WARD & DRUMMOND, 711 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Q?fK>. H- /3' /' ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill http://ww,w.archive.org/details/sowingreapinghymOOkurz SOWING * REAPING. HYMNS, TUNES AND CAROLS FOB THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, PRAYER, PRAISE AND GOSPEL SERVICE. BY J. H. KURZENKNABE. HAKEISBUEG, PA. J. H. EXTRZENZNABE & SONS. I by J. H. KtJRZBNKNABB.] PREFACE. In presenting "Sowing and Reaping" to the consideration of the friends of Sunday School Song, we have tried to meet the ever increasing needs pertaining to the use of saered song in the school, as well as the demand for excellence in typography, press work, paper, binding ece. Careful attention has been given to the selection of hymns suitable for the various occasions which further the interests of the school, and also to pro\ide for the Prayer, Praise, and Gospel service. A partial classification of subjects which may be of use to the leader, is given below. Praying that the blessing of the great Master may rest upon both the singer and the song, "Sowing and Reaping" is respectfully submitted. J. H. KURZEXKNABE. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS. Awakcninc .40 52. 73 . ss. 11 _\1 :■:.-, 1 II l.v> Meetinc and l'artim: 1". - '■ l-'*. V<- liiiili of flu-Ni lis. 11-. 12". 121, 122 Mission 42.147.H8 Children's l>ay 14 22. 24 l;'.n ]:4".. H'.7 I'arilun 7.57 '■-'. s * '.'•'• 141.101 Christian A.-,. ...| \\\ 1-1 Christian Ian- and t:\p.-i iem-e 43. 51. 55, llil, 12". 150. Ill ; I'lndieal ■ ■■ >''■• :.^ K Christian Wan. in- 44, 5o. iin 72, 1 ... Kefu-.e ami h.-!iv, ram-,- 5". >s 123, 142 152, 171 I'omin.- in i-h.i~- i',.7l.sj ::: Host and Peace 53.8,102 hivine (lindane- " -: yil ;,-„ Kesnneo.inn .''.'. '.'"- '.-'-.'.'.. '.'s '.'.., l(m lhvine I'li-s.-n,-,- 6. 07, 1"". 111. 1 In Sal.bath Day 8,108 Faith ami Ilo|'i'. .. 1". is savi-.nrar.J i-'ri-ml . .. ■•'■■;-. > -, I"".. !■ -. 1"". 151 Cnardian 1 * ■■• . 27 -s p.; sorvi.-e ami . .I'.-di.-m-e. - - 31. .0,72 117 12'.'. 1..7 Heaven and lloni. • M 7". 77. so. -.... r.4. 137. in: 17" s.wii.-.- an. I I:. a|.in- 3,5.32,172 Ilavenly l:ei-..^inii..n is (33 158 Temperance 116 inflation 2n 4'.' s: s| 11... 1;:.:. l.",o, |.;o I hue and Kl.-rnilv K 5S '".-.. 1 . -7 142.15.1 .l.n ami Salvation ". 5:;. ;s. 12s. l::s ;,' I, ;..., Ti i.si and i onli.l.-m-e 2.;, 2s. :;o. 125. 1;12 13" Judgment hay 2" "■ 1:« Watchfulness 12. 91.1.13 145 Love 25 33 74, 120, 14.1, 154 Worship 19. 06, 104. 107. 115, 122, 124, 131 CADTION.-The words and music of almo9t all the pieces in "Sowini; and ReaphiK" are copyright property. It must be understood that all rights ,f ivpuliln-aiioii of eith.-r the words or the mu-ic. sepaiate or combined, in any manner or lorn whatever, are reserved and will be defended by the owners of the copyrights. SOWING AND REAPING. F. E. Pettinget.l. SOWING AND REAPING. J. H. KURZENKKABE. ii^3i^iig^pp^pppiejiiS5i^ 1. Countless seeds we all are sow-ing In the soil of oth-er hearts jSoouor late, forgoodoTe -vil, Ev-ery 2. Careless sow-ing, how it deepens Shades of sorrow, guilt and gloom ; Careful sowing, how it sweetens All the 3. If in righteousness we're sowing, Every seed matures its kind; In God 's]ieaee and favor growing, Richest 4. Choicest seeds, then, let us scatter,Now with hope, and now with tears; Waitingfordivineapproval, Through the wm s^ mmf fffmm mm^ Fixe. Eeiiimx. j of love and truth implanting, With a . . N ,D.S. g^ **■•■■»-■&- * T^ rad of fruit-age starts. , ai-elts h f we S shall bl Ch' [ So ^- ia & reap-ing, for the Mas-ter, Let us toil with thought and care; lad e - ter - nal years. m • c , p- t ■£■ fi t £- t ■f- ■?■■?■ ■ ?■'+■*- h» &1 KriiZKVKN Mil'. REJOICE, SALVATION IS FREE. '.. K. J. H. KlRZENKNABE. 1. Ye mor-tals, awake wit li grateful song. A- way with sor- row antl gloom; Let rnu- sic herjoy - ful 2. Ye beav-en- ly gates your bars unfold, Ye choirs ce - les - tial sing; "While pen - i-tents,wea-ry, 3. When noneeouldforguiltandsinatone.Xone save a ruin - ed world; 'TwasJe-sus, whose mighty 4. sin- ner,Hegave His life for thee; Canstthou not yet be-lieve? A par-don is wait- ing,' notes pro- long. For sin- nersare .com - ing home, faint, and cold. Their burdens to .Te - sus bring, pow'r a - lone, Our foe to de-struc - tiou hurled, full and free; Ac- cept it,and thou shall live. • joice, sal - va - tion : lfc£=£=t=i ^S|» m *Si =J=t0tE=J= «3EGeje3JE3EE-eeS3 room; The Saviour's waitingto wcl-i 1^ T^J thee, O will you come. -•- ••- ■#■-*• ■»■ -0- w — Tl — fr pr -tarT-Tr P — P-P-i — \-' — £--P=P—T— fz p — r. J a Copyright, 1889, by J. Kn;zi:M,v\!ir SOWING PRECIOUS TRUTHS. Frank M. Davis. a=i==f=3 8=Si T* §E -m^m Sow- iug, sweet- ly, ev - er seeds of kind-ness, As we on our mis-sion joy - ful go; Sow- ing, sun-shine when the dark- ness gath- ers, Point-ing lost ones to the liv— ing way; Sow- ing, precious truths a - mong the low - ly, Foil' wing in the steps that Je - sus trod; J-UJ ' tr W\t r I Tell- ing meekly how the blessed Je - sus Died I'm- love of mortalsherefoe- low. "| Making glad someheart that's sad and lonely, Working for the Master day by day. \ Sow-ingfor Je Lift- ing up the weary, faint, and fallen, Leadingthem, inkinduess,lioinetoGod. j ■*- *. A- " m^ for Je - sus, Sowing precious truths below. Sowing as we g EVER NEAR. -J- J. H. KURZENKNABK. 1. Ev - er near, ev • er near, Je - sus, blessed Sav - iour; Why should mor-tals doubt or fear, 2. Ev - er near, ev - er near, Think not 'tis to - mor - row; Je'- sus wipes the pres - ent tear, 3. Ev - er near, ev - er near, In the day of sad- ness; Through the darkness shall ap-pear, with Thy fav From the eye of sor - row. Christ! the star of glar 1 - ness. m^B Ev er near, Ev Ev - er near Thy lov - ing side, There no » --» -*-»-«- ■^=5=6 $= Those who love their Sav ^mmmmm\ ■ dear. Find Him ev - er, ev - er, near. may be - tide ; f I s I _d i fc=9=g u^ffl 4^-V- NEED THY PARDON, LORD. 7 W. L. Thompson. ^^miim=mm 1. I need Thy par- don, Lord, Be- fore Thy feet I bow; On Thy for- give- ness 2. I need Thy par - don, Lord, My on - ly hope art Thou; With- out Thee, all is need Thy par - don, Lord, On me Thy grace be - stow; O, cleanse my heart and Ei^kkmm I de - pend, O send Thy par - don dark and drear; O send Thy light just make it pure, O send for- give- ness =g^^gi^^ ^ ^B^ E Wash out my sing and make me pure, O send Thy pai-uuu nun send Thy par - don now; Wash out my sin3 and make me pure, O send Thy par-don r WILL L. THOMPSON SCO., E»it LlTerpool, Ohio. JIes. E. X. Tir SWEET DAY OF THE LORD. Ul: m i- m mm. KuiiZEXKXABE. J=ss - 1 ' £ # #T— * »— #- 1. Sweet day of the Lord, we hail thee with joy .We welcome thee gladly once more ; A- bove all the cares and 2. Oh .bright is the hour when spent in His house, And precious the moments of peace: The flame of our hearts shall 3. The Lord in His house a - bid - eth to-day, His spirit gives comfort to all ; Then come, ask for- mercy, 4. Sweet day of the Lord, sweet sabbath on earth, Thy hours of refreshment we love; Our songs shall ascend in la - bors of life, Our songs of de - vo- tion shall soar. -, kin - die anew, And love and de-vo- tion in - crease. ( Up to the presence of In - fi -nite Love, AVe pardon, and grace. Give heed to His sweet, loving call. \ rapture and praise, And soar in their fullness a-bove. ' -r r ■itfe#ili^3^=gisiMgi^ in our worship to- day ; Ask-ing His blessing, His blessing divine, We joyfully bear it a - way. -*-,*- ■*--•- J ■♦• -*■ •#- ■»-•■»■■*- -0- ■*-■»■ ■#-•-»- .■#--#-■#--#--*• ' N C'MjiyrijjM, l"i). lo ,i. ii. kit./.ei.icnaci;. SAVIOUR, GUIDE US. Alexcenah Thomas. fa i , -s — N-. ]- -4-r L. H. Parthemore. :> 4 * -^-*- -• — •-;— a— L e — — * — — *-o--i — *- -j . t * — * — * — •— 3 1. By Thy hand, oh blessed Saviour, We are guid-ed ev' - ry day; And Thy lov - ing eye is 2. If our way-worn feet grow wea -ry, As we jour ney thro the land, We must put ourtrustin 3. When our hearts are aching, bleeding, From theburd-ens we must bear, We will lean on Thee, dear ~c I s M. *. *- I P ^ i i i i r r g3^gE g =^ ,?-— 1= Eefraix. Walking in the blessed path - way, In i _4—l_ ,-n -I 4- -S— L# _j_ #_L^_- — 1_, - -,— t ,_ C j 1 h- £_ beam -ing Kind- lv i Je - sus; He will ] Sa - viour, Trusting us all th us by tli Thy constat] Walking in the blessed pathway here, In *=J sunshine of Thy lov J— 4- ine of Tliy precious love ; Oh, how sweet wi ig§^l§igigll journey there, To the mansions built above. £ 3= *- - - *--«-: » — r f * v — 9— i-m — w — w— — p i — ri — 10 WE ALL SHALL MEET. Mrs. E. W. Beers. ^m =n =^-d — i- firy|S|gpip|ig^ 1. Hail! sweetest, dear-est tie that binds Our glow-ing hearts in one; Hail! dearest hope that '2. From eastern skies, from northern lands. From western hill and plain; From southern climes, the o. No hope deterred, no part- ing sigh, That blessed meeting knowsjTherel'riendshipbeamsirom __— — — * r ^ 9 r^ W—\-'S : W r -^- V r S * ~ I rS rs ■ W \- 'S W~ rs » 1 the hope, ^^mmmmmm^^^^^s tunes our minds To sins what grace hath done. Brother bands May hope to meet a- gain, ev' - ry eye, And hope immor-tal #• '&- I ■ % gospel grace hath Love serene hath Love divine hath B4f ;The hopo.wheuilavs an<] rears are jia-sr.1, We all shall meet iitlifriv'n ; The lmpe, when lmed inu.^t part on eartli, We all shall meet ithgiv'ujThe le.pe, when time shall be no more, We all shall meet T -^ r — c - h j — -y — » — r& — » — i. It may be in the surg-ing tide Of sin's be-witch - ing thrall, Can we put all those 4. Then grant to us, O Fa- ther dear, Thy grace to watch and pray ; And give us faith and « — ri 1 - -__ Jp" 1 — T' P-— r #~r— — i — <-M-r' » » 1 wm?mm itmmmm He find us watching, near at hand, When Je - sus shall ap - pear, morn or night, That Je - sus pass - es by. charms a - side, When sounds the heav'n - ly call? love sin- cere, Thy call - ing to o - bey. And will the Lord then find us watching, T for that hour; Read - v to em-bark with Him, For the ce- les - tial shore. -J- i^jg mm Watching, waiting for that hour; Read-y to em-bark with Him, For the ce-' Copyright, 1889, by . . ETRZENEXABE. WILL JESUS FIND US WATCHING?-ConcIuded. 13 - ing, wait - - - ing, Read - - - y for that hour; Watching and wait - inq patching and w " • V V I V ng, Eead-y to go when comes the hour; AWAKE, AND SING THE SONG. IpiglliS§ipi 3S iiiiiSgfEip 1. Awake, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb; Wake, ev'ry heart, and ev'ry tongue, To praise tlie Savior's name. 2. Singof His dy -ing love, Sing of His ris- ing pow'r, Shigliowllc in- tereedcs a- hove Tor us, whose sins He bore. 3. Sing on your heav'nly way, Ye ransomed sinners, sing; Sing on, re - joic-ing ev'-ryday In Christ, til' eternal King- LUl THE FLOWERS' PRAISE. J. H. KUKZEJfKNABE. 1. The welcome (low' rs are blossoming; In joyous troops revealed, They lift their dewy buds and bells, In 2. They come with genial airs and skies, In summer' s golden prime ; And to the stricken world give back Lost 3. Re-deem-er of a fallenrace! Most merciful of kings! Thyhallow'd words haveeloth'd with pow'rThese ^i^EE^^m^i m^^m £:_? gard- en, mead, and field: They lurk in ev' - ry sun- less path, Where for-est children tread; They E - den's bliss- ful clime: Out- shin- ing Sol - o- mon they come, And go full soon a -way; But, frail and beauteous things: All taught of God, thevvear-ly speak Their mes-sag-es of love; They • 4LJU > Refrain. To - day brings grateful praise To >=ff -m * # ' dot, like stars, the sa-cred turf Which lies a - bove the dead, j yet like him they meekly breathe True wisdom, while they stay. > To-day bring grateful, grateful praise To bid us fix for life and death, Ourheartsandhopesa-bove. ' -*-•»■*-■•■ *■ -»• . •*-«...■*-«». -r*- Opyrinht, 1S83, by ,T. H. Kia God, THE FLOWERS' PRAISE.- Concluded. 15 our King, Glad hal - - - - le - lu - jahs raise, Let the children sing. on; A - wake, my soul, stretch ev - 'ry nerve, And press with vis 2. A cloud of wit - ness - es a - round, Hold thee in ful 3. Blest Sav-ior, in - tro - duced by Thee, Have I my race be - gun; And, I |/3*.| I ... J ., J biEpiif^i^i^ipiiii^^i^gi heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an im-mor-tal crown, And an immor- tal crown. get the steps al - read - y trod, And onward urge thy way, And onward urge thy way. crown' d with vict'- ry, at Thy feet I'll lay myhon-ors down, I'll lay my honors' down. Tune. — Christmas, t. 16 OVER THE RIVER. Nancy A. Priest. J. H. KURZENKNABE. O-ver the riv-er they beck-on me, Loved ones who've crossed to the far-ther side ; The gleam of their snowy Over the riv-er, the boat-man pale Car-ried a - noth-er; the household pet Passed outinthegentle, All of the glow of this sun -set's gold, Flushesthe riv-er and yon bright shore ;\Yheii, standing beside the 7TQ- n • — •— * — *— * — P~T* m #J -| — m « 3 ' » »"T* P * I »-r»— > — ?— » » — l robes I see, Their voices are lost in the dash-ing tide. There'sonewithringletsof sun-ny gold, And flow-ing gale ; 'Twas Minnie, my darling, I see her yet: She crossed her bosom with loving hands, And wa - ters cold, I'll list for the sound of the boatman'soar, I'll see the gleam of the coming sail, ■ And eyes th' reflect ion of heaven' sown blue; He crossed; the H\ i light so gray and cold, The mist has hid him from entered in- to the phantom bark; We felt it glide from the sil - ver sands, And all our sunshine grew watch the boat as it gains the strand: Then, pass from sight with the boatman pale, To reach the shore of the 51 H ! -^-'Wzr^-L±r' Er f f f r f » * fcrf f 7 / P- , OVER THE RIVER.-Concluded. * ES3 view: None saw the angel who met him there, To take him into the mansion fair: Over the riv-er, k; We know she's sale <>n the farther side, Where all the ransomed and Vilest abide: Over the river, now the loved ones who've gone before, And how they'll greet me, when I cross o'er: Over the river, crys- tal riv-er, My brother waits to welcome me. mys- tic riv-er, My childhood's idol waits for me. peaceful riv-er, The an-gel waits to car- rv me. o Over the riv er, waiting for me; O-ver the riv »¥ W& I i/ U \> I I I |-~ — -- h s . N I s --t — I tj-rrj—i 9 — j zNr ^ — '~r~ '---^^- — s — p-i — i — -j .-J z c 1 u i i/ J u r rrrtrrn * *^r i/ y u* i riv - er. Loved ones are wait - ing and watch - ing for me. watching for me; Loved om-s are wait- ing, Loved ones are watching, Waiting and watching for me. h J*_j"~: *. * ♦ J~*l t* ,_ « — a — e — a—-r+ • # — » — a — »- r » c » — » »-, » e # e — r #-- — * .-. ±1£-- l j^-y— y— i-- — P ^— U— U— U— U— Jc±to=« 18 WHAT A GATHERING THAT WILL BE. J. H. Kl'RZK.VKNABB. 1. At the. sounding ot't he trumpet, when tin- saint saregathcr'dhome, We will greet each other 1 >y t he crystal 2. When the angel of the Lord proclaims that time shall he no more, We. shall gather and thesav'dand ransom'd 3. At the great and final judgment, when the hidden comes to light, When the Lord ia all His glo-ry we shall 4. Whenthogoldeu harps are sounding and the angel hands proclaim, In triumphant strains.tho glorious jubi- wmm^mi sea, crys-tal sea, With the friends and all the lov'd ones there a - wait- ing us to come; What a see, glad- ly see.Then to meet a- gain to- geth- er on the bright ce - les- tial shore: What a see, we shall see, At the bid-ding of our Sa-viour, "Come,ye blessed, to my right," What a lee, jn - hi - lee,Then to meet and join to sing the song of Mo- ses and the Lamb, What a From "Song Treanurj WHAT A GATHERING THAT WILL BE.-Concluded. 19 V V y V V u r t 1 r gath - - 'ring, At the sounding of the glorious ju - bi - lee ! What a meet with one a - noth - er, At the sounding of the glorious ju-bi-lee! What a . m m m *-■*■■*■ *■ •#■■*■#■■*■■#■#■ I f* |S | — " L_y y y y y y y fc( _l _- g ^J U f U y ^ ^ ^ ^ uyfyu 1 ^ y 7 gath - 'ring, gath - 'ring, gath'ring when the friends ami all thedearones meet each other, What a gath' ring of the faithful that will he! *-*■*■*■+-*-*-*- mm mm*-*-.. *- -0- 4 i » » -y— y— y— y— y - y - y— y- THE LORD'S PRAYER. g= =g= g 1. Our Father, which art i heaven, hallowed . . 2. Give us this day our . 3. