A VINDICATION OF THE CHARACTER OF THE REVER'D DAVID HENKEL, Residing in Lincoln County, N C. By the Elders , fyc. of his several congregations, State of North Carolina, November l$th, 1819. We, the subscribers, do hereby certify that we have been acquainted with the reverend David Henkel for several years past, and who hath livedo in our neighbourhood for some length of time, and hath beha.^J himself as a good neighbour and citizen, and is of good mo- ral character Given from under our hands. Joh£ae"e!' eSqUife '} ELDERS. Henderson, Daniel Ziegel, iy, Peter Wyan, jel, Daniel Michael, :e, Samuel Vound, Ilein, senr. Jacob Hauser, Thomas Huber, Michael Mas teller, John Jarrett, Jacob Michael, Henry" Roth, minister Jacob Haas, of the Goxpel. John Lohr, John Hoke, Rudolph Roth, John Butts, P. He.izpj;, Conrad Michael, Christian Bolnnger, J. M. Motz, Samuel Sulivan, Abraham Hefner, John Hefner, Henry Kistler, George Lentz, Jacob Lentz, Philip Gross, John Trorbach, Henry Klein, junr. John Lyn, George Ziegel, senr. George Ziegel, junr. Peter Michael, senr. Isaiah Pain, % Margareth Sebach, wi- dow David Boehm, David Dranberg, senr. David Dranberg, junr. George Dranberg, Henry Zimmerman, Jacob Kiein, Peter Hoyle, esqr. Jonas Rudisel, John Brindel, Peter Michael, junr. Daniel Strieker, George Lohr. Lincoln County, n c. January I6tk, 1820. The subscribers living near the waters of Beaverdam and Longcreek, say the same in substance with respect to the character of the reverend David Henkel, as the above Jacob Aclerholt, IVlichael Rudisel, John Boehm, e Zeller, Philip Zeller, Jacob Froneberger, John Froneberger, John Blackwood, esq. John Froneberger, jr. John Zeller, Henry Zeller, Joshua Rob William F John Rob obejM^> Ft^^&er, w Y , Tf^. * WhiteHaven, Lincoln County, Bee 26th, 1819. lo all whom it may concern. Beit known, that we, the subscribers, liv ina; near and within the neighbourhood o White Haven meeting-house, have been aci quainted with the reverend David Henkel fo: some considerable length of time, as he ha; successively preached in the aforesaid meeting house for more than six years, and that we never saw any base conduct in him, as it re- spects a citizen, a christian, a moral person and a minister of the gospel ; and we believe that he aims at the promotion of the welfare of mankind. Jones Abernathy, Miles D. Abernathy, William Hager, senr. Christian Hager, Jacob T. Forney, Henry Rudisel, John Farrow, Jacob Kloninger, Battee Abernathy, William Hager, junr. _ Henry Conner, sr. esq, Henry Edelman, John Abernathy, John Walker, iunr. \ELDERS. Abraham Forney, Alexander Reed, John Garner, J. J. Abernathy, Philip Pollard, Nathaniel Farrow, W. Abernathy, J. King. an, rnathy. Drury Kimberl, Miles W. Abernathy, W . Robinson, Robert Abernathy, S. Vaughn, Joshua Abernathy, John V. Abernathy, John Little, Berryman Abernathy, Philip Whitner, Wm. Bragg. Lebanon, Lincoln County, n. c. January 1st. 1820. We, the subscribers, living near and within he neighbourhood of Lebanon meeting house, estify the same as those of White Haven do vith respect to the conduct of the reverend >avid Henkel. 6 6» S3l f 4 Xelbers. Nathan Gualteney,. Nicholas Miller, George Edton, Mathias Biry, junr. Daniel Kloninger, Henry Kloninger, John Biry, John Meyers, Thomas Guthry, Jacob Arenas, Jesse More, B. Bragg, Frederick Mussgenug John D. Abernathy, Philip Young, Moses Bumgardner, Mathias Killian, Daniel Killian, Frederick Killian, Alexander Sherril, Charles Beaty, Gabriel Sherril, John Leinberger, Jacob F. Abernathy, Mathias Biry, Jacob Satnmet, John Sifford, Moses Abernathy, Thomas Beaty, Michael Kloninger, Philadelphia Church H^^V^^' N.C. December 25th, 1819. The subscribers living near and withintn