C28 1827 r A 3 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ENDOWED BY THE DIALECTIC AND PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETIES BF1 531 • C28 1827 y https://archive.org/details/essayonevilspiriOOcarl_0 AN ESSAY EVIL SPIRITS; on, REASONS TO PROVE THEIR EXISTENCE I IN Opposition to a ilectutc, DELIVERED BY THE REV. N. T. HEINEKEN, In the Unitarian Chapel, Bradford. * BY WILLIAM CARLISLE. # THIRD EDITION, ENLARGED AND CORRECTED. " God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to bereserved unto judgment." —2 Pet ii. 4. 4i And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own ha- bitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. " — Jude 6th ver. "The good and evil of eternity are too ponderous for the wings of wit: the mind sinks under them in passive helplessness, content with calm belief and humble adoration." — Johnson. PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR; AND SOLD BY HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. PATERNOS- TER-ROW; T. INKERSLEY, BRADFORD; HARDCASTLE, AND SPINK, LEEDS; WALKER, HALIFAX ; NICHOLS, WAKEFIELD; KEMP, H UDDERSFI ELD ; WILSON, KNARESBRO': AND ALL OTHER BOOKSELLERS. ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL, Printed by T. WALKER, Halifax, THE LADIES AMD GENTLEMEN OP BRADFORD, THE FOLLOWING WORK IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, AS A SMALL EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE, FOR THEIR KIND AND LIBERAL SUPPORT, BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. In these days of fanciful innovation, and bold im- piety, Scriptural Doctrines are abused and perverted on the one hand, by the extravagance of folly and enthusiasm ; and are insulted on the other, by the scoffs of Socinians. They are ridiculed as a vague and visionary scheme, which finds its origin only in the wild imaginations of men. Notwithstanding the contempt and ridicule which are continually poured from the lips of opposers, the author avows himself a believer in all the peculiar and essential doctrines of the Gospel ; and his intention in publishing this essay is, to defend these doctrines against the inju- dicious evasions, wild reveries, bombastical asser- tions, and sarcastical animadversions, of those men who would rob Christianity of its glory, blast our hopes, and make this world one vast scene of misery and chaos. In this controversy, the author sincerely desires truth to have its full weight. He contends for no human creeds or explications whatever ; they may n. be right, or they may be wrong ; infallibility is not stamped upon any human creed whatever ; conse- quently none ever pretended to infallibility, but the absurd system of Popery. Suffer the author to add, that it is his firm opinion, that the articles, liturgy, and homilies, of the established Church, approach nearer to divine inspiration than any other human system ever extant. Notwithstanding the superior excellency of this divine establishment, and although the author can, consistent with his own conscience declare, that there is not one point of Christian Doctrine inculcated by it, but what is fully supported by the infallible testi- mony of revelation ; yet it is only human, or, in other words, the compilers of this most excellent system of rules and doctrines, were only fallible ; therefore, no man can appeal to it or any other, and confi- dently say, " Thus saith the Lord" The highest that can be said of any human creed, however excel- lent, is, that it is a stream from the great fountain or source of all truth ; and a fountain must for ever excel its streams. Therefore, the author is deter- mined to make the Scripture, the great fountain of infallible truth, the grand standard of his faith and practice, and its sacred decisions the universal au- thority on which he will build every part of that system unto which he gives his assent ; and he would have Mr. Heineken, and his Socinian brethren, to recollect, that he attacks them because he believes iii. they are blinded by prejudice and plunged into er- ror—because he believes that the system of Socin- ianism is false, and derogatory to the Son of God ; injurious to Society at large ; dangerous in the ex- treme to all who embrace it ; and in its nature ab- surd to such a degree, as to render it disgusting to every sensible man. There is no doubt but the genuine truths of Chris* tianity will ultimately prevail : God will vindicate his own cause. The powers of darkness have long attempted to subvert the whole system of Divine truth, but they have not prevailed, nor is it to be apprehended they ever will. The Great Head of the Church is shaking the nations, and is about to purge his floor ; the gold, silver, and precious stones, shall abide the day of trial ; but the chaff will be blown away ; the wood, hay, and stubble, shall be burnt up ; all superstitious rites shall be subverted ; but the word of the Lord shall endure for ever; his counsels shall stand, and he will do all his plea- sure. Here then the author rests his faith. Anti- christ may fall, superstitious observances may cease, religious establishments may tumble into ruins, em- pires and kingdoms may be overturned, princes and governors may be dethroned, the great men of the earth may take part with the enemies of truth, er- ror and delusion may run like wild-fire, unbelievers may rage, and zvould-be philosophers imagine a vain thing ; yea, all nature may sink into a perfect non- iv. entity ; the solid rocks may be dissolved ; the vast mountains on our globe may disappear and be not ; the most invulnerable of all material substances — in a word, all the stupendous orbs which garnish the heavens, may vanish like shadows, die like the shrill echo, and be no more ; but the Bible shall arise out of its present obscurity, and being stripped of all human appendages, shall universally be had in honour, while the enemies of evangelical religion shall be confounded world without end. Yea, " They shall pass away like the baseless fabric of a vision, " Acd leave not a wreck behind." While all those solemn realities of the Gospel shall survive " The wreck of matter, aDd the crush of worlds." The reader will be pleased to observe that though the term Unitarian is generally used in this Es- say, yet it is used gratuitously ; for the body so designated have no more right to it than the Trini- tarians. The author would not have used it but for a certain friend, whom he highly esteems for his piety and benevolence, who said he would use the term Unitarian instead of Socinian, as they called themselves by that name. The reason why the au- thor would not concede to them in the term Unitarian, is, because they have chosen it expressly to intimate that they, among Christians exclusively, hold the existence of one God, and that Trinitarians hold the existence of more Gods than one; an im- putation which they well know every person who believes in the Divine Trinity, rejects with abhor- rence. Again, in arguing with Trinitarians, they gene- rally endeavour to prove that the Scriptures, in a great variety of passages, assert that there is but one God ; and when they have proved this point, viz. the Divine Unity, they triumph and consider the dispute as ended, and their antagonist overthrown. In this way they insinuate to their readers, that Tri- nitarians hold the existence of more Gods than one, and that all their arguments are intended to support this doctrine. Whereas, every Unitarian knows perfectly well that the unity of God, is as entirely and as avowedly holden by those who believe in the ever blessed and adorable Trinity, as by himself, that none of their arguments are directed against it, and that this point of Christian Doctrine has never been, and never can be in debate between him and them, so long as the unity of God is equally holden by both parties. That the doctrine of the Trinity involves or infers the existence of more Gods than one, every Unitarian has a right to prove, and may with perfect fairness prove, if he can. But to say that Trinitarians believe in the existence of more Gods than one, and to treat them as if they thus be- lieved, when it is perfectly well known that every Trinitarian disclaims such belief with indignation, is a 3 vi. conduct, which, in my opinion, admits of no justifica- tion. Every Trinitarian with the strictest propriety may say, " The Lord our God is one Lord, and HIS NAME ONE." The author went to hear Mr. Heineken deliver a Lecture, in which he endeavoured to prove the non- existence of an evil spirit, called the Devil, or Satan. His mind was much wounded to see so many Athe- ists and Deists ; and likewise a great number of men and women, who, in their simplicity and igno- rance, drank in his disgusting heterodoxy, not knowing that it was more dangerous than a draught of the essence of hemlock. The author made two or three remarks, and determined to oppose him. — When Mr. Heineken heard of his intention, he very candidly came forward, and made him an offer of his Sermon, which the author read with the utmost candour ; yet he must confess that what is contained in it, is contrary to every principle of philosophy, and the plain language of the Scriptures. But he is not warranted in commenting on his own observa- tions. Such as they are, he commits them to the world, and earnestly recommends them to the can- dour and attention of those to whom he now appeals. There perhaps is much in this essay that will be grating in the ears of the hypercritic, who can de- rive a sort of flimsy pleasure from labouring to pry into the deepest recesses of grammatical accuracy. However he would observe, that his present circum- vii. stances forbid him being critically nice respecting this in the present essay. Should this work, through the divine blessing, prove beneficial to society in general, or should any of those who have fallen a victim to the powerful darts of sophistry, be drawn from those labyrinths of absurdity, or others be prevented from falling into the same snare, his intention in writing it will be realized. It is the first time that he ever attempted to assume the character of an author, and without dedication or patron, he abandons this essay to its ultimate fate. Dudley-Hill, near Bradford, } January 14, 1825. > PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION.* It is with great pleasure and gratitude to the enlightened public, for their kind and liberal sup- port which they have afforded the author, that he sits down to write the following short preface. As a Second Edition of this work is just going to make its appearance in the world, so soon after the first, is, to the author, a matter of astonishment, and thankfulness to the religious world, as it is only four months since the first edition made its appear- ance ; and notwithstanding the many defects which were scattered through its pages, yet the author has received many testimonies of approbation, which have removed that suspense under which belaboured, relative to its fate. As the author was unknown to the departments of literature, he could not but be anxious to know its destiny. He waited the issue, with a mind fluctuating in doubt, whether the * The reader will please to observe, that the Preface to the First Edition as it now stands, is considerably altered. X. arguments which he advanced, in order to prove the existence of evil spirits, would have the same weight, and appear with the same cogency and clear- ness to the mind of every reader, as to his. lie was sensible, that neither he nor Mr. IIejneke:*, could influence or deceive the judgment of an en- lightened public. With these views, the first edition made its appearance, and its reception far exceeded his most sanguine expectations. The demand for it at present, is great ; therefore, he judges it necessary to publish another edition, under the patronage of a generous public. There are many persons who have interest- ed themselves in the publication of this little work, whose names would gratify his feelings to publish, but it is a liberty which he dare not take ; it is to these, in particular, and the religious world in general, that the author is indebted for a patronage so liberal and great ; and which he trusts he will never forget, so long as gratitude is capable of warming his heart. Though the author has had the advantage of correcting the first edition, yet, he has not the vanity to suppose that the second is perfect ; there are many defects and inaccuracies, which he humbly hopes the candid reader will pardon and over look. November 7th , 1825, CONTENTS. CHAP. I. PAGE. Miscellaneous Observations 13 chap. n. The Introduction of Moral Evil considered . . 29 CHAP. III. The Names given to Satan in the Scripture, explained 49 CHAP. IV. Demoniacal Possessions ; or, Reasons for their Credibility, according to the New Testament 59 CHAP Y. A more direct Reply to the Lecture. . . . .77 101 AN ESSAY ON EVIL SPIRITS. CHAP. I. Miscellaneous Observations. Notwithstanding the light of Evangel- ical truth, which shines with a brilliancy not to be equalled by mid-day splendour, yet, it is amaz- ing to think what ignorance and superstition re- main : what darkness, more intense than midnight gloom ! How true are the words of the prophet, that darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people ; for infidelity is stalking abroad with its ugly features, spreading its contagion and infusing its poi- son, exulting in the most ridiculous chimeras, and carried away with the most bewildered enthusiasm. Notwithstanding the blackness and darkness of infi- delity, Mr. Heineken stands in a situation ten thou- sand times more awful ; for when I take into con- sideration the destructive consequence of his pria- B 14 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. ci|)le9, they appear fraught with results the most alarming, and consequences the most fatal. They lead the unhappy victim, who becomes fettered and entangled with them, into a delusion superlatively awful ; and hurry him, under a garb of the most fantastical hypocrisy, to the verge of eternal ruin. As a proof of what I have asserted, I would have Mr. Heineken to observe, that there are many per- sons, some of whom I am acquainted with, and others of whom I have been informed, who were, a little while ago, strongly attached to the Christian faith ; but by means of attending his lectures, their attach- ment has been destroyed, and they are now wander- ing in the dark regions of infidelity, and upon his principles are defending that preposterous system of Scepticism. This proves the assertion of Bishop Warburton, where he says, that Unitarianism f* is a sort of infidelity in disguise;" or, as Mr. Wilberforce represents it, " a sort of half-way bouse from nom- inal orthodoxy to absolute infidelity ;" or, as Mrs. Barbauld is said to have called it, " Christianity in the frigid zone." Now I would ask Mr. Heineken to tell me, what good has resulted from his preach- ing ? I know of none : 1 have pointed him out an evil, and one of a serious nature ; xx. 12. Lev. xix. 3. Deut. v. 16. