|| W$t Hibiavp offlje Umberaitp of JSortf) Carolina Collection of Jlortf) Carolmiana q 02L?„8 N87o»I UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00034026143 FOR USE ONLY IN THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLECTION Form Wo. A-^nfl Educational Publication No. 138 — Div. of School Inspection No. 37 LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS for the ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SUPPLEMENT, 1929 SUSAN FULGHUM Inspector of Elementary Schools ; *t* Published by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Raleigh, N. C. RULES AND REGULATIONS (Made under Section 345, Chapter 136, Public Laws 1923, for the distri- bution of the appropriation under Title IV, 5 (2), Chapter 280, Public Laws 1929.) 1. The county board of education will make application in writing on blanks furnished by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for that purpose. 2. The county board of education shall furnish to the State Board of Education satisfactory evidence that the county board of education and the patrons and friends of the local union school district have substantially complied with the provisions of section 346, Chapter 136, Public Laws of 1923. 3. The county board of education will enter into a general agreement with the State Board of Education to comply with the rules and regulations of this board. 4. This agreement shall include the following: a. To select books only from the North Carolina State grade and high school library list, or from other standard grade and high school library lists, omitting the following: sets of supplementary readers, encyclopaedias, complete sets of books, dictionaries, and magazines. b. To invest the entire $150.00 in library books at the opening of the term, in any event not later than November 15th of the school year in which the appropriation is made. c. To file with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction a list of the books purchased, together with the prices paid. d. To agree that at least one-half of the books shall be selected for use in the elementary grades. e. To make adequate provision for the care of the books and for the operation of the library. f. To keep accurate records of the use of the library, and to make annual reports of these facts to the State Superintendent of Public In- struction on blanks prepared and furnished by him. INTRODUCTION This Bulletin is a supplement to Educational Publication No. 69, "List of Library Books for the Elementary Schools of North Carolina," issued in 1923. It is hoped that this additional list will be of service to local school officials in the selection of new library books. Miss Susan Fulghum, with the able assistance of Miss Cecelia Bason, Miss Nora Beust, and Miss Sallie Marks, all of the School of Education, University of North Carolina, and Mrs. F. L. Koos, librarian, Winston- Salem City Schools, prepared this list. The committee has labored untir- ingly and has rendered a distinct service to the rural school libraries. The Elementary Text-book Commission gave much consideration to sup- plementary reading material. The preferred list, recommended by the Commission, is printed in Educational Publication No. 133. The extended list, recommended by the Commission, is included in this Bulletin. Such books are designated by stars. One of the most gratifying things in connection with the development of the new rural public school is the rapidity with which library facilities are being increased in connection with the large union schools. The eager- ness with which school children in the country seize upon this new oppor- tunity is a revelation both to teachers and to patrons. The local associ- ations of parents and teachers are assisting in many ways to make this movement a success. The rules relating to the distribution of the State aid have been modified by the State Board of Education. They appear elsewhere in this Bulletin. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the many publishers for their generosity in providing sample copies for examination. Most of these copies have been returned. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. August 8, 1929— 5M. CONTENTS Class No. Page 028 Picture Books and Youngest Readers 5 First Grade List 5 Second Grade List 8 Third Grade List 9 170 Conduct — Ethics and Manners 13 220 Bible Stories 13 811 Poetry 13 398 Fairy Stories— Folklore _ 14 591 Animal Stories 15 910-919 Geography and Travel — ~ 16 608 Inventions — Industries 18 500 Nature — Science 19 920 Biography— Collective 20 921 Biography — Individual „ 20 930-973 History 21 970 Indian Life 22 320 Government — Citizenship 23 612 Health 23 630-640 Gardens. Home Economics 24 700 Fine Arts— Art. Music 24 793 Plays 24 790 Amusements and Games 25 Stories 25 List of Magazines for Elementary Schools 28 LIST FOR PRIMARY GRADES— SUPPLEMENT, 1929 It will be noted that only list prices are given in this Bulletin. Schools may obtain these books direct from the publishers, or they may make a single order to The Baker & Taylor Company, 55 Fifth Avenue, New York City, or The John Wannamaker Company, Philadelphia, at a considerable discount. CLASS NO. 028. PICTURE BOOKS AND YOUNGEST READERS FIRST GRADE Picture Books — Rhymes and Poems Grades List Price 1-3 Beskow. Aunt Green, Aunt Brown and Aunt Lavender. (Pictures only for first grade.) Harper and Bros. 2.50 1-2 Brooke. Little Bo-peep and other nursery rhymes. Warne. .75 1-2 Brooke. Oranges and lemons. Warne. .75 1-3 Brooke. Three bears. Warne. .75 1-2 Brooke. Nursery rhymes picture book No. 1. Warne. 2.00 1-2 Brooke. My book of pets (linen). Volland. .50 1-2 Caldecott. Picture book No. 3 (linen). Warne. .60 1-3 Cizek. Weihnachten (Christmas book). B. Westerman and Co. 2.75 1-3 Darwin. The tale of Mr. Tootleoo. (Rhymes read by teacher.) Harper. 2.00 1-3 Davis. Aviation book. McLaughlin. 1.00 1-5 De La Mare. A child's day. Holt. 1.75 1-5 De La Mare. Peacock pie. Holt. 2.25 1-2 Falls. ABC book. Doubleday. 2.00 1-7 Fuertes. The book of dogs. National Geog. Soc. 2.00 1-7 Fuertes. The book of birds. National Geog. Soc. 3.00 1-7 Fuertes. The book of wild animals of North America. (Valuable for fine pictures.) National Geog. Soc. 3.00 1-4 Fyleraan. Fairies and chimneys. Doran. 1.25 1-3 Gabriel. My book of cats and dogs. Gabriel. .75 1-3 Gabriel. My book of birds (linen). Gabriel. .75 1-3 Gabriel. The railway book (linen). Gabriel. .75 1-3 Gag. Million of cats. Coward-McCann. 1.50 1-7 Grant. Story of the ship. (Pictures, grades 1-3. Valuable information, grades 4-7.) McLaughlin. 2.00 1-2 Greenaway. A apple pie. Warne. 1.50 1-3 Jackson. Peter Patter book. Rand (sch. ed.) 1.25 1-3 Le Mair. Old nursery rhymes — No. 2. McKay. .75 1-3 Lofting. Porridge poetry. Stokes. 1.00 1-3 Miller. In the nursery of my bookhouse. Bookhouse. (One of an attractive but expensive set of books.) 1-3 Moeschlin. The red horse (for pictures only). Coward-McCann. 1.50 6 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 1-3 Moore. The night before Christmas. Gabriel. .75 1-3 Muter. Good little children from A to Z. Volland. 1.00 1-2 Nicholson. Clever Bill. Doubleday-Doran. 1.00 1-3 Rae. Children at play in many lands. Volland. 