Library of the University of North Carolina Endowed by the Dialectic and Philan- thropic Societies Educational Publication No. 29 Division of Certification No. 11 REGULATIONS GOVERNING Certificates for Teachers NORTH CAROLINA 1921 PREPARED BY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION PUBLISHED BY THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC INSTRUCTION RALEIGH, N. C. LAW REQUIRING CERTIFICATES All teachers and supervising officers must hold certificates. Section 5 656, chapter 9 5, of the Consolidated Statutes, says in part: "After July 1, 1917, it shall be unlawful for any board of trustees or school committee of any public school that receives any public school money from county or State to employ or keep in service any teacher, superintendent, principal, supervisor, or assistant superintendent that does not hold a certificate in compliance with the provisions of the law." INTRODUCTION Of Q. The rules and regulations governing the issuance of certificates have been completely revised and after January 1, 1922, all certificates will be issued or renewed in accordance with the provisions stated herein. There- fore, superintendents should take pains to acquaint all teachers, principals and supervisors with these new provisions for issuing certificates and for raising the value of certificates. The important changes in the rules and regulations are as follows: 1. The reading circle work or professional study for the future will be carried on under the local superintendent, who will be responsible for this work. The State Department of Education, therefore, will expect all superintendents to provide professional training for their teachers and to give all teachers the fullest opportunity to improve their professional standing. 2. The raising of certificates to a higher class will depend upon summer school or college work. However, if the superintendent reports that a teacher fails to do the professional work or the reading circle work out- lined by him, such a failure will operate against raising the value of the teacher's certificate. Since the raising of a certificate depends upon credits secured from summer school or from regular college work, the number of State examinations has been materially reduced. In the future the State examinations will be held only for those desiring to secure in this manner an Elementary, or a High School Teacher's Certificate. The supervisors of teacher training will have general supervision over all professional work. They will co-operate with the superintendents in outlining reading circle work or professional study of all kinds in accord- ance with a uniform plan, and they will continue as in the past to visit the counties and to be of helpful assistance in all professional study. But the local superintendent will have complete charge over this local professional study and at the end of the year will be expected to report on the progress of all teachers in service under his jurisdiction. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. TABLE OF CONTENTS How Certificates Are Issued: page (a) Upon Basis of Training 5 (b) Upon Basis of Examination 5 (c) Certificates Prom Other States ..., 5 Explanations 6 Certificates for Administrative and Supervisory Officers: Superintendents 7 High School Principals. 8 Elementary School Principals 8 Supervisors -... 8 Teachers' Certificates: High School Teachers.. ^ 10 Grammar Grade Teachers.. 11 Primary Teachers 12 Elementary Teachers 13 Certificates Below Elementary 14 Special Certificates 14 Relative Value of Special Certificates 15 Certificates for Supervisors and Teachers of Adult Illiterates. 16 Raising a Certificate of Class A to a Higher Certificate 16 Suggested Courses for Applicants. 17 (a) High School Teachers... - - — — 18 (b) Grammar Grade Teachers .— 19 (c) Primary Teachers - — 20 Professional Credits Accepted for One Year's Teaching Experience 21 REGULATIONS GOVERNING CERTIFICATES The certification plan herein outlined will govern the issuance of certifi- cates to all new applicants. The certificates will be dated as of July 1, 1922. The State certificates held by all the teachers now in service have been classified on the basis of their rating in the salary schedule during the school year 19 20-21. Certificates based on this classification will be issued. Teachers and school officers are urged to study the certification plan so that they may thoroughly understand the new requirements for the issu- ance and raising of certificates. HOW CERTIFICATES ARE ISSUED (a) Upon the Basis of Training. Certificates are issued upon college or normal school or high school training. If the transcript of a college or a school record shows that the applicant has met the requirements of the certificate applied for, the certificate will be issued. When this certificate is countersigned by the superintendent under whom the holder applies to teach, it be- comes a valid certificate in all the public schools of the State for the work specified on its face, as long as it is kept in force. A superintendent's signature on a certificate indicates that the holder is of good moral character, and otherwise, aside from scholar- ship, fitted for teaching. (b) Upon the Basis of Examination. The academic credit for the High School Teacher's Certificate, Class C, may be obtained not only by training, but also by State exam- ination. This is the only certificate valid to teach in the high school for which academic credits may be obtained by the State examination. The professional credit is not allowed by examination, but must be secured in summer schools. The academic credit for the Elementary Teacher's Certificate, Class B, may be obtained not only by training, but also by State exam- ination. This is the only