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ImPROA^EMENTS ill the manage- ment of Bees, among farmers and cot- tagers, have been but little advanced, notwithstanding the many ingenious contrivances which have been offered to public notice; probably from being too operose and expensive for people of that description, to whom, in com- mon, the management of bees is ge- nerally of trifling concern. Whether my present attempt will succeed better, time must decide. My utmost exertions have been directed to the remedy of the defect ; which, it is hoped, I have greatly advanced, if ^ ^ 14SC9S ^ PREFACE. not perfecied, as far as our unfavour- able climate 'will admit. Additional profits, in most cases, are unavoidably attended with some increase of cxpence. But from the imparlial (s:(iniaie I have stated (page 60), it will be ascertained, that the management there proposed far over- balances the extra expence, and there- fore will merit the adoption of bee- keepers, and, perhaps, the patronage of a2:ricuhural bociclies. By persons of a higher class a trifle of addiiional expenditure will not be regarded, in comparison of the conve- nience and safety with whicli the ope- rations may be effected : to say no- thing of the gralification of philoso- phic curiosit}^ together with superior pro tit. Near the close of the year 1780, I ventured to publish a work of this kind, according to the best of the PREFACE. knowledge and experience ! had then atiained. Since ihat lime, iiavincr no avocaiion to withdraw my attention from my (avouriie pur5^uir,and encou- laged by ihe favourable leceplion of tliat work, 1 now, in ihe vale of life, submit this 'realise, v^ the re.^ult of a!! my rc-eaichcs ; drawn fiom a much longer and moie a siduous experier?, with on's^ common knov^'ledge, and des^itiiie of a proper appaaius, vvi'l not be moie succcssfnl ; and conseqiien'i!v ilint Schiiach's me- thod cannot prove of pLiblic utility. The most likely means to establish the BEE ART, I believe, wi'l not be ac- complif^bed wiibout the pa'ronage of Agricultural Socielien ; namely, the encouraging a p the operation of stupefyinar. Fuming, 3 i j c Hackle, or Coppet, :il 8 © STORIFYIXG. 61 From hence it appears, that by laying out two pounds sixteen shillings for the extraor- dinary apparatus of the Jirst year, a superior profit is to be gained of two pounds one shil- ling and sixpence. But in the succeeding years it will amount to four pounds seventeen shillings, that is, about fifty per cent, per annum, on the two pounds sixteen shillings so laid out ; or four pounds seventeen shil- lings and sixpence a-year more, gained by storifying twelve stocks, than by a like number in single hives. This statement is made upon the lowest calculation in favour of storifying, which usually yields much more honey and wax than here assigned, and that greatly superior in quality, and consequently more valuable ; but which cannot be obtained from common single hives. The instruments are rated higher than what they will usually cost, be- sides their advantage of durability. Though I supposed each common-hived stock to emit a good first swarm, which they often do not, or it is frequently lost; and though some often afford two or three, they in general are but trifling, and abate 02 STORIFYING. considerably of the produce of the mother stock, often to its ruin ; what I have allowed for casts, in the common run, will be the full amount. The estimate is founded on the produc- tions of middling situations; but in better ,71 single hive may produce a stock of from thirty to forty-six pounds weight, gross; the higher likewise will be the proportional advantage in storifying. Where hives weigh so, they are usually much larger than the general size: and I think in the single me- thod, no hive should be less than three pecks, or perhaps a bushel, but not more than twelve inches in height. The twelve stocks will require three shillings and six- pence to be laid out in new hives every third year, which I set against twelve new hives, at least, which must be bought for swarms in the single management. No other branch of husbandry (1 am inclined to think) will return so large an interest on so small an expenditure. Besides the advantages already mention- ed, there are others of consequence which deserve notice. 1st. In avoiding the unne- STORIFYING. 63 cessary and disagreeable trouble of suffo- eating the bees. 2d. In relieving swarms when too large. 3d. In preventing idleness in their lying out. 4th. In uniting of swarms. 5th. In the means of cleanliness and wholesomeness. 6th. In preserving them from moths, mice, and other insects, by the frequent shifting of the hives. 7th. In giving ample and timely enlargement. 8th. In being provided against bad seasons. Lastly, In taking but little room in an api- ary : as, for instance, four stocks will require no more ground to stand on than they had at first; while common hives will demand twice or thrice as much for swarms, but producing less honey. The indications for storifying stocks, are the appearance of an increase of num- bers, and in their activity, favoured by the mildness of the seasons. If the stock be a last year's swarm, set a duplet ouer it; and as soon as that seems, by its weight, to be three parts full, set a triplet over the duplet; which last, when full, or nearly so, is to be taken off, and probably will be all entire virgin honey, and without brood. 64 STORIFYING. Then raise the duplet, or double hive, by placing a triplet under it. But if the strength of the stock is great, and there is plenty of honey pasturage, so that another triplet may be expected to be filled, place the triplet over, instead of that which was taken off. Perhaps, in some good seasons and situations, three ox four triplets may be taken, if they are opportunely applied. But if the stock is of two years standing, it must be raised on a nadir; and as often as it requires enlargement, take the superior hive off, and put a triplet in its place; and proceed thus as occasion may require. These two methods of superhiving the last year's swarm one year, and the next of nadir- hiving the same stock, will be a sure means of obtaining the greatest quantity of virgin honey, and the largest quantity of the best wax. Observe, in all cases, when hives are set over another, that if the nadir is judged to be about three parts full, the door of it must be stopped, and that of the duplet opened, or the bees will not so soon be tempted to ascend, to work in the duplet; nor will this STORIFYING. (55 procedure increase the labour of the bees in the meanwhile, as the way down is as short as the way up. On the contrary, when a hive is placed under, the door of it must be stopped for a week or two, or till there is reason to think there are some combs made in it; and then it is to be opened, and in two or three days after shut again, disguising it with a cloth, &c. hung before it, for two or three days. Be particularly careful not to let the stocks be crowded, before they are storified. For if a princess is impregnated early, it may occasion a swarm to rise suddenly : for often great numbers of brood are hatched together, and therefore from want of room become ferocious, and occasion much in- conveniency to the apiator and bees; but presently become peaceful and satisfied on enlargement. For an additional hive hav- ing communications in direct lines with the combs of the hives added, the bees are led to esteem the whole as one hive, in a few days after its application. In some critical days or weeks, when honey dews are plentiful, or white clover or 00 STORITYING. other pasturage is abundant, the quantity of honey collected in a few days will be al- most incredible, if they have room enough to lodge it, filling a hive in seven days ; of- ten more than can be accumulated in a whole season. But the advantages arising from addi- tional hives are entirely lost in the old single method. The duplets are in general not to be taken off till late, lest the queen should be therein, or it be mostly filled with brood. But super-triplets may be always taken ae soon as filled. Bees never begin to work in an addi- ditional hive, until new combs are wanted for eggs, or honey; and then the bees will begin to hang down, in ranges, or curtains, which is always a sign they have begun to make combs. Bees often want enlargement before swarm time ; "which is denoted by their idly playing about the door and hive. It i« the owner's fault and loss if he suffers it to continue. Duplicated boxes will sometimes appear STORIFYING. C7 full of combs and bees, through the back windows, though perhaps they are not above a quarter or half filled, the combs being only at the back. If the bees of a triplet lie out, before the usual time of deprivation, it should be taken and placed at a considerable distance, and the duplified stock raised on a nadir hive: if, in two or three hours after, the bees of the stock seem quiet, and work as before, as well as those removed, it is a sign they have a queen in each ; and the hive taken may be reserved as a stock, if such is wanted, or fumed, and the queen taken away: most likely there will be much brood, which may be set over a weak stock, or returned again to its mother stock. In case duplets have idlers, they are to be raised on a triplet, and in about a month the superior hive is to be taken off. For when lying out in hot weather, though their hives are not full, and the swarming season is past, the bees will not enter notwith- standing; but by adding a nadir hive, the accommodation of a spacious and cool hall 6s STORITYING. to regale themselves will induce the idlers to enter it. If it is suspected that bees are idle (which, though they do not cluster out, may be discovered by their not being so active as their neighbours), turn the hive up in the middle of the day : and if the combs are partly empty, it may be concluded they have either lost their queen, or she is un- prolific, or is without drones; in which case they are to be slightly fumed in the even- ing, and set over another stock ; particu- larly a weak one, to strengthen them. But if the stock is abundant in bees, and most likely in hone}^ let them stand till a young queen can be taken from a swarm ; when placing her just within the door, she will be joyfully received. Otherwise, if it is about the middle of the season, fume, and place them over a stock ; and by that means it will produce a very large quantity of honey. Scanty breeders produce but little honey or brood ; so that, whilst other stocks are rapidly increasing in riches, these will STORIFYING. 09 bavely get enough to support themselves in the winter. Empty combs placed in a duplet will not entice them the sooner to work therein ; for till the hive is completely full, and they are in want of others, they will not ascend, which in bad seasons may not happen for a considerable time : nevertheless, from being ready, they may be of considerable advan- tage. About the tenth of July the upper doors of all storied stocks should be closed, to in- duce the queen with more certainty to de- scend, and breed in the loicer hive, except it is designed to be taken; for then the door is to be shut, and the upper one opened. It often happens that in poor situations, or in a long season of very inclement wea- ther, neither duplets nor triplets will have work therein: and this is not imputable to a bad method of management, or want of conduct, but wholly to a failure of the re- sources of pasturage, or of opportunities to gather it; which sometimes has been so great as to prevent the generality of stocks from procuring a sufficiency for their own 70 STORIFYING. winter's supply. It is necessary in sumKier, when a hive has few bees, to strengthen it with a portion of bees from one that is strong. This will enable the queen to breed fast, and the hive will prove as prosperous as any hive you have. But in all sucb re- inforcements, the hive so replenished should be set at as great a distance as your conveni- ence will allow, for several weeks. This is a rule to be observed in all such cases. Stocks that have emitted swarms can but rarely be expected to yield a duplet that summer, unless the swarm is returned. Much less can a swarm do it, though I have known some exceptions in extraordinary «ituations. To replenish a stock that is scanty of bees, set some empty combs, and pour the cells of one side full of sugared ale, or plat- ters of it, slightly covering it with a little hay or herbs, to prevent the bees from da- maging themselves in it: set it on a hiv€ floor in the morning, and place an empty hive over it, in the midst of the apiary. A great multitude of bees will be at- tracted by the odour, and assemble round 9T0RIFYING. fl the feast. As soon as that is perceived, stop the door of the hive until night; when the bees, having ascended to the top of the hive, take it, and give them a slight fuming, and place them over or under the stock that most wants their assistance. If a queen is killed or dies in the sum- mer, it may be known by the bees not carry- ing in any farina, or by the door of the queenless stock being much crowded, as well as that to which they carry the honey. Both, hives appear prodigiously active, as though a honey dew had commenced, and with a clear uninterrupted buz, with crumbs of wax about the door. Immediately stop the door of the unfortunate stock, and unstop it in the evening: the interlopers will then fly home. Early in the morning, take the hive to a proper distance, and fume it, or keep them confined till next day, in a darkened room. They will then very peaceably and readily quit the hive on a little drumming on the sides. If the hive has much honey, cut the combs out; but take care of those that have brood, and add them to some other 1jf9 STORIFYING. stock. The bees, however, will continue working till all the young are sealed up. If a like accident happen in winter, take the bees out, put them to a stock, and take the honey. In the want of a hive upon a sudden de- mand of enlargement, and not having a proper one in readiness, set a common one with bars across it, in a pail or bucket, and place the stock over it ; next night close the joining, and at the accustomed time sepa- rate it by the dividers, and take the bottom one away. Summers have sometimes been so hot as to soften the combs so much as to tumble them down, occasion the smothering of the bees, and ruin of the stock. To prevent this, in such weather, give them enlarge- ment, and raise single hives behi^id : screen them as much as possible from the sun, by large boughs, pouring often plenty of water about their hives, and taking off the hackels. Bee-houses should have all their doors set open. SWARMS. 