ahr S. H. Hill Hibrarg Bfort!) (Inrnlina £tatr lluiurrsity S451 N8A44 This book was presented by The Daniels Collection THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE DATE INDICATED BELOW AND IS SUB- JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE AS POSTED AT THE CIRCULATION DESK. NOV i tg 89 KB 1 %s NfiV 2 2 1995 *%2 9 J998 0C ^J 1998 ■?■■ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NCSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/agricultureofnorOOemmo AGRICULTURE 1VORTHCAROLINA 3E»-A.DFt.T II: OBTAINING A STATEMENT OF THE PRINCIPLES OF Till SCIENCE UPON WHICH THE PRACTICES OF AGRICULTURE, AS AN ART, ARE FOUNDER BY EBENEZER EMMON.v .STATE GEOLOGIST. KALEIGH: \T. W. HOLDEN, PRINTER TO THE STATE 1S60. To His Excellency, John "W. Elli?, Governor of North- Carolina : Sir: Although your station in life withheld your hands from the active and laborious duties of husbandry, yet, in the discharge of your former official duties, you were furnished with constant oppor- tunities to acquire exact information of the state and condition of Agriculture throughout the State. It is no doubt for this reason that you have so frequently expressed the strong interest for the improvements in this department of labor, and the more general diffusion of information upon those subjects which are intimately related to it. By your permission and advice I have been led to undertake the preparation of several works upon the Agriculture of the State. The first is designed to be preparatory to those which will follow, and although the subject matters are by no means easily treated, yet I am encouraged to hope I shall so far succeed as to present them in a form and in a language which can be understood by the ■common reader. I am, sir, Your obedient servant, EBENEZER EMMONS, State Geologist Raleigc, March 1, 1800. PREFACE. The principles of Agriculture set forth in the following pages are designed for the nse of Planters and Farmers of this State. The subjects involving the principles herein detailed, are not so fully treated of as in other works of a higher aim, and which profess to be scientific ; but we hope that they belong to a class which may be regarded as the leading principles of Agriculture ; and there- fore, may secure the attention of those for whom they are designed. In consequence of the fixed prejudices to change modes of culture, and the strong tendency to unbelief of promised advan- tages when modifications of a system of husbandry are proposed, it has happened that proiessional men have taken the lead and ad- vanced forward, when the regular bred farmer has stood still. The lawyer, the physician, and merchant, men of capital, who have been disposed to retire from their professions have been generally more ready to follow new modes of culture, and to engage in some- what more expensive experiments than the farmer. It is true, their example has not been followed immediately, and indeed, they have not always succeeded ; but their results have often been so striking, as to arrest attention, and it has worked in some waj r or other to the advantage of agriculture ; sometimes by exciting the pride or vanity of the regular bred farmer, who feels that he ought not to be outdone or outshone in crops or cattle ; and has there- fore, been led to attempt on his part to outdo a competitor, who has placed himself irregularly in the ranks of laboring men. By way of illustration, we may mention Livingston, who introduced plaster, by which the agriculture of Xew York was revolutionized. Liebig, a chemist, first prepared and recommended the use of the 8Ujperphosphaie of lime, which had a decided influence upon the progress of agriculture. The introduction of fertilizers of this class could not fail to suggest many others, and hence, a multitude of mineral substances have been tried with varied success. The faithful reader of the following pages may probably observe that certain facts and principles are repeated ia different parts of Vl PRL1 the work ; if so, it will be found that they stand in different rela- tions, and hence, are possessed of a greater value; we are not always losen by repetitions, when we can present them under a new phase. We have prepared this work, because we considered it necessary to carry out the objects of the survey. It is intended to prepare the way for other works which require a knowledge of the facts and principles contained in this. Agriculture is com- manding more attention than formerly. Products, which ten years ago were unprofitable, have become profitable, because of the greater facilities and a diminished expense in reaching the markets of the world. Every mile of railroad helps the farmer, as his pro- ducts are heavy, and are often both heavy and bulky. He re- quires, therefore, more than any other citizen, public facilities. As the world now moves, time is doubly imponant, and to attempt to reach a distant market with flour, corn or cotton, with the old six horse or mule team, would be utterly ruinous. It was impossi- ble to revive agriculture under the old dynasty, in . but the advantages of public improvements are now so stronglv felt that very few remain to oppose them: the great care which now de- volves upon this generation of active and influential men, is to direct them judiciously. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. General remarks. Obstacles which retard the diffusion of knowledge among farmers. Errors often due to imperfect observations. Case in point relating to acid soils. How experiments should be conducted. 9 — 14. CHAPTER II. The difficulty of classifying soils systematically. Varieties of soils. Soil elements. Derivation. Composition of rocks which furnish soils. Weight of soils. Average quantity of silex in soils. Carbonate of lime in soils. Losses which soils sustain in cultivation well established. Temperature an essential element in productive soils. Soils of the Southern States remain in situ. Organic elements of soil. Inorganic elements, etc. 14 — 27. CHAPTER III. The organic part of a soil and variety of names under which it is known. Changes which it undergoes, and the formation of new bodies by the absorption of oxygen. Fertilizers in North-Carolina. Green crops. Mutual action of elements of soils upon each other. Composition of one or two of the chemical products of soils, showing the sources of carbon in the plant. 27 — 32. CHAPTER IY. The mechanical condition of soils differ. Circulation of water in the soil with its saline matter. Capability of bearing drouth. How to escape from the effects of drouth. Temperature of soils. Influenced by color. Weight of soils, etc. 32 — 30. CHAPTER V. Mechanical treatment of soils. Deep plowing. Advantages of draining. Open drains. Plowing. Objects attained by plowing. Harrowing. Roller. Im- provement of soils by mixture. Hoeing. Effects of hoeing. 36 — i2. CHAPTER VI. Soil elements preserve the proportions very nearly as they exist in the parent rock. Weight of different kinds of soils. Most important elements of soil represented by fractions. Effects of small doses of fertilizers explained. Nature deals out her nutriment in atom doses, and so does the successful florist. 42 — 16. CHAPTER VII. Fertilizers defined. Their necessity. Mechanical means of improvements of soil. Fffeets of lime. Growth is the result of change in the constitution of the fertilizers employed. Organs have each their own special influence upon the fertilizing matter they receive. Provisions for sustaining vegetable life. A system of adaptive husbandry. Instances cited. Adaptation of a crop to the soil. What fertilizers will aid in ripening the crop at the right time. The source of fertilizers. Green crops. Peat. Advantages of a green crop. Marine plants. Straw. Losses of farmyard manure. Peat, how prepared for use. Composts. Fertilizers of animal origin. Solids and fluids. 45 — 61. Vlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIIL : excrements. Guana Composition and comparative value. l>i-crepances stated. 61- CHAPTEB IX. Mineral fertilizers. Sulphates. Native phosphates. Carbonates. Nitrates. Sil- icates. Abbes. Analysts of the ash of the white oak. Composition of ■shea Management of volatile and other fertilizers. 07 — V -L CHAPTEB X. The quantity or ratio of tt>e inorganic elements in a plant may be increased by cultivation. Source of nitr \ rific action of certain manures, particu- larly -alts. Farmyard manure never amis.-. Use of phosphate of magi.- Special manures sometimes fail, as gypsum. 84 — -7 OHAPTEB XL < m the periodical in crease of the corn plant. The white flint, together with the increase of h her organs. The proportions of the inorganic elem in the several parts oi their composition. The quantity of inorganic matter in an acre of corn, and in each of the parts composing the plant Remarks upon the statistics of composition. B7 — 95. CHAPTEB MI. Value of foliage for animal consumption depends upon the quantity of two differ- ent classes of bodies: heat producing and rlesh producing bodies. These two classes are the proximate organic bodies, and are ready forme 1 in the vegetable organs. Proximate composition illustrated by two varieties of maize. Their comparative value. Analysis of several other varieties of maize for the pur- | se of illustrating difference of composition as well as their different values. Composition of timothy, etc. Bfi — 100. CHAPTEB Mil. Composition of tuberous plants with respect to their nutritive elements. Irish potatoe. Sweet potatoe. Their nutritive values compared. 1"" — 102. CHAPTEB XIV. in of the ash of fruit tree-; BS the peach, apple, pear, Catawba trrapc. Amount of carbon or pure charcoal which some of the hard woods give )>y ignition in closely covered crucibles. 103—105. CHAPTEB XV. Nitrogenous fertiliz litable for the cereals. Correlation of means and end- which meet in fertilizers. The final end of nitrogenous bodies. The power to store up or consume fertilizers modified ly i tempera- ture Krror in cattle husbandry. staining the largest amount of nu- triment. Weights of crop.-, etc. Indian corn and turnips. Sweet potal The produce of an acre of cabbage, etc. 105 — 1 1-. SURVEY OF NORTH-CAROLINA. PART II, ACiRICULTU March, 1860. E. Emmons. CHAPTER I. General remarks. Obstacles which retard the diffusion of knowledge among Farmers. Errors often due to imperfect observations. Case in point relat- ing to acid soils. How experiments to be useful should be conducted. ;$ 1. Agriculture is regarded as an art and a science. As an art, its practice comprehends the preparation of the earth for the reception of seed, and the mechanical state best fitted for the perfection of a crop. As a science, it comprehends that kind of knowledge which re- lates to the structure and composition of vegetables, their adaptions to climate, soil, and the relation which any members of the king- dom hold to the forces of nature. The successful practice of the art, is more or less dependent upon agricultural science, though in the order of time, art preceded science. This fact may seem to contradict the foregoing assertion, nevertheless its truth may be made to appear from sundry considerations. In the first place, the practice of the art is founded upon the simplest observations when the soil was fresh from the hand of nature and rich in all the ele- ments of growth, when nothing perhaps was required but to gather the fruit and watch the progress of the seasons. When improvement was attempted more attention was required. The grafting of one kind of fruit upon another must have demand- ed a knowledge of the structure and functions of bark, stem and the circulation of sap. The success would depend upon a purely scien- :TH-CABOLDCA GEOLOGICAL SURVITT. tifi :ion, which wouii __ .per artistic mo . nt must frequently ha lent happens in vain to the man who neglects to think, eive the real nature of results and how they came to ] ia& : .lva>i laid the foundation of the beautiful science ° .me ace nee often or a hundred other men mav cot Lave awakened a single idea beyond the naked fa lent, therefore, though it may have done much for science ben it has occurred under tlu- thinking men ; in them alone will be awakened the _ : ac- .'. idea. ecident however that progress in science or the arts ed. An unexpected result may and often occurs which is turned to account; still, it is by a train of systematized ki; that agriculture must depend for its future prog:-- —. The owledge becomes the more we may hope from its gen- eral diffusion. -overned by the foregoing views we have pro] re- face a series of agricultural paper- _ as fully as the nature of the subject demands the eleme: ite ientific and practical a_ culture. In former reports, we have not entir I or iooked this part of the subject, but to add to the value of our o nltural investigations, it seems that something more than a few isolated principles should accompany the reports. The public mind is now awakened to the importance of book kn. _ .s it has been called. Old prejudices and old practices are g _ ay. . should be replaced by something more sound orrationa". more in accordance with recently established principles. In :.. culture there still remains much that is obscure or has not been :actorily explained. When a true reason can be given for modes of successful or unsuccessful culture, agriculture will then have attained it:- «tage of perfection. But agriculture re- quires extensive knowledge, and it will happen when th 9 si _••• has been reached, that agriculturalists will rank with the most learned of the profess: o& That it is pro.- - eh a stage we enter- tain no doubts ; for most of the natural history sciences are con- stantly contributing their discoveries itimate result. But results so desirable, time is an essential element, and no one XORTH-CAKOLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 11 should expect au immediate fulfilment when so much remains to be discovered and when no doubt, a great deal has yet to be unlearnt or must still bear a doubtful import. § 3. One of the great obstacles in the way of a general dif- fusion of agricultural knowledge, especially to the farmer who makes no claim to a scientific education, is the frequent occurrence of hard names or words. A book is often thrown down in despair when so much meets the eye which is unknown. How to get around this difficulty is not yet clear ; it is a difficulty which is complained of even by persons who have no just right for com- plaint. Even a word so common as ammonia, perplexes many, and although it is frequently translated hartshorn, yet how this pungent vaporous body can play so important a part in husbandry cannot be comprehended. There is certainly a grain or two of com- mon sense in this ; for as ammouia is usually spoken of, it would seem unfitting that it should enter the structure of vegetables as hartshorn, and that it is hartshorn itself which is so important to vegetation, whereas, it is no such, thing; it is only a body which, contains a needful element which it furnishes by decomposition. Its properties are due to powers conferred upon the vegetable kingdom. Knowing this body as a powerful stimulant to the sense of smell, does not impart to us a property fitting the sphere it is said to fill. It is so with many other bodies whnse names often occur, as sulphuric and nitric acids. Many points relating to these powerful bodies should be more fully explained, and no doubt much of the prejudice of common minds to book knowledge arises from a misapprehension of subjects. How, for example, can a person who has been told that ammonia and nitric acid or aqua fortis are fertilizers, but would at ouce question the validity of the information. Something more is necessary then, than to be told that certain bodies are fertilizers; they should also know the reason why they are so, and the conditions under which they become so. To understand these points, something must be known of the powers conferred upon the vegetable kingdom, as well as upon the state and condition under which simple or compound bodies be- come really fertilizers at all. A systematic treatise on husbandry requires that certain elementary facts relating to the origin or source of soils and nutriment of vegetables should be at least generally stated. \'l NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. § 4. The importance of established principles as they are considered in the present state of agricultural knowledge, induces us then to state somewhat in detail their practical bearing. Facts differ from principles. The latter are deductions from the former. It is often the case that what are regarded as facts are imperfect observations. Principles which may be deduced from supposed tacts may be, and often are, wrong. When practice is based upon observation, it is quite necessary we should not be mistaken in our facts. We may cite one or two examples of a mistaken theory based upon imperfect observation and an igno- rance of the functions which the vegetable kingdom performs. Thus the idea of an injurious acid in the soil is the basis of the applica- tion of marl and lime to correct that condition, and the inferenc- that the beneficial effects of marling is dm soldy to th< (torn oddity. The acidity itself is founded upon the growth of sh sorrel, pine and Other plants, which impart the taste of sourness to the palate. Sheep sorrel, however, grows upon poor soil — not upon an acid soil, for it often grows around lime kilns, where it is impossible that an acid should exist at all. "We have seen it grow- ing with great vigor through a stratum of air-slacked lime two inches thick, where it had been thrown from a lime kiln. We have seen sheep sorrel also covering a dry hill-side which had be- come poor by cultivation ; whereas, it is rare to see this plant growing in moist peaty grounds, where acids from vegetable de- composition are usually expected. The fact is. in all plants which impart to the palate an acid taste, we may be steered it is not due to an acid soil, but to the action of their own peculiar organization, and this acid will be found to exist under any condition in which the plant can bo grown. The soil has really no agency in its pro- duction ; for low sorrel seed in white pure sand and water, with that which is free from acidity, and the sorrel will be acid; it is characteristic of the plant, and independent of the soil in which it grows. Yet marl is useful, though, our notions of its action are erroneous; still the question is highly practical; it would govern our practice in the quantity to be Used ; for if it is merely wanted to correct acidity, a small quantity will suffice for that. Where;, it is maintained that it furnished directly or indirectly food to the crop, a much greater quantity will be required. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 13 § 5. Another instance of an erroneous view of the operation of lime was related a few years ago at an agricultural meeting by the President of a State Agricultural Society. He said, he had used lime on two different kinds of soil. 1st. On a sandy soil, and at a certain amount per acre. He could not discover the slightest ben- eficial effects. He therefore concluded lime was good for nothing for sandy soils. He then tried it upon a clay soil. This experi- ment too was a failure, as he could not perceive that his crop was increased in amount. His general conclusion, therefore, was that the benefits of lime had been greatly overrated. Xow both conclusions were erroneous, because all the facts oi the case had not been investigated. In the first instance the conclusion that the crop upon the sand was not improved by lime was true, but it does not follow that lime upon sandy soils is always useless, that contradicts the equally good experience of oth- ers. The fact was, the sandy soil was in a great measure destitute of organic matter, and hence the failure. We do no* stop now to state the reason in greater detail ; this subject will be considered fully hereafter. In the second instance, the clay soil, the conclu- sion that the crop did not appear to be benefitted by marl was no doubt true, but the speaker appears not to have at all apprehended the cause ; it was not because it was a clay soil, but because there was already enough lime in the clay, there being not less than five per cent. "We find, therefore, that the result of simple experiment, though made by the President of an Agricultural Society, may entirely mislead a community when all the associated facts are ignored. It turns out that lime is a fertilizer only upon certain conditions; those conditions must be complied with. "Where it already exists in the soil to a large amount, it can only be useful in a caustic state. In this condition it affects both the chemical and mechanical condition, but is not necessary to form certain com- binations by which a fertilizing substance is, as it were, generated or in part formed. Experiments then, to be useful, must be conducted with a know- ledge of all the essential points which bear upon the results obtained. The nature of the soil must be understood — the general composition of the fertilizers employed. In other words the experimenter must know what he is about. 14 'KTn-CAKOLEN'A GEOLOGICAL SUBVEV. CHAPTER II. The difficulty of classifying soils systematically. Varieties of soils. Soil ele- ments. Derivation. Composition of rocks which furnish soils. Weight of soils. Average quantity of silex in soils. Carbonate of lime in soils. L<- which soils sustain in cultivation well established. Temperature an essential element in productive soils. Soils of the Southern States remain < Organic elements of soils. Inorganic elements, etc. Soils cannot be systematically classified. "We may divide them so that, considered in the extreme, the strong lines of demarkation will appear quite distinct, as a clay soil and a sandy one, but these graduate into each other and the lines of demarka- tion disappear insensibly. So we find peaty soils, and in districts where chalk underlies the surface soil, we may distinguish a cal- careons soil, but both kinds lose their characteristics by intermix- tures of clay and sand. "We may however, say with truth, of any particular locality, that it has an argilaceons, calcareous or sandy soil as the case may be. Such a statement should be made, but this does not amount to a classification. We -hall not. therefore, attempt the arrangement of soils into a systematic classification ; it will be sufficient to indicate in our nomenclature the predominant element, whether it is clay, sand, lime or vegetable matter. It is not, however, proper to omit the statement that sand or silex is the basis of all soils except those in which organic matter greatly pre- ponderates, for, in clay soils silex still exceeds in quantity the clay, but still clay masks the silex, though it is less than one-half, and hence has to be treated as an argilaceons soil. But the real nature of soil is not fully stated, by any means when they are merely referred generally to the preponderating element, there is left out of view certain elements which, so far as fertility is concerned, are quite as important, though they exist only in minute proportions. We shall, however, take the ground that all the ele- ments of a soil are important, and take away entirely any on- them and its fertility will be affected for certain crops at least, if not for all. 7. The soil elements are only few, when compared with the number of known simple bodies: th is, while the known elements amount to about sixty-two or three, only about thirteen or fourteen NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 15 play any considerable part for the benefit of the vegetable kingdom. The latter arc embraced in the following list, viz : Oxygen, hydro- gen, nitrogen, sulphur, carbon, phosphorus, the base of silex, or silicon potash, soda, lime, magnesia, clay or alumine, iron and manganese. Iodine and chorine also exist in plants and soils. Potash, soda, lime, magnesia are compounds of oxygen and a metal, whose names terminate in um — as potassium, sodium, calcium, &c. The first seven which stand in the list, are unmetalic bodies, the last seven are metals. Oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen in their free or uncombined states, are aeriform bodies; the bthera are solids possessing different weights. The foregoing bodies or ele- ments exist in the rocks which compose the earth's crust, not how- ever as simple bodies, but in combination with each other, forming what are usually known as simple minerals. Thus, quartz, mica, fels- par, hornblende, talc, serpentine, carbonate of lime consist of these elements, and furnish them when they decompose or disintegrate into soil. The foregoing minerals constitute the great mass of the earth's crust. To take an example of the number of elements which a simple mineral as hornblende furnishes may be seen by the results of analysis. Thus hornblende, felspar and serpentine are compos- ed of HORNBLENDE. FELSPAR. BEKPENTIXE. Silex, 45.69 66.75 43.07 Alumine, 12.18 17.50 0.25 Lime, 13.83 1.25 0.50 Potash and Soda, 12.00 12.75 Magnesia, 18.79 40.37 Oxide of Iron and Manganese, 7.32 0.75 1.11 A simple or homogeneous substance, therefore, furnishes many soil elements, and as rocks, such as granite, gneiss, mica slate, horn- blende, are made up of several minerals in mixture, or are aggre- gates, we may see how a single rock furnishes all the essential ele- ments of nutrition. The rocks which are composed usually of simple minerals, yield one or two elements in excess : silex and alumine, and hence these necessarily predominate in most soils. Almost all of these minerals furnish other bodies in minute doses, potash, and soda, together with combinations of lime and silex, potash and soda with phosphoric acid. 16 XOBTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The latter forms such small proportions that they were at one time set down as accidental and unessential soil elements, but now they are known to be all-important. The mechanical condition and weight of any soil depends upon the existence of the predominating clement. Sandy soils have a loose porous texture while an argilaceous one has a close one. and may be impervious to water. The weight of soils is dependent of course upon composition : A cubic foot of dry silicious soil weighs,* 111.3 pounds, A sandy clay, Calcareous sand, 1 1 Loamy clay, Stiff clay, 80.3 Slaty marl 112. A soil richly charged with vegetable mould, • Common arable soil, The average weight is about 94.5S, and when charged with water will weigh 126.6 pounds. Soils which are formed from the debris of rocks, contain a large though variable proportion of sand and silex. Of one hun- dred and forty-six soils of Massachusetts, the average quantity of silex is 71.733. This is insoluble matter. The soluble and that which is fitted ultimately to enter into the composition of vegetables is about 15 per cent., of which '2. 075 is a salt of lime. The midland counties of X. Carolina furnish coincident results. But the eastern counties, which have extensive tracts of swamp lands, differ con- siderably from the foregoing. The silex and alumine in many large tracts, amounts to less than 50 per cent., and sometimes is even less than five, oi indeed must be classed as a peat unsuitable to cultivation. Of lime, which is so much talked about, and is truly an essential element in soil, it appears from hundreds of analyses, that it rarely exists in large proportions. Such is the case in the soils vt' New k. even where they overlie a limestone, its average quantity rarely exceeds one per cent., and in large tracts it scarcel}' comes * Dam's Muck Manual, p. 36. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 17 up to one-half of one per cent. In the western States there is about 1.50 per cent. In 48 European soils, noticed by Dana, it is 1.860. European soils agree generally with American ; all things, there- fore, being equal, their treatment with fertilizers will be based upon similar rules. We must not, however, disregard the influence of climate and temperature. These are important elements in agri- culture, but so far as the composition of the soils of all the great geographical divisions are concerned, their differences have arisen from cultivation mainly ; in their natural state they were much alike. § 10. Soils are analyzed for the purpose of determining their con- stituents. Under long cultivation some of the important elements are so much diminished that fertility cannot be claimed for them. We shall show hereafter how soils become infertile, and what becomes of the fertilizing matter. The proof that soils actually part with cer- tain elements essential to fertility has been fully ascertained and de- termined. This result is certainly due to chemistry, and it is a great result ; for, for a long time the contrary was maintained, and even now many believe that by a rotation of crops and good manipula- tion, soils may be maintained for an indefinite period in a state of productiveness. So, also, it has been believed, and is still in cer- quarters, that lands thrown out to commons, or to remain a tew years fallow, will recover their original fertility. The sooner, how- ever, such opinions are abandoned the better, as they lead to an erroneous system of agriculture. A destructive practice really grew out of the doctrine, it was the continued use of the axe and fire, followed by long fal- lows when exhaustion was nearly completed. It demanded exten- sive plantations, and had such a system of extermination of timber been followed in a more northerly clime, the loss of wood and tim- ber would have become a severe calamity. . 11. I have observed that temperature independent of the composition of soil is an essential element in agricultural practice. It often determines the kind of crop as well as the season when it is to be planted. In England maize finds an incompatible climate, and hence, as a substitute for grain wherewith to fatten cattle, root crops as the turnip is resorted to. Maize germinates in a soil when its temperature is as low as 60°, and also when it rises to 105. Germination is however arrested when the teinperture reaches 116- 120. In tropical regions the order of things is somewhat changed. l v NORTH-C GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. So much lieat exists in the period answering to our summer that wheat, barley and oats are sown in the coolest m< >': s. So in monntainor.- e peratare becomes the controlling elen In tlie latitude of tin in Europe, wheat cea- rmi- nate at 3400 feet which c- Is to the latitude of 64°. irresponding to latitude, Rje, at 4600, corresponding to latitude. Ba: - spending to latitude. In Northern New York at the bight of S e the ocean, wheat is an uncertain crop, or is liable t<> he cut off by an early frost : while oats, barley and rye come to maturity. Bo far appears that the solid masses the rocks, have little influence upon ] but at the same time cultivation never fails to produce its influence, that of impoverish- ing the soil. I have shown in a former report that the soils of the Southern States are not only formed from the rocks of the country, but that they remain upon the place where they are formed The proof may be found in every railroad cutting from Virginia to Alabama. Wherever a quarto vein penetrated the rock it remains unchanged in position, it presents the interesting and curious phe- nomenon of an irregular band which seems now to have been forced through yielding and soft materials. Quartz veins standing up: - feetunsup] - ft yielding mat< ran. - any tiling of the kind in New York or New England. There, at some f eriod such soft materials with their ve - of quartz were swept offby a mighty flood no doubt extended deeply or down to the solid plane of rock. flood however, has disturbed the debris of rocks in North-Carolina, ce it is no doubt true that this debris the 9t r.ncien* e, equaling h the Silurian or ~*ill there is no clue by which ita age can be exactly determined, p. This condition of the soil no doubt has some important influence i; its agricultural capabilities. The plough in many places must tinue to bring up for n unexhausted soil where the ma- penetrable. This new soil turned up by d i rer, is necessarilj -dally where it is derived from tin - and mica slate, hence it requires before it is really NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGtCAL SURVEY. 19 prepared to receive a crop to be exposed to the chemical influence of the air and the action of frosts whose effects are mainly to in- crease its fineness. § 12. Simple bodies enumerated in a foregoing paragraph seem to require a fuller notice, particularly as to their properties or func- tions as soil elements. When either of them is isolated they ap- pear to be neutral bodies; that is, they manifest but little disposi- tion to form combinations. Nitrogen and hydrogen would re- main in contact with each other for ages without entering into combination. Oxygen and hydrogen never combine when con- fined together in a vessel. A force is necessary to effect it in either case. A flame however, unites them suddenly, attended with a violent explosion. "When burnt in streams issuing from small orifices, they combine evolving great heat and intense light. The product of combination is water, and nothing else. Most bodies have a strong affinity for oxygen ; and hence, it is an element common to most solids. The air or atmosphere is composed of oxy- gen and nitrogen, water, of oxygen and hydrogen, iron rust of iron and oxygen ; potash, of oxygen and potassium; soda, of oxy- gen and sodium ; lime, of oxygen and calcium. The general term for compounds of the metals with oxygen is, ''oxide, as oxide of iron, manganese, lead, copper, Arc. Oxygen when isolated is always aeriform ; and has never been condensed into a solid or liquid. It is the essential element in combustion as usually under- stood, and is the only body capable of supporting life by respiration. When the word oxygen occurs we can scarcely fail to be remind- ed of it agency in sustaining life, and for supporting combustion. From these two facts, we may proceed farther, and call to mind that it forms a great class of bodies, called oxides. Neither can we fail to consider that it changes the condition of all bodies with which it unites. Water is unlike oxygen or hydrogen. Oxide ot iron has no property in common with either of its elements. ^ 13. Hydrogen, is the lightest body known, and is always aei- form except when in combination. It has neither taste or smell, * The word oxide, properly terminates in ide and not ydr, because in framing the nomenclature, this termination was fixed upon ; according to idiom it would be spelt oxyde. 20 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. and is never found in nature uncombined with other bodies. Al- though it exists in many bodies as oils, and those which are termed Organic, yet water is the body in which it most abounds — not that its proportion is greatest in water, but the general diffusion of wa- ter over the globe and in most bodies, makes it the great source of this element. § 14. Nitrogen, is another aeriform body, neutral and of little power ; it would seem almost destitute of affinty, for other bodies, if we judge of its perperties as it exists in the atmosphere. Indeed, though it has feeble affiinities, it is for that reason, an element of one of the most powerfully corrosive bodies known. Nitric acid for example is only oxygen and nitrogen, but who ventures to taste it the second time, notwithstanding we inhale the elements of nitric acid at every breath. What substance is more singular than ammonia, or harthorn, which is only nitrogen and hydrogen chemically combined. It will be seen in the sequel that nitrogen performs important functions in the soil. § 15. Carbon, is a solid. We feel relieved when a solid pres- ents itself, something to be seen and handled. It is pure in the diamond ; nearly so in anthracite coal, and in the purest charcoal. It has only a feeble disposition to combine with other bodies. Ileat materially puts its particles in a combining state. It forms with oxygen, carbonic acid, an aeriform body sufficiently heavy to be poured from a tumbler. If poured upon flame it extinguishes it, showing that though one of its elements is a combustible and the other a supporter of it, that it is itself an extinguisher when applied to burning bodies, and hence has been and may be used to extin- guish fires — when inhaled, it acts as poison to the system ; and yet in all organic bodies it is a basis of support. .' 17. The four preceding elements are often called by way of distinction, the organic elements of bodies ; because all bodies which are organized are composed mainly of them. The following examples will show more clearl} r than any other statement, the fact alluded to. For example, hay, in 1,000 pounds, is composed of: LltS. Carbon, 458 Hydrogen, 50 Oxygen, 337 Nitrogen, 15 NOKTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 21 in which is found 90 pounds of inorganic matter called ash, the product of combustion. Potatoes is composed of: LH3. Carbon, 440 Hydrogen, 58 Oxygen, -±1:7 Nitrogen, 15, Ash -40 lbs. Oats is composed of : , Carbon 507 Hydrogen, 64 Oxygen, 367 Nitrogen, 22, Ash401bs. Wheat is composed of: Carbon, 461 Hydrogen, °^ Oxygen, 434 Nitrogen, 23 > Ash 24 lbs. The constituents of animal bodies are quite different, though the same elements are usually found. Thus in lean beef blood, white of eggs, there is found: Carbon, 55 P er cent - Hydrogen, ' Nitrogen, 16 Oxygen, : . . 