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 103 and condemned to. creep on the ground, together with its posterity, ever afterwards, so that it cer- tainly could not have possessed any thing like UBIQUITY." Wonderful reasoning ! admirable philosophy ! What has all this bombast proved ? That a natural animal does not fill all space. Won- derful deduction ! — a deduction, that a man possess- ed of common sense would blush to have drawn. Surely it is not necessary for the tempter to be om- nipresent, in order to render him supernatural. Mr. H. has reasoned on the supposition, that the tempter was only a mere animal ; whereas this sup- position is absolutely false, and he contradicts him- self; for, says he, "in the Book of Genesis, we read that Eve was tempted to disobey the divine command, by an evil being, in the form of a ser- pent" And Mr. H. knew very well, that not one of those divines to whom he has alluded, thought that the tempter was a mere animal in the abstract. That Divines have trifled with this part of sacred history, I readily grant ; yet it does not follow, that it is not true, or that there is not an evil be- ing. The history itself evidently supposes, that the tempter was something more than a mere ani- mal — " 1 will put enmity between thee and the wo- man, and between thy seed and her seed ; it, (that is Christ) shall bruise thy head, and thou, (that is the tempter) shall bruise his heel." This verse is significant of the whole plan of redemption — and 106 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. to bruise the head, means a total and final over- throw ; but who could be so foolish as to suppose, that the sacred historian meant that Christ should bruise the head of a mere animal, and give it a to- tal and final overthrow. We are told that Eve was deceived and tempted to transgress the law of God, by an agent who could speak and reason, called by Moses the Serpent; because of the craft and sub- tilty he exhibited in the seduction of our first pa- rents, which he saith was more subtle than any beast of the field. But a beast of the field, how subtle or sagacious soever, could not speak and reason. Who then was the agent that deceived Eve? St. Paul speaks of this deceiver in the same manner as Moses — " I fear, lest by any means, as the Ser- pent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."* The apostle did not suppose that the Corinthians might be corrupted by the subtlety of an irrational creature; consequently, he did not suppose that Eve was deceived by a mere animal. Hence, it is evident, that it was the Devil, or Sa- tan, an evil supernatural spirit, which tempted Eve. Again, says Mr. H. " In the book of Leviticus, (xvii. 7.) it is said, that the Israelites shall no more offer their sacrifices to Devils. Now, even sup- posing this book to have been written by Divine * 2 Cor. xi. 3. X MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 107 authority, this passage proves nothing, because this word should have been translated goats, or hairy animals ; and, therefore, plainly refers to the religi- ous rites of the surrounding idolators." Having already, proved the inspiration of the Pentateuch, I shall only observe in passing, had the book of Leviticus not been at war with his creed, he would not have denied its authority. He supposes that this passage proves nothing, because the word rendered Devils, ought to have been translated goats, whereas the fact is quite the reverse, for idolatry, is worshipping the Devil ; and although the children "of Israel did not directly or intentionally worship him, yet they did by construction or con- sequence, because the Devil is the author of idola- try, and is eminently served and honoured by it. We read, 2 Sam. xxiv. 1, there was one that moved David against Israel to say — "Go, number Israel and Judah." This, we are told, 1 Chron. xxi. 1, was Satan. But the Unitarians say, it was not a supernatural being, but " one of David's counsellors, who first started and advised the pro- ject." They say — " It is reasonable to think this, because Satan means an adversary " Supposing this to have been the case, it is as reasonable to think that the Devil put it into the heart of his counsellors, as well as into the heart of Judas, to betray our blessed Saviour : so that the Devil had a principal hand in the affair. Therefore this plea, 108 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE, that it was one of David's counsellors, is of no ad- vantage to them. But I say it is not reasonable to suppose this ; for the sacred historian is very parti- cular in telling us the names of David's counsellors, and such as had a principal hand in matters of state during his reign, and we have the names of persons concerned in matters of much less importance than this left on record. Had it, therefore, been one of his counsellors, that put him upon numbering the people, we should in all probability have heard somewhat of him from David himself, or from Joab, or from the historian ; but we hear nothing of him from David's command, Joab's remonstrance, or the historian's account. It is 7 therefore, reasonable to suppose, that this conjecture is false, and with- out any foundation at all. Consequently, 1 shall take it for granted, that it was an evil supernatural spirit which influenced and prompted David to num- ber the children of Israel, coutrary to the will of God. Again says Mr. Heineken — " An evil spirit is said to have been sent by the Lord : the expres- sion clearly relates to an unhappy disposition of mind and contentious temper ; it would be blasphem- ous to suppose, that God would employ such a being as t/iut called the Deri/, as the agent of his sovereign will." But is it any more blasphemous, than to suppose, that God would employ an unhap- py disposition of mind and contentious temper as the agent of his sovereign will ? Surely the Sit- A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 109 prenrte Being may employ whatever agent he thinks proper in the execution of his purposes ; he may either commission an angel, or let loose a Devil. They are only instruments in his hands, and under his direction and controuU 46 To consider the Book of Job (says he) in any other light than as an allegory, would be to give up all title to common sense." On the contrary, he that can suppose that Job was a fictitious being, and his book a fable, must give up all title as a believer in Divine revelation, and appropriate to himself the designation of infidel. That Job was a real, and not a fictitious character, may be inferred from the manner in which he is mentioned by the prophet Ezekiel and St. James — " Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God."* As Noah and Daniel were unquestionably real characters, we must conclude the same of Job. If Job were not a real intelligent being, why did the inspired prophet class him with Noah and Daniel, and positively call them three men, and not only so, but repeated it thrice, as if to guard against any mistake of his name ? From hence it is evident, that the inspired prophet con- sidered him as a real character. To suppose that Job was only an imaginary being, is to suppose that * Ezek. xiv. 14. K 110 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. the prophet repeated a positive falsehood and ab- surdity. 1 Behold, (says St. James.) we count them happy that endure : ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord, that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy."* But adopt Mr. II. 's opinion, and the language of the Apostle would read thus — Ye have heard of (he patience of a fictitious being, and have seen the end of the Lord, that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy. Bui to whom ? A fictitious being ! Astonishing chimera ! No person could ever be- lieve, unless he were biassed by the most invincible prejudice, that the inspired Apostle would refer to an imaginary character as an example of patience, or in proof of the mercy of God. Mr. H. has, by mere evasion, endeavoured to convert the whole into an allegory. Now we must observe, that the allusions with which we meet in Scripture, are allusions to real facts, and to real beings. The writers of the Sacred Scriptures nei- ther did, nor could invent, consistent with their inspiration, imaginary beings, either for the exer- cise of their genius, or the amusement of their readers. Such a conduct would but ill become those who were commissioned to instruct mankind in things spiritual. If, therefore, we should grant that the first chapter of Job is an allegory, still we * James v. 11. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE* LIE should maintain, that all its allusions are founded in facts, and that the poetical mention of Satan in such a book, would be a proof of his existence. Mankind have invented superstitions enough, with- out receiving addition to them from those Scriptures which are intended for the destruction of error, and the diffusion of divine truth. So far is the Book of Job from "darkening counsel by words without knowledge" that in that book the practice is reprov- ed.* There is no ground for the supposition that the book of Job is an allegory. " It is an expo- sition of what actually took place, couched in sucl* terms as will best convey the truth to human minds." In what terms would Mr. H. describe the transactions of the invisible world, if he rejects such as are used in the chapter in question ? " Have these Socinians, who suppose their souls to be no- thing but organized matter, refined and spiritualized their ideas, so as to speak of spiritual things in any other manner than after the manner of men f The Scriptures speak of God after the manner of men, condescending to our capacities, in order to suit the revelation of his will and providence to our apprehensions. And shall we reject those parts of sacred truth, and look upon them as fabulous and absurd, because God, out of his infinite love and goodness to mankind, has been pleased, so far as * Job xxx. 8. 112 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. was necessary, to condescend to speak of himself, and the dispensations of his providence, in a method the best adapted to convey to our minds the truth of those solemn realities, which is the subject of the counsels of the unseen world ? " God forbid rather let us adore such amazing condescension, and with implicit confidence receive his word, as able to make us wise unto salvation, through faith in the atonement. " Again, in the 109th Psalm, (says Mr. H) " and also in the book of Ezekiel, Satan is spoken of as standing at the right hand of the righteous ; the writers evidently refer to temporal enemies, and especially those who opposed the reformation of the Jewish Church." I have not been able to find the passage in Ezekiel, which Mr. Hi has al- luded to, and 1 believe there is not such a passage in the Bible ; consequently, I am not able to point out its meaning. But the expression in the Psalms, in question, we will examine for a moment. The whole verse reads thus — " Set thou a wicked man over him ; and let Satan stand at his right hand"* Now, leaving the passage which Mr. H. says is in Ezekiel, out of the question — is it consistent with truth for him to say, that " Satan is spoken of as standing at the right hand of the righteous," when there is not such a sentence in the Psalms, nor any * Psalm cix. 6. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 113 thing said that will justify such a sentence being drawn as an inference. The fact is, Mr. H. has conjured up this sentence, not only to suit his own purpose, but in order that he might with more ease, evade the force of the sacred text. The meaning of this passage appears to be this : — Set thou a wicked man over him, to be as cruel to him, as he hath been to others ; and not only so, but let Satan stand at his right hand; or, the adversary shall stand at his right hand — that is, an evil spirit shall molest, vex, and trouble him in all his affairs; or rather, shall accuse and torment him. This Psalm is prophetic, and evidently refers to the enemies of Christ. And if David spake this in reference to Doeg or Ahithophel > it was only as they were types of Judas — at least the Holy Ghost in- tended it of him, anil the persecutors of the Mes- siah ;* of whom, this whole paragraph to the end of verse 19th is a prophecy. And it is unqnesiion- ably certain, that this Psalm does not refer to the reformation of the Jewish church, as Mr. II. sup- poses. David composed this Psalm, either when he was persecuted by Saul, and calumniated by Doeg,f or, at the time of Absalom's rebellion, but whether, 1 know not. In one part of it he refers to the traitor, Ahithophel, who, in a fit of despair, went out and hanged himself, J in which last cir- * Aits i. 20. f 1. Sam. xxvi. 19. % 2 Sam, xvii. K 2 114 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. cumstance be exactly typified Judas, who, without all question, was prophetically intended in this psalm, for so an inspired Apostle expounds it ;* in- cluding, however, the persecuting Jews, against whom the Psalmist denounces the most dreadful judgments. From hence, it is certain, that Mr. H. has perverted the passage in question, for the Psalmist evidently alludes to the enemies of the Messiah, who would be troubled and tormented by an evil spirit, as a just punishment for their crimes, in betraying and crucifying the Lord of life and glory. " Here the just law — the judgment of the skies : He that hates truth, shall be the dupe of lies ; And he that will be cheated to the last, Delusion, strong as hell, shall bind him fast." Again we read, that Zechariah saw in a vision, " Joshua, the high-priest, standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him."f The Devil here stands charged by the prophet as resisting Joshua. The Unitarians contend, that " under the person of Satan, were represented Tatnai and Shether-boznai, and other enemies of the Jews, who vehemently opposed the designs of Joshua, about restoring the temple." Suppose it was Tatnai and Shether-boznai, and other enemies of the Jews, that is here represented as resisting Joshua, still it remains for them to * Act* i. 20. f Zeck iiL I. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 1 15 prove, that Satan, emphatically so called, or the Devil, did not put them on to resist him ; for, whether it was Satan, the apostate, that resisted Joshua, or, that he made use of Tatnai and Shether- boznai as his instruments and agents, the charge still recoils upon himself, and the existence of a Devil is proved. There is no doubt but that Satan endeavoured to prevent the rebuilding of the temple by every possible means ; not only by exciting Tatnai and Shether-boznai, and other enemies of the Jew- ish nation, but by himself endeavouring to divert their attention from such a purpose, or by present- ing to their minds the most insurmountable difficul- ties, in order to discourage them ; and likewise by every allurement which was in his power to suggest. And lastly observe, that Joshua, the great high- priest, in his prophetic vision, stands as the repre- sentative of the whole Jewish nation; and in like manner, Satan, the great apostate foe, stands as the representative of the whole army of opposerS, whether spiritual or natural. Again, says Mr. H. " In the gospels, Jesus Christ is said to have been tempted, or tried, by Diabolos, the accuser or calumniator; but this is evidently a scenical representation of what passed in his own mind, during his retirement from the world, pre- viously to his entrance on his public ministry ; we may clearly infer from the account which is given, that he had retreated to an uninhabited part of the 116 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. country, where, like John the Baptist, he subsisted on the wild fruits of the earth" But we want proof of this. The Scripture asserts, that he fasted forty days. If Jesus Christ subsisted on the wild fruits of the earth, why is it said — " And in those days he did eat nothing; and when they were ended, he afterwards hungered."* And that " Angels came and ministered unto him "f Mr. II 's comment contradicts the text, lie makes no mention of the Spirit, because it is against his creed ; but, how- ever, the Unitarians generally suppose, that he was led by his own thoughts: but Scripture positively declares, that Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, returned from Jordan and was led up of the Spirit! — " not his own thoughts" One of the Evangelists, in order to signify the strength of the impulse, expresses it thus — " Immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness." Mr. H. says, to meditate on his exalted plans ; but the Scripture says, "to be tempted of the Devil" The Evan- gelist names four times the Devil as the tempter, and Mr. II. knows that it means a slanderer, and he has not been able to find a place where the word is used, except where it is applied to some real being. Hence, it is declared, that he was tempted by Diabolos, the accuser or calumniator, which certainly implies a real being. He further adds, * Luke iv. 2. $ Matt. iv. 11 ; Mark i. 13. A MORE DIRECT HE PLY TO THE LECTURE. 117 that Jesus Christ was tempted M by the suggestions of an ambition which was natural to the human bosom." Astonishing! but how does he prove this? Was there any thing in the conduct of Jesus, or is there any thing said in the Scripture, to warrant such an assertion f May it not be said with pro- priety that he " Pretends to take the Christian's part, But stabs his Sovereign to the heart," Mr. fifa has attributed to this Divine Personage, inherent depravity, "an ambition that was natural" if it was natural, it was inherent ; and if our ador- able Redeemer contained within himself the least iota of depravity, the whole system of Christianity tumbles into ruins, and the bright prospect of fu- turity is covered with a dire eclipse. An expression this, which is enough to cut the finest fibres that ever concreted the hearts of true and genuine Christians. But Mr. H. goes on to say, that while Jesus was M under the influence of these, (that is, the sugges- tions of ambition,) and conscious of the superna- tural gifts with which he was endowed, he was tempted to make an ostentatious display of his mi- raculous powers, and to employ them for the pur- poses of self-interest and aggrandisement." But by whom was he tempted ? It removes not the diffi- culty, by saying, that it was the suggestions of worldly pride and ambition} fur this is only an asser- 118 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. tion without (he least shadow of proof for its sup- port. Neither does it evade the force of the text, by saying, "that it was a visionary representation for the Evangelist declares, that he was tempted by the slanderer, or calumniator, meaning some real be- ing. Again, says he, "Although he might have been rewarded with the glory of the kingdoms of the earth, by paying his homage to the principles of worldly pride and ambition, yet he could not have been the Captain of our Salvation." Why does he call Jesus Christ " the Captain of our Salvation." In order that he may give him a more desperate thrust ; like an army that retreats, in order to give the enemy a more dismal attack. The Unitarians deny that the death of Christ was a propitiatory sacrifice for sin, and they look upon the doctrine of redemp- tion, through his blood, as an entire mistake. Mr. Belsham maintains, that u we are totally ignorant of the place where he resides, and the occupations in which he is engaged ; and, consequently, that there can be no gratitude for favours now received, or of confidence in his future interposition on our behalf."* But tlie Scripture speaks in a very different * Is it not astonishing, that Mr. Belsham should pro- fess to be a Christian minister ? How different are the views which he entertains concerning Jesus, the great atoning sacrifice, than those entertained by the first her- alds of salvation. Without a blush, he tells us, that " ice are totally ignorant of t lie place ichcrc he resides" But, an inspired Apostle tells us, that " Christ is not entered A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 119 strain ; and thanks be to God, we are not left to follow these blind guides, on whose hearts the light of Divine Truth has never shone. To the law and into the holy places made with hands, which are the fig- ures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to APPEAR IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD FOR US." Mr. Bel- sham further adds, that we are likewise totally ignorant of" the occupations in which he is engaged. 3 ' But, the same Apostle, viz. Paul, filled with the power of God, and his heart glowing with love to his Divine master, asks, " Who is he that eondemneth ? — It is Christ that died, yea, rather that is risen again, who is even at the RIGHT HAND OF GOD, WHO ALSO MAKETH INTERCES- SION for us." The Scriptures abound with declara- tions concerning Christ, pointing him out as our Medi- ator, Advocate, and Intercessor; In a word, as our Proplhet, Priest, and King. But this refined Deist, first declares his ignorance of Jesus Christ, and then concludes "that there can be no gratitude for favours now received, or of confidence in his future interposition on our behalf. " Suffer me to ask, is this Christianity ? I am persuaded that every candid and impartial reader will answer, no. No, this is not our island goddess, bearing the mountain freshness on her cheek, and scat- tering the valley's bounty from her hand — known by the lights that herald her fair presence, the peaceful virtues that attend her patfe, and the long blaze of glory that lingers in her train ;" it is a demon in disguise, hiding the bloody symbols of its purpose under the sacred and glorious name of Christianity. The Apostle St. Paul declares, " If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha;" but Mr. Belsham says, that there can be no gratitude for favours now received from Christ." Therefore Mr. Belsham does not love him. The Apostle Peter says, "Unto them which believe he is 120 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. to the testimony. The Apostle Peter tells us, that God hath exalted Jesus •? with bis right hand, to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance precious ;" but Mr. Belsham receives no favours from him, therefore, he has no cause of gratitude; hence, he is an unbeliever. Again, an inspired Apostle tells us, " If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his/' Now, as Mr. Belsham knows not " where he resides/ 9 nor " the occupations in which he is engaged," and, consequently, he has no gratitude, be- cause he receives no favours from him, it necessarily follows, that Mr. Belsham has not the "Spirit of Christ, and therefore he is none of his." The Apostle Peter exhorts those to whom he wrote, to "be sober, and hope to the end, for the grace that IS to be brought unto you at the revelation of jesus christ." The same Apostle says in another place to the suffering people of God, " But rejoice, in- asmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." And Jesus Christ says himself, " Behold 1 come quickly, and my re- ward IS WITH ME, TO GIVE TO EVERY MAN AS HIS work shall be." But as Mr. Belsham has no confi- dence in his future interposition in his behalf, he cer- tainly does not take his religion from the Bible. There- fore he is not a Christian Minister; and, "When lie (christ) shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe," he will have neither lot nor part in the matter, but must be banished from the presence of God, and from the glory of his power. Well might Mrs. Barbauld call Unitarianism "Christianity in the Frigid Zone," for in that region, the Son of righteousness has never risen, therefore it is blasted with an eternal frost. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTTRE. 121 to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. 1 '* And the Apostle Paul says— "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith ; who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."f And again, " He is able also to save them to the uttermost, that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."J And the Apostle St. John tells us, that " we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous : and he is the propitiation for our sins ; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." || Is it not then a thing rnqst wonderful, that these men should pretend to take their religion from the Bible. The Unitarians never, with animation, display the love of Christ in our redemption. They call him our Saviour occasion- ally. They propose him as an example, but when do they make him the foundation of our hope, speak of him as the only name through which we must be saved — treat largely on his character and offices, and dwell with animation on his redeeming love ? When does Mr. H. urge his audience to flee to him, and depend on him for life and salva- tion f Therefore, to call Jesus Christ "the Cap- * Acts v. 31. f Heb. xii. 1,2. J Heb. vii. 25. j| 1 John ii. 1, 2. L 122 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE, tain of our Salvation," and at the same time to deny his atonement, is the most unaccountable rhapsody, and a violation of every principle of propriety. Again, says Mr. H. ff Although he thus had it in his power to have become rich, yet, for our sakes, he became poor, that we through his poverty might be made rich ; and thus did he deny himself, and be- came of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant. In this way we may very rationally explain the history." How these two misapplied passages can serve as a key to explain this part of our Lord's history, I am at a loss to determine. These two passages are an evident proof that our Lord was more than human, or that he was truly Divine, though they have been miserably perverted by the false reasoning of these men. Without en- tering into any particular discussion relative to the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, I shall only, in passing, make a few remarks on those Scripture truths, in order to shew the absurdity of this wild chimeraist, in thus perverting the sacred truths of the gospel. Now, I would ask, when was he rich as a man? When was he born in a stable, and laid in a manger ? When he said — " The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his head ?" At what time was he rich, and how did he become poor ? The answer which the Unitarians generally give to these and similar questions is — ff He never became A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 123 poor." The original word does not denote his passing from an antecedent state of opulence, to a subsequent state of poverty, but his- living in pov- erty, although he was at the same time rich. While he was rich, yet for our sakes he lived in poverty." " If, for a moment, (says a learned au- thor,) overlooking his criticisms, you require, how was this ? How was it, that, although rich, he lived in poverty ? The reply is — * He was rich in miraculous powers, which it was at his oion option to employ for his ozon benefit? Miraculous powers, which it was at his own option to employ for his own benefit ! ! What a strange supposition is this ! What ! a prophet of the Most H4gh, with miracu- lous, that is, with Almighty power, at his own dis- posal, to use as he may incline, for promoting his own wealth, and honour, and aggrandizement! Divine power transferred to a creature ! Subjected to the will and pleasure of a mere man, * a fallible and peccable man.' Such transference of Divine power, I would, in the first place remark, is a na- tural impossibility. The might which effects the miracles resides in God alone. It never can belong to the creature ; and residing as it must in God alone, it can never be exerted to gratify the will of a creature, who would pervert it to a selfish purpose, or to any purpose different from that which he is commissioned to accomplish, and tor the accomplish- ment and vindication of which alone, the interpo* 124 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. sition of the power is pledged. The contrary sup- position is pregnant with consequences the most serious and fatal. It destroys the certainty of the evidence of miracles, and thus subverts one of the main pillars on which the truth of Christianity rests. Meantime, consider how full it is of beauty and of force, when referred to him, who, although rich as the Great Creator and Sovereign Proprietor of the universe, became poor in the assumption of our nature, making no use in that nature of those riches, which were all his own, but c humbling him- self, and becoming obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.' This is grace indeed ! Grace that shall be the theme, the worthy theme of ever- lasting song IV " Kind bowels yearning in the eternal Son, " He left his Father's court, his heav'nly throne ; " Aside he threw his most divine array, " And wrapt his Godhead in a veil of clay." " But if we consider" (says Mr. H.) " this trial as arising from the natural suggestions of zcorldlu ambition, all the difficulties immediately vanish." And he further adds, that this view is " fully illustrated by every subsequent action of his life." — Is it not astonishing, that Mr. II. should profess to be a follower of Jesus Christ ? When did he discover the least proof of worldly " pride and am- bition" — was it when he washed his disciples' feet, A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 123 or when he agonized in the garden, or when he hung upon the cross ? In what part of his life did worldly pride and ambition ever appear? Is not this a plain proof, that Mr. H. denies the " Lord