73 CHAP. XL THE NATURE OF SWARMS. During the winter, stocks that are po- pulous in the summer become reduced by age and accidents to the small quantity of a / quart; and the weaker stocks sustain a pro- portional diminution. The repeopling the hives, therefore, depends on the amazing fecundity of the queen, which furnishes those new-born multitudes that constitute the swarms. In consequence of a continued great in- crease, the bees feel a natural impulse to swarm. This law they are impatient to obey, in defiance of all the obstacles that the ingetiuity of man has contrived to its taking place. A swarm does not consist of all young bees, but of old and young promis- cuously. The breeding of young bees is begun sooner or later, in proportion to the fruitful- 74 SWARMS. ness of the queen, the populousness of the stock, the goodness of the situation, and of the weather. The more numerous the bees are in the hive, the greater will be the heat to enable the queen to begin breeding earlier than those of other stocks. When bees are carefully supplied with food in spring, they breed fast even in bad weather. When January proves mild, the breeding will sometimes commence at the latter end of that month ; but often in February, and in March generally. As soon as bees carry in farina, or yellow balls, on their legs, it is a sure sign of the queen's having begun to breed. A long season of cold and wet wea- ther retards the hatching or increasing of the breed, causing many abortions, and not uncommonly that of the royal nymphs. They may be seen cast out in such unkindly seasons. The influence of a genial spring hastens the breeding, and no less accelerates the blossoms proper for their nourishment ; the sallows, willows, snow-drops, crocuses, &c. yielding plenty of farina. But should the weather be unfavourable SWARMS. 7» while these flowers are in bloom, thereby preventing the bees from issuing out to col- lect it, those already hatched will be starved; and it will also delay a farther increase, until a more auspicious change takes place. If a spring is not very cold, but wet, it will not favour the production of royal brood; yet the common cells will be filled with young, but no addition of honey; which will cause the bees to be very anxious to swarm, and very irritable, flying about the hive in confusion and discontent. 1 li^ve several times seen royal cells in which the workers were continually introducing their heads, I suppose, to feed the maggot ; but, after a few days, they entirely neglected them, probably as being abortive. In such cases no swarm can rise until another birth yields a princess. In spring, when bees that are in no want of food suddenly give over carrying, it may denote the unprolificnessof the queen; and if the hive contain but few bees, they had better be united to another stock. In forward springs, when the workers are few, but the queen very pregnant, she will E 2 76 SWARMi?. be obliged to deposit her eggs faster than the small number of bees can supply the mag- gots with sustenance; and they will therefore perish, and be cast out. This is a disadvan- tage which arises from keeping weak stocks. To judge of the fulness of a hive in May, observe the numbers of bees that enter the respective hives, and form an estimate. Queens are not equally fruitful While some breed slowly or not at all, others will speedily increase in prodigious numbers. Sterile queens should be exchanged for the spare queen of a swarm ; or at taking up time destroyed, and a new stock substi- tuted. From the middle of. May to the middle of June is the most advantageous time for swarming; but they often rise, not only at the beginning of April, or sooner, but also as late as the 20th of August; counties and seasons being so very various. Venj early ones are seldom large enough to constitute a good stock; and are in danger of perish- ing, if bad weather succeeds. Very late on^'e's, though mostly large, will often not have sufficient time to lay up an ade- SWARMS. 77 quale store for the winter, nor rear a brood in time ; beside which, their emigration di- minishes the parent stock so much as to en- danger its being starved during the next spring. The prevention is, to encourage timely swarms by warmth, and by a trough of sugared ale now and then, in February and March, But whether the swarms are early or late, is a matter of no consequence in the story method, by which they are re- turned to the stocks. In a good season for early honey-gathering, the stocks will not be forward to swarm, though they have a princess ready ; being then wholly intent to collect the precious sweets, and almost deserting the hive : the few left, finding such spacious room, and full employment, have no temptation to rise, and quit such treasure for an empty hive. Though a spring should be co/rf, and other- wise unfavourable, a swarm may rise the first or second fine sunny day, if a princess is impregnated, notwithstanding the hive may be very thin of bees. The swarm, of course, will be small. New swarms will gradually- desert their hive on a continuance of bad E 3 78 SWARMS. weather, and unite with another stock or •tocks, without loss to their master. The increase of swarms in calm situations is frequently three from a hive; and swarms will emit swarms, or maiden ones. But it is to be observed, that in these cases the production of honey is proportionally less, not near so much as might be expected fron:> •the multitude of bees, for the reasons before assigned. Frequently, when stocks in very good sitU" ations have many princesses, swarms will rise though the weather has been unfavour- able; while stocks only two miles distant may be starving, and afford no swarm. Stocks single-hived, on being filled, and having a suitable princess, will often swarm repeatedly, though of small bulk ; by reason that, having no more space to work in, they would rather swarm than be idle, that the precious advantage of honey-gathering may not be lost. In very dry seasons few swarms are dis- charged. On examining the hives, no princess or royal cell was found. The cause is uncertain; perhaps the drought did not SWARMS. 79 favour that kind of prolific nutriment fit to produce royal eggs or brood, and therefore no swarms could be formed. Such stocks should be taken at the season; for having, it is most likely, none but old queens, they will die in the winter, and put an end to the stock. Bees that are placed near woods find therein abundant farina (the great source of early swarms) to feed their young. In all situa- tions that have plenty of farina, the bees are remarkably forward and active. In the heath countries, on the contrary, they are later in their productions than in other situations, seldom swarming till the end of July, owing to heath blowing late. In general, the bleaker the situation, the later the swarms. A wet early season prevents the gathering of farina : then late swarms will be the con- sequence ; and if the weather should conti- nue very indifferent, they will rise when least expected, and be lost for want of watching. After the first or prime swarms have risen, the succeeding ones should be returned to the stock ; for if a second is emitted, it cer- tainly so much impoverishes the stock that E 4 ■SO SWARMS. little honey can be collected afterwards, and will not leave a sufficiency of bees to rear tlie young, which at that time are abundant. Undoubtedly there are exceptions, which a discreet apiator must be left to judge of. When additional stocks are not wanted, the prime swarms are to be returned, as well as casts; as being the most profitable method. The stocks on the storied plan cannot be kept too full of bees in the summer time. Stocks that have not swarmed before the first of July from single hives, should be re- turned ; but reference in these and the like cases must always be had to the difference of seasons and situations, in which local circum- stances only can direct the determination. A large early swarm, with good vveather succeeding, will be far more productive than a similar one that rises later; for having more time before them, their hives will be furnished with combs and brood before the honey harvest commences, and then are prepared with empty cells, and young work- ers, that will, in a short time, enable them to collect a large store of honey, if care has been previously taken to provide them with SWARMS. 81 spacious room. If bad weather should in- tervene, it will be prudent to feed them, for which their subsequent labour will amply recompense. There have been instances of stocks which have swarmed, and notwithstanding in the middle of July clustered out ; and on iiaving another hive set over them, still re- mained, without ascending; but two or three days after, on setting a hive under, they presently entered, and worked vigorously. With respect to those stocks which do not seem to increase in numbers, or appear not to have drones; a dozen or two should be taken from another stock that has plenty, and put to them. To effect this, in a fine sunny afternoon, when the drones issue out most, take them singly with the finger and thumb as they pass on the resting board, and put them into a long phial, held ready in the other hand, till the number wanted is obtained: stop the phial with a notched cork, and at night fasten the mouth of the phial to the door-way of the hive, and by morning they will have entered. Those persons who kill the drones in the £ 5 83 SWARMS* springy are not aware that thereby they are destroying the only means of increase ; for the drones are to bees what males are to other creatures. But if it should be ob- served that the drones in summer are so abundant, especially of a weak stock, as nearly to consume the honey as fast as ga- thered ; in this case, and this only, some of them may be destroyed. Many schemes have been tried for dimi- nishing the drones, but with little success. For if they are stopped from entering their own hive, they know their next neighbours will gladly receive them : nor will traps sufficiently destroy them ; and their appli- cation greatly disturbs and hinders the workers of not only their own hive, but also of others. More may be killed on the alighting board in a short time by the end of a case knife, than by any other means; and if done leisurely, the workers will not resent it for a while. When they do, retreat, and try again some little time after. If continued long, the workers will be so disturbed as to enter other hives, and the whole apiary be SWARMS. 83 alarmed. If the workers do not kill the drones at the usual time, a few may be killed by the fingers; and then thrusting a small twig into the hive, will provoke the workers to finish the business. August is the usual time of massacre. The strongest stocks expel them the soonest : however, if they are not killed then, the cold weather etfec- tually destroys them. Great numbers of workers are bred before princesses or drones, which last do not usu- ally appear before May, unless in early springs ; and the populous stocks will have them in March, and often in April. Hives, however, will often be so full of bees as to cluster out, and frequently swarm, without any appearance of drones ; though it is probable there may be a few, but the weather too unfavourable for their shewing themselves, as they are more ten- der than the workers. LYING, OR CLUSTERING. The lying or clustering out of bees, on or about a hive, has been commonly looked 84 SWARMS. upon as a sign of their being ready to swarm : but this is deceitful. It indeed may denote that there are bees enough to compose a swarm; but it is also a token that there is no princess to go with them ; for, in want of room, they often continue clustered several weeks. It must be considered, that when the combs of a hive are/M.// of honey and brood, the spaces left between, being only half an inch in width each, contain only a third part of the capacity of the whole hive — about fourteen thousand to a half bushel — and consequently become soon overcharged by a forward queen, and the surplus is obliged to lie out ; which, in fact, they always do, in such circumstances, and perhaps till the middle of August in hot and dry seasons, when but few bees can remain in the hive. This clustering is very prejudicial, not only in the loss of time, but also in what the bees might have acquired by their labour in that interval, usually the most productive of any part of the season, when every bee ought to be fully employed. Nor is this all: the bees by this indulgence contract a SWARMS. 