1.00 1-4 Smith. The circus (Teacher reads). Stokes. 2.50 1-4 Smith. Country book (Teacher reads). Stokes. 2.50 1-3 Wright. Jack and Jill and other Mother Goose rhymes. Rand. .35 Mother Goose Editions 1-2 Mother Goose. Old Mother Goose, il. by Andersen. Nelson, 2.00 1-3 Mother Goose, il. by Falls. Doubleday-Doran. 2.00 1-3 Mother Goose's nursery rhymes, il. by Folkard. Macmillan. 1.75 1-3 Mother Goose, il. by Greenaway. Warne. 1.00 1-3 Mother Goose, il. by Rackham. Century. 3.50 1-3 Mother Goose, il. by Richardson. Volland. 1.50 1-3 Mother Goose, il. by Ed. Boyd Smith. Putnam. 2.50 1-3 Mother Goose, il. by Jesse Wilcox Smith. Dodd. 5.00 1-3 Mother Goose. The little Mother Goose, il. by Jesse Wilcox Smith. Dodd. 1.50 1-3 Mother Goose. The book of nursery rhymes, il. by Welsh. Heath. .76 1-3 Mother Goose. Every child's Mother Goose, il. by Wilson. Macmillan. 2.25 1-3 Mother Goose. The real Mother Goose, il. by Wright. Rand. 2.00 Poems and Rhymes Set to Music 1-3 Homer. Songs from Mother Goose. Macmillan. 1.75 1-3 Moffat. Little songs of long ago. McKay. 3.00 1-3 Moffat. Our old nursery rhymes. McKay. 3.00 Stories 1-2 Aldredge & McKee. Wags and Woofie. Ginn. .64 1-3 Bailey. In and outdoor plays and games. Whitman. .60 1-2 *Baker and Baker. The pet pony. Bobbs. .55 1-3 Benson. Really truly fairy tales. Flanagan. .68 1-2 Blaisdell. Toytown. Little. 1.00 1-2 Bowman. Happy all day through. Volland. 1.50 1-2 Braden. Little book of well known toys. Rand. .75 1-2 Buffington. The circus reader. Sanborn. .72 Czechoslavak Folktale. The cock and the hen. (Teacher reads.) Szalatnay. 2.25 1-2 Dootson. Riddle book for silent reading, (sch. ed.) Rand. .80 1-2 *Dunn and Troxell. Baby animals. Row-Peterson. .68 *Recommended by the Elementary Text-book Commission for supplementary reading. Supplementary Classified List — 1929 7 Grades List Price 1-2 Ellingwood. Betty June and her friends. American Book Co. .56 1-2 Farjeon. The country child's alphabet. Poetry Book Shop. 1.00 1-2 Field. An alphabet for boys and girls. Doubleday. .75 1-2 Gage. Up and doing. Mentzer. .64 1-2 Gage. Out and playing. Mentzer. .64 1-2 Gale. Circus animals. Rand. .85 1-2 Grant, Pleasant land of play. Southern Pub. Co. .60 1-2 Happy hour books. Chicken Little. Macmillan. .50 1-2 Hervey & Hix. Friendly animal story book. Longmans. 1.00 1-2 Hervey & Hix. Friends on the farm. Longmans. 1.00 1-3 Hill and Maxwell. Charlie and his kitten Topsy. Macmillan. 1.00 1-3 Jewett. Hopi, the cliff dweller. Ed. Pub. Co. .65 1-3 *La Rue. The f-u-n book. Macmillan. .68 1-3 *La Rue. Under the story tree. Macmillan. .76 1-3 Large. Old stories for young readers. Macmillan. .80 1-3 Lawson. A pet reader. Beckley-Cardy. .70 1-3 Lucas. Four and twenty toilets. McDevitt. 2.50 1-2 Lummis and Schawe. The safety hill of health. World. .68 1-2 McElroy and Youngs. The squirrel tree. American Book Co. .48 1-2 Mildrum. Dame Wiggins of Lee and her seven wonderful cats. Macmillan. 1.00 1-3 Miriam. Knowledge primer games. Whitman. .60 1-3 Mitchell. Here and now story book (Teacher reads). Dutton. 2.00 1-2 *Mother Goose. Mother Goose ed. by Marshall. Winston. .88 1-2 Hot cross buns (Bye-lo series). Rand. .35 1-2 Humpty Dumpty. Macmillan. .50 1-2 Old Mother Goose, il. by Andersen. (Little color books.) .75 1-2 _ Wee Willie Winkie. Macmillan. .50 1-3 Nevill. All Fu — a Chinese river boy. Friendship Press. .50 1-2 Potter. Tailor of Gloucester. Warne. .75 1-3 Read and Lee. An airplane ride. Scribner's. .60 1-3 Grandfather's farm. Scribner's. .60 1-3 Rice. The lost monkey. Newson. .56 1-3 Richardson. Old, old tales retold. Volland. 3.00 1-3 Rossetti. Sing-song (poetry). Macmillan. 1.00 1-3 Sample. My cut a picture book. Silver. .76 1-2 *Serl. Every-day doings at home. Silver. .68 1-2 Johnny and Jenny Rabbit. American Book Co. .56 1-2 Work a day doings on the farm. Silver. .68 1-3 Sindelar. Nixie bunny in work a day land. Beckley. .70 1-2 Smart and others. Circus fun. Sanborn. .72 1-2 Taylor. Adventures in storyland (Primer). Beckley Cardy. .60 1-2 Adventures in storyland (First reader). Beckley Cardy. .64 8 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 1-3 Tippet. I go a-traveling. Harper. .75 1-2 * This singing farmer. World. .68 1-2 Troxell & Dunn. Baby animals (Book one). Row-Peterson. .68 1-2 Tucker, (ed.) Literature for reading and memorization. (Book one.) Iroquois. .68 1-3 Wright. The magic boat. Ginn. .80 1-2 ::: Zirbes and Keliher. The book of pets. Keystone View Co. .76 1-2 Zirbes and Wesley. The story of milk. Keystone View Co. .68 Primers and First Readers Bobbs-Merrill Primer, .42; First Reader, .45 Child Library Primer, .56; First Reader, .60. Scott-Foresman. Elson Primer, .56; First Reader, .60. Scott-Foresman. Open Road to Reading Primer, .44; First Reader, .52. Ginn. Pathway to Reading Primer, .68; First Reader, .68. Silver-Burdett. Child's Own Way Primer (Wag and Puff), .60; First Reader (Surprise stories), .60. Wheeler. Child Story Primer, .60; First Reader, .64. Lyons and Carnahan. Rhyme and Story Primer, .65. Little-Brown. Story Folk, First Reader, .68. World Book Co. SECOND GRADE Stories 2-3 Adams. Five little friends. Macmillan. .80 2-3 Albright and Hall. Nature stories (Books I and II). Mentzer. Each .72 1-4 Balch. Good times at Grandpa's. Newson. .60 2-3 ;;; Batchelder. Topsy-turvy tales. Scribner. .60 1-4 Bergengren. Jane, Joseph and John (verses). Atlantic. 2.00 2-5 Bianco. Velveteen rabbit. Doran. 1.25 1-3 Blaisdell. Pine tree playmates. Sanborn. .72 2-3 Brate. The pony tree. Stokes. 1.75 3-4 Burgess. Peter Cottontail. Little. .60 2-5 Carrick. More picture tales from the Russian. Stokes. 1.25 1-3 Clark. Poppy seed cakes. Doubleday. 2.00 2-4 Crane, (il.) The sleeping beauty. Dodd. 1.75 2-3 Dalgleish. A happy school year. Rand. .80 1-2 Darby. Jack and Susan stories. Macmillan. .80 2-3 Dietz. Good times on the farm. Newson. .56 1-2 Faris. Standard Bible story reader (Book I). Standard. .80 1-3 Folktales. Bremen band. Macmillan. .50 1-3 Hansel and Gretel. Macmillan. .50 1-3 Three billy goats. Macmillan. .50 1-3 Three little pigs. Macmillan. .50 2-3 Gale. Circus animals. Rand. .85 2-3 Grant. Windmills and wooden shoes. Southern Pub. Co. .72 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 9 Grades List Price 2-5 Grishina. Peter Pea. Stokes. 1.50 2-3 Gruelle. Raggedy Ann. Volland. 1.25 2-4 Hervey and Hix. Fanciful tales for children. Longmans. 1.00 2-4 Heward. The twins and Tabiffa. Macrae. 1.50 2-5 Heward. Ameliar-Anne and the green umbrella. Macrae. 1.50 2-3 Hill and Maxwell. Charlie and his puppy Bingo. Macmillan. 1.25 2-3 Charlie and his kitten Topsy. Macmillan. 1.00 2-3 Hogan. The little black and white lamb. Macrae. 1.00 1-3 Holt. The story a day book. Macmillan. .80 2-3 Howard. The language garden. Macmillan. .80 1-3 Kinscella. Music appreciation readers (Book I). University Publishing Co. .60 2-3 Lang. Andrew Lang readers (blue series, books I and II). Longmans. Each ■ .68 1-2 :;: La Rue. In animal land. Macmillan (sch. ed.). .80 1-3 Lester. Great pictures and their stories (Books I and II). Mentzer. Each .72 2-4 Lindberg. Karl's journey to the moon. Harper. 1.50 2-4 Lindsay. Bobby and the big road. Lothrop. 