_ IS ■BJ ■ 'w- THE VARIATION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS UNDER DOMESTICATION. BY CHARLES DARWIN", M.A., F.R.S., &c. AUTHORIZED EDITION, WITH A PEEFACE BY 3PROFESSOR JLSA. &EAY. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. (Stitlj Illustrations. NEW-YORK; ORANGE JUDD & COMPANY, 245 BROADWAY. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 18G3, by ORANGE JUDD & COMPANY, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York. AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. An edition of this book was reprinted immediately after its first publication, and I thus had the opportu- nity of inserting various corrections and some important additions. These are included in the present American edition, together with some new corrections. It is a great gratification to me that my w r ork should be thought worthy of republication in the United States, which con- tains so large a body of intelligent readers. The details given in the first volume will probably be too numerous and minute for most readers; but they appeared to me worth publishing, as different persons might be interested in different classes of animals and plants ; and the facts taken together shew in the clearest manner how largely organic beings vary when subjected to domestication. I venture to call the reader's attention to the chapter on Pangenesis. The view there propounded is simply hypo- thetical, but it has appeared to me, and I have the satis- faction to know that it has likewise thus appeared to some capable judges in England, to be no small gain to seize on a material bond, by which the various forms of reproduction, inheritance, development, etc.. can be con- nected together. We thus get rid of such vague terms as spermatic force, the vivification of the ovule, sexual potentiality, and the diffusion of mysterious essences or properties from either parent, or from both, to the child. Whatever may be thought of the conclusions at which I have arrived on various points, I hope that the student will find my work of use, as giving to him a larger body of methodically arranged facts on certain subjects than can be found, as I believe, in any other work. Charles Darwin. Down Bromley, Kent, March 28, 1868. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Publishers' Note to the Reader. — The first English edition of this work was taken up at once, and a second called for. In the reprint Mr. Darwin made a number of changes and correc- tions, and sent us the advance sheets containing them. He also has given us a number of manuscript corrections which do not even appear in the latest English reprint. If the reader will mark the passages indicated below, he will have his copy revised up to the author's latest views. These corrections, as well as Mr. Darwin's preface, were received after the book was printed ; and we were obliged, by force of circumstances, to insert both in extra pages. CORRECTIONS TO VOL. I. Page 86, and wherever Sus Indica occurs, read 8us Indicus. Page 104, 16 lines from top. Instead of " It has been found in England associated with the remains of the elephant and rhino- ceros," read "It apparently did not exist in England before the Neolithic period, though a greater age was formerly assigned to it." Page 104, 2d line from bottom. After B. longifron.8 add, " and according to Mr. Boyd Dawkins is identical with it." Page 104, foot-note 40. Strike out reference to Owen, British Mammalia, and insert " Mr. Boyd Dawkins on the British Fossil Oxen, ' Journal of the Geol. Soc' Aug. 1867, p. 182." Page 127, 2d line from bottom. For " during the early stone period," read " during the early part of the Neolithic period." Paw 200, foot-note 35. Strike out that part of the note begin- ning " but it is stated," and ending with " than in the female. " Page 223, 12 lines from top. For {Dendroeygna mduata) read {Anas mosrJtata). Page 351, 18 lines from top. After word " strain " insert " Again, Mr. T. Jenner Wier informs me that a peacock at Blackheath, whilst young, was white, but as it became older it assumed the cha- racter of the black-shouldered variety ; both its parents were com- mon peacocks. Here we have six distinct cases," etc. Page 352, 9 lines from top. For " as it did to Sir R. Heron, to pre- ponderate strongly in favour," read " evidence seems to me to be decisive in favour of the black-shouldered," etc. Page 355, 8 lines from top. For " by naturalists," read " by some naturalists." Page 475, 19 lines from bottom. Insert, after " no success," " but Dr. Hildebrand informs me, in a letter dated Jan. 2d, 1868, that he has recently succeeded with the potato. He removed all the eyes from a white, smooth-skinned potato, and all from a red, scaly po- tato, and inserted them reciprocally into each other. From these eyes he raised only two plants ; and of the tubers formed by them two were red and scaly at one end, and white and smooth-skinned at the other; the middle part being white with red streaks. Hence the possibility of a graft hybrid may be looked at as established." ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Ill j Mr Darwin states that this case of Dr. Hildebrand has modified his belief iu the possibility of making a graft hybrid. — Pub.] Page 475 > 18 lines from bottom. After " instance known to me," insert " (with the exception of the case just given)." Page 4?f>, 13 lines from bottom. Strike out all of the sentence after " above described." Page 480. To foot-note 126 add : " Dr. Hildebrand, of Bonn, in a letter dated Jan. 2, 1868, informs me that he has recently crossed yellow ami red maize and obtained the same results as Dr. Sovi, with the important addition, that in one case the axis which sup- ports the seeds was stained of a brownish color; Dr. Hildebrand also gives me some striking cases with respect to the apple-tree, like those recorded further on. These valuable facts will soon be recorded in the ' Bot. Zeitung.' " Page 485. Add to foot-note : " Dr. Bower bank has given us the following striking case : — A black, hairless Barbary bitch was first impregnated by a mongrel spaniel with long brown hair, and she produced five puppies, three of which were hairless and two cov- ered with stiiort brown hair. The next time she was put to a full black, hairless Barbary dog ; but the mischief had been implanted in the mother, and again about half the litter looked like pure Barbarys, and the other half like the s/wMiaired progeny of the first father.'' Page 486, 5 lines from bottom. For " There is a considerable but insufficient body of evidence," read " There is sufficient evidence." CORRECTIONS TO VOL. II. Page 25. To the paragraph ending with "operated on," add " since the publication of the first edition of this work, I have re- ceived an account of another instance of the regrowth of a super- numerary digit." Page 32, 5 lines from bottom. For " 73 " insert " 72." Page 56, 2d paragraph. After " always produced," add " I hear from Mr. Blyth that the hybrids from the canary and goldfinch al- most invariably have streaked feathers on their backs ; and this streaking must be derived from the aboriginal wild canary." Page 88, 14 lines from top. For " (Tadnora dEgyptiac/i)," read " (Anser JEgypUobcus)." Page 170, 6 lines from top. After " P. edvMs," insert " In a third instance, however. P. quadrangularis fruited freely, when arti- ficially fertilized with its own pollen." Pasje 184, 5 lines from top. Erase all of the sentence after " tur- key," and add "and fowl are kept and bred by various remote tribes." Page 221, 2d line from bottom. Strike out all the sentence after " result," and insert " so the same tiling occurs with trimorphic plants: for instance, the mid-styled form of Lyth/rwm salicnrin could lie illegitimately fertilized with the greatest ease by pollen from tlie longer stamens of the short-stvled firm, and yielded many Bee Is, but tbe latter form did not yield a single seed when fertilized by the longer stamens of the mid-styled form." Page 341, 342, and wherever " Lncaze Duthiers " occurs, read " Lo- cate," and alter the same in tin* index. IV ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Page 438, 3d line from bottom. Strike out all of the sentence aft t " amputation," and insert " how it comes that organic beings identical in every respect are habitually produced by such widely different processes as budding and true seminal generation." Page 431, 11 lines from bottom. After " nature," add "and in the case of Daphnia, Sir J. Lubbock first showed that ova and pseud-ova are identical in structure." Page 431, foot-note 5. For " Cecydomyide " read " Cecidomyde.'' Page 437, paragraph Graft-hybrids. In the 2d line of the para rraph, cut out after OytisUD adami and make it read " OytlSUS adami, it was shown that, after the tissues of two plants," etc. In t!ic sixth line of paragraph, for " are intimately united," read ." have become intimately united." In the 8th line, "it is certain," should read "it is also certain." The closing sentence of the para- graph, " Should it ever be proved," etc., is to be modified to read. " The possibility of the production of hybridized buds by the union of two distinctive vegetative tissues is an important fact, as it shows us that sexual and asexual production are essentially the same : for the power," etc. Page 442, bottom line. For " inserted into the eye," read " inserted into the ear of an ox, lived for eight years, and acquired, according to Prof. Mantegazza, M a weight of 396 grammes, and the astonishing length of 24 centimetres, or about 9 English incites; so that the head of the ox appeared to bear three horns." Page 44:;. For foot-note 22, substitute " Degli innesti animali, etc. Milano, 1865, p. 51, Tab. 3." Page 449, 5th line from top. Strike out the sentence beginning " Nearly similar views," and insert " Views in some respects similar have been propounded, as I find by other authors." Page 453, 3d line from bottom. For " 4,872,000," read " 6,807, 840." Pago 453. Cancel the foot-note 34, as far as the word " Harrner," ami insert " Mr. F. Buckland carefully calctrlated, by weighing, the above number of ee-o-s in a codfish ; see ' Land and Water,' 1868, p. 62. In a previous instance he found the number to be 4,873,000." Paoje 463, 17 lines from top. Strike out the paragraph be- ginning "It was shown," and substitute the following: "As by our hypothesis budding or fission differs from seminal generation only in the manner in which the gemmules are first aggregated, we can understand the possibility of the formation of graft hybrids, and these graft-hybrids, which combine the character of the two forms of which the tissues have become united, connect in the closest and most interesting manner gemmation and sexual reproduction." Page 518, 16 lines from top. "Anas moschata," add " i., p. 233." Page 522. After " Bowen, Prof.," insert " Bowerbank, Dr., on the effects of a first impregnation, i., p. 485." Page 5:J0. Dendrocygna viduata, strike out reference to vol. i. Page 539. After "Hildebrand, Dr.," insert "on graft hybrids with the potato, L, p. 475. On the influence of the pollen on the mother plant, i., p. 480." Page 550. Under " Owen, Prof. R.," strike out reference to Bos longifrons. Paffe 562. For " Sus Indica " read " Sus Iiulicus." PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. This work is here reprinted from the English edi- tion, under an arrangement with the author, upon the recommendation of the subscriber. It is a perfect trea- sury of facts relative to domesticated animals and some of the more important cultivated plants ; of the princi- ples which govern the production, improvement, and preservation of breeds and races ; of the laws of inheri- tance, upon which all origination of improved varieties depends ; of the ill effects of breeding in-and-in, neces- sary though this be to the full development and perpetu- ation of a choice race or breed, and of the good effects of an occasional cross, by which, rightly managed, a breed may be invigorated or improved. These and various kindred subjects are discussed scientifically, with rare ability, acuteness, and impartiality, by one who has de- voted most of his life to this class of inquiries, and who discusses them in a way and style equally interesting and instructive to the professional naturalist or phy- siologist and to the general reader. To the intelligent agriculturist and breeder, these volumes will be especi- ally valuable, and it is in the interest of such practical men and amateurs that they are here reprinted. IV ' PREFACE. The subject is, of course, connected with the theory which has made . Mr. Darwin's name so famous ; a theory which, extending the application and range of these facts into past ages, regards the present species of plants and animals as older and stronger- marked varie- ties, originated under a natural selection of the sorts best adapted to the circumstances and conditions of each place and time, in a way which may fairly be compared with the development of our domesticated animals and plants under artificial selection and care. . It was the study of domesticated races that suggested the theory. Whether that stand or fall, the facts in respect to breeds and races, which are here so faithfully collected and discuss- ed, are none the worse for having served as the basis of ingenious speculations ; and they have an interest of their own, irrespective of all such theories, as well as a practical importance which should commend them to general attention. The curious speculations toward the close of the second volume, upon the way in which peculiarities may be supposed to be transmitted from parents to offspring, or from grandparents to a second or later generation and the like, are entirely independent of the Darwinian theory. The English edition being quite beyond the reach of the majority of readers in this country, the publishers of The American Agriculturist have done well in mak- ing these volumes generally accessible. A". Gray. Cambridge, Mass., March, 1868. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. INTRODUCTION Page 1 1 CHAPTER I. DOMESTIC DOGS AND CATS. ANCIENT VARIETIES OF THE DOG RESEMBLANCE OF DOMESTIC DOGS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES TO NATIVE CANINE SPECIES — ANIMALS NOT AC- QI'AINTED WITH MAN AT FIRST FEARLESS DOGS RESEMBLING WOLVES AND JACKALS HABIT OF BARKING ACQUIRED AND LOST FERAL DOGS TAN-COLOURED EYE-SPOTS PERIOD OF GESTATION — OFFENSIVE ODOUR FERTILITY OF THE RACES WHEN CROSSED DIFFERENCES IN THE SEV- ERAL RACES IN PART DUE TO DESCENT FROM DISTINCT SPECIES — DIF- FERENCES IN THE SKULL AND TEETH DIFFERENCES IN THE BODY, IN CONSTITUTION FEW IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES HAVE BEEN FIXED BY SELECTION DIRECT ACTION OF CLIMATE WATER-DOGS WITH PALMATED FEET — HISTORY OF TOE CHANGES WHICH CERTAIN ENGLISH RACES OF THE DOG HATS GRADUALLY UNDERGONE THROUGH SELECTION EXTINC- TION OF THE LESS IMPROYED SUB-BREEDS. CATS, CROSSED WITH SEYERAL SPECIES DIFFERENT BREEDS FOUND ONLY IN SEPARATED COUNTRIES DIRECT EFFECTS OF THE CONDITIONS OF LIFE FERAL CATS — INDIVIDUAL VARIABILITY 27 CHAPTER II. HORSES AND ASSES. HORSE. — DIFFERENCES IN THE BREEDS INDIVIDUAL VARIABILITY OF — DIRECT EFFECTS OF THE CONDITIONS OF LIFE CAN WITHSTAND MUCH < OLD BREEDS MUCH MODIFIED BY SELECTION COLOURS OF THE HOUSE — DAPPLING DARK STRIPES ON THE SPINE, LECS, SHOULDERS, AND FOREHEAD — DUN-COLOURED HORSES MOST FREQUENTLY STRIPED STRIPES PROBABLY DUE TO REVERSION TO THE PRIMITIVE STATE OF THE HORSE. ASSES. BREEDS OF COLOUR OF LEG- AND SHOULDER- STRIPES SHOULDER-STRIPES SOMETIMES ABSENT, SOMETIMES FORKED . . . . 66 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. PIGS — CATTLE — SHEEP — GOATS. PIGS BELONG TO TWO DISTINCT TYPES, SUS SCROFA AND INDICA TORF- SCHWEIN JAPAN PIG FERTILITY OF CROSSED PIGS CHANGES IN THE SKULL OF THE HIGHLY CULTIVATED RACES CONVERGENCE OF CHARACTER GESTATION — SOLID-HOOFED SWINE CURIOUS APPENDAGES TO THE JAWS — DECREASE IN SIZE OF THE TUSKS YOUNG PIGS LONGI- TUDINALLY STRIPED — FERAL PIGS CROSSED BREEDS. CATTLE. ZEBU A DISTINCT SPECIES EUROPEAN CATTLE PROBABLY DE- SCENDED FROM THREE WILD FORMS ALL THE RACES NOW FERTILE TOGETHER BRITISH PARK CATTLE ON THE COLOUR OF THE ABO- RIGINAL SPECIES CONSTITUTIONAL DIFFERENCES SOUTH AFRICAN RACES SOUTH AMERICAN RACES NIATA CATTLE ORIGIN OF THE VARIOUS RACES OF CATTLE. SHEEP. REMARKABLE RACES OF VARIATIONS ATTACHED TO TOE MALE SEX ADAPTATIONS TO VARIOUS CONDITIONS GESTATION OF CHANGES IN THE WOOL SEMI-MONSTROUS BREEDS. GOATS. REMARKABLE VARIATIONS OF . . . ^ 85 CHAPTER IV. DOMESTIC RABBITS. DOMESTIC RABBITS DESCENDED FROM THE COMMON WILD RABBIT ANCIENT DOMESTICATION ANCIENT SELECTION LARGE LOP-EARED RABBITS VARIOUS BREEDS FLUCTUATING CHARACTERS ORIGIN OF THE HIMA- LAYAN BREED CURIOUS CASE OF INHERITANCE FERAL RABBITS IN JAMAICA AND THE FALKLAND ISLANDS PORTO SANTO FERAL RABBITS OSTEOLOGICAL CHARACTERS — SKULL SKULL OF HALF-LOP RABBITS VARIATIONS IN THE SKULL ANALOGOUS TO DIFFERENCES IN DIFFER- ENT SPECIES OF HARES VERTEBRAE STERNUM SCAPULA EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE ON THE PROPORTIONS OF THE LIMBS AND BODY CAPACITY OF THE SKULL AND REDUCED SIZE OF THE BRAIN SUMMARY ON THE MODIFICATIONS OF DOMESTICATED RABBITS 130 CHAPTER V. DOMESTIC PIGEONS. ENUMERATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL BREEDS .INDIVIDUAL VARIABILITY VARIATIONS OF A REMARKABLE NATURE OSTEOLOGICAL CHARACTERS ! SKULL, LOWER JAW, NUMBER OF VERTEBRA CORRELA- TION OF GROWTH: TONGUE WITH BEAK: EYELIDS AND NOSTRILS WITH CONTENTS. Vll WATTLED SKIN' NUMBER OF WING-FEATHERS, AND LENGTH OF WING COLOUR AND DOWN WEBBED AND FEATHERED FEET ON THE EF- FECTS OF DISCSE LENGTH OF FEET IN CORRELATION WITH LENGTH OF BEAK LENGTH OF STERNUM, SCAPULA, AND FURCULA LENGTH OF WINGS SUMMARY ON THE POINTS OF DIFFERENCE IN THE SEVERAL BREEDS 16S CHAPTER VI: PIGEONS— continued. ON THE ABORIGINAL PARENT-STOCK OF THE SEVERAL DOMESTIC RACES HABITS OF LIFE WILD RACES OF THE ROCK-PIGEOX DOVECOT PIGEONS PROOFS OF THE DESCENT OF THE SEVERAL RACES FROM COLUMBA LIVIA FERTILITY OF THE RACES WHEN CROSSED REVERSION TO THE PLUMAGE OF THE WILD ROCK-PIGEON CIRCUMSTANCES FAVOURABLE TO THE FORMATION OF THE RACES ANTIQUITY AND HISTORY OF THE PRINCIPAL RACES MANNER OF THEIR FORMATION SELECTION UN- CONSCIOUS SELECTION CARE TAKEN BY FANCIERS IN SELECTING THEIR BIRDS SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT STRAINS GRADUALLY CHANGE INTO WELL- MARKED BREEDS EXTINCTION OF INTERMEDIATE FORMS CERTAIN BREEDS REMAIN PERMANENT, WHILST OTHERS CHANGE SUMMARY . . 221 CHAPTER VII. FOWLS. BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OF TOE CHIEF BREEDS ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF THEIR DESCENT FROM SEVERAL SPECIES ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF ALL THE BREEDS HAVING DESCENDED FROM GALLUS BANKIVA REVER- SION TO THE PARENT-STOCK IN COLOUR ANALOGOUS VARIATIONS ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE FOWL EXTERNAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE SEVERAL BREEDS EGGS CHICKENS SECONDARY SEXUAL CHA- RACTERS WING- AND TAIL- FEATHERS, VOICE, DISPOSITION, ETC. ' OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES IN THE SKULL, VERTEBRA, ETC. EF- FECTS OF USE AND DISUSE OF CERTAIN PARTS CORRELATION OF GROWTH 273 CHAPTER VIII. DUCKS — GOOSE — PEACOCK — TURKEY — GUIXEA-FOWL — CANARY-BIRD — GOLD-FISH — IIIYE-BEES — SILK-MOTHS. DUCKS, SEVERAL BREEDS OF PROGRESS OF DOMESTICATION ORIGIN OF, FROM THE COMMON WILD-DUCK DIFFERENCES IN THE DIFFERENT VJ11 CONTENTS. BREEDS 05TE0L0GICAL DIFFERENCES EFFECTS OF USE AND DIS- USE ON THE LIMB-BONES. GOOSE, ANCIENTLY DOMESTICATED LITTLE VARIATION OF SEBASTAPOL BREED. PEACOCK, ORIGIN OF BLACK-SHOULDERED BREED. TURKEY, BREEDS OF — CROSSED WITH THE UNITED STATES SPECIES EFFECTS OF CLIMATE ON. GUINEA-FOWL, CANARY-BIRD, GOLD-FISH, HIVE-BEES. SILK-MOTHS, species and breeds of — anciently domesticated — CARE IN THEIR SELECTION DIFFERENCES IN THE DIFFERENT RACES IN THE EGG, CATERPILLAR, AND COCOON STATES INHERITANCE OF CHARACTERS IMPERFECT WINGS LOST INSTINCTS CORRELATED CHA- RACTERS 333 CHAPTER IX. CULTIVATED PLANTS: CEREAL AND CULINARY PLANTS. PRELIMINARY REMARKS on the number and parentage of cul- tivated PLANTS FIRST STEPS IN CULTIVATION GEOGRAPHICAL DIS- TRIBUTION OF CULTIVATED PLANTS. CEREALIA. — doubts on the number of species. wheat: vari- eties OF INDIVIDUAL variability CHANGED habits — selection ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE VARIETIES. ^— MAIZE : . GREAT VARIATION OF DIRECT ACTION OF CLIMATE ON. CULINARY PLANTS. — cabbages: varieties of, in foliage and. STEMS, BUT NOT IN OTHER PARTS — PARENTAGE OF OTHER SPECIES OF BRASSICA. PEAS : AMOUNT OF DIFFERENCE IN THE SEVERAL KINDS, CHIEFLY IN THE PODS AND SEED SOME VARIETIES CONSTANT, SOME HIGHLY VARIABLE DO NOT INTER CROSS. BEANS. POTATOES : NUMEROUS VARIETIES OF DIFFERING LITTLE, EXCEPT IN THE TUBERS CHARACTERS INHERITED 368 CHAPTER X. PLANTS continued— FRUITS — ORNAMENTAL TREES — FLOW- ERS. FRUITS. GRAPES VARY IN ODD AND TRIFLING PARTICULARS. MULBERRY. " ■ THE ORANGE GROUP SINGULAR RESULTS FROM CROSS- ING. PEACH AND NECTARINE BUD-VARIATION ANALOGOUS VARI- ATION RELATION TO THE ALMOND. APRICOT. PLUMS VARI- ATION IN THEIR STONES. CHERRIES SINGULAR VARIETIES OF. APPLE. PEAR. STRAWBERRY INTERBLENDING OF THE ORIGINAL CONTENTS. IX FORMS. GOOSEBERRY STEADY INCREASE IX SIZE OK THE FRUIT VARIETIES OF. — ■ WALNUT. NUT. CUCURBITACEOUS PLANTS — ■ ■WONDERFUL VARIATION OF. ORNAMENTAL TREES — their variation in degree and kind — ASH-TREE SCOTCH-FIR HAWTHORN. FLOWERS MULTIPLE ORIGIN OF MANY KINDS VARIATION IN CON- STITUTIONAL PECULIARITIES KIND OF VARIATION. ROSES SEVE- RAL SPECIES CULTIVATED. PANSY. DAHLIA. HYACINTH, HISTORY AND VARIATION OF 400 CHAPTER XI. OX BUD-VARIATION, AND OX CERTAIN ANOMALOUS MODES OF REPRODUCTION AND VARIATION. BUD-VARIATIONS IN THE PEACH, PLUM, CHERRY, VINE, GOOSEBERRY, CUR- RANT, AND BANANA, AS SHOWN BY THE MODIFIED FRUIT IN FLOW- ERS : CAMELLIAS, AZALEAS, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, ROSES, ETC. ON THE RUNNING OF. THE COLOUR IN CARNATIONS BUD- VARIATIONS IN LEAVES VARIATIONS BY SUCKERS, TUBERS, AND BULBS ON THE BREAKING OF TULIPS BUD- VARIATIONS GRADUATE INTO CHANGES CONSEQUENT ON CHANGED CONDITIONS OF LIFE CYTISUS ADAMI, ITS ORIGIN AND TRANS- FORMATION ON THE UNION OF TWO DIFFERENT EMBRYOS IN 'ONE SEED THE TRIFACIAL ORANGE ON REVERSION BY BUDS IN HY- BRIDS AND MONGRELS ON THE PRODUCTION OF MODIFIED BUDS BY THE GRAFTING OF ONE VARIETY OR SPECIES ON ANOTHER ON THE DIRECT OR IMMEDIATE ACTION OF FOREIGN POLLEN ON THE MOTHER- PLANT ON THE EFFECTS IN FEMALE ANIMALS OF A FIRST IMPREGNA- TION ON THE SUBSEQUENT OFFSPRING CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY 448 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE 1. Dun Devonshire Pony-, with shoulder, spinal, and leg stripes 75 2. Head of Japan or Masked Pig 90 3. Head of Wild Boar, and of " Golden Days," a pig of the Yorkshire large breed 93 4. Old Irish Pig, with jaw-appendages 97 5. Half-lop Rabbit 186 c. Skull of Wild Rabbit 1-17 7 Skull of large Lop-eared Rabbit N7 X CONTENTS. 8. Part of Zygomatic Arch, showing the projecting end of the malar-bone, and the auditory meatus, of rab- BITS 148 9. Posterior end of Skull, showing the inter-parietal bone of Rabbits 148 10. Occipital Foramen of Rabbits 148 11. Skull of Half-lop Rabbit 149 12. Atlas Vertebra of Rabbits 151 13. Third Ceryical Vertebrae of Rabbits 152 14. Dorsal Yertebrj;, from sixth to tenth inclusive, of Rab- bits 153 15. Terminal Bone of Sternum of Rabbits 154 16. Acromion of Scapula of Rabbits 154 17. The Rock-Pigeon, or Columba Liyia 168 18. English Pouter 170 19. English Carrier 174 20. English Barb 180 21. English Fantail .. 182 22. African Owl 185 23. Short-faced English Tumbler 188 24. Skulls of Pigeons, yiewed laterally 201 25. Lower Jaws of .Pigeons, seen from aboye 202 26. Skull of Runt, seen from above 203 27. Lateral yiew of Jaws of Pigeons 203 28. Scapula of Pigeons 206 29. Furcul^e of Pigeons 206 '30. Spanish Fowl .. 274 31. Hamburgh Fowl 277 32. Polish Fowl 279 33. Occipital Foramen of the Skulls of Fowls .... .. 316 34. Skulls of Fowls, viewed from above, a little obliquely 316 35. Longitudinal sections of Skulls of Fowls, viewed lat- erally 318 36. Skull of Horned Fowl, viewed from above, a little obliquely 320 37. Sixth Cervical Vertebra of Fowls, viewed laterally . . 323 38. Extremity of the Furcula of Fowls, viewed laterally 324 39. Skulls of Ducks, viewed laterally, reduced to two thirds of the natural size 340 40. Cervical Vertebra of Ducks, of natural size 342 41. Pods of the Common Pea 395 42. Peach and Almond Stones, of natural size, viewed edge- ways 406 43. Plum Stones, of natural size, viewed laterally .. .. 416 THE VARIATION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS UNDER DOMESTICATION. INTRODUCTION. The object of this work is not to describe all the many- races of animals which have been domesticated by man, and of the plants which have been cultivated by him ; even if I possessed the requisite knowledge, so gigantic an undertaking would be here superfluous. It is my in- tention to give under the head of each species- only such facts as I have been able to collect or observe, showing the amount and nature of the changes which animals and plants have undergone whilst under man's dominion, or which bear on the general principles of variation. In one case alone, namely, in that of the domestic pigeon, I will describe fully all the chief races, their history, the amount and nature of their differences, and the probable steps by which they have been formed. I have selected this case, because, as we shall hereafter see, the materials are better than in any other ; and one case fully describ- ed will in fact illustrate all others-. But I shall also de- scribe domesticated rabbits, fowls, and ducks, with con- siderable fulness. The subjects discussed in this volume are so connected that it is not a little difficult to decide how they can be 12 INTRODUCTION. best arranged. I have deteraiined in the first part to give, under the heads of the various animals and plants, a large body of facts, some of which may at first appear but little related to our subject, and to devote the latter part to general discussions. Whenever I have found it necessary to give numerou details, in support of any proposition or conclusion, small type has been used. The reader will, I think, find this plan a convenience, for, if he does not doubt the conclusion or care about the de- tails, he can easily pass them over ; yet I may be permit- ted to say that some of the discussions thus printed deserve attention, at least from the professed naturalist. It may be useful to those who have read nothing about Natural Selection, if I here give a brief sketch of the whole subject and of its bearing on the origin of spe- cies. 1 This is the more desirable, as it is impossible in the present work to avoid many allusions to questions which will be fully discussed in future volumes. From a remote period, in all parts of the world, man has subjected many animals and plants to domestication or culture. Man has no power of altering the absolute conditions of life ; he cannot change the climate of any country ; he adds no new element to the soil ; but he can remove an animal or plant from one climate or soil to another, and give it food on which it did not subsist in its natural state. It is an error to speak of man " tam- pering with nature " and causing variability. If organic beings had not possessed an inherent tendency to vary, man could have done nothing. 2 He unintentionally ex- poses his animals and plants to various conditions of life, 1 To any one who has attentively read 2 M. Pouehet has recently (' Plurality my ' Origin of Species ' this Introduction of Races,' Eng. Translat., 1S64, p. 83, will be superfluous. As I stated in that &c.) insisted that variation under do- work that I should soon publish the facts mestication throws no light on the natu- on which the conclusions given in it ral modification of species. I cannot were founded, I here beg permission to perceive the force of his arguments, or, remark that the great delay in publish- to speak more accurately, of his asser- ing this first work has been caused by tions to this effect, continued ill-health. NATURAL SELECTION. 13 au2, s. H. A. Oldfield, who is familiar with the 1 13. ' Youatt on the Dog,' 134o, p. 6. A so-called Thibet mastiff, and lias examiu- very full history is given by De Blainville ed the drawings in the British Museum, in his ' Osteographie, Canidae.' informs me that he considers them dif- 4 I have seen drawings of this dog ferent. 30 DOGS. Chap. I. than in our hounds. There is, also, a turnspit, with short and crooked legs, closely resembling the existing variety ; but this kind of monstrosity is so common with various animals, as with the ancon sheep, and even, according to Rengger, with jaguars in Paraguay, that it would be rash to look at the monumental animal as the parent of all our turnspits : Colonel Sykes 5 also has described an Indian Pariah dog as presenting the same monstrous character. The most ancient dog represented on the Egyptian mo- numents is One of the most singular ; it resembles a grey- hound, but has long pointed ears and a short curled tail : a closely allied variety still exists in Northern Africa ; for Mr. E. Vernon Harcourt 6 states that the Arab boar-hound is " an eccentric hieroglyphic animal, such as Cheops once hunted with, somewhat resembling the rough Scotch deer-hound ; their tails are curled tight round on their backs, and their ears stick out at right angles." "With this most ancient variety a pariah-like dog coexisted. We thus see that, at a period between four and five thousand years ago, various breeds, viz. pariah dogs, greyhounds, common hounds, mastiffs, house-dogs, lap- dogs, and turnspits, existed, more or less closely resem- bling our present breeds. But there is not sufficient evidence that any of these ancient dogs belonged to the same idential sub-varieties with our present dogs. 7 As long as man was believed to have existed on this earth only about 6000 years, this fact of the great diversity of the breeds at so early a period was an argument of much weight that they had proceeded from several wild sources, for there would not have been sufficient time for 8 'Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' July l?th, 1831. living dogs. Messrs. Nott and Gliddon * 'Sporting in Algeria,' p. 51. ('Types of Mankind,' 1854, p. 38S) give ' Berjeau gives fac-similes of the still more numerous figures. Mr. Glid- Egyptian drawings. Mr. C. L.Martin, don asserts that a curl-tailed greyhound, in his ' History of the Dog,' 1845, copies like that represented on the most ancient several figures from the Egyptian monu- monuments, is common in Borneo ; but ments, and speaks with much confidence the Rajah, Sir J. Brooke, informs me with respect to their identity with still that no such dog exists there. Chap. I. THEIR PARENTAGE. 31 their divergence and modification. But now that we know, from the discovery of flint tools embedded with the remains of extinct animals in districts which have since undergone great geographical changes, that man has existed for an incomparably longer period, and bear- ing in mind that the most barbarous nations possess do- mestic dogs, the argument from insufficient time falls away greatly in value. Long before the period of any historical record the dog was domesticated in Europe. In the Danish Middens of the Neolithic or Newer Stone period, bones of a canine animal are imbedded, and Steenstrup ingeniously argues that these belonged to a domestic dog ; for a very large proportion of the bones of birds preserved in the refuse, consists of long bones, which it was found on trial dogs cannot devour. 8 This ancient dog was succeeded in Den- mark during the Bronze period by a larger kind, present- ing certain differences, and this again during the Iron period, by a still larger kind. In Switzerland we hear from Prof. Rutimeyer, 9 that during the Neolithic period a domesticated dog of middle size existed, which in its skull was about equally remote from the wolf and jackal, and partook of the characters of our hounds and setters or spaniels (Jagdhund und Wachtelhund). Rutimeyer insists strongly on the constancy of form during a very long period of time of this the most ancient known dog. During the Bronze period a larger dog appeared, and this closely resembled in its jaw a dog of the same age in Denmark. Remains of two notably distinct varieties of the dog were found by Schmerling in a cave ; 10 but their age cannot be positively determined. The existence of a single race, remarkably constant in 8 These, and the following facts on the 9 ' Die Fauna der Pfahlbauten,' 1861, Danish remains, are taken from M. Mor- s. 117, 162. lot's most interesting memoir in 'Soc. 10 De Blainville, ' Ostdographie, Ca- Vaudoise des Sc. Nat.,' torn, vi., 1S60, ntdse.' pp. 281, 299, 820. 32 DOGS. Chap. I. » form during the whole Neolithic period, is an interesting fact in contrast with what we see of the changes Avhich the races underwent during the period of the successive Egyptian monuments, and in contrast with our existing dogs. The character of this animal during the Neolithic period, as given by Rutimeyer, supports De Blainville's view that our varieties have descended from an unknown and extinct form. But we should not forget that we know nothing with respect to the antiquity of man in the warmer parts of the world. The succession of the differ- ent kinds of dogs in Switzerland and Denmark is thought to be due to the immigration of conquering tribes bring- ing with them their dogs ; and thia view accords with the belief that different wild canine animals were domes- ticated in different regions. Independently of the im- migration of new races of man, we know from the wide- spread presence of bronze, composed of an alloy of tin, how much commerce there must have been throughout Europe at an extremely remote period, and dogs would then probably have been bartered. .At the present time, amongst the savages of the interior of Guiana, the Taruma Indians are considered the best trainers of dogs, and pos- sess a large breed, which they barter at a high price with other tribes. 11 The main argument in favour of the several breeds of the dog being the descendants of distinct wild stocks, is their resemblance in various countries to distinct species still existing there. It must, however, be admitted that the comparison between the wild and domesticated ani- mal has been made but in few cases with sufficient exact- ness. Before entering on details, it will be well to show that there is no a priori difficulty in the belief that seve- ral canine species have been domesticated ; for there is much difficulty in this respect with some other domestic 11 Sir It. Schomburgk has given me 'Journal of R. Geograph. Soc.,' vol. Information on this head. See also xiii., 1848, p. 65. Chap. I. THEIR PARENTAGE. 33 quadrupeds arid birds. Members of the dog family in- habit nearly the whole world ; and several species agree pretty closely in habits and structure with our several domesticated dogs. Mr. Galton has shown :2 how fond savages are of keeping and taming animals of all kinds. Social animals are the most easily subjugated by man, and several species of Canidoe hunt in packs. It deserves notice, as bearing on other animals as well as on the dog, that at an extremely ancient period, when man first en- tered any country, the animals living there would have felt no instinctive or inherited fear of him, and would consequently have been tamed far more easily than at present. For instance, when the Falkland Islands were first visited by man, the large wolf-like dog (Canis an- tarcticus) fearlessly came to meet Byron's sailors, who, mistaking this ignorant curiosity for ferocity, ran into the water to avoid them : even recently a' man, by hold- ing a piece of meat in one hand and a knife in the other, could sometimes stick them at night. On an island in the Sea of Aral, when first discovered by Butakoff, the saigak antelopes, which are " generally very timid and watchful, did not fly from us, but on the contrary looked at us with a sort of curiosity." So, again, on the shores of the Mau- ritius, the manatee was not at first in the least afraid of man, and thus it has been in several quarters of the world with seals and the morse. I have elsewhere shown 13 how slowly the native birds of several islands have acquired and inherited a salutary dread of man : at the Galapagos Archipelago I pushed with the muzzle of my gun hawks from a branch, and held out a pitcher of water for other birds to alight on and drink. Quadi-upeds and birds which have seldom been disturbed by man, dread him « 'Domestication of Animals:' Eth- ticus, see p. 193. For the case of the an- nological Soc, Dec. 22nd, 1863. telope, see ' Journal Royal Geograph. >» ' Journal of Researches,' Ac, 1845, Soc.,' vol. xxiii. p. 94. p. 893. With respect to Canis antarc- 34 DOGS. Chap. I. no more than do our English birds the cows or horses grazing in the fields. It is a more important consideration that several canine species evince (as will be shown in a future chapter), no strong repugnance or inability to breed under confinement ; and the incapacity to breed under confinement is one of the commonest bars to domestication. Lastly, savages set the highest value, as we shall see in the chapter on Selection, on dogs : even half-tamed animals are highly useful to them : the Indians of North America cross their half-wild dogs with wolves, and thus render them even wilder than before, but bolder : the savages of Guiana catch and partially tame and use the whelps of two wild species of Canis, as do the savages of Australia those of the wild Dingo. Mr. Philip King informs me that he once trained a wild Dingo puppy to drive cattle, and found it very useful. From these several considerations we see that there is no difficulty in believing that man might have domesticated various canine species in differ- ent countries. It Avould indeed have been a strange fact if one species alone had been domesticated throughout the Avorld. We will now enter into details. The accurate and sa- gacious Richardson says, " The resemblance between the Northern American wolves ( Canis lupus, var. occidenta- lis) and the domestic dogs of the Indians is so great that the size and strength of the wolf seems to be the only difference. I have more than once mistaken a band of wolves for the dogs of a party of Indians ; and the howl of the animals of both species is prolonged so exactly in the same key that even the practised ear of the Indian fails at times to discriminate them." He adds that the more northern Esquimaux dogs are not only extremely like the grey wolves of the Arctic circle in form and colour, but also nearly equal them in size. Dr. Kane has often seen in his teams of sledge-dogs the oblique eye (a character on which some naturalists lay great stress), the Chap. I. THEIR PARENTAGE. 35 drooping tail, and scared look of the wolf. In disposi- tion the Esquimaux dogs differ little from wolves, and, according to Dr. Hayes, they are capable of no attach- ment to man, and are so savage, that when hungry they will attack even their masters. According to Kane they readily become feral. Their affinity is so close with wolves that they frequently cross with them, and the Indians take the whelps of wolves " to improve the breed of their dogs." The half-bred wolves sometimes (Larnare- Picquot) cannot be tamed, " though this case is rai*e ;" but they do not become thoroughly well broken in till the second or third generation. These facts show that there can be but little, if any, sterility between the Esquimaux dog and the wolf, for otherwise they would not be used to improve the breed. As Dr. Hayes says of these dogs, " reclaimed wolves they doubtless are." 14 North America is inhabited by a second kind of wolf, the prairie-wolf (Canis latrans), which is now looked at by all naturalists as specifically distinct from the com- mon wolf; and is, according to Mr. J. K. Lord, in some respects intermediate in habits between a wolf and a fox. Sir J. Richardson, after describing the Hai'e Indian dog, which differs in many respects from the Esquimaux dog, says, " It bears the same relation to the prairie wolf that the Esquimaux dog does to the great grey wolf." He could, in fact, detect no marked difference between them ; and Messrs. Nott and Gliddon give additional details showing their close resemblance. The dogs derived from 14 Tbe authorities for the foregoing ing in the eastern parts of North Ameri- statements are as fullow: — Richardson, ca. Seeman, in his 'Voyage of H.M.S. in ' Fauna Boreali-Americana, 1 1S29, pp. Herald,' 1853, vol. ii. p. 26, says the wolf 64, 75; Dr. Kane, ' Arctic Explorations,' is often caught by the Esquimaux for the 1356, vol. i. pp. 398, 455 ; Dr. Hayes, purpose of crossing with their dogs, and ' Arctic Boat Journey,' 1860, p. 167. thus adding to their size and strength. Franklin's ' Narrative,' vol. i. p. 269, M. Lamare-Picquot, in ' Bull, de la. Soc. gives the case of three whelps of a black d'Acclimat.,' torn, vii., 1S60, p. 148, gives wolf being carried away by the Indians. a good account of the half-bred Esqui- Parry, Richardson, and others, give ac- maux dogs, counts of wolves and dogs naturally cross- 36 DOGS. Cbup. I. the above two aboriginal sources cross together and with the wild wolves, at least with the C. occidentalism and with European dogs. In Florida, according to Bartram, the black wolf-dog of the Indians differs in nothing from the wolves of that country except in barking. 16 Turning to the southern parts of the New World, Columbus found two kinds of dogs in the West Indies ; and Fernandez 16 describes three in Mexico : some of these native dogs were dumb — that is, did not bark. In Guiana it ha*s been known since the time of Buffon that the natives cross their dogs with an aboriginal species, apparently the C'anis cancrivorus. Sir R. Schomburgk, who has so carefully explored these regions, writes to me, " I have been repeatedly told by the Arawaak Indians, who reside near the coast, that they cross their dogs with a wild species to improve the breed, and individual dogs have been shown to me which certainly resembled the C cancrivorus much more than the common breed. It is but seldom that the Indians keep the. C. cancrivorus for domestic purposes, nor is the Ai, another species of wild dog, and which I consider to be identical with the Dicsi- cyon silvestris of H. Smith, now much used by the Are- cunas for the purpose of hunting. The dogs of the Taruma Indians are quite distinct, and resemble Buffon's St. Domingo greyhound." It thus appears that the natives of Guiana have partially domesticated two abo- riginal species, and still cross their dogs with them ; these two species belong to a quite different type from the North American and European wolves. A careful observ- 18 ' Fauna Boreali-Americana,' 1829, vol. ii. p. 218), says that the Indian dog pp. 73, 78, 80. Nott and Gliddon, ' Types of the Spokans, near the Rocky Moun- of Mankind,' p. 3S3. The naturalist and tains, " is beyond all question nothing traveller Bartram is quoted by Hamilton more than a tamed Cayote or prairie- Smith, in ' Nat. Hist. Lib.,' vol. x. p. 156. wolf," or Canis latram. A Mexican domestic dog seems also to ie I quote this from Mr. R. Hill's resemble a wild dog of the same country ; excellent account of the Alco or domes- but this may be the prairie-wolf. Another tic dog of Mexico, in Gosse's 'Natural- capable judge, Mr. J. K. Lord (' The ist's Sojourn in Jamaica,' 1851, p. 329. Naturalist in Vancouver Island,' 1866, Cnir. I. THEIR PARENTAGE. 37 er, Rengger, 17 gives reasons for believing that a hairless dog was domesticated when America was first visited by- Europeans : some of these dogs in Paraguay are still dumb, and Tschudi 18 states that they suffer from cold in the Cordillera. This naked dog is, however, quite distinct from that found preserved in the ancient Peruvian burial- places, and described by Tschudi, under the name of Canis Ingce, as withstanding cold well and as barking. It is not known whether these two distinct kinds of dog are the descendants of native species, and it might be argued that when man first migrated into America he brought with him from the Asiatic continent dogs which had not learned to bark; but this view does not seem probable, as the natives along the line of their march from the north reclaimed, as we have seen, at least two 1ST. Ameri- can species of Canidre. Turning to the Old World, some European dogs closely resemble the wolf; thus the shepherd dog of the plains of Hungary is white or reddish-brown, has a sharp nose, short, erect ears, shaggy coat, and bushy tail, and so much resembles a wolf that Mr. Paget, who gives this descrip- tion, says he has known a Hungarian mistake a wolf for one of his own dogs. Jeitteles, also, remarks on the close similarity of the Hungarian dog and wolf. Shep- herd dogs in Italy must anciently have closely resembled wolves, for Columella (vii. 12) advises that white dogs be kept, adding, "pastor album probat, ne pro lupo canem feriat." Several accounts have been given of dogs and wolves crossing naturally ; and Pliny asserts that the Gauls tied their female dogs in the woods that they might cross with wolves. 19 The European wolf differs 17 ' Naturgeschichte der Saeugethiere 'Fauna Hungaria; Supcrloris,' 1862, s. von Paraguay,' 1S30, s. 151. 13. See Pliny, ' Hist, of the World ' 18 Quoted in Humboldt's ' Aspects (Eng. transl.), 8th book, ch. xl., about of Nature,' Eng. transl., vol. i. p. the Gauls crossing their dogs. See also 108. Aristotle, 'Hist. Animal.' lib. viii. c. 19 Paget's 'Travels in Hungary and 2S. For good evidence about wolves Transylvania,' vol. i. p. 501. Jeitteles, and dogs naturally crossing near the 38 DOGS. Chap. I. slightly from that of North America, and has been ranked by many naturalists as a distinct species. The common wolf of India is also by some esteemed as a third species, and here again we find a marked resemblance between the pariah dogs of certain districts of India and the Indian wolf. 20 - With respect to Jackals, Isidore Geoffroy Saint Hi- laire 21 says that not one constant difference can be pointed out between their structure and that of the smaller races of dogs. They agree closely in habits : jackals, when tamed and called by their master, wag their tails, crouch, and throw themselves on their backs ; they smell at the tails of dogs, and void their urine sideways. 23 A number of excellent naturalists, from the time of Giildenstadt to that of Ehrenberg, Hemprich, and Cretzschmar, have expressed themselves in the strongest terms with respect to the resemblance of the half-domestic dogs of Asia and Egypt to jackals. M. Nordmann, for instance, says, " Les chiens d'Awhasie ressemblent etonnamment a des chacals." Ehrenberg " asserts that the domestic dogs of Lower Egypt, and certain mummied dogs, have for their wild type a species of wolf ( C. lupaster) of the country ; whereas the domestic dogs of Nubia and certain other mummied dogs have the closest relation to a wild species of the same country, viz. C. sabbar, which is only a form of the common jackal. Pallas asserts that jackals and dogs sometimes naturally cross in the East ; and a case is Pyrenees, see M. Mauduyt, ' Du Loup borative evidence with respjct to the et de ses Races,' Poitiers, 1851 ; also dogs of the valley of the Nerbudda. Pallas, in ' Acta Acad. St. Petersburgh,' 21 For numerous and interesting de- 17S0, part ii. p. 94. tails on the resemblance of dogs and 20 I give this on excellent authority, jackals, gee Isid. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, namely, Mr. Blyth (under the signature ' Hist. Nat. Gen.,' 1860, torn. iii. p. 101. of Zoophilus), in the ' Indian Sporting See also ' Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes,' Review,' Oct. 1S56, p. 134. Mr. Blyth par Prof. Gervais, 1855, torn. ii. p. 60. stat-js that he was struck with the 2a Giildenstadt, ' Nov. Comment. Acad, resemblance between a brush-tailed race Petrop.,' torn, xx., pro anno 1775, p. 449. of pariah-dogs, north-west of Cawnpore, 23 Quoted by De Blainville in his and the Indian wolf. He gives corro- ' Osteographie, Canidae,' pp. 79, 93. Chap. I. THEIR PARENTAGE. 39 on record in Algeria." The greater number of naturalists divide the jackals of Asia and Africa into several species, but some few rank them all as one. I may add that the domestic dogs on the coast of Gui- nea are foxlike animals, and are dumb. 26 On the east coast of Africa, between lat. 4° and 6° south, and about ten days' journey in the interior, a semi-domestic dog, as the Rev. S. Erhardt informs me, is kept, which the na- tives assert is derived from a similar wild animal. Lich- tenstein ~ 6 says that the dogs of the Bosjemans present a striking resemblance even in colour (excepting the black stripe down the back) with the G. mesomelas of South Africa. Mr. E. Layard informs me that he has seen a Caifre dog which closely resembled an Esquimaux dog. In Australia the Dingo is both domesticated and wild; though this animal may have been introduced aboriginally by man, yet it must be considered as almost an endemic form, for its remains have been found in a similar state of preservation and associated with extinct mammals, so that its introduction must have been ancient." From this resemblance in several countries of the half- domesticated dogs to the wild species still living there, — from the facility with which they can often be crossed together, — from even half-tamed animals being so much valued by savages, — and from the other circumstances previously remarked on which favour their domestication, it is highly probable that the domestic dogs of the world have descended from two good species of wolf (viz. 61 .lupus and C. latrans), and from two or three other doubt- 84 See Pallas, in ' Act. Acad. St. Pe- - 7 SelwyD, Geology of Victoria ;' Jour- tersburgh,' 1780, part ii. p. 91. For nal of Geolog. Soc.,' vol. xiv., 185S, p. Algeria, see Isiil. Oeoffroy St. Hilaire, 536, and vol. xvi., 1860, p. 148 ; and ' Hist. Nat. Gen.,' torn. iii. p. 177. In Prof. M'Coy, in 'Annate and Mag. of Nat. both countries it is the male jackal Hist.' (3rd series), vol. ix., lS6i, p. 147. which pairs with female domestic dogs. The Dingo differs from the dogs of the 25 John Barbut's ' Description of the central Polynesian islands. Dleffenbach Coast of Guinea in 1746.' remarks ('Travels,' vol. ii. p. 46) that 28 ' Travels in South Africa,' vol. Ii. p. the native New Zealand dog also differs 272. from the Dingo. 40 DOGS. Chap, ft ful species of wolves (namely, the European, Indian, and North African forms) ; from at least one or two South American^ canine species ; from several races or species of the jackal ; and perhaps from one or more extinct spe- cies. Those authors who attribute great influence to the action of climate by itself may thus account for the re- semblance of the domesticated dogs and native animals in the same countries ; but I know of no facts supporting the belief in so powerful an action of climate. It cannot be objected to the view of several canine species having been anciently domesticated, that these animals are tamed with difficulty : facts have been already given on this head, but I may add that the young of the Canas primwmis of India were tamed by Mr. Hodgson, 28 and became as sensible to caresses, and manifested as much intelligence, as any sporting dog of the same age. There is not much difference, as we have already shown and shall immediately further see, in habits between the domestic dogs of the North American Indians and the wolves of that country, or between the Eastern pariah dogs and jackals, or between the dogs which have run wild in various countries and the several natural species of the family. The habit of barking, however, which is almost universal with domesticated dogs, and which does not characterise a single natural species of the family, seems an exception ; but this habit is soon lost and soon reacquired. The case of the wild dogs on the island of Juan Fernandez having become dumb has often been quoted, and there is reason to believe 29 that the dumb- ness ensued in the course of thirty-three years ; on the other hand, dogs taken from this island by Ulloa slowly reacquired the habit of barking. The Mackenzie-river 28 'Proceedings Zoolog. Soc.,' 1S33, p. 'History Nat. Mamm.,' torn. ii. p. 61. 112. See, also, on the taming of the With respect to the aguara of Paraguay, common wolf, L. Lloyd, ' Scandinavian see Rengger's work. Adventures,' vol. i. p. 460, 1854. With 2 > Roulin, in ' Mem. present, par di- respect to the jackal, see Prof. Gervais, vers Savans,' torn. vi. p. 341. Chap. I. THEIR PARENT AGE. . 41 dogs, of the Canis latrans type, when brought to Eng- land, never learned to hark properly ; but one born in the Zoological Gardens 30 "made his voice sound as loud- ly as any other dog of the same age and size." Accord- ing to Professor Nillson, 31 a wolf-whelp reared by a bitch barks. I. Geoffroy Saint Ililaire exhibited a jackal which barked with the same tone as any common dog. 3a An interesting account has been given by Mr. G. Clarke 3S of some dogs run wild on Juan de Nova, in the Indian Ocean ; " they had entirely lost the faculty of barking ; they had no inclination for the company of other dogs, nor did they acquire their voice," during a captivity of several months. On the island they " congregate in vast packs, and catch sea-birds with as much address as foxes could display." The feral dogs of La Plata have not become dumb ; they are of large size, hunt single or in packs, and burrow holes for their young. 34 In these ha- bits the. feral dogs of La Plata resemble wolves and jackals; both of which hunt either singly or in packs, and burrow holes. 35 These feral dogs have not become uniform in colour on Juan Fernandez, Juan de Nova, or La Plata. 36 In Cuba the feral dogs are described by Poeppig as nearly all mouse-coloured, with short ears and light-blue eyes. In St. Domingo, Col. Ham. Smith says" that the feral dogs are very large, like greyhounds, of a uniform pale blue-ash, with small ears, and large light- brown eyes. Even the wild Dingo, though so anciently 30 Martin, 'History of the Dog,' p. 14. ' Discours, Exposition des Races Ca- * 31 Quoted by L. Lloyd in ' Field Sports nines,' 1S65, p. 3. of North of Europe,' vol. i. p. 3S7. 3S With respect to wolves burrowing 33 Quatrefages, ' Soc. d'Acclimat.,' holes, see Richardson, ' Fauna Boreali- May 11th, 1S63, p. 7. Americana,' p. 64 ; and Bechstcin, ' Na- 33 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' turgesch. Deutchlands,' b. i. s. 617. vol. xv., 1S45, p. 140. 39 See Poeppig, ' Reise in Chile,' b. i. 34 Azara, ' Voyages dans l'Amer. Me- s. 290; Mr. (x. Clarke, as above; and rid.,' torn. i. p. 3S1 ; his account is fully Rengger, s. 155. confirmed by Rengger. Quatrefages 37 Dogs, ' Nat. Library,' vol. x. p. gives an account of a bitch brought 121 : an endemic South American dog from Jerusalem to France which bur- seems also to have become feral in this rowed a hole and littered in it. See island. See Gosse's ' Jamaica,' p. 340. 42 - DOGS. Chap. L naturalised in Australia, " varies considerably in colour," as I am informed by Mr. P. P. King : a half-bred Dingo reared in England 3e showed signs of wishing to bur- row. From the several foregoing facts we see that reversion in the feral state gives no indication of the colour or size, of the aboriginal parent-species. One fact, however, with respect to the colouring of domestic dogs, I at one time hoped might have thrown some light on their origin ; and it is worth giving, as showing how colouring follows laws, even in so anciently and thoroughly domesticated an animal as the dog. Black dogs with tan-coloured feet, whatever breed they may belong to, almost invariably have a tan coloured spot on the upper and inner corners of each eye, and their lips are generally thus coloured. I have seen only two exceptions to this rule, namely, in a spaniel and terrier. Dogs of a light-brown colour often have a lighter, yellowish-brown spot over the eyes ; sometimes the spot is white, and in a mongrel terrier the spot was black. Mr. Waring kindly examined for me a stud of fifteen grey- hounds in Suffolk : eleven of them were black, or black and white, or brindled, and these had no eye- spots ; but three were red and one slaty-blue, and these four had dark-coloured spots over their eyes. Although the spots thus sometimes differ in colour, they strongly tend to be tan-coloured ; this is proved by my having seen four spaniels, a setter, two Yorkshire shepherd dogs, a large mon- grel, and some fox-hounds, coloured black and white, with not a trace of tan-colour, excepting the spots over the eyes, and some- times a little on the feet. These latter cases, and many others, show plainly that the colour of the feet and the eye-spots are in som'e way correlated. I have noticed, in various breeds, every gra- dation, from the whole face being tan-coloured, to a complete ring round the eyes, to a minute spot over the inner and upper corners. The spots occur in various sub-breeds of terriers and spaniels ; in setters; in hounds of various kinds, including the turnspit-like German badger-hound ; in shepherd dogs ; in a mongrel, of which neither parent had the spots ; in one pure bulldog, though the spots were in this case almost white ; and in greyhounds, — but true black- and-tan greyhounds are excessively rare ; nevertheless I have been assured by Mr. Warwick, that one ran at the Caledonian Champion meeting of April, 1860, and was "marked precisely like a black- and-tan terrier." Mr. Swinhoe at my request looked at the dogs 38 Low, 'Domesticated Animals,' p. 650. Cuap. I. THEIR PARENTAGE. 43 in China, at Amoy, and he soon noticed a brown dog with yellow spots over the eyes. Colonel H. Smith 39 figures the magnificent black mastiff of Thibet with a tan-coloured stripe over the eyes, feet, and chaps; and what is more singular, he figures the Alco, or native domestic dog of Mexico, as black and white, with narrow tan-coloured rings round the eyes ; at the Exhibition of dogs in London, May, 1863, a so-called forest-dog from North-West Mexico was shown, which had pale tan-coloured spots over the eyes. The occurrence of these tan-coloured spots in dogs of such extremely different breeds, living in various parts of the world, makes the fact highly remarkable. We shall hereafter see, especially in the chapter on Pigeons, that coloured marks are strongly inherited, and that they often aid us in discovering the primitive forms of our domestic races. Hence, if any wild canine species had distinctly exhibited the tan-coloured spots over the eyes, it might have been argued that this was the pa- rent-form of nearly all our domestic races. But after looking at many coloured plates, and through the whole collection of skins in the British Museum, I can find no species thus marked. It is no doubt possible tha,t some extinct species was thus coloured. On the other hand, in looking at the various species, there seems to be a tol- erably plain correlation between tan-coloured legs and face ; and less frequently between black legs and a black face ; and this gene- ral rule of colouring explains to a certain extent the above-given cases of correlation between the eye-spots and the colour of the feet. Moreover, some jackals and foxes have a trace of a white ring round their eyes, as in C. mesomelas, C. aureus, and (judging from Colonel Ham. Smith's drawing) in 0. alopex and C. thaleb. Other species have a trace of a black line over the corners of the eyes, as in C. cariega- tu», cinereo-variegatus, and f ulcus, and the Avild Dingo. Hence I am inclined to conclude that a tendency for tan-coloured spots to ap- pear over the eyes in the various breeds of dogs, is analogous to the case observed by Desmarest, namely, that when any white appears on a dog the tip of the tail is always white, " de maniere a rappeler la tache terminate de meme couleur, qui caracterise la plupart des Canides sauvages." 40 It has been objected that our domestic dogs cannot be descended from wolves or jackals, because their periods of gestation are different. The supposed difference rests *• ' The Naturalist Library,' Dogs, vol. *° Quoted by Prof. Oervais 'Hist. Nat. x. pp. 4, 19. Mamm.,' torn. ji. p. 66. 44 DOGS. Chap. L on statements made by Buffon, Gilibert, Bechstein, and others ; but these are now known to be erroneous ; and the period is found to agree in the wolf, jackal, and dog, as closely as could be expected, for it is often in some de- gree variable. 41 Tessier, who has closely attended to this subject, allows a difference of four days in the gestation of the dog. The Rev. W. D. Fox has given me three carefully recorded cases of retrievers, in which the bitch was put only once to the dog ; and not counting this day, but counting that of parturition, the periods were fifty- nine, sixty-two, and sixty-seven days. The average pe- riod is sixty-three days ; but Bellingeri states that this holds good only with large dogs ; and that for small races it is from sixty to sixty- three days; Mr. Eyton of Eyton, who has had. much experience with dogs, also informs me that the time is apt to be longer with large than with small dosjs. F. Cuvier has objected that the jackal would nothave been domesticated on account of its offensive smell ; but savages are not sensitive in this respect. The degree of odour, also, differs in the different kinds of jackal; 42 and Colonel H. Smith makes a sectional division of the group with one character dependent on not being offensive. On the other hand, dogs — for instance, rough and smooth ter- riers — differ much in this respect ; and M. Godron states that the hairless so-called Turkish dog is more odoriferous 41 J. Hunter shows that the long pe- two months and a few days, which agrees riod of seventy-three days given by Buf- with the dog. Isid. G. St. Hilaire, who fon is easily explained by the bitch liav- has discussed the whole subject, and from ing received the dog many times during whom I quote Bellingeri, states (' Hist. a period of sixteen days (' Phil. Trans- Nat. Gen., 1 torn. iii. p. 112) that in the act.,' 178T, p. 253). Hunter found that Jardin des Plantes the period of the the gestation of a mongrel from wolf and jackal has been found to be from sixty dog (' Phil. Transact.,' 1789, p. 1G0) ap- to sixty-three days, exactly as with the parently was sixty-three days, for she dog. received the dog more than once. The 42 See Isid. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 'Hist, period of a mongrel dog and jackal was Nat. Gen.,' torn. iii. p. 112, on the odour fifty-nine days. Fred. Cuvier found the of jackals. Col. Ham. Smith, in ' Nat. period of gestation of the wolf to be Hist. Lib.,' vol. x. p. 289. (' Diet. Class d'Hist. Nat.,', torn. iv. p. S) Chap. I. THEIR PARENTAGE. 45 than other dogs. Isidore Geoffroy" gave to a dog the same odour as that from a jackal by feeding it on raw flesh. The belief that our dogs are descended from avoIvcs, jackals, South American Canidoe, and other species sug- gests a far more important difficulty. These animals in their undomesticated state, judging from a -widely-spread analogy, would have been in some degree sterile if inter- crossed ; and such sterility will be admitted as almost cer- tain by all those who believe that the lessened fertility of crossed forms is an infallible criterion of specific distinct- ness. Anyhow these animals keep distinct in the countries which they inhabit in common. On the other hand, all domestic dogs, which are here supposed to be descended ' from several distinct species, are, as far as is known, mu- tually fertile together. But, as Broea has well remarked, 44 the fertility of successive generations of mongrel dogs has never been scrutinised with that care which is thought indispensable when species are crossed. The few facts leading to the conclusion that the sexual feelings and re- productive powers diifer in the several races of the dog when crossed are (passing over mere size as rendering pro- pagation difficult) as follows : the Mexican Alco 4S appa- rently dislikes dogs of other kinds, but this perhaps is not strictly a sexual feeling ; the hairless endemic dog of Par- aguay, according to Rengger, mixes less with the Euro- pean races than these do with each other; the Spitz-dog in Germany is said to receive the fox more readily than do other breeds ; and Dr. Hodgkin states that a female Dingo in England attracted the male wild foxes. If these 'latter statements can be trusted, they prove some degree 43 Quoted by Quatrefages in ' Bull. Soc. guay,' s. 153. With respect to Spitz d'Acclimat.,' May 11th, 1S63. dogs, see Bechstein's ' Naturgeseh. 44 ' Journal de la Physiologie,' torn. ii. Deutschlands,' 1801, b. i. s. 638. With p. 3S5. respect to Dr. Hodgkin's statement made 45 See Mr. R. Hill's excellent account before Brit. Assoc, see ' The Zoologist, of this breed in Gosse's 'Jamaica,' p. vol. iv., for 1845-46, p. 1097. U88 ; Rengger's ' Saeugethiere von Para- 46 DOGS. Chap. L of sexual difference in the breeds of the dog. But the fact remains that our domestic dogs, differing so widely as they do in external structure, are far more fertile together than we have reason to believe their supposed wild parents would have been. Pallas assumes 46 that a long course of domestication eliminates that sterility which the parent- species would have exhibited if only lately captured ; no distinct facts are recorded in support of this hypothesis ; but the evidence seems to me so strong (independently of the evidence derived from other domesticated animals) in favour of our domestic dogs having descended from seve- ral wild stocks, that I am led to admit the truth of this hypothesis. There is another and closely allied difficulty consequent on the doctrine of the descent of our domestic dogs from several wild species, namely, that they do not seem to be perfectly fertile with their supposed parents. But the experiment has not been quite fairly tried ; the Hungarian dog, for instance, which in external appearance so closely resembles the European wolf, ought to be crossed with this wolf; and the pariah-dogs of India with Indian wolves and jackals ; and so in other cases. That the sterility is very slight between certain dogs and wolves and other Canida3 is shown by savages taking the trouble to cross them. Buffon got four successive generations from the wolf and dog, and the mongrels were perfectly fertile together. 47 But more lately M. Flourens states positively as the result of his numerous experiments that hybrids from the wolf and dog, crossed inter se, become sterile at the thii'd generation, and those from the jackal and dog at the fourth generation. 48 But these animals were closely confined ; and many wild animals, as we 41 ' Acta Acad. St. Petersburgh,' 17S0, many facts on the fertility of crossed part ii. pp. 84, 100. dogs, wolves, and jackals. 47 M. Broca has shown (' Journal de ia ' De la Longevite Humaine,' par M. Physiologie,' torn. ii. p. 353) thatBuffon's . Flourens, 1855, p. 143. Mr. Blyth says experiments have been often misrepre- (' Indian Sporting Review,' vol. ii. p. 137) sented. Broca has collected (pp. 390-395) that he has seen in India several hybrids Chap. I. THEIR PARENTAGE. 47 shall see in a future chapter, are rendered by confinement in some degree or' even utterly sterile. The Dingo, which breeds freely in Australia with our imported dogs, would not breed though repeatedly crossed in the Jardin des Plantes. 49 Some hounds from Central Africa, brought home by Major Denham, never bred in the Tower of Lon- don ; M and a similar tendency to sterility might be trans- mitted to the hybrid offspring of a wild animal. Moreover, it appears that in M. Flourens' experiments tbe hybrids were closely bred in and in for three or four generations ; but this circumstance, although it would almost certainly increase the tendency to sterility, would hardly account for the final result, even though aided by close confine- ment, unless there had been some original tendency to lessened fertility. Several years ago I saw confined in the Zoological Gardens of London a female hybrid from an English dog and jackal, which even in this the first gene- ration was so sterile that, as I was assured by her keeper, she did not fully exhibit her proper periods ; but this case, from the numerous instances of fertile hybrids from these two animals, was certainly exceptional. In almost all ex- periments on the crossing of animals there are so many causes of doubt, that it is extremely difficult to come to any positive conclusion. It would, however, appear, that those who believe that our dogs are descended from several species will have not only to admit that their offspring after a long course of domestication generally lose all tendency to sterility Avhen crossed together; but that between certain breeds of dogs and some of their Supposed aboriginal parents a certain degree of sterility has been retained or possibly even acquired. from the pariah-dog and jackal ; and be- 49 On authority of F. Cuvier, quoted tween one of these hybrids and a terrier. In Bronn's 'Geschichte der Natur,' B. ii. The experiments of Hunter on the Jackal s. 164. are well known. See also Isid. GeofTroy 60 W. C. L. Martin, ' History of the St. Hilaire, 'Hist. Nat. Gen.,' torn. iii. p. Dog,' 1S45, p. 203. Mr. Philip P. Kin?, 217, who speaks of the hybrid offspring after ample opportunities of observation, of the jackal as perfectly fertile for three informs me that the Dingo and European generations. dogs often cross in Australia. 48 DOGS. Chap. I. Notwithstanding the difficulties in regard to fertility- given in the last two paragraphs, when we reflect on the inherent improbability of man having domesticated throughout the world one single species alone of so widely distributed, so easily tamed, and so useful a group as the Canidae ; when we reflect on the extreme antiquity of the different breeds ; and especially when we reflect on the close similarity, both in external struc- ture and habits, between the domestic dogs of various countries and the wild species still inhabiting these same countries, the balance of evidence is strongly in favour of the multiple origin of our dogs. Differences beticeen the several Breeds of the Dog. — If the several breeds have descended from several wild stocks, their difference can obviously in part be explained by that of their parent-species. For instance, the form of the greyhound may be partly accounted for by descent from some such animal as the slim Abyssinian Canis si- mensis,™ with its elongated muzzle ; that of the larger dogs from the larger wolves, and the smaller and slighter dogs from jackals : and thus perhaps we may account for certain constitutional and climatal differences. But it would be a great error to suppose that there has not been in addition 63 a large amount of variation. The inter- crossing of the several aboriginal wild stocks, and of the subsequently formed races, has probably increased the total number of breeds, and, as we shall presently see, has greatly modified some of them. But we cannot ex- plain by crossing the origin of such extreme forms as thoroughbred greyhounds, bloodhounds, bulldogs, Blen- heim spaniels, terriers, pugs, &c, unless we believe that forms equally or more strongly characterised in these different respects once existed in nature. But hardly any 61 Ruppel, ' Neue Wirbelthiere von fine animal in the British Museum Abyssinien,' 1835-40 ; 'Mammif.'s. 39. " Even Pallas admits this : see 'Act pi. xiv. There is a specimen of this Acad. St. Petersburg!!,' 1730, p. 93. Chab. i. DIFFERENCES OF BREEDS. 40 one has been bold enough to sujipose that such unnatural forms ever did or could exist in a wild state. When compared. with all known members of the family of Ca- nidse they betray a distinct and abnormal origin. No instance is on record of such dogs as bloodhounds, spaniels, true greyhounds having been kept by savages: they are the product of long-continued civilization. The number of breeds and sub-breeds of the dog is great : Youatt , for instance, describes twelve kinds of greyhounds. I will not at- tempt to enumerate or describe the varieties, for we cannot discri- minate how much of their difference is due to variation, aad how much to descent from different aboriginal stocks. But it may be worth while briefly to mention some points. Commencing with the skull, Cuvier has admitted 63 that in form the differences are " plus fortes que celles d'aucunes especes sauvages d'un mime genre na- turel." The proportions of the different bones ; the curvature of the lower jaw, the position of the condyles with respect to the plane of the teeth (on which F. Cuvier founded his classification), and in mastiffs the shape of its posterior branch ; the shape of the zygoma- tic arch, and of the temporal fossae ; the position of the occiput — all vary considerably. 54 The dog has properly six pairs of molar teeth in the upper jaw, and seven in the lower ; but several naturalists have seen not rarely an additional pair in the upper jaw ; 65 and Pro- fessor Gervais gaya that there are dogs " qui out sept paires de dents superieures et huit inferieures." De Blainville 66 has given full par- ticulars on the frequency of these deviations in the number of the teeth, and has shown that it is not always the same tooth which is supernumerary. In short-muzzled races, according to H. Midler, 67 the molar teeth stand obliquely, whilst in long-muzzled races they are placed longitudinally, with open spaces between them. The naked, so-called Egyptian or Turkish dog is extremely deficient in its teeth, 08 — sometimes having none except one molar on each side ; 63 Quoted by I. Geoffroy, ' Hist. Nat. teographie, Canidae,' p.137) has also seen Gen.,' torn. iii. p. 453. an extra molar on both sides. 51 F. Cuvier, in 'Annales du Museum,' 5S Osteographie, Canidaj,' p. 137. torn, xviii. p. 337 ; Godron, 'De l'Espece,' »' Wurzburger, ' Medecin. Zeitschrift,' torn. i. p. 342 ; and Col. Ham. Smith, in 1S60, B. i. s. 265. ' Naturalist's Library,' vol. ix. p. 101. 6B Mr. Yarrell, in ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' 66 Isid. Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, 'Hist. Oct. 8th, 1S33. Mr. Waterhouse showed des Anomalies,' 1S32, torn. i. p. C60. me a skull of one of these dogs, which Gervais, ' Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes,' had only a single molar on each side and torn. 1L, 1855, p. 66. De Blainville, ('Os- some imperfect incisors. 3 50 DOGS. Chap. I. but this, though characteristic of the breed, must be considered as a monstrosity. M. Girard, 69 who seems to have attended closely to the subject, says that the period of the appearance of the permanent teeth differs in different dogs, being earlier in large dogs ; thus the mastiff assumes its adult teeth in four or five months, whilst in the spaniel the period is sometimes more than seven or eight months. With respect to minor differences little need be said. Isidore Geoffroy has shown m that in size some dogs are six times as long (the tail being excluded) as others ; and that the height relatively to the length of the body varies from between one to two, and one to nearly four. In the Scotch deer-hound there is a striking and remarkable difference in the size of the male and female. 61 Every one knows how the ears vary in size in different breeds, and with their great development their muscles become atrophied. Certain breeds of dogs are described as having a deep furrow between the nostrils and lips. The caudal vertebrae, according to F. Cuvier, on whose authority the two last statements rest, vary in number ; and the tail in shepherd dogs is almost absent. The mammae vary from seven to ten in number ; Daubenton, having examined twenty-one dogs, found eight with five mamma? on each side ; eight with four on each side ; and the others with, an unequal number on the two sides. 62 Dogs have properly five toes in front and four behind, but a fifth toe is often added ; and F. Cuvier states that, when a fifth toe is present, a fourth cuneiform bone is developed ; and, in this case, sometimes the great cuneiform bone is raised, and gives on its inner side a large articular surface to the astragalus ; so that even the relative connection of the bones, the most constant of all cha- racters, varies. These modifications, however, in the feet of dogs are not important, because they ought to be ranked, as De Blain- ville has shown, 63 as monstrosities. Nevertheless they are interest- ing from being correlated with the size of the body, for they occur much more frequently with mastiffs and other large breeds than with small dogs. Closely allied varieties, however, sometimes differ in this respect ; thus Mr. Hodgson states that the black-and-tan Lassa variety of the Thibet mastiff has the fifth digit, whilst the Mustang sub-variety is not thus characterised. The extent to 69 Quoted in ' The Veterinary,' Lon- 63 De Blainville, ' Osteographie Cani- don, vol. viii. p. 415. dse,' p. 134. F. Cuvier, 'Annales du 60 ' Hist. Nat. 'General,' torn. iii. p. Museum,' torn, xviii. p. 842. In regard 44S. to mastiffs, see Col. Ham. Smith, ' Nat. 61 W. Scrope, 'Art of Deer-Stalking,' Lib.,' vol. x. p. 218. For the Thibet mas- p. 854. tiff, see Mr. Hodgson in ' Journal of As. 62 Quoted by Col. Ham. Smith in 'Na- Soc. of Bengal,' vol. i., 1832, p. 842. .uralist's Library,' vol. x. p. 79. Chap. I. DIFFERENCES OF BREEDS. 51 which the skin is developed between the toes varies much ; but we shall return to this point. The degree to which the various breeds differ in the perfection of their senses, dispositions, and inherited habits is notorious to every one. The breeds present some consti- tutional differences : the pulse, says Youatt, 64 " varies materially according to the breed, as well as to the size of the animal." Dif- ferent breeds of dogs are subject in different degrees to various dis- eases. They certainly become adapted to different climates under which they have long existed. It is notorious that most of our best European breeds deteriorate in India. 65 The Rev. R Everest 66 be- lieves that no one has succeeded in keeping the Newfoundland dog long alive in India ; so it is, according to Lichtenstein, 67 even at the Cape of Good Hope. The Thibet mastiff degenerates on the plains of India, and can live only on the mountains. 66 Lloyd ° 9 asserts that our bloodhounds and bulldogs have been tried, and cannot withstand the cold of the northern European forests. Seeing in how many characters the races of the dog differ from each other, and remembering Cuvier's admis- sion that their skulls differ more than do those of the species of any natural genus, and bearing in mind how closely the bones of wolves, jackals, foxes, and other Canidse agree, it is remarkable that we meet with the statement, repeated over and over again, that the races of the dog differ in no important characters. A highly competent judge, Prof. Gervais, 70 admits, " si l'on prenait sans controle les alterations dont chacun de ces organes est susceptible, on pourrait croire qu'il y a entre les chiens domestiques des differences plus grandes que celles qui separent ailleurs les especes, quelquefois meme les genres." Some of the differences above enumerated 64 'The Dog,' 1845, p. 1S6. With re- Veterinary,' London, vol. xi. p. 235. spect to diseases, Youatt asserts (p. 167) ** 'Journal of As. Soc. of Bengal,' vol. that the Italian greyhound is " strongly Hi. p. 19. subject" to polypi in the matrix or vagi- " ' Travels,' vol. ii. p. 15. na. The spaniel and pug (p. 182) are 68 Hodgson, in ' Journal of As. Soc. of most liable to bronchocele. The liability Bengal,' vol. i. p. 342. to distemper (p. 232) is extremely differ- e9 ' Field Sports of the North of Eu- ent in different breeds On the distem- rope,' vol. ii. p. 165. per, see also Col. Hutchinson on 'Dog 70 ' Hist. Nat. des Mammif.,' 1855, torn: Breaking,' 1S50, p. 279. it. pp. 66, 67. •• See Youatt on the Dog, p. 15 ; ' The 52 DOGS. Chap. I. are in one respect of comparatively little value, for they are not characteristic of distinct breeds : no one pretends that such is the case with the additional molar teeth or with the number of mammae ; the additional digit is generally present with mastiffs, and some of the more important dif- ferences in the skull and lower jaw are more or less cha- racteristic of various bi'eeds. But we must not forget that the predominant power of selection has not been applied in any of these cases ; we have variability in important parts, but the differences have not been fixed by selection. Man cares for the form and fleetness of his greyhounds, for the size of his mastiffs, for the strength of the jaw in his bulldogs, &c. ; but he cares nothing about the num- ber of their molar teeth or mammae or digits ; nor do we know that differences in these organs are correlated with, or owe their development to, differences in other parts of the body about which man does care. Those who have attended to the subject of selection will admit that, na- ture having given variability, man, if he so chose, could fix five toes to the hinder feet of certain breeds of dogs, as certainly as to the feet of his Dorking-fowls : he could probably fix, but with much more difficulty, an addition- al pair of molar teeth in either jaw, in the same way as he has given additional horns to certain breeds of sheep<; if he wished to produce a toothless breed of dogs, having the so-called Turkish dog with its imperfect teeth to work on, he could probably do so, for he has succeeded in mak- ing hornless breeds of cattle and sheep. With respect to the precise causes and steps by which the several races of dogs have come to differ so greatly from each other, Ave are, as in most other cases, profound- ly ignorant. We may attribute part of the difference in external form and constitution to inheritance from dis- tinct wild stocks, that is to changes effected under nature before domestication. We must attribute something to the crossing of the several domestic and natural races. I shall, however, soon recur to the crossing of races. We Chap. L MEANS OF MODIFICATION. 53 have already seen how often savages cross their dogs with wild native species ; and Pennant gives a curious account 71 of themauner in which Fochabers, in Scotland, was stocked " with a multitude of curs of a most wolf- ish aspect" from a single hybrid-wolf brought into that district. It would appear that climate to a certain extent di- rectly modifies the forms of dogs. We have lately seen that several of our English breeds cannot live in India, and it is positively asserted that when bred there for a few generations they degenerate not only in their men- tal faculties, but in form. Captain Williamson," who carefully attended to this subject, states that "hounds are the most rapid in their decline ;" " greyhounds and pointers, also, rapidly decline." But spaniels, after eight or nine generations, and without a cross from Europe, are as good as their ancestors. Dr. Falconer informs me that bulldogs, which have been known, when first brought into the country, to pin down even an elephant by its trunk, not only fall off after two or three generations in pluck and ferocity, but lose the under-hung character of their lower jaws ; their muzzles become finer and their bodies lighter. English dogs imported into India are so valuable that probably due care has been taken to-pre- vent their crossing with native dogs ; so that the de- terioration cannot be thus accounted for. The Rev. R. Everest informs me that he obtained a pair of setters, born in India, which perfectly resembled their Scotch parents : he raised several litters from them in Delhi, taking the most stringent precautions to prevent a cross, but he never succeeded, though this was only the second generation in India, in obtaining a single young dog like its parents in size or make ; their nostrils were more con- tracted, their noses more pointed, their size inferior, and . 71 ' History of Quadrupeds,' 1793, vol. T2 'Oriental Field Sports,' quoted by 1. p. 23S. Youatt, ' The Dog,' p. 15. 54 DOGS. Chap. I. their limbs more slender. This remarkable tendency to rapid deterioration in European dogs subjected to the climate of India, may perhaps partly be accounted for by the tendency to reversion to a primordial condition which many animals exhibit, as we shall see in'a future chapter, when exposed to new conditions of life. Some of the peculiarities characteristic of the several breeds ot the dog have probably arisen suddenly, and, though strictly inherited, may be called monstrosities ; for instance, the shape of the legs and body in the turn- spit of Europe and India ; the shape of the head and the under-hanging jaw in the bull and pug-dog, so alike in this one respect and so unlike in all others. A peculiarity suddenly arising, and therefore in one sense deserving to be called a monstrosity, may, however, be increased and fixed by man's selection. We can hardly doubt that long-continued training, as with the greyhound in cours- ing hares, as with water-dogs in swimming — and the want of exercise, in the case of lap-dogs — must have pro- duced some direct effect on their structure and instincts. But we shall immediately see that the most potent cause of change has probably been the selection, both methodi- cal and unconscious, of slight individual differences, — the latter kind of selection resulting from the occasional pre- servation, during hundreds of generations, of those indi- vidual dogs which were the most useful to man for cer- tain purposes and under certain conditions of life. In a future chapter on Selection I shall show that even bar- barians attend closely to the qualities of their dogs. This unconscious selection by man would be aided by a kind of natural selection ; for the dogs of savages have partly to gain their own subsistence ; for instance, in Australia, as we hear from Mr. Nind, 73 the dogs are sometimes com- pelled by want to leave their masters and provide for themselves; but in a few days they generally return. 73 Quoted by Mr. Galton, ' Domestication of Animals,' p. 13. Chap. I. MEANS OF MODIFICATION. 00 i • And we may infer that dogs of different shapes, sizes, and habits, would have the best chance of surviving un- der different circumstances, — on open, sterile plains, where they have to run down their own prey, — on rocky coasts, where they have to feed on crabs and fish left in the tidal pools, as in the case of New Guinea and Tierra del Fuego. In this latter country, as I am informed by Mr. Bridges, the Catechist to the Mission, the dogs turnover the stones on the shore to catch the wustaceans which lie beneath, and they " are clever enough to knock off the shell-fish at a first blow ;" for if this be not done, shell-fish are well known to have an almost invincible power of adhesion. It has already been remarked that dogs differ in the degree to which their feet are webbed. In dogs of the Newfoundland breed, which are eminently aquatic in their habits, the skin, according to Isidore Geoffroy, 7i extends to the third phalanges, whilst in ordinary dogs it extends only to the second. In two Newfoundland dogs' which I examined, when the toes were stretched apart and viewed on the under side, the skin extended in a nearly straight line between the outer margins of the balls of the toes ; whereas, in two terriers of distinct sub-breeds, the skin viewed in the same manner was deeply scooped out. In Canada there is a dog which is peculiar to the country and common there, and this has "half-webbed feet and is fond of the water." 76 English otter-hounds are said to have webbed feet ; a friend ex- amined for me the feet of two, in comparison with the feet of some harriers and bloodhounds ; he found the skin variable in extent in all, but more developed in the otter than in the other hounds. 76 As aquatic animals which belong to quite different orders have webbed feet, there can be no doubt that this structure would be ser- '* ' Hist. Nat. Gen.,' torn. Hi. p. 450. re See Mr. C 0. Groom-Napier on the ' 6 Mr. Greenhow on the Canadian webbing of the hind feet of Otter-hounds Dog, in Loudon's 'Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' in ' Land and Water,' Oct. 13th, 1866, p. vol vl. 1S33, p. 511. 270. 56 DOGS. Chap. I. viceable to dogs that frequent the water. We may confi- dently infer that no man ever selected his water-dogs by the exteut to which the skin was developed between their toes ; but what he does, is to preserve and breed from those individuals which hunt best in the water, or best retrieve wounded game, and thus he unconsciously selects dogs with feet slightly better webbed. Man thus closely imitates Natural Selection. "We have an excellent illustration of this same process in North America, where, according to Sir J. Richardson, 77 all the Avolves, foxes, and aboriginal domestic dogs have their feet broader than in the corresponding species of the Old World, and " well calculated for running on the snow." Now, in these Arctic regions, the life or death of every animal will often depend on its success in hunting over the snow when softened ; and this will in part depend on the feet being broad ; yet they must not be so broad as to interfere with the activity of the animal when the ground is sticky, or with its power of burrowing holes or with other habits of life. As changes in domestic breeds which take place so slowly as not to be noticed at any period, whether due to the selection of individual variations or of differences re- sulting from crosses, are most important in understand- ing the origin of our domestic productions, and likewise in throwing indirect light on the changes effected under nature, I will give in detail such cases as I have been able to collect. Lawrence, 78 "who paid particular atten- tion to the history of the foxhound, writing in 1829, says that between eighty and ninety years before " an entirely new foxhound was raised through the breeder's art," the ears of the old southern hound being reduced, the bone and bulk lightened, the waist increased in length, and the stature somewhat added to. It is believed that this 77 'Fauna Boreali-Araericana,' 1829, 78 "The Horse in all his Vanities,* p. 62. &c., 1S29, pp. 230, 234. Chip. I. MEANS OF MODIFICATION. 57 was effected by a cross with the greyhound. With re- spect to this latter dog, Youatt " who is generally cau- tious in his statements, says that the greyhound within the last fifty years, that is before the commencement of the present century, " assumed a somewhat different character from that which he once possessed. He is now distinguished by a beautiful symmetry of form, of which he could not once boast, and he has even superior speed to that which he formerly exhibited. He is no longer used to struggle with deer, but contends with his fellows over a shorter- and speedier course." An able writer 80 believes that our English greyhounds are the descend- ants, progressively improved, of the large rough grey- hounds which existed in Scotland so early as the third century. A cross at some former period with the Italian greyhound has been suspected ; but this seems hardly probable, considering the feebleness of this latter breed. Lord Orford, as is well known, crossed his famous grey- hounds, which failed in courage, with a bulldog — this breed being chosen from being deficient in the power of scent ; " after the sixth or seventh generation," says Youatt, " there was not a vestige left of the form of the bulldog, but his courage and indomitable perseverance remained." Youatt infers, from a comparison of *an old picture of King Charles's spaniels with the living dog, that " the breed of the present day is materially altered for the worse :" the muzzle has become shorter, the forehead more prominent, and the eyes larger : the changes in this case have probably been due to simple selection. The setter, as this author remarks in another place, " is evi- dently the large spaniel improved to his present peculiar size and beauty, and taught another way of marking his game. If the form of the dog were not sufficiently satis- " 'The Dog,' 1S45, pp. 31, 35; with eo In the ' Encyclop. of Rural Sports,' respect to King Charles's spaniel, p. 45 ; p. 557. for the setter, p. 90. 58 DOGS. Chap. L factory on this point, we might have recourse to history :" he then refers to a document dated 1685 bearing on this subject, and adds that the pure Irish setter shows no signs of a cross with the pointer, which some authors suspect has been the case with the English setter. Another writer 81 remarks that, if the mastiff and English bulldog had formerly been as distinct as they are at the pi'esent time (i.e. 1828), so accurate an observer as the poet Gay (who was the author of 'Rural Sports' in 1711) would have spoken in his Fable of the Bull and the Bulldog, and not of the Bull and the Mastiff. There can be no doubt that the fancy bulldogs of the present day, now that they are not used for bull-baiting, have become greatly reduced in size, without any express intention on the part of the breeder. Our pointers are certainly descended from a Spanish breed, as even their names, Don, Ponto, Carlos, &c, would show : it is said that they were not known in England before the Revolution in 1688 ; M but the breed since its introduction has been much modified, for Mr. Borrow, who is a sportsman and knows Spain intimately well, informs me that he has not seen in that country any breed " corresponding in figure with the English pointer ; but there are genuine pointers near Xeres which have been imported by English gentlemen." A nearly parallel case is offered by the Newfoundland dog, which was cer- tainly brought into England from that country, but which has since been so much modified that, as several writers have observed, it does not now closely resemble any ex- isting native dog in Newfoundland. 83 These several cases of slow and gradual changes in our English dogs possess some interest; for though the changes have generally, but not invariably, been caused 81 ' The Farrier,' 182S, vol. i. p. 337. the Esquimaux dog' and a large French 82 See Col. Hamilton Smith on the an- hound. See Dr. Hodgkin, ' Brit Assoc.,' tiquity of the Pointer, in ' Naturalist's 1S44 ; Bechstein's ' Naturgesch. Deutsch- Library,' vol. x. p. 196. lands,' Band i. s. 574 ; ' Naturalist's 83 The Newfoundland dog is believed Library,' vol. x. p. 132 ; also Mr. Jukes' to have originated from a cross between ' Excursion in and about Newfoundland.' Chap. I. DOMESTIC CATS I THEIR PARENTAGE. 51) by one or two crosses with a distinct breed, yet we may feel sure, from the well-known extreme variability of crossed breeds, that rigorous and long-continued selection must have been practised, in order to improve them in a definite manner. As soon as any strain or family became slightly improved or better adapted to altered circum- stances, it would tend to supplant the older and less im- proved strains. For instance, as soon as the old foxhound was improved by a cross with the greyhound, or by sim- ple selection, and assumed its present character — and the change was probably required by the increased fleetness of our hunters — it rapidly spread throughout the country, and is now everywhere nearly uniform. But the process of improvement is still going on, for every one tries to improve his strain by occasionally procuring dogs from the best kennels. Through this process of gradual substi- tution the old English hound has been lost ; and so it has been with the old Irish greyhound and apparently with the old English bulldog. But the extinction of former breeds is apparently aided by another cause ; for when- ever a breed is kept in scanty numbers, as at present with the bloodhound, it is reared with difficulty, and this ap- parently is due to the evil effects of long-continued close interbreeding. As several breeds of the dog have been slightly but sensibly modified within so short a period as the last one or two centuries, by the selection of the best individual dogs, modified in many cases by crosses with other breeds ; and as we shall hereafter see that the breed- ing of dogs was attended to in ancient times, as it still is by savages, we may conclude that we have in selection, even if only occasionally practised, a potent means of modification. Domestic Cats. Cats have been domesticated in the East from an ancient period ; Mr. Blyth informs me that they are mentioned in a Sanskrit writing 2000 years old, and in Egypt their 60 DOMESTIC CATS. Chap. I. antiquity is known to be even greater, as shown by mon- umental drawings and their mummied bodies. These mummies, according to De Blainville, 84 who has particu- larly studied the subject, belong to no less than three species, namely, F. caligulata, bubattes, and chaus. The two former species are said to be still found, both wild and domesticated, in parts of Egypt. F. caligulata presents a difference in the first inferior milk molar tooth, as compared with the domestic cats of Europe, which makes De Blainville conclude that it is not one of the parent-forms of our cats. Several naturalists, as Pallas, Temminck, Blyth, believe that domestic cats are the de- scendants of several species commingled : it is certain that cats cross readily with various wild species, and it would appear that the character of the domestic breeds has, at least in some cases, been thus affected. Sir W. Jardine has no doubt that, " in the "north of Scotland, there has been occasional crossing with our native species (F. sylvestris), and that the result of these crosses has been kept in our houses. I have seen," he adds, " many cats very closely resembling the wild cat, and one or two that could scarcely be distinguished from it." Mr. Blyth 86 remarks on this passage, "but such cats are never seen in the southern parts of England ; still, as compared with any Indian tame cat, the affinity of the ordinary British cat to F. sylvestris is manifest ; and due I suspect to frequent intermixture at a time when the tame cat was first introduced into Britain and continued rare, while the wild species was far more abundant than at present." In Hungary, Jeitteles 86 was assured on trustworthy authority that a wild male cat crossed with 84 De Blainville, ' Osteographie, Felis,' Sir W, Jardine is quoted from this Re- p. 65, on the character of F. caligulata: port. Mr. Blyth, who has especially at- pp. So, 89, 90, 175, on the other mum- tended to the wild and domestic cats of mied species. He quotes Ehrenberg on India, has given in this Report a very F. maniculata being mummied. interesting discussion on their origin. 8i Asiatic Soc. of Calcutta ; Curator's e " ' Fauna Hungarte Sup.,' 1S62, s. 12. Report, Aug. 1S56. The passage from Chip. I. THEIR VARIATION. 61 a female domestic cat, and that the hybrids long lived in a domesticated state. In Algiers the domestic cat has crossed with the wild cat (F. Lybica) of that country." In South Africa, as Mr. E. Layard informs me, the do- mestic cat intermingles freely with the wild F. caffret ; he has seen a pair of hybrids which were quite tame and particularly attached to the lady who brought them up ; and Mr. Fry has found that these hybrids are fertile. In India the domestic cat, according to Mr. Blyth, has cross- ed with four Indian species. With respect to one of these species, F. cheats, an excellent observer, Sir W. Elliot, informs me that he once killed, near Madras, a wild brood, which were evidently hybrids from the do- mestic cat ; these young animals had a thick lynx-like tail and. the .broad brown bar on the inside of the fore- arm characteristic of F. chaus. Sir W. Elliot adds that he has often observed this same mark on the forearms of domestic cats in India. Mr. Blyth states that domestic cats coloured nearly like F. cheats, but not resembling that species in shape, abound in Bengal ; he adds, " such a colouration is utterly unknown in European cats, and the proper tabby markings (pale streaks on a black ground, peculiarly and symmetrically disposed) so com- mon in English cats, ai-e never seen in those of India." Dr. D. Short has assured Mr. Blyth 88 that at Hansi hy- brids between the common cat and F. ornata (or tor- quota) occur, " and that many of the domestic cats of that part of India were undistinguishable from the wild F. ornata." Azara states, but only on the authority of the inhabitants, that in Paraguay the cat has crossed with two native species. From these several cases we see that in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, the com- mon cat, which lives a freer life than most other domesti- cated animals, has crossed with various wild species ; 8T Isld. Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, ' Hist. Xat. Gen.,' torn. iii. p. 177. • 8 ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' 1S63, p. 184. 62 DOMESTIC CATS. Chap. L and that in some instances the crossing has been suffi- ciently frequent to affect the character of the breed. Whether domestic cats have descended from several distinct species, or have only been modified by occa- sional crosses, their fertility, as far as is known, is unim- paired. The large Angora or Persian cat is the most dis- tinct in structure and habits of all the domestic breeds ; and is believed by Pallas, but on no distinct evidence, to be descended from the F. manul of middle Asia ; but I am assured by Mr. Blyth that this cat breeds freely with Indian cats, which, as we have already seen, have appa- rently been much crossed with F chaiis. In England half-bred Angora cats are perfectly fertile with the com- mon cat; I do not know whether the half-breeds -are fer- tile one with another"; but as they are common .in some parts of Europe, any marked degree of sterility could hardly fail to have been noticed. Within the same country we do not meet with distinct races of the cat, as we do of dogs and of most other domestic animals ; though the cats of the same country present a considerable amount of fluctuating variability. The explanation obviously is that, from their nocturnal and rambling habits, indiscriminate crossing cannot with- out much trouble be prevented. Selection cannot be brought into play to produce distinct breeds, or to keep those distinct which have been imported from foreign lands. On the other hand, in islands and in countries completely separated from each other, we meet with breeds more or less distinct ; and these cases are worth giving as showing that the scarcity of distinct races in the same country is not caused by a deficiency of varia- bility in the animal. The tailless cats of the Isle of Man are said to differ from common cats not only in the want of a tail, but in the greater length of their hind legs, in the size of their heads, and in habits. The Creole cat of Antigua, as I am informed by Mr. Nicholson, is smaller, and has a more elongated head, than the British cat. In Chap. I. THEIR VARIATION. G3 Ceylon, as Mr. Thwaites writes to me, every one at first notices the different appearance of the native cat from the English animal ; it is of small size, with closely lying hairs ; its head is small, with a receding forehead ; but the ears are large and sharp ; altogether it has what is there called a "low-caste" appearance. Rengger 89 says that the domestic cat, which has been bred for 300 years in Paraguay, presents a striking difference from the Eu- ropean cat ; it is smaller by a fourth, has a more lanky body, its hair is short,, shining, scanty, and lies close, especially on the tail : he adds that the change has been less at Ascension, the capital of Paraguay, owing to the continual crossing with newly imported cats; and this fact well illustrates the importance of separation. The conditions of life in Paraguay appear not to be highly favourable «to the cat, for, though they have run half- wild, they do not become thoroughly feral, like so many other European animals. In another part of South Ame- rica, according to Roulin, 90 the introduced cat has lost the habit of uttering its hideous nocturnal howl. The Rev. W. D. Fox purchased a cat in Portsmouth, which he was told came from the coast of Guinea ; its skin was black and wrinkled, fur bluish-grey and short, its ears rather bare, legs long, and whole aspect peculiar. This " negro " cat was fertile with common cats. On the op- posite coast of Africa, at Mombas, Captain Owen, R.N., 01 states that all the cats are covered with short stiff hair instead of fur : he gives a curious account of a cat from Algoa Bay, which had been kept for some time on board and could be identified with certainty; this animal was left for only eight weeks at Mombas, but during that short period it " underwent a complete metamorphosis, " having parted with its sandy-coloured fur." A cat 89 ' Saeugethiere von Paraguay,' 1830, p. 346. Gomara first noticed this fact in *. 21 '2. 1554. 80 ' Mem. presenters par divers Sa- " ' Narrative of Voyages,' vol. ii. p. vans: Acad. Roy. des Sciences,' torn. vi. ISO. 64 DOMESTIC CATS. Chap, t from the Cape of Good Hope has been described by Desmarest as remarkable from a red stripe extending along die whole length of its back. Throughout an im- mense area, namely, the Malayan archipelago, Siam, Pe- gu, and Burmah, all the cats have truncated tails about half the proper length, 92 often with a sort of knot at the end. In the Caroline archipelago the cats have very long legs, and are of a reddish-yellow colour.' 3 In China a breed lias drooping ears. At Tobolsk, according to Gmelin, there is a red-coloured breed. In Asia, also, we find the well-known Angora or Persian breed. The domestic cat has run wild in several countries, and everywhere assumes, as far as can be judged by the short recorded descriptions a uniform character. Near Mal- donado, in La Plata, I shot one which seemed perfectly wild; it was carefully examined by Mr. Waterhouse, 94 who found nothing remarkable in it, excepting its great size. In New Zealand, according to Dieffenbach, the feral cats assume a streaky grey colour like that of wild cats ; and this is the case with the half-wild cats of the Scotch Highlands. We have seen that distant countries possess distinct do- mestic races of the cat. The difference may be in part due to descent from several aboriginal species, or at least to crosses with them. In some cases, as in Paraguay, Mombas, and Antigua, the differences seem due to the direct action of different conditions of life. In other cases some slight effect may possibly be attributed to natural selection, as cats in many cases have largely to support themselves and to escape diverse dangers. But man, owing to the difficulty of pairing cats, has done nothing by methodi- cal selection ; and probably very little by unintentional 9a J. Crawfurd, ' Descript. Diet, of the p. 308. Indian Islands,' p. 255. The Madagas- 94 ' Zoology of the Voyage of the Bea- car cat is said to have a twisted tail : see gle, Mammalia,' p. 20. Dieffenbach, Desmarest, in ' Encyclop. Nat. Mamm.,' 'Travels in New Zealand,' vol. ii. p. 185. 1620, p. 233, for some of the other breeds. Ch. St. John, 'Wild Sports of the High- M Admiral Lutke's Voyage, vol iii. lands,' 1846, p. 40. Chap. I. . THEIR VARIATION. 65 selection ; though in each litter he generally saves the prettiest, and values most a good breed of mouse or rat- catchers. Those cats which have a strong tendency to prowl after game, generally get destroyed by traps. As cats are so much petted, a breed bearing the same rela- tion to other cats, that lapdogs bear to larger dogs, would have been much valued ; and if selection could have been applied, we should certainly have had many breeds in each long-civilized country, for there is plenty of variabil- ity to work upon. We see in this country considerable diversity in size, some in the proportions of the body, and extreme variabili- ty in colouring. I have only lately attended to this subject, but have already heard of some singular cases of varia- tion ; one of a cat born in the West Indies toothless, and remaining so all its life. Mr. Tegetmeier has shown me ■ the skull of a female cat with its canines so much devel- oped that they protruded uncovei'ed beyond the lips ; the tooth with the fang being *95, and the part projecting from the gum "6 of an inch in length. I have heard of a family of six-toed cats. The tail varies greatly in length ; I have seen a cat which always carried its tail flat on its back»when pleased. The ears vary in shape, and certain strains, in England, inherit a pencil-like tuft of hairs, above a quarter of an inch in length, on the tips of their ears ; and this same peculiarity, according to Mr. Blyth, characterises some cats in India. The great variability in the length of the tail and the lynx-like tufts of hairs on the ears are apparently .analogous to differences in certain wild species of the genus. A much more important dif- ference, according to Daubenton, 96 is that the intestines of domestic cats are wider, and a third longer, than in wild cats of the same size ; and this apparently has been caused by their less strictly carnivorous diet. 96 Quoted by Isid. Geoffioy, ' Hist. Nat. Gen.,' torn. iii. p. 427. 