certificate valid to teach in the elementary school, for Avhich academic credits may be obtained by State examina- tion. The professional credit is not allowed by examination, but must be secured in summer schools. (c) Certificates From Other States. The State Department of Education of North Carolina will recognize certificates issued by State Departments of Education in other states. A teacher holding a State certificate granted in another state on a basis equivalent to that required by the State Board of Education of North Carolina, may obtain the equivalent North Carolina certificate. If a certificate higher than the Elementary, Class B, is applied for, 6 Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates applicants must also send in a transcript of their college, normal or high school, and summer school training or a copy of the examination record on which the "Out-of-State Certificate" is granted. EXPLANATIONS Certain terms are used in this certification plan with the following meanings: By Standard High School is meant a high school meeting the require- ments of the State for Standard High Schools. A list of standard or accredited schools may be secured from the State High School Inspector. By Standard Normal School is meant a normal school admitting only graduates from standard high schools, as defined above, and requiring for graduation an approved two-year course. By "A" College is meant a college requiring for admission graduation from a standard high school, as defined above, and requiring for graduation approximately 120 semester hours. Note. — The colleges in the State are now being rerated and the list will be published later by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. A Semester is one-half year's work in college. A semester hour is one hour's work a week for a half year. A subject pursued three hours a week in college for a half-year would mean three semester hours, or for the en- tire year six semester hours. Thirty semester hours is one year's work or five courses carried three hours a week through the year. One unit of summer school work in an approved normal school or col- lege means three five-hour courses during the summer school of six weeks. One five-hour course is one summer school period of work taken each day for five days per week during the summer school. One unit of summer school work is accepted as the equivalent of one three-hour course throughout the year or six semester hours of college work. By Professional Study is meant the reading circle work or certain pro- fessional work required by the superintendent and carried on during the school term. This work is to be of such character as to promote the pro- fessional spirit and growth of the teachers in service. By Academic Requirements is meant the subject matter or content work other than professional subjects studied in high school, college, or summer school. By Professional Requirements is meant certain credits in the study of psychology and the theory and practice of education, under the head of general and special methods of teaching. By Validity of Certificates is meant that all regular and special certifi- cates are valid for a stated number of years — five years or three years or one year. A valid certificate authorizes the holder to teach in or supervise the grades or schools as stated on the certificate. Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates CERTIFICATES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPERVISORY OFFICERS The following certificates for Administrative and Supervisory Officers are issued by the State Department of Education: Superintendents Assistant Superintendents High School Principals Elementary School Principals Supervisors The requirements for each certificate are given below, and beginning with July 1, 19 2 2, all applicants for certificates of either kind contained herein must present the credits specified. All new certificates issued as of July 1, 1921, whenever requisite credits are presented, will be issued ac- cording to the rules adopted herein. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is authorized to grant a permit to an applicant in extraordinary cases to serve for the year 1921-22 as superintendent, provided the applicant holds a High School Teacher's Certificate and has had successful experience of* not less than three years within the past five years. But such permits will be granted only under unusual circumstances. Superintendent's Certificate Requirements for Issuance. Applicants for this certificate must present the following minimum credits: 1. Graduation from standard A Grade college in academic or scientific courses, including 18 semester hours of professional credits or credits required for High School Certificate A, or Grammar Grade Certificate A, or Primary Certificate A. 2. Five years experience as principal, supervisor or teacher, and at least three of the five years must have been within the past five years. If an applicant holding High School Principal's Certificate has had three years experience as a principal within the previous five-year period, this will be accepted in lieu of five years' experience as teacher. 3. In addition to the above requirements the applicant must have se- cured credit from two approved summer schools, or the equivalent in college credits, specializing in administration and supervision. Made Valid for Life. This certificate is valid for five years. After five years successful experience as superintendent of a city or county system it will be made valid for life and can then be revoked only for cause. Provisional Superintendent's Certificate. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is authorized to issue a Provisional Superintendent's Certificate, valid for two years, to an applicant who holds or presents the credits required for the High School Principal's Certificate. This certifi- cate may be renewed and finally converted into a Superintendent's Certifi- cate whenever the requirements have been met. 8 Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates Assistant Superintendent's Certificate. The requirements for the Assist- ant Superintendent's Certificate are the same as those for the Superintend- ent's Certificate with these exceptions: (1) the applicant may present credits for one approved summer school instead of two, and (2) three years of teaching experience instead of five. High School Principal's Certificate Requirements for Issuance. Applicants for this certificate must present the following minimum credits: 1. Graduation from standard A Grade college in the academic or scien- tific courses, including 18 semester hours of professional credits, or credits required for High School Certificate A. 2. Three years experience in teaching within the past five years. 3. In addition to the above requirements the applicant must present at least one unit of credits from an approved summer school or the equivalent in college credits showing specialization in School Admin- istration and Supervision. Made Valid for Life. This certificate is valid for five years, and after five years successful experience as principal it will be made valid for life upon satisfactory evidence of: 1. Professional study required by the superintendent. 2. Three five-hour courses in an approved summer school or its equiva- lent in college credits specializing in Administration and Supervision. Provisional High School Principal's Certificate. The State Superintend- ent of Public Instruction is authorized to issue a Provisional High School Principal's Certificate, valid for two years, to an applicant who holds, or is entitled to hold, a High School Teacher's Certificate, Class A, and who has had one year's experience in teaching within the past two years. This certificate may be renewed and finally converted into a High School Prin- cipal's Certificate whenever the requirements for that certificate have been met. Elementary School Principal's and Supervisor's Certificate Requirements for Issuance. Applicants for the Elementary School Prin- cipal's Certificate must present the following minimum requirements: 1. Graduation from standard A Grade college in the academic or scien- tific courses, including 18 semester hours of professional credits, or credits required for Grammar Grade A or Primary A, Certificates. 2. Three years' experience in teaching within the past five years. 3. In addition to the above requirements the applicant must present at least one unit of credit from an approved summer school or the equiv- alent in college credits, showing specialization in Administration and Supervision of the Elementary School. Made Valid for Life. This certificate is valid for five years, and after five years successful experience as principal it will be made valid for life upon satisfactory evidence of: 1. Professional study required by the superintendent. Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates 9 2. Three five-hour courses in approved summer school or the equivalent of college credit specializing in City or Rural School Administration and Supervision. Provisional Elementary School Principal. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is authorized to issue a Provisional Elementary School Principal's Certificate, valid for two years, to an applicant who holds a Grammar Grade or Primary Teacher's Certificate, Class A, and has had one year's experience in teaching. This certificate may be renewed and finally converted into the Elementary School Principal's Certificate whenever the requirements for that certificate are met. Supervisor's Certificate. The requirements for the Supervisor's Certifi- cate are the same as those for the Elementary School Principal's Certifi- cate. However, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction may require of applicants desiring to become supervisors of rural schools a specialization in Rural School Supervision and those desiring to become Elementary Supervisors in city schools a specialization in City School Supervision. TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES The following Teachers' Certificates are issued: 1. High School, Classes A, B and C 2. Grammar Grade, Classes A, B and C 3. Primary, Classes A, B and C 4. Elementary, Classes A, B and Provisional Elementary. 5. Certificates of non-standard grade, One Year Temporary and Provisionals A and B Each certificate is divided into three classes, of which Class A is the highest and represents the highest academic and professional training required for that certificate. The difference, as a rule, between Class A and Class B, or between Class B and Class C, is one year of standard col- lege work. However, an applicant having the academic credits for one class of certificate but failing to present the professional credit for that class will be issued the certificate of the next lower class. Note 1. — An applicant securing a certificate of a lower class because of failure to present the proper professional credits, may secure the higher certificate whenever the professional requirements have been met. Note 2. — If an applicant fails to secure the proper professional credits in college they may be secured in an approved summer school. Credits for one approved summer school are the equivalent of six semester hours of college credits. Note 3. — Credits for four approved summer schools of six weeks each will be accepted as the equivalent of one year of college work and will serve to raise the certificate from Class C to Class B and from Class B to Class A, under