Library of The University of North Carolina COLLECTION OF NORTH CAROLINIANA ENDOWED BY JOHN SPRUNT HILL of the Class of 1889 1,l, " l S l g036707402 77i/s 6oo/c mws/ no/ &£ fa/ren /rom the Library building. nn. (©uarterlp aprtl, JHap, fune 1017 Table of Contents North Carolina's Part in the War 2 John Wilber Jenkins. The New Education 7 (By permission from Munsey's Magazine.) Loots A. Springer. Farming and Technical Subjects Form Vital Part in English Course. ... 12 N. I. White. Everyday Art 16 M. Lillian Burke. Drawing as Taught in the New Bern Schools 19 Willie Greene Day. Why I Am Again in School 25 Edna Campbell. The Psalm of the Country Woman 27 (By -permission from Pictorial Review.) Helen Christine Bennett. Latin as a Vocational Subject 28 Daisy Bailey Waitt. Ways of Economizing in Cooking 30 Vermelle Worthington. Effie Baugham. How We Became Interested in Finding Subjects to Write About 33 Committee From Second Year Academic Class. James Whitcomb Riley 35 Alavia Cox. The Trip to Raleigh 39 Lizzie Stewart. The Legislature as a Junior Saw It 41 Willie Jackson. Feed the Nation — The President's Appeal Editorials 43 Editorial Departments — Suggestions , 51 Reviews 61 Alumnae 67 The Class of 1917 ' 73 School Activities 101 School Notes 109 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill North Carolinians in High Places Claude Kitchin Walter H. Page F. M. Simmons David F. Houston Josephus Daniels Lee S. Overman Philander P. Claxton J. Y. Webb John H. Small William H. Osborne S. L. Rogers tTOjje draining ikfjool ©uarterlp Vol. IV APRIL, MAY, JUNE, 1917 No. 1 What America is Fighting For (From President Wilson's War Message, delivered at a joint session of the two houses of Congress, April 2, 1917) THE right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts — for de- mocracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own govern- ments, for the rights and liberties of small na- tions, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free. To such a task we can dedicate our lives and fortunes — everything that we are and everything that we have — with the pride of those who know that the day has come when America is privi- leged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured. God help- ing her, she can do no other. North Carolina's Part in the War John Wilbee Jenkins TN this momentous time, when the world is ringing with President Wilson's call to battle for humanity, it must be a source of pride to North Carolina to know that her sons are among the foremost in preparation for war. When diplomatic relations with Germany were broken off and the whole country realized that armed conflict was practically inevitable, the first question that arose in every mind was, "Is the Navy ready?" And it was a relief to find that the Navy had been brought up to a high standard of efficiency, that it was stronger, better officered and manned, better prepared than the average man had believed or dared hope for. In spite of all the carping critics, it is incomparably supe- rior in both ships and personnel to what it was a few years ago. And this is due in no small degree to the work of Josephus Daniels. No member of the administration has been more bitterly assailed — or more unjustly. And the very policies that have been most severely denounced are those that have worked out most successfully. Daniels banished liquor from the Navy. Europe followed suit the moment the war broke out. Clear heads and steady nerves are required at the guns in the turrets, as well as in the officers in command. And it is a comfort to know that in this crisis none of our battleships will be endangered from whiskey-muddled brains. Daniels opened the Door of Opportunity to enlisted men, so that the youngest recruit who enlists today has the chance through ability and effort to rise to the highest rank. That has aroused the ambition of the jackies, and in- spired them to their utmost efforts. He turned the Navy into a vast school, and today our "jackies" are probably the most intelligent, best educated, best informed body of fighting men in the world. Officers who resented the removal of the "dead-line" and declared that the abolition would make thorough discipline impossible — it has not, in fact — may still cherish resentment against the Secretary, but the en- listed men swear by him. The improvement in the personnel has been remarkable. It has been shown in every element of efficiency. When the call came ships and men were ready for instant service, and we may be sure they will give a good account of themselves on the firing line. The tasks that have confronted the Navy Department in the past three months have been colossal. And the way in which they have been and are being solved is an exhibition of the way in which Amer- icans can rise to an emergency. North Carolina's Part in the War 3 The Naval Advisory Council which Daniels created has proved of incalculable value. By the way, that was another thing in which France, England, and the other European countries quickly followed America's lead, creating councils of their own on the same line. With Thomas A. Edison at its head, it has marshaled the inventive genius of the country in the service of the Government. Daniels had a great deal to do with the establishment of the National Council of Defense, which is mobilizing our manufacturing establishments, railways, ship- yards, and steamers into a vast industrial army that is hardly second in importance to the actual fighting forces in winning the war. Steps have been taken to avoid the scandals and muddling that char- acterized our preparations at the beginning of the War with Spain. The Government is not going to be robbed by contractors making for- tunes out of its necessities. Big things are being done quietly and efficiently. Many millions of dollars worth of steel are required for ships, armor, and guns. The heads of the great steel manufacturing plants were called to Washington, and in conference with the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of War agreed to furnish the Govern- ment all the steel it requires at far less than the prevailing market prices. The sum of $12,000,000 was saved on the first contract. Cop- per mine owners have made the same agreement. Torpedo manufac- turers were promptly brought to terms. The makers of munitions have agreed to produce all the ammunition, shells, and guns we can use or that we may wish to send to the Allies, and at rates which assure only a fair profit. This saving of millions, this mobilizing of industry, has been accom- plished by the National Council of Defense so quietly and effectively that few people realize what great things have been done. And two North Carolinians are members of that council — Mr. Daniels and David Franklin Houston, Secretary of Agriculture. Mr. Houston's task as head of the Agricultural Department is only second to that of the heads of the army and navy. One of the British commissioners remarked that the war would be won on the wheat fields of America. For the first and greatest aid we can give the Allies, as both the French and British envoys told us, is food. Houston is a native of Monroe, Union County, and as college professor, President of the University of Texas, and Chancellor of Washington University, St. Louis, he became an authority on social and political science. He made a special study of the farmers' problems, and when he became Secretary of Agriculture sought to make the Government's agencies more useful to the farmer. He has revolutionized the Department, establishing the Bureau of Markets, sending county agents into every corner of the country, organizing corn clubs, canning clubs, instituting 4 The Training School Quarterly better methods of farming, cooking, housekeeping, making country life more attractive and profitable. He is charged with the handling of the food situation — increasing crops, getting grain to market, the vast task of preventing a food short- age in America, and feeding the French and English and Belgians. He has become suddenly one of the most powerful and important of American officials. And he is planning work on a broad scale that will result in changes in farming methods, operation, labor, and mar- keting that will count not only in the war, but for generations to come. When the President called for a war loan of seven billion dollars — the largest ever made by any nation at one time in all history — North Carolinians had charge of the great financial measure in both House and Senate. For Representative Claude Kit chin is Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and floor-leader of the Democratic ma- jority in the House, and Senator F. M. Simmons is Chairman of the Senate Co mm ittee on Finance. Though Mr. Kitchin voted and spoke against the declaration of war against Germany, he did yeoman service in putting through the bill authorizing the huge "Liberty Loan," which Congress passed unanimously, a thing almost unprecedented. Senator Lee S. Overman is Chairman of the Senate C omm ittee on Judiciary and Representative E. Yates Webb, of Shelby, ~N. C, is Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House. They have charge of some of the most important legislation pertaining to the war — the Espionage Bill, the bill enabling the Allies to enlist their citizens who are residents of the United States — all the legislation relating to the legal aspects of the conflict, the detection and punishment of spies, censorship and control of telegraphs, telephones, cables, the wireless, and the various means of communication. Representative John H. Small, of Washington, 1ST. C, is Chairman of the House Rivers and Harbors Committee, which controls legisla- tion relating to waterways — a vital feature of the National defense. Colonel William H. Osborn, of Greensboro, is Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and will direct the collection of the hundreds of millions in war taxes — a vast undertaking that covers every foot of the country and touches every one of its citizens. And North Carolina is also at the forefront in diplomacy. No diplomat in the trying times of the past three years 1 has made a more notable record than Walter H. Page, the Ambassador to England. He occupies the premier position in our diplomatic service. And while firmly maintaining America's right, he has won the confidence and esteem of the British. His innate modesty, his aversion to "fuss and feathers," and his avoidance of spectacular display or sensational ut- terance have resulted, to some extent, in the failure of Americans generally to recognize the signal ability he has shown — not "displayed" North Carolina's Part in the War 5 — and the great work he has done for us in England and with the other European nations. But when the history of diplomacy in the colossal conflict is written, the name of Page will stand high on! the list of diplomats who served well their countries and the world. Worth Carolina has also "done her bit" for the Allies on the firing lines. Soon after the beginning of the war a number of her sons volunteered for service with the British and the French — some as sur- geons, some with the ambulance corps, and others in the ranks of those who held the line against the German invaders. Few more interesting stories have come out of the war than James R. McConnell's account of the American Escadrille at Verdun, pub- lished under the title, "Flying for France." His account of the daily life and exploits of those daring soldiers of the air has in it the thrill of that mighty conflict. In that little corps of less than a dozen were two North Carolinians — McConnell and Kiffin Rockwell, of Asheville. Rockwell had volunteered almost at the outbreak of the war, had seen service in a score of battles, and had been wounded at Carency before he joined the aerial service. He was the first member of the escadrille to bring down an enemy plane in aerial combat. Flying alone over Thann, he came upon a German on reconnaissance, rushed after him, and facing the gun of the German aviator closed in until he was within thirty yards of him before he began firing. The fourth shot struck its mark, the pilot crumpled up in his seat and the plane went crashing down into the German trenches. Rockwell was abso- lutely fearless and rushed to the attack at every opportunity. This brave Carolinian lost his life on September 23, 1916, in a des- perate duel in the air over the French lines near Verdun. Plunging through a rain of bullets, he engaged a powerful German machine. He was struck by an explosive bullet and killed instantly ; his aeroplane was riddled and crashed to earth. "The best and bravest of us all is no more," said the Captain, in breaking the news to the escadrille. McConnell pays this highest tribute to his fellow Carolinian, who, he says, was the soul of the corps: "Kifiin was imbued with the spirit of the cause for which he fought, and gave his heart and soul to the performance of his duty. He said : 'I pay my part for Lafayette and Rochambeau,' and he gave the fullest measure. The old flame of chivalry burned brightly in this boy's fine and sensitive being. With his death France lost one of her most valu- able pilots." Rockwell had been given the Medaille Military and the Croxide Guerre, on the ribbon of which he wore four palms, representing the four citations he had received in the orders of the army. He was given such a funeral as only generals and heroes receive, buried near the 6 The Training School Quarterly lines where he fell — a notable figure in one of the greatest battles that history records. Only a few weeks ago McConnell himself fell a victim to his own daring, being brought down by the Germans, his machine crashing to earth within their lines. First he was reported "missing" and it was hoped he might somehow have escaped. But later the news of his death in action was posted and his name was recorded on the immortal roll of those who have given their lives for France and Liberty. A number of other Carolinians have fought and are fighting in the Allied armies. One adventurous youngster, Carroll D. Weatherly, a native of Raleigh and a grandson of the late O. J. Carroll, once United States Marshal, enlisted in the Canadian contingent, fought in the trenches in Belgium, took part in those desperate battles of 1915, and was wounded at Ypres. He was invalided and returned to America. When we declared war against Germany he was among the first to volunteer, and has been assigned to the Flying Corps as pilot. There are many more like him, and the thousands of "Tar Heels" who will be enrolled in our new armies just being created may be depended upon to give a good account of themselves. They will be worthy of their fathers who in the War Between the States were "first at Bethel ; far- thest to the front at Gettysburg and Chickamauga, last at Appo- mattox." The New Education Louis A. Springee (By permission from Munsey's Magazine for March) CHE great war has forced upon America a general stock-taking in educational matters. We see in the belligerent countries a wonderful national devotion born and nurtured in the public schools. We see their governments recognizing not only the debt they owe to the schools, but also the increased responsibility which the future imposes upon them. They realize that the schools must begin wheie the armies stop, that boys and girls yet unborn must be trained and disciplined to take the burdens imposed by the war, and to save the nation's honor in peace as the soldiers have defended it in battle. Already England has appointed a commission to review the whole field of national education with a view to the requirements of the recon- struction period. Perceiving all this, Americans are asking themselves what our schools are doing to instill a national spirit in the rising generation, and how they are preparing our boys and girls for the great social and economic readjustments that must come in the period following the war. Every progressive educator has but one answer — that our system is outgrown and insufficient for the vital needs of the times, and that the solution of its difficulties is one of the most urgent of national problems. "Our educational system is frayed out," to use the pungent words of President Nicholas Murray Butler, of Columbia University. Long before the war crystallized the feeling of unrest in educational circles, the leaders had recognized the inadequacy of present methods. Vast sums of money were being lavished on public schools, and the country had a right to expect a commensurate return in the form of well trained, efficient citizens. Instead, the boys and girls issuing from the public schools have shown themselves, on the whole, ill prepared for the duties of life and too often lacking in national spirit. A PERIOD OF UNREST AND CHANGE Educators have faced the facts honestly, and have cast about for measures that would remedy the most glaring defects without too vio- lently attacking the position that the public school system has always held in the hearts of the American people. The result of their efforts has been to develop in the schools an elaborate and overcrowded course of study, which has served to increase rather than to assuage the gen- eral discontent. It seems clear, however, that this condition is but an 8 The Training School Quarterly evidence of transition. The prevalent dissatisfaction and unrest are, as it were, the growing pains by which our educational system is shak- ing off the outworn methods of the past and preparing itself to meet the demands of the future. "The growth of cities, the removal of people from the land, their crowding together in smaller houses, the specialization of labor — all these," said Thomas W. Churchill, former president of the New York Board of Education, "have withdrawn from children a great part of the developing influences which were the rule fifty years ago. The equipment of the old-fashioned schools was meager and poor, but co- operating with tbxm were forces greater than they. There was a freer contact then than now with nature and the outdoor life; there was the old-fashioned home, and there were the old forms of industry, in which children learned skill of hand, correctness of eye, and economy of management. These influences are so essential to the training of the kind of men and women that America must have that there falls to the managers of the public schools the heavy burden of supplying, in so far as possible, what the change of living conditions has taken away from the children." SOME DISCARDED EDUCATIONAL IDEALS "Knowledge is power," was the compelling motto of early education in New England, the cradle of our school system. Knowledge is and always will be power, but scholastic ideals confused knowledge and learning. In the name of knowledge the schoolboy was plied with every date of history and with every fact of the universe, whether it had or had not any bearing on his own personal problem of existence. But in the course of time it became evident to the most superficial thinker that a youth might know the length of all the rivers in the world, and the height of all the mountains, and yet not grow into one-quarter of a man-power in the co mm unity in which he lived. Thoughtful people next questioned another popular ideal of the times — that the first purpose of the schools was to turn out "a scholar and a gentleman." Such a theory was all very well if education was to be for the few, for those destined for moral and intellectual leader- ship, but it took no account of the rest of the community. This article of faith, too, was cast out, and thus there passed into educational history two of its most sacred traditional tenets. There followed a period of belief in pure mental discipline, when it was held that by the exercise of some faculty of the mind we increased the power of readiness of all the faculties. We studied the classics that we might the better know English; learned algebra that we might form habits of "mental attention, argumentative sequence, and absolute The New Education 9 accuracy," and that by the exercise of these habits we might analyze the problems of living and arrive at a true result. But, alas, certain practical souls pointed out that probably the poorest English ever published was to be found in the accredited translations of these same classics; that the mental discipline of algebra did not carry over into life, since the man with all the albegraic formulas at his finger-tips was quite as likely to buy a fake rubber plantation in Timbuctu as the man who had never heard of a coefficient. It must not be thought that the old gods of education were easily overthrown. On the contrary, they offered a fight that is not yet ended. But out of the turmoil of conflicting opinions, higher than the protests of the reactionaries could always be heard the compelling plea of the American father and mother : "Give our children a practical education, thorough and effective. Fit them for life!" VOCATIONAL TRAINING NOT A PANACEA It is not very long since the idea of vocational training was seized upon as the panacea for every educational ill. The lowest schools and the highest were swept by it as by a wind. Kindergarten and college alike felt its breath. Every educator who opposed its excesses was marked down as unprogressive by his radical brethren. This period of exaggeration passed, and it is now generally admitted that training the hands alone is not enough. Recent events have shown clearly that the spirit of our youth must be trained, and must be stimulated by a broad acquaintance with national ideals, national life, and national activities. "Vocational training will always have an impregnable position in the public school system," said Dr. William McAndrew, associate city superintendent of the New York schools ; "but since our aim is to turn out persons of ability useful to society as well as to themselves, we must not stop with vocational training alone. We must train — yes, create, if necessary — a national consciousness. The next ten years will see great changes in our ideals and in our schools, the details of which we cannot now forecast, any more than we can forecast in detail the outcome of any of the great intellectual movements of the present criti- cal time. Of one thing only we may be sure — that the outcome will be a movement in the direction of closing the gap between what the world demands and what the schools give." Not even the most radical anticipate that the actual machinery of the existing school system will be greatly altered by the development of the new ideas. Indeed, little change in actual school organization need be expected. The most immediate and obvious changes will come in the methods and in the substance of teaching. 10 The Training School Quarterly teaching that functions in service As higher education reaches its greatest usefulness when it functions in service to society, so must elementary education prove itself by functioning in service to the individual child. Spelling, for instance, must function in correct writing, grammar in correct speech. No method which fails to attain this practical result will be tolerated. Theoretical grammar has no place in the schools of the future. History is valuable in life only as it deals with events that have survived in their influence on the institutions of civilizaton. The schoolboy of the next generaton will be spared the dreary study of long campaigns and "famous victories" that have left no actual impress on the life he must live. Dr. Arthur Benson, president of Magdalene College, Cambridge, believes that the histories of the future will be largely written upon economic and biographical lines, paying special attention to the growtb of political institutions and to the "development of the ideas that lead to the peaceful combinations and corporate grouping that are known by the name of civilization." The geography of the future will give a real picture of the world as it is, not crushing the childish imagination with a mass of unrelated facts and tongue-twisting names, but stimulating it by a vivid presenta- tion of the commercial and esthetic relations of the whole world to the learner's personal experiences. The study, or rather the use, of the reading lesson in the public school has already undergone a marked change. Excerpts from classic litera- ture have not yet disappeared from the school readers, nor have the moral lessons pointed by the priggish exploits of unnatural children; but these are rapidly being supplanted by reading lessons which clarify and explain for the small student the life and institutions around him. For example, New Orleans uses in its schools a "Book of New Orleans," which sets forth entertainingly the history and traditions of the city, its landmarks and institutions. There is in use in the public schools of JSTew York a reader specially adapted to the city child. It does not teach him facts that meet with no response from his own experience, but tells him, instead, the stories of the subway, the great bridges, the hospitals, the Fire Department — all the things that he sees about him every day. Science on general lines will assume increased importance in the schools of the next generation. Many educators, notably Dr. Edward L. Thorndike, professor of educational psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University, believe that in a combination of vocational and scientific training lies the future of modern education. "The schoolboy of the future will know more about the care of a gasoline engine than he will about the capes and bays of the African The New Education 11 coast," said Dr. Thorndike. "The schoolgirl will have a clearer idea of the chemistry of the family milk-bottle and the mechanism of a typewriter than she will about cube root or Greek mythology." THE PERSONAL ELEMENT IN TEACHING Of all the human agencies that enter into the education of youth, the teacher remains the most important. The definition of a university as "Mark Hopkins at one end of a log and a student at the other end" is still significant. The parents, the friends, the public speakers and writers of the day all have their influence, but the power of the master mind remains great. "The present so-called vocational education is proper as a subordi- nate, but not as a dominant principle of education. It might do for bees or ants, but not for men. It rests upon and is controlled by a false idea, which underlies the whole educational system of the United States today, and which, if persisted in, will make us far inferior to a less rich and prosperous people possessing a national idea and purpose. Those who see this are trying to rescue our educational system, not by going back to the old methods, but by improving the new while pre- serving the best of the old, and bringing it all to an end none the less intellectual for being adapted to the needs of the times. "What great purpose will our new education serve if it stops with being practical? How lasting will be the results that are measured by dollars and cents alone? Tiue American education must develop lofty conceptions of citizenship and compel high national purposes and policies. These will be found the true measure of its success or failure." FOOD AND FEED FIRST THE importance to the Nation of a generously adequate food supply for the coming year cannot be over-emphasized in view of the economic problems which may arise as a result of the entrance of the United States into the war. Every effort should be made to produce more crops than are needed for our own requirements. Many millions of people across the seas, as well as our own people, must rely in large part upon the pro- ducts of our fields and ranges. This situation will continue to exist even though hostilities should end unexpectedly soon, since European production cannot be restored immediately to its nor- mal basis. Recognition of the fact that the world at large, as well as our own consumers, must rely more strongly on American farmers this year than ever before should encourage them to strive to the utmost to meet these urgent needs. — Secretary of Agriculture David F. Houston. Farming and Technical Subjects Form Vital Part of English Course N. I. White (From the Montgomery Advertiser) [Here is something that needs to be considered in every school in the United States, from the Universities and Seminaries down to the one-teacher rural school. In your day and our day in the school our English classes wrote compositions on every topic under the sun except those that really concerned our everyday life. We wrote on "Which Was the Greater Man — Alexander or Napoleon"? "American Poets," whoever they were; 'Emerson's Essays"; "The Great Lakes"; "Spencer's Poetry" — heaven save the mark; "The Eliza- bethan Age"; "Westminster Abbey"; "Women in Literature," etc. And all that time we should have been writing on "The Relation of Business to Farm- ing"; "Cooperation in Buying and Selling"; "Nature's Principle of Soil Fer- tility"; "The German Rural Credits System"; "Nitrogen and Its Relation to All Life"; "Municipal Markets"; "The Menace of Flies"; "How to Make Money in Summer," etc. If we had been writing about and studying these topics and dozens of others, useful and inspiring, we would not have come out of school so blissfully ignorant of the world around us. But those were dark days in education, and the darkness still clings around many institutions "of learning." When we heard that Prof. N. I. White, of Auburn, had begun to mix English with agriculture, electricity, surveying, and mechanics, we wrote and asked him to tell our readers all about this new mental foodstuff. Here he outlines the plan of work. It is worth reading, not with the idea of imitating it, but of adapting its suggestions to primary grades, grammar grades, and high schools. This is the sort of education — this is the viewpoint — that must be obtained in all schools if they are to turn out the mentally alert and physically capable boys and girls that the country wants and this age needs. — Editor Montgomery Advertiser.] The course here described is one that is being given by the English Department of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, and has so far yielded fairly satisfactory results. It has been designed to meet the special needs of agricultural and technical students. There is no effort on the part of the English Department to persuade the technical or agricultural students to take this course to the exclusion of purely literary courses ; on the contrary, the English Department feels that the importance of purely literary courses is perhaps underestimated by the average agricultural and technical student, but it also realizes : 1. That the student is best reached through that which interests him most. 2. That many students not interested in literature or conventional composition later have occasion to express themselves in writing on technical subjects. Farming and Technical Subjects 13 3. That agricultural and technical graduates, according to their trade papers and their own admission, are frequently ill at ease in writing on subjects within their special fields. It was to meet this situation that the course here described was designed. IN TWO SECTIONS The course is composed of two sections, one of agricultural students and one of technical students — mechanical, surveying, and electrical. The two groups meet together once a week and separately once a week. The agricultural students subscribe to an agricultural magazine, the technical students to a technical magazine. No text-book is used. Each week, in addition to the theme written out of class, the student is required to stand a "quiz" on the current issue of the magazine or to write an impromptu theme on some subject treated in the issue. This, although it incidentally augments his store of technical knowledge, intends primarily to make him familiar with the accepted method of expressing technical knowledge. WHAT STUDENTS WRITE By far the most important part of the work is the weekly theme re- quired of each student. This paper is from 1,000 to 1,500 words (five to eight pages) in length. It must be some subject within the student's special field of study. The student is encouraged to write on the sub- ject in which he is most interested and is never assigned a subject except by special request. With each theme during the first term he must submit a brief outline of two subjects that he would be interested in treating later. This is to prevent hurried and haphazard choice of subjects. The papers are returned with written criticisms, some- times with directions to rewrite, and are also criticised orally in class or in consultation. JOURNALISTIC VIEWPOINTS In both the writing and the criticising the journalistic point of view is maintained as far as is practicable. The student writes with a definite audience in mind — the readers of a technical journal. This acts as a check on aimlessness and empty generalization. It also throws the emphasis of the criticism to the two main points of (1) interest of idea, and (2) clearness of expression. If occasionally an article seems to justify such action the student is advised to rewrite and actually submit it to a farm or technical journal. In addition to the themes written during this course the student is given some training in the making of an extended report on a problem involving the inves- tigating and organizing of a number of factors. 14 The Training School Quarterly ISSUE TWO MAGAZINES During the second term the work takes the form of two magazines, the Junior Technical Weekly and the Junior Agricultural Weekly. Each student acts as editor in turn. The editor plans the issue, assigns and collects the articles and writes the editorials. The articles are very much the same nature as those written during the first term. In the writing of all articles during the first two terms the student, except when writing purely from personal experience, is expected to read and refer to at least two articles bearing on the subject treated. This tends to check wild and irresponsible statements. Perhaps the nature of the magazine will be best seen by the following table of contents of three issues of the Junior Agricultural Weekly. VOL. 1, NO. 4 Progressive Issue The Effect of Freeing the Negro. O. L. Martin. Farm Implements. D. L. McMurry. Farm House Improvements. O. C. Newell. Editorials. B. A. Storey. The Man Who Says Can't. Winter Months on the Farm. The City Man on the Farm. Boys' Pig and Corn Clubs. Take An Inventory of Stock. The Farmer and His Clothes. Reviews of Farm Journals. S. W. Hill. Comparison Between Progressive and Unprogressive Methods. C. J. Brock- way. Defects of the Southern Farm. J. H. Reynolds. VOL. 1, NO. 6 Orchard Special Suggestions for Growing Home Fruit. S. W. Hill. Hints to Orchardists. O. C. Newell. The Legend of the Coosa (story). B. A. Storey. Editorials. J. H. Reynolds. What the Gasoline Engines Can Do. The Farmer's Automobile. Checking Pests. The Home Fruit Garden. C. J. Brockway. Review of Farm Journals. O. L. Martin. VOL. 1, NO. 3 Vetch For Soil Improvement. S. W. Hill. Potatoes As a Truck Crop. O. C. Newell. The Use of Corn For Ensilage. B. A. Storey. Farming and Technical Subjects 15 Peas: Their Growth and Uses. J. H. Reynolds. The Effect of the War on Agriculture. O. L. Martin. Raising Cotton Under Boll Weevil Conditions. O. C. McMurry. Editorials. C. J. Brockway. Progress on the Stock Farms of Alabama. Soy Beans the Source of Numerous Products. The Extension Service of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. THE THIRD TERM During the third term each student works on some large subject of which his weekly installments are but chapters. The subject is de- cided by the professor and the students after the student has handed in a theme discussing an interview on prospective subjects with some member of the technical faculty. The division of the subject is worked out in class and in individual consultations. The first installment is in each case a complete bibliography of the subject. The next six weeks are given to six installments of the paper and a week or two at the end of the term is devoted to the revision of the whole. At present writing the course has just reached the point of selecting sub- jects. It has been found impracticable to assign related subjects to the section composed of mechanical, surveying, and electrical students, but the agricultural students have taken subjects all of which bear upon Alabama conditions and are somewhat related to each other. Thus one man writes on "The Cotton Crop in Alabama," another on "Stock Farms in Alabama," and another on "Leguminous Crops in Alabama." The writing of these long themes will, it is hoped, give to the student an experience in research work and organization not provided in the ordinary advanced composition course. Everyday Art M. Lillian Bubke nOT such a great many years ago art was thought of as being con- fined to galleries, studios, and drawing books — cut off from the life of the majority of humanity and encouraged by a select few who had an evident talent. However, times have changed, and whether we will it or no, consciously or unconsciously, art, in the big sense of the word, enters the daily life of every one of us. More and more is the importance of teaching art becoming realized, and the mass of the people, principally through the schools, are being given at least some of the fundamentals of an art education. For what is Art? When we decide what color necktie or ribbon to wear— it is art. When we arrange a flower in a vase it is art. When we place furniture in our homes or in our schoolrooms — it is art. When we put work on a blackboard it can be arranged artistically, or not. When we demand sheets of written work from classes the papers may be well arranged, or not, and the whole appearance of ourselves, our work, the houses and schoolrooms in which we live, reflect to a great degree our appreciation of this big, potent subject. It isn't necessary to be able to draw or to know the technique of drawing to teach art. Most every teacher knows the laws of composi- tion in literature, and, to a certain extent, these may be applied to this other subject in exactly the same way. The laws of selection, arrange- ment, balance, hold good for the pictures which hang in our schools the same way that they do in the written composition. What kind of pictures should we have? I should say one or two prints of master- pieces selected with the age of the pupils in mind, and, if possible, correlating with some subject studied. Certain artists are particularly suited to certain grades — Rosa Bonheur and Sir Joshua Eeynolds, per- haps, for the younger children, Corot and Millet for the older ones. Small pictures should be hung in groups, not too high up, and, if possible, the wires not showing. Either the upper or lower edges of the pictures should be even. Everyday Abt 17 Large ones should be hung with two wires, and also not too high up. 1 Anything which is hung should be hung straight. If specimens of work are put on exhibition, let them be pinned or tacked at least in the two upper corners. If there are a number, see that there is a margin around the entire group and let the spaces between the papers be uniform. This will make such a group appear as a unit. DQ Dt Q In written papers which the pupils pass in, let the margins be care- fully planned, and in the drawing lesson let the placing of the name and date be a part of the problem to make a well arranged page. Even in such small matters as these good design is being taught. A few facts must necessarily be a part of every teacher's equipment. She should know the primary colors — red, yellow, blue — and the sec- ondary ones — orange, green, violet. She should know that green is the complementary color to red, orange to blue, and yellow to violet. These simple beginnings of color study and harmony should be taught the class; also what are grayed colors. Every day chances arise where this knowledge may be applied and the teacher, in her own dress and in the colors she has in the schoolroom, should be a subconscious 2 18 The Training School Quarterly agent in cultivating good taste in the children. So often the teaching of art is such a drudgery to a teacher that she gladly lets go by that part of the school curriculum, not realizing what a lot of real pleaure and good is being lost both to herself and her pupils. It is such a splendid opportunity to bring something of the aesthetic and ideal into the lives of her classes. To the majority of them this will be their only chance of having opened to them a world which will make their lives fuller and finer, which cannot fail to have its influence on the develop- ment of character and which will bring joy and a new interest into too often prosaic lives. A new note has been sounded in the educational world and the im- portance which art will take in the future has not as yet been measured. With the high standards of modern advertising, with the demand for superior textiles and other manufactured articles which are based on artistic design, with the whole country awakening to a keener apprecia- tion of its importance, art, in the broad educational sense, is coming into its own, and from being a subject brought out from a corner for an occasional lesson, to be laid aside until the next week or month, it is now taking a vital place in the courses of study of all progressive schools- -not as a burden, but as a living, interesting subject, closely associated with the everyday life of every one of us. Drawing as Taught in the New Bern Public School Willie Greene Day, '13 IN" our school we use no regular set of drawing books, but the work has been based largely upon the Graphic Drawing Books. I like to pass these around often for the observation of color and pencil work. The plan of work to be covered by each grade is definitely decided upon before school opens. The progress in the work is then largely regulated by what we intend to cover in each subject in each room. All of the work we try to make vitally associated with the lives of the children. Just as far as is possible I take the children into my confidence, explaining the why and wherefore of measures. We discuss our problem, then different ones give their opinion of how to proceed. Our materials are comparatively simple. We use 6x9 and 9 x 12 manila drawing paper, often bogus or the white paper of the same size, and sometimes colored paper, especially for chalk drawings. The me- diums are pencil, crayons, pen, and chalk. Our aim has been to help the children to see and appreciate beauty of line, form, and color, and to give expression to what they see through study and practice in the execution. With this in mind, I have grouped the work into the following classes, the basis of the object part being the sphere, the cube, and the cylinder. 1. Object drawing and perspective, which includes drawing from nature, life, and groups of still-life objects. 2. Design as taught by borders, surface, patterns, book covers, desk sets, decoration of construction work. 3. Figure and landscape composition and pose work. 4. Picture study for appreciation and enjoyment. 5. Construction work, paper tearing and cutting. 6. Theory of color or color work. 7. Observing, enjoying, and beautifying our surroundings in school and at home. 1. Ohject Drawing. Each season is a source and offers possibilities and suggestions for work in each grade. In the fall, for instance, we find grasses, fall flowers, leaves, fruits, fall scenes, and Thanksgiving work. In the primary grade we do much of this work in mass, using crayon. In the grammar and intermediate grades we pay some atten- tion to details and still use colored crayons the color of the object, or we use pencil. All such drawings of flowers, fruits, sprigs, and objects must be true in their line of growth and form in preference to being made beautiful at a sacrifice of the expression of right lines. Such 20 The Training School Quarterly work as this must aim to teach the direct ways of handling different mediums and the possibilities of these mediums when the pupil becomes thoroughly familiar with them through usage. To aid such famil- iarity with our crayons, pencil, pen, or chalk, to illustrate differ- ent treatments of the same objects, to apply principles we have studied, we often take very ordinary, everyday objects for models and study them so as to promote all of this. In one room we took a vase that stood on the teacher's desk. We drew it with three different mediums, (1) pencil, (2) chalk, (3) crayon; six different ways, (1) outline, (2) light and shade, (3) black crayon, (4) natural coloring, (5) shaded with pencil, (6) chalk at the board, and in two positions. In another room we studied a fruit basket in much the same way. After we had finished in both cases we booked the work together and placed a conventional design of the object done on brown paper for the back. In such treatment great care must be exercised by the teacher to prevent the fascination of color from overbalancing the more im- portant idea of form. No amount of rich color can correct defective lines. Along with object drawing comes the tremendous subject of perspec- tive. We start this work in the primary grade by teaching the placing of trees in simple scenes, apples on a page, etc., and by the third year we begin observing the tops of cups, baskets, etc. In the fourth year we study and dwell at length on the effect of distance upon objects. We teach recognition of the type forms, and the use of these forms in very simple pictures. In the fifth grade we teach the principle govern- ing a foreshortened circle, illustrating it with a circle cut from card- board with a hatpin through the middle, so as to move the circle up and down in different positions. This leads into the study of the cylinder in this same grade. In the sixth grade we study the cube. In the seventh we review the study of the cube and take it in more complex drawings. In each grade, as we introduce a new subject, we lay great stress upon the teaching of it and try to direct most of the work in this subject toward this end. I try never to force a principle I wish to present. We take the object we are to study, try to find examples of the type in other objects, talk about it, examine it thoroughly, then begin a study holding it in different positions. Every conclusion we draw, every statement we make concerning it is tested, and either proved or rejected. There are many different devices which we use for testing; some examples of these are putting toothpicks to the back corners of a. cube, tying strings to the edges of the cube, and showing how the lines seem to converge. The using of these very simple devices proves fascinating and helps the children to see and understand in a more comprehensive manner the principles. Drawing as Taught in New Bern 21 2. Design. Our work in design this year has been planned each time to meet a definite need, such as decorating a basket, a Christmas box, a desk set, condec shades, tiling for our miniature house, furnish- ing patterns for linoleum design, for stained glass window or wall paper. The designing of these patterns has come after the study of flower motiffs, symbols of the season, rhythm borders, animal and still life, or simple geometric forms. In each case we have studied the composition and color harmony along with this when the case permitted. We have worked upon lettering to decorate booklet backs, to make school posters, for copying of poems, verses for cards, etc. Beginning with the single word in the first grade we work forward till by the third grade we begin to study spacing in its simplest sense. In the fourth and fifth grades we use spaced paper and continue the practice of simple forms of letters, gradually working to improve the shape of these. In the sixth grade we begin learning how to do a great deal of the spacing with the eye. I have introduced Japanese letters and Old English forms and found the children like them, consequently, do quite good work in using them. In the seventh grade we try to work for accuracy in line, space, and form, and to acquire freedom and rapidity with the work. I find a definite aim, such as making a class poster or copying a poem for a booklet, presents all of the problems necessary, holds the attention, and creates interest much better than when we letter aimlessly just to learn how. 3. Figure and Landscape Composition. In the figure and silhouette work I begin with action figures and figures and forms in mass, illus- trating the play of the children. Familiar with these we go to the pose work. About the third and fourth grades we draw figures, ani- mals, and birds in mass, in outline, and later finish with shading, either of color or pencil. This continues through the entire course, either in simplicity or complexity, to suit the grade. Along with this comes the rendering of Mother Goose figures and cut work, illustrating plays and games. In all of this work we study to get the pose best suited to the grade and one that at the same time reveals most completely the character of the subject. 4. Landscape. The beginning of landscape work with us is the enjoy- ing of beautiful pictures and scenes. Then follows the production. In the first grade our work is but the combining of simple washes to make land and sky. The addition of a tree, a hill, or mountain helps us to vary these scenes. We use the primary colors in different com- binations with this work throughout the first three grades. Later we add clouds to the sky, put in an avenue of trees, take a scene with a river, expressing it all in one color, using differing values or using a color with its complementary color. By the end of the fourth year we begin doing landscape work with pencil. At no time should we 22 The Training School Quarterly lose sight of the fact that the pencil is after all one of the most widely used and one of the most effective mediums. There is no better place than in this work to teach its handling. It is possible here to introduce the different strokes of the pencil and to teach its different values; therefore, we do much of our landscape work in pencil, especially in grades 6 and 7. The finder is introduced. We try finding small pictures in larger ones and fitting a picture to different spaces or study- ing how the picture is spaced and then drawn to fit these spaces. We then do different spacing of our paper and draw a landscape with parts to fit in these spaces and make a picture. 5. Picture study is closely connected with landscape, but more in- clusive. Pictures on the wall, those found in our monthly journals and school books have served to give us much pleasure and to increase our apprecition of the best of art expression. We try finding the centers of interest and discovering how the artist has manifested this. We discover small pictures in larger ones. We enjoy collecting pic- tures of a beautiful type and also pointing out those found in Nature. One of those we have studied from Nature has been our down river view. We visited it off class, carrying the points in mind we were to look for. When we next came to class we discussed what we had seen, tried sketching it on the board, then at our seats. In a later class we finished it in color and in pencil. The results were surprising in the manifestation of how eager the children were to do the work, how they talked of the beauty of the scene, and 1 of other similar views, and we were pleased with what good ideas they had of expressing what they saw. 6. Color work. Our first work and chief aim in color in the primary grades is to teach the primary colors. We do most of the work in this subject so as to bring out this one aim. In the fourth grade we teach the tints, shades, and normal color, and do objects and scenes to illus- trate this. Sometimes we divide our picture into three parts, doing one part in light, the other in medium, and the last in dark. For a second picture we will do the first part in dark, the second in medium, the third in light and so on till we exhaust our color shifts. By the time we have finished the child has learned to draw the subject well, has not tired of it, but, because of the change each time, has enjoyed doing it over and over, and has learned the color chart, incidentally. In the fifth grade we teach complementary colors. We try doing objects in either of the primary colors with the complementary colors in combination. Just as we tried in the fourth using the shades, tints, and normal color in different places, we try each primary color and its complementary colors, then change these about in the treatment of the same object, scene or subject. We try doing trees, fruits, buildings, etc., in flat tones for decorative work, making no pretense whatever at realistic work. Oftentimes we better illustrate this by using a color Drawing as Taught in New Been 23 for drawing entirely different from that of the color object we are drawing. Then the children readily see what we are trying to impress. Complementary color scenes offer a great range. We take the work of this sort through the seventh year. In each grade we make our own color charts. If they are only simple strips of color mounted they serve the purpose and act as a guide for the child. 7. Construction work, paper tearing and cutting. Our construction work has been closely associated with the design in that in most cases it has been decorated by that work. In season, we have made cornu- copias, constructed Pilgrim villages, Esquimo houses, Indian villages, made Thanksgiving books, Christmas booklets, Easter baskets, George Washing-ton hats, and much miscellaneous work in the grades done to fit in with work they were studying in other subjects. In all of our primary grades we have based most of our work on constructing such things as doll furniture, on the IG-inch fold. This was to teach the use of the ruler. In the grades in which they were taking up either- half or quarter of an inch we would suit our work to aid in the use of that particular measure. In the grades in which the study of the cylinder and cube were taken we tried basing some of the construction work on those objects; for example, lamp shades, based on the cube, flower holders on the cylinder. Toys of the children in the lower grades were made. In the higher ones we made desk sets, telephone pads, folders, and book cases for the drawings, etc. We have torn trees, cut letters and torn animals from block forms made up of differ- ent units we wished to teach in particular grades. And so as the work goes forward paper construction progresses with it to fill a certain need of training the hands, muscles of the fingers and arms, the eye and brain all to work together, and to aid in holding the interest and arous- ing some children naturally a little slower than the others. Just in this connection, in the primary grades we have devised a plan which we hope will in time be worked through the school. In those grades known to the teacher as being slow we have tried clay modeling, raffia work, a great deal of weaving, sewing, and other hand work. The children take a delight in illustrating with clay such stories as "Three Bears," "Fox and Pigs," "Fox and Grapes," etc. In the first named we used three different colors of clay — the bears, chairs, beds, and bowls one color (brown) ; Curly Locks a lighter color with curly hair of brown, a nice green dress and brown sash. In connection with the raffia work one room made a whole suit of furniture for the living room of their doll house. 8. Observing, enjoying, and beautifying our surroundings. I try to remember if we are to expect the children to produce beautiful things we must help them to see and enjoy beautiful things. I try brighten- ing the rooms; it seems to work wonders just to tear down old pictures, put up a new one, a flag or some work of the children. If a certain 24 The Training School Quarterly room happens to be particularly interested in any one thing I use that as a lesson for enjoyment. In one room, for instance, they have a hobby of birds. We spent several lessons enjoying, studying, and drawing a bird house. I did not count any of the time wasted, for every time we call attention to any object, point out its beauty and speak of how its appearance may be improved. We have taught an appreciation for drawing. Did you ever try straightening or rehang- ing the pictures on the wall? Do you put up pretty borders in har- mony with the season, or do those fall borders still hang on through the spring? Arrange your desk neatly, place the chairs in a pleasing manner, see that the shades aren't all faded, worn and about to fall down. If you can, be sure and observe beautiful garden plots, pretty streets, pretty buildings, unusual rooms and remark on their beauty, for by so doing you are teaching drawing and cultivating a sense of the beautiful, a conscious love of nature and a healthy, happy mind in every child under your care. Through all of our work I try to remember we have a definite plan, there is a certain amount prescribed and a course to follow. Each year's work is but a step in completing the whole plan. As I reach a subject I do not necessarily try to stick to it regardless of all other work. I try not to forget it must be completed within the length of time given, but if opportunity presents itself and the time seems best I stop to enjoy holidays, seasons, birthdays, and whatever else here offers that we cannot enjoy later. Often we take a sprig, plant, or flower when it is in the stage we wish it. Even if it interrupts a study of something else we take it then as that may perish and the other can be gone back to later. After we have completed a study of some object I frequently leave it without further comment to come back to later for a memory drawing. We do this with no object for reference in view. It is good training and a splendid way to help the child make the drawing his own. Results are not expected to be as great as when it is done from the object, so I am not disappointed if it takes several attempts to get the best work. A great deal of blackboard work gives good training, too. One-half of the class may draw at the board while the others draw at their seats. In this way no time is wasted and a valuable end is attained. The teacher in charge of the room will find it restful and quieting to allow the children to go to the room to draw an object, say for the specified length of time, 3 or 5 minutes between classes. At the end of that time have the class seated and proceed again with the regular work. To accomplish the best in drawing everyday practice is needed. If you can have only two regular lessons a week practice on those lessons in odd periods, or maybe for only five or ten minutes. The results will far exceed those when only two lessons a week are given. Why I am Again in School Ednia Campbell, '12 *W^ ■ HY am I in school again? I presume I am a normal person, 111 particularly in my ability to study and in my ambitions. ^P^^^ Yet this question is often asked me, and I suppose in a changed form confronts many students, particularly student-teachers. By student-teachers I mean working teachers holding the genetic view- point. To this type teacher comes the question : Shall I strive and make further sacrifices to go on in my chosen profession? — will going to college be really worth while? — will I be repaid for the effort it will cost ? Having asked myself these questions many times, hesitated, risked the outcome of going to college and found it so satisfying, I advise any earnest student to do the same. Like the average American girl and boy I received my elementary education and entered high school with the ambition to make good grades, finish, and then enter college or some vocational school. I entered into all forms of student activities with enthusiasm, even those of pinning tags on the professor's backs, but I took everything as an event of that day, week, or month alone. Why I was studying certain subjects, what ultimate good they were going to be to me beyond their possible informational value, rarely, and never for serious considera- tion, received a moment's thought. I took them because they were in the curriculum and necessary to "get through." Deep underlying principles and methods seen and used by the teacher were as unknown to me as Sanskrit — yet, I was going to teach. Always, as a child, teaching had been the goal toward which I must work. It was such an early idea with me that I am unable to say whether it was of my own choosing, or was stamped upon me by my mother's earnest desire that I should teach. Anyway, after finishing high school, teaching was my next goal, just what or how or where I did not so much care — only it must not be in a rural school, or must not be grammar or Latin. I spent two years training. In that time teaching with its large possibilities, its deep underlying principles of habit formation, its agency in character building, its heavy responsibilities, dawned upon me and I earnestly tried to assimilate, to have for my very own a work- ing knowledge of the essential facts of psychology, pedagogy, methods, school management, and necessary content. Upon graduation I entered my work with zest. I was eager to see just what I could do. My first two years were in a one-teacher rural school ; I taught grammar and I enjoyed it all so much that I hope to return to rural work again. My next two years were in a city school. 26 The Training School Quarterly After the four years active service I felt these were some of my problems of that and all time: Am I presenting this lesson so James gets it? Jack does, but I am not sure of James. Is it my fault — isn't there some way I can help him to get it for himself? Aren't these children merely absorbing facts for "school reports" and not for life use? How can I help them to change? Are these children seeing life in nature and people and taking their daily part as well as preparing for greater responsibilities? Can I by conscientious effort aid them in doing this? Can the community be brought together to work upon problems of saner, more wholesome living — what agency can I be in this? These and dozens of other similar problems came. Some I have been able to solve partially ; some I have not. Always, I felt the need of experience and greater knowledge of the underlying principles of causes and results. It is true I read teachers' magazines, now and then a pro- fessional book, and attended summer-schools, but for serious study and research in answer to my problems, beyond what experience was giving me, I found, due to the demands of necessary work and society, that I had very little time or energy. Then, too, I awakened to the fact that I was fast settling into a rut. I needed fresh content matter, methods and contact with people of different viewpoint, or else I would quickly become the teacher satisfied with having her grade measure up to the required standards of the school in which she is working, losing sight of the big aims of education in a mass of details. For my own sake and for that of those people I come in contact with, and the children I am to teach, this could not be. Then came the question, How can I best find a solution to all my problems ? The answer came, By mingling with people who are consciously facing your same or similar problems, and being under the direction of people with ablity to guide and give. College, of course, presented these conditions, either Columbia, Chicago University, or Peabody. Selecting Peabody and still a little dubious as to what a college year would give I came back to work as a student. And now that I am at the place to summarize just what the year has meant to me, I find it hard to do because so much of it has been of an inspira- tional, intangible nature. Among the larger things gained has been a firmer grasp of the principles that dawned upon me as a normal school student ; a clearer insight into causes and effects ; a loving appreciation and respect for experimental work, and such work as John Dewey and the McMurrys are doing; a real appreciation of the significance of the big educational movements ; personal contact with C. A. McMurry and other members of the faculty ; a fresh enthusiasm for my work ; the joyousness of being a student among students, attending student gath- erings, playing basketball, swimming, and making friends with people from all parts of the globe. Why I am Again in School 27 I hope I have made myself clear as to why I am in school "again," and just a few of the things it is meaning. From no viewpoint is it possible for the year not to repay its outlay in time, energy, and money unless the student refuses to enter into it. Personally, I am returning "again" as soon as possible and would advise any teacher remaining in our profession to do the same. The Psalm of the Country Woman Helen Christine Bennett (From Pictorial Review, by permission) I am a country woman. When the sun shines my pulses beat with gladness. At night, when I have ceased my labors, I look upon the stars. When I see the myriads shining above me — each, perchance, a world as my own — I know that life is not futile nor finite. I cannot count the stars, there are so many. How then can I hope to grasp infinity? The sting of Death has touched me, but altho it has robbed me of a Presence, yet may I rejoice. For every Spring I see again the miracle of resurrection. I have planted the tiny seed and have guarded its growth until I have the tiny seed within my hands again. So I comprehend dimly a cycle that has neither beginning nor end. By day I work with my hands and under them I see transformed the sustenance of life. It is good to see butter come gold in the churn. There are those who come from the places where many dwell, from the cities where these things are not. Such say to me: "Is not life here monotonous?" I smile within my secret self to hear them. For they know not of the drama that is held in producing the means of life, the never-ceasing battle waged with Nature, nor of the joy of victory. The wild carrot grows by my doorsteps. I have seen it countless times, yet ever is it a thing of exceeding beauty. And it is but one of uncounted beauties about me. The air is sweet. The arms of my mate are strong. My children, brown under the sun-kiss, discover each day new wonders in the fields and woods. I have pity for the blindness of those who thus speak to me. For I have known the fullness of life and my eyes can see. Latin as a Vocational Subject Daisy Bailey Waitt FOR the average high school student Latin should be a vocational subject. Is it as our high school courses are now offered? The number of students who study the subject two or three years and forget it in less time is far greater than the number who study it for four years and are fortunate enough to go to college. Even with the latter class is the work offered always as practical in character as our dependence on the Latin language for our everyday speech would jus- tify? I shall not attempt to go into the subject except as it relates to the first two or three years. In a recent article in the Classical Weekly Prof. H. C. Nutting, of the University of California, says: "The demand of the hour is for concentration upon the problems of first and second-year Latin, and with two aims in mind, (1) so to enrich the first two years that the student will desire of his own volition to continue the work beyond that point, and (2) to make the work of the first two years preeminently worth while even for those who can pursue the subject no further." Under the second head Latin as a vocational subject naturally finds a. place. The number of high school students who do not go to college, but enter some trade or industry is greatly in excess of the students who go to college. In various types of work of this kind it is an acknowledged fact that ignorance of English, that is, a lack of knowl- edge of the meaning and use of words derived from Latin, is the greatest obstacle to promotion. Too often the work the schools offer make their courses to fit the college entrance requirements and their content is influenced by these requirements rather than by any immediate or practical benefit to be derived from the subject itself, and there are very decided values of a practical and vocational character that should come to the student in the pursuit of Latin even though he never learns to read fluently and drops the subject just when it should be becoming most interesting. From the beginning Latin should not be to the student a dead lan- guage, but rather his parent tongue, and I speak advisedly since Eng- lish is far more Latin than Anglo-Saxon and not a few words familiar to the student such as junior, senior, orator, census, have not even changed their form, while many others have but slightly changed theirs. The increase in the students' observation of the use of words along with his knowledge of words and feeling for their proper use should be one of the first practical tests of his Latin. A test of this sort will demonstrate the value of his Latin, whatever trade, occupation, Latin as a Vocational Subject 29 or profession a student may afterwards enter, to say nothing of the cultural and disciplinary values, for they have not been proved alto- gether nil, and the hasis Latin forms for grammatical study of English and other modern languages as well. Experiments in vocational Latin to date have been eminently suc- cessful, but they have been confined primarily to special schools and commercial courses, notably the experiments made by Albert S. Perkins in connection with the commercial courses in the Rochester High School. It remains for a practical high school course to be worked out which shall give to the student the ability to apply his Latin as he gets it to make his English help his Latin and his Latin help his English, to seek and find the Latin element in all around him. To bring the application closer home for the primary or elementary teacher such training is invaluable. If to quote from a recent article on commercial Latin, "a broad, flexible, discriminating vocabulary is a prime business asset," certainly a training which enlarges the vocabulary and impresses on the mind a discriminating use of words is absolutely indispensable for the girl who is going to engage in any form of teach- ing. It is with this idea in view that a two-years course in practical Latin is being offered in the Academic Department of the Training School, and it is the honest conviction of experience that such a course will not only be of far more practical value to the student who can pursue it no further, but that it will arouse more interest and secure a greater desire for a further study of the subject than the usual college entrance requirements generally studied. This course does not take from the usual college entrance requirements any of the bone and sinew which make them worth while, but rather differs in content, which is in the main equivalent, and will, perhaps, make possible even greater require- ments because of greater interest, and form the basis for more varied reading. Ways of Economizing in Cooking Substituting in Recipes ON account of the high price of foodstuffs this year we have been emphasizing in our cooking class how we can best reduce the cost of our cooking. We have taken up the cooking of: first, breads; second, cakes; and third, meats and vegetables. In cooking our breads we found we could reduce the cost considerably by using the cheaper fats, such as cottolenc, which is now 23 cents per pound, 2 cents cheaper per pound than lard. In keeping accounts of prices we have noted carefully the increasing cost of ingredients. Take, for instance: EGG BREAD Cost in November. Cost now. 1 c meal $.009 $.015 1% tsp baking powder 004 .004 y>2 tsp. salt — — 2 lb. melted fat (lard) 005 .007 1 egg 03 .025 1 c milk 025 .037 Total $.073 $.088 Notice the substitutions we made that cheapen the cost. Cottolene can be used and very good bread can be made with less fat than is called for in the recipe. Second. Instead of using sweet milk and baking powders we used sour milk, which costs one-half as much as sweet milk, and one-half teaspoonful of soda. This made the bread as good, and also cut the price down. Two tablespoonfuls of flour can be used instead of the egg, but the bread would not have been as rich in protein value. The next thing we attempted to cheapen was the cooking of cakes. "We could reduce the cost here by using fewer eggs and a smaller amount of fat. We could also reduce it by using sour milk and soda instead of sweet milk and baking powders. One teaspoon of baking powders can also be used instead of one egg. The cooking of meats was the most important part of our work. We had to be very careful of the cost. The lessons were carefully planned so nothing would be wasted ; for instance, we stewed the meat for one lesson, and in the next lesson made croquets for which we used the stewed meat. We bought the cheaper cuts of meat; by that I do not mean the cheapest per pound at the market, but the cuts that would be Ways of Economizing in Cooking 31 the cheaper after the bones and gristle were taken out. Such cuts as brisket, ribs, and neck seem very cheap when we think only of the price per pound, but after about one-third, which is bone and gristle, are taken out, the cost mounts up to about the cost of round steak. All the meat that was left, including the uncooked, was used for some other dish. The cooked meats were used for croquets, hash on toast, in pie, or baked, or for salads. The uncooked meats were used for flavoring as in soup and scalloped meats. In fixing the egg for the croquets one-fourth cup of water can be mixed with one egg. This reduced our expenses in two ways: first, by using the left-over meats which would have been thrown away ; second, by using the bread crumbs, left over cereals, and potatoes. We made these left-overs into very appetizing dishes. Vermelle Worthington, '17. Other Means of Economizing In this day of high prices and scarcity of food the women can be more economical by substituting cheaper foods for the more expensive ones, and by knowing how to save and preserve the things that they have on hand. Instead of letting the surplus fruits and vegetables spoil, can vege- tables such as corn, beans, peas, tomatoes, beets, and squash, for winter use. Can, preserve, and dry all apples, peaches, and other fruits that you have or can buy cheap. N"ow, while butter is easy to get, buy a supply and pack it away in salt in earthern jars for future use. It will keep any length of time. Eggs may be kept by being packed away in salt, or in a solution of water glass, which is prepared by using one part water glass to ten parts water. The use of corn meal in the place of so much wheat flour would reduce the cost of food for the family. Very good bread may be made from corn meal and wheat flour, half and half. All batter breads are better if part corn meal is used. Puddings, and even doughnuts and cakes are made with corn meal as the basis. Corn meal mush may be used in many ways, besides as a breakfast or supper dish. Fried mush, mush with cheese, and mush with fruits may be used. By writing to the Department of Agriculture at Washington one can get the bulletin, "Sixty Ways to Use Corn Meal." Since more rice was produced in the United States last year than ever before, it is cheap now. The Southerners realize the value of rice, and it is one of the staples along the sea coast and gulf coast. Boiled rice is often used for dinner, taking the place of bread. 32 The Training School Quarterly Cold boiled rice may be mixed with all batters of flour, or corn meal; it reduces tbe quantity of other foods needed, and is a way of using the left-over cereals. Cold boiled rice may be used, with or without a little meat, for croquettes, and with eggs, sugar, milk, or other ingredients for making puddings and other deserts. The left-overs from a meal may always be made into some attractive dish. The left-over pieces of meat or fish may be made into croquetts or baked hash. The left-over potatoes may be used for potato salad. All left-over cooked fruit may be made into puddings, custards, or souffles. The fuel bill could be reduced greatly by the use of a fireless cooker, which can be made at home. Write to the Department of Agriculture at Washington to get directions for making one. Effie Batjgham, '17. Why Boys Leave the Farm (From Munsey's, by permission) "Why did you leave the farm, my lad? Why did you bolt and quit your dad? Why did you beat it off to town, and turn your poor old father down? Thinkers of platform, pulpit, press, are wallowing in deep distress; they seek to know the hidden cause why farmer boys desert their pas. Some say they long to get a taste of faster life and social waste; some say the silly little chumps mistake the suit-cards for the trumps, in wagering fresh and germless air against the smoky thoroughfare. We's all agreed the farm's the place ; so free your mind and state your case!" "Well, stranger, since you've been so frank, I'll roll aside the hazy bank, the misty cloud of theories, and show you where the trouble lies. I left my dad, his farm, his plow, because my calf became his cow. I left my dad — 'twas wrong, of course — because my colt became his horse. I left my dad to sow and reap, because my lamb became his sheep. I dropped my hoe and stuck my fork, because my pig became his pork. The garden-truck that I made grow — 'twas his to sell, but mine to hoe. It's not the smoke in the atmosphere, nor the taste for 'life' that brought me here. Please tell the platform, pulpit, press, no fear of toil or love of dress is driving off the farmer lads, but just the methods of their dads!"— J. Edward Tuft. How We Became Interested in Finding Subjects to Write About BY A COMMITTEE FROM THE CLASS OF 1919 * J ■ S preparation, the interest of the class was aroused in composi- B"ra li' 1 " l',V studying the Progressive Farmer, the Country Gen- %W m tleman and other such magazines. We studied these articles to see the methods other people used for making themselves understood, and to notice subjects people were interested in. After a study of these articles each member of the class made a list of subjects from these magazines. Each then wrote one paragraph on an article from one of those papers, carefully selecting a subject she knew enough about to write on. Each girl then selected the magazine or paper she wished to write for, and in this way there was no feeling of a mere class exercise, but each felt that she was writing for a purpose. When the class had finished this work each member handed in to a committee, chosen from the class, a list of subjects that were of interest around her home, in her community, or on the farm. Our committee sifted and organized these under general topics. When this list had been reorganized it was placed on the bulletin board in the class room where each girl could study it. Each selected a subject that she was interested in and felt that she could write an article on that would reach the standard of those she had been studying. After she had decided on the subject she wrote her article and handed it in. This caused the girls to open their eyes. Then to begin to notice the interesting features around the school. Each girl handed in a list of the features she had taken notice of and was especially interested in around the Training School. This list was placed on the bulletin board as the other had been and each girl read the subjects and handed in her first and second choice to write an article on. It was surprising to know that all the subjects were taken and nearly every girl had her first choice. The girls' interest in this work was so great that each threw herself into it; and some exceedingly good articles were written. They were not only interested themselves but they made their fellow-students in other classes interested and some girls even became guides for sight-seeing parties around the school. Each girl had an interview with the person who could give her the most information on her subject. Many of those interviewed gave good reports of the young journalists. Following is given a suggestive list of some of the subjects : Community subjects. — The school : How we succeeded in consolidat- ing three one-teacher schools into one ; The teacher : How one teacher 3 34 The Training School Quarterly helped our community; The kind of school we need; How we painted our school house. Clubs. — The work of the tomato club in our county; How we organ- ized a tomato club ; What the tomato club has meant to me ; The eight weeks club a Training School girl organized in my neighborhood; The corn-club boys in our county; My work in the poultry club; The boy scouts in our town; Why we organized a Farmers' Union. Public utilities. — A plan for efficient telephone service in my com- munity ; What the telephone means to us ; Rural delivery makes us a part of the world ; What the daily paper means to us ; The condition of the roads in my county ; The old road and the new running to my home ; Our good road to market; How we keep up the roads in our county; Our road-making day. Miscellaneous. — A community library of farm bulletins; How a girl can make money in North Carolina; The tenant problem in our com- munity; How we got up a community fair; What our community fair meant to us; The automobiles in our neighborhood; How the automo- bile on the farm pays for itself. In the Home. — How to do things, directions for making labor-saving devices, for cooking, for canning, and suggestions that had been tried out. Topics of interest around the Training School. — The cold storage plant ; The heating and lighting plant ; The arrangement of the kitchen and dining room ; The management of the dining room ; How the school is fed; The disposal of the garbage; The school garden; The Model School (1) The plan of cooperation with the Greenville schools; (2) The management of the student-teaching ; The library : what is in it and how it is managed; The infirmary; The Bursar's office: how the book- keeping is handled ; How the records of the students are kept ; The Loan Funds : history, how managed, etc. ; Facts and figures about the summer terms ; The history of the establishment and growth of the school ; His- tory of the various organizations of the school, such as the Y. W. C. A., the societies, Athletic League, and of the Quarterly, etc. Rena Harrison. Zelota Cobb. Elizabeth Speir. James Whitcomb Riley Alavia K. Cox, '17 J^* AMES WHITCOMB RILEY, the most popular American poet, was born in Greenfield, Indiana, in 1853. His father, an eminent lawyer, was very anxious to have his son study law, but the poet refused to do it; he tells us: "Whenever I picked up Blackstone or Greenleaf my wits went to wool-gathering, and my father was soon convinced that his hopes of my achieving greatness at the bar were doomed to disappointment." Referring to his education the poet fur- ther says: "I never had much schooling, and what I did get I believe did me little good. I never could master mathematics, and history was a dull and juiceless thing to me; but I always was fond of reading in a random way and took naturally to the theatrical." Riley's first occupation was sign-painting for a patent medicine man, with whom he traveled one year. Riley is widely recognized as the poet of the country people. Although he was not reared on a farm, as most people believe, he so completely imbibed its atmosphere that few of his readers suspect that he did not actually live among the scenes he describes. "When the Frost is on the Pumpkin," "The Ole Swimmin' Hole," "Airly Days," "That Old Sweetheart of Mine," and scores of others go straight to the heart of the fun-loving countryman with a mixture of pleasant recol- lections, humor and sincerity that is most delightful. To every man who has been a country boy and "played hookey" on the school master to go swimming, or fishing, or bird-nesting, or stealing watermelons, or simply to lie on the orchard grass, many of Riley's poems come as an echo from his own experiences, bringing a vivid and pleasingly melodi- ous retrospective view. The West and the East, and particularly the middle sections of the country, all agree that James Whitcomb Riley was the poet of the common American life. He interpreted it as no other writer has done — its loves, its aspirations, its gaiety, its underlying religious faith. "He took by divine right," says the New York Sun, "the place of an Ameri- can poet which has not been occupied since Longfellow's tenancy ended. His universal appeal lay in the fact that he grew up close to nature and never became sophisticated in life or literature." Riley wrote much dialect, although he preferred the recognized non- dialect poetic form. He tells us, "Dialectic verse is natural and gains added charm from its very commonplaceness. I follow nature as closely as I can and try to make my people think and speak as they do in real life." The chief merit of Riley's dialect verse is its effectiveness as a 36 The Training School Quarterly medium for character portrayal. Whimsical, lovable, homely, racy, quaint, pathetic, humorous, tender, are his dialect poems; essentially, he has shown us life as a superior writer of prose sketches might do, adding the charm of his lyricism. For some years the people, critics chiefly, have censured Riley by saying he was sentimental. And, indeed, he was — as sentimental as Dickens, Victor Hugo, or Burns. Perhaps no poet was ever so loved as Riley by so many and such diverse people unless he possessed that eager, tender, human warmth which is senti- ment. With Riley it never degenerated into sentimentality, which is the sign of the incompetent artist, who is attempting to force an emotion that he does not feel. There is no better evidence of the genuineness of Riley's sentiment, particularly in the dialect poems, than the discretion with which he touches the pathetic chord when he touches it at all. The true genial nature of our Hoosier Poet is revealed in his great love for little children. His successful thousand dollar entertainments were often given when surrounded by a delightful audience of little people. Riley spent delightful evenings playing the guitar and singing old songs for the little people. One afternoon while entertaining them he was asked to write his confession in a little girl's Mental Confession Album. Four of the twenty answers will give you an idea of its sarcasm as a whole : Favorite Flower — "The cultivated jimpson bloom, Of course excusin' the perfume." Favorite Animal — "Of all of those that I have tried, I think I like the rabbit — fried." Character in Fiction — "Belle Wilfer, 'cause she gave her dad The first full suit he ever had." Ideal Woman — "Sweet as a rose, in kitchen clothes, With a smirch of flour on her nose." An editorial that appeared immediately after Mr. Riley's death in the Chicago Evening Post, says : "The man who had the key to the Kingdom of Childhood has entered its portals and the gates have closed behind him. Little Orphant Annie and the barefoot boy bade him welcome. By either hand they took him and led him through its fields, where the cool greenness never fades and the starry wild flowers bloom year in and year out. "He is no stranger there. All the children know him, and he knows all the winding paths, the brooks and valleys, the hills and groves of shady trees. His own songs will make glad music for him, as they have made music for us. James Whitcomb Riley 37 "James Whitcomb Riley always belonged to that kingdom. Through his 60 years and more of tarrying in a world that grows old with cares and sorrows, with futile yearnings after foolish baubles, cruel stripes and wars, he sang to us of its beauties, bearing its charm and fragrance with him. It seemed to lie far away for many of us — somewhere in the long distance behind us. Riley had the magic to conjure the vision of it for others, but it was scarcely more than a dream, from which we wakened suddenly to the matter-of-fact world that claims our drudging thought and effort. For him it was never further than a short step. "Years gone he sang about the first bluebird. To Riley it was the emblem of happiness. He followed the flight of the bluebird. The shimmer of its wings never escaped him; the gladness of its song echoed in all his lyrics. "He has gone. He leaves us a rich heritage, dearer now than ever. In his songs we may find the key to that kingdom; we may learn to weave its magic spells." By many people Riley was considered very eccentric. He would invite the "Muse" while going about the streets, either riding or walk- ing, and as soon as the poems were thought out he immediately trans- ferred them to paper. He was one of the many poets who could write only when the spirit moved him. Much of his work was done at night, and at twelve o'clock a large cup of coffee and some custard pie were appreciated. He would sweeten his coffee until one fairly shuddered when he drank it. One morning he was reminded that seven lumps of sugar had disappeared into his syrup-like coffee. "Yes, I know," he drawled, "but when I was a boy I was never allowed to have enough sugar, so I'm taking it now. Of course I don't like it, but I'm doing it for spite." He played the role of a very deaf old man all the while he was at the table. ISTever, by any chance, was he known to answer a question correctly — hitting wide of the mark each time he pretended to reply, which convulsed his fortunate audience, for his acting was truly remarkable. Like Whittier and many other genial poets Riley never married. Through his charming verses of "An Old Sweetheart of Mine" we are led to believe, however, that sometime back in the "Airly Days" love played for him its magic spell. For several years Riley spent much of his time on the lecture platform in company with the humorous writer, "Bill ISTye." An announcement of their appearance always insured them an enthusiastic welcome and a crowded house. Mr. Riley's inimitable rendering of his poems carried his audience back to the "Ole Swimmin' Hole" and other scenes, while Mr. Nye's droll remarks or a story told by one of the "Forty Liars" shook the house in convulsions of laughter. Before his death, which occurred on July 22, 1916, his sufferings were intense. When his tired body answered the call of his dream children we think the bluebird lighted on his window sill and gave the call. 38 The Training School Quarterly His bachelor life was pleasantly spent at his sister's home in Indian- apolis, Indiana. Of this home he writes — Such a dear little street, it is nestled away From the noise of the city and the heat of the day, In cool, shady coverts of whispering trees, With their leaves lifted up to shake hands with the breeze, Which, in all its wide wanderings, never may meet With a resting place fairer than Lockerlie Street. Mr. Riley gave large audiences in all the leading cities of America the rare treat of listening to his interesting recitation of his poems. He was a Hoosier who happily escaped enslavement; the things hidden from us, or revealed only in flashes, remembered but vaguely from the days of our own happy life, he continued to see steadily; he lived among them familiarly to the end, and until the end was their interpreter to us. Psychologists are born, not made. Thirty years from now it will be interesting to see if this child is not a leading psychologist of his day. Is this next generation to profit by the thinking along psychological lines this generation is doing? Is it true that one generation reaps after the last one has sown? The story below is of a boy five and a half years old, lacking just two days. One Sunday morning at the breakfast table this conversation took place : William — "Papa, my thinking brain is out of fix." Father— "Why, what's the matter with it?" William— "It's out of fix." Mother — "Explain to papa, baby." William — "Last night I was thinking about something and some- thing else just butted right in and made me stop thinking about what I wanted to think about." Mother — "Baby, explain to papa what you wanted to think about." Father — "Yes, son, explain." William — "I was thinking about your making me a automobile and something else just butted right in and made me stop. My thinking brain is out of fix." Here the family broke in laughing. Questions were asked him as to how one could fix his "thinking brain," but William was not to be laughed out of trouble. To him his condition was serious and he was concerned over it. It was suggested to him that he could not think if his "thinking brain" was out of fix, but he replied that he could think some, but his brain did not work as it should. Have you ever been in this fix? Did it trouble you? What are you going to do about it? The Trip to Raleigh Lizzie Stewabt, '17 •yy ■ HEN Mr. Wright announced in chapel the final decision that fi (LI there would be a holiday in honor of the trip to Raleigh, we ^^^^ who were going were overwhelmed with thanks and showered with good wishes from the less fortunate. Excitement then began in earnest. The question that was uppermost in the mind of every person planning the trip was : What can I wear to make me look the most at- tractive in order to keep up the reputation of the school? That in the mind of the girl who was going was : How much money can I afford to spend on the flash we are planning, and have some left for the movies? February 20 came at last. After an early breakfast, and many cau- tions as to the care of our health, we were settled in our own private cars, two in number, and on our way to Raleigh. Time passes quickly when one is excited, so being surrounded by a jolly crowd, singing and laugh- ing, and having unusually congenial chaperones, Miss Davis, Miss Waitt and Miss Maupin, we soon reached our destination. The pleasant face and the familiar expressions, "Ah! The dear lambs, here they are ! All looking pretty as usual ! Ah ! Precious angels dear !" of Col. Fred Olds, greeted us at the station. Ninety- eight girls all rushed for his hand at one time. Col. Olds was assisted in receiving us by Mr. T. E. Browne of A. & E. College, and Mr. J. B. Pearce, of the department store of Raleigh. No time was wasted, for we at once began to explore the city. For various reasons we went to the Capitol first. Here we saw the Legisla- ture, both the House and the Senate in session. This enriched our experience somewhat in the line of History and came at the psycho- logical moment. Governor Bickett then received us in his private office, where we were introduced by Col. Olds. Governor Bickett made us a short talk, pledging to us his hearty support in behalf of our institution. Col. Olds then announced that we would go to pay our respects to "Mrs. Governor." The Governor gave us permission to hold his half of the mansion for the time being, regretting that he could not be there with us. A photographer greeted us at the mansion and with Mrs. Bickett, Mrs. B. R. Lacy and Mrs. J. Y. Joyner in the center, a very attractive picture was made. Mrs. Bickett was assisted in receiving the girls in an informal recep- tion by Mrs. Lacy, Mrs. Joyner, and Miss Davis. Mrs. Bickett's hos- pitality granted to us the other half of the mansion that the Governor did not reign over. Col. Olds was kept busy. It did not seem that. 40 The Training School Quarterly there was one single piece of furniture that did not have some historical value. We were not sorry when Col. Olds announced that we would go to the Woman's Club and get lunch next. For the first time since we reached Raleigh we sat down. The club house is a beautiful building designed, owned and operated by women. We rested awhile after lunch before we started on our afternoon tour. Being quite refreshed by our lunch we started to the Museum. This perhaps was the place of most interest and surely of most value to a large majority of the girls. We next enjoyed the hospitality given us at Boylan-Pearce's depart- ment store, where we were allowed to range at our will. We were deeply concerned when it was suggested that we take a look in at the Wake County Court House, for you know Wake is in hearty cooperation with the Training School girls. When, after a short talk by Superintendent Giles, we came away, one could hear the murmur going over the crowd : "I am certainly going to teach in Wake County." About eight minutes were left before our special cars would be ready to take us out to A. & E., so we utilized the time by taking a peep at the city auditorium. Our cars were waiting for us so nothing prohibited a speedy arrival at the College. As we alighted we were cautioned by Miss Davis to remember the instructions given before we left : that was not to let our joy in being at A. & E. be too evident. We were met by President Rid- dick and escorted out to the field, where a dress parade was given for our especial benefit. The masses became groups and scattered around to various places of especial interest. The dinner hour came all too soon. The dining room was beautifully decorated with red and white carnations. The boys showed their college spirit by giving us yells. These were responded to in such a manner by the girls that the boys said they were almost ashamed to let such a small crowd of girls beat them so much. After dinner there was an informal gathering in the Y. M. C. A. hall, where familiar songs were sung, and some special music, both vocal and instrumental was given. The last place visited was the Supreme Court Building. Here we examined the Hall of History, seeing many things of educational value and interest. Chief Justice Clark made a short talk on woman suffrage. Many of the happy memories of the day will stay with us forever. "We, the members of the senior class, hereby recommend that the custom of visiting, annually, the capital of our State, be faithfully adhered to as an unbreakable precedent." Subscribed to by all who made the trip. The Legislature as a Junior Saw It Willie Jackson, '17 One of the most interesting places that we visited while in Raleigh was the Capitol, where we had the good fortune to see the General Assembly in session. Owing to Colonel Olds' schedule for the day we had to split our crowd so that a part observed in the Senate and the other in the House of Representatives. The House is a larger hall than the Senate, and the seats are arranged in a semi-circle, with the speaker's seat in front. There should have been 120 representatives in the hall, but for various reasons, strolling on the grounds, standing on the street corners, gossip- ing, etc., there were a good many vacancies. The Speaker, who is chosen by the House, sat in his elevated box in front. Just behind him, there were suspended the two well known flags, that of the State and that of the nation. These formed a sheer curtain beyond which we saw men standing in groups carrying on conversations, and drinking water from the buckets which were constantly being refilled by a small boy, who no doubt thought that he was a very important person in this great assem- blage. Naturally, one would think that the presiding officer, since he occu- pies such an important place in North Carolina's law-making body, would be very dignified and quite attentive to what was going on on the floor. But not so. He sat half reclining in his chair, reading a newspaper, which I saw him buy from a newsboy just as we entered. Every now and then he raised himself up, took a sip of Adam's ale from the cup, which was placed to his right, then demanded the attention of the house by knocking with a hammer on his desk. One of the seniors thought he did this to quiet things down, so that he might understand what he was reading. By watching very closely, I found out that this is the method of recognizing a member who wants the floor. "Will the gentleman from Iredell County give his remarks on the bill now before the House ?" Then the gentleman from Iredell arose and spieled forth a speech which seemed to interest no one so much as himself, for the other gentle- men read newspapers and magazines, wrote letters, and held friendly conversations with their immediate neighbors. Every now and then I saw one open his mouth and yawn. It looked as if he might swallow the man nest to him. But of course that was impossible. Finally some got up, stretched, walked around and thereby rested their weary bones. Such a relief it seemed ! My eye fell on one sitting in a far off corner and as his face was 42 The Training School Quarterly "neither sad nor glad," I concluded he was asleep. And sure enough he was, for all at once he woke up. Then to give the appearance of having kept up with the argument of the gentleman who had the floor, he arose and asked about a point that should have been questioned, if at all, five minutes before. We were in the House long enough to hear one of our own representa- tives from Pitt plead for his Good Eoads Bill, which afterwards passed. I fancy when he saw us filing in, he felt somewhat as we do when the president ushers a visitor into our class room. But like us he bore himself with Spartan fortitude and batted not an eyelid. We were also in the House long enough to see an illustration in prob- lem solving. One of the messenger boys was sent on an errand. In order to reach his point of destination, he had to pass between two men who were on the floor addressing the House. He saw his difficulty. It is dollars to doughnuts, that he had been taught by one of our girls, for quick as a flash he was on his all fours and passed beyond without dis- turbing the speakers. It was with genuine regret that I had to follow Colonel Olds' march- ing orders. I did want to see how a vote could be taken amid so much confusion and disorder, but I had to hurry on. €tye draining gkfjool (©uarterlp Published by the Students and Faculty of the East Carolina Teachebs Tbaining School, Greenville, N. C. Entered as Second Class Matter, June 3, 1914, at the Postoffice at Greenville, N. C, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Price: $1.00 a year. 25 cents single copy. FACULTY EDITOR Mamie E. Jenkins ALUMNiE EDITOR Bettie Spenceb STUDENT EDITORS. Poe Literary Society. Lanier Literary Society. Fannie Lee Speib, Editor-in-Chief. Ruth Spivey, Business Manager. Sallie France:, Assistant Editor. Jennie Taylob, Assistant Editor. Vol. IV APRIL, MAY, JUNE No. 1 Keep the Fires Burning Keep the fires burning on the school altars so that none of the good we now have will go out. That is part of the teachers' "bit." Each community is now a part of the world. Any Remember one who thinks in terms of his community only is selfish and is not a patriot. Salute the Flag Is there a flag on your schoolhouse? Do the children salute it? Do the older people salute it? Do You Know Do you and your neighbors know the words of "Star the Words of Spangled Banner," "America," "Columbia, the Gem of the National r ° ' . ' ' Songs ? the Ocean," and "Carolina," or are you leaving this to the school children ? "Carolina" was on the program for a meeting of a woman's club, the first half of the first stanza was strong, but the last half was weaker and weaker. The chorus was full and strong, but two different sets of words were contending for the mastery of the first part of the second stanza, and one voice alone car- ried through the last half of the stanza. Try "America" on an audience in which there are no children. 44 The Tbaining School Qtjabterly Wh . Perhaps the teacher who lives near her school is in Teachers charge of a farm garden, where she is trying to meet Can Do fa e p resen t situation by getting the children interested in raising food stuffs, and at the same time she is teaching the funda- mentals of agriculture. While the teacher is willing, yet she can not do as much as she would like to because the school term ends too early, and begins too late for her to aid much in the production of food. But how can she help ? By getting the children so interested in the work that they will go home and begin their own garden. Then, too, when the teacher goes home for vacation she can help carry on the work that the regular teacher has begun. Again, she can help by teaching the children to practice the strictest economy in their use of school supplies, and also in the domestic science course. There is no more patriotic duty than keeping right on. The teacher in her work is doing as patriotic service for her country as the soldier boy, and she should not be lured from her post of duty by romantic appeals. The government realizes this and has listed the teacher as being in patriotic service for the country. — F. L. S. „ _ , The teacher must pay board and laundry, she must Make Ends dress fairly well, she must subscribe to educational et journals, and own books, and she must go to summer school. How can she meet these requirements with the compensation of $50 per month for six months? Board has increased 50 per cent, shoes have increased 40 per cent, and there is no telling where it will go, and every commodity of life has increased greatly. How much has the teacher's salary increased? None. Less than $45 a month is the magnificent salary paid the average school teacher in the county in which the East Carolina Teachers Training School is situated. This is a progressive county, and wants progressive teachers, and rightly so. Teachers are willing to give their services to the school, but at the same time they must live. By the time she has done her community work and school work there is little time for making clothes, even when the teacher can sew well. What can the teacher do and what can the people of the community do to help to relieve the situation ? The teacher can show her patriotism by wearing the simplest clothes, by eliminating luxuries, and by practic- ing the strictest economy in every way possible. The people of the com- munity or the family with whom she boards can help by keeping board reasonable. There is no reason why board in the country should be so Editorials 45 greatly increased if the farmer produces most of his food supply, as he should. She must do as others are doing, do the most she can with what she has. — F. L. S. What are you, young woman teacher, going to do this What of the summer? Teacher, no matter where you are for the Summer? , ■'. summer, you can find things to do. It is vacation and you may be far from the community in which you teach, hut you can do something wherever you are. You may be at home. Do you feel that you have earned the right to loaf because you have had a hard winter? If you are at home, you have opportunities for service. You should fit into your community and work as if you had never left it. You can carry on things the teacher began last winter. If she did not leave anything for you to carry on, you can begin things and leave them for the teacher next fall to carry on for you. 1. Garden. Is it not too late? Yes, for radishes and English peas; ~No, for late vegetables, the second crop of Irish potatoes, turnips, and other late vegetables. Start a school garden for the teacher who comes to your community next fall. She will be glad to find things started. Get ready for winter vegetables. Get some hot-beds made for her. 2. Help promote the canning clubs. Can things yourself; boost the canning club ; study up on household questions and pass ideas of econ- omy and conservation on to others. 3. Help the girls of the community with ideas about their clothes. If you can sew, have a sewing bee to popularize "make your own clothes movement;" if you cannot sew yourself, form a partnership with some one who can who will do that part of the work and you can help the girls in planning and designing. You should be able to help them with ideas of economy and taste. 4. Help make supplies for the Eed Cross Society or for some other society that makes a business of directing and collecting supplies. Al- though a first aid class may be out of the question, any community can fill at least one box of supplies. Make bandages according to the specifi- cations sent out by the Eed Cross Society, or make garments. Learn how to knit socks. Get the old ladies of the community organized into a knitting club. Get them to teach the younger ones how to knit socks. They will be delighted to know that the well-nigh lost art of turning heels and narrowing toes is once again popular. The old-fashioned knit yarn sock is what is needed now. Did you ever hear of wrist- bands? These will be wanted. These will be in fashion for the sol- diers next winter. Knit sponges are among the articles called for. Knitting is as fascinating as making tatting, or crocheting. If you 46 The Training School Quarterly cannot get together the supplies for a whole box, get in touch with the Red Cross work in a large town nearby and offer to send a certain number of things to them. In this way several communities can com- bine and fill large boxes. Whatever comes or goes, do something, don't sit idle. Red Cross What is a woman's work in war ? Be a Red Cross RedCrlsI 8 ' nurse? That is the first answer one gets. The Red Work Cross nurse is now a highly trained person, and only those who have had special training and experience are considered at all. Those who went into training for this work when the great war broke out are just getting sent to the front. Science has pushed into the background everything here except efficiency. The sweet, soothing little woman who has sentimental dreams of administering to poor suf- fering soldiers because she has so much sympathy for them is not turned loose in hospitals now. Even to be an aid to a Red Cross nurse takes hard study, and special qualifications, and the work is entirely volunteer. When the work was first started in North Carolina by the women in a woman's club, a young girl came to the club and announced that she had come to be a Red Cross nurse. She had come from a small country school, had no idea of what war meant, no conception of nursing, had never been in a hospital, but she thought that was the only way a girl could do anything. There are perhaps many such throughout the State. They are eager to help and simply need direction. You can do Red Cross work in your community that counts, that is as essential as that done on the field, and yet use only the time and energy that is going to waste. In the meantime you are carrying on things at home. The universities in mobilizing their forces have sent What is a ou |. ^ a ]j w jj nave ever Dee n connected with them lists Woman s Part? to be checked. The list below, sent out to women by Columbia University, is full of suggestions, both as to the kind of work the women are called on to do and as to the work they are fitted for. Author Making surgical dressings Automobile driving Manager Raker Messenger Bookkeeper Mail carrier Care of children Motorcyclist Clerical work Nurse Cook Practical Dairy Trained Dietition Pharmacist Factory inspection Physician Editorials 47 Factory work Photographer Farming Postmistress First aid Poultry raising Gardening Powder boats Garment-making Reader House work Relief visiting Instructing blind, maimed, etc. Sewing Journalist Social club work Knitting Stenography Languages Tailoring French Teaching German Telegraph Russian Wire Spanish Wireless Laundry work Telephone Lecturing Trade Letter writing Typewriting This is the fourth senior class that has been featured The Senior j n ^e Quaeteelt. The initial number of the Quab- Department ™ teely was a Senior number, that of the class of 1914. Each class has followed the precedent set by that class, because we feel it to be a good thing. The purpose of this department is to leave an historical record of the class activities from the student's standpoint — a record that we may turn to in recalling the memories of our life at this institution. This section is entirely the work of the class. It affords an oppor- tunity for many a Senior who doubts her ability to write anything for print, but whose interest is especially appealed to, when she attempts to write something for her class. Then she finds that expression comes readily, and she can write well the assigned topic. Selfish motives, if they ever exist, are thrown aside when the good of the class is at stake, and splendid team work is the result. The department this time represents the work of more than half of the in- dividuals in the class, but it is unsigned, because it is a product of the class rather than of individuals. When the contents of this department are analyzed, they will be found to contain the essential elements of an annual, and at a great deal less expense. We feel that this department is more in harmony with what this school stands for than an annual would be with the expense which is attached to it. We consider that we get the good effects of an annual and not the evil. Doubtless the class itself is more interested in this section of the Quaeteelt than anyone else, but we hope and believe that other people will read it with more patience than they would read a publication dealing entirely with personal, long-strung-out affairs of the class, pro- fusely and expensively illustrated. — S. F. 48 The Training School Quarterly Art in Every Day Life The article in this issue by Miss Lillian Burke, super- visor of drawing in Washington, D. C, opens our eyes to the fact that art is not confined to galleries, but may be found in the simple, practical things of life. Indeed, we find that teachers of art themselves have embodied in their work, in many instances, the little insignificant things which we have not been able to perceive as yet, because we are not keen-eyed and on the alert for the beautiful. Since we do not have the habit of looking for beauty everywhere and of trying to create it in all that we produce, it is a problem worthy of consideration to see how this can be established. Though it may seem too late for many who are past the plastic age to begin, it is never too early, and it seems that since the school is the logical place for it, we, as teachers, cannot begin too early to establish the habit of bringing art into daily life and making the commonplace things radiate with beauty. Every teacher may be a teacher of art, whether she occupies the chair in an art room or not. It is interesting to note the changing ideas of decoration. Not so very many years ago it seemed quite the proper thing to have a room clustered with gaily flowered rugs and draperies, family crayon portraits, and every little piece of bric-a-brac that could be collected. "We have come a long ways when we recognize now that simplicity is the keynote of beauty, and the fewer the things in a room, the better. In the schools the girl should be hastened by a wise teacher through the stages which seem necessary before her appreciation for the aesthetic becomes fixed. There is a time in her life when nothing can please her better than big, gaily colored ribbon bows. The photograph stage is when she wants a picture of every one of her relatives, friends, and acquaintances arranged on her dresser, table, and mantel. Along with this comes the poster stage, when each square foot of wall space is hung with the heads of girls and men. The pennant stage comes into the life of every boarding school girl — the time when she simply cannot get enough pennants in her room — pennants of every shape, size, and color are tacked on her walls, and when she can stand back and survey a mass of thirty-seven of them she is well pleased, and thinks that no art gallery could be more beautiful. When we are able to see the beauty in the everyday things of life, then, and not before will art mean more to us than merely big masses of canvas daubed with paint and hung in some gallery. — J. T. What is the public sentiment in Worth Carolina in Credit for regard to school credit for home work ? This idea has Home Work . , . grown rapidly in many of our very best schools, and is a pronounced success. It is well worth considering, even in the little Editorials 49 country school. The teacher could outline the conditions on which she would be willing to give credit, if the community desired it, and we be- lieve it' could be worked out most successfully. Many a child who is otherwise laggard and uninterested may be appealed to, through this school credit for home duties. Its effect is far reaching, and since it is such an essential part in the child's development, why not give credit for it?— J. T. Mr. White, the writer of the article on practical English, is a North Carolinian who is making good in Alabama. He is a graduate of Trinity College. "Look out of thine eyes, behold the things around thee, and write," for all practical purposes has taken the place of the old adage, "Look into thy heart and write." Most progressive teachers of English are realizing that the only effective means of getting results from the com- position of girls and boys and to get them to express themselves sincerely and well is to let them write of the subjects that are of interest to them, to open their eyes to the things around them, help them to see a story in everything. If the teacher does this, the task is half done. The day of having students write literary hash is gone. Miss Campbell, who graduated from East Carolina Articles by Teachers Training School in the class of 1912, has at- Alumnae ° ' tended summer school here two summers, and has been in constant contact with this school. She gave up her position in the Winston Graded Schools last fall for the purpose of going on further and studying. When a student completes her work in a Normal school, she often has the idea that she is fully equipped to teach and all she needs she can supply from experience. Ambition seems dead. Occasionally the student who seems to have the greatest possibilities open up before her is satisfied and gets into ruts and fails to grow. This article directly from one who completed her work in a Normal school, succeeded in her teaching, and returned to study further, is especially interesting to those who are wondering what there is ahead for them if they go on further. It will be of interest to know that since this article was mailed there comes the news that Miss Campbell will teach Primary Methods in the Summer School of the University of Mississippi. Another Training School Alumna who is making good is Miss Willie Greene Day, who is now supervisor of drawing in the Newbern public schools. She tells in this number of the Quarterly just what she has been doing. 