66 HORSES. Chap. II. CHAPTER H. HORSES AND ASSES. HORSE. — DIFFERENCES IN THE BREEDS — INDIVIDUAL VARIA- BILITY OF — DIRECT EFFECTS OF THE CONDITIONS OF LIFE — CAN WITHSTAND MUCH COLD — BREEDS MUCH MODIFIED BY SE- . LECTION — COLOURS OF THE HORSE — DAPPLING — DARK STRIPES ON THE SPINE, LEGS, SHOULDERS, AND FOREHEAD. — DUN-COLOUR- ED HORSES MOST FREQUENTLY STRIPED — STRIPES PROBABLY DUE TO REVERSION TO THE PRIMITIVE STATE OF THE HORSE. ASSES. — BREEDS OF — COLOUR OF — LEG- AND SHOULDER- STRIPES — SHOULDER-STRIPES SOMETIMES ABSENT, SOMETIMES FORKED. The history of the Horse is lost in antiquity. Remains of this animal in a domesticated condition have been found in the Swiss lake-dwellings, belonging to the lat- ter part of the Stone period. 1 At the present time the number of breeds is great, as may be seen by consujting any treatise on the Horse. 2 Looking only to the native ponies of Great Britain, those of the Shetland Isles, Wales, the New Forest, and Devonshire are distinguish- able ; and so it is with each separate island in the great Malay archipelago. 3 Some of the breeds present great dhTerences in size, shape of ears, length of mane, pro- 1 Rutimeyer, 'Fauna derPfahlbauten,' many different breeds, every island hav- 1S61, s. 122. ing at least one peculiar to it." Thus in 2 See Youatt on the Horse : J. Law- Sumatra there are at least tivo breeds ; rence on the Horse, 1S29 : W. C. L. Mar- in Achin and Batubara one ; in Java sev- tin, 'History of the Horse/ 1845 : Col. eral breeds ; one in Bali, Lomboc, Sum- Ham. Smith, in 'Naturalist's Library, bawa (one of the best breeds), Tambora, Horses,' 1S41, vol. xii. : Prof. Veith, Biroa, Gunung-api, Celebes, Sumba, and 'Die Naturgesch. Haussaugethiere,' 1856. Philippines. Other breeds are specified 3 Crawfurd, ' Descript. Diet, of Indian by Zollinger in the ' Journal of the In- Islands,' 1856, p. " 153. " There are dian Archipelago,' vol. v. p. 343, &c. Chap. II. THEIR VARIATION. 67 portions of the body, form of the withers and hind quar- ters, and especially in the head. Compare the race-horse, dray-horse, and a Shetland pony in size, configuration, and disposition ; and see how much greater the difference is than between the six or seven other living species of genus Equus. Of individual variations not known to characterise particular breeds, and not great or injurious enough to be called monstrosities, I have not collected many cases. Mr. G. Brown, of the Cirencester Agricultural College, who has particularly attended to the dentition of our do- mestic animals, writes to me that he has " several times noticed eight permanent incisors instead of six in the jaw." Male horses alone properly have canines, but they are occasionally found in the mare, though of small size. 4 The number of ribs is properly eighteen, but Youatt 5 asserts that not unfrequently there are niueteen on each side, the additional one being always the poste- rior rib. I have seen several notices of variations in the bones of the leg ; thus Mr. Price 6 speaks of an addition- al bone in the hock, and of certain abnormal appearances between the tibia and astragalus, as quite common in Irish horses, and not due to disease. Horses have often been observed, according to M. Gaudry, 7 to possess a trapezium and a rudiment of a fifth metacarpal bone, so that " one sees appearing by monstrosity, in the foot .of the horse, structures which normally exist in the foot of the Hipparion," — an allied and extinct animal. In vari- ous countries horn-like projections have been observed on the frontal bones of the horse; in one case described by Mr. Percival they arose about two inches above the orbital processes, and were " very like those in a calf from five to six months old," being from half to three- * ' The Horse,' Ac. . by John Lawrence, 6 Proc. Veterinary Assoc. , in ' The Ve- 1829, p. 14. terir.ary,' vol. xiii. p. 42. 8 ' The Veterinary,' London, vol, v. p. 7 'Bulletin de la Soc. Geolog.,' torn. 643. • xxii., 1866, p. 22. 68 HORSES. ' Chap. II. quarters of an inch in length." Azara has described two cases in South' America in which the projections were between three and four inches in length : other in- stances have occurred in Spain. That there has been much inherited variation in the horse cannot be doubted, when we reflect on the number of the breeds existing throughout the world, or even within the same country, and when we know that they have largely increased in number since the earliest known records. 9 Even in so fleeting a character as co- lour, Hofacker 10 found that, out of two hundred and six- teen cases in which horses of the same colour were paired, only eleven pairs produced foals of a quite different co- lour. As Professor Low " has remarked, the English race-horse offers the best possible evidence of inheritance. The pedigree of a race-horse is of more value in judging of its probable success than its appearance : " King He- rod" gained in prizes 201,505/. sterling, and begot 497 winners ; " Eclipse " begot 334 winners. Whether the whole amount of difference between the various breeds be due to variation is doubtful. From the fertility of the most distinct breeds 18 when crossed, nat- uralists have generally looked at all the breeds as having descended from a single species. Few will agree with Colonel H. Smith, who believes that they have descend- ed from no less than five primitive and differently colour- ed stocks. 13 But as several species and varieties of the 8 Mr. Percival, of the Enniskillen Dra- strongest terms on the inheritance by goons, in ' The Veterinary,' vol. i. p. 224 : the horse of all good and bad tendencies see Azara, ' Des Quadrupedes du Para- and qualities. Perhaps the principle of guay,' torn. ii. p. 313. The French trans- inheritance is not really stronger in the latorof Azara refers to other cases men- horse than in any other animal; but, tioned by Huzard as occurring in Spain. from its value, the tendency has been Godron, ' De l'Espece,' torn. i. p. 37S. more carefully observed. 10 ' Ueber. die Eigenschafter.,' &c, 12 Andrew Knight crossed breeds so 1S28, s. 10. different in size as a dray-horse and Nor- 11 ' Domesticated Animals of the Brit- wegian pony ; see A. Walker on ' Inter- ish Islands,' pp. 527, 532. In all the ve- marriage,' 1838, p. 205. terinary treatises and papers which I 13 ' Naturalist's Library,' Horses, vol. have read, the writers insist in the xii. p. 208. Chap. n. THEIR VARIATION. 69 horse existed " during the later tertiary periods, and as Rutimeyer found differences in the size and form of the skull in the earliest known domesticated horses, 15 we ought not to feel sure that all our breeds have descended from a single species. As we see that the savages of North and South America easily reclaim the feral horses, there is no improbability in savages in various quarters of the world having domesticated more than one native species or natural race. No aboriginal or truly wild horse is positively known now to exist ; for it is thought by some authors that the wild horses of the East are escaped domestic animals. 16 If our domestic breeds have descend- ed from several species or natural races, these apparently have all become extinct in the wild state. With our present knowledge, the common view that all have de- scended from a single species is, perhaps, the most probable. With respect to the causes of the modifications which horses have undergone, the conditions of life seem to produce a considerable direct effect. Mr. D. Forbes, who has had excellent opportunities of comparing the horses of Spain with those of South America, informs me that the horses of Chile, which have lived under nearly the same conditions as their progenitors in Andalusia, remain unaltered, whilst the Pampas horses and the Puno ponies are considerably modified. There can be no doubt that horses become greatly reduced in size and altered in ap- pearance by living on mountains and islands; and this apparently is due to want of nutritious or varied food. Every one knows how small and rugged the ponies are on the Northern islands and on the mountains of Europe. Corsica and Sardinia have their native ponies ; and there 14 Gervais, 'Hist. Nat. Mamm.,' torn. 1S45, p. 34), in arguing against the belief ii. p. 143. Owen, ' British Fossil Mam- that the wild Eastern horses are merely mals,' p. 3S3. feral, has remarked on the improbability 15 ' Kenntniss der fossilen Pferde,' of man in ancient times having extirpated ISO, s. 131. a species in a region where it can now ls Mr. W. C L. Martin ('The Horse,' exist in numbers. 70 HOESES. Chap. II. were, 17 or still are, on some islands on the coast of Virgi- nia, ponies like those of the Shetland Islands, which are believed to have originated through exposure to unfa- vourable conditions. The Puno ponies, which inhabit the lofty regions of the Cordillera, are, as I hear from Mr. D. Forbes, strange little creatures, very unlike their Spanish progenitors. Further south, in the Falkland Islands, the offspring of the horses imported in 1764 have already so much deteriorated in size 18 and strength that they are unfitted for catching wild cattle with the lasso ; so that fresh horses have to be brought for this purpose from La Plata at a great expense. The reduced size of the horses bred on both southern and northern islands, and on sev- eral mountain-chains, can hardly have been caused by the cold, as a similar reduction has occurred on the Virginian and Mediterranean islands. The horse can withstand in- tense cold, for wild troops live on the plains of Siberia under lat. 56°, 19 and aboriginally the horse must have in- habited countries annually covered with snow, for he long retains the instinct of scraping it away to get at the herb- age beneath. The wild tarpans in the East have this in- stinct ; and, as I am informed by Admiral Sulivan, this is likewise the case with the horses which have run wild on the Falkland Islands; now this is the more remarkable as the progenitors of these horses could not have followed this instinct during many generations in La Plata : the wild cattle of the Falklands never scrape away the snow, and perish when the ground is long covered. In the northern parts of America the horses, descended from those introduced by the Spanish conquerors of Mexico, have the same habit, as have the native bisons, but not so the cattle introduced from Europe. 20 17 'Transact. Maryland Academy,' 19 Pallas, 'Act. Acad. St. Peters- vol. i. part i. p. 28. burgh,' 1777, part ii. p. 265. With *re- 18 Mr. Mackinnon on ' The Falkland spect to the tarpans scraping away the Islands,' p. 25. The average height of snow, see Col. Hamilton Smith in ' Nat. the Falkland horses is said to be 14 Lib.,' vol. xii. p. 165. hands 2 inches. See also my ' Journal of 20 Franklin's 'Narrative,' vol. i. p. Researches.' 87; note by Sir J. Richardson. Chap. II. THEIR COLOURS AND STRIPES. 71 The horse can flourish under intense heat as well as under intense cold, for he is known to come to the high- est perfection, though not attaining adargc size, in Arabia and northern Africa. Much humidity is apparently more injurious to the horse than heat or cold. Iir the Falk- land Islands, horses suffer much from the dampness ; and this same circumstance may perhaps partly account for the singular fact that to the eastward of the Bay of Ben- gal," over an enormous and humid area, in Ava, Pegu, Siam, the Malayan archipelago, the Loo Choo Islands, and a large part of China, no full-sized horse is found. When we advance as far eastward as Japan, the horse reacquires his full size. 22 With most of our domesticated animals, some breeds are kept on account of their curiosity or beauty ; but the horse is valued almost solely for its utility. Hence semi- monstrous breeds are not preserved ; and probably all the existing breeds have been slowly formed either by the direct action of the conditions of life, or through the se- lection of individual differences. No doubt semi-mon- strous breeds might have been formed ; thus Mr. Water- ton records 23 the case of a mare which produced succes- sively three foals without tails ; so that a tailless race might have been formed like the tailless races of dogs and cats. A Russian breed of horses is said to have frizzled hair, and Azara 24 relates that in Paraguay horses are oc- casionally born, but are generally destroyed, with hair like that on the head of a negro ; and this peculiarity is transmitted even to half-breeds : it is a curious case of correlation that such horses have short manes and tails, 21 Mr. J. H. Moor, ' Notices of the In- " J. Crawford, ' History of the Horse ;' dian Archipelago:' Singapore, 1837, p. 'Journal of Royal United Service Institu- 189. A pony from Java was sent ('Athe- tion,' vol. iv. nieuro,' 1S42, p. 71S) to the Queen only 23 'Essays on Natural History,' 2nd 28 iDches in height. For the Loo Choo series, p. 161. Islands, see Beechey's ' Voyage,' 4th edit. 24 ' Quadrupedes du Paraguay,' torn, vol. i. p. 499. ii. p. 333. 72 HORSES. Chap. II. and their hoofs are of a peculiar shape like those of a mule. It is scarcely possible to doubt that the long-continued selection of qualities serviceable to man has been the chief agent in the formation of the several breeds of the horse. Look at a dray-horse, and see how well adapted he is to draw heavy weights, and how.unlike in appear- ance to any allied wild animal. The English race-horse is known to have proceeded from the commingled blood of Arabs, Turks, and Barbs ; but selection and training have together made him a very different animal from his parent-stocks. As a writer in India, who evidently knows the pure Arab well, asks, who now, "looking at our present breed of race-horses, could have conceived that they were the result of the union of the Arab horse and African mare ? " The improvement is so marked that in running for the Goodwood Cup " the first descendants of Arabian, Turkish, and Persian horses, are allowed a dis- count of 18 lbs. weight; and when both parents are of these countries a discount of 3(3 lbs." It is notorious that the Arabs have long been as careful about the pedi- gree of their horses as we are, and this implies great and continued care in breeding. Seeing what has been done in England" by careful breeding, can we doubt that the Arabs must likewise have produced during the course of centuries a marked effect on the qualities of their horses ? But we may go much farther back in time, for in the most ancient known book, the Bible, we hear of studs carefully kejtt for breeding, and of horses imported at high prices from various countries. 20 We may therefore conclude 26 Prof. Low, ' Domesticated Animals,' with thoroughbred racer*" Some few p. 546. With respect to the writer in In- instances are on record of seven-eighths dia, see ' India Sporting Review,' vol. ii. racers having been successful. p. 181. As Lawrence has remarked 26 Prof. Gervais (in his ' Hist. Nat. (' The Horse,' p. 9), " perhaps no in- Mamm.,' torn. ii. p. 144) has collected stance has ever occurred of a three-part many facts on this head. For instance, bred horse (i.e. a horse, one of whose Solomon (Kings, b. i. ch. x. v. 2S) bought grand-parents was of impure blood) sav- horses in Egypt at a high price, ing his distance in running two miles Chap. II. THEIK COLOURS AND STRIPES. 73 that, whether or not the various existing breeds of the horse have proceeded from one or more aboriginal stocks, yet that a* great amount of change has resulted from the direct action of the conditions of life, and probably a still greater amount from the long-continued selection by man of slight individual differences. With several domesticated quadrupeds and birds, cer- tain coloured marks are either strongly inherited or tend to reappear after having long been lost. As this subject will hereafter be seen to be of importance, I will give a full account of the colouring of horses. All English breeds, however unlike in size and appearance, and sev- eral of those in India and the Malay archipelago, present a similar range and diversity of colour. The English race-horse, however, is said 2T never to be dun-coloured ; but as dun and cream-coloured horses are considered by the Arabs as worthless, " and fit only for Jews to ride," 28 these tints may have been removed by long-continued selection. Horses of every colour, and of sucft widely different kinds as dray-horses, cobs, and ponies, are all occasionally dappled, 29 in the same manner as is so con- spicuous with grey horses. This fact does not throw any clear light on the colouring of the aboriginal horse, but is a case of analogous variation,, for even asses are sometimes dappled, and I have seen, in the British Museum, a hybrid from the ass and zebra dappled on its hinder quarters. By the expression analogous variation (and it is one that I shall often have occasion to use) I mean a variation occurring in a species or vari- ety which resembles a normal character in another and 27 'The Field,' July 13th, 1S61, p. 42. been stated (Martin, 'History of the 28 E. Vernon Harcourt, ' Sporting in Horse,' p. 134) that duns are never dap- Algeria,' p. 26. pled. Martin (p. 205) refers to dap- 29 I state this from my own observa- pled asses. In ' The Farrier' (London, tions made during several years on the 1828, pp. 453, 455) there are. some good colours of horses. I have seen cream-co- remarks on the dappling of horses ; and loured, light-dun and mouse-dun horses likewise in Col. Hamilton Smith on ' The dappled, which I mention because it has Horse.' 4 74 HOESES. Chap. II. distinct species or variety. Analogous variations may- arise, as will be explained in a future chapter, from two or more forms with a similar constitution having been exjiosed to similar conditions, — or from one of two forms having reacquired through reversion a character inherited by the other form from their common progenitor,— or from both forms having reverted to the same ancestral character. We shall immediately see that horses oc- casionally exhibit a tendency to become striped over a large part of their bodies ; and as we know that stripes readily pass into spots and cloudy marks in the varieties of the domestic cat and in several feline species — even the cubs of the uniformly-coloured lion being spotted with dark marks on a lighter ground — we may suspect that the dappling of the horse, which has been noticed by some authors with surprise, is a modification or vestige of a tendency to become striped. This tendency in the horse to become striped is in several respects an interesting fact. Horses of all colours, of the most diverse breeds, in various parts of the world, often have a dark stripe ex- tending along the spine, from the mane to the tail ; but this is so common that I need enter into no particulars. 30 Occasionally horses are transversely barred on the legs, chiefly on the under side ; and more rarely they have a distinct stripe on the shoulder, like that on the shoulder of the ass, or a broad dark patch repre- senting a stripe. Before entering on any details I must premise that the term dun-coloured is vague, and includes three groups of colour, viz. that between cream-colour and reddish-brown, which graduates into light-bay or light-chesnut — this, I beheve, is often called fallow-dun ; secondly, leaden or slate-colour or mouse-dun, which graduates into an ash-colour ; and, lastly, dark-dun, between brown and black. In England I have examined a rather large, lightly- built, fallow-dun Devonshire pony (fig. 1), with a conspicuous stripe along the back, with light transverse stripes on the under sides of its front legs, and with four parallel stripes on each shoulder. 30 Some details are given in ' The Far- A small Indian chesnut pony had the rier,' 1828, pp. 452, 455. One of the least same stripe, as had a remarkably heavy ponies I ever saw, of the colour of a chesnut cart-horse. Race-horses often mouse, had a conspicuous spinal stripe. have the spinal stripe. Ciiap. II. THEIR COLOURS AND STRIPES. Jo Fig. 1. — Dun Devonshire Pony, with shoulder, spinal, and leg stripes. Of these four stripes the posterior one was very minute and faint ; the anterior one, on the other hand, was long and broad, but in- terrupted in the middle, and truncated at its lower extremity, with the anterior angle produced into a long tapering point. I mention this latter fact because the shoulder-stripe of the ass occasionally presents exactly the same appearance. I have had an outline and description sent to me of a small, purely-bred, light fallow-dun Welch pony, with a spinal stripe, a single transverse stripe on each leg, and three shoulder-stripes ; the posterior stripe corresponding with that on the shoulder of the ass was the longest, whilst the two anterior parallel stripes, arising from the mane, decreased in length, in a reversed manner as compared with the shoulder stripes on the above-described Devonshire pony. I have seen a bright fallow-dun, strong cob, with its front legs transversely barred on the under sides in the most conspicuous manner ; also a dark-leaden mouse-coloured pony with similar leg stripes, but much less conspi- cuous : also a bright fallow-dun colt, fully three-parts thoroughbred, with very plain transverse stripes on the legs ; also a chesnut-dun cart-horse with a conspicuous spinal stripe, with distinct traces of shoulder-stripes, but none on the legs; I could add other cases. My son made a sketch for me of a large, heavy, Belgian cart-horse, of a fallow-dun, with a conspicuous spinal stripe, traces of leg- etripes, and with two parallel (three inches apart) stripes about seven or eight inches in length on both shoulders. I have seen another rather light cart-horse, of a dirty dark cream-colour, with striped legs, and on one shoulder a large ill-defined dark cloudy 76 IIOKSES. Chap. II. patch, and on the opposite shoulder two parallel faint stripes. All the cases yet mentioned are duns of various tints ; but Mr. W. W. Edwards has seen a nearly thoroughbred chesnut horse which had the spinal stripe, and distinct bars on the legs ; and I have seen two bay carriage-horses with black spinal stripes ; one of these horses had on each shoulder a light shoulder-stripe, and the other had a broad black ill-defined stripe, running obliquely half-way down each shoulder ; neither had leg-stripes. The most interesting case which I have met with occurred in a colt of my own breeding. A bay mare (descended from a dark-brown Flemish mare by a light grey Turcoman horse) was put to Hercules, a thoroughbred dark bay, whose sire (Kingston) and dam were both bays. The colt ultimately turned out brown ; but when only a fort- night old it was a dirty bay, shaded with mouse-grey, and in parts with a yellowish tint : it had only a trace of the spinal stripe, with a few obscure transverse bars on the legs ; but almost the whole body was marked with very narrow dark stripes, in most parts so obscure as to be visible only in certain lights, like the stripes which may be seen on black kittens. These stripes were distinct on the hind-quarters, where they diverged from the spine, and pointed a little forwards ; many of them as they diverged from the spine be- came a little branched, exactly in the same manner as in some zebrine species. The stripes were plainest on the forehead between the ears, where they formed a set of pointed arches, one under the other, decreasing in size downwards towards the muzzle ; exactly similar marks may be seen on the forehead of the quagga and Burchell's zebra. When this foal was two or three months old all the stripes entirely disappeared. I have seen similar marks on the forehead of a fully grown, fallow-dun, cob-like horse, having a con- spicuous spinal stripe, and with its front legs well barred. In Norway the colour of the native horse or pony is dun, varying from almost cream-colour to dark mouse-dun ; and an animal is not considered purely bred unless it has the spinal and leg stripes. 31 In one part of the country my son estimated that about a third of the ponies had striped legs ; he counted seven stripes on the fore-legs and two on the hind-legs of one pony ; only a few of them exhibit- ed traces of shoulder-stripes ; but I have heard of a cob imported from' Norway which had the shoulder as well as the other stripes well developed. Colonel Ham. Smith 32 alludes to dun-horses with 31 I have received information, through ponies. See, also, 'The Field,' 1S61, p. the kindness of the Consul-General, Mr. 431. J: R. Crowe, from Prof. Boeck, Rasck, and 32 Col. Ham. Smith, 'Nat. Lib.,' vol. Esraarck, on the colours of the Norwegian xii. p. 275. Cdap.il their colours and stripes. 77 the spinal stripe in the Sierras of Spain ; and the horses originally derived from Spain, in some parts of South America, are now duns. Sir W. Elliot informs me that he inspected a herd of 300 South American horses imported into Madras, and many of these had transverse stripes on the legs and short shoulder-stripes ; the most strongly marked individual, of which a coloured drawing was sent me, was a mouse-dun, with the shoulder-stripes slightly forked. In the North-Western parts of India striped horses of more than one breed are apparently commoner than in any other part of the world ; and I have received information respecting them from sev- eral officers, especially from Colonel Poole, Colonel Curtis, Major Campbell, Brigadier St. John, and others. The Kattywar horses are often fifteen or sixteen hands in height, and are well but lightly built. They are of all colours, but the several kinds of duns pre- vail ; and these are so generally striped, that ahorse without stripes is not considered pure. Colonel Poole believes that all the duns have the spinal stripe, the leg-stripes are generally present, and he thinks that about half the horses have the shoulder-stripe ; tins stripe is sometimes double or treble on both shoulders. Colonel Poole has often seen stripes on the cheeks and sides of the nose. He has seen stripes on the grey and bay Katty wars when first foaled, but they soon faded away. I have received other accounts of cream- coloured, bay, brown, and grey Kattywar horses being striped. Eastward of, India, the Shan (north of Burmah) ponies, as I am in- formed by Mr. Blyth, have spinal, leg, and shoulder stripes. Sir W. Elliot informs me that he saw two bay Pegu ponies with leg- stripes. Burmese and Javanese ponies are frequently dun-coloured, and have the three kinds of stripes, " in the same degree as in Eng- land." 33 Mr. Swinhoe informs me that he examined two light-dun ponies of two Chinese breeds, viz. those of Shanghai and Arnoy ; both had the spinal stripe, and the latter an indistinct shoulder-stripe. We thus see that in all parts of the world breeds of the horse as different as possible, when of a dun-colour (including under this term a wide range of tint from cream to dusky black), and rarely when of bay, grey, and chesnut shades, have the several above- specified stripes. Horses which are of a yellow colour with white mane and tail, and which are sometimes called duns, I have never seen with stripes. 34 From reasons which will be apparent in the chapter on Reversion, 33 Mr. G. Clark, in ' Annal and Mag. of horse with spinal and leg stripes. Nat. History, ' 2nd series, vol. ii., 1848, p. 34 See, also, on this point, ' The Field,' 863. Mr. Wallace informs me that he July 27th, 1SG1, p. 91. saw in Java a dun and clay-coloured 78 . . HORSES. Chap. II. I have endeavoured, but with poor success, to discover whether duns, which are so much oftener striped than other coloured horses, are ever produced from the crossing of two horses, neither of which are duns. Most persons to whom I have applied believe that one parent must be a dun ; and it is generally asserted, that, when this is the case, the dun-colour and the stripes are strongly inherited. 35 One case has fallen under my own observation of a foal from a black mare by a bay horse, which when fully grown was a dark fallow- dun and had a narrow but plain spinal stripe. Hofacker 3S gives two instances of mouse-duns (Mausrapp) being produced from two parents of different colours and neither dims. I have also endeavoured with httle success to find out whether the stripes are generally plainer or less plain in the foal than in the adult horse. Colonel Poole informs me that, as he believes, '" the stripes are plainest when the colt is first foaled ; they then become less and less distinct till after the first coat is shed, when they come out as strongly as before ; but certainly often fade away as the age of the horse increases." Two other accounts confirm this fading of the stripes in old horses in India. One writer, on the other hand, states that colts are often born without stripes, but that they appear as the colt grows older. Three authorities affirm that in Norway the stripes are less plain in the foal than in the adult. Perhaps there is no fixed rule. In the case described by me of the young foal which was narrowly striped over nearly all its body, there was no doubt about the early and complete disappearance of the stripes. Mr. W. W. Edwards examined for me twenty-two foals of race- horses, and twelve had»the spinal stripe more or less plain ; this fact, and some other accounts which I have received, lead me to believe that the spinal stripe often disappears in the English race- horse when old. On the whole I infer that the stripes are generally plainest in the foal, and tend to disappear in old age. The stripes are variable in colour, but are always dark- er than the rest of the body. They do not by any means always coexist on the different parts of the body: the legs may be striped without any shoulder-stripe, or the converse case, which is rarer, may occur; but I have never heard of either shonlder or leg-stripes without the spinal stripe. The latter is by far the commonest of all the stripes, as might have been expected, as it character- 's 'The Field,' 1861, pp. 431, 493, 645. 3« ' Ueber die Eigenschaften,' &c, 1828, s. 13, 14. Chap. II. THEIR COLOURS AND STRIPES. 79 ises the other seven or eight species of the genus. It is remarkable that so trifling a character as the shoulder- stripe being double or triple should occur in such different breeds as Welch and Devonshire ponies, the Shan pony, heavy cart-horses, light South American horses, and the lanky Kattywar breed. Colonel Hamilton Smith be- lieves that one of his five supposed primitive stocks was dun-coloured and striped ; and that the stripes in all the other breeds result from ancient crosses with this one primitive dun ; but it is extremely improbable that differ- ent breeds living in such distant quarters of the world should all have been crossed with any one aboriginally distinct stock. Nor have we any reason to believe that the effects of a cross at a very remote period could be propagated for so many generations as is implied on this view. "With respect to the primitive colour of the horse hav- ing been dun, Colonel Hamilton Smith 3T has collected a large body of evidence showing that this tint was com- mon in the East as far back as the time of Alexander, and that the wild horses of Western Asia and Eastern Europe now are, or* recently were, of various shades of dun. It seems that not very long ago a wild breed of dun-coloured horses with a spinal stripe was preserved in the royal parks in Prussia. I hear from Hungary that the inhabitants of that country look at the duns with a spinal stripe as the aboriginal stock, and so it is in Nor- way. Dun-coloured ponies are not rare in the mountain- ous parts of Devonshire, Wales, and Scotland, where the aboriginal breed would have had the best chance of being preserved. In South America in the time of Azara, when the horse had been feral for about 250 years, 90 out of 37 ' Naturalist's Library,' vol. xii. in ancient times. See also Pallas's ac- (1841), pp. 109, 156 to 163, 280, 281. count of the wild horses of the East, who Cream-colour, passing into Isabella {i.e. speaks of dun and brown as the preva- the colour of the dirty linen of Queen lent colours. Isabella), seems to have been common 80 HORSES. Chap. II. 100 horses were." bai-chatains," and the remaining ten were " zains," and not more than one in 2000 black. Zain is generally translated as dark without any white ; but as Azara speaks of mules being " zain-clair," I suspect that zain must have meant dun-coloured. In some parts of the world feral horses show a strong tendency to be- come roans. 38 In the following chapters on the Pigeon we shall see that in pure breeds of various colours, when a blue bird is occasionally produced, certain black marks invariably appear on the wings and tail ; so again, when variously coloured breeds are crossed, blue birds with the same black marks are frequently produced. We shall further see that these facts are explained by, and afford strong evidence in favour of, the view that all the breeds are descended from the rock-pigeon, or Columba Mvia, which is thus coloured and marked. But the appearance of the stripes on the various breeds of the horse, when of a dun- colour, does not afford nearly such good evidence of their descent from a single primitive stock as in the case of the pigeon ; because no certainly wild horse is known as a standard of comparison ; because trhe stripes when they do appear are variable in character ; because there is far from sufficient evidence of the appearance of the stripes from the crossing of distinct breeds ; and lastly, because all the species of the genus Equus have the spinal stripe, and several have shoulder and leg stripes. Nevertheless the. similarity in the most distinct breeds in their general range of colour, in their dappling, and in the occasional 38 Azara, ' Quadrupedes du Paraguay,* describes two wild horses from Mexico torn. ii. p. 307 ; for the colour of mules, as roan. In the Falkland Islands, where see p. 350. In North America, Catlin, the horse has been feral only between 60 (vol. ii. p. 57) describes the wild horses, and 70 years, I was told that roans and believed to have descended from the iron-greys were the prevalent colours. Spanish horses of Mexico, as of all col- These several facts show that horses do ours, black, grey, roan, and roan pied not generally revert to any uniform with sorrel. F. Michaux ('Travels in colour. North America,' Eng translat., p. 235) Chap. II. ASSES. 81 appearance, especially in duns, of leg-stripes and of double or triple shoulder-stripes, taken together, indicate the probability of the descent of all the existing races from a single, dun-coloured, more or less striped, primitive stock, to which our horses still occasionally revert. The Ass. Four species of Asses, besides three of zebras, have been desci-ibed by naturalists ; but there can now be little doubt that our domesticated animal is descended from one alone, namely, the As inns tee niopas of Abyssinia. 3 * The Ass is sometimes advanced as an instance of an ani- mal domesticated, as we know by the Old Testament, from* an ancient period, which has varied only in a very slight degree. But this is by no means strictly true ; for in Syria alone there are four breeds; 40 fh - st, a light and graceful animal, with an agreeable gait, used by ladies ; secondly, an Arab breed reserved exclusively for the sad- dle ; thirdly, a stouter animal used for ploughing and va- rious purposes ; and lastly, the lai'ge Damascus breed, with a peculiarly long body and ears. In this country, and generally in Central Europe, though the ass is by no means uniform in appearance, it has not given rise to dis- tinct breeds like those of the horse. This may probably be accounted for by the animal being kept chiefly by poor persons,who do not rear large numbers, nor carefully match and select the young. For, as we shall see in a future chapter, the ass can with ease be greatly improved in size and strength by careful selection, combined no doubt with good food ; and we may infer that all its other cha- racters would be equally amenable to selection. The small size of the ass in England and Northern Europe is apparently due far more to want of care in breeding than •» Dr. Sclater, in ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' 40 W. C. Martin, 'History of the 1862, p. 164. Horse,' 1S45, p. 207. 82 ASSES. • Chap. II. to cold ; for in Western India, where the ass is used as a beast of burden by some of the lower castes, it is not much larger than a Newfoundland dog, " being generally not more than from twenty to thirty inches high." 41 The ass varies greatly in colour ; and its legs, especially the fore-legs, both in England and other countries — for instance, in China — are occasionally barred transversely more plainly than those of dun-coloured horses. With the horse the occasional appearance of leg-stripes was ac- counted for, through the principle of reversion, by the supposition that the primitive horse was thus striped ; with the ass we may confidently advance this explanation, for the parent-form, the A. tazniopus, is known to be 'barred, though only in a slight degree, across the legs. The stripes are believed to occur most frequently and to be plainest on the legs of the domestic ass during early youth, 42 as is apparently likewise the case with the horse. The shoulder-stripe, which is so eminently characteristic of the species, is nevertheless variable in breadth, length, and manner of termination. I have measured a shoulder- stripe four times as broad as another ; and some more than twice as long as others. In one light-grey ass the shoul- der-stripe was only six inches in length, and as thin as a piece of string; and in other animal of the same colour there was only a dusky shade representing a stripe. I have heai'd of three white asses, not albinoes, with no trace of shoulder or spinal stripes ; 43 and I have seen nine other asses with no shoulder-stripe, and some of them had no spinal stripe. Three of the nine were light-greys, one a dark-grey, another grey passing into reddish-roan, and the others were brown, two being tinted on parts of their bodies with a reddish or ba^-shade. Hence we may 41 Col. Sykes' Cat. of Mammalia, Nat Hist.,' vol. iv., 1840, p. 88., I have ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' July 12th, 1S31. also been assured by a breeder that this Williamson, ' Oriental Field Sports,' vol, is the case, ii., quoted by Martin, p. 206. 43 One case is given by Martin, ' The 43 Blyth, in ' Charlesworth's Mag. of Horse,' p. 205. Chap. II. THEIR COLOURS AND STRIPES. 83 conclude that, if grey and reddish-brown asses had been steadily selected and bred from, the shoulder-stripe would have been almost as generally and as completely lost as in the case of the horse. The shoulder-stripe on the ass is sometimes double, and Mr. Blyth has seen even three or four parallel stripes. 44 I have observed in ten cases shoulder-stripes abruptly truncated at the lower end, with the anterior angle pro- duced into a tapering point, precisely as has been figured in the dun Devonshire pony. I have seen three cases of the terminal portion abruptly and angularly bent ; and two cases of a distinct though slight forking. In Syria, Dr. Hooker and his party observed for me no less than five instances of the shoulder-stripe being plainly forked over the fore leg. In the common mule it is likewise sometimes forked. "When I first noticed the forking and angular bending of the shoulder-stripe, I had seen enough of the stripes in the various equine species to feel con- vinced that even a character so unimportant as this had a distinct meaning, and was thus led to attend to the subject. I now find that in the Asinns Burchellii and quagga, the stripe which corresponds with the shoulder- stripe of the ass, as well as some of the stripes on the neck, bifurcate, and that some of those near the shoulder have their extremities angularly bent backwards. The forking and angular bending of the stripes on the shoul- ' ders apparently stand in relation with the changed direc- tion of the nearly upright stripes on the sides of the body and neck to the transverse bars on the legs. Finally we see that the presence of shoulder, leg, and spinal stripes in the horse, — their occasional absence in the ass, — the oc- currence of double and triple shoulder-stripes in both ani- mals, and the similar manner in which these stripes termi- nate at their lower extremities, — are all cases of analogous 44 ' Journal As. Soc. of Bengal,' vol. xxviii. 1860, p. 231. Martin on the Horse, p. 205. 84 ASSES. Chap. IL variation in the horse and ass. These cases are probably not due to similar conditions acting on similar constitu- tions, hut to a partial reversion in colour to the common progenitor of these two species, as well as of the other species of the genus. We shall hereafter have to return to this subject, and discuss it more fully. Chap. III. DOMESTIC TIGS. 85 CHAPTER III. PIGS — CATTLE — SHEEP — GOATS. PIGS BELONG TO TWO DISTINCT TYPES, SUS SCROFA AND INDICA — TORF-SCHWELN — JAPAN PIG — FERTILITY OF CROSSED PIGS — CHANGES IN THE SKULL OF THE HIGHLY CULTIVATED RACES — CONVERGENCE OF CHARACTER — GESTATION — SOLID-HOOFED S"WTNE — CURIOUS APPENDAGES TO THE JAWS — DECREASE IN SIZE OF THE TUSKS — YOUNG PIGS LONGITUDINALLY STRIPED — — FERAL PIGS — CROSSED BREEDS. CATTLE. — ZEBU A DISTINCT SPECIES — EUROPEAN CATTLE PRO- BABLY DESCENDED FROM THREE WILD FORMS — ALL THE RACES NOW FERTILE TOGETHER — BRITISH PARK CATTLE — ON THE CO- LOUR OF THE ABORIGINAL SPECIES — CONSTITUTIONAL DIFFER- ENCES — SOUTH AFRICAN RACES — SOUTH AMERICAN RACES — NIATA CATTLE — ORIGIN OF THE VARIOUS RACES OF CATTLE. SHEEP. — REMARKABLE RACES OF — VARIATIONS ATTACHED TO THE MALE SEX — ADAPTATIONS TO VARIOUS CONDITIONS — GES- TATION OF — CHANGES IN THE WOOL — SEMI-MONSTROUS BREEDS. GOATS. — REMARKABLE VARIATIONS OF. The breeds of the pig have recently been more closely studied, though much still remains to be done, than those of almost any other domesticated animal. This has been effected by Hermann von Nathusius in two admirable works, especially in the later one on the Skulls of the several races, and by Riitimeyer in his celebrated Fauna of the ancient Swiss lake-dwellings. 1 Nathusius has shown that all the known breeds may be divided in two great groups : one resembling in all important re- 1 Hermann von Nathusius, ' Die Racen schadel,' Berlin, 1864. Riitimeyer, ' Die des Schweines, 'Berlin, I860; and l Vor- Fauna der Pfahlbauten,' Basel, 1S61. etudien fur Geschichte,' &c, ' Schweine- 86 DOMESTIC PIGS. Chap. III. spects and no doubt descended from the common wild boar ; so that this may be called the Sus scrofa group^. The other group differs in several important and con- stant osteological characters ; its wild parent-form iS unknown; the name given to it by Nathusius, accord- ing to the law of priority, is Sus Indica of Pallas. This name must now be followed, though an unfortunate one, as the wild aboriginal does not inhabit India, and the best- known domesticated breeds have been imported from Siam and China. Firstly, the Sus scrofa breeds, or those resembling the common wild boar. These still exist, according to N"a- thusius (Schweineschadel, s. 75), in various parts of cen- tral and northern Europe ; formerly every kingdom, 2 and almost every province in Britain, possessed its own na- tive breed ; but these are now everywhere rapidly disap- pearing, being replaced by improved breeds crossed with the S. Indica form. The skull in the breeds of the S' scrofa type resembles, in all important respects, that of the European wild boar; but it has become (Schweine- schadel, s. 63-68) higher and broader relatively to its length; and the hinder part is more upright. The dif- ferences, however, are all variable in degree. The breeds which thus resemble S. scrofa in their essential skull- characters differ conspicuously from each other in other respects, as in the length of the ears and legs, curvature of the ribs, colour, hairiness, size and proportions of the body. The wild Sus scrofa has a wide range, namely, Europe, North Africa, as identified by osteological characters by Rutimeyer, and Hindostan, as similarly identified by Na- thusius. But the wild boars inhabiting these several coun- tries differ so much from each other in external characters, that they have been ranked by some naturalists as speci- 2 Natbusius,'DieRacendesSchweines,' trustworthy drawings of the breeds of Berlin, 1S60. An excellent appendix is each country, given with references to published and Chap. hi. THEIR PARENTAGE. 87 fically distinct. Even within Hindostan these animals, according to Mr. Blyth, form very distinct races in the different districts ; in the N. Western provinces, as I am informed by the Rev. R. Everest, the boar never exceeds 36 inches in height, whilst in Bengal one has been mea- sured 44 inches in height. In Europe, Northern Africa, and Hindostan, domestic pigs have been known to cross with the wild native species ; 3 and in Hindostan an ac- curate observer, 4 Sir Walter Elliot, after describing the differences between wild Indian and wild German boars, remarks that " the same differences are perceptible in the domesticated individuals of the two countries." We may therefore conclude that the breeds of the Sus scrofa type have either descended from, or been modified by cross- ing with, forms which may be ranked as geographical races, but which are, according to some naturalists, dis- tinct species. Pigs of the Sus Indica type are best known to Eng- lishmen under the form of the Chinese breed. The skull of S. Indica, as described by Nathusius, differs from that of S. scrofa in several minor respects, as in its greater breadth and in some details in the teeth ; but chiefly in the shortness of the lachrymal bones, in the greater width of the fore part of the palate-bones, and in the divergence of the premolar teeth. It deserves especial notice that these latter characters are not gained, even in the least degree, by the domesticated forms of S. scrofa. After reading the remarks and descriptions given by N.athu- sius, it seems to me to be merely playing with words to doubt whether S. Indica ought to be ranked as a spe- cies ; for the above-specified differences are more strongly 3 For Europe, see Becbstein, ' Natur- de la Soc. d'Acclimat.,' torn. iv. p. 8S9. gesch. Deutschlands,' 1801, b. i., 8. 505. For India, see Nathusius, ' Schweine- Several accounts have been published schadel,' s. 148. on the fertility of the offspring from 4 Sir W. Elliot, Catalogue of Mamma- wild and tame swine. See Burdach's lia, ' Madras Journal of Lit. and Sci- ' Physiology,' and Godron, ' De l'Es- ence,' vol. x. p. 219. pece,' torn. i. p. 3T0. For Africa, ' Bull. 88 DOMESTIC PIGS. Chap. III. marked than any that can be pointed out between, for instance, the fox and the wolf, or the ass and the horse. As already stated, S. Inclica is not known in a wild state ; but its domesticated forms, according to Nathusius, come near to S. vittatus of Java and some allied species. A pig found wild in the Aru islands (Schweineschadel, s. 169) is apparently identical with S. Inclica; but it is doubtful whether this is a truly native animal. The do- mesticated breeds of China, Cochin-China, and Siam be- long to this type. The Roman or Neapolitan breed, the Andalusian, the Hungarian, and the " Krause " swine of Nathusius, inhabiting south-eastern Europe and Turkey, and having fine curly hair, and the small Swiss " Biindt- nerschwein " of Riitimeyer, all agree in their more impor- tant skull characters with S. Indica, and, as is supposed, have all been largely crossed with this form. Pigs of this type have existed during a long period on the shores of the Mediterranean, for a figure (Schweineschadel, s. 142) closely resembling the existing Neapolitan pig has been found in the buried city of Herculaneum. Riitimeyer has made the remarkable discovery that there lived contemporaneously in Switzerland, during the later Stone or Neolithic period, two domesticated forms, the S. scrofa, and the S. scrofa palustris or Torfschwein. Riitimeyer perceived that the latter approached the East- ern breeds, and, according to Nathusius, it certainly be- longs to the S. Indica group ; but Riitimeyer has subse- quently shown that it differs in some well-marked cha- racters. This author was formerly convinced that his Torfschwein existed as a wild animal during the first part of the Stone period, and was domesticated during a later part of the same period. 6 Nathusius, whilst he fully admits the curious fact first observed by Riiti- meyer, that the bones of domesticated and wild animals can be distinguished by their different aspect, yet, from 6 ' Pfahlbauten,' s. 163 et passim. Chap. III. TIIEIR PARENTAGE. 89 special difficulties in the case of the bones of the pig (Schweineschadel, s. 147), is not convinced of the truth of this conclusion ; and Riitimeyer himself seems now to feel some doubt. As the Torfschwein was domesticated •at so early a period, and as its remains have been found in several parts of Europe, belonging to various historic and prehistoric ages, 8 and as closely allied forms still exist in Hungary and on the shores of the Mediterra- nean, one is led to suspect that the wild S. Indica for- merly ranged from Europe to China, in the same manner as S. scrofa now ranges from Europe to Hindostan. Or, as Riitimeyer apparently suspects, a third allied species may fonnerly have lived in Europe and Eastern Asia. Several breeds, differing in the proportions of the body, in the length of the ears, in the nature of the hair, in co- lour, &c, come under the S. Indica type. IsTor is this surprising, considering how ancient the domestication of this form has been both in Europe and in China. In this latter country the date is believed by an eminent Chinese scholar 7 to go back at least 4900 years from the present time. This same scholar alludes to the existence of many local varieties of the pig in China ; and at the present time the Chinese take extraordinary pains in feed- ing and tending their pigs, not even allowing them to walk from place to place. 8 Hence the Chinese breed, as Nathusius has remarked, 9 displays in an eminent degree the characters of a highly-cultivated race, and hence, no doubt, its high value in the improvement of our Euro- pean breeds. Nathusius makes a remarkable statement (Schweineschadel, s. 138), that the infusion of the ^nd, or even of the ^th, part of the blood of S. Indica into a breed of S. scrofa, is sufficient plainly to modify the skull of the latter species. This singular fact may perhaps be 'See Rutimeyer's Neue Beitrage, .... Tille, ' Osteograpbie, p. 1C3. Torfschweine, Yerta. Naturfor. Gesell. in 8 Richardson, ' Pigs, their Origin,' Ac, Basel, iv. i., 1865, s. 139. p. 26. 1 Stan. Julien, quoted by De Blain- 9 ' Die Racen des Schweines,' s. 47, 64. 90 DOMESTIC PIGS. Chap. IIL accounted for by several of the chief distinctive charac- ters of S. Jndica, such as the shortness of the lachrymal bones, etc., being common to several of the species of the genus ; for in crosses the characters which are common to many species apparently tend to be prepotent over those appertaining to only a few species. The Japan pig (S. pliciceps of Gray), which has been recently exhibited in the Zoological Gardens, has an ex- traordinary appearance from its short head, broad fore- and nose, great fleshy ears, and deejjly furrowed skin. The following woodcut is copied from that given by Mr. Fig. 2. — Head of Japan or Masked Pig. (Copied from Mr. Bartlett's paper in Proc. Zoolog. Soc, 1S61, p. 263.) Bartlett. 10 Not only is the face furrowed, but thick folds 10 'Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' 1861, p. 263. Chap. III. THEIR VARIATION. 91 of skin, which are harder than the other parts, almost like the plates on the Indian rhinoceros, hang about the shoulders and rump. It is coloured black, with white feet, and breeds true. That it has long been domesticated there can be little doubt ; and this might have been in- ferred even from the fact that its young are not longitu- dinally striped ; for this is a character common to all the species included within the genus Sus and the allied gen- era whilst in their natural state. 11 Dr. Gray 12 has de- scribed the skull of this animal, which he ranks not only as a distinct species, but places it in a distinct section of the genus. Xathusius, however, after his careful study of the whole group, states positively (Schweineschadel, s. 153-1 5 S) that the skull in all essential characters closely resembles that of the short-eared Chinese breed of the S. Indica type. Hence Nathusius considers the Japan pig as only a domesticated variety of 8. Indica : if this really be the case, it is a wonderful instance of the amount of modification which can be effected under domestication. Formerly there existed in the central islands of the Pa- cific Ocean a singular breed of pigs. These are described by the Rev. D. Tyerman and G. Bennett 13 as of small size, hump-backed, with a disproportionately long head, with short ears turned backwards, with a bushy tail not more than two inches in length, placed as if it grew from the back. "Within half a century after the introduction into these islands of European and Chinese pigs, the native breed, according to the above authors became almost completely lost by being repeatedly crossed with them. Secluded islands, as might have been expected, seem fa- vourable for the production or retention of peculiar breeds ; thus, in the Orkney Islands, the hogs have been described as very small, with erect and sharp ears, and " with an 11 Sclater, in ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' Feb. 1S 'Journal of Voyages and Travels 20th, 1861. from 1S21 to 1S29,' vol. i. p. 300. 14 ' Proc. Zoolog. Soe.,' 1S62, p. 13. 92 DOMESTIC PIGS. Chap. III. appearance altogether different from the hogs brought from the south." 14 Seeing how different the Chinese pigs belonging to the Siis Indica type, are in their osteological characters and in external appearance from the pigs of the S. scrofa type, so that they must be considered specifically distinct, it is a fact well deserving attention, that Chinese and com- mon pigs have been repeatedly crossed in various manners, with unimpaired fertility. One great breeder who had used pure Chinese pigs assured me that the fertility of the half-breeds inter se and of their recrossed progeny was actually increased ; and this is the general belief of agri- culturists. Again, the Japan pig or S. pliciceps of Gray is so distinct in appearance from all common pigs, that it stretches one's belief to the utmost to admit that it is simply a domestic variety ; yet this breed has been found perfectly fertile with the Berkshire breed ; and Mr. Eyton informs me that he paired a half-bred brother and sister and found them quite fertile together. The modifications of the skull in the most highly cul- tivated races are wonderful. To appreciate the amount of change, Nathusius' work, with its excellent figures, should be studied. The whole of the exterior of the skull in all its parts has been altered ; the hinder surface, in- stead of sloping backwards, is directed forwards, entail- ing many changes in other parts ; the front of the head is deeply concave ; the orbits have a different shape; the auditory meatus has a different direction and shape ; the incisors of the upper and lower jaws do not touch each other, and they stand in both jaws above the plane of the molars ; the canines of the upper jaw stand in front of those of the lower jaw, and this is a remarkable anomaly: the articular surfaces of the occipital condyles are so greatly changed in shap'e, that, as Nathusius remarks (s. 14 Rev. G. Low, ' Fauna Orcadensis,' p. 10. See also Dr. Hibbert's 'account of the pig of the Shetland Islands. Chap. III. THEIR VARIATION. 93 133), no natflralist, seeing this important part of the skull by itself, would suppose that it belonged to the genus Sus. These and various other modifications, as Nathusius observes, can hardly be considered as monstrosities, for they are not injuri- ous, and are strictly inherited. The ■whole head is much shortened ; thus, whilst in common breeds its length to that of the body is as 1 to 6, in the " cultur-races " the proportion is as 1 to 9, and even recently asl toll. 15 The fol- lowing woodcut 16 of the head of a wild boar and of a sow from a photograph of the Yorkshire Large Breed, may aid in showing how greatly the head in a highly cultivated race has been modi- fied and shortened. Nathusius has Head of Wi.d Boar, and of "Golden Days," Well disCUSSed the a pig of the Yorkshire Large Breed ; the latter causes of the l*e- from a photograph. (Copied from Sidney's edit, i 1 1„ changes of ' The Pig,' by Vouatt.) mal ka0le cuau e& Fig. 3 15 ' Bie Racen des Schweines,' s. TO. 18 These woodcuts are copied from en- gravings given in Mr. S. Sidney's excel- lent edition of ' The Pig,' by Youatt. See pp. 1, 16, 19. 94 DOMESTIC PIGS. Chap. IIL in the skull and shape of the body which the highly cul- tivated races have undergone. These modifications oc- cur chiefly in the pure and crossed races of the S. Indica type ; but their commencement may be clearly detected in the slightly improved breeds of the & scrofa type. 17 Nathusius states positively (s. 99, 103), as the result of common experience and of his experiments, that rich and abundant food, given during youth, tends by some direct action to make the head broader and shorter ; and that poor food works a contrary result. He lays much stress on the fact that all wild and semi-domesticated pigs, in ploughing up the ground with their muzzles, have, whilst young, to exert the powerful muscles fixed to the hinder part of the head. In highly cultivated races this habit is no longer followed, and consequently the back of the skull becomes modified in shape, entailing other changes in other parts. There can hardly be a doubt that so great a change in habits would affect the skull ; but it seems rather doubtful how far this will account for the greatly reduced length of the skull and for its concave front. It is well known (Nathu- sius himself advancing many cases, s. 104) that there is a strong tendency in many domestic animals — in bull- and pug- dogs, in the niata cattle, in sheep, in Polish fowls, short-faced tumbler pigeons, and in one variety of the carp — for the bones of the face to become greatly shortened. In the case of the dog, as H. Mtiller has shown, this seems caused by an abnormal state of the pri- mordial cartilage. We may, however, readily admit that abundant and rich food supplied during many generations would give an inherited tendency to increased size of body, and that, from disuse, the limbs would become finer and shorter. 18 We shall in a future chapter also see that the skull and limbs are apparently in some manner cor- 17 'Schweineschadel,' s. 74, 135. is Nathusius, ' Die Racen des Schweines,' s. 71. Chap. III. THEIR VARIATION. 95 related, so that any change in the one tends to affect the other. Nathusius has remarked, and the observation is an interesting one, that the peculiar form of the skull and body in the most highly cultivated races is not charac- teristic of any one race, but is common to all when im- proved up to the same standard. Thus the large-bodied, long-eared, English breeds with a convex back, and the small-bodied, short-eared, Chinese breeds with a concave back, when bred to the same state of perfection, nearly resemble each other in the form of the head and body. This result, it appears, is partly due to similar causes of change acting on the several races, and partly to man breeding the pig for one sole purpose, namely, for the greatest amount of flesh and fit ; so that selection has always tended towards one and the same end. With most domestic animals the result of selection has been divergence of character, here it has been convergence. 19 The nature of the food supplied during many genera- tions has apparently affected the length of the intestines ; for, according to Cuvier, 20 their length to that of the body in the wild boar is as 9 to 1, — in the common domestic boar as 13*5 to 1, — and in the Siam breed as 16 to 1. In this latter breed the greater length may be due either to descent from a distinct species or to more ancient domes- tication. The number of mamma? vary, as does the pe- riod of gestation. The latest authority says 21 that " the period averages from 17 to 20 weeks," but I think there must be some error in this statement : in M. Tessier's observations on 25 sows it varied from 109 to 123 days. The Rev. W. D. Fox has given me ten carefully recorded cases with well-bred pigs, in which the period varied from 101 to 116 days. According to Nathusius the period is 19 'Die Racen des Schweines,' s. 47. 'The Pig,' 1S47. ' Schweineschadel,' s. 104. Compare, 20 Quoted by Isid. Geoffroy, ' ITlst. also, the figures of the old Irisd and the Nat. Gen.,' torn. iii. p. 441. improved Irish breeds in Richardson on 21 S. Sidney, ' The Pig,' p. 61. 96 DOMESTIC PIGS. Chap. Ill shortest in the races which come early to maturity ; but in these latter the course of development does not appear to be actually shortened, for the young animal is born, judging from the state of the skull, less fully developed, or in a more embryonic condition," than in the case of common swine, which arrive at maturity at a later age. In the highly cultivated and early matui-ed races, the teeth, also, are developed earlier. The difference in the number of the vertebrae and ribs in different kinds of pigs, as observed by Mr. Eyton, 23 and as given in the following table, has often been quoted. The African sow probably belongs to the S. scrofa type ; and Mr. Eyton informs me that, since the publication of his paper, cross-bred animals from the African and English races were found by Lord Hill to be perfectly fertile. English Long-legged Male. African Female. Chinese Male. Wild Boar, from Cu- vier. French Domestic Boar, from Cuvier. Dorsal vertebrae.. Lumbar Dorsal and lum- } bar together .. ) 15 6 13 6 15 4 14 5 14 5 21 5 19 5 19 4 19 4 19 4 Total number) of vertebrae .. f 26 24 23 23 23 Some semi-monstrous breeds deserve notice. From the time of Aristotle to the present time solid-hoofed swine have occasionally been observed in various parts of the world. Although this peculiarity is strongly inherited, 22 'Schweineschadel,' s. 2,20. 23 'Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' 1837, p. 23. I have not given the caudal vertebrae, as Mr. Eyton says some might possibly have been lost. I have added together the dorsal and lumbar vertebra?, owing to Prof. Owen's remarks (' Journal Linn. Soc.,' vol. ii. p. 28) on the difference between dorsal and lumbar vertebra depending only on the development ol the ribs. Nevertheless the difference in the number of the ribs in pigs deserves notice. Chap. III. THEIR VARIATION. 97 it is hardly probable that all the animals with solid hoofs have descended from the same parents ; it is more proba- ble that the same peculiarity has reappeared at various times and places. Dr. Struthers has lately described and figured " the structure of the feet ; in both front and hind feet the distal phalanges of the two greater toes are re- presented by a single, great, hoof-bearing phalanx ; and in the front feet, the middle phalanges are represented by a bone which is single towards the lower end, but bears two separate articulations towards the upper end. From other accounts it appears that an intermediate toe is likewise sometimes superadded. Another curious anomaly is offered by the appendages, described by M. Eudes-Deslongchamps as often character- izing the Normandy pigs. These appendages are always attached to the same spot, to the corners of the jaw ; they are cylindrical, about three inches in length, covered with bristles, and with a pencil of bristles rising out of a sinus on one side : they have a cartilaginous centre, with two Fig. 4. — Old Irish Pig, with jaw-appendages. (Copied from H. D. Richardson on Pigs.) 34 'Edinburgh N'ewPhilosoph. Journal.' teographie,' p. 12S, for various authorities April, 1S63. See also De Blainville's ' Os- on this subject. 98 DOMESTIC PIGS. Chap. III. small longitudinal muscles ; they occur either symmetri- cally on both sides of the face or on one side alone. Richardson figures them on the gaunt old "Irish Grey- hound pig ;" and ISTathusius states that they occasionally appear in all the long-eared races, but are not strictly in- herited, for they occur or fail in animals of the same lit- ter. 25 As no wild pigs are known to have analogous ap- pendages, we have at present no reason to suppose that their appearance is due to reversion ; and if this be so, we are forced to admit that somewhat complex, though apparently useless, structures may be suddenly developed without the aid of selection. This case perhaps throws some light on the manner of appearance of the hideous fleshy protuberances, though of an essentially different nature from the above-described appendages, on the cheeks of the wart-hog or Phacochoerus Africanus. It is a remarkable fact that the boars of all domesti- cated breeds have much shorter tusks than wild boars. Many facts show that with all animals the state of the hair is much affected by exposure to, or protection from, climate ; and as we see that the state of the hair and teeth are correlated in Turkish dogs (other analogous facts will be hereafter given), may we not venture to surmise that the reduction of the tusks in the domestic boar is related to his coat of bristles being diminished from living under shelter? On the other hand, as we shall immediately see, the tusks and bristles reappear with feral boars, which are no longer protected from the weather. It is not surprising that the tusks should be more affected than the other teeth ; as parts developed to serve as secondary sexual characters are always liable to much variation. It is a well-known fact that the young of wild Euro- s' Eudes-Deslonjrehamps, ' Memoire3 gin, *c.,' 1S47, p. 30. Nathusiug, ' Die de la Soc. Linn, de Normandie,' vol. vii., Kacen des Schweines,' 1860, s. 54. 1S42, p. 41. Richardson, ' Pigs, their Ori- Chap. III. THEIR VARIATION. 99 perm and Indian pigs 26 for the first six months, are longi- tudinally banded with light-coloured stripes. This cha- racter generally disappears under domestication. The Turkish domestic pigs, however, have striped young, as have those of Westphalia, "whatever may be their hue ;" " whether these latter pigs belong to the same curly- haired race with the Turkish swine, I do not know. The pigs which have run wild in Jamaica aud the semi-feral pigs of New Granada, both those which are black and those which are black with a white band across the sto- mach, often extending over the back, have resumed this aboriginal character and produce longitudinally-striped youug. This is likewise the case, at least occasionally, with the neglected pigs in the Zambesi settlement on the coast of Africa. 28 The common belief that all domesticated animals, when they ruu wild, revert completely to the character of their parent-stock, is chiefly founded, as far as I can discover, on feral pigs. But eveu in this case the belief is not 84 D. Johnson's ' Sketches of Indian feral boars is by P. Labat (quoted by Field Sports,' p. 272. Mr. Crawfurd Roulin) ; but this author attributes the informs me that the same fact holds state of these pigs to descent from a do- good with the wild pigs of the Malay mestic stock which he saw in Spain, peninsula. Admiral Sulivan, R.N., had ample op- 27 For Turkish pigs, see Desmarest, portunities of observing the wild pigs ' Mammalogie,' 1820, p. 391. For those on Eagle Islet in the Falklands ; and he of Westphalia, see Richardson's ' Pigs, informs me that they resembled wild their Origin,' &c, 1S47, p. 41. boars with bristly ridged backs and large 38 With respect to the several fore- tusks. The pigs which have run wild going and following statements on feral in the province of Buenos Ayres (Reng- pigs, see Roulin, in 'Mem. presentes par ger, 'Saugethiere,' s. 331) have not re- divers Savans a l'Acad.,' &c, Paris, torn, verted to the wild type. De Blainville vi., 1S35, p. 326. It should be observed (' Osteographie,' p. 132) refers to two that his account does not apply to truly skulls of domestic pigs sent from Pata- feral pigs ; but to pigs long introduced gonia by Al. d'Orbigny, and he states into the country and living in a half- that they have the occipital elevation of wild state. For the truly feral pigs of the wild European boar, but that the Jamaica, see Gosse's ' Sojourn in Ja- head altogether is " plus courte et plus maica,' 1S51, p. 3S6 ; and Col. Hamilton ramassee." He refers, also, to the skin Smith, in 'Nat. Library,' vol. ix. p. 93. of a feral pig from North America, and With respect to Africa, see Livingstone's says, " il ressemble tout a fait a un petit 'Expedition to the Zambesi,' 1865, p. sanglier, mais il est presque tout noir, et 153. The most precise statement with peut-fitre un peu plus ramasse dans ses respect to the tusks of the West Indian formes." 100 DOMESTIC PIGS. Chap. in. gi-ounded on sufficient evidence ; for the two main types of 8. scrofa and Indica have never been distinguished in a feral state. The young, as we have just seen, reac- quire their longitudinal stripes, and the boars invariably reassume their tusks. They revert also in the general shape of their bodies, and in the length of their legs and muzzles, to the state of the wild animal, as might have been expected from the amount of exercise which they are compelled to take in search of food. In Jamaica the feral pigs do not acquire the full size of the European wild boar, "never attaining a greater height than 20 inches at the shoulder." In various countries they reas- sume their original bristly covering, but in different degrees, dependent on the climate ; thus, according to Roulin, the semi-feral pigs in the hot valleys of New Granada are very scantily clothed; whereas, on the Pa- ramos, at the height of 7000 to 8000 feet, they acquire a thick covering of wool lying under the bristles, like that on the truly wild pigs of France. These pigs on the Paramos are small and stunted. The wild boar of India is said to have the bristles at the end of its tail arranged like the plumes of an arrow, whilst the European boar has a simple tuft ; and it is a curious fact that many, but not all, of the feral pigs in Jamaica, derived from a Span- ish stock, have a plumed tail. 29 With respect to colour, feral pigs generally revert to that of the wild boar ; but in certain parts of S. America, as we have seen, some of the semi-feral pigs have a curious white band across their stomachs ; and in certain other hot places the pigs are red, and this colour has likewise occasionally been ob- served in the feral pigs of Jamaica. From these several facts we see that with pigs when feral there is a strong tendency to revert to the wild type ; but that this ten- s' Gosse's ' Jamaica,' p. 386, with a Smith, in ' Naturalist's Library,' toL quotation from Williamson's ' Oriental ix. p. 94. Field Sports.' Also Col. Hamilton Chap. III. CATTLE '. THEIR PARENTAGE. 101 dency is largely governed by the nature of the climate, amount of exercise, and other causes of change to which they have been subjected. The last point worth notice is that we have unusually good evidence of breeds of pigs now keeping perfectly true, which have been formed by the crossing of several distinct breeds. The Improved Essex pigs, for instance, breed very true"; but there is no doubt that they largely owe their present excellent qualities to crosses originally made by Lord Western with the Neapolitan race, and to subsequent crosses with the Berkshire breed (this also having been improved by Neapolitan crosses), and like- wise, probably, with the Sussex breed. 30 In breeds thus formed by complex crosses, the most careful and unre- mitting selection during many generations has been found to be indispensable. Chiefly in consequence of so much crossing, some -well-known breeds have undergone rapid changes ; thus, according to Nathusius, 31 the Berkshire breed of 1780 is quite different from that of 1810; and since this latter period, at least two distinct forms have borne the same name. Cattle. Domestic cattle are almost certainly the descendants of more than one wild form, in the same manner as has been shown to be the case with our dogs and pigs. Natural- ists have generally made two main divisions of cattle ; the humped kinds inhabiting tropical countries, called in India Zebus, to which the specific name of Bos Indiana has been given ; and the common non-humped cattle, generally in- cluded under the name of Bos taurus. The humped cattle were domesticated, as may be seen on the Egyptian monu- ments, at least as early as the twelfth dynasty, that is 2100 b.c. They differ from common cattle in various so S. Sidney's edition of ' Youatt on the Pig,' 1860, pp. 7, 26, 27, 29, ! •i ' Schweineschadel,' s. 140. 102 CATTLE. Chap. m. osteological characters, even in a greater degree, accord- ing to Rtitimeyer, 38 than do the fossil species of Europe, namely Bos primigenias, longifrons, and frontosus, from each other. They differ, also, as Mr. Blyth, 33 who has particularly attended to this subject, remarks, in general configuration, in the shape of their ears, in the point where the dewlap commences, in the typical curvature of their horns, in their manner of carrying their heads when at rest, in their ordinary variations of colour, espe- cially in the frequent presence of " nilgau-like markings on their feet," and " in the one being born with teeth pro- truding through the jaws, and the other not so." They have different habits, and their voice is entirely different. The humped cattle in India "seldom seek shade, and never go into the water and there stand knee-deep, like the cattle of Europe." They have ran wild in parts of Oude and Rohilcund, and can maintain themselves in a region infested by tigers. They have given rise to many races differing greatly in size, in the presence of one or two humps, in length of horns, and other respects. Mr. Blyth sums up emphatically that the humped and hump- less cattle must be considered as distinct species. When we consider the number of points in external structure and habits, independently of their important osteological differences, in which they differ from each other; and that many of these points are not likely to have been affected by domestication, there can hardly be a doubt, notwithstanding the adverse opinion of some naturalists, that the humped and non-hunted cattle must be ranked as specifically distinct. 32 ' Die Fauna der Pfahlbauten,' 1861, teen or fourteen in number ; see a note in s. 109, 149, 222. See also Geoffroy Saint ' Indian Field,' 1858, p. 62. Hilaire, in ' Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat,' 33 ' The Indian Field,' 1858, p. 74, torn. x. p. 172; and his son Isidore, in where Mr. Blyth gives his authorities ' Hist. Nat. Gen.,' torn. iii. p. 69. Vasey, with respect to the feral humped cattle, in his ' Delineations of the Ox Tribe,' Pickering, also, in his ' Races of Man,' 1851, p. 127, says the zebu has four, and 1850, p. 274, notices the peculiar cha- the common ox five, sacral vertebras. racterof the grunt-like voice of the hump- Mr. Hodgson found the ribs either thir- ed cattle. Chap. III. THEIR PARENTAGE. 103 The Em'opean breeds of humpless cattle are numerous. Professor Low enumerates 19 British breeds, only a few of which are identical with those on the Continent. Even the small Channel islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney, possess their own sub-breeds; 34 and these again differ from the cattle of the other British islands, such as Anglesea, and the western isles of Scotland. Desmarest, who paid attention to the subject, describes 15 French races, excluding sub-varieties and those im- ported from other countries. Iu other parts of Europe there are several distinct races, such as the pale-coloured Hungarian cattle, with their light and free step, and their enormous horns sometimes measuring above five feet from tip to tip: 35 the Podolian cattle are remarkable from the height of their forequarters. In the most recent work on Cattle, 36 engravings are given of fifty-five European breeds ; it is, however, probable that several of these differ very little from each other, or are merely syno- nyms.- It must not be supposed that numerous breeds of cattle exist only in long-civilized countries, for we shall presently see that several kinds are kept by the savages of Southern Africa. With respect to the parentage of the several European breeds, we already know much from Nilsson's Memoir, 37 and more especially from Rtitimeyer's ' Pfahlbauten ' and succeeding works. Two or three specimens or forms of Bos, closely allied to still living domestic races, have been found fossil in the more recent tertiary deposits of Europe. Following Riitimeyer, we have : — Bos primigenius. — This magnificent, well-known species was do- mesticated in Switzerland during tlie Neolithic period ; even at this early period it varied a little, having apparently been crossed with other races. Some of the larger races on the Continent, as the 34 Mr. II. E. Marquand, in ' The genius. Times,' June 23rd, 1856. 3e Moll and Gayot, ' La Connaissance 31 Vasey, ' Delineations of the Ox Gen. du Boeuf,' Paris, 1S60. Fig. S2 is Tribe,' p. 124. Brace's ' Hungary,' 1851, that of the Podolian breed. p. 94. The Hungarian cattle descend, 37 A translation appeared in three according to Riitimeyer (' Zahmen. Europ. parts in the ' Annals and Mag. of Nat. EUndes., 1S66, s. 13), from Bos primi- Hist.,' 2nd series, vol. iv., 1849. 104 CA1TLE. Chap. in. Friesland, &c, and the Pembroke race in England, closely resemble in essential structure B. primigenius, and no doubt are its descen- dants. This is likewise the opinion of Nilsson. Bos primigenius existed as a wild animal in Caesar's time, and is now semi-wild, though much degenerated in size, in the park of Chillingham ; for I am informed by Professor Eiitimeyer, to whom Lord Tankerville sent a skull, that the Chillingham cattle are less altered from the true primigenius type than any other known breed. 88 Bos trochoceros. — This form is not included in the three species above mentioned, for it is now considered by Rutimeyer to be the female of an early domesticated form of B. primigenius, and as the progenitor of his frontosus race. I may add that specific names have been given to four other fossil oxen, now believed to be iden- tical with B. primigenius.™ Bos longifrons (or brachyceros) of Owen. — This very distinct spe- cies was of small size, and had a short body with fine legs. It has been found in England associated with the remains of the elephant and rhinoceros. 40 It was the commonest form in a domesticated condition in Switzerland during the earliest part of the Neolithic period. It was domesticated in England during the Roman period, and supplied food to the Roman legionaries. 41 Some remains have been found in Ireland in certain crannoges, of which the dates are believed to be from 843-933 a.d. 42 Professor Owen 43 thinks it pro- bable that the Welsh and Highland cattle are descended from this form ; as likewise is the case, according to Rutimeyer, with some of the existing Swiss breeds. These latter are of different shades of colour from light-grey to blackish-brown, with a lighter stripe along the spine, but they have no pure white marks. The cattle of North Wales and the Highlands, on the other hand, are generally black or dark-coloured. Bos frontosus of Nilsson. — This species is allied to B. longifrons, but in the opinion of some good judges is distinct from it. Both co- existed in Scania during the same late geological period, 44 and both 38 See, also, Rutimeyer's ' Beitrage pal. 1S66, p. xv. Gesch. der Wiederkauer,' Basel, 1S65, s. * 2 W. R. Wilde, 'An Essay on the 54. Animal Remains, &c, Royal Irish Aca- 39 Pictet's ' Paleontologie,' torn. i. p. demy,' 1860, p. 29. Also ' Proc. of R. 3G5 (2nd edit.) With respect to B. tro- Irish Acudemy,' 1858, p. 48. choceros, see Rutimeyer's ' Zalimen Eu- 43 ' Lecture : Royal Institution of G-. rop. Rindes,' 1S66, s. 26. Britain,' May«nd, 1S56, p. 4. 'British 40 Owen, 'British Fossil Mammals,' Fossil Mammals,' p. 513. 1S46, p. 510. 44 Nilsson, in ' Annals and Mag. of 41 ' British Pleistocene Mammalia,' by Nat. Hist.,' 1S49, vol. iv. p. 354. W. B. Dawkins and W. A. Sandford, Chap. III. THEIR PARENTAGE. 105 have been found in the Irish crannoges." Nilsson believes that hia B.frontosus may be the parent of the mountain cattle of Norway, which have a high protuberance on the skull between the base of the horns. As Professor Owen believes that the Scotch Highland cattle are descended from his B. longifrons, it is worth notice that a capa- ble judge 46 has remarked that he saw no cattle in Norway like the Highland breed, but that they more nearly resembled the Devon- Eliire breed. Hence we see that three forms or species of Bos, ori- ginally inhabitants of Europe, have been domesticated ; but there is no improbability in this fact, for the genus Bos readily yields to domestication. Besides these three species and the zebu, the yak, the gayal, and the ami 47 (ndfc to mention the buffalo or genus Bubalus) have been domesticated ; making altogether seven species of Bos. The zebu and the three European species are now extinct in a wild state, for the cattle of the J3. primige- niics type in the British parks can hardly be considered as truly wild. Although certain races of cattle, domes- ticated at a very ancient period in Europe, are the de- scendants of the three above-named fossil species, yet it does not follow that they were here first domesticated. Those who place much reliance on philology argue that our cattle were imported from the East. 48 But as races of men invading any country would probably give their own names to the breeds of cattle which they might there find domesticated, the argument seems inconclu- sive. There is indirect evidence that our cattle are the descendants of species which originally inhabited a tem- perate or cold climate, but not a land long covered with snow; for our cattle, as we have seen in the chapter on Horses, apparently have not the instinct of scraping away the snow to get at the herbage beneath. . No one 46 See W. R. Wilde, ut supra ; and Mr. «? Isid. Geoflroy St. Hilaire, 'Hist. Blyth, in ' Proc. Irish Academy,' March Nat. Gen.,' torn, iii, p. 96. 5th, 1S64. «8 idem, torn. iii. pp. 82, 91. 48 Laiog's 'Tour in Norway,' p. 110. 106 CATTLE. Chap. Ill could behold the magnificent wild bulls on the bleak Falkland Islands in the southern hemisphere, and doubt about the climate being admirably suited to them. Azara has remarked that in the temperate regions of La Plata the cows conceive when two years old, whilst in the much hotter country of Paraguay they do not con- ceive till three years old ; " from which fact," as he adds, " one may conclude that cattle do not succeed so well in warm countries." 49 The above-named three fossil forms of Bos have been ranked by nearly all palaeontologists as distinct species ; and it would not be reasonable to change their denomina- tion simply because they are now found to be the parents of several domesticated races. But what is of most im- portance for us, as showing that they deserve to be rank- ed as species, is that they co-existed in different parts of Europe during the same period, and yet kept distinct. Their domesticated descendants, on the other hand, if not separated, cross with the utmost freedom and become commingled. The several European breeds have so often been crossed, both intentionally and unintentionally, that, if any sterility ensued from such unions, it would certain- ly have been detected. As zebus inhabit a distant and much hotter region, and as they differ in so many charac- ters from our European cattle, I have taken pains to ascertain whether the two forms are fertile when crossed. The late Lord Powis imported some zebus and crossed them with common cattle in Shropshire ; and I was as- sured by his steward that the cross-bred animals were perfectly fertile with both parent-stocks. Mr. Blyth in- forms me that in India hybrids, with various proportions of either blood, are quite fertile ; and this can hardly fail to be known, for in some districts 60 the two species are allowed to breed freely together. Most of the cattle 49 ' Quadrupedes du Paraguay,' torn. ii. p. 360. 50 Walther, ' Das Rindvieh,' 1817, s. 30. Chap. IIL CKOSSED SPECIES FERTILE. 107 ■which were first introduced into Tasmania were humped, so that at one time thousands of crossed animals existed there ; and Mr. B. O'Neile Wilson, M.A., writes to me from Tasmania that he has never heard of any sterility- having been observed. He himself formerly possessed a herd of such crossed cattle, and all were perfectly fertile ; so much so, that he cannot remember even a single cow failing to calve. These several facts afford an important confirmation of the Pallasian doctrine that the descen- dants of species which when first domesticated would if crossed probably have been in some degree^sterile, become perfectly fertile after a long course of domestication. In a future chapter we shall see that this doctrine throws much light on the difficult subject of Hybridism. I have alluded to the cattle in Chilling!] am Park, which, according to Riitimeyer, have been very little changed from the Bos primigenius type. This park is so ancient that it is referred to in a record of the year 1220. The cattle in their instincts and habits are truly wild. They are white, with the inside of the ears reddish brown, eyes rimmed with black, muzzles brown, hoofs black, and horns white tipped with black. Within a period of thirty-three years about a dozen calves were born with " brown and blue spots upon the cheeks or necks ; but these, together with any defective animals, were always destroyed. " Ac- cording to Bewick, about the year 1770 some calves ap- peared with black ears ; but these were also destroyed by the keeper, and black ears have not since reappeared. The wild white cattle in the Duke of Hamilton's park, where I have heard of the birth of a black calf, are said by Lord Tankervillc to be inferior to those at Chilling- ham. The cattle kept until the year 1780 by the Duke of Queensberry, but now extinct, had their ears, muzzle, and orbits of the eyes black. Those which have existed from time immemorial at Chartley closely resemble the cattle at Chillingham, but are larger, " with some small differ- ence in the colour of the ears." " They frequently tend to 108 CATTLE. Chap. in. become entirely black ; and a singular superstition pre- vails in the vicinity that, when a black calf is born, some calamity impends over the noble house of Ferrers. All the black calves are destroyed." The cattle at Burton Constable in Yorkshire, now extinct, had ears, muzzle, and the tip of the tail black. Those at Gisburne, also in Yorkshire, are said by Bewick to have been sometimes without dark muzzles, with the inside alone of the ears brown ; and they are elsewhere said to have been low in stature and hornless. 61 The several«above-specified differences in the park-cat- tle, slight though they be, are worth recording, as they show that animals living nearly in a state of nature, and exposed to nearly uniform conditions, if not allowed to roam freely and to cross with other herds, do not keep as uniform as truly wild animals. For the preservation of a uniform character, even within the same park, a certain degree of selection — that is, the destruction of the dark- coloured calves — is apparently necessary. The cattle in all the parks are white ; but, from the oc- casional appearance of dark-coloured calves, it is ex- tremely doubtful whether the aboriginal JBos primigenius was white. The following facts, however, show that there is a strong, though not invariable, tendency in wild or escaped cattle, under widely different conditions of life, to become white with coloured ears. If the old writers Boethius and Leslie M can be trusted, the r wild cattle of Scotland were white and furnished with a great mane : but the colour of their ears is not mentioned. 61 I am much indebted to the present those of the Duke of Queensberry, nee Earl of Tankerville for information about Pennant's ' Tour in Scotland,' p. 109. For his wild cattle; and for the skull which those of Chartley, see Low's ' Domesti- was sent to Prof. Rutimeyer. The fullest cated Animals of Britain,' 1S45, p. 233. account of the Chillingharn cattle is given For those of Gisburne, see Bewick's by Mr. Hindmarsh, together with a let- 'Quadrupeds, and Encyclop. of Rural ter by the late Lord Tankerville, in 'An- Sports,' p. 101. nals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' vol. ii., 1839, 5 ' 2 Boethius was born in 1470; 'An- p. 274. See Bewick, ' Quadrupeds,' 2nd nals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' vol. ii., edit., 1791, p. 85, note. With respect to 1839, p. 281 ; and vol. i v., 1849, p. 424 CHAP. Ill PAEK-CATTLE. 109 The primaeval forest formerly extended across the whole country from Chillingham to Hamilton, and Sir Walter Scott used to maintain that the cattle still preserved in these two parks, at the two extremities of the forest, were remnants of its original inhabitants ; and this view certainly seems pi-obable. In Wales, 63 during the tenth century, some of the cattle are described as being white with red ears. Four hundred cattle thus coloured were sent to King John ; and an early record speaks of a hun- dred cattle with red ears having been demanded as a compensation for some offence, but, if the cattle were of a dark or black colour, one hundred and fifty were to be presented. The black cattle of North Wales appa- rently belong, as we have seen, to the small longifrons type : and as the alternative was offered of either 150 dark cattle, or 100 white cattle with red ears, we may presume that the latter were the larger beasts, and pro- bably belonged to the primigenius type. Youatt has remarked that at the present day, whenever cattle of the short-horn breed are white, the extremities of their ears are more or less tinged with red. The cattle which have run wild on the Pampas, in Texas, and in two parts of Africa, have become of nearly uniform dark brownish-red. 6 * On the Ladrone Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, immense herds of cattle, which were wild in the year 1741, are described as " milk-white, except their ears, which are generally black." 66 The Falkland Islands, situated far south, with all the con- ditions of life as different as it is possible to conceive from those of the Ladrones, offer a more interesting case. Cattle have run wild there during eighty or ninety years ; 63 Youatt on Cattle, 1834, p. 48: 64 Azara, ' Des Quadrupedes du Para- ge also p. 242, on short horn cattle. guay,' torn. ii. p. 361. Azara quotes Buf. Bell, in his 'British Quadrupeds,' p. fon for the feral cattle of Africa. For 423, states that, after long attending to Texas, see 'Times,' Feb. ISth, 1S46. the subject, he has found that white 66 Anson's Voyage. See Kerr and cattle invariably have coloured ears. Porter's ' Collection,' vol. xii. p. 103. 110 CATTLE. Chap. III. and in the southern districts the animals are mostly- white, with their feet, or whole heads, or only their ears black ; but my informant, Admiral Sulivan, 56 who long resided on these islands, does not believe that they are ever purely white. So that in these two archipelagos we see that the cattle tend to become white with coloured ears. In other parts of the Falkland Islands other co- lours prevail : near Port Pleasant brown is the common tint ; round Mount Usborne, about half the animals in some of the herds were lead or mouse-coloured, which elsewhere is an unusual tint. These latter cattle, though generally inhabiting high land, breed about a month earlier than the other cattle ; and this circumstance would aid in keeping them distinct and in perpetuating this pe- culiar colour. It is worth recalling to mind that blue or lead-coloured marks have occasionally appeared on the white cattle of Chillingham. So plainly different were the colours of the wild herds in different parts of the Falkland Islands, that in hunting them, as Admiral Suli- van informs me, white spots in one district, and dark spots in another district, were always looked out for on the distant hills. In the intermediate districts interme- diate colours prevailed. Whatever the cause may be, this tendency in the wild cattle of the Falkland Islands, which are all descended from a few brought from La Plata, to break up into herds of three different colours, is an interesting fact. Returning to the several British breeds, the conspicuous difference in general appearance between Short-horns, Long-horns (now rarely seen), Herefords, Highland cattle, Alderneys, &c, must be familiar to every one. A large part of the difference, no doubt, may be due to descent from primordially distinct species ; but we may feel sure that there has been in addition a considerable amount of variation. Even during the Neolithic period, a * See also Mr. Mackinnon's pamphlet on the Falkland Islands, p. 24. Chap. III. ' THEIR VARIATION. Ill the domestic cattle were not actually identical with the aboriginal species. "Within recent times most of the breeds have been modified by careful and methodical selection. How strongly the characters thus acquired are inherited, may be inferred from the prices realised by the improved breeds ; even at the first sale of Col- ling's Short-horns, eleven bulls reached an average of 214£, and lately Short-horn bulls have been sold for a thousand guineas, and have been exported to all quarters of the world. Some constitutional differences may be here noticed. The Short-horns arrive at maturity far earlier than the wilder breeds, such as those of Wales or the Highlands. This fact has been shown in an interesting manner by Mr. Simonds," who has given a table of the average period of their dentition, which proves that there is a difference of no less than six months in the appearance of the per- manent incisors. The period of gestation, from observa- tions made by Tessier on 1131 cows, varies to the extent of eighty-one days ; and What is more interesting, M. Lefour affirms " that the period of gestation is longer in the large German cattle than in the smaller breeds." 68 With respect to the period of conception, it seems certain that Alderney and Zetland* cows often become pregnant earlier than other breeds. 69 Lastly, as four fully-deve- loped mammas is a generic character in the genus Bos, 60 it is worth notice that with our domestic cows the two rudimentary mammas often become fairly well develoj)ed and yield milk. As numerous breeds are generally found only in long- civilized countries, it may be well to show that in some countries inhabited by barbarous races, who are frequently 67 ' The Age of the Ox, Sheep, Pig,' vations from Touatt on Cattle, p. 527. 4c, by Prof. James Simonds, published 69 'The Veterinary,' vol. viii. p. 881, by order of the Royal Agricult. Soc. and vol. x. p. 26S. Low's ' Domest. 88 ' Ann. Agricult. France,' April, Animals of Great Britain,' p. 297. 1837, as quoted in 'The Veterinary,' 6< > Mr. Ogilby, in ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' vol. xii. p. 725. I quote Tessier's obser- 1836, p. 138, and 1840, p. 4. 112 CATTLE. " Chap. IIL at war with each other and therefore have little free com- munication, several distinct breeds of cattle now exist or formerly existed. At the Cape of Good Hope Leguat observed, in the year 1720, three kinds. 61 At the present day various travellei's have noticed the differences in the breeds in Southern Africa. Sir Andrew Smith several years ago remarked to me that the cattle possessed by the different tribes of Caffres, though living near each other under the same latitude and in the same kind of country, yet differed, and he expressed much surprise at the fact. Mr. Andersson has described 62 the Damara, Bechuana, and Namaqua cattle ; and he informs me in a letter that the cattle north of Lake Ngami are likewise different, as Mr. Galton has heard is the case with the cattle of Benguela. The Namaqua cattle in size and shape nearly resemble European cattle, and have short stout horns and large hoofs. The Damara cattle are very peculiar, being big-boned, with slender legs and small hard feet ; their lails are adorned with a tuft of long bushy hair nearly touching the ground, and their horns are extraordinarily large. The Bechuana cattle have even larger horns, and there is now a skull in London with the two horns 8 ft. 8£ in. long, as measured in a straight line from tip to tip, and no less tnan 13 ft. 5 in., as measured along their curvature ! Mr. Andersson in his letter to me says that, though he will not venture to describe the differences between the breeds belonging to the many different sub-tribes, yet such certainly exist, as shown by the wonderful facility with which the natives discrimi- nate them. That many breeds of cattle have originated through variation, independently of descent from distinct species, we may infer from what we see in South America, where the genus Bos was not endemic, and where the cattle 61 Leguat's Voyage, quoted by Vasey e2 ' Travels in South Africa,' pp. 31T, in his ' Delineations of the Ox-tribe,' p. 836. 182. Chap. IIL THEIR VARIATION. 113 which now exist in such vast numbers are the descend- ants of a few imported from Spain and Portugal. In Columbia, Roulin 63 describes two peculiar breeds, namely, pelones, with extremely thin and fine hair, and calongos, absolutely naked. According to Castelnau there are two races in Brazil, one like European cattle, the other different, with remarkable horns. In Paraguay, Azara describes a breed which certainly originated in S. America called chivos, " because they have straight ver- tical horns, conical, and very large at the base." He likewise describes a dwarf race in Corrientes, with short legs and a body larger than usual. Cattle without horns, and others with reversed hair, have also originated in Paraguay. Another monstrous breed, called niatas or natas, of which I saw two small herds on the northern bank of the Plata, is so remarkable as to deserve a fuller descrip- tion. This breed bears the same relation to other breeds, as bull or pug dogs do to other dogs, or as improved pigs, according to H. von Nathusius, do to common pigs. 64 Rutimeyer believes that these cattle belong to the primigenius type." The forehead is very short and broad, with the nasal end of the skull, together with the whole plane of the upper molar-teeth, curved upwards. The lower jaw projects beyond the upper, and has a corresponding upward curvature. It is an interesting fact that an almost similar conformation characterizes, as I have been informed by Dr. Falconer, the extinct and 83 ' Mem. de l'lnstitut present par not form a distinct race. Prof. Wyman, divers Savans,' torn, vi., 1835, p. 333. of Cambridge, United States, informs me For Brazil, see ' Comptes Rendus,' June that the common cod-fish presents a 15th, 1846. See Azara, ' Quadrupedes similar monstrosity, called by the fisher- du Paraguay,' torn. ii. pp. 359, 361. men the "bulldog cod." Prof. Wyman 64 ' Schweineschadel,' 1864, s. 104. also concluded, after making numerous Nathusius states that the form of skull inquiries in La Plata, that the niata characteristic of the niata cattle occa- cattle transmit their peculiarities or form sionally appears in European cattle ; a race. but he is mistaken, as we shall hereafter 65 Ueber Art des Zahmen Europ. Rin- see, in supposing that these cattle do desj 1S66. s. 2S. 114 CATTLE. Chap. III. gigantic Sivatherium of India, and is not known in any other ruminant. The upper lip is much drawn hack, the nostrils are seated high up and are widely open, the eyes project outwards, and the horns are large. In walking the head is carried low, and the neck is short. The hind legs appear to he longer, compared with the front legs, than is usual. The exposed incisor teeth, the short head and upturned nostrils, give these cattle the most ludi- crous, self-confident air of defiance. The skull which I presented to the College of Surgeons has been thus de- scribed by Professor Owen : 66 " It is remarkable from the stunted development of the nasals, premaxillaries, and fore-part of the lower jaw, which is unusually curved up- wards to come into contact with the premaxillaries. The nasal bones are about one-third the ordinary length, but retain almost their normal breadth. The triangular vacui- ty is left between them, the frontal and lachrymal, which latter bone articulates with the premaxillary, and thus excludes the maxillary from any junction with the nasal." So that even the connexion of some of the bones is chang- ed. Other differences might be added : thus the plane of the condyles is somewhat modified, and the terminal edge of the premaxillaries forms an arch. In fact, on compari- son with the skull of a common ox, scarcely a single bone presents the same exact shape, and the whole skull has a wonderfully different appearance. The first brief published notice of this race was by Azara, between the years 1783-96 ; but Don F. Muniz, of Luxan, who has kindly collected information for me, states that about 1760 these cattle were kept as curiosi- ties near Buenos Ayres. Their origin is not positively known, but they must have originated subsequently to the year 1552, when cattle were first introduced. Signor Muniz informs me that the breed is believed to have ori- *• 'Descriptive Cat. of Ost. Collect, of has given a figure of this skull ; and I College of Surgeons,' 1S53 p. 624. Vasey, sent a photograph of it to Prof. R&ti- in his ' Delineations of the Ox-tribe ' meyer. Chap. IIL CAUSES OF VARIATION. 115 ginated with the Indians southward of the Plata. Even to this day those reared near the Plata show their less civilized nature in being fiercer than common cattle, and in the cow, if visited too often, easily deserting her first calf. The breed is very true, and a niata bull and cow invariably produce niata calves. The breed has already lasted at least a century. A niata bull crossed with a common cow, and the reverse cross, yield offspring hav- ing an intermediate character, but with the niata cha- racter strongly displayed. According to Signor Muniz, there is the clearest evidence, contrary to the common belief of agriculturists in analogous cases, that the niata cow when crossed with a common bull transmits her pe- culiarities more strongly than does the niata bull when crossed with a common cow. When the pasture is toler- ably long, these cattle feed as well as common cattle with their tongue and palate; but during the great droughts, when so many animals perish on the Pampas, the niata breed lies under a great disadvantage, and would, if not attended to, become extinct ; for the common cattle, like horses, are able just to keep alive by browsing on the twigs of trees and on reeds with their lips : this the nia- tas cannot so well do, as their lips do not join, and hence they are found to perish before the common cattle. This strikes me as a good illustration of how little we are able to judge from the ordinary habits of an animal, on what circumstances, occurring only at long intervals of time, its rarity or extinction may depend. It shows us, also, how natural selection would have determined the rejec- tion of the niata modification had it arisen in a state of nature. Having described the semi-monstrous niata breed, I may allude to a white bull, said to have been brought from Africa, which was exhibited in London in 1829, and which has been well figured by Mr. Harvey." It had a "Loudon's 'Magazine of Nat. Hist.,' given of the animal, its hoofs, eye, and vol. i. 1S29, p. 113. Separate figures are dewlap. 116 CATTLE. Chap. HI. hump, and was furnished with a mane. The dewlap was peculiar, being divided between its forelegs into parallel divisions. Its lateral hoofs were annually shed, and grew to the length of five or six inches. The eye was very peculiar, being remarkably prominent, and " resem- bled a cup and ball, thus enabling the animal to see on all sides with equal ease ; the pupil was small and oval, or rather a parallelogram with the ends cut ofi", and ly- ing transversely across the ball." A new and strange breed might probably have been formed by careful breed- ing and selection from this animal. I have often speculated on the probable causes through which each sepai - ate district in Great Britain came to pos- sess in former times its own peculiar breed of cattle; and the question is, perhaps, even more perplexing in the case of Southern Africa. We now know that the differences may be in part attributed to descent from distinct spe- cies ; but this will not suffice. Have the slight differ- ences in climate and in the nature of the pasture, in the different districts of Britain, drrectly induced correspond- ing differences in the cattle? We have seen that the semi-wild cattle in the several British parks are not iden- tical in colouring or size, and that some degree of selection has been requisite to keep them true. It is almost cer- tain that abundant food given during many generations directly affects the size of a breed. 68 That climate di- rectly affects the thickness of the skin and the hair is likewise certain ; thus Roulin asserts 68 that the hides of the feral cattle on the hot Llanos " are always much less heavy than those of the cattle raised on the high plat- form of Bogota ; and that these hides yield in weight and in thickness of hair to those of the cattle which have run wild on the lofty Paramos." The same difference has been observed in the hides of the cattle reared on the • 8 Low, ' Domesticated Annuals of the 69 ' Mem. de l'lnstitut present, par di- British Isles,' p. 2(54. vers Savans,' torn, vi., 1835, p. 882. Chap. III. CAUSES OF VARIATION. 117 bleak Falkland Islands and on the temperate Pampas. Low has remarked 70 that the cattle which inhabit the more humid parts of Britain have longer hair and thicker skins than other British cattle ; and the hair and horns are so closely related to each other, that, as we shall see in a future chapter, they are apt to vary together ; thus climate might indirectly affect, through the skin, the form and size of the horns. When we compare highly improved stall-fed cattle with the wilder breeds, or com- pare mountain and lowland breeds, Ave cannot doubt that an active life, leading to the free use of the limbs and lungs, affects the shape and proportions of the whole body. It is probable that some breeds, such as the semi- monstrous niata cattle, and some peculiarities, such as being hornless, &c, have appeared suddenly from what we may call a spontaneous variation ; but even in this case a rude kind of selection is necessary, and the ani- mals thus characterized must be at least partially sepa- rated from others. This degree of care, however, has sometimes been taken even in little-civilized districts, where we should least have expected it, as in the case of the niata, chivo, and hornless cattle in S. America. That methodical selection has done wonders within a recent period in modifying our cattle, no one doubts. During the process of methodical selection it has occa- sionally happened that deviations of structure, more strongly pronounced than mere individual differences, yet by no means deserving to be called monstrosities, have been taken advantage of: thus the famous Long- horn Bull, Shakespeare, though of the pure Canley stock, "scarcely inherited a single point of the long-horned breed, his horns excepted ; " yet in the hands of Mr. Fow- ler, this bull greatly improved his race. We have also reason to believe that selection, carried on so far uncon- 70 Idem, pp. 804, 36S, &c. count of this bull is taken from Mar- 71 Youatt on Cattle, p. 193. A full ac- shall. 118 CATTLE. Chap. HI. sciously that thei-e was at no one time any distinct intention to improve or change the breed, has in the course of time modified most of our cattle ; for by this process, aided by more abundant food, all the lowland British breeds have increased greatly in size and in early maturity since the reign of Henry VII. 72 It should never be forgotten that many animals have to be annually slaughtered ; so that each owner must determine which shall be killed and which preserved for breeding. In every district, as You- att has remarked, there is a prejudice in favor of the na- tive breed ; so that animals possessing qualities, whatever they may be, which are most valued in each district, will be oftenest preserved ; and this unmethodical selection assuredly will in the long run affect the character of the whole breed. But it may be asked, can this rude kind of selection have been practised by barbarians such as those of southern Africa ? In a future chapter on Selection we shall see that this has certainly occurred to some extent. Therefore, looking to the origin of the many breeds of cattle which formerly inhabited the several districts of Britain, I conclude that, although slight differences in the nature of the climate, food, &c, as well as changed habits of life, aided by correlation of growth, and the occasional appearance from unknown causes of considerable devia- tions of structure, have all probably played their parts ; yet that the occasional preservation in each district of those individual animals which were most valued by each own- er has perhaps been even more effective in the production of the several British breeds. As soon as two or more breeds had once been formed in any district, or when new breeds descended from distinct species Avere intro- duced, their crossing, especially if aided by some selec- tion, will have multiplied the number and modified the characters of the older breeds. 