ILLU STRATI Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from NCSU Libraries loo House Plans loo PRICE I.OO On the outside edge of each page where a house is illustrated, we publish the price at which full and complete working plans and specifications will be furnished. Please note the extremely low prices "i^t^i* Michigan Ave. and Madison St. CHICAGO, ILL. THE RADFORD IDEAL HOMES SEVENTH EDITION MARCH, 1903 N PRESENTING this, the seventh edition of The Radford Ideal Homes to the public, the publishers wish to thank those who have shown so much appreciation for the first six editions, and who have shown their apprecia- tion not only by ordering the books, but by buying and favorably commenting on the blue prints and specifications. The encouragement we have received has been the means of urging us to print this seventh issue in larger quantity than heretofore. As the houses are moderate in price and convenient in arrangement, we feel sure of securing liberal patronage. In the planning of all our designs, we have recognized the fact that the people of to-day de- mand modern appearances, as well as the different conveniences, when they decide upon building a home. A great deal of time and study has been spent on each design, and every set of plans will be found complete and accurate in all details, no labor having been spared where any small advantage could be gained. Many people are surprised that we can furnish blue prints and specifications of such up-to-date houses at the price for which we advertise them, and we could not were it not for the fact that we have succeeded in supplying the demand for the very thing that the people have been looking for, namely, a moderate priced, convenient house. All of these plans have been made for us by a licensed architect of the State of Illinois. They are accurate and complete in every detail. WHAT WE FURNISH IN BLUE PRINTS Foundation and This sheet shows the shape and size of all walls, piers, footings, posts, etc., and of what Cellar Plan materials they are constructed ; shows the location of all windows, doors, chimneys, ash-pits, partitions and the like. The different wall sections are given, showing their construction, and measurements are given from all the different points. Floor Plans These plans show the shape and size of all rooms, halls and closets, the location and sizes of all doors and windows, the position of all plumbing fixtures, gas lights, registers, pantry work, etc. All measurements that are necessary are given. Elevations -^ front, right, left and rear elevations are furnished with all plans. These drawings are complete and accurate in every respect. They show the shape, size and location of all doors and windows, porches, cornices, towers, bays, and the like, and in fact give you an exact scale picture of the house as it should be at completion. Full wall sections are given, showing the construction from foundation to roof, the height of stories between joists, height of plates, pitch of roofs, etc. Roof Plan "^^'^ P'^" '^ furnished where the roof construc- tion is at all intricate. It shows the location of all hips, valleys, ridges, decks, etc. All the above drawings are made a quarter of an inch to the foot. Details "^'^ necessary details of the interior work, such as door and window casings, and trim, base, stools, picture moulding, doors, newelposts, balusters, rails, etc., accompany each set of plans; part is shown in full size, while some of the larger work, such as stair construction, is drawn to a scale of inch and a half to the foot. Lumber Bill ^^ ^° "°* furnish a lumber bill. We state this here, as some people seem to think that a lumber bill should accompany each set of specifications. In the first place, our plans are gotten up very plain, and any car- penter who cannot in a few minutes take off the bill of lumber from these plans is not the man to build your house. Another reason why we send no lumber bill is that houses from these designs are being built in all parts of the country ; from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. Houses when finished may look the same, whether built in Florida or Canada, but the same material would not be used, for the reason that custom and the seasons will it differently. Change of Plans ^^ cannot change our plans for the reason ■ that every plan we have drawn is used as a negative, and the blue prints we sell you are photographed from that negative. Order your Blue Prints direct from us Michigan Ave. and Madison St., Chicago, 111. PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5: 00 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND KI.DOK PLAN Desigfn No. 86 Cost about $1,500 Size: width, 40 foot; length, 40 feet. Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor ])l«n; front, rear, two siilo clova- tions: wall sections and all necessary interior details. PcRC PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5'^ FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size: width, 28 feet; length, 45 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side derations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 82 Cost about $2,000 PRICE of Blue Prints, together witli a complete set of typewritten specificiitions, is $5:22 FIRST FLOOn PLAN ■ FICON 1) FLODU PLAN Design No. 84 Cost about $i,goo Size: width, 28 feet; length, 47 feet excluslvo of porches. Blue prints ciinsist (if cellar and foundalioii jihin ; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevnliiiiis; wall sections and all necessary interior details. P R I - C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:^ FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 30 feet ; length, 46 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; Hoor and roof plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 45 Cost about $1,300 > R I C E >f Blue Prints, ogether with a lomjilete set of y p e w r i 1 1 e n pt'cificatioiis, is $5:22 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Design No. 71 Cost about $1,500 Size : width, 33 foot j loiigtli, 43 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of cellar niul fouiulalion plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side i-lcvalions ; wall scclions and all necessary interior details. ""^- /(■,« FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 Size : width, 36 feet ; length, 44 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 43 Cost about $1,750 / X --g^sgt>"<*i TTIf. PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten SDeeifications, is $3£2 \_=-^ KIUST KLOOR PLAN SIX'ONU I'l.Oltl! PLAN Op^iOTI IVo "20 She: wiiUh, 22 feet; length, 44 feet. Blue prints consist of cellar l^CSI^II i^U. ^\J J foundation i>lnn : first ami second floor plans; front, rear, two Cost about $850 and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elcvHiioiis ; wall sections and all necessary inlorior details ISC'. >5 • Ill ^ I— ■ FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of ty pe wri tten specifications, is $5: oo Size : width, 24 feet ; length, 38 feet. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 37 Cost about $1,800 n PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 LOOK ri.AN Design No. 78 Cost about $1,000 Size : width, 29 feet ; length, 49 feet. Blue prints consist of celliir and foundation plan ; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections ami nil necessary interior details. PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten speciiications, is $5:22 FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 34 feet; length, 60 feet. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan; floor plan; roof plan, front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Desi§:n No. 17 Cost about $1,400 13 ^&^ \ViW^'^!!-'>'-ii sL M ill ^^ ^f P U 1 C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $3-22 FI.dDl! l'I,AN Design No. 24 Cost about $Qoo Size : width, 80 feet ; length, 42 feet. Blue prints consist of fonmliilion jilan ; floor plnn ; front, rear, two side ele- viitions ; wall si-rlions nnd nil nooossiiry interior details. 14 n L_^ P R I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 24 feet ; length, 41 feet. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 34 Cost about $1,100 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $3-^ FLOOK PLAN Design No. 42 Cost about $500 Size : wi.Kli, 24 foet ; length, 82 feet. Rlue prints consist •if foundation plan ; floor plan ; front, rear, two side ele- vations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. 16 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten speciScations, is $5:^ FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 28 feet ; length, 42 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans; roof plan ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 41 Cost about $2,250 17 P R I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of ty 1)6 writ ten specifications, is $5:^ FLOOR PLAN Desi§:n No. 76 Cost about $850 Size: width, 24 frol ; length, 46 feet. Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plans; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; wall sections and all necessarr interior details. 