4 50 The Training School Quarterly What the Ap- In the last issue of the Quarterly the needs of the Mean to the ' sc h°°l were set forth in the report from the Board of Training School Trustees, and in the president's report. It was at a time when the authorities of the Training School were in suspense, wondering what the fate of the school for the next two years would be. Great was the rejoicing when news of the bond issue, and of the appro- priation of $200,000 for permanent improvements, came to us. This means that the school can go forward; that dormitory room will be provided for a great many more students so that the cry of "no room" will be stilled for a while; it means that there will be added more room to the Model School so that the student-teachers will have places in which to teach, and that the State can buy the Model School building and no longer be pensioners on the town of Greenville for the building used for practice and observation work; it means a library building, a gymnasium, and, perhaps, other good things. Exactly what will be done first has not yet been decided. Report will be made later. The increased maintenance was necessary to keep up with the in- creased cost of Hying, but we are profoundly grateful for it. All friends of East Carolina Teachers Training School are grateful to the members of the General Assembly of 1917 for their generous appro- priations. Tbe Quarterly is indebted to the courtesy of the Baltimore Sun for the photographs of the North Carolinians who are figuring prominently in world affairs now. Commissioner of Education Claxton, although not born in North Carolina, was long identified with educational work in the State. Practical Agriculture at the Training School Senior Gardens Suggestions Thought Division in Reading Beading as thought getting deserves especial attention in the lower as well as in the higher grades. Today we are concerned with the im- portance of teaching the children how to study as it involves controlled thinking and is the beginning of habit formation. No subject can offer a better opportunity for this than reading. The children in the first grade, during the second term of this school year, with occasional help from the teacher, were able to divide several of their stories, such as, "The Three Little Pigs," and "The Three Bears," into thought divisions. The teacher threw the responsibility entirely upon the children. Her questions were so carefully and clearly given that they gave the children their aim for the silent reading. She did not say, "Bead the next four or five lines," but she said, "Bead the part that tells me about the first little pig," or "The part that tells me all about his house," and so on. It was indeed interesting to the people who were observing in the grade ; many were astonished to see how quickly they responded. The silent reading was checked by requiring the children to read orally and present the thought clearly to the rest of the class. This work was very simple and the children were not conscious that they were dividing the story into parts. The importance of this independent work must therefore be realized from the beginning. One of the values from this work is the child finds out that he can go ahead for himself and does not depend upon the teacher for everything. He is unconsciously forming the correct habits of study. We realize, therefore, that thought division in reading should be made more difficult each year. This year in teaching "The Dog of Flanders" to the children in the third grade we thoroughly discussed the story and then divided it into thought divisions. It has been seen that before in grades one and two they divided the stories into parts but they were not conscious of it, while in the third grade they became conscious of it for the first time, therefore this work was practically new to them. Their aim was to divide the story into larger thought divisions. Each child had a right to agree or disagree and then give his reasons. Good thinking was the result and the children corrected themselves. For example, one little boy said, "I do not think the division should be made there." He was asked why and he said, "Because it is in the middle of a conversation;" they all agreed that he was right. There were several topics given to one division, one as good as another, but the children selected the best topic, or "name," as they called it for each division and then the names were 52 The Training School Quarterly written on the hoard. After they had finished this work the story was more vital to them; the larger divisions stood clearly before them as one big unit. Does not this work pave the way for the paragraph? In conclusion, we see that to have this kind of reading a good foundation is essential. After developing several stories like the above the children become more interested and efficient in their reading. Begin in the first grade and make the work more difficult each year. Eula B. Pappendick, '17. The Sandtable and Primary Reading The value of the sandtable in the primary grades is without question very important. ISTo child will fail to be interested as it creates a desire to do something. Not only are history stories and holiday work made effective on the sandtable, but stories from the primers and first grade readers. Oftentimes the results from one or two seat-work periods will be sufficient to represent a story in this way. For illustration, in the Little Red Hen, the pig, dog, cat, and hen can be cut during one seat- work period. Each one has as his aim to cut the best ones he can so his will be selected for the sandtable. Some of the children can bring from home some wheat, a seed, and other things as the story calls for. A little stove made of paste-board serves for cooking the bread. The sandtable may be divided into sections and several scenes shown. Divide the children into groups and let each group be responsible for a scene. Many other stories from the readers and primers may be illustrated in this way. At the Model School, with the story "The Three Pigs" the sandtable was effectively used. The children read the story and then decided what in the story they wanted to show on the sandtable and how they could do it. Of course they decided on the three houses : brick, wood, and straw; the four pigs: mother, big, middlesized, and little pig ; and the wolf ; a few branches for trees and a fence were used where the old mother pig was sending her three pigs out to seek their fortune. For the brick house we took a chalk box, covered it with red paper marked off into bricks. We made a roof of paste-board and had a chimney to come through the center. Inside was shown the fireplace and on it a pot made of clay. We placed a porch in front. For the wood house we used a chalk box and placed in front of this a porch, but the porch and roof were made of a different shape from the brick house. We took a paste-board box, covered it with pine straw and sewed it with raffia for the straw house. All the children modeled pigs out of clay and the best four were used for the sandtable. This gave an aim to the children in their clay modeling. These things were placed on the sandtable by the children according to their own ideas. Suggestions 53 The idea here was not elaborately planned work, but was done quickly and at the same time was effective. Some people think that much time must be put on standtables and the teacher must do the work. This is a mistake. Let the children do the work. One of the great values is to let them see their mistakes and correct them themselves. Fannie Grant, '17. How Other People Live SWISS LIFE. Swiss life followed easily and naturally after the children had studied Eskimo life. They had become accustomed to countries of snow and ice, but they were surprised to learn that there could be snow and ice in countries that were not in the Far North. The first lesson was a description of the country of Switzerland. Pictures were given making it as vivid and real as possible. After they had seen the pictures of the mountains and glaciers, some child asked where the people lived and what kind of houses they lived in. "Between the high mountains there are beautiful green valleys where the people live," was the answer the teacher gave them. Pictures were then shown them of the Swiss house, or chalet. The fact that the cattle and goats were kept under the same roof as the family interested them in Swiss houses. Naturally, the next question that arose was, "What kind of work did the Swiss people do?" The answer given was that when the grass was green on the mountain sides in the spring, the country and village peo- ple drove their cattle and goats up the mountain side to graze, and they made butter and cheese in their mountain chalets. The town people do about the same kinds of work as other people living in towns in other countries do. Then two days more were given to the Swiss life, the children were told to imagine that they were Swiss boys and girls writing to American children about their country. And in this way they gave back to me most that I had given them. The country was then worked out on the standtable. The sand was shaped and covered with flour and artificial snow, to form the mountains and glaciers. The children moulded the cows and goats from clay. Log cabins were used for the chalets. The children cut out pictures from old magazines that were connected with Swiss life, and made a chart from them. Reference books used : "The Story of Little Conrad," by Camp- bell, "Seven Little Sisters," "Frye's Home Geography," "Carpenter's Geographic Reader," and the "Geographic Magazine." Effie Baugham, '17. 54 The Training School Quarterly dutch life. I planned an imaginary trip for my first lesson in teaching Dutch life to the third grade of the Model School. I did this because I real- ized the danger of monotony in presenting the lives of other peoples as the class had just made a study of the Eskimo and the Swiss. I told the children that I had a surprise for them and they quickly responded, "you are going to tell us about some other people." Then I told them I was going to take them on a trip to a quaint country to see some quaint people. Some of them guessed the name of the country. I warned them that I would not take them on this trip unless they promised to keep their eyes wide open so they might be able to represent this wonderful country on our sandtable when we returned. "Just imagine you are going to start from Switzerland, the country you have just been studying about; — get into a boat and sail down the Rhine river until we land on the shores of Holland." In a short time a merry band of children found themselves in Holland. Pictures of landscapes were shown to them. Instantly, from the pictures they dis- covered that this country was quite different from Switzerland, in that no mountains were seen, but instead a low level country. I noticed that the children were constantly comparing and contrasting the country of Holland with Switzerland throughout the study, while in their study of the Swiss people and their country they compared Switzerland with the Northland. The remainder of this lesson was spent in giving the children a con- cept of the surface features of Holland through conversations and pic- tures which I found in the Geographic Magazine for March, 1915. This magazine proved very helpful because of its pictures showing Dutch people and Dutch life. The construction of the dykes was one of the things that the class seemed especially interested in, so some time was spent in showing pic- tures and discussing their construction. Some of the children remem- bered having made sand dams, and because of this they understood the dyke more clearly. After studying the country for a while, on the second day the children went into the heart of Holland to visit the country homes and study the life of the country people. Colored post cards showing country life and country people, which a member of the faculty gave me, were used to bring to the minds of the children country life as it actually exists. The children found dairying to be the most interesting occupation of the country people. Because they were interested we paused to study dairying in Holland, and then made a study of dairying in our country. By doing this the class saw the differences in this occupation as engaged in by the Dutch and our people. This is an outline of the work — a. Sanitary dairying. Suggestions 55 b. Our dairy as compared with that of Holland. c. Butter and cheese making. d. Value of milk as a food product. (Here we see a hygiene lesson growing out of language work). Another interesting occupation was the raising of flax. One lesson was spent on how flax was raised ; how harvested and how prepared for the loom. After we had become familiar with the country and country life we got into a boat and glided down a quiet canal until we reached the city of Amsterdam. The first thing we did in this city was to find out what the people were doing. Factories, stores, work shops, markets, and vari- ous other workplaces were visited. I was very fortunate to get a cup, saucer, spoon and cream pitcher that came from Holland. I showed these to them as we were making our imaginary trip through these places. The children modeled several pieces of Dutch china and put designs on them with blue crayola. The results were fair. After we had roamed about the city we decided to visit the home of a Dutch boy and girl, Hans and Gretchen. I had two Dutch dolls. I placed these on my desk and introduced them to the children. Hans and Gretchen gave their guests a hearty welcome into their home. By having an imaginary conversation with Hans and Gretchen they learned of the games, sports, school and home duties of the Dutch city children. The children insisted that we spend another week in Holland, but finally I persuaded them to sail for home; when they returned they all declared that they had enjoyed the trip. My last lesson in connection with Dutch life was a picture lesson. We made a study of the "Dutch Windmill." At the end of the lesson the windmill song was sung and we all played windmill just as if we really were one of those Holland windmills. By placing Holland on the sandtable I had an opportunity to correct a number of erroneous ideas. Nannie Mac Beown, '17. PASTORAL LIFE Pastoral life was a big unit taught in the second grade during the month of January. This was primarily language or history, but around it all other subjects centered. The immediate aim of the Pas- toral work was to lead the children to understand the life of those who care for sheep, and to realize the value of sheep to us. Back of this was a broader purpose of leading the children to appreciate the picturesque and practical phases of Pastoral life. The care that the animals require was taught by means of a story, showing clearly the needs of the animals and their dependence upon those who care for them. A series of stories and poems, familiar to the grade, relating to Pastoral life were reviewed with much enthusiasm. 56 The Training School Quarterly Pictures furnished interesting conversational or practical oral lan- guage lessons. "The Eeturn of the Flock," "The Knitting Shepherd- ess," "The Contented Flock," and "The Sunset Glow," were among the pictures used. The realization that sheep must be protected from the weather caused the children to want to make a sheep-fold. This was taught as a draw- ing lesson, hut also furnished an excellent motive for a lesson in meas- urement. They were all anxious to put their work on the sand table. Wool was the topic which led to some of the most effective work. As it was winter the woolen clothes worn, suits and caps of the boys, coats and dresses of the girls, were talked about constantly. This gave an opportunity to teach in a simple way the processes through which wool has to be carried before it is ready to be worn. As an introduction to that part of the development two stories were reviewed with new interest, "Pattie's New Dress," and "How Jack Got a New Shirt." Then we took an imaginary trip to make the processes more vivid. First we imagined that we were helping a farmer shear his sheep on a bright spring day. Next, we visited the woolen mills and were first taken to a room where the wool was being sorted and cleaned. After the cleaning we saw it torn into a fluffy mass and sprinkled with oil to make it softer. We next visited the carding machines, and soon afterwards saw the wool spun or twisted into yarn, and the yarn woven into cloth. It was then ready to be washed and pressed, and next to be made into clothes. The last visit was to a store where ready-made clothes were for sale and cloth waiting to be made into clothes for our use. This presentation appealed to the imagination of every child. Oral language work was the chief aim during the first week, but in the second .week most all the work was based on written language. The children made a booklet and decorated the cover with a border of sheep. One day they went to the blackboard and wrote sentences that told what the shepherd does for his flock, and another day their sentences told of the value of sheep to us. The work was corrected by the teacher with suggestions from the children. Then they were given paper to write the sentences to put into the booklets. Original work was encouraged, therefore no two were exactly alike. When the written work was completed the covers and leaves had to be put together. That was the time for a simple lesson in book-binding. All were glad to take their Sheep Booklets home for others to read, for in them they had written two familiar jingles, "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep," and "Little Lambs so White and Fair." On one page sentences told of the shep- herd's care, and on another page they told of the usefulness of sheep to us. Suggestions 57 The spelling lessons were always very interesting because all realized that the words they were learning were words they would need to use in the sentences they would want to write on the board or in their booklets. Songs related to Pastoral life were taught and made the subject more interesting. "Over the Mountain" and "The Song of the Shearers" were especially suitable. A poster was made for seat work. The children were given paper and scissors to cut things for their poster. The best cuttings were pasted on a large piece of black paper to represent a shepherd leading his flock toward the fold. The seat work at another time was to make a border for the room. Each child was given a piece of brown paper and a sheep pattern. The sheep were traced and filled in with chalk. These made an attractive decoration. A simple, yet very effective sand table grew out of this subject. The children planned what they could put on it and then worked it out. The sheep-fold was made of white cardboard, colored with brown crayola. This was placed in one corner and hay and water placed near. Part of the table was fenced in for a pasture. The fence made for seat work was another lesson in measurement, as each strip had to be a certain length and width. The land beyond the pasture was hilly with a small stream running among the hills. Sheep of different sizes were hectographed on cardboard and given to the children. They cut them out, pasted a prop on one side to make them stand up, and a thin layer of cotton on the other side, which made them appear woolly. The shepherd and his dog were put on to guard the flock. Before this was done grass had been planted which grew, in spite of very cold weather, and helped to make it all seem real. The sand table was very simple, yet it showed what could be done by the children with only a little material. They enjoyed planning and doing the work. Because of that it meant more to them. For two weeks Pastoral life was our language and history unit, but not only oral and written language grew out of it, but also reading, writing, number work, singing, memorization, drawing, spelling, and seat work. Following is a list of references which were useful for the children in the study of Pastoral life, and also a list used by the teacher : Free and Treadwell — Second Reader. The Wide Awake — Second Reader. The Summers — Second Reader. 58 The Training School Quarterly Graded Classics — Second and Third Readers. How We Are Clothed — A Geographical Reader by James Franklin Cham- berlain. Macmillan & Co., Publishers. Geography Text-books. "The Song of the Assyrian Guest." jj Ay g AWTER 'tf How I Taught "How Little Cedric Became a Knight" The purpose of giving the story "How Little Cedric Became a Knight" was to give the children of the second grade a clear idea of a knight, of his work, of his home, and of his ideals. The children told of the knights they had read about in the fairy stories as the introduction to the lesson. One child had seen a castle at the moving picture show a few nights before, so he was able to give a fairly good description of the knight's castle. After this the use of the moat, walls, and tower was explained, and pictures of knights and castles were shown to the class. After this they were told that knights were friends of the king, and that they were brave, pure, and true. "How do you suppose the king chose his knights?" was the question put to the children. Wow the story of "How Little Cedric Became a Knight" was told with the in- structions to notice the things little Cedric had to do in order to become a knight. The story illustrates the qualities tbat Cedric had which would make him a knight — bravery, politeness, kindness, a strong body — and the knights praise him each time he does a deserving act. Later, when the knights offer him a position in the castle it is shown that it is not an easy place to fill, and that he will have to work a long time before he can be a knight. After a long time he was honored by being sent with a message to the king. Other qualities of the knight — kindness to old people and to dumb creatures, and obedience — were shown on the journey. The introduction to knights, showing pictures of knights, and telling the story completed the work of the first day. The next day the children suggested that the story could be drama- tized and could be put on the sand table. A few minutes was spent in discussing the sand table, and then they selected the characters and the places needed for playing. After this the story was retold so that they might see if they had all the characters, and what children would be best suited for the different parts. They were reminded that the children who acted most like knights should be chosen to play. This motivated behavior, because all the boys were anxious to be knights. The children suggested swords, shields, and a crown for the king and queen to use in their play. Suggestions 59 At the next period they chose the characters and places. Then one child told the story to be sure it was fixed in the minds of the children, for they were to be thrown on their own resources in the actual playing. The child who told the story went far beyond the expectation of all the girls who were observing. The story was told well, in good, clear English, and no part of it was omitted. They played the story exceedingly well, so well that we decided to give it to the fourth grade, who were studying about knights also. The drawing and the seat work was correlated with the study of knights. Posters with a castle and a knight riding a horse were made. The castle and knights and horses were made for the sand table as seat work. The castle was made of pasteboard marked off to represent stone ; the horses and knights were cut out of white paper. From the study of knights the children not only created an ideal and established a standard of conduct, but they received practice in or- ganizing, story-telling, selecting, and judging. They expressed them- selves through the hand with drawing, with the sand table, and with hand work. Both the children and their teacher were intensely interested from the very beginning, and could hardly wait for the language period to come. Their enthusiasm was shown by the fact that they continued to talk about it and wanted to play it every day for several days. The story was adapted from Progressive Roads to Reading, Supple- mentary Book IV. Fannie Lee SpEIE> , 1? Court Life in the Fourth Grade The story of Sir Walter Raleigh and his court life was taught in the fourth grade, after the children had taken up stories of pioneers. The children soon warmed so to the story of Raleigh that they liter- ally begged for details and minor incidents about him. Throughout the whole story, from his birth to his death, interest did not wane. Most of the time was spent on Raleigh's life at Elizabeth's Court. This brought in an intensive study of the castles of that day, of the splendor and magnificence of the queen's court, her courtiers and ladies, the dress of that period, knighthood, and every other factor which came in connection with court life, and touched the story of Sir Walter Raleigh. The story brought up questions such as these, asked by the children : "Who is king of England now?" "Is he a wicked king?" "Has he as much power as Elizabeth and James I had?" "Does the head of our Government have as much power as the king of England, and why not?" These questions show that the story caused them to think. An outline was given back by the class, for the purpose of deciding 60 The Training School Qtjabtebly which part of it to put on the sand table. Although the parts of the story telling of Raleigh as a soldier and statesman, and of his attempts to colonize America, were enjoyed, the class at once chose the part which we had hoped they would choose, although it had not been sug- gested. "Let's put Queen Elizabeth's castle, and have Raleigh spread- ing his cloak for her to walk over," was one of the first suggestions. The class liked this idea, so we planned it out together, deciding on everything needed on the sand table. This gave an excellent review of the castle and the dress of that period. We made a large castle, using an orange crate for the foundation, and tacking thick gray poster paper over it for the sides and top. The towers were made of the same. There was a high tower at each corner, many windows made of oiled paper battlements cut out around the top of the castle and^towers, and the whole blocked off with brown crayola, so it would look like stone. This made an attractive and firm castle. We used the sides of the table for the wall, and dug out the moat on the inside of this. The drawbridge was in front across the moat, and in the outer court, near the front of the castle, we placed our people. For the queen and her train, we used dolls, brought by the children, and all of them were dressed according to the fashion of that day. In front of the queen was posed Raleigh, placing his red coat over the puddle for her to pass. Groups of children stayed after school and helped make the things for the sand table. The castle required more time than anything else. The class afterwards read King Arthur stories and seemed to appre- ciate and enjoy them more because of their study of castle and court life in connection with the story of Sir Walter Raleigh. Ruth Lee Spivet, '17. Reviews Dressmaking. By Jane Fales. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons. 1917, pp. 508. Miss Fales has given to the teachers of home economics a book most valuable and helpful in every way. While written as a text-book for college classes, it can be adapted easily to the use of students in the high school, and to women in the home. The book is divided into three sections. The first deals with the development of costume from the standpoint of history and design up to the year 1870. Well chosen illustrations make this section most interesting. The second section is on textiles with the emphasis on the economic value of the various fabrics and fibers. The general processes of textile manufacture are given so as to serve as a basis for the consideration of cost and wearing qualities of any fabric. Part three is on the construction of clothing, and treats of the cutting, fitting, and finishing of garments so as to meet the demands of art and fashion. It includes directions for drafting patterns as well as for adapting commercial patterns. Designing and draping are given in detail. The section closes with an unusually well written chapter on embroidery stitches and finishings. Numerous clear illustrations and a well chosen bibliography add to the value of the book. M. A. The wide publicity given to the cause of mobilizing our food re- sources is bringing forth many excellent articles and appeals. The magazine or newspaper that is not doing its bit to help this cause is unworthy. Among the best of these is the series in the May number of the Review of Reviews. Under the general title "Mobilizing our Eesources" we find "American Farm Problems," by Carl Vrooman, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture. Mr. Vrooman is well and favor- ably known in the South. Recently he toured the South "in a whirl- wind campaign of missionary work on behalf of the growth of food crops." The article is a sane, brief statement of the situation as it is seen in the Department of Agriculture, and at the close he suggests a program for the Nation which is published elsewhere in this issue. "Our Armies of Food Supply, How the nation is prepared for the mobilization of its food producing and distributing forces," by Hugh J. Hughes, editor of Farm, Stock, and Home, Minneapolis, is an excellent article in which a plan for agricultural mobilization is suggested. A 62 The Training School Quarterly diagram representing the Department of Agriculture as a circle, in the center, Production on one hand, Distribution on the other. Production is organized under State Relations Service. A represents the leaders of county agent work under these; B is the 1,000 county agents in the United States; C is the organized farmers, societies, clubs, shipping, and cooperative associations, and then come the individual farms. Under Distribution, Office of Markets and Rural Organization M represents agents of the Bureau in all larger towns; IS]" mills, packing plants, cold storage and refrigerator car service, wholesalers; O is the retail system of distribution ; and P municipal markets where existing agents fail to meet the demand. He urges cooperation with Washington. "Keep the Farmer on the Farm," remembering that "the farms are munition factories." The efficient system of distribution is important. If the food producing forces of the nation organize, cooperating with Washington ; if we keep the farmer on the farm, remembering that "farms are munition factories" ; and if the system of food distribution is efficient, plenty not only for ourselves, but for the Allies is assured, the writer thinks. Both of these articles are educational in the broader What the schools can do is shown in two articles: "Public School Thrift: a Practical Development," by Teresa M. Lenney, and "School Gardening in the Food Crisis," P. P. Claxton, the United States Com- missioner of Education. In the former this definition of thrift is given : "Thrift is only the best way of doing things, and leads to mastering the art of simple living." "True national thrift can best be acquired through the medium of the public school." The suggestions for con- crete work are these — the sections of the article under these headings : "Good roads teach thrift," "The practical service of school gardens," "Teaching girls how to buy and prepare food," "Collecting and selling waste paper," "Savings banks in schools," "Health conservation." Commissioner Claxton urges the school forces to take advantage of the vacant lots and back yards. The conservative estimate given of the value of this to the nation in money is $750,000,000, and the cost of transportation and storage would be saved. National Conference on Rural Education and Rural Life. Held at Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, Rock Hill, S. C, April 12 to 15. The Department of the Interior through its Bureau of Education is waging a nation-wide campaign for better rural schools and for the Reviews 63 improvement of rural life. The first national conference in this work was held at Chicago in September, 1914; the second was held at Nash- ville, Tenn., in November, 1915. The interest in the work has so developed and its scope so widened that it has been thought best to hold a series of conferences in various sections of the country this year in promoting this movement. A successful conference was held at Lincoln, Neb., February 22 to 25. The second conference for the pres- ent year was held at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 8 to 11, inclusive. The third conference was held at the Win- throp Normal and Industrial College, Rock Hill, S. C, April 12 to 15, inclusive. This was a very successful meeting. The main purpose of these conferences is to improve the rural schools, and through these agencies to improve rural life conditions. That there is need of improvement in these lines, it is all too evident, for, as President T. J. Coates of the State Normal School, Richmond, Ky., declares : "The average farmer and rural teacher think of the rural school as a little house, on a little ground, with a little equipment, where a little teacher, at a little salary, for a little while, teaches little children little things." There is no way to exalt the rural schools except by the exaltation of the teacher; there is no way to exalt the teacher except by professional training and better salary. School and Home Garden. It seems a pity to cut any of following letter issued by the Bureau of Education, therefore we give it in full. The Home Garden: Its Economic Value and its Relation to the School in Towns and Cities. The home garden as an adjunct to the school is not a new idea. Its significance as a social, an educational, and an industrial factor, however, is just beginning to be appreciated. In most cities there are hundreds of acres of land in the form of back yards and vacant lots that might profitably be used for the production of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. In these same cities there are thou- sands of boys and girls who, with proper guidance, would be willing to utilize this nonproductive land. Furthermore, these same cities are importing yearly thousands of dollars worth of vegetables, fruits, and flowers that might be raised within their borders, and much of the money that is sent to distant parts in payment for these products might be kept at home. Industrial Possibilities : The earnings from these garden activities represents clear gain, for neither the land nor the labor would other- wise be utilized. To put the proposition in a more concrete form, let us consider the possibilities in the! city of "Washington, a city of 331,069 inhabitants. The Thirteenth Census Report shows that there are some- what over 50,000 pupils in school between the ages of 6 and 20 years. 64 The Training School Quarterly Assuming that one-tenth of this number, 5,000 pupils, should carry on garden work, and that they should make an average profit of $10, the result would be a total profit of $50,000. This is a very conservative estimate, both from the standpoint of the possible number of pupils who may undertake the work, and from the standpoint of the possible earnings. Many city-school pupils have made from $100 to $200 from their gardens. With proper direction a large number of pupils in each school should be able to earn at least $100. A Garden Survey : In order that the various municipalities may determine for themselves the local possibilities, the Bureau of Educa- tion has prepared a suggestive outline for making surveys. A survey of even one or two school districts of a city may reveal amazing possi- bilities. The survey outline calls for information on the following points : Number of children in each home between the ages of 9 and 16 years; number of boys ; number of girls ; occupation of those children during the previous summer; income from their work; amount of land avail- able ; estimate of the value of the products that may be grown ; char- acter of soil ; amount of garden work being done ; who cares for the garden; opportunities for raising fruit, etc. A supply of these forms will be furnished upon request with the understanding that the Bureau should be supplied with a summary of the results. In so far as facilities permit, the Bureau specialists personally will make a number of surveys in representative areas, and will assist local organizations in instigating the work in any section. They will also suggest plans for garden enterprises based upon either a general or detailed survey. The Plan : In general the Bureau's recommendation to schools re- garding home-garden work is to engage in each graded school one teacher who is prepared by training and experience to take charge of the garden work for the whole school. Such teacher should be engaged for 12 months and with the understanding that she should devote the regular number of hours to teaching usual school subjects, and that the garden work should be done after school hours, on Saturdays and holi- days, and during the summer vacation. (Arrangements may be made for a short vacation during the winter.) The gardening teacher would be the logical person to teach such subjects as nature-study, elementary science, agriculture, and hygiene. Such a teacher will demand and should be paid a higher salary than the regular teachers. The work later may require the services of a special gardener to supplement the efforts of the teacher. The above plan in no way interferes with the regular school program, and the only additional expense necessary will be the difference in salary between a regular teacher, employed for the regular school term, Reviews 65 and a special teacher, employed for a full year. This item of expense, from the monetary standpoint alone, is significant compared with the results. The Duties of the Supervising Teacher: The teacher should assist the pupils by way of securing suitable land for gardens and should advise them with regard to the size of gardens, keeping in mind the experience and capabilities of the individual pupils. In a great many instances back-yard gardens will be unavailable, and the teacher will need to arrange for the use of vacant lots. The vacant lots should be leased for at least one whole season and a nominal rent paid to legalize the agreement. In other cases it will be necessary to go to the suburbs and lease one or more tracts of land which may be divided among the pupils. (In some places trolley companies have given reduced rates, or free transportation, to city pupils who conduct gardens in the suburbs.) Under such conditions it is well to organize the pupils in a sort of cooperative club, so that they may join in paying the expenses connected with the rent of the land, plowing, fertilizers, seeds, etc., and in the marketing of their products. Some clubs of this kind have borrowed enough money from public-spirited citizens to pay for the initial expenses. This amount may b"? retained from year to year as a working fund and each gardener charged with his share of the interest on the investment. The garden enterprise, in whatever form, should be conducted on a business basis. The teacher should also in- struct the pupils regarding the preparation of the land, planting, culti- vating, harvesting, and marketing. A small piece of land at or near the school grounds is very useful for the purpose of demonstrating methods. It should be regarded, however, as a laboratory rather than a business garden. A pamphlet giving practical garden directions is under preparation and will be sent to all teachers interested in garden work. Opportunities in Canning: The teacher will find that in most sec- tions there is a great opportunity in the canning of fruits and vegetables, and she should be prepared to instruct the pupils, especially the girls, in the cold-pack method of canning, both in tin and glass jars. This is not a difficult operation and any 10-year-old pupil may become profi- cient in the work after one or two demonstrations. A pamphlet for the use of teachers and dealing with the subject of canning is under prep- aration. The Garden Age: The first and second grade children are as a rule too young to conduct home gardens on a business basis. They may be encouraged, however, to grow some flowers at home, or they may be given an opportunity to have a small plot of either flowers or vegeta- bles at school. The school gardens, as commonly conducted, would 5 66 The Training School Quarterly best be reserved for the smaller pupils, and should in no way take the place of home or vacant-lot gardens for the higher grades. Most pupils after reaching the age of 8 or 9 years are capable of carrying on a home-garden project, but there is great danger in their attempting too much. The pupils of the junior and senior high schools should be able to conduct garden enterprises on an extensive and profit- able basis. Many boys and girls under favorable conditions should be able to earn enough in this way to give them an opportunity of a high school training which otherwise would be impossible. This home-garden movement should go a long way toward solving the problem of elimina- tion in our schools. Kewards for Achievement: In general the usual pecuniary returns from good gardening should be sufficient incentive to bring out the pupil's best endeavors, but the competitive spirit is so strong in boys and girls that some form of contest is necessary to produce the highest achievements. Such contests satisfy the child's competitive spirit in much the same way as the common school games. The practice of offering money premiums, or expensive prizes, should be discouraged, for the reward in such cases is likely to dominate the achievement. The custom in many schools of offering certain symbols of achievement, such as badges and buttons, is recommended. The plan should make it possible for a number of pupils to win achievement badges, either of uniform or varying grades. Conclusions : Home gardens under school supervision are worth while for many reasons, of which the following may be enumerated : 1. They contribute to the income of the home and enable boys and girls to remain longer in school. 2. They utilize for productive purposes unused land and labor, and thus contribute to the wealth of the community, the State, and the Nation. 3. They provide experience for boys and girls in an occupation that may be the means of a livelihood. 4. They provide an exercise that vitalizes school work. 5. They provide an opportunity for a business experience. 6. They stimulate industry by providing school pupils with whole- some employment, and incidentally save them from the evils attending idleness. 7. They make it possible for the parents and neighbors to obtain fresh vegetables and fruit, an advantage not usually appreciated. 8. They necessitate the clearing up of back yards and vacant lots, thus contributing to the hygienic and aesthetic conditions and enhanc- ing land values. Alumnae Louie Delle Pittman, '13, has finished another successful year in the Selma Graded School. Louie Delle writes : "I am working in a new $45,000 building that is situated on a ten-acre lot. It is needless to say that is the biggest feature of our plant. We have been trying out the Departmental System this year. I am very enthusiastic about it, as are the other teachers. We have found that it works just fine. I am afraid that I will have a hard time finding another superintendent like Mr. Frederick Archer, and such a nice building and community. We think that our school promises to be one of the leading schools in the State in a short while." Mary Chauncey, '14, has finished a most successful year in the Warrenton graded school. The report comes, "Everybody likes her and she is doing her work well." Jessie Daniel, '16, was principal of a two-teacher school at Currie this winter. She taught a model fifth grade arithmetic lesson and a seventh grade geography lesson before a group teachers' meeting which was held at her school this winter. Jessie reports a most successful year. Maude Anderson, '15, has finished her second year as fourth and fifth grade teacher in the Falling Creek High School. Maude's grades gave a Fairy Operetta for commencement. She has succeeded in con- vincing her superintendent that the Training School is one of the best places from which to get good teachers. Maude expects to attend Summer School at Chapel Hill this summer. Dinabel Floyd, '16, has had a most successful year as primary teacher in the Orrun High School in Robeson County. Helen Daniel, '14, has closed her third year's work at Epsom High School. President Wright delivered the commencement address at her school, and Helen says, "My entire school fell in love with him." Helen attended Summer School at Chapel Hill last summer and has planned a trip to Texas for this summer. 68 The Training School Quarterly Emma Brown, '15, who taught primary work in the Richland Graded School says that they greatly improved the school ground equipment and raised funds for a library and for song books for the school. Emma says that she cannot stay away from the Training School any longer, so is going to attend the summer session. Ila Daniel Currin, '14, finished her third year's work at the school sbe has been teaching ever since she finished school, and then joined the Matrimonial Bureau. Ila says that she knows she married the best man in the world. She is now living near Oxford. Sallie Jackson, '15, has finished her second year with the older pupils. She has been principal of a two-teacher school in Greene County. She reports a most successful year. Annie Bishop, '16, writes : "I taught primary work at Piney Grove, Beaufort County, this winter. This is a two-teacher school in a special tax district. Part of the building is new and the cornerstone was laid April 5, 1917. This is the first thing of its kind in Beaufort County. The school paid for the stone. The money was raised through box parties. At Christmas we had an entertainment and a community Christmas tree. Every one in the community took part. We had a simple program for Washington's birthday, and a big entertainment for the close of school." Emma Cobb, '14, Clara Davis Wright, '15, Lila Prichard, '13, Connie Bishop, '15, Sallie Jackson, '15, Allen Gardner, '16, Trilby Smith, '16, Bettie Spencer, '15, and Carrie Manning, '14, attended the senior play, April 23. Katie Sawyer, '15, after finishing her year's work had a most delight- ful trip to Washington, D. C, where she visited all the places of in- terest. Kate will attend Summer School at Cullowhee this summer. Leona Cox, '15, is to attend also. Mary Lucy Dupree and Bettie Pearl Fleming, of the Class of '13, who have been teaching in DuLj have returned home and report a successful year. Bettie Pearl expects to return next year. The engage- ment of Mary Lucy (the marriage to take place in June) has been announced. Alumnae 69 Janet Matthews, '16, paid the school a visit on her way home from Wendell, where she has been teaching during the past year. She is planning to return next year and will teach eight months instead of six, as she did this year. She and Bessie Doub, '14, who has been teaching there for some time, will both attend the Summer School at A. and E. College. Edna Campbell, '16, who has been attending the George Peabody College for Teachers, will teach Primary Methods in the University of Mississippi Summer School, at Oxford, Miss. Mr. Wilson reports that Viola Gaskins, '16, has been a popular teacher in the school at Falkland. He closed the school there. Good reports have come to the school of Susie Morgan, '16, in Farm- ville. Allen Gardner, '16, spent a day at the school this spring hunting for an assistant from the graduating class. She considers herself very fortunate that she has persuaded Ophelia O'Brian to teach with her in Lenoir County. Nelle White, '16, spent some time visiting in Greenville after her school, in Martin County, closed. She was here for the Senior play. Blanche Lancaster, '14, is teaching the fifth grade in the graded schools of Kinston. She was among a number who coached an operetta there this spring. Fannie Lee Patrick, '16, has had a good year at House, so Mr. Austin, who spoke at the close of her school, reports. Carrie Manning reports a very successful year at the Enon School in Granville County. The Community Club, about which she wrote an article for the Quarterly, is very enthusiastic. The club and the school made about $125 during the term in different ways, such as money made on premiums at a fair, selling farm produce, and giving plays. The two plays presented during the year were "The Night Riders," and "The Cuban Spy," both of which Carrie says are very good for club purposes. They are raising money to pay for a piano. 70 The Training School Quarterly The following is from one of the daily papers : Averette-Stanfield. — Durham, March 27. — A marriage that will be of great interest to their many friends in this State was solemnized yesterday at 5:30 at the Malbourne Hotel. The contracting parties were Miss Anna Laura Stan* field and Mr. S. J. Averette. Miss Stanfield is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stanfield, of Leasburg. Mrs. Averette is a graduate of the East Carolina Teacher Training School and for the last three years has been one of the teachers of a very successful school at Enon, near Oxford. Miss Carrie Manning, of Pitt County, with whom the bride has been teaching, accompanied her, and Mr. Otho Daniel, of Oxford, came with the groom to Durham. Rev. B. E. Stanfield of Fairmont, a brother of the bride, spoke the solemn words that made them one. Mr. Averette is a very successful farmer and business man and has a large circle of friends. The bridal party left immediately on Southern train for Raleigh and the bride and groom continued on for a bridal tour of a few days. Greenville, N. C, April 28, 1917. Deae Alumnae. — During the past year I have been principal of a two- teacher school in Wake County. When I tell you there were ninety-five pupils enrolled, thirty-two of whom were in my room, you can judge for yourself that I was a busy teacher. In addition to other duties, I took upon myself the responsibility of a moonlight school. For six weeks, Nina Harris, the primary teacher, and I taught this school from 6:30 until 9 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday even-* ings of each week. We enrolled twenty-one pupils, seven of whom were illit- erates. Reading, writing, arithmetic and spelling were taught to all. We used the State Bulletin for moonlight school and supplemented this with practical farm-life work. This work was very beneficial and thoroughly ap- preciated by the community. I shall always rejoice in what we accomplished. Another thing that was helpful in gaining cooperation was the use of the Babcock Milk Tester. The school bought the outfit and I 1 tested the milk of most of the cows in the neighborhood. This set the people thinking along a new line. On Friday, April 20, we had commencement exercises. At 11 o'clock we had the playground program by the children. This is the program: 1. March from school building to the enclosure on the yard. 2. Song — America By the School 3. Welcome First Grade Pupils 4. Little Mothers Motion Song By Small Girls 5. Little Farmers Motion Song By Small Boys 6. Story — Tar Baby Alma Baker 7. Rose Drill By Sixteen Girls 8. Song— Old North State By the School 9. Announcements. 10. Reading — Reveries in Church Virginia Ray 11. March into building. After this we had about the most inviting thing of all, a picnic dinner. After dinner there was a rally of the Farmers' Union. Alumnae 71 In the afternoon we had an address delivered by Supt. D. F. Giles of Raleigh. Following this address we had a short talk by our guest, Prof. Quintero, a member of the Board of Education in Yucatan, Mexico. As a bit of athletic sport there was a match game of baseball played be- tween the boys of our school and a team from Wakelon High School. After the program and the game, those present were invited to look over the exhibit of school work of the year as it was displayed in the two rooms. Thus ended my school term in Union Level school for the year 1916-1917. Greetings to all. I am, Sincerely, Grace E. Smith. Feed the Nation the President's Appeal 1TAKE the liberty of addressing this word to the farmers of the country and to all who work on the farms. The supreme need of our own nation and of the nations with which we are co-operating is an abundance of supplies, and especially of foodstuffs. The importance of an adequate food supply, especially for the present year, is superlative. Without abundant food, alike for the armies and the peoples now at war, the whole great enterprise upon which we have embarked will break down and fail. The world's food re- serves are low. Not only during the present emergency but for some time after peace shall have come both our own peo- ple and a large proportion of the people of Europe must rely upon the harvests in America. Upon the farmers of this country, therefore, in large measure, rests the fate of the war and the fate of the nations. May the nation not count upon them to omit no step that will increase the production of their land or that will bring about the most effectual co-operation in the sale and distribution of their products ? The time is short. It is of the most imperative importance that everything possible be done and done immediately to make sure of large harvests. I call upon young and old alike, and upon the able-bodied boys of the land, to accept and act upon this duty, — to turn in hosts to the farms and make certain that no pains and no labor is lacking in this great matter. I particularly appeal to the farmers of the South to plant abundant foodstuffs as well as cotton. They can show their patriotism in no better or more convincing way than by re- sisting the great temptation of the present price of cotton and helping, helping upon a great scale, to feed the nation and the peoples everywhere who are fighting for their liberties and for our own. The variety of their crops will be the vis- ible measure of their comprehension of their national duty. WOODROW WILSON. The Class of 1917 Dear Keader: — If you are not interested in the school life of girls and all that pertains thereto, be charitable and skip the next twenty- five pages. They are filled with ideas of little sense and much nonsense — thoughts that are indifferent and different, chiefly different. Such insertions as the one you will find here do not occur but once a year, and even then the editor and the business manager are most careful to limit the amount of space given to them. We know that it is not polite to talk about ourselves to other people or to talk about other people to ourselves; however, we have deliberately broken both these rules of etiquette. But, gentle reader, you should not forget, before you pass too severe judgment on us, that we have been in strict bondage, some two, some three, and some four years; remember that this is our first, last, and only opportunity of giving partial expression to our long pent-up feelings. It has been impossible, on account of space, to depict everything of interest that has happened during our career here, but we have made an effort to give proper emphasis to the different branches of our school life in a limited number of pages. These have been treated both humorously and seriously, and where criticism has crept in, either favor- able or unfavorable, we trust it will be taken in the right spirit. You have found throughout the year the serious side of our school life de- picted under the heading "Suggestions." Those who have written these articles have perhaps one selfish mo- tive in view: mainly to produce for the Class of '17 a summary of the activities and aspirations of this class during the past four years. We can look over it in after years and recall incidents and happenings which would otherwise never return to our minds, but we believe we also had an unselfish motive — to produce something of interest and enjoyment for people other than the Class of 1917. The President. 74 The Training School Quarterly Our Motto Esse Quam Videri has been our one and only motto. But why did we choose these words as our motto? Because we have seen that our "Grand Old State" has lived up to the same motto. We cannot do better than emulate her great accomplishments. If the words "Esse Quam Videri" are a suitable recognition of the honest, sturdy, unpre- tending character of our people, why can't we, North Carolina's daugh- ters, as the Class of '17, build our lives on this same motto that passed the General Assembly of 1893 ? Its meaning in English will reveal to all what a strong foundation we have had, for the following are the words that have led us in all our joys and sorrows, "To be rather than to seem." And if any of us in future life should fail in some undertakings, may we look back to our Class of '17 and think of the motto and take heart. And may we always be able to translate "Esse Quam Videri" in actions, deeds, and words, and live up to "our motto," which is that of the State and of the Class of '17, as "To be rather than to seem." The following are answered by the names of some members of the Class of 1917 : 1. What was the most common fighting weapon used by the ancients? Speir. 2. What do we sometimes use instead of a check or money? Bond. 3. Who is the best cook in the world? Baker. 4. What is another name for a truck farmer? Gardner. 5. What do people sometimes ask of their superiors? Mercer '(Mercy). 6. What did I do when you came in? Sawyer. 7. What is one of the very common pieces of furniture used in most houses ? Credle. 8. What is one of the essentials a seamstress must have? Tucker. 9. How do you like rolls cooked ? Brown. 10. What is the name of one big minstrel in the U. S. ? O'Brian. 11. What would you do if Patrick hit you? Kilpatrick. 12. What would you do if a very good friend sent for you? Joyner. 13. Who will make the best preacher? Bishop. 14. Who was the greatest American General on the north side during the war? Grant. 15. What signifies age? Whitehead. 16. What did Isaac offer to God as a sacrifice? Bulluck. 17. How would you treat a girl friend in trouble? Suther. 18. What must a blacksmith always have? Sledge. 19. Who discovered the North Pole? Perry. Aspirations of the Class of 1917 In these pages, we the Paul Pry's of the class, hope to give the reader some insight into the hearts and minds of our '17 girls. They have ideals and standards which they have aspired to all along. Toward these they still strive, and for these they will continue to sacrifice pleasure. On reading this you may remark that they have set the goal too far off. You will probably think that these worthy ambitions can never be realized, but remember, "a man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a Heaven for?" 1. The one great desire of Eunice Hoover's heart, whatever else she may do, is to continue to wear baby dresses, baby shoes, curls and ribbons and to remain always, the "Infant" of the class. 2. It is the avowed determination of Little Mae Whitehead, Myrtle Brendle, and Sallie Franck to attend one faculty meeting at E. C. T. T. S. so they may participate in presenting and solving the prob- lems of the school. We fear these girls will replace the present teachers of the pedagogy department. 3. Viola Kilpatrick — "Are Marguerite Clark and Mary Pickford dead yet !" "Why ?" "Because I have got to take their places." 4. The only stimuli strong enough to make Fannie Lee Speir draw her breath, is that of discovering the minimum amount of human effort necessary to delude everybody in life's school into thinking her as ener- getic as she has succeeded in making the folks of E. C. T. T. S. believe her to be. 5. The Chinaman had better look to his rats, the South American to his snakes, and the African to his flies, the supply of such materials in this country will soon be exhausted at the rate certain girls of class '17 are determined to pursue their search for anti-toxins for the follow- ing diseases : Diminutiveness — Agnes Absher, Virginia Suther, Jennie Taylor, Effie Baugham, and Loretta Joyner; dignity, Ola Carawan; corpulency, Lou Ellen Dupree; altitude, Elizabeth Mercer. 6. When Esther McNeil graduates from this school, she hopes to be able to take the place of some great designer of costumes, that she may hereafter and forever, persuade her sex to wear loose, straight-lined dresses. 7. Diogenes and his lantern were nothing in comparison to Blanche Satterthwaite in her search for a school where she may graduate in two or less years. 8. Perhaps Eula Pappendick and Jessie Bishop will sometimes find cosmetics which will aid them in making themselves more beautiful, without interfering with their making 100 on all their studies as they so much desire. 9. To be able to give toasts at any time, on any occasion, on any sub- 76 The Training School Quarterly ject, to any gathering, without calling on the Lord in the presence of company to stimulate her memory, has long been the end to which May Sawyer is still working. 10. "My ambition? That of every girl, to get married, and I am ahead in the 1917 race" — Hannah Cuthrell. 11. So far as Bessie Cason, Amelia Clark, Musa Harris, Ada Credle, and Vermelle Worthington are concerned, their specific and everlasting aim of each is to teach, in time, certainly, in eternity, too, if the Angels want to learn some new methods. 12. Will someone please inform Lucile Bulluck that there is nothing original under the sun, save original sin, so she may turn her search- light in some other direction? 13. To be so versatile in her accomplishments that she can take part in anything that anybody on the face of the earth might do, is the pur- pose of Elizabeth Baker; also, to persuade the North Carolina Legis- lature to make an appropriation of $5,000, to buy silver spoons for sou- venirs, to be given to E. C. T. T. S. girls. 14. Helen Gardner will be supremely happy in whatever course in life she pursues, provided she is allowed to go to bed at 7.30 every night and rise only after the sun is high in the sky, for her sole happiness depends on the amount of sleep she gets. 15. If she does the thing she now considers most important, Mary Wooten will connect herself with some furniture company, in order that she may help supply all future school girls with rocking chairs, in which they may eat, sleep, dress, and study. 16. To establish a post graduate course at the Training School, so it will not be necessary to separate the Siamese Twins until 1919, at least, is the immediate purpose of Leona Tucker. 17. Martha O'Neal and Buth Lowder? — Why, no ambition — ambi- tions are sinful ! 18. "Elliott's Candy Palace" will be seen on the shingle outside of Julia Elliott's factory, in which she herself will be the sole employer and employee, if her present tendencies find expression in motor-activ- ity. As a "trust buster" she will prove this principle of psychology — that a habit can never be broken. 19. Perhaps the aspirations of Flora Hutchins and Agnes Thompson run too high for our interpretation, but along whatever trend, we know that their desire to do as they please, to change their minds under no conditions, and to dismiss all outside suggestions which tend to unfix some erroneous idea from their brain, will accompany their work. In this way they hope to put down the principle of "enrichment of old concepts." 20. To be a famous critic teacher in the observation school at Teach- er's College in order that she may voice all her contrary suggestions, discouragement to others, and severe criticism of those under her super- 3 j3 Dry ^B -"^ V t . ■ 1. Christine Johnston 2. Elizabeth Mercer 3. Lillie Mae Whitehead 4. Viola Kilpatrk-k 5. Helen Gardner 6. Flora Hutehins 7. Ola Carawan 8. Jennie Taylor 9. Vivian Case 10. Hannah Cuthrell 11. Ruth Lowder 12. Mary Wooten 13. Wita A. Bond 14. Myrtle Brendle 15. Alavia K. Cox 16. Agnes Thompson 17. Vermelle Worthinglun The Class of 1917 77 vision has long been, according to all appearances, the direction in which Virginia Sledge's interests have turned. 21. Just dreaming — Ethel Perry, "when dreams come true," will have reached the highest mark of her specific aim in life. 22. Sometimes in the coming years, to find some institution in which they may, for the entertainment of others or for their own enjoyment, sing songs without tunes, composed by themselves, is what Fannie Grant and Wita Bond devoutly hope for. 23. If after continued efforts some organization of either children or adults is found which will follow all the suggestions, directions, and dictations given by Jennie McGlohon she will be satisfied, at least for the time being. 24. Christine Johnston and Myrtle Lamb evidently would very much like to enter some establishment where their intense desire for the latest dresses, hats, shoes, and gloves will be realized, and, as a consequence, they shall reign supreme so far as wearing apparel is concerned. 25. We think Hallie Jones should abolish the idea of teaching and get a license to preach instead, so she may more emphatically show the moral side of every question. 26. Since all the girls of the Training School will testify to the fact that there is no rest or quiet when Alavia Cox is around on account of the unusual amount of noise and confusion which radiates from her personage, we are sure that in the future no position will offer a better opportunity for her to express herself than that of an auctioneer in a tobacco warehouse. 27. If anyone wishes to undertake a task which no one else has ever been able to accomplish, let him attempt to help Sue Walston carry out her one purpose in life, i. e., to manufacture or discover a pair of shoes large enough for her to wear comfortably. 28. In order to prove her assertions on class concerning Civil Govern- ment and Current History and to show that she is not as ignorant on these subjects as would seem from the first impression, Mary Cowell would very much like to engage someone to instruct her along this line. 29. The only one in the 1917 class who even thinks of ever taking the Lady Principal's place in some college, so she can be allowed to mete out all kinds of measures to those beneath her, just to experience that feeling of superiority, is Vivian Case. 30. To make Lizzie Stewart happy, allow her to continue studying at the various schools in the world until she has succeeded in making A 1 on English. From the above you see that our class is not going out in life without specific aims. We hope they will realize in the end what are now mere aspirations. We the committee have partly voiced our ambitions, the same as those of Paul Pry, i. e., to analyze and synthesize the characters and motive* of all people with whom we come in contact. Committee. The Senior Play "The Rivals" CAST OF CHARACTERS IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE Fag, Servant to Captain Absolute Myrtle Brendle Thomas, Coachman to Sir Anthony Blanche Satterthwaite Lydia Languish, Mrs. Malaprop's niece Ruth Spivey Lucy, Maid to Lydia Sue Walston Julia Melville, Cousin to Lydia Viola Kilpatrick Mrs. Malaprop, Guardian to Lydia Lizzie Stewart Sir Anthony Absolute, Guardian to Julia Flora Hutchins Captain Absolute, Son to Sir Anthony Christine Johnston Paulkland, Fiance to Julia Melville Fannie Lee Speir Bob Acres, Country Gentleman, Suitor to Lydia Ophelia O'Brian Boy May Sawyer Sir Lucius O'Trigger, Irish Baronet, Suitor to Lydia Helen Gardner David, Servant to Bob Acres Bessie Cason Maid Agnes Absher The Greenville Reflector in commenting on the play said : " 'The Rivals,' presented on April 23 by the Senior class of the Training School to a full house, was one of the most brilliant dramatic events ever offered at the Training School. That the high standard set by previous plays at the school was maintained, is the verdict of those who have kept up with the Senior plays from year to year." In the headlines appeared : "The best in the history of the local in- stitution." The following is the full report from the Reflector: The cast was well chosen and the actors entered into their parts with the spirit and ease that characterize the professional actor. The young ladies of the class became the lords and ladies of the romantic, sentimental period of the eighteenth century, a day when panniers and curls were used to enhance the charms of young ladies, when "Thought was not becoming to a young woman," when men were richly dressed in brocades and satins, and when there was much talk of "honor" and duelling. It was an aristocratic, emotional age, when extravagance of dress, manner, and feeling were in order. The cos- tumes were rich and picturesque, and the interiors in the stage settings were attractive and in keeping with the age. The audience followed closely the intricacies of the plot and appreciated the finer points, especially the flashes of fun and wit. The audience did not seem to realize the length of the play, as their interest was kept to a high pitch until the last. There was a large crowd from the neighboring towns and surrounding communities. While Sheridan did not write for an all-star cast, this performance was an all-star performance if one judges by the acting, for those in the minor parts played their roles as well as those in the star parts. The Class of 1917 79 Mrs. Malaprop, with "her select words so ingeniously misapplied without being mispronounced," was played by Miss Lizzie Stewart, with a breeziness that carried her audience with her, and tew of the choice bits of word twisting that have made Sheridan famous were lost on the audience. Miss Ruth Spivey, as the romantic, sentimental Lydia Languish, who ac- cording to her aunt, Mrs. Malaprop, was as headstrong as an "allegory on the banks of the Nile," was very pretty inded, and the audience did not blame the men in the play for being rivals for her hand. The part of Captain Jack Absolute, often under the assumed name of En- sign Beverly, was played by Miss Christine Johnston with a dash and ease that is rarely found in an amateur actor, much less when a young lady at- tempts to play the role of a man. Her acting was remarkable in that she did not even seem to lose the part she was playing, even when she was for a moment in the background. The rages of Miss Flora Hutchins as Sir Anthony Absolute as he domi- neered over his son, and the changes from hot to cold gave the audience a vivid picture of that violent age when a man spoke as he thought and felt. Miss Ophelia O'Brian played remarkably well the difficult part of Bob Acres, the gallant, rough and ready country gentleman, who had little use for swords and duelling. Another difficult part well played was that of Sir Lucius O'Trigger, the Irish baronet, played by Miss Helen Gardner. Miss Viola Kilpatrick, as Julia, .he cousin of Lydia, played her part very well indeed. She and Lydia in their confidential scenes made very pleasing pictures. Miss Fannie Lee Spier, as Paulkland, made an excellent contrast to Miss Johnston as Capt. Absolute, and she and Miss Kilpatrick made the minor love story stand out for itself. Those who took the parts of servants played their parts with as great polish and spirit as did those who took the leading roles. Miss Bessie Cason, as David, did some of the best acting of the evening. The setting for the play was the charming and attractive sitting room of the eighteenth century. Wood scenery, supplemented by trees and vines, was used for the outdoor scenes. The costumes for all of the characters were rented from a professional costumer. They were very handsome and made the characters stand out as the true lords and ladies of that period. By means of various methods of advertising the play was kept continu- ally before the eyes of the public. Some posters which were character- istic of the play were used but the class broke away from the precedent of conventional posters and used comic ones which seemed to attract more attention than the other kind. Handbills and posters were sent to all nearby towns and distributed about Greenville. Many personal letters were written to the Alumnae, and the girls who lived near Green- ville wrote to their friends telling them about the play. In this way the whole community became interested in the play and as a result there was a full house. The class cleared more on this play than any previous class has made; this was due in part to the class adviser, Mr. Meadows, who deserves 80 The Training School Quarterly great credit for his management of the play. Miss Muffly, who has coached so many of the plays never deserved greater praise for her work ; she was ably assisted by Miss Maupin. Between acts Miss Lida Hill played to entertain the audience. A chorus from the class sang, "Drink To Me Only "With Thine Eyes," and Virginia Suther sang, "When the Dew is on the Clover." Those who sang in the chorus were: Lou Ellen Dupree, Elizabeth Baker, Hannah Cuthrell, Alavia Cox, Amelia Clark, Hallie Jones, Ruth Lowder, Myrtle Lamb, Ada Credle, Elizabeth Mercer, Martha O'Neil, Ethel Perry, Eula Pappendick, Mary "Wooten, and Mary Cowell. The marshals for downstairs were: Jessie Bishop, chief; Effie Baugham, Virginia Sledge, Leona Tucker, Nannie Mac. Brown, "Wita Bond and Julia Elliott ; for upstairs : Eunice Hoover, Vermelle Worth- ington, Musa Harris, and Vivian Case. Jennie McGlohon was chairman of the advertising committee, and Esther McNeil sold tickets. Those who took up tickets downstairs were : Lillie Mae Whitehead, Ola Caravan, Jennie Taylor, and Loretta Joyner ; upstairs, Fannie Grant and Agnes Thompson. Lucile Bulluck, president of the class, and Sallie Franck were stage managers. // We Were Different 1. I strongly disapprove of casing. It is the greatest menace to the 20th century girl that I know of. L. Tucker. 2. I'm so thankful I didn't get any mail — especially from Tarboro. N. M. Brown. 3. Girls, I'm so distressed. I weigh five pounds less than I did this time last week. L. Dupree. 4. I'm so tired of men ! Their proposals are getting so stale and boring. M. Harris. 5. Sure thing I'm not going to study a lesson tonight. I'm going to write to my sweetheart. E. Hoover. 6. I like to study and recite history better than any other lesson. I just wouldn't stay here if I had to drop it. M. "Wooten. 7. I do think it is perfectly awful to waste two whole weeks for Christmas holidays. I do wish they would abolish that custom. F. Hutchins. 1. Ada Credle 2. Bessie Cason 3. Fannie Grant 4. Esther McNeill 5. Martha O'Neal 6. Lou Ellen Dupree 7. Blanche Satterthwaite 8. May Sawyer 9. Eunice Hoover 10. Musa Harris 11. Julia Elliott 12. Amelia Clark 13. Ethel Perry 14. Ruth Spivey 15. Elizabeth Baker 16. Mary Cowell 17. Sallie Franck Entertainments Christmas Party to the "B" and "F's" After the regular business meetings of the classes, on Saturday even- ing, December 16, 1916, the Senior Class entertained their sister classes, the "B's" and "F's." The Christmas colors were used as decorations. The guests began arriving about 8 :30 o'clock. They were met at the top of the stairs, on the right, by Misses Leona Tucker and Virginia Sledge, and on the left, by Misses Lucile Bulluck, president of the class, and Christine Johnston. Each guest was given a minature "Santa Claus." They were then shown into the Y. W. C. A. Hall where a few minutes were spent in getting thoroughly acquainted. It was the business of each Senior to go among the crowd and see that everybody knew everybody else and was having a good time. A bell was then tapped by Miss Julia Elliott, who invited the guests into the recreation hall and asked them to be seated. In one end of the room there were desks and chairs; the audience guessed that a school was to follow. They were not held in suspense long, for a little girl, evidently the teacher's pet, came in and put some flowers on her desk. The other pupils came in with buckets, baskets, and books. Miss Lillie Mae Whitehead, under the assumed name of "Miss Elzala Doolittle," carried out the part of a "country school teacher" to perfection. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Austin were carried back to their early school days, when the teacher sharply cracked the youngsters over their heads and announced that the next four pages would be their lesson for the follow- ing day and they must be sure to know every word of it. The audience observed Miss Doolittle teach a lesson in hygiene and sanitation, a spelling match, and a reading lesson. She announced that the county superintendent was coming to visit their school and they would give the program which was practiced the Friday afternoon before. Miss Ola Carawan, as "Mr. Do-all," took the part of the superintendent. After the program, which consisted of poems and songs given by the children, he made a short talk to the children in which he commended Miss Elzala for her excellent work in the school and community. The children were dismissed a half hour earlier because they had been "so good," as Miss Elzala said. The guests were then invited into the hall where the following stunts were given : Picking up peas with a toothpick, eating marshmallows on a string, wrestling on one foot, potato race, the broad grin, and eating crackers. Each stunt counted so many points for the two classes par- ticipating. The B class had the greater number of points. A music 6 82 The Training School Quarterly box was presented to Miss Rena Harrison, president of the class. Miss Eleanor TJzzell, president of the F class, was presented the booby, a red ball. A delightful salad course was served by the "school children." Mr. Meadows then read a beautiful Christmas story, and everybody went home declaring that they had the best time they ever had and that Christmas was really here again. "D's" and "F's" Entertained by "B's" The "B" or second year Academic class, entertained its sister classes, the Seniors and "F's," on Saturday evening, February 17, with a very delightful valentine party. The halls on the third floor of the administration building were at- tractively decorated with red, green, and blue, the Valentine colors, potted plants and pennants representing the three classes. The guests were met at the top of the stairs, on the right by Miss Rena Harrison, president of the class, and Misses Eva Outlaw and Lois Hester; on the left by Misses Jewel High, Zelota Cobb, and Vera Bennett; they were given either a cupid or a heart with the date on it. They were shown to the punch bowl, where they were served by Misses Catherine and Maude Lister. After lingering in the hall for a few minutes to be sure that every- body knew everybody else, the guests were next ushered into the recrea- tion hall, where members from each class took part in an "Arrow Con- test." Mr. Meadows, the Senior class adviser, was declared the most skilled at this art of shooting at hearts and received as a prize a very attractive little dog, which he hopes will help him in his hunting expeditions next fall. This was followed by a recitation, "Cave's Court- ship," by Miss Maude Lister. Miss Rena Harrison, president of the class, proposed a toast to the Seniors and "F's" which expressed the delight of the "B's" in having their sisters as their guests for the evening. The guests drew numbers from a box which aided them in securing partners for a "Heart Contest." They were given papers and pencils and told to write a "yell" making an acrostic of the word "Heart." Misses Ethel Perry and Thelma Bryant wrote the best yell and were given a very attractive picture as a prize. This was followed by a dance, the Virginia Reel, given by Misses Ethel Stancell, Jessie Lano, Vera Bennet, Lyda Tyson, Ina McGlohon, Lois Hester, Vivian Hudnell, and Annie Gray Stokes. While a delightful salad course was being served by members of the class, Miss Ethel Stancell sung "The Little Gray Home in the West." The evening passed quickly with much fun and merriment for all and just as the guests were saying good-night Miss Ola Caravan gave a The Class of 1917 83 toast to the "B's" and "F's." Miss Towney Patterson responded to this by giving a toast to the "D's" and "B's." All went home declaring they had never had a hetter time. Senior Team Entertained by "B" Team The "B" basketball team entertained the Senior team and its class adviser on the evening after the last game of the tournament, from 6 :45 to 7 :30, on the second floor of the administration building. The hall was decorated with the pennants and banners of the two classes. The guests were welcomed at the door by a yell of "Rahs." The first enter- tainment of the evening consisted of a "county contest," the prize being awarded to Ruth Spivey, captain of the Senior team and Lizzie Stewart. After this, original riddles were asked, while cake and punch were being served. All the guests, with pardners from the "B's," then went into the domestic science room and toasted marshmallows over the gas. Several toasts were given. The crowd then reassembled in the outer hall, brought all of their chairs close together, turned out the lights and told ghost stories the remainder of the time. The guests, after having spent a very enjoyable evening, left amid many "Rahs" from their sisters. The following are answered by the names of some member of the faculty : 1. What part of the sun do we like the most? Ray. 2. What town near us is on ~N. and S. ? Wilson. 3. What class adviser is as green as grass? Meadows. 4. What is the most provoking task we all have to perform? Waitt. 5. What does a man need to wear around his neck in cold weather? Muffly (Muffler). 6. What man in history do Southerners hate? Sherman. 7. What man in history do Southerners respect and love? Davis. 8. What elevation of land is nearest like a mountain ? Hill. 9. What man did she like best of all? Herman (Her man). 10. What ideal do we always have conflicting with wrong-doing? Wright. 11. What kind of flour is most wholesome? Graham. 12. What do we look for when we are tired? Comfort. 13. In what would you want to be strong in order to be able to join in athletics ? Armstrong. Our Christmas Bazaar We, as Seniors, were very anxious to raise all the money we could this year, in various ways, to let go for some good purpose. Back in the fall, in thinking over some of the ways of raising this money, a bazaar was suggested. This met with the approval of the entire class, and so we decided to have it just before school closed for the Christmas holidays, in order to give the students, and faculty members an oppor- tunity to buy some of their Christmas presents. This was a great con- venience to all, for any one could get her presents ready made, and for the same price or cheaper than she could have purchased them at the store. Each member of the class took an active part in getting something ready for the bazaar. Some made only one thing, and some made three or four things, just as she had the time and money to spend for such a purpose. There was a quantity of hand work, such as center pieces, pin cushions, small aprons, towels, chamois, tatting medalions, bags of various kinds, and some smaller pieces of clothing. Also many little Christmas toys, such as small dolls, animals of various kinds, and jump- ing-jacks were sold. A quantity of good candy was also sold with great rapidity. The room in which we had our bazaar was decorated with the Christ- mas decorations. A white cloth was hung across one side of the room on which was pinned the handwork ; and at the top of this cloth there was a wreath of holly, and small bits were pinned about over it. In two of the corners there were stands, one from which the toys were sold, and the other one the candy. Both of these were also covered with ever- greens, and there were other pieces of evergreens about the room which made a very pretty effect with some red mixed about with it. Owing to the pleasure and success of our bazaar, we feel as though it was a good thing, and it was something in which each member took a part. Encouraged by the success of the bazaar, different members of the class have made candy from time to time, and sold it to the girls on Saturday afternoons. 1. Myrtle Lamb 2. Virginia Sledge 3. Agnes Absher 4. Loretta Joyner 5. Effie Baugham 6. Fannie Lee Speir 7. Leona Tucker 8. Sue Walston 9. Virginia Suther 10. Jennie McGlohon 11. Lueile Bulluck 12. Lizzie Stewart 13. Eula Pappendick 14. Jessie Bishop 15. Hallie B. Jones 16. Nannie Mack Brown 17. Ophelia O'Brian The Ten Minutes Before Class "The ten minutes before classes should be spent in preparation for the next class." Psychology Room — V. Su. (springing on the high stool). "Begin to make the connection and association between our previous recitation and this during the ten minutes before class." L. B.— Have you comprehended the deep thought of our lesson? If so you may preside as leader and help to solve the problem which has been left with us." V. SI. (skilled in the art of drawing and loath to settle down to prob- lem solving). — "I shall proceed to sketch on the blackboard." (She draws the graduating dresses, the loving cup, pictures of her beloved classmates, A. A. and L. S.). (As the rightful leader takes the chair all slip into their seats quite dignified and absorbed in "the assigned prob- lem in Psychology.") Primary Methods Room — (The class goes in and is immediately attracted by the play houses, sand tables, and clay models. All go around the room carefully examining them). 1ST. M. B. — "Through much labor we became acquainted with the 'pos- sibilities' of the Swiss, Dutch, Indian, and Eskimo people. We remem- ber that some of the preparatory work, although showing wonderful 'possibilities,' seems rather 'far-fetched. : 7 ?J Science Room. — (Each sniffing as she enters). M. L. — "What kind of chemical odor is this?" M. B. — "It is S0 2 which the "B" class has been using to bleach blue violets." "Oh, I don't object to it at all. Isn't it delightful?" School Management Room. — (Before the bell rings). H. C. — "What practical problem of the teacher's life are we going to solve today?" H. G. — "By what means are we going to solve it?" V. W. — "Just use Pedagogy and common sense." N". R. — "Girls, we had better get quiet, he is coming." Math. Room. — (Teacher present — girls very quiet and dignified enter, each going to her respective place). M. S. : "Can we multiply inches by inches and get square inches?" R. L. — "No, she explained that a few days ago. Don't you remember it?" 86 The Teaining School Quabtekly History Room- — (The day after Miss Rankin entered Congress). J. T.— "Did Miss Rankin faint?" M. C. — "Why do you think the Germans are ahle to continue their fighting?" V. C. — "Will all of our brothers and fathers have to go to war?" (Bell rings). — These are interesting topics to discuss, but the young ladies now give their undivided attention. Drawing Room — (Girls go in and are attracted by the basketry mak- ing). A. C. — "I wish she would teach us to make baskets." L. B. — "She will teach us out under the trees some afternoon." Cooking Laboratory. — (Girls enter the room and immediately do the assigned housekeeping duty). W. B. — "How many inches do we place the spoons and forks from the edge of the table?" L. B. — "Do you go the left or the right of a person when you are serving them?" (Bell rings) : "We will have to do some rapid work during the first part of the lesson today." Music Room. — (Girls enter singing and skipping). W. B. — "What are we going to sing today?" F. G. — "Do you think she will have us sing our solos today?" "Girls, get your songs ready. She is going to have each of us sing a solo today." (Every one begins practicing before the period begins with quaky and trembly voices). English Room on the first floor. — (The Dl section enters the room just after chapel and immediately assemble around the teacher's stool and begin to ask questions). — O. O. : "Should we clap when we have a ser- mon or a religious song in chapel?" J. T. — "Did you say you would help me with my article?" L. P. T — "Or application?" F. L. S. — "Would it be all right to teach Hamlet in the grades?" O. O. — "What do you mean by those 'curious long tailed arrows' here between the lines in my theme?" English Room on the second floor. — (D2 section teacher — rather busy at desk.) (Students enter the room carrying on a general conversa- tion.) M. L. : "Do you think he will take up the written reproduction today?" V. C. — "I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't." A. C. : "We will 'pause' a few minutes now to copy the outline from the board before discussing it." (Bell rings.) A Midnight Feast Scenario. Scene 1. — "Buying the Eatables." In the afternoon a group of girls go down to buy the eatables. In a grocery store they try to decide what they want while an amused clerk offers suggestions. Whereupon they buy pickles, cakes, bread, cans, etc., and come out laden with bundles. Scene 2. — "There's Many a Slip." Upon reaching the campus they hide their bundles under wraps and in sleeves, so that when they pass the lady principal in a corridor of the dormitory she looks at their innocent faces and little thinks the mischief they are up to. Scene 3. — "All is Safe at Last." The girls rush to their rooms and store the things away in bureau drawers, closets, hat boxes, and even under the bed. Scene 4. — "Nightfall." When the lights go out the lady principal goes up and down the cor- ridors to see that all is quiet. After she passes each door the girls bob their head out and wave at each other until she starts back again. Then they go to bed as usual and lie awake in their beds until twelve o'clock. "Come on, its twelve o'clock." The clock strikes twelve and the six girls steal out in the corridor where they all meet. Then they go off into the room where the food has been hid, and begin preparations for the feast. Scene 5. — "The Feast." Candles are lighted. The table is cleared of books and a towel is spread upon it, while the food is brought forth. Sandwiches are made and as there is some dressing left over they can not find anything to put it in. Some pick up soap dishes, hair receivers and the like, while one goes out after her pin tray. "My Ivory Pin Tray will hold the dressing." Hastily returning with it in her hands she stealthily opens the door "Hush ! Here comes the night watchman." All the girls scramble to the window to see the night watchman pass- ing by their window; just as he gets right under the window one of the girls lets slip a giggle. He hears it and looks up, but sees nothing, and 88 The Training School Quarterly after pausing a few minutes, lie goes on his way, much to the relief of the girls, who continue with their preparations. Soon the table is spread, the candles are placed on it, and they draw up boxes and chairs to begin the feast. In doing this the tray of dressing is knocked from the table but is hastily recovered as it gets no further than one of the girl's lap. The feast now begins in earnest. They eat and chatter merrily until some one says, "Scoot ! There's somebody coming !" Then they all scatter, two get under the bed, one behind the bureau, two in the closet, while one gets in bed and pretends to be asleep. All is quiet for about five minutes, when one by one they steal out from their hiding places. They again light the candles and continue their feast. Scene 6. — "The President Arrives on the One O'Clock Train." About this time the one o'clock train pulls in and off steps the presi- dent of the school. When he alights from the carriage at his own door he sees a light in one of the rooms. On looking more closely he sees figures moving about in it. Hailing the approaching night watchman he points it out to him and bids him go and report the affair to the lady principal. Scene 7. — "An Unwelcome Visitor." Still the feast goes on. A toast mistress is elected who takes her glass and standing in the middle of the bed gives a toast, while the others clink their glasses, and drink with her. But just here the door opens, and in walks that lady herself, holding up her hands in holy horror. "Girls ! Girls ! What on earth do you mean ?" And before a single one can hide she gets the name of every girl in the crowd. "Report at my office after lunch tomorrow." After sharply reproving and even shaking some she hustles each one off to her own room. Coming back later to the room in which the feast was held she takes everything to eat that is left and dumps it into the waste basket. She then stands by until the girls humbly get into bed. Whereupon she takes their candles, matches, etc., and haughtily marches out of the room. Scene 8. — "Lady Principal's Office." The next afternoon six dejected girls make their way to the office of the lady principal where they receive a sharp lecture, wound up by "You are under restrictions for a solid month." Senior Groups The Tree-Planting The Class President with the Cup The Captain of the Basket-Bull Team with the Cup The Adviser of the Senior Class and the Adviser of the Sister Class, '19, with the Cup The Basket-Ball Team In the Midst of the Game The Class of 1917 89 Scene 9. — "Restbicted." Several days later the girls who are not allowed to go down town, go to the edge of the campus with two other girls, who are going shopping. They look very melancholy as the other girls leave them and cry out, "Please do bring us an ice cream cone." When they return with the cones the six restricted girls run and get them. Whereupon they sit down and eat them, and count on their fingers the days before the month is up. Ads — It Pays to Advertise! — Try It! 1. Wanted — To make people consider me the most interesting con- versationalist. H. Jones. 2. Wanted — To know the art of being "cute." A. Absheb. 3. Rewabd — Will someone tell V. Sledge how she can get along with- out working so hard? 4. Lost — "My curling irons." C. Johnston. 5. Wanted — Something to say. H. Cuthbell. 6. Wanted — To know why all the Seniors in our class have a "beau" except me. O. Cabawan. 7. Baeoains — Wholesale bargains offered daily by Bishop and Pap- pendick Grocery Co. 8. Wanted — To make people know and understand that I went to the State Normal at Greensboro and my picture was in the annual. E. McNeil. 9. Wanted — To know if she can be in the receiving line at the Junior-Senior reception. A. Thompson. 10. Lost — Fannie Grant in an elevator at Tunstall's. 11. Wanted — To drop Arithmetic and take Math. L. M. Whitehead. 12. Wanted — Unlimited popularity. O. O'Bbian. 13. Found — A letter between W. Dormitory and Administration Building beginning "Dear Sue" and signed "Ed." Owner call in library and receive the same. 14. Wanted — A Senior ring. T. White. 15. Notice — Rooms 33 for rent during the summer months. Apply to L. Bulluck. 16. Wanted — A remedy for awkwardness. E. Mebceb. 17. Fob sale — Dimples. V. Sutheb. [Continued on page 93] The History Class of '17 in Athletics The class of '17, the winners of the cup for basketball for two years, are, it is safe to say, champions in athletics. It has on its team this year four girls who were among the number of the 27 little "A's." These four girls have been on the class team each year. During the four years of our work, two of academic and two of pro- fessional, the class has made for itself an enviable reputation for its accomplishments and leadership. Its members have developed initiative and independence, and have ever been ready to contribute to all whole- some school activities. The class has emphasized the fact that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." It is true, we were timid at first, but our "winning ways" soon took us to the head of the line — a place our sisters of '13 left for us. The athletic association was organized November 10, 1913, at the beginning of our "A" year. The class of 1913 had left the key to their dear little "A's," to unlock the door to all knowledge and vic- tory. We have used this key each year since we received it and still have it in use. We shall leave it for our sisters, the class of 1919. During our entire "A" year, sustained interest was shown in all forms of athletics. We were small and could not walk far, so that accounts for our not being champions in cross-country walking. But what class has made the championship in anything the first year. In tennis we worked hard and played in the tryout games. But our chief interest even from the first was in basketball. Although we were not in the final game we continued to play our best. Victory came, as it has come every time to the odd class, the class of '15, our sisters. When we were "busy B's," we played on. We then had two basketball teams, a number of tennis players, a captain ball team, and many were interested in walking. On Thanksgiving a match game of tennis was played. Of course the Juniors played, but who was to play with them? Mighty Seniors? Way, the "B's" won a place in the match game. The Juniors were vic- torious, but we did not give up, for, in January the class teams for the basketball tournament were posted. Imagine the delight among us when we found it was between the "B's" and "D's" ('15-'17). We were proud of it, but it would never do for us to play against our dear sisters, so we played the tie off and the Juniors won. It is not necessary to tell that the class of '15 won the first two games, the cup, and the champion- ship this year, for the "odds" are always at the head of the line. It was during this year the League decided to give a cup for the other activities — captain ball, walking, and tennis combined — but as this was the first year, the cup was not awarded. The Class of 1917 91 As Juniors, we returned ready for what was to come to us, with plenty of high school students enthusiastic in athletics, our 27 grew to 87. We had four teams in basketball this year. We played twice a week every week the weather would permit. We lost only one game the whole year. It came time for the Thanksgiving game. We were already missing our '15 sisters, but the class of 1919 was standing by our side. The game was between Juniors and Seniors. The Juniors won, the score being 13-5. There was true sportsmanlike spirit shown on both sides. The two teams, Junior and Senior, were entertained the follow- ing Monday by the Junior class. The spirit for basketball did not die, for, in January, the Juniors and Seniors played the tournament games. Each year we play the best two out of three games for the cup. How many games were played last year ? Three ? Nay, two. How many the year '16? Three? Nay, two! What did this? The "winning ways" of the little "A's" of '17. It seemed as though it might be on the habit basis. We had used the key which the class of 1913 left and it has proved successful so we could use it again in 1916-'17. The tennis tournament was played in May between Juniors and Seniors, but we were defeated by the Seniors. This year here we are as 51 Seniors still enthusiastic in athletics. A new activity in athletics was put in this year. Ophelia O'Brian, '17, has charge of it. General playground games. The girls have taken a great interest, and enjoyed playing very much. In the fall Ophelia worked up a demonstration of playground games for the teachers of Pitt County. "When a habit is good stick to it." That is what we have been doing in our Senior year, and did Thanksgiving. We won the Thanksgiving game over the Juniors in basketball, the score being 16-6. They took the defeat well, as was evidenced by the fact that they entertained the Senior team in the afternoon. The tournament was postponed this year on account of the vaccinated arms and bad weather; but when we played, we played. The games were held on March 28th, 29th and 31st. This was the first time three games had ever had to be played, both teams worked hard, but the regular guards and substitute guard of the Juniors could not keep our three regular forwards from making the goal. The Seniors won the first game, the score being 12-9, the Juniors won the second, with a score of 5-6 ; and who won the third ? Who has always won ? "Odds," yes, the Seniors, the score being 9-3. When the cup was presented by President Wright after the game, he expressed great pleasure at having to present the cup twice to the same class, stating that this was the first time he had had the pleasure of presenting it to the same class for two succes- sive years. Owing to the absence of Mr. Wright in 1915, Mr. Wilson 92 The Training School Quarterly presented it to the class of '15. The Senior team was entertained in the evening by the "B" team, our sisters of '19. The trial games for tennis are being played now, the Seniors and Juniors being the classes to play in the tournament. These contests are being held just as The Quarterly goes to press, so that the results can not be given. The Volleyball Tournament is also being played while this is in the press. But every one knows where the victory lies. We are sorry that we shall have to leave so soon, but we shall come back next year and see the "nineteeners" carry on the tradition that the "odd" classes have so well established. [Continued from Page 89] It Pays to Advertise 18. Wanted — To know how to make grass grow on the front campus. Mr. Wright. 19. Lost ! — L. Joyner. Finder please return to E. Baugham and receive reward. 20. Who'll apply? — Will some one consent to give M. O'Neal cas- ing lessons? 21. Lost — Between rising bell and first breakfast bell — beauty sleep. Finder please return to F. L. Speir. 22. Wanted — Some one to hold an umbrella over me while I work in my garden. M. Cowell. 23. Wanted — To fill a hundred pages in the Quarterly. L. Bulluck. S. Walston. >-3 The Staff My purpose is to give a brief history of the staff during its stay in the Training School. This very interesting object made its first appearance in this school when the class of 1912 presented a staff to the class of 1913 to be hidden during the following year. This was at class day exercises in 1912, and the above mentioned staff which very closely resembled a carnival cane was accepted by the class of '13. In 1913 the staff was hidden and the Junior class, the class of '14, in spite of their attempts to find it, were unsuccessful. In '14, the '15 class, because of its perseverance, patience, and wisdom, did succeed. This gave the class of '15 sufficient cause to be proud. In '15 the '16 class was unsuccessful, of course, and as much may be said for the class of '17 in its effort to find the staff in '16. Perhaps this is the reason that the class of '16 advised the class of '17 not to accept the staff when it would be presented to them at class day exer- cises. Regardless of + his recommendation, the staff, which was now a new one, was accepted and hidden by the present Senior class. The class of '18 declined to look for the staff this year. In June, the class of '17 will return this staff to its original owners, the class of '12. Probably the staff will not be accepted when it is pre- sented to the next class, as the '18 class looks upon the staff as being objectionable. The class of '17 believes that the custom of hiding the staff is a good thing to keep alive a spirit of friendly rivalry between the Junior and Senior classes. What We Have Gained From the Training School As the time has come for us to leave we realize the deep affection we hold for this school, the campus, the buildings, the halls, and especially the faculty and students. Although we are indeed glad the time has come for us to go out into our own State and begin the work for which we have been prepared, we are saddened to think that in leaving this school, we are leaving behind the guiding hand of our leaders and that instead of relying upon them, now we must become the leaders who will shape the young lives that are intrusted into our keeping. Probably some of our classmates and friends we will never see again, but, while we may be widely separated, we know that we have made many perma- nent friends not only with those in our own class but with the students of other classes as well; there will always exist, however, a peculiar bond between us of the same class. We are glad that we have spent the two, three, or four years here in training, although sometimes we have been discouraged, feeling that our work was too hard and that those ideals we wished to gain could never be realized. "Was it worth while? We have given these years of our time, work, and talent, what did we get in exchaange? Was it a spirit of careless- ness, or one of high ideals and service? It would be difficult to select and express accurately and adequately the most valuable things we have gained from the East Carolina Teachers Training School. The meaning of habit formation is one of the important factors we have gained. We have learned psychologically that the result of almost everything we do is controlled by our habits and that in teaching we should work to that end. That is, the teacher herself should have the correct habits and then in place of the bad habits of the pupils she should help them to form the right ones and should not rest until that thing, whatever it may be, has been made automatic. As students we have gained the habit of punctuality. "On time every time" is one of the mottoes of the president, and this is provided for by a definite schedule that the students and faculty are required to keep. Not only is this for class, but the number of hours we are to sleep, when we must go to our meals, and in fact, everything we do must be done on schedule time, even entertainments begin at "8 :30 sharp." We have learned the value of time, how necessary and vital it is that we should conserve our time in every possible way. Never before have the twenty-four hours of each day seemed insufficient to accomplish the necessary work and play of our school life. Each minute seems to fly away more rapidly than the preceding one and sometimes we wonder where our time has been spent. But usually we find we have not been concentrating all our thought and energy upon the one subject that is before us or that some of the time was wasted upon things of less importance. The Class of 1917 95 We have gained such moral habits as that of respecting the rights of others, of giving each student a fair showing, of seeing both sides of a question before giving our opinion, and of having the proper respect and care for public property — all of these and other important princi- ples have been instilled. In forming the habit of correct study, we have gained many princi- ples that will never lose their value for us as teachers. We have thrown aside the old theory that learning is memorizing and we do not expect to tax our pupils as we have been taxed in the past, with excess memory work. We have also learned that before any problem is given to a student or a group of students, there should be a desire or a need felt for that problem and also it should touch his life or interests. Another important factor is self-confidence. Although some of us have not sufficiently learned this, we have improved so much over our former selves that we could barely be recognized as the same persons. Some of the members of the class have so developed their personalities that they have been fitted for leaders in country communities, while other members are not suited for leadership. There is some consolation in the old idea that it takes a well-educated person to be a good follower as well as it does to be a leader. But is there one that cannot be a leader in some line? Especially has our practice teaching been a valuable experience to each member of our class. We were able to see and also to put into operation the correct principles and methods of teaching. We feel that observation work was extremely helpful. We have gained as a class, we hope, the respect and friendship of both the faculty and the students. The greatest thing that we have absorbed during our stay is the spirit of service. The motto of the school is "to serve" and this is not only a motto but an habitual practice. All our teachers practice this motto, for there is never a time when they are too busy to hear and help some student with her problems. They are not working for money (for no one that teaches school or is preparing to teach school expects to get rich at this profession), but they are working because they love their work and feel that they are accom- plishing more good for others and for their Master in this profession rather than in some money-making profession. We have heard many talks about serving, co-operating and working with the community that you are thrown in, giving all the time that you can spare to every organization that is uplifting, and we have been urged to be helpful in every possible way. Our seeing and coming in contact with people of this school who practice this unselfishness, has caused us to absorb some of these prin- ciples. This spirit and attitude, if carried in our future work, should help us toward success. S. W. : "I thought you took Home Nursing last year." V. S. : "I did, but the faculty encored me." N. M. B. : "Did you ever take chloroform?" M. L.: "No, who teaches it?" E. Mc. : "I don't think I deserve zero." Miss D. : "That's as low as I am permitted to give." A. A. : "What books have helped you most ?" V. S. : "The ones I didn't read ; they saved my time." L. S.: "What is a hypocrite?" 0. C. : "A person who goes to psychology with a smile on his face." New Girl: "What denomination are you?" Junior : "Oh ! I'm taking Junior work." Mr. M. : "Fools ask questions wise men can't answer." Senior : "That's the reason I fell so flat on exams." L. J. : "When I have memorized a page of outline I can close my eyes and still see the page." S. F. : "So can I, but its all blank verse." Junior: "Who is Ty Cobb?" R. F. : "I really don't know much about those North Carolina politicians." Scenes from "The Rivals" The Class of 1917 97 Mr. A.: "What is the difference in April 1775 and now?" L. B. : "About 200 years difference." E. H. : "What is infantry ?" J. T. : "The younger generation of men." A. B. A. yet." "Oh, I'm so cold." Isn't there any heat in your room ?" "No, I've had my feet over the transom and they aren't warm Senior : "Are we going to have ice cream for dinner ?" Junior: "Yes, I just saw it written on the schedule" (meaning menu). What Others Think of Us Following are some remarks which will tell you what the officers, faculty, and others think of the class of nineteen hundred and seventeen : Pees. Wright — "The best class we ever had." Mb. Spilman — "First-class financiers." Mrs. Beckwith (when she is pleased) — "Good children." (When otherwise.) "Foolish daughters." Dr. Laughinghotjse — "A healthy lot." Miss Beaman — "Very considerate, as they take up neither my time nor my aspirin tablets." Miss Ross — "Chatter-boxes." Miss Jones — "Businesslike." Mrs. Jeter — "Dear, and wasteful." Mr. Wilson — "Sensationless." Miss Muffly — "Mocking birds." Miss Ray — "They are full of possibilities, though they may seem far-fetched." Mr. Austin — "Lacking in that sense without which all other sense is nonsense." Miss Armstrong— "Splendid artists — especially on subjects relating to cows." Me. Underwood — "A jolly bunch." Miss Davis — "Real teachers of history." Miss Lewis — "The perspective of the class is pleasing — at a distance." Miss Comfort — "Hard to manage in athletics." Miss Graham — "They are real problems." Miss Maupin — "They certainly do not hurt themselves studying." Miss Waitt — "Far behind the Class of 1916." Miss Hill — "Very harmonious." Miss Fahnestock — "Rather noisy." 7 98 The Training School Quaeteely Miss Sherman — "Too dignified." Miss Jenkins — "A terrible class in comparison with, my Juniors." Miss Heeman — "No hope for them." Me. Meadows— "Equal to the Class of 1913." The Ceitic Teachees — "There will never be any more like them." "A's"— "Very wise." "B's" — "Everything good-angels." Junioes — "Inconsiderate and overbearing to under classmen." "F's"— "An authority on all things." The People of Geeenville — "Always quiet, except on special occa- sions." Fates — "Impossible to conquer." May Sawtee, '17. Calendar 1916 Sept. 26 — Old girls — osculation. 27 — New girls — matriculation. Oct. 8 — Society initiation. The goats and greasy poles of the new girls' dreams made a reality. 9 — Seniors begin teaching in the practice school. 17 — Seniors give an order for their class rings. 20 — Nothing doing — cloudy weather. 21 — Anxiety among the Seniors — their class rings have not arrived. Nov. 17 — Senior tree-planting. 27 — Thanksgiving german. 28 — Thanksgiving basketball game — burial of the Juniors. Dec. 14 — Order for the Senior rings countermanded. 15 — North Carolina day. 17 — Senior bazaar. 22 — Smiles ! A's looking for Santa Claus. Calendar 1917 Jan. 5 — Work begins — enough said. 27 — Senior chapel exercises — James Whitcomb Riley 22 — Excitement in the music department — musical concert by Mr. George F. Boyle. 23 — A new order made for the Senior rings. 24 — Beware ! Seniors are "traveling" tonight. . .., >.. KVfi ' ...... .*.■■ ..v^ - The Class of 1917 99 Feb. 1 — First day of a new month. 20 — Holiday — girls go to Ealeigh. 23 — Mail flooded with letters from A. & M. 26 — Just a blue Monday. Mar. 23 — Seniors begin their career as farmers. 24 — Intersociety debate — Poes won. 25 — New hats go to church. 31 — Seniors win the loving cup. April 3- — Panic ! ! Three bells ring — Mr. Wright only wants to give the combinations for the new postoffice boxes. 6 — "War declared. 7 — Junior class banner lost. 19 — Mr. Wright returns from an out of town visit. 20 — Junior class banner found. 21 — joy! The Senior rings have come. 23— Senior play— "The Kivals." 25 — New word aaded to the Senior vocabulary — "graduation." May 20 — Preparation for final exams. 22 — Still cramming. 