72 Youatt on Cattle, \i. 116. Lord Spencer has written on this same subject. Chap. III. SHEEP I THEIR VARIATION. 119 Sheep. I shall treat this subject briefly. Most authors look at our domestic sheep as descended from, several distinct species ; but how many still exist is doubtful. Mr. Blyth believes that there are in the whole world fourteen spe- cies, one of which, the Corsican moufflon, he concludes (as I am informed by him) to be the parent of the small- er, short-tailed breeds, with crescent-shaped horns, such as the old Highland sheep. The larger, long-tailed breeds, having horns with a double flexure, such as the Dorsets, merinos, &c, he believes to be descended from an un- known and extinct species. M. Gervais makes six species of Ovis ; 73 but concludes that our domestic sheep form a distinct genus, now completely extinct. A German na- turalist 74 believes that our sheep descend from ten abo- riginally distinct species, of which only one is still living in a wild state ! Another ingenious observer, 75 though not a naturalist, with a bold defiance of everything known on geographical distribution, infers that the sheep of Great Britain alone are the descendants of eleven en- demic British forms ! Under such a hopeless state of doubt it would be useless for my purpose to give a de- tailed account of the several breeds ; but a few remarks may b.e added. Sheep have been domesticated from a very ancient pe- riod. Rutimeyer 76 found in the Swiss lake-dwellings the remains of a small breed, with thin and tall legs, and with horns like those of a goat : this race differs somewhat from any one now known. Almost every country has its 73 Blyth on the genus Ovis, in 'An- 74 Dr. L. Fitzinger, 'Ueber die Racen nals and Mag. of Nat. History,' vol. vii., des Zahmen Schafes,' 1S60, s. 86. 1841, p. 261 : with respect to the parent- 75 J. Anderson, ' Recreations in Agri- age of the breeds, see Mr. Blyth's excel- culture and Natural History,' vol. ii. p. lent articles in ' Land and Water,' 1S67, 164. pp. 184,156. Gervais, ' Hist. Nat. des 78 ' Pfahlbauten,' s. 127, 193. Mammiferes,' 1S55, torn. ii. pT 191. 120 SHEEP. Chap. III. own peculiar breed ; and many countries have many breeds differing greatly from each other. One of the most strongly marked races is an Eastern one with a long tail, including, according to Pallas, twenty vertebrae, and so loaded with fat, that, from being esteemed a delicacy, it is sometimes placed on a truck which is dragged about by the living animal. These sheep, though ranked by Fitzinger as a distinct aboriginal form, seem to bear in their drooping ears the stamp of long domestication. This is likewise the case with those sheep which have two great masses of fat on the rump, with the tail in a rudi- mentary condition. The Angola variety of the long-tailed race has curious masses of fat on the back of the head and beneath the jaws. 77 Mr. Hodgson in an admirable paper 78 on the sheep of the Himalaya infers from the distribution of the several races, " that this caudal augmentation in most of its phases is an instance of degeneracy in these pre-eminently Alpine animals." The horns present an endless diversity in character; being, especially in the female sex, not rarely absent, or, on the other hand, amounting to four or even eight in number. The horns, when numerous, arise from a crest on the frontal bone, which is elevated in a peculiar manner. It is remarkable that multiplicity of horns " is generally accompanied by great length and coarseness of the fleece." 79 This corre- lation, however, is not invariable ; for I am informed by Mr. D. Forbes, that the Spanish sheep in Chile resemble, in fleece and in all other characters, their parent merino- race, except that instead of a pair they generally bear four horns. The existence of a pair of mammae is a generic character in the genus Ovis as well as in several allied forms ; nevertheless, as Mr. Hodgson has remarked, " this character is not absolutely constant even among the true and proper sheep : for I have more than once met with « Touatt on Sheep, p. 120. gal,* vol. xvi. pp. 1007, 1016. T8 'Journal of the Asiatic Soc. of Ben- '» Youatt on Sheep, pp. 142-169, Chap. III. TIIEII1 VARIATION. 121 Cagias (a sub-Himalayan domestic race) possessed of four teats." eo This case is the more remarkable as, when any part or organ is present in reduced number in comparison with the same part in allied groups, it usually is subject to little variation. The presence of interdigital pits has likewise been considered as a generic distinction in sheep ; but Isidore Geoffroy 81 has shown that these pits or pouch- es are absent in some breeds. In sheep there is a strong tendency for characters, which have apparently been acquired under domestica- tion, to become attached either exclusively to the male sex, or to be more highly developed in this than in the other sex. - Thus in many breeds the horns are deficient in the ewe, though this likewise occurs occasionally with the female of the wild musmon. In the rams of the Wallachian breed "the htfrns spring almost perpendicu- larly from the frontal bone, and then take a beautiful spiral form; in the ewes they protrude nearly at right angles from the head, and then become twisted in a singular manner." ea Mr. Hodgson states that the extra- ordinarily arched nose or chaffron, which is so highly developed in several foreign breeds, is characteristic of the ram alone, and apparently is the result of domestica- tion." I hear from Mr. Blyth that the accumulation of fat in the fat-tailed sheep of the plains of India is greater in the male than in the female ; and Fitzinger 84 remarks that the mane in the African maned race is far more developed in the ram than in the ewe. Different races of sheep, like cattle, present constitu- tional differences. Tims the improved breeds arrive at maturity at an early ago, as has been well shown by Mr. Simonds through their early average period of dentition. The several races have become adapted to different kinds 80 ' Journal Asiat. Soc. of Bengal,' vol. 83 'Journal Asiat. Soc. of Bengal.' vol. jcvi., 1S47, p. 1015. xvi., 1S47, pp. 1015, 101G. •' ' Hist. Nat. Gen.,' torn. III. p. 435. Bi 'Racen des Zahmen Schafes,' s. 7f, M Youatt on Sheep, p. 138. G 122 SHEEP. Chap. III. of pasture and climate : for instance, no one can rear Leicester sheep on mountainous regions, where Cheviots flourish. As Youatt has remarked, "in all the different districts of Great Britain we find various breeds of sheep beautifully adapted to the locality which they occupy. No one knows their origin ; they are indigenous to the soil, climate, pasturage, and the locality on which they graze ; they seem to have been formed for it and by it." 8S Marshall relates 86 that a flock of heavy Lincolnshire and light Norfolk sheep which had been bred together in a large sheep-walk, part of which was low, rich, and moist, and another part high and dry, with benty grass, when turned out, regularly separated from each other ; the heavy sheep drawing off to the rich soil, and the lighter sheep to their own soil ; so that " whilst there was plenty of grass the two breeds kept themselves as distinct as rooks and pigeons." Numerous sheep from various parts of the world have been brought during a long course of years to the Zoological Gardens of London ; but as Youatt, who attended the animals as a veterinary sm*geon, remarks, " few or none die of the rot, but they are phthisical ; not one of them from a torrid climate lasts out the second year, and when they die their lungs are tuberculated." 87 Even in certain parts of England it has been found impossible to keep certain breeds of sheep ; thus on a farm on the banks of the Ouse, the Leicester sheep were so rapidly desti'oyed by pleuritis 88 that the owner could not keep them ; the coarser-skinned sheep never being affected. The period of gestation was formerly thought to be so unalterable a character, that a supposed difference be- tween the wolf and the dog in this respect w#s esteemed 85 ' Rural Economy of Norfolk,' vol. periments in crossing Cheviot sheep with ii. p. 136. Leicesters, see Youatt, p. 325. 86 Youatt on Sheep, p. 31?. On same 87 Youatt on Sheep, note, p. 491. subject, see excellent remarks in ' Gar- 88 'The Veterinary,' vol. x., p. 217. dner's Chronicle,' 1S5S, p. 868. For ex- Chap. III. THEIR VARIATION.' 123 a sure sign of specific distinction; but we have seen that the period is shorter in the improved breeds of the pig, and in the larger breeds of the ox, than in other breeds of these two animals. And now we know, on the excel- lent authority of Hermann von Nathusius," that Merino and Southdown sheep, when both have long been kept under exactly the same conditions, differ in their average period of gestation, as is seen in the following Table : — Merinos 1503 days. Southdowns . . . . 144.2 „ Half-bred Merinos and Southdowns . . 1463 „ £ blood of Southdown 1455 „ * „ „ 144-3 » In this graduated difference, in these cross-bred animals having different proportions of Southdown blood, we see how strictly the two periods of gestation have been trans- mitted. Nathusius remarks that, as Southdowns grow with remarkable rapidity after birth, it is not surprising that their fetal development should have been shortened. It is of course possible that the difference in these two breeds may be due to their descent from distinct parent- species ; but as the early maturity of the Southdowns has long been carefully attended to by breeders, the differ- ence is more probably the result of such attention. Lastly, the fecundity of the several breeds differs much : some generally producing twins or even triplets at a birth, of which fact the curious Shangai sheep (with their trunca- ted and rudimentary ears, and great Roman noses), lately exhibited in the Zoological Gardens, offer a remarkable instance. Sheep are perhaps more readily affected by the direct action of the conditions of life to which they have been exposed than almost any other domestic animal. Ac- cording to Pallas, and more recently according to Erman, *• A translation of his paper is given in ' Bull. Soc. Imp. d'Acclimat.,' torn, ix., 1862, p. 723. 124 SHEEP. Chap. III. the fat-tailed Kirghisian sheep, when bred for a few gen- erations in Russia, degenerate, and the mass of fat dwin- dles away, " the scanty and bitter herbage of the steppes seems so essential to their development." Pallas makes an analogous statement with respect to one of the Crimean breeds. Burnes states that the Karakool breed, which produces a fine, curled, black, and valuable fleece, when removed from its own canton near Bokhara to Persia, or to other quarters, loses its peculiar fleece. 90 In all such cases, however, it may be that a change of any kind in the con- ditions of life causes variability and consequent loss of character, and not that certain conditions are necessary for the development of certain characters. ' Great heat, however, seems to act directly on the fleece : several accounts have been published of the change which sheep imported from Europe undergo in the West Indies. Dr. Nicholson of Antigua informs me that, after the third generation, the wool disappears from the whole body, except over the loins ; and the animal then appears like a goat with a dirty door-mat on its back. A similar change is said to take place on the west coast of Africa. 91 On the other hand, many wool-bearing sheep live on the hot plains of India. Roulin asserts that in the lower and heated valleys of the Cordillera, if the lambs are sheared as soon as the wool has grown to a certain thickness, all goes on afterwards as usual ; but if not sheared, the wool detaches itself in flakes, and short shining hair like. that on a goat is produced ever afterwards. This curious re- sult seems merely to be an exaggerated tendency natural 80 Erman's 'Travels in Siberia' (Eng. 91 See Report of the Directors of the trans.), vol. i. p. 228. For Pallas on the Sierra Leone Company, as quoted in fat-tailed sheep, I quote from Anderson's White's ' Gradation of Man,' p. 95. With account of the ' Sheep of Russia,' 1794, respect to the change which sheep un- p. 34. With respect to the Crimean sheep, dergo in the West Indies, see also Dr. see Pallas' ' Travels ' (Eng. trans.), vol. Davy, ia ' Edin. New. Phil. Journal,' Jan. ii. p. 454. For the Karakool sheep, see 1852. For the statement made by Roulin, Burnes' 'Travels in Bokhara,' vol. iii. p. see ' Mem. de l'lnstitut present, par di- 151. vers Savans,' torn, vi., 1&35, p. 347. Chap III. CAUSES OF VARIATION. 125 to the Merino breed, for as a great authority, namely, 'Lord Somerville, remarks, " the wool of»our Merino sheep after shear-time is hard and coarse to such a degree as to render it almost impossible to suppose that the same ani- mal could bear wool so opposite in quality, compared to that which has been clipped from it : as the cold weather advances, the fleeces recover their soft quality." As in sheep of all breeds the fleece naturally consists of longer and coarser hair covering- shorter and softer wool, the change which it often undergoes in hot climates is proba- bly merely a case of unequal development; for even with those sheep which like goats are covered with hair, a small quantity of underlying wool may always be found. 93 In the wild mountain-sheep (Ovis montana) of North America there is an annual analogous change of coat ; "the wool begins to drop out in early spring, leaving in its place a coat of hair resembling that of the elk, a change of pelage quite different in character from the or- dinary thickening of the coat or hair, common to all furred animals in winter, — for instance, in the horse, the cow, &c, which shed their winter coat in the spring." 93 A slight difference in climate or pasture sometimes slightly affects the fleece, as has been observed even in different districts in England, and as is well shown by the great softness of the wool brought from Southern Australia. But it should be observed, as Youatt repeat- edly insists, that the tendency to change may generally be counteracted by cai'eful selection. M. Lasterye, after discussing this subject, sums up as follows : " The preser- vation of the Merino race in its utmost purity at the Cape of Good Hope, in the marshes of Holland, and under the rigorous climate of Sweden, furnishes an additional sup- 92 Youatt on Sheep, p. 69, where Lord tendency to change, see pp. 70, 117, 120, Somerville is quoted. See p. 117, on the 168. presence of wool under the hair. With 93 Audubon and Bachman,' The Quad- respect to the fleeces of Australian sheep, rupeds of North America,' 1S46, vol. v. p. 135. On selection counteracting any p. 365. 126 SHEEP. Chap. III. port of this ray unalterable principle, that fine-wooled sheep may be kept wherever industrious men and intelli- gent breeders exist." That methodical selection has effected great changes in several breeds of sheep no one. who knows anything on the subject, entertains a doubt. . The case of the South- downs, as improved by Ellman, offers perhaps the most striking instance. Unconscious or occasional selection has likewise slowly produced a great effect, as we shall see in the chapters on Selection. That crossing has large- ly modified some breeds, no one who will study what has been written on this subject — for instance, Mr. Spooner's paper — will dispute ; but to produce uniformity in a crossed breed, careful selection and " rigorous weeding," as thisauthor expresses it, are indispensable. 84 In some few instances new breeds have suddenly ori- ginated ; thus, in 1791, a ram-lamb was born in Massachu- setts, having short crooked legs and a long back, like a turnspit-dog. From, this one lamb the otter or ancon genii-monstrous breed was raised ; as these sheep could not leap over the fences, it was thought that they would be valuable ; but they have been supplanted by merinos, and thus exterminated. These sheep are remarkable from transmitting their character so truly that Colonel Hum- phreys 95 never heard of "but one questionable case " of an ancon ram and ewe not producing ancon offspring. "When they are crossed with other breeds the offspring, with rare exceptions, instead of being intermediate in character, perfectly resemble either parent; and this has occurred even in the case of twins. Lastly, "the ancons have been observed to keep together, separating them- selves from the rest of the flock when put into enclosures with other sheep." • A more interesting case has been recorded in the Re- 84 'Journal of R. Agricult. Soc of Eng- e5 ' Phllosoph. Transactions, 1 London, land,' vol. rfx., part ii. W. C Spooner on 1S13, p. 88. Cross-Breeding. Chap. III. GOATS. 127 port of the Juries for the Great Exhibition (1851), namely, the production of a merino ram-lamb on the Mauchamp farm, in 1828, whicTi was remarkable for its long;, smooth, straight, and silky wool. By the year 1833 M. Graux had raised rams enough to serve his whole flock, and after a few more years he was able to sell stock of his new breed. So peculiar and valuable is the wool, that it sells at 25 per cent, above the best merino wool : even the fleeces of half-bred animals are valuable, and are known in France as the "Mauchamp-merino." It is interesting, as showing how generally any marked deviation of struc- ture is accompanied by other deviations, that the first ram and his immediate offspring were of small size, with large heads, long necks, narrow chests, and long flanks ; but these blemishes were removed by judicious crosses and selection. The long smooth wool was also correlated with smooth horns ; and as horns and hair are homolo- gous structures, Ave can understand the meaning of this correlation. If the Mauchamp and ancon breeds had originated a century or two ago, we should have had no record of their birth ; and many a naturalist would no doubt have insisted, especially in the case of the Mau- champ race, that they had each descended from, or been crossed with, some unknown aboriginal form. Goats. From the recent researches of M. Brandt, most natural- ists now believe that all our goats are descended from the Capra cegagrus of the mountains of Asia, possibly mingled with the allied Indian species C. Falconeri of India. 98 In Switzerland, during the early Stone period, the domestic goat was commoner than the sheep; and 88 Isidore GeoflYoy St. Hilaire, ' Hist. he thinks that certain Eastern races Nat. Generale,' torn. Hi. p. 87. Mr. may perhaps be in part descended from Blyth ('Land and Water,' 1S67, p. 87) the Asiatic markhor. has arrived at a similar conclusion, but 128 GOATS. Chap. III. this very ancient race differed in no respect from that now common in Switzerland. 97 At the present time, the many races found in several parts of the world differ greatly from each other ; nevertheless, as far as they have been tried, 98 they are all quite fertile when crossed. So numerous are the breeds, that Mr. G. Clark 9,9 has described eight distinct kinds imported into the one island of Mauritius. The ears of one kind were enor- mously developed, being, as measured by Mr. Clark, no less than 19 inches in length and 4-f inches in breadth. As with cattle, the raammse of those breeds which are regularly milked become greatly developed ; and, as Mr. Clark remarks, " it is not rare to see their teats touching the ground." The following cases are worth notice as presenting unusual points of variation. According to Godron, 100 the mamma? differ greatly in shape in different breeds, being elongated in the common goat, hemisphe- rical in the Angora race, and bilobed and divergent in the goats of Syria and Nubia. According to this same author, the males of certain breeds have lost their usual offensive odom\ In one of the Indian breeds the males and females have horns of widely-different shapes; I01 and in some breeds the females are destitute of horns. 102 The presence of interdigital pits or glands on all four feet has been thought to characterise the genus Ovis, and their absence to be characteristic of the genus Capra ; but Mr. Hodgson has found that they exist in the front 97 Riitimeyer, ' Pfahlbauten,' s. 127. the Muscat breed purchased at a high 98 Godron, ' De l'Espece,' torn. i. p. price for a female in full milk. These 402. differences in the scrotum are probably 99 ' Annals and Mag. of Nat. History,' not due to descent from distinct species ; vol. ii. (2nd series), 1843, p. 363. for Mr. Clark states that this part varies ioo ' D e l'Espece,' torn. i. p. 406. Mr. much in form. Clark also refers to differences in the m Mr. Clark, ' Annate and Mag. of shape of the mammas. Godron states Nat. Hist.,' vol. ii. (2nd series), 1S48, p. that in the Nubian race the scrotum is 861. divided into two lobes; and Mr. Clark I02 Desmarest, ' Encyclop. Method, gives a ludicrous proof of this fact, for Mammalogie,' p. 430. he saw in the Mauritius a male goat of Chap. III. GOATS. ] 29 feet of the majority of Himalayan goats. 103 Mr. Hodg- son measured the intestines in two goats of the Dugu race, and he found that the proportional length of the great and small intestines differed considerably. In one of these goats the coecum was thirteen inches, and in the other no less than thirty-six inches in length ! i" ' Journal of Asiatic Soc. of Bengal,' vol. xvi., 1S17, pp. 1020, 1025. 130 DOMESTIC BABBITS. Chat. IV. CHAPTER IV. DOMESTIC RABBITS. DOMESTIC RABBITS DESCENDED FROM THE COMMON WILD BAB- BIT — ANCIENT DOMESTICATION — ANCIENT SELECTION — LARGE LOP-EARED RABBITS — VARIOUS BREEDS — FLUCTUATING CHA- RACTERS — ORIGIN OF THE HIMALAYAN BREED — CURIOUS CASE OF INHERITANCE — FERAL RABBITS IN JAMAICA AND THE FALK- LAND ISLANDS — PORTO SANTO FERAL RABBITS — OSTEOLOGICAL CHARACTERS — SKULL — SKULL OF HALF-LOP RABBITS — VARIA- TIONS IN THE SKULL ANALOGOUS TO DIFFERENCES IN DIFFER- ENT SPECIES OF HARES — VERTEBRAE — STERNUM — SCAPULA — EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE ON THE PROPORTIONS OF THE LIMBS AND BODY — CAPACITY OF THE SKULL AND REDUCED SIZE OF THE BRAIN — SUMMARY ON THE MODIFICATIONS OF DOMESTICATED RABBITS. All naturalists, with, as far as I know, a single exception, believe that the several domestic breeds of the rabbit are descended from the. common wild species ; I shall there- fore describe them more carefully than in the previous cases. Professor Gervais ' states " that the true wild rab- bit is smaller than the domestic ; its proportions are not absolutely the same ; its tail is smaller ; its ears are shorter and more thickly clothed with hair ; and these characters, without speaking of colour, are so many indications op- posed to the opinion which unites these animals under the same specific denomination." Few naturalists will agree with this author that such slight differences are sufficient to separate as distinct species the wild and domestic rab- bit. How extraordinary it would be, if close confinement, 1 M. P. Gervais. Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes,' torn, i., 1354, p. 288. Cuap. IV. THEIR PARENTAGE. 131 perfect tamcness, unnatural food, and careful breeding, all pi'olonged during many generations, had not produced at least some effect ! The tame rabbit has been domesticated from an aifcient period. Confucius ranges rabbits among animals worthy to be sacrificed to the gods, and, as he prescribes their multiplication, they were probably at this early period domesticated in China. They are mentioned by several of the classical writers. In 1631 Gervaise Markham writes, " You shall not, as in other cattell, looke to their shape, but to their richnesse, onely elect your buckes, the largest and goodliest conies you can get ; and for the richnesse of the skin, that is accounted the richest which hath the equallest mixture of blacke and white haire together, yet the blacke rather shadowing the Avhite ; the furre should be thicke, deepe, smooth, and shining ; . . . they are of body much fatter and larger, and, when another skin is worth two or three pence, they are worth two shillings." From this full description we see that silver-grey rabbits existed in England at this period ; and, what is far more important, we see that the breeding or selection of rabbits was then carefully attended to. Al- drovandi, in 1637, describes, on the authority of several old writers (as Scaliger, in 1557), rabbits of various co- lours, some " like a hare," and he adds that P. Valerianus (who died a very old man in 1558) saw at Verona rabbits four times bigger than ours. 2 From this fact of the rabbit having been domesticated at an ancient period, we musflook to the northern hemi- sphere of the Old World, and to the warmer temperate re- gions alone, for the aboriginal parent-form; for the rabbit cannot live without protection in countries as cold as Swe- den, and, though it has run wild in the tropical island of Jamaica, it has never greatly multiplied there. It now ex- 8 U. Aldrovandi, ' De Quadrupedibus studied the subject in ' Cottage Qarden- digitatis,' 1G37, p. 383. For Confucius er,' Jan. 22nd, 1861, p. 250. and G. Markham, tee a writer who ha3 132 . DOMESTIC BABBITS. Chap. IV. ists, and has long existed, in the warmer temperate parts of Europe, for fossil remains have been found in several countries. 3 The domestic rabbit readily becomes feral in these' same countries, and when variously coloured kinds are turned out they generally revert to the ordinary grey colour. 4 The wild rabbits, if taken young, can be domes- ticated, though the process is generally very troublesome. 5 The various domestic races are often crossed, and are be- lieved to be perfectly fertile together, and a perfect gra- dation can be shown to exist from the largest domestic kinds, having enormously developed ears, to the common wild kind. The parent-form must have been a burrowing animal, a habit not common, as far as I can discover, to any other species in the large genus Lepus. Only one wild species is known with certainty to exist in Europe ; but the rabbit (if it be a true-rabbit) from Mount Sinai, and likewise that from Algeria, present slight differences, and these forms have been considered by some authors as specifically distinct. But such slight differences would aid us little in explaining the more considerable differences charactei'istic of the several domestic races. If the latter are the descendants of two or more closely allied species, all, excepting the common rabbit, have been exterminated in a wild state; and this is very improbable, seeing with what pertinacity this animal holds its ground. From these several reasons we may infer with safety that all the domes- tic breeds are the descendants of the common wild spe- cies. But from what we hear of the late marvellous suc- cess in rearing hybrids between the hare and rabbit, 7 it is 3 Owen, ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. I have received two accounts of perfect 212. success in taming and breeding from the 4 Bechstein, ' Naturgesch. Deutsch- wild rabbit. See also Dr. P. Broca, in lands,' 1831, b. i. p. 1133. I have re- 'Journal de la Physiologie,' torn. ii. p. ceived similar accounts with respect to 368. England and Scotland. 6 Gervais, 'Hist. Nat. des Mammi- 6 ' pigeons and Rabbits,' by E. S. De- feres,' torn. i. p. 292. lamer, 1S54, p. 133. Sir J. Sebright (' Ob- 7 See Dr. P. Broca's interesting me- servations on Instinct,' 1836, p. 10) moir on this subject in Brown-Sequard's speaks most strongly on the difficulty. ' Journ. de Phys.,' vol. ii. p. 367. But this difficulty is not invariable, as Chap. IV. THEIR VARIATION. 133 possible, though not probable, from the great difficulty in making tha first cross, that some of the larger races, which are coloured like the hare, may have been modified by crosses with this animal. Nevertheless, the chief dif- ferences in the skeletons of the several domestic breeds cannot, as, we shall presently see, have been derived from a cross with the hare. There are many breeds which transmit their characters more or less truly. Every one has seen the enormous lop-eared rabbits exhibited at our shows ; various allied sub-breeds are reared on the Continent, such as the so- called Andalusian, which is said to have a large head with a round forehead, and to attain a greater size than any other kind ; another large Paris breed is named the Rouennais, and has a square head ; the so-called Pa- tagonian rabbit has remarkably short ears and a large round head. Although I have not seen all these breeds, I feel some doubt about there being any marked difference in the shape of their skulls. 8 English lop-eared rabbits often weigh 8 lbs. or 10 lbs., and one has been exhibited weighing 18 lbs. ; whereas a full-sized wild rabbit weighs only about 3£ lbs. The head or skull in all the large lop- eared rabbits examined by me is much longer relatively to its breadth than in the wild rabbit. Many of them have loose transverse folds of skin or dewlaps beneath the throat, which can be pulled out so as to reach nearly to the ends of the jaws. Their ears are prodigiously develop- ed, and hang down on each side of their faces. A rabbit has been exhibited with its two ears, measured from the tip of one to the tip of the other, 22 inches in length, and each car was 5| inches in breadth. In a common wild rabbit I found that the length of the two ears, from tip to tip, was *7| inches, and the breadth only ]£inch. The great weight of the body in the larger rabbits, and the 8 They are briefly described in the ' Journal of Horticulture,' May 7th, 1861, p. 10S. 134 DOMESTIC RABBITS. Chap. iv. immense development of their ears, are the qualities which win prizes, and have been carefully selected. The hare-coloured, or, as it is sometimes called, the Bel- gian rabbit, differs in nothing except colour from the other large breeds ; but Mr. J. Young, of Southampton, a great breeder of this kind, informs me that the females, in all the specimens examined by him, had only six mam- mae ; and this certainly was the case with two females which came into my possession. Mr. B. P. Brent, how- ever, assures me that the number is variable with other domestic rabbits. The common wild rabbit always has ten mammae. The Angora rabbit is remarkable from the length and fineness of its fur, which even on the soles of the feet is of considerable length. This breed is the only one which differs in its mental qualities, for it is said to be much more sociable than other rabbits, and the male shows no wish to destroy its young. 9 Two live rabbits were brought to me from Moscow, of about the size of the wild species, but with long soft fur, different from that of the Angora. These Moscow rabbits had pink eyes and were snow-white, excepting the ears, two spots near the nose, the upper and under surface of the tail, and the hinder tarsi, which were blackish-brown. In short, they were coloured nearly like the so-called Hima- layan rabbits, presently to be described, and differed from them only in the character of their fur. There are two other breeds which come true to colour, but differ in no other respect, namely silver-greys and chinchillas. Lastly, the Nicard or Dutch rabbit may be mentioned, which varies in colour, and is remarkable from its small size, some specimens weighing only l£ lb. ; rabbits of this breed make excellent nurses for other and more delicate kinds." 10 Certain characters are remarkably fluctuating, or are * 'Journal of Horticulture,' 1861, p. 10 'Journal of Horticulture,' May 880. 28th, 1S61, p. 169. Chap. IV. THEIR VARIATION. 135 very feebly transmitted by domestic rabbits: thus, one breeder tells me that with the smaller kinds he has hardly ever raised a whole litter of the same colour: with the large lop-eared breeds "it is impossible," says a great judge, 11 " to breed true to colour, but by judicious cross- ing a great deal may be done towards it. The fancier should know how his does are bred, that is, the colour of their parents.''' Nevertheless, certain colours, as we shall presently see, are transmitted truly. The dewlap is not strictly inherited. Lop-eared rabbits, with their ears hanging flat down on each side of the face, do not trans- mit this character at all truly. Mr. Delamer remarks that, " with fancy rabbits, when both the parents are per- fectly formed, have model ears, and are handsomely marked, their progeny do not invariably turn out the same." When one parent, or even both, are oar-laps, that is, have their ears sticking out at right angles, or when one parent or both are half-lops, that is, have only one ear dependent, there is nearly as good a chance of the pro- geny having both ears full-lop, as if both parents had been thus characterized. But I am informed, if both pa- rents have upright ears, there is hardly a chance of a full- lop. In some half-lops the ear. that hangs down is broader and longer than the upright ear ; 12 so that we have the unusual case of aVant of symmetry on the two sides. This difference in the position and size of the two ears probably indicates that the lopping of the ear results from its great length and weight, favored no doubt by the weakness of the muscles consequent on disuse. An- derson 13 mentions a breed having only a single ear ; and Professor Gervais another breed which is destitute of ears. 11 ' Journal of nprticulture,' 1S61, p. 136. See also 'Journal of Horticulture,' 327. With respect to the ears, nee 1S61, p. 375. Delamer on ' Pigeons and Rabbits,' 1S54, 13 ' An Account of the different Kinds p. 141 ; also ' Poultry Chronicle,' vol. ii. of Sheep in the Russian Dominions,' p. 499, and ditto for 1S54, p. 5S6. 1794, p. 89. ,a Delamer, ' Pigeons and Rabbits,' p. 136 DOMESTIC RABBITS. Chap. IV. Fig. 5.— Half-lop Rabbit. (Copied from E. S. Delamer's work.) The origin of the Himalayan breed (sometimes called. Chinese, or Polish, or Russian) is so curious, both in itself, and as throwing some light on the complex laws of in- heritance, that it is worth giving in detail. These pretty rabbits are white, except their ears, nose, all four feet, and the upper side of tail, which are all brownish-black; but as they have red eyes, they may be considered as albinoes. I have received several accounts of their breeding per- fectly true. From their symmetrical marks, they were at first ranked as specifically distinct, and were provision- ally named L. nigripes. 1 * Some good observers thought that they could detect a difference in their habits, and stoutly maintained that they formed a new species. Their origin is now well knoAvn. A writer, in 1857, 15 stated that he had produced Himalayan rabbits in the following man- ner. But it is first necessary briefly to describe two other breeds : silver-greys or silver-sprigs generally have black 14 ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' June 23rd, 1S57, p. 159. 10 ' Cottage Gardener,' 1S57, p. 141. Chap. IV. THE HIMALAYAN BREED. 137 heads and legs, and their fine grey fur is interspersed with numerous black and white long hairs. They breed perfect- ly true, and have long been kept in warrens. When they escape and cross with common rabbits, the product, as I hear from Mr. Wyrley Birch, of "Wretham Hall, is not a mixture of the two colours, but about half take after the one parent, and the other half after the other parent. Sec- ondly, chinchillas or tame silver-greys (I will use the for- mer name) have short, paler, mouse or slate-coloured fur, interspersed with long, blackish, slate-coloured, and white hairs. 16 These rabbits breed perfectly true. Now, the writer above referred to had a breed of chinchillas which had been crossed with the common black rabbit, and their offspring were either blacks or chinchillas. These latter were again crossed Avith other chinchillas (which had also been crossed with silver-greys), and from this complicated cross Himalayan rabbits were raised. From these and other similar statements, Mr. Bartlett 17 was led to make a careful trial in the Zoological Gardens, and he found that by simply crossing silver-greys with chinchillas he could always produce some feAV Ilimalayans; and the lat- ter, notwithstanding their sudden origin, if kept separate, bred perfectly true. The Ilimalayans, when first born, are quite white, and are then time albinoes ; but in the course of a few months they gradually assume their dark ears, nose, feet, and tail. Occasionally, however, as I am informed by Mr. W. A. Wooler and the Rev. W. D. Fox, the young are born of a very pale grey colour, and specimens of such fur were Bent me by the former gentleman. The grey tint, how- ever, disappears as the animal comes to maturity. So that with these Ilimalayans there is a tendency, strictly confined to early youth, to revert to the colour of the adult silver-grey parent-stock. Silver-greys and chin- 18 'Journal of Horticulture,' April 1T Mr. Bartlett, in 'Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' 9th, 18C1, p. 35. 136l,p.40. 138 DOMESTIC RABBITS. Chap. IV. chillas, on the other hand, present a remarkable contrast in their colour whilst quite young, for they are born perfectly black, but soon assume their characteristic grey or silver tints. The same thing occurs with grey horses, which, as long as they are foals, are generally of a nearly black colour, but soon become grey, and get whiter and whiter as they grow older. Hence the usual rule is that Himalayans are born white and afterwards become in certain parts of their bodies dark-coloured ; whilst silver-greys are born black and afterwards become sprinkled with white. Exceptions, however, and of a directly opposite nature, occasionally occur in both cases. For young silver-greys are sometimes born in warrens, as I hear from Mr. W. Birch, of a cream-colour, but these young animals ultimately become black. The- Himalayans, on the other hand, sometimes produce, as is stated by an experienced amateur, 18 a single black young one in a litter; but such, before two months elapse, become perfectly white. To sum up the whole curious case : wild silver-greys may be considered as black rabbits which become grey at an early period of life. When they are crossed with common rabbits, the offspring are said not to have blended colours, but to take after either parent ; and in this respect they resemble black and albino varieties of most quadrupeds, which often transmit their colours in this same manner. When they are crossed with chin- chillas, that is, with a paler sub-variety, the young are at first pure albinoes, but soon become dark-coloured in certain parts of their bodies, and are then called Hima- layans. The young Himalayans, however, ai*e sometimes at first either pale grey or completely black, in either case changing after to white. In a future chapter I shall advance a large body of facts showing that, when 18 ' Phenomenon in Himalayan Rabbits,' in ' Journal of Horticulture,' 1865, Jan. 27th, p. 102. Chap. IV. FERAL RABBITS. 139 two varieties are crossed both of Avhich differ in colour from their parent-stock, there is a strong tendency in the young to revert to the aboriginal colour ; and what is very remarkable, this reversion occasionally supervenes, not before birth, but during the growth of the animal. Hence, if it could be shown that silver-greys and chin- chillas were the offspring of a cross between a black and albino variety with the colours intimately blended — a supposition in itself not improbable, and supported by the circumstance of silver-greys in warrens sometimes producing creamy-white young, which ultimately become black — then all the above-given paradoxical facts on the changes of colour in silver-greys and in their descendants the Himalayans would come under the law of reversion, supervening at different periods of growth and in differ- ent degrees, either to the original black or to the ori- ginal albino parent-variety. It is, also, remarkable that Himalayans, though produced so suddenly, breed true. But as, whilst young, they are alhinoes, the case falls under a very general rule ; for albinism is well known to be strongly inherited, as with white mice and many other quadrupeds, and even with white flowers. But why, it may be asked, do the ears, tajl, nose, and feet, and no other part of the bod} 7 , revert to a black colour ? This apparently depends on a law, which generally holds good, namely, that characters com- mon to many species of a genus — and this, in fact, implies long inheritance in common from the ancient progenitor of the genus — are found to resist variation, or to reappear if lost, more persistently than the characters which are con- fined to the separate species. Now, in the genus Lepns, a large majority of the species have their ears and the upper surface of the tail tinted black; but the persistence of these marks is best seen in those species which in win- ter become white : thus, in Scotland the L. variabilis I9 19 G. K. Waterhouse, ' Natural History of Mammalia : Rodents,' 1816, pp. 53, CO, 105. 140 DOMESTIC EABBITS. Chap. IV. in its winter dress has a shade of colour on its nose, and the tips of its ears are black: in the L. tibetanus the ears are black, the upper surface of the tail greyish black, and the soles of the feet brown : in L. glaeialis the winter fur is pure white, except the soles of the feet and the points of the ears. Even in the variously-coloured fancy rabbits we may often observe a tendency in these same parts to be more darkly tinted than the rest of the body. Thus, as it seems to me, the appearance of the several coloured marks on the Himalayan rabbit, as it grows old, is ren- dered intelligible. I may add a nearly. analogous case: fancy rabbits very often have a white star on their fore- heads ; and the common English hare, whilst young, gen- erally has, as I have myself observed, a similar white star on its forehead. When variously coloured rabbits are set free in Europe, and are thus placed under their natural conditions', they generally revert to the aboriginal grey colour ; this may be in part due to the tendency in all crossed animals, as lately observed, to revert to their primordial state. But this tendency does not always prevail ; thus silver-grey rabbits are kept in warrens, and remain true though liv- ing almost in a state of nature ; but a warren must not be stocked with both silver-greys and common rabbits * otherwise " in a few year* there will be none but common greys surviving." 20 When rabbits run wild in foreign countries, under different conditions of life, they by no means always revert to their aboriginal colour. In Ja- maica the feral rabbits are described as "slate-coloured, deeply tinted with sprinklings of white on the neck, on the shoulders, and on the back ; softening off to blue- white under the breast and belly." 21 But in this tropi- 20 Delamer on ' Pigeons and Rabbits,' come feral in a hot country. They can p. 114. be kept, however, at Loanda {use Living- 21 Gosse's ' Sojourn in Jamaica,' 1S51, stone's 'Travels,' p. 407). In parts cf p. 441, as described by an excellent ob- India, as I am informed by Mr. BIyth, server, Mr. R. Hill. This is the only they breed well. known case in which rabbits have be- Chap. IV. FERAL EA.BBITS. 141 # oal island the conditions were not favourable to their increase, and they never spread widely; and, as I hear from Mr. R. Hill, owing to a great fire which occurred in the woods, they have now become extinct. Rabbits during many years have run wild in the Falkland Islands ; they are abundant in certain parts, but do not spread ex- tensively. Most of them are of the common grey colour ; a few, as I am informed by Admiral Sulivan, are hare- coloured, and many are black, often with nearly symme- trical Avhite marks on their faces. Hence, M. Lesson described the black variety as a distinct species, under the name of Lepus magellanicus, but this, as I have elsewhere shown, is an error. 22 Within recent times the sealers have stocked some of the small outlying islets in the Falkland group with rabbits ; and on Pebble Islet, as I hear from Admiral Sulivan, a large" proportion are hare- coloured, whereas on Rabbit Islet a large proportion are of a bluish colour which is not elsewhere seen. How the rabbits were coloured which were turned out on these islets is not known. The rabbits which have become feral on the island of Porto Santo, near Madeira, deserve a fuller account. In 1418 or 1419, J. Gonzales Zarco 23 happened to, have a female rabbit on board which had produced young during the voyage, and he turned them all out on the island. These animals soon increased so rapidly, that they became a nuisance, and actually caused the aban- donment of the settlement. Thirty-seven years subse- quently, Cada Mosto describes them as innumerable ; nor is this surprising, as the island was not inhabited by any beast of prey or by any terrestrial mammal. We do not know the character of the mother-rabbit; but we have 22 Darwin's ' Journal of Researches,' in 1717, entitled ' Historia Insulana,' p. 193; and 'Zoology of the Toyage of written by a Jesuit, the rabbits were the Beagle : Mammalia,' p. 92. turned out in 1420. Some authors be- 23 Kerr's ' Collection of Voyages,' vol. licve that the island was discovered in ii. p. 177; p. 203 for Cada Mosto. Ac- 141:1 cording to a work published in Lisbon 142 DOMESTIC BABBITS. Chap. IV. every reason to believe that it was the common domesti- cated kind. The Spanish peninsula, whence Zarco sailed, is known to have abounded with the common wild spe- cies at the most remote historical period. As these rab- bits were taken on board for food, it is improbable that they should have been of any peculiar breed. That the breed was well domesticated is shown by the doe having littered during the voyage. Mr. "Wollaston, at my re- quest, brought home two of these feral rabbits in spirits of wine ; and, subsequently, Mr. W. Haywood sent to me three more specimens in brine, and two alive. These seven specimens, though caught at different periods, closely resembled each other. They were full grown, as shown by the state of their bones. Although the condi- tions of life in Porto Santo are evidently highly favour- able to rabbits, as proved by their extraordinarily rapid increase, yet they differ conspicuously in their small size from the wild English rabbit. Four English rabbits, measured from the incisors to the anus, varied between 17 and l7f inches in length; whilst two of the Porto Santo rabbits were only 14J and 15 inches in length. But the decrease in size is best shown by weight* four wild English rabbits averaged 3 lb. 5 oz., whilst one of the Porto Santo rabbits, which had lived for four years in the Zoological Gardens, but had become thin, weighed only 1 lb. 9 oz. A fairer test is afforded by the compari- son of the well-cleaned limb-bones of a P. Santo rabbit killed on the island with the same bones of a wild English rabbit of average size, and they differed in the propor- tion of rather less than five to nine. So that the Porto Santo rabbits have decreased nearly three inches in length, and almost half in weight of body. 24 The head has not 24 Something of the same kind has oc- out some rabbits which multiplied pro- curred on the island of Lipari, where, digiously, but, says Spallanzani, "les according to Spallanzani ( ' Voyage dans lapins de Pile de Lipari sont plus petits les deux Siciles,' quoted by Godron sur que ceux qu'ou eleve eo domesticite." l'Espece, p. 364), a countryman turned Chap. IV. FERAL BABBITS. - 143 decreased in length proportionally with the body; and the capacity of the brain-case is, as we shall hereafter see, singularly variable. I prepared four skulls, and these resembled each other more closely than do generally the skulls of wild English rabbits ; but the only difference in structure which they presented was that the suj>ra-orbital processes of the frontal bones were narrower. In colour the Porto Santo rabbit differs considerably from the common rabbit ; the upper surface is redder, and is rarely interspersed with any black or black-tipped hairs. The throat and certain parts of the under surface, instead of being pure white, are generally pale grey or leaden colour. But the most remarkable difference is in the ears and tail ; I have examined many fresh English rabbits, and the large collection of skins in the British Museum from various countries, and all have the upper surface of the tail and the tips of the ears clothed with blackish- grey fur ; and this is given in most works as one of the specific characters of the rabbit. Now in the seven Porto Santo rabbits the upper surface of the tail was reddish- brown, and the tips of the ears had no trace of the black edging. But here we meet with a singular circumstance : in June, 1861, I examined two of these rabbfts recently sent to the Zoological Gardens, and their tails and ears were coloured as just described; but when one of their dead bodies was sent to me in February, 1865, the ears were plainly edged, and the upper surface of the tail was covered, with blackish-grey fur, and the whole body was much less red; so that under the English climate this individual rabbit had recovered the proper colour of its fur in rather less than four years ! The two little Porto Santo rabbits, whilst alive in the Zoological Gardens, had a remarkably different appear- ance from the common kind. They were extraordinarily wild and active, so that many persons exclaimed on seeing them that they were more like large rats than rabbits. They were nocturnal to an unusual degree in their habits, 144 -DOMESTIC EABBITS. Chap. IV. and their wildness was never in the least subdued ; so that the superintendent, Mr. Bartlett, assured me that he had never had a wilder animal under his charge. This is a singular fact, considering that they are descended from a domesticated breed ; I was so much surprised at it, that I requested Mr. Haywood to make inquiries on the sj:>ot, whether they were much hunted by the inhabi- tants, or persecuted by hawks, or cats, or other animals ; but this is not the case, and no cause can be assigned for their wildness. They live on the central, higher rocky land and near the sea-cliffs, and, being exceedingly shy and timid, seldom appear in. the lower and cultivated districts. They are said to produce from four to six young at a birth, and their breeding season is in July and August. Lastly, and this is a highly remarkable fact, Mr. Bartlett could never succeed in getting these two rabbits, which were both males, to associate or breed with the females of several breeds which were repeatedly placed with them. If the history of these Porto Santo rabbits had not been known, most naturalists, on observing their much reduced size, their reddish colour above and grey beneath, with neither tail nor ears tipped with black, would have ranked them as a distinct species. They would have been strongly confirmed in this view by seeing them alive in the Zoo- logical Gardens, and hearing that they refused to couple with other rabbits. Yet this rabbit, which there can be little doubt would thus have been ranked as a distinct species, has certainly originated since the year 1420. Fi- nally, from the three cases of the rabbits which have run wild in Porto Santo, Jamaica, and the Falkland Islands, we see that these animals do not, under new conditions of life, revert to or retain their aboriginal character, as is so generally asserted to be the case by most authors. Chap. IV. DIFFERENCES IN THEIR SKELETONS. 145 Osteological Characters. When we remember, on the one hand, how frequently 'it is stated that important parts of the structure never vary; and, on the other hand, on what small differences in the skeleton fossil species have often been founded, the variability of the skull and of some other bones in the domesticated rabbit well deserves attention. It must not be supposed that the more important differences imme- diately to be described strictly characterise any one breed ; all that can be said is, that they are generally pre- sent in certain breeds. We should bear in mind that selec- tion has not been applied to fix any character in the skel- eton, and that the animals have not had to support them- selves under uniform habits of life. We cannot account for most of the differences in the skeleton ; but we shall see that the increased size of the body, due to careful nurture and continued selection, has affected the head in a particular manner. Even the elongation and lopping of the ears have influenoed in a small degree the form of the whole skull. The want of exercise has apparently modified the proportional length of the limbs in compari- son with the body. As a standard of comparison, I prepared skeletons of two wild rab- bits from Kent, one from tlie Shetland Islands, and one from Antrim in Ireland. As all the bones in these four specimens from such dis- tant localities closely resembled each other, presenting scarcely any appreciable difference, it may be concluded that the bones of the wild rabbit are general]^* uniform in character. Skull. — I have carefully examined skulls of ten large lop-eared fan- cy rabbits, and of five common domestic rabbits, which latter differ from the lop-eared only in not having such large bodies or ears, yet both larger than in the wild rabbit. First for the ten lop-eared rab- bits : in all these the skull is remarkably elongated in comparison with its breadth. In a wild rabbit the length was 3'15 inches, in a large fancy rabbit 430 ; whilst the breadth of the cranium enclosing the brain was in both almost exactly the same. Even by taking as the standard of comparison the widest part of the zygomatic arch, the 7 146 DOMESTIC RABBITS. Chap. IV skulls of the lop-eared are proportionally to their breadth three- quarters of an inch too long. The depth of the head has increased almost in the same proportion with the length ; it is the breadth alone which has not increased. The parietal and occipital bones en- closing the brain are less arched, both in a longitudinal and trans-* verse line, than in the wild rabbit, so that the shape of the cranium is somewhat different. The surface is rougher, less cleanly sculp- ' tured, and the lines of sutures are more prominent. Although the skulls of the large lop-eared rabbits in comparison with those of the wild rabbit are much elongated relatively to their breadth, yet, relatively to the size of body, they are far from elon- gated. The lop-eared rabbits which I examined were, though not fat, more than twice as heavy as the wild specimens ; but the skull was very far from being twice as long. Even if we take the fairer stand- ard of the length of body, from the nose to the anus, the skull is not on an average as long as it ought to be by a tliird of an inch. In the small feral P. Santo rabbit, on the other hand, the head rela- tively to the length of the body is about a quarter of an inch too lonj. This elongation of the skull relatively to its breadth, I find a uni- versal character, not only with the large lop-eared rabbits, but in all the artificial breeds ; as is well seen in the skull of the Angora. I was at first much surprised at the fact, and could not imagine why domestication should produce this uniform result ; but the explana- tion seems to he in the circumstance that during a number of gen- erations the artificial races have been closely confined, and have had little occasion to exert either their senses, or intellect, or voluntary muscles ; consequently the brain, as we shall presently more fully see, has not increased relatively with the size of body. As the brain has not increased, the bony case enclosing it has not increased, and this has evidently affected through correlation the breadth of the entire skull from end to end. In all the skulls of the large lop-eared rabbits, the supra-orbital plates or processes of the frontal bones are much broader than in the wild rabbit, and they generally project jnore upwards. In the zygomatic arch the posterior or projecting point of the malar-bone is broader and blunter ; and in the specimen, fig. 8 ; it is so in a remarkable degree. This point approaches nearer to the auditory meatus than in the wild rabbit, as may be best seen in fig. 8 ; but this circumstance mainly depends on the changed direction of the meatus. The inter-parietal bone (see fig. 9) differs much in shape in the several skulls ; generally it is more oval, or has a greater width in the line of the longitudinal axis of the skull, than in the Chap. IV. DIFFERENCES IN THEIR SKELETONS. 14*7 Fig. 6.— Skull of Wild Rabbit, of natural size. FJg. 7. — Skull of large Lop-eared Rabbit, of natu- ral size. wild rabbit. The posterior margin of "the square raised plat- form" 25 of the occiput, instead of being truncated, or projecting slightly as in the wild rabbit, is in most lop-eared rabbits pointed, 26 Waterhouse, ' Nat. Hist. Mammalia,' vol. ii. p. 36. 148 DOMESTIC EABBITS. Chap. IV. Fig. 8. — Part of Zygomatic Arch, showing the projecting end of the malar bone, and the auditory meatus : of natural size. Upper figure, Wild Rabbit. Lower figure, Lop-eared, hare-coloured Rabbit. as in fig. 9, C. The paramas- toids relatively to the size of the skull are generally niuch thicker than in the wild rab- bit. The occipital foramen (fig. 10) presents some remarkable differences : in the wild rabbit, the lower edge between the condyles is considerably and almost angularly hollowed out, and the upper edge is deeply and squarely notched ; hence the longitudinal axis exceeds the transverse axis. In the skulls of the lop-eared rabbits the transverse axis exceeds the longitudinal ; for in none of these skulls was the lower edge between the condyles so deeply hollowed out ; in five of them there was no upper square notch, in three there was a trace of the notch, and in two alone it was well ABC developed. These differ- ences in the shape of the foramen are remarkable, considering that it gives passage to so important a structure as the spinal marrow, though appa- rently the outline of the latter is not affected by the shape of the passage. In all the skulls of the large lop-eared rabbits, the bony auditory meatus is conspicuously larger than in the wild rabbit. In a skull 43 inches in length, and which barely exceeded A in breadth the skull of a wild rabbit (which was 3"15 inches in length), the longer diameter of the meatus was exactly twice as great. The ori- Fig. 10.— Occipital Foramen of natural size, in— nce is more compressed, A. Wild Rabbit ; B. Large Lop-eared Rabbit. and its margin on the Fig. 9. — Posterior end of Skull, of natural size, showing the inter-parietal bone. A. Wild Rabbit. B. Feral Rabbit from island of P. Santo, near Madeira. C. Large Lop-eared Rabbit. Chap. IV. DIFFERENCES UST THEIR SKELETONS. 149 side nearest the skull stands up higher than the outer side. The whole meatus is directed more forwards. As in breeding lop-eared rabbits the length of the ears, and their consequent lopping and ly- ing flat on the face, are the chief points of excellence, there can hardly be a doubt that the great change in the size, fomi, and direction of the bony meatus, rela- tively to this same part in the wild rabbit, is due to the continued selection of individuals having larger and larger ears. The influ- ence of the external ear on the bony meatus is well shown in the skulls (I have examined three) of half-lops (see fig. 5), in which one ear stands upright, and the other and longer ear hangs down ; for in these skulls there was a plain difference in the form and direction of the bony meatus on the two sides. But it is a much more interesting fact, that the changed direction and increased size of the bony meatus have slightly affect- ed on the same side the structure of the whole skull. I here give a drawing of the skull of a half-lop ; and it may be observed that the suture between the parietal and frontal bones does not run strictly at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the skull ; the left frontal bone projects beyond the right one ; both the posterior and anterior margins of the left zygomatic arch on the side of the lopping ear stand a little in advance of the corresponding bones on the opposite side. Even the lower jaw is affected, and the condyles are not quite Fig. 11.— Skull of natural size of Half-lop Rab- bit, showing the different direction of the au- ditory meatus on the two sides, and the con- sequent general distortion of the skull. The left ear of the animal (or right side of the fig- ure) lopped forwards. 150 DOMESTIC BABBITS. Chap. IV. symmetrical, that on the left standing a little in advance of that on the right. This seems to me a remarkable case of correlation of growth. Who would have surmised that by keeping an animal during many generations under confinement, and so leading to the disuse of the muscles of the ears, and by continually selecting indi- viduals with the longest and largest ears, he would thus indirectly have affected almost every suture in the skull and the form of the lower jaw ! In the large lop-eared rabbits the only difference in the lower jaw, in comparison with that of the wild rabbit, is that the posterior margin of the ascending ramus is broader and more inflected. The teeth in neither jaw present any difference, except that the small incisors, beneath the large ones, are proportionally a little longer. The mo- lar teeth have increased in size proportionally with the increased width of the skull, measured across the zygdhiatic arch, and not proportionally with its increased length. The inner line of the sockets of the molar teeth in the upper jaw of the wild rabbit forms a perfectly straight line ; but in some of the largest skulls of the lop-eared this line was plainly bowed inwards. In one specimen there was an additional molar tooth on each side of the upper jaw, between the molars and premolars ; but these two teeth did not correspond in size ; and as no rodent has seven molars, this is merely a monstrosity, though a curious one. The five other skulls of common domestic rabbits, some of which approach in'size the above-described largest skulls, whilst the others exceed but little those of the wild rabbit, are only worth notice as presenting a perfect gradation in all the above-specified differences between the skulls of the largest lop-eared and wild rabbits. In all, however, the supra-orbital plates are rather larger, and in all the auditory meatus is larger, in conformity with the increased size of the external ears, than in the wild rabbit. The lower notch in the oc- cipital foramen in some was not so deep as in the wild, but in all five skulls the upper notch was well developed. The skull of the Angora rabbit, like the latter five skulls, is inter- mediate in general proportions, and in most other characters, between those of the largest lop-eared and wild rabbits. It presents only one singular character : though considerably longer than the skull of the wild, the breadth measured within the posterior supra-orbital fissures is nearly a third less than in the wild. The skulls of the silver-grey and chinchilla and Himalayan rabbits are more elongated than in the wild, with broader supra-orbital plates, but differ little in any other respect, excepting that the upper and lower notches of the , occipital foramen are not so deep or so well developed. The skull of the Moscow rabbit scarcely differs in any respect from that of the Chap. IV. DIFFERENCES IN THEIR SKELETONS. 151 wild rabbit. In the Porto Santo feral rabits the supra-orbital plates are generally narrower and more pointed than in our wild rabbits. As some of the largest lop-eared rabbits of which I prepared skele- tons were coloured almost like hares, and as these latter animals and rabbits have, as it is affirmed, been recently crossed in France, it might be thought that some of the above-described characters had been derived from a cross at a remote period with the hare. Consequently I examined skulls of the hare, but no light could thus be thrown on the peculiarities of the skulls of the larger rabbits. It is, however, an interesting fact, as illustrating the law that varieties of one species often assume the characters of other species of the same genus, that I found, on comparing the skulls of ten species of hares. in the British Museum, that they differed from each other chiefly in the very same points in which domestic rabbits, vary, — namely, in general proportions, in the form and size of the supra- orbital plates, in the form of the free end of the malar bone, and in the line of suture separating the occipital and frontal bones. More- over two eminently variable characters in the domestic rabbit, namely, the outline of the occipital foramen and the shape of the " raised platform " of the occiput, were likewise variable in two instances in the same species of hare. Vertebra. — The number is uni- form in all the skeletons which I have examined, with two excep- tions, namely, in one of the small feral Porto Santo rabbits and in one of the largest lop-eared kinds ; both of these had as usual seven cervical) twelve dorsal with ribs, but, in- stead of seven lumbar, both had eight lumbar vertebra?. This is re- markable, as Gervais gives seven as the number for the whole genus Lepus. The caudal vertebra? appa- rently differ by two or three, but I did not attend to them, and they are difficult to count with certainty. In the first cervical vertebra, or atlas, the anterior margin of the neural arch varies a little in wild specimens, being either nearly Smooth, or furnished with a small supra-median atlantoid process ; I have figured a specimen with the largest process (a) which I have seen ; but it will be observed how Fig. 12. — Atla9 Vertebrae, of natural size; inferior surface viewed ob- liquely. Upper figure, Wild Rabbit. Lower figure, Hare-coloured, large Lop-eared Rabbit, o, supra-median, atlantoid process ; b, infra-median process. 152 DOMESTIC BABBITS. Chap. IV. inferior this is in size and different in shape to that in a large lop- eared rabbit. In the latter, the infra-median process (6) is also pro- portionally much thicker and longer. The alse are a little squarer in outline. Third cervical vertebra. — In the wild rabbit (fig. 13, A a) this vertebra, viewed on the inferior surface, has a transverse process, which is directed obliquely backwards, and consists of a single pointed bar ; in the fourth vertebra this process is slightly forked in the middle. In the large lop-eared rabbits this process (b a) is forked in the third vertebra, as in the fourth of the wild rabbit. But the third cervical vertebrae of the wild and lop- eared (a 6, B b) rabbits differ more conspicuous- ly when their anterior articular surfaces are compared ; for the ex- tremities of the antero- dorsal processes in the wild rabbit are simply rounded, whilst in the lop-eared they are trifid, with a deep central pit. The canal for the spinal marrow in' the lop-eared (b b is more elongated in a transverse direction than in the wild rabbit ; and the passages for the arteries are of a slightly different shape. These several differences in this vertebra seem to me well deserving attention. First dorsal vertebra. — Its neural spine varies in length in the wild rabbit ; being sometimes very short, but generally more than half as long as that of the second dorsal ; but I have seen it in two large lop-eared rabbits three-fourths of the length of that of the second dorsal vertebra. Ninth and tenth dorsal vertebra,. — In the wild rabbit the neural spine of the ninth vertebra is just perceptibly thicker than that of the eighth ; and the neural spine of the tenth is plainly thicker and shorter than those of all the anterior vertebra?. In the large lop- eared rabbits the neural spines of the tenth, ninth, eighth, and even in a slight degree that of the seventh vertebra, are very much thick- er, and of somewhat different shape, in comparison with those of the wild rabbit. So that this part of the vertebral column differs con- siderably in appearance from the same part in the wild rabbit, and Fig. 13. — Third Cervical Vertebra, of natural size, of — A. Wild Rabbit ; B. Hare-coloured, large, Lop-eared Rabbit, a, a, inferior sur- face ; b, i>, anterior articular surfaces. Chap. IV. DIFFERENCES IN THEIR SKELETONS. 153 closely resembles in an interesting manner these same vertebrae in some species of bares. In the Angora, Cbinchilla, and Himalayan rabbits, the neural spines of the eighth and ninth ver- tebra? are in a slight degree thicker than in the wild. On the other hand, in one of the feral Porto San- to rabbits, which in most of its characters deviates in an exactly oppo- site manner to what the large lop-eared rab- bits do from the common wild rabbit, the neural spines of the ninth and tenth vertebra? were not at all larger than those of the several anterior vertebrae. In this same Porto Santo specimen there was no trace in the ninth vertebra of the anterior lateral processes (see woodcut 14), which are plainly developed in all British wild rabbits, and still more plainly developed in the large lop-eared rabbits. In a half- wild rabbit from Sandon Park, 26 a haemal spine was moderately well developed on the under side of the twelfth dorsal vertebra, and I have seen this in no other specimen. Lumbar vertebra. — I have stated that in two cases there were eight instead of seven lumbar vertebrae. The third lumbar ver- tebra in one skeleton of a wild British rabbit, and in one of the Porto Santo feral rabbits, had a haemal spine ; whilst in four skele- tons of large lop-eared rabbits, and in the Himalayan rabbit, this same vertebra had a well-developed haemal spine. Fig. 14. — Dorsal Vertebrae, from sixth to tenth inclusive, of natural size, viewed laterally. A. Wild Babbit. B. Large, Hare-coloured, so called Spanish Rabbit. 38 These rabbits have run wild for a considerable#ime in Sandon Park, and in other places in Staffordshire and Shropshire. They originated, as I have been informed by the gamekeeper, from variously - coloured domestic rabbits which had been turned out. They vary in colour ; but many are symmetrically coloured, being white with a streak along the spine, and with the ears and certain marks about the head of a blackish-grey tint. They have rather longer bodies than common rabbits. 154 DOMESTIC BABBITS. Chap. IV. Pelvis. — In four wild specimens this bone was almost absolutely identical in shape ; but in several domesticated breeds shades of differences could be distinguished. In the large lop-eared rabbits the whole upper part of the ilium is straighter, or less splayed out- wards, than in the wild rabbit ; and the tuberosity on the inner lip of the anterior and upper part of the ilium is proportionally more prominent. I Sternum. — The posterior end of the posterior sternal bone in the wild rabbit (fig. 15, A) is thin and slightly enlarged ; in some of the large lop-eared rabbits (b) it is much more enlarged towards the extremity; whilst in other specimens (c) it keeps nearly of the same breadth from end to end, but is much-thicker at the extremity. Fig. 15.— Terminal bone of Sternum, of natural size. A. Wild Rabbit. B. Hare- coloured, Lop-eared Rabbit. C. Hare-coloured, Spanish Rabbit. (N.B.— The leflj- hand angle of the upper articular extremity of B was broken, and has been accidentally thus repre- sented.) C D Fig. 16. — Acromion of Scapula, of natural size. A. Wild Rabbit. B, C, D. Large, Lop-eared Rabbits. Scapula. — The acromion sends out a rectangular bar, ending in an oblique knob, which latter in the wild rabbit (fig. 16, a) varies a little in shape and size, as does the apex of the acromion in sharp- ness, and the part just below the rectangular bar in breadth. But the variations in these respects in the wild rabbit are very slight ; whilst in the large lop-eared rabbits they are considerable. Thus in some specimens (b) the oblique terminal knob is develq^ed into a short bar, forming an obtuse angle with the rectangular bar. In another specimen (c) these two unequal bars form nearly a straight line. The apex of the acromion varies much in breadth and sharp- ness, as may be seen by comparing figs, b, c, and D. # Chap. IV. EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE. 155 Limbs. — In these I could detect no variation ; but the bones of the feet were too troublesome to compare with much care. I have now described all the differences in the skele- tons which I have observed. It is impossible not to be struck with the high degree of variability or plasticity of many of the bones. We see how erroneous the often- repeated statement is, that only the crests of the bones which give attachment to muscles vary in shape, and that only parts of slight importance become modified under domestication. No one will say, for instance, that the occipital foramen, or the atlas, or the third cervical vetebra is a part of slight importance. If the several vertebrae of the wild and lop-eared rabbits, of which figures have been given, had been found fossil, palaeonto- logists would have declared without hesitation that they had belonged to distinct species. Tlie effects of the use and disuse of parts. — In the large lop- eared rabbits the relative proportional lengths of the bones of the same leg, and of the front and hind legs compared with each other, have remained nearly the same as in the wild rabbit ; but in weight, the bones of the hind legs apparently have not increased in due proportion with the front legs. The weight of the whole body in the large rabbits examined by me was from twice to twice and a half as great as that of the wild rabbit ; and the weight of the bones of the front and hind limbs taken together (excluding the •feet, on account of the difficulty of perfectly cleaning so many small bones) has increased in the large lop-eared rabbits in nearly the same proportion ; consequently in due proportion to the weight of body which they have to support. If we take the length of the body as the standard of comparison, the limbs of the large rabbits have not increased in length in due proportion by one inch, or by one inch and a half. Again, if we take as the standard of compari- * son the length of the skull, which, as we Ifave before seen, has not increased in length in due proportion to the length of the body, the limbs will be found to be, proportionally with those of the wild rab- bit, from half to three-quarters of an inch too short. Hence, what- ever standard of comparison be taken, the limb-bones of the large lop-eared rabbits have not increased in length, though they have in weight, in full proportion to the other parts of the frstme ; and this, 156 DOMESTIC BABBITS. Chap. IV. I presume, may be accounted for by tbe inactive life which during many generations they have spent. Nor has the scapula increased in length in due proportion to the increased length of the body. The capacity of the osseous case of the brain is a more interesting point, to which I was led to attend by finding, as previously stated, that with all domesticated rabbits the length of the skull relatively to its breadth has greatly increased in comparison with that of the wild rabbit. If we had possessed a large number of domesticated rabbits of nearly the same size with the wild rabbit, it would have been a simple task to have measured and compared the capacities of their skulls. But this is not the case ; almost all the domestic breeds have larger bodies than wild rabbits, and the lop-eared kinds are more than double their weight. As a small animal has to exert its senses, intellect, and instincts equally with a large animal, we ought not by any means to expect an animal twice or thrice as large as another to have a brain of double or treble the size. 27 Now, after weighing the bodies of four wild rabbits, and of four large but not fattened lop-eared rabbits, I find that on an average the wild are to the lop-eared in weight as 1 to 2 - 17 ; in average length of body as 1 to 1*41 ; whilst in capacity of skull (measured as hereafter to be described) they are only as 1 to 1 - 15. Hence we see that the capacity of the skull, and consequently the size of the brain, has in- creased but little relatively to the increased size of the body ; and this fact explains the narrowness of the skull relatively to its length in all domestic rabbits. In the upper half of the following table I have given the mea- surements of the skulls of ten wild rabbits ; and in the lower half of eleven thoroughly domesticated kinds. As these rabbits differ so greatly in size, it is necessary to have some standard by which to compare the capacities of their skulls. I have selected the length of skull as the best standard, for in the larger rabbits it has not, as already stated, increased in length so much as the body ; but as the skull, like every other part, varies in length, neither it nor any other part affords a perfect standard. In the first column of figures the extreme length of the skull is given in inches and decimals. I am aware that these measurements pretend to greater accuracy than is possible ; but I have found it the least trouble to recortl the exact length which the compass gave. The second and third columns give the length and weight of body, whenever these measurements have been made. The fourth column 27 See Prof. Owen's remarks on this &c.,' read before Brit. Association, 1862; subject in his paper on the 'Zoological with respect to Birds, see ' Proc. Zoolog. Significance of the Brain, &c, of Man, Soc.' Jan. 11th, 1S4S, p. 8. Chap. IV. EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE. 157 gives the capacity of the skull by the weight of small shot with which the skulls had been filled ; but it is not pretended that these weights are accurate within a fe"w grains. In the fifth column the capacity is given which the skull ought to have had by calculation, according to the length of skull, in comparison with that of the wild rabbit No. 1 ; in the sixth column the difference between the actual and calculated capacities, and in the seventh the percentage of increase or decrease, are given. For instance, as the wild rabbit No. 5 has a shorter and lighter body than the wild rabbit No. 1, we might have expected that its skull would have had less capacity ; the actual capacity, as expressed by the weight of shot, is 875 grains, which is 97 grains less than that of the first rabbit. But comparing these two rabbits by the length of fheir skulls, we see that in No. 1 the skull is 315 inches in length, and in No. 5 296 inches in length ; according to this ratio, the brain of No. 5 ought to have had a capacity of 913 grains of shot, which is above the actual capacity, but only by 38 grains. Or, to put the case in another way (as in column yii), the brain of this small rabbit, No. 5, for every 100 grains of weight is only 4 per cent, too light, — that is. it ought, according to the standard Tabbit No. 1, to have been 4 per cent, heavier. I have taken the rabbit No. 1 as the standard of compari- son because, of the skulls having a full average length, this has the least capacity ; so that it is the least favourable to the result which I wish to show, namely, that the brain in all long-domesti- cated rabbits has decreased in size, either actually, or relatively to the length of the head and body, in comparison with the brain of the wild rabbit. Had I taken the Irish rabbit, No. 3, as the stan- dard, the following results would have • been somewhat more striking. Turning to the Table : the first four wild rabbits have skulls of the same length, and these differ but little in capacity. The Sandon rabbit (No. 4) is interesting, as, though now wild, it is known to be descended from a domesticated breed, as is still shown by its pecu- liar colouring and longer body ; nevertheless the skull has recovered its normal length and full capacity. The next three rabbits are wild, but of small size, and they all have skulls with slightly les- sened capacities. The three Porto Santo feral rabbits (Nos. 8 to 10) offer a perplexing case ; their bodies are greatly reduced in size, as in a lesser degree are their skulls in length and in actual capacity, in comparison with the skulls of wild English rabbits. But when we compare the capacities of the skull in the three Porto Santo rabbits, we observe a surprising difference, which does not stand in any relation to the slight difference in the length of their skulls, nor, as I believe, to any difference in the size of their bodies ; but I 158 DOMESTIC RABBITS. Chap. IV neglected to weigh "separately their bodies. I can hardly suppose that the medullary matter of the brain in these three rabbits, living under similar conditions, can differ as much as is indicated by the proportional difference of capacity in their skulls ; nor do I know whether it is possible that one brain may contain considerably more fluid than another. Hence I can throw no light on this case. Looking to the lower half of the Table, which gives the measure- ments of domesticated rabbits, we see that in all the capacity of the skull is less, but in very various degrees, than might have been anticipated according to the length of their skulls, relatively to that of the wild rabbit No. 1. In line 22 the average measurements of seven large lop-eared rabbits are given. Now the question arises, has the average capacity of the skull in these seven large rabbits increased as much as might have been expected from their greatly increased size of body. We may endeavour to answer this question in two ways : in the upper half of the Table we have measurements of the skulls of six small wild rabbits (Nos. 5 to 10), and we find that on an average the skulls are in length - 18 of an inch shorter, and in capacity 91 grains less, than the average length and capacity of the three first wild rabbits on the list. The seven large lop-eared rabbits, on an average, have skulls 4" 11 inches in length, and 1136 grains in capacity; so that these skulls have in- creased in length more than five times as much as the skulls of the six small wild rabbits have decreased in length ; hence we might have expected that the skulls of the large lop-eared rabbits would have increased in capacity five times as much as the skulls of the six small rabbits have decreased in capacity ; and this would have given an average increased capacity of 455 grains, whilst the real average increase is only 155 grains. Again, the large lop-eared rabbits have bodies of nearly the same weight and size as the com- mon hare, but their heads are longer ; consequently, if the lop- eared rabbits had been wild, it might have been expected that their skulls would have had nearly the same capacity as that of the skull of the hare. But this is far from being the case ; for the average capacity of the two hare-skulls (Nos. 23, 24) is so much larger than the average capacity of the seven lop-eared skulls, that the latter would have to be increased 21 per cent, to come up to the standard of the hare. 28 28 This standard is apparently consi- grains as the weight of the brain of a derably too low, for Dr. Crisp. (' Proc. rabbit which weighed 3 lbs. 5 oz., that Zoolog. Soc.,' 1SG1, p. S6) gives 210 grains is, the same weight as the rabbit No. 1 as the actual weight of the brain of a in my list. Now the contents of the hare which weighed 7 lbs., and 125 skull of rabbit No. 1 in shot is in my Chap. IV. EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE. 159 I have previously remarked that, if we had possessed many do- mestic rabbits of the same average size with the wild rabbit, it would have been easy to compare the capacity of their skulls. Now the Himalayan, Moscow, and Angora rabbits (Nos. 11, 12, 13 of Table) ase only a little larger in body, and have skulls only a little longer, than the wild animal, and we sec that the actual ca- pacity of their skulls is less than in the wild animal, and considera- bly less by calculation (column 7), according to the difference in the length of their skulls. The narrowness of the brain-case in these three rabbits could be plainly seen and proved by external measure- ment. The Chinchilla rabbit (No. 14) is a considerably larger ani- mal than the wild rabbit, yet the capacity of its skull only slightly exceeds that of the wild rabbit. The Angora rabbit, No. 13, offers the most remarkable case ; this animal in its pure white colour and length of silky fur bears the stamp of long domesticity. It has a considerably longer head and body than the wild rabbit, but the actual capacity of its skull is less than that of even the little wild Porto Santo rabbits. By the standard of the length of skull the capacity (see column 7) is only half of what it ought to have been ! I kept this individual animal alive, and it was not unhealthy nor idiotic. This case of the Angora rabbit so much surprised me, that I repeated all the measurements and found them correct. I have also compared the capacity of the skull of the Angora with that of the wild rabbit by other standards, namely, by the length and weight of the body, and by the weight of the limb-bones ; but by all these standards the brain appears to be much too small, though in a less degree when the standard of the limb-bones was used ; and this latter circumstance may probably be accounted for by the limbs of this anciently domesticated breed having become much reduced in weight, from its long-continued inactive life. Hence I infer that in the Angora breed, which is said to differ from other breeds in being quieter and more social, the capacity of the skull has really undergone a remarkable amount of reduction. From the several facts above given, — namely, firstly, that the actual capacity of the skull in the Himalayan, Moscow, and Angora breeds, is less than in the Avild rabbit, though they are in all their dimensions rather larger animals ; secondly, that the capacity of the skull table 972 grains ; and according to Dr. grains of shot, instead of only (in the Crisp's ratio of 125 to 210, the skull of largest hare in my table) 1455 grains, the hare ought to have contained 16S2 160 DOMESTIC RABBITS. Chap. IV. ! •- Q [> °fflg53 0.g 6HS 5° . w ■>f«ww®ai t>- r- OX "0 rt i-l C* »-H I-H '3«.H5 £ o o §\2§gS.b£ noonroo co MKJrtNN-i CO o> O OJ 00 00 o OO I C) ?! C! CJ CO CO -H CI " 9* r/3 *- hrsffl - . < co o uo co CJ OOClOOOCiClOCt^GO oo COCO^uOuOC01^GOC-?-<3* lOWlOtDHrtO — COCJCC'— i COCOCOCO^)"q , ' < 3"^"»"*CO'» l ;M :§ : e a ^<2 " § sii • C /3*a~ 3 a e u . > O <3 © a £ ^-^ u 5 5 S- 3 _'-§ S <2 to g ^ « JS | g.fl'""' a 1 1| | ■ SO = _a c3 • a • B aj .s o ~3 cat = = Sffg So eg > i-^CJCO^UOlS^OOOO Chap. iv. EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE. 161 of the large lop-eared rabbits has not been increased in nearly the same ratio as the capacity of the skull of the smaller wild rabbits has been decreased ; and third- ly, that the capacity of the skull in these same large lop- eared rabbits is very inferior to that of the hare, an ani- mal of nearly the same size, — I conclude, notwithstand- ing the remarkable differences in capacity in the skulls of the small P. Santo rabbits, and likewise in the large lop-eared kinds, that in all long-domesticated rabbits the brain has either by no means increased in due propor- tion with the increased length of the head and increased size of the body, or that it has actually decreased in size, relatively to what would have occurred had these animals lived in a state of nature. When we remember that rabbits, from having been domesticated and closely confined during many generations, cannot have exerted their intellect, instincts, senses, and voluntary move- ments, either in escaping from various dangers or in searching for food, we may conclude that their brains will have been feebly exercised, and consequently have suffered in development. We thus see that the most im- portant and complicated organ in the whole organization is subject to the law of decrease in size from disuse. Finally, let us sum up the more important modifica- tions which domestic rabbits have undergone, together with their causes as far as we can obscurely see them. By the supply of abundant and nutritious food, together with little exercise, and by the continued selection of the heaviest individuals, the weight of the larger breeds has been more than doubled. The bones of the limbs have increased in weight (but the hind legs less than the front legs), in due proportion with the increased weight o'f body; but in length they have not increased in due proportion, and this may have been caused by the want of proper exercise. With the increased size of the body the third cervical vertebra has assumed characters proper to the fourth cervical : and the eighth and ninth dorsal 162 DOMESTIC RABJBTTS. Chap. IV. vertebras have similarly assumed characters proper to the tenth and posterior vertebras. The skull in the larger breeds has increased in length, but not in due proportion with the increased length of body ; the brain has not duly increased in dimensions, or has even ac- tually decreased, and consequently the bony case for the brain has remained narrow, and by correlation has affected the bones of the face and the entire length of the skull. The skull has thus acquired its characteristic narrowness. From unknown causes the supra-orbital pro- Cesses of the frontal bones and the free end of the malar bones have increased in breadth; and in the -larger breeds the occipital forasnen is generally much less deeply notched than in wild rabbits. Certain parts of the sca- pula and the terminal sternal bones have become highly variable in shape. The ears have been increased enormous- ly in length and breadth through continued selection; their weight, conjoined probably with the disuse of their muscles, has caused them to lop downwards ; and this has affected the position and form of the bony auditory meatus ; and this again, by correlation, the position in a slight degree of almost every bone in the upper part of the skull, and even the position of the condyles of the lower jaw. Chap. V. PIGEONS I DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 163 CHAPTER V. DOMESTIC PIGEONS. ENUMERATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL BREEDS — IN- DIVIDU AL VARIABILITY — VARIATIONS OP A REMARKABLE NA- TURE — OSTEOLOGICAL CHARACTERS : SKULL, LOWER JAW, NUM- BER OP VERTEBRAE — CORRELATION OP GROWTH : TONGUE WITH BEAK ; EYELIDS AND NOSTRILS WITH WATTLED SKIN — NUMBER OF WING-FEATHERS, AND LENGTH OP WTNG — COLOUR AND DOWN — WEBBED AND FEATHERED FEET — ON THE EFFECTS OF DISUSE — LENGTH OP FEET LN CORRELATION WITH LENGTH OF BEAK — LENGTH OF STERNUM, SCAPULA, AND FERCULA — LENGTH OF WINGS — SUMMARY ON THE POINTS OF DIFFERENCE LN THE SEVERAL BREEDS. I have been led to study domestic pigeons with particu- lar care, because the evidence that all the domestic races have descended from one known source is far clearer than with any other anciently domesticated animal. Secondly, because many treatises in several languages, some of them old, have been written on the pigeon, so that we are enabled to trace the history of several breeds. And lastly, because, from causes which we can. partly understand, the' amount of variation has been ex- traordinarily great. The details will often be tediously minute ; but no one who really wants to understand the progress of change in domestic animals will regret this ; and no one who has kept pigeons and has marked the great difference between the breeds and thetrueness with which most of them propagate their kind, will think this care superfluous. Notwithstanding the clear evidence 164 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. that all the breeds are the descendants of a single species, I could not persuade myself until some years' had passed that the whole amount of difference between them had arisen since man first domesticated the wild rock-pigeon. I have kept alive all the most distinct breeds, which I could procure in England or from the Continent ; and have prepared skeletons of all. I have received skins from Persia, and a large number from India and other quarters of the world. 1 Since my admission into two of the Lon- don pigeon-clubs, I have received the kindest assistance from many of the most emdnent amateurs. 2 The races of the Pigeon which can be distinguished, and which breed true, are .very numerous. MM. Boitard and Corbie 3 describe in detail 122 kinds ; and I could add several European kinds not known to them. In India, judging from the skins sent me, there are many breeds unknown here ; and Sir "W. Elliot informs me that a col- lection imported by an Indian merchant into Madras 1 The Hon. C. Murray has sent me some very valuable specimens from Per- sia ; and H.M. Consul, Mr. Keith Ab- bott, has given me information on the pigeons of the same country. I am deeply indebted to Sir Walter Elliot for an immense collection of skins from Madras, with much information regard- ing them. Mr. Blyth has freely com- municated to me his stores of knowledge on this and all other related subjects. The Rajah Sir James Brooke sent me specimens from Borneo, as has H.M. Consul, Mr. Swinhoe, from Amoy -in China, and Dr. Daniell from the west coast of Africa. 2 Mr. B. P. Brent, well known for his various contributions to poultry litera- ture, has aided me in every way during several years ; so has ^lr. Tegetmeier, with unwearied kindness. This latter gentleman, who is well known for his works on poultry, and who has largely bred pigeons, has looked over this and the following chapters. Mr. Bult for- merly showed me his unrivalled collec- tion of Pouters, and gave me specimens. I had access to Mr. Wicking's collection, which contained a greater assortment of many kinds than could anywhere else be seen ; and he has always aided me with specimens and information given in the freest manner. Mr. Haynes and Mr. Corker have given me specimens of their magnificent Carriers. To Mr. Har- rison Weir I am likewise indebted. Nor must I by any means pass over the as- sistance received from Mr. J. M. Eaton, Mr. Baker, Mr. Evans, and Mr. J. Baily, jun., of Mount-street — to the latter gen- tlemen I have been indebted for some valuable specimens. To all these gen- tlemen I beg permission to return my sincere and cordial thanks. 3 ' Les Pigeons de Voliere et de Co- lombier,' Paris, 1824. During forty-five years the sole occupation of M. Corbie was the care of the pigeons belonging to the Duchess of Berry. Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 165 from Cairo and Constantinople included several kinds unknown in India. I have no doubt that there exist considerably above 150 kinds which breed true and have been separately named. But of these the far greater number differ from each other only in unimportant cha- racters. Such differences will be here entirely passed over, and I shall confine myself to the more important points of structure. That many important differences exist we shall presently sec. I have looked through the magnificent collection of the Columbida? m the British Museum, and, with the exception of a few forms (such as the Didunculus, Calamas, Goura, &c), I do not hesitate to affirm that some domestic races of the rock-pigeon differ fully as much from each other in external charac- ters as do the most distinct natural genera. We may look in vain through the 288 known species 4 for a beak so small and conical as that of the short-faced tumbler; for one so broad and short as that of the barb ; for one so long, straight, and narrow, with its enormous wattles, as that of the English carrier ; for an expanded upraised tail like that of the fantail ; or for an oesophagus like that of the pouter. I do not for a moment pretend that the domestic races differ from each other in their whole or- ganisation as much as the more distinct natural genera. I refer only to external characters, on which, however, it must be confessed that most genera of birds have been founded. When, in a future chapter, we discuss the prin- ciple of selection as followed by man, we shall clearly see why the differences between the domestic races are almost always confined to external, or at least to exter- nally visible, characters. Owing to the amount and gradations of difference be- tween the several breeds, I have found it indispensable in . the following classification to rank them under Groups, 4 'Coup d'Oeil sur l'Ordre des Pi- vis, 1S55. This author makes 288 spe- geons,' par Prince C. L. Bonaparte, Pa- cies, ranked under S5 genera. 166 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. Races, and Sub-races ; to which varieties and sub- varie- ties, all strictly inheriting their proper characters, must often be added. Even with the individuals of the same sub-variety, when long kept by different fanciers, differ- ent strains can sometimes be recognised. There can be no doubt that, if well-characterized forms of the several Races had been found wild, all would have been ranked as distinct species, and several of them would certainly have been placed by ornithologists in distinct genera. A good classification of the various domestic breeds is ex- tremely difficult, owing to the manner in which many of the forms graduate into each other ; but it is curious how exactly the same difficulties are encountered, and the same rules have to be followed, as in the classification of any natural but difficult group of organic beings. An " artificial classification " might be followed which would present fewer difficulties than a "natural classification ;" but then it would interrupt many plain affinities. Ex- treme forms can readily be defined ; but intermediate and troublesome forms often destroy our definitions. Forms which may be called " aberrant" must sometimes be included within groups to which they do not accurate- ly belong. Characters of all kinds must be used ; but as with birds in a state of nature, those afforded by the beak are the best and most readily appreciated. It is not pos- sible to weigh the importance of all the characters which have to be used so as to make the groups and sub-groups of equal value. Lastly, a group may contain only one race, and another and less distinctly defined group may contain sevei'al races and sub-races, and in this case it is difficult, as in the classification of natural species, to avoid placing too high a value on characters which are common to a large number of forms. In my measurements I have never trusted to the eye ; and when speaking of a part being large or small, I always refer to the wild rock-pigeon (Columba livia) Chap. V. J>ESCRIPTIOX OF BKEEDS. 167 as the standard of comparison. The measurements are given in decimals of an inch. 5 I will now give a brief description of all the principal breeds. The following diagram may aid the reader in learning their names and seeing their affinities. The rock-pigeon, or Columba livia (including under this name two or three closely allied sub-species or geographical races, hereafter to be described), may be confidently viewed, as we shall see in the next chapter, as the com- mon parent-form. The names in italics on the right-hand side of the table show us the most distinct breeds, or those which have undergone the greatest amount of modifica- tion. The lengths of the dotted lines rudely represent the degree of distinctness of each breed from the parent- stock, and the names placed under each other in the col- umns show the more or less closely connecting links. The distances of the dotted lines from each other approximate- ly represent the amount of difference between the seve- ral breeds. 6 As I so often refer to the size of the measurements of two wild birds, kindly C. livia, or rock-pigeon, it may be con- sent me by Dr. Edmondstone from the venient to give the mean between the Shetland Islands :— Inches. Length from feathered base of beak to end of tail 14'25 • " " " " to oil-gland 9'5 " from tip of beak to end of tail 15 - 02 " of tail feathers 4'6'2 " from tip to tip of wing 26"75 " of folded wing 9-25 Beak. — Length from tip of beak to feathered base - 77 " Thickness, measured vertically at further end of nostrils - 23 " Breadth, measured at same place - 16 Feet. — Length from end of middle toe (without claw) to distal end of tibia . . 2 - 77 " Length from end of middle toe to end of hind toe (without claws). . . . 2*02 Weight 14X ounces. 168 DOMESTIC PIGEON'S. Fig. 17.— The Rock -pigeon, or Columba livia." The parent-form of all domesticated Pigeons. 6 This drawing was made from a dead meier. It may be confidently asserted bird. The six following figures were that the characters of the six breeds drawn with great care by Mr. Luke Wells which have been figured are not in the from living birds selected by Mr. Teget- least exaggerated. Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BEEEDS. 1G9 f .f > o o Dove-cot pigeon. Swallow. Spot. Nun. English Friil-back. Laugher. Trumpeter. a S3 -sir -J a' Eh a Si o _2 S3. a a O 3 OH PP 2 9« e3 PL, CJ P o © Pl.,-3 o °q«j rf a e _ »g a '< 6s 3 170 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. C^AP. V. Fig. 18. — English Pouter. Gkoup I. This group includes a single race, that of the Pouters. If the most strongly marked sub-race be taken, namely, the Improved English Pouter, this is perhaps the most distinct of all domesticated pigeons. Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 171 Race I. — Pouter Pigeons. (Kropf-tanben, German. Grosses-gorges, or boulans, French.) (Esophagus of great size, barely separated from the crop, often inflated. Body and legs elongated. Beak of moderate dimensions. Sub-race I. — The improved English Pouter, when its crop is fully inflated, presents a truly astonisliing appearance. The habit of slightly inflating the crop is common to all domestic pigeons, but is carried to an extreme in the Pouter. The crop does not differ, ex- cept in size, from that of other pigeons ; but is less plainly separated ,by an oblique construction from the oesophagus. The diameter of the upper part of the oesophagus is immense, even close up to the head. The beak in one bird which I possessed was almost com- pletely buried when the oesophagus was fully expanded. The males, especially when excited, pout more than the females, and they glory in exercising this power. If a bird will not, to use the technical ex- pression, " play," the fancier, as I have witnessed, by taking the beak into his mouth, blows him up like a balloon ; and the bird, then puffed up with wind and pride, struts about, retaining his magnifi- cent size as long as he can. Pouters often take flight with their crops inflated ; and after one of my birds had swallowed a good meal of peas and water, as he flew up in order to disgorge them and thus feed his nearly fledged young, I have heard the peas rattling in his inflated crop as if in a bladder. When flying they often strike the backs of their wings together, and thus make a clapping noise. Pouters stand remarkably upright, and their bodies are thin and elongated. In connexion with this form of body, the ribs are gene- rally broader and the vertebrae more numerous than in other breeds. From their manner of standing their legs appear longer than they really are, though in proportion with those of C. lima, the legs and feet are actually longer. The wings appear much elongated, but by measurement, in relation to the length of body, this is not the case. The beak likewise appears longer, but it is in fact a little shorter (about - 03 of an inch), proportionally with the size of the body, and relatively to the beak of the rock-pigeon. The Pouter, though not bulky, is a large bird ; I measured one which was 34£ inches from tip to tip of wing, and 19 inches from tip of beak to end of tail. In a wild rock-pigeon from the Shetland Islands the same measurements gave only 28£ and 14f . There are many sub-varieties of the Pouter of different colours, but these I pass over. 172 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. Sub-race II. Dutch Pouter. — This seems to be the parent-form of our improved English Pouters. I kept a pair, but I suspect that they were not pure birds. They are smaller than English Pouters, and less well developed in all their characters. Neumeister 7 says that the wings are crossed over the tail, and do not reach to its ex- tremity. Sub-race III. The Lille Pouter. — I know this breed only from description." It approaches in general form the Dutch Pouter, but the inflated oesophagus assumes a spherical form, as if the pigeon had swallowed a large orange, which had stuck close under the beak. This inflated ball is represented as rising to a level with the crown of the head. The middle toe alone is feathered. A variety of this sub-race, called the claquant, is described by MM. Boitard and Corbie ; it pouts but little, and is characterised by the habit of violently hitting its wings together over its back, — a habit which the English Pouter has in a slight degree. Sub-race IV. Common German Pouter. — I know this bird only from the figures and description given by the accurate Neumeister, one of the few writers on pigeons who, as I have found, may be al- ways trusted. This sub-race seems considerably different. The up- per part of the oesophagus is much less distended. The bird stands less upright. The feet are not feathered, and the legs and beak are shorter. In these respects there is an approach in form to the com- mon rock-pigeon. The tail-feathers are very long, yet the tips of the closed wings extend beyond the end of the tail ; and the length of the wings, from tip to tip, and of the body, is greater than in the English Pouter. Group IT. This group includes three Races, namely, Carriers, Runts, and Barbs, which are manifestly allied to each other. Indeed, certain carriers and runts pass into each other by such insensible gradations that an arbitrary line has to be drawn between them. Carriers also graduate through foreign breeds into the rock-pigeon. Yet, if well- characterised Carriers and Barbs (see figs. 19 and 20) had existed as wild species, no ornithologist would have placed them in the same genus with each other or with the rock- 7 ' Das Ganze der Taubenzucht :' Wei- 8 Boitard and Corbie, * Les Pigeons,' mar, 1837, pi. 11 and 12. &c, 177, pi. 6. Cuap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 173 pigeon. This group may, as a general rule, l)e recognised by the beak being long, with the skin over the nostrils swollen and often carunculated or wattled, and with that round the eyes bare and likewise carunculated. The mouth is very wide, and the feet are large. Nevertheless the Barb, which must be classed in this same group, has a very short beak, and some runts have very little bare skin round their eyes. Race II. — Caheieus. (Tiirkische Taube : Pigeons Turcs : Dragons.) Beak elongated, narrow, pointed; eyes surrounded by much naked, generally caruncidated s/ci?i / neck and body elongated. Sub-race I. The English Carrier. — This is a fine bird, of large size, close feathered, generally dark-coloured, with an elongated neck. The beak is attenuated and of -wonderful length : in one specimen it was 14 inch in length from the feathered base to the tip ; therefore nearly twice as long as that of the rock-pigeon, which measured only -77. Whenever I compare proportionally any part in the carrier and rock-pigeon, I take the length of the body from the base of the beak to the end of the tail as the standard of compari- son ; and according to this standard, the beak in one Carrier was nearly half an inch longer than in the rock-pigeon. The upper mandible is often slightly arched. The tongue is very long. The development of the carunculated skin or wattle round the eyes, over the nostrils, and on the lower mandible is prodigious. The eyelids, measured longitudinally, were in some specimens" exactly twice as lonjj as in the rock-pigeon. The external orifice or furrow of the nostrils was also twice as long. The open mouth in its widest part was in one case "75 of an inch in width, whereas in the rock-pigeon it is only about '4 of an inch. This great width of mouth is shown in the skeleton by the reflexed edges of the ramus of the lower jaw. The head is flat on the summit and narrow between the orbits. The feet are large and coarse ; the length, as measured from end of hind toe to end of middle toe (without the claws), was in two specimens 20 inches ; and this, proportionally with the rock-pigeon, is an ex- cess of nearly a quarter of an iuch. One very fine Carrier measured 31.V inches from tip to tip of wing. Birds of this sub-race are too valuable to be flown as carriers. 