85 habit of indolence not easily relinquished. The example tempts others to be as idle as themselves, greatly obstructing those that work, in their progress. Some, indeed, will be industrious in spite of their owner's inat- tention, and proceed to build combs on the outside, or under the floor of the hive. Although it is a certain sign, when bees lie out from day to day, that there is no princess ready; yet as there is no practical means of knowing when there will, a con- stant watching is necessary. These disadvantages are admirably reme" died by storifying. But cottagers, who have not this conve- nience, may cut a door-way in the back of an empty hive that already has one in front. Set the empty hive with one of its door-ways against that of the stock, fixing on a proper support, so as to be on an exact level with the stock. The vacancy left between the two hives fill up with a piece of hay-band, &c. taking care, however, to leave -the passage of the two door-ways free. The bees will then pass through the empty hive to the full one, till more room is wanted. 8(5 SWARMS. and then they will begin in the additional one. To separate them when full, at night gently take away the hay-band ; have a lump of clay or cow-dung of a proper con- sistence ready ; nimbly force that between the two hives so effectually that it may stop both doors ; take away the foremost, and place another empty one in its stead the next night. About an hour after taking up the first, you may venture to open the door Of the stock with the end of a long stick, and in the morning entirely clear the dung away. Under this management the bees will constantly be employed, nor can they pos- sibly be prejudicial to the owners, though thereby the stocks should not swarm, for doubling does not prevent it. The profit on bees depends, in a great measure, on the detention of the swarms. \itliey are lost, the increase of honey can be but trifling, however carefully all other particulars are observed. A casual inspec- tion will not answer this important purpose. I have not seen or heard of any apiatorg SWARMS. 87 (myself not excepted), who, through neglect in this point have not lost, more or less, swarms every year, and chiefly prime ones ; for hees often swarm without a minute's notice, perhaps the very instant after being left. There is no sure way of securing swarms but by a constant watching of a bee- herd, retained on purpose, from seven or eight in the morning until three or four in the afternoon, till all the prime swarms have issued. Bad weather may be ex- cepted. Children, or rather aged people, might be employed to do it at an easy rate ; and if it should cost seven or eight shillings, it is bet- ter to be at that charge, than run the great risk of losing several of the best sicarms. You also escape the anxiety and trouble of going constantly to and fro, which is after all attended with uncertainty. Besides, if a person keeps but six stocks, and saves only one swarm, he will be no loser; to which add, the assistance given to an indi- gent family by the money expended. The usual hours of swarming are from ten to two; but this is not to be depended on. I 88 SWARMS. have often known, and had them rise as early or late as the hours stated. Another cause of the loss of prime swarms, is the mistaken notion that bees always shew certain signs or tokens of their going to swarm ; and, therefore, until those signs appear, watching is omitted. But it must be evident to every reflecting apiator, that swarms frequently rise early in the spring, as well as at other times, without shewing any such signs at all. On the con- trary, in some seasons the hive may be so very full of bees as largely to cluster out, and make an astonishing noise within, as though that moment they would rise, and yet very often do not; no, not for several days or weeks afterwards, and sometimes not at all. These tokens, indeed, clearly shew there are bees sufficient in number for a swarm, and they are most anxious to do so ; but it also shews they cannot break na- ture's law — no queen, no sicarm. Although there are no signs that precede first swarms; oi second, or casts, or after ones, there are, viz. peculiar sounds or notes in the hive not heard at any other season. SWARMS. 8d They may be heard generally in the even- ing in fine weather, and sometimes for se>- veral days together; being probably ex- pressive of the princesses' being ready, and desirous of enjoying empires of their own; for several are afterwards heard at a time, in a kind of response either more acute or grave, but very different from any sounds made by their wings, and seeming to be formed by a tube, resembling the ex- pressions of toot, toot, toot, or nearly that of a child's penny trumpet, but not near so loud. Many cliimerical conjectures have been formed relative, to this particularity ; but one certain meaning they convey to the apiator, tiiat when heard, he may be as- sured that the Jirst or prime sicarm has escaped, if that will comfort him. It indicates also, that a swarm may be expected very- soon, perhaps the next day, or in a few following ones, according to the fineness of the weather. When the number of princesses is too many to be supplied with bees for swarms, it induces three or more to issue with a single swarm, and either settle together, or 90 SWARMS. divide into different clusters ; well knowing that death will be the fate of those that tarry behind. Sometimes, indeed, a prin- cess will coax a few bees to accompany her, and form a small cast, of no profit, but which rather contributes to impoverish the stock. Second sicarms are seldom worth pre- serving single; but by uniting two or three, you may form a good stock. If a swarm is wanted from a duplet, both doors must be left open : but if none should rise, the stock at separation most likely will have a queen in each. It is very probable that a princess may sometimes rise unimpregnated, or not ripe for laying, and which the bees at their exit with her were not sensible of; but when hived, finding their mistake, they aban- don her and the hive, and return home again. On the rising of swarms, many bees just returned from the fields with their loads, and many just entering, join them; by which means they are capable of construct- ing combs presently after settling ; and SWARMS. 91 sometimes do on the branch of a tree, if they are suffered to remain there a considerable time. When bees play idly about the door or hive, and are more than ordinarily mis- chievous, it is a sign they are anxious to swarm ; and probably may rise, though without a princess, if it is late in the season, but will return home again. If the wind be brisk at the time of a swarm's rising, it will fly in the same direc- tion, and will settle in that spot which will best shelter them from the inconveniency, regardless of their accustomed place of clustering. As none but good swarms at any time ought to be kept, it will be necessary t© ascertain how such may be known. It should be in bulk, when hived, not less than a peck and a half; in middling situations they run more. I have had them in Hert- fordshire frequently half a bushel, some- times larger. Near Pembroke they seldom exceed a peck, which is here esteemed a good swarm. 93 SWARMS. However, not less than a peck will prove a productive one. A swarm will appear much larger as it hangs on a bush, than when clustered in the top of a hive. Tht Number, Weight, and Measure of Bees, 100 drones . . . 290 workers , . . 4,640 . . . 915 . . . 1,830 a pint 3,660 ' ■ a quart 29,280 a peck AVOIRD. WEIGHT. lb. oz. dr. 10- 10 1 3 2 J> 6 5 I ^^'INCHESTER 12 10 i ME'^urvE. 6 5 6j This statement is made on an average ; for they will not prove twice exactly alike, because of their different degrees of ful- ness, &c. iiivixG. 93 CHAP. XIL THE HIVING OF SWARMS. As swarms [pLIL fg.^) frequently rise when not expected, and that with precipi- tation, common prudence, it might be thought, would induce apiators to have hives in readiness. But 1 have often seen the contrary, though the expence of the hives would be less, when bought early, and you would also avoid the risk of losing a )?warm while seeking a hive. The poverty of cottagers may be an ex- cuse for such supineness. Therefore in such an exigency, the swarm may be put in a pail, bucket, basket, &c. in which let it remain till the evening: when turning the vessel up, lay two flat sticks across it, place on it an empty hive, bind a cloth round the junc- ture (all but the door-way), and by the morning the bees will have ascended there- in ; but if not, gently beating the sides of the vessel will cause them to ascend. 94 HIVING. To prepare hives for the reception of swarms, the snags, or the roughness of the straw, should be clipped off, and rubbed as smooth as can well be, as this will save the bees a deal of labour, which they will em- ploy to greater advantage in constructing of combs. Boxes should have all holes and crevices stopped with putty, or other cement, which otherwise the bees must do, to exclude air and vermin. Spleets, or sticks, are proper to support the combs, when extended near the bottom ; but two only are necessary, and placed thus +, at the height of the second round of straw from the bottom ; one from the front to the back, the other across that, from right to left : for as the combs are usually built in parallel lines from front to back, each comb, when wrought down, being of considerable weight, it will have a ready support from the spleet, and which will serve to fasten them also; but till they be- come weighty, no fastening but that which the bees themselves execute, will at all be needful. HIVING. dft But as sometimes the combs are con- structed obliquely, or transversely, a second spleet is necessary to take them in that di- rection. In fact, common hives, having no occasion for removes till they are taken up, need no spleets, as verified by bees in hol- low trees, &c. However, the two men- tioned are enough for any hive, even in the story method : much less have they occasion for any spleet near the top, and which is ge- nerally so preposterously placed as to be very troublesome and prejudicial to the honey, in taking the combs out. No other preparation or dressing of hives is necessary, than that which I have men- tioned. The employing herbs, and many other fanciful articles, is of no use ; but as people are wedded to old customs without rational foundation, sugared or honeyed ale, sprinkled in the top of the hive, is the most alluring substance that I know of. The truth is, when a swarm quits a clean hive, it is for other causes, and not through dis- taste of the hive, unless it is too small. It is customary to make a tinkling noise to allure swarms to settle. Why it does so 96 HIVING. is uncertain ; but that it does, is as certain. Most prime swarms, that are not in a habit of settling in an usual s|)ot, are mostly- lost, if not tinkled. Btsides which, it ascertains the right that the apiator who follows it, has to claim it, if strayed from his own premises. The greater the noise, the sooner it is likely ^o succeed. I find a watch rattle (used about London) the most eflicacious, and that when the common method has failed. In prime or first swarms, the noise should not begin till such a quantity of bees have arisen as will form a good swarm, for fear of terrifying the princess from issuing; and if so, all the bees will return, though hived. A sudden storm, dark clouds, or thunder, will cause them to return, if not settled ; or if the princess, too weak to sustain the flight, drops on the ground ; or if the bees are roughly treated in the hiving. The noise should be made on the contrary side to that which will be most proper for settling. Nor should it continue longer than the bees begin to cluster: there is no danger but the rest will follow on hearing their HIVING. 