem Nee forma tangor. Poteram tamen hie Fecerit ; a tanto non indignabere vinci. Sed quod adliuc puer est. TSon me mo- Namque raihi genitor Megareus, Onclies- vet ipse, sed a:tas. 615 tiusilli; 6o5 Quid, qu6d inest virtus, at mens interrita Est Neptunus avus ; pronepos ego regis leti ? aquarum. [liabebis Quid, qu6d ab aequorei numeratur origine Nee virtus citra genus est. Seu vincar, quartus? [bia nostra, Hippomeue victo magnum et memorabile Quid, qu6d amat, tantique putat connu- nomen, Ut pereat ; si me Fors illi dura negSrit? Talia dicentem molli Sclioeiieia vultu Dum licet, hospes, abi; tlialamosque re. Aspicit: et dubitat, superaii an vinrere linque cruentos. 620 malit. 610 Conjugium crudele meum est. Tibi nu- Atqueita; Quis Deus hunc formosis, in- beie nulla quit, iniquus Nolet : ct optari potes k sapiente puelli. BOOK X. 399 Yet why, so many slain, lament I one ? Let the rash stripling on his ruin run. Since, weary of his life, with madness fraught. He deems the slaughter of his rivals nought. What ! die, because he pines with me to dwell ! 795 Shall death reward the heart that loves so well ? Conquest will ne'er repay so vile a fault ; Yet sure the fault's not mine ; halt, stripling! halt; Or, if still daring, prithee win the race. Oh, what a virgin-bloom adorns that face ! 800 Why did'st thou ever view me, wretched boy ? Life and life's sweets thou'rt worthy to enjoy : And, but that fate forbids me e'er to wed. Thou, thou alone, should'st share my nuptial bed.' Thus she : whilst o'er her bosom Cupid steals ; 805 Yet from that bosom hides the love it feels. Loud for the race, her sire, the people, cry ; When thus Hippomenes, with suppliant sigh, My aid implores : ' May she, who woke my fires. Assist my hopes, and aid what she inspires ! ' 810 The prayer to heaven, propitious Zephyr brought : I nod assent, and give the aid he sought. In Cyprus' fairest spot, a level green Extends ; the natives call it Tamasene ; In days of yore, sage elders would repair 815 There to my fane, and place their offerings there. Cur tameo est raihi cura tui, tot jam an- Unus eras, cum quo sociare cubilia pog> ' t^ peremtis ? [coram sem. 635 Viderit: intereat: quoniam tot cEede pro- Dixerat: utque rudi?, primdque Cupidine Admonitus noa est; agitiirq'ie in taedia tacta, [amorem. vitse. 6C5 Quid facit ignorans, amat, et non senrit Occidet hie igitur, voluit quia vivere me- Jam solitos poscunt cursus populusque cum? [moris ? pattrque; Indignjmqup necem pretium patielur a- Ciim me soUicit^ proles Keptunia voce Non erit invidiaa victoria nostra ferendae. Invocat Hippomenes. Cythereia, compre- Sed non culpa mea est. Utinam desistere cor, ausis 640 velles ! Adsit, ait, nostris; et, quos dedit, adju- Aut, quoniam es demens, utinam velociof vet ignes. [blandas: esses ! 630 Detulit aura preces ad me non invidit At quam virgineus puerili vultus in ore Motique sum, fateor. Nee opis mora est! [fuissem! longa dabatur. [dicunt; Ah, miser Hippomene, nollem tibi visa Est ager, indigeiia? Tamasenum nomine Vivere dignus eras. Qu6d si felicior es- Telluris Cypriae pars optima: quern mihi spm ; , . prisci 6iS Nee mihi conjugium fata importima ne- Sacravere senes : templisqne accedere do- garent ; tern 400 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Full in the midst, a tree of yellow hue, With fruit, and leaves, and branches golden, grew, I pluck'd three apples from the meadow's pride. And to the youth, unseen of all beside, 820 Approaching, gave the fruit, and taught its use. Loud sounds the trumpet ; from the barrier loose Start both competitors to win the heat. And brush the unruffled sand with flying feet. To skim o'er ocean's surf, with soles unwet ;. 825 Or standing com, and leave it standing yet, Seem'd theirs. With loud huzzas, the shouting throng Thus cheer the lover as he scours along ; * Now ! now ! Hippomenes ! quick, no delay ! Be bold, spurn lagging, and thou'lt win the day ! ' 830 Thus shouta and clapping echo thro' the air. And now inspire the lover, now the fair. Oft Atalanta might have won the race, But, lingering, paus'd to gaze upon his face. From his dry lips the breath, short-faultering, stole ; 835 Yet distant still, far distant, is the goal ; When of his golden gifts, with trembling hand. He drew forth one, and cast it on the sand. She view'd the glittering bait, her pace controll'd, And left the course, to catch the rolling gold. 840 Swift scuds the lover by ; the skies resound With shouts of rapture : with elastic bound. Haac jussere meis. Medio nitet arbor in Hijjpomene: propera; nunc viribus w- arvoj [auro. tere totis. [reius heros Fulra comam, fulvo ratnis crepitantibus Pelle moram : vinces. Dubium MegS- Ilinc tria forti mea veniens decerpta fe- Gaudeat, an virgo aiagis his Schoeneia rebam dictis. ' 660 Aurea poma manu: nullique videnda, O quoties, ciitii jam ppsset transire, mo- nisi ipsi, 650 rata est ; Hippomenen adii; docuique, quis usus Spectatosque diu vultus invila reliquit! in illis. [nus uterque Aridus 6 lasso veniebat anhelitus ore: Sia;na tubae dederant; cfim careers pro- Metique erat longfi. Tuin denique de Emicat, et summani celeri pede libat are- tribus nnum nam. Ftttibu? arboreis proles Neptunia misit.. Posse putesillos sicco fretaradere passu, Obstupiiit virgo; nitidique cupidine po- Et segetis canae stantes percurrere aris- mi 666 tas. 655 Declinat cursus ; aurumque volubile tol- Adjiciunt animos juveni clam6rque fa- lit. v6rque, [bere tempus, Praeterit Hippomenes. Resonant specta- Verb^que dicentum, Nunc, nunc iucum* eula plausu. BOOK X. 401 On speeds the virgin, swifter than the windj And leaves once more Hippomenes behind. A second apple rolls : the maid forsakes 845 Again the pathway, and again o'ertakes. Short is the interval for both, — ' O, thou ! Who gav'st the fruit, O Venus ! aid me now ! ' Exclaim'd the youth ; and, resolute to hurl The bright temptation where the nimble girl 850 Might deviate farthest, with collected force, Bovvl'd the last apple slanting from the course. The maiden paus'd ; I urg'd her, as it roU'd, To swerve and follow ; I increas'd the gold : The pause, the added weight, alike detain 855 The distanc'd fair. — But sure my tedious strain Moves slower than the race the couple run : In short, the damsel lost, the lover won. Think'st thou, Adonis, all my power supplied, Claim'd not his thanks and frankincense beside ? 860 But he nor frankincense, nor praises gave : Stung by the slight, with sudden wrath I rave. And fearing, should I pardon, all would scoff. Like them, my fane, I cast the ingrates off. Deep in the confines of a shady wood, 865 By great Echiou rais'd, a temple stood. Sacred to her who bare the immortal race. Spent with fatigue, the lovers gain'd the place ; Ilia moram celeri, cessatAque tempora Prseterita est virgo : duxit sua prasniia cursii victor, 6S0 Corrigit: atque iterum juvenem post ter- Dignane, cui grates ageret, cui tliuris ho- ga relinquit. 67O iiorem Et rursus pomi jactu remorata secundi. Ferret, Adoni, fui ? nee grates immemor Consequitur trausU(iue virum. Pars ul- egit: tiraa cursus [risauctor: Nee milii tliura dpdit. Subitam conver- Hestabat: Nunc.inquit, ades, Dea mune- tor in iram : [futuris, Inque latiiscampi, qu6 tardiCisilla rediret, Contemnique dolens, ne sim spernenda Jecit ab obliquo nitidum juveniliter au- Exemplo caveo: meque ipsam exhortor rum. 675 ia ambos. 6Sf> An peteret, virgo visa est dubitare : coegi Templa DeCiin Matri, quae quoudam cla- Tollere; et adjeci sublato pondera nialo: rus Eehion Impediique onerb pariter gravitate mo- Fecerat ex. veto, nemorosis abdita sylvis, raque. Transibant: et iter longum requiescere Neve mens serrao cursu sit tardior il!o; suasit. 402 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. When, lo ! excited by my vengeful art, Lust for his conquest fir'd the conqueror's heart. 870 Close to the hallow'd spot, from light aloof. An arch its entrance, pumice-stone its roof, A cavern yawn'd, where priests were wont to store Their wooden deities in days of yore : Thither they steal, and, with forbidden lust, 875 Profane the sacred mansions of the just. With downcast eyes, the images around Shrunk back, and she, their queen, with turrets crown'd. Had plunged the guilty pair in Stygian night. But, deeming death a punishment too slight, 880 O'er their smooth necks, with vengeance fir'd, she draws Long yellow manes ; their feet are bent in claws ; On legs, in lieu of arms, each shoulder rests ; Full half their bodies rush into their breasts ; Wrath fires their eyes ; their tails down-curling reach 885 The sand ; they lose, in noisy growl, their speech ; And, lions now, their couch the shady plains, With their tamed teeth they champ Cybele's reins. O darling youth ! when monsters meet thy sight. Who, not their backs to fly, but breasts to fight 890 Remorseless turn, their deadly talons fear, Lest thy rash courage cost us both too dear.' Thus having school'd the youth, thro' azure skies, Drawn by white swans, the queen to Cyprus flies : lUic cnncubitfis intempestiva cupido Colla jubee velant; digiti curvantur ia Occupat Hippomenen, a nuinine concita ungues: nostro. 690 Ex humeris armi fiunt: in peftora toturo Lumiai? exigui fuerat prope templa re- Pondus abit: suunmae cauda venuntur cessus, aren8e. 701 Speluncae similis, native pumice tectus; Iram vultus habet: pro verbis murmura Relligione sacer prised : quo tnulta sacer- reddunt: [timendi dos Pro thalarais celebrant sylvas: aliisque Lignea contulerat veterum simulacra De- l^ente preuiunt domico Cybele'ia frsena orum. leones. Ilunc init; et vetito temerat sacrariii Hos tu, care mihi, cumque his genus oin- probro. 695 ne ferarum, 705 Sacra retorserunt oculos : turritique Md- Quae non terga fagx, sed pugnse pectora ter, [unda. prsebent, [bus. An StygiS sontes, dubitavit, mergeret Effuge : ne virtus tua sit damnosa duo- Pcena levis visa est. E^^o modo 1 t:vi3 Ilia quidem mouuit; junrtisque per fulvJB aera cygnis BOOK X. 403 But indiscretion all her care confounds, 895 Track'd to his covert by sure-scented hounds, As from the wood a boar prepares to start, Adonis wounds him by a side-long dart : The furious savage with his crooked snout Twirls, red with bubbling blood, the weapon out, 900 And rushes on the foe ; the trembling youth Recoils ; the beast o'ertakes, his ivory tooth Plants in his groin, and hurls him, bath'd in gore. Pale and expiring on the sandy shore. Pois'd in mid-air, from Araby afar, 905 Venus to Cyprus steers her buoyant car : Hark ! 'tis a groan ! too well the sound she knew, Check'd her white swans, and back in terror flew. But when, from heaven's high arch, the Goddess view'd Her dying favorite in blood imbued, 9^0 She leapt on earth, in agonis'd despair Smote her white bosom, tore her golden hair, And cried, " Ye envious Fates, relentless three! All shall not bend beneath your stern decree. Belov'd Adonis, still in vernal bloom, 915 Pledge of my sorrow, image of thy doom. Thy sacred blood, expanding to the skies. In annual blossoms from the soil shall rise ! Could'st thou, O jealous Proserpine ! imprint On Minthe's limbs the form of fragrant mint, 920 Carpit iter: setl stat monitis contraiia Exanimem, inquesuo jaclantem sanguine virtus. corpus; 721 Fort^ suem latebris vestigia certa secuti Desiluit: parit^rqiie sinus, pariterque ca- Excivere canes; sylvisque exire paran- pillos [mis. tem 711 Rupit; et iudignis percussit pectora pal- Fixerat obliquo juvenis Cinyre'ius ictu. Questique cum fatis, At non tamen om- Prolinus excussit pando veuabula rostro, nia vestri Sanguine tincta suo: trepidumque, et tu- Juris erunt, inquit. Luctfls monumenta ta petentem manebunt. 7S5 Trux aper insequitur: tot6squesub ingui- Semper, Adoni, mei: repetitique mortis ne denies 715 imago Abdidit; et fulvci moribundum stravit Annua plangoris peraget simulamina nps- areni. [ras tri. Vecta levi curru medias Cytherea per au- At cruor in florem mutabitur. An tibi Cypron olorinis nondum pervenerat alis. quondam [tbas, Agnovit long^ gemitum tnorientis: et al- Fcemineos artus in oleutes vertere men- bas [alto Persephone, licuit' nobis Cinyreius he- Fiexit aves illuc. Utque Jethere vidit ab ros 730 Ff f 404 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. And shall pale Envy rear her snaky head, If Venus thus transform Adonis dead ?" So spake the weeping queen, and with a flood Of odorous nectar purified the blood. The blood, thus charm'd, rose gradual from the plain 925 In lucid globes, like bubbles born of rain : Scarce on the process wastes a waning hour. Ere crimson blood shoots forth a crimson flower. (Such is the hue on punic fruits we find. Whose countless grains are cas'd in pliant rind.) 930 Yet brief the space it blooms in Flora's wreath ; So slight its union with the stem beneath, Tte winds that give it name and bid it blow. Take rudely back the being they bestow. iDvidiae mutatus erit ? sic fata, cruorem Nectare odorato spargit: qui tactus ab illo Intunnuit; sic, ut pluvio perlucida ccelo Surgere bulla solet. Nee plen^ longior hotk Facta mora est ; ciim flos i saoguine con- eolor ortus, 735 Qualem, quae lento celant sub corlice- granum, Funica ferre solent: brevis est tamen usus in illo. Kamque mal^ ha3rentem,et nimijl levitate caducum Excutiunt idem, qui prsestant aomina, venti. OVID's METAMORPHOSES. BOOK XI. THE ARGUMENT. The Death of Orpheus. — The Transformation of the Thracian Matrons. — Story of Midas. — Contest between Apollo and Pan. — Punishment of Midas. — Troy sacked. — Prophecy of Proteus. — Story of Peleus and Thetis. — Exile of Peleus, — His Reception at the Court of Ceyx, who relates to him the Transformation of D.cedalion into a Hawk. — Death of Chione. — A Wolf transformed to Marble. — Story of Ceyx and Halcyone. — Transformation of Msacus into a Gull. VV HILE thus the Thracian, by the powers of song, Drew woods and beasts, and listening rocks along, Attir'd in skins, the Bacchanalian train Rush'd from a mountain that o'ertopp'd the plain, And saw the minstrel, with coelestial fire, 5 Attune to vocal melody his lyre : Of these, a dame with loose dishevell'd hair, " Look, look, the hater of our sex is there ! " Maddening exclaim'd, and, on by fury led, Hurl'd her long javelin at the poet's head ; 10 CARMINE dum tali sylvas, anim^sqiie Orpliea perciissis sociantem carmina ner- ferarum vis. 5 Threicius vates, et saxa sequentia ducit; E quihus una, levem jactato crine per Ecce nurus Ciconum tectas lytnphata fe- auraoi, [hastam rinis [iiunt En, ait, en hie est nostri contemptor : et Pectora velleribus, tumuli de vertice cei- Vatis Apollinei vocalia misit in or» : 406 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The whizzing barb, with ivy tendrils bound, Struck his melodious mouth, but fail'd to vvound. Another for a weapon heaves a stone : Whizzing in air, the ponderous missile thrown, Roll'd at his feet, check'd by his warbling lyre, 15 A seeming suppliant for its mad desire. Now howls rash battle o'er the affrighted plains. Concord departs, and mad Erynnis reigns. Still had his lyre their soften'd weapons quell'd, But songs to Berecynthian trumpets yell'd, 20 Horns, rattleSj drums, and shrieks, o'erpowered its tones. And,, red with blood, back flew the bounding stones. Snakes, countless birds, and listening beasts of prey, Stood round, enr^ptur'd by the poet's lay : These first the Bacchants from the place discard, 25 Then turn their crimson weapons on the bard. As when the owl invades ihe realms of light. Day's songsters flutter round the bird of night ; As when, at morning's dawn, the barking pack Course the arena, and the stag attack, 30 So each mad dame, her thyrsus, green with leaves, With vigor misapplied, at Orpheus heaves ; Some fight with stakes, some turf uprooted seize. Some pebbles cast ; some, branches torn from trees : And now, that rage may still find arms to wield, 35 It chanc'd, some oxen plough'd the furrow'd field, Qu3e f'oliis prasuta notam sin^ vulnere Ac priraim attonitas etiamnum voce ca- fecit. uentis 20 Alterius telum lapis est: qui missus, in Innumeras volucres, anguesque, agmen- ipso 10 que feiarum, [tri: Aere concentu victus vocisque lyraeque Maenades Oipliei titulum rapuere thea- est; [sis, IiicU cruentatis veitunturin Orphea dex- Ac veluti supplex pro tam furialibus au- tris : [gaiitem Ante pedes jacuit. Sed enim temeraria Et coeunt, ut aves: si quando luce va- trescunt Noctis avem ceniunt : structoque utiim-; Bella: modiisque abiit: insauique reg- que tlieatro 25 nat Eriunys. Ceu matutiua cervus periturus arena, Cunctaque tela forent cantu mollita : Prasda caimm est: vatemque petunt: et sed ingens 15 fronde virenti [factos. Clamor, et inilato Berecjnthia tibia cor- Coujiciunt tliyrsos non hfec in muners nu, [latus Hae glebas, iilje dereptos aibore ramos, Tympanaque plaususque, et Baccliei ulu- Pars torquent silices, Keu desiut tela Obstrepuere sono citharse. Turn deiiique furori ; 30 saxa Fort^ boves presso subigebant vomer» !Non exauditi rubuerunt sanguine vatis. teiTatn: BOOK XI. 407 And brawny hiisbandiiien, inur'd to toil, In hopes of harvest, quell'd the stubborn soil. S.car'd at the diii, their labor they resign'd, And, flying, left their implements behind ; 40 Harrows and ploughs, long rakes, and heavy spades. At random thrown, lie scatter'd o'er the glades. These, first the furies snatch ; with frantic scorn, They slay the oxen with opposing horn ; Then rush to massacre the Muse's son : 45 In vain he pleads ; his menac'd fate to shun, In vain holds forth his hands ; his moving strain That soften'd rocks, then first was heard in vain. Thro' those melodious lips, whose magic song Could late (O heaven !) draw listening beasts along, 50 The soul, enlarg'd, thro' aether takes its way. And flies its earthly tenement of clay. Thee, Orpheus, birds of air, assembled flocks Of gloomy beasts, bemoan ; thee, rigid rocks, Woods, whose tall boughs to hear thy numbers bent, 55 And drooping trees with leafless heads lament. The rivers with their tears augment the floods ; Nymphs of the tides, and Dryads of the woods. Bewail with sable vests and scatter^ hair. Thy lifeless members hurl'd aloft in air. 60 Thy head and harp down winding Hebrus glide, And, wond'rous, while they float amid the tide, Nee procul hinc muito fructutn sudore Auditiim saxis, intellectumque ferarum paianles Sensibus, in veutos anima exhaUta le- Dur;t lacertosi fodiebaut arva coloni, ccssit. [ferarum, Agmine qui vis6 fugiunt, operisque re- Te mcEstae volucres, Orpheu, te turba linquunt Te rigidi silices, tua carmina ssepe secu- Arma sui : vacuosque jacent disprrsa tas 45 per agros - 33 Eleverunt sylvae : positis te frondibus ar- Sarcul.ique, rastrique graves, longique bos ligoiies. [miiiaci Tonsa comain luxit : lacrymis quoque QuEE postquain rapuere ferae, cornuque . flumina dicunt Divellere boves; ad vatis fata recurrunt: Increvisse siiis: obscuraque carbasa pulln Tendentemque manus, atque illo tempore Ka'iades et Bryades, passosque habuere primum capillos. Irrita dicentem, nee quicquam voce mo- Membra jacent diversa locis. Caput, veiitem, 40 Hebre, lyr^mque 50 Sacrilegas perimout. I'^rque os (pro Ju- Excipis; et (mirum) medio dum labitar piter!) illud, amne, 408 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Thy harp, thy tongue, in murmuring notes complain, While Echo to the shore repeats the strain. They quit their native streams, till Lesbos' steep 65 Checks their slow progress in ^gea's deep ; When, lo ! a serpent darting thro' the flood, Snaps at the head and hair, defil'd with blood, But Phoebus saves them : while, with glittering eyes. And open jaws, the monster seeks the prize, 70 The radiant God, who fills the eastern throne, Congeals the greedy orifice to stone. Now shadowy Orpheus, thro' the parting shore, Sinks, to review the scenes he view'd before ; Seeks his Eurydice amid the blest, 75 And clasps the fair-one to his bloodless breast. His shade now wanders o'er Elysian meads. Close at her side ; now follows and now leads ; Her charms with retrospective fondness views. Nor fears, by looking back, again to lose. 80 But brooding vengeance fires the God of wine : Grieving to lose the bard who first his shrine Upheld in Greece, indignant Bacchus bound, By twisted roots, each matron to the ground : Swift toward the woods they hie, but, as they go, 85 Firm to the soil adheres each tendrill'd toe. As when her leg the reckless bird perceives Fix'd in the snare the artful fowler weaves ; Flebile nescio quid queritur lyra, flebile Hie mod6 conjunctis spatiantur passibus lingua [ripae. ambo : Murinurat exanimis : respondent flebile Nunc praecedentem sequitur, nunc prae- Jamque mare invecta; flumen popuiare vius anteit : 65 relinquunt; Eurydicenque suam jam tuto respicit Or- Et Methymnaeae potiuntur littore Lesbi. pheus. Hie ferus expositum peregrinis anguis Non impune tamen scelus hoc sinit arenis 56 esse Lyaeus : Os petit, et sparsos stillanti rore capillos. Amiss<5que dolens sacrorum vate suorum. Tandem Phosbus adest ; morsusque in- Protinus in sylvis maties Edonidas om- ferre parantem [apeitos ues, Aicet ; et in lapidem rictus serpentis Quae fecere nefas, torti radice ligavit. 70 CoQgelat; et patulos (ut erant) indurat Quippe pedum digitos, in quantum quae- hiatus. 60 que secuta est, [terram: Umbra subit terras : et, quae loca viderat Traxit : et in solidam detrusit acuminc antd Utque suum laqueis, quos callidus abdi- Cuncta recognoscit. Quaer^nsque per dit auceps, aiva piorum [titur ulnis. Crus ubi commisit volucris, sensitque Invenit Eurydicen, cupidisque amplec- teueri. BOOK XI. 409 Wild-struggling to escape, she flaps her wing, But, by her struggling, faster binds the string, 90 So, rooted to the earth, the matrons strain Each trembling nerve to fly, but strive in vain. Long-branching tendrils intercept retreat ; They seek their hands, they seek their nails and feet ; Bark sheathes their lifeless legs ; one lifts on high 95 Her hand, with downward aim to smite her thigh ; Repulsive wood receives the echoing stroke. Her thighs, her shoulders, and her breasts, are oak : So wide, so green, their arms extending heave, [100 You'd think them boughs, nor would the thought deceive. With ire unsated, Bacchus shuns the place : Leagued with a worthier band, the fields of Thrace Proudly he spurns, and seeks in other lands Thy vineyards, Tmolus, and Pactolus' sands ; Tho' yet, unenvied, thro' the Lydian plains 105 Roll'd its clear tide, unmix'd with golden grains. There Satyrs, Bacchants, chaunt the mystic song. But slow Silenus moves not in the throng. Tottering with wine and age, the Phrygian clowns Had led the dotard, bound with purple crowns, 110 To Midas, him to whom the bard divine Gave the loud orgies of the God of wine. The king with joy receives, with welcome cheer Elates, with wine anoints the rosy seer. Plangitur; ac trepidans adstriogit vincu- Nee satis hoc Baccho est. Ipsos quoque la motu : 75 deserit agros : 85 Sic, ut quseque sola defixa cohaeserat taa> Cumque choro ineliore,sui vineta Tjmoli, rum, [lam Factol6nque petit: quamMis non aureus Exsternata fugam frustra tentabat. At il- iUo Lenta tenet radix, exsultantemque coer- Tempore, nee carls erat invidiostis areois. cet. [rit, et ungues, Hunc assueta cobors Satyri, Bacchaeque Bumque ubi sint digiti, dum pes ubi quae- frequentant: Aspicit in teretes lignum succedere su- At Silenus abest. Titubantem anniique ras. 80 merdque 90 Et cotiata femur mcereuti plangere dex- Ruricolae cepere Phryges: vinctumque tiS ; [fiunt : coronis [Orpheus Robora pei;cussit. Pectus quoque robora Ad regem traxere Midau : cai Thracius Robora sunt humeri. Porrectaque bra* Orgia tradiderat cum Cecropio Eumolpo. chia veros Qui simul agoovit socium comitemque Esse putes ramos; et non fallare pu- sacronim, tando, Hospitis adventu festum genialiter egit 410 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Ten days, ten nights, they plied the cup ; eleven 115 Stars of the morn had chas'd the host of heaven^ When Midas courses o'er the Lydian fields, And to the God again Silenus yields, " Chuse what thou wilt," he cries with jovial voice ; (A glorious gift, did wisdom guide the choice !) 120 But simple Midas, covetous of pelf. Fated by folly to destroy himself. Thus speaks his greedy wish : " to yellow gold Turn, bounteous God, whate'er these fingers hold. Bacchus bestow'd the mischief he requir'd, 125 But griev'd to find no better boon desir'd. Back, glorying in his bane, the fool retreats : Longing to try, he touches all he meets : From a low oak he plucks a leafy bough ; The acorns, verdant late, are golden now. 130 He scarce believes his sight ; he tries once more. He lifts a stone ; the stone is golden ore : He grasps a turf; the grass, the adhaesive mould, Charm'd by the contact, nod a mass of gold. Apples he plucks, so brilliantly they glow, 135 You'd think th' Hesperides the gift bestow ; Corn in his hand a golden ear displays 5 He opes his gate, the gaudy gate-posts blaze ; He laves his hands ; so bright the bubbles glide, Danae" had yielded to the burnish'd tide. 140 Per bis quinque dies, et junctas ordine. PolIiciMmque fidem tangendo singula - noctes. 96 tentat. Et jam siellarum sublimp, coegerat agmen Vixque sibi credens, non alta fronde vi-' Lucifer undecimus, Lydos cum lastus in renteni [est. agros [a'luir.no. llice detraxit virgam : virga aurea facta Rex veuit J et juveni Silenum reddit ToUit humo saxura: saxum quoque pal-' Huic Deus optandi gratum, sed inutile, luit auro. 110 fecit 100 Contigit et glebam: contactu gleba po-:. Muneris arbitrium, gaudens, altore recep- tenti [tas : . to : [quid Massa fit. Arentes Cereiis decerpsit aris- Ille mali usurus donis, ait, Effice, quic- Aurea inessis erat. Demtura tenet arbore; Corpore contigero, fulvum vertatur in ponium : [tis aurum. [solvit- Hesperidas donasse putes. Si postibus al- Annuit optatis: nociturAque raunera Admovit digitos : postes radiare viden-. Liber; et ii^doluit, quod non meliora tur. 115 petisset. 105 lUe etiam liquidis palmas ubi laverat un-.l Lsstus abit; gaud«tque malo Berecyn- dis, . [set. thius here» : XJnda fluens palmis Sanaen eludere pos- BOOK XI. 411 tialf mad with rapture, he ascends his throne, Deeming the world and all its wealth his own. Before him, doting thus, a table, grac'd With choicest food, his ready menials plac'd. When, lo! the bread, unable to withstand 145 The potent charm, glows hardening in his hand. Between his teeth, he thrusts the savoury cates ; Between his teeth, they glitter golden plates ; ^maz'd, he mingles water with his wines ; Bright in his mouth, a yellow liquid shines ; 150 In plenty starving, poor with all his store, Loathing the wealth he coveted before, His gaping throat devour'd by burning thirst, Pain'd by enjoyment, by possession curs'd. With shining palms uprais'd, "Oh! take again, 155 Avenging power," he cries, " thy specious bane ; Still to repent, let wretched Midas live, O'erlook my folly and my fault forgive." Bacchus, more pleas'd to gratify than harm. Resolves in pity to revoke the charm, 16G And thus replies : " to bring thee back to health. To rid thee of thy heavy clog of wealth. Go seek the stream that Lydian Sardis laves ; Slow to the mountain's top, its rolling waves Trace to their source ; there resolutely mount, l65 Place thy weak head beneath its frothy fount : Vix spes ipse suas animo capit, aurea Urit, et inviso meritus torquetnr ab auro. fingens [tri. Ad ccelumque manus, et splendida bra- Omuia. Gaudenti mensas posuere minis- chia tollens, 131 Exstructas dapibus, uec tostae frugis Da veniam, Lensee pater; peccavimus, egentes. 120 inquit: Tarn veto, sive ille sua Cerealia dextra Sed miserere, precor, specios6que eripe Munera contigerat, Cerealia dona rige- danino. bant : [rabat. Mite Dedm uumen Bacchus peccSsse fa- Sive dapes avido convellere dente pa- tentem Lamina fulva dapes adrcoto dente nite- Restituit, pactamque fidem, data munera bant. solvit. 136 Miscuerat puris auctorem muneris un- Heve mal^ optato ttianeas circumlitus dis, 125 auro, [amnem; Fusile per rictus aurum fluitare videres. Vade, ait, ad magnis vicinum Sardibus Attonitus uoviiate mali, divesque, miser- Perque jugum montis labentibus obvius que [verat,-odit. undis [tus. Effugere optat opes: et, quae modo vo- Carpeviam; donee venias ad fluminis or- Copia nulla famem relevat; sitis arida Spumifer6que tuum foiiti, qui plurimus guttur exit, 140 Ggg 412 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. High to its summit persevere to climb, Thy body cleanse, and wash away thy crime." The monarch laves him in the bidden tides ; When, lo ! the gold-imparting power subsides ; 170 Gradual it quits the man ; the yellow surf Impregtiates soon with veins of gold the turf. And rich Pactolus now thro' Lydian lands . Rolls from his rocky summit golden sands. 174 Thence, dreading wealth, thro' woods and fields he ran. And Midas, hid in caverns, leagu'd with Pan ; Yet still his folly lives ; his witless brain Is doom'd to vex its idiot lord again. Towering o'er dizzy ocean far and wide, A gradual slope adorning either side, ISO Toward level Sardis and Hypzepe's lands, Hid in the clouds, majestic Tmolus stands. There, while the frolic song Pan joyous leads, And charms the Nymphs with wax-united reeds, The sylvan boaster with Apollo vies, 185 And calls old Tmolus to adjudge the prize. His bowering shades tost back from either ear, High on his mountain sits the reverend seer ; O'er his green hair is wound an oaken bough. Whose pendent acorns tremble on his brow, 190 And, eyeing Pan, he cries, with downward nod, " Commence, thy judge is ready, shepherd God! " Subde caput; corpusque simul, simul Traolus in adsceusu : cliv6que extentus elue crimen. [tinxit utroque, [pis. Rex jussEe succedit aquas. Vis aurea Sardibus hinc, illinc parvis finitur Hypae- Flumen, et humano de corpore cesslt in Pan ibi dum teneris jactat sua carmina amnem. [mine venae Nymphis, [men ; Nunc quoque jam veteris percepto se- Et leve cerata modulalur arundine car- Arva rigent, auro madidis pallentia gle- Ausus Apollineos prasse contemnere can- bis. 145 tus, 155 lUe, perosus opes, sylvas et rura cole- Judice sub Tmolo certamen venit ad im- bat, [antris. par. [res Panique montanis habitantem semper in Monte suo senior judex consedit; et au- Pingue sed ingenium mansit: uocitura- Liberal arboribus. Quercu coma ceeruU que, ut ant^, [dia mentis. tantfim [pora glandes. Rursus erant domino stolidae praecor- Cingitur; et pendent circim cava tem- Nam freta prospiciens lat^ rigel arduus Isque Deum pecoris spectans. In judice, alto 150 dixit, l60 BOOK XI. 413 Midas stands by, to hear the God begin, And, when he tunes his pipe, the barbarous din Lauds with delighted ear : old Tmolus now 195 To Phoebus turns his shade-encompass'd brow, His wood round-waving as he turns his face. The God steps forward with an artist's grace ; Green on his brow, Parnassus' wreaths are bound, His robe of Tyfian purple sweeps the ground : 200 In his left hand, with gems and ivory bright. He holds his lyre ; the plectrum in his right ; With skilful thumb he strikes the tuneful chord : Charm 'd with his melody, the mountain's lord Bids from the field unequal Pan retire, 205 The reed denounces, and exalts the lyre. The mountain's fiat charms th' assembled crowd : Midas, alone dissatisfied, aloud Exclaims for Pan ; offended Phoebus hears, And gifts the fool with elongated ears ; 210 Fill'd with white hairs, they shoot above his face, Waving at top, unstable at the base ; Thus asinine above, below a man. Creeps from the plain the Satyr's partizan. Midas, asham'd, endeavours with a band 215 Of purple cloth to hide the opprobrious brand ; But soon the slave who shears the monarch's hair. Perceives the excrescence : burninor to declare Nulla mora est. Calamis agrestibus in- Judicium sanctique placet sententia mon. sonatille: [nenli) tis [vocatur Barbarlc6que Midan (aderat nam forti ca- Omnibus. Arguitur tamen, atque injusta Carmine delinit. Post hunc sacer ora Unius sermbue Midse. Nee Uelius aures retorsit [secuta est. Humanara stolidas patitur retinere figu- Tmolus ad os Plioebi: vultum sua sylva ram; r , ( . [175 Ille caput flavum lauro Parnasside vine- Sed trahitiin spatium, villisque albenti- tu.s 165 bus'implet; [m'Oyevi.'. Verrit humuni, Tyrio saturata murice pal- InstabJlesque i!mo facit; et dat ! posse 1& : [Indis Cajterajsunt homiais. P'artem damnatur Instructimque fidem gemmis et dentibus in uuam : Sustinet a leeva: tenuit manus altera Induiturqiie aiires lent^ gradientis aselli. plectrum. [docto Ille quildem celat, turpique onc^rata Artificis status ipse fuit. Turn stamina pudore : [180 Pollice soUicitat: quorum dulcedine cap- Temporapurpurejs teiitat velare tiaris.J tus 170 Sed, solitus longos ferroresecare ca)pillos,' Pana jubet Tmolus cithare submitters Videratpioc famulus. Otti, jcim nee pro- earuias. dere 'visum 414 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES., The king's dishonour to the menial train, Dreading to tell, yet powerless to retain, 220 The soil he sunders, and his lord's mishap Whispers delighted to the yawning gap ; Then huddles back the excavated clay. To bind the secret safe, and steals away ; , When, lo ! green rushes, trembling in the blast, 225 Peep from the spot, and, ere twelve moons are past, Betray the planter, and his lord confound : For oft as Auster breathes -along the ground. The tell-tale reeds the buried words proclaim. And blab the secret of the monarch's shame. 230 From Tmolus, thus aveng'd, thro' liquid skies. O'er narrow Hellespont Apollo flies. And halts where, rising high on Phrygia's plain. Two promontories guard the Thunderer's fane. Thence he beholds Laomedon commence 235 A mighty labour at a huge expense ; He sees the king a busy tribe employ. Arduous to build anew the walls of Troy ; Leagu'd with the power whose trident rules the storm. The God of light assumes a mortal form. 240 Now, for a bargain'd price, th' immortal powers Re-mould the ramparts and upheave the towers. And claim the promis'd gold : the king denies The compact, adding peijury to lies. Dedecusiauddret, cuprens efferre sub au- Angustum circa poutum Nepheleitlos ras.t " . ' Helles igS Nee posfeet retkere tamen, secedit; hu- Laomedonteius Latoius adstitit arvis. mumque , [185 Dextera Sigasi, Rlicetasi laeva profundi EffoditS et, domini quales aspexerit' au- Ara Panomphseo vctus est sacrata To- res," ' ' [rat'haustEeJ nanti. Voce refert parva; terraeque immurmu- Ind^ novae primiini moliri moenia TrojaE Indiciumque suee vocis tellure re^est^," Laomedonta videt; suscept^que magna Obruit; etscrobibus tacitusdisceditoper- labore 200 tis. Crescere difficili : ncc opes exposcere Creber arundinibus tremulis ibi surgere parvas. [profundi lucus 190 Cumque tridentigero tuinidi genitore Coepit: et, ut primum pleno maturuit Mortalem induitur formam; Phrygi6qvie anno, [Austro lyranno [ro. Prodidit agricolam. Leni nam motus ab ^ffidificant muros, pacto pro moenibus au- Obruta verba refert; dominique coarguit Stabat opus: pretium rex inficiatur; et aures. [ra vectus addit 205 UUus abit Tmolo ; liquidumque per ae- Perfidis cumulum falsis perjuria verbis. BOOK XT. 413 " Take thy reward," old Ocean cries, and pours 245 His boundless tide on Troy's illiberal shores, O'erwhelms the meadows, washes from the plain The reaper's hope, and mingles land with main ; Nay, still enrag'd, the ruler of the surge Chains the king's daughter on his rocky verge, 250 To sate a furious monster of the waves : But her whom Neptune dooms Alcides saves. Ardent to aid, he shields her ere she bleeds. Then of her sire demands the promis'd steeds ; Again the king proves false ; the youth attacks 255 The perjur'd ramparts, and the city sacks ; Then gives the maid, in youth and beauty bright, To Telamon, his partner in the fight. Whose brother Peleus, arm'd by favoring fate. E'en then had gain'd a Goddess for his mate. 260 From Jove descended, Peleus boasts his worth. Nor less rejoices in his Thetis' birth. Many may boast the Thunderer gave them life. But who, save one, can boast a Goddess wife ? For thus, inspir'd, to Thetis Proteus cried, 265 '* Conceive, bright Nereid, daughter of the tide ; Thy womb shall bear a son, whose martial fires. Whose godlike glory, shall eclipse his sire's." Jove burnt for Thetis with no gentle flame, But, dreading to beget a youth, whose fame 270 IT on impune feres, rector maris inquit; Hesioneque dati potitur. Nam conjuge et omues Peleus [superbit Inclinavit aquas ad avaras Httora TroJEE. Clarus erat Divit. Nee avi magis ille Inque frsti formam terras convertit; Nomine, quim soceri. Siquidem Jovis opesque esse nepoti Abstulit agricolis; et fluctibiis obruit Contigit liaud uni: conjux Dea contigit arva. 210 uni. 220 Poeua neque heec satis est: Regis quo- Namque senex Thetidi Proteus, Dea, que filia monstro [re%'inctam dixerat, undee, [actis Poscitur sequoreo. Quam dura ad saxa Concipe: mater eris juveui, qui fortibus Vindicat Alcides: promissdque munera Acta patris viiicet; majorque vocabitur dictos [negate, illo. Poscit equos: tantique operis mercede Ergo, ne quicquam mundus Jove majus Bis perjura capit superatas moenia Trojae, haberet. Nee pars luilitise Telamon sini honore Quamvis liaud tepidos sub pectore sen- recessit: 216 serat ignes, 22» 416 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Should dim his own, he shuns the enticing snare> And bids his grandson Peleus wed the fair. Thessalia boasts a bay, whose boundaries swerve Arch'd toward the main, projecting in a curve ; In deeper tide 'twould form a port to land ; 275 But now the rippling waves scarce hide its sand ; Firm on its top, the unsinking foot proceeds, Nor stain'd by plashy ooze, nor clogg'd by weeds. Hard by thick groves of berried myrtles wave, In whose dark center yawns a mossy cave. 280 Men doubt, if art or nature could impart The cool recess : its form decides for art. Thither, fair Thetis, naked to the grove, Borne on a dolphin, oft thou lov'd'st to rove. There, bound in sleep, unguarded by thy tides, 285 Jove's grandson clasps thee and thy prayer derides. Force he prepares ; his arms embrace thy neck. And but that, sedulous his scheme to check. To exert thy form-trjansmuting power was thine. Success had surely crown'd the bold design. 290 Now thou'rt a bird, he holds thy pinions, now A spreading tree, he grasps thy writhing bough ; A spotted tyger next ; when, lo ! in haste, AiFrighted Peleus quits thy struggling waist. With wine, rich incense, and the blood of sheep, 295 The lover soothes the rulers of the deep ; Jupiter aequoreae Thetidis connubia vital: Frsenato delphine sedens, Tlieti nuda, so- In su4(iue iEaciden succedere vota nepo- lebas. tem [nae. lUic te Peleus, ut somno vincta jacebas, .Tussit; et amplexus in virgini? ire mari- Occupat: et quoniam precibus teutata Est sinus HxmoniEe curvos falcatus in repugnas : arcus: Vim parat, innectens ambobus colla la- Bracliia procurrunt. Ubi, si foret altior certis. 240 unda, 230 Qu6d nisi venisses variatis saepe figuris Poirtus erat: summis inductum est sequor . Ad solitas artes; auso foret ille potitus. arenis. [servet; Sed modi tu volucris; (volucrem tamen Littus iidbet solidum, quod uec vestigia ille tenebat) Nee remoretur iter; nee opertum pen- Nunc gravis arbor eras: hasrebat in ar- deat alga. [baccis. bore Peleus. Myrtea sylva subest bicoloribus obsita Tertia forma fuit maculosas tigridis: illft Est specus in medio; natur^ factus, an Territus JEacides a corpore brachia sol« arte, 235 vit. 246 Ambiguum ; magis arte tamen ; quo saspe Ind^ Deos pelagi, vino super xqucra fuso, 'enir« Et pecoris fibris, et fume thuris adorat. BOOK XL 417 When, from his blue domain, thus Proteus cried ; " Peleus, e'en yet shall Thetis be thy bride ! x When to yon cave again she shall repair. Bind with tenacious cords the sleeping fair : 300 Though in an hundred forms her art be shown. Still clasp, nor loose her till she take her own." Thus spake the God, and plung'd beneath the main. The blue wave closing o'er the closing strain. Now Sol, reclining, tinges ocean's verge ; 305 Prone sinks his axle in Hesperia's surge ; The Nereid Goddess quits her guardian wave, Strolls to the grove, and slumbers in the cave. Peleus steals in, and grasps her ere she 'scapes ; The startled Nymph assumes her hundred shapes ; SIO But who shall paint her anguish, when she found Her arms down pinion'd, and her body bound ? "^ Heaven aids thee, youth," she cries, and, with a groan, Discards her hundred forms, and takes her own. Peleus enjoys her, bright in beauty's bloom, 315 And with renown'd Achilles fills her womb. Blest now was Peleus in his wife and boy, But who can taste at once of guilt and joy ? For Phocus slain, in distant lands he dwells. And Phthia gains whom Tliessaly expels. 320 Here, born of Lucifer, with all the grace That gilds his father, beaming in his face, Donee Carpathius medio de gurgile va- Ilia novat formas: donee sua membra te. tes, neri ^acide, dixit, tlialamis potiere petitis. Sentit: et in partes diversasbrachia tendi. Til mod6, cCim gelido sopita qulescet in Turn demum ingemuit: Keque, ait, sind antro, 251 numine vincis : [plectitur heros, Ignaram laqueis vincl(5que innecte tenaei, Exhibita estque Thetis. Confessam am- Nee te decipiat centum mentita figuras : Et potitur votis; ingentique implet A- Sed preme quicquid erit: duro, quod fuit chille. "65 aut^, reformet. [vultum; Felix et nato, felix et conjuge Peleus; Dixerathasc Proteus: et condiditasquore Et cui, si demas jugulati crimina Phoci, Admisitque suos in verba novissima flue- Omnia coiitigerant. Fi-aterno sanguine tus. 256 - sontem, [lus Pronus erat Titan, inclinatdque tenebat Expulsumque domo patria Trachinia tel- Hesperium temone fretum : cim pulcra Accipit. Hlc regnum sin6 vi, sini eaede, relicto tenebat 270 Nereis ingreditur consueta cubilia ponto. Lucifero genitore satus, patriumqae nito- Vix bene virgineos Peleus invaserat ar- rem tus; «60 418 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Tho' o'er that face, by stormy trouble crost. Hung gloomy sorrow for a brother lost, Ceyx, the wise, the crown of Phthia wore, 325 A crown nor won by force, nor stain'd by gore. Peleus, bow'd down by toil, and mental pain. Now gain'd the city with a chosen train ; His flocks and herds, companions of his way, In a dark valley, near the city lay. 330 He, seeks the court ; his hands, protruded, bring The badge of concord to the Phthian king : He speaks his name, his origin, his clime ; And tells his exile, but conceals his crime ; Then asks the monarch of the place to yield 335 Some spot of land in city, or in field. Thus he : to whom the king, with gracious air, " Peleus, the common tribe of man may share Our bounty here, suspicion flies our coast. But, in thy case, our bounty is our boast : 340 Waste not the hour in ceremonious state, Jove is thy grandsire, thy renown is great. Ask and receive ; take all, nor wait to sue ; Would all thou see'st were better worth thy view." He ceas'd, and sigh'd. The motive of his sighs 345 Peleus demands, and Ceyx thus complies : " Think not yon bird, beneath whose talons bow His fellow birds, was always wing'd as now ; Ore ferens Ceyx: illo qui tempore mces- Se juvet. Hunc conlra placido Trachi- tus nius ore Dissimilisque sui, fratrem lugebat adem- Talibus alloquitur: MediK quoque cotn- tum. [vi&que moda plebi [na tenemns. Qu6 postquam ^acides fessus curaque Nostra patent, Peleu ; nee inliospita reg- Venit : et inlravit paucis comilantibus Adjicis huic animo momenta potentia, urbem ; S75 clarum 285 Qu6sque greges pecorum, qus secum ar- Nomen, avumque Jovem. Nee tempora menta trahebat, [liquit ; perde precando : [pro parte videto, Haud procul a muris sub opacsl valle re- Quod petis, omiie feres. Tudque hasc Copia ciim facta est adeundi prima tyran- Qualiacunque vides. Utinam meliora vi- ni ; deres ! [lores, Velamenta manu prKtendens supplice, Et fiebat. Moveat quse tantos causa do- qui sit, Peleusque comit^sque rogant. Quibus Qu6que satus memorat. Tantdm sua ille profatur : 290 crimiua celat ; 280 Forsitan hanc volucrem, rapto quae vivit, Mentitusque fugae causam, petit urbe vel et omnes [tetis agro Terret aves, semper pennas habuisse pu- BOOK XL 419 By birth a man ; Daedalion was his name, Great was his prowess, nor less great his fame ; 350 He still retains his strength, his martial fire ; We both, as brothers, call that planet sire Who wooes Aurora from her bright domain, And lingers latest on the heavenly plain. The arts of peace I studied ; my delight 355 In concord lay ; my brother's in the tight. He, who on timid doves now furious springs, Once conquer'd nations, and supplanted kings. His daughter, Chione, by Venus arraxl. Now fit to wed, a thousand lovers charm'd ; 360 Her form was loveliness ; her years twice seven. It chanc'd, one morn, two vagrant sons of heaven, From Delphi and Cyllene as they go, In concert view her and in concert glow. Phcebus his amorous hope till night defers ; 365 But Maia's son, whom fiercer passion stirs, Brooks not delay ; his sleep-compelling rod Soft o'er her eyelids waves the wily God. Dreams gradual now her waking thoughts efface. She bears, unconscious bears, the God's embrace: 370 Night lowers ; a beldame's form Apollo bore. And, furtive, clasp'd whom Hermes clasp'd before. When o'er her womb nine moons had wan'd complete, Born of the God who soars on winged feet. [Vir fuit: et tanla est animi constantia, Fort^ revertenles Phoehus, Mai^que cre- quantiim] [raCus, atus, Acer erat, bell6que ferox, ad vimque pa- llle suis Delphis, hie vertice Cyllenaso, JJomine Doedalion; illo geiiitore creatus Videre banc pariler, pariter traxere calo- Qui vocat Auroram, cctloque iiovissimus rem. 305 exit. 296 Spem Veneris differt ia tempora noctis Culta mihi pax est; pacis mihicura te- Apollo; [soporem neiidx, [bant. Nou tulit ille moras: vlrgjque niovente Conjugiique fuit: fratri fera bella place- Virginis os tangit, Tactu jacet ilia po- [Ulius virtus reges, gentesque subegit: tenti: [ratastris: Que nunc Thisbeas agitat mutata colum- Vimque Dei patitur. Nox ccelum sparse- bas.] 300 Phcebus anum simulat; praeceptiquegau- ^ata erat huic Chione : quas dotatissima dia sumit. 310 form! - Ut sua iiiaturus complevit tempora ven« jMille precis placuit, bb aeptem nubilis ter; annis. AUpedis de stirpe Dei versuta propago Hhh 420 OVID'S METAAIORPIIOSES. Forth sprang Autolycus, adroit to steal, 375 Sly as the envoy with the feather'd heel Who bade him live, he cours'd his subtle track. And black to white would alter, white to black. From Phoebus springs (for twins her womb contains) Philammon, famous for his harp and strains. 380 But, ah ! of what avail her envied joys, To charm two Godheads, and to breed two boys^ To boast a gallant sire of matchless worth, Third in descent from him who rules the earth ! Is not the fame ambitious love confers 385 In every case a curse ? 'twas so in hers. For Chione, absurdly bold, delights To vaunt her visage o'er the queen of night's : ** Though," cried the indignant queen,. " my face display No power to wound, perchance my person may." 390 Sudden she pois'd her dart, her bow she strung, Twang'd the fell cord, and pierc'd the boaster's tongue : She strove to speak, her lips no utterance found^ She groan'd, her life-blood issued from the wound. O wretched tie ! what soothings fraught with woe 395 Did I, her uncle, on her sire bestow ! He takes, as rugged rocks receive the main, My empty words, and weeps his daughter slain ; But when he saw the pile, the wretched sire Rush'd four times forth to perish in the fire. 400 Nascitur Autolycus, furtum ingeiilosus Ira ferox niota est: Factisque placebi- adornne: mus, inquit. [gittam Qui facere assuerat, patriae non degener Nee mora; curvavit cornu ; neivoque sa- artis, Impulit: et meiitain trajecit arundine Candida de nigris,et de candectibusatra. linguam. 325 I^aocitur i Phoebo (namque est enixa ge- Lingua tacet: nee vox tentatique verba mellos) 3l6 sequuntur: [iiquit. Carmine vocali clarus, citliar^que Phil- Conaotemque loqui cum sanguine vita re- ammon. [obusj Quern (misera & pietas !) ego turn patru- Quid peperisse duos, et Dis placuisse du- dque dolorem . / Et forti genitore, et progenitore Tonanti Corde luli, fratrique pio solatia dixi ! Esse satam prodest? an obest quoque Quae pater baud aliter, quim cautes mur- glbria miiltis? 320 mura ponti, 330 Obfuit huiccerte; quae se praeferreDianae Accipit: et natam delamentatur adem- Sustinuit; facitoaque Des culpavit.. At tarn. [tus ilU Uli Ut vero ardentem vldlt; quater. impe- BOOK XI. 421 Four times repuls'd, his friends the endeavour check : When, as the heifer, round whose fester'd neck Buz the envenom'd swarm, with maddening haste Flies o'er the plain ; so through the pathless waste Rush'd forth Daedalion, as the lightning fleet ; 405 And seem'd to brush the sands with feather'd feet. Outstripping thus his comrades in his flight, Intent on death, he gains Parnassus' height, And headlong leaps, when, lo ! by pity stirr'd, The God of Delphi bids him flit a bird ; 410 On sudden wings he launches from the peak. His nails are claws, his lips a crooked beak. The o'erweenlng fire that bade Daedalion stalk I^ord of his tribe, still blazes in the hawk : Tyrant of air, o'er other birds he wheels, 415 And, griev'd himself, imparts the grief he feels. While thus the son of Lucifer retrac'd His brother's wond'rous change ; with breathless haste, To Peleus, wild with incoherent words. Thus, entering, cried the keeper of his herds : 420 " Ah ! Peleus, murderous tidings I relate." *' Speak," Peleus cries, " thy murderous tidings state ; " And hangs in terror on Anetor's speech. When thus the herdsman : " Toward the winding beach I drove thy weary herds ; the lofty sun 42v'> Just half his circuit o'er heaven's arch had run ; In medios fuit ire rogos: quater indd re- Et nunc accipiter, nulli satis jequus, in pulsus omnrs Concita membra fugx mandat: sim.lisque Sjevilaves; aliisque dolens fit causa do. juvenco lendi. 