1800. 1900. CENTENNIAL CONSECRATION MORAVIAN CHURCH SALEM, N. C. CENTENNIAL EVENING SERVICE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER gilt, igoo. FESTAL CLOSE. FRIDA Y EVENING, November 9 th, igoo. HYMN. T. 146. Now let us praise the Lord With body soul and spirit, Who doth such wondrous things Beyond our sense and merit ; Who from our mother's arms, And earliest infancy, Hath done great things for us ; Praise him eternally. O gracious God, bestow On us, while here remaining, An ever-cheerful mind ; Thy peace be ever reigning : Preserve us in true faith And christian holiness, That when we go from hence We may behold thy face. THE FESTAL DOXOLOGY. Unto the Lamb that was slain, A?id hath redeemed us out of all nations of the earth ; Unto the Lord who purchased our souls for himself; Unto that friend zvho loved us, and washed 71s from our sins in his ozvn blood; Who died for us once, That we might die unto sin ; Who rose for us. That we also might rise ; Who ascended for us into heaven, To prepare a place for us ; And to whom are subjected the angels, and powers, and dominions : To him be glory at all times, /// the church that waiteth for him, and in that which is aronnd hi in, From everlasting to everlasting : Amen. Little children,, abide in him ; that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. HYMN. T. 159. Sing hallelujah, praise the Lord, Sing with a cheerful voice ; Exalt our God with one accord, And in his name rejoice : Ne'er cease to sing thou ransomed host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost ; Until in realms of endless light Your praises shall unite. There we to all eternity Shall join the angelic lays, And sing in perfect harmony To God our Saviour's praise ; He hath redeemed us by his blood, And made us kings and priests to God ; For us, for us, the Lamb was slain : Praise ye the Lord ! Amen. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ; The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gra- cious unto thee ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give tnee peace : In the name of Jesus : Amen. tOV^N