97 buz. When they rise iu windy weather, they are very irritable, and apt to sting; and, though clustered, will often return home. When a prime swarm is broke or divided, the second will be much superior; and there- fore, if it is in good time, may be kept, if a stock is wanted. When bees are hived, but seem discon- tented and tumultuous, it is a sign they have no queen among them. Probably she will be found on the ground, with a small cluster surrounding her. Take the cluster up, and place it on the outside of the hive which has the swarm, or near the door; it will soon make them easy, and allure those on the wing to join them also. Hives fixed near the spots where bees have been used to settle, and rubbed with sugared ale, will sometimes decoy swarms to reside therein. But this must not be relied on ; for it often happens that bees previ- ously choose a place, that they have made clean for their reception, and to which, on rising, they immediately repair. But a hive of old combs will certainly allure some of F 98 HIVING. your own swarms to stttle therein, if not of some stra3'ecl ones. If a swarm is too large to be contained in a hive, immediately double it; but if it is a common hive, turn it upside down in a buc- ket, &c. and lay two flat sticks across, and set another hive over it; then take them from the bucket, and set them on four or five rounds of an old straw hive doubled, as they are, and in the evening place them on their destined station, stopping the join- ing with clay, and allowing a proper door- way. When swarms seem restless some time after hiving, as often happens from their having two princesses, and being undiiter- mined in their choice; take them to a dark apartment, when the bees, supposing it near laight, will presently elect the most promis- ing lady, and expel the other. It is very likely that the old queen some- times accompanies the first swarm. The reason perhaps of there being no tooting pre- ceding t{\t first swartns, is there being then but one young queen qualified tjo lead them. HIVING. ^ When more royal cells than one are per- ceived in a hive, the supernuraierary ones may be taken out to make a swarm, if wanted. Bees, when swarming, are generally very peaceable, as being under many fears and appreliensions; so that they may be hived with much ease and little danger (unless the wind is high), if they are treated with gen- tleness. If they seem inclined to rove beyond the proper bounds, handfuls of sand, dirt, or the like, should be thrown up among them: water also cast among them will induce a speedy clustering. The same means should be used when two swarms rise together, and fight in the air. A great noise should be made, especially that of a gun, to intimidate them. If several princesses rise with otie swarm, when hived together, great commotions en- sue, until one of the princesses is cast out or killed. But when they cannot decide in theif choice, they fly out, and continue the con- test ; or, which is most frequently the case, F 2 100 IIIVINO. different parties cluster with the lady they approve, and settle separately. Let them alone till they are severally settled, hive each parcel separate, afterwards strike them out on a board one after the other, and take the queens from each, all but the largest cluster, to which putall the rest. Or other- wise, at the close of theeven\ng,fu}ne them all together, when the first princess that re- covers will be acknowledged queen, and the rest expelled or slain by the morning. Stray swarms are often perceived flying in the air, and may be allured to settle (es- pecially if tired with flight) by making some kind of tinkling with a knife upon a fork, shovel, or the like; and when settled, may be brushed into a hat, handkerchief, or part of the garment, which being gathered up by the corners, may safely be carried home, and laid on the ground, or table, laying a stick across ; and placing a hive over them, they will assemble therein. When a swarm settles in several clus- tersy hive only the largest cluster, and re- move it, a small distance at a time, near to the smaller clusters, which are successively HIVING. 101 to be shook off the places of clustering by a long hooked stick, leptatedly, till the buz- zing of those in the hive-has attracted their notice, and induced them to join. If the clusters are equal in bulk, hive both sepa- rately, and set them at a small distance from each other; and if either of them have a queen, and are dissatisfied with her, they will quit the hive, and unite with the other; but it both lemain contented, unite them by fuming. Swarms should be hived as soon as set- tled ; for their clustering is generally but of short duration, especially of prime swarms, or if they have previously selected a place of residence. When a swarm attempts to settle on a person, standing or walking, &c. let him not be alarmed, nor in any wise oppose them, but lift the hat a little above the head; perhaps they will settle on that: if not, cover your head and face with a handkerchief for them to cluster on. But if, contrary-wise, they begin to cluster on the shoulders, or under the handkerchief, fling it off, and spread your hands over the eyes and face, and thus Y 3 10^ HIVING. remain entirely passive, till the whole have fixed, which, if this is punctually observed, will be done without a single sting. Then retreat with leisure to some room in a house, made nearly dark; and then a person must hold a hive, pan, sieve, &c. (sprinkled with sugared ale) over the cluster, with the edge just touching it, which Avill, after a little while, induce them to ascend irito it. Blowing with bellows will cause them to do it the sooner, without irritating their propensity to sting. But if any violent or ofiensive means are used, it will provoke their revenge, so as to be dangerous. When a swarm is clustering, and ano- ther is rising, and endeavours to join it, cover the first with a thin cloth, and throw <]ust or water among the others, to cause them to settle elsewhere. As likewise, if a swarm that has risen attempts to settle on a stock hive, stop the door, and cover the bive with a cloth. Sprinkle an empty hive with sugared ale, and place it a little raised over the top of the stock, and the swarm will enter therein. If the swarm siems too large to be contained in the hive, set UIVING. 103 another upon the first. As soon as the bees liave entered, take it away, and unstop the stock. Or it may be donsj by stopping the door of the stock, and immediately removing it to some distance. In the interim an assistant is to place an empty hive in its place, to which the swarm will enter; and then it is to be taken to an appropriate stand, and the stock brought back to its former situ*- ation. Swarms will sometimes cluster on, or en- ter, improper places, as under roofs, or other buildings. Immediately a hive is to be placed close by, or just about the hole of their entrance : encompass the hive and bees with a cloth, and it is very likely after a little time they will give the preference to the hive. If not, put a piece of paper with holes made in it over the bov. 1 of a pipe of tobacco; apply the end to a small hole made just under where the bees entered ; take the empty lave away, and then blowing forcibly, the smoke will generally induce them to fly out, and cause them to settle in a more con- venient situation for hiving. F 4 104 HIVING. To avoid repetitions, I would observe, that the general rule in conducting ope- rations about bees is, that they be executed without noise or talking in approaching the hives, till the doors are secured ; other-" wise the bees will be alarmed, and guard the doors immediately. A leisurely and calm deportment, with gentleness yet bold- ness, and giving the least disturbance, will greatly conduce to render the business easy and safe. In hiving, take care that none are crushed, as that provokes the others to revenge; and not only so, but it may chance to be the queen, to the ruin of the swarm. Forbear the use of weeds, or throwing water on them, when clustering, or brushing them off, which they will highly resent; and it may make them fly quite away. Gently cut away all spray twigs, or branches, that may obstruct the placing the hive under the cluster. Always spread a cloth on the ground, with two small wedges on it, as near the cluster as may be: the wedges are to keep the edges of the front of the hive a little raised, for the more ready entrance of HIVING. 105 the bees underneath ; as also to prevent in- juring any of them. It may be remarked that swarms often settle icithout a queen-, which, therefore, proves, that it is not the queen that leads and begins the cluster. Most likely those that are most inclined settle first, and the rest naturally follow; as sheep through a hedge. Instruments necessary for hiving are, an ^mpty box or hive, a hive floor, or loose board, a large cloth, tv/o small wedges, and a long fork, or crook-stick. To hive bees, let the apiator take the hive inverted, and leisurely introduce the hive under the cluster as conveniently as can be without disturbing the bees; then with the left hand give the bough two or three smart shakes, which will cause the greater part of the cluster to fall into the hive: nimbly take it away, and turn it on one edge on the floor, and the other on the wedges; draw the cloth up over the hive^ leaving the raised part open. The bees, a(« may be expected, w'lW be in great confusion, and make a great buz, but will immediately F 5 iOG HIVING. begin to ascend: the bough, or bush, &c. must continually be shook by the long stick, whilst any bees endeavour to relodge on it: those on the wing, hearing the buz of their companions in the hive, will gradually fly down and join them. Let them remain on the spot till the evening, unless the sun should be too violent; and then the heat would make them quit the hive, unless shel- tered by boiighs, or the like. But if it should be inconvenient for the hive to remain, they may be removed a little way off. As soon as the bees are nearly retired into the hive, the hive may be carried to its destined stand; the few bees that remain on the wing will return home. Whenever bees are so clustered that a hive cannot be put under them, lay a cloth under, or as near as circumstances will al- low; shake the bush, &c. to make the bees fall, and keep so doing till the bees relin- quish it: when down on the cloth, or •ground, set a hive over them, and they will enter. Or, should a swarm settle on a hedge, &c. that a hive cannot be set under them, it may HIVING. 107 be placed over them: this do by forked stakes, or cords ; and hy flinging a cloth over the bees and empty hive, they will iu some hours ascend. But for fear of mis- chance, they should be watched. Or if they are found not to ascend, set the hive three parts over a floor, then with a spoon very tenderly take up some of the bees, and turn them out on the floor, within, or near the door of the liive (its edge being raised by a wedge): repeat it as long as the bees will permit without showing much resentment : the buz of those already entered (the larger the number, the better) will the sooner al- lure the others to do so. But if the bees are fractious at first, introduce only a spoonful or two at a time; and in the intervals retire out of sight. Or, to prevent a swarm from clustering inconveniently in a hedge or bush, immedi- ately lay a handkerchief or hat on the bush: - probably they may settle on that, and may afterwards be laid on the ground ; and a hive being placed over, they will most likely embrace the ofler. Bees clustering round the body of a tree. 108 HIVING. or post, are difficult to hive. Take a liive and floor, or board, and place it by means of forked sticks, barrels, ladders, &c. or with cords, so that the floor may be on a level with the bottom of the cluster: then raising the edge of the hive next to the bees, by ■vvedges, gently advance the hive so as slightly to touch the cluster: this in a little while may induce some of the bees to enter, and the rest to follow. But to save time, use the spoon, as before directed, to dimi- nish the cluster, and increase the buzzing in the hive: at times disturb the cluster, by gently shoving a small stick among the out- ermost, to disengage them. As soon as a considerable number have entered, the rest will surely follow ; though, perhaps, but slowly; unless the queen has been one of those conveyed by the spoon. Should swarms fix on the extreme branches or twigs of high trees, beyond the reach of the hand, a hive, or rather a light basket, must be suspended to the end of a long pole or fork. Then having a lad^ dtr, introduce the basket under the cluster, while an assistant with a long crook smartly HiviNcr. 109 shakes the bough, by which a great part of the bees will fall into it. It must then speedily be brought down, and turned up- side down on a cloth ready spread, on which many bees already fallen will be settled. In the mean while the branches must be con- stantly shook, by which the bees, finding no quiet there, and hearing the buz of those un- derneath, will descend and join them. Or, another method is to tie twigs to the end of a long pole, and therewith disturb the cluster till they take wing again ; when probably they will cluster in another situa- tion more favourable, if treated with the usual music. A third means is to hold a pan of smok- ing substances, which may make them glad to move their quarters. When swarms settle on large branches of trees, too stubborn to shake, a hive is to be set on a tloor, and fastened with cords, that the floor may touch the cluster. Then treat them as before mentioned. A swarm in a hollow tree that has not been lodged therein more than two or three days, may be displaced, by carefully stop- 110 HIVING. ping all the holes, and crevices, except that which they entered by; then lixing the bot- tom of a hive against their hole of entrance, securing it firmly with cords, as also tying a cloth round the joinings, that no bees can escape; beat with a large hammer, or great stone, violently about the tree just below the hive : probably this will terrify the bees, so as to induce them to seek security in the hive. Now and then cease the noise, and listen whether they make a buz in the hive; and repeat the hammering until the buz is greatly increased. Then, loosing the hive from the tree, set it on a cloth spread on the ground, and repeat the strokes and noise on the tree till but few bees rise. Stop the hole of the tree, and those on the wing will re- join their companions. But if they will not take to the hive, make a hole with a chissel, near the upper part of the hollow (for the bees generally lie as high as possible above the entrance): place the hive just above the hole cut, and by hammering it will cause them to fly fu- riously out, and take to the hive, or settle in a more commodious situation. But if HIVING. Ill they should have settled below the passage hole, make the large hole heloio the cluster, as near as can be judged, by striking where the buz may direct. If these methods prove unsuccessful, re- course must be had to smoking rags, damp straw, or cow dung, put into the hole, if it be made large enough; and at the same instant hammering under their lodgment, or teasing them by thrusting twigs up till they fly out. Perhaps (for I have had no opportunity of trying) if an opening could be made large enough to receive a pot of fuming puffs under them, for about twenty minutes; by confining the smoke, pro- bably the bees might be so stupified as to fall to the bottom, and might carefully be taken out, by a ladle, or spoon, and put into a hive, and immediately carried away, and placed in a dark room or out-house till the morning. The chasms of the tree should be all stopped, to prevent the bees from re- turning to their former lodge. The longer bees have settled in any place, the less dis- posed they will be to quit it ; especially if 112 HIVING. they have made combs, and have brood therein. They vi^ill sooner die than quit if. In such a case it is better to let them re- main till autumn; and then suflbcate the bees, and take their treasure. Bees in the holes of walls may be treated after a similar method. But when bees have settled under the roofs or vacant parts of buildings, where sparks of fire might be dangerous, fuming must be avoided ; and instead thereof water must be conveyed over the bees, by the rose of a watering pot, funnel, or pipe, taking some tiles off, or boards down, to come at them: which will often succeed as well. Where windows have been left open, swarms sometimes assume the liberty of taking possession. To secure them, first shut the window and door ; then holding a hive under the cluster, draw a wire or thin stick gradually between them and the cieling, or part to which they are attached: this w^ill cause the bees to fall into the hive; which being set on the floor, the HIVING. 