22 The propriety, therefore, of calling these four elements or- ganic is not improper; it is true, however, that inorganic mat- ter is always present. It seems to be necessary wherewith to form a species of skeleton, especially in such bodies as hay, oats, and wheat. In animal bodies, as hair and wool, sulphur is an im- portant element, as well as phosphorus. In the solid structures, as bone, phosphorus, an element of the mineral kingdom, is always present in the largest proportion. All good soils have their organic parts. When, therefore, the organic constituent of a soil is referred to, we are necessarily re- 22 XORTH-CAROLISA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. minded of the fact that it cons^ts of these four elements, carbon, _en, hyd nitrogen, or that it may he resolved into It is i t to be coi :. that there are numerous g to the organic kingdoms in which nitrogen is r sugar, and the essential . - Sclphub is a well known substance, of a yellow color, and a faint, peculiar odor. It burns with a pale blue flame, giving off at the same time a pungent suffocating vapor, which coi oxygen and Bulphurin combination. < >ne pound of sulphur will make three pounds vt' sulphuric acid, or oil o: S r is sent in many substances. Mustard seed contains it in a Is proportion j it is also alwj sent in eggs, and which in coi - - ace blacken- - in wheat it is ] irticula: gluten ; also in lean meat, and in hair and wool, in which it forms nearly one-twentieth of their weight. From its constancy in the ■table and animal kingdoms, it might be inferred that its appli- cation to the soil would be attended with favorable results, however, a striking example, illustrating numerous other c. that in a simple condition it is not at all fitted to fulfil the office of a fertilizer, although it is not entirely insoluble in water. It I be as officially in its simple stale for t;. M of protectii _ gel the attack of in- - cab- _ - But the sulphur of organic bodies, as hair, wool, must is derived from salts which contain it; g im furni- - j and other Bolphal s salts) e ite of ammonia, etc. In this fact we find an illustration of the power of organic to appropriate elements which are locked r. chemical combinations. Nothing is created in the it is only possible for it to decon- I appropriate such bodies as they require in growth, and each organ performs an ind<. dent office, and takes only that which its constitution demands. Thus the chaff of wheat differs in composition from the enclosed in : and the hair differs in composition from the skin, upon which it is supported. a yellowish, waxy substance, extremely inflammable, and even c - - at the ordinary temperature, but does not burst into a flame exec: rature is slightly ele- NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 23 vated. Friction upon a rough board sets it on fire. The common Inciter match is a good illustration of the fa -t. and the vapor given off in the act of combustion is composed of oxygen and phos- phorus. It is generally diffused in the organic kingdoms ; in certain parts, as hones, it is far more abundant than sulphur in other tissues. It is contained in the substance of brain. Wherever a compound Word, as phosphate of lime, phosphate of soda, etc. occurs, they will at once suggest to the mind of the farmer the combustible substance, phosphorus, or it may be the lucifer match ; but as in the case of sulphur, the simple body ph s connot be em- ployed directly as a fertilizer. Combinations of it must first be formed with oxygen, and then the acid thus formed must combine :i with bodies which are called bases, as lime and potash. These form the base with which a salt is the final result. In the condition of a salt then, which is a body composed of an acid and a base, both sulphur and phosphorus are brought into a condition in which they may be employed as fertilizers. The composition of the salt is indicated by it; name. Sulphate of lime, phosphate of lime, nitrate of lime, the latter indicating the presence of / and by going back a step, it will be understood that nitric acid is implied, a compound of nitrogen and oxygen. . The simple minerals from which soils are mainly derived, are felspar, hornblende and trap mica serpentine, talc, carbonate of lime. Their composition which has been given shows what ele- ments they respectively furnish for the soil. Silex, which we find in the condition of sand, is a common product even of serpentine. But of the others we find felspar furnishes potash and soda, and one kind of felspar furnishes lime. Serpentine and talc abounds in magnesia, and so, also, certain kinds of limestone, particularly those called dolomites. Hornblende furnishes lime and but a trace of potash or soda. Hornblende is, however, generally of a dark green color, a color which is mainly due to iron, and hence soils derived from hornblende and trap, which is also dark colored, are generally red, for the reason that the iron when set free from its combina- tions, takes more oxygen and forms thereby a red peroxide of iron. When we find a soil derived thus from hornblende, and knowing also the composition of the mineral, we safely infer that the soil will contain a sufficiency of lime. A felspar soil is often gray, but i'-i NOBTH-CAEOLIXA GEOLOGICAL SrEVfcV. when iron is present in one or more of the elemei. tnite, it will chaDge to a red which indicates a better soil than the gray. Granite soils are often very silicious. in which case they are coarse and poor or n a in consequence of the great excess of quartz in the granite. The granite soils f North-Carolina, De- rally very good, or are less meagre than in many other parts of the United State-. Where felspar and mica predominate over the quartz element in granite, the soil resembles an hornblende soil in color, and in composition we may expect a larger per centage of potf.- Hence we obtain approximately several important facts relative to the composition of a soil when we have ascertained its orL It will appear also, that this information may be obtained with greater exactitude in the Southern than in the Northern or Western States, where the soil has been transported to a distance from its parent bed. ... It has been stated that the original source of nutriment for the e and animal kingdoms may be traced back to the rocks and minera 1 . '11 required that we also show as correct!; -ible how the seemingly insoluble debris of the globe's crust be- comes food, or is fitted for its high and important function. The fact itself is based on observation and experiment. For example, the process of disintegration goes on under our eye-. We see rucks crumbling to a coarse powder which becomes by the continuance of atmospheric action still finer. If in any stage the composition of the rock is determined by analysis, it is found to consist of similar ele:: - "he debris may and often do. . portion of the i: mite contains in its felspar, potash or soda ; both substances are finally washed out by water, or are per- fect m their combina - 1 become soluble matters in the soil under other chemical states: those for example, which are called organic sl We are required to look upon a'. fthe earth as in . erv particle is in m thing at rest. Some compoui trne, are much more stable than others. Quartz for ex when un- mixed with other b But felpar and mica are constantly undergoing change. The same may he said of hornblende, trap, mi :jtine, talc, carb. of lime. etc. A double change is in pr g_ is mechanically divided ; and NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 25 2d. It is changed chemically. A piece of felspar, hornblende, or trap splits into thousands of particles. The surface is thereby -Tenth- increased. In this condition the carbonic acid of the at- mosphere acts upon its potash. This aids greatly in breaking up the affinities between the silex and alimiine, and the consequence is that in the masses the silex chrystalizes out; the bond that united ail the elements of felspar and formed an homogeneous mass is broken. In the original compound as felspar, the mineral was a silicate of alumine and potash, soda or lime, but carbonic acid having combined with one of the alkalies and formed a car- bonate instead of a silicate, both the silex and alumina are set free, and the particles of silex will come together, and those of the alumine also. In the first mineral we perceive the grains of quartz or flint, and in the latter the pure clay. Molecular force, as it is called, brings together like particles. Under the operation of these molecular forces, felspar will not be reformed, though all the elements are present at one time; but in process of time all the carbonate of potash is dissolved out. An ultimate result which is quite obvious from inspection of beds of decomposing granite is the finding of a pure white bed of clay, called porcelain clay, in- termixed with fragments of quartz, together with nodules of flint, as they would be called, and which are often hollow and their in- terior lined with fine crystals of quartz. The nodules are derived from the silex of the felspar, which was in combination with the alumine and potash. In this condition we see a perfect change of state. Analogous changes are in progress all the time. From the foregoing it may be seen that lime, potash, soda, x, etc., are originally rock constituents, which by a process ot decay become parts of the soil, and thereby accessible to the roots plants. So also sulphur and phosphorus belong to the common compounds of the earth's crust. The first is extremely abundant in a cla-< of bodies called sulphates or sulphides; combinations of metals with sulphur, as sulphuret of iron, so generally diffused in nature. It is known to be present by heating the body, when the peculiar bluish flame appears, accompanied with the suffocating r of sulphur. Phosphorus, though less common, is probably always diffused through granite, but it is known to be more con- stant and more abundant in that class of rocks, called trap, in which also potash and other alkalies are constituents. Hence, a- o. NoKTIMwr.oI.INA GBOLOOKAL SURVEY. trap, when it decomposes, famishes an aluminous* basil for a and ie at the Bame time impregnated with Bnlphnr, phosphorus, and the alkalies, their soils are eminently adapted to the wheat crop. The gluten of wheat requires sulphur and phosphorus well as potash in certain combinations. The organic constituents of the soil exist also as mineral bodies in the soils, and also rocks; oxygen in combination with all the elements of soil, hydrogen in water, and nitrogen in the nitrates, and the atmosphere diffused in the soil, where it is an active body, ever ready to form ammonia with hydrogen when water i- de- composed. A Mihstance which is not simple requires in this pli El further notice, because its office is an important one in the ble economy; it is carbonic acid. The atmosphere is regard* d as source. It is, however, generate*] in the soil. Its solvent prop- erties are among its most important properties. It is, notwith- standing, a feeble acid, and a feeble solvent, water charged with it lives rocks, and the indispensable compound, phosphate cflime, is dissolved by it, and being thereby brought into a soluble state by becomes accessible to the roots of plants when diff in* this menstruum. In the atmosphere it forms only one : thousandth part. It is maintained that leaves absorb it from the atmosphere, and obtain thereby the carbon required to build struc- tur< - . water in the soil holds it in solution, and from this furnished in a direct way to the vegetable. It is also furnished to growing plants by peat, and the changes which or* ic matter undi in the soil; there is, therefore, an aerial from which the leaves or upper structures of plants obtain it, and a sub-aerial source from whence the vegetable gets ft The latter are the channels by which the former i it to his growing crop. The organic part of the plant, that in which carbon is so abundant, is that which is consumed in com- bqstion. The products are all volatile, and hence, are dissipated. It is by far the heaviest and most bulky part of the vegetable. That which is left after combustion is the inorganic part, and con- ts of lime, silex, potash, magnesia, soda, iron. etc. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 27 chapter in. The organic part of a soil and variety of names under which it is known, changes which it undergoes, and the formation of new bod'es by the absorption of oxy- gen. Fertilizers in North-Carolina. Green crops. Mutual action of the ele- ments of soils upon each other. Composition of one or two of the chemical products of soils showing the source of carbon in the plant. § 2-k The organic part of a soil consist apparently of carbona- ceous matter, and taken as a whole, it is the brown or blackish part and which is consumed when ignited. Its appearance, indeed is due to a species of combustion which is carried just far enough to char the vegetable matter. In warm climates it is nearly all con- sumed, while in cold it constantly accumulates, and forms at the surface a coat of blackish mould. The term organic applies to this part of the soil. On the mountains of this State it is often more than a foot thick. In the swamps of the eastern counties it is often ten feet thick, while in the midland counties it is only sufficient to give a brown stain to the surface. It does not seem to accumulate in consequence of a slow combustion, or as it may be termed decay which takes place. In common language, the organic part is known under a variety of names, as humus, mould, vegetable mould. It is, however, a complex substance, and is constantly undergoing changes which promote vegetation. Chemists have obtained several distinct sub- stances from it. It is really a mixture of organic and inorganic bodies. A portion of the organic matter is free, that is, it is un- combined with the inorganic part. Other parts are in combination with lime, magnesia, iron, potash, soda, &c. The latter are soluble, and also fertilizing matters, and play an important part in vegeta- tion. The cause of this intermixture of organic and inorganic mat- ter is to be traced to its origin. Thus, organic matter being the debris of the vegetables which had grown upon the soil, it must necessarily contain also the inorganic part which belonged to the living vegetables. From this fact it may be inferred that this mat- ter is, in the proper proportions, to be employed by any subsequent crop. § 25. Vegetable Matter after death passes through a series of chemical changes, which gives origin to the numerous compounds 2S NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURV1-.Y. found in organic matter. These changes are due mainly to the absorption of oxygen. The first substance formed from woody fibre after the death of the plant, is ulmic aeid. Another portion of oxygen changes ulmic acid into h umie acid : and the last is changed into geic acid; on a farther oxydation it passes into crenic add / and finally by the same process into apoerenie aeid. In an old soil, all these bodies exist simultaneously. The most im- portant, or those which are immediately active, are the three la>t, geic acid, crenic and apocrenic acid. All tho foregoing bodies are the products of the decay of plants, when exposed in the soil to air and moisture. They cannot be distinguished by sight, and the whole mass is simply a homogeneous brown substance. But it is richly charged with the elements of fertility. We may omit the details respecting the chemical constitution of these bodies. It will be sufficient to state in this place, that they are feeble acid3 ; and yet possess considerable affinity for inorganic matter, lime, magnesia, ammonia, potash, soda, iron, etc.; so much bo as to combine and form with them salts, which are at once in the proper state to be received as nutriment into the tissue of growing vegetables. This organic matter, however, is remarkable for its affinity for ammonia; the result, therefore, is that this im- portant substance may be detected in vegetable mould, though it may be chemically uncombined with the foregoing acids ; it may be present as a mixture, yet being present, it Avill be disposed and ready to combine with the crenic and apocrenic acids, in both of which nitrogen may be always detected. Organic salts, formed by the union of organic acids, with lime, magnesia, potash, ammonia, etc , are the proper food for plants; and hence, it will be a maxim with the former to take such measures as the nature of those sub- stances require to increase it upon all occasions which occur. The greater the amount of these salts in his soil, the greater his crops. '. From the foregoing statements we may deduce the follow- ing principle, that thert is a mutual action ofth. organic and ganic parts of ih> soil wpon each other, and that to thi tility is, in a great measure, du . In order thai these mutual actions maybe better under-loud, we proceed farther and state, that those substances which are called Silicates, have but a .-light it' any tendency to act upon each other. They are, however, gradually decomposed by carbonic acid, the NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 29 effect of which is to form with the base of the silicate a carbonate. Thus in the case of granite and similar compounds, the felspar and mica which are silicates, are slowly decomposed, and the alkali, as potash, or alkaline earths, as lime and magnesia, or even iron and manganese of the rock, lose their silica, or are disengaged there- from ; and the carbonic acid combines with them. These being soluble compounds, are liable to be washed out and carried to the sea, while the insoluble silicate of alumina, or its pure form, remains behind. The consequence of this is, that the soil is relatively richer in clay than before, and the longer the chemical changes are going on, the larger the quantity of clay in the soil ; and it is agreeable to experience that soils become stiffer by cultivation. By this pro- cess they become less adapted in the course of time to certain crops in consequence of this change of constitution. Large districts which once grew the peach luxuriantly, seem to have lost in part the power or ability, or, at any rate, the peach tree does not thrive so well in the oldest districts of New York and New England, as it did in the early period of their settlement. It is not possible prob- ably to be satisfied fully with respect to the cause why the peach is cultivated with difficulty, but the fact that the soil by cultivation becomes more close and compact, may be remotely connected with the change we have stated. It, has been attributed to a change of climate, but it is not true that the climate has changed, and hence we are disposed to refer the change in question to a change in the soil. § 2~. In North-Carolina the natural supply of fertilizers exists in the marls of the lower counties, together with the organic matter of the swamps and bogs. The two exist often in juxtaposition. Experience has proved that marl applied to exhausted lands is often injurious. Now this exhaustion extends to the organic matter, though it also exists in its inorganic also. But experience further proves, that however large a quantity ot the latter is applied, little benefit is secured so long as the first deficiency exists. We may see the reason why no organic salts can be formed in the absence of organic matter. The inorganic matter cannot find the proper elements with which to combine, and which the constitution of the vegetable requires. The practical inference is, that marls should be composted with organic matter, as leaves, straw, and weeds, which are free from seeds, or anything which has lived. Or, an- 30 NOKTH-CAEOLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. other plan may be pursued — supply the organic matter from a green crop, as a crop of pea-, ploughed in. In certain parts "f the State, clover or buck-wheat may be resorted to. The gain arising from the latter practice, arises from the ability of these crops take from the atmosphere the organic element-, and deliver them to the soil, a process over which the planter or farmer has trol, except the institution of means. Under many circnmstai the organic matter may be supplied more cheaply by sowi than by composting. The importance of organic matter in soils has been sustained by the experience of ages; but there was a time when this point was denied by the ablest Chemists of the age. It was maintained, that the ash or the inorganic part gave to the soil all that was impor- tant, and hence certain practices were recommended which were in accordance with this theory, such as burning manures, burning turf and the like. Happily, this question has been set at rest, and the best Chem'sts admit those views which the experience of ages has confirmed independently of chemistry. 