Cp385. C2>3-fe\ Supplement to statement of earnings and expenses V The Howell Collection OF HISTORICAL MATERIALS Presented by Kay Kyser And his Mother Emily Royster Howell Kyser As a Memorial To her Brother Edward Vernon Howell Dean School of Pharmacy i 897-1 93 i * * THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Cp38&l LIBRARY ' ■ ■: . ■■• ■ w « " .■'■. ....'•■'•) msm mm%Wm^ This hook must not he taken from the lAhvavy huildinQ. Yri-iS HTU HAS BEEN MICF OFiLMED SUPPLEMENT TO STATEMENT OF THE EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF THE eyRailwayCo. FOR FIVE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1895, SHOWING TAXES, RENTAL OF SOUTH CAROLINA PACIFIC RAILWAY, RENT OF ROLLING STOCK, AND OTHER AMOUNTS TO BE ADDED TO OR DEDUCTED FROM EARNINGS AND EXPENSES, TO SHOW THE NET IKCOME OF THE COMPANY FOR THE SAID PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS, AS ASCERTAINED BY THE EXPERT EMPLOYED BY THE RECEIVER. AUGUST 17, 1896. ADDENDUM. The following figures should be substituted for those found on page 13 of the Five Years' report, under head of "South Carolina Pacific Railway,' 1 and opposite the items " Total Local" and "Total Through Passenger Earnings": Total Local, .... $11,376 42 Total Through, .... 736 09 Total, .... $12,112 51 SUPPLEMENT TO STATEMENT OF THE EARNINGS AND EXPENSES OF THE !mr i Id FOR FIVE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1895, SHOWING TAXES, RENTAL OF SOUTH CAROLINA PACIFIC RAILWAY, RENT OF ROLLING STOCK, AND OTHER AMOUNTS TO BE ADDED TO OR DEDUCTED FROM EARNINGS AND EXPENSES, TO SHOW THE N"ET INCOME OF THE COMPANY FOR THE SAID PERIOD OF FIVE Y'EARS, AS ASCERTAINED BY THE EXPERT EMPLOYED BY THE RECEIVER. AUGUST 17, 1896. INDEX Amounts added or deducted from the Earnings and Expenses of the report for five years ending June 30, 1895, ... 3 Distribution of Taxes, ........ 4 Rental of South Carolina Pacific Railway, 4 Rent of Rolling Stock owned by the North State Imp. Co., . 5 Items charged to Construction ; should be in Expenses, . 6 Items charged to Equipment; should be in Expenses, . . 7 Deduction from Earnings ; improper charges to North State Imp. Co., 8 Items charged to North State Imp. Co. ; should be in Expenses, . 9 Items according to Master's Report; to be charged in Expenses, 10 From Profit and Loss Account ; to be added to Earnings, . .11 From Profit and Loss Account; to be deducted from Earnings, . 11 From Profit and Loss Account ; to be added to Expenses, . . 12 From Profit and Loss Account; to be deducted from Expenses, . 13 Betterments by the Receiver ; charged in Expenses, . . .14 Summary of Earnings and Expenses for five years ending June 30, 1895, after making additions and deductions in Supple- mentary Statement, ........ 15 Supplementary Statement of Local Passenger Earnings, . . 16 Supplementary Statement of Through Passenger Earnings, . 17 Supplementary Statement of Local Freight Earnings, . . 18 Supplementary Statement of Through Freight Earnings, . . 