28— Eeports! ! ! June 6 — Climax — graduation. THE RAGGED ROBIN Reminder of a time so dear, Attendant of the peaceful spring, Gift of the gods to please and cheer, Graceful and pure, your petals bring Eternal joy. Your blossoms blue Do always tell us to be true. Reveal to us thy hidden power; O make us, in the testing hour, Both wise and good, sweet little flower. Inspire us with a love for beauty, Nor let us leave the path of duty. School Activities Classes The classes have all been busy during the last quarter. The activi- ties of the Senior Class are included in their department. The Opeka, Eobin Hood An arrangement of the opera "Eobin Hood," by Reginald DeKoven, was given by the Junior Class on April 2. A report of this is given among the School Notes. This is the most ambitious free performance ever given by a class to the school public. Junior Assemblies — the School Journal The School Journal, a paper to be published occasionally by the Junior Class or any other class who wishes to take it up, was presented on March 1st. This is one of the chief contributions of the class. The first issue was especially interesting, as its purpose was to feature the trip to Raleigh, and the General Assembly. Miss Elizabeth Evans, Business Manager, announced that the class would present a paper, the name of which would be thrown on the screen. Immediately sixteen girls arose and taking their respective places, held in order the letters which made known the name, "T-H-E S-C-H-O-O-L J-O-U-R-N-A-L." After this Miss Evans gave the purpose of the paper and read the table of contents which was as follows : PAGE The High Cost of Coughing 1 Katie Lee Matthews The World of Moving Events 2 Clellee Ferbell A Glance Over the Whole School 4 Jessie Howaed Editorials : 6 The President and Congress Contributed Articles Inter-Society Debate The Legislature and the Suffrage Bills Elsie Morgan The Legislature from a Junior's Point of View 8 Willie Jackson Our Trip to Raleigh 10 Thelma White Wit and Humor of Our Girls 13 Ruth Cooke 102 The Training School Quarterly Fashion Notes 14 Lula Ballance Ads. Sadie Thompson The other section of the class presented the second number the next week on March 10. This special historical number was for the purpose of marking the tenth anniversary of the real beginning of the school, and to celebrate the bond issue passed by the Legislature that week, which we believe marks a new birth in the history of the school. The particular purpose was to review briefly the growth of the school during its first decade. The articles which the issue contained showed us very plainly that its growth has been marvelous and that no school in North Carolina has ever had such a history of achievement in so short a period, and with the spirit which exists both in the faculty and in the student body, and with the $200,000, the school promises to be much greater at the end of its next decade. One of the most interesting features connected with this issue was an exhibition of photographs of the faculty, the different classes, the Y. W. C. A., the basketball teams, the buildings, and the campus, all taken at various times since the establishment of the school. These were arranged in the front hall of the Administration Building so that all who wished to could easily see them. This proved to be a great benefit as well as a pleasure to the students who had no idea of the first days of the school. Miss "Willie Wilson, the manager of this number, announced the pur- pose of the special number of The School Journal, and that there would be an exhibition of "original photographs, portraits, and cuts," and then read the table of contents, which was as follows: Front Cover — Quotations from Pres. Wright. Read by Bess Tillet. Frontispiece — The two founders, Governor Jarvis and Mr. Ragsdale. (Their portraits were hanging on opposite sides of the stage.) Editorials — Annie Bridgman The Purpose of This Issue. School Spirit. Forecasting the Future. Articles : The Beginnings of the School Gladys Hendebson Tribute to James Lawson Fleming Gladys Hendebson Tributes to William Henry Ragsdale Sophia Coopeb Sketch of Governor Jarvis May Renfeow Reminiscences of the First Year Helen Lyon Beginnings of the School Activities Fannie Bishop Facts and Figures Bessie Richardson Advertisement of the School Estelle Jones School Activities 103 The "B" or Second Yeae Academic Class This class, in assembly period on April 5, gave a patriotic program, which was one of the most spectacular and interesting of this kind ever held at the Training School. The exercises were indeed spirited and inspiring, since it was so appropriate to the present crisis in our country's history. Everything centered around the flag. The stage was decorated with flags, and the whole student body wore little flags, which were given out to them by the class. The class marched in and found its place on the stage by military orders given by its class adviser, Mr. H. E. Austin. Miss Rena Harri- son, president of the class, conducted the religious exercises, and then gave a short introductory talk explaining the program. The entire school then sang "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean." "Our Heritage," a well known selection from Webster's Bunker Hill Oration, was read by Thelma Mumford. This gave a vivid comparison of the conditions of our country in Webster's time and its condition today. The entire school sang another of our national songs, "The Star Spangled Banner." A recent editorial from the Baltimore Sun, "The Flag is Still There," was read by Rena Harrison. This showed the increased reverence and honor for the national flag by our people today. Sallie Barwick read the "Flag Code." This was a lesson for all on the symbolism and forbidden uses of the flag. Following the Flag Code, Ina McGlohon gave Bennett's poem, "The Flag is Passing By." The most effective part of the program was a flag drill by sixteen girls dressed in white middy suits with red and blue ties and carrying flags. Just before, the drill began Fannie Mae Finch, the standard bearer, marched on the stage holding aloft a large national flag. Fol- lowing the girls in the drill were girls dressed to represent Liberty, Lyda Tyson, Justice, Maude Lister, and Equality, Sadie Speight, who came forward and knelt before the flag. The remainder of the class took their places near the back of the stage, and remained until Evelyn Williford stepped near the flag and recited, "Your Flag and My Flag." The entire class then saluted the flag and sang "America," in which the school joined. The program was exceedingly interesting to the entire school and helped to bring each individual to realize what the flag means to us, especially at this critical time. The second year academic, or "B" class, entertained its sister classes, the "D's" and "F's," on February 18. A full account of this is given in the Senior Department of this issue. A Saint Patrick's party was held on March 17 in honor of the "C" class by their sister class, the "A's." Other guests invited were: Miss 104 The Training School Quarterly Jenkins, the "C" class adviser, Miss Maupin, the "A" class adviser, Mr. "Wright, the President, and all the teachers of the "A" class. On arriving, each person was given a shamrock with a number on it, and was told to seek a partner with a corresponding number. After this the Gypsy fortune-telling booths were visited, and the remarkable things of the future were revealed. Immediately following the fortune telling, two interesting contests took place. One was the soap bubble contest, the object being to touch the shamrock, which was suspended from the center of the room with a soap bubble. The other was to pin the tail on the donkey. A box of candy and a bottle of toilet water were awarded to the winners of the contests, Miss Ruth Williamson and Mr. L. R. Meadows. After the contests two comedies, a mock marriage and a minstrel show, took place, and they were very much enjoyed by all. Then delightful refreshments, consisting of ice cream and cake, were served, after which the rest of the evening was spent in dancing. Every one passed a most enjoyable evening. Societies Presidents of Societies foe 1917-18 Edgar Allan Poe Sidney Lanier Estelle Jones Camille Robinson Marshals Chief: Mary Banks, Sidney Lanier Society. assistants Lanier Society Poe Society Elizabeth Hathaway Elizabeth Hutchins Sadie Thompson Annie Bridgman Mattie Paul Ruth Cooke Cora Lancaster Lucy Buffaloe The marshals are elected at the first regular meeting of each society during the second term. This gives them the opportunity to serve at every public function from then until the close of school, and thus insures experienced commencement marshals, a time when they are especially needed. The Debate The annual debate between the two societies was held March 24, 1917. The question was, Resolved, "That the Federal Government should own and operate the Railroads of the United States." As the Poes were the challengers this year, the Laniers had their choice between the negative or affirmative, and chose the affirmative. School Activities 105 The debaters were : Laniers Poes Ida Walters Gladys Yates Lola Gurley Estelle Jones Cora Lancaster Bernie Allen The decision was unanimous for the negative. The Quarterly staff of student editors next year will be as follows : Lanier Society Poe Society Editor in Chief — Sadie Thompson Business Editor — Ruth Fenton Assistant — Cora Lancaster Assistant Editor — Elsie Morgan Edgar Allan Poe Society. The Poe Society was exceedingly fortunate to get the cooperation of Miss Muffly in getting Sarah Storm Crommer to give a song recital for them. This was complimentary to the Lanier Society. The faculty and officers of the school were among the guests. This great artist sang for an hour on the evening of May 3. She repeated some of the songs she gave in a recital the evening before, and then allowed the girls to call for their favorites. It was a rare treat for the members of the societies to hear such a great singer. When the name of Sarah Storm Crommer becomes famous in grand opera all who were at this recital will feel thrills and recall the pleasure of that evening. Lanier Song (To be sung to the tune of "Rah! for the Black and Blue," a Johns Hopkins University song.) Come Laniers, ready and faithful, Come Laniers, raise a cheer; Come Laniers, hrave and true; Come Laniers, you have no fear. Come all ye loving sisters, Come join with voices bold; Sing praise to dear Lanier; Sing for the green and gold. Tune every heart and voice Bid every care withdraw Let every one rejoice In praise of dear Lanier. To thee we lift our praises, Swelling to heaven loud, Our praises ever ring. Lanier, of thee we sing. CHORUS. Hail for the green, Hail for the gold, Hail for this society, We pour forth our praise, to dear society days, Hail for Lanier, The green and gold. 106 The Training School Quarterly Athletics The basketball tournament played during tbe last week of March was won by the Seniors. This is the first time the third game has ever had to be played in a tournament at the Training School. More de- tails of the game are given in the Senior Department. The tennis tournament has not been played yet, but the girls are practicing with a vim these long afternoons, and a stiff game is ex- pected. A great deal of interest is being shown in volley ball at present, and in this, too, the players are getting as much practice as possible before the tournament games. Ophelia O'Brian is still continuing her work in playground games. Y. W. C. A. At the regular business meeting on March 3 the following officers for the coming year were elected : Agnes Hunt, president ; Annie Bridg- man, vice-president; Lillian Shoulars, secretary; Lois Hester, treasurer. The chairman of the standing committees which, with the officers, who constitute the cabinet are: Annie Bridgman, chairman of Member- ship Committee; Elizabeth Hutchins, chairman of Bible Study Com- mittee ; Iola Finch, chairman of Missionary Committee ; Jessie Howard, chairman of Religious Meetings Committee; Sallie Best, chairman of Music Committee ; Elizabeth Evans, chairman of Association News Committee; Lois Hester, chairman of Finance Committee; Ruth Cooke, chairman of Social Committee; Mildred Maupin, chairman of Room Committee; Evelyn Williford, chairman of Sunshine Committee. Miss Mary Pescud of Raleigh, a missionary to Brazil who is at home on a furlough, conducted the Y. W. C. A. services at the Training School one Sunday evening in March. She gave a most interesting talk on Brazil and her experiences in that country. She began by telling the listeners to imagine themselves ready for a voyage, and she gave an account of the trip and life on a steamer. She spoke a little in Portu- guese so as to give an idea of the impression she had on landing, before she had learned the language. She described the city of Bahia, where the imaginary voyagers landed ; she explained the geographical location, and described the scenery. She then told of many interesting manners and customs and gave some amusing experiences. She made her list- eners feel as if they were really her fellow travelers through an inter- esting land. At the close she spoke of the importance of the work in Brazil and made an appeal to those who felt that they might be called to missionary work. She told them that if they wished to do something that would count in their lives they would find a field for service in Brazil. School Activities 107 Some of the Sunday evening services held during the quarter are reported here. Each year there is great interest in the new officers. The installation service of the Y. W. C. A. was conducted at the Training School Sunday night, April 15. Mr. H. E. Austin read the 28th chapter of Genesis for the Bible lesson, and explained the story of "Jacob and Esau," making it so clear that each one present could make the application. The retiring president, Miss Martha O'lSTeal, mind. She said, "The test of an educated person is the person who gave a report for the year, and told of the many things the association had meant to her, and left the wish to the new cabinet members that the association would mean to them what it had meant to her. The new president, Miss Agnes Hunt, then gave her plans for the coming year, and read the names of the new cabinet members which were as follows : vice-president, Annie Bridgman ; secretary, Lillian Shoulars ; treasurer, Lois Hester. A duet was sung by Misses N"eta White and Ophelia O'Brian. Bey. B. W. Spillman of Kinston led in the Y. W. C. A. Sunday evening service once during this term. His subject was on Sunday Schools. He gave an interesting and excellent talk on the value of Sunday Schools to children, to teachers, and to the business people who do not have time for special Bible lesson at any other time other than Sunday morning. He then explained the plan for the international Sunday School lessons. He spoke with authority on this subject, for he is a member of the International Board. Bev. Bunn, a student from Wake Forest College, led the Y. W. C. A. service on the third Sunday evening in April. Bev. John E. Ayscue led the services Sunday evening, March 18, 1917. The lesson was taken from 1st Samuel, chapter 17. Mr. Ayscue's sub- ject was "Success." He said if we wished to succeed we must learn the true elements that go to make up success. Self-reliance, persistence, and reliance upon God. The greatest help in achieving success is to learn to have confidence in yourself. He said that if we persisted success was ours, but if we give way failure stared us in the face; he urged his listeners to rely upon God in all things. There was special music by the choir. An instrumental solo was rendered by Miss Agnes Hunt and a vocal solo by Miss Ethel Stancell. Miss Sallie Joyner Davis one evening made a patriotic talk. She read the evening lesson from the 67th Psalm, and read portions of the address, "North Carolina of Tomorrow," which was delivered at the State Literary Historical Association, two years ago, by Clarence Poe. It was peculiarly timely after an address by Mr. Harding Satur- 108 The Teaining School Quabteely day, and a talk by Mr. Wright in which he referred to the changed conditions showing that the future will be built on the ideas we now have. An instrumental solo was played by Miss Cora Lancaster. Several members of the faculty have led the service during the quar- ter. Miss Daisy B. Waitt led during the quarter. She read the third chapter of Ecclesiastes for the Bible lesson and talked on the subject of "Belief Work in the War," which is something we cannot keep out of mind. She said, "The test of an educated person is the person who can do the right thing at the right time." She told about conditions in Belgium that had been caused by the war and explained how the American people had stood by the Belgians in time of need. She read several letters from Belgian children, which show the gratitude the Belgians have toward the Americans in appreciation of what they have done for them. Mr. Hoover, who has charge of the relief work in America, says : "It is necessary for this work of helping the Belgians to go on," as they would suffer for food if the American relief work were to stop. An instrumental solo was played by Miss Ethel Smith, and Miss ISTeta White sang "The Lord is Mindful of His Own." Mrs. ~K. R. Beckwith made a very practical talk one evening. She read the sixth chapter of Ephesians for the evening lesson, and took as her subject, "Justice and what it means." She said, "Justice enters into the small things in life," and there would be no wars and no rumors of wars if there was justice. Where justice is, selfishness can find no place. Justice is that perfect equation of the relation of each man and woman to every other man or woman. It does not seek to deprive others of their necessities of life, but is manifested in the every-day things of life. An instrumental solo was played by Miss Bess Tillitt, and a duet was sung by Misses Ethel Stancell and Flora Hutchins. Miss Maria D. Graham led the services on April 22, making a practical talk on "Diligence," showing the great need of this virtue at this crisis. She read the Scripture lesson from Proverbs. She quoted passages contrasting the diligent man and the sluggard and proved that diligence in the everyday affairs of life leads to success. She made an appeal to the girls to show their patriotism by becoming diligent in the work of the canning clubs, in helping with gardens, and in any way they can to help better food conditions. The "B" Class led the services one Sunday evening in March. The Bible reading from the 27th Psalm was read by the president of the class, Miss Eena Harrison. And a sexette was sung by members of the class. A reading, "Today," was read by Miss Mary Hollowell. An instrumental solo was rendered by Miss Elizabeth Speir. A reading, School Activities 109 "Be True," was read by Miss Sadie Speight. A solo was sung by Mr. H. E. Austin, class adviser of the class. The program was very much enjoyed by the association. The services on April 8 consisted of a music program. The Scrip- ture lesson was read from the 20th Psalm by Miss Lillian Shoulars. Special Easter songs were sung by the choir. A reading, "Sacrifice," was read by Miss Elizabeth Evans. A quartette was sung by Misses Priscilla and Elizabeth Austin and Pearl and Mary Wright. School Notes Our Reception T ne telegram sent by Senator Harding announcing of the Good that this school had received $200 000 for permanent News of the $200,000 Ap- improvement was received here about noon on the Mon- propriation d a v the bond issue passed the House, which is our holiday. "When the students saw Mr. Wright's beaming face they knew instantly that his and our hopes had been fulfilled. However, the girls and teachers were not willing just to hear about the good news, but insisted on seeing the actual piece of paper that caused so much rejoicing. The students who do not expect to receive the direct benefit from the money were just as glad for the school's appropriation as those who will be here when the buildings are erected. Later there was rejoicing again when we found our maintenance fund had increased from $50,000 to $60,000. Talk to Stu- Mr. F. C. Harding, a member of the executive com- dentsby Sena- m ittee of the Board of Trustees, made an exceedingly tor Harding of ' & J Pitt County interesting and helpful talk to the girls the Saturday after he returned from Raleigh after the General Assembly closed. He was an earnest and active friend for the school throughout the meeting of the Legislature. What he told the girls of the significance of the appropriation and their part in it was so good that instead of having a mere report of it in the news department of the Quarterly, it will appear in the summer number. It is a message to all who have gone out from the school or will ever go out. Mr. "Wright in introducing Mr. Harding told the girls that he was the first person who voiced the idea that the State must issue bonds. He spoke of him as a "progressive legislator." Mr. Harding ex- plained very clearly just what situation the legislators had to face and gave the reasons for their action. Mr. Y. T. Ormond, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, who is an indefatigable worker for the school, but who is usually so busy working for the school that he will not often talk, broke his rule one morning recently and talked a few minutes during the assembly period. He commented on the difference of the expressions on the faces of members of the faculty and students on his first visit after the close of the Legislature this year and two years ago. He briefly reviewed the growth of the school. He has been a member School Notes 111 of the board ever since the school was established and has anxiously watched everything about it, and has taken great pleasure in seeing it grow. He showed the students how the larger opportunities increased their obligations to the State and to the children of North Carolina. , r . . . r . The visit of the Legislative Committee, which was Visit of Legis- ^ lative Com- just after the last issue of the Quarterly went to press, mlttee W as one of the most exciting events of the year to the students. The committee was composed of Messrs. H. L. Swain, a former student of the Training School, Pruitt of Gaston, Suttlemyre of Caldwell, Matthews of Mecklenburg, Widenhouse of Cabarrus. Mr. Butt of Beaufort was on the committee, but was in some way prevented from visiting the school. At assembly period the school was turned over to the visitors. The students wished to hear from each of the legislators, therefore each one in turn had a few words to say. They indulged in pleasantries, and put the girls in a glorious humor by expressing their satisfaction with what they had seen about the school and the students. They pledged themselves to support the claims of the school. It was interesting to notice that several of the committee were from central and eastern parts of the State, and were eager to know what was being done in the eastern section, and particularly anxious to see what was being done in this school. Each one of the committee must have spoken a good word for the school if one can judge by the results. Sarah Storm Sarah Storm Crommer, dramatic soprano of New Crommer York and Baltimore, who has been visiting her friend. Gives Song ' ° Recitals Miss May B. B. Muffly, of the faculty of East Carolina Teachers Training School, gave two song recitals in Greenville, one to the End of the Century Club and their friends, and one for the Edgar Allan Poe Society as complimentary to the Lanier Society and faculty and officers of the school. This singer has become a great artist. She has a voice of marvelous power and of great purity of tone, and has had the best of training, is a tireless worker, and is absolutely devoted to her art, sacrificing every- thing for it. She is in training in New York for the operatic stage, and at present is singing in choirs and in concerts. She has attained that quality of voice which is the highest ideal of singers, the mezzo- voce, that veiled, exquisite tone that stirs the emotions and is the despair of most singers. The program of the recital for the club was as follows: 112 The Training School Quarterly Songs : Morning Rogers Wind Star Rogers Star Sparks Saeah Storm Crommer. Piano: Romance Libelius Whims Schumann Lula Sherman. Songs: II Bacio Arditi The Sunshine of Your Smiles Ray Sarah Storm Crommer. Piano: Marche Mignon Poldini Caprice Gluck Lida Hill. Songs : Life and Death Coleridge-Taylor The Rainbow Child Coleridge-Taylor Deep River Burleigh Sarah Storm Crommer. Songs: Hayfields and Butterflies .- Del Regio The Beaming Eyes Macdowell The House of Memories Aylward Heigh-Ho, The Sunshine. Sarah Storm Crommer. "Deep River" is the old negro plantation song raised to the art form. This was sung with great appreciation and feeling. The Italian song, "II Bacio," was a florid, coloratura song, which is now so popular with artists. The program was varied and gave her audience an opportunity to hear her voice in different types of songs. On the evening of May 3 she gave a recital for the Poe Society in honor of the Laniers. She gave several of the same songs as in the ahove program, but added a number of others, and sang special favorites of the girls. It seemed to those who heard her both times that she sang even better than she did the evening before. She was very gracious and accommodating, singing for the different classes as they met for music periods, and singing between times. Her visit was a rare treat to the school. Not only the school, but the town, owes Miss Muffly a debt of gratitude for having this artist come to the town. Miss Justine Long, in her lecture at the Training Miss Longs School last evening, April 9, gave a sane, wholesome, and exceedingly pleasant talk on dress, personal ap- pearance, good manners, and the other factors that enter into the question of the expression of personality. Expression is secondary, what is expressed is primary, were points she stressed throughout. School Notes 113 Sincerity is the basis of true art, whether in dress, manners, or in the broader field of art. When dress and form of expression become pri- mary matters then they take up too much time in life. She laid down the four rules for dress that give the secret of attractiveness: first, lines; second, suitability; third, simplicity; and fourth, self-expression or becomingness. She told stories showing the origin of different fash- ions, and proving that the instinct that causes people to follow fashions is one of the oldest instincts of the race, that of imitation ; that instinct which causes people to follow certain ones in fashion is the instinct of association. In bringing out the first rule she laid down Miss Long said the funda- mental facts of framework are far more important than any other outside adornment. She told stories of girls who were cheating them- selves of their just dues because they did not know how to dress suitably, who had reputation for being flashy and cheap, whereas they were worthy and strong and true, but their appearance belied these facts. Simplicity does not mean plainness, nor ugliness, nor severity, nor cheapness, but does mean designs that are not cluttered up with trim- mings that are confusing and showy, those furbelows that confuse. Sometimes the beauty of the fabric should be the keynote to the dress. The simple dress demands more of the personality than the fancy dress. "Regardless of fashions, choose what is becoming to you," is the guiding rule she gave, but she made it clear that one could always do this and not be entirely out of mode. Sincerity was the word she emphasized when she talked on manners and speech. Pleasant manners are a true expression of kindly, inter- ested feelings. The voice should be natural and easy. She illustrated the influence of voice throughout the whole evening by her own beau- tiful, well modulated voice. She could be heard all over the house, but talked in a natural, easy, conversational tone. She urged the girls not to acquire a "teacher voice," but to cultivate the pleasing voice. She related an experience she had on the train last Sunday. A group of selfish, loud talking girls had disturbed the quiet and peace of a whole car. They showed their ill manners by ignoring the presence of others. After the lecture Miss Long came down from the platform, on a level with the girls, and answered any question they wished to ask. This informal, intimate part of the evening was perhaps of even more benefit to those who stayed than the lecture itself. — Greenville Reflector. Charles M. On Monday evening, March 19, Charles M. ISTewcomb, "Th^TT' ' n W ^° f° rmer ^y traveled with the Chautauqua, but who University." is now a professor of oratory in the University of Dela- ware, Ohio, gave a splendid and most enjoyable entertainment — "The 114 The Training School Quarterly Unique University." It was unique in every sense of the word, and all pronounced it a success. So humorous and witty was it that the au- dience was continually in a state of uncontrollable laughter. The Young Women's Christian Association was instrumental in getting Mr. Newcomb. The money raised at this time made it possible for the Association to send delegates to the Blue Ridge Conference, which is held every year at Blue Ridge as a place of training for Asso- ciation workers. Mr. Newcomb has been here in the school before. A year ago he gave the "Prince Chap," which all remember with delight. Ninety-eight girls and two teachers made an educa- RaleVh tional trip to Raleigh on February 20. A full account of this appears elsewhere in the Quarterly. It was a great day for the girls. Those who stayed at home had a holiday and had a good time, also, doing as they pleased. Capt. W. A. Graham, of Company H, Third Regiment N". C. National Guard, was a welcome visitor to the Training School in April. He spoke to the students as a soldier who had been actually engaged in military work on the border. He showed that military life was not as pleasant as some seem to think it is. It meant much to the girls to have a "real soldier" talk to them and explain conditions in the camps on the border. Rev. Marshall Craig of Kinston, who held a revival meeting at the Immanuel Baptist Church, led in the devotional exercise at the Train- ing School one morning while in Greenville. He made an interesting talk to the students on "The Dull Student in the Work of Christ." Rev. C. A. Jenkins, pastor of the Baptist Church in Washington, was a visitor to the school on April 6. He conducted the services at the assembly hour and made a short talk to the students. He brought out the three most hopeful factors in human life : the home, the school, and the church, showing how each has its specific work to do and yet are so closely related that the well-rounded man is influenced by all and must do his part in each. Col. Fred. A. Olds, that rare gentleman who presides A Visit from over tne jj a jj f History, and who is the avowed friend Colonel Olds •' . of all young people and of all North Carolinians, vis- ited the school on May 3. He delighted the girls by talking at the School Notes 115 assembly period and later visited some! of the classes and gave them special talks. He talked to some History classes on historical subjects. He told one class in English that was studying the "Tale of Two Cities" things he had seen in France that made the setting of the story vivid to them, and he connected the story with present conditions and made them see the part the French had played in our own history. He spoke to the seniors of the rich material they will find to feature, and of the value of giving publicity to whatever the communities they work in are doing. Colonel Olds has been the promotor of the annual trips to Raleigh and has endeared himself to the girls because of his con- sideration and thoughtfulness of them in these trips. He is always a welcome visitor. «R b" H d" ^ taD l° m version of the the opera "Robin Hood" Presented by was given by the Junior class to the school and a few Juniors friends of the members of the class, April 9. While much of the opera was cut out, especially the difficult parts for heavy male voices, enough of it was preserved to make the plot, although those who are familiar with the opera noticed that liberties were taken with the arrangement and the dialogue parts. There are almost a hundred students in this class at present and practically all of these took part in the performance, at times all were on the stage at once making very effective groups. The costumes were of bright and attractive colors and there were sug- gestions of the period and of the characters, but one of the valuable features of the entertainment was that the costumes were adaptations of material at hand or were of inexpensive material. No costume cost more than twenty-five cents and some cost only three cents, while many costing nothing whatever. The chorus singing was remarkably good and spirited, and the solo parts were well received by the audience. The audience seemed to like especially the Tinker's chorus, the opening chorus, which was repeated several times, the choruses of the milkmaids, especially the "Churning Song," with the solo part by Maid Marian, Miss Neta White ; "Spring- time Comes," by the villagers, and "Farewell to Thee," by Robin Hood, Elizabeth Hutchins, and his outlaws were pleasing. All in the performance did well. It was not as polished or as expen- sive as the public performances usually given at the school, but it was valuable to those who took part in it and was greatly enjoyed by those who were so fortunate as to see it. Miss Jenkins, class adviser, and Miss Muffly arranged and coached the opera. 116 The Training School Quarterly The music recitals by the music pupils in the various The Class classes have been unusually good this spring. The programs of each are given below : SENIOR, MARCH 7. Marche Pontifical Gounod Ruth Lowdek, Blanche Satterthwaite Chaconne Roubiere Valsette Barouski Ruth Lowder Consolation Mendelssohn Gavotte Hofman Ophelia O'Brian To a Wild Rose MacDowell Nannie Mac. Brown Scherze Wrede Leona Tucker, Loretta Joyner, Ola Carrawan On the Mountains Frontine Eunice Hoover Waltz in A Flat Chopin Lou Ellen Dupree JUNIOR, MAY 2. Bouree Bach Funeral March Heller Agnes Hunt Parade March Low Cora Lancaster, Irene Wiggins Prelude Chopin Valse Gentil Nevin Lula Ballance Flying Leaves Koelling Ethel Smith. Chaconne Durand Two pianos — Louise Croom, Agnes Hunt. Waltz in E Minor Chopin Sallie Best. Minuet Beethoven Andante Heller Louise Croom Paupee Valsante Poldini Bess Tillitt Russian Dance Frank Elizabeth Hutchins, Lida Thomas School Notes 117 "B" CLASS, MARCH 28. Baker Scottishe — Duet Catherine Lister and Maude Lister Harris Melodie Iola Pinch Schumann Little Romanze Burand Waltz in E Flat Lois Daniel Bach Prelude in C Haydn Andante from Surprise Symphony G. F. Boyle Morning Elizabeth Speir Merkel Butterfly Ina McGlohon Chaminade Scarf Dane Nevin Goodnight Norma Dupree "A," FIRST YEAR ACADEMIC, APRIL 5 Kullak Deut Gladys Howell, Kathleen Vaughn Bristow .' The Goat Ride Mildred McCotter Button A Fairy Tale Belle Miller Maxime The Elephant and the Mouse Mildred Maupin Mozart Menuetto Sybil Heath ; a. Evening Shadows Fairy Dance Callie Ruffin i a. Spindler -j . Ellmenreich Spinning Song Ina Carr Wing The Wind Beatrice Tucker Button Forest Horns Helen Stewart Martinez The Approach of the Dryads Ruth Liverman Poldini The Music Box Kathleen Vaughn Schytte Impromptu in A Flat Bessie Brown 118 The Training School Quarterly 11:00 a. m. 8:30 p. m. Commencement Program Sunday, June 3 Commencement Sermon — Dr. T. W. O'Kelley, Raleigh, N. C. Young Women's Christian Association Sermon — Rev. P. Swin- dell Love, Aberdeen, N. C. Monday, June 4 6:00 p. m. Class Day Exercises. 9:00 p. m. Music Recital. 10:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:30 a. m. Tuesday, June 5 Meeting of the Board of Trustees. Meeting of Alumnae Association. Alumnae Dinner. Wednesday, June 6 Address — Lieut.-Gov. O. Max Gardner. Graduating Exercises. The men of the faculty have delivered the commencement address at quite a number of places in eastern North Carolina. President "Wright spoke at the following places: Epsom High School, Hobbsville High School, Fountain, Williamston, Bailey, Farmville, and Pinetops. He had engagements at Kinston, Vanceboro, Hope Mills, and Aulander, but did not fill these on account of illness in the family. Mr. Meadows spoke at Washington, Pungo, Nashville, Robersonville, Langley's School, Smithtown, Drum Hill, Pactolus, Marlboro, and "Whartonsville. Mr. Wilson spoke at the Black Jack, Benston, and Falkland schools, and at the Sladesville, Eureka, and Holly Springs high schools. Mr. Austin spoke at Winterville, Grimesland, and at Fleming's School near House. flflfje draining ikfjool Quarterly Jul?, August, &eptetriber 1917 Table of Contents PAGE The Patriotic Teacher 120 Robert Hebbing Weight. Trustees for the State 124 Senator F. C. Harding. The Certification Law and the City Teacher i 126 W. R. Mills. School Agriculture and Community Service 128 Me. Heald. Geography in the Primary Grades 131 Fanny McPhail. Address Before the Graduating Class 134 Lieutenant-Governor O. Max Gardner. How I Put Up Tomatoes in a Variety of Ways 136 Ethel Smith. Commencement of 1917 138 Boys Eager to Learn How 150 The Chicago Evening Post. Editorials 151 Editorial Departments : Suggestions 156 Reviews 169 Alumnae 172 School Notes 177 The Summer Term 185 EDWARDS * BRDUGKTON PRINTING CO., RALEIGH. N. C. C. W. Wilson Director Summer Term Gflfje framing ikfjool ©uarterlp Vol. IV JULY, AUGUST. SEPTEMBER, 1917 No. 2 "// is of the utmost importance that American young men and women be given right ideals and right train- ing. The responsibility rests on the teachers. The whole world is looking to the American teacher. If we are going wrong, the whole world will be led astray. " "It is as much a patriotic duty to educate as it is to produce. " % ij: * * jJs "// / could get the ear of every American youth I would say, 'Go to school. ' The world never needed educated young men and women as it will need them from now on." sf: ijs * s& * "You are doing the greatest service when you are teaching. " "You are doing your patriotic duty when you spend your money and time to equip yourself for better service as a teacher." ***** "Eliminate the schools, and a people revert to sav- agery." ^t % ;fe ^j # "Remember you are rendering to humanity and the world the greatest service posssible for you to render if you educate the coming generation. " ***** "Educating is as important as fighting and farm- —ROBERT HERRING WRIGHT. ing." EDWARDS S BROUCHTON PR1HTIN6 CO.. RALEIGH. N. C. The Patriotic Teacher Robert Herring Wright (An Address Delivered on Founders' Day) "I firmly believe that the training of children is as im- portant as furnishing food, or munitions, or as going out to fight in the trenches. " "It is good pedagogy to take hold where the student is interested, leading from that to something else; therefore I make no apology for talking about the war. Many of you are already personally interested now, and before long you will have brothers in France. I have been wondering if you know how big this war is." President Wright then attempted to give his listeners some concep- tion of the magnitude of the war. He asked them if they realized what it meant for one-half of the world to be at war, and gave them some concrete comparisons to enable them to grasp the vast sums of money it is costing. For example, he told them that enough money had already been spent to pave every railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific with twenty-dollar gold pieces; that the United States had already appropriated enough to give every human being in the world four dollars apiece ; that enough men are fighting to make four lines of soldiers, two steps apart, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. All forces are now turned to the destruction of human beings and of wealth, he said. Many more people than in the whole of North Car- olina have been killed, and many, many more than that have been wounded, and yet it costs $15,000 to put one soldier out of commission. He portrayed some of the horrible destructive forces now used. "If, when Governor Jarvis was a boy, some one had prophesied that two years after his death men would be fighting three miles in the heavens, on the earth, and in the earth to the depth of thirty or forty feet, and under the depths of the sea, he would have been called a wild, impractical dreamer ; no one then could even dream of what we actually see and know today. "America," he declared, "has taken the foremost position in the nations' of the world. The world's capital is now Washington. If any prophet had dared predict that this would be true in the twentieth century he would have been considered an idle dreamer; any English- man would have known he was a false prophet." The Patriotic Teacher 121 President Wright then gave a clear idea of America's place among the nations of the world, and proved his statement that Washington is the capital of the world politically and financially. "Delegations of the most distinguished men of the world, from the greatest nations of the world, gather there holding conferences, risking their lives by coming themselves instead of sending messages, coming to see what America will do. Does this not prove that Washington is the political center of the world ?" "It is the political center because ideas are radiating out in every direction. It is the banking center, the financial center, as America is lending money to the Allies and is feeding the world and fighting for the freedom of mankind freely and willingly. It took England two years to do what we did in two months, that is, to draft recruits for the army so that those who could best be spared would be taken and the others would be left at home." He prophesied that there would be a unifying of religious beliefs and interests so that the Protestants and the Catholics will unite as Christians until there will be a world-wide Chiistian religion. "When the war is over there will be a new world politically, socially, finan- cially, and religiously." "Man will have more respect for his fellow-man ; all distinctions will be shot to pieces; it will make no difference whether he hauls coal, runs a bank, is a minister, runs a train, has a little store at the cross- roads, is a rural mail-carrier, or what not, a man's a man. Honest people are going to rule the world ; there will be a clear union of man to man, a clear union in the political world, and men will agree to disagree and still be friends, but Truth will be the center of all. The voice of the people will be the voice of God, and in the multitude of opinions Truth will be found. "In the social changes the snob will be done away with ; the man or woman who does things will count, and not the one who inherits rights and property. A new method of distribution will make a new nation financially. 'Love one another' will be the key to the new life." Here Mr. Wright told a story of the trenches that showed that love was still alive among men, and that there would be friendly intercourse again when this horrible nightmare was gone. He put these questions to his audience, "What have you to do with it? What is your mission? You will be training the first generation that will try out the new ideas," he said. "What is your part in this industrial, commercial, religious center of the world? I firmly believe that the training of the children is as important as furnishing food, or munitions, or as going to fight in the trenches." "The greatest era of change that has ever come over America is ahead of us ; different conditions must be faced, and we must know how to 122 The Training School Quarterly adjust ourselves to these changed conditions; there is not a revolution, but there has been a change of ideals and of attitudes ; we are not the same we were even twelve months ago. It is of the utmost importance that American young men and women be given right ideals and right training. The responsibility rests on the teachers, and, although it has ever rested on the teacher, today the responsibility is greater than ever before; the whole world is looking to the American teacher. If we are going wrong the whole world will be led astray. It is as much a patriotic duty to educate as to produce. "If I could get the ear of every American youth I would say, 'Go to school, young man.' The world never needed educated young men and women as it will need them from now on. If you want to serve your nation, your State, and your God, prepare for work ; then work. Don't be a slacker; be a volunteer." Mr. Wright said that when war was declared he sat down, took a survey of his life, trying to find what he ought to do for his country; and, after seriously considering all possible ways in which he could serve his country, he was firmly convinced that his work should be right here; this is the place where his life would be of the greatest service. "The work being done in an institution of this kind is as important as any work being done anywhere else in the world. "You are doing the greatest service when you are teaching. You are doing your patriotic duty now, this summer, when you spend your money and time to equip yourself for better service as a teacher. "Eliminate the schools, and a people revert to savagery. Each gen- eration of children are born savages, and will remain so if they are not trained. Of course, all the educational forces are not in the school; but the school is the most important of the organized forces, not even excepting the ministry, and no one has a higher regard for the ministry than I have. The minister has a chance to teach one day in the week, whereas, the teacher has from five to seven days, for the teacher often does community work on Saturdays and teaches a Sunday School class on Sunday. "You should give the best in your lives to the children you teach, and unless you do you are not doing your full duty. Be conscientious, earnest, sincere in all your dealings with the young life that is initrusted to your care. You may feel that you can live one thought-life and another life of deeds, but your thought-life will radiate from you and the child will get to the core of your life and realize what your thought- life is. "Let me urge you, as you guide children, guide them conscientiously and seriously and honestly. What a blessing if all would deal in absolute honesty with all others! You cannot do a dishonest thing without a child's finding it out. The Patriotic Teacher 123 "There is no place in the world's hive for drones. Give the children training that will enable them to live, and to do something so they will not be drones. This is the time of the year when the bees take a drone out and kill him." Mr. Wright proved that North Carolina was a great place in which to work. "The soil is of great fertility, the natural resources vast and undeveloped ; in fact, North Carolina is the garden spot of the world." He asked his audience if they knew that there were places in North Carolina where they actually did this: cut the timber from the land, burn the brush, ditch the land, then take a stick and jab a hole in the ground, drop the seed in the holes, then go off and do nothing else until harvest time, then harvest fifty bushels of corn to the acre. He told of hearing one man deplore the fact that he had to plow deep now; when asked how deep, he said, "6 or 7 inches." "We are not awake," he said ; "we do not realize our blessings, we do not see what is around us. The boys and girls should be brought up with their eyes open to the opportunities around them. It is your duty, fellow-teachers, to enable these boys and girls to see; it is yours to de- velop their powers so that they will have a willingness and a desire to develop the natural resources. Beaufort County alone has enough rich land to feed North Carolina. "The reward will not be to you in dollars and cents, but it will come to you a hundred-fold. Seeing the fruit of your labor is in itself great reward. "My parting injunction to you is, remember you are rendering to humanity and the world the greatest service possible for you to render if you educate the coming generation. Hold this in mind, Educating is as important as fighting and farming. This is your duty. Don't be a slacker. Do your bit." Trustees for the State Senator F. C. Harding, Member of Executive Committee, Board of Trustees CHE North Carolina General Assembly of 1917 was conservative, progressive, and constructive: conservative, because it declared its faith in the conservation of existing educational and charita- ble institutions of the State; progressive, because it not only provided liberal support for the institutions already established, but created new institutions with a purpose and a plan to work out problems in new and untried fields for the uplift of humanity and the good of the State; constructive, because it did not hesitate to make an appropria- tion of three million dollars to the State's institutions, as a safe and sane foundation whereon they might begin to build for the future. A three million dollar bond issue was not popular at first. It was sug- gested that those who favored it would never be returned to the General Assembly. The idea that the members of the General Assmbly were not elected to legislate for their return, but for the purpose of legislat- ing for the best interests of the State, soon prevailed, and, with the great majority, there was no hesitation. The appropriation of three million dollars was the State's investment in manhood and womanhood. A great State cannot exist without great men and great women, and the General Assembly of 1917 had absolute faith in the sanity and wisdom of the investment. Of this amount, the East Carolina Teachers Training School will receive two hundred thousand dollars. There are two factors in the investment so far as this institution is concerned. First, the General Assembly has provided the money which carries with it larger oppor- tunities. Second, what will the students of this institution do with the opportunity? The State invests two hundred housand dollars in the students of this institution, and the State expects a large return on the investment. Each student becomes a trustee of a fund and carries the fund in the form of higher efficiency in teaching ability to every student who comes under her teaching influence. Each student of this institution will probably train from thirty to forty pupils each year, within the borders of the State, most of you in rural schools. Through you, the State is giving opportunity to thousands of boys and girls out in the rural districts. One teacher, trained by the State, means better opportunity and higher training for a hundred boys and girls. The town is not the salvation of the country. The rural district is the real bone and sinew of our great country. The great city of New York would retrograde within twenty years were it not for the new Trustees foe the State 125 blood and bone and sinew which flow into the great metropolis every year from the country, the rural district, the cross-roads and the country town. The State expects large dividends from its investment in the rural school teacher. Out of this investment, the State will receive a million times more in the elevation of manhood and womanhood than can ever be counted in dollars and cents. We have an abiding faith in the trus- teeship of the students of this institution, in carrying the effect of this investment to thousands of girls and boys in ISTorth Carolina, and we have an abiding faith in the splendid part they will play in the building of a larger State based on the broad foundation of Christian citizenship. The Certification Law and the City Teacher W. R. Mills, Superintendent Louisburg Schools PUBLIC school teachers are just as human as any other class of public servants, and view with critical eyes any movement that will change their legal status. They are conservative, they are jealous of their privileges and jealous to defend themselves against any seeming injustice. It is not to be wondered at, therefore, that the teachers in our city schools have been alarmed somewhat when the Legislature has said that all teachers, city as well as rural, must be certified by a State Board of Examiners. These teachers for years have enjoyed immunity from all academic and professional tests, except such as the local superin- tendent or local board might demand. In the majority of cases the teachers in the city schools have been compelled to stand no examina- tion, have not been required to attend institutes or summer schools, and they have in many instances seen no reason why they should do any professional reading. In the majority of our city schools 'he only legal requirement for a position has been the ability to induce the majority of the members of the local school board to vote for the teacher. This made the city teacher feel that she had drawn a capital prize in the educational lottery. But from the viewpoint of the best interests of the schools as a whole this has not been a blessing. It will be admitted that the city schools have been able to secure and retain the best trained' teachers in the country, but there has been a tendency in many of our smaller towns and cities, and perhaps in some of the larger towns, for the teacher to take her immunity from examinations and other demands that are made on her rural sister as a sort of license to neglect her professional training. She is tempted to feel secure in her position through the influence of a kinsman or personal friend on the local board. The superintendent may try as earnestly as he will to induce her to make daily preparation for her work, to read professional books, and do other things that tend to make her more efficient, and she will not do it. There are dozens of superintendents in Worth Carolina who have had this experience with a teacher. It is admitted that the above is an extreme example of indifference, but it is a fact that this sort of thing frequently happens in this State. Our system of special charter schools with no legal qualification or standard for teachers is a vicious one and invites inefficiency. It tends to offer a haven of refuge for the unprofessional and nonprogressive teacher. Faculty and County Groups The Certification Law 127 The new certification law will remedy this. Henceforth we must all live up to the same legal requirements. No longer will there be in the public schools of this good State a sort of educational aristocracy, a privileged class. The State means to safeguard the interest of the child who has the good or bad fortune to live in a town or( city, just as surely as it does the interest of the child of the humble)3t tenant farmer. The city teacher must think no longer that she is responsible only to the whims of the local board or the citizenship of the com- munity in which she may be working. She must come to realize that she is a part of that larger enterprise that is set up by all the people of the State for the development of all the people of the State. But the certification law will work no hardship on the city teacher, nor will it deprive her of one single legitimate privilege. On the other hand it will tend to improve her status. If she is a teacher worthy of the name, she knows that she is meeting unjust competition all the time under our present system. It does not put a premium on efficiency and frown down on inefficiency. Under the new law, the ambitious, conscientious, energetic teacher will not be rated with the teacher who is lacking in one or all of these qualities. The new law will in the course of a few years aid tremendously in the elimination of the unpro- fessional teacher, but this is a distinct service to the teacher who is striving to meet the demands that our modern life is making on the school. In their recent bulletin, the State Board of Examiners have outlined their policy of certifying for one year all teachers now in service in our special charter schools. No teacher now in service in a city school will be expected to stand an examination this year, and it is quite probable that she will be given an opportunity to keep her certificate in force without examination on academic subjects. She will be ex- pected to do a reasonable amount of professional work each year, but she can in no sense consider this a hardship. The inner law of the school — that felt need in human society that called the school into being — has made this demand on all of us from the beginning, but in too many instances we have ignored the call. Now those who heed this demand will be rewarded for their faithfulness, while those who take the opposite stand will quickly find themselves relegated to the walks of private life. We stand at the beginning of a new era in things educational in North Carolina. The well-trained teacher is to be encouraged to give her life to the work with the assurance that the State will protect her from unjust and ruinous competition. The certification law is her safeguard, and the city teacher should welcome it as an invitation to enter into a more stable and permanent relation- ship with the State and the community which she may be called to serve. It lifts the calling of the teacher to the level of a profession. School Agriculture and Community Service [Mr. Heald, from the United States Department of Agriculture, is working in collaboration with Mr. Hoover on the food problem. This is the plan outlined by him for making school agriculture count in a community. Ed.] ^T a time when our nation demands that each person do his utmost for the common cause of humanity, the rural school teacher is in a position to render a great service. In connection with both agriculture and home-making, she should not be content with formal school courses, but should render all of her work applicable to the life and needs of her community. It is evident that unless she is well informed as to conditions in the district, it will be entirely an accident if she renders any considerable service. If she becomes well informed about the farming and home conditions in her district, she can attack these problems intelligently. This leads us to infer that a community survey covering crops or animals may be one essential step in the process of teaching agriculture in the terms of farm life. {Chart vsed as follaws:) ml . ■ THE DISTRICT STJKVEY Ihe Aims. To know the district. To obtain a basis for teaching agriculture. To interpret better statistics of State and Nation. To observe progress by successive surveys. To provide vital correlation material. The Method. Prepare adequate lists of questions. Cover one phase of farming in each survey. Collect data from all farms. Use each pupil. Tabulate data by farms. Make a summary of tabulations. Make the survey data. District map. Utilization as — Basis of class instruction. Problems, reports, and other correlations. Means of developing home projects. Entering wedge for community service. Having obtained the information concerning the local farming, all the agriculture taught should be measured by three requirements : 1. Its local application. 2. Its seasonableness. 3. Its power to interest the pupils. School Agriculture and Community Service 129 The most effective way to interest the pupil and to lay the basis of real community service is to have each pupil carry a home project. In fact, it would be wise for the pupil to carry both a plant and animal project through the year as the laboratory phase of the school agri- culture. The home farm is the most natural laboratory for the school in this respect, and nearly all the lessons on animal life might be woven about or applied in a pig project or a poultry project. In the same way a corn project might involve nearly all the lessons on the plant phases of agriculture. The chart issued to develop the "Home Project" was as follows: SCHOOL-HOME WORK IN AGRICULTURE A Statement of Essentials 1. A Plan of home work to cover a more or less extended period of time. 2. A Part of school instruction in agriculture. 3. A Problem more or less new to the pupil. 4. An Agreement on the plan between parent, pupil, and teacher. 5. Supervision of home work by competent persons. 6. Detailed Records of time, method, cost, and income. 7. A Report based on record, submitted to teacher. This is commonly called home-project, club-project, etc. (Practicums are less extended exercises.) This plan is developed in United States Department Bulletin No. 385 (price 5 cents). With the proper selection of illustrative material while the class is on a field trip, and the proper use of practical exercises at school, the teacher may avoid the bookish type of course and render a real service to her community. The teacher should not be ashamed to say, "I don't know," but in each case should seek for the information at the proper sources. The State College of Agriculture will furnish most of the information needed, and when an emergency problem arises the Extension Service will render valuable assistance. Every teacher should know how to use the United States Department of Agriculture. Ask the Division of Publications to send you regularly the monthly lists of new publications and to put your name on the mailing list to receive the list of Farmers' Bulletins as frequently as it is revised. Sign your name, give your proper address, and send to the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Farmers' Bulletins may be obtained free, in limited numbers, from the same Division. Other bulletins are issued in limited editions, and 130 The Training School Quarterly when the free edition is exhausted may be obtained at a small price from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. If any teacher writes about her own needs or problems, and addresses the Division of Agricultural Instruction, States Kelations Service, United States Department Agriculture, her request will receive personal attention. Outline of Lessons on Food Conservation [These lessons sent out by Hoover as a course for Summer Schools, have been given at the Training School. Ed.] I. Part 1. Food the Deciding Factor. Part 2. Hoover's Plan of Food Administration: Organization for food conservation. Federal. State. Local. II. Food Conservation Measures. Use of local foodstuffs. Use of perishables. Elimination of waste. Conservation of wheat. Conservation of fats, sugars, meats. Preservation of perishable foods. Adequate feeding for health. Ill — IV. Wheat Conservation: Demonstrations of Emergency Breads. V. Conservation of Meat. VI. Conservation of Fats and Sugars. VII. Food Preservation: Demonstration of Canning. VIII. Food Preservation: Demonstration of Drying. IX. Fundamentals of an Adequate Diet: Adults, Children, Infants. X. Methods op Organizing Local Groups into a Working Unit. Geography in the Primary Grades Fannie McPhail, Supeivisor Stevens County, Oklahoma CHE subject of geography has been a long neglected one in con- sidering the proper material to be incorporated in our daily programs for the primary grades. This neglect may come from various causes, but chief among them is probably the lack of a full appreciation of this subject in relation to other subjects that hold their place without question. In the primary grades we must think of the study of geography with- out a text-book, for there is no true home geography text since each community has its own individual environments; but there are general geographical principles that may be applied anywhere. So each teacher must find her own material for the beginner, and plenty of it she will find, too, if she keeps her eyes open and possesses the resourcefulness which every primary teacher should possess. Home geography is not a subject within itself, nor even a separate division of geography, but only a means of approach from the known to the unknown through the everyday experiences of the children. It is closely related to nature study, history and arithmetic, and forms a great center for language work. The first lessons should be "talking lessons," in which the pupils, with the teacher, discuss the different things touching the life of that particular community. The distance to the nearest town, the roads and their condition, the necessity of good roads, the modes of travel, the means of transportation and communication, the relation of town and country, the marketed produce, reasons for trade, and the many other things that are part of the very existence of a people. An intensive study of home products should be taken up. Cotton, for example, should be studied in its growth, the gathering, the ginning, and the marketing by the farmer. Then the cotton factories in differ- ent cities with their facilities for elothmaking prove interesting to children, particularly if the teacher has had an opportunity of visiting a factory and can give first-hand stories of cloth manufacture. And so with wheat and other native crops this cycle of trade may be traced, and the child will become more interested in the growing things around him if he knows something of their ultimate value. Many factories have arranged educational exhibits of their products in the different processes of manufacturing and are glad to send them out to schools to add interest to product study. In this day of conservation of food children should be taught more of the actual cost of things, and there is no better place to touch on the subject than in the home geography 132 The Training School Quarterly lessons. The subject should not be dealt with too extensively, but only- presented in a simple way that ties up with their everyday experiences. Taking the school as the center of a community, a simple plan or map illustrating the schoolhouse and grounds could be made, giving the correct directions and relative location of all buildings and roads. Dif- ferent neighboring farms should be located around this plan that the children may get a real bird's-eye view of their district. If the teacher has a kodak she may make an interesting booklet for display on the school reading table. She can get good snapshots of the school building and grounds, various views of children engaged in different games, and pictures of the farm homes of the community, emphasizing the best modern improvements in the locality. What farmer would not with pride pose for his picture before a new barn or standing beside a favorite fine horse, cow, or a drove of thoroughbred Poland Chinas; and the wife with her chickens, garden, or flowers? This booklet en- titled, "Our Community," will be exhibited with pride at the county fair or school rally. Primary children enjoy sand-table work and will enter into the building of mountains, valleys, rivers, plains, volcanoes, and other physical features of the earth's surface with as much zest and enthu- siasm as they enter into their play. And it is play to them, the kind of educational play that should have a great place in our primary school. Many of our supplementary readers contain stories of children of other lands, and from these stories may grow interesting lessons of the manners and customs of different people. How dear to a child's school life is the experience of representing Indian life, an Eskimo village, or a Japanese town on the sand table and connecting this construction work with their stories ! The making of booklets containing cut-out pictures taken from magazines or advertisements is another form of interesting construc- tion work relative to geography. The pictures may represent phases of industrial life of our own country or views of the raising and manu- facturing of many of our imported products. A first grade will enjoy making simple booklets and entitle them, "How We Travel," illustrated with pictures of horses, buggies, automobiles, bicycles, trains, boats, and airships; "What We Wear," with pictures of the cotton industry, wool production, and silk raising; or, "What We Eat," easily illus- trated with various material taken from seed catalogues and other ad- vertising sources. In the third grade the study of the world from the globe may be profitably begun. A blackboard globe should be used in connection with the other globe that the children may learn to locate for them- selves the great land and water bodies. This is better than the flat Geography in the Primary Grades 133 surface map drawing which is often misleading to children and gives them no correct idea of the earth's shape. Seasons, climate, and general local weather conditions can be dis- cussed with primary children and they will become very observant when properly interested. If a thermometer is placed near the schoolroom and a daily record of temperature kept, a lively interest will be shown in comparing these reports. Children should be encouraged to make observations of the moon and stars and report on them next day. If the teacher properly questions her pupils and gives them something definite to find, they will take eager interest in these things. The milky way, the big dipper, the clearest stars seen at different times, and the moon in its changes are subjects of interesting study. Children like to draw the shape of the moon they saw the night before, and compare it with the moon as previously seen. To accomplish the best work in primary geography the teacher must be keen to see the many occasions in which this subject may be brought in incidentally, and make the material she uses really count for some- thing in the children's lives. Address before the Graduating Class LlEUTENANT-iGrOVEENOR 0. MAX GAKDNER CIEUTEISTANT-GOVERNOR GARDNER took as his theme "Patriotic Womanhood." His address was embellished with stories and was expressed in a rich flow of language. At times he spoke with fire and zeal. He referred time and time again to the work of this institution and to the type of womanhood it is turning out. He called the school an "educational reservoir for young women, sending out its waters to water the land." He believed the teacher is the most privileged of all women except the mother. He referred to the early struggles of this school, and paid tribute to Governor Jarvis. He said he believed that this was the greatest piece of constructive work that great man ever did, and that this school expresses the best aims and aspirations of his life. This school is dedicated, he said, to the idea that man was commanded to eat his bread in the sweat of his brow, dedicated to the training of young women not only to work with their minds, but to labor with their hands. Men and women must work in order to make the most perfect manhood and womanhood. Wealth and prosperity of a nation are dependent on the labor of indi- viduals; the old idea that was prevalent before the war has been worn threadbare and thrown away. "A nation's prosperity is but the result of the individual's labor. This is the source of a nation's greatness and its revenue." The speaker here used the figure of speech comparing the course of this labor to a rill, broadening out until it enters the bosom of the ocean and becomes the bearer of the destiny of the world. He emphasized the great significance of this wonderful period and the part women have to play in it. He briefly reviewed the advance- ment of womankind from the days when she was merely the "boss slave," through the first step, when she was elevated by the abandon- ment of the purchase of wives. She did not advance far in Hebrew history, or even in Greek history in the days of Homer. It has been the "irony of fate and the sarcasm of destiny" that the daughters of these women slaves have been equal and superior in the arts of civiliza- tion to men. He told a story in which was quoted the facetious remark, "man's first sleep became his last repose." He here paid tribute to the mothers of the leaders of the world, and quoted Ruskin in praise of woman. He cited famous women of the world who have influenced men, thrones and dynasties, as Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, and Frances Willard. He warned his listeners against one fault that men and women are both guilty of, that is, severe judg- ment of human beings, criticism, prejudice, daring to reconstruct a Address Before the Graduating Class 135 whole individual's reputation from a few scattered facts. He read a bit of fugitive verse, "Forget It," which contained timely admonition. He warned against what Dean Swift called a "wolfish woman." He urged the young women of the class to be constructive rather than destructive forces. He referred to the seriousness of June 5, and said the supreme test was being made now as to whether or not a govern- ment for the people and by the people can exist; citizens of the State and the Nation are confronted with the problems that involve democ- racy, freedom, liberty, and equality. He reminded his North Carolina audience that the red blood of the same fathers as those with whom we shall fight, our allies, flows in our veins, and we must do our duty. North Carolina has ever been slow and conservative, and she has not been among the first to feel the impulse of patriotism, but when once aroused she has been irresistible. "It is no time for any man or set of men to plan for their own profit without considering the cry of the nation and the distress 1 of the times. We need to kindle the fires of patriotism and foster reverence for the flag." He spoke of this nation as the champion of the little nations; it is the symbol of liberty and equality, which means that only the people are sovereigns. "If there is any one who cannot honor it he should keep his mouth shut." He referred to the unexpectedness of the war and declared that he believed we entered it without passion. We had believed we had arrived at an age of eternal peace when we were caught in this furious seething turmoil, but he expressed the belief that good would somehow come out of it all, but that peace would not come until the sea is cleared and free for all. The United States is dedicated, he believes, to the cause of clearing the seas. He expressed the hope that this class was filled with splendid impulse and broad hope, and with a desire to relieve the suffering and lighten the sorrow and load of care. Education is not complete unless ideas of service are deeply imbedded in each one. The speech closed with a fine peroration calling blessings upon the heads of the young women who are going forth in the world. How I Put Up Tomatoes in a Variety of Ways Ethel Smith, Class of '18 ~a ■ FEW years ago when I was interested in the Girls' Tomato JfflHS Club work, I was working faithfully and earnestly each day *^ B "To make the Best Better." I raised about twenty-seven bush- els of tomatoes on one-tenth of an acre, which filled six hundred and twelve quart cans, and lost only eight quarts out of this number. I had such a quantity of nice tomatoes I was anxious to learn other ways of putting them up for home use. Our superintendent suggested that we, the girls in our club, as a group, try for the State prize offered to the club girl who had an exhibit of tomatoes put up in the greatest variety of ways. He told us if there was a prize offered at the Pitt County fair we could use the same exhibit again. Three of us worked faithfully, getting up our exhibit for the fair. It was fun hunting through many cook books, magazines, and papers to find recipes for tomatoes. It required thought and work to get up the exhibit, but it was a pleasure to me to try out the different recipes. If I found one that was especially good I made enough for home use. I made only a pint jar of each kind for the exhibit. The exhibit was made very attractive, by labeling each jar; then the recipe of each thing was attached to it. Much to my delight and surprise, I was successful in putting up thirty-two different varieties, the second girl put up sixteen, and the third twelve. We three, as a group, won the State prize for the best county exhibit. I won a prize of six dollars at the county fair for the largest number of ways of putting up tomatoes. I was very proud of my success and felt that I was well repaid for my summer's work. The following is a list of a few of the thirty-two things I had success with: Two kinds of "Ripe Tomato Marmalade," "Green Tomato Marmalade," two different kinds of "Chili Sauce," "Green Tomato Sauce," "Green Tomato Soy," "Tomato Catsup," "Tomato Catsup with Vinegar," "Tomato Butter," two kinds of "Chopped Pickle," "Ripe Tomato Pickle," "Green Tomato Pickle," "Ripe Tomato Preserves," "Green Tomato Preserves," "Tomato Honey," "Sweet Pickle Tomato," Tomato Relish," and "Chow-chow." After the fair I brought the goods I had on exhibit home and we used them for the table; many of them added greatly to our lunches to take to school. So all the family enjoyed the results of my work, and in using the exhibit in this way I found out which ones people liked best, or at least which ones my family liked best. I was glad to know this so I could put up a larger quantity of these particular kinds for Tomatoes in Variety of Ways 137 home use another year. I passed a number of these recipes on to neighbors and to people at a distance, at their request. Following are a few of the recipes that were popular : RIFE TOMATO MARMALADE. Pare and slice two quarts of ripe tomatoes; remove the peeling from two large lemons and cut the pulp fine, taking out all seeds; add two pounds of granulated sugar and one-half cup of seeded raisins; put into a preserving kettle and cook slowly until thick (from 2 to 3 hours usually required) ; put into small jars or glasses and cover with melted paramne. SWEET PICKLED TOMATO Take green tomatoes and slice them; put them in a tub, sprinkling each laye- slightly with salt, and let them stand over night. Next morning wash them until they taste fresh, and drain them. To 10 pounds of tomatoes add 5 pounds of sugar, 5 dozen cloves, 2 ounces of cinnamon, 1 tablespoonful of mace, 1 heaping teaspoonful of salt, % gallon of vinegar, and toil all to- gether for two hours. GREEN TOMATO SAUCE Slice 4 gallons of green tomatoes; put in 3 tablespoonfuls of best English mustard, 3 gi. of mustard seed, 2 spoonfuls of pepper, 3 of salt, 1 of allspice, 1 teaspoonful of cloves, 1 pint of chopped onions, 1 quart of sugar, 5 pints of vinegar, % teacup of celery seed, boil two hours. TOMATO CATSUP WITH VINEGAR Put 1 peck of ripe tomatoes in a porcelain kettle, cut up in quarters; add 1 pint of cider vinegar, 1 teacup of sugar, 1 gi. of mustard seed, 1 teaspoonful of black pepper, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 blade of mace, 1 dozen grains of cloves and 2 dozen of allspice. Boil all an hour and strain through a colander. Bottle when cold and cork tight. Commencement of 1917 Sunday, June 3,11:00 a.m. — Commencement Sermon, Dr. T. W. O'Kelley, Raleigh, N. C. 8:30 p.m. — Y. W. C. A. Sermon, Rev. F. Swindell Love, Aberdeen, N. C. Monday, June 4, 6:00 p.m. — Class Day Exercises. 9:00 p.m. — Music Recital. Tuesday, June 5, 10 : 00 a. m. — Meeting of the Board of Trustees. Meeting of Alumnae Association. 8:00 p.m. — Alumnae Dinner. Wednesday, June 6, 10 : 30 a. m: — Address, Lieut.-Gov. O. Max Gardner. 11 : 30 a. m. — Graduating Exercises. Hymn Sunday, June 3, 11:00 a. m. Prayer Rev. J. M. Daniel "Gloria" Mozart Scripture Lesson "List! The Cherubic Host!" Gaul Announcements Annual Commencement Sermon, Dr. T. W. O'Kelley "Oh, for the Wings of a Dove! " Mendelssohn Benediction Service of Young Women's Christian Association, 8 : 30 p. m. "Prelude" Porter "The Lord is My Shepherd" Smart "Prayer" — For Soprano Heller Scripture Lesson Hymn — "Now the Day is Over" Prayer Rev. J. J. Walker "Lift Thine Eyes" Mendelssohn Sermon Rev. F. Swindell Love "Pilgrims' Chorus" Wagner Benediction Commencement Sermon Dr. T. W. O'Keujsy The two sermons at the Training School were remarkably appro- priate and strong sermons. The chorus singing by the students under the direction of Miss Muffly, was beautiful. There were no services at the churches, so that the people of the town could have an oppor- tunity of hearing the commencement preachers. The Commencement Sermon was preached by Dr. T. W. O'Kelley, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Raleigh. It was an earnest, serious and, at times, an impassioned appeal to the listeners to live worthy lives to their uttermost. It was singularly appropriate to the young women who are going out in life just at this crisis in national affairs. Commencement of 1917 139 The text was Romans 1 :15, "So much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you in Rome." The first of this text should be the motto of every man who wishes to live a full, enthusiastic, serviceable life, giving himself to the full limit of his powers, not only to those around him, but to the cause of humanity. Dr. O'Kelley said each one should check himslf up frequently to see that none of his powers are goiDg to waste, and there should not be one who is doing less than he has the ability to do. He cited Paul as an example of one who gave himself fully, at the beginning, on the journey of life, and at the close; he balked at no task or embarrassment ; he lived far from Rome, yet heeded the call to Rome. He urged his listeners to translate the truths found in the life of Paul into their own lives, and depend upon divine inspiration as Paul did. Dr. O'Kelley declaredl that, if each one lived a large, full life, with frequently renewed spirit and determination, success would be with him, and no failure would be possible: nothing is impossible, nothing in vain if God is in the task. God has made all things for use, there is no waste in His plans; hence there is no place for the lazy, the in- different, the unworthy. He illustrated this point by the sun, which through the ages continues to give out heat and light and to do its work for all its system as if it had not been expending its powers. Those who use their powers to the fullest find that they are not diminished, for as the limit is almost reached the horizon broadens until man is amazed at what he can do, and accomplishes what seems at first the impossible. "God meant for us to be everlastingly on our mettle." He avowed that all wisdom, skill, and strength were needed now at this awf id hour ; the world needs full powers, the best we can give, and there is something even the weakest and the most poorly equipped can give for our land and for the nations whose causes have become ours; no man or woman can get the consent of his mind to settle down to a life of ease now. The Government is calling for each to do a part : the women can do Red Cross work, can conserve the forces in the home and can help with the food problem; the young men are called on to work on the farms, in the munition factories, and called to the training camps, and, perhaps finally, to the trenches ; each has a contribution to give. "To be living in such a great and awful time is sublime;" each has a chance to do a little bit in Christ's name, for the uplift of the people and for the Government. The preacher warned his listeners against the satisfying feeling that one is doing something for the people near to him, taking care of him- self and those around him, and called attention to the example of Paul, who, although a long ways from Rome, felt under obligations to the men of Rome. The one great truth Dr. O'Kelley wished to lay upon the hearts of all who heard him was this : Each one is under obligations 140 The Training School Quarterly to the people lie has never seen as well as to those whom he knows and loves, to lay himself utterly upon the altar of service; the only worthy obligation is through Christ. He cited the great utterance of Hoover, the Food Commissioner, who has said the only justification of a rich man was that he become the trustee, and declared that we are the trustees of our powers to use them for the good of the world, with new zest, new speed, and new strength. He illustrated this by using the parable of the talents. God is settling with the nations because we have used material things for misappropriation. When we attempt to do our part we should be convinced that the purpose is of infinite importance, and we should become willing to let God work through us for the accomplishment of the purpose. If each one will see which way God is going and put himself in touch with God, he can learn what God wants him to do; when he shows an unselfish life and pursues his mission there will be no evening shadows. At the close he commended to all the motto : "Live to the fullest." The cry comes now for the children to be fed, and for the world to be reconstructed; the liberties of the world are being endangered, and many are in darkness and despair who need to see the light. Therefore the call is for greater strength, broader visions, until the great day when wars shall be no more. The big purpose of all should be to bring the world into fellowship with God. Y. W. C. A. Sermon Rev. F. Swindell Love, pastor of the Methodist Church of Aberdeen, and the recently elected president of Louisburg College, preached the sermon before the Young Women's Christian Association. President Wright, in his introductory remarks, said that the school had been a factor in the educational life for eight years, and that the Y. W. C. A. had been a factor in the Training School for eight years. He expressed his pride in the religious life in the school from the beginning. This year, he said, had been an excellent year in the Asso- ciation and in its work in the school. The sermon was a strong, clear, logical development of the infinite, unrealized possibilities of the human soul and of human beings. He contrasted the "is" and the "might be," taking his text from two sections of the Bible ; one from Exodus 14 and 1 5, the story of the children of Israel just before they crossed the Red Sea, before the way was opened to them ; the words quoted were : "Speak to the whole army of Israel" ; the other was from Revelations 3 :S, "Behold I have set before you an open door that no man can shut." He began by contrasting the two scenes, one near the dawn of history and the other at the close of sacred Commencement of 1917 141 history. One gives a picture of life as it is, and the other gives a glimpse of the unrealized possibility of life. He began by saying that in the individual life, in the State, and in religion there is something inherent in people that makes them wish to leave things as they are; but there is a force in every individual who thinks that is dynamic, vital, that ever is moving in the arrangement or direction of life's forces. Yet we are forever attempting to reach the ultimate — in creeds, for instance. "Constitutions in themselves become the greatest enemy of progress." Those things that have chal- lenged the best mental powers of the world, men look at as things that must not be touched, and the man who dares to lay hands on the estab- lished must pay dearly for it, and often with his life. In religious life, he said, one age brings new insight, new life, new faith, and new incentives for personal religion, but even Luther turned against the men who dared go one step further than he went; many look with horror upon any one who dares touch what Wesley, Calvin, or Knox stood for. Men of power and daring must be bold and ready to strike the shackles from man. The horizon is widened and a new world opened up to the man who dares. The world lures without revealing. There is nothing so alluring as the unknown. To the woman of today there is a new world that calls for a new faith, a new power, a new training, a new courage, that comes with experiment and endeavor. The authority of the church and the State are broken, the old power of the priesthood has passed away, and the individual is assured that there is no one between him and God. There is no limit to life ; while there is merit in the larger freedom there are some laws we must always face. He said that the boat on the sea might be a greater significance than the sea itself, as the ideas that fill the soul is of greater significance than what you are. That is the divine. He declared that no creed is fit for a people who have adopted the creed of evolution. Each one must dedicate himself to some great end. Buoyant faith and the determination to make sacrifices for that faith enable people to dare to face life. The attitude of men is not material, but each should be true to his own soul and listen to the voice that calls one to the larger things of life. There is no time today for men who are old while still young in years, and for women who have lived their lives and become settled in ruts before they are twenty-five. It is a time when men dare to do and be all things. He closed with the admonition, "Be wooed of the impossible, fear not to dare, be courageous in every conflict, and to him that over- cometh I will give him to eat of the tree of life in the Paradise of God." 142 The Training School Quabterly Class Day Exercises CLASS OFFICERS President Lucile Efulluck Vice-President Sue Walston Secretary Wita Bond Treasurer Ethel Perry Motto: — "Esse Quam Videri." Colors: — Yale Blue and White. Flower: — Ragged Robin. PROGRAM Star Spangled Banner — School. Welcome Address. I. Retrospection Class History. Folk Dance. Reminiscences of Senior Year. II. Introspection "It's Good to be a Senior." "Tantoli." III. Prospection Prophecy. "When We Leave the Training School." Last Will and Testament. "Some Day We'll Wander Back Again." Presentation of Gift. 1917 Class Song. Monday afternoon the Senior Class held their Class Day exercises on the west side of the campus, on an improvised stage under the trees. Although some of the wit and fun was intelligible only to the school, the audience could enter into most of it. From the moment the line of girls dressed in white, bearing their class banners and wearing their class colors, came in sight, until the end of the program, the class had the undivided attention of the audience. The "A," or first-year Academic Class, led the line. All of the other classes followed and left an open lane for the Seniors to march down. After the Seniors had taken their places on the stage the classes ranged themselves on the hillside, one on one side and two on the other facing each other. The whole school sang "The Star Spangled Banner." Miss Lucile Bulluck, the president of the class, delivered the address of welcome. She gracefuly expressed the pleasure of the class in greeting their friends, and gave some idea of what the class stood for. The program was divided into three parts : Retrospection, Introspec- tion, and Prospection. Miss Ophelia O'Brian read the class history reviewing the activities and interests of the class for the past four years. It was noticeable that f County Groups Commencement of 1917 143 the class had led in athletics. They have had the loving cup for basket- ball for two years and it is the first class that has held the two cups for athletics. They won the cup this year for general athletics. The few minutes given to the past, living again the events of the school life that make it interesting to the students, were thoroughly enjoyed, espe- cially by the class. A beautiful folk dance, "Green Sleeves," was a feature of this part of the program. This dance was given by the class of '17 in their Junior year, hence the place in the retrospection. Miss Ruth Spivey then gave "Reminiscences of the Senior Year." She proved that the class had been busy with things not in the curricu- lum nor on the schedule. Many of the hits and sallies of wit were greeted with tumultuous applause by the other classes, especially by the "sister classes." The class sang "It's Good to be a Senior" as a part of "Introspection." The dance, "Tantoli," danced by young ladies dressed in white and having draperies of the colors of the rainbow, was poetic and charming. "Prospection" began with the prophecy. This was presented in very clever style. Miss Nannie Mack Brown, the prophet, introduced a series of moving picture scenes supposed to be thrown on the screen eight years from now. In the "Movies" she saw the various members of the class about their various activities. As she recalled each one they passed across the stage, stopping for pantomime long enough to show what they were doing. Some of the hits were exceedingly clever, and judging from the applause from the students, must have been some- what according to the reputation of each girl. The song "When We Leave the Training School" was especially appropriate after the prophecy. Miss Ola Carawan read the Last Will and Testament. The bequests to members of the faculty, the other classes in the school and to the members of the class called forth repeatedly applause from the school. "Some Day We'll Wander Back Again" was sung after this. The last thing on the program, except the singing of the class song, was the really big thing that the class has been working for, the gift to the school. Four hundred dollars was left as the gift of the class to swell the loan fund for needy students. This is the largest gift that has ever been left by a class to this fund, and the class deserves great credit for their untiring efforts in raising this amount. The proceeds from the play, "The Rivals," made the bulk of the amount, but the class has been on the alert for every opportunity to add to this. President Wright, in accepting the gift, called attention to the fact that this was the largest class in the history of the school, and that they had given by far the largest amount any class had ever given. 144 The Tbaining School Quarterly The Recital The eighth Annual Commencement Recital was a success in every way. The program was largely of modern music and the musicians proved that they understood the spirit that modern music expresses. Each one on the program played well, with excellent technique and sym- pathetic interpretation. It would be difficult to pick out the favorites of those who played. The singers, Misses Suther, Ballance, White, and McGlohon delighted the audience. The teachers of the Music Depart- ment, Misses Hill, Sherman, Wilson, and Muffly are to be congratu- lated on the impression their pupils made. PROGRAM Part One Bizet Minuet from L'Arlesienne Nannie Mack Brown, Loretta Joyner Heller Andante in D Min. op. 47 No. 10 Curious Story Bess Tillitt Cadman At Dawning Jennie McGlohon Nevin A Shepherd's Tale Ophelia O'Brian Bohm A Fanfare, Military Rondo Elizabeth Speir, Leona Tucker Woodman In a Garden Neidlinger The Rose in the Garden Virginia Suther Liszt ., Canzonnetta del Salvato Rosa Louise Croom Whepley Minuet in A flat Agnes Hunt Godard Lullaby from Jocelyn Chorus by Junior Class Part Two Durand Chaconne for two Pianos Louise Croom, Agnes Hunt Chaminade The Flatterer Nannie Mack Brown Cadman I Hear a Thrush at Eve ) Rogers A Love Note } For Soprano Neta White Mozart Minuet from Symphony in E flat Lou Ellen Dupree, Norma Dupree Dvorak On The Holy Mount Lou Ellen Dupree Boyle Morning Elizabeth Speir Rogers Star of Me j Rogers The Wind Song [ For Soprano Lula Ballance i Wrede Mazurka Sallie Best, Ethel Smith Commencement of 1917 145 Alumnae Dinner The Alumnae dinner this year was one of the most brilliant affairs of the kind ever given at the school. There were over a hundred grad- uates of the school present, including the class just admitted to the Association, several members of the Board of Trustees, and the faculty and officers of the institution. Miss Estelle Greene, president of the Alumnae, was toastmaster, and presided graciously, introducing the different speakers of the evening in a graceful manner. The dining hall was beautifully decorated in red, white and blue flowers and in flags. Red and white were the pre- dominating colors in the menu. The groups were arranged according to classes, all those of each class sitting together with their class adviser or with a representative from the faculty, and the speakers, guests of honor, and other faculty members were at the tables in the center. There was not the care-free atmosphere that has characterized these gatherings in the years past, but the enjoyment was deep and the young women perhaps felt more clearly drawn to each other because of the crisis through which the country is passing and of the troubles through which their brothers are passing. The dinner was prepared under the direction of Miss Martha Arm- strong, teacher of Domestic Science. It was served by thirty members of the Junior Class. It is interesting to note that several items on the menu were raised by the Seniors in their gardens; these were beets, turnips, and lettuce. The strawberries were picked from the school patch by members of the Y. W. C. A. Miss Greene first welcomed the new members into the association, and Miss Ruth Spivey responded for the class in a very happy manner. Mrs. Eula Proctor Greathouse, of the class of 1912, told something of what the Alumnae had done in the six years of its history, what it wished to do, and gave some interesting statistics about the class. She announced that they had raised $341 on the swimming pool, and Mr. Wright assured them that they could swim in their own pool before much longer. She told the Alumnae she thought it was time they were doing something for the Training School to pay for what they had received from the school, that was why they were working so hard for this. Miss Blanche Lancaster, for the Class of 1914, was called upon to give some of her experience. She told the girls that she had taught in a school that had been conscious of the war from the beginning, as she had taught in Smithfield with a Belgian, Mr. Vermont, and they had fought and suffered with him. She has been teaching in Kinston for the past year and spoke very highly of her work and the town. 146 The Tkaining School Quarterly Miss Alice Herring, of the Class of 1916, told in a sprightly manner of her various experiences teaching in the mountains, near Henderson- ville. She told well the story of the first whipping she had to give because she had threatened a little fellow. Her advice to the girls just starting out was, "Just smile, and keep on smiling, no matter what happens, and all will come out right." Miss Ernestine Forbes, for the class of 1915, responded to the toast, "Doing Our Bit." Tbe classes of 1911 and 1913 were not represented. Between toasts the different classes sang their songs. When President Wright was called on tbe whole crowd rose and sang a toast to the Training School and to President Wright. He then arose and told the girls the news of the school which was of interest to them. They greeted with enthusiasm his announcement of the $200,000 and what could be done with tbis fund through the six years of building. He called their attention to tbe campus and tbe work of the societies in planting it in shrubs and plants. He reminded them that they were never strangers, "once a Training School girl, always a Training School girl." "If she is a Training School girl you will know her because her life is beating in unison with your soul, your purposes and ideals are one, and you are not strangers." Dr. Laughinghouse was next called on and he paid a high tribute to the girls of the Training School. He said that he went into the homes and lives of the people, even into their closets and kitchens, and he often found improvement, more sanitary management, and civilizing influences emanating from the Training School girls who were teaching in the communities. He declared that the school was doing in tbe county what no other force could do. He told the story of one old man who was getting a rich, full life in his old age just because his grand-daughter had been off to school and had become a teacher. Mr. Underwood was called on from the faculty. He told a story that amused the audience. Mr. F. C. Harding was called on from the Board of Trustees, and responded by reminding tbe happy group of the serious condition of the country and of what the stars and stripes were meaning today. He said that the solution of the greatest problems that the world has to face is in the hands of the women of the class represented here. Now, when the sovereignty of the home has yielded place to the sov- ereignty of tbe community, tbe teachers yield a power such as teachers have never had before. "It is theirs to be tbe guardians of the liberty and of the real freedom, theirs to have a place in the rebuilding of nations and governments." He predicted that the time must come Commencement of 1917 147 when there would be an international supreme court to settle affairs between nations. [The report of the business meeting of the Alumnae Association appears in the Alumnae Department.] Commencement Day ORDER OF EXERCISES Prayer— Rev. William H. Moore Chorus — American Hymn — Keller Spring Song — Mendelssohn — Miss Lou Ellen Dupree Chorus — I Would That My Love — Mendelssohn Address — Hon. 0. Max Gardner Chorus — Carolina Glee Club — Old Kentucky Home — Poster Presentation of Diplomas and Bibles Announcements America Benediction June 6 was Commencement Day at the Training School, and the day belonged to the forty-eight young women who were granted diplomas. A large crowd had gathered in the auditorium before 10 :30 a. m., when the Senior Class led the way, followed by the entire student body. The graduating class sat on the stage and back of them were grouped the members of the chorus. President Wright, in his introduction, paid high tribute to the speaker of the day, Lieutenant-Governor O. Max Gardner. He reminded the audience that he was the youngest Lieutenant-Governor the State has ever had, and that his party nominated him without opposition. He expressed great pleasure in having present a son of North Carolina whom North Carolina loves to honor and one who stands for the highest things in civilization, and has made a splendid record and has a bril- liant future before him. He spoke of him as one who loves this in- stitution and who loves the little children of tbe State. He referred to the fact that last fall when both the acting Governor and the Governor- elect could not be present on Governor's night at the Teachers Assembly Lieutenant-Governor Gardner came to the rescue and represented the State and introduced the Governor of Pennsylvania. He then deter- mined to have him come to this school as soon as he could get him. [The address appears elsewhere in this issue of the Quarterly.] At the close of the address President Wright delivered Bibles and Diplomas to the forty-eight young women in the graduating class: Agnes Absher Surry County Effie Mae Baugham Northampton County- Jessie Adelia Bishop Wilson County Wita Avis Bond Bertie County 148 The Tbaining School Quabteblt Myrtle Elizabeth Brendle Haywood County Nannie Mack Brown Edgecombe County Gladys Lucile Bulluck Edgecombe County Mary Ola Carawan Pamlico County Mary Vivian Case Greene County Bessie Mae Cason Pitt County Amelia Blount Clark Bertie County Ada Myrtle Credle Hyde County Mary Theresa Cowell Pitt County Alavia Katie Cox Onslow County Hannah Cuthrell Beaufort County Lou Ellen Dupree Pitt County Juliana Elliott Perquimans County Sallie Franck Onslow County Helen Finetta Gardner Warren County Fannie Grant Northampton County Musa Perry Harris Franklin County Flora Ellen Hutchins Yadkin County Christina Johnston Robeson County Hallie Blanche Jones Granville County Mattie Loretta Joyner Northampton County Viola Kilpatrick Pitt County Myrtle Alice Lamb Perquimans County Ruth Lowder Onslow County Elizabeth Mercer Edgecombe County Jennie McGlohon Pitt County Esther McNeill Robeson County Ophelia Mae O'Brian Granville County Martha Elvin O'Neal Hyde County Ethel Grover Perry Franklin County Barbara Blanche Satterthwaite Beaufort County Annie Mae Sawyer Beaufort County Virginia Bascom Sledge Edgecombe County Fannie Lee Speir Pitt County Ruth Lee Spivey Perquimans County Lizzie Mabel Stewart Nash County Virginia Young Suther Wayne County Jennie Palmer Taylor Lenoir County Agnes Humphrey Thompson Onslow County Leona Pearle Tucker Pitt County Lillie Mae Whitehead Durham County Sue Walston Edgecombe County Emma Mary Wooten Wake County Annie Vermelle Worthington Pitt County President "Wright made the announcement that this class had left a loan fund for needy students, and told the audience that this meant work and sacrifice on the part of these students. The one-year pro- fessional class for 1917 left $15 to the Loan Fund. President Wright announced that the Board of Trustees decided to add another story to the Model School, thus making room for eight grades, and announced that the arrangements were practically complete Commencement of 1917 149 for a three-teacher country school for observation and teaching pur- poses. The audience arose and sang with the students, "America." The benediction was pronounced by Rev. ~W. H. Moore. The following nineteen students received the school's certificate : Menky Batchelor Luna May Clapp Annie Elizabeth Clark Lucile May Clements Sallie Josephine Daniels Kate Darden Maggie Louise Farless Georgia Estelle Jones Lettie Lee Leonard Hallie Maude Marston Mary Belle Maxwell Viola Pate Tempie Towns Patterson Myrtle Fay Pinkham Bessie Sessoms Daisy Lee Smith Elma Southerland Dulcie Tharrington Martha Eleanor Uzzell Boys Eager to Learn How From The Chicago Evening Post Writing in the Nineteenth Century, an English school teacher reports an extraordinary intellectual stimulus as the effect of the war on his pupils. The strange phenomenon must somewhat mitigate for him the horror of Europe's tragedy. The sudden conversion of the indolent and indifferent schoolboy into an alert, eager student is enough to make glad the heart of any drudging master. And this is what has happened, according to the writer's story. There has been a remarkable revival of interest in literary and debating socie- ties. Affairs of the day are discussed with ardor, backed by such study of history and geography as was never before known. The composing of themes, stories and poems occupies much of the juvenile leisure. The teacher finds himself besieged by eager youths seeking advice and criti- cism for their literary efforts. Most amazing of all has been the effect of this revival on the trade of the tuck shops. Readers of English school stories such as "Stalky & Co.," will recall the large part the tuck shop played in the life of the average boy. His allowance flowed into its till in exchange for pop, pork pies, and pastry. When ready cash was exhausted he mortgaged his future or pledged his most treasured possessions to satisfy his appetite. But we are assured that many of the sixpences and shillings that the tuck shop counted upon without fear of rival are now being invested in — of all things — poetry. Think of the average British schoolboy — or any other, for that mater — voluntarily spending his limited income on poetry. We direct the attention of Mr. Llewell Jones to this mira- cle. We feel that justice to it can be done only by such a pen as his. With less expert appreciation of its significance, we merely venture the belief that here is real hope for the days that will follow the war. Of course, the schoolboy is tremendously interested in military mat- ters, and there is much drilling and maneuvering, much working out of strategy and many sham battles that are at times sanguinary. This was to be expected. It is merely the intensifying of the normal, with an added spirit of seriousness that gives its higher meaning. But that it should be accompanied by a quickening of literary interest and an appetite for poetry rather than pork pies surprises us with a sense of distinct encouragement. W&t draining ^>cfjool ©uarterlp Published by the Students and Faculty of the Bast Carolina Teachers Training School, Greenville, N. C. Entered as Second Class Matter, June 3, 1914, at the Postoffice at Greenville, N. C, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Price: $1.00 a year. 25 cents single copy. FACULTY EDITOR Mamie E. Jenkins ALUMNAE EDITOR Bettie Spencer STUDENT EDITORS. Summer Assistants. Beenie Allen Mattie Bright Summer Business Manager, Elizabeth Baker. Vol. IV JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER No. 2 c A summer school made up of teachers fresh from the Summer r Teaching Far schoolroom, who become students for a few weeks for eac ing ^ p ur p 0se f getting ideas, or for a new outlook, or a point of view, or who wish to measure themselves by others, is a place where any one, teacher or student or visitor, can get inspiration. It is an inspiration to the teacher, but an inspiration that carries with it a responsibility. The students here this summer come from almost half a hundred counties, and will carry back what they get here to approximately three hundred communities, and that means twenty-five children, at least, in each community. A little figuring will show what a wide influence a summer school has, especially when one con- siders that every school is now the center of the community and every one in the community is touched by the teacher. Return to ^^ e °^ arts are com ^ n g \> w ith many new ones Old Time modeled on the old. The primitive arts are genuine, sincere. A nation should never get far away from them. When the middle-aged folk were children their summers were not all play. The elder folk urged them to peel fruit for drying. After all was "put up" in preserves, pickles, cans, the remainder was not wasted. It was spread on the drying boards, or put in brine, or stored in some form. Every meat skin was saved for the soap pot, and even the grease from the edge of the dish-pan was scraped off and 3 152 The Training School Quarterly put into the gourd for the soap. The economy our people had to practice during the Civil War was in vogue. Then came a period of prodigality. Factory soap, factory canned goods, "evaporated" fruit, released the country boy and girl so that they could go joy riding in the wonderful new plaything, the automobile. This new-found, irre- sponsible freedom naturally went to the heads. The big farms of the west and the factories had become the ravens that were feeding us. Now these ravens have warned us that they cannot keep it up. We are finding that these carefree girls and boys are, after all, the children and grandchildren of those who saved and "worked, and they will rise to the emergency and feed not only themselves, but the world that needs food. Thanks be, there are still enough who know the old arts to teach the younger people ! Get the men in the community to contribute the Lessons money for the material for Red Cross sewing, get the Through Red women together for sewing bees and have them teach the girls how to make the garments. Get in touch with the Red Cross Association nearest to you, and promise to furnish them so many garments. They will be glad to instruct a few leaders in the exact way it should be done. Do not think because you cannot furnish a whole box from your community that you can do nothing. Get the older ladies to get out the rusting knitting needles and teach the girls how to knit. Do not spend the time on knitting socks now ; the call is for the old-fashioned wristlet, for scarfs, and sweaters. Socks can be made by machines. The grandmothers will be delighted to know that they can do something. Every woman in America should do something for the Red Cross, or for some organized society for furnishing supplies to the hospitals or to the soldiers. How Will Already messages are coming to us from "a port in the Teacher France." Soon there will be coining from "somewhere Stand the ° Test? in France," only short, censored notes, and that will be all we know of our sons and brothers and late schoolboys, until the horror is over and they come out of the "somewhere" into the "here." Some will get nowhere beyond a trench, and some will wander off into the anywhere. None of them will come back as they went off. It is the testing time for the American school and home. We should watch carefully to see what helps and what hinders these boys — what is worth while in supreme teste, and what is useless. Every teacher who has taught a single one of these boys is helping to win or to lose the fight. Every teacher who goes into a schoolroom this fall is already taking part in the reconstruction that] will come Editorials 153 hereafter when the school girls and boys of today are the men and women rebuilding what is now being torn down. „ r .. Teaching has been largely woman's work in America Women Must ° . . . Hold Things ever since the reconstruction days. The district school- Together master of the days before the war gave place after the war to the district schoolmarm. With the passing of the academy passed the schoolmaster in elementary work. The primary work as we know it now had not come into being until after the war except as it was given in the home by the mother or in some dame scbool. True, men have held the administrative positions, have held a few of the high school positions, and have been in the colleges, but few have been in the rank and file. The women have done most of the teaching of children. The task for the woman in school work is not new. It is merely to go on doing the same thing, but doing it better. There will be still fewer men and more women. Some women who have been teaching in the ranks will step up higher and fill the vacancies left by the men, but only those who have proved themselves in the lesser tasks will pass up, and these will be put on their mettle. The schools are not going to suffer. There will be many more doing demonstration and supervisory work, but this is teaching in a broader field. Geography, as charity, should begin at home, and Should Begin that right early, but it should not stay there. As the at Home mind of the child reaches out in other ways it should be led out geographically. Now is a glorious time for geography for all ages and sizes and grades, and for every kind of geography : home geog- raphy, commercial geography, but not for mere text-book geography. Every paper, every report, every magazine, now is full of material for teaching geography. The questions beginning with "where" are on every tongue all the time: "Where are they going?" "Where are they fighting?" "Where does it come from?" "Where can we get it?" "Where shall it be sent?" "Where do the raw materials come from?" "Where are our camps?" And every "where" is followed by a "why": "Why are they going there?" "Why is that a good place for the camp?" All the questions and problems are so bound up with geography that it is impossible to follow anything intelligently without bringing in geog- raphy and without enlarging geographical ideas. There was a time when the schoolroom had an atmos The Changed phere conducive to sleep and rest. One driving along the road past a schoolhouse would hear the droning of the voices, and if he stepped in, teacher and children were too drowsy to give a cordial welcome to the visitor, but he was welcomed because 154 The Training School Quarterly he broke the dull, stupid monotony of the school. JSTow the air around a live school is charged with activity and interest; a peep through the door reveals a busy working group. The visitor receives a cordial welcome, but he drops into the background because teacher and pupils are engrossed in important matters that must not be broken into. When the letters "Y. M. C. A." are at the top of let- Y. M. C. A. ^ers from the boys in camp, they bring comfort and con- solation to the folks at home. They give confidence and assurance that out yonder the boys are not drifting away from all fine influences and ideals, but there is something keeping them clean and straight. ~No wonder people are eager to contribute to the fund to keep the work going wherever the soldier boy goes ! If there is not a boy from your own home there is one from your neighbor's home. Do your part in helping that cause. Every girl or boy who attends a State school accepts Trusteeships f rom the State something. None of the State schools of Students . . . , . , n begin to pay their way, or rather, to make the students pay their way. The State could not afford to do this if it did not feel assured that the money put into the education of the young people was an investment that would bring returns in dollars and cents, and in the many intangible ways that an educated citizenship can help build up the State. Senator Harding expresses the idea well in this number of the Quarterly. . T . Is it possible there are still people in this time, which Still is full of big, world-wide events that come to your own With Us? doorstep, who are quarreling over whether the hen is "sitting" or "setting," and are using good gray matter to see whether that famous frog of the problem gets out of the well or falls in deeper? Is any teacher judged by the answer she gives to the favorite old catch questions? Are there still some teachers who think these are the all important problems for her to solve? Don't let the two get together. Send a live teacher to stir up the backward community, and send the old-fogy teacher to a community that will drive her out of the profession or wake her up. What has become of the "settled woman"? You used to hear of her, but now you never do. Is she so busy doing things that she hasn't time to settle? Editorials 155 No Rest in If one wants a good, snug nest to snooze in, he must the School- not g e( . j nto a schoolroom; he may find it a hornet's room of ° . Today nest. The person who puts his mind to rest and lets his body work on as an automaton, without disturbing him, had better go into a factory where the body can be made to do the work of a machine, and where the mind may safely go to sleep ; he should not go near a schoolroom. There are still a few who catch the world only through Immovable 1 '"' the newspapers. Their sight catches it in cold print, and no other sense is touched and nothing gets beyond the retina. They do not see or hear anything first-hand and are sus- picious of all they read, believing "newspaper chat" is not news, but is printed for the sake of puffing the paper. They will not believe that newspapers now cannot begin to tell half. They are going calmly and serenely on, with a stupid optimism that is like that of the ostrich. They will not acknowledge that these times are vastly different from other times. "The lightning has never struck me, and I don't believe it ever will," simply because it never has ; "Let those folks who got us into this get us out"; "I've heard of hard times before, but I haven't starved yet" ; "I'll not worry until I see the bottom of the barrel." SUGGESTIONS How the Children Found the Answer to "Who is Hoover?" A Lesson Developed by the Sixth and Seventh Grades in the Model School, Miss Maude Rogers, Critic Teacher "Who is Hoover?" was the question asked by several children in the sixth and seventh grades at the Model School during a dictation lesson when this sentence was given : "President Wilson hopes that Herbert C. Hoover will be made food-dictator." Only two out of a class of twenty had ever heard the name of Hoover, and the knowledge these possessed was very indefinite. At once the teacher and the children decided they would like to have a composition lesson for the next day on "Herbert C. Hoover, Food- dictator." As the magazines have been so full of answers to this ques- tion which all America has been asking, it was easy to cite the children to material which they could easily collect for the lesson. The teacher suggested to the pupils that in their reading they watch out for reasons why Hoover was peculiarly fitted to be Food-dictator. The next morning several magazines were brought to class and the children could hardly wait for the composition hour to tell what they had found out, as they were fairly bubbling over with information. "Wait," was the only response the teacher gave to many questions and requests for discussion. The composition lesson had been placed the last hour of the morning, so that it would be a climax to the morning's work. All other work went swiftly and well because the children were impatient of any delays. When the lesson was begun the children and teacher decided that they needed an outline on the board as a guide. A picture of Hoover was placed before the class. They determined to select only those facts in Hoover's life that helped make him a great man and fitted him for his work as food-dictator. This is the outline that was finally placed on the board : Herbert C. Hoover, Food Dictator 1. Preparation for life — Born on a farm in Iowa; good habits and strong body. Graduated from Leland Stanford University in mining engineering. 2. Mining engineer — in America, in Australia, in China, in England. (So successful he becomes a millionaire. Shows wonderful power as an organizer.) Suggestions 157 3. Relief Commissioner — in England, getting Americans home at the beginning of the war. in Belgium, in feeding the starving people, in France, in relieving suffering. 