18 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 33 feet, 6 inches; length, 26 feet. Blue prints consist of foundation plan; flnor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 69 Cost about $600 10 PRICE o( Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $4:22 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SF.COND FLOOR PLAN Design No. 39 Cost about $900 Size • wiaih, 30 feet ; length, 28 feet. Blue prints consist of foundation plan; first an.! second rtoor plans; front rear two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary n.tor.or 20 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, U $4£2 FLOOR PLAN Size: width, 24 feet; length, 48 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; floor plan ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. sS Cost about $1,000 21 PRICE of Blue Prints, togetlier with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $8: ations, IS -^ -^ 1 i(,„,m r I'lltS'l' I'l.OoK PI. \\ SWO.NI) FLOOK I'LAN Design No. 56 Cost about $4,000 Size : widtli, 43 feet ; length, 50 feet exclusive of porcli. Blue jirints consist of cellar and foumlation plan; first and seeoMi)R PLAN Size: width, 23 feet; length, 43 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of foundation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. 43 Design No. 6i Cost about $750 P K I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of type writt e n specifications, is $5:22 /4'fi''x /«V/ I EEJ^ .^ liTh'tiiH)- KIKST Kl.ooit PLAN SKCONI) KI.OOH ri.AN Design No. 62 Cost about $1,600 Size : width, 27 feet ; Icnplh, 41 foot exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of cellar anil foumlaliori plan ; ^ll•^l nnliin ; fluor iiliui; front, rear, two side eleva- tions; Willi sections and all necessary interior details. 40 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 32 feet; length, 33 feet. Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior detail?. Design No. 6s Cost about $500 47 I' li I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of t y p e w r i 1 1 e n S[)eeifications, is $5:^ I.OOU PLAN Design No. 64 Cost about $650 Size : width, 22 feet ; length, 36 feet. Blue prints consist of foiindntion ]>lan ; floor ])hin; front, rear, two siilc eleva- tions: wall sections and all necessary interior details. 48 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5-^ FLOOR PLAN Size : width, S3 feet ; length, 40 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of foundation plan ; floor plan ; front and side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 79 Cost about $1,500 49 ioix-J.. "«•'■ P R I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $3'^ FinST I'l.ooit PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Design No. 3 Cost about $650 Size : witltli, 24 feet ; lenptli, 30 foel exclusive of porcli. Blue prints consist of foundalion pliin ; first and seennii floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. TRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $3:22. FLOOR PLAN Size: width, 32 feet; length, 32 feet. Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side eleva^ tions; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 65 Cost about $575 51 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete sot of typewritten speoifieations, is $4: oo FIRST FUJOU PI.AX SECOXO FLOUR I'l.AX Design No. 8 Cost ah(»ut $i,.?5() Size : width, 22 feet ; loiipth, 3-1 feet oxelusivo of porch. Blue prints consist of cellar niul foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two sidi> elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5: oo FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size: width, 35 feet; length, 32 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 85 Cost about $1,400 53 r u I c E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $3 oo CL"5q- III H/iLi ff^!4/ /H'G'K/d'o' c.-if7 rlUST KI.OOR IM.AX SECOND FLOOR PLAN' Design No. 50 Cost about $650 Size : width, 18 feet ; length, 80 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints cons-ist of foiindiitioii phm ; first ftiid second floor plans; front, rear, two side eleviilions; wiill seclinns and all nece>siirv interior details. M '=tet:ii", FIKST FLOOR PLAN SECOXD FLOOR PLAN PRICE of Phie Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 Size : width, 32 feet ; length, 52 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior detaioa. Design No. 19 Cost about $1,900 ^'j;-:.i«uJ>'- <>-''^*^ PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $3:22 jr.^.viX^c FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECONn KLOOU I'LAN Design No. 21 Cost about $<>50 Size: width, 80 feet; lenpth, 80 feet. Blue prints consist ^l cellar nnd founilntion plan ; first and second floor plans ; front rear, two side elevations; wall seel ions and all neeessary inlei-'of details. PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is SECOND FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN I ' Ul Size: width, 26 feet ; length, 53 feet exclusive of porch. Blueprints DeSigfl NO. I I consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, about $2,000 rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. P R I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten spefificMliiiiis, is $4:52 KIUST FI.ODK I'l.AN SECOND FLOOR PLAX Design No. i8 Cost about $1,700 Size : width, 30 feet ; icnglli, 48 feet exclusive of porches. Rluc prints consist of collar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side eleval ions : wall sections and all necessary interior details. PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $4:50 FIRST FLOUR PLAN SECOXD FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 28 feet ; length, 42 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 12 Cost about $1,700 P, U I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $3: 50 irout E>-''0/A •"lUST Kl.ooK I'LAX SKCONI) FLOOR PLVX Desigfn No. 4 Cost about $1,000 Size: widlli, 20 foot; Icnpth, 36 feet. Blue prints consist of collar and fi>utiiliitio!