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver . be Thy dai - ly Thy kingdom come, Thy will he done in And forgive us our debts, as For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, tor ^Pppppi give our ever A - heaven, debtors. ^ ii# 'mmmimm 20 THE THREE CALLERS. Chas. Swain. J. H. EUKZENKNABE. I ith clo - ver dew, at one sweet form: he sun - set low ; 1. Morn calleil fondly to a fair boy straying 'Mid gold - en uirailmvs rich with elo - ver clew, 2. Noon cometh, but the boy, to manhood growing. Heeds not the time, — he sees but one sweet form: 3. Night tappolh gentlv at the casciueiit.gleaniing 'Mid ilick'ring twi-light and the sun - set low: J J" i» J* J S * ^ * g g E R Trs^E£=mTT"rr=^^ f^m^ ^dmmm^mmm^^ She calls, — bnt still bethinks of naught save playing, And so she smiles and waves to him a- (lieu ; One fair young face,from bow'r of jessamine glowing; And ail his )ov- ing heart with bliss is warm: A gray hair'd wan-der- er is sad - ly dreaming O'er pleas-ures gone, — as all life's pleasures go : —r* 1 +-— 1 ~ | , f * « 1 m—r-f 1 *—• — * — fa -*" P no more, no more. m While he, still mer- ry with his flow - 'ry store,Dreams notthatmorn. sweet morn returns no more. So noon, un - no-ti-ced, seeks the west-ern shore; The man for- gets that noon re-turns no more. Night calls him to her as he leaves his door, So dark and si- lent, — he PRAISE THE EVERLASTING KING. 21 Henry Francis Lyte. f ^Andante maestoso. Frank L. Armstrong. 1. Praise ray soul, the King of heav - en, To His feet thy trib-utebring: Ransomed, healed, restored for- 2. Praise Himfor His grace and pow-er, To our fa - there in dis- tress.PraiseHim.stillthesame for- 3. Father-like He tends and spares us, Well -our fee - ble frame He knows, In His hands He gent- ly giv - en, Who likeine His praise should sing? Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise the ev- er - last- iugKing. ev - er, Slow to chide, and swift to bless." Praise Him! Praise Him! Glor-ious in His faithfulness! bears us, Res-cues us from all our foes: Praise Him! Praise Him! Wide- ly as His mer-cy flows. I I y 2 I I n r I Refrain". Allegro. Voices in unison. ritard. aise Him IPraiseHim! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Heaven and earth, and time, and space, [Praise the God of gTace. Copyright, 1SS9, by J. H. KIT zr.\ KNABE. 22 CHILDREN'S DAY. D. W. Ebekt. Geo. J. Ki/kzenkn aw . &=* day of flowers, To glo - ri - i"y our King, And fairest bloom, from eworldso fair, The birds to trill their song; The fruits and flow-era ■n,Tbee,Lord! we greet ; Accept the gifts we bring: These hearts and voic-es, il^l^pp^lii^p^iiiiiiPi iug. ) rang. PTis chil-dren's Day! 'Tis chil-dren's Day ! Let in* J - hi A *• * , 1 sum - mer bowera,In - to Thy house we bring. ev' - ry - where, To spring in count- less throng make them meet To praise the chil-dren's King! joice ; In sweet- est lay, Lift up to - clay A cheer-fill heart and voice. I : -1 ._> ritht i--:i. i.y J. H. H K/.I.NK.VU'.K. GOD BE WITH YOU. 23 J. E. Rankin, D. D. W. G. Tomek. 1. Godbewithyoutillwemeeta- gain; By Hiscounselsguide, uphold you, With His sheep securely fold you; 2. God be with you till we meet a- gain;'XeatliHiswiiigsprotectii)ghiiieyou, Dai- ly manna still divide you; 3. Godbewithyoutillwemeeta- gain; When life's perils thick confound vim. Put Hisanns unfailing round you; 4. God be with you till we meetagain; Keep love's banner lloatingo'er you, Smitedeath'sthreat'mng wave before you; mmmm^f^m^mMmm^ God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet, Till wemeetat Je - sus God be with you till we meetagain. God be with you till we meetagain. God be with you till wemeetagain. Till we meet, till we meet, tallwemeet, Till wemeetat Jesus m. m. ' m \ ■*- *•.*. ■*-*-*-■*. *-•*- #.• m. jlj r*i =P=k=F feS ^^g ±± r££SO ^m^mrn T'" feet Till we meet, Till we meet, God be withyoutillwemeeta - gain, feet; Till we meet, Till we meet, till we meet, till we meet, God be with yontill wemeetagain. 24 OUR HEARTS O'ERFLOW WITH PRAISES. D. W. Ebert. C ISTAKT CLASS.) IlARKY J. KlUZl-NKNAIili. 1. Dear Lord, Thy lit - tie lamrj9 are we, Thy bless ings come to share; Thy grace has kept us 2. Our hearts, dear Lord, are fill'd with glee, Our hands with flowers, too ; Love's trib- ute now we 3. Lord, keep us safe with- in Thy fold, As car - ols bright we raise; To cheer the hearts of =3 close to Thee, Like shel - ter'd bios- soms fair, bring to Thee, Af - fee- tion's era - blera true young and old, Through all our chang- ing days 4 — -I — 4 Our hearts o'er- flow with prais - mms^mm^mMmMwmM cept the off'- ring meet; The fra - grance of Thy ite pure and sweet. 1& -* • 0— r -t — »— * — P— r -g 1— J — J— r-^-r-13 Copyright, 18S9. bj J. H. KIKZENKNABE. JESUS LOVES ME. 25 E. E. Ruxi'oiiD. W. H. Pontius. 1. Je - sus loves me, e - ven me! All un- wor - thy tho' I be, Careless of His word or 2. Je - sus loves me, e - ven me! OU ! what tho' t could sweeter be! Let it draw and keep me 3. Je - sus loves me! day by day He will lead me on my way; And the love He giv - eth 4. Je - sus loves me, I re- peat; And the words are wondrous sweet: Je - sus loves me, and will i^Hi^i i i i \j i $=tz=2sz Fit i *-C-i-^ *^*iinSi=gEE^c Fii — *E± =£E=s±^j=£=E3EE==^=3tB will, Je - sus loves me, loves me still, near Him whose love I find so dear, me, Day by day will sweeter be. be, Friend a - bove all friends to me. me! bless- ed thought! w - I I love was pardon bought; He will love me to the end, Kindest, tru - est, tend' rest Friend. m* • per. The NewtBll I 26 LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING ARMS. Kev. E. A. Hoffman. a. J. Showa «=§=*=& =\-={d=t *^=1=^= -f. — \——r -h* — k— h— h -I ! ! -t— 1 1 P— & 1. What a l'el- lowship,what a joy di- viue,Lean-iug on the ev- er-last- ing arms ; What a blessedness, 2. Oh, how sweet to walk ill this pil-grhu way, Lean-ing on the everlasting arms ; Oh, how bright the path 3. What have I to dread, what have I to tear. Lean-ins* on the ev- er-last-ing arms? I have blessed peace I I I i wm^mmm^m +-* - - - what a peace is mine.Leaning on the ev- er-last- ing grows from day to day, Leaning with my Lord so near,Leaning Lean - ing, lean - ing, the ev- er-last- ing arms, the ev- er-last- ing arms. Lean-ing on Je- sus, lean-ing on Je- sns, ~i i a- larnis; Lean - ing, lean - ing, Leaning ou the ev-er lasting arms larms; Lean ing on Jesus.leaningon Jesus, Leaning on the ev-er- lasting arms. ^^^Mm^^^mm^^ HE SHALL FEED HIS FLOCK. 27 Ar.KXCENAII TllOM/ W. A. Ogden. 1. He shall feed His flock like a shepherd, He shall gath- er the lambs with His arms; 2. He shall feed His flock like a shepherd, He will guard us with ten - der - est care; 3. With His rod and staff He will guide us, Noth- ing ev - er our souls can af - fright ; !fe£E£EE£ £$ % m mm tmmmm #= a ^ ^^^^^^ip He will car - ry them all in His bos - om, Safe - ly sheltered there from Sin's a - larms. In - to pas-tures of green He will lead us, Where the pure and liv - ing wa - ters are. Thro' death's val- ley, with Je - sus be- side us, We shall march to ev - er - last - ing light. Wifi i u . He shall feed His flock, He shall feed His flock, He shall feed His flock, He shall feed His flock like a shepherd ; V U U U I 28 I WILL GO IN THE STRENGTH OF THE LORD. Church Missionary Gleaner. Rev. E. A. Hoffman. Z o 1. I will go in the strength of the Lord, In the path He hath marked for my feet ; I will fol-low the light of His 2. I will go in the. strength of the Lord.To the work He appoints me to doj Through the joy which His smile shall af- 3. I will go in thestrenglhof the Lord To each conflict which faith may require; \nd His graee.as mv shield and re- iPiiH r? 1 r? — §-f— j-^ 0- — i i -#-v— J-^ : ■word, Nor shrink from the dan - gers I meet. • ford, My soul shall its vig - or re - new. ■ ward, My cour-.age and zeal shall in - spire. -i- I His pres- ence my steps shall at - tend, His His wis - dom will guard mo from harm, His If He give the word of command, To Blilifil -f-l-£L- mm fitiiy fe= &m^&^& mm^^ . fullness my wants shall supply ; On Him.till my journey shall end, My hope will secure- ly re - 1}'. pow'r my suf-fi-eien-ey prove; I trust His om-ni- potent arm, I rest in His cov- e-nant love, meet and encounter the foe ; With sling and with stone in my handjn the strength of the Lord will I g S =-.* ♦ ♦ ,~,_ r ,__f^ I 1 1 1 1 1 — r i # # .i_^_i i — t-0- r &-? 0^.—0- r p_ — | 6 &-l c-i.iri^i,.. 1-sn. bj J. 11. Kri:zi:\!rs=jcUi=zjL fr-TU : ^rf m V-i-t=i Are you ready, Are you ready for the Judgment day ? Are you ready, Are you ready, For the Judgment day ? Bj per. W. L. THOMPSON A CO.. Ernst 30 TRUSTING IN THE LORD. Mrs. R. N. Turner. L. H. Tauti J- g^^^m^mm^^H 1.0 Fa - ther, un - to Thee a- lone, My lite I glad- ly give ; For on - ly as I 2. The liv - ing springs that flow from Thee,New hope and zeal impart ; And make de - vo - tion 3. Give me the joy to find in Thee The sweetest hope I've known ; My life, my peace, my 4. The good with -in my heart, I own Is but Thy gift di-vine; And so I eon - se- H-H'iilllH" dwell iu Thee, Do I most tru - ly live. Trust deep and true, With- iu my grate- ful heart. right- eous - ness, In Thee, O Lord, a - lone. -crate to Thee, O Lord, what first was Thine. Trust- ing, trust- trust- ing, trust ing, I I I £B Trust - ing, trust - ing, Trust - ing Trust-ing,trust-ing, trnst-ing,trust-ing, .IHZENKXABI. HERE AM I, SEND ME! 31 F. A. Br.Ai'KiiKi:. 1. Ear-ly in the morning,bless- ed Sav-iour, Sam-uel like I'd be; Leav-ing ev - 'ry sin - ful 2. Ear-ly in the morning, bless- ed Sav-iour, I would come to Thee; Bringing all my earth-ly 3. Ear-ly in the morning, bless- ed Sav-iour, I would live for Thee; So that I may ev - er 4 Has- ten, ev- 'ry wand' re r, now to Je - sus. For He call - eth thee; Come and join the heav'nlv II I r- j | I j Refrain. , N I l pleas-ure, say - ing : Here am I, send me treasure, say -inn: Here am I, send me be found say - ing : Here am I, send me ar - my, say -ing: Here am I, send me Here ! ffi^^tiliipii^^^spps Here am I, --¥ , -F < ^m ^e E^5EE^=^f:= v Kv - er won * I I I I I be, Here am Lsend me.send me I tf=£~ 32 J. H. FlIJ.MORK. BRINGING IN THE SHEAVES. Melody bv Oeo. A. Minok. mmmwm^^m ^=I=T; T^r* m 1. Sowing in the morning, sowing seodsof kindness, Sowingin the noontide and the dew- y eves; 2. Sowingin the sunshine, sowing in theshadows, Feariugneithcreloudsnorwintcrschill-iugbreeze ; 3. Go then, ev-en weeping, sowing for theMas-ter, Tho' the loss sustained our spir- it oft- en grieves; -P-^-P-P « «^_ ^- p p , I s E- k "\V;iil inir lor the harv-est. Wailing for the harv-est, and thetime of reap - ing, Weshalleomerejoie - ing. Bringing in the sheaves. By and by theharv- est and the la - borend - ed, Weshalleomerejoie- ing, Bringing in tin- sin :ms. When our weeping's o-ver He will bid us wel - come; Weshalleomerejoie -ing, liringing in the sheaves. fti> r»»i «. N I , - Pi Pi ,S ^ J I - S, „ Pi S _, liringing in Hie sheaves, Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing. liringing in the sheaves; Bringing in the. sheaves, Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come re.joie-(0«i/r.) ing, Briugingin the sheaves. Isaac Watts AT THE CROSS. 33 R. E. Hudson. I V I I V I A-las ! and did my Saviour bleed, And did my Sovereign die ? Would He devote, that sacred head For 2. Was it for crimes that I have done, 1 le moaned upon the tree ? A-mazing pit - y ! grace unknown ! And 3. Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in; When Christ, the mighty Maker, died For 4. But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe; Here, Lord, I give my- self a-way, 'Tis mm^mmmmm mm ~-W~W~ « . _ Refrain. such a worm as I? - an Hie CTeature's'ski ' [ At the cross ' at the oross . where I first »* the light, And the burden of my heart rolled a- alltbatl can do. -* 1 1 rolled away • -f— I It was there, by faith, I re-ceived my sight, And now I am happy all the day. I I I U U I & £ f u y G Ej ptr. B. E. HUDSOH. 34 SINGING ALL THE WAY. J— 4 J. H. KUEZEXKNABE. 1 mmmwm 1. 'Mid in - no - cence and joy - ous glee, At dawn of life's fair day ; My lov - iug Sav-iour 2. In ten - der youth, ere sor - rows came, Ere tempters could be - tray; I learned to love the 3. Now in the strengthof manhood's pride, Wlicn kittling hosts ar - ray; My ref-uge is the 4. Should age bring heav- y bur - dens down, To life's long wear- y day ; There's rest beyond, a to - day Sav-iour's name: For this I flow - ing tide : For this I sing to - day robe, a crown : For this I sing to - day I'm sing - ing To Him the glo - ry be, sing - ing all the way ; To Him shall all the Now and then for aye. HE IS A FRIEND INDEED. 35 Rev. L. White. I -Nr ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 1 ■J g -#■ - - - » "*~$ ■*■ 1. Once I -was blind, I could not see the Sav-iour; And oh, how dark was all the world to me! 2. Once I was lame, and could not fol-low Je - sus ; Wounded by sin, I faint-ed by the way ; 3. Christ is my - Lord, the wonder- ful Re-deem- er; Light of my soul, my Prophet, Priest, and King; r i „\ it. Lone-ly and sad, I thought that I could nev - er Find llimwhodied on Cal - va - ry for me. Christ, the Phy- si - cian, healed my broken spir- it; Now He sustains and leads me all the way. He is my all, and I am His for - ev - er; Help me His praise for-ev - er- more f- D. &— Oh ! how : Refkaix. \T * n n u '/ v • G I . In the freshness of ouryouth. Eve the sun's bright rays Passu way amid the clouds, Let us sing God's praise. How we love to sing H is praise When theheartisyoung: Never sweeter soup; than this, Hath ana - tion sung, Oh! how sweet to consecrate All our youthful days To the service of the Lord, As we sing His praise. D.S. — As we journey on our way, Let us sing His praise; Drawing nearer, day by day, Let us sing His praise. Refrain. , , k k k k K , D.S. Let us sing His praise, Let us sing His praise, In the morning and the ev'ning, Let us sing His praise: I-**- ■•--•-■•■■•- ■•-■•-■#-■•-■••■•-■•-■•-♦♦♦ "* Bj par. E M. MoINTOSH. PRAISE THE LORD OF HEAVEN. 37 T. B. Browne. .T. H. Kubzenknabe. 1. Praise the Lord of Heaven, Praise Him in the height; Praise Him all ye an - gels. Praise Him stars of light: 2. Praise the Lord, ye fountains Of the deep, and seas. Rocks, and lulls, and mountains. Hushes, herbs and trees: 3. Praise Him 1 t=t=t=t n men and maidens. Peasants. Princes; Kings; Praise [Iim_i sor- rows, Can the soonest give relief. > Go and tell it all to ' trouble, In His sympathy so sweet. J All thy trouble and thy woe. Pff^TOgg ^ SS^gB3« p 42 TELL IT TO-DAY. Jessie II. Brown. J. H. FlLLMOEE. l—i 1. If the name of the Saviour is precious to you, If His care has been constant and tenderand true, 2. If your faith in theSavioufhas brought its reward. 1 f a: 3t rength; you have found in the st rength of the Lord, 3. If the souls all a-round you are liv- ing in sin, If theMas-ter has told you t ■■> bid them come in,' x- a — m— r P P ' * P P- r P P P — * P P , > .» P P P #-, *_^_*>_«_, !gz:f:jf^--ptiz=|i =p=p =qp=»^t:=ir=t:^|: 1— t= fe=t:=| 1 i_ =£fo=>:z|czE=j lidM^=F4^ = ^^-^==^fL = fr=f==»i=»=5 = F^ = f-fr = S=S=itto=tr=t3 yyyi i? p y y y y u U If the light of His presence has brightened your way, will you not tell of your gladness to-day? If the hope of a rest in His pal- ace is sweet, O will you not, brother,* the sto - ry re- peat? If thesweetin- vi - ta- Hon tbevnev- er have heard, will you not tell them the cheer-biiu" in "word? • — « — 7^-^--, i — +=— i 1 1 — , | — - — i 1 p — a —.p — p — * — £_, U U ' y \J v i :fe=^ will you not tell it to - will you not, will you not day? Will you not tell it it to- day? Will you not, will you it to - day : J — F~c — v — v — y — y — p-H- — ^H By per. FILLMORE ] ,-^-J* TELL IT TO-DAY. -Concluded. 43 N ^-r-* * — * n S K~i r ' ' — Sn i ft i * t~i ti If the light of "His preseuoe has brightened your way, O will you not tell it to 1— t=t£= &£= day: SE »»=»=£=£ ££_ U-J- qF^F^ fr— * — |» dE ^=f— £ zz£z=!»r- f L&sp > U 1/ I y i/ w U JESUS, I MY CROSS HAVE TAKEN. iiitei^iilii A. N. Johnson. Fine. Je- sus, I my cross have 1ak-en, All to leave and fol-low Thee; Naked, poor, despised, forsaken, Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Saviour too: Human heartsand looksdeceiveme, M :=t=t=fcte I D.S. — Yet how rich is my eon- di - tion, God and Ileav'n are still my own. B.S. — Foes may hate, and friends disown me, Show Thy face, and all is bright. mmmmmmmmm^EW^iimm Thou from hence my all shalt be: Perish ev - 'ry fondam - bi-tion, All I've sought, or hoped, or known, art not, like them, untrue: Audit' Thou shalt smile up-ou me, God of wis- dom, love, and might, -— — -— F F r F— --- F -« r -* — | — , r F F F 1 " F ■ — 9 9 r~ Eb- ?