19 The examination of the books of the Company by the expert em- ployed by the Receiver shows the following amounts to be added to or deducted from Earnings and Expenses for the five years ending June 30, 1895 : Taxes, EARNINGS. EXPENSES. Additions to. Deductions Additions to. Deductions from. * Rent South Carolina Pa- cific Railway, Rent of Rolling Stock (ac- cording to Master's Re- port) Improper Charges to Con- struction, Improper Charges to Equipment, . Improper Charges to North State Improve- ment Company, . . . Rent of Property (accord- ing to the Master's Re- port), 0,039.26 From Profit and Loss Ac- | count, I 1,303.07 541. $ 84,397.41 31,380.00 53,780.09 18,118.83 2,470.57 68,653.77 2,345.00 13,433.44$ 4,210.33 . . . J 7,211.10 Betterments by Receiver, . Total, .... I$l,303.67;$6,580.59 l$274,579.71 $11,421.43 Farmer* Loan and Trust Co. vs. Cap, Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Cwnpany. Oape iFoar- and. Tadlx-in Valley H-ailTTcay Company. TL, ful lowing Slatcnfrit- show tlie details of the above Debits and Credits, and the Distribution, of them to the several ] of the System by the methods used in the Statement for Five Years. DISTRIBUTION OP TAXES for Five Years ending JvneW, 1895. ,„:,„ „.| CD w;,„. S. c. p. RV. M a .lis,,n Ess Branch | Am °' ,nt - I''...r Wiir .-hiliriL' Jinn: Mil, For Vear ending June oil. For Vear endinj/ June MM, For Year endiny J mi.-- Ml), For Year ending June 30, 1891. 1.192. l.i'.i::. 1894, 1895, $ 5,364 4 7,0411 ' 7,833 8,727 _ $37,420 2 81 ' $ 2,866 78 17 1,286 03 22] 59 155 19 $ 716 07 935 18 944 03 :ii- c-,7 881 95 $4405 90 $ 506 21 872 99 S72 05 875 57 873 75 $4,000 57 $ 312 25 519 62 216 63 562 20 489 46 $2,100 16 $ S 57 97| $11,912 49 44 92 1112 'J! 113 28 $260 49 85 59 17,563 90 94 23 19,020 13 77 36 17,949 77 Amo.nl, • i $15,58.' 10 $20,210 04 $414 62 $84,397 41 RENTAL OF Sill ITU CAROLINA I' \'4F[r RAILWAY /or Five Yean \ DWi»ion ,. ■ ,. 6.C.P.R.,. £52 ■S5° ISSJKCl *™ For Year ending June 30, 1891. ■ 27. 0.276 00 6.276 00 6.276 0,1 6,276 00 For Year ending June ".u, 1893, Fnr Year ending June 30. 1894. For Year ending June 30, 1895, 6,276 00 1 ■ Farmers Loan and Trust Company vs. Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Company. Oapo Fear /rnca. YacaiaLiix "VfiXley HSL±l.s3vek,-y GomiD&ia/y". RENTAL OF ROLLING STOOK oumedhy the North SloU Improvement Company (according to He Master's Report). Conducting Transportation. A Division. B Division. C Division. S. C. P. R'y. Factory Br'eb. Mndison Br'cb. Three Months ending June 30, 1891. 27. Car Mileage Balance, If 2,069 32 $ 372 98 $ 630 41 $ 54 92 $ 24 44 $ 22 22 For Year ending dune 30, 1892. 27. Oar Mileage Balance, 7,864 62 1,908 38 2,454 36 269 18 92 69 107 93 For Year ending June 30, 1893. 27. Oar Mileage Balance, 7,718 60 2,115 35 2,335 01 239 98 109 19 179 03 For Year ending June 30, 1894. 27. Oar Mileage Balance, 7,500 21 2,142 01 2,630 86 241 25 96 50 86 34 Conducting Transportation. „ „„ , " r F„r ],,,, .„,/,„„ ./«,„• 3u, 1895 34. Hire of Equipment (but distri- bution same as above), 7,360 03 2,260 18 2,54178 166 45 112 64 73 84 Grand Total, $32,512 78 $8,798 90 $10,592 41 $971 78 $435 46 $469 36 Farmer* loan anil Trust Company vs. Cape Fear and Yadkin Falley Railway Company. Capo JF*e£vx" and Ywri i^in Valley UstilTT^-ay Oomp^vEiy. ITEMS CHARGED TO CONSTRUCTION: SHOULD BE CHARGED TO EXPENSES. A Division. 11 Division. Division. S. C. P. R'y. Factory Branch. Mnilis,,ii Branch. MAINTENANCE OF WAV AND STRUCTURES, For Year ending June 30, 1891. 1. Repairs of Roadway, ..... 