neighbourhood of Philadelphia meeting-honse also g declare that they have known the rev ^eren David Henkel, a long time, Wg ate their minister,) and that he has behaved hi* self as an honest, upright and well behaved pei son, and as becomes his office. Michael Costner, senr."J Peter Rein, y ELD John Hufman, senr. I Jacob Best, ^ p^.. „„ Frederick Leinberger, Jacob Costner, junr, * 'iv,n^ P ra. John Howis, Lewis Tranberg, David Rudisel, Michael Rein, Frederick Howis, Lewis Leinberger, George Basor. David Smith John Howis, Solomon Shrum, Peter Summey, David Summey, John Summey, Thomas Berry, John Hoyle, $ ^ohn Leinberger, Adam Kloninger, George Hcvv;S, Christian Best, David Kloninger, Jesse Elmore, Michael Rein, junr. John Hofman.junr. {Lewis Clemmer, Solomon Dottero, Christian Roth, John Ho' man, Jacob Rein, Solomon Rein, Daniel Rein, William Centre, John Shrum, Michael Sumraey, Jonas Hofman, Jacob Howis, George Basor, junr. Hugh Jenkins, [John Stroup, Moses Dellinger, Jonas Friday, David Basor, Elizabeth Friday, wi- dow. . Chvi^ki Summey, Jbna^flr Dottero, DanieiHufman, Nicholas Friday, Jacob Costner, senr. T. Ramsey, Margareth Hoyle, wi- dow Michael Best, Jacob Rein, Samuel Hasled, Samuel Wells, Jo-eph Jenkins, W. McB reedy, David Jenkins, Samuel Best, Adam Hufstattler, William Jenkins, John Rein, Michael Rein, Michael Leinberger, Randel Elmore, Jonathan Tranberg, Michael Costner, jun. David Troutman, Joseph Hofman, Moses Kloninger, Jonas Costner, Lewis Dellinger, Jonas Stroup, Jacob Stroup, Eli Clemmer, Henry Hope, Jacob Plank, John Carpenter, John Dottero, John Clemmer. St. John's Churchy Lincoln County, N. C. January 8th, 1820. We, the subscribers, living near and within $he neighbourhood of St. John's church, fee} 2 6 ourselves in duty bound to protect the innocent and to defend those who are fal-ely accused.— The reverend David Henkel has preached in this neighbourhood, and has been the regular minister of St. John's church for more than five years : we do hereby certify that said Da- vid tienkel has always conducted himself a- mong us like an honest, upright and well be- haved person, and as a man of truth. All evil reports which are afloat about him, have no manner of weight with us not to esteem him as a worthy minister of the gospel, as we know his character and standing too well. John Stein, senr. "] Peter Little, esqr. j Christopher Siegman. [ELDERS. John Smith, T Peter Hoke, 1 John Eisenhauer, J Frederick Hoke, esq. Moses Justus, Daniel Hoke, Andrew Fullbright, Frederick Hoke,jun. George Smith, Lewis Haeffer, senr. Daniel Woodring, Lewis Haeffer, junr. William Hainen, Andrew Killian, Andrew Shook, jacob Weik, Christopher Hofman, John Weik, Henry Degenhart, Jacob Stein, John Stein, Daniel Stein, Jacob Kibler, jacob Deal, Henry Shool^Jp George Siegman, sen. Philip Staway, John Setzer, Alexander Grayham, Mathias Barringer, Peter Little, junr. Bernhard Bauer, Jacob Little, Henry Egross, john Noll, William Siegman, jacob Bastian, senr. Henry Siegman, Jacob Bastian, junr. John Miller, Jacob Lewis, Adam Bolich, Aaron Townson, 7 Anthony Muss, Jacob Hofman, Conrad Weinberger, George Legal, Daniel Eisenhauser, Dewald Grund Henry Stein, Frederick Mock, David Alexander, Michael Hefner, Philip Hetrich, Henry Tritt, John Fullbright, Nicholas Zimmerman, John Tritt, Andrew Hoke, Peter Rees, Jacob Rees, Samuel Lusk, Joseph Oliver, John Hoke, Adam Bolich, Daniel Yount, William Fullbright, Leonard Klein, Jacob Seip, racob Legel, Peter Legel, \dam j#untz, iVilliam^Odam, oseph Shook, William Eckert, Henry Yount, ohn Siegman, ohn Sammet, jreorge Shook, Vndrew Yount, acob Fullbright, ohn Stein, junr. Christopher Lewis, John Degenhart, George Muss, Daniel Setzer, Benedict Lev