^u^grt^-zgzrr-Egz:E-rn , -F^:? __^-PnT -tdb=pa^ I y y v v U ( i \j v, t=t: IS 44 ARMY OF THE LORD. Mm — * » — « — « 1 — ^ — * « — i - (5 ,:a_l_ # _l # ' — 4 # — sun fefc O soul, look up and, thou shaltsuu, Marching 'neath the banner of the cross, A might-y arm- y A might-y song of praise they sing, Marching 'neath the banner of the cross, Thro' all the world its Nowjoin, my soul, the mighty song, Marching 'neath the banner of the cross, O swill tlisprais *■ ~- r\ n n ■•- -#- r Tr*iP F "=? = f=F-^ glad and free. Marching 'neath the ban-ner of the cross. "Withswordand hel- met bright, Glad ech - oes ring, Marching 'neath the ban-ner of the cross. To Je - sus Christ who died, The loud and long, Marching 'neath the ban-ner of the cross. See what the Lord hath wrought, Thy shield all bright, Glad died, who died, The wrought, hath wrought, Thy weap - ons tor the fight. Lamb once cru - ci - fied, par - don He hath bought, m r weap- ons for the com • ing fight. Lamb for sin - ners cru - ci - fied. peace and par - don He hath bought. hear them shout tri - um -pliant- ly, Marching 'neath the Their heart's glad tri - bute now they bring. Marching 'neath the Sal - va - tion to the world He brought. Marching 'neath the ■•- -0--»--»--i9--»--»--0--»- zp~rfapT *-=z?r=5—£Zi i £ -_zzrzfr=frz f- L f- L T — F — u i — r ARMY OF THE LORD. , Refrain. ■ -Concluded. 45 iss±. f^mmm^mm^^^^^ ban-ner of the cross, ban-ner of the cross, ban-ner of the cross. •*■ n h rs 52: 'Neath Hisroy-al ban Marching 'neath His roy - al Lo ! a might-y Lo ! the King's own arm - y, Shout they now ho-san - na, Marching 'neath the banner of the i roy- al arm - y, Shouting now a - loud ho - san- na, 4^r f 1" t 1- -f— I — | — f r.fr— fr— '. ' . FF <^M=m ic=3c=m=k=z *= *z I ! ' . ' O BLESS THE LORD, MY SOUL. p^iilis^fiiMiii^pi^ifep 1. O bless the Lord, my soul! Hisgracc tothee proclaim; And all that is within me join To bless I lis ho- ly name. 2. O bless the Lord, my soul! His mercies bear in mind; Forget notall Hisbcnelits: Who is to thee so kind. 3. Hepardonsallthy sins, Prolongs thy feeble breath; Heliealeththy infirmities, And ransoms thee from death. 4. Then bless the Lord my soul, His grace, His love, proclaim; Let all that is withinmejoin, To bless Hisholy name. i m i j,. ft. A _ + A. *. * #. _ i m *. + +t:+. + mmm ST. THOMAS. 46 HIS NAME IS JESUS. Selected. 1. I bring you tid-ings of great joy, For Jesus comes to save His own; Yes, .Te - sus comes, the 2. Just at the door, with lift- ed hand, He stands and km irks, would enter in; Who welcomes Christ with 3. Be - set- ting sins to Christ willyield, Thro' Himallself willlinda grave; And all this dead - ly 4. And pur-i-ty is His free gift, Thus saving to the ut - ter - most; And by the Ho - ly giipgil Lord, of all, For you He leaves His heav'nly home, heart aud soul, Will provethat Je- sus saves from sin. strife will cease, As Je - susprovesHispow'r to save. Spir - it's pow'r, He gives to us our Pen - te - cost. joicelHisnameis Bj per. R. X. HUDSOX. For He HIS NAME IS JESUS.-Concluded. 47 For He saves His peo- pie from their sins. For He saves ; For He saves, =*or He |||pr*zE=|=I3E: ip^r^bi; fefEEEg SEESg ALL HAIL THE POWER OF JESUS' NAME. Peeeonet. Holden. *F 1. All hail the pow'rof Je- sus' name! Let an- gels prostrate fall; Bring forth the roy - al di - a-dem, 2. Ye chos- eu seed of Is-rael's race, Ye ransomed from the fall; Hail Him who saves you hy His grace, 3. Letev-'ry kindred ev - 'ry tribe, On this ter -res -trial ball; To Him all ma- jes - ty as- cribe 4. that with yon-der sa- cred throng, We at His feet may fall; We'll join the ev - er - last-ingsong ^ipp^liii^iplitiiiipi^iipp And crown Him Lord of And crown Him Lord of And crown Him Lord of And crown Him Lord of mm all, Bring forth the roy-al di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord of all. all. Hail Him who saves you by Hisgraee, And crown Him Lord of all. all, To Him all ma-jes-ty as-eribe, And crown Him Lord of all. all, -We'll join the ev - er - last-ing song. And crown Him Lord of all. 48 WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM. J. H. Fillmore. 1. We shall be like Him! The promise is sure, 2. We shall be like Him! O won-der - rul love, 3. We shall be like Him! glo - ry su ■ preme! Brother, this hope set be-fore thee; Worthy of no - blest endeav - or! Nothing can part us nor sev - er n i , «« I * Is * * N * I i N I U r '«K- T P-* — | y ~ Sor- rows and tri - als with patience en - dure, — We shall be like Him in glo - ry. Radiant and bliss - ful in Heaveu a - hove, We shall be like Him for- ev • er. From our dear Sav - iour, who died to re - deem, And make ns like Him for- ev - er. D.S. — Love and o - be - dience the promise se - cure, We shall be like Him in glo - ry. FILLMORF. BROS. DRINK, AND YE SHALL LIVE. 49 H. Kl'EZENKNARE li^Jpilialiii^lililtli *=t=t: 1. Ho, ye ttiirst-y, Je - sus calls you, He will free - ly give; 2. Wherefore do ye spend your rao - ney, Where there is no bread': 3. 0, whatten-der love and pit - y, Je - sus calls to - day; Wine and milk, au - — :iL_^=^^— g— fr - ^3 of our Re-deem-er, Let us work with all our God their youthful powers. For the cause . vig - or, faith and zeal. feet who answers pray'r. blessing will re-ward. For the cause ofonr Redeemer, Let us work with all our might, Let ns £•£ £*£: £'£ 2: **A ^mMmmm^^^M^m^ rtoi ^mmmm^m^M^k^mml^m might; Lest the beams . . . that now are shin-ing, Leave the sky no long- er bright, work with all our might; Lest the beams that now are shining, 'Mi mmmmmmmmm -i5> »--— # IFTzEE .J. K. SWENIV. ENTER BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS. 57 Rev. L. W. Rev. L. White. 1. Mer-cy's gate stands o - pen wide, En- ter by the blood of Je - sus; Since my Lord was 2. En - ter now the Ho - ly place, En- ter by the. blood of Je-sus; Christ tin-veils His 3. Here is par - don full and free, En- ter by the blood of Je - sus; Here the Lord will 4. Yes, by faith now en - ter in, En- ter by the blood of Je - sus; Here thy soul is urns mm mmtmm E?=t g ng ^nsi ^ i jj±s cm - ci - fied, shin - ing face, sup with thee, saved from sin, En -ter by the blood of En - ter by the blood of En - ter by the blood of En - ter by the blood of Je - Je - Je - Je - in the sa - cred vail, Pure love and peace pre-vai God's promise m?m m er can fail; En-terbv thcbl li ;' ; per. Rev. L. WHITE- 58 WE ARE WALKING IN THE LIGHT. j f Children of the heav'nly Kiug. Wearewalkinginthebeautifullightof God; Wearewalk- - t As wejourney, letussing; We are wal kiug in the beautiful light of (Omit.) God. „ I We are trav'ling home to God, We are walking in the beautiful 1 ight of God ; ing in the In the way our lathers trod, We are walking in the beautiful light of i Umii. )God. Lord, obediently we'll go, We are walking in the beautiful light of God; Gladly leavingall below, Wearewalkinginthebeautifullightof (Omrt.)God. Walkiugin the light, , . f y-L-g - ^ h [S _j fc ^ light, We are walk - - - ing in the light; We are Beau-ti - ful light of God; ft — — m — «_.__^_» — ' h~t~r~T — h -^~j v i V \J V I light, Beau-ti - ful light of God; as j walk - ing in Walking in the light, walk - ing in the light, Weare Walkingin the light, Beautiful light of God HOLY, HOLY! tEGINALD HEBER, D. D. LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. 59 Rev. John B. Dykes. Pigiliii 1. Ho - ly, ho - ly. ho 2. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho 3. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho 4. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho Lord God Al All the saints a - Though the dark - ness Lord God Al ■ might - y ! Ear - ly in the dore Thee, Cast - ing down their hide Thee, Tho' the eye of might - y! All Thy works shall morn - ing our song shall gold- en crowns a - round the glass sin - fill man Thy glo - ry may praise Thy name, in earth and sky, ly, ho - ly, ho - ly! u - bim and Ser- a - phim ly Thou art ho - ly, ly, ho - ly, ho - ly. giSi Mer- ci - ful and Might - y ! God fall- ing down be - fore Thee, Which there is none be - side Thee, Per - : Mer- ci - ful and Might - y ! God I- in three per pert and art, and bless-ed Trin - i - ty ! ev - er- more shalt be. love, and pu - ri - ty. bless-ed Trin - i - ty. A - men. 60 BANNER OF CHRIST. Mrs. E. Sloicly. Tf=f as =fc=£=*=r j * • 1. If we kept a- loft in beau - ty, Christ's dear banner - vet all; Would it uot to home and 2. There the sa- ered cross of suff- 'ring, Looks with gracious pit - y down, Bnt surmountingit in 3. There we see through Him who loved us, Ten-der gifts of mer - cy giv'n, Eead-y still to bless and 4. Therewesee the foe was van-quished, Ev- en death the might-y One! Xouecoulds'op.andnonecould r— ^— ^ Heav- en, Ma - ny wand'ring ones re - call? tri - umph, Is the Sav-iour's bless - ed crown, par - don, And di - rect the way to Heaven, hin - der That blest wo; k which Chii>tbe-gun. Spread it glad - ly, glad - ly t^^tfnre m . tempo. ^Emmsmmitissm mm w All its glo - rv he un-furled! Till the vis- ion fair and ho - lv Bringeth Christ toall the world. 9 5 i I f i w v v v I r Cnpvri^bt. 1"?. I.J.I. II. KUI'ZnNKWir.F.. SWEETEST PRAISES. 61 Lizzie Ashbadgh. John E. Kurzenknabe. mmmmmmmmmmm Weare hap- py, trustinginour Fa-ther'scare, And Ho bids us that we come be-fore H: \ Wewill sing oursweetestsongsof praiseandpray'r, Ami will) grateful. happy heartsa- (Omit. ( Here we learn of Je-susand His wondrous love, Of His mer- ey and His roy-al fav - or; \ How He came to earth, and left Histbronea-bove, That, for us, He'd be a perfect [Omit. I Weare pressing to the home beyond the sky, WhiehthefaithfulChristianshallin-her-it; \ And a mansion there awaits us when we die, Wehavelearn'dit of the Ho-lv (Omit. 5 Him. iour. Refrain. EeH -rsr ~^=r- iweet- est prais - " - - es now we'll sing, To Sweet-estprais-es now we'll sing, we will sing, m -0 Lord . . . and to To our Lord aud to m Mee King, Un-toHim, " for all Hislov-ing care To His children ev- 'ry-where. heavenly King; Un - to Him, From " Silvery Kchoefl." 62 GATHER THEM IN. L. H. Paethkmoke. — it=3 — »==5- — i .-t=* 1 j — «^±_j — g ^ ^ jj^L...^ — d 1. Seek the dear chil- dren, a - stray from the fold, Gath-er them while you niay; 2. Go to the high-way, and search thro' the lane, Gath-er them while you may; 3. Point to the foot - steps where Je - sus hath been, Gath-er them while you may; 4. See, they are com- ing, and wait- ing in throngs, Gath - er them while you may; Him- gry and wea - ry, so faint and so cold, Gath - er them in Gath - er them in from the hill - side and plain, Gath - er them in Res - cue the chil- dren from plac - es of sin, Gath - er them in Tell them and teach them your beau - ti - ful songs, Gath - er them in day: day: day: day: Gath - er them in from the nois - y street. In from the storms and the dan-gers they meet; They are so ten- der and young in years, Eas - y to stray a- mid doubtingsar.d fears; Hear* the dear Shepherd, He speaks to thee, Sweet- ly and ten - der - ly, "Lor-est thou me;'' Paith-ful- ly speak of the gos - pel call, How the dear Sav - iour hath bid - den them all; E35ESES =f=f=f= mmmm OopjTfcit, 1889, bj J. H. KURZEXKXABE. GATHER THEM IN. -Concluded. 63 ^^^=^j^pi^ii ^^p^ p^^ Turn to the Sav - iour their wand'ring feet, Gath-er them in to- day. Lead them to paths where the Light ap - pears, Gath - er them in to - day. 'Feed thou my Lambs," 'tis com - mand- ed thee; Gath - er them in to- day. Have them sit down in the ban - quet hall, Gath-er them in to- day. !&' =t f =FFFB^#^P^ Gath - - er them in . . . Gath er them in, Gath-er them in from the fields of sin, Ten - der - ly gath - er the chil- dren in, m *— +--0--0--0--O-+--0--0--0- m^ L 3^= ^=3 * — £ — r— — -n— j— ,— e — n— t — j — t-r tz Gath - er them in from the broad high- way, Gath - er them j y y y L_£_ LIVE FOR CHRIST TO-DAY. B. El.LENBEEGEK. ^3 i i j: H-&^£n^ 1. When I re - fleet on all the good My Lord has done for me, When I sur-vey His 2. Then, O my soul, pre - pare thy-self Thy hal - lowed task to do; Put all thy ar - mor 3. While souls in dark-ness wan-der on, With- out the gos- pel light, And know not that the mmmm cross of love, And all His mercy see, Then let me turn with humble heart, And ask what I have done bravely on, With cour- agestrongand true: The Lord of Hostsshallleadtbeway, Thenfol-lowas He leads path they walk, Leadson to darker night, I must a- rise and work for Him, My Mas- ter and my Lord What good I've rendered The world of sin and To do His ho- ly ^^^^^p^^^M love be- gun. 1 For help and suc-cor pleads. {-There's work forall, there's to my Lord, What work sor - row, now, will, shall be My sweety my glad re- ward. J x i r t r r i Copyright, 1889, by J. H. KUHZENKXABE. LIVE FOR CHRIST TO-DAY.-Concluded. 65 U4H v u y i work for me, His rail I musto - bey; In His dear name, His word proclaim, And live for Christ, to- da' GO LABOR ON. 1. Go, la bor on; spend and lie spent, Thy joy to do the Fa • ther's will; 2. Go, la - bor on; 'tis not for naught; Thine earth - ly loss is heav'n-ly gain; 3. Go, la - bor on; your hands are weak, Your knees are faint, your soul east down; 4. Toilon, faint not; keep watch and pray! Be wise the err - ing soul to win; It is the way Men heed Thee, love Yet fait - er not; Go forth in - to I I I the Mas - ter went; Should not the ser - vant tread it still? Thee, praise Thee not; The Mas- ter prais - es, — what are men? the prize you seek Is near, — a king- dom and a crown the world's high- wav; Com- pel the wanderer to come ~. ■+■■»-■*-■*■■»- n -f 2 - WE PRAISE THEE. =t=*f Jxo n SWBNBY. 1. We come, our Re-deem- er, to siug of Thy love, And mingle our voic-es with an-gels a - bove; 2. We thank Thee for blessings that fall like the dew, We thank Thee for mercies each moment a - new; :j. We ask Thy pro-tec- tion, our Saviour and Friend, We ask that from e - vil Thy grace may de-fend; *-&.■*.*-+- mm :?':,: WmTrrmm^ffifjm We gath - er to wor- ship,and hail Thee our King, And here in Thy tem-ple our trib-ute to bring. But O, how we thank Th.ee that all may be - lieve,And life ev- er - last- ing from Thee may re-ceive. We pray that Thy Spir- it our Teacher may be, Di- rect- ing our ef- forts to la - bor for Thee. We praise Thee, we bless Thee,Thy Name we a - dore ; All hon - or and glo - ry to Thee ev-er-more; f- f- f - *- - - -f 2 - ■*- *■•*-*- mmmmmmm^m^^^ m Bj per. JNO. R. SWKNEY. WE PRAISE THEE. -Concluded. 67 w* £ mm^^^^^k^0^ We praise Thee, we bless Thee, Thy N;u m !=fc^fcf: we a - dore ; All hon - or and glo - ry to Thee ev ii^|ii^^Sifiiiili&'=ip ABIDE WITH ME. s=pp te± 33^E^E m^ m 1. A - bide with nie, fast falls the ev - en tide ; The davk-ness deep - ens; Lord, with me a - bide! 2. Swift to its close, ebbs out life's lit - tie day; Earth'sjoysgrow dim, its glo-ries pass a - way; 3. I need Thy pres - ence ev - 'ry pass- ing hour; What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's pow'r. 4. Re - veal Thy-self, be - fore my clos- ing eyes: Shine thro' the gloom, and point me to the skies, ?■'.. & _ mmm^^00^^^^m^m When oth - er help - ers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the help-less, 6, a - bide with me Change and de - cay in all a-ronnd I see ; O, Thon.who changest not, a - bide with me Who, like Thy-self, my guide and stay can be, Thro' cloud and sunshine O, a - bide with me Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee; In life, in death, O Lord, a - bide with me CASTING EVERY CARE UPON HIM, Mrs. Wm. Bekry. — ** rf • < i ^-r-j: — # — ^-J — #-t c -« • — • — *- L L — p — F^ p ; — p^ Je - sus of - i'ers peace and comfort, 2. When I find my burden's heav- y, 3. Side by side with my Re-deem-er, ■:* 1. I s When life's troubles roll ; And His wordsare like sweet He will reach His hand ; And I walk with Him re - Guid - ed by His love ; I shall en - ter thro' the mu- sic, Soothing to joic-ing, T' ward the heart por-tals In - to rest liii^i^^iii ggmmi^mmmmm Friend i Blessed Friend s dear ; dear : ing ev - ry care up - i Him, There is naught to fear. There is naught to fear. ^L rf±£^_jL±+ ^^^^^^^m^^ Copyright, 1889, bj J. H. KCRZENKNABK. O WAKE THE LOUD ANTHEM. 69 Mrs. R. N. TfRNEK. Geo. J. KriiZEXKN'ABE. MmmmmMmmi^i^mm^m 1. 0, wake the loud anthem The an- gels have snug, Which. thru' the long ages. 'With rapture has rung : 2. With won- der un-ceas- ing We think of that morn, When they who came sadly At ear - li- est morn 3. O mar - vel-lous tidings, He's ris - en to-day; And au-gels a- bove us, In shin - ing ar- ray, The sweet song of tri-umph Ex- ult - ing- ly sing, And crown the Great Victor, Your Saviour and King. To weep o'er the Mas - ter In sor - row and gloom. lie-held Him. with glory, A - live at the tomb. Are join-ing our cho - rus And chanting a- gain, " He's ris- en in triumph The Saviour of men." The Lord has a - ris - en, O lift up your voice ; The Lord has a - ris - en, A-wake and re-joice ! 