4. Repairs Brings ami Culverts, 6 Repairs of Buildings $ 958 42 26 66 $311 50 $709 95 $ $ $76 92 $2,056 79 $2,438 38 .$311 50 $747 79 $ 68 99 $76 92 Maintenance ok Way and Structures, F„r Year ending June 30, 1892. 1. Repairs of Roadway, ..... 4. Repairs Bridges aiol Culverts, 6. Repairs of Buildings, . Totai $523 89 210 67 $123 60 106 7C $1S5 40 118 53, $ 15 36 $ 27 44 832 13 16 64 $ 865 02 495 34 $734 56 $230 30 $303 93 $161 37 $ 27 44 $48 77 $1,506 37 Maintenance ok Way and Structures, For Voir ending June 30, 1893. 1 Repairs ,,f itoadway, ..... -1 llepairs Bridges and Culverts. llepairs of Buildings, Totai - 668 iv, - 14 1 23 $156 26 1,413 29 124 77 $ 4 50 $ 40 45 6 05 109 10 4,218 47 $3,90S 42 $329 63 $109 1" $4 50 $104 35 $0,076 08 Maintenance ok Way and Structures, F,.r Fern ending Junt 30, 1894. 1 lo pan - ..i luiadwav, ..... 4. Repairs lo „!«,., and Culverl-. o Repairs of Buildings ft 115 Ii3 3,284 94 ¥ - 22 ,1 2,188 10 $ $ $ $ 138 17 ■ $S01 87, $2,210 64 $282 89 $6,892 80 Grand Totai $10,738 76 $2,903 77 $3,591 99 (553 'jo $100 93 $230 04 $18,118 83 Farmers Loan and Trust Company vs. Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Company. Capo Pear and "ST&clliJLaa "\7"ajVA©y Rallwray Company. ITEMS CHARGED TO EQUIPMENT: SHOULD BE CHARGED TO EXPENSES. A Division. B Division. C Division. S. C. P. Ry. Factory Branch. Madison Brand]. M, intknanck OF Equipment. For Year ending June 30, L892. 10. Repair. 13. Repiiirs jmJ Renewal, of Locomotive, and Renewals of Tugs, Floats, etc., Total $ 236 80 127 39 $101 32 154 52 $ 99 9U 71 67 $14 91 9 29 $12 12 16 59 $ T 64 10 07 $ 471 69 299 53 $ 363 lil $165 84 $171 57 $24 2n $2s 71 $17 71 $ 771 22 M UNTENANTS OF EQUIPMENT. For Year ending June 30, 1S93. 1". Repair. 13. Repairs and Renewals of Locomotives, and Renewals of Tugs, Floats, etc., Totai Grand Total, . 594 3(1 195 31 286 84 98 92 272 33 109 90 32 86 14 24 28 52 25 44 25 17 15 43 1,240 11 459 24 $ 789 70 $385 76 $382 23 $47 10 $53 96 $40 60 $1,099 35 $1,152 89 1551 (10 $553 80 $71 30 $82 67 $58 31 $2,470 57 Farmer) Loan and Trmt Co. vs. Cape Fear and )'./r«-;„ Valley Railway Company. 8 Oape JPoar &xici "y^<3.1s.iii "\7"£*.Xl©y Hail-OTray Company. EARNINGS CHARGED TO NORTH STATE IMPROVEMENT COMPANY AND INCLUDED IN EARNINGS OF THE CAPE FEAR AND YADKIN VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY IN THE FIVE YEARS' REPORT. A Division. IJ Division. C Division S. o Foaf ancL YartHIn v«Uey HMlway company. ITEMS CHARGED TO THE NORTH STATE IMPROVEMENT CO SHOULD BE CHARGED IN EXPENSES Maihtehah.i: ok Wat ahi. Stbi Maintenance of Equipment. 10. Repair* aud Renewals of Locomotives, . . 53 08 21 17' 24 46 2 69 2 74 . 1 T1 10 — 34. General Office Expenfloa and Supplies, . r, 144 18 1,720 4S 1,1*37 GO 251 09 448 08 27.' 08 : :;:.: :.. j 8.073 57 ■ r.il Expenses, . 18 77 38 10 56 1 37 2 44 1 48 zi\ ~— Total 3483 58 1 743 10 1.003 "0 254 40 15 ■ 9E 275 66 17 Uoinlonuiictt of Way and Structures, . 1 r,4 If. ■■•■:.•}■' 50 !."'"' s:; ■ ■ 171 275 66 1,5.14 12 ''l05 85 -1.-. Mfiirileii-irirfol Equipment, 3.481* 58 1,743 I*:. 1.963 20 254 40 GRAND TOTAL, ■,.,'.., :-] 5.683 83 3.084 40 257 09 882 30 2T737 1* '^ 12 | _L 5 ^i c ^! U HHTl WASl E OF VfVi AMD STRUCTURES, Far y.ar ending June 30, 1892. Renewals of Ties 7. Repairs ol Doric-md Wharves, . G 38 «.a 27 00 157 75 3 59 47 56 11 0,886 80 15 00 4 CONDU TING THANBTOnTATlON. j »»: 3 60 25. Station Supplies 770 47 300 22 433 52 50 16 100 37 00 85 84, Gonernl Office Expenses and Supplies. . 