345 Spiculacrabronum press^ rervice gc-renti, QuEe dum Lucifero genitus miracula Qua via nulla, rtiit. Jam turn inihi cur- narrat rere visus 336 De consorts suo; cursu festinus anhelo Plus homiiie est: aliisque pedes sumsisse Advolat armenti r.uitos Phoceus Anctoi-. putares. ['eti] Heu Peleu, Peleu, magnas tibi nuntius [Effugit ergo omnes: veloxque cupidine adsum Vfjtice ParnasBipotitur. Miseratus Apol- Cladis, ait! quodcunque ferat, jubct lo, edere Peleus: 350 CCiin se Dffidalion saxo misisset ab alto, [Pendet, et ipse metu trepidat Trachinius Fecit avem, et subitis pendeutem sustulit lieros.:] [vencos alls; 341 Tile refert: Fessos ad littora curva ju- Orique adunca dedit,. curvo3 dedit un- Appuleram, medio cim Sol altissimus or- guibus haraos, [vires: be [deret. Virtutem antiquam, majores corpore Tautumrespiceret, quantum superesse vi^ 422 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Part of thy cattle, stretcii'd along the sand, Gaz'd on the deep ; part stroll 'd about the land ; Part plung'd and frolick'd in the watery verge, Nought but their tall heads peeping o'er the surge. 430 Tiiere, neither grac'd with marble nor with gold, On simple beams, inglorious to behold, A temple stands, with bowering woods above ; Nereus protects it, and the Nereids' love. (Such was, at leasts a hardy seaman's speech, 435 As late he dried his nets along the beach.) Hard by the fane, o'ergrown with trailing ash, Form'd by retreating ocean's stagnant plash, A marsh extends ; when, lo ! with thundering sound, The dread, the terror of the woods around, 440 With jaws all frothy gore, and eyes all flame. Forth from the fen a mighty monster came ; Raging, with hunger much, with madness more, With general wounds he ravages the shore. Rapid as lightning, he disdains to fall 44,5 On one for food ; he wildly slaughters all : Arm'd for defence, part of our valiant youth Already sink beneath the monster's tooth. The sands, the water's edge, are fill'd with blood, And dismal lowings echo o'er the flood. 450 Delay is fatal, time admits not doubt. While aught is left to save ; arm ! arm ! and out ; P^isque bourn fulvis genua inclinarat Eellua vasta lupus, sylvisque palustribus arenis, 355 exit, [tus Latarumque jacens campos spectabat Oblitus et spumis et spisso sanguine rio aquarora: Fulmineos; rubra suflFusus lumina flam- Pars gradibus tardisilluc errabat.etilluc: ma. [fameque Naut alii, celsoque exstant super asquora Qui, quanquam sEevit pariter rabieque coUo. Acrior est rabie. Neque euim jejunia. Terapla mari subsunt, nee marmore da- curat 370 ra, nee auro ; Caede bourn, dirdmque famem Satiare, Sed trabibus densis, luc6que umbrosa ve- sed onine [omne. tusto. 360 Vuliierat armentum, sternitque hostiliter Nereides Nereusque tenent. IIos navita Pars quoque de nobis fuuesto saucia mor- templi su, [guine littus Edidit esse Deos, dum retia littore siccat. Dum defensamus, leto est data. San- Juncta palus huic est densis obsessa sa- Undique prima rubent, demuglta6que lictis, [ludem, paludes. 375 Quam restagnantis fecit maris unda pa- Sed mora daranosa est, nee res dabitare Ind^ fragore gravi strepitans loca proxi- remittit. [et arma, ma terret 365 Dum superest aliquid, cuucti coeamus. BOOK XI. 423 Leagued in one band, away ! to battle fly. Together conquer, or together die." The herdsman ceas'd : the slaughter of his herd 45o No sad regret in Peleus' bosom stirr'd : He deems the wolf that ravages the plain. Sent by the Nereid for her Phocus slain. But Ceyx, valiant king, his slaves commands 459 To arm with steel their breasts, with swords their hands : Resolv'd himself to battle in the van ; When lo ! with startled ear, forth issuing ran Halcyone, his wife ; her braided hair, Mix'd with the loose, she scatters in the air. With bitter tears she clasps her Ceyx' neck, 465 Urging her lord his purpos'd scheme to check, Nor, rashly desperate, to the battle run. Rush on his fate, and risk two lives in one. ^' Dismiss your loyal fear, illustrious dame," The monarch cries ; " We grant the boon you claim ; 470 No steel of ours shall drink the monster's gore ; A Goddess wills ; we suffer, and adore." There stands a tower ; a fire its summit tips, A grateful pinnacle for sea-worn ships : Thither they mount, and see, with many a sigh, 475 Stretch'd on the coast, the slaughter'd oxen lie, Slain by the ruthless minion of the flood, Whose jaws, whose shaggy hair, are red with blood. Arma capessamus, conjunct^que tela fe- Et lacrymis; animisque duas ut servet ramus. [vebant : in una. Dixerat agrestis. Nee Pclea dainna mo- ^^iacides illi, Pulchros, Regina, piosque Sed memor admissi Nereida colligit or- Pone raetus : plena est proniissi gratia bam 380 restri. 39O Damna sni Inferias exstincto mitterePho- Hon placet arma mihi contra nova mon- co. ■ [tela stra moveri. Induere arma viros, violentdque sumere Numen adorandum pelagi est. Erat ar- Rex jubet Oetasus; cum quts simul ipse dua turris; parabat [tu Arce focus summ.^; fessis loca grata ca- Ire. Sed Halcyone conjux e-xcita tumul- rinis. [tauros Prosilit, et, nondum totos oruata capil- Adscendunt illuc, stratosque in littore los, 385 Cum gemitu asplciunt, vastatoremque Disjicit hos ipsos: coll(5que infusa mariti, cruento 3g5 Mittat ut auxilium sin^ se, verbisque pre- Ore ferum, longos infectiim sanguine A'il- catnr los. 424 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. With hands outspreading o'er the boundless main, ^' Help, sea-green Psamathe, thy wrath restrain," 480 Exclaims Tliessalia's chief : in vain he cries. Till Thetis grants what Psamathe denies. Still rag'd the wolf; the taste of blood increas'd His ravenous passion for the fatal feast ; For, as athwart a heifer's neck he springs, 485 Cold on the neck the marble monster clings ; His form he still retains ; his hue alone Shows the herd's terror lock'd in harmless stone. Yet fate, still harsh, beneath some other heaven Peleus expels: till, to Magnesia driven, 490 He finds a refuge in Acastus' clime. And gains from him atonement for his crime. Daedalion's fate, and all the ills that press'd Close in its train, sore troubled Ceyx' breast : Strait he resolves to seek a distant shore, 495 At sacred Claros Phoebus to adore : For impious Phorbas, with his Phlegyan train, A savage band, had spoil'd the Delphic fane. Soon as thy fondness prob'd thy mate's design, Halcyone, what chilling fear was thine ! 500 Pale as the ash, her bloodless cheek appears ; Her lovely eyes are dimm'd with gushing tears. Three times to speak, the wretched mourner strove. But heaving sobs suppress'd the tale of love ; lud^ manus tende.ns in aperti littora pon- Fata sinunt: JJaguetes adit vagus exsul, ti, et illlc [casto. Cseruleam Peleus Psamathen, ut finiat Sumil ab na?monio purgamina caedis A- iram, [roganlis Interea fratrisque sui, fratremque secu- Orat; optmqne ferat. Nee vocibiis ilia tis 410 Flectitur ^acidae. Tlietis banc pro con- Anxia prodigiis turbatus pectora Ci-yx, juge. supplex 400 Coiisulit ut sacras liominum oblectamina Accepit veniam. Sed enim irrevocatus sortes, [profanus ab acri [asper; Ad Clariumparat ire Deum : namtempla Caede lupus perstat, dulcedine sanguinis luvia cum Plilegyis faciebal Delphica Donee inhaerentem lacera; cervice juvcn- Phorbas. cas [colorem Cotisilii tamen aut^ sui, fidissima, certam Marmore mutavit. Corpus, prajterque Te facit, Halcyone. Cui protinus intima Omnia servavit: lapidis color indieat il- frigus 41fi lum 405 Ossa receperunt; bux6que siniillimus ora. Jam non esse lupum, jam non debere ti- Pallor obit : iaerymisque gense maduere nieri. profusis. Nee tamen h^c profugum consistere I'e- Ter conata loqui, ter fletibus ora rigavit : lea terra Singult^que pias intcrruropente querelas. BOOK XI. 425 At length, "What sins of mine/' she cries, " impart 505 This hideous purpose to thine alter'd heart ? Can aught attract thee, dearest, from these arms ? Yes, distance lures thee, false one ! absence charms. Say but o'er land thy journey lies, and spare My terror, though thy loss still cause my care. 510 The seas alarm me, hideous waves affright. There broken planks have lately shock'd my sight; There letter'd tablets many a wreck proclaim. Nor shield the bodies of the dead they name. Put not thy trust in iEolus, my sire, 515 Who seems to bid the imprison'd winds retire. And calm the surge : when once with boisterous sweep. His rebel subjects howl along the deep. Naught can their progress thwart, their wrath restrain; Theirs, Ceyx, is the land, and tlieirs the main ; 520 Theirs, too, the suffering clouds, when, upward driven, Their furious battles strike red fires from heaven. The more I know them (for while yet a child Oft in my father's courts their discord wild Timorous I knew) the more I dread to know. 5'25 But if, dear husband, thou'rt resolved to go. If empty as the wind, the plaints I urge, Let us together stem blue ocean's surge ; There, rock'd in concert on the roaring waves. Each well may bear the ills the other braves." 530 Quse mea culpa tuam, dixit, carissirne, Ci\m semel cmissi tenueruQt asquora ven- inentem 421 ti, [tell us Vertit? ubi est, qus cura mei priu.5 esse Nil illis vetitum est; iacommendataque solebat? [tA. Omnis, et omne fretum. Coeli quoquo Jam potes Halcyone securus abesse relic- iiubila vexaat; 435 Jam via longa placet. Jam sum tibi ca- E^cutiuntque feris rutilos concursibus ig- rior absens. nes. [paterui At (puto) per terras iter est, taiitumque Qu6 magis hos novi, (nam uovi, et scepe dolebo; 425 Parva domo vidi) magis hoc reor esse ti- Nou ctiam metuam ; curaeque timore ca- inendos. [lis, rebuilt. [go. Quod tua si flecti precibus sententia nul- ^quora me terrent, et ponti tristis ima- Care, potest, conjux; uimiumque es cer- Et laceras nuper tabulas iu littore vidi; tus eundi; 440 Et ssepe in turaulis sini corpora uomina Me quoqiie toUe simul. Certd jactabi- legi. 4S9 mur una: N^ve tuum fallax animum fiducia tangat; Nee, nisi quae patiar, metuam: pariterqi» Quod socfir Hipnotades tibi sit; qui car- ferenius cere fortes [placet. Quicquid erit; paiiter super rquora lat4 Contineat ventos ; et, cim velit, wqnora fcreraur. 426 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. His consort's speech, her flowing tears, arouse To love, tho' fix'd to fly, her star-born spouse. Still firm, on ocean's troubled breast to bear Tlie perils fondness still forbids to share, Much he responds to cheer her timid heart, 535 Yet fails he still due solace to impart ; When, with attractive speech well forni'd to please. He soothes Halcyone in words like these : " Tedious to me will seem ill-tim'd delay, But by my natal star's refulgent ray, 540 I swear, thy C'eyx hither shall be borne, Ere twice yon moon renew her blunted horn." His hop'd return assuag'd the parting shock. When, lo ! toward ocean, issuing from the dock, A well-rigg'd galley rides ; the sight instills 545 Thro' every sense the future and its ills. Trembling she weeps ; her heart, too big to tell Its nameless griefs, she sobs a long farewell. And falls to earth : sad, shuddering at the view, He seeks delay ; when, lo ! the hardy crew, 550 In double ranks arrang'd, the measur'd oars Tug to their breasts, and hasten from the shores. Her eyes, now glancing to the main, discern Her faithful C'eyx on the crooked stern. Waving his hand; she renders back the sign. 555 Now earth recedes ; swift darting thro' the brine Talibus ^olidos dktis lacrymisque move- Aptarique suis pinum jubet armamentis. tur Qui rursus visa, veluti prsesaga futuri, Sidereus conjnx: neque enim minor ig- Horruit Halcyone: lacrymisque emisit nis in ipso est. 445 obortas : Sed neqiie propositos pelagi dimittere Amplexusque d«dit: trislique miserrim* cursus, [pericli: tandem Nee vult Halcyonen in partem adhibere Ore, Vale, dixit: collapsique corpore to- Mult4quo respondit tiraidum solantia ta est. 460 pectus. [didit illis Ast juvenes, quterente moras Ciiyce, re- Nec tamen idcirco causam probat. Ad- ducunt Hoc qiioque lenimen, quo solo flexit Ordinibus geminis ad fortia pectora re- amanlem. 450 mos : Longa quidem nobis omnis mora : sed .Squalique ictu scindunt freta. Sustulit tibi juro [tent) ilia Per patrios ignes (si me mod6 fata remit- Humentes oculos; stautemque in pnppe Ant^ reversurum, quam Luna bis impleat recurva, orbem. [p^s; Concussaque nianu dantem sibi signa ma- llis ubi promissis spes est admota recur- ritum 465 Protinus eductam navalibus sequore tin- Prima videt: redditque notast Ubi ter- gi, 455 ra recessit BOOK XL 427 His form is lost in mist : her eyes still mark, Far lessening in the surge, the flying bark : This soon th' horizon hides : but when she fails To trace the bark, she dwells upon the sails : 560 When these, too, vanish^ on her vacant bed The pensive mourner rests her aching head : The bed, the place, both strangers to repose, Recall the absent, and augment her woes. Far out at sea now Zephyrs fan each rope : 565 Downward from deck, the oars in ocean slope ; The sail-yards mount aloft, the spreading sails Rush down the mast, to catch the coming gales. Thus, half the voyage past, o'er sea they ride, And distant earth shrinks back on either side. 570 'Twas night : when, lo ! the waves grew white with froth ; High rose the deep, chill Eurus howl'd in wrath ; " Lower the top-sails," cries the pilot ; "^ guard The ports, and furl the main-sail to the yard." Thus he: but gathering tempests howl around, 575 And roaring ocean intercepts the sound. Spontaneous, this a shatter'd sail secures ; This heaves the oars, and stops their apertures ; One strikes the yards, one bales the intrusive wave. To ocean giving back what ocean gave. 580 While thus confus'd they toil, with hideous sweep Rush forth the winds, and lash the indignant deep : Longiixs, atqne ocuU uequeunt cognos- Cfiin mare sub ooctem tumidis albescere cereviiltus; coepit 430 Dum licet, insequitur fugientem lumiue Fluctibiis; et prasceps spirare valentiiis pinum. [mota videri ; Eurus. [tor Hsec quoque ut baud polerat spatio sub- Ardua, jamdudum, demlttite cornua, rec- Vela taraen spcctat summo fluitantia ma- Clamat; et antennis totum subuectite lo. 470 velum. Ut nee vela videt; vacuum petit anxia Hicjubet; impediunt adversse jussa pro- lectum : [ciisque cella; ; Seque tore ponit. Renovat lectusqwe lo- Nee sinit audiri vocem tVagor requoris ul- Halcyones lacrymas : et quss pars admo- lam. 485 net absit. [dentes; Spoute tamen properant alii subducere Portubus exierant: et moverat aura ru- remos ; [gare. Obvertit lateri pendentes navita remos : Pars munire latus ; pars ventis vela ne- Cornu^que in summi local arbore ; totA- Egerit hie fluctus; aequorque refundit in que malo 476 asquor: [geruntur; Carbasa deducit; venientesque accipit Hie rapit antennas. Quas dum siiii lege auras. [plius sequor Aspera crescit hj'ems ; omnlque d parte Aut mipus, aut cert4 medium non am- feroces 49O Piippe secabatur; longeque erat utraque Bella gerunt venti; fret^que iodignanlia lellus ; miscent. I i i 428 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Fear chills the pilot ; trembling on the deck. He knows not what to order, what to check. So furious roars the wind, so heaves the main, 585 Skill is superfluous now, and art is vain. The cordage rattles, hoarse the seamen cry ; Seas roar below, and thunder rolls on high. O'er the drench'd clouds the mountain billows rove, And buoyant Neptune seems to cope with Jove. 590 Whirl'd to the base, all soils the waters mix, As sand now yellow, and now black as Styx ; Now white with hissing foam, now lurid, dark. Above, below, they toss the hapless bark. Sometimes it totters on the watery steep, 595 And eyes a gulph immeasurably deep ; Sometimes, down rushing, it beholds the sky 'Twixt billowy walls immeasurably high. Oft with a crash its sides receive the showers. Like the huge ram that smites embattled towers ; 600 And as bold lions to the fight advance, With dauntless front, and brave the outstretch'd lance, So mighty ocean, back'd by lowering clouds, Rush'd on the ship and overtopp'd the shrouds. The batter'd planks give way ; the trendies shrink ; 605 Stript of its oakum, gapes each uncaulk'd chink : The flood rolls in ; surge blends with ceaseless rain, All heaven seems melting in the delug'd main. Ipse pavet; nee se, qui sit status, ipse fa. Nunc, ubi demissam curvum circumstetit tetur aeqiior, 505 Scire ratis rector; nee quid jubeitve, ve- Suspicere inferno siimraum de gurgite tfetve : [est. coehim. [gorem: Tanta mali moles, totaque potentior arte S^pe dat ingentem fluctu latus icta fra- Quippe sonant clamore viri, stridore ru- Nee leviis pulsata sonat, quam ferreu» dentes, 495 ollm [ces. Undarura incursu gravis unda, tonitribus Ciim laceras aries ballistave concutit ar- aether. [detur Utque sclent, sumtis in cursu viribus, ire riuctibus erigitur, coelumque aequare vi- Pectore in arma feri, prsetentique tela Pontus; et inductas aspergine tangere leonesj 511 nubes. [nas. Sic ubi se ventis admiserat unda coortis, Et mod6, c\\m fulvas ex imo verrit are- Ibat in arma ratis; mult6que erat altior Concolor est illis; StygiJ mod6 nigrior illis. [cerae undft : 500 Jamque labant cunei, spoliataque tegmine Sterniturinterdum, spumisque sonantibus Rima patet; prjebetque viam lethalibus albet. [puppis : undis. 515 Ipsa quoque his agitur vicibus Trachinia Ecce cadunt largi resolutis nubibus im- Et mod6 sublimis veluti de vertice raon- bres: [ccelum: tis Inque fretum credas totum descendere Despicere in valles, imutnque Acheron- Inque plagas coelitumefactum adscendere ta videtur: pontum. BOOK XI. 429 The stars are quench'd. Night shudders on her throne, Veil'd in the tempest's darkness and her own. 610 How brief the darkness ! lurid lightning plays Thro' heaven, the billows glitter in the blaze. Thro' her cleft side now pours the roaring wave : And as some soldier, bravest of the brave, Who oft has toil'd the rampart's height to reach, 6l3 One of a thousand, mounts at length the breach, Panting for fame, the envy of the train : Thus many a billow strikes the bark in vain, Till a tenth wave, high bounding o'er the tide. Incessant battles at the vessel's side ; 620 With force resistless scales the wooden walls. And on the delug'd deck like thunder falls. Part swells without, part inward rushes down ; Fear chills the crew ; as when against a town Assailing foes in many a mode combine ; 6^5 Within, the conflict, and without, the mine ; Skill, courage fail ; each trembling waits his doom. And every wave appears a yawning tomb. One weeps, one senseless stands, one calls him blest Whom pitying fate has snatch'd to realms of rest. 630 This bends in prayer with outstretch'd hands to sue To heaven, tho' heaven is shrouded from his view ; This calls his sire, his brothers, to his mind ; That weeps his house, his children left behind. Vela madeot nimbis; et cum coelestibiis Nee priCis absistit fessam oppugnare ca- undis rinam, [navis. ^quoreae miscentur aquae. Caret ignibus Quam velut in captae descendat mcenia aether; 520 Pars igitur tentabat adhuc invadere pi- Cascique nox premitur tenebris hyeoiis- num ; [segniiis omnes ; que snisque. Pars maris intus erat. Trepidant baud Piscntiunt tamen has, praebentque mican- Quam solet urbs, aliis murum fodientibus tia lumen extra, 539 Fulmina: fulmlneis ardescunt ignibus Atque aliis murum, trepidare, tenentibus undae, [carinae intus. [que videntur, Dat quoque jam saltus iutra cava texta Deficit ars; aniinique cadunt: totidem» Fluctus; et, ut miles numero praestantior Quot veniant fluctus, ruere atque irrum- omni, 525 pere mortes. [ille beatos, Cfimsaepe assiluit defensae mcenibus urbis, Non tenet hie laerymas : stupet hie : vocat Spe potitur tandem ; laudisque accensus Funera quos maueanl: hie votis numen amore [unus : adorat : 540 Inter mille viros, murum tamen occupat Brachiique ad caelum, quod non videt. Sic ubi pulsirunt acres latera ardua flue- irrita tollens [rensque ; tus, Poscit opera : subeunt illi fralresque pa- Vastifis insurgens decimae ruit impetus Huic cum pignoribus domus, et quod cui- nndae: 530 que relictum est. 430 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. On Geyx' lips Halcyon^ still hung, 635 First in his heart, and foremost in his tongue : Yet still her absence charms. His native shore, With dying glance, he strives to see once more. But strives in vain ; so dire a tempest shrouds The deep, the sky so lowers in sable clouds. 640 Dark night is doubly dark : the howling blast Unships the helm, asunder snaps the mast ; High o'er its victims heaves the mighty surge. Then falls, as tho' some God on ocean's verge Athos and Pindus from their base should strain, 645 And hurl the giant mountains in the main. Down sinks the founder'd bark ; merg'd in the deep. The crew's far greater part unconscious sleep, And wake no more ; some strive their lives to save On broken timbers, riding on the wave. 650 There floats the son of morn's refulgent star, The hand that grasp'd a sceptre grasps a spar. His sire, his consort's sire, he calls in vain ; But most, while battling on the heaving main. Thy much-lov'd name, Halcyone, he greets, 655 His heart remembers what his tongue repeats. " Bear me to her," he cries, " relentless wave ! Her hands shall close my eyes, shall dig my grave." Oft as apart the mountain waves divide, Her name floats, murmur'd, on the yawning tide. 660 Halcyone Ciiyca movet: Ceycis in ore Mergit in ima ratem. Ciim qu^ pars mag- Nulla nibi Halcyone est: et, ciim deside- na virorum ret unam, 545 Gurgite pressa gravi, neque in aera red- Gaudet abesse taraen. Patrize quoque dita, fato [rinas vellet ad oras [tere vultus. Functa suo est. Alii partes et membra ca- Respicere, inque domum supremos ver- Trunca tenent. Tenet ipse manu, qui Verum ubi sit nescit. TantS vertigine sceptra solebat, 560 pontus [bra Fragmina navigii Ceyx : socerumque pa- Fervet: et iuductSl piceis ^ nubibus um- tr^mque Omne latet coelum: duplicatique noctis Invocat (heu !) frustra. Sed plurima imago est. 550 nantis m ore Frangiturincursu nimbosi turbinis arbos: Halcyone conjux. lUam meminltque re- Fr'angitur et regimen: spoliisque animo- fertque : [fluctus, sa superstans [das. Illius ante oculos ut agant sua corpora Unda, velut victrix, sinuatas despicit un- Optat; et exanimis manibus tumuletur Nee levies, qiiam si quis Athou Pindum- amicis. 565 ve revulsos Dum natat, absentem, quoties sinit his- Sede sua lotos in apertum everterit Eequor, cere fluctus, Praecipitata ruit: pariterque et pondere Nominat Halcyonen, ipsisque immuTmn- et ictu 556 rat undis. BOOK XI. 431 When, lo ! an arch of sable water spread. Heaves to the clouds, and hides his buried head : Obscure, unknown, close-veil'd his wonted fire, Chain'd to Olympus, sigh'd his shrouded sire. Meantime his spouse, her fatal loss unknown, 665 Now weaves his vestments, now prepares her own With choicest care, to glad the happy scene, And counts the tedious nights that lower between. Incense she pours to all the heavenly train, But kneels, chief suppliant, at Saturaia's fane. 670 For Ceyx, now no more, her altars burn ; For him she sues : his safety, his return, With love unshaken, is her constant prayer ; This, this at least, was thine, unhappy fair ; The hands of widowhood unconscious spread 673 Sad o'er her altars for the senseless dead, Saturnia, ardent to avert, thus cries : '* Rise, Iris, trusty delegate, arise ! Go seek, bright maid, the drowsy courts of sleep ; Thence bid some truth-imparting vision sweep 680 Around Halcyone in Ceyx' form, And paint in dreams the horrors of the storm." Thus she : in parti-color'd robes array 'd, Down darting in a watery arch, the maid A dreary path thro' low-brow'd caverns trod, 685 And gain'd the drowsy mansions of the God. Ecce super tnedios fluctus niger arcus Utque foret sospes conjux suus, utque aquarum [ruit unda. rediret, 580 prangitur: et rupta mersum caput ob- Optabat; nullSmque sibi prseferret. At Lucifer obscurus, nee quem coguoscere illi posses, 570 Hoc de tot votispoteratcontingere solum. Ilia nocte fuit: quoniamque excedere At Dea non ultra pro functo morte rogari Olympo Sustinet ; utque manus funestas arceat Non licuit, densis texit sua niibibus ora. aris; 58* .Eolis interea tantorum ignara malorum Iri, mese, dixit, fidissima nuncia vocis, Dinumerat noctes : et jam, quas induat Vise soporiferam Sftmni velociter aulam: ille, 574 Extinclique jube Ceycis imagine mittat Festinatvestes; jam quas, ubiveuerit ille, Somnia ad Halcyonen veros narrantia Ipsa gerat: redit&sque sibi promittit in- casus. anes. [ferebat; Dixerat. Induitur velamina mille colo- Omnibus ilia quidem Superis pia thura rum Ante tamen cunctos Junonis templa cole- Iris, et arquato coelum curvamine sig- bat : [ad aras. naas 5flO Prdque viro, qui nuUus erat, veniebat Tecta petit jussi sub rupe latentia regis. 432 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Hid in deep caves, in chill Cimmerian lands, Dull Sleep's abode, a hollow mountain stands : Ne'er deign'd Apollo on that spot to shine. Or in his rise, his circuit or decline. 690 Clouds, mix'd with darkness, from the sod exhale, Save where a dubious glimmering lights the vale. Ne'er thro' the fissures of that sable rock. The cheerful clarion of the crested cock. Or leaf-exciting breeze, or human strain, 695 Sheep of the fold^ or lion of the plain. Or subtle hounds, or geese more sly than they, Chace the still gloom and usher in the day. There stillness reigns ; save where dull Lethe's wave. Half stagnant, bubbling from the mossy cave, 700 Creeps o'er the rocks, and, undulating, flows. And soothes the flagging senses to repose : Poppies, with various drowsy herbs diff'use. Nod round the cave ; from whose prolific juice Lethargic night her sleepy opiate culls, 705 And in a trance oblivious mortals lulls : No watchful guards in front the vigils keep. No creaking portal binds the cave of sleep. High on a couch majestically tall. Whose ebon frame upholds its sable pall, 710 While o'er its summit plumes slow waving nod. With listless limbs reclines the languid God. Est prope Cimmerios longo spelunca re- Kivus aquse Lethes : per quem cum mur- cessu, [Somni : mure labens THons cavus, jgnavi domus et penetralia Invitat somnos crepitantibus unda lapil- Qu6 nunquam radiis oriens, mediusve, ca- lis. densve Ante fores antri fcecunda papavera flo- Phoebus adire potest. Nebulae caligine rent, 605 mistse 595 lanumeraeque herba: quarum de lacte Exhalantur humo : dubia^que crepuscula soporem lucis. Nox legit, et spargit per opacas humida Nbn vigil ales ibi cristati cantibus oris terras. Evocat Auroram : nee voce silentia rum- Janua, quas verso stridorem cardine red- punt [ser, dat, Sollicitive canes, canibusve sagacior an- Nulla domo totS ; custos in limine nullus. Non fera, non pecudes, non moti flaiuine At medio torus est, ebeno subllmis in rami, 600 atrS, 6lO Humanaeve sonum reddunt convicia lin- Plumeus, atricolor,pullovelaminetectn», guEe. [imo Quo cubat ipse Deus, membris languor» Muta quies habitat. Saxo tamen exit ab solutis. BOOK XI. 433 Countless as sands beneath unfathom'd sees, Countless as ears in corn, as leaves on trees, Incumbent visions round their king recline : 715 These, with her hand, the delegate divine Drove from the spot, her onward course address'd. And starr'd the cavern with her spangled vest. Slow rolls the waking God his languid eyes ; Again he droops, again in slumber lies ; 720 Thrice on his bosom falls his listless head ; At length, slow-rising from his ebon bed, " Speak, dame, what brings thee here," the monarch cries ; When thus the dazzling messenger replies : " Sleep, heaven's best inmate, sorrow's surest foe, 725 Balm of sick minds, but antidote to woe. Whose wand the heart oppress'd w ith daily cares Nightly refreshes, and for toil repairs. Call forth thy countless visions, balmy sleep ; Haste, bid some truth-imparting spectre sweep 730 Around Halcyone in Ceyx' form, And paint in dreams the horrors of the storm. 'Tis Juno bids." No longer staid the maid, But, feeling sleep her every limb invade. And dizzy vapors play around her head, 735 Back by her former path, abruptly fled. Sleep from his numerous offspring one supplies. Expert of change, and skilful in disguise. Hunc circa passim varias imitantia formas Pax animi, quern cura fugit; qui corda Somnia vana jacent totideni, quot messis diurnis aristas, Fessa ministeriis mulces, repar^sque la- Sylva gerit frondes, ejectas littus arenas. bori ; 625 Qu6 simul intravit, mauibusque obstantia Somnia, qua; veras requent imitamine for- virgo 616 mas, [gis, Somuia dimovit; vestis fulgore reluxit Herculea Trachine jube, sub imagine re- Sacra domus: tard^que "Deus gravitate Halcyonen adeant; simulacraque naufra- jacentes [relabens, ga fiagant. [peregit Vix oculos tollens; iterumque iterumque Imperat Ijoc Juno. Postquam mandata Summlque percutiens nutanti pectora Iris, abit. Neque enim ulteriiis tolerare mento, 620 vaporis 630 Excussit tandem sibi se : cubit6que leva- Vim poterat. Labique ut Somnum sensit tus, [At ilia : in artus : [rat arcus. Quid veniat (cogn6rat enim) scitatur. Effugit; el remeat per quos mod6 veue- Somne, quies rerum, placidissime Somne At pater i populo natorum mille suorum Deoruni, Excitat artificem simulatoremque figur» 434 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Morpheus his name ; none else so train'd to trace A bidden gesture, figure, speech, or face. 740 He takes the garb, the phrase, th' accustom'd tone, Of varying man, but mimics man alone. A lower shade assumes a lower sphere, (Call'd Icelon in heaven, Phobetor here) A bird's light-feather'd form 'tis his to take, 745 And now he flits a beast, and now a snake. Fleet PhantasoSj a third, will oft-times seem A clod of earth, a wave, a rock, a beam, And dextrously appears, alert and fleet. Aught else beside, unwarm'd by vital heat. 750 These brood at night on kings' and heroes' breasts ; A vulgar sort the vulgar tribe molests. Of these, the drowsy God the first selects. And bids him wander where the maid directs ; Then in soft languor drops again his head, 755 And shrouds his visage in his lofty bed. Thro' shades the nimble phantom quits the place. And sweeps with noiseless wing the towers of Thrace ; In Ceyx' form, pale, bloodless, void of life, He seeks the chamber of his wretched wife, 760 And hovers o'er her bed ; wan, naked, chill. His beard, his locks, apparent surge distil ; Then bending o'er the couch with mournful mien. Thus speaks the vision to the sleeping queen. Morphea. Non illo jussos solertiCis al- Morphea, qui peragat Thaumantidos edi- ter 635 ta, Somnus Exprimit incessus, vultumque raodumque Eligit : et rursus molli languore solututn loquendi ; Deposuitque caput, stratdque recondidit Adjicit et vestes, et consuetissima cuique alto. Verba. Sed hie solos homines imitatur : lUe volat, nullos strepitus facientibus alis, at alter [serpens. Per tenebras : intrique morse breve tem- Fit fera, fit volucris, fit longo corpore pus in urbem 651 Hunc Tcelon Superi, mortale Phobetora Pervenit Heemoniam: positisque i cor- vulgus 640 pore pennis Kominat. Est etiam diversae tertius artis In faciem Ceycis abit : fomiSque sub illft Phantasos. Ule in humum, saxumque, Luridus, exangui similis, sin^ vestibus undimque, trabemque, [transit. ullis, Quaeque vacant auimS, feliciter omnia Conjugis ante torum misera stetit. Uda Regibus hi, ducibdsque suos ostendere videtur 655 vultus Barba viri, madidisque gravis fiuere un- Nocte Solent: populos alii pleb^mque da capillis. [fuso, pererrant. 645 Turn lecto incumbens, fletu super ora re- Praeterit hos senior. Cunctisque 6 fra- Hsec ait: Agnoscis Ceyca, iiii»«rriinft tribus unum conjux i BOOK XI. 435 Hast thou, Halcyon^, thy lord forgot ? 765 Has death so chang'd me that thou know'st me not ? Behold thy absent love, thy bosom's boast, And know thy husband in thy husband's ghost. I die : thy vows, deluded dame, are vam ; Hope not to see thy hapless lord again ; 770 The cloudy south wind, with resistless sweep, Has wreck'd thy Ceyx in ^gea's deep ; High o'er these lips ascends the raging sea, These lips that, dying, sigh d Halcyon^. No doubtful tidings now thine ears assail, 77.'> No idle rumour trumpets forth the tale ; 'Tis I, 'tis Ceyx, victim of the deep, Bids thee despair ; rise, widow'd queen, to weep ; Rise, clad in weeds, nor send to Pluto's coast Thy shadowy lord an unlamented ghost." 780 Such were the words by Morpheus us'd to rouse. In Ceyx' voice, from sleep his wretched spouse. So true the tears^ the form, the waving hands ; Beside her couch 'tis Ceyx' self that stands! She groans, she weeps in sleep ; intent to find 785 Her bosom's lord, she grasps the empty wind : " Stay," she exclaims ; " ah ! whither dost thou fly ? Go not alone ! ' — awaken'd by the cry, Rous'd by the vision from her troubled trance. Around the room she casts a fearful glance ; 790 An mea mutati est facies nece? respice. Surge, age: da lacrymas; lugubriaque nosces : indue: nee me Inveniesque tuo pro conjuge coujugis ludeploratum sub inania Tartara ir.itte. umbram. 660 Adjicit his vocem Morpheus, quam con- Kil opis, Ilalcyone, nobis tua vota tule- jugis ilia 67I runt. Crederet esse sui. Fletus quoque fun- Occidimus. Falsae tibi me promittere noli. dere veros Nubilus JEgxo deurendit in sequoie na- Visus eral: gestumque manus Ceycis vim habebant. Auster, etingenli JHCtatamflaminesolvit; Ingemit Halcyone lacrymans, niot^lque Orique nostra tuum t'rustra clamantia lacertos nonien 665 Per sonmum: corpusque petens amplec- Impleruut fluctus. Non hsec tibi nunciat titur auras: 675 auctor [dis. Exclaiiiiitque, IVJane. Quo terapis? ibi- Ambiguus: non ista vagis rumoribus au- rnus una. Ipse ego fata tibi prsesens mea uaut'ragus Voce sua specieque viri turbata soporein edo. Excutic: et primb si sitcircumspieitilUc, Kkk 436 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. (For now her maids with lights stand round her bed) But when she finds the speetred phantom fled, She strikes her weeping face, her vest she tears. Bares her white breast^ and smites the breast she bares : She tears her braided hair with wringing hands, 79-5 And when her nurse her cause of woe demands, *' Thy queen," she cries, " thy mistress is no more, She flies with Ceyx to the Stygian shore ; Away with comfort ; tomb'd amid the deep My Ceyx lies, I saw him in my sleep : 80& To clasp his outstretch'd hands I stretch'd my own, Tho' fled the shade, 'twas he, 'twas he alone. Chang'd was his face I own, no longer fair : Pale, ghastly, and with brine-distilling hair, There, where you stand, my Ceyx stood before ;" 805 (And as she spake she pointed to the floor) " 'Twas this that chill'd me with forefelt alarms ; Why would'st thou, rover, wander from these arms ? Or, if still bent to court the treacherous wind. Why leave thy fond Halcyone behind ? 8 10 I might have clasp'd thee still a happy wife. Nor death dissever'd hearts conjoin'd in life : But Neptune binds thee in his cave below. And leaves me tost in hurricanes of woe. Did I survive thee, rack'd with ceaseless pain, 815 Life were far direr than the ruthless main : Qui modb visus erat. Nam moti voce mi- JPallentem, nudiimque, etadhuc iiuiaente uistri capillo Intulerant lumen. Postquam non invenit Infelix vidi, Stetit li&c miserabilis ipso usquam ; 680 Ecceloco: et qua^rit vestigia si qua su- Percutit oia manu: laniitque ;i pectore persint. [rnebam; vestes: [vere curat; Hoc erat, hoc animo quod divinante ti- PectorAque ipsa ferit. Kec crinem sol- Et ne, me fugiens, vcntos sequerere, Scindit: et altrici, quse luctus causa, ro- rogabam. fiyS ganti, [dit una. At certi vellem, quoiiiam periturus abi- Nulla est Halcyone, nulla est, aic ; occi- " bas, [tecum Cum Ceyce suo. Solantia tollite verba. Me quoque duxisses. Tecum fuit utile, Kaufragus interiit. Vidi, agnovique; Ire mihi. Neque enim de vitK tempore man&sque 68(5 quicquam [fuisset. Ad discedenlem, cupieus retiuere, teten- Non simul egissem: iiec mors discreta di. Nunc absens pereo, jactor nunc fluctibus Umbra fugit: sed et umbra tamtu mani- absens: 700 festa, virique Et, sin^ me, me pontus babet. Crudelior Vera raei. Noii ille quidem, si quaeris, ipso [lar habebat Sit mihi mrns pelago; si vitam ducere ni- Assuetos vultiis: nee quo prius ore nite- Longiiis; et tanto pugnem superesse do bat. C90 lori. BOOK XL 437 No more I strive ; to join thy shade I fly, In death_, at least, thy sad companion I. What tho' no urn our kindred ashes save. One veise shall snatch our memory from the grave, S'20 Kecord oi.r love in adverse fortune's spite. And, tho' disjoin'd our bones, our names unite." No more she spoke : the anguish of her breast Sighs, tears, and heartfelt sobs suppress'd the rest. 'Tis morn. She quits her roof, she seeks the shore 825 Whence Ceyx parted to return no more. " 'Twas here," she cried, " adventurous in the blast. His cable sunder'd, here he kiss'd me last." While sorrowing thus she broods on all she lost. Sudden she vievi's, on distant ocean tost, 830 A lifeless form : it seems to fancy's view A corse : she starts to find the picture true. Shock'd at the sight, her eyes, unconscious, weep ; And thus she greets the victim of the deep : ** Ah ! lifeless wretch, what if some anxious mate, 835 Some sad Halcyone, lament thy fate." Th' approacliing body, rolling on the m aves, Floats at her feet : she starts, she shrieks, she raves. Tis Ceyx' self! " 'Tis he ! " In wild despair, The queen exclaims : her face her vest, her hair, 840 Maddening, she tears : then, stretching forth lier hands. Clasps his cold corse extended on the sands, Sed npque pugnabo: nee te, miserande, Nescio quid, quasi corpus, aquA; primd- reliiiquam: q\ie, quid illud [pulitunda; Etlibi nunc saltern veniam comes. Inque Esset, erat dubium. Postquam paulo ap- fepulcro, 703 Et, qnamvis aberat, corpus laineu esse li- Si nou uriia, tamen jungct nos littera: si quebat; [omine iiiota est; non [gam. Qui foret, ignorans, quia nsufragus, Ossibus ossa meis, at nomen nomine fan- Et, tanquam ignoto lacryniam daret, lieu Plura dolor proiiibet; verboque interve- miser, inquit, 7~0 nit oinni [huntur. Quisquis es, et si qua est conjux tibi! Plangor; et attonito gemitus i corde tra- fluctibus actum Man6 erat: egreditur tectis ad litlus : et Fit propius corpus. Quod quo magis ilia ilium 710 ' tLietur, Moesta locum repe.tit, de quo spectarat Hoc minus, et minus est amens sua. M.m- euntem. [tinacula solvit, que propinquse jDumque, Moratus ibi; di'imque, Hie re- Admotum terrte, jam quod cognoscere Hoc mihi discedens dedit oscula littore, posset, dicit, [fntumque Cernit: erat conjux. Hie est, exclamat; Dumque notala orulis reminiscitur acta, et una 72.5 Prospicit; in liquida spatio distante tue- Ora, comas, vestem lacerat: tendensque tur 715 trementes 4,38 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. And cries, " Ah, Ceyx ! lov'd, implor'd, in vain, Ah ! is It thus thou seek'st thy home again ?" Hard by, upheav'd by toil, on ocean's verge, 845 To guard the port, and thwart the rebel surge, A pier extends : forth from its height she springs, And, wonderous, cleaves the air on spreading wings. The mournful bird, now stooping from the skies, Dips in the surge, and, wailing as she flies, 850 Thro' her long bill sings doleful to the storm ; But when she finds his chill and bloodless form, With clasping pinions, and with stony beak, Imprints cold kisses on his lifeless cheek. Beholders gaz'd in doubt, if Ceyx dead 855 Uprais'd, or tossing seem'd to raise his head. Ah, sure, 'twas life! At length, to pity stirr'd, The Gods in air bade either flit z. bird : Link'd in one fate, still link'd in Hymen's chains. To Halcyons chang'd, their constancy remains : 860 They copulate, they breed : when winter blows. And buries nature in a waste of snows. Seven placid days Halcyone at rest On ocean's glassy bosom builds her nest : Safe then the seaman's course; the God of winds 865 Fast in their caves his howling subjects binds. Forbids his slaves o'er Neptune's plains to sweep. And for his daughter's children calms the deep. Ad Ceyca manus, Sic,S carissime conjux, Senserit hoc Ceyx, an vultum motibus Sic ad me, mi-erande, rtdis? ait. Adja- undffi cf t undis [iras Tollere sit visus, populus dubitabat : at Facta manu moles : c\ax primas asquoris ille 740 Frangit; et iucursus quae piasdelassat Senserat. Et tandem, Superis missranti- aquarum. 730 bus, ambo lusilit hue : mirumque fuit potuissp ; vo- Alite mutantur. Fatis obnoxius isdem labal : [pennis, Tunc quoque mansit amor, nee conjugi- Percutiensque levem modb natis aera ale solutum. Stiingebat summas ales misorabilis unda5. Fojdus in alitibus. Coiiunt, fiuntque pa- Di'imque volat; moesto simileni, plenum- rentes: que queielse Perque dies placidos hyberno tempore Oradederesonum tenuicrepitantiarostro. septem 745 Ut verb tetigit mutiim et siui sanguine Incubat Halcyone pendentibus sequore corpus; 736 nidis. [arcet Dilectos artus amplexa receutibus alls. Turn via tuta maris: ventos custodit, et Frigida nequicquam duro dedit oscula jEolus egressu ; prajstitque nepotibus rostro. 9equ6r. BOOK XI. 439 Some seer espies them scudding in the blast, And praises love thus faithful to the last. 870 When, thrown by chance together on the beach, Thus he, or one next him, commenc'd his speech : " Yon slender-throated bird, on ocean's brink^ Whose lengtben'd legs within his belly shrink. Yon screaming gull, was once of royal race. 875 Would you the prince thro' all his lineage trace. List, while to trace his lineage I proceed : Ilus, Assaracus, and Ganymede, (Snatch'd into heaven by Saturn's lordly son,) Were brothers : Ilus old Laomedon 880 Gave to the world : Laomedon begot Old Priam, he who wept o'er Phrygia's lot : Yon bird was Hector's brother; fortune's doom Thus chang'd his form in manhood's opening bloom ; Or Hector, born of Dymas' daughter, ne'er 885 Had shamed in arms yon denizen of air. Him Alesirhoe, by love betray 'd. Daughter of Granicus, in Ida's shade Brought forth by steahh : he, /Esacus by name. Alien alike to cities and to fame, 890 Hating ambition, foe to splendid courts, I*^e'er join'd, or join'd but rarely, Phrvgia's sports. But, ah ! nor pathless steep, nor silent bower, Protect the wanderer's heart from Cupid's power : Hos aliquis senior circum fieta lata Qui, nisi sensisset primi uova fata juven- volantes tS, Spectat: et ad finem servatos laudat amo- Forsilan infeiius non Hectore nonien ha- res. 750 beret: 76O Proximus, aut idem, si fors tulit, Hie Quamvis est ilium proles enixa Dymantis. qnorjue, dixit, [n;erentem iEsaron unibro^a fu: tim peperissesub Idl Quern mare carpentem substrit t^que crura Tertur Alexirhoe Granico nata bicorni. Aspicis, (ostendens spatiosum gutlura Oderat hic urbes: nitiilaque remotus ab merguin) [ipsuni aula Resia progenies. Et, si descendere ad Secretes montes, et inambitiosa colebat Ordiiie perpetuo queeris, sunthujus origo Kura: nee Iliacos ccetus, nisi rams, adi- llus, et Assaracus, raptusque Jovi Gaiiy- bat. 766 medes, 756 Non agresle tamen, nee inexpugnabile Laomedonque senex, Priamusque novis- Amori sima Tiojge [iste : Pectus habens, sjlvas captatam ssepe per Tempora sortitus. Prater fuit Hectoris omnes 440 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Oft had he seen Hesperian oft he strove 895 To catch the maiden in the neighbouring grove. Now to her father's bank he sees her run To dry her floating tresses in the sun. As the jx)or water-duck in terror fiits^ Caught at a distance from the lake she quits, QOO When hawks pursue : as flies the wolf the deer, So fled the youth for love, the maid for fear. When, lo ! a serpent, hid the grass beneath, Fix'd in her flying foot his crooked teeth, And left his venom in the wound ; the bite 905 Stay'd her life's current, while it check'd her flight. Her lover clasp'd her corse, and cried, aghast, ' Wretch that 1 am ! why follow 'd 1 so fast ? But, ah ! 1 fear'd not sorrow deep as this. We two have slain thee, here defeat were bliss ! 910 The snake the instrument, but I the cause. On me thy fate the heavier judgment draws. Against thee, lifeless maid, I sin the most. And by my death I thus avenge thy ghost.' He spoke : and headlong from a rocky steep, 915 Arch'd by intruding ocean, sought the deep. Tethys, to pity mov'd, his falling limbs Receives, and decks in feathers as he s\i ims. He strives to die, but death eludes him still; He raves, thus forc'd to live against his will ; 920 Aspicit Ilesperien patria Cebrenida ripa, Sed non lioc tiniui: nee eraf. mihi vin- Injectos h'jiiipris siccantcm sole capillos. cere tanti. Visn fugit Kymphe: veluti perterrila Perdidiraiis miseram nos te duo. Vulnus fiilvum 771 ab angue, 7B0 Cerva lupiim, longeque lacu deprensa re- A me causa data est. . iHgo sim scelera- licto tier illo, Accipitrem fluvialis anas. Quam Troius !Ni tibi morte me^ mortis solatia mittam. heros [amnre. Dixit: et i scopulo, qucm rauca subede- Tnsequitur: celeremqiie metu celer urget rat urida, Ecce lateus heiba coluber fugientis adun- Se dedit in pontum. Tethys miserata ca- C9 773 dcnti m Dente pedem stringit; viriisque in cor- MoUiter excepit : nantemque per sequora pore liiiquit. pennis 785 Cum vita suppressa fuga est. Amplecti- Texit; et optatJe non est data copia mor- tar amens [secutum: tis. Exaniinem: clamAtque, Pigct, pigel esse Indignatur anians invitum vivere cogi ; BOOK XI. 441 Condemn'd to halt^ forbidden to retreat. His soul still holds its miserable seat. Now on new wings he mounts in air again ; And drops once more prone sinking to the mam : His plumps upiiold : again he seeks the sky, And, diving, strives incessantly to die. Love wastes his fieshless form, his legs are lean, And wide the interval of joint between: Long o'er the surge his scraggy throat is spread ; Far from his body stretches forth his head ; O'er ocean's troubled breast he loves to sweep. And gains his name from diving in the deep." 925 930 Obstarique animce misera ds sede volenti Exire. Utque uovas humeris assumserat alas, Subvolat: atque iterum corpus super ec- quora mittit. 7pO Pluma levat casus. Furit -"F.siicos: iu- que profundum Pronus abit, letique viam sin^ fine re- tentat. FL-cit amor maciem: longa internodia crurum, [long^. Longa maiiet cervix : caput est a rorpore ■^quor aiJ!Dt : nomtuqut iiiaii^l,quiamer- gitur, illi. «yi OVID's METAMORPHOSES, BOOK XII. THE ARGUMENT. The Trojan War. — A Serpent changed to Stone. — The Oblation and Es- cape of Iphigenia. — The Palace of Fame. — The Battle of Cygnus and- Hector. — The Transformation of Cygnus to a Bird. — Nestor relates the Story of Caneus, the Nuptials of Pirithous and Hippodarnia, and the JjBattle of the Centaurs and Lapithce. — The Death of Achilles. XJnCONSCIOUS of his fate, the king of Troy Bewails, as dead, his metamorphos'd boy ; While Hector and his brethren, wrapt in gloom, Strew their vain offerings on his letter'd tomb. Paris alone ne'er weeps beside his urn, 5 Destin'd ere long to Phrygia to return : While, hastening to pursue him, foes to peace, A thousand ships and congregated Greece Pour round thy towers, devoted Troy, to rouse An endless discord for a stolen spouse. 10 NESCIUS assumtis Prinriius pater ^sa- Postmodo qui rapl^ longum cum conjuge con alls [habenti belliim 5 Vivere, luEtebat: tumulo qiioque nomtn Attulit in patriam : conjurataeque se- Inferias dederat cum fratribus Heclor in- quuiitur anes. Mille rates, gentisque simul commune Defuit officio Paridis praesentia tristi : Pelasg». BOOK XII. 443 Nought could delay their vengeance, nought restrain, Had not rough Boreas swept the pathless main : Check'd in their progress by his adverse gales, Boeotian Aulis held the Grecian sails. Here, while, as custom prompts, to heaven's high sire 15 Their ancient altars glow with kindled fire. The Greeks beheld, adjoining to the fane, A sea-green snake ascend a nodding plane : High on the top, with recent life endued. Twice four in number, caw'd a callow brood. 20 Spite of their mother, these the snake o'erpower'd, Caught in his jaws, and greedily devour'd. Fear seiz'd on all, but, provident and wise, Thus skill'd in fate, the son of Thestor cries : '•^ Ye Greeks, rejoice ! our troops shall win the field : 25 Tho' long the struggle, Troy at length shall yield. Nine were the birds on yonder plane-tree's height ; Thro' nine long years 'tis ours to urge the fight." Thus he. When lo ! the spoiler of the nest, Congeal'd to stone, the verdant branches press'd. 30 Still bent in port the Grecian barks to keep, Nereus in tempests whirls th' Aonian deep. Some think that Neptune, hating to destroy The walls he built, thus foams, to shelter Troy. Not so the prophet, who undaunted speaks 5 Heaven's future purpose to the assembled Greeks : Nee dilata foret vindicta ; nisi sequora Obstupuere cranes. At veri providus au- ssevi gur [lasgi. Invia fecissent venti ; Boeotique tellns Thesiorides, Viiicemus, ait : gaudete, Pe- Aulide piscosapuppes tenuissetituras. 