that bought him ? He supposes that " all the difficulties immediately vanish" by supposing, that after Jesus Christ had received miraculous power, he was tempt- ed by an innate principle of worldly ambition. But this opinion, instead of removing the difficulties, only increases them, and makes the history of our Lord's temptation ten thousand times more myste- rious. Besides, this opinion is at variance with the whole tenor of Scripture, and every action of his life; it degrades his character, and destroys the foundation of all our hope. Neither does this hy- pothesis in the least explain the tragedy ; for the Scripture says, he was tempted by the DeviL or the calumniator; not worldly ambition. Did worldly ambition lead Christ into the wilderness? — did worldly pride carry him upon the battlements of the temple? — did worldly ambition take him " up into an exceeding high mountain ? — was it worldly pride that said, if thou wilt fall down and worship me, I will give thee all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them ? — was it for maintaining a struggle with worldly pride and ambition, that caused the heavenly messengers to wing their flight to minister unto him ? — But 1 refrain from drawing the absurd, the unphilosophic conclusion, and will pass on to l2 126 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. notice the objections which Mr. H. has brought against the literal interpretation. They are as fol- low : — "If we follow the common notion, we shall find it full of absurdities and contradictions, carried about from place to place through the air, by the power of an evil Being, whose supposed empire in the world he came to destroy ; enticed by offers and promises, which he must have well known this Be- ing could not fulfil ; placed in circumstances which were impossible ; and urged to prostrate himself before, and to pay divine honours to one, whom he knew to be the most malignant enemy, both of himself, and of the benevolent Being, whose work he came to perform ; how could such circumstances (even supposing them possible) have afforded a mo- mentary trial to his virtue ?" In the first place, I remark, that there is no ne- cessity to suppose that Satan flew with our Saviour through the air. Although it is said that the Devil set him upon the pinnacle of the temple, he did not do it by flying through the air with him, as Mr. H. intimates ; but by going up with him to the roof of one of the cloisters, where the people were at liberty to walk, and by assisting him in getting up upon the battlements thereof. 2ndly. The common interpretation is not so full of absurdities, as Mr. H. supposes. The objections which he has advanced, fall with equal weight upon his own hypothesis. The strength of Mr. H.'s ob- A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 127 jection in the supposition, that Jesus Christ knew, or was well acquainted, with the character of the tempter. But did he not know likewise, that dread- ful nature of worldly pride and ambition ; how it eclipsed in a moment all the splendour, virtue, and dignity, of angels, and overcast in a moment, all their beautiful and eternal prospects ; or did he not know that pride and ambition were the principal causes of all the misery in the world ? And by rea- son of it, kingdoms have been desolated, and con- querors, and warriors, whilst under its dazzling fervour, have delighted in war and in blood. And is not pride and ambition hostile to God's moral go- vernment, and subversive of the whole kingdom of divine grace ? Ts not pride placed among that black catalogue of evils, which Christ came to de- stroy ? Hence, he has denounced against that prin- ciple the most dreadful woes ; therefore, (to retort Mr. H.'s question upon himself, I would ask,) how could pride and ambition " afford a momentary trial to his virtue ?" — Mr. H. has attributed to the Saviour of mankind, a Deri/, without a substance ; and an evil principle walking about, without a real Being in which to inhere. An absurdity too glar- ing to be admitted by any reasonable man.* * Query, would Mr. H. and his Unitarian Brethren, find that principle of pride and ambition, so observa- ble in the human bosom, if they were discussing the question of the depravity of human nature P — Here they find it observable in Jesus Christ. 128 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. Again, as Adam had been overcome by Satan, it is reasonable to suppose, that Jesus Christ, the second Adam, should have a personal conflict, in order that he might demonstrate his power over the apostate foe. It is plain from the history itself, that the contest was a pre-concerted design, a mea- sure approved by heaven, and subservient to the grand design in which our Saviour was engaged in rescuing mankind from the power of Satan. Pro- bably the Devil transformed himself into an angel of light, hoping thereby the better to deceive him. The Divinity of our Lord was also quiescent, and that he overcame him by virtue of the Spirit, which was given him, Thus he suffered being tempted, that he might afford suitable help to us when we were tempted. It is agreed by most or- thodox divines, (says Dr. Whitby,) that the Di- vinity in Christ was so quiescent for the space of thirty years, as to afford no specimen of its resi- dence in him ; why might it not be quiescent also in those things which bad a particular reference to his prophetic office, and also in those parts of his life, which are set forth as an example, in order that we should follow his steps. Therefore, Jesus Christ, as man, endured and overcame the allure- ments of Satan by the sole energy of the Divine Spirit. The Rev. Rowland Hill, in his Village Dia- logues, has treated the impious folly of represent- A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 129 ing scriptural realities as mere figures, with that pointed irony which cannot fail to produce the effects he intended. He introduces one of his dialogists, Mr* Wisehead, as saying, " We can- not believe that there is any such a thing as the Holy Ghost ; nor can we believe there is any such thing as the Holy Spirit. Consequently, we have nothing to do with the abstruse notion of regenera- tion, or, as it is called, the work of the Spirit. We believe that such sort of expressions are to be taken as oriental figures, or as tropical language, and that it only means a good disposition. We there- fore deny the doctrine of original sin, as there is quite as much virtue as vice in the world ; and we have no doubf at all, as to the Devil, that he is en- tirely a fabulous character ; and as to what is said concerning those who were possessed of the Devils, it were irrational to suppose, that it could mean any thing further, than that 'they were mad, or had hys- teric fits? and as the existence of angels, though there are frequent allusions to it in the New Tes- tament — 4 Yet it is a doctrine that cannot be proved, or made probable, from the light of nature; and what have we to do with the New Testament, while it contradicts the light of nature ? Notwith- standing therefore the allusion, we choose to say, * this is no where taught as a doctrine of revela- tion.' A judicious Christian, therefore, will dis- card it from his creed, and that not only as a 130 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. groundless, but a useless and pernicious tenet, which tends to diminish our regard to the Omnis- cient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent God, and to excite superstitious respect to, and unreasonable expectations from, imaginary and fictitious beings.* When therefore we hear how Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, it was (for we always talk very rationally in our way.) only an allusion to a fictitious being ; and the proper and most rational meaning is, that he was fighting with some good and bad thoughts, which alternately possessed him ; but such were the eastern metaphors and oriental figures, then in use." To these considerate replies, then, Sir, might it not have sounded still more rational, had you made it out that he was fighting with two eastern metaphors or oriental Jigures ; that when the angel spake to Zacharias about the birth of John, the forerunner of our Lord, he should not have said — 4 1 am Gabriel,' but, 6 1 am an oriental figure, and that it was nothing but an oriental figure that spake to Mary on the same subject P And that eastern me- taphors, or oriental figures, appeared unto the shep- herds, and sung — * Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, and good will towards men.' And then, again, that our Lord had another meeting of these eastern metaphors, and oriental figures in the Mount of Transfiguration ; that an eastern meta- * Belshani's Caution, p. 21. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 131 phor opened the prison in which Peter was confined ; and that an oriental figure knocked off his fetters ? That Paul was converted at the sight of these Eastern metaphors ? That Stephen saw somewhat of the same sort before he was stoned ? And that an eastern metaphor stood by Paul when nearly shipwrecked ? And if these be not enough, I could give you further lucubrations on your rational way of explaining these eastern metaphors." Mr. Hill adds, "the Socinians suppose they have a right to take these preposterous liberties on this subject, because these spiritual existences are described as being powers and virtues." There- fore, they are not real existences, but figurative allusions. We will produce a few passages where the real existence of such spirits is positively men- tioned, and then we shall see how far common sense will befriend them in their rational religion, Beelzebub, the prince of the Devils — the prince of the eastern metaphors — Unto which of the an- gels, (oriental figures) said he, at any time 'this day have I begotten thee.' Let all the angels of God (eastern metaphors) worship him. — Our Lord cast out a whole legion of eastern metaphors from the man among the tombs, and the same set of eastern metaphors drove the swine into the sea. Whether they be thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers — all tropical language, only eastern metaphors. Christ spoiled principalities and pow- 1*32 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. ers : he spoiled eastern metaphors and oriental Jigures. The ministering spirits sent forth to min- ister to those who shall be heirs of salvation, these are also to be understood as nonentities, or oriental Jigures. The angels (oriental Jigures) who kept not their first estate. There was fire prepared for the Devil and his angels (for an eastern metaphor and his oriental Jigures ) But enough of this, I had not troubled the reader with so much, on a supposition so absurd, had it not been to give a fair specimen of the wisdom of those who can bestow such high compliments on themselves, and on the rationality of their religion." In the parable of the tares and the wheat, an evil supernatural being is plainly declared to exist. In answer to those questions relative to the tares growing up with the wheat, He, (that is, Christ) said unto them, an enemy hath done this. But when be explained this parable to his disciples, he siid, that this enemy was the Devil, or the accuser,, a supernatural evil being, who is either the direct or the indirect cause of all wickedness. That this is the proper {import of the word Devil in this place, may be inferred from the parable itself. For after Jesus had addressed the multitude in parables, his disciples came unto him,f saving, " de- clare unto us the parables of the tares of the field." Then he began and explained unto them the pro- per import of this parable. Now, can any reason- A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 133 able person for a moment suppose, that Christ would deceive his beloved disciples by using a word which implies a real being. Why did he not say that this enemy was a " corrupt principle" rather than a Devil. And this will appear still more clear, when it is considered that he had laid aside his parabolical language, and was teaching his dis- ciples in private the great truths contained in this parable. Therefore it is reasonable to suppose that he would use language the most proper and easy to be understood, and particularly when they were so much perplexed about the tares, and the enemy that sowed them ; therefore, it casts a reflection on our Lord to suppose that he would tell them, " that the tares were the children of the evil one, and the enemy that sowed them was the Devil, if there was no evil one or Devil in existence. When he explained to his disciples the parable of the sower, he said, " Now, the parable is this : the seed is the word of God ; those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the Devil and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved."* Mark says, " that Satan cometh immediately." And Matthew, " then cometh the wicked one." The Devil is said to come and take away the word from this sort of hearers, not because he has power to rob men of their religious impressions by any immediate acts, * Luke viii. 11, 12. M 134 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTIRE. but because they expose themselves through care- lessness to the whole force of the temptations which he lays in their way. Note lastly, that Mr. H.'s mode of explanation is only an evasion, overlooking the first class of hearers, which are said to be like seed sown by the way side, and substituting in their room those which are compared to seed falling among thorns, and likewise by paying no regard to the proper explana- tion of those parables as given by our Lord. He acknowledges that the enemy that sowed the tares, was the "accuser, or the adversary ." " But he evades the proper import of these terms by a positive false- hood : for says he, "Our Lord plainly declares that these expressions, as well as those of the good and bad seed, were figurative illustrations." Where does he say so ? Not in the parables, nor in any other place. I have already observed, that our Lord in the explanation of those parables to his disciples, had laid aside his parabolical language. As a proof of this we would observe, that after Jesus had delivered the parable of the sower, his disciples came and said unto him, u Why speakest thou unto them in parables r" The import of the question is this — Why is it, when thou speakest unto us, thou doest it without a parable, thou talk- est to us in plain language ; when thou preachest unto us the gospel of the kingdom, it is without the aid of parabolic language ; why is it. then ; that A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. \3> thou speakest unto U3 rn plain terras, but to the ignorant multitude in parables ?" He answered and said unto them, " Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given."