113 Stragglers will soon hear the buz of the others, and rejoin them, and the sooner if the room is made nearly dark. All swarms, if the weather is fine, will begin to work as soon as hived ; but if the two first days prove foul, it discourages them from labouring for several days, even if then it should je fine. But in a long continuance of bad weather, they will perish, unless relieved by a timely feeding. The foregoing directions, it is presumed, will be fully applicable to all other cases that may arise, though attended with some variation. 114 ARTIFICIAL SMTARMING. CHAP. XII I. ARTinCIAL SWARMING. I AM sorry to declare, that I have met with no invention, among the many that have been published, or among the great number of my own devising, for artificial swarming, adapted to common use, or that has been in general successful. From so great a disappointment, I am inclined to draw a conclusion, that as nature has implanted in bees a strong propensity to swarm, as a quality necessarily connected with the manner and season; all our attempts, by force or allurements, to etl'ect or prevent it, with a tolerable degree of timely advantage, must prove ineffectual. I propose the two following methods, however; as, if not successful, they will not be prejudicial to the stocks, may amuse the curious, and be accomplished without much trouble. But they are inapplicable to general practice. ^UTIFICIAL SWARMIKG. 115 By often looking through the windows of storied boxes, in the swarming season, sometimes a queen may be seen in one of the boxes. Immediately shove a divider be- tween the two boxes. Leave them about an hour ; when if the bees of both boxes re- main quiet, wait some time longer, and then repeat the- inspection, by intervals, two or three times, till the approach of night; and if they are still in a quiet state, introduce the other divider, and take the duplet to a distant station. On the contrary, if the bees of either box have shown signs of dis- content, it is a token there is no queen in that which shows uneasiness; and therefore the divider must be withdrawn, till another favourable opportunity offers. The second method is — In the swarming season, when the bees seem very numerous, and show indications of swarming, shove a divider between a duplet in the morning, having before opened both doors ; and if the bees remain quiet, and pursue their work, in both boxes, till the evening, pro- ceed with them as above. But if the bees 116 ARTIFICIAL SWARMING. of either box are confused, take out the divider, and try your fortune another time. An artificial swarm may be made, by purchasing one or more of second or third swarms of your neighbours, as they will be of little value to them, and therefore may be had cheap. Unite as many of them in one hive, as are sufficient to form a good swarm, by placing the fewest in number to the most populous; fuming them first, to prevent quarrelling. But if such should happen, fumigate the duplet. WILD BEES. 117 CHAP. XIV. OF WILD BEES IN WOODS. In February and March, bees are very fre- quently numerous, on fallows, osiers, and other plants that afford farina, in woods ; which is a sure token that their habitations are not far distant. They may be easily traced ; and having found them, mark the place or tree. Aged people, or children, may be set to watch their swarming, and they may be hived in the usual manner. For whether in hollow trees, or any other habitation, bees equally cast out swarms, as well as those in hives. Having secured and carried away the swarms, in autumn re- pair to the same spot, and take the sum- mer's produce, as directed under hiving. If this early attention has been neglected, make observation in woods on those places which are most plentiful of bee-flowers; or, in very dry weather, of watering places, lis "WILD BEES. to which, in such seasons, they will be ob- liged to resort. If their abode is too far to be traced, dissolve some red or yellow ochre in water, and, dipping some sprigs therein, sprinkle the bees therewith as they alight. Being thus marked, they will be easily dis- tinguished. For, by observing whether re- turns are sooner or later, or Avhethcr in greater or lesser numbers, a tolerable guess may be made; especially after a little prac- tice. A person having a watch, may by it more accurately determine this point. A pocket compass will also be greatly assisting to certify their course, which is always in a direct line to their habitation in their return home. If this method proves not successful, take a joint of a large reed, or of kex; force a part of the pith out at one end, and do the like at the other, only leaving a small parti- tion between the two hollows: cut a small slit over one of the hollows, put some ho- ney made a little damp with ale in the hol- low, and stop the end with a cork, or paper; and if fire can conveniently be had, melt some wax on the tube, the smell of WILD BEES. 119 wbicli will be wafted by the wind to a great distance. Place this joint near their haunts, and they will soon be allured to enter into the hollow. When about eight or ten have entered, stop the end with the finger; soon after let one of the bees out, pursue it as long as it is iu sight, and then let out an- other. If it continues the same course, follow that also; but if any take a different route, let another fly, and so proceed till you find several take the same course, which will lead to their nests. The bees that pursue other directions probably belong to other nests, which may be discovered by the same process as the first. If it be necessary to take the combs out directly, a pot of fuming puffs should be introduced under them by a hole made on purpose. During the fumigation, forcibly strike the tree. If the whole are not fallen from the combs, they will, however, be so lethargic as to give the operator but little annoyance, if he has on the bee-dress. The combs are to be taken out as whole as pos- iible, and placed in aa empty hive, and sup- 120 >VILD BEES. ported by as many spleets as are necessary, in the best manner the nature of the case will admit of. The stupified bees which have fallen into the cavity of the tree, may be taken out by a spoon or ladle, and put to the combs in the hive; which had best be set on a floor before the combs are put in, and then the bars and cover, and may be removed without much trouble or displace- ment. If pufTs are not in readiness, the smoke of dried cow dung, damp straw, &c. may be used, which will be likely to force the bees out; when, settling on some tree, dec. they may be hived, and, on being carried home, may be set over the hive of combs. If the nests are taken during the swarm- ing season, those parts of the combs that have honey in them may be cut out, taking great care of those with brood, which, with the empty ones, are to be placed in the hive, as well as can be in the same manner and at the same distance as the bees do ; and plac- ing the bees in them, they will soon repair the damage, and furnish the hive afresh. When the bees are esteemed not worth >TILr» BEES. 121 preserving, rags dipped in melted brim- etone, and put under their nests, will imme- diately sufl'ocate them. Hives rubbed with honeyed ale, and some poured into an old comb, and put under them, and placed on those spots which bees much frequent, will be likely to allure swarms to settle therein. Having had no experience in what relates to this article, the above is given from re- spectable authority. 12? SALVATION OF BEES. CHAP. XV. SALVATION OF BEES. Many of my readers will be much sur- prised at the following declaration, ri:. That the suffocation of bees kept in common hives is not prejudicial to the interest of the owners. This assertion, I beg leave to state, relates only to those who keep bees in sin- gle hives, loithout storifijing. "Contrary to my former principles, preju- dices, and practice, and to the current opi- nion of writers, nothing less than a series of stubborn facts could have effected my conviction and recantation. From theoretic deductions to facts I ap- peal — to experiments, the justness of which the judicious apiator may be convinced of, by making proper observations. For those who keep bees in boxes, with large win- dows, may perceive that in December and January very few bees are to be seen in the SALTATION OF BEES. 123 boxes that were crowded in August. Those who have straw hives may, at that time safely turn them upon their edge, and have a tolerable view, to answer the above pur- pose. The diminution is so great, that the fullest hives or boxes are then reduced to about a quart! and this by the natural de- crease of the aged bees. To certify this, I took the bees from several hives, and found them to measure as by the above statement; the weaker stocks less in proportion. This result proves, that all the advantage obtained by saving the hees o{ stocks tal^en^ and uniting them to other stocks (the only eligible means of saving), is ultimately only the salvation of a quart. And as the queen must be killed by the hand, or by the stock bees to which they are to be united, they cannot possibly make any farther increase in the spring. The question is then reduced to this is- sue : Whether the multitude of bees, united about August, will not consume (though gradually diminishing) more honey before the spring gathering commences, than the quart left will compensate by their labour? Q 2 121 SALVATION OP BEE3. Besides, it is to be considered, that the eggs produced by the old queen of the stock, not being more than usual, want not an unusual number of workers to rear them* a greater number may possibly be useless, or prejudicial by the increase of consump- tion. Nor do they contribute to the pro- duction of more early swarms; for that depends on the early birth of princesses, in which the additional bees have no share. The truth of the fact is further confirmed by experiments on stocks that have the bees of other hives united to them, but whicli proved neither more forward nor more pro- ductive than single ones hived in the com- mon way, not only of my own, but of neighbours. On the contrary, storied stocks, in the same season, were abundantly more pros- perous, having provided themselves with means sufficient for their own prosperity, in a succession ot" peace and plenty, and without the cruel necessity or trouble of suffocation by fire and brimstone. From this declaration it by no means follows, that the old practice of sutfoca- SALVATION OF BEES. 125 tion can be justified; but must be con- demned as impolitic, and highly disad- vantageous: for they must he very iceaJc, who pursue a plan of conduct of small profty ichen a better is offered of double or treble advantage. G 3 126 GLASSES. CHAP. XVL BEE GLASSES. The most convenient shape to set over bees should be similar to those of pi. IL fig. 1 ; that is, perpendicular to the circular top, or straight dome. Four are designed for a box, one at each corner; and one in the middle, which is to hold two quarts ; tlie others, only one quart each. That of the centre should be in two parts; the lower part to be open at both ends ; the upper division of the glass to be circular at top. There must be a thin circular piece of wood, of proper di- mensions, to lay over the top of the un- der glass, to support it when set over, and in it three apertures, cut out from the middle, by which the bees are to ascend into the upper half of the glass. GLASSES. 