10 Troja cadet; sed erit nostri mora longa llic patrio de more Jovi ci\m sacra paras- laboris. £0 sent ; Atque novem volucres in beili digeril an- Ut vetus accensis incanduit ignibus ara ; nos. [ramos, Serpere cjeruleumDanai videre draconem lUe, ut erat, virides amplexus in arbore Inplatanum: cosptis quos stabat proxima Fit lapis: et servat serpentis imagine sax- sacris. iim. [andis: Nidus erat volucrum bis quatuor arbore Permanet Abniis Nereus violeutus in summ^ : 15 Velique non iransfert : et sunt, qui par- Quas simul, et matrem circim sua damna cere Trojas 25 volantem, Neptunum credant; quia moenia fecerit Corripuit serpens; avidiqiie recondidit urbi. [tacetve alvo. At non Thestorides. Nee enim nescitve. Lll 414 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. " A virgin Goddess frowns ; the Fates require A virgin's blood to pacify her ire." The monarch now, with ill-dissembled grief, Forgot the father in the patriot chief : 40 And Iphigenia at the altar stood. Her chaste blood offering for her country's good. Round throng the weeping priests with downcast mien ; When, lo ! amid the hurry of the scene. The Goddess in a cloud averts the blow, 45 Bears off the maid, and substitutes a doe. This, with due honors at her altar slain, Appeases Dian, and becalms the main. Soon out to sea the Grecian galiies stand, And, toss'd by tempests, gain the Phrygian strand. 50 High in the middle world, a place there lies 'Twixt the three empires, ocean, earth, and skies. All disttvnt rumours are concenter'd here. And every voice assails the hollow ear. Fame, babbling Goddess, calls the spot her own, 55 And in its topmost chambers builds her throne. In, thro' a thotisand gates, the nations roam, For not a single bolt protects the dome ; Wide, day and night, extend its spacious halls, Light echo plays along its brazen walls ; 60 The dome receives and iterates the din ; Nor soothing rest, nor silence dwells within ; Sanguine virgineoplacandamvirginisiram Oibe locus medio est inter terr^sque Esse Dea.-. Postquam pietatem publica fietumque, causa, Ccelestesque plagas, triplicis confinia Rexque patrem vicit; castumque datura mundi; 40 cruorem 30 Unde, quod est usquam, quamvis regioni- Flentibus ante aram stetit Tphief nia mi- bus absit, nistris; [et inter Inspicitur; penetr4tque cavas vox omnis Victa Dea est: nubemque oculis objecit; ad aurcs. Officium turbamque sacri, vocesque pre. Fama tenet, summaque domum sibi legit cantum, in arce : Supposit^ferturmutasse Mycenidacerva. Innunierosque aditus, ac mille foramina Ergo ubi, qua decuit, leuita est csede Di- tectis ana; 35 Addidit, et nullis inclusit limina portis. Et paviter Photbes, pariter maris ira reces- Nocte dieque patent. Tola est ex aure sit: sonanti: 46 Accipiunt ventos a tergo mille carinse : Tota fremit: vocesque refert: iteritque Multique perpessas Phrygiil potiuntur quod audit. arena. Nulla quies iatus, nuUaque silentia parte. BOOK XII. 445 Yet clamor reigns not there ; sounds murmur'd low, Like distant ocean's undulating flow. Or thunder dying in a sable cloud, 65 Buzz round the walls. Within, a mingled crowd Fill, wondering fill, the wide saloon of brass, While to and fro the fickle vulgar pass. Hence, various rumours, countless comments, rise ; A brainless compound, mix'd of truth and lies. 70 Some, with dull prattle, tire the sated ear. Some carry elsewhere what they gather here. The mass of lies, on which the mob regale, Grovvs big, for each adds something to the tale. Here Error, here Credulity, hold sway, 75 False Joys, and idiot Terrors false as they. And sly Sedition, wrapt in midnight gloom. And dubious whispers from one knows not whom ; All that in ocean, earth, or air, is hurl'd, Here Fame collects, and rules the troubled worlc\ 80 Her trump the approaching armament bespeaks To Troy r so not unlook'd for come the Greeks. The Trojans check their landing, guard the shore. Then, by great Hector's javelin, steep'd in gore, ProtesilUus fell : then, earthward thrown 85 By youthful Hector, yet to fame unknown. Full many a victim of the Trojan spear. Stretched pale and breathless, cost the Grecians dear. Kec tamen est clamor, sed parv» niurmii- lllic CreduUtas, illic temer3rius Error, ra vocis, Vanique Laetitia est, tonsternatique Ti- @ualia de pelagi, si quis procul audiat, mores, 60 undis 50 Sediti6que repens, dubioque auctore Su- Ksse Solent: qual^mve sonum, ciim Ju- surri. [tur, piter atras [dunt. Ipsa quid iu ccelo reruin,pelag6que gera- Increpuit nubes, extrema tonitrua red- Et tellure, videt; totumqiie inqiiirit in Atria turba tenent: veniunt leve vulgus; orbem. [forti euntque. [gantur Fecerat base notum, Graias cum milite Mistique cum veris passim commenta va- Adventare rates: neque inexspc-ctatus ia Millia rumorum : confusique verba vol u- armis 65 tant. 55 Hostis adest. Prohibent aditu, littusque E quibus hi vacuas iniplent sermonibus tuentur auras: Trees: et Hectored priaius fa taliterhast^. Hi narrata ferunt alio : mensurique ficti Protesilae, cadis: coiiimis^dque proelia Crescit; et auditis aliquid novus adjicit magno [coguitus Hector. auctor. Stant Danai's: fortesque aniraae, neque 446 OVID'S METAMORniOSES. But, while the Trojans thus their foes destroy. Not less the ills Achaia heaps on Troj-. 90 Here, Cygnus bids Siga^a swim in gore. And sweeps off thousands to the Stygian shore ; There, bold Achilles, ardent to advance, Mows down whole armies with his Pelian lance. Cygnus or Hector seeking o'er the plains, 95 The first he finds, (for Hector fate ordains Ten years to live ;) his steeds, a generous pair, On their white necks the yoke obedient bear ; These he exhorts, he guides his whirling car ; Then his long javelin shaking from afar, 100 Boastful he cries, " O youth ! whoe'er thou art. Rejoice, thou fallest by Achilles' dart." Thus spoke the Grecian, and his weapon threw : Firm to its mark, the unerring javelin flew, Smote Cygnus' breast, but, smiting, fail'd to wound, 105 Glanc'd from his skin, and blunted fell to ground. When thus the foe : " O Goddess-born ! (for fame Wafts to our land thy lineage and thy name,) Why dost thou marvel that unhurt I stand ? This shield, thus blazing ponderous in my hand, 1 10 This helmet, o'er whose height a yellow braid Of horse-hair waves, are worn for mere parade : (Thus Mars accoutred braves the battle's storm,) Take helmet, targe, and breast-plate, from my form. Ncc Phryges exiguo, quid Achaia dex- Dixit, ab Ileemomo qu6d sis jiigiilatus tera posset, 70 Acliiile. [secuta est. Sanguiiie senserunt. Et jam SigKa rube- Hactenus ^acides. Vocetn gravis hasta bant [uiis Bed quanquam certi nullus fuit error in Littora: jum leto proles Neptunia Cyg- liast^; Mille viros dederat. Jam curru stabat Nil tamen emissi profecit acumine ferri : Achilles: Utque liebeti pectus tantummodo contu- Troaque Peliacas sternebat cuspidis ictu ditictu; 85 Agmina : perque acies aut Cygnvim aut Kate Dea, (nam te fama prsenovimus) Hectora quajrens, 75 inquit Congreditur Cygno: decirnum dilatus in Ille, quid a nobis vulnus miraris abesse? annum [presses (Mirabatur enim.) Nou hsec, quam cernis, Hector erat. Turn colla jugo candentia equinis Exhovtatus equos, currum direxit iu lios- Fulva jubis cassis, neque onus cava parma tem : sinistr» [istis. Coucutiensquesuis vibraulia tela lacertis, Auxilio niilii sunt : decor est quaesitus ab Quisquis es, 6 juvenis, solatia mojftis ha. Mars quoque ob hoc capere arma solet. beto, 80 Removebitur omne 91 BOOK XII. 447 And still unhurt shall Cygnus brave the fray : 115 Hence, son of Peleus ! spurious youth, away ! Thee, Ocean's daughter bore on Phrygia's coast, But Ocean's monarch is the sii'e I boast." He spoke : and at Achilles hurl'd his lance ; Whizzing thro' nine bulls' hides with rapid glance, 120 And trembling in the tenth, the weapon stands. Achilles casts the javelin to the sands. And throws a second with gigantic arm ; Again it strikes, but, striking, fails to harm. He tries a third : with innocent rebound 125 It falls, while Cygnus seems to court the wound. As in the Circus the majestic bull Butts at a garment of Phoenician wool ; With potent horn, the deadly fight renews. And roars with fury that no blood ensues ; 130 -So raves Pelides : he inspects with care * His javelin's point, but finds the barb is there. " Wonderous ! " he cries ; " what deeds this arm has done! Hosts it has slain, but shrinks, unnerv'd, at one. Once it could wound : Lyrnessus' bloody fi-ay, 135 And renedos and Thebes confess'd its sway ; Twice haughty Telephus its vengeance bore. Its slaughter dy'd Caycus' stream with gore; Here, too, along yon shore, beside yon rill. This arm has conquer' d, and shall conquer still." 140 Xegmiiiis officium ; lamen indestrictiis a- Haud seeus exarsit, quain Circo taurus bibo. aperto, Est aliquid, non esse satum Nereide, sed Cim sua terribili petit irritamina corau qui . Poeniceas yestes, elusdque vulnera sentit. Nereique, et natas, et totum temperet Num taraen exciderit ferrum, coosiderat, asquor. hastaj. 105 Dixit: ei iijeaurum clypei curvamine te- Hasrebat liguo. Jtfanus est mea debilis lum g5 eigo; [uno. Misit in iEaciden : quod et as, et proxi- Qudsque, ait, anti habuit, vires effudit in ma rupit Nam cert^ valuit, vel ciim Lyrnesia pri- Terga novena boum, decimo tamen orbe mus [6que moratum Moenia disjeci; vel ciim Teaedonque, su lixcutit hoc heros: rursusque tremenlia Eetioneas iraplevi sanguine Thebas. 110 forti [pus, Velciimpurpureus populari caede Caycns Tela manu torsit : rursus siu^ vulnere cor- Fluxit; opusque nieas bis sensit Telephus Sincerumque fuit, nee tertia cuspis aper- liastas. [acervos turn, 100 Hie quoque tot csesis, quorum per littus Et se praebentem valuit destringere Cy;- Et feci, et video, valuit mea dextra, va- num. l^tque. 448 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Thus he : and, half uncertain, struck by chance Lycian Moenetes with a random lance : Prone on the earth, the Lycian drops his head, Pierc'd to the heart, and sinks among the dead ; He draws the weapon from Moenetes' heart : 145 ?* This is the hand," he cries, " and this the dart, That slew the Lycian ; faithful javelin, fly, And bid young Cygnus, like Moenetes, die." True to its purpose, on the shoulder joint. With echoing fury, strikes the brazen point ; 150 Back^ as from solid rock, rebounds the shaft. Achilles saw what seem'd a wound, and laugh'd. Wound there was none ; the gory lance that slew The prostrate Lycian, gave the purple hue. Prone from his car, he leaps with head-long rage, 1 55 In closer fight, a deadlier strife to wage ; He sunder'd Cygnus' shield, his helmet gor'd. But still his body brav'd the blunted sword. Maddening to find the Trojan's blood unspilt. Thrice with his buckler and his faulchion's hilt^ l60 His batter'd face he strikes, his temples beats ; Stunn'd by the blow, the staggering foe retreats : The Greek advances as the Trojan flies ; Fainting he reels, shades swim before his eyes. In Cygnus' backward path, there lay a stone ; iQb O'er the huge fragment, by Achilles thrown, Dixit: et, aiit^ actis veluti maldcrederet, Vulnus erat nullum: sanguis fuit ille We- hastam 115 noetse. [alto Misit in adversum Lycia de plebe Blenoe- Turn ver6 pra3ceps curru fiernebundus ab ten: [rupit. Desilit: et nitidosecurumcominushoslem Loiicdmque simul, subjectaque pectora Ense petens, parmam gladio, gale^mque Quo plangeute graven moribuudo vertice cavari 130 terratn, [lum: Cernit; et in dure Isedi quoque corpore Extrahit illud idem calido de vulnere te- ferrum. [leducto Atque ait; Hae-- manus est, base, quSl Haud tulit ulterids: clype6que adversa modo vicimus, hasta. 120 Ter quater ora viri, capulo cava tempera Utar in linnc tsdem: sit in h&c precor ex- pulsat. [itque. itus idi m. [errat : Cedentique sequens instat : turbatque, ru- Sic fatus, Cygnumque petit, nee fiaxinus Altouitoqne uegat requiem. Pavor occu- Tnque liumero sonuit lion evilatasir.istro. pat ilium: 135 Ind^, velut muro solidave a caute, repul- Ante ocul6squenatanttenebrae: retr6que sa est. t'ereuti Qu^ tamen ictus erat, signatum sanguine Aversos passus medio lapis obstitit arvo. Cyguum 125 Quern super impulsum resupino pectoie Viderat, et frustra fuerat gavisus, Achil- Cygnum [les. les. Vi mult^ vertit, terra^que adflixit Achil- BOOK XII. 449 Prostrate he falls ; the Greek, with giant hand, Prevents his rise, and grasps him on the strand ; Kneels on his breast, unties the thongs that float ] 69 Loose o'er his casque, and binds them round his throat ; Pent in his body heaves the panting breath. And strangled Cygnus, writhing, yields to death. The valiant Greek prepares t6 spoil the slain ; The corse is fled, the arms alone remain : The pitying God, who sways the watery wild, 175 Has to a swan transform'd his slaughter'd child. Both nations pause awhile. These deadly frays Produce an armistice of many days. Troy to her walls a watchful guard assigns : A watchful guard protects the Grecian lines. 180 A festival succeeds. Achilles now. With tillets crown'd, to Pallas slays a cow ; On the warm fane the panting entrails lie. Grateful to heaven, the odour climbs the sky ; The sacred part the holy altar stor'd ; 185 The savory remnant deck'd the festive board. With dainty viands fed, the chiefs recline. And chase, alike, their cares and thirst with wine. Nor harps, nor boxen pipes with numerous holes, Nor song, nor minstrelsy, exalt their souls : 190 Valiant, they waste the night in talk alone. And speak the foe's achievements and their own. Turn, clypeo genibiisque premens pr^^co^- Pallada vittatse placabat sanguine vaccas. dia duris, 140 Cujus ut imposuit prosecta calentibus Vincla trahit galese. Quae presso subdita aris; mento Et Dts acceptus penetravit in aethera Elidunt fauces; et respiramen ilerque nidor; Eripiimt animae. Victumspoliareparabat: Sacra tulere suam : pars est data ceetera Arma relicta videt. Corpus Deus aequo- mensis. ris albam Discubuere toris proceres; et corpora Coiitulit involucrem ; cujus mod6 nomen tost^ 153 habebat. 145 Came replent: vindque levant cur^sque Hie labor, haec requiem multorum pug- sitimque. na dierum [armis. Non illos citharas, non illos carmina vo- Attulit: et positis pars utraque substitit cum, Dumque vigil Phrjgios servat custodia LongSve multifori delectat tibia buxi : mures ; Sed noctem sermone trahunt : virtusque Et vigil Argolicas servat custodia fossas: loquendi Festa dies aderat; quSl Cygni victor A- Materia est. Pugnam referunt hostisque chilles 150 suamque. l60 450 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Of perils past, alternately they tell : What theme could grace x\chilles' tongue so well, Or charm his listening ear ? But most the train 195 Discourse with glad amaze on Cygnus slain ; And wonder that a mortal should be found Unhurt by steel, impervious to a wound. The son of ^acus and all the Greeks 199 Deem it most strange. When thus Old Nestor speaks : " None in your time, save Cygnus, has been seen To brave the faulchion's edge with dauntless mien. Safe, tho' unarm'd : but once, from furious foes, Casneus, unbleeding, bore a thousand blows. I, who beheld it, can attest the truth. 205 Fam'd for his deeds, at Othrys dwelt the youth. Nay, wonders still more strange my tale adorn ; Know, that this Caeneus was a woman born." All gaze astonish'd ; all desire to hear : When bold Achilles thus accosts the seer : 210 '' O sage ! whose wisdom can the wise perplex. Speak, who was Caeneus, and what chang'd his sex ? Tell in what war, by Fate's resistless doom. Slew he the foe ; if vanquish'd, tell by whom." When Nestor thus : " Tho' worn with age I bow, 215 And many a sight, beheld in boyhood, now Flits from my mind, yet some I still retain. In war, or peace, on land or on the main, Inque vices adita atque exhausta pericula Csenea Perrhaebum ; qui factis inclytus siBpe [retur Achilles ? Othryn [iUo; Commemorare juvat. Quid enini loque- Incoluit, quoque id miruia magis esset ia Aut quid apud magaum potitis loqueren- Tcemina natus erat. Monstri novitate tur Acliillem? moventur, 175 Proxima prsecipud domito victoria Cygno Quisquis adest : narretque rogant. Quos In semione fuit. Visum mirabile cunc- inter Achilles, [voluntas) tis ; l65 Die age, (nam cunctis eadem est audire Quod juveni corpus nuUo penetrabile telo, O facunde senex, xvi prudentia nostri ; Invictftmque ad vulnera erat, ferrumque Quis fuerit Caeneus, cur in contraria ver- terebat. [vi. sus; Hocipsum^acides, hoc mirabantur Achi- Qak tibi militii, cujus certamine pugn« Cim sic !Neslor ait: Vestro fuit unicus Cognitus; a quo sit victus, si victus ab aevo ullo est. 181 Gontemptor ferri, nulldque forabilis ictu Turn senior: Quamvis obstet mihi tarda Cygnus. At ipse olim patientem vulnera vetustas; raille 171 Multaque me fugiant primis spectata sub Corpore non lasso Perrhsebunv Cxnea vidi : annis ; BOOK XII. 451 Nought that I e'er have seen could ever dwell So fix*d in memory as the tale I tell. 220 If age give knov\'ledge, from my distant birth Two centuries has Nestor pass'd on earth, And reach'd the third. Amid Thessalia's fair, What maid with lovely Caenis could compare ? Thro' all the towns that gird thy native sea, 2*25 (For the same country bore both her and thee,) O mighty Peleus' son ! a countless band Of amorous suitors sought in vain her hand. Thy sire was wedded, or betroth'd to wed, Else had fair Caenis grac'd his nuptial bed ; 230 But Caenis ne'er the marriage bed essay'd : For as, perchance, the solitary maid On ocean's shore pursued her thoughtless course, Neptune, 'tis said, enjoy 'd her charms by force. The recent transport o'er, the monarch cried, 235 " Pronounce thy wish, nor be thy wish denied, Pronounce, nor dread repulse : " with downcast air. Thus, as fame tells, replied the indignant fair : " Great is the boon I beg. In love accurst. Lest a new outrage, grievous as the iirst, 240 Assail my form, resistless as before. Take hence this hated sex, I ask no more." Hoarse to her lip the closing sentence ran, Her deeper voice proclaim'd her now a man. Plura tamen memini: nee, quje magis Sed jam aut contigeraut illi connubia haereat ilia, matris, Pectore res aostro est, inter bellique do- Aut fuerant promissa, tuse. Kec Csenis mique 185 iu uHos 195 Acta tot. Ac si quern potuit spatiosa se- Denupsit thalamos: secretique littora nectus carpens [ferebat, Spectatorem opeium multorum reddere; jEquorei vim passa Dei est. Ita Fama vixi Utque novae Veneris Neptunus gaudia Annos bis centum : nunc tertia vivitur cepit ; setas. Sint tua vota licet, dixit, secura repulsae ; Clara decore fiiit proles Elateia Csenis, Elige quid voveas. Eadem hoc quoque Tliessalidum virgo pulcherrima; perque Fania ferebat. 200 propinquas, igO Magnum, Caenis ait, facit lisec injuria vo- Perque tuas urbes (tibi enim popularis, turn, [sim; Achille) Tale pati nil posse mihi. Da ftemina ne Multorum fiustra votis optata procorum. Omnia praestiteris. Graviore novissima Tentasset Peleus thalamos quoque forsi- dixit [deri : tan illos; Verba sono: poterStque viri vox ilia vi- M m m 452 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. " Take," cried the God whose trident rides the waves^ " Thy heart's desire : I grant what Ca^nis craves. 246 Take, too, this added gift : secure from ill, No womid shall grieve thee, and no weapon kill." To Pencils' fields the elated youth departs. And Ca^neus thenceforth shines in manly arts. 250 It chanc'd, tiiat bold Ixion's son had led Hippodame to share his nuptial bed. The cloud-born Centaurs, gatheiiug around, In shady caves, the nuptial banquet crown'd. Thessalia's nobles, 1 among the throng, 25a Were there : the palace rang with festive song ; High blaze the fires ; they chaunt the marriage strain ; The blooming bride, attended by a train Of newly-married dames and matroi^s chaste, - Supreme in loveliness, the banquet grac'd. 260 Blind to the coming storm, the gathering strife, All call'd Pirithoiis happy in his wife. Thy bosom, Eurytus, surcharg'd with guile. Hot-blooded Centaur, vilest of the vile, Glowing with lust, and drunkenness beside, 265 Broods on, and covets to possess, the bride. The tables are o'ertuni'd : in passion's flame, Caught by her hair, the Centaur drags the dame. Each monster now or maid or wife attack'd ; The noisy palace seem'd a city sack'd ; 270 Sicut erat. ISfam jam voto Deus jequoris Cinctdc|ue adtst s'irgo matrum nuruum- alti 205 que ciiterva, Auauerat: dederatque super, ne saucius Praesignis facie. Felicem diximus ilia ullis Conjuge Pirithoum; quod peu^fefeUimus Vulneribiis fieri, feirove occumbere poiset, omen. Muuere la;tus abit: studiisque virilibus Nam tibi, sasvorum saevissime Centauro- sevum [rat. ram Exigit Atracides, PeneiAque arva perer- Eur^'te, quam vino pectus, tarn virgine Duxerat HLppodaiiien audaci Ixione na- visa 220 tus: 210 Ardct: et ebrietas geminata libidine reg- NubigenAsque feros, positis ex ordine nat. tnensis, [tro. Protinus eversce turbant convivia mensae : Arboribus tecto discumbere jusserat an- Raplalurque comis per vim nova nupta Hcemonii proceres aderaut; aderamus et prehensis. ipsi: Eurytus Hippodamen, alii, quam quisque Fcstaque confusa resouabat regia turbSi. probarant, Ecce canunt IlymenKon; etiguibus atria Aut poterant, rapiunt: captaeque «rat ur- fumant; 215 bis imago. BOOK XII. 453 High rings the dome with female shrieks : we rise, Swift to revenge. *^ What Fury," Tlieseiis cries, *' Drives thee, base Centaur ? madman ! not to know Who wrongs Pirithous makes me his foe ! " So spoke the valiant youth ; nor spoke in vain, 27>^ But snatch'd their victim from the biform'd train. Nought in reply from Eurytus proceeds, (For what defence could justify such deeds ? ) He aim'd to strike his face, his face he miss'd, But bruis'd his bosom with vindictive fist. S80 Glittering within the reach of Theseus' hand. Huge and emboss'd, a goblet chanc'd to stand ; This the young hero, snatching from its place, Upheav'd, and hurl'd it in the Centaur's face. Down drops the monster, writhing in a flood 285 Of various mixture, wine, and brains, and blood. And spurns the moisten'd sand : in wild alarms. His biform'd comi ades cry, " To arms ! to arms !" First Amycus, parading thro' the hall. Spoils of its ornament the palace wall : 290 A sconce with massy lamps hung glittering nigh ; This the fell Centaur, swinging from on high. Like the huge axe that strikes the bullock dead, Whirl'd at young Celadon's unconscious head ; His eyes knock'd out, his shatter'd skull disclose ; 295 Driv'n inward in his palate, sinks his nose. i'ofmineo clamore sonat doraus. Ocj'us Calritrat. Ardescuut gerrr.ana caede bi- omnes 2St) niembres : 240 Surgimus: et primus, Quae te vccordia, Certntimque onines utio ore, Arma, arma, Theseus, [sas loquuntur. [[lu^na Euryte, pulsat, ait; qui me vivente laces- Vina dabaut animos: et prim^ pocuhi ■pirithoum, violesque duos ignaiMis in uno? Missa volant, fragilesque cadi, curvlque Neve ea magnaninius fi'ustra memorave- icbeles: [bus, aptia. rit heros; 230 T!cs epulis quondam, nunc beilo et creji- Submovet iuslantes: raptAmquc furonti- Piimus Opbionides Amycus peaetraliM bus aufert. [verhii donis 245 Ille nihil contra: neque enim dcfVndere Ilaud tiuiujt spoliare suis; et primus ab Talia facta potest : sed vindicis ora pro- axle [cis : teivis [pulsat. Lampadibus densupi rapuit fnuale corus- Insequitur manibus, geuerosilque pectora Elatiinique alti, veluti qui Candida tauri ToTt^ fuit juxta signis exstantibus aspep Rumpere sacriiica molitur coUa securi, Antiquus crater, quern vastum vastier ip- lUiiit iVouti Lapitua: Celadontis; et es- se 236 sa 2jO Suslulit jllgides; adversdque misitin ora. Non asrnoscendo confusa reliquit in ore. Sanguinis ille globospariter,ccrebrumque, Exsilucre oculi, disjcctisque ossibus oris, merunique [nus arensi Acta retro naris, inedMque iiifixa palattj Vulnere et ore vomeus, madida resiipi- est. 454 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. A maple table's leg Belates heaves Full at the Centaur, and his forehead cleaves. Sputtering forth teeth and blood, the monster fell, A second blow dispatch'd his shade to hell. 300 Giyneus beheld the fane with scowling eyes ; " Why not use this ?" the double monster cries ; Aloft in air the flaming altar toss'd, Fell with a crash amid our martial host. And bade to Styx unconscious Broteas flee ; 305 Orion, too, whose mother, Mycale, Drew by her song the moon's reluctant horns To earth, the Centaur's victory adorns : " Let but this arm a proper weapon get," Exadius cries, " levenge shall reach thee yet." SIO Then from a pine tree, rais'd to Dian, drags Two branching antlers, erst a votive stag's. The whizzing horns full at the Centaur fly, And from its socket thrust each starting eye ; One dyes the crimson horn, and one his beard. 315 Now Rhoetus from the fire a billet rear'd, And wheeling to the right, with potent hand, On fair Charaxus' temples broke the brand ; Scorch'd like dry corn, high flam'd the locks he wore ; Burnt in the wound, loud hiss'd the scalding gore. 320 So when the workmaxi bids the smoaking forge The red-hot iron from its gulph disgorge, Huuc pede convulso mensai Pellasus Dixerat Exadius. Telique habet instar, aceroEe in alt^ 266 Stravit hunii Belates, dejecta in pectora Qua; fuerint piuu, votivi cornua cervi, mento : 253 i'igitur huic duplici Gryneus in lumiua Cumque atro mistos spiitaDtem sanguine ramo : [bus liaeret: dentcs, Eruiturque oculos. Quorum pars corni- ViilnereTartareas geminato mittit ad um- Pars fluit in barbam; concreUque san- bras. guine pendet. £70 Pi'oximus ut steterat, spectans altaria Ecce rapit niediis flagrantem Rlioetus ab vullu [istis? aris . [raxi Funiida terribili, Cur non, ait, utimur Primititim torrera : dextr^que a parte Cha- Cumque suis Giyneus immanem sustuUt Teuipora perfringit fulvo proti-cta capilio. aram 26o Correpti rapida,velutisegesarida, flammii Tgnibus, et medium Lapitliarum jecit in Arserunt crines: et vulnere sanguis inus- agmen : [Orio tus 273 Dppresiitque duos, Brotean, et Orion. Terribilem stridore sonura dedit; ut dare Mater erat Mycale: quam deduxisse ca- ferrum [cipe curv^ nendo Igne rubens plerumque solet, quod for- Ssepe reluctant! constabat cornua Lunas. CCim I'aber eduxit, lacubus demittit. At ■ JJon irripune feres, telimodo copia detur, illud BOOK XII. 455 And from his pincers casts it glowing off, Down sinks the stee], and hisses in the trough. Shaking his tresses, maddening with the smart, 325 Charaxus tugs (meet load to freight a cart) The sunder'd threshold from the earth below ; The massy weight, too ponderous to throw. Not o'er the adverse ranks destruction showers. But kills Comoetes, one who fought in our's. 330 Rhoetus, too happy to conceal his joy. Exclaims, "blest deed! our foes, our foes destroy! " Then takes the half-burnt billet from the ground, And gores Charaxus with a second wound ; Full on his forehead strikes the youth again, 335 And his skull buries in the liquid brain. Next unshorn Corythus confess'd the might Of giant Rhoetus, slaughter'd in the fight. *' How glorious thus to slay a helpless child ! " Cries fierce Evagrus : his reproaches wild 340 Here halt, here finishes his angry note, For Rhoetus thrusts the firebrand down his throat. Thee, Dryas, too, with firebrand whirl'd on high. The Centaur braves ; but here his fortunes die : While in thy valiant blood his rage to slake, 345 The Centaur strikes ; by thee discharg'd, a stake Smites where the neck divides the shoulder joint : Loud Rhoetus roars, and from the wound the point Stridet : et in trepid^ submersum sibilat Victor ad Evagrum, Corythumque, Dry. uuda. antique transit. 290 Saucius hirsutis avidum de crinibus ig- E quibus ut prima tectus lanugine malas nem 230 Procubuit Cor^tlius; Puero quae gloria Excutit: inque hurueros limen tellure fuso revul«uin Parta tibi est ? Evagrus ait. Nee dicere Toliit, onus plaustri: quod ne permittat Rhoetus in hostem, [moies Plurasinic; rutiUsque ferox in aperta lo- Ipsa facit gravitas. Socium quoque saxea queutis Oppressit spatio stantem propiore Ccnie- Condidit era viri, perque os in pectora, tern : [for, inquit, flammas. 295 Gaudia nee retinet RlicEtus : Sic compre- Te quoque, sseve Drya, circim caput igue Caetera sit fortis castiorum tui-batuorum: rotato Seuiicremoque novat repetitum stipite Insequiturr sed non in te quoque consti- vulnus: [cis ictu tit idem Terque qualerque eravi juncturas verti- Exitus: assiduae successu casdisovantem, Rupit: et iu liquido sedenint ossa cere- Qua juncta est humero cervix, sude figis bro. obuita. 456 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Tries to extract, but still in vain he tries, And howling, weltering in his gorej he flies. ■ 350 Orneus and Lycabas now quit the foe. On his right shoulder, Medon bears a blow. Pisenor with Thaumas backward trace Their steps, and Mermeros, who in the race Would oft outstrip the emulating throng, 3.')5 Lam'd by a wound, now tardy limps along : Abas, too, flies, renown'd for hunting boars. And Astylos, who Fate's decree explores : " Fear not," he cries to timorous Nessus, " know. Death halts to greet thee from Alcides' bow." S60 Pholus and Melaneus aghast retire; Eurynomus and Lycidas expire ; And Areos and hapless Imbreus slain. Wounded in front by Dryas, strew the plain ; And thou, Crena^is, tho' the battle's brunt 365 Backward thou shunnest, gain'st a wound in front ; As round thou turn'st thy visage in thy flight, Just where the forehead and the nose unite. Forming a cavity between thine eyes. Swift to thy brain the deadly javeliu flies; 370 Prone on the ground, unmov'd by all the fray. Drunk and insensible, Alphides lay ; His lazy hand yet holds a cup of wine, Stretch'd on a shaggy skin his limbs recline, Ingemuit, dur6qupsutlem vixosse revel lit At noii Eiirj'i.omus,Lycicl^sque, et Areo» Rliostus ; eC ipsf suo madefactussanguirje el Imbreus 310 fugit. 301 Effugere iif cem: quos omnesdextraDrj- Fugit it Orneus, Lj-cabasque, et saucius amis armo [mas: Perculit adversos. Adversum tu qiioqus, I>exteriore JMpdon,etcum PisenoreThau- quamv'is Quique pedum nuper certaniine vicerat Terga fugse dtdcras, vuluus, Crenjee, La. oirmes listi. Jlermeros; accepto nuncvulnere tardius Nam grave respVciens inter duo lumiiift i'^'Ht : 303 fcrruro, Et Pholiis, et Melaneus, et Abas prasda- Qua naris fronti conimittitur, acoipis, tor aprorum : [augur imse. 315. Quique suis tVustra bclUim dissuaserat In tauto freniita dnctis sine fine iacebat Astylos. Tile etiam metuenti vulnera Sopitus vinis, et inexperrectus Aphidas: Nesso, Languentlque nianu carcliesia mista tc- Ne fuge ; ad Herculeos, iiiquit, servabe- nebat, ' vis arous. Fusus in 0.5sac^ villosis pellibus ur^i»» BOOK XII. 457 Whom from afar uhen furious Phorbas spies, 375 " Away, dilute thy wine in Styx ! " he cries, Then grasps his weapon's thong with dextrous art, And at the reckless drunkard hurls the dart ; Pierc'd thro' the neck he died, unvex'd by pain. For ere the barb was felt the youth was slain : 380 The ruddy current, as his spirit fied, O'erflow'd the cup, and dyed the bearskin red. I saw Petrieus clasp an oak, and strain With all his force, to tear it from the plain ; But as with giant arm he strove to free, 335 Tugg'd to and fro, from earth the loosen'd tree, Pirithoiis' javelin, faithful to its mark, Struck, and impai'd his bosom to the bark : Lycus and Chromis next his vengeance bore ; Dictys and Helops rais'd his glory more : 390 Helops receives, with slanting force, the spear Thro' his right temple to his adverse ear ; And Dictys, as he shuns the battle's shock, Falls from the summit of a lofty rock : Headlong he tumbles with gigantic crash, 395 And dies, embowel'd, on a splinter'd ash. To avenge his comrades, Aphareus essays. Torn from t!ie rock, a ponderous stone to raise ; But Theseus' arm anticipates the stone. And shatters with a club his elbow bone : 400 Quem procul ut vidit frustra nulla arma moveiitcm, SCO Inserit amento digitos.MiscenUaque, dix- it, [ra moralus Cum Styge vina biba^, Pliorbas. Nee plu- In juveuera torsit jaculum : feiratiqiie ■ cello [est. Fraxiiius, ut casu jaciiit resiipinus, adncta Mors caruit seusu : plen6que ^ gutture fluxit 3C5 Iiique toros, inque ipsa niger carchesia sanguis. [ra Vidi ejo Petramm conantcm evellere ter- Glandiferam qiiercum: quam dum com- plexibus ambit; Et quatit hue illuc, labefactiique robora jactat, 3C9 Lancea Pirithoi costis immissa Petreel Pectora curj duro luctantia robore fixit. Pirit'ioi virtute Lycum cecidisse ferebant: Pirithoi cecidisse Chromin. Sed uterque minorein Viclori titulum, quam Dictys Helopsque, dederunt. Fixus Helops jaculo, quod pervia tempo- ra fecit ; 335 Et missiiui a. dextri Isevam penetravit io aurcrn. [tis, Dictys ab ancipiti delapsus acumine nion- Dum fugit instantem trepidauslxione ua- tum, [ornuin Decidit in praeceps : et pondcre corporis Inaicntem frepit; suaquoinduitilia tracta:. Ultnr adest Aphareus: sa.\um(iue i mon- te rcvulsum oil Mittere conatur. Conantem stipite querno Occupat /Egides, cubilique ingentia fran- 458 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES, The hero boasts nor leisure nor desire To bid the sufferer to the shades retire, But leaps on tall Bianor's back, who ne'er Was doom'd, till then, a double load to bear ; His knees embrace his ribs ; his left hand twirls 405 With steady grasp amid his sable curls. While with his club, as o'er the plain he bounds. His ears, his temples, and his mouth, he wounds. With the same clu^ the youth, Nedymnus, slew Lycotas, who his spear unerring threw ; 410 Old Hippasus, whose beard his breast o'erspread ; And Kipheus, hiding in the woods his head ; And Tereus, skill'd in mountains to ensnare, And drag reluctant home, the roaring bear. No longer brooks Demoleon deeds like these : 415 An aged pine, amid its fellow trees, Tower'd to the skies ; the Centaur strives with toil. But strives in vain, to tear it from the soil. Then snaps it short, and hurls it at the foe : Theseus, by Pallas warn d, avoids the blow. 420 (Himself believes, and narrates what I tell.) Yet not in vain the shady ruin fell ; Tall Grantor in descent by chance it smote. And tore his breast and shoulder from his throat. Grantor, O son of Peleus ! oft-times bore 425 To war the armour that thy father wore : Ossa: nee ulteriis dare corpus inutile le- Feire domum vivos, iiidignantt-jque sole- to bat. Aut vacat, aut curat: teig6que Bianoris Ilaud tulit utentetn pugnse successibus alti 315 ultra 355 Insilit, haud solito quenquam portare, Thesea Demoleon : solid6que revellere uisiipsum: [nistr^ dumo Opposuitque genucostis; prensiSmque si- Annosam pinum magno tnoliniine tentat. Ccesariem retinens, vultum, minitantidque Quod quia non potuit, prsefractam riiisit era [g t. in lioslem. Robore nodoso, prsedurilque tempora, fre- Sed procul a telo Theseus venieute reces- Robore Nedymnum, jaculatoremque Ly- sit, cotan 350 Pailados admonitu. Credi sic ipse vole- Sternit, et immissA protectum pectora bat. 3^0 barb& [sylvis; Non tatnen arborinerscecidit: nam Cran- Hippason, et summis exstantetn Riphea toris alti [sinislrum. Tereique Hssmoniis qui prensosraonlibus Abscidit jugulo pectusque humerumque ursos Armiger ille tui fuerat genitoris, Achille : BOOK XII. 45C| Me from o'erthrowii Amyntor gain'd the youth, Pledge of his love, and token of his truth.) When Peleus from afar his friend espied, Gor'd by the deadly wound, '' Accept," he cried, 430 " A shade to tend thee in the lower world ;" Then his huge javelin at Demoleon hurl'd ; Thro' his cleft ribs the lance pursu'd its track, And stuck adhesive in the Centaur's back. Forth from his tortnr'd side the shaft he strains, 435 But buried in his lungs the barb remains ; Pain gives him strength ; he rears on high, to beat To earth the hero with his horse's feet. Theseus, with outstretch'd arms, receives the charge Full on his helmet and his batter'd targe : 440 And, guarded thus, attacks again the foe. And stabs two bosoms with a single blow* He kills Phlegrzeus, Hylas, from afar. And slays Hiphinoiis in closer M-ar. Now, prancing Centaur, Dorylas appears, 445 A shaggy wolf-skin dangling from his ears, "While red with blood, in proud defiance spread, A bull's wide antlers decorate his head : With nerves by valour brac'd, I cried, in scorn, " Now find which gains the 'vantage, steel, or horn," 450 And hurl'd my dart ; the Centaur's eye-balls trace Its course, he lifts his hand to guard his face ; Quem Dolopum reclor bello superatus Excipit ille ictus galfJl cljpedque sonan- Amyntor tes. 375 ^acidis dederat p.icis pignusque fidein- Defensitque humeros : prajtentaque sus- que. 365 tinet arma: [ictu. Hunc procul ut fcedo disjectum vulnere Perque armos uno duo pectora perforat Peleus [Grantor, Ant^ tamen leto dederat Phlegraeon, et Vidit, At inferias, juvenum gratbsime Hjlen [niuque. Accipe, ait. Validoque in Demoleoula Eminus: Hiphiaoum collato Marte, Cla- lacertt) [hastaui. Additiir his Dorylas : qui tempora tecta Fraxineam misit, mentis quoque viribus, gerebat 380 Qua? laterum cratem perrumpit: et ossi- Pelle lupi, sasvique vicem prsslantia teli bus harens 370 Cornua vara bourn multo rubefacla cru- Intremuit. Traliit ille manu sin^ cus- oie. [pice, dixi, pide lignum: [mone retenta est. Huic ego, nam vires animus dabat, As- Id quoque vix sequitnr. Cuspis pul- Quantum concedant nostro tua cornua Ipse dolor vires animo dabat. iEger in ferro: hostem Et jaculum torsi. Quod c6m vitare ne- Erigitur,pedibusq«evirumprocnlcatequi- quiret, 385 nis. Opposuit dextrajn passurae vulnera fronti. N n n 460 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. His hand the javelin to his forehead nails ; A joyful shout the firmament assails. Peleus, who chanc'd to battle at his heels, 455 As fainting, staggering^ with the wound he reels, Full in his belly thrust his sword ; with pain Maddening, he drags his bowels o'er the plain : Spurn'd, crush'd, they coil around his legs and thighs, And Dorylas with empty belly dies. 460 O hapless Cyllarus ! thy beauty's pride, (If in a Centaur beauty can reside) Ne'er bloom'd to save thee in the battle's din. A beard of golden down just grac'd his chin, His locks of glossy gold, in graceful braids, 465 Hung o'er his shoulders to his shoulder-blades ; Brilliant the cheerfulness his face express'd. His neck, his hands, his shoulders, and his breast. Each human member, every manly part. Outvied the wonders of the sculptor's art : 470 In all that charms the eye, or kindles love, The beast below ne'er sham'd the man above ; Add but a horse's head, a horse's mane, Castor himself had long'd to guide the rein. His graceful back seem'd sueing to be prest, 475 Large rolls of fat adorn'd his ample chest ; His skin as pitch was sable to the sight, Save that his tail and either leg were white ; Affixa est cum froiite manus. Fit clamor: Ex liumRris medios coma dependebat in at ilium [lum armos. Haerentem Peleus, et acerbo vulnere vie- Gratus in ore vigor: cervix, humerlque, (Stabat enim propior) mediam ferit ense manusque, sub alvum. Pectoraque artificum laudatis proxima Prosiluit, terraque ferox sua viscera trax- signis; [sub ilia it: 390 Et qua parte viri est: nee eqiii mendosa Tractdque calcavit : calcatdque rupit: et Deteridrque viro facics. Da coUa, caput- iilis [alvo. que; 400 Crura quoque impediit ; et inani concidit Castore dignus erit. Sic tergum sessile, Nee te pugnantem tua, Cyllare, forma sic stant redemit; Pectora celsa toris: totus pice nigrior Si modo naturas formam concedimus illi. atr^. Barbaeratincipiens: barbas color aureus: Candida cauda tamen; color est quoque auredque 395 cruribns albus. BOOK XII. 46l Full many a Cetitaur maid the youth decoy 'd, But one alone, Hylonome, enjoy'd : 480 Amid th' half-human race who throng'd the shade, No fair in loveliness excell'd the maid, By blandishments, and love, and accents cast In Cupid's mould, she binds her Centaur fast : Whate'er of beauty studious art confers 485 On biform'd limbs, her care imparts to her's ; Smooth'd by a comb her hair luxuriant flows, The rosemary, the violet, the rose. The snow-white lilly, decorate her locks : While in the rill that bathes Parnassus' rocks, 490 Twice every day, ere Sol his circuit trace. She purifies her limbs, and laves her face. Nor less, serene Hylonom^, thy care, A comely garb of spotted skins to wear. With equal love thro' hills and caves they roam. 49o Together now the Lapithean dome The lovers enter, till the discord rude Bids them together join the fatal feud. When lo ! (its source unknown,) a random dart Below his bosom pierc'd the Centaur's heart. 500 The dart is drawn : iho' trivial to behold. The wound is fatal and the heart is cold. His lifeless limbs H3lonom^ embrac'd. O'er the red wound her hand in anguish plac'd^ Multas ilium petiere su4 de gente; sed Aut humero, aut lateri prsetendat vellera una tevo. 415 Abstulit Hylonome : quit nulla decentior Par amor est illis: errant in inontibus una : inter 405 Antra simul subeunt: et turn Lapitheia Semiferos altis habitavit foemina sylvis. tecta [bant. Haec et blanditiis, et amando, et amare Tiitraraut pariter ; pariter ff ra bella gere- fatendo Auctor in incerto est: jaculura de parte Cyllaron una tenet. Cultus quoque siiiistrii quautus in illis [laevis: Venit; et inferiis, quam colic pectora Esse potest memhris; ut sit coma pectiue subsunt, 420 Ut mod6 rore maris, mod6 se violave ro- Cyllare, tefixit: parvocor vulnerelassum save 410 Corpore cum toto post tela educta re- Implicet: interdum candentialiliagestet: frixit. Bisque die lapsis Pagasoeae vertice sylvae Protinus Hylonome morientes excipit Fontibus ora lavet: bis flumine corpora artus: tingat. [rum, ImpositSque manu vulnus fovet; orique Nee, nisi quas deceant, electarumque fera- ad ora 462 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. And strove with her's to stay his parting breath, 505 And snatch her husband from the grasp of death. But when she finds that mortal is the wound, With wailings in the din of battle drown'd. On the same dart that wing'd her Centaur's fate She falls, and clasps in death her prostrate mate. 510 Phaeocomes, adown whose human sides. E'en to his bestial flank, six lions' hides With knots united hung, these eyes survey 'd : A huge uprooted tree, with all its shade, (Ne'er such a weight two yoke of oxen drew,) 515 At Phonoleniis' son the Centaur threw. The giant trunk his shadow'd form o'erspread. And crush'd his huge rotundity of head. Soft from his mouth, and eyes, his ears, and nose, The brain, like milky curds from baskets, flows ; 620 Or as dense liquids, in a ves§el pent. Ooze thro' its holes, and stain its every vent. But 1, as down he stoop'd to strip the youth, (Thy sire, Achilles, can attest the truth,) With sudden blow the cruel Centaur gor'd, 525 And in his lower belly thrust my sword. Chthonius and Telebiias, own'd my art, That bore a bough to battle, this a dart. Whose barb, quick-glancing, smote me from afar ; Behold the spot, it still appears a scar ; 530 Admovet: atque animse fugienti obsistere Perque cavas nares, oculosque, auresque teutat. 425 cerebrum 435 Ut videt exstinctum : dictis, qu£e clajjior WoUe fluit. Veluti concretum vimine ad aures querno [cribri Arcuit ire meas, telo, quod inliaeserat illi, Lac solet: litve liquor rari sub pondere Incubuit: inorieiisque suum complexa Manat; et exprimitur per densa foramina maritum est. [leonum spissus. [centenn. Ante oculos stat et ille meos: qui sena Ast ego, dum parat hunc armis nudare ja- Vinxerat inter se connexis vellera nodis (Scit tuus hoc geuitor) gladium spoliaotis Phseocomes, hominemque simul protectus in ima 440 equumque. 431 Ilia dimisi. Chlhonius quoque TeleboAs- Codice qui misso, quern vix juga bina mo- que [bifurcum verent [fregit. Ense jacent nostro. Ramum prior ille Juncla, Phonoleniden k siimmo vertice Gesserat; hie jacnium. Jaculo mihi vul- jracta volubilitas capitis latissima : per- nera fecit. [cicatrix-. que OS, Signa vides: apparct adhuc velus ecce BOOK XII. 463 Then might this hand the meed of fame have won. And check'd, nay more, have conquered Priam's son ; Then might these Umbs have scal'd the walls of Troy, ]f5ut Hector at that time was yet a boy ; Perchance not born. But now I bend with age: 535 Why should a tedious tale your ears engage, Of Periphus, who huge Pyretus slew ? Of Amphyx ; he whose dog-wood javelin flew, Devoid of barb, thro' iEther's yielding space. And smote four-footed CEclus in the face ? 540 Or Macareus, who Erigdupus' side Beat with a lever, till the Centaur died r A javelin, from the hand of Nessus cast. Swift thro' thy sever'd groin, Cymelus, past. Nor think that Mopsus, skilful to express J45 The will of Fate, was skill'd in battle less : As huge Odites in the discord joins. The wily Prophet, leaping on his loins, Down thro' his mouth the raving Centaur smote, And nail'd in one, his tongue, his chin, and throat. 550 Five, CEeneus, fell beneath thy fierce attacks, Antimachus, Pyracmos with his axe, And Helimus lament thy manhood now. While Bromus, Stiphelus, before thee bow. I saw them dead, but counted not their wounds; 555 Proud o'er the field now rampant Latreus bounds. Tunc ego debueram capieDda ad Pergaraa Stravit Erigdupum. Memiai et venabula mitti: 445 condi [li. Tunc poteram magni, si non superare, mo- Inguine, Nesseis manibus conjecta, Cyme- rari [nullus, Kectu credideris tantilin cecinisse futuia Hectoris arma meis. Illo sed tempore Ampyciden Mopsum. Mopso jaciilante Aut puer, Hector erat. Nunc me mea biformis 456 deficit aetas. [PyreLi ? Occubuit.frustriqueloquitentavit Odites, Quid tibi victorem gemini Periphauta Ad meutum lingua, mentoque ad guttura Ampyca quid referam ? qui quadrupedan- fixo. [liimque, Bromumque tis Oecli 450 Quiuque neci C»neus dederat, Stiphe- Fixit in adverse cornum sin^ cuspide Antimachiimque, Heliraumque, securife- vultu. [adacto rumque Pyracmon. [que notavi. V«cte Pelethronium Macareus in pectus Vulnera non tnemini: numerum, nomen- 454 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. His form the spoils of slain Halesus grace, A few grey hairs diversify his face ; In years 'twixt boyhood's fire and age's chill, Ju valor and in vigor youthful still ; 560 Array'd in helm and shield, with agile spring, Clattering his arms, and pacing in a ring. Casting around a glance of proud disdain, He pours in empty air this empty strain : " Thee, Caeneus, too, this lance to earth shall hurl, 56'5 To me thou still art Caenis, still a girl. Does not thy native sex unnerve thy arm ? Bear'st thou not still in mind the sexual charm. The base compliance, the besotted fear. That bade thee strut in mimic manhood here ? 570 Think on thy female birth, thy female soil. Go twirl thy thread and with a basket toil ; With feeble hand a woman's distaff wield. And leave to man the javelin and the shield/' While, coursing round and round in frolic prance, 575 Thus Latreus speaks, by Caeneus hurl'd, a lance Pierc'd with unerring force the boaster's loins, Where the man's body to the horse's joins. Raging with pain, he checks his crippled pace ; And with his spear strikes Caeneus in the face ; 580 Back speeds the weapon, as rebounding come Hail from a roof, or pebbles from a drum ; Provolat Emathii spoliis armatu^i Halesi, Coiiiminuit? mentemquc subit, quo prae- Quem dederat leto, membris et corpora mia facto, [ris ? Latreus [sFn(-mque, Quaque viri falsam speciem mercede para- Maximus. Iliiic jetas inter juveneraque, Vel quid nata vide, vel quid sis passa: Vis juvenilis erat. Variabaut tempora columque, cani. 4(35 I, cap* cuin calathis; et stamina pollice Qui clypeo, galeaque, Macedoniaque sa- torque : 475 rissa Bella reliuque viris. Jactanti talia Cas- Conspicuus, faciemque obversus iu agmeti neus utrumque; Extentum cursu missa latus eruit hastS, Armaque concussit, certumque eqoitavit Qua vir equo commissus erat. Furit illes in orbem : dolore: VerbSque tot fudit vacuas animosus in Nuddque Phyllei juvenisferit ora sarissS. auras: Nou secus liaec resilit, quam tecti a cul- Et te, Cseni, feram ? nam tu milii fcemina mine grando : 480 semper, 470 Aut si quis parvo feriat cava tympana Tu mihi Csenis eris. Nee te natalis crigo saxo. BOOK XIT. 465 In closer fight he tries his trusty sword. Firm stands the flesh, unbending and ungor'd : ^* Think not," he cries, " to 'scape the battle's brunt ; 585 Tlie edge may reach thee tho' the point is blunt ;" Then grasps his belly^ sedulous to strike His side unguarded, with a blow oblique ; His skin with rattling tone the weapon smote. And bounded broken from his marble throat, 590 Caeneus awhile stood passive, to afford His limbs unguarded to the Centaur's sword ; Then cried, ^' Now, monster, comes the time for me To try the temper of my steel on thee." Thus he : and swift his shining sword convey'd, 595 E'en to the hilt beneath the shoulder blade, Thrust his arm downward, whirl'd the weapon round, And in his bowels mingled wound with wound. On, in a crowd, the yelling Centaurs run. And countless legions cast their spears at one ; 600 Down drop their blunted javelins ; firm as rock Un wounded Caeneus braves the battle's shock. Fix'd in amaze they stand : " O vile disgrace ! " Cries Monychus ; " the honor of our race, Our countless tribes, that to the battle ran, 605 Are foiled by one, and he scarce yet a man. 'Tis false, he is a man, and we bereft Of force, of sense, now take the sex he left. Cominus aggreditur: laterique recondnre Ensem fatiferum: csecimque in viscera duro [non sunt. movlt, IiUctatur gladium. Gladio loca pr.rvia Versavltque manum: vuluusque in vul- Haud tamen effugies: medio jugulaberis nere fecit. [bres: ense, Ecce ruiiiil vasto rabidi de more bimem- Quandoquidem mucro est hebes, inquit; Teldque in hunc omnes unum mittuutqne et in latub ensem 485 feriintque. 