4. Why he is fitted to become food dictator — Honest, sincere, unselfish, strong in body and in mind, calm and de- liberate, an organizer, has a knowledge of food values, experienced in feeding and relieving other nations. We look to him to feed the world. Every point was carefully developed and freely discussed. Many bits of information were rejected as unnecessary to the big aim. Per- haps the most interesting feature of the discussion to the observers was the children's comments on Hoover's picture; some of them did good character reading, while others had to be directed as to how to judge a man by his face. The assignment for the second day was to write four paragraphs on "Hoover, Food-dictator," following the outline closely. The children were interested the first day, but their interest was at the burning point of attention the second day. Each child was anxious for more in- formation, especially when he found he needed more to make the para- graphs balance well. The teacher and the children decided that they could easily develop a full composition from each division of the out- line, but as time was lacking they refrained from following up the subject. The next day the children expressed a desire to study the life and work of another man, this time Lloyd George. Thus the children proved that the teacher had achieved her chief aim : the children had been aroused to an interest in the live world of events and the work of great men of the day as found in newspapers and magazines. A History Match That the child mind can best grasp and understand that which is brought closest to his life is a well established pedagogical fact. Hav- ing seen the good results from dramatizing stories and "acting" their reading lessons, I conceived the idea of letting my fifth grade "act" the lives of the early explorers as given in "White's "Beginners' History," calling it a "History Match." A few days in advance of the lesson, I assigned each pupil a char- acter to impersonate, secretly, of course. They then read all the mate- rial available on the subject, and from it wrote a paper in the form of an autobiography, omitting the name of the supposed writer. On the day of the match they got up one by one and told (not read) the story of their lives, the pupils at the seat writing down the name of the man who they thought was meant. At the end of the match I 158 The Training School Quarterly read out the correct list of those whom each pupil represented). The fact that there were only two incorrect guesses in the class showed that each child had not only studied his own individual topic, but the others as well, so as to make correct guesses. I have since tried this device when working with the many, and oftentimes to the child, confusing, countries of Europe. By letting a child represent a country, telling its location, climate, products, etc., and letting the children guess the country and sometimes the capital. I have awakened a great enthusiasm where as before there had been apathy and indifference. "When a lesson is put in the form of a game it is likely to be well learned. Ruby Melvin, Intermediate Grades of Elizabethtown High School. Devices for Securing Good Personal Habits The problem of teaching the children to form good sanitary personal habits is one that confronts almost every teacher today. One gives up in despair sometimes when every possible means' has been tried out, and all have failed. Below are several devices which I have worked out quite successfully in the first and second grades. First, the problem of getting the children in the habit of brushing their teeth regularly had to be solved. When I first asked how many brushed their teeth every morning I found that only a small number of the children owned brushes. I urged them by all means to have brushes by the next morning, stressing the importance of keeping their dear little young teeth clean. In a few days every child had a brush and some had powder or paste. How proud they were, and how eager to tell me! Of course, there were some who were not so eager, and I always knew they were the ones who had failed to obey my wishes. To prevent them from forgetting the second time, I would draw a large snaggle tooth on the board, making it look as dreadful as possi- ble, placing in it the names of the children who had failed to brush their teeth that morning, and letting it remain all day. There were finally no delinquents. Another problem was to get them to clean their nails and keep them so. I would go around each morning and look at every child's nails, and if some child had forgotten I would designate it, in a hand already drawn on the board by placing the guilty child's name in one finger and making the nail as ugly as possible with colored chalk. Very soon the children become ashamed and there was seldom ever a name to be placed on the board. Here is still another device I used. This was for getting my chil- dren to bring fresh handkerchiefs with them. Every morning we played a little game in the form of a drill, and every child was required to f Jf t t I if LENOIR 7 " 1 ' ,f * f f j »l 1 m£ 1 J .. jjj> ■ * n County Groups Suggestions 159 have a nice fresh handkerchief or else he would be omitted from the game. Each one, of course, was only too eager to play. In the game I brought in a few simple arithmetic problems, namely, one corner plus one corner, then add other two corners. Drop one corner, then other two, how many left, etc. In this game the children had no idea that my motive was simply to have clean handkerchiefs. I found that these little devices worked just beautifuly, and that the minds and memories were being trained in such a way as never to forget to perform these little unpleasant tasks which I feel now are stamped so distinctly upon their minds that there is no desire for them to forget. We feel that these good personal habits are as essential to their little bodies as the food they eat. I hope these devices will help you, sister teachers. Just try and see. Mart E. Chatjncey, '14, First Grade, Warrenton Graded School. Practical Household Art in Our Grades When I mentioned window curtains for my room my sixth grade was all attention. I asked the girls if they thought we could hemstitch them; their eyes fairly danced with anticipation, and they eagerly answered "Yes." Our room had five large windows. We had just put up nice shades, paid for with money that we had raised — a part of it made by picking cotton. What we needed next was curtains. I went to a store and purchased twelve yards of white cheesecloth. The girls and I gathered in our room one afternoon after school and cut the lengths for sash curtains. Another time we measured hems and drew threads for hemstitching. Some of the girls did not know how. We had such a jolly, happy group, for while fingers were busy, tongues were not idle. In the other end we made a neat little hem of running stitches for the cord to be slipped through, since we could not afford rods. After the work was begun each girl took a half curtain home to finish. When they were completed they brought them back and the boys drove nails for us to fasten the cords to. When we put a bowl of blooming narcissus on a window shelf we thought ou.r room looked real "homey." In comparing ours with those of the fourth and fifth grade room, one of our girls said, "It's a sure thing we don't want any curtains with flowered borders!" They took turns in having the curtains laundered. After school closed, and I had left the community, one of the girls wrote me that for fear the sun would injure them during vacation she had taken them down, laundered them, and put them away. I found both girls and boys taking a greater interest in keeping the room iidy. The girls proved to be right good housekeepers. The boys 160 The Training School Quarterly seemed ready to lend a hand. They put up window shelves, made boxes for plants, polished the heater several times, made rough benches for the ytsrd, and oiled the floor. Delia Smith. Our Dolls' Home (Made by First and Second Grades, Lake Landing Graded School.) When school opened in the fall, in order for me to learn my children, I began asking questions about father, mother, brothers and sisters, and, in fact, everything connected with the home. After these things were fully discussed the children wanted to talk about their playhouses. I said, "How would you like to make one?" The answer from all at one time was, "I would like it fine." One of the high school boys constructed the house of two wooden boxes. Each of the four rooms was 12 x 14 inches with a 12-inch side wall. The room on the third floor was much larger. The house was furnished by the first and second grades. We decided to make this a real home as near as possible, and I tried to make the children imagine that it was their real home. The plan used was to divide the first floor into two equal parts : one becomes the kitchen, the other the dining-room. The same spaces on the second floor are used for a bedroom and a nursery. The third floor space under the gable was used for a sitting-room. The children did not like a small room for a sitting room. This was the largest, so we decided to use it. The color scheme for the kitchen is in buff and gray. The paper floor covering is made to represent linoleum, the design on one-half inch "squared" paper. The walls are buff. The table has a checked cover on it. The stove, table, and kitchen cabinet are constructed of gray paper. The color scheme for the dining-room is white and blue. The walls are covered with wall paper design made by the pupils of green and pink on white drawing paper. The buffet, table, and chairs are made of white paper. The paper floor covering also represents linoleum, blue and white blocks with blue border. The tablecloth is white with a pink edge crocheted by a second grade child. The bedroom walls are covered with white paper, decorated with a green design. The rugs are blue and white blocks with blue borders. The children wove these during the busy work periods. The curtains for the house are of white voile and were made by the little girls. The bedroom furniture consists of bed, dresser, and chair, all made of white paper. The sitting-room walls are covered with blue wall paper, with gray and pink border. The art square is blue and white blocks with blue Suggestions 161 border. The furniture consists of piano and stool, library table, one round stand for flowers, one rocking chair, three-piece parlor suite, divan, armchair and rocker, two small rugs, curtains and one picture. Tho furniture was constructed of white, drawing paper. The same design of wall paper and carpet was used for nursery as that used for bedroom. The furniture consists of cradle, one small table, and a go-cart constructed of gray paper. A penny doll was dressed in a long white dress for the baby. All of the paper folding and cutting was based on the sixteen squares. When the house was completed on the inside, the children said they did not like the rough, ugly appearance of the outside. One little boy just seven years old said, "I will paint the house." The next morning he came with paint and brush and painted the house the colors decided on by the children. The children collected pictures of the furniture for the house from books and magazines before we constructed it of paper. I did this to see if the children were familiar with the furnishing necessary for the home. I correlated drawing, spelling, number work, and language with the making of the doll's home. In order to do this, we were about a month and one-half completing the house. Ella White, '15, Primary Teacher in Lake Landing Graded School. Helping a School to Grow from a One-Teacher to a Two- Teacher School I have been teaching in the same one-teacher school for two years. When I began teaching, there were no window shades at the windows. The heater was in one corner of the schoolroom. There were no waste- paper baskets in the room, no foot-mat at the door, no pictures or maps on the walls, no library or books of any kind in the room except what few I had, and the children's text-books. It was just a bare school- room with desks, children, and teacher. At the end of two years a rural library was ordered for the school. The children had sold flag buttons and gained a large flag and pencil sharpener. I had succeeded in securing a stove-pipe, window shades, a foot-mat, four maps, a suspension globe, an organ, two waste^paper baskets, a large dictionary, Washington's picture, Lincoln's picture, and a water-cooler. In order to meet the expense of these things, a shadow party, and three box parties were given during the two years, the. proceeds of which amounted to $148. The school is no longer a one-teacher school. It will be made a two-teacher school another year. Almiea Godfrey. 162 The Training School Quarterly How I Raised $60 at a Box Party On Thanksgiving Day I gave an entertainment at the schoolhouse and invited all the patrons of the community. After the exercise was over I made a talk and explained the needs of the school, and asked for suggestions for raising money to get these things. We decided on a box party. Two of the committee were present and each of them made a talk. Many suggestions were offered, and finally we decided tliat our box party should consist of boxes containing supper to be sold by auction, a cake for the prettiest girl to be sold by votes, cakes and boxes of candy to be sold by auction, a grab bag containing things that could be made at little cost, which would interest both children and grown people, a fruit stand containing bags of parched peanuts, chewing gum, loose candy, apples, and oranges, all to be sold by the piece; and a fortune teller. The patrons contributed everything that made up the box party except the fruit and chewing gum. The school room was beautifully decorated and a large crowd was present. The entire pro- ceeds from the box party amounted to $60 : 16 boxes of supper $25.00 1 cake for prettiest girl 18.05 3 cakes and 3 boxes of candy 7.25 Grab bag 2.45 Profit at fruit stand 5.20 Fortune telling 2.05 Total $60.00 Almira Godfrey, Burgess School, Perquimans County. Some of the Advantages of Teaching at Home "Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land?" Now, while our President is calling for loyalty to our Nation, how can the teacher show hers more than by staying in her own neighbor- hood and doing her best to train the children of her neighbors to be true to God and to their country? Surely she will be more interested in the social and moral conditions of her own neighborhood than in one in which she expects to reside only a few months. Whose pains, whose griefs, whose trials, and whose pleasures, would appeal to her more, think you? In her own community the teacher knows already the interest, de- sires, the likes and dislikes, the prejudices and environments of the patrons; hence, has a better understanding of the pupils. Also she knows the local geography and government, the superstitions and re- Suggestions 163 ligion, which in a strange section it would require a whole tertm to learn before she could really adjust herself to the existing circumstances. To illustrate : In a certain community an orphan girl was taken by her grandparents to rear. They were old and alone, all of their chil- dren having homes of their own. As the girl grew older and stronger, more of the duties fell upon her, requiring more of her time and short- ening her school days until she dropped out of school entirely. When she was fifteen she was given the opportunity to go to school again, but she refused to go then because she was so far behind the rest of her age. After two or three years a lady from the neighborhood was elected to teach the home school. Before school opened this girl went to see the teacher and had a heart-to-heart talk, for, she said, "I know you would understand." When school opened, to the surprise of every one, this girl came, and was an earnest, faithful student. Another advantage which the home teacher has is solving the ever perplexing question of hoard. This problem has been increased now by the high cost of all food products, and the servant question. There are many places in which the housewife cannot secure a serv- ant at any price. With all the duties and cares of her house and family devolving upon her alone, she does not feel equal to the task of adding another straw to her burden : that of boarding the teacher. I believe our teachers appreciate these conditions and try to adapt themselves to the circumstances as far as they can ; yet no teacher can do her work in the schoolroom unless she can have a comfortable room where she can be quiet and plan her work for the next and succeeding days. Schools that are financially able are building "teacherages," and until all of the schools are so equipped the board bill will be a perplex- ing question to most teachers, but not to the home teacher, for she can still enjoy the pleasures of home and loved ones while giving the best she has to the children entrusted to her care. Julia B. Cobb, Teacher of Benthall School, Hertford County. How I Raised Money for My School During my two years experience as a teacher, I have found at the beginning of the school term almost empty schoolrooms, with no pic- tures, no blackboards, nor anything except the empty room with a few rickety desks. The school grounds have been in almost the same condi- tion ; therefore, my first problem has been how to furnish and beautify the room and grounds. I began solving my problem by organizing Literary Societies and Betterment and Athletic Associations. After doing this, I planned a 164 The Training School Quarterly series of entertainments, hoping to make some money in this way. In planning these entertainments the things I had to consider most were the type of children I had to work with, the people who should attend these entertainments, the staging and the costuming. I have given the following plays with much success: "Jumbo Jim," "Aunt Dinah's Quilting Party," "District School," negro minstrels, "Only Young Man in Town," "Fruits of His Folly." Besides these I have had programs of recitations, declamations, dialogues, dramatiza- tions, and patriotic and motion songs. I gave one play in each enter- tainment with a variety of other things, making the program about two hours long. The best things I could get for primary children were from the Normal Instructor and Primary Plans. This one magazine furnishes enough new material to make a monthly program one hour long. This material grows out of the everyday work of the children, and can be gotten up without so much outside effort. Besides, the people seemed to understand and appreciate this. From last April's number of this magazine I gave "Dr. "Wise," an interesting little dialogue, with the doctor, trained nursed, and patient, who was being doctored for telling fibs. I also found in this magazine "School's Saving Bank," which gave some good ideas on practicing thrift, which were along the line that the people are now thinking. The money used in this dialogue was made by the children as busy work, while the dialogue was taught as an arithmetic lesson. In connection with this we had dramatizations, motion songs, and recitations. I planned another type of entertainment, which consisted of an old- time spelling match, with neighborhood jokes, etc. I did not always charge any admission, but sometimes arranged for the girls to have a box party, or for the Betterment Association to sell refreshments. The best way I could advertise my entertainments was to let the children make the tickets, and design and number them as a drawing lesson. Each child was given five tickets to sell, and got a free ticket for selling them. No one was ever known to come to our neighborhood without having the opportunity of buying a ticket. There were still other things I did to make money. I had the chil- dren to sell badges at ten cents each. When the required number was sold we received a premium. In this way we got a flag and a number of pictures. Several newspapers offered a book for each new sub- scriber. We took advantage of this offer, and received a number of books to go in our library. There are always hundreds of ways to< get money for educational purposes. This can be gotten by the teacher, pupils, and the associa- Suggestions 165 tions working together. The time has now come when there is no excuse for a teacher teaching in an ugly, unfurnished schoolroom, sur- rounded by a broom-straw patch. Emma J. Brown, '15, Fourth Grade, Richlands Graded School. A Country Girl is Not a Stranger in Any Country Neighborhood Just a few words about myself. I am a country girl, raised on the farm, and taught by my mother to do any kind of work in the farm home. I finished public school and did some high school work. Last fall my county superintendent came to my home and said to me, "I have some vacant schools and would rather have you teach one than some one that T do not know." I thanked him for the confidence he had in me, and told him I would do the best I could. I made a good average on my examination and he gave me a school where I knew no one and no one knew me. In high school I believe I was known as one having a smile and a kind word for all. I determined to carry these with me when I started out on my new work. The people I found not rich, but willing to do anything for you if you made yourself one of them. My home was with a family where there were four girls. I was counted as the fifth, and many is the frolic we had together. I joined heartily in all social affairs in the neighborhood. Saturday night and Sunday was the time that the people of the neighborhood met together. They found out that I could sing and could play the piano a little, and we enjoyed singing the "old melodies" and hymns together very much, the old people as well as the young. Then came the old-fashioned sugar-pullings, which were greatly en- joyed by all. Of course, I could help in the cooking and pulling, too; any country girl could. Christmas was the little folks' treat. They were made so happy by their first Christmas tree. The older ones enjoyed serenading. Hog-killing was the most enjoyable time of the winter. Neighbors always helped each other during the whole time. Big dinners and suppers were served to all that helped, and most of the time there was a sugar-pulling afterwards. The people thought it strange that I could help, but thanks to my mother and the training I received at home, I could do even that. At school the children found that I could enter into fun and frolic as well as fight, and we soon learned to like one another. In this way I learned to like the people, just by being one of them. Now, just a few more words. When you go into a neighborhood to teach, where you do not know any one, dear teacher, have a smile and 166 The Training School Quarterly a kind word for all, and be sure that you do not think that you are any better than the people, for are we not all God's creatures? Don't be ashamed to pitch in and help. Mart Foxwell, Teacher of Hurdle School, Chowan County. How I Introduced Music In My School When I first went into the district there was not a piano in it. There were two organs. I found that the young people enjoyed gathering at the homes where the organs were, to spend an evening singing. I decided to try to make the school building the center of these gatherings, so I began to talk piano for the school. I did not receive much en- couragement the first winter. Before I went back the next fall I visited the nearest town. While there I began to look for a piano at a reasonable price. I went to a piano house and told them what I wanted. After school began, the manager went up to see my committee and offered to put one in the schoolroom for a month's trial. After making several trips to see them, they finally decided to let it be put in, but they were sure they would not buy it. It was sent out. There was a boy in the neighborhood that played the violin, one that played the guitar, and one the banjo. I invited them to come out to the school that night and play with the piano accompaniment. I also invited the people to come hear the new piano and sing some. They came, too. The house was full, and they continued to come. When the month was out they wouldn't think of giving up the piano. At Thanksgiving we had a box party and made up part of the money. The balance was paid by the committee. Before the winter was gone there were four pianos in the neighbor- hood, and we had six music pupils. At commencement we had a simple little duet and a solo which were enjoyed very much. Edith Sidburt, Now Teacher in Wilmington Graded Schools. How I Disgusted One Girl with "Trashy" Novels Only a few days after my entrance into a certain community I was dumbfounded to find that a girl representing one of the oldest and most aristocratic families in North Carolina was accursed with the horrible habit of trashy novel reading. I say "trashy" — and I mean all that the word suggests. From that day I spent a great deal of time trying to devise some method by which Edna could be guided into a higher phase of novel reading, and in such a way that she would still like to read books — though books of entirely a different type. I finally decided to visit the girl's home, and find out, if possible, the kind of books most approved by the mother and father, and their views Suggestions 167 in regard to their daughter's spending the greater part of her time in trashy novel-land. I repeat with emphasis the word ''trashy," because we all know that nothing is better for any of us than a good clean novel. On my visit to the home I found the very best of books placed throughout the entire house, quite convenient and very tempting to a lover of good literature. I asked Edna if she had read any of these books. She replied that she started one of them, but they were so deep she did not care much for them. I then asked her what type of a book she liked best ; she imme- diately answered : "Oh, well, something not so deep, like 'How He Won Her,' 'Lost Love,' etc. In other words, a good love story, but mother doesn't like me to read them; she hides them every time I get them." I immediately determined to give her a dose of "good love stories," as she termed it. So I invited her down to my boarding place on Saturdays to read. She was quite delighted with the idea, and always brought one of her mother's books for me, while I managed to get one of her type from "somewhere." After we had spent eight or nine successive Saturdays in this way, Edna, for some reason, did not seem very anxious to com© the next Saturday. I insisted, of course, and she finally decided to come, though she tried to emphasize the fact that her mother needed her — the very first time she had considered her mother in the least degree. The fact about Edna was that she had lost some of her enthusiasm for the books that had so lately held her spellbound. She came, however, and settled down to "The Forsaken Bride," while I took up something very dif- ferent. We had read about an hour when Edna decided that she was "tired to death" reading. "Oh, do come, and let's go for a walk," she said. "They are all alike, anyway. I declare I believe I never will like to read again." "Why, is your book not interesting?" I asked. "Yes, I suppose so," she replied. "But somehow I am just so tired." "Do you never get tired reading?" she asked. "Oh, yes, sometimes," I replied. "But my book is very interesting. However, we will stop for awhile and go for a walk." We did go for a walk, and in one hour were back again, tired from walking. Then I began to tell her about my book. She was soon fascinated, as I indeed knew she would be, and from that day she always wanted the "new" style, as she termed it. And today she still demands the clean, forcible, and uplifting type of book. She found to her great surprise that these books were at home and that mother did not object to her reading them. Her mother 4 168 The Training School Quarterly is enthusiastic over the change, and cannot understand how it came about. Neither does Edna; she only knows that it is different and appreciates the fact. Matme Brooks, Teacher in Wesley Chapel High School. "A Pupil's Reward" or "School Beatitudes" Blessed are the punctual, for they will be called manly. Blessed are the early, for they will not be called careless. Blessed are the neat, for they shall receive attention. Blessed are the obedient, for they shall receive favors. Blessed are the studious, for they shall be wise. Blessed are the wise, for they shall rule the world. W. H. Purser. Reviews Farmers' Bulletin, No. 755, Common Birds. — In the Southeastern States more than 460 species of birds occur at some season of the year. This bulletin discusses the general habits and the economic value of 23 of the best known species. Fanners have a host of insect enemies to fight. This bulletin shows clearly the great value birds are in this conflict. The farmer should, therefore, welcome his feathered allies and see to it that they have every protection he can secure. From this bulletin the farmer will learn which birds to harbor. Some Facts Concerning Manual Arts and Home-making Subjects in One Hundred and Fifty-six Cities — Bulletin 32, 1916, Bureau of Education. The data used in this bulletin was collected by means of a question- naire sent to the heads of city school systems. One hundred and fifty- six schools responded. It was found that the chief aim in teaching these subjects was prevocational — just giving knowledge of the various occupations, materials, tools, etc. It was found that work in paper in the primary grades was more general — joinery and cabinet making for boys in the grammar grades, and sewing and cooking for girls in the grammar grades. The work was presented by using systematic graded exercises. Time given to these subjects was found to be over 5 per cent of the total school time in the elementary school and over 25 per cent of the total time in the high school. The method most frequently used of disposing of finished products was that of letting the pupil keep his own article. "Minimum Essentials in the Preparation of Teachers" is an article in The American Schoolmaster, by William C. Bagley, Director of the School of Education in the University of Illinois. He thinks that the teaching profession should he so standardized that a prospective teacher shall have to pass certain tests to establish in the minds of the exam- iners her ability to teach. Tests on penmanship, blackboard writing, and sketching should be given. A teacher should be able to recognize errors in oral speech, as well as to speak correctly herself. She should speak plainly and with clean-cut enunciation, and to her pupils her voice should be in a low, quiet, convincing tone. She should also be able to "sense" unhygienic conditions in a classroom with regard to lighting, temperature, ventilation, and posture. Mr. Bagley believes that by tests of these kinds teaching skill in an individual may be detected. 170 The Training School Quarterly Gardening in Elementary City Schools, C. D. Jarvis, Bulletin Bureau of Education. The bulletin points out the possibilities of gardening from the point of view of democracy in education; its usefulness in developing thrift and industry; its value as a substitute for illegal child labor; and its justification in inculcating the joy of living. The bulletin also analyzes the methods of introducing gardening into the schools; describes the different types of gardens; shows the kinds of instruction and super- vision that have proved useful ; and goes somewhat into detail in plan- ning garden plats and the disposal of the garden crop. There are many suggestions that could well be adopted by rural schools or by those in the small towns. An Educational Program for the War. Suggestions for a pro- gram of school activity for different types of educational institutions during the war have just been issued by Dr. P. P. Claxton, United States Commissioner of Education. After pointing out that attendance laws should he enforced as usual, Dr. Claxton says : "Parents should be encouraged to make all possible efforts to keep their children in school and should have public or private help when they can not do so without it. Many young children will lack the home care given them in times of peace, and there will be need of many more kindergarten® and Montessori schools than we now have. The attendance in the high schools should be increased, and more boys and girls should be induced to remain until their course is completed. A school year of four terms of 12 weeks each is recommended for the high schools, as for the ele- mentary schools. In the high schools adopting this plan arrangements should be made for half-time attendance, according to the Fitchburg, Cincinnati, and Spartanburg, S. C, plans, for a large proportion of pupils as possible. All laboratories and manual-training shops in high schools should be run at their full capacity. In many of the shops work should be done which will have immediate value for the national de- fense. In all high schools in which domestic science (sewing, cooking, sanitation, etc.) is taught, large units of time should be given in the summer and fall to sewing for the Red Cross and for local charities. Classes for grown-up women should be formed in which practical in- struction can be given largely by lecture and demonstration in the conservation and economic use of food. High Cost of Living. Dr. P. P. Claxton, Commissioner of Educa- tion in the Department of the Interior, makes the following statement regarding the high cost of living and a partial solution of it : "Is there a remedy? There is a partial remedy at least, but not wholly in in- Reviews 171 vestigations or legislation. This remedy is so simple and close at hand that, as is so frequently the case, it is overlooked. In the schools of the cities, towns, suburban communities, and manufacturing and mining villages of the United States there are approximately 6,000,000 boys and girls between the ages of nine and sixteen. Most of them are idle more than half of the year. They are in school less than 1,000 hours in the year, and allowing 10 hours a day for sleep, are out of school more than 4,000 waking hours, more than an average of nine hours a day, not counting Sundays. National and State laws make it impos- sible for most of them to do any profitable work in mill, mine or shop, and many of them are forming habits of idleness and falling into vice. Even during the vacation months only about 10 per cent have any profitable employment ; only about 5 per cent of them go away from their homes except for a few days. Still, they must live and be fed and clothed." The remedy is the vacant-lot or back-yard garden. Chapter XIX, Educational Hygiene, has this to say of military training in the schools: "Military training in the schools conceived as military drilling is undesirable and unavailing; military training conceived as a comprehensive) program of physical, moral, and civic education is desirable and even necessary," declares Dr. W. S. Small in a chapter on educational hygiene. Dr. Small points out that military training thus conceived "offers a possibility of unifying and ennobling the now confused and disjointed activities in the field of physical and moral discipline. The physical and moral values of both gymnastics and athletics are well understood, but both lack compresensive and unifying motive. All systems of gymnastics are individualistic. Their appeal is to the desire of the individual for physical perfection. Com- petition is narrowly individualistic. Systems of athletics are mostly based upon group competitions, and if properly managed are very valuable, not only for physical development, but also for training in the very fundamentals of social morality. But the philosophy of ath- letics is the philosophy of play, and the philosophy of play is the philosophy of instinct — a philosophy that is not comprehensive enough to serve as a sole basis of physical and moral education. Mili- tary training rightly conceived includes these motives and subordinates them to the ideal of patriotism." Alumnae Annual Meeting The annual business meeting of the Alumnae Association was held Tuesday morning, June 5, at 10 :30 o'clock. The meeting was well at- tended, each class being represented except the class of 1911. The As- sociation has now 240 members. The meeting was presided over by the President, Estelle Greene. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary, Mrs. Eula Proctor Greathouse, and were approved. The committees made their reports, and all unfinished business from the meeting of last year was taken up. The amount as reported for the Gymnasium Fund is $350. The election of officers was held and resulted as follows: President, Estelle Greene. First Vice-President, Grace Smith. Second Vice-President Trilby Smith. Corresponding Secretary, Allen Gardner. Secretary-Treasurer, Eula Proctor Greathouse. Alumnae Editor of Training School Quarterly, Bettie Spencer. ALUMNAE 1912 The following is a complete list of the alumnaa attending Commencement: Marguerite Davis Warren Greenville Eula Proctor Greathouse Rocky Mount Sadie Exum Greenville Hilda Critcher Greenville Estelle Greene Greenville 1913 Eloise Ellington Greenville 1914 Corinne Bright Washington Lela Deans Rhodes Wilson Mavis Evans Greenville Rosa Mae Wooton Greenville Emily Gayle Whiteville Blanche Lancaster Battleboro Carrie Manning Parmelee Addie Pearson Bailey Grace Smith Greenville Annie Smaw Henderson Mary Chauncey Belhaven 1915 Connie Bishop Wilson Clara Davis Wright Washington Alumnae 173 Bettie Spencer Washington Rubelle Forbes Greenville Ernestine Forbes Greenville Clara Griffin Macclesfield Sallie Jackson Greenville Ruth Proctor Rocky Mount Millie Roebuck Robersonville Christine Johnston Greenville Christine Tyson Greenville Vera Mae Waters Pactolus 1916 Jessie Daniel Keysville, Va. Nellie Dunn Ahoskie Lela Durham Dallas Dinabel Floyd Fairmont Allen Gardner Warrenton Viola Gaskins Ayden Alice Herring Rocky Mount Georgia Keene New Bern Martha Lancaster Battleboro Lucile O'Brian Oxford Kathrine Parker Marjorie Pratt Marion Louise Smaw Henderson Trilby Smith . Greenville Alma Spivey Elizabeth City Lida Taylor Goldsboro Gladys Warren Greenville Eunice Vause Warsaw Lida Taylor, '16, and Lela Newman, '15, had a most successful year in the Aurora Graded School last winter. They gave an operetta, "A Day in Flowerdom," for commencement. Lida and Lela say that they almost lost their sweet dispositions while training the fifty wrigglers for this, hut they were well rewarded for their trouble on the final night. Lela will teach in the Durham Graded Schools next year. Edna Campbell, '11, taught Primary Methods at the Summer School of the University of Mississippi this summer. Gelene Ijames, '15, Euth Proctor, '15, Edna Stewart, '15, and Kate Tillery, '15, took special work at Chapel Hill this summer. Mary Chauncey, '14, as leader of the primary division of the Teach- ers Association of the "Warrenton Graded School, wrote a paper on Public School Music, and read it at one of the monthly meetings of the Association. She illustrated the paper by teaching a model lesson in 174 The Training School Quarterly music. This paper was published in the county paper. Mary says that Warrenton is a splendid place, and it must be so as she expects to return in the fall. Estelle Greene, '12, Florence Blow, '12, Inez Pittman, '13, Juanita Dixon, Ml, Bettie Pearle Fleming, '13, Maude Anderson, '15, Nellie Koebuck, '15, Mattie Bright, '14, Bettie Spencer, '15, Emma Brown, '15, Ernestine Forbes, '15, Bubelle Forbes, '15, were among the students of the Training School this summer. Clara Davis Wright, '15, spent part of June at Shelby, her old home, and while there visited other places of interest in the mountains. Elizabeth Southerland, '16, attended the Lynch-Dnpree wedding in Greenville in June. Katie Sawyer, '15, and Leona Cox, '15, attended the summer session of the Cullowhee Training School this summer. Pearle Davis, '15, and Mabel Davis, '15, attended the Beaufort County Institute, which was held in Washington during the month of June. Gladys Fleming, '14, taught first and second grades at Watertown, Tenn., last year. During the winter her grades gave the play, "Sleep- ing Beauty," which was a crowning success. Ten bookcases for the school library were bought with the proceeds from the play. They now have $39 in the treasury of the Womens' Club for next year. Annie Smaw, '14, taught the ninth and tenth grades in the Franklin- ton graded school last winter. She organized a literary society in these grades which met every two weeks. The society gave a Bryant- Irving-Cooper program in November, a Christmas program in Decem- ber, and a Washington program in February. The debaters from this school won in the triangle debate and went to Chapel Hill. Their society also sent a representative to the Wake Forest Declamation contest. The Senior class gave the play, "All a Mistake." This was to raise money for a class gift to the school. Alice Medlin, '13, and Agnes Pegram, '14, taught in the Franklinton School also and gave an entertainment for the second and third grades this spring. Alumnae 175 Christine Johnston, '15, writes from the Normal: "You ask what I am doing. Well, I'm getting ready for harder work next year. I'm going over my school days, but this time it is at the Normal instead of on 'the hill.' Really I can almost imagine myself at the Training School, for the atmosphere of work is the same. The problems of teachers seem to be the same the world over. "I often hear our school spoken of by both girls and teachers, and it does me good to see that people are realizing more and more the true worth of the Training School. It is worth a trip to the Normal to see the close rela- tion of the two schools. I am particularly interested in the playground work up here this summer, as I want to try it on our New Bern children next winter. "Last year I did first grade work. Two other Training School girls, Willie Green Day, and Eliza Branch, were fellow-workers, while Miss Mollie Heath, who taught in the Model School one summer, was the source of help in solv- ing many problems. We always go back to our alma mater for help and are proud to be her daughters." Estelle Green, '12, did not teach last year, hut she is attending Sum- mer School and expects to return to the ranks and do her "hit" fighting for the cause. Nell Pender, '11, and Margaret Blow, '11, will teach in Charlotte next year. Margaret taught there last year. Kuebelle and Ernestine Forbes, '15, have been doing substitute work in Greenville, and will continue the same for the coming term. Mattie H. Bright, '14, goes to the Dixie School in Edgecombe County. She will have the intermediate grades. The following is a clipping from the Greenville Reflector: Memorial Baptist Church was the scene of a beautiful wedding Thursday afternoon, June 7, at 4:30 o'clock, when Miss Mary Lucy Dupree be- came the bride of Mr. John P. Lynch of Duke. The church was tastefully decorated for the occasion. The choir loft and rostrum were covered with white and banked with ferns and palms. Sweet peas were used in profusion, and the soft light from the many tapers added beauty to the scene. Mrs. Lina Baker furnished the wedding muisc and played several selections while the guests were assembling. She played Tannhauser's march as the bridal party entered and changed into Lohengrin's "Here Comes the Bride" as the bride appeared. Schubert's Serenade was softly played during the ceremony and Mendelssohn's Wedding March was used as a recessional. Just before the ceremony Miss Inez Pittman sweetly sang "At Dawning." [Here followed a description of the wedding. Bettie Pearl Fleming, '13, was one of the bridesmaids.] Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Lynch left on the Coast Line for a bridal tour, after which they will be at home in Duke. The bride 176 The Training Schooi. Quarterly is the only daughter of Mrs. R. Hyman. She is attractive and popular among a wide circle of friends. The groom holds a responsible position in Duke. He has visited here several times and has won a host of friends. Millie Roebuck, '15, is spending most of her vacation in Hayne, Ark. She is visiting her brother and uncle. She writes interesting letters of the trip across the mountains, the stop in Memphis, crossing the Missis- sippi River and the section in which she is staying. She hopes to attend an institute while in Arkansas and says she hopes to show those people something about what our schools are doing, too. She stayed at the Training School for the first two weeks of the summer term. School Notes Celebration July 2 marked the ninth anniversary of the break- of "Founders ing of ground for the first building of the Training y School. Each year some special feature calls attention to the date. This year President Wright delivered an address to the school which carried the minds of the audience out from this actual spot into the great world events of today and finally brought them back home, but with vision broadened so that they could see the place of this school and the teachers of North Carolina in the world of the future. Mr. Wilson exhibited the shovel used in breaking the ground nine years ago and showed the picture taken of those who took part in that interesting ceremony. He referred to the beginning of the school and to those who saw the vision of the school, fixed it in mind and gave themselves to it. He said that he would not dwell upon the actual history of the school nor its wonderful growth, except to say that when these buildings were placed here the builders believed they had built for ten years at least, and more room was needed after the second year. "No other man in North Carolina has so clear a vision of the rural school as President Wright has, and no other man is better equipped for his place as leader," said Director Wilson in introducing President Wright. The address proved that he had a vision of the world-wide importance of the school-teacher. It is published in full in this num- ber of the Quarterly. Dr. Henry A. West, the new president of the Mary- A Visitor 1 ''' Ut - r land State Normal School, which has recently been rebuilt and enlarged, was a visitor in the home of President Wright during the month of July. He and President Wright have been intimately associated in school work in Baltimore. Dr. West has for some time been professor of Secondary Education in the Uni- versity of Cincinnati. The faculty and students were fortunate in having the opportunity of meeting him and hearing him talk. He is a man of magnetism and force. In his talk he won his audience at first by indulging in pleas- antries and personalities, but after he had won them he turned swiftly and surely to the message he had for them. He talked on the move- ment to eliminate all things not useful, stressing the interpretation of the word useful. The word should have liberal significance, and what- ever has demonstrable good should be considered useful, he believes. Music, art, flowers to him are useful in this broader meaning of the word. He commented on the fact that he noticed soldiers guarding bridges as he came down. The schools should follow the example of the sol- 178 The Training School Quarterly diers in service : they leave behind all the baggage they do not actually need. He said that the schools should ask tbe question, "What tradi- tional subjects do not operate? "What should be left out?" These should not be influenced by personal liking, age and traditions, or by anything except by the idea of usefulness in the broader sense. He stressed the importance now of teaching things in connection with events. He told of observing a class in Caesar which was studying the campaigns of Caesar that were exactly in the spot where the line of battle now is, and there had been absolutely no connecting of the two. The "Machinis bellis" had not been compared to the machines of war now. He urged the students to connect present situations with what- ever they teach. He suggested that teachers think of themselves as sentries watching bridges. "Have all the equipment necessary professionally, and have nothing that will take your minds from the work you are doing." D Dr. E. H. Broughton, president of the Baraca and Baraca- ° ' l Philathea Pbilatbea Sunday School classes of North Carolina, ' SUO! visited the school on the morning of July 3, and talked to the students. It was especially interesting to hear a serious religious talk from a man who was neither a preacher nor a teacher. His topic was, "The life that wins is the life that puts I into action." He read the story of the blind man whose vision was restored by Christ, stressing the point that the man with one of his faculties closed did not refuse to allow Christ to operate on him. Although we have no interest in the egotist, the speaker said, we have no interest in the man who does not think well of himself and who does not put himself into whatever he does. Mr. W. Tom Bost, one of the best known newspaper men in the State, delivered an address at the school one evening in June. It was an earnest, sincere appeal to the students to live up to the highest and best in themselves. Dr. E. "W. Knight made a talk to the students at the morning Assem- bly the last morning he was here. He gave them some excellent points to think about and to put into practice as they go about their work nsxt year. Mrs. Hollowell was the first visitor to the summer school. She dropped in On us the second morning and made an excellent talk on the importance of fire prevention and ways and means of decreasing the fires in this State. School Notes 179 „ . „ The whole attention in the Department of Home servation Economies this summer has been centered on the con- servation of food, methods of drying vegetables and fruits, putting up vegetables and fruits. The course sent out in outline by Mr. Hoover, food commissioner, will be given. The new method of preserving vegetables by fermentation is being tried out. The students were taught to can chicken because it is just as nice for salads and creamed chicken as the fresh chicken, and the chicken food is saved. How to preserve eggs in water-glass is one of the things learned, and how to pack butter. Convenient drying pans of wire-netting have been designed and made at the school. Mrs. Beckwith entertained the faculty and officers of the school on the evening of June 7. Rook was the order of the evening. A guess- ing contest caused a great deal of fun, as the guesses had to be made in rhvme. On Saturday evening, June 23, the students were Evening ' ooal given a delightful time socially. A faculty committee planned a series of amusements, and groups of students, with a guide, passed from one to another. In some places were con- tests, in others, story-telling and singing, and other things. Perhaps the most popular feature of the evening was a hypnotic stunt by Miss McPhaii. The Chautauqua continued through the second week of the summer school. The students attended well and enjoyed it greatly. The members of the faculty who are not on the campus this summer send in reports of pleasant vacations. Miss Graham is at the University of Chicago. Miss Davis is spending the summer in Montana. She will visit the State University. Misses Ray and Whiteside are at Peabody College for Teachers. Miss Hill is in Florida. Miss Muffly is spending the summer in her cottage at La Porte, Pa. Miss Fahnestock is at her home in Harrisburg, Pa. Miss Jones, President Wright's private secretary, is taking a vaca- tion this summer. Miss Blanche Cromartie is taking her place during her absence. The Young Women's Christian Association has been continued during the summer. It has been under the leadership of Miss Bernie Allen, 180 The Training School Quarterly a member of next year's Senior Class. President Wright led the services on the first Sunday evening. He made a strong talk on the divine in each human being. Some man from the faculty has led the services each evening. These talks have been inspiring and helpful to the students. Dr Ro d ^ r ' Howard Rondthaler, president of Salem College, thaler a early in the summer when in Greenville as the guest of the Salem Alumnae Association of Greenville and Pitt County, visited the Training School and made an address to the stu- dents at the morning assembly hour. His magnetic personality made a deep impression on the students. He gave three reasons why he was especially interested in the Training School, two of them personal and one professional. The professional reason was that he had read the catalogue of the school and had found the school was absolutely true to its catalogue, it was a school doing one specific thing, and claiming to do no other; that means strict honesty of purpose and fulfillment. One of the personal reasons was that he had met students from this school at the Y. W. C. A. Conference at Blue Ridge and had been impressed with the representation from the school. The other personal reason was that he had known the president of the school for years. After these opening personal remarks, Dr. Rondthaler passed swiftly on to some of the interesting things of the day and stressed the idea that the schools must hold fast to what is good. Dr. Rondthaler comes from a school that has seen every war the nation has had. Salem was established in 1772. He said that he slipped out one night and tried to listen for the spirit of the place that had known seven times national war. "War," he said, "is abnormal. There are people who can look beyond and have faith to believe that out of war will come a greater peace." He asked the question, What are we to do? After all, he thinks, the thing for each one to do is to do better the thing he has been doing. This is a high type of patriot- ism. This school he praised because it is absolutely true to its dis- tinctive task; others have become blurred and confused. "The whole knowing State admire this institution for its fidelity to its task." The Junior Class (Class of '18) has sent a box of Red Cross garments to the Red Cross Society. The box contained Work & -iii 48 pajamas, 24 hospital shirts, 24 bath robes, 60 pairs socks, and 24 pairs slippers. The box cost $80. For this the class taxed themselves to the extent of $50. The Class of '19 generously helped by contributing the money for the slippers, which cost $6. At Commencement they had not secured the money for the socks. The School Notes 181 Class of '16 gave $4.50 for these, and that went a long ways towards getting them. Members of the faculty as individuals gave the money for most of the robes. In the sewing the class has many, many friends to thank. Those of the class who could sew well stood faithfully by the task until Com- mencement. As the work was not started until the second week in May there was not very much time. The Senior sewing-bee started the work, and from then the Red Cross sewing has been going on. The members of the class who remained during the summer com- pleted the pajamas and corrected garments, and helped direct the mak- ing of the robes. The summer students have had several sewing-bees, making many of the robes. Some members of the faculty and officers have been very kind. Mrs. Austin has given generous aid, and Mr. Wilson's mother, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Mangum, have been veri- table button-hole factories. The work has been an inspiration to many, and a number of girls who caught the fever here are working in the Red Cross work at home. Sixteen women of the faculty sent a box of bandages in the late spring. They met one evening a week for some time and rolled ban- dages. „ . May 14 was Junior-Senior Day at the Training and Patriotic School. In the afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock the Jun- y iors, Seniors, teachers, and officers of the school sewed, making garments for a box for the Red Cross Society. This was the first part of the entertainment which the Juniors gave in honor of the Seniors. In the evening from 8 to 10:30, a patriotic party was the second part. The afternoon was for work and the evening, reward for work done. The annual reception given to the Seniors by the Juniors is one of the chief social events of the year. This year the Juniors felt that it was not in keeping with the spirit of the times to devote all the time and money to the social side. They decided to have simple refresh- ments and inexpensive decorations and put most of the money on sup- plies for the Red Cross, and have the Seniors and faculty assist them in preparing the box. Some of the merchants were kind to them, letting them have material at low prices. Members of the faculty kindly helped them to plan the work and get it ready so that the work during the sewing-bee would count for a great deal. This part of the work would have been impos- sible without the direction and assistance of Miss Armstrong, teacher of Home Economics. Seventy-two garments were cut ready for the machine or for hand-sewing. As the guests arrived there was no time lost. Each one drew for a working place. At each place was a Junior who had work ready at her 182 The Training School Quarterly machine, and a few minutes after the guests arrived there were twenty- three groups of six each, all busily sewing. There were instructors, girls keeping supplies and materials straight, and others who were ready to act as aids, attaching themselves to any group that needed assistance. The work was carefully organized, so that everybody had something to do. Two rooms and the corridors on the first floor of the Administration building were used* These were decorated with flags, class pennants, and flowers. In the center of each table was a vase of red, white and blue flowers, corn flowers, poppies, and white roses. The corn flower is the Senior flower. The Juniors wore white middy suits. Every one present had a red cross pinned on the arm. The groups of workers made a charming picture. At the end of the first hour's work recess was announced. All dropped work while iced tea was served. During the intermission toasts were proposed to President Wilson, to our soldier boys, and to the Red Cross Society; for the navy Miss Lula Ballance sang "Heave-Ho, My Lads," and the Juniors joined in the chorus. When the 6 o'clock whistle blew many seemed to hate to leave their work and lingered on. Later smaller groups met and continued until all of the garments are completed. PATRIOTIC RALLY PARTY At 8 o'clock the crowd reassembled on the third floor. This time all were in light dresses ready for a good time socially. Girls dressed as nurses met the guests at the head of the steps, and led them to the receiving line. Here the class adviser, Miss Jenkins, introduced them to the line, Miss Thelma White, president of the Junior Class, Presi- dent Wright, Mrs. Beckwith, the lady principal, and Mr. Meadows, the Senior Class adviser. Girls dressed in Boy Scout suits then took charge of the guests and led them to either the army or navy recruiting tent where they enlisted, each one signing her name by a number. Somewhere there was a lucky number that meant a prize. The Seniors were conscripted and had to sign their names in a booklet. After the enlisting the guests were led across the hall and given seats. Uncle Sam and a drummer boy led in a procession of girls in costumes representing the Army, Wavy, the Red Cross, France, John Bull, Belgium, Russia, Italy, and the figures of Justice, Democracy, Liberty, Humanity, etc. Juniors not in cos- tume were grouped near the piano, and as those in costume marched around the room all sang patriotic songs. A Red Cross poem was read by Miss Luna Lassiter, and a Senior, Miss Ophelia O'Brian, responded by reading a poem. The most interesting feature of the latter part of the evening was the distribution of the favors. The Seniors were asked to gather in a School Notes 183 group. Instead of calling the name of the Senior for whom one of the mysterious boxes was intended, the president of the Junior Class gave some bit of fun characterizing the Senior and made them guess who it was. The favors were thimbles. The book which contained the names of the Seniors was presented to the Senior Class adviser by President Wright. He also presented the lucky-number prize to the winner, Miss Vennelle Worthington. The last thing of the evening was a grand march in German style. The students of the Latin Department of the Train- p? tln ing School, under the direction of Miss Waitt, teacher of Latin, gave an exceedingly interesting Latin play on Monday evening, May 21. The play, "A Roman Wedding," by Susan Payon, was arranged for four scenes — the introduction which gave a scene in Cicero's home, the Sponsalia, or the betrothal, the Nuptials, or the wedding ceremony, and the deduction, or the procession to the groom's house. It made the marriage customs of the Romans very clear and vivid to the audience. The lines were in Latin, and even though some could not follow the lines all could follow the events from the action and the expression. ... . Hon. James H. Pou delivered a great war address Address by ° Hon. James on the evening of July 16. This was Red Cross even- • u ing at the Training School. Miss Pattie Wooten, pres- ident of the Greenville Chapter of the Red Cross, and Mrs. Ficklen,. secretary, and Mr. Austin, representative of the Pitt County Chapter, were on the rostrum. Director Wilson introduced the speaker. At the close of the evening Mr. Austin presented the cause of the Red Cross to the audience urging those who had not joined to join on that evening. Mr. Pou gave a comprehensive review of the history of Germany during the last century, tracing tendencies and traits of the people, and showing how the present situation is a logical result of the series of events that have carried her farther and farther away from liberty^ He drew a fine contrast between the French and the German people, proving that the growth and development of liberty in the one had a spiritual blossoming, and the crushing of liberty in the other had reached its climax in a mighty materialism. The address was rich in historical matter, in a logical development of causes and effects, and was excellent in its interpretation of national character and reactions. A full report of the address will probably appear in the next issue of the Quarterly. It was too late for it to be published in full in this issue. 5 184 The Training School Quarterly Work on the Model School will begin at once, so as Addition 1 * 001 to have h ready for the P enin g in tne fal1 - Plans have been accepted and contracts let. A full story will be added. Mr. W. C. Crosby, the Executive Secretary of Community Work, spoke on the evening of July 9, and again at assembly hour the next morning. He delighted the students with stories that were rich, rare, and racy. Each story, however, had a point that flashed on some prob- lem in community service. Sometimes the story was sufficient to stand without application, and again it was aptly applied. Hon. A. D. Ward of New Bern, one of the most prominent lawyers in eastern North Carolina made a talk to the students of the Training School on the evening of July 22. Director Wilson, in his introduc- tion, said he wished the students to get the point of view of a man who had been a teacher, a farmer, and a lawyer — a three-fold view from such a man would have valuable suggestions and observations. Mr. Ward's talk was practical, informal, and was evidently from a rich life experience. The Summer Term Faculty The members of the regular faculty that remained for the summer term are: Mr. C. W. Wilson, who is Director of the Summer Term; Messrs. Austin, Meadows, and Underwood; Misses Comfort, Lewis, Armstrong, Jenkins, Maupin, Herman, Sherman, McFadyen, and Mor- ris. Following is the list of the teachers from other places who are members of the summer faculty : W. R. Mills, superintendent of the Louisburg Graded Schools, has pedagogy. He was a member of the faculty last summer. Mr. Hunter, who teaches History in the Atlanta School of Tech- nology, is teaching History here. He is a native of Sampson County and a graduate of Trinity College. His first teaching was in this State. Dr. E. W. Knight, the newly elected superintendent of Wake County, who was until recently professor of Education at Trinity College, taught History during the first month of the summer term. Mr. Long, superintendent of Northampton County, is teaching His- tory the second month of the term. Mr. Hoy Taylor, superintendent of Greenville Public Schools, is teaching Mathematics. Miss Eva Manor has charge of Public School Music. She is super- visor of Public School Music in the Durham City Schools. Miss Fannie McPhail has charge of Primary Methods. She is super- visor of Consolidated Schools in Stevens County, Oklahoma. She has been specializing in Primary Education at Peabody College for Teach- ers during the past year. Miss Maude Rogers has the special sixth and seventh grades at the Model School. Miss Rogers does special grade work in the Durham Schools. She was in the Model School faculty last summer. Miss Nan Lacy, who is a regular teacher in the Raleigh schools, has the second grade in the Model School. Miss Morris, who usually has the second grade, is teaching the third grade during the summer. ». Students Up to the 9th of July, 334 students registered for the summer term. These are from 43 counties. They teach in 48 counties. Teachers of one-teacher schools 58 Primary teachers 60 Teachers of Intermediate grades 25 Principals 8 Teachers in private schools 2 High School teachers 1 186 The Training School Quarterly The remainder have not taught, hut most of them are planning to teach this fall. Number who have attended the Training School before, 102. Number of High School graduates, 101. Three young women who were members of the Senior Class, hut who had not taken the complete work, returned this summer and expect to get their diplomas at the close of the su mm er term. These are : Elizabeth Baker Fairmont, Robeson County Eunice Hoover Old Trap, Union County Eula Pappindick Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County The following students expect to complete the three terms of the one- year professional course and will get the certificate from the school : Ruth Austin Delia Smith Bessie Barnhill Mrs. Florence Thorne Almira Godfrey Alma Vickers Alia Mae Jordan Mary Willey The following is the roll by counties : Beaufort: Ayre, Lee Belhaven Bennett, Sallie Edward Best, Carrie Edward Bishop, Phrocine Belhaven Bonner, Gaynelle Bonnerton Bright, Mattie H Washington Brown, Mabel Pinetown Carawan, Lizzie Belhaven Carter, Estelle Pungo Clark, Anna B Washington Collins, Velma Belhaven Credle, Leathia Belhaven Cutler, Olive Washington Edwards, Amanda Blount's Creek Elsworth, Mary Lillian Washington Ferrell, Beatrice Edward Gaskins, Louise Aurora Giles, Brownie Washington Gradeless, Viola Belhaven Gurganus, Eva Belhaven Hardy, May Aurora Harris, Mary Emma Royal Hodges, Annie L Washington Price, Fannie Aurora Sawyer, Ruth Belhaven Spencer, Bettie Washington Swanner, Ava Belle Washington Ward, Clara Washington Warren, Lily Mae Chocowinity Summer Teem 187 Beaufort — Continued : Whitley, Goldie Surry Williams, Delia Washington Winfield, Mattie Pantego Woolard, Mrs. S. A Washington Bertie: Bazemore, Eva Lewiston Plythe, Jessie Roxobel Joyner, Dayloe Aulander Keeter, Fannie Avoca Lawrence, Sophia Avoca Miller, Hallie Colerain Phelps, Ferol E Windsor Vaughan, Sallie Ahoskie White, Janie C Aulander Bladen: Caine, Ora Lee White Oak Edge, Plana White Oak McDuffie, Lula Ruskin Melvin, Ruby Elizabethtown Vickers, Alma Ruskin Brunswick: Price, Esther Southport Tharp, Susie Town Creek Camden: Mitchell, Bettie Old Trap Pugh, Janie Old Trap Tillitt, Arc Belcross Carteret: Bell, Blanche Morehead City Hardesty, Maybelle Harlowe Stewart, Maude Gloucester Chowan: Boyce, Beulah Tyner Foxwell, Mary A Edenton Morris, Ada Edenton Columbus: Nance, Lelabelle Evergreen Wells, Elizabeth Acme Craven: Arthur, Amy Askin Bonner, Celia Askin Bonner, Ella W Askin West, Etta Dover Cumberland: Grumpier, Hosic Stedman Geddie, Hettie V Fayetteville Monroe, Alice Manchester Currituck: Austin, Ruth Corolla Lewark, Odessa Seagull Gregory, Maude A Jarvisburg 188 The Training School Quarterly Dare: Creef , Mary East Lake Midyette, Evy Manteo Miller, Nannie Buxton Sanderlin, Jessie East Lake Twiford, Florence Sycamore Twif ord, Gercia Sycamore Duplin: Clifton, Ethel Faison Carr, Ollie Mae Teachey Dixon, Myrtle Rose Hill Goodson, Alvie Mount Olive Jones, Martha Catherine Lake Marshburn, Addie Wallace Outlaw, Stella Seven Springs Perrett, Mary Faison Sandlin, Jennie Beulaville Simmons, Dearie Seven Springs Smith, Johnnie Albertson Whitfield, Blanche Mount Olive Whitfield, Mabel Mount Olive Edgecombe: Crisp, Cinnie Pinetops Moses, Ellen Tarboro Powell, Kate Rocky Mount Taylor, Enid Bethel Thorne, Mrs Pinetops Whichard, Minnie Butue Franklin: House, Nannie Spring Hope Harper, Lillian Castalia Lamm, Pattie Mapleville Perry, Florence Franklinton Sledge, Clara Louisburg Tharrington, Emma Louisburg Gates : Hobbs, Abbie Belvidere Hollowell, Carrie Hobbsville Rountree, Ellie Hobbsville Russell, Sibyl Hobbsville Greene: Brooks, Mayme Snow Hill Sugg, Callie Kinston Taylor, Mary Snow Hill Halifax : Britt, Urma Enfield Boyce, Elizabeth Littleton Currie, Bessie Enfield Lowe, Ruby Scotland Neck Myrick, Annie Littleton Vick, Mary Enfield Willey, Mary Enfield Williams, Sallie J Airlie Summer Term 189 Harnett: Godwin, Meta Dunn Hertford: Cobb, Julia B Ahoskie Sumner, Estelle Aulander Sumner, Ethel Aulander Watford, Eva Winton Hyde: Bragg, Kathleen Ocracoke Cox, Blanche B Middletown Lavender, Helen Lake Landing Mann, Edna Edna Murray, Blanche Lake Landing Williams, Pink Scranton Williams, Ruby Swan Quarter Williams, Viola Swan Quarter Johnston: Bailey, Annie Selma Creech, Maggie Benson Etheridge, Ida Kenly Godwin, Lerma Benson Godwin, Bessie Benson Johnson, Cora Benson Moore, Cecil Pair Oaks Pope, Pearl Kenly Sanders, Sallie Pour Oaks Turlington, Callie Benson Jones: Hurst, Minnie Maysville Mattox, Beatrice Maysville Lee: Jarrell, Edna Jonesboro Thomas, Katie Jonesboro Lenoir: Carr, Ina Mae Kinston Cauley, Mary Kinston Croom, Rebecca Kinston Kennedy, Jessie La Grange Russell, Bessie Lee La Grange Sugg, Glenn Kinston Martin : Ange, Eva Gladys Jamesville Davenport, Maggie Hamilton Hough, Nina Everett's Hines, Irma Hamilton Holliday, Ruth Jamesville Roberson, Annie Parmele Robertson, Mary Hamilton Rogers, Olivia Hamilton Teel, Ray Everett's 190 The Training School Quarterly Nash: Alford, Eleanor Middlesex Boone, Eugenia Castalia Daniel, Sarah Middlesex Lancaster, Maude Castalia Lewis, Leigh Middlesex Luper, Maggie Sharpsburg Morgan, Essie Middlesex White, Ollie Middlesex New Hanover: Brown, Vila Lee Wilmington Northampton: Brown, Emma J Rich Square Britton, Mary L Seaboard Britton, Elizabeth Conway Elliott, Lucy Rich Square Johnson, Mildred Woodward Nelson, Mary Rich Square Parker, Audrey Seaboard Onslow: Basden, ^va Richlands Beasley, Eva Snead's Ferry Dixon, Ethel Verona Edens, Pearl Holly Ridge Everett, Millie Holly Ridge Hewitt, Lillie Catherine Lake Pamlico: Bennette, Cassie Arapahoe Brinson, Minnie Arapahoe Brinson, Maude Arapahoe Cutler, Mamie Alliance Dawson, Joella Bayboro James, Lillie Merritt Miller, Belle Maribel Ensley, Beatrice Arapahoe Pasquotank: Ives, Sarah Okesko Lister, Maude Elizabeth City Pappindick, Eula Elizabeth City Pender : Fisher, Berta Maple Hill Johnson, Annie Willard King, Eva Sloop Point Sidbury, Edith Scott's Hill Walker, Lena Burgaw Wells, Callie Willard Perquimans : Barclift, Lessie Durant's Neck Chappell, Luna Belvidere Godfrey, Almira Hertford Summer Term 191 Person: Ashley, Eva Roxboro Brooks, Annie Roxboro Hall, Alma Roxboro Wilkerson, Mary Roxboro Pitt: Allen, Bernie Winterville Andrews, Ruth Bethel Barnhill, Bessie Greenville Bryan, Annie Greenville Blow, Margaret Greenville Barwick, Ruth Grif ton Carroll, Annie Greenville Cox, Blanche B Winterville Cox, Carey Winterville Cox, Lena Winterville Caraway, Mrs. W. B Farmville Edmonson, Clyde Bethel Exum, Geneva Greenville Exum, Novella Greenville Exum, Rosa a . . Greenville Everett, Johnnie H Stokes Forbes, Ernestine Greenville Forbes, Rubelle Greenville Fleming, Bettie Pearl Greenville Godley, Ethel Grimesland Greene, Estelle Greenville Harper, Clara Belle Winterville Harris, Lucy Greenville Jenkins, Leota Greenville Johnson, Dorothy Winterville . Jones, Clara Greenville Kittrell, Annie Grimesland Kittrell, Olive Grimesland Lee, Maude Greenville Lister, Goldie Greenville Moore, Madeline Bethel Moye, Bessie Lee Greenville Munford, Katie Greenville Parker, Reid Falkland Pender, Nell Greenville Pollard, Madeline House Purser, W. H Vanceboro Rountree, Louise Greenville Smith, Delia Greenville Smith, Ethel Greenville Taylor, Ruth Greenville Teel, Claudia Greenville Thomas, Edith Stokes Vincent, B. F Greenville Whitehead, Minnie Winterville Wooten, Helen Chicod Worthington, Isabelle Winterville 192 The Training School Quarterly Robeson: Baker, Elizabeth Fairmont Blackwell, Lillian Lumberton Bracey, Carolina Rowland Bracey, Kate Rowland Powell, Mattie Lumberton Steele, Marjorie .Lumberton Sampson: Daughtry, Eva Paison Greene, Hettie . . : Parkersburg Hunter, Daisy Turkey Lewis, Ruth Clinton McLamb, Flossie Newton Grove Tyrrell: Jones, Hettie Gum Neck Vance: Newton, Bessie Lee Kittrell Wake: Coley, Alice Raleigh Dunn, Mary Raleigh Jordan, Alia Mae McCullers Warren : Clark, Jimmie Inez Robertson, Mabel Marmaduke Washington: Allen, Maude Plymouth Barco, Ethel Roper Barco, Lillie Roper Bateman, Clara Plymouth Davenport, Mary Plymouth Minnie Hodges Mackey's Norman, Stella Creswell Spruill, Lula Creswell Swindell, Alethia Creswell Williams, Gladys Creswell Woodley, Annie Creswell Wayne : Becton, Cora Lee Fremont Grantham, Annie Bentonville Jernigan, Callie Genoa Jones, Elberta Mount Olive McCullen, Georgia Mount Olive Pipkin, Mary Goldsboro Smith, Chloe Goldsboro Suther, Anna Goldsboro Suther, Evelyn Goldsboro Taylor, Sallie Mount Olive Taylor, Stella Mount Olive FROM VIRGINIA Mills, Katherine Rocky Mount Windley, May Portsmouth Summer Term 193 The students who entered after July 9 are as follows: Batts, Nannie Macclesfield, Edgecombe County- Bowling, Nannie Greenville, Pitt County Bowers, Martha Littleton, Halifax County Bulluck, M. Georgia Battleboro, Edgecombe County Council, Helen Hamilton, Martin County Darden, E. Jeannette Hertford, Perquimans County Eason, Nina Belle Tyner, Chowan County Edwards, J. H Mount Olive, Wayne County Futrell, Bessie Rich Square, Northampton County Gaynor, Eva Farmville, Pitt County Harrell, Lillie M Colerain, Bertie County Jackson, Sallie Greenville, Pitt County Jones, Valeria Eureka, Wayne County Kirman, Cora V Marshallburg, Carteret County Matthews, Mamie L Littleton, Halifax County McCallum, Eva Rowland, Robeson County White, Mary M Colerain, Bertie County Williams, Bettie Ahoskie, Bertie County These bring the number for the summer to 352. Higgs-Taft Furniture Co. PHONE 79 We are Headquarters for High Grade and Medium Price Furniture. We furnish the Home Complete on easy payments. You name the price, we make the terms BEFORE BUYING SEE US HIGGS-TAFT FURNITURE CO. 701 DICKERSON AVENUE CASH OR CREDIT GREENVILLE, N. C. J. R. & J. O. MOYE You are cordially invited to visit our store, where you will find a well selected and up-to-date line of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Coat Suits, Coats, Shoes, Oxfords and Toilet Articles. Your patronage will be appreciated J. R. «& J. G. MOYE CJje framing ^cfiool (Quarterly ©ttobtx, Mobtmbtv, ©ecemtoer 1917 Table of Contents The Joyner School 196 No Compromise Peace 199 James H. Pou. What Shall We Teachers Do? 208 Anonymous. Food Production and Conservation in North Carolina 212 J. P. Lucas. The Quest of Pood Substitutes 216 Martha Abmstbono. War Reminiscences 217 Miles O. Sherrill. Patriotic Music in the Grades 220 Sallie Best. Address on the Maryland School System 223 Samuel M. Noeth. Impressions of the University of Chicago 226 Maria B. Graham. Editorials 231 Departments — Suggestions : Conversation Lessons on the Home 237 The Harvest as a Language Topic 239 Indian Legends 241 Assignments for Teaching Pandora. 243 Checking-up Thought-Getting 244 A Columbus Contest ' 245 Language and Number Work 247 Cutting of Playground Games 248 Random Suggestions for Opening Exercises • 249 Notes from Observers 250 Reviews 252 Alumnse 261 School Activities 269 School News 277 -,_.*»V - :'■■& ' '■v.^ , ^.i (1 and 3) The Joyner School the Opening Day. (2) President Wright, Superintendent Underwood, and the Faculty of the School Wi)t framing ikftool (©uarterlp Vol. 4 October, November, December, 1917. No. 3 The Public Schools and World Democracy To School Officers: The war is bringing to the minds of our people a new appreciation of the problems of national life and a deeper understanding of the meaning and aims of democracy. Matters which heretofore hare seemed commonplace and trivial are seen in a truer light. The nrgent demand for the production and proper distribution of food and other national resources has made us aware of the close depend- ence of individual on individual and nation on nation. The effort to keep np social and industrial organization in spite of the withdrawal of men for the army has revealed the extent to which modern life has become complex and specialized. These and other lessons of the war must be learned quickly if we are intelligently and successfully to defend our institutions. "When the war is over we must apply the wisdom which we have acquired in purging and ennobling the life of the world. In these vital tasks of acquiring a broader view of human possibilities the common school must have a large part. I urge that teachers and other school officers in- crease materially the time and attention devoted to instruc- tion bearing directly on the problems of community and national life. Such a plea is in no way foreign to the spirit of Ameri- can public education or of existing practices. Nor is it a plea for a temporary enlargement of the school program appropriate merely to the period of the war. It is a plea for a realization in public education of the new emphasis which the war has given to the ideals of democracy and to the broader conception of national life. WOODROW WILSON. The Joyner School A Model Rural School The East Carolina Teachers Training School from its Plans and beginning has held to the idea that about 85 per cent of its students should teach country children, since about 85 per cent of our people live in the country, or small villages. We do not believe that all of our students should go to the country districts any more than we believe all of our students should go into the graded schools. This being a State institution, we believe that it is our duty to prepare for all of the public schools of the State. It has been our desire to have connected with the Training School a real country school, but until recently we have not been able to do so. We hold to the idea that if children are transported from the country into the towns that we cannot in that way get a country school. All propositions for transferring of students in the town's graded school, the idea of building a one-room rural school in the town and transport- ing children to it, or the idea of having an ungraded group as a country school, has never met with my approval, because no one of these plans will give a country school. Unless the school is in the country, with country ideals and standards, with the country environment, it can never be called a typical country school. Since the Training School opened we have been forced to do our ob- servation and practice teaching in the four-room Model School. (This building is now being enlarged to am eight-room school). This is, of necessity, graded school work, but it was the only thing available. The result has been that we have not been able to do observation and prac- tice work for the rural schools; but the work however, in our Model School, and the type of teacher employed by the school as critic teacher, has been making itself felt in our town and community. The improve- ment of the roads and the fact that a few of our graduates came from the neighborhood of the Joyner School has led this community to get interested and, as a result, in May of this year, we were asked by the school committeemen through the County Superintendent to take over the Joyner School and make of it a Model School for teachers of rural schools, along the same general lines of our Model Graded School. This school has enough students to be developed into a full-fledged three-room country school. As our State Department of Education is trying to make the three-teacher school the State's type of country school, and as the Training School needs very much a country school for observation and practice purposes, when the matter was placed before our Board of Trustees, June 5, and they were told that this is our opportunity — the The Joyner School 197 one we have been looking for for eight years — "It was moved and sec- onded that the Training School take over the Joyner School, to be used as a Model School, at a cost not to exceed $500. Unanimously car- ried." This extract from the Minutes of the Board shows clearly that not only the teachers and officers in the Training School, but that the Board of Trustees, realize the importance of having a school of this type. The appropriation allowed for this school is to cover the expense of the transportation of students from the Training School to the Joyner School, and to supplement the county funds for salaries for teachers. The school committeemen have not relinquished any of their authority in connection with the school, only with reference to teachers. They have left it entirely with the President of the Training School and the County Superintendent to secure the teachers for this school. This is the first school in our State to be taken over by a normal school and used as a training school for rural teachers. Robert H. Wright, President East Carolina Teachers Training School. To the Pitt County school administration the taking Inspiration over of tne j oyner School by the East Carolina Teaich- to Others . . _ f ... . T ers Training School comes as a distinct opportunity. It is a pleasure to us to put this school at their disposal, and to cooperate with them in every possible way. Building up a strong three-teacher school at this point will be a wonderful stimulus to every other school in the county. We can go there for inspiration and suggestion in the solution of many problems. We hope to use the teachers of this school, and their experiences, in our teachers' meetings and in various other ways for aid in the county work. Perhaps the most valuable service the school will render the county will be as an object lesson to show other communities what such a school can and will accomplish in a community. We hope and believe that it will lead to the strengthening of our whole system. We regard it as a wonderful opportunity, and we hope we can rise to the occasion and take full advantage of it. S. B Underwood County Superintendent. This Year's Work The plans for the Joyner School, as placed before the teachers, are of broad and farsighted significance. With President Bobert H. Wright, Superintendent S. B. Un- derwood, and the whole Training School back of these, we hope to ob- tain a solution to ai problem that has not yet been satisfactorily solved in 198 The Training School Quarterly our State — that of the three-teacher rural school. To accomplish this, we want, and must have, first, the cooperation of the students, and, second, the whole-hearted cooperation of the community ; and we believe we shall get both. As yet the development of our plans is in its first stage. The grada- tion of the students is not permanently settled, the sanitary conditions in and around the building are not the best, neither is the comfort of the house desirable on a cool day. But we are taking hold of things as they are, working towards things as they ought to be. Thus the social and physical problems of the community are before us first. We hope at the end of our seven months term to leave the Joyner School not only the social center for the teachers and students, but for the whole community. Nancy F. Wall, Principal. On Sunday afternoon, prior to the opening of our The First school on Monday, there were special services held at our school building. Besides the regular minister, Kev. J. M. Daniel of Greenville, there were present President Bobert H. Wright, Superintendent S. B. Underwood, and Mr. C. W. Wilson, all of whom made fitting remarks to the patrons and friends of our school, as to what the school really means to them, and asking their coopera- tion in carrying out the plans involved. This was really a preparation for the problems with which we have to deal. On October 15 we began our work with thirty-six students. Since then our enrollment has reached fifty-eight, twenty-five of whom are in the higher fifth, seventh, and eighth grades, fifteen are in the inter- mediate, or third, fourth, and lower fifth grades, and eighteen are in the primary, or first and second grades. The primary teacher has charge of a music class of eleven pupils. Like other rural schools, we have to deal with poor readers, but with continued effort on our part we hope to teach them how to read -and then we will be better able to decide in what grade each child should be. To help us solve the social problems of the community, we had a mis- cellaneous program on Friday afternoon, November 2, to which the patrons of the school were invited. Only a few responded to the invi- tation, but those present, together with the teachers, formulated plans for a big Community Bally and Improvement Day on the following Fri- day, November 9. We are trying "to serve," and we must succeed. Mary Newby White, Teacher of Intermediate Grades. No Compromise Peace (Speech delivered by James H. Pou of Raleigh on Founders' Day, Trinity College, Trinity Park, Durham, N. C, October 2, 1917.) PEACE is not near. Peace at this time would not be a blessing. Peace at this time could not be a good peace. Peace at this time would be peace only in name. At best, it would only be a compromise — a truce, in which to prepare for a recommencement of war. Peace now would be like those of Ryswick, Aix-la-Chapelle, and Amiens — a mere breathing spell before renewing the titanic struggle. Such a peace would be a calamity almost as great as the war ; for soon as it were made every country would begin feverishly, and to the limit of its power, preparing for the war which all would know was just ahead. There would be no time to develop the occupations of peace, nor time to repair the ravages or assuage the sufferings of this war. We would work under the shadow of war; and in our sleep the night- mare of war would ever haunt us. If peace were a compromise, all the blood spilled and all the treasure spent will have been in vain. But if the Great Alliance shall win a complete victory, the war will be worth all it will have cost ; for this world will have endured its supreme tragedy, and a better day and a better world will be at hand. A compromise peace would be an illogical conclusion to this war. This war is not merely a conflict between nations and peoples, on a collossal scale. It is this and more. It is an irrepressible struggle for world supremacy between two conflicting and irreconcilable ideas. If either of these ideas shall decisively win, this will be the last great war. The world will hereafter, in such case, live under the dominion of force, directed from Berlin; or it will live under the spirit of international fraternity regulated by a great world tribunal. If neither idea shall gain complete victory, the war must be fought again, with added horrors, and still more appalling carnage. The idea of government by force finds its highest expression in the Prussian system. Prussia is the one government that has not now, and never has had, a friend. Prom the day it was founded, to this day, it has never had, and apparently has never sought, the friendship of any other nation. Its plan for an alliance is first to attack and defeat its future partner, and, having shown its power, accept the defeated coun- try as an ally or a partner. During my life Prussia has ruthlessly and without necessity, almost without excuse, overrun every other Teutonic nation; Holland and Switzerland (if they be called teutonic) alone excepted. She made 200 The Training School Quaeteelt war on and robbed Denmark in 1864. In 1866 sbe made war on Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, and the smaller states, and crusted and annexed Hanover and Brunswick. Sbe then formed tbe North German Con- federation and took control of all German states except Austria. Some years later sbe accepted Austria as an ally. Not one of these German states has any love for Prussia. And Prussia does not expect love. The very name, Prussia, carries such bitter memories that it is seldom used. Prussia rules Germany and all her allies with rods of iron and whips of scorpions. But she uses the name Germany whenever possible ; and the name Prussia only when no other name can be used. The sub- jection of Germany to the will and power of Prussia was the most unfortunate development of the nineteenth century. From that cause grew this war. The conquest of Germany by Prussia made this struggle for world supremacy both inevitable and final. The world was slow to grasp the true significance of the Prussian spirit. In fact, the world refused to believe that this spirit was what Prussian publicists and writers declared it to be. Let us call some of the greatest Prussians and let them speak. General Blucher in 1815 visited London as the honored guest of a grateful nation. In viewing the city he exclaimed : "What a city to loot !" People thought it was a grim, rather coarse, Prussian joke; smiled, and passed it by. Three-quarters of a century later, Bismarck, writing of war, said that the civil populations of conquered or occupied countries should be so treated that they would have nothing left "but eyes to weep with." General Bernhardi, Prussia's greatest military writer, in his books declared that peaceful occupations were for common people, the lowly, and for serfs ; that the only honorable pursuit is war. That war was the noblest pursuit of man, and, rightly conducted, the most profitable. Prussia's favorite and official historian, Professer Treitscbke, taught in the universities, and advocated in his books, the dogma that the "will to power" is the highest manifestation of human intellect. He had contempt for the idea that any duty or obligation rested on the strong man, or the strong nation, to help the weak. On the contrary, it was tbe right and the duty of the strong to overcome the weak. If the weaker man or nation can be used by the stronger, then use him or it. If of no use, then destroy them from the face of the earth. He taught that to help the weak and feeble was wrong. He believed that the weak were abortions of nature, and that, instead of being helped, they had best be removed as useless cumberers of the earth, whose places should be taken by the strong. He taught that a strong nation must not be bound by treaty. A treaty might be made as a temporary expe- dient ; but tbe moment tbe treaty became an obstacle to the development of a strong nation, that moment must the treaty be brushed aside. He said that it were the grossest sin for a nation to allow a treaty to stand in the way of manifest destiny. 'No Compkomise Peace 201 Nietzche, son of a minister, renounced religion, deified power, and taught that war was the supreme good; that men were made to he sol- diers; that soldiers should take what they would; that the function of women were to gratify the passions of soldiers and to raise children to he soldiers. He said that ignorant people in the market places some- times spoke of God. But they were foolish people; for God was dead. In 1900 when the emperor was bidding farewell to the expeditionary force, leaving for China to put down the Boxer uprising, he told his soldiers to take no prisoners ; to slay men, women, and children, and to so act that no Chinaman for a thousand years would dare look ask- ance at a German. The world heard and read these things, but did not grasp their ter- rible significance. Bather, the world regarded them as figures of speech, grossly out of harmony with the age ; in exceeding bad taste ; but not seriously intended; and certainly never to be put in practice. We know now that these were true expressions of Prussian spirit. We know now that Prussia does not joke, bluff, exaggerate, or utter idle threats. Every word was uttered or written in absolute earnestness and in the deepest sincerity. They have become the creed of Prussia ; and this wair and its horrors are the fruition of this creed. Germany has accepted as gospel these vile principles. This war and its conduct are the concrete expressions of this belief. So fully do the German people seem to believe this creed that they are, or seem to be, surprised that civilization is shocked by their conduct. They seem to believe that their attack on Belgium was no sin. They believed it was to their advantage. According to Professor Trietschke, it was not only right to violate the treaty, but it would have been a mortal sin not to have done so. Hence Bethman-Hollweg's impatience with the British minister on August 3, 1914, when the minister reminded Hollweg that both England and Prussia had recognized and guaranteed the independ- ence and neutrality of Belgium. England had never been at war with Prussia ; had often been her ally ; and Bethman-Hollweg could not under- stand how any country would feel compelled to go to war for a mere promise. He said with wonder and impatience: "Will you go to war for a scrap of paper ?" In obedience to these teachings, Germany has made war in the fashion of the dark ages. Her conduct in this war is a combination of the effi- ciency of the twentieth with the savagery of the tenth century. And Germany is surprised that the world is horrified. Germany has made scraps of paper of her treaties, and she has cast to the winds all rules of civilized warfare, and all agreements respecting the decencies and humanities of war. Hence the destruction of all property ; the devasta- tion of peaceful countrysides ; the cutting down of orchards ; the poison- ing of wells; the shooting of priests; the burying alive of civil officers 202 The Training School Quarterly suspected of secreting public money or records; the killing of wounded and of prisoners; the wholesale outrage of womanhood; fighting with burning oil and poisonous gas; scientific distribution of disease germs; (bombing hospitals and Red Cross establishments. These things reveal Germany as Prussia has made her in the last half century: a curse to mankind, the negation of all religion and of all civilization. She is an outlaw nation, ruled by criminals. Her generals are literally high- waymen ; her officers, confirmed thieves stealing from private houses ; the soldier brave, but constrained to act as a brutish savage. This is the Germany of today. God help us to clothe her and restore her to her right mind. Germany, under Prussian rule, is today the most malign and dangerous power which has existed since the world began. Before Prussia subjected Germany to her will Germany was as other nations. She took her full part in the spiritual and moral life of the world. In some lines she was a leader. But in the last half century nothing that is not material, grossly material, has come out of Germany. Books by the thousand have been written in Germany; but they are all of science, trade, chemistry, socialism, atheism, war, and the worship of power and success. And like the books, the men — Scientists, Mate- rialists, Anarchists, Socialists, Atheists, Soldiers, Sycophants, Spies, by the tens of thousands ; strong, efficient men and captains of industry, but without conscience or soul. She has not produced in a generation a man or a book with any helpful message or any word of comfort to mankind. No appeal to the spirit can be found in German life or literature since Prussia be- came Germany. Note that I have quoted from none but Germans. I am letting Ger- mans give expression to their ideals. Let me now call as witnesses two Germans of a former generation. About a century ago Baron Fouque, a Prussian officer, wrote a little book — an allegory — which is entitled to a place in every library along with Rasselas, Fior de Alisa, Paul and Virginia and Piceiola. He called the book Undine. It is the story of a wood sprite, captured in infancy, adopted and reared as a human be- ing. She developed into a beautiful and intellectual woman. But she was incapable of affection, gratitude, kindness, or humanity. She was cynical, cruel, mocking, and almost vicious. The good people by whom she was reared were distressed and sent for the village priest. He said that Undine was not a woman; that she was without soul and without conscience. Prussia is today the Undine of nations. Goethe, the greatest of German poets (and one of the world's great poets), born in Prussia, and knowing Prussians as they are, described them with the accuracy of a demonstration in science. He said: "The Prussian is a savage, and education makes him ferocious." No Compromise Peace 203 I will call another German witness ; not a Prussian, a Saxon — Wagner. He was a reformer, almost a republican, a revolutionist. After 1848 he became an exile and fled to France for life and refuge. After years he was permitted to return to Germany, if he would not go to Saxony, but live in Bavaria. He accepted the terms, and spent the remainder of his life in Bavaria and became the favorite poet and composer of his race. His work will live as long as German language or German music will be heard by man. While in exile he conceived the idea, and partly wrote, his great Tetralogy. He used the gods of German Mythology as the personages of his drama. The gods desired a new and greater palace, and made a contract with the giants to build the palace. As compensation the giants were to have the daughters of the gods for wives. The palace was built, but the gods refused to premit their daughters to marry men. To satisfy the giants, the gods robbed the Rhine maidens of their mystic, miraculous, magic hoard of gold — the gold which was a blessing to its rightful owners, but which brought a curse to any one who held it wrongfully. Soon as the giants obtained the gold, their power became immense, but all haip- piness vanished. As the stolen gold passed from one to another both power and evil increased. Crime after crime, each of deeper villainy, followed fast. All who touched the gold or came within its influence, became enmeshed in sin and crime. However much power increased, evil was always greater. Gods, heroes, giants, valkyrs, volsungs, nibe- lungs, dwarfs, all who came near were drawn into the whirlpool of sin. Every promise became perjury, every act a fraud, every marriage a tragedy, every feast had its poison cup, every hunting party an assassi- nation. The land was foul with crime and red with murder. Gods and men saw that it must end. Here the magic gold, the unbreakable sword, the spear which knew no brother and which no man could splinter ; the invisible helmet ; the enchanted horse ; and the knowledge of the language of the birds (whereby they knew what was happening over the entire world). But all failed. The sword was broken. The spear was shiv- ered. The invisible helmet lost its potency ; and the bird spies brought evil news. The very earth was sick of crime. The stolen gold is re- turned to the Bhine maidens. And the daughter of the god least guilty decrees the doom of all who took part in the crime. She rides the enchanted horse into the blazing funeral pyre of her murdered husband, but not until she has taken a torch and set fire to the palace of the gods. The last scene shows the palace in flames, and every god clothed in royal robes sitting around the council table, crown on head, scepter in hand, sword beside, calmly, bravely awaiting his fate in the burning palace, around which has been piled the limbs and the wood riven from the trunk of the world-spreading ash tree. The funeral pyre consumes the 204 The Training School Quarterly hero and his spouse. The palace burns with every heathen god. As they burn, the curtain falls, and Wagner pronounces this epilogue : "At last the dreadful day of doom has dawned, The curse has worked its wrath, despair and death, At last the twilight of the gods has come, And Wotan's loveless kingdom is at end. At last the gathering night has covered all, And the cruel reign of loveless law is done. Now dawns the day of nobler men and deeds, And a new world under Love's great law begins." We thought forty years ago when the tetralogy was rendered, that Wagner had given us a drama of mythology. We know now it was prophecy set to music. Instead of portraying the remote past, he was giving us what was then beginning, and what would soon come to pass. He showed that evil could not be permanent, and that power based on fraud and crime, however strong, must inevitably fall. He described the present German Empire and he cast its horoscope. We are now at war with the Spirit of Prussianism. There can be no compromise. The war must be fought to a finish now or hereafter. This is a fight to the death. The Spirit of Force or' the Spirit of Fraternity must win. The earth is too small to contain both. The government of Germany is the incarnation of evil. It is Antichrist in the flesh. If it be not crushed, this world will not be fit for the habitation of man, and civilization as we understand it must perish. We are at war because Germany made war on us. She made war on us long before we accepted the gage of battle. She began in February, 1915. She sank our ships; drowned our people; covered our land with spies; corrupted industry; subsidized newspapers; attempted to debauch public opinion ; blew up our ships with bombs secretly placed ; destroyed factories; made her diplomatic service in this country a syndicate of crime; plotted with Mexico to make war upon us, and asked her to ar- range with Japan to do likewise; parceled out American States as gifts to her allies ; and finally prescribed certain narrow lanes across the ocean and forbade us under penalty of death to travel elsewhere ; and she even prescribed the colors we must display when we used those lanes. Germany knew this was war, because soon as the note of January 31, 1917, was delivered, German officers and crews of interned vessels in our harbors from Norfolk, Va., half around the globe to Manila, P. I., obeying orders already in hand, destroyed, sank, or disabled their ships full two months before we recognized that war existed. We entered the war regretfully, reluctantly. We wished to avoid it. We did our best to stay out. We risked much for peace. We were deaf N"o Compromise Peace 205 to the call of safety; and slow, fearfully slow in answering the call to duty. God called us in May, 1915 ; and we did not answer. Far better would it have been if we had gone to war when the Lusitania was sunk. Our task, accepted then, would have (been far lighter than when it was forced upon us two years later. But the war can yet be won. The military situation is this : Ger- many cannot, in this war, win a complete victory. She hopes for a compromise peace. She is confident she can win completely in the next war, and become mistress of the world. The Allies can win a complete victory in this war, if they be willing to pay the price. The weight of numbers and of materials is still overwhelmingly with the Allies. De- spite their repeated blunders, both in action and in diplomacy, they still retain the power to beat Germany. If the German Armies be beaten, a revolution at home will overturn every throne in the Central Alliance. The rulers of Germany live on military success and prestige. Defeated in the field, their power at home vanishes. They are fighting for their existence. They are fighting with the coolness of desperate resolve. They are fighting after long training and thorough preparation. They are fighting with singleness of purpose and under an unified command. They possess certain great advantages which they are using to the utter- most. They no longer expect victory, but they believe they can bring about a compromise. In that hope they are fighting bravely, and they are carrying on behind the lines in every enemy country carefully planned and well financed propaganda to create and vocalize sentiment for peace by compromise. Herein lies our danger. These German emissaries, under varying disguises and names, are at work among us. They are accomplishing something. Their efforts are covert. They use magazines and newspapers. They have used the pulpit.. They have tried to corrupt labor, but they have failed. I do not consider the I. W. W. a labor organization. It is a band of fanatics, anarchists, and criminals. Germans and their active sympathizers have their hands in politics, as evidenced by the late primaries in New York City. Amer- ica faces foes across the water — open, brave, strong. And she faces foes at home — covert, treacherous, disguised, desperate, and venomous. Those at home are the viler and more dangerous. Let us hope the Government at Washington will deal with spies and traitors at home this fall and winter as bravely and as effectively as our Army and ISTavy will deal next spring with our open enemy across the sea. The danger is here. German spies have been and are in Worth Carolina. We have their names and numbers. We know that in North Carolina germs of an- thrax have been soaked into bandages knit by the Eed Cross for our wounded. We know that German sympathizers here in North Carolina are doing all they dare do to discourage patriotism and to obstruct the Government. We need not lull ourselves into fancied security. The danger is great. It is imminent. It is at our door. 206 The Training School Quabterly Grievous and numerous have been the 'blunders of our allies ; and but for these blunders the victory long ago would have been theirs. Never- theless, the resources of negotiation and diplomacy are not yet ex- hausted. Power to win complete victory can still be thrown into the battle line. Japan is ready ; and her terms are reasonable ; her terms are just. She wishes assurances that Eastern Asia shall no longer be exploited by white man's selfishness. If Japan will agree not to claim any selfish advantage or exclusive privilege in China, the Allies should consent to a Japanese Monroe Doctrine in Eastern Asia. We should ask Japan to promulgate such a doctrine as England asked President Monroe to announce in 1823. The Allies should agree that hereafter no nation shall violate the territory of China. They should agree that violation of Chinese territory shall be regarded as an act unfriendly alike to Japan and to the Great Alliance. They should guarantee assistance, moral and financial, and military if necessary, to Japan in maintaining this new Monroe Doctrine. With this promise, Japan will enter the war with us next spring, and the campaign of 1918 will bring final and complete victory. Every crowned head in the Central Empires will be- come an exile or a prisoner. The Prussian devil will be cast out of Germany. The German people will taste freedom. The greatest and the last of wars will have been ended. The reign of perpetual peace, if not at hand, will at least be in sight. We who do not go to the front have duties just as plain and just as imperative as those our soldiers must perform. We must see that our Government lacks for nothing it can use in defeating the enemy. The Government needs money in almost countless millions. It is building huge military and naval machines. The more effective these machines become the fewer American lives will be lost. Our Government must be supplied with money so freely that it can use machinery instead of men. With greater guns, greater and more numerous aeroplanes, better equip- ment, we can beat down the German defenses with machines and metal instead of with men. We must pay taxes and buy bonds to the extent of our ability, and beyond. We must give and pay until we feel it. We must not be content to use only our surplus, or to consult only our convenience. We must place at the disposal of our Government our- selves and all we have. It is a duty and a privilege to help in this war. I can hardly understand a man who is now content to pile up money while the world is passing through the valley and shadow of death. I would be ashamed of money hoarded now. We should say to the Government at Washington : "Take all that you need. Take our money, our boys; take us. If you don't want us at the front, tell us what to do at home. We will instantly obey your commands." All we ask in return is that the Administration shall be strong, resolute, and effective, and that it will throw into battle the full weight of American No Compromise Peace 207 power in men, money, and diplomacy. We ask that our nation strike with all its power and thus bring this terrible war to an end with a com- plete victory for civilization. I propose that we take upon ourselves five simple but solemn pledges. I have personally taken each and all, and, God being my helper, I will keep all. Here they are: 1. We pledge ourselves not to say or do anything during this war which will weaken the hands of our Government, or which could give aid, comfort, or encouragement to the enemy. 2. We pledge ourselves during this war to do promptly and cheerfully all which our Government shall ask us to do, the same being in our power. 3. We pledge ourselves not to support any candidate for office who does not whole-heartedly support our country's cause in this war. 4. We pledge ourselves not to let the family of a soldier suffer for want of anything we can supply. 5. We pledge ourselves to give preference in all things, where practi- cable, to the soldier who went and did his duty over the man of mili- tary age and fitness who did not go. What Shall We Teachers Do ? Anonymous iy ■T ■ E are at War. We must help to win the War. Our friends, ft ft I our brothers arc. leaving for the front. Tomorrow they shall ||,K^~ ^jjg their place in the trenches of Flanders. Shall we sit idle, whilst they do battle for us? What shall we teachers do? We hold in our hands the activities of innumerable children. We influence the actions of their parents. Shall we neglect our task of training these thousands in the higher virtues of genuine patriotism? Our enemy, Germany, is training her least school children to the highest war service. What shall we do? First of all, let the Teacher understand the War. To be ignorant of the causes that led up to the world conflict is unworthy of our profes- sion. If, perchance, you have neglected this simple information, take out your geography and have a look at Europe. On the European sea- board lie the liberal countries of that continent, England, Holland, Bel- gium, France, Italy, and, away from the sea, Switzerland. Russia, re- cently declared a republic, lies at the eastern extremity of Europe. Be- tween these two extremes lie the Central Lands, Germany and Austria. These two countries are highly organized and their citizens trained in the art of war. They count their soldiers by the millions. These millions, especially in Germany, are held at the command of one man, the Kaiser. The people of Germany believe that their Kaiser is ap- pointed by God to rule their country. He is responsible to no one but to himself. A neighbor like the Kaiser is dangerous; no man should have in his power the liberty and lives of millions of men. Around the Kaiser revolved a constellation of noblemen called Junk- ers. These are the great proprietors of Prussia, and they virtually con- trol all the higher positions of the Government. They are hearty sup- porters of the claims of the Kaiiser ; they live in his light. They are aristocrats whom the rest of Europe has never loved. They are noted for their superciliousness ; they are the military caste of their country. They are hated even in Germany. Under their care and direction the army of Germany became a most perfect machine of destruction and of death. It was a perpetual threat to the peace and welfare of the neigh- bor nations. What Shall We Teachers Do ? 209 This danger, always imminent, became a reality when Germany marched her armies through Belgium and threw to the four winds the treaty she had signed with us and other nations to protect that country. We were immensely interested in this invasion from the very first. Any contract or treaty between nations should be as sacred as the signed word of individuals. It should be more so. We stood in horror at this inso- lent assault on Belgium. We did not protest because we thought our protest inopportune. This crime prepared the way for other crimes. In turn, we had the sinking of the Lusitania, the destruction of our factories, the repeated sinking of our ships, the wanton slaughter of hundreds of Americans. We saw Belgians deported from their homes, we saw youthful girls taken from Lille and carried to Germany; we saw arson, rapine, deso- lation — and we were at war. We ceased to be neutral in our minds from the time the first German army assaulted Liege. We tried to be neutral in fact. But the time came when even our neutrality in action had to be abandoned. We drew the sword that the world might be made safe for democracy. "He that is not with Me is against Me," said Christ. "He who is not with me in my conduct of the war is against me," cried the Emperor of Germany. We could not be with him in the sack of villages, the murder of innocent men, women and children ; we could not approve of his massacre of Aerschot, his burning of Lou- vain, his extermination of the Armenians. We were against crime; we declared war on the perpetrators of the biggest outrages in history; we were against him ! We are at war because we believe in the right of every man to life and freedom, because we believe in the sanctity of the home ; because we believe in the liberty of nations. Knowing the cause of this international conflict, it behooves us to know who the prominent men are that have part in it. To know who Waddell, Harnett, Daniel Boone, John Sevier and other equally worthy men were is praiseworthy. To be ignorant of the great men of the present war is worthy of condemnation. Who are the Kaiser, the Crown Prince, King Albert, King George, Lloyd-George, Michaelis, Joffre, Petain, Von Hindenburg, etc.? Where are Tpres, Verdun, Riga, Bag- dad, and what are the most important places of battle? The daily papers have never been more interesting. The world is afire; the journals bring us daily the reports of the conflagration. Shall we remain uninformed when even the least of our students are inter- ested ? A few days study will easily make us acquainted with all these simple facts. We have no right to be ignorant of the great men who have 210 The Teaining School Quarterly part in the struggle. Especially should we know what America is doing. Who are our generals? What is our hospital staff doing? Who are our great men ? Knowledge of these facts will stimulate our souls to contribute actively to the success of the war. And here is the part we can actively play : 1. We can remain in touch with our folks and our friends at the front. We can send letters, mail literature. We have more time to write than our boys have. The letters from home should be more frequent than those from the camp. 2. We can get in touch with some soldier who has no friends at home. The French girls have "the godmother work." They obtain information concerning some one who receives no letters. They send him all sorts of little things. They "adopt" him. 3. We can actively contribute our work to the Red Gross Society. It will be almost a crime to make Christmas presents for each other this year, wasting our time on trifles, when some sore-wounded soldier will need the thousand and one cares of the Red Cross. Away with the Christmas useless gifts ! In a time of stress like this a mere Christmas card will suffice. Our soldiers need all manner of hospital help. Why not give it? 4. Our school children can do "busy work" and help. There are trench torches to be made that will keep some boy from freezing in the chilly trenches in Flanders. The climate is cold, damp, moist. A piece of paper and some paraffin will save a life — maybe the life of your very friend or brother. Children, even in the First Grades, can do service. They can bring rags and cut them into little bits. Rag-pillows are needed by the thou- sands, by the hundred thousands. A card to Mrs. Isaac Manning, Chapel Hill, will bring the needed information. Then there are arm-slings to be made of old sugar sacks, etc. 5. We can help the fight by eating mostly things that we have abun- dantly. Our Allies have no sugar. They never have learned to eat corn bread. They need wheat, wheat, wheat ! 6. Think of the school teacher who shall have created unbounded enthusiasm in garden work, in canning and preserving. There shall be a pig club in her school, there shall be a poultry club, a dairy club. Our Allies need the food that we can produce, we must produce it ! 