the following conditions : At least one-half of the credits of four summer schools shall be secured from those aca- demic subjects that serve to broaden one's culture which will be accepted by the institution in part fulfillment for graduation. The power of the teacher to instruct should be increased through the acquisition of sound scholarship. If the summer school or professional credits secured should be confined only to the field of methods or the strictly professional courses, a certificate might be raised without sufficiently increasing the teacher's culture. However, the Superintendent of Public Instruction is authorized to accept long and successful expe- rience in exceptional cases in lieu of part fulfillment of the above requirements. For information concerning the classification of academic and professional courses, see page 16. Note 4. — In order to encourage teachers to pursue advanced work, extra credit will be allowed for the Master's degree. An applicant presenting credit both for the Bachelor's and Master's degrees will be issued the certificate of Class A, although the professional credits may be below the requirements. But if the Master's degree is presented, together with the required professional credits, the applicant will rate as having one extra year's experience in teaching. 10 Regulations Governing Teaciiees' Certificates High School Teacher's Certificate All High School Teachers' Certificates issued under these rules and regu- lations are valid for five years and will be renewed at the expiration when the holder presents the proper renewal requirements. All teachers now holding High School Teacher's Certificates, who have been rated in Class A, B or C, in the salary schedule, will be issued a High School Teacher's Certificate of like class, valid for five years, when the renewal requirements are met. Classes of High School Teachers' Certificates and Requirements for 1 Issuance 1. Class A. Graduation from a standard A Grade college in academic or scientific courses, embracing 120 semester hours, 18 of which shall be in the professional subjects. If an applicant presents 120 semester hours of standard college credit but fails to present 18 semester hours of professional credit, certificate of Class B will be issued. 2. Class B. Credits for three years of standard college work in aca- demic or scientific courses, embracing at least 9 semester hours, 12 of which shall be in professional subjects. If an applicant presents 90 semester hours of standard college credits but fails to present 12 semester hours of professional credits, certificate of Class C will be issued. 3. Class C. Credits for two years of standard college work, embracing not less than 60 semester "hours in academic or scientific courses, six of which shall be in the professional subjects. Note. — The academic credits for this certificate may be secured also by State examination. The examination will be based on high school and the first two years of college subjects in about equal proportions. If an applicant presents 60 semester hours of standard college credits, or secures the equivalent by State examination, but fails to present six semester hours of professional credits, the Elementary Certificate, Class A, will be issued. An applicant cannot secure the professional credits by examination. Made Valid for Life. The High School Teacher's Certificate, Class A, will be made valid for life at the first or any subsequent renewal period when the applicant presents satisfactory evidence of: 1. Successful teaching experience of not less than five years after having secured the credits for this certificate. 2. Professional study required by the superintendent. 3. Credits from one approved summer school or the equivalent aca- demic credits specializing in High School Methods and Supervision. Renewal of Certificates. Certificates of Classes A, B and C must either be raised or renewed at the end of the five-year period. A certificate of like class will be reissued when the applicant presents satisfactory evi- dence of: 1. Professional study required by the superintendent during the time the applicant has been teaching. Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates 11 2. Credits for one approved summer school or the equivalent academic credits from some standard college. If the applicant fails to present the proper credits for renewal a certifi- cate of the next lower class will be issued. Grammar Grade Teacher's Certificate All Grammar Grade Teachers' Certificates issued under these rules and regulations are valid for five years and will be renewed at their expiration when the holder presents the proper renewal credits. All teachers now holding a Grammar Grade Teacher's Certificate, who have been rated in Class A, B or C, in the salary schedule, will be issued a Grammar Grade Teacher's Certificate of like class, valid for five years, when the renewal requirements are met. Classes of Grammar Grade Teachers' Certificates and Requirements for Issuance 1. Class A. Graduation from a standard A Grade college in academic or scientific courses, embracing 120 semester hours, IS of which shall be in professional subjects. If an applicant presents 120 semester hours of standard college credit but fails to present 18 semester hours of professional credit, certificate of Class B will be issued. 