5. But the point which bears more immediately npon the principle respecting mutual actions, comes in play Bnbsequentrj the decomposition of the silicates; which, so far as inorganic mat- ter is concerned, are inert; but the lime and alkalies once freed from their original combinations with silica, becomes fitted to act at once npon organic matter, and form with it salts. This decom- position may take place where no organic matter exists by the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, but it happens that organic coin- pounds furnish also carbonic acid to the soil; for it is displa when carbonate of lime or potash is acted upon by an organic >alr. Crenic acid, acting npon carbonate of lime, sets free the carbonic acid, and this, in its tarn, acts npon the silicates to decompose tl and thereby sets the alkalies and alkaline earth also tree. There is then a double mutual action, as it were, constantly going on in the soil, by which nutriment is furnished to the crop. Some physiolo- gists maintain that the i vf <> living hody^ as the root of a growing plant, effects decomposition similar to the action of sul- phuric acid in converting starch into BUgar. However this may be we are inclined to believe that the root has power to act and effect changes upon the elements of soil which are unknown in the laboratory of the chemist; and many substances which are insolu- NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. SI ble by chemical agencies, become soluble by the action of the roots of vegetables. '. The foregoing facts and principle do not change at all the action of the farmer ; they go to sustain his practice in providing fertilizers by means of composts, formed by mixing the organic and inorganic bodies together, and for the purpose of giving them time and opportunity to effect those chemical changes, of which we have spoken. These never fail, while fertilizers in other states do. The foregoing are some of the chemical changes which take place in the soil, and which are mostly due to the presence of organic matter. All the facts go to prove the importance of organic matter, and the necessity, therefore, to supply it when from any cause it is wanting or deficient in quantity. § 30. In addition to the lime and other mineral bodies which the organic salts furnish to plants, it is plain that carbon is also one of the elements supplied. To make this plain we annex the com- position of one or two of these organic bodies. Humate of am- monia consists of: Carbon 6475 Hydrogen, 5.06 Oxygen 96 99 Nitrogen, :;.'7 Hum ate of ammonia, it will be perceived, contains more than half its weight of carbon, which may be taken up in the circulating sap. llnmic acid is composed of: Carbon 65.80 Hydrogen Oxygen, 96. 89 It will follow, from the foregoing, that carbon, which forms the largest part of a vegetable, is not derived entirely from the atmos- phere. The soil, through the medium of the roots of the plant. furnishes at least a part of this essential element. In certain pla as wheat, rye and oats, it is very possible that all the carbon is derived from the soil; while in beans, clover, lucerne, etc., a 1;. proportion may be derived from the atmosphere. 32 KTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY . CHAPTER IV. The mechanical condition of soils differ. Circulation of water in the soil wfl matter. Capability of bearing drouth. H from the effects of drouth. Temperature of soils. Influenced by color. Weight i. The mechanical or physical conditions of soils differ a ing to their composition, and these physical differen not be disregarded. It is well known that a day soil contains under ordinary circumstances, more water than a mixture of clay and sand, and much more than sand alone. This fact may or may not become a serious injury to growing crops. It will depend upon the season. If it is very wet serious injury may be expected, or if it is very dry the crop will suffer, but not in the same way. AH surfaces, whether composed of clay or sand, become dry by the evaporation of water, and the evaporation not only effects the sur- face but extends to a great depth ; water seems t<> rise up to the surface from beneath to supply the waste. In confirmation of this view it i- not uncommon to find a saline matter upon the Burihee in dry weather, which has been in solution in the water brought to the Bnrface by this process. In many places in Wake county, X. C. the naked soil in ditches is covered with an incrustation of sul- phates or iron and alumine. an astringent salt injurioi tion. This incrustion is formed only when there > a drouth : a gradual process. In countries where a wl, - dry, the Boil - whitened with nits. Rains - them and they sink again into the soil, though a portion will be carried away by water. An effect of a drouth upon a clay soil is to cause a shrink- age of the mass. It will then become ;-till more difficult f to penetrate it. and hence, when drouth occurs early in tie. the crop is starved for want of nutriment, the I te mnotf through an impervious mass. Bol sand .-imply dries without di- minishing its bulk, but this process takes place with greater rapidity than upon clay soils, the latter being 1 more retei moisture than the former. - of water to the surface from beneath, is familiarly illustrated by the putting of water int.. the saucer of a flower | its rise to the surface is well known. Flower pots are watered 1 XORTH-CAROLIXA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 33 common rain water or charged with fertilizing matter which is con- veycd to the roots. In long continued drouths when the water rises from a depth of 4 or 5 feet, instead of carrying up matter com- patible with the nature of the plant, the astringent salts take their place, injurious effects to vegetation take place in addition to those which arise directly from the want of rain. These injurious salts are easily corrected by the use of lime or marl. When they reach the neighborhood of the roots if lime is present, it will decomj - the salts and form gypsum. Fruit trees which send their roots deeply into the soil are often injured by the presence of these salts. From the foregoing facts it is evident that the subsoil should be examined for poisonous salts, and when the ditches or deep layers are exposed in cuttings for roads, and should become partially incrnsted with astringent salts, it will be important to institute means for Correcting this condition of the deep subsoil. £ 33. The foregoing remarks apply to those varieties which are purely clay or sand. Composition may modify results materially ; if for example a soil whose composition retains a preponderance of clay and yet has a due admixture of organic matter and lime, its ability to stand a drouth is greatly increased — for organic matter and lime not only retain moisture strongly, but they affect the tex- ture favorably, and counteract the tendency to excess in shrinkage. § 34. As drouths in North-Carolina are much more injurious than excess of rain, it becomes a question of importance to know how t<> guard against their effects. The first point to be attended to, is I drain deeply. This will affect gradually the texture of the clay : it will become more porous, while its natural affinity for water will not lie diminished : that is, it will be sufficiently retentive while the excess of water will be drained off. Clay may be regarded as requiring a specific amount of water ; but at the same time its ca- pacity for receiving and holding a greater quantity than this, is proved by experience. Another change may be affected by the free use of organic matter, which, when mixed with the soil, makes it porous. In the cultivation of not only clay soil-, but sandy ones, crops should be planted as early as possible, that the surface may be protected by the shade of the growing crop. To be able to plant early, in clay Boilfi especially, the water must be disposed of by drainage. Two weeks may be saved in many cases by drain- age : that is, the land will admit of the plough two weeks earlier 3i NORTll-CAliol.lNA QBOLOOIOAL SlUVKV. in drained, than in nndrained lands. Give a crop of corn two weeks more of growth than another piece equally well prepared, and tin- former will live through an ordinary drouth without in- jury, while the latter will nol become halt' a crop. § .".."». Absorption of moisture from the air takes place principally during the night, and nnabsorbative power is less in sandy than cjayey soils. This respite from heat, which eanses so much evapo- ration durjng the their composition. Water in all soils favors a low temperature because the evaporation carries oft' heat in the invisible vapor which rises from the surface. So long a> an active evaporation goes on the surface continues cold, hence in swamps and bogs where the sup- ply is inexhaustible, very slight changes only occur during the summer. When the surface becomes dry it begins to rise, and if the air is only 60° or 70° in the shade, the soil will absorb and accu- mulate heat and may rise to 90° or 100°. Color has much effect upon temperature. The darker the color, all things being equal, the greater is the ahsorhative power. The correctness of the < imon opinion with respect to the natural cold- ne-s of light colored clay Bolls is correct. § .".7. It i-* Btated by g ■■ d authority that the amount of evapora- tion from an acre of fresh ploughed land is equal to nine hundred and fifty pounds per hour for the first and second day- an< r plowing. The rapid evaporation diminie ry day. Evaporation begins :i by hoeing, but the moist surface thus exposed lias other func- tions besides -the evaporative one. Moist surfaces are much better absorbents of ammonia from the atmosphero than dry ones, ami one of the most importani effects of stirring the soil often, arises from it- in- crease in absorbative power. Water in the soil i*. disposed of by forest leaves or by the vegetable kingdom. A single tree 8^ inches in NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 35 diameter and 30 feet high expired from leaves in 12 hours 333,072 grains of water. § 38. An acre of woodland evaporates 31,000 pounds in 12 hours. During the summer, embracing 92 da} r s, the whole amount of evaporation will amount to 2,852,000 pounds. Forests and vege- tation generally largely aid the disposal of excessive water in the spring. Water of course accumulates in the soil during winter. Our wells receive their supply and springs have their sources of water replenished. It is true, however, that the removal of forests presents a seem- ing anomaly, for where large tracts of country are shorn of their trees and forests, there the head-waters of our rivers fail or dimin- ish. Evaporation is greatest from a shorn surface, and a country is on the road to ruin when its woodlands are mostly destroyed or consigned to the axe. But woodlands require a change. Rotation is as necessary to the forest as to the successive crops of the farmer. We see this in the death of pines over large areas of this State. The idea that death was caused wholly by insects is fallacious. In it we see, in part at least, a natural effort to change the kind of vegetation. Oaks and hickory replace the pines. For hundreds of years pines had been the staple products of large tracts in this State. Is it therefore remarkable that a light soil containing the true pabu- lum of life for the pine, should have been nearly exhausted and the pine should have thereby become weakened and more liable to disease than formerly ? § 30. The absolute weight of different soils is also variable. A cubic foot of clay, with its moisture, weighs about 115 pounds. The same quantity of damp sand J 41 ; while peat, with its water, weighs only about 81 pounds. The weight of soils affects the labor of tillage. More force is required to lift a sandy soil than a clay. But the texture or compactness of an undrained clay soil more than makes up for its less weight. In every point of view the farmer is encouraged to ameliorate the mechanical condition of his plantation. The first point requir- ing attention is its water or drainage, for when a soil is water soaked, good crops are only to be made in the most favorable season. A subsoil of clay beneath sand is ameliorated by draining, though the top may appear to be sufficiently dry ; for the clay may be :TH-CAR0LI2»A GEOLOGICAL SI "KVKV. rded as a reservoir of water, just as the tilled saucer beneath the flower pot. We may recognise in all these facts two currents which maybe found in soils: a downward current, which disposes of surface water, and an upward current, when the surface water ime exhausted. This arrangement is a wise one, for if there were no upward currents plants would perish, both for want of nu- triment and water during drouths. This result would be far more likely to happen in the case of the cereals and cultivated cr than in the plants which grow naturally in the soil. CHAPTER V. Mechanical treatment of soils. Deep plowing. Advantages of draining. Open drains. Plowing. Objects attained >>y plowing. Harrowing Roller. Im- provement of soils by mixture. Hoeing. Effects of hoeing. X> doubt the proper mechanical treatment of soils • important part of husbandry and farming. By mechanical treatment we mean plowing, hoeing, harrowing, etc. If contrasl mical treatment or with the use of manures, it will be evident that unless the mechanical tr- the ■:■ and ex F manuring will I ably there is no g which is executed bo po< rly in Norths the mechanical treatment of s-.ils. It fails ffective for want epth. It is tree, we believe, that climate should !• when the question of deep pi _ - sh"ii!d be had to climate will appear from what has been said in the foregoing r with res ed surfaces. Under the mor fnl influ I :n's - in the Southern ion may whether the plowing which in New-York is called «n 12 to 14 inches deep, might not result in two greal But whether tin- qu< - s I in the affirmative or no*, it will >~0ETH-CAR0LINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. be found true that deeper plowing than is usually practiced will be attended with greater Buccess. Preparatory to plowing stands draining j not always, but fre- quently. An important question to be answered is whether any given tract requires this preliminary treatment. Observation may readily return the reply. If water stands upon the surface only a few hours after a rain, it is probable draining will benefit the tract where it stands. If a bed of clay lies near the surface it is called for even if the top is sand. All swamps and bogs of course require it. In all the eastern counties there is a continuous bed of imper- vious brick clay, which often is not less than one foot from the surface, and its materials are often blended with the sand where it lies deper. This yellowish white clay will frequently be found cropping out in ravines where its position may be determined, and having determined its position, it will aid in solving the question of drainage. This bed of clay varies from four to seven feet thick, and is overlaid, and also underlaid with sand. These sand beds vary in thickness, and are always above the marls, unless we reckon among marls the recent shell bed of the coast. In drain- age it is unnecessary to cut through the brick clay: ir is sufficient to cut deeply into it, though the drainage will be more perfect if it is cut through. Another indication of the necessity of special drainage is furnished where springs issue near the surface. These are always thrown out by an impervious stratum. This impervious stratum may be sought for in ravines, or by boring with an auger of a suitable length ; its depth beneath the surface may thereby be determined. ji -i'2. Sandy clays which are sufficiently cohesive to be formed into balls by the hand when moistened, will require drainage. In drainage we not only have regard to surface water, to draw that off, but we must cut into the impervious stratum sufficiently deep to take out the water confined in its upper layers or I I her- wise the soil will rest on a bed always saturated with water, and always giving it off from the surface in vapor, and hence, Mill maintain a surface too cool for the growth of cotton or corn. Another fact should be th'-ught of and become more compact and clayey by cultivation; and though in its new state crops were sure and certain, yet, in process of time, a change takes place. The greatest change is in the subsoil, which 3S RTH-CAftOl LOGICAL SUEVirr. becomes partially consolidated by the infiltration of the oxide of ir<>n and carbonate of lime. Free percolation - - ind this partially indurated stratum should be cut through to res f water. Breaking it up with a - - not suf- ficient with many pens ns; this pan, as it is called, must cut. Experience, however, justifies \ 1 no harm ever foil Jr. .m the practice. g 4:;. Drainage lias been spoken of and recommended in the preceding chapter, but one or two advantages should be more d - tinctly stated. It is the openness which follows, and by which air penetrates freely the strata. The advantages, or it should be said the necessity for oxygen in the soil. Is ally where inic matter ex we have shown that oxygen must change the vegetable fibre into hum Ic and oj All these changes are accompanied with the div ment too of carbonic acid. If the vegetable fibre is confined in wet soils, it is converted into a peat only, in which state it is not fitted for vegetable assimilation. But in soils air must circulate: and when it is too close and compact, circulation can be effected only by drain; ._ From the foregoing, it is plain drainage effects two objects*. B 44. 1. It raises the temperature of the soil by sending the water in subterranean channels to distant parts. 2. It opens the texture of -oil and per/nits the free of atmospheric air. Both the mechanical and chemical wants of vegetation are pr ded for by drainage. Among the advanta training one has already been follj stated; but still, let it not I s "ten that ''•r. where soil is drained, and it may and will happen that to an earlier planting a good crop Es mainly due. A result of this kind, together with a larger crop for one -. will more than pay the expenditure incurred in the operation. But when a general system of drainage for the country lias been carried out, the general health of all its citizens will be secured. Stagnant pools will not ex:>t : the water of wells will be improi and the climate will be measurably changed. Nothing can be more important than the sanitary effects of good drainage. The great source of intermittent fever is in stagnant waters. It is true we cannot prevent the freshets which give origin to miasmata, but NORTH-CAROLINA (,!■:« 'LOGICAL SURVEY. 