1.50 2-4 Lofting. The story of Mrs. Tubbs. Stokes. 1.25 2-3 *Lummis and Schawe. Building my house of health. World. .72 1-3 Lynch. The magic clothespin. Houghton (sch. ed.). .80 2-4 Meyer. Sunshine farm. Little. 1.00 2-3 Meyer. Under the maple tree. Little. .70 2-3 Miller. Menagerie (verse). Macmillan. 1.75 2-3 *Morcomb. Red feather stories. Lyons. .60 2-3 Muler. Little people of the snow. Flanagan. .68 2-3 Orton. Prince and Rover of Cloverfield farm. Stokes. 1.00 2-3 Bobby of Cloverfield farm. Stokes. 1.00 1-3 Little lost pigs. Stokes. 1.25 1-3 Prancing Pat. Stokes. 1.25 1-3 *01mstead and Grant. Ned and Nan in Holland. Row. .68 2-4 Perkins. Farm twins. Houghton. 1.75 1-3 Potter. All about Peter Rabbit. Cupples. .40 2-3 Rae. Grasshopper green and the meadow mice. Volland. .65 1-3 Read and Lee. A story about boats. Scribners. .60 1-3 An engine's story. Scribners. .60 2-4 Rickert. Bojabi tree. Doubleday-Doran. .75 1-2 Serl. Johnny and Jenny rabbit. American Book Co. .56 2-4 Sherman. The gay kitchen. Little. .70 1-3 Smith. Hawk-eye and Hiawatha. Flanagan. .68 2-3 *Taylor. Two Indian children of long ago. Beckley. .70 2-4 Thompson. Golden trumpets. Macmillan. .80 2-4 Tippett. I live in a city. Harper. .75 2-3 *Troxell. Pammy and his friends. Scribners. .45 2-4 *TroxeIl-Dunn. By the roadside (Book II). Row-Peterson. .76 10 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 2-3 Tucker, (ed.) Literature for reading and memorization (Book II). Iroquois. .68 2-3 Weimer. Chats in the zoo. Rand. .40 1-2 Wright, (il.) Polly Flinders. Rand. .75 1-2 Wright, (il.) Our child's favorites. Rand. .75 Second Readers (Include some in the library.) Bobbs-Merrill. Bobbs. .48. Child Library. Scott-Foresman. .68. Child's Own Way (New stories). Wheeler. .76. Child Story. Lyons and Carnahan. .80. Elson. Scott-Foresman. .68. Everyday Classics. Macmillan. .68. Horton-Carey (Book II). Heath. .80. Learn to Study (Book I). Ginn. .64. Pathway to reading. Silver-Burdett. .76. * Story fun (Book II). World Book Co. .72. Story Hour (Book II). American Book Co. .72. THIRD GRADE 3-5 * Allen. How and where we live. Ginn. .88 2-3 Andersen. The steadfast tin soldier (Happy hour series). Macmillan. .50 1-4 Andrews. Olle's ski trip. (Pictures for grades 1-2.) Harper. 2.00 3-4 Bacon. The lion-hearted kitten. Macmillan. 2.00 3-5 Baker. The lost Merbaby. Duffield. 2.00 3-4 *Baker and Baker. The sailing tub. Bobbs. .72 3-5 *Barrie. (ed. by Byron) Peter Pan and Wendy. (Retold for boys and girls.) Scribner. .88 3-5 Bass. Stories of pioneer life. Heath. .80 2-3 *Batchelder. Peggy stories. Scribner. .60 3-5 Bianco. The little wooden doll. Macmillan. 1.00 3-4 Bigham. The bad little rabbit. Little. .75 3-4 *Brown. Green gate to the sea. Silver. .76 2-5 Browning. Pied piper of Hamlin. Rand. 1.50 3-4 *Bryce. Story-land dramatic reader. Scribner. .48 3-6 Carpenter. The clothes we wear. American Book Co. .76 3-6 Carpenter. The houses we live in. (Journey club travels.) American Book Co. .80 3-6 Carpenter. The foods we eat. (Journey club travels.) American Book Co. .72 3-5 Carrick. Still more Russian picture tales. Stokes. 1.25 3-5 Carrick. Picture folk tales. Stokes. 1.50 3-5 *Cobb and Cobb. Arlo. Arlo Publishing Co. .60 3-5 Cobb. Pennie. (sch. ed. Arlo Pub. Co.) Putnam. .80 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 11 Grades List Price 3-6 Craik. Adventures of a brownie (il. Milo Winter). Rand. 1.50 2-4 Craik. Bow-wow and Mew-mew. Flanagan. .52 3-5 Daglish. The larger beasts. Morrow. 1.25 3-4 Davis. Stories of the United States for youngest readers. (Revised ed.) Ed. Publishing Co. .78 2-4 Dopp. Bobby and Betty in the country. Rand. .95 3-6 Deming. American animal life. Stokes. 3.00 3-5 *Dunn-Troxell. In field and forest. Row-Peterson. .80 3-5 Dussanze. Little Jack rabbit. Macmillan. 1.00 2-3 Ellingwood. Cubby bear. Ginn. .72 2-4 Emerson. Merry-go-round of modern tales. Dutton. 2.00 2-3 Faris. Standard Bible story readers (Book II). Standard. .90 3-5 Faulkner. Little Peachling and other tales from old Japan. Volland. 1.25 2-4 Faulkner. Tales of many folk. Scribner. .80 3-5 Fyleman. Forty good morning tales. Doubleday-Doran. 2.00 1-3 Gag. Millions of cats. Coward and McCann. 1.50 1-3 Giddings. Juvenile music (music education series). Ginn. .76 3-4 *Gifford and Payne. Red Feather's adventures. Lyons. .76 2-3 *Gordon and Hall. Nature stories — autumn. Mentzer. .72 2-3 * Nature stories — spring. Mentzer. .72 3-4 Grover. Never grow old stories. Lyons. .76 3-4 Gruelle. Sunny book reader (Book I). Laidlaw. .80 3-5 Harper and Hamilton. Pleasant pathways. Macmillan. .84 3-5 Hill and Maxwell. Charlie and the surprise house. Macmillan. 1.75 3-5 Little Tonino. Macmillan. 1.75 2-4 Heward. Ameliar-Anne and the green umbrella. Macrae. 1.50 2-4 Kinscella. Music appreciation readers (Book II). University Publishing Co. .72 3-5 Knowlton. First lessons in geography. Macmillan. .96 2-4 *La Rue. Billy bang book. Macmillan (sch. ed.). .84 3-4 Le Fevre. Little grey goose. Macrae. 1.00 3-5 Lester. Great pictures and their stories (Books II and III). Mentzer. Each .72 2-4 Lindsay. Bobby and the big road. Lothrop. 1.50 2-4 The choosing book. Lothrop. 1.50 3-4 The story garden. Lothrop. 1.50 3-4 Toy shop. Lothrop. 1.50 3-5 Lomen and Flack. Taktuh, an Arctic boy. Doubleday-Doran. 1.75 3-4 *Lummis and Schawe. The road of health to Grown-up town. World. .76 3-5 Mathews and Coffin. City stories. Macmillan. 2.00 3-5 McCoy. The tale of the good cat Jupie. Macmillan. 1.50 1-3 McElroy and Young. Tatters. American Book Co. .36 3-5 Meigs. The wonderful locomotive. Macmillan. 2.00 3-5 Milne. Winnie — the-pooh. Dutton. 2.00 2-3 Monvel. Susanna's auction. Macmillan. 1.00 3-5 Morse. Goldtree and silvertree (plays). Macmillan. .84 12 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 2-4 Nida. Ab the cave man. Flanagan. .68 3-4 Our pets (Sc. reader, book I). Heath. .80 2-4 Orton. Summer at Cloverfield farm. Stokes. 1.00 2-4 Winter at Cloverfield farm. Stokes. 1.00 3-4 Patch. Holiday pond. Macmillan. 2.00 2-4 Perdue. How other children live. Rand. .90 3-4 Phillips. Little Sally Waters. Houghton. 1.75 3-4 Potter. Tailor of Gloucester. Warne. .75 3-4 Ross. Reading to find out. Macmillan. .60 3-4 Ruskin (ed.), Greenaway (il.). Dame Wiggins of Lee. Dutton. 1.00 3-4 Scantlebury. Little world children. Ginn. .72 3-4 Serl. In animal world. Silver-Burdett. .80 3-4 Shepherd. Geography for beginners. Rand. Bk. II, 1.20; Bk. I, .90 2-3 Sherman. Out in the kitchen. Little. .70 3-5 Showalter. The box book. Macmillan. 1.75 3-5 Sloan. More about Ellie. Dutton. 2.00 3-6 Smith. Home folks. Winston. 1.16 2-6 Stevenson. A child's garden of verses. Lippincott. .75 3-4 *Stryker. Little dog Ready. Holt. 1.25 2-4 :: Tappan. Stories of America for very young readers. Houghton. 1.75 3-4 Terry. History stories of other lands. Bk. I. Row. .76 2-3 "Troxell. Pammy and his friends. Scribners. .60 3-4 Tucker (ed.) Literature for reading and memorization. Book III. Iroquois. .68 3-4 :;: Wayland. History stories for primary grades. Macmillan. .72 2-4 Wells. Peppi, the duck. Doubleday. 2.00 3-5 Wheeler. Playing with clay. Macmillan. 2.00 2-4 Wilhelm. With scissors and paste. Macmillan. 