70 OUR HEAVENLY MANSION. Geo. K. Clarke. ^&3^^^i im 1. On the ev - er-green banks of the 2. 'Tis a won- der- ful man-sion of beau-ty so rare, 'T 3. Yes, our Fa- ther will dwell with His dear children there, H 3=4 er of life. Which flows through the <&ty of gold; ±£ i built by our Fa- ther a - hove; own lov-ing face we shall see; i^ ^ z ii zg^^ m SE£ V P 1/ P fc= ii • -0 • -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 F^JP Far a - way from this world, aud its tu - mult and strife, Its tri - alsand sor-rows uu - tol And our Sav - iour has gone there, that home to pre-pare. For those who have tasted His lov And the throne of His glo - ry with Je - sus He'll share, A crown will be giv - en to fi r. i i ii- i— 1 =4= me. ■sm y- — I- -p— y- gl :c~: Iplp^pp^i^^glllpi^Iiji There's a mansion of beau-ty now wait-iug for me. Which my By and by He will come, His own Bride to receive, There with Oh, the songs we shall sing on the heav-en - ly shore, Hap-py to pre- pare; er to reign ; on so sweet; OUR HEAVENLY MANSION. -Concluded. 71 Where with Him I shall dwell, from ternp-ta - tion set free, From tri - als, and sor- row, and care- Then we'll see all the saints who in Je - sus believe, And meet our dear loved ones a - gain. No more sick- ness nor dy - ing, but life ev - er- more; When we, our dear Saviour shall meet. I w V V V ift up yoi Ye chil - dren of glo - ry, lift up your eye The Bridegroom is coming; A - rise! 72 WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE. Frances R. Havergal. A. J. Showalter. ^—0 • . s i •— C-*l|-#— «-•-*- 6. 1— #'--~2#— 0---0— — # _i_ # _!_ # _ # .±_ # =^g_ 1. Who is on the Lord's side? Who will servetheKing? Who willbeHishelpers Oth- er lives to bring? 2. Je- sus. Thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with Thine own life-blood. For Thy di- a- dem; 3. Fierce must be the con- flic t . Strong may be the foe, But the King'sownar- my None may o- ver-throw: 4. Cho- sen to be sol - diers In an al - ien land, Cho-sen, called, and faithful. For our Captain's Who will leave the world With Thy blessing fill - Round His standard raugi In the ser vice roy D.S.— By Thy call of mer -I- ssidc? Who will face the foe. Who is on the Lord's side? Who for Him will • ug Each whoeomesto Thee, Thou hast made us willing. Thou hast made us free, ng, Vic-t'ry is secure, For His truth unchanging. Makes the triumph sure. al, Let us not grow cold, Let us be right loy - al, No- hie true and bold. cy, By Thv grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Saviour we are Thine. side, Saviour we are Thine. per. A. J. 8H01VALTEE. ARE YOU WASHED IN THE BLOOD. --pv-r-l 73 H H3l31^1g -*- 1 *- S Rev. E. A. Huffman 1. Have you been to Je - sus for the cleansing pow'r? Are you wash'd in the blood of the Lamb? 2. Are you walk- ing dai- ly by the Sav- ionr's side ? Are you wash'd in the blood of the Lamb? 3. AVhen' the Bridegroom com-eth, will your robes be white; Pure and white in the blood of the Lamb ? 4. Lay a - side the garments that are stained with sin. And he wash 'd in the blood of the Lamb? r ' i v 5£ is IS Fink. Are you ful - ly trust-ing in His grace this hour? Arc you wash'd in the blood of the Lamb? Do you rest each moment in the Cru - ci - tied? Are you wash'd in the blood of the Lamb? Wilfyour soul be read- y for the mansionsbright; And be wash'd in the blood of the Lamb? There's a fountain flow-ing for the soul un - clean ; Oh ! be wash'd in the blood of the Lamb? D.S. — Are your gar- ments spot-less ? Are they white as sdow? Are you wash'd in the blood of the Lamb? n A — #— c g = f « — S— r -» # — # — » » — *— L , ^=*=*m j=ti = Are you wash'd in the blood, In the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are you wash'd in the blood of the Lamb ? m*m^wmm . Rev I. A. HOFFl 74 THE HEALING WORD. Mrs. R. N. Turner. J. H. KURZENKNABE. 1. The lov - ing Sav- iour said to those, Who to His gracious pow'rappealed/'Goshnwyourselves unto the 2. 'lis on-lywhenwe fol - low on, Con-fid-ingin the Saviour's way, That He will cleanse us from our 3. The prophet of the old- en time, Spakenot, atouce, the healing word; But " Wash thyself in Jordan's 4. Whate'er He hids us, we will do; And tru-ly on His word believe: With trusting hearts, dear Lord, we , - -0- #■• *■ f 'f- m . . +-*-*-■+.*. Kf.fka ic\e: >> iui 1 1 um niu nnti i s. near j.uiu,we Priest;" And thus obeying, they were healed. Il<- speaks the word sins. And make us His own Latnbs to-day. tide: " And doing this his pray'r was heard, come, Thy peace and pardon to receive. He speaks the word ft*=EBEES ^^mmm^m^s^^m gain to - day: S ■o ff i — +r4-su—t— -fi fth — -p ^= w h — ^3&= ==3-$=&i== u ^ 'A 1 1 C ri/ i* * J *? y " ^ u \n> i ? p t F* C c ^5 face, no longer stay ;" We come.dear Lord, at Thy command, Aud gladly to Thy words attend, seek my face, no longer stay:" We come, dear Lord, at Thy command, And gladly to Thy words attend. — i/h/-v ^ — S^tH?-^ c trv - ^ — b — t^-t^ f 3 Copyright, 1889, bj J. H. £1 RZKSKN ABE. Selected tar WHERE IS YOUR BOY TO-NIGHT. J. H. Kl'RZENKNABE. 75 ^illigi^ipii^fe^ppfii^p Lite is teeming wit he - vil snares, Thegatesof sin are wide; Ros - y fingers nl' pleasure point. And 2. Pit-iallslurkiu the Uowery way. Vice has a gold- en gate; Whoshallguidotheuiiwary feet, Right 3. Turn his t'eetii'Ointhc e- vil way Ere he has entered in; Keep himspotless.youiown sweet hoy; The mmw^W00^M^^^^± ^MiiiligiiiiiiiiMlpplPlSiJ beck- on the young in- side, Needs are ma- ny: and du - ties stern Crowd on the path so bright, on to the path so straight? Pa- tient worker, with will-ing hand, Toil-iiig with heart so light, earth is so stained by sin: Ere he has learned to do the wrong. Teach him to love the right; £ £ ♦ *• ji T 1/| I ■ v Fine, Km; \in J JSl N riJNK. rtKKKAIN. I l> SIN Father, buried in business cares, Where is yourboy to-night Tired mother with tenderlove; Where isyour boy to-night Watch ere watel dug lie wholly va in : Where is your hoy to-night D.S. — Are his stepsin the path-way straight? Where is yourboy to-night? Where is your boy to-night ? where is your boy to-night ? ^f-jj^fe^tp^ tlittei 76 WORK FOR JESUS. W. J. KlKKPATBICK. ::rj=q 1. In the came of God ad - vane- ing, Sow thy seed at morning light; Cheer-i - ly the 2. Look not to the far - off fu - ture, Do the work that' near-est lies; Sow thou must be- 3. Stand-ing still is dangerous ev - er, Toil is meant for Christians now; Let there he, when 4. Then the Mas - ter shall come smil- ing, At the set- ting of the sun; Say- ing as He *d $ =m=u ;=^=?=5=|i Li fur - rows turn- ing, La - bor on with all thy might. , fore thou reap - est; Rest, at last is la - bor's prize. I eve- ning com - eth, Hon - est sweat up - on thy brow. I pays the wa - ges, " Good and faith - ful one, well done. " Then work, work for immmj=m^f --^-^rJ— d-4 '^M^^M^^^M r S3 Toil thro' the cloud or sun; Till the Mas ter bids thee rest From la-hor, when thy work ; f-t £=M ^m^^^^^^^^^m .}. KIRKPATRICK. Rev. W. F. Coskee. Soft and slow. S\FE AT HOME. 77 Rev. W. T. Dale. 1. Ah, this heart shall cease its longing, Safe at home! Safe at home! Where no anxiouscarese 2. There I'll see no tempest rag-ing, Safe at home ! Safe at homej! Sin no warfare wild i 3. There are friends who with me part- ed. Safe at home ! Safe at home! 4. Dearones gone before will meet me, Safe at home ! Safe at home ! Xo more wand 'ring, broken- At the pearl -y gate will thronging, Safe at home! Safe at home wag - ing, Safe at home ! Safe at home heart - ed, Safe at home ! Safe at home greet me, Safe at home ! Safe at home Now a heav - y burden press - es, And : When shall come that blissful wak - ing, Where no Un - dis - turbed while storms are sweep- ing, Calm - ly Sav-iour, dear - est Saviour, hear me! I am walk thro' thorny pla-ces, Till my wea - ry wand'ringceas-es, Sate at home! Sate at home! pain-fnlhead is ach - ing, Where no throbbing heart is breaking, Sate at home ! Safe at home! now the loved are sleeping, Ev - er in their Father's keeping. Sale at home! Safe at home! wea - ry, be Thou near me: Oh, sus-tain me till Thou cheer me, Safe at home ! Safe at home! .■a. ^ ^ ' JESUS IS PASSING BY 1. "Je 2. "Je 3. Je is passing, " the blind man was told. Who by the wayside was begging of old, my Saviour, have mer-cy on me! O - pen my eyes and from sin "set me tree : us is passing ; If, feel - ing your need, Earnest eu-treat-ies He sure-ly will heed : Wishing that Je- sushis sight would uulbld. While.Tesus is passing by. ) Helpless, and needy, I come unto Thee.WhilenowThouart passingly." Ifvoubntask Him, voursoul shall hi- freed. While Jesus is passing bv. I Je-sus is passing, Hr'; passing this way, Jesus is passing by; ThouSon of David. Have mercy on me ; Je-sus ispassing by. I. THE HEM OF HIS GARMENT. 79 mmm^^^™mm Christ the Lord hath sealed my pardon, Filled me with His peace di -vine ; Yes, the power of sin Long had I myselfbeen try-ins To cast off this load of sin; Then I ceased and came to Now I feel Hissav-ing pow-er, He is all^ my hope and stay ; NowHis peace and love so biok - eu ; I am His and He is mine. | ,Te - sus, And He made me free and clean. I Praise the Lord! Sing Hal-le ■ precious, Fills my rap- tured soul to - day. j comes and fills my soul ; Faithhastouchedthe hem of His garment, And His Wood has made me whole. r.,..rl-ht. 1-:.. >,v .1. II. M'l:/1 \k \ i 80 WAKE, WAKE THE SONG. L. H. Parthemore. 1. Wake, wake the song, uu-to the Lord most glorious ; Sing uu-toHirn, (or He now reigus vie - torious ; 2. Wake, wake the sung, heuee with your grief and sadness ; Lift up your hearts un-to the Lord with gladness ; 3. Wake, wake the song, lift up your hearts he-tore Him ; La - den with praise, heavenly ehoirs a - dore Him, Earth resound the glad re -flam He who rules o'er Earth and Till it ech - oes through the sky. With tune - ful voi - ees, With grate-ful voi - He hath redeemed us, From sin redeemed Him who is wor - thy, A - lone is wor- WAKE, WAKE THE SONG.-Conclued song of ju - hi -lee, Wake the song of ju - bi-lee, the glo - rious song of ju - bilee ; Wake the Wake the song, the glo-rious song of ju - bilee; song, theglorious song, Wakethesong, the glorious song of ju-bi-lee. Wakethesong, the glorious song, Wakethesone;, thoglorioussougof ju-bi-lee. fc - a • - "Pr -«_ — -4 • e g- REST FOR THE TOILING HAND. Rev. H. Bosae, D. D. Gregorian. 1. Rest for the toil inghaud, Rest for the anxious brow. Rest lbr the weary waysore feet, Rest from all labor! 2. Rest for the fevered brain. Rest liir (he throbbing eye. These parehe.lli]isot'tl line no more Shall pass the moan orsigh. 3. ' T was sown in weakness here, ' Twill then be raised in power. That which was sown in earthly seed Shall rise a heav- - J | _o_ .-, Tenlv flower. 82 WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH THE SAVIOUR? Alexcexah Thomas. J. H. Kuezekknabk 1. What shall we do with the Saviour, AYhosharedalloursorrowsaudpain? Oh, can we reject Him for - 2. Oh, withwhattendrrcompassionMust Jrsiishaveloohedonus all; To car - ry our grief and our 3. Hear Him now tender-ly calling, Yes, calling the wanderer home; Oh, slight not His kind in - vi - h ev - er, The sweet lov-ing Saviour of men? sor-row, And suf- fer the wormwood and gall. ta - tion, But answer, "Dear Saviour, I come. : Come and ac-cept Him, your Saviour; And -*• * * ' i, ' — — " ' * '. m * jg, open your heart to eu - throne This Je - sus for ev - er and ev - er,That He may he truly your own. Crrrtdii, i'- i, >■- .i. tr. kit.7f.nkx hie. O FRIEND OF FRIENDS. 83 F. E. Petttxgell. A. J. Showai.tfi;. 1. O Friend of friends un 2. O Friend of frieudsun 3. O Friend of friends mi chang-ing, O gen - tie heart re - plete chang- ing,What - ev - er may por - tend chang-ing, O hu-man heart re - plett With love and deep corn • rich - est ben - e - With longings, as - pi - ."Wit! , His No friendship firm and sweet; When oth - er friends are love can nev - er end : When tri - als and temp joy of earth can meet: — To Thee we kind-ly life is wrapped in night. storm-y billows roll, leg - a - cy di - vine ; Thy friendship knows no warning. But glows with steadfast light. Thy friendship is a shel - ter, A ref - uge for my Re - ceived in all its ful - ness, And heav'ns own peace is J2* Copyright, 18S9, by J BEFORE THE BOLTED DOOR fore the bolt -ed door The waiting S:n iour stands; He kiud-ly waitsandgcntlyknocksWith Be - fore the bolt -ed door A gen - tie voice is heard ; In tones of ten-der-ness and love It Be - fore the bolt- ed door! And can you yet de - lay, And let the waiting Saviour stand, Or I er wearied hands : The heav - y dews of night Are fall-ingon His head, And si ill no voice with- speaks a pleading word : "If an - yhearMyvoiee And o - pen willing - ly, I'll en - ter in and sad - ly turn a - way ? There's mer-cy in His heart, There'skindness in His voice, ;Oh, hast -en to un - in responds, TSTo welcome word is said. sup with Him, And he shall sup with Me. ' bar the door, And in His smile re -joice Wait - ing, wait - ingj Yes, He is waiting, patiently waiting ; Oh, let Him wait no longer ; Utedty psr. "THE OHUBOH CO.," nun «f Coffrlght. BEFORE THE BOLTED DOOR. -Concluded. 1/ V I I Wait - ing, wait - mg ; Rise, and let Him in: Lov-ing-ly waiting, ten - der-ly waiting ; Oh, haste to rise and let Him 85 REVIVE US AGAIN. Dh, W. P. Mackay. EXGLTSH MELODY. 1. We praise Thee, OGodlforthe Son of Thy love, For Je-sus who died, and is now gone a - hove. 2. Wr praise Thee, OGod ! for thy Spii- it of light, "Who has shown us our Saviour, and scat tried our night. 3. All glo-ry and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who has borne all our sins, and has cleansed ev'ry stain. 4. All glo-ry and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us, audsought us, and guided our ways. BEAUTIFUL CITY OF GOLD. -fe-4- I. N. McHosk. 1. O, how oft -en we sing of a cat - y so fair, Just be - yond the dark val-ley, we're told, 2. In that cit - y of light, where the sun ney - er sets, The in - ha - bitants nev - er grow old; 3. 0, the rap- turous scenes on that ev - er green shore, To ray vi-sion they beauties tin - fold, 4. On that briglii , shining shore, all our loved ones we'll meet, And the King in Hisbeau-ty be - hold ! t. ££± p' Where the Saviour has gone, us a home to prepare, In that beau-ti- fbl cit- y of gold. There, uo sor-row, no sickness, no death ev-er comes, In that beau-ti- ful eit-y of gold. Where the riv - ers of pleasure roll' on ev - ermore, Iu that beau-ti -ful eit-y of gold. The white robe, and the crown of re - joic-ing receive, In that beau-ti - ful cit - y o There the sun ev-er shines Fragrant flow'rs There the sun ever shines, there the sun ever shines. Fragrant flow'rs ever bio ev - er bloom ; i, fragrant flow'rs ever bloom; BEAUTIFUL CITY OF GOLD. -Concluded. GENTLY, LORD, O GENTLY LEAD US. Selected. Rousseau. i i * r r Gently, Lord, oh gently lead us Through this lonely vale of tear's, uenny, i.orci, on geou\ lean us i iir.Mieji mi- lonen ^aieoi real's, when t.-nirit'itmnsdnvk iss-dl in Through theehangesTliou'st decreed us. Tillourlast great rhannv appears. ( NN hen temptations dark assail us, &Z^£^J^$££?^^*^ }And,whennio rt alliieis ended, { but -let not ourheavts to languish. Sut-ler not our sonlsto tea ^^^rj^^m ■ <- per-fect way. aong the blest. When in de-vionspaths we stray. Let Thy goodness never fail us, Lead us in Thy per-feet way. Bid ns on Thy bc-soni rest, Till by' "an-gel hands at - tended, We a - cake a '- mongthe blest. eld-RWU I 88 THE LAMB OF CALVARY. Rev. J. H. Maktix, D. D. R. M. MclNTuslI. -tj . There was love, deep love, in the cross displayed. When the Lamb of Cal - va - ry died ; There was love, strong love, in the King on high, For the souls condemned for their guilt; There is love, warm love, in the Saviour's heart, For the trou - bled, wea-ry, and weak Un-to Je-suseome with your load oi' grief, And re -pose in faith on His breast For the He will In His There your -m . T V- *^- |-^-|-^ : -p : F> ^-*--t s 4 --n--M- slaves of sin was a ransom paid, When the Lamb ofCal-va-ry died, save the lost that to Him draw nigh, Thro' the precious blood that He spilt, boundless grace, He will peace im-part To the mourner, lowly and meek, burdened spir - it shall tiud re -lief, — On the Lamb of Cal-va-ry rest. 