2. Class B. Credits for three years of standard college work in aca- demic or scientific courses, embracing at least 9 semester hours, 12 of which shall be in professional subjects. If an applicant presents 90 semester hours of standard college credits but fails to present 12 semester hours of professional credits, certificate of Class C will be issued. The Class B certificate will also be issued to graduates of standard normal schools requiring two years of standard work beyond graduation from a standard high school. But this certificate cannot be raised to the A Class until the requirements for the certificate of this class have been met. 3. Class C. Credits for two years of standard college work, embracing not less than 60 semester hours of college credit, 6 of which shall be in professional subjects. If an applicant presents only 60 semester hours of standard college credit but fails to present 6 semester hours of professional credits, the Elementary Certificate, Class A, will be issued. Made Valid for Life. The Grammar Grade Teacher's Certificate, Class A, will become valid for life at the first of any subsequent renewal period when applicant presents satisfactory evidence of: 1. Successful teaching experience of not less than five years after having secured the credits for this certificate. 2. Professional study required by the superintendent. 12 Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates 3. Credits from one approved summer school or the equivalent academic credits specializing in grammar grade methods and supervision. Renewal of Certificates. Certificates of Classes A, B and C must either be raised or renewed at the end of the five-year period. A certificate of like class will be reissued when the applicant presents satisfactory evi- dence of: 1. Professional study required by the superintendent during the time the applicant has been teaching. 2. Credits for one approved summer school or the equivalent academic credits from some standard college. If the applicant fails to present the proper credits for renewal, a certifi- cate of the next lower class will be issued. Primary Teacher's Certificate All Primary Teachers' Certificates issued under these rules and regula- tions are valid for five years and will be renewed at their expiration when the holder presents the proper renewal credits. All teachers now holding Primary Teachers' Certificates, who have been rated in Class A, B or C, in the salary schedule, will be issued a Primary Certificate of like class, valid for five years, when the renewal require- ments are met. Classes of Primary Teachers' Certificates and Requirements for Issuance 1. Class A. Graduation from a standard A Grade college in academic or scientific courses, embracing 120 semester hours, 18 of which shall be in professional subjects. If an applicant presents 120 semester hours of standard college credit but fails to present 18 semester hours of professional credit, certificate of Class B will be issued. 2. Class B. Credits for three years of standard college work in aca- demic or scientific courses, embracing at least 90 semester hours, 12 of which shall be in the professional subjects. If an applicant presents 90 semester hours of standard college credit but fails to present 12 semester hours of professional credits, certificate of Class C will be issued. The Class B certificate will also be issued to graduates of standard nor- mal schools requiring two years of standard work beyond graduation from a standard high school. But this certificate cannot be raised to the A Class until the equivalent in academic credits for the A Certificate has been presented. 3. Class C. Credits for two years of standard college work in academic or scientific courses embracing not less than 60 semester hours college credit, 6 of which shall be in professional subjects. If an applicant presents only 60 semester hours of standard college credit, but fails to present 6 semester hours of professional credits, the Elementary Certificate, Class A, will be issued. Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates 13 Made Valid for Life. The Primary Teacher's Certificate, Class A, will become valid for life at the first or any subsequent renewal period when the applicant presents satisfactory evidence of: 1. Successful teaching experience of not less than five years after having secured credits for this certificate. 2. Professional study required by the superintendent. 3. Credits from one approved summer school or the equivalent academic credits specializing in Primary Methods and Supervision. Requirements for Renewal. Certificates of Classes A, B and C must either be raised or renewed at the end of the five-year period. A certificate of like class will be reissued when the applicant presents satisfactory evi- dence of: 1. Professional study required by the superintendent during the time the applicant has been teaching. 2. Credits for one approved summer school or the equivalent academic credits from some standard college. If the applicant fails to present the proper credits for renewal a certifi- cate of the next lower class will be issued. Elementary Teacher's Certificate All Elementary Teachers' Certificates issued under these rules and regu- lations are valid for three years and will be renewed at their expiration when the holder presents the proper renewal credits. All teachers now holding Elementary Teachers' Certificates, who have been rated in either Class A or B in the salary schedule, will be issued an Elementary Teacher's Certificate of like class, valid for three years, when the renewal requirements are met. Classes of Elementary Teachers' Certificates and Requirements for Issuance 1. Class A. Credits for one year of standard college work in academic or scientific courses, embracing 30 semester hours, 6 of which shall be in professional subjects. If an applicant presents 30 semester hours of standard college credit but fails to present 6 semester hours of professional credits, certificate of Class B will be issued. This certificate will be issued also on one year's standard normal school credits consisting of the first year's work of a two-year normal course. 