174 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. Sub-race II. Dragons; Persian Carriers. — The English Dragon differs from the improved English Carrier in heing smaller in all its dimensions, and in having less wattle round the eyes and over the nostrils, and none on the lower mandible. Sir W. Elliot sent me from Madras a Bagdad Carrier (sometimes called khandesi), the name of which shows its Persian origin ; it would be considered Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 175 here a very poor Dragon ; the body was of the size of the rock- pigeon, with the beak a little longer, namely, 1 inch from the tip to the feathered base. The skin round the eyes was only slightly wattled, whilst that over the nostrils was fairly wattled. The Hon. C. Murray, also, sent me two Carriers direct from Persia ; these had nearly the same character as the Madras bird, being about as large as the rock-pigeon, but the beak in one specimen was as much as 1'15 in length ; the skin over the nostrils was only moderately, and that round the eyes scarcely at all wattled. Sub-race III. Bagadotten-Tauben of Neumeister (Pavdotten or Hocker-Tauben). — I owe to the kindness of Mr. Baily, jun., a dead specimen of this singular breed imported from Germany. It is certainly allied to the Runts ; nevertheless, from its close affinity with Carriers, it will be convenient here to describe it. The beak is long, and is hooked or bowed downwards in a highly remarkable manner, as will be seen in the woodcut to be hereafter given when I treat of the skeleton. The eyes are surrounded by a wide space of bright red skin, which, as well as that over the nostrils, is mode- rately wattled. The breast-bone is remarkably protuberant, being abruptly bowed outwards. The feet and tarsi are of great length, larger than in first-rate English Carriers. The whole bird is of large size, but in proportion to the size of the body the feathers of the wing and tail are short ; a wild-rock pigeon of considerably less size, had tail-feathers 46 inches in length, whereas in the large Bagadotten these feathers were scarcely over 44 inches in length. Riedel 9 remarks that it is a very silent bird. Sub-race IV. Bussorah Carrier. — Two specimens were sent me by Sir W. Elliot from Madras, one in spirits and the other skinned. The name shows its Persian origin. It is much valued in India, and is considered as a distinct breed from the Bagdad Carrier, which forms my second sub-race. At first I suspected that these two sub-races might have been recently formed by crosses with other breeds, though the estimation in which they are held renders this improbable ; but in a Persian treatise, 10 believed to have been written about 100 years ago, the Bagdad and Bussorah breeds are described as distinct. The Bussorah Carrier is of about the same size with the wild rock-pigeon. The shape of the beak, with some little carunculated skin over the nostrils, — the much elongated eyelids, — the broad mouth measured internally, — the narrow head, — the feet proportionally a little longer than in the rock-pigeon, — and • 'Die Taubenzucht, 1 Ulm, 1824, s. 42. owe to the great kindness of Sir W. Elliot 10 This treatise was written by Sayzid a translation of this curious treatise. Mohammed Musari, who died in 1770 : I 176 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. the general appearance, all show that this bird is an undoubted Carrier; yet in one specimen the beak was of exactly the same length as in the rock-pigeon. In the other specimen the beak (as well as the opening of the nostrils) was only a very little longer, viz. by - 08 of an inch. Although there was a considerable space of bare and slightly carunculated skin round the eyes, that over the nostrils was only in a slight degree rugose. Sir W. Elliot informs me that in the living bird the eye seems remarkably large and prominent, and the same fact is noticed in the Persian treatise ; but the bony orbit is barely larger than that in the rock-pigeon. Amongst the several breeds sent to me from Madras by Sir W. Elliot there is a pair of the Kala Par, black birds with the beak slightly elongated, with the skin over the nostrils rather full, and with a little naked skin round the eyes. This breed seems more closely allied to the Carrier than to any other breed, being nearly intermediate between the Bussorah Carrier and the rock-pigeon. The names applied in different parts of Europe and in India to the several kinds of Carriers all point to Persia or the surrounding countries as the source of this Race. And it deserves especial notice that, even if we neglect the Kala Par as of doubtful origin, we get a series broken by very small steps, from the rock-pigeon, through the Bussorah, which sometimes has a beak not at all longer than that of the rock-pigeon and with the naked skin round the eyes and over the nostrils very slightly swollen and carunculated, through the Bagdad sub-race and Dragons, to our improved English Carriers, which present so marvellous a difference from the rock-pigeon or Columba Kvia. Race III. — Runts. (Scanderoons : DieFlorentiner-Taube and Hinkel-Tanbe of Neumeister: Pigeon Bagadais, Pigeon Romain.) JBeaJc long, massive / body of great size. Inextricable confusion reigns in the classification, affinities, and naming of Runts. Several characters which are generally pretty constant in other pigeons, such as the length of the wings, tail, legs, and neck, and the amount of naked skin round the eyes, are excessively variable in Runts. When the naked skin over the nostrils and round the eyes is considerably developed and wattled, and when the size of body is not very great, Runts graduate in so insensible a manner into Carriers, that the distinction is quite arbi- trary. This fact is likewise shown by the names given to them in different parts of Europe. Nevertheless, taking the most distinct Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 177 forms, at least five sub-races (some of tliem including well-marked varieties) can be distinguished, which differ in such important points of structure, that they would be considered as good species in a state of nature. Sub-i-ace I. Scanderoon of English tcriters (Die Florentiner and Ilinkel-Tauhe of Xeumeister). — Birds of this sub-race, of which I kept one alive and have since seen two others, differ from the Baga- dotten of Xeumeister only in not having the beak nearly so much curved downwards, and in the naked skin round the eyes and over the nostrils being hardly at all wattled. Nevertheless I have felt myself compelled to place the Bagadotten in Race II., or that of the Carriers, and the present bird in Race III., or that of the Runts. The Scanderoon has a very short, narrow, and elevated tail ; wings extremely short, so that the first primary feathers were not longer than those of a small tumbler pigeon ! Neck long, much bowed ; breast-bone prominent. Beak long, being 1'15 inch from tip to feathered base ; vertically thick ; slightly curved downwards. The skin over the nostrils swollen, not wattled ; naked skin round the eyes, broad, slightly carunculated. Legs long , feet very large. Skin of neck bright red, often showing a naked medial line, with a naked red patch at the distant end of the radius of the wing. My bird, as measured from the base of the beak to the root of the tail, was fully 2 inches longer than the rock-pigeon ; yet the tail itself was only four inches in length, whereas in the rock-pigeon, which is a much smaller bird, the tail is 4f inches in length. The Hinkel or Flore ntiner-Taube of Xeumeister (Table XIII., fig. 1) agrees with the above description in all the specified characters (for the beak is not mentioned), except that Neumeister expressly says that the neck is short, whereas in my Scanderoon it was re- markably long and bowed ; so that the Hinkel forms a well-marked variety. Sub-race II. Pigeon Cygne and Pigeon Bagadais of Boitard and. Corbie (Scanderoon of French writers). — I kept two of these birds aUve, imported from France. They differed from the first sub-race or true Scanderoon in the much greater.length of the wing and tail, in the beak not being so long, and in the skin about the head being more carunculated. The skin of the neck is red ; but the naked patches on the wings are absent. One of my birds measured 38-J- inches from tip to tip of wing. By taking the length of the body as the standard of comparison, the two wings were no less than 5 inches longer than those of the rock-pigeon ! The tail was 6J inches in length, and therefore 2J inches longer than that of the Scande- roon, — a bird of nearly the same size. The beak is longer, thicker, and broader than in the rock-pigeon, proportionally with the size 1 78 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. of body. The eyelids, nostrils, and internal gape of mouth are all proportionally very large, as in Carriers. The foot, from the end of the middle to end of hind toe, was actually 285 inches in length, which is an excess of 32 of an inch over the foot of the rock-pigeon, relatively to the size of the two birds. Sub-race III Spanish and Roman Runts. — I am not sure that I am right in placing these Runts in a distinct sub-race ; yet, if we take well-characterized birds, there can be no doubt of the propriety of the separation. They are heavy, massive birds, with shorter necks, legs, and beaks than in the foregoing races. The skin over the nostrils is swollen, but not carunculated ; the naked skin round the eyes is not very wide, and only slightly carunculated ; and I have seen a fine so-called Spanish Runt with hard]y any naked skin round the eyes. Of the two varieties to be seen in England, one, which is the rarer, has very long wings and tail, and agrees pretty chosely with the last sub-race ; the other, with shorter wings and tail, is apparently the Pigeon Romain ordinaire of Boitard and Corbie. These Runts are apt to tremble like Fantails. They are bad flyers. A few years ago Mr. Gulliver n exhibited a Runt which weighed 1 lb. 14 oz. ; and, as I am informed by Mr. Tegetmeier, two Runts from the south of France were lately exhibited at the Crystal Palace, each of which weighed 2 lbs. 2-J- oz. A very fine rock-pigeon from the Shetland Islands weighed only 14^ oz. Sub-race IV. Tronfo of Aldrovandi (Leghorn Runt ?). — In Aldro- vandi's work published in 1600 there is a coarse woodcut of a great Italian pigeon, with an elevated tail, short legs, massive body, and with the beak short and thick. I had imagined that this latter character, so abnormal in the group, was merely a false representa- tion from bad drawing ; but Moore, in his work published in 1735, says that he possessed a Leghorn Runt of which " the beak was very short for so large a bird." In other respects Moore's bird re- sembled the first sub-race of Scanderoon, for it had a long bowed neck, long legs, short beak, and elevated tail, and not much wattle about the head. So that Aldrovandi's and Moore's birds must have formed distinct varieties, both of which seem to be now extinct in Europe. Sir W. Elliot, however, informs rne that he has seen in Madras a short-beaked Runt imported from Cairo. Sub-race V. Murassa (adorned Pigeon) of Madras. — Skins of these handsome chequered birds were sent me from Madras by Sir W. Elliot. They are rather larger than the largest rock-pigeon, with longer and more massive beaks. The skin over the nostrils is 11 'Poultry Chronicle,' vol. ii. p. 573. Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 179 rather full and very slightly carunculated, and they have some naked skin round the eyes : feet large. This hreed is intermediate between the rock-pigeon and a very poor variety of Runt or Car- rier. From these several descriptions we see that with Runts, as with Carriers, we have a fine gradation from the rock-pigeon (with the Tronfo diverging as a distinct branch) to our largest and most mas- sive Runts. But the chain of affinities, and many points of resem- blance, between Runts and Carriers, make me believe that these two races have not descended by independent lines from the rock- pigeon, but from some common parent, as represented in the Table, which had already acquired a moderately long beak, with slightly swollen skin over the nostrils, and with some slightly carunculated naked skin round the eyes. Race IV. — Barbs. (Indische-Taube : Pigeons Polonais.) Heak short, broad, deep; naked skin round, the eyes, broad and carunculated / skin over nostrils slightly swollen. Misled by the extraordinary shortness and form of the beak, I did not at first perceive the near affinity of this Race to that of Carriers until the fact was pointed out to me by Mr. Brent. Subsequently, after examining the Bussorah Carrier, I saw that no very great amount of modification would be requisite to convert it into a Barb. This view of the affinity of Barbs to Carriers is supported by the analogical difference between the short and long-beaked Runts ; and still more strongly by the fact that young Barbs and Dragons, within 24 hours after being hatched, resemble each other more closely than do young pigeons of other and equally distinct breeds. At this early age, the length of beak, the swollen skin over the ra- ther open nostrils, the gape of the mouth, and the size of the feet, are the same in both ; although these parts afterwards become widely different. We thus see that embryology (as the comparison of very young animals may perhaps be called) comes into play in the classification of domestic varieties, as with species in a state of nature. Fanciers, with some truth, compare the head and beak of the Barb to that of a bullfinch. The Barb, if found in a state of nature, would certainly have been placed in a new genus formed for its re- ception. The body is a little larger than that of the rock-pigeon, but the beak is more than 2 of an inch shorter ; although shorter, 180 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. it is both vertically and horizontally thicker. From the outward flexure of the rami of the lower jaw, the mouth internally is very Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 181 broad, iu the proportion of "G to - 4 to that of the rock-pigeon. The ■whole head is broad. The skin over the nostrils is swollen, but not carunculated, except slightly in first-rate birds when old ; whilst the naked skin round the eye is broad and much carunculated. It is sometimes so much developed, that a bird belonging to Mr. Harri- son Weir could hardly see to pick up food from the ground. The eyelids in one specimen were nearly twice as long as those of the rock-pigeon. The feet are coarse and strong, but proportionally rather shorter than in the rock-pigeon. The plumage is generally darkand uniform. Barbs, in short, may be called short-beaked Car- riers, bearing the same relation to Carriers that the Tronfo of Aldro- vandi does to the common Runt. Group III. This group is artificial, and includes a heterogeneous collection of distinct forms. It may be defined by the beak in well-characterised specimens of the several races, being shorter than in the rock-pigeon, and by the skin round the eyes not being much developed. Race V. — Fantails. Sub-race I. European Fanta&a (Pfauen-Taube j Trembleurs). Tail expanded, directed upwards, formed of many feathers; oil-gland aborted ; body and beak rather short. The normal number of tail-feathers in the genus Columba is 12 ; but Fantails have from only 12 (as has been asserted) up to, ac- cording to MM. Boitard and Corbie, 42. I have counted in one of my own birds 33, and at Calcutta Mr. Blyth 12 has counted in an im- perfect tail 34 feathers. In Madras, as I am informed by Sir W. Elliot, 32 is the standard number ; but in England number is much less valued than the position and expansion of the tail. The feath- ers are arranged in an irregular double row ; their permanent ex- pansion, like a fan, and their upward direction, are more remarkable characters than their increased number. The tail is capable of the same movements as in other pigeons, and can be depressed so as to sweep the ground. It arises from a more expanded basis than in other pigeons ; and in three skeletons there were one or two extra coccygeal vertebra?. I have examined many specimens of various :2 ' Annals and Mag. of Nat. History,' vol. xix., 1?4T, p. 105. 182 DOMESTIC PIGEOXS. Ceap. V. colours from different countries, and there was no trace of the oil- gland ; this is a curious case of abortion. 13 The neck is thin and 13 This gland occurs in most birds ; 1S40, p. 55) states that it is absent in two but Nitzsch (in his ' Pterylographie,' species of Columba, in several sp»cies of Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 183 bowed backwards. Tbe breast is broad and protuberant. Tbe fest are small. The carriage of tbe bird is very different from that of other pigeons ; in good birds the head touches the tail-feathers, which consequently often become crumpled. They habitually trem- ble much ; and their necks have an extraordinary, apparently con- vulsive, backward and forward movement. Good birds walk in a singular manner, as if their small feet were stiff. Owing to their large tails, they fly badly on a windy day. The dark-coloured vari- eties are generally larger than white Fantails. Although between the best and common Fantails, now existing in England, there is a vast difference in the position and size of the tail, in the carriage of the head and neck, in the convulsive move- ments of the neck, in the manner of walking, and in the breadth of the breast, the differences so graduate away, that it is impossi- ble to make more than one sub-race. Moore, however, an excellent old authority, 14 says, that in 1735 there were two sorts of broad- tailed shakers (i.e. fantails), " one having a neck much longer and more slender than the other ;" and I am informed by Mr. B. P. Brent that there is an existing German Fantail with a thicker and shorter beak. Sub-iYice II Jam Faidiiil — Mr. Swinhoe sent me from Amoy, in China, the skin of a Fantail belonging to a breed known to have been imported from Java. It was coloured in a peculiar manner, unlike any European Fantail, and, for a fantail, had a remarkably short beak. Athough a good bird of the kind, it had only 14 tail- feathers ; but Mr. Swinhoe has counted in other birds of this breed from 18 to 24 tail-feathers. From a rough sketch sent to me, it is evident that the tail is not so much expanded or so much upraised as in even second-rate European Fantails. The bird shakes its neck like our Fantails. It had a well-developed oil-gland. Fantails were known in India, as we shall hereafter see, before the year lfiOO ; and we may suspect that in the Java Fantail we see the breed in its eariier and less improved condition. Psittaeus, in some species of Otis, and in namely 16, and in this respect resemble most or all birds of the Ostrich family. Fantails. It can hardly be an accidental coinci- ' •'Seethe two excellent editions pub- dence that the two species of Columba, lished by Mr. J. M. Eaton in 1S52 and which are destitute of an oil-gland, have 1S5S, entitled ' A Treatise on Fancy *n unusual number of tail-feathers, Pigeons.' 184 DOMESTIC PIGEONS.' Chap. V. Race VI. — Tuebit and Owl. (Moven-Taube : Pigeons a cravate.) Feathers divergent along the front of the neck and breast ; beak very short, vertically rather thick ; cesopha- gus someiohat enlarged. Turbits and Owls differ from each other slightly in the shape of the head, in the former having a crest, and in the curvature of the beak, but they may be here conveniently grouped together. These pretty birds, some of which are very small, can be recognised at once by the feathers irregularly diverging, like a frill, along the front of the neck, in the same manner, but in a less degree, as along the back of the neck in the Jacobin. This bird has the remarkable habit of continually and momentarily inflating the upper part of the oesophagus, which causes a movement in the frill. When the oesophagus of a dead bird was inflated, it was seen to be larger than in other breeds, and not so distinctly separated from the crop. The Pouter inflates both its true crop and oesophagus ; the Turbit inflates in a much less degree the oesophagus alone. The beak of the Turbit is very short, being - 28 of an inch shorter than that of the rock-pigeon, proportionally with the size of their bodies ; and in some owls brought by Mr. E. Vernon Harcourt from Tunis, it was even shorter. The beak is vertically thicker, and perhaps a little broader, in proportion to that of the rock-pigeon. Race VII. — Tumbleks. (Ttimmler, or Burzel-Tauben: Culbutants.) During fight, tumble backwards; body generally small; beak generally short, sometimes excessively short and conical. This Race may be divided into four sub-races, namely, Persian, Lotan, Common, and Short-faced Tumblers. These sub-races in- clude many varieties which breed true. I have examined eight skeletons of various kinds of Tumblers : excepting in one imperfect and doubtful specimen, the ribs are only seven in number, whereas the rock-pigeon has eight ribs. Sub-race I. Persian Tumblers.— I have received a pair direct from Persia, from the Hon. C. Murray. They were rather smaller birds than the wild rock-pigeon, being about the size of the common Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 185 dovecot-pigeon, white and mottled, slightly feathered on the feet, with the beak j ust perceptibly shorter than in the rock-pigeon. H. M. Consul, Mr. Keith Abbott, informs me that the difference in the length of beak is so slight, that only practised Persian fanciers can 180 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. distinguish these Tumblers from the common pigeon of the country. He informs me that they fly in flocks high up in the air and tumble well. Some of them occasionally appear to become giddy and tum- ble to the ground, in which respect they resemble some of our Tumblers. Sub-race II Lolan, or Lowtun : Indian Ground tumblers. — These birds present one of the most remarkable inherited habits or instincts which have ever been recorded. The specimens sent to me from Madras by Sir. W. Elliot are white, slightly feathered on the feet, with the feathers on the head reversed ; and they are rather smaller than the rock or dovecot pigeon. The beak is proportion- ally only slightly shorter and rather thinner than in the rock-pigeon. These birds when gently shaken and placed on the ground immedi- ately begin tumbling head over heels, and they continue thus to tumble until taken up and soothed, — the ceremony being generally to blow in their faces, as in recovering a person from a state of hypnotism or mesmerism. It is asserted that they will continue to roll over till they die, if not taken up. There is abundant evidence with respect to these remarkable peculiarities ; but what makes the case the more worthy of attention is, that the habit has been strictly inherited since before the year 1600, for the breed is distinctly de- scribed in the 'Ayeen Akbery.' 15 Mr. Evans kept a pair in London, imported by Captain Vigne ; and he assures me that he has seen them tumble in the air, as well as in the manner above described on the ground. Sir W. Elliot, however, writes to me from Madras, that he is informed that they tumble exclusively on the ground, or at a very small height above it. He also mentions another sub- variety, called the Kalmi Lotan, which begins to roll over if only touched on the neck with a rod or wand. Sub-race III. Common English Tumblers. — These birds have ex- actly the same habits as the Persian Tumbler, but tumble better. The English bird is rather smaller than the Persian, and the beak is plainly shorter. Compared with the rock-pigeon, and proportion- ally with the size of body, the beak is from "15 to nearly - 2 of an inch shorter, but it is not thinner. There are several varieties of the common Tumbler, namely, Baldheads, Beards, and Dutch Rollers. I have kept the latter alive ; they have differently shaped heads, 15 EDgHsh translation, by F. Gladwin, present. Mr. Blyth describes these birds 4th edition, vol. i. The habit of the Lo- in ' Aunals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' vol. tan is also described in the Persian trea- xiv., 1S47, p. 104 : he says that they tise before alluded to, published about " may be seen at any of the Calcutta 100 years ago: at this date the Lotans bird-dealers." were generally white and crested as at Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 187 longer necks, and are feather-footed. They tumble to an extraor- dinary degree ; as Mr. Brent remarks, 16 " Every few seconds over they " go ; one, two, or three summersaults at a time. Here and there a bird " gives a very quick and rapid spin, revolving like a wheel, though "they sometimes lose their balance, and make a rather ungraceful " fall, in which they occasionally hurt themselves by striking some "object." From Madras I have received several specimens of the common Tumbler of India, differing slightly from each other in the length of their beaks. Mr. Brent sent me a dead specimen of a " House-tumbler," " which is a Scotch variety, not differing in gen- eral appearance and form of beak from the common Tumbler. Mr. Brent states that these birds generally begin to tumble " almost as soon " as they can well fly ; at three months old they tumble well, but still " fly strong ; at five or six months they tumble excessively ; and in " the second year they mostly give up flying, on account of their " tumbling so much and so close to the ground. Some fly round with " the flock, throwing a clean summersault every few yards, till they "are obliged to settle from giddiness and exhaustion. These are " called Air Tumblers, and they commonly throw from twenty to " thirty sumrnersavdts in a minute, each clear and clean. I have one " red cock that I have on two or three occasions timed by my watch "and counted forty summersaults in the minute. Others tumble " differently. At first they throw a single summersault, then it is " double, till it becomes a continuous roll, which puts an end to fly- " ing, for if they fly a few yards over they go, and roll till they " reach the ground. Thus I had one kill herself, and another broke " his leg. Many of them turn over only a few inches from the ground, " and will tumble two or three times in flying across their loft. These " are called House-Tumblers, from tumbling in the house. The act " of tumbling seems to be one over which they have no control, an " involuntary movement which they seem to try to prevent. I have " seen a bird sometimes in his struggles fly a yard or two straight " upwards, the impulse forcing him backwards while he struggles " to go forwards. If suddenly startled, or in a strange place, they " seem less able to fly than if quiet in their accustomed loft." These House-tumblers differ from the Lotan or Ground Tumbler of India, in not requiring to be shaken in order to begin tumbling. The breed has probably been formed merely by selecting the best com- 14 'Journal of Horticulture,' Oct. 22, Gardener,' 1S5S, p. 285. Also Mr. Brent's 1S61, p. 76. paper, 'Journal of Horticulture,' 1861, p. 17 See the account of the House-tum- 76. biers kept at Glasgow, in the ' Cottage 188 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. mon Tumblers, though it is possible that they may have been crossed at some former period with Lotans. Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 189 dub-race IV. Short-faced Tumblers. — These are marvellous birds and are the glory and pride of many fanciers. In their extremely short, sharp, and conical beaks, with the skin over the nostrils but little developed, they almost depart from the type of the Coluinbida?. Their heads are nearly globular and upright in front, so that some fanciers say 18 " the head should resemble a cherry with a barley- corn stuck in it." These are the smallest kind of pigeons. Mr. Es- quilant possessed a blue Baldhead, two years old, which when alive weighed, before feeding-time, only G oz. 5 drs. ; two others each weighed 7 oz. We have seen that a wild rock-pigeon weighed 14 oz. 2 drs., and a Runt 34 oz. 4 drs. Short-faced Tumblers have a remarkably erect carriage, with prominent breasts, drooping wings, and very small feet. The length of the beak from the tip to the feathered base was in one good bird only 4 of an inch ; in a wild rock-pigeon it was exactly double this length. As these Tumblers have shorter bodies than the wild rock-pigeons, they ought of course to have shorter beaks ; but proportionally with the size of the body, the beak is '28 of an inch too short. So, again, the feet of this bird were actually "46 shorter, and proportionally 21 of an inch shorter, than the feet of the rock-pigeon. The middle toe has only twelve or thirteen, instead of fourteen or fifteen scutellse. The primary wing- feathers are not rarely only nine instead of ten in number. The im- proved short-faced Tumblers have almost lost the power of tum- bling ; but there are several authentic accounts of their occasionally tumbling. There are several sub-varieties, such as Baldheads, Beards, Mottles, and Almonds ; the latter are remarkable from not acquiring the perfectly-coloured plumage until they have moulted three or four times. There is good reason to believe that most of these sub-varieties, some of which breed truly, have arisen since the publication of Moore's treatise in 1735. 19 Finally, in regard to the whole group of Tumblers, it is impossi- ble to conceive a more perfect gradation than I have now lying be- fore me, from the rock-pigeon, through Persian, Lotan, and Common Tumblers, up to the marvellous short-faced birds ; which latter, no ornithologist, judging from mere external structure, would place in the same genus with the rock -pigeon. The differences between the successive steps in this series are not greater than those which may be observed between common dovecot-pigeons (C livia) brought from different countries. 18 J. M. Eaton's ' Treatise on Pigeons,' ,9 J. M. Eaton's Treatise, edit. 1S58, 1852, p. 9. p. 76. 190 DOMESTIC. PIGEONS. Chap. V. Race VIII. — Indian Frill-back. Beak very short y feathers reversed. A specimen of this bird, in spirits, was sent to me from Madras by Sir W. Elliot. It is -wholly different from the Frill-back often exhibited in England. It is a smallish bird, about the size of the common Tumbler, but has a beak in all its proportions like our short-faced Tumblers. The beak, measured from the tip to the feathered base, was only - 46 of an inch in length. The feathers over the whole body are reversed or curl backwards. Had this bird occurred in Europe, I should have thought it only a monstrous variety of our improved Tumbler ; but as short-faced Tumblers are not known in India, I think it must rank as a distinct breed. Proba- bly this is the breed seen by Hasselquist in 1757 at Cairo, and said to have been imported from India. Race IX. — Jacobin. (Zopf or Peril cken-Taube : Non- nains.) Feathers of the neck forming a hood ; wings and tail long; beak moderately short. This pigeon can at once be recognised by its hood, almost enclos- ing the head and meeting in front of the neck. The hood seems to be merely an exaggeration of the crest of reversed feathers on the back of the head, which is common to many sub-varieties, and which in the Latz-taube 20 is in a nearly intermediate state between a hood and a crest. The feathers of the hood are elongated. Both the wings and tail are likewise much elongated ; thus the folded wing of the Jacobin, though a somewhat smaller bird, is fully 1£ inch longer than in the rock-pigeon. Taking the length of the body without the tail as the standard of comparison, the folded wing, proportionally with the wings of the rock-pigeon, is 2£ inches too long, and the two wings, from tip to tip, 5£ inches too long. In disposition this bird is singularly quiet, seldom flying or moving about, as Bechstein and Riedel have likewise remarked in Ger- many. 21 The latter author also notices the length of the wings and tail. The beak is nearly - 2 of an inch shorter in proportion to the size of the body than in the rock-pigeon ; but the internal gape of the mouth is considerably wider. ?° Neumeister, 'Taubenzucht,' Tab. 4, 26. Bechstein,' Naturgeschichte Deutsch. g. i. lands,' Band iv. s. 36, 1795. 81 Riedel, ' Die Taubenzucht,' 1824, 8. Cjat.X. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 191 Group IV. The birds of this group may be characterised by their resemblance in all important points of structure, espe- cially in the beak, to the rock-pigeon. The Trumpeter forms the only well-marked race. Of the numerous other sub-races and varieties I shall specify only a few of the most distinct, which I have myself seen and kept alive. Race X. — Trumpeter. (Trommel-Taube ; Pigeon tam- bour ; glougou.) A tuft of feathers at the base of the beak curling for- ward ; f:<:t much feathered y voice very peculiar ; size ex- ceeding that of the rock-pigeon. This is a •well-marked breed, with a peculiar voice, wholly unlike that of any other pigeon. The coo is rapidly repeated, and is con- tinued for several minutes ; hence their name of Trumpeters. They are also characterised by a tuft of elongated feathers, which curls forward over the base of the beak, and which is possessed by no other breed. Their feet are so heavily feathered, that they almost appear like little wings. They are larger birds than the rock- pigeon, but their beak is of very nearly the same proportional size. Their feet are rather small. This breed was perfectly characterised in Moore's time, in 1735. Mr. Brent says that two varieties exist, which differ in size. Race XI. — Scarcely differing in structure from the icild Columba livia. Sub-race I. Laughers. Size less tlian the Rock-pigeon ; voice very peculiar. — As this bird agrees in nearly all its proportions with the • rock-pigeon, though of smaller size, I should not have thought it worthy of mention, had it not been for its peculiar voice — a cha- racter supposed seldom to vary with birds. Although the voice of the Laugher is very different from that of the Trumpeter, yet one of my Trumpeters used to utter a single note like that of the Laugher. I have kept two varieties of Laughers, which differed only in one variety being turn-crowned ; the smooth-headed kind, for which I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Brent, besides its peculiar note, used to coo in a singular and pleasing manner, which, 192 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. independently, struck both Mr. Brent and myself as resembling that of the turtle-dove. Both varieties come from Arabia. This breed was known by Moore in 1735. A pigeon which seems to say Yak- roo is mentioned in 1600 in the ' Ayeen Akbery,' and is probably the same breed. Sir W. Elliot has also sent me from Madras a pigeon called Yahui, said to have come from Mecca, which does not differ in appearance from the Laugher ; it has " a deep melancholy voice, like Yahu, often repeated." Yabu, yahu, means Oh God, Oh God ; and Sayzid Mohammed Musari, in the treatise written about 100 years ago, says that these birds " are not flown, because they repeat the name of the Most High God." Mr. Keith Abbott, however, in- forms me that the common pigeon is called Yahoo in Persia. Sub-race II Common Frill-back (Die Strupp-Taube). Beak rather longer than in the Rock-pigeon ; feathers reversed. — This is a con- siderably larger bird than the rock-pigeon, and with the beak, pro- portionally with the size of body, a little (viz. by *04 of an inch) longer. The feathers, especially on the wing-coverts, have their points curled upwards or backwards. Sub-race III. Nuns (Pigeons-coquilles). — These elegant birds are smaller than the rock-pigeon. The beak is actually - 17, and pro- portionally with the size of the body 1 of an inch shorter than in the rock -pigeons, although of the same thickness. In young birds the scutellse on the tarsi and toes are generally of a leaden-black colour ; and this is a remarkable character (though observed in a lesser degree in some other breeds), as the colour of the legs in the adult state is subject to very little variation in any breed. I have on two or three occasions counted thirteen or fourteen feathers in the tail ; this likewise occurs in the barely distinct breed called Helmets. Nuns are symmetrically coloured, with the head, primary wing-feathers, tail, and tail-coverts of the same colour, namely, black or red, and with the rest of the body white. This breed has retained the same character since Aldrovandi wrote in 1600. I have received from Madras almost similarly colored birds. Sub-race IV. Spots (Die Blass-Taube : Pigeons heurtes). — These birds are a very little larger than the rock- pigeon, with the beak a trace smaller in all its dimensions, and with the feet decidedly smaller. They are symmetrically coloured, with a spot on the fore- head, with the tail and tail-coverts of the same colour, the rest of the body being white. This breed existed in 1676 ; 22 and in 1735 Moore remarks that they breed truly, as is the case at the present day. Sub-race V. Swallows. — These birds, as measured from tip to tip 22 WillougUby's 'Ornithology,' edited by Ray. Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 193 of wing, or from the end of the beak to the end of the tail, exceed in size the rock-pigeon ; but their bodies are much less bulky ; their feet and legs are likewise smaller. The beak is of about the same length, but rather slighter. Altogether their general appearance is considerably different from that of the rock-pigeon. Their heads and wings are of the same colour, the rest of the body being white. Their flight is said to be peculiar. This seems to be a modern breed, which, however, originated before the year 1795 in Germany, for it is described by Bechstein. Besides the several breeds now described, three or four other very distinct kinds existed lately, or perhaps still exist, in Germany and France. Firstly, the Karmeliten, or Carme Pigeon, which I have not seen ; it is described as of small size with very short legs, and with an extremely short beak. Secondly, the Finnikin, which is now extinct in England. It had, according to Moore's 23 treatise, pub- lished in 1735, a tuft of feathers on the hinder part of the head, which ran down its back not unlike a horse's mane. " When it is salacious it rises over the hen and turns round three or four times, flapping its wings, then reverses and turns as many times the other way." The Turner, on the other hand, when it " plays to the female, turns only one way." Whether these extraordinary state ments may be trusted I know not ■ but the inheritance of any habit may be believed, after what we have seen with respect to the Ground-tumbler of India. MM. Boitard and Corbie describe a pi- geon 24 which has the singular habit of sailing for a considerable time through the air, without flapping its wings, like a bird of prey. The confusion is inextricable, from the time of Aldrovandi in 1600 to the present day, in the accounts published of the Draijers, Smiters, Finnikins, Turners, Claquers, &c, which are all remarkable from their manner of flight. Mr. Brent informs me that he has seen one of these breeds in Germany with its wing-feathers injured from having been so often struck together ; but he did not see it flying. An old stuffed face of a Finnikin in the British Museum presents no well-marked character. Thirdly, a singular pigeon with a forked tail is mentioned in some treatises ; and as Bechstein * briefly describes and figures this bird, with a tail " having completely the structure of that of the house-swallow," it must once have existed, for Bechstein was far too good a naturalist to have confounded any distinct species with the domestic pigeon. Lastly, an extraordinary pigeon imported from Belgium has lately been exhibited at the 23 J. M. Eaton's edition (1858) of geons,' &c, p. 165. Moore, p. 98. 25 ' Naturgescb. Deutscblands,' Band *« Pigeon Patu Plongeur. ' Lea Pi- Iv. s. 47. 9 194 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. Pliiloperisteron Society in London, 26 which "conjoins the colour of an archangel with the head of an owl or barb, its most striking peculiarity being the extraordinary length of the tail and wing- feathers, the latter crossing beyond the tail, and giving to the bird the appearance of a gigantic swift (Cypselns), or long-winged hawk." Mr. Tegetmeier informs me that this bird weighed only 10 ounces, but in length was 15J inches from tip of beak to end of tail, and 32^ inches from tip to tip of wing ; now the wild rock- pigeon weighs 14^ ounces, and measures from tip of beak to end of tail 15 inches, and from tip to tip of wing only 26| inches. I have now described all the domestic pigeons known to me, and have added a few others on reliable authority. I have classed them under four Groups, in order to mark their affinities and degrees of difference ; but the third group is artificial. The kinds examined by me form eleven races, which include several sub-races ; and even these latter present differences that would certainly have been thought of specific value if observed in a state of nature. The sub-races likewise include many strictly in- herited varieties ; so that altogether there must exist, as previously stated, above 150 kinds which can be dis- tinguished, though generally by characters of extremely slight importance. Many of the genera of the Colum- bidse, which are admitted by ornithologists', do not dif- fer in any great degree from each other ; taking this into consideration, there can be no doubt that several of the most strongly characterised domestic forms, if found wild, would have been placed in at least five new gene- ra. Thus, a new genus would have been formed for the reception of the improved English Pouter: a second genus for Carriers and Runts ; and this would have been a wide or comprehensive genus, for it would have ad- mitted common Spanish Runts without any wattle, short- beaked Runts like the Tronfo, and the improved English Carrier: a third genus would have been formed for the Barb : a fourth for the Fantail : and lastly, a fifth for the 26 Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier, ' Journal of Horticulture,' Jan. 20th, 1863, p. 58. Chap. V. DESCRIPTION OF BKEEDS. 195 short-beaked, not-wattled pigeons, such, as Turbits and short-faced Tumblers. The remaining domestic forms might have been included in the same genus with the wild rock-pigeon. Individual Variability • Variations of a remarkable nature. The differences which we have as yet considered are characteristic of distinct breeds ; but there are other dif- ferences, either confined to individual birds, or often ob- served in certain breeds but not characteristic of them. These individual differences are of importance, as they might in most cases be secured and accumulated by man's power of selection; and thus an existing breed might be greatly modified or a new one formed. Fanciers notice and select only those slight differences which are exter- nally visible ; but the whole organisation is so tied to- gether by correlation of groAvth, that a change in one part is frequently accompanied by other changes. For our purpose, modifications of all kinds are equally im- portant, and, if affecting a part which does not common- ly vary, are of more importance than a modification in some conspicuous part. At the present day any visible deviation of character in a well-established breed is re- jected as a blemish; but it by no means follows that at an early period, before well-marked breeds had been formed, such deviations would have been rejected ; on the contrary, they would have been eagerly preserved as presenting a novelty, and would then have been slowly augmented, as we shall hereafter more clearly see, by the process of unconscious selection. I have made numerous measurements of the various parts of the body in the several breeds, and have hardly ever found them quite the same in birds of the same breed, — the differences being greater than we commonly meet with in wild species. To begin with the primary feathers of the wing and tail ; but I may first mention, as some readers may not be aware of the fact, that the number of the 196 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. primary wing and tail feathers in wild birds is generally constant, and characterises, not only whole genera, but even whole families. When the tail-feathers are unusually numerous, as for instance in the swan, they are apt to be variable in number ; but this does not apply to the several species and genera of the Columbida?, which never (as far as I can hear) have less than twelve or more than sixteen tail-feathers ; and these numbers characterise, with rare ex- ception, whole sub-families. 27 The wild rock-pigeon has twelve tail- feathers. With Fantails, as we have seen, the number varies from fourteen to forty-two. In two young birds in the same nest I counted twenty-two and twenty-seven feathers. Pouters are very liable to have additional tail-feathers, and I have seen on several oc- casions fourteen or fifteen in my own birds. Mr. Bult had a speci- men, examined by Mr. Yarrell, with seventeen tail-feathers. I had a Nun with thirteen, and another with fourteen tail-feathers ; and in a Helmet, a breed barely distinguishable from the Nun, I have* counted fifteen, and haA T e heard of other such instances. On the other hand, Mr. Brent possessed a Dragon, which during its whole life never had more than ten tail-feathers ; and one of my Dragons, de- scended from Mr. Brent's, had only eleven. I have seen a Baldhead- Tumbler with only ten ; and Mr. Brent had an Air-Tumbler with the same number, but another with fourteen tail-feathers. Two of these latter Tumblers, bred by Mr. Brent, were remarkable, — one from having the two central tail-feathers a little divergent, and the other from having the two outer feathers longer by three-eighths of an inch than the others ; so that in both cases the tail exhibited a tendency, but in different ways, to become forked. And this shows us how a swallow-tailed breed, like that described by Bechstein, might have been formed by careful selection. With respect to the primary wing-feathers, the number in the Co- lumbidse, as far as I can find out, is always nine or ten. In the rock- pigeon it is ten ; but I have seen no less than eight short-faced Tumblers with only nine primaries, and the occurrence of this number has been noticed by fanciers, owing to ten flight feathers of a white colour being one of the points in Short-faced Baldhead- Tumblers. Mr. Brent, however, had an Air-Tumbler (not short- faced) which had in both wings eleven primaries. Mr. Corker, the eminent breeder of prize Carriers, assures me that some of his birds 27 'Coup-d'oeilsurl'Ordredes Pigeons,' allied to each other, one should have par C. L. Bonaparte (Comptes Kendus), fourteen tail-feathers, while the other, 1854-55. Mr-. Blyth, in ' Annals of Nat. the passenger pigeon of North America, Hist.,' vol. xix.,lS47, p. 41, mentions, as should possess but the usual number — a very singular fact, " that of the two twelve." • species of Ectopistes, which are nearly Chap. v. INDIVIDUAL VARIABILITY. 197 had eleven primaries in both wings. I have seen eleven in ono- ■wing in two Pouters. I have been assured by three fanciers that they have seen twelve in Scanderoons ; but as Nenmeister asserts that in the allied Florence Runt the middle flight-feather is often double, the number twelve may have been caused by two of the ten primaries having each two shafts to a single feather. The second- ary wing-feathers are difficult to count, but the number seems to vary from twelve to fifteen. /The length of the wing and tail rela- tively to the body, and of the 'wings to the tail, certainly varies ; I have especially noticed this in Jacobins. In Mr. Bult's magnificent collection of Pouters, the wings and tail varied greatly in length ; and were sometimes so much elongated that the birds coxdd hardly play upright. In the relative length of the few first primaries I have observed only a slight degree of variability. Mr. Brent in- forms me that he has observed the shape of the first feather to vary very slfghtly. But the variation in these latter points is extremely slight compared with what may often be observed in the natural species of the Columbidse. In the beak I have observed very considerable differences in birds of the same breed, as in carefully bred Jacobins and Trumpeters. In Carriers there is often a conspicuous difference in the degree of attenuation and curvature of the beak. So it is indeed in many breeds : thus I had two strains of black Barbs, which evidently dif- fered in the curvature of the upper mandible. In width of mouth I have found a great difference in two swallows. In Fantails of first- rate merit I have seen some birds with much longer and thinner necks than in others. Other analogous facts could be given. We have seen that the oil-gland is aborted in all Fantails (with the ex- ception of the sub-race from Java), and, I may add, so hereditary is this tendency to abortion, that some, although not all, of the mon- grels from the Fantail and Pouter had no oil-gland ; in one Swallow out of many which I have examined, and in two Nuns, there was no oil-gland. The number of the scutellse on the toes often varies in the same breed, and sometimes even differs on the two feet of the same indi- vidual ; the Shetland rock-pigeon has fifteen on the middle, and six on the hinder toe ; whereas I have seen a Runt with sixteen on the middle, and eight on the hind toe ; and a short- faced Tumbler with only twelve and five on these same toes. The rock-pigeon has no sensible amount of skin between its toes ; but I possessed a Spot and a Nun with the skin extending for a spac e of a quarter of an inch from the fork, between the two inner toes. On the other hand, as will hereafter be more fully shown, pigeons with feathered feet very generally have the bases of their outer toes connected by skin. I 198 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. had a red Tumbler, which had a coo unlike that of its fellows, ap- proaching in tone to that of the Laugher : this bird had the habit, to a degree which I never saw equalled in any other pigeon, of often walking with its wings raised and arched in an elegant manner. I need say nothing on the great variability, in almost every breed, in size of body, in colour, in the feathering of the feet, and in the feathers on the back of the head being reversed. But I may men- tion a remarkable Tumbler 28 exhibited at the Crystal Palace, which had an irregular crest of feathers on its head, somewhat like the tuft on the head of the Polish fowl. Mr. Bult reared by accident a hen Jacobin with the feathers on the thigh so long as to reach the ground, and a cock having, but in a lesser degree, the same pecu- liarity : from these two birds he bred others similarly characterised, which were exhibited at the Philoperisteron Club. I bred a mon- grel pigeon which had fibrous feathers, and the wing and tail- feathers so short and imperfect that the bird could not fly even a foot in height. There are many singular and inherited peculiarities in the plumage of pigeons : thus Almond-Tumblers do not acquire their perfect mottled feathers until they have moulted three or four times : the Kite-Tumbler is at first brindled black and red with a barred appearance, but when " it throws its nest feathers it becomes almost black, generally with a bluish tail, and a reddish colour on the inner webs of the primary wing feathers." 29 Neu- meister describes a breed of a black colour with white bars on the wing and a white crescent-shaped mark on the breast ; these marks are generally rusty-red before the first moult, but after the third or fourth moult they undergo a change ; the wing-feathers and the crown of the head likewise then become white or grey. 30 It is an important fact, and I believe there is hardly an exception to the rule, that the especial characters for which each breed is valued are eminently variable : thus, in the Fantail, the number and direction of the tail-feath- ers, the carriage of the body, and the degree of trembling 28 Described and figured in the ' Poul- Brent, 1859, p. 41. try Chronicle,' vol. iii., 1855, p. 82. 30 ' Die Staarhalsige Taube, 29 'The Pigeon Book,' by Mr. B. P. Ganze, &c.,' s. 21, tab. i. fig. 4. Chap. V. SINGULAR VARIATIONS. 199 are all highly variable points; in Pouters, the degree to which they pout, and the shape of their inflated crops ; in the Carrier, the length, narrowness, and curvature of the beak, and the amount of wattle ; in Short-faced Tumblers, the shortness of the beak, the prominence of the forehead, and general carriage, 31 and in the Almond Tumbler the colour of the plumage ; in common Tumblers, the manner of tumbling ; in the Barb, the breadth and shortness of the beak and the amount of eye- wattle ; in Runts, the size of body ; in Turbits, the frill ; and lastly in Trumpet- ers, the cooing, as well as the size of the tuft of feathers over the nostrils. These, which are the distinctive and selected characters of the several breeds, are all eminently variable. There is another interesting fact with respect to the character of the different breeds, namely, that they are often most strongly displayed in the male bird. In Car- riers, when the males and females are exhibited in sepa- rate pens, the wattle is plainly seen to be much more de- veloped in the males, though I have seen a hen Carrier belonging to Mr. Haynes heavily wattled. Mr. Teget- meier informs me that, in twenty Barbs in Mr. P. H. Jones's possession, the males had generally'the largest eye-wattles ; Mr. Esquilant also believes in this rule, but Mr. H. Weir, a first-rate judge, entertains some doubt on the subject. Male Pouters distend their crops to a much greater size than do the females ; I have, however, seen a hen in the possession of Mr. Evans which pouted excel- lently ; but this is an unusual circumstance. Mr. Harri- son Weir, a successful breeder of prize Fantails, informs me that his cock birds often have a greater number of tail-feathers than the hens. Mr. Eaton asserts 32 that, if a cock and hen Tumbler were of equal merit, the hen would be worth double the money; and as pigeons al- Sl ' A Treatise on the Almond Turn- sim. bier,' by J. M. Eaton, 1852, p. 8, et pas- 32 A Treatise, 4c., p. 10. 200 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap.- V. ways pair, so that an equal number of both sexes is ne- cessary for reproduction, this seems to show that high merit is rarer in the female than in the male. In the de- velopment of the frill in Turbits, of the hood in Jacobins, of the tuft in Trumpeters, of tumbling in Tumblers, there is no difference between the males and females. I may here add'a rather different case, namely, the existence in France 33 of a wine-coloured variety of the Pouter, in which the male is generally chequered with black, whilst the female is never so chequered. Dr. Chapuis also re- marks 34 that in certain light-coloured pigeons the males have their feathers striated with black, and these stria? increase in size at each moult, so that the male ultimately becomes spotted with black. With Carriers, the wattle, both on the beak and round the eyes, and with Barbs that round the eyes, goes on increasing with age. This augmentation of character with advancing age, and more especially the difference between the males and females in the above-mentioned several respects, are highly re- markable facts, for there is no sensible difference at any age between the two sexes in the aboriginal rock-pigeon; and rarely any such difference throughout the whole fam- ily of the Columbid;e. 3B Osteological Characters. In the skeletons of the various breeds there is much variability ; and though certain differences occur frequent- ly, and others rarely, in certain breeds, yet none can be 33 Boitard and Corbie, ' Les Pigeons,' base of the beak in the Carpophaga &c, 1824, p. 173. oceanica is sexual ; this, if correct, is an 34 ' Le Pigeon Voyageur Beige,' 1865, interesting point of analogy with the male p. 87. Carrier, which has the wattle at the base 35 Prof. A. Newton (' Proc. Zoolog. of its beak so much more developed than Soc.,' 1865, p. 716) remarks that he in the female. Mr. Wallace informs me knows no species which presents any re- that in the sub-family of the Treronidae markable sexual distinction ; but it is the sexes often differ in vividness of stated (' Naturalist's Library, Birds,' vol. colour. ix. p. 117) that the excrescence at the Chap. V. OSTEOLOGIOAL DIFFERENCES. 201 said to be absolutely characteristic of any breed. Con- sidering that strongly marked domestic races have been formed chiefly by man's power of selection, we ought not to expect to find great and constant differences in the skeleton ; for fanciers can neither see, nor do they care for, modifications of structure in the internal framework. Nor ought we to ex- pect changes in the skeletons from changed habits of life; as every facili- ty is given to the most distinct breeds to follow the same habits, and the much m6di6ed races are never allowed to wander abroad and Fig. 24.— Skulls of Pigeons, viewed laterally, of natural size. A. Wild Rock- pigeon, Cohtmba livia. B. Short-faced Tumbler. C English Carrier. D. Bagadotten Carrier. procure their own food in various ways. Moreover, I 202 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. find, on comparing the skeletons of Columba livia, ceiias, palumbus, and turtur, which are ranked by all systema- tists in two or three distinct though allied genera, that the differences are extremely slight, certainly less than between the skeletons of some of the most distinct do- mestic breeds. How far the skeleton of the wild rock- pigeon is constant I have no means of judging, as I have examined only two. Skull. — The individual bones, especially those at the base, do not differ in shape. But the whole skull, in its proportions, outline, and relative direction of the bones, differs greatly in some of the breeds, as may be seen by comparing the figures of (a) the wild rock-pigeon, (b) the short-faced tumbler, (c) the English carrier, and (d) the Bagadotten carrier (of Neumeister), all drawn of the natural size and viewed laterally. In the carrier, besides the elongation of the bones of the face, the space between the orbits is proportionally a little narrower than in the rock-pigeon. In the Bagadotten the upper mandible is remarkably arched, and the premaxillary bones are pro- portionally broader. In the short-faced tumbler the skull is more globular ; all the bones of the face are much shortened, and the front of the skull and descending nasal bones are almost perpendicular ; the masillo-jugal arch and premaxillary bones form an almost straight line ; the space between the prominent edges of the eye-orbits is Fig. 25 — Lower jaws, seen from above, of natural size. A. Rock-pigeon. B. Runt. C. Barb. Chap. V. OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES. 203 depressed. In the barb the premaxillary bones arc much short- ened, and their anterior portion is thicker than in the rock-pigeon, as is the lower part of the nasal bone. In two nuns the ascending branches of the premaxillaries, near their tips, were somewhat at- tenuated, and in these birds, as well as in some others, for instance in the spot, the occipital crest over the foramen was considerably more prominent than in the rock-pigeon. In the lower jaw, the articular surface is proportionally smaller in many breeds than in the rock-pigeon ; and the vertical diameter more especially of the outer part of the articular surface is consid- erably shorter. May not this be accounted for by the lessened use of the jaws, owing tb nutritious food having been given during a long period to all highly improved pigeons ? In runts, carriers, and barbs (and in a lesser degree in several breeds), the whole side Fig. 27. — Lateral view of jaws, of natural size. A. Rock-pigeon. B . Short-faced Tumbler. C. Bagadotten Carrier. of the jaw near the articular end is bent inwards in a highly remarkable manner ; and the superior margin of the ramus, be- yond the middle, is reflexed in an equally remarkable manner, as may be seen in the accompanying figures, in comparison with the jaw of the rock-pigeon. This reflexion of the upper margin of the lower jaw is plainly connected with the singularly wide gape of the mouth, as has been described in runts, carriers, and barbs. The reflexion is well shown in fig. 26 of the head of a runt seen from above ; here a wide open space may be observed on each Fig. 26.— Skull of Runt, seen from above, of natural size, showing the reflexed mar- gin of the distal portion of the lower jaw. 204 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. v. side, between the edges of the lower jaw and of the premaxillary bones. In the rock-pigeon, and in several domestic breeds, the edges of the lower jaw on each side come close up to the premaxil- lary bones, so that no open space is left. The degree of downward curvature of the distal half of the lower jaw also differs to an ex- traordinary degree in some breeds, as may be seen in the drawings (fig. a) of the rock-pigeon, (b) of the short-faced tumbler, and (c) of the Bagadotten carrier of Neumeister. In some runts the symphy- sis of the lower jaw is remarkably solid. No one would readily have believed that jaws differing so greatly in the several above- specified points could have belonged to the same species. Vertebras. — All the breeds have twelve cervical vertebrae. 36 But in a Bussorah carrier from India, the twelfth vertebra carried a small rib, a quarter of an inch in length, with a perfect double arti- culation. The dorsal vertebra are always eight. In the rock-pigeon all eight bear ribs ; the eighth rib being very thin, and the seventh having no process. In pouters all the ribs are extremely broad, and, in three out of four skeletons examined by me, the eighth rib was twice or even thrice as broad as in the rock-pigeon ; and the seventh pair had distinct processes. In many breeds there are only seven ribs, as in seven out of eight skeletons of various tumblers, and in several ske- letons of fantails, turbits, and nuns. In all these breeds the seventh pair was very small, and was destitute of processes, in which respect it differed from the same rib in the rock-pigeon. In one tumbler, and in the Bussorah carrier, even the sixth pair had no process. The hypapophysis of the second dorsal vertebra varies much in de- velopment ; being sometimes (as in several, but not all tumblers) nearly as prominent as that of the third dorsal vertebra; and the two hypapophyses together tend to form an ossified arch. The de- velopment of the arch, formed by the hypapophyses of the third and fourth dorsal vertebrae, also varies considerably, as does the size of the hypapophysis of the fifth vertebra. The rock-pigeon has twelve sacral vertebrai ; but these vary in number, relative size, and distinctness in the different breeds. In pouters, with their elongated bodies, there are thirteen or even four- teen, and, as we shall immediately see, an additional number of caudal vertebrae. In runts and carriers there is generally the pro- per number, namely twelve ; but in one runt, and in the Bussorah 36 I am not sure that I have designa- rules, and, as I use the same terms in ted the different kinds of vertebra? cor- the comparison of all the skeletons, this, rectly; but I observe that different ana- I hope, will not signify, tomists follow in this respect different ClIAP. V. OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES. 205 carrier, there were only eleven. In tumblers there are either eleven, twelve, or thirteen sacral vertebra. The caudal V6i tebroi are seven in number in the rock-pigeon. In fantails, which have their tails so largely developed, there are either eight or nine, and apparently in one case ten, and they are a little longer than in the rock-pigeon, and their shape varies considerably. Pouters, also, have eight or nine caudal vertebra?. I have seen eight in a nun and jacobin. Tumblers, though such small birds, always have the normal number seven ; as have carriers, with one excep- tion, in which there were only six. The following table will serve as a summary, and will show the most remarkable deviations in the number of the vertebrae and ribs which I have observed : — Rock Pigeon. Pouter, from Mr. Bult. Tumbler, Dutch Roller. Bussorah Carrier. Cervical Vertebras 13 13 13 13 The ifith linre a sm;ill rib. Dorsal Vertebra? " Ribs .. 8 8 The 6th pair with processes, the 7th pair without a process. 8 8 The 6th and 7th pair with processes. 8 7 The 6th and 7th pair without processes. 8 7 The 6th and 7th pair without pro- cesses. Sacral Vertebra? Caudal Vertebra? 12 7 14 8 or 9 .11 7 11 7 Total Vertebra? 39 43 or 43 38 38 The pelvis differs very little in any breed. The anterior margin of the ilium, however, is sometimes a little more equally rounded on both sides than in the rock-pigeon. The ischium is also frequently rather more elongated. The obturator-notch is sometimes, as in many tumblers, less developed than in the rock-pigeon. The ridges on the ilium are very prominent in most runts. In the bones of the extremities I could detect no difference, except in their proportional lengths ; for instance, the metatarsus in a pout- er was 1G5 inch, and in a short-faced tumbler only -95 in length ; and this is a greater difference than would naturally follow from their differently-sized bodies ; but long legs in the pouter, and small feet in the tumbler, are selected points. In some pouters the scapula is rather straighter, and in some tumblers it is straighter, with the apex less elongated, than in the rock-pigeon : in the woodcut, fig, 28, the scapula? of the rock-pigeon (a), and of a short-faced tumbler 206 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. A B Fig. 28. — Scapulae, of natu- ral size. A. Rock-pigeon. B. Short-faced Tumbler. (b), are given. The processes at the sum- mit of the coracoid, which receive the ex- tremities of the furcula, form a more perfect cavity in some tum- blers than in the rock-pigeon : in pouters these pro- cesses are larger and differently shaped, and the ex- terior angle of the extremity of the coracoid, which is articidated to the sternum, is squar- er. The two arms of ikefurcula in pout- ers diverge less, proportionally to their length, than in the rock-pigeon ; and the symphysis is more so- lid and pointed. In fantails the degree of di- vergence of the two arms varies in a remark- able manner. In fig. 29, b and c represent the furcula? of two fantails ; and it will be seen that the divergence in B is rather less even than in the furcula of the short-faced, small-sized tumbler (a) ; whereas the diver- gence in c equals that in a rock-pigeon, or in the pouter (d), though the latter is a much larger bird. The extremities of the furcu- la, where articulated to the coracoid s, vary eonsiderably in outline. In the sternum the differences in form are slight, except in the size and outline of the perforations, which, both in the larger and lesser sized breeds, are sometimes small. These perforations, also, are sometimes eith- er nearly circular, or elongated, as is often the case with carriers. The posterior perfo- rations occasionally are not complete, being Fig. 29.— Furcula?, of natu- left open posteriorly. The marginal apophy- ses forming the anterior perforations vary greatly in development. The degree of ral size. A. Short-faced Tumbler. B and C. Fan- tails. D. Pouter. Chap. V. CORRELATION" OF GROWTH. 207 convexity of the posterior part of the sternum differs much, being sometimes almost perfectly flat. The manubrium is rather more prominent in some individuals than in others, and the pore imme- diately under it varies greatly in size. Correlation of Growth. — By this term I mean that the whole organisation is so connected, that when one part varies, other parts vary; but which of two correlated variations ought to be looked at as the cause and which as the effect, or whether both result from some common cause, we can seldom or never tell. The point of interest for us is that, when fanciers, by the continued selection of slight variations, have largely modified one part, they often unintentionally produce other modifications. For instance, the beak is readily acted on by selection, and, with its increased or diminished length, the tongue in- creases or diminishes, but not in due proportion ; for, in a barb and short-faced tumbler, both of which have very short beaks, the tongue, taking the rock-pigeon as the standard of comparison, was proportionally not shorten- ed enough, whilst in two carriers and in a runtime tongue, proportionally with the beak, was not lengthened enough. Thus, in a first-rate English carrier, in which the beak from the tip to the feathered base was exactly thrice as long as in ' a first-rate short-faced tumbler, the tongue was only a little more than twice as long. But the tongue varies in length independently of the beak : thus, in a carrier with a beak 1*2 inch in length, the tongue was *67 in length; whilst in a* runt which equalled the carrier in length of body and in stretch of wings from tip to tip, the beak was '92 whilst the tongue was *73 of an inch in length, so that the tongue was actually longer than in the carrier with its long beak. The tongue of the runt was also very broad at the root. Of two runts, one had its beak longer by •23 of an inch, whilst its tongue was shorter by *14 than in the other. With the increased or diminished length of the beak the length of the slit forming the external orifice of the 208 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. v. nostrils varies, but not in due proportion, for, taking the rock-pigeon as the standard, the orifice in a short-faced tumbler was not shortened in due proportion with its very short beak. On the other hand (and this could not have been anticipated), the orifice in three English carriers, in the Bagadotten carrier, and in a runt {pigeon cygne), was longer by above the tenth of an inch than would follow from the length of the beak proportionally with that of the rock-pigeon. In one carrier the orifice of the nostrils was thrice as long as in the rock-pigeon, though in body and length of beak this bird was not nearly double the size of the rock-pigeon. This greatly increased length of the orifice of the nostrils seems to stand partly in cor- relation with the enlargement of the wattled skin on the upper mandible and over the nostrils ; and this is a cha- racter which is selected by fanciers. So again, the broad, naked, and wattled skin round the eyes of carriers and barbs is a selected character ; and in obvious correlation with this, the eyelids measured longitudinally, are pro- portionally* more than double the length of those of the rock-pigeon. The great difference (see woodcut No. 27) in the cur- " vature of the lower jaw in the rock-pigeon, the tumbler, and Bagadotten carrier, stands in obvious relation to the curvature of the upper jaw, and more especially to the an- gle formed by the maxillo-jugal arch with the premaxil- lary bones. But in carriers, runts, and barbs the singu- lar reflexion of the upper margin of the middle part of the lower jaw (see woodcut No. 25) is not strictly correlated with the width or divergence (as may be clearly seen in woodcut No. 26) of the premaxillary bones, but with the breadth of the horny and soft parts of the upper mandible, which are always overlapped by the edges of the lower mandible. In pouters, the elongation of the body is a selected cha- racter, and the ribs, as we have seen, have generally be- come very broad, with the seventh pair furnished with Chap. v. CORRELATION OF GROWTH. 209 processes ; the sacral and caudal vertebra? have been aug- mented in number ; the sternum has likewise increased in length (but not in the depth of the crest) by *4 of an inch more than would follow from the greater bulk of the body- in comparison with that of the rock-pigeon. In fantails, the length and number of the caudal vertebra? have in- creased. Hence, during the gradual progress of varia- tion and selection, the internal bony frame-work and the external shape of the body have been, to a certain extent, modified in a correlated manner. Although the wings and tail often vary in length in- dependently of each other, it is scarcely possible to doubt that they generally tend to become elongated or short- ened in correlation. This is well seen in jacobins, and still more plainly in runts, some varieties of which have their wings and tail of great length, whilst others have both very short. With jacobins, the remarkable length of the tail and wing-feathers is not a character which is intentionally selected by fanciers ; but fanciers have been trying for centuries, at least since the year 1600, to in- crease the length of the reversed feathers on the neck, so that the hood may more completely enclose the head ; and it may be suspected that the increased length of the wing and tail-feathers stands in correlation with the in- creased length of the neck-feathers. Short- faced tumblers have short wings in nearly due proportion with the re- duced size of their bodies ; but it is remarkable, seeing that the number of the primary wing-feathers is a con- stant character in most birds, that these tumblers gene- rally have only nine instead of ten primaries. I have myself observed this in eight birds; and the Original Columbarian Society 3T reduced the standard for bald-head tumblers from ten to nine white flight-feathers, thinking it unfair that a bird which had only nine feathers should be disqualified for a prize because it had not ten white 37 J. M. Eaton's Treatise, edit. 1S5S, p. 78. 210 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. flight-feathers. On the other hand, in carriers and runts, which have large bodies and long wings, eleven primary- feathers have occasionally been observed. Mr. Tegetrneier has informed me of a curious and in- explicable case of correlation, namely, that young pigeons of all breeds, which when mature become white, yellow, silver, («. e. extremely pale blue), or dun-coloured, are born almost naked ; whereas other coloured pigeons are born well clothed with down. Mr. Esquilant, however, has observed that young dun carriers are not so bare as young dun barbs and tumblers. Mr. Tegetrneier has seen two young birds in the same nest, produced from differently coloured parents, which differed greatly in the degree to which they were at first clothed with down. I have observed another case of correlation which at first sight appears quite inexplicable, but on which, as we shall see in a future chapter, some light can be thrown by the law of homologous parts vai'ying in the same manner. The case is, that, when the feet ai*e much feathered, the roots of the feathers are connected by a web of skin, and apparently in correlation with this the two outer toes become connected for a considerable space by skin. I have observed this in very many specimens of pouters, trumpeters, swallows, roller-tumblers (like- wise observed in this breed by Mr. Brent), and in a lesser degree in other feather-footed pigeons. The feet of the smaller and larger breeds are of course much smaller or larger than those of the rock-pigeon ; but the scutellae or scales covering the toes and tarsi have not only decreased or increased in size, but likewise in number. To give a single instance, I have counted eight scutelhe on the hind toe of a runt, and only five on that of a short-faced tumbler. With birds in a state of nature the number of the scutelloe on the feet is usually a constant character. The length of the feet and the length of the beak apparently stand in correlation; but Chap. V. ON THE EFFECTS OF DISUSE. 211 as disuse apparently has affected the size of the feet, this case may coine under the following discussion. On the Effects of Disuse. — In the following discussion on the relative proportions of the feet, sternum, furcula, scapula?, and wings, I may premise, in order to give some confidence to the reader, that my measurements were all made in the same manner, and that all the measurements of the external parts were made without the least inten- tion of applying them to the following purpose. I measured most of the birds which came into my possession, from the feathered base of the beak (the length of beak itself being so variable) to the end of the tail, and to the oil-gland, but unfortu- nately (except in a few cases) not to the root of the tail ; I measured each bird from the extreme tip to tip of wing ; and the length of the terminal folded part of the wing, from the extremity of the primaries to the joint of the radius. I measured the feet without the claws, from the end of the middle toe to the end of the hind toe j and the tarsus together with the middle toe. I have taken in every case the mean measurement of two wild rock-pigeons from the Shetland Islands, as the standard of compai'ison. The following table shows the actual length of the feet in each bird ; and the difference between the length which the feet ought to have had according to the size of body of each, in comparison with the size of body and length of feet of the rock-pigeon, calculated (with a few specified exceptions) by the standard of the length of the body from the base of the beak to the oil-gland. I have preferred this standard, owing to the variability of the length of tail. But I have made similar calculations, taking as the standard the length from tip to tip of wing, and likewise in most cases from the base of the beak to the end of the tail ; and the result has always been closely similar. To give an example : the first bird in the table, being a short-faced tumbler, is much smaller than the rock-pigeon, and would naturally havo shorter feet ; but it is found on calculation to have feet too short by '11 of an inch, in comparison with the feet of the rock-pigeon, relatively to the size of the body in these two birds, as measured from the base of beak to the oil-gland. So again, when this same tumbler and the rock-pigeon were compared by the length of their wings, or by the extreme length of their bodies, the feet of the tumbler were likewise found to be too short jn very nearly the same proportion. I am well aware that the measure- 212 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. ments pretend to greater accuracy than is possible, but it was less trouble to write down the actual measurements given by the com- passes in each case than an approximation. Table I. Pigeons with their beaks generally shorter than that of the Rock- 2)igeon, proportionally with the size of their bodies. Name of Breed. Wild rock-pigeon (mean measure-) ment) ) Short-faced Tumbler, bald-head . . . . ,, . „ almond . . Tumbler, red magpie „ red common (by standard \ to end of tail) . . . . J „ common bald-head . . . . „ roller Turbit Jacobin . .' Trumpeter, white „ mottled . . , Fantail (by standard to end of tail) . . Difference between actual and calculated Actual length of feet, in length proportion o length of of feet and size of body Feet. in the Rock-pigeon. 202 Too short Too long by by 1-57 011 1-60 016 1-75 019 1-85 007 1-85 048 1-80 006 1-75 017 1-80 001 1-84 015 1-90 002 202 006 1-95 048 1-85 015 1-95 015 1-95 00 00 1-80 019 210 003 1-82 0-02 1(85 016 200 003 200 003 1-90 002 1-90 007 1-85 018 200 003 2-42 011 2 30 009 247 • • 009 „ crested var. Indian Frill-back English Frill back Nun Laugher . . Barb Spot Swallow, red blue . , Pouter „ German . Bussorah Carrier Number of specimens 28 22 Chap. V. ON THE EFFECTS OF DISUSE. 213 Table II. Pigeons with their beaks longer than that of the Rock-pigeon, proportionally with the size of their bodies. Name of Breed. Wild rock-pigeon (mean measurement) Actual length of Feet. 2-02 # pifference between actual and calculated length of feet, in proportion to length of feet and size of body in the Rock-pigeon. Too short by Too long i'y 2-60 260 2 40 2 25 2-80 2-80 2-85 275 31 25 21 06 56 37 29 R7 " Pigeon cygne Runt Number of specimens 8 8. In these two tables we see in the first column the actual length of the feet in thirty-six birds belonging to various breeds, and in the two other columes we see by how much the feet are too short or too long, according to the size of bird, in comparison with the rock-pi- geon. In the first table twenty-two specimens have their feet too short, on an average by a little above the tenth of an inch (viz. - 107) ; and five specimens have their feet on an average a very little too long, namely, by 07 of an inch. But some of these latter and ex- ceptional cases can be explained : for instance, with pouters the legs and feet are selected for length, and thus any natural tendency to a diminution in the length of the feet will have been counteracted. In the swallow and barb, when the calculation was made on any standard of comparison excepting the one above used (viz. length of body from base of beak to oil-gland), the feet were found to be too small. In the second table we have eight birds, with their beaks much longer than in the rock pigeon, both actually and proportionally with the size of body, and their feet are in an equally marked manner longer, namely, in proportion, on an average by 29 of an inch. I should here state that in Table I. there are a few partial exceptions ' to the beak being proportionally shorter than in the rock-pigeon : 214 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. V. thus the beak of the English frill-back is just perceptibly longer, and that of the Bussorah carrier of the same length or slightly longer, than in the rock -pigeon. The beaks of spots, swallows, and laugh- ers are only a very little shorter, or of the same proportional length, but slenderer. Nevertheless, these two tables, taken conjointly, in- dicate pretty plainly some kind of correlation between the length of the beak and -the size of the feet. Breeders of cattle and horses believe that there is an analogous connection between the length of the limbs and head ; they assert that a race-horse with the head of a dray-horse, or a greyhound with the head of a bulldog, would be a monstrous production. As fancy pigeons are generally kept in small aviaries, and are abundantly supplied with food, they must walk about much less than the wild rock-pigeon ; and it may be ad- mitted as highly probable that the reduction in the size of the feet in the twenty-two birds in the first table has been caused by disuse, 38 and that this reduction has acted by correlation on the beaks of the great majority of the birds in Table I. When, on the other hand, the beak has been much elongated, by the continued selection of successive slight increments of length, the feet by correlation have likewise become much elongated in comparison with those of the wild rock-pigeon, notwithstanding their lessened use. As I had taken measures from the end of the middle 3 ' Coup-d'oeil surl'Ordre des Pi- vol. xix., 181", p. 102. This excellent gcons,' Cowptes Reudus, 1854-55. paper on pigeons is well worth consult- 226 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. Ml. most trifling value. In the British Museum there is a chequered pigeon, probably the G. ScMmperi of Bonaparte, from Abyssinia. To these may be added th,e C. gymriocyclus of G. R. Gray from W. Africa, which is slightly more distinct, and has rather more naked skin round the eyes than the rock pigeon ; but from information given me by Dr. Daniell, it is doubtful whether this is a wild bird, for dovecot pigeons (which I have examined) are kept on the coast of Guinea. The wild rock-pigeon of India (G. intermedia of Strickland) has been more generally accepted as a distinct species. It chiefly dif- fers in the croup being blue instead of snow-white ; but as Mr. Blyth informs me, the tint varies, being sometimes albescent. When this form is domesticated chequered birds appear, just as occurs in Europe with the truly wild G livia. Moreover w r e shall immediate- ly have proof that the blue and white croup is a highly variable character ; and Bechstein " asserts that with dovecot-pigeons in Germany this is the most variable of all the characters of the plu- mage. Hence it may be concluded that G. intermedia cannot be ranked as specifically distinct from G. livia. In Madeira there is a rock-pigeon which a few ornithologists have suspected to be distinct from G. livia. I have examined numer- ous specimens collected by Mr. E. V. Harcourt and Mr. Mason. They are rather smaller than the rock-pigeon from the Shetland Islands, and their beaks are plainly thinner ; but the thickness of the beak varied in the several specimens. In plumage there is remarkable diversity ; some specimens are identical in every feather (I speak after actual comparison) with the rock-pigeon of the Shet- land Islands ; others are chequered, like G. affinis from the cliffs of England, but generally to a greater degree, being almost black over the whole back ; others are identical with the so-called G intermedia of India in the degree of blueness of the croup ; whilst others have this part very pale or very dark blue, and are likewise chequered. So much variability raises a strong suspicion that these birds are domestic pigeons which have become feral. From these facts it can hardly be doubted that G lima, affinis, in- termedia, and the forms marked with an interrogation by Bonaparte, ought all to be included under a single species. But it is quite im- material whether or not they are thus ranked, and whether some one of these forms or all are the progenitors of the various domestic kinds, as far as any light is thus thrown on the differences between the more strongly-marked races. That common dovecot-pi geona, i« ' Naturgeach. Deutsclilands,' Band iv., 1795, 8. 14. Chap. vi. THEIR PARENTAGE. 227 which are kept in various parts of the world, arc descended from one or from several of the above-mentioned wild varieties of C. livia, no one who compares them will doubt. But before making a few remarks on dovecot-pigeons, it should be stated that the wild rock- pigeon has been found easy to tame in several countries. We have seen that Colonel King at Hythe stocked his dovecot more than twenty years ago with young wild birds taken at the Orkney Is- lands, and since this time they have greatly multiplied. The accu- rate Macgillivray 15 asserts that he completely tamed a wild rock- pigeon in the Hebrides ; and several accounts are on record of these pigeons having bred in dovecots in the Shetland Islands. In India, as Captain Hut ton informs me, the wild rock-pigeon is easily tamed, and breeds readily with the domestic kind ; and Mr. Blyth I0 asserts that wild birds come frequently to the dovecots and mingle freely with their inhabitants. In the ancient ' Ayeen Akbery' it is writ- ten that, if a few wild pigeons be taken, " they are speedily joined by a thousand others of their kind." Dovecot-pigeons are those which are kept in dovecots in a semi- domesticated state ; for no special care is taken of them, and they procure their own food, except during the severest weather. In England, and, judging from MM. Boitard and Corbie's work, in France, the common dovecot-pigeon exactly resembles the chequered variety of C. litia; but I have seen dovecots brought from York- shire, without any trace of chequering, like the wild rock-pigeon of the Shetland Islands. The chequered dovecots from the Orkney Islands, after having been domesticated by Colonel King for more I han twenty years, differed slightly from each other in the darkness i f their plumage, and in the thickness of their beaks ; the thinnest beak being rather thicker than the thickest one in the Madeira birds. In Germany, according to Bechstein, the common dovecot- pigeon is not chequered. In India they often become chequered, and sometimes pied with white ; the croup also, as I am informed by Mr. Blyth, "becomes nearly white. I have received from Sir J. Brooke some dovecot-pigeons, which originally came from the S. Natunas Islands in the Malay archipelago, and which had been 16 ' History'of British Birds,' vol. i. pp. wild rock-pigeon came and settled in Ms 275-2S4. Mr. Andrew Duncan tamed a dovecot in Balta Sound in the Shetland rock-pigeon in the Shetland Islands. Mr. Islands, and bred with his pigeons ; he James Barclay, and Mr. Smith of Uyea has also given me other instances of the Sound, both say that the wild rock-pi wild rock-pigeon having been taken geon can be easily tamed ; and the for- young and breeding in captivity, mer gentleman asserts that the tame 16 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. History,* birds breed four times a year. Dr. Law- vol. xix., 1&17, p. 103, and vol. for 1S3T, rence Edmondstone informs me that a p. 512. 228 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. crossed with the Singapore dovecots ; they were small, and the dark- est variety was extremely like the dark chequered variety with a bine croup from Madeira ; but the beak was not so thin, though decidedly thinner than in the rock-pigeon from the Shetland Islands. A dovecot-pigeon sent to me by Mr. Swinhoe from Foochow, in China, was likewise rather small, but differed in no other respect. I have also received, through the kindness of Dr. Daniell, four liv- ing dovecot-pigeons from Sierra Leone ; 17 these were fully as large as the Shetland rock-pigeon, with even bulkier bodies. In plumage some of them were identical with the Shetland rock-pigeon, but with the metallic tints apparently rather more brilliant ; others had a blue croup and resembled the chequered variety of C. intermedia of India ; and some were so much chequered as to be nearly black. In these four birds the beak differed slightly in length, but in all it was decidedly shorter, more massive, and stronger than in the wild rock-pigeon from the Shetland Islands, or in the English dovecot. When the beaks of these African pigeons were compared with the thinnest beaks of the wild Madeira specimens, the contrast was great ; the former being fully one-third thicker in a vertical direc- tion than the latter ; so that any one at first would have felt inclined to rank these birds as specifically distinct ; yet so perfectly gradua- ted a series could be formed between the above-mentioned varieties, that it was obviously impossible to separate them. To sum up: the wild Columba livia, including under this name C. affinis, intermedia, and the other still more closely-affined geographical races, has a vast range from the southern coast of Norway and the Faroe Islands to the shores of the Mediterranean, to Madeira and the Ca- nary Islands, to Abyssinia, India, and Japan. It varies greatly in plumage, being in many places chequered with black, and having either a white or blue croup or loins ; it varies also slightly in the size of the beak and body. Dovecot-pigeons, which no one disputes are descended from one or more of the above wild forms, present a sim- ilar but greater range of variation in plumage, in the size of body, and in the length and thickness of the beak. W Domestic pigeons of the common edinl"46-, they are said, in accordance kind are mentioned as being pretty nu- with the name which they bear, to have merous in John Barbut's ' Description been imported, of the Coast of Guinea,' (p. 215), publish- Chap. VI. THEIR PARENTAGE. 229 There seems to be some relation between the cronp being blue or white, and the temperature of the country inhab- ited by both wild and dovecot-pigeons; for nearly all the dovecot-pigeons in the northern parts of Europe have a white croup, like that of the wild European rock-pigeon ; and nearly all the dovecot-pigeons of India have a blue croup like that of the wild C. intermedia of India. As in various countries the wild rock-pigeon has been found easy to tame, it seems extremely probable that the dove- cot-pigeons throughout the world are the descendants of at least two and perhaps more wild stocks, but these, as we have just seen, cannot be ranked as specifically distinct. With respect to the variation of C. livia, we may without fear of contradiction go one step further. Those pigeon-fanciers who believe that all the chief races, such as Carriers, Pouters, Fantails, &c, are descended from distinct aboriginal stocks, yet admit that the so-called toy-pigeons, which differ from the rock-pigeon in little except in colour, are descended from this bird. By toy- pigeons are meant such birds as Spots, Nans, Helmets, Swallows, Priests, Monks, Porcelains, Swabians, Arch- angels, Breasts, Shields, and others in Europe, and many others in India. It would indeed be as puerile to sup- pose that all these birds are descended from so many distinct wild stocks as to suppose this to be the case with the many varieties of the gooseberry, heartsease, or dahlia. Yet these pigeons all breed true, and many of them present sub-varieties which likewise truly trans- mit their character. They differ greatly from each other and from the rock-pigeon in plumage, slightly in size and proportions of body, in size of feet, and in the length and thickness of their beaks. They differ from each other in these respects more than do dovecot- piireons. Although we may safely admit that the latter, which vary slightly, and that the toy-pigeons, which vary in a greater degree in accordance with their more highly- domesticated condition, arc descended from C. llvia, in- 230 DCCUESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. eluding under this name the above-enumerated wild geo- graphical races ; yet the question becomes far more difficult when we consider the eleven principal races, most of which have been so profoundly modified. It can, however, be shown, by indirect evidence of a perfectly conclusive nature, that these principal races are not de- scended from so many wild stocks ; and if this be once admitted, few will dispute that they are the descendants of C. llvia, which agrees with them so closely in habits and in most characters, which varies in a state of nature, and which has certainly undergone a considerable amount of variation, as in the toy-pigeons. We shall moreover presently see how eminently favourable circumstances have been for a great amount of modification in the more carefully tended breeds. The reasons for concluding that the several principal races have not descended from so many aboriginal and unknown stocks may be grouped under the following six heads : — Firstly, if the eleven chief races have not arisen from the variation of some one species, together with its geographical races, they must be descended from several extremely distinct aboriginal species; for no amount of crossing between only six or seven wild forms could pro- duce races so distinct as pouters, carriers, runts, fantails, turbits, short-faced tumblers, jacobines, and trumpeters. How could crossing produce, for instance, a pouter or a fantail, unless the two supposed aboriginal parents pos- sessed the remarkable characters of these breeds? I am aware that some naturalists, following Pallas, believe that crossing gives a strong tendency to variation, inde- pendently of the characters inherited from either parent. They believe that it would be easier to raise a pouter or fantail pigeon from crossing two distinct species, neither of which possessed the characters of these races, than from any single species. I can find few facts in support of this doctrine, and believe in it only to a limited degree ; but in a future chapter I shall have to recur to this sub- Ohap. 71. THEIR PARENTAGE. 231 ject. For our present purpose the point is not material. The question which concerns us is, whether or not many new and important characters have arisen since man first domesticated the pigeon. On the ordinary view, varia- bility is due to changed conditions of life ; on the Palla- sian doctrine, variability, or the appearance of new cha- racters, is due to some mysterious effect from the crossing of two species, neither of which possess the characters in question. In some few instances it is credible, though for several reasons not probable, that well-marked races have been formed by crossing ; for instance, a barb might perhaps have been formed by a cross between a long-beak- ed carrier, having large eye-wattles, and some short -beak- ed pigeon. That many races have been in some degree modified by crossing, and that certain varieties which are distinguished only by peculiar tints have arisen from crosses between differently-coloured varieties, may be ad- mitted as almost certain. On the doctrine, therefore, that the chief races owe their differences to their descent from distinct species, we must admit that at least eight or nine, or more probably a dozen species, all having the same habit of breeding and roosting on rocks and living in society, either now exist somewhere, or formerly exist- ed but have become extinct as wild birds. Considering how carefully wild pigeons have been collected through- out the world, and what conspicuous birds they are, es- pecially when frequenting rocks, it is extremely impro- bable that eiglit or nine species, which were long ago domesticated and therefore must have inhabited some anciently known country, should still exist in the wild state and be unknown to ornithologists. The hypothesis that such species formerly existed, but have become extinct, is in some slight degree more pro- bable. But the extinction of so many species within the historical period is a bold hypothesis, seeing how little influence man has had in exterminating the common rock -pigeon, which agrees in all its habits of life with the 232 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. \1 domestic races. The C. livia now exists and flourishes on the small northern islands of Faroe, on many islands off the coast of Scotland, on Sardinia and the shores of the Mediterranean, and in the centre of India. Fanciers have sometimes imagined that the several supposed pa- rent-species were originally confined to small islands, and thus might readily have been exterminated ; but the facts just given do not favour the probability of their extinction, even on small islands. Nor is it probable, from what is known of the distribution of birds, that the islands near Europe should have been inhabited by peculiar species of pigeons ; and if we assume that distant oceanic islands were the homes of the supposed parent-species, we must remember that ancient voyages were tediously slow, and that ships Avere then ill-pro- vided with fresh food, so that it would not have been easy to bring home living birds. I have said ancient voyages, for nearly all the races of the pigeon were known before the year 1600, so that the supposed wild species must have been captured and domesticated before that date. Secondly. — The doctrine that the chief domestic races have descended from several aboriginal species, implies that several species were formerly so thoroughly domes- ticated as to breed readily when confined. Although it is easy to tame most wild birds, experience shows us that it is difficult to get them to breed freely under con- finement ; although it must be owned that this is less difficult with pigeons than with most other birds. Dur- ing the last two or three hundred years, many birds have been kept in aviaries, but hardly one has been added to our list of thoroughly reclaimed species ; yet on the above doctrine we must admit that in ancient times nearly a dozen kinds of pigeons, now unknown in the wild state, were thoroughly domesticated. Thirdly. — Most of our domesticated animals have run wild in various parts of the world ; but birds, owing Chap. VI. THEIR PARENTAGE. 233 apparently to their partial loss of the power of flight, less often than quadrupeds. Nevertheless I have met with aecounts showing that the common fowl has become feral in South America and perhaps in West Africa, and on several islands : the turkey was at one time almost feral on the banks of the Parana ; and the Guinea-fowl h:is become perfectly wild at Ascension and in Jamaica. In this latter island the peacock, also, " has become a maroon bird." The common duck wanders from its home and becomes almost wild in Norfolk. Hybrids between the common and mnsk-duck which have become wild have been shot in North America, Belgium, and near the Caspian Sea. The goose is said to have run wild in La Plata. The common dovecot-pigeon has be- come wild at Juan Fernandez, Norfolk Island, Ascension, probably at Madeira, on the shores of Scotland, and, as is asserted, on the banks of the Hudson in North Ame- rica. 18 But how different is the case, when we turn to the eleven chief domestic races of the pigeon, which are supposed by some authors to be descended from so many distinct species ! no one has ever pretended that any one of these races has been found wild in any quarter of the world ; yet they have been transported to all countries, and some of them must have been carried back to their native homes. On the view that all the races are the 19 With respect to feral pigeons — for 'American Ornithology,' and Selys- Juan Fernandez, see Bertero in l Annal. Longchamp's ' Hybrides dans la Famille des Sc. Nat.,' torn xxi. p. 851. For Nor- des Anatides.' For the goose, Isidore folk Inland, see Rev. E. S. Dixon in the Geoffroy St. Hilaire, •Hist. Nat. Gen.,' ' Dovecote,' 1S51 . p. 14, on the authority torn. iii. p. 493. For guinea-fowls, see Of Mr. Gould. For Ascension I rely on Gosse's ' Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamai- MS. information given me by Mr. Layard. ca,' p. 124 ; and his 'Birds of Jamaica' For the banks of the Hudson, see Blyth for fuller particulars. I saw the wild in ' Annals of Nat. Hist.,' vol. XX., 1 ^57, Guinea-fowl in Ascension. For the pea- p. 511. For Scotland, see Macpillivray, cock, see ' A Week at Port Royal,' by a ' British Birds, ' vol. i. p. 275 ; also competent authority, Mr. R. Hill, p. 42. Thompson's ' Nat. History of Ireland, For the turkey I rely on oral informal Birds,' vol. ii. p. 11. For ducks, see Rev. tion; I ascertained that they were not K. S. Dixon, 'Ornamental Poultry,' 1S47, Curassows. With respect to fowls I p. 122. For the feral hybrids of the will give the references in the next common and musk-ducks, see Audubon's chapter. 234 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VL product of variation, we can understand why they have not become feral, for the great amount of modification which they have undergone shows how long and how thoroughly they have been domesticated ; and this would unfit them for a wild life. Fourthly. — If it be assumed that the characteristic dif- ferences between the various domestic races are due to descent from several aboriginal species, we must con- clude that man chose for domestication in ancient times, either intentionally or by chance, a most abnormal set of pigeons ; for that species resembling such birds as pouters, fantails, carriers, barbs, short-faced tumblers, turbits, &c, would be in the highest degree abnormal, as compared with all the existing members of the great pigeon-family, cannot be doubted. Thus we should have to believe that man not only formerly succeeded in thoroughly domesticating several highly abnormal spe- cies, but that these same species have since all become extinct, or are at least now unknown. This double acci- dent is so extremely improbable that the assumed exist- ence of so many abnormal species would require to be supported by the strongest evidence. On the other hand, if all the races are descended from C. livia, we can un- derstand, as will hereafter be more fully explained, how any slight deviation in structure which first appeared would continually be augmented by the preservation of the most strongly marked individuals ; and as the power of selection would be applied according to man's fancy, and not for the bird's own good, the accumulated amount of deviation would certainly be of an abnormal nature in comparison with the structure of pigeons living in a state of nature. I have already alluded to the remarkable fact, that the characteristic differences between the chief domestic races are eminently variable : we see this plainly in the great difference in the number of the tail-feathers in the fantail, in the development of the crop in pouters, in the Chap. TI. THEIR PARENTAGE. 235 length of the beak in tumblers, in the state of the wattle in carriers, &c. If these characters are the result of suc- cessive variations added together by selection, we can understand why they should be so variable : for these are the very parts which have varied since the domesti- cation of the pigeon, and therefore would be likely still to vary ; these variations moreover have been recently, and are still being accumulated by man's selection ; therefore they have not as yet become firmly fixed. Fifthly. — All the domestic races pair readily together, and, what is equally important, their mongrel offspring are perfectly fertile. To ascertain this fact I made many experiments, which are given in the note below ; and recently Mr. Tegetmeier has made similar experiments with the same result. 19 The accurate Nenmeister 20 as- serts that when dovecots are crossed with pigeons of any " I have drawn out a long table of the various crosses made by fanciers between the several domestic breeds, but I do not think it worth pub- lishing. I have myself made for this special purpose many crosses, and all were perfectly fertile. I have united In one bird five of the most distinct races, and with patience I might un- doubtedly have thus united all. The case of five distinct breeds being blended together with unimpaired fertility is important, because Gartner has shown that it is a very general, though not, as he thought, universal rule, that com- plex crosses between several species are excessively sterile. I have met with only two or three cases of reported sterility in the offspring of certain races when crossed. Von Pistor (' Das Ganze der Feld-taubenzucht,' 1831, s. 15) asserts that the mongrels from barbs and fantails are sterile : I have proved this to be erroneous, not only by cross- ing these hybrids with several other hybrids of the same parentage, but by the more severe test of pairing brother and sister hybrids inter se, and they were perfectly fertile. Temminck has stated (' Hist. Nat. Gen. des Pigeons,' torn. i. p. 197) that the turbit or owl will not cross readily with other breeds: but my turbits crossed, when left free, with almond tumblers and with trumpeters ; the same thing has occurred (Rev. E. S. Dixon, ' The Dovecot,' p. 107) between turbits and dovecots and nuns. I have crossed turbits with barbs, as has M. Boitard (p. 31), who says the hybrids were very fertile. Hybrids from a turbit and fantail have been known to breed inter ne (Riedel, Taubenzucht, s. 25, and Bechstein, ' Naturgesch. Deutsch.' B. iv. s. 44). Turbits (Riedel, s. 26) have been crossed with pouters and with jacobins, and with a hybrid jacobin- trumpeter (Riedel, s. 27). The latter author has, however, made some vague statements (a. 22) on the sterility of turbits when crossed with certain other crossed breeds. But I have little doubt that the Rev. E. S. Dixon's explanation of such statements is correct, viz. that individual birds both with turbits and other breeds are occasional! sterile. 30 'Das Ganze der Taubenzucht,' 8. 18. 236 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. other breed, the mongrels are extremely fertile and hardy. MM. Boitard and Corbie 21 affirm, after their great experience, that with crossed pigeons the more distinct the breeds, the more productive are their mongrel off- spring. I admit that the doctrine first broached by Pallas is highly probable, if not actually proved, namely, that closely allied species, Avhich in a state of nature or when first captured would have been in some degree sterile when crossed, lose this sterility after a long course of domestication ; yet when we consider the great differ- ence between such races as pouters, carriers, runts, fan- tails, turbits, tumblers, &c, the fact of their perfect, or even increased, fertility when intercrossed in the most complicated manner becomes a strong argument in favour of their having all descended from a single species. This argument is rendered much stronger when we hear (I append in a note " all the cases which I have collected) 51 ' Les Pigeons,' 4c, p. 35. 33 Domestic pigeons pair readily with the allied C. oenas (Bechstein, ' Natur- gesch. Deutschlands,' B. iv. s. 3) ; and Mr. Brent has made the same cross seve- ral times in England, but the young were very apt to die at about ten days old ; one hybrid which he reared (from C. oenas and a male Antwerp carrier) pair- ed with a dragon, but never laid eggs. Bechstein further states (s. 26) that the domestic pigeon will cross with C. pa- lunibus, Tartur risoria, and T. vulga- ris, but nothing is said of the fertility of the hybrids, and this would have been mentioned had the fact been ascertained. In the Zoological Gardens (MS. report to me from Mr. James Hunt) a male hybrid from Turtur vulgaris and a domestic pigeon " paired with several different species of pigeons and doves, but none of the eggs were good." Hybrids from C. oenas and gymnophthalmos were sterile. In Loudon's ' Mag. of Nat. Hist.' vol. vii. 1834, p. 154, it is said that a male hybrid (from Turtur vulgaris male, and the cream-coloured T. risoria female) paired during two years with a fe- male T. risoria, and the latter laid many eggs, but all were sterile. MM. Boitard and Corbie (' Les Pigeons,' p. 235) state that the hybrids from these two turtle- doves are invariably sterile both inter se and with either pure parent. The ex- periment was tried by M. Corbie " avec une espece d'obstination ;" and likewise by M. Manduyt, and by M. Vieillot. Tem- minck also found the hybrids from these two species quite barren. Therefore, when Bechstein (' Naturgesch. Vogel. Deutschlands,' B. 4, s. 101) asserts that the hybrids from these two turtle-doves propagate inter se equally well with pure species, and when a writer in the ' Field ' newspaper (in a letter dated Nov. 10th, 1S5S) makes a similar assertion, it would appear that there must be some mistake ; though what the mistake is I know not, as Bechstein at least must have kuown the white variety of T. risoria: it would be an unparalleled fact if the same two species sometimes produced extremely fertile, and sometimes extremely barren, offspring. In the MS. report from the Zoological Gardens it is said that hybrids from Turtur vulgaris and suratensis, Chap. VI. THEIR PARENTAGE. 