39 even here, drainage will have a salutary influence by carrying off at an earlier day the surplus waters. The volume of this water is replaced by air. Hence it is plain that a very important change must necessarily take place. While soa ;ed with water, which contains but little air, no chemical changes take place which produce fertilizing matter. The changes are preparatory only, but the peaty matter or peat itself, will re- main peat, or become real coal forever. But draw off the water and replace it by atmospheric air with its active principle, oxygen^ arid a new order of things begins. § -t.">. Drainage is not neglected in North-Carolina, but its tern is detective. Open drains are usually made; they effect the object less perfectly than til Ing when properly laid down. The former are obstructed by the growth of weeds, and the banks are in part closed to the free exit of water. They are also incon- venient, and hence, it is to be hoped, the time is not tar distant when tile will lie used. These remarks, however, are applicable to the uplands, the swamps must be drained by open ditches and canals. ,^ 4n\ The operation next in importance to drainage is }>h By the plow the surface is designed to be pulverized, should be pulverized, or else the operation is badly performed. The condi- tion of the surface must be right, or else it will be imperfect, how- ever skilful the holder of the plow may be. If wet, it should not be undertaken. This is a settled and well known point, but it is not always observed, for a large amount of pressing work in the spring may in one sense compel a farmer to plow before the s"il is dried. Plowing is an old custom, and the experience of the world says that nations have prospered and communities prospered in the direct ratio that this operation approaches perfection. We throw- out of mind all that u\ done in a new soil full of roots and stumps. Great crops of corn have been raised where the plow could not run. But every old country where roots, stumps and briars have been disposed of and the soil has found its level, there the plow must run. The importance of plowing is fell everywhere, is shown by the inventions of mechanics and farmers to perfect the machine and make an instrument which is adapted to all surfaces and depths to which the machine may be driven by cattle and the hand of man. The evil arising from plowing wet land is the lumpy condi- 40 WOETH-CABOUNA GEOLOGICAL MJKYKY. ti<»n of the furrow mas?, and as these dry they become really indn- rated in the sun. and the consequence frequently is, that such a condition of the soil remains for one or two years. her important principle differing in kind from the foregoing at furrows should not run down hill ; they should encircle the vl or hill-side in order to divert streams from a direct descent, and thereby cut a side-hill ditch and finally lead to the formal of unseemly gullies. These, however, an ily unseemly, hut :ind especial care needs be taken in working the erlying the free-stones of tin- 3 The first tiling to be effected in plowing is good pulverization, the next is to open the soil to a sufficient depth for the roots to spread themselves, and an indirect benefit is secured when these two ends are accom fhat of helping a crop through a drought without injury. The reader will understand the mode in which this conn inir the principles already stated, dug and the formation of gullies Is also prevented in part by deep plowing. The subsoil plow is called into requisition to deepen furrows, but not to bring the broken substance to the sur- face. By deep plowing, especially if aided by the subsoil plow, the soil will absorb double the quantity of rain, and hence, minish the amount which would otherwise escape in - -ver the surface, and thereby carry off good soil, and tend to the for- mation of gullies. Pulverization, an open, porous condition for roots to penetrate, depth for absorption of rain, together with a perfect mixture of the matters of the soil and fertilizers, are objects to be attained by plowing. These are all to be kept in view. • 7 : le harrow and bnsh become necessary to break the Inmpe and form an even surface for the reception of seed. The whole operation of seeding and providing for the g< rmina- admit of its repetition in field cr To supply the place of the hoe the cultivator comes in. and no doubt its more frequent employment in dry weather, not simp' kill weeds and break sods, but to create a moist surface which will absorb ammonia, and which is now known to be so needful to all crops. Dry surface has little or no absorbative power as may be shown by introducing a ball of dry earth into a tumbler, or receiver of hartshorn in vapor. ( IIAPTEK VI. Soil elements preserve the proportions very nearly a- they exist in the parent rork. Weight of different kinds of s -i important elements of >oil rep- - of fertilizer explained. Nature out her nutriment in atom doses, and so does the successful I . It is well established by experiment and observation, that the soil contains, in its ordinary state, all the elements the NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 43 ble kingdom needs. It is also known that all may be, and are probably derived from the solid rocks of the globe; and hence it will follow that the composition of the soil will not differ materially from the parent rock from which it is derived; and what is partic- ularly worthy of note is, that the proportions of the elements will be found in the soil as they exist in the rock; and that where an element or compound is in excess in the rock, so it will be found in the soil, and where the proportion is small in the rock so it will necessarily be small in the soil. We propose in this chapter to state the quantities of elements in soils, and it will appear that though many important substances are extremely minute when put in a table of the common form used in chemical analysis; yet, if calculated therefrom in absolute quantities per acre, they are very large. We have given the weight of cubic feet of sandy, clayey and peaty soils ; these data will give the weight of a layer of soil of the area of an acre and one foot deep. A granite soil with its usual state he square foot, and the superficial square feet of an acre weighs 3,520,000 pounds. If granite is composed of two-fifths quartz, two-fifths felspar and one- rifth mica, its composition will be represented by the following: Silex, 74.84 Alumina, .... 12.80 Potash, 7.48 Magnesia, 99 Lime, 37 Oxide of iron, 1.98 Oxide of manganese, 12 It will be seen that in this and all other analyses of' rocks and soils, that silex and alumina constitute by far the- largest parts, while those elements which seem the most important to the veget- able occur, or are represented by fractions, and generally the frac- tions are much less than in the case selected. The potash given is the potash of the rock, and thus never occurs in the soil, ami the frac- tion which should represent the potash of a granite soil will not ex- ceed one-half of one per cent, in consequence of its solubility. But if it equals the lime, .37, the amount of potash in one hundred pounds of soil will be three-eighths of a pound. If the- per centage 44 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. amounts to one-half of one per cent., there will be over twenty tons of the substance in the mass of soil, one foot thick and within the area <>f an acre. The small per centages, therefore, in an analysis, when calculated for a field, become large and important figures; and even where the Chemist makes his note as a trace, and which indicates its presence, without being able to weigh the element, it is still sufficient to meet the wants of vegetation. It is still greater than the farmer employs even when he nsea gypsntn, and much greater than when guano is employed. The interesting quesdon then comes up, how can the great effects of guano be re- conciled with the small quantity used f Two hundred pounds of guano to an acre, sown broadcast upon a wheat field, produces visible effects as far as the field can be seen when growing, and is known to double the crop. How can the great effects, then, be accounted for when the quantity is so small that it would be diffi- cult to detect it in a pound of soil ? We may conceive it to be explained in this way : It is all dis- solved and evenly distributed in the mass of soil, and is brought directly to the roots of the growing plant in the right condition to be taken up. It is not the absolute quantity called for by the crop, it is the state or condition of solution. Supposing four times a- 711 uch used, and hence the solution would be four times as strong, would it produce quadruple effects? certainly not. Experience does not sanction the doctrine ; instead of good effects, the crop would be hurt, or if taken up by the rootlets at all, it is too strong, a7id the probability is that much would not be taken up, as the strength or suspended particles of nutriment could not be received into the vegetable tissue- at all. We account then for the striking efforts of apparently homeo- pathic doses of fertilizers, on the ground of their solutions being adapted to the months of the spongioles through which the nutri- .ment triust enter the vegetable organis7n, and the adaptation in this state to the constitution of vegetables. All concentrated doses an rejected. All floriculturalists who produce beautiful flowers, employ ageate extremely diluted. < Hhers. who do not understand the business of feeding beautiful plants, attempt to cram them with too much and too rich solutions; the consequence is, the plants are killed outright, or else become yellow, their leaves drop, the whole plant indicates suffering. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 45 It is highly probable too, that a farmer might produce results as beautiful as the florist, by pursuing like means; applying his fer- tilizers in a state of extreme dilution, in which case it is evenly distributed to roots and in a state in which it can be taken up. Facts constantly occurring in the analysis of soils, favor, and even sustain the doctrine. For how much soluble matter is there in one thousand grains of soil ? It is possible to obtain one and one and a half per cent, consisting of 12 to 14 substances. Nature seems to dole out her treasures; instead of dealing liberally as be- fitting her, she gives atoms. There are practical principles in the facts developed. If soluble substances are employed, they too must be dealt out in atoms only. A few atoms at a time only are found in solution in the soil. The vegetable organism is only fitted to receive atoms; and in this we see adaptations which must bt repeated. It is true, turkeys, swine and men may be crammed and fattened ; but this system will not succeed in raising wheat, cotton or corn. CHAPTER VII. Fertilizers defined. Their necessity. Mechanical means of improvements of soil. Effects of lime. Growth is the result of change in the constitution of the fer- tilizers employed. Organs have each their own special influence upon the fertilizing matter they receive. Provisions for sustaining vegetable life. A system of adaptive husbandry. Instances cited. Adaptation of a crop to the Boil. What fertilizers will ripen a crop at the right time. The source of fer- tilizers. Green crops. Peat. Advantages of a green crop. Marine plants. Straw. Losses of farm yard manure. Peat, how prepared for use. Composts. Fertilizers of animal origin. Solids and fluids. § 52. A Fertilizer is a substance which promotes the growth of vegetables. In this definition is included water, and a great va- riety of bodies which would scarcely be ranked under the name of manures. The latter term is generally applied to the excrements of animals, and yet, it has a wide signification, so that when we 4:6 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL 6URVET. have really determined the number of bodies which may be clas- sified under it, we find that its meaning is as extensive as that of fertile r. '■■ The necessity which lias given rise to the use of this class of bodies, is the excessive taxation of the natural resources of soil for the support of much greater crops than the soil would sponta- neously produce, and this taxation being prolonged century in, and century out, the necessity now for resorting to their use and here- after, has become a fixed institution, established in absolute do- minion upon the money and labor of all who have anything to do in agriculture in earnest. The improvement of the soil by me- chanical means extends farther than the simple movement of it in a certain way, turning it over with the plow, breaking op the compact matter at the bottom of a furrow, exposing fresh surfaces with the hoe or cultivator; for in all these there are excited chem- ical actions, whereby combinations promoting growth take place. So also the employment of chemical bodies do not end strictly in chemical changes; mechanical ones result from chemical actions. Witness the effect of quick lime upon a clay soil ; it becomes porous and light, even more so than by the use of the plow and hoe; besides, it is a. permanent change in texture as well as com- position. From the foregoing facts, it will be seen how one system of improvement connects itself with another, and that the institu- tion of one system of means sets in motion those which seemingly belong to an opposite kind. We repeat that mechanical agencies result in chemical, and chemical ones result also in mechanical. All means, therefore, for improving the soil belong to double systems, excepting those instances where a fertilizer is selected with reference to a single result, as is often the case in most of the soils; as in sulphate of ammonia, nitrate of potash, or phosphate of lime. But still, fertilizers improve soils by chemical agencies, and we shall now consider them in this ranee of their functions, leaving out of view any mechanical results they may produce. ,' 64. All applications of substances designed to promote growth do not always act by the results of change in themselves, nor In- inducing chemical changes in others prior to their introduction into the organism of the plant. But by far the greater number of fer- tilizers undergo a change somewhere before they are assimilated, NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 47 or become incorporated into the vegetable body. We cannot think of any thing, how much alike it seems to the constitution of organ- ized matter, which must not be changed in its chemical constitu- tion before it finds its destined position in the vegetable structure. Water, it is true, acting as the vehicle by which food is conveyed inward, passes through and out again by respiratory pores and un- dergoes no change ; but, what it transmits, must be changed. The actions of organs have much that is special ; each organ its own wants, and its own apparatus to supply them. The husk of a ker- nel of grain demands its supply, and though it gets a supply from the common circulating store, yet its organization elaborates from that supply, something quite different from that of the kernel, leaf or stalk. The changes indicated are regarded as chemical, with what, and how much right, we cannot decide. There is a vitality in each and every part and organ ; how much is to be attributed to this principle has never been agreed upon ; but it is supposed by some that this principle is a force or power controlling the move- ments in question ; yet, the changes in the substance are like unto chemical products taking place independently of this subtle force called vital. But the foregoing is a departure from the track or line in which we designed to move. § 55. But before Ave speak of the fertilizers we may profitably look at or consider the natural provisions for sustaining vegetable life when left to the workings of its own unaided machinery. The machinery consists of organs for support and reception, discharge and growth. The first are the roots, which consist of a tapering stem which sends off threads terminating in a congeries of exceed- ingly minute orifices, which are called xpongioles, whose office is to obtain, and we might perhaps say, select nutriment. The second class of organs are the leaves. They exhale water, in vapor of course, from pores which are mainly located upon the under side. The water is pure, though it has been the carrier of food, as it is called, from which has been manufactured salts, sugar, starch, ex- tract, gum, woody fibre, etc. The superfluous water escapes from the surface of leaves. But leaves, besides performing the office of exhalation, perform that of reception, or of absorption. This office, however, appears to be an important one in the clover and allied plants; while in the cereals, it is much less so. The move- ment of water (and when impregnated with foreign matter, is 48 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SUKVKV. called sap,) is upward and outward, so as to distribute it to the new growing organs. It passes into cells in its upward progress, where it is changed or assimilated, and becomes by its passage through them, perhaps by the action of its walls, uegetalised, If we may Coin a word answering to animalised. There is motion in all di- rections, but the currents tend upward and outward, so as to reach the extreme bud and leaf. This is a necessary result, because the bud, leaf, and extreme of the branches seem to be the source of the force by which circulation is carried on. In the workings of this imperfectly described machinery, which may be regarded as belonging to a tree, we find organs which are but temporary in their office, and which therefore require periodical renewals. These are the leaves, fruit and bark. The permanent organs are the trunk with its limbs, and the roots. The growth is both aerial and sub-terrestial. The latter keeps pace with the former; the roots spread equally with the branches, and that the roots may be fed they penetrate outwardly into new feeding grounds, which like the leaves, bark and fruit in falling after decay, help supply the necessary nutriment. They re-supply in part, and once again tra- verse the organism. 56. Time, also, is not to be lost sight of in the range of enqui- ries relative to fertilizers. It may be, and is. of great importance to get an early and good stand ; the result of the crop may turn Upon this one point. Hence, what treatment, what fertilizer will best fulfil the end sought; for instance, in a crop of tobacco or cot- ton '. What is wanted is an early, or indeed an immediate effect ; one which will not retard the germination of the seed, but which will act gently upon the infant plant. The dose, too, is an impor- tant consideration; a tea-spoonful of broth is not too much f<>r the infant, while a table-spoonful, which an adult stomach would man- age, would be too much for the former. There is another enquiry in range of the specialities we are con- sidering. What fertilizer will ripen a crop at the best time and manner I This may not have been thought of so frequently as some other questions; but the tobacco grower's attention has been turned to it. This crop mast ripen evenly before frost; and as it is a leaf ripening, not a seed, an organ which has no connexion ■with the organs by which the plant is propagated, but is supplied 'i cellular tissue, which may grow and develope itself indefinitely, NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 49 and which, under the influence of abundance of nutriment, will keep green ; this organ, the leaf, may not ripen at the right time, and may ripen quite irregularly and the crop he half spoiled. The problem, then, for the tobacco grower to solve, is, what fertilizer will spend its powers and exert its properties to the best advantage in order that the leaf shall not grow too large, but expend or exhaust its power before frost, and thereby promote its ripening at the right time ; for, as long as the leaf is encouraged to grow by the fertilizer employed, it will not stop to ripen. The leaf is under a different law from the organs which propagate the species, though even these may not put forth their powers when the woody system is over stimulated with nutriment. A system of husbandry which is now called for is adaptive, or to use another term of like import, should be as far as possible special; by which we mean, the use of those means of improvement which are adapted to the soil crop. It is now proved by experiment, that phosphatic fertilizers are better adapted to the growth of turnips than ammoniacal ones, and that a combination of ammoniacal and phosphatic are best suited to wheat. These are instances of adap- tive husbandry. How many such instances will be established by experiment and observation we cannot tell. But their discovery is in the right direction ; it is a progression towards perfection. So also as to the mode of application ; abundant experience and obser- vation ] oint to the fact, that surface application is the true mode for grass lands. But it may not be the best for corn lands ; it may not supercede a more immediate application of certain fertilizers to the hill of corn. So again, the adaptation of a crop to the soil and to the condition of any particular kind, is an established principle. Clayey lands are better for wheat than sandy, and sandy soils grow ryo better than they do wheat. But observations in this direction are older than those which are established relative to the special use of fer- tilizers. The enquiry is and has been in the mind of every farmer, what is this piece of land adapted to? What kind of crop will be the most profitable? and the consequence of this kind of enquiry lias been to establish many important practical results which are now acted upon every day by our best farmers. This field of im- provement conies first in the order of time; and from the nature 50 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVKY. of tilings, lias made greater progress than that which comes from the special use and adaptations of fertilizers. § 57. Fertilizers belong to the three kingdoms, and it will pro- mote a systematic view of them by adopting a classification cor- responding to their origin or source. The most striking difference in these classe9 is their hulk and the quantity which is to be applied. Those fertilizers which are derived from the Vegetable kingdom are bulky ; and hence, one important result is secured, which cannot be obtained from the others, especially the mineral kingdom ; they lighten the soil and make it more open than the other two; a result which is due from bulk alone, while, if porosity results from mineral fertilizers, it is in consequence of chemical changes in the soil. Mineral manures are more special than vegetable or animal; which arises from the fact that they are less complex in their composition, or consist of two or three elements only. We might have made another class, inasmuch as some of the most favorite compounds are composed of substances derived from the three kingdoms. These are comp and it might at first sight be inferred that guano ought to be classi- fied in both the mineral and animal kingdoms ; but it is plain that what is strictly mineral in it is secondarily derived from the animal kingdom only ; as it consists of the excrements of bird-, who have subsisted mainly upon fish or other animal bodies. .