* As much m if he had said, my speaking to the multitude in parrables need be no obstacle to you, for should I say any thing which you do not fully comprehend, you have only to ask me and I will give you proper in- formation. " For it is given unto you to know the njysteryt of the kingdom." As love and sincerity give the first impetus to all your inquiries after truth, you are thereby prepared to hear and receive my doctrines when delivered in their plainest and simplest manner possible, but to the rest of the multitude it is not given ; that is, such is their pride, avarice, hypocrisy, and unbelief, that if I were to deliver my doctrines to them as I do to you, k would have the most injurious tendency ; instead of proving to them the savour of life unto life, it would only increase their prejudice, exasperate their minds, and thereby prove to them the savour of death unto death— therefore I speak unto them in parables. Hence, it is certain that our Lord nei- ther said nor did explain these parables in a figu- * Matt. xiiK 10, It t A mystery, in the scriptural use of the term, signi- fies a subject in religion, in which we can know nothing, except hy revelation, and nothing more than is revealed 136 A MORE DIRECT R£l»LY TO THE LECTURE. rative sense, and that the Devil and the tricked one are terms which properly signify an evil supernatu- ral being. Mr. H. further adds, " that the enemy which opposed itself to the upright, was the God of this world; which, in another place, he (Christ) calls the mammon of unrighteousness, or that spirit of pride, avarice, and ambition, by which bad men are governed." Here, observe, he makes the phrase €i mammon of unrighteousness" and the " spirit of pride, avarice and ambition " to be synonymous, and mean one and the same thing. What an ab- surdity ! The sentence occurs in St. Luke's gospel, xvi. chap. 9 ver. " Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, that when ye fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations." That is, endeavour to make yourselves sure friends of those riches which may not improperly be called the unrighteous or deceitful mammon (as so little confidence can be reposed in them,) that when you fail, and die out of this world, they may receive you into everlasting habitations, and you may for ever enjoy the reward of your pious charity and love in an everlasting friendship with all those truly worthy persons who have been relieved by it.* The con- trary supposition is pregnant with absurdity and contradiction. For instance, can any reasonable * See Doddridge, Macknight, and Scatt, on the place. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 187 man, for a moment, suppose that Jesus Christ would say to his beloved disciples, H Make to yourselves friends with the spirit of pride, avarice, and am- bition, that when you fail (die) they (the spirit of pride, avarice, and ambition,) may receive you into everlasting habitations r" What ! corrupt and evil principles in the eternal regions above ! What ! will corrupt principles hail the heirs of salvation welcome in the atmosphere of unsullied bliss and purity ! ! A man that will thus pervert the gospel of Christ ought to be suspected of every thing he saith. In the 25th chap of St Matthew's gospel and 44th verse, we read of the condemnation and pun- ishment of the Devil. When our Lord alludes to the final destiny of wicked men, he says, " Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Dtvil and his angels." Thus has he point- ed out the antecedent sin of the Devil and his an- gels, and the punishment prepared for ' them, in con- tradistinction to those men who are doomed to share one common destiny. Hence it is evident, that there is a supernatural evil being, called the Devil and Satan, who is distinguished from men on the one hand, and from mere abstract principles on the other. Mr. H, supposes that the expression, the Devil and his angels, * refers to the persecuting Jeics and Pagans " which is a chimera so absurd, that it scarcely deserves a notice. The paragraph 138 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. out of which this verse is taken, evidently refers to the judgment of the great day, " When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit on the throne of his glory ; and before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say to those on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. But to those on the left, he shall say, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels"* In this paragraph our Lord has exhibited to our view the solemn and awful process of the great day. The righteous are hailed welcome to the realms of eteffial bliss, and to a kingdom prepar- ed for them from the foundation of the world ; while the wicked are consigned to irreversible misery, pre- pared for idiom ! not for MAN, but for the Devil and his angels. Therefore, if man became a sharer in this punishment, it is by being self-fitted for destruction, or by his wilful rebellion against the Most High, and rejection of the gospel of Christ. But adopt Mr. H.'s view of this passage, and the language of Jesus Christ on this occasion becomes unintelligible jargon : for according to the * See Matt, xxv, A MORE DIRECT HEPLY TO THE LECTURE. 139 explanation which he has given of the verse in question, it would read thus : Depart from me, ye cursed, into long enduring punishment, pre- pared for the Jew and his Pagans. Mr. II. with- out the least iota of proof, either from reason or scripture, supposes that the punishments, which in this chapter are said to be inflicted on the wicked, are only f 1 natural calamities and that the day of judgment here alluded to, only refers to " the se- paration of true Christians from the corrupters of truth and righteousness, who would thus suffer the consequence of their own violence." Such is the verbosity of this alt knowing philosopher ! How he reconciles this hypothesis with the last verse of this chapter 1 know not, — " And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal" Now, if the opinion of Mr. H. be correct, the meaning of this verse is this, to use his own words, that " the persecuting Jews and Pagans, together with their emissaries, who would, in consequence of their own schemes of pride and ambition, be, for a long series of years, involved in the most terrible natural calamities." And he fur- ther adds, that this " appears evidently to be the day of judgment which is here and in many other places spoken of." Consequently, the last clause of this verse, instead of alluding to the final glorifica- tion of the righteous, only refers to temporal bless- ings which would be conferred on them for a long 140 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. series of years for their virtuous actions ; therefore it is evident that he robs the Scripture of all its in- trinsic excellence and glory. 1 appeal to every im- partial inquirer after truth, whether ever there was a greater absurdity ever propagated in the whole system of Popery. It is unquestionably certain, that Mr. H. and his Unitarian brethren, when en- deavouring to support their system from the Bible, instead of considering the current languuge of Scrip- ture, comparing it with itself, and thus making it its own interpreter, do generally strive to con- found and perplex the ignorant and unwary, by se- lecting and playing upon a few isolated passages. In the 8th chapter of St John's gospel and 44th verse, Jesus Christ said to his enemies, " Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own : for he is a liar, and the father of it." As to the proper meaning of this verse, there can be but one opinion entertained by all those who receive the truth in the love of it. The language of this passages is altogether unin- telligible, on the supposition that there is not in existence an evil supernatural being. But Mr. H. has a key that will almost suit every lock. Should it be asked, what is this key ? I answer, it is the word evident, which he almost brings forward on A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 141 every occasion, as a sufficient proof to establish every proposition. The fact is, it is almost the only sure source that he has left, for reason and Scrip- ture have proclaimed an eternal war against him. He tells us, that u the whole conversation on this occasion is evidently a personification of that wicked and persecuting spirit, which had for ages been so prevalent in the world." He further adds, " On another occasion, he (Christ) beautifully ex- emplified this wicked and murderous spirit in his parable of the vineyard. But let his language to the Jews, on this occasion, be understood liter- ally, and it would convey an absurd falsehood ; for he would positively have asserted that the Jews were the descendants of a supernatural evil spirit, although he knew that they, as well as himself, were the lineal posterity of the righteous Abraham.'* I candidly and honestly confess, that I was struck with astonishment, and could scarcely believe my own eyes, when I first read this part of Mr. H.'s lecture. I got my Bible, and found every one of the parables of (he vineyard — I read them over and over again, and I could not find that the parables of the vineyard had the most distant bearing on the subject in question. How Mr. H. could, in the face of a large congregation, conjure up such a barefaced misrepresentation, I am at a loss to de- termine, unless he was worse than mad, and thought every body else fools. 1 am but * A plaiu, blunt man, epeak directly en, ?} 142 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. How Mr. II. explains any one of the parables of the vineyard consistent with this part of his lec- ture, would surpass the comprehension of the wisest sage that ever lived on the face of animated nature. Certain I am, that if we were to understand all the parables of the vineyard literally, it would be impossible to fix such a meaning upon them as that given by Mr. H., without we had a purpose to serve by it, and wt re determined to have our pcint, like him, at the sacrifice of truth and reason. " Thus men ga wrong, with an ingenious skill, Bend the straight rule to their own crooked will ; And, with a cltar and shining lamp supplied, First put it out, then take it for a guide : Halting on crutches of unequal size, One leg by truth supported, one by lies, They sidle to the goal with awkward pace, Secure of nothing — but to loose the race I" When the disciples of Christ returned to inform him of their success, they told him in joyful sur- prise, that " even the Devils are subject unto us through thy name." He said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven "* I saw him 01 his first transgressiou, when he was hurled from the transparent regions of unsullied bliss and hap- piness, to live in an atmosphere of misery and woe, and well remember how immediate and dreadful was his ruin. * Luke x. 17, 18. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 143 (t Him, the Almighty power Hurled headlong, flaming, from th' ethereal sky. With hideous ruin and combustion, down To bottomless perdition, there to dwell In adamantine chains and penal fire, Who durst 4efy the Omnipotent to arms." .And I also foresee in spirit, that renewed, swift, and irresistible victory, which shall be accomplish- ed by the preaching of the gospel, when Satan, the prince of the demons, shall be dethroned from his usurped dominion on earth, with the idolatrous worship which he has devised to establish ; so that your casting out devils is only an emblem of a far more and decisive victory, when all rebel powers shall be subjugated, and the gospel shall wing its way to the ends of the earth. " Satan being spoiled of his dominions, may be said to fall from heaven." So of (he fall of the king of Babylon, the prophet says, " How art thou fallen from heaven, O Luci- fer I Of the fall of the colleague of Antonius, Cicero says, ** Thou hast pulled him down from heaven.'" " And when Pompey was overthrown, he is said to have fallen from the stars." The Apostle St. Paul said to those to whom he wrote, " that God would bruise Satan under their feet shortly."* Thus assuring them that God, the author of all their blessings, whether spiritual or temporal, would speedily bruise the great enemy of * Romans xvi. 20. 144 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. mankind and all his agents, under their feet, and (hereby give them, and every true believer, an en- tire and final victory. The Devil manages his mode of attack with deep subtilty and invidious cunning. Hence, says the Apostle, " Lest Satan should get an advantage of us" that is, that we may not be overreached by Satan. The Apostle adds, "for ue are not ig- norant of his devices."* The term devices, signify his machinations, far fetches, and contrivances. These devices are called by the same Apostle, " the zciles of the Devil "f which signifies his craf- ty, artful methods to deceive. These fraudulent methods are also called the "snare of the Devil." This snare the Devil lays with all the cunning of which he is master, in order to catch and entangle the souls of men. " It is, says Bishop Taylor, 16 by the mercy of God we have the quietness of a moment, for if the Devil's chains were taken off, he would make our beds a terror, our tables to be a snare, our sleep fantastic, lustful, and illusive, and every sense should have an object of delight and danger, an byena to kiss, and to perish in its embraces." The Apostle Paul, in his second epistle to the Corinthians, says, " Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light "% It * s certain, from the * 2 Cor. ifc 11. f Eph. vi. 11. j 2 Cor. \l 14. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 145 connexion in which ths verse stands, that the Apostle alludes to the chief or head of the apostate demons. The reason why he informs them of this species of imposture, which is carried on by this arch-deceiver, was owing to certain false teachers, who had crept into the church, and by reason of their splendid eloquence and high pretensions to sanctity and sublimity of devotion, deceived their deluded followers. The Apostle designates these false teachers, $t deceitful zcorkers, transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ. And then he adds, And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works." The drift of the Apostle's reasoning is this : you need not wonder, or be astonished, at such wicked men as these being: so specious in their appearance and pretensions, for even Satan, their master, often disguises himself, and tempts the true followers of Christ in the form of a heavenly messenger, instead of appearing as the prince of darkness. Therefore, if Satan, the head and ringleader of all impostures and false teachers, thus transforms himself, it is reasonable, and only what we may naturally expect, that his ministers should transform themselves into the mi- nisters of righteousness. Mr. H. supposes, without any show of reason, thatfthe Apostle only "refers N 146 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. to some leading character among those Judaizing teachers, who violently opposed his apostolic la- bours, and endeavoured again to bring the Chris- tian Churches under bondage to the ceremonial law." The fact is, that it does not appear that these false Apostles were Judaizing teachers, or that they ever attempted to re-establish the ceremonial law. "For," says Mr. Locke, "if subjection to the Jewish rites had been that which the Apostle was so zealous against, he would have spoken more plainly and warmly, as we see in the epistle to the Galatians, and not have touched it only, by the bye, slightly, in a doubtful expression. Besides, it is plain, that no such thing was yet attempted openly, only St. Paul was afraid of it." " Conviction and steadiness of principle," says Dr. Beattie, " is that which gives dignity, uniformity, and spirit, to the human conduct, and without which our happi- ness can neither be lasting nor sincere. It consti- tutes, as it were, the vital stamina of a great and manly character; whereas scepticism betrays a sickly understanding, and a levity of mind, from which nothing can be expected but inconsistency and folly." " The bookful blockhead, ignorantly read With loads of learned lumber in his head." The existence of a supernatural evil being has been believed in all ages, by the wisest and best of men that ever graced the republic of letters with A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 147 their' learning, adorned the Christian Church with their piety, or benefited the world with their labour?. The same Apostle informs the Thessalonians, that he would gladly have come to Thessalonica u once and again but Satan, by raising a storm of persecution, hindered him.* The Apostle cer- tainly alluded to temporal enemies ; but as Dr. Whitby judiciously observes, " they who obstruct the progress of the gospel, and persecute the pro- moters of it, are the ministers of Satan, and there- fore bear his name. " The Apostle, in his second epistle to this people, warns them of an approaching evil, which would befui the Church by reason of one whom he deinoninates the " man of sin" the " sow of perdition, whose coming is after the work- ing of Satan, with all power and signs, and lying wonders." t We shall not stay to enquire whom the Apostle meant by the " son of perdition," or whether he meant (which is probable) a succession of individuals, who would be governed by the same dispositions, and induced by the same motives. One thing is certain, that this diabolical person would gain his object by force, and deep subtilty, lying miracles, end every kind of imposture, which human ingenuity and satanical cunning were able to invent. Mr. H. tells us, that " the wicked spoken of, whose cunning is described as after the * 1 Thes. ii. 18. f 2 Thes. ii. 3/9. 148 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, is an evident reference to some of the ecclesiastical oppressors, who would, at a future time, domineer over the Church." But he has overlooked the doctrine in question ; he has left us to learn who this Satan is, whose working this eccle- siastical oppressor is described as coming after. Therefore I shall take it for granted, that the Apostle alludes to that infernal spirit, which is called else- where, the Devil and Satan, who is the great de- ceiver of mankind, and the author of all delusions. This opinion is supported by the same Apostle, who said to his son Timothy, " That in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils."* Thus, the Apostle informs Timothy, that in the Jatter days some would depart from the true faith of the gospel, and that this apostacy would be effected by false teachers, who would hearken to seducing spirits, and consequently preach those doctrines which are divised and suggested by devils or demons. He also informs him, that he had delivered Hy- menius and Alexander unto Satan :f that is, he had openly excommunicated and cast them out of the Church of Christ into the visible kingdom of Satan, that they might learn not to blaspheme. The Apostle, in describing the characteristic * I Tim. iv. 1. f 1 Tim. i. 20. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. fW marks of a scriptural Bishop, says, he must " Not be a novice, lest, being lifted up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the Devtf?'* Here I think it is clearly intimated, that pride was the first spring of the defection, fall, and ruin, of the Devil. Not a novice, that is, he must not be a new convert to Christianity, or a new plant in the garden of the Church ; and he gives this reason for it — lest, being puffed up with pride on account of his being promoted to such an high station, he fall into the condemnation of the Devil. This reason certainly implies, that pride was the Devil's first and chief sin, or his affecting some spiritual highness beyond the bounds of God's will. Why does the Apostle make use of the condemnation of the Devil, to de- ter from pride, if that were not the cause of his apos- tacy, and the sin for which he was condemned of God? He likewise observes, that H some are already turned aside after Saian"f " The converting men to the Christian faith," says Dr. Whitby. u being the turning them from Satan unto God." The casting off the faith may well be styled, "the turn- ing aside after Satan." The Apostle has pointed out in his second epis- tle to his beloved Timothy, how a Christian minis- ter ought to conduct himself to those who had fallen * 1 Tim. iii. 6. f 2 Tim. ii. 26. n 2 150 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. into the snare of the Devil, or " who are taken cap- tive by him at his tall" The word rendered taken captive" says a learned author, " was origi- nally taken from fishing, fowling, or hunting, and signified to catch the prey alive, by way of opposition to killing it. Hence, it was transferred to other things, and here should be rendered caught alive." " According to this sense of the word," says Dr. Macknight, " it is used by the Apostle with great propriety. For the purpose of the Devil's ensnaring men, being to kill them. The servant of God who takes the wicked alive out of his snare, saves their lives, by giving them an opportunity of escaping and returning to God." " In Hebrews ii. 14," says Mr. IT. " the accuser is said to have the power of death, which clearly re- fers to the strict requisitions and fatal denunciations of the Jewish law, which, in the same passage, the Apostle declares Jesus Christ came to abolish, in order to free men from that fear of death, by which they were all their life-time made subject unto bon- dage." Mr. H. thinks this is clear, but for what reason ? because he supposes that the " staunchest advocates for the existence of an evil being will hardly venture to maintain, that life and death were ever at his disposal." Life and death are at the complete disposal of God, who rules the armies of heaven, and amongst the inhabitants of the earth, and therefore life and death were never at the disposal A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 1 >1 of the Jewish law. " For," says the Apostle, "the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life"* And again, " if there had been a law-giver which could have given life, verily righteousness zcou/d have been by thelaiv"f Now, if Mr. H thinks it a sufficient reason that the Apostle did not mean an evil being, because the staunchest advocates for his existence would hardly venture to affirm that life and death were at his disposal ; it is equally as good a reason, that he did not mean, by the term Devil, the Jew- ish law; for I think that the staunchest advocates against the existence of an evil being, would hardly venture to maintain that life and death were ever at the disposal of this law. Besides, I know not for what purpose he has conjured up the word Life ; for certain it is, that it has no connexion with the subject ; for if the Apostle meant the Jewish law, and that that law could have given life, why should Jesus Christ have come to abolish it? Therefore, that system, which depends upon such miserable subterfuges as this for its support, is a bad system, and stands upon a tottering foundation. Besides, the decalogue, or moral law, is not abolished, but is in full force now, and will be to the end of time; it is only the ceremonial law which Jesus Christ has put away, by the sacrifice of himself. Hence, says the Apostle, " For by one offering he hath perfected * 2 Cor. iii, 6. f Gal. iii, 21. 152 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. for ever them that are sanctified And likewise observe, that salvation was as much by faith under the Old Teslaraent dispensation as it is now ; and by reason of this faith in the atonernont of Christ, which was pointed out to them by promises, types, and shadows, many of the Old Testament saints were delivered from this fear of death. If the Apostle meant by the term Devil, or Accuser, the Jewish law, then none could be kept subject to this bondage but those who were under this law ; conse- quently, the whole Gentile nations were exempt from this fear of death. But certainly the Apostle had the pious Gentiles in view, who were enslaved by the fears of death, because they lived without any written revelation from God ; therefore they had not that bright assurance of the pardon of sin, nor that bright hope of a blessed immortality. The reasoning of the Apostle is as follows: — "Foras- much then, as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same;" thati s, as the children were partakers of human na- ture, so Christ voluntarily condescended to partake of the same, in order that he might stand in the nearest relation to them, and be rendered capable of suffering and dying, that through death he might desttoy him that had the pozcer oj death, that is, the Devil;" that by his death in the flesh, he *.Heb. x, 14. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 153 might frustrate the malicious contrivance of him who first introduced death into the world, that is, the Devil. The Devil's intention in tempting our first parents was to destroy them, and thereby to put an end to the human species. This Satanical de- sign the Son of God frustrated, and rendered inef- fectual, by assuming our nature, and d)ing as a sa- crifice for sin. The sentence, Him that had the power of death" means a power that is usurped by guile ; and the Apostle evidently alludes to that era when Satan, by an exertion of this power deceived our first parents, and, consequently, brought death on all mankind. Hence, he is called a "murderer from the begh ming." But Christ, by his atonement and resurrection, would remove the baneful effect of this power, and " deliver them, who through fear of death were all their life-time subject to bond- age ; when one common salvation was preached to both Jew and Gentile, and the copious influence of the Spirit was poured upon all the nations of the earth " " For verily he took not on him the nature of angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham or, as the margin renders it, u he taketh not hold of . angels, but of the seed of Abraham he taketh hold." Here the Apostle represents the apostate angels, and mankind, as it were, falling from an eminence ; but our merciful high-priest is represented as catching * Herb. ii. 14—16. 154 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. hold of his falling creature, man, in order to bring him back to his former inheritance, while he leaves the rebellious angels to fall lower and lower; as on them he taketh not hold. The reason of this dif- ference probably is, because they rebelled presump- tuously against God without a tempter, while the first parents of mankind sinned only by the invidi- ous cunning of another. "On the subject of temptation," (says Mr. II.) we have the authority of the Apostle James for maintaining, that every man is tempted when he is * drawn away by his own lust and enticed.' It is generally believed by the most learned men that ever graced the republic of letters, that the Apostle, by the sentence 6 being drawn away bij his own lust and enticed,'* alludes to the drawing of fish out of a river with a baited hook. Therefore, the meaning of the Apostle is this, that the corrupt desires of our nature prompt us to seize the bait which Satan throws in our way ; so we are drawn out of the line of duty, as the fish is drawn out of the water by the delusive morsel that covers the hook. Therefore, instead of this verse being a support for Mr. H. it makes completely against him. The Apostle St. Peter says, — 66 Your adversary, the Devil, as a roar- ing lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour "f Here, observe, it is not whom he will, * James i. 14. f 1 Pet. v. 8. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 155 but whom he may devour : were his power as great as his malice, he would, no doubt, destroy every true Christian from off the face of the earth. What- ever power he may be possessed of, he is not invul- nerable, nor irresistible. lie may be strong, but not omnipotent. He may be cunning, but he is not omniscient. He walks about, therefore he is not omnipresent. He is under the divine controul, and in his warfare with human beings, the advan- tage is graciously allowed to man. Satan's dominion on the earth is hastening to a close. Therefore he is of great wrath, because his time is short on the earth. Infinite wisdom gives us instructions in the Scriptures of Sacred Truth, and if we abide by them, and follow the direction of the Holy Spirit, we shall never be deceived. Almighty power, and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is given to every true believer in Christ, enables him to be more than conqueror in conflict with Satan on any ground, at any time it is his privilege to triumph " On even ground against our moral foe." This verse with the two following, Mr. H. took for his text ; and he tells us that the expressions in these verses, evidently relate " to the persecuting Jews and Pagans" Suppose that the expression, your adversary, the Devil, alludes to the persecut- ing Jews and Pagans, does it follow that there is no Devil, or that the Devil did not excite thera thus 155 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. to oppose the people of God. The word devour, Dr. Mack night translates swallow up. " So the word literally signifies, being used concerning solids as well as liquids. It strongly expresses the insatia- ble rage of the enemy of mankind, to hinder their salvation, and the danger we are in from his devices. For he sometimes attacks the people of God in person, though not visible ; and sometimes by his ministers, the other evil spirits, who are in league with him ; and sometimes by wicked men, his sub- jects, whom he instigates to tempt them by the ter- ror of persecution." The same Apostle says, in his second epistle — " For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and de- livered them unto chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment."* Now, sin is a relative term, and supposes a rule or law of which it is a breach : for, says the Apostle, " Where no law is, there is no transgression. "f And though that particular law which they transgressed be not revealed, it must be a positive one, or that of nature; if the law of nature, it is the same as the moral law, so far as it agrees with the angelical spiritual nature; and re- quires Divine worship, and other duties resulting from the relation of creatures to God their Creator. And supposing the law which they transgressed to be a positive one, they could not violate it without transgressing the law of nature. But a question * 2 Pet. ii. 4. f Rom. iv. f& A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 157 naturall y arises, how could pure and exalted beings \iolate any law ? Supposing we were not able to give any definite answer to this question, would it follow that they never sinned ? Certainly not, be- cause our ignorance can never alter facts. Nothing is more unaccountable than the motives and causes of action of free agents ; when any being is at liberty to act as it will, no other reason need be required for its actions but its own will. They who are at liberty to sin, may sin, whatever be the motives that induced them to it ; and to enquire what is that motive, is to enquire what motive may determine a free agent, that is, an agent which may determine itself upon any ground or motive. Immutability is an infinite perfection, therefore it could not inhere in a finite creature, however exalted in the scale of being. But how perfect and excellent soever any creatures are, they may be supposed to admire their own perfections and excellencies, and, by degrees, to neglect to acknowledge God, till they end in downright rebellion against him. And it is most agreeable to Scripture, that pride, or affecting some spiritual greatness above their station, was the cause of the fall of the angels ; and those perfections, which might secure them against every other temptation, might be the cause of this. But though they sin- ned, God spared them not, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them unto chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment. Neither will he 158 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. spare any other persevering sinner who violates his law and rebels against his government.* The apostate angels in their state of degradation and misery, retain the same disposition as when they first rebelled against their Creator. They sinned without remorse : we never read of the least compunction in them, but meet with many proofs of their fixed malignity against God and all good- ness. Hence, says the Apostle, " the Devil sinneth from the beginning "\ He does not say, he sinneth * On what occasion soever pride first shewed itself, it seems to have been the leading sin of the angels, who, admiring and valuing themselves too much on account of the excellence of their nature, and the height of their station, came at length to entertain so little respect for their Creator and Sovereign, as to be guilty of down- right rebellion and apostacy. But here observe, as crea- tures of this lower world, it becomes us to speak and write with reverence on this subject, for the moment the mind is carried to the contemplation of the fall of angels, that very moment it enters a region where all to us is mystery and unknown ; for where God is silent, all the conjectures of men are vain. Therefore, we wish to carry this subject no further than we are supported by the word of God. And here, we may observe, that Christianity passes over in silence, what forms no part of its design, which was not to teach men science, and gratify the unhallowed curiosities of men, but Divinity, faith, and morality. u Through worlds unnumbered, though the God be known, 'Tis ours to trace him only in our own." f 1 John iii. 8. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE- LECTURE, 159 at the beginning, though that be true ; Lut, he sinneth from the beginnings that is, sinning is his and all the host of evil spirits, continual practice, and has been ever since their rebellion. But Mr. H. tells us that the words used here, " are an evi- dent personification of bad and good dispositions of the mind, and the wicked are called the children of the accuser or adversary; in exactly the same sense as on another occasion, he that committeth sin is the servant of sin; and the righteous are called the children of God in the same sense, al- though in a different degree with Christ, who was styled the Son of God, on account of his exalted goodness." This is a sweeping declaration, which leads us at once into a self-evident absurdity, viz. to believe that sin has an independent existence, or it robs us of our God, and leads us to suppose that that Being, whose existence is necessary and inde- pendent, only exists in a relative manner. We will examine for a moment, the modes of expres- sion made use of in this question. The expression, "he that committeth sin is the servant of sin"* is the language of Christ, and evidently means one who habitually practices sin. That sin has only a relative existence may be inferred from the expres- sion itself •> for, if its existence were positive and independent, it would be absurd to say, he that * John viii. 34. 160 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. commit teth or practises sin ; and it would be abso- lutely impossible to attach to this expression of Christ any definite idea. That sin has in itself a positive and independent existence, I believe no one will venture to affirm; therefore it can have no more than a relative being, and can exist no longer than those beings continue to exist which are capa- ble of moral actions. For, if all moral agents were once annihilated, it would be an absurdity too gross to be imposed upon the mind of man, to suppose that sin, in this case, could have any kind of ex- istence. As, therefore, sin has not in itself any kind of positive existence, we must look to moral agents for all the being which it can possibly pos- sess. And although sin is, in a moral point of \iew, nothing more than the sinful thoughts and actions of moral agents, physically capable of a better conduct, yet so far can it extend its baneful influence in its effects and consequences, as to de- range the whole human system. 2ndly. " He that committeth sin is of the Devil;"'* that is, he that lives habitually in the practices of sin belongs to the family of the Devil ; and as a proof of this the Apostle adds, "for the Devil sinneth from the beginning" that is, from the time of his apostacy in heaven. Now, how absurd it would be to say, he that committeth or transgresseth, * 1 John iii. 8. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE- .161 the Devil, is of the Devil ; and it is equally as ab- surd to say, that sin sin net h fir om the beginnings for sin has only a relative being, and depends on moral agents for its existence, and therefore it could never act independently of these moral agents. Therefore, to suppose that it was sin that sinneth from the beginning, leads us to believe a self-evi- dent contradiction, viz. that sin is dependent, and not dependent at the same time, or that sin acts in- dependently, although it has at the same time no independent existence. 3rdly. The righteous are called the children or servants of God, because they habitually serve, honour, and obey him. Now, it would be abso- lute nonsense to say, he that committeth or trans- gresseth God, is the servant of God. Therefore I conclude, that God and Satan have a positive and independent existence, while sin has only a relative being ; and the man that committeth sin is the servant of sin, or he is a slave to those actions which he commits. Surely, Mr. H. will not say, that God has no independent and personal existence. Why, then, has he classed him with sin, without he meant to say he had no real being; or, that sin, had a positive and independent existence. It is evident, that no absurdity is too great fortius know- ing one to adopt ! It is awful and affecting to consider, that the fallen angels are our inveterate enemies. The 162 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. Scriptures attribute to the Devil, all the various -degrees of malice; such as indignation, wrath, envy, and hatred. Malice is the Devil's character and disposition : — it is this which excites him to all mischief, and of breathing after all kinds of wicked- ness Hence, he is styled the wicked one, which denotes a special wickedness. God is called by the Prophets, the holy one because he is infinitely and altogether holy. — So the Devil, because he is the most malicious, envious, and wicked being that exists, is called the wicked one. The Apostle Jude tells us, that the " angels kept not their first estate" Though the angels were created holy, and without the least inherent de- pravity, yet they were mutable ; and, indeed, mu- tability is essential to a creature, considered as such ; it is God's prerogative alone to be unchangeable ; none but he can be naturally free from change. The angels that fell were not fixed in a state of unaltera- ble purity and happiness ; and as responsible beings, they were left to the freedom of their own choice. Jesus Christ tells us, they " abode not in the truth and the Apostle says they kept not their first estate : the meaning of the Apostle is this — that a certain number of angelic beings, who were pos- sessed of all those physical energies which are es- sential to moral agents, kept not their first estate > * Juhn viii. 41. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 163 or, they retained not their original purity ; therefore, Q they left their own habitation ," that is, they gave up their office or station, which was assigned them by their Sovereign Creator ; therefore, he cast them out of his celestial mansion, and " reserved them in everlasting chains, under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day." Should it be said how can Satan and his host range up and down the earth, and at the same time be confined in chains ? We answer, that ch ains is a metaphorical expression, which denotes, that they have no more power to escape the present punishment which is inflicted upon them, than a man who is strongly bound with iron chains. Therefore, these chains do not denote their being confined to a certain place, but that wherever they go they carry their punishment with them. The same Apostle informs us of a contest which took place between an archangel, and the head or chief of apostate demons : " Yet, Michael, the arch- angel, when contending with the Devil, (he dis- puted about the body of Moses,) durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee." Now a good angel would not be the adversary of Michael. A good angel would not dispute with this archangel, and contend about the body of Moses. To a good angel, Michael would not say, " the Lord rebuke thee ,*" therefore these words of the Apostle afford a direct and posi- 161 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. live proof of the existence of a supernatural evil being. In the Apocalypse we are informed that " there teas zcar in heaven ttiat is, the gospel kingdom, which in many places in Scripture is called the kingdom of heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dra- gon fought, and his angels, and prevailed not ; neither were their place found any more in hea- ven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world : he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.* Michael signifies, zclto is like God, and therefore may fitly represent Christ ; and the Devil, or Satan, is here styled {he great dragon, which term is em- blematical of his great strength and bloody cruelty against the church. The former employed as his instruments in this war, Christian Magistrates, faithful minsters, and true believers, as well as angels, which he sent forth as ministering spirits to those heirs of salvation; while the latter fought by persecuting emperors, idolatrous priests, and heathen philosophers ; this conflict ended in the total defeat of Satan's army, when the opposers of the kingdom of the Messiah were spoiled of their dominion and power, which is intimated by the expression, " he was cast out into the earth" This alludes to a time when the Christian Church emerged by a resolute 6(r'tfggfe from a state of captivity and bondage, when * Rev. xii. 7 ; 8, 9. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 165 she conquered her enemies, dethroned them of their dominion and power: then was Satan cast down from Ills dignity as God and prince of this world. Here, observe, this victory is not ascribed to the sword of war, but to the merit and efficacy of the atoning sacrifice of Christ, by faith in his blood, and a bold and holy profession of his gospel. Hence, it is said, " they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of the testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death." Mr. H. has made a great flourish about the ab- surdity of a literal interpretation of two passages, and then concludes, that there is no Devil, because it would be absurd to interpret those passages literally : we will examine them for a moment. Our Lord said unto Peter, "get thee behind me, Satan;' literally, get thee behind me, thou adversary. Now, the question is, who was this adversary ? We answer, Peter. " Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a Devil ; literally, have I not chosen you twelve, that is, some time ago ; but in the present tense, one of you is a calumniator. Who was this calumniator ? We answer, Judas. We read that Jesus was tempted of the Devil ; literally, the ac- cuser or calumniator : but who was this accuser or calumniator? We answer, an evil supernatural being. Hence, it is certain, that we do not slide into any absurdity, by interpreting these passages literally. And if Mr. II. could laid ten thousand 166 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. more passages, where the term Devil, or Satan, were applied to human beings, it would not follow that there was not an evil supernatural being, or spiritual Devil or hellish Satan. Should it be asked, how can a finite being tempt persons in different places at one time ? We answer, 1st. — That the Devil has many demons under his direction. 2nd. — That we do not precisely know what relation spirit has to place. 