1.75 2-3 Zirbes and Wesley. Workers. Keystone. .76 Third Readers Bobbs-Merrill. Bobbs. .62 Child Library. Scott-Foresman. .76 Child's own way (best stories). Wheeler. .84 Child story. Lyons. .88 Elson. Scott-Foresman. .76 Every-day classics. Macmillan. .72 Learn to study. Book II. Ginn. .72 Pathway to reading. Silver-Burdett. .84 CLASSIFIED LIST FOR GRADES FOUR TO SEVEN CLASS NO. 170. CONDUCT— ETHICS AND MANNERS Grades List Price 6-7 *Condon. The great conquest. The Atlantic readers. Book IV. Little. .85 5-7 *Condon. High and far. The Atlantic readers. Bk. II. Little. .85 4-7 *Condon. The understanding prince. Atlantic readers. Book I. Little. .85 5-7 *Condon. The wonderful tune. The Atlantic readers. Book III. Little. .85 4-6 *Dunlea. The courtesy book. Beckley. .75 6-7 *Hague, Chalmers & Kelly. Studies in conduct. Book II. University Pub. Co. .92 CLASS NO. 220. BIBLE STORIES 6-11 Browne. The graphic Bible. Macmillan. 2.50 3-4 *Faris. Standard Bible story reader. Book III. Standard. .90 3-6 Bible. Bowie (retold by) . When Jesus was born. Harper. .75 2-4 *Bible. Little children's Bible. Macmillan. 1.00 * Older children's Bible. Macmillan. 1.75 4-8 Bible. Children's Bible, selections from the Old and New Testaments. (Arranged by Sherman and Kent.) Scribners. 1.75 3-6 :|: Bible. Old Testament stories, (sch. ed.) Little-Brown. .85 CLASS NO. 811. POETRY 2-4 Aldis. Everything and anything. Minton. 2.00 4-5 Asquith. Pillicock hill. Macmillan. 2.00 6-11 *Cooper. (ed.) Poems of youth. Ginn. 1.20 1-7 *Curry, Bruner and Huber. The poetry book. 8 vols.: 1-3, 4-8. Rand. Each .80, .90 5-7 De La Mare. Down-a-down-derry. Holt. 3.00 6-11 Edgar and Chilman. A treasury of verse for school and home. Crowell. 2.50 3-5 Farjeon. Come Christmas. Stokes. 1.75 5-8 Field. Taxis and toadstools. Doubleday. 2.00 1-7 Grahame. The Cambridge book of poetry for children. Putnam. 1.75 5-8 Hyett. Fifty Christmas poems for children. Appleton. 1.00 2-6 Lindsay. Johnny Appleseed. Macmillan. 1.75 1-5 Milne. Now we are six. Dutton. 2.00 1-5 When we were very young. Dutton. 2.00 4-7 Palgrave. Children's treasury of lyric poetry. Macmillan. 1.40 5-9 Quiller-Couch. The treasure book of children's verse. Doran. 2.00 5-8 *Teasdale. Rainbow gold. Macmillan. 2.00 7-11 Thacher. The listening child. Macmillan. 1.75 2-8 ^Thompson. Silver pennies, (sch. ed.) Macmillan. .80 14 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 4-6 Tucker, (ed.) Literature for reading and memorization. Books IV and V. Iroquois. Each .68 1-4 Untermeyer. The singing world for younger children. Harcourt Brace. 2.50 6-9 This singing world (Junior ed.) Harcourt Brace. 1.04 5_8 Wynne. For days and days. Stokes. 2.50 CLASS NO. 398. FAIRY STORIES— FOLKLORE 5-6 Adams and Atchinson. A book of giant stories. Dodd-Mead. 2.00 4-5 Alden. Boy who found the king. Bobbs. 1.75 4-6 *Andersen. Andersen's fairy tales, (ed. by Lucas and Paul.) Macrae. 1.50 6-7 * Arabian nights. Arabian nights, (ed. by Lowe.) Winston. .88 4-5 Babbitt. More Jataka tales. Century. 1.25 4-5 *Barrie. Peter Pan and Wendy (retold). Scribners. .66 6-11 Black. Mythology for young people. Scribners. .60 4-7 * Browne. Granny's wonderful chair (children's classics). Macmillan. 1.75 4-5 *Carroll. Alice's adventures in wonderland. Winston. .88 4-8 Chrisman. Shen of the sea. Dutton. 2.00 4-7 *Collodi. The adventures of Pinocchio. (ed. by Cornelia Beare, with teaching and study notes.) Houghton, (also Winston, .88.) 2.00 5-7 Colum. The girl who sat by the ashes. Macmillan. 1.75 4-5 *Craik. Adventures of a brownie. Lippincott. .60 4-6 Little lame prince and other stories. (Stories All Children Love Series.) Lippincott. 1.50 4-7 De La Mare. Number Two Joy street. Appleton. 2.50 5-7 Told again. Knopf. 3.50 3-5 Dickens. The magic fishbone. Warne. 1.50 3-5 Faulkner. Little Peachling and other tales from old Japan. Volland. 1.25 4-6 Field. Eliza and the elves. Macmillan. 1.50 6-8 Finger. Tales from silver lands. Doubleday. 2.50 6-7 *Forbush. Myths and legends of Greece and Rome. Winston. .88 3-5 France. Bee, the princess of the dwarfs. Dutton. 2.00 3-5 ..__ Little sea dogs. Dodd. 2.50 4-7 *Grahame. Wind in the willows. Scribners. 2.00 4-5 *Grimm. Grimm's fairy tales. Winston. .88 2-3 (Crane) Household stories from the brothers Grimm. Macmillan. 1.75 5-6 *Harvey. Robin Hood. Winston. .88 4-5 Hawthorne. Rumpty-Dudget's tower. Stokes. 1.50 3-5 Hodgkins. The Atlantic treasury of childhood stories (for teachers). Atlantic Monthly. 2.50 4-6 Howard. Sokar and the crocodile. Macmillan. 2.00 6-11 Irving. Legend of Sleepy Hollow (il. Rackham). David McKay. 2.50 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 15 Grades List Price 6-8 Katibah. Other Arabian nights. Scribners. 2.00 6-8 *Kingsley. Water babies. Ginn. .67 6-7 Kinney. Stars and their stories. Appleton. 1.25 5-6 *Lagerlof. The wonderful adventures of Nils (sch. ed.) Doubleday. 1.00 6-8 Lamb. The adventures of Ulysses. Piatt and Munk. 2.00 5-7 Lang. The magic fairy tales. Longmans. 1.50 5-7 Macdonald. The light princess. Macmillan. 1.00 5-8 The princess and the goblin (il. by MacKinstry). Doubleday-Doran. 2.50 5-7 McNeer and Ward. Prince Bantam. Macmillan. 2.50 6-7 *Meeker. Folk tales from the far east. Winston. .88 3-5 Moeschlin. The red horse. Coward-McCann. 1.50 5-7 Nixon-Roulet. Japanese folk stories and fairy tales. American Book Co. .56 4-6 Olcott. Book of elves and fairies. Houghton. 3.00 5-7 Wonder tales from windmill lands. Longmans-Green. 2.00 4-6 Peck. Stories east and west. Little. .80 4-6 Pyle. The wonder clock. Harper. 2.00 4-6 Rowe. The begging deer. Macmillan. 2.00 5-7 *Ruskin. King of the golden river. Lippincott. .60 5-7 King of the golden river (very attractive edition). Macmillan. 1.00 5-7 Tappan. The prince from nowhere. Houghton. 1.75 6-7 Topelius. Canute Whistlewinks. Foss and Olcott. 2.50 4-7 Wilde. The happy prince and other tales. Brentano. 1.25 7-11 Williams. National traits and fairy lore (more valuable for teachers). Scribners. .80 5-7 Younge. The wonder Smith and his son. Longmans-Green. 2.00 CLASS NO. 591. ANIMAL STORIES 6-11 Akeley. "J. T., Jr.," The biography of an African monkey. Macmillan. 2.25 6-11 Akeley. In brightest Africa. Garden City. 1.00 7-11 Baker. Panther magic. Dodd. 2.00 5-6 Baynes. Polaris. Macmillan. 1.50 4-6 Bradley. Alice in jungleland. Appleton. 2.00 3-5 Burgess. Animal book for children. Little. 3.00 6-12 Cooper. With the circus. Little. .75 5-7 Dombrowski. Boga, the elephant. Macmillan. 2.50 4-6 Folger and Nicol. Rusty Pete of the Lazy Ab. Macmillan. 2.00 5-11 Green. Martin Johnson, lion hunter. Putnam. 1.75 4-7 Hawkes. Trails of the woods and waters. Macrae. 1.75 6-12 Hawkes. A wilderness dog (a wolf). Macrae. 1.75 6-11 Hinkle. Trueboy. Morrow. 1.75 4-7 Holling. Rocky Billy. Macmillan. 2.00 4-6 Hudson. Disappointed squirrel. Doubleday-Doran. 2.50 16 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 3-5 : Hudspeth. Oregon chief (horse story). Ginn. .80 7-11 James. Sand. Scribner. 2.50 6-12 James. Smoky (sch. ed.). Scribner. 1.00 6-12 Kearton. My friend Toto (chimpanzee). Dodd. 1.00 5-6 Meyer. Trail makers (sch. ed.). Little. .75 6-12 Mitchell. Horses now and long ago. Harcourt. 3.00 6-8 Mukerji. Gay-neck. Dutton. 