'Twasa blessed, day, fori fall - en race, When the Lamb of Cal-va-ry died; Je - sus saves the humble now, in His D. S. — Je - sus saves the humble now, in His J. By per. R. M. McINTOSH. THE LAMB OF CALVARY. -Concluded. Fine. . .' . k \ , I Rock of A - ges, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the wa • Not'the la - bor of my hands Can ful-fill Thylawsdemands;Couldmyzeal While I dra,w this fleeting IncathAYhen mine eyelids close in death. When I soar terandthe blood, no respite know, toworlils unknown, From Thy riv - en side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save me from its guilt and power. Could my tears for-ev-er flow, All, for sin could not a - tone ; Thou must save, and Thoua-lone. See Thee on Thy judgment throne, — Eockof A - ges cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee. 90 iTK M. Davis. OVER THE RIVER OF LIGHT. Duet and Chorus. Frank M. Davis. There's a beau- ti - i'ul land, which by faith we can see, We are nearing that land as the days speed a- way, We shall en - ter the cit - y whosegatewaysaregold, O - ver the riv - er of . light ; Soon will the journey be done; Claspthcdcarhandsgonebe - fore; mm^m^- 'Tis the land of im - mortals, the home of our God, We shall join in the songsthat the ransomed onessing, We shall dwell in the sunlight of un - fading love, Fullness of joy and de - light. Heaven - ly peace will be won. Safe on E - ter - ni -ty's shore. i.Vpu.jl ; 1--". I.y .!. II Ml.'-'! \K\ OVER THE RIVER OF LIGHT.-Conciuded 1. A. charge to keep I have, A Godtoglo-ri - fy; A never-dy-ing. soul to save, Andfititfor the sky. 2. To serve the present age. My calling to ful - til; Oh, may it all my powers engage. To do my Master'swill. 3. Armmewilh.jcalouseare. As in Thy sight to live; And oh. Thy servant, Lord! prepare, A strict account to give. 4. Help me to watch and pray, And on Thyself re - ly; Assured, it' I my trust betray, I shall forev-er die. JUDGMENT HYMN KUKZENKNABE. TV" ■ ' " ' "-*7 • r 1. God,whenatThyj in lament throne My trembling soul dm wsnear,A\ hen Thou, iumajes - ty supreme, Be - 2. Odread,Ofearfuldayofwrath,WhencloudsofdarlciK's.slowei^YhcuGodshallsit up - on Histhroue,Ar- 3. OhoweouldlapproachThypower.AlniightyJudgeofrnen, Andstand,withall my -weight of sin, fore my eyes ap - pear ; rayed in fear-ful power; fore Thy presence then, O, may I lose my - self in Him Who bore my sins for me : O O soul, lose not thy trust in Him Who gave His life for thee; O Had not the Saviour's precious blood been shed so full and free? O let me but re - member, then, lie died. He died for me. let me but re - member, then, He died, He died for me. let me but re - member, then, He died. He died for me. O, in that great and aw - ful day, My JUDGMENT HYMN. Concluded. 93 1. Dear Lord, I'm kneeling at Thy cross; O, bless me er 2. I give myself, my all to Thee, This of-fer-ing re 3. For on - ly fill - ly blest I'll be, When I can say and 4. Give me a pure and ho - ly heart, De - vot - ed, Lord, to know, Thee; D. S. And cleanse my heart from And that it is ac - The blood of Je - sus And all the glo - ry -And bid me go and ev - ery sin, And wash me white as snow, cept - ed now, Oh help me to be - lieve. Christ, His Son, Has washed me white as snow, shall be Thine, Now and e-ter - nal - ly. sin no mure. Made perfect in Thv love. * ** * -*-■*--*--•- «T, ■I'm waiting for Thy blessing, Lord ; O, send it from a - bove. 94 Mrs. R. N. Tubner. COME, SING TO HIS GLORY -'5 8. B. Ellenbeegee. h mmm 1. Come, sing to His glo-ry, ex - ult - ingly sing; AVho liv-etli ibr-ev-er, our Lord and onr King: His 2. His wonderful wisdom the u-niverse planned, And nature o - beyeth His mighty command ; The :{. Our Lord and our Saviour, Almight-y in power, Thou art to Thy people theirStrength and their Tower: In ate mer-ey e - ternal, Looks down from on high; Though great and Al- mighty, He rul-eththe sky. laud and the o-eean His mandate but heard. And, quickened with gladness, They moved at His word. Theethereis mer-cy that knoweth no end; Our Hope cv - cr - lasting, Re - deem -er and Friend! -V— i» s— r-i*> =-F~ H 2 - 5 "!^ COME, SING TO HIS GLORY. -Concluded earth is resounding With praise to His name. And caith is resounding With praise to Hi / / t f , r rrf f JOY, JOY, JOY; HE LIVES, OUR RISEN KING. Alexcenah Thomas. J. H. Kurzenkxabe. Fine. 1. Joy, joy, joy ; He lives, our ris-enKiug! Joy, joy, joy ; Let men and an -gels sing! The 2. Joy, joy, joy ; The stone is roller! a - way : Joy, joy, joy; Now dawns e - ter - nal day ; The :'.. .Toy, joy, joy ; In ev - ery heart a -bound : Joy, joy, joy ; O'er all the earth resound : He D. C. — Joy, joy, joy ; He lives, our ris-en King! Joy, joy, joy; Let men and an -gels sing ! Lord of life and gladness Is eou night of death is scattered, AH men? 101 a es with might and power. The Lon 1 ■■j > \, y Mejrain D. 0. ?ror to-day ; Away with grief and sadness. A 11 hearts must now be gay. [1 lifeobtain : The gloomy prison'sshaltered. And Jesus comes to reign, ight and love ; lie lives. lie lives to save us. He reigns in Heaven above. 96 EASTER BELLS. To Be Accompanied by the Chiming of Small Bells. ALEXCENAn Thom Allegrcttt CiKO. ,T. IvURZENKXABE. 1. Eas - ter bells are sweet-ly peal -ing, Eas - ter flowers are blooming fair. Eas - ter breez - es 2. Bright-ly, Res-ur - rec - tion's beauty Beams o'er all the world to - flay; Vanquished are the 3. Chris -tian hearts are now re-joic-ing On this bles - sed day of days, Peal on peal, from t>. S. — Eas - ter bells are soft - ly stealing, Eas - ter mu - sic ev - erywhere. pow'rs of darkness. Night anil gloom are turned to day. hap - py voi - ces, Fills the house of God with praise, pealing, Eas - ter mu - sic ev - erywhere. - ; , f . f- f. Hal - le - lu - jah! uj ^ T | - | | )hristis ris - en, Hal-le - lu-jah! Con-queroraud He — Christ — hath triumphed gloriously. Copyright, 1B89, by „'. H. KURZENKNABE. BEDECK THE CROSS WITH FLOWERS FAIR. 1. Bedeck the on iss with flowers fair, Spread fragrance and perfume ; The Lord of Life who sulfcred here, Has 2. 'TwasJesusblessedthecrossforme;Andev- er it shall prove To be thecrossof vic-to-ry, Of 3. Dear Lord, accept my of- ferine. This Kcs-urreetiou day, While stcadlast loThy cross I cling. Thou ■4. Thon risen Lord, look down on me, Be Thou mv hiding place ; Oh, let me live and die in Thee, And * i from the tomb, riumph, life, and love. [Break ye forth in joy-ful strain, Bear the glo - riousr irt my hope and stay. I Break ye forth in joy - ful strain, Bear the glo - rious "imph in Thy grace Iw'.I.NkX \Ki.. HALLELUJAH! JESUS AROSE 1. "Why seek ye the liviii^'nioiifjthedcail?" Thean-nvl in whitedid say, When Ma - ry asked where her ■2. Be -hold where He lay, the emp-ty grave; Why do you still linger there? The Lord o-ver death, with 3. Go tell thedis-ciples — they must know — Hegoeth to Ga - li - lee, As .le - sus he-fore hath 4. Go tell the good newsto nations, then, In darkness, and bound in chain; Re-pent and believe, and f p f P f»-T-p P— * g— I-P-- f f f P— |Vp»— r»— i i * ' f P - CHRIST IS RISEN! HALLELUJAH! 99 Gertrude V. Kirzexkxabe. J. H. Kurzenknabe. 1. Christ a - rose, all Heaven re- jok'-i's ! Lett the tomb for - ev - er - more; Let lis join with hearts and 2. Joyful news, what strains of gladness ! Je-sus lives, the world to save: Leaveyour bonds! a-way with 3. Je-sus lives to reign vie - torious, Death no long - er leaves its stiug ; Let us, then, instrainsniost 4. Je-sus died thatHe might save us From the cnrse of Satan's reign ; ThenHe rose ondpowerHe *.'£££ - - I - C £ - voi - ees, And our ris - en Lord a - (lore, sad - ness ! Lite is yours be-yondthe grave, i p, glo-rious. Sweetest Eas - ter ear - ols bring. '" gave us, That we, too, shall live a - gain. Copyright, 1389, by J. II. KVRZENKX ll'.K lOO TELL THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. Axexcenah Thomas. \v. A. Oqdeh; 1. Tell the whole wide world the sto - ry, How the bless - ed Saviour died; Howthetombwassealedand 2. Tell the whole wide world the sto - ry, How the stone was rolled a - way; How the Saviour rose tri - 3. Tell the whole wide world the sto - rv, Sound it loud o'erearth and main; Jesus lives and reigns for- > ^ *- J J J J J > > J - - I s £ * J J guard -ed "Where He lay, — theeru-ei - tied, um - pliant O - ver death, at dawn of day. ev - er, Hal-le - lu - jah be the strain is ris - en, Hal-le - lu - jah ! Death 1 yielded up its prey; He ris - en, Hal-le - lu -jah! Opened are the "gates of day. f J J J , J .J ■ -* - - 1 . 1 l'..|.;rUlil, ls*». hy J. II. Kl 11ZKXKN A I.E. WHEN I CAN READ MY TITLE CLEAR. 101 A. S. KlKFFER. 1. When I can read my ti - tie clear, To mansions iu the skies, I'll bid farewell to 2. Should earth a-gainstmy soul en -gage, And fie - ry darts he hurled, Then I can smile at 3. Let. cares, like a wild del - uge, come, And storms ol'sor - row fall, May I but safe-ly 4. Then shall I bathe my wea - rv soul In seas of heavenly rest, And not a wave of ^ I 102 RESTING BY AND BY. Chas. Enw. Pollock. 1. Christians, are you growing weary '.'There'll lie resting by 2. Have you ma - ny liours of anguish'.' There'll lie resting by :!. Cheer up then, no long-er tearing. There'll be resting by 1. Let ns work and keep on praying, There'll be resting by Where When ' If ■our path our souls > r ou see way will our His dark and drear -v? There'll be resting by and by.] no more languish ; There'll be resting by and by. j T , and by. ln and by. J Lord's ap - pear - iug ; There'll be resting by word o - bey - ing ; There'll be resting by There'll be rest inn and by , When the toils of life ver, There'll be resting by and by. ARE YOU WAITING AND WATCHING? 103 W. E. P. W. E. Penn. -J &- 1. Should Jesus come in the ear- ly morning, Or should He come at night, — Say will He find us 2. Should Jesus come w-ith His ho - ly angels, Shall we not greet Him there? Shall we be read - y, 3. When Jesus comes, will He iind us faithful, Withgarmentspureand white, With precioussheavesall 4. Yes, I am waiting and ev - er watching, Hoping to see Him come, That I may see Him I J I s ^ J I i ail inland watehing With lampsall liiiniinghright ? ~| vaiting and watehing. lieady withsongand prayer? | „ larner'd and ready, Hail Him with sweet delight? ' all His glory, Gath'ring His jewels home. fr^^ 1 J I ' 104 LORD! HOW THY WONDERS ARE DISPLAYED. James Watts. J. H. Ki ijzexio 1 S i v 1. I sing the might 2. I slug the wis 3. I sing the good 4. His hand is ray y power of domthat or uess of the per - pet-ual God That made the moun dained The sun to rule Lord That filled the earth guard, He keeps me with taius rise. That spread the the day ; The moon shines with food : He formed the His eve: Why should I - broad. And built the loft full at His com - maud, And all the tureswithHis word" And then pronounced then for-aet the Lord, Who is for - ev y skies. o - bey. I Lord ! how Thy wonders : them good. er nigh. Conngin, i-»'.i. i.v J. li ki:k/-f.nkxabi:. THE PRICELESS GIFT. 105 Mi's. R. N. Ttjbnee. HAHUY J. Kl'RZKXKXABK. ij^m ^mm^m 1. I waswand'ringoncea -far Through the desert land of sin, Seeking still, but .finding not, Joy with- 2. What shall he the price I pay For the blessings I receive. For the mercies, groatan-.l high,Whiehmy 3. Heart and hand and soul and voice, Wake you all to earnest zeal! While the precious compact now Bears my — 4 --L* — g— | -U— 1 < — b— > — P — v P -j-U—b—v 11 ^ out or peace with -in: Then a < tenth- Strangercamc -And put liirlh Uishand divine : Lo ! my Saviourtherel sinful soul retrieve? Though ten thousand years were thine, Thou couldsl not one fan!! atone; Take t he gill I oiler blessed Saviour's seal : All de - votion ev-er- more Yield ItothisGraciousFriend, Who such heavenly mercy D. S. — Thoughall other hopes may found, — All I lis wealth and joy were mine. thee, Free-ly, freely for thine own. [■ Blessed Friend, forev-er mine; Refuge, ev-er sweet and sure, gives Without price and without end. J fail, Thou for - ev - ershalt en - dure. ♦ f- *- f- -f- m f-^_ ■*-.,,, , ».*- *- ■*■ •«■ -*■ . lU'KZKNKNAliK. 106 OUR FATHER CARETH FOR US. Lizzie Ashbaugh. J. H. Ki-rzexknabe. 1. Oh, how precious is the promise AVhich the Sa-viour did be - stow, That the 2. Je - sus tells us that the Fa - ther Car - eth for the birds and flow'rs; O, how A. He a ta - ble has pro - vid - ed, Where the hun - gry souls are fed ; With His Father caivth lor us. Whereso - ev - er we may go ; sweet to us the knowledge, This same loving God is ours : people there u-nited, We shall taste the liv - iug bread : can nev - er -wander from Him, Let us if He doth feed the ravens, And doth the feast of His remembrance He will journey where we will, And His presence will go with us. And His hand will guard us still. clothe the lil - ies fair, Shall we not believe the promise. How much more for us He'll care? nourish all His own, Till He comes to reign in glo-ry, — King and Judge, — up - on the throne Copyright, lf^y, by J KCRZKNKXABE. OUR FATHER CARETH FOR US -Concluded. Refrain. 107 Cast your bur - densallup - on Him, Knowing that Hecaresfor us; Cast your heavy burdens all on Him, Knowing that He ever cares for us ; r , t- f f- , — r r f r rr , r r r trust Him, we shall nev If we trust Him, we shall nev - er er Know a want more Know a want J- nor feel (lis - nor fear, nor feel distress. GLORIA PATRI. Glory lie to the Father, and As it was iu the beginning, is now, and 108 BLESSED DAY OF REST. Rev. J. H. Martin, D. D. R. M. MfTxTiisii. 1. 'Tis I he blessed day of rest. I'.ythc Lord kindly giv'u. And we gat her to worship Ood, Oiu Father in Heav'n: , Hail the blessed Sabl >ath rest, With its scenes t ranquil, sweet, When in Zion, the house of pray 'r, With gladness we [meet; 3. 'Tis a jewelfairand bright, Joyfulliine, sacred rest ; "Tis an emblem to usofHeav'n, Day fairest and best: If with lowly hearts we come. And thro' Jesnsdraw near; What a joy to Ilisebildren, In Iliscom-tstoap-pear. As belore the throne we bend. With confession of sin, Heav'nly peace tills the bosom, Flows a river with -in. If we keep it to the Lord, Andllishlessing we seek. Weshallprizeitas golden, Asthegemof the week. St 7 *— J-J-,- ^mm^m Hap- pv day of rest, Happy day of rest, What a jov to His children ; In Hishousethevare blest. Mary B. Peck When darkening shadow 'round mi lulls, And light and hope seem gone, His eye can pierce the darkest cloud, His arm all dan-ger stay; When sorrows eomc with crushing blow, O'er my de - fenceless head; So, eheerful-ly I'll tra - velonThronglilife'sdark, thoni-y way; There is one thought my He waits for nei - ther I treni - ble not ; for I'll fear no ill, I'm heart upholds ; It is, I'm not a - lone. ] look nor word, Our troubles to al - lay. I No - uev " er a " Ione ' well I know Who by my side doth tread. jj no t a . l ne, uev - er a - lone, Can not a - lone While Je - sus is my stay. Je - sus' followers be; He's ev - ernear,why should we fear? Our Guide and Hope is He. CiH.jri.tfit. 1--W. b) ,1. II. KL'IC.KNKNAIU: MERCYS GATES ARE OPEN 1. You,\vho long in sin have wu,,1ered, From the Saviour's fold a -way, Come, thedoorof mtrcy' 2. Far away in realms of glo - ry, An-gelvoiceschant tin-strain : ('nine, the iloor «i im-eni * 3. On the ear the tones are fall - ing, Like sweet music from a- hove : Come, the door of mercy's pen, pen ,— pen, ■u-y O - pen wide for you to - day. Earth repeats the glad re - train Now accept a Father's love. Come, O Come, O come, to - day, Come, O i Sinner, come to-day ; Come, O come, -«--*. *. *- M. day ; Come, the door of mercy 's o - pen: - pen wide for you to-day. Sinner, comelo-dav: Come. the doorof merev'sopen : O - pen wide to - dav. forvouto-da Copjrtghl, 1889, by J. H. KURZEKKNABE. FEAR NOT. Ill B. St\\\<;kyiii:i;i; mmmgm mm^mi 1. Rest con -tent- ed, anx-ious spir - it, r riumj;li tliu world should use you ill; Just beneath the •J. Ev-ery star that glad-dens evening, Ev - ery flower that cheers the dell, Ev-ery blade of 3. In the house of E - gypt's Master, By the hot A - ra - bian sea, Iu the den of 4. Xot a spar-row, not a sparrow Fall-eth on the breast of earth But 'tis witnessed md^ g^ff^, an - gry sur-iiice There are wa-ters calm and still : What tho' thlsc ■I'riendsdo be - tray thee, grass that gnmeth. Canst thon all their numbers tell? God hath made them all to please, thee, Per-sia's ty-rant, On the Lake of Ga - li - lee, — Ev - ery where His lov - iug kind - n ess by the Fa-tluT, He whose pow - er gave it birth: Then, my soul, do not de - spair thee. H#^im^iii##^i#p i ■-vil men should slay thee'.