495 Obliquat: long^que amplectitur ilia dex- Tela retusa cadunt. Manet imperfossus tra. [icti : ab omni, Plaga facit gemitns, ceu corpore marnioris Inque cruentatus Cancns Elateius ictu. Fractique dissiluit percusso lamina coUo. Fecerat attonitos nova res. lieu dedecus Ut satis illaesos miranti pra:buit artus ; ingens ! Nunc age, ait Caeneus, nostro tua corpora Monychus exclamat: populus superamiir ferro 49O ab uno, Tentemus: capuWque tenus diraisit in Vixque viro. Quanquara ille vir est: armos nos segnibus actis, 500 466 OVID'S METAIMOHPIIOSES, Say, what avails it, that for self-defence Our limbs are double, and our strength immense r 610 That bounteous fate united at our birth The strongest, noblest animals on earth ? No Goddess Hiother, no Ixion sire, Whose noble bosom burn'd with amorous fire For Juno's self, ere bade us see the light : (j\5 A half-male stripling scares us from the fight. Haste, on his head, stones, beams, and mountains roll ; With towering woods annihilate his soul ; Let shade on shade his panting throat assail. And weight succeed, where swords and javelins fail. 620 Fierce Monychus espying, as he spoke, Fell'd by the southern blast, a prostrate oak ; Hurls it aloft ; the rest the example seize, Othrys and Pelion tower c'evoid of trees : Press'd by the mighty mass, young Caeneus stood, 625 And on his shoulders bore the gathering wood ; His face was hid in shades, his head retir'd. By fits he drew his breath, by starts respir'd : Anon he gather'd strength, but vainly strove To climb aloft, and spurn the incumbent grove : 630 Now he succeeds, his nodding prison breaks : Thus, torn by earthquakes, troubled Ida shakes. Doubt shrouds th' event : some say, the towering force Of woods do;vn press'd to Tartarus his corse. Quod fiiit ille, sumus. Quid membra Exeiiaplumque fuit: parvoque in teaipore . immania prosunt? nudus [umbras. Quid geminse viros? quid, quid fortissima Arboris Othrys eral: nee habebat Pelion rerum Obrutus immani cumulo, sub ponderc In nobis nalura duplex aninialia juuxit? Ceeneus Nee nos matre Dea, nee nos Ixione natos iEstuatarboreo: congestaque roboraduris Esse rcor; qui tantus erat, Junonis ut al- Fert humeris. Sed enim postquam super ta: 505 ora caputque 516 Spem caperet. Nos semimari superamur Crevit onus; neque habet, quas ducat, ab hoste. spiritus aviras; [frustra Saxa, trabesque supir, totosque involvite Deficit interdura : modo se super aera montes : Tollere conatur, jacfisque evolvere syl- Vivacemque animam missis rlidite sylvis. vas. Sylva premat fauces : et erit pro vulnere Interdumque niovet. Veluti, quam cer. pondus. nimus ecce, 520 Dixit: et insani dejectam viribus Austri Ardua si terriE qualiatur motibus Ide. Forti trabem nactus, validum conjecit in Exitusin dubio est. Alii sub inania corpu=i hostem. oil Tartars deUusum syWariTm mole ferebant. BOOK XII. 467 Mopsus contends, he saw an eagle spring 665 Forth from the pile, and soar on yellow wing, (I caught a glimpse of what the prophet view'd ;) And when around our camp the bird pursued His giddy track, with shrill, sonorous cry, Mopsus with studious mien, and watchful eye, 640 Saw o'er our heads the feather'd changeling sail, And cried, " O glory of thy nation ! hail ! Wing to the heavens thy flight, with piercing ken^ Now first of birds, as heretofore of men." The story's author stamps the story's truth. 645 Sadly we mourn'd the metamorphos'd youth Snatch'd from our ranks ; and saw, with grief and rage, Such countless tribes a single foe engage : Nor sheath'd our swords till battle, deaths and night, Had conquer'd part, and put the rest to flight." 650 As thus the Pylian sage the war describes Between the Lapithas and Centaur tribes, TIepolemus, amid the sons of fame, 111 brooks the omission of Alcides' name : But cries, " 'Tis strange thy memory should require 655 My aid to tell of Hercules, my sire. Oft has he told me, in the festive feud, His arm the cloud-begotten race subdued." " Ah ! why remind me," cried the sorrowing chief, " Of troubles past, of time-diminish 'd grief ? 660 Abnuit Ampycides : medi6que ex aggere Oppressumque zegr^ tulimus tot ab hosti- fulvis bus unum. [ore ; Vidit avein pennis liquidas exixe sub au-. Nee priCii abstitimus ferrum exercere cru- ras: 525 Qutim data pars leto, partem fuga ud:^que Quae mihi tunc primiim, tunc est coDspec- diiemit. 535 la supremiira. Hasc inter Lapithas, et semihoniines Hanc ubilustrantemlenisuacastra volatu Centauros [rem Mopsus, el ingenti civcCim clangore io- Proelia TIepolemus Pylio referente dole nantem I'raiteriti Alcidce tacito non pertulit ore : Adspexit, pariterque oculis anim6que Atque ait; Herculeae miiuni est oLlivia secutus ; laudis 539 O salve, dixit, Lapithaeae gloria gentis, Acta tibi, senior. Cert^ mihi sjepe referre Maxims vlr quondam, sed nunc avis uni- Nubigenas domitos. ase pater ipse solebat. ca, Caeneu. 531 Tristis ad h?ec Vyliusj Quid me memi- Credita res auctore suo est. PoJor ad- nisse malorum tus.' diditiram: Cogis; etobductog anois rescindere luc. Ooo 4^S OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Why, by recalling, force me to relate His great offences, and my greater hate ? His boundless merits dwelt on every tongue, Wide o'er the world his deeds romantic rung. Would I could negative the fact, and show 666 The rumour false, for who Avould praise a foe ? With willing praise, amid our hostile Greeks, Who of Polydamas or Hector speaks ? Who lauds De'iphobus ? Messene's wall Thy sire demolish'd ; I beheld its fall ; 670 Elis and Pylos Hercules o'erthrew. With fire and sword my hapless race he slew. To pass regardless, victims little worth ; Twelve were my brothers, Neleus gave us birth ; All fell by him, to make for others room, 675 But sure, O Pereclymenus ! thy doom, Of all the twelve, is fittest to describe. Old ocean's God^ the founder of our tribe. To him had given the super-human skill To take and to reject all forms at will. 680 In vain my brother fought in many a form, Chang'd to a bird, at length he clear'd the storm ; A royal bird, who heaven's high monarch draws. And bears his thunder in his crooked claws. With all i\n eagle's force, with talons, beak, 685 • And flapping wings, he wounds the mighty Greek. Inquetuumgenitorem odium, ofFensdsque Bis sex Herculeis ceciderunt, me minits fateri ? uuo, lUe quidera inajora fide (DW) gessit; et Viribus. Atque alios vinci potuisse fe- orbem 545 rendum est 555 Implevit meritis; quod mallem posse ne- Mira Periclymeni mors est: cui posse fi- gari: [nee ipsum guras [sumtas Sed neque Deiphobum,iiecPulydiHmaiita, Sumere quas vellet, rursiisque reponere Hectora laudaraus. Quis enim laudave- Neptunus dederat, Nelei sanguinis auc- rit hostem ? [dam tor. Tile tuus genitor Messenia moenia quon- Hie, ubi nequicquam est formas variatu» Stravit: et immerilas urbes Ellnque Py- in omnes, 16nque 550 Vertitiir in faciem volucns: quse fuImiiM Diruit: iuque meos ferrum flammimqne curvis 560 penates [peremit; Ferre solet pedibus, div&m gratissima Re- Impulit. Utque alios taceam, quos ille gi. [co, Bis sex Nelidas fuimus conspecta juven- Viribus usus avis, pennisrostroque redun- tus : tXamatisque virL laniaverat unguibus ora. BOOK XII. 4^9 But as aloft he hovers, from below. Thy sire, Alcides, with unerring bow Speeds forth a dart, and strikes him in his flight, Where the strong pinion and the side unite. 690 Tho' slight the wound, the sever'd nerves deny Or power to wheel aloft, or strength to fly ; Too faint to catch the gale, with sickly wings. Downward he drops ; and where the arrow clings, His swift declension from the bleeding joint, 695 E'en thro' his throat and body, drives the point. Seem I now bent with scorn thy sire to treat, O ! wise conductor of the Rhodian fleet ? Henceforth to avenge my wrongs be silence mine, But deem not Nestor foe to thee or thine." 700 When thus, on aged Nestor's fluent tongue. The curious chieftains had attentive hung. Once more in generous wine their cares they steep. Then rise from table, and retire to sleep. But still the God, whose trident rules the waves, 705 For Cygnus, now a swan, laments and raves. Time, far from lessening, but the more reveals The hate his bosom for Achilles feels. Ten years had Troy withstood the assembled Greeks, When crafty Neptune thus to Phoebus speaks : 710 " Dearest to me of all the sons of Jove, Thou who, conjoin'd with Neptune, arduous strove 7endit in bunc nimiixra ceitos Tirynthius Ulciscar fratrfis, solida est mihi gratia te- arcus: cum. [ore; Atque intei- nubes sublimia membra fe- Heec postquam duici Nele ius edidit rentem, 565 A sermoue senis repetito munere Bacchi, Pendentemque ferlt, lateri qua jungitur Surrexere toris. Kox est data caetera ala. [nervi sonino. Nee grave vuliius erat: sed rupti vu!nere At Deus, aequoreas qui cuspide tempe- Deficiunt, motiiraque negant viresque vo- rat undas, 580 landi, [ras In volucrem corpus uati Stheneleida ver- Decidit in terram, non concipientibus au- sum Infirmis pennis: et qua levis haeserat Mente dolet patria : saeviimque perosu» alae, 570 Achillem Corporis affixi pressa est gravitate sagitta: Exercet memores, plis quam civiliter, Pferque latus summum jugulo est exacta iras. sinistro. JAmque ferd tracto duo per quinquennia JJum videor debere tui prasconia rebus bello, Herculis, 8 Rhodias ductor pulclierrime Talibus intonsum compellat Sminthea classis ? dictis : 58S Ue taraen ulterids, qu^m fortia facta si- O mihi de fratris longS gratissime natis, lendo^ 575 Irrita qui mecuni posuisti tnoenia TrojK ; 470 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. To build, (O bootless work !) yon towering wall, Grieves not thy soul to view its nodding fall ? Weep not thy radiant eyes in copious showers, 715 The thousands slaughter'd to protect its towers ? Does not pale Hector's ghost thy peace annoy, Dragg'd, lifeless dragg'd, around his native Troy ? While, bloodier e'en than Mars, fierce Peleus' son Still lives to ruin all our toils have done ? 720 Did but the culprit trust at sea his fate, Soon should he feel, and mourn my trident's weight ; But if from open war forbid, with snares Beset the Greek, and slay him unawares." O'erjoy'd, Apollo acquiescent nods, 725 His own wish echoing back the watery God's. Veil'd in a cloud, the troops of Troy he seeks. Where Paris scatter'd midst ignoble Greeks Ignoble darts : confess'd in open sight. Thus to the Trojan spoke the God of light : 730 " Why stain thy darts with vulgar blood alone ? If aught of care or sorrow for thine own E'er mov'd thee, in Achilles' blood efface Thy house's woe, the slaughter of thy race : " Then show'd the spot where, with unerring sword, 735 The mighty chief whole hosts of Trojans gor'd ; Held firm his bow, and, with immortal art, Wing'd to Achilles the unerring dart. Ecquid, ut has jam jam casuras aspicis Annuit: atque animo pariter patruoque arce?, [ros suoque Ingemis ? aut ecquid tot defendeiitia mu- Delias indulgens, nebuIA velatus in ag- Millia caesa doles ? ecquid (ne persequar men [rorum omnes) 590 Pervenit Iliacum : mediaque in c8E;de vi- Hectoris umbra subit circim sua Pergama Kara per ignotos spargentem cernit Aclii- tracti? [ipso, vos 600 Cdm tamen ille ferox, bell6que cruentior Tela Parin : fassusque Deum, Quid spi- Vivit arthuc operis nostri populator Achil- cula perdis [lucrum; les. Sanguine plebis? ait. Si qua est tibi cura Det mihi se: faxo, triplici quid cuspide Vertere in iEaciden, cses6sque ulciscere possim, fratres. [ro Sentiat. At quoniam concurrere cominus Dixit: etostendens sternentem Troiafer- hosti 595 Corpora Peliden, arcus obvertit in il- Non datur; occultl nee opinum perde lum: 6o5 sagitta. Cert^que letiferzl direxit spicula dextrl. BOOK XII. 471 Since the sad slaughter of the prince of Troy, No deed but this could give old Priam joy. 740 'Twas thus, O peerless youth ! thou met'st thy fate, Slain by the spoiler of a Grecian mate. Jf doom'd a blow effeminate to feel. Oh ! why not fall by Amazonian steel ? Now, scourge of Troy, Achaia's orient star, . 745 Noble in birth, unparallel'd in war, Stretch'd on the funeral pile Achilles lay : The God * who arm'd him burnt his lifeless clay. His chill remains to mouldering ashes turn. And vast Achilles fills one little urn. 750 Yet o'er the world still spreads the hero's name, A huge expanse, well fitted to his fame. Thus, equal to himself, ordain'd to quell Oblivious death, he bursts the gates of hell. All seek to grasp his shield ; with war's alarms 755 The coast re-echoes, arms are rais'd for arms. Great Diomed, Oileus' valiant son, And Menelaiis, the contention shun : E'en Agamemnon, monarch of the field. Nay, all, save two, forbear to claim the shield. 76O Ajax alone, and sage Ulysses rise. Joint candidates, to win the glorious prize : Great Agamemnon, anxious to elude The invidious duty to decide the feud, Quo Priamiis gaudere senex post Ilecto- At vivit, totum quae gloria compleat or- ra posset, [Achille, bem. Hoc fuit. lile igitur tantorum victor, Hsec illi mensura viro respondet: et hSc Vinceris a timido Graiae raptore inaritaa ? est At si foemineo fuerat tibi Marte caden- Parsibi Pelides; necinaniaTartarasentit. diim; 610 Ipse etiam, ut cujus fuerit cognoscere Tliermodontiaca malles cecidisse bipenni. possis, 620 Jam timor ille Phrygum decus et tutela Bella movet clypeus : deque armis anna Pelasgi [lo, feruntur. Uominis ^acides, caput insuperabile bel- Non ea Tydides, non audet O'ileos Ajax, Arserat; arm^rat Deus idem, id^mque Non minor Atrides, non bello major et cremarat. aevo Jam cinis est'; et de tam magno restat Poscere, non alii : soli Telamone creato Achille 615 Laert^que fuit tanta fiducia laudis. 625 Nescio quid, parvam quod non bene com- A se Tantalides onus invidiimque remo- pleat urnam. vit : * Vulcan. 472 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Within his camp the summon'd chieftains draws, 765 And bids them hear, and arbitrate the cause. j4rgolic6sque duces mediis considere cas- Jussit: et arbiUium litis trajecit in om- tris nes. OVID's METAMORPHOSES. BOOK XIII. THE ARGUMENT. The Contest of Ajax and Ulysses. — The Victory of Ulysses, and the Death of Ajax. — The Destruction of Troy. — Tlie Death of Astyanax. — The Ghost of Achilles demands the Sacrifice of Polyxena. — Her Death. — The Death of Polyinnestor. — The Transformation of Hecuba. — Aurora's Lamentation for the Loss of Memnon. — Memnon's Funeral. — The Escape of Mwas with Anchises and Ascanius from Troy. — Scylla and Char yhdis,— The Story of Polyphemus, Acis, and Galatea. — The Death of Acis. — The Story of Glaucus and Scylla. X HE chiefs recline, the soldiers throng the plain. When, lo ! with haughty mien and high disdain, KindHng in ire, his eyes quick- glancing o'er Achaia's gallies on the Trojan shore, Fiercely intent Pelides' arras to wield, 5 Forth steps the owner of the sevenfold shield. " O Jove ! " with hands uprais'd to heaven, he cries, " Before yon rescued fleet I claim the prize. But dares Ulysses seek what Ajax claims r When Hector wrapt yon ships in lurid flames, 10 Did not Ulysses from the fire retreat ? Did not this arm unaided save the fleet ? CONSEDERE duces: et vulgi staate Intendensquemanus,.4gimu3,proh Jupiter, corona, inquit, 5 Surgit ad lios clypei dominus scptem- Ante rates causam; et mecum confertur pUcis Ajax. Ulysses ! Ut illo. QO Nen dederaot, nnllo tardatus Tulnere fu- Ecce ferunt Troes ferr umque, ignemque sit. Jovemque 478 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Where was Ulysses then ? ere yet you came, This bosom sav'd a thousand ships from flame. Sttre for this deed yon arms ye may resign : Nay, if to speak the honest truth be mine, 120 The meed is mutual, for, while Ajax lives, 'Yon targe receives more glory than it gives. Ye want no shield for Ajax' arm to wield ; Ye rather want an Ajax for the shield. To match the deeds this single arm has done, 125^ Yon Ithacan may prate of Priam's son, With Troy's Palladium ; and his tale may grace With timid Dolon, and the king of Thrace : By him and Diomed each darkling dies : But if such worthless deeds may win the prize, 130 On each, as merit claims, your bounty shed. And give the larger half to Diomed. Why on an unarm'd spoiler arms bestow. Who lures by stratagem the unwary foe ? The very radiance of yon golden casque ] 35 Would track his covert, and his wiles unmask. Can that poor head yon ponderous helmet rear .'' That feeble arm uphold yon massy spear ? Is yon bright orb, whose centre bears reveal'd The wide earth's image, fit for thee to wield ? ]40 O dead to shame! thou seek'st thy greatest bane ; Should'st thou from erring Greece the contest gain. In Danaas classes. Ubi mine facuiKins Quo tamen bacc Ithaco? qui clam, qui Uljrsses ? [puppes-, semper iuermis [liojtem ? Nempe ego mille meo protOAi pectore Rem gerit; et furtis incautum decipit Spem vestri reditCls. Date tot pro na-vi- Ipse nitor galeae claro radiantis aij auro bus arma., losidias prodet, manifestabitque iaten- Qu6J si vera licet niihi dicere ; quffiritur tem. 106 islis, 95 Sed neque Bulichias sub AchiMis casside Quiim mihi, major honos: conjunctique vertex [gravlsque gloria nostra est. [tuDtur. Pondera tanta feret. 'Nee non onerosa At(|ue Ajax armis, non Ajaci arma pe- Pelias esse potest imbellibus hasta lacer- Couferat his Ithacus Rhesum, imbellem- tis. que Dolona, [lade captum. Nee clypeus vasti cselatus imagine mundi Priainidenque Helenum rapta cum Pal- Conveniet timidEc, nataeque ad furta si- Luce nihil geslum, nihil est Diomede nistrse. 113 remoto. . 100 Debilitaturum quid te petis, improbe, mu- Si semel ista datis mentis tarn vilibus ar« nus ? ma ; [iUis. Quod tibi si populi douaverit error Achi- Dividite: et major pars sit Diomedis in vi. BOOK XIII. 479 Thou 'dst give to Troy, quick following in thy rear, A cause to strip thee, but no cause to fear. Thus clogg'd, condemn'd the battle's brunt to brave, 145 Flightj, thy sole excellence, would fail to save. Look on thy shield, ne'er proffer'd to the foe, How smooth its surface ! mine, by many a blow Batter'd and hewn, some other lord must gain. Here ends my parley : further talk were vain. 150 Judge us by deeds : yon relics of the brave Hurl into Troy, then try from Troy to save : Let both, to win them, seek her frowning soii, And deck the victor in the rescu'd spoil." Here ceas'd the master of the sevenfold shield. 1^.5 A smother'd shout ran murmuring o'er the field : Till, rising slow, with eyes that sought the ground. Gradual uprais'd to greet the chiefs around. With graceful mien, and eloquence that won Attention's eaj', thus spoke Laertes' sou : 1 60 ''■ If heaven, assembled Greeks, had heard our prayer, Not now would yonder shield require an heir ; Still would Achilles his own arms enjoy. And Greece still hail him on the plains of Troy. But since we mourn his loss, ah! fate severe ! " 16.3 (And as he spoke, he chas'd what seem'd a tear.) " Who can so well attain what either seeks, As he thro' whom Achilles join'd the Greeks r Cut spolieris, erit; Don, cur metuaiis Adstitit: atque ocu'os p.iuliim telluie ab hoste. nioratos 125 Et foga (qui soli cunctos, timidissime, SnstuUt ad proceres: cxspectatoque re- vincls) 115 solvit [dictis. Tarda futiira tibi est gestainiua tanta tra- Ora sodo: neque abest facutidis gratia henti. [passus, Simeacum vestiis valuissent vota, Pelasgi, Adde, quod iste tuu?, "tam rar6 pra'Iia Non foret aujbiguiis taiiti certamiuis ha:- Integer est clypeus. Nostro, qui tela fe- res: rendo [habciiclus. Tuque tuis armis, no» te poteremur, A- Mille patet plagis, novus est successor chille. 130 Peuique, quid verbis opus est ? Spectemur Quern quoiiiaci noii aequa mihi voblsque agendo. 3C0 negarunt Arma viri fortis medios mittantur iu Fata, (mauiique simul veluti lacrytnantiii hostes. [relatis. tersit Ind^ jubete peli: et referentem ornate Lumitia) quis magno melius succedat Finierat Telamone satus; vulgique se- Achilli; cutum [ros Qiiain per quern uiagnus Danais successit Ultima murmur erat. I)onecLai;rtius be- Achilles? 480 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Shall Ajax win you by his want of brain ? Shall skill, shall talents, prove Ulysses' bane ? J70 That skill assists, those talents aid your host: Then let this tongue, if aught of power it boast To bid yon ramparts- to your prowess bow, Prove no disservice to its master now. Let each exalt his fame on native worth : I75 Bright ancestry, and all the pride of birth. Not rais'd by us, can scarce be call'd our own ; But since from him who fills the heavenly throne Ajax, contemptuous, draws bis royal line. Know, that almighty Jove, too, founded mine ; 180 I, too, may rank the heaven-born tribe among^ My sire, Laertes, from Arcesius sprung; Arcesius Jove begat ; nor, midst my race Does slave or exile dare to hold a place. From agile Hermes was my mother born : 185 Thus Gods, on either side, my house adorn. Not on my mother's be my glory built, Not that my sire a brother's blood ne'er spilt. Claim I the shield ; with mind assur'd and calm, 1 dwell on deeds : let merit gain the palm. }90 Peleus and Telamon one father claim. True, but shall Ajax snatch one wreath of fame From birth ? shall virtue lose, and lineage win ? Nay, if the prize be given to next of kin. Huic Biod^ ne prosit, (juod, ut est, hebes Kam mihi Laertes pater est, Arcesius iili, esse videtur, 1^5 Jupiter liuic: neque in liis quisquam dam- JJeve niilii noceat, quod voliis semper, u.iius et exsul. 143 Achivi, Est ((uoque per iiiatrem Cyllenius addita I'rofuit iiigeniiim; nieiique Ii que 490 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. To seize her lov'd Palladium boldly dare, And tho' a thousand foes the trophy bear ? 430 Had I ne'er done these deeds, his seven-fold shield On his left arm in vain would Ajax wield. That night Troy's lofty ramparts 1 o'erthrew. By making pregnable her towers to you. Forbear my speech with murmurs to upbraid, 435 Nor glance at Diomed — 1 own his aid. When Troy's united force our fleet attack'd, Didst thou stand single ? hosts thy efforts back'd : Mine, one alone ; who, were he not assur'd. That power is l^^ss by arms than arts secur'd, 440 That strength of limb to strength of mind must bow. Might claim yon glittering spoil as well as thou. Thy milder name-sake, too, the prize had won, Furious Eurypilus, Andraemon's son, Idomeneus, Meriones of Crete, 445 And Menelaiis might the contest greet. These in the field are warriors brave like thee, But, honoring wisdom, yield the palm to me. Thy arm is fitted for the martial fray, But thy harsh temper needs my milder sway : 450 Strength without skill thou boastest, prudence I ; Thou fly'st to arms ; the time to arms to fiy, Atrides plans with me ; the tented plain Thou hast a body train'd for, I a brain ; Eripere aede Beam: raptimque efferre Ipse quoque lisec peteret : peteret mode- perhostes? 345 ratior Ajax, 356 Quae nisi fecissem ; frustra Telamone Eurypilusque ferox, clar6que Andremone creatus iiatus: [eldem Gest^sset laeva taurorum tergora septem. Kec minfis Idomeneus, patri^ue creatus lUa nocte tnihi Trojae victoria parta est : Meriones: peteret majoris frater Atridse. Pergama turn vici, cCim vinci posse coegi. Qaippe manu fortes (nee sunt tibi Marte^ Desine Tydiden vultiique et murmure no- secundi) 360 bis 350 Consiliis cessere meis. Tibi dextera bello -Qstentare meum. Pars est sua laudis in Vtilis ; ingenium est, quod eget mddera- illis. [nebas, mine nostri. [turi est. Nee tu, ciim socia clypeum pro classe te- Tu vires sin^ mente geris : mihi cura fu- Soluseras: tibi turba comes, mihi contigit Tu pugnare potes : pugnandi tempora iQe- unus. [rem cum Qui, nisi pugnacem sciret sapiente mino- Eligit Atrides. Tu tantimi corpore pro- Esse, nee indomitae deberi prsemia de;ctrae, des ; 365 BOOK XIII. 491 E'en as before the led the leader goes, 455 E'en as die steersman ranks o'er him who rows, So top 1 thee : a heart, a soul I bear. And all my vigor is concenter'd there. Nobles of Greece, for many a Trojan spoil, For nights of watchfulness, for days of toil, 460 For strength exhausted to uphold the Greeks, This prize, this single prize, Ulysses seeks. Clos'd is our toU : my skill has sway'd the Gods, Spoil'd of her image, Troy devoted nods : Oh ! then, by all our hopes, by yonder wall, 465 Min'd by my valor, sloping to its fall, By her whose symbol from the fane 1 drew. By all, undone, if aught remains to do, If yet some scheme yon ramparts to destroy. Ye need some enterprize to ruin Troy, 470 Grant what I ask, — perchance in strains too bold, Or if from me you still the arms withhold, Grant them to this ; " — then, waving high his hands, He shows the spot where Troy's Palladium stands. The chiefs applaud with loud exulting cries, 475 And to Laertes' son adjudge the prize. Thus the mind triumph'd at the body's cost. And skill and wisdom won what courage lost. He who so oft witjj strength puissant strove On Phrygia's plains, with fire, and sword, and Jove, 480 Nos animo. Quantdque ratem qui tern- Perque Deos oro, quos hosti nuper ade- perat, anteit [jor; mi; Remigis officium; quanto dux milite ma- Per, si quid superest, quod sit sapienter Tanto ego te supero. Nee non in cor- agendum; pore nostro [in illis. Si quid adhuc audax, ex pTsecipitique Pectora sunt potiora manu. Vigor omnis petendum; At vos, 6 proceres, vigili date praemia Si Trojae fatis aliquid restare putatis; vestro ; 370 Este mei memores : aut si mihi non datis Frdque tot annorum curi, quos anxius arma; 380 egi.i [nostris. Huic date. Et ostendit signum fatale Hunc titulum mentis pensandum reddite Minervse. Jam labor in fine est. Obstantia fata re- Mota manus procerum est: et, quid movi: [cepi. facundia posset, [tus. Altique, posse capi faciendo, Pergama Re patuit ; fortisque viritulit arma diser. Per spes nunc aocias, casuraque moenia Hectora qui solus, qui ferrum, ignemque, Troum, 375 Jovemque ' Rrr ■492 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Now yields to maddening rage : the mighty chief Who conquer'd nations, is sulxlued by grief ! Then, drawing forth his sword, " Art thou still free r " He cries, " or lays Ulysses claim to thee ? O trusty weapon ! aid thy lord oJice more'; 485 Thou who so oft wert steep'd in Phrygian gore, Now seek thy mighty master's heart, and show That none but Ajax Ajax could o'erthrow." He spoke : and, raising high his deadly sword, O fatal deed! his own brave bosom gor'd. 490 No mortal vigour forth tlie weapon drew. Till out, expell'd by spouting blood, it tiew. Where pour'd the stream, a flower now decks the plain. Like that which sprang from Hyacinthus slain : The fate of either paints the letter'd leaf, 495 But this depicts the name, and that, the grief. To Lemnos, (odious for its murder'd males, Pierc'd by their impious wives,) with swelling sails, Crown'd with his spoils, Ulysses now departs : Whence Philoctetes and his fatal darts 500 He brings to Asia with triumphant joy, Ends the long war, and seals the doom of Troy. With Troy, too, Priam dies : no more is seen The mortal figure of his wretched queen, Condemn'd, a hovuid, fields not her own to trace, 505 Her tongue barks terror to the winds of Thrace. Sastinuit toties; uftam non sustinet ngus in angustum quit clauditur Hel- Cai basa mota sonant : jubet uti navita lespontus, [ignis: ventis. Ilion ardebat: neque adhuc consederat Troja, vale: rapimur, clamant: dintque Exiguiimque senls Priami Jovis ara cruo- oscula terrze 420 rem Troades : et patriae fumautla tecta relin- Combiberat. Tractata comis autistita i|uunt. [su) Phcsbi 410 Ultima conscendit classem (miserabile vi- Non profecturas tendebat ad aetliera In mediis Hecube natorum invcnta sepul- palmas. [rum, cris. Dardanidas matres patriorum signa Deo- Prensantem tumulos, atque ossibus oscula Dum licet, amplexas, succensaque tern- dantem pla tenentes, DulichiEe traxere manus. Tamen unius Invidiosa trahunt victores prsemia Graii. hausit, 425 Mittitur Astyanax illis de turribus, unde Inque siuii cineres secum tulit llectoris Pugnantem pro so, proavitdque rcgna haustos. tuentem, [solebat. Hectoris in tumulo canum de vertiqe cri-. Sape videre patrem monstratum a matre nem, Jamque viam suadet Boreiis; tlatuque se- Inferias inppes criuetn laerym&sque relio- cundo , quit. 494 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Oppos'd to luckless Pbrygia face to face. Built by Bistoneans, rose a town in Thrace. There Polymnestor's gorgeous palace smil'd, 535 To whom, commission'd to protect the child, Priam gave Polydore, a blooming boy. To shield the infant from the wars of Troy. 'Twas wisely plann'd, but shining gold, the bait That traps the wicked, seal'd the infant's fate. 540 When Troy was sack'd, the. treacherous monarch spilt The prince's blood ; and, hoping thus his guilt In yawning ocean with the corse to merge, Hurl'd, from a rock, his victim to the surge. Now, fast in Thrace, his fleet Atrides binds, 545 Awaiting calmer seas and gentler winds ; When, lo ! with frowning brow, an awful shade, (Fierce as when, living, with vindictive blade, The king of kings he ventur'd to oppose,) Starting from sunder'd earth, Achilles rose : 550 " Is thus my memory to oblivion doom'd ? Sleeps all my glory with my corse entomb'd r " The spectre cries ; *^ Avenge me ere ye fly ; To soothe my shade, Polyxena must die." Thus spake the spirit. The confederate band 5b5 Yield harsh obedience to the harsh command. Her, more than woman, to her mother's breast. Her sad surviving hope, in anguish prest, Est, ubiTioja fuit, Phrygias contraria tel- Hie subito, quantus cum viveret esse so- lus, lebat, Bistoniis habitata viris. Polymuestoris Exit humo latS rupta; similisque minaci, ilUc 430 Temporisillius vnltumreferebat Acliilles; Regia Jives erat; cui te commisit alen- Quo ferus iujusto petiit Agamemnona dum ferro. Clam, Polydore, pater, Phrygiisque remo- Immemoresque mei disceditis, inquit, A- vit at» armis. [raagnas chivi? 445 Consilium sapiens : ficeleris nisi prseaiia Obrutaque est mecum virtutis gratia nos- Adjeeisset opes, animi irritamen avari. trae? Ut cecidit fortuna Phrygum, capit impius Ne facite. Utque meum non sit sin^ ho- ensem 435 nore sepulcrura, Rex Thracum, juguloque sui defigit Placet Achilleosmactata Polyxena manes alumni: [po?sent, Dixit : et, imraiti sociis parentibus um- Et, tanquam tolli com corpora crimina brae, Exanimem ^ scopulo subjectas misit in Rapta sinu matris, quam jam propd sola undas. fovebat, 450 Eittore Threicioclassemrelig^rat Atrides, Fortis, et infelix, et, plusquam fceminay Cam mare pacatum, dum ventus amicior virgo esset. 440 BOOK xni. 495 Stern from that breast they tore, and, votive, led A'"guiltless victim to the guilty dead. 560 True to thyself, sweet maid, untimely slain. While Neoptolenms beside the fane Stood with drawn sword athwart the cursed shrine. With eyes vindictive, sternly bent on thine, 564 Thus spoke thy gentle tongue : " Quick, strike the blow. Bid from this heart the generous current flow ; Set from this throat, or breast, the tide afloat," (And, as she spoke, she bar'd her breast and throat ; ) *' Tho' no immortal can my slaughter crave, Better thus slaughter'^ die than live a slave. 570 Yet, Oh, conceal from her who gave me breath My fate ; her sufferings check my joy in death. Yet why should this command her sorrow's flow ? Her life, and not my death, should cause her woe. One boon I beg: Avaunt ! ye cruel train, 573 Nor with male-teuch my virgin body stain ; Let me to Styx descend a spotless maid. So he, whoe'er he be, whose ruthless shade My slaughter must appease, this day shall gain A willing victim to adorn his fane : 580 And, Oh ! if none can dying prayers refuse, (Think, Grecians, think, 'tis Priam's daughter sues,) This corse, when dead, let Hecuba resume, Nor ask for ransom, ere ye grant a tomb : Ducitur aii tumulum; clir6que fit hostia Mater ohest : minuitque necis mihi gau- busto. [bu* aiis dia. Quamvis Quae raemor ipsa sui, postquam crudeli- Non mea mors illi, verCim sua vita gemen- AJmota est; sensitque sibi feia sacra pa, da est. rari; Vos mod^, ne Stygios adeam non libera Utque Ktoptolemuin stantem, ferrumque mines, 463 tenentem, 455 Esteprocul; si justa peto: tactuque vi- Inque suo vidit figentem lumind vultu; riles Utere jamdudum generoso sanguine, dix- Virgineo removete manus. Acceptior illi, it. [telum Quisquis is est, quem caede mea placaie Nulla mora est. Attn jugulovel pectore paratis, Condemeo; jugiilumque simul pectusque Liber erit sanguis, si quos tamen ultima retexit. nostri 469 Scilicet aut ulli servire Polyxena ferrem, Vota movent oris ; Priami vos filia regis, Aut per tale sacrum numen placabitur Non captiva, rogat; geuitiici corpus uilum. 461 inemtum Sfors tantiim vellem matrem mea fallere Reddite : neve auro redimat jus triste possef. sppulcri. 49& OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Tears are her sole bequest ; to gain a grave 585 Gold, while 'twas her's to give, she willing gave." While thus she spoke, the guards around her spread Let fall the tears her eyes disdain'd to shed : The weeping priest awhile the blow delay'd. Then in her proffer'd bosom plung'd the blade. 590 With sinking knees, still careful, ere she died. To hide what best befits a maid to hide. Modest in death, with eyes that seem'd to tell The temper of her soul, to earth she fell. The Trojan dames her lifeless corse receive ; 59.5 And, while for Piiam's fallen house they grieve. Recount each sad calamity, and trace The various slaughters of his wretched race. Thee, fair Polyxena, their tears bemoan ; And thee, sad partner of the Phrygian throne : 600 Thou, who of late in Priam's court wert seen. Mother of princes, Asia's glittering queen. Too old for slavery, despis'd, forlorn. E'en by Ulysses had'st been left with scorn. But Hector's memory bids him thee retain ! 60S Scarce for his mother Hector finds a chain ! Clasping her daughter's corse, the briny dew Her Troy, her spouse, her slaughter'd children, drew So oft before, in agony profound. She pours, heart-broken, o'er her daughter's wound. 6 10 Sed lacryrais. Tunc, ctim poterat, redi- Teqne gemunt, virgo ; teque, & modo re- mebat et auro. [ilia tenebat, gia conjux, Kxerat. At popnlus lacrymas, quas Regia dicta parens, Asise florentis imago ; Non tenet. Ipse etiam flens invitiisque Nunc etiam prasdas mala sors: quam vic- sacerdos 475 tor Ulysses 485 Praebita conjecto rupit praecordia ferro. Esse suam nollet, nisi qubd taraen Hec- lUa, super ten-am defecto poplite laben=;, tora partu Pertulit intrepidos ad fata novissima vul- Edideras. Dominum matri vix reperiC tus. [g«ndas. Hector. Tunc quoque cura fuit partes velare te- Quae corpus complexa aninias tam fbrtis Cum caderet; castlque decus servare inane, pudoris. 480 Quas toties patriae dederat, natisque, vi- Troades excipiunt; deploratosque recen- r6que, sent [cruoris. Huic quoque dat lacrymas; lacrymas in Priamtdas.: et quid dederit domus una vuluera fondit, 490 BOOK Xlll. 497 Her lips she kiss'd, her o\m sad bosom tore, Balh'd her white tresses in the virgin's gore. And thus in wailing found a short reUef : " O lifeless maid ! thy njother's final grief. Dead do 1 view thee ? all thy wounds are mine. 6lS That not one child unslaughter'd might resign Her breath, thou, too, art by the Grecians gor'd : Could not thy sex protect thee from the sword ? Ah ! no, transfix'd thou dy'st ; that scourge of Troy, Who robb'd thy mother of each living joy, 620 Who spilt thy brother's blood, again I s^ Start from the grave to glut his rage on thee. When Phoebus pois'd the dart that Paris aim'd, ' All dread from tierce Achilles,' I exclaim'd, ' Thank heaven, is o'er:' but, Oh, unlook'd for ill ! 69,3 His very ashes persecute us still. To give him sons to slay, how teem'd my womb ! To slay my daughters now he bursts the tomb. Great I lion prostrate in the dust expires. And general slaughter sleeps in general fires ; C^ For me alone its nodding ruin glows : Thus in ne'er-ending streams my misery flows. 1 who once boasted, favourite of the fates. Sons, and sons' consorts, daughters, daughters' mates, A spouse, a kingdom, and uunumber'd slaves, 635 Now, dragg'd an exile from niy children's graves. OsculAque ore legit: consuetique pectora At postquam cecidit Paridis Phoeblque plangif. [vfrrens, sagittis; [chiUcs. Canititraque suam concreto in sanguine Nuuc cert^, dixi, non eft metuendus A- Plur;i quidem, et lisec, laniuto pectore. »unc quoque mt metuendos erat. Cinis dixit: [time matri, ipse sepulti [simus hostem: Nuta tuoe (quid enira ■superest') dolor ul- In genus hoc StEvit: tumulo quoque sen- Nata, iaces: vide6que tuuin mea vulnera iEacid» fcecunda fui. Jacet llion in- vuhuis. 495 gens: 505 En, ne perdideiim quenquam sini ca;de Ev^eiittkque gravi finita est publica clades. meorum, Si finita tauen. Soli mihi Pergama res- Tu quoque vulnus habes. At te, quia tant : [ima rerum, famina, rebar In cursdque meus dolor est. Modo max- A ferro tutam : cecidisti et ftemina ferro. Tot generis, natlsque poteus, nuribusque T6tque tuosidem fratres, teperdiditideni, vir6que, Exitium Troja nostrique orbator, Achil- Kunc trahor exsul, loops, tumulis avulsa let. MO meorum, £10 4^8 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Must serve Penelop^ in distant lands ; Who, while she views these age-enfeebled hands Toil at their task, shall thus^ with scornful eye. To Ithaca's attendant matrons cry : 640 * Mark yonder slave — observe her stately mien — That slave is Hector's mother, Priam's queen !' And thou, sweet maid, whom fortune seem'd to spare. Late sole survivor to assuage my care. The hostile dead to appease, thy blood hast shed : 645 I brought thee forth to appease the hostile dead . Why live I still to load this world of strife ? Hast thou more ills in store, detested life ? Why, cruel Gods, one bent with age still save. Unless, perchance, to mourn some other grave ? 650 Who, when Troy fell, could deem old Priam blest ? Yet blest he was, escap'd to realms of rest, He saw not death Polyxena o'erwhelm, But, happy, lost at once his life and realm. Wilt thou be tomb'd amid thy kindred great ? 655 Will thy corse sleep in monumental state ? Ah ! no, not such our house's hapless doom : A mother's silent tears, a foreign tomb. Must now be thine. For me, to soothe my pains, One single pledge, one darling yet remains : 660 For him, my last, my ruin'd house's heir. This load of life I yet consent to bear, PenelopK munus. Quas me data pensa Pelix morte sui nee te, mea nata, perera- Irahentem [ilia est tam [quit. Matribus ostendens ItUacis, Hsec Hectoris Aspfcit; et vitam pariter regnumque leli- Clara parens: hasc est, dicet, Priameia At (puto) funeribus dotabere, regia virgo; coujux. [vabas Condeturque tuura monumentis corpus P6stque tot amissos tu nunc, quse sola le- avitis. Matemos luctusjhostilia busta piasti. 515 Non ha;c est fortuna domiis. Tibi mu- Inferias hosti peperi. Qu6 ferrea resto ? nera matris 525 Quidve moror? quo me servas, rflamnosa Contingent fletus, peregrinaeque haastus senectus ? [cernam, arenae. Quid, Di crudeles, nisi qu6 nova funera Omnia perdidimus. Superest, cur vivere Vivacem differtis anum ? quis posse pu- tempus taret In breve sustiueam, proles gratissima ma- Felicem Prianium post diruta Pergama tri, [virili, dici? 620 Nunc solus, quondam minimus de stirpe BOOK XIII. 459 Yes, I will live for thee, my Polydore, Safe with thy guardian on the Thracian shore. Yet why delay I, in the briny flood 665 To wash my daughter's wounds, and staunch the blood ? " Thus, with torn tresses and disorder'd speech, As walk'd the matron, tottering to the beach, " Give me an urn, ye Trojan dames," she cried. When, lo ! as down she stoop'd to catch the tide, 670 Thrown on the beach, transfix'd with Thracian spears, A lifeless corse her Polydore appears ! Loud hhriek'd the dames ; she, silent on the sands, Pale, thunderstruck, like frozen marble stands : She weeps not, shrieks not ; her distracted eyes 675 Now gaze on earth, now wander lo the skies ; Now, kindling into rage, glance fleetly o'er His wounds, his face, but moSt his wounds explore : Now, as tho' still a queen, they proudly roll ; And brooding vengeance rages in her soul. 680 Robb'd of her whelp, as raves of beasts the queen, Tracing the footprints of her foe unseen ; So Hecuba, with mingled grief and rage. Her wrongs remember'd, and forgot her age. Hies to the palace with distracted pace, 685 And asks an audience of the king of Thrace. For her dear darling, (such the tale she told,) To the king's care she brings secreted gold : Has datus Tsmario regi Poljdorus in Interdum torvos sustoUit ad aethera vul* oras, £30 tus: Quid moror inteiea crudelia vulnera lym- Nunc positi spectat vultum, nunc vulne- phis [tus ? ra, nati ; [struit irS. Abluere, et sparsos immiti sanguine vul- Vulnera praecipu^; s<^que armat et in» Dixit : et ad littus passu processit anili. Qua simul exarsit, tanquam regina ma. Albentes laniata comas. Date,- Troades, neret, 545 urn m, Ulcisci statuit; pcenaeque in imagine to- Dixerat infelix, liquidas hauriret ut un- ta est. das : 535 Utque furit catulo lactente orbata lea5na; Aspicit ejectum Polydori in littore cor- Signaque narta pedum sequitur, quem pus, non videt, ho^ttm: [iram, Factique Threiciis ingentia vulnera telis. Sic Hecube, postquam cum luctu miscuit Troades exclamant: obmutuit ilia do- Non oblitaanimorum, annorum oblita su- lore ; [obortas orum, 550 Et pariter vocem, lacrymdsque introrsus Vadit ad artificem dirae Polymestora cae- Devorat ipse dolor: durdque simiUima dis: [relictum saxo 540 Colloquiumque petit. Nam se monstrar* Xorpet : et adversli figit modb lumina Velle latens illi, quod nato redderet, au- terri; rum S S S 500 OVID'S .METAMORPHOSES. Beguil'd, and drawn apart, with gentle mien, Tims Polymnestor greets the widow'd queen: GQO *' I swear by all the Gods, to Polydore All that thou giv'st, as all ihou gav'st before, Shall safely speed : then, quick, produce the prize." Now on the perjur'd wretch, with sparkling eyes, Furious she gaz'd ; when lo ! with savage din, 69>> Sudden, a troop of captive dames rush in. And on the tyrant, at her signal, spring ; While Hecuba from Thracia's struggling king Snatch'd either eye, with fingers erst so weak, And quick deprived of sight each mangled cheek : 70C) Bath'd her hands weltering in his guilty gore, And, wanting eyes, the crimson sockets tore. The Thracian rabble, to avenge their king, At Hecuba stones, darts, and javelins fling ; When, raving as they fling, with hideous howls, 705 She aims to speak, but, aiming, barks and growls. In shape a hound. E'en now the spot remains. And from her wonderous change its title gains; While, pain'd by memory, brooding o'er the place. Long prowl'd the mourner thro' the fields of Thrace. 710 The countless woes that Hecuba assail'd, Troy, hostile Greece, nay, heaven itself bewail'd : E'en Jove's imperial mate, so fierce of yore, Own'd that she ill deserv'd the ills she bore. Credidit Odrysius : prsedaeque assuetus Clade sui Thracum gens irritata tyraiini amore Trsada telorum lapidumque incessere jac- In secreta venit. Cum blando callklus tu 566 ore, 35.7 Coppit. At ha;c missum rauco cum mur- ToUe moras, Hecube, dixit: da munera mute saxum [parato nato. [dedisti, Morsibus insequitur: rictfique in verbs Qmne fore illius quod das, quod et ant^ Latravit conata loqui. Locus exstat, et Per superos juro. Spectat truculenta lo- ex re quentem, [ira. Nomen liabet: vfterumque Jiu memor Falsique jurantem : tiunid^ue exafstuat ilia malorum, 570 Atque it» correptum captivarum agmine Turn quoque Sithonios ululavit mcBst* matriim 560 per agros. Involat, et digitos in perfida lumina con- Illius Troasque suos hostesque Pelasgos, dit, [tentem) Illius Fortuna Deos quoque moverat om- Exspoliitque genas oculis, (facit ira po- nes : [sordrque Immergitque manus : foedatAque sanguine Sic omnes, ut et ipsa Jovis coujiixque' sonti [luminis haurit. Eventus Hecubam meruisse negaverit Non lunten, neque enim superest, loca illos. Sfi BOOK XIII. 501 But she whose ray disperses midnight's gloom, 7 1 5 Mourns not or Hecuba's or Phrygia's doom, Tho' partial to them both ; a nearer pain. Domestic anguish for her Memnon slain, Usurps her breast : with anguish she beheld Her darling son, by fierce Achilles quel I'd, 720 Beneath Troy's ramparts perish in the fight. She saw, and sad, distracted, at the sight. Her roseate hue, which tinges morn with red, Turns pale, and ^^ther hides in clouds his head. Dreading to view the fires funereal glare 725 O'er her son's body, with dishevell'd hair. She mounts Olympus, clasps the Thunderer's knees, And, sobbing, tells her grief in words like these : '* Least of the powers the golden sky sustains, (For o'er the world how few, alas ! my fanes !) 730 Yet still a Goddess ; come I to desire, Not festal days, nor sacrifice, nor fire, — Yet when thou view'st how wakeful is my light, How with keen ray I bar encroaching night, Thou'lt own some thanks are due : but thanks I waive ; — Aurora comes not now rewards to crave : 736 Me, murder'd Memnon to Olympus draws ; Who, vainly bearing arms in Priam's cause. In early youth, in manhood's opening pride, (So will'd ye, Gods,) beneath Achilles died. 740 Kon vacat Aurorae, quamquam isdem (Nam mihi sunt totum rarissim-i templa faveiat armis, [raoveri. per orbem) Cladibus et casu Trojaeque Ilecubaeque Diva tamen venio : non ut delubra, dies- Cura Deam propior, lactiisque domesti- que cus angit [campis Des mihi sacrificos, caliturAsque ignibus Memnonis amissi: Phrygiis quern lutea aras. 590 Vidit Achillea pereuntem cusptde mater. Si tamen aspicias, quantum tibi foemina Vidit; et ille color, quo matutina rubes- prasstem, 'unt [bus tether. Turn cCim luce nova noctisconfinia servo; Tempera, palluerat: latuitque in nubi- Traemia danda putes. Sed non ea cura; At non irapositos supremis ignibus artus neque hie est Sustinuit spectare parens: sed crine so- Nunc status Aurorae, meritos ut poscat luto, honores. Sicut crat, magni genibus procumbere Memnonis orba mei venio: qui fortia non est 585 frustra 595 Dedignata Jovis, lacrymisque lias addere Pro patruo tulit arma sue: primisque sub voces : [eetlier, annis Omnibus inferior, quas sustinet aureus Occidit 4 forti (sic vos voluistis) Acbille, 502 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Oh ! then exalt the dead, Almighty chief, With honor due, and ease a mother's grief." Jove nods : when lo ! the pile asunder broke, Crumbling to earth ; the sun was hid in smoke. (So from low rivers vapours dense exhale, 745 Which red Apollo's beams in vain assail.) Round roll the embers, shaping as they meet ; Wake while they roll, and glow with living heat : Their lightness lent them pinions as they stirr'd, And, now a seeming, now a real bird, 750 They seek the clouds. Ere long on airy wing, From the same bed unnumber'd songsters spring; Thrice round the parent pile the sisters fly ; Thrice scream and chatter consonant on high : In their fourth flight they sunder ; from afar 755 Rush back in tribes, and wage destructive war ; On their own race their murderous malice wreak. And fight with wing, and breast, and claw, and beak : Then, as tho' boasting their heroic birth, Slaughter'd on Memnon's ashes, fall to earth. 760 He gave to life these denizens of air ; From him their name, Memnonides, they bear ; And when twelve suns are fled, on rustling plume Again they rise, again to feed the tomb. Thus, while the Gods the barking queen lament, 765 Aurora, on her private woes intent, Da, precor, huic aliquem solatia mortis Terque rogum lustrant : et consonus exit honorem, [leni. in auras 6lO Summe Deum rector: maternaquevulnera Ter clangoi. Quarto seducunt castra vo- Jupiter anniierat; cim Memnonis arduus latu. alto 6oo Turn duo diversl populi de parte feroces Corruit igne rogus : nigrique volumina Bella gerunt : rostrisque, et aduncis un- fumi . giiibus iras [lassant. Infecere diem. Veluti cdm flumina natas Exercent: alasque adversdque pectora £xhalant nebulas, nee Sol :^draittitur in- Inferiaeque cadunt cineri cognata sepul- irk. [in unum to 6l5 Atra favilla volat : glomeratdque corpus Corpora: seque viro forti meminere cre- Densatur; faciemque capit: sumitqueca^ atas. [ab illo lorem 605 Praepetibus subitis nomen facit auctor; Atque animam ex igni. Levitas sua pree- Memnonides dictse, ciim Sol duodena pc- buit alas. [cris regit Et primb similis volucri, mox vera vol u- Signa, parentali periturse Marte rebellant. Insonuit pennis. Pariter sonuere sorores Ergo aliis latrasse Dymantida flebile vi- Innumeras; quibu» est eadem nataljs ori- sum: 620 go • Luctibus est Aurora suis intent» ; piisque BOOK XIII. J03 Grieves for her son with anguish ever new, And, dropping tears, embahns the world in dew. Here fate relents. Not yet in ruhi falls Thy hope, lamented Phrygia, with thy walls. 770 The son of Venus from their lost abode. His Gods, his sire, a venerable load. Forth on his shoulders bears : from smoaking Troy, These and Ascainius, then an infant boy, Alone he saves : and now, with prosperous gales, 775 Pious ^^neas from Antandros sails ; O'er favouring currents quits the Thracian shore. Red with the blood of slaughter'd Polydore ; And, with his comrades, anchors in the bay Of Delos, sacred to the God of day. 780 Him, Anius, ruling then, with placid reign, As king the island, and as priest the fane. Within his palace hospitably greets ; Points to the shrine, displays the busy streets. And shows the trees 'twixt which, in days of yore, 785 Her radiant twins aggriev'd Latona bore. Incense on fires they pour ; on incense, wine ; Entrails of oxen slain, with rites divine. Pious they burn ; then seek the palace gate ; On lofty couches, there reclin'd in state, 790 With wine and bread their hunger they assuage, When thus to Anius spoke the Trojan sage : Nunc quoque dat lacrymas : et toto ro- Intrat ApoUineam sociis comitantibus iir- rat in orbe. [bus esse bem. [Phoebus Nee tamen eversam Trojae cum moeni- Hunc Anius, quo rege liomines, antistite Spem quoque fata sinunt. Sacra, et sacra Kite colebantur, temploque domoque re* altera patrem cepit: [isque Fert humeris venerabile onus Cythere'ius Urb^mque ostendit, delubriquevota, du- heros. 