2.00 4-7 Mukerji. Kari, the elephant. Dutton. 2.00 5-6 Parrish. Knee-high to a grasshopper. Macmillan. 2.50 5-6 Phillips. Ant hills and soap bubbles. Macrae. 2.00 5-7 Roberts. Kindred of the wild. Page. 3.00 5-7 Roberts. Watchers of the trails. Page. 3.00 6-7 Roberts. The feet of the furtive. Macmillan. 1.50 5-7 Ross. Book of noble dogs. Century. 2.00 4-6 Riggs. Animal stories from Eskimo lands. Stokes. 1.00 5-7 Seton. Biography of a silver fox. Century. 2.00 5-7 -Sewell. Black beauty. Winston. .88 6-7 Terhune. Lad, a dog. Dutton. 2.00 5-7 Wells, C. The jungle man and his animals. Duffield. 3.00 CLASS NOS. 910-919. GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL 5-7 * Allen. Africa, Australia and the islands of the Pacific. Ginn. 1.12 5-7 Ayrton. Child life in Japan. Heath. .60 3-4 Barrows and Parker. Geography journeys in distant lands. Silver. 1.08 5-7 United States and Canada. Silver. 1.48 7-11 Beebe. Jungle days. Garden City Publishing Co. 1.00 7-11 Bryant. Children's book of European landmarks. Century. 2.50 7-11 Bunker. China and Japan. Lippincott. 1.50 7-8 *Clark. Europe. Silver. 1.28 5-7 Chamberlain and Chamberlain. Europe. Macmillan. .96 5-7 * Africa. Macmillan. .96 7-11 Cornish. Canadian geography for juniors. Dent & Sons. 1.00 5-7 Crew. Saturday's children (life in other lands). Little-Brown. 2.00 6-8 *Dakin. Great rivers of the world. Macmillan. .96 5-7 Demetrios. When I was a boy in Greece. Lothrop. 1.25 7-11 Du Chaillu. Stories of the gorilla country. Harper. 2.00 6-7 Franck. South America. Owen. .96 5-7 Travels in many lands — Japanese empire. Owen. .96 5-7 Travels in many lands — China. Owen. .96 6-7 Fairgrieve & Young. Human geography by grades — United States. Book IV. Appleton. 1.12 5-7 Human geography — the world. Bk. III. Appleton. .96 4-5 * Homes far away. Appleton. .80 6-8 : Faris. Real stories of the geography-makers. Ginn. .92 6-7 :|: Gilman. Alaska: The American northland. World. 1.40 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 17 Grades List Price 5-7 Grant. Story of the ship (teachers use in grades 1-3). McLoughlin. 2.00 5-7 Guitteau and Winter. Seeing South America. Row-Peterson. 1.00 6-7 Hader. The picture book of travel. Macmillan. 2.00 6-7 *Jordan-Cather. High lights of geography, Europe. World. 1.44 6-7 High lights of geography, North America. World. 1.44 4-5 Knowlton. Introduction to world geography. Macmillan. 1.32 6-11 Lansing. Great moments in exploration. Doubleday. 2.50 6-7 Lattimer. Your Washington and mine (sch. ed.). Scribner. 1.40 4-5 Le Count and Kyte. Cubby bears in California. Rand. 1.25 6-7 Lefferts. Neighbors, north and south. Lippincott. 1.50 3-5 Lomen and Flack. Taktuh, an Arctic boy. Doubleday-Doran. 1.75 7-11 Marr. Into the frozen south. Funk and Wagnalls. 2.00 6-7 Meeker. Ox team days on the Oregon trail. World. 1.20 4-7 *Methley. Happy homes in foreign lands. Stokes. 1.00 4-7 How the world travels. Stokes. 1.00 5-7 Mitton. Book of London for young people. Macmillan. 2.00 7-8 Packard and Sinnott. Nations as neighbors. Macmillan. 2.00 7-11 Peck. Storybook Europe. Harper. 2.50 5-7 Perkins. Scotch twins (sch. ed.). Houghton. .88 5-7 *Pitkin-Hughes. Seeing America. Book I. (Farm and field). Macmillan. .96 5-7 * Seeing America. Book II. (Mill and factory). Macmillan. .96 7-8 Redfield. We and the world. Silver. .84 2-11 Rogers. Ships and sailors. Little-Brown. 2.50 4-6 Rowe. The rabbit lantern. Macmillan. 1.75 5-7 ^Salisbury. From Panama to Cape Horn. World. 1.40 3-4 *Scantlebury. Little world children. Ginn. .72 3-5 Smith. Home folks. Winston. 1.16 4-6 Peoples and countries. (Human geography, book I.) Winston. 1.36 5-7 Regions and trade. (Human geography, book II.) Winston. 1.72 5-7 *Stefansson. Northward ho! (sch. ed.) Macmillan. 1.20 5-7 *Stevens. Before Columbus. Silver. 1.32 7-11 Stuart. The young folk's book of other lands. Little-Brown. 2.00 4-7 Sugimoto and Austen. Taro and Hana in Japan. Stokes. 1.00 4-7 Sullivan. Brother Eskimo. Century. 1.75 5-7 Tee-van. Red howling monkey. Macmillan. 2.00 6-7 Thomas. Adventures in Afghanistan. Century. 2.00 6-7 Thomson. Our Atlantic possessions. Scribners. .90 4-7 Tietjens. Boy of the desert. Coward-McCann. 2.50 5-7 Upjohn. Friends in strange garments. Houghton. 1.75 5-7 Van Deusen. Stories of Porto Rico. Silver. 1.32 6-7 *Wheeler and Holmes. Burton Holmes travel stories — Egypt, Vol. I; Japan, Vol. II. Wheeler. Each .28 18 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 class no. 608. inventions— industries Grades List Price 7-11 Allen. Model airplanes (how to build and fly them). Stokes. 3.50 5-7 Our cereal grains. Ginn. .80 4-5 Bassett. Steve and the steam engine. Little. 1.65 7-11 Binger. What engineers do. Norton. 2.75 6-7 Bond. American boys' engineering book. Lippincott. 2.50 6-7 Bragg. World of sound. Dutton. 2.00 6-11 Bridges. The young folk's book of the sea. Little. 2.00 3-7 *Carpenter. The foods we eat (Journey club travels). American Book Co. .72 3-7 * The clothes we wear (Journey club travels). American Book Co. .76 3-7 * The houses we live in (Journey club travels). American Book Co. .80 7-11 Coleman. Bells. Rand. 2.00 7-11 Collins. The boy chemist. Lothrop. 2.00 7-11 The boy scientist. Lothrop. 2.50 5-8 Crump. Boys' book of airmen. Dodd. 2.00 6-12 Darrow. Boys' own book of science. Macmillan. 2.00 6-12 * Thinkers and doers. Silver. 1.16 4-7 Dobias. Picture book of flying. Macmillan. 2.00 4-6 Eaton. The story of transportation. Harper. 1.25 5-7 The story of light. Harper. 1.25 5-12 Fabre. Wonder book of chemistry. Century. 2.50 7-11 Here and there in popular science. Century. 2.50 4-7 Fox. How the world rides. Scribners. .88 6-11 Fraser. Story of engineering in America. Crowell. 2.50 6-7 Hough. The story of fire. Doubleday-Doran. 2.00 7-11 Jacobs. Knights of the wing. Century. 2.00 4-8 Jones. An alphabet of aviation. Macrae. 2.00 7-11 Le Page. A B C of flight. Wiley. 1.50 3-5 Mathews and Coffin. City stories. Macmillan. 2.00 6-8 Maxwell. The story of books. Harper. 1.25 3-5 McGowan. Soap bubbles. Macmillan. .60 3-5 Meigs. The wonderful locomotive. Macmillan. 2.00 6-12 Morgan. Boys' home book of science and construction. Lothrop. 2.50 5-7 *Nida. Makers of progress (science reader). Book V. Heath. .88 6-7 * and Nida. Earlymen of science (science reader). Book IV. Heath. .88 6-9 Parker. The book of electricity (science reader). Houghton. 1.50 4-6 *Rush and Winslow. The science of things about us. (sch. ed.) Little. .90 6-11 Modern Aladdins and their magic. Little. 1.50 7-11 Starrett. Skyscrapers. Scribners. 3.50 6-7 Stone and Fickett. Famous days in the century of inventions. Heath. .72 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 19 Grades List Price 7-11 Tappan. Wonders of science (sch. ed.) Houghton. .96 5-8 *Tappan. Makers of many things. Houghton. .80 6-11 Thomson. Aviation stories. Longmans-Green. 1.00 6-8 Verrill. The home radio up-to-date. (How to make and use it.) Harper. 1.00 7-11 Wade. Every day electricity (ref.). Little. 2.00 4-6 Watson. The story of milk. Harper. 1.25 5-7 The story of textiles. Harper. 1.25 4-6 The story of bread. Harper. 1.25 7-11 Wilkins. Marvels of modern mechanics. Dutton. 