-' There is One who rules the storm ; He will keep I lire sale from harm. tthem all, He loves thee: Aye, thy name to Him is known; He'llnotleaveHischilda- lone, ae our hu-man blindness: Courage, then, my tnn'rous soul ; All niustyieldto His con-trol. e will sure-ly keep thee, Spite of dangers and a - larins; Trust the ev - er - lasting arms. mmmmmm 112 IS MY NAME WRITTEN THERE? JI. A. Kidder. Fhaxk M. Davi 1. Lord, I care not for riches, Neither silver nor gold ; I would make sure of Heaven. Iwouldenterthefold : 2. Lord, rnysinsthcyaremany, Likethesandsof thesra: But Thy hloi id. my Saviour, Is sufficient for me : 3. < )h! that beautiful cit - y. With its mansions oflight, With its glo-rified beings, In pure garments of white ; dip' In the book of Thy kingdom. With its pages so fair. Tell me, Jesus, my Saviour, Is my name written there? For Thy promise is written Iu 1 night let ( era that glow, ' ' Tho' your sins be as scarlet. I will make them like snow. ' ' Where no evil thing cometh. To despc iil what is fair. Where the angels are watching. — Is my name written there ? J J 0-0i0 ,,g — .-» ■ * i T f" -f ~T irnv name written thoiv.i hitli.- pauv white and fair? Iuthel kol'Tln knindnni.Liiivnaiuewrittenthe . >J 0000 ,,, .0 r ' THE PRODIGAL F. E. Pr-TTivur-i 1. Wayward child. whose footsteps stray Fnmithe Father's house.a - way. Where the path seems bright and 2. Kich-ly blest are they who share Irian earth - ly father's care, Share his gen - tie heart, that 3. Far be - yond, and far a - bove Human patience, human love, Doth the pa - tient Love Di - Refrain. — WayTpWcMld,whosefootstepastmyPromtheFatiner'shouseaway, Let thy- feet no long-er fair, But whose sin - ful pleasures snare, And whose false, de - ceiving glare Leads to bides Firm and true, whate'er be - tides. Though the path be sin - de - filed, Still the vine Rest up - on your path and mine; Yes, the lov - ing Fa-ther will Welcome roam, Take the path that leads thee home. k k bare ; Oh ! re - turn, de - lud - ed child, Seek thy Father, re - eon father loveshis child; And his pa- tient spiv -it yearns Till the prod-i-gal re - back the prodi - gal: Wayward one, now cease to roam, Take the path that leads thee ciled. turns, home. 114 LET OUR CHORUS LOUDLY RING. Mrs. R. N. Turner. J. H. Kurzenknabe. dzz ¥t^-M= aettosingTliy praises InThy cc id us with Thy mercy, All life'sj wu in quick succession, Bearing 1. "We have met losing Thy praises In Thy courtsonee mure, WithTh.v holy spirit bless us, Father we implore: 2. Thou dost lead us with Th'v mercy, All life'sjoumey on; Though the shades of night ma v gather. Cloud less breaks [the mora: 3. Years have flowu in quick succession, Bearing us a - way; Time is beck'ningever onward To e - ter- nal day : m^mm^^^^^mm^^ Thou, the source of ev - 'ry mer-cy, Grant Thy blessings all our days; Let Thy grace de-scend up- Hope is crown'd with blest fruition, Per- feet joy hath found her place ; In such grief that falls up- When the gates of heaven shall o - pen To our wear - y pil - grim feet, In our Fa- ther's house of ^-- — • — i«_ r ^_« — ft — *_^_4L # L # e — f^L—fr — fi-i—0 o • -p. — «__ ^ — «_^ — « — ^ z ? — f — f = £» :== * —» — » — H — F ^^H^u — F — v — I S^+f-'-V-f — » — Eg — » — f — f^H u I i I i iuyiiii Refrain. , feSfep££ on us, While we glad- ly sing Thy praise, j Letour cho - rus loud - ly ring, Through the on us, Lord, Thy love di-viue we trace. \ glo- ry May we all so glad -ly meet. J loud - ly ring, LET OUR CHORUS LOUDLY RING.-Concluded. 115 irth, and through the skies, To the source of ev - 'ry good, Let songs of praise a - rise, the skies; ___ a — ._* # P—r-P ,— r -0—0— r -0 p P — P r -P p p a — . 1 — T®! — ,-ffi-i,-, ALL GLORY TO THEE. Mrs. R. N. Turner J. H. IvUEZENKNABE. ^P^^ig^ii^gig Allglo-ry at- tend Thee, all praises he Thine; Thou I'rineeof the peo- pie, In- car- nate Di - •J. Supremein Thy wisdom, E-ter-nal in might, We how in Thy presence, O In - fi - nite Light, 3. O joy he- yond measure, 0, sweetest and best; Through patient endurance, We'll taste of Thy rest. 4. Inimor-tal Thou livest, welive at Thy side; Through ages un - end-ing, With Thee we a- hide. D.S. — glo - ry at-tend Thee, all praises be Thine;Thou Prince of the peo- pie, In - car- nate Di - vine. All glo-r.v and ho -»-P r+-H +— rT=— T-— P r P P *■ All blessing mid ]ir;ii^-;Tii orouuThci-l'orcN ■0- -0- -0- -p- (2-r-*- mmpm 116 NO BREAD TO-DAY. 1. Xo bread to-day, no food for our table. And not ■ a-pen-ny to 2. Oh.it is hard to suf-ferand hunger, 'With not a mor - sel to 3. Sad is our lot, we're wea - ry and hungry, And no one seemeth to O, do you wonder On - ly half clad, so Cold is the house, and mother is weeping, And that the lit -tie ones poor and so friendless, And without shoes on oui comfortless, cheerless, Barren of ta -ble or e is the cupboard, all the shelves empty ; feet: Hard that our father goes, to the bar-room, chair: rather in Heaven ! in Thv com -passion, •R r< V i What can a poor mother say From his own loved ones a - way ; Hear us, we fervent-ly pray When all the children throng her. entreating. Give us some bread "While mother dear, and children are weeping, And have no bread Bring back ourfather to those who love him. And give us bread —Come to our help, re - lieve our distresses, ; Give us sonic bread NO BREAD TO DAY. -Concluded. ' ; ■ ,! - ri h fe I h n n n js i _.l f* s . No bread to-day, — 0, Fa-ther in Heaven! Hear us in mer-cy, we pray; HUSHED WAS THE EVENING HYMN. A. Sullivan. 1. Hushed was the eveninghymn. The templecourtswere dark ; The lamp was burning dim Before the 2. Oh! give me Samuel's ear, The o - pen ear, Lord'; A- live and quick to hear Each whisper 3. Oh! give me Samuel's heart, A low - ly heart that waits Where in Thy house Thou art, Or watches 4. Oh! give me Samuel's mind, A sweet, unmurmuring faith, O - bedient and resigned To Thee in sa - cred art: When sudden - ly a voice di -vine Bang thro' the silence of the shrine, of Thy word : Like him to answer at Thy call. And to o - bey Thee first of all. at Thy gates: By day and night, a heart that still Moves at the breathing of Thy will, life and death; That I may read with child-like eves, Truths that arc hidden from HARK, THE HERALDS FROM THE SKY ZEXKNABE. 1. Hark! theheralds from the sky: Glory botoljod most high ! The heavenly choirsglad l i. ! i 1 1 -s 1 >riiip. Of Christ the 2. Hail the mighty PrinceofPeace, (iloriousSonof Righteousness! Behold Him lay Ilisglo-ry by. That man no 3. Let us pon- der in our mind God'sgreat love to all man-kind, And come to-day withoneaceoidToworship ■1. Bring vour tribute, bring voursong. Ye who to the Lord he -long: Ye nations who in darkness lie. Now- learn His new-born Sa - viour King. "] more be doomed to die. I Let us now with grate - ful voi-ces, Join the glad an-gel - ie Ihri and o-bey the Lord. f Till with loud acclaim re - joi-ces Every .... nameaudtasteHis jov. J '• ~+ r .«■ ..p p , p p p p & kindred, clin: i' and tongue, Singing glo-ry toGod in the highest, On earth, peace, good-will toward i HAIL, HAIL, HAIL. 119 AlKXi'KXAH TlIOM Geo. J. KuEZENKNAHi-:. 1. Hail, hail, hail, the bless -eil Christmas mom; Hail, hail, hail, the Prince of Peace is born ; The 2. Hail, hail, hail, to Christ our In-fant King; Hail, hail, hail, the choirs ce-les-tial sing; The 3. Joy, joy, jov, our hearts are glad to - day; Joy, joy, joy, let sor- row flee a - way; For _J^ Hfc-jL-fc. f f f r if u u I i> ' V Lord of life and pow-er, Of wis -dom, love aud grace, Has come to heal His peo-ple, To heavenly host re - joic-es Throughout the star- ry sky, While all oiir hap-py voic-es Sing Christ, our Light was giv -en To ban-ish all our woe, And He came down from ] i ii' i save the fallen race. ~\ praise to God on high. J- Hail, hail, hail, let angels prostrate fall ; Hail, hail, hail, and crown Him Lord of all. love for us to "show. J 120 TIDINGS GLAD. fAMES MONTGOMERY. J. H. KUBZENKNABE. 1. Dawning upon tin- slccpi ng earth Came the 2. Tidings, glad tidings from al>ove To 3. Through David's city I am led ; Here 4. It is, it is, and I adore This .... long-ex -pect-e ev - ery age and all around are Strangcrmeeks morning. na - tion. lecp-ing, ow - ly, 1 When suddenly a liuht burst forth, Thel Tidings, glad tidings! Godislove;To A star directs to yon poor shed ; There : saints and angels bow before The | KI'U/.r.NKNAKI PRAISE HIM Light breaks in the eastern sky — tilorimis light of proph-e - cy ! Lo ! the Saviour promised long; Him who comes from highest heaven, Him all praise and love be given. Ev-ery heart a throne prepare "Tis of Him the prophets tell, He shall rule His peo - pie well ; 'TisHim all the Gentiles seek, Je -sus, Thonour heart \sde- light, Teach us to receive Thee right : Tune our songthat we may bring Comes announced by an -gel throng. Fit for Christ to en - ter there. All the world His praise shall speak. WoT-thy hon-ors to our King. Praise Him, little children, Praise Him, happy children; Worthy is your land King. Praise Him, meek and lowly, Praisellim. pureandholy, Him yonrhoinage glad -ly bring. Copyright, 1889, by J. H, KTTEZENKNABK. ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, Lord God of Sab -a-oth ; Heaven and earth are full, are full of the ma-jes-ty of Thy glo-ry. Ho-san-na, Ho-san -na, Ho-sauna in the highest ! Blessed is He that 1*" ~?~ » t ^<2 a > .f 2- 4.' , (2 ♦• * . » "f" "*-' "!~ , 7~ "J " r Jt «_ • eth in the name of the Lord. Ho - sari - na, Ho - san - na, Ho - sanna in the high - est ! LET US BUILD ON THE ROCK. 123 Fraxk M. Davis. On a firm foundation let us build our hopes, And not on thedrilHngsandjForthetenipest'sshockwillsurely 2. On theRockof A-geslctusslrimgiv build. The Ifockthatisslcadfasl, sure; On a firm foundation that no 3. Christ is that firm Rock on which we all should build. All other foundations fail: If our hopes are firmly planted f- f- f- f- -f 2 - - f-' f- ■*- f- . ■*- \JV I UP come at last ; Then how can we safe- ly stand?] , . , .,, storm can shake, That will to the end en- dure. \ het us mula on tne Kock, Let us on that Kock, We've safe, let what will as - sail. J Let us build on the Rock, on the mighty Rock, Let us pmmm^ i^^paf a build on the Rock, build on the Rock, on the mighty Rock, Let us build on the Rock, the mighty Rock, On Christ, the mighty Rock of Ages. 124 THEE WE ADORE, ETERNAL LORD. Thomas Cotteeill. J. H. Kuezenknabe. 1. Thee we a-dore, e - ternalLord ! We praise Thy name with one accord ; Thy saints, who here Thy 2. To Thee, aloud all angels cry ; And ceaseless, raise theixsongsonhigh ; Both Cher-u-bim and 3. Th' Apostles join the glorious throng. The ProplH'tsswellth'immortalsong ; The Martyrs' no - ble goodnesssoc. Through all the world do worship Thee. 'Ser-aphim, The Heavens, and all the pow'rs therein. arm-y raise E - ter-nal anthems to Thy praise. , ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly King ! Thee, OLoTdGodof Hosts! they sing ;Thisearthlielow, and Heavenabove. Re - sound Thy glo-ry andThylove. C.prrkM l-*.l. k.l. II. I souls are horn a - gain. gels, And the streets wifhsougre- Thereisjoy among 1 he angels, purest joy, And the golden streets of sound, When a soul returns to Je - sus, And the lost again is found Heav'n with song resound, AVhen a soul returns to Je-sus, By per. THE NEWHALL 4 EVANS MUSIC CO. FOR CHRIST IS OUR ENDEAVOR. 129 Rev. R. F. Gordon. J. R. Murray. 1. ForChrist is our en-deav-or, Ourheartsto Him be-long; His presence cheers us ev - er, His 2. In fullness of His mer - cy, Good work lor Him we do; His name with joy eon- less- ing, His 3. So with youth's ar-dor glow- ing, We will - ing ser - vice give ; Themiud of Je - sus knowing, We m, ve inspires our song: We come in youth's bright morning. Obedient to His word; And seek for our a - standard bearers true : And He will nev-er fail us, Whatev-er may he-tide; Tho'dangershouldas- for His hon-or live: For He is our en-deav-or, And to Him we he-long ;"Whosegraceshallnever dorn - ing. The beau -ty of the Lord : And seek for our a sail us, In Him we safe a -hide: Tiro' dan -ger should i fail us, Whose, love inspires our song : Whose grace shall l - doming. The beauty of the Lord. - sail us. In Him we sati? a - bide, fail us, Whose love i us] >i res our song. CHCIieH CO. mm^m ISO Selected Earnestly WHAT CAN I GIVE? 1. What can I give to 2. I'll give my strength to 3. I'll give my time to 4. I'll give my soul to sus, Who gave His life for sus, Of foot, and head, and sus, Oh! that each hour might sus, And calm-ly, sweetly How Run Filled where He up with youthful show my sends, and ho - ly hojpes and love for Him Who did so much for me? ev - er strive His pleasure to ful - fill, work for Him "Who gave His life for me. fond de- sires Up - on His lov - ing breast. childhood's ten -der spring; I know that He will not despise The off 'ring that I bring. O THOU WHO DWELLEST IN THE SKY. 131 Mrs. R. N. Turner. John E. Kurzexknabe. 1. O Thou who dwellest in the sky, Cve- a - tor ! King ! ToTheeourpraiscasi •cndeth high On joy - fulwing: 2. Redeemer! Saviour! Frienilol'all! We come to Thee ; We hoa r Thy gracious lu\ ing call. Thy ten- derplea: 3. Spirit bless' (1 ! from Heaven descend. This gracious hour ;Tliy loving hclpandcomlbrt lend; Thy ho-ly power : 4. ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly Lord, Thou Three in One! Thy name shall ever be adored: To Fa - tlicr, Son, Thy power and might ere - a - ted light And all things wonder - 1'ul ami bright :C're - a - tor! King! We see fulfilled, sal - ration's plan, In Thee a - lone .; Thou Clod and Man ! We come to Thee. O sanc-ti-fy our souls from sin. That we newhopcand life may win ; This gra - eioushour. And Ho-ly Ghost, all praise be given ; The might -y God of earth and Heaven, Great Three in One. U V V Hon - or, praise, and glo - ry, be To the bless - ed Triu - i - ty. Ho-ly, ho-ly, holy Lord ! liy all Heaven and earth adored: Honor, praise, and glory, he To the blessed Trinity. Cjpwuiht, 1.1*1. I.i J. H. Kl KZKNKNABE. 132 CHRIST IS ALL. W. A. Williams. I 1/ I 1. I entered once a home of care, For age and pen - u - ry were there, Yet peace and joy with- al; 2. I stood beside a dy -ingbed, Where lay a child with aching head, Wait-ing forJes-us' call; 3. I saw the mar - tyr at the stake, The flames could nothis courage shake, Nor death his soul ap-pall; 4. I saw the gos - pel herald go To Afric's sand and Greenland's snow, To save from Satan's thrall ; 5. I dreamedthathoary Time hadfled, And earth and sea gave np their dead, A fire dissolved this ball ; , "Then come to Christ, oh! come to-day," The Father, Son, and Spir- it say ; The Bride repeats the call; ilpppppi I asked the lone - ly mother, whence Her helpless widow bond's defence ; — She told me," I marked his smile, 'twas sweet as May. And as his spir - it passed a - way, He whispered. ' I ask'd him whence bis strength wasgiv'n. He looked triumphantly to Heaven, And answered Nor home, nor life, he counted dear, 'Midst wants and perils owned no fear, He felt that I saw the church's ransom ; d throng, I heard the bur - den of their song, 'Twas "< 'hrist i? For He will cleanse vonr guiltv stains, His love will soothe your wearv pains ; For ± £.' t: £. ' £ £:' £ £ ' £ r?Z IpHg^ . ■ b - C ^tT^ . -1- L . L L . yT \t ' Christ wasall. Christ is all." "Christ is all. "Christ is all. D all." ii all." ONLY A VEIL. 133 J. H. Kt'rzexknaiie. 1. On-ly a veil conceals the light, Too brightfor frail and nior-tal sight ; On - ly by faith we 2. On-ly a veil screens from oui sight The friends who've crossed the si - lent tide; Sometimes they seem so 3. On-ly a veil hides joy untold : The vie-tor'spalms, the harpsof gold, Crowns of re -joic - ing, 4. Je-sus will welcome you and me; Be - vond this veil our rest shall be: What heavenly mu - sie i r i i see and feel, What glo - ries Heaven will re -veal, ver - y near, That we can al - most see them there, i^i mansions tair. We shall in - her - it o - ver there, what delight! Safe home with God and per - feet sight. lthe veil shall dis - appear; There, I •" I glorious light the ransomed share ; Faith leads the soul to clearer sight. Anddod Himsclt will lie the light. 134 WE MAY SING SWEET SONGS IN HEAVEN. Theo. D. C. Miller, M. D. J. H. FvUKZENKNABE. 1. WemaysingsweetsongsinHeaven'WhenthecrownofgoMiswnD.. And the harp to us is giv-eu For our 2. "We may sing in Heaven forever, With the lo\ing, Moud-washed band. Wien from eharmsof earth wesever.Andgo 3. In the land of augelsinging,'\Vemavjointhesc">ngsiiflove:AVhentheeiiurtsofhlissarerintriii"AVith the ? t * earthly work, well done; We may hear the Shepherd call- ing For the fee-hlelamhs a-stra> uptotaketheLandtTherc with glo - ry sliming o'er us, We may see the blissful fold : spirit choir above: When the Shcpherd'svoieeis call - ing For the precious lambs a-stra\ - 1. ± *- +• +- + . / y g } In the Vnd the In the * -J- storm of wrath ap - palling. At the coming Judgment Day. ") Cit - y fair be -fore us, As we near the gates of gold. J- We may meet beyond the rivt storm of wrath ap-palliug; — Then willcomethe.Judgment Day. ) WE MAY SING SWEET SONGS IN HEAVEN. -Concluded. 