7. We can save in clothes, in shoes. A patched shoe will be a sensible shoe. Think of the thousands who are barefooted because the leather supply of the world is so heavily taxed. A patched coat will not be without honor. The time has come to save more than we ever saved. Wasting is a crime ! What Shall We Teachers Do? 211 8. We can save in food. Think of the tons of good bread, good food that is wasted on the school grounds ! What about a school-pig fed on the things that are generally thrown away? 9. Best of all, we can cultivate a spirit of devotion to our country, a spirit of loyalty that will make every teacher proud. We can teach a spirit of self-possession, of sacrifice, a spirit which the wealth of recent years has made us almost forget. This great war is reestablishing the value of things. We have placed too much importance on things that are unnecessary. Now the call is for patriotism, for self-denial, for all the greater moral factors in the lives of the individual, in the life of the Nation. We are rebaptized into a broader, a nobler, a more spiritual life. Shall we' teachers pursue the even teaching of grammar, of geography, of writing and arithmetic, and forget the greater teaching of Life itself? Because of their belief in these, the greater things of life, our sailors sail our seas, our soldiers stand in the water-soaked trenches of Flanders. Because of these ideals Belgium gave her life, France bled herself white ! Hundreds and thousands of men are at this moment bleeding, dying on the battlefields. Our very sons, brothers, friends are crossing the waves. The American flag is waving over the plains of Flanders, on the hills of Northern France. This is no dream, this is an actuality. This War is here! We shall do our part to win it. Food Production and Conservation in North Carolina By John Paul Lucas, Executive Secretary, Food Administration TN" few, if any, States has the Government's appeal for increased production and conservation of foodstuffs met a readier and more telling response than in North Carolina. Even before the American nation was definitely engaged in war with Germanic Allies North Carolina's foresighted Governor had issued a formal proclamation calling upon the people of our State to double the number of their home gardens. When wair had become an actuality instead of a strong probability the Governor was prompt to take steps looking toward increasing the acreage and production of food and feed crops in the State. With this idea in mind he appointed a State Food Commission, con- sisting of Maj. W. A. Graham, Commissioner of Agriculture; Mr. B. W. Kilgore, Director of the Agricultural Extension Service ; Dr. W. C. Riddick, President of the State College of Agriculture and Engineering; Dr. H. Q. Alexander, President of the Farmers' Union ; Mr. John Paul Lucas, President of the State Farmers' Convention ; Mrs. Jane S. Mc- Kimmon, Director of the Home Demonstration and Canning Club Work in the State; Mr. C. R. Hudson, Director of Farm Demonstra- tion Work in the State, and Mr. James H. Pou. The commission met in the Governor's office April 17th, and deter- mined that ai vigorous propaganda for increased production of food and feedstuffs and for the conservation of foodstuffs should be con- ducted during the planting season, and Mr. Lucas, because of his combi- nation of training as a newspaper man and farmer, was requested to direct and conduct such a campaign. Every one realized that time was short, the planting of spring crops being already under way. The campaign began actively the following day. The newspapers of the State, realizing the gravity of the situa- tion, cooperated liberally and the newspaper propaganda was especially effective. A State-wide organization, however, was also effected and invaluable work was accomplished in every section of the State by ac- tive local workers. A County Food Commission was appointed in each county, consisting of the chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners, the farm demonstration agent, the home demonstration agent, and three or four others selected by them. This commission brought into active cooperation those forces which were already interested in crop production and others who turned their time and energy toward this end. Under the auspices of these commissions, mass meetings were held in every township and community of many counties and wonderful Food Production and Conservation 213 results were secured. The cooperation also of chambers of commerce, boards of trade and other organizations was enlisted. The people of North Carolina had been importing into this State food and feed products to a vailue of $SO,000,000 a year, this total being based on normal prices of these products. Among other items 25,000,000 bushels of corn had been imported yearly. The quantity of canned vegetables and fruits brought in was prodigious. As a result of the work of the North Carolina Food Commission dur- ing its campaign of a little more than four months, with the coopera- tion, of course, of the other effective forces of the State working along the same lines, the value of the production of North Carolina gardens was increased by $12,000,000 to $15,000,000, The corn crop was in- creased from less than 55,000,000 to 70,000,000 bushels, an increased value, at $1.50 a bushel, of $22,500,000 in this one crop alone. There was a tremendous increase also in the acreage and production of Irish and sweet potatoes, sorghum for syrup, soy beans, cowpeas, and hay. The increase in the value of the hog crop which will be finished and slaughtered this winter and spring is probably not less than $20,000,000. All crops considered, it is estimated that the increased value of this year's production of food and feedstuffs in North Carolina above the production of last year is not less than $80,000,000, while it may be considerable in excess of these figures. During its campaign the North Carolina Food Commission attempted to bring our people into a realization of their personal responsibility in the War and to make them see how vital their active cooperation is to the Government. It is a notable fact that in those counties where an active compaign was waged by the local forces and the people were brought to something of a realization of their responsibilities and oppor- tunities, wonderful results were shown. The State Food Commission was without authority and without funds, and necessarily it was handicapped to a considerable extent, but it filled the field effectively and prepared the way for more effective work by the Federal Food Administration under State Food Adminis- trator Henry A. Page, who promptly annexed the executive secretary of the State Food Commission as the executive secretary of the Food Administration in North Carolina. The Food Administration is charged with the duty not only of seeing thait our own people are supplied with foodstuffs at as reasonable prices as conditions warrant, but also of providing from the country's resources of foodstuffs a sufficient quantity of wheat, beef, pork, fats, and sugar to keep the armies of our Allies in good fighting trim and the civilian population of our Allies from starvation. Several hundred thousand people in neutral nations of Europe aire threatened with starvation also, and our best information is that, despite the very most that the Ameri- can people can do, tens of thousands of innocent people will die from 214 The Training School Quabtebly starvation and exposure during the next five months. Thus, the Ameri- can people are confronted not only with a problem of patriotism and self-defense, but with a humanitarian problem as well. In order to meet the situation the American people individually are requested to substitute the products of corn and other cereals for wheat ; to substitute fish, poultry, game, and nitrogenous vegetables, such as beans, for beef and pork products, and to exercise the most rigid economy in their consumption of sugar and fats. It is not necessary that any American should go hungry. We have ample foodstuffs of a nature that makes them unsuitable for export which may be substituted for the products which, because of their concentrated nature and keep- ing qualities are suitable for export. The success of the War and the fate of tens of thousands of women and children and old men in Europe depend upon the actions of the individual consumers of foodstuffs in this country. The food is needed NOW. Will our people meet the situation ? Will they wake up in time ? The Quest of Food Substitutes Mabtha Aemstbong OUR Allies must have wheat, sugar, fats, beef, and pork. Every patriotic American will do his part to see that they get them. These facts seem to stare the teacher of cookery in the face in whatever direction she turns, for these very materials are the ones she has used most often in her lessons; they seem to illustrate most clearly the principles she wants to leave with her students, and to be the mate- rials with which they will work in after years when this war, like others, is a thing of the past. In small places they are the materials most easily secured, and (alas!) even with our present high prices, they are some of the chearpest of the available supplies — a fact difficult to explain in many cases, and most difficult to keep in the background when preaching food conservation to the housekeeper who is already stretching a few dollars to the utmost in providing for the needs of her family. On every hand the teacher sees advice and recipes, learned and un- learned, practical and impractical, as to what to substitute for these materials and how to do it. Some of these substitutes are good, while others give combinations of materials that result in dishes, especially breads, no mortal would eat anywhere short of actual starvation. What is a legitimate use of these materials in the classroom, and what and where must she substitute for them? These are the questions that she and her class must solve; and with us, as yet, the solution is still to be found. In bread-making, for this part of the country, where we know and eat breads made of cereals other than wheat, we are using wheat flour to teach biscuit and yeast breads, then emphasizing breads made of corn meal and of mixtures of corn meal or wheat flour with rice, grits, oat- meal, or any other cereal that is at hand. This seems a better plan than to make all breads of a mixture of cereals, as it offers more variety, gives people some white bread, and still conserves wheat. Whole' wheat breads, too, are valuable, as they require less flour for a loaf than breads made of white flour ; but whole wheat flour, for some inexplicable reason, costs more than patent flour ; so there is little difference in the cost of the two loaves. In cake-making no satisfactory substitute for flour has been found that can be used in all cakes. In gingerbread and cakes of that type corn meal has proved a very satisfactory substitute for part of the flour ; and in devil's food mashed Irish potatoes in plaice of part of the flour adds very materially to the delicacy of the cake as well as to its keeping qualities, and at the same time allows us to eat it with a clearer con- science. White cakes made partly of corn starch have long been famil- 216 The Training School Quarterly iar to us all. Possibly at some time in the near future we shall be able to add "Flourless" to the "Eggless, Butterless, Milkless Cake," for which we see recipes in all the magazines; but that time has not yet come. To replace sugar we may use honey, molasses, maple sugar, and the syrup from preserves. Of these, molasses is proving the most satisfac- tory, as it is the cheapest and the most easily obtained. Honey is scarce in this section of the country, hence is expensive, costing at least five cents more per pound than sugar. Fruit syrups can be served in so many other ways that it seems a pity to use them in breads and cakes where their delicate flavors are lost. In fats we have a wider field tham in sugars : peanut and cotton- seed oils, chicken fat, beef suet, drippings of all kinds, nut butters, especially peanut, black walnut, and pecan butters, all of which can be made at home from Worth Carolina nuts. For those who own cows, cream has wonderful possibilities ; but in the laboratory, with the milk- man doling us out a few pints of milk a day, cream is out of the ques- tion. When we come to meats here again we are fortunately situated, for both fish and oysters are available. Chickens and, in some cases, rab- bits, squirrels, and birds, are good materials for lessons. And so the quest goes on. Even if the course in elementary cookery seems in danger of developing into experimental cookery, even if there seems a possibility that the student may lose some of the customary drill on principles, she may, at least, gain a broader knowledge of the possibilities of food materials, and, better than that, she may gain a deeper realization of her duty to her neighbor, a keener sense of world values and civic relations, and a power to meet emergencies that will serve her well in the broader responsibilities and privileges now opening to women the world over. War Reminiscences By Miles 0. Sherrill, Former State Librarian rDO not know that it has ever been decided what war is. General W. T. Sherman said "War is Hell." I cannot bear witness to that, for I have never been there; and I hope that none of us will ever go there; for if it is worse than war, amd especially prison life, we will all do well to so live as not to go there. Our company, A, of the 2d N. C. (late the 12th), was organized in Newton, Catawba County, in April and May, 1861. My father, Hiram Sherrill, a successful farmer near Sherrill's Ford, had died in 1860. Mother was left with some slaves, and several farms. I tried to get this dear young brother to remain there, for he was too young; but he came to us at Norfolk, Va., in 1862. He came and enlisted in our company and had the name of being one of the bravest; never minded a skirmish or fight, and at the battle of South Mountain, Md., September, 1862, he was wounded, captured, and murdered. Alf Sigmon, Co. A, who also came from Catawba, is the only one now living who was present, for when the command came to fall back, retreat, none were left but the dead, and wounded, and no one knew but that all were killed, and until Sigmon returned from prison, in 1865, nothing was known as to the wounding of Sigmon and Sherrill. Comrade Sigmon, also being wounded, and lying near Sherrill, saw what was done. Alf says that at the command to "Fall Back," he was shot down and could not obey the order; that Sherrill, instead of retreating, stood up to fire what looked like a "farewell shot." As he did so and turned to go he was shot down. Comrade Sigmon could not tell how he was wounded, but in firing the last shot, Sherrill must have shot a Union soldier, for when the United States troops came up a half-drunk soldier stood over my poor brother and bayoneted him to death, while lying on the ground wounded, helpless, and a prisoner. I could not have done a poor help- less dog that way. Some one who heard of that sad and cruel incident, asked me how I could forgive the Union soldiers. I said, "Easy enough" ; I could not hold the Union Army responsible for what one drunk fool did. The Confederate and Union soldiers were perfectly friendly when not fighting. Our boys would swap tobacco for rations, for the Rebels had the most tobacco, the Union soldiers had the most rations and coffee. If the Confederates received an order to fire on the enemy they would holla: "Look out, Yank; we have orders to fire." Then the United States soldier would get back into his trench. And when the Union 218 The Training School Quarterly soldiers received an order along the line to fire on the Rebels they would cry out: "Look out, Johnny; we have orders to fire," and they hid the best they could. In April, 1861, I was in school at the Bingham Institute, in Taylors- ville, N". C, and on April 27, 1861, went over to my native county and enlisted at Newton, N". C. I never got back to that school any more; but spent four years in war, ten months of it in prison. I tell this to let you see how it is with war. Young men can get out of school, as well as risk their lives, and often never have a chance of school again. I did enter high school at Catawba College after the war, but was elected probate judge and clerk of Superior Court of Catawba County in 1868, so I "quituated" instead of graduating at Catawba or any other college. I tell these things to aid in showing the disadvantages of war. Think about what the women and children suffered on both sides in 1861-5. It was awful. Think how much money, sorrow, and suffering could have been avoided if it had been agreed to compromise and paid for the slaves. No one wants slavery now — at least, should not. "Let us do unto others as you would have them do unto us." "Love is the fulfilling of the law." If we love God and love our fellow-men, we will not want war, and we will agree with the colored president of the school at Durham : "We will not want riots and lynchings. The trouble with those things, and war is, thait the innocent suffer. How many poor women and children and other innocent ones suffer from the bombs, shells, etc., thrown from aeroplane, guns, and other firearms ! It is so in riots ; so many innocent ones have to suffer. If you have any women in your vicinity who lived in 1861-5 see if they suffered when that terrible war was going on. How many thousands left home and never came back ! In May, 1864, I was shot at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia ; I was captured, and the right leg was amputated, midway be- tween the knee and crotch. The only conversation that passed between Dr. Cox of Ohio, a sur- geon in the United States Army, and myself, was there on the late battle- field. He had me placed on the table, entirely helpless, and I said to him: "Doctor, is there any chance to save my leg?" His reply: "I am afraid not, Johnny." The next thing was the chloroform. When I re- gained consciousness I glanced over at a pile of arms and legs, al- ready amputated, and piled up. There I saw the right leg of Miles O. Sherrill of Catawba County; and I have not seen it since, nor do I expect to see it until the day of judgment, when I hope to see it. And I expect to see my friends, especially that young brother, James Albert Sherrill, and other relatives, who have gone before. I spent from May, 1864, until April, 1865, in prison ; and among other things I had the smallpox and the doctor in the hospital said : "Johnny, you should be thankful that you lost a leg." I wanted to know why. Wae Keminiscences 219 He replied : "But for that you would have been gone. Did you notice the great increase of the discharge (virus) from your stump, since you took smallpox?" I told him I certainly did. He said: "But for the lost leg you would have been gone. You had one of the worst cases of smallpox I ever saw, and I had no idea you could live." President Wilson was a blessing in keeping off war. It had to come. We now trust the common people of Germany will step forward and command peace. In the last of 1860 and the first of 1861, in my boyhood, I remember how many bright speeches were being made over North Carolina. The most of them were in favor of secession and war. Zeb B. Vance was the main one that spoke against secession and war; he said it "would get us into trouble." I heard him speaking in a certain courthouse; he was making a fine speech. Some one came in bringing a telegram : "President A. Lincoln, calls on North Carolina for 5,000 troops." Vance read it, laid it down, and stopped. Then he exclaimed : "That ends it ! We have to go with one side or the other, and we will go with our own side." The courthouse was filled with cheers. Vance vol- unteered and went to the army, and became colonel of the famous 26th N. C. regiment, and did his duty. Because of his position and conduct he was elected Governor of North Carolina during the war. I remember some who made fiery speeches. To have heard them, you would have thought they would be among the first to go. Many of them never went at all. I will not give the names now. Their own families are not responsible for this lack of patriotism. It is easy to favor war in speech; but let all who favor it with tongue be ready to march when called to go. I had never heard of that big word "cantonment." It was in the open with us. Judge W. A. Montgomery was an officer in the 12th N. C. regiment. Ask him as to our experiences in rains and snows. The judge was a true, faithful soldier. Sometimes it poured down on us, rain, hail, and snow; we had no shelter, and often no change for drenching wet clothes. We had no air guns or automatics in those days. It is time for wars to cease. Think of the innocent ones who must suffer ! War is the most expensive business any nation can engage in. None but the cruel can enjoy war. Men who have been through a war like unto 1861-5, need no warn- ing. We want those who may have to go to do all they can to establish peace on earth and good will to all mankind. If we cannot prevent it, let every one do his duty, and stand by our faithful President. Patriotic Music in the Grades Best, '18 *W*V H HY teach patriotic music in the grades? That is a question fl A j to be considered by every teacber at this particular time when ^^■^ our country is undergoing the greatest difficulty of its kind in history. The children hear of patriotism at home, in the Sunday school, and down the street. Why should they not hear of it in the classroom through patriotic music ? The patriotic songs bring a message of patriot- ism to the children in such ai way that they get the spirit and enjoy them, singing them with enthusiasm. The ideal of history is not to teach facts alone, but to teach patriot- ism, which leads to the development of a better citizenship. The good citizen must have well-formed habits in respects to his community, his fellow members at large, and thereby will be interested in his nation. In the development of an ideal citizen music plays an indispensable part. Some great man has said : "Let me make the songs of a country, I care not who makej its laws." Music in the grades can be made much more interesting and bene- ficial to the students if they thoroughly understand the songs they sing. Patriotic songs are useless unless taught with spirit. The spirit and interest taken in a song by the students depend entirely on the teacher. When the teacher puts forth her energy and interest in a song, the students in return put forth their energy and interest. There- fore we see where it is necessary for the teacher to understand thoroughly a song before she teaches it. The patriotic songs which should by all means be taught in every school are as follows: "America," "Yankee Doodle," "Dixie," "Star- Spangled Banner," and "Columbia, Gem of the Ocean." "America," our own patriotic song, the words of which were written by Dr. Samuel Smith, was adapted to an old English air, and it is the national air of England, "God Save the King." "Yankee Doodle" was a song used by the British to ridicule the Amer- icans during the Revolutionary War. The Americans took this ridicule with good spirit and turned the ridicule on the British by adopting the air as their own national air. The words we now have were not com- posed until 1776, about the time Washington took command of the army. This song is a genuine American song. "Dixie," our own Southern air, was used merely as a song for amuse- ment before the Civil War and was not at first adopted as a Southern song. This song was used even during the war as a piece that caused great amusement. Patriotic Music in the Grades 221 "The Star-Spangled Banner," our national air, should by all means be emphasized in the grades as our own national song. Every child should know what the "Star-Spangled Banner" stands for and should rise immediately when they hear it sung, and, if there is a flag, salute the flag during the singing. This song carries a sad but thrilling story with it which the children should know. During the war of 1812, about the time Baltimore was under bombardment, Francis Scott Key, who was a prisoner of war, was on a ship anchored out in the Chesapeake Bay. From this ship Key and his friends were in a position to see our flag waving over Fort McHenry during a battle. They watched anxiously all day, expecting each minute to see our flag come down. At night the noise of the bombardment was awful, and held them in suspense until in the morning as the first rays of the sun came over the hills Key could see our flag still waving. The words of this song came to his mind and he jotted them down on the back of an envelope. That day, after he was released as a prisoner, when he reached Baltimore he had handbills printed with the words of our national song. "Columbia, Gem of the Ocean," is another of our national songs which carries a spirit of feeling with it. The children should know something about the national songs of other countries, so that they may feel the sentiment of the songs as they feel their own. "La Marseillaise Hymn," the most popular of the French hymns, was composed in 1792, during the French Revolution. It was sung with much enthusiasm by the soldiers condemned to death as they were led out to give their lives for their country. The sounds of the song could be heard until the last one of twenty-one was taken. This song gained its popularity after "The Reign of Terror" and was adapted as the national air of France. This song is sung with feeling through all America. The new songs that are sung by boys and girls today, showing our feeling in this war, are very interesting to teach in the classroom. A few of these songs, such as "We're Going Over," "Joan of Arc, They Are Calling You," "Over There," "What Kind of An American Are You?", "If I had a Son for Each Star in Old Glory," and "Good Bye, and Luck be with You, Laddie Boy," are splendid popular patriotic songs for the grades. All these have good thoughts and a martial swing in them which will develop a sympathetic feeling. These thoughts can be made much clearer by asking questions concerning them. The chil- dren take on to these quickly and enjoy them very much. They should be used to stir up a sentiment of patriotism among the students and are good to use in patriotic rallies. In my practice teaching in the Model School I taught as my first song "We're Going Over." I tried to put my whole heart and soul into the song while teaching it, and the children were carried away with it. I asked thought questions about different phrases in the song, and they 222 The Training School Quarterly gave quick response. By these questions the children soon learned the words and enjoyed singing it. This song is especially good to mark time by, and the children use it as a march coming out of chapel in the morning. The following are a few of my questions on this song, "We're Going Over." After I had sung the song for them I let them name it. Then my questions were as follows : "What do you think they are going over to France for?" "What fuss do they want us to settle up?" "Do we care if we have to settle up this fuss?" "What is it we are going to do to prove to them what the Yankee Doodle boys can do?" "Who are the Yankee Doodle boys?" "When are we coming home?" The way of teaching patriotic music depends on whether it is taught to a class or to a crowd. In teaching and singing patriotic songs such as "America," "Dixie," and "The Star-Spangled Banner" the children should have books, if possible, but in teaching the popular patriotic music, as "We're Going Over," and "Over There," rote is best. The di- rections for teaching rote songs are as follows : 1. Teacher sing song through, class listen. 2. Informal talk about meaning of song. 3. Teacher sing song through again. 4. Teacher sing first phrase many times. 5. Class sing first phrase, teacher listen. 6. Second phrase to be taught like first one. 7. Teacher put two phrases together. 8. Third phrase to be learned like first, also fourth. 9. Put third and fourth phrases together. 10. Teacher sing the song through. 11. Class sing the song through. Address by Samuel M. North, Inspector of High Schools in Maryland mR. SAMUEL M. NORTH, State Inspector of High Schools in Maryland, delivered an address at the Training School on the evening of October 15. Mr. North gave a clear, concise, and interesting explanation of the system of public schools and school laws in Maryland, and the conditions which prevailed prior to the change. This is of peculiar interest in North Carolina just now because of the new school laws which have just gone into effect this year, and which are similar to those of Maryland. Mr. North showed the professional side and then the material side. He summed up the situation as it is here given. The certification of teachers has been taken from the hands of the county superintendents and placed in the hands of the Staite Superin- tendent, and the selection of the teacher taken from the board of trus- tees, or committeemen, and placed in the hands of the county superin- tendents. The committeemen are held responsible for the material help, and the teacher is no longer carpenter, scrub woman, janitor, paper- hanger, etc., because the committeemen see that these things are at- tended to. Maryland was spending a great amount of money for her schools without getting the results she should get. In order to see where the trouble lay, a survey of the schools was made and a type study was made. The result was a new set of laws. She is spending no more money now, but is getting results, simply by readjustment. The line of demarcation between the high school and the elemlentary school is very sharp. The requirements for the former are that the applicant must be a graduate of a first-class college, must have had 200 hours of secondary education, and adolescent psychology, and must have pursued her specialty. The elementary teacher must be a graduate of a high school and must attend a normal school before getting a certificate. When Maryland reorganized her system of schools it realized that the chief thing it must work for was to get better teachers, better classroom instruction for the children, and that this could not be done unless it had trained teachers. Therefore, one million dollars was set aside for the rebuilding of the State Normal School. A committee inspected various normal schools of the country. Many remember well their visit to East Carolina Teachers Training School. When they reorganized 224 The Training School Quarterly their normal they modeled the new school after the plan of this, the Greenville school. Mr. North says this school is constantly quoted in Maryland as an authority. Maryland realized that the biggest tragedy in American education is the old-time country school, just as Worth Carolina is realizing, and set herself the task of improving these schools by consolidating them and by giving the teachers professional guidance through supervisors. The new laws have, been at work in Maryland long enough to prove that they can work well, and results are seen at every turn. That means that North Carolina will soon see results also. It was discovered that there were only 30 per cent of the teachers who were not changing each year, and salaries were at a standstill. In spite of the great sums of money being spent, the children were no better taught and one million and a quarter dollars was being spent on 65 per cent of the children. "A thinker thinks aloud," therefore it was im- pressed on the Legislature that the schools should be surveyed. The General Board of Education actually saw 40 per cent of the white schools and 20 per cent of the colored. They made type studies. As a result in something over a year Maryland had these new school laws. There is no more money spent than by the old way ; it has been simply a matter of readjustment, from the top down. By the old way a child from the seventh grade could get a certificate — and could get a school, the worst and hardest kind of school to manage. Now this is impossible. Before the readjustment some counties were full of small schools; for example, there were five schools only three- quarters of a mile apart, in a straight line, in one Eastern Shore County. Consolidation has changed all of this. Every county in Maryland has primary school supervisors, helping tactfully with theory, methods, and devices gained through years of expe- rience, and there is usually more than one in a county, the best counties having as many as eight. The old-time county superintendent, who was a mere clerk, a mani- kin, is now a real personage of flesh and blood and brain. Now the children are going to school partly because the attendance officers are wise women who see that the laws are enforced. The per- centage of attendance in 1916-17 was from 9 to 10 per cent higher than it was the year before. The three things that are strictly professional that have brought about changes have been (1) certification of teachers, (2) supervision, by giv- ing teachers a source of help, and (3) compulsory attendance. On the material side the two things that have received careful atten- tion are (1) architecture and (2) accounting. The windows have been closed on one side and enlarged on the other so as to overcome bad lighting. Address by Samuel M. North A standardization of grades Has been established. Wo longer are students who are doing only sixth or seventh grade work classified as eighth or ninth grade. The course of study in the high school has been reorganized. Latin is not required. In the course leading to college the requirements are four years of English, two years of Mathematics, two years of History and two years of Science. Domestic Science is in the course. The high school is growing fast. In the past twenty years the high school has increased four times faster than the population of the country. People are sending their children to the high school, and from the high schools will come the leaders. President Wright in introducing Mr. Worth, a close personal friend and a former coworker, said that he was a teacher who had given his life to the work and had no apology for being a teacher, because he loves folks. In its code of laws on public school education, he said, Maryland is at the forefront. The new laws in North Carolina profited by the laws Maryland was just putting into practice and followed her example. He reminded the audience of the fact that when Maryland was planning to reorganize its normal school it sent a commission here to this school that saw what we were doing, and that they followed this school as nearly as possible. Mr. North impressed the people of the Training School as a man of magnetism and force. Impressions of the University of Chicago Maria D. Graham V *¥ B HILE the impressions one gains from only a six weeks course IAN in a great university are very .superficial from the university ^F^fc^ viewpoint, they mean much to the teacher who has been giving for a good long period without taking time to stop for refreshment or recreation. Even in as short time as six weeks the purposeful teacher can gain much in enthusiasm, in inspiration, in encouragement, in breadth of vision, in addition to whatever knowledge he may gain in the classroom and outside. While Chicago is not very far West, it has a decidedly western air as compared with New York City. The bigness and broadness of the university first impressed me greatly : the large campus, the broad stretches of rich velvety green grass, the number of splendid tennis courts in every direction filled with players at practically all hours of the day, and the vast number of large, handsome buildings. Nor could one fail to be pleased with the harmony of the whole scheme due to a well-defined plan and to one style of architecture. The buildings at some universities look like patchwork — some of stone, some of red brick, some of pressed brick, some of one style of architecture and others of another. Such is not the case at Chicago University, for all the build- ings are of brown stone and all of a similar style of architecture. It seemed to me that every possible building was to be found, and that there was no limit to the amount of money that had been spent in such a short time, for the university is only about twenty-five years old. I had not been there long, however, before I heard of many improvements to be made in the near future. And yet, in spite of the bigness of the place, there is a "homeiness" about it one could hardly expect. This is due in part to the fact that the university is so far from the business part of the city. It is really a village in itself. Instead of one large dormitory for women students and another for men, there are five dormitories or halls for women and five for men. Each of the ten dormitories accommodates from forty to seventy-five people. Each has its own homelike parlor, library, and dining-room, and a group of people numbering around fifty can in a very short time become fairly well acquainted. The increase in expenses because of so many dormitories is not as great as one would imagine, for the buying and cooking and the laundry work for all of the halls is under the same management. The same meals are served in each at the same hour. The number allowed to register for the various courses is also limited, and therefore most of the classes are small. Women students are given Impressions of the University of Chicago 227 the same consideration as men and are granted admission to practically all classes. Within the last two years a special woman's building, Ida Noyes Hall, has been constructed and presented to the university. The architecture and furnishings are not only handsome, but exhibit the best of taste. This hall contains a gymnasium for women thoroughly equipped, a swimming pool, rest rooms, reading rooms, reception halls for all kinds of socials, a ballroom, and a cafeteria. It meets a long-felt need, especially on the part of women students who cannot obtain rooms in the dormitories. Mandel Hall is the general assembly hall of the university. There public meetings of various kinds are held. In it is a splendid pipe organ which is used at the chapel exercises conducted there each day and at the regular Sunday 11 o'clock service. The chimes which peal forth each morning and evening bear a kindly message to all expectant listeners. As for the work, I was impressed with the fact that every one was there for business, and that grades were of great importance. I also received my first introduction to "term papers." In nearly every senior college and graduate course classroom work counts for one-third ; a term paper which represents about thirty hours of reading and research work counts for one-third ; and final examination counts for one-third. Because the recitation counts for only one-third there is a free and easy spirit in the classroom. One of the courses for which I registered was a graduate course in Rural Education. There were two sections, one large, the other small. I was fortunate in being in the small section in which there were only ten students, three women and seven men. The teacher was Mr. George Roberts, professor of education in Purdue University, Indiana, a real man and a real teacher. Two of the members of the class were from Missouri ; one each from Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Ohio, North Carolina. Canada, Japan, and India each had a representative also, The roundtable conferences were indeed interesting and instructive. They were eye-openers. I learned that where the teaching of agriculture really amounts to something there must be a school farm and a school garden, and that the teacher of agriculture should be a trained man who lives in the community in which he teaches and be employed for twelve months in the year. Among some of the topics studied and dis- cussed were the following which make for better rural schools: the reduction of the number of school officers, the prepared and efficient superintendent, the creation of a larger taxing unit (the county instead of the township), a different basis for the distribution of State aid, con- solidation and longer terms, compulsory attendance enforcement, better supervision, better trained teachers, a redirected curriculum. The other two courses for which I registered were in the teaching of mathematics. Both were under Professor Myers, head of the Depart- ment of Mathematics in the School of Education. The one dealt with 3 228 The Training School Quarterly the teaching of high school mathematics, the other with the teaching of elementary mathematics. In both of these courses each student was held accountable not only for what was given in the text-books and on class, but he was also called upon for a short oral report on some live article dealing with mathematics which he found in some recent mathe- mathical magazine. A term paper on his individual problem for the coming year in the teaching of mathematics was also required of each student in both courses. The chief topic of study and discussion in the course in the teaching of high school mathematics was the question of Unified Mathematics, or Fusion Mathematics. By fusion mathematics is meant the union in instruction of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, so that they are made as nearly as possible a coherent, composite whole. The simpler principles of the above subjects are brought together in such a way as to lead up to more complex aspects of these branches of mathe- mathical science. Interest in this question of fusion mathematics is what took me to the University of Chicago this summer. We had been attempting some work along this line for two years here at the Training School, but we were not altogether satisfied with results. We wished to better organize and unify, so I went to where it had been tried out with success for a number of years. Professor Myers strongly recommends a course in fusion mathematics for the first two years in the high school, on the ground that such a course approaches most nearly to the domi- nant general educational ideals of today : practicality , psychological jus- tifiableness, social value. The University High School has met with marked success in teaching fusion mathematics. They claim that the number of failures in mathematics has been greatly reduced and that the interest in the subject has been increased. Graduates of the high school have no difficulty in entering standard "A" colleges and in making good after they enter. Mr. Breslich, head of the Department of Mathematics in the Univer- sity High School, has edited a series of text-books in which arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, together with a good deal of trigonometry, have been unified. These books are called "First- Year Mathematics," "Sec- ond-Year Mathematics," "Third-Year Mathematics." These are the texts which he and his colleagues use in the high school. By special permission from Dean Gray, I was allowed the privilege of observing Mr. Breslich teach a class in Second- Year Mathematics for one hour each day. There I saw the theory studied in Professor Myers's class put into practice. This observation class meant as much to me as any other course, and perhaps more. I saw that pupils should be made to do stiff thought work in fusion mathematics as well as in our ordinary standard courses. As a result of the two courses, we already have on hand Breslich's First- and Second- Year Mathematics for use in our two preparatory classes here at the Training School. Impressions of the University of Chicago 229 In the course in the teaching of elementary mathematics the great values of motivation were stressed. Plays and games as a means of motivating arithmetic were strongly recommended. The importance of habituation was also emphasized, but the dangers of present tendencies towards habituation without a proper amount of rationalization were carefully pointed out. If the pupil understands, habituation comes with far greater ease. The only way one can fail to become a machine is to think to the bottom of things, to rationalize. Standard practice tests were recommended especially for drill work in the elementary grades. Supervised study was urged for pupils taking either elementary or secondary mathematics. In fact, supervised study in all subjects in all grades from the fourth up seems to be the topic of most importance to educators first now. Because of the remoteness of the university from the car line, and be- cause of a full schedule, I did very little sightseeing. Public lectures and addresses of a very high order were open to the students each afternoon without cost. Besides these free lectures, there was a series of pay entertainments given Friday evenings. As I did not take my tennis racket with me, my recreation consisted of an hour's walk each day either to Washington Park or to Jackson Park. Bathing in Lake Michigan and rowing on one of the lagoons were enjoyed by many. From the above account you can draw your own conclusions as to whether or not summer school work, even for only six weeks, counts for much with the busy teacher who is unable from the point of time or money to afford a year off for study. A Menagerie of Plants "Sharp Eyes," making a collection of plants for use in Nature Study, finds this botanical menagerie living in peace on the campus of East Carolina Teachers Training School. "Woolly Elephant's Foot Partridge Berry and Dog Fennel Colt's Foot and Horse Nettle Hawkweed and Henbit Beggar's Lice Pigweed Butterfly Weed Babbit Tobacco Toadflax and Rattlesnake Root Dogwood and Fleabane Lion's Tongue and Lamb's Quarter She wishes to transplant from other fields : Adder's Tongue and Bee Balm Lizard's Tail and Monkey Flower Sheep Laurel and Squirrel Corn Turtle Head and Whippoorwill's Shoe Fox Glove Tiger Lilies Moccasin Flower Catnip Will some one help her find them? (1) The Joyner Schoolhouse as it is now. (2) The original Joyner Schoolhouse. Wfje draining ikfjool (©uarterlp Published by the Students and Faculty of the East Carolina Teachers Training School, Greenville, N. C. Entered as Second Class Matter, June 3, 1914, at the Postoffice at Greenville, N. C, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Price: $1.00 a year. 25 cents single copy. FACULTY EDITOR Mamie E. Jenkins STUDENT EDITORS. LANIER LITERARY SOCIETY POE LITERARY SOCIETY Sadie Thompson, Editor-in-Chief Ruth Fenton, Business Manager Cora Lancaster, Assistant Editor Elsie Morgan, Assistant Editor ALUMNAE EDITOR Bettie Spencer Vol. IV OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, 1917 No. 3 The acquisition of the Joyner School as the Model The Model Rural School affiliated with East Carolina Teachers Rural School Training School is perhaps the most significant thing that has happened in the history of the School since its doors were first opened. It brings to fulfillment the promise made to the State when the School was established; this promise is incorporated in the charter granted by the State Legislature of 1907, and is given in section 3, where the purpose of the School is stated : "That the said School shall he maintained by the State for the purpose of giving to young white men and women such education and training as shall fit and qualify them to teach in the public schools of North Carolina." The authorities have been fully aware of the fact that teachers are not fully qualified and fitted to teach in the public schools of North Carolina until they have observed and taught in a rural school. The opening of the Joyner School is the third step in putting into practice the original plans for giving the student-teachers opportunities for teaching. 232 The Training School Quarterly Growth in In the fall of the second year of the School there was Practice rejoicing when one grade in the Greenville Graded Facilities School was set aside as a practice grade, one critic teacher in charge, and the first seniors began their practice teaching under manifold handicaps. Great indeed was the rejoicing when the Model School was opened, with four grades and every advantage for practice teaching. This was in the fall of 1914. It seems to advance in decades of four years. For four years the seniors trudged to the one grade at the graded, school ; for four years they have had only four grades in which to teach. Next fall, at the beginning of another four years, there will be every grade below the high school, and a rural school. _. ,,. , . The "Joyner School" has become a part of East Car- The Work of * r Joyner School olina Teachers Training School and at the same time This Fall keeps its own identity. The work this first year is that of adjustment, getting things in shape so that student-teachers of the Training School who intend to teach in the country can observe the critic teachers doing their work, both in the schoolroom and in the com- munity, and can, under the supervision of these critic teachers and the direction of the Department of Pedagogy in the Training School, have some practice in teaching in this school. This means that the critic teachers must first have a chance to see for themselves what is to be done and that the people must have time to grasp the situation so that there will be no loss of motion, no friction, no waste from pushing ahead pre- maturely. This further means that the students of the Training School have not yet started their work in the school. Each step of the way will be carefully followed and fully reported. The teachers of the school will report their problems and some of the things they are doing, giving suggestions to others from time to time. When the student-teachers get to work out there their suggestions will be published in the Quarterly just as those from the Model School have been published for the past three years. Five hundred dollars in Liberty Loan Bonds is ex- Bonds' L ° aD cellent for tllis School. The significant fact is not so much the amount of money, but that every single per- manent organization that has any source of income subscribed for bonds. Classes that had not had time to organize came together for this purpose alone and bought bonds. They caught the true spirit of the war by stressing the idea that this giving was to be made from what they had by turning it from some other place to this. Editorials 233 The feeling was strong that each one wished to have an active part in whatever war work was to he done. _,. _ , , The schools have placed themselves at the head of the The Schools ... and War roll in helping with war work, and that is where they should be. When it is taken into consideration that the schools are all consumers of wealth, and not by any stretch of the imag- ination can be placed as producers, they have done well indeed. The students in these schools have nothing of their own ; they have no ways in which they can make money except to readjust their allowances. Whatever they give here is taken from there; they have to "rob Peter to pay Paul." If they get up dramatic performances and bazaars to make money, they are making a sacrifice of time, and in a schoolgirl's life the time is so nearly filled there must be a careful redistribution of time for her to get in anything beyond the routine. The teachers, it is a well-known fact, are on salaries that give little margin for anything beyond the necessities of life. To Liberty Bonds they have given their money, and most of it comes without taxing the homefolks, but by doing without something. To the Ped Cross work they are giving their recreation time, and are turning that into recreation. To help in food conservation they are giving up chocolates and other candy, and "eats," and this is a real sacrifice to a schoolgirl, a sacrifice that others hardly realize. Deny Yourself Turn your Christmas giving into war work. If it Christmas really is the thought and the feeling that make the gift Giving count, send the thought to your friends and send the gift to the soldiers or turn the money into war work. Spend as much as ever, but spend it differently. Every magazine is full of suggestions as to what to do. The article in this issue of the Quarterly on "What Can We Teachers Do?" has suggestions. The Red Cross and the Y. M. C. A. will gladly help you to place your gifts. That soldier boy from your own home or neighborhood knows soldier boys who have no people to look out for them. You and your friends work together for the boys. Do not let the children lose faith in Santa Claus, but they can quickly see the reason for fewer toys if they know that Old Santa is taking the things they did not get to little children across the seas, or to the big soldier brothers far away. The article, "What Shall We Teachers Do?" is full of timely sugges- tions, and is written by a teacher who knows and understands conditions thoroughly, and can speak with feeling. Read this again and again and see exactly where you can take hold and do your part. 234 The Training School Quarterly „ .. „ Hon. James H. Pou has become Worth Carolina's North Caro- lina's Interpre- master interpreter of the war to the citizens of the ter of the War gt a t e . He is a close student of history and of political situations, and is one who can see far back into the causes of present-day conditions and events, and can look far into the future and see towards what results present tendencies are moving. Not that he can foretell what will be the outcome, or prophesy as to what will happen, but he can project "ifs" and draw conclusions. He is a man of imagination and one who knows people, in the mass as well as individually. He is one of those men who are spending them- selves utterly for the cause, trying to do their part by living for the cause as the young men have given themselves to die for it, if necessary. His interpretation in this issue of the Quarterly is worthy of being pre- served among the documents you are going to put away for your grand- children to read. ^, „ The reminiscences of the veterans of the War Be- The Bon Between 1861 tween the States have peculiar significance now. There and 1917 j s a svm p a thy and understanding between this genera- and that which was impossible so long as the younger people had had no war experiences. It is fortunate that there are still some who can tell of the struggles and mistakes and failures and triumphs of those days, and can help us to profit by them. Miles O. Sherrill, so well known throughout the State, in recent years as State Librarian, recalls his war experiences and lets the boys of today see how a young man of that other war fared. , _. . "To read of the experiences of the soldiers in this war Their , Wounds Soeak is thrilling, but I have seen and talked with those who for 1 hem have been over the top, in gas fights, and in air raids, and have the wounds to show for it, and that is what makes it all strike into your being." This is what one soldier on the other side writes. The veteran who has gone through a long life, here in the South, without a leg or an arm, a figure we have been accustomed to all our lives, is now getting a sympathetic appreciation because this generation realizes the horrors he has lived throuffh. ... _ , "Eatless parties" should become the fashion. Ke- Make Eatless Parties Fash- freshments are not served because of the food value ionable f w jj a |; ls served, but for the social value. Can you not prove that you can be entertained without having to have your palate tickled ? Editorials 235 Are you keeping before your public tbe need for tbe Are You wheatless, meatless, sweetless meals? There are so Helping? . . . ' many things left lor us to eat, it seems as if we could easily give up the few things we are called upon to give up. We of the South are fortunate because we have been partly reared on cornbread, grits, rice, and sweet potatoes. These things are plentiful and we do not have to cultivate a taste for them. Doing without them would be a real deprivation. A little less flour bread will hardly be missed. Yet even if we missed it greatly, we still should give it up cheerfully. Teachers, are you preaching the gospel of the clean plate and helping with food conservation ? Is it not strange how quickly we become accustomed Heed the Calls to a thing ? Are you not among those who have become so accustomed to giving that the more you give the more you find you can give? We had a feeling that we were being sapped last summer, but that was the first tapping of the sap, and we find even now that the sap is just beginning to run freely, and we can be tapped time and time again without being seriously injured. It was easier to raise the thirty-five million dollars for the Y. M. G. A. work this fall than it was to raise the five thousand dollars last summer, the campaign workers claim ; and they do not expect to have to work at all for the next money they call for. The last call for a bond issue in England went faster than the first calls three years ago. T . . TT The embarrassment of the richness of material for Link Up .... School with enlivening school work is the only trouble in "linking the War U p -yyj^ Jif e " every subject in the curriculum. Here- tofore the teacher was often at her wits' end to know how to attach the child's experiences with things they should know in geography and his- tory and arithmetic ; she floundered around trying to get outside of the little routine of neighborhood life for subjects for composition in Eng- lish, and the connecting links between their minds and the necessary background for the simplest classics sometimes had to be slowly, care- fully, and laboriously built up from the outside. What a change ! If the teacher only halfway keeps in touch with moving events she can lead the children out into events that illumine the whole school life. Even those of us who thought that we knew and had understood and felt have had the flashlights of present-day events clear up the dim spots, aud find that much of it was gray and cloudy. 236 The Training School Quarterly You may have been lulled to sleep by the soothing sound of the word "motivation" on the pedagogue's tongue, but that abstract idea should now be a live, concrete thing in your work. _ . True, sister teacher, little Johnnie and little Susie Remember . Jean and are the subjects of most vital concern in your work, Susanne therefore, in your life, but are you letting little Johnnie and Susie stay so near to your nearsighted eyes that you cannot see the little Jeans and Susannes and the whole world of events that are now centered around their homes? _. ,,. . . He that hath ears to hear does hear the voices of the The Voice in the School- teachers in the counties and in the towns, and he that room hath not ears to hear is sometimes blest because he does not hear these voices. Do teachers think that the mere crossing of the threshold of the school causes the children to become deaf? Is it because they imagine themselves on a stage, with a back gallery to be reached and the orchestra to overcome? Can they not realize that they are talking to children who are in the same room? _,, _ , , The meeting of the Teachers' Assembly gives the Assembly in teachers an opportunity to see one of the camps, to get Charlotte j n touch w ith the atmosphere of the war, to get a glimpse of the activities of the training, of the life the soldier lives before he goes over, to see the effect of this on the community into which it has come. Some will only catch the outside, see only the uniformed men, the outward show; some will be so busy with their own problems they will not see beyond the one thing they went there to see; while others will see and hear all there is to see and hear, both in the meetings of teachers and around Charlotte. "I want it said of every Training School girl that her word is as binding upon her as any law ever written upon the statute books of the State." "May it never be said that she broke her contract without cause." These are utterances by President Wright. Peculiar tempta- tions are now coming to the teacher. So many jobs are vacant, looking for teachers, and the bird in the bush looks so much more attractive than the one in the hand. Be careful that you do nothing that is not honest. Suggestions First Grade Conversation Lessons on the Home "Whait can I possibly do with this subject so as to appeal to the baby children in my grade ?" was the question that confronted me when I had been given my assignment, language, for practice teaching in the first grade. "Home" was my topic, and I planned my work so as to get from the children a greater appreciation of home and its members and I hoped to get freedom and ease in expression. The three questions on which I based conversational lessons were as follows : 1. What did you do before you came to school this morning? 2. What does mother do for you at home? 3. What does father do for you? The collective response to my first question was : "I got up, dressed, washed my face and hands, combed my hair, ate my breakfast, and came to school." As each child wished to answer the question himself, this took up the language period for one day. It was found almost invariably the mother or father helped them do almost all they did. This naturally led up to what mother and father did for them. We got from the children such replies as : "Mother cooks my breakfast, helps me dress, puts me to bed. Father works and gets money to buy my clothes and food." To make home more impressive, and to get the children to see a sim- ilarity between our home life and that of animals and fowls, we had a few lessons on the home, and family life of the chicken, bird, squirrel, and rabbit. I told the children that soon we were going to build a little home, but before we began I would tell them a story, "How the Little Boy Got His Home," which is by C. S. Bailey and C. M. Lewis, from "For the Children's Hour." Below is given a brief outline of the story : 1. Introduction of the little boy and his family. 2. The "Home Bank." 3. Plans for the home building. 4. The father's work in the forest. 5. The father's return, and the home completed. The children became very much interested because of the story and the idea of building a little home. The story proved to be an excellent introduction for the playhouse. 238 The Training School Quarterly The playhouse had to be very simple because we started it early in the year and had only a very small corner of the classroom in which to build it. We used two wholesale egg boxes, each having a partition in the middle. Our idea was to put one on top of the other, having the front facing open. This enabled us to look into the rooms easily, and gave two rooms upstairs and two downstairs. We had no doors and win- dows in it. We wished to leave it here for the children to arrange the rooms and see if they could think out a plan so as to have more rooms than those already provided, using just the two boxes. In the next few lessons the arrangement of the house was decided upon. In the meantime the children had been asked to observe their homes. One lesson was especially good in that the children responded with much careful thought and good judgment, giving a reason for their ideas. For example, when we were discussing how we were to arrange the four rooms in order to put in a bathroom, they resented the idea most bitterly of having to cut off part of the dining-room or kitchen and put the bath next to these. This was suggested because we thought we could do with a smaller cook-room or dining-room better than a smaller sit- ting-room or bedroom. We also wished to give the children a chance to judge and decide as to the proper placing of rooms with reference to each other. They finally decided to take out the partition upstairs and arrange two partitions, making the bedroom and sitting-room smaller, and thus make room for a bathroom next to the bedroom. The children appreciated the playhouse much more because they really did much of the actual work themselves. The children had made a foot ruler, and learned what the foot and the inch was, in a drawing lesson. They were eager to use these rulers whenever occasion arose for taking measures in building the playhouse. I took a group of boys down to a store in town and let them help select and measure the material for the partitions and the roof. Another group helped saw the partitions and put them in, and cut the card- board roof and put it on. Another group helped paint the house. This work was done outside of class, but these boys gave a report to the class of all outside work. In one of the drawing lessons they had made borders for papering the walls of the playhouse, so we took a class period and let a group of girls paper one of the rooms. We called these little girls our "paper-hangers," since we had leairned the names of those employed in building a house, carpenter, mason, etc. My time having expired in this grade, I left the furnishings of the house to my successor. Clellie Ferrell, '18. Suggestions 239 The Harvest as a Language Topic in Second Grade The harvest was the central theme around which I grouped a number of cooperative language lessons for the second grade in the Model School. This topic, as I dealt with it, naturally divided itself into nine dis- tinct lessons, most of which were purely conversational. The general purpose of this piece of work was to give the child a general knowledge and appreciation of the harvest; also to increase his conversational ability. I introduced the harvest in general, and took wheat as my special topic for the first day. I started with the bread the children ate for breakfast, and took it through all the processes from the grain to the loaf. First, the wheat planting was taken up in three points : time for planting, preparation of soil, and methods of sowing. Then followed the growth of the wheat, the appearance immediately after sprouting, the appearance at time of ripening. Next, naturally followed the wheat harvest, which was dealt with as to the time and the methods. Some of the children were not familiar with the hand method and others knew nothing of the reaper ; thus they had a good time exchanging experiences. Then we imagined the wheat in the mill, and studied all the different processes through which it went to become nice white flour — the crush- ing, the sifting, and the sacking. Lastly, we saw the flour distributed to bakeries, stores, and homes. A few members of the class had never seen wheat, and knew nothing of the source from which their bread came; hence they had no apper- ceiving basis, which was a disadvantage. But most of the class re- sponded beautifully. Wheat was given as the drawing lesson for the day, and the song, "The Mill "Wheel," was taught at the music period. The story, "How Bread Came to the Children," the wheat lesson in story form, found in Kindergarten Review, November, 1909, was used for the next day, to fix the lessons already taught. After the story was told by the teacher, a dramatization was planned and carried out by the class. The harvest of fruits was the next natural division. I took the apple, the peach, and the grape as types, and led the children to compare them as to relative value, and to name the uses of each. This was fol- lowed by the marketing of these fruits, which was taken up in two points : marketing at home, and marketing afar off. This, of course, involved the different ways of gathering, packing, and transportation. The next step was the storage of fruits raw and in other ways. Before we left the fruit harvest a brief summary was made by the class. Pears and apples were drawn, and the "Autumn Song" was taught that day. 240 The Training School Quarterly The next lesson was an experimental lesson, and it had a number as well as a language phase. Under directions of the teacher, the class peeled, cut, measured and weighed apples for drying. This introduced the scales and the quart measure; and also gave the child a practical lesson in the storage of fruits. The next week a lesson was given to check up this one. The class measured and weighed the fruit again, and noted the amount of shrink- age and the loss in weight. The conclusion was that drying was a good way to store fruit, because it is light and easily handled, and keeps well. A good bit of conversation was brought in about drying other fruits and vegetables. This was handled by letting the children ex- change their own experiences. Finally, under direction of the teacher, the class wrote an account of the proceedings and the results, to carry home to their mothers. The story, "The Big Red Apple," an excellent one to follow the fruit harvest, was given as the next lesson. After the story was told, and the harvest side stressed by the teacher, a dramatization was planned and carried out by the class. After the fruit harvest, I took the class on an imaginary nutting party. They planned to take an all-day trip down Tar River. Each child was to take something to contribute to a picnic spread; also a basket for nuts and a fishing rod. The real teaching came in the gathering of the nuts — walnuts, hickory nuts, scaly-barks, pecans, and chinquapins. We took up how each grows, how they are gathered, and their uses. Our nutting customs were con- trasted with those in California, where they suspend school two weeks to gather nuts. This is known as "Walnut Vacation." The lesson was ended by different children giving their own nutting experiences. The harvest of vegetables, another natural division, was divided into three points : classification, marketing, and storing. The vegetables were classified according to the parts used. Some of the leaf vegetables taken were cabbage, collard, lettuce, amd mustard ; roots : turnips, radish, carrot, and beet; stem: celery, and asparagus; fruit: tomato and okra; seed : peas, lima beans, and corn ; flower : cauliflower. The marketing took in gathering, packing, and transportation of the different vegetables, for both home and distant market. Next, I took up the storage of vegetables, and discussed those that could be canned, and those, such as turnips and potatoes, that could be stored raw. Pumpkins, turnips, carrots, beets, and radishes were given in the draw- ing lessons that day and the day before. Corn was the next topic. I gave the Indian legend of the first corn, taken from Hiawatha, after which followed a conversation lesson. First, the planting was taken up in three points : time, preparation of soil, and Suggestions 241 methods of planting. Some children had never seen the old method of dropping each grain by hand. Next was the growth and cultivation of corn, and, finally, the harvest. The different hand methods of pulling and cutting corn, and also the machinery methods, were discussed. We also talked about the old-time corn shucking and the cribbing. The various uses of corn were dealt with, special attention being given to grinding it into meal for bread. A stalk of corn was given as the drawing lesson for that day. After we had finished man's harvest, the harvest and preparation for winter in the animal world was taken up. First we took the squirrel and discussed his zealous habits of storing nuts. Poems that fit well here are, "Bushy Tail in October" and "The Squirrel's Arithmetic." The habits of birds in fall and winter were studied — those that migrate and those that stay here. The scarcity of food for birds was mentioned, and the children were encouraged to feed them in winter. Next the rabbit and the opossum were discussed — their ways of getting food and where they make their beds. After this came the domestic animals — the horse as a type — and what they do in fall for winter. Finally, we took the lower forms of life, such as the worms, ants, snakes, and frogs, and found that they are very different from others in that they sleep all win- ter and require no food. One of the best things about the whole piece of work was the harvest poster. All the fruits, vegetables, corn, etc., that were drawn were saved and the best selected and mounted on brown paper about 30" x 42" Two tall stalks of corn were mounted on each side, and the fruit and vegetables about the middle, in groups, each according to its kind. This made a very attractive poster, and the class was pleased to see such results from its work. A farm scene on the sandtable may also be worked up effectively. When the harvest topic was finished, I saw that the children had a better idea of the harvest, and also a greater appreciation of it. Gladys Yates, '18. [The farm in the springtime, planting the seeds and getting things started, had been given in the first grade in the spring. A sandtable was made and the children had planted seed and had watched products growing. This was written up in the Department of Suggestions in the winter issue of the Quarterly for 1917. — Editor.] Indian Legends Indian Legends, because they are mythical and appeal to the child, were chosen for the language work in the fourth grade, to develop organ- ization of stories. They fitted naturally into the history work, also. 242 The Training School Quarterly I chose from "Legends of the Eed Children," by Mara Pratt, the fol- lowing four: "The Legend of the Rainbow," "The Sun a Prisoner," "The Opeehe," and "The Lily Star." I acquainted the children with Indian life, dwelling mostly on the story tellers of the different tribes. I told how the Indians loved to hear and tell stories of nature. I showed them a picture of an Indian story- teller and his listeners sitting around a campfire. I gave this intro- duction in a story form with questions thrown in. The value of my introduction was to lead the children to understand how the white people obtained these wonderful stories and put them in books, and explained why they called them legends. They decided that each child was to make his own book of Indian Legends, copying each story neatly in the book as they learned them. They made these booklets attractive by drawing a wigwam on the cover. Before presenting each story I rewrote it, translating it into a child's simple words. I read the story to the children as a whole, asking questions while reading, to see if they were really getting the meaning. I announced to them that we were going to make an outline, having explained that an outline was something that people used when writing stories ; that they put all their big thoughts in the outline and put nothing but what was needed to tell the story. I then read as much of our legend as would cover our first big thought, and asked, "What big thing does this talk about?" I would always let several express their thoughts and the Test of the class judge. We now called this our first big thought and wrote it on the board. I continued reading the story in sections until we had all our big thoughts. Then we went back to our first big thought and by careful questioning and judging we filled this in with smaller thoughts. We filled in the remaining of our big thoughts in the same manner. I al- ways told the children that we wanted to put in only what would be necessary for us when we wanted to tell our story. As we passed from one story to another I could notice that the chil- dren were getting more capable of judging the thoughts for them- selves. After we had made our outline we would go over it to see our mis- takes. In making our first outline, I found the tenses were mixed, so I had to ask them if it would sound right for us to put one thing as if it had happened a long time ago and another as if it were just happen- ing. I was making them realize tense. In the following outlines the children naturally looked back to see if we had all our things happening at the same time. They also examined the thoughts so as to judge whether we could leave out or add anything. They would sometimes Suggestions 243 notice that we would have some of our smaller thoughts under the wrong big one. As we made each outline the children's wits were getting keener and keener. Now that we had our outline correct, we proceeded with the next les- son, telling and writing the story. I had the outline on the board and let several children tell it from the outline ; then they all wrote it, care- fully following the outline. I corrected these first papers and they copied them over in some of their study periods and had them ready to put in their booklets. Besides getting the idea of organization the children were getting a clearer idea of the paragraph. In teaching this subject this student- teacher learned how to judge ideas swiftly as the children gave them. The following are two outlines of the story, "The Sun a Prisoner." The first is just as the children gave it, with the tense mixed, etc. The second is after the children made their corrections. I. Shooter of Birds. How he got his name. He slept for hours on the moun- tain. The sun scorches his coat. He goes home to get a cord to punish the sun. II. Shooter of Birds ties the sun. The animals were so cold that they went into their caves to keep warm. The flowers and trees drooped their heads for the want of light. III. The mole unties the cord and sets the sun free. The sun goes up and gives them light. The animals came out of their holes again and the flowers lifted their heads again. IV. The mole was blinded because the glare of the sun was so bright. The mole could still smell and enjoy the flowers and the weather. I. Shooter of Birds. He got his name from shooting birds. He slept for hours on the moun- tain. The sun scorched his coat. He went home to get a cord to punish the sun. II. Shooter of Birds tied the sun. The animals were so cold that they went into caves to keep warm. The flowers and trees drooped their heads for the want of light. III. The mole untied the cord and set the sun free. The sun went up and gave them light. The animals came out of their caves and the flowers lifted their heads. IV. The mole was blinded because the glare of the sun was so bright. The mole could still enjoy the flowers and the weather. Euth Fenton, '18. Assignments for Teaching "Pandora" The familiar story "Pandora" is one which may be handled in many ways if the teacher appreciates the story, can see the many possibilities, and is able to take advantage of the opportunities presented in it. In my teaching of the story in the fourth grade, my biggest aim for the group of children with which I was working was to improve oral read- ing, with special stress upon expression. I found that a few of the children had read the story before; this made me realize that I must put forth every effort to hold the interest of these with the others. 244 The Training School Quarterly I shall give a few suggestions as to how I divided the story with assignments ais given for each lesson. In my introduction I explained to the children that at the time of the opening of this story conditions were very different from what they are today. Then everything was peaceful — everybody was happy. Now what is our situation? We are in war. I left this question with the children : "What do you suppose could have caused everything to he changed so much?" Going from this, I said : "Wow we are going to read about two chil- dren, Pandora and Epimetheus, who disputed and quarreled. Now let us find out what this quarrel was about and which one we think was right." (In this discussion this quarrel may be, in a way, compared to the quarrel between the nations.) This first lesson ended at the point ■where Pandora is almost tempted to open the box. "Do you think Pandora will open the box? Would you open it? Why? Por to- morrow find out what Pandora decides to do about it. By the time you get through page 96 you will know." This was my assignment for the second lesson, which told that "The winged troubles had been al- lowed to fly out an open door, all abroad." In discussing these troubles, the comparison may be followed up by suggesting that these troubles were as great for Pandora and Epimetheus and as hard for them to bear as the things we are having to endure seem to us. Why? Because it was such an unusual thing, bringing out the idea that these were the first troubles. "Exactly what were these ugly creatures, and what did they do?" were the questions naturally arising. These I assigned, with these remarks : "Now Pandora and Epimetheus are very sad, but something will happen to cheer them up. Find out what thait is, too." After this has been found out and discussed the children may be asked to sug- gest ways in which Hope helps us today. Through using these assignments and taking suggestions from the children I think the story was enjoyed and appreciated. When, after a few review questions, I asked for suggestions for another name for the story, several, such as "The First Trouble," "Trouble and Hope," "Why We Have Troubles," and "How Troubles Came Into the World," were given. These showed that the thought of the story was clear to them. Elsie Morgan, '18. Checking up Thought-Getting In testing the children's ability to get thought by reading silently we decided to use other means rather than oral reading. The children were told to read silently until they found out what a certain person or character said and did, then some child was called on to tell the class what he read. Questions were asked that required thoughtful reading on the part of the children. They were told to find answers to the questions by reading Suggestions 245 silently. They were told to read until they found out a certain thing and see if there was anything they could pantomime or dramatize. Dif- ferent children were allowed to decide what should he done and to choose as actors particular children. Sometimes they arranged to have a short dialogue. Some of the questions I asked in the story "Alfred the Great" will illustrate the way in which I handled it. "What sort of man was King Alfred and what did he do for his country?" The children found the answer by reading silently. Instead of telling them to read a certain paragraph, I gave them the opportunity to decide for themselves how far to read. Some child was then called on to tell what he read. All were required to close their books while he reported. "What did the cowherd say to Alfred?" was asked. They were told to read silently until they found out. Then some child was called on to say just what the cowherd said. If there was anything they could act they would readily see it, and delight in trying to imitate some person in the story, while the other children guessed what they were doing. For example : when King Alfred was following the cowherd home one child imitated the cowherd leading the cattle, several children imitating the cattle, and King Alfred followed behind. One child imitated Alfred the Great sitting on the hearth before the fire making arrows for his men. One little girl imitated the old woman in the story, making the bread and cooking it. Then several of the boys tried to act as King Alfred's men did when they saw him coming. One boy was Alfred taking charge of his army. Sallie J. Williams, '18. A Columbus Contest The text-books that I found best and richest in detail for study in working up the story of Columbus to give to the children in the fourth grade were the following : Columbus and the Discovery of America, by Altemus. Socializing the Child, by Sarah A. Dynes. Stories of American History, by Dodge. America's Story for America's Children, or Discovery and Explora- tion, vol. II, by Pratt Beginner's History of United States, by White. Builders of Our Nation, by Burton. Makers of American History, by Chandler and Chitwood. American Leaders and Heroes, by Gordy. I picked from these the parts that would present the most vivid de- scriptions to the children and thereby make the impressions as real and vivid to them as possible. I also used a large picture of "The Landing of Columbus" and "The Eve of the Discovery," and presented them to 246 The Training School Quarterly the children for study and discussion when these points in' the story were reached. This greatly helped to strengthen the impressions they re- ceived. The story was given in the simplest form possible and in full detail, as the children had no text-books and lacked geography as a hasis for this work. My outline was very similar to the one given in "Sugges- tions" in the fall Quarterly of 1916; but this year, instead of sand- table, we used a contest. I did not use the sandtable because we were in different quarters and it was not convenient to have one there, though I wished for it. The contest was given by using questions on cards, and was a means of checking up the teacher's work and also of seeing if the children had the story in a clear and connected form. I made out a complete list of questions to cover the story of Columbus. These were taken from the preceding lessons and brought out the most important points in the story; they also required definite answers from the children. Two chil- dren were selected as leaders to choose sides, thus dividing the room into two sections. Then the questions on the cards were asked the children, first of one section, then of the other, as in a spelling match. The card with the question on it was given to the child answering it correctly; and at the end of the lesson the side holding the most cards was the winning side in the contest. There were about ninety questions on this story, some of which are given at the close of this article. The children greatly enjoyed this method of reproduction, which was new to them; it appealed to their instinct of competition just enough to make them put forth their best efforts to win. Each child was eager to answer the questions and give his ideas on the different points. The work in this contest called for thought on the part not only of the children, but I, the student-teacher, found that it required swift think- ing to judge whether the answers given were definite and full enough to entitle the child to the card. In the handling of this story I fully realized that it is possible for children to get real history without text-books in their hands. I also found that much depends upon the manner and personality of the teacher. By putting one's self on the same plane with the children and being able really to feel and make them see the lessons, it will naturailly reflect on the children and appeal to their interest and imagination. It con- vinced me that history is not just a subject made up of dry facts, but one continuous link of real, romantic adventures and happenings. A few of the questions asked on the story of Columbus : 1. Who were the first people that lived in our country? 2. Who was the first white man to come over to this country? 3. Why was not the path that the sea captains used in going to India a good one? 4. Why was Columbus not afraid to look for a new route to India? 5. Why was it hard for Columbus to get sailors to go with him on his voyage? Suggestions 247 6. Why was every sailor so anxious to be the first one to see land? 7. Why did not Columbus and his men go to the sbore when they first saw that they had found land? 8. Wbat did the people on this new land think of Columbus and his sailors? 9. Why did Columbus decide to call these people Indians ? 10. What were some of the things that Co- lumbus got by trading with the Indians? 11. What would he have to do to prove to the people of Spain that he had really found a land on which there were strange people and things? 12. Why were the King and Queen so happy over Columbus's voyage? 13. Why did he not have any trouble in getting people to go with him on his second voyage ? 14. Why did the people that came to this new country soon begin to dis- like Columbus? 15. How did the King and Queen receive Columbus when he was sent to Spain in chains ? 16. How did the people of Spain treat Columbus in his old age, and in what condition did they allow him to die? 17. What did the country that Columbus thought to be India prove to be? 18. Why should Columbus be honored as much as if he had really found India? 19. Why has the discovery of America proved to be_ as great as the finding of a new route to India? 20. Why should all the children in America study about Columbus? Mat Renfrow, '18. Language and Number Work Lack of time for language work is a complaint, particularly among teachers of the first, second and third grades. This shortage in the time element may well be balanced, if the teacher puts a little planning on her work, consults her course of study, and correlates language with her other subjects. A usage language lesson may easily be taught in connection with number work in the grades above mentioned. The work consists of drill on the additive facts and that great bugbear, the multiplication table. Of course, the teacher presents these facts in some concrete way, but as soon as this is done, comes drill, or putting them on the habit basis. The child must be drilled until he can tell you five and four are nine, or, three times two are six, without having to remember these may be counted with blocks, straws, books, etc. Then to give a good drill we must give our directions in series and clearly, so the child can readily interpret them. If the child can give these directions to the class in the same way, that will score once for good language. There is another element of drill valuable for language work, namely, the responses. These can be made grammatically correct as easily as otherwise. For example, "Three and four are seven." Some games which are used very successfully with number work, and which may be handled from a language standpoint, are "The Guessing Game" and "The Domino Game." The "Guessing Game" is simple and easily handled. A child selects an additive fact, as, six and seven 248 The Training School Quarterly are thirteen, and comes out before the class and says: "I am thinking of two numbers whose sum is thirteen; of what am I thinking?" Any child raising his hand may be called upon, and he will use the form, "Are you thinking of — and — are thirteen?" This game gives a num- ber of guesses, which drill on both number work and language. This game may also be used with the tables with equal success. Each time the teacher gives the rules clearly and the child must use the correct formula, or he is as much wrong as if he gave the wrong combination. The second game is the "Domino Game." To give the number facts in a concrete form, the children are allowed to make dominoes with their drawing paper and crayon. A convenient size is one and one- half inches by one inch. They make only the combinations with the number being taught that day and play the game to check up. If the children are learning the combinations with four, in the game they have a range of guesses from five to fourteen. As in the "Guessing Game," a child selects one of the dominoes and comes before the class and says : "I have a card which we have just made; who can guess what it is?" If the child says, "I have got a card" he is checked up for not playing according to the rules. The child answering asks, "Have you four and five are nine?" or any of the combinations with four. He also must use the correct form, or he is counted out by saying, "No, he doesn't know how to play, and we don't want any one playing who doesn't know the rules," or something similar. The idea is keeping the child's language standard as high as his efficiency in number work. The above games are only indicative of the possibilities of language in all drills. Any teacher can see the double value of games of this nature, that is, a thorough drill on the work, and a series of repetitions which will give good language habits. These games may be varied from time to time, when the teacher finds a common error in language, thus she is putting the correct form before the child, drilling on it, amd ap- pealing to a very dominant instinct, play. Estelle Jones, '18. Cutting of Playground Games Cutting playground games furnished much enjoyment to the children in the third grade. Before the cutting began they talked about the games which they liked to play, then the student-teacher told the pupils that they had let her know with their lips what they liked to play, and now they might show her with their scissors. To give them a desire to do their best work, she told them she would select the best cuttings to be mounted and put in the room. The student- teacher promised them they might have a guessing game, after they had finished cutting, and guess from the cutting what the game was. Suggestions 249 This added enjoyment to the lesson. Then she let the pupils know that she also had cut a game, and they might guess the name of it after they had guessed each other's. A few minutes were allowed so they might think about what game they wanted to cut. Fifteen minutes was taken up cutting the games. After this they had much fun guessing what games the cuttings repre- sented. Then the cuttings were collected and later the best ones were mounted for a playground poster which was displayed in the front of the room. Some of the games which they cut were : "The Slide," "Sling the Bis- cuits," "Mother and Children," "Volley Ball," and "Swings." Most of these were cut so well that the children had little trouble in guessing them. "The Slide" was represented with two pieces of paper, one being the ladder and the slide and the other being used as a support. A doll was cut sliding down the slide. A group of dolls having hold of hands was cut for the game of "Sling the Biscuits." In cutting the game "Mother and Children" they cut one large doll and several small ones standing about her. One mother doll was cut with a child in her arms. A net and a ball were cut to represent the game "Volley Ball." Holes were cut in the net. The ball was placed on the poster as going over the net. Some of the swings showing the tree that they hung from were cut. A row of swings was cut, some having little dolls standing in the swing, while others cut the dolls sitting down swinging. Mattie White, '18. Random Suggestions for Opening Exercises "Well begun is half done." From 9 o'clock to 9 :15 should be just as important a part of the day's work as the lessons that follow. It may be truly said that the results obtained from the day depend entirely on the spirit that pervades the opening exercises. It is an excellent oppor- tunity to encourage free expression among the children by having them relate their various experiences, thus bringing out the timid and en- couraging the social instinct. One should vary and plan opening exer- cises well, for children, just as adults, tire of monotony, or, too soon they will feel that this time is the most boring part of the day. Below are a few suggestions that teachers may find helpful in plan- ning opening exercises. These were all used in the second grade this fall. A short story, as, "Do What You Can," may be told them; thus inci- dentally leaving a moral with them. Since harvest was the topic the teacher was using for their language work in the second grade, I cor- related and used this story just at the time they were studying about corn. Often a nature story may be told them, as, "How Seeds Travel." This will encourage them to observe nature more closely, and they will 250 The Training School Quarterly learn why and how different kinds of trees, plants, and flowers are scat- tered. This idea doubtless has not occurred to them before. "Why we are talking about Columbus on this particular day?" was the question I answered by telling them a short, simplified, and carefully organized story about him him on Columbus Day. An occasional short poem with a happy, joyful mood, as "Come, Little Leaves," "September," and "My Shadow," by Eobert Louis Ste- venson. It is sometimes well to read to them for appreciation and follow the reading by a free discussion of it, and sometimes they can mem- orize it. As all children possess an abundance of surplus energy, singing games appeal to them.. "See-Saw," "The Mill-Wheel," "Did You Ever See a Laddie ?" "This is the Way We Wash Our Clothes" may be used effect- ively. Songs that are full of action and can be made real by dramatiza- tion, are the most interesting to them. For morning prayer we sometimes substituted "Father, We Thank Thee." So as to give the children an opportunity to tell what they had learned in the first grade, we devoted one morning to reviewing "Mother Goose Rhymes." After a few suggestions from the teacher, the children eager- ly responded, took the initiative, and dramatized them. The results •were very favorable as well as interesting to them. As the greatest interest was manifested in Hallowe'en, they dramatized a story that had been taught them in their language. This they thor- oughly enjoyed, as they always delight in displaying their newly ac- quired knowledge. One morning we discussed Hallowe'en pictures, the teacher telling stories about them. Each child was encouraged to give his interpretation of them. This appealed to them, for several had played the games the pictures represented. Of course, every experienced teacher knows it is always well to close by singing some song that the children know, in order to get them in the right mood for the day. Bess Tillitt, '18. Notes from Observers The student-teacher in writing criticisms on observation lessons of their fellow teachers prove that they understand what they are working for, and have a bond of sympathy. They are growing in power of dis- crimination and discernment. They know how to pick out the things worked for. Below are a few of the criticisms. You will see that they were of great benefit : "Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel's as ithers see us." "In her first lesson she did not know how to take suggestions from the chil- dren. But after the first lesson, she was ahle to check up these points. She SUGGESTIONS 251 readily took the children's suggestions and followed them out. She threw the whole responsibility on the class and acted as a leader for them." "She was natural and apparently forgot there were observers in the room." "She always had something to leave with the children for another day." "In playing the song she became so interested that she forgot her voice, which rose above that of the children." "She was a good teacher because of her composed manner and ingenuity. When her planned method failed she invented or tried others. This shows that her open-mindedness will help her to meet the various situations in- volved in teaching." "She has the voice requirements of a good teacher — which must neither be too shrill, nor bass. A good teacher must possess a good, emphatic, ex- pressive, and impressive voice." "She did not destroy the interest of the class by constantly calling to mind some disorder going on, and she gave her directions definitely." "When the children gave a point she had not thought of, she took it at its full value." "Her directions were always very direct and explicit and very seldom was there confusion." "She did not know enough about her plan to teach it. Later her work was very carefully planned." "She backed up against the blackboard and left a space between her and the pupils. That kept her from being physically near the children. She forgot that 'to be mentally near you must be physically near.' " "Her statements were not concise or clear, and she could not wait for the children to think, but insisted on answering her own questions. Her aims were good in quality, but too many for the children in a low grade to read, and get both mechanics and thought, and hold them in mind. A good point was, the amount of preparation put on the lessons by the teacher. This shows that the teacher is earnest in her work and anxious to succeed." "Some good points in X's teaching were: (1) her self-confidence — she looked as if she had something to say and that she knew it; (2) her pointed questions — when she stated a question she held an unwavering countenance until the answer came; (3) her correct standing position inspired the chil- dren to stand the same way." "Her pictures were so vivid that the children could imagine how it was. If a child brought up a point that was on the lesson she followed this until it was made clear to the children." "An admirable thing about this girl was her good, clear, correct English." In C's criticism of D's lesson on drawing, we find: "I liked Miss D's teaching inasmuch as her voice had such a calm and smooth tone, that it made the children give her their attention. Her questions were definite and clear. I like the way she seemed to forget her observers, and put her whole soul into her work. She worked for the whole room, not for the individual. Every child got what the teacher was working for. Her aims were good." In A's criticism of B's lesson we find that B was so conscious of her work as a teacher that she did not leave enough work for the pupils. S. T. Reviews The Bureau of Education, in cooperation with the United States Food Administration, is issuing a series of Lessons in Community and National Life. These lessons are being issued in the form of circulars of the Bureau of Education. The first appeared on October 1st, and others will follow on the first of each month up to and including May 1st. The lessons consist of reading material in form to be put directly into the hands of pupils. The text in each case deals with selected topics, and will be followed by questions and suggestions as to topics which may be studied in addition to those presented in the text. Each lesson is accompanied also by references to supplementary reading maitter cog- nate to the text. There are three grades of lessons, one designed for pupils in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades; one for pupils in grades seven and eight and in the first year of the high school; one for students in the three upper years of the high school. There will be 32 pages of each grade of lessons each month. The following suggestions are offered with regard to the introduction of these lessons into the program. They can properly be introduced as part of the work in reading classes and as subject-matter for discus- sion in English classes. In this connection it may be noted that the subjects taken up will commonly be suitable for compositions. Second, the close correlation of the materiail with geography and history jus- tifies the use in the grades of at least one hour a week drawn from the allotment made to those subjects. Third, where a course in civics or a course in current topics is now given in the school, the lessons will be available as part of the regular work. Fourth, it is suggested that an independent plaice on the program for a course of this type is amply justified even in the crowded curriculum now given. The first circular deals with types of social organization. About one- fourth of each of the sections of this circular will utilize the experience of the war to show how interdependent are the members of a modern social group. These "war lessons" will take up in the concrete such topics as the following : What the war has used up ; what the war pre- vents men from producing; new needs which grow out of the wair and are met by invention. The section of the circular prepared for use in the upper classes of the high school presents in a series of concrete descriptions the contrast between the life of a frontiersman and the life of a modern city. The section for the seventh and eighth grades and the first year of the high school describes the life of a colonial family as an example of Reviews 253 a fairly independent economic unit. Following this will be a descrip- tion of a modern factory and the community about it, and a description of a town produce market. The section for the lower grades deals with the things which society makes and uses. The specific topics in the first circular are the making of cloth in a colonial family, the water system of a town, and the collec- tion, refinement, and use of mineral oils. The second circular deals with production and conservation. The series as a whole will deal with the economic, sociological, and civic as- pects of modern life. An edition of 12,500 copies of the first circular will be published for distribution by the Bureau of Education. Subsequent circulars will be published in editions of 3,000 copies. The Superintendent of Public Documents is prepared to supply re- prints of each of the sections of 32 pages, when these are ordered in bulk. The sale price of these reprints is to be found on the order card. Small schools are asked to consolidate their orders through the county superintendent or through the State department of education. It is recommended that teachers secure for their own use each month the three sections. Those in the lower grades will find material in the sections designed for the upper grades which will give them the prin- ciples that they should incorporate into their teaching. In like manner the teachers in the upper grades will find illustrative material in the section prepared for the lower grades. The arrangements provided make it possible to supply during the year to each pupil 256 pages of reading material at an aggregate cost of 8 cents, and to supply to a teacher 768 pages of material for 24 cents. Commissioner of Education P. P. Claxton in a letter to superintend- ents says : "Much of the material to which attention should he given in such courses is to he found in the environment of the school. The lessons provided will be most successful if they lead teachers and pupils to study the communities in which they live. "All school officers are urged to join in this plan, and by the use of the les- sons and by encouraging the study of community problems near at hand, to aid in developing general instruction in the schools of the United States in the privileges and duties of life under our modern social organization." Herbert Hoover, Food Administrator, in a letter to the superintend- ents says : "These lessons will serve the very urgent immediate purpose of calling attention to the necessity of conserving food and all other resources of the Nation. They will serve at the same time the broader purpose of training pupils in the schools to recognize their rights and obligations in the coopera- tive society in which they live. 254 The Training School Quarterly "I urge all school officers to promote with vigor this plan for the more defi- nite and comprehensive teaching of democracy." The letter from President Wilson is published in full page elsewhere. Bulletin (1917), No. 36, of the Bureau of Education: Demand for Vocational Education in the Countries at War, by Anna Tolman Smith, specialist in foreign educational systems, answers the frequent requests for information as to current activities in regard to vocational education in the principal European countries engaged in the present war. The lessons of war and the waste of war have made the education and training of youth between the ages of thirteen and eighteen a para- mount question in every nation engaged in the conflict. Therefore, the existing provision for this purpose and its further development have excited an interest never before manifested. One advantage of Germany's system of elementary education is that in the last year of the course the boy is given some kind of technical training in the workshop attached to the school or in other ways. Fol- lowing are three principles of the German system which have been gradually and effectively worked out: (1) It is universally applied; (2) attendance is compulsory for all boys after the completion of the ele- mlentary school, and for a large proportion of the girls; (3) employers are obliged to cooperate with the State in carrying out the provisions of the law. However, one objection to this system is that it tends to divert attention from the community and to fix it on the egoistic trade centers, as is shown in the absolute want of every general formative discipline, like literature or history. The monotechnical day schools have one important objection : they make it easy for the pupil whose ambition is greater than his capacity to forsake a career in which he could succeed for one of greater distinction in which he is almost bound to fail. In France the lack of compulsion in respect to vocational schools has been recognized as one of the faults of the system. To overcome this and other evils a bill which establishes the principle of compulsory edu- cation at public expense, in continuation schools for all young people who have completed the required term of elementary education is under consideration. Since it applies to boys who do not attend the secondary schools up to the age of twenty years and girls up to the age of eighteen, it must be threefold — intellectual, vocational, and physical. The pro- visions of the bill are such as to centralize control of education, but city or communal committees have direction of the continuation classes. England is alive to the danger of neglecting young people at the most critical period of their lives. Schemes varying in detail have been brought up by the different associations interested in education and Reviews 255 social welfare, but they agree in demanding that the period of com- pulsory education shall be extended and that all continuation schools should provide for vocational education. A draft of revised regulations has been issued by the board of education, which is taking advantage of the interest awakened by the events of the war. From the careful survey of each country as is given in this bulletin we conclude that France and England are about equal in their progress toward a national system of continued education. In regard to the outlook on this subject, its complex relations, and the new forces which the war itself will bring to bear upon the problem, the bulletin gives a passage from the address of Lord Archbishop of Canterbury to the House of Lords, which sums them up strikingly. In regard to the returning soldier he asks the pertinent question : "Ought he to be satisfied with the old conditions as regards housing, and as regards, in some depart- ments of life, wages and the rest?" E. M. Higher Technical Education in Foreign Countries. Bulletin (Nov., 1917), No. 11, Bureau of Education. The purpose of this bulletin is to meet the demand of school officers and business men of the United States for information about the organ- ization and conduct of the foreign schools, their courses of instruction, and the relative value of diploma. In a broad survey of the subject, it is seen that the term technical is more generally restricted to schools which specialize in engineering and mechanical arts that involve the application of science, and it is in this limited sense that the term is used in this bulletin. But even this restricted province includes schools exclusively professional, and those that combine with departments of professional engineering a wide range of specialties relating to productive industry. Although it is impossible to set up an exact uniform scheme of presen- tation for these institutions or to draw comparisons between their standards, it may be said, however, that all the institutions here classed as technical require the same entrance qualifications as the universities of their respective countries and confer diplomas that have equal value with the university diplomas. The material presented includes (1) a survey of the studies prelim- inary to the higher technical schools, (2) accounts of typical schools, (3) statistical summaries comprising additional institutions of the same order. So far as possible the information in regard to each country is arranged under the given heads in the order named above. Detailed programs which are used in practically all institutions are put under the head of typical schools to avoid wearisome repitition. 256 The Training School Quarterly The courses of study preliminary to the higher technical instruction are covered by the programs of secondary schools which in nearly all foreign countries are fixed by official decrees and are strictly maintained. Marked deviations from these standards are discussed under the different countries. It is noticeable that, while the courses of preparatory study differ in scope, stress is invariably placed upon mathematics and the elements of the exact sciences. Thus, while the same mental maturity is demanded in candidates for the higher education, whether general or technical, it is recognized that the latter depends upon the habit of exact observation and close reasoning, which is the product of scientific training. Prac- tically, however, the two orders of higher education rest upon the sarnie basis. In a completely organized system of technical education the line of relation between the lower grades and the highest starts with the model- ing and weaving exercises of the kindergarten and is continued by manual training and sciences in elementary and secondary schools. The close relation between the progress of industry and that of tech- nical education is emphasized anew in every survey of this subject. These two purposes have determined the subsequent development of technical education to a great extent in all foreign countries. C. L. In the American Schoolmaster Florence Shultes, Instructor in His- tory, State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Michigan, has a very delightful and comprehensive article on The World War and the Status of Women. In the following paragraph will be seen the sum of her article : "There has heen an obvious change in public sentiment during the last six months regarding the question of women's recognition after the war. Surely, the work of Europe will be better done, for the jobs will be distributed ration- ally, not arbitrarily. Woman has responded to every call made upon her; and only when war is over and the final reckoning of the nations made will it be possible truly to appraise her work and measure her worth. Her advance, intellectually, because of the larger world in which she has been a factor, and because of the new opportunities for education, both formal and practical, that have come as a result, will make it imperative that she be considered in all great movements initiated hereafter. Gains made by women in one country will soon be reflected in che life of other countries, for international ideas of all kinds are today growing and spreading rapidly. One wonders if it will ever again be necessary for women to ask for what they have called in the past their 'rights,' and whether they have not established themselves on equal terms with all men of all ages. Or can that be accomplished only after they possess the ballot?" g_ X. Eeviews 257 Military Training in Foreign Countries, Bureau of Education, Bulletin (1917), No. 25. A bulletin on military training published by the Bureau of Education, shows the widest variation in type of training for boys of the school age. Great Britain, although she has resorted to conscription in the present war, has not had military training of boys of school age except in the nature of strictly voluntary work carried on by private agencies. The following is a brief statement of the practice in twenty of the nations of the world. Many of the statements have been obtained directly from the embassies or legations of the nation concerned : British Empire: Great Britain. — Strictly voluntary work carried on by private agencies. Australia. — Military instruction compulsory for all boys from 12 to 18 years. New Zealand. — Military instruction compulsory for boys over 14 years. Canada. — Military instruction carried on in voluntary cadet corps. France: Prescribed military instruction without arms, and rifle practice in ele- mentary and higher elementary schools. Ages 9 to 13 years; rifle practice limited to boys over 10 years of age. Specially trained instructors. Strong organizations carry on the work of military preparation among older boys. Germany: Voluntary organizations of older public school pupils and students of second- ary schools. Training loithout arms. Decrees issued during the war provide for preparatory military training of all boys over 16 years of age. Austria-Hungary : Austria. — Voluntary organizations for military training of pupils of second- ray schools, under government protectorate. Optional rifle practice in the last two years of secondary schools. Hungary. — Voluntary organizations in elementary, secondary, and higher schools. In many districts military instruction is obligatory in secondary schools. Switzerland: Instruction in military gymnastics in elementary schools obligatory through- out the school age. Conducted by specially trained instructors. Voluntary rifle practice and military drill both with and without arms. Sweden : Compulsory rifle practice in public secondary schools for boys from 15 to 18 years of age. Given by special instructors. Norway : Voluntary rifle practice. Italy : Military training given as obligatory subject in "national colleges." Private agencies provide for simple military drill for younger boys. Spain: No distinct military training is given. Some simple drill is included in the program of physical training. 258 The Training School Quarterly Portugal: No military training is given in schools. The subject of "physical culture," which is taught generally, includes simple drill without arms. Boy scout organizations are numerous. Russia: Prescribed military gymnastics in elementary and secondary schools. Netherlands : Military training given in voluntary organizations for boys over 15 years of age. Greece : Very intensive military instruction is given in gymnasia, under the patron- age of the king. Simple drill obtains in all public schools in connection with physical training. Japan : Military gymnastics obligatory in elementary, secondary, and normal schools. Mexico : Obligatory military drill with arms in all primary and secondary schools. Regulated by state laws. Argentina : Obligatory military training in the last two years of secondary schools. Specially trained instructors. Bolivia : Simple drill in connection with gymnastics. The Playground for October, 1917, is devoted to war recreation serv- ice. This service is in response to a request from the Commission on Training Camp Activities, asking the Playground and Recreation Asso- ciation of America "to be responsible for the work of stimulating and aiding communities in the neighborhood of training camps to develop and organize their social and recreational resources in such a way as to be of the greatest possible value to the officers and soldiers in the camps." This work affords an excellent opportunity for America to demon- strate to the world what can be accomplished through cooperation; in fact, it is a cooperative movement in which party lines, sectarian divi- sions, and arbitrary differences in creed or politicatl beliefs are swept away in common service — every organization can have a share in it, every group of people can join in it. The work of the Commission is divided into three parts. The first of these, the Y. M. C. A., maintains a building for each brigade, where the soldiers are given the advantage of books and magazines, provisions for writing letters, lectures, church services, songs, games, moving pic- tures, and other forms of educational and recreational activities. The second branch of the work has as its aim the exclusion of vice and vicious resorts from the neighborhood of each camp. Reviews 259 The third branch of the work is based on the belief that the under- lying cause of the great and obvious evils found in the camps is the cutting off of the men from normal social intercourse, especially the breaking off of relations to homes, friends, and church. This branch is trying to offset these results by making it possible for members of the soldiers' families to be near the camps ; by bringing the soldiers into active service in Sunday school classes, having them participate in va- rious organizations; to provide social occasions where they may meet girls and women under wholesome conditions; and to place the public resources of the community at the disposal of the officers and men. Thus each community in which camps are located is really responsible for the carrying out of the program. Some special features of the work are as follows : Weekly automobile trips, especially for the convalescing soldiers, are a part of the program, in some communities. Through registra- tion cards churches and fraternal orders can get in touch with their members in camp and extend their hospitality. Home entertainment, through which the soldiers are invited into private homes for meals and can feel for a little while at least thait they are members of a family group, probably touches their lives more vitally than any other feature. "Sings" for soldiers and townspeople are being held in some of the communities which realize the value of music as a universally leveling and democratizing force. Some of the songs which have seemed most inspiring are "Battle Hymn of the Republic," "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny," "My Old Kentucky Home," "Perfect Day," "My Hero," "Old Black Joe," and, of course, the "Star-Spangled Banner." The officers testify to the value of song and to its potent force. Khaki Clubs, which are known as recreation or rest rooms, where the soldiers will feel at home and find some of the more homelike fea- tures which cannot be provided at camp, are among the activities most essential to the comfort and enjoyment of the men. Each of these fea- tures is explained more fully in an interesting way in this issue. The problem of controlling and directing the young girls, many of whom lose their heads over the soldiers and in different ways, con- sciously or unconsciously, place temptations in the way of the soldiers, presents one of the greatest difficulties to local committees. Planning a solution to this problem will require the coordination of all the agen- cies already at work. Besides providing recreation and activities of various flinds for the girls and wise leadership for all the social gatherings, it is probable that an organization of a system of police women and volunteer police patrols will be made. This plan has been employed in England, great emphasis being laid upon preventive and constructive phases, every effort being made to establish friendly relations with the girls and women 5 260 The Training School Quarterly of the towns. Special effort has been made to reach the girls who had not previously been included in any club, the rougher element whose need for recreation is great. This has helped greatly in keeping these girls off the street. That the development of this system of police women and volunteer patrols may be a necessary and important phase in this war recreation service is the belief of many social workers. They realize the serious- ness of conditions which have already arisen in our country and may judge from the experience of England, since the system has been very effective in influencing the girls for good and safeguarding them. It is of great assistance to the regular police department and it is welcomed by the soldiers themselves. More detailed suggestions are given in the issue of the Playground. E. M. Our Flag By W. Dayton Wegefarth 'Twas God who took from Heaven's dome The stars that voere twinkling there, And the glist'ning light of the fleecy white, Enfolding the cloud-hanks fair; He took from the roses their deepest red, From, violets their azure hue; So we call the bars and the fielded stars The Bed, White and Blue ! — Book News Monthly, July, 1917. Alumnae "We know we've just got to succeed ; we can't even think it's possible for us to fail," is what one graduate of the Training School who is suc- ceeding in her work said when asked what she thought was the secret of her success. "If there is anything I want advice aibout, I come right back to the Training School just as I did when I was here. There is something about this place that makes you feel if you do not make good you will hurt the School, and I can't bear to be the one to do that," comes from another. "We feel as if we always belong here," is a third. Here are some random remarks caught by the Editor : "If you can possibly find a Training School girl, I want her. I have had two, and I want more," said a superintendent. One girl made good one year, a second one the next year ; therefore, the superintendent thinks all from the School will make good. That's what your success meai*j for those who come after you and for the School. "Training School girls may not know more than other young teachers, but they know how to handle situations." "This School was not known in my section until one Training School girl came there to teach ; I came here because she succeeded so well ; I want to be a teacher, and I decided to come to the' school where she learned to teach." "The people in my county think this a new school that is just begin- ning to experiment. One girl from there strayed off here ; she came home delighted with the School, I expected to go elsewhere, but de- cided to come back with her. There are others coming on after us, and the people are seeing that we are not experimenting ; we are doing." The graduates of 1917 are entering on their careers as teachers with enthusiasm. Already reports are coming in from these young teachers from the communities in which they are teaching. They are swelling the ranks of the successful teachers that have gone out from the Training School. The location of each member of the class is as follows : Agnes Absher, Falling Creek High School, Wayne County; primary grades. Elizabeth Baker, in the Mount Olive school, Wayne County. Effie Baugham, fourth and fifth grades in Gatesville High School. Wita Bond, intermediate work in Richlands Graded School. 