3.00 CLASS NO. 500. NATURE— SCIENCE 4-5 *Ballou (ed.) Elementary science by grades. Book II. Appleton. .72 4-7 Burgess. The Burgess flower book for children. Little. 3.00 5-6 ^Chambers. Nature secrets. Little. .75 6-7 Cheesman. Everyday doings of insects. McBride and Co. 2.50 6-11 Curtis. A guide to the trees. Greenberg. 2.00 3-6 Daglish. The larger birds. Morrow. 1.25 3-6 Daglish. The larger beasts. (Vol. I.) Morrow. 1.00 4-6 The smaller beasts. (Vol. II.) Morrow. 1.00 6-8 *DuPuy. Our animal friends and foes. Winston. .80 6-8 * Our bird friends and foes. Winston. .80 6-8 * Our insect friends and foes. Winston. .80 Edgerton. The forest — a handbook for teachers — U. S. Dept. Agriculture. State Dept. Conservation and Development, Raleigh, N. C. One copy free Forest Service (compiled). Common forest trees of North Carolina. State Department Conservation and Develop- ment, Raleigh, N. C. Free 6-8 Finley. Wild animal pets. Scribners. 3.00 6-8 Harris. Elements of conservation. Johnson Pub. Co. .80 6-8 Hawksworth. A year in the wonderland of birds. (sch. ed.) Scribner. 1.00 7-11 A year in the wonderland of trees. Scribner. 1.00 5-7 Henderson. Children of the tide. Appleton. 1.50 5-6 Johnson. Star people. Macmillan. 1.50 5-7 Kelman — Wood. The seashore. Nelson. 1.25 3-6 King. Birds in rhyme. Nelson. .75 6-7 *Lange. Nature trails. Appleton. 1.20 5-7 *Maddox and Parkins. Our trees and how they serve us. Scribner. .84 7-12 McKready. A beginner's guide to the stars. Putnam. 1.00 6-11 Mellen. Young folks' book of fishes. Dodd. 2.00 7-12 *Mills. Story of a thousand-year pine. Houghton. .44 6 Moseley. Our wild animals, (sch. ed.) Appleton. 1.20 20 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 4-7 *Nida and Nida. The baby animal zoo science reader. Book 3. Heath. .88 5-7 * Animal life. (sch. reader, book 4.) Heath. .88 6-11 Pack. Trees as good citizens (ref.) American Tree Asso. 4.00 6-7 School book of forestry. American Tree Asso. 1.00 6-7 Parker and Cowles. The book of plants (science reader). Houghton. .88 4-5 Patch. First lessons in nature study, (sch. ed.) Macmillan. 1.12 4-7 Payne-Barrow-Schmerber. Elementary science readers. First book .72; second book .72 Third book and fourth book. Sanborn. Each .76 6-7 Phillips. Honey bees and fairy dust. Macrae. 2.00 3-5 *Persing and Peeples. Elementary science by grades. Book II. Appleton. .72. Book III. Appleton. .80 6-11 Proctor. The young folks' book of the heavens. Little. 2.00 5-11 Rolfe. Our national parks. Book I. Sanborn. 1.00 5-11 Our national parks. Book II. Sanborn. 1.12 4-5 *Shirling. Outdoor adventures. World. 1.00 5-6 *Thomas. Living things around us. Lippincott. .76 CLASS NO. 920. BIOGRAPHY— COLLECTIVE 6-8 Bolton. Famous men of science. Crowell. 2.00 6-8 ^Bridges. Heroes of modern adventure. Little. 2.00 6-11 Charnley. Boys' life of the Wright brothers. Harper. 2.00 6-9 Farjeon. Mighty men from Achilles to Julius Caesar. Appleton. 1.00 6-9 * Mighty men from Beowulf to William the Conqueror. Appleton. 1.00 7-11 Farmer. The book of famous rulers. Crowell. 2.00 7-11 The book of famous queens. Crowell. 2.00 6-11 *Gaston. Modern lives. Allyn. 1.00 5-6 *Gravatt. Pioneers of the air. Mentzer. .80 6-7 *Haaren and Poland. Famous men of modern times. American Book Co. .72 6-8 Large. Little stories of famous explorers. Wilde. 1.50 5-7 Lefferts. Our country's leaders. Lippincott. 1.00 6-11 Morgan. Our presidents. Macmillan. 2.00 5-7 *Nida. Pilots and pathfinders. Macmillan. 1.20 5-7 * Explorers and pioneers. Macmillan. 1.28 5-8 Rawson. A boy's eye-view of the Arctic. Macmillan. 1.75 5-11 Raymond. Story lives of master writers. Stokes. 2.50 6-7 *Sparks. Worth while Americans. Ambrose. 1.04 6-7 *Woodburn and Moran. Finders and founders of the new world. Longmans. .92 CLASS NO. 921. BIOGRAPHY— INDIVIDUAL 6-11 Alcott. Ticknor. May Alcott. Little-Brown. 3.50 7-8 *Boone. White. Daniel Boone, (sch. ed.) Allyn. .80 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 21 Grades List Price 7-11 Boone. White. Daniel Boone. Doubleday. 1.75 6-8 Burbank. Slusser. Stories of Luther Burbank and his plant school (sch. ed.). Scribner. .88 6-8 Byrd. Green. Dick Byrd. Putnam. 1.75 6-7 Columbus. Moores. Life of Christopher Columbus for boys and girls. Houghton. .44 6-8 Edison. Hammond. A magician of science. Century. 1.75 7-8 Francis of Assisi. Williams. Little brother Francis of Assisi. Macmillan. 1.75 6-7 Joan of Arc. Paine. The girl in white armor. Macmillan. 1.50 5-9 Lawrence. Thomas. Boy's life of Colonel Lawrence. Century. 2.00 6-11 Lindbergh. West. The lone scout of the sky. Boy Scouts of America. 1.00 6-11 Lindbergh. We. Putnam. 2.50 5-11 Pasteur. Hallock. Health heroes — Louis Pasteur. Heath. 1.12 5-11 Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt's diaries of boyhood and youth. Scribner. 2.50 6-11 Smith. Quinn. Captain John Smith. Stokes. 2.50 7 ^Washington, Booker T. Jackson. Boy's life of Booker T. Washington. Macmillan. .88 7 *Washington, Booker T. Up from slavery. Burt. .75 7-11 Washington. Barton. The father of his country. Bobbs. 1.50 CLASS NO. 930-973. HISTORY 7-11 Adams. Gateway to American history. Little-Brown. 3.00 7-11 Pilgrims, Indians and Patriots. Little-Brown. 3.00 5-7 Barker-Dodd-Webb. The story of our nation. Row-Peterson. 1.28 6-7 The growth of a nation. Row-Peterson. 1.80 5-7 Barnard, Tall, Gambrill. How the old world found the new. Ginn. .80 4-6 Bailey. Untold history stories. Owen. .80 4-6 Blaisdell. Boys and girls in American history. (sch. ed.) Little. .75 5-7 Blaisdell and Ball. English history story book. (sch. ed.) Little. .80 5-7 Log cabin days. (sch. ed.) Little. .75 4-5 *Bouve. Tales of the Mayflower children. Marshall. 1.08 6-7 Coddington and Long. Our country. Ginn. 1.08 6-8 Coulomb, McKinley, White. What Europe gave to America. Scribner. 1.20 4-6 Coffman. The story of America, the age of discovery. Owen. .72 4-6 The story of America, the new world settlement. Owen. .72 7-11 Chadsey, Weinberg, Miller. America in the making — I. Founding the nation. Heath. 1.28 II. Growth of the nation. Heath. 1.44 7-11 Carlton and Carlton. The story of the Declaration of Independence. Scribner. .72 22 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 4-7 Dale. Stories from European history. Longmans. .80 6-11 Dark. The book of England. Doran. 2.00 4-7 Dickie. Canadian history readers, Vols. 3-6. J. M. Dent and Sons. Bk. 3, .65; Bk. 4, .75; Bk. 5, .85 6-7 Griffis. Belgium, the land of art. Houghton. 2.25 6-7 Hall. Buried cities. Macmillan. 2.00 7-11 Hart. In our times. Macmillan. 1.40 5-8 Hillyer. A child's history of the world. Century. 3.50 6-11 Holland. Historic ships. Macrae Smith and Co. 4.00 7-9 Lamprey. Days of the builders. Stokes. 2.50 4-7 Days of the discoverers. Stokes. 2.50 6-7 *Mace and Tanner. Old Europe and young America. Rand. 1.35 7-8 *Mace and Petrie. Elementary history. Rand. 1.20 7-11 Marshall. The story of human progress. Macmillan. 1.48 6-7 McGuire and Phillips. Adventuring in young America. Macmillan. 1.00 6-7 Building our country. Macmillan. 1.20 4-7 Meriweather. The play book of Columbus. Harper. 2.00 4-6 *Mulliken. Boys and girls of colonial times. Ginn. .76 4-6 *Nida. Following Columbus. Macmillan. .96 5-7 Following the frontier. Macmillan. .96 6-8 O'Neill. The story history of England. Nelson. 