625 LatonS quondam stirpes pariente reten- De tantis opibus prsedam pius eligit il- tas. 635 lam; [asquora classe Thure dato flammis, vindque in thura Ascanlumque suum: profug&que per profuso, [tis, Fertur ab Antandro : scelerataque limina Ca:sorumque bourn fibris de more crema- Thracum, Regia tecta petunt : positique tapetibus Et Polydoreo manaatem sanguine terram altis Xinquit: et utilibus ventis sest&que se- Munera cum liquido capiunt Cereali^ «undo 630 Baccbo. 504 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. " Favourite of Sol, when last I hither came, A son and twice two daughters bless'd thy name ; Speak, am I wrong ? " The king, with visage sad, 79* Shaking his head, in snow-white fillets clad, Mournlul replies : " 'Tis true, great chief of Troy ; He who had then five daughters and a boy. Now (what vicissitudes this earth assail !) Is all but childless, — for of what avail 800 An absent son, who, wandering far away. At Andros, nam'd from him, for me holds sway ? Him Phoebus taught the future to divine ; While, bounteous, on my girls the God of wine A gift beyond or w ish or credit shed, — 805 Whate'er they touched, to olives, corn, or bread Would straitvvay turn : so, arm'd in wealth, they grew. This when Troy's horror, Agamemnon, knew, ('Tis thus that foitune, who malignant showers Woes on your head, in some sort visits ours,) 810 To quit their sire my daughters he compels. And bids them feed his navy by their spells. Each, as she could, away for safety flew : — Two sought their brother's isle ; Eubcea two : Soldiers pursued, and threaten'd war to them 815 Who skreen'd the sisters; — listen, nor condemn Their timid brother Andros, when you hear That nature's love gave place to nature's fear. Turn pius Ancliises : O Phcebi lecte sa- In segelem, laticemque meri, baccainque cerdos, 640 Minervse Fallor? an et natura, ciim primfim. haec Transformabantur; divesque erat U3us in mania vidi, [habebas? illis. Bisque duas nata», quantum retniniscor, Hoc ubi cognovit Trojae populator Atri- Iluic Anius niveis ciicumdata tempora dej, 655 vittis [lieros (Ne non ex aliquS. vestram sensisse pro- Concutiens, et tristis, ait : Non falleris, tellam Maxime : natorum vidisti quinque paren- Nos qaoque parte putes) aimoium viri- tern. &iS bus iisus Quern nunc (tanta homines rerum incou- Abstraliit invitas gremio genitoris : alant- stantia versat) [filius absens que [sem. Pen^ vides orbum. Quid enira mihi Imperat Argolicam coplesti munere clas- Auxilii ? quem dicta sue de nomine tellus Eftugiunt quo quaeque potest. Eubcea Andros habet, pro patre locumque et reg- duabus, 660 na tenentem. Et totidem natis Andros fraterna petita Delius augurium dedit liuic ; dedit altera est. [natur. Liber 650 Miles adest: et, ni dedantur, bella mi- FcemineEB sorti veto majora fideque Victa metu pietas consortia pectora poe- Mtmera : nEira tactu natarum cuncta me nas [fratri ; arum Dedit; et ut timido possis ignoscere BOOK XIII. 505 Those powers who shelter'd Troy ten years from flame. Nor mighty Hector, nor ^neas came. 820 Chains for the captive maids their foes prepare ; When, lifting up their hands, yet free, in air, " Help, Bacchus, help! " they cried, nor vainly pray'd ; The God who gave them olives, gave them aid ; — If change miraculous be aid ; but how 82^ They chang'd, nor knew I then, nor know I now : — The event too well I know ; on wings above Each soar'd, thy spouse's bird, a spotless dove." in talk like this the festal hour they keep, Then move from table, and retire to sleep. 8iJo With orient day Apollo they adore, i\nd warn'd by him, prepare to seek the shore Of Italy, fair njother of their race : But Anius, ere their onward course they trace, Presents a sceptre to the sage of Troy ; 8S5 A cloak and quiver to ^^neas' boy ; He gives the chief a goblet high emboss'd ; Ismenian Therses from Aonia's coast The gorgeous gift of skilful Alcon bought ; Carv'd o'er with symbols by the artist wrought. 840 Thebes, seven-gated city, known to fame, Was there ; its seven wide portals told its name. There tower'd a tomb ; a fire, a pile, a grave ; With bosoms torn, and scattei'd tresses, rave Non h'lC /Eneas, non, qui defenderet An- Cumque die siirgunt : adeuntque oracul» dron, %Qi Tiicebi. [jussit Hector erat : per qu03 Jecimum duri^tis Qui petsre antiquara matrcm, cognatiqxie in annum. [ris. Littora. Prosequitur Rex, et dat munu* JAmque parabantur captivis vir.cla lacer- ituris; lUfe tolleutes etiamnum libera coslo Anchisae sceptrura, chlamydem phare- Bracbia, Bacche pater, fer opem, di^tere: trinique nepoti, 680 tulitque Cratera iEnea; ; quem quondam miserat Muneris auctor opem. Si miro perdere illl more 67O Hospes ah Aoniis Therses Ismenius oris. Ferre vocatur opem. Nee qua ratioue Miserat hunc illi Tlitrses, fabricaverat figuram [pos?im. AUon Perdiderint, potui scire, aut nunc dicere Myleus; et longo cselaverat argumento. Summa mali nota est. Pennas sumsere ; Urbs erat : et septem posses ostcadera tuaeque [bas. portas. 68S Conjugisin volucremniveas abiere colum- Hae pro nomine erant; et, quae foret ilia» Talibus atque aliis postquam convivia docebant. dictis 675 Ante urbem exequiae, tumulique, ignes- ImplSrunt ; mens& somnum petiere remota. que, rogique, 500 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. A troop of matrons ; while, with weeping eye, 845 Nymphs, drooping, sad, lament their fountains dry. Trees void of foliage rear their branches ; flocks Of hungry goats for herbage gnaw the rocks ; Orion's daughters seem in hfe to start ; With proff'er'd throat, bare breast, and valiant heart, 850 One sues to die beneath her native walls ; One for her country's good, self-slaughter'd, falls ; And seems to ask, as thus she meets her doom, A noble monument, a public tomb : There, too, the artist shew'd, to history just, 855 Male twins spring, joyous, from her virgin dust. These, her bold race, whom fame Coronae calls. Bid a grand funeral light the city walls. Thus far was brass ; the brim, in richer mould, Pourtray'd acanthus, wrought in burnish'd gold. 860 Not less profuse than they, the Trojans bring A censor to hold incense to the king ; A massy bowl ; and, gorgeous to the sight, A golden crown, with sparkling jewels bright. Thence, mindful that from Teucer Troy arose, 865 To hundred-citied Crete iEneas goes. Not long its sickly gales his comrades bore, But fled contagion for Italia's shore. The Trojans next, to tempt the raging seas, Scar'd by an harpy, quit the Strophades. 870 Effusaeque comas et aperta: pectora ma- Hactenus aotiquo signis fulgentibua tres [Here videntur : aere 700 Significanc luctum. Nymphae quoque Summus inaurato crater erat asper acan- Siccat6.sque queri fonles. Sin6 frondibus tlio. arbos 690 Nee leviora datis Trojani dona remittunt : Nuda riget : rodunt arentia saxacapell'e. Dintque sacerdoti custodem tUuris acer- Ecce facit mediis natas Orioue Thebis, ram; [que coronam. Hanc non foemineum jugulo dare pectus Dant pateram, clarSraque auro gemmis- aperto, Ind^ recordati Teucros a sanguine Teu- lUam dimisso per fortia vulnera telo cri 705 Pro populo cecidisse suo ; pulcrisque per Ducere principium, Creten teniiere; lo- urbem 695 cique [relictis Funeribus ferri, celebrique in parte ere- Ferre diu nequiere Jovem. Centumque mari : Urbibus, Ausonios optant contingere por- Tum de virginea geminos exire favilla, tus. Ne genus inteieat, juvenes, quos fama Saevit hyems, jactitque viros: Stropha- Coronas fpam. dumque receptos Komiaat, et cineri materao ducere pom* Portubus iaM'n externiit ales Aello. 710 BOOK XIII. . 507 Dulichium, Samos, (tempest-tost the while,) Nerithia, Ithaca, Ulysses' isle, Ambracia, honor'd by contending Gods, Where, chang'd by fate, a judge in marble nods, And sacrifice to orient Phcebus smoaks, 875 Renown'd Dodona, crown'd with vocal oaks, Chaonia's bay, where erst the furnace blaz'd Which king Molossus' sous, on pinions rais'd, Agile escap'd, the venturous Trojans pass'd, Tost by the main, and driving in the blast. 880 Corcyra's isle they quit, Buthrotum's shore By Helenus the prophet rul'd of yore. With mimic Troy, whence, warn'd by Priam's son, Steer'd by prophetic skill, their vessels run. And 'scape, at length, the perils of the sea, 885 Moor'd in thy harbours, fertile Sicily. Three tongues dart, mainward, from Sicilia's mouth ; Of these, Pachynus licks the watery south ; Ambrosial Zephyr Lilybaeum wooes; While, from his summit, huge Pelorus views, 800 Fann'd by fair Italy's refreshing air, Bootes and the sea-avoiding Bear ; Beneath the last the Trojans ply the oar. And, anchor'd safe on Zancle's sandy shore. The weary seamen from their ships alight, 895 To mount the island in the dead of nisht. Et jam Dulichios portus, Ithacimqiie, Butlirotos Phrygio, simulatique Troja te- Samenque, [sei, nentar. Neritiisque domos, regnum fallacis Ulys- Indi futurorum certi, quas cuncta fideli Praster erant vecti : certatam lite Deorum Priamides Helenus monitu prsedixerat, Ambraciam, verslque vident iub imagine intrant saxum Sicaniam. Tribus hasc excurrit in xquora Judicis, Actiaco quje nunc ab Apolline lioguis. notrt est, 715 £ quibus imbriferos obversa Pacbynos ad Vocalemquesuaterram Dodonida quercu, Austros: 726 Chaoniosque sinus: ubi nati rege Molos- MoUibus expositum Zephyris Lilybsoo: so at Arcton Irrita subjectis fugere Inceudia pennis. JEquoris expertem special Boreinque Pc Proxima Phaeacum feiicibus obsita po- loros. mis Hie subeunt Teucri : remisque assl^que Rura petunt. Epiros ab his, regnaldque secundo rati 720 Sub uoclem potitur Zanclaei classis areoS.. Ttt 508 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Yet still they pause, not yet of fear bereft ; Scylla their right, Charybdis threats their left; This gorges ships and whirls them, shatter'd, back ; That, while a ravenous and barking pack 900 Howl round her base, from Ocean's troubled bed Lifts to the sky what seems a virgin's head ; And (if poetic tales be aught but dreams) Scylla once liv'd, and was the maid she seems. Her many a lover wooed, but wooed in vain ; 905 Fond of the Nymphs who haunt the glassy main, To them, in frolic glee, she oft adjourn'd. To mock the passion of the youths she spurn'd. But Galatea, while her floating hair She comb'd, soft sighing, thus address'd the fair : 910 " Thy swains tho' urgent, Nymph, are gentle still : Them thou may'st smile on, or reject, at will : But I, tho' watch'd by sisters of the sea, Who sprang from Nereus, as from Doris he. By nought but plunging in my native tide, 915 'Scap'd Polyphemus' love," — she ceas'd, and sigh'd. Scylla with soothing words the maiden chears, With marble fingers dries her falling tears. And cries, '' Nay, cease to weep, thy woes impart. Nor lock thy sorrows from my faithful heart. 920 Thus urg'd, the Nymph renew'd her tale forlorn : " Acis, of Faunus and Symaethis born, Scylla latus dextrum, lasvum inequieta Expetit: utque facis, potes his impune Charybdis 730 negare. Infestant. Voiat ha2c laptas revomitque At mihi, cui pater est Nereus, quam caeru- carinas : [vum; la Doris Ilia feris atram canibus succingitur al- Euixa est ; quae sum turb^ quoque tuta Virginia ora gerens : et (si non omnia va- sororum, tes [virgo. Non nisi per fluctus licuit Cyclopis amo- Ficta reliquerunt) aliquo quoque tempore rem Hanc mulu petiere proci: quibus ilia re- Effugere : et lacrymas vooem impediere pulsis 735 loquentis. 745 Ad Pelagi Nymphas, pelagi gratissima Quas ubi marraoreo detersit poUice virgo ; Nymphis, Et solata Deam est; Refer, S carissima, Ibat: et elusos juvenum narrabatamores. dixit: [loris. Quam, dum pectendos preebet Galatea Neve tui causam tege (sum tibi fida) do- capillos, Nereis his contra resecuta Cratseide na- Talihus alloquitur repetens suspiria dictis : tarn. Te tamen, 6 virgo, genus haud immite vi- Acis erat Fauno Nymphaque Symsethide . rorum 740 cretus, 750 BOOK XIII. 509 His years sixteen, his sire's, his mother's joy. His cheek o'erspread with dovvn^ nor man, nor boy, First tauglit this breast in mutual love to sigh ; 925 Belov'd by me, as by the Cyclops I. Speech fails to paint with what an ardent truth I loath 'd the giant, and ador'd the youth ; Both passions equal rul'd this heart of mine. O queen of love ! what tyranny is thine ! 930 He at whose feet the breathless traveller falls. Whose hideous glance the very woods appals. Who scorns Olympus and the powers above. Now burns for me, and bows a slave to love ! His cave forgot, his wandering flock resign'd, 935 Dress, and attempts to please, engross his mind ; His beard with sickles, bending o'er the lakes, He mows ; he combs his matted locks with rakes, And smooths his rugged visage in the flood. His hate, his rage, his appetite for blood 940 Are fled : no more he stalks the general foe, And ships unheeded come, unheeded go. Meanwhile young Telemus, whose mystic words Told sure prognostics from the course of birds, And ne'er was baffled by their wayward flight, 945 Accosts the Cyclops thus, on Etna's height : *■ Soon shall Ulysses ravish from thy brow The single eye that lights thy forehead now.' Magna quidem patrisque sui matrisque Uritur; oblitus pecorum antrorumque voluptas, [erat uni suorum. [placendi: Nostra tamen major. Nam me sibi junx- JAmque tibi format, jAmque est tibi cura Pulcher: et, octonis iterum natalibus ac- Jam rigidos pectis rastrls, Polypheme, ca- tis, pillos : Sign^rat dubi^ teneras lanugine malas. Jam libet hirsutam tibi falce recidere Hunc ego, me Cyclops, nullocum fine barbam : 765 petebat. 755 Et spectare feros in aqu&, et componere. Nee, si qusesieris odium Cyclopis, am6me vultus. [cruoris Acidis in nobis fuerit prassentior, edam. Ca;dis amor, feritasque, sitlsque immensa Par utrimque fuit. Pro quanta potentia Cessant: et tutae veniunt abeuntque cari- regni [et ipsis nae. Est, Venus alma, tui ! nempe ille immitis, Telemus interea Siculam delatus ad TEt- Ilorrendus sylvis, et visus ab hospite nen, 770 uuUo 760 Telemus Eurymides, quern nulla fefelle- Impune, et magni cum Dts comtemtor rat ales, Olympi; Terribilem Polyphemon adit; lumenque Quid sit amor sentit : nostrique cupidine quod unum [Ulysses. captus Tronte geris mediS, rapiet tibi, dixit, 310 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. ' Fool ! thou'rt deceiv'd ; ' the laughing savage cries, * 'Tis gone aheady, 'tis a woman's prize ! ' 950 ThuSj warn'd in vain, the prophet he derides, And, pressing down the mountain as he strides, Regains his cave. A hill, in form a wedge. In ocean far projects from ocean's edge ; Its base, on either side, the billows beat. — 955 Thither the ascending giant takes his seat ; His following flock, unled, the vale resign ; His recent walking staff, a lofty pine. Fit, from its height, to tower a vessel's mast, First at his feet huge Polyphemus cast ; 960 Then to his lips his hundred reeds applied. And blew a blast so loud, the rocks, the tide. Responsive rang. Beneath a cavern, prest In fond affection to my Acis' breast, My ears were startled by these amorous strains, 965 (For what my ears acquir'd my mind retains): ' O Galatea ! fairer far to me Than snow-white blossoms from the privet tree ; As tall as alders ; fresh as verdant grass ; Gay as the tender kidling ; bright as glass ; 970 Smooth as the shell the refluent surge invades ; Grateful as winter suns, or summer shades ; Noble as apples : thou, whose graceful shape Outsoars the plane ; delicious as the grape ; Risit, et, O vatum stolidissime, falleris, Ante pedes posita est, antennis apta feren- inquit: dis; [la centum; Altera jam rapuit. Sic frustra vera mo- Sumtique srundinibus compacta est fistu- nentem 775 Senserunt toti pastoria sibila montes : 785 Spernit : et aut gradiens ingenti littora Senseruiit undafi. Latitans ego rupe, me- passu [antra. ique Degravat; aut fessus sub opaca revertitur Acldis in gremio residens, procul auribus Proaiinet in pontum cuueatus acumine hausi longo [ris unda. Talia dicta meis, auditaque mente notavi. Collis : utrumque latus circumfluit aequo- Candidior nivei folio, Galatea, ligustri ; Hue ferus ascendit Cyclops ; mediusque Floridiorpratis; long^ procerior aino ; 790 resedit. 780 Splendidior vitro ; tenero lascivior hoedo ; Lanigerse pecudes nullo ducente secutae. Laevior assiduo detritis aequore conchis ; Cui postquam pinus, baculi quae praebuit Solibus hybernis, aestivi gratior umbra ; Bsum, Nobilicr pomis; platano conspectior alt&j BOOK XIII. 511 Brilliant as icicles in Phoebus' beam ; 975 Softer than cygnet's down^ or curdled cream : And (if thou stay'st, sweet maid, thy fatal flight) As water'd gardens grateful to the sight. Yet wild as heifers strangers to the yoke ; As water treacherous, and hard as oak ; 930 Tough as the bending vine, or youthful ash ; Firm as this mountain ; as yon torrent rash ; Proud as applauded peacocks ; sharp as brakes ; Deaf as the ocean ; quick as trodden snakes ; Fierce as a furnace, or a procreant bear : 985 And (worse to me than all, inhuman fair !) Swift as the stag that leaves the hounds behind ; Fleet as the air, and rapid as the wind. Yet did'st thou know me more, thou'dst strive to gain My slighted love, and check thy harsh disdain. 990 My rocky cave, o'ertopp'd by mountains, shuns The rage of winter blasts, and summer suns : My nodding orchards blooming apples hold ; Grapes, too, my vineyards boast ; — some gleam in gold ; Some purple bloom ; — both long to quit the vine, 995 Proud to be gather'd by a hand like thine. With that fair hand thou'lt pluck, enchanting maid, Red strawberries beneath the woodland shade ; Wild cherries shall be thine when autumn comes ; And, soft as ductile wax, delicious plumbs ; 1000 Lucidior glacie ; luatur^ dulcior uv^ ; At, bene si n6ris, pigeat fugisse: moris- MoUior et cygni plumis, et lacte coac- que to ; 796 Ipsa tuas damnrs : et me retinere Jabores. Et, si non fugias, riguo formosior horto. Sunt mihi pars montis vivo pcndenti» Saeviorindomitis eadetn,Galafea,juvencis, saxo 810 Durior annos^ quprcu ; fallacior undis ; Antra ; quibus nee Sol medio sentitur in Lentior et salicis virgis, etvitibus albis; aestu, His immobilior scopulis; violentior am- Nee sentitur hj ems : sunt poma gravantia ne ; 801 ramos : Laudato pavone siiperbior; acrior igni; Sunt auro similes longis in vitibus uvae : Asperior tribulis ; foeti truculentior urs4 ; Sunt et purpurea;, tibi et has servamus, Surdior asquoribus; calcato ^immitior hy- et illas. dro; Ipsa tuis manibus sylvestri nata sub nm- Et, quod prsecipud vellem tibi demere bri 815 possem, 805 MolUa fraga leges: ipsa autumnalia coma, Non tantim cervo claris latratibus acto, Prunaque, non solum nigro liventia succo, Verim etiam veutis volucrique fugacior VerJim etiam generosa, novisque imitan- aura. tia ceras. 512 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. The chesnut shall expand to greet my bride ; The strawberry tree, and every tree beside. This flock is mine ; in vales another roves, One sleeps in caverns, and one strays in groves. Words cannot paint the countless herds I keep, 1005 'Tis proof of poverty to number sheep. Trust not my boast, but view the fleecy train ; Scarce can their legs their swelling dugs sustain. One genial pen my tender lambkins holds ; My infant kidlings sleep in other folds. 1010 White milk is mine ; of this the curd I squeeze. Part serves for drink, and part remains for cheese. No vulgar dainty, no accustom'd fare, — A deer, a goat, a pigeon, or a hare. No bird's nest I present thee, lovely maid : 1015 As o'er the lofty mountain late I stray'd, Twins of a shaggy bear, two cubs, I spied, These bore I ofl^ as playmates for my bride. From the blue wave then, Galatea, rise, Come at Love's bidding nor his gifts despise. 1020 I know my figure ; in the glassy tide Myself I lately saw, and, pleas'd, espied : ^lark, how I tower : — not he whom priestly lies Have dubb'd a God, and lifted to the skies, Not Jove is great as 1. Hair, thickly spread, 1025 Hangs o'er my shoulders, overshades my head. Nee tibi castaneae me conjuge, nee tibi Nee tibi delieias faciles, vulgatique tantim deerunt Munera contingent, daina?, leporesque, Arbutei fcttus. Omnis tibi ser\'iet arbos. eapraeque, [nidus : Hoc peciis omne meum est. Multse quo- Pirve columbarum, demtiisve caeumine que vallibus errant : 821 Inveui geminos, qui tecum ludere possint, Multas sylva tegit: multse stabulantur in Inter se similes, vix ut dignoscere possis, antris. [quot sint. Villosae catulos in summis montibus ursae. Nee, si fort^ roges, possim tibi dicere, Inveui : et dixi, Dominae servabimus istos. Pauperis est numerare pecus. De laudi- Jam mod6 casruleo nitidum caput exsere bus harum ponto : [nostra. Nil mihi eredideris: praesens potes ipsa Jam, Galatea, veui : nee munera despice videre, 825 Certfi ego me novi, liquidaeque in ima- Vt vix sustineant distentum cruribus uber. gine vidi 840 Sunt fcEtura minor tepidis in ovilibus ag- Nuper aquae : placultque mihi mea forma ni: [hoedi. videnti. Sunt quoque par aetas aliis in ovilibus Adspice, sira quantus. Noa est h6e cor- Lac mil'i semper adest niveum. Pars pore major ind^ bibenda Jupiter in coelo: nam vos narrare soletis Servatur: partem liquefacta coagiila du- Neseio quem regnare Jovem. Coma plu- rant. 830 rima torvos BOOK XIII. 513 And shadows, like a wood, my face and limbs : — But think not this my manly beauty dims, — Trees void of foliage wither on the plains; Horses are spurn'd whose necks are void of manes ; 1030 Birds boast their feathers ; sheep, their fleecy skin ; Men, hairy bodies and a sable chin : Full in my forehead fix'd, a single eye, Bright as a buckler, blazes from on high. Does that appal thee ? heaven's own light, the sun, 1035 Who views all nature, is content with one ; My sire puissant rules thy native brine ; — By wedding me, coy Nereid, make him thine ; In pity, Nymph obdurate, hear my vow ; To thee and mighty love alone I bow. 1040 I, who despise Jove^ heaven, and lightning's fire, Dread, worse than lightning, Galatea's ire. Beneath thy scorn more patient could I sit, Did'st thou scorn all : but why the Cyclops quit For love of Acis ? why, when Cupid reigns, 1045 To my embrace prefer that puny swain's ? Well, be it so : still let him haunt the sea, Lov'd by himself, nay more, belov'd by thee ; Let me but meet him, he shall find, at length. This giant form possesses giant strength. 1050 His limbs, his entrails, scattered o'er the plain. Or hurl'd in mangled fragments to the main. Prominet in vultus : humer6sque, ut lu- Supplicis exaudi. Tibi enim succumbi- cus, obumbrat. 845 mus uni. Nee mihi qu6d rigidis liorrent densissima Quique Jovem, et ccelum spemo, et pene- setis [bus arbos : tiabile fulmen, [est. Corpora, turpe puta. Turpis sin6 frondi- Nerei, te vereor : tua fulmine saevior ira Turpis equus, nisi coUa jubse flaventia Atqueegocontempt&sessempatientiorhu- velent. [decori est : jus; Pluma tegit volucres: ovibus sua lana Si fugeres omnes. Sed cur, Cyclope re- Barba viros, binaeque decent in corpora pulso, 860 set*. 850 Acin amas, praefersque meis amplexibus Unum est in medi^ lumen mihi fronte, Acin ? sed instar [magno Ille tamen placedtque sibi, placeAtque Ingentis clypei. Quid, non liaec omnia licebit, Sol videt ^ coelo ? Soli tamen unicus orbis. Quod noUem, Galatea, tibi, mod6 copia Adde, qu6d in vestro genitor mens asquore detur, regnat. Sentiet esse mihi tanto pro corpore vires. Hunc tibi do socerum. Tantum. miserere, Viscera viva traham : divulsique membra precesque 855 per agros, 865 514 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Shall thus unite with thine. With hot desire, Intense, 1 glow ; I burn in fiercer fire 5 ^tna seems raging with redoubled heat, 1055 Torn from its base to make my heart its seat : Yet am I scorn'd.' As thus, with amorous sighs. In vain the Cyclops sued, I saw him rise: Mad as the bull who seeks his cow, he roves, Prowls thro' the woods, and tracks the well-known groves ; When, lo ! unconscious, reckless of affright, IO6I I and my Acis met the monster's sight. ' I see you both,' he cries with hideous roar, ' Love while you may, you soon shall love no more.' His voice with Cyclops' thunder roll'd around ; 1065 Red lEtna trembled at the deafening sound. Shuddering, I plung'd beneath the sea my head ; And, as pale Acis turn'd his back and fled, * Help, Galatea ! help ! ere death o'erwhelms. Ye sea-gods snatch me to your watery realms,' IO7O He pray'd ; but Polyphemus following fast. Full at the youth a rocky fragment cast. Tho' the mere angle reach 'd his form, — alas ! It buried wretched Acis in the mass ! All that harsh fate allow'd I did ; — ere long 1075 Arose young Acis, as his grandsire strong ; Blood from the rock in bubbling currents spread, But soon the current flow'd no longer red ; P6rque tuas spargam (sic se tibi misceat) Debnit, ilia fuit. Clamore perhorruit undas. [nis : ^tne. Uror enim ; Isesusque exaestuat acriiis ig- Ast ego vicino pavefacta sub sequore mer- Ciimque suis videor translatam viribus gor. [heros: ^tnam [veris. Terga fugas dederat conversa Symeethius Pectore ferre meo: nee tu, Galatea, mo- Et, Fer opetn, Galatea, precor, mihi: fer- Talia nequicquam questus (nam cuncta te parentes : 880 videbam) 870 Dixerat: et vestris periturum admittite Surgit: et ut taurus vacci furibundus regnis. [revulsam aderati [errat. Insequitur Cyclops : paitemque ^ monte Stare nequit; sylv&que et notis saltibus Mittit; et extremus quamvls pervenit ad Ciim ferus ignaros, nee quicquam tale ti- ilium mentes [mat;etista Angulus 6 saxo, totum tamen obruit Acin, Me videt atque Acin: Vide6que, excla- At nos, quod fieri solum per fata licebat. Ultima sit, faciam, Veneri concordia ves- Tecimus ; ut vires adsumeret Acis avitas. tiae. 875 Puniceus de mole cruor manabat : et in- Tant&que vox, quantara Cyclops iratus trk [pit: habere Temporis exiguura rubor evgnescere coe- BOOK XIII. 515 Like rivers thick with rain it now appears ; Now gradual, to a glassy chrystal, clears; 1080 Wide gapes the stone, its sides asunder shrink, A lofty reed springs, verdant, thro' the chink, Within the cave exulting waters sound. And, wondrous to relate ! with sudden bound The imprison'd dead his rocky durance scorns j 1085 Midway emerging, crown'd with reeds and horns, Soar'd my slain lover monarch of the rill ; Tho' green his giant face, 'twas Acis still. Acis, thus chang'd, a river-god became, Whose gentle tide yet keeps its ancient name." 1090 Here Galatea ceas'd. The assembled train Disperse, the Nereids frolick in the main. Scylla, who dreads to venture far from land, Or wanders naked on the thirsty sand. Or rests within a creek on ocean's verge, 1095 Her limbs refreshinsj in the secret surge. When, lo ! forth darting with majestic sweep, Cleaving his recent tenement, the deep, Eubcean Glaucus gambols near the place. Views Scylla's charms, and covets to embrace. 1100 Whatever love could say, warm Glaucus said. To stop her flight, — yet still the maiden fled : Nor, wing'd with terror, stay'd to listen, till On agile foot she scal'd a neighbouring hill. Fitque color primo turbati fluminis im- Scylla redit : (neque enim medio se cre- bre : dere ponto 900 Purgatiirque mora. Tum moles jacta Audet) et aut bibula sin^ vestibus errat dehiscit: 890 aren^; [sus Vivdque per rimas, procerdque surgit Aut ubi lassata est, seductos nacta reces- arundo : [dis: Gurgitis, inclus^ sua membra refrigerat Osque cavum saxi sonatexsultantibus un- undS. Miraque res ; subito medi^ tenuTs exstitit Ecce fretum findens alti novus iocola alvo [nis. ponti, Incmctusjuvenis flexis nova cornua can- Nuper in Euboic& versis Anthedone Qui, nisi qu6d major, qu6d toto czerulus membris, 905 ore est, 895 Glaucus adest: -lisaeque cupidine virginis Acis erat. Sed sic quoque erat tamen h»ret : - [morari, Acis in amnem [nomen. Et, quaecunque putat fugientem posse Versus: et antiquum tenuerunt flumina Verba refert: fugit ilia tamen: veloxque Desierat Galatea loqui : coet&que solu- timore to [undis. Pervenit in summura posit! prope littora DUcedunt: placidisque natant Nereides montis. Uuu 516 OVID'S META^IORPHOSES. Far toward the main, projecting from the creek, 1 105 High, void of trees, and lessening to a peak, A mountain towers : the maid its summit trod : There, wondering if a monster or a God Had caus'd her flight, now safe, she halts, to view His scaly members and their verdant hue. 1 1 10 She saw long hairs his back and shoulders veil. His body tapering to a fish's tail. Propp'd by a rock adjacent, Glaucus guess'd Her inward thoughts, and thus the maid address'd : " Nor monster ,wooes thee, Nymph, nor giant fish ; 1115 A God of ocean speaks his amorous wish. Proteus, Palemon, Triton, fail'd to wield A firmer sceptre o'er the watery field : Yet, mortal once, 'twas mine each day to plough. In quest of fish, the wave I govern now ; 1 120 Now with a net I swept the peopled brine ; Now from a cliif I ply'd my rod and line. The sloping coast a verdant meadow crown'd ; Here fenc'd by sea-weed, there by herbage bound ; No horned heifers trod the grassy steep ; 1 125 There fed nor rugged goat, nor placid sheep ; For festal crowns no hand its roses tore. No bee industrious gather'd thence its stofe, No sickle mow'd it. On the blooming turf My nets drawn land-ward, dripping from the surf, 1 1 30 Ante fretum est ingens apicem collectus Deditus sequoribus, jam turn ^xercebar io in unum QIO lUis. Longa sind arboribus convexus ad aequo- Nam mod6ducebamducentiaretiapisc6s: ra vertex. [Deusne Nunc in mole sedens moderabar arun» Constitit hie: et tuta loco, monstiumne, dine linum. lUe sit ignorans, admiraturque colorem. Sunt viiidi prato confinia littora, quorum Caesari^mque humcros subjectaque terga Altera pars undis, pars altera cingitur tegentem, Uerbis : 925 Ultimdque excipiat qubd tortilis inguina Quas ueque cornigerae morsu lassere ju- piscis. 915 venose : Sentit : et innitens, quae stabat proxima, Nee placidas carpsistis oves, hirta^vef ca- moli, [virgo ; pellaj. Non ego prodigium, non sum fera bellua, Non apis indd tulit coUectos sediila flo- Sum Deus, inquit, aquae: nee majus iu res: asquora Proteus [Palasmon. Non data sunt capiti genialia serta: nee Jus habet, et Triton, Athamantiad^sque unquam Ant£ tamen mortalis eram : sed scilicet Falciferae secuere manus. Ego primus in altis 920 illo 93d BOOK XII r. 617 One day, in search of rest, I thither brought. And, reckless, counted o'er the fish I caught ; Chance to my net, and folly to my hook. Had gather'd numbers ; these I floundering shook Forth on the grass : when, (doubt me not, — for w hy 1 1 35 Should fiction prompt me ? what avails a lie ? ) Soon as they touch the sod, they plunge and leap, And skim the meadow as they skimm'd the deep. As mute I wonder, to their native sea Back dart my fish, and leave the shore and me ! 1 140 Doubting the cause, f marvell'd if a God Had done the deed, or herbage from the sod ; Then cried, * The Gods direct their flight ; what herb Can cope with nature, and her laws disturb ? ' As thus I ponder'd, from the turf beneath 1 145 I pluck'd some grass, and thrust within my teeth. Scarce has my throat the unknown juice imbib'd. When lo ! a tremor, not to be describ'd. Shakes every limb, new thoughts, new passions start, A wish to wander agitates ray heart : 1150 * Earth, fare thee well, we meet no more,' I cried, Then, sudden, darted headlong in the tide. The Gods who Neptune's wave, vice-regal, stem. Deeming me worthy to colleague with them, Of old Oceanus and Tethys pray 1155 To purge my grosser elements away : Cespite consedi, dum lina raadentia sicco. Qua: tamen has, inquam, vires habet her- Utque recenserem captivos ordine pisces ; ba ? manfique Insuper exposui, quos aut in retia casus, Pabula decerpsi, decerptique dente mo- Aut sua credulitas in aduncos egerat ha- mordi. [succos ; mos. [prodest ?) Vix bene combiberant ignotos guttura Res similis fictae : (sed quid mihi fingere Cum subiti) trepidare intus praecordia Graminp. contacto coepit mea pr^da mo- sensi; 945 veri, 936 Alteriusque rapi naturae pectus amore. Et mutare latus ; teiraque, iil in aequore. Nee potui restare loco: Repetendique niti. [omnis in undas nunquam [mersi. Diimque moror, mirdique simul, fugit Terra, vale, dixi: corpusque sub aequora Turba suas : dominumque novum, littus- Di maris exceptum socio dignantur ho» que relinquunt. nore : Obstupui : dubiusque diu, quas causa, Utqup mihi, quaecunque feram, mortalia require: 940 demant, 950 Num Deus hoc aliquis, num succus fece- Oceanum Tethynque rogant. Ego lustror rit herbas. ab illis : 518 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. A verse of mystic import three times thrice, To cleanse my frame, and purify from vice. They chaunt : then bid an hundred streams invest My gelid limbs^ and pour around my breast. 11 60 Rous'd at their call, an hundred rivers fled Their banks, whole seas came tumbling o'er my head. Memory and sense thus far, tho' tempest tost, I kept : but here both sense and memory lost ; When these return, a wondrous change 1 find, 1 165 An alter'd form, a metamorphos'd mind. Then first this grassy beard, amaz'd, I spied ; These lengthened tresses, floating on the tide ; These arms refulgent, bright with many a scale ; These brawny shoulders, and this fish's tail. 1170 But what avail my form ; my power to please The Nereid Goddesses who grace the seas .'' What boots it, that, a God, I rule the wave. If Scylla scorn me, and my passion brave ! " Here halts the God : for, ere he utters more, 1175 Cold and relentless, Scylla quits the shore, And Glaucus, furious at the Nymph's disdain, For Circe's fatal palace cleaves the main. Et purgante nefas novies milii carmine Hanc ego turn primom viridem ferrugine dicto [turn. barbam, g6o Pectora fluminibus jubeor supponere cen. Caesariemque meam, quam longa per a»- Uec mora : diversis lapsi de fontibus am- quora verro, [vidi, nes, Ingentesque humeros, et caerula brachia TotAque vertuntur supra Oaput asquora CrurAque pinnigero curvata novissima nostrum. 955 pisce. [cuisse marinis, Hactenus acta tibi possum memoranda Quid tamen haec species, quid DJs pla- referre : [tera sensit. Quid juvat esse Deum, si tu non tange- Hactenus el memini : nee mens mea cae- ris istis ? 965 Quas postquam rediit; alium me corpore Talia dicentem, dicturum plura reliquit toto, Scylla Deum. Furit ille, irritatusque re- Ac fueram nuper, nee eundem mente re- pulsS cepi. Prodigiosa petit Titanidos atria Circes. OVID's METAMORPHOSES. BOOK XIV. THE ARGUMENT. i^irce is enamoured of Glaucus. — His Refusal. — She environs Scylla loith monsters. — Continuation of the Voyage of /Eneas. — The Cecropians transformed to Apes. — jEneas descends into Htll. — The Sybil relates her History. — JEneas returns to Earth. — His interview with Achceme- nides. — Macareus relates his Adventures with Circe, her Transfoi'mU' Hon of himself a7id companions into Swine, and the Story of Pious and Canens. — Mneas arrives in Italy. — The Adventures of Diomed. — The Transformation of Appulus. — The Trojan Ships changed to Sea-Nymplis. — The Deification of JEneas.-^The Line of the Latian Kings. — The Story of Vertumnus and Pomona. — Vertumnus relates to Pomona the Fable of Iphis and Anaxaretl. — The Latian Line co7itinucd. — The As- sumption of Romulus and of Hersilia. J- ROM ^tna, tottering on the giants' brow, The Cyclops' land, unbroken by the plough. Nor till'd by oxen, nor improv'd by rakes, Glaucus his course thro' bounding billows takes. Zancl^ he leaves, and Rhegium's adverse walls^ 5 And the small strait that mariners appals ; Whose narrow wave, pent in on either hand, Now laves Italia's, now Sicilia's land. Thence borne o'er Tuscan seas, on mighty tides. To Circe's palace amorous Glaucus rides ; 10 JAMQUE Gigdnteis injectam faucibus Navifragumque fretum, gemino quod lit- ^tnen, [usus aratri tore pressum ArvSque Cyclopum, quid rastra, quid Ausqpis Siculaeque tenet confinia terrae. Nescia, nee quicquam junctis debentia Ind^, manu raagnS Tyrrhena per asquora bobus, [aquarum : lapsus, [cus Liquerat Euboicus tumidarum cultor Herbiferos adiit colles, atque atria Glau- Iiiquerat et Zanclen, adversique mctnia Sole sate Circes, variaruin plena fera- Rhegt, 5 rum. 18 520 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. And views each wonder that her palace fills ; Her various beasts, and plant-producing hills. Him when the queen had hail'd with gracious nod, *' Pity, great Goddess, and assist a God," Exclaim'd the lover, " should I worthy prove, 15 Thou, thou alone, can'st give relief to love. In herbs what mystic wonders latent lie, Daughter of Sol, none better know than I : They chang'd this form, they warr'd with nature's laws, — Proceed 1 now to tell my passion's cause. 20 Fronting Italia, near Messene's height, I Scylla saw, — it shames me to recite The love I profifer'd love in turn to rouse, My endless blandishments, my slighted vows — Oh ! then, if verse can aid me. Goddess, cbaunt 25 A sacred strain : if magic herb or plant Avail thee more, her proud contempt to curb, Use the tried force of plant or magic herb. I ask thee not my bosom's wound to heal ; Quell not, but bid her share the pains I feel." 30 Circe, than whom none fiercer felt the fire Of Cupid, (whether natural desire, Or Venus, angry that Apollo's rays Reveal'd her weakness with intrusive blaze, Inspir'd the heat,) thus spoke with gentle tone : 35 " Chuse one whose passions vibrate with thine own ; Quam simul aspexit ; dicta acceptftque Ore move sacro : sive expugnacior herba salute, [levare est ; Diva, Dei miserere, precor: nam sola Utere tentatis operosas viribus herbse. Xu potes hunc, dixit, (videar mod6 dig- Nee medeare mrhi, sauesque base vulnera, nus) amorem. [nulli maudo: [caloris. Quanta sit herbarum, Titani, potentia, Fineque nil opus est. Partem feral ilia Quara mihi cognitiu^; qui sum mutatus At Circe (iieque enim flammis liabet ap- ab illis. 15 tivis ulla 25 K6ve mei non nota tibi sit causa furoris; Talibus ingenium; seu causa est hujus Littore ia Italico Blessenia moenia contra in ipsa; [terno) Scylla mihi visa est. Pudor est promissa, Seu Venus indicio facit hoc offensa pa- precesque, [refeiTe. Talia verba refert: Meliis sequerere vo- Blanditidsque meas, contemtaque verba lentem, At tu, sive aliquid regni est In carmine; Optantemque eadem, parilique cupidine carmen 20 captam. BOOK XIV. 521 Beauty, like thine, should be by beauty woo'd, Give but the hope, and, trust me, thou'lt be sued ; Doubt not thy charms, nor proffer'd favors shun : Lo ! I, a Goddess, daughter of the sun, 40 Mistress of roots, whose minstrelsy divine All nature awes, now offer to be thine. Then, scorn the scorner, her who wooes thee woo, And by one deed revenge thyself on two." The tempter ceas'd : and thus the God replied : 45 '' Sooner shall groves spring up in ocean's tide. Or on tall mountains seaweed meet the eye, Than, Scylla living, Glaucus' passion die!" Circ^ grew fierce : but since her magic rod Could not, or would not, harm the favor'd God, 50 Mad with repulse, her anger flies to shed Its hottest vengeance on her rival's head. Straightway her deadly cauldron pours, profuse. Weeds infamous, and leaves of horrid juice ; On these an Hecatean spell she threw : 55 Then, in her garment of celestial blue, Stalk'd from her palace, thro' surrounding flocks Of fawning beasts; and, gaining Zancle's rocks. Saw the rude surge the walls of Rhegium beat. And trod the tossing tide on printless feet. ^ Arch'd land-ward in a bow, refreshing, cool, Smooth resting place to Scylla, flow'd a pool : Dignus eras: ultro poteras certeque jo- !Non poterat, nee vellet amans; irascitur gari: 30 iUi, [repulsi, Et si sptm dederis; mihi crede, rogabeiis 0uas sibi pr^elata est : Venerlsque offens» ultro. Protinus liorrendis infamia pabula succis Neu dubites, absitque tuasfijucia form-e : Conterit: et tritis Hecateia carmina mis- Eu ego, ciim Dea sirn, nitidi ciim fiha cet : Soils, [mine possim; Cseruldque irvduitUr vtlamina: perque Carmine ciim tantura, tantum ciim gra- ftrarum 4S Ut tua sim, voveo. Spernentem sperne : Agmen adulantum medi^ procedit ab sequenti . 35 aula: [saxa Redde vices : un6queduasulciscere facto. Oppositumque petens contra Zancieia Talia teutanti, Prius, inquit, in sequore RUegion, ingreditur ferventes sestibus un- frondes, [algse; das: Glaucus.et in summisuascenturmontibus In quibus, ut solida, ponit vestigia, rip»; Sospite quim Scylli nostri mutentur SummAque decurrit pedibus super a;quo- amores. ra siccis. 50 Indignata Dea est: et la;dere quatemis Parvus erat gurges cuivos sinnatus in ipsum 40 arcus, 522 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Thither, when Phcebus cast his shortest shade, From heaven's and ocean's heat retir'd the muitl. Circe with monster-breeding herbs pollutes 6J The wave : extracted from pernicious roots, A deadly compound in the water dips ; .4 Then, times thrice nine, from wonder-working lips, A dark mysterious incantation yells, Cloath'd in new words, and fraught with horrid spells. 70 Scylla breast high descends to bathe, vvhen, hark! Loud from the deep terrific monsters bark Around her loins : she, little deeming these Part of herself, shrinks downward in the seas. Dreads their wide jaws, and shrieking strives to run ; 75 But with her drags the dogs she fain would shun. In vain she seeks her thighs, her legs, her feet ; Legs, feet and thighs in barking mouths retreat 5 And howling, raving, with protruding back, Cling to her waist and loins the horrid pack. 80 Glaucus with tears the vile enchantress fled, Her magic loath'd, and spurri'd her profFer'd bed. While vengeful Scylla on Ulysses wreaks Her hate of Circe, and engulphs his Greeks. The Trojans, too, had found an equal grave ; 85 But, lo ! projecting bolder from the wave. Devoid of life, she lifts her marble head, Chang'd to a rock, a rock the sailors dread. , Grata quies Scyllae : qu6 se referebat ab Ora proterva canum. Sed quo5 fugit, at- sestu trahit una. [pedumque, Et maris etcoeli, medio cdm plurimusorbe Et corpus quterens femorum, crurumque Sol erat, et minimas a vertice fecerat urn- Cerbereos rictus pro partibus invenitillis. bras: Statque canum rabies ; subjectique terga Hunc Dea pr^vitiat; portentiferisque vc- ferarura [liasrent. nenis 55 Inguinibus truncis uter6que exstante co- Inquinat. Huic fusos latices radice no- Flevit amans Glaucus: nimiumque centi [novorum hostiliter usee Spargit: et obscurum verborum ambage Viribus herbarum fugit connubia Circes. Ter novies carmen magico demurmurat Scylla loco mansit: ci'imque est data co- ore, [alvo ; pia primCim, 70 Scylla venit: mediaque tenus descenderat In Circes odium sociis spoliavit Ulys- Cim sua foedari latrantibus inguina mons- sen. tris 60 Mox eadem Teucras fuerat mersura cari- Aspicit: ac primb non credens corporis nas; [saxeus exstat, illas ^i priiis in scopulum, qui nunc quoque Esse sui partes, refugltque, abigitque, Transformata foret. Scopulum quoque timetque navita vitat. V . BOOK XIV. 523 ft. This and Charybdis when, with dexterous oars, The ships had press'd, and on Italia's shores 90 The Phrygians gaz'd delighted, backward beat By storms, to Lybia fled their shatter'd fleet. Her© royal Dido bids them cease to roam. And takes their leader to her heart and home ; His harsh retreat ill brooks the queen of Tyre, 95 She builds, for seeming sacrifice, a pyre. And falls, deceiving and deceiv'd, self-slain. From Carthage, smiling on her sandy plain, Again ^^neas to Sicilia hies, Where old Acestes dwelt ; rich sacrifice 100 Pours on the tomb of his departed sire. Rescues the fleet by Iris wrapt in fire : Thine isles then, JEolus, undaunted broke. Fled from the nations hut with sulphurous smoke, And boldly steer'd the Sirens' caves along, 105 Safe from their rocks, and heedless of their song. 'Reft of his pilot, still he brav'd the blast ; Steer'd round Inarime, Prochyte past ; And, high emerging, built on barren ground, Nam'd from its natives, Pithecusa found. 1 10 The sire of Gods, with indignation, eyed Fraud, perjury, and countless crimes beside. Pollute the race that held Cercopia's climes. And, fix'd to visit on their heads their crimes, Hanc ubi Trojanae remis avidimque Qu^sque rates Iris Junonia pen^ cremS- Charybdin 75 rat, 85 Evicere rates; cirni jam prope littus Solvit: et Hippotadse regnum, terrasque adessent [oras. calenti Ausonium ; Libycas vento referuntur ad Sulfure fumantes, Acheloiadumque relin- Excipit JEnean illlc anim6que dombque, quit Non bene discidium Phrygii latura mariii, Sirenum scopulos. Orbatique praeside Sidonis : inque pyri sacri sub imagine pinus [locatas fact^ 80 Inarimen, Prochytenque legit, sterilique Incubuit ferro: deceptique decipit om- CoUe Pithecusas, habitantum nomine nes. [rae, dictas. gO Aursus arenosse fugiens nova mcenia ter- Quippc DeCim genitor fraudem, et perju- Ad sed6mque Erycis fidumque relatus ria quondam Acesten [norat. Cercopum exosus, gentisque admissa do. Sacrificat; tumul6mque sui genitoris bo- loses; X X X 524 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Bade foul deformity their members strike, 115 Chang'd, yet the same, dissimilar, yet like : Their cheeks in wrinkles fall ; their members close ; From mouth to forehead shrinks each flatten'd nose ; Their dwarfish bodies hid in yellow hair. To Pithecusa, grinning, they repair, 120 Where, with false tongues adapted to their shapes. Mow harshly dissonant the chattering apes. These pass'd the chief : anon, reveal'd to sight, Parthenop^ smiles towering on his right ; While, on his left, half hid in fenny sedge, 125 . Misenus' tomb upsprings on ocean's edge. He lands on Cumae's shore from Neptune's wave, And, entering there the aged Sybil's cave, Begs of the enchantress sufferance to invade Avernus' shore, and seek his father's shade. 130 Down sunk her eyes : at length, with glance of flame. Full of the radiant God, thus spake the dame : " O valiant offspring of a virtuous sire ! Whose hand the sword, whose filial duty fire Exalts to fame, thou seek'st no common shrine : 135 Fear not, whate'er thou seek'st shall soon be thine. With me to guide thee, man's remotest home. Thy father's spectre, and Elysium's dome Shall bless thy favour'd vision ere we part — No path's impervious to a valiant heart." 