^' "> s . Vegetable fertilizers do not fnrnish exclusively ve<_ r e f able matter, they also yield up mineral matter, which has already been mentioned under the name inorganic. It is that which ha- been taken up and fulfilled its functions in the vegetable organism, and now, after its death, it is again seperated by a -cries of chemical actions, ami restored again to the soil. It is probably Hie be-! part of it, and sooner or more easily soluble, or more quickly prepared for its reception into the vegetable organism than the unchangod elements of soil. £ 59. Vegetable fertilizers are matters which have decomposed J their particles separated as well mechanically as chemically : in fine, which have passed through a series of changes which have resulted in the formation of a class of new bodies. The vegetable loses its green, and is blackened, as if charred, but at the same time is softened and becomes pulpy ; the fibrous structure disap- pears and the organization is broken up. It has become subject to NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 51 chemical laws. The common term is rotten or rotted. All vege- table matters pass through the same changes, whether matured wood, twigs or leaves. Matured wood requires more time, but ul- timately it will become a mixed fertilizer, and have a value pro- portioned to the kind of inorganic matter combined with its quan- tity ; for observation and experiment proves that the pines, poplars and willows have less mineral matters than oak, hickory or birch: and certain parts have more than others. The bark of the oak is richer in lime than the wood ; the twigs and leaves are richer in phosphates than the wood, and the fruits are worth more for fer- tilizers than other parts, because they contain more potash and phos- phates combined. One thousand pounds of the willow wood will enrich the soil four and a half per cent., while one thousand pounds of dry leaves will enrich it at the rate of eighty-two per cent. Leaves then would bear hauling much farther than the saw dust of willows or pines; hence, it will be perceived that leaves must produce a much greater effect; they are richer in the money elements. Fertilizers belonging to the vegetable kingdom are used in a green or in a decomposing state, as in green crops, plowed under and in the condition of peat, or peaty matter formed in bogs, and in a state of partial decay Green crops are fertilizers of the first order, being decomposable speedily in consequence of the full charge of sap which they con- tain when plowed under the sod. They change into a light black mould and assume the condition of a compost heap. A crop is selected for this purpose which grows rapidly, has extensive roots, and is supposed to obtain its stock of materials in part from the at- mosphere This last is considered a clear gain. The extended roots concentrate the mineral matter in the plant, and if its roots run deep, bring up fertilizers beyond the reach of the wheat plant. At any rate, whatever the green crop contains is laid down in a layer some four or five inches beneath the surface, and is really a magazine of food. The red clover and buckwheat are employed most frequently in the northern and middle States, while the pea is best adapted to the latitude and climate of North and South-Carolina, lint all that part of Xorth-Carolina which lies north of the Central Railroad, may sow clover instead of the pea. But the pea is a richer plant, 52 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. especially if the plant is mature, and its pods filled with fruit. The pea lias long roots; we have found them twelve fee: l'»ng. Green manuring is not confined to the plants named ; all the clover class, as lupin, lucern, etc., borage, turnips, and wild mustard are sown in Europe for the same purpose. '. The advantages accruing from green crops are numerous, but they are both mechanical and chemical; the development of ammonia, nitric and carbonic acid within the soil and which therefore are in the best condition to be absorbed by it, belong to the hitter. It is maintained that a green crop plowed in enriches the soil as much as the droppings of cattle from three times the quantity of green food consigned to the soil by the plow. Another advantage claimed is, that about three-fourths of the whole organic matter is derived from the atmosphere. This is the most likely to be true in the clover and bean family. Those who reside near the sea may obtain sea-weed, and plow it in, in the same condition that it is cast upon the shore. Sea- weeds decompose readily ; they yield both organic and saline matter, and are nearly equal, for potatoes, to barnyard manure. Sea- weeds are a specific fertilizer for asparagus, a sea-shore' plant. The coast of Xorth-Carolina, however, does not abound so much in this class of fertilizers, as the northern rocky shores of the Atlantic. The foregoing fertilizers are employed in their wet state. The fol- lowing are spread upon the ground dry. s: 61. Straw of all kinds are used as fertilizers. In the condition of straw or hay, which is a plant dried in the sun. the decora | tion is comparatively slow, even if buried in the soil. Mixed with animal matter in heaps, its change is rapid ; fermentation is induced which soon reduces the mass to a bulky consistence. 01 the libre of the straw is separated or broken, and admits, thereby, of a ready incorporation with the soil. Fertilizers undergoing a series of changes in the yards where they are formed are subject to a considerable loss of weight. The figures given by Johnson are the following. A recent mixture weighs, for example, from 4o' to 50 cwt. After 6 weeks, weighs LO to M " - After 6 weeks, weighs 38 to 40 " After when half rotten, weighs SO to •'!."» •• And when fully rotten, weighs 20 to L'5 " NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 53 A loss of more than one-half of its weight during the time re- quired to make what is called short manure. But it is not a loss of one-half its value. It may be infered that the principal loss in weight is water, though ammonia and carbonic acid also escape. But an informed farmer would stop the loss of valuable parts by the use of absorbents, as plaster, weak solution of sulphate of iron sprinkled over the heap or mass, while fermenting. By these means, if the loss in weight was not entirely prevented, it would greatly diminish that which is regarded as valuable and be confined to the watery parts. Covering the dry manure in the soil answers the same purpose. Among the dry materials generally discarded by our farmers is sate dud It lies in great heaps around the sites of old saw mills, and has never, in this State, been employed as a manure. It is true that it generally consists of pine, still, on sandy lands, applied in small and repeated doses, it will supply organic matter and prepare the way for a satisfactory use of marl. One hundred loads to the acre is a suitable quantity. This should be spread and ploughed in. § 62. The seeds of all plants are richer fertilizers than the stems or leaves. Cotton seed is in great repute, indeed all that furnish oils seem to be well adapted to promote vegetation. Rape seed (Brassica napus) is equal to cotton seed, but is too valuable for its oil to be employed before expression. The cake which remains is still valuable. § 63. Peat is one of the most common materials which has been employed as a fertilizer, and has received the same sanction of those who have used it, and as it is widely distributed it is neces- sary to notice it in this connexion. It may be regarded as the basis of all composts. It may be employed by itself, provided it is brought by sufficient exposure to the air and moisture to pass into a pulverulent state when mixed with the soil. If lumps of peat, which have dried in the air, are buried in the soil, they con- tinue in the condition of lumps as a nuisance for two or three years, but if kept moist in a heap, and a species of fermentation is excit- ed, it then pulverises and mixes readily with the soil. Peat is best prepared for crops by composting it with other sub- stances. Johnson gives the following formula as the best, all 54 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVKY. things - iered, especially with reference to the cost of materials, and the .Inch are produced: dust or earthy peat, (muck.) 4" bushels. Coal tar, 2" gallons. 7 bushels. Sulphate of soda, 'glaubers salL=. i 1 cwt Sulphate of magnesia, (ep. salts, i H cwt. inon salt, 1 i cwt. Quick lime, 20 bad) naterials are mixed and put into a heap and allowed to ferment three weeks; then turned and allowed again to ferment. when the compost is ready for use. :npound is compared with guano, both as a fertiliz hay and tnrnips. . hay. per imperial acre : PEODrCX. <^06T. Nothing 416 stones. '<'>. fertilisers of Animal Origin. — It will be superflr, enumerate all the kinds which are referred to the animal kingdom. It is sufficient to observe that everything has been or may be em- ploy ed for manures which has lived. All parts, all organs, hair, wool, skin, flesh and bone, help make up the list. To the foregoing we may add the animal liquids, blood, and the excrements both solid and liquid. As in the vegetable kingdom, they posse-- ent values. A knowledge of their composition furnishes a reason why they are ell as how they act. Bone is composed of: Phosphate of lime - Soda and common salt, Carbonate of lime Fluoride of calcium, -'iOO • Jelatirx- ■ 100.00 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 57 In adding dry bone pulverized there is added thirty-three per cent, of organic matter in gelatine. Bones are employed in a dry state after being ground or crushed. They of eonrse act slowly in this condition, but with excellent re- sults. The most popular mode of employing bone, however, is as a super-phosphate, as it is called. This substance is prepared by mixing one half of its weight or its whole weight, which is better, with sulphuric acid, (oil of vitriol.) previously diluted with three times its bulk of water. The materials require repeated stirring: When the solution is effected, a pasty substance is obtained. Two modes of applying it are recommended. The first in substance, in the condition of a powder. This is obtained by mixing with char- coal powder, dry peat, saw-dust or a tine vegetable soil. If it is wished to drill in this fertilizer with the seed for a crop, as wheat, the powdered state as above may be resorted to, or if it is designed to use a solution, it is necessary to add forty or fifty times its qnan- tity of water, when it may be applied to the crop with a water cart. The latter mode brings out results much more speedily, and as farmers are anxious to see immediate effects, the hitter may afford more encouragement to use those fertilizers which belong to the first class. 66. The comparative results as determined by experiments of the two forms of bones, the crushed and dissolved, should be given in this connexion. Thus, while 16 bushels of crushed bones gave ten tons and three hundred pounds per acre, two bushels of super- phosphate gave nine tons and twelve hundred pound.- ; the latter approximating very closely upon the former. But this statement taken literally, does not reveal to us the state of the case, for the- latter lias cost something for its preparation, but the difference in, the loDg run will be found to be much less, inasmuch as the pow- dered preparation will continue to fertilize the soil for the next 10 without additional expense ' y and yet the following practice we would recommend, viz : for all cultivated crops, as turnips,, corn, oats, etc., to use the super-phosphate on the score of speody action and immediate results : for long continued use. as for pas- ture? and hay, the ground bones. The powder will be slowly dis- solved by the aid of carbonic acid and furnish thereby ;v constant supply of food for years in succession. So also, as a fertilizer for vines and fruit trees, the bone in substance answers a better pur- 4 5S NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. pose than the super-phosphate. It is no object to over immure a vine or tree; what is wanted is a steady and constant supply. When a great growth of vine and limbs is obtained by great doses of fertilizers, the wood is not perfected, and the tendency will be to develope imperfectly consolidated or unripe wood rather than fruit; there will be an over-burthen of the latter. Even uncrttslted bmies buried among the roots of a vine produce the besl of results. In that way, the bones are, as it were, penetrated by thousands of spongioles, which, by a power not well understood, supply from these comparatively insoluble bodies, all the nutriment they require of this kind, for heavy crops. The experiments of Wohlee show that bones are soluble in water without the aid of carbonic acid. Water which has been filtered through a mass of bones, has always contained phosphates in solu- tion. But it appears that the quantity dissolved depends partly upon the stage of putrefaction which they have reached ; and hence, it is inferred that fresh bones kept wet will furnish this im- portant fertilizer in a mode cheaper than that which is usually pur- sued. § 67. Horn (horn core) is composed of: Water, 10.81 Phosphates of lime and magnesia, 4ne earth. In accounting, however, for the effects of guano, we should not lose sight of their complex composition. This fact is brought out in the following analysis : TOELKEL Urate of ammonia, B.94 Oxalate of ammonia, 1 3.35 Lime 1' Phosphate of ammonia, fi.4."> " Lime, I.M " Ammonia and magnesia, 4.19 Soda, I Muriate of soda, Q.M Sulphate of soda, 1.19 Potash, 4.22 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 63 Muriate of ammonia, 6.50 Water and organic matter, 5.90 Clay and sand, 28.31 This elaborate analysis is selected for the purpose of showing the complexity of composition of guano. The most valuable parts of it, it will be ceen, are the ammoniacal sabs and phosphatic salts. In some varieties the guano is weakened by sand and clay ; it is often much less, rarely more, unless adulterated. Potash is usually regarded as existing in too small proportions to effect its value, yet it is found as a salt in this case to be larger than usual ; the per centage rarely exceeding one per cent. It may be expected, there- fore, that this deficiency may be observed in the course of a few years of U6e. >J Ti. The length of time during which guano acts is estimated variously by observers, though all agree that the guano of the rainless districts have a shorter life than those which are preserved upon a rainy coast. The reason is obvious. In this climate the former are expended in two } T ears; the latter, as they resemble bone earth, last longer, — at least twice as long. It must be admitted that guano, in this country, has laid agricul- ture under immense obligations. It has encouraged, or, indeed, inaugurated a new system, and has given that impetus to it which will never die out. The advantages of guano in the Southern States are numerous. By its use old fields are brought into bearing immediately, and bear at once money making crops. Several years are required to resuscitate an old field in the ordinary mode of procedure. The result, then, is the saving of time. On cotton and tobacco its influence is felt strongly in securing early a good stand. Its influ- ence is continued down to the right period for ripening, and no doubt in those cases where the proper quantity is used it ceases to grow, and the process proceeds regularly, and thereby secures uniformity ; a point of the greatest importance where a high priced tobacco is the object. The quantity of guano per acre, which is useful, seems to be tolerably well determined. Very few use more than two hundred pounds to the acre. Curious, as well as instructive experiments 64 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. are given in Johnson's elements of agriculture of the effects of Quantity on a crop. Thus: QUAirUTX OF <.CAKO. EFF»T ON THE TCKMP CROP. OK THE AKTEr. TROT Of WHEAT. 4 cwt. to the acre, (Scotch.) 18 tons of good turnips. Good wheat. x cwt. to the acre. 14 tons very indifferent. Inferior. f Looked, when young, won- | Stuble black, grain derfullv well, but there dark, and not larg- 1G cwt. to the acre. \ ..... , ,, . ± , , - ., .' was httl, bull, m the end, cr than small produce 10 tons. rice. (riiano is accused of acting injuriously when its use is protracted. The probable influence of guano, when used for several years on the same area, is to cause an exhaustion of those elements in the soil which the guano cannot supply. Potash is probably bo much diminished that it ceases to furnish it to che crops. However this may be, it is evident that its use increases so largely the quantity or weight that to supply any element from the soil alone would diminish the stock or magazine in a greater ratio, and hence more speedily than ordinary crops. Hence, as the supply is derived originally from the rocks, and never can accummulate under these circumstances, though every year adds its atoms to the soil, yet it is used faster by far than it is produced ; the consequence is, the stock will be too much diminished to supply the wants after an uncertain period, and the soil will actually become poor in one or more elements necessary to the cultivated plant. If potash is deficient in a soil, and is the result of the excessive use of guano, the addition of leached ashes will supply the defici- ency ; but a mixture of well pulverized peat and ashes with guano will best supply the deficiences of tin's fertilizer. It is doubtful whether the use of guano ought not to be intermittent. A.8 we have said, it saves time in resuscitating old fields. If, after one or two years, guano is dismissed, and the fertility is kept up afterwards by vegetable and mineral substances composted together, the evil of exhaustion will be averted. .' 