237 that hardly a single well-ascertained instance is known of hybrids between two true species of pigeons being fer- tile, inter se, or even when crossed with one of their pure parents. Sixthly. — Excluding certain important characteristic differences, the chief races agree most closely both with each other and with C. livia in all other respects. As previously observed, all are eminently sociable ; all dis- like to perch or roost, and refuse to build in trees ; all lay two eggs, and this is not a universal rule with the Columbidae ; all, as far as I can hear, require the same time for hatching their eggs ; all can endure the same great range of climate ; all prefer the same food, and are passionately fond of salt; all exhibit (with the asserted exception of the finnikin and turner, which do not differ much in any other character) the same peculiar gestures when courting the females; and all (with the exception of trumpeters and laughers, which likewise do not differ much in any other character) coo in the same peculiar manner, unlike the voice of any other wild pigeon. All the co- loured breeds display the same peculiar metallic tints on the breast, a character far from general with pigeons. Each race presents nearly the same range of variation in colour ; and in most of the races we have the same singu- lar correlation between the development of down in the young and the future colour of plumage. All have the proportional length of their toes, and of their primary wing-feathers, nearly the same, — characters which are apt to differ in the several members of the Columbida3. and from T. vulgaris and Ectopistet mi- tus with T. cambayensis and with T. gratorius, were sterile. Two of the latter suralensis ; but nothing is said of their male hybrids paired with their pure pa- fertility. At the Zoological Gardens of rents, viz. Turtitr vulgaris and the London the Goura coronata and victo- Ectopistes, and likewise with T. risoria rim produced a hybrid, which paired and with Columba oenas, and many eggs with the pure G. coronata, and laid seve- were produced, but all were barren. ral eggs, but these proved barren. In At Paris, hybrids have been raised (Isid. 1S60 Columba gymnophthalmos and Geoffroy Saint Hiluire, ' Hist. Nat. Gene- maculosa produced hybrids in these rale,' torn. Ui. p. 180) from Turtur auri- same gardens. 238 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. TI. In those races which present some remarkable deviation of structure, such as the tail of fantails, crop of pouters, beak of carriers and tumblers, &c, the other parts re- main nearly unaltered. Now every naturalist will admit that it would be scarcely possible to pick out a dozen natural species in any Family, which should agree closely in habits and in general structure, and yet should differ greatly in a few characters alone. This fact is explicable through the doctrine of natural selection ; for each suc- cessive modification of structure in each natural species is preserved, solely because it is of service ; and such modifications when largely accumulated imply a great change in the habits of life, and this will almost certainly lead to other changes of structure throughout the whole organisation. On the other hand, if the several races of the pigeon have been produced by man through selection and variation, we can readily understand how it is that they should still all resemble each other in habits and in those many characters which man has not cared to modi- fy, whilst they differ to so prodigious a degree in those parts which have struck his eye or pleased his fancy. Besides the points above enumerated, in which all the domestic races resemble C. lima and each other, there is one which deserves special notice. The wild rock-pigeon is of a slaty-blue colour; the wings are crossed by two black bars ; the croup varies in colour, being generally white in the pigeon of Europe, and blue in that of India ; the tail has a black bar close to the end, and the outer webs of the outer tail-feathers are edged with white, ex- cept near the tips. These combined characters are not found in any wild pigeon besides C. livia. I have looked carefully through the great collection of pigeons in the British Museum, and I find that a dark bar at the end of the tail is common ; that the white edging to the outer tail-feathers is not rare ; but that the white croup is ex- tremely rare, and the two black bars on the wings occur in no other pigeon, excepting the alpine C. leuconota and Chap. VI. THEIR REVERSION IN COLOUR. 239 C. rupestri* of Asia. Now if we turn to the domestic races, it is highly remarkable, as an eminent fancier, Mr. Wicking, observed to me, that, whenever a blue bird ap- pears in any race, the wings almost invariably show the double black bars." The primary wing-feathers may be white or black, and the whole body maybe of any colour, but if the wing-coverts alone are blue, the two black bars surely appear. I have myself seen, or acquired trust- worthy evidence, as given below, 24 of blue birds with black bars on the wing, with the croup either white or very pale or dark blue, with the tail having a terminal black bar, and with the outer feathers externally edged with white or very pale coloured, in the following races, * s There is one exception to the rule, namely in a sub-variety of the swallow of German origin, which is figured by Neumeister, and was shown to me by Mr Wicking. This bird is blue, but bas not the black wing-bars ; for our object, however, in tracing the descent of the chief races, this exception signi- fies the less as the swallow approaches closely in structure to C. livia. In many sub-varieties, the black bars are replaced by bars of various colours. The figures given by Neumeister are sufficient to show that, if the wings alone are blue, the black wing-bars appear. s * I have observed blue birds with all the above mentioned marks in the fol- lowing races, which seemed to be per- fectly pure, and were shown at various exhibitions. Pouters, with the double black wing-bars, with white croup, dark bar to end of tail, and white edging to outer tail-feathers. Turbits, with all these same characters. Fantails, with the ame ; but the group in some was bluish or pure blue : Mr. Wicking bred blue fantails from two black birds. Carriers (including the Bagadotten of Neumei- Bter), with all the marks : two birds which I examined had white, and two had blue croups ; the white edging to the outer tail-feathers was not present In all. Mr. Corker, a great breeder, as- sures me that, if black carriers are matched for many successive genera- tions, the offspring become first ash- coloured, and then blue with black wing-bars. Runts of the elongated breed had the same marks, but the croup was pale blue ; the outer tail- feathers had white edges. Neumeister figures the great Florence Runt of a blue colour with black bars. Jacobins are very rarely blue, but I have received authentic accounts of at least two in- stances of the blue variety with black bars having appeared in England : blue jacobins were bred by Mr. Brent from two black birds. I have seen common tumblers, both Indian and English, and short-faced tumblers, of a blue colour, with black wing-bars, with the black bar at the end of the tail, and with the outer tail-feathers edged with white; the croup in all was blue, or extremely pale blue, never absolutely white. Blue barbs and trumpeters seem to be ex- cessively rare ; but Neumeister, who may be implicitly trusted, figures blue varieties of both, with black wing-bars. Mr. Brent informs me that he has seen a blue barb ; and Mr. H. Weir, as I am informed by Mr. Tegctmeler, once bred a silver (which means very pale blue) barb from two yellow birds. 240 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VL which, as I carefully observed in each case, appeared to be perfectly pure : namely, in Pouters, Fantails, Tumblers, Jacobins, Turbits, Barbs, Carriers, Runts of three dis- tinct varieties, Trumpeters, Swallows, and in many other toy-pigeons, which, as being closely allied to C. livid, are not worth enumerating. Thus we see that, in purely- bred races of every kind known in Europe, blue birds oc- casionally appear having all the marks which charac- terise C. livia, and which concur in no other wild species. Mr. Blyth, also, has made the same observation with re spect to the various domestic races known in India. Certain variations in the plumage are equally common in the wild G. livia, in dovecot-pigeons, and in all the most highly modified races. Thus, in all, the croup varies from white to blue, being most frequently white in Eu- rope, and very generally blue in India." We have seen that the wild C. livia in Europe, and dovecots in all parts of the world, often have the upper wing-coverts chequered with black ; and all the most distinct races, when blue, are occasionally chequered in precisely the same manner. Thus I have seen Pouters, Fantails, Carriers, Turbits, Tumblers (Indian and English), Swallows, Bald-pates, and other toy-pigeons blue and chequered ; and Mr. Es- quilant has seen a chequered Runt. I bred from two pure blue Tumblers a chequered bird. The facts hitherto given refer to the occasional appear- ance in pure races of blue birds with black wing-bars, and likewise of blue and chequered birds; but it will now be seen that when two birds belonging to distinct races are crossed, neither of which have, nor probably 26 Mr. Blyth Informs me that all the has some white feathers on the croup domestic races in India have the croup alone. In some other Indian pigeons blue ; but this is not invariable, for I there were a few white feathers confined possess a very pale blue Simmali pigeon to the croup, and I hare noticed the same with the croup perfectly white, sent to fact in a carrier from Persia. The Java me by Sir W. Elliot from Madras. A fantail (imported into Amoy, and thence slaty-blue and chequered Nakshi pigeon sent me) has a perfectly white croup. Chap. VI. THEIR REVERSION IN COLOUR, 241 have Intel (luring many generations, a trace of blue in their plumage, or a trace of wing-bars and the other cha- racteristic marks, they very frequently produce mongrel oifspring of a blue colour, sometimes chequered, with black wing-bars, 7 ' Ornithologie,' 1600, vol. ii. p. 360. 3a Mr. Blyth has given a translation * 8 ' A Treatise on Domestic Pigeons,' of part of the 'Ayeen Akbery' in ' An- dedicated to Mr. Mayor, 1765. Preface, nals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' vol. xix., P. rf* 1S47, p. 104. 254 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. 1735 Moore saw one with 36 feathers j and in 1824 MM. Boitard and Corbie assert that in France birds can easily be found with 42 tail- feathers. In England, the number of the tail-feathers is not at present so much regarded as their upward direction and expansion. The general carriage of the bird is likewise now much regarded. The old descriptions do not suffice to show whether in these latter respects there has been much improvement ; but if fantails had formerly existed with their heads and tails touching each other, as at the present time, the fact would almost certainly have been noticed. The Fantails which are now found in India probably show the state of the race, as far as carriage is concerned, at the date of their introduction into Europe ; and some, said to have been brought from Calcutta, which I kept alive, were in a marked manner in- ferior to our exhibition birds. The Java FantaiL shows the same difference in carriage ; and although Mr. Swinhoe has counted 18 and 24 tail-feathers in Ins birds, a first-rate specimen sent to me had only 14 tail-feathers. Jacobins. — This breed existed before 1600, but the hood, judging from the figure given by Aldrovandi, did not enclose the head nearly so perfectly as at present : nor was the head then white ; nor were the wings and tail so long, but this last character might have been overlooked by the rude artist. In Moore's time, in 1 735, the Jacobin was considered the smallest kind of pigeon, and the bill is said to be very short. Hence either the Jacobin, or the other kinds with which it was then compared, must have been since considerably modified ; for Moore's description (and it must be remembered that he was a first-rate judge) is clearly not applicable, as far as size of body and length of beak are concerned, to our present Jacobins. In 1795, judging from Bechstein, the breed had assumed its present character. Turbits. — It has generally been supposed by the older writers on pigeons, that the Turbit is the Cortbeck of Aldrovandi ; but if this be the case, it is an extraordinary fact that the characteristic frill should not have been noticed. The beak, moreover, of the Cortbeck is described as closely resembling that of the Jacobin, which shows a change in the one or the other race. The Turbit, with its characteristic frill and bearing its present name, is described by Willughby in 1677 ; and the bill is said to be like that of the bull- finch,— a good comparison, but now more strictly applicable to the beak of the Barb. The sub-breed called the Owl was well known in Moore's time, in 1735. Tumblers. — Common Tumblers, as well as Ground Tumblers, perfect'as far as tumbling is concerned, existed in India before the year 1600 ; and at this period diversified modes of flight, such as Chap. VI. HISTORY OF THE PRINCIPAL RACES. 255 flying at night, the ascent to a great height, an»fcmanner of descent, seem to have been much attended to, as at the present time, in India. Belon 40 in 1555 saw in Paphlagonia what he describes as " a very- new thing, viz. pigeons which flew so high in the air that they were lost to view, but returned to their pigeon-house without separating." This manner of flight is characteristic of our present Tumblers, but it is clear that Belon would have mentioned the act of tumbling if the pigeons described by him had tumbled. Tumblers were not known in Europe in 1600, as they are not mentioned by Aldrovandi, who discusses the flight of pigeons. They are briefly alluded to by Willughby, in 1687, as small pigeons "which show like footballs in the air." The short-faced race did not exist at this period, as Wil- lughby could not have overlooked birds so remarkable for their small size and short beaks. We can even trace some of the steps by which this race has been produced. Moore in 1735 enumerates correctly the chief points of excellence, but does not give any de- scription of the several sub-breeds ; and from this fact Mr. Eaton in- fers 41 that the short-faced Tumbler had not then come to full per- fection. Moore even speaks of the Jacobin as being the smallest pigeon. Thirty years afterwards, in 1765, in the Treatise dedicated to Mayor, short-faced Almond Tumblers are fully described, but the author, an excellent fancier, expressly states in his Preface (p. xiv.) that, " from great care and expense in breeding them, they have arrived to so great perfection and are so different from what they were 20 or 30 years past, that an old fancier would have condemned them for no other reason than because they are not like what used to be thought good when he was in the fancy before." Hence it would appear that there was a rather sudden change in the charac- ter of the short-faced Tumbler at about this period ; and there is reason to suspect that a dwarfed and half-monstrous bird, the parent- form of the several short -faced sub-breeds, then appeared. I suspect this because short-faced Tumblers are born with their beaks (ascer- tained by careful measurement) as short, proportionally with the size of their bodies, as in the adult bird ; and in this respect they differ greatly from all other breeds, which slowly acquire during growth their various characteristic qualities. Since the year 1765 there has been some change in one of the chief characters of the short-faced Tumbler, namely, in the length of the beak. Fanciers measure the " head and beak " from the tip of the beak to the front corner of the eyeball. About the year 1765 40 ' L'Hist. de la Nature des Oiseaux,' p. 314. 41 ' Treatise on Pigeons,' 18o2, p. 64. 256 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. a " head and beak 'jfwas considered good, 42 which, measured in the usual manner, was -J of an inch in length ; now it ought not to ex- ceed f of an inch ; " it is however possible," as Mr. Eaton candidly confesses, " for a bird to be considered as pleasant or neat even at | of an inch, but exceeding that length it must be looked upon as un- worthy of attention." Mr. Eaton states that he has never seen in the course of his life more than two or three birds with the " head and beak " not exceeding half an inch in length ; " still I believe in the course of a few years that the head and beak will be shortened, and that half-inch birds will not be considered so great a curiosity as at the present time." That Mr. Eaton's opinion deserves atten- tion cannot be doubted, considering his success in winning prizes at our exhibitions. Finally in regard to the Tumbler it may be con- cluded from the facts above given that it was originally introduced into Europe, probably first into England, from the East ; and that it then resembled our common English Tumbler, or more probably the Persian or Indian Tumbler, with a beak only just perceptibly shorter than that of the common dovecot-pigeon. With respect to the short-faced Tumbler, which is not known to exist in the East, there can hardly be a doubt that the whole wonderful change in the size of the head, beak, body, and feet, and in general carriage, has been produced during the last two centuries by continued selection, aided probably by the birth of a semi-monstrous bird somewhere about the year 1750. Runts. — Of their history little can be said. In the time of Pliny the pigeons of Campania were the largest known ; and from this fact alone some authors assert that they were Runts. In Aldrovandi's time, in 1600, two sub-breeds existed ; but one of them, the short- beaked, is now extinct in Europe. Barbs. — Notwithstanding statements to the contrary, it seems to me impossible to recognise the barb in Aldrovandi's descriptions and figures ; four breeds, however existed in the year 1600 which were evidently allied both to Barbs and Carriers. To show how difficult it is to recognise some of the breeds described by Aldrovandi, I will give the different opinions in regard to the above four kinds, named by him C. Lidica, Cretensis, Outturosa, and Persica. Willughby thought that the Golumba Indica was a Turbit, but the eminent fancier Mr. Brent believes that it was an inferior Barb : C. Cretensis, with a short beak and a swelling on the upper mandible, cannot be recognised: C. (falsely called) gutturosa, which from its rostrum, breve, crassum, et tuberosum seems to me to come nearest to the 42 J. M. Eaton's ' Treatise on the Tumbler,' 1851. Compare p. v. of Pre- Breeding and Managing of the Almond face, p. 9, and p. 52. Chap. VI. HISTORY OF THE PRINCIPAL RACES. 257 Barb, Mr. Brent believes to be a Carrier ; and lastly, the C. Pcndca et Turcica, Mr.' Brent thinks, and I quite concur with him; was a short -beaked Carrier with very little wattle. In 1687 the Barb was known in England, and Willnghby describes the beak as like that of the Turbit ; but it is not credible that his Barb should have had a beak like that of our present birds, for so accurate an observer could not have overlooked its great breadth. English Currier. — We may look in vain in Aldrovandi's work for any bird resembling our prize Carriers ; the C. Persica et Turcica of this author comes the nearest, but is said to have had a short thick beak ; therefore it must have approached in character a Barb, and have differed greatly from our Carriers. In Willughby's time, in 1677, we can clearly recognise the Carrier, but he adds, " the bill is not short, but of a moderate length," a description which no one would apply to our present Carriers, so conspicuous for the extra- ordinary length of their beaks. The old names given in Europe to the Carrier, and the several names now in use in India, indicate that Carriers originally came from Persia ; and Willughby's de- scription would perfectly apply to the Bussorah Carrier as it now exists in Madras. In later times we can partially trace the progress of change in our English Carriers : Moore in 1735 says " an inch and a half is reckoned a long beak, though there are very good Carriers that are found not to exceed an inch and a quarter." These birds must have resembled, or perhaps been a little superior to, the Carriers previously described, which are now found in Persia. In England at the present day " there are," as Mr. Eaton 48 states-, " beaks that would measure (from edge of eye to tip of beak) one inch and three-quarters, and some few even two inches in length." From these historical details we see that nearly all the chief domestic races existed before the year 1600. Some remarkable only for colour appear to have been identical with our present breeds, some were nearly the same, some considerably different, and some have since become extinct. Several breeds, such as Fiunikins and Turners, the swallow-tailed pigeon of Bechstein and the Carme- lite, seem both to have originated and to have disap- peared within this same period. Any one now visiting a well stocked English aviary would certainly pick out « ' Treatise on Pigeons,' 1S52, p. 41. 258 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VL as the most distinct kinds, the massive Runt, the Carrier with its wonderfully elongated beak and great wattles, the Barb with its short broad beak and eye-wattles, the short-faced Tumbler with its small conical beak, the Pouter with its great crop, long legs and body, the Fan- tail with its upraised, widely-expanded, well-feathered tail, the Tux-bit with its frill and short blunt beak, and the Jacobin with its hood. Now, if this same person could have viewed the pigeons kept before 1600 by Akber Khan in India and by Aldrovandi in Europe, he would have seen the Jacobin with a less perfect hood ; the Tux-- bit apparently without its frill ; the Pouter with shorter legs, and in every way less x-emarkable — that is, if Aldro- vandi's Pouter x-esembled the old German kind ; the Fan- tail would have been far less singular in appearance, and would have had much fewer feathex-s in its tail ; he woxxld have seen excellent flying Txxmblex-s, but he woxxld in vain have looked for the nxarvellous shox-t-faced breeds ; he would have seen birds allied to barbs, but it is ex- tremely doubtful whether he would have met with our actual Barbs ; and lastly, he woxxld have found Carriers with beaks and wattle incomparably less developed thaxi in our English Cax-riex-s. He might have classed most of the breeds in the same groxxps as at present ; but the differences between the groxxps wex-e then far less strong- ly px-onounced than at present. In short, the several bx-eeds had at this eax*ly period not divex*ged in so gx-eat a degree from their aboriginal common parent, the wild rock-pigeon. Manner of Formation of the chief Maces. We will now consider more closely the probable steps by which the chief races have been formed. As long as pigeons are kept semi-domesticated in dovecots in their native country, without any care in selecting and match- ing them, they are liable to little more variation than the Chap. VI. FORMATION OF CHIEF RACES. 259 wild C. livid, namely, in the wings becoming chequered with black, in the croup being blue or white, and in the size of the body. "When, however, dovecot-pigeons are transported into diversified countries, such as Sierra Leone, the Malay archipelago, and Madeira (where the Wild C. Uvia is not known to exist), they are exposed to new conditions of life ; and apparently in consequence they vary in a somewhat greater degree. When closely confined, either for the pleasure of watching them, or to prevent their straying, they must be exposed, even under their native climate, to considerably different conditions ; for they cannot obtain their natural diversity of .food ; and, what is probably more important, they are abun- dantly fed, whilst debarred from taking much exercise. Under these circumstances we might expect to find, from the analogy of all other domesticated animals, a greater amount of individual variability than with the wild pigeon; and this is the case. The want o exercise ap- parently tends to reduce the size of the feet and organs of flight ; and then, from the law of correlation of growth, the beak apparently becomes affected. From what we now see occasionally taking place in our aviaries, we may conclude that sudden variations or sports, such as the appearance of a crest of feathers on the head, of feathered feet, of a new shade of colour, of an additional feather in the tail or wing, would occur at- rare intervals during the many centuries which have elapsed since the pigeon was first domesticated. At the present day such " sports " are generally rejected as blemishes ; and there is so much mystery in the breeding of pigeons that, if a valuable sport did occur, its history would often be concealed. Before the last hundred and fifty years, there is hardly a chance of the history of any such sport hav- ing been recorded. But it by no means follows from this that such sports in former times, when the pigeon had undergone much less variation, would have been re- jected. We are profoundly ignorant of the cause of 260 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. each sudden and apparently spontaneous variation, as well as of the infinitely numerous shades of difference between the birds of the same family. But in a future chapter we shall see that all such variations appear to be the indirect result of changes of some kind in the con- ditions of life. Hence, after a long course of domestication, we might expect to see in the pigeon much individual variability, and occasional sudden variations, as well as slight modi- fications from the lessened use of certain parts, together with the effects of correlation of growth. But without selection all this would produce only a trifling or no re- sult ; for without such aid differences of all kinds' would, from the two following causes, soon disappear. In a healthy and vigorous lot of pigeons many more young birds are killed for food or- die than are reared to matu- rity ; so that an individual having any peculiar character, if not selected, would run a good chance, of being destroy- ed, and if not destroyed, the peculiarity in question would almost certainly be obliterated by free intercrossing. It might, however, occasionally happen that the same varia- tion repeatedly occurred, owing to the action of peculiar and uniform conditions of life, and in this case it would pre- vail independently of selection. But when selection is brought into play all is changed ; for this is the foundation- stone in the formation of new races ; and with the pigeon, circumstances, as we have already seen, are eminently fa- vourable for selection. When a bird presenting some conspicuous variation has been preserved, and its offspring have been selected, carefully matched, *and again propa- gated, and so onwards during successive generations, the principle is so obvious that nothing more need be said about it. This may be called methodical selection, for the breeder has a distinct object in view, namely, to pre- serve some character which has actually appeared ; or to create some improvement already pictured in his mind. Another form of selection has hardly been noticed by Chap. VI. FORMATION OF CHIEF RACES. 261 t those authors who have discussed this subject, but is even more important. This form may be called unconscious selection, for the breeder selects his birds unconsciously, Unintentionally, and without method, yet he surely though slowly produces a great result. I refer to the effects which follow from each fancier at first procuring and afterwards rearing as good birds as he can, according to his skill, and according to the standard of excellence at each suc- cessive period. He does not wish permanently to modify the breed; he does not look to the distant future, or speculate on the final result of the slow accumulation dur- ing many generations of successive slight changes: he is content if he possesses a good stock, and more than con- tent if he can beat his rivals. The fancier in the time of Aldrovandi, when in the year 1600 he admired his own jacobins, pouters, or carriers, never reflected what their descendants in the year 1860 would become; he would have been astonished could he have seen our jacobins, our improved English carriers, and our pouters; he would probably have denied that they were the descendants of his own once admired stock, and he would perhaps not have valued them, for no other reason, as was written in 1765, "than because they were not like what used to be thought good when he was in the fancy." No one will attribute the lengthened beak of the carrier, the shorten- ed beak of the short-faced tumbler, the lengthened leg of the pouter, the more perfectly-enclosed hood of the jacobin, &c, — changes effected since the time of Aldro- vandi, or even since a much later period, — to the direct and immediate action of the conditions of life. For these several races have been modified in various and even in directly opposite w r ays, though kept under the same cli- mate and treated in all respects in as nearly uniform a manner as possible. Each slight change in the length or shortness of the beak, in the length of leg, &c, has no doubt been indirectly and remotely caused by some change in the conditions to which the bird has been subjected, 262 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. but we must attribute the final result, as is manifest in those cases of which we have any historical record, to the continued selection and accumulation of many slight suc- cessive variations. The action of unconscious selection, as far as pigeons are concerned, depends on a universal principle in human nature, namely, on our rivalry, and desire to outdo our neighbours. We see this in every fleeting fashion, even in our dress, and it leads the fancier to endeavour to ex- aggerate every peculiarity in his breeds. A great autho- rity on pigeons 44 says, " Fanciers do not and will not ad- mire a medium standard, that is, half and half, which is neither here nor there, but admire extremes." After re- marking that the fancier of short-faced beard tumblers wishes for a very short beak, and that the fancier of long- faced beard tumblers wishes for a very long beak, he says, with respect to one of intermediate length, " Don't deceive yourself. Do you suppose for a moment the short or the long-faced fancier would accept such a bird as a gift ? Certainly not ; the short-faced fancier could see no beauty in it ; the long-faced fancier would swear there was no use in it, &c." In these comical passages, written seriously, we see the principle which has ever guided fan- ciei-s, and has led to such great modifications in all the domestic races which are valued solely for their beauty or curiosity. Fashions in pigeon-breeding endure for long periods ; we cannot change the structure of a bird as quickly as we can the fashion of our dress. In the time of Aldro- vandi, no doubt the more the pouter inflated his crop, the more he was valued. Nevertheless, fashions do to a cer- tain extent change ; first one point of sti'ucture and then another is attended to ; or different breeds are admired at different times and in different countries. As the author just quoted remarks, " the fancy ebbs and flows ; a tho- ** Eaton's ' Treatise on Pigeons,' 1858, p. 86. Chap. VI. FORMATION OF CHIEF RACES. 263 rough fancier now-a-days never stoops to breed toy-birds ;" yet these very " toys " are now most carefully bred in Germany. Breeds which at the present time are highly valued in India are considered worthless in England. No doubt, when breeds are neglected, they degenerate ; still we may believe that, as long as they are kept under the same conditions of life, characters once gained will be partially retained for a long time, and may form the starting-point for a future course of selection. Let it not be objected to this view of the action of un- conscious selection that fanciers would not observe or care for extremely slight differenoes. Those alone who have associated with fanciers can be thoroughly aware of their accurate powers of discrimination acquired by long practice, and of the care aud labour which they bestow on their birds. I have known a fancier deliberately study his birds day after day to settle which to match together and which to reject. Observe how difficult the subject appears to one of the most eminent and experienced fan- ciers. Mr. Eaton, the winner of many prizes, says, " I would here particularly guard you against keeping too great a variety of pigeons, otherwise you will know a lit- tle about all the kinds, but nothing about one as it ought to be known." " It is possible there may be a few fan- ciers that have a good general knoAvledge of the several fancy pigeons, but there are many who labour under the delusion of supposing they know what they do not." Speaking exclusively of one sub-variety of one race, namely, the short-faced almond tumbler, and after saying that some fanciers sacrifice every property to obtain a good head and beak, and that other fanciers sacrifice everything for plumage, he remarks: "Some young fan- ciers who are over covetous go in for all the five proper- ties at once, and they have their reward by getting nothing." In India, as I hear from Mr. Blyth, pigeons arc likewise selected and matched with the greatest care. But we must not judge of the slight differences which 264 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VL would have been valued in ancient days, by those which are now valued after the formation of many races, each with its own standard of perfection, kept uniform by our numerous Exhibitions. The ambition of the most ener- getic fancier may be fully satisfied by the difficulty of ex- celling other fanciers in the breeds ah-eady established, without trying to form a new one. A difficulty with respect to the power of selection will perhaps already have occurred to the reader, namely, what could have led fanciers first to attempt to make such singular breeds ,as pouters, fantails, carriers, &c. ? But it is this very difficulty which the principle of un- conscious selection removes. Undoubtedly no fancier ever did intentionally make such an attempt. All that we need suppose is that a variation occurred sufficiently marked to catch the discriminating eye of some ancient fancier, and then unconscious selection carried on for many generations, that is, the wish of succeeding fanciers to excel their rivals, would do the rest. In the case of the fantail we may suppose that the first progenitor of the breed had a tail only slightly erected, as may now be seen in certain runts, 45 with some increase in the number of the tail-feathers, as now occasionally occurs with nuns. In the case of the pouter we may suppose that some bird inflated its crop a little more than other pigeons, as is now the case in a slight degree with the oesophagus of the turbit. We do not in the least know the origin of the common tumbler, but we may suppose that a bird was born with some affection of the brain, leading it to make somersaults in the air ; and the diffi- culty in this case is lessened, as we know that, before the year 1600, in India, pigeons remarkable for their diversified manner of flight were much valued, and by 45 See Neumeister's figure of the Florence runt, tab. 13, in 'Das Ganze der Tau- benzucht.' Chap. VI. FORMATION" OF CHIEF RACES. 265 the order of the Emperor Akber Khan were sedulously trained and carefully matched. In the foregoing cases we have supposed that a sudden variation, conspicuous enough to catch a fancier's eye, first appeared ; but even this degree of abruptness in the process of variation is not necessary for the formation of a new breed. "When the same kind of pigeon has been kept pure, and has been bred during a long period by two or more fanciers, slight differences in the strain can often be recognised. Thus I have seen first-rate jacobins in one man's possession which certainly differed slightly in several characters from those kept by another. I pos- sessed some excellent barbs descended from a pair which had won a prize, and another lot descended from a stock formerly kept by that famous fancier Sir John Sebright, • and these plainly differed in the form of the beak ; but the differences were so slight, that they could hardly be described by words. Again, the common English and Dutch tumbler differ in a somewhat greater degree, both in length of beak and shape of head. "What first caused these slight differences cannot be explained any more than why one man has a long nose and another a short one. In the strains long kept distinct by different fan- ciers, such differences are so common that they cannot be accounted for by the accident of the birds first chosen for breeding having been originally as different as they now are. The explanation no doubt lies in selection of a slightly different nature having been applied in each case ; for no two fanciei's have exactly the same taste, and consequently no two, in choosing and carefully matching their birds, prefer or select exactly the same. As each man naturally admires his own birds, he goes on continually exaggerating by selection whatever slight peculiarities they may possess. This will more especially happen with fanciers living in different countries, who do not compare their stocks and aim at a common stand- ard of perfection. Thus, when a mere strain has once 12 266 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. been formed, unconscious selection steadily tends to augment the amount of difference, and thus converts the strain into a sub-breed, and this ultimately into a well- marked breed or race. The principle of correlation of growth should never be lost sight of. Most pigeons have small feet, apparently caused by their lessened use, and from correlation, as it would appear, their beaks have likewise become reduced in length. The beak is a conspicuous organ, and, as soon as it had thus become perceptibly shortened, fanciers would almost certainly strive to reduce it still more by the continued selection of birds with the shortest beaks ; whilst at the same time other fanciers, as we know has actually been the case, would, in other sub-breeds, strive to increase its length. With the increased length of the beak, the tongue would become greatly lengthened, as would the eyelids with the increased development of the eye-wattles; with the reduced or increased size of the feet the number of the scutellse would, vary ; with the length of the wing the number of the primary- wing- feathers would differ ; and with the increased length of the body in the pouter the number of the sacral vertebrae would be augmented. These important and correlated differences of structure do not invariably characterise any breed ; but if they had been attended to and selected with as much care as the more conspicuous external differences, there can hardly be a doubt that they would have been rendered constant. Fanciers could assuredly have made a race of tumblers with nine instead of ten primary wing-feathers, seeing how often the number nine appears without any wish on their part, and indeed in the case of the white-winged varieties in opposition to their wish. In a similar manner, if the vertebrae had been visible and had been attended to by fanciers, as- suredly an additional number might easily have been fixed in the poutei*. If these latter characters had once been rendered constant we should never have suspected Chap. vi. FORMATION OF CHIEF RACES. 267 that they had at first been highly variable, or that they had arisen from correlation, in the one case with the shortness of the wings, and in the other case with the length of the body. In order to understand how the chief domestic races have become distinctly separated from each other, it is important to bear in mind, that fanciers constantly try to breed from the best birds, and consequently that those which are inferior in the requisite qualities are in each generation neglected ; so that after a time the less im- proved parent-stocks and many subsequently formed intermediate grades become extinct. This has occurred in the oase of the pouter, turbit, and trumpeter, for these highly improved bi*eeds are now left without any links closely connecting them either with each other or with the aboriginal rock-pigeon. . In other countries, indeed, where the same care has not been applied, or where the same fashion, has not prevailed, the earlier forms may long remain unaltered or altered only in a slight degree, and we are thus sometimes enabled to recover the connecting links. This is the case in Persia and India with the tum- bler and carrier, which there differ but slightly from the rock-pigeon in the proportions of their beaks. So again in Java, the fantail sometimes has only fourteen caudal feathers, and the tail is much less elevated and - expanded than in our improved birds ; so that the Java bird forms a link between a first-rate fantail and the rock-pigeon. Occasionally a breed may be retained for some particu- lar quality in a nearly unaltered condition in the same country, together with highly modified offshoots or sub- breeds, which are valued for some distinct property. We see this exemplified in England, where the common tum- bler, which is valued only for its flight, does not differ much from its parent-form, the Eastern tumbler ; whereas the short-faced tumbler has been prodigiously modified, from being valued, not for its flight, but for other quali- ties. But the common-flying tumbler of Europe has 268 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. already begun to branch out into slightly different sub- breeds, such as the common English tumbler, the Dutch roller, the Glasgow house-tumbler, and the long-faced beard tumbler, &c. ; and in the course of centuries, unless fashions greatly change, these sub-breeds will diverge through the slow and insensible process of uncon- scious selection, and become modified, in a greater and greater degree. After a time the perfectly graduated links, which now connect all these sub-breeds together, will be lost, for there would be no object and much diffi- culty in retaining such a host of intermediate sub-varie- ties. The principle of divergence, together with the extinc- tion of the many previously existing intermediate forms, is so important for understanding the origin of domestic races, as well as of species in a state of nature, that I will enlarge a little more on this subject. Our third main group includes carriers, barbs, and runts, which are plainly related to each other, yet wonderfully distinct in several important characters. According to the view given in the last chapter, these three races have probably de- scended from an unknown race having an intermediate cha- racter and this from the rock-pigeon. Their characteristic differences are believed to be due to different breeders having at an early period admired different points of structm-e; and then, on the acknowledged principle of admiring extremes, having gone on breeding, without any thought of the future, as good birds as they could, — carrier-fanciers preferring long beaks with much wat- tle, — barb-fanciers preferring short thick beaks with much eye-wattle, — and runt-fanciers not caring about the beak or wattle, but only for the size and weight of the body. This process will have led to the neglect and final extinction of the earlier, inferior, and intermediate birds; and thus it has come to pass, that in Europe these three races are now so extraordinarily distinct from each other. But in the East, whence they were originally brought, Chap. VI. FORMATION OF CHIEF EACES. 269 the fashion has boon different, and we there see breeds ■which connect the highly modified English carrier with the rock-pigeon, and others which to a certain extent connect carriers and runts. Looking back to the time of Aldrovandi, we find that there existed in Europe, before the year 1600, four breeds which were closely allied to carriers and barbs, but which competent au- thorities cannot now identify with our present barbs and carriers; nor can Aldrovandi's runts be identified with our present runts. These four breeds certainly did not differ from each other nearly so much as do our existing English carriers, barbs, and runts. All this is exactly what might have been anticipated. If we could collect all the pigeons which have ever lived, from before the time of the Romans to the present day, we should be able to group them in several lines, diverging from the parent rock-pigeon. Each line would consist of almost insensible steps, occasionally broken by some slightly greater variation or sport, and each would culminate in one of our present highly modified forms. Of the many- former connecting links, some would be found to have become absolutely extinct without having left any issue, whilsX others though extinct would be seen to be the progenitors of the existing races. I have heard it remarked as a strange circumstance that we occasionally hear of the local or complete ex- tinction of domestic races, whilst we hear nothing of their origin. How, it has been asked, can these losses be com- pensated, and more than compensated, for we know that with almost all domesticated animals the races have largely increased in number since the time of the Romans ? But on the view here given, we can understand this apparent contradiction. The extinction of a race within historical times is an event likely to be noticed ; but its gradual and scarcely sensible modification through unconscious selection, and its subsequent divergence, either in the same or more commonly in distant countries, into two or 270 DOMESTIC » PIGEONS. Chap. VI. more strains, and their gradual conversion into sub-breeds, and these into well-marked breeds, are events which would rarely he noticed. The death of a tree, that has attained gigantio dimensions, is recorded ; the slow growth of smaller trees and their increase in number excite no attention. In accordance with the belief of the great power of selection, and of the little direct power of changed con- ditions of life, except in causing general variability or plasticity of organisation, it is not surprising that dovecof- pigeons have remained unaltered from time immemorial ; and that some toy-pigeons, which differ in little else besides colour from the dovecot-pigeon, have retained the same character for several centuries. For when one of these toy-pigeons had once become beautifully and sym- metrically coloured, — when, for instance, a Spot had been produced with the crown of its head, its tail, and tail- coverts of a uniform colour, the rest of the body being snow-white, — no alteration or improvement would be desired. On the other hand, it is not surprising that during this same interval of time our highly-bred pigeons have undergone an astonishing amount of change ; for in regard to them there is no defined limit to the wish of the fanciei*, and there is no known limit to the variability of their characters. What is there to stop the fancier desiring to give to his carrier a longer and longer beak, or to his tumbler a shorter and shorter beak ? nor has the extreme limit of variability in the beak, if there be any such limit, as yet been reached. Notwithstanding the great improvement effected within recent times in the short-faced almond tumbler, Mr. Eaton remarks, "the field is still as open for fresh competitors as it was one ' hundred years ago ; " but this is perhaps an exaggerated assertion, for the young of all highly improved fancy birds are extremely liable to disease and death. I have heard it objected that the formation of the several domestic races of the pigeon throws no light on Chap. VI. FORMATION OF CHIEF RACES. 271 the origin of the wild species of the Columbidre, because their differences are not of the same nature. The domestic races for instance do not differ, or differ. hardly at all, in the relative lengths and shapes of the primary wing-feathers, in the relative length of the hind toe, or in habits of life, as in roosting and building in trees. But the above objection shows how completely the principle of selection has been misunderstood. It is not likely that characters selected by the caprice of man should resemble differences preserved under natural conditions, either from being of direct service to each species, or from standing in correlation with other modified and serviceable struc- tures. Until man selects birds differing in the relative length of the wing-feathers or toes, &c, no sensible change in these parts should be expected. Nor could man do anything unless these parts happened to vary under domestication : I do not positively assert that this is the case, although I have seen traces of such variability in the wing-feathers, and certainly in the tail-feathers. It would be a strange fact if the relative length of the hind toe should never vary, seeing how variable the foot is both in size and in the number of the scutellse. With respect to the domestic races not roosting or building in trees, it is obvious that fanciers would never attend to or select such changes in habits ; but we have seen that the pigeons in Egypt, which do not for some reason like settling on the low mud hovels of the natives, are led, apparently by compulsion, to perch in crowds on the trees. We may even affirm that, if our domestic races had become greatly modified in any of the above specified respects, and it could be shown that fanciers had never attended to such points, or that they. did not stand in correlation with other selected characters, the fact, on the principles advocated in this chapter, would have offered a serious difficulty. Let us briefly sum up the last two chapters on the pigeon. We may conclude with confidence that all the 272 DOMESTIC PIGEONS. Chap. VI. domestic races, notwithstanding their great amount of difference, are descended from the Columba livia, includ- ing under this name certain wild races. But the differ-, ences between these latter forms throw no light whatever on the characters which distinguish the domestic races. In each breed or sub-breed the individual birds are more variable than birds in a state of nature ; and occasional- ly they vary in a sudden and strongly-marked manner. This plasticity of organisation apparently results from changed conditions of life. Disuse has reduced certain parts of the body. Correlation of growth so ties the or- ganisation together, that when one part varies other parts vary at the same time. When several breeds have once been formed, their intercrossing aids the progress of modi- fication, aqd has even produced new sub-breeds. But as, in the construction of a building, mere stones or bricks are of little avail without the builder's art, so, in the pro- duction of new races, selection has been the presiding power. Fanciers can act by selection on excessively slight individual differences, as well as on those greater differences which are called sports. Selection is followed methodically when the fancier tries to improve and modi- fy a breed according to a prefixed standard of excellence ; or he acts unmethodically and unconsciously, by merely trying to rear as good birds as he can, without any wish or intention to alter the breed. The progress of selection almost inevitably leads to the neglect and ultimate extinc- tion of the earlier and less improved forms, as well as of many intermediate links in each long line of descent, Thus it has come to pass that most of our present races are so marvellously distinct from each other, and from the aboriginal rock-pigeon. Chat. VII. FOWLS. 273 CHAPTER VIL FOWLS. BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS OP THE CHIEF BREEDS — ARGUMENTS IN FA- VOUR OF THEIR DESCENT FROM SEVERAL SPECIES — ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF ALL THE BREEDS HAVING DESCENDED FROM GAL- LUS BANKIVA — REVERSION TO THE PARENT-STOCK IN COLOUR — ANALOGOUS VARIATIONS — ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE FOWL — EX- TERNAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE SEVERAL BREEDS — EGGS — CHICKENS — SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS — WING- AND TADL- FEATHERS, VOICE, DISPOSITION, ETC. — OSTEOLOGICAL- DIF- FERENCES IN THE SKULL, VERTEBRAE, ETC. — EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE ON CERTAIN PARTS — CORRELATION OF GROWTH. As some naturalists may not be familiar with the chief breeds of the fowl, it will be advisable to give a con- densed description of them. 1 From what I have read and seen of specimens brought from several quarters of the world, I believe that most of the chief kinds have been imported into England, but many sub-breeds are proba- bly still here unknown. The following discussion on the origin of the various breeds and on their characteristic differences does not pretend to completeness, but maybe of some interest to the naturalist. The classification of the breeds cannot, as far as I can see, be made natural. 1 I have drawn up this brief synopsis ed me in every possible way in obtaining from various sources, but chiefly from for me information and specimens. I information given me by Mr. Tegetmeier. must not let this opportunity pass with- This gentleman has kindly looked* out expressing my cordial thanks to Mr. through the whole of this chapter ; and B. P. Brent, a well-known writer on poul- from his well-known knowk-dge, the try, for indefatigable assistance and the statements here given may be fully trust- gift of many specimens. ed. Mr. Tegetmeier has likewise assist- 12* 274 FOWLS. Chap. VII. They differ from each other in different degrees, and do not afford characters in subordination to each other, by which they can be ranked in group under group. They seem all to have diverged by independent and different 0. — Spanish Fowl. roads from a single type. Each chief breed includes dif- ferently coloured sub-varieties, most of which can be truly propagated, but it would be superfluous to describe them. I have classed the various crested fowls as sub-breeds under the Polish fowl ; but I have great doubts whether Chap. VII. DESCRIPTION OF BREEDS. 275 this is a natural ai-rangement, showing true affinity or blood relationship. It is scarcely possible to avoid laying stress on the commonness of a breed ; and if certain for- eign sub-breeds had been largely kept in this country they would perhaps have been raised to the rank of main- breeds. Several breeds are abnormal in character ; that is, they differ in certain points from all wild Gallinaceous birds. At first I made a division of- the breeds into nor- mal and abnormal, but the result was wholly unsatisfac- tory. 1. Game Breed, — This may be considered as the typical breed, as it deviates only slightly from the wild Gallus bankica, or, as per- haps more correctly named, ferrvgiaeus. Beak strong ; comb single and upright. Spurs long and sharp. Feathers closely adpressed to the body. Tail with the normal number of 14 feathers. Eggs often pale-buff. Disposition indomitably courageous, exhibited even in the hens and chickens. An unusual number of differently col- oured varieties exist, such as black and brown-breasted reds, duck- wings, blacks, whites, piles, &c, with their legs of various colours. 2. Malay Breed. — Body of great size, with head, neck, and legs elongated ; carriage erect ; tail small, sloping downwards, generally formed of 16 feathers ; comb and wattle small ; ear-lobe and face red ; skin yellowish ; feathers closely adpressed to the body ; neck- hackles short, narrow, and hard. Eggs often pale buff. Chickens feather late. Disposition savage. Of Eastern origin. 8. Cochin, or Shangai Breed. — Size great ; wing-feathers short, arched, much hidden in the soft downy plumage ; barely capable of flight ; tail short, generally formed of 16 feathers, developed at a late period in the young*males ; legs thick, feathered ; spurs short, thick ; nail of middle toe flat and broad ; an additional toe not rarely developed ; skin yellowish. Comb and wattle well devel- oped. Skull with deep medial farrow ; occipital foramen, sub- triangular, vertically elongated. Voice peculiar. Eggs rough, buff- coloured. Disposition extremely quiet. Of Chinese origin. 4. Dorking Breed. — Size great ; body square, compact ; feet with an additional toe ; comb well developed, but varies much in form ; wattles well developed ; colour of plumage various. Skull remarkably broad between the orbits.- Of English origin. The white Dorking may be considered as a distinct sub-breed, being a less massive bird. 5. Spanish Breed. — Tall, with stately carriage ; tarsi long ; comb 2 76 FOWLS. Chap. VII. single, deeply serrated, of immense size ; wattles largely developed ; the large ear-lobes and sides of face white. Plumage black glossed with green. Do not incubate. Tender in constitution, the comb being often injured by frost. Eggs white, smooth, of large size. Chickens feather late, but the young cocks show their masculine characters, and crow at an early age. Of Mediterranean origin. The Andalusimis maybe ranked as a sub-breed: they are of a slaty blue colour, and their chickens are well feathered. A smaller, short- legged Dutch sub-breed has been described by some authors as distinct. 6. Hamburgh Breed (fig. 31). — Size moderate ; comb fiat, pro- duced backwards, covered with numerous small points ; wattle of moderate dimensions ; ear-lobe white ; legs blueish, thin. Do not incubate. Skull, with the tips of the ascending branches of the premaxillary and with the nasal bones standing a little separate from each other ; anterior margin of the frontal bones less de- pressed than usual. There are two sub-breeds ; the spangled Hamburgh, of English origin, with the tips of the feathers marked with a dark spot ; and the pencilled Hamburgh, of Dutch origin, with dark transverse lines across each feather, and with the body rather smaller. Both these sub-breeds include gold and silver varieties, as well as some other sub-varieties. Black Hamburghs have been produced by a cross with the Spanish breed. 7. Crested or Polish Breed (fig. 32): — Head with a large, rounded crest of feathers, supported on a hemispherical protube- rance of the frontal bones, which includes the anterior part of the brain. The ascending branches of the premaxillary bones and the inner nasal processes are much shortened. The orifice of the nos- trils raised and ci*escentic. Beak short. Comb absent, or small and of crescentic shape ; wattles either present or replaced by a beard- like tuft of feathers. Legs leaden-blue. Sexual differences appear late in life. Do not incubate. There are several beautiful varieties which differ in colour and slightly in other respects. The following sub-breeds agree in having a crest, more or less developed, with the comb, when present, of crescentic shape. The skull presents nearly the same remarkable peculiarities of structure as in the true Polish fowl. Sub-breed (a) Sultans. — A Turkish breed, resembling white Polish fowls, with a large crest and beard, with short and well-feathered legs. The tail is furnished with additional sickle feathers. Do not incubate. 2 2 The best account of Sultans is by the examination of some specimens of Miss Watts in ' The Poultry Yard,' 1856, this breed. p. 79. I owe to Mr. Brent's kindness Chat. VII. DESCRIPTION OB" BREEDS. 277 Sub-breed (b) Ptarmigans. — An inferior breed closely allied to the last, white, rather small, legs much feathered, with the crest pointed ; comb small, cupped ; wattles small. Fig. 31.— Hamburgh Fowl. Sub-breed (c) Ghoondooks. — Another Turkish breed having an ex- traordinary appearance ; black and tailless ; crest and beard large ; legs feathered. The inner processes of the two nasal bones come into contact with each other, owing to the complete absorption of the ascending branches of the premaxillaries. I have seen an allied, white, tailless breed from Turkey . Sub-breed (d) Creve-cmir. — A French breed of large size, barely capable of flight, with short black legs, head crested, comb produced into two points or horns, sometimes a little branched like the horns of a stag ; both beard and wattles present. Eggs large. Disposi- tion quiet. 3 3 A good description with figures is given of this sub-breed in the 'Journal of Hor- ticulture,' June 10th, 1SG2, p. 206. 278 FOWLS. Chap. VII. Sub-breed (e) Homed fowl. — With a small crest ; cornb produced into two great points, supported on two bony- protuberances. Sub-breed (/) Houdan. — A French breed ; of moderate size, short- legged with five toes, wings well developed ; plumage invariably mottled with black, white, and straw-yellow; head furnished 'with a crest, and a triple comb placed transversely; both»wattles and beard present. 4 Sub-breed (g) Ouelderlands. — No comb, head said to be surmoun- ted by a longitudinal crest of soft velvety feathers ; nostrils said to be crescentic ; wattles well developed ; legs feathered ; colour black. From North America. The Breda fowl seems to be closely allied to the Guelderland. 8. Bantam Breed. ■ — Originally from Japan, 5 characterized by small size alone ; carriage bold and erect. There are several sub- breeds, such as the Cochin, Game, and Sebright Bantams, some of which have been recently formed by various crosses. The Black Bantam has a differently shaped skull, with the occipital foramen like that of the Cochin fowl. 9. Bump-less FoWLS.-~-These are so variable in character 6 that they hardly deserve to be called a breed. Any one who will exam- ine the caudal vertebrae will see how monstrous the breed is. 10. Creepers or Jumpers. — These are characterized by an al- most monstrous shortness of legs, so that they move by jumping rather than by walking ; they are said not to scratch up the ground. I have examined a Burmese variety, which had a skull of rather un- usual shape. 11. Frizzled or Cappre Fowls. — Not uncommon in India, with the feathers curling backwards, and with the primary feathers of the wing and tail imperfect ; periosteum of bones black. 12. Silk Fowls. — Feathers silky, with the primary wing and tail- feathers imperfect ; skin and periosteum of bones black ; comb and wattles dark leaden-blue ; ear lappets tinged with blue ; legs thin, often furnished with an additional toe. Size rather small. 13. Sooty Fowls. — An Indian breed, of a white colour stained with soot, with black skin and periosteum. The hens alone are thus characterized. From this synopsis we see that the several breeds differ * A description, with figures, is given mentioned in an ancient native Japanese of this breed in ' Journal of Horticul- Encyclopaedia, as I am informed by Mr. ture,' June 3rd, 1S62, p. 1S6. Some Birch of the British Museum, writers describe the comb as two-horned. 6 ' Ornamental and Domestic Poul- a Mr. Crawfurd, ' Descript. Diet of the try,' 1848. Indian Islands,' p. 113. Bantams are Chap. VII. DESCRIPTION OF BEEEDS. 279 considerably, and they would have been nearly as inter- esting for us as pigeons, if there had been equally good Fig. S2.— Polish Fowl. evidence that all had descended from one parent-species. Most fanciers believe that they are descended from sev- eral primitive stocks. The Rev. E. S. Dixon 7 argues strongly on this side of the question ; and one fancier -even denounces the opposite conclusion by asking, " Do we not perceive pervading this spirit, the spirit of the ' Ornamental and Domestic Poultry,' l^. 280 FOWLS. Chap. VII. Deist f'' Most naturalists/with the exception of a few, such as Temminck, believe that all the breeds have pro- ceeded from a single species; but authority on such a point goes for little. Fanciers look to all parts of the world as the possible sources of their unknown stocks ; thus ignoring the laws of geographical distribution. They know well that the several kinds breed truly even in colour. They assert, but, as we shall see, -on very weak grounds, that most of the breeds are extremely ancient. They are strongly impressed with the great difference between the chief kinds, and they ask with force, can dif- ferences in climate, food, or treatment have produced birds so different as the black stately Spanish, the dimi- nutive elegant Bantam, the heavy Cochin with its many peculiarities, and the Polish fowl with its great top-knot and protuberant skull ? But fanciers, whilst admitting and even overrating the effects of crossing the various breeds, do not sufficiently regard the probability of the occasional birth, during the course of centuries, of birds with abnormal and hereditary peculiarities ; they overlook the effects of correlation of groAvth — of the long-continued use and disuse of parts, and of some direct result from changed food and climate, though on this latter head I have found no sufficient evidence ; and lastly, they all, as far as I know, entirely overlook the all-important sub- ject of unconscious or unmethodical selection, though they are well aware that their birds differ individually, and that by selecting the best birds for a few generations they can improve their stocks. An amateur writes 8 as follows. " The fact that poul- try have until lately received but little attention at the hands of the fancier, and been entirely confined to the domains of the producer for the market, would alone suggest the improbability of that constant and unremit- ting attention having been observed in breeding, which 8 Ferguson's ' Illustrated Series of Rare aaikiva, and that the crossed offspring of other breeds, which are not thus coloured, show a stronger or weaker tendency to revert to this same plumage. Some of the breeds, which appear the most distinct and the least likely to have proceeded from G. bankiva, such as Polish fowls, with their protuberant and little ossified skulls, and Co- chins, with their imperfect tail and small wings, bear in these characters the plain marks of their artificial origin. We know well that of late years methodical selection has greatly impi-oved and fixed many characters ; and we have every reason to believe that unconscious selection, carried on for many generations, will have steadily augmented each new peculiarity and thus have given rise to new breeds. As soon as two or three breeds had once been formed, crossing would come into play in changing their character and in increasing their number. Brahma Poo- tras, according to an account lately published in America, offer a good instance of a breed, lately formed by a cross, which can be truly propagated. The well-known Sebright Bantams offer another and similar instance. Hence it maybe concluded that not only the Game-breed but that all our breeds are probably the descendants of the Ma- layan or Indian variety of G. bankiva. If so, this species has varied greatly since it was first domesticated; but there has been ample time, as we shall now show. History of the Foicl. — Riitimeyer found no remains of the fowl in the ancient Swiss lake-dwellings. It is not mentioned in the Old Testament ; nor is it figured on the ancient Egyptian monuments. 33 It is not referred to by »' Dr. Pickering, In his ' Races of Man,' cession to Thoutmousis III. (1445 B.C.) ; 1850, p. 874, says that the head and neck but Mr. Birch of the British Museum of a fowl is carried In a Tribute-pro- doubts whether the figure can be iden- 13* 298 FOWLS. Ceap. VII. Homer or Hesiod (about 900 b.c.) ; but is mentioned by Theognis and Aristophanes between 400 and 500 b.c. It is figured on some of the Babylonian cylinders, of which Mr. Layard sent me an impression, between the sixth and seventh centuries b.c. ; and on the Harpy Tomb in Lycia, about 600 b.c : so that we may feel pretty confident that the fowl reached Europe somewhere near the sixth century b.c It had travelled still farther westward by the time of the Christian era, for it was found in Britain by Julius Cresar. In India it must have been domesticated when the Institutes of Manu were written, that is, according to Sir W. Jones, 1200 b.c, but, according to the later au- thority of Mr. H. Wilson, only 800 b.c, for the domestic fowl is forbidden, whilst the wild is permitted to be eaten. If, as before remarked, we may trust the old Chinese En- cyclopaedia, the fowl must have been domesticated several centuries earlier, as it is said to have been introduced from the West into China 1400 b.c Sufficient materials do not exist for tracing the history of the separate breeds. About the commencement of the Christian era, Columella mentions a five-toed fighting breed, and some provincial breeds ; but we know nothing more about them. He also alludes to dwarf fowls ; but these cannot have been the same with our Bantams, which, as Mr. Crawfurd has shown, were imported from Japan into Bantam in Java. A dwarf fowl, probably the tified as the head of a fowl. Some cau- ' Beitrage zur Culturgescbichte,' 1S52, s. tion is necessary with reference to the 77 ; and Isid. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, ' Hist, absence of figures of the fowl on the Nat. Gen.,' torn. iii. p. 61. Mr. Crawfurd ancient Egyptian monuments, on account has given an admirable history of the of the strong and widely prevalent pre- fowl in his paper ' On the Relation of judice against this bird. I am informed Domesticated Animals -to Civilization,' by the Rev. S. Erhardt that on the east read before the Brit. Assoc, at Oxford in coast of Africa, from 4° to 6° south of the 1860, and since printed separately. I equator, most of the pagan tribes at the quote from him on the Greek poet The- present day hold the fowl in aversion. ognis, and on the Harpy Tomb described The natives of the Pellew Islands would by Sir. C. Fellowes. I quote from a letter not eat the fowl, nor will the Indians in of Mr. Blyth's with respect to the Insti- Bome parts of S. America. For the an- tutes of Manu. cient history of the fowl, see also Volz, Chap. VII. TIIE1K HISTORY. 299 true Bantam, is referred to in an old Japanese Encyclo- paedia, as I am informed by Mr. Birch. In the Chinese En- cyclopaedia, published in 1596, but compiled from various sources, some of high antiquity, seven breeds are mention- ed, including what Ave should now call jumpers or creepers, and likewise fowls with black feathers, bones, and flesh. In 1600 Aldrovandi describes seven or eight breeds of fowls, and this is the most ancient record from which the age of our European breeds can be inferred. The Gall us Turcicus certainly seems to be a pencilled Hamburgh ; but Mr. Brent, a most capable judge, thinks that Aldro- vandi " evidently figured what he happened to see, and not the best of the breed." Mr. Brent, indeed, considers all Aldrovandi's fowls as of impure breed ; but it is a far more probable view that all our breeds since his time have been much improved and modified ; for, as he went to the expense of so many figures, he probably would have secured characteristic specimens. The Silk fowl, however, probably then existed in its present state, as did almost certainly the fowl with frizzled or reversed feath- ers. Mr. Dixon 34 considers Aldrovandi's Paduan fowl as " a variety of the Polish," whereas Mr. Brent believes it to have been more nearly allied to the Malay. The ana- tomical peculiarities of the skull of the Polish breed were noticed by P. Boi*elli in 1656. I may add that in 1737 one Polish sub-breed, viz. the golden spangled, was known ; but judging from Albin's description, the comb was then larger, the crest of feathers much smaller, the breast more coarsely spotted, and the stomach and thighs much blacker: a golden-spangled Polish fowl in this condition would now be of no value. Differences in External and Internal Structure between the Breeds : Individual Variability. — Fowls have been exposed to diversified conditions of life, and as we have 34 'Ornamental and Domestic Poul- Golden' Hamburghs, see Albin's ' Natu- try,' 184T, p. 185; for passages trans- ral History of Birds,' 3 vols., with plates, lated from Columella, see p. 312. For 1731-38. 300 FOWLS. Chap. VII. just seen there has been ample time for much variability and for the slow action of unconscious selection. As there are good grounds for believing that all the breeds are descended from Galhfe bankiva, it will be worth while to describe in some detail the chief points of dif- ference. Beginning with the eggs and chickens, I Avill pass on to the secondary sexual characters, and then to the differences in external structure and in the skeleton. I enter on the following details chiefly to show how va- riable almost every character has become under domesti- cation. Eggs. — Mr. Dixon remarks 35 that " to every hen belongs an indi- vidual peculiarity in the form, colour, and size of her egg, which never changes during her life-time, so long as she remains in health, and which is as well known to those who are in the habit of taking her produce, as the handwriting of their nearest acquaintance." I believe that this is generally true, and that, if no great number of hens be kept, the eggs of each can almost always be recognised. The eggs of differently sized breeds naturally differ much in size-; but, apparently, not always in strict relation to the size of the hen : thus the Malay is a larger bird than the Spanish, but generally she produces not such large eggs ; white Bantams are said to lay smaller eggs than other Bantams ; 36 white Cochins, on the other hand, as I hear from Mr. Tegetmeier, certainly lay larger eggs than buff Cochins. The eggs, however, of the different breeds vary considerably in character ; for instance, Mr. Ballance states " that his Malay " pullets of last year laid eggs equal in size to those of any duck, and other Malay hens, two or three years old, laid eggs very little larger than a good-sized Bantam's egg. Some were as white as a Spanish hen's egg, and others varied from a light cream-colour to a deep rich buff, or even to a brown." The shape also varies, the two ends being much more equally rounded in Cochins than in Games or Polish. Spanish fowls lay smoother eggs than Cochins, of which the eggs are generally granulated. The shell in this latter breed, and more especially in Malays, is apt to be thicker than in Games or Spanish ; but the Minorcas, a sub- 35 Ornamental and Domestic Poul- ever, figures and much information on try, p. 152. eggs. See pp. 34 and 235 on the eggs of 56 Ferguson on Rare Prize Poultry,' the Game fowl. p. 29T. This writer, I am informed, can- 37 See ' Poultry Book,' by Mr. Teget- oot generally be trusted. He gives, how- meier, 1866, pp. SI and T8. Chap. VII. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE BREEDS. 301 breed of Spanish, are said to lay harder eggs than true Spanish. 3 * The colour differs considerably, — the Cochins laying buff-coloured eggs ; the Malays a paler variable buff; and Games a still paler buff. It would appear that darker-coloured eggs characterise the breeds which have lately come from the East, or are still closely allied to those now living there. The*colour of the yolk, according to Ferguson, as well as of the shell, differs slightly in the sub- breeds of the Game, and stands in some degree of correlation with the colour of the plumage. I am also informed by Mr. Brent that dark partridge-coloured Cochin hens lay darker coloured eggs than the other Cochin sub-breeds. The flavour and richness of the egg certainly differ in different breeds. The productiveness of the several breeds is very different. Spanish, Polish, and Hamburgh have lost the incubating instinct. Chickens. — As the young of almost all gallinaceous birds, even of the black curassow and black grouse, whilst covered with down, are longitudinally striped on the back, — of which character, when adult, neither sex retains a trace, — it might have been expected that the chickens of all our domestic fowls would have been simi- larly striped. 39 This could, however, hardly have been expected, when the adult plumage in both sexes has undergone so great a change as to be wholly white or black. In white fowls of various breeds the chickens are uniformly yellowish white, passing in the black-boned Silk fowl into bright canary-yellow. This is also generally the case with the chickens of white Cochins, but I hear from Mr. Zurhost that they are sometimes of a buff or oak colour, and that all those of this latter colour, which were watched, turned out males. The chickens of buff Cochins are of a golden-yellow, easily distinguishable from the paler tint of the white Cochins, and arc often longitudinally streaked with dark shades : the chickens of silver-cinnamon Cochins are almost always gf a buff colour. The chickens of the white Game and white Dorking breeds, when held in particular lights, sometimes exhibit (on the authority of Mr. Brent) faint traces of longitudinal stripes. Fowls which are entirely black, namely Spanish, black Game, black Polish, and black Ban- tams, display a new character, for their chickens have their breasts and throats more or less white, with sometimes a little white else- 's ' The Cottage Gardener,' Oct. 1 S55, namental and Domestic Poultry.' Mr. p. 13. On the thinness of the eggs of B. P. Brent has also communicated to Game-fowls, see Mowbray on Poultry, me many facts by letter, as has Mr. 7th edit., p. 13. Tegetmeier. I will in each case mark my 39 My information, which is very far authority by the name within brackets, from perfect, on chickens in the down, For the chickens of white Silk-fowls, see is derived chiefly from Mr. Dixon's ' Or- Tegetmeier's ' Poultry Book,' 1SG6, p. 221. 302 FOWLS. Chap. VII. where. Spanish chickens also, occasionally (Brent), have, where the down was white, their first true feathers tipped for a time with white. The primordially striped character is retained by the chickens of most of the Game sub-breeds (Brent, Dixon) ; by Dork- ings ; by the partridge and grouse-coloured sub-breeds of Cochins (Brent), but not, as we have^een, by all the other sub-breeds ; by the pheasant-Malay (Dixon), but apparently not (at which I am much surprised) by other Malays. The following breeds and sub- breeds are barely, or not at all, longitudinally striped ; viz. gold and silver pencilled Hamburghs, which can hardly be distinguished from each other (Brent) in the down, both having a few dark spots on the head and rump, with occasionally a longitudinal stripe (Dixon) on the back of the neck. I have seen only one chicken of the silver-spangled Hamburgh, and this was obscurely striped along the back. Gold-spangled Polish chickens (Tegetmeier) are of a warm russet brown ; and silver-spangled Polish chickens are grey, sometimes (Dixon) with dashes of ochre on the head, wings, and breast. Cuckoo and blue-dun fowls (Dixon) are grey in the down. The chickens of Sebright Bantams (Dixon) are iiniformly dark brown, whilst those of the brown-breasted red Game Bantam are black, with some white on the throat and breast. From these facts we see that the chickens of the different breeds, and even of the same main breed, differ much in their downy plumage ; and, although longitudinal stripes characterise the young of all wild gallinaceous birds, they disappear in several domestic breeds. Perhaps it may be accepted as a general rule that the more the adult plumage differs from that of the adult O. bankiva, the more completely the chickens have lost their proper stripes. With respect to the period of life at which the charac- ters proper to each, breed first appear, it is obvious that such structures as additional toes must be formed long before birth. In Polish fowls, the extraordinary protu- berance of the anterior part of the skull is well developed before the chickens come out of the egg ; 40 but the crest, which is supported on the protuberance, is at first feebly developed, nor does it attain its full size until the second year. The Spanish cock is pre-eminent for his magnifi- cent comb, and this is developed at an unusually early 40 As I hear from Mr. Tegetmeier ; see On the late development of the crest, see also 'Proc. Zoolog. Soc.' 1S56, p. 366. 'Poultry Chronic!^' vol. ii. p. 182. Chap. VII. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE BREEDS. 303 age ; so that the young males can be distinguished from the females Avhen only a few weeks old, and therefore earlier than in other breeds ; they likewise crow very early, namely, when about six weeks old. In the Dutch sub-breed of the Spanish fowl the white car-lappets are developed earlier than in the common Spanish breed/ 1 Cochins are characterised by a small tail, and in the young cocks the tail is developed at an unusually late period." Game fowls are notorious for their pugnacity ; and the young cocks crow, clap their little wings, and obstinately fight with each other, even whilst under their mother's care. 43 " I have often had," says one author, 44 " whole broods, scarcely feathered, stone-blind from fight- ing ; the rival couples moping in corners, and renewing their battles on obtaining the first ray of light." With the males of all gallinaceous birds the use of their "weapons and pugnacity is to fight for the possession of the females ; so that the tendency in our Game chickens to fight at an extremely early age is not only useless, but is injurious, as they suffer so much from their wounds. The training for battle during an early period may be natural to the wild Gallus banJciva ; but as man during many generations has gone on selecting the most obsti- nately pugnacious cocks, it is more probable that their pugnacity has been unnaturally increased, and unnatu- rally transferred to the young male chickens. In the same manner, it is probable that the extraordinary de- velopment of the comb in the Spanish cock has been unintentionally transferred to the young cocks ; for fanciers would not care whether their young birds had large combs, but would select for breeding the adults which had the finest combs, whether or not developed at 41 On these points, see ' Poultry Chro- 43 Ferguson on Rare and Prize Poultry, nlcle,' vol. iii. p. 166; and Tegetmeier's p. 261. * Poultry Book,' 1866, pp. 105 and 121. << Mowbray on Poultry, 7th edit. 1834, •* Dixon, ' Ornamental and Domestic p. 13. Poultry,' p. 2T3, 304 FOWLS. Chap. VII. an early period. The last point which need here be noticed is that, though the chickens of Spanish and Malay fowls are well covered with down, the true feathers are acquired at an unusually late age ; so that for a time the young birds are partially naked, and are liable to suffer from cold. Secondary Sexual Characters. — The two sexes in the parent-form, the Gallics bankiva, differ much in colour. In our domestic breeds the difference is never greater, but is often less, and varies much in degree even in the sub- breeds of the same main breed. Thus in certain Game fowls the difference is as great as in the parent-form, whilst in the black and white sub-bi*eeds there is no dif- ference in plumage. Mr. Brent informs me that he has seen two strains of black-breasted red Games, in which the cocks' could not be distinguished, whilst the hens in one were partridge-brown and in the other fawn-brown. A similar case has been observed in the strains of the brown-breasted red Game. The hen of the ".duck- winged Game" is " extremely beautiful," and differs much from the hens of all the other Game sub-breeds; but generally, as with the blue and grey Game and with some sub-varieties of the pile-game, a moderately close relation may be observed between the males and females in the variation of their plumage. 45 A similar relation is also evident when we compare the several varieties of Cochins. In the two sexes of gold and silver-spangled ' and of buff Polish fowls, there is much general similarity in the colouring and marks of the whole plumage, ex- cepting of course in the hackles, crest, and beard. In spangled Hamburghs, there is likewise a considerable de- gree of similarity between the two sexes. In pencilled Hamburghs, on the other hand, there is much dissimilar- ity; the pencilling which is characteristic of the hens be- 45 See the full description of the varie- * Poultry Book,' 1866, p. 131. For Cuc- ties of the Game-breed, in Tegetmeier's koo Dorkings, p. 9T. Ch.p. vii. SEXUAL DIFFERENCES. 305 ing almost absent in the males of both the golden and silver varieties. But, as we have already seen, it cannot be given as a general rule that male fowls never have pencilled feathers, for Cuckoo Dorkings are " remarkable from having nearly similar markings in both sexes." It is a singular fact that the males in certain sub-breeds have lost some of their secondary masculine characters, and, from their close resemblance in plumage to the fe- males, are often called hennies. There is much diversity of opinion whether these males are in any degree sterile ; that they sometimes are partially sterile seems clear, 48 but this may have been caused by too close interbreeding. That they are not quite sterile, and that the whole case is widely different from that of old females assuming masculine characters, is evident from several of these hen- like sub-breeds having been long propagated. The males and females of gold and silver-laced Sebright Bantams can be barely distinguished from each other, except by their combs, wattles, and spurs, for they are coloured alike, and the males have not hackles, nor the flowing sickle-like tail-feathers. A hen-tailed sub-breed of Ham- burghs was recently much esteemed. There is also a breed of Game-fowls, in which the males and females re- semble each other so closely that the cocks have often mistaken their hen-feathered opponents in the cock-pit for real hens, and by the mistake have lost their lives. 47 The cocks, though dressed in the feathers of the hen, " are high-spirited birds, and their courage has been often proved :" an engraving even has been published of one celebrated hen-tailed victor. Mr. Tegetmeier 48 has re- corded the remarkable case of a brown-breasted red Game-cock which, after assuming its perfect masculine 48 Mr. Hewitt in Tegetmeier's ' Poultry cocks thus sacrificed. Bonk,' 1S6 : , pp. 240 and 156. For hen- « 8 ' Proceedings of Zoolog. Soc' March, tailed game-cocks, see p. 131. 1S61, p. 102. The engraving of the hen- 47 l The Field,' April 20th, 1861. The tailed cock just alluded to was exhibited writer says lie has seen half-a-dozen at the Society. 306 FOWLS. Chap. VII. plumage, became hen-feathered in the autumn of the fol- lowing year ; but he did not lose voice, spurs, strength, nor productiveness. This bird has now retained the same character during live seasons, and has begot both hen- feathered and male-feathered offspring. Mr. Grantley F. Berkeley relates the still more singular case of a cele- brated strain of " polecat Game-fowls," which produced in nearly every brood a single hen-cock. " The great peculiarity in one of these birds was that he, as the sea- sons succeeded each other, was not always a hen-cock, and not always of the colour called the polecat, which is black. From the polecat and hen-cock feather in one season he moulted to a full male-plumaged black-breasted red, and in the following year he returned to the former feather." 49 I have remarked in my ' Origin of Species ' that sec- ondary sexual characters are apt to differ much in the species of the same genus, and to be unusually variable in the individuals of the species. So it is with the breeds of the fowl, as we have already seen, as fir as the colour of plumage is concerned, and so it is with the other secondary sexual characters. Firstly, the comb differs much in the various breeds, 60 and its form is eminently characteristic of each kind, with the exception of the Dorkings, in which the form has not been as yet deter- mined on by fanciers, and fixed by selection. A single, deeply-serrated comb is the typical and most common form. It differs much in size, being immensely develop- ed in Spanish fowls ; and in a local breed called Red- caps, it is sometimes " upwards of three inches in breadth at the front, and more than four inches in length, meas- ured to the end of the peak behind." 51 In some breeds the comb is double, and when the two ends are cemented 49 ' The Field,' April 20th, 1S61. and likewise with respect to the tail, as 60 I am much indebted to Mr. Brent presently to be given. for an account, with sketches, of all the 61 The ' Poultry Book,' by Tegetmeier, variations of the comb known to him, 1866, p. 231. Chap. VII. SEXUAL DIFFERENCES. 307 together it forms a " cup-comb ;" in the " rose-comb " it is depressed, covered with small projections, and pro- duced backwards ; in the horned and creve-cauir fowl it is produced into two horns ; it is triple in the pea-combed Brahmas, short and truncated in the Malays, and absent in the Guelderlands. In the tasselled Game a few long feathers arise from the back of the comb ; in mauy breeds a crest of feathers replaces the comb. The crest, when little developed, arises from a fleshy mass, but, when much developed, from a hemispherical protuberance of the skull. In the best Polish fowls it is so largely de- veloped, that I have seen birds which could hardly pick up their food ; and a German writer asserts M that they are in consequence liable to be struck by hawks. Mon- strous structures of this kind would thus be suppressed in a state of nature. The wattles, also, vary much in size, being small in Malays and some other breeds ; they are replaced in certain Polish sub-breeds by a great tuft of feathers called a beard. The hackles do not differ much in the various breeds, but ai'e short and stiff" in Malays, and absent in Hennies. As in some orders of birds the males display extraordi- narily-shaped feathers, such as naked shafts with discs at the end, &c, the following case may be worth giving. In the wild Gall us bankiva and in our domestic fowls, the barbs which arise from each side of the extremities of the hackles are naked or not clothed with barbules, so that they resemble bristles ; but Mr. Brent sent me some scapular hackles from a young Birchen Duckwing Game cock, in which the naked bai-bs became densely reclothed with barbules towards their tips; so that these tips, which were. dark coloured with a metallic lustre, were separated from the lower parts by a symmetrically-shaped transparent zone formed of the naked portions of the »» ' Die Huhner und Pfauenzucht,' 1827, s. 11. 308 FOWLS. Chap. VII. barbs. Hence the coloured tips appeared like little sepa- rate metallic discs. The sickle-feathers in the tail, of which there are three pair, and which are eminently characteristic of the male sex, differ much in the various breeds. They are scimitar- shaped in someHamburghs, instead of being long and flow- ing as in the typical breeds. They are extremely short in Cochins, and are not at all developed in Hennies. They are carried, together with the whole tail, erect in Dork- ings and Games ; but droop much in Malays and in some Cochins. Sultans are characterized by an additional num- ber of lateral sickle-feathers. The spurs vary much, being placed higher or lower on the shank ; being extremely long and sharp in Games, and blunt and short in Cochins. These latter birds seem aware that their spurs are not efficient weapons ; for though they occasionally use them, they more frequently fight, as I am informed by Mr. Tegetmeier, by seizing and shaking each other with their beaks. In some Indian Game-cocks, received by Mr. Brent from Germany, there are, as he informs me, three, four, or even five spurs on each leg. Some Dorkings also have two spurs on each leg; 63 and in birds of this breed the spur is often placed almost on the outside of the leg. Double spurs are mentioned in the ancient Chinese Ency- clopaedia. " Their occurrence may be considered as a case of analogous variation, for some wild gallinaceous birds, for instance, the Potyplectron, have double spurs. Judging from the differences which generally distin- guish the sexes in the Gallinacere, certain characters in our domestic fowls appear to have been transferred from the one sex to the other. In all the species (except in Turnix), when there is any conspicuous difference in plu- mage between the male and female, the male is always 68 ' Poultry Chronicle,' vol. i. p. 595. the spurs in Dorkings, see ' Cottage Mr. Brent has informed me of the same Gardener,' Sept. 18th, 1860, p. 3S0. fact. With respect to the position of Chap. VII. SEXUAL DIFFERENCES. 309 the most beautiful ; but in golden-spangled Hamburghs the hen is equally beautiful with the cock, and incompa- rably more beautiful than the hen iu any natural species of Gallus; so that here a masculine character has been transferred to the female. On the other hand, in cuckoo Dorkings and in other cuckoo breeds the pencilling, which in Gallus is a female attribute, has been transferred to the male : nor, on the principle of analogous variation, is this transference surprising, as the males in many galli- naceous genera are barred or pencilled. With most of these birds head ornaments of all kinds are more fully developed in the male than in the female ; but in Polish fowls the crest or top-knot, which in the male replaces the comb, is equally developed in both sexes. In certain sub-breeds, which from the hen having a small crest, are called lark-crested, " a single upright comb sometimes al- most entirely takes the place of the crest in the male." 64 From this latter ease, and from some facts presently to be given with respect to the protuberance of the skidl in Polish fowls, the crest in this breed ought perhaps to be viewed as a feminine character which has been transferred to the male. In the Spanish breed the male, as we know, has an immense comb, and this has been partially transfer- red to the female, for her comb is unusually large, though not upright. In Game-fowls the bold and savage disposi- tion of the male has likewise been largely transferred to the female ; " and she sometimes even possesses the eminently masculine character of spurs. Many cases are on record of hens being furnished with spurs ; and in Germany, ac- cording to Bechstein, 66 the spurs in the Silk-hen are some- times very long. He mentions also another breed simi- larly characterized, in which the hens are excellent layers, 61 Dixon, 'Ornamental and Domestic tice to exhibit each hen iu a separate Poultry,' p. 320. pen. 65 Mr. Tegetmeier informs me that S6 'Naturgeschichte Deutscliland9,* Game hens have been found so com- Band iii. (1793), s. 339, 407. hative, that it is now generally the prac- 310 FOWLS. Chap. VII. but are apt to disturb and break their eggs owing to their spurs. JMr. Layard " has given an account of a breed of fowls in Ceylon with black skin, bones, and wattle, but with ordinary feathers, and which cannot " be more aptly de- scribed than by comparing them to a white fowl draAvn down a sooty chimney ; it is, however," adds Mr. Layard, " a remarkable fact that a male bird of the pure sooty variety is almost as rare as a tortoise-shell tom-cat." Mr. Blyth finds that the same rule holds good with this breed near Calcutta. The males and females, on the other hand, of the black-boned European breed, with silky feathers, do not differ from each other ; so that in the one breed black skin and bones, and the same kind of plumage, are common to both sexes, whilst in the other breed these characters are confined to the female sex. At the^ present day all the breeds of Polish fowls have the great bony protuberance on their skulls, which in- cludes part of the brain and supports the crest, equally developed in both sexes. But formerly in Germany the skull of the hen alone was protuberant : Blumenbach, 68 who particularly attended to abnormal peculiarities in domestic animals, states, in 1813, that this was the case; and Bechstein had previously, in 1793, observed the same fact. This latter author has carefully described the effects of a crest on the skull not only in fowls, but in ducks, geese, and canaries. He states that with fowls, when the crest is not much developed, it is supported on a fatty mass ; but when much developed, it is always supported 67 On the Ornithology of Ceylon in puted the accuracy of Blumenbach's ' Annals and Mag. of Nat. History,' 2nd statement. For Bechstein, s«e'Natur- series, vol. xiv. (1854), p. 63. geschichte Deutschlands,' Band iii. 68 I quote Blumenbach on the autho- (1T93), s. 399, note. I may add that at rity of Mr. Tegetmeier, who gives in the first exhibition of poultry at the ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' Nov. 25th, 1S56, a Zoological Gardens, in May, 1S45, I saw very interesting account of the skulls some fowls, called Fiiezland fowls, of of Polish fowls. Mr. Tegetmeier, not which the hens were crested, and the knowing of Bechstein's account, dis- cocks were furnished with a comb. Chap. VII. EXTERNAL DIFFERENCES. oil on a bony protuberance of variable size. He well de- scribes tbe peculiarities of this protuberance, and be at- tended to tbe effects of tbe modified sbape of tbe brain on tbe intellect of tbese birds, and disputes Pallas' statement that they are stupid. He then expressly states that he never observed this protuberance in male fowls. Hence there can be no doubt that this remarkable character in the skulls of Polish fowls was formerly in Germany con- fined to the female sex, but has now been transferred to the males, and has thus become common to both sexes. External Differences, not connected with the sexes, between the breeds and between individual birds. The size of the body differs greatly. Mr. Tegetmeier has known r Brahma to weigh 17 pounds ; a fine Malay cock 10 pounds ; whilst a first-rate Sebright Bantam weighs hardly more than 1 pound. During the last 20 j r ears the size of some of our breeds has been largely increased by methodical selection, whilst that of other breeds has been much diminished. We have already seen how greatly colour varies even witkin the same breed ; we know that the wild G. baiikica varies slightly in colour ; we know that colour is varia- ble in all our domestic animals ; nevertheless some eminent fanciers have so little faith in variability, that they have actually argued that the chief Game sub-breeds, which differ from each other in nothing but colour, are descended from distinct wild species ! Cross- ing often causes strange modifications of colour. Mr. Tegetmeier informs me that when buff and white Cochins are crossed, some of the chickens are almost invariably black. According to Mr. Brent, black and white Cochins occasionally produce chickens of a slaty- blue tint ; and this same tint appears, as Mr. Tegetmeier tells me, from crossing white Cochins with black Spanish fowls, or white Dorkings with black Minorcas. 60 A good observer 60 states that a first-rate silver-spangled Hamburgh hen gradually lost the m«st characteristic qualities of the breed, for the black lacing to her feath- ers disappeared, and her legs changed from ieadenblue to white ; but what makes the case remarkable is, that this tendency ran in the blood, for her sister changed in a similar but less strongly 68 ' Cottage Gardener,' Jan. 3rd, 1860, fore the Dublin Nat. Hist. Soc, quoted in p. 218. ' Cottage Gardener,' 1S06, p. 161. 80 Mr. Williams, in a paper read be- 312 FOWLS. Chap. VII. marked manner; and chickens produced from this latter hen were at first almost pure white, " but on moulting acquired black collars and some spangled feathers with almost obliterated markings ;" so that a new variety arose in this singular manner. The skin in the , different breeds differs much in colour, being white in common kinds, yellow in Malays and Cochins, and black in Silk fowls ; thus mock- ing, as M. Godron 61 remarks, the three principal types of skin in mankind. The same author adds, that, as different kinds of fowls living in distant and isolated parts of the world have black skin and bones, this colour must have appeared at various times and places. The shape and carriage of the body and the shape of the head dif- fer much. The beak varies slightly in length and curvature, but in- comparably less than with pigeons. In most crested fowls the nos- trils offer a remarkable peculiarity in being raised with a crescentic outline. The primary wing-feathers are short in Cochins ; in a male, which must have been more than twice as heavy as G. omikiva, these feathers were in both birds of the same length. I have count ed, with Mr. Tegetmeier's aid, the primary wing-feathers in thirteen cocks and hens of various breeds ; in four of them, namely in two Hamburghs, a Cochin, and Game Bantam, there were 10, instead of the normal number 9 ; but in counting these feathers I have followed the practice of fanciers, and have not included the first minute pri mary feather, barely three-quarters of an inch in length. These feathers differ considerably in relative length, the fourth, or the fifth.. or the sixth, being the longest ; with the third either equal to, or considerably shorter than the fifth. In wild gallinaceous species thfa relative length and number of the main wing and tail-feathers are extremely constant. The tail differs much in erectness and size, being small in Malays and very small in Cochins. In thirteen fowls of various breeds which I have examined, five had the normal number of 14 feath- ers, including in this number the two middle sickle-feathers ; six others (viz. a Caffre cock, Gold-spangled Polish cock, Cochin hen, Sultan hen, Game hen, and Malay hen) had 16 ; and two (an old Cochin cock and Malay hen) had 17 feathers. The rumpless fowl has no tail, and in a bird which I kept alive the oil-gland had abort- ed ; but this bird, though the os coccygis was extremely imperfect, had a vestige of a taU with two rather long feathers in the position of the outer caudals. This bird came from a family where, as I was 61 ' De l'Espece,' 1859, 442. For the Azara, ' Quadrupedes du Paraguay,' torn, occurrence of black boned fowls in South ii. p. 324. A frizzled fowl sent to ine America, see Roulin, in ' Mem. de from Madras had black bones. I'Acad. des Sciences.' torn. vi. p. 351 ; and Chap. VII. EXTERNAL DIFFERENCES. 313 told, the breed had kept true for twenty years ; but rumpless fowls often produce chickens with tails. 62 An eminent physiologist 63 has recently spoken of this breed as a distinct species ; had he examined the deformed state of the os coccyx he would never have come to this conclusion ; he was probably misled by the statement, which may be found in some works, that tailless fowls are wild in Ceylon ; but this statement, as I have been assured by Mr. Layard and Dr. Kellaert, who have so closely studied the birds of Ceylon, is utterly false. The tarsi vary considerably in length, being relatively to the femur considerably longer in the Spanish and Frizzled, and shorter in the Silk and Bantam breeds, than in the wild G. bankim; but in the latter, as we have seen, the tarsi vary in length. The tarsi are often feathered. The feet in many breeds are furnished with additional toes. Golden-spangled Polish fowls are said ° 4 to have the skin between their toes much developed ; Mr. Tegetmeier observed this in one bird, but it was not so in one which I exam- ined. In Cochins the middle toe is said 65 to be nearly double the length of the lateral toes, and therefore much longer than in G. 1'Hikim or in other fowls ; but this was not the case in two which I examined. The nail of the middle toe in this same breed is sur- prisingly broad and flat, but in a variable degree in two birds which I examined ; of this structure in the nail there is only a trace in G. bankim. The voice differs slightly, as I am informed by Mr*. Dixon, in almost every breed. The Malays 66 have a loud, deep, somewhat prolonged crow, but with considerable individual differences. Col- onel Sykes remarks that the domestic Kulni cock in India has not the shrill clear pipe of the English bird, and " his scale of notes appears more limited." Dr. Hooker was struck with the "pro- longed howling screech" of the cocks in Sikhim. 67 The crow of the Cochin is notoriously and ludicrously different from that of the common cock. The disposition of the different breeds is widely different, varying from the savage and defiant temper of the Game- cock to the extremely peaceable temper of the Cochin. The latter, it has been asserted, "graze to a much greater extent than any • 3 Mr. newitt, in Tegetmeier's 'Poul- Tegetmeier's 'Poultry Book,' 1S6G, p. try Book,' 1S66, p. 231. 41. On Cochins grazing, idem, p. 46. e3 Dr. Broca, in Brown-Sequard's 66 Ferguson on ' Prize Poultry,' p. 187. 'Journal de Phy9.,' torn. ii. p. 361. « 7 Col. Sykes in ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' 84 Dixon's 'Ornamental Poultry,' p. 1832, p. 151. Dr. Hooker's 'Himalayan 323. Journals,' vol. i. p. 314. « s 'Poultry Chronicle,' vol. i. p. 4S5. 