262 The Training School Quarterly Myrtle Brendle, in Fairview School, Haywood County, two miles from Waynesville. Nannie Mack Brown, primary grades, Pikeville High School. Ola Carawan, Mclver School, Guilford County," intermediate work and Domestic Science. Vivian Case, in two-teacher school near Farrnville, in Greene County. Bessie Cason, primary work, Grimesland, Pitt County. Amelia Clark, principal Pine Forest School, Lenoir County. Ada Credle, near Burgaw, Pender County. Mary Cowell, third grade, Louisburg Graded School. Alavia Cox, principal Busy Workers' School, Edgecombe County. Hannah Cuthrell (Mrs. Adrian Brown), primary Work. Newton Grove, with her husband as principal. Lou Ellen Dupree, intermediate grades and piano, Parmele, Martin County. Juliana Elliott, primary grades, Pactolus. Sallie Franck, primary work, Farrnville. Helen Gardner, principal, Pactolus. Fannie Grant, intermediate grades, Merritt, Pamlico County. Musa Harris, principal of two-teacher school, Franklin County. Flora Hutchins, principal of four-teacher school, Jonesville, Yadkin County. Christine Johnston, seventh grade, Windsor Graded School. Hallie B. Jones, intermediate work in three-teacher school in Vance County. Loretta Joyner, primary work, Merritt, Pamlico County. Viola Kilpatrick, first grade, Salemburg, Sampson County. Myrtle Lamb, primary grades, Ashton School, Pender County. Ruth Lowder, primary and music, Joyner School, Pitt County. Elizabeth Mercer, primary work in school at Leggett's, Edgecombe County. Jennie McGlohon, principal, two-teacher school, Bynum School, near Farrnville, Pitt County. Ophelia O'Brian, primary work, Grainger's School, Lenoir County. Martha O'lSTeal, primary grades, Sladesville High School, Hyde County. Eula Pappendick, near Elizbath City, Pasquotank County. Ethel Perry, fifth grade, Clinton Graded School. Blanche Satterthwaite, primary grades, Woodington, Lenoir County. May Sawyer, intermediate grades, Pinetops School, Edgecombe County. Virginia Sledge, primary work, Conetoe, Edgecombe County. Fannie Lee Speir, primary, Winterville Public School. Ruth Spivey, fifth, sixth, and seventh grades, Moss Hill School, Le- noir County. Alumna 263 Lizzie Stewart, fourth grade, Louisburg Graded School. Virginia Suther, primary, Seven Springs, Wayne County. Jennie Taylor, primary work, Moss Hill School, Lenoir County. Agnes Thompson, fifth grade, Plymouth. Leona Tucker, primary work in two-teacher school, Bynum, near Farmville. Lillie Mae "Whitehead, second grade, Nashville Graded School. Sue Walston, first and second grades, Macclesfield High School. Mary "Wooten, primary, Forestville, Wake County. Vermelle Worthington, principal two-teacher school, Yatesville, Beau- fort County. Three girls, Lucile Bulluck, Jessie Bishop, and Esther McNeil, are staying at home. Mabel Davis, '15, and Ethel Perry, '13, are putting into practice in the LaGrange Graded School, ideas gained at the Training School. Mabel has the third grade and Ethel the sixth. Jessie Daniel, '16, is first assistant in the Dortch Academy, Bocky Mount, B. F. D. Connie Bishop, '15, has second and third grades in the Lucama Graded School. Trilby Smith, '16, is keeping house for her father. She is doing her share in the conservation of food. This summer she put up five hundred quart cans of corn, tomatoes, apples, and peaches, and made jelly and preserves. She has charge of the Bed Cross work at Arthur. She was the prime mover in a patriotic rally recently. Beports from her neigh- borhood prove that she is eminently successful as a community leader. Mary Weston, '14, has fifth grade work in the Kinston City Schools. Mary says : "Love for Uncle Sammy is one big aim in my teaching this winter, and I am correlating it with all my work." Lyda Taylor, '16, is teaching fourth grade in the Greenville Graded School. It looks natural to see her strolling on the campus and visiting the School. Sallie Lassiter, '16, writes: "I am teaching the first grade in the Garland Graded School, and a class in Domestic Science supervised by the county demonstrator. We are having basket-ball courts laid off 264 The Training School Quarterly and hope to get right to work on basket-ball. This is a good county to work in, the people cooperate well with the teachers, and you can find plenty to do." Mary Wooten, '17,. who has the primary work in the Forestville School, near Wake Forest, taught at the Methodist Orphanage in Raleigh the summer months. Bloomer Vaughan, '16, is teaching the Oventon School near Nashville, N". C. Bloomer says : "I have only thirteen pupils, but have work from the first to the sixth grade. All the children are so nice and obedient, I enjoy every minute of my work." Millie Roebuck, '15, is doing fifth and seventh grade work in the Robersonville High School. Millie, with the help of her principal, has organized an athletic association which provides for baseball and basket- ball for the boys and arch ball and arch goal, and basket-ball for the girls, and tennis for all. She has helped to organize a Red Cross and is doing her bit in that. Mary ISTewby White, '13, and Ruth Lowder, '17, have the honor of being the first to teach in the Joyner School. Ruth is doing primary work and Mary ISTewby has the intermediate work. While you are doing your bit for Uncle Sam, don't forget to do your bit for the Quarterly. Pearle Davis, '15, has primary work in the Magnolia School, a three- teacher school near Washington. Emily Gayle, '14, is enjoying her work in the fifth grade in the Chad- bourn High School. Louise Moore, '15, has a position in the DuPont plant in Hopewell, Va. Ruth Proctor, '15, is again doing primary work in the Dixie School. Emma Cobb, '14, is rural supervisor of Edgecombe County. Emma attended the Chapel Hill Summer School last summer. Alumnae 265 Luella Lancaster, '14, is teaching one of the first grades in the Tar- boro Graded School. Mavis Evans, '14, has the music department in the same school, Ella White, '15, is teaching drawing and writing there. Christine Johnston, '15, Alice Tillery, '15, and Nora Mason, '12, have work in the New Bern Graded School. Kate Tillery, '15, has first grade work in the Grimesland School again this winter. Sallie Jackson, '15, has third and fourth grades, and Bessie Cason, '17, has fifth and sixth grades in the same school. Martha Lancaster, '16, has the same work in the Bethel School as she had last year. Nellie Dunn, '16, is teaching one division of the third grade in the Washington Graded School. Bettie Spencer, '15, is teaching one of the second grades in the same school. Helen Daniel, '14, has primary work at Bobbitt. She has been very successful. Marjorie Pratt, '16, is doing excellent work in Epsom High School, Vance County. She was a leader in organizing a Bed Cross Auxiliary, of which she is now president. Agnes Pegram, '14, is still teaching third grade in Franklinton Graded School. Annie Smaw still has work in the High School Department there. Both of these girls have been very successful. Katie Sawyer, '15, has about thirty pupils in Jackson School, near Ayden. Allen Gardner, '16, and Ophelia O'Brian, '17, are teaching at Grain- gers. Allen is principal of school and teacher of intermediate work. Ophelia has the primary work. Besides this work, Allen is teaching cooking and Ophelia music. They have organized a basket-ball team and are going to organize a volley-ball team soon. They have also organ- ized two literary societies, a "Poe" and "Lanier." At the first teachers' 266 The Training School Quarterly meeting in that county Allen was elected president of athletics. Ophelia has made one visit to the Training School this fall, and was received with open arms. Kuth Moore, '13, is teaching in the Farm-Life School at Aberdeen. She is teaching History and English. Geneva Quinn, '14, is teaching the primary grades at Chinquapin this year. Emmai Brown, '15, is teaching at Bichlands. Ruth Brown, '16, is principal of a two-teacher school near Robbins- ville. This is her second year here. Mary Chauncey, '14, is teaching her second year at Warrenton High School. Besides grade work, she is teaching domestic science. Florence Perry, '15, is teaching at Duke. This is her second year there. Marion Alston, '14, is working in the bursar's office at A. and E. College this year. Nannie Bowling, '12, has the intermediate work in Fountain Graded School. Gertrude Boney, '16, is teaching there also. Louise Stalvey, '16, is teaching at Carraway's School again this year. Viola Gaskins, '16, is teaching in Falkland, where she has been teach- ing for two years. Mabel Cuthrell, '15, has third, fourth, and fifth grades in a five-teacher school at Pikeville. Reports have reached here that she is a great help to the school, and that the people felt that they were fortunate to get her again this year. Alumna 267 Selma Edmondson, '16, is teaching intermediate work at Bunn School near Rocky Mount. This school took an active part in buying Liberty Loan Bonds. Mrs. Lela Deans Rhodes, '14, is principal of a two-teacher school in Wilson County. Nora Mason, '12, has second grade work in New Bern Graded School. Susie Barnes, '16, is principal of Oakdale School near Rocky Mount. Susie had a box party this fall to raise money for her school, at which her box sold for twenty-five dollars. Ruth Proctor, '15, and Mattie Bright, '16, are teaching at Dixie High School near Rocky Mount. An observer reported last week that they were doing good work. *s &'■ Gladys Warren, '16, is teaching high school work at Pink Hill. Katherine Parker is principal of the Rock Hill School. Her post- office is Walnut Cove, N\ C. This is a two-teacher school. Katherine has been teaching here two years and the people say they want her again next year. Susie Morgan, '16, is at Farmville again this year. Reports say that her work is "satisfactory in every respect." Elizabeth Southerland, '16, is teaching in Farmville. The friends of Elizabeth and Susie rejoice with them in their reunion. Vera Mae Waters, '15, is teaching at Arthur, or, rather, she will teach at Arthur. The new school building there is not completed. Be- cause of this the opening was delayed, and when the delay seemed to be indefinitely prolonged, the powers that be decided that the children must not be kept out of school indefinitely; so the teachers are scattered about in three different schools. Vera Mae is, for the present, in one of these. Hattie Weeks, '13, is teaching in Winston-Salem. 268 The Training School Quarterly Lela Carr Newman, '15, is teaching in the Durham City Schools. Mary "Weeks, '13, is at Graham. Mrs. S. J. Hawes (Lena White, '13), now lives at Dover. She is president of the Red Cross Auxiliary there, and is an enthusiastic com- munity worker. Her chief assistant is S. J. Hawes, Jr. Lucile O'Brian, '16, is teaching at Enon School, and sends the follow- ing report : "I am teaching in a three-teacher school at my home. Even if it is home, I must say that it is the best community for cooperation in North Carolina. With the aid of the Country-Life Club we have raised $33 for Red Cross and $26 for a library fund. We are now working on a play for the athletic organi- zation from which we hope to raise $30. On Arbor Day we planted two water oaks on the campus and put up some bird houses made by the boys. The parents were invited to this program and asked to carry on the work of plant- ing two trees each year until the campus is full. The baseball team plays good 'league ball,' they call it, and are now loathe to stop and begin the practice of basket ball. "The girls are doing good work in basket ball. For the primary pupils I have put up an acting pole and six swings. We are now trying to have a slide for them to tear their trousers so that mother may scold a little." The following letter is from Viola Dixon, '13, who is teaching at Wilson, K C. : "I began teaching in one of the city graded schools in Wilson, September 3, 1917. Our school building, a large brick building, consisting of two large study halls, four recitation rooms and a hall, will soon be completed. We have five teachers and six grades in this school. I have the second grade, which has fifteen pupils in it. I teach part of the first grade and arithmetic and drawing in the first three grades. "We are planning our Arbor Day exercises now. Each grade will plant a tree in our school yard. "Each Friday morning we have chapel exercises together. One teacher has charge of the exercises each Friday and her grade entertains the other grades." School Activities There are 235 Y. "W. C. A. members this year. This Y. W. C. A. is the largest number of members that the Y. W. C. A. has ever had. The money that is usually set aside for refreshments at the social functions of the Y. W. C. A. was invested this year in a $50 Liberty Loan bond. The girls felt that the money would do more good in this way. They felt they were helping with food con- servation as well as in helping with the war fund. _ . The campaign for raising the fund for Y. M. C. A. Campaign r ° ° . . for War Relief and Y. W. C. A. war work was opened at the Training Fund School on November 5. Mr. Myrick and Miss Scales, the secretaries who are appealing to the students, met committees of girls and the faculty, and conducted a mass meeting of the students and fac- ulty. The secretaries are hoping to raise from the students of the coun- try one million of the thirty-five million dollars they expect to get from the campaign. Mr. Myrick explained clearly and in an interesting manner what the Y. M. C. A. in the army meant : The recreation centers, the meetings and personal work among the soldiers, the work among the prisoners, etc. This is the only relationship between all the countries at war that has not been severed, therefore it is the only way of doing anything for the prisoners of the allies that the Germans hold. Mr. Myrick not only told of what had been done but of the things that had not been done because of the lack of funds. Miss Scales told the girls what the Y. W. C. A. was doing, not only for the soldiers but for the girls at work in the munition factories and other centers where the women were doing war work. The big thing they are trying to do now ait the cantonments is to establish "Hostess houses," places where the soldiers can meet their friends and where the women and girls can see their soldier kin and friends. She sketched briefly some of the dangers that surround the soldiers and the girls near these cantonments unless there is some attention paid to the recreational side of life. She told in a most convincing and inspiring manner the things that the women can do and are doing, until she made every girl feel that she had a special thing to do that she mlust do. In the afternoon a committee from the Y. W. C. A. called on the girls individually and took subscriptions for the fund. They raised $100. 270 The Training School Quarterly The posters exhibited by the visiting secretaries strikingly presented the cause for which they were working. One had on it the legend "Stop doing your bit, and do your utmost." This is a part of the big campaign being waged over the whole country for the war fund to be used for the uplift of our boys in service or in prison. The Y. W. C. A. was very active in assisting with the inititiation of the new girls into the work and in the various activities of the life of the School. A reception in honor of the new girls was given on Saturday evening, September 29. All who attended were tagged with name and address so that formal introductions were not necessary. The chief feature of entertainment of the evening was a mock game of basket-ball between Wake Forest College and the University. The goals were Mr. Wilson and Mr. Austin, standing with arms forming goals. The players were dressed in dainty light dresses, and were as unathletic as possible, powdering noses and peeping into mirrors. Pres- ident Wright as score-keeper, instead of announcing the score, stretched out a man's tie. The students have never enjoyed a real match game more. The Bible study work is being done again this year in connection with the Sunday schools in Greenville. It was tried last year and found more successful than having classes over here at school. Meetings are held every Thursday night at 10 o'clock by the girls to discuss their Sunday school lessons for the following Sundays. President Wright conducted the first Sunday evening Y. W. C. A. service of the new school year. There is never any mistake about where he stands in regard to the religious side of school life. His talk was on the importance of living the Christian life day by day, of con- stantly "pulling the human end of life Godward" until it becomes God- like. He declared that Sunday religion, the kind that was put off on week days, was not Christianity. He brought out the importance of having faith in oneself, and he said the way to strengthen our faith in ourselves was to have faith in other people. He called attention to the phrase in the Lord's Prayer where it is implied that our trespasses are forgiven us only if we forgive other people's trespasses. He said that we should seek the religion that was not prejudiced, and that the one who could pray for an enemy, as an American for a German in the present war, had this kind of religion. School Activities 271 He preached the religion of deeds of service; said Christianity now- called for action and work, and that the happiest life is the life that does well whatever task is at hand, although this task be nothing but to get lessons. Mr. Wright closed by saying that he was not after getting members for Y. W. C. A., but he didn't see how the girls could afford not to join, because it is their attitude towards such things thait counts. On the first Saturday night in October the students were invited by the Baraca and Philathea classes of Greenville to the Jarvis Memorial Methodist Church, where Miss Hettie Lyon, secretary of the North Carolina Philathea Union, made a talk on the work they were doing. On account of this there were no Y. W. C. A. services that nisrht. Miss Graham conducted the Y. W. C. A. services Sunday evening, October 14. She took as her subject "Personality," emphasizing some of the charms of personality which we admire, among which are bright- ness of manner and expression, thoughtfulness and consideration of others, loyalty, honesty, and truthfulness. She said : "We can acquire the charms of personality by having good thoughts and communing with God through prayer." The Bible passage that is the key to the person- ality is, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is." Miss Graham made a very practical talk, and one which appealed to all the girls. Recognition services were held the fourth Sunday night in October. These services were very impressive, as there was such a large number of new members to be recognized. The membership this year is greater than ever before. Because of the large enrollment there is more money in the treasury. Miss Davis made an intensely interesting talk at Y. W. C. A. the third Sunday night in October. She told the story of Sir Philip Sydney, taking him as the highest type of young man at that time. She com- pared the era that produced Sir Philip Sydney with today. Both were times that produced young men of force and might and both were times when the young men were called upon to save civilization. Mrs. Beckwith conducted the Y. W. C. A. services on the first Sunday evening in November. She read as the lesson the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians. She read a sermon written by Eev. Wood, pastor of 272 The Training School Quarterly the Church of the Covenant, Washington, D. C, which developed in a strong, inspiring way the love of law and the law of love. The chairman of the music committee has had some special musio prepared for every Sunday night service. Instrumental solos have been played by Misses Agnes Hunt, Ethel Smith, Bess Tillitt, Sallie Best, and Miss Hill. All those who attend the Y. W. C. A. have enjoyed the vocal solos by Misses Lula Ballance, Ethel Stancill, and Elizabeth Hutchins, and the vocal duet by Misses Lillian Scholars and Elizabeth Hutchins, and Sue Best Morrell. Societies, Classes, and Athletic League During the fall term all of these organizations are busy getting started on the work of the year and attending to the routine business that is not of interest to those not directly concerned. In order to conserve space, the editors have decided to combine these in this number. Whatever reaches beyond the organization, and is for the whole School or any other large groups, will be found in the depart- ment devoted to School News. It was decided this fall "That the members of the Societies faculty and officers of the School shall be permanent honorary members of one society, and shall be drawn by lot as the students are." This action was taken by the faculty and by the two literary societies, upon the recommendation of a committee composed of the presidents of the two societies, the intersociety commit- tee, and a faculty committee working in collaboration. The relation of faculty and officers to the societies has been a topic of much discussion and experimentation. Two methods had been tried and neither seemed to be thoroughly satisfactory. In the first years lots were drawn each year, and a teacher fell sometimes in one and some- times in the other, as honorary members, until one complained that she felt like a "grasshopper member." The students did, however, feel that they knew where to go when they needed advice; but there were objec- tions to the method. The next trial was for the teachers to be honorary members of both societies. The students still felt that the ideal plan had not been reached and wished to try another. The above plan is one that they believe will work here. The honorary membership is as follows : Lanier Society. — Misses Beaman, Bertolet, Comfort, Davis, Jenkins, MacFadyen, Maupin, Meade, Whiteside, and Wilson and Mr. Wilson. School Activities 273 Poe Society. — Mrs. Austin, Misses Graham, and Hill, Mrs. Jeter, Misses Lewis, McCowen, Morris, Muffly, Ray, Ross, and "Wooten. The societies held their initiations on the "second Saturday evening in October," according to the schedule as fixed by the Constitutions. The usual excitement prevailed during the week while the names were being collected, the lists were being made, and the new girls were inter- ested in the fates that declared which side they were to fall on, and were excited over the prospects ahead. The old girls were getting their usual fun out of exciting the fears of the new girls. That mysterious goat that appears only once a year and pitifully bleats in the Lanier flower-beds came on schedule time and his work ended, melted into the limbo where he stays between appearances. The Poes, as usual, mys- teriously hinted at the something worse than any goat that could be seen. When the evening finally arrived, the new members were agreeably sur- prised at the charming receptions and delightful programs. The officers for the societies are as follows : Poe Lanier President, Estelle Jones President, Camille Robinson Vice President, Mary Hart Vice President, Rena Harrison Secretary, Daisy Fuqua Secretary, Ruby Giles Treasurer, Dearie Simmons Treasurer, Mildred Maupin Critic, Ethel 'Stanfield Critic, Mattie Paul Doorkeeper, Bettie Cooper Marshal, Elizabeth Middleton Elizabeth Hathaway was elected chief marshal in place of Mary Banks, who did not return. The Laniers had the privilege of selecting a substitute. Thelma "White was elected. Athletic The Athletic League met October 12, 1917, with 110 mem- League hers for the purpose of reorgainizing. The following offi- cers for the year of 1917-18 were elected: President, Mattie Poindexter Business Manager, Lois Hester Secretary, "Willie Jackson An advisory board was also elected which is composed of Misses Com- fort, Graham, and Ross. "With so large and enthusiastic a membership, this promises to be the most successful year in the history of the league. Through Miss Comfort's careful instructions in basket-ball this sport is the great favorite in the fall. As usual, we expect a match game Thanksgiving between the Juniors and Seniors. The class teams have been elected, as follows: 274 The Training School Quarterly Senior Class. — Una Brogden, Lena Griffin, Sarah Williams, Kuth Fenton, Jessie Howard, Alexa Alford, Thelma White, Mattie Poindexter, Rebecca Pegues, (Substitutes: Lola Gurley, Grace Whitaker, Clellie Ferrell.) Junior Class. — Annie Wilkinson, Mary Warren, Mildred Carpenter, Rosa Vanhook, Bonnie Howard, Eva Outlaw, Zelota Cobb, Reba Ever- ette, Elizabeth Wagstaiff, Margaret Milam. (Substitutes: Sallie Wil- liamson, Edith Bertotti, Mary Outland.) Miss Graham has a large crowd of enthusiastic girls out playing ten- nis every day that the weather is favorable. Quite a bit of interest and enthusiasm is shown in the cross-country walking which is under the careful guidance of Miss Ross. Miss Waitt is greatly missed in the walking club. She was the one who organized the club and has been its leader through the three years of its exist- ence. The classes were so eager to get to work this fall Classes they could not wait to get organized before getting to work. The Seniors organized soon after the two weeks that must elapse before they can elect officers. As soon as they returned they were busy with plans, and had given a program before they could elect officers. They gave the program on Fire Prevention Day, called the mass- meeting for a Patriotic Rally on the first evening of "Liberty Week," pushed the liberty loan question, getting back of all organizations, and not only "doing their bit, but their utmost," and organized the Red Cross Auxiliary. All of these things are reported in the Department of School News. The "Eatless Hallowe'en party" given by them to the School is also reported there. They are on the lookout for the things they can do to help push things on. A committee, changed from time to time, has undertaken to keep the library in order, or, at least, to see that it is left in order each evening so that it can begin the day aright. The class numbers 79, the largest number by over fifty per cent that has ever entered the Senior Class. The officers for the year are as follows : President, Estelle O'B. Moore Vice President, Jessie Howard Secretary, Ida Walters Treasurer, Ethel Stanfield Class Adviser, Miss Jenkins On Arbor Day they followed the custom of the preceding classes and planted their tree. This time it was the sample tree of a collection they School Activities 275 expect to have on the campus. The following account of the program and of their action is taken from the Greenville paper : The class of 1918 planted a mimosa tree and adopted that as their emblem. They claimed all mimosa trees growing on the campus and propose to add to the number during the year. The School was called to the assembly hall during the last period of school, formed in line according to classes, and followed the Seniors to the spot where the tree was to be planted, all singing "What Kind of An American Are You?" as they marched. All formed in a circle around the tree, by which stood Sadie Thompson, chief marshal, holding the United States flag. Standing at salute, the entire school sang "The Star-Spangled Banner." The proclamation for Arbor Day was read by Willie Jackson, and an appro- priate poem, "The Heart of the Tree," was read by Lucy Buffaloe. These two numbers made the crowd realize the significance of Arbor Day. After the singing of "Hail to Carolina" by the Seniors, the president of the class, Estelle Moore, announced that the class had chosen the mimosa tree as their emblem and explained their plan and purpose. Nannie Clapp then read a poetic interpretation written for the occasion, "Miss Mimosa, Southern Lady." She read it in a clear, ringing voice, and made her audience feel the symbolism of the tree. As the class sang an Arbor Day song to the tune of "Maryland" they skipped by the tree and threw the dirt around it, each one contributing a bit to the tree-planting, and yet not in the conventional funereal manner. The president of the class used the historic spade which has been used on all planting occa- sions since the breaking of ground for the School. At the close of the program this spade was passed on to the president of the next class, Rena Harrison, for safe keeping, who accepted it in a gracious manner. Estelle Moore in presenting the tree to President Wright reminded him of a few of the significant things the class has stood for, especially the big, broad school spirit, and the patriotic activities and spirit it had fostered; it is the class that numbers seventy-nine, having carried the enrollment over fifty per cent ahead of that of any other Senior class, and having lost fewer from year to year than any other class. President Wright in accepting the tree gave the girls a little heart-to-heart talk, expressing his great faith in the class, and reminding them of the things that had been done, bringing out the remarkable growth and development in the School along all lines, and showing how the spirit had broadened and deepened as the years had passed. The members of the class, gathered in a ring around him, eagerly drank in his words. The singing of the class song closed the informal but pleasing program. The Juniors — 136 strong, the largest class in the history of the School by 24 — simply could not wait six weeks to prove themselves as a class. This class has the honor of getting the first Liberty Loan Bonds, two $50 bonds — and this was done three weeks before they organized as a class. This is a remarkable deed to record at best, but even more re- markable when it is taken into account that about two-thirds of the members are new girls. 6 276 The Training School Quarterly The old girls of the class entertained the new girls on the evening of October 19. It was at this social meeting that they decided to subscribe for the bonds. The officers are as follows : President, Annie Wilkinson Vice-President, Mattie McArthur Secretary, Frances Sykes Treasurer, Marian Morrison Critic, Florence Perry Class Adviser, Mr. H. E. Austin The "B's" (or Second- Year Academics) caught the spirit and held meetings before they formally organized, and subscribed to a $50 Liberty Loan Bond. Their officers are : President, Ruth Liverman Vice-President, Olive Grady Secretary, Helen Stewart Treasurer, Maud Westbrook Class Adviser, Miss Maupin The "A" (or First- Year Academic) Class eagerly looked forward to the time when they could get in line. Their officers are : President, Pearl Prescott Vice-President, Caroline Fitzgerald Secretary, Alice Wilkinson Treasurer, Inez Perry Critic, Clara M. Todd Class Adviser, Miss Graham The "F" (or One-Year Professional) Class is the smallest regular class the School has ever had, but they claim when they get started they are going to make up in quality what they lack in quantity. Their officers are: President, Sarah Sumner Vice-President, Katherine Allen Secretary and Treasurer, Bettie Cooper Class Adviser, Miss Muffly (1) First School Motor Truck in Pitt County. (2) Falkland Community Welcoming the Truck. School News October 15 marked a milestone in the history of Opening of East Carolina Teachers Training School because on Joyner School that day was opened the Joyner School, the school that is the rural Model School in which the teacher-students of the Training School will get their observation and practice work for teaching in a rural school. The Training School was well represented on the opening day by the president and a group of teachers. President Wright took the distinguished Maryland visitor, Dr. North, out to see the school and to talk to the pupils. Superintendent Underwood was on hand with Mr. Spilman to take pictures of the school as it appeared on the first day. The other members of the faculty who went out to see the work b°gin were Mr. Austin, Misses Ray, Maupin, Lewis, Comfort, Wooten, and Jenkins. Each one was looking out for possibilities ahead for work in which she was especially interested. Miss Comfort took note of the fact that there were basket-ball goals on the playground. Mr. North told in a delightful manner a little story to the children that impressed upon them the idea of saluting the flag. _ . -j Samuel M. North, State Inspector of Maryland High North's Visit Schools, spent two days in October visiting the School to the School and hig friend p res ident Wright. He delivered an address to the School on Monday evening, October 15. [This is reported in full among the articles in this issue of the Quarterly.] When he arrived on Monday morning, President Wright took him immediately from the train to Falkland to see the school auto truck come in, and from there to visit the Joyner School during its first day. He spent the day Tuesday visiting the classrooms and inspecting the plant. He made a delightful talk to the students during assembly pniiod. Mr. North seemed very appreciative of the singing by the School. On the evening of his address there was a musical program before he began speaking. When he arose he asked the audience if they realized they were listening to "real, genuine music." The entire School sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "Over the Summer Sea." The glee club sang a beautiful chorus. Miss Agnes Hunt played a delightful piano solo, and Miss Lula Ballance sang "Star of Me." The First School At Falkland, on the morning of October 15, the first Truck m school automobile truck in Pitt County and the second Fitt County, Sec- . . J ond in the State in North Carolina began its work of bringing children to school. This was a happy morning for Superintendent Underwood 278 The Training School Quarterly and for the people of the Falkland community, as well as for Misses Crisp and Gaskins, the teachers of the school. The Craft School was consolidated with the Falkland School, and the truck brings the children from the Craft neighborhood, as well as those on the way in the Falk- land neighborhood, to school each morning. The route traveled is about six miles. The people of the community gathered at the school building to see the truck arrive with its first load and to have a formal opening of the school. Pictures were made of the truck full of children, and of the people of the community gathered around it. After the excitement of the arrival of the truck the crowd gathered in the schoolhouse for the formal opening of school. Superintendent Underwood reminded the people that they were making history for Pitt County. He expressed the belief that this was only the beginning of the movement for consolidation ; it would spread until an auto truck carrying children to school would not be a novelty. He said that we are getting away from the little school ; there are already fourteen less dis- tricts in Pitt County than there were three years ago. He introduced President Wright who said that when the Training School opened eight years ago one of the visions ahead was the consoli- dated school, but he had figured on its taking ten years to get started. It is worthy of note, he said, that both of the trucks in North Carolina are in this territory, in the eastern section of the State and in the sec- tion where there are a great many Training School girls teaching. He did not at all claim the credit for the Training School for getting the trucks, but he did bring home to the people the fact that wide-awake teachers could arouse a community to the opportunities. He commended the people of Falkland for their attitude and for their willingness to make sacrifices for their children. He asked them to do two things : to give the teachers their whole-hearted cooperation and to give their children every chance by sending them to school all the time, not allow- ing anything to keep them at home. He said he knew that it was a temp- tation, when labor was scarce and cotton and tobacco high to keep the boy at home to work; but he begged them to remember that the value of the lamd depended on the type of citizenship, and the type of citizen- ship depended on the chance the boys had. President Wright then introduced Mr. JSTorth as a teacher with the true teacher spirit, a man filled with earnestness and love for the work. Mr. North told the people there was no occasion to say running a school truck will work, for it does work all over Maryland, as many as seven in one school. The children, he said, are better off in the truck than on wet roads. He then made a strong talk on the significance of consoli- dating the country schools so as to give to the people as efficient schools as those in the cities and towns have. School News 279 A mass meeting of the students was called by the Patriotic Rally Senior Class on Monday evening, October 22, the begin- ning of Liberty Week, for the purpose of finding out just what the Training School could do to prove its patriotism. Instead of having student reports on what they felt like doing or wanted to do, they had people who knew definitely what could be done and could speak with authority to present the different kinds of work the people of the Nation are called on to do. The students proved their patriotic feeling by the way they sang the patriotic songs and by their ready re- sponse to put into practice and express by deeds their patriotism. The program was planned so as to make clear the three things the people are called on to do, and how the Training School can answer the call. The three subjects were: Food conservation, Liberty Loan, and Red Cross. Miss Estelle Moore, president of the Senior Class, presided over the meeting. The Seniors, led by standard bearers carrying the Stars and Stripes, the flags of the Allies, and the Red Cross flag, marched in, after the remainder of the school had assembled, singing "We're Going Over." Miss Armstrong made a forcible, practical appeal for food conserva- tion here in the School, urging the girls to help conserve sugar by giv- ing up candy. All the girls pledged themselves to practice the gospel of the clean plate. Miss Armstrong is the chairman of the Women's Committee for Conservation in Pitt County. Mr. S. J. Everette, chairman of Food Conservation for Pitt County, made a ringing, broad appeal for food conservation. The singing of "Joan of Are, They're Calling You," led by a group of Juniors, with the School joining in the chorus, seemed to make the pur- pose of the evening clearer. Mrs. Beckwith, chairman of the Woman's Committee on the Liberty Loan, gave a clear explanation of the purposes and plan of the loan and made an appeal for all to heed the call to let your dollars fight. Miss Pattie Wooten, chairman of the Pitt County Chapter of the Red Cross, presented the cause of the Red Cross and told what Pitt County was doing and had done. President Wright made an earnest, inspiring talk on "Why it is nec- essary for us at the Training School to do these three things." He brought the subject very close home to the students and made them feel they must be up and doing. "Keep the Home-Fires Burning" was sung by Miss Lula Ballance, the School joining in the chorus. Definite plans for applied patriotism were presented to the students. The students among themselves and in class groups had been discussing for days Liberty Bonds and had been taking account of available funds. Mr. Austin made a strong plea for the students to subscribe to Liberty Bonds and to use their influence to get others to subscribe. He an- 280 The Training School Quarterly nounced that the Junior Class had, at a meeting the Saturday evening before, pledged themselves to buy two $50 bonds. The proposition was made that the students raise among themselves money for a bond to be left to the School as a gift. Slips were handed out for subscriptions. "Over There" was sung by the School. Miss Jenkins, who directed the Red Cross work that had already been done by the students, told the students, for the benefit of those who were not here last year, what had already been done, and explained the advantages of having a Training School Auxiliary. Cards were passed out for pledges for membership and for work. The flag bearers stepped to the front of the stage, "Old Glory" in front, and the evening closed with the students singing, as they stood at salute, "The Star-Spangled Banner." $500 in Every permanent organization in the School invested Liberty Bonds i n Liberty Bonds. The roll by organizations is as follows : Two literary societies, $100 each $200.00 Y. W. C. A 50.00 Classes 250.00 The Class of 1919, 136 in number, pledged themselves to pay 25 cents each, a month for three months, and to save the money by denying themselves something. The bond is to form a part of the gift they propose to leave to the School when they graduate. The Class of 1918 led the campaign for a bond from the entire School for some special gift to the School, thus giving the classes that had not yet organized an opportunity to help. The subscriptions on the night of the rally amounted to about $50. The Seniors pledged enough to make this amount $100. The Class of 1920 decided to invest the income the class would get from dues, etc., in a class bond that would be the nucleus for a class fund that could grow through their three years as ai class unit. Special sub- scriptions were turned into the School bond mentioned above. The Class of 1921, and the one-year professional classes, which had never organized, turned their subscriptions into the School bond. Mem- bers of the faculty assisted with the School bond. The societies turned money in the treasury obtained from dues into bonds as investments. The Y. W. C. A. had $50 appropriated for social purposes, for the social committee to spend on refreshments. They decided to help with food conservation by not serving refreshments, and turn this money into a bond. School News 281 Training School The Training School Auxiliary of the Pitt County Auxiliary of Put Chapter of the Eed Cross Society was organized with Chapter of Red * . Cross 105 members and over a hundred additional pledged workers. The formal organization was effected on Tuesday evening, October 23, with the following officers : Chairman, Sophia Jarman Vice Chairman, Lois Hester Secretary, Mary C. Hart Treasurer, Jessie Howard Committees were appointed, workers registered for work. Arrange- ments have been made for the sewing-room to be opened as a work- room at stated hours on certain days. Work is progressing in the sew- ing. The Greenville Auxiliary furnished material for bed shirts, which the sewing girls are making. Knitting lessons are given in the parlors in the dormitories in the after-supper hour. Mamy girls are knitting and others are impatiently awaiting the arrival of the wool. The wool is provided by the Green- ville Auxiliary. The classes in bandage making are ready to begin as soon as the chapter officials are ready to start work along the line of the latest in- structions. There is a change in the department of the work handling surgical dressings. In the meantime they are making trench pillows. Other kinds of work will be added and the work will branch out. n „ , . . The Senior Class entertained the Training School Hallowe en at the a Training School; family at a Hallowe'en party the evening of October An Eatless Party 2 7. The serving of mock refreshments instead of the usual Hallowe'en refreshments was the special feature of the evening. Wads of paper, with a jingle written on them telling where the apple they did not get had gone, were served as apples. Paper popcorn made some think they were going to get the real corn. Paper "kisses," until opened, looked like real candy "kisses." It was announced that the refreshments for the evening had been converted into a part of a Lib- erty Bond. The guests entered into the spirit of the "eatless party" and proved girls could have a good time without "eats." Brownies and clowns served the refreshments. One brownie followed the others with a small basket of popcorn and doled out a grain or so to each guest as consolation for not getting anything to eat. Some of the prizes for contests were small amounts of refreshments. Apples were bobbed for and the apples themselves were given as the rewards. In a peanut contest the few nuts were the prize. One of the prizes was a jumping brownie. The contests were the regular Hal- lowe'en contests with a few timely twists to them. Witches, ghosts, and 282 The Training School Quarterly devils were in evidence, and the fortune-tellers were kept busy telling the past, the present, and the future. One contest was "A garden of peas" ; the one who scored the highest won peanuts. The class decorated the dining-room with cornstalks and jack-o'-lan- terns, and had ghosts stalking about playing pranks during the dinner hour. One room in the Administration Building was decorated in the same way. , „. „ On October 9, Fire-Prevention Day, the Senior Class Fire Preven- ' . ml tion Pay had charge of the exercises. The program was as Program follows : Reading of the Governor's Proclamation Sadie Thompson Ways and Means of Preventing Fires Thelma White "What Would You Do in Case of Fire" Elizabeth Hathaway In this last the wrong way and the right way were illustrated by the class. In the wrong way, the fire whistle was sounded and the girls in a panic rushed wildly around, getting nowhere; in the right way, they instantly dropped whatever they were doing and quickly and in an orderly way, marched out of the building. At the close directions were given as to how to behave in case of fire at the Training School and which exits to use. They marched out of the Assembly Hall in the order and time they should follow in case of fire. The "Model School" is scattered in different parts Jchool° del of the Evans Street Graded Sell ool building, while the addition to the Model School building is being built. There is no difference whatever in the observation and practice work of the student-teachers, but it is not quite so convenient, and there is less room. Critic teachers, student-teachers, and departmental teachers are cheerfully accepting the situation and finding some compensations for the inconvenience. The work of the Model School is progressing, though not as rapidly as might be desired. There are two of Commissioner Young's fireproof staircases being erected. A new fireproof roof is being erected over the boiler at the power plant. All outside woodwork around the School is having a fresh coat of f)aint. Also the radiators in the building are having a fresh coat of gilt. School News President "Wright made a talk at tlie opening of tie Faculty ^ p itt County Training School for the colored race, which is located at Grimesland. He reported this as a most interesting occasion. The others present who took part in the ex- ercises were Dr. J. Y. Joyner, Hon. J. Bryan Grimes, and Superintend- ent S. B. Underwood. G. R. Whitfield, a leader among the negroes of Pitt County, is superintendent of the school. It was through his efforts that the school was made pessible. Mr. "Wilson attended the meeting of the East Division of County Su- perintendents Association in August. He has delivered two addresses this fall — one at Grainger's and the other at the community meeting at the Joyner School. Miss Armstrong made at talk on food values to the "Woman's Club of Winterville. Miss McFadyen is chairman of the Department of Education of the "Woman's Club of Greenville. Her department is responsible for a night school which is being taught in "West Greenville, near the Greenville Cotton Mill. Miss Wilson is teaching regularly in the night school. Mrs. Beekwith, chairman of Pitt County Liberty Loan Committee, Woman's Division, made speeches boosting this cause on the evenings of October 22 at the Training School Auditorium ; October 23 at the Greenville High School Auditorium, and on October 25 at Farmville County Fair. As chairman of the finance committee of the Pitt County Unit of National Defense, Mrs. Beekwith delivered before the Home Economics Department of the Woman's Club of Greenville, on the afternoon of October 25, a speech on the subject: "Home Makers' Responsibility." On Friday evening, November 9, Mrs. Beekwith delivered an address at Smithtown, on "The Country Woman's Part in the World War." On the evening of November 10, at Arthur, N. O, she made a speech on "Community Service." Miss Wooten is chairman of the Pitt County Chapter of the Red Cross Society, and is serving her second term in this position. 284 The Training School Quakteklt Mr. Austin is chairman of the Executive Committee of the chapter. He, too, was reelected at the recent business meeting. There are 314 students enrolled in School this year. Numbers There were 127 applicants refused admission because of the lack of room. Forty-one students are rooming out- side of the dormitory, who take their meals in the School. By a swift calculation you will see that we need dormitory room for 168 more girls this fall. Mr. L. R. Meadows is in the Officers' Training Camp i^ r c^rr! adOW8 at Fort °g letnor P e - He writes enthusiastically of the camp life. He is on leave of absence from the Train- ing School for the fall term while he is undergoing the three months training. His leave of absence will be indefinitely prolonged if, at the end of his service, he enters the United States Army for full and active service. Mr. Meadows is very greatly missed in the School and in the town of Greenville, where he has taken active leadership in many things, but especially in his church. The School and his fellow-citizens in the town, however, are proud of the patriotic stand he has taken in offering himself voluntarily for military service. The School has suffered the loss of several valuable teachers who have been associated with the School for several years, but it is worthy of note that in every case the severance of connections was with mutual regret. Miss Daisy Bailey Waitt, who has been teacher of Latin for the past six years, resigned at the close of last year. Miss Waitt has been so closely identified with the various activities and has been such a valuable member of faculty committees for solving problems of the School she will be keenly missed. She has acted as adviser for classes, for society, and for Athletic League. The Cross-Country Walking Club is her crea- tion. She has taken an active part in the work in Women's Clubs. She was for two years president of the Greenville Branch of the South- ern Association of College Women, and was, for the same period, chair- man of the Education Department of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs. At the time of her resignation she was vice-president of the Woman's Club of Greenville. She frequently brought the School in touch with the various organizations by attending the meetings. School News 285 Miss Margery Herman, for four years teacher here in the Department of Science, was married on September 18, to Mr. Jay Zeamer, of New York City. They will make New York headquarters, but Mr. Zeamer's business has taken them to Havana, Cuba, for the winter. They are staying at the Royal Hotel. Miss Herman's ways of getting the students interested in birds and plants will never be forgotten by those who fol- lowed her on bird hunts or helped her to plant flowers. Miss Lula Sherman, who has taught piano here for two years, was married at Syracuse, N. Y., on October 4, to Rev. William L. Carpenter. Miss Sherman came to the School two years ago to teach during Miss Hill's leave of absence for a year's study. Last fall when at the opening of school it was found necessary to have a third piano teacher, Miss Sherman was telegraphed for, and returned to us. This fall she re- turned to begin work, but changed her plans and asked for her resigna- tion to be accepted. Her new home is in "the Manse," Rankin, Mich- igan. Miss May Barrett, who was away from School last year on leave of absence, studying at Columbia University, has permanently severed her connection with the School and is rural supervisor in Maryland, with her office at Bel Air, Md. Miss Barrett's students, those who studied under her during the four years she was teacher of Primary Methods here, are teaching in pri- mary grades all over the eastern part of the State, and in some places in the western part, and the Training School girls are making a repu- tation in primary work. Miss Barrett's constructive ability was shown especially in her organization of the student-teacher work and the Model School. Miss Ray, who took Miss Barrett's place last year, has returned as the permanent teacher of Primary Methods. During the summer she completed her work at Peabody College for Teachers and received her degree. Miss Alice V. Wilson comes to the School in the De- New Teachers partment of Science. As Miss Wilson has taught here three summer terms, she is hardly considered a new teacher. Miss Wilson has been teaching in Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C. She formerly taught in Greensboro College for Women, and 286 The Training School Quarterly is well known throughout the State. She is a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and has taken work in Science at Cornell and at other schools and universities. She taught Hygiene and Sanitation at the summer school of the University of Virginia during the past sum- mer. Miss Pattie Wooten, of Greenville, a graduate of Randolph-Macon Woman's College, has charge, during this term, of the academic classes in English. Miss Jenkins has all of the professional classes in English. Miss Mary Bertolet, of Reading, Pa., a Peahody Conservatory pupil, comes in Miss Sherman's place as teacher of piano. Miss Dora Meade, of Rochester, 1ST. Y., a Peabody Conservatory pupil, is teaching piano this term in place of Miss Fahnestock, who is away on leave of absence. The Rural School Supervisor (Outline of the work from the Maryland Department of Education) 1. Assist the counties to determine the field of operations of county supervisors, i. e., what kind of schools and what grades should be super- vised, and what should be the supervisory function of the county super- intendent. 2. Visit as many schools as possible in company with supervisors, note conditions of school property, observe the teacher at work in the classroom and the supervisor's manner of working with the teacher, and to advise with the supervisor about ways and means of improving class- room instruction. 3. Start work upon a course of study for rural schools, to be formu- lated by supervisors in each county, mainly for that county, and a State course to be evolved from these. 4. Secure a workable schedule of time limits for the daily recitations in the rural one-teacher school. 5. Encourage professional growth of teachers through private study. 6. Encourage the organization and conduct of School Improvement Associations — which should be done by the Department in general. 7. Make reports of conditions observed and prepare, subject to revi- sion, articles for the press bearing upon the rural school situation. 8. Make photographs of school buildings, private houses, lawns, land- scapes, etc., illustrative of rural life. 9. Collect a library of rural-life literature in the Department and as a model for school officials and teachers. 10. A plan of cooperation between the Extension Department of the State College of Agriculture and the State Department of Education, looking to a larger recognition of the dominant industry of Maryland in public school instruction by bringing the work of agricultural exten- sion under the direction of the former, and of vocational training under the supervision of the latter, into closer union. 11. Phases of elementary education which the people should know. 12. Keep a registry of eligible elementary teachers not at present em- ployed in Maryland schools. 288 The Training School Quarterly The punster of the Joyner School, Miss Mary ISTewby White, is having fun in juggling with the combination of names connected with the School, and has jotted them down in a jingle which we are passing on to others : We're teachers of the Joyner School Who keep things going strict to rule. The principal, whose name is Wall, Makes problems so clear, they seem small, The intermediate teacher, whose name is White, Works away calmly with all her might, While Miss Lowder, the primary marm, Attracts the little ones with her charm. With the combination of the Lowder-White-W all We'll stand the test of any squall. All working together, we'll gain much good, For we work with Wright and right Underwood. What is a Company ? Civilians are finding that they are somewhat bewildered by military terms and ranks that every soldier can glibly use. Few pupils know just what a company is composed of or a regiment. Teachers should be able to explain the terms that are connected with the company, the unit that each town feels is nearest, and to know the regiments as well as the larger divisions of the army. An officer was kind enough to make out the list for us. Below is given the Infantry Organization as it is now : A Squad is composed of 8 men, 7 men under a corporal. A Platoon is composed of 7 squads under a lieutenant who has 3 ser- geants to assist him. A Company is composed of Company Headquarters and 4 platoons. Company Headquarters is as follows: 1 captain in command 1 first lieutenant, second in command 1 first sergeant 1 mess sergeant 4 cooks 2 buglers 4 mechanics (carpenters) 1 corporal (company clerk) First and fourth platoons are commanded by first lieutenants. Second and third platoons are commanded by second lieutenants. School News 289 Each platoon is now divided into 4 sections : first section, grenadiers ; second and third sections, riflemen (bayonet experts and snipers); fourth section handles guns (automatic rifles shooting about 466 times per minute). The above makes a Company consist of the following officers and men : A Company has in it commissioned officers, noncommissioned officers, and privates, which aire given below with their j>ay added. Commissioned officers; 6: 1 captain $200.00 per month 3 first lieutenants 166.67 per month 2 second lieutenants 146.67 per month Noncommissioned officers and men: 15 sergeants $38.00 per month 4 cooks 38.00 per month 33 corporals 36.00 per month 4 mechanics 36.00 per month 2 buglers 30.00 per month 64 privates, first class 33.00 per month 128 privates 30.00 per month Total enlisted men in company is 250. Enlisted men are furnished food and clothing. A Battalion is four lettered companies commanded by a Major, whose pay is $250 per month. He has a first lieutenant as his adjutant. WHAT IS A REGIMENT 1 A Colonel is commander of a regiment and with him are a Lieutenant- Colonel and a Chaplain. (The chaplain ranks as lieutenant, or higher, according to length of service.) The pay of the Colonel is $366.67, that of lieutenant-colonel, $300, and that of chaplain according to rank. The regiment is composed of : Headquarters Company Supply Company Machine Gun Company Lettered Companies : A, B, C, D, E, E, G, H, I, K, L, M Headquarters Company has 6 officers and 294 men. They are divided into sections : band, mounted orderlies for field officers, and gun section which handles 1-lb. cannon stretcher bearers. The Supply Company has two officers and 152 men. They keep up food, clothing, and equipment supplies and do all the hauling. They have 152 mules and 88 wagons. A Brigade is two regiments. The commanding officer of a Brigade is a Brigadier-General. He has a major as adjutant and two aides who are first lieutenants. They have some enlisted men also as clerks and orderlies. 290 The Teaining School Quaeteelt A regimental infirmary is attached to the regiment. This has 3 doc- tors, 2 dentists, and about 30 enlisted men. This unit makes the dress- ing station for slightly wounded men in the rear of battle. Red Cross Work in Pitt County The Pitt County Chapter of the Red Cross had one of the best reports read at the State Convention. This chapter was organized June 27, 1917. When the report was submitted by the chairman, on October 27, there were thirteen auxiliaries, and two places where there were workers but no auxiliaries. The total number of members is 1,128. In addition to this, Greenville has a Junior Auxiliary with a membership of 700. Greenville was one of the first places in the State to organize the school children into an auxiliary. The figures showing the amount of money raised are interesting. The total collected for Red Cross work is $4,537.44. To this may be added $665 raised towards an ambulance. The amount left on hand for car- rying on the work through the winter is $2,272.82. The total of articles made and shipped is as follows : 3 boxes of gauze dressings; 2 boxes of muslin and flannel bandages; equipment for 18 patients; 26 sets of knitted articles; 255 comfort bags; 2 boxes of sur- gical dressings and equipment for 6 patients were ready for shipment when the report was made. Members of the Red Cross attend the tobacco sales and collect money for the work. The first Monday in November the collections were over Cfje touting ^>cfiooi Quarterly January, Jf efcruarp, iWarcf) 1918 Table of Contents The Schools When We Are at War 291 Thomas Stockham Baker. How the Schools of Pitt Are Helping 293 S. B. Underwood. Humanizing Civil Government for Rural Students 294 R. Reid Hunter. A Mother's Voice from the Trenches 297 Mbs. Margaret Crumpecker. Organization and Administration of Physical Education and Games in the Grade Schools t 298 R. Russell Miller. The Latest Flower of Chivalry 302 Alice Day Pratt. What We Are Doing to Conserve Food and Keep Down Waste 305 Nannie F. Jeter. The Home- Acre Flock 308 Mothers' Magazine. Making Our Own Soap 309 M. E. J. Housewives, Attention! 311 Ladies' Home Journal. Make the Farm Poultry Produce More 312 Herbert E. Austin. The Teacher — Her Call and Her Mission 315 S. M. Bbinson. A Poet Enlists 319 Amelia Josephine Burr. Teaching Correct Usage in the Primary Grades 320 Agnes L. Whiteside. The Story of George Dufant, Pioneer Settler in North Carolina 325 Ida Walters, '18. Economy in Clothing 331 Martha H. French. Judge Stephenson's Address on War Savings 334 Athletic Badge Tests 338 Some Facts and Figures About Teachers' Salaries and Expenses 342 What Training School Graduates Are Doing and Getting 345 Editorials 347 Progress of the Work at the Joyner School 360 Editorial Departments: Reviews 353 Suggestions 364 Aiumnse 393 School Activities 400 School News 404 Cfje {framing gkfjool ©uarterlp Vol. 4 January, February, March, 1918. No. 4 The Schools When We Are at War* Thomas Stockham Bakek, Tome Institute, Port Deposit, Maryland TT IS possible that our education has been too individualistic. We have at times lost sight of the fact that each boy has very positive obligations toward the state, and we must believe that it is the province of education to help to develop this feeling of nationalism. Our country has always been bountiful, and it has asked but little from its citizen's. It has always been an asylum for those who have been oppressed by the conditions in Europe. It has not only given them freedom, but to many it has given the opportunity of self-development to such an extent that they have become men of position and wealth. The State has demanded for all these benefits almost nothing, and the opulence and the carelessness of our Government may have caused some to feel that the obligations between citizens and the States are one-sided. The schools must do their share toward correcting this attitude of mind. The little Russian schoolboy, who luxuriates in his new-found American freedom and the marvelous opportunities of his new home, must be taught that the United States Government is a benevolent power, but that it requires something in return for the great benefits which it showers on the immi- grants who come to its shores. The foreign boy must be taught that he must set aside his feeling of fear and his malign opposition to govern- mental authority, and he must learn that, while the power of the State here is never oppressive and obtrusive, it must, nevertheless, be respected. But we are now at war. What are the tasks that fall upon the schools ? Education even at this time must not concern itself merely with the prosecution of the war. As far as schools are concerned, the saying, "In time of peace prepare for war," must be amplified now and must read : "In time of war prepare for peace." The important thing is to win the war, but we can well consider a form of preparedness which will have to do with the problems that will arise after the war ; and in this form of preparedness the schools can help especially. It is to be hoped and to be expected that the war will be over before many of the school boys of today are old enough to bear arms for their country. The schools Can- not afford to neglect the idea that their students may some day be soldiers, but they have the positive knowledge that their boys will some day be citizens, and we therefore dare not allow, in the midst of the excitement which confuses the business man ^Written for the New York Times, Reprinted in Atlantic Journal of Education. 292 The Training School Quarterly and the man of affairs and the statesman, the work of the schools to lapse or to slacken in the smallest degree. As citizens of the United States we shall have responsibilities and opportunities tomorrow which we did not dream of yesterday, and it is the patriotic duty of every educator and every parent to see that the boys of today receive an education which will help them to gather the benefits in the fullest measure which will come from the sacrifices of their fathers. The times call for an intenser and more thoughtful form of instruction than ever before. They demand a closer study of the needs of the Ameri- can youth and a greater zeal in giving to him the benefits of the best think- ing of which the Nation is capable. The schools must not be dis- turbed. More may be demanded of them; more may be asked of the American boys. They must realize in the peril which confronts their country that a practical form of patriotism is required of them, and that, while they may not serve now as soldiers, they can do a great service later if they have fitted themselves to be men of courage, intelligence, and energy. Let us hope that there may be a quickening in the life of all schools. As a result of the war, it is probable that many of the colleges will be depleted and the advanced studies in the universities almost cease. To balance this slackening in the intellectual life of the country it is espe- cially important that the schools be keyed to the highest pitch. We must teach our boys more about their country ; we must develop in them an intelligent patriotism. The schoolboy in every one of the great European States has a more definite idea of the aims of his government than does the American boy. The young Englishman is conscious of the mighty imperial sweep of the rule of Great Britain, and he feels that if he is intelligent and if he is a clean sportsman he may, under certain circumstances, come to bear a share in the administration of the great empire, if not at home, then in some spot in one of the four corners of the world. The French boy of today has shared the feeling of mortification with his father at the defeat of France in 1871 by the Germans and the loss of the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, and he has longed for a time when he might have the opportunity to wipe out what he conceived to be the stain of dishonor that rested upon his country, and the way Frenchmen have conducted themselves in the present war is probably the most marvelous thing in an age of marvels. If by some mischance France were swept into the sea tomorrow the bravery of the French soldiers and the devotion of the French people to the cause for which they have been fighting would be the most glorious exhibition of patriotism that the world has ever known. Boys should be taught that we can afford to give up thought of foreign conquest, but we must be prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder with The Schools When We Abe at War 293 other great nations in maintaining what is right. We cannot afford to hecome a nation of peace fanatics. We must do what we can to make the administration of all departments of our Government honest and thorough. We must believe more in statesmanship and think less of politics. Boys must be taught to want to make our country in fact and in deed the land of the free and the home of the brave. How the Schools of Pitt Are Helping The public schools in Pitt County are trying to do their part toward helping to win the war. Numerous letters have been sent out urging the teachers to get in behind all the war measures. This note has been struck at every meeting held. Every school in the county has been visited by the Food Conservation Committee or its representatives, and the children enlisted in this movement. The Food Administration and the County Superintendent worked in close harmony on this drive. The cause of the second Liberty Loan Bond was presented to every school in the county that had begun work on Liberty Loan Day. The work was done by teams sent out by the central committee. Quite a number of bonds were taken by school children. Fully 90 per cent of the Red Cross meetings in the county have been held in schoolhouses. Red Cross rooms at Bethel, Grimesland, and Grifton are located in the school buildings. The sewing class in the Grifton High School is conducted practically as an adjunct of the Red Cross. The work of the Junior Red Cross has been recently presented to the teachers, and results are expected from this campaign. Just now we are entering upon the thrift campaign. The last county teachers' meeting (January 26) was given over exclusively to this matter and to the Red Cross work. Judge Stephenson presented the matter, and every teacher pledged full support to the movement. Posters, book- lets, etc., were distributed, and a plan of campaign mapped out : (1) One-teacher schools (2) Schools with from two to four teachers (3) All other schools A prize will be given to the school in each group with stamps sold to the largest percentage of its enrollment by February 15. The campaign will be pushed till that date, and wound up with the celebration of North Carolina Day (postponed from December 14 on account of bad weather) on that day. Teachers will make weekly reports of sales of stamps, and the names of purchasers will be published in the county papers. At this writing (January 29) fully half the stamps sold in Pitt County have been through the Greenville City Schools. S. B. Underwood. Humanizing Civil Government for Rural Students H. Reid Hunteb, Teacher of History, Atlanta School of Technology ONE OF the great problems of the rural teacher today is the teach- ing of civil government. What are the real principles or aims of civil government? What to teach and what not to teach? What specific aims or purposes should the teacher set up for the student in the teaching of civil government ? How to make the subject interesting to red blooded rural students ? These and many more questions are con- stantly before the rural teacher. Much progress has been made in recent years in the reorganization and enriching the content of many of the subjects taught in the public schools, but very little attention has been given to the study of civil government from the standpoint of the country boy and girl. The teachers in the seventh grade have been spending their energy in drilling into students the qualifications of United States Sena- tors and Congressmen, Governors of the State, the salary of the Presi- dent, and we have failed to teach those things which have vital connec- tions with the daily life of the students. So is it any wonder that civil government is dull, lifeless, fossilized and a subject or study to be endured rather than enjoyed? Now the vital question is what can be done to put some life into our civil government and make it a study which will function in the lives of the children and older people of the community ; not function ten or fifteen years hence, but now, in the ever present. Now, to do this, it is very evident that we must reorganize our material, change our point of interest from Washington, D. C, to our own community, and select new material from the great store which is open to all teachers and students. In the selection and organization of our new course, we should adopt a few fundamental principles and standards to guide us. In the first place, let us discard the term, "civil government," and adopt in its place the term "community civics." We will use this term to mean the activities of individuals in relation to government or other cooperative enterprise. Second, we will eliminate all data which does not contribute rather directly to the appreciation of the methods of human cooperation and betterment of all people in the community. Third, we will make a special study of those social efforts and agencies which tend to help make man a more efficient citizen of his community. The opponents to such a plan will doubtless say this would have a tendency to preclude the teaching of practically all the contents of our State-adopted texts on civil government. To this, I reply that if the data cannot stand the test then discard it, and have the energy, courage, and good judgment to make a course which will have the child and com- munity as the center rather than a book as a center around which to work. Humanizing Civil Government for Rural Students 295 In the study of civics, we should begin with the government of the home, the school, and then work to the points of contact between the child and governmental activities. This will lead to an ever enlarging circle. I give at the end of this article a list of a few of the governmental activities and other cooperative agencies which can be used to interest the student, and in many instances the parent. The list is only sug- gestive and can be extended and worked out as conditions may demand. In the discussion of these subjects it is suggested that the teacher always begins with the student or community and not with the Executive Depart- ment in Washington, D. C. These local observations and discussions will lead to larger communities, cities, states, nation, and, finally to world affairs. In this way one will have an opportunity to teach the problems of the community and incidentally teach some formal civics. Special effort should always be made to supplement information on local affairs by drawing on the world at large. If this is done, a spirit of broadmindedness and breadth of view will be cultivated. In closing, let me urge that we stress more the responsibilities and duties of citizen- ship which contribute to the social welfare rather than the personal rights and liberties. The following is a list of governmental activities and other coopera- tive agencies which can be used in working out a few topics in Rural Community Civics : I. The postal service 1. The rural free delivery 2. Parcel post 3. Postal money orders 4. Price list of farm products 5. Postal laws 6. Post roads II. Health activities 1. Medical inspection in schools 2. Treatment of defectives for a. Hookworm b. Bad teeth c. Adenoids 3. Inocculation a. Smallpox 6. Typhoid fever 4. Inspection of food 5. Pure food laws 6. Water supply o. In the home 6. At school c. Pollution of streams 7. Home sanitation a. Drainage 6. Sanitary toilets c. Disposal of garbage, etc. 8. Federal health surveys 9. Treatment of contagious diseases 296 The Training School Quarterly III. Agricultural activities of the Government 1. Free distribution of seed and plants 2. Promotion of the cattle industry a. Tick eradication, dipping, etc. &. Quarantine c. Vaccine 3. Home demonstration agents a. Poultry clubs 6. Canning clubs c. Literary clubs, etc. 4. Farm demonstration agents a. Testing of soils o. Boys' corn clubs c. Farm experiments, etc. 5. Activities of the Weather Bureau a. Weather forecasts 6. Frost and snow warnings c. Weather maps 6. State and Federal experiment stations 7. Agricultural colleges 8. Farm-life schools 9. Stocking fish ponds IV. Poverty and relief 1. County homes 2. Insane asylums 3. Hospitals and schools for the blind 4. Individual or outdoor relief 5. Pensions, state and federal V. General county governmental activities 1. Building of bridges and good roads 2. Public buildings a. Courthouses 6. Building of new schoolhouses c. Jails d. County fair buildings e. County home, etc. 3. Listing and payment of taxes 4. Justice of the peace court 5. County fairs 6. County officials a. Sheriff 6. Commissioners, etc. VI. General cooperative activities 1. Marketing associations 2. Farmers' Union 3. Farm loan associations 4. Rural telephone systems 5. Drainage projects 6. Incorporation of rural communities 7. Woman's betterment associations 8. Red Cross VII. Political parties and elections 1. The Democratic party 2. The Republican party Humanizing Civil Government for Rural Students 297 3. Conventions and primaries 4. Elections o. Registration &. Voting c. Polls- d. Bribery 5. Majority 6. Election of school officials a. Teachers 6. Committeemen c. County Superintendent d. County Board of Education VIII. Military service 1. County militia 2. United States Army 3. United States Navy 4. Military and naval schools 5. Universal military service 6. Draft laws A Mother's Voice from the Trenches In a vitally interesting interview in the March Mother's Magazine, Mrs. Margaret Crumpeeker gives many incidents of her work in France of which one is here quoted : "On the battle-field of the Marne, for miles and miles, are unending clumps of graves, variously marked. Some have little bottles over them with a note inside telling of the buried ; others have tiny flags with the caps of the buried ; while still others have only a simple cross to mark the resting place, with an occasional note attached to a stick asking if any one knows of the resting place of certain soldiers. "At one place, quite near the front, we found six little girls wandering around together with tiny paper bags which they clung to. Where they came from no one knew. Their names had been hastily worked in red thread on their little sleeves ; and they had in the little paper bags their few small belongings. Their mothers and sisters had been carried away by the Germans. One of these little girls, who seemed about two years old, was so careworn that she reminded one of a little mummy. They all wept and clung to any woman who would notice them. "The Red Cross workers gather up these little children and send them back to their hospitals as fast as they can, and there they are protected and cared for and nursed. I shall never forget seeing a Red Cross nurse pick up a wee, deserted baby girl, who was sleeping under a pile of debris. When the child awoke to find herself in the arms of a protector, her withered arms wound around the nurse's neck and she cooed feebly in contentment." The Organization and Administration of Physical Education and Games in the Grade Schools By R. Russell Miller, Superintendent Recreation Department, Raleigh, N. C. PLAY is the primary form of education, because activity is the sole means of education. However, there is play and there is play. There is play that grows like a weed, and never gets beyond the weed state, and there is play that has careful cultivation, so that it becomes a useful plant. Any thoughtful person who has observed the children's activities during an ordinary recess, or at noon, in a school where many must stay for lunch, must see that the latter kind is required to accomplish results worthy of efforts expended. The average recess or noon hour means recreation for comparatively few. The larger ones take possession of the grounds in rough-and- tumble, unorganized play. The majority of the children stroll up and down, collect in little groups, and plan more mischief during that brief time than the teacher can cope with in a week. Parents are beginning to realize that the school owes the child some- thing besides the three "Rs," and unless the school teaches the boy and girl how to live, and grow into strong men and women, it is not doing its part. Physical education includes and will lead to games, contests, better school ventilation, better school yards, school gardens, and school play- grounds. A plan suggested by the writer in a talk delivered to the Civic Depart- ment of the Greenville Woman's Club contained the following standards : 1. Medical inspection of all children from eight years up; 2. Two talks of from ten to twenty minutes on personal hygiene each week; 3. A two-minute setting-up drill preceding each class ; 4. A half-hour of supervised play each day. Fifteen minutes morning and afternoon. A period to take the place of regular recess, and each teacher to take her class to the playground during stated periods and teach them the various games. Every child will have a chance to play by this method, and both teacher and pupil will return to the classroom greatly benefited. In planning the school playground, don't forget that the children themselves will help solve many difficulties. They will be only too happy to put the ground in better shape for their games. Have the boys lay off a baseball diamond where there is no danger from stray balls, either to windows or to children playing other games. Indoor baseball played outdoors is an excellent game for the boys and girls on the school play- ground. Provide good balls. The best are the cheapest in the end. Some of the pieces of apparatus which have been found to be most popular on Games in the Grade Schools 299 school playground are swings, teeters, a sand box for little children, and, by all means, a slide. Every playground should have its jumping pit 10 ft. by 15 ft. The earth should be spaded up and raked until smooth. It should be kept in this condition, for many sprained ankles and other injuries are the result of the boys' jumping on the hard ground. Jumping is easier if a plank is embedded at the edge of the pit for a "take-off." Provide a pair of jumping standards. All apparatus should be placed where it will not interfere with the open space needed for games, and where there is no danger of a child being hit by a swing when he is play- ing another game. The best playgrounds are always the ones where the children get most of their play through active participation in games, and outdoor sports. The first essential of a playground is play leadership. This cannot be emphasized too strongly. It is not schoolroom discipline, but rather organization and leadership. A sympathetic attitude is the first essen- tial. Psychology and philosophy of discipline should be studied from the point of view of the children, rather than from books. No amount of technical training will bring results, if a love of children and play are absent. However, discipline is absolutely essential. Be kind, but firm ; prompt and consistent. Boys in particular always respect a teacher who enforces discipline. All boys have models, ideals, and they want the real article, strong and reliable. The reason a boy likes you (if he will tell you) is, you made him mind and do what you wanted him to do, when you wanted it done, and the way you wanted it. ISTot once in a while, but all the time. You are not doing a boy or girl justice to let' them have their own way unless that way is right. Keep all children busy doing something. Never suggest a new game to the children until they get tired of an old one. The fewer rules the better. Insist on fair play, gentlemanly behavior and language. A most important fact is that you regard your work as an instrument with which to build character and make good citizens. The playground should be a field of character. Appoint leaders in mischief as assistants in caring for the younger children. Be sure that they know the rules of the game. But do not fancy that when you have appointed these leaders you can go into the schoolhouse and correct papers. You must be right on the ground all the time. But do not be a bench-warmer. Play with the children. Set the pace for vigorous action, skill, courage, regard for rules, and sports- manlike temper in defeat or victory. "A boy cannot play games without learning subordination, and respect for law and order." — Joseph Lee. Never hesitate to participate in the play, because of personal dignity. Practice what you preach. Don't fly all to pieces every few minutes and wonder why the children behave so. By playing with the children you 300 The Training School Quarterly will come into closer contact with your boys and girls, and if you prove you are fair and square in your decisions and insist upon fair play from them, you will gain their respect and admiration. You can bring home in half an hour's play ethical lessons which you could talk on for a year in the schoolroom, and fail in making an impression. Full explanations should be given before each game. Each playground teacher should have a whistle. This saves strain on the voice, and should be understood from the outset to command instant quiet, and all play to be suspended when it is heard. The best playing values of a game are lost when played by more than 30. The reason for this is the infrequency with which each child can get an opportunity to participate, i. e., handle the ball, run, leap, jump, etc. Group play, by which is meant the division of players into smaller groups, is the ideal method for getting the best sport, and the greatest value out of the games. The choice of games should be left to the children, after they have learned enough games to have a choice. The teacher should suggest in this regard, and not dictate. Children are made to be able to stand a few falls, knocks, and bruises. Don't fear to see them fall now and then. This is nature's way of train- ing agility. Circle or ring formations have a pronounced tendency toward a spirit of unity among players. A method of forming concentric circles is to form a single circle, and have every alternate player step inward. Allow or encourage certain relaxation, and make that a part of the game or exercise. When it is too hot to do anything calling for active exercise, quiet games of educational value are played, as Beast, Bird, and Fish ; Air, Fire, Water ; Button, Button, etc. There have been a number of suggestive books on games published; some of them are : Games for the Playground, Home, School, and Gym- nasium, by Jessie Bancroft, containing descriptions of many kinds of games from singing games for little children to outdoor games for older boys and girls ; Education by Plays and Games and What to Do at Re- cess by George E. Johnson; Emmet Angell's Play; Games and Dances by W. A. Stecher; Mari R. Hofer's Popular Folk Games and Dances; Henry Sperling's Playground Booh. Many others might be mentioned. A complete bibliography of books on games is to be found in the report of the Committee on Games issued by the Playground and Recreation Association of America. The American Sports Publishing Co., 21 War- ren Street, New York City, publishes an athletic library of ten-cent booklets containing the rules for baseball, indoor baseball, playground ball, and other ball games. To establish a standard of physical efficiency, the Playground and Recreation Association of America has established a series of Badge Tests, for both boys and girls. Upon request, the Association will send Games in the Grade Schools 301 rules for conducting these tests, and also the certification blanks which will enable the boys and girls to secure the badges. There is nothing better than these badge tests and class athletics to do away with the feel- ing that only the best athletes in a school might enter in competitions. In class athletics a record is made by the whole class or school, rather than the individual. The tests are not easy. I understand that it is difficult for women teachers to superintend athletics for boys, because boys have an idea, as a rule, that they are going to be led into something "babyish" that will make "sissies" of them. These tests will greatly appeal to boys. It requires a good deal of practice and skill to win a badge, and the possessor of such a badge has a right to be proud of his athletic skill. Girls no longer think it is "unladylike" to run and skip. You will find, however, that they have no conception of team-work games. Begin with simple games like three deep, touch ball, and gradually work up into the other games that require skill and team play. Girls are very anxious to play basket-ball, but in the grade schools this game is far too strenuous, and more harm than good may come from the game. Captain ball is an excellent game to substitute for basket-ball. Do not forget the series of badge tests for girls corresponding to those for boys. There is no form of play that girls of all ages love more than they do folk dancing. A number of books are published which will enable even the most inexperienced teacher to include some folk dances in her play program. An outline of girls' activities which is very suggestive is issued by the Department of Physical Education of the Public Schools of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Finally, try and remember in all your work with children that "An ounce of sympathy and love for children is worth a pound of psychology." The Latest Flower of Chivalry Alice Day Pratt RAVING been granted the dangerous privilege of saying whatever I please, I have decided to ride a hobby. I was born a lover of animals. Nothing in life has caused me so much pain — and the fact that it has been keen and constant suggests the prevalence of the conditions about which I intend to speak — as our universally indifferent, unthinking, untaught, heartless attitude toward our little brothers in Nature, both those who remain in Nature and those for whose condition we are wholly responsible, having domesticated them and determined their way of life. Once, years ago, I was passing on the street car through perhaps the most crowded block of downtown Chicago. On the edge of the sidewalk, where he had just standing room between the hurrying crowds on the footway and the driveway, stood a dog. Every bone in his body was pricking through the skin ; his head was hanging in utter discourage- ment with the chances of life. Past him, day after day, as he drooped and starved, rushed throngs of Christian (?) people who had glibly recited since babyhood, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." To any one of these unseeing hosts this dog's whole nature would have responded with boundless affection. This little scene has remained typical for me of our attitude as a race toward other races. How much certain "traditions of the elders" as to the existence of all other species solely for our use and glory may have fostered this arrogant attitude of ours may be only conjectured. One can imagine the great Dinosaur giving himself just such airs in his relation to the little reptiles. Now the phase of this subject that I wish to bring to this publication is the question of the training of children in the right regard for animals and the really great character-forming possibilities of the process. The wise ones tell us that our youngest citizens are, in their tastes and impulses, their instincts and intuitions, much more vitally and organ- ically in touch with Nature than their perverted elders. The thin veneer of civilization in which we delight to hide om- heads, believing ourselves immersed therein, impresses them not at all. They are still in the age of Wonder — of open mind and unbound sympathies. For countless ages it was the lot of the human child to be born into a close companionship with the creatures of the woods and fields and into the immediate presence of all the seasonal phenomena of Nature. How much of the hardness and materialism of our city-bred folk may not be traceable to the sudden separation of childhood from this natural and congenial companionship? The Latest Flower of Chivalry 303 It is natural that our companions should be both beneath and above us in constitution and power, both depending upon us and condescending to us. We should be both little among the great and great among the little. This latter condition the animal creation supplies for the young human. Let us imagine ourselves in the position of perpetual uplooking to our companions (our attitude toward them always more or less propitiatory, sometimes hypocritical), and with no creature looking to us for love, kindness, and consideration. All who have been privileged to care for little children will testify to their spontaneous interest in animals and their delight in all out-of-door experiences. Let the farm-bred reader imagine his childhood as having been wholly deprived of the recurring delights of the springtime — not only nor chiefly the beauties of Nature, but the renewing of the animal creation : the appearance of the first exquisite brood of tender "biddies," led proudly from their hiding place and demanding regular and considerate atten- tion, the little pigs duly valued and carefully nurtured, the lambs, the calves ; Tabby's furry family, rapturously discovered in the hay-loft, and faithful Collie's shaggy troop with their irresistible appeal. Every country child has the opportunity to practice benevolence, and this virtue should be practiced early. If it is our idea of a perfect deity that he exercises tender love and consideration for creatures infinitely beneath him, should we exempt ourselves from such obligation? Why should we feel any confidence in prayer for such benefits and mercies as we ourselves have the power but not the will to confer? It is my plea, that in developing and training a child's sense of obliga- tion toward these creatures that he naturally loves, in teaching him wise, patient, and considerate care of all according to their nature, we are developing godlike traits, among which is the "quality of mercy." There is an incongruity in the association in the same character of religious pretensions and indifference to suffering. The pious brother whose stock go unsheltered in the icy rains of winter, underfed and over- worked, who employs barbarous methods of slaughter, whose faithful dog fears to approach him, need offer no public prayers for me. I should not consider them effectual even though fervent. Many a child has received his initiation into the practice of "atroci- ties" on his father's farm. How easily may such an acquirement be turned against a human enemy ! On the other hand, what a school of humanitarianism the farm may be ! Possibly it is one of the consequences of slavery and the relegating )f all farm work to the colored folk that the care of stock has, in the South, been robbed of much of the dignity and importance that pertains io it in some other parts of our country. Certainly indifferences to the condition of even valuable animals is far too prevalent. One of the 304 The Training School Quarterly offices of the teaching of agriculture in our schools should be to impress upon children the importance of the balanced ration, of systematic care and good housing. They should be taught concretely what an economical balanced ration is, for the horse, the cow, the hen, and should learn to compare the results obtained, for instance, from a well-fed, well-housed flock of hens and from the neglected hangers-on of the barnyard. The town child, if fortunately he may have a pet or two, should be made responsible for their care and should be held to it. He should be taught that it is worth while to provide a cozy shelter for Towser and Tabby against the cold of winter nights, making all the difference between warm comfort and keen suffering. The caged bird, if, unfortunately, there is one, is the extreme symbol of helplessness. Let us teach the children that both Mrs. "Do-as-you-would-be-done-by" and Mrs. "Be-done-by-as-you-did" are looking on. Is not regard for animals the latest flower of chivalry? We in America should lead in educational progress more than should the people of any other nation. This means that the work of the schools must be constantly improved as social conditions change, and as new needs arise. This is precisely what the new education is striving to accomplish, and the changes which you see taking place in the schools are occurring in response to the ever widening and deepening conviction that the business of the schools is to teach the young what they will need to know and to do when they face the problems of actual life. — Mother's Magazine for March. What We Are Doing to Conserve Food and Keep Down Waste Nannie F. Jetee, Manager of the Dining Hall T BEGAN my efforts to keep down the waste as soon as I came to the Training School, two years before war was declared. I had been here only a few weeks when I asked all of the seniors who presided at the tables to come to my office and talk over the question of waste. I asked them to help me, assuring them that if they saved on bread, meat, etc., I could give them ice cream and other dainties so dear to their palates. This helped some, but it has taken grim, cruel, relentless war to bring them to real saving. The students' cooperation during the past few months has been both wonderful and beautiful. I started in the dining-room to preach the "Gospel of the clean plate," until now the girls take great pride in showing a clean plate after the meal is over. Next, I learned to a cupful how many beans, peas, meat and bread would go around, and everything is measured. If any food is left from one meal we try to fix it in a palatable form for the next meal, to avoid carrying over waste food. Waste in the kitchen is carefully guarded; servants are required to take on their plates only what they can eat, and woe betide the one who is caught with a plate partly filled with food in the act of scraping it out. The garbage can requires the closest attention, and is inspected daily. Nothing goes into it except eggshells, potato skins, bones — after being boiled to extract every particle of flavor — coffee grounds, tea leaves, orange skins, except what I need to conserve for seasoning, and the roots and outside leaves of cabbage and collards. Clippings from a newspaper, "Garbage Pail — Put In" "Garbage Pail — Keep Out," have been posted on the wall of the kitchen and all the servants, kitchen and dining-room help asked to read these and follow these instructions as far as possible. This plan worked admirably, with the result that the waste from a meal will scarcely fill a quart cup. "When I came to the Training School I found a large cask of black cooking molasses. Since sugar has been so scarce, I boil the peelings and cores of apples, which were formerly used for making a heavy thick jelly, add to this a very little sugar, and make a fruit syrup which I put in this cask of cooking molasses to improve its flavor, and, like the "widow's cruse of oil," it never gives out. We save every piece of bread and make crumbs to be used on top of baked dishes and to roll fish in before baking or frying. Every ounce of fat is saved, rendered, and mixed with other lard, and used as shorten- ing for biscuit, thereby saving many a tub of lard. 306 The Training School Quaeteklt After boiling the bony pieces of meat, from which we make stews, and baked dishes, we take the stock and with the addition of a few vegetables make the soup which forms the main dish for our Monday's lunch. Speaking of the garbage can, when I went to look over its contents a few days ago I found about a dozen nice looking baked apples. Upon inquiring, one of the servants told me that one of the "young ladies" had slipped up on her high heels and lost her apples as she was carrying them to her tables. I hated very much to lose the apples, but as no harm was done to the "young lady," I readily forgave the loss of the fruit. But any loss is rare. All of the fats and waste grease not good for food I make into soap. A full description of the making will be given elsewhere. This soap is used practically for all dishwashing and scrubbing. We are using about half the quantity of sugar that we used this time last year. Our desserts consist mostly of fresh, canned, and dried fruits. When eggs were not obtainable some time since, and the girls were hungry for some Sunday cake, I went to my old-time recipe book. I glanced at the fruit cake used so often in my early housekeeping days, and below I give the in- gredients : Fruit Cake of 1890. 1% lbs. butter 2 tablespoonfuls cloves 1% lbs. sugar 2 tablespoonfuls nutmeg 1% lbs. flour 2 tablespoonfuls mace 1% doz. eggs 2 tablespoonfuls cinnamon 2 lbs. raisins 1 tablespoonful ginger 2 lbs. currants 2 wineglasses brandy? 1 lb. citron I was short on sugar, brandy, and some of the fruits, so I changed the recipe to the following, which was pronounced a success and good sub- stitute : Fbuit Cake of Febbuaby, 1918 2 cups Oleo or lard 1 cup brown sugar (can be omitted and put in syrup) 2 cups molasses 2 cups sweet or sour milk 3 eggs (or omit and put more milk) 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon of soda 2 tablespoonfuls of ginger 1 tablespoonful of cinnamon 1 tablespoonful of vanilla 1 cup chopped raisins 1 cup jam 1 cup preserved orange peel 2 spoonfuls of baking powder &V 2 cups sifted flour Bake in a greased mold for two hours. To Keep Down Waste 307 In my early days of housekeeping I did not think a breakfast could be served without meat, but now we all eat and enjoy our meatless break- fasts. When we serve meat or gravy, we do not serve butter. Cutting down the per capita amount of flour, fats, and sugar were the problems that all had to solve, and the director of supplies worked con- stantly on this. When the general call was made for the cutting down of the amount of white flour, the buyer bought graham flour, an increased amount of oatmeal, grits, and hominy. Graham flour biscuit have been on the table once a day since September. Cornbread without eggs is served once every day; and sliced Graham loaf makes the third meal. On Sunday morning the hearts of the girls have always been gladdened by the sight of "Sally Lunn" muffins. When eggs were scarce and high we had to disappoint them, and when I crossed the campus I was greeted with, "Oh ! Mrs. Jeter, when are we to have some more muffins !" At last a crate of eggs came, and I was afraid to use them as freely as formerly, and, calling my ally, the bread cook, we made the same quantity of bread, using exactly half of the eggs formerly used, and everybody was pleased and no one knew the difference. In the fall when the Food Administrator called upon the people to cut the amount of white flour from five pounds per week for one person to four pounds, the school was serving a fraction over two and a half pounds. We are using far less than that now. Fresh pork has been almost cut out. Last year we served bacon about three times a week. This year it is a treat about once a week — two-thirds cut. Last year we had ham once every week. We now serve it about once in two weeks. An increased amount of cereal might seem to mean an increased use of sugar, but raisins and dried figs served with the cereal takes the place of sugar. Some skeptical person might ask if the girls are getting enough to eat. I defy any school to show a healthier, handsomer, or better fed crowd of girls. The amount of beef used has been cut down perhaps to one-fourth of the former amount. This is no longer the foundation of the fare. With all of these changes in our manner of living, I am pleased to say that I have not heard a complaint, from president's office to kitchen help. The housewife must learn to plan economical and properly balanced meals which, while properly nourishing her family, do not encourage overeating or waste. It is her duty to use all effective methods to protect food from spoilage by dirt, heat, mice, or insects. She must acquire the culinary ability to utilize all left-over food and turn it into palatable dishes for her family. If only one ounce of food a day goes to waste we will in one year lose 1,300,000 pounds of food. 2 308 The Training School Quarterly This is a war that will be won by the women of our land. The kitchen is a place of infinite possibilities, a laboratory of interesting experiments, an altar upon which the sacred fires burn. The domain of the housewife has been raised from obscurity and hard labor to a position requiring brains to conceive and system to operate. Domestic Economy takes its place beside Political Economy, and "woman's sphere" stretches from Dan to Beersheba, and from the hearth- stone to the Capitol. The Home-Acre Flock It may surprise the readers of Mother's Magazine to learn that a great bulk of the poultry and eggs consumed each year by our teeming mil- lions of people is the product of poultry flocks managed by women, says Charles L. Opperman in the March Mother's Magazine. This condition, however, can be more readily understood when we come to realize that from eighty to ninety per cent of these products come from the general farms of our different States, and that the manager of the farm flock is the woman in the home. Upon her falls the task of renewing the flock and looking after the breeding, feeding, housing, and general care of the birds. How well she has accomplished her task is strikingly shown in the tremendous growth of the industry during the past few decades. Today we speak of it as our billion-dollar industry, a splendid tribute to the skill and perseverance of our farm women. One may truthfully say that woman is the master poultry-keeper of America. While it is true that the woman on the general farm has played a big part in the progress of the poultry industry, we cannot overlook the fact that an almost equally important role has been carried out by her sister home builder in our countless suburban towns and villages. The ma- jority of the latter class are producers in the sense that they produce sufficient eggs and poultry to supply the family needs, but it is not un- usual for such flocks to return a tidy profit to their owners at the end of the year from the sale of surplus eggs and poultry. In fact, only last year, I ran across a suburban flock of one hundred and fifty birds that made their owner a profit of over three hundred dollars for the year. Making Our Own Soap M. E. J. CHE story of our soap made at East Carolina Teachers Training School for the kitchen, in the kitchen, and from the kitchen grease, is a story in conservation that is worth passing on. Long before war was declared and the necessity for checking the waste had been impressed upon us, the soap made in the kitchen of the School was a matter of pride. This was when the skins of bacon were saved for the grease keg, the enlarged "soap gourd" cherished by our grandmothers. It was also in the days when bacon was lavishly used and an abundance of beef tallow from the chief article of food fed to schoolgirls, beef, found its way into the keg. The waste fats were carefully sorted and saved, the beautiful, clean, white fat going into one keg, and the "shoddy" into another; and they were made up separately. The result of the former was a pure white, hard soap that could pass over the counter of any drug store for pure Castile, or, if put on the market in cakes, stamped with a trade-mark, and wrapped attractively, would be a rival of Ivory soap. The one who has charge of the dining-room and kitchen of the School knew the formula used by her foremothers for making soap for the plantation, and had inherited from her mother a love for the soap gourd. She also knew that the old-fashioned negro could conjure the soap pot as no white hand could. She discovered among the servants just the one she was looking for — a real artist in soap-making. Whenever fifty pounds of grease were in the soap keg, "Aunt Fannie" was given permission to take a day off to tend the soap pot. She would accept the ingredients given her, and would let the lady give them to her in the correct proportion and would listen to the scientific instructions and smile, and merely ask to be let alone and she would make it. But she said they must not hurry her ; she knew when it was time. She proved herself the true creative artist in her demands. She said she didn't care so much about what amounts went into the soap, but she could make soap out of grease, lye, and water, if the moon was right, the weather was right, and if she felt just like making soap ; but she would make only a "mess" if she couldn't do it in her own way. Another demand was that nobody was to touch it but herself, and nobody was to doubt it. Nobody ever dared to interfere with her and force her to make it when she was not in the mood. She has never failed to make good soap. After food conservation became the watchword of the kitchen, bacon fat was used for cooking; the amount of bacon was cut down; the meatless days and the porkless days reduced all fats to a minimum, and the few skins were put in bread ; the bacon fat was used over and over for cooking until there was nothing left to use ; tallow was used in cooking to 310 The Training School Quarterly the last bit. It looked as if there was to be absolutely nothing left for soap grease, but the watchful eye found it. The plates were carefully wiped out after gravy or meat had been on them. The greasy fishbones were put into the keg. The charred scraping of the pans after the fat had been used repeatedly, also went into the keg. The soap-grease keg had caught what the drain pipe and garbage pail, unnoticed, had caught in the plentiful times before the war. Soap was higher and the soap made last year was getting low, so the soap problem was getting closer. "Grease, lye, and water are the essentials of soap," and this was grease ; therefore, soap should be the result. Finally, the fifty pounds were saved; "Aunt Fannie," the moon, and the weather were all just right; therefore the soap was made. True, it is not the pretty white Castile- looking soap, no more than the bread on our tables is pretty and white, but it does the work of soap ; therefore it is a success. In the meantime, "Aunt Fannie's" fame had gone abroad, and some ladies had asked to see the soap while it was in the pot and to see how to make it. She had three pots, or "bilings," to make. One of these was not nearly so much a success as the other two, because one of the ladies touched the paddle with which Fannie stirred it, and the soap was disturbed at the touch of another hand; another one asked questions which showed she doubted it, that made it "angry," and it took three times as long for it to cook. It cannot be denied that it took the "angry pot" three times as long to cook as it took the others. The soap is made by the following formula : 50 pounds of grease 16 boxes of lye 12 to 15 gallons of water The tubs of soft soap are set aside and allowed to stand for some time so that it will become hard. The longer it stands the harder it gets. It is cut in blocks and placed on planks and dried in the air. It is very much better to make it in dry weather unless allowance is made for the moisture that will be absorbed from the air, and less water is put in. If the soap separates and does not mix well, more water is added ; if it is too thin, it is boiled down to the right consistency. The testing of the soap is by pouring into a saucer and if it forms a hard cake and lathers well, it is done. Any one who has tested fudge can test soap. The soap is made in a big steam caldron, shaped very much like the old- fashioned wash-pot that has been used for soap-making all through the South wherever the old customs have been kept up. The soap-making here is just the same as the soap-making practiced on every plantation years ago, and it is still made on many farms. This is simply adapting to an institution one of the old-fashioned methods of conservation used by every thrifty housewife on the farm. Housewives, Attention! The Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association has issued the following timely advice: GARBAGE PAIL— PUT IN Egg shells — after being used to clear coffee. Potato skins — after having been cooked on the potato. Banana skins — if there are no tan shoes to be cleaned. Bones — after having been boiled in soup kettle. Coffee grounds — if there is no garden where they can be used for fertilizer, or if they are not desired as filling for pincushions. Tea leaves — after every meal. Orange skins — unless used as source of jellymaking material to be added to rhubarb or strawberry juice. Asparagus ends — after being cooked and drained for soup. Spinach — decayed leaves and dirty ends of roots. GARBAGE PAIL— KEEP OUT BREAD — Slices may be used for toast, moistened with hot salt water. Crusts and pieces may be dried and crushed for use on scalloped dishes. Mixtures of different kinds of breads and muffins may be crushed and used like ready-to-eat cereal. Pieces may be softened in water or milk and used in brown bread, griddle cakes and muffins, and for stuffing. FAT of all kinds — May be melted and strained, some used in place of lard and butter. Any fat too hard, too strong in flavor, or too old may be used in soap. TABLE WASTE — Each member of the family should be trained to take on his plate only as much as he will eat. COOKED EGGS — Scramble, omelets, etc., may be used in garnishing salad, in hash, soups, etc. MACARONI and cheese, tomato sauce, etc., etc., as stuffing for peppers, tomatoes, etc. COOKED CEREAL — May be reheated, may be fried and served with syrup, may be used in muffins, bread, griddle cakes, puddings. MEAT — May be served cold, reheated in gravy, chopped and served on toast, chopped and mixed with potatoes, or bread, for hash. SOUP MEAT — Only about 1-20 of the nourishment in meat is drawn out in making soup. The flavor is also drawn out, but if more flavor can be added to the meat it can be used in a meat pie, stew, hash, mince meat, etc. TABLE WASTE — Only as much should be prepared as will be eaten. VEGETABLES, and water in which they have been cooked — Vegetables may be used for salad and for soup. Water may be thickened, milk and seasoning added, and used for soup. Vegetable water may also be used to make gravy for roast meat and used instead of plain water in cooking meat for stew. STAIE CAKE — May be steamed and served with a sauce, as pudding. — The Woman's Journal. Make the Farm Poultry Produce More Herbert E. Austin CHE real function of the public school in the community life is being shown as never before in the history of our State. It is the center to which all the people of the community are coming in increasing numbers for help in meeting the perplexing problems of the day and hour. It is the center from which is going out inspiration and suggestions that will result in more efficient living. Two great problems face our country today. To bring this war to a successful close as soon as possible; to prepare our boys and girls to take the places of leadership in the world's life after the war. Both are imperative; both compelling. In both, the teacher and the public schools must play a vital part. The pressing problems of the day and hour are the real teacher's opportunity to vitalize her school work; to link school with home and life by a tie that shall never in the future be broken. The great problem of the day and hour is food production and food conservation. The world is clamoring for food. How to add to the world's supply of food is a burning question in every community and household. The teacher and the school can help. Garden work, poultry club work, pig club work, etc., become the needs of the hour. Below are some suggestions for practical poultry work : LESSON No. 1 Subject: Poultry. Problem. — How best can we increase the poultry products of our community without materially increasing the labor and cost of production? Pacts that should be known and their value appreciated: 1. There are enough wastes about the average farm in the South to support a flock of one hundred hens without materially interfering with the work of the farm. 2. The average yearly egg production per hen could easily be raised to one hundred eggs per hen instead of seventy-five as at present. 