> plan ; first nnd second fluor plans ; front, rear, twi> side i'l(Viitiiiii> ; wull sections anil nil iiecessury interior details. PRICE of Blue Prints, together ■with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 FIRST FLOOR PLAK SECOSD FLOOR PLAN Size: width, 28 feet; length, 40 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan; first and second floor plans; roof plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 54 Cost about $2,200 61 i^^a::^ M TRICE of Blue Prints, together with a comijlete set of typewritten epecifications, is I'lliSI- I'l.OOU I'l.AN SKCOM) ri.OOK I'l-AN Design No. 44 Cost about $1,600 Size : widtli, l"J feet ; length, na feet. IJluc i)rlnts consist of cellar mill fonnclntioii plan; llrst and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. 62 TTT- \ •^ So'. /SO- "'"^ 1 Via £arl, !l"r, [I] PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of t y p e wri tten specifications, is ^nn $4: 50 FIRST B'LOOR PLAN "FCOND FLOOR PLAN Size : width, S8 feet ; length, 26 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. DesigTi No. 26 Cost about $1,800 P 11 1 C K of Blue PritiU, together with ;i complete set of typewritten specifications, is $7 I'lltrsl' ri.dOK I'l.AN Desig^n No. 15 Cost about $3,700 SECOND FLOOK PLAN Siy.c: wiilth, 34 feel; lenclli, 50 feel excliisivo of porches. Uliic prints consivt of ceUiir ami foiiinlalioii plmi; first and second floor plans; (ront, rear, two siile elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior det-ails. 04 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complele set of typewritten specifications, is .00 FIRST rLO(.)l; PLAN Size: width, 21 feet 6 inches; lengtli, 44 feet 6 inches exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 98 Cost about $1,800 65 PRICE of Blue Trints, together witli a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $3-^ FLOOR ri.AN Design No. 46 Cost about $550 Size : wiiUh, 22 feot ; length, 28 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of founilntion i)lnn; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections anil all necessary interior details. 66 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewrittei specificatious, i $4:^ Size : width, 23 feet ; length, 40 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 47 Cost about $1,350 67 p. R I C E of Blue Prints, together wilh a com[ilote Pf't of t T [) c w r i 1 t (■ II specifications, is $5: oo FIUST FLOOU PLAN SKCONU FLOOU PLAN Design No. 23 Cost about $2,000 Size: wiiltli, 30 feet; Icnglli, 32 feet exeluMvc of poiclics. Bliio prints con- sist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear two side elevations- wall sections and all necessary interior details. P R I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5-^ FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 30 feet ; length, 52 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; floor and joof plans; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 49 Cost about $1,500 r R I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $3^ I'lUST |-|,(li(I{ I'l.AN SlOCOXll I'! I'l.AN Design No. 58 Cost about $Aoo Size : width, 18 feet ; length, 80 feet exclnsive of porch. Blue prints consist of fimnilation plan; first ami seconil floor plans; fmnt, rear, two silk' oli'Viitiiins ; wall sections anil all necessary interior details. 70 PRICE of Blue Pi-ints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 FIRST FLOOR PLA SECOND FLOOR PLAX Size : ^yidth, 29 feet ; len-th, 49 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prmts con- sist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; tront, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary inwnor details. 71 Desi§:n No. 40 Cost about $2,000 ^7rtS-->i''iJ-->- PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $8:22 IIKVT KLOOK PLAN sr.coNi) n.odii ri.A.N Design No. 87 Cost about $2,700 Size : width, 40 feet ; Icnjclli, 07 feel exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of foundation pliin ; first and second floor plans: front, rear, two siilc elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. CHAnstR /S'o'X la'o' \ Cl'StT PI _ P" ^ j j ,^^......^,.