127 It will be necessary to have au adapter, or board of the size of the top of the box, on which the glasses are to be set. Apertures are to be made in it, to correspond with those on the hive-top, but to be limited in length, and not to exceed the width of the glasses, as pL II- fg- 3. Instead of sticks to support the empty combs, stages seem preferable. Three slips of wood, an inch and a half wide, and of a length to suit the bottom of the glasses: small holes are to be made near their edges, to receive long pegs, or slight sticks, about three or four inches long, and thus form stages wherein to fix the empty cornbs. The bottom edgesi, and ends of the stages, must be round, or be- velled off; and the ends of the pegs are to be cut smooth with the surface, to pre- vent any impediment to the entrance of the divider. The small glasses require two such stages ; the larger central, three, in each division ; and to be placed so as not to obstruct the apertures of the box by which the bees must ascend into the glasses. G 4 12S GLASSES. OBSERVATIONS. When the glasses are filled with combs, the edges are to be cut through with a thin knife, close to the gh\ss ; and a stiff wire, bent like an L, with its short end made flat and sharp, is to be introduced between the combs. Give it a twist, to turn the flat end, so as to separate the upper part of the combs from the top of the glass. The glass of two parts is intended for the conveniency of taking the upper part off when full, and to be succeeded by placing another. All glasses are difficult to crawl up by the bees, occasioning extraordinary labour. In small glasses especially, the crowds entering with their load, after much struggling find it not wanted there, nor perhaps in several others; and after all this toil are obliged to descend with it into the hive. For this reason, I have advised none under a quart. But to those who are not anxious about quantity, small glasses to their own taste Avill be more pleasing. The greater the number of glasses, or their magnitude, the greater should be the proportion of bees- GLASSES. 129 to fill them; or tiie box will contain mostly brood, and very little honey. An addition of a good swarm or two is, in that case, necessary. Those who have largeglobular glasses may have them cut in two (by the glass-cutters), and have a division-board adapted to the under half, as directed for a central glass. It may be thought that, by the use of glasses, the queen might be often discovered: but the reverse is true; she very seldom visits them, having no business there, brood hardly ever being found therein. Once I had some in a large globular glass, owing to want of room in the box below. The drones often ascend in the glasses to repose them- selves. Glasses do not prevent swarming, for I have liad swarms rise, even after they were half filled. MANAGEMENT. To place glasses over a box, set them as in pi. II. fig. 1, properly upon the adapter; slide the divider under the cover of the box, and set the adapter and glasses on the G 6 130 GLASSES. divider; then holding it steady with the left hand, withdraw the divider by the right. Then cover the whole with a dark-coloured cloth. It is proper to omit inspecting them for two or three days. Any chasms that may happen by the glasses not fitting close, or by not being wide enough for the open- ings, may be covered with slips of bohea tea-chest lead. Glasses may be set on straw hives, by having a c/rcw/ar adapter set over, as before mentioned; only be careful that the glasses do not stand too near the edges, so as to prevent the body of a straw hive from sur- rounding them, or the straw cover from being laid over, and which may be removed at pleasure for inspection. No glasses ought to be set over stocks, until a duplet is about half full, lest the after-season should prove unfavourable for storing the boxes. No glasses should be set over weak stocks. About the tenth of July glasses should be taken off; but if duplets are well furnished, they may be safely ad- mitted so long as the bees continue to place honey therein. In case the bees of a duplet GLASSES. ISl lie out, take the glasses off, and raise the stock on a nadir. In bad seasons, glasses cannot be filled without too much impoverishing the stock; probably to their utter ruin. In four or five days of bad weather, the bees will feast on the honey of the glasses; to prevent which, take them od'. But they must not be put on again, on a favourable change ; for they will take the rest of the honey; although, when done, they will re- fill them. Therefore put on fresh glasses, with empty combs. The glasses should be taken off as fast as filled, and replaced by empty ones, or the openings covered with tea-chest lead. Two slips of double tin, each about half an inch wider than the bottom of the largest glass, are necessary to take the glasses oft' by. Slide one under the glass to be separated, and the other under the first; then with- draw the upper tin, with the glass thereon, while the other is kept close and steady in its place, till an empty one is set on. The glass taken off is to be conveyed to a dark- ened room : and turning it on its side, to- J32 GLASSES. wards the light, the bees will fly directly thereto, and soon quit the glass. If they do not, tapping on the sides with the hands, or blowing with a pair of bellows, will make them soon relinquish it. Small glasses are to be taken ofV in the same way; but by taking them to three or four yards distance, and tapping with the fingers on their sides, with the bottom upwards, and gradually walking on, the bees will escape without anger or danger. Or they may be laid on their sides on the ground, and the bees will quit leisurely of themselves. These operations will be rather an amuse- ment, than acts attended with fear, when a little practice has made them familiar. Spare virgin combs should annually be reserved for decoys to the glasses. They should be kept in close boxes, or drawers, in a dry room, wrapped in papers, that nei- ther dust nor the wax-moth may injure them. DEPRIVATION. 133 CHAP. XVII. DEPRITATIOX, OR THE TAKING UP OT HIVES OF HONEY. Deprivation is either partial or general : the PARTIAL is that of taking hives or boxes as soon as they are judged to be full. When a stock has been so prosperous as to h?i\e the triplet full, it must be then taken off, and another triplet set in its place; but the duplet must remain, while a continued separation of triplets may be made as often as they become filled. To know when straw hives are nearly filled, strike round the body, and if it feel hollow, and a small buz be heard, it is a sign of their not being near full; but if it feel solid and dead to the strokes, and a great buz of some continuance follow, it indicates its fulness. Through the windows of boxes this may be discovered at sight. 134 DEPRIVATION. Triplets are to be taken so long as the season and weather are favourable for pro- ducing honey; otherwise the stock must be raised on a nadir. Place the hive taken, a considerable distance from the stock; and if in two or three hours] the bees remain quiet, there is a presumption of its having a queen, or brood, and it must be set on again. But when all the three hives appear crowded with bees, so as to want more room, set the hive that was taken, with its door as near as can be to the stock door, so as to not to obstruct it; laying a slip of wood as a bridge from one to the other: and place an empty triplet on the stock. The hive being placed thus near to the stock, with its floor touch- ing, will be esteemed still as one family, and the brood reared as such ; and in about three weeks may be taken away. The brood in that time will be matured, and the cells filled with honey. But in the interim, if an unusual crowd or disturbance, or crumbs of wax, are seen at the door, it is a token that the stock bees or some others have begun to pillage. Ob- serving this, take it directly to a dark room. DEPRIVATION. 155 and cover it up for a few hours; if then the bees are quietly escaping, let it remain till morning, and then fume it, whatever be the state of the bees. But if, after the triplet has been taken, the stock is in confusion, it is a sign that the queen was therein (though this seldom hap- pens), and it must be replaced. This caU' tion is particularly necessary to be observed, in respect of all hives when taken; as some- times a young queen may reside in one hive, and the old one in another; or the old queen may be in it herself. This is often the case with duplets which have farina and brood ; and that even though the upper door had been timely shut. Generally, when a nadir is half full of combs, and the door of the upper hive has been kept shut, the queen begins to lay her eggs in the nadir; there- fore, in about three weeks after, the brood in the superior hive will have been hatched, and the cells filled with honey, and proper for taking. No duplet is to be separated in autumn, unless the hive left, in all ap- pearance, is quite full ; then that which seems most likely not to have the queen may 136 DEPRIVATION. be taken; but if this cannot be determined, it is most eligible to let both stand. The bees will not be the worse for having more food than is necessary (if kept warm in winter) ; but may perish by having too little, which may happen in a protracted bad spring. Bees will not quit a hive that has brood, whether upper or under, without fuming or ^ driving. The following day after a hive" has been separated, 'if farina has been car- ried in, it shews all is well ; but if not, return the hive that fails to the stock again. When it happens that a separate hive has a queen, and is well stored, it may be kept, if such an increase is wanted ; pro- vided the stock left has also a queen. But if, unfortunately, the stock queen has been killed in the operation, restore the hive taken to its family. The hrood-comhs of hives taken should be handled with great tenderness and cir- cumspection, that none may be damaged or crushed. Rather cut into the honey cells than into the brood ; and let them be kept warm, until they are set over a stock. Place DEPRIVATION. 137 them in an empty hive reversed, without its cover; the combs to be disposed so as to touch each other as little as possible, by placing slips of wood, half an inch in thick- ness, between, to give sufticient space for the young to be excluded, and for the passage of the bees to nourish them. At night set them over the stock they came from, or some other that needs recruiting. Deprivation should always be done in the evening, as soon as the bees are retired to rest; that there may be sufficient light leisurely to perform the operation. The GENERAL time of deprhmtion, or taking up of stocks, varies in duL rent coun- ties, according to their diflereuL tempera- tures; but about the latter end of August is the usual season. Bees kept in single hives ought to be taken when honey-gathering begins to cease. This may be known by a diminution of activity in the bees (if not from bad weather): for, when this happens, they begin to feed on the hive honey, beginning with the un- sealed or exterior cells first. Therefore, the longer they are permitted to stand, the 138 DEPRIVATION. less honey there will be in the hive, when taken; and that in proportion to the num- ber of bees it contains; which at that time consume a great deal in a little time, and consequently prove an absolute loss. This is meant of stocks taken the common way to be , destroyed. What hive honey they have eaten can be of no profit, when the bees themselves are soon to be killed. But this is not the case in the story me- thod, the bees of which are always saved; and therefore no disadvantage can arise from their standing. For if a duplet that has stood be taken after having eaten a good part of the honey, it has saved a like quantity of the stock's, which they would have consumed, had they staid on. At the usual season of deprivation there is generally much brood, whose preserva- tion is of much importance; for, coming into birth so late in the season, they will survive through the next summer, till the honey harvest terminates. This brood, thus preserved, is of more worth than twenty times the number of promiscuous bees, taken from a stock, and incorporated with another ; even DEPRIVATION. 139 if the stock should prosper, which is very doubtful, as experience verities. It is surprising, that the salvation of the brood has never been noticed; although every one, on taknig combs out at this sea- son, might have observed brood therein, in their several stages of maggots, or nymphs, and often of eggs. Regardless thereof, they are mashed indiscriminately with the honey- combs; thus greatly injuring its quality by such ill-judged conduct. In the storied method, instead of the gene- ral deprivation of duplets in August, I appre- hend, for the reasons above assigned, it will be eligible to defer it to the latter end of Septonber, or the beginning^f Octoher; or till the weather is too cool for the bees to work much out; by which time all or most of the brood will have been matured, and have left their cells, without the risk of de- stroying any of them : besides the advantage of performing the operation with more ease, safety, and satisfaction ; as at that time, from having neither brood nor princess, the bees will quit the duplet, when separated, in a few hours, of themselves, without fuming. 140 DEPRIVATION'. In wet and cold seasons, honey-gathering is very scanty ; a circumstance which leaves numerous vacant cells for the rearing brood, and thereby renders deprivation much later than usual. For the hives may feel heavy, but it will not be from honey, but mostly from farina and brood (especially if the stock is of two years standing); which may lead the apiator into a fatal error, as thinking the stock rich, though in fact it may be very poor, and die of famine in the spring. Stocks left double are not liable to this casualty. To judge of the weight and condition of a stock fit for standing, besides the direction given before in this chapter, lift the stock a little up: if it feels of a due weight, that is, about twenty pounds exclusive of the hive, it may be safely concluded as fit to keep. It will be useful, on several occasions to number and weigh the hives and floors, before the bees are put in. By this means, any evening, by stopping the hive door, they may be readily weighed, without any disturbance to the bees. If any of the stocks remain trebled till DEPRIVATION. 