2. Class B. Graduation from a standard high school, embracing not less than 15 units of high school work. In addition to these requirements, the applicant must present credit for three five-hour courses in an approved summer school or four courses in a county summer school. The equivalent may be secured in high schools providing for teacher training under State regulations. Note. — The academic credits for this certificate may be secured by State examination, but the professional credits -must be secured in a summer school or in an approved high school. The examinations -will be based on both high school and elementary school subjects in about equal proportions. 14 Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates Requirements for Issuance. Certificates of Classes A and B must either be raised or renewed at the end of the three-year priod. A certificate of like class will be reissued when the applicant presents satisfactory evi- dence of: 1. Professional study required by the superintendent during the time the applicant has been teaching. 2. Credits for one summer school or the equivalent academic credits from some standard college. If the applicant fails to present the^ proper credits for renewal, certifi- cate of the next lower class will be issued. Provisional Elementary Teacher's Certificate. Applicants presenting the academic credits for an Elementary Teacher's Certificate, Class B, and hav- ing no professional credits, may be issued the Provisional Elementary Teacher's Certificate, valid forgane year. This certificate may be reissued each year upon satisfactory evidence of successful experience and profes- sional spirit. When the required professional credits, one summer school, have been secured, the Elementary Teacher's Certificate, Class B, valid for three years, will be issued. Note. — After the October, 1921, examination no Elementary Certificate of standard grade will be issued on the basis of group credit by State examination. Certificates Below the Elementary In order to provide a way for promoting teachers to the standard Ele- mentary Certificate, the following certificates, based on county summer school credit, will be issued: One-Year Temporary Provisional A Provisional B For further information see County Summer School Manual. SPECIAL CERTIFICATES Special Certificates, valid for five years and renewable for five-year periods, will be issued to applicants desiring to give special instruction in the following subjects: Home Economics Agriculture Music Physical Training Drawing Manual Training Commercial Branches A special certificate to teach either of the above branches does not entitle the holder to teach any branch except the branch or branches specified in the certificate. Three classes of special certificates, A, B and C, will be issued. The basis of issuance is given below. Special Certificate, Class A. Applicants must offer at least 120 semester hours of college work in a standard college distributed approximately as follows: Regulations Goverisitng Teachers' Certificates 15 1. Sixty semester hours in the special subject or subjects in which cer- tificate is desired and in such subjects as are strictly supplementary thereto. At least 6 semester hours shall be given in methods of in- struction in the special subject or subjects, including practice teaching. 2. The remaining 60 semester hours may be given in general profes- sional and academic work. Made Valid for Life. At the first or any subsequent renewal period this certificate may be made valid for life by presenting satisfactory evi- dence of: 1. Successful experience of at least five years. 2. Professional service required by the superintendent. 3. Credits for one summer school or the equivalent academic credits specializing in the subject or subjects named in the certificate. Special Certificate, Class B. Applicants 'must present credit for at least 9 semester hours standard college work, distributed approximately as follows: 1. Forty-five semester hours in the special subject or subjects in which certificate is desired and in such subjects as are strictly supplemen- tary thereto. Six of these shall be in methods of instruction in the special subject or subjects, including practice teaching. 2. The remaining 4 5 semester hours may be devoted to general academic and professional work. Special Certificate, Class C. Applicants must present credits for at least €0 semester hours of standard college work, distributed approximately as follows: 1. Thirty semester hours in the special subject or subjects in which cer- tificate is desired and in such subjects as are strictly supplementary thereto. 2. The remaining 3 semester hours may be devoted to general academic and professional work. Six of which shall be in methods of instruc- tion in the special subject or subjects, including practice teaching. Requirements for Renewal. The Special Certificate of either class will be renewed for a period of five years upon satisfactory evidence of: 1. Professional work required by superintendent. 2. Credits for one summer school or the equivalent academic credits specializing in subject or subjects named in the certificate. Relative Value of Special Certificates in Terms of High School, Grammar Grade, and Primary Certificates Many teachers secure sufficient credits for a special certificate, but de- sire afterward to convert the same into a High School, Grammar Grade or Primary Certificate. The following rule will be observed in evaluating the Special Certificates: 1. A graduate of standard college receiving the specialized degree and presenting as much as 60 semester hours of regular academic work, including the required professional training for either the Primary, 16 Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates Grammar Grade or High School Certificate, may convert the special certificate into Class A Primary, Grammar Grade or High School Certificate. 