140 In deforrae viros animal mutavit: ut iAexa Littora Cumarum, vivaclsque antra Sibyl- Dissimiles homini posseut, simil^sque las ^i'^6"- Intrat: et, ut manes adeat per Avema Membrdque contraxit : nar^sque a fronte paternos, 105 resimas gS Oral. At ilia diu vultus tellure moratos Contudit, et rugis peraravit dnilibus ora. Erexit : tandemque Deo furibunda recep- Totdque velatos flaventi corpora villo to, [jus Misit in has sedes. Nee non priiis ab- Magna petis, dixit, vir factis maxima, cu- stulit usum [guae. Dextera per ferrum, pietas spectata per Verborum, et natae dira in perjuria lin- ignes. Posse queri tantfim rauco stridore relin- Pone tamen, Trojane, metum ; potier» ^"'t- 100 petitis: UO Has ubi prKteriit, et Parthenopeia Elysiasque domos, et regna novissima dextra mundi Moeniadeseruit; Isevade parte canori Me duce cognosces, simulacr£que cara ^olidas tumulum, et loca foeta palustribus parentis. "^'^'* Invia virtuti nulla est via, Dixit : et auro BOOK XIV. $f$ As thus she speaks, she bids the chief behold In Juno's grove the branch of burnish'd gold, And pluck it from its stem : the chief obeys : When, lo ! unshrouded, hell's tremendous blaze. His buried ancestors, Anchises' shade, 145 And rigid Pluto's edicts, shone display 'd. There, too, the mystic dame the future taught ; Pains yet unfelt, and battles yet unfought. As thence his upward steps ^neas plied. He lighten'd toil by converse with his guide ; 150 And, while around his dreary pathway broke Earth's dusky twilight, thus impassion'd spoke : *' Whether kind fate, to lead my steps, has given A Goddess born, or mortal lov'd of heaven. To me thou ever shalt a Goddess shine ; 155 Thankful, 1 own this life a'gift of thine : Death I encounter'd, guarded by thy art. And trod his kingdom, yet escap'd his dart : For this on upper earth my love shall raise A fane, and scatter incense to thy praise." \60 Him, grateful thus, with sorrow-beaming eyes The dame surveys : and, sighing, thus replies : " No Goddess 1 ; fofbear thy purpos'd slirine. Nor in thy zeal raise human to divine ; Renounce thy error, to my words attend : 1 65 Life had been mine, a life devoid of end, Fulgentem ramum sylvsl Junonis Avernas Numinis instar ens semper mihi : meque Monstravit: jussitquesuo devellere trun- "fatebor CO. 115 Muneris essetui; qus me loca moitis Paruit JEneas : et fonnidabilis Orci adire, 125 Vidit opes, atavosque suos, umbiimque Qux loca me visse voluisti evadere mortis. senilem [locorum ; Pro quibus aerias mentis evectus ad auras Magnanimi Anchisse : didicit quoque jura Templa tibi statuam; tribuam tibi thuris Quaeque novis essent adeunda pericula honorem. [lis, bellis. Respicit hunc vates, et suspiratibus haus- Ind^ ferens lassos averse tramite passus. Nee Dea sum, dixit; nee sacri thuris ho- Cum duce Cumae^ fallit sermone laborem. nore 130 Diimque iter horrendum per opaca ore- Humanum dignare caput. Neu nescius puscula carpit ; [dixit ; erres ; [tur, Seu Dea tu preesens, seu Dis gratissima. Lux eetema mihi, cariturAque fine daba- 526 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. ProfFer'd by him whose chariot rolls above, Would I but yield my virtue to his love. While aiming thus my honor to invade, " Ask what thou wilt," he cries, " Cuma^an maid; 170 Ask, and receive ; a love immortal trust." Instant I pointed to a heap of dust. And, senseless, cried, " Be mine in life to share As many birth-days here, as atoms there." Why ask'd I not with endless years the bliss 175 Of endless youth ? Yet Phoebus profifer'd this. Would I his guilty passion sate : provok'd, I spurn'd the offer, and still live unyok'd. But now, alas ! my days of joy are gone. Youth wings his flight, and age creeps trembling on. 180 Still must 1 bear the harsh decree of heaven: Ages to come, I yet have liv'd but seven. Still must 1 view, inexorable doom ! [bloom. Three hundred harvests nod, three hundred vineyards A time shall come, unerring, I presage, 185 When years shall waste my body ; crazy age Shall shrink my limbs, my palsied head shall nod, And none suppose this form once charm'd a God : E'en he who stoop'd to lure me from above Shall know me not, or, knowing, doubt his love : IQO Till eye shall fail to trace my shape, unknown My features, recogniz'd my voice alone." Si mea virginitas Phoebo patuisset amanti. Quae patienda diu est. Nam jam mihi Dum tamen hanc sperat, dum praecorrum- SKcula septem pere donis Acta vides : superest, numeros ut pulve- Me cupit; Elige, ait, viigo Cumaea, quid ris sequem, 145 optes: 135 Tercentum messes, tercentum musta vi. Optatis potiere tuis. Ego pulveris hausti dere. [parvam Ostendens cumulum, quot haberet corpo- Tempus erit, ctim me de tanto corpora ra pulvis, Longa dies faciet : consumtique membra Tot mihi natales contingere vana rogavi. senectil Excidit, optarem juvenes quoque proti- Ad minimum redigantur onus. Nee ama- nus anuos. ta videbor, IIos tamen ille mihi dabat, setern^mque Nee placuisse Deo. Phoebus quoque juventam, 140 forsitan ipse 150 Si Venerem paterer. Contemto munere Vel non agnoscet, vel dilexisse negabit. Phoebi Usque ade6 mutata ferar: nulllque vi- Innuba permaneo. Sed jam felicior eetas denda, Terga dedit: tremuliJque gradu venit Voce tamen noscar. Vocem mihi fata segra senectusj relinquent. BOOK XIV. 52r While thus the Sybil, on the convex road, Her story told at Cumae, her abode, Emerg'd ^neas from Avernus' shores, 195 Where sacrifice, as custom prompts, he pours ; And to the coast, whose citadel since bears His honour'd nurse's name, the chief repairs. Here wearied Macareus, Ulysses' friend, Resolv'd his tedious wanderings to end, 200 Secure repos'd : with wonder now, he sees. Amid the Trojans, Achaemenides ; Whom late on iEtua's fiery rock he left. Of friends, of hope, of all but life, bereft. " Why doth a bark barbarian waft a Greek ? 205 What chance, what God," he cries, " my comrade, speak, Conspir'd to save thee ? whither tends thy prow ? " To whom the grateful voyager ; (not now Squalid and vile, in rugged mantle dight. Plaited with thorns, as erst on Etna's height :) 210 " May I, to death devoted, view once more The Cyclops' jaws imbu'd with human gore. If than yon vessel home I more admire ; If yonder chief I reverence less than sire ; All that a tongue can give, in language true 215 This tongue has given, yet paid not half his due. That still I speak and breathe ; that Phoebus' glow, Heaven and its stars I view, to him I owe : Talia convexum per iter memorante Si- Servat, Achaemenide? cur, inquit, barbara bylli, Graium [carinas? Sedibus Euboicam Stygiis emergit in Prora vehit? petitur vestrae quas terra urbem 155 Talia queerenti jam non hirsutus amictu, Troius ^neas : sacrlsque i more litatis. Jam suus, et splnis conserto tegmine nul- Littora adit nondum nutricis habentia lis, l66 nomen. Fatur Achaemenides: Iterum Polyphe- Hic qiioque substiterat post taedia longa mon, et illos laborum Aspiciam tluidos humano sanguine rictus ; Neritius Macareus, comes experientis Hac mihi si potior domus est Ithac^que Ulyssei. cariril; Desertum quondam mediis qui rupibus Si minis ^nean vcneror genitore. Nee JEtms 160 unquam 17O Noscit Achsemeniden ; improvjs6que re. Esse satis potero, praestem licit omnia, pertum gratus. [sidera Soli» Vivere miratus, Qui te casusve Deusve Qu6d loquor, et spiro ; coelumque, et 3$8 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Can I forget, while life her functions draws, Him who preserv'd me from the Cyclops' jaws ! 220 Here if I perish I shall find a tomb. Nor in that monster's belly meet my doom. How dreadful were my thoughts, (if, terror-fraught, My frenzied mind preserv'd or sense or thought,) When, hoisting sail, you left me in the rear ! 225 I wish'd to shout, but fear'd the foe might hear : The cry that echoed from Ulysses' lip At sea, was all but fatal to the ship. I saw the Cyclops from the mountain strain A massy crag, and hurl it to the main. 230 From his huge arm, as from an engine thrown, Whizz'd seaward from the island many a stone. Forgetting that I stood on ocean's verge, 1 dreaded lest a rock, or swelling surge, Might sink our bark ; but when your flight had baulk'd The menac'd death, the horrid monster stalk'd 236 All iEtna round ; there void of eye he raves, Gropes for the woods, and stumbles o'er the caves ; Then with projecting arms the ocean seeks. And thus, loud raging, execrates the Greeks : 240 * Oh ! that kind fate would bring Ulysses back, Or cast some reptile Grecian in my track ! Within my throat what extacy to pour His blood, what joy his entrails to devour ! Respicio, (possimne ingratus, et imme- Vasta giganteo jaculantem saxa lacerto. mor esse ?) [pis ir. ora Et, ne deprimeret fluctiisve lapisve cari- lUe dedit Qu^d non anima hsec Cyclo- nam, 185 Venit: et ut lumen jam nunc vitale re- Pertimui; jam me non esse oblitus in ilia. linquam ; 175 Ut ver6 fuga vos ab acerbSi morte remo- Aut tumulo, aut cert^ non illS condar in vit; [bulat ^tnam, alvo. [lit omnem Tile quidem totam fremebundus obam- Quid mihi tunc animi (nisi si timor abstu- Prjetentitque manu sylvas: et luminit Sensum animumque) fuit; cimvospetere orbus altarelictus [hosti Rupibus incursat: foedataque brachia JEquora prospexi ? volui inclamare; sed tabo 190 Prodere me timui : vestrs quoque clamor In mare protendens, gentem Cxsecratur Ulyssis 180 Achivam. Pen^ rati nocuit, vidi, cixm monte revul- Atque ait : O si quis referat mihi casu( so [undas. Ulyssen, Immaaem. scopulum medias permisit in Aut aliquem i sociis, in quem mea saeviat Vidi itcrum veluti tormenti viribus acta, ira, BOOK XIV. 529 With this right-hand his pounded body mash, 245 And in these teeth his trembling members crash ! With such revenge to solace me ; how slight — What a mere nothing were my loss of sight ! ' As thus he raves, wan horror checks my breath ; 1 see his lips yet red with recent death ; 250 His hands, his Imibs, his eyeless forehead, smear'd With human flesh ; with clotted blood his beard : Before my eyes death, least of evils, swims ; 1 feel his arms already grasp my limbs ; — Gbrg'd within his, I felt my entrails crush'd ; 253 Swift thro' my brain the dreadful moment rush'd. When late I saw him, with gigantic hand, Dash my two comrades thrice upon the sand. Then like a shaggy lion o'er them fall. Devour their limbs, white marrow, bones, and all, 260 And in his bowels cram the wretched Greeks ; Trembling I stood ; fear blanch'd my pallid cheeks, 1 saw the monster chew th' accursed food ; I saw his mouth disgorging wine and blood. And deem'd my body his devoted prey. 265 In caves, in forests, lurking many a day, Scar'd at a breath, appall'd at every cry. Of death desirous, yet afraid to die, Grass, acorns, leaves my food, for vengeance left. Sad, solitary, poor, of hope bereft, 270 Viscera cujus edam, cujus viventia dex- Ter quater affligi sociorum corpora terrae. tr^ Quse super ipse jacens, hirsuti more leo- Membra mei laniem, cujus mihi sanguis nis, [medullis, inundet 195 Visceraque, et carnes, oblisisque ossa Guttur, et elisi trepident sub dentibus Semanimesque artus avidam condebat in artus ; [lucis ademtae ! alvum. Quam nullum, aut leve sit damnum milii Me tremor invasit. Stabam sin^ sanguine Hasc, et plura ferox. Me luridus occupat racestus : 210 horror, [tes, Mandentemque videns, ejectautemque Spectantem vultasetiamnumcaedemaden- cruentas [mentem, Cnidel^sque manus, et inanem luminis Ore dapes, et frusta mero glomerata vo- orbem, 200 Talia fingebam misero mihi fata parari. Membrlque, et humano concretam san- Ferque dies multos latitans, omnemque guine baibam. [ilia malorum. tremiscens Mors erat ante oculos ; minimum tamen Ad strepitum, mortemqne timens, cupi. Et jam prensurum, jam jam mea viscera dusque moriri, 215 rebar Glande famem pellens, et misti frondibus In sua mersurum: mentique hasrebat herbS imago Solus, inops, exspes, leto pcenaeque re- Teuporij illius, quo vidi bina meoruu 20i lictus. 530 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Long time I pine : at length a ship I view, And, rushing to the shore, by gestures sue For help ; the pilot grants the help I seek, And thus a Trojan vessel saves a Greek. Now, MacareuSj in turn, thy tale make known, 275 Our chief's mishap, our comrades', and thine own." When thus the Grecian ; " ^olus, who binds, Lord of the Tuscan deep, the imprison'd winds. His howling slaves to Ithacus confides, A memorable gift, sew'd up in hides. 280 Nine days his prosperous course Ulysses steers, Gradual in sight the promis'd land appears ; But ere the tenth was pass'd, his vassal train, Impell'd by envy, or desire of gain. Unloose the winds, who with resistless sweep, 285 Back drive our vessel, scudding o'er the deep. Back to the harbour of their frowning king. Thence to old Lamia's walls our flight we wing. Where dwelt Antiphates in regal pride : To whom, commission'd, I and two beside, 290 Reckless of ill, our course unheeding shap'd ; 1 and one comrade scarce with life escap'd ; The hapless third Antiphates devour'd. And as we fled, by menials aided, shower'd. High o'er our heads, stones, beams, and massy staves ; 295 Immersing men and vessels in the waves. Ilaud procul adspexi longo p6st tempore Esse ratos aurum, demsisse Ugamina ven- navim : [curri : tis : 230 Oravique fugam gestu, ad littusque cu- Cum quibus isse retro, per quas modo Et movi: Graiumque ratis Trojana rece- venerat uadas, pit. 220 ^oliique ratem portus repetisse tyranni. Xu quoque paude tuos, comitiim gratis- Tud6 Lami veterem Laestrygonis, inquit, sime, casus, [ponto est. in urbem [illS. Et duels, et turbae, quae tecum credita Venimus. Antiphates terr^ regnabat in .Solon ille refert Tusco regnare pro- Missus ad hunc ego sum, numero comi- fundo; [ventos: lante duorura : 2.35 .Xolon Hippotaden, cohibentem carcere Vixqne fugi quassita salus comitique mi- Quos bovis inclusos tergo memorabile hique. munus . 225 Tertius 6 nobis Laestrjgonis impia tinxit Dulichium sumsisse ducem : flatClque se- Ora cruore suo : fugientibus instat, et cuudo [petitam: agmen Lucibus isse novem, et terram aspexisse Concitat Antiphates. Coijunt, et saxa Proxima post nonam cCira sese Aurora trabesque moveret; [tos. Continuant : merg6ntque viros, mergunt Invidift socios praedaeque cupidine d«c- que carinas. 340 BOOK XIV. 531 The bark that bore Laertes' son and me Alone escap'd ; the rest, the ruthless sea. Roaring, engulph'd ; we m ept our comrades dead, And to yon distant promontory fled. 300 Look yonder, how it mounts in ocean's swell ! Is't seen by thee ? By me 'twas seen too well. O Goddess-born ! (for now that war is o'er, 'Tis fit I deem thee enemy no more ;) O justest of the just! thy nation's boast, 305 Fly, I conjure thee, fly from Circe's coast ! On her vile shore, safe anchor'd from the seas, Taught by the Cyclops and Antiphates, Each shigly fear'd her unknown dome to trust : So, casting lots, to fix on those who must, 310 First fell the fatal choice on him who speaks, Next on Polites, truest of the Greeks, Eurylochus, Elphenor given to wine. Drew the last lots : with mariners twice nine We, venturous, halted at her palace stairs : 315 When, lo ! a thousand lions, wolves, and bears, Flanking the door-way, fill'd us with aff"right : But small our cause of fear, none aim'd to bite ; Nay more, they wav'd their gentle tails in air. And, fawning, led us toward the royal fair. 320 Her maidens greet us with attractive mien. And lead thro' marble court-yards to the queen. Una tamen, quae no^ ipsumque veliebat Sorte suiuiis lecti. Sors me, fidumque Ulyssen, Politen, 250 Effugit. Amiss^ sociorum parte, dolentes, Eurylochumque simul, nimiique Elpenora MultAqae conquest! teriis allabimur illis, vini, [misit. Quas procul hinc ccrnis. Procul hiiic Bisqup. uovem socios CircJEa ad moenia tibi (ceme) videnda est Quae simul attigimus, stetimusque in Insula, visa milii, tuque, o justissime limine lecti ; Tioum, 245 Mille lupi, mistaeque lupis ursaeque le- Nate Dei (neque euim finite Marte vo- aeque 255 candus Occursu fecere metum : sed nulla timenda, Hostis es, ^nea) moneo, fuge littora NulUque erat uostro factura in corpore Circes. vulnus. [das, Nos quoque Circaso religata in littore Quin etiam blandas movere per aera cau- pinu Nostrique adulantes comitant vestigia; AntiphatK memores, immansuetlque Cy- donee clopis, Excipiuat famulse, perque atria marmorfr Ire negabamus; et tecta ignota subire. tecta 260 Yyy 532 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. High on a throne, within a bright recess. With robe of gold cast o'er her gorgeous dress, Reclin'd the queen : the nymphs around her spread 325 Nor card the gather'd wool, nor twirl the thread ; But motley herbage, every flower that blows, CuU'd without order, orderly dispose ; Plying their work, beneath their beauteous chief: She knows what virtue sleeps in every leaf, 330 And weighs, in graceful meditation fix'd. Their powers when simple, and their charms when mix'd. Our mutual greeting o'er, no longer grave. The Goddess smil'd, and all we ask'd for, gave. Barley and roasted grain, without delay, 335 Adorns her board, — curds, honey, wine, and whey ; Sweet juice of secret mischief, mixt with these, She adds : our hands the accursed goblet seize. And as we drank the draught with eager throat, Each bending head her wand enchanted smote ; 340 When lo ! (with shame 1 tell it,) words begin To fail my tongue, rough bristles clothe my skin ; In lieu of speech I pour a grunting tone ; Full at my length on earth I tumble prone. While thus half man, half beast, I roll about, 345 Hard from my mouth projects a crooked snout ; Gradual my neck with fat inflated grows. The hand that grasp'd the cup is tipp'd with toes ; Ad dominam ducunt. Pulcro sedet ilia Nee mora ; misceri tosti jubet horde» recessu, [tern, grani, [gula passo. Solenni soUo; pallamque induta niten- BlelUque vimque meri, cum lacte coa- Insuper aurato circumvelatur amictu. Quique sub hac lateant furtini dulcedine, Nereides Njmphaeque simul, qua; vel- succos 275 lera motis Adjicit. Accipimus sacr& data pocula Nulla trahunt digitis, nee fila sequentia dextrS. ducunt, 265 Quas simul arenti sitientes hausimus ore, Gramina disponunt; spars6sque sin^ or- Et tetigit summos virg^ Dea dira capillos, dine flores [herbas. (Et pudet, et referam) setis horrescere Secernunt ealatliis, varidsque eoloribus crepi, Ipsa, quod hae faciunt, opus exigit : ipsa Nee jam posse loqui ; pro verbis edere quid ustis [mistis raucum 280 Qu6que sit in folio, quas sit concordia Murmur; et in terram toto procumbere Novit: et advertens pensas examinat vultu : [rostro ; ' herbas. 270 Osque meura sensi pando occallescera Haec ubi nos vidit, dicti acceptique sa- Colla tumere toris : et qui modo pocula lute, parte Diffudit vultus, et reddidit omnia votis ; Sumta mihi fuerant, illi vestigia feci. BOOK XIV. 533 And with the rest, transform'd as well as T, Such power have plants ! I grovel in a stye. 350 Of all our tribe, now turn'd, alas ) to swine, Eurylochus, who spurn'd the profFer'd wine. Alone contriv'd the bestial change to shun : Alarm 'd, he hastens to Laertes' son, And tells the tale ; — when strait, to yield relief, 355 To Circe's palace hies th' indignant chief. By Hermes given, he grasps a milk-white flower Of sable root, and of celestial power. By Gods call'd Moly : thus secur'd from harm, Enrag'd with Circ^, heedless of her charm, 360 He gains her mansion. With insidious hand She tends the goblet, and, with hateful wand Prepares to touch him : back, with furious mien. And sword unsheath'd, Ulysses scares the queen. Her faith she plights, his love in wedlock seeks ; 365 The chief consents, but asks his captive Greeks A dowry from the dame : his suit she grants. Benignant juices from innocuous plants The enchantress o'er her stye-bound victims spreads, And with inverted sceptre smites our heads. 370 New spells to annul the old are chaunted o'er ; The more she chaunts we rise from earth the more ; Our hands return, our bristly hairs retreat. The miry membrane quits our cloven feet, Cumque eadem passis (tantum medica- Pocula, conantem virga mulcere capillos mina possunt) 285 Repulit; et stricto pavidam deterruit Claudor hara: soliimque suis caruisse ense. 596 figurS [fugit. Indi fides, dextraeque datae: thalam6que Vidimus Eurylochum : solus data pocula receptus Quse nisi vitasset, pecoris pars una ma- Conjugii dotem sociorum corpora poscit. neret [ab illo Spargimur innocuas succis melioribus Nunc quoque setigeri. Nee tantae cladis herbse, Certior ad Circen ultor venisset Ulysses. Percutimurque caput conversae verbere Pacifer huic dederat florem Cyllenius virgs: 300 album; [netur. VerbAque dicuntur dictiscontraria verbis. Moly vocant Superi. Nigr^ radice te- Quo magls ilia canit, magis hoc tellure Tutus eo, monitisque simul ccelestibus levati intrat [catus Erigimur: setaeque cadunt. bifidosque lUe domum Circes : et ad insidiosa vo- relinquit 534 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Shoulders with arms beneath resume their place, — 375 With tears of joy Ulysses we embrace, Cling to his neck with mutual love endued^ And our first words are words of gratitude. While there detain'd twelve moons by Circe's law, I many wonders heard, and many saw : 380 Among the rest a maiden in her train. First of the four who tend her sacred fane, Told me, in secret, one beyond belief: •For while her mistress tarried with our chief, A marble statue, white as driven snow, 385 On whose fair front crowns variegated glow, Topp'd by a woodpecker, arrests my view. This, curious, I survey, then question who Thus mounts the fane ? why shrm'd among the Gods ? And what the bird that on his forehead nods ? 390 * How great my mistress' power, O stranger Greek, 'Twill show,' she answers : ' Listen, while 1 speak. Picus, Ausonia's king, from Saturn sprung. Well skill'd in steeds of war, was fair, was young. In yonder statue may his form be seen ; 39o Yon graceful marble verifies his mien. His years scarce Elis' fourth recurring sport Had told : his soul was noble as his port. Him many a Dryad from the Latian hills. Him many a Naiad native of the rills, 400 Rima pedes. Redeunt humeri: subjec- Quis foret, et quaresacr^ colereturincede, ta lacertis Cur hanc ferret avem, quaerenti, et scire Brachia sunt. Flectem flentes amplecti- volenti, mur ilium: .305 Accipe, ait, Macareu : dorainaeque poten- Hseremusque ducis collo : nee verba locuti tia quae sit TJlla priora sumus, qu^m nos testantia Hinc quoque disce meas. Tu dictis ad- gratos. jice mentem. Annua nos iUic tenuit mora: multaque Picus in Ausoniis, proles Saturnia, prssens terris 320 Tempore tam longo vidi: multa auribus E.exfuit,utiIiurabeIlostiidiosus equorura. hausi. 309 Forma viro, quam cernis, erat. Licet ipse Hoc quoque cum multis, quod dim mihi decorem [ram. retulit una Aspicias, fictaque probes ab imagine ve- Quatuor i famulis, ad talia sacra paratis. Par animus formae. Nee adbuc spectiisse Cum duce naraque meo Circe dum sola per annos moratur, Quinquennem poterat Grai^ quater Elide Ilia milii niveo factum de marmore sig- pugnara. 325 num [cum, Ille suos Dryadas Latiis in montibus Ostendit juvenile, gerens in vertice pi- ortas JEde sacra positum, multlsque insigne co- Verterat in vultus : ilium fontana pe- ronis. 315 tebant BOOK XIV. 535 Nymphs who adorn white Tyber fam'd afar, Umbrageous Farfarus, and headlong Nar, Numicius, Almo brief, smooth Anio's waves, The lakes of Scythia, Dian's woodland caves. Admiring saw : their love he strives to shun, 405 And spurns the many to adore the one : One whom to Janus, in the days of yore. On tall Palatium's hill, Venilia bore. Her, when her form to woman's beauty spreads, Preferr'd o'er all, Laurentian Picus weds. 410 Rare was her face, but rarer far her fame In vocal music ; Canens thence her name. Her song would draw wild beasts in gentle flocks. Stay wandering waters, soften woods and rocks. And bid the birds no longer wave their wings. 415 As thus with voice melodious, Canens sings, Picus goes forth to slay a ravenous breed Of native boars : he mounts a foaming steed ; Two quivering spears his nervous left hand grasps. His purple vest is held by golden clasps. 420 To cull what herbs Laurentia's mountain yields, The enchantress Circe quits Circaja's fields, And coursing thro' the woods, amid the trees In quest of game, the youthful warrior sees. Amaz'd, she starts : she drops her gather'd plants — 425 Love darts thro' every vein ; her bosom pants. — -Numina Naiades ; quas Albula, quisque Ore suo, volucresque vagas retinere sole- Numici, bat. 340 CJuisque Anienis aquae, curs&que brevis- Quae dum fceminel modulatur cannina simus Almo, voce, Nirque tulit prasceps, et amoenas Farfarus Exierat tecto Laureates Picus in agros, umbrae; 330 Indigenas fixurus apros : tergiunque pre- Quaeque colunt Scythicae regnum nemo- mebat rale Dianse, [bus unam Acris equi; l^vaquehastilia bina ferebat, Finitimdsque lacus. Spretis tamen omni- Poeniceam fulvo chlamydem contractus llle fovet Nymphcn, quam quondam in ab auro. 345 colle PalatJ Venerat in sylvas et filia Solis easdem : Dicitur lonio peperisse Venilia Jano. Utque novas legeret fcecundis collibus Haec, ubi nubilibus primtim maturuit herbas; annis, 335 Nomine dicta suo Circaea reliquerat ar\'a. Frseposito cunctis Laurenti tradita Pico Quae simul ac juvenem virgultis abdita est : [nendi ; vidit j Ilara quidem facie, sed rarior arte ca- Obstupuit. Cecidere sinu, quas legerat, Unde Canens dicta est. Sylvas et saxa herbae : 350 movere, Flammique per totas visa est errare me- Et mulcere feras, et flumiua longa morari dullas, 536 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Soon as the tumult calmer thoughts controul, She aims to speak the transport of her soul : But Picus' guards and flying steed prevent Her near approach, and frustrate her intent. 430 " Tho' fleet as wind, thou shalt not scape me so," Exclaims the Goddess, " if myself I know: — If neither impotent the strain I chaunt, Nor dead the mystic powers of herb or plant." Thus she : then swift creates a seeming boar, 435 A shadowy form, and bids it dart before The hunter king, and shape its airy course Thro' forests drear, impervious to a horse. Straight to the wood unconscious Picus rides, Quits with a bound his courser's smoking sides, 440 And, lur'd by nought, on foot pursues the game ; While prayers ambiguous mutters forth the dame ; Her spell-fraught lips enchanting strains rehearse, Invoking unknown Gods in unknown verse :— Verse that pale Luna's visage oft enshrouds, 445 And veils her radiant sire in watery clouds. The heavens are darken'd as she sings ; the grove Thick mists obscure : the monarch's comrades rove Thro' devious paths ; and pitchy night divides Subject from sovereign ; Picus from his guides. 450 The time, the place accord : " O youth divine ! By those bright eyes whose rays have conquer'd mine : TJt primfim valido mentem coUegit ab Haud mora : continu6 prasdae petit in- Eestu; [adire, scius umbram Quid cuperet, fassura fuit. Ne posset Picus ; equique celer fumantia terga re» Cursusequifecit.circumfususquesatelles. liaquit. [errat in altS. Hon tamen eflfugies, vento rapiare lice- Spemque sequens vanam, sylvl pedes bit, 355 Concipit ilia preces; et verba venefica Si mod6 me novi ; si non evanuit omnis dicit : 365 Herban.m virtus, et me mea carmina Tgnotosque Decs ignoto carmine adorat, fallunt. [falsi Quo solet et nivese vultum confundere Dixit: et effigiem nuUo cum corpore Lunae, Finxit apri : praterque oculos transcur- Et patrio capiti bibulas subtexere nubes. rere regis Turn quoque cantato densatur carmine Jussit, et in densum trabibus nemus ire coelum, videri: 360 Et nebulas exhalat humus; casciaque Plurima qui sylva est, ct equo loca per- vagantur 370 via noD sunt. Limitibus comites ; et abest custodi» regi. BOOK XIV. 537 By that fair form" (thus Phoebus' daughter spoke) " Whose charms enthral a Goddess in their yoke. Yield, 1 conjure thee, pity Circe's pain ; 455 List to my passion, nor my suit disdain. When for thy spouse, sweet youth, thou 'st Circ^ won, Thy sire as mine shall be th' all-glorious sun." Her prayers and her he pass'd regardless by, And cried, " Whoe'er thou art, not thine am 1 ; 460 Another captive in love's silken fold Now holds this bosom, and shall ever hold ; Nor will I shame, by lawless love, my vows. While fate bestows sweet Canens for my spouse." When thus the queen, imploring oft in vain, 465 '' Thy Canens never shalt thou view again ; Thou soon shalt mourn, what nought can e'er assuage, Love turn'd to hate, a slighted woman's rage ; That woman, wretch, am 1 !" — As thus she burns, Twice to the west, twice to the east she turns, 470 Thrice strikes him with her wand, three verses sings. He flies : and, wondering at his flight, with wings Beholds his body veil'd : to anger stirr'd, That thus he flits thro' Latian woods a bird, His fury on the boughs he aims to wreak, 475 And pecks the knotty oaks with harden'd beak. Red as his recent cloak, his plumed breast. Plumed the clasps that late upheld his vest, Nacta locum tempiisque, Per 6 tua lumi- Non impune feres, neque enim reddere na, dixit, [rime, formam, Canenti : [foemina, disces Quae mea ceperunt, p^rque banc ,pulcher- Lsesique quid facial, quid amans, quid Quae facit ut supplex tibi sim Dea, con- Rebus, ait : sed amans, et l»sa, et fcemina sule nostris Circe. 385 Ignibus; et socerum, qui pervidet omnia, Tum bis ad occasum, bis se convertit ad Solem 375 ortus: [dixit. Accipe : nee durus Titanida despice Ter juvenem baculo tetigit : tria carmina Circen. [repellit : lUe fugit, sese solito velociis ipse Dixerat: ille ferox ipsamque precesque Currere miratus, pennas in corpore \ddit : Et, Quascunque es, ait, non sum tuus: S^que novam subit6 Latiis accedere sjl- altera captum [cor asvum. vis 390 Me tenet ; et teneat per longum compre- Indignatus avem, dure fera robora rostro Nee Venere externa socialia fosdera las- Figit; et iratus longis dat vulnera ramis. dam ; 380 Purpureum chlamydis pennse traxere co- Dum mihi Janigenam servabunt fata Ca- lorem. nentem. Eibula quod fuerat, vest^mque momorde- Sxpe retenlatis precibus Titaoia frustra, rat aurum, 538 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. His yellow throat emits a golden flame, And nought is left of Picus but his name. 480 Meantime his comrades, wandering o'er the plain, Calling aloud for Picus, all in vain. Alight on Circe ; (who, her vengeance done. Had granted sufferance to the wind and sun To dissipate the mist ;) on her they fling 485 Sharp accusation : they demand their king ; Force they prepare ; and raise their spears to wound : — Venom and noxious juice she whirls around. Night and night's Gods from Chaos and from hell. Furious, she summons, and with magic yell, 490 Great Hecate invokes ; when, lo ! the wood Heaves sudden from the spot where late it stood ; Deep groans the earth, the neighbouring trees turn pale, Grass drench'd with blood, spreads purple o'er the vale ; Dogs bark ; the rocks send forth a hollow sound, 495 Black, filthy serpents coil along the ground. And dead men's shadows flit athwart the glen : Pale, thunderstruck with fear, stand Picus' men. Her wand she waves their trembling foreheads o'er. When, lo ! transform'd to various beasts, they roar ; 500 Swift as the wind, the hideous changes run O'er all, his proper form remains with none. The setting sun had touch'd the western main : The eyes, the heart of Canens seek in vain Fluma fit: et fulvo cervix praecingitur Exsiluere loco (dictu mirabile) sylvas : auro. 395 Ingemultque solum, vicinique palluit Nee quicquam antiqui Pico, nisi nomina, arbos; [guttis; restat. SparsAque sanguineis maduerunt pabula Interea comites clamato ssepe per agros Et lapides visi mugitus edere raucos; Nequicquam Pico, nullique in parte re- Et latrare canes; et humus serpentibus perto, [auras; atris 410 Inveniunt Circen, (nam jam tenuaverat Squallere, et tenues anima; volitare silen- Passique erat nebulas ventis ac sole re- turn. [paventum solvi) 400 Attonitum monstris vulgus pavet. Ilia Criminibiisque premunt veris, regemque Ora venenata tetigit mirantia virgSl. reposcunt, [telis. Cujus ab attactu variarum monstra fera- VJmque ferunt : sasvisque parant incessere rum Ilia nocens spargit virus, succ6sque ve- In juvenes veniunt. HuUi sua raansit neni: [Cha6que imago. 415 Et Noctem, Noctisque Deos Ereb6que Presserat occiduus Tartessia littora Convocat : et magicis Hecaten ululatibus Phcebus: [nentis oral. 405 £t irustra conjux oculis animdque Ca- BOOK XIV. 539 Her absent lord : his slaves, his subjects rove 505 Now here, now there, with torches thro' the grove. 'Tis not enough to tear her hair, deplore Her loss, and beat her breast : all this and more Her misery prompts : to dark despair she yields And roams distracted, o'er the Latian fields. 510 Six days, six nights returning saw her weep, Careless of rest or shelter, food or sleep, Wandering o'er hill and dale, as fortune led ; 'Till spent with grief, on Tyber's bank her heacJ The mourner laid, there hopeless of relief, 515 Her gentle tongue pour'd forth melodious grief: As dying swans attune their parting breath To their own requiem, musical in death : Till form and substance wasting by despair, By slow degrees, she vanishes in air. 520 Fame marks the spot, and Tempe's virgin throng Now call it Canens, from the Nymph of song. Many such wonders Circe's slave averr'd. Many such wonders I both saw and heard ; Till indolentj thro' lack of work, once more 525 We hoisted sail, and parted from the shore. Circe foretold what winds and adverse showers, Rough seas, and dreadful perils should be ours : — I own the fact, 1 fear'd to tempt the deep, And having gained this shore, this shore I keep." 530 Exspectatus erat. Famuli populusque Carmiaa jam moriens caait exsequialia per omnes [portaut. cyguus. 430 Biscurruol sylvas^ atque obvia liimina Luctibus extremam tenues liquefacta me- Nec satis est Nymphae flere, et lacerare duUas [ras. capillos, 420 Tabuit : inque leves paulatim evanuit au- Et dare plaogoreia ; facit licec tamen om- Fama tamen signata loco est ; quem rite nia : sese Canentem [uas. Proripit; ac Latioserrat vesana peragros. Nomine de Nymphs veteresdixere Camos- Sex illam noctes, totidem redeuiuia Solis Talia multa mihi longum narrata per an- Lumina viderunt, inopem somnique cibi- num. 435 que, Yis^que sunt. Resides ad desuetudiue Per juga, per valles, qua fors ducebat, tardi euntem, 425 Rursus inire fretum, rursus dare vela XJ Itimus aspexit fessam luctttque viaque jubemur. 'I'ibris, et in gelidii ponentem corpora ripS. Ancipittisque vias, et iter Titania vastum lllic cum lacrymisip'osmoduldta dolores, Dixerat, et saevi restare pericula ponti. Verba sono tenui moerens fundebat; ut Pertimui, fateor ; nactusque hoc littas oUn» adhsesi. 440 ZZ2 540 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. He ceas'd. Caieta now, iEneas' nurse, Bears on her monument this simple verse : '' Me in this urn my foster-child entombs, From fire he snatch'd me^ and by fire consumes." Loose from the grassy shore the cables fly : 53.> The lawless roof, and mystic sorcery Of Circe soon the Trojans leave behind. And on Italia's shore a refuge find j Where flowing Tyber, dark with many a tree. O'er golden sands runs rapid to the sea. 540 By war iEneas strives to make his own Latinus' daughter and Latinus' throne ; A furious nation joins the deadly strife ; Fierce Turnus fights for his affianced wife : Tuscans and Latians in the conflict mix, 545 And victory wavers, doubtful where to fix. With foreign force each strives his foe to cramp : Now the Rutilian, now the Trojan camp Allies uphold, ^neas seeks to gain Aid of Evander, nor implore» in vain : — 55Q While Venulus, bold Turnus' envoy, sped To thy great city, exiled Diomed. Daunus to Diomed his daughter yields. And, as a dowry, adds a tract of fields To build a town. When Venulus had pray'd 555 Assistant troops great Turnus cause to aid Finierat Macareus: urnaque iEneia Suscipitur; pact^que furit pro conjuge nutrix [habebat : Turnus. Condita marmorei, tumulo breve carmen Concurrit Latio Tyrrhenia tola : diuque Hlc me Caieten notae pietatis alumnus Ardua sollicitis victoria quasritur armis. Ereptam' Argolico, quo debuit igne, ere- Auget uterque suas externo robore vires: mavit. Et nuilti Rutulos, multi Trojana tuen- Solvitur herboso religatus ab aggere funis : tur 455 Et procul insidias, infamata^que relin- Castra. Neque i£neas Evandri ad limi- quunt [umbra na frustra, [ad urbem' Tecta Deae : luc63que petuut, ubi nubilus At Venulus magnam profugi Diomedis In mare cum flavaprorumpitTibris arena. Venerat. Ills quidem sub Japyge max- Faunigenaeque domo potitur nat^que ima Dauno [bat. Latmi ; Moenia condiderat : dotaliaque arva tene- Non sini Marte tamen. Bellum cum gente Sed Venulus Tumi postquam mandata feroci 450 peregit. 46» BOOK XIV. 541 tjreat Diomed avers his lack of power, Paints his repugnance that the war should lower O'er Daunus' realm, how feeble its defence, " And lest you think the excuse a mere pretence, 560 (Tho' the sad tale renews my bitter grief,) Last to my story," cries the Grecian chief: " Soon as our fires Troy's lofty towers destroy'd. And Ajax at the Trojan fane enjoy'd The virgin priestess, Pallas' ire let fall 5Q5 The vengeance merited by one on all. By storms dispers'd, thro' trackless ocean driven. Clouds, thunder, all the rage of sea and heaven. Devoted, tempest-tost our gallies know ; With false Caphareus, beacon of our woe. 570 Why should 1 dwell on griefs ? the pangs we felt. Did Priam live, e'en Priam's heart would melt. Me favouring Pallas from the v.helming main Kindly preserv'd. Yet, driven from Greece again. My native- Greece, a fugitive I rov€. 575 For, mindful of her wound, the queen of lov^e Furious, pursued me. Such the pain I bore. Such toil on ocean, and such war on shore, Oft I pronounced them happy whom the steep Of tall Caphareus, and the tossing deep 580 Had slain ; and wished, like them, to yield my life. At length my comrades, worn by sea and strife, Auxiliumque petit; vires ^tolius heros Neve morer referens tristes ex ordine ca- Excusat. Nee se socericommittere pugnas sus ; [videri. Velle sui populos : nee, quos ^ gente suo- Grjecia turn potuit Priamo quoque flend» rum [ta putetis ; Me tamen armiferse servatum cura Mi- Armet, habere viros. N^ve hasc commen- nervae 475 (Admonitu quanquam luctus reuovantur Fluotibus eripuit. Patriis sed riirsus ab amaro) 465 Argis [poenas Perpetiar memorare tamen. Postquam Pellor : et antiquo memores de vulnere alta cremata est [mas ; Exigit alma Venus : tantdsque per alta Ilion ; et Dauaas pavemnt Pergama flam- labores [mis; Naryciusque heros, a virgine, virgine J',quora sustinui, tantos terrestrib'us ar- raptS, [omnes ; Ut mihi felices sint illi saepe vocati, 480 Quam meruit solus pcenam, digessil in Quos communis hyems, importunisque Spargimur: et ventis inimica per oequora Caphareus rapti, 470 Mersit aquis : vell^mque horum pars una i^ulmina, noctem, imbres, iram coellque fuissem, marisque [cladis. Ultima jam passi comites bell6que freto- PerpetimurDanai, cumuK'mqueCapharea que. 542 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Revolt, resolved to tempt the main no more ; And peevish Agmon, with misfortunes sore, Thus vents his fury : " Bent by misery's yoke, 585 Is there aught left our patience to provoke ? More ills can Venus on the Grecians shower ? I know her wishes, but I doubt her power ; When worse is dreaded, there is sense in prayer. But when the worst is sufFer'd, nought can scare ; 590 Secure on misery's summit, truth I speak, Truth she shall hear ; still let the Goddess wreak Her rage on Diomed, our patience try, We spurn her malice, and her power defy." His boldness pleas'd but few amid our band, 595 Most of his friends his fury reprimand ; Retort he plans, but, dwindling in his throat. Thro' a small passage crept the smaller note : Sudden his hair is changed to plumes ; his neck. His breast, his back, unwonted feathers deck ; 600 Wide from his arms a wider plumage springs ; His elbows, bending, end in agile wings ; Toes still are his, but o'er his lips a beak Starts stiff with horn, and tapers to a peak : Him Lycus, Idas, and Rhetenor, too, 605 Nycteus, and Albas, while they \A'ondering view, Take the same shape : thus half my army soars In birds, and ply their clapping wings like oars. Deficiunt; finemque rogant nrroris. At Dicta placent pducis. Numeri majoris Agmon amici [ranti Fervidus ingenio, turn vpr6 et cladibus Agmona corripimus : cui respondere pa- asper, 485 Vox pariter, vocisque via est tenuata : Quid superest, quod jam patientia vestra comaeque [teguntur, lecuset [quod ultra In plumas abeunt : plumis nova coUa Ferre, vlri ? dixit. Quid habet Cytlierea, Pectorique, et tergum : majores bracliia (Velle puta) facial? nam dqm pejora ti- pennas 500 mentor ; [rerum ; Accipiunt: cubitlque leves sinuantur in Estin vota locus : sors autem ubi pessima alas. [que cornu Sub pedibus timor est, securiquc summa Magna pedum digitos pars occupat; ori- malorum. 490 Tndurata rigent : finemque in acumine Audiat ipsa, licet; licet, ut facit, oderit ponunt. [nore Nycleus, omnes [omnes Hunc Lycus, hunc Idas, ct cum Rhete- Sub Diomede viros : odium tamen illius Hunc mirantur Abas: et dum mirantur, Spernimus, el raagno stat magna potentia eandem 506 nobis. [raon. Accipiunt faciem : numer^sque ex agmine Talibus invitam Venerem Pleuronius Ag- major Instimulal verbis : veteremque resuscitat Subvolat, et remos plausis circumsonat iram. 495 alis. BOOK XIV. 543 Ask you what birds thus sudden brav'd the storm : Swans, or, if not, most like to swans in form. 6 10 Thus, Venulus, of half my troop debarr'd, X>aunus' dry lands I scarce contrive to guard." Thus Diomed. From Calydon away, Messapia's meadows and Calabria's bay Gains Venulus ; and there a cavern sees 6l5 Moisten'd with purling streams, and dark with trees, Where Pan now revels. Nymphs once grac'd the grove, Whom Appulus, a lawless shepherd, drove. Affrighted, thence ; but soon the maids return'd. And gaining confidence, his jeering spurn'd ! 62ion tamcu anti tui curam cessi.'se aie- mi; 735 mento, Hasc tibi serta placent, crudclis etimpia? Quam vitam; geminaque simul mihi luce dixit. [sus ad illam: carenduni. 705 Inseruitque caput, sed turn quoque ver- Kec tibi Fama mei Ventura est nuntia leti; Atque onus infelix elisa lauce pepfndit- Ipse ego, ue dubite^, adero : pra;.^fcnsque Icta pedum motu trepidantum ut multa videbor; [cas. geraentem Corpore ut exanimi crudelia lumina pas- Visa dedisse sonum est, adapertitjue jv Si tamen, 6 Superi, mortalia fata videtis ; nua fatturn 740 554, OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. And open'd, sliow'd the corse ! the servants shriek, 895 Bear off the body, and his mother seek ; (For father he had none.) Amaz'd, distress'd. She clasps her darling to her aged breast. And pours a mother's grief, a mother's tear. Now her dead Iphis on a sable bier 900 Thro' the wide city bears the weeping dame, To mount the pile, and feed the funeral flame. By chance the mourning train the corse convey'd Close by the dwelling of the haughty maid : The sound of grief her soul to wonder wins ; 905 For now Nemesis visited her sins. * Slaves, let us view this funeral pomp,' she cries. Then upward to an open casement hies : Soon as she sees her lover pale in death, Her eyes grow motionless, she pants for breath, 910 The curdling blood deserts her ghastly face, Her feet, benumb'd, are rooted to the place ; She strives with head averted to depart. In vain ; the stone that long had cas'd her heart. Usurps her limbs, the maid in marble sleeps ; 915 Deem it no fable, Salamis still keeps The haughty statue in a dome divine. And Venus the Beholder guards the shrine. Warn'd by her fate, then check thy cold disdain. And yield, Pomona, yield to Hymen's chain ; 920 Prodidit ; exclamant famuli : frustraque Et patulis iniit tectum sublime feuestris. levatum [matris. Vixque bene impositumlecto prospexerat (Nam pater occiderat) referunt ad limiua Iphin ; [sanguis Accipitilla sinu,complex4que frigidanati Deriguere oculi: calidusque ^ corpore Membra sui, postquam miserarum verba Inducto pallore fugit. Conatdque retro parentum Ferre pedes, hjesit: conata avertere vul- Edidit; et matrum miserarum facta pere- tus, 756 git; 745 Hoc quoque non potuit: paulatimque Funera ducebat mediam lacrymosa per occupat artus, [saxum. urbem ; [tro. Quod fuit in dmo jampridem pectore, liUiidique arsuro portabat membra fere- Neve ea fictaputes; dominJE sub imagine Forts vise vicina domus, qua flebllis ibat signum Fompa, fuit: dura^que sonus plangoris Seri'at adhiic Salamis: Veneris quoque ad aures nomine templum 76© Venit Anaxarctes : quam jam Deus ultor Prospicientis habet. Quorum memor, & agebat. 750 mea, lentos Mota tamen, Videamas, ait, miserabile Pone, precor, fastus, et iUTianti jungere, funus : Nymphc. BOOK XIV. U5 So may no verual blight thy buds pollute. Nor Autumn winds shake off thy nodding fruit." Thus when, in vain, his suit Vertumnus prest, Sudden the lover spurns his female vest, And, crown'd with youth, unveils his godlike form. 925 So golden Phoebus, shrouded in the storm, Awhile lies hid, then, with resistless ray. Darts thro' the clouds, and renovates the day. Now force the god prepares, but force were vain, For, charm'd, delighted by her heavenly swain, 930 The melting maiden glows with amorous fires. And feels in turn the passion she inspires. Ausonia now Amulus' troops invade ; But N umitor invokes his grandsons' aid. And by their swords regains his regal dome. 935 Now, crown'd by Pales, rise the walls of Rome : Now Tatius instigates the Sabine fray, While to the citadel a secret way Tarpeia shows, and soon her life blood yields, Fit recompence, beneath the incumbent shields. 940 Thence, like dumb wolves, the silent Sabines creep. And on the Roman troops, o'erpower'd by sleep. Burst suddenly, but Romulus awaits The attack, and guards by bolts the city gates. Yet Juno's hate the watchful chieftain spurns, 945 And on uncreaking hinge one portal turns ; Sic tibi nee vernum nascentia frigus adu- Rexit opes : Numittlrque senex amissa rat [venti. nepotum [urbis Poma; nee excutiant rapidi florentia Munere regna capit: festisque Palilibus Haec ubi nequicquam formas Deus aptus Moenia conduntur. Tatiusque, patr^sque in omnes 765 Sabini 775 Edidit; in juvenem rediit: et anili.i de- Bella gerunt: arcisque vii Tarpeia re- mit clusil [mis. Instruments sibi. Talisque apparuit illi, Digna animam poeni congestis exuit ar- Qualis ubi oppositas nitidissima Soils Ind^ sati Curibus, tacilorum more lupo- imago rum, [pore, Evicit nubes, null^ue obstante reluxit. Ore premunt voces ; et corpora victa so- Vimque parat: sed vi non est opus; Invadunt: port^sque petunt; quas ob- inquc figuri 770 jice firmi 780 Capta Dei Nymphe est: et mutua vUlne- Clauserat Iliades. Unam tamen ipsa ra sentit. recludit, [fecit. Proximus Ausonias injusti miles Amult Nee 5trepitum vers» Satumia cardine 4B 356 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Venus alone perceives the fallen bar. Detects Saturnia's scheme, and fahi M'oiild mar ; But heaven's decree heaven ne'er can countermand. Near Janus' fane, a verdant tract of land 950 Wet with a spring, Ausonia's maids possess'd, These Venus sued ; the queen of love's request. By reason back'd, they grant ; their fountain's veins Promptly they pierce, and inundate the plains. Not yet heram'd in was Janus' damp abode, 955 Not yet by water clogg'd the plashy road. When, io ! blue sulphur to their founts they bring, And raise with smoking pitch their hollow spring To bubbling rage : by this, and force beside. Dark vapours penetrate their inmost tide, 960 And streams, which erst might vie with Alpine frost. Hot as primaeval fire in aether tost, Spout o'er the shrine, and bathe the smoking gate. In vain the Sabines at the portal wait : The boiling tide the invading host alarms, §65 Till Rome's opposing sons are roused to arms. These Romulus to aid his people bore. War raves : with Sabine and with Roman gore The soil is dyed; fell discord fans the fire, The daughter's husband slays the daughter's sire ; 97Q Till, deeming desperate conflict mad, they stay Their upraised swords, and treaty ends the fray. Sola Venus portse cecidisse repagula sen- Fontis: et Alpino modo quse certare rl- sit : [nunquara gori Et clausura fuit ; nisi qu6d rescindere Audebatis aquae, non ceditis igjiibus ip. Cts licet acta Cetim. Jano loca juncta sis^ 79^ tenebant 785 Flammifer^ gemini fumant aspergine pos- Naides Ausonise gelido roranlia fonte : tes : [Sabinis, Has rogat auxilium. Nee Nymphas justa Portique, nequicquam rigidis permissa petentem Fonte fuit praestructa novo: dum Mar^ Sustinuere Deam : ven^sque et flumina tius arma [ultra fontis Indueret miles. Quae postquam Komulus Elicuere sui. Nondum tamen invia Jani Oblulit; et strata est tellus Komana Qra patentis erant, neque iter praeclu- Sabinis 800 serat unda. 790 Corporibus, stratAque suis; generlque Lurida supponunt fcecundo sulfura fonti, cruorem [cnsis r Incenduntque cavsis fumante bitumine Sanguine cum soeeri penniscuit impius venas. Pace tamen sisti bellum, nee in ultima Viribus his alilsque vapor penetravit ad ferro [regno. iraa Cecertare placet: Tativunque accedere BOOK XIV. 557 Now Tatius shares with Romulus the throne. The Sabine dies, the Roman reigns alone, And rules both nations long with equal love, 975 When thus the Almighty sire of Gods above Great Mars beseeches, with uncovered brow, *' Thy promised boon, O father ! grant me now : Rome's stable empire wealth and honours grace ; No single Godhead props her solid base^ 980 Be to her aged king thy blessing given. And snatch my Romulus from earth to heaven. Once in a Synod of the heavenly train, (My faithful memory guards the bounteous strain,) From thy parental lips this fiat fell, 985 ^ Thy son ere long in azure sky shall dwell.' Oh ! bid him now the promis'd glories share." Jove nods assent, red lightning fires the air, 'Twixt heaven and earth a cloud impending lowers, And rolling thunder shakes the Roman towers. 