141 August, take away the most empty; for it is adviseable, that tlie stocks, in general, be reduced to duplets at this period. Those that have bjt few combs, are obviously to be taken. In a cold evening or morning, an assistant may lift the hive high enough up, to permit the apiator to look underneath, vi'hich he may do with little dnnger, or dis- turbance to the bets. The doors of all duplets that seem most vacant should be shut. All stocks in common hives, that are light, should be taken; and none kept, unless about twenty pounds weight. Weak stocks seldom survive the next spring; but, if by chance they do, turn to liitiB account, not adequate to the trouble and expence of feed- ing. One strong stock will be more pro- ductive than four weak ones. Nevertheless in extraordinary situations and seasons, they may yield tolerably well. In favourable seasons three hives have been taktn oft", each yielding twenty pounds of combs, though in a situation that was but middling. Two or three casts joined together have 148 DEPRIVATION. accumulated honey very rapidly; while their feeble neighbours, having few col- lectors, lost that short but precious oppor- tunity. It is best to separate boxes about ten in the morning, when the greatest number of bees are out ; as it can be done with more ease and security than in straw hives. In small apiaries, the divider had better be shoved under a hive the night before, and then the bees will be so little disturbed as hardly to resent it. When bees are terrified by the operation of deprivation, or other violence, they be- come regardless of their queen, till the panic has subsided, ^t the season of deprivation, the light stocks had better be incorporated, three or four, at discretion, in a hive, and proportionally furnished with honey. PASTURAGE. 143 CHAP. XVIII. OF PASTURAGE, OR BEE-FLOWERS. A PLENTIFUL assortment of bee-flowers is a consideration that requires attention, if we design to favour an ample production of honey. The nearer the pasturage is to the apiary, the more journeys the bees can make in a day, and consequently the sooner they will be able to till their hives. The product frorfi a large supply, but at a small distance, and in a temperate situa- tion, even with the common management, will be superior to that of the most skilful in a bad one. On the contrary, with bad management, and with scanty pasturage, and indifferent situation, a very trifling profit can be expected. Britain, in general, is but thinly stocked with bees. Few farmers in comparison esteem them worth their notice; it is from the attention of cottagers we derive the chief 144 PASTUllAGE. supply of honey and wax. It will be rea- dily admitted, that a large number of stocks kept within a small circuit and in a bad situation, will be prejudicial to that circuit, as being more than can be supported in affluence, and will necessarily impoverish each other. The state of any particular situation may be known by the general pro- duct for several years together, and not from one or two years only; but more cer- tainly from what a very good season will produce, which may be accounted as a standard. But there are many situations capable of feeding a much larger number of stocks than are to be found on them. However, if the generality of farmers and cottagers individually would kfep a few stocks, nearly all the honey and wax this country could produce might be collected. This would not only benefit individuals, but might also be of real national utility. In many counties, cottagers' wages are too low to enable them ever to purchase a swarm or stock of bees, especially if they have families. It is a prudent and com- PASTURAGE. 145 mendable method they have here, of giving credit for a swarm, to be compensated for by the first good one that it yields the next year, and about a quart of honey for interest. I hope this practice will become general, among these industrious and useful people. I flatter myself that the well-known bene- volence of the British gentry will induce them to assign some part of their influence to promote it. Large heaths and commons, surrounded with woods, are noted for being abundantly- productive: the first abounding with wild thyme, and various other flowers untouched by the scythe ; and the other with a profu- sion of farina and honey-dews. Heath and broom are very serviceable, as continuing long and late in bloom. It is remarkable, that the domestic bees are very nice in tht^ir selections, and do not rove from one sort of flowers to those of another, indiscriminately. They are li- mited to a few kinds. Those of the most gaudy colours, and which afford the most resplendent show, and agreeable odours, are mostly neglected by them, as hyacinths. 14G PASTURAGE. jasmines, roses, lioney-suckles, &c. while very small floweis, or those of little note, are to them plentiful sources of nectareous sweets. A Lisl of Bcc-Floicers. Winter aconite Lauristinus Hazel Snowdrops Crocus Sallows Osiers Primroses Hepaticas Violets Stand arrl almonds Single tcull-Jlowcr Onion Gooseberry Apricot, and other fruit-trees Laurel Tit inij)! Brussiru, or cab- bage, a Hi he spe cies Dwarf almonds Rosemart/ Strawberry Tulip Wliite-tliorn Ileatli Gorbe Starof Bethlehem Borage Viper's bu gloss liusberry Lalninuiin Tacamal.acca Columbine Barberry Bian Yellow lupine Syrinj^a Sweet-briar Miislard T;'.res White Clover Cucumbers Greek Valerian Senna French willows Ilolly-hocli Serpyllia, or creeping le- mon thyme Capers ]V Idle poppies Mignonette Blackberries Lime-lrce Chesnut Mallows Hyssop Teazle Buck-wheat Nasturtium Yellow vetches Saintfoin Alders Scabious Sun-flower Broom PASTURAGE. 147 Michaelmas dai- sies Winter savory Jacob's beard Purple houseleek Tree-ivy And a few other* of less note. N. B. Those printed in Italics are such as produce ihe grea/fs/ yuaH^//^/ of honey, or farina; and those in Capital Letters, such as yield ihejinest honey. Some of theni atrbrd both honey and farina. They are ranked nearly in the order in which they blo\y. Bees are most fond of spots where large quantities of their favourite flowers are to be found together. Fields of buck- wheat, or ichite clover, will be thronged with bees buzzing their joys, so as to be heard at a great distance; while plants that afford finer honey, but scattered here and there, will be neglected. When several sorts of honey flowers grow near each other, they will only collect at first from those that fur- nish the best honey. For instance, if several species of thyme are planted together, they will prefer the creeping lemon thyme only, as long as its flowers last. In seasons of scarcity, they are obliged to take up with species of a very inferior quality, and such as they would despise at another time. H 2 148 PASTURAGE. Besides the acquisition of honey , farina is of great importance to make bees flourish. It is the dust or flour found on the stamina of flowers, and which contains much essen- tial oil, visible to the naked eye on holly- hocks. This precious concrete substance the bees collect in little bails, on their hind legs, or by the hair of their bodies. The balls, on their return home, are struck oft' from their legs, in its crude state, or by biting it oft" piecemeal, and are deposited in their cells ; other bees often assisting. Pro- bably the farina of ditVerent colours may be also as difterent in quality. Its ?ise is partly to feed themselves, and partly to nourish the young. That gathered in summer is immediately swallowed, and by their digestive faculties converted ei- ther into food, or wax wherewith to form the combs, and which is discharged at their mouths in a soft state; so well adapted is it to its intended purpose. Therefore, when a swarm is newly hived, little or no farina is seen to be carried in; and a proof of this may be had, by an attentive observation to boxes. PASTURAGE. 149 Wax is also drawn by the bees from the resinous and balsamic juiced of trees; the purer sort from the leaves, and imported under the folds of their bellies. The bees that have the good fortune to acquire this l)recious article, on their arrival in the hive, shake themselves very much, as though they had a difficulty to disengage it; and yet are impatient that others should do it for them. Tar and paint they will likewise load them- selves with, much to their prejudice, Ta- camahacca yields resin so abundantly, that the bees are very profuse of it, daubing the box windows so much therewith as scarcely to be seen through. Combs made with it are coarse and clumsy. On the contrary, those made from white clover, or white poppies, are white and elegant. Wax from Africa is chiefly drawn from resins of the nature of turpentine sub- stances, and for that reason bears a less price than British, which is chiefly from flowers. Sallows furnish a larger quantity of farina than most other plants, and that as early as the bees have occasion for it. Rosemary H S 150 PASTURAGE. is the first aromatic plant that blows; it grows wild in some parts of France, and is the cause of that superiority for which the Narbonne honey is esteemed. Mignonette yields good honey, and is valuable for its long continuance in bloom, even till No- vember. Beds of it near an apiary will be of advantage, as will edgings of creeping lemon thyme along the borders of the gar- den. Single wall-flowers in plenty will be serviceable. Lime trees are not to be neg- lected about apiaries, serving in a double capacity, by their flowers, and by their leaves, which are frequently covered with honey-dews. Neither beans nor orchard trees afford any great quantity of honey; as may be observed by the stocks in Herefordshire, which, though abounding in orchards, is not more productive in honey than other counties. In contrast to this, the borders of Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, and part of Hampshire, abounding with large heaths, commons, and woods, are much more productive than any other part of the kingdom. Farmers there have been knovva PASTURAGE. 151 to keep from an hundred to an hundred and fifty stocks of bees. Viper's bugloss is a plant much like bo- rage. It is a very troublesome weed in corn, among which it is found in many places in great plienty; and is sure to make rich hives; it has a biennial root, delights in chalky or dry soils, and will grow on old walls. But BORAGE is the king of bee-flowers; it is annual, and blows all the summer, till the frost cuts it off. It affords honey even in cold and showery weather, when other flowers do not, owing to the flowers being pendulous. The seeds drop, and sow them- selves ; the honey from it is hne. To find the quality of the honey from any particular species of flowers, if they are in considerable quantity, set small glasses over a stotjk at the time of their flowering, and tliey will chiefly be filled w.th honey of the predominant flavour. Lavender and balm, though fine aroma- tics, yield little or no honey in our cli- mate; though they do in warmer countries. In ours, where wet and cold so often occur, H 4 152 PASTURAGE. the changes are so sudden (but generally not in all counties alike at the same time) as to affect the flowers in the dili'erence of their products, suiting one sort, and not an- other. Lavender is a particular instance, which is very abundant, and yields a large quantity of honey late, when most others have done. Very dry summers are as unfavourable, in causing the flowers to fade and die tuo speedily to yield much honey. Furze or gorse, in many parts of Britain, the bees collect from; yet, in the vicinity of Penv broke, I have observed it to be entirely neg- lected by them : whereas, the quantity here is so large in the hedges and fields, that the product of honey would be very great. Rape is ver}' beneficial to bees, as also tur- nip, and, as it is later in bloom, will be ser- viceable when tlie other is gone. Some flowers, it is probable, contain at once all the honey they can furnish, and, when deprived of that, yield no more, though continuing in bloom much longer. As for instance, white clover. I have seen fields of it covered with bees; but in two PASTURAGE. 