2. A graduate of standard college leceiving the specialized degree but not having 60 semester hours of regular academic credits, but pre- senting the required professional training for the Primary, Grammar Grade or High School Certificate, may be issued the certificate of Class B. 3. Graduates of standard colleges receiving the specialized degrees with- out 60 semester hours of regular academic credits and without the required professional training, may receive the Primary, or Grammar Grade, or High School Certificate, Class C. To secure a Primary, Grammar Grade or High School Certificate of a given class, such applicants must - present credits for the professional re- quirements and for at least one-half of the academic requirements of the certificate desired. CERTIFICATES FOR SUPERVISORS AND TEACHERS OF ADULT ILLITERATES Certificates for supervisors of schools for adult illiterates must conform to the rules and regulations concerning all supervisors' certificates. How- ever, upon the recommendation of the State Superintendent of Public In- struction, special fitness for the work may be accepted in lieu of certain academic and professional requirements. Certificates for whole-time teachers of adult illiterates shall conform to the rules and regulations concerning all teachers. However, upon the recommendation of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, special fitness for the work may be accepted in lieu of certain academic and pro- fessional requirements. RAISING A TEACHER'S CERTIFICATE OF CLASS A TO A HIGHER CERTIFICATE A teacher holding a Primary, Grammar Grade or High School Certificate of Class A and desiring to raise the same to a higher certificate should pursue the program of courses outlined below. Credits for these courses must be secured in a college of A Grade or in institutions especially ap- proved to offer these courses. I. Professional Work Suggested to Raise a Primary A or Grammar Grade A to — Supervisor's Certificate or Elementary School Principal's Certificate 2 S. Hrs. Elementary School Organization 2 S. Hrs. Supervision of Elementary Instruction 2 S. Hrs. Educational Tests and Measurements Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates 17 II. Professional Work Suggested to Raise a Primary A or Grammar Grade A to a — ■ Superintendent's Certificate 2 S. Hrs. High School Administration 2 S. Hrs. Public School Organization — Rural or City 2 S. Hrs. Educational Statistics or Finance 6 S. Hrs. Elective in School Administration III. Professional Work Suggested to Raise a High School Teacher's Cer- cate, Class A, to a — High School Principal's Certificate 2 S. Hrs. High School Organization 2 S. Hrs. High School and Elementary School Curriculum 2 S. Hrs. Elective in School Administration IV. Professional Work Suggested to Raise a High School Teacher's Cer- tificate, Class A, to a — Superintendent's Certificate 2 S. Hrs. Public School Organization 2 S. Hrs. Educational Statistics or Finance 2 S. Hrs. Educational Measurements 6 S. Hrs. Elective — Public School Administration V. Professional Work Suggested to Raise a High School Teacher's Cer- tificate, Class A, to an — Elementary Principal's or Supervisor's Certificate 2 S. Hrs. Elementary School Organization 2 S. Hrs. Supervision of Elementary Instruction 2 S. Hrs. Educational Tests and Measurements 6 S. Hrs. Elective — Elementary Education VI. Professional Work Suggested to Raise a Primary A or a Grammar Grade A to a — High School Principal's Certificate 2 S. Hrs. High School Organization 2 S. Hrs. High School Curriculum 2 S. Hrs. Elective — High School Administration 6 S. Hrs. Elective — Secondary Education SUGGESTED COURSES FOR APPLICANTS Students in colleges or in approved summer schools desiring to secure certificates are referred to the group of subjects listed below. For exam- ple, applicants for High School Teacher's Certificate of Class A desiring to 18 Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates teach English and Latin, might select the academic and professional courses as outlined below. However, this group and the other groups of courses outlined are not compulsory, but only a guide to departments of education as well as to applicants. APPLICANTS FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES, CLASS A I. For those desiring to teach English and Latin: Academic Courses — English 24 S. Hrs. Latin 18 S. Hrs. Modern Language 12 S. Hrs. Psychology 3 S. Hrs. Elective 45 S. Hrs.' Total Academic - : 102 S. Hrs. Professional Courses — I. Educational Psychology 3 S. Hrs. II. Principles of Secondary Education.... 3 S. Hrs. III. H. S. Methods — English and Latin.... 3 S. Hrs. IV. Class Management 3 S. Hrs. V. History of Education 3 S. Hrs. VI. Observation and Practice 3 S. Hrs. Total Professional IS S. Hrs. Grand Total 120 S. Hrs. Professional Electives For Course I above: a. Adolescent Psychology 3 S. Hrs. b. Child Psychology 3 S. Hrs. For Courses IV and V above: a. Educational Sociology 3 S. Hrs. b. Tests and Measurements 3 S. Hrs. c. School Hygiene 3 S. Hrs. d. High School Curriculum 3 S. Hrs. e. High School Administration 3 S. Hrs. Any one of these electives may be substituted for either Course IV or V. Any two of these for both courses. Regulations Governing TexVCiiers' Certificates 19 II. For Those Desiring to Teach Science: Academic Preparation — English 12 S. Hrs. Physics : 12 S. Hrs. Chemistry 12 S. Hrs. Biology 12 S. Hrs. Additional Science 6 S. Hrs. Psychology 3 S. Hrs. Elective ~ 45 S. Hrs. Total Academic 102 S. Hrs. Professional Preparation — I. Educational Psychology 3 S. Hrs. II. Principles of Secondary Education.... 