„ /2 0'» 13 O' P K I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $4:^ FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 21 feet ; length, 30 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Desigffi No. 90 Cost about $800 73 P -R I C E of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5: oo FIRST FLOOU PLAN SKCOXl) KLOOI! I'l-AN Desigfn No. 68 Co5t about $1,550 Size : width, 27 feet j leiigtli, 38 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar iind foumiation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. 74 1 irc^-, /s'"' ire- I2'll'r lS< PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size: width, 28 feet; length, 29 feet 6 inches exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of fcjundation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. ^^ Cost about $8oo PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 FIRST FLOoii 1"I,AN SKCONI) Kl.OOlt PLAN Design No. 67 Cost about $1,000 Size: width, 24 feet; length, 40 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of cellar nnil founilatiiin plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of t y p e w 1- i 1 1 e n specifications, is $6:22 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size: width, 40 feet; length, 62 feet 6 inches exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 70 Cost about $1,800 P U I C E of Blue Prints, togellier with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is IS o '« /so- 1--IKST KI,()l)l{ PLAN SECOND KLOtlH PLAN Design No. 93 Cost about $1,200 Size : width, S3 feet ; lonfrlh, 31 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of cellar imd foumlalion plan ; first nml second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. 7S Li^m P R I »C E of Blue Prints, together with a couijilete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 35 feet ; length, 46 fee. exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessarv interior details Desigfn No. 25 Cost about $1,900 79 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten spofifications, is I'lHsr Kl.noli PLAN SKCdM) I'l.oOR PLAN Desigfn No. 95 Cost .-ibout $1,250 Size: width, 25 feet; length, 32 feet ex^•ln^ivc of (lorchcs. Rliic prints con- sist of colliir iind foundation pliin ; first iind sceond floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all ntcessary interior details. Why Our Plans Should Be Used They can be made the basis of contract between owner and contractor. They will prevent mis- takes, which cost money. They will prevent dis- putes, which are unpleas- ant and never settled sat- isfactorily to both parties. Time and money is saved by having on the job plans and specifica- tions for the workmen to consult. With them it will not be necessary to waste time waiting forthe owner or contractor to direct the work. It costs but little more to have a modern, con- venient and pretty home, thananoldstyleboxhouse. Any slight, unimportant changes which may be desired, can be noted on the plan and entered in the book of specifications, thereby having a record. They will save money for the material dealer, because the sizes of all openings are plainly spe- cified, and there is no chance for error or dispute. They will save many times their cost during the erection of any house. ^\ OS u Of What Our Plans • i-H o Consist a All plans are drawn CD one-quarter inch scale to 'd the foot. g We use the best quality C/) Gallia blue print paper, C No. looox. a We furnish for a set of E plans : Front elevation. Right elevation. • 1— < Left elevation. Rear elevation. O All floor plans. ^ Cellar and foundation plans. in cloth and heavy water- proof paper, in an artistic and substantial manner. Theplans and specifica- tions are full, complete and accurate in every par- ticular, and guaranteed. 2 Our equipment is so • f-H complete that we can mail 5 out, the same day the 1 p:i order is received, a plan 1 ^ of any house illustrated in 1 c: the Radford Ideal Homes. 1 § 1 Q Estimated Cost It is impossible for any one to estimate the cost of a building and have the figures hold good in all sections oi the country. We do not claim to be able to do it. The estimated cost of the houses we illustrate is based on the most favorable conditions in all respects and does not include Plumbing and Heating. Possibly these houses cannot be built by you at the prices we name because we have used minimum material and labor prices as our basis. The home builder should consult the Lumber Dealer, the Hardware Dealer, and the Reliable Contractors of his town. Their knowledge of conditions in your particular locality makes them, and them only, capable of making you a correct estimate of the cost. Special Plans Although the home builder in most cases can use one of the many plans we illustrate, and thereby save money in the cost of his plans, yet there are cases when a particular house we illustrate would be more satisfactory if