3. The average flock of hens contains too many slackers. Thirty to forty per cent are boarders, not workers. The following figures taken from a report of investigations made in Connecticut by poultrymen from the Connecticut Agricultural College are significant: o. Number flocks observed, 75; number hens observed, 7,556; number eggs laid week previous, 2,130; number workers found, 4,419; number slackers found, 3,137; number eggs laid after removal of slackers, 2,018. The removal of 3,137 hens reduced the egg produc- tion only 112. Make Farm Poultry Produce More 313 6. Number flocks observed, 1; number hens observed, 980; eggs laid week previous, 2,406. Number workers found, 677; eggs laid by workers week after, 2,750. Number slackers found, 303; eggs laid by slackers week after, 10. c. Number flocks observed, 1; number hens observed, 78; number workers found, 14; number slackers found, 64. No loss in egg production after culling. Answers to Our Problem. — A knowledge of the above facts suggest the fol- lowing answers to our problem: 1. Increase number of hens on farm to one hundred. 2. By better breeding, elimination of scrubs or mongrels, better feeding and care, raise production to at least one hundred eggs per hen. 3. Cull out the slackers; replace them with workers. Workers have pale yellow legs, beak, ear lobes and vent. The pelvic bones are wide apart and flexible. Slackers have yellow legs, beak, vent, and the pelvic bones are narrow. LESSON No. 2 Subject: Poultry. Problem. — How can we help to prevent the great annual loss due to bad methods of producing and handling eggs? Facts that should be known and their value appreciated: 1. Farmers lose millions of dollars annually from bad methods of production and handling eggs. The product of the American hen loses $50,000,000 in value between the time it is laid and the time it reaches the con- sumer. 2. At least one-third of this loss is preventable, because it is due to the partial hatching of fertile eggs which have been allowed to become warm enough to begin to incubate. The fertile egg makes the blood ring. 3. The rooster makes the eggs fertile. 4. The presence of the rooster is not necessary for the production of eggs. He merely fertilizes the germ of the egg and makes an egg that will hatch. The fertile germ in hot weather quickly becomes a blood ring. Summer heat has the same effect on fertile eggs as the hen or incubater. 5. Infertile eggs will not produce blood rings. 6. Hens not running with roosters will produce infertile eggs — quality eggs that keep best, market best, preserve best. Per Cent Loss of Farm Eggs Infertile eggs : Total Loss 24.2 % 15.5 % 4 % 4.7 % Fertile eggs : Total Loss 42.5 % 29 % 7.1 % 6.4 % uiimiiiiiiiiiimiiijNli Lobb at Farm In Town In Transit Graph teaching desirability of infertile eggs for market 7. The market desires clean eggs, uniform in size and color. A few low grade eggs in a case lowers the grade of the whole case. 8. Eggs will absorb odors. 314 The Training School Quarterly Answers to Our Problem. — From the above facts we can obtain the following common-sense rules: 1. Remember that heat is the great enemy of eggs, both fertile and infertile. 2. Gather the eggs twice daily and keep them in a cool, dry place, free from odors. 3. Market the eggs at least twice a week. 4. Grade your eggs as to size. Uniformity in color may be secured by keep- ing but one breed of hens. 5. Never send a dirty egg to market, or one that has been washed. 6. Sell, kill, or pen all roosters as soon as the hatching season is over. LESSON No. 3 Subject: Poultry. Problem. — How can we help to prevent the great annual loss due to bad methods of production and handling of eggs? (continued). Facts to be known and their value appreciated: 1. Many eggs fail to hatch each year because they are not fertile. It is estimated that sixty-four and a half million eggs are destroyed annu- ally by this cause. At 15 cents per dozen what would the annual loss amount to? at present prices? 2. Infertile eggs are due to the following causes: a. Having too many hens running with one rooster. 6. Having a rooster of weak vitality. c. Not having the hens running with the rooster for a long enough period before the eggs are selected for hatching. 3. Infertile eggs, if they do not remain over seven days under the hen or in the incubator, are good for cooking purposes other than being served as boiled, scrambled, fried, etc. Answers to Our Problem. — An appreciation of the above facts will suggest the following rules: 1. Select nine or ten of your best layers from your flock and place them in a pen with a good vigorous male bird, apart from the rest of the flock, three weeks before you begin to select the eggs for hatching. 2. Do not use eggs over ten days old for hatching. 3. Do not use eggs that have become chilled for hatching. 4. Remove the infertile eggs from under the hen or the incubator before they are spoiled. 5. Have a rooster of good vitality. His vitality is indicated by a good long lusty crow, and his ability to domineer over the other male birds of the flock. In the development of the above lessons we are under obligations to the following: United States Department of Agriculture: Bulletin No. 464. Lessons on Poultry for Rural Schools. Farmers' Bulletin No. 287. Poultry Management. Special Bulletin, November 30, 1914. Suggestions in Poultry Raising for the Southern Farmer. Farmers' Bulletin No. 574. Poultry House Construction. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station: Bulletin No. 221. Profit- able Poultry Raising. Agricultural Extension Service: Extension Circular No. 6. The Proper Methods of Housing and Handling the Farm Flocks. Progressive Farmer: Poultry Special, 1918, 1917. The Country Gentleman: 1917-1918. The Teacher— Her Call and Her Mission S. M. Brikson, Superintendent Craven County CHE language of the Apostle Paul in Ephesians (4:10) I should like to address to these young ladies and call it my text for this discourse: "I [with elimination of intervening words] beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called." I am addressing these words to people upon whom larger responsibili- ties rest than upon the Ephesians of nearly two thousand years ago. Responsibilities are fairly measured by power and influence, and the modern teacher has possibilities of influence well-nigh limitless. The badge of Divine sanction and approval belongs to her and a dig- nity attaches to her profession which no other can claim. The purely secular teacher must concede priority to the teacher of righteousness — the preacher — but to no other. He, who is clothed with the authority of heaven to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ has first claim upon us ; but coming closely behind him is the one who opens the eyes of the child to the fine things of God's creation and develops in him a keen sense of proportion and appreciation. Her mission is holy and her influence is measured only by the degree of her appreciation of it and ability to fulfill it. Plastic mind offers, objectively, the finest, most promising clay for mental and moral modeling. Its pliable character, as well as the perma- nency and value of its ultimate shape, invests the teacher with a dignity, an immeasurable responsibility and nobility, which lifts her from the human to the Divine office. The chiseled marble eloquently witnesses to the genius of the sculptor. The animate clay tells more eloquently still the story of patient labor and consecrated talent dealing with immortal mind. Cold and passionless marble may for a time withstand the destructive forces of nature, but crumbles finally into its native dust. A life quickened by her whose soul is aflame with holy zeal, a mind trained by her whose ministry includes both skill and loving interest — that child will put in motion wholesome influences which shall intensify and multiply to the end of time — even through the long stretches of eternity itself. The efficient business methods of modern times are vast improvements over the primitive methods of early days. Barter and exchange have given place to scientific systems of finance and business. The social development of the race — and especially the intelligent appreciation of woman's large part in racial progress — has come with constantly quickening pace during these later years. Systems of government all over the world for the most part have undergone changes, all tending to 316 The Training School Quarterly juster systems, with fuller recognition of the rights of the citizen, all with bent towards a practical and efficient democracy. These things have come largely as the fruition of the sacrificial labors, the devote'cl and intelligent ministry of the teacher. A fair assumption, I think, is that progress resultant from intellectual development must have its suggestion and its stimulus in the schoolroom. Many of the startling and revolutionizing inventions have come to us as the flowering of the seeds planted in the child-mind back in the almost- forgotten schoolroom. Much instruction thought to have been lost or wasted has yielded to the state and nation fourfold upon the investment in the matured conviction of great leaders of the race. It is here, in the schoolroom, that the teacher, at her quiet task — frequently the dull, prosaic task — of stimulating and directing mental activity, leads the child along the road to knowledge, guiding his unwary steps over dangerous ground and safeguarding him against lurking evils. During those school days — the days of planting for the teacher — seed of moral as well as mental kind are planted and watched and tended with painstaking care until they shall ripen into infinite blessings. The social order, the political systems, the industrial organizations have undergone marvelous changes, wholesome development, in these latter days — all because somewhere back in the modest schoolhouse of Goldsmith's fancy or the impressive schoolhouse of the city child there labors with patient care and ungrudgingly some teacher whose conscience is not satisfied with perfunctory observance of fixed schedule of work, but whose soul feels the thrill of an holy mission and finds infinite joy in the young life constantly unfolding under her touch. In referring to the teacher I am using the feminine gender, and with ample authority for so doing. More than 80 per cent of the teachers of youth are women. It is not a mere coincidence that the number of women teachers has relatively increased as our country has expanded and developed. We first find a woman under the hard and cruel restraints put upon her by her husband, the life of drudgery and slavery to which this com- placent master and husband committed her. Practically all the teachers then were men. A thousand years later and, despite the growing spirit of independence, only about 5 per cent, of the teachers then were women. There were no institutions of learning for them. Now more than 80 per cent, of the teachers are women, and their institutions of learning are many and compare favorably with those for men. All of this has come, keeping pace in every step of progress with the growing conscience of the race. The world was never before so greatly under the sway of conscience as today. This is said with full knowledge of the wide variance from this rule, the glaring exceptions to it, of the few nations whose lusts for empire has dulled the hearing to the still, small voice of conscience. The Teachek — Her Call and Her Mission 317 The output of the school hears the imprint of -woman, who teaches and practices the doctrine of helpfulness, who idealized him who makes the path of humanity straighter and easier and not him who moves with strident step across the stage, full-panoplied for savage and hrutal war. The moral force of America has been intensified and given finer tone by that influence quietly exerted in the schoolroom, that spirit which has kindled the blaze of national pride in the men and the women whose patriotic and disinterested service has made America the leavening power in the world civilization. The tender qualities of woman, her large store of sympathy, her gener- ous impulses, give her natural equipment for child training and instruc- tion, aud she, better than man — unless he be the rare exception — can develop the gentler nature, can soften and mould the character of plastic child. I wish to discuss briefly The Teacher's Call And Her Mission. In the first place, the call to this service comes from a source higher than any human authority. "Get wisdom, get understanding" (Proverbs 4-5), we are told in Proverbs, and insistently told to get instruction. This must presuppose the teacher who is to impart this wisdom, this instruction. The teachers of religious and secular matters were then the same, but the separation of these important offices does not affect the responsibility of carrying on the work of both. Gamaliel, the teacher of Saul, held high station in the Sanhedrin and, through all these centuries, is remembered perhaps as much for the openness of his student-mind as the thoroughness of his instruction. Timothy (1:3,2) includes among the qualities required of a bishop that he "must be given to hospitality, apt to teach." In Psalms (94:10) the necessity of the teacher's equipment is set out, viz: "He that teaches man knowledge, shall not he know?" The high value placed on wisdom — its transcendent importance — by implication vests the one who imparts it with high dignity and honor. I think wisdom in holy things as well as secular matters is included in the various passages which emphasize the importance of knowledge. The Divine call of the secular teacher is gathered by implication more often than by direct language. The call of the teacher springs, too, from the very organization of society. The ideal home would give to society, as its product, the well-trained citizen. But in practical life it is rare that one can find in a single family conditions essential to the wholesome instruction and development of the child. Incapacity of parent for this important work, or lack of time in this stressful modern life, preclude it. It, too, perhaps accords best with the spirit of democratic institutions — as it certainly is demanded by the necessities of the situation — that the instruction of the child should be committed to the secular teacher. 318 The Training School Quarterly The practical situation, the economic situation, the social organization, give urgent call to the teacher, and to the degree that she responds, in numbers and efficiency, will the adjustment be wise and beneficial. Our political system itself gives strenous call to the teacher. If we were living under the sway of some absolute monarch, and our destiny should be to so continue to live, it would be unwise, both for the governing class as well as the governed, that the latter should be educated. Henry George stated it strongly as well as truthfully when he said that "If a slave must continue to be a slave, it is cruelty to educate him." There is humanity and profound philosophy in this statement. If a man is always to remain in servile relation to another, to acquaint him with the happy lot, the fortunate circumstances, the independent lives of other people would merely tend to embitter his own life and fill it with useless, unavailing discontent. This condition does not obtain in a nation such as ours. Here every man has a voice in naming the officers and shaping the policies of the Government. The need, then, of general enlightenment is manifestly important, even necessary to the permanence of our liberty. A governmental act is an act of the whole, the concrete expression of the will of the whole, and to the degree that the body of our citizenship is educated, to that degree will the act prove wholesome and wise. The early fathers understood this fully when they framed the constitution of the State. They saw clearly the relation between education and popular government when they put in that instrument the requirement that "schools and means of education shall forever be encouraged." They had lived under other governments and realized fully the essen- tial difference between the old world monarchies and the forms of govern- ment which their democratic natures craved and to secure which they had braved the perils of strange seas and desperate battles. Poor, untutored Russia furnishes an illustration of the nation — mis- governed and misguided for centuries, accustomed only to the darkness of the dungeon of political despair — now thrust into the open glare of its newly acquired liberty, cannot yet have full use of its eyes and, in ignorance and blindness, does the foolish and reckless things until adjust- ment, through intelligence, shall finally come. No political power can regard itself as permanent unless that power is a grant from an educated citizenship, and no citizen, who has educational equipment, can withhold from the Government that intelligent interest in public matters which is the price of the honest return which the State has a right to expect and exact. This is the American doctrine as opposed to the traditional doctrine and practices of the Russian Government. The striking contrast presented by these two nations today affords splendid proof of the wisdom of the American system. The one, divided into conflicting groups, rent by civil strife, torn by contending factions, The Teacher — Her Call and Her Mission 319 a victim of fickle and uncertain sentiment, growing out of the enforced ignorance of the masses. The other, demonstrating efficiency of popular government by standing with practical unanimity behind an intelligent national program of peace and of war — a nation militant in the cause of individual and national honor and fair dealing, a nation now applying itself to the arts of war only to the end that the prophecy of Isaiah may come true and "the swords shall be beat into plowshares and the spears into pruning hooks, and nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." This system, the American system, presupposes an enlightened citizen- ship, and to the teacher we must look for this saving salt of our govern- mental system. She it is who shall teach the young American the princi- ples of our government and shall stimulate a veneration for our institu- tions and a zeal for their maintenance in purity and vigor. In the schoolroom, where mind is impressionable, where ideas whether right or wrong, are more easily implanted — here it is that correct ideas of government should be taught and illustrated and enforced through the government of the school itself, where responsibility of citizenship should be impressed upon every child and the strong obligation to moral living which goes with it. A Poet Enlists By Amelia Josephine Bukb And all the songs that I might sing — Madness to risk them so, you say ? How it is such a certain thing That I can sing them if I stay? The winds of God are past control; They answer to no human call; And if I lose my living sold That is — for me — th e end of all. Better to shout one last great song — Dying myself — to dying men, Than crawl the bitter years along And never sing again. — The Outlook {by Permission). Teaching Correct Usage in the Primary Grades Agnes L. Whiteside DUEING- the last few years educators all over the country seem to have awakened to the fact that the so-called language teaching of most of our schools has been a failure in the past in so far as developing skill and effectiveness in the use of the mother tongue is concerned. As a consequence, a revolution, as it were, has come about in the methods of language teaching, the wholesome effects of which are already beginning to be felt in the results that are being attained. Let us hope that this forward movement will continue until its influence reaches the remotest sections of our land, and the mother tongue in its purest and most attractive form shall be the common heritage of every American-born child. If this is to be the goal, parents and teachers must cooperate and do nobly their share of the work. Before discussing how the work is to be done, let us first look into the causes which have made it necessary. Why is it that we find such ex- pressions as "ain't," "I didn't see nothing," "He done it," etc., so common among people who should know better? In most cases we do not have to go far to find the reasons. That "language is caught, not taught," is a statement we have often heard, and those of us who are teachers come to realize more fully each year just how true it is. The child receives his earliest language training in the home, where he imitates, first con- sciously, later unconsciously, the habits of speech of his parents and other members of the household. Fortunate, indeed, is he if he comes from a home where errors in usage are unknown, where the only language heard is that which is used by speakers and writers of the best English. There is an old saying that "Well begun is half done," and were home the only factor which enters into his early training, the child of the home alluded to above would grow easily and naturally into correct habits of speech. There are, however, other factors to be considered, for, during his most impressionable years, the child does not spend all of his time in the companionship of his parents and others of the family. In many Southern homes children have been left largely to the care of "Black Mammy," and under the magic spell of the melodies she has crooned to them, and the charm of the weird tales she has related, bits of dialect appealing strongly to childish fancy have naturally crept in and become a part of their vocabulary. In still other sections children have been cared for by illiterate white servants, either American or foreign- born. They, too, have left their impress upon the speech habits of the young, thereby adding other links to the chain which must later be broken if the youth of our land is ever to come into his own. Teaching Correct Usage in Primary Grades 321 A third and most powerful factor which enters into the early language training of the child is that of the playground. As soon as the innate curiosity of the child leads him to venture forth by himself, he begins to find pleasure in the companionship of other children and to seek that pleasure as often as possible. The playground of the home gradually, as he grows older, widens until it includes that of the street, also, and his pleasure in play increases accordingly. He is not at all discrimi- nating in his choice of companions, the children of poor and illiterate parentage often being preferred to those of better homes, preference being based upon what a "fellow" can do, rather than upon who a "fel- low" is. The more wonderful the "stunts" of which he is capable, the more is he to be admired and imitated. While the spirit of play is at its height, the child's mind and heart are open wide to receive impres- sions, and that which he takes in so freely, naturally finds lodgment and comes out again as his own. Should it seem strange, then, that the children of the best homes, so called, are often guilty of such errors as " 'Taint so," "You don't know nothin'," and others equally flagrant, when they are expressions most commonly heard on the playground? Usually, when he enters school the child has been talking four or five years and comes with an equipment of all kinds of language, much of which the teacher must help him to get rid of, by substituting that which is more desirable. This is by no means an easy undertaking, as habits once formed are not readily uprooted. The teacher who attains even a reasonable amount of success in this work must first of all understand child-nature, and next must have a true conception of what language teaching is. She should realize that every recitation is a language lesson, and the standard of speech in one is the standard in all. Through tactful, incidental correction in conversation, and careful direction in written work, and, through the use of much rich and interesting material, she should seek to direct and mould the taste of the child so that he will eventually choose the correct in preference to the incorrect way of say- ing things. Fortunate, indeed, is the child who receives his early training in a school where this new and larger conception of language teaching holds sway. He has continually before him two models — the language of the teacher and that of the best literature. The powers of imitation are so strong within the child that, when once a teacher has won his confi- dence and friendship, it is but a short time until he has taken up many of her ways of doing things. If she has the gift of attractive and win- ning speech, which we'll assume she has all the better, as before very long he will be using, all unconsciously, perhaps, some choice word or phrase which he has caught from her in the schoolroom or on the play- ground. This, however, is not the only source of his new language ideals. Another, as I have said before, is the literature around which many of 322 The Training School Quarterly the school activities center — beautiful poems, songs, and stories, which, being wisely selected, make a strong appeal to his interest and imagina- tion. Through the frequent repetition of his favorites among these poems and stories, many of the poems being memorized, he begins to realize, vaguely at first, that their charm for him lies as much in the way the thought is expressed as in the thought itself. His "linguistic conscience" is aroused and he longs to be able to say things as beauti- fully as have these authors. Much has been gained when the teacher has succeeded in bringing a pupil up to this point; but there is yet much to be done. Before correct usage can become habitual with a child he must use the correct forms again and again in oral and written work, but particu- larly in the former, until they come naturally and spontaneously — until they become automatic with him. He can hope to break up bad habits of speech only by forming good ones to take their place. As an aid in this, he must daily be brought in contact with the best literature, must have much oral composition, and in addition be given definite habit- forming exercises. These exercises will be all the more interesting and effective if the game element enters into them. A child's greatest growth in language power, we are told, occurs when his interest is at its height, and interest is paramount when he plays. Some of these language drills or exercises should be incidental, growing out of the study of a favorite story or poem; others will be definitely planned for in advance by the teacher ; all will be for the correction of errors in usage, common to the children of that particular group. In almost every school saw and seen are used incorrectly by many of the pupils ; therefore, various means and devices will necessarily he employed by the teacher in her effort to establish the correct use of these forms. There are two poems often given to children of the primary grades, which, aside from their beautiful thought pictures, may also serve to call the child's attention to the correct usage of saw and seen. One of these poems is Foreign Lands by Robert Louis Stevenson ; the other is The Wind by Christina Eosetti. After the former poem has been read or recited by the teacher, she may ask the children to tell her, one at a time, some of the things this boy saw from the tree into which he had climbed. "He saw the garden." "He saw the dusty roads," etc., will be some of the statements given. "Why didn't he see any more things?" "The tree was not high enough." "Could he have seen more had he been up in an airship?" Now for a few minutes imagine that you have just returned from a journey in an airship. Tell me as quickly as you can something interesting that you saw, beginning your state- ments with "I saw — ." This will bring out many different statements, each child unconsciously repeating the expression, "I saw," several times. Teaching Correct Usage in Primary Grades 323 Another device for establishing correct usage of this same form is a game in which the teacher has all kinds of interesting small articles spread out on her desk and then covered over. The children at a given signal form in a line, pass around the room quickly, pausing for a moment at the teacher's desk, which has been uncovered, and then take their seats. Each is then called upon to tell what he saw, naming only one article at a time. Later, perhaps, he will be required to write as many statements as he can, beginning each with "I saw" and naming one of these articles in each statement. This game may be varied in many ways, in one of which the teacher has the articles on a tray, which she passes quickly up and down between the rows of desks, later calling upon each child to tell what he saw. Exercises for drill upon has seen, have seen, and had seen may well follow the memorization of the little poem entitled The Wind, by Chris- tina Rosetti, beginning thus, "Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I," etc. This poem is one that fits in well with nature study during the month of March. After a brief and lively conversation upon good times they've had when the wind was blowing, each is called upon to tell some queer thing he has seen the wind do, beginning his statement with, "I have seen." Then each must try to recall and tell what some one else has seen. Many of the exercises on these same forms may grow out of the reading of the story, The Little Lame Prince, a story so much enjoyed by children of the second and third grades. They may imagine that they went with the Prince upon one of his journeys in his wonderful traveling cloak, and tell of the many strange things they saw. In some schools children use want instead of wasn't and weren't, this error also being so prevalent among the adults of those particular com- munities that it seems next to impossible to correct it among the children. A little game helpful in this case is one in which a child is chosen to leave the room, but before leaving selects one person — we'll say Mary — to hide in some place during his absence. When he returns, Mary is back in her seat, and he is allowed three guesses as to where Mary was, the children answering in concert or individually, as the teacher prefers, "No, she wasn't under John's desk. No, she wasn't in the book closet," etc. If two people are told to hide, the answers will be, "No, they weren't in the cloakroom," or something similar. When the leader fails in all three guesses, another is allowed to take his place. A poem that might be brought in incidentally just here is one entitled One, Two, Three, by H. C. Bunner, in which a dear old lady, and a little boy who is a cripple, play a make-believe game of hide-and-seek. In the poem, April Rain, by Lovemau, the contraction isn't is used repeatedly, so that discussion and memorization of this poem will be 3 324 The Training School Quarterly valuable for establishing the use of isn't rather than ain't. Some of the hiding games described above may also be varied so as to help correct this same error. In drilling upon the cardinal points the child may also, incidentally, be taught to use "It is I," "It is she," and "It is he," instead of "It is me," etc., which is so common in many places. After one or more lessons in which the children have pointed, walked, and run north, south, east, or west, the following game may be used to advantage : One child, being chosen leader, closes his eyes while four other children tip to points in the room directly north, south, east, and west of him. He then asks, "Who is north of me?" The child at that point answers, "It is I," and he must guess who answered. If he guesses correctly, that child takes her seat. If he fails to guess all four of the voices correctly, another leader is chosen, and children standing exchange places or a new group is selected and the game proceeds as before. It may be varied so as to bring in the expressions, "It is he" and "It is she." Aside from games, there should, of course, be conversation, oral and written reproduction, copying, and dictation, all emphasizing correct usage of certain forms. Only one form should be taken up at a time, and each child should be given frequent opportunities for using that form correctly. The resourceful teacher will find countless avenues of approach to this phase of language work. But, after all, it is by her own use of correct and attractive language that she will do most to culti- vate right habits of speech in those whom she teaches. Every man, woman, and child outside of the great cities should do his or her "bit" by cultivating some kind of a garden. Even the little fence corners might be utilized for growing vines. One of the most beautiful sights we have ever seen was a row of blackberry vines trained against an old rock fence. The grateful odor and bloom of flowers and vegetables about our homes, the sight of scarlet peppers, purple egg-plants, yellow squashes, and curly cucumbers, give a joy and satisfaction that only a real home-lover appreciates. — Mothers' Magazine. The Story of George Durant, Pioneer Settler in North Carolina Ida Walters, '18 UENTURESOME hunters and trappers from Virginia about the middle of the seventeenth century began to thread their way through the tangled woods of the "Wilderness" to the south. Returning to their homes, they carried with them glowing accounts of the mild climate, the placid streams teeming with fish, the wild game and rich furs to be found in the country through which they had wandered. These marvelous tales fell upon the ears of a youth, a youth who was to become one of the brave men to face the hardships and battles of pioneer life and make possible the history of the "Old North State." This youth, George Durant, was born in October, 1632, in ISTansemond County, Virginia. He passed his youth in Virginia and Maryland. At the age of twenty-six he married Ann Marwood. He could not settle down in a home in Virginia, but he must go to the new "Land of Prom- ise" of which he had heard so much. Virginia was growing, the game was fast diminishing, and land along the rivers was fast being settled. Durant, like Daniel Boone, must have elbow room. With several companions Durant set out in 1659 to see for themselves if all they had heard concerning the Indian land to the south were true. The journey on horseback from Virginia to the new country was long and hard, for they had to follow the paths of animals and of the Indians through unbroken forests and had to ford the streams along the route. For nearly two years Durant explored the country, and then, thor- oughly satisfied that the glowing accounts of the hunters had not been exaggerated, he determined to build a home and move his family to this wonderful country where land could be had for almost nothing. Unlike Smith and the settlers of Virginia, Durant did not think it right to take possession of the land, so he bought it from the Indians. He and his companions met the old Indian chief, Kilcokonen, and some of his braves out under a big tree near the chief's wigwam. There they decided on the price, and then the old chief gave Durant a deed to the land, the first deed on record of land bought from the Indians. So important was this deed that it is still preserved in the courthouse at Hertford, North Carolina. The land Durant bought, which was in as fair a country as man ever looked upon, was at the mouth of the Perquimans River, a part of the strip lying between the beautiful Perquimans River on the west and her sister, Little River, on the east, and which was washed by broad 326 The Training School Quarterly Albemarle Sound on its southern shore. The beautiful Indian name for this strip, Wikacome, was now to give place to "Durant's Neck." Having thus fairly and justly bought his land, Durant was ready to undertake the task of building his house. And it was indeed a task, but one that he met cheerfully. It took a long time to cut down trees and build the house, for which the materials had to be furnished from the forest around the place. At last Durant had built a log house with two rooms and an ell. It was covered with cypress shingles three feet long and one foot wide, which were fastened to laths by pegs, for there were no nails. The cracks between the logs were chinked and daubed with mud. The chimney was made of logs daubed inside with mud. The doors and windows turned upon wooden hinges. Because of the rough way, he could bring no good furniture from Virginia, but instead used very crude, home-made furniture. The beds were made by fastening two poles In the wall near the corner of the room and putting a post under these where they crossed. The poles were covered with skins and fur robes. After finishing his house, Durant went back to Virginia to move his family to the new home. They had to travel again the paths through the unbroken forests and undergo the hardships of such a journey. The large number of slaves Durant owned had to come with the family and help move. This large number of slaves caused Durant to be called wealthy, as wealth in those days was counted by the number of slaves a man owned. The men who had come with Durant on the exploring trip bought lands along the river and built homes. His friend, Samuel Prick- love, settled on a plantation near Durant's. Later the Harveys, Heckle- fields, Jenkinses and Catchmaids came. The task of establishing a home was not yet over, for the woods had to be cleared and the ground made ready for the first crop. Durant kept his slaves hard at work all winter cutting down trees. Spring came earlier here, but by the time the first green shoots began to peep through the decayed leaves in the forests the men set to work to provide their barns and storerooms with enough to live upon. By the time the eglan- tine and jasmine were climbing the dogwood trees and the blue-bells were watching their own pretty reflections in the smooth Perquimans, the fields were planted. Durant did not expect a great harvest that year, but it was much greater than he expected. In the forests around the settlers' homes the crimson-berried holly trees among the dark pines brightened the winter landscape. The southern spring flung wide the white banners of dogwood, made the forests more beautiful with the gold of jessamine and with coral honeysuckle, and spread the ground with a carpet of velvet moss, of rosy azaleas and blue- eyed innocents. The wide rivers that flowed by the wooded banks formed a highway for the commerce of the settlers and a connecting link with the outer sea. "And however fierce and bold the wild creatures of those George Durant — Pioneer Settler dark forests might be," there was plenty of fish in the waters and game in the surrounding woods to supply the settlers with food. The fame of this fertile spot spread rapidly, for more people kept coming from Virginia in order to find game, fish, and plenty of good farming lands near the rivers. Soon the dense forests that stretched down to the river brinks fell beneath the axe of these home-seekers, and small farms and great plantations fringed the borders of the streams. The people at first lived far apart in log houses like Durant's. ISTo nails were used in building them, and later we find nails made by hand and mentioned in wills as valuable property. After Durant had been here some time and had gotten in closer touch with the outside world, the houses were of better type. The poor people still lived in log houses. Those better off lived in frame houses about forty feet long and twenty feet wide, with a shade at the back and a porch in front. The chimneys were made of bricks brought from Boston or England. The wealthier people began to build brick houses. Durant was among the first to own a brick house. The bricks had to be brought over from England, the lime had to be made from oyster shells, and there were no skilled carpenters and masons to build it. After a long time the house was finished. It was large and high from the ground. Beneath it a large cellar ran the whole length of the house. The porch was broad and long and tall ; square columns supported the roof. The hall was wide and had a large fireplace in one end. The large, high-pitched rooms had sash windows, large closets, and big fireplaces. In one corner of the kitchen fireplace there was an oven where all the cooking was done. The pots and kettles hung from a crane that swung down the chimney. The other rooms had quaint old beds and furniture which were prized highly and were, too, mentioned in wills, for it was not every day that such could be brought over from England. Only the wealthier people's houses were furnished like Durant's. In the houses of the poorer people the beds were like those in Durant's log home. There were some pegs on the walls for clothing and perhaps a home-made stool or two in the room. Perhaps there were two such rooms and then the kitchen back of them. There one could see a rough table, some benches made by splitting logs in two parts and putting in legs, a shelf or two, a few pans for cooking, and the big fireplace like that in the homes of the wealthy. The lights in all the houses were home-made tallow and wax candles set in wooden, tin, or silver candlesticks, according to the wealth of the family. In the fireplaces huge logs were placed on the fire, and at night the coals were covered with ashes to keep them till morning, because they had no matches, and it was not a pleasant, task to get up on a cold winter morning and go to a neighbor's house to borrow "a coal," or, as the Indians did, strike flint together until the wood caught. It was 328 The Training School Quarterly much easier to remove the ashes, lay on some kindling, take the bellows and blow until the fire crackled up the chimney. What kind of men and women lived in these homes? The women were ever spoken of with respect. Mistress Durant and the other well- to-do ladies were industrious, good housewives who knew how to direct the slaves in the housework, cooking, cheese and candle making, and in the spinning and weaving of cloth for clothing. The poorer women did this work themselves and helped their husbands on the farms in the busy season. The men could not even handle a canoe better than the women. The men were hardy, good workers, good natured and fond of enter- taining their friends. There were blacksmiths, carpenters, sawyers, shoemakers and masons ; but most of them were farmers. The black- smiths made nails and the buggies and other vehicles the people rode in. All these people were needed by the settlement ; but perhaps the farmer's life was the most interesting of them all. He raised vegetables, wheat, corn, and oats. Such a large quantity of tobacco was raised that much of it was shipped to England, and it was frequently used in place of money. They also bred horses, cattle, sheep and hogs in large numbers. Where today we see our pastures, then one could see the fields, while outside the animals were free to roam at will. The hogs fed on acorns, roots, and berries, and only when the cold winter came did the farmers have to feed their stock. So many horses were raised that a law was passed saying a man could raise only a certain number. The people took advantage of such favorable conditions and made money by ship- ping to the mother country beef, pork, mutton, hides, deer, and fish. The forests were valuable, for the people could ship much lumber, turpentine, and other forest products. Durant and his neighbors worked hard, but still not all the time, for they had plenty of amusements and pleasures. They had corn-shuckings with their stories, songs, and good old-fashioned suppers, harvestings, wrestling matches, quiltings and dances. At the latter, everybody talked, danced, drank wine, ate cake, and spent a pleasant evening. The boys went fishing and hunting, tracked bears and deer, and robbed bee trees of the most delicious honey. They learned to trap fish, rabbits, beavers and bears, hunted oppossums and killed wild turkeys. The boys and girls would go on chinquapin hunts, picnics, canoe trips, and horseback rides. In the last two feats the girls equaled the boys. No one was more fond of entertainments than Durant. Dressed in his long coat and short trousers of homespun, he passed among the great crowds that thronged the large old rooms of his home. Many were the evenings the huge logs blazed in the old fireplace as Durant and his guests, seated in the glowing light, talked with one another, filled and refilled their glasses with beer and ate the luscious apples that had be™ George Durant — Pioneer Settler 329 stored for winter use. Durant was so much loved by the community that for a long time courts and other public meetings were held in his spacious hall. The colony grew rapidly and as it grew many needs arose, among the first of which was a government. At first England paid no attention to the little handful of settlers along the beautiful Perquimans, but the colony grew so that at last England woke up. She decided to show her control over the pioneers so she sent over the first governor for North Carolina, William Drummond. The people were pleased with the new governor, and, as was their right, helped make the first laws for the colony. The leading men, Durant, Pricklove, Harvey and others, were among those first lawmakers. They met under a spreading oak on a little knoll overlooking Hall's Creek in Pasquotank County. "Around them the dark forest stretched, the wind murmuring in the pines and fragrant with the odor of the spicy needles. At a distance a group of red men, silent and motionless, some with bow and arrow in hand, lean- ing against the trees, others sitting on the ground, gazed with wondering eyes upon the white men. Down at the foot of the knoll the silver waves of the creek rippled softly against the shore; on its waters the sloops of the planters from the settlements near by ; here and there on its bosom, an Indian canoe moored close to its shore." The men made the laws, and then, having begun our government, returned home, "to manor house and log cabin, to the care of the great plantation, to the plow, and the wild free life of the hunter and trapper." But their work was not over, for, soon some harsh governors were to try their strength. Led by the strong and fearless Durant, the settlers caused those governors to be removed from office and better ones to be put in. Even with a government, all the needs of the people were not met, for it was a good many years before they had any churches or schools. Because the settlers had come in small groups, lived far apart and had only blazed paths for roads, it was impossible for many years to build schools. The mothers taught their children at first as they sat around the fireside in the evenings, and a little later some of the wealthier secured teachers for their children. The first school was built a long time after Durant settled in North Carolina. There were no churches in the early days of the colony for the same reason that there were no schools. When Durant had been in Carolina about twelve years, William Edmundson, a Quaker, came and held the first church services in the home of one of Durant's neighbors. The next fall George Fox came and preached to the people out under the trees. The settlers kept working for a church until a number of years after Fox's visit the first one in the State was built on Little River. It was a rough, crude little Quaker meeting-house but very dear to the people. Durant had led the way into North Carolina, had helped start the ''•wernment, and had lived among friendly neighbors. Even when an 330 The Training School Quarterly old man the people could not entirely give up their leader, so he became a justice of the peace and continued to throw open his doors to his friends until he died at the age of sixty-two years in 1694. Although no monu- ment now marks his grave, none is needed for us to remember with pride the brave, fearless man, George Durant, who was such a daring and progressive leader in the early days of the "Old North State." Economy in Clothing Martha H. French, Assistant Professor of Textiles and Sewing, State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. nO loyal American woman can fail to recognize that in the present world crisis her efforts must be quite as whole-hearted as are those of her brother in arms if this war is to be won for democracy. She must realize that not alone her own countrymen must be clothed and fed, but that the men of the allied countries also must have food and clothing to keep them in condition to fight. She has been told just how much flour she must save, and how many pounds of sugar her household consumption must be cut. She has had "meatless" and "wheatless" days brought to her attention. She has been guided through a maze of wheat and meat substitutes by literature unlimited, and by recipes from many sources. And it is well that she should be. But what of the restrictions and substitutions necessary in other commodities — in fuel, in clothing, in fabrics for the home ? That man does not live by food alone was never truer than now ; and an effective program of conservation does not apply to food alone, though we are apt to lose sight of its other requirements. Women's Wear, a paper published for the trade world, gives in a recent issue plans that have been adopted by the makers of women's garments, by which they hope partially to overcome the difficult situation. No garment is to contain more than from three to four and a half yards of material, the amount depending upon the width of the goods. It is stated in the same issue that women show no signs of upholding the wishes of the Government, but rush to get the very fabrics which it has asked them to conserve. Streightoff, in his Standards of Living, says that clothing should be the corollary of food. It should act as an insulator to conserve bodily heat. Persons poorly clad need more food than those warmly dressed. Where it is possible, both food and fuel may be conserved by wearing warm clothing. To be well clad adds to a person's prestige and self- respect; but only in making clothing serve its real purpose can one be well clad. The Government tells us that in wool fabrics especially we need to economize, and the reasons are not hard to find. The use of the animals for meat and the reduction of flocks because of the high cost of feed have lessened the amount of wool produced. The severity of last winter killed many animals and injured both the quality and quantity of wool on those that survived. Then, too, our British importations, usually large, have ceased. Yet in the face of all these conditions the demands for equipping army and navy have greatly increased our total needs for wool. 332 The Training School Quarterly The practical problem arises, then, How are we to meet this condition ? How can we economize in clothing, thereby conserving materials needed for the army and navy — our protectors ? 1. We must have fewer changes. 2. We must remodel where possible; I do not mean "where con- venient," but where possible. 3. We must avoid extremes in style, as these necessitate frequent change. 4. We must buy durable stuffs, and wear them "to a finish." 5. We must set worthy standards, and live up to them fearlessly. Many times it is difficult to economize in clothing because of the fear of public opinion. Prevailing high school fashions, which overdress the students and detract from the youthful charm of the wearers, are a glaring example of the "follow-the-leader" type of dressing. In the United States we have not learned to select clothing from any standpoint except a whimsical fancy. In France, to which country we always look for charm in dress, woman wears a costume to enhance her own attractive- ness, not to take honors from it. In the introduction to a history of French fashions, a French woman is quoted as saying : "It is perhaps allowable to be sentimental in a sky-blue bonnet, but one must not cry in a pink one." A few years ago the Society for the Promotion of Child Welfare in New York City in one of its exhibits distributed a small pamphlet entitled, "What was the Matter with Mary's Last Dress?" In this the following questions were asked : "Did it fade ? Did it shrink badly ? Did it go to pieces when rubbed on the washing board ? Did it look like linen — smooth and glossy at first, and then, after washing, look coarse, and open, and dull, Did it spot when Mary was caught in the rain? Was it more cotton than wool, in spite of the salesman's assurance that it was all wool? Do you really want to know about all these things before buying Mary's next dress or coat or underwear?" The shopper can examine the fabric by holding it to the light and looking through it for imperfections in weave and in threads. Of course, if a good, high-power microscope or a chemical laboratory were available, many fairly definite tests might be made ; but as a rule the consumer is not in a position to use either of these means. To sum up, then, the wise shopper may ask herself questions something like these when making her purchases : 1. Is this material what it is represented to be? If adulterated, how? Does this interfere with its usefulness to me, 2. If colored, Are the colors suitable to the purpose, and fast to light and washing, Are the decorations lasting, 3. Is the appearance enhanced by filling or by deceptive finishing, The intelligent shopper will know how much she has to spend, and never spend more. She will know the quantity of material necessary, Economy in Clothing 333 instead of depending upon the judgment of the saleswoman. She will know which stores specialize in certain things. She will know that one good garment is hetter than two poor ones, and that simple clothes, though not always the cheapest at first cost, wear longer and look attrac- tive always. She will avoid bargains, except where training and experi- ence guarantee good judgment. Good, standard fabrics must command a fair price. By thus bringing definite knowledge, a trained judgment, and simple taste to bear upon the problem of providing the fabrics of the household, the mistress of the average home may give very material aid in our national program of conservation and still keep her family well clad. — The American Schoolmaster. Judge Stephenson's Address on War Savings J^'UDGE GILBEKT STEPHENSON made a great talk on War Savings to the teachers of Pitt County at their meeting in January. The sum apportioned to Pitt County to be raised during the year 1918 by War Savings Certificates is $799,480. Judge Stephenson's address was the opening of the campaign in Pitt County. The teachers are organized, and in turn are organizing their schools and communities so as to make a strong and steady pull. Colonel Fries has made the assertion that Worth Carolina can raise the fifty millions of dollars she is called on to raise with the teachers talking, encouraging the sales, and educating the people until they realize the need, impressing upon pupils and parents the dire and extreme need. The teachers listened eagerly to what Judge Stephenson had to say, and entered upon their task with enthusiasm inspired by the great appeal. We are giving the speech, partly reported and partly quoted. He began by saying that, in face of the facts, the American people have not begun to realize the war. At the beginning of the war we had no part in it ; the problems were foreign problems. The sacrifice has not yet been brought home to us, and we will not realize it until we see the maimed in the streets and look upon the horrible signs of war. "Can it be possible that our apathy is such that it necessitates the sight of the horrors to arouse us ?" There is nothing on our streets that reminds us of the war, and no aircraft are threatening us from above. He sketched the picture of a scene after a Zeppelin raid — an humble London home. "We have never lost, and our cause is just. But we must teach that other wars are but as child's play compared to this." We, a peaceable people, are called to war, but our cause is just. "Belgium lies upon the side of the high roads of the nations, bleeding; the United States, the good Samaritan of nations, must go to her rescue." He declared it is too late now to discuss the issues that brought about the war, but now the future must be settled. "This is the culminating war of history. Indecisive war is only a truce." Peace, he said, is as far removed as it was in 1914. The peace aims show that we are more at variance than ever ; there are more bones of contention than ever before. America and England will finally dictate the terms that will win, but not until Germany is beaten and we are in a position to accept or to sue for peace. "Germany's man power is still unimpaired, because all displaced men are replaced by men, women, and children taken from other territory. Germany's resources are still unimpaired. She has raised billions of dollars. For every dollar it has cost her, Germany has stolen one to take its place. She has stolen from Belgium alone eight billion dollars. From the French she has taken iron mines, coal mines, locomotives, Judge Stephenson's Address 335 freight ears, and many other things. From Rumania she took gasoline and benzine. Her zinc, lead, and tin she got from Poland. She has stolen even household and kitchen furniture and the stocking trinkets." The "booty shops" in Berlin where the trinkets are on sale prove this. Germany is the highway robber of nations. She has stolen $40,000,000 of booty. "Germany's strategic position is the same it was at the beginning. Germany is at the hub of the wheel, and the United States is at the rim. That is the explanation of why it can hold the world at bay. It takes ten times as much power for the United States to get material to the front as it does for Germany. "When the war is over the terms are to be dictated by Germany or by the Allies. It will not be a draw. What victorious Germany would do can be judged only by what Germany did do in 1871. It will be another story of indemnity and exaction — the story of Alsace and Lorraine repeated, only far worse. The Pan-German spirit has grown until what was done then is only a bagatelle as compared to what they would do now. "The United States would have to pay. Germany is resentful of our having entered the war. We must go on or under, and that means we shall forfeit our national existence forever. We are going to win, but only when American people as a whole wake up and do their full part. Everybody is only waiting to be told what to do. "She must give service. Her soldiers, sailors, and all who are serving in person are giving this. The Red Cross is one way in which she is giving service. The Government is getting service by the selective draft. The volunteers are giving themselves. Men and women are giving them- selves and their work ; some are giving up what they have to serve without salary, as Vanderlip gave up a salary of $150,000 a year to serve for $1 a year. "Nine-tenths of us must give our goods rather than our services. If all of the ten million go into active service that leaves ninety million at home. Most of us will go on doing the things we have been doing. Teachers will continue to teach. Our only opportunity to serve is by giving. The Government must have money to buy goods, and it must buy in the open market. Nineteen billion dollars have been appropri- ated. There are two ways of getting this: (1) by taxation, and (2) by loans. Only one-fifth of it can be raised by taxation as things are now. The Government is going to get the money — if not by borrowing, then by taxing. A tax receipt is exactly the value of last year's bird nest, and a bond is worth its weight in gold." Two billion dollars is to be raised by War Savings Stamps. Judge Stephenson gave a clear explanation of these stamps and the method for organizing the school children of the country so that the school will be the center of a thrift army. 336 The Training School Quarterly "You millionaire school teachers can have only a thousand dollars of these securities at 4 per cent interest," he said. He explained that they could be cashed in for 3 per cent interest, but that the postoffice could ask for ten days notice so as to give them time to get the money in hand. Many are asking where to keep it ; but the Government has attended to that. If it is registered the billy goat can't eat it up. The campaign has been so organized that the nickels and dimes and quarters of the children will buy thrift stamps, and these will grow into certificates, or baby bonds. The children are to be brought into this work through War Savings Societies ; there must be one in every schoolroom in Pitt County. In order to have a society the school must have at least ten war savers ; these members must do three things: (1) save money, (2) invest the savings in war stamps, and (3) must get others to do the same. This is one of the two features of the plan. The second feature is to let the children see that the child who has enough spunk to save is as much of a patriot as his brother who fights in the trenches. These savers are to be called the "Army of Thrift." This army is to be called the "Army of Thrift," and the members are to be called "Soldiers of Thrift." When a soldier joins he enters train- ing. When he gets 10 different people to buy stamps he is recognized by being given a badge, and his name is published as a soldier of thrift. When he brings in 15 more names, making 25, he becomes a captain of thrift; when he has 50, a major of thrift; and 100, a colonel of thrift; 200, a general. A general's name is recorded in the Treasurer's office in Washington, and he is known as a hero of thrift. When he is made a soldier, he is ready to begin fighting. Girls, as well as boys, are soldiers in this army. They are organized into regiments. These boys are taking care of soldiers ; Pitt County soldiers of thrift are taking care of Pitt County soldiers. ]STot only the money to buy things with, but the goods, is a serious matter, said Judge Stephenson. The amount of goods is limited, as we have found from the shortage in coal and sugar. He gave illustrations proving that the goods for the soldiers in camp could not be secured as fast as needed. At Camp Dix there were 50 per cent without shoes to drill in. Vanderlip, on his trip through the South, found a camp where there was hospital room for only 800, and there were 200 sick soldiers without beds. People are continuing to buy shoes and to buy new woolen suits, while the shoes and the woolen material is needed for our soldiers. He told the story of a manufacturer of shoes who was seen wearing patched shoes, and he said he knew well that every pair of shoes bought was just that much less depriving the soldier of shoes. A machine gun corps has been practicing with sticks instead of guns, because the guns could not be secured. Judge Stephenson's Address 337 The remedy for all these troubles is for us to economize in all lines, and economize until it hurts. First, we must economize in food. He touched on conditions in Russia, and told of the two millions in Serbia who are starving to death. It looks as if even gluttons would be moved ! We can economize in wool. It should be a badge of honor to wear last year's suit. We should economize in things needed to make war materials. For example, we can help with the gas masks. The same sort of labor that makes hats makes gas masks. We spend a hundred millions a year for millinery. "Would you ask a munition worker to stop and make you a hat? Are you not doing the same thing when you buy the thing that he makes while he could be working on munitions?" Airship fac- tories are using the same materials and labor as automobile factories. At Newark, New Jersey, on one side of the street was a munition factory which was working only half the time and across the street was a phonograph factory that was working the full twenty-four hours. We insist on music boxes instead of munitions ! Saving means releasing materials and labor. The Government wishes to teach people the invaluable lessons of thrift. Grown people will lay by who have never laid by before. Ninety-seven per cent of people past sixty are dependent. Our per capita wealth in the South is the lowest of any English-speaking people in the world. Only 7 per cent of the people in the South are money savers, against 70 per cent in New England. They save more than they spend. This should be changed. Another phase of the saving the speaker brought out was the oppor- tunity the homefolks have to help save so the boys will find something when they return. The father can help take care of his sons when they return. He can make his savings an investment for them. If economy is taught this generation, the next will take care of itself. The children are being trained to become either thrifty or spendthrifty. We should not be satisfied until we change the figures — until 93 per cent are savers, instead of 7 per cent — the reverse of what it is at present. The Government is calling on every Pitt County man to give $20 per capita. "Every idle dollar is a slacker dollar; every wasted dollar is a traitor dollar; and, on the other hand, every war dollar is a patriot dollar." Even if it hurts to save, the sacrifice is infinitesimal compared to that of our boys. "I cannot conceive of anything more horrible than to have one say this : 'He failed to come to his country's call.' " We all remember the war stories we heard from grandfathers. The child will ask, "What did you do in the war ?" "The test is coming to all, to young ladies as well as to men, and we must either serve or be traitors." In closing, the speaker quoted Vanderlip : "The number of men who will come back home will be governed by the number of men at home who made sacrifices." Athletic Badge Tests REALIZING the need for a standardized test of physical efficiency, the Playground and Recreation Association of America, 1 Madi- son Avenue, New York City, in 1913 decided upon athletic hadge tests for the boys and girls of America which would tend toward all-round development and which might be given uniformly in every State in the Union and in rural districts and cities alike. A committee of experts on physical training from different parts of the country was appointed to draw up a series of athletic events which would be interesting as well as effective in establishing fair standards of physical efficiency. For Boys After much careful thought, the following tests for boys were adopted : First Test Pull Up (Chinning) 4 times Standing Broad Jump 5 ft. 9 in. 60-Yard Dash 8 3/ seconds /5 Second Test Pull Up ( Chinning) 6 times Standing Broad Jump 6 ft. 6 in. 60- Yard Dash 8 seconds or 100-Yard Dash 14 seconds Third- Test Pull Up (Chinning) 9 times Running High Jump 4 ft. 4 in. 220-Yard Run 28 seconds The badges awarded the boys passing the tests, it was felt, should be simple and beautiful ; they should not in themselves have intrinsic value, but their value should be rather in the ideal for which the badge stands. The badges of the Playground and Recreation Association of America were designed by Dr. R. Tait McKenzie and are of bronze. The tests require only simple apparatus, a comparatively small space. They can be conducted in a short period of time even with a considerable number of boys, and the measure of each boy's performance can be accurately determined. No age or weight limit is fixed. Any boy may enter any test at any time. Rules The following general rules shall govern the final com- petition : No boy is permitted to receive more than one badge in any one year. It is necessary to qualify in all three events in any one class in order to win a badge. Athletic Badge Tests 339 There shall be but one trial in chinning, one in the dashes, and three in the jumps. What It Does Every boy ought to be physically efficient. Specialized athletics have developed remarkable American athletes, but they have done most for those who needed athletic training least. Every boy ought to try to reach a certain minimum physical standard Such standards have been formulated by a committee of experts and are here presented. Every boy passing the tests is authorized to wear this badge, which stands for physical efficiency. Every boy wearing this badge as he meets another boy — even though their homes be on opposite sides of the continent — when he sees the badge upon the other boy knows that they have had the same tests, and feels a certain comradeship. For Girls* The Playground and Eecreation Association of America has adopted the following as standards which every normal girl ought to be able to attain: First Test All-up Indian Club Race 30 seconds or Potato Race 42 seconds Basketball Goal Throwing 2 goals, 6 trials Balancing 24 ft., 2 trials Second Test All-up Indian Club Race 28 seconds or Potato Race 39 seconds Basketball Goal Throwing 3 goals, 6 trials Balancing (bean-bag or book on head) 24 ft., 2 trials Third Test Running and Catching 20 seconds Throwing for Distance, Basketball 42 ft., or Volley-ball 44 ft. Volley-ball Serving 3 in 5 trials The athletic sports of the girls in rural communities begin largely in the schools. There are 226,000 one-room rural schools in the United States, and because of lack of gymnasium equipment and dressing-room facilities, events requiring bloomers and bathing suits are not advisable. There are many splendid events which cannot be used nationally. For instance, rowing, swimming, and other water sports are as impossible in many sections of the prairie countries, as are skating and skiing in the south. Archery, golf, field hockey, horseback riding, and tennis have been found to be quite beyond the means at the disposal of the majority *The revision of the badge tests for girls, with the addition of the third badge test, has been largely the work of Lee F. Hanmer, chairman of the special committee of the Association appointed to work out the tests. 340 The Training School Quarterly of school girls in both city and country. There are communities in which any form of dancing does not meet with approval. In view of these facts, the above events have been agreed upon as most suitable for use throughout the United States. Rules for Tests There are no height, weight, or age limits in the Athletic Badge Test for Girls. The following general rules shall govern the final tests : Unless otherwise stated in these rules, there shall be but one trial in each event. It is necessary to qualify in all three events in any class in order to win a badge. No girl is permitted to receive more than one badge in any one year. No girl is entitled to more than one first, second, or third test badge, even though a full year has elapsed since she last qualified for a badge. If a girl has already qualified for a third test or a second test badge, she may qualify for and receive a badge for the lower test, provided a full year has elapsed. What It Does Every girl ought to have poise and control over her body. Every girl ought to be able to attain a minimum physical standard. Every girl passing the tests is authorized to wear this badge, which stands for physical efficiency. Girls from every part of America will pass the same tests and wear the same badges. The girl who is physically efficient will be happier and more useful to society. It is hoped that once each year in each city there may be a meeting of the girls who have qualified in previous years to welcome those who have just qualified, and that this meeting will be made a notable annual civic event. To raise the standard of physical efficiency among the girls of America is to give greater freedom, beauty, and power to the women of America. Presentation of 1, Singing of Star Spangled Banner. Sugges'tive ^. Reading of Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech by the Program Mayor or some other adult. 3. Those who have been previously awarded badges repeat together the following declaration of allegiance : I will honor my country; I will do my best to build up my country's free institutions ; I will not disgrace my city or my school ; I will try to keep myself strong for my country's service. Athletic Badge Tests 341 4. Those who are now to receive badges repeat the same declaration of allegiance to America. 5. An address not to exceed five minutes on the subject, "For a Better America," to help deepen the feeling of patriotism. 6. Award of the badges to those who have passed the first test, second test, third test. 7. Singing of America, — first stanza by those who have just been awarded the badges and those who have received them in previous years ; the remaining stanzas by all who have gathered together. Wherever possible, it will be found effective to arrange for a proces- sional. If the award of the badges is out of doors, the presence of a band will help greatly. The badges, which are of bronze, are appropriately designed for each test. The Association recommends that each boy and each girl passing the tests be allowed to pay for his own badge, just as a young man or woman at college elected to Phi Beta Kappa pays for the key awarded. Ordering Badges The price, postpaid, either singly or in quantity, is twenty cents each. Public schools, private schools, playgrounds, evening recreation cen- ters, settlements, church organizations, and other organizations of good standing in any city, town, village, or rural community may use the tests adopted by the Association and certify on blanks furnished by the Association the names and addresses of girls and boys passing the tests, ordering the number of badges of each kind required. It is not possible for the Association to send out sample badges. The American Committee on Athletic Standards for Girls will pass on each certified list of girls. If such list is accepted by the committee, the badges ordered will be forwarded on receipt of the money for such badges. The Association will reserve the right to test girls whose names have been sent in if in the judgment of the Committee it seems desirable to do so. The Association will expect those certifying these lists to exercise the greatest possible care. The object in passing on each list is so far as possible to make sure that badges shall go only to such girls as have passed the tests required. The American Committee on Athletic Standards for Boys will pass on each certified list for boys under the same conditions as are given for the lists of girls. Some Facts and Figures About Teachers' Salaries and Expenses CHE superintendent of Pitt County did not have an easy time filling all of tke schoolrooms in the county for this year. He anticipates a harder time next year; but he began early to get at the facts and figures so he could tell the people exactly what the teachers had to say about their plans for next year. He sent out a ques- tionnaire, which is given below. He sent it out partly for the purpose of finding out just how many and which ones were going to teach next year, and to get at the reasons for their answers. He knew full well where to find the trouble, as superintendents and school boards all know, but he wanted the teachers to speak for themselves. The significant things found from the answers to the questions we have summed up. Of the 87 answers examined, which were the first to come in and which seem to strike the average, only 42 said that they expected to teach next year ; 7 had the brief and unqualified answer "!N"o" to the question ; 23 replied that they were not going to teach unless salaries were increased sufficiently for them to have enough money to meet living expenses; the remainder were doubtful. This means that perhaps 50 per cent of the teachers who are now teaching will not teach next year, unless inducements are offered to keep them in the school- room; and the one inducement needful is more salary. It may be unfair to draw conclusions from the data as to which are the best teachers in Pitt County, and it would hardly be fair to trap the superintendent into any admissions as to the relative merits of his teachers, but judging from the answers to the other questions, the ques- tions that show training, experience, etc., he is going to lose a far greater per cent of his best teachers than he will keep. Many of those who are going to teach are those not qualified to do other things, and who have not initiative and leadership. There is no way to get at this absolutely from figures, but it seems on the face of things as if all the weaker teachers are to stay in, with only a sprinkling of the best teachers. Some of the teachers who will continue to teach are staying on because they love to teach, and do not have to make their salaries cover the entire year, as they have fathers or other relatives who will take care of them during the vacation. The causes of the trouble are readily seen when the answers to the questions giving salaries and expenses are shown. The average monthly salary is $45.66; the average yearly salary is $281.56. Minimum salary, $35 a month, $105 a year. The annual salaries range as follows: 3 receive $150 or less; 33 from $150 plus to $200; 29 receive from $200 plus to $300; 4 receive from $300 plus to About Teachees' Salaries and Expenses 343 $400 ; 13 from $400 plus to $500. One receives just a few dollars beyond $500. The list includes 84 teachers, omitting the superintendents who were among the 87. Among those are the high school teachers in the State high schools. The average board in the county is $15.39, but in some cases the teachers mentioned extra work they did to reduce their board, as coach- ing the children in the house ; others mentioned the fact that they boarded with relatives, and therefore paid less than they would have paid other- wise. The average amount paid for laundry seemed to be $1.85; but this is somewhat uncertain, as some gave the price per month and others per week, we judged which from other expenses. A woman can readily see that the problem of laundry was "managed" variously. Some of the teachers of Pitt must "do up" their handkerchiefs, stockings, and thin waists themselves. It must also be remembered that some have the privilege of putting things in with the family wash and lumping it in with their Tjoard. Furthermore, laundry in winter is not the same as laundry in the summer. IsTot a soul reported that her salary was sufficient for her to live on during the entire year. Two reported other sources of income, but only two. "What will you have left to live on during the year ?" was answered so variously that the results mean nothing in figures, but are full of human interest. Some answers gave a careful, conscientious statement in accurate dollars and cents, while others gave approximations, and still others gave the one word "nothing." "Other necessary expenses" seemed to be a difficult item to handle, and was variously interpreted. One had "$1.25 a month" and others had "in excess of salary." Some included dress and personal accessories, while some carefully estimated only such items as magazines, traveling expenses, and expenses con- nected with their school work. The reports on how they would take care of their expenses during the summer were full of interest. The majority are dependent on fathers, and this was told in a number of ways : some said "parental support" ; one gave the one word "Dad." Some of them hoped to get some other kind of work. Eight said they expected to do other work, but did not designate what kind. One will "sew or clerk," one will "stay in a store," and one will do "newspaper reporting." One facetiously replied, "Going to the county home," while four gave the pathetic answer, "I don't know," and one sadly answered "borrow." One woman replied : "If I go to a summer school I shall have to be supported by my husband." A number express uneasiness about their expenses at a summer school ; they are required to go and have nothing to go on. It is difficult to judge from the questionnaire the increase in living expenses. The increase in salary is so slight and the experience so 344 The Training School Quarterly different that it is worthless to attempt an approximation from the answers, but very few showed any noteworthy increase in salary. Cost of education was by no means according to actual equipment, as some who are the best trained have lived where they had good high schools and were in reach of the Training School so that they could come from home ; others have had to pay out money for everything they had. Tbe answers in these figures may be slightly changed, when all reports come in, but the facts will remain the same : in Pitt County low salaries and short terms are driving teachers out of the schoolroom into other work. The situation in Pitt County should be multiplied by one hundred counties for this State alone. A casual glance at newspapers shows that the trouble is confined to no one county or section. The problem facing the superintendent of Pitt County is facing every other superintendent. QUESTIONNAIRE ON SALARIES AND LIVING EXPENSES School Disteict Township. How many teachers in your school? How many grades do you teach yourself? How many pupils? What is the probable length of your school term this year? What is your monthly salary? Approximate annual salary? Monthly cost of board? Laundry? Other necessary expenses? Approximately, what will you have left from your salary at the end of the year? Will this be enough for you to live on until you begin teaching again? If not, how will you take care of your expenses? How long have you been teaching? How much has your salary increased in that time? How much have your living expenses increased in that time? Approximately, what amount has been spent on your education? What is the extent of your academic and professional training? About how much do you spend each year on professional improvement, books, magazines, summer schools or institutes, etc.? Do you expect to teach next year? Remarks : What Training School Graduates Are Doing and Getting A list of questions was sent out to the graduates of the Training School. We have checked up the salaries received by these girls. The average is less than $50 a month, and the average term for these is less than seven months. They average $20 a month for board. These girls are teachers that have normal training and prove by their reports that they are doing live work in their communities. If you do not think so, look at these figures. Of twenty-nine answers received, 15 are doing Red Cross work in their schools; 12 had already begun (before February 20) work in the Thrift Campaign, and reported that thrift stamps had been sold in their schools; 18 told of Sunday school and church work they were doing; 20 reported on club work among the children or in the com- munity; 21 gave accounts of entertainments; 4 told of service flags. These figures are given merely to show that these girls are not merely staying in the schoolroom keeping school ; they are working along up- to-date lines. We are finding that every now and then one of the girls trained here especially for the purpose of teaching has found that she could not pos- sibly make expenses, so, when other opportunities came they turned to other work. Several in the town of Greenville are doing other things. Two are working with the exemption board. One graduate stays in a millinery store; she says she has a job twelve months in the year, and each month she gets more money than she did teaching, and she can stay at home and has her evenings free. News has recently come that one of the graduates has a Government position in Washington City, and another is in Hopewell. One is in the bursar's office in one of the State schools. Stenography has claimed a few ; the reasons given by one for changing to stenography were : "I make a real living at a steady job, and when I am through at the office, I am through." When the answers all come in there will be further interesting reve- lations. WHAT ONE SUCCESSFUL TEACHEE HAS TO SAT One successful teacher, when asked what she had to say about the ques- tion of salaries, wrote the following. She is one that many teachers per- haps look on with envy. She added in another note that she was seriously considering studying for the civil service examinations, as she was so tired of trying to make the two ends meet. THE QUESTION OF BETTER SALARIES "The High Cost of Living" has been talked about so much that it has become a joke — to some people. To the average teacher it is a cruel joke, "a 346 The Training School Quarterly state of affairs to be endured until they are cured." Let us pray for a speedy cure! The expression has been twisted about to say, "The Cost of High Living." This does not apply to us of the teaching profession, though we are expected to appear well dressed in all seasons and to live in fashionable quarters, paying a fashionable price for the lodging. A teacher's social stand- ing in her community, or field of work, depends more upon the outward show than upon her ability to manage her school work properly. Nine people out of ten, in discussing a teacher, do not mention her professional status (they are content to leave that in the hands of their school board), but they will mention and discuss her general appearance. A teacher is supposed to continually grow by taking courses during the summer. Our State requires its teachers to study every other summer for a period of at least two weeks. The present salary paid a teacher is hardly large enough to support her, and, if a teacher hasn't a home to rescue her in the summer, she is compelled to do some kind of work to support herself. This is very humiliating, to say the least. A conscientious teacher, who gives the best of herself, her time, her strength, and faculties to the schoolroom for nine months out of the twelve needs the other three months to rest and relax; and does it seem too much to ask that her salary might be large enough so that she could have a much needed vacation? Women are always asking questions, and now, all over our country as well as State, they are asking of their school boards, "How are we going to make our salary cover our increasing living expenses?" (I speak of women because so many of our teachers are women.) A teacher's professional dignity gets many a hurt from the valuation put on her services by the State. Under present condi- tions, with prices of all necessities soaring skyward, I do not see what we are to do unless our salaries increase accordingly. I see ahead that the profes- sion is to be bereft of many of its best members — not that they will be de- serters. They cannot be blamed for wanting a salary equal to necessary expenditures. I've been teaching four years, and I'm still in debt. I began with the school debt and it took me three years to get rid of that. I want to go to George Peabody when salaries get better. I cannot save enough, and I will not make a debt again. Cfje draining ikfjool (©uarterlp Published by the Students and Faculty of the East Carolina Teachebs Training School, Gbeenville, N. C. Entered as Second Class Matter, June 3, 1914, at the Postoffice at Greenville, N. C-, under the Act of March 3, 1S79. Price: |1.00 a year. 25 cents single copy. FACULTY EDITOR Mamie E. Jenkins STUDENT EDITORS. LANIER LITERARY SOCIETY POE LITERARY SOCIETY Sadie Thompson, Editor-in-Chief Ruth Fenton, Business Manager Coba Lancaster, Assistant Editor Elsie Morgan, Assistant Editor ALUMNAE EDITOR Bettie Spencer Vol. IV JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, 1918 No. 4 Teachers Needed The charge, "Keep the schools going," should be to Keep the heeded, or the next generation cannot measure up, can- not take hold of the work of reconstruction, and civili- zation will be swept off the earth and a new dark age will ensue. Nobody questions this. "Keep the boys and girls in school" is another charge that the people are making efforts to obey. The public is finding that it takes more than buildings and boards and girls and boys to make a school, however. It takes teachers in a schoolroom with the boys and girls. "Keep the teachers in the schools" is the duty nearest at hand now. The answer is not hard to find : Make it worth their while to stay there I Not a Strike "To teach or not to teach ?" is the question that many a one in the schoolroom is facing this spring. Their answer depends largely upon what the people are going to do about salaries. It is not a strike. These teachers are not threatening to stop work. There is no understanding between groups of teachers; not even in the same school are they acting concertedly. It is individualistic, each one acting for herself alone. In many cases the teachers are saying nothing about it, but quietly making their plans to change work. If, however, they are sufficiently urged by having adequate salaries offered them, they 348 The Training School Quarterly will remain in the schoolroom; and nothing but more salary can keep them there. The time has passed when the teacher listens to the adula- tion of the man with the comfortable income as he praises her for her patience and self-sacrifice, which, he says, bring her rewards far dearer than those of having "filthy lucre." She has found that money is not always "filthy lucre," and she must have money to keep body and soul together. ( The situation is almost laughable: — or would be if it were not so serious. There can be no charge of lack of patriotism because the teachers are answering calls to patriotic positions or are taking the place of men who have given up their positions to go into service. The School The schools reach every home in America. The the Medium teachers have the greatest opportunity for spreading the propaganda needed to be spread throughout the country. Teachers need not envy others their opportunities for doing war work. Nowhere is the opportunity greater than it is in the schoolroom, or reaching out from the schoolroom. The public schools of America are recognized by the Government as the media through which the people can best be reached. It took a schoolmaster President to see the value of using the schools. The schools of today are theoretically not only teaching children in the school- room, but reaching the homes from which the children come. Practi- cally all the schools have not as yet become community centers, but the demands made on them now are forcing them out into the community. Wherever the school succeeds in reaching the people, there the people are responding to the calls made by the Government ; but where the school fails, there the community fails. Especially is this true in the country and in the smaller towns, where the school is perhaps the only medium for getting the ear of the public. What Are You Are you saving your pennies and nickels and dimes Doing? until they become quarters? Then do you put these into thrift stamps — quickly, before you are tempted to spend them? Are you doing what you are asking the children to do? Do you leave scraps of bread on your plate? Do you leave sugar in the bottom of your cup to sweeten the dish-water? Do you buy candy? Do you belong to the Red Cross? Do you have a part in the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. work in the Army? If you do none of these things, how can you get others to do them? Editorials 349 The Teacher's Thrift stamps give the teacher her chance to help. Chance to Save liberty bonds are not for her, as is clearly seen by the salary she gets. She can, if she carefully cuts a little here and a little there, get at least one war certificate. Get Others to The teacher's work is largely educational and in- Invest spirational. She can know about war activities and aids, and can long so to help that she can influence those who have the money to help. If she can get three men in the neighborhood to buy liberty bonds, and can get 50 per cent of the people to invest in war cer- tificates, she has done a greater work than if she alone had invested. If each of the teachers in each county influenced only one man each to invest in liberty bonds, that would help greatly in pushing through this next issue. „ . . „ , The farmers and the people in the country and the Stir the People . r f\ , villages did not subscribe liberally to the other two liberty loans. North Carolina, in the number of people who subscribed, was low in the scale. Much of the prosperity of North Carolina this year is among the farmers and the people in the small towns. The figures show clearly that the masses were not reached ; they were not educated up to the point of seeing the advantages to themselves and to the country. The teachers can do a great work in arousing the people from their apathy to intelligent interest and activity. _ . t ... , Some teachers are sitting with folded hands, saying Get to Work . ° , n that when a speaker is sent to talk thrift to them, then they will get to work. This is one thing that is easily grasped, has few complications, and can be explained by any one who can teach a school. The teacher who is not helping in the thrift campaign is a slacker. If her superintendent is a slacker, she should take things in her own hands and show up what he is. Wh t • Th "ft ? Have you thought about the word thrift and juggled with it to see what you can get out of the idea? Web- ster's dictionary will tell you it is "prosperity, success, good fortune," "good husbandry, economical management, frugality." The Standard gives the synonyms, "gain, profit, prosperity." When you obey the direc- 350 The Training School Quarterly tion, "See thrive," you find thrive means "to grasp for one's self," "to win success by industry, economy, and good management," "to increase in goods and estate," "to prosper by any means." In the same way follow up the word thrifty, and watch the idea grow by showing up the contrast, the negative. The word shiftless is the word to set against the word thrifty. Thrift is a word the people of North Carolina need to learn thoroughly. The startling figures Judge Stephenson gives, showing what an improvi- dent people we are, should wake us up. We must be a shiftless lot, as we are improvident and do not husband our resources. It is an un- pleasant truth, but the way to change it and make it an untruth is to get to work. The Government is giving every man, woman, and child a chance to help change matters, and at the same time to help the Govern- ment, by lending the money, which they will get back later. The 7 per cent thrifty should change places with the 93 per cent shiftless. Pass on Your Teachers themselves are, as a rule, economical. They Devices have to pay careful attention to the spending of their money in order to make it cover all the needs. All of us have little schemes of economy we practice for ourselves. Pass them on and help others. We have had the false notion that we must hide our petty economies, as if they were things to be ashamed of. Now we may help others by showing how we do it, how we make the small salary do the work of a large salary. _, „ . . The students of this School have shown a wonderful The Spirit ... .... spirit of patriotism during this entire year since war was declared, when every person and every institution has been tested. The spirit and the letter of the times have they obeyed without question or murmur. There has been a buoyancy and enthusiasm in their re- sponse to all calls made upon their sympathies, time, energy, and means, that have been inspiring. The attitude of the student body is such that a slacker finds herself unpopular, and girls are quick to detect slacking. The girl who dares to leave food on her plate is spotted, and discovers she is the subject of talk among her fellow-students; the girl who will persist in buying candy is not so popular as she was formerly. The feeling is deep and ingrained. An evidence of this is the fact that there have been very few pledges and promises; none seem to be needed. The students have been quick to see ways in which they can show their patriotism, and when they have failed to see opportunities, they have been grateful for suggestions, and quick to adopt them. Editorials 351 Great sacrifices have not yet been made, but when the time comes for these, and these young women will be called on to give to the uttermost, the spirit they now have will help them to meet these sacrifices hero- ically. The Simplified In keeping with the spirit of the times, commence- Commencement men i [ n th e year 1918 will not be the regulation com- mencement of former years. It will be stripped of all of the festive features. The sermon to the class will be preached on Sunday morning and the graduating exercises held on Monday morning, with the address to the class delivered by the president of the School, according to the expressed wish of the entire class. On Saturday the Alumnae will gather as members of the family, welcomed home, but the fatted calf will not be killed for them. The banquet will not be given this year, but the Alumnas are especially invited to come. In lieu of the invitations usu- ally sent out, announcements of the graduating exercises of the class will be mailed to friends of the girls and the School. The reasons for the change are many and obvious, some tangible and some intangible, therefore hard to put into words, but easily felt. There will be material saving, as cutting down the travel saves space on the trains and gasoline for the automobiles; but that is perhaps a comparatively small matter. The saving here can be readily seen. Ex- travagant dressing has never been encouraged in the School, but the girls do get new dresses, and the saving of extra dresses is an item worth considering when we are called on to save material. The moral effect of a simple commencement is great, both on the young women who are making the sacrifice and on the public. And it is a real sacrifice to a group of young women who have always looked forward to graduation, the day when they were to be the observed of all observers. It is a big day in a girl's eyes, and she likes to have her family and friends present to share her triumph. A Pioneer The story of George Durant, pioneer settler in North ory Carolina, and the suggestions for teaching it, which are printed in this number of The Quarterly, are, we believe, real con- tributions to the school literature of the State, and we trust the schools will use the story. North Carolina records are full of stories of adven- ture and interest, but so few of them are in available form that they are not used in the schools as much as they should be. This work was a part of the everyday classroom work in History. Individual assignments were given a class and each student worked up the story of one pioneer *Y t could be taught in the grades. General plans that could be adapted 352 The Training School Quarterly to any grade were called for, and when the group began teaching in the Model School some of these plans were turned into definite plans for that particular fourth grade. The success of the lessons with that grade bear witness to the value of the work done. The only changes made in the story of George Durant were cutting down the length, leaving to the teacher to supplement the story herself with accounts of the country and conditions. Extra copies have been printed for class work. Getting and This number of The Quarterly has several articles Keeping Fit ^at are intended to give teachers ideas on how to get the children, the boys, and girls, outdoors, and how to keep them in fit- physical condition by having them play games. While the colleges are giving military instruction, and while even the high school boys are drilling, the schools should be doing something to help with the smaller girls and boys. In the towns the boy scouts and the camp-fire girls or girl scouts are doing a great work, but in the country the only chance for directed physical activity is on the playground. In this number will be found suggestions for all ages and sizes from the first grade on up. Get to Work You planted well last year, the canning clubs did a on Gardens wonderful work, but make your plans to do twice as much this year. Encourage the children and the people around you by showing them the wonderful things that were done last year, but make them realize the need is all the greater this year. Reviews : Conservation and Regulation in the United States During the World War. This bulletin is prepared to show the plan of the regulation and con- servation movement in the United States. Under the stress of war, the development of the conservation and regulatory movements has been at a speed never before approached. Before the war, the people did not realize the necessity for a conservation movement, but the wide cam- paign being carried on now by the Food Administration, the United States Department of Agriculture, State and local councils of defense, and other organizations, have carried conviction to a very large propor- tion of the people of the United States of a need for such a movement. This bulletin gives the plan by which the regulation and conservation was worked out. These regulatory measures come under the following heads : The Food Administration ; The Fuel Administration ; The Priority Administration ; The War Industries Board ; Shipping ; Print Paper; Creation of Correlation Board. The question arises in this bulletin as to whether these regulations should close after the war. This question is asked, "If the regulatory actions prove beneficial during the war, should they be discontinued after the war when the country will be undergoing the reconstruction period ?" This bulletin places the various kinds of conservation so that they are all seen as phases of the same thing. It has the merit of conciseness. C. L. United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 592, Courses in Secondary Agriculture for Southern Schools. This bulletin contains outlined courses which have been prepared because of a demand for a more uniform standard in agricultural instruc- tion in secondary schools in the South. These courses are intended for the third and fourth years, after the study of Agronomy and Animal in Secondary Agriculture for Southern Schools. These courses will have to be adapted to the needs of the students of each school and community, but to meet the needs of the majority of schools, the following order has been suggested: First year, soils and crops; second year, animal husbandry; third year, horticulture; fourth rear, rural economics and farm management and rural engineering. Outlines are given in this bulletin for the third and fourth years. C. L. 354 The Training School Quarterly Enlistment for the Farm. By John Dewey. The war of the nation is a war of organized social and economic effort. The ultimate decision as to victory may well be with the farmer. It has been said that success will be with the country that can put the last hundred thousand men in the field, but they are of no use if their stomachs are empty. It is food that will win our battles. We must look to all to help in its production and in its economical consumption. The school children of America can serve definitely, effectively, and with educational results, by helping in the plowing of Uncle Sam's acre. There are not enough men to man our farms. If we enlist the school children in this work they can serve with results as beneficial to themselves as to the nation. What, then, is the duty of the school? In the fight for food — and it will be a fight — school children can help. This work is valuable and educational. It offers, first of all, an opportunity to educators and teachers to develop Constructive Patriotism. It enables the teacher to help evolve in the growing generation the idea of universal service in the great battle of man against nature, which is something American, some- thing great ; and which is not a military idea transplanted from Europe. It gives a chance for the expression of the idea of service to one's country which is not of the destructive kind. It will employ for economic pro- duction a great unused labor force which is too young to join the fighting forces. It will give the children healthful exercise, a sense of reality which means so much to children, and a sense of service in performance of work which is really useful. Of course, rural and village schools have the greatest opportunity to organize their children for farm work; but children in the cities may be sent into the country for camps and tent colonies and work on the soil. There they will gain a knowledge of the world of nature, the dis- cipline of useful work, acquaintance with country life and a broadened vision. This work should be planned and conducted so as to reap its educa- tional value. The children should not only get some knowledge of farming, but every effort should be made to cultivate nature study, in- vestigations of plant life and growth; study of insects — those which help the farmer and those which hurt him. In addition, some funda- mental training in mechanics and arithmetic should be arranged for. This is not a dream. It can be done, By the teachers of America. There are aboid six weeks left in this school year. Now is the time to organize the work. S. T. Reviews 355 Three Short Courses in Home-Making. Bulletin 1917, ISTo. 23, De- partment of the Interior, Bureau of Education. The three brief courses in home-making outlined in the pamphlet have heen especially prepared for use in the elementary rural schools. The articles indicate a few of the important phases of food study, sewing, and the care of the home with which the girl in the elementary school should be familiar. The underlying thought for each problem should be, "Will this help the girls to live more useful lives and will it lead to better conditions in their homes ?" The lessons are purposely made simple, and the plans are definitely outlined, so that the inexperienced teacher will be able to get her problem well in hand. The experienced teacher may find in them suggestions that will be of value in the further development of her course. Because of the short school year in some rural schools and the diffi- culty of securing time on the program for frequent lessons in home- making, each of the courses has been limited to 20 lessons. If a cupboard and table have been arranged for the use of cookery classes, most of the suggested work can be carried out with the school equipment. Where equipment is not at hand in the school, and school conditions do not approximate home conditions, it may be possible to secure permission to give the lesson in a near-by home of one of the girls after school hours. In each lesson the teacher should strive to impress the girls with the importance of doing some one simple thing well, giving them helpful information in regard to the subject that will be of value to their own homes. The rural teacher who is eager to make her schoolroom an attractive place can devote some time in these lessons to such problems as the hang- ing and care of simple curtains ; the care of indoor plants ; the arrange- ment of pictures, the planning of storage arrangements for supplies and of cupboards for dishes; and the preparations for the serving of the school lunch. S. T. The series of Lessons in Community and National Life have been turned over entirely by the Food Administration to the Bureau of Educa- tion. The lessons have been designed for use in all grades. Those designed for use in the intermediate grades are of especial interest to the bulk of teachers in ISTorth Carolina. There are twelve lessons already out, and with most of the lessons there are questions that will aid both teacher and pupil. Supplementary references are also given which will enable the teachers to go further into the subjects. The topics for the grades are as follows : (1) The War and Aeroplanes ; (2) Spinning and Dyeing Linen in Colonial Times; (3) The Water 5 356 The Training School Quarterly Supply of a Town or City; (4) Petroleum and Its Uses; (5) Conserva- tion as Exemplified by Irrigation Projects; (6) Checking Waste in the Production and Use of Coal; (7) Preserving Foods; (8) Preventing Waste of Human Beings; (9) Inventions; (10) Iron and Steel; (11) The Effects of Machinery on Rural Life; (12) Patents and Inventions. These lessons may be obtained from the Bureau of Education by applying for Lessons in Community and National Life. These lessons are designed as follows : Section A — Designed for Use in the Upper Classes of the High School. Section B — Designed for Use in the Upper Grades of the Elementary Schools and the First Year of the High School. Section C — Designed for Use in the Intermediate Grades of the Elementary School. S. T. Bulletins You Should Have The bulletins listed below furnish much valuable information and many helpful suggestions for mothers and teachers ; not only for immedi- ate use, but they should be filed for future reference. Every home and every school should appreciate the work the Govern- ment is doing in preparing these bulletins and pamphlets, take advantage of the suggestions made in them and cooperate with the Government authorities in accomplishing the tremendous tasks before them, for with- out this cooperation and the support of the people the things they are \rying to do cannot meet with success. War Information American Interest in Popular Government Abroad. (War Informa- tion Series No. 8, Committee on Public Information.) American Loyalty (War Information Series No. 6, Committee on Public Information). Bibliography of Books on the War (Teacher's Leaflet No. 2, Bureau of Education). National Service Handbook (Committee on Public Information). This deserves special notice. It deals with such topics as Domestic Welfare, under which are discussed Industry, Education, Social Work, etc. ; European War Relief ; Religious Organizations ; Agriculture and the Food Supply. For the Home United States Food Leaflets: No. 1. Start the Day Right. No. 2. Do You Know Corn Meal? No. 3. A Whole Dinner in One Dish. ... No. 4. Choose Your Food Wisely. No. 5. Make a Little Meat Go a Long Way. No. 6. Do You Know Oatmeal? Reviews 357 No. 7. Food for Your Children. No. 8. Instead of Meat. No. 9. Plenty of Potatoes. Use Them. (Apply to Division of Publications, Department of Agri- culture.) Commercial Evaporation and Drying of Fruits (Farmer's Bulletin No. 903, Bureau of Education). House Rats and Mice (Farmer's Bulletin No. 896, Department of Agriculture). Back Yard Poultry-Keeping (Farmer's Bulletin No. 889, Depart- ment of Agriculture). The Bureau of Education will furnish directions on School and Home Gardening. It urges that the work done under the direction of well- trained teachers returns to the community in money many times the cost of the work, and that this line of work should be intensified next year and incorporated as a part of the school program in every city and town in the United States. The officials of the Department of Agriculture are trying to impress upon the people the great amount of damage done by rats and mice. Rats destroy in the United States each year property valued at more than $200,000,000. They are the worst enemies of conservation. Isn't this a most excellent time to wage a war of extermination ? Your Government is trying to help you. Accept its offer and you help it ! E. M. The Money Value of Education, Bulletin 1917, No. 22. Bureau of Education. The purpose of this bulletin is to show in terms that the people can understand the definite way in which education promotes industrial efficiency and increases military wealth. The money value of education has practically been lost sight of by some people who admit the value of the education of the schools for general culture, aesthetic appreciation, and preparation for citizenship. The most valuable result of real education, the broadening, deepening, and refining of human life cannot be measured in dollars and cents ; yet, while these higher things of the soul cannot be overestimated, they are not the only results of education. The wealth and power of a nation are determined by education. This is proved by comparison and contrast of the amount expended on edu- cation by different states and nations and the relative production of these states and nations. Why educated nations produce more and why the vast natural resources of a country are practically worthless without education are clearly explained. Business is growing more complicated, thus increasing the necessity of education. 358 The Training School Quarterly Individual efficiency is in a large measure dependent upon the factor of individual education. Despite the fact that the occasional marked successes of comparatively unschooled men and the frequent failures of men of considerable education have attracted the attention of many, several studies recently made show the great influence that education has upon the individual. These studies are given in detail, and together with statistics tabulated, showing the financial return of education, clearly portray the fact that comparative poverty is not to be pleaded as a reason for withholding the means of education, but rather as a reason for supplying them in larger proportion. One of the most noticeable and valuable features of the bulletin is the number of attractive posters and charts displaying to the eye, in a striking form, convincing argument. E. M. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education. Bulletin, 1917, No. 33. A Comparison of the Salaries of Rural and Urban Superin- tendents of Schools. This bulletin has been prepared to show how inadequate are the salaries of county superintendents, if persons properly qualified for the position are to be obtained. The average county superintendent's salary is only 61 per cent of the average city superintendent's. This bulletin gives tables showing the salaries of county and other rural superintend- ents in comparison with the city superintendents in the 48 States. C. L. The Placement of Children in the Elementary Grades. In recent years many students of education have been placing con- siderable emphasis on the study of scientific measurements applied to the achievements of school children with a view to putting educational practice on a more scientific basis than in the past. Because of the lack of scientific information, many theories not jus- tified by systematic observation have obtained currency. As a result, much time and energy of both teachers and pupils has been spent to a great disadvantage; confusion has been produced, and the advancement of tbe teaching profession has at a time been greatly retarded. Gradually scientific knowledge is gained concerning the actual ac- complishment of school children. Administrators are being trained to look after this work. By this means city superintendents will be able to determine the relative differences between the different schools and between the different children. This should be run by a business-like method. If school men are to secure and retain the support of the business men and the taxpayers, Reviews 359 they must, in the future, demonstrate their ability to handle finances on a business-like basis. In the scientific movement two great goals have been kept in view. They are, first, the establishment of objective standards whereby the workers in educational practice cannot only measure actual results of their time, energy, and methods, but will also have guide posts which will indicate clearly the different stages in the child's development ; and second, the prevention of waste through misplacement of children. Statistics from a bulletin on A Study of the Schools of Richmond, Va., prove that the time of the pupil has been wasted, and also the energy of the teacher, through the misplacement of children in the grades. In general, it would seem that the changes which have been made in the allotment of time to the different subjects indicate an effort to secure more intensive and rational teaching, as well as a distribution of time by subjects better suited to the capacities of the children in the several grades. S. T. The mid-winter number of The National Geographic Magazine pre- sents a series of illuminating articles pertaining to camp life of our boys, both here in America and in France. Many pictures illustrate the life of the soldiers in 32 great cantonments. The Geographical and Historical Environment of America's 32 New Soldier Cities with 18 illustrations gives an insight into the daily life of our soldiers. All the names of the different camps are given with a short description of the site of each. Camp Lee, Virginia's Home for the National Army, is illustrated. The history of the camp is given from the very beginning to the present time. Lorraine — That Part of France Where the First American Soldiers Have Fallen — is an illustrated article which gives a very definite history of the country. The article on The Immediate Necessity of Military Highways tells why it is very necessary all our highways should be made better in time of war more than any other time. There are illustrations that clearly show how the roads that were impassable have been made the best roads for traveling. From the Trenches to Versailles was written by a woman who makes it her business to make the life of the soldiers as pleasant as possible while they are on leave from the camps. The flag number of The National Geography Magazine is the most interesting and valuable copy we have seen. This number comes with 1,197 flags in full colors and 300 additional illustrations in black and white. This was a fall number. S. T. Progress of the Work at the Joyner School —m US YOU learned from the last issue of The Quarterly, some of BHS the plans for the work of the Joyner School had just been %W M formulated, and perhaps you will be interested in hearing about us again. We, like the other teachers of the State, have had disappointments and discouragements in our work during the year, due to the inclement weather and bad roads. With the exception of these providential hin- drances, our work has gone on very smoothly during the four months we have taught. But in every school there are problems, both general and individual, and those that confronted us in our school were : 1. Improper gradation of students; 2. Poor readers and spellers ; 3. Improper expression in both oral and written work ; 4. Too many tardies. In this school, as is true in many other schools, we found some who were promoted to grades that were really beyond what they were capable of doing, while others were in a grade too low, and still others who had come in from other districts who were really midway between our grades. Hence the problem — "In what grade shall we place this child so that he will accomplish the most, and that will relieve us of so many classes ?" There was a general rearrangement. After about two weeks of strenuous effort on the part of the teacher in finding out the ability of the indi- vidual pupils, the following grades were formed : first, second, third, fourth, lower and higher fifth, seventh and eighth. Perhaps some may wonder why there were two divisions of the fifth grade. This is the situation : there were some who had been promoted to this grade who were fully capable of doing the work, while there were others who were ahead of the fourth grade, and yet would have been a drawback to the upper section of this grade, and who, too, because of their age, would have become discouraged if they had been put with the fourth grade. This had to be considered, and while they are known as the lower section of the fifth grade, they are doing some work with the fourth grade and perhaps will, eventually, unite with that grade. In all of the lower grades we have found poor readers and spellers. We have given special emphasis to these branches through silent reading and then oral reading and expression of thought, drills in sounds, and trying to get the child to visualize the word as a whole. In spelling, particularly, we have emphasized the visualization of the word, both in oral and written form. The expressions of the children have been greatly improved by con- versations on the life about them. Since this is a tobacco-growing sec- Progress of the Work at the Joyner School 361 tion, all of the children are interested in that line of work, and a very good language lesson was developed by the teacher, because, being from another section of the State, she did not know about the growth of this plant, and the children were anxious "to tell." Those who make gram- matical errors in asking permission are refused their wish, and this causes them to think. Reproduction of stories, discussions of the war, War Savings Stamps, and our part toward the war, are brought in and have aided in our work. We studied the problem of tardies for some time, appealing to the students' pride and honor, in having honor rolls ; but no good results were obtained. We finally resorted to the rule that all those who were tardy had to remain in the afternoon for fifteen minutes. This has greatly reduced our number of tardies. WORK IN AND AROUND THE SCHOOL BUILDING On our first visit to the school building we found the problem of much needed work and improvement, both inside and outside the building. The grounds were covered with tall grass and bushes, a great number of windowpanes were out, the floors were covered with dirt and smut, there were no teachers' desks, the students' desks were worn-out double ones, and there was practically no working material. We immediately began to plan how we would improve our school building. During the first week of school we had the building cleaned and scoured, but the building was not thoroughly cleaned until our Com- munity Service Day, a month later. On that day the patrons of the school came out, both men and women, and with the school children there was really a work-day. The women were kept busy inside the building, oiling the floors, desks, and woodwork, while the larger girls washed the windowpanes which had been put in by the larger boys of the school and community. The men worked on the outside of the build- ing, grubbing, raking, and cleaning the grounds. By the afternoon a dozen wagon loads of grass had been hauled off and the basket-ball court had been nicely cleaned. During the day some of our patrons found that we wanted and needed single desks, and before leaving the school grounds fifteen dollars had been subscribed. Mr. Underwood ordered the desks for us, with the understanding that we sell our Liberty Bond and raise the necessary funds. He had already ordered teachers' desks ; so now we have teachers' desks with chairs, single desks for the three rooms, maps, globes, and window shades. We also have buckets, washpans, dust pans, and brooms for the three rooms. WORK IN THE COMMUNITY In order to show to the people of this community that we were vitally interested in the Joyner School, we came four days before time to begin 362 The Training School Quarterly work. On the day after our arrival, we visited every family who had children to send to school. In these short calls we not only met the people, but took the census. We found that there were seventy-eight children who might be expected to be in school on Monday, October 15. When the opening day came, we had thirty-six students. Realizing every day the importance and seriousness of our position, we began our work in the schoolroom. We had one big object — that was, to get the people to come out to the school and then to get the forty- two children, who were not in school, there. The first thing we did was to get up a few simple exercises for Hallowe'en, after which we hoped to organize a Betteri^ant Association. Very much to our discourage- ment, there were not enough of the mothers present, so the organization was deferred until a more opportune time. Our second plan was a general clean-up day. This was to come at the end of the first month. In order to get the people to come, we got a car and again visited every family in the community, asking the men to come clad in work clothes, and the women to bring soap, dust cloths, brooms, and plenty of dinner. We also sent Mr. Underwood and Mr. Wright urgent invitations to come prepared to work, and dinner would be served them in accordance with their work. As a result, they worked earnestly. At the close of the day our building and yard had undergone such a change that we could hardly realize that it was the same place. During the second week of school Mr. Underwood and Mr. S. J. Everette visited us. Their talks created so much interest and patriotism that the children were eager to buy a Liberty Bond. One dollar was raised immediately and turned over to the County Superintendent, who bought the bond for us. This bond was later used as a payment on our single desks. On November 15th the first real payment on this bond was due. To raise the sum, we gave a party at the school building, realizing $16. "North Carolina Day" confronted us next, but the bad weather came on and all our plans were seriously interfered with. The roads were almost impassable, even for walking, and our fuel gave out, so we were providentially and uncomfortably hindered. In fact, we found it neces- sary to close school until after Christmas. Real work did not begin again until the 7th of January. Again, we found our school building cold. The weather had not moderated so that wood could be gotten, neither had the roads dried off. But the teachers felt that they must make an effort. All three of us gathered in one room around one stove and taught the best we could, but spent most of our time trying to keep ourselves and the children warm. During all of this, though, we had the heart-felt sympathy of the patrons, and especially of the committee. As soon as a fair day came, teams and work hands came from almost every home and hauled wood a whole day. Mr. A. M. Waters brought Progress of the Work at the Joyner School 363 his gasoline engine and did the sawing. So now we have plenty of good wood and every one is warm and happy again. By this time another payment on our Liberty Bond was due. The bad weather had kept us from giving an entertainment at the school building, so one of the teachers went visiting again, collecting money this time. The amount was raised and at last the Liberty Bond was paid. February 15 was set aside as North Carolina Day. As this was the regular meeting of the Ragsdale Literary Society, we decided to have the exercises as our program for that day. Lieut. Leon R. Meadows of the Training School came out and talked to us on Camp Life and North Carolina's duty toward the war. We had a larffe attendance and every one thoroughly enjoyed the program. While getting up this pro- gram we were also planning a Colonial Party to take place February 22. The object of this was not only to entertain our people, but to raise money to pay on our single desks. Having done these few things and kept up our school work, you will doubtless realize that our program has been full. But we do not forget that we have a duty to fulfill toward the Sunday school, and try to be there every Sunday afternoon. Two of the teachers have classes; the other one teaches the school children the Sunday school lesson every Friday morning. Nancy Wall, Mary Newby White, Ruth Lowder. Suggestions Arithmetic Based Upon the Present War Conditions In the fourth grade we worked out a series of lessons in arithmetic based upon the present conditions brought about by the war. Our first lesson was merely a conversational language lesson. Through skillful questions the children enumerated the ways in which we are affected by the war. There is a scarcity of labor because our men are being sent to the training camps, preparing for service in the Army and Navy. As a result of that our industries are in a way hindered, thereby causing a scarcity of fuel, clothing, foodstuffs, and luxuries. This led them to appreciate the direct need of conserving or saving food, which was the next effect which they mentioned. Not only did they emphasize the need of food conservation, but they also realized that the high cost of living was of equal importance. They appreciated the fact that one effect was an outgrowth of the other. In dealing with the high cost of living I laid special stress on the advance in prices of foodstuffs since we have been engaged in war. I separated my class into groups or committees and had them to go to the stores and get the actual prices of foodstuffs, dry goods, etc. ; and they learned the cost of fuel. They came back with their reports on heavy and fancy groceries, dry goods, and fuel. With the information which they brought, we made a chart upon which later work in our arithmetic was based, that of bill making and problem solving. Our chart was merely a list of the various articles and their prices written on the board so that the whole class could see it and refer to it in making their prob- lems. Of course, we kept it there till we completed our work along that line. Along with the chart we made use of some appropriate posters on food conservation which the Government has sent out. Quite a bit of interest was shown in this work, for the children realized that these conditions exist now and directly concern them. We used our chart in such a way as to motivate bill making. For instance, one child was the storekeeper, another was the customer, who went to the store and purchased the following articles : 1 lb. butter at 60c ; 3 boxes crackers at 8c ; 5 lbs. lard at 30c. The storekeeper then made out the customer's bill. Excellent results were obtained, for we had very little trouble with the regular form, which is usually quite hard for even fifth graders to get. After spending two or three days on bills, we changed the work from written to oral work — that of making real problems and solving them. Suggestions 365 In making these problems we emphasized the economic and true-to-life side, in that we checked up the kind of things and quantity which they would buy during these war times, especially of food. Several days were spent in making problems through the use of the chart and then solving them. All of this work, as I have said, was done orally. Here are some of the problems the children actually made. (1) Miss McCowen went down to Johnson's and bought V 2 doz. apples at 30c per doz.; 2 boxes Uneedas at 8c per box, and 1 loaf bread at 6c. How much change did she get back if she gave him one-half dollar? (2) I went to Maguire's yesterday and bought 1 jar peanut butter at 15c, 2 boxes crackers at 8c per box, % lb. candy at 30c per lb. How much was my bill? (3) Mr. John Jones ordered of the Harvey Woodyard 1 ton of coal at $9 per ton and 2 loads of wood at $4.50 per load. How much did Mr. Jones owe the Harvey Woodyard? By way of a review, this work was motivated by a race which was con- ducted somewhat like a spelling match. There were two sides. The captain on the one side gave a problem of the same type as the others, as : Mary went to the store and bought 2 boxes of crackers at 8c per box, 2 doz. apples at 30c per doz, and 1 bottle olives at 20c per bottle. If I gave the clerk a one-dollar bill, how much change did I receive? The first child on the opposite side solved it, and he in turn gave one. Thrift and War Savings Stamps were used as a basis for problems, and they were of practically the same value and excited as much interest among the children as did our other work. Here are some of the prob- lems which we made and used : (1) William Taft bought a booklet full of Thrift Stamps at 25c each. How much did they cost him? (2) In February he exchanged his booklet of stamps for a War Savings Stamp. How much more money did he have to pay? (3) In 1923 he will get back $5. How much money will he have made? (4) Frank, Jr., bought Ave War Savings Stamps in January. How much did he pay for them? (5) At the end of 5 years he will get back $20. How much money will he have made? I daresay we, as a general thing, think that it is impossible with most of our work to utilize the material at hand, that is, that which vitally affects the child's interests and needs. Upon careful investigation we find it by far the best plan. While working out these lessons I more keenly appreciated the value and necessity of taking hold of and using the child's experiences and interests as a basis for further work. Willie Jackson, '18. 366 The Training School Quarterly Thrift Stamps and Number Work in the Third Grade While competition and the patriotic spirit held sway, and the chil- dren's interest in the Thrift Stamp and War Savings campaign was held at the highest tension, we used these for numher work in the third grade to great advantage. Through successive talks by the superintendent in chapel about buying these stamps, and the reports given from each grade as to the amount of stamps purchased, the children had become very much interested in the work. The reports gave rise to much rivalry not only among grades, but between individuals. The teacher at once saw the situation and took hold of it, and directed the interest and competition into some- thing beneficial to both teacher and pupil. Some of the parents, through indifference to the cause, and ignorant of the real value of this campaign discouraged rather than encouraged their children in buying the stamps. But even this did not chill their ardor. We see and realize that before our work can be successful and aid obtained from the children in work of this kind we must show them the real value, and through them arouse the home people. The teacher in using the stamps for number work attempted to keep this in mind, and never lost sight of the fact that she was not only teaching arithmetic, but that she was helping to interest the children and their people in the Thrift Stamp campaign. She based her first lessons on the talks given in chapel, the cost of Thrift Stamps, amount of interest received at end of five years, and cost of the stamps bought in her room. We see her aims were twofold — not only to get the children interested and working for the cause through competition, but to use this interest and competition as a basis for her number work. Some of the problems given in the first lesson were : 1. How much do you have to pay for a Thrift Stamp this month? 2. How many stamps do you have to buy before you have enough to get a certificate? 3. How much money do you pay to get sixteen stamps or a certificate? 4. If Dow bought four Thrift Stamps, how much money did he pay for his stamps? 5. How many more does he need to fill out his book? 6. If we buy sixteen stamps, how much money do we get at the end of five years? 7. How much more is $5.00 than $4.13? How would you find out? The next problem was brought up by this question: How many of you are willing to save your nickels and dimes that you beg mother and papa for to buy candy, chewing gum, and to go to the movies, so that you can buy Thrift Stamps and help win the war? 8. How many days would it take you, if you saved a nickel every day, to buy a stamp? Suggestions 367 The parents of the children became more interested every day, and the amount of stamps purchased grew larger. So the next lessons were directed to the comparisons of the grades as to the number of stamps purchased, number of children who bought, and the amount of money. Also the amount of the whole school, number of children who bought in whole school weekly as the reports were made. The report from January 28th to February 4th was : Grade Total 3 A $ 16.80 3 B 10.50 4 A 13.74 4B 132.96 5 A 43.00 5 B 10.37 5C 53.25 Each week the reports were compared, and the children were credited for their good work in such a way that they worked harder each week to bring their grade ahead. It was amazing to see the way the number of stamps grew from week to week among rivals and grades. Some of the problems given in comparison were : 1. Today let us see how much money all the grades in school have spent so far on Thrift Stamps. How can we find out? 2. How much has Grade 4B spent? How much our grade? How much more has 4 B given than our grade? 3. If Doris hought eight, how much did 6he pay for them? 4. If Troy bought five, how many more has Doris than Troy? How many Thrift Stamps must he buy before he can get a War Savings Certificate? 5. If J. T. bought two books of Thrift Stamps, how many stamps would he have? How much money would he get at the end of five years? 6. If two weeks ago our grade had bought only seven dollars worth of stamps, and now we have ten fifty ($10.50) worth, how much more money have we put in Thrift Stamps? 7. If you bought five Thrift Stamps and handed the postmaster a two-dollar bill, how much change will he give you back? How many Thrift Stamps can you buy with it? At the end of this lesson the children were allowed themselves to make problems on Thrift Stamps. They did some good thought work, and the results were obtained ; but the children were not qualified to handle the dollar mark and the decimal point, and a drill on these before class would have saved time during the lesson and more time could have been given to problems, instead of teaching the dollar mark and decimal point. j^ot only does this Thrift Stamp and War Saving campaign afford us a fine opportunity for number work, but for language, on the side. The children were held to a standard of expression, and nothing was allowed to pass that was not clear to all. Burwell Patterson, '18. 368 The Training School Quabtekly How Thrift Stamps Were Used in the First Grade If thrift stamps proved to be a success in the first grade, why can't they be doubly a success in the other grades ? In the first grade many lessons grew out of the discussion of "Thrift Stamps." We talked about what they were and why we should buy them. Number work was one of the greatest topics brought out through the use of Thrift Stamps. The children did the actual counting of money by quarters. They told how many stamps they could buy for one dollar. They knew that if it took one quarter to buy one stamp, it would take four quarters to buy a dollar's worth. One little girl told that just as soon as her father got his money from Wilson she was going to buy a War Savings Stamp. From this the teacher brought out the fact that when money was transferred from one place to another, it was done by means of checks. The child then arrived at this decision, that the money would probably be so much that it would be too heavy, and it was moved from one place to another by the "check." Then one child brought the real check to school to buy his stamp. From this they understood that the check did stand for the money. The little children would delight in telling how they saved their money, and how they were going to help save their pennies so they could buy more stamps. Their greatest delight was to fill their books with the Thrift Stamps, and this is what we were trying to do. They understood that it took sixteen to fill the book, and that is what they were working to do. One child made the statement that he had ten stamps in his book ; it would take six more to fill it. When he finished filling it, he could put twelve more cents with it and buy a War Savings Stamp. What more was this than addition and subtraction of numbers? A great deal of language work also grew out of Thrift Stamps. Through the discussions the little children were led to use many correct forms of language, as, "Papa gave me fifty cents to buy two stamps, and he is going to give me twenty-five cents soon to buy another stamp." Many of the children told of how they were helping around the home, so when mother paid them for their work they did not spend it, or were not going to spend it for candy and chewing gum, but they were going to put it up, and keep adding to it until they had enough to buy one or more Thrift Stamps. Every morning they would enjoy telling how many stamps they had bought, and what they were going to do to make money to buy more. They discovered that if they bought Thrift Stamps, even if it wasn't but one, their names would go in the daily paper. Of course, all children like the idea of having their names published ; so this gave them another motive to purchase the stamps. Every child in the room became a littlt Suggestions 369 patriot, and saw that it was he helping win the war. Several children would tell the class they saw their names in last night's paper, and one little boy became so interested in their names being published that he cut out the list of purchasers of Thrift Stamps in his room and brought them to class for the teacher to read to the whole room. He emphasized that they be read aloud to all of the children. This the teacher did, and the children who had not bought any stamps determined that they must buy one, if no more, to get their names in the paper. One just could not bear the idea of any other child getting ahead of him. On every Wednesday morning in chapel the buying of Thrift Stamps was also encouraged. Some teacher would announce to the school how each grade stood in the purchasing of Thrift Stamps. What a good time the little people had together clapping for their grade ! In this way the buying of Thrift Stamps was carried out in the first grade. This gave all the children a desire to buy the stamps, and they were all willing to do their part. At the same time the children realized the real need of buying the stamps, "To win the war we must all do our part, and buying Thrift Stamps is one means through which we can help win the war." Pattie Farmer, '18. War Scrap-book A war scrap-book would arouse much interest, at this particular time, among the intermediate grades. It is in direct accordance with the child's natural desire to collect and hoard material. The idea of making a war scrap-book will give the child a strong desire to read newspapers and magazines, for the purpose of getting material for his scrap-book. Underneath it all he is getting much information and is also acquiring the valuable habit of using what is at hand. And this will not only serve him throughout his immediate work, but throughout life. When a child can see, handle, and own the material that he has col- lected, his mind will soon be enriched with this valuable material from magazines, newspapers, and other sources. It gives him something to talk about and something to write about ; therefore, it furnishes excel- lent work for oral and written composition. It will also give the child a high sense of pride for his English which will carry over into his other work. In fact, he will gain material that will help him practically in every subject. It develops good taste in arrangement, good placing, and a love for the beautiful. It would, by all means, stimulate much interest to put some of their own best written work in their scrap-book. It would be a good plan to have a large composite war scrap-book for he grade, and divide the children into groups, having each group to yr\ on different topics that are connected with the war, thus arousing etition. 370 The Training School Quarterly In making our scrap-book, one group could work up one section of it called "Who's Who in This War." This would lead the children to know about the leading men of today. Each member of that group could collect material on one man. Having President Wilson's picture on the front page, there would be no trouble finding material on him for our scrap-book. Our next man might be Hoover. Material could be easily collected on him and his great work. Advertisements could be found in every daily newspaper and magazine on food conservation. There are many other men who should have a place in our war scrap-book — Gar- field, for one, the coal administrator. Good material could be found in Review of Reviews in January and February numbers, especially, in Current Opinion and daily papers. Others, which I shall only mention, could be worked out along with these that I have taken up, as, Josephus Daniels, McAdoo, Baker, and General Pershing. Another group could work up a section of the book called "War Loans," which would include information about Thrift Stamps, War Saving Stamps, etc. This would be very interesting to children, for some of them are saving their money by buying Thrift Stamps. They have also heard and read much about saving. Then another group of pupils would be interested in collecting "War Cartoons" for another part of their book. These are found everywhere, in daily papers, Literary Digest, Current Opinion, Life, and Review of Reviews. This would come in especially good now, since there are such expressive cartoons, as the following: "Saving food," "Saving coal," , "Helping the soldiers," "The work of Uncle Sam," "Peace,' and "Victory for the Allies." Then another section could be on public buildings used by Uncle Sam. The pictures could be easily found not only from magazines and daily papers, but from post-cards which the children already have. The resourceful teacher may find many more topics for her scrap- book. This is merely a suggestion to the live teacher, and one that can be adapted to any grade. Lillian Shoulars, '18. The Teaching of the Story of George Durant, the Pioneer Settler of North Carolina This suggestion is a general plan for the teaching of the story of George Durant, and is suitable to he adapted for the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. Of course, in the fourth grade it is presented in a much simpler way, and with less complications in the plot, than in the fifth and sixth grades. In the fifth grade its geographical side may be emphasized, while in the sixth grade the government is a very important feature. Each teacher may adapt this work to suit her own particular grade and community, and approach the story in terms familiar to the children she is teaching. Suggestions ">71 Below is a general outline of the life of George Durant to be used in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades : OUTLINE OF THE LIFE OF GEORGE DURANT I. The people of Virginia needed more lands. a. They followed the streams toward the southeast. b. Hunters and trappers reported this region to be rich in game and soil. II. George Durant heard this and decided to explore this country. a. He set out with a few companions. 6. Description of the country through which they traveled. c. His companions selected their lands. d. Durant explored this country for two years. III. Durant purchased his lands from the Indians. a. He selected his land. 6. He bought it from Kilcokonen, an Indian chief. c. He built his home. d. He sent for his family in Virginia. IV. Durant's family arrived and prospered. a. Description of his home. 6. The farm products they raised, c. They exported as well as imported several things. V. Other settlers followed, and the settlement grew and prospered, a. The products of the colony. B. They sold these to other colonists. c. They traded with England. d. They used tobacco for money. VI. The settlement named Carolina. a. King of England gave it to the Lords Proprietors. 6. The Proprietors named it for King Charles, c. They appointed a governor. VII. Two bad laws were passed. a. A tax on tobacco. b. The colonists had to sell their tobacco to English merchants alone. c. They objected to these laws. d. Durant was selected to make known this objection to the King. VIII. Durant as leader of the Albemarle Colony. a. The Proprietors selected Eastchurch for governor and Miller to assist him. b. Miller, acting in Eastchurch's name, carried his authority too far. c. The colonists, with Durant to lead them, objected. d. Sothel, one of the Proprietors, was sent to govern the people. e. Proving unsuitable, he was banished, leaving Durant as leader until another could be selected. IX. Durant's last days. a. He served his colony as a justice of peace. In the oral presentation of this story the teacher should choose her words carefully, making each picture word, such as "wilderness," stand out so prominently that the children see the picture vividly, and as a result readily feel themselves a part of the story. Questions thrown out at intervals make the children pay attention, or they serve to cheek up 6 372 The Training School Quarterly the ideas you have given or to make it seem a part of their own lives. Whatever the form of introduction, be sure that the concept the children have is a basis familiar to them upon which they may found the whole story. The people of Virginia, who had settled around the Jamestown colony, selected farms along the river banks on account of the fertility and easy transportation. This is splendid to be used for a basis of the story in the fifth grade, putting emphasis on the geographical parts and maps. The chief crop of this Albemarle colony was tobacco, which they shipped to England. This necessitated easy access to the coast. Travel- ing through the forests was extremely difficult and dangerous, so the settlers pushed farther and farther along the river banks, seeking to find good farming lauds near the rivers. From the map of North Carolina and Virginia pupils of the fifth grade quickly see why the people came toward the southeast. The younger children appreciate this significance also if they are led to see it by hints from the teacher. The trouble the colony had about governors would be excellent for the sixth grade, but would be entirely above the comprehension of the lower grades. There are only two points in the story of George Durant that could not be said of any other pioneer of that time. They are these : the trouble about the governors, and the purchase of his lands from the Indian chief Kilcokonen, who gave him a deed. Every Worth Carolinian should know the story of George Durant, but there are comparatively few who do know it. The fact that he owned the first deed ever given in America is enough to make him famous. The story is one of the big, thrilling pioneer stories that should not be allowed to die. Nannie M. Clapp, '18. The Plan Used for the Fourth Grade The following is the plan actually used in introducing George Durant to the fourth grade at the Model School: Teacher's aim: To teach the story of George Durant as a type of pioneer life. Pupils' aim : To find out who George Durant was, where he lived, and what he did. introduction "What men have we learned about who left their homes and came to America ?" The children answered, "Columbus, Ealeigh, John Smith, and Mar- quette." They also told the country from which each man came. "Which one of those men tried to settle North Carolina?" The children readily answered that it was Ealeigh, and one child tol< about the attempted settlement, very briefly. Suggestions 373 "Now, wouldn't you like to hear about a man who was born in America and not in a foreign country, and who did what Raleigh failed to do?" Then the story was given by the oral presentation method. The fol- lowing is the brief outline and a few typical questions which were asked during the presentation of the story: I. Where Durant was born, and why he came to North Caro- lina. II. Explored North Carolina for two years until he found a place for his home. III. Built his house and furnished it. IV. How Durant got ready to farm, and what he raised on the farm. V. How Durant became able to own a brick house. VI. The dress of the pioneers. (a) Early life and later. VII. Amusements of the pioneers. VIII. Lack of school and churches. IX. The government of the early pioneers and the later gov- ernment. I. What State were you born in? Have you ever moved from one place to another? Why? Why do you suppose Durant came to North Carolina? II. Why didn't Durant settle down when he first came to North Carolina? III. What kind of a house do you imagine Durant built? What kind of furniture do you think he had in his house? IV. What are some of the things you think Durant raised on his farm? V. What did Durant do which made him able to own a brick house? VI. How do you suppose Durant's children dressed? Why couldn't they dress as you do? But when Durant became rich how do you think his children dressed? VII. What do you think Durant's children did for fun? What pleasures do you have which they did not have? VIII. Why couldn't Durant's children go to school and church as you do? How were they taught? IX. At first the pioneers had no form of government. Why did they need it later? In what way did the early government of North Carolina resemble our govern- ment today? In teaching the story of George Durant, I could not use the map, because the children had no knowledge whatever of maps ; also, because of their limited knowledge concerning government, I could not take up the complicated form of government, but, instead, only touched on it. HANDWORK ACTUALLY DONE Because of lack of room, we could not have a sand-table. We did some hand work, however. The boys made a log cabin of cornstalks. Much interest was manifested by all in this work. The boys brought 374 The Training School Quarterly their tools from home, and four boys remained every afternoon and worked about half an hour until the cabin was completed. They also made furniture out of cigar boxes. The girls cut pictures from maga- zines and furnished a modern home by pasting the pictures on a 9 x 12 sheet of drawing paper. They compared their work with the log cabin, thus seeing the progress made. Bernie Allen, '18. Time Study As a Language Topic in the Third Grade The study of time as a language topic showing the natural divisions, old methods as well as new methods of telling time, proved very inter- esting to the children of the third grade. This topic, as we dealt with it, naturally divided itself into four distinct lessons, all of which were purely conversational. First, we took up the divisions of time — the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and second. Then we passed on to the seasons — spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The children quickly saw for themselves these were natural divisions of time. They recognized day and night as being natural divisions also. In our second lesson we brought in the needs of telling time, and why it is so important for us to know how to tell time. The children gave several reasons why we should know how to tell time. Some of these were: To know what time to get up. To know what time to eat. To know what time to go to sleep. To know what time to study. To know what time to go to catch a train. Railroad men should know how to tell time to prevent accidents. The different ways of telling time were brought out in our next lesson. One of the first ways we found that people used in olden times was by the position of the sun in the sky. It was explained to the children by the teacher why the sun made longer shadows in the early morning and late afternoon than at noon. Another way was by the shadow-stick. This was explained in the same way. Next, the hour-glass was taken up. There were two kinds of hour-glasses, one in which you used sand and in the other, water. We made an hour-glass so that the children could see more clearly how it was used. We made it of two ink bottles, using one cork for both bottles. Through this cork we made a hole so that tbe sand we used could run through very slowly. By having this to show the children they seemed to understand clearly how people used to tell time. How King Alfred learned how to tell time by candles was very intei esting to the children, because they had been studying about him in thei Suggestions 375 reading lessons. This was illustrated by a candle marked off with colored strings representing hours. The sun-dial was discussed next. We made a sun-dial of pasteboard which gave the children a very clear idea as to how time could be told by it. The children gave several reasons why this was not a good method. Some of these were : It did not give a chance to tell time at night. Some days were cloudy and there were no shadows. The conclusion was soon reached by the class that the sun-dial was not a good means of telling time. The study of clocks and watches was taken up as the climax of the subject. The clocks discussed were the grandfather's, cuckoo, alarm, and electric. The structure of each of these was studied. The teacher told the class of some of the wonderful clocks of the world, the Straus- burg clock and others. It was interesting to hear the children tell the different places they had seen clocks — in courthouses, churches, depots, and postoffices. In connection with clock study the children learned to cut different kinds of clocks in their drawing lesson. They also made several clocks out of cracker boxes. During their singing period they learned a song, "The Clock," taken from "Progressive Music Series," Volume I. This correlative work in drawing and singing made the work more interesting for the children. Different kinds of watches were discussed, especially the watches the soldiers use, and they learned why they used this kind. At the end of our study of time the children had accumulated a good collection of pictures of clocks and watches. These were put on the wall on one side of the room. Letha Jabman, '18. The Story of Wool. Chapter I — Pastoral Life The study of Pastoral Life in the second grade was taken up from the standpoint of Language, though it is a continuation of Primary History from the hunting and fishing stage of Primitive Life. First, a review lesson was given, getting from the children how man first obtained food by means of hunting and fishing, the obstacles he grappled with and his methods of overcoming them, how man realized the need for other ways of maintaining life, after the resources provided by Nature had been exhausted. Here there was a discussion of what was best to be done, resulting in the decision that the only way to have food and clothing was to raise it. A discussion of what animals are best for domestication brought some rather random guessing, but was easily guided into the right channels. Of several kinds of animals which are of domestic value to man, the sheep was found to be a good type to base the study of Pastoral Life upon, because of its clothing value and food value. 376 The Training School Quarterly This was taken up from the viewpoint of Shepherd Life. It was ap- proached by a brief discussion of the value of wool to us today : woolen clothing that the girls and boys wear to school in winter, dresses and suits and coats ; blankets that keep us warm at night ; woolen thread or yarn with which we knit sweaters for the soldiers and for ourselves; and the question of where the wool comes from originally. From this we passed on to the life of the sheep. As a teacher's reference, "The Song of Our Syrian Guest," by William Allen Knight (Pilgrim Press, Boston), gives ample and interesting facts which will impress the pas- toral care upon children. This little book is simply a development, with practical enlarging explanations, of the twenty-third Psalm. To make it definite and concrete, the work was taught as a day in the life of a shepherd : Outline of Work I. Needs of the sheep. 1. Grassy places for pasturage. 2. Constant change of pasture in those days. 3. Good drinking places. II. Home of the shepherd (not touched upon to any extent). III. Round of daily activity. 1. Roaming existence of the shepherd. 2. Destination always a drinking place. o. Kinds of drinking places found in pastoral countries. 6. Dangers of drinking places, c. Method of watering the sheep. 3. Familiarity of and confidence of the sheep in the 6hepherd. 4. Constant and careful watch of the shepherd. a. Perilous places in the mountains. 6. Stupidity and guilelessness of sheep. c. Private fields and gardens trespassed upon, sheep are forfeited. d. Wrong paths easy to take. (1) Some lead off a precipice. (2) Some are intricate and the sheep get lost. 5. Affection of sheep for shepherd. a. Trained sheep. (1) Wolf gets into the flock; panic of sheep; shepherd gets control of sheep by shouting like wolf; this is a signal for the sheep which make a rush and thus often instantly crushes wolf. 6. Robbers lurking in ambush to steal lagging sheep. 6. Shepherd's weapons and staff. 7. Dangers for sheep attended to by shepherd. a. Poisonous grasses hard to distinguish. 6. Snake holes in pastures. c. Mole holes concealing snakes. d. Holes and caves in mountain-sides. (1) Wolves, panthers, hyenas. 8. Home again! a. The sheep fold. (1) Inspection of the sheep by the shepherd. (2) Attention to any wounds. (3) Watering. (4) Rest under the stars. Suggestions 377 Pictures were used throughout this work, in each day's recitation — not from the formal picture-study standpoint, but pictures (copies of famous painting's, some of them from The Ladies' Home Journal, from The Perry Picture Company, Boston, and any source available) were passed about among the children for a brief examination, then attached to the wall in front of them and referred to by the teacher during the recitation whenever it was deemed appropriate. Questions were asked concerning one picture in which there appeared a dog. It was then "discovered" or decided that the dog was a very valuable domestic animal for many reasons, particularly in the raising of sheep. The story of The Good Shepherd as found in "For the Chil- dren's Hour" by Bailey and Lewis depicts vividly and very beautifully the inestimable devotion of the shepherd for the sheep, and serves as a beautiful story with which to end the Pastoral phase of the Study of Wool. Elizabeth Hathaway, '18. Chapter II — Our Woolen Clothes The story of our woolen clothes followed the story of Pastoral Life in Language study. I introduced this study by using the story of "The New Red Dress," taken from "For the Children's Hour." In the story we find exactly how wool was manufactured when our grandmothers were little girls. I told the story without asking the children very many questions. The second day I began the lesson by telling the boys and girls of the great sheep ranches of our country. I told them the different ways the sheep are sheared and how the wool is cared for until it is carried to the great woolen mills. Then followed the story of the wool as it passes through the different processes of manufacturing, which are as follows : After the wool reaches the mill it is carried to a room, dumped on the floor, and sorted. After it is sorted it is carried into another room, where it is cleaned. The people give it a good pounding or beating which takes out some of the dirt, then they wash it well with lye. This is called scouring. When the wool has been cleaned it is carried into another room, where there are large drums. In these drums are cylinders con- taining sharp teeth. After the wool is put into these drums the cylinders rotate very fast, and when the wool comes out it is torn into a fluffy mass. This is carried into a large room with a stone floor, where it is spread on the floor and by means of machinery it is sprinkled with olive oil. This is to make the wool feel softer. After the wool leaves this large room it is carried to the carding room. Passing through the carding machine it comes out in layers called laps. These laps are wound on rollers, where it is spun or twisted into yarn. The yarn is then woven into cloth. This is done by many threads, called the warp threads, arranged in parallel lines, and another set of threads 378 The Training School Quarterly rapidly woven in and out in opposite direction. These are called the ivoof threads. The cloth is then washed and pressed. The fuzz that is on the cloth is caused by passing the cloth through the teasel machine. Each process of manufacturing will have to be enlarged upon and adapted to suit the grade in which it is taught. The fourth day we had a general review of both pastoral life and the manufacture of wool. In the review I succeeded in getting the stories of each from the children. Sadie Thompson, '18. Mother Goose Week in the First Grade For one whole "Mother Goose Week" the Mother Goose rhymes were used for all kinds of work in the first grade. The rhymes were used in reading, language, writing, and for seat work. In preparation for the "Mother Goose Week" both reading sections read some rhymes. The lower section had the rhymes "Little Boy Blue" and "Jack and Jill." In these rhymes they learned the words, little, boy, blue, come, horn, sheep, in, the, meadow, corn, after, asleep, Jack, and, Jill, hill, get, water, down. They memorized the rhymes, sang them and played them. In playing Little Boy Blue, they chose some one to be Little Boy Blue, some children to be the cows, and some to be the sheep. Little Boy Blue lay down behind the desk. The sheep and cows were on one side and in the front of the room. The children said the rhyme one at a time, then others were chosen to play it. In the rhyme, Jack and Jill, a little girl and boy were Jack and Jill. They used the waste paper basket for a pail and ran across the room for going up the hill. They said the rhyme as they played it. In the higher section they had the rhymes, "Little Boy Blue," "Little Bo-Peep," "Jack and Jill," "Humpty Dumpty," "Little Bettie Blue," "Lucky Locket," and "Baa ! Baa ! Black Sheep." They memorized these, and sang the ones they knew, which were "Jack and Jill" and "Baa ! Baa ! Black Sheep." The next week was used to review the Mother Goose rhymes. This was called "Mother Goose Week." The reading, writing, language, music, and seat work were correlated with Mother Goose. In the reading they read Mother Goose rhymes and little stories connected with the rhymes in the primer. In the writing lessons they learned to write words taken from the rhymes. The words they learned to write were, sheep, asleep, Jack, and, Jill, to, get, and, water. For seat work they illustrated the rhymes "Little Boy Blue," "Jack and Jill," and "Little Bo-Peep" with paper cutting. The children learned a new song, "Six Little Mice." They sang this with the ones they already knew, "Baa ! Baa ! Black Sheep" and "Jack and Jill." Suggestions 379 In the language work they asked Mother Goose riddles. Each child would say something that would suggest a riddle, as, "I am a little hoy. I went to sleep under the haystack. Who am I?" The other children would guess the rhyme. The one who guessed right asked the next riddle. One day they had a game they called "A Mother Goose Circus." In this game a stage manager was chosen. He decided on some rhyme he wanted to present to the room. He chose the characters and gave them instructions. These children left the room for a few minutes to make all their preparations, then they came back and acted silently some rhyme they had had. In acting "Little Bettie Blue" one little girl took off one of her shoes and came into the room hopping and looking all around. The other children guessed it right at first. In acting "Little Bo-Peep" a little girl walked across the room with a crook in her hand. She looked very sad. "Little Boy Blue" and "Jack and Jill" were acted in the same way as they were illustrated in the reading lesson. When the children guessed the rhyme, instead of saying, "It's Jack and Jill," they gave the whole rhyme, "Jack and Jill," or the whole of whatever rhyme they thought it was. The child who guessed the rhyme was allowed to be stage manager for the next rhyme. Since "Mother Goose Week" was at the beginning of the month, a Mother Goose calendar was made. This was made by two of the girls teaching. It was a Crayola drawing of Jack and Jill going up the hill. The children put the date in for each day. This work was very interesting to both the teachers and the pupils. Louise Ckoom, '18. The Continuation of Home Building The furnishing of the play-house is now occupying the attention of the first grade, as a continuation of the home building, which was given in the fall issue of The Quarterly. The children and the student-teacher decided they would let the lady who was to live in the house furnish it. They concentrated their atten- tion on her for a while and let the house alone, as they wanted to know something about her before they trusted her to furnish the house. A doll was presented to the class as mistress of the home, and they named her Katie Gold. The making of the dress for the lady of the doll-house was first taken up and made a most interesting lesson, for the boys as well as the girls. The little one-piece dress with the sleeves and the dress all cut together was chosen for the design, because it was easier to cut and make. Teacher had them first to cut the pattern which we would use later in cutting the dress. A piece of paper 6x9 inches was given to each child. This was large enough as the doll was very small. The teacher first cut one, and gave the directions as she cut, and when she finished, the children cut theirs. For the next assignment she asked 380 The Training School Quarterly them if they would lite to bring the material to be used for the doll dress, and said if each one would bring some cloth she would have lots of different dresses. Most of them were eager to do this. The next lesson was devoted to the cutting of the dress. Many of the children brought the goods. Some brought gingham, some silk, some percale, and some thin white goods. It was surprising to see how inter- ested the boys were in this. The teacher also took some extra material in case there was some one who would not bring any. Several patterns were cut and given to those that did not get theirs right. The fact was brought out that, if the pattern was not perfect, then the dress would not be perfect, and Katie Gold would never consent to wear a dress that did not fit. The class was asked to observe carefully while the teacher folded the cloth and pinned the pattern on it, seeing that both the folded edge of the pattern and the goods were together. Then the cutting was begun by cutting around the pattern as directed. The third lesson, and most enjoyable of all, was the sewing of the dress, which was done in this way : The teacher made the dress slowly, one step at a time, the children doing each thing immediately after her. The first step was threading the needle; second, the hemming of both sleeves ; third, sewing the sleeves and down the sides ; fifth, and last, gathering the neck. Then the dress was completed. Tiny fingers all over the room were hard at work, each child trying to make his or hers the best, for they were told that the one who made the neatest dress would have the honor of letting Katie Gold wear that one first. The teacher was astonished at the dresses these little unskilled fingers made, and it was hard to judge among several which was the best. Now that they had Katie Gold all dressed up, they were ready to help furnish the house. In looking over the doll-house we found that there were three things needed to add to Katie Gold's pleasure and to make the furnishing of her bedroom complete. These were the rugs, the bed, and the dresser; so our next task was to make these. The chairs and table had already been made. The weaving of the rugs on the wooden loom, using strips of white and blue cheesecloth, was what was done first. This gave the children an insight into a big industry. Squares of tow-sack were given them as an introduction, and they were asked to pull the threads and see how the material was made. They at once saw that they had been doing work previous to that on the same principle in the weaving of the mats. After this introduction, most of them were able to go on weaving the rugs with but very little help. Several lessons were needed to complete this work, and it was surprising and inspiring to see the results obtained in these rugs by children so young. Suggestions 381 Our next work was the completion of the furniture for Katie Gold's bedroom. With the children's suggestion, the bed was made first. This, they said, was the most important, for she must have a place to sleep. The bed was made with the cream drawing paper folded into sixteen squares. The directions were given, and the work was done step by step, first by the teacher, then followed by the children. The dresser was made in the same way by using the sixteen-fold paper. These lessons formed a good basis for language and incidental read- ing; so our next lesson grew out of these. The lesson was begun by asking the children how they would like to learn more about their little classmates. As many as would came up to the front and told something about themselves. Many of them were anxious to do this. To get them started off on this, the teacher first told a short story about herself, and then the children that wished to told something about themselves. The teacher asked them if there was some one else that they would like to know about — one that they had been doing so much for. At once they all responded, "Katie Gold." The teacher had already written on the board, before the class, short sentences concerning Katie Gold. She then told them that as Katie Gold could not talk for herself, her little life story had been written on the board. Then they were asked to read the following sentences : My name is Katie Gold. I am the lady of the doll-house. I have lots of pretty dresses. The Blues and Reds made them for me. (The room was divided into two sections : the higher section was called the Blues, and the lower the Reds.) They made nice rugs for my house. They made me a nice bed to sleep on, and a dresser to dress by. The little boys and girls are so nice to me. They even built my house. I love all of them. After they had read the sentences with the help of the teacher, a little game was used, so that they would get the new words. It was played this way: A child was chosen as captain, and he was to come up and say, "I am thinking of a sentence. Can you guess the one I am think- ng of?" The reply was to be: "Are you thinking of, 'My name is vatie Gold'?" pointing to the sentence as he or she read it. If this vas not the sentence, then the captain was to say : "No ; I am not think- ng of, 'My name is Katie Gold' " or, if it is, "Yes ; I am thinking of, My name is Katie Gold,' " and so on the game goes. This also trains them in sentence making. 382 The Training School Quarterly My time having expired, I bequeathed to my successor the pleasure of completing the furnishings of the remaining rooms for Katie Gold's house. Blanche Atwater, '18. Using the Hands in Teaching Eskimo Life In my teaching in the first grade, for two weeks much of my drawing, construction work, and language was in connection with Eskimo life. The following outline shows how Eskimo life was divided into differ- ent lessons in language : I. Description of country, animals, and dress. II. How the Eskimo lives; what his home is like; what he eats. III. Transportation, occupation, amusements. I shall not attempt to give a complete report of what was done in teaching Eskimo life in the first grade, because this has been in The Quarterly before. I wish to emphasize the handwork, that is, the draw- ing and construction, that we did this year. Before this the sand-table has been used, and all of this work has been for that. Each day in my language lessons points were made clear in the minds of the children by a simple sketch on the board. In telling them about the "Great Northern Lights," not until I had sketched the rays behind the great mounds of snow and ice was I able to make it clear in their minds. Their canoe was also made more vivid by the blackboard drawing. Most interesting construction and handwork grew out of each day's lesson, for after the first day the child had a pretty clear idea of how the Eskimo boy looked dressed in his fur clothes, and I had them cut him in two different positions. The first was made very simple by folding the paper in the middle ; the other, a little harder for them, showed the bone he had in his hand ; but very good results were obtained. After another day's lesson they were interested in making a home for their little boy. From their previous language lesson they had a good mental picture of the igloo, and I let them cut the front view and also the side view — of course, cutting one for them first myself. Knowing my time was limited, I let other girls, who taught reading to one section at a time, give, as seat work to the other section, other things connected with Eskimos, such as dogs, sleds, bear, etc. No class time was taken up with this. Before beginning her reading lesson, the girl placed the object she had cut on the blackboard before them and they straightway went to work and interfered not in the least with the reading lesson. Each time, at the end of the lesson, I selected the best from the lot and kept for the poster, which I had had in mind all along. I mounted the children's own cuttings on black paper to make an Eskimo village, and used chalk marks for the snow and the "Northern Suggestions 383 Lights." This made a very attractive poster. The children were just as interested and excited over the poster as I, and especially those "who found their own cuttings on it. Mattie Paul, '18. Seeing the Pictures in a Poem I selected the little poem, "The Fairies," to teach to the children in the third grade, because it is so rich in pictures and in other suggestions which are dear to children that are still in the fairy-loving age. The title had a charm for them because of their love for the fairy tale. My aim was to lead the children to enjoy and appreciate the poem by helping them to see the pictures in it. This poem is found in "The Progressive Road to Reading," pages 28-30. The author is William Allingham. As I read the poem I told them I wanted them to be thinking about the pictures they saw and to be able to tell me some of them when I had finished reading the poem. I then read the entire poem, then I asked several children to tell me one thing they saw. One child said he saw the old king sitting up on the hilltop. Another saw the Fairies with red caps and green jackets and white owls' feathers. Another one saw the frogs these little Fairies had for their watch-dogs. After this I read the poem stanza by stanza. I will quote only one stanza : High on the hilltop The old king sits; He's now so old and gray He's nigh lost his wits. With a bridge of white mist Columbkill he crosses, On his stately journey From Slieveleague to Rosses; Or going up with music On cold starry nights, To sup with the queen Of the gay Northern Lights. These are the questions I asked on this stanza : Where does the king of the Fairies live ? To this question I got this response: He lives up on the top of a high hill. The old Archaism, "Nigh," was very funny to them, and they replied that they thought he was so old he was almost crazy. What kind of bridge did they cross? What do you mean by Columbkill ? Whom did the king visit? What are the northern lights? hey did not know what the northern lights were ; so I told them they 3 lights seen in the northern sky, but we don't see them here as much hey do up far north in Eskimo Land. 384 The Training School Quarterly The questions I asked on the other stanzas were these: What word tells us the size of these people? How do they dress? Where else do some of these fairies live except in the mountain and glen? What do they live on? To this question I got this response: They lived on crispy pancakes, but they were not like the ones our mothers make today. What did they have for their watch-dog? Why was he called a watch- dog? The fourth stanza tells us some of the things they do, so I asked these questions : What did the Fairies plant? Where did they plant them? What would they do to people if they dig their plants up? When I asked them if they would have dug them up, they all said : "No, indeed ; not for any thing, because if we had, they would have put thorns in our beds at night." Why do people fear these little men ? I got this response : Because most people were afraid they would do something these fairies did not like. Another thing we found out was that they always went about together. After we had seen the pictures in each stanza separately, I had five children to come up and read one stanza each. Then I read the poem again so as to be sure to leave the right form before the children. The last five minutes were taken up in studying the pictures in the book. This made it more real. The children as well as the teacher seemed to enjoy the poem very much. Alice Outland, '18. A Sentence Book Although it is claimed that grammar is not taught in the intermediate grades, there is a certain amount of it that comes under the head of "Language work." By the end of the fifth grade the kinds of sentences and the different parts of speech should have been mastered. "Language in the Elementary Schools," by Leiper, has at the end of the section for fifth grade the amount of technical grammar that should be covered. The teaching of the sentences comes first. The teacher should let the children see that the sentence is used whenever one person wishes to tell a thing to another person. When he writes it with his hand, instead of telling it with his tongue, the eye of the other person catches it. You must lead them to recognize sentences by the eye before you can expect them to write them. This can be done by having them hunt for sentences Suggestions 385 in magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, catalogues, and posters. The war posters on display now have excellent examples, as, "Will you do your bit?" "Everybody is Helping "Win the War," "Women, Save America," "Economy Will Win the World," and others of the same type are in abundance everywhere, if the teacher will only lead the pupil to "keep his eyes open." After they can readily recognize the kinds of sentences, the children can clip simple, short sentences they find in print and they can have a scrap-book in which to keep them. The next step is leading the children to see the subject and the predi- cate, the two parts of the sentence. The distinction between the subject and the predicate was vividly shown recently in a Food poster, in the sentence, "Food Will Win the War." Food was printed in red and the remainder of the sentence in black. A child who had learned the subject and the predicate would be delighted in finding this. Let the children bring clipped sentences to class and cut them into two parts, pasting the subject on one side of the book and the predicate on the opposite. If a child sees sentences or illustrations in his reading lessons or books that he cannot cut up, he can copy these neatly in the scrap-book. These are only type suggestions by which the principles of sentence structure may be reviewed and applied. As they study each part of speech they can look for these in print and make collections of them. Sometimes for busy work they can look for nouns, cut them out, and have a list of them to paste in their scrap- books. This can be done, of course, with any part of speech. Near the last part of the fifth grade it is well to check the pupils up and see if they understand what they have been doing. The making of the scrap-book can be postponed until this review, and can be used as a device by which the test can be successfully directed. The scrap-book can be easily made and is very simple. Heavy card- board taken from old tablet backs or grey drawing paper may be used for the back and the white drawing paper as a filler. At the top of each page the name of the topic being studied may be written and the illustrations pasted in neatly beneath. If the child is made to realize that grammar is not only learned in school and in a book labeled "Grammar" or "Language," but is in all his life, he will see the importance of it, and it will then cease to be an irk- some, uninteresting, and formal set of rules memorized and applied only during the grammar recitation period. He also takes great pride in the subject when he has a grammar book that he has made himself. Bess Tillitt. '18. 386 The Training School Quarterly Some Indoor Games for the Schoolroom Indoor games used for rest between periods of work requiring mental effort, or used on a rainy-day program, are good because they avoid the unnecessary handling of books and pencils, and the general restlessness of the children in the classroom. They get "the wiggles" out of the children, or, in other words, they furnish an outlet for their pent-up animal spirits. They are particularly useful in grades below the fourth. Only five minutes in the classroom will wake up a class — five minutes of lively competition, of laughter and of involuntary interest. What a change for the next task requiring concentration ! The timid, shrinking child learns to take his turn with others; the bold, selfish child learns that he may not monopolize the game or cheat the others out of their opportunities to play. Cooperation is the very life of the game. Below are suggestions for a few of the many games that are especially good for cooperation, which may be used for these rest periods in the primary grades. Automobile Race This schoolroom game is played with most of tbe class sitting, and is a relay race between alternate rows. The first child in each alternate row, at a signal from the teacher (or a child playing the part of referee), leaves his seat on the right side, runs forward around his seat and then to the rear, completely encircling his row of seats, until his own is again reached. As soon as he is seated, the child next behind him encircles the row of seats, starting to the front on his right side and running to the rear on the left side of the row. This continues until the last child has encircled the row and regains his seat. The row wins whose last player is first seated. The remaining alternate rows then play, and, lastly, the two winning rows may compete for the championship. The interest may be increased by making tbe race between different makes of automobiles. The first child in each row chooses the make of the automobile which he is to represent. The winning row then claims that his chosen automobile is the winner Cat and Mice One player is chosen to be cat, and hides behind or under the teacher's desk. After the cat is hidden, the teacher beckons to five or six other players, who creep softly up to the desk, and when all are assembled, scratch on it with their fingers, to represent the nibbling of mice. As soon as the cat hears this she scrambles out from under the desk and gives chase to the mice, who may save themselves only by getting back to their holes (seats). If a mouse is caught, the cat changes places with him for the next round of the game. If no mouse is caught, the same cat may continue, or the teacher may choose another at her discretion. Suggestions 387 A different set of mice should be chosen each time, so as to give all of the players an opportunity to join in the game. I Sat, "Stoop !" This game is a variation of the old familiar game "Simon says," but calls for much more activity. The players stand at their seats or in a circle, and in front of them the leader or teacher. The teacher says quickly, "I say, Stoop !" and immediately stoops herself and rises again, somewhat as in a curtsy. The players all imitate the action; but when the leader says, "I say, Stand !" at the same time stooping herself, the players should remain standing. Any who make a mistake and stoop when the leader says, "I say, Stand!" are out of the game. The Lost Child The players are all seated, with the exception of one, who is sent from the room. When this player is well out of sight and hearing, the teacher beckons one of the players, who leaves the group and hides, under the teacher's desk or in some other place. The rest of the players then change their seats, and the one who is blinded is called back and tries to tell which player is hidden. When successful, this first guesser may be seated and another chosen to be blinded. Otherwise, the first guesser blinds again. Feathers All players stand by their seats with their arms at their sides, ready to begin the game. The teacher in front of the class says, "Chickens have feathers," and immediately raises both arms, and lets them fall again. The players all imitate the action — that is, if the animal, fowl, or bird has feathers. If not, the players stand motionless while teacher goes through same process. The game continues, one sentence rapidly following another, as, "Catbirds have feathers," "Rabbits have feathers," "Dogs have feathers," etc. Any pupil who makes a mistake and raises his arms when the object does not have feathers, takes his seat and is out of the game. Guess Who The teacher, standing before the class, calls one of the players to be the guesser, and blindfolds him by putting her hand over the player's eyes. The teacher then signals one of the players from the group to come and stand in front of the guesser, while he, by feeling of the hair, dress, etc., guesses what player is standing before him. If the guesser is successful in guessing the correct one, he then has another guess. If 'not successful, the guesser takes his seat and second player takes his place. Willie Wilson, '18. 7 388 The Training School Quarterly Playground Games I am giving below some games which were originated or adapted, and tried out by a group of children I knew before coming to the Train- ing School, and which I used very successfully at the Model School. I. Plating Indians (Ten to thirty or more players') Select two children to be Indians. The other children have their home marked off on the playground, using the rest of the playground as woods. The children leave their home to play in the woods, and are chased by the Indians. The first child that is caught is made prisoner and is bound to a tree with a long rope. A knot is not permitted to be tied in the rope, but the rope is wound around the child and the tree so that the ends are not easily found. The other children try to unwind the rope and set the prisoner free without being caught. While the Indians are chasing some of the children home, the other children are trying to set the prisoner free. If they are caught, they also are made prisoners and placed in a prison near the tree, and they cannot help to set the other prisoner free. If the prisoner is set free before all the children are caught, the second prisoner is bound, leaving all the other prisoners in prison; but if all the children are caught before the first prisoner is set free, the first two children that were caught are selected as the Indians and all the other children are permitted to return home, and the game is continued as before. II. No Bears Out Tonight (Eight to twenty or more players) Select two children to be bears. The other children have their home marked off on the playground, using the rest of the playground as woods. The children leave their home to play, and are chased by the bears. The first child that is caught is placed in a prison about fifteen feet from the home. The other children try to set the prisoner free, by get- ting to the prison without being caught. If they succeed in getting to the prison they cannot be caught until they return home. If all the children are caught before the first prisoner is set free, the first two that were caught are selected as bears; but if all the children are not caught, and the "bears" are tired out, the first two children that were made prisoners are selected as the bears, and the game is continued as before. Suggestions 389 III. Tap Hand (Ten to thirty or more players) The children are divided into two equal groups and stationed in straight lines opposite each other about thirty feet apart. The children hold out their hands with palms up, while one child selected from one of the sides lightly taps each one of them, and then taps one hard. The one which he taps hard chases the tapper. If he catches him before he reaches his side, the chaser claims the tapper as his captive. Then the chaser becomes tapper on the opposite side. The object is to get all the children on one side. IV. Sheepy (Five to thirty or more players) Draw a large ring in which all the children except the shepherd are stationed. The shepherd walks forward calling, "Sheepy ! Sheepy !" while the children in the ring, the sheep, follow behind, answering with "Baa ! Baa !" When the shepherd gets away from the ring a short dis- tance, he suddenly turns and chases them. All which are caught before they get to the ring have to help get the others out by reaching into the ring and pulling them out, being very careful not to go into the ring with both feet. After all are out, the first one caught has to be shepherd; and so on. Below are some games which were also very successfully used, the directions of which are found in The Game Book written by Bancroft : Stealing Sticks. Poison. Prison Base. Follow the Leader. Pretty Girls' Country. Jessie Howaed, '18. Local Errors There was a stranger from another part who visited a certain town in Eastern Carolina. As this section was new to him, his ears were naturally sensitive to local errors. Below are some of the errors he heard while he was in this town : The "Double Negative," he heard used on the street very often. Some- body would say, "I don't think the train has come nohow," or "I don't know nothing about that suffragette business." The ladies, he noticed, were very fond of saying, "have got." He would hear them in the stores saying: "Well, I have got me a new spring hat," or, "I have got a new dress." He visited the school one day. The pupils said "hain't," "ain't," "tain't," and "narry." The teacher thought she was doing her duty by 390 The Training School Quarterly teaching them the correct usage, "It is I." She didn't seem to think that it would be much better for them to say, "It is me" all of their lives, than to say "hain't," "ain't," "tain't," and "narry." At church even his ears were offended. He noticed that the preacher always said, "Between you and I," and "These kind." He noticed people used the wrong tense in speaking. They would say, "He come last week," "I takened," "I seen." But when he heard some one say "I would a-went," he just had to cover his ears and grit his teeth. One night as the stranger was coming from the theater he heard a voice behind him saying, "She certainly sung well." A soft little femin- ine voice replied, "Yes, I think she sung beautiful." He grew very tired of hearing the schoolgirls say "It's been a-being," "It belongs to be," and "How come?" But they continued to say it. The stranger only smiled when he heard somebody saying, "I'm awfully glad to meet you, Mr. ," or, "This is an awfully pretty day." Some would always leave off their verb endings. They would say, "I ask you to come yesterday, but you didn't." The newsboys were very careless in their speech. They would say, "Please buy a Post from me, Mister. Bill, he done sold three this morn- ing, and I ain't sold a one." The stranger left, but he long afterwards remembered this town in Eastern Carolina where he heard so many errors. Lola May Gurley, '18. [The two suggestions that follow are from the Alumnae. We have been hoping the time would come when we could get suggestions that our former students have actually tested out for themselves and have found successful. We trust that these suggestions from the Alumnae will become a permanent feature of the Quarterly. — The Editor.] Fourth Grade Geography In teaching Part One of the Primary Geography, I have found the making of a geography by the class a very successful device for the review and thorough understanding of the fundamentals of the subject. Before starting the book I explained carefully what we wanted to do, and that instead of "Dodge's Primary Geography," ours would be "Fourth Grade's Geography." They seemed anxious to begin the book for my future use and enjoyment. Beginning with the first chapter, they collected pictures of all different kinds of homes from newspapers, magazines, and post-cards. Then, for the second chapter, illustrations of villages, towns, and cities, and in the same way for each succeeding chapter. Suggestions 391 Then each afternoon four of the class were selected to make a chapter or a part of a chapter in the book. We used a good notebook, with perforated leaves, that could be easily enlarged. The children who wrote well were honored by having the privilege of writing in the book just what they decided upon, with suggestions from me, while the others selected and pasted in the book the illustrations from the large supply of pictures brought in. Each one wanted to write in the book, so they worked better at the writing period to improve in form and neatness. After each chapter was completed the class had the opportunity to see the geography. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the work, and I believe the ideas are their own now. Juanita E. Dixon, '11. An Outline for Geography I found a very good plan for teaching Geography suggested to us last summer at the institute at Chapel Hill. I hesitate in offering it because some one may have been using it already in or near Greenville. It really has helped me more than anything else I have tried. I take it up in studying a new country before using either my own questions or those in the book, and the pupils seem to find it much easier than anything else I have tried. Of course, this is just a suggestion. [To be filled out by pupil during study period — divided according to ability of class.] I. What Nature has done Size and shape Surface Coast line Climate Rainfall and winds Surface features Mountains; Plains; Highlands Rivers Bays; gulfs; lakes Seas; straits Plants 1. Those for clothing 2. Those for shelter 3. Those for food D 1. Those for clothing Animals J 2. Those for shelter 3. Those for food 392 The Training School Quarterly E C Ocean currents Climate J Winds { Heat belts (did not take this up much with fifth grade; I just let them realize there were such things from map.) Minerals { Precious j Useful A II. What man has done: 1. Political divisions World relations \ 2. Capitals 3. Chief cities B Schools; colleges; noted buildings; churches (We did not take this up much. I mean deeply.) r Roads; highways III. Transportation J Railways [ By water I have found so many times pupils seem to know only one way of studying Geography — it will be all text-book matter and no questions for map study, or all map study and no text study. Many times pictures and small maps are seldom used. By using everything at hand the pupils usually become interested in this study, and like it. If followed too closely, this outline gets a little monotonous ; and it is better to use it sometimes as a review to fix information, after the teacher's own questions from text and much map study have brought this out. It is hard to make this subject vivid and real to most children. Emily Gayle, '14. Alumnae You, members of the Alumnse, will be given the glad hand at Com- mencement, even if it is not the festive occasion it has been in former times. An account of it and an explanation is found elsewhere in this number of The Quarterly. A "simplified commencement" means one that has only the essential features and no festivities. We can have a quiet, intimate, family gathering. You can enjoy the School and can learn the new members who come into your fold at that time much better than when there were so many distractions. The Alumnse meeting will be on Saturday, June 1. Some time ago the editors of The Quarterly sent out a questionnaire to the members of the Alumnse, asking for a number of things. The answers have been coming in steadily, and we trust that before they stop we shall have a complete record of the Alumnse, and from these returns we can file the roll and keep it checked up every year. There has been no regular way of keeping up with the girls. Some of them are near by and we see and hear from them frequently, but others farther off we are not in touch with. The letters and questionnaire were sent out with a double purpose : one was to get in touch with the girls and find out what kind of work they are doing, so as to get a record and some personal news from them; another was to get together enough statistics to work on so that we can see exactly what the girls are doing and are getting. In the campaign for increasing teachers' salaries it will be well to find out exactly what teachers are getting, what they have to pay for board and laundry, and to show what they are doing, and what conditions they have to work under. We have a fine opportunity to show up some inter- esting and convincing figures. In the first place, we wish to prove that here is a set of trained teachers who are scattered all over the eastern section of the State and in some parts of the western section, who are earning far more than they are getting. We can prove some things from statistics. Superintendents can speak largely for their own schools, but they get the rest from hearsay and statistics. What the Training School girls are actually doing in this State, and how they are doing it, is what we are trying to find out from the Alumnse. We wish to get hold of this so that we can speak with authority and speak in facts and figures, impersonally, and publish it so that he who 394 The Training School Quarterly runs may read. Where the girls are teaching, the kind of schools they are teaching in, the part they are taking in community life, the part the school plays in the community, the cost of living, and the price paid and received for service done, are some of the things that we can find out from the girls who are teaching. Some of the girls are no longer teach- ing, but they are doing other things — some of them in business, some of them are married. They are certainly a part of life, and whatever they are doing is of interest. Each one is filling some place, and we want to know what. You do not know about each other; you have scattered out over the State, and perhaps feel that what you are doing is so little compared to what others are doing; but that little counts. There is no longer the close personal touch between the girls there was when the Alumnae Asso- ciation was made up of girls that knew each other. You see new names in school affairs, just as we in the School see new faces ; but you are not strangers, and you are interested in what any Training School girl is doing. As the School grows older and larger we do not wish to lose that family feeling we have always had. Mattie Bright, '14, who is teaching at Dixie School, reports a Junior Red Cross and a War Savings Society in the school. The pupils have been knitting sweaters, and have knitted one quilt. The school is well equipped for athletics. Mary Bridgman, '15, who is teaching at her home in Lake Landing, reports a Red Cross Auxiliary in the town. She was planning to organize a Junior Red Cross in the school, but on account of the bad weather and contagious diseases the school has been closed for several weeks. The school bought three fifty-dollar Liberty Bonds. Mrs. Frank Greathouse, Eula Proctor, '12, paid a flying visit to the School one afternoon in February, coming over from Rocky Mount in an automobile. She says she is practicing conservation so strenuously that Frank says she is giving him seven eatless days a week. She is doing Red Cross work, and substitutes in teaching whenever she is called on. Sue Walston, '17, was married in January to Edward Pitt, of Tarboro. ALUMNiE 395 The friends of Lalla Pritchard, '13, deeply sympathize with her in the loss of her mother. Rosa Wooten, '14, is teaching at Chicod. She recently gave an enter- tainment which was very successful. Her school was the first in the county to have a "soldier of thrift." Nell Dunn, '16, who is teaching in Washington, reports that they are making every effort to have every child in school a member of the Red Cross. Amelia Clarke, '17, has recently had a box party in her school. She reports they have a good rural library, and use it for reference work and reading circle for the children. She says the supervisor has helped her greatly through the group-center teachers' meetings. Allen Gardner and Ophelia O'Brian, who are teaching at Graingers, report the following public entertainments : Hallowe'en, Christmas tree, North Carolina Cay, and George Washington's Birthday. They say their supervisor helps them very much, and they could not do without her. Louise Smaw, '14, who is teaching at Grifton, reports a sewing class in the school doing work for Red Cross. The pupils are very much interested in athletics. Sadie Nichols, '14, is doing primary work near Durham County. Her school is interested in War Savings Stamp certificates, and a committee is appointed to sell Thrift Stamps. Emily Gale, '14, who is teaching sixth grade in Chadbourn, reports a service flag in her school with 29 stars on it. There is also a Junior Red Cross and War Savings Club in the school. They have basket-ball and tennis courts and a good library. The faculty and the pupils of the High School, together, subscribe to several magazines, three leading State papers, and their county papers. From the use of these they are getting good results. 396 The Training School Quarterly Eva Pridgen, '16, who is teaching Primary work in the Gardnerville school, says there is a Junior Red Cross Auxiliary in the school. The school children have bought War Saving Stamps. Lucile O'Brian, '16, who has been teaching in Enon School near Oxford, reports a Junior Red Cross in the school. The school has been very active in the Red Cross work. Lucile is now teaching at Phoebus, Va. She went there the first of the year. Millie Roebuck, '15, is teaching the fifth and the seventh grades in Robersonville High School. She is doing Red Cross and Food Con- servation work. Gelene Ijames, '16, is doing Primary work at Farmington. Pattie Dowell, '11, is teaching the first grade in the city schools at Winston-Salem. She takes an active part in the society and club work. The teachers of this school have been aiding in the offices of the Exemp- tion Board in filling out questionnaires. They count this as valuable experience. Bettie Spencer, '15, who is teaching second grade at her home in Washington, says they are encouraging Red Cross work, and have made some very attractive scrap-books for the soldiers in school. Irene White, '15, writes that she has been having box parties to lengthen the school term, as they only had a six months school. She has also organized a Sunday school in the community, which she teaches. There was not one there before. She is teaching "Burroughs School," near Williamston. Emma Brown, '15, writes that athletics is encouraged in the school at Richlands by having tennis and basket-ball courts, and by introducing Alumnae 397 playground games. She says the literary societies take an active part in the school life by giving entertainments and plays. They have a Red Cross society connected with the school, in which sewing and knitting is carried on. Emma Cobb, '14, is rural supervisor of Edgecombe County. She is the first one to step from the actual schoolroom to a higher place. Hilda Critcher, '12, is teaching at Conetoe. She has the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, and says she has her hands full with school work, Junior Red Cross workers, and Parents' club. Luella Lancaster, '14, who is teaching first grade at Tarboro, ST. C, writes that the children are very enthusiastic over the buying of Thrift Stamps. In the High School they have a committee of boys and girls who ask others to buy. Mattie Cox, '14, has first and second grade work in Eureka graded schools. They have been selling War Saving and Thrift Stamps in school, and have had their county demonstrator to give lectures on how to conserve food. Grace Smith, '14, reports that the boys and girls of her school gave corn to be sold for Red Cross work. Grace is teaching at Apex. Juanita Dixon, '11, who is teaching at Winterville, reports that lec- tures on Food Conservation have been well attended and very effective. Katie Sawyer, '15, is teaching at Jacksontown, near Winterville, the same place she taught at last year ; but they had to increase her salary and lengthen the term in order to get her back. As there was no chance to get anything from the county funds, the people are paying it from their own purses. She says some one has to do the one-teacher work, 398 The Training School Quarterly and she enjoys it; the only trouble is that she sees so much to do and finds she cannot do it all. She has a Woman's Betterment Society which meets twice a month. At a Hallowe'en party they raised $42.35. She is interested in Sunday school work. Blanche Everett, '14, is staying at her home in Palmyra this winter and is keeping house. She keeps busy doing Red Cross work and joining in all kinds of community work. Blanche had charge of the Alumnae Bazaar which was held at the Training School in December, on one of the snowy, bad days. Ethel Everett, '16, is at Peabody College for Teachers again this year. Edna Campbell, '12, is teaching at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, in one of Tennessee Normal Schools. She is doing critic work in the school that corresponds to our Model School. She goes into Nashville at regular intervals for work at Peabody College for Teachers. Gladys Fleming, '14, is teaching at Watertown, Tennessee, again this year. Ruth Davis, '13, is teaching in Carthage, Tennessee. When it was just too late to get the item of news in the last issue of The Quarterly, Ruth dropped in on us, having come over from Washington to spend the day. Her school had suspended for a while because of contagious diseases, and as she had more vacation then than she expected at Christmas, she came to Washington to see her sister, Clara. She and Bettie Spencer came over and spent the day in Greenville. Mrs. Clara Davis Wright, '15, has a little boy, Charles Wright, Jr., who is a wonderful little fellow. Marguerite Wallace (Mrs. Ray Jones), '16, has a beautiful boy. Alumna 399 There is not a handsomer boy in Greenville than the little son of Mrs. Cary Warren (Marjorie Davis, '12). Estelle Greene, '12, and Ruebelle Forbes, '16, have been working regu- larly with the Exemption Board in Greenville. Gertrude Critcher, '14, is staying in Mrs. Lee's Millinery Store. Ger- trude likes her job, as she can stay at home and has a job twelve months in the year. Corinne Bright, '14, is stenographer for a Greenville concern. She is very much interested in office work, and she, too, enjoys getting a salary check twelve times a year. Susie Morgan, '16, was married to Captain Roderick Stamey in De- cember. She is now at Lawton, Oklahoma, where her husband is in camp. She taught in Farmville until Christmas. The roll of girls teaching in Pitt County is of goodly length. The Pitt County teachers' meetings have so many of our girls present that it seems almost as if it were a class at the Training School. Many of those who did not graduate from the School have attended the School. Among those attending the January meeting were Elizabeth Southerland, Louise Smaw, Ruby Vann, Katie Sawyer, Gertrude Boney, Viola Gas- kins, Mary Newby White, Ruth Lowder. School Activities Dr. B. W. Spilman conducted the Y. W. C. A. serv- Y. W. C. A. ices the Sunday evening after Thanksgiving. He is one of the most welcome of the annual visitors of the Train- ing School. He chose for his subject one which he thought would be most helpful to Sunday school teachers, and told the students that when they became teachers they would surely be called upon to teach Sunday school classes. His subject was the "Eye of the Soul" or the third eye. He said the eye of the soul was the faculty by which we see things in the invisible world, and that this eye should be cultivated was the thought which he carried through his talk. He said that the eye of the soul gave marvelous charm to the commonplace things, and gave flesh and blood to the scenes of the past. The talk was a very interesting one and contained many vivid illus- trations, some of which were full of humor, but a big thought was in each of these. Rev. J. M. Shore, while attending the Methodist Conference here in December, preached for the Y. W. C. A. on Sunday night, December 5. He preached a splendid sermon. Mr. Shore was the Methodist minister here when the Training School opened, and also the only minister here for quite a while, so he was welcomed back as an old friend. At the second regular Y. W. C. A. Sunday evening services after Christmas, Mr. Meadows gave a very interesting talk about his experi- ences in camp at Fort Oglethorpe. He said that the experiences of camp life were interesting, strenuous, and sometimes discouraging. But he considers his experiences as worth while and as of more value to him than any three month's training he had ever had. He told many of the intimate personal stories of camp life which were very amusing. He gave an account of the Field Artillery, especially since that was the section to which he was assigned. The Y. W. C. A. services on the fourth Sunday evening in January were particularly enjoyed because of a beautiful musical program and an interesting report given by Miss Graham of the Conference of Young Women's Christian Association Workers. As introduction to the musical program, the enjoyment of the beauti- ful things in life was stressed. Miss Hill, who had charge of the services, said that we ought to enjoy more the beautiful things around us, the beautiful things in nature, the beautiful things in literature, and the beautiful music which we heard. She then said that several popular and beautiful musical selections were going to be rendered and that she hoped the entire School would enjoy them. The program consisted of the following numbers : School Activities 401 Instrumental Duet — "My Country." By Miss Meade and Miss Bertolet. Mozart — "Pastorole Variee." By Miss Meade. Beethoven — "Slow Movement from Fifth Symphony." By Misses Bertolet and Hill. Liszt — "Liebstraimne." By Miss Bertolet. Handel — "He Shall Feed His Flock," "Come Unto Him." Misses Lula Bal- lance and Sue Best Morrill. The hymns were beautifully sung, the choir singing the first stanzas and the audience joining in on the last. Miss Graham gave a brief report of the conference of the faculty rep- resentatives from the Y. W. C. A. which met in Greensboro in Febru- ary. Miss Graham was the representative from this School. The leaders of this conference were Miss Young, student-secretary of the South Atlantic Field ; Miss Cady, of Agnes Scott College ; Miss Scales, who visited Greenville in the fall in the interest of the Student Friendship war fund, and who is the secretary at the Normal College, and Miss Hazlett, student-volunteer from California. Miss Graham said that the reports as to the results of the Student Friendship war fund were very gratifying. The chief business of the conference was to discuss the reso- lutions adopted at a meeting held at Northfield, Massachusetts, in Janu- ary. These are as follows : 1. North American students mobilized for world democracy, 1,200,000 students, three-fourths of all students in the normal schools and colleges studying in classes devoted to Bible Study, Mission Study, or Social Study. 2. Application of the principles: (1) to the individual, (2) to the campus, and (3) to the world. 3. A sufficient number of qualified men and women enlisted for the missionary program of the church. i. Half a million dollars to be raised for missions. Miss Graham reported interesting discussions of all of these, which, after being given careful consideration, were adopted as the resolutions for the Y. W. C. A. work in the North Carolina schools. On the following Sunday evening the Junior Class conducted the Y. W. C. A. services. Their subject was "Happiness." They read several poems which showed how, by being happy yourself, others may be made happy also. Miss Edith Fuess, Deaconess and student secretary of the Methodist Mission Board of the South, spent a few days here at the Training School during the month of January. The girls, because of her charm and striking personality, enjoyed her stay very much. She is a young woman greatly interested in her work and in young people. She conducted the Y. W. C. A. services the Sunday evening she was 3re and made a beautiful, appealing talk that took hold of the hearts 402 The Training School Quarterly and imagination of her hearers. It was marked by a genuineness of feeling and understanding and by richness of suggestion. She began by telling a beautiful story of India — "The Tree and the Master," which illustrated submission to the master's will. Her theme was the living water, and the great need the world today has for Christianity. She closed with a strong appeal to young women to let the Master cut the channel through their hearts so they would be willing to give themselves to the service of the Master. The special music of the evening was greatly enjoyed. It consisted of a piano solo, "A Chopin Waltz in C Minor," played by Miss Bertolet, and a vocal duet, "He Walks With Me and He Talks With Me," by Misses Lillian Shoulars and Willie Jackson. The Y. W. C. A. services on the Sunday evening of February 11th were very interesting. "The Beauty of the Commonplace" was the thought which Miss Ray so beautifully presented. She read first from the Scrip- ture, John 14, and called attention to the beauty of the commonplace things with which Jesus works. She gave a short quotation from George Eliot which echoed the scripture lesson. After this she told a very im- pressive story, "The Hunt for the Beautiful," which illustrated her point clearly. Miss Ray has a rare ability as a story-teller, and all the girls enjoy hearing her. At the December social meeting of the Y. W. C. A. an impromptu program was given. On entering the door, each girl was asked to reg- ister, which aroused her curiosity very much. As they registered, they were checked off into squads of eight and each squad had to prepare some stunt for the entertainment of the evening. The miscellaneous entertain- ment had a spontaneity and life about it that was very enjoyable. There were no "eats" as the money appropriated for refreshments was turned into a Liberty Loan Bond. Societies At the first regular meeting of the Lanier Society of this year the marshals were elected. They were as follows : Mary Lee Gallup, Mary Tucker, Mary Johnston, and Ruby Giles. The programs have been unusually interesting. The Lanier Society has challenged the Poe Society for the Annual debate. The query : "Resolved, That municipal form of government is better than city form of government." The Poes gladly accepted the challenge. They chose the affirmative. School Activities 403 The marshals for the Poe Society are: Elsie Hines, Chief; Maude Poole, Katherine Lister, Francis McAdams, and Annie Wester. The program committee has given some very appropriate and enjoy- able programs. At the last meeting of the fall term Dickens' "Christ- mas Carol" was adapted and given as a play. On February 9 a delightful Valentine program was rendered. Classes and Athletic Leagues The Senior class conducted the Y. W. C. A. services Sunday night, November 24, 1917. This Thanksgiving was different from any other that we have seen and was observed differently. They thought it best to help get the girls in the proper attitude for the day. They took for their subject, "Thanksgiving." The ninety-second Psalm, followed by a prayer, was read by Alexa Alford. Sadie Thompson read parts of the poem "Thanksgiving," by Alice Carey. This was followed by a vocal solo, "Lovely Appear," by Lula Ballance. Katie Lee Matthews read "Thanksgiving This Year," taken from the editorials of the Ladies' Home Journal. The poem "Armageddon" was read by Ethel Smith. A short paper, "What the Y. M. C. A. Means to the Soldiers," was read by Huldah Barnes. This paper consisted of a few short extracts from letters which had been received by girls in school from their friends at camp and at the front. On the night of January 19, 1918, at the regular class meeting, a very interesting program was rendered. "Six Greatest Moments of a Girl's Life" was dramatized. Elizabeth Hathaway took the part of the girl while Mattie Paul played as her lover. A camp scene was given and several girls sang "We Are Tenting Tonight." After this Mutt and Jeff appeared. The "B" and "F" classes were invited to see this program. The program of North Carolina Day, Friday, December 14, 1917, was given by the Senior class. They followed part of the excellent program sent out by the State. The program was presented in a very attractive manner. On account of such extremely cold and disagreeable weather, for some time basket-ball, tennis, and walking were almost impossible. We took advantage of the few agreeable afternoons and a considerable amount of practice was done. Large groups have been on the walking trips. School News Doctor Dr. Charles O'H. Laughinghouse is greatly missed as in Service ' school physician. He is in camp at Fort Oglethorpe. Dr. Laughinghouse was one of the first of the phy- sicians in the State to volunteer for service soon after war was declared last spring. As president of the North Carolina Medical Society, he had great influence, and used that influence for getting the physicians of the State aroused so that they were ready to respond to the call for service. He was held in reserve, and was not called until the first of this year. He has the rank of major. He is greatly missed both in the School and in the town. He has a very large practice and has been identified with all kinds of public welfare work. Dr. Carl Pace, Dr. Laughinghouse's assistant, left last summer to join an ambulance corps. Dr. Noble is the acting school physician during the absence of Dr. Laughinghouse. All who have ever known the Training School will Webb-Spillman be greatly interested in the following announcement Marriage . . which was received during the Christmas holidays : Mrs. Calvin Andrew Haste announces the marriage of her daughter, Johnny Etta Webb, to Mr. John Barham Spilman on Saturday, the twenty-second of December, nineteen hundred and seventeen, Edenton, N. C. Miss Armstrong Miss Martha Armstrong, for three and a half years age a Community teacher of Home Economics in this school, left the first Kitchen of February to take charge of a Community Kitchen in Birmingham, Alabama, the second to be established in the South. Miss Armstrong's leaving is a great loss to the School and to the town. She has been interested in club work and church work. She was the president of the Greenville chapter of Southern Association of College Women, and has been the leader of one of the societies in her church. She was chairman of the Women's work in Conservation for Pitt County. The work in her department has been marked by real ability and in- genuity in adapting it to present conditions. She was frequently callec on to make talks to clubs or to give demonstrations. Her students g( away with practical, sensible ideas they can use in their own communi ties and homes. School News 405 The work Miss Armstrong is doing is new but is full of wonderful possibilities. There are to be one hundred cities in the United States that will have these community kitchens, where the housewives can come for suggestions, for lessons in the various branches of Household Economics, and for advice on all kinds of topics. We hope soon to pub- lish a full account of the work of the one in Birmingham. Inducements were offered Miss Armstrong to stay in this State, but she saw fit to return to her home city. In January she spent a day in Farmville giving demonstrations and joining in with a group of workers who were helping the women to study out present problems in Food Conservation. Mrs. Carr Teacher Mrs. Robert L. Carr who, as Miss Elizabeth Pugh, Economics taught Household Economics for four years in this school, again has charge of this work. Mrs. Carr came to the school in the second year and was the first one to establish the regular cooking classes and organize the department after there was equipment. Since she has been identified with the town of Greenville she has been active in club work and all public interests. She is chair- man of the Domestic Science Department of the Woman's Club of Green- ville. Last summer the canning demonstrations for the women of the town were given at her home and under her supervision. Mr. Meadows returned to the Training School at Returns the beginning of the winter term and resumed his Work. He is in reserve for work in the Intelligence Depart- ment with the rank of first lieutenant. He has no idea when he will be called into active service. He has given exceedingly interesting accounts of his experiences while in camp. War Work by The members of the faculty are doing their part in Members of waging the campaign of thrift, and their service ex- tends beyond the School. Mr. Austin has made addresses on War Saving Stamps at several schools. On January 28 he went to Bethel and Grifton, on February 4 to Ayden, and on February 15 to Kinston school. Mr. Meadows has had several requests to make talks, both on Camp Life and War Saving Stamps. He has visited Simpson, Joyner's School, Cox's School, and Ballard's Cross Roads. 406 The Training School Quarterly Mr. Wilson made a talk on "War Saving Stamps at Winterville High School. Miss McFadyen is chairman of the Women's work in the Thrift Campaign in Greenville. Under her leadership the women have made a wonderful start. President Wright, Mrs. Beckwith, and Miss McFadyen are on the committee for the Thrift Campaign in Pitt County. On February 18 Mr. Austin went to New Bern where he met a group of graded school teachers and discussed the teaching of Geography. In the morning he discussed the power a pupil should have when he has finished the elementary grades and how to develop that power, and later discussed a type study. Mr. Wilson is conducting the professional study classes of the teachers of Greene County this year. Miss Davis is visiting Staton School on Mondays and is helping solve some of the typical rural problems which she finds there. Simplified Commencement this year will be unlike that of other Commence- i. " ... , , ment years. It will not be a festive occasion, with social features and with the features that attract the holiday -crowd. It will be a more intimate, a simpler occasion, perhaps a kind of love-feast among homefolks and friends here. The flutter of ribbons and chiffon, the whizzing of company automobiles, the elaborate pro- grams, will be missed, but there will be many compensations — the get- together feeling, a time of real meetings between those here and the home-folks who have come back to us — a time to take stock; a serious time, perhaps, but not a solemn time. In keeping with the times all the festive features have been taken away from commencement. Some of the features have simply been placed at another time. The class will have Class Day some time during the spring, the Musical will come earlier also. We want the Alumna? to come home again and to enter into the spirit of the occasion with us. President Wright placed before the members of the class the question of what they are going to do about Commencement. The class decided to simplify it. They decided that they would not send out the formal invitations to the public, as that would perhaps be misleading. As they wished to send something out as a matter of record, so that the public could see who the graduates were, they decided to send out an- nouncements of the graduation exercises of the class. They believed that it was in keeping with the times to retain the religious services — have the sermon. The question of the evening service was not theirs to decide, but the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet decided to have this. The class, without consulting the President of the School, requested him to deliver the address on the day of the graduation, and he consented I School News 407 Sewing for The interest in sewing for the Ked Cross has been the Ref Babies '""' ' tunee very greatly increased by the new work, that of making layettes for the refugee babies. The girls are taking the greatest delight in making the tiny garments. This auxiliary had the money in hand for five full layettes and hopes later to be able to make more. This sewing keeps a number of girls at work because sewing and crocheting can be done at the same time, and the girl who hates to sew but loves to crochet can get her chance to contribute work. Red Cross Most of the time during the winter the sewing for the Work Red Cross has continued regularly. Each Monday morning the sewing room is a busy place. As many girls as can find a place at a machine, or as a helper to the one at the machine, are on hand, and as one girl has to leave, another soon takes her place. There is not very much boosting for workers, because among so many girls it is always an easy matter to get together a group of girls who can sew, and many girls with more zeal than skill might come and work heroically and only make work for the skillful. The work has now become a steady, regular thing. A number of shirts have been made during the winter. When the material and patterns for the baby clothes were ready there were still a few unfinished shirts ; the girls looked with longing eyes away from the prosaic shirts to the baby dresses already cut out, but hurried up on the shirts and soon had them finished so that they could spend all their time on the baby clothes when they had once begun. Knitting for Knitting has been the favorite pastime of the girls here, as it has of the women all over the country. "More wool" has been the constant cry. The knitting committee last fall, while waiting for wool to arrive, gave knitting lessons to all who applied so that when the wool came there would be no delay. They did their work so well that there were more knitters than there was work to give them. The Greet ville branch of the Pitt County chapter furnished the wool. The knitting committee guaranteed that the knitting would be well done, and, when wool was taken out, guaranteed that the knitted garments would be returned by a certain date. The knitters were divided into groups and the committee into inspectors of groups. These inspectors watched faithfully their workers. So as to satisfy as nearly as possible the demand for wool, a number of girls were given sufficient wool for only half a sweater and the two halves were sewed together. In addition to the garments knitted by the students, most of the women ' in the faculty have been knitting. It is difficult to estimate the number 408 The Training School Quarterly of garments that have been knitted in the school, for many girls and teachers have bought their own wool and have knitted for brothers and friends. About thirty-five garments have been knitted by the students and turned in to the Greenville chapter. Pitt County The January meeting of the teachers of Pitt County Teachers* Meeting was held in the auditorium of the Training School on Saturday, January 19. This meeting was devoted largely to the special problem of getting ready for the thrift campaign. Judge Gilbert Stephenson of Winston-Salem, who is giving his time to working for this cause, made a strong appeal to the teachers, making them realize the urgent necessity of this work and explaining to them the way in which the school can organize to assist most effectively in this work. His talk was a veritable inspiration, and every teacher felt that this was one thing she must do her utmost for. Superintendent Underwood, in business session, later told the teachers that he wished to say, before any teacher asked him how she was to do this and the other things she had to do, that she must do her part in the thrift cam- paign and in other war work if she had to leave other things undone. The students of the Training School and the faculty attended the meeting and heard the address by Judge Stephenson. Mr. D. M. Clark, chairman of the Thrift Campaign in Pitt County, and Mr. Kinchen Cobb, a member of the committee, were present at the meeting. Dr. Miller, who was taking the place temporarily of the Pitt County health officer, explained to the teachers what they were to do in the health work. The new county demonstrator in Home Economics, Miss Avery, was introduced to the teachers. There was a full attendance in spite of the fact that the weather had not cleared up and the roads were still in a bad condition. The report of the address by Judge Stephenson appears elsewhere in this number of The Quarterly. Miss Jamison Miss Jamison, whose work as demonstrator in Home Women Economics is so well known in North Carolina, and who is now teaching in the State Normal College, came to Greenville at the invitation of the Woman's Club of Greenville and gave a demonstration and a talk on how to manage war cooking with the materials that had to be used and how to plan and prepare well-balanced meals and do all the Food Administration is asking of the housekeepers The demonstration was given in the cooking laboratories of the Training School. School News 409 Miss Jamison made a practical talk that made the women realize that the impossible was not requested of them. Her demonstration proved to them that the war food could be palatable and attractive. The ladies were delighted with some of the things she showed them how to make. She made it clear to them that whether or not they wished to help with food problems was going to have very little to do with the matter, they would have to use the materials they could get, and they would be allowed to have only certain things. She showed them an egg powder that could be used for cooking instead of eggs. The biscuits she made of the war flour that is to be put on the market soon were delicious. After her demonstration, the ladies were shown some of the things that were being done at the Training School. The waste for the three meals before the meeting was shown, all for each meal in a very small pan. The soup drained from all the plates at luncheon that day was considerably less than a quart. The ladies were amazed at the small amount of waste, all of it together less than the average family usually wastes. They were shown samples of the soap made in the kitchen here. Cake made according to the recipe given elsewl ere in this number of The Quaeterly was served merely to show the people that desserts could be served with little cost. Pickles made of cucumbers from the school garden were served with the cake. The meeting was a most satisfactory one, and the ladies have been putting into practice the new ideas gained. War Talks At the regular chapel period on one morning of each by President . Wright week President Wright gives a very helpful talk con- cerning the war situation. He summarizes the most important current events and comments on the significance of these. The students find his interpretations very interesting. He also suggests particularly good articles available to the students. Stor -tellin " T:tie Story-telling Hour," from 6:30 to 7:15 on Wednesday evening, is now a regular weekly event which is looked forward to with pleasure. Under the leadership of Miss Ray, it promises to be an activity of much benefit as well as enjoyment. Many good story tellers are being discovered. Their stories are well organized and presented in a pleasing manner and they realize the value of the experience gained from preparing a story and telling it before an audience. 410 The Training School Quarterly A Visit from Mr. David Walsh, demonstrator for the Educational jyi an Department of the Victor Talking Machine Company, visited the School on February 7. By asking the girls to "be little children" for a while, and going through the rhythmical motions of a few simple tunes, he gave a very enjoyable demonstration of how the talking machine can and should be used in teaching songs, games, etc., in the primary grades. No Inconve- Because of careful planning and far-sightedness we School have not suffered for lack of fuel during the recent coal famine. While many have had considerable trouble in getting coal, flour, sugar, etc., we were fortunate in having all these at hand. Thanks to careful buying and Conservation ! Talks by While the Methodist Conference was in session here Ministers j agt D ecemDer several of the ministers conducted chapel exercises for us. Each of the following ministers made us very interest- ing talks: Bev. Harry North, Bev. M. T. Blyler, and Bev. Walter Patten, who is now pastor of Jarvis Memorial Church. Mr. Brooks Sharp, Y. M. C. A. worker in the United States Army, while attending the Conference, made a very interesting talk to the students and faculty one afternoon on the Y. M. C. A. work in the can- tonments. Trips by the President Wright attended three important educa- President tional meetings during February. On February 20 he was present at a Conference on Bural Education held in Washington, D. C. On February 21 he attended the meeting of the Presidents of Normal Schools held in Atlantic City; and on February 22, a mep +l 'ng of the Superintendents' Department of the National Educational Asso- ciation. Alumnse The Alumna? Bazaar was held early in December. Bazaar Blanche Everett came over in the afternoon and took charge. The girls were glad to assist her, and every article was sold. Summer School The summer school bulletins were received some time Bulletin Out ago and many have been sent out. School News 411 Visit from Miss Edith Fuess, Deaconess and student secretary Miss Fuess of the Methodist Mission Board of the South, spent a few days here at the Training School during the month of January. Her visit was much enjoyed by all the students and faculty. Christmas Giving Expensive and elaborate Christmas giving was dis- Abandoned couraged in every way possible this year. No class or group-presents of any kind were given. This did not mean that remem- brances were discouraged, but a card or letter served the same purpose and left the money or the time consumed in elaborate things for the war- time necessities. Higgs=Taft Furniture Co. PHONE 79 We are Headquarters for High Grade and Medium Price Furniture. We furnish the Home Complete on easy payments. You name the price, we make the terms BEFORE BUYING SEE US HIGGS-TAFT FURNITURE CO. 701 DICKERSON AVENUE CASH OR CREDIT GREENVILLE, N. C. J. R. & J. G. MOYE You are cordially invited to visit our store, where you will find a well selected and up-to-date line of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Silks, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Coat Suits, Coats, Shoes, Oxfords and Toilet Articles. Your patronage will be appreciated *■ J. R. & J. G. MOYE