2.50 5-7 Perkins. The American twins of the revolution. (sch. ed.) Houghton. .88 5-6 * Colonial twins. Houghton. .88 5-7 *Perkins. Pioneer twins. Houghton. 1.75 6-7 *Power and Power. Boys and girls of history. Macmillan. 2.50 5-7 Ross. Old Glory. (The story of our country's flag.) Piatt and Munk. 1.00 6-7 Tappan. Story of our constitution. Lothrop. 1.50 6-11 Thurston. Origin and evolution of the United States flag. U. S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. .25 7-11 Tryon and Lingley. The American people and nation. Ginn. 1.72 7-11 Van Loon. Story of mankind (sch. ed.). Macmillan. 2.20 6-8 *Vollintine. The making of America. Ginn. .96 7-11 Weaver. The book of Canada for young people. Doubleday-Doran. 2.00 CLASS NO. 970. INDIAN LIFE 3-5 *Browne. Indian nights. Noble. .85 6-7 *Connelly. Indian myths. Rand. .95 4-6 *Coolidge. Little Ugly Face. Macmillan. .80 3-5 *Dearborn. How the Indians lived. Ginn. .76 6-7 Grinnell. When Buffalo ran. Yale. 2.00 6-7 *Linderman. Kootenai why stories. Scribner. 2.00 6-11 *Logie. Canadian wonder tales. Row. .68 6-7 *Lyback. Indian legends. Lyons. .96 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 23 Grades List Price 6-7 *Mitchell. The Indians and the Oki. Row. .80 5-7 Moon. Runaway papoose. Doubleday-Doran. 2.00 6-7 *Moran. Kwahu, the Hopi Indian boy. American Book Co. .74 5-6 *Newell. Indian stories. Silver. .88 4-5 *Payne and Driggs. Red Feather's homecoming. Lyons. .80 6-11 Salomon. The book of Indian crafts and Indian lore. Harper. 3.50 6-7 *Seymour. The Indians today. Sanborn. .84 4-5 Schultz. Sinopah, the Indian boy. (sch. ed.) Houghton. .90 2-4 Sterne. White Swallow. Duffield. 2.00 6-7 *Vestal. Happy hunting ground. Lyons. .96 5-7 Wilson. Waheenee. Webb. 1.00 CLASS NO. 320. GOVERNMENT— CITIZENSHIP 6-8 Abbott. Story of our navy for young Americans. (2 vols.) Dodd. Set 2.50 4-6 *Carpenter. Ourselves and our city. (Journey club travels.) American Book Co. .80 7-8 Crump. The boys' book of the United States mail. Dodd. 2.00 4-6 *Curtis. Why we celebrate our holidays. Lyons. .80 2-3 *Dearborn. The road to citizenship. Ginn. .68 5-7 *Hepner. Junior citizens in action. Houghton. .92 7-8 Johnson. We and our work. American Viewpoint Society. 2.07 6-8 Patri. The spirit of America. American Viewpoint Society. 1.20 5-8 *Smith. Playing to win. Mentzer. .64 7-11 Stewart and Hanna. Adventures in citizenship. Ginn. 1.20 CLASS NO. 612. HEALTH 3-5 Andress and Andress. A journey to healthland. Ginn. .72 2-3 *Andress and Bragg. Sunshine school. Ginn. .72 4-6 Andress and Evans. Boys and girls of Wake-up-Town. Ginn. .76 5-8 Andress and Evans. Health and success. Book I. Ginn. .76 Andress and Evans. Health and good citizenship. Book II. Ginn. .96 4-5 Bigelow and Broadhurst. Health for every day. Silver. .72 6-8 Bigelow and Broadhurst. Health in home and neighborhood. Silver. .84 5-6 Burkard, Chambers, and Maroney. Health habits by practice. Book I. Lyons & Carnahan. .96 7-8 Burkard, Chambers, and Maroney. Health habits — physiology and hygiene. Book II. Lyons & Carnahan. 1.00 4-5 *Griffith. Just ten minutes. Smith Hammond. .64 4-5 Payne. We and our health. Book I. American Viewpoint Society. .80 6-8 Payne. We and our health. Book II. American Viewpoint Society. 1.00 24 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 3-4 Turner and Hallock. The voyage of growing up. (Maiden health series.) D. C. Heath. .76 6-8 "Turner and Collins. Community health. (Maiden health series). Heath. .96 CLASS NO. 630. GARDENS. CLASS NO. 640. HOME ECONOMICS. 4-7 Wodell. Beginning to garden. Macmillan. 4-7 Judson. Child life cook book. Rand. 2.00 1.00 CLASS NO. 700. FINE ARTS— ART Ref. Abbott. The great painters. Harcourt. 2.00 4-7 Bacon. Pictures every child should know. Grossett. 1.00 4-7 Bryant. The children's book of celebrated sculpture. Century. 2.50 4-7 Bryant. The children's book of celebrated pictures. Century. 2.50 Ref. Caffin. How to study pictures. Century. 2.00 6-11 Conway. Children's book of art. Macmillan. 2.50 Ref. Gardner. Art through the ages. Harcourt. 2.00 2-7 '"Lester. Great pictures and their stories. (8 vols., grades 1 to 8.) Mentzer. Each .72 6-11 McClelland. Thy young decorators. Harper. 2.50 4-8 Whitcomb. Young people's story of art. Dodd. 3.50 CLASS NO. 700. FINE ARTS— MUSIC 8-11 Bauer. How music grew (ref.) Putnam. 4.50 6-8 Brewer. Story lives of master musicians. Stokes. 2.50 5-7 Cross. Music stories for girls and boys. Ginn. .80 4-6 Kinscella. Music appreciation readers. Book III. .80 5-7 Music appreciation readers. Book IV. .85 5-7 La Parade. Alice in Orchestralia. Doubleday. 1.00 5-8 Scholes. Complete book of the great musicians. Oxford. 4.25 5-11 Walter. Christmas carols. Macmillan. 2.00 4-8 Whitcomb. Young people's story of music. Dodd. 3.50 CLASS NO. 793. PLAYS 7-8 Darlington. Telenka, the wise, and other folk tales in dramatic form. Woman's Press. 2.00 7-11 "Field. The cross-stitch heart, and other plays. Scribner. 1.25 7-8 *Finney. Plays old and new. Allyn. 1.00 5-8 Hague. Dramatic moments in American history. Univ. Pub. 1.16 7-11 Jagendorf. One-act plays for young folks. Brentano. 2.00 5-7 Lutkenhaus. New plays for school children. Century. 1.75 5-7 "Meigs. The steadfast princess. Macmillan. .75 4-6 *Morse. Goldtree and silvertree; fairy plays to read and act. Macmillan. .84 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 25 Grades List Price 7-11 Moses. Another treasury of plays for children. Little. 3.00 6-9 *Price. Short plays from American history and literature (for classroom use). French (Book I, 1.25), Book 2 1.75 5-7 Reighard. Plays for people and puppets. Dutton. 2.50 6-7 *Stitt and Goldberg. Let's act. Silver. .96 7-11 Taylor and Greene. The shady hill play book. Macmillan. 2.25 3-5 Walters. Puppet shows. Dodd. 2.00 4-7 *Wells. Jolly plays for holidays. Baker. .75 4-6 *Whitney. Some little plays and how to act them. Beckley. .90 CLASS NO. 790. AMUSEMENTS AND GAMES 4-6 Adams. Cork ships and how to make them. Dutton. 1.25 5-8 Adams. When mother lets us model. Dodd. 1.00 3-5 Bailey. Sixty games and pastimes. Albert Whitman. 1.00 5-7 Beard. The complete play craft book. Stokes. 2.50 6-11 Chalmers. The boy scout and his law. Macmillan. 1.25 7-11 Collett. Golf for young players. Little. 1.50 6-11 Collins. Boys' book of amusements. Appleton. 2.00 Elliott and Forbush. Games for every day (teachers' use). Macmillan. 1.75 5-7 Fisher. What shall we do now. Stokes. 2.50 6-11 Forbush and Allen. Book of games. Winston. 2.00 7 Hall. Handicraft for handy boys. Lothrop. ' 2.50 5-7 Hughes. Hand work for boys. Bruce. 1.50 6-11 Jessup. The boys' book of canoeing. Dutton. 2.00 3-5 Keyes. When mother lets us play. Dodd. 1.00 1-7 Marsh. Singing, games and drills, for rural schools, play- ground workers and teachers (for teachers). Barnes. 2.00 3-4 Perry. When mother lets us act. Dodd. 1.00 3-5 Plimpton. Your workshop. Macmillan. 1.50 6 Snow. A hundred things a girl can make. Lippincott. 2.50 4-6 Rich. When mother lets us make toys. Dodd. 1.00 1-7 Ross. Graded games for rural schools (for teachers). Barnes. .80 6-7 Verrill. The boy collector's handbook. McBride. 2.00 5-7 Worst. Coping saw work. Bruce. 