3 S. Hrs. III. High School Methods — Science 3 S. Hrs. IV. Class Management 3 S. Hrs. V. History of Education.. 3 S. Hrs. VI. Observation and Practice (Science).. 3 S. Hrs. Total Professional IS S. Hrs. Grand Total 120 S. Hrs. Professional Electives For Courses I above: a. Adolescent Psychology 3 S. Hrs. For Courses IV and V above: a. Educational Tests and Measurements 3 S. Hrs. b. School Hygiene 3 S. Hrs. c. High School Curriculum.... 3 S. Hrs. d. High School Administration 3 S. Hrs. e. Educational Sociology 3 S. Hrs. Any of these electives may be substituted for either Course IV or V. Any two of these electives may be substituted for both Courses IV and V. Note. — A High School Teacher's Certificate, Class A, should show special preparation in at least two academic subjects, and Professional Courses III and VI should be made to cor- respond with the two academic teaching subjects. Note. — All courses may be changed from three semester courses to two semester courses, provided enough is added from the elective group to make the total eighteen. APPLICANTS FOR GRAMMAR GRADE TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES, CLASS A I. Academic Courses: English ^ History Biological Science )>S7 S. Hrs. Social Sciences Electives Psychology 3 S. Hrs. Total 90 S. Hrs. 20 Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates II. Academic Courses related to Grammar Grade curriculum: English Grammar and Composition 3 S. Hrs. Public School Music 3 S. Hrs. Children's Literature 3 S. Hrs. Geography, or History, or Science, Etc 3 S. Hrs. Total 12 S. Hrs. II. Professional Courses: I. Educational Psychology 3 S. Hrs. II. Principles of Elementary Education.. 3 S. Hrs. III. Special Grammar Grade Methods (in- cluding three or more subjects from Reading, Language, Geography, Arithmetic, History) 3 S. Hrs. IV. Class Management 3 S. Hrs. V. History of Education... 3 S. Hrs. VI. Observation and Practice (at least 18 lessons actual teaching) 3 S. Hrs. Total 18 S. Hrs. Grand Total 120 S. Hrs. Professional Electives For Professional Course I: a. Child Psychology 3 S. Hrs. For Professional Courses IV and V: a. Educational Sociology 3 S. Hrs. b. School Hygiene 3 S. Hrs. c. Tests and Measurements 3 S. Hrs. d. Child Study 3 S. Hrs. e. Physical Education 3 S. Hrs. Any one of these courses may be substituted for either Course IV or V. Any two of these courses may be substituted for both IV and V. All courses may be changed to two semester courses, provided enough is added from the elective group to bring the total up to 18. APPLICANTS FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES, CLASS A I. Academic Courses: Psychology 3 S. Hrs. English Biological Sciences ~ „ . f o ■ ^ 87 S - Hrs - Social Sciences Elective - Total 90 S. Hrs. Regulations Governing Teachers' Certificates 21 II. Academic Courses Related to the Primary Curriculum: Public School Music..— 3 S. Hrs. Children's Literature 3 S. Hrs. Writing and Drawing 3 S. Hrs. Language and Composition 3 S. Hrs. Total.. 12 S. Hrs. II. Professional Courses: I. Educational Psychology 3 S. Hrs. II. Principles of Elementary Education.. 3 S. Hrs. III. Special Primary Methods (including Reading, Phonics, Language, Num- bers, Etc.) 3 S. Hrs. IV. Class Management 3 S. Hrs. V. History of Education 3 S. Hrs. VI. Observation and Practice in Primary Grades (18 lessons actual teach- ing) 3 S. Hrs. Total 18 S. Hrs. Grand Total 120 S. Hrs. Professional Electives For Professional Course I: a. Child Study 3 S. Hrs. b. Proebel's Gifts 3 S. Hrs. For Professional Courses IV and V: a. Educational Sociology 3 S. Hrs. b. School Hygiene 3 S. Hrs. c. Tests and Measurements.. 3 S. Hrs. d. Child Study 3 S. Hrs. e. Plays and Games 3 S. Hrs. f. Handwork for Primary Children.. 3 S. Hrs. j±ny of these courses may be substituted for either Course IV or V. Any two of these courses may be substituted for Courses IV and V. All courses may be changed to two semester courses, provided enough is added from the elective group to make the total IS. PROFESSIONAL CREDITS ACCEPTED FOR ONE YEARS TEACHING EXPERIENCE To graduates of colleges of A Grade that present credits for 9 semester hours of academic preparation, 12 semester hours of academic preparation related to primary or grammar grade, and 18 semester hours of profes- 22 Regulations Governing Teaceheks' Certificates sional preparation, the certificate of A Grade and a rating of one year's teaching experience will be allowed, provided the applicant presents 6 semester hours in observation and practice teaching showing at least 50 lessons of actual teaching. The rating of one year's experience will also be allowed graduates enti- tled t6 the High School Certificate of Class A, provided they present credit for 9 6 semester hours of academic work and 24 semester hours of profes- sional preparation, provided the applicant presents 6 semester hours in observation and practice teaching showing at least 50 lessons of actual teaching and 6 semester hours in special methods of teaching at least two high school subjects. HOW CERTIFICATES MAY BE REVOKED A certificate may be revoked on the presentation of evidence that the said superintendent, supervisor, principal or teacher is guilty of dishonest or immoral conduct or of improper conduct that seriously affects the standing of the holder in the community. The person so charged shall be notified of the charges by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and shall be allowed at least fifteen days in which to answer the charges preferred against the same. Other certificates may be revoked for cause in accordance with law. PRINTED BY CAPITAL PRINTING COMPANY STATE PRINTERS RALEIGH, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034037408 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Form No. A-368, Rev. 8/95