3rd. — That we are not sure that evil spirits may not produce effects, which often remain when those spirits are no longer immediately present. We know that a moral prin- ciple once imbibed, often produces effects for a long period after the departure of the person from whom it has been imbibed. Mr. H. calls the opinion that there is in existence an evil being, " an absurd and frightful notion." Now, it must be obvious to every attentive reader of these quotations which I have made from Mr. H.'s Lecture, that he believes in an evil principle, which is as bad, nay, worse than the Devil ; for this evil principle found its way into the bosom of Jesus Christ, which none of the advocates for the existence of an evil being dare venture to affirm. It is the property of error to be inconsiste?it. When the degeneracy of human nature is to be denied, the Unitarians will acknowledge no evil principle; but when the Devil is to be destroyed, his ghost haunts his murderers in the form of an evil principle. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 167 which corrupted the pious heart of Eve, and fer- mented the pious mind of Christ. What Devil that ever was invented, could be worse than this EVIL PRINCIPLE ? "In a subject so abstruse in its nature as the present, in the investigation of which the mind is carried into unknown regions, we must expect that mystery will set a boundary to all human reason, a boundary that we can never pass ; and unless we implicitly believe the Bible, we must for ever wander in darkness." $i Abstracted from revelation, we can neither ac- count for the existence or non-existence of the Devil, for the following obvious reason : — The existence of all spirits is beyond our comprehension, above our nature ; and whenever we, on the principles of na- tural reason, can account for their existence, then it must necessarily cease to be supernatural ; and in attempting to make that to be natural, which we admit to be supernatural, we attempt to explain that which we admit to be inexplicable. The rules of duty dictate, that we should divest our minds of prejudice to look into our Bibles ; and when this is done, we shall soon discover that the doctrine of Devils is no bug- bear; that hell itself is an eternal and indestructible reality, a receptacle prepared FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS." To assert that God would be unjust if he suffered his temporal creatures to be tempted by a super- 168 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. natural evil being, is the most unaccountable folly. For what does any man know of the justice of that Being, who fills immensity with his presence, before whom angels stand confounded ? Can any man by searching find out God, or trace the unfathomed counsels of Deity ? If any finite creature could comprehend this great and exalted Being, and trace his infinite modes of action, he must cease to be infinite ; for finite can never fathom infinite, nor the less encircle the greater. How far the justice of God may permit man to be tempted before he approximates towards injustice, lies beyond the con- fines of human comprehension to determine. For what does any one know of the justice and govern- ment of God ? Can any one trace infinite relations, or view completely the amazing chain of causes and effects ? Does it lie within the reach of human understanding to comprehend all the possible forms which justice can assume, and the diversified instances in which it can display itself? Is it pos- sible for any finite creature to see the close connex- ion that exists between time and the immense ocean of eternity ? Is it possible for the highest order of created intelligence to penetrate all contingencies — all certainties — all probabilities — all realities — all causes and effects — traverse the unbounded and illimitable regions of space, and survey the close connexion that exists in the great chain of intelligent and unbounded being ? If not, no one has a right A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 169 to conclude that God is unjust in suffering his rational creatures to be tempted by any evil being, or that it is inconsistent with his moral government. Mr. H. tells us, that " the supposed existence of an evil being contradicts every rational notion of the Divine power, for this power must of necessity be imperfect, if there is a corrupter busily at work in the universe." He might with as good a show of reason have said, that the power of God is imperfect, because he permitted superstitious bigots to quench their thirst in the blood of the martyrs. We have to contend with our own natural passions, the pre- valence of surrounding example, the stigma and insults of malignant enemies; but does it follow that God is deficient in power, because he suffers all these enemies to unite together, in order to stop our pro- gress in the ways of piety and virtue. The Apostle tells us, that some of the ancient worthies " had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings ; yea, more- over, of bonds and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword ; they wandered about id sheep-skins and goat skins, being destitute, afflicted, torment- ed."* But did any of these sufferers ever complain that the power of God was imperfect ? No : they rather said, with good old Elisha — " Fear not, for they that be with us are more than they that be with * Heb. xi. 36, 37. r 170 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. them." God may suffer us to be tempted by our enemies for a while, but when our warfare is accom- plished, he will avenge us of our adversaries, and bless us with an eternal peace. Infinite power can do every thing that does not imply a contradiction. He could, with infinite ease, annihilate the revolving sphere in which we live, and destroy the entity of all created existences in a moment. Whatever depends upon infinite power for its accomplishment, except it imply a contradic- tion, can be effected. Modern infidels, and particularly that implacable character, Richard Carlile, have done much of late to propagate the opinion that matter is eternal, and that it can never be destroyed. In passing, I would observe, that if we admit matter to be eternal, we must admit many self-evident absurdities ; and that it can be destroyed, is neither impossible, con- tradictory, nor absurd. If there be in existence an infinite power, it is possible for matter to be destroy- ed, unless we suppose matter to be more than infinite, which is an absurd contradiction. "Nor is the belief in the existence of an evil spirit," says Mr. H. " less hostile to the sublime attribute of Divine wisdom." Is it possible to imagine, that he, whose knowledge is perfect and universal, could have devised a method Tor the trial of human virtue, which subverts the first principle of morality ?" Here observe, that this part of Mr. A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 171 H.'s reasoning is founded upon a false principle, viz. that God lias devised, or invented, the Devil to tempt his children, merely to try their virtue ; therefore, the superstructure that is built on this absurd principle, must be false. It would have been equally as good logic if he had said, that God created every persecuting sinner, and every other temptation, merely to try the virtue of his people. The true state of the case may be illustrated by two or three examples: — 1st. When Joseph's brethren sold him to the Ishmaelites, it was a vo- luntary action on their part, and though God per- mitted it, he did not devise it; but he so over- ruled this free and voluntary action for good, as to make it the very means of advancing Joseph next to the throne of Pharaoh, and of saving the whole family of Israel alive. 2nd. When David voluntarily and courageously engaged in contest with Goliath, God made this spontaneous and free action subservient to the in- terest of this young son of Jesse, and the very means of advancing him to the throne of Israel. 3rd. And when the enemies of the Messiah cru- cified and put him to death, such was the wisdom of God, that he overruled it for good, and though it was a free act on their part, yet God effected the redemption of the world by it. And though Satan may voluntarily tempt the true followers of Christ, such is the wisdom of God, that he makes these very 172 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. temptations subservient to the interest and advance- ment of the Messiah's kingdom. Nor is it inconsistent with the Divine goodness ; for Satan can only tempt or allure, he cannot com- pel. And every true disciple of Jesus may ask, with an inspired Apostle, " Who shall separate us from the love of Christ— shall tribulation, or dis- tress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or pe- ril, or sword? Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor an- gels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things pre- sent, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Nor can Satan prevent any one from coming to Christ; man is a free agent, and cannot be com- pelled. Satan may tempt or allure, but in vain, if man be determined by the grace of God to come. And be it remembered, that a sinner had better contend with the allurements of Satan, with the Spirit of God to support him, than have to contend merely with his own passions, without the Spirit of God to assist him. " Some dream, that they can silence when tbey will «* The storm of passion, and say — * peace be still;* il But, * thus far and no farther,' when addressed " To the wild waves, or wilder human breast, " Implies authority, that never can, ** That never ought to be the lot of man." j A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 173 Therefore, [the "orthodox Christian, though he may have to contend against the temptations of the Devil, yet with the Spirit of God to assist hira, he stands upon a more firm and sure basis, than any Unitarian who has to contend against an evil prin- ciple, without the Spirit of the living God to sup- port him. " Bound on a voyage of awful length, »« And dangers little known ; " A stranger to superior strength, " Man vainly trusts his own. " But ours alone can ne'er prevail, " To reach this distant coast ; " The breath of heav'n must swell the sail, " Or all the toil is lost." Mr. II. tells us towards the close of his lecture, m that natural light and natural darkness cannot possibly be so much at variance, as the^cotemporary existence of good and evil principle in the moral world !" Having already met with so many con- tradictions, misrepresentations, and absurdities, in Mr. H.'s lecture, my mind is prepared for the re- ception of this. The attentive reader will remem- ber, that Mr. H. has often acknowledged the exist- ence of a good and evil principle ; and he has en- deavoured to explain many passages of Scripture, by saying its language was evidently a personifica- tion of good and bad principles ; yea, he acknow- ledges a good and bad principle to have heaved the 174 A WORE DIRECT RETLY TO J HE LECTURE. bosom of Jesus Christ, at one and the sarae time. But here this consistent reasoner tells us, that light and darkness are not more opposed to each other, than the cotemporary existence of a good and bad principle. If we (race this assertion to its ulti- mate tendency, it is not only at variance with every part of his lecture, but it annihilates at one stroke-, all the evil that exists in the world ; or else, every principle of virtue and mora! goodness, that exists in the universe. Therefore, if we should admit the wild chimeras of these men, we should at once be led into the bewildering vortex of absurdity, and involve ourselves amidst rhapsody and confusion. Whether the present essay, like the bursting bubbles on the passing stream, will expire, or it will pass on to ages yet to come, which its author can never reach, are points which events alone can decide. The author of this essay returns his warmest thanks to his numerous, and highly-respectable list of subscribers, for their kind patronage. If the work should not entirelv meet with their approbation, he begs them to keep the words of Burns in mind. — * An' ablins, when it \vinn& stan* the test, ¥ Wink hard, an' say, < nis chap has doxs his best.' " Or the generous maxim of Pope. — " To err, is human — to forgive, divine." The author hopes it will be a sufficient apology A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. 175 for this long delay of publishing, to say, that when he had got the work ready for the press, and a cer- tain portion printed, he found that he had more written than two volumes would contain ; conse* quently, he was obliged to take it home and abridge it : and be it remembered, that his family depends upon his hand labour forks support; consequently, his time was limited, and he had to write the work over again, at a time when he should have been asleep ; and in addition to which delay, it has been detained a long time in ihe press, for which delay, the author is sorry : and likewise he hopes, that the candid and impartial reader will ever bear in raind, that the author has not had the advantages of a liberal education. From an early period of his existence, he was convinced of the depravity of hu- man nature, and the necessity of salvation by/faith in the atonement ; consequently, he was led to seek redemption through the merits and efficacy of Christ's death, and to cast off all dependance upon any thing he could do or suffer : and the author is of the same opinion, that salvation is of grace 3 from first to last ; and he trusts that in a little while, he will have to sing with the redeemed above, that ever-blessed anthem, " Not unto us, but unto thy name be all the praise." Should there be any thing said in this essay, which the reader may think harsh and severe, the author hopes he will attribute it to the heat of con- 176 A MORE DIRECT REPLY TO THE LECTURE. troversy, and not to*any malicious design which (he author has against Mr. H. As touching Mr. H.'s moral character, the author highly esteems him ; and he candidly and honestly confesses, that as a benevolent and moral character, Mr. H. is worthy of being set forth as an example ; and firmly be- lieves, that in acts of charity and kindness, he is exceeded by none, if equalled by many. Notwith- standing Mr. 11 ,'s amiable and unimpeachable cha- racter, as it respects morality, such is the dreadful nature of his religiou^ principles, that were his mo- rals ten thousand times more excellent, they would not stand in equilibrium against the evil tendency of these principles. And so long as Mr. H. enter- tains these principles, though the author may esteem him as a benevolent character, yet he cannot con- cede V> him the term of Christian Minister. It is Mr. H.'s religious principles, and those alone, that these pages are directed against, and how far the author has succeeded in his endeavours to confute these principles, is left for the candid and impartial reader to determine. May the God of all grace, and the giver of all our blessings, grant that the reader and author, may at last meet in the mansions of the blessed, and sing together, through a never- ending eternity, " Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive honour, and glory, and blessing, for ever and ever." Amen. Printed at T. Walker's Ofiiee, Silver-Street, Halifax. 3t m