135 lambs from earth a -stray ;\Yheu we dwell with Christ, life's Giver, At the com - ing Judgment Day. ± £ ± t. £ £ * *- +- Brighter than the sunlight. Fair-crthaulhe morning. Is the crown of beau-ty Fi >r mi i Lord's a-dorning. Star's, inall their splendor, (Quickly fade lie - fore us When 1 he greater glo - ry of our Lord is o'er us. Hope and faith triumphant, .Joy and peace unending', All their love and rapture To 1 1 is crown are lending. Oh, these hearts most precious. Made forever glorious, Are the noblest crowning For our Lord vic-torious. -Brighter than the sunlight, Fair-er than the morning, Is the crown of beau-ty For our Lord's a-dorning. All who love the Saviour, Glad - ly now a - doreHim; Yousliallslinirasjowc-lsAYcaniigcrownshelbiv Kim. 136 Ait. by E. F. M. IF YOU WANT PARDON. 1. If you want par -don, it' you want peace, If you waut sorrow and sigh - ing to cease; 2. If you want Christ to reign in your soul, Sa - tan cast out, and be made ful - ly whole ; 3. If you want strength, take part in the fight; If you want pu - ri - ty, walk in the light; 4. Hav- ing received sal - va - tion so free, Nev - er for -get what it cost on the tree; Look up to Je - sus, who died on the tree To make our sal - va - Wash in the blood of the Cm - ci - fled One, And then tell to all. If you want lib - er - ty, fear not to say ; Oh, glo - ry to God ; Cheer - ful - lv, al- ways your Saviour o-bey. And you shall have joy tion per - feet and He saves in Him free, done. day. da v. •f V V V Come now to the Come to Him now. £" £" £" f" ~* Dyu/y viour. Re - ject not the Come to Him now ; Re - jeet not the call. Re - call ; ject not rr the call. IF YOU WANT PARDON. Concluded. 137 1. There is a home of rest A - bove the azure sky, 'Whereall the friends ol'l 'linst A\ ill ga-therbyand by. 2. There is a shining crown AwaittngalUheblest. YVhomnkethcir way lVomcaith To yun-ilerhome of rest. 3. There is a song of joy Wnichmultitudesshallchantln yon - der Par-a - disc Of gold and ad - aniant. Where sorrow nev-er comes, Nor wea-riness, norpain, And none shall ev-er weep. Or sigli from grief again. The way will not seem long; The days will swiftly fly ; And we shall reach fullsoou That dear'' sweet by and by." Oh, may we join the strains Of ho - ly symphony, And sing of Jesus' love In Heaven e - ternal - ly. 138 Rev. L. White. GLIDING OUT OF DARKNESS. , He'sa blessed friend to me ; llmve heard His word ol']iardon, And His my In .ut was dark and lonely. Till my Saviour came tome ; He is now my best companion, And He e reached the healing fountain. Flowing from my Saviour's side. I have ventured on His promise, In His •my Saviour walks beside me, He'smy dai - ly bosom friend ; Hesup]>ortsineby His presence, And mil blood has made me free. Ho doth guide me by His counsel, In the way the ho - ly trod ; I ev - ermoreshallbe ; And He cheers me with sweet music As I jour-neyon the road ; I word I will abide: Yes, the holy lire has reached me. Cleansed my heart where sin abode ; I keep me to the end : Thus I journey with rejoicing, Freed of sin's encumb'ringload ; I i\ ^ *-: * -g-: * £: £ g' f 8 - * ■ * ^ • a l • m • • • f . I — gliding out of darkness. In gliding out of darkness, In glid-ed out of darkness. In glid-ed out of darkness. In all thelightofOofl. all the light of God. all the light of God. all the light of Cod. glid gliding, I am , ing out diding out GLIDING OUT OF DARKNESS.-Concluded. 139 9" 9 ' ' V V V V V dark - ness, In - to all the light of God ; In - to all thelightof God. dark-ness, In - to all thclight, thegloriouslightof God ; In - to all the light, thegloriouslightofGc -Thr.yr.fi ri jJLfafr rnnrBrR r, t Xfe 1. Pilgrim thvo' thisharrcnlaud. Banish eareandsadnrss;Gnd. thy keeper, neversleeps. Press thy way Tvith gladness. 2.Tho'thywayhedarkaiiddrear,TrialssoivsuiToiiiiding:Tnistthe Eye that never sleeps. Xaught is there confounding. 3. When all oth-er helpers fail. Wlien the tempest ra-ges ; Seek a shelter bvtlic Rock, Messed WoekofAges. Trust Him as yon journey on. Trust Him. trust Him ever: God, thy keeper never sleeps. He will fail Theenevt H. KriiZKVKVABF 140 Thos. O. Blaie. THE CROWNING DAY. Levi White. Are you inarching in the arm -y of our King, To that gold - en land of bliss beyond the sky? Ave you lighting 'neath the banner of the cross, Trueand faithful to your Saviour till you die? Heart he Saviours voice above thestiifeaud din, While the tier - y darts of Sa- tan 'round you fly ! We'll press onward to that country wondrous iiiir, To that fair - y land ol'peaeebevond the sky; E - ven now His praises bring. Let the cho - rus loudly ring, For the crowning day is coming by and by. If sustaining earthlv lo*s. Know these treasnresave but dross, And the crowning da\ is coming by and by. You the vie - to - ry shall win, O- ver death and hell, and sin. For the crowning day is coming by and by. Earthly crowns cannot a impare With the crowns the saintsshall wear, Iu the crowning day t hat's e< nuing 1 iv and by. Oh, the orowning day is coming, is coming hy and by, Yes, the crowning day is coming, is coming by and by. Co|iyri-in, li?89, bj J. H. KURZ THE CROWNING DAY. -Concluded. IS t» 141 is^^^^ There are crowns for you and UK- ! Crowns ufguld, by i'aiih. we'll see. Crowns and kingdoms in a better world on high. love, won ■ blood surpassing knowledge ! t) grace, so lull and free ! I know that Je-sus saves derful sal - va - tion ! From sin He makes me free ; I feel the sweet as of Christ so precious, Poured out on Cal - va - rv ! I feel the cleansing pow D. S. — I know that Je-sus saves me, And And And And that's enough for that's enough for that's enough for that's enough for lgh for And that's enough for *. *- -ft. 142 Enoch H. Leizuee. Duet. Allegretto. i — ^ i I . J ni SAVED! Beuso Spaxgenbebg. 1. See yon bark a - mid the breakers. >trugglinghard to reach the land; See those brave and ] 2. Soon the storm be-gins to weaken. Light breaks forth, the tempest's past ; ( Inward speeds the no -ble 3. Oh ! how oft thestorniso'crtakeus. As through life we wendourway; Clouds of darkness hang a - sailors, As they la - bor hand to hand: Lightnings dashing, thun - ders rearing, Dan - gens ves-sel, On -ward, onward, saved at last: Theu those hearts are filled with gladness. Fear and boveus, Shutting out the sun's bright ray : Then we lift our eyes to Heaven, Gaz - ing WP^IP SAVED.— Concluded. 143 gtoJjijjinp threaten all around ; Yet their courage does not fail them, Hoping safe - ty may he found sor - rowreigu no more; Saved from shipwreck, fn-e from dan-ger, Saved ! yes, saved! the storm is o'er. t'wardth'E-ter -ualday; And the light grows hrigliter, hrightcr. Ent 'ring Heaven, — savedfor aye! Saved ! oh, hless - ed thought to cherish ; Saved ! we see the gold - en sho: FOREVER BLESSED 1. Gorl has said, forev-er bless - eel , Those who seek me in their youth; 2. Be our strength, for we are weak-ness; Be our wisdom and our guide: 3. Thus,wheneveningshadesshallgather, We may turn our tear-J They shall find the path of May we walk iu love and To the dwelling of our wis-dom, And the narrow way of truth. Guide us, Saviour, meekness, Nearer toourSaviour'sside. Naught ean harm us, Fath-er To our home beyond the sky. Gen -tly pass- ing. Guide us. Saviour, Naught eanharm us. Gen - tly pass - ing In the While we To the narrow way of truth ; Guide us, Saviour, thus in Thee a-bide : Naught can harm us, hap-py land on high ; Gen -tly p — ~ Guideus, Savi„„, Naught can harm us. Gen -tly passing, In the narrow way of truth. While we thus in Thee a - hide. To the happj^landon high. J. H. KlJKZENKNABE. WAIT, PATIENTLY WAIT. L. H. Paktiii;mui:i:. 145 1. Our frieiiilsiiregadirriiig, one l>y one, To meet tliehless-ed Lord; How soon this earthly 2. Whatwondroussoiindstiu' car shall greet, "When comes the midnight cry: "The Lord is come ! go 3. With lamps welltrimmed, we'll watt-hand wait, Allread-y for that day; And come He ear - ly, 4. And then, the ransomed hosts shall join A - round the great white throne ; All praise and glo - iy 1 e journey's done. And then the rich re out to meet The Bridegroom pass- iug come lie late, We'll meet Him on the shall he Thine, Thou Lord and King a ward by. way, Wait, Wait, patiently wait ; Wait for His coming, Be it ear - ly, he it late. Soniegoearly, Otherslate: With your lamps all trimmed and hurning, Read-y, watch and wait. klil.'/l NKNABE. 146 MY SAVIOUR HATH LOVED ME. Mrs. R. N. TtTEJfEE. J. H. Kttbzenknabe. h 1. My Saviourhath loved me, my Savour divine; He gave His dear life as a ran -som for mine: 2. And what shall lining I tini, as highest reward? What gift can I of - fer, that's meet for my Lord? 3. 0, free - ly I give them, my Saviour so dear, My heart, and my hand, and my ser - vice, are here : A sac - ri-ficelio-ly, He died fur my sin, That life ev-er - lasting for me He might ■win. He asks for my service to do His sweet Trill, And love that is willing His plans to ful -fill. The life Thou hast saved, aud the love Thou hast given, Shall serve Thee on earth, and shall praise Thee in Heaven, His love, through all His love, throughalla - ges - E E - ter - - nal and strong; ter-naland strong, Shall he mv delight, my glo-rv and song MY SAVIOUR HATH LOVED ME. -Concluded. 147 shall be His love, my de - light, My -er- lasting, e - ter-naland strong ; Shall " £ t t t TT ry and song, my glo - ry, my glo - ry and song. FROM GREENLAND'S ICY MOUNTAINS. Maron \ [sand ; 1. From Greenland's icy mountains ,F rom India'sooral strand, "When- Afrie'ssunny fountains Roll down their golden 2. Shall we, w hose soulsa re lighted With wisdom from on high— Shall wo. 1 o men benighted. The lamp of life deny? 3. Waft, waft, ye winds, His story, And you, ye waters, roll ; Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from'pole to pole. From many an am-ient riv - er. From many a palmy plain, They call os to deliver Their land l'roni error's chain. Sal- vation, O salvation! The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation lias learned Messiah's name. Till o'erour ransomed nature The 1 .atiili ldrsinnersslain. Redeemer, King, Cre-a - tor, In bliss returns to reign. MIBSIONABY HYMN. Ti lad I 148 WE ARE MARCHING ON. AVe are valiant soldiers marching on, We're marching on, we're marchingou, 2. With the gos - pel banner now unfurled. We're marching on, we're marching on, 3. O -ver there in Af-rie's sun-ny kind.Wc'reniarchingou.we'remarehingon; 4. Vie - tories inChi-na and Ja-pau, We're marchingou, we'remarchingon, D. C. — With our no -hie Leader, tried and true. We' re inarching on, we're marching on, * , ,. *' f f - f * * i f — g — r^-f- ri — * fc-b 4 I — 14: * 1 b— 1-» * f ,*— V* L. H. Parthemohe. In the way our t Bearingglorious news to And behold, ou India's Europe and A - merica And the cross of Je - sns Saviour's gone ; We're marching to the bet - ter land, all the world: We' re marching to the bet - ter land, cor - al strand; We're marehing to the bet - ter land, in the van ; We'remarchingto the bet - ter land. e'er in view ; We'remarchingto the bet - ter land. March - ing Marching, glad-ly - ward, hing on. March - iugev-er on - ward, Marching ev - er ou - ward,To glo Marching, steadily were marching ou ; Marching, ev - er marching on ; Copyright, 1889, by J. H, KURZEXKXABE. -r - | vie - to - ry : we're man hing LEAVE ME NOT, O GENTLE SAVIOUR. 149 Lizzie Ashbaogh. Harry J. Kukzenkxaiik. 1. Leave me not, for I amlone-ly, And the way I cannot see; Lest I wander in - to danger, 2. Leave me not, for darknessgathersRounda-boutthe path I tread ; Leave me not, but let my footsteps 3. Leave me not, for sin is near me ; With temptation life is fraught; Then through all life's toilsome journey, ■r£- Keep me, Ev- er • O, my viour, Ba - viour, Keep me near to by Thy hand be led. J- Saviour, leave me noli. J Leave me not » ° gen - tie Saviour; byJ.H. KUKZi:Xks\'.Hr.. 150 F. E. Pettingkix. THE COMING ONE. 1. Who is this that cometh 2. Who is this that cometh, 3. "Who is this that cometh, in the star-lit glow, As a new-born in - fant, to the manger low ; this poor Naz-arene, With His timely conn- sel, with His faultless mien; spurning earthly gain, To the midnight garden, to the cross of pain ; r f ,r f f £- While the shepherds wnnilcr With His help and healing Com-eth 1'orth triumphant at the wondrous sight, While the an-gel eho - rus wakes the si -lent night? for the lame, the blind, For the poor, the need - y, for the burdened mind ? from the seal- ed grave, Com-eth in Hisbeau-ty, in His might to save? 'Tis the Meek and Low- ly, Just and Ho - ly One ; This is He that cometh, — God's be- lov-edf THE COMING ONE. -Concluded Tisthc Meek and Lowly, Just and Ho - ly One ; This is Ho that com-eth, — God's lie- lov-ed Son. Sj r* u ' — f^~ \ r r ~r~f g~r^~i w * rt — g~~r~fe^ — n* » » ? .-? • n Rev. E. A. H. HOW DEAR A FRIEND IS JESUS! Rev. E. A. Hoffman. 1. How dear a friend is Jesus! How tender is the love. And wonderful the mercy. That brought Himfromabove! 2. How dear a friend is Jesus! How sweet it is to know He walksinlove beside nie'VYherev-er I may go! 3. How deara friend is Jesus! Inhoursofpain and grief ; He comfortsand He cheers me, And brings my son 1 relief. 4. How dear a friend is Jesus! How could He love me so, And leave His home in glo-ry, To sock me here below? g^ffff pilillPP i O Jesus, precious Jesus! My best and dearest Friend! Be Thou my Guide and Helper, Unto my journey 'send. ^ ^^ ^f f ^m^fp^^m 152 TELL IT TO JESUS ALONE. T. E. Rankin, D. D fa=t=J Are you wea - ry, are you heav-y - heart - ed ? Tell it 2. Do the tears flow down yourchecksunbid- den? Tell it 3. Do you fear theguth'i'ingrloudsof sor - row? Tell it 4. Are you troub-led at the thought of dy - iug? Tell it to Je - sus, Tell it to Je - sus to Je - sus, Tell it to Je - sus to Je - sus, Tell it to Je - sus to Je - sus, Tell it to Je - sus ■hU.NUS UK KKKKESHING," bj per. COMING TO THE SAVIOUR'S CROSS. 153 J. H. KUEZENKNABK. JOHN E. KUBZENKNABE. 1. Coraiug to 2. Coming to 3. Coming to 4. Coming to Saviour's cross. Hallowed cross. saving cross ; l'oor ami needy, sin-sick, blind, the Saviour's lilood, Crimson blood, saving blood ; Precious fount that llowsfor thee the Saviour's love, "Wondrous love, saving love ; Arms are o - pen to re - ceive ; the Saviour's hoine, Blessed home, eternal home; Friendsandlovedonesthere-we r £ ± I a Bringthyburdens;thoushaltiindHereatrueand tender Friend, At the saving cross. From the cross of Cal-va-ry ; Have a cleansing full and free. In the saving blood. All thy sins He will forgive If thou on -ly canst be - lie ve In the saving love. Crowns, and Palms of Vic-to-ry; Safe through all e - ter-ni - ty, In that blessed home. tation,— Come! Why in sin yet longer roam? Hasten, sinner, hither come. "While vet thcre'sroom. iP^i^lp II. Kl ■RZKNK.NABF. 154 MEMORIES OF GALILEE. Robert Morris, LL. D. Chas. Edw. Pollock. CopjrLetlt, 1S89, bj J. H. KUBZEXK_\ABE. MEMORIES OF GALILEE. -Concluded OCral-i - lee, sweet Gal-i - lee, Come, sing thy song again to me. OGal-i-lee, sweetGalilee, Come, sLngthysongagaintome, again tome. 1. From the sunny morning To the starry night, Ev -cry look and ac-tiouMectsmirFalheFssight. 2. From our earliest breathing To ourlat-est year, Ev-ery sound to ut - ter Meets our Father's ear. 3. Through our earthly journey, Wheresoe'er we go, Every 1 hi night and li-ding Dot hour Father know. 4. Let us then be care- ful That our hearts may be Good, and kind, and cheerful, And from sin set free. ff.f Help us, our Father, Hear our earnest plea; Teach Thv little children How to live for Thee. <•„,.., ri;ln, 1.-.-9, h.v J. H. KrKZKNKX 11;]:. SAILING O'ER LIFE'S OCEAN 1. We're a faithful pilgrim band. Sailing to theheavenly land; Wit hour spreading sail we on - ward 2. Though the roaring biilowsswell, Yet se - cure -ly we may dwell, Tho'the breakers roar up -on the 3. Though for ma- ny a - gespast She has long withstood the blast. And in safe- ty crossed the bil - lows sweep: Though the tern - pest rag - es long, There is One among the throng Who will lea: 'Mid the storm, by day or night, Trust our Cap - tain, — by Hismight He will o'er, Yet, a - mid the rocks andshoals, She has land - ed man - y souls On fair I guide the sail -or o'er the deep. guide us safe- ly o'er the sea. Canaan's bright and peaceful shore We are sail - - ingo'er the o ceau,We are We are sailing o'er the o-cean,Weare driftingwifhthetide:We are SAILING O'ER LIFE'S OCEAN. -Concluded. 