1-t 314 FOWLS. Chap. VII. other varieties." The Spanish fowls suffer more from frost than other breeds. Before we pass on to the skeleton, the degree of dis- tinctness of the several breeds from G. bankiva ought to be noticed. Some writers speak of the Spanish as one of the most distinct breeds, and so it is in general aspect ; but its characteristic differences are not important. The Malay appears to me more distinct, from its tall stature, small drooping tail with more than fourteen tail-feathers, and from its small comb and wattles ; nevertheless one Malay sub-breed is coloured almost exactly like G. ban- kiva. Some authors consider the Polish fowl as very distinct ; but this is a semi-monstrous breed, as shown by the protuberant and irregularly perforated skull. The Cochin, with its deeply furrowed frontal bones, peculiarly shaped occipital foramen, short wing-feathers, short tail containing more than fourteen feathers, broad nail to the middle toe, fluffy plumage, rough and dark- coloured eggs, and especially from its peculiar voice, is probably the most distinct of all the breeds. If any one of our bre%ds has descended from some unknoAvn species, distinct from G. bankiva, it is probably the Cochin ; but the balance of evidence does not favour this view. All the characteristic differences of the Cochin breed are more or less variable, and may be detected in a greater or lesser degree in other breeds. One sub-breed is col- oured closely like G. bankiva. The feathered legs, often furnished with an additional toe, the wings incapable of flight, the extremely quiet disposition, indicate a long course of domestication ; and these fowls come from China, where we know that plants and animals have been tended from a remote period with extraordinary care, and where consequently we might expect to find profoundly modified domestic races. Osteological Differences. — I have examined twenty- seven skeletons and fifty-three skulls of various breeds, including three of G, bankiva: nearly half of these Chap. vii. OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES. 315 skulls I owe to the kindness of Mr. Tegetmeier, and three of the skeletons to Mr. Eyton. The Skull differs greatly in size in different breeds, being nearly twice as long in the largest Cochins, but not nearly twice as broad, as in Bantams. The bones at the base, from the occipital foramen to the anterior end (including the quadrates and pterygoids), are absolutely identical in shape in all the skulls. So is the lower jaw. In the forehead slight differences are often perceptible between the males and females, evidently caused by the presence of the comb. In every case I take the skull of G. bankim as the standard of com- parison. In four Games, in one Malay hen, in an African cock, in a Frizzled cock from Madras, in two black-boned Silk hens, no differences occur worth notice. In three Spanish cocks, the form of the forehead between the orbits differs considerably ; in one it is considerably depressed, whilst in the two others it is rather prominent, with a deep medial furrow ; the skull of the hen is smooth. In three skulls of Sebright Bantams the crown is more globular, and slopes more abruptly to the occiput, than in G. ban- Lira. In a Bantam or Jumper from Burmah these same characters are more strongly pronounced, and the supra-occiput is more point- ed. In a black Bantam the skidl is not so globular, and the occipital foramen is very large, and has nearly the same sub-triangular out- line presently to be described in Cochins ; and in this skull the two ascending branches of the premaxillary are overlapped in a singu- lar manner by the processes of the nasal bone, but, as I have seen only one specimen, some of these differences may be individual. Of Cochins and Brahmas (the latter a crossed race approaching closely to Cochins) I have examined seven skulls ; at the point where the ascending branches of the premaxillary rest on the frontal bone the surface is much depressed, and from this depression a deep medial furrow extends backwards to a variable distance ; the edges of this fissure are rather prominent, as is the top of the skull behind and over the orbits. These characters are less de- veloped in the hens. The pterygoids, and the processes of the lower jaw, relatively to the size of the head, are broader than in G. bankica; and this is likewise the case" with Dorkings when of large size. The terminal fork of the hyoid bone . in Cochins is twice as wide as in G. bankma, whereas the length of the other hyoid bones is only as three to two. But the most remarkable character is the shape of the occipital foramen : in G. bankiva (A) the breadth in a horizontal line exceeds the height in a vertical line, and the outline is nearly circular ; whereas in Cochins (B) the outline is sub-triangular, and the vertical line exceeds the hori- 316 FOWLS. Chap. VII. zontal line in length. This same form likewise occurs in the black Bantam above referred to, and an approach to it may be seen in some Dorkings, and in a slight degree in certain other breeds. Q Fig. 33. — Occipital Foramen, of natural size. Cock. A. Wild Gallus bankiva. B. Cochin Of Dorkings I have examined three skulls, one belonging to the white sub-breed ; the one character deserving notice is the breadth of the frontal bones, which are moderately furrowed in the middle ; thus in a skull which was less than once and a half the length of Fig. £4. — Skulls of natural size, viewed from above, a little obliquely. Gallus bankiva. B. White-crested Polish Cock. A. Wild Chap. VII. OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES. 317 that of G. bankira, the breadth hctween the orbits was exactly double. Of Hambnrghs I have examined four skulls (male and fe- male) of the pencilled sub-breed, and one (male) of the spangled sub-breed ; the nasal bones stand remarkably wide apart, but in a variable degree ; consequently narrow membrane-covered spaces are left between the tips of the two ascending branches of the premaxil- lary bones, which are rather short, and between these branches and the nasal bones. The surface of the frontal bone, on which the branches of the premaxillary rest, is very little depressed. These peculiarities no doubt stand in close relation with the broad flat- tened rose-comb characteristic of the Hamburgh breed. I have examined fourteen skulls of Polish and other crested breeds. Their differences are extraordinary. First for nine skulls of differ- ent sub-breeds of English Polish fowls. The hemispherical protu- berance of the frontal bones 68 may be seen in the accompanying drawings, in which (B) the skull of a white-crested Polish fowl is shown obliquely from above, with the skull (A) of G. bankiva in the same position. In fig. 35 longitudinal sections are given of the skulls of a Polish fowl, and, for comparison, of a Cochin of the same size. The protuberance in all Polish fowls occupies the same posi- tion, but differs much in size. In one of my nine specimens it was extremely slight. The degree to which the protuberance is ossified varies greatly, larger or smaller portions of bone being replaced by membrane. In one specimen there was only a single open pore ; generally, there are many variously-shaped open spaces, the bone forming an irregular reticulation. A medial, longitudinal, arched ribbon of bone is generally retained, but in one specimen there was no bone whatever over the whole protuberance, and the skull when cleaned and viewed from above presented the appearance of an open basin. The change in the whole internal form of the skidl is sur- prisingly great. The brain is modified in a corresponding manner, as is shown in the two longitudinal sections, which deserve atten- tive consideration. The upper and anterior cavity of the three into which the skull may be divided, is the one which is so greatly modified ; it is evidently much larger than in the Cochin skull of the same size, and extends much further beyond the interorbital septum, but laterally is less deep. Whether this cavity is entirely filled by the brain, may be doubted. In the skull of the Cochin 69 See Mr. Tegetmeier's account, with 1. p. 2S7. M. C. Dareste suspects (' Re- woodcuts, of the skull of Polish fowls, in cherches sur les Conditions de la Vie,' 'Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' Nov. 25th, 1856. For &&, Lille, 1863, p. 3G) that the protube- other references, see Isid. Geoffroy Saint ranee is not formed by the frontal bones, Ililaire, ' Ilist. Gen. des Anomalies,' torn. but by the ossification of the dura mater. 318 FOWLS. Chap. VII. and of all ordinary fowls a strong internal ridge of bone separates the anterior from the central cavity ; but this ridge is entirely ab- sent in the Polish skull here figured. The shape of the central cavity is circular in the Polish, and lengthened in the Cochin skull. Pig. 35. — Longitudinal sections of Skull, of natural size, viewed laterally. A. Polish Cock. B. Cochin Cock, selected for comparison with the above from being of nearly the same size. The shape of the posterior cavity, together with the position, size, and number of the pores for the nerves, differ much in these two skulls. A pit deeply penetrating the occipital bone of the Cochin is entirely absent in this Polish skull, whilst in another specimen it was well developed. In this second specimen the whole internal surface of the posterior cavity likewise differs to a certain extent in shape. I made sections of two other skulls, — namely, of a Polish fowl with the protuberance singularly little developed, and of a Sultan in which it was a little more developed; and when these two skulls were placed between the two above figured (fig. 35), a perfect gradation in the configuration of each part of the internal surface could be traced. In the Polish skull, with a small protu- berance, the ridge between the anterior and middle cavities was Chap. vii. OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES. 319 present, but low ; and in the Sultan this ridge was replaced by a narrow furrow standing on a broad raised eminence. It may naturally be asked whether these remarkable modifica- tions in the form of the brain affect the intellect of Polish fowls ; some writers have stated that they are extremely stupid, but Bech- steia and Mr. Tegetmeier have shown that this is by no means generally the case. Nevertheless Bechstein 69 states that he had a Polish hen which " was crazy, and anxiously wandered about all day long." A hen in my possession was solitary in her habits, and was often so absorbed in reverie that she could be touched ; she was also deficient in the most singular manner in the faculty of finding her way, so that, if she strayed a hundred yards from her feeding-place, she was completely lost, and would then obstinately try to proceed in a wrong direction. I have received other and similar accounts of Polish fowls appearing stupid or half-idiotic. 70 To return to the skull. The posterior part, viewed externally, differs little from that of G. bankii-a. In most fowls the posterior- lateral process of the frontal bone and the process of the squamosal bone run together and are ossified near their extremities : this onion of the two bones, however, is not constant in any breed ; and in eleven out of fourteen skulls of crested breeds, these pro- cesses were quite distinct. These processes, when not united, instead of being inclined anteriorly as in all common breeds, descend at right angles to the lower jaw ; and in this case the longer axis of the bony cavity of the ear is likewise more perpen- dicular than in other breeds. When the squamosal process is free, instead of expanding at the tip, it is reduced to an extremely fine and pointed style, of variable length. The pterygoid and quadrate bones present no difference. The palatine bones are a little more curved upwards at their posterior ends. The frontal bones, an- teriorly to the protuberance, are, as in Dorkings, very broad, but in a variable degree. The nasal bones either stand far apart, as in Hamburghs, or almost touch each other, and in one instance were ossified together. Each nasal bone properly sends out in front two long processes of equal lengths, forming a fork ; but in all the Polish skulls, except one, the inner process was considerably, but in a variable degree, shortened and somewhat upturned. In all the skulls, except one, the two ascending branches of the premaxillary, instead of running up between the processes of the nasal bones and resting on the ethmoid bone, are much shortened and terminate •• ' Naturpeschichte Deutsclilands,' have received communications to a si- Band iii. (1793), s. 400. milar effect from Messrs. Brent and 7 ° The 'Field,' May 11th, 18G1. I Tegetmeier. 320 FOWLS. Chap. VII. in a blunt, somewhat upturned point. In those skulls in which' the nasal bones approach quite close to each other or are ossified together, it would be impossible for the ascending branches of the premaxillary to reach the ethmoid and frontal bones ; hence we see that even the relative connection of the bones has been changed. Apparently in consequence of the branches of the premaxillary and of the inner processes of the nasal bones being somewhat upturned, the external orifices of the nostrils are upraised and assume a cre- scentic outline. Fig. 36. -Skull of Horned Fowl, of natural size, viewed from above, a little obliquely. (In the possession of Mr. Tegetmeier.) I must still say a few words on some of the foreign Crested breeds. The skull of a crested, rumpless, white Turkish fowl is very slightly protuberant, and but little perforated ; the ascending branches of the premaxillary are well developed. In another Tur- kish breed, called Ghoondooks, the skull is considerably protuberant and perforated ; the ascending branches of tbe premaxillary are so much aborted that they project only j 5 th of an inch ; and the inner processes of the nasal bone are so completely aborted, that the sur- face where they should have projected is quite smooth. Here then we see these two bones modified to an extreme degree. Of Sultans (another Turkish breed) I examined two skulls ; in that of the female the protuberance was much larger than in the male. In both skulls the ascending branches of the premaxillary were very short, and in both the basal portion of the inner processes of the nasal bones were ossified together. These Sultan skulls differed from those of English Polish fowls in the frontal bones, anteriorly to the protuberance, not being broad. The last skull which I need describe is a unique one, lent to me Chap. VII. OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES. 321 by Mr. Tegetmeier : it resembles a Polisb skull in most of its cha- racters, but has not tbe great frontal protuberance ; it lias, however, two rounded knobs of a different nature, which stand more in front, above the lachrymal bones. These curious knobs, into which the brain does not enter, are separated from each other by a deep me- dial furrow ; and this is perforated by a few minute pores. The nasal bones stand rather wide apart, with their inner processes, and the ascending branches of tbe premaxillary, upturned and shortened. The two knobs no doubt supported the two great horn-like pro- jections of the comb. From the foregoing facts we see in how astonishing a manner some of the bones of the skull vary in Crested fowls. The protube- rance may certainly be called in one sense a monstrosity, as being wholly unlike anything observed in nature : but as in ordinary cases it is not injurious to the bird, and as it is strictly inherited, it can hardly in another sense be called a monstrosity. A series may be formed commencing with the black- boned Silk fowl, which has a very small crest with the skull beneath penetrated only by a few minute orifices, but with no other change in its structure ; and from this first stage we may proceed to fowls with a moderately large crest, which rests, according to Bechstcin, on a fleshy mass, but without any protuberance in the skull. I may add that I have seen a similar fleshy or fibrous mass beneath the tuft of feathers on the head of the Tufted duck ; and in tliis case there was aio actual pro- tuberance in the skull, but it had become a little more globular. Lastly, when we come to fowls with a largely developed crest, the skull becomes largely protuberant and is perforated by a multitude of irregular open spaces. The close relation between the crest and the size of the bony protuberance is shown in another way ; for Mr. Tegetmeier informs me that if chickens lately hatched be select- ed with a large bony protuberance, when adult they will have a large crest. There can be no doubt that in former times the breed- er of Polish fowls attended solely to the crest, and not to the skull ; nevertheless, by increasing the crest, in which he has wonderfully succeeded, he has unintentionally made the skull protuberant to an astonishing degree ; and through correlation of growth, he has at the same time affected the form and relative connexion of the pre- maxillary and nasal bones, the shape of the orifice of the nose, the breadth of the frontal bones, the shape of the post-lateral processes of the frontal and squamosal bones, the direction of the axis of the bony cavity of the ear, and lastly the internal configuration of the whole skull together with tbe shape of the brain. Vertebra. — In G. bankica there are fourteen cer%*ical, seven dorsal with ribs, apparently fifteen lumbar and sacral, and six caudal ver- 14* 322 FOWLS. Chap. VII. tebrae ; 71 but the lumbar and sacral are so much anchylosed that I am not sure of their number, and this makes the comparison of the total number of vertebra? in the several breeds difficult. I have spoken of six caudal vertebrae, because the basal one is almost com- pletely anchylosed with the pelvis ; but if we consider the number as seven, the caudal vertebras agree in all the skeletons. The cer- vical vertebrae are, as just stated, in appearance fourteen ; but out of twenty-three skeletons in a fit state for examination, in five of them, namely, m two Games, in two pencilled Harnburghs, and in a Polish, the fourteenth vertebra bore ribs, which, though small were perfectly developed with a double articulation. The presence of these little ribs cannot be considered as a fact of much impor- tance, for all the cervical vertebras bear representatives of ribs ; but their development in the fourteenth vertebra reduces the size of the passages in the transverse processes, and makes this vertebra exactly like the first dorsal vertebra. The addition of these little ribs does not affect the fourteenth cervical alone, for properly the ribs of the first true dorsal vertebra are destitute of processes ; but in some of the skeletons in which the fourteenth cervical bore little ribs, the first pair of true ribs had well-developed processes. When we know that the sparrow has only nine, and the swan twenty-three cervical vertebrae, 72 we need feel no surprise at the number of the cervical vertebrae in the fowl being, as it appears, variable. There are seven dorsal vertebrae bearing ribs ; the first dorsal is never anchylosed with the succeeding four, which are generally anchylosed together. In one Sultan fowl, however, the two first dorsal vertebrae were free. In two skeletons, the fifth dorsal was free; generally the sixth is free (as in O. bamkwa), but sometimes only at its posterior end, where in contact with the seventh. The seventh dorsal vertebra, in every case excepting in one Spanish cock, was anchylosed with the lumbar vertebrae. So that the degree to which these middle dorsal vertebrae are anchylosed together is variable. Seven is the normal number of true ribs, but in two skeletons of the Sultan fowl (in which the fourteenth cervical vertebra was not furnished with little ribs) there were eight pairs ; the eighth pair seemed to be developed on a vertebra corresponding with the first lum- bar in G. ba?ikiva ; the sternal portion of both the seventh and eighth ribs did not reach the sternum. In four skeletons in which ribs 71 It appears that I have not correctly 15 lumbar, and 6 caudal vertebrae in this designated the several groups of verte- genus. But I have used the same terms bras, for a great authority, Mr. W. K. in all the following descriptions. Parker ('Transact. Zoolog. Soc.,' vol. v. 72 Macgillivray, 'British Birds,' vol. p. 19S), specifies 16 cervical, 4 dorsal, i. p. 25. Chap. VIL OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES. 323 • were developed on the fourteenth cervical vertebra, there were, when these cervical ribs are included, eight pairs ; but in one Game-cock, in which the fourteenth cervical was furnished with ribs, there were only six pairs of true dorsal ribs ; the sixth pair in this case did not have processes, and thus resembled the seventh pair in other skele- tons ; in this game-cock, as far as could be judged from the appear- ance of the lumbar vertebrae, a whole dorsal vertebra with its ribs was missing. We thus see that the ribs (whether or not the little pair attached to the fourteenth cervical vertebra be counted) vary from six to eight pair. The sixth pair is frequently not furnished with processes. The sternal portion of the seventh pair is extreme- ly broad in Cochins, and is completely ossified. As previously stated, it is scarcely possible to count the lumbo-sacral vertebra? ; but they certainly do not correspond in shape or number in the several skele- tons. The caudal vertebrae are closely similar in all the skeletons, the only difference being, whether or not the basal one is anchylosed to the pelvis ; they hardly vary even in length, not being shorter in Cochins, with their short tail-feathers, than in other breeds ; in a Spanish cock, however, the caudal vertebrae were a little elongated. In three rumpless fowls the caudal vertebrae were few in number, and anchylosed together into a misformed mass. In the individual vertebrae the differences in structure are very slight. In the atlas the cavity for the oc- cipital condyle is either ossified into a ring, or is, as in Bankiva, open on its upper margin. The upper arc of the spinal ca- nal is a little more arched in Cochins, in conformity with the shape of occipital foramen, than in G. bankiva. In several skeletons a difference, but not of much importance, may be observed, which com- mences at the fourth cervical vertebra, and is greatest at about the sixth, seventh, . , . . . , tebra, of natural size, viewed or eighth vertebra; this consists in the , aterally- A . wild GaUm haemal descending processes being united bankiva. B. Cochin Cock. to the body of the vertebra by a sort of buttress. This structure may be observed in Cochins, Polish, some Hamburghs, and probably other breeds ; but is absent, or barely developed, in Game, Dorking, Spanish, Bantam, and several other breeds examined by me. On the dorsal surface of the sixth cervical vertebra in Cochins three prominent points are more strongly de- veloped than in the corresponding vertebra of the Game-fowl or G. hi 1 1 Idea. Pelvis. — This differs in some few points in the several skeletons. 37.— Sixth Cervical Ver- 324 FOWLS. Chap. TIL The anterior margin of the ilium seems at first to vary much in outline, but this is chiefly due to the degree to which the margin in the middle part is ossified to the crest of the spine ; the outline, however, does differ in being more truncated in Bantams, and more rounded in certain breeds, as in Cochins. The outline of the ischi- adic foramen differs considerably, being nearly circular in Bantams, instead of egg-shaped as in the Bankiva, and more regularly oval in some skeletons, as in the Spanish. The obturator notch is also much less elongated in some skeletons than in others. The end of the pubic bone presents the greatest difference ; being hardly enlarged in the Bankiva ; considerably and gradually enlarged in Cochins, and in a lesser degree in some other breeds ; and abruptly enlarged in Bantams. In one Bantam this bone extended very little beyond the extremity of the ischium. The whole pelvis in this latter bird differed widely in its proportions, being far broader proportionally to its length than in Bankiva. Sternum. — This bone is generally so much deformed that it is scarcely possible to compare its form strictly in the several breeds. The shape of the triangular ex- tremity of the lateral processes differs considerably, being either almost equilateral or much elon- gated. The front margin of the crest is more or less perpendicu- lar and varies greatly, as does the curvature of the posterior end, and the flatness of the low- er surface. The outline of the manubrial process also varies, being wedge-shaped in the Ban- kiva, and rounded in the Spanish breed. Thrfurcula differs in be- ing more or less arched, and greatly, as may be seen in the accompanying outlines, in the shape of the terminal plate ; but the shape of this part differed a little in two skeletons of the wild Bankiva. The coracoids present no difference worth no- tice. The scapula varies in shape, being of nearly uniform breadth in Bankiva, much broader in the middle in the Polish fowl, and abruptly narrowed towards the apex in the two Sultan fowls. Fig. 38.— Extremity of the Furcula, of natural size, viewed laterally. A. Wild Gallus bankiva. B. Spangled Polish Fowl. C. Spanish Fowl. D. Dorking Fowl. Chap, vii. OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES. 325 I carefully cornj>ared each separate bone of the leg and wing, rela- tively to the snrae bones in the wild Bankiva. in the following breeds, which I thought were the most likely to differ ; namely, in Cochin, Dorking - , Spanish, Polish, Burmese Bantam, Frizzled Indian, and black-boned Silk fowls ; and it was truly surprising to see how abso- lutely every process, articulation, and pore agreed, though the bones differed greatly in size. The agreement is far more absolute than in other parts of the skeleton. In stating this, I do not refer to the relative thickness and length of the several bones ; for the tarsi va- ried considerably in both these respects. But the other limb-bones varied little even in relative length. Finally, I have not examined a sufficient number of skeletons to say whether any of the foregoing differen- ces except in the skull, are characteristic of the several breeds. Apparently some differences are more common in certain breeds than in others, — as an additional rib to the fourteenth cervical vertebra in Hamburgh s and Games, and the breadth of the end of the pubic bone in Cochins. Both skeletons of the Sultan fowl had eight d >real vertebrae, and the end of the scapula in both was somewhat attenuated. In the skull, the deep medial fur- row in the frontal bones and the vertically elongated oc- cipital foramen seem to be characteristic of Cochins ; as is the great breadth of the frontal bones in Dorkings ; the separation and open spaces between the tips of the ascending branches of the premaxillaries and nasal bones, as well as the front part of the skull being but little de- pressed, characterise Hamburghs ; the globular shape of the posterior part of the skull seems to be characteristic of laced Bantams ; and lastly, the protuberance of the skull with the ascending branches of the premaxillaries partially aborted, together with the other differences be- fore specified, are eminently characteristic of Polish and other Crested fowls. But the most striking result of our examination of the skeleton is the great variability of all the bones except those of the extremities. To a certain extent we can understand why the skeleton fluctuates so much in struc- 326 FOWLS, Chap. V1L ture ; fowls have been exposed to unnatural conditions of life, and their whole organisation has thus been render- ed variable ; but the breeder is quite indifferent to, and never intentionally selects, any modifications in the ske- leton. External characters, if not attended to by man, — such as the number of the tail and wing feathers and their relative lengths, which in wild birds are generally constant points, — fluctuate in our domestic fowls in the same manner as the several parts of the skeleton. An additional toe is a " point " in Dorkings, and has become a fixed character, but is variable in Cochins and Silk- fowls. The colour of the plumage and the form of the comb are in most breeds, or even sub-breeds, eminently fixed characters ; but in Dorkings these points have not been attended to, and are variable. When any modifica- tion in the skeleton is related to some external charac- ter which man values, it has been, unintentionally on his part, acted on by selection, and has become more or less fixed. We see this in the wonderful protuberance of the skull, which supports the crest of feathers in Polish fowls, and which by correlation has affected other parts of the skull. We see the same result in the two protuberances which support the horns in the horned fowl, and in the flattened shape of the front of the skull in Hamburgh s consequent on their flattened and broad "rose-combs." We know not in the least whether additional ribs, or the changed outline of the occipital foramen, or the changed form of the scapula, or of the extremity of the furcula, are in any way correlated with other structures, or have arisen from the changed conditions and habits of life to which our fowls have been subjected ; but there is no reason to doubt that these various modifications in the skeleton could be rendered, either by direct selection, or by the selection of correlated structures, as constant and as characteristic of each breed, as are the size and shape of the body, the colour of the plumage, and the form of the comb. Chap. vii. THE EFFECTS OF DISUSE. 327 Effects of the Disuse of Parts. Judging from the habits of our European gallinaceous birds, Gal- hu bankvoa in its native haunts would use its legs and wings more than do our domestic fowls, which rarely fly except to their roosts. The Silk and the Frizzled fowls, from having imperfect wing-feath- ers, cannot fly at all ; and there is reason to believe that both these breeds are ancient, so that their progenitors during many genera- tions cannot have flown. The Cochins, also, from their short wings and heavy bodies, can hardly fly up to a low perch. Therefore in these breeds, especially in the two first, a considerable diminution in the wing-bones might have been expected, but this is not the case. In every specimen, after disarticulating and cleaning the bones, I carefully compared the relative length of the two main bones of the wing to each other, and of the two main bones of the leg to each other, with those of G. bankim ; and it was surprising to see (except in the case of the tarsi) how exactly the same relative length had been retained. This fact is curious, from showing how truly the proportions of an organ may be inherited, although not fully exercised during many generations. I then compared in several breeds the length of the femur and tibia with the humerus and ulna and likewise these same bones with those of G. banldca ; the result was that the wing bones in all the breeds (except the Burmese Jumper, which has unnaturally short legs) are slightly shortened re- latively to the leg-bones ; but the decrease is so slight that it may be due to the standard specimen of G. baukka having accidentally had wings of slightly greater length than usual ; so that the measure- ments are not worth giving. But it deserves notice that the Silk and Frizzled fowls, which are quite incapable of flight, had their wings less reduced relatively to their legs than in almost any other breed ! We have seen with domesticated pigeons that the bones of the wing's are somewhat reduced in length, whilst the primary feathers are rather increased in length, and it is just possible, though not probable, that in the Silk and Frizzled fowls any tendency to decrease in the length of the wing-bones "from disuse may have been checked through the law of compensation, by the decreased growth of the wing feathers, and consequent increased supply of nutriment. The wing-bones, however, in both these breeds, are found to be slightly reduced in length when judged by the standard of the length of the sternum or head, relatively to these same parts in G. banJ.irn. The actual weight of the main bones of the leg and wing in twelve breeds is given in the two first columns in the following table. The calculated weight of the wing-bones relatively to the 328 FOWLS. Chap. VII. leg-bones, in comparison with the leg and wing-bones of G. bankica, are given in the third column, — the weight of the wing-bones in O. bankiva being called a hundred. 73 Table I. Weight of Wing- bones rela- Names of Breeds. Actual Weight of Femur and Actual Weight of Humerus tively to the Leg- bones, in Tibia. and Ulna. compari- son with these same bones in G. bankiva. Grains. Grains. I G alius bankiva . . . . wild male 86 54 100 1 Cochin male 311 162 83 2 Dorking male 557 248 70 3 Spanish (Minorca) . . male 386 183 75 4 Gold Spangled Polish male 306 145 75 5 Game, black-breasted male 293 143 77 6 Malay female 231 116 80 7 189 94 79 8 Indian Frizzled . . . . male 206 88 67 9 Burmese Jumper . . female 53 36 108 10 Hamburgh (pencilled) male 157 104 106 11 Hamburgh (pencilled) female 114 77 108 18 Silk (black-boned) . . female 88 57 103 In the eight first birds, belonging to distinct breeds, in this table, we see a decided reduction in the weight of the bones of the wing. In the Indian Frizzled fowl, which cannot fly, the reduction is car- ried to the greatest extent, namely, to thirty-three per cent, of their proper proportional weight. In the next four birds, including the Silk-hen, which is incapable of flight, we see that the wings, rela- tively to the legs/are slightly increased in weight ; but it should be 73 It may be well to explain how the calculation has been made for the third column. In G. bankiva the leg-bones are to the wing-bones as 86 : 54, or as (neglecting decimals) 100 : G2 ; — in Cochins as 311 : 102, or as 100 : 52 ;— in Dorkings as 557 ; 248, or as 100 : 44 ; and so on for the other breeds. We thus get the series of 62, 52, 44 for the relative weights of the wing-bcnesin G. bankiva, Cochins, Dorkings, &c. And now tak- ing 100, instead of G2, for the weight of the wing-bones in G. bankiva, we get, by another rule of three, 83 as the weight of the wing-bones in Cochins ; 70 in the Dorkings ; and so on for the remainder of the third column in the table. Chap. VII. THE EFFECTS OF DISUSE. 329 observed that, if in these birds the legs had become from any cause reduced in weight, this would give the false appearance of the wings having increased in relative weight. Now a reduction of this na- ture has certainly occurred with the Burmese Jumper, in which the legs are abnormally short, and in the two Hamburghs and Silk fowl, the legs, though not short, are formed of remarkably thin and light bones. I make these statements, not judging by mere eye- sight, but after having calculated the weights of the leg-bones rela- tively to those of G. bankiva, according to the only two standards of comparison which I could use, namely, the relative lengths of the head and sternum ; for I do not know the weight of the body in G. bankiva, which would have been a better standard. According to these standards, the leg-bones in these four fowls are in a marked manner far lighter than in any other breed. It may therefore be concluded that in all cases in which the legs have not been through some unknown cause much reduced in weight, the wing-bones have become reduced in weight relatively to the leg-bones, in comparison with those of G. bankiva. And this reduction of weight may, I ap- prehend, safely be attributed to disuse. To make the foregoing table quite satisfactory, it ought to have been shown that in the eight first birds the leg-bones have not ac- tually increased in weight out of due proportion with the rest of the body ; this I cannot show, from not knowing, as already remarked, the weight of the wild Bankiva. 74 I am indeed inclined to suspect that the leg-bones in the Dorking, No. 2 in the table, are proportion- ally too heavy ; but this bird was a very large one, weighing 7 lb. 2 oz., though very thin. Its leg-bones were more than ten times as heavy as those of the Burmese Jumper ! I tried to ascertain the length both of the leg-bones and wing-bones relatively to other parts of the body and skeleton ; but the whole organisation in these birds, which have been so long domesticated, has become so variable, that no certain conclusions could be reached. For instance, the legs of the above Dorking cock were nearly three-quarters of an inch too short relatively to the length of the sternum ; and more than three- quarters of an inch too long relatively to the length of the skull, in comparison with these same parts in G. bankiva. In the following Table II. in the two first columns we see in inches and decimals the length of the sternum, and the extreme depth of its crest to which the pectoral muscles are attached. In the third M Mr. Blyth (in ' Annals and Hag. of I have seen of the skins and skeletons Nat. Hist.,' 2nd series, vol. i., 1S4S, p. of various breeds, I cannot believe that 456) gives 0} lb. as the weight of a full- my two specimens of G. bankiva could grown male G. bankiva ; but from what have weighed so much. 330 FOWLS. Chap. VII. column we have the calculated depth of the crest, relatively to the length of the sternum, in comparison with these same parts in O. bankiva.' 15 Table II. Names of Breeds. Length of Sternum. Depth of Crest of Sternum. Depth of Crest, relatively to the length of the Sternum, in comparison with G. bankiva. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gallus bankiva . . male Cochin male Dorking male Polish male Game male Sultan male Frizzled hen . . . . male Burmese Juniper . . female Hamburgh . . . . male Hamburgh . . . . female Inches. 4-20 583 695 610 507 555 5-10 4-47 425 306 5-08 455 449 Inches. 1-40 1-55 1-97 1-83 1-50 1-55 1-50 1-36 1-20 0-85 140 126 101 100 78 84 90 . 87 81 87 . 90 84 81 81 81 66 By looking to the third column we see that in every case the depth of the crest relatively to the length of the sternum, in comparison with G. bankiva, is diminished, generally between 10 and 20 per cent. But the degree of reduction varies much, partly in consequence of the frequently deformed state of the sternum. In the Silk-fowl, which cannot fly, the crest is 34 per cent, less deep than what it ought to have been. This reduction of the crest in all the breeds probably accounts for the great variability, before referred to, in the curvature of the furcula, and in the shape of its sternal extremity. Medical men believe that the abnormal form of the spine so com- monly observed in women of the higher ranks results from the at- tached muscles not being fully exercised. So it is with our domes- tic fowls, for they use their pectoral muscles but little, and, out of twenty-five sternums examined by me, three alone were perfectly symmetrical, ten were moderately crooked, and twelve were de- formed to an extreme degree. Finally, we may conclude with respect to the various 75 The third column is calculated on the same principle as explained in the pre- vious foot-note, p. 328. Chap. vii. CORRELATION OF GROWTH. 331 breeds of the fowl, that the main bones of the wing have probably been shortened in a very slight degree^, that they have certainly become lighter relatively to the leg- bones in all the breeds in which these latter bones are not unnaturally short or delicate; and that the crest of the sternum, to which the pectoral muscles are attached, has invariably become less prominent, the whole sternum being also extremely liable to deformity. These results Ave may attribute to the lessened use of the wings. Correlation of Groioth. — I will here sum up the few facts which I have collected on this obscure, but impor- tant, subject. In Cochins and Game-fowls there is some relation between the colour of the plumage and the dark- ness of the egg-shell and even of the yolk. In Sultans the additional sickle-feathers in the tail are apparently related to the general redundancy of the plumage, as shown by the feathered legs, large crest, aiM beard. In two tailless fowls which I examined the oil-gland was aborted. A large crest of feathers, as Mr. Tegetmeier has remarked, seems always accompanied by a great diminution or almost entire absence of the comb. A large beard is similarly accompanied by diminished or ab- sent Avattles. These latter cases apparently come under the law of compensation or balancement of growth. A large beard beneath the lower jaw and a large top-knot on the skull often go together. The comb when of any peculiar shape, as with Horned, Spanish, and Hamburgh fowls, affects in a corresponding manner the underlying skull ; and we have seen how wonderfully this is the case with Crested fowls when the crest is largely developed. With the protuberance of the frontal bones the shape of the internal surface of the skull and of the brain is great- ly modified. The presence of a crest influences in some unknown way the development of the ascending branches of the premaxillary bone, and of the inner processes of the nasal bones ; and likewise the shape of the external orifice of the nostrils. There is a plain and curious corre- 332 .FOWLS. Chap. VII. lation between a crest of feathers and the imperfectly os- sified •condition of the skull. Not only does this hold good with nearly all crested fowls, but likewise with tuft- ed ducks, and as Dr. Giinther informs me with tufted geese in Germany. Lastly, the feathers composing the crest in male Polish fowls resemble hackles, and differ greatly in shape from those in the crest of the female. The neck, wing-coverts, and loins in the male bird are properly covered with hackles, and it would appear that feathers of this shape have spread by correlation to the head of the male. This little fact is interesting ; because, though both sexes of some wild gallinaceous birds have their heads similarly ornamented, yet there is often a difference in the size and shape of feathers forming their crests. Furthermore there is in some cases, as in the male Gold and in the male Amherst pheasants (P. pictus and Amherstice), a close relation in colour, as well as in structure, between the plumes on the head and on the loins. Hence it would appear that the same law has regulated the state of the feathers on the head and body, both with species living under their natural conditions, and with birds which have varied under domestication. DOMESTIC DUCKS. 333 CHAPTER Till. DUCKS — GOOSE — PEACOCK— TURKEY— GUINEA-FOWL — CANARY-BIRD — GOLD-FISH — HIVE-BEES — SILK-MOTHS. DUCKS, SEVERAL BREEDS OP — PROGRESS OP DOMESTICATION — ORIGIN OF, FROM THE COMMON WILD-DUCK — DIFFERENCES IN THE DIFFERENT BREEDS — OSTEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES — EF- FECTS OF USE AND DISUSE ON THE LIMB-BONES. GOOSE, ANCIENTLY DOMESTICATED — LITTLE VARIATION OF — SE- BASTOPOL BREED. PEACOCK, ORIGIN OF BLACK-SHOULDERED BREED. TURKEY, BREEDS OP — CROSSED WITH THE UNITED STATES SPE- CIES — EFFECTS OF CLIMATE ON. GUINEA-FOWL, CANARY-BIRD, GOLD-FISH, HIVE-BEES. SILK-MOTHS, species and breeds of — anciently domesti- cated — CARE IN THEIR SELECTION — DIFFERENCES IN THE DIFFERENT RACES — IN THE EGG, CATERPILLAR, AND COCOON STATES — INHERITANCE OF CHARACTERS — IMPERFECT WINGS — LOST INSTINCTS — CORRELATED CHARACTERS. I will, as in previous cases, first briefly describe the chief domestic breeds of the duck : — Breed 1. Common Domestic Duck. — Varies much in colour and in proportions, and differs in instincts and disposition from the wild- duck. There are several sub-hreeds : — (1) The Aylesbury, of great size, white, with pale-yellow beak and legs ; abdominal sack largely developed. (2) The Rouen, of great size, coloured like the wild- duck, with green or mottled beak ; abdominal sack largely devel- oped. (3) Tufted Duck, with a large top-knot of fine downy feathers, supported on a fleshy mass, with the skull perforated be- neath. The top-knot in a duck which I imported from Holland was two and a half inches in diameter. (4) Labrador (or Canadian, or Buenos Ayres, or East Indian) ; plumage entirely black ; beak 334 DOMESTIC DUCKS. Chap. vra. broader, relatively to its length, than in the wild-duck ; eggs slightly tinted with black. This sub-breed perhaps ought to be ranked as a breed ; it includes two sub-varieties, one as large as the common domestic duck, which I have kept alive, and the other smaller and often capable of flight. 1 I presume it is this latter sub- variety which has been described in France 2 as flying well, being rather wild, and when cooked having the flavour of the wild-duck ; nevertheless this sub-variety is polygamous, like other domesticated ducks and unlike the wild-duck. These black Labrador ducks breed true ; but a case is given by Dr. Turral of the French sub-Variety producing young with some white feathers on the head and neck, and with an ochre-coloured patch on the breast. Breed 2. Hook-hilled Duck. — This bird presents an extraordinary appearance from the downward curvature of the beak. The head is often tufted. The common colour is white, but some are coloured like wild-ducks. It is an ancient breed, having been noticed in 1676. 3 It shows its prolonged domestication by almost incessantly laying eggs, like the fowls which are called everlasting layers. 4 Breed 3. Call-Duck. — Remarkable from its small size, and from the extraordinary loquacity of the female. Beak short. These birds are either white, or coloured like the wild-duck. Breed 4. Penguin Duck. — This is the most remarkable of all the breeds, and seems to have originated in the Malayan archipela go. It walks with its body extremely erect, and with its thin neck stretched straight upwards. Beak rather short. Tail upturned, in- cluding only 18 feathers. Femur and metatarsi elongated. Almost all naturalists admit that the several breeds are descended from the common wild duck (Anas bos- chas) ; most fanciers, on the other hand, take as usual a- very different view. 6 Unless we deny that domestica- tion, prolonged during centuries, can affect even such unimportant characters as colour, size, and in a slight degree proportional dimensions and mental disposition, 1 ' Poultry Chronicle ' (1854), vol. ii. p. torn. ix. p. 128, says that moulting and 91, and vol. i. p. 330. incubation alone stop these ducks laying. 2 Dr. Turral, in 'Bull. Soc. d'Acclimat.,' Mr. B. P. Brent makes a similar remark torn, vii., 1S60, p. 541. in the ' Poultry Chronicle,' 1S55, vol. 3 Willughby's ' Ornithology,' by Ray, iii. p. 512. p. 381. This breed is also figured by 6 Rev. E. S. Dixon, ' Ornamental and Albin, in 1734, inhis 'Nat. Hist, of Birds,' Domestic Poultry' (184S), p. 117. Mr. B. vol. ii. p. 86. P. Brent, in ' Poultry Chronicle,' vol. iii. 4 F. Cuvier, in ' Annales du Museum,' 1855, p. 512. Chap. VIII. EXTERNAL DIFFERENCES. 335 there is no reason whatever to doubt that the domestic duck is descended 'from the common wild species, for the one differs from the other in no important character. "We have some historical evidence with respect to the period and progress of the domestication of the duck. It was unknown 8 to the ancient Egyptians, to the Jews of the Old Testament, and to the Greeks of the Homeric period. About eighteen centuries ago Columella 7 and Varro speak of the necessity of keeping clucks in netted enclosures like other wild fowl, so that at this period there was danger of their flying away. Moreover, the plan recommended by Columella to those who might wish to increase their stock of ducks, namely, to collect the eggs of the wild bird and to place them under a hen, shows, as Mr. Dixon remarks, " that the duck had not at this time become a naturalised and prolific inmate of the Roman poultry-yard." The origin of the domestic duck from the wild species is recognised in nearly every lan- guage of Europe, as Aldrovandi long ago remarked, by the same name being applied to both. The wild duck has a wide range from the Himalayas to North America. It crosses readily with the domestic bird, and the crossed offspring are perfectly fertile. Both in North America and Europe the wild duck has been found easy to tame and breed. In Sweden this ex- periment was carefully tried by Tiburtius ; he succeeded in rearing wild ducks for three generations, but, though they were ti'eated like common ducks, they did not vary even in a single feather. The young birds suffered from beino: allowed to swim about in cold water, 8 as is known 8 Crawfurd on the ' Relation of Domes- marked by Volz, in his ' Beitrage zur ticated Animals to Civilisation,' read be- Kulturgeschichte,' 1852, s. 78. fore the Brit. Assoc, at Oxford. 8 I quote this account from ' Die En- 7 Dureau de la Malle, in ' Annales des ten, Schwanen-zucht,' Ulm, 1S2S, a. 143. Sciences Nat.,' torn. xvii. p. 164 ; and See Audubon's ' Ornithological Biogra- tom. xxi. p. 55. Rev. E. S. Dixon, 'Or- phy,' vol. iii., p. 168, on t Iir- taming of namental Poultry,' p. 118. Tame ducks ducks on the Mississippi. For the same were not known in Aristotle's time, as re- fact in England, see Mr. Waterton, In 336 DOMESTIC DUCKS. Chap. VIII. to be the case, though the fact is a strange one, with the young of the common domestic duck. An accurate and well-known observer in England 9 has described in detail his often repeated and successful experiments in domes- ticating the wild duck. Young birds arc easily reared from eggs hatched under a bantam ; but to succeed it is indispen sable not to place. the eggs of both the wild and tame duck under the same hen, for in this case "the young wild ducks die off, leaving their more hardy breth- ren in undisturbed possession of their foster-mother's care. The difference of habit at the onset in the newly- hatched ducklings almost entails such a result to a cer- tainty." The wild ducklings were from the first quite tame towards those who took care of them as long as they wore the same clothes, and likewise to the dogs and cats of the house. They would even snap with their beaks at the dogs, and drive them away from any spot which they coveted. But they were much alarmed at strange men and dogs. Differently from what occurred in Sweden, Mr. Hewitt found that his young birds al- ways changed and deteriorated in character in the course of two or three generations ; notwithstanding that great care was taken to prevent any crossing with tame ducks. After the third generation his birds lost the elegant car- riage of the wild species, and began to acquire the gait of the common duck. They increased in size in each generation, and their legs became less fine. The white collar round the neck of the mallard became broader and less regular, and some of the longer primary wing- feathers became more or less white. When this occurred, Mr. Hewitt always destroyed his old stock and procured fresh eggs from wild nests ; so that he never bred the same family for more than five or six generations. His Loudon's ' Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' vol. viii. 1846, p. 129. 1835, p. 542; and Mr. St. John, ' Wild 9 Mr. E. Hewitt, in ' Journal of Hortl- Sports and Nat. Hist, of the Highlands,' culture,' 1862, p. 7T3 ; and 1863, p. 39, Chap. vm. EXTERNAL DIFFERENCES. 337 birds continued to pair together, and never became poly- gamous like the common domestic duck. I have given these details, because no other case, as far as I know, has been so carefully recorded by a competent observer of the progress of change in wild birds reared for several generations in a domestic condition. From these considerations there can hardly be a doubt that the wild duck is the parent of the common domestic kind ; nor need we look to distinct species for the parent- age of the more distinct breeds, namely, Penguin, Call, Hook-billed, Tufted, and Labrador ducks. I will not re- peat the arguments used in the previous chapters on the improbability of man having in ancient times domesti- cated several species since become unknown or extinct, though ducks ai*e not readily exterminated in the wild state ; — on some of the supposed parent-species having had abnormal characters in comparison with all the other species of the genus, as with hook-billed and penguin ducks ; — on all the breeds, as far as is known, being fer- tile together; 10 — on all the breeds having the same gene- ral disposition, instinct, &c. But one fact bearing on this question may be noticed : in the great duck family, one species alone, namely, the male of A. boschas, has its four middle tail feathers curled upwardly ; now in every one of the above-named domestic breeds these curled feathers exist, and on the supposition that they are de- scended from distinct species, we must assume that man formerly hit upon species all of which had this now uni- que character. Moreover, sub-varieties of each breed are coloured almost exactly like the wild duck, as I have 10 I have met with several statements were quite fertile, though they were not on the fertility of the several breeds bred inter se, so that the experiment when crossed. Mr. Yarrell assured me was not fully tried. Some half-bred Pen- that Call and common ducks are per- guins and Labradors were again crossed fectly fertile together. I crossed Hook- with Penguins, and subsequently bred billed and common ducks, and a Penguin by me vivter se, and they were extremely and Labrador, and the crossed ducks fertile. 15 338 DOMESTIC DUCKS. Chap. VIII. seen with the largest and smallest breeds, namely Rouens and Call-ducks, and, as Mr. Brent states, 11 is the case with Hook-billed ducks. This gentleman, as he informs me, crossed a white Aylesbury drake and a black Labra- dor duck, and some of the ducklings as they grew up assumed the plumage of the wild duck. With respect to Penguins, I have not seen many speci- mens, and none were coloured precisely like the wild duck ; but Sir James Brooke sent me three skins from Lombok and Bali, in the Malayan archipelago ; the two females were paler and more rufous than the wild duck, and the drake differed in having the whole under and upper surface (excepting the neck, tail-coverts, tail, and wings) silver-grey, finely pencilled with dark lines, closely like certain parts of the plumage of the wild mallard. But I found this drake to be identical in every feather with a variety of the common breed procured from a farm-yard in Kent, and I have occasionally elsewhere seen similar specimens. The occurrence of a duck bred under so peculiar a climate as that of the Malayan archi- pelago, where the wild species does not exist, with ex- actly the same plumage as may occasionally be seen in our farm-yards, is a fact worth notice. Nevertheless the climate of the Malayan archipelago apparently does tend to cause the duck to vary much, for Zollinger, 12 speaking of the Penguin breed, says that in Lombok " there is an unusual and very wonderful variety of ducks." One Pen- guin drake which I kept alive differed from those of which the skins were sent me from Lombok, in having its breast and back partially coloured with chesnut- brown, thus more closely resembling the Mallard. For these several facts, more especially from the drakes of all the breeds having curled tail-feathers, and from certain sub-varieties in each breed occasionally resem- n ' Poultry Ciu-onicle,' 1S35 ( vol. iii. 12 'Journal of the Indian Arctipela- p. 512. go,' vol. v. p. 334. Chap. VIII. EXTERNAL DIFFERENCES. 339 bling in general plumage the wild cluck, we may conclude with confidence that all the breeds are descended from A. boschciB. I will now notice some of the peculiarities characteristic of the several breeds. The eggs vary in colour; some common ducks laying pale-greenish and others quite white eggs. The eggs which are first laid during each season by the black Labrador duck, are tinted black, as if rubbed with ink. So that with ducks, as with poultry, some degree of correlation exists between the colour of the plumage and the egg-shell. A good observer assured me that one year his Labrador ducks laid almost perfectly white eggs, but that the yolks were this same season dirty olive-green, instead of as usual of a golden yellow, so that the black tint appeared to have passed inwards. Another curious case shows what singular varia- tions sometimes occur and are inherited ; Mr. Hansell 13 relates that he had a common duck which always laid eggs with the yolk of a dark -brown colour like melted glue ; and the young ducks, hatched from these eggs, laid the same kind of eggs, so that the breed had to be destroyed. The hooked-billed duck has a most remarkable appearance (see fig. of skull, woodcut No. 39) ; and its peculiar beak has been in- herited at least since the year 1676. This structure is evidently analogous with that described in the Bagadotten carrier pigeon. Mr. Brent M says that, when hook-billed ducks are crossed with com- mon ducks, " many young ones are produced with the upper man- dible shorter than the lower, which not unfrequently causes the death of the bird." A tuft of feathers on the head is by no means a rare occurrence ; namely, in the true tufted breed, the hook-billed, the common farmyard duck, and in a duck having no other pecu- liarity which was sent to me from the Malayan archipelago. The tuft is only so far interesting as it affects the skull, which is thus rendered slightly more globular, and is perforated by numerous apertures. Call-ducks are remarkable from their extraordinary loquacity ; the drake only hisses like common drakes ; nevertheless, when paired with the common duck, he transmits to his female offspring a strong quacking tendency. This loquacity seems at first a surprising character to have been acquired under domestication. >3 'The Zoologist,' vols, vii., viii. 14 'Poultry Chronicle,' 1855, vol. 111. (1849-1850), p. 2858. p. 512. 340 DOMESTIC DUCKS. Chap. VIII. But the voice varies in the different breeds ; Mr. Brent 15 says that hook-billed ducks are very loquacious, and that Rouens utter a " dull, loud, and monotonous cry, easily distinguishable by an ex- perienced ear." As the loquacity of the Call-duck is highly ser- viceable, these birds being used in decoys, this quality may have been increased by selection. For instance, Colonel Hawker says, if young wild-ducks cannot be got for a decoy, " by way of make-shift, select tame birds which are the most clamorous, even if their colour should not be like that of wild ones. 16 It has been falsely asserted that Call-ducks hatch their esrgs in less time than common ducks." Fig. 39. — Skulls, viewed laterally, reduced to two-thirds of the natural size. A. Wild Duck. 13. Hook-billed Duck. The Penguin duck is the most remarkable of all the breeds ; the thin neck and body are carried erect ; the wings are small ; the tail is upturned, and the thigh bones and metatarsi are considerably lengthened in proportion with the same bones in the wild duck. In five specimens examined by me there were only eighteen tail-feathers instead of twenty as in the wild duck ; but I have also found only eighteen and nineteen tail-feathers in two Labrador ducks. On the 15 ' Poultry Chronicle,' vol. iii., 1855, p. 312. With respect to Rouens, see ditto, vol. i., 1854, p. 167. 16 Col. Hawker's ' Instructions to young Sportsmen,' quoted by Mr. Dixon in his ' Ornamental Poultry,' p. 125. 17 ' Cottage Gardener,' April 9th, 1861. Chap. VIII. DIFFERENCES IN THEIR SKELETONS. 341 middle toe, in three specimens, there were twenty-seven or twenty- eight BCUteUse, whereas in two wild ducks there were thirty-one and thirty-two. The Penguin when crossed transmits with much power its peculiar form of body and gait to its offspring ; this was manifest with some hybrids raised in the Zoological Gardens, be- tween one of these birds and the Egyptian goose I8 {Tadorna JEgyp- tiaca), and likewise with some mongrels which I raised between the Penguin and Labrador duck. I am not much surprised that some writers have maintained that this breed must be descended from an unknown and distinct species ; but from the reasons already assigned, it seems to me far more probable that it is the descend- ant, much modified by domestication under an unnatural chimate, of Anas boschas. Osteological Characters. — The skulls of the several different breeds differ from each other and from the skull of the wild duck in very lit- tle except in the proportional length and curvature of the premaxil- laries. These latter bones in the Call-duck are short, and a line draw r n from their extremities to the summit of the skull is nearly straight, instead of being concave as in the common duck ; so that the skull resembles that of a small goose. In the hook-billed duck (fig. 39) these same bones as well as the lower jaw curve downwards in a most remarkable manner, as represented. In the Labrador duck the premaxillaries are rather broader than in the wild duck ; and in two skulls of this breed the vertical ridges on each side of the supra-occipital bone are very prominent. In the Penguin the pre- maxillaries are relatively shorter than in the wild duck ; and the in- ferior points of the paramastoids more prominent. In a Dutch tufted duck, the skull under the enormous tuft was slightly more globular and was perforated by two large apertures ; in this skull the lachry- mal bones were produced much further backwards, so as to have a different shape and to nearly touch the post. lat. processes of the frontal bones, thus almost completing the bony orbit of the eye. As the quadrate and pterygoid bones are of such complex shape and stand in relation with so many other bones, I carefully com- pared them in all the principal breeds ; but excepting in size they presented no difference. Vertebral and Bibs. — In one skeleton of the Labrador duck there were the usual fifteen cervical vertebrae and the usual nine dorsal vertebra? bearing ribs ; in the other skeleton there were fifteen cervical and ten dorsal vertebra? with ribs ; nor, as far as could be judged, was 18 These hybrids have been described letins (torn. xii. No. 10) Acad. Roy. de by M. Selys-Longchamps in the ' Bui- Bruxelles.' 342 DOMESTIC DUCKS. Chap. VIII.. this owing merely to a rib having been developed on the first lumbar vertebra ; for in both skeletons the lumbar vertebrae agreed perfectly in number, shape, and size with those of the wild duck. In two skeletons of the Call-duck there were fifteen cervical and nine dor- sal vertebra ; in a third skeleton small ribs were attached to the so- called fifteenth cervical vertebra, making ten pairs of ribs ; but these ten ribs do not correspond, or arise from the same vertebrae, with the ten in the above-mentioned Labra- dor duck. In the Call-duck, which had small ribs attached to the fif- teenth cervical vertebra, the hae- mal spines of the thirteenth and fourteenth (cervical) and of the seventeenth (dorsal) vertebrae cor- responded with the spines on the fourteenth, fifteenth, and eigh- teenth vertebrae of the wild duck : so that each of these vertebrae had acquired a structure proper to one posterior to it in position. In the twelfth cervical vertebra of this same Call-duck (fig. 40, B), the two branches of the haemal spine stand much closer together than in the wild duck (A), and the descending haemal processes are much short- ened. In the Penguin duck the neck from its thinness and erect- ness falsely appears (as ascertained by measurement) to be much elongated, but the cervical and dorsal vertebrae present no differ- ence ; the posterior dorsal vertebrae, however, are more completely anehylosed to the pelvis than in the wild duck. The Aylesbury duck has fifteen cervical and ten dorsal vertebrae furnished with ribs, but the same number of lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebrae, as far as could be traced, as in the wild duck. The cervical vertebrae in this same duck (fig. 40, D) were much broader and thicker relatively to their length than in the wild (C) ; so much so, that I have thought it worth while to give a sketch of the eighth cervical vertebra in these two birds. From the foregoing statements we see that the fif- teenth cervical vertebra occasionally becomes modified into a dorsal vertebra, and when this occurs all the adjoining vertebrae are modi- fied. We also see that an additional dorsal vertebra bearing a rib is Fig. 40. — Cervical Vertebrae, of natural size. A. Eighth cervical vertebra of Wild Duck, viewed on haemal sur- face. B. Eighth cervical vertebra of Call Duck, viewed as above. C. Twelfth cervical vertebra of Wild Duck, viewed laterally. D. Twelfth cervical vertebra of Aylesbury Duck, viewed laterally. Chap. viii. EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE. 343 occasionally developed, the number of the cervical and lumbar verte- bra- apparently remaining the same as usual. I examined the bony enlargement of the trachea in the males of the Penguin, Call, Hook-billed, Labrador, and Aylesbury breeds ; and in all it was identical in shape. The Pelvis is remarkably uniform ; but in the skeleton of the Hook -billed duck the anterior part is much bowed inwards ; in the Aylesbury and some other breeds the ischiadic foramen is less elon- gated. In the sternum, furcula, coracoids, and scapula, the differ- ences arc so slight and so variable as not to be worth notice, except that in two skeletons of the Penguin duck the terminal portion of the scapula was much attenuated. In the bones of the leg and wing no modification in shape coidd be observed. But in Peguin and Hook-billed ducks, the terminal phalanges of the wing are a little shortened. In the former, the femur and metatarsus (but not the tibia) are considerably lengthened, relatively to the same bones in the wild duck, and to the wing-bones in both birds. This elongation of the leg-bones could be seen whilst the bird was alive, and is no doubt connected with its peculiar up- right manner of walking. In a large Aylesbury duck, on the other hand, the tibia was the only bone of the leg which relatively to the other bones was slightly lengthened. On the effects of the increased and decreased Use of the Limbs. — In all the breeds the bones of the wing (measured separately after having been cleaned) relatively to those of the leg have become slightly shortened, in comparison with the same bones in the wild duck, as may be seen in the following table : — Name of Breed. Length of Femur, Tiliia. and Meta- tarsus together. Length of Humerus', Radius, and Meta- carpus together. Or as Wild mallard . . Tufted (Dutch) . . Call Inches. 7-14 864 825 7-12 620 Inches. 9-28 10-43 9-83 878 7-77 100 : 129 100 • 120 100 : 119 100 : 123i 100 : 123 Wild duck (another ) specimen) . . . . S Common domestic duck Length of same Bones. Length of all the Bones of Wing. 100 : 147 100 : 138 Inches. 685 815 Inches. 1007 11-26 344 DOMESTIC DUCKS. Chap. VIIZ In the foregoing table we see that, in comparison with the wild duck, the reduction in the length of the bones of the wing, rela- tively to those of the legs, though slight, is universal. The reduc- tion is least in the Call-duck, which has the power and the habit of frequently flying. In weight there is a greater relative difference between the bones of the leg and wing, as may be seen in the following table • — Name of Breed. Weight of Femur, Tibia, and Metatarsus. Weight of Humerus, Radius, and Metacarpus. Or as Wild mallard . . Aylesbury Hooked-bill Tufted (Dutch) . . Call , Grains. 54 164 107 111 75 141 57 Grains. 97 204 160 148 905 165 93 100 : 179 100 : 124 100 : 149 100 : 133 100 : 120 100 : 117 100 : 163 Wild (another speci- ) Common domestic duck Weight of all the Bones of the Leg and Foot. Weight of all the Bones of the Wing. 100 : 173 100 : 124 Grains, 66 127 Grains. 115 158 In these domesticated birds, the considerably lessened weight of the bones of the wing (i. e. on an average, twenty -five per cent, of their proper proportional weight), as well as their slightly lessened length, relatively to the leg-bones, might follow, not from any ac- tual decrease in the wing-bones, but from the increased weight and length of the bones of the legs. The first of the two tables on the next page shows that the leg-bones relatively to the weight of the entire skeleton have really increased in weight ; but the second table shows that according to the same standard the wing-bones have also really decreased in weight ; so that the relative dispro- portion shown in the foregoing tables between the wing and leg- bones, in comparison with those of the wild duck, is partly due to the increase in weight and length of the leg-bones, and partly to the decrease in weight and length of the wing-bones. With respect to the two following tables I may first state that I tested them by taking another skeleton of a wild duck and of a Chap, VIII. EFFECTS OF USE AND DISUSE. 345 common domestic duck, and by comparing the weight of all the bones of the leg with till those of the wings, and the result was the same. In the first of these tables we see that the leg-bones in each case have increased in actual weight. It might have been expected that, with the increased or decreased weight of the entire skeleton, the leg-bones would have become proportionally heavier or lighter ; but their greater weight in all the breeds relatively to the other bones can be accounted for only by these domestic birds having used their legs in walking and standing much more than the wild, for they never fly, and the more artificial breeds rarely swim. In Name of Breed. Weislit of entire Skeleton. (N. B. One Meta- tarsus and Foot was removed from each skele- ton, as it had been acciden- tally lost in two cases.) Weight of Femur, Tibia, and Metatarsus. Or as Wild mallard . . Tufted (Dutch) . . Call (from Mr. Fox) .. Grains. 839 1925 1404 871 717 Grains. 54 164 111 75 57 1000 : 64 1000 : 85 1000 : 79 1000 : 86 1000 : 79 Wild mallard . . Tufted (Dutch) . . Call (from Mr. Baker) Call (from Mr. Fox) . . Weight of Skele- ton as above. Weight of Humerus, Ra- dius and Ulna, aud Metacarpus. 1000 : 115 1000 : 105 1000 : 105 1000 : 103 1000 : 109 1000 : 129 Grains. 839 1925 1404 871 914 717 Grains. 97 204 148 90 100 92 the second table we see, with the exception of one case, a plain re- duction in the weight of the bones of the wing, and this no doubt has resulted from their lessened use. The one exceptional case, namely, in one of the Call-ducks, is in truth no exception, for this bird was constantly in the habit of flying about ; and I have seen it clay after day rise from my grounds, and fly for a long time in circles of more than a mile in diameter. In this Call-duck there is not only no decrease, but an actual increase in the weight of the wing-bones relatively to those of the wild duck ; and this probably 15* 346 DOMESTIC DUCKS. Chap. Vin. is consequent on the remarkable lightness and thinness of all the bones of the skeleton. Lastly, I weighed the furcula, coracoids, and scapula of a wild duck and of a common domestic duck, and I found that their weight, relatively to that of the whole skeleton, was as one hun- dred in the former to eighty-nine in the latter; this shows that these bones in the domestic duck have been reduced eleven per cent, of their due proportional weight. The prominence of the crest of the sternum, relatively to its length, is also much reduced in all the domestic breeds. These changes have evidently been caused by the lessened use of the wings. It is well known that several birds, belonging to dif- ferent Orders, and inhabiting oceanic islands, have their wings greatly reduced in size and are incapable of flight. I suggested in my ' Origin of Species ' that, as these birds are not persecuted by any enemies, the reduction of their wings has probably been caused by gradual dis- use. Hence, during the earlier stages of the process of reduction, such birds might be expected to resemble in the state of their organs of flight our domesticated ducks. This is the case with the water-hen (Gallinula nesiotis) of Tristan d'Acunha, which " can flutter a little, but ob- viously uses its legs, and not its wings,* as a mode of escape." Now Mr. Sclater 19 finds in this bird that the wings, sternum, and coracoids, are all reduced in length, and the crest of the sternum in depth, in comparison with the same bones in the Euroj)ean water-hen (G. cJtloro- pus). On the other hand, the thigh-bones and pelvis are increased in length, the former by four lines, rela- tively to the same bones in the common water-hen. Hence in the skeleton of this natural species nearly the same changes have occurred, only carried a little further, as with our domestic ducks, and in this latter case I pre- sume no one will dispute that they have resulted from the lessened use of the wings and the increased use of the legs. 19 'Proc Zoolog. Soc.,' 1861, p. 261. Chap. Vlir. DOMESTIC GOOSE. 347 The Goose. This bird deserves some notice, as hardly any other an- ciently domesticated bird or quadruped has varied so little. That geese were anciently domesticated we know from certain verses in Homer ; and from these birds hav- ing been kept (388 b.c.) in the Capitol at Rome as sacred to Juno, which sacredness implies great antiquity. 20 That the goose has varied in some degree, we may infer from naturalists not being unanimous with resp>ect to its wild parent-form ; though the difficulty is chiefly due to the existence of three or four closely allied wild European species. 21 A large majority of capable judges are con- vinced that our geese are descended from the wild Grey- lag goose (A. ferus) ; the young of which can easily be tamed, 22 and are domesticated by the Laplanders. This species, when crossed with the domestic goose, produced in the Zoological Gardens, as I was assured in 1849, per- fectly fertile offspring. 23 Yarrell 24 has observed that the lower part of the trachea of the domestic goose is some- times flattened, and that a ring of white feathers sometimes surrounds the base of the beak. These characters seem at first good indications of a cross at some former period with the white-fronted goose {A. albifroiis) ; but the white ring is variable in this latter species, and we must not overlook the law of analogous variation ; that is, of one species assuming some of the characters of allied species. As the goose has proved so inflexible in its organization 20 'Ceylon,' by Sir J. E. Tennent, 22 Mr. A. Strickland ('Annals and 1859, vol. i. p. 485; also J. Oawfurd on Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' 3rd Series, vol. iii. the 'Relation of Domest. Animals to 1S59, p. 122) reared some young wild Civilisation,' read before Brit. Assoc, geese, and found them in habits and in 1860. See also ' Ornamental Poultry,' all characters identical with the domes- by Rev. E. S. Dixon, 1S4S, p, 132. The tic goose. goose figured on the Egyptian monu- 23 See also Hunter's ' Essays,' edited ments seems to have been the Red goose by Owen, vol. ii. p. 322. of E;;ypt. s4 Yarrell's ' British Birds,' vol. iii. p. 21 Macgillivray's ' British Birds,' vol. 142. He refers to the Laplanders domes- lv. p. 593. ticating the goose. 348 DOMESTIC GOOSE. Chap. VIII. under long-continued domestication, the amount of varia- tion which can be detected is worth giving. It has in- creased in size and in productiveness ; " and varies from white to a dusky colour. Several observers 26 have stated that the gander is more frequently white than the goose, and that when old it almost invariably becomes white ; but this is not the case with the parent-form, the A. ferus. Here, again, the law of analogous variation may have come into play, as the snow-white male of the Rock- Goose {Bemicla antarctica) standing on the sea-shore by his dusky partner is a sight well known to all those who have traversed the sounds of Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands. Some geese have topknots ; and the skull beneath, as before stated, is perforated. A sub- breed has lately been formed with the feathers reversed at the back of the head and neck." The beak varies a little in size, and is of a yellower tint than in the wild species; but its colour and that of the legs are both slightly variable. 28 This latter fact deserves attention, because the colour of the legs and beak is highly ser- viceable in discriminating the several closely allied wild forms. 29 At our Shows two breeds are exhibited ; viz. the Embden and Toulouse ; but they differ in nothing ex- cept colour. 30 Recently a smaller and singular variety has been imported from Sebastopol, 31 with the scapular feathers (as I hear from Mr. Tegetmeier, who sent me specimens) greatly elongated, curled, and even spirally 25 L. Lloyd, ' Scandinavian Adven- Zoological Soc, Feb. 1860. tures,' 1854, vol. ii. p. 413, says that 28 W. Thompson, ' Natural Hist, of Ire- the wild goose lays from five to eight land,' 1851, vol. ui.ip.31. The Rev. E. S. eggs, which is a much fewer number Dixon gave me some information on the than that laid by our domestic goose. varying colour of the beak and legs. 28 The Rev. L. Jenyns seems first to S9 Mi-. A. Strickland, in ' Annals and have made this observation in his ' Bri- Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' 3rd series, vol. Hi., tish Animals.' See also Yarrell, and 1859, p. 122. Dixon in his 'Ornamental Poultry' (p. 30 ' Poultry Chronicle,' vol. i., 1854, p. 139), and ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S57, 49S ; vol. iii. p. 210. p. 45. si 'The Cottage Gardener,' Sept. 4th, 27 Mr. Bartlett exhibited the head and 1860, p. 348. neck of a bird thus characterised at the Chap. VIII. DOMESTIC GOOSE. 349 twisted. The margins of these feathers are rendered plumose by the divergence of the barbs and barbules, so that they resemble in some degree those on the back of the black Australian swan. These feathers are likewise remarkable from the central shaft, which is excessively thin and transparent, being split into fine filaments, which, liter running for a space free, sometimes coalesce again. It is a curious fact that these filaments are regularly clothed on each side with fine down or barbules, precisely like those on the proper barbs of the feather. This struc- ture of the feathers is transmitted to half-bred birds. In Gallus sonneratii the barbs and barbules blend to- gether, and form thin horny plates of the same nature with the shaft : in this variety of the goose, the shaft divides into filaments which acquire barbules, and thus resemble true barbs. Although the domestic goose certainly differs some- what from any known wild species, yet the amount of variation which it has undergone, as compared with most domesticated animals, is singularly small. This fact can be partially accounted for by selection not having come largely into play. Birds of all kinds which present many distinct races are valued as pets or ornaments ; no one makes a pet of the goose ; the name, indeed, in more lan- guages than one, is a term of reproach. The goose is valued for its size and flavour, for the whiteness of its feathers which adds to their value, and for its pi-olificness and tameness. In all these points the goose differs from the wild parent-form ; and these are the points which have been selected. Even in ancient times the Roman gourmands valued the liver of the ichite goose ; and Pierre Belon 32 in 1555 speaks of two varieties, one of which was larger, more fecund, and of a better colour than the other ; and he expressly states that good mana- ss 'L' Hist, de la Nature des Oiseaux,' red by the Romans, see Isid. Geoffroy par P. Belon, 1555, p. 156. With respect St. Hilaire, ' Hist. Nat. Gen.,' torn. iii. to the livers of white geese being prefer- p. 59. 350 PEACOCK. Chap. VIII. gers attended to the colour of their goslings, so that they might know which to preserve and select for breeding. The Peacock. This is another bird which has hardly varied under do- mestication, except in sometimes being white or piebald.* Mr. Waterhouse carefully compared, as he informs me, skins of the wild Indian and domestic bird, and they were identical in every respect, except that the plumage of the latter was perhaps rather thicker. Whether our birds are descended from those introduced into Europe in the time of Alexander, or have been subsequently imported, is doubtful. They do not breed very freely with us, and are seldom kept in large numbers, — circumstances which would greatly interfere with the gradual selection and formation of new breeds. There is one strange fact with respect to the peacock, namely, the occasional appearance in England of the "japanned " or " black-shouldered " kind. This form has lately been named on the high authority of Mr. Sclater as a distinct species, viz. Pavo nigripennis, which he be- lieves will hereafter be found wild in some country, but not in India, where it is certainly unknown. These ja- panned birds differ conspicuously from the common pea- cock in the colour of their secondary wing-feathers, sca- pulars, wing-coverts, and thighs ; the females are much paler, and the young, as I hear from Mr. Bartlett, like- Avise differ. They can be propagated perfectly true. Although they do not resemble the hybrids which have been raised between P. cristatus and muticus, neverthe- less they are in some respects intermediate in character, between these two species ; and this fact favours, as Mr. Sclater believes, the view that they form a distinct and natural species. 33 83 Mr. Sclater on the black-shouldered peacock of Latham, ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' April 24th, 1860. Chap. VIII. PEACOCK. 351 On the other hand, Sir R. Heron states' 4 that this breed suddenly appeared within his memory in Lord Brownlow's large stock of pied, white, and common pea- cocks. The same thing occurred in Sir J. Trevelyan's flock composed entirely of the common kind, and in Mr. Thornton's stock of common and pied peacocks. It is remarkable that in these two latter instances the black- shouldered kind increased, u to the extinction of the pre- viously existing breed." I have also received through Mr. Sclater a statement from Mr. Hudson Gurney that he reared many years ago a pair of black-shouldered pea- cocks from the common kind ; and another ornithologist, Prof. A. Newton, states that, five or six years ago, a female bird, in all respects similar to the female of the black-shouldered kind, was produced from a stock of common peacocks in his possession, which during more than twenty years had not been crossed with birds of any other strain. Here we have five distinct cases of japanned birds suddenly appearing in flocks of the com- mon kind kept in England. Better evidence of the first appearance of a new variety could hardly be desired. If we reject this evidence, and believe that the japan- ned peacock is a distinct species, we must suppose in all these cases that the common breed had at some former period been crossed with the supposed P. nigripennis, but had lost every trace of the cross, yet that the birds occasionally produced offspring which suddenly and com- pletely reacquired throtigh reversion the characters of P. nigripennis. I have heard of no other such case in the animal or vegetable kingdom. To perceive the full im- probability of such an occurrence, we may suppose that a breed of dogs had been crossed at some former period with a wolf, but had lost every trace of the wolf-like character, yet that the breed gave birth in five instances in the same country, within no great length of time, to a 34 ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' April 14th, 1S35. 352 TUEKEY. Chap. VIII. wolf perfect in every character ; and we must further sup- pose that in two of the cases the newly produced wolves afterwards spontaneously increased to such an extent as to lead to the extinction of the parent breed of dogs. So remarkable a form as the P. nigripennis, when first im- ported, would have realized a large price ; it is therefore improbable that it should have been silently introduced and its history subsequently lost. On the whole the evi- dence seems to me, as it did to Sir R. Heron, to prepon- derate strongly in favour of the black-shouldered breed being a variation, induced either by the climate of Eng- land, or by some unknown cause, such as reversion to a primordial and extinct condition of the species. On the view that the black-shouldered peacock is a variety, the case is the most remarkable ever recorded of the abrupt appearance of a new form, which so closely resembles a true species that it has deceived one of the most experi- enced of living ornithologists. The Turkey. It seems fairly Avell established by Mr. Gould, 36 that the turkey, in accordance with the history of its first intro- duction, is descended from a wild Mexican species (Jle- leagris Mexicand) which had been already domesticated by the natives before the discovery of America, and which diners specifically, as it is generally thought, from the common wild species of the tTnited States. Some naturalists, however, think that these two forms should be ranked only as well-marked geographical races. How- ever this may be, the case deserves notice because in the 35 ' Proc. Zoolog. Soc.,' April Sth, in these large and luxuriant islands.it 1S56, p. 61. Prof. Baird believes (as appears (as we shall presently see) that quoted in Tegetmeier's ' Poultry Book,' the turkey degenerates in India, and this 1866, p. 209) that our turkeys are de- fact indicates that it was not aboriginally scended from a West Indian species now an inhabitant of the lowlands of the extinct. But besides the improbability tropics, of a bird having long ago become extinct Chap. VIII. TURKEY. 353 United States wild male turkeys sometimes court the domestic hens, which are descended from the Mexican form, " and are generally received hy them with great pleasure."" Several accounts have likewise heen pub- lished of young birds, reared in the United States from the eggs of the wild species, crossing and commingling with the common breed. In England, also, this same species has been kept in several parks ; from two of which the Rev. W. D. Fox procured birds, and they crossed freely with the common domestic kind, and during many years afterwards, as he informs me, the turkeys in his neighbourhood clearly showed traces of their crossed parentage. We here have an instance of a domestic race being modified by a cross with a distinct species or wild race. F. Michaux 37 suspected in 1802 that the common domestic turkey was not descended from the United States species alone, but likewise from a southern form, and he went so far as to believe that English and French turkeys differed from having different proportions of the blood of the two parent-forms. English turkeys are smaller than either wild form. They have not varied in any great degree ; but there are some breeds which can be distinguished — as Norfolks, Suffblks, Whites, and Copper-coloured (or Cambridge), all of which, if precluded from crossing with other breeds, propagate their kind truly. Of these kinds, the most distinct is the small, hardy, dull-black Norfolk turkey, of which the chickens are black, with occasionally white patches about the head. The other breeds scarcely differ except in colour, and their chickens are generally mottled all over with brownish-grey. 38 The tuft of hair on the breast, which is proper to the male alone, occasionally appears on the breast of the domesticated female. 39 The 38 Audubon's ' Ornithological Bio- rica,' 1S02, Eng. translat., p. 21T. graph.,' vol. i., 1S31, pp. 4-13; and 38 ' Ornamental Poultry,' by the Rev. ' Naturalist's Library,' vol. xiv., Birds, E. S. Dixon, 1S48, p. 34. p. 13$. 39 Rev. E. S. Dixon, id., p. 35. * T F. Michaux, ' Travels in N. Ame- 354 TUEKEY. Chap. vm. inferior tail-coverts vary in number, and according to a German superstition the hen lays as many eggs as the cock has feathers of this kind. 40 In Holland there was formerly, according to Temminck, a beautiful buff-yellow breed, furnished with an ample white topknot. Mr. Wilmot has described 41 a white turkey-cock with a crest formed of " feathers about four inches long, with bare quills, and a tuft of soft white down growing at the end." Many of the young birds whilst young inherited this kind of crest, but afterwards it either fell off or was pecked out by the other birds. This is an interesting case, as with care a new breed might probably have been formed ; and a topknot of this nature would have been to a certain extent analogous to that borne by the males in several allied genera, such as Euplocomus, Lophophorus, and Pavo. "Wild turkeys, believed in every instance to have been imported from the United States, have been kept in the parks of Lords Powis, Leicester, Hill, and Derby. The Rev. W. D. Fox procured birds from the two first-named parks, and he informs me that they certainly differed a little from each other in the shape of their bodies and in the barred plumage on their wings. These birds likewise differed from Lord Hill's stock. Some of the latter kept at Oulton by. Sir P. Egerton, though precluded from crossing with common turkeys, occasionally produced much paler-coloured birds, and one that was almost white, but not an albino. These half- wild turkeys in thus slightly differing from each other present an analogous case with the wild cattle kept in the several British parks. We must suppose that the differences have re- sulted from the prevention of free intercrossing between birds ranging over a wide area, and from the changed conditions to which they have been exposed in England. *° Bechstein, ' Naturgesch. Deutschlands,' B. iii., 1793, s. 809. « ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S52, p. 699. Chap. VIII. GUINEA FOWL CANARY BIRD. 355 In India the climate lias apparently wrought a still greater change in the turkey, for it is described by Mr. Blyth 42 as being much degenerated in size, " utterly incapable of rising on the wing," of a black colour, and " with the long pendulous appendages over the beak enormously developed." The Guinea Fowl. Tiie domesticated guinea-fowl is now believed by natural- ists to be descended from the Nitmicla ptilorhynca, which inhabits very hot, and, in parts, extremely arid districts in Eastern Africa; consequently it has been exposed in this country to extremely different conditions of life. Nevertheless it has hardly varied at all, except in the plumage being either paler or darker-coloured. It is a singular fact that this bird varies more in colour in the West Indies and on the Spanish Main, under a hot though humid climate, than in Europe. 43 The guinea-fowl has become thoroughly feral in Jamaica and in St. Domingo, 44 and has diminished in size ; the legs are black, whereas the legs of the aboriginal African bird are said to be grey. This small change is worth notice on account of the often- repeated statement that all feral animals invariably revert in every character to their original type. The Canary Bird. As this bird has been recently domesticated, namely, within the last 350 years, its variability deserves no- tice. It has been crossed with nine or ten other species of Fringillidae, and some of the hybrids are almost com- 42 E. Blyth, in ' Annals and Mag. of ed varieties imported from Barbadoes Nat. Hist.,' 15-47, vol. xx. p. 391. and Demerara. 43 Roulin makes this remark in ' Mem. 44 For St. Domingo, nee M. A. Salle, in de divers Savans, l'Acad. des Sciences,' 'Proc. Soc. Zoolog.,' 1S57, p. 206. Mr. torn, vi., 1S35, p. 349. Mr. Hill, of Hill remarks to me, in his letter, on the Spanish Town, in a letter tome, describes colour of the legs of the feral birds in five varieties of the guinea-fowl in Ja- Jamaica. ruaica. I have seen singular pale-colour- * 356 CANARY BIRD. C^r. vitt pletely fertile ; but we have no evidence that any distinct breed has originated from such crosses. Notwithstand- ing the modern domestication of the canary, many varie- ties have been produced; even before the year 1718 a list of twenty-seven varieties was published in France, 45 and in 1779 a long schedule of the desired qualities was printed by the London Canary Society, so that me- thodical selection has been practised during a consi- derable period. The greater number of the varieties differ only in colour and in the markings of their plu- mage. Some breeds, however, differ in shape, such as the hooped or bowed canaries, and the Belgian canaries with their much elongated bodies. Mr. Brent 46 measured one of the latter and found it eight inches in length, whilst the wild canary is only five and a quarter inches long. There are topknotted canaries, and it is a singular fact, that, if two topknotted birds are matched, the young, instead of having very fine topknots, are generally bald, or even have a wound on their heads. 47 It would ap- pear as if the topknot were due to some morbid con- dition which is increased to an injurious degree when two birds in this state are paired. There is a feather- footed breed, and another with a kind of frill running down the breast. One other character deserves notice from being confined to one period of life and from being strictly inherited at the same period : namely, the wing and tail feathers in prize canaries being black, " but this colour is retained only until the first moult ; once moult- ed, the peculiarity ceases." 48 Canaries differ much in dis- position and character, and in some small degree in song. They produce eggs three or four times during the year. 45 Mr. B. P. Brent, 'The Canary, 47 Bechstein, ' Naturgescb. der Stu- British Finches,' e shown that at the earliest dawn of agriculture five kinds of wheat and three of barley had been cultivated, we should of course be compelled to look at these forms as distinct species. But, as Heer has re- marked, agriculture even at the period of the lake-habita- tions had already made considerable progress ; for, be- sides the ten cerejals, peas, poppies, flax, and apparently apples, were cultivated. It may also be inferred, from one variety of wheat being the so-called Egyptian, and from what is known of the native country "of the panicum and setaria, as well as from the nature of the weeds which then grew mingled with the crops, that the lake-inhabi- tants either still kept up commercial intercourse with some southern people or had originally proceeded as co- lonists from the South. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps " has argued that, if our ce- real plants had been greatly modified by cultivation, the weeds which habitually grow mingled with them would have been equally modified. But this argument shows how completely the principle of selection has been over- looked. That such weeds have not varied, or at least do not vary now in any extreme degree, is the opinion of Mr. H. C. Watson and Professor Asa Gray, as they inform me ; but who will pretend to say that they do not vary as much as the individual plants of the same sub-variety of wheat ? We have already seen that pure varieties of wheat, cultivated in the same field, offer many slight va- riations, which can be selected and separately propaga- ted ; and that occasionally more strongly pronounced va- riations appear, which, as Mr. Sheriff has proved, are well worthy of extensive cultivation. Not until equal atten- tion be paid to the variability and selection of weeds, can 43 ' Les Cereales,' p. 94. Chip. IX. WHEAT. 383 the argument from their constancy under unintentional culture be of any value. In accordance with the princi- ples of selection we can understand how it is that in the several cultivated varieties of wheat the organs of vege- tatiou differ so little ; for if a plant with peculiar leaves appeared, it would he neglected unless the grains of corn were at the same time superior in quality or size. The selection of seed-corn was strongly recommended " in ancient times by Columella and Celsus ; and as Virgil says,— " I've seen the largest seeds, tho' view'd with care, Degenerate, unless th' industrious hand Did yearly cull the largest." But whether in ancient times selection was methodically pursued we may Avell doubt, wdien Ave hear how labori- ous the work was found by Le Couteur. Although the principle of selection is so important, yet the little which man has effected, by incessant efforts 44 during thousands of years, in rendering the plants more productive or the grains more nutritious than they were in the time of the old Egyptians, would seem to speak strongly against its efficacy. But we must not forget that at each successive period the state of agriculture and the quantity of manure supplied to the land will have determined the maximum degree of productiveness ; for it would be impossible to cultivate a highly productive variety, unless the land con- tained a sufficient supply of the necessary chemical ele- ments. We now know that man was sufficiently civilized to cultivate the ground at an immensely remote period ; so that wheat might have been improved long ago up to that standard of excellence which was possible under the then existing state of agriculture. One small class of facts supports this view of the slow and gradual improve- ments of our cereals. In the most ancient lake-habita- 43 Quoted by Le Couteur, p. 16. ** A. De Candolle, ' Geogra ph. Bot.,' p. 384 CEREAL PLANTS. * Chap. IX. tions of Switzerland, when men employed only flint-tools, the most extensively cultivated wheat was a peculiar kind, with remarkably small ears and grains. 45 " Whilst the grains of the modern forms are in section from seven to eight millimetres in length, the larger grains from the lake-habitations are six, seldom seven, and the smaller ones only four. The ear is thus much narrower, and the spikelets stand out more horizontally, than in our present forms." So again with barley, the most ancient and most extensively cultivated kind had small ears, and the grains were " smaller, shorter, and nearer to each other, than in that now grown; without the husk they were 2$ lines long, and scarcely l£ broad, whilst those now grown have a length of three lines, and almost the same in breadth." 4S These small-grained varieties of wheat and barley are believed by Heer to be the parent-forms of certain existing allied varieties, which have supplanted their early progenitors. Heer gives an interesting account of the first appear- ance and final disappearance of the several plants which were cultivated in greater or Jess abundance in Switzer- land during former successive periods, and which gene- rally differed more or less from our existing varieties. The peculiar small-eared and small-grained wheat, al- ready alluded to, was the commonest kind during the Stone period ; it lasted down to 'the Helvetico-Roman age, and then became extinct. A second kind was rare at first, but afterwards became more frequent. A third, the Egyptian Avheat (T. tiergidum), does not agree exact- ly with any existing variety, and was rare during the Stone period. A fourth kind (T. dicoccum) differs from all known varieties of this form. A fifth kind (T. mono- coccwn) is known to have existed during the Stone pe- < 5 0. Heer, ' Die Pflanzen der Pfahl- 1861, s. 225. bauten,' 1S60. The following passage is is Heer, as quoted by Carl Vogt, ' Lec- quoted from Dr. Christ, in ' Die Fauna tures en Man,' Eng. translV.., p. 355. der Pfahlbauten von Dr. Rutimeyer,' Chap. IX. MAIZE. 385 riod only by the presence of a single ear. A sixth kind, the common T. spelia, was not introduced into Switzer- land until the Bronze age. Of barley, besides the short- eared and small-grained kind, two others were cultiva- ted, one of which was very scarce, and resembled our present common II. distichum. During the Bronze age rye and oats were introduced ; the oat-grains being some- what smaller than those produced by our existing varie- ties. The poppy was largely cultivated during the Stone period, probably for its oil ; but the variety which then existed is not now known. A peculiar pea with small seeds lasted from the Stone to the Bronze age, and then be- came extinct ; whilst a peculiar bean, likewise having small seeds, came in at the Bronze period and lasted to the time of the Romans. These details sound like the description given by a palaeontologist of the mutations in form, of the first appearance, the increasing rarity, and final extinction of fossil species, embedded in the succes- sive stages of a geological formation. Finally, every one must judge for himself whether it is more probable that the several forms of wheat, barley, rye, and oats are descended from between ten and fifteen species, most of which are now either unknown or extinct, or whether they are descended from between four and eight species, which may have either closely resembled our present cultivated forms, or have been so widely dif- ferent as to escape identification. In this latter case, we must conclude that man cultivated the cereals at an enormously remote period, and that he formerly practised some degree of selection, which in itself is not improbable. We may, perhaps, further believe that, when wheat was first cultivated, the ears and grains increased quickly i.i size, in the same manner as the roots of the wild carrot and parsnip are known to increase quickly in bulk under cultivation. Maize: Zea Mays. — Botanists are nearly unanimous that all the 17 386 CEREAL PLANTS. Chap. IX. cultivated kinds belong to the same species. It is undoubtedly 47 of American origin, and was grown by the aborigines throughout the continent from New England to Chili. Its cultivation must have been extremely ancient, for Tschudi' 18 describes two kinds, now ex- tinct or not known in Peru, which were taken from tombs apparent- ly prior to the dynasty of the Incas. But there is even stronger evi- dence of antiquity, for I found on the coast of Peru 43 heads of maize, together with eighteen species of recent sea-shell, embedded in a beach which had been upraised at least 85 feet above the "level of the sea. In accordance with this ancient cultivation, numerous American varieties have arisen. The aboriginal form has not as yet been discovered in the wild state. A peculiar kind, 50 in which the grains, instead of being naked, are concealed by husks as much as eleven lines in length, has been stated on insufficient evidence to grow wild in Brazil. It is almost certain that the aboriginal form would have had its grains thus protected ; 51 but the seeds of the Brazilian variety produce, as I hear from Professor Asa Gray, and as is stated in two published accounts, either common or husked maize ; and it is not credible that a wild species, when first cultiva- ted, should vary so quickly and in so great a degree. Maize has varied in an extraordinary and conspicuous manner. Metzger, 52 who paid particular attention to the cultivation of this plant, makes twelve races (unter-art) with numerous sub-varieties ; of the latter some are tolerably constant, others quite inconstant. The different races vary in height from 15-18 feet to only 16-18 inches, as in a dwarf variety described by Bonafous. The whole ear is variable in shape, being long and narrow, or short and thick, or branched. The ear in one variety is more than four times as long as in a dwarf kind. The seeds are arranged in the ear in from six to even twenty rows, or are placed irregularly. The seeds 47 See Alph. De Candolle's long dis- on seeing this kind of maize, told Au- cussion in his ' Geograph. Bot.,' p. 042. guste St. Hilaire (see De Candolle, 'G6o- With respect to New England, see Silli- graph. Bot.,' p. 951) that it grew wild in man's 'American Journal,' vol. xliv. p. the humid forests of his native land. Mr. 99. Teschemacher, in ' Proc. Boston Soc. 48 'Travels in Peru,' Eng. translat., Nat. Hist ,' Oct. 19th, 1S42, gives an ac- p. 177. count of sowing the seed. 49 ' Geolog. Observ. on S. America,' 51 Moquin-Tandon, ' Elements de Te- 1846, p. 49. ratologie,' 1841, p. 126. 60 This maize is figured in Bonafous' 52 'Die Getreirtearten,' 1841, s. 20S. magnificent work, 'Hist. Nat. du Mais,' I have modified a few of Metzger's state- 1S3(J, Pi. v. bis, and in the 'Journal of ments in accordance with those made by Hort. Soc.,' vol i., 1S46, p. 115, where Bonafous in his great work, ' Hist. Nat. an account is given of the result of sow- du Mai's,' 1S36. iug the seed. A young Guarany Indian, Chap. IX. MAIZE. 387 are coloured — white, pale-yellow, orange, red, violet, or elegantly streaked with black; 68 and iu the same car there are sometimes seeds of two colours. In a small collection I found that a single grain of one variety nearly equalled in weight seven grains of another variety. The shape of the seed varies greatly, heing very flat, or nearly globular, or oval ; broader than long, or longer than broad ; without any point, or produced into a sharp tooth, and this tooth is sometimes recurved. One variety (the rugosa of Bonafous) has its seeds curiously wrinkled, giving to the whole ear a singular appearance. Another variety (the cymosa of Bon.) carries its ears so crowded together that it is called mats d bouquet. The seeds of some varieties contain much glucose instead of starch. Male flowers sometimes appear amongst the female flowers, and Mr. J. Scott has lately observed the rarer case of female flowers on a true male panicle, and likewise hermaphrodite flowers. 54 Azara de- scribes M a variety in Paraguay the grains of which are very tender, and he states that several varieties are fitted for being cooked in various ways. The varieties also differ greatly in precocity, and have different powers of resisting dryness and the action of violent wind. 53 Some of the foregoing differences would certainly be con- sidered of specific value with plants in a state of nature. Le Comte Re states that the grains of all the varieties which he cultivated ultimately assumed a yellow colour. But Bonafous " found that most of those which he sowed for ten consecutive years kept true to their proper tints ; and he adds that in the valleys of the Pyrenees and on the plains of Piedmont a white maize has been cultivated for more than a century, and has undergone no change. The tall kinds grown in southern latitudes, and therefore exposed to great heat, require from six to seven months to ripen their seed ; whereas the dwarf kinds, grown in northern and colder climates, require only from three to four months. 58 Peter Kalm, 59 who par- ticularly attended to this plant says that in the United States, in proceeding from south to north, the plants steadily diminish in bulk. Seeds brought from lat. 37° in Virginia, and sown in lat. 43°-44° in New England, produce plants wdiich will not ripen their seed, or ripen them with the utmost difficulty. So it is with seed carried from New England to lat. 45°-47° in Canada. By taking 53 Godron, ' De l'Espece,' torn. ii. p. p. 31. 80; Al. DeCandolle, idem. p. 051. " Idem, p. 31. 64 ' Transact. Bot. Soc. of Edinburgh,' 68 Metzger, ' Getreidearter.,' s. 206. vol. viii. p. 60. 69 ' Description of Maize,' by P. Kalm, BS 'Voyages dans rAmerique Muri- 1T52, in ' Swedish Acts,' vol. iv. I dionale,' torn. i. p. 147. haTe consulted an old English MS. trans- •• Bonafous' ' Hist. Nat. du Mala,' lation. . 388 CEREAL PLANTS. Chap. IX. great care at first, the southern kinds after some years' culture ripen their seed perfectly in their northern homes, so that this is an ana- logous case with that of the conversion of summer into winter wheat, and conversely. When tall and dwarf maize are planted together, the dwarf kinds are in full flower before the others have produced a single flower ; and in Pennsylvania they ripen their seed six weeks earlier than the tall maize. Metzger also mentions a European maize which ripens its seed four weeks earlier than another European kind. With these facts, so plainly showing inherited acclimatisation, we may readily believe Kalm, who states that in North America maize and some other plants have gradually been cultivated further and further northward. All writers agree that to keep the varieties of maize pure they must be planted separately so that they shall not cross. The effects of the climate of Europe on the American varieties is highly remarkable. Metzger obtained seed from various parts of America, and cultivated several kinds in Germany. I will give an abstract of the changes observed 60 in one case, namely, with a tall kin J (Breit-korniger mays, Zea altissima) brought from the warmer parts of America. During the first year the plants were twelve feet high, and few seeds were perfected ; the lower seeds in the ear kept true to their proper form, but the upper seeds became slightly changed. In the second generation the plants were from nine to ten feet in height, and ripened their seed better ; the depression on the outer side of the seed had almost disappeared, and the original beautiful white colour had become duskier. Some of the seeds had even become yellow, and in their now rounded form they approached common European maize. In the third generation nearly all re- semblance to the original and very distinct American parent-form was lost. In the sixth generation tliis maize perfectly resembled a European variety, described as the second sub-variety of the fifth race. When Metzger published his book, this variety was still cultivated near Heidelberg, and could be distinguished from the common kind only by a somewhat more vigorous growth. Analo- gous results were obtained by the cultivation of another American race, the " white-tooth corn," in which the tooth nearly disappeared even in the second generation. A third race, the " chicken-corn," did not undergo so great a change, but the seeds became less polished and pellucid. These facts afford the most remarkable instance known to me of the direct and prompt action of climate " ' Getreulearten,' s. 20S. Cn*?. ix. CULINARY PLANTS : CABBAGES. 389 on a plant. It might have been expected that the tall- ncss of the stem, the period of the vegetation, and the ripening of the seed, would have been thus affected; but it is a much more surprising fact that the seeds should have undergone so rapid and great a change. As, how- ever, flowers, with their product the seed, are formed by the metamorphosis of the stem and leaves, any modifi- cation in these latter organs would be apt to extend, through correlation, to the organs of fructification. Cabbage (Brassiea oleracea). — Every one knows how greatly the various kinds of cabbage differ in appearance. In the island of Jer- sey, from the effects of particular culture and of climate, a stalk has grown to the height of sixteen feet, and " had its spring shoots at the top occupied by a magpie's nest :" the woody stems are not unfrequently from ten to twelve feet in height, and are there used as rafters C1 and as walking-sticks. We are thus reminded that in certain countries plants belonging to the generally herbaceous order of the Cruciferre are developed into trees. Every one can appreciate the difference between green or red cabbages with great single heads ; Brussel-sprouts with numerous little heads ; broeeolis and cauliflowers with the greater number of their flowers in an aborted condition, incapable of producing seed, and borne in a dense corymb instead of an open panicle ; savoys with their blistered and wrinkled leaves ; and borecoles and kales, which come nearest to the wild pa- rent-form. There are also various frizzled and laciniated kinds, some of such beautiful colours that Vilmorin in his Catalogue of 1851 enumerates ten varieties, valued solely for ornament, which are propagated by seed. Some kinds are less commonly known, such as the Portuguese Couve Tronchuda, with the ribs of its leaves greatly thickened ; and the Kohlrabi or choux-raves, with their stems enlarged into great turnip-like masses above the ground ; and the recently formed new race 62 of choux-raves, already including nine sub-varieties, in which the enlarged part lies beneath the ground like a turnip. Although we see such great differences in the shape, size, colour, arrangement, and manner of growth of the leaves and stem, and of 91 'Cabbage Timber,' 'Gardener's hibited in the Museum at Revv. Chron.,' 1S58, |>. T44. quoted from Hook- 62 'Journal de la Soc. Imp. d'Hortt- er's ' Journal of Botany,' A walking- culture,' 1855, p. 254, quoted from ' Gar- stick made from a cabbage-stalk is ex- tenflora,' Ap. 1S55. 390 CULINARY PLANTS. Chap. IX. the flower-stems in the broccoli and cauliflower, it is remarkable that the flowers themselves, the seed-pods, and seeds, present ex- tremely slight differences or none at all. 63 I compared the flowers of all the principal kinds ; those of the Couve Trouchuda are white and rather smaller than in common cabbages ; those of the Ports- mouth broccoli have narrower sepals, and smaller, less elongated petals ; and in no other cabbage could any difference be detected. With respect to the seed-pods, in the purple Kohlrabi alone, do they differ, being a little longer and narrower than usual. I made a col- lection of the seeds of twenty -eight different kinds, and most of them were undistinguishable ; when there was any difference it was ex- cessively slight ; thus, the seeds of various broccolis and cauliflow- ers, when seen in mass, are a little redder ; those of the early green Ulm savoy are rather smaller ; and those of the Breda kail slightly larger than usual, but not larger than the seeds of the wild cabbage from the coast of Wales. What a contrast in the amount of differ- ence is presented if, on the one hand, we compare the leaves and stems of the various kinds of cabbage with their flowers, pods, and seeds, and on the other hand the corresponding parts in the varieties of maize and wheat ! The explanation is obvious ; the seeds alone are valued in our cereals, and their variations have been selected ; whereas the seeds, seed-pods, and flowers have been utterly neglect- ed in the cabbage, whilst many useful variations in their leaves and stems have been noticed and preserved from an extremely remote period, for cabbages were cultivated by the old Celts. 