the arrangement of the rooms were slightly different. Sometimes he wishes to have his own ideas carried out and requires special arrangements. Sometimes he wishes the interior of one house and the exterior of another. To provide for this work, we have established a special department under the supervision of a licensed architect. While it will be impossible to furnish the complete special plans and specifications at as low price as our regular work, we will, however, make some very reasonable prices. If you wish estimates on the cost of special plans, kindly send in your sketches showing the arrangement of the rooms and any other information which it is necessary for us to have as a basis to figure your work intelligently. PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:2£ FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 33 feet; length, 50 feet. Blue prints consist of foundation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 96 Cost about $1,250 PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $4: oo I'M.dDl! IM,AN Design No. 55 Cost about $550 Size: width, 36 feel; length, 34 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of founiiation plan; floor plan; front, rear, two side elevations; wall section and all neccssarv interior details. cioin 1 ^ALGorfr ^■IL^^ i=-^ «^ tS^KAae AnBj:R . rto^^r IE m- J /V-liA i C/AHBEK. i - 'tA/iees.^ CIOSET T"" k A PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size: width, 44 feet; length, 34 feet. Blue prints consist of foundation plan; first and second floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 27 Cost about $1,500 P H I C E of Blue Prints, together with ft complete set of typewritten spccitieations, is $3:22 FLOOR PLAN Design No. 32 Cost about $6of> Size : widlli, 24 feet ; length, 36 feet. Blue prints consist of foumliition plan ; floor plan ; front, rear, two side ole- viitioris; wall sections and all neressnry interior details. PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a, complete set of t y pe written specifications, is .00 FIRST FLOOR PLAN Size : width, 22 feet ; length, 48 feet exclusive of porch. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan ; first and second floor plans ; front, rear, two side elevations ; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. 94 Cost about $2,000 ,« -^ -^^ ^A PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:^ KU)()K I'LAN Design No. 99 Cost about $1,600 Size : widlli, 33 feet ; length, 50 foot. Blue prints consist of celliir nnil foumlnlion [ilan ; floor plan; front, roar, two side oli'vatioiis ; wall sections and all nciessary iiilcridr details. 8(i PRICE of Blue Prints, togetlier with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:22 FIRST FLOOR PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN Size: width, 24 feet; length, 33 feet exclusive of porches. Blue prints consist of cellar and foundation plan; floor plans; front, rear, two side elevations; wall sections and all necessary interior details. Design No. loo Cost about $1,500 >^ PHI C K of nine Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5:^ FIRST KLOOU PLAX SKCX)ND FLOOR PLAN Desig:n No. 53 Co^t about $2,2ou Size : wiilth, 28 feet; length, 46 feet exclusive of jiorcli. Hlue prints consist of cellar and foun ► ^ 3 1 ... FLOOR PLAN PRICE of Blue Prints, together with a complete set of typewritten specifications, is $5: 00 Blue prints '^'"^^'^t of front elevation, side elevation, floor plans, transverse section and longitudinal section. 109 INDEX Design Page I 29 2 28 3 iO 4 60 5 31 6 33 ^ 07 / "•' * 52 9 37 10 34 11 57 12 59 13 100 X4 40 15 «-t 16 39 17 13 18 58 \'9 53 20 10 zi 56 Z2 23 S3 68 34 1-4 as '9 26 63 ar 83 S8 108 29 107 31 109 52 84 33 106 34 15 35 32 36 10.-, 37 11 3S 21 39 20 40 71 41 1' 42 16 43 9 44 62 45 " 46 66 47 fi* 48 24 49 «9 50 54 51 46 52 ..... 89 53 8» 54 61 BIuo Oust Prims $1,200 1 4.00 8fl0 8.00 650 3.00 1,000 3.50 700 3.00 1 ,800 4.00 6,500 25.00 1,.3.50 4.00 2,500 5.00 1,500 4.00 2,000 4.50 1,700 4.50 1,000 5.00 1,.500 4.. 50 3,700 7.50 1,500 5.00 1,400 5.00 1,700 4.00 1,900 5.00 8.50 3.00 950 3.00 3,500 12.00 2,00U 5.00 900 3.00 1,900 5.00 1,800 4.50 1,.500 5.00 900 4.00 2,000 10.00 5.00 600 3.00 1,000 6.00 1,100 4.00 900 4.00 3,00(1 10.00 1,.SOO 5.00 1,000 4.00 900 4.00 2,000 5.00 2,250 5.00 500 3.00 1,750 5.00 1,600 4.. 50 1,300 5.00 5.