157 drift - - ing with the tide: Soon the storm will all be Sailing o'er the o - cean, We are drifting with the tide : Soon the storm willall be o - ver, Soon the. MUST JESUS BEAR THE CROSS ALONE? J. H. KURZENKNABE. 1. Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all I lie world go free? No, thcrc'sa cross for every one. Anilthere'sa trossforme. 2. The consecrated cross I'll bear, Till deal h si nil I set inelVce; And then go home in V crown to wear. For there's a crown [forme. 3. precious cross! OgloriouscrovvnM) resurrect ion day! \ e angels. 1 nun the stars come down. And bear my soul away. m ^^M^$smm MABTEB. CIL from " BONO TBEA3UBY f a ti $£EP e^ 158 Selected. GATHERED HOME. Chas Edw. Pollock. U U b V [been 1. Shall wc all meet at homein the morning, On the shores of the bright crystal sea. With the loved ones who long have 2. Shall we all meet at home in the morning, And from sorrow forever be free? Shall wejoininthesongsofthe 3. Shall wc all meet at home in the morning. There our blessed I v'edeenicr to see? Shall we know and he known by our meeting, indeed, that will he!") Gathered home, meeting, indeed, that will be! > wait - ing?Whata ransomed? "What a meeting, inaeeu, inarvnu ue: f loved ones? What a meeting, indeed, that will be ! J Gathered home, Gathered home, shores of the bright crystal sea; Gathered home, Gathered home, crystal sea; Gathered home, Gathered home, |S fc I .^VUU WHY NOT TO-NIGHT? 159 Rev. H. Bonae, D. D. Chas. Edw. Pollock. 1. Oh, do not let the word depart, And closethineeyesagainstthe light; sinner, harden not your 2. To - morrow's sun may nev-'er rise To bless thy long-de-luded sight;This is the time ; oh, then be 3. Our Lord, in pit - y ' lingers still, And wilt thou then His love requite ?lienounrc-. at nnee, thy stubborn 4. Ourbless-ed Lord ie-fus - es none Who would to Him llieirsoulsunite ; Believe! o-bey ! — the work is heart wise will: done saved ! yes, — to-night, saved ! yes, — to-night, saved '.yes, — to-night, -to-night. Oh, why not to-night? Oh, why not to Why not to-night? Why not to-night? Why not to-night ? Wilt thou he saved? Then, why not to -night? ■not to-night? Wilt thou be saved? Wilt thou be saved 9 Then, why not, — oh, why not to-night? *r +■ +r £ Cipyri.'l,., is.,n, l,j J. H. KUBZENKXABE. 160 Rev. J. B. Atohinson. LET HIM IN. There's a Stranger at the door, O -pen now to Him your heart, Hear you now His lov - ing voice, . Howad-rnit the heavenly STT~f C G.G f He has been there oft be- If you wait He will de- Now, oh, now make Him yc He will make for you a in, the Ho - ly One, Jesus Christ, the Father's Son ; soul will sure de - fend, He will keep you to the end ; you He will re -store, And His name you will a-dore; earth ties all are riven, He will take you home to Heav'n ; Him in. Him in. Him in. Him in. J^ i Let the Saviour in, let the Saviour in. REJOICE, REJOICE! Philip Doddkidge. 161 Rev. I. Baltzell. 1. sing, ye ransomed of the Lord, Your great De-liv-'rer 2. A hand "di- vine shall lead you on Through all thehliss-ful 3. Bright garlands of im - mortal joysShall bloom on ev - ery 4. March on in your Redeemer's strength ; Pursue His footsteps if Ye Till While And pilgrims, now for to the sa - cred sor - row, sighing, let the prospect Zi - on bound, Be joy- ful in your King mount you rise, And see your smil - ing Ok>d. I Ke - joice, and distress; Like shadows, all are fled. [ Rejoice cheer your eye, While toil - ing up the hill. J joice, And rejoice, Bj per. L BALTZELL. 162 For male J. H. K. GATHERING HOME. ;s the tenor part, 2d tenor the soprano part, and 1st bass the alto part. II. Ktrzenknabe. 1. We'll so. hi heat home from our pilgrim «ay, sc >n ward press. Marching home together: Will yoxr wait with us for Ttim "Who will end all sorrow : ("lazing past (he dark to-day. Tol leaven 'si night to-morrow? Ev'ry need by Him sup] died Wakes a notcofsinging ; Ev'ry sorrow, sanctilicd, Praise to him is bringing. Evennowweeatehagleam, Hear the chorus swelling As each wand' rorUnds his place In the Father's dwelling. Marching home, marching home. Marching home together ; Heart to heart, hand to hand. Marching home together. THERE'S A BLESSING FOR ME Henrietta E. Beatr. J. KlEKPATEICK. There is per -feet cleansing in the precious blood That flows ibr all so free; There is I am saved each moment, thro' the cleansing blood, That now, by faith I see; I am Oh, the blood that keeps me from the pow'r of sin, My constantthemeshall be; I have There is life e - ter-nal in the precious blood That still is flowing free; And my fall sal-va-tion in its crim - son flood ; There's a blessing from the Lord for sweet-ly rest-ing at the cross I love ; There's a blessing from the Lord for laid my bur-den at the Saviour's feet ; There's a blessing from the Lord for soul shall glo - ry in the Saviour's cross ; There's a blessing from the Lord for GLAD HALLELOJAH'S," by pai. THERE'S A BLESSING FOR ME.-Concluded. 165 full sal-va-tion in the crimson Hood; There's a Mossing from tin-Lord for me. O PRODIGAL, COME HOME. A.J. Show alt™. 1. Thy Father hath prepared a feast, O Prod - i-gal, come home, And thou mayest he a welcome guest, O 2. The Saviour stands with outstretched a i ins. (> Prod-i-gal, come home, Thou need not feel the world's alarms, O 3. The Ho-ly Spir-it woos thy heart, O Prod-i-gal, come home, Then hid Him not i'n nit lice depart, 4. "Why tar-ry long-er on the way, O Prod - i-gal, come home, Thy Father bids thee come to-day, O 4 4 Prod-i-gal, come home. Come home, come home, Prod- Comehome, comehome, O (Omit. home, "I Prod-i-gal. come-home. ■*- * -<£-• ■»-• ♦ *- *- 166 E. 0. E. SINCE I HAVE BEEN REDEEMED. E. 0. Excf.ix. have have have have have a song I love a Christ that sit a Witness, bright; a joy I can't a home pre-parcc I havebeenre - deemed. I havebeenre - deemed I havebeenre - deemed, 1 havebeenre - deemed ; - deemed, Of my Ee-deemer. To do His will my Dis - pell - iug ev - 'rv All through His blood and ■Where I shall dwell e - ■ | g: ff t i f f =£ Sav - iour, King ; Since I high - est prize, .Since I doubt and tear ; Since I rigW -runs- ness, Since I ter - nal - ly ; Since 1 )eeu re - deemed, jeen re - deemed. >een re - deemed. >een re - deemed, re - deemed. Since I have been re Since I have been redeemed. Since rrnr deemed. Since I have been re-deemed, I will gli I have been redeemed, Since I have been re-deemed, I will gli SINCE I HAVE BEEN REDEEMED. -Concluded. h N 167 Since I have been redeemed, 1 will glo-ry in my Saviour's name. Since I have been redeemed. Since I have been redeemed, I will glo-ry in my Sa - viour's name. JESUS BIDS US SHINE. Lydia A. Foexey. Jesus bids us shine "Witha clear, pure light, Likea lit-tle can - die Burning in the night: Jesus bids us shine, First of all tin- Him ; Well He knows and sees it, If our light is dim: Jesus bids us shine Then, tor all around: Man-y kinds of dark - ness In this world are found : — p^^^l z! In this world is darkness. So we must shine: You, iu your lit-tle cor-ner. And I, He looks down from Heaven, He sees us shine; You, iu your lit-tle cor-ner, And I, in mine. Sin and want, and sorrow, So we must shine ; You, in your lit-tle cor-ner, And I, in mine. -#_*- . M- JL. JL -=t=|=E=|=fc=r H. IUT.ZF.NKXABE. 168 TAKE MY HAND AND LEAD ME, FATHER. Take my hand and lead me, Fa -the For the* road is rough and sto - nj lipid my hand in Thine, Fa -the Thro' life's stormy pil-grim - age ; And I can-not see the way; Till I reach the pearl -y gates; Let Thy light shine brighter, Yet, it' Thou wilt deign to There I ' 11 leave my cross and Fa- tiler, On its dark, nvys-te - rious page guide me With Thine own re - splendent ray, bur - den, For my star-gemmed crown a - waits For I I can Then F find my feet oft stray -ing From the nev-er, nev-er stum-ble, But shall . sing, in strains of rapt-ure, In the path of truth and right walk close by Thy side, light of per -feet day; Feci the need of Thy pro -tec-tion. And Thy light toshine more bright. With a love so pure and trusting That no sin can e'er di - vide. Thou didst deign to guide me. Father, And hast led me all the way. TAKE MY HAND AND LEAD ME, FATHER. -Concluded. 169 Chorus. k k. I 1 — ; 1 -2~ Take my hand, take my hand, Fori cannot seethe way, cannot see the way. take my hand, take my hand, >;> j . jvj; J. y U k k • i' y 1/ !^ Guide me, Guide me, Guide me to those heavenly mansions, Guide me to those mansions, There to lire through eud - less day : r , r. r r r Guide me, guide me, Guide me to those heavenly mansions, guide nic to those mansions. There to live through end - less day ffff.f IT WILL NEVER GROW OLD. I. N. McHose. 1. U have yon not heard of that conn -try above. The name of its King, and His in - fin-it e love? ■2. That won -derful land lias a ci - ty of life Ne'er darkened with anguish, nor dying, nor strife ; 3. A man-sionof won - derful beau -ty is there, And Je - sus that mansion has gone to prepare ; -1. Thev tell me its friendships and love are so pure, Its joys nev-er die. and its treasures are sure ; ;v, t-Af /-*•* j*.** His children are deathless and hap - py I'm told ; Oh ! will it a - bide, will it nev-er grow old ' Its tem- pies and streets all are Hashing with gold, Oh ! can it be true, it will nev-er grow old. lis bright jasper walls how I long to be -hold. And join in the song that will nev-er grow old. And loved ones, de-part - ed. so si - lent android. Will greet ns a -gain where we'll never grow old. Copjrlgbt, 1889, bj I. N. McHOSE. !T WILL NEVER GROW OLD.-Concluded. b N V ■ N K fc- It gladdens my heart with a joy that's untold.To think of that land that will nev-er grow old V 9 V Chahles Wesley. JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL. Fixe. I I I 1. Je-sus, lov-er of rnysoul, Let me to Thy ho - som fly, 2. Oth-er ref-ugehave I none ; Hams my helplesssoul on Thee; 3. PlenteousgracewithTheeisfound, — Grace to pardon all my sin ; D. C. — Safe in -to the haven guide, Oh receive my soul at last. Cov-er my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. SprrasrThouupwithininy heart, Rise to all e - ter - ni - ty. While the billows near me roll, Leave, ah ! leave me not a-lone, Let the healing streamsabound, U^i fj^AAn^s^kl^ Whilethetempeststillis high, Still support and comfort me; Make and keep me pure within ; Hide me, O my Saviour ! hide, All my trust on Thee is staye< Thou of life the fountain art, Till the storm of life is past. All mv help from Thee I bring. Free - ly let me ta ke of Thee . MABTYN. Te double. 172 Tnos. Hastings. HARVEST TIME. A. W. WILLIAMS. sleeping. FiiuMh hut - cy from a - hove. Soft de-scend the dews of heaven. Bright the rays ce-lestial drea-ry, Thou shaft reap the fruits of joy. Lo ! the scene of verdure bright'ning, See the rip'ning grain ap- giv - ing All the wa - ges coming dne : When the Reapers, on re-turning, Gather from the fields of . r Precious fruits will thus be giv - en, Thro' an in Look a - gain! the fields are whit'niug. For the har All the chaff is left for burning, While the wheat Precious, precious fruits Look! oh, look a -gain All the chaff is left fluence all di - vest time is is garnered NDEX. Titles In Small Caps. I in Lower Case-. PAGE Abide with Me 67 A Charge to Keep I Have 91 Ah, this heart shall cease its luniiiiu 7, Alas, mid did niv S.ivh.mi- hired 33 All Glory to Thee 115 All Hail the Power 01 Jesu.-'Nxmi 17 Are vou marehiim in the annv of our Kinir.' 140 are You Waiting isn Wim'hv.: In.; Are You Washed in tin . I(i.».ir: 73 Are you weary, are yuu heavv-heaiied'.' 152 Army of the Lord .' 44 at the Cross 33 At the sounding of the trumpet 18 Awake and Sing tiieScN 13 Awake, My Soil 15 Banner of Christ 60 Beautiful City of Gold S6 Bedeck the Cross wnii Fi.,,« i.r.- f.ur '.'7 HEFORE THE UniTEH IIOOK S4 Blessed Day of Rest 108 Brighter than tile sunlight 135 Bringing in the Shi :a\ i - .:-j By Thy hand, O blessed Saviour 9 Casting every Cake upon Him 68 Children of the hi-avnlv Kin- 58 Childken's Day 22 Children's Hymn 155 Childken's Tf Heum 36 Christ toose, all Heaven n-j..:. .- . . yi ' 'liristians, are \";i ejuwin,' wearv? 102 Christ is All " 1:12 Christ is kisi n. 1 1 .\ ■ ;.i i i .mi Christ, the Lord, hath sealed inv pardon 79 Come, Sing to His Glory 91 Coming to the Saviour's Cross 153 Easier Bells 96 KNTI i: i:y THE BLOOD OF Jl> Kvi.i: Near Every day brings trouble Fear Not For Christ is hi r F.ndeav., Fokevi R Bl.E-SI I) From i .RF.eN;.\ND's Icy Mou; From the suimy morning Gathered Home... Gathering Home. Gather Them In.. Gently, Lord. Oh God Be with God has said Go Labor On INDEX. Hallelujah. Jesus Arose Hark! the Heralds from the Sk\ Harvest Time Have > -.11 I II I., _l.-~.l_ " How Dead . Friend d Ho. ve thir-lv. .1.-11- I". 1 lu-u ri. v. i- mi: Kves Blessing. Lord I imvo r.nni.i tin. ■-■real Ul.Ivi I'M Not Alone I Keep Thy Pvri.on'. Lord.. Ill 111..' '.KIMIC i.f i.m.I a.lvanei I Shall Nnvia: Kv.w v ■• .tr.-r= .ir-r- .Ir-r- I.EANING ON THE EvKl: I A- I IN. . Leave Me Noi. i> li .-• i . i - ,\ Let Him In Lv.i ciur t_'ii"i.i > l.ori.i.v Kino Lei l's Build on hi: Km. k. Let us meet at early Aauti Life is teeming with evil snares... Light breaks in Die eastern skv.... Live for Christ To day No Bread To-day O Bless the Lord. My Soul... O do not let the Word depart.. Father, i nto Thee aloni Friend i God, \vh n at Thy in.l" ii lave .■■: not heard of how ofti ti how |.r.-. ii love, tun On a firm i in..- I was One Day >. Only a Vi mi the eve 1) PR. .1.1. , o soul, b'l.k up. and thou slialt s. ii Tnou who ]i« ei.i.etii in the .- urn Father C'aretii for l's inir Father, whieh art in Heaven i.i Wake the Loud Anthem Pilgrim through this barren hind . Praise II im Praise, my soul, the King of Hea\ Praise the Eyeri.amino Kino Praise the Lord of Heaven Rejoice, Rejoice INDEX. Ti- 1 In- l>h->ed-d:iv i.if Trust Him Trusting in the Lohd.. Seraphic Hy« Shall we all n Should Jesus i ','! ". : , :; 'i, ,: 'J'i ■'■;-. '■' ; -' :: -"'''' 158 103 166 34 We 4 We a We a We a We C( We li We'll We p morning. 32 ;;;nT,'?v,''; ^" i; :: ; ' l '. : ::.:-!: 1 :":""'':"- 8 61 re met to .-inf.- Th> |,rai-.-> ss^yvs i - Alone 168 "!!"""'.'.'.'."!"! 140 Z.Z.'.Z'.'.'.'.'.Z'. 14 v.'.v.'.'.'.vr.v.'.'.r.! is? .'.'.'.'.'.'1'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.!'.! 19 ffaiThfuV;!! 1 ,;;'!,, ,.,,,, Thbe We Ido Tin: FLOW] i:-' The Hf.ai.iv. The Hem of 1 The H...U \i. When W'HFN Whel \\ l.< 1 dark.'i.iiu >ha.l..» i..'ii'.l i.V l'il|- 1 ('AN 111 ID Ml TITLE Cl 1 U: i -,' ■' ■' - - OK III 1 ORD'S SlD! THE PRII El ESS 105 SotTo-mkht™' "' ' T'i.k'ii: ! ,,y \ There, is Tin i:i '- llir Tlll-.Kl.'i Bl i:- Tiet'i A Fm i There's a great day oomini; There's a stranger at the door.. 'J here was love, deep love on I The Sheltering Rock INDEX FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. Array of the Banner of ('! Christ is All. Come, Sing t Coming to tli Ever Near.... (iuthcrini: II 'dadh W- i olidiris out i;o.l lie Willi Lorrl Marcltma , Piai-,- the l.nrd ,,f lU-avi-n .. IJl-inilV. S:llMlti..ll I- I'll.' Re>l r.,nt,-iited. Anxiiiii- -pi Kiiou) in Thine Aim-. . Inlai E?il l'« ■ lit II e S.lllllL' O', 1- LU'r-- II, . -;, li ... S, r Villi Hulk Allii.l 111.' Ill', .,1 Shnll We All M.-.-t hi II,, in,', Swiri li;i\- r.( the Lnrcl Swihlv Time i- I!,-:,,;-., : I - '. Take Mr Iliiml ami Lead Mi-, Tin- Cdiii ins one The rniwniiiu- l>av Tln-le'.- a Slranser al ill.- I- Th.-Tlm-e < alien- rii. IV, -I. ,- Flowers Wail I'atii-ullv. Wait Wake. Wak.-llie Sir" We All Shall M.-el We are Manhins On W<- inav .-'in- Su,-,-l -,,m_-- in What a i, alii, rim: Thai Will I Whi-ie i- Viitir Hi,v Tn-nishl " Whv Not To-night? HYMNS, TUNES AND CHANTS. •-1 i-l .!■ -e- . O Bless the I ii Friend of Our Father, \ Rest for the ' Rook of Age Thy Father hath Prepared a Feasl Trustinir in Hie I.nr.l W,. All Shall Me.-t We are Walkinehi tin- l.i^hi ... When I Can Read My Title Clear... CAROLS FOR EASTER Bedeck the Cross with Flowers Fal Christ is Risen F.nster hells are Sweetly IValins. Halleluiah. .leslis Arose ■lov, Joy, Joy o Wake the l.oiul Anthem Tell the Whole Wide World Glorv Be to the Futher Hail'. Hail. Hail Hark, the Heralds from the Sky... Hi.lv, Hnlv, Holv Tidinss C.iad rraise Iliin