04 It would be useless to give a classified description 65 of the nume- rous races, sub-races, and varieties of the cabbage ; but it may be mentioned that Dr. Lindley has lately proposed 6G a system founded on the state of development of the terminal and lateral leaf-buds, and of the flower-buds. Thus, I. All the leaf-buds active and open, as in the wild-cabbage, kail, &c. II. All the leaf-buds active, but forming heads, as in Brussel-sprouts, &c. III. Terminal leaf-bud alone active, forming a head as in common cabbages, savoys, &c. IV. Terminal leaf-bud alone active and open, with most of the flowers abortive and succulent, as in the cauliflower and broccoli. V. All the leaf-buds active and open, with most of the flowers abor- tive and succulent, as in the sprouting-broccoli. This latter vari- ety is a new one, and bears the same relation to common broccoli, as «3 Godron, ' De l'Espece,' torn. ii. p. " 5 See the elder De Candolle, in 52 ; Metzger, ' Syst, Beschreibung der ' Transact, of Hort. Soc.,' vol. v. ; and Kult. Kohlarten,' 1S33, s. 6. Metzger ' Kohlarten,' &c. 64 Iiegnier, ' De l'Economie Publique 60 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S59, p. 992. des Celtes,' 1818, p. 43?. Chap. IX. CABBAGES. 301 Brussel-sprouts do to common cabbages ; it suddenly appeared in a bed of common broccoli, and was found faithfully to transmit its newly-acquired and remarkable characters. The principal kinds of cabbage existed at least as early as the six- teenth century, 67 so that numerous modifications of structure have been inherited for a long period. This fact is the more remarkable as great care must be taken to prevent the crossing of the different kinds. To give one proof of this ; I raised 233 seedlings from cab- bages of different kinds, which had purposely been planted near each other, and of the seedlings no less than 155 were plainly deteriora- ted and mongrelized ; nor were the remaining 78 all perfectly true. It may be donbted whether many permanent varieties have been formed by intentional or accidental crosses ; for such crossed plants are found to be very inconstant. One kind, however, called " Cot- tager's Kale," has lately been produced by crossing common kale and Brussel-sprouts, recrossed with purple broccoli, 68 and is said to be true, but plants raised by me were not nearly so constant in character as any common cabbage. Although most of the kinds keep true if carefully preserved from crossing, yet the seed-beds must be yearly examined, and a few seedlings are generally found false ; but even in this case the force of inheritance is shown, for, as Metzger has remarked 69 when speaking of Brussel-sprouts, the variations generally keep to their "unter art," or main race. But in order that any kind may lie truly propagated there must be no great change in the conditions of life ; thus cabbages will not form heads in hot coun- tries, and the same thing has been observed with an English variety grown daring an extremely warm and damp autumn near Paris. 10 Extremely poor soil also affects the characters of certain varieties. Most authors believe that all the races are descended from the wild cabbage found on the western shores of Europe ; but Alph. De Candolle T1 forcibly argues on historical and other grounds that it is more probable that two or three closely allied forms, generally ranked as distinct species, still living in the Mediterranean region, are the parents, now all commingled together, of the various culti- vated kinds. In the same manner as we have often seen with do- mesticated animals, the supposed multiple origin of the cabbage 67 Alpli. De Candolle, ' Geograph. Bot., e '-' ' KoUarten,' ?. 22. pp. S42 ami 9-0. ™ Godron, ' De l'Espece,' torn. ii. p. 88 '• Gardener's Chron.,' Feb. 1858, p. 52; Metzger, ' Kohlarten,' s. 22. 128. 71 ' Geograph. Bot.,' p. S40. 392 CULINARY PLANTS. Cap. ix. throws no light on the characteristic differences between the cul- tivated forms. If our cabbages are the descendants of three or four distinct species, every trace of any sterility which may origi- nally have existed between them is now lost, for none of the varieties can b<# kept distinct without scrupulous care to prevent intercross^ ing. The other cultivated forms of the genus Brassica are descended, according to the view adopted by Godron and Metzger, 72 from two species, B. napas and rapa ; but according to other botanists from three species ; whilst others again strongly suspect that all these forms, both wild and cultivated, ought to be ranked as a single species. Brassica no pus has given rise to two large groups, name ]y, Swedish turnips (by some believed to be of hybrid origin) 73 and Colzas, the seeds of which yield oil. Brassica rapa (of Koch) has also given rise to two races, namely, common turnips and the oil giving rape. The evidence is unusually clear that these latter plants, though so different in external appearance, belong to the same species ; for the turnip has been observed by Koch and Go- dron to lose its thick roots in uncultivated soil, and when rape and turnips are sown together they cross to such a degree that scarcely a single plant comes true. 74 Metzger by culture converted the bien- nial or winter rape into the annual or summer rape, — varieties which have been thought by some authors to be specifically distinct. 75 In the production of large, fleshy, turnip-like stems, we have a case of analogous variation in three forms which are generally considered as distinct species. But scarcely any modification seems so easily acquired as a succulent enlargement of the stem or root — that is a store of nutriment laid up for the plant's own future use. We see this in our radishes, beet, and in the less generally known " turnip-rooted" celery, and in the finocchio or Italian variety of the common fennel. Mr. Buckman has lately proved by his interesting experiments how quickly the roots of the wild parsnip can be en- larged, as Vilmorin formerly proved in the case of the carrot. 76 72 Godron, ' De l'Espece,' torn. ii. p. be valued equally with positive results. 54 ; Metzger, ' Kohlarten,' s. 10. On the other hand, M. Carriere has '3 ' Gardener's Chron. and Agricult. lately stated (' Gard. Chronicle,' 1S65, Gazette ' 1S56 p. 729. p. 1154) that he took seed from a wild 74 ' Gardener's Chron. and Agricult. carrot, growing far from any cultivated Gazette ' 1S55, p. 7-30. land, and even in the first generation 76 Metzger, ' Kohlarten,' s. 51. the roots of his seedlings differed in 76 These experiments by Vilmorin have being spindle-shaped, longer, softer and been quoted by many writers. An emi- less fibrous than those of the wild plant, nent botanist, Prof. Decaisne, has lately From these seedlings he raised several expressed doubts on the subject from his distinct varieties, own negative results, but these cannot Chap. IX. PEAS. 303 This latter plant, in its cultivated state, differs in scarcely any character from the wild English species, except in general luxu- riance and in the size and quality of its roots ; hut in the root ten varieties, differing in colour, shape, and quality, are cultivated 77 in England, and come truo by seed. Hence, with the carrot, as in so many other cases, for instance with the numerous varieties and sub-varieties of the radish, that part of the plant which is valued by man, falsely appears alone to have varied. The truth is that variations in this part alone have been selected; and the seedlings inheriting a tendency to vary in the same way, analogous modifica- tions have been again and again selected, until at last a great amount of change has been effected. Pea (Pisum sativum). — Most botanists look at the garden-pea as specifically distinct from the field-pea (P. arvense). The latter ex- ists in a wild state in Southern Europe ; but the aboriginal parent of the garden-pea has been found by one collector alone, as he states, in the Crimea." 8 Andrew Knight crossed, as I am informed by the Rev. A. Fitch, the field-pea with a well-known garden variety, the Prussian pea, and the cross seems to have been perfectly fertile. Dr. Alefeld has recently studied 79 the genus with care, and, after having cultivated about fifty varieties, concludes that they all cer- tainly belong to the same species. It is an interesting fact already alluded to, that, according to O. Heer, M the peas found in the lake- habitations of Switzerland of the Stone and Bronze ages, belong to an extinct variety, with exceedingly small seeds, allied to P. ar- vense, or field-pea. The varieties of the common garden-pea are numerous, and differ considerably from each other. For compari- son I planted at the same time forty-one English and French varie- ties, and in this one case I will describe minutely their differences. The varieties differ greatly in height, — namely from between 6 and 12 inches to 8 feet, 61 — in manner of growth, and in period of matu- rity. Some varieties differ in general aspect even while only two or three inches in height. The stems of the Prussian pea are much branched. The tall kinds have larger leaves than the dwarf kinds, but not in strict proportion to their height: — Hairs' Dwarf Monmouth has very large leaves, and the Pais nain hatif, and the 77 Loudon's 'Encyclop. of Gardening,' 79 ' Botanische Zeitung,' 1860, s. 204. p. 835. 80 ' Die PQanzen der Pfahlbauten,* 78 Alph. De Candolle, ' Ge"ograph. Bot.,' 186G, s. 23. 960. Mr. Bentham (' Hort. Journal,' vol. 81 A variety called the Rouncival at- ix. (1855), p. 141) believes that garden tains this height, as is stated by Mr. and field peas belong to the same spe- Gordon in 'Transact. Hort. Soc.,' (2nd cies, and in this respect he differs from series), vol. i., 1835, p. 3T4, from which Dr. Targioni. paper I have taken some facts. 394 . CULINARY PLANTS. Chap. IX. moderately tall Blue Prussian, have leaves about two-thirds of the size of the tallest kind. In the Daneeroft the leaflets are rather small and a little pointed; in the Queen of Dwarfs rather rounded ; and in the Queen of England broad and large. In these three peas the slight differences in the shape of the leaves are accompanied by slight differences in colour. In the Pais geant sans parchemin, which bears purple flowers, the leaflets in the young plant are edged with red ; and in all the peas with purple flowers the stipules are marked with red. In the different varieties, one or two, or several flowers in a small cluster, are borne on the same peduncle ; and this is a difference which with some of the Leguminosse is considered of specific value. In all the varieties the flowers closely resemble each other except in colour and size. They are generally white, sometimes purple, but the colour is inconstant even in the same variety. In Warner's Emperor, which is a tall kind, the flowers are nearly double the size of those of the Pais nam hatif, but Hairs' Dwarf Monmouth, which has largj leaves, likewise has large flowers. The calyx in the Victoria Marrow is large, and in Bishop's Long Pod the sepals are rather narrow. In no other kind is there any difference in the flower. The pods and seeds, which with natural species afford such con- stant characters, differ greatly in the cultivated varieties of the pea ; and these are tbe valuable, and consequently the selected parts. Sugar peas, or Pois sans parchemin, are remarkable from their thin pods, which, whilst young, are cooked and eaten whole ; and in this group, which according to Mr. Gordon includes eleven sub- varieties, it is the pod which differs most : thus, Lewis's Negro- podded pea has a straight, broad, smooth, and dark- purple pod, with the husk not so thin as in the other kinds ; the pod of another variety is extremely bowed ; that of the Pois geant is much pointed at the extremity ; and in the variety " a grands cosses" the peas are seen through the husk in so conspicuous a manner that the pod, especially when dry, can hardly at first be recognised as that of a pea. In the ordinary varieties the pods also differ much in size ; — in colour, that of Woodford's Green Marrow being bright-green when dry, instead of pale brown, and that of the purple-podded pea being expressed by its name; — in smoothness, that of Daneeroft being re- markably glossy, whereas that of the Ne plus ultra is rugged ; — in being either nearly cylindrical, or broad and flat ; — in being pointed at the end as in Thurston's Reliance, or much truncated as in the American Dwarf. In the Axmergne pea the whole end of the pod is bowed upwards. In the Queen of the Dwarfs and in Scimitar peas the pod is almost elliptic in shape. I here give drawings of the four most distinct pods produced by the plants cultivated by me. Chap. IX. PEAS. 395 In the pea itself we have every tint between almost pure white, brown, yellow, and intense green ; in the varieties of the sugar yeas Fig. 41.— Pods and Peas. I. Queen of Dwarfs. II. American Dwarf. III. Thurs- ton's Reliance. IV. Pois G£ant Bans parchemin. (7. Dan O'Rourke Pea. b. Queen of Dwarfs Pea. c. Knight's Tall White Marrow, d. Lewis's Negro Pea. we have these same tints, together with red passing through fine purple into a dark chocolate tint. These colours are either uniform 396 CULINARY PLANTS. Chap. IX. or distributed in dots, strife, or moss-like marks ; they depend in some cases on the colour of the cotyledons seen through the skin, and in other cases on the outer coats of the pea itself. In the dif- ferent varieties the pods contain, according to Mr. Gordon, from eleven or twelve to only four or five peas. The largest peas are nearly twice as much in diameter as the smallest ; and the latter are not always borne by the most dwarfed kinds. Peas differ much in shape, being smooth and spherical, smooth and oblong, nearly oval in the Queen of Dwarfs, and nearly cubical and crumpled in many of the larger kinds. With respect to the value of the differences between the chief varieties, it cannot be doubted that, if one of the tall Sugar-peas, with purple flowers, thin-skinned pods of an extraordinary shape, including large, dark-purple peas, grew wild by the side of the lowly Queen of the Dicarfs, with white flowers, greyish-green, rounded leaves, scimitar-like pods, containing oblong, smooth, pale- coloured peas, which became mature at a different season ; or by the side of one of the gigantic sorts, like the Champion of England, with leaves of great size, pointed pods, and large, green, crumpled, almost cubical peas, — all three kinds would be ranked as indispu- tably distinct species. Andrew Knight 82 has observed that the varieties of peas keep very true, because they are not crossed by insects. As far as the fact of keeping true is concerned, I hear from Mr. Masters of Can- terbury, w r ell known as the originator of several new kinds, that certain varieties have remained constant for a considerable time, — for instance, Knight's Blue Dicarf which came out about the year 1820." But the greater number of varieties have a singularly short existence : thus Loudon remarks M that " sorts which were highly approved in 1821, are now, in 1833, nowhere to be found;" and on comparing the lists of 1833 with those of 1855, I find that nearly all the varieties have changed. Mr. Masters informs me that the nature of the soil caiises some varieties to lose their character. As with other plants, certain varieties can be propagated truly, whilst others show a determined tendency to vary ; thus two peas differing in shape, one round and the other wrinkled, were found by Mr. Mas- ters within the same pod, but the plants raised from the wrinkled kind always evinced a strong tendency to produce round peas. Mr. Masters also raised from a plant of another variety four distinct sub-varieties, which bore blue and round, white and round, blue and 82 'Phil. Transact.,' 1799, p. 196. 84 'Encyclopaedia of Gardening,' p. 83 ' Gardener's Magazine,' vol. i., 1S26, 823. p. 153. Chap. IX. PEAS. 307 wrinkled, and white and wrinkled peas ; and although he sowed these four varieties separately during several successive years, each kind always reproduced all four kinds mixed together ! With respect to the varieties not naturally intercrossing, I have ascertained that the pea, which in this respect differs from some other Lcguminosoe, is perfectly fertile without the aid of insects. Yet I have seen humble-bees whilst sucking the nectar depress the keel-petals, and become so thickly dusted with pollen, that somo could hardly fail to be left on the stigma of the next flower which was visited. I have made inquiries from several great raisers of seed-peas, and I find that but few sow them separately ; the majority take no precaution ; and it is certain, as I have myself found, that true seed may be saved during at least several generations from distinct varieties growing close together." 5 Under these circum- stances, Mr. Fitch raised, as he informs me, one variety for twenty years, which always came true. From the analogy of kidney- beans I should^ have expected 86 that occasionally, perhaps at long intervals of time, when some slight degree of. sterility had supervened from long-continued self-fertilisation, varieties thus growing near each other would have crossed ; and I shall give in the eleventh chapter two cases of distinct varieties which sponta- neously intercrossed, as shown (in a manner hereafter to be ex- plained) by the pollen of the one variety having acted directly om the seeds of the other. Whether the incessant supply of new varieties is partly due to such occasional and accidental crosses, and their fleeting existence to changes of fashion ; or again, whether the varieties which arise after a long course of continued self-ferti- lisation are weakly and soon perish, I cannot even conjecture. It may, however, be noticed that several of Andrew Knight's varie- ties, which have endured longer than most kinds, were raised towards the close of the last century by artificial crosses ; some of them, I believe, were still, in 1860, vigorous ; but now, in 1865, a writer, speaking" of Knight's four kinds of marrows, says, they have acquired a famous history, hut their glory has departed. With respect to Beans {Fuba vulgaris), I will say but little. Dr. Alefeld has given 88 short diagnostic characters of forty varieties. Every one who has seen a collection must have been struck with the great difference in shape, thickness, proportional length and 85 See Dr. Anderson to the same effect dener's Chronicle,' 1S57, Oct. 25th. In the ' Bath Soc. Agricultural Papers,' 87 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S65, p. vol. iv. p. 8T. 387. 88 I have published full details of ex- 88 ' Bonplandia,' x., 1862, s. 848. periments on this subject in the ' Oar- 398 CULINARY PLANTS. Chap. IX. breadth, colour, and size which beans present. What a contrast between a Windsor and Horse-bean ! As in the case of the pea, our existing varieties were preceded during the Bronze age in Switzerland by a peculiar and now extinct variety producing very small beans. 89 Potato (Solatium tuberosum). — There is little doubt about the parentage of tliis plant ; for the cultivated varieties differ extremely little in general appearance from the wild species, which can be recognised in its native land at the first glance. 90 The varieties cultivated in Britain are numerous ; thus Lawson 91 gives a descrip- tion of 175 kinds. I planted eighteen kinds in adjoining rows; their stems and leaves differed but little, and in several cases there was as great an amount of difference between the individuals of the same variety as between the different varieties. The flowers vaiy in size, and in colour between white and purple, but in no other respect, except that in one kind the sepals were somewhat elongated. One strange variety has been described which always produces two sorts of flowers, the first double and sterile, the second single and fertile. 92 The fruit or berries also differ, but only in a slight degree. 911 The tubers, on the other hand, present a wonderful amount of diversity. This fact accords with the principle that the valuable and selected parts of all cultivated productions present the greatest amount of modification. They differ much in size and shape, being globular, oval, flattened, kidney-like, or cylindrical. One variety from Peru is described 94 as being quite straight, and at least six iuches in length, though no thicker than a man's finger. The eyes or buds* differ in form, position, and colour. The manner in which the tubers are arranged on the so-called roots is different ; thus in the gurken-kartoffdn they form a pyramid with the apex down- wards, and in another variety they bury themselves deep in the ground. The roots themselves run either near the surface or deep in the ground. The tubers also differ in smoothness and colour, being externally white, red, purple, or almost black, and internally white, yellow, or almost black. They differ in flavour and quality, 89 0. Heer, 'Die Pflanzen der Pfahl- Chronicle,' 1S45, p. TOO. bauten,' 1S66, s. 22. 9S ' Putsche und Vertuch, Versuch 90 Darwin, ' Journal of Researches,' einer Monographie der Kartoffeln,' 1819, 1S45, p. 285. s. 9, 15. See also Dr. Anderson's ' Re- 91 Synopsis of the vegetable products creations in Agriculture,' vol. iv. p. 325. of Scotland, quoted in Wilson's ' British 94 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1863, p. Farming,' p. 31T. 1052. 92 Sir G. Mackenzie, in ' Gardener's Cn iP . IX. POTATOES. 399 being either waxy or mealy; in their peri.nl of maturity, and in their capacity for long preservation. As with many other plants which have been long propagated by bulbs, tubers, cuttings, &c., by which means the same individual is exposed during a length of time to diversified conditions, seedling potatoes generally display innumerable slight differences. Several varieties, even when propagated by tubers, are far from constant, as will be seen in the chapter on Bud-variation. Dr. Anderson 95 procured seed from an Irish purple potato, which grew far from any other kind, so that it could not at least in this generation have been crossed, yet the many seedlings varied in almost every possible respect, so that " scarcely two plants were exactly alike." Some of the plants which closely resembled each other above ground, pro- duced extremely dissimilar tubers ; and some tubers which exter- nally could hardly be distinguished, differed widely in quality when cooked. Even in this case of extreme variability, the parent-stock had some influence on the progeny, for the greater number of the seedlings resembled in some degree the parent Irish potato. Kid- ney potatoes must be ranked amongst the most highly cultivated and artificial races : yet their peculiarities can often be strictly pro- pagated by seed. A great authority, Mr. Rivers, 06 states that " seed- lings from the ash-leaved kidney always bear a strong resemblance to their parent. Seedlings from the fluke-kidney are still more remarkable for their adherence to their parent-stock, for, on closely observing a great number during two seasons, I have not been able to observe the least difference either in earliness, productiveness, or in the size or shape of their tubers." 05 ; Bath Society Agrieult. Papers,' 96 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1863, p. vol. v. p. 127. And ' Recreations in 64C. Agriculture,' vol. v. p. S6. 400 FRUITS. Chap. X. CHAPTER X. PLANTS continue^, — FRUITS — ORNAMENTAL TREES — FLOWERS. FRUITS. — Grapes — vary in odd and tripling particulars. MULBERRY. THE ORANGE GROUP — SINGULAR RESULTS FROM CROSSING. PEACH AND NECTARINE — BUD- VARIATION — ANALOGOUS VARIATION — RELATION TO THE ALMOND. APRICOT. PLUMS — VARIATION IN THEIR STONES. CHER- RIES — SINGULAR VARIETIES OF. APPLE. PEAR. STRAWBERRY — INTERBLENDING OF THE ORIGINAL FORMS. GOOSEBERRY — STEADY INCREASE IN SIZE OF THE FRUIT — VARIETIES OF. ■WALNUT. NUT. CUCURBITACEOUS PLANTS — WONDERFUL VARIATION OF. ORNAMENTAL TREES — their variation in degree and KIND — ASH-TREE — SCOTCH-FIR — HAWTHORN. FLOWERS — MULTIPLE ORIGIN OF MANY KINDS — VARIATION IN CONSTITUTIONAL PECULIARITIES — KIND OF VARIATION. ROSES — SEVERAL SPECIES CULTIVATED. PANSY. DAH- LIA. HYACINTH — HISTORY AND VARIATION OF. The Vine ( Yitis vim/era). — The best authorities consider all oar grapes as the descendants cf one species which now grows wild in western Asia, which grew during the Bronze-age wild in Italy, 1 and which has recently been found fossil in a tufaceous deposit in the south of France. 2 Some authors, however, entertain much doubt about the single parentage of our cultivated varieties, owing to the number of semi-wild forms found in Southern Europe, especially as de- scribed by Clemente, 3 in a forest in Spain ; but as the grape sows 1 Heer, ' PQanzen der Pfahlbauten,' tbe fossil vine found by Dr. G. Planchon, 1866, s. 28. see ' Nat. Hist. Review,' 1865, April, p. 2 Alph. De Candolle, ' Geograph. Bot.,' 224. p. S72 ; Dr. A. Targioni-Tozzetti, in 3 Godron, ' De l'Espece,' torn. ii. p. ' Jour. Hort. Soc.,' vol. ix. p. 133. For 100. Chap. X. VINES. 401 itself freely in Southern Europe, and as several of the chief kinds transmit their characters by seed, 4 whilst others are extremely variable, the existence of many different escaped forms could hardly fail to occur in countries where this plant has been cultivated from the remotest antiquity. That the vine varies much when propaga- ted by seed, wo may infer from the largely increased number of varieties since the earlier historical records. New hot-house varie- ties are produced almost every year ; for instance, 5 a golden-coloured variety has been recently raised in England from a black grape without the aid of a cross. Van Mons 6 reared a multitude of va- rieties from the seed of one vine, which was completely separated from all others, so that there could not, at least in this generation, have been any crossing, and the seedlings presented " les analogues de toutes les sortes," and differed in almost every possible character, both in the fruit and foliage. The cultivated varieties are extremely numerous; Count Odart says that he will not deny that there may exist throughout the world 700 or 800, perhaps even 1000 varieties, but not a third of these have any value. In the Catalogue of fruit cultivated in the Horticul- tural Gardens of London, published in 1842, 99 varieties are enu- merated. Wherever the grape is grown many varieties occur: Pal- las describes 24 in the Crimea, and Burnes mentions 10 in Cabool. The classification of the varieties has much perplexed writers, and Count Odart is reduced to a geographical system ; but I will not enter on this subject, nor on the many and great differences between the varieties. I will merely specify a few curious and trifling pecu- liarities, all taken from Odart 's highly esteemed work, 7 for the sake of showing the diversified variability of this plant. Simon has classed grapes into two main divisions, those with downy leaves and those with smooth leaves, but he admits that in one variety, namely the Rebazo, the leaves are either smooth or downy ; and Odart (p. 70) states that some varieties have the nerves alone, and other varieties their young leaves, downy, whilst the old ones are smooth. The Pedro-XimeD.es grape (Odart, p. 397) presents a peculiarity by which it can be at once recognised amongst a host of other varieties, name- ly, that when the fruit is nearly ripe the nerves of the leaves or even the whole surface becomes yellow. The Barbera d'Asti is well marked by several characters (p. 426), amongst others, " by some of 4 See an account of M. Vibert's ex- " ' Arbres Fruitiers,' 1336, torn. ii. p. perlments, by Alex. Jordan, in ' Mem. 290. de J'Acad. de Lyon,' torn, ii., 1852, p. 7 Odart, 'Ampelographie Universelle,' 10S 1S49. s ' Cardner's Chronicle,' 1864, p. 438. 402 FRUITS. Chap. X. the leaves, and it is always the lowest on the branches, suddenly be- coming of a dark red colour." Several authors in classifying grapes have founded their main divisions on the berries being either round or oblong ; and Odart admits the value of this character ; yet there is one variety, the Maecabeo (p. 71), which often produces small round, and large oblong, berries in the same bunch. Certain grapes called Nebbiolo (p. 439) present a constant character, sufficient for their recognition, namely, "the slight adherence of that part of the pulp which surrounds the seeds to the rest of the berry, when cut through transversely." A Rhenish variety is mentioned (p. 228) which likes a dry soil ; the fruit ripens well, but at the moment of maturity, if much rain falls, the berries are apt to rot ; on the other hand, the fruit of a Swiss variety (p. 243) is valued for well sustain- ing prolonged humidity. This latter variety sprouts late in the spring, yet matures its fruit early; other varieties (p. 362) have the fault of being too much excited by the April sun, and in consequence suffer from frost. A Styrian variety (p. 254) has brittle foot-stalks, so that the clusters of fruit are often blown off; this variety is said to be particularly attractive to wasps and bees. Other varieties have tough stalks, which resist the wind. Many other variable charac- ters could be given, but the foregoing facts are sufficient to show in how many small structural and constitutional details the vine varies. During the vine disease in France certain whole groups of varieties b have suffered far more from mildew than others. Thus " the group of the Chasselas, so rich in varieties, did not'afford a sin- gle fortunate exception ;" certain other groups suffered much less; the true old Burgundy, for instance, was comparatively free from disease, and the Carminat likewise resisted the attack. The Ameri- can vines, which belong to a distinct species, entirely escaped the disease in France ; and we thus see that those European varieties which best resist the disease must have acquired in a slight degree the same constitutional peculiarities as the American species. White Mulberry (Morus rilba). — I mention this plant because it has varied in certain characters, namely, in the texture and quality of the leaves, fitting them to serve as food for the domesticated silk- worm, in a manner not observed with other plants ; but this has arisen simply from such -variations in the mulberry having been at- tended to, selected, and rendered more or less constant. M. de Qua- trefages 9 briefly describes six kinds cultivated in one valley in France: of these the amourouso produces excellent leaves, but is 8 M. Bouchardat, in ' Comptes Ren- 9 ' Etudes sur les Maladies actuellcs dus,' Dec. 1st, 1851, quoted in ' Garden- du Ver a Soie,' 1^59, p. 831. er's CUron.,' 1852, p. 435. Chap. X. ORANGE GROUP. 403 rapidly being abandoned because it produces much fruit mingled with the leaves: the antqfino yields deeply cut leaves of the. finest quality, but not in great quantity : the ckaro is much sought for be- cause the leaves can be easily collected : lastly, the roso bears strong hardy leaves, produced in large quantity, but with the one incon- venience, that they are best adapted for the worms after their fourth moult. MM. Jacquemet -Bonne font, of Lyon, however, remark in their catalogue (1802) that two sub-varieties have been confounded under the name of the roso, one having leaves too thick for the ca- terpillars, the other being valuable because the leaves can easily be gathered from the branches without the bark being torn. In India the mulberry has also given rise to many varieties. The . Indian form is thought by many botanists to be a distinct species ; but as Royle remarks, 10 "so many varieties have been produced by cultivation that it is difficult to ascertain whether they all belong to one species ;" they are, as he adds, nearly as numerous us those of the silkworm. The Orange Group. — We here meet with great confusion in the specific distinction and parentage of the several kinds. Gallesio, 11 who almost devoted his life-time to the subject, considers that there are four species, namely, sweet and bitter oranges, lemons, and ci- trons, each of which has given rise to whole groups of varieties, monsters, and supposed hybrids. One high authority u believes that these four reputed species are all varieties of the wild Citrus medica, but that the shaddock (Citrus decumana), which is not known in a wild state, is a distinct species ; though its distinctness is doubted by another writer "of great authority on such matters," namely, Dr. Buchanan Hamilton. Alph. De Candolle, 13 on the other hand — and there cannot be a more capable judge — advances what he considers sufficient evidence of the orange (he doubts whether the bitter and sweet kinds are specifically distinct), the lemon, and citron, having been found wild, and consequently that they are distinct. He men- tions two other forms cultivated in Japan and Java, which he ranks as undoubted species; bespeaks rather more doubtfully about the shaddock, which varies much, and has not been found wild ; and finally he considers some forms, such as Adam's apple and the ber- gamotte, as probably hybrids. 10 i Productive Resources of India,' p. which he gives a curious diagram of the 130. supposed relationship of all the forms. 11 'Traite du Citrus,' 1811. ' Teoria 12 Mr. Bentham, Review of Dr. A. della Riproduzione Vegetale,' 1816. I Targioni-Tozzetti, 'Journal of Hort. Soc.,' quote chiefly from this second work. In vol. ix. p. 188. 1339 Gallesio published in folio ' Gli " < Geogruph. Bot.,' p. 863. Agrumi dei Giard. Bot. di Firenze,' in 404 FRUITS. Chap. X I have briefly abstracted these opinions for the sake of showing those who have never attended to such subjects, how perplexed with doubt they are. It would, therefore, be useless for my purpose to give a sketch of the conspicuous differences between the several forms. Besides the ever-recurrent difficulty of determining whether forms found Mild are truly aboriginal or are escaped seedlings, many of the forms, which must be ranked as varieties, transmit their cha- racters almost perfectly by seed. Sweet and bitter oranges differ in no important respect except in the flavour of their fruit, but Gallesio 14 is most emphatic that both kinds can be propagated by seed with absolute certainty. Consequently, in accordance with his simple rule, he classes them as distinct species ; as he does sweet and bitter almonds, the peach and nectarine, &c. He admits, however, that the soft-shelled pine-tree produces not only soft-shelled but some hard-shelled seedlings, so that a little greater force in the power of inheritance would, according to this rule, raise the soft-shelled pine- tree into the dignity of an aboriginally created species. The posi- tive assertion made by Macfayden 15 that the pips of sweet oranges produce in Jamaica, according to the nature of the soil in which they are sown, either sweet or bitter oranges, is probably an error ; for M. Alph. De Candolle informs me that since the publication of his great work he has received accounts from Guiana, the Antilles, and Mauritius, that in these countries sweet oranges faithfully transmit their character. Gallesio found that the willow-leafed and the Little China oranges reproduced their proper leaves and fruit ; but the seedlings were not quite equal in merit to their parents. The red- fleshed orange, on the other hand, fails to reproduce itself. Gallesio also observed that the seeds of several other singular varieties all reproduced trees having a peculiar physiognomy, but partly resem- bling their parent-forms. I can adduce another case : the myrtle- leaved orange is ranked by all authors as a variety, but is very dis- tinct in general aspect : in my father's greenhouse, during many years, it rarely yielded any seed, but at last produced one ; and a tree thus raised was identical with the parent-form. Another and more serious difficulty in determining the rank of the several forms is that, according to Gallesio, 16 they largely intercross without artificial aid ; thus he positively states that seeds taken from lemon-trees [G. lemonum) growing mingled with the citron (ft me- dica), which is generally considered as a distinct species, produced a graduated series of varieties between these two forms. Again, an i* 'Teoria della Riproduzione,' pp. 302 ; vol. ii. p. 111. 52-57. 16 'Teoria della Uiproduzione,' p. 53. 1S Hooker's 'Bot. Misc.,' vol. i. p. Chap. x. ORANGE GROUP. 405 Adam's apple was produced from the seed of a sweet orange, which grew close to lemons and citrons. But such facts hardly aid us in de- termining whether to rank these forms as species or varieties; for it is now known that undoubted species of Verbascum, Cistus, Primula, Salix. fas., frequently cross in a state of nature. If indeed it were proved that plants of the orange tribe raised from these crosses were even partially sterile, it would be a strong argument in favour of their rank as species. Gallesio asserts that this is the case ; but he does not distinguish between sterility from hybridism and from the effects of culture ; and he almost destroys the force of this state- ment by another, 17 namely, that when he impregnated the flowers of the common orange with the pollen taken from undoubted varie- ties of the orange, monstrous fruits were produced, which included " little pulp, and had no seeds, or imperfect seeds." In this tribe of plants we meet with instances of two highly re- markable facts in vegetable physiology : Gallesio ie impregnated an orange with pollen from a lemon, and the fruit borne on the mother tree had a raised stripe of peel like that of a lemon both in colour and taste, but the pulp was like that of an orange and included only imperfect seeds. The possibility of pollen from one variety or species directly affecting the fruit produced by another variety or species, is a subject which I shall fully discuss in the following chapter. The second remarkable fact is that two supposed hybrids 19 (for their hybrid nature was not ascertained) between an orange and either a lemon or citron produced, on the same tree, leaves, flowers, and fruit of both pure parent-forms, as well as of a mixed or crossed nature. A bud taken from any one of the branches and grafted on another tree produces either one of the pure kinds or a capricious tree reproducing the three kinds. Whether the sweet lemon, which includes within the same fruit segments of differently flavoured pulp, 20 is an analogous case, I know not. But to this subject I shall have to recur. I will conclude by giving from A. Risso 21 a short account of a very singular variety of the common orange. It is the " citrus a >t ra n ft >t m fructu variabili," which on the young shoots produces rounded-oval leaves spotted with yellow, borne on petioles with heart-shaped wings ; when these leaves fall off, they are succeeded by longer and narrower leaves, with undulated margins, of a pale-green colour 17 Gallesio, 'Teoria della Riprodu- 20 'Gardener's Chronicle,' 1841, p. rione,' p. 69. 613. 18 Gallesio, idem, p. 67. 21 ' Annales du Museum,' torn. xy.. p. 19 Gallesio, idem, pp. 75, 70. 188. 406 FRUITS. Chap. X. embroidered with yellow, borne on foot-stalks without wings. The fruit whilst young is pear-shaped, yellow, longitudinally striated, and sweet ; but as it ripens, it becomes spherical, of a reddish-yellow, and bitter. Fig. 42. — Peach and Almond Stones, of natural size, viewed edgeways. 1. Common English Peach. 2. Double, crimson-flowered, Chinese Peach. 3. Chinese Honey Peach. 4. English Almond. 5. Barcelona Almond. 6. Malaga Almond. 1. Soft- shelled French Almond. 8. Smyrna Almond. Peach and Nectarine (Amygdalus Persica). — The best authorities are nearly unanimous that the peach has never been found wild. Cuap. x. PEACH AND NECTARINE. 407 It was introduced from Persia into Europe a little before the Chris- tian era, and at this period few varieties existed. Alph. l)e Can- dolle,-- from the fact of the peach not having spread from Persia at an earlier period, and from its not having pure Sanscrit or Hebrew names, believes that it is not an aboriginal of Western Asia, but came from the terra ineognitaot China. The supposition, however, that the peach is a modified almond which acquired its present cha- racter at a comparatively late period, would, I presume, account for these facts; on the same principle that the nectarine, the offspring of the peach, has few native names, and became known in Europe at a still later period. Andrew Knight, 23 from finding that a seedling-tree, raised from a sweet almond fertilised by the pollen of a peach, yielded fruit quite like that of a peach, suspected that the peach-tree is a modified al- mond ; and in this he has been followed by various authors." 4 A first-rate peach, almost globular in shape, formed of soft and sweet pulp, surrounding a hard, much furrowed, and slightly-flattened stone, certainly differs greatly from an almond, with its soft, slight- ly furrowed, much flattened, and elongated stone, protected by a tough, greenish layer of bitter flesh. Mr. Bentham "* has particular- ly called attention to the stone of the almond being so much more flattened than that of the peach. But in the several varieties of the almond, the stone differs greatly in the degree to which it is com- pressed, in size, shape, strength, and in the depth of the furrows, as may be seen In the accompanying drawings (Nos. 4 to 8) of such kinds as I have been able to collect. With peach-stones also (Xos. 1 to 3) the degree of compression and elongation is seen to vary; so that the stone of the Chinese Honey-peach (fig. 3) is much more elongated and compressed than that of the (No. 8) Smyrna almond. Mr. Rivers of Sawbridgeworth, to whom I am indebted for some of the specimens above figured, and Avho has had such great horticul- tural experience, has called my attention to several varieties which connect the almond and the .peach. In France there is a variety called the Peach-almond, which Mr. Rivera formerly cultivated, and which is correctly described in a French catalogue as being oval and 22 ' Geograph. Bot.' p. S32. mond and the peach. Another high au- 23 ' Transactions of Hort. Soc.,' vol. thority, Mr. Rivers, who has had such iii. p. 1, and vol. iv. p. 8G9, and note to wide experience, strongly suspects ('Gar- p. 370. A coloured drawing is given of dener's Chronicle,' 1S63, p. 27) that this hybrid. peaches, if left to a state of nature, would 24 'Gardener's Chronicle,' 185C, p. in the course of time retrograde into thick- 532. A writer, it may be presumed Dr. fleshed almonds. Lindley, remarks on the perfect series 25 'Journal of Hort. Soc.,' vol. ix. p. which may be formed between the al- 163. 408 FRUITS. Chap. X. swollen, with the aspect of a peach, including a hard stone sur- rounded by a fleshy covering, which is sometimes eatable. 26 A re- markable statement by M. Luizet has recently appeared in the ' Re- vue Horticole,' ~ 7 namely, that a Peach-almond, grafted on a peach, bore during 1863 and 1864 almonds alone, but in 1865 bore six peaches and no almonds. M. Carriere, in commenting on this fact, cites the case of a double-flowered almond which, after producing during several years almonds, suddenly bore for two years in suc- cession spherical fleshy peach-like fruits, but in 1865 reverted to its former state and produced large almonds. Again, as I hear from Mr. Rivers, the double-flowering Chinese peaches resemble almonds in their manner of growth and in their flowers ; the fruit is much elongated and flattened, with the flesh both bitter and sweet, but not uneatable, and it is said to be of better quality in China. From this stage one small step leads us to such inferior peaches as are occasionally raised from seed. For in- stance, Mr. Rivers sowed a number of peach-stones imported from the United States, where they are collected for raising stocks, and some of the trees raised by him produced peaches which were very like almonds in appearance, being small and hard, with the pulp not softening till very late in the autumn. Van Mons 28 also states that he once raised from a peach-stone a peach having the aspect of a wild tree, with fruit like that of the almond. From inferior peaches, such as these just described, we may pass by small transitions, through clingstones of poor quality, to our best and- more melting kinds. From this gradation, from the cases of sudden variation above recorded, and from the fact that the peach has not been found wild, it seems to me by far the most probable view, that the peach is the descendant of the almond, improved and modified in a marvel- lous manner. One fact, however, is opposed to this conclusion. A hybrid, raised by Knight from the sweet almond by the pollen of the peach, pro- duced flowers with little or no pollen, yet bore fruit, having been apparently fertilised by a neighbouring nectarine. Another hybrid from a sweet almond by the pollen of a nectarine produced during the first three years imperfect blossoms, but afterwards perfect flowers with an abundance of pollen. If this slight degree of ste- rility cannot be accounted for by the youth of the trees (and this 26 Whether this is the same variety as successive years very different kinds of one lately mentioned (' Gard. Chron.' fruit. 1S65, p. 1154) by M. Carriere under the 27 Quoted in ' Gard. Chron.' 1866, p. name of Persica intermedia, I know 800. not : this var. is said to be intermediate 28 Quoted in ' Journal de la Soc. Imp. in nearly all its characters between the d'Horticulture,' 1855, p. 288. almond and peach ; it produces during Chap. X. PEACH AND NECTARINE. 409 often causes lessened fertility), or by the monstrous state of the flowers, or by the conditions to which the trees were exposed, these two cases would afford a strong argument against the peach being the descendant of the almond. Whether or not the peach has proceeded from the almond, it has certainly given rise to nectarines, or smooth peaches, as they are called by the French. Most of the varieties both of the peach and nectarine reproduce themselves truly by seed. Gallesio 20 says he has verified this with respect to eight races of the peach. Mr. Elvers 30 has given some striking instances from his own experience, and it is no- torious that good peaches are constantly raised in North America from seed. Many of the American sub-varieties come true or near- ly true to their kind, such as the white-blossom, several of the yel- low-fruited freestone peaches, the blood clingstone, the heath, and the lemon-clingstone. On the other hand, a clingstone peach has been known to give rise to a freestone. 31 In England it has been noticed that seedlings inherit from their parents flowers of the same size and colour. Some characters, however, contrary to what might have been expected, often are not inherited ; such as the presence and form of the glands on the leaves. 32 With respect to nectarines, both cling and freestones are known in North America to reproduce themselves by seed. 33 In England the new white nectarine was a seedling of the old white, and Mr. Rivers 34 has recorded several similar cases. From this strong tendency to inheritance, which both peach and nectarine trees exhibit, — from certain slight consti- tutional differences 35 in their nature, — and from the great difference in their fruit both in appearance and flavour, it is not surprising, notwithstanding that the trees differ in no other respects and can- not even be distinguished, as I am informed by Mr. Rivers, whilst young, that they have been ranked by some authors as specifically distinct. Gallesio does not doubt that they are distinct ; even Alph. De Candolle does not appear perfectly assured of their specific iden- tity ; and an eminent botanist has quite recently 30 maintained that the nectarine " probably constitutes a distinct species." 29 ' Teoria della Riproduzione Vege- pece,' torn. ii. p. 97. tale,' 1816, p. S6. 33 Biickell's ' Nat, Hist, of N. Caro- 30 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1862, p. lina,' p. 10"2, and Downing's ' Fruit 1195. Trees,' p. 505. 31 Mr. Rivers, ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 3 * ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S62, p. 1S59, p. 774. 1196. 3a Downing, 'The Fruits of America,' 35 The peach and nectarine donotsuc- 1S45, pp. 475, 4S9, 492, 494, 496. See ceed equally well in the same soil : see also F. Michaux, ' Travels in N. Ameri- Lindley's ' Horticulture,' p. 351. ca' (Eng. translat.), p. 228. For similar 3S Godron, ' Del'Espece,' torn. Ii. 1S59, cases in France see Godron, ' De l'Es- p. 97. 18 410 FRUITS. Chap. X. Hence it may be worth while to give all the evidence on the origin of the nectarine. The facts in themselves are curious, and will hereafter have to be referred to when the important subject of bud- variation is discussed. It is asserted 37 that the Boston nectarine was produced from a peach-stone, and this nectarine reproduced itself by seed. 38 Mr. Rivers states 39 that from stones of three distinct varie- ties of the peach he raised three varieties of nectarine ; and in one of these cases no nectarine grew near the parent peach-tree. In an- other instance Mr. Rivers raised a nectarine from a peach, and in the succeeding generation another nectarine from this nectarine. 40 Other such instances have been communicated to me, but they need not be given. Of the converse case, namely, of nectarine-stones yielding peach-trees (both free and clingstones), we have six undoubted in- stances recorded by Mr. Rivers ; and in two of these instances the parent nectarines had been seedlings from other nectarines. 41 With respect to the more curious case of full-grown peach-trees suddenly producing nectarines by bud-variation (or sports as they are called by gardeners^, the evidence is superabundant ; there is also good evidence of the same tree producing both peaches and necta- rines, or half and half fruit ; — by this term I mean a fruit with the one-half a perfect peach, and the other half a perfect nectarine. Peter Collinson in 1741 recorded the first case of a peach-tree pro- ducing a nectarine, 42 and in 1766 he added two other instances. In the same work, the editor, Sir J. E. Smith, describes the more re- markable case of a tree in Norfolk, which usually bore both perfect nectarines and perfect peaches ; but during two seasons some of the fruit were half-and-half in nature. Mr. Salisbury in 1808 43 records six other cases of peach-trees pro- ducing nectarines. Three of the varieties are named ; viz., the Al- berge, Belle Chevreuse, and Royal George. This latter tree seldom failed to produce both kinds of fruit. He gives another case of a half-and-half fruit. At Radford in Devonshire 44 a clingstone peach, purchased as the Chancellor, was planted in 1815, and in 1824, after having previous- ly produced peaches alone, bore on one branch twelve nectarines ; in 1825 the same branch yielded twenty-six nectarines, and in 1826 87 'Transact. Hort, Soc.,' vol. vl. p. 1S59, p. 774; 1862, p. 1195; 1S65, p. 394 1059; and 'Journal of Hort.,' 1866, p. 88 Downing's ' Fruit Trees,' p. 502. 102. / SD ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1862, p. 42 ' Correspondence of Linnasus,' 1S21, 1195. pp. 7, 8, 70. ' 10 'Journal of Horticulture,' Feb. 6th, * 3 'Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. i. p. 103. 1866, p. 102. 44 Loudon's ' Gardener's Mag.,' 1826, 41 Mr. Rivers, in ' Gardener's Chron.,' vol. 1. p, 471. Chap. X PEACH AND NECTARINE. 411 thirty-six nectarines together 'with eighteen peaches. One of the peaches was almost as smooth on one side as a nectarine. The nec- tarines were as dark as, but smaller than, the Elrugc. At Beccles a Royal George peach' 15 produced a fruit, "three parts of it being peach and one part nectarine, quite distinct in appear- ance as well as in flavour." The lines of division were longitudinal, as represented in the engraving. A nectarine-tree grew five yards from this tree. Professor Chapman states 10 that he has often seen in Virginia very old peach-trees bearing nectarines. A -writer in the 'Gardener's Chronicle' says that a peach-tree planted fifteen years previously 47 produced this year a nectarine between two peaches ; a nectarine-tree grew close by. In 1844 1S a Vanguard peach-tree produced, in the midst of its or- dinary fruit, a single red Roman nectarine. Mr. Calver is stated M to have raised in the United States a seed- ling peach which produced a mixed crop of both peaches and necta- rines. Near Dorking " a branch of the Teton de Venus peach, which re- produces itself truly by seed, 61 bore its own fruit - so remarkable for its prominent point, and a nectarine rather smaller but well formed and quite round." The previous cases all refer to peaches suddenly producing nec- tarines, but at Carclew 52 the unique case occurred, of a nectarine- tree, raised twenty years before from seed and never grafted, pro- ducing a fruit half peach and half nectarine ; subsequently it bore a perfect peach. To sum up the foregoing facts: we have excellent evidence of peach-stones producing nectarine-trees, and of nectarine-stones pro- ducing peach-trees, — of the same tree bearing peaches and necta- rines, — of peach-trees suddenly producing by bud-variation necta- rines (such nectarines reproducing nectarines by seed), as well as fruit in part nectarine and in part peach, — and lastly of one nec- tarine-tree first bearing half-and-half fruit, and subsequently true peaches. As the peach came into existence before the nectarine, it might have been expected from the law of reversion that nectarines would give birth by bud-variation or by seed to peaches, oftener than peaches to nectarines ; but this is by no means the case. 46 Loudon's 'Gardener's Mag.,' 132S, 49 ' Phytologist,' vol. iv. p. 299. p. 53. so ' Gardener's Chron.,' 1S56, p. 531. 49 Ibid., 1830, p. 597. »» Godron, 'De l'Espece,' torn. ii. p. 47 'Gardener's Chronicle,' 1841, p. 61T. 97. 18 ' Gardener's Chroniele,' 1814, p. 589. 52 ' Gardener's Chron.,' 1S5G, p. 531. 412 FEUITS. Chap. X. Two explanations have been suggested to account for these con- versions. First, that the parent-trees have been in every case hy- brids 63 between the peach and nectarine, and have reverted by bud- variation or by seed to one of their pure parent-forms. This view in itself is not very improbable ; for the Mountaineer peach, which was raised by Knight from the red nutmeg peach by pollen of the violette hative nectarine, 54 produces peaches, but these are said sometimes to partake of the smoothness and flavour of the necta- rine. But let it be observed that in the previous list no less than sis well-known varieties and several other unnamed varieties of the peach have once suddenly produced perfect nectarines by bud-varia- tion ; and it would be an extremely rash supposition that all these varieties of the peach, which have been cultivated for years in many districts, and which show not a vestige of a mixed parentage, are, nevertheless, hybrids. A second explanation is, that the fruit of the peach has been directly affected by the pollen of the nectarine : al- though this certainly is possible, it cannot here apply ; for we have not a shadow of evidence that a branch which has borne fruit di- rectly affected by foreign pollen is so profoundly modified as after- wards to produce buds which continue to yield fruit of the new and modified form. Now it is known that when a bud on a peach-tree has once borne a nectarine the same branch has in several instances gone on during successive years producing nectarines. The Car- clew nectarine, on the other hand, first produced half-and-half fruit, and subsequently pure peaches. Hence we may confidently accept the common view that the nectarine is a variety of the peach, which may be produced either by bud-variation or from seed. In the follow- ing chapter many analogous cases of bud- variation will be given. The varieties of the peach and nectarine run in parallel lines. In both classes the kinds differ from each other in the flesh of the fruit being white, red, or yellow ; in being clingstones or freestones ; in» the flowers being large or small, with certain other characteristic differences ; and in the leaves being serrated without glands, or crenated and furnished with globose or reniform glands. 65 We can hardly account for this parallelism by supposing that each variety of the nectarine is descended from a corresponding variety of the peach ; for though our nectarines are certainly the descendants of several kinds of peaches, yet a large number are the descendants of other nectarines, and they vary so much when thus reproduced that we can scarcely admit the above explanation. 83 Alph. De Candolle, ' Geograph. of Gardening,' p. 911. Bot.,'p. 886. 65 ' Catalogue of Fruit in Garden of M Thompson, in Loudon's 'Encyclop. Hort. Soc.,' 1842, p. 105. Ciur. X. PEACH AND NECTARINE. 413 The varieties of the peach have largely increased in number since the Christian era. when from two to five varieties alone were known ; 5B and the nectarine was unknown. At the present time, besides many varieties said to exist in China, Downing describes in the United States seventy-nine native and imported varieties of the peach ; and a few years ago Lindley 57 enumerated one hundred and sixty-four varieties of the peach and nectarine grown in England. I have already indicated the chief points of difference between the several varieties. Nectarines, even when produced from distinct kinds of peaches, always possess their own peculiar flavour, and are smooth and small. Clingstone and freestone peaches, which differ in the ripe flesh either firmly adhering to the stone, or easily sepa- rating from it, also differ in the character of the stone itself; that of the freestones or melters being more deeply fissured, with the sides of the fissures smoother than in clingstones. In the various kinds, the flowers differ not only in size, but in the larger flowers the petals are differently shaped, more imbricated, generally red in the centre and pale towards the margin ; whereas in the smaller flowers the margins of the petal are usually more darkly coloured. One variety has nearly white flowers. The leaves are more or le33 serrated, and are either destitute of glands, or have globose or reni form glands ; 58 and some few peaches, such as the Brugnon, bear on the same tree both globular and kidney-shaped glands. 5 " Ac- cording to Robertson 60 the trees with glandular leaves are liable to blister, but not in any great degree to mildew ; whilst the non- glandular trees are more subject to curl, to mildew, and tp the attacks of aphides. The varieties differ in the period of their ma- turity, in the fruit keeping well, and in hardiness, — the latter cir- cumstance being especially attended to in the United States. Cer- tain varieties, such as the Bellegarde, stand forcing in hot-houses better than other varieties. The flat-peach of China is the most remarkable of all the varieties ; it is so much depressed towards the summit, that the stone is here covered only by roughened skin and not by a fleshy layer. 61 Another Chinese variety, called the Honey-peach, is remarkable from the fruit terminating in a long 88 Dr. A. Targioni-Tozzetti, ' Journal 1S65, p. 1154. Hort. Soc.,' vol. ix. p. 16T. Alph. De eo ' Transact. Ilort. Soc.,' vol. iii. p. Candolle, ' Geograph. Bot.,' p. 885. 332. See also ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 67 ' Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. v. p. 1S65, p. 271, to same effect. Also 554. ' Journal of Horticulture,' Sept. 26th, 68 Loudon's ' Encyclop. of Gardening,' 1S65, p. 254. P. 907. oi ' Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. iv. p. e » M. Carriere, in ' Gard. Chron ,' 512. 414 ■ FEUITS. Chap..X sharp point ; its leaves are glandless and widely dentate. 61 " The Emperor of Russia peach is a third singular variety, having deeply and doubly serrated leaves ; the fruit is deeply cleft with one-half projecting considerably beyond the other ; it originated in America, and its seedlings inherit similar leaves. 63 The peach has also produced in China a small class of trees valued for ornament, namely the double-flowered ; of these five varieties are now known in England, varying from pure white, through rose, to intense crimson. 64 One of these varieties, called the camellia-flowered, bears flowers above 2£ inches in diameter, whilst those of the fruit-bearing kinds do not at most exceed 1J inch in diameter. The flowers of the double-flowered peaches have the singular property 65 of frequently producing double or treble fruit. Finally, there is good reason to believe that the peach is an almond profoundly modified ; but whatever its origin may have been, there can be no doubt that it has yielded during the last eighteen centuries many varieties, some of them strongly character- ised, belonging both to the nectarine and peach form. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca). — It is commonly admitted that this tree is descended from a single species, now found wild in the Cauca- sian region. 06 On this view the varieties deserve notice, because they illustrate differences supposed by some botanists to be of spe- cific value in the almond and plum. The best monograph on the apricot is by Mr. Thompson, 67 who describes seventeen varieties. We have seen that peaches and nectarines vary in a strictly parallel manner ; and in the apricot, which forms a closely allied genus, we again 'meet with variations analogous to those of the peach, as well as to those of the plum. The varieties differ considerably in the shape of their leaves, which are either serrated or crenated, some- times with ear-like appendages at their bases, and sometimes with glands on the petioles. The flowers are generally alike, but are small in the Masculine. The fruit varies much in size, shape, and in having the suture little pronounced or absent ; in the skin being smooth, or downy as in the orange-apricot ; and in the flesh cling- ing to the stone, as in the last-mentioned kind, or in readily sepa- rating from it, as in the Turkey-apricot. In all these differences we see the closest analogy with the varieties of the peach and nectarine. 62 ' Journal of Horticulture,' Sept. 283. 8th, 1S63, p. 1S8. co Alpn . De Candolle, ' Geograph. 63 'Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. vi. p. Bot,, p. 879. 412. «' ' Transact. Hort. Soc.' (2nd series), e 4 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S57, p. vol. i., 1835, p. 56. See also ' Cat. of 216. Fruit in Garden of Hort. Soc.,' 3rd 66 'Journal of Hort. Soc.,' vol. ii. p. edit., 1S42. Chap. X. APRICOT PLUMS. 415 In the stone we have more important differences, and these in the case of the plum have been esteemed of specific value : in some apricots the stone is almost spherical, in others much flattened, being either sharp in front or blunt at both ends, sometimes channelled along the back, or with a sharp ridge along both margins. In the Moor-park, and generally in the Ilemskirke, the stone presents a singular character in being perforated, with a bundle of fibres pass- ing through the perforation from end to end. The most constant and important character, according to Thompson, is whether the kernel if bitter or sweet ; yet in this respect we have a graduated difference, for the kernel is very bitter in Shipley's apricot ; in the Hemskirke less better than in some other kinds : slightly bitter in the Royal ; and " sweet like a hazel-nut" in the Breda, Angoumois, and others. In the case of the almond, bitterness has been thought by some high authorities to indicate specific difference. In N. America the Roman apricot endures " cold and unfavourable situations, where no other sort, except the Masculine, will succeed ; and its blossoms bear quite a severe frost without injury." 68 Ac- cording to Mr. Rivers G9 seedling apricots deviate but little from the character of their race : in France the Alberge is constantly repro- duced from seed with but little variation. In Ladakh ; according to Moorcroft, 70 ten varieties of the apricot, very different from each other, are cultivated, and all are raised from seed, excepting one, which is budded. Plums {Pvunus insititia). — Formerly the sloe, P. spinosa, was thought to be the parent of all our plums ; but now this honour is very commonly accorded to P. insititia or the bullace, which is found wild in the Caucasus and N .-Western India, and is natural- ised in England. 71 It is not at all improbable, in accordance with some observations made by Mr. Rivers, 72 that both these forms, which some botanists rank as a single species, may be the parents of our domesticated plums. Another supposed parent-form, the P. domestica, is said to be found wild in the region of the Caucasus. Godron remarks 73 that the cultivated varieties may be divided into two main groups, which he supposes to be descended from two 68 Downing, ' The Fruits of America,' Britannica,' vol. iv. p. 80. 1845, p. 157 ; with respect to the Alberge 72 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1SG5, p. 27. apricot in France, see p. 153. 73 ' De l'Espece,' torn. ii. p. 91. On *» 'Gardener's Chronicle,' 1SG3, p. the parentage of our plums, see also 364. Alph. De Candolle, ' Geograph Bot.,' p. 70 'Travels in the llimalayan Pro- 878. Also Targioni-Tozzetti, 'Journal vinces,' vol. i., 1841, p. 295. Hort. Soc.,' vol. ix. p. 104. Also Bablng- 71 See an excellent discussion on this ton, ' Manual of Brit. Botany,' 1851, p. subject in Ilewett C. Watson's 'Cybele 87. 416 FETJITS. Chap. X. aboriginal stocks; namely, those with oblong fruit and stones pointed at both ends, having narrow separate petals and upright branches ; and those with rounded fruit, with stones blunt at both ends, with rounded petals and spreading branches. From what we know of the variability of the flowers in the peach and of the di- 5 6 7 Fig. 43. — Plum Stones, of natural size, viewed laterally. 1. Bullace Plum. 2 shire Damson. 3. Blue Gage. 4. Orleans. 5. Elvas. C. Denver's Victoria, mond. Shrop- 7. Dia- versified manner of growth in our various fruit-trees, it is difficult to lay much weight on these latter characters. With respect to the shape of the fruit, we have conclusive evidence that it is extremely variable : Downing 74 gives outlines of the plums of two seedlings, namely, the red and imperial gages, raised from the greengage ; and the fruit of both is more elongated than that of the greengage. The latter has a very blunt broad stone, whereas the stone of the imperial gage is " oval and pointed at both ends." These trees also differ in their manner of growth : " the greengage is a very short- jointed, slow-growing tree, of spreading and rather dwarfish habit ;" whilst its offspring, the imperial gage, " grows freely and rises rapidly, and has long dark shoots." The famous Washington 7 * 'Fruits of America,' pp. 276, 278, 314, 2S4, 276, 310. Mr. Rivers raised ('Gard. Cbron ,' 1863, p. 27) from the Prune-peche, which bears large, round, red plums on stout robust shoots, a seed- ling which bears oval, smaller fruit on shoots that are so slender as to be almost pendulous. Chap. X. PLUMS. 417 plum bears a globular fruit, but its offspring, tbe emerald drop, is nearly as much elongated as the most elongated plum figured by Downing, namely, Manning's prune. I have made a small collec- tion of the stones of twenty-five kinds, and they graduate in shape from the bluntest into the sharpest kinds. As characters derived from seeds are generally of high systematic importance, I have thought it worth while to give drawings of the most distinct kinds in my small collection ; and they may be seen to differ in a surpris- ing manner in size, outline, thickness, prominence of the ridges, and state of surface. It deserves notice that the shape of the stone is not always strictly correlated with that of the fruit : thus the Washington plum is spherical and depressed at the pole, with a somewhat elongated stone, whilst the fruit of the Goliath is more elongated, but the stone less so, than in the Washington. Again, Denver's Victoria and Goliath bear fruit closely resembling each other, but their stones are widely different. On the other hand, the Harvest and Black Margate plums are very dissimilar, yet include clpsely similar stones. The varieties of the plum are numerous, and differ greatly in size, shape, quality, and colour, — being bright yellow, green, almost white, blue, purple, or red. There are some curious varieties, such as the double or Siamese, and the Stoneless plum : in the latter the kernel lies in a roomy cavity surrounded only by the pulp. The climate of North America appears to be singularly favourable for the production of new and good varieties ; Downing describes no less than forty, seven of which of first-rate quality have been recent- ly introduced into England. 75 Varieties occasionally arise having an innate adaptation for certain soils, almost as strongly pronounc- ed as with natural species growing on the most distinct geological formations ; thus in America the imperial gage, differently from al- most all other kinds, " is pectdiarily fitted for dry light soils where many sorts drop their fruit," whereas on rich heavy soils the fruit is often insipid. 76 My father could never succeed in making the Wine-Sour yield even a moderate crop in a sandy orchard near Shrewsbury, whilst in some parts of the same county and in its na- tive Yorkshire it bears abundantly : one of my relations also re- peatedly tried in vain to grow this variety in a sandy district in Staffordshire. Mr. Rivers has ffiven 77 a number of interesting facts, showing 76 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1855, p. 726. enumerates five kinds which can be pro- 76 Downing's ' Fruit Trees,' p. 278. pagate.l in France by seed : see also 77 'Gardener's Chronicle,' 1803, p. 27. Downing's '^ruit Trees cf America,' p. Sageret, in his ' Pomologie Phys.,' p. 34G, 305, 312, &c. 418 FRUITS. Chap. X. how truly many varieties can be propagated by seed. He sowed the stones of twenty bushels of the greengage for the sake of raising Stocks, and closely observed the seedlings ; " all had the smooth shoots, the prominent buds, and the glossy leaves of the greengage, but the greater number had smaller leaves and thorns." There are two kinds of damson, one the Shropshire with downy shoots, and the other the Kentish with smooth shoots, and these differ but slightly in any other respect : Mr. Rivers sowed some bushels of the Kentish damson, and all the seedlings had smooth shoots, but in some the fruit was oval, in others round or roundish, and in a few the fruit was small, and, except in being sweet, closely resembled that of the wild sloe. Mr. Rivers gives several other striking in- stances of inheritance : thus, he raised eighty thousand seedlings from the common German Quetsche plum, and " not one could be found varying in the least, in foliage or habit." Similar facts were observed with the Petite Mirabello plum, yet this latter kind (as well as the Quetsche) is known to have yielded some well-established varieties ; but, as Mr. Rivers remarks, they all belong to the same ■ group with the Mirabelle. Cherries (Prunus cerasus, avium, &c). — Botanists believe that our cultivated cherries are descended from one, two, four, or even more wild stocks. 78 That there must be at least two parent-species we may infer from the sterility of twenty hybrids raised by Mr. Knight from the morello fertilized by pollen of the Elton cherry ; for these hybrids produced in all only five cherries, and one alone of these con- tained a seed. 79 Mr. Thompson 80 has classified the varieties in an apparently natural method in two main groups by characters taken from the flowers, fruit, and leaves ; but some varieties which stand widely separate in this classification are quite fertile when crossed ; thus Knight's Early Black cherry is the product of a cross between two such kinds. Mr. Knight states that seedling cherries are more variable than those of any other fruit-tree. 81 In the Catalogue of the Horticultural Society for 1842, eighty varieties arc enumerated. Some varieties present singular characters : thus the flower of the Cluster cherry inchides as many as twelve pistils, of which the majority abort ; and they are said generally to produce from two to five or six cherries aggregated together and borne on a single peduncle. In the Ratafia ™ Compare Alph. De Candolle, ' Geo- 79 ' Transact. Hort. Soc.' vol. v., 1S24, graph. Bot.,' p. $77 ; Bentuam and Tar- p. 295. gioni-Tozzetti, in ' Hort. Journal,' vol. eo Ibid., second series, vol. i., 1835, ix. p. 1C3 ; Godrou, ' De l'Espece,' torn. p. 2-1S. ii. p. 92. 8I Ibid., vol. ii. p. 138. Chap. X. APPLES. 419 cherry scj-eral flower-peduncles arise from a common peduncle, up- wards of an inch in length. The fruit of Gascoigne's Heart has its apex produced into a globule or drop : that of the white Hungarian Gean has almost transparent Mesh. The Flemish cherry is '"a very odd-looking fruit," much flattened at the summit and base, with the latter deeply furrowed, and borne on a stout very short footstalk. In the Kentish cherry the stone adheres so firmly to the footstalk, that it can be drawn out of the flesh : and this renders the fruit well fitted for drying. The Tobacco-leaved cherry, according to Sageret and Thompson, produces gigantic leaves, more than a foot and sometimes even eighteen inches in length, and half a foot in breadth. The Weeping cherry, on the.other hand, is valuable only as an ornament, and, according to Downing, is "a charming little tree with slender weeping branches, clothed with small almost myrtle-like foliage." There is also a peach-leaved variety. Sageret describes a remarkable variety, le griottier de la Toussaint, which bears at the same time, even as late as September, flowers and fruit of all degrees of maturity. The fruit, which is of inferior quality, is borne on long, very thin footstalks. But the extraordi- nary statement is made that all the leaf-bearing shoots spring from old flower-buds. Lastly, there is an important physiological dis- tinction between those kinds of cherries which bear fruit on young or on old wood ; but Sageret positively asserts that a Bigarreau in his garden bore fruit on wood of both ages. 62 Apple {Pyrus mains). — The one source of doubt felt by botanists with respect to the parentage of the apple is whether, besides P. mahis, two or three other closely allied wild forms, namely, P. aeerb'i and pracox or pa/radidaca, do not deserve to be ranked as distinct species. The P. pracox is supposed by some authors' 3 to be the parent of the dwarf paradise stock, which, owing to the fibrous roots not penetrating deeply into the ground, is so largely used for graftine- : but the paradise stock, it is asserted, 84 cannot be propa- gated true by seed. The common wild crab varies considerably in * 5 These several statements are taken nearly sessile fruit, ranges farther south from the four following works, which than the long-stalked P. acerba, which may, I believe, be trusted. Thompson, is entirely absent in Madeira, the Cana- in 'Hort. Transact.,' see above; Sage- ries, and apparently in Portugal. This ret's ' Pomologie Phys.,' 1S30, pp. 3oS, fact supports the belief that these two 864, 367, 379 ; ' Catalogue of the Fruit in forms deserve to be called species. But the Garden of Hort. Soc.,' 1S42, pp. 07, the characters separating them are of 60 ; Downing, ' The Fruits of America,' slight importance, and of a kind known 1>4.">. pp. ISO, 195, 200. to vary in other cultivated fruit-trees. 43 Mr. Lowe states in his 'Flora of 8 * See ' Joura. of Hort. Tour.,' by De- Madeira' (quoted in ' Gard. Chron.,' putation of the Caledonian Hort. Soc, 1863, p. 215) that the P. mains, with its 1S23, p. 459. 420 FRUITS. Chap. X. England ; but many of the varieties are believed to be escrfped seed- lings. 65 Every one knows the great difference in the manner of growth, in the foliago, flowers, and especially in the fruit, between the almost innumerable varieties of the apple. The pips or seeds (as I know by comparison) likewise differ considerably in shape, size, and colour. The fruit is adapted for eating or for cooking in differ- ent ways, and keeps for only a few weeks or for nearly two years. Some few kinds have the fruit covered with a powdery secretion, called bloom, like that on plums ; and " it is extremely remarkable that this occurs almost exclusively among varieties cultivated in Russia." 86 Another Russian apple, the white Astracan, possesses the singular property of becoming transparent, when ripe, like some sorts of crabs. The api etoile has five prominent ridges, hence its name ; the api noir is nearly black : the twin cluster pippin often bears fruit joined in pairs. 87 The trees of the several sorts differ greatly in their periods of leafing and flowering ; in my orchard the Court Pendu Plat produces its leaves so late, that during several springs I have thought it dead. The Tiffin apple scarcely bears a leaf when in full bloom ; the Cornish crab, on the other hand, bears so many leaves at this period ^hat the flowers can hardly be seen. 88 In some kinds the fruit ripens in midsummer ; in others, late in the autumn. These several differences in leafing, flowering, and fruit- ing, are not at all necessarily correlated ; for, as Andrew Knight has remarked, 89 no one can judge from the early flowering of a new seedling, or from the early, shedding or change of colour of the leaves, whether it will mature its fruit early in the season. The varieties differ greatly in constitution. It is notorious that our summers are not hot enough for the Newtown Pippin, 90 which is the glory of the orchards near New York ; and so it is with seve- ral varieties which we have imported from the Continent. On the other hand, our Court of Wick succeeds well under the severe cli- mate of Canada. The Calville rouge de Micoud occasionally bears two crops during the same year. The Burr Knot is covered with small excrescences, which emit roots so readily that a branch with blossom-buds may be stuck in the ground, and will root and bear 86 H. C. Watson, ' Cybele Britannica,' vol. iv., 1828, p. 112. vol. i. p. 334. 89 ' The Culture of the Apple, 1 p. 43. 88 Loudon's ' Gardener's Mag.,' vol. Van Mons makes the same remark on vi., 1S30, p. 83. the pear, 'Arbres Fruitiers,' torn, ii., 87 See ' Catalogue of Fruit in Garden 1836, p. 414. of Hort. Soc.,' 1842, and Downing's 90 Lindley's ' Horticulture,' p. 116. American Fruit Trees.' See also Knight on the Apple-Tree, in 88 Loudon's ' Gardener's Magazine,' ' Transact, of Hort. Soc.,' vol. vi. p. 229. Chap. X. APPLES. 421 a few fruit eveu during the first year. 91 Mr. Rivers lias recently de- scribed n some seedlings valuable from their roots running near the surface. One of these seedlings was remarkable from its extremely dwarfed size, " forming itself into a bush only a few inches in height." Many varieties are particularly liable to canker in cer- tain soils. But perhaps the strangest constitutional peculiarity is that the Winter Majetin is not attacked by the mealy bug or coccus ; Lindley 93 states that in an orchard in Norfolk infested with these insects the Majetin was quite free, though the stock on which it was grafted was affected ; Knight makes a similar statement with respect to a cider apple, and adds that he only once saw these in- sects just above the stock, but that three days afterwards they en- tirely disappeared ; this apple, however, was raised from a cross be- tween the Golden Hervey and the Siberian Crab ; and the latter, I believe, is considered by some authors as specifically distinct. The famous St. Valery apple must not be passed over ; the flower has a double calyx with ten divisions, and fourteen styles surmounted by conspicuous oblique stigmas, but is destitute of stamens or corolla. The fruit is constricted round the middle, and is formed of five seed- cells, surmounted by nine other eells. 9 ^ Not being provided with stamens, the tree requires artificial fertilisation ; and the girls of St. Valery annually go to "faire ses pommes," each marking her own fruit with a ribbon ; and as different pollen is used, the fruit differs, and we here have an instance of the direct action of foreign pollen on the mother-plant. These monstrous apples include, as we have seen, fourteen seed-cells ; the pigeon-apple, 95 on the other hand, has only four, instead of, as with all common apples, five cells ; and this certainly is a remarkable difference. In the catalogue of apples published in 1842 by the Horticultural Society. 897 varieties are enumerated; but the differences between most of them are of comparatively little interest, as they are not strictly inherited. No one can raise, for instance, from the seed of the Ribston Pippin, a tree of the same kind ; and it is said that the ' Sister Ribston Pippin" was a white, semi-transparent, sour-fleshed apple, or rather large crab. 96 Yet it is a mistake to suppose that with most varieties the characters are not to a certain extent in- 91 ' Transact. Hort. Soc,' vol. i., 1S12, that it was more injurious to crab-stocks p. 120. than to the apples grafted on them. 92 'Journal of Horticulture,' March 94 'Mem. de la Soc. Linn, de Paris,' 13th, 1866, p. 194. torn, iii , 1S25, p. 164 ; and Seringe, 93 'Transact, Hort. Soc.,' vol. iv. p. ' Bulletin Bot.,' 1S30, p. 117. 65. For Knight's case, see vol. vi. p. 96 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S49, p. 24. 547. When the COCCUS first appeared in 96 R. Thompson, in ' Gardener's this country, it is said (vol. ii. p. 163) Chron.,' 1S50, p. 7S8. 422 FRUITS. Chap. X. herited. In two lots of seedlings raised from two well-marked kinds, many worthless, crab-like seedlings will appear, but it is now known that the two lots not only usually differ from each other, but resemble to a certain extent their parents. We see this indeed in the several sub-groaps of Russetts, Sweetings, Codlins, Pearmains, Reincttes, &c., 97 which are all believed, and many are known, to Be descended from other varieties bearing the same names. Pears (Pyrus communis). — I need say little on this fruit, which varies much in the wild state, and to an extraordinary degree when cultivated, in its fruit, flowers, and foliage. One of the most cele- brated botanists in Europe; M. Decaisne, has carefully studied the many varieties ; 98 although he formerly believed that they were de- rived from more than one species, he is now convinced that all be- long to one. He has arrived at this conclusion from finding in the several varieties a perfect gradation between the most extreme characters ; so perfect is this gradation that he maintains it to be impossible to classify the varieties by any natural method. M. De- caisne raised many seedlings from four distinct kinds, and has care- fully recorded the variations in each. Notwithstanding this ex- treme degree of variability, it is now positively known that many kinds reproduce by seed the leading characters of their race." Straioberries (Fragaria). — This fruit is remarkable on account of the number of species which have been cultivated, and from their rapid improvement within the last fifty or sixty years. Let any one compare the fruit of one of the largest varieties exhibited at our Shows with that of the wild wood strawberry, or, which will be a fairer comparison, with the somewhat larger fruit oj the wild American Virginian Strawberry, and he will see what prodigies horticulture has effected. 100 The number of varieties has likewise increased in a surprisingly rapid manner. Only three kinds were known in France, in 1746, where this fruit was early cultivated. Iu 1766 five species had been introduced, the same which are now cul- 67 Sageret, ' Pomologie Physiologique,' strawberries are the descendants of F. 1830, p. 263. Downing's 'Fruit Trees,' grandiflora or GJiiloensis, and I have pp. 130, 134, 139, &o. Loudon's ' Gar- seen no account of these forms in their dener's Mag.,' vol viii. p. 317. Alexis wild state. Methuen's Scarlet (Down- Jordan, ' De l'Origine des diverses Vari- ing, ' Fruits,' p. 527) has " immense fruit etes,' in ' Mem. de l'Acad. Imp. de of the largest size," and belongs to the Lyon,' torn, ii., 1852, pp. 95, 114, 'Gar- section descended from -P 1 . Yirginiana; dener's Chronicle,' 1850, pp. 774, 788. and the fruit of this species, as_ I hear 98 ' Comptes Rendus,' July 6th, 1S63. from Prof. A. Gray, is only a little larger 99 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1856, p. than that of F. vesca, or our common 804 ; 1857, p. 820 ; 1862, p. 1195. wood strawberry. 100 Most of the largest cultivated Chap. X. STRAWBERRIES. 423 tivated, but only five varieties of Fragaria oesca, with some sub-va- rieties, had been produced. At the present day the varieties of the several species arc almost innumerable. The species consist of, firstly, the wood or Alpine cultivated strawberries, descended from F. vesca, a native of Europe and of North America. There are eight wild European varices, as ranked by Duchesne, of F. vesca, but several of these are considered species by some botanists. Secondly, the green strawberries, descended from the European F. colli nit, and little cultivated in England. Thirdly, the Hautbois, from the European F. elatior. Fourthly, the Scarlets, descended from F. Virginimta, a native of the whole breadth of North America. Fifthly, the Chili, descended from F. Chiloensis, an inhabitant of the west coast of the temperate part3 both of North and South America. Lastly, the Pines or Carolinas (including the old Blacks), which have been ranked by most authors under the name of F. grandiflora as a distinct species, said to inhabit Surinam; but this is a manifest error. This form is considered by the highest autho- rity, M. Gay, to be merely a strongly marked race of F. Chiloensis. 101 * These five or six forms have been ranked by most botanists as spe- cifically distinct ; but this may be doubted, for Andrew Knight, 102 who raised no less than 400 crossed strawberries, asserts that the F. Virginiana, Chiloensis and grandiflora "may be made to breed to- gether indiscriminately," and he found, in accordance with the prin- ciple of analogous variation, " that similar varieties could be obtain- ed from the seeds of any one of them." Since Knight's time there is abundant and additional evidence im of the extent to which the American forms spontaneously cross. We owe. indeed to such crosses most of our choicest existing vari- eties. Knight did not succeed in crossing the European wood- strawberry with the American Scarlet or with the Hautbois. Mr. Williams, of Pitmaston, however, succeeded ; but the hybrid off- spring from the Hautbois, though fruiting well, never produced seed, with the exception of a single one, which reproduced the pa- rent hybrid form. 104 Major R. Trevor Clarke informs me that he crossed two members of the Pine class (Myatt's B. Queen and Keen's Seedling), with the wood and hautbois, and that in each case he raised only a single seedling ; one of these fruited, but was almost io» ' Le Fraisier,' par le Comte L. de 1862, p. 335, and 1S5S, p. 172 ; and Mr. Lambertye. 1864, p. 50. Barnet's paper in ' Hort. Soc. Transact.,' 103 'Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. iii. vol. vi., 1826, p. 170. 1820, p. 207. 104 'Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. v., 103 -See an account, by Prof. Decaisne, 1824, p. 294. and by others in ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 424 FRUITS. Chap. X. barren. Mr. W. Smith, of York, has raised similar hybrids with equally poor success. 105 We thus see 106 that the European and American species can with some difficulty be crossed ; but it is improbable that hybrids sufficiently fertile to be worth cultivation will ever be thus produced. This fact is surprising, as these forms structurally are not widely distinct, and are sometimes connected in the districts where they grow wild, as I hear from Professor Asa Gray, by puzzling intermediate forms. The energetic culture of the strawberry is of recent date, and the cultivated varieties can in most cases still be classed under some one of the above five native stocks. As the American strawberries cross so freely and spontaneously, we can hardly doubt that they will ultimately become inextricably confused. We find, indeed, that horticulturists at present disagree under which class to rank some few of the varieties ; and a writer in the ' Bon Jardinier ' of 1840 remarks that formerly it was possible to class all of them under some one species, but that now this is quite impossible with the American forms, the new English varieties having completely filled up the gaps between them. 107 The blending together of two or more aboriginal forms, which there is every reason to believe has occurred with some of our anciently cultivated productions, we now see actually occurring with our strawberries. The cultivated species offer some variations worth notice. The Black Prince, a seedling from Keen's Imperial (this latter being a seedling of a very white strawberry, the white Carolina), is remark- able from " its peculiar dark and polished surface, and from present- ing an appearance entirely unlike that of any other kind.'' 108 Al- though the fruit in the different varieties differs so greatly in form, size, colour, and quality, the so-called seed (which corresponds with the whole fruit in the plum), with the exception of being more or less deeply imbedded in the pulp, is, according to De Jonghe, 109 ab- solutely the same in all ; and this no doubt may be accounted for by the seed being of no value, and consequently not having been subjected to selection. The strawberry is properly three-leaved, but in 1761 Duchesne raised a single-leaved variety of the European wood-strawberry, which Linnaeus doubtfully raised to the rank of a species. Seedlings of this variety, like those of most varieties not fixed by long-continued selection, often revert to the ordinary form, 106 ' Journal of Horticulture,' Dec. 107 ' Le Fraisier,' par le Comte L. de JSOth, 1SG2, p. 779. Sea also Mr. Prinos Lambertye, pp. 221, 230. to the same effect, idem, 1863, p. 418. 108 'Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. vi., p. 106 For additional evidence see ' Jour- 200. nal of Horticulture,' Dec. 9th, 1862, p. 109 'Gardener's Chron.,' 1S5S, p. 173. 21. Chap. X. STRAWBERRIES. 425 or present intermediate states. 110 A variety raised by Mr. Myatt," 1 apparently belonging to one of the American forms, presents a va- riation of an opposite nature, for it has five leaves ; Godron and Lambertye also mention a five-leaved variety of F. collina. The Red Bush Alpine strawberry (one of the F. vesca section) does not produce stolons or runners, and this remarkable deviation of structure is reproduced truly by seed. Another sub-variety, the "White Bush Alpine, is similarly characterised, but when propagated by seed it often degenerates and produces plants with runners. 1 " A strawberry of the American Pine section is also said to make but few runners. 113 Much has been written on the sexes of strawberries ; the true Hautbois properly bears the male and female organs on separate plants, 114 and was consequently named by Duchesne dioica ; but it frequently produces hermaphrodites ; and Lindley, 115 by propagat- ing such plants by runners, at the same time destroying the males, soon raised a self-prolific stock. The other species often show a tendency towards an imperfect separation of the sexes, as I have noticed with plants forced in a hot-house. Several English varie- ties, which in this country are free from any such tendency, when cultivated in rich soils under the climate of North America 118 com- monly produce plants with separate sexes. Thus a whole acre of Keen's Seedlings in the United States has been observed to be al- most sterile from the absence of male flowers ; but the more general rule is, that the male plants overrun the females. Some members of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society, especially appointed to in- vestigate this subject, report that " few varieties have the flowers perfect in both sexual organs," &c. The most successful cultivators hi Ohio, plant for every seven rows of " pistillata," or female plants, one row of hermaphrodites, which afford pollen for both kinds ; but the hermaphrodites, owing to their expenditure in the production of pollen, bear less fruit than the female plants. The varieties differ in constitution. Some of our best English kinds, such as Keen's Seedlings, are too tender for certain parts of North America, where other English and many American varieties succeed perfectly. That splendid fruit, the British Queen, can be cultivated but in few places either in England or France ; but this 110 Godron, ' De l'Espece,' torn. i. p' p. 210. 161. 115 ' Gardener's Cliron.,' 1S47, p. 539. 111 'Gardener's Chron.,' 1S51, p. 440. 116 For the several statements with 1 1 - F. Gloede, in ' Gardener's Chron.,' respect to the American strawberries, see 1S62, p. 1053. Downing, 'Fruits,' p. 524 ; 'Gardener's H3 Downing's ' Fruits,' p. 532. Chronicle,' 1S43, p. 1SS; 1S4T, p. 539; in Barnet, in 'Hort. Transact.,' vol. vl. 1861, p. 717. 426 FKUITS. Chap. X, apparently depends more on the nature of the soil than on the cli- mate : a famous gardener says that " no mortal could grow the British Queen at Shrubland Park unless the whole nature of the soil was altered." m La Constantina is one of the hardiest kinds, and can withstand Russian winters, but is easily burnt by the sun, so that it will not succeed in certain soils either in England or the United States. 119 The Filbert Pine Strawberry "requires more water than any other variety ; and if the plants once suffer from drought, they will do little or no good afterwards." 11D Cuthill's Black Prince Strawberry evinces a singular tendency to mildew : no less than six cases have been recorded of this variety suffering severely, whilst other varieties growing close by, and treated in ex- actly the same manner, were not at all infested by this fungus. 120 The time of maturity differs much in the different varieties ; some belonging to the wood or alpine section produce a succession of crops throughout the summer. Gooseberry (Bibes grossularia). — No one, I believe, has hitherto doubted that all the cultivated kinds are sprung from the wild plant bearing this name, which is common in Central and Northern Eu- rope ; therefore it will be desirable briefly to specify all the points, though not very important, which have varied. If it be admitted that these differences are due to culture, authors perhaps will not be so ready to assume the existence of a large number of unknown wild parent-stocks for our other cultivated plants. The gooseberry is not alluded to by writers of the classical period. Turner men- tions it in 1573, and Parkinson, in 1629, specifies eight varieties ; the Catalogue of the Horticultural Society for 1842 gives 149 varie- ties, and the lists of the Lancashire nurserymen are said to include above 300 names. 121 In the ' Gooseberry Grower's Register for 1862 ' I find that 243 distinct varieties have at various periods won prizes ; so that a vast number must have been exhibited. No doubt the difference between many of the varieties is very small ; but Mr. Thompson in classifying the fruit for the Horticultural Society found less confusion in the nomenclature of the gooseberry than of any other fruit, and he attributes this " to the great interest which the prize-growers have taken in detecting sorbs with wrong names," and i" Mr. D. Beaton, in ' Cottage Gar- lia Mr. H. Doubleday in ' Gardener's dener,' 1860, p. 86. See also ' Cottage Chron.,' 1862, p. 1101. Gardener,' 1S55, p. 88, and many other i 2 ° ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1851, p. authorities. For the Continent, see F. 254. Gloede, in ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S62, 121 Loudon's ' Encyclop. of Gardening,' p. 1053. p. 930 ; and Alph. de Candolle, ' Geo- 118 Rev. W. F. Radclyffe, in ' Journal graph. Bot.,' p. 910. of Hort.,' March 14, 1865, p. 207. Chap. X. THE GOOSEBERRY. 427 this shows that all the kinds, numerous as they are, can be recog- nised with certainty. The bushes differ in their manner of growth, being erect, or spread- ing, or pendulous. The periods of leafing and flowering differ both ab- solutely and relatively to each other ; thus the Whitesmith produces early flowers, which from not being protected by the foliage, as it is believed, continually fail to produce fruit. 122 The leaves vary in size, tint, and in depth of lobes ; they are smooth, downy, or hairy on the upper surface. The branches are more or less downy or spinose ; " the Hedgehog has probably derived its name from the singular bristly condition of its shoots and fruit." The branches of the mid gooseberry, I may remark, are smooth, with the exception of thorns at the bases of the buds. The thorns themselves are either very small, few and single, or very large and triple ; they are sometimes reflexed and much dilated at their bases. In the dif- ferent varieties the fruit varies in abundance, in the period of matu- rity, in hanging until shrivelled, and greatly in size, " some sorts having their fruit large during a very early period of growth, whilst others are small until nearly ripe." The fruit varies also much in colour, being red, yellow, green, and white — the pulp of one dark-red gooseberry being tinged with yellow ; in flavour ; in being smooth or downy, — few, however, of the Red gooseberries, whilst many of the so-called Whites, arc downy ; or in being so spinose that one kind is called Henderson's Porcupine. Two kinds acquire when mature a powdery bloom on their fruit. The fruit varies in the thickness and veining of the skin, and, lastly, in shape, being spherical, oblong, oval, or obovate. 123 I cultivated fifty-four varieties, and, considering how greatly the fruit differs, it was curious how closely similar the flowers were in all these kinds. In only a few I detected a trace of difference in the size or colour of the corolla. The calyx differed in a rather greater degree, for in some kinds it was much redder than in others ; and in one smooth white gooseberry it was unusually red. The calyx also differed in the basal part being smooth or woolly, or covered with glandular hairs. It deserves notice, as being contrary to what might have been expected from the law of correlation, that a smooth red gooseberry had *a remarkably hairy calyx. The flowers of the Sportsman are furnished with very large coloured bractere ; and this is the most singular deviation of structure which 122 Loudon's 'Gardener's Magazine,' ' Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. i., 2nd series, vol. iv. 1SJJS, p. 112. 1S35, p. 21S, from which most of the fore- 123 The fullest account of the goose- going facts are given, herry is given by Mr. Thompson in 42 S FRUITS. Chap. X. I have observed. These same flowers also varied niuch in tho number of the petals, and occasionally in the number of the stamens and pistils ; so that they were semi -monstrous in structure, yet they produced plenty of fruit. Mr. Thompson remarks that in the Pas- time gooseberry " extra bracts are often attached to the sides of the "fruit." 124 The most interesting point in the history of the gooseberry is the steady increase in the size of the fruit. Manchester is the metro- polis of the fanciers, and prizes from five shillings to five or ten pounds are yearly given for the heaviest fruit. The ' Gooseberry Grower's Eegister ' is published annually ; the earliest known copy is dated 1786, but it is certain that meetings for the adjudication of prizes were held some years previously. 125 The ' Register ' for 1845 gives an account of 171 Gooseberry Shows, held in different places during that year ; and this fact shows on how large a scale the cul- ture has been carried on. The fruit of the wild gooseberry is said 128 to weigh about a quarter of an ounce or 5 dwts., that is, 120 grs. ; about the year 1786 gooseberries were exhibited weighing 10 dwts., so that the weight was then doubled ; in 1817 26 dwts. 17 grs. was attained ; there was no advance till 1825, when 31 dwts. 16 grs. was reached ; in 1830 " Teazer " weighed 32 dwts. 13 grs. ; in 1841 " Wonderful " weighed 32 dwts. 16 grs. ; in 1844 " London " weighed 35 dwts. 12 grs., and in the following year 36 dwts. 16 grs. ; and in 1852 in Staffordshire the fruit of this same variety reached the astonishing weight of 37 dwts. 7 grs., 127 or 895 grs. ; that is, be- tween seven and eight times the weight of the wild fruit. I find that a small apple, 6^ inches in circumference, has exactly this same weight. The " London" gooseberry (which in 1862 had altogether gained 343 prizes) has, up to the present year of 1864, never reached a greater weight than that attained in 1852. Perhaps the fruit of the gooseberry has now reached the greatest possible weight, unless in the course of time some quite new and distinct variety shall arise. This gradual, and on the whole steady increase of weight from the latter part of the last century to the year 1852, is probably in large part due to improved methods of cultivation, for extreme care is now taken; the branches and roots are trained, composts are 144 ' Catalogue of Fruits of Hort, Soc. 126 Downing's Fruits of Amer.,' p. 213. Garden,' 3rd edit. 1S42. 127 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S44, p. 125 Mr. Clarkson, of Manchester, on SU, where a table is given ; and 1S45, p. the Culture of the Gooseberry, in Lou- 819. For the extreme weights gained, don's ' Gardener's Magazine,' vol. iv. see. ' Journal of Horticulture,' July 26, 1S2S, p. 4S2. * 1S64, p. 61. Chap. X. AVALNUTS. 429 made, the soil is mulched, and only a few berries are left on each bush ; I2S but the increase no doubt is in main part due to the con- tinued selection of seedlings which have been found to be more and more capable of yielding such extraordinary fruit. Assuredly the "Highwayman " in 1817 could not have produced fruit like that of the "Roaring Lion" in 1825; nor could the "Roaring Lion," though it was grown by many persons in many places, gain the supreme triumph achieved in 1852 by the "London" Gooseberry. Walnut {Juglans regia). — This tree and the common nut belong to a widely different order from the foregoing fruits, and are there- fore here noticed. The walnufr grows wild in the Caucasus and Himalaya, where Dr. Hooker m found the fruit of full size, but " as hard as a hickory-nut." In England the walnut presents consider- able differences, in the shape and size of the fruit, in the thickness of the husk, and in the thinness of the shell ; this latter quality ' has given rise to a variety called the thin-shelled, which is valuable, but suffers from the attacks of tom-tits. 130 The degree to which the kernel fills the shell varies much. In France there is a variety called the Grape or cluster-walnut, in which the nuts grow in " bunches of ten, fifteen, or even twenty together." There is another variety which bears on the same tree differently shaped leaves, like the heterophyllous hornbeam ; this tree is also remarkable from having pendulous branches, and bearing elongated, large, thin- shelled nuts. 131 M. Cardan has minutely described m some singu- lar physiological peculiarities in the June-leafing variety, which produces its leaves and flowers four or five weeks later, and retains its leaves and fruit in the autumn much longer, than the common varieties ; but in August is in exactly the same state with them. These constitutional peculiarities are strictly inherited. Lastly, walnut-trees, which are properly monoicous, sometimes entirely fail to produce male flowers. 133 Nuts {Corylus avellana). — Most botanists rank all the varieties under the same species, the common wild nut. 134 The husk, or in- volucre, differs greatly, being extremely short in Barr's Spanish, and extremely long in filberts, in which it is contracted so as to 126 Mr. Saul, of Lancaster, in Loudon's ' Gardener's Mag.,' 1S29, vol. v. p. 202. ' Gardener's Mag.,' vol. iii. 1S28, p. 421 ; 132 Quoted in ' Gardener's Chronicle,' and vol. x. 1&34, p. 42. 1S49, p. 101. 159 ' Himalayan Journals,' 1854, vol. 133 'Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S47, pp. ii. p. 834. Moorcroft (' Travels,' vol. ii. 541 and 558. p. 146) describes four varieties cultivated 134 The following details are taken in Kashmir. from the Catalogue of Fruits, 1842, in 130 ' Gardener's Chronicle,' 1S50, p. Garden of Ilort. Soc, p. 103 ; and from 723. Loudon's ' Encyclop. of Gardening,' p. 131 Paper translated in Loudon's 943. 430 CUCURBITACEOUS PLANTS. Chap. X. prevent the nut falling out. This kind of husk also protects the flut from birds, for titmice (Paras) have been observed ia5 to pass over filberts, and attack cobs and common nuts growing in the same orchard. In the purple-filbert the husk is purple, and in the frizzled-filbert it is curiously laciniated ; in the red-filbert the pellicle of the kernel is red. The shell is thick in some va- rieties, but is thin in Cosford's-nut, and in one variety is of a blu- ish colour. The nut itself differs much in size and shape, being ovate and compressed in filberts, nearly round and of great size in cobs and Spanish nuts, oblong and longitudinally striated in Cos- ford's, and obtusely four-sided in the Downton Square nut. Cueurltitaceous plants. — These plants have been for a long period the opprobrium of botanists ; numerous varieties have been ranked as species, and, what happens more rarely, forms which now must be considered as species have been classed as varieties. Owing to the admirable experimental researches of a distinguished botanist, " M. Naudin, 136 a flood of light has recently been thrown on this group of plants. M. Naudin, during many years, observed and experi- mented on above 1200 living specimens, collected from all "qxiarters of the world. Six species are now recognised in the genus Cucur- bita ; but three alone have been cultivated and concern us, namely, C. maxima and pepo, which include all pumpkins, gourds, squashes, and vegetable marrow, and C. moscltata, the water-melon. These three species are not known in a wild state ; but Asa Gray m gives good reason for believing that some pumpkins are natives of 1ST. America. These three species are closely allied, and have the same general habit, but their innumerable varieties can always be distinguished, according to Naudin, by certain almost fixed characters ; and what is still more important, when crossed they yield no seed, or only sterile seed ; whilst the varieties spontaneously intercross with the utmost freedom. Naudin insists strongly (p. 15), that, though these three species have varied greatly in many characters, yet it has been in so closely an analogous manner that the varieties can be arranged in almost parallel series, as we have seen with the forms of* wheat, with the two main races of the peach, and in other cases. Though some of the varieties are inconstant in character, yet others, when grown separately under uniform conditions of life, are, as Naudin repeatedly (pp. G, 16, 35) urges, " douees d'une stabilite presque comparable a celle des especes les mieux caracterisees." «35 'Gardener's Chron.,' 1SG0, p. 956. 137 ' American Journ. of Science,' 2nd i 36 'Annales des Sc. Nat. Bot.,' 4th ser. vol. xxiv. 1S57, p. 442. series, vol. vi. 1850, p. 5. Chap. X. CUCUKBITACEOUS PLANTS. 431 One variety, l'Orangin (pp. 43, 63), has suck prepotency in trans- mitting its character that when crossed with other varieties a vast majority of the seedlings come true. Naudin, referring (p. 47) to C. pepo, says that its races " ne different des especes veritables qu'en ce qu'elles peuvent s'allier les unes aux autres par voie d'hybridite, sans que leur descendance perde la faculte de se pcrpetuer." If we were to trust to external differences alone, and give np the test of sterility, a multitude of species would have to be formed out of the varieties of these three species of Cucurbita. Many naturalists at the present day lay far too little stress, in my opinion, on the test of sterility ; yet it is not improbable that distinct species of plants after a long course of cultivation and variation may have their mutual sterility eliminated, as we have every reason to believe has occurred with domesticated animals. Nor, in the case of plants under cultivation, should we be justified in assuming that varieties never acquire a slight degree of mutual sterility, as we shall more fully see in a future chapter when certain facts are given on the high authority of Gartner and Kolreuter. 