153 or three days they had not a single bee on them, although continuing in bloom, and the weather equally favourable. In very scanty seasons of honey-gather- ing, bees have been observed to feed on mellow gooseberries, and ripe saccharine pears ; but I believe none was carried in for store. Bees do not fly to so great a distance as has been imagined for pasturage. The hotter the weather, and greater the profu- sion of flowers to be found on one spot, the farther they vpill be allured to fly, and pasture thereon; perhaps a mile, or a mile and a half: but generally, it is most pro- bable, they do not exceed half a mile. When it is cool and windy, though they are short of provisions, they will perish rather than fly beyond that distance. Instances of this I have seen in stocks in that condition, situ- ated in a large garden; which, on being removed to the side of a large common, not a mile distant, presently resumed tlieir la- bours with vigour, and prospered. Where land i<} very cheap, is seems rea- sonable to suppose, that it might be culti- H 5 154 PASTURAGE. vated with some of the most productive of bee- flowers ; such as white clover to stand and seed, rape, mustard, borage, viper's bugloss, strawberries, rasberries, or buck- wheat: marshy wet soils, with sallows,^ osiers, or lime-trees, which would be likely to prove of more considerable advantage for establishing a productive apiary, than to let such lands remain covered only with sour grass, rushes, furze, and briers, and such like unprofitable vegetables. Perhaps many persons will find their account in removing their stocks of bees to fields of clover, buck- wheat, turnips, mustard, or heath, accord- ing as the flowers are earlier or later than those of their own situation. HONEY-DEWS. 155 CHAP. XIX. OF HONEY-DEWS. HoNEY-dew has, in general, been erro- neously supposed to be a dew that falls indiscriminately on all plants alike; whereas the true honey-dew is an exudation tVonn the leaves ot" a few species onfy, and that at a time when other dews do not exist. The trees and plants on which it is found, are the oak, inaple, sycamore, lime, hazel, and blackberry; and sometimes, thouo-h very seldom, on cherry trees and currant bushes. Its time of appearance is about ten or eleven o'clock in the morning, and its du- ration about four or five hours, according as the sultry heat which produces it con- tinues. Sometimes it is found as early as seven o'clock, even though the sun does not shine out, if the preceding day and night have been sultry; or when the sun's ravs 150 HONEY-DEWS. are reflected from clouds. It is not always found in the several species at one time, perhaps only on one in particular. This substance is as transparent and as sweet as honey; in fact, it is honey. At times it resembles little globules ; but more often appears on the leaves like a syrup, and mostly in the old ones. The season of its usual appearance is from the middle of June to the middle of July; but varies in different counties, and ac- cording as the weather is more or less fa- vourable. In some years there is none at all. In general, when fruit is backward, so are honey-dews; even so late as harvest. There have been instances of honey-dews two months later than the usual time, owing to the wetness of the summer, and then but snjall in quantity. The stocks, when taken, were light, and those left mostly died of famine in the winter; except in the heath countriesy which, blowing late, fur- nished honey that was but very ordinary, and barely adequate to their winter's wants. When a honey-dew is produced, the ac- tivity of the bees is violent and unremitting: HONEY-DEWS. 157 they almost desert the hive to import it; knowing its time of continuance to be of short duration, and that on the weather suddenly changing it is entirely over. While the trees are charged with it, the bees are as though swarming therein, buz- zing their joys in loud acclamations. But woe and smart to those who obstruct their swift descent to their hives ! More honey will be collected in one week from dews, than in many from flowers. It is obvious, therefore, how great must be the advantage of those kind of trees in the vicinity, and from the story method, by which the bees may (with care) never be at a loss for enlargement to bestow the trea- sure in. 158 DISEASES. CHAP. XX, DISEASES OF BEES. Cold, foggy, damp weather, in the win- ter, is very often fatal to bees : for then having no exercise they become subject to a purging, by which they are soon reduced very weak: and, clustering together in a body, soil each other, and thus contami- nate the whole. The signs of this disease are small crumbs of wax about the door, or on the floor, with many dead bees, and much filth caked together, and, if of some time standing, mouldy, often concealing destructive wax-moths, &c. If the bees do not fly out, and appear as active as other stocks, it is a syinptom that they are either dead or starving. In Hertfordshire I had many stocks aftected: but in Pembroke- shire I never had one diseased; owing, I suppose, to the strong and frequent ventila- tion of sea air, to which my situation is DISEASES. I5S got or maggots, precisely of three days old, and properly placed in an empty hive, toge- ther with part of a comb of farina, and another of honey ; about a quart of bees is then to be introduced, and the hive stopped up, except a small passage for air, and so remain three days. There v^ill be a great tumult and noise in the hive for some hours, when it will subside, and the bees will begin to build a royal cell. The fourth day an opening is to be made of a quarter of an inch, that the bees may come out lei- surely. After roving about for some time, they will return to their hive. It should be done in the spring. Bonner's process is, I think, an improve- ment : he drives the bees out, then cuts a piece of comb out that has several maggots, of various ages, and placing, &c. and then sets the hive at a very considerable distance from the apiary, without stopping the bees in. This I understand to be Bonner's method, for he seems reserved as to an explicit ex- planation. I make no doubt but the use of the puffs will be found preferable. Schirach's stopping the bees was ill- €54 POSTSCRIPT. judged, and what, perhaps, occasioned my bad success. It is somewhat strange that Mr. Bonner should have pursued his researches, without the advantage of bee-glasses, or bee-boxes, but confined himself to straic hives of the common form holding two pecks and a half, and occasionally eeks. His principal dependance for rearing a great number of stocks, is by providing a sufficiency of pasturage adequate thereto ; but the waxen castle he has raised for this purpose seems to have been built on a hill of sand. He supposes a person to begin with five stocks, which the second year will be in- creased to ten, and so continue to increase in duplicate ratio for ten years, vvliich will then amount to 2500. He supposes like- wise, that if each parish of Scotland had twenty hives in May, the amount of the eight hundred parishes would be 16,000. Supposing each of these hives to throw out one swarm in September, we should have 32,000. On these principles, with proper management and tolerable seasons, in the POSTSCRIPT. 955 space of seven years the stocks would in- crease from 32,000 to 2,048,000 ; and, after his draw-backs, his lowest estimate is a clear million, producing 4,000,000 pints of ho* ney, and 1,000,000 pounds of wax. On the supposition that bees will increase double every year, and therefore that five hives the first year may increase to ten the second year, &c. I will not dispute; but will there be double the quantity of honey and wax? I doubt, not; for, supposing the five hives (the bees of them) can only collect from the vicinage, as far as their flight for pasturage usually extends, enough to fill their five hives; the second year being increased to ten, the same quantity of flowers will only yield the same quantity of honey, admitting the season similar to the first. I infer, therefore, that the produce will be no more, though double the number of bees. To this we may add (which Bonner ac- knowledges) that seasons are often bad ; rendering hives impoverished instead of in- creasing, and that they often die in the win- ter. The second link of this golden chain being broke, down falls the whole mass of 950 POSTSCRIPT. honey and wax appending thereto; and there I leave it. No, say its advocates ; that is not fair! We can increase the flowers in proportion to the number of bees. Can the cottagers extend their land? or will they extirpate from their little allotment the vegetables of their daily support, to give place for bee- flowers? Will gentlemen (whom Bonner chiefly addresses) plough up their grass and corn lands, to cultivate such flowers ? Surely corn and cattle are of more value than ho- ney ! We had better be without honey than bread. But Bonner has a resource in heath, which covers, he says, more than half of Britain! If true, I am sorry to hear it; and hops, most part of it will speedily be ploughed up for corn, though it should prove the ruin of this new plan of increasing of bees. 1 should sooner prefer Virgil's method of raising bees from a dtad heifer, or of Sampson's procuring honey from a dead lion. I sincerely hope, as Mr. Bonner has been a practitioner for twenty-six years, he has accumulated a snug fortune, to compensate POSTSCRIPT. S57 for his labours and ingenious discoveries. But as his native land so much abounds in white clover, heath, furze, «Scc. it is wonder- ful that honey sells at ten-pence and twelve- pence per pound, at Edinburgh. It is also observable, that he gives no account of the produce of his own apiary, and only five instances of other persons', of whom he bought honey and wax. To one, in particu- lar, he paid five pounds for one hive, which was weighed in the market-house of Edin- burgh; but unluckily he omits the weight or dimensions of the hive. The reader, there- fore, is left to his own calculations. Mr. Bonner, besides his grand resource of flowers, relies on preserving the bees of the stocks taken, and uniting them with the stocks left. I think his ingenious method of swarm- ing deserves a place here ; and I recom- mend it to a trial, as it will be too late for me to do it. My work, I hope, will be printed before the season arrives : and my age, and increasing infirmities, forbid a longer delay. " Suppose one drive all the bees out of % 258 POSTSCRIPT. " hive, and thereby make an artificial swarm. " If the old hive has a royal cell in it, by " introducing into it about five thousand " bees, they will hatch out the young queen, " with all the eggs and nymphs in the cells, " and render it a flourishing hive. The " method of introducing the common bees " is as follows: Let a strong out-lying hive " be removed from its usual situation, about ** 10 A. M. and place the hive that has no ** bees on the spot where it stood; the bees, ** on their return from the fields, will enter " it, and, finding plenty of honey, and abun- ** dance of eggs, will rear up the young bees ** with great alacrity." But here it may be asked. Suppose there happens to be no royal cell in the old hive, how are we to proceed .? On my plan, instead of driving, I wou\(\ fumigate them out ; then inspect whe- ther there is a royal cell; and it' not, return the bees into the hive. But if there is a royal cell, cover the hive of fumed bees with a cloth, and let an assistant take it to some distance. In the mean time, carefully exa- mine the old hive, to be assured that the queen is not left behind among the combs. POSTSCRIPT. 250 as she is frequently one of the last that falls. Being satisfied on this point, place it on its original stand. The bees, on their return, &:c. —The hive with the fumed bees should be confined till night, to be certain that the queen is with them; for, if not, they will soon shew it by their uproar, and, in conse- quence, must be taken before the stock, and set bottom upwards. But if they remain quiet till night, take them to a very consi- derable distance, in another garden or field. An empty hive should be set in lieu of the combed hive, during the operation, to amuse the bees as they return from the fields. As Mr. Bonner approves the Schirachean doctrine of a common egg being capable of becoming a queen by the nursing of the workers, why should he insist on there be- ing a royal cell in the hive? when common eggs would serve the purpose; only causing a delay of a few days before a young queen, so reared, would be capable of laying eggs. Another method he gives of artificial swarming is, " to take all the bees out of " the hive, and put into it a considerable " number of common bees, who will hatch 260 POSTSCRIPT. *' out the brood, and rear them, and often *' succeed very well. But this plan is liable *' to some imperfections ; for, from the time " the old queen is taken away till the young " one is fit to lay eggs, will be twenty-fiv$ "days; during which space not a single " egg can be laid. To which add eighteen " days more, before the eggs can be of any " service. It is evident that the best part *' of the honey season will be over ; and " consequently, by autumn, the hive cannot ** be replenished with bees. If I intend to " kill a hive of bees in autumn, it seems ** best to take away the queen at the end of *' July, leaving a great number of bees in *' the hive, which, having but few bees to *' nurse up, would collect a greater quantity *' of honey in that period, than if they had ** a queen to lay eggs." — " In the spring, having two hives that " had but few bees in each, 1 put the bees " of one hive into the other, suspecting, as *• they had both bred slowly, there might " be a defect in one of the queens; and " hoping that, by putting them together, " the least healthy woald have been killed; POSTSCRIPT. 2ol° 87,88 sealing on a persoD 101 to decoy - - 100 nummary of monllily manage. 204 17* 173, 175 - 174 ment T. Thefts and Wars signs of to manage Tinkling necessary in tlie liiving of bees - 75 Tri/jieis, ouiliers of - 6T wuen lo take 133, 140 to storify - S27 to deprive - 63, 227 U. Uniting swarms will) the stock 234 weak slocks in aiitumn 23S . of swarms ^nilli one anollier - - 99. 234 with tlieirraolberslotk 232 W. Wax, what drawn from Watching indispensable Wasps enemiss lo bees Weight and measu.e of bees Winter, bees lo be kept warm in - • Woods, good for early sw.am- ing - rror/fcrs dcscibed • i'..eir biood 149 87 179 93 165 FINIS. frinua ty KACDONALa *nil SO, 4!, C:«;h fair, I.»«J«. ^ yr.