7."). In consequence of the high price of guano, an article of an inferior value is often brought to market, or else it is adulterated. Chemical changes also affect its value. It is not easy to form a judgment by oecnlar inspection. Those which are hrowri have un- dergone those changes which approximate a decomposition, which NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 65 discharges a large proportion of its ammonia. Hence, the lighter the color the less change it has undergone, and therefore the better. A strong odor of ammonia is a good indication; if not free, a trial may be made by mixing a spoonful of it with air-slacked lime in a glass ; ammonia fumes ought to be exhaled if good. Too much water is indicated by its mechanical condition. Fifty-five dollars per ton for water is a poor investment. Guano then should be dry. If much sand is intermixed it may be detected by mixing it with water in a tumbler, giving a little time for subsidence, pour ofl" the top, repeat the operation a few times, and the quantity of sand will remain at flie bottom of the tumbler. There is another experiment which it is easy to perform for the purpose of determining the quantity ot sand, and if weighed, the result maybe quite accurate. Heat the weighed quantity to redness, when the volatile matters, ammonia and others of that nature, will be consumed or dissipated. Dissolve the remainder in dilute muriatic acid of the shops by ap- plying a moderate heat. The remainder will be sand or other use- less earth. Elaborate analyses are too difficult and expensive to be undertaken for a moderate quantity of guano, but the foregoing may be resorted to and ought to be; for they may account for a failure, or explain more satisfactorily the results upon the crop, whether remarkably good, indifferent or bad. Much, however, must be trusted to the character of the merchant. ;$ 76. The money value of animal manures cannot be accurately determined for many reasons, so much depends on the season, and circumstances under which they are employed. It is only the theoretical value which chemistry fixes. This is undoubtedly to be trusted, but it often happens that an inferior manure thus tested baa a better influence than one which has the highest chemical or theoretical value. It seems to be settled that the value ot a manure for a given crop depends upon the quantity of nitrogen it contains, and tables have been constructed which are designed to express this fact. It is assumed, however, that a selected example is reprcst fit- ed by a given number, it may be 1000 or 100. This is the standard with which the others are compared, and it may be interesting to consult a table constructed upon this principle, and also occasional- ly useful. The following is given by Johnson: 66 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SCBVKT. Farm yard manure, 100 taken as a standard, Solid excrements of the cow, 125 " horse, Liquid excrements of the cow, 91 " horse, 16 Mixed " " cow, M u horse, 5 i " u sheep, pig Dry flesh 3 • Hi's excreta Flemish liquid manure, - Liquid blood 16 1 »ry do 4 Feathers, 8 Cow hair, Horn -having? Dry woolen rag-s 2 i There is considerable truth, no doubt, in the foregoing table, in- asmuch as experience supports it so frequently, that in the minds of many it may in fact merit a high degree of confidence. But in the example, woolen rags rank in this scale as high hat is. gf pounds of woolen rag8 p oooooo as much fertilizing power ad 100 pounds of farmyard manure, is doubtful; the practice of wast- ing them, however, should not be tolerated. According to the chemistry of pig ivments, 5 pounds are worth as much as l'i< > pounds of farmyard manure. Reliable experience^ and all that Johnson* has said of it in another place, seems to sustain in part this view, but all things considered, it is -is ranked tod high. ♦Johnson's Elements of Agriculture, p. 213 — 1-t. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 67 CHAPTER IX. Mineral fertilizers. Sulphates. Native phosphates. Carbonates. Nitrates. Silicates. Ashes. Analysis of the ash of the white-oak. Composition of peat ashes. Management of volatile and other fertilizers. 7. As the name implies, mineral fertilisers are derived from the miueral kingdom. They comprehend exactly the common ele- ments of soil, and differ from them only in being isolated and in large quantities. Marl does not differ from the carbonate of lime in the soil; phosphate of lime is a soil element, but we procure it in quantities and intermix it with soil, and then call it a fertiliser. The process of fertilization consists simply in resupplying what has been removed, or adding it when it is from the start defective, or entirely absent. The fanner, in fertilization, goes to work and sup- plies from the mineral stores of nature what to him is wanting to make his crops grow. § 78, This kingdom is rich in fertilisers, the number exceeds those of both the vegetable and animal kingdoms. A- a class, they are composed of combinations of two and some- times three elements, which, as a whole, is termed a salt, and they resolve themselves into two parts. i» base and an acid : thus sul- phate of lime is a salt, and consists of lime, which is the base, and sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol.) which is the acid. Virtually, it seems to be simply a base and an acid : still, lime is a compound of oxy- gen and calcium, and oil of vitriol of sulphur and oxygen : there is. therefore, three partners in the concern — <.///;//<. sulphur : ml calcium. Now in its action, it is not calcium, but lame ; and though sulphur seems to be dissolved in certain animal fluids, yet it is generally the compound of sulphur and oil of vitriol which is found in the organic tissues. In the mind of the farmer oil iff ■vitriol should not be strongly persistent: for, in combining with lime, or iron, or a base, this powerful substance loses its sour, caustic properties, and the gypsum formed is really one of the gemtiewtf mildest anil modest bodies in the whole mineral kingdom, notwith- standing it contains that audacious consumer of all things, oil qf vitriol. i 79. But we propose to consider somewhat in detail the mineral fertilizers under the heads they are ranked by writers upon agricul- 6S NORTH-CAROLINA. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. tural chemistry, and to make such remarks upon them as we may deem useful to the planter. It need not be inferred, it appears to us. that because a Bubstanca is classed with minerals, that its mode of action differs mate; from those derived from the vegetable kingdom, or that they are selected by the r - plants and taken up by them in a different mode. In the vegetable and animal economy, they must be ie- garded as necess - :id cannot be dispensed with, though in quantiry they are necessary unly in small pro) v ■. are no donbt taken up into the vegetable onaaaV 'sm. and if decomposed by the roots or other agencies in the soil with- out • - bur which exists in may plants, could not bo - torily accounted for. Being taken up as sulphates, the plant has i decompose them and appropriate the sulphur and the base of the salt 31- " gypsum. This substance is feebly soluble in water. In i:> purest crystalline condition, it is trai - rent, and iaealle : when massive it is white or gray, and often granular, or else compact when it forms the common gypsum of agriculture, and which may be distinguished from carbonate of lime or marble by its softness, and not effervescing with acids. It »fi - as to be scratched by the finger nail. It occurs abundantly in nature, but is never found associ;. with primary rocks, as granite, mica slate, _ :c. Tin- - be recollected. Then is no plaster in North-Carolina unless it is sd with the sandstones of Orang tham or Moore. The agalmatolite, resembling - ne, has been mistake j in- deed, tru - a r'teii mistaken for it Gypsum is usually, anied with Bait B] _ salt, ami the only indie;. thai g n may occur in this state are the : inc this formation. reac ecific action on the clovers and] of this natural <-r first used to grow a crop of cloven This, after being fed ofl' in part by stock, is plowed in ami the wheat NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 69 then sowed. It is thought by many farmers in the wheat growing districts of New York, that the system of clover, gypsum and wheat, with alternate rests, is the true system of rotation, and following it the lands will remain as fertile as they ever were. This view, how- ever, it is difficult to reconcile with the fact that several elements are removed with every bushel of wheat sold, which gypsum can- not supply; the natural result, insolvency, ought to follow, as the supply of food is limited. Gypsum has a tine effect upon the Irish potatoe. It is sown broadcast upon the leaves or foilage when it is hoed the first time. Grass lands are also improved by it. Gypsum appears to be useful to wheat in this way ; the grain is first soaked over night, and when wet is rolled in plaster which adheres to it; when it is sown, it is covered with a coat of gppsum. In this mode of use, it seems to aid in bringing it forward, or in promoting an early germination. A remarkable fact with respect to the use of it in the gypsum coun- try of New York, is, that it acts as decidedly upon farms where gypsum exists in beds, as in other parts of the State. In New York, gypsum has been applied with benefit to all crops but not by every individual. It is said that upon the soil of Lon«- Eaand it is of no use, and it is accounted for on the ground that the soil is already supplied, or that the sea spray furnishes enough for every crop; certain it is that where the soil has -| per cent, it is useless to add more. The failure of gypsum is generally due to the fact that there is enough in the soil, if so, it may be determined by analysis. § 82. The good effects of gypsum has been explained in several ways. One theorist has maintained that it is simply a stimulant to plants, or a condiment. This view is overhung with doubts. The most rational theory seems to be that it furnishes both sulphur and lime, or is indeed food. Those plants whose growth is strik- ingly promoted by its use contain notable proportions of both sul- phur and lime. Clover, for example, is one; mustard is another. T have already stated that rape seed, which is a mustard plant, contains a large proportion of the former. The importance of gypsum, or, to be more general, the sulphates, will be best appreciated when it is stated that the most important constituents of our bodies contain and require sulphur. 70 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Thus those parts of the blood which are known as fil>rin and serum, as well as the egg of fowls, contain sulphur. This is >trik- ingly manifest when they are in a state of decomposition, as they all give off compounds which exhale the offensive odor of a sulphur compound, well known in the rotten egg; — so also they all blacken silver. Now the bodies named above are all of anima! origin, but the sulphur is not disengaged by the animal forces. It is obtained ready formed in the roots and seeds, the cereals and leguminous plants, such as peas, beans and wheat. To account for the origin of sulphur in animal organisms, it is necessarv to go back to the soils, to those salts, such as gypsuhi, sulphate of ammonia, etc., which contain sulphur in combination. To the vegetable organism is assigned the business of separating this substance from its combinations, and form the roots and seeds spoken of: the animal that feeds upon them obtains, without labor. the sulphur, separated and united with such compounds as we find in the blood, fibrin and serum. The vegetable kingdom thereby becomes a great labor-saving machine to the animal, as all its heavy and complicated duties are performed by it in preparing food tor animals. It is not necessary that we should be able to account lor changes effected by the vegetable before we can admit the for< ing views. Experiment assures us of the facts in the case. Teed a clover plant or a mustard with gypsum and the sulphur will be found in both. sj s::. Gypsum is applied at the rate of from 2 to 3 tons per acre broadcast. "When used for indian corn it is applied around the hill, and it is regarded as an eminent absorber of water as well trmmonia. .s; v 4. When gypsum has been used for many years npon the same ground it ceases to produce an increase of the same i The ground is then said to be plaster ndk. It occurs only with those lands where it exists in soil in consequence of its free application for a succession of years. The remedy is suspend its use ami substitute wood ashes. s; v;,. Sulphate of ammonia. — We place this salt in juxtaposition with gypsum, the object will be seen in the character of the subjoined remarks. A- ; t- name implies, it i> composed of sulphuric acid and ammonia. We Bee nothing «'l it in the soil or elsewhere, unless we take special pains to procure or make it. Sulphate of ammonia NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 71 is manufactured from the ammoniacal liquor of gas works from the coal used in the manufacture of gas. If sulphuric acid is added to this liquor, the sulphate will be formed, and some coals yield a liquid which gives 14 oz. of sulphate to the gallon. Sulphate of ammonia is much more valuable than sulphate of lime, as it con- tains two important elements, sulphur and nitrogen. The nitrogen being much more valuable than the lime. Besides, the animal and vegetable sulphur compounds, fibrin, serum, white of eggs, casein etc., contain and require both sulphur and nitrogen. Here in the sulphate of ammonia they exist, and in a salt highly soluble. The simple chemical change required Iry the plant is to separate the elements of water, hydrogen and oxygen, when the sulphur and nitrogen are in a condition to pass into the compositon of its or- ganism. This salt will probably be found in the markets of this State, see- ing that many of the principal villages have gas works in their suburbs, and may therefore furnish the ammoniacal liquid which may be converted into the sulphate, or it may be used directly, after being greatly diluted. Bat sulphate of ammonia may be secured by all persons who keep a stable. This is effected by means of gypsum. If this sub- stance is sprinkled often over the floors of stables, as it should be, it absorbs the ammonia exhaled from excrement of the animals. The ammonia is mostly in the condition of a carbonate. When the gypsum is used in a quantity sufficient to absorb all the escaping ammonia, a large amount of the sulphate will be ultimately formed among the excrements. The gypsum is decomposed by it, and car- bonate of lime is the result as it regards the sulphate ot lime, and the sulphuric acid goes over to the ammonia and forms sulphate of ammonia. The advantages of this change are, the ammonia be- comes fixed, it is no longer a volatile compound, and there is really no loss attending any of the chemical ones involved in the pro- cesses. The sulphate of ammonia, however, is quite soluble, and should not be exposed to rains out of doors until it is applied to the soil where it is wanted. From the foregoing we learn several important uses to which gypsum may be put. 1, As an absorbent of injurious and offen- sive odor. 2. The formation of an important salt — important, MBTU-CAKOLIXA GEOLOGI' EY. because it contains the elements of blood and muscle. 3. It pre- vents -rive chemical cl _ - which ammonia effects :ar. The lime of the n intv nitric aci suits in the : : :he plastering. I' - ammonia. ive economy, therefore, of snj with ent to require comment. sts ii England, ready i per ton. About one-half cwt. is applied to the acre. It is applied lid inactive vegetable mat! it may I - animal a: _ table mat -• _ - -. which it revives ?. ant fertilizers. : - . _ . _ of activity, and is not e It is used successfully u ; - [ts •'"'.'•' per aci • . ended v. sfactory results. .'' . ia is an important element in all the grains: and hence, win • nth -ulpliate is s Qnd to be us y. ingent salt, and n . crop. It is a in small s, or to frui It imp en to the _ . _ . r to unhealthy individuals. In the* action is similar to human frame and constitution. It has been used in a an acid sul- phate of iron are known in this £ :ity, ther in near Wei I m. A Bpoonfhl applied to To prepare it for use mix with marl. It is ted into gypsum. sea occurs in a lignite b< ^ng s, and trunk- -. The organic matter has i in process of time with sulphate of iron. This, in its torn, or when air has ac> a and furnishes the NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 73 salt in question, and where abundant, is important, provided marl beds are accessible. 88. Native phosphate of lime. — This mineral exists in large quantities in New Jersey and Xew York. The most abundant source of it is in Essex county. Xew York, in connexion or asso- ciated with magnetic iron, where it forms in some part of the vein from one-sixth to one-half its weight. It seems to be inexhaustible, [t may be separated from the iron by washing, or by magnets; both methods have been pursued. It exists frequently also, in pri- mary limestones, associated with hornblende, mica, felspar, etc. The great source of phosphate of lime in the soils is probably the granites and other allied rocks. It is present in lavas and other igneous rocks. But it is in minute particles, and rarely when it exists in granite and other compounds is it visible, and is only ascertained to be present by the most careful analysis of the rock. Other sources of the native phosphate of lime are the sediments which contain fossils. Most, if not all the fossiliferous limestones, the marls of the secondary and tertiary divisions of rocks, furnish it in per centages varying from one to two and a half per cent. In the use of limestones and marls, therefore, as fertilizers, we obtain this important compound as phosphates. 'late of lime, or as it exists in soils, is quite insolu- ble in pure water; but for its solution carbonic acid is depended) upon in an uncultivated soil. When, however, the planter em- ploys common salt, or salt of ammonia as fertilizers, he provide* in part for the solution of phosphate of lime. In sulphate of am- monia, phosphate of lime dissolves as readily as gypsum in water. In North-Carolina the principal source of it is in the marl region. AVe have never found it in the primary rocks nor associa- ted with any of its iron ores, as in Xew i'ork and Xew Jersey, nor in the primary limestones of the mountain belt. The marls all contain it a* an organic product, for in every living being it is found both in their hard and soft parts. It is principally in the r that it exists in the marls. The value of the marls are in- creased esence, and the striking eflects of its use may of- ten be attributed to small quantities of phosphate of lime. There are frequently small, round, hard bodies in marl beds, qalled fj ro- ute*, which are often in sufficient quantities to pay for -election to be employed in converting, them into super-phosphates by sulphu- 5. 