990 Joy'd at the genial sign, the God of war Vaults from his spear, and mounts his crimson car ; The whirling lash resounds, the coursers fly : On rapid wheel, prone, gliding from the sky, Down to Palatium's hill, on regal cares 995 Intent, his Romulus from earth he bears. As melts in air a bullet from a sling, Snatch'd thro' light aether fades the lessening king. Occiderat Tatius, populisque asquata Dixisti. Rata sit verborjra sumraa tuo- duobus, 805 rum. 815 Romule, jura dabas: positi cum casside Annuit omnipotens : et nubibus aera Mavors [parentem: caecis [Urbem. Talibus adfatur DivCimque homlnumque Occuluit, tonitrftque ct fulgure terruit Tempus adest, genitor, (quoniam funda- Quae sibi promissse sensit data signa rapU mine magno [uno) nas, [to Res Romana valet, nee praeside pendet ab Innixusque hastae, presses temone cruen- Prsemia quae promissa mihi digu6que ne- Tmpavidus consccndit equos Gradivus, et poti, 810 ictu 820 Solvere, etablatum terris imponere coelo. Verberis increpult: pronumque per aera Tu mihi concilio quondam prsesente Deo- lapsus rum, [ba notavi) Constitit in summonemorosicolle Palate : (Nam memoro, memorlque animo pia ver- Reddeuteraque suo jam regia jura Quiri- Unus erit, quern tu toUes in cserula coeli ; ti 558 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. His mortal body lost, a form divine. More fit on heavenly couches to recline, 1000 Assumes its place^ array'd in purple vest. Mounts into heaven, and dwells among the blest. His wife bewail'd him dead : to soothe her woe. From heaven descending on her watery bow. Iris from Juno hies, with joyful mien, 1005 To bear this mandate to the widow'd queen : '' O virtuous matron ! Rome's imperial grace, Pride of the Latian and the Sabine race, Hersilia, born to share the nuptial vow Of Romulus on earth, Quirinus now, 1010 Forbear to weep. Wouldst thou thy lord espy. With me, thy guide, to yonder forest hie. Which on the hill Quirinus shades the dome. And guards the temple of the king of Rome." Thro' her bright arch her course fleet Iris wings, 1015 And Juno's mandate to Hersilia brings. Meek, modest, reverend, with downcast eyes, " O mighty Goddess ! " thus the matron cries, '' (For, tho' thy name I know not to declare. Sure thou'rt a Goddess,) lead me, heavenly fair, 1020 Lead me my lord's lov'd image to explore. If to behold my Romulus once more. To me, his widowed mate, kind fate has given. These eyes that look on him must look on heaven." Abstulit Iliaden. Corpus mortale per Siste tuos fletus : et, si tibi cura videndi auras CoDJugis est, duce me lucum pete, colle Dilapsum tenues: ceu lata plumbea fun- Quirino 836 da 825 Qui viret, et templum Romani regis Missa solet medio glans intabescere ccelo. obumbrat. Fulcra subit facies, et pulvinaribus altis Paret : et in terram pictos delapsa per Dignior, et qualis trabead forma Quirini. arcus, Flebat, ut amissum, conjux; ciim regia Hersiliam jussis compellat vocibus Iris. Juno lUa verecundo vix toUens lumina vultu, Irin ad Hersiliam descendere limite cur- O Dea, (namque mihi, nee quae sis dicere vo 830 promtum est ; 841 Imperat: et vacus sua sic mandata re- Et liquet esse Deam) due, 6 due, inquit: ferre. et offer O et de LatiS, 6 et de gente Sabina Conjugis era mihi. Qua£ si mod6 posse Praecipuum matrona decus ; dignissiraa videre tanti [rini; Fata seme! dederint; cffilum aspectisse Ant^ fuisse viri, conjux nunc esse Qui- fatebor. BOOK XIV. 559 Iris leads on ; her steps the queen attends : 1025 When, lo ! a blazing star from heaven descends. Illumes the matron's hair, and, in a flame Up darting, bears to heaven the imperial dame. Rome's heavenly founder his Hersilia knows, On her new form an alter'd name bestows ; 1030 And Ora now, on proud Olympus height, Join'd with Quirinus, dwells in realms of light. Nee mora ; Romuleos cum virgine Thau- llanc manibus notis Romanae conditor mantea 845 . urbis Ingreditur colles. Ibi sidus ab aethere Excipit : et priscum pariter cum corpore lapsum [grans nomen 850 Decidit in terras: a cujus lumiiie fla- Mutat; Orimque vocat, quiB nunc Dea Hersilix criois cum sideie cessit in auras. juncU Quirino est. OVID's METAMORPHOSES. BOOK XV. THE ARGUMENT. The Latian Line continued. — The Story of Miscelos and Hercules. — The Transformation of Black Stones to White. — The Pythagorean Philoso- phy. — The Story of Hippolytus. — The Transformation of Egeria into a Fountain. — The Story of Cippus. — Msculapius arrives in Rome, and restores the City to Health. — The Deification of Julius Ccesar. — The Praises of Augustus. — The Poet concludes, J\. CHIEF is sought to follow at the helnij So great a king to guide so great a realm. Fame, harbinger of truth, the following reign To Numa destines. Not content to gain The Sabine laws, his mind capacious soars b Thro' nature's wonders, and her laws explores. For learning's sake he left his realm behind. The city of Alcides' host to iind. There while he questioned who could build of yore A Grecian city on Italia's shore, 10 QUJERITUR interea, qui tantae pon- Concipit: et quas sit rerun» naturarequi- dera molis rit. 6 Sustineat, tantdque queat succedere regi. Hujus amor curas, patria Curibusque re- Destinat imperio clarum prasnuntia veri lictis, Fama Numam. Non ille satis cogn&sse Fecit, ut Herculei penetraret ad hospitis Sabinse nrbem Gentis habet ritus; aninio majora capaci Graia quis Italicis auctorposuisset in oris BOOK XV. 56l A sage, well versed in ancient lore, replied, *' Enrich'd with oxen from Iberia's tide, Jove's son, Alcides, with a lucky gale, Lavinia gain'd : there while along the vale His cattle stray 'd, to Croton's dome he press'd, 1 5 And eas'd his lengthen'd toil with welcome rest ; And thus to Croton at departing cries, Here in thy grandsons' age, a town shall rise." Truly he spoke : on one auspicious morn. In after times, of Greek Alemon born, 20 Belov'd of heaven, great Myscelos arose : O'er him, innocuous, wrapt in soft repose. The club-arm'd Hercules, reclining, cried, Leave this thy land : to tsar's distant tide. Which bounds o'er mossy stones, depart ; obey 25 A God, or dread his vengeance : hence, away. Sleep and Alcides vanish : from his bed The dreamer springs, revolving in his head His recent trance ; perplex'd in the extreme, He dreads the order, and he slights the dream, 30 Denouncing death if e'er his clime he change. Law bids him fix, Alcides bids him range. Now sinks in ocean's bed the God of light ; Studded with stars, up rises sable night. When, as he sleeps the vision comes once more, 35 Denouncing threats more grievous than before. Maenia quserenti, sic i senioribus unus I, pete diversi lapidosas JF.sai'n undas. Retulit indigenis, veteris non inscius Et, uisi paruerit, multa ac metuenda mi- aevi : 1 1 natur. Dives ab Oceano bubus Jove natus Tberis Post ea discedunt pariter somnusque Littora felici tenuisse Lacinia cursu Dei'isque. 25 Fertur: et, armento teneras errante per Surgit Alemonides; tacit^que recentia herbas, mente [cum. Ipse domum magni nee inhospita tecta Visa refert : pugnitque diu sententia se- Crotonis 15 Numen abire jubet : prohibent discedere IntrSsse ; et requie longum relevSsse leges : laborem : [turn Poenaque mors posita est patriam mutare Atque ita discedens, ^vo, dixisse, nepo- volenti. Hie locus urbis erit; promissique vera Candidas Oceano nitidum eaput abdide- fuerunt. [quidam rat Sol, 30 Nam fuit Argolico generatus Alemone Et caput extulerat densissima sidereum Myscelos, iUius Dts acceptissimu"; asvi. nox : Hunc super incumbens pressum gravitate Visus adesse idem Deus est, eademque soporis [sedes : monere ; Claviger alloquitur : Patrias, age, defere £t, nisi paruprit, plura et graviora minarL 562 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Dreading the worst, his family he calls, " And bids them haste to quit their native walls. 'Tis nois'd abroad he means to leave the clime : Cited by law to answer for the crime, 40 No need of proof, th' accused convicted stands. Now to the heavens above bis face and hands Raising, he cried, ' O thou I whose toils twice six Raise thee from earth, and on Olympus fix. By thee I sinn'd, wilt thou thine aid refuse ? ' 45 By ancient usage, stones of different hues The judges hold, in judgment when they sit, The black find guilty, and the white acquit. The culprit is condemn'd : within the urn Black stones are cast ; when, lo ! as up they turn 50 The ruthless vase, and pour the pebbles back, Alcides shifts their hue to white from black ; And Myscelos acquitted stands, with fame White as the stones that shelter Jiim from blame. Thanking the son of Jove, with favouring gales 55 O'er blue Ionia's wave the wanderer sails ; Famed Sybaris, Tarentum hastes to pass^ Neaethus, Temesis renown'd for brass, Green Thurium's bay, lUpyx' rocky steep, Cautious of peril, passes on the deep 60 Its shoals and breakers, guided by his dream. And halts at last in tsar's destin'd stream. Tertimuit : patriumque simul transfer! e Quas simul effudit uumerandos versa la- parabat pillos; 4ft In sedes penetrale novas; fit murmur in Omnibus i nigro color est mutatus in al- urbe : 35 bum : Spretarumque agitur legum reus. Utque CandidAque Ilerculeo sententia munere peracta est [probatum, facta Causa prior, crimenque patet sin^ teste Solvit Alemonideu. Grates agit ille pa- Squallidus ad Superos toUens reus ora renti [a»quor manusque, Amphitryoniadae : ventlsque faventibus O cui jus coeli bis sex fecere labores, Ndvigat Ionium: Lacedxmoni{imque Ta- Fer precor, inquit, opem: nam tu mihi rentum 50 criminis auctor. 40 Prseterit, et Sybarin, Salentinumque Ne Mos erat antiquus, niveis atrisque lapil- sethum, lis, Thurin6sque sinus, Temes^nque,et Japy- His damnare reos, illis absolvere culpse. gis arva. Nunc quoque. Sic lata est sententia Vixque pererratis quae spectant littora tristis : et omuis [urnam. terris. Calculus immitem demittitur ater iu Invenit i^sarei fatalia fiuminis ora; BOOK XV. 563 Here on the "shore rose, sacred to the justj A tomb, where slept in marble Croton's dust : Nigh this the youth erects the destin'd walls, €5 And Croton, from the dead, the city calls. Such is the tale of him, who rear'd of yore A Grecian city on Italia's shore. Here, born in Samos, but from Samos driven By tyrant kings, well skill'd the sons of heaven 70 From distant earth to seek with piercing ken, A sage resided. Sights denied to men By jealous nature, nature's secret law Pythagoras with mental vision saw. By watchful toil, his soul, with wisdom fraught, 75 Grasp'd what it found, and what it treasur'd taught : To his admiring pupils he unfurl'd The cause primordial of the mighty world ; The origin of all things seen on earth ; Of air, of snow, and what gave thunder birth ; 80 Whether the Gods, or winds, or bursting clouds That shake the solid globe : what power unshrouds The stars, and bids them roll athwart the skies. All that lies hid Pythagoras descries. He first forbade with flesh to deck the board ; 85, He first in mortal ears instruction pour'd, Heard, but not heeded, couch'd in words like these : '^ Yon impious food, rash man, forbear to seize ! Nee procul hinc tumulum, sub quo sa- In medium discenda dabat: coetumque crata Crotonis 56 silentum, Ossa tegebat humus. Jussaque ibi mcenia DictSque mirantum, magni primordia terrA [urbem. miindi Condidit: et nomen tumulati traxit in Et rerum causas, et quid natura, doce- Talia constabat ceita primordia fama bat; Esse loci, positaeque Ualis in finibus ur- Quid Deus : uiide nives, qua fulmini» bis. - esset origo : Vir fuit lilc ortu Samius: sed fugerat Jupiter, au venti, discuss^ nube tonarent : una 60 Quid quateret terras; qua sidera lege Et Samon et dominos ; odidque tyranni- mearent : 71 dis exsul [molos, Et quodcunque latet. Primusque anima- Sponte erat. Isque, licit cosli regione re- lia men-is Mente Deos adiit : et, quoe naiura nega- Arcuit imponi: primus quoque talibus era bat Docta quidem solvit, sed non et credita, Visibus humanis, oculis ea pectoris hausit. verbis. Ciimque animo, et vigili perspexerat cm- Parcite, mortaies, dapibus temerare ne* niacurl; 65 fandis 75 4C 564 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Corn, apples by whose nodding weight reclines The impending bough, ripe grapes on curling vines, 90^ Herbs sweet by nature, or made sweet by skill ; The lowing kine, whose udders milk distil ; With honey, fragrant from the flowers of thyme, Remorseless man ! are thine without a crime. Prolific earth pours forth a dainty store, 95 Unstain'd by slaughter, undetil'd by gore. Beasts, yet not all, on living bodies feed : Sheep, gentle oxen, and the generous steed By grass are rear'd : while those untaught to spare, — The Armenian tyger, lion, wolf, and bear 100 Delight in blood, — O shame ! O deed unjust ! Bowels in bowels greedily to thrust ! That flesh with flesh should wage a bloody strife. And man should live by giving death to life ! While genial earth, maternal dame, abounds 105 With stores like these, will nought but deadly wounds Delight your taste ? reviving Cyclops' rage. Have ye no power the stomach's cry to assuage. Unless some other stomach it enfold ? That happy age that boasts the name of gold, 110 With roots contented and Pomona's store, That age polluted not the lip with gore : Then tuneful songsters floated safe in air ; Then safe in meadows roam'd the dauntless hare ; Corpora. Sunt fruges : suut deducentia Congest6que avidiim piuguescere corpore ramo3 [uvas : corpus ; Pondere pomasuo, tuinidaeque in vitibus Alteriusque animantem animantis vivere Sunt herbae dulces: sunt, quae mitescere leto ! 90 Haramk, [humor. Scilicet in tantis opibus, quas optima MoUirlque queaut. Nee vobis lacteus matrum [sasvo Eripitur, nee meila thymi redolentia flo- Terra parit, nil te nisi tristia niandere rem. ' 80 Vulnera dente juvat, ritdsque referre Prodiga divitias aliment^que mitia tellus Cyclopum ? [cis, Suggerit : atque epulas sin6 caede et Nee, nisi perdideris alium, plaeare vora- sanguine prg;bet. [omnes. Et mal^ morati poteris jejunia ventris? Came ferae sedant jejunia: nee tamen At vetus ilia ffitas, cui fecimus Aurea Quippe equus, et pecudes arment4que nomen, 96 gramine vivnnt. Foetibus arboreis, et, quas humus educat. At quibus in!;enium est immansuetumque herbis ferumque, 85 Fortunata fuit: nee polluit ora cruore. Armeniae tigres, iracundique leones. Tunc et aves tutas movere per aera C6mque lupis ursi, dapibus cum sanguine pennas ; gaudent. [cera condi, Et lepus impavidus mediis erravit in Heu quautum scelus est, in viscera vig- agris : 100 BOOK XV. 565 Tben fish disdain'd the fraudful hook to fear, 115 And all was peaceful, honest, and sincere. But when one worthless wretch, (no matter who,) With envy stung such innocence to view. And lur'd by evil, blood insanely spilt, He op'd a channel to a tide of guilt. 120 At first the knife was sharpen'd but to slay Man's noxious enemies, the beasts of prey. This deed, perchance, they self-defence may call ; Beasts that would slaughter man, by man may fall ; Then not for food the howling savage died ; 1 25 But human guilt soon took a wider stride : Soon was the harmless swine condemn'd to bleed, Because with crooked snout the uprooted seed She cast aloft, and marr'd the promis'd grain : Next bled on Bacchus the avenger's fane ISO The bleating goat, her crime was nibbling vines, A mighty error, mighty as the swine's ! But say, what sin was yours, ye gentle sheep. Whose milk-distended dugs the meadows sweep ? Devoid of garments, if your fleeces fail, 135 Sure man your life should cherish, not assail. The ox, plain, honest plougher of the soil, Innocuous, simple, born to suffer toil. What hath he done ? unfit the promis'd food To reap, deprav'd, insensible to good 140 Nee sua credulitas piscem suspenderat Hostia sus meruisse mori: quia semina hamo : [fraudem, pando Cuncta sin^ insidiis, nulUmque timentia Eruerit rostro, spemque interceperit annu Plenique pacis erant. Postquam uon Vite caper morsSl Bacchi mactandus ad utilis auctor [rum) aras Victibus invidit, (quisquis fuit ille viro- Ducitur ultoris. Nocuit sua culpa duo- CorporeSsque dapes avidam demersit in bus. 115 alvum; 103 Quid meruistis, oves, placidum pecus- Fecit iter sceleri : primSque i caede fera- inque tuendos rum » [feri-um: Natum homines, pleno quae fertis ia Incatuisse putem maculatum sanguine ubere nectar ? Idque satis fuerat: nostrumque petentia Mollia quae nobis vestras velamina lanas letum Prsebetis : vitaque magls, quam morte Corpora missa neci salvi pietate fatemur: juvatis. Sed qu4.m danda neci, tarn nou epulanda Quid meruere boves, animal siai frande fuerunt. 110 dolisque, 120^ Longiiis ind£ nefas abiit; et prima puta- Innocuum, simplex, natum tolerare labo- tur res? f" -< 566 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Was he, the crooked ploughshare scarce unbound, Who slew the beast that lately till'd his ground ; Whose axe that furrowed neck, with labour bow'd, That patient neck, whose strength his meadows ploughed. Relentless smote ! Nay, viler still, in time 145 The Gods are made co-partners in the crime ! They who in glory dwell amid the skies Are deem'd rejoicers when a heifer dies ! A victim void of blemish, fair in shape, Faultless, (alas ! too faultless to escape !) 150 With gold adorn'd^ with fillets bound, appears Before the fane, the prayer unconscious hears ; Between its horns the meal it helped to grow Is strewn, the holy butcher deals the blow. The sacred knives, in water plung'd before, 155 The sacred knives are plung'd in guiltless gore : Forth from the breast the fibres now they tear. Seek heaven's decree, and hope to find it there. When greedily ye gorge on oxen slaiuj Oh ! think ye eat the limbs that till'd your plain! l60 Whence this vile longing for forbidden food ? Dare ye still, mortals, madly strive t' elude The will of heaven ? the path of virtue seek. And list attentive to the truths I speak. A God inspires : I mount on rapture's wing ! l65 Delphi, Olympus, open while I sing : Immemoi, est demum, nee fnigum mu- Quas coluit fruges : percussdque sanguine nere dignus, cultros Qui potuit curvi demto mod6 pondere Tnficit in liquid^ prsevisos forsitan undS. aratri [bore Protinus ereptas viventi pectore fibras Ruricolam mactare suum : qui trita la- Inspiciunt: mentesque Defim scrutantur Ilia, quibus toties durum renovaverat in illis. [rum ? arvum, 125 Unde fames homini vetitorum tanta cibo. Tot dederat messes, percussit colla securi. Audetis vesci, genus 8 mortale ? quod, Nee satis est, qu6d tale nefas commilti- oro, tur : ipsos [pernum Ne facite : et monitis animos advertite Inscripsere Deos sceleri: numenque su- nostris. 140 Csede laboriferi credunt gaudere juvenci. Ciimque boum dabitis cassorum membra Victima labe carens, et prajstantissima palato; formi, 130 Mandere vos vestros scite et sentite co- (Nam placuisse nocet) vittis prassignis et lonos. [ora moventem auro, [cantem: Et quoniam Deus ora movet; sequar Sistitur ante aras ; auditque ignara pre- Rite Deum ; Delph6sque meos, ips6m- Imponique suae videt inter coruua fronti, que recludam BOOK XV. 567 My lips immortal oracles unfold ; Things erst unheard of, by our sires untold. With all a prophet's wisdom 1 explore : Elate, amid the lofty stars I soar. 170 Oh ! how 1 joy, this grovelling earth resign'd, To sail on clouds, to ride upon the wind. From towering Atlas' summit to survey The witless, dark, death-fearing sons of clay, Their souls to fortify, their fears dispel, 175 And thus fate's mandate to mankind to tell ! O mortals ! chill'd by dreams of icy death. Whom air-blown bubbles of a poet's breath. Darkness, and Stvx in error's gulph have hurl'd. With fabled terrors of a fabled world ; 180 Think not, whene'er material forms expire, Consum'd by wasting age or funeral fire. Aught else can die : souls, spurning death's decay, Freed from their old, new tenements of clay Forthwith assume, and wake to life again. 185 Mine, well I note it, in old Priam's reign Lodged in Euphorbus, he whose noble heart In war was pierc'd by Menelaiis' dart ; (In Argos late, where Abas reign'd of yore, I saw the very shield this left arm bore : 190 At Juno's fane I saw it.) All is change ; Nought perishes ; souls hither, thither range. ^thera; et augustse reserabo oraciila Materiem vatum, falsique piaculamundi? mentis. 145 Corpora sive rogus flaramS, seu tabe ve- Magna, nee ingeniis evestigata priorum, tustas Quaeque diu latuere, canam. Juvat ire Abstulerit, mala posse pati non ulla pu- per alta teds. Astra: juvat, terris et inerti sede re- Morte carent anims: semperque, priore lictis, relicta Nube vehi ; validique humeris insistere Sede, novis domibus habitant vivuntque Atlantis : receptee. Palaulesque animos passim. Ac rationis Ipse ego (nam memini) Trojani tempore egentes 150 belli l60 Despectare prociil, trepid6sque obitum- Panthoides Euphorbus eram : cui pectore que ticaentes quondam [tridas. Sic exhortari ; ^eriemque evolvere fati. Sedit in adverso gravis hasta minoris A- O genus attonitum gelidss formidine Cognovi clypeum laevse gestamina nostrae ? mortis. Nuper Abanteis templo Juuonis in Argis. Quid Styga, quid tenebras, quid nomina Omnia mutantur : nihil iuterit. Errat, vana timetis, et illinc l6S 568 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Dwell in what fleshly forms their purpose suit. And pass from brute to matij from man to brute ; Essential still. As wax in pliant mould 19-5 Adopts new figures, and discards the old. Yet still is wax | thus souls their circuit run, The mansion various, but the tenant one. Say, shall the belly triumph o'er the heart ? The slaughter'd beast, thus doom'd from life to part, 200 Might pour some kindred soul out in the flood ; Thus, blood to feed, ye burst the ties of blood. Launch'd on a boundless sea, a prosperous gale Directs my course, and fills my swelling sail. Throughout all nature nought is in repose : 205 Earth, like a wandering river, ebbs and flows. On, like a torrent, time assiduous glides : Nought stops, or flying hours, or flying tides. As the first wave is by the second urg'd, As in the third the second wave is merg'd, 210 So flies the hour; so follows, so proceeds : The present passes, on the future speeds. In every moment various. Sable night Steals from the skies, and yields to rosy light ; Heaven's hue how diffesrent when night's ebon car 215 Hangs in the clouds, and when the morning star Breaks forth on snowy steeds ! how chang'd the scene. When, harbinger of light, morn's saffron queen Hue venit, hinc illuc, et quoslibet occu- Ipsa quoque assiduo labuntur tempora pat artus [transit, motu Spiritus : eque feris humana in corpora Non secus ac flumwi. Neque enim con- Inque feras noster : nee tempore deperit sistere flumen, 180 uUo. Nee levis hora potest : sed ut unda im> Utque novis fragilis signatur eera figuris, pellitur unda, [orem. Nee maiiet ut fuerat, nee formas servat Urgeturque prior venienti, urg^tque pri- easdem ; 170 Tempora sic fngiunt paiiter, parit^rque Sed tamen ipsa eadem est: animam sic sequuntur: semper eandem £t nova sunt semper. Kam quod fuit antd. Esse, sed in varias doceo migrare figuras. relietura est : Ergo, ne pietas sit victa cupidine ventris, Fitque, quod haud fuerat: momentique Parcite (vaticinor) eognatas casde nefandS cuoeta novantur. 185 Exturbarn animas : nee sanguine sanguis Cernis et emergas in lacem tendcre noc- alatur. • 175 tes: [nocti. Et quoniam magno feror aequore, pleni- Et jubar noc nitidum nigrse suecedere que ventis Nee color est idem coelo, cum lassa qui» Vela dedi; nihil est toto quod perstet in ete orbe. [tur imago. Cuncta jacent mediil; cumque albo Im* Cuncta fluuut : Onmisque vaga&s forma. cifer exit BOOK XV. 369 Anticipating Sol, with pallid ray, The world delivers to the God of day ! 220 Red is Sol's buckler when his steeds emerge, And red when diving in the western surge : White on heaven's arch, where purer Zephyrs float. And earth's contagion wanders more remote. In heaven how changeful Dian's orb is hung ! 22^ 'Tis less than 'twill be if its growth is young, Greater if old. The year's revolving span Assumes four changes, like the life of man. First verdant spring puts forth its infant charms, Tender and sucking, like the babe in arms ; 230 Then nods the bending blade, with swelling top. And glads the ploughman with th' expected crop. Then all is bloom, fields laugh with gaudy flowers. No strength of leaf yet shades the budding bowers. Spring flies. Now manly vigour nerves the year : 235 See summer like an able youth appear ; No season more robust, more ripe with heat : Now ruddy summer sounds a bold retreat. Mature 'twixt age's night and boyhood's morn. Ripe autumn glows : a few grey hairs adorn 240 His sunny brow : and last, with hobbling pace. Cold, trembling winter shows his wrinkled face With naked pate, or, if not naked, grey. E'en thus our changeful bodies pass away. Clarusequo: rursumque alius, cira prae- Turget, et insolida est; et spe delectat via luci 190 agrestem, [almus Tradendum PhcEbo Pallantias inficit or- Omnia turn florent; florumque coloribus bem. Ridet ager : neque adhuc virtus in fron- Ipse Dei clypeus, terri cfim tollitur imi, dibus ulla est. 205 Man^ rubet : terrSlque, rubet, cim coadi- Transit in ^statem, post Ver, robustior tur im^ : « [qu6d illic Annus : [bustior aetas Candidus in summo est. Meiior natura Fitque valens juvenis. Neque enim ro- JEtheris est, terraeque procul contagia Ulla, nee uberior : nee, quae magis aestuet, vitat. 195 ulla est. [tae Nee par aut eadem nocturnjE forma Dia- Excipit Autumnus, posito fervore juven- nae [na sequeate, Maturus, mitlsque inter juvenemque Esse potest unquara : semperque hodier- senemque, 210 Si crescit, minor est; major, si contrahit Temperie medius, sparsis per tempora orbem. [annum canis. Quid ? nou in species succedere quatuor Ind^ senilis Hyems (remulo venit horri- Aspicis setatis peragentem imitatnina da passu; nostrae > 200 Aut spoliata suos, aut, quos habet, albs Nam tener, et lactens, puerique similli- capillos. mus asvo [roboris expers Nostra quoque ipsorum semper, requi^- Vere novo e«t. Tunc herba nitens, et que sia^ ullS, oTO OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. What was, what is, to-morrow shall entomb. 245 Time was, when, reckless in our mother's womb. Mere seed, the germ of man, we slept supine ; Till skilful nature, with a wise design, Will'd not, benign, our further durance there, But pass'd the imprison'd to the realms of air. 250 Cast into light, unnerv'd the infant lies : Then, on all fours, like beasts, its vigour tries. With knees 3^et weak, too weak alone to stand. The upright trembler grasps the nurse's hand. Then strong and fleet thro' manhood's path he steers, 255 And, passing boldly thro' life's middle years, Down age's sloping vale steals trembling on. And all the force of early life is gone ! When Milo old beheld, unnerv'd, unstrung, Those wither'd arms which erst on Milo young, 260 Strong as Alcides in victorious pride. Rose firm with solid flesh, how Milo sigh'd ! When in her mirror Helen look'd, and there Beheld a wrinkled face, no longer fair, With tears she cried, " ah ! why this second rape ? 265 O time ! thy wasting tooth nor face nor shape Invidious spares ! As pass the flying hours, Its canker 'd edge corrodes, corrupts, devours." E'en the four elements their changes know. Attend, and learn what change they undergo ; 270 Corpora vertuntur : nee quod fuimusve, Labitur occiduse per iter declive senec - sumusve, 215 tas. Cras erimus. Fuit ilia dieS; qua semina Subruit lijec aevi demoliturque prioris tantim [vimus alvo. Robora : fletque Milon senior, cfiin speci Sp^sque hominum primas matern^ habita- tat inanes Artifices Natura manus admovit: et angi Illos, qui fuerant solidorum mole toro. Corpora visceribus distentse condita ma- rum 230 tris Herculeis simdes, fluidos pendere lacei^ Noluit; eque domo vacuas emisit in au- tos. [it amies, ras. 220 Flet quoque, ut in speculo rugas aspex- £ditus iti lucem jacuit sine viribus in- Tyndaris : et secum, cur sit bis rapta, re- fans: [braferarum: quirit. [tustas, Mox quadrupes, rituque tulit sua mem- Tempus edax rerum, tiique iuvidiosa ve- Paulatimque tremens, et uondum poplite Omnia destruitis : vitiatiique dentibus firmo , asvi 235 Constitit, adjutis aliquo conamine uervis. Paulatim lenta consumitis omnia morte. Ind^ valens veWxque fuit : spatii'imque Heec quoque non perstant, quae nos ele- juventae 522 menta vocamus: Transit : et, emeritis medii quoque tem- Quisque vices peragant, (animos adhi- poris wnis, bete,) docebo. BOOK XV. 571 Four elements the universe enclose : Water and earth, the denser two, repose In sluggish depths : the lighter two aspire, Mount in pure air, and soar in purer fire : All nature's works, however wide their reign, 2/5 From these created, lapse to these again. Earth, thaw'd and dripping, pours a watery tide, Which flies above, to vapour rarefied. And air is form'd : its weight diminish, higher It moimts aloft, and thus is fashion'd fire. 280 Thus all is born, commenc'd, and recommenc'd : Air takes its origin from fire condens'd. Air becomes water ; thicken'd water earth : Nought keeps the form it boasted at its birth ; Renewing nature varies forms and shapes. 285 All changes its appearance, nought escapes. To animate some unaccustom'd clay, The clod thus warm'd in time to cast away. By men call'd birth and death, is but to trace The self-same substance in a different place. 290 All things, ere long, new semblances unfold : To iron thus the ages turn'd from gold. How chang'd the lot of places ! where the plough Once clear'd the land, I view the ocean now : Where swell'd the main now many a mountain swells. 295 We find remote from ocean ocean's shells. Quatuor aeternus genitalia corpora mun- Nee species sua cuique inanet. Eeruiu-- dus que no\'atrix Continet. Ex illis duo sunt onerosa. Ex aliis alias reparat Natura figuras. su6que 240 Nee peril in tanto quicquam (mihi cre- Pondere in inferius, tellus atque unda, dite) mundo; feruntur : [premente Sed variat, faci<;mque novat : uascique Et totidem gravitate carent: null<5que vocatur, 235 Alta petunt, aer, atque aere puiior ignis. Incipere esse aliud, quam quod fuit ant^ ; Quae quanquam spatio distant; tamen morique, [sitan illS, omnia fiunt Desinere illud idem. Cfim sint hue for- Ex ipsis; et in ipsa cadunt. HesolutK- Hasc translata illucj summi tamen omnia que tellus 245 eoustant. [deta In liquidas roresclt aquas : tenuatus in Nil equidem durare diu sub imagine eS. auras [pondere rursus Crediderim. Sic ad ferrum venistis ab Aerique humor abit: demto quoque auro 260 In superos aer tenuissimus emicat ignes. Secula. Sie toties versa es, Fortuna lo- Ind6 retro redeunt: idemque retexitur corum. ordo. Vidi ego, quod fuerat quondam solidis* Ignis enim deosum spissatus in aera sima tellus, transit; 230 Esse fretura. Vidi factas ex sequore ter- pic in aquas ; tellus gloBierati cogitur ras : [rinse ; unda, Et procul a- pelago conchse jacuere ma- 4 D 572 ovrD's metamorphoses; Oft on high hills an anchor we discern. Descending streams the meads to vallies turn^ And bid the mountains sink to level land. A watery marsh is chang'd to arid sand. 30G' Moist ooze to thirsty meadows nature brings, Here sports in new, there locks ih' accustom'd springs. When riven by earthquakes, opes the trembling ball. How many rivers rise, how many fall ! Thus, hid in yawning gaps, with downward bent, 305 Lycus is lost ; but, at a distant vent. Pours bubbling forth : thus Erasinus flow» Awhile in darkness, and his current shows Again in Argos : thus a foreign course Caicus seeks, and spurns his present source. 310 Now Amenanus o'er Sicilia flings His rapid tide ; and now, with arid springs. Checks his dry urn. Anigros' tide of yore Grateful to sip, now sates the thirst no more; E'er since, immerging in his waters blue, 315 (If aught of faith to ancient bards be due,) The Centaur tribe, defeated, sad, afraid, Wash'd the red wounds Alcides' bow had made. Is not the stream, which Scythia's rock exalts. So sweet of late, now sharp with acrid salts ? 3*20 Antissa, Pharos, Tyre, say which of these, Tho' all were isles, is compass'd now by seas ? Et vetus inventa est in montibus ancliora Et Mysum capitisque siii ripa^que prioris summis. 265 Poenituisse ferunt, aliS nunc ire, Caicum. Qu6dque fuit campus, vallera decursus Nee non Sicanias volvens Amenanus are- aquarum [quor : nas Fecit: el eluvie mons est deductus in as- Nunc fluit; interdum suppressis fontibus Eque paludosS siccis iiunius aret arenis : aret. 280- Quaeque sitim tulerunt, stagnata paludi- Ant6 bibebdtur; nunc quas contingere bus hument. nolis Hlc foutes Natura novos eraisit, at illic Fundit Anigros aquas: postquam (nisi Clausit: et anliquis concussa tremoribus vatibus omnis oibis 271 Eripienda fides) illlc lavere biraembres Flumina prosiliunt; aut excacata resi- Vulnera, clavigeri quas fecerat Herculis dunt. arcus. Sic ubi terreno Lycus est epotus hiatu ; Quid ? non et Scythicis Hypanis de mon- Exsistit procul hinc, ali6que renascitur tibus ortus, 285- ore. Qui fuerat dulcis, salibus vitiatur amaris? Sic modb combibitur, tecto mod6 gurgite Fluctibus ambiti» fuerant Antissa Phardj- lapsus 275 que, Kedditur Argolicis ingeus Erasinus ia Et Phoenissa Tyros : quarui» nunc insul* anris, nulla est. BOOK XV. 575 Leucas, 'tis said, once joiu'd the opposing shore ; Now seas surround it : Zancle too of yore Was part of Italy, till ocean gave 325 The buried Isthmus to its greedy wave. Buris and Helice, Achaia's pride In times long past, are whelm'd beneath the tide ; High o'er their heads the cautious seaman lowers. And, bending, shows their walls and floating towers. 330 Near Troezen, void of foliage, late a plain, A lofty mountain now o'erlooks the main ; For, hideous to relate ! a mighty wind, Pent in dark caverns, struggling to unbind Its rocky chains, now up, now downward driven, 335 To find an exit to a purer heaven. No exit finding, burst the impervious ground. And raised earth's surface to a heaving mound. {As by the breath extended bladders float. Or skins just riven from a two-horn'd goat.) 340 Still on the spot the lofty mound appears, A mountain now, and indurates by years. Of things, or heard, or known, a countless store I boast, I now recount not many more. Water, or swift in rills, or smooth in lakes, 345 New powers and varied figures, gives and takes. How cold is Amnion's fount in mid-day heats ! How warm, when Sol advances or retreats ! Leucada continuam veteres habuere co- Exspirare aliquil cupiens, luctatdque loni : frustra 30O Nunc freta ciicueunt. Zancle quoque Libeiiore frui coelo, cim carcere rima juncta fuisse 29O Nulla foret toto, nee perviaHatibus esset, Dicitur Italias : donee confinia pontus Extentam tumefecilhumum; ceu spiritus Abstulit; et media, tellurem repulit unda. oris [ni Si qua?ias Ilellceu et Burin Achaidas Tendere vesicam solet, aut derepta bicor- urbes, [nautas Terga capro. Tumor ille loco permansit ; Invenies sub aquis : et adhuc ostendere et alti 305 Inclinata solent cuin mcenibus oppida CoUis habet speciem: Iong6que induruit mersis. 295 asvo. [vobis. Est prope Pitthean tumulus Troezena, Plurima cfim subeant, audita aut cognita sin6 ullis [campi Pauca supfir referam. Quid? non at Ardu\is arboribus, quondam planissima Ijmpha figuras [niger Ammon, Area, nunc tumulus : nam (res horreuda IWitque capitque novas ? medio tua, cor- relatu) Unda die gelida e*t : ort&que ooitfiqae Vis fera ventoruiTijcaecisinclusacavernis, calescit. 310 574> OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. When Cynthia to her final orb retires, Thy waves^ Athamanis, will kindle fires. 350 Thrace has a stream, wherein whate'er is thrown Turns rock, and, swallow'd, makes the bowels stone. Crathis, and Sybaris, who pours his urn E'en here, the hair to gold and amber turn. Nay, still more wonderous, certain streams we find 3.55 Which add to change of body change of mind. Who has not heard of Salmacis obscene ? Or ^Ethiopia's lakes, which, ta'en between The extended lips, the luckless taker steep In deep insanity, or drowsy sleep ? 360 Whoever quaffs Clitorius' fountain, shrinks Abstemiously from wine, and water drinks ; Whether its waves the love of wine propel. Or whether, as its ancient borderers tell. He who concocted song, and herb and weed, 365 And Prcetus' daughters from their madness freed. The refuse thither cast, whose power divine Still to its waves imparts a dread of wine. What different charms Lyncestrius' tides instil ! Whoever quaffs immoderate of his rill 370 Reels here and there, with drunkenness accurst. As tho' mere wine had quench'd his raging thirst. A place call'd Pheneus has a wonderous tide. Whose waves with qualities ambiguous glide ; Admotis Athamanis aquis accendere lig- Vina fugit; gaudetque meris abstemius num [orbes. undis. 3Jarratur; minimos cJim Luua recessit in Seu vis est in aqua calido contiaria vino : Jlumen habent Cicones, quod potum Sive, quod indigense memorant, Amitlia- saxea reddit [rebus. one natas, 325 Viscera: quod tactis inducit marmora Proetidas atlonitas postquam per carmen Crathis, et huic Sybaris nostris contermi- et herbas nus arvis, 315 Eripuit furiis ; purgamina mentis in illas Electro similes faciunt aur6que capillos. Misit aquas : odiUmque meri permansit ia Qu6dque magis mirum, sunt qui non undis. corpora tantCim, [quores. Huic fluit effectu dispar Lynceslius amnis» Verim animos etiam valeant mutare, li- Quern quicunque parum moderato gut- Cui non audita est obscoens Salmacis un- ture traxit, 330 das ? Haud aliter titubat, qu^m si mera vina ^thiopesque lacus ? quos si quis faucibus bibisset. hausit, 320 Est locus Arcadias (Pheneon dixere pri, Aut furit, aut mirum patitur gravitate ores) soporem. Ambiguis suspectus aquis, quas nocte (^ Clitorio quicunque sitim de fonte levarit, meto : BOOK XV. 575 Drink them by night, they boast a noxious charm, 37o Drink them by day, the waters fail to harm. Thus lakes and rivers varying virtues boast. A time there was when fair Ortygia's coast Hun";- floatina; on the main which now it braves. The Cyanaean isles once rode the waves, 380 Scaring the Argonauts ; tho' now they form A bulwark to the surge, and brave the storm. ^tna, whose sulphurous flames to heaven aspire. In time shall cool ; for once 'twas void of lire. Earth may have life ; a life, whose struggles broke, 385 Thro' many a cavern, apertures for smoke : She pants thro' different throats whene'er she quakes : Yawns thro' new fissures, and the old forsakes. If the light winds, in caves imprison'd, strive. And on disjointed rocks some substance drive, 390 Pregnant with seeds of fire, 'twill fire unfold. But when her winds are hush'd, her caves are cold. If sable pitch beneath a furnace raise. If, dried in smoke, blue sulphur feed the blaze, And earth, exhausted earth, denies at length, 395 Fat fuel to the pitch, its ardent strength, Pining in hunger, will in time expire ; By food deserted, 'twill desert the fire ; Fame says, the natives of Pallene's hill. Nine times immerging in Tritonia's rill, 400 Nocte nocent potse. Sine noxCt luce bi- Has finire potest, illas aperire cavernasi buntur. She leves imis venti coliibentur in an- Ac alias allisque lacus et flumina vires tris, 346 Concipiunt. Tempnsque fuit, quo navit Saxiique cum saxis, et liabentem semina in undis, 336 flammae ^lTunc sedet Ortygie. Timuit concursibus JMateriem jactant, ea concipit ictibus ig- Argo nem; Undaruin sparsas Symplegadas elisarum; Antra relinquentursedatis frigida ventis: Quae nunc immotas perstant, ventisque Sive bitutnineae rapiunt incendia vires, resistant. Luledve exiguis arescunt sulfura fumis; Nee, quae sulfureis ardet fornacibus, iEt- Nempe ubi terra cibos alimentaque pin- ne 340 guia flammae 352 Ignea semper erit : neque enim fuit ignea Non dabit, absumtis per longum viribus semper. [betque aevum. Nam sive est animal tellus, et vivit, ha- Naturaeque suum nutrimen deeritedaci; Spiramenta locis flammam exhalantia mul- Non feret ilia famem : desertaque deseret tis ; [tur, igucs. 355 Spirandi mutare vias, quotiesque move- Esse vires fama est in Hyperborci Pallcne,, sre OVID'S metamorphoses. Rise in light plumage clad; the rumour claims With me no credit, but the Scythian dames, Steeping in deleterious juice their forms. Mount on new M'ings and brave old ocean's storms. - Yet facts there are which daily proof displays : 405 Dissolv'd by fluid heat, or length of days. Our lifeless bodies give to reptiles birth ; Go hence, and hide some slaughter'd bull in earth, (Oft has the thing been prov'd,) on honey 'd wing. Forth from the corse a swarm of bees shall spring; 410 These, like their sire, shall cultivate the soil, On hope feed gaily, and delight in toil. A war horse buried is the sire of wasps. If its two claws, when bent in convex clasps. You sever from a crab, and quick inhume 415 The bleeding body, starting from the tomb;, Your outstretch'd hand a scorpion shall assail. And threaten vengeance with its crooked tail. The rural moths, who o'er high branches spread A hoary net-work of entangled thread, 420 (As husbandmen observe,) in time arise. On variegated wing, light butterflies. Pregnant with seed, mud generates green frogs. Devoid of legs, but these their parent bogs Ere long bestow, and that the race may soar 425 In air, the hinder leg exceeds the fore. Qui soleant levibusvf.lari corpora pi umis, Pressus humo bellator equus crabronis Cfim Tritoniacamnoviessubiere paludem. origo est. Haud equidera credo : sparsae quoque Concava littoreo si demas brachia cancro, membra veneno Csetera supponas terrce ; de parte sepul- JLxercere artes Scythides memorantur . ti 370 easdem. 360 Scorpius cxibit : caudaque minabitur un- Si qua fides rebus tamen est adhibpnda c^. [fills probatis; [calore Quaeque solenl caiiis frondes intexere !N6nne vides, qusecunque mora fluid6ve Agrestes tinea;, (res observata colonis) Corpora tabuerint, in parvaanimaliaverti? Ferali mutant cum papilione figuram. I quoque, delectos mactatos obrue tau- Semina limus habet virides generantia ros ; ranas : 375 Cognita res usu : de putri viscere passim Et general trnncas pedibus. Mox apta Florilegas nascuntur apes : quae more pa- natando [tibus apta, rentum [que laborant. Crura dat, Utque eadnm ,sint longis sal- ■Ruracolunt: operique favent; in sptm- Posterior partes superatmensura priores. BOOK XV. 577 When the bear's infant cub first views the day, 'Tis a mere mass of animated clay. Its limbs the parent moulds with plastic tongue, And fashions by degrees her shapeless young, 430 When waxen cells, sexagonal, contain The infant issue of the honied train, Nor feet nor wings they have, yet soon complete In form, they soar on wings, and walk on feet. But that the well-known fact all cavil bars, 435 W ho would believe that Juno's bird, who stars Bears on his tail, — that he who grasps above Jove's forked bolts, — that Cytherea's dove. And every bird that soars 'twixt heaven and earth. Dates from the middle of an egg its birth f 440 There are who think that, when in durance bound, The human back-bone moulders in the ground, The spinal marrow changes to a snake : All these their forms from other figures take. A bird there is, that when its course it runs, 445 ('Tis called a Phoenix by Assyria's sons,) Revives. Its food nor corn nor herbs produce. It feeds on incense and amomum juice. When by five ages worn, unruffled, calm. High on a branching oak or trembling palm, 450 With claws and crooked beak she labours hard To build her nest, myrrh, frankincense and nard Nee catulus partu, quem reddidit ursa Sunt qui, cum clauso putrefaeta est spina recenli, sepukliro, Sed mali viva caro est, Lambendo ma- Mutari credant humanas angue medul- ter in artus 380 las. 39© Fingit, et in formam, quantam capit ipsa, Hsec lamen ex aliis ducunt piimordia re- reducit. [fetus bus: [net, ales; N6nne vides, quos cera teglt sexangula, Una est, quK reparet, seque ipsa resemi- Meliiferarum apium sin^ membris corpora Assyrii Plicenica vocant. Non fruge, nasci, [penuas? neque lierbis, [mi: Et serdsque pedes, seriisque assumere Sed tliuris lacrymis, et succo vivit amo- Junonis volucrem, quse caudS sidera per- Heec ubi quinque sua; complevit secula tat, 385 vit», 3gS Armigerumque Jovis, Cytbereiadasque Ilicis in ramis, tremulaeve cacumin» coluinbas, [ovi palm», Et genus crane avium, mediis ^ partibqs Unguibus et pando nidum sibi construit H i sciret fieri, fieri quis posse putaret ? ore. 5T8 OVID'S METAMORPHOSESo Cautlcus she strews, then on her pallet lies, Embalm'd in odours, and in fragrance dies : Ordain'd to live its parent's length of days, 455 An infant Phoenix straight the old displays : When uerv'd by time the nodding weight to bear. Forth from the tottering bough, with pious care. The nest it takes, and, sedulous to save The infant's cradle and the parent's grave, 460 Mounts with the charge to heaven's ethereal plain. And hoards the treasure at Hyperion's fane. Yet, if these facts your wondering thoughts perplex. How wondrous the hyaena's change of sex I She who, a female, on her back would bear 465 Her mate, now prowls a male. The wind and air With nutriment the strange camelion fill. That gains by contact various hues at will. Bacchus brought lynxes from the Indian shores ; From these, 'tis said, whate'er the bladder pours, 470 Soon as the external atmosphere it feels. No more flows water, but to stone congeals. Thus hard and soft, by turns, will coral grow, A stone above the wave, a weed below. The day will fade, and sinking Phoebus lave 475 His panting horses in the western wave. Ere I reveal all nature's varied doom. What different bodies different forms assume. Quo simul ac casias, et nardi lenis aristas, Passa marem est, nunc esse marem mire- Quass^que cum fulva substravit ciunama mur hyasnam. 419 myrrha; Id quoque, quod ventis animal nulritur Se supfer imponit: finltque in odoribus et aura, [res. sevum. 400 Piotinusassimulattactu quoscunquc colo- Ind^ ferunt, totidem qui vivere debeat Victa racemifero lyncas dedit India Bac- annos, [nasci. clio: [rcmiiiit, Corpore de patrio parvum Phoenica re- E quibus (ut memorant) quidquid vesica Ciim dedit liuic setas vires; onerique Vertitur in lapides ; et congelat aere tac- ferendo est; [t» to. 415 [Ponderibus nidi ramos levat arboris al- Sic et curalium, quo primiim contigit Fertque pius cunisque suas, patriumque auras [undis. srpulchrum; 405 Tempore, durescit : mollis fuit herba sut» Perque leves auras Hyperionis urbe poti- Deseret ant^ dies et in alto Phoebus an- tus, helos Ante fores sacras Hyperionis asde reponit. ^quore tinget equos, quam consequai" Si tamen est aliquid mirje uovitatis in omnia dictis istis; [tergo In species translata novas. Sic tempore Alteniare vices, et quae mod6 fceniina veiti 420 BOOK XV. 579 Time, ruthless time, assails and alters all, Men live and die, and nations rise and fall. 480 Thus, great in wealth and war above her peers, Troy poured her blood thro' ten eventful years : But, fallen now, is nought but mouldeiing caves, Tombs are her trophies, and her riches graves. Sparta, Mycene, fame once crown'd with flowers, 48.5 High rose fair Athens and the Theban towers. Raz'd to their base, now Sparta's lofty walls Mix with vile earth ; renown'd Mycen^ fails. What but a fable gives to Thebes its fame. And what remains of Athens but the name ? 490 Near Tyber's winding stream, whose parent rill Creeps from tall Appennine's remotest hill. The Trojan race now gain a prosperous home. And rear with patient toil irnperial Rome. E'en now what strength her rising towers display ! 495 Ere long a subject world shall own her sway. Thus Sybils sing, so wills resistless fate, This heard I Trojan Helenus relate. When o'er his Troy ^neas wept with grief, Thus spake the prophet to the Trojan chief : 500 '^ Mark, Goddess-born, attend to heaven's decree, Tfoy is not dead, she yet survives in thee ; Nor fire nor sword thy pathway shall destroy. Away ! and with thee bear thy rescued Troy. Cerniraus, atque illas assumere robora Nunc quoque Dardaniam fama est con- gentes; surgere E omam : [dis Concidere lias. Sic magua fuit censfique Appenninigenae qua; proxima Tibridis un- virisque, Mole sub ingentl rerum fundamina pouit. Perque decern potuit tantum dare sangui- Use igitur formam crescendo mutat; et nis annos, olim Nunc humilis veteres tanlummodo' Tro- Immensi caput orbis erit. Sic dicerc ja ruinas, 424 vates, 435 Et pro divitiis tumulos ostendit avorum. Faticindsque ferunt series: quantumque Clara fuit Sparte : magnae viguere My- recorder, [tis, cen-s : Priamides Helenus flenti, dubioque salu- Nec non Cecropias: nee non Amphionis Dixerat iEneae, cfun res Trojana labaret. arces. [cenas. Nate Dei, si nota satis praesagia nostrae Vile solum Sparte est ; altse cecidere My- Mentis habes ; non tota cadet te sospite Oedipodionias quid sunt nisi fabula Tlie- Troja. 440 bse ? Flamma tibi ferrumque dabunt iter. Ibis j Quid Pandioniae restant nisi uomen A- et una [tibique thenaef 430 Pergama rapta feres: donee Troja^que 4E 580 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Rear on some foreign soil a second throne, 505 To Troy and thee more friendly than thine own : I see thy sons to come a city raise, Unequall'd now, unmatch'd in future days; Kings, consuls, chiefs, shall bid her laugh to scorn The assaults of time ; but one of Julius born 510 Shall spread o'er subjugated worlds her reign. When earth has held him long, to heaven's high plain Amid the Gods the virtuous king shall soar." Thus, while his household Gods iEneas bore. Sung Helenus : with joy these towers I view, 515 Whose rising glories prove the promise true ; Thus seeming sorrow turns to real joy. Thus Greece in conquering, benefited Troy. 'Tis time my devious courses to coiitroul, And guide the panting wanderers to the goal. 520 Heaven and all under it old forms forsakes. Earth and all under it new bodies takes. Part of that earth are we, not limbs alone. Thoughts immaterial, flitting souls we own ; These may in prowling beasts hereafter live, 525 Or life to sheep or browzing oxen give. Let then these herds, whose bodies may acquire The wandering soul of sister, brother, sire. Remain unhurt, forbear to feed on beasts. Nor sate your entrails with Thyestean feasts. 530 Externum patrio contliigat amicius ai- Exspatiemur equis; coelum, et quodcun- vum. [nepotes; que sub illo fst, Urbem et jam cerno Phrygios debere Tmmutat foimas, telliisque, et quidquid Quanta uec est, nee erit, nee visa priori- in ilia est. 455 bus annis. 445 Nos quoque pars mundi. (quoniam dob Ilanc alii proceres per sKcula longa po- corpora solum, tentem, [luli Verura etiam volucres animse sumus, in- Sed domiuam rerum de sanguine natus que ferinas [pectora condi) Efficiet. Quo, c&m tellus erit usa, fruen- Possuraus ire domos, pecudumque in tur [illi. Corpora, quaa possint animas habuisse JEthereae sedes: coeltimque erit exitus parentum, Hoec Helenum cccinisse Penatigero R- Aut fratrum, aut aliquo junctorum foe- nese, 450 dere nobis, 460 Mente memor refero : cognatique mcenla Aut hominum cerld, tuta esse et houesta Isetor [lasgos. sinamus : Crescere, et utiliter Plirygibus vicisse Pe- Neve Thyesteis cumulemur viscera nien- Ne tamen oblitis ad metam tendere longi sis. BOOK XV. 581 How ill he lives, how shameless, how disgrac'd. How keen for human murder whets his taste, Who with inhuman knife inflicts the blow, Who hears, unmoved, the slaughter'd heifer low. Who hears with baby cry the kidling bleat, 535 And feeds on birds whom late he fed with meat ! In slaying these the soul degenerate climbs By swift succession to the blackest crimes. Let the ox plough and let him die when old. Let the sheep furnish a defence from cold, 540 Let the she-goat present her milky teats ; But hence with fraud, and cunning snares and nets, Catch not with limed twigs deluded birds. Nor cheat with feather'd meshes horneddierds ; Seek not with baited hook the fish to snare, 545 If noxious slaughter, if innoxious spare. To deck your board let life no longer bleed. But feed as simple nature bids you feed." Here ceas'd Pythagoras. With learned lore Thus fraught, great Numa sought Italia's shore, 550 And, hail'd its king, assum'd imperial state. Lov'd by the muses, happy in his mate. He founded holy rites, bade discord cease. And taught the sons of rapine arts of peace. Now virtuous Numa, full of years, expires : 555 Rome's weeping matrons, her afflicted sires, Quam mal6 consuescit, quam se parat Tollite: nee volucrem viscata fallit* ille cruori virgi : Impius humano ; vituli qui guttui a cultro Nee formidatis cervos eludite pinuis : 475 Kumpit; et immotas praebet mugitibus !Nec celate cibis uncos fallacibus hamos. aures ! 