an, Philip Eisenhauer, Adam Grund, Daniel Bauman, Martin Eisenhauer, John Miller, junr. Solomon Hetrich, John Weber, Simon Eckert, John Miller, Peter Noll, Godfrey Bolich, John Yount, Hugh Warren, James Williams, Frederick Gryder, James Cowan, Robert Warren, Martin Gryder, Joshua Warren, Elijah Warren, Anderson Sherril, Peter Mock, John Zeller, Conrad Zeller, Ephraim Christopher, Henry Degenhart, jr. Dewald Little, Hugh Warren, senr. Robert Warren, junr. Daniel Warren, Bernhard Moser, Tho mas Oliver, Joseph Legel, John Legel, s jacob Miller, john Kloninger, Ephraim Yount, Daniel Car, Henry Grund, John Hefner, John Hetrich, junr. B. Siegman, S« Moser. Mecklenburg County, N. C, November 20th, 1820. Whereas the reverend David Henkel, who resides in Lincoln county as a citizen, has fre- quently for several years past visited this coun- ty, and especially our neighbovirhood, so that we have become well acquainted with him and his conduct, we therefore at request certify that he has ever since we know him, conduct ed himself like an honest, sober, sedate and fa miliar person. As a minister he has done ho nour to his office. John Harky, senr. Wm. McRee, esq. Alexander Irwin, William McCall, 3L. D. Collins, Ezekiel Black, Robert Hood, Matthew Wallace, John Keigel, D. Karr, John Orr, Robert Harrison, David Purvine, Elias Massey, Alexander McRee, Azariah Coburn, Adam Fisher, Samuel Yandle, Henry Long, Henry Hagler. Robert Faires, William Rice, John Irwin, John Long, Archibald Polk, James Blair, William Karr, Jacob Long, Christian Keicher, Leonard Hagler, Peter Harky £ John Hertis, Martin Hertis, Samuel Bain, Danie! Wentz, Hamilton Black, Henry Ilei tis, Robert Yandle Samuel Smith., 9 John Bain, John Wentz, Nicholas Stern, senr- Jo eph Wolf, 'i obias Stern, Je emiah Wentz, Anthony Hertis, Valentine Stern, John Rumpel, Solomon Harky, Philemon Morris, esq. Nicholas Stern, junr. Zebulon Morris, Nicholas Phifer, St gar Dulin, Claborn Freeman, James Morris, Geoige Keicher, Andrew Wentz, Simon Graul, Jucob Stern, John Cuthbertson, J^hn Harky, junr. Adam Long, John McReaven, Henry Long, junr. Benjamin Fincher, Jacob Glantz, Joshua Teater, Jacob Wolf, Robert Bain, Hosea McCain. The following is a copy of a letter from Lanr cas'er district, S. C. which was sent to the re- verend David HenkePs congregations in Lin- coln county, which shews his behaviour in a distant neighbourhood. The letter was written in consequence of an evil report circulated by an individual from Lincoln county in that dis- trict and state: State of South Carolina, Lancaster District, Dec. \7th, 1819. We, the subscribers, are acquainted with the reverend David Henkel, as he has fr equent- ly preached the gospel to us, and he has al- ways conducted himself among us as becomes a christian and a minister; but being inter- rupted by a letter and an advertisement from ##*#*# ##### ) m w hi cn man y unfavourable representations are made concerning Mr. Hen^ kel's character ; yet, from the acquaintance we have with him, we scarcely give credit to such evil reports ; nevertheless, that we may 3 10 be the better satisfied we do hereby send Messrs. John F unde. burg, Henry Plyler and John M. Vail m o your county, where he lives and is better known, in order to make an enquiry among you of his character Please to give us a true statement of Mr. Henkel's conduct a- mong vou, and also of Mr. ****** ****#> s haviour towards him, as we wish to keep Mr! Henkel ac our teacher, provided we find his character from you to be the same as it is with us. Gentlemen your humble servants. To the Congregations of the reverend David Henkel, in Lincoln County, JS. C. James Holliman, Jacob Plvler, senr. John Clark, Jacob Pfyler, j unr . Ma tin