'j; mi; ■ iU 1.471 80 1,0 RU! 21 !" :: 3 1£ 0,832 87 60 70 2;. 82 T5TAL. .... 3,820 51 1,938 00 2.153 05 278 91 ! 498 45 302 28, 8,997 20 30 50 3 60 2,153 05 158 22 1. 498 ^ 3 00 3,820 ."■: 1.938 00 302 28 .:,.. dTotai . 2,598 88 2,187 24 437 13 555 98 302 78 ■ 1..,, J 30. 1898. 2. Renewals of Rails 5 04" 5 042 05 554 76 483 25 35160 lS^SfMS 554 7C 1,497 04 722 44 B85 Of. 82 77 IL!i . '" ' 10. Repa.rs and Renewals of Locomot.ves. . 23. Exponsos of Telegraph, eto.. .... 472 22 239 17 265 70 2 50 34 42 61 51 37 31 1,110 33 2 50 350 00 __ __1'__ 350 00 472 22 589 V 268 21 487 67 7 73 03 17 112 90 ,■ r; 866 71 13 73 438 oe 2,037 88 4 C8 1 2 3 2 34 4 61 " .- 14 85 1.866 24] 945 1 1,1)50 n 136 02 243 It 147 4 Rf umi.ATION OF EXPBHSBE. 47, Maintenance of Way ar.J Structures. . 48, Maintenance of Equipment 10 Oonduoting Transportation. 50. General Expanses, B.46D T7 3,696 - 1.407 04 722 4 472 22 580 1 1.806 24 945 1 554 7 5.042 03 4 82 77 si B ; 1,050 06} 186 02 24:: li 147 4 12,805 27 5 158 2,558 02 788 46 Maihtkkasoi oi Wah a mi Structures, For Kni ending J i 80, 1894 3,550 95 2.401 C , 821 70. 89 25 45 0* Conducting Transportation. 28, Expenses of Telegraph, oto., 180 58 96 1 106 67 13 82 24 t, 1498 44., ,b General Expenses, Hi ■ m ; ruL.t noa oi Expenses. ■IT M .oe of Waj 1 Structures, - I 101 00 621 7" 89 25 180 58 06 02 106 87 13 .-2 45 01 SI 10 General! .... 1,011 00 512 04 568 85 73 CO Grani. Total, .? 201 :' $ 126 ' ' I Farmers Loan and Trust C Oape f oar nnd TadJiln Valley H.a.li-CT7ity Ocm according to the Master*! Report, to be Charged in E&pentet. (Rental of Buildings at Wilm Cape Fear and T«dku. I"u% /uiiltrni: Company. General Expense. ».-■■ BD^ICD,.,,™. S.C..K-, !;:.:;:;: £!:,:: A— 43. Rents Ye Ye Ye Ye iot mlienvisc provided for: r emJinj; .rune :»<. 1 SMI, . rolnlintfj'nnu ::n\ IM^ '. \ reridm-JuneUlUSiH, . Ukand Total, .... 8U4 47 235 18 8 57 18 129 24 lafl 24 $ G4 40 143 58 143 58 624 37 8 8 35 814 89 33 24 ;;;; -J4 8 9 04 20 hi 8 268 33 600 00 GOO 00 8765 89 8387 10 8975 93 855 83 899 75 860 50 *"- ,4: Farmer* L..a„ and Tm-t Co. vs. Cape ftar and Y.ulkin Y,Uh v H,tilwa !t Company. Oa-i>o Fear and YatiU 1 -n Valley RaUxtray Company, FROM PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT: TO BE ADDED TO EARNINGS. Mi--. ■ For Year ■ niling ■> y " For Vear Mil For Year Mis .Pfer r« Express, Express, Miscel i nncons, G B AK1> Toi 1" 70 1,2( $11 83 I *1,3( M;nM PROFIT Wl.i l.uss Ai'l'iifNT. Tn 1!E hKI >l 1-KnM KAKNIX«S. EuNUTM. c- ,«.,,.,„. ■»■» &s «Et /;„ roar WMKnff Jun. 30, 189L: Freight , 8 «.... $40 40 $40 40 /■;., Year wiling Juil 30, IS32 4 05 * 50 1 .14 03 IS SI /•'..,■ Year ,,„li,a, Ju,u 30, 1W3: Mieeollnneons, .... 31 SO row 17 05 2 32 4 15 2 52 75 00 /■:.;■ )'.-„■ rtw/ins ./"- 30, 1894: l"n.'i B 1u Miacelliinoons, .... s !S si I s is 1 ™ [JJ ',"1 Total, . ILT^ ITS 10 49 TTTi rs ^H~i Freight, . ... 51 .1 111 03 .12 01 07 Ki i .i 1 1. 1 1 .1..'. F» u ■ ■ - 53 50 50 02 !: I 03 ';' !'' 249 00 8»»T«,«, 8237 7„ 8100 20 810 i I .,. u J50 -:■ $541 3:J Farmer* Loan and Trust Company vs. Cape Fear ami Yadkin Valley Railway Company. Cape Pear a,n