465 Perdite, siqua nocent. Verfim hasc quo- Aut qui vagitus similes puerilibus hosduin que perdite tantum. Edentem jugulare potest ; aut alite vesci, Ora vacent epulis: alimentaque congrua Cui dedit ipse cibos ! quantum est, quod carpaat. [tis desit in istis [paratur ! Talibus atque aliis instnicto pectore die- Ad plenum facinus ! qu6 transitus ind6 In patriam remeasse feruut; ultr6que Bos aret; aut mortem senioribus impu- petitum 480 tetannis: 470 Accepisse Numam populi Latialis habe- Horriferum contra Borean ovis arma nas. [Camoenis, ministret. Conjuge qui felix Nympha, ducibusque. Ubera dent saturas manibus pressanda Sacrificos docuit ritus ; genteraque feroci capellae. Assuetam bello pacis traduxit ad artes. Retia cum pedicis, laque6sque, artesque Quem, postquam senior regnumque as- dolosas vumque peregit, 485 582 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Her howling populace, their loss bewail. His spouse Egeria, to Aricia's vale, Shaded with foliage, flies ; and, as she flies, Impedes the rites of Dian with her cries. 560 How oft the nymphs of fountain, lake, and grove. With courteous accents to console her strove ! How oft Hippolytus, as wept the dame, Cried, " Frantic queen, thy wild emotions tame : Think'st thou misfortune lowers on thee alone ? 565 Reflect on others' woes, and check thine own. Perchance my mournful tale may give relief. If it should not 'twill mitigate my grief. " Great Theseus was my sire, his second dame Glow'd for her step-son, with unlawful flame. 570 In me behold Hippolytus that youth, — 1 see thee start, then seem to doubt my truth ; Yet am I he : when long she strove to stir My love in vain, she vow'd I burnt for her, And, urg'd by fury or detection's dread, 575 Averr'd the son had shar'd the father's bed. Hence, cried my sire, these walls in exile shun, And mutter'd curses on his guiltless son. Wandering toward Troezen, from my country far, 1 gain'd the sea of Corinth in my car. 580 With sudden swell the troubled ocean raves ; Shap'd like a mountain, now a mass of waves Exstinctum Latia^que nurus, populiisque, Fando aliquem Hippolytum vestias (puto) Patresque, [relict^ rootigit aures, Deflevfire Numam. Nam coDJux uibe Credulilate patris, sceleratae fraude no- Vallis Aricinae densis latet abdita sylvis: veica; [babo : SacrAque Oresteae gemitu questdque Dia- Occubuisse neci. Mirabere, vixque pro- nae Sed tamen ille ego sum. Me Pasiphaeia Intpedit. Ah quoties Nymphae nemoris- quondam 500 que lacfisque 490 Tentatum frustra, patrium temerSsse cu- Ne faceret, monuere; et consolantia ver- bile [verso, ba Quod voluit, fmxit voluisse : et crimine Dixere ! ah quoties flenti Theseius heros, ludiciine metu magls, offensane repulsae, Siste modum, dixit: neque enim fortuna Arguit. Immeritiimque patei" piojecit ab quereudu urbe; Sola tiia est. Similes aliorum respice Hostilique caput prece detestatur eun- casus: tis. 503 Mitiiis ista feres. Utinamque exempla Pitlhean profugo curruTrcezenapetebam; dolentem 495 Jimque Corinthiaci carpebam littora STon mea te possent relevarc ! sed et mea ponti ; [manis aquarum possunt. C^m mare surrexit: cuiuulusque ixn- BOOK XV. 583 Mounts in gigantic arch above the shore. And bursts asunder with tremendous roar : A horned bull bestrides the parted surge, 585 Breast-high emerging from the ocean's verge, His mouth and nostrils vomit forth the wave : Fear chills my comrades' hearts ; undaunted, brave, I heed him not, but on my exile pore : With ears erect, round wheeling on the shore, 590 My steeds the monster view ; with sudden shock, Amaz'd, they whirl my car from rock to rock. White foam the harness veils : with tighten'd rein, I strive to guide them, but I strive in vain. With upward face I curb'd each snorting steed, 595 And sure my strength had triumph'd o'er their speed, But that, by contact M'ith a knotty oak, My whirling wheel in flying splinters broke ; Hurl'd from the car, entangled in the reins. My living entrails trail along the plains, 60O Around the fatal root my sinews wind, My limbs part sever, part remain behind ; No form, no cognizable feature left, Gradual by agony of life bereft, With hideous crash my fractur'd bones resound, 605 And my whole form is one continued wound. Still dost thou, nymph, at adverse fate repine .'' Dar'st thou compare thine agonies with mine ? In montis speciera curvari, et cresccre Et retro lentas tendo resupinus Iiabenas. visus ; Kec vires tameu has rabies super^sset Et dare mugitus ; summ6que cacumine equorum ; 521 findi. 510 Ni rota, perpetuum qu& circumvertitur Corniger liinc taurus ruptis expellitur axem, undis, [auras, Stipitis occursu fracta ac disjecta fuisset. Fectoribusque tenus molles erectus in Excutior curru : lorlsque tenentibusartus Naribus et patulo partem maris evomit Viscera viva trahi, nerves in stirpe tene- ore. [rita mansit, ri, 5S5 Corda pavent cotnitum. Mihi mens inter- Membra rapi partim, partim repreliensa re- Exsiliis contenta suis. Ciim coUa fero- linqiii, [que videres ces 515 Ossa gravem dare fracta sonum, fessdm- Ad freta convertunt, arrectisque auribus Exhalari animam; nulUsque in corpore liorrent [tur ; et altis partes, Quadrupedes : monstrique metu turban- Noscere quas posses : unumque erat om- Praecipitant currum scopulis. Ego du- nia vulnus. cere vana [luctor : Num potes, aut audes cladi componere Frsena mauu, spumis albentibus oblita, nostrae^ 590 584 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. Night's sable realm I view'd, ordain'd to lave My mangled body in Cocytus' wave. 610 Life to renew, now ^sculapius grants The potent aid of medicated plants, And, spite of furious Pluto, Dian shrouds My form, by physic heal'd, in sable clouds. (For had the deed been known, all hell had rav'd.) 6 1 5 Disguis'd in years, from death's embraces sav'd, I shake with age ; she seeks a safe retreat. Now chuses Delos, and now chuses Crete ; Till Crete and Delos spurn'd, she sought this shore ; And cried, O thou ! whose name in days of yore 620 Thy horses gave, a different title claim. And, twice a man, be Virbius thence thy name. Thenceforth within these sacred shades I rove A demi-god, and priest in Dian's grove." Can foreign ills for woes like her's atone, 625 Or check Egeria's sorrows for her own ? N o ; bathed in tears, beneath a hill she lies ; Till pitying Dian, soften'd by her sighs. Bids her wan limbs in gelid waters glide. And pour perennial an exhaustless tide. 630 Fear seiz'd the nymphs who saw the change ; amaz'd, Hippolytus in speechless wonder gaz'd ; So look'd the Tuscan hind, who saw the sod, Self-mov'd, spontaneous, starting from the clod, Kympha, tiiam ? vidi quoque luce caren- Hlc posuit : nomenque simul, quod pos- tia regna: [und^. sit equorum Et lacerum fovi Phlegetliontide corpus in Admonuisse, jubet deponere : Quique Nee, nisi ApoUineae valido medicamine fuisti [esto. prolis, [libus herbis Hippolytus, dixit, nunc idem Virbius Keddita vita foret. Quam postquam for- Hoc nemus ind^ colo. De Disque mino- Atque ope Pasonia, Dite indignante, re- ribus unus 545 cepi ; 535 Numine sub dotninas lateo : atque ac Turn mihi, ne praesens augerem muneris censeor illi. hujus Non taraen Egerias luctus aliena levare Invidiam, densas objecit Cynthia nubes : Damna valent: montisque jacens radici- Utque forem tutus ; possemque impune bus imis [lentis videri ; [quit Liquitur in lacrymas : donee pietate do- Addidit aetatem : nee cognoscenda reli- Mota soror Phcebi gelidum de eorpore Ora mihi. Cret^nque diu dubitavit ha- fontem 5S0 bendam 540 Fecit; et aeternas artus tenuavit in un- Tra,deret, an Delon, Delo Cret^ue re- das. [zone natus lictis At Nymphas tetigit Hova res : et Anxa- BOOK XV. Sm In human shape its earthly form resign, 635 And pour prophetic truth from lips divine ; Tages his name, he taught the Tuscan race With cautious ken futurity to trace. So look'd Rome's founder, when the spear he thrust Within the mountain blossom'd in the dust ; 640 High o'er its shaft expanding foliage wound. Roots veil'd the barb, and curl'd along the ground : No more a lance, a tree o'erhung the glade. And wrapt the throng in unexpected shade. So Cipus look'd when first, amaz'd, he eyed 645 His branching horns reflected in the tide. Deeming the image false, his hands he spread, And with uplifted finger, touch'd his head. And found it true ; now, with extended hands. And eyes upturn'd to heaven the victor stands,, 650 And thus exclaims, while piously he bends : Ye Gods, whate'er this mystery portends. If good, the prosperous boon to Rome assign. If,- ill the omen, be the evil mine. Now odorous fires on grassy altars shine, 656 The golden goblets teem with sacred wine, The entrails of slain sheep with care he eyes. Intent to learn the fiat of the skies ; These when the priest beheld, things wonderous, great. Obscure, tho' mighty, in the womb of fate 660 Haud aliter stupuit, quam ci\m Tyrrhe- Cornua, (vidit enim) falsamque in ima- nus arator * gine credens [tis, Fatalem glebam mediis aspexit in arvis, Esse lidem, digitis ad frontem SJepe rela- Sponte suil primura, nuUoque agitante, Quee vidit, tetigit. Nee jam sua lumina moveri : 555 damnans [hoste. Sumere mox liominis, terraeque amittere Resticit, ut victor domito remeabat ab formam; Ad coelumque oculos, at eodem brachia OrAqiie Venturis aperire recentia fatis. toUens, 570 Tndige.nie dixere Tageu: qui primus E- Quicquid, ait, Superi, monstro portenditur truscam isto, [Quirini; Edocuit gentem casus aperire futures. Seu laetum est, patriae leetum, popul6qiie Utve Palatinis liasrentem collibus olim, Sive minax, mihi sit. Viridique & cespito Cim subit6 vidit frondescere Romulus factas hastam; 56l Placat odoratis herbosas ignibus aras : Quae radice novii, non ferro stabat adac- Vinaque dat pateris; mactatarumque bi- to : dentum, 575 £t jam non telum, sed lenti viminis ar- Quid sibi significent, trepidantia consulit bor, exta. [spex ; Non exspectatds dabat admirantibus um- QusesimulinspexitTyrrhense gentis haru- bras. Magna quidem rerum molimina vidit in Aut sua flumlne^ cim vidit Cipus in ilHs ; [lit acre umAi S6Sr Non maaifesta tamen. Ciim ver6 sustu* 586 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. He saw, but when his upward glance he shed, And view'd the horns that branch'd on Cipus' head, Hail ! king of Rome, he cried, thy sovereign sway Thee and thy horns the Latian towers obey : A¥aste not the hour, speed thro' yon open gates : 665 Soon as thou gain'st the town, (so will the fates) A crown and sceptre shall thy entrance greet. With angry visage and averted feet, A crown ? he cries, forbid it, mighty heaven ! Far, far from Cipus be ambition driven. 670 'Tis mine from mighty Rome my flight to wing, A blameless exile, not a guilty king. Rome's Senate now and people he convokes. His branching horns with peaceful laurel cloaks. High on a mound, upraised by soldiers, stands, 675 To heaven, as custom prompts, extends his hands, And cries, " A man among us finds a home, Who, should ye fail to drive him far from Rome, Your king shall be ; I hasten t6 proclaim The ambitious wight by signal, not by name. 680 Horns on his head the vile pretender wears ; He, if he enters Rome, so fate declares. Shall bind in servile monarchy your state. He might by open force have pass'd your gate. But I forbad ; I check'd the intended sin, 685 Tho* to myself none else so near akin. A pecudis fibris ad Cipi cornua lumen; Dixit: et extemplo populumque gravem- Rex, ait, 6 salve : tibi enim, tibi, Cipe, que Senatum 590 tuisque 581 Couvocat. Ant^ tamen pacali cornua Hie locus, et Latiae parebunt comibus lauro arces. [trare patentes Velat: et aggeribus factis a milite forti Tu mod6 rumpe moram, poitasque in- Tnsistit: prisioque Deos ^ more precatus, Appropera. Sic fata jubent. TSJamque En, ait, bic unus, quem vos nt pellitis Urbe receptus urbe, Rex eris; et sceptro tutus potiere peren- Rex erit. Is qui sit, signo, non nomine, ni. 585 dicam. 595 Retulit ille pedem : torvamque a moeni- Cornua fronte gerit. Quem vobis indicat bus Urbis [nia, dixit, augur, [rum. Avertens faciem, Procul, ah procul cm- Si Romam intrlrit, famularia jura datu- Talia Di pellant : multdque ego justius Ille quidetn potuit portas irrumpere asvum apertas : Exsul agam ; quiim me videant Capitolia Sed nos obstitimus : quamvis conjuuctior regeni. illo BOOK XV. 58? Drive him, then, Romans, from your towers away, / With chains secure him, or, if needful, slay." As thro' the groves of pine chill Eurus raves, As, heard at distance, echo ocean's waves, - 690 So roar the populace ; but 'mid their cries Shouts of " where is he " o'er all others rise : While every brow the curious throng espy. When Cipus thus, ^' the man you seek am 1." Then valiantly the fillet that adorns 695 His brow unbinds, and shews his branching horns. The mob from downcast eyes their sorrow shed, And saw, unwilling saw, that reverend head Shorn of its wreath : not long the sight they view. But on his forehead plant the wreath anew. 700 Tho' forc'd from Rome the hero to discard, - United Rome, his virtues to reward, Without her walls a tract of land bestows. Large as two plough-yok'd oxen could enclose From morn to eve. There finds the chief a home ; 705 And soon the Senate o'er the gates of Rome Their hero's image carve, with branching horns. And long the sculptur'd sign the gate adorns. Guardians of verse, now, heavenly maids, recite (For nought howe'er remote can cheat your sight,) 710 Why a small isle, by Tyber wash'd, installs Great ^sculapius in the sacred walls. Nemo mihi est. Vos Urbe virum pro- Atque illud mentis clariim (quis credera hibetP, Quirites ; 600 possit ?) Vel, si dignus erit, gravibus vincite cate- Inviti videre caput: nee lionore carere nis: Ulteriis passi, festam imposuere core- Aut finite metum fatalis morte tyranui. nam. 6l5 Qualia succinctis, ubitrux insibilat Eurus, At proceres, quoniam muros iotrare veta- Murmura pinetis fiunt ; aut qaalia fluctus ris, ^quorei faciunt, si quis prbcul audiat Runs honorati tantum tibi, Cipe, dedere, illos; 603 Quantum depresso subjectis bubus aratro Tale sonat populus. Sed per confusa Complecti posses ad finem Solis ah ortu. fremenlis [Quis ille ? Cornuique aeratis miram referentia for- Verba tamen vulgi vox emiuet una, mam 620 Et spectant frontos : praedictAque cornua Postibus insculpunt, longum mansura quaerunt. [quit, habetis : per aevum. [ua vatum, Rursus ad hos Cipus, quem poscitis, in- Pandite nunc, MusEe, prasseiitia numi- Et demta capiti populo prohibente core- (5citis enim, uec vos fallit spatiosa vetus« na 610 tas) Exhibuit gemino prsesignia tempora cor- Unde Coroniden eircumflua Tibridis al- nu. [dedere: veo 624 Demisere oculos omnes; gemitumque lusula RomuleK sacris adsciverit urbis. 4 F 58S OVID'S METAMOPvPHOSES. A dire distemper darkened Latium's alf> And bloodless forms, and ghastly death was there. Wearied with obsequieSj the mob beseech, 715 In vain, prescriptions of the practis'd leech. Heaven now they sue, and, with distracted air. To Delphi, in the middle world, repair ; And urge the God who guides the sun, to bend With aid propitious, and their sufferings end : 720 Tremble the tree, the quiver, and the place ; . The sacred tripod at the temple's base Thus pour'd heaven's fiat o'er each trembling mind : " That which ye seek for, Romans, ye may find Far nearer home, then nearer home explore 725 The wish'd-for aid, nor woo Apollo more ; His son, not he, must heal your sorrowing town. Go, seek my son, and heaven your purpose crown." This when the prudent Senate hear, what land Contains his son they eagerly demand. 7S0 'Tis Epidaurus : straight a missive train In quest of ^sculapius plough the main. Soon as the coast they strike with crooked prow, Low to the assembled sires of Greece they bow. And beg their tutelary God, to free 735 From dire disease afflicted Italy. Thus wills the oracle to soothe their griefs. " Opinions differ 'mid the Grecian chiefs : Dira lues quondam Latias vitiaverat au- Et pete nunc propiore loco, nee Apolline ras, [tabo. vobis, Pallld^que exsangul squallebant corpora Qui minuat luctus, opus est ; sed Apot- Funeribus fessi postquam mortalia cer- line nato. nunt [dentum ; Ite bonis avibus: prolemque arcessite Tentamenta nihil, nihil artes posie me- nostrara. 640 Auxilium coeleste petunt: medi^mque Jussa Dei prudens postquam accepere tenentes 630 Senatus; [beius urbem: Orbis liumum Delphos adeunt oracula Quam tolat, explorant, juvenis Phoe- Phoebi: Quique petant ventis T^pidauria littora, Utque salutiferS. miseris succurrere rebus mittunt. Sorte velit, tantaeque urbis mala finiat Quae simul incurvi missi tetigere carin&; orant. [pharetrae. Concilium Grai6sque patres adiere : da- Et locus, et laurus, et, quas habet ilia, r^ntque 645 Intremuere simul : cortindque reddidit Oravere Deum ; qui praesens funera gen- imo 635 tis Hanc adyto vocem; pavefactique pec- Finiat Ausoniae. Certas ita dicere sortes. toramovit: [petisses; Dissidet, et variat sentential p^qu* Quod petis bine, propiore loco, Roiaane, uegandum BOOK XV. 589 Some from humanity would fain comply, Some think 'tis fit their Godhead to deny, 740 Nor part from their protector. Evening fades While thus they doubt, and earth is hid in shades : When, lo ! the God, as night her mantle spreads, Flits in a vision o'er the envoys' heads : In his left hand a rustic staff appear'd, 745 His right serenely smooths his length of beard ; So looks his statue on his sacred fane. And thus his bosom pours its gentle strain : " Ye Roman delegates, dispel your fear. To Rome I haste, and leave my statue here : 750 Around my staff behold this serpent wind, Note every curve, its semblance bear in mind : Such shall I be, when to your city brought. Such, but more huge, as Gods translated ought." 'Tis morn. The words, the God, the sleep, the dream, _ Fly at the coming of Aurora's beam. 756 When purple morn had chas'd the starry fires, Upstarting from their beds, the Roman sires,. Uncertain how to act, conjointly trod The sacred threshold of the healing God, 760 And urge, by signs celestial, to display His future purpose, or to go, or stay. Scarce had they finish'd, when, with crest uprear'd. The golden God a winding snake appear'd. Kon putat auxilium ; multi reiiuere, Hunc mod6 serpentem, baculum qui suimque nexibus ambit, >fon en^ittere opem, nee numina tradere Perspice : et usque nota visu, ut cognos- suadent. 650 cere possis. 660 Dura dubitant, seram pepulere crepuscu- Vertar in hunc: sed major ero ; tanti'is- la lucem ! que videbor, tJmbr4que lelluris tenebras induxerat In quantum verticoelestia corpora debent, orbi : Extemplo cum voce Deus, cum voce De- Ciim deus In somnis opifer consistere vi- 6que [secuta est. sus [lis in aede Somnus abit: somnique fugam lux alma Ante tuum, Romane, torum; sed qua- Postera sidereos Aurora fugaverat ignes: Esse Lolet: baculiimque tenens agreste Incerti quid agant proceres ad templa. sinistra, 655 petiti [moi-ari Csesariem longae dextra deducere barbae, Conveniunt operosa Dei: quaque ipse Et placido tales emittere pectore voces : Sede velit, signis coslestibus indicet. Pone metus: veniam: simulacrique nos- orant. [alti» tra relipqaam. Yix bene desierant ; cvun cristis aureus 590 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. And with a hiss his sure approach foretold : 765 The floors of marble, and the roofs of gold, The doors, the altars, at his presence shake. Rising breast-high, with eyes of fire, the snake Above the fane erects his scaly head : All gaze, the assembled Synod shakes with dread, 770 The priest, whose hair a snow-white fillet ties, " A God, a God," with holy transport, cries. '^ Let all who hear before the God recline. With heart and tongue to praise him : Power divine, May'st thou, benignant, bless the assembled train, 77^ And aid the tribe who bow before thy fane ! Hail to the God ! " The crowd assembled heard The sacred strain, and echoed back the word. With heart and tongue the Romans join in prayer. The God assents ; and, rearing high in air, 780 Propitious omen, darting forth his tongue. With hisses thrice the echoing welkin rung ; Down the wide steps he glides, and ere he gains The base, back-turning, views his ancient fanes. Salutes the temple he adorn'd before ; 785 Gigantic now he creeps along the shore. O'er scattered flowers pursues his sinuous way Thro' the wide streets, then hastens to the bay ; Close to the vessel halting, now the God His crowd of followers with benigiiant nod 790 In serpente Deus praenuntia sibila misit: Verba sacerdotis referunt gemiaata: pi- Adveutdque suo signumque, ar4.sque, fo- limque [vorera. resque, [oiovit: Xneadae prajstant et mente et voce fa- Marmoreumque solum, fastigifique am ea Annuit his : motisque Deus rata pignora movit: cristis, Pectoribusque tenus media sublimis in Ter repetita dedit vlbrata sibila linguS. aede, [ne micantes. Turn gradibus nitidis delabitur; orique Constitit : alque oculos circumtulit ig- retro 635 Territa turba pavet. Cognovit numina Flectit : et antiquas abiturus respicit castos 675 aras : [salutat. Evinctus vitt^ crines albente sacerdos : Assuetiisque domos, liabitat^que tempi» Et, Deus en, Deus en: linguisque anl- lud^ per injectis adopertam floribus in- misque favete, [visus gens Quisquis ades, dixit. Sis, 6 ))ulcherrime, Serpit humum, flectitque sinus : medium» TJtiliter: popul6sque juves tua sacra co- que per urbem lentes. Tendit ad incurvo munitos aggere portus, Ouisquis adest, jussum venerantur nu- Restitit hie : agmenque suuiD, turbaeqie^ men; et omnes ' 680 sequentis 691 BOOK XV. 591 Seems to dismiss ; then mounts the bark that bore The virtuous Romans to his sacred shore : The bending bark confess'd the heavenly weight. Now on the sand the delegates, elate, A heifer slay, their cables next divide, 795 With garlands crown'd, and cleave the tossing tide. Light Zephyrs blow : now mounts the God, and now His glittering neck, reclining o'er the prow. Surveys the Ionian sea by Zephyrs fann'd, And in six days beholds Italia's strand. 800 Lacinia, fam'd for royal Juno's fane, Scylaceum's rocky coast the Romans gain : Calabria pass'd, they ply their left-hand oars, To avert the breakers on Amphissia's shores ; Ceraunia's cliff then leaving on their right, 805 Romechium and Narycia tovver'd in sight ; Caulon they make, then cautiously they urge Their course, Pelorus, thro' thy narrow surge ; The dome of ^olus, Leucosia pass ; Warm Paestum's flowers, Themesis fam'd for brass, 810 Capreas, Minerva's mount, Surrentum's vines, Parthenope, where peaceful man resigns The hum of cities ; great Alcides' town, Stabiae, the Sybil's fane that gains renown From sure prediction ; warm Linternum, thee 815 Fam'd for thy fountains and thy Lentisk tree. Officium placido visus diraittere vultu ; Saxa fugit; dextrSl praerupta Ceraunia Corpus iQ Ausonii posuit rate. Numinis parte, ilia [rina Romechiumque legit, Caulouaque, Nary- Sensit oDus : pressaque Dei gravitate ca- ciimque, 70,? yEneadas gaudent: caesoque iu littore Evincitque fietum, Siculique angnsta tauro 695 Pelori, [metalli^; Torta coronatSB solvunt retinacula navis. Hippotadaeque domos regis, Themesesque Impulerat levis aura ratem. Deus erai- Leucosiimque petit, tepidique rosaria netalt^; Pa;sti : [Minervse, Impositaque premens puppitn cervice re- Indi legit Capreas, promontorn'imque cuivam, " [per asquor ]^t Sunentino ge.nerosos palmite colics, Cseruleas despectat aquas : modicisque Herculeimque urbcm, Stabiasqup, et in Ionium Zephyris sexto Pallantidos ortu otia natam [Sibyllae, Italiam tenuit; prjeterque Lacinia tem- Partlienopen, et ab hac Cumaeee templa plo 701 Hinc calidi fontes, lentisciferiimque te- Nobilitata Deas, Scylaceaque littora fer- nentur tur. [remis Liuternum, multimque trahens sub gur. Liuquit lapygiam, Isevisque Amphissia gite arettam 692 OVID^S METAMORPHOSES. Ere long they reach : they pass Vulturnus' strand. Whose whirling waves engulph the yellow sand. And Sinuessa fam'd for spotless snakes, Minturnae's marsh, the land whose view awakes 820 The memory of Cajeta : o'er the seas, Quick borne, they pass thy dome, Antiphates ; And Trachas, hid in marshy sedge of yore, And Circe's lands, and Antium's rocky shore. Soon as the port their sail-borne vessel holds, 825 (For now the sea was rough,) the God unfolds His spiral orbs, then, rolling, speeds away. To seek the temple of the God of day. That decks the yellow shore : the heaving main Meanwhile grows calm, he quits his father's fane,. 830 In sacred unison with Sol regales. The sand then furrows with his rattling scales ; His form once more within the bark enshrines. And, gently dozing, on the helm reclines. Till, at the Tyber's entrance, Castrum's height, S36 And fam'd Lavinium greets their joyful sight. Hither a motley concourse, mothers, sires. And they who tend o'er Vesta's sacred fires. The serpent -Deity, delighted, thank : Where'er the vessel glides, on either bank 840 Crackles rich frankincense, in temples rais'd ; Heaven rang with acclamation, altars blaz'd ; Vulturnus, nivtisque frequens Sluuessa Littoream tractu squamje crepitantis are- colubris: 715 nam 725 Mintuma^que graves, et quam tumulavit Sulcat : et, innixus moderamine navis, in alumnus, [sa palude, alt^ Antiphataeque domus, Traclidsque obses- Puppe raput posuit : docec Castrumque Tft tellus Circasa, et spissi Uttoris Antium. sacrdsque Hue ubi veliferam nautse advertere cari- Lavinl sedes, TiberinAque ad ostia venit. nam. Hue oinnes populi passim, matr6mque (Asper enim jam pontus erat) Deus ex- patrumque plicat orbes : 720 Obvia turba ruit; quaeque Ignes, Troica, Torque siuus crebros et magna volumina servant, 73Q labens, [tus. Vesta, tuos: lastcSque Deum clamore sa^ Templa parentis init, flavum tangentia lit- lutant. ^quore pacato patrias Epidaurius aras Qudque per adversas navis cita ducitur Linquit: et hospitio juncti sibi numinis undas, usus Thura super ripas, aris ex ordine factis. BOOK XV. 593 Sweet flowers and sacred perfumes deck the sod. And slaughter'd victims hail the coming God. Soon as the sacred bark her sails unfurl'd 845 In Rome's fair city, empress of the world, The glorious serpent, towering to the mast^ To find a proper home, around him cast A rapid glance : a mound of earth divides, And, rising in an isle, adorns the tides : 850 On either side the flowing surge is seen To clasp in equal arms the land between. This chosen spot the serpent God attains, Shakes off" his scales, his heavenly form regains. Health to the city hastens to restore, 855 And bids the grateful Romans weep no more. But he, tho' great, our shores a stranger trod : In his own city Czesar shines a God. Yet tho' his fame is equally renown'd In peace and war; — not wars by triumph crown'd, 860 Domestic talent, fame's triumphal car. Not that he glows in lofty heaven a star, So gilds his glory as the son he leaves. Of all the mighty deeds his power achieves, This towers the chief ; not Britain's conquer'd isle, 865 Not the seven streams of reed-encircled Nile Plough'd by his victor bark, not Juba's chain, Numidia's rebels by his Romans slain. Parte, ab utraque sonant, et odorant aera Hie tamen accessit delubris advena nos- fumis: tris ; 745 Ictdque conjectos incalfacit hostia cul- Caesar in Uibe su^ Deus est. Quem tros. 735 Marte togaque Jimque caput rerum Romanam intraverat Praecipuum, non bella magls finita tri- urbem ; umphis, Erigitur serpens ; summ What ceaseless ill iEneas next invades. Tost on the main, a wanderer in the shades. Next Turnus' rage, or rather June's hate, Involves in lengthen'd war his infant state. 890 But why the ills of former times recite ? A present evil puts the past to flight ; Lo ! wicked swords are rais'd ; ere Caesar bleed. Check, I conjvue you, check the accursed deed, Cinyphiumque Jubam, Mithridateisque Insidias : quantaque caput cum fraudfi tumentem 755 . petatur, [!o. Uominibus Pontum, populo adjeeisse Qui • Quod de Dardanio solum mihi restat lu- rini; SoMne semper ero juslis exercita curis ? Et multos meruisse, aliquos Rgisse tri- Quam modo Tydidae Calydooia vulneret umplios; [side rerum hasta, Quam tantum genuisse virum, quo prae- Nunc maI6 defensse confundant rnoenia Humane generi, Superi, cuvistis abunde. Trojas. 770 3fe foret hie igitur raortali semine ere- Quas videam natum longis erroribus ac- tus; 760 turn, [turn; Ille Deus faciendus erat. Quod ut aurea Jactarique freto, sed^sqne intrare silen- vidit [rari Bellaque cum Turno gerere; aut, si vera ^neas genitrix; vidit quoque triste pa- fatemur, [recordor Poutifici letum ; et conjurata arma mo- Cum Junone magls. Quid nunc antiqua veri; Damna mei generis ? timor hie roeminisstf Palluit: et cunctis ut cuique crat obvia, priorura 775 Divis, Non sinit. Ill me acui seeleratos cerui- Aspice, dicebat, quanta mihi mole paren- tis enses. [pcUite; ntve tur 765 Quos prohibete, precor; facinusque re- BOOK XV. 595 Nor tamely Jet a rebel crew conspire, 895 By Caesar's blood, to extinguish Vesta's fire.'* Thus anxious Venus, in heart-moving strain, Implores the immortals, but implores in vain. Tho' powerless to avert what fate decreed. No dubious tokens of the approaching deed QOO The Gods impart: in lurid air around Arms seem to clash, and dreadful trumpets sound, Horns echo thro' the sky, the God of day Casts o'er the troubled globe a sickly ray, Torches amid the stars red radiance pour, 905 And showers of rain are mix'd with drops of gore, Blue gleams with lurid ray the morning star. Red drops of blood besprinkle Cynthia's car. The Stygian owl o'er every temple keeps Portentous watch, each ivory statue weeps, 910 The holy groves are fiU'd with shrieks and cries, No tictim slain with joyful omen dies. The troubled fibres fill the priest with dread. Red from the entrails starts a wounded head. Around the forum, round the sacred fane, 915 Dogs howl by night, while spectres of the slain Glide thro' the streets, and earthquakes shake the towers. Ah, vain the warnings of the immortal powers ! Nought can the hero from his fate redeem. And treacherous swords against the temple gleam. 920 Csede sacerdotis flammas extinguite Tristia mille locis Stygius dedit omina Vestas. [coelo bubo ; Talia nequirqiiam toto Venus anxia Mille locis lacryraavit ebur : cantCisque Verba jacit: Supor6sque movet. Qui feructur rumpere quanquam 780 Auditi, Sanctis ft verba minacia lucis. Ferrea non possuat veterum decreta so- Victima nulla litat: magndsque instarf rorum; [futuri. tumultus Signa tamen luctfis dant baud incerta Fibra monet; csesumque caput reperitur Arma ferunt inter nigras crepilantia nu- in extis. 795 bes, [coelo Inque fore, circ6mque domos, tt teraplft Terribilesque tubas, auditAque cornua Deorura Praemonuisse nefas. Pliosbi quoque tiistis Nocturnes ulul&sse canes; umbri'qu©^ imago 785 silentum ■ Lurida sollicitis praebebat lumina terris. Erravisse ferunt; motimque tremoribus Ssepe faces visae mediis ardere sub astris : urbem. Saepe inter nimbos guttK cecidere cruen- Non tamen jnsidias ventur^que vincere ta?. fata Caerulus et vultum ferrugine Lucifer atri Prasmonitus potuere De^m: strictique Sparsus erat; sparsi Lunares sanguine feruntiw- 800 ourrus. 790 4G 596 OVID'S METAiMORPHOSES. Say, will no other spot the purpose suit ? Must blood the sacred senate-house pollute ? Smiting her breast, now Venus tries to shroud Her threaten'd Cassar in that heavenly cloud, Where Paris and ^neas sought to shun 925 The sword of Diomed and Atreus' son : When thus great Jove, her heavenly father, cries, " Why, daughter, strive to wrestle with the skies ? Go, visit fate's dark mansion, 'twill reveal A mighty record form'd of brass and steel ; 930 Nor rolling thunderbolts, nor lightning's rage Shall e'er in ruin whelm its deathless page ; There, carv'd in lasting adamant, thou'lt trace Thy house's doom, the fortunes of thy race : I read their varied fates, I mark'd them well : 935 Would'st thou, too, read ? then listen while I tell : He whose high fortune, Goddess, moves thy woes, E'en now has fill'd the years to earth he owes : That earth a God the hero may proclaim, Be thine the care : his son, who bears his name, 940 With equal skill the sword of state shall wield, To avenge his murder'd parent in the field ; With us to aid his arm, thy tottering wall, For peace imploring, Mutina shall fall ; His clemency Pharsalia shall implore, 945 Philippi, reeking with iEmathian gore. In tempi um gladii. Neque enim locus Fata tui generis. Legi ipse; animdque ullus iu Urbe [caadem. notavi: Ad facinus, diramque placet, nisi Curia, Et referam : ne sis etiamnum ignara fu- Tum verb Cjtlierea manu percussit utra- turi. 813 que Hie sua complevit Cpro quo, Cytherea, Pectus: etasthere^ molitur condere nube, laboras) [annis. Qilii. priiis infesto Paris est ereptus Atri- Tempera, perfectis, quds terrae dehuit das, 805 Ut Deus accedat coelo, templisque coU- Et Diomedeos ^neas fugerat enses. tur, [tiasreu Talibus hanc genitor: Sola insuperabile Tu facies, natiisque suus, qui nomiuis fatum, Impositum feret Urbis onus: caesisque Kata, movere paras ? inti-es licet ipsa so- parentis 8£0 rorum Nos in bella suos fortissimus ultor habe< Tecta trium ; cernes illlc molimine vasto bit. Ex aere, et solido rerum tabularia ferro: Illius auspiciis obsessas mosnia pacem Quae neque concursum cceU, neque ful- Victa petent Mutinas: Pharsalia sentiet minis iram, [ruinas. ilium. Nee metuuut uUas tuta atque asterna EmathiSque iterum madefacti caede Plii luvenies iiUc incisa adamante perenni lippi : BOOK XV. Ii97 Shall swell with victory Augustus' pride. And fame shall crown him in Sicilia's tide ; Spite of her wedlock, spite of all her charms, A Roman general's spouse shall grace his arras : 950 Vain all her efforts, impotent her vow, To bid imperial Rome to Egypt bow. Why should I sing the barbarous horde that reigns On either sea ? Whate'er the globe sustains On earth or sea shall hail the hero king. 955 When o'er the universe peace waves her wing, On civil cares intent, his upright mind Shall by example benefit mankind, A.nd future evils sedulous to shun, Born of his consort, shall adopt a son 9^0 To share his greatness, on his throne to sit, His empire govern, and his name transmit ; Nor till as Nestor old, as Nestor wise, Shall death exalt him to congenial skies. Snatch then the flitting soul from Julius slain, 965 Bid it ascend a star to heaven's high plain. There dwell in realms of glory, and survey Yon towers and forum with immortal ray." Scarce had Jove spoken, when, of all unseen. Within the Senate stands the Paphian queen, 970 Snatches the soul from Caesar's mangled limbs. Nor suffers ^ther, as aloft she swims. Et Magnum Siculis nomen supeiabitur Temporis aetatem venturoruraque nepo- undis: 823 turn 835 Komanique ducis c.onjux ^gyptia tediE Prospiciens, prolera sancti de conjuge Uon bene fisa cadet : frustrique erit ilia natatn [jubebit. minata, Ferre simul nomenque suuni curasque Servitura suo Capitolia nostra Canopo. Nee, nisi cfiin senior similes asquaverit Quid tibi Barbariem, gentes ab utroque annos, jacentes ^thereas sedes cognatique sidera tanget. Oceano numerem? quodcumque habita- Hauc animam interea caeso de corpore bile tellus 830 raptam 840 Sustinet, hujus erit. Pontus quoque Fae jubar, ut semper Capitolia nostra serviet illi. [vertet Forumque Pace datSl terris, animum ad civilia Divus ab excelsa prospectet Julius aede. Jura suum, legesque feret justissimus Vix ea fatus erat; medii cim sede auctor: [futuri Senatfts [suique Exempldque suo mores reget: inque Constitit alma Venus nulli cernend»; 5p8 OVID'S METAMORPHOSES. To melt the fluid prize : with upward flight. As mounts the Paphian dame to realms of light, Glowing with sudden heat, a radiant star 975 Shoots from her bosom high o'er Cynthia's car. Now god-like Julius soars, and as he soars. Thro' endless space a flood of glory pours. Views his Augustus' deeds with fond acclaim, And sees the son eclipse the father's fame. 980 Vain that son's wish the sentence to withstand ; Impartial fame, in spite of his command. In this alone a rebel tone acquires. And the son's name exalts above the sire's. Thus Agamemnon Atreus has outdone, 985 Thus ^geus Theseus, Peleus Peleus' son ; And (for a sample up to heaven to rove Fit for my theme) thus Saturn bows to Jove. Beneath Jove's sway the towers of heaven are hurl'd, Jove rules the kingdom of the three-fold world ; 990 Augustus' powers to earth's wide boundaries reach, Each is a father, a protector each. Comrades of Venus' son, immortal choir. That snatch'd the heaven-born chief from sword and fire. Ye deities who guard our native home, 995 O valiant Romulus ! the sire of Rome, Immortal Mars, who gav'st Rome's founder birth, Vesta, great Sol, whose car illumes the earth, Cassaris eripuit membris, nee in aera Sic magni cedit titulis Agamemnoois A» solvi 845 treus : 855 Passa recentem animam, coelestibus inta- ^gea sic Theseus, sic Pelea vincit AchiU lit astris. les. [utar, Pumque tulit, lumen capere, atque ig- Denique, ut exemplis ipsos aequantibus nescere sensit : Sic et Satumus minor est Jove. Jupiter Emisitque sinu. Lun& volat altiOis ilia : arces [formis: Flanimiferumque trahens spatioso limite Temperat aethereas, et mundi regna tri- crinem Terra sub Augusto. Pater est et rector Stella micat; natique videns benefacta, uterque. 860 fatetur 850 Dl, precor, JEneae comites, quibus ensis Esse suis majora; et vinci gaudet ab illo. et ignis [Quirine, Hie sua praeferri quanquam vetat acta Cesserunt, D5que Indigetes, genit<5rque, paternis ; [ j ussis, Urbis, et invicti genitor, Gradive, Quirini, Libera fama tamen, nullisque obnoxia Vestaque Caesareos inter sacrataPenates; Invitum pieefert ; unSque iu parte repug- £t cum Caesare^ tu, Phoebe domesticcw nat. Vesta, BOOK XV. 599 Jove whose high altar on Tarpeia's towers Its mcense sheds, and all ye other powers 1000 Fit for a bard to laud with lays divine ; Late be the hour, ah ! later far than mine, When Rome's imperial chief, to heaven convey'd. Shall scatter blessings o'er the earth he sway'd. My work is finish'd : not the Thunderer's rage 1005 Nor fire, nor sword, nor slow consuming age, Shall sap its base : death's desolating storm. Come when it will, nought but this earthly form Shall hurl to dust : my better part shall rise Above the stars and seek the immortal skies. 1010 Firm is my name, indelible my worth ; Where'er Rome's sceptre awes a conquer'd earth. Delighted nations shall my strains rehearse ; If aught of truth prophetic prompt my verse. All times, all ages, shall admire my lays, 1015 And wide eternity resound my praise. Quique tenes altus Tarpeias Jupiter ar- Cixm volet ilia dies, quse nil nisi corporis ces, hujus Qu6sque alios vati fas appellare piumque ; Jus habet, incerti spatium mihi finiat aevi : Tarda sit ilia dies, tt nostro serior eevo. Parte tamen meliore raei super alta pe- Qua caput Augustum, quem temperat, rennis 875 orbe relicto Astra ferar : nomeuque erit indelebile Accedat coelo, faveStque precantibiis nostrum. [terris, absens. 870 QuSque patet domitis Romana potentia J^mque opus exegi : quod nee Jovis Ore legar populi perque omnia secula ira, nee ignes, [tustas. famSi [vivam. iNcc poterit ferrum, nee edax abolcre ve. (Si quid habent veri vatum pr%sagia) FINIS. CONTENTS. Page. BOOK I. CHAOS, and Creation of the World The Formation of Man • • • • The. Four Ai^es The Four Seasons of the Year The Battle of the Giants • • The Gods hold a Council • • Lycaon into a Wolf ...... The Deluge Deucalion and Pyrrha • • • • Python the Serpent Apollo and Daphne Jupiter's Intrigue with lo lo into a Cow, and Jupiter sends Mercury in the habit of a Shepherd to kill Argus Pan and Syrinx Argus killed by Mercury • • The eyes of Argu^ into a Pea- cock's tail, and lo into the Goddess Isis; and Phaeton's contention with Ephaphus . BOOK II. DESCRIPTION of the Palace, Chariot and • horses of the Sun The fall of Phaeton .. His Sisters into Poplar Trees . Their tears into amber Cycnus into a Swan Jupiter in love with Calisto . Calisto and Areas into constel- lations ...... .... .... The birth of Ericthonius • • • • Nyctimene into an Owl • • ♦ • Death of Coronis Birth of iEsculapius Ocyroe into a Mare Battus into a Touch-stone • • Mercury falls in love with Herse 86 44 49 o7 66 67 68 70 75 77 79 80 81 82 85 The house of Envy ...... Aglauros into a Statue • • • • Jupiter and Europa BOOK III. CADMUS in search of Eu- ropa Battle of Cadmus and the Ser- pent Men produced from its teeth . Actaeon into a Stag Juno assumes the form of Be- 88 90 92 96 99 100 Page. roe • •••••• 107 The Birth of Bacchus 109 Tiresias turned into a Sooth- sayer, and Echo into a Voice — Narcissus into a Flower • • • • 113 Pentheus's treatment of Bac- chus 118 The mariners into Dolphins •. 126 The Death of Pentheus • . • • 127 BOOK IV. INVOCATION to Bacchus . 129 Pyramus and Thisbe • • 132 The Amour of Mars and Ve- nus discovered by the Sun 137 Leucothoe's Transformation into a Frankincense tree, and Clytie into a Sun-flower 139 The Story of Salmacis • • • • 144 The Mineides transformed in- to Bats 149 Juno's descent into hell • • • • 151 Ino and Melicerta into Sea- Gods, and the companions of Ino into Stones and Birds .-. 156 Cadmus and Hermione into Snakes 157 Medusa's Blood changed into Serpents, and Atlas into a Mountain l60 Andromeda delivered by Per- seus ; Twigs turned into Co- ral, and Medusa's Hair into Serpents l62 BOOK V. PERSEUS gives distin- guished marks of his valour 1 70 Perseus, by the influence of the Gorgon's head, turns men into stones, and Prae- tus and Polydectes into statues 1 79 The Muses into Birds, and the Fall of Pyrenus; the trial of Skill between the Pierides and the Muses • • 182 Pluto wounded by Cupid • • 188 The Rape of Proserpine, and Cyane into a Fountain • • 190 A Boy into a Lizard • • • • 192 Ascalaphus into an Owl ; the Syrens have wings given them ...t ♦... 197 CONTENTS. Page. Aretliusa into a Fountain • • 198 Lyncus into a Lynx, the Pieri- des into Magpies 202 BOOK VI. THE Contest of Minerva and Arachne ; their Webs 204 Arachne into a Spider 211 Niobe 212 The Lycian hinds into Frogs . 221 The tears of theSatyrs,Nyniphs and Clowns into a River . 224 Tereus's ill treatment of Phi- lomela 226 Progne, Philomela, Tereus into Birds 237 Boreas in love, and the birth of Zethes Snd Calais 238 BOOK VII. JASON obtains the Golden Fleece by the assistance of Medea 241 The restoration of iEson's Youth ; the Nurses of Bac- chus restored to Youth ; Pelias, by the artifice of Medea, slain by his own Daughters 249 Medea's Flight 258 The Foam of Cerberus into Hen-bane ; the Achieve- ments of Theseus, and the Bones of Sciron into Rocks 2^1 Cephalus's Embassy 265 The plague in ^Egina and Ants into Myrmidons 266 Cephalus and Procris; a wild Beast and a Dog into Stones 273 The Death of Procris • • • • 281 BOOK VIII. STORY of Nisus and Scyl- la ^ ... 283 Nisus into an Osprey, and Scylla into a Lark 291 The Crown of Ariadne into a Constellation 292 The Death of Icarus, and Transformation of Perdix . 293 The Calydonian Boar, Atalan- ta, Meleager, and the Sisters of Meleager into Birds • • 298 The Naiades into Islands, and Perimele into an Island •• 312 Page. Philemon and Baucis into trees, and their house into a Tem- ple ...c... 314 Proteus into various shapes • • 319 The hunger of Erisicthon, and the transformations of Metra 320 BOOK IX. THE wrestling Match be- tween Achelous and Her- cules . . 327 Nessus attempts to carry off Dejanira 332 The Blood of Nessus into Poi- son ; the Death of Hercules 333 The Birth of Hercules, and Galanthis into a Weasel . • 341 Dryope 343 Old Tolaus into a Youth ; the infant Sons of Cailirhoe sud- denly advanced to Manhood 347 Byblis and Caunus 350 Iphis and lanthe 360 BOOK X. THE Death of Eurydice 36S The Descent of OrpheUs to Hell 369 Cyparissus into a Cypress Tree 37'ii Jupiter into an Eagle, and Ga- nymede stolen away -- 376 Hyacinthus into a Flower • . 376 The Inhabitants of Cyprus in- to Oxen ; the Propetidae into flint stone 379 Pygmalion and the Statue • . 380 Cinyras and Myrrha 383 The Birth of Adonis 393 Adonis beloved by Venus • • 394 Relates to him the Story of Hippomenes and Atalanta . 396 Adonis into an Anemone . • . • 403 BOOK XL RPHEUS torn in pieces by the Bacchanalian Wo- men, and a Serpent turned into a Stone ; the Thracian Women into Trees 405 Midas, and the Golden Sand of Pactolus 409 The Contest of Apollo and Pan 412 The Vocal Reeds 413 Thetis into various Shapes •• 4l6 The Story of Chioue 419 CONTENTS. Page. Daedalion turned into an Hawk ; a Wolf into a Stone 421 Juno sends Iris to the God of Sleep ; Ceyx and Halcyone into King's-Fishers 423 ^sacus into a Cormorant • • 439 BOOK XII. THE Siege of Troy, and an historical account of the Commanders 442 A Serpent into stone, and a hind substituted for Iphige- nia 443 The Palace of Fame . . i . . . 444 The Battle of Cygnus and A- chilles, and Cygnus into a Swan 446 The Change of Caenis • • . • 450 The Nuptials of Pirithous and Hippodamia with the battle of the Centaurs and Lapi- thae 452 Cyllarus and Hylonome • • • • 460 Periclymenus into an Eagle • • 468 Apollo enters the Trojan Camp, and occasions the Death of Achilles 4,69 BOOK XIII. AJAX and Ulysses con- tend for the Armour of Achilles • • 473 Death of Ajax and destruc- tion of Troy 491 Polyxena sacrificed to the Manes of Achilles 494 Hecuba transformed into a Bitch 500 The ashes of Memnon turned into Birds called Memnoni- des 501 The Daughters of Anius into Pigeons ; from the ashes of the Daughters of Orion spring two young men called Coronae; the Judge Am- bracus transformed into a Stone ; and the Sons of Mo- lossus into Birds 5V3 Acis and Galatea 508 Glaucus and Scylla 515 BOOK XIV. I^IRCE 519 Scylla's Transformation into a Rock 522 Cercopians into Apes • 523 Fate of the Sibyl 524 Ulysses's arrival on the Coast of the Lestrygons 527 The Companions of Ulysses turned into swine, but after- wards restored to their for- mer state 532 Picus and Canens 534 The Companions of Diomed into Herns, and Apulus the Shepherd into a wild Olive-tree 540 The fleet of Mneas trans- formed into Sea-Nymphs.; on the death of Tu*nus, his city Ardea being consumed by fire, a Bird arises from the flames ; and iEneas re- ceived amongst the Gods . 543 Vertumnus and Pomona • • • • 548 Iphis and Anaxarete 552 The deification of Romulus and of Hersilia 558 BOOK XV. THE Reign of Numa • • 560 The miraculous acquittal of Myscelos 56l Pythagoras'sOrationagainst an- imal Food 563 The changes of the Elements, and Water into Earth, and Mountains into Valleys • • 567 The Pythagorean Philosophy . 576 The Foundation of Rome from the Ruin of Troy 579 The prosperous Reign of Numa 581 Hippolytus into Virbius • • • • 582 Egeria into a Fountain • • • • 584 A Clod of Earth into the Boy Tages 584 Romulus's Spear into a Cornel- tree 585 Cipus becoming horned, refu- ses to be made King • • • • 585 ^.sculapius into a Serpent • • 589 The Apotheosis of Julms Cae- sar 593 The Praises of Augustus • • 59^ The Poet concludes 599 ERRATA. Tieface page i, line IS from the top, for parodied read parnph)'as€i2 Book I. line 828, for Lyca.a read Lircaa 843, for allusiuni read illtisiorts Book VI, line 382, dele the note of admiration at feed SST, dele comma at lives 420, dele period at s/cjm 500, for Of'times read Ofttimet Book VTII, line 379, insert a semicolon at ^re and dele semicolon at spears 573, for mazement read amazement 788, for «o?!i read son'i Book IX. line 5:88, for inspire read irtspir'd 339, insert a cotow at survives 665, dele comma at instill 666, for confessions read confession's 833, dele comma at "/g-e Book XIII. line 469, ''^l^ comma at destroy 470, insert comma at weed 849, for m read to Book XIV. in the Argument for Cecropians read Cercopians line 90, for pressed read passed 194, insert comma after foW 959, iuserl coion at rag'e Book XV. line 478, insert « period after omm»»^ CONTENTS. Daedalion turned into an Hawk ; a Wolf into a Stone Juno sends Iris to the God of Sleep ; Ceyx and Halcyone into King's-Fishers ^sacus into a Cormorant BOOK XII. Page. 421 423 439 Page, Scylla's Transformation into a Rock 522 Cercopians into Apes 523 Fate of the Sibyl 524. Ulysses's arrival on the Coast of the Lestrygons 527 The Companions of Ulysses The Daughters of Anius into Pigeons ; from the ashes of the Daughters of Orion spring two young men called Coronae; the Judge Am- bracus transformed into a Stone ; and the Sons of Mo- lossus into Birds 5V3 Acis and Galatea 508 Olaucus and Scylla 515 BOOK XIV. /^IRCE 519 A Clod of Earth into the Boy Tages Romulus's Spear into a Cornel- tree • Cipus becoming horned, refu- ses to be made King • • • • /5^sculapius into a Serpent • • The Apotheosis of Julius Cae- sar The Praises of Augustus The Poet concludes 584 585 585 589 593 596 599 / ijJI^Mjj ^^KHH^HIlIH ^ wM^mm ^ mm