138 The forms of C. pepo are classed by Naudin under seven sections, each including subordinate varieties. He considers this plant as probably the most variable in the world. The fruit of one variety (pp. 33, 46) exceeds in volume that of another by more than two thousand fold ! When the fruit is of very large size, the number produced is few (p. 45) ; w r hen of small size, many are produced. No less astonishing (p. 33) is the variation in the shape of the fruit ; the typical form apparently is egg-like, but this becomes either drawn out into a cylinder, or shortened into a flat disc. We have also an almost infinite diversity in the colour and state of surface of the fruit, in the hardness botk of tke shell and of the flesh, and in the taste of the flesh, which is either extremely sweet, farinaceous, or slightly bitter. The seeds also differ in a slight degree in shape, and wonderfully in size (p. 34), namely, from six or seven to more than twenty-five millimetres in length. In the varieties which grow upright or do not run and climb, the tendrils, though useless (p. 31), are either present or are represented by various semi-monstrous organs, or are quite absent. The ten- drils are even absent in some running varieties in which the stems are much elongated. It is a singular fact that (p. 31), in all the varieties with dwarfed stems, the leaves closely resemble each other in shape. 138 Gartner, 'Bastarderzeugung,' 1S49, s. 137. With respect to Nicotiana, see a. 87, and s. 109 with respect to M.iize ; Kolreuter, ' Zweite Forts.,' 1764, s. 53 on Verbascum, idem, ss. 92 and 181 ; though this is a somewhat different also his ' Kenntniss der- Befruchtung,' case. 432 CUCUEBITACEOUS PLANTS. Chap. X. Those naturalists who believe in the immutability of species often maintain that, even in the most variable forms, the characters which they consider of specific value are unchangeable. To give an example from a conscientious writer, 139 who, relying on the labours of M. Naudin and referring to the species of Cucurbita, says, " au milieu de toutes les variations du fruit, les tiges, les feuilles, les calices, les corolles, les etamines restent in variables dans chacune d'elles." Yet M. Naudin in describing Cucurbita pepo (p. 30) says, " Ici, d'ailleurs, ce ne sont pas seulement les fruits qui varient, c'est aussi le feuillage et tout le port de la plante. Nean- moins, je crois qu'on la distinguera toujours facilement des deux autres especes, si Ton veut ne pas perdre de vue les caracteres dif- ferentiels que je m'efforce de faire ressortir: Ces caracteres sont quelquefois peu marques : il arrive meme que plusieurs d'entre eux s'effacent presque entierement, mais il en reste toujours quelques- uns qui remettent l'observateur sur la voie." Now let it be noted what a difference, with regard to the immutability of the so-called specific characters, this paragraph produces on the mind, from that above quoted from M. Godron. I will add another remark : naturalists continually assert that no important organ varies ; but in saying this they unconsciously argue in a vicious circle ; for if an organ, let it be what it may, is highly variable, it is regarded as unimportant, and under a systematic point of view this is quite correct. But as long as constancy is thus taken as the criterion of importance, it will indeed be long before an im- portant organ can be shown to be inconstant. The enlarged form of the stigmas, and their sessile position on the summit of the ovary, must be considered as important characters, and were used by Gas- parini to separate certain pumpkins as a distinct genus ; but Naudin says (p. 20) these parts have no constancy, and in the flowers of the Turban varieties of C. maxima they sometimes resume their ordi- nary structure. Again in C. maxima, the carpels (p. 19) which form the Turban project even as much as two-thirds of their length out of the receptacle, and this latter part is thus reduced to a sort of platform ; but this remarkable structure occurs only in certain va- rieties, and graduates into the common form in which the carpels are almost entirely enveloped within the receptacle. In C. moschata the ovarium (p. 50) varies greatly in shape, being oval, nearly sphe- rical, or cylindrical, more or less swollen in the upper part, or con- stricted round the middle, and either straight or curved. When the ovarium is short and oval the interior structure does not differ from >39 47, p. 207. 19 Exhibited at Hort. Soc, London, 17 Herbert, ' Amaryllidacese,' 1S88, p. Report in 'Gardener's Chron.,' 1844, p. 869. 83T. 454 BUD- VARIATION. Chap. XL produced, at Saharunpore, 20 some branches " which bore leaves and flowers widely different from the normal form." " The abnormal leaf is much less divided, and not acuminated. The petals are con- siderably larger, and quite entire. There is also in the fresh state a conspicuous, large, oblong gland, full of a viscid secretion, on the back of each of the calycine segments." Althaea rosea. — A double yellow Hollyock suddenly turned one year into a pure white single kind ; subsequently a branch bearing the original double yellow flowers reappeared in the midst of the branches of the single white kind. 21 Pelargonium. — These highly cultivated plants seem eminently liable to bud-variation. I will give only a few well-marked cases. Gartner has seen 22 a plant of P. zonale with a branch having white- edged leaves, which remained constant for years, and bore flowers of a deeper red than usual. Generally speaking, such branches present little or no difference in their flowers: thus a writer 23 pinched off the leading shoot of a seedling P. zonale, and it threw out three branches, which differed in the size and colour of their leaves and stems ; but on all three branches " the flowers were identical," except in being largest in the green-stemmed variety, and smallest in that with variegated foliage : these three varieties were subsequently propagated and distributed. Many branches, and some whole plants, of a variety called compactum, which bears orange-scarlet flowers, have been seen to produce pink flowers. 24 Hill's Hector, which, is a pale red variety, produced a branch with lilac flowers, and some trusses with both red and lilac flowers. This apparently is a case of reversion, for Hill's Hector was a seedling from a lilac variety. 25 Of all Pelargoniums, Rollisson's Unique seems to be the most sportive ; its origin is not positively known, but is believed to be from a cross. Mr. Salter, of Ham- mersmith, states 26 that he has himself known this purple vari- ety to produce the lilac, the rose-crimson or conspieuum, and the red or coecineum varieties; the latter has also produced the rose d 'amour ; so that altogether four varieties have originated by bud variation from Rollisson's Unique. Mr. Salter remarks that these four varieties "may now be considered as fixed, although they occa- "sionally produce flowers of the original colour. This year coc- 25 Mr. W. Bell, Bot. Soc. of Edinburgh, « < j our . f Horticulture,' 1861, p. 336. May, 1863. 2 < W. P. Ayres, in 'Gardener's Chron., 21 ' Revue Horticole,' quoted in ■ Gard. 1842, p. 791. Chron.,' 1S45, p. 475. 26 W. P. Ayres, idem. 22 ' Bastarderzeugung,' 1849, s. 76. 28 ' Gardener's Chron.,' 1861, p. 968. Chap. XI. FLOWERS. 455 "cineinn has pushed flowers of three different colours, red, rose, and '• lilac, upon the same truss, and upon other trusses are flowers half "red and half lilac." Besides these four varieties, two other scarlet Uniques are known to exist, both of which occasionally produce lilac flowers identical with Rollisson's Unique ; n but one at least of these did not arise through bud-variation, but is believed to be a seedling from Rollisson's Unique. 28 There are, also, in the trade 29 two other slightly different varieties, of unknown origin, of Rollis- son's Unique : so that altogether we have a curiously complex case of variation both by buds and seeds. 30 An English wild plant, the Geranium pratcnse, when cultivated in a garden, has been seen to produce on the same plant both blue and white, and striped blue and white flowers. 31 Clirysanthemum. — This plant frequently sports, both by its lateral branches and occasionally by suckers. A seedling raised by Mr. Salter has produced by bud-variation six distinct sorts, five different in colour and one in foliage, all of which are now fixed. 32 The varieties which were first introduced from China were so exces- sively variable, " that it was extremely difficult to tell which was the original colour of the variety, and which was the"sport." The same plant would produce one year only buff-coloured, and next year only rose-coloured flowers ; and then would change again, or produce at the same time flowers of both colours. These fluctuat- ing varieties are now all lost, and, when a branch sports into a new variety, it can generally be propagated and kept true ; but, as Mr. Salter remarks, " every sport should be thoroughly tested in dif- " ferent soils before it can be really considered as fixed, as many " have been known to run back when planted in rich compost ; but " when sufficient care and time are expended in proving, there will " exist little danger of subsequent disappointment." Mr. Salter in- forms me that with all the varieties the commonest kind of bud- variation is the production of yellow flowers, and, as this is the primordial colour, these cases may be attributed to reversion. Mr. Salter has given me a list of seven differently coloured chrysanthe- mums, which have all produced branches with yellow flowers ; but 27 'Gardener's Chron.,' 1S61, p. 945. the genus Pelargonium, see 'Cottage 28 W. Paul, in 'Gardener's Chron.,' Gardener,' 1SG0, p. 194. 1861, p. 968. 31 Rev. W. T. Bree, in Loudon's ' Gard. 29 Idem, p. 945. Mag.,' vol. viii., 1S32, p. 93. 30 For other cases of bud-variation in 32 ' The Chrysanthemum, its History this same variety, see ' Gardener's and Culture,' by J. Salter, 1SG5, p. 41, Chron.,' 1861, pp. 5T8, 600, 925. For &c. other distinct cases of bud-variation in 456 BUD- VARIATION. Chap. XI. three of them have also sported into other colours. With any change of colour in the flower, the foliage generally changes in a corresponding manner in lightness or darkness. Another Compositous plant, namely, Centauria cyantts, when cul- tivated in a garden, not unfrequently produces on the same root flowers of four different colours, viz., blue, white, dark-purple, and particoloured. 33 The flowers of Anthemis also vary on the same plant. 34 Hoses. — Many varieties of the rose are known or are believed to have originated by bud-variation. 35 The common double moss-rose was imported into England from Italy about the year 1735. 36 Its origin is unknown, but from analogy it probably arose from the Provence rose (B. centifolia) by bud-variation ; for branches of the common moss-rose have several times been known to produce Pro- vence roses, wholly or partially destitute of moss : I have seen one such instance, and several others have been recorded. 37 Mr. Rivers also informs me that he raised two or three roses of the Provence class from seed of the old single moss-rose ; 38 and this latter kind was produced in 1807 by bud-variation from the common moss-rose. The white moss-rose was also produced in 1788 by an offset from the common red moss-rose : it was at first pale blush-coloured, but became white by continued budding. On cutting down the shoots which had produced this white moss-rose, two weak shoots were thrown up, and buds from these yielded the beautiful striped moss- rose. The common moss-rose has yielded by bud-variation, besides the old single red moss-rose, the old scarlet semi-double moss-rose, and the sage-leaf moss-rose, which " has a delicate shell-like form, and is of a beautiful blush-colour ; it is now (1852) nearly extinct." 39 A white moss-rose has been seen to bear a flower half white and half pink. 40 Although several moss-roses have thus certainly arisen by bud-variation, the greater number probably owe their origin to seed of moss-roses. For Mr. Rivers informs me that his seedlings from the old single moss-rose almost always produced moss- roses ; and the old single moss-rose was, as we have seen, the product by bud- 33 Bree, in Loudon's 'Gard. Mag.,' S8 See also Loudon's 'Arboretum,' vol. viii., 1832, p. 93. vol. ii. p. 780. 34 Bronn, ' Geschlchte der Natur,' B. 39 All these statements on the origin ii. s. 123. of the several varieties of the moss- 35 T. Rivers, ' Rose Amateur's Guide,' rose are given on the authority of Mr. 1837, p. 4. Shailer, who, together with his father, 36 Mr. Shailer, quoted in ' Gardener's was concerned in their original pro- Chron.,' 1848, p. 759. pagation, in ' Gard. Chron.,' 1852, p. 37 ' Transact. Hort. Soc' vol. iv., 759. 1822, p. 137 ; ' Gard. Chron.' 1842, p. 422. « ' Gard. Chron.,' 1845, p. 564. Chap. XI. FLOWERS. 457 variation of the double moss-rose originally imported from Italy. That the original moss-rose was the product of hud-variation is pro- bable, from the facts above given and from the moss-rose de Meaux (also a var. of E. centifolia) 41 having appeared as a sporting branch on the common rose do Meaux. Prof. Caspary has carefully described 42 the case of a six-year-old ■white moss-rose, which Bent up several suckers, one of which was thorny, and produced red flowers, destitute of moss, exactly like those of the Provence rose (R. centifolia) : another shoot bore both kinds of flowers and in addition longitudinally striped flowers. As this white moss-rose had been grafted on the Provence rose, Prof. Caspary attributes the above changes to the influence of the stock ; but from the facts already given, and from others to be given, bud- variation, with reversion, is probably a sufficient explanation. Many other instances could be added of roses varying by buds. The white Provence rose apparently thus originated. 43 The double and highly-coloured Belladonna rose has been known 44 to produce by suckers both semi-double and almost single white roses ; whilst suckers from one of these semi-double white roses reverted to per- fectly characterised Belladonnas. Varieties of the China rose pro- pagated by cuttings in St. Domingo often revert after a year or two into the old China rose. 45 Many cases have been recorded of roses suddenly becoming striped or changing their character by seg- ments: some plants of the Comtesse de Ch'abrillant, which is pro- perly rose-coloured, were exhibited in 18G2, 46 with crimson flakes on a rose ground. I have seen the Beauty of Billiard with a quarter and with half the flower almost white. The Austrian bramble (R. lutea) not rarely 47 produces branches with pure yellow flowers ; and Prof. Henslow has seen exactly half the flower of a pure yellow, and I have seen narrow yellow streaks on a single petal, of which the rest was of the usual copper colour. The following cases are highly remarkable. Mr. Rivers, as I am informed by him, possessed a new French rose wdth delicate smooth shoi its. pale glaucous-green leaves, and semi-double pale flesh-coloured flowers striped with dark red; and on branches thus characterised there suddenly appeared, in more than one instance, the famous old rose called the Baronne Prevost, with its stout thorny shoots, and 41 'Transact. Hort. Soe.,' vol. ii. p. « 'Gard. Chron.,' 1S52, p. 759. 242- 44 'Transact Hort Soc.,' vol. ii. p. 42 ' Sclniften der Phys. Okon. Gesell. 242. -iierp.' Feb. 3, 1SG5, s. 4. See * 5 Sir R. Schomburgk, ' Proc. Linn, also Dr. Caspary's paper in ' Transac- Soc. Bot.,' vol. ii. p.' 132. tions of the Hort Congress of Amster- «« 'Gard. Chron.,' 1862. p. 619. dam,' 1SC5. *i Hopkirk's 'Flora Anomala,' p. 16T. 20 458 BUD- VARIATION. Chap. XI. immense, uniformly and richly coloured, double flowers ; so that in this case the shoots, leaves, and flowers, all at once changed their character by bud-variation. According to M. Verlot 4S a variety call- ed Rosa Cannabifolia, which has peculiarly shaped leaflets, and dif. fers from every member of the family in the leaves being opposite instead of alternate, suddenly appeared on a plant of R. alba in the gardens of the Luxembourg. Lastly, "a running shoot" was ob- served by Mr. H. Curtis 49 on the old Aimee Vibert Noisette, and he budded it on Celine ; thus a climbing Aimee Vibert was first pro- duced and afterwards propagated. Dianthus. — It is quite common With the Sweet William (D. bar- batus) to see differently coloured flowers on the same root ; and I have observed on the same truss four differently coloured and shaded flowers. Carnations and pinks (D. caryopliyllus, &c.) occasionally vary by layers ; and some kinds are^o little certain in character that they are called by floriculturists "catch-flowers." 50 Mr. Dickson has ably discussed the " running " of particoloured or striped carnations, and says it cannot be accounted for by the compost in which they are grown : " layers from the same clean flower would come part of them " clean and part foul, even when subjected to precisely the same " treatment ; and frequently one flower alone appears influenced by " the taint, the remainder coming perfectly clean." 51 This running of the parti-coloured flowers apparently is a case of reversion by buds to the original uniform tint of the species. I will briefly mention some other cases of bud- variation to show how many plants belonging to many orders have varied in their flowers ; numerous, cases might be added. I have seen on a snap- dragon {Antirrhinum majus) white, pink, and striped flowers on the same plant, and branches with striped flowers on a red-coloured va- riety. On a double stock (Matthiola incana) I have seen a branch bearing single flowers ; and on a dingy-purple, double variety of the wall-flower (Cheiranthus cJwiri) a branch which had reverted to the ordinary copper colour. On other branches of the same plant, some flowers were exactly divided across the middle, one half being pur- ple and the other coppery ; but some of the smaller petals towards the centre of these same flowers were purple longitudinally streaked with coppery colour, or coppery streaked with purple. A Cyclamen 5i has been observed to bear white and pink flowers of two forms, the one resembling the Persicum strain, and the other the Coum strain. **> ' Suv la Production et la Fixation 6 « 'Card. Chron.,' 1843, p. 185. des Varietes,' 1865, p. 4. B1 Ibid., 1S42, p. 55. 40 'Journal of Horticulture,' March, 62 ' Card. Chron.,' 186T, p. 285. 1865, p. 283. Chap. XI. LEAVES AND SHOOTS. 459 Oenothera biennis has been seen" bearing flowers of three different colours. The hybrid Qtad&olus ci>lci!lii occasionally boars uniformly coloured flowers, and one case is recorded 54 of all the flowers on a plant thus changing colour. A Fuchsia has been seen 55 bearing two kinds of flowers. Mirabilis jedapa Is eminently sportive, some- times bearing on the same root pure red, yellow, and white flowers, and others striped with various combinations of these three colours. 58 The plants of the Mirabilis which bear such extraordinarily variable flowers, in most, probably in all cases, owe their origin, as shown by Prof. Lecoq, to crosses between differently-coloured varieties. Leaves and Shoots. — Changes, through bud variation, in fruits and flowers have hitherto been treated of, but incidentally some remark- able modifications in the leaves and shoots of the rose and Cistus, and in a lesser degree in the foliage of the Pelargonium and Chry- santhemum, have been noticed. I will now add a few more cases 01 variation in leaf-buds. Verlot " states that on Aralia trifolieda, which properly has leaves with three leaflets, branches bearing sim- ple leaves of various forms frequently appear ; these can be propa- gated by buds or grafting, and have given rise, as he states, to se- veral nominal species. With respect to trees, the history of but few of the many varieties with curious or ornamental foliage is known ; but several probably have originated by bud-variation. Here is one case ; — An old ash- tree (Fraxinvs excelsior) in the grounds of Xecton, as Mr. Mason states, "for many years has had one bough of a totally different character to the rest of the tree, or of any other ash-tree which I have seen ; being short-jointed and densely covered with foliage." It was ascertained that this variety could be propagated by grafts. 58 The varieties of some trees with cut leaves, as the oak-leaved labur- num, the parsley-leaved vine, and especially the fern-leaved beech, are apt to revert by buds to the common form. 59 The fern-like leaves of the beech sometimes revert only partially, and the branches dis- play here and there sprouts bearing common leaves, fern-like, and variously shaped leaves. Such cases differ but little from the so- called heterophyllous varieties, in which the tree habitually bears Ba Gartner, 'Bastarderzeugung,' s. 305. Fecondation,' 1SG2, p. 303. 64 Mr. D. Beaton, in ' Cottage Garden- 57 ' Des Varietes,' 1SG5, p. 5. er,' I860, p. 250. • M W. Mason, in ' Gard. Chron.,' 1943, •» 'Gard. Chron.,' 1S50, p. 536. p. 87S. 68 Braun, 'Ray Soc. Bot. Mem.,' 1S53, 59 Alex. Braun, 'Ray Soc. Bot. Mem.,' p. 815; Hopkiik's 'Flora Anomala,' p. 1353, p. 815; 'Gard. Chron.,' 1S41, p. 1G4 ; Lecoq, ' Geograph. Bot. de l'Eu- 829. rope,' torn. Hi., 1S54, p. 405; and 'De la 460 BUD- VARIATION Chap. XL leaves of various forms ; but.it is probable that most heterophyllous trees have originated as seedlings. There is a sub-variety of the weeping willow with leaves rolled up into a spiral coil ; and Mr. Masters states that a tree of this kind kept true in his garden for twenty-five years, and then threw out a single upright shoot bearing flat leaves. 80 I have often noticed single twigs and branches on beech and other trees with their leaves fully expanded before those on the other branches had opened ; and as there was nothing in their ex- posure or character to account for this difference, I presume that they bad appeared as bud-variations, like the early and late fruit- maturing varieties of the peach and nectarine. Crypt ogamic plants are liable to bud-variation, for fronds on the same fern are often seen to display remarkable deviations of struc- ture. Spores, which are of the nature of buds, taken from such ab- normal fronds, reproduce, with remarkable fidelity, the same variety, after passing through the sexual stage. 01 With respect to colour, leaves often become by bud-variation zoned, blotched, or spotted with white, yellow, and red ; and this occa- sionally occurs even with plants in a state of nature. Variegation, however, appears still more frequently in plants produced from seed ; even the cotyledons or seed-leaves being thus affected. 62 There have been endless disputes whether variegation should be consider- ed as a disease. In a future chapter we shall see that it is much in- fluenced, both in the case of seedlings and of mature plants, by the nature of the soil. Plants which have become variegated as seed- lings, generally transmit their character by seed to a large propor- tion of their progeny ; and Mr. Salter has given me a list of eight genera in which this occurred. 63 Sir F. Pollock has given me more precise information : he sowed seed from a variegated plant of Bal- lota nigra, which was found growing wild, and thirty per cent, of the seedlings were variegated ; seed from these latter being sown, sixty per cent, came up variegated. When branches become varie- gated by bud-variation, and the variety is attempted to be propa- gated by seed, the seedlings are rarely variegated ; Mr. Salter found this to be the case, with plants belonging to eleven genera, in which the greater number of the seedlings proved to be green-leaved ; yet a few were slightly variegated, or were quite white, but none were 60 Dr. M. T. Masters, ' Royal Institu- Soc. Edinburgh,' June 12, 1862. tion Lecture,' March 16, 1860. 6i ' Journal of Horticulture,' 1S61, p. 61 See Mr. W. K. Bridgman' s curious 336 ; Verlot, ' Des Varietes,' p. 76. paper in 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' «3 See also Verlot, 'Des Varietes,' p. December, 1S61 j also Mr. J. Scott, ' Bot. 74. Chap. XI. BY SUCKERS, TUBERS, AND BULBS. 4C1 ■worth keeping. Variegated plants, whether originally produced from seeds or buds, can generally be propagated by budding, graft- ing, &c. ; but all are apt to revert by bud-variation to their ordinary foliage. This tendency, however, differs much in the varieties of even the same species ; for instance, the golden-striped variety of Bkumymus Japonicus "is very liable to run back to the green-leaved, ■while the silver-striped variety hardly ever changes." 64 I have seen a variety of the holly, with its leaves having a central yellow patch, which had everywhere partially reverted to the ordinary foliage, so that on the same small branch there were many twigs of both kinds. In the pelargonium, and in some other plants, variegation is general- ly accompanied by some degree of dwarfing, as is well exemplified in the " Dandy" pelargonium. When such dwarf varieties sport back by buds or suckers to the ordinary foliage, the dwarfed sta- ture sometimes still remains. 65 It is remarkable that plants propa- gated from branches which have reverted from variegated to plain leaves 66 do not always (or never, as one observer asserts) perfectly resemble the original plain-leaved plant from which the variegated branch arose : it seems that a plant, in passing by 'bud-variation from plain leaves to variegated, and back again from variegated to plain, is generally in some degree affected so as to assume a slightly different aspect. Bud-variation by Suckers, Tubers, and Bulbs. — All the cases hither- to given of bud-variation in fruits, flowers, leaves, and shoots, have been confined to buds on the steins or branches, with the exception of a few cases incidentally noticed of varying suckers in the rose, pelargonium, and chrysanthemum. I will now give a few instances of variation in subterranean buds, that is, by suckers, tubers, and bulbs ; not that there is any essential difference between buds above and beneath the ground. Mr. Salter informs me that two varie- gated varieties of Phlox originated as suckers ; but I should not have thought these worth mentioning, had not Mr. Salter found, after repeated trials, that he could not propagate them by " root- joints," whereas, the variegated TussUago farfara can thus be safe- ly propagated ; 67 but this latter plant may have originated as a varie- gated seedling, which would account for its greater fixedness of 84 ' Gard. Chron.,' 1844, p. 86. leaves cannot be propagated by division 65 Ibid., 1861, p. Of,-. of the roots. He also found that out of 68 Ibid., 1861, p. 433. 'Cottage Gar- 500 plants of a Phlox with striped flow- dener,' I860, p. 2. ers, which had been propagated by root- 67 M. Lemoine (quoted in ' Gard. division, only seven or eight produced Chron.,' 1SG7, p. T4) has lately observed striped flowers. See also, on striped Pe- that the Symphitum with variegated largoniums, ' Gard. Chron.' 1867, p. 1000. 462 BUD-VAKIATIOISr Chap. XI. character. The Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) offers an analogous case ; there is a well-known variety with seedless fruit, which can be propagated by cuttings or layers ; but suckers always revert to the common form, which produces fruit containing seeds. 08 My father repeatedly tried this experiment, and always with the same result. Turning now to tubers : in the common Potato (Solanum tubero- sum) a single bud or eye sometimes varies and produces a new va- riety ; or, occasionally, and this is a much more remarkable circum- stance, all the eyes in a tuber vary in the same manner and at the same time, so that the whole tuber assumes a new character. For instance, a single eye in a tuber of the old Forty-fold potato, which is a purple variety, was oberved 69 to become white ; this eye was cut out and planted separately, and the kind has since been largely propagated. Kemp's Potato is properly white, but a plant in Lan- cashire produced two tubers which were red, and two which were white ; the red kind was propagated in the usual manner by eyes, and kept true to its new colour, and, being found a more productive variety, soon became widely known under the name of I'aylor's Forty-fold.' The Old Forty-fold potato, as already stated, is a purple variety ; but a plant long cultivated on the same ground produced, not as in the case above given a single white eye, but a whole white tuber, which has since been propagated and keeps true. 71 Several cases have been recorded of large portions of whole rows of potatoes slightly changing their character. 72 Dahlias propagated by tubers under the hot climate of St. Do- mingo vary much ; Sir R. Schomburgk gives the case of the " But- terfly variety," which the second year produced on the same plant " double and single flowers ; here white petals edged with maroon ; " there of a uniform deep maroon." 73 Mr. Bree also mentions a plant " which bore two different kinds of self-coloured flowers, as " well as a third kind which partook of both colours beautifully in- " termixed." 74 Another case is described of a dahlia with purple flowers which bore a white flower streaked with purple. 78 Considering how long and extensively many Bulbous plants have been cultivated, and how numerous are the varieties produced from seed, these plants have not varied so much by offsets, — that is, by the production of new bulbs, — as might have been expected. With 48 Anderson's ' Recreations in Agricul- for other and similar accounts, ture,' vol. v. p. 152. 73 ' Journal of Proc. Linn. Soc.,' 1 vol. «» ' Gard. Chron.,' 1S5T, p. 662. ii. Botany, p. 132. 70 Ibid., 1S41, p. 814. • 74 Loudon's 'Gard. Mag.,' vol. viii., 'i Ibid., 1857, p. 618. 1832, p. 94. ' 2 Ibid., 1857, p. 679. See also Phil- 76 ' Gard. Chron., 1 1S50, p. 536 ; and lips, ' Hist, of Vegetables,' vol. ii. p. 91, 1842, p. 729. Chap. XI. BY SUCKERS, TUBERS, AND BULBS. 463 the Hyacinth a case has been recorded of a blue variety which for three successive years gave offsets which produced white flowers with a red centre. 70 Another hyacinth has been described 77 as bearing on the same truss a perfectly rank and a perfectly blue flower. Mr. John Scott informs me that in 18G2 Imatophyttum miniadim, in the Botanic Gardens of Edinburgh, threw up a sucker which dif- fered from the normal form, in the leaves being two-ranked instead of four-ranked. The leaves were also smaller, with the upper sur- face raised instead of being: channelled. In the propagation of Tulips, seedlings are raised, called selfs or breeders, which " consist of one plain colour on a white or yellow " bottom. These, being cultivated on a dry and rather poor soil, " become broken or variegated and produce new varieties. The " time that elapses before they break varies from one to twenty " years or more, and sometimes this change never takes place." 78 The various broken or variegated colours which give value to all tulips are due to bud-variation ; for although the Bybloemens and some other kinds have been raised from several distinct breeders, yet all the Baguets are said to have come from a single breeder or seed- ling. This bud-variation, in accordance with the views of MM. Vil- rnorin and Verlot, 79 is probably an attempt to revert to that uni- form colour which is natural to the species. A tulip, however, which has already become broken, when treated with too strong manure, is liable to flush or lose by a second act of reversion its variegated colours. Some kinds, as Irnperatrix Florum, are much more liable than others to flushing; and Mr. Dickson maintains 80 that this can no more be accounted for than the variation of any ' other plant. He believes that English growers, from care in choos- ing seed from broken flowers instead of from plain flowers, have to a certain extent diminished the tendency -in flowei-s already broken to flushing or secondary reversion. During two consecutive years all the early flowers in a bed of Tiyrid'ui ooneMflora" 1 resembled those of the old T. pavorUa; but the later flowers assumed their proper colour of fine yellow spotted with crimson. An apparently authentic account has been published " 2 of two forms of Hemerocallis, which have been universally con- 7 " 'Des Jacinthes,' &c, Amsterdam, p. 63. 1763, p. 188. 80 ' Gard. Cbion.,' 1S41, p. TS2 ; 1S42, " ' fiard. Chron.,' 1845, p. 212. p. 55. 78 Loudon's ' Encyclop. of Gardening,' 81 ' Gard. Chron.,' 1S49, p. 565. p. 1024. 82 'Transact, Linn. Soc.,' vol. ii. p. 78 'Production des Varietes,' 1S65, 354. 464 BUD-VARIATION. Chap. XI. sidered as distinct species, changing into each other ; for the roots of the large-flowered tawny H. fulva, being divided and planted in a different soil and place, produced the small-flowered yellow H. flava, as well as some intermediate forms. It is doubtful whether such cases as these latter, as well as the " flushing " of broken tulips and the " running " of particoloiu'ed carnations, — that is, their more or less complete return to a uniform tint, — ought to be classed under bud-variation, or ought to be retained for the chapter in which I treat of the direct action of the conditions of life on organic beings. These cases, however, have this much in common with bud-varia- tion, that the change is effected through buds and not through seminal reproduction. But, on the other hand, there is this differ- ence — that in ordinary cases of bud-variation, one bud alone changes, whilst in the foregoing cases all the buds on the same plant were modified together ; yet we have an intermediate case, for with the potato all the eyes in one tuber alone simultaneously changed their character. I will conclude with a few allied cases, which may be ranked either under bud-variation, or under the direct action of the condi- tions of life. When the common Hepatica is transplanted from its native woods, the flowers change colour, even during the first year. 83 It is notorious that the improved varieties of the Heartsease ( Viola tricolor-) when transplanted often produce flowers widely different in size, form, and colour : for instance, I transplanted a large uniformly- coloured dark purple variety, whilst in full flower, and it then pro- duced much smaller, more elongated flowers, with the lower petals yellow ; ~these were succeeded by flowers marked with large purple spots, and ultimately, towards the end of the same summer, by the original large dark purple flowers. The slight changes which some fruit-trees undergo from being grafted and regrafted on various stocks, 84 were considered by Andrew Knight 85 as closely allied to " sporting branches," or bud-variations. Again, we have the case of young fruit-trees changing their character as they grow old ; seed- ling pears, for instance, lose with age their spines and improve in the flavour of their fruit. Weeping birch-trees, when grafted on the common variety, do not acquire a perfect pendulous habit until they B3 Godron, ' De l'Kspece,' torn. ii. p. shoots with bark, buds, leaves, petioles, 84. petals, and flower-stalks all widely dif- 84 M. Carriere has lately described, ferent from those of the Aria. The in the 'Revue Horticole' (Dee. 1,1S66, grafted shoots were also much hardier, p. 457), an extraordinary case. He twice and flowered earlier, than those on the inserted grafts of the Aria vestita on ungrafted Aria. thorn-trees (epin.es) growing in pots ; e5 ' Transact. Hart. Soc.,' vol. ii. p. and the grafts, as they grew, produced 160. Cuap. XI. ANOMALOUS REPRODUCTION, ETC. . 465 grow old : on the other hand, I shall hereafter give the ease of some weeping ashes which slowly and gradually assumed an upright hahit of growth. All such changes, dependent on age. may bo compared with the changes, alluded to in the last chapter, which many trees naturally undergo ; as in the case of the Deodar and Cedar of Lebanon, which are unlike in youth and closely resemble each other in old age ; and as with certain oaks, and with some varieties of the lime and hawthorn. 86 Before giving a summary on Bud-variation I will dis- cuss some singular and anomalous cases, which are more or less closely related to this same subject. I will begin with the famous case of Adam's laburnum or Cytisus Adami, a form or hybrid intermediate between two very distinct species, namely, C. laburnum, and purpureus, the common and purple laburnum ; but as this tree has often been described, I will be as brief as I can. Throughout Europe, in different soils and under different climates, branches on this tree have repeatedly and suddenly reverted to both parent-species in their flowers and leaves. To behold mingled on the same tree tufts of dingy-red, bright yellow, and purple flowers, borne on branches having widely different leaves and manner of growth, is a surprising sight. The same raceme sometimes bears two kinds of flowers ; and I have seen a single flower exactly di- vided into halves, one side being bright yellow and the other pur- ple ; so that one half of the standard -petal was yellow and of larger size, and the other half purple and smaller. In another flower the whole corolla was bright yellow, but exactly half the calyx was purple. In another, one of the dingy -red wing-petals had a bright yellow narrow stripe on it ; and lastly, in another flower, one of the stamens, winch had become slightly foliaceous, was half yellow and half purple ; so that the tendency to segregation of character or reversion affects even single parts and organs. 87 The most re- markable fact about this tree is that in its intermediate state, even when growing near both parent-species, it is quite sterile ; but when the flowers become pure yellow or pure purple they yield seed. I believe that the pods from the yellow flowers yield a full comple- 88 FW the cases of oaks see Alph. De 87 For analogous facts, see Braun, Candolle in * Bibl. Univers.,' (ieneva, 'Rejuvenescence,' in 'Kay Soc. Bot. Nov. 1S62; for limes, &c, Loudon's Mem.,' 1868, p. 320; aud 'Gard. Chrcn.,' 'Gard. Mag.,' vol. xi., 1835, p. 503. 1S42, p. 897. 20* 466 ANOMALOUS MODES Chap. XI. merit of seed ; they certainly yield a large number. Two seedlings raised by Mr. Herbert from such seed 88 exhibited a purple tinge on the stalks of their flowers ; but several seedlings raised by myself resembled in every character the common laburnum, with the ex- ception that some of them had remarkably long racemes: these seedlings were perfectly fertile. That such purity of character and fertility should be suddenly reacquired from so hybridized and ste- rile a form is an astonishing phenomenon. The branches with pur- ple flowers appear at first sight exactly to resemble those of C. purpureus ; but on careful comparison I found that they differed from the pure species in the shoots being thicker, the leaves a little broader, and the flowers slightly shorter, with the corolla and calyx less brightly purple : the basal part of the standard-petal also plain- ly showed a trace of the yellow stain. So that the flowers, at least in this instance, had not perfectly recovered their true character ; and in accordance with this, they were not perfectly fertile, for many of the pods contained no seed, some produced one, and very few contained ' as many as two seeds; whilst numerous pods on a tree of the pure C. purpureus in my garden contained three, four, and five fine seeds. The pollen, moreover, was very imperfect, a midtitude of grains being small and shrivelled ; and this is a singu- lar fact ; for, as we shall immediately see, the pollen-grains in the dingy-red and sterile flowers on the parent-tree, were, in external appearance, in a much better state, and included very few shrivelled grain. Although the pollen of the reverted purple flowers was in so poor a condition, the ovules were well-formed, and, when ma- ture, germinated freely with me. Mr. Herbert also raised plants from seeds of the reverted purple flowers, and they differed very little from the usual state of C. purpureus ; but this expression shows that they had not perfectly recovered their proper character. Prof. Caspary has examined the ovules of the dingy-red and sterile flowers in several plants of C. adami on the Continent, 59 and finds them generally monstrous. In three plants examined by me in England, the ovules were likewise monstrous, the nucleus vary- ing much in shape, and projecting irregularly beyond the proper coats. The pollen-grains, on the other hand, judging from their external appearance, were remarkably good, and readily protruded their tubes. By repeatedly counting, under the microscope, the proportional number of bad grains, Prof. Caspary ascertained that only 25 per cent, were bad, which is a less proportion than in the 88 'Journal of Hort. Soc.,' vol. ii., of Amsterdam,' 1S65 ; but I owe most 1847, p. 100. of the following information to Prof. Cas- 89 See ' Transact, of Ilort. Congress pary's letters. Chap. XI. OF REPRODUCTION AND VARIATION. 467 pollen of three pure species of Cytisus in their cultivated state, viz. 0. purpureas, laburnum, and alpinw. Although the pollen of V. adami is thus in appearance good, it does not follow, according to M. Naudin's observations 90 on Mirahilis, that it would be func- tionally effective. The fact of the ovules of C. adami being mon- strous, and the pollen apparently sound, is all the more remarka- ble, because it is opposed to what usually occurs not only with most hybrids, 01 but with two hybrids in the same genus, namely in C. purpureo-elongeitus, and C. alpino-labufnum. In both these hy- brids, the ovules, as observed by Prof. Caspary and myself, were well-formed, whilst many of the pollen grains were ill-formed ; in the latter hybrid 203 per cent., and in the former no less than 848 per cent, of the grains were ascertained by Prof. Caspary to be bad. This unusual condition of the male and female reproductive ele- ments in G. adami has been used by Prof. Caspary as an argument against this plant being considered as an ordinary hybrid produced from seed ; but we should remember that with hybrids the ovules have not been examined nearly so frequently as the pollen, and they may be much oftener imperfect than is generally supposed. Dr. E. Bornet, of Antibes, informs me (through Mr. J. Traherne Mog- gridge) that with hybrid Cisti the ovarium is frequently deformed, the ovules being in some cases quite absent, and in other cases in capable of fertilisation. Several theories have been propounded to account for the origin of C. adami, and for the transformations which it undergoes. These transformations have been attributed by some authors to simple bud- variation ; but considering the wide difference between C. laburnum and purpureus, both of which are natural species, and considering the sterility of the intermediate form, this view may be summarily rejected. We shall presently see that, with hybrid plants, two different embryos may be developed within the same seed and co- here ; and it has been supposed that C. adami might have thus originated. It is known that when a plant with variegated leaves is budded on a plain stock, the latter is sometimes affected, and it is believed by some that the laburnum has been thus affected. Thus Mr. Purser states 02 that a common laburnum-tree in his garden, into which three grafts of the Cytisus purpureus had been inserted, gradually assumed the character of 0. adami; but more evidence 80 'Nouvelles Archives du Museum,' 9S The statement is believed by Dr. torn. i. p. 143. Lindley in ' Gard. Chron.,' ISoT, pp. 0S2, 01 See on this head, Naudin, idem, p. 400. Ml. 468 ANOMALOUS MODES Chap. XI. and copious details would be requisite to make so extraordinary a statement credible. Many authors maintain that G. adami is a hybrid produced in the common way by seed, and that it has reverted by buds to its two parent-forms. Negative results are of little value ; but Reis- seck, Caspary, and I myself, tried in vain to cross C. laburnum and purpureus; when I fertilised the former with pollen of the latter, I had the nearest approach to success, for pods were formed, but in sixteen days after the witflering of the flowers they fell off. Never- theless, the belief that G. adami is a spontaneously produced hybrid between these two species is strongly supported by the fact that hy- brids between these species and two others have spontaneously arisen. In a bed of seedlings from G. elongatus, which grew near to G. pur- pureus, and was probably fertilised by it, through the agency of in- sects (for these, as I know by experiment, play an important part in the fertilisation of the laburnum), the sterile hybrid C. purpureo- elongatus appeared. 93 Thus, also, Waterer's laburnum, the G. alpino- laburnum™ spontaneously appeared, as I am informed by Mr. Water- er, in a bed of seedlings. On the other hand, we have a clear and distinct account given by M. Adam, who raised the plant, to Poiteau, 95 showing that G. adami is not an ordinary hybrid. M. Adam inserted in the usual manner a shield of the bark of G. purpureus into a stock of G. laburnum; and the bud lay dormant, as often happens, for a year ; the shield then produced many buds and shoots, one of which grew more upright and vigorous with larger leaves than the shoots of C. purpureus, and was consequently propagated. Now it deserves especial notice that these plants were sold by M. Adam, as a variety of G. purpureus, before they had flowered ; and the account was published by Poi- teau after the plants had flowered, but before they had exhibited their remarkable tendency to revert into the two parent-species. 03 Braun, in ' Bot. Mem. Ray Soc.,' growing not above thirty or forty yards IBM, p. xxiii. from both parent-species, during some 94 This hybrid has never been de- seasons yielded no good seeds ; but in scribed. It is exactly intermediate in 18G6 it was unusually fertile, and its foliage, time of flowering, dark striae at long racemes produced from one toocca- the base of the standard petal, hairiness sionally even four pods. Many of the of the ovarium, and in almost every pods contained no good seeds, but gene- other character, between C. laburnum rally they contained a single apparently and alpinus ; but it approaches the good seed, sometimes two, and in one former species more nearly in colour, case three seeds. Some of the seeds ger- and exceeds it in the length of the minated. racemes. We have before seen that 203 85 ' Annates de la Soc. de Hort. de per cent, of its pollen-grains are ill-form- Paris,' torn, vii., 1830, p. 93. ed and worthless. My niant, though Chap. XI. OF REPRODUCTION AND VARIATION. 469 So that there was no conceivable motive for falsification, and it is difficult to see how there could have been any error. If we admit as true Rf. Adam's account, we must admit the extraordinary fact that two distinct species can Unite by their cellular tissue, and sub- sequently produce a plant bearing leaves and sterile flowers inter- mediate in character between the scion and stock, and producing buds liable to reversion ; in short, resembling in every important respect a hybrid formed in the ordinary way by seminal reproduc- tion. Such plants, if really thus formed, might be called graft-hy- brids. I will now give all the facts which I have been able to collect illustrative of the above theories, not for the sake of merely throw- ing light on the origin of C. adami, but to show in how many extra- ordinary and complex methods one kind of plant may affect another, generally in connection with bud-variation. The supposition that either C. laburnum or purpureas produced by ordinary bud-variation the intermediate and the other form, may, as already remarked, be absolutely excluded, from the want of any evidence, from the great amount of change thus implied, and from the sterility of the inter- mediate form. Nevertheless such cases as nectarines suddenly ap- pearing on peach-trees, occasionally with the fruit half-and-half in nature, — moss-roses appearing on other roses, with the flowers divid- ed into halves, or striped with different colours, — and other such cases, are closely analogous in the result produced, though not in origin, with the case of C. adami. A distinguished botanist, Mr. G. H. Thwaites 96 has recorded a re- markable case of a seed from FucJtsia coceinea fertilised by F. ful- g&ns, which contained two embryos, and was " a true vegetable twin." The two plants produced from the two embryos were "ex- tremely different in appearance and character," though both resem- bled other hybrids of the same parentage produced at the same time. These twin plants '' were closely coherent, below the two pairs of " cotyledon-leaves, into a single cylindrical stem, so that they had " subsequently the appearance of being branches on one trunk." Had the two united stems grown up to their fidl height, instead of dying, a curiously mixed hybrid would have been produced ; but even if some of the buds had subsequently reverted to both parent- forms, the case, although more complex, would not have been strict- ly analogous with that of C. adami. On the other hand, a mongrel melon described by Sageret 97 perhaps did thus originate ; for the •• 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.,' " ' Poraologie Physiolog.,' 1S30, p. Marcb, 1S43. 12C. 470 ANOMALOUS MODES Chap. XI. two main branches, which arose from two cotyledon-buds, produced very different fruit, — on the one branch like that of the pater- nal variety, and on the other branch to a certain extent like that of the maternal variety, the melon of China. The famous bizzarria Orange offers a strictly parallel case to that of C'ytisus adami. The gardener who in 1644 in Florence raised this tree, declared that it was a seedling which had been grafted ; and after the graft had perished, the stock sprouted and produced the bizzarria. Gallesio, who carefully examined several living specimens and compared them with the description given by the original de- scriber P. Nato, 98 states that the tree produces at the same time leaves, flowers, and fruit, identical with the bitter orange and with the citron of Florence, and likewise compound fruit with the two kinds either blended together, both externally and internally, oT segregated in various ways. This tree can be propagated by cut- tings, and retains its diversified character. The so-called trifacial orange of Alexandria and Smyrna " resembles in its general nature the bizzarria, but differs from it in the sweet orange and citron being blended together in the same fruit, and separately produced on the same tree : nothing is known of its origin. In regard to the bizzar- ria, many authors believe that it is a graft -hybrid ; Gallesio on the other hand thinks that it is an ordinary hybrid, Avith the habit of partially reverting by buds to the two parent-forms ; and we have seen in the last chapter that the species in this genus often cross spontaneously. Here is another analogous, but doubtful case. A writer in the 'Gardener's Chronicle' 100 states that an uEsculus rul/icunda in his garden yearly produced on one of its branches " spikes of pale yellow flowers, smaller in size and somewhat similar in colour to those of JE. flava." If as the editor believes JEsculus rubicunda is a hybrid descended on one side from JE. flava, we have a case of partial re- version to one of the parent-forms. If, as some botanists maintain, ^E. rubicunda is not a hj'brid, but a natural species, the case is one of simple bud-variation. The following facts show that hybrids produced from seed in the ordinary way, certainly sometimes revert by buds to their parent- forms. Hybrids between Tropaolum minus and tnajus m at first 88 Gallesio, ' 611 Agruml dei 6iard. also Prof. Caspary, in ' Transact. Ilort. Bot. Agrar. di Firenze,' 1S39, p. 11. In Congress of Amsterdam,' 1865. his "Traite du Citrus,' 1811, p. 146, he 10 ° ' 6ard. Chron.,' 1851, p. 406. speaks as if the compound fruit con- ,01 Gartner, ' Bastarderzeugung,' s. sisted in part of lemons, but this appa- 549. It is, however, doubtful whether rently was a mistake. these plants should be ranked as species 00 ' Card. Chron.,' 1S55, p. G2S. See or varieties. Chap. XI.. OF REPRODUCTION AND VARIATION. 471 produced flowers intermediate in size, colour, and structure between their two parents ; but later in the season some of these plants pro- duced flowers in all respects like those of the mother-form, mingled with flowers still retaining the visual intermediate condition. A hybrid Cereus between 0. sjieciosimmus and p7ii/llantJius, im plants wliich are widely different in appearance, produced for the first three years angular, five-sided stems, and then some flat stems like those of 0. pliyllanthus. Kolreuter also gives cases of hybrid Lobelias and Verbascums, which at first produced flowers of one colour, and later in the season flowers of a different colour. 103 Naudin 104 raised forty r hybrids from Datura la>cis fertilised by D. stramonium ; and three of these hybrids produced many capsules, of which a half, or quarter, or lesser segment was smooth and of small size like the capsule of the pure D. lavis, the remaining part being spinose and of larger size like the capsule of the pure D. stramonium : from one of these composite capsules, plants were raised which perfectly resembled both parent- forms. Turning now to varieties. A seedling apple, conjectured to be of crossed parentage, has been described in France, 105 which bears fruit, with one half larger than the other, of a red colour, acid taste, and peculiar odour ; the other side being greenish-yellow \xxd very sweet : it is said scarcely ever to include perfectly developed seed. I suppose that this is not the same tree with that which Gaudi- chaud 106 exhibited before the French Institute, bearing on the same branch two distinct kinds of apples, one a reinette rouge, and the other like a reinette canada jaunatre : this double-bearing variety can be propagated by grafts, and continues to produce both kinds ; its origin is unknown. The Rev. J. D. La Touche sent me a coloured drawing of an apple which he brought from Canada, of wh'ch half, surrounding and including the whole of the calyx and the insertion of the footstalk, is green, the other half being brown and of the na- ture of the pomme gris apple, with the line of separation between the two halves exactly defined. The tree was a grafted one, and Mr. La Touche thinks that the branch which bore this curious apple sprung from the point of junction of the graft and stock : had this fact been ascertained, the case would probably have come into the small class of graft -hybrids presently to be given. But the branch may have sprung from the stock, which no doubt was a seedling. 102 Gartner, ' Bastarderz.,', s. 550. 105 L'lTermes, Jan. 14, 1S37, quoted 103 ' Journal de Physique,' torn, xxiii., in Loudon's ' Gard. Mag.,' vol. xiii. p. 1783, p. 100. ' Act. Acad. St. Peters- 239. bunih,' 1781, part. i. p. 249. 10 ° 'Comptes Rendus,' torn, xxxiv., 104 ' Nouvelles Archives du Museum,' 1852, p. 746. torn. i. p. 49.. 472 ANOMALOUS MODES Chap. XI. Prof. H. Lecoq, who has made a great number of crosses between the differently coloured varieties ot Mirabilia jo/pala,™ 7 finds that in the seedlings the colours rarely combine, but form distinct stripes ; or half the flower is of one colour and half of a different colour. Some varieties regularly bear flowers striped with yellow, white, and red ; but plants of such varieties occasionally produce on the same root branches with uniformly coloured flowers of all three tints, and other branches with half-and-half coloured flowers and others with marbled flowers. Gallesio ' 0B crossed reciprocally white and red car- nations, and the seedlings were striped ; but some of the striped plants also bore entirely white and entirely red flowers. Some of these plants produced one year red flowers alone, and in the follow- ing year striped flowers ; or conversely, some plants, after having borne for two or three years striped flowers, would revert and bear exclusively red flowers. It may be worth mentioning that I fertil- ised the Purple Sweet-jiea (Lathyrus odoratus) with pollen from the light-coloured Painted Lady : seedlings raised from one and the same pod were not intermediate in character, but perfectly resem- bled both parents. Later in the summer, the plants which had at first borne flowers identical with those of the Painted Lady, pro- duced flowers streaked and blotched with purple ; showing in these darker marks a tendency to reversion to the mother- variety. Andrew Knight I09 fertilised two white grapes with pollen of the Aleppo grape, which is darkly variegated both in its leaves and fruit. The result was that the young seedlings were not at first variegated, but all became variegated during the succeeding summer ; besides this, many produced on the same plant bunches of grapes which were all black, or all white, or lead-coloured striped with white, or white dotted with minute black stripes ; and grapes of all these shades could frequently be found on the same footstalk. In most of these cases of crossed varieties, and in some of the cases of crossed species, the colours proper to both parents appeared in the seedlings, as soon as they first flowered, in the form of stripes or larger segments, or as whole flowers or fruit of two kinds borne on the same plant ; and in this case the appearance of the two colours cannot strictly be said to be due to reversion, but to some incapacity of fusion, leading to their segregation. When, 107 'Geograph. Bot. de l'Europe,' 108 ' Traite du Citrus,' 1811, p. 45. torn. in. 1854, p. 405 ; and ' De la Fecon- 109 ' Transact. Linn. Soc.,' vol. ix. p. dation,' 1862, p. 802. 26S. Chap. XI. OF REPRODUCTION AND VARIATION. 473 however, the later flowers or fruit, produced during the same season or during a succeeding year or generation, become striped or half-in-half, &c., the segregation of the two colours is strictly a case of reversion by bud-varia- tion. In a future chapter I shall show that, with animals of crossed parentage, the same individual has been known to change its character during growth, and to revert to one of its parents which it did not at first resemble. From the various facts now given there can be no doubt that the same individual plant, whether a hybrid or a mongrel, sometimes returns in its leaves, flowers, and fruit, either wholly or by segments, to both parent-forms in the same manner as the Cytisus adarni, and the Hiz- zarria Orange. We will now consider the few facts which have been recorded in support of the belief that a variety, when grafted or budded on another variety sometimes affects the whole stock, or at the point of junction gives rise to a bud, or graft-hybrid, which partakes of the characters of both stock and scion. It is notorious that 'when the variegated Jessamine is budded on the common kind, the stock sometimes produces buds bearing vari- egated leaves : Mr. Rivers, as be informs me, has seen instances of this. The same thing occurs with tbe Oleander. 110 Mr. Rivers, on the authority of a trustworthy friend, states that some buds of a golden-variegated ash, which were inserted into common ashes, all died except one. but the ash-stocks were affected, 111 and produced, both above and below the points of insertion of the plates of bark bearing the dead buds, shoots which bore variegated leaves. Mr. J. Anderson Henry has communicated to me a nearly similar case : Mr. Brown, of Perth, observed many years a14 Amsterdam, 176S, p. 124. Chap. XI. OF REPRODUCTION AND VARIATION. 475 of blue and red hyacinths may be cut in two, and that they will grow together and throw up a united stein (and this I have myself seen), with flowers of the two colours on the opposite sides. But the remarkable point is, that flowers are sometimes produced with the two colours blended together, which makes the case closely analo- gous with that of the blended colours of the grapes on the united vine-branches. Mr. R. Trail stated in 1867, before the Botanical Society of Edin- burgh (and has since given me fuller information), that several years ago he cut about sixty blue and white potatoes into halves through the eyes or buds, and then carefully joined them, destroying at the same time the other eyes. Some of these united tubers produced white, and others blue tubers ; and it is probable that in these cases the one half alone of the bud grew. Some, however, produced tubers partly white and partly blue ; and the tubers from.about four or five were regularly mottled with the two colours. In these latter cases we may conclude that a stem had been formed by the union of the bisected buds ; and as tubers are produced by the enlarge- ment of subterranean branches arising from the main stem, their mottled colour apparently affords clear evidence of the intimate com- mingling of the two varieties. I have repeated these experiments on the potato and on the hyacinth on a large scale, but with no success. The most reliable instance known to me of the formation of a graft-hybrid is one, recorded by Mr. Poynter, 115 who assures me, in a letter, of the entire accuracy of the statement. Rosa Devoniensis had been budded some years previously on a white Banksian rose ; and from the much enlarged point of junction, whence the Devoni- ensis and Banksian still continued to grow, a third branch issued, which was neither pure Banksian nor pure Devoniensis, but partook of the character of both ; the flowers resembled, but were superior in character to those of the variety called Lamar que (one of the Noisettes), while the shoots were similar in their manner of growth to those of the Banksian rose, with the exception that the longer and more robust shoots were furnished with prickles. This rose was exhibited before the Floral Committee of the Horticultural Society of London. Dr. Lindley examined it, and concluded that it had cer- tainly been produced by the mingling of R. Banksia? with sorao rose like R. Devoniensis, "for while it was very greatly increased in vigour and in the size of all the parts, the leaves were half-way between a Banksian and Tea-scented rose." It appears that rose- " J ' Gard. Chron.,' I860, p. 672, with a woodcut. 476 DIRECT ACTION OF THE MALE Chap. XI. growers were aware that the Banksian rose sometimes affects other roses. Had it not been for this latter statement, it might have been suspected that this new variety was simply due to bud-variation, and that it had occurred by a mere accident at the point of junction be- tween the two old kinds. ■ To sum up the foregoing facts : the statement that Cytisus adami originated as a graft-hybrid is so precise that it can hardly be rejected, and, as Ave have just seen, some analogous facts render the statement to a certain extent probable. The peculiar, monstrous condition of the ovules, and the apparently sound condition of the pol- len, favour the belief that it is not an ordinary or seminal hybrid. On the other hand, the fact that the same two species, viz. C. laburnum and purpureas, have spontane- ously produced hybrids by seed, is a strong argument in support of the belief that C. adami originated in a simi- lar manner. With respect to the extraordinary tendency which this tree exhibits to complete or partial reversion, we have seen that undoubted seminal hybrids and mon- grels are similarly liable. On the whole, I am inclined to put trust in M. Adam's statement ; and if it should ever be proved true, the same view would probably have to be extended to the Bizzarria and Trifacial oranges and to the apples above described ; but more evidence is requisite before the possibility of the production of graft- hybrids can be fully admitted. Although it is at present impossible to arrive at any certain conclusion with respect to the origin of these remarkable trees, the various facts above given appear to me to deserve attention under seve- ral points of view, more especially as showing that the power of reversion is inherent in Buds. On the direct or immediate action of the Male Element on the Mother Form. — Another remarkable class of facts must be here considered, because they have been sup- posed to account for some cases of bud-variation : I refer to the direct action of the male element, not in the ordi- Chap. XI. ELEMENT OX THE MOTHER FORM. 477 nary way on the ovules, but on certain parts of the female plant, or in the case of animals on the subsequent progeny of the female by a second male. I may premise that with plants the ovarium and the coats of the ovules are obviously parts of the female, and it could not have been anticipated that they would be affected by the pollen of a foreign variety or species, although the develop- ment of the embryo, within the embryonic sack, within the ovule, within the ovarium, of course depends on the male element. Even as long ago as 1~"29 it was observed 116 that white and blue varieties of the Pea, when planted near each other, mutually cross- ed, no doubt through the agency of 'bees, and in the autumn blue and white peas were found within the same pods. Wiegmann made an exactly similar observation in the present century. The same result has followed several times when a variety with peas of one colour has been artificially crossed by a differently-coloured variety." 7 These statements led Gartner, who was highly sceptical on the subject, carefully to try a long series of experiments: he se- lected the most constant varieties, and the result conclusively showed that the colour of the skin of the pea is modified when pollen of a differently coloured variety is used. This conclusion has since been confirmed by experiments made by the Rev. J. M. Berkeley. 11 " Mr. Laxton of Stamford, whilst making experiments on peas for the express purpose of ascertaining the influence of foreign pollen on the mother-plant, has recently " 9 observed an important additional fact. He fertilised the Tall Sugar pea, Avhich bears very thin green pods, becoming brownish-white when dry, with pollen of the Purple- podded pea. which, as its name expresses, has dark-purple pods with very thick skin, becoming pale reddish-purple when dry. Mr. Lax- ton has cultivated the tall sugar-pea during twenty years, and has never seen or heard of it producing a purple pod ; nevertheless, a flower fertilised by pollen from the purple-pod yielded a pod clouded with purplish-red, which Mr. Laxton kindly gave to me. A space of about two inches in length towards the extremity of the pod, and a smaller space near the stalk, were thus coloured. On comparing us ' philosophical Transact.,' vol. tarderzeugunjr,' 1*49, s. SI and 49?. xllii., 1744-4."), p. 595. »« ' Gard. Chroo.,' 1S54, p. 404. u' Mr. Swayne, in 'Transact. Unit. 119 Ibid., 1S66, p. 900. Soc.,' vol. v. p. 234; and Gartner, ' Bas- 478 DIEECT ACTION" OF THE MALE Chap. XI. the colour with that of the purple-pod, both pods having been first dried and then soaked in water, it was found to be identically the same ; and in both the colour was confined to the cells lying imme- diately beneath the outer skin of the pod. The valves of the crossed pod were also decidedly thicker and stronger than those of the pods of the mother-plant, but this may have been an accidental circum- stance, for I know not how far their thickness in the Tall Sugar-pea is a variable character. The peas of the Tall Sugar-pea, when dry, are pale greenish-brown, thickly covered with dots of dark purple so minute as to be visible only through a lens, and Mr. Laxton has never seen or heard of this variety producing a purple pea ; but in the crossed pod one of the peas was of a uniform beautiful violet-purple tint, and a second was irregularly clouded with pale purple. The colour lies in the outer of the two coats which surround the pea. As the peas of the purple- podded variety when dry are of a pale greenish-buff, it would at first appear that this remarkable change of colour in the peas in the crossed pod could not have been caused by the direct action of the pollen of the purple-pod : but when we bear in mind that this latter variety has purple flowers, purple marks on its stipules, and purple pods ; and that the Tall sugar-pea likewise has purple flowers and sti- pules, and microscopically minute purple dots on the peas, we can hardly doubt that the tendency to the production of purple in both parents has in combination modified the colour of the peas in the crossed pod. After having examined these specimens, I crossed the same two varieties, and the peas in one pod, but not the pods them- selves, were clouded and tinted with purplish-red in a much more conspicuous manner than the peas in the uncrossed pods produced at the same time by the same plants. I may notice as a caution that Mr. Laxton sent me various other crossed peas slightly, or even greatly, modified in colour ; but the change in these cases was due, as had been suspected by Mr. Laxton, to the altered colour of the cotyledons, seen through the transparent coats of the peas ; and as the cotyledons are parts of the embryo, these cases are not in any way remarkable. Turning now to the genus Matthiola. The pollen of one kind of stock sometimes affects the colour of the seeds of another kind, used as the mother-plant. I give the following case the more read- ily, as Gartner doubted similar statements with respect to the stock previously made by other observers. A well-known horticulturist, Major Trevor Clarke, informs me 120 that the seeds of the large red- 120 &ealso a paper by this observer, read before the International Hort. and Bot. Congress of London, 1860. Chap. XL ELEMENT ON THE MOTHER FOKM. 479 • flowered biennial stock {MatthMa annua ; Oocardeau of the French) are light brown, and those of the purple branching Queen stock [M. ineana) are violet-black ; and he found that, when flowers of the red stock were fertilised by pollen from the purple stock, they yielded about fifty per cent, of black seeds. He sent me four pods from a red- flowered plant, two of which had been fertilised by their own pollen, and they included pale brown seed : and two which had been crossed by pollen from the purple kind, and they included seeds all deeply tinged with black. These latter seeds yielded purple-flowered plants like their father ; whilst the pale brown seeds yielded normal red- flowered plants ; and Major Clarke, by sowing similar seeds, has ob- served on a greater scale the same result. The evidence in this case of the direct action of the pollen of one species on the colour of the seeds of another species appears to me conclusive. In the foregoing cases, with the exception of that of the purple-podded pea, the coats of the seeds alone have been affected in colour. "We shall now see that the ova- rium itself, whether forming a large fleshy fruit or a mere thin envelope, may be modified by foreign pollen, in colour, flavour, texture, size, and shape. The most remarkable instance, because carefully recorded by highly competent authorities, is one of which I have seen an account in a letter written, in 1867, by M. Xaudin to Dr. Hooker. M. Xaudin states that he has seen fruit growing on Cham&rops humilis, which had been fertilised by M. Denis with pollen from the Phoenix or date-palm. The fruit or drupe thus produced was twice as large as, and more elongated than, that proper to the Chamaerops ; so that it was intermediate in these respects, as well as in texture, between the fruit of the two parents. These hybridised seeds germinated, and produced young plants likewise intermediate in character. This case is the more remarkable as the Chama?rops and Phoenix belong not only to distinct genera, but in the estimation of some botanists to distinct sections of the family. Gallesio 121 fertilised the flowers of an orange with pollen from the lemon ; and one fruit thus produced bore a longitudinal stripe of peel having the colour, flavour, and other characters of the lemon. Mr. Anderson '" fertilised a green-fleshed melon with pollen from a scarlet-fleshed kind ; in two of the fruits " a sensible change was 121 'Traite da Citrus,' p. 40. 1:2 ' Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. iv. p. SIS. See also vol. v. p. 65. 480 DIRECT ACTIOIST OF TTIE MALE Chap. XL perceptible ; and four other fruits were somewhat altered both inter- nally and externally." The seeds of the two first-mentioned fruits produced plants partaking of the good properties of both parents. In the United States, where Cucurbitaceae are largely cultivated, it is the popular belief 1 ' 23 that the fruit is thus directly affected by foreign pollen ; and I have received a similar statement with respect to the cucumber in England. It is known that grapes have been thus affected in colour, size, and shape : in France a pale-coloured grape had its juice tinted by the pollen of the dark-coloured Tein- turier ; in Germany a variety bore berries which were affected by the pollen of two adjoining kinds ; some of the berries being only partially affected or mottled. 124 As long ago as 1751 125 it was ob- served that, Avhen differently coloured varieties of maize grow near each other, they mutually affect each other's seeds, and this is now a popular belief in the United States. Dr. Savi 126 tried the experi- ment with care : he sowed yellow and black-seeded maize together, and on the same ear some of the seeds were yellow, some black, and some mottled, 127 the differently coloured seeds being arranged in rows or irregularly. Mr. Sabine states 128 that he has seen the form of the nearly globular seed-capsule of Amaryllis vittata altered by the application of the pollen of another species, of which the capsule has gibbous angles. • Mr. J. Anderson Henry 129 crossed Rhododen- dron JDalhousice with the pollen of R. Nuttallii, which is one of the largest flowered and noblest species of the genus. The largest pod produced by the former species, when fertilised with its own pollen, 123 prof. Asa Gray, ' Proc. Acad. Sc.,' the two parents do not readily unite, as Boston, vol. iv., 1S69, p. 21. in the cases of Mirabilis and Dianthus 124 For the French case, see ' Proc. given a few pages back. Thirdly, in Hort. Soc.,' vol. i. new series, 1S66, p. 50. crossed plants of a subsequent genera- For Germany, see M, Jack, quoted in tion, by reversion, through either bud or Henfrey's ' Botanical Gazette,' vol. i. p. seminal generation. Fourthly, by rever- 277. A case in England has recently sion to a character not originally gained been alluded to by the Rev. J. M. Berke- by across, but which had long been lost, ley before the Hort. Soc. of London. as with white-flowered varieties, which 125 ' philosophical Transactions,' vol. we shall hereafter see often become xlvii., 1751-52, p. 206. striped with some other colour. Lastly, 126 Gallesio, ' Teoria della Riprodu- there are cases, as when peaches are pro- zione,' 1S1C, p. 95. duced with a half or quarter of the fruit 127 It may be worth while to call at- like a nectarine, in which the change is tention to the several means by which apparently due to mere variation.through flowers and fruit become striped or mot- either bud or seminal generation. tied. Firstly, by the direct action of the 128 ' Transact. Hort. Soc.,' vol. v. p. pollen of another variety or species, as 69. with the above-given cases of oranges 12 ° ' Journal of Horticulture,' 'Jan. 20, and maize. Secondly, in crosses of the 1S63, p. 46. first generation, when the colours of Chap. XI. ELEMENT ON THE MOTHER FORM. 481 measured l'jj in length and IV in girth ; whilst three of the pods which had been fertilised by pollen of 7.'. NuttaUii measured 1| inch in length and no less than 2 inches in girth. Here we see the effect of foreign pollen apparently confined to increasing the size of the ovarium ; but we must be cautious in assuming, as the follow- ing case shows, that in this instance size has been directly trans- ferred from the male parent to the capsitle of the female plant. Mr. Henry fertilised Arabis blepharophyUa with pollen of A. Soyeri, and the pods thus produced, of which he was so kind as to send me de- tailed measurements and sketches, were much larger in all their di- mensions than those naturally produced by either the male or female parent-species. In a future chapter we shall see that the organs of vegetation in hybrid plants, independently of the character of either parent, are sometimes developed to a monstrous size ; and the in- creased size of the pods in the foregoing cases may be an analogous fact. No case of the direct action of the pollen of one variety on another is better authenticated or more remarkable than that of the common apple. The fruit here consists of the lower part of the calyx and of the upper part of the flower-peduncle I3 ° in a metamorphosed condi- tion, so that the effect of the foreign pollen has extended even be- yond the limits of the ovarium. Cases of apples thus affected were recorded by Bradley in the early part of the last century ; and other cases are given in old vol umes of the Philosophical Transactions ; m in one of these a Russeting apple and an adjoining kind mutually affected each other's fruit ; and in another case a smooth apple af- fected a rough-coated kind. Another instance has been given 132 of two very different apple-trees growing close to -each other, which bore fruit resembling each other, but only on the adjoining branches. It is, however, almost superfluous to adduce these or other cases, after that of the St. Valery apple, which, from the abortion of the stamens, does not produce pollen, but, being annually fertilised by the girls of the neighbourhood with pollen of many kinds, bears fruit, " differing from each other in size, flavour, and colour, but re- sembling in character the hermaphrodite kinds by which they have been fertilised." 133 130 See on this head the high autho- la Degeneration,' 1S3T, p. 36) several rity of Prof. Decaisne, in a paper trans- other instances ; but it is not in all cases lated in ' Proc. Hort. Soc.,' vol. i. new possible to distinguish between the di- series, 1SG6, p. 48. rect action of foreign pollen and bud- 131 Vol. xliii., 1744-45, p. 525; vol. variations. xlv., 1747-K p. 603. 133 T. de Clermont-Tonnerre, in 'Mum. 132 'Transict. Hort, Soc.,' vol. v. pp. de la Soc. Linn, de Paris,' torn, ill., 1S25, C3 and 03. Pu vis also has collected ('De p. 164. 21 482 . DIRECT ACTION OF THE MALE Chap. XI. I have now shown, on the authority of several excel- lent observers, in the case of plants belonging to widely different orders, that the pollen of one species or variety, when applied to a distinct form, occasionally causes the coats of the seeds and the ovarium or fruit, including even in one instance the calyx and upper part of the pe- duncle of the mother-plant, to become modified. Some- times the whole of the ovarium or all the seeds are thus affected ; sometimes only a certain number of the seeds, as in the case of the pea, or only a part of the ovarium, as with the striped orange, mottled grapes and maize, are thus affected. It must not be supposed that any di- rect or immediate effect invariably follows the use of foreign pollen : this is far from being the case ; nor is it known on what conditions the result depends. Mr. Knight 134 expressly states that he has never seen the fruit thus affected, though he has crossed thousands of apple and other fruit-trees. There is not the least reason to believe that a branch which has borne seed or fruit direct- ly modified by foreign pollen is itself affected, so as sub- sequently to produce modified buds : such an occurrence, from the temporary connection of the flower with the stem, would be hardly possible. Hence but very few, if any, of the cases of sudden modifications in the fruit of trees, given in the early part of this chapter, can be ac- counted for by the action of foreign pollen ; for such modi- fied fruits have commonly been afterwards propagated by budding or grafting. It is also obvious that changes of colour in the flower which necessarily supervene long be- fore it is ready for fertilisation, and changes in the shape or colour of the leaves, can have no relation to the action of foreign pollen : all such cases must be attributed to simple bud-variation. The proofs of the action of foreign pollen on the mother- plant have been given in considerable detail, because this 1S « 'Transact of Hort. Soc.,' vol. v, p. 68. Chap. xi. ELEMENT ON THE MOTHER FORM. 483 action, as we shall see in a future chapter, is of the highest theoretical importance, •and because it is in itself a re- markable and apparently anomalous circumstance. That it is remarkable under a physiological point of view is clear, for the male element not only affects, in accordance with its proper function, the germ, but the surrounding tissues of the mother-plant. That the action is anomalous in appearance is true, but hardly so in reality, for appa- rently it plays the same part in the ordinary fertilisation of many flowers. Gartner has shown, 136 by gradually in- creasing the number of pollen-grains until he succeeded in fertilising a Malva, that mauy grains are expended in the development, or, as he expresses it, in the satiation, of the pistil and ovarium. Again, when one plant is fer- tilised by a widely distinct species, it often happens that the ovarium is fully and quickly developed without any seeds being formed, or the coats of the seeds are devel- oped without an embryo being formed within. Dr. Hil- debrand also has lately shown in a valuable paper 136 that, with several Orchidea?, the action of the plant's own pol- len is necessary for the development of the ovarium, and that this development takes place not only long before the pollen-tubes have reached the ovules, but even before the placenta} and ovules have been formed ; so that with these orchids the pollen apparently acts directly on the ovarium. On the other hand, we must not overrate the efficacy of pollen in this respect ; for in the case of hy- bridised plants it might be argued that an embryo had been formed and had affected the surrounding tissues of the mother-plant before it perished at a very early age. Again, it is well known that with many plants the ovarium may be fully developed, though pollen be wholly excluded. And lastly, Mr. Smith, the late Curator at Kew (as I hear 134 ' Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Be- ein Beweis fur die doppelte Wirkung des fruchtung,' 1S44, s. 34T-351. Pollen,' Botanische Zeitung, No. 44 et »• 'DieFruchtbildungderOrchideeD, seq., Oct. 30, 1S63 ; and 1SG5, s. 249. 484 DIRECT ACTION OF THE MALE Chap. XI. through Dr. Hooker), observed the singular fact with an orchid, the Bonatea speciosapihe development of the ovarium could be effected by mechanical irritation of the stigma. Nevertheless, from the number of the pollen- grains expended " in the satiation of the ovarium and pistil," — from the generality of the formation of the ovarium and seed-coats in sterile hybridised plants, — and from Dr. Hildebrand's observations on orchids, we may admit that in most cases the swelling of the ovarium, and the formation of the seed-coats, are at least aided, if not wholly caused, by the direct action of the pollen, in- dependently of the intervention of the fertilised germ. Therefore, in the previously-given cases we have only to add to our belief in the power of the plant's own pollen on the development of the ovarium and seed-coats, its further power, when applied to a distinct species or variety, of influencing the shape, size, colour, texture, &c, of these same parts. Turning now to the animal kingdom. If we could imagine the same flower to yield seeds during successive years, then it would not be very surprising that a flower of which the ovarium had been modified by foreign pol- len should next year produce, when self-fertilised, off- spring modified by the previous male influence. Closely analogous cases have actually occurred with animals. In the case often quoted from Lord Morton, 137 a nearly purely-bred, Arabian, chesnut mare bore a hybrid to a quagga ; she was subsequently sent to Sir Gore Ouseley, and produced two colts by a black Arabian horse. These colts were partially dun-coloured, and were striped on the legs more plainly than the real hybrid, or even than the quagga. One of the two colts had its neck and some other parts of its body plainly marked with stripes. Stripes on the body, not to mention those on the legs, 137 ' Philos. Transact.,' 1821, p. 20. Chap. XI. ELEMENT ON THE MOTHER FORM. 485 and the dun colour, are extremely rare, — I speak after having long attended to the subject, — with horses of all kinds in Europe, and are unknown in the case of Arabians. But what makes the case still more striking is that the hair of the mane in these colts resembled that of the quagga, being short, stiff, and upright. Hence there can be no doubt that the quagga affected the cha- racter of the offspring subsequently begot by the black Arabian horse. With respect to the varieties of our do- mesticated animals, many similar and well-authenticated facts have been published, 138 and others have been com- municated to me, plainly showing the influence of the first male on the progeny subsequently borne by the mother to other males. It will suifice to give a single in- stance, recorded in the ' Philosophical Transactions,' in a paper following that by Lord Morton : Mr. Giles put a sow of Lord Western's black and white Essex breed to a wild boar of a deep chesnut colour ; and the " pigs pro- duced partook in appearance of both boar and sowj but in some the chesnut colour of the boar strongly prevailed." After the boar had long been dead, the sow was put to a boar of her own black and white breed, — a kind which is well known to breed very true and never to show any chesnut colour, — yet from this union the sow produced some young pigs which were plainly marked with the same chesnut tint as in the first litter. Similar cases have so frequently occurred, that careful breeders avoid putting a choice female to an inferior male on account of 138 Dr. Alex. Harvey on 'A remark- has collected several cases with respect able Effect of Cross-breeding,' 1S51. On to mares, sows, and dogs. Mr. W. C the ' Physiology of Breeding,' by Mr. L. Martin (' History of the Dog,' 1845, Reginald Orton, 1865. ' Intermarriage,' p. 104) says he can personally vouch for by Alex. Walker, 1-31. ' L'Heredite the influence of the male parent of the Naturelle,' by Dr. Prosper Lucas, torn. first litter on the subsequent litters by ii. p. 58. Mr. W. Sedgwick in ' British other fathers. A French poet, Jacque3 and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review, Savary, who wrote in 1GG5 on dogs, was 1S63, July, p. 183. Bronn, in his ' Ge- aware of this singular fact, schichte der Natur,' 1S43, B. ii. s. 127, 486 CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY Chap. XI. the injury to her subsequent progeny which may be ex- pected to follow. Some physiologists have attempted to account for these remarkable results from a first impregnation by the close attachment and freely intercommunicating blood-vessels between the modified embryo and the mother. But it is a most improbable hypothesis that the mere blood of one individual should affect the reproductive organs of an- other individual in such a manner as to modify the sub- sequent offspring. The analogy from the direct action of foreign pollen on the ovarium and seed-coats of the mother-plant strongly supports the belief that the male element acts directly on the reproductive organs of the female, wonderful as is this action, and not through the intervention of the crossed embryo. With birds there is no such close connection between the embryo and mother as in the case of mammals : yet a careful observer, Dr. Chapuis, states 139 that with pigeons the influence of a first male sometimes makes itself perceived in the suc- ceeding broods ; but this statement, before it can be fully trusted, requires confirmation. ConcIusio?i and Summary of the Chapter. — The facts given in the latter half of this chapter are well worthy of consideration, as they show us in how many extraordina- ry modes one organic form may lead to the modification of another, and often without the intervention of seminal reproduction. There is ample evidence, as we have just seen, that the male element may either directly affect the structure of the female, or in the case of animals lead to the modification of her offspring. There is a considerable but insufficient body of evidence showing that the tissues of two plants may unite and form a bud having a blend- ed character ; or again, that buds inserted into a stock may affect all the buds subsequently produced by this i" 'Le Pigeon Voyageur Beige,' 1865, p. 59. Chap. XI. OF THE CHAPTER. 487 Stock. Two embryos, differing from each other and con- tinued in the same seed, may cohere and form a single plant. Offspring from a cross between two species or varieties may in the first or in a succeeding generation revert in various degrees by bud-variation to their parent- forms ; and this reversion or segregation of character may affect the whole flower, fruit, or leaf-bud, or only the half or smaller segment, or a single organ. In some cases this segregation of character apparently depends on some in- capacity of union rather than on reversion, for the flow- ers or fruit which are first produced display by segments the characters of both parents. In the Cytisus adami and the Bizzarria orange, whatever their origin may have been, the two parent species occur blended together un- der the form of a sterile hybrid, or -reappear with their characters perfect and their reproductive organs effec- tive ; and these trees, retaining the same sportive charac- ter, can be propagated by buds. These various facts ought to be well considered by any one who wishes to embrace under a single point of view the various modes of reproduction by gemmation, division, and sexual union, the reparation of lost parts, variation, inheritance, rever- sion, and other such phenomena. In a chapter towards the. close of the following volume I shall attempt to con- nect these facts together by a provisional hypothesis. In the early half of this chapter I have given a long list of plants in which through bud-variation, that is, in- dependently of reproduction by seed, the fruit has sud- denly become modified in size, colour, flavour, hairiness, shape, and time of maturity ; flowers have similarly changed in shape, colour, and doubleness, and greatly in the character of the calyx ; young branches or shoots have changed in colour, in bearing spines, and in habit of growth, as in climbing and weeping ; leaves have changed in colour, variegation, shape, period of unfolding, and in their arrangement on the axis. Buds of all kinds, whether produced on ordinary branches or on subterranean 488 CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY Chap. XI. stems, whether simple or, as in tubers and bulbs, much modified and supplied with a stock of nutriment, are all liable to sudden variations of the same genei*al nature. In the list, many of the cases are certainly due to re- version to characters not acquired from a cross, but which Avere formerly present, and have been lost for a longer or shorter period of time ; — as Avhen a bud on a variegated plant produces plain leaves, or when variously-coloured flowers on the Chysanthemum revert to the aboriginal yellow tint. Many other cases included in the list are probably due to the plants being of crossed parentage, and to the buds reverting to one of the two parent-forms. In illustration of the origin of Cytisus adami, several cases were given of partial or complete reversion, both with hybrid and mongrel plants ; hence we may suspect that the strong tendency in the Chrysanthemum, for instance, to produce by bud-variation differently-coloured flowers, results from the varieties formerly having been intention- ally or accidentally crossed ; and that their descendants at the present day still occasionally revert by buds to the colours of the more persistent parent-varieties. This is almost certainly the case with Rollison's Unique Pelargo- nium ; and so it may be to a large extent with the bud- varieties of the Dahlia and with the " broken colours " of Tulips. Many cases of bud-variation, however, cannot be attri- buted to reversion, but to spontaneous variability, such as so commonly occurs with cultivated plants when raised from seed. As a single variety of the Chrysanthemum has produced by buds six other varieties, and as one va- riety of the gooseberry has borne at the same time four distinct varieties of fruit, it is scarcely possible to believe that all these variations are reversions to former parents. We can hardly believe, as remarked in a previous chapter, that all the many peaches which have yielded nectarine- buds are of crossed parentage. Lastly, in such cases as that of the moss-rose with its peculiar calyx, and of the Chap. XI. OF THE CHAPTER. 489 rose which bears opposite leaves, in that of the Imato- phyllum, tfcc, there is no known natural species or seed- ling variety, from which the characters in question could have been derived by crossing. We must attribute all such cases to actual variability in the buds. The varie- ties which have thus arisen cannot be distinguished by any external character from seedlings ; this is notoriously the case with the varieties of the Rose, Azalea, and many other plants. It deserves notice that all the plants which have yielded bud-variations have likewise varied greatly by seed. These plants belong to so many orders that we may- infer that almost every plant would be liable to bud- variation if placed under the proper exciting conditions. These conditions, as far as we can judge, mainly depend on long-continued and high cultivation ; for almost all the plants in the foregoing lists are perennials, and have been largely propagated in many soils and under different climates, by cuttings, offsets, bulbs, tubers, and especially by budding or grafting. The instances of annuals vary- ing by buds, or producing on the same plant differently coloured flowers are comparatively rare : Hopkirk 140 has seen this with Convolvulus tricolor; and it is'not rare wkh the balsam and annual Delphinium. According to Sir R. Schomburgk, plants from the warmer temperate regions, when cultivated under the hot climate of St. Do- mingo, are eminently liable to bud-variation ; but change of climate is by no means 3 necessary contingent, as we see with the gooseberry, currant, and some others. Plants living undor their natural conditions are very rarely subject to bud-variation: variegated and coloured leaves have, however, been occasionally observed ; and I have given an instance of the variation of buds on an ash-tree; but it is doubtful whether any tree planted in ornamental grounds can be considered as living under strictly natural 140 ' Flora Anomala.' p 164. 490 CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY Chap. XL conditions. Gartner has seen white and dark-red flowers produced from the same root of the wild Achillea mille- folium; and Prof. Caspary has seen Viola lutea, in a com- pletely wild condition, bearing flowers of different colours and sizes. 141 As wild plants are so rarely liable to bud-variation, whilst highly cultivated plants long propagated by arti- ficial means have yielded by this form of reproduction many varieties, we are led through a series such as the following, — namely, all the eyes in the same tuber of the potato varying in the same manner, — all the fruit on a pur- ple plum-tree suddenly becoming yellow, — all the fruit on a doubled-flowered almond suddenly becoming peachlike, — all the buds on grafted trees being in some very slight degree affected by the stock on which they have been worked, — all the flowers on a transplanted heartsease changing for a time in color, size, and shape, — we are led through such facts to look at every case of bud-variation as the direct result of the particular conditions of life to which the plant has been exposed. But if we turn to the other end of the series, namely, to such cases as that of a peach-tree which, after having been cultivated by tens of thousands during many years in many countries, and after having annually produced thousands of buds, all of which have apparently been exposed to precisely the same con- ditions, yet at last suddenly produces a single bud with its whole character greatly transformed, we are driven to an opposite conclusion. In .such cases as the latter it would appear that the transformation stands in no direct relation to the conditions of life. We have seen that varieties produced from seeds and from buds resemble each other so closely in general ap- pearance, that they cannot possibly be distinguished. Just as certain species and groups of species, when propa- gated by seed, are more variable than other species or "> ' Schriften der Phys-6'kon. Gesell. zu Konigsberg,' Band vi., Feb. 3, 1S65, s. 4. Chap. XI. OF THE CHAPTER. 491 genera, so it is in the case of certain bud-varieties. Thus the Queen of England Chrysanthemum has produced by this latter process no less than six, and Rollison's Unique Pelargonium four distinct varieties ; moss-roses have also produced several other moss-roses. The Rosacea? have varied by buds more than any other group of plants ; but this may be in large part due to so many members having been long cultivated ; but within this one group, the peach has often varied by buds, whilst the apple and pear, both grafted trees extensively cultivated, have af- forded, as far as I can ascertain, extremely few instances of bud-variation. The law of analogous variation holds good with vari- eties produced by buds, as* with those produced from seed : more than -one kind of rose has sported into a moss-rose ; more than one kind of camellia has assumed an hexagonal form ; and at least seven or eight varieties of the peach have ■produced nectarines. The laws of inheritance seem to be nearly the same with seminal and bud-varieties. We know how com- monly reversion comes into play with both, and it may affect the whole, or only segments, of a leaf, flower, or fruit. When the tendency to reversion affects many buds on the same tree, it becomes covered with different kinds of leaves, flowers, or fruit ; but there is reason to believe that such fluctuating varieties have generally arisen from seed. It is well known that, out of a number of seed- ling varieties, some transmit their character much more truly by seed than others ; so with bud-varieties some re- tain their character by successive buds more truly than others; of which instances have been given with two kinds of variegated Euonymus and with certain kinds of tulips. Notwithstanding the sudden production of bud- varieties, the characters thus acquired are sometimes ca- pable of transmission by seminal reproduction : Mr. Ri- vers has found that moss-roses generally reproduce them- selves by seed ; and the mossy character has been trans- 492 CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY Chap. XT. ferred by crossing, from one species of rose to another. The Boston nectarine, which appeared as a bud-variation, produced by seed a closely allied nectarine. We have however seen, on the authority of Mr. Salter, that seed taken from a branch with leaves variegated through bud- variation, transmits this character very feebly ; whilst many plants, which became variegated as seedlings, trans- mit variegation to a large proportion of their progeny. Although I have been able to collect a good many cases of bud-variation, as shown in the previous lists, and might probably, by searching foreign horticultural works, have collected more cases, yet their total number is as nothing in comparison with that of seminal varie- ties. With seedlings raised from the more variable culti- vated plants, the variations are almost infinitely nume- rous, but their differences are generally slight : only at long intervals of time a strongly marked modification appears. On the other hand, it is a singular and inexpli- cable fact that, when plants vary by buds, the variations, though they occur with comparative rarity, are often, or even generally, strongly pronounced. It struck me that this might perhaps be a delusion, and that slight changes often occurred in buds, but from being of no value were overlooked or not recorded. Accordingly I applied to two great authorities on this subject, namely, to Mr. Rivers with respect to fruit-trees, and to Mr. Salter with respect to flowers. Mr. Rivers is doubtful, but does not remember having noticed very slight variations in fruit- buds. Mr. Salter informs me that with flowers such do occur, but, if propagated, they generally lose their new character in the following year; yet he concurs with me that bud-variations usually at once assume a decided and permanent character. We can hardly doubt that this is the rule, when we reflect on such cases as that of the peach, which has been so carefully observed and of which such trifling seminal varieties have been propagated, yet this tree has repeatedly produced by bud-variation nee- Chap. XI. OF THE CHAPTER. 493 tarincs, and only twice (as far as I can learn) any Other variety, namely, the Early and Late Gi-osse Mignonne preaches; and these differ from the parent-tree in hardly any character except the period of maturity. To my surprise I hear from Mr. Salter that he brings the great principle of selection to bear on variegated plants propagated by buds, and has thus greatly improved and fixed several varieties. He informs me that at first a branch often produces variegated leaves on one side alone, and that the leaves are marked only with an ir- regular edging or with a few lines of white and yellow. To improve and fix such varieties, he finds it necessary to encourage the buds at the bases of the most distinctly marked leaves, and to propagate from them alone. By following with perseverance this plan during three or four successive seasons, a distinct and fixed variety can generally be secured. Finally, the facts given in this chapter prove in how close and remarkable a manner the germ of a fertilised seed and the small cellular mass forming a bud resemble each other in function, — in their powers of inheritance with occasional reversion, — and in their capacity for vari- ation of the same general nature, in obedience to the same laws. This resemblance, or rather identity, is ren- dered far more striking if the facts can be trusted which apparently render it probable that the cellular tissue of one species or variety, when budded or gi-afted on another, may give rise to a bud having an intermediate character. In this chapter we clearly see that variability is not ne- cessarily contingent on sexual generation, though much more frequently its concomitant than on bud-reproduc- tion. We see that bud-variability is not solely depend- ent on reversion or atavism to long-lost characters, or to those formerly acquired from a cross, but that it is often spontaneous. But when we ask ourselves what is the cause of any particular bud-variation, we are lost in doubt, beinsr driven in some cases to look to the direct action of 494 CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY. Chap. XI. the external conditions of life as sufficient, and in other cases to feel a profound conviction that these have played a quite subordinate part, of not more importance than the nature of the spark which ignites a mass of combusti- ble matter. END OF VOL. I. GARDENING FOR PROFIT, In the Market and. Family Garden, By Peter Henderson. finely illustrated. This is the first work on Market Gardening ever published in this country. Its author is well known as a market gardener of eighteen years' successful experience. In this work he has recorded this experience, and given, without reservation, the methods necessary to the profitable culture of the commercial or MARKET GARDEN. It is a work for which there has long been a demand, and one which will commend itself, not only to those who grow vegetables for sale, but to the cultivator of the FAMILY GARDEN, to whom it presents methods quite different from the old ones gen- erally practiced. It is an original and purely American work, and not made up, as books on gardening too often are, by quotations from foreign authors. Every thing is made perfectly plain, and the subject treated in all Us details, from the selection of the soil to preparing the products for market. CONTENTS. Men fitted for the Business of Gardening. The Amount of Capital Required, and "Working li'orce per Acre. Profits of Market Gardening. Location, Situation, and Laying Out. Soils, Drainage, and Preparation. Manures, Implements. Uses and Management of Cold Frames. Formation and Management of Hot-beds. Forcing Pits^or Green-houses. Seeds and Seed Raising. How, "When, and "Where to Sow Seeds. Transplanting, Insects. Packing of "Vegetables for Shipping. Preservation of Vegetables in Winter. Vegetables, their Varieties and Cultivation. In the last chapter, the most valuable kinds are described, and the culture proper to each is given in detail. Sent post-paid, price $1.50. ORA.NGE JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, New- York. THE SMALL FKUIT CULTURIST. BT ANDREW S. FULLER. Beautifully Illustrated, We have heretofore had no work especially devoted to small fruits, and certainly no treatises anywhere that give the information contained in this. It is to the advantage of special works that the author can say all that he Las to say on any subject, and not be restricted as to space, as he must be in those works that cover the culture of all fruits — great and small This book covers the whole ground of Propagating Small Fruits, their Culture, Varieties, Packing for Market, etc. While very full on the other fruits, the Currants and Raspberries have been more care- fully elaborated than ever before, and in this important part of his book, the author has had the invaluable counsel of Charles Downing. The chapter on gathering and packing the fruit is a valuable one, and in it are figured all the baskets and boxes now in common use. The book is very finely and thoroughly illustrated, and makes an admirable companion to the Grape Culturist, by the same author. CONTENTS: Chap. I. Barberry. Chap. VII. Gooseberry. Chap. II. Strawberry. Chap. VIII. Cornelian Cherry. Chap. III. Raspberry. Chap. IX. Cranberry. Chap. IV Blackberry. Chap. X. Huckleberry. CnAP. V. Dwarf Cherry. Chap. XI. Sheperdia. Chap. VI. Currant. Chap. XII. Preparation fo*> GATHERING FRUIT. Sent post-paid. Price $1.50. ORANGE JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, New-York. AMERICAN POMOLOGY. APPLES. By IDoct. JOHN A. WARDER, PRESIDENT OHIO POMOLOGICAL SOCIETY; VICE-PRESIDEST AMERICAN POMOLOG IOAfc 8«CIETT. 293 ILH>TRATIO\S. Tliis volume has about 750 pages, the first 375 of -which are de Tdted to the discussion of the general subjects of propagation, nur- sery culture, selection and planting, cultivation of orchards, care of fruit, insects, and the like ; the remainder is occupied with descrip- tions of apples. With the richness of material at hand, the trouble was to decide what to leave out. It will be found that while the old and standard varieties are not neglected, the new and promising sorts, especially those of the South and "West, have prominence. A list of selections for different localities by eminent orchardists ia a valuable portion of the volume, while the Analytical Index oi Catalogue Raisonne, as the French would say, is the most extended American fruit list ever published, and gives evidence of a fearful amount of labor. CONTENTS. Chapter I INTRODUCTORY. Chapter II— HISTORY OF THK APPLE. Chapter III PROPAGATION. Buds and Cuttings— Grafting— Budding— The Nursery. Chapter TV— DWARFING. Chapter V DISEASES. Chapter VI THE SITE FOR AN ORCHARD. Chapter VII.— PREPARATION OF SOU. FOR AN ORCHARD. Chapter VIII SELECTION AND PLANTING. Chapter IX— CULTURE, Etc. Chapter X PHILOSOPHY OF PRUNING. Chapter XI.— THINNING. Chapter XH — RIPENING AND PRESERVING FRUITS. Chapter XIII and XTV— INSECTS. Chapter XV— CHARACTERS OF FRUITS AND THEIR VALUE— TERMS USED. Chapter XVI CLASSIFICATION. Necessity for— Basis of— Characters — Shape — Its Regu- larity—Flavor—Color—Their several Values, etc., De- scription of Apples. Chapter XVTI FRUIT LISTS— CATALOGUE AND INDEX OF FRUITS. Sent Post-Paid. Price $3.00. ORANGE JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, New-York. COPELAND'S COUNTRY LIFE. A COMPENDIUM OF Agricultural and Horticultural PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE. < Beautifully Illustrated. It contains Descriptions, Hints, Suggestions, and Details of great value to every one interested in Fruit, Flowers, Vegetables, or Farm Crops. It con- tains 926 large Octavo Pages, and 250 Engravings. Describing and U- lustrating nearly the whole range of topics of interest to the FARMER, the GARDENER, the FRUIT CULTURIST, and the AMATEUR. It is adapted not only to those owning large and Elegant Estates, but con- tains directions for the best arrangement of the smallest Plots, down to the City Yard, the Roof or Window Garden, or the simple Flower Stand. It also gives an abstract of the Principles, Construction, and Management of Aquariums. Among numerous other matters it treats of Draining 1 , Giving best methods, estimates of cost, trenches, tiles, etc., thus enabling almost any one properly to perform this important work. Cattle are carefully noticed with reference to the special merits of dif- ferent breeds for dairying or fattening. Sheep Management, including Breeding, Feeding, Prices, Profits, etc., receives attention, and a very full treatise on the Merinos is given. Grape Culture occupies a large space; embracing the opinions of men in all parts of the country, as to best sorts, planting, training, diseases, and general management for home use or marketing. Full L