-)0 3.00 1,350 4.00 600 3.00 1,500 5.00 650 3.fK) 700 3.00 2,000 5.00 2,200 5.00 2,200 5.00 Design Page 55 «2 56 22 57 41 58 70 59 99 60 96 61 43 62 44 63 47 64 48 65 51 66 95 67 76 68 74 69 19 70 77 71 8 72 25 73 35 74 36 75 30 76 18 77 93 78 12 79 49 80 42 81 38 82 5 83 45 84 6 85 53 86 4 *- '2 88 75 89 104 go 73 91 26 92 94 93 •>* 94 85 95 80 96 81 97 101 gS 65 99 8" 100 (:7 lOI 90 102 91 X03 102 104 103 105 98 106 97 108 92 Blue Cost Priuts 1550 14.00 4,000 8.00 1,.500 5.00 600 3.00 1,200 5.00 4,000 12.00 750 3.50 1,600 5.00 500 3.00 650 5.00 575 3.00 1,350 5.00 1,000 5.00 1,.550 5.00 600 5.00 1,800 6.00 1,.500 5.00 900 5.00 2,800 8.00 1,000 5.00 1,400 5.00 8.50 5.00 2,000 6.00 1,000 5.00 1,500 5.00 1,700 5.00 2,000 5.00 2,000 5.00 1,900 5.00 1,900 5.00 1,400 5.00 1,500 5.00 2,700 8.00 800 5.00 1,500 5.00 800 4.00 3,000 6.00 850 5.00 1,200 5.00 2,000 5.00 1,250 5.00 1,250 5.00 1,000 6.00 1,800 6.00 1,600 5.00 1,500 5.00 2,200 6.00 1,500 5.00 900 6.00 1,150 6.00 1,500 6.00 3,600 8.00 1,600 6.00 * Just Published By FRE.D 1 NEW up-to-date Worlt. Carpentry HODGSON Modern Carpentry and Joinery A PRACTICAL MANUAL By FRED T. HODGSON, M.O., A. A. The well-known technical writer. It is one of the best works ever turned out by him. It is copiously illustrated with diagrams and figures show- ing the solution of many intricate problems in Cieometry, Roofing, Carpentry, Joinery and Stair Work. The illustraiions and descriptive matter are clear, simple, definite and easily understood. The work is divided into four parts, namely : Carpenters' Geometry ; Timber Framing ana Carpentry ; Joinery and Joiners' Work, and lastly Rules and Tables for Measuring and Estimating Woodwork Generally. Price Postpaid ONLY $1.00 Part First CARPENTERS' GEOMETRY This consists in defining and e.xphiining the qualities of Circles, Polygons, Ellipses, and other geometrical figures the ordinary workmen may have to deal with. Sixty-eizht practical illustrations are exhibited in this part. Part Second TIMBER FRAMING and CAR= PENTRY Practical Examples: In this part the use of the Steel Square is shown, also roof, bridge, dome and other framing methods. There are in this department over 78 illus= trations and diagrams showing how the wori-c is done and how to do it. Part Third JOINERY and JOINERS' WORK Practical Illustrations: This part is largely illustrated with diagrams, showing how to lav out curved work, diminishing and raking mouldings, door and window frames, angle sashes, doors, dovetailing, stairs and stairways, covering solids, join- ing mouldings, cornices, finishings and many other things. Nearly one hundred illustrations are embodied in this part. Part Fourth TABLES and HANDY RULES For estimating and measuring work of any kind. Short rules in Arithmetic and men- suration, and many other things useful to the operative workman. LiKe all of Mr. Hodgson's -worKs, it is written in a simple, every=day style, and does not bewilder the worKingman with long mathematical formulas or abstract theories. It is the most complete and very latest work publifhed, being thorough, practical and reliable. One which no carpenter can afford to be without. The work is printed from new, large type plates, on a superior quality of cream wove paper durably bound in English cloth. Sent postpaid to any ad- dress upon receipt of price, only i^i.oo. The R.ADFORD Architectural Co. Chicago Offices Main Offices, Riverside, Illinois, U. S. A. 190-194 West Twenty. second St. OshRosh Offices: 40 Wiscc HOW TO FRAME A HOUSE, or House and Roof Framing. By Owen B. ^Iaginnis. It is a practical treatise on the latest and best methods of laying out, framing and raising timbers for houses, together with an easily understood system of Roof Framing, the whole making a handy and easily applied book for carpenters, builders, foremen and journeymen. Part I — Balloon Framing. Part II — Roof Framing. Part III — How to Frame the Timbers of a Brick House. Eighty illustrations. One octavo vol., cloth. Price, $1.00 ROOF FRAMING MADE EASY. By Owen B. Maginnis. A practical and easily comprehended system of laying out and framing roofs, adapted to modern building construction. The methods are made clear and intelligible by 76 engravings, with extensive ex- planatory text. One octavo vol., clotli. Price, $1.00 STAIR-BUILDING MADE EASY. For Young Carpenters and Joiners. Simple, Plain, and May Be Learned in an Hour. Being a full and clear description of the art of building llie bodies, carriages and cases for all kinds of stairs and steps, together with illustrations showing the manner of laying out stairs, forming treads and risers, building cylinders, preparing strings ; with instructions for making carriages for common, platform, dog-legged and winding stairs. To which is added an Illustrated Glossary of Terms used in stair-building and designs for newels, balusters, brackets, stair-mouldings and sections of hand-rails. By Fred T. Hodgson, editor of "The Operative Builder." Price, Cloth, Gilt, $1.00 This work takes hold at the very beginning of the subject and carries the student along by easy stages until the entire subject of stair-building has been unfolded, so far as ordinary j)ractice can ever require. This book and the following one on Hand-Railing cover nearly the whole subject of STAiu-Brii.DiNG. THE RADFORD ARCHITECTURAL CO. RIVERSIDE, CHICAGO OSHKOSH V'