Plyler, Frederick Shehane, Mathias Bearer, Henry Funderburg, William Rowel, senr. Cornelius Holliman, William Rowel, junr. Andrew Rowel, Samuel Rowel, Philip Aaron, N. Funderburg, David Funderburg, Augustus Rowel, Jeremiah Funderburg, Thomas Belk, Aaron Poer, Paul Plyler, James Clark, Andrew Tailor, Jesse Williams, William Casky, Barrel Blackman, Jacob Funderburg, John Robertson; Samuel Funderburg, N. B. — It is to be observed that they were satisfactorily answered agreeable to their re. quest. South Carolina, York District, January IZth, 1820. This is to certify that the reverend David Henkel has frequented this neighbourhood for some length of time, and has likewise visited 11 my house and has repeatedly preached in thi* neighbourhood, and baptised part of my family ana several others, and in my opinion is a wor- thy minister agreeable to the plan of the gospel, James Wylie, M. D, DEAR READER. YOU see many names subscribed to the vindication of the reputation of the reverend David Henkel. Many of the subscribers are members of his own different congregations, and many are members of other christian churches or societies, and various characters, "who are personally acquainted with the said David IJenkely who well know his conduct and behaviour, who have had many opportuni- ties to prove the doctrine which he taught in public and in private conversations. You ask the cause or reason for this publi- cation which is briefly here stated unto you : At an extempore Synod held by the Lutheran ministry on the 25th of April, and several days following in the year 1819, at Buffaloe creek meeting-house, Cabarrus county, North Ca- rolina, several unfavourable accusations were brought against the said David Henkel, stating that he had given great offence to his fellow christians of other religious denominations in his public sermons, and in particular those of I the presbyterians — and that he had preached r and taught doctrines erroneous and contrary I to the doctrine of the holy scriptures. He was 12 also accused as acting partially and uncharita- bly against one of the membeis of his own con- gregations, excluding him from the fellowship of the church without a just cause. He was also accused that he had injured the character and reputation of another gentleman, by spread-^ ing false reports against him. All these charges said David Henkel denied, and refers to the next Synod to be examined and decided. Sever al of these accusations judged to be grounded on truth, and advertised by ^he offi- cers in the proceedings of said extempore Sy- nod. Now whether this was from a conscien- tious discharge of the office they bear, agreea- ble to the constitution. as they declare to main- tain the honour of the christian church. It was nevertheless judged necessary and expe- dient to take the testimonies of the above sub- scribers, who as aforesaid have knowledge of these matters, and many who are members'" of his own congregations, who have as imparti- ally examined into the case as well as those •who were members of the Synod for the sake of their own honour and welfare of their congrega- tions. Was it not the case, we may be sure they , "would not have subscribed their names to such,, an important matter as this. It is not with the intention or design to censure the judgment of the Synod in this matter, some no doubt, and perhaps all may have been candid in thei> opin- ions — but none can have a just cause to blame said D ivid Henkel for endeavouring to main- tain his own honour and reputation in the im- portant office which he bears, the public is left to judgp. Had he not been published a- a malicious man, he would have never published any thing of this kind in defence of himself.