2.40 4-6 Wheeler. Playing with clay. Macmillan. 2.00 5-7 Wright. Toys every child can make. Bruce. 1.60 STORIES 7-8 Adams. Toto and the gift. Macmillan. 2.00 6-8 Amicis De. The heart of a boy. Rand. .80 5-7 Ashmun. School keeps today. Macmillan. 1.75 4 Bailey. When grandfather was a boy. Ginn. .72 4-6 Baker. The dog, the brownie, and the bramble patch. Duffield. 2.00 7-11 Boyd. Drums. Scribners. 2.50 26 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 4-6 Brann. Nanette of the wooden shoes. Macmillan. 2.00 4-6 Brown. The lonesomest doll (il. by Rackham). Houghton. 1.75 5-7 Burnett. Secret garden. Stokes, 2.50. Grossett. .75 6-11 Cannon. The pueblo boy. Houghton. 2.00 4-6 Capuana. Nimble-legs. Longmans. 1.50 6-7 Carter. Three points of honor. Little-Brown. 2.00 7-11 *Case. Tom of Peace Valley. Lippincott. 1.75 6-7 Cheyney. Scott Burton in the Blue Ridge. Appleton. 1.75 4-6 Coatsworth. The cat and the captain. Macmillan. 1.00 4-5 Cobb. Clematis. Arlo. .60 4-5 *Cobb. Dan's boy. Arlo. .60 4-6 Condon. The understanding prince. Little-Brown. .85 6-11 *Cooper. The pathfinder. Allyn. 1.00 4-6 Craik. The little lame prince. (Dunlap ed.) Rand McNally. 1.50 5-6 *Dagliesh. West Indian play days. Rand. .80 7-9 Daniel. The gauntlet of Gunmore. Macmillan. 1.75 5-7 Darby. Skip-come-a Lou. Stokes. 1.75 5-7 Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. (Golden books for children.) McKay. 1.20 6-7 *Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. Winston. .88 6-7 *Dodge. Hans Brinker. (popular classics.) Winston. .88 4-6 Dombrowski. Abdallah and the donkey. Macmillan. 2.00 5-8 Douglas. Three boy scouts in Africa. Putnam. 1.75 7-11 Doyle. The white company. Harper. 2.50 5-7 Erskine. After school: a story of patriotism. Appleton. 1.00 4-5 Fairstar. Memoirs of a London doll. Macmillan. 1.00 5-8 Field. Eliza and the elves. Macmillan. 1.5Q 3-5 Field. Little Dog Toby. Macmillan. 1.00 3-4 Field. Polly Patchwork. Doubleday. .75 6-8 Fitinghoff. Children of the moor. Houghton. 2.00 4-6 Folger. Rusty Pete of the Lazy Ab. Macmillan. 1.75 6-8 Forbes. Mary and Marcia, partners. Macmillan. 1.50 4-6 Freeman. Green door. Dodd-Mead. 1.25 3-5 Fyleman. Forty good morning tales. Doubleday-Doran. 2.00 7-8 *Garland. Boy life on the prairie. Allyn. 1.00 4-6 Grishina. Sparrow House. Stokes. 2.00 6-11 Hale. The man without a country, (il. by Milo Winter.) Whitman. 1.00 6-9 Harper. Siberian gold. Doubleday. 2.00 5-6 Harper and Hamilton. Far away hills. Macmillan. .96 4-5 ____ Winding roads. Macmillan. .88 7-11 *Hawes. The dark frigate. Little. 2.00 6-8 Hudson. Far away and long ago. Dutton. 1.10 5-7 Little boy lost. Knopf. 1.25 4-5 Hurlbutt. Little Heiskell. Dutton. 2.00 5-8 Hyer. Hurricane harbor. Marshall Jones. 1.75 7-11 Jewett. Betty Leicester. Houghton. 2.50 3-5 Justus. Peter Pocket. Doubleday. 1.50 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 27 Grades List Price 6-11 Kelly. Trumpets of Krakow. Macmillan. 2.50 5-7 Kilmer. A buttonwood summer. Doubleday-Doran. 2.00 5-7 Lamprey. Masters of the guild. Stokes. 2.50 6-11 The treasure valley. Morrow. 2.50 5-7 Lansing. Magic gold. Little-Brown. 2.00 4-6 Leetch. Annetje and her family. Lothrop. 1.25 3-5 Lindsay. Silverfoot. Lothrop. 1.50 4-6 Lofting. Voyages of Dr. Dolittle. Stokes. 2.50 5-7 Dr. Dolittle's garden. Stokes. 2.50 5-7 Malkus. Dragon fly of Zuni. Harcourt. 2.50 7-11 Marryat. Masterman Ready, (il. by John Rae.) Harper. 1.75 5-7 Meigs. As the crow flies. Macmillan. 1.75 6-7 Rain on the roof. Macmillan. 1.75 6-8 The trade wind. Little-Brown. 2.00 4-6 The wonderful locomotive. Macmillan. 2.00 5-7 Miller. Children of the mountain eagle. Doubleday. 2.00 3-5 Milne. The house at Pooh corner. Dutton. 2.00 3-5 Winnie-the-pooh. Dutton. 2.00 6-7 Moon. Chi Wee. Doubleday. 2.00 5-7 Morley. I know a secret. Doubleday. 2.00 7-11 Newberry. Forward ho! Stokes. 2.00 5-7 Nusbaum. Deric with the Indians. Putnam. 1.75 7-8 Paine. First down, Kentucky. Grossett. .75 3-5 Phillips. Popover family. Houghton. 1.75 5-7 Pyle. Book of pirates, (popular ed.) Harper. 2.50 5-6 Robinson. Sarah's Dakin. Dutton. 2.00 5-7 Seaman. Jacqueline, the carrier pigeon. Macmillan. 1.50 4-6 Sherwood. The merry pilgrimage. Macmillan. 1.00 6-8 Skinner. The white leader. Macmillan. 1.75 6-8 Slaughter. Shakespeare and the heart of a child. Macmillan. 1.75 5-6 Smith. Jolly good times. Little-Brown. 2.00 5-11 Snedeker. Beckoning road. Doubleday. 2.00 6-8 Downright Dencey. Doubleday. 2.00 5-7 *Spyri. Heidi. Winston. .88 4-6 Heidi. Rand. 1.00 5-6 * — Jorli — the story of a Swiss boy. Sanborn. .52 4-5 Peppino. Lippincott. .75 4-6 Stein. Children's stories. Page. 1.65 7-11 *Stevenson. Kidnapped. Winston. .88 7-11 * Treasure Island. Winston. .88 4-5 *Suhrie-Gee. Story-friends. World. .76 6 *Swift. Gulliver's travels. Ginn. .76 6-8 Twain. Roughing it. Harper. 1.00 6-8 Wadsworth. Paul Bunyan and his great blue ox. Doran. 2.00 5-7 Wells. An American farm. Doubleday-Doran. 2.00 4-6 White. Joan Morse. Houghton. 1.65 4-5 White. Peggy in her blue frock. Houghton. 1.65 28 Supplementary Classified List — 1929 Grades List Price 7-8 White. Snake gold. Macmillan. 1.75 5-7 Whitney. Tod of the fens. Macmillan. 2.25 6-7 ::: Wilson. White Indian boy. World. 1.20 5-7 Wyss. Swiss family Robinson. (Washington Square classics.) Macrae. 1.00 5-7 Zwilgmeyer. Inger Johanne's lively doings. Lothrop. 1.75 5-8 Van Buren. Christmas in storyland. Century. 2.00 4-5 Youmans. Skitter cat. Bobbs-Merrill. 1.50 suggested list of magazines The following magazines are suggested for use in standard elementary schools. Those recommended for first purchase are starred. All magazines are monthly unless otherwise indicated. I. For Youngest Readers: 1. *Child Life. Rand McNally Co. 536 S. Clark Street, Chicago, 111. $3.00 2. *John Martin's Book. John Martin's Book House. 33 49th St., New York City. 4.00 II. For Older Children: 1. *Saint Nicholas. Century Co. 355 Fourth Avenue, New York City. 4.00 2. * Youth's Companion (weekly). Perry Masson Co. 8 Arlington St., Boston, Mass. 2.00 3. *The American Boy. Sprague Publishing Co., Detroit, Mich. 2.00 4. ^National Geographic. National Geographic Society, Hubbard Memorial Hall, Washington, D. C. 3.50 5. ^Popular Mechanics. Popular Mechanics Publishing Co. 200 E. Ontario, Chicago, 111. 2.50 6. Radio News. Experimenter Publishing Co. 53 Park Place, New York City. 2.50 7. Scientific American. Scientific American Publishing Co. 24-25 W. 40th St., New York City. 4.00 8. ::: The Nature Magazine. American Nature Association. 1214 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 3.00 9. Bird Lore (bi-monthly). Harrisburg, Pa. 1.50 10. Boys' Life. The Boy Scout Magazines. 2 Park Avenue, New York City. 2.00 11. The American Girl. Girl Scouts, Inc. 670 Lexington Ave., New York City. 1.50 12. The Mentor. Crowell Publishing Co., Springfield, Ohio. 4.00 13. Music and Youth (for grades 6-10). Evans Bros. 16 Arlington St., Boston, Mass. 2.00 III. For Current News: World News (weekly). Franklin Square Agency, New York. 1.25 Current Events (weekly). Franklin Square Agency, New York. .75 Compton's Pictured Newspaper. F. E. Compton and Co. 1000 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. .50