74 N'-KTH t AK'.I.INA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. ric acid. They contain about 5<> per cent, of phosphate of lime. They are hard, and bnt slightly acted npon by water and the at- mosphere, and will therefore remain like rocks, unchanged, and of course benefit the soil bat slightly. By the u.-e of an equal weight of sulphuric acid they may he converted into a valuable fertilizer. They would require, however, to be broken into small pieces by a hammer and frequently stirred. A portion would remain in pow- der, in the form of gypsum. It may be treated like the ordinary Snper-pliosphate of lime made from bone-. Snper-phospha lime is worth about thirty-live dollars per ton. The practice of burning bones for the purpose of pulverizing them easily is not advisable; it is of course attended with ihf of all the organic matter, and as we believe with effects greatly diininisl . — -The carbonates are the most common of min- erals. At the head of the list stands carbonate of lime, known as limestone or marble. Limestone may be known by ite effervescing with a color? are numerous — white, black, brown, flesh-colored. • getber with Bhades and tints produced by the oxidea of ti- er a mixture of earth. "When pure it is white and usually granular, but many limestones of a palaeozoic and mesozoic age are com; The limestones which are regarded pure are composed of lion . : ,s > per cent, of carbonate of lime. Its chemical constitution is : ■ borne acid, Lime, .tin limestones contain also magnesia, which are best known nnder the name of dolomites. A dolomite i of: i ;irbonatc of magnesia, rbonatc of lime ">4.'J When in addition to the magnesia limestones Contain 2" per cent of ferruginous clay, they form hydraulic limestones, which furnish a material, when burned, having the property of becoming hard or rl under water. The term marble applies to lit which take a polish. Oth- er limestones are designated by the terms argilaceous and ferrngin- NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 75 ous or magnesian, according to the name of the substance which is mixed with the rock. Limestone is nearly insoluble in pure water, 1 gallon dissolving only 2 grains, but when water is charged with carbonic acid it dis- solves freely. Limestone, when ground finely, might be applied to soils as a fertilizer, but its solution is slow to act. In the form and condition of marl, it is much more efficient. Quicklime is sometimes important ; it is best adapted to stiff clay soils, and is applied for the purpose of making them open and po- rous. It has also a chemical action which undoubtedly lies at the foundation of its mechanical effects, that of attacking the clay and liberating potash or the alkalies. Erroneous opinions have been entertained with respect to the action of quicklime on animal and vegetable matter. According to Dr. John Davy, quicklime, instead of promoting fermentation, ar- rests it in vegetable matters, as peat for example, and as it regards its action upon animal bodies, it only attacks the cuticle, nails and hair, exerting no destructive influence upon the other tissues. Mixed with peat and vegetable organic matter, it confers a ne- cessary solubility, or rather, the probable action is the formation of an organic salt of lime, which is soluble. This view is sustained by the fact that in the absence of organic matter, lime exerts no perceptible effects. Quicklime should not be mixed with stable manure, unless there is added at the same time gijpsum. to absorb the ammonia which the lime will be instrumental in discharging. Peat, in a state of fineness, may be employed in the absence of gypsum, as its absorbent powers are equally great. The deficiency of limestone in this State is notorious. The moun- tains and the region of the Yadkin are tolerably well provided for. The midland counties, which take in a belt over one hundred miles wide, are destitute of it. The lower counties supply carbonate of lime for agriculture in their marl beds, and might also quicklime for building, white-washing, etc. The banks of the Neuse, 20 miles above Newbern, are well stocked with consolidated marl, well adap- ted in composition for quicklime. For more than a century, burnt lime has been used in England for the benefit of the soil. It may be shown that potters and brick clay, which are stiff and unyielding, contain potash and other alka- NORTII-CAROLIXA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. lie?. Now, do plowing, hoeing, or mechanical operation can hasten verv materially the liberation of these important elements. No mechanical means effect materially its condition ; chemically, they arL . too alow. If we resort to the nse of quicklime, in the fall spread- ing it over the plowed Held, and allow it to act through the winter, the potash will he liberated and the whole field become porous. That form of carbonate of lime which is known as marl, acts more efficiently as a fertilizer than the ordinary air slacked lime. It is not simply a salt of lime alone, but a mixture of fine carbonate of lime, phosphate of lime, magnesia, iron, and some or- ganic matter. Marl appears to be in a more favorable condition than pure lime for an easy solution. This substance, though it appears inert to the eye, still has to be applied under the guidance of a few rules. It cannot be freely used on poor soils; those, we mean, which are destitute of organic matter. It being an absorbent of water, it is prone to act injuri- ously upon a crop in dry weather, or to burn it. If on the contra- ry, the quantity applied is proportionate to the organic matter, it will form soluble combinations adapted to the wants of the crop. There is no poisonous matter in the marl usually, and the proba- bility is that when in large doses, as 600 bushels to the acre, it de- prives the plant of water, being in itself one of the strongest ab- sorbents of moisture known. "Where sulphate of iron and alumina are present, this astringent salt being a poison, the plant is killed by its chemical action upon its tissues. As marl is applied to the surface and rarely buried by the plow deeply, it Oceapii ion which commands all the moisture in a dry time. To forestall the evils of a large application, it may be comj with peat, or any organic matter; it should always be prepared in this way. 1 Jut when an over dose has been applied, the most direct mode of neutralizing its bad effects, is to plow it in deeply. It will then become mixed with a large quantity of soil, and all the or- ganic matter of it. It will probably be changed into a fertilizing A> need in common eases in thi> State with the ordinary depth of plowing, a large body of it matt effect unfavorably the whole surface, for there is only a few inches of soil for it to act upon. § \)2. The marls of North-Carolina are not rich in lime, bi: remarkable effects are obtained by their use. The following shows NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 77 the composition of a marl upon the plantation of Col. Clark, of Edgecombe: Peroxide of iron and alumina, 6.800 Carbonate of lime, 16.100 Magnesia, 0.436 Potash, 0.616 Soda, 1.988 Sulphuric acid, 0.200 Soluble silica, 0.440 Chlorine, 0.030 Phosphoric acid, 0.200 Sand, 72.600 The complex nature of this marl is exhibited in this analysis; it shows that it is adapted to the wants of the vegetable in furnishing as large a list of those elements which the ashes of plants usually contain. An eocene marl from the plantation of Benj. Biddle, Esq., of Craven county, gave: Sand, 9.60 Carbonate of lime, 85.00 Peroxide of iron and alumina, containing phosphoric acid 4.40 Magnesia, trace. Those marls which are thus rich in lime, are more liable to be used in excess. § 93. The action of the carbonates upon vegetation is usually attributed to the organic salts which are generated in the soil, as the crenates and apocrenates of lime, etc.; but in the formation of these salts it may happen that carbonic acid is set free, and in this condition becomes also a contributor of matter to the growing plant. The carbon of the carbonic acid will be retained in the plant, and the oxygen set free. The action of marls, as a class of carbonates, upon soils is more favorable in the long run than lime, except where quick lime upon clays is required. The use of lime for many years has induced complaints, whether justly or unjustly, is not perhaps fully settled; but it is charged with exhausting the soil, and like guano, ot which 78 NOBTH-CABOLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. we have spoken, the charge seems to be reasonable enough and to rest on the same grounds. If the charge is Bnstained, we can readily see by comparing the composition of marl with common lime, that the former supplies a much greater number of fertilizing elements than the latter; indeed, it is probable that marls, like ashes, contain the most needful elements ; and hence, the annual application of marl is not likely to cause an exhaustion of the soil, because of the con- stant additions made by its nse. It rather ought to grow better yearly ; for the cotton crop does not require, or does not remove as many pounds of inorganic matter as there are applied. This subject, however, we have not heard spoken of, and we have never heard of injurious effects of marl which could by any means be attributed to exhaustion, and we are confident from the nature of the facts bearing upon the subject, that where especially a compost « made of the marl, it will continue for long periods to produce good effects. Marl seems well adapted to all those crops where the product sought is made up of cellular tissue, as the lint of cottor, the lint of flax and hemp, the fruit, such as the apple, because lime is the basis of cellular tissue. The phosphoric salts are required in the cereals, the parts sought for must be rich in sulphur and phos- phorus. These last are contained in stems, lint, bark, etc., in much less proportions. .' 94. Carbonates of potash and soda. — The first was anciently called the vegetable, and the latter the mineral alkali. Both, how- ever, are derived from the mineral kingdom, but they are derived for commercial purposes from the ashes of vegetables. Pearlash is a carbonate of ] otash ; it is the common -ul stance used in biscuit making, or short cake, though the bi-carbonate has displaced the old or common carbonate. Neither of these substan- liave been used extensively in field agriculture. The latter has become a favorite fertilizer for strawberries. Their composi- tion and the' fact of their occurrence in the ash of all plants, proves their adaptation to crops. Their cost, however, for general and extensive use, is the only draw-back to their application to corn, wheat, potatoes, etc. ". Carhuhutt of ammonia is a white salt, with the pungent odor of hartshorn. It exists in the ammoniacal liquids already no- NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL, SURVEY. 79 ticed, and is given off in stables in an impure state, or mixed with the effluvia of animal matters. It is an active fertilizer. Its true value, as in the case of other compounds of ammonia, is due to its ability to furnish nitrogen to vegetation. As it regards the compounds or salts of ammonia for wheat and other corn crops, it seems to be established that the}- are essential to the increase of grain, beyond the natural produce of a soil, aided by phosphatic fertilizers. The experiments of Mr. Lawes, of Hert- fordshire, England, gave the following results: APPLICATION PEP. IMPERIAL ACRE. PRODUCE. In grain. In straw. 1844. Super-phosphate of lime, 560 lbs., \ , fi h|1 _ hpl _ -, 112 lb< , Silicate of potash, 220, \ lb Dusnels - M^» 1845. Sulphate of ammonia, ) , . . 01 , , . n/ , e . !>,'.. , '> eachicwt., 31i do., 4,266 do., Muriate do., ) , . 1846. Sulphate of ammonia, 2 cwt., 27 do., 2,244 do. The increase by the salts of ammonia upon the former crop ma- nured by super-phosphate of lime and silicate of potash, is a striking result, and shows that the soil in order to reach its capacity for a crop of cereals, requires, besides the phosphates, those fertilizers which can furnish nitrogen. It does not prove that phosphates can be dispensed with, but only that unless nitrogenous bodies are ad- ded the crop will be less. § 96 — Nitrates. — The union of nitric acid with a base, as potash and soda, constitute nitrates, a remarkable class of bodies. They are all soluble and easily decomposed. When thrown upon glow- ing coals they deflagrate, or burn energetically with flashes of flame and scintillation. Nitrate of potash, saltpetre, niter. — Its manufacture illustrates its formation in the soil. If the refuse of old buildings, its mortar, animal refuse, ashes, &c., are mixed in a heap and exposed to the air and watered occasionally, especially with putrid urine, they become charged with nitrates of potash and soda. "Whenever, then, the circumstances are favorable, these salts will be formed; the animal matter furnishing the nitrogen which unites as it is de- veloped with oxygen. The elements of the nitrates are found under houses, in caves, or wherever organic matter is mixed with earth protected from rains. 80 NORTli-CABOLINA GEOLOGICAL SUBYKY. Both nitrates of potash an«l soda are highly esteemed in agricul- ture, thoogh the high price of saltpetre debars it from general use. fa action upon young crops, when applied to them at the rate of one cwt. per acre, is highly favorable. Tree.-, the BU{ cane and the grasses become fresh and green, and when combined with the phosphates is one of the most important fertilizers, .. contain- in combination, the most important elements which the crop demands — nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. Nitrs increase the foliage of plants: and hence, for grass, or meadows, they are particularly and immediately serviceable. Tl . sometimes called soda-saltpetre, is a native net of Peru and Chili, being formed in the earth in those sec- tions where rain rarely falls. .^ 97. Chlorides. — The compounds consist of chlorine and a I as sodium, uniting directly, or without the previous union of the base, with oxygen. The most common, and to the agriculturist the • important, is soft, or the common table salt. It is a native production in many countries, occurring in solid beds, which have to be quarried like rock. The bed near Cracow. Poland, is sup- posed to extend 500 miles, and is 1,200 feet thick. Salt springs are common, but the ocean is the great reservoir of salt. It con- tains about four ounces to the gallon of water. Salt has been and is variously estimated as a fertilizer. It strengthens the straw of the cereals, and is supposed to increase the weight of the grain. It is more important in land, or at a distance from the sea, than upon the shores. - • 'hlorid <*/ ammonia. — Sal ammoniac of the shops. Mu- riate of ammonia. This well known salt has proved by experi- ment, to exercise a beneficial influence npon crops. It is, 1 too • -■ in its pore state, to be economically employed it: ricultun. A tolution for steeping seed corn is recommended ; it ha-tens germination, ami i< Bupposed also to add to the luxuriance of the crop. s - Pure silica, or pure flint is strictly an acid, but it is s.» insoluble thai under common cirenmsta real charac- ter is disguised. Put put finely ground flints in!<> a solution of ;-!i and the silica unites with the potash, and forms a soluble f poUuh. Silicates, then, are bodies constituted like other salts, liaring a base united with soluble flint. The silica may be NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. SI separated from its combination by the addition of an acid, and the silica will form by itself a gelatinous mass, which is a silicic acid with waii r. If tins gelatinous mass is dried, the silica becomes gritty and is really now what is called quartz, and is no longer soluble. Now in the soil there is always a small quantity of soluble quartz, and certain plants must have it in order to give strength to their stems. All the cereals and grasses are furnished with this substance, which is mainly deposited upon the outside : which both protects and strengthen the straw. ]t is not properly a nutriment, but in the organization of the grass tribes it is an essential element ; wherever the soil is deficient in soluble silica, the straw of the cram is weak. The celebrated German Chemist, Liebig, proposed the use of special manures, consisting of silicates mostly, as a fertilizer for wheat, rye, oats, turnips. Arc. His special manures. however, have failed to meet the expectations of his friends. They failed on the ground that mineral substance alone, and by itself, is insufficient to supply the wants of vegetation. The failure lias an important bearing on our practical views, showing clearly enough that organic matter is essential to plants. It does not prove that what Liebig proposed was useless and unnecessary, but that he did not go far enough ; he fell short of a sound theory by excluding from his potent fertilizers vegetable ?natta\ from which the organic acids are formed. The silicates of rocks are not wholly insoluble, they are attacked by water and carbonic acid, and by their joint action are dissolved. It is by their action that the soil is furnished with soluble silicas. That such a result is possible is shown by the action of rains and carbonic acid upon window glass, while a silicate which become^ gradually opake, especially in stables, where carbonic acid escapes. Distilled water alone dissolves glass. The tumblers used in carbon- ated spring water are coroded by carbonic acid Straw furnishes silicates, when spread over the surface of fields. but, if burnt, the silica becomes insoluble. Hence, straw should be applied without change. Its organic matter is als<> put to use. Straw spread upon meadows for grass is an excellent application. | 100- Ashes contain a large number of fertilizing elements; in- deed it may be presumed that whatever an ash contains performs something in the economy of the vegetable which yields it. v - NoKTH-CAKOLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The ash of .»• is the kelp of commerce. It contains pot- ash, soda, lime, silica, sulphur, chlorine, iodine, etc. The existence of these elements in marine plants throws li^ht on their action upon vegetation. V. . ishce c tain, among other things, . or carbonate of potash. The composition of ashes depends upon the tree and the part burned; the bark furnishes an ash whose composition dif- fers from that of the wood or the leaves. The ash of the hark and wood of the white oak contains the fol- lowing substances: 8APWOOD. BAEK. BKAS1 Potash, 13.41 0.86 9.68 Soda 0.52 169 6.88 Sodium 2.78 0.08 « Chlorine 4.24 0.19 ".47 Sulphuric acid 0.12 0.08 Plant of peroxide of iron, lime and lesia :;2.25 L&10 l Carbonic acid 8.96 89.80 tf.S Lime 30.85 54.89 4:;. 21 Magnesia 0.36 0.20 0.85 - 1 0.81 0.86 - labia silica 0.89 .86 gaoic matter 5.70 1.16 7.1" The tree furnishing the ash grew upon a clay soil rich in lime. It wid be observed that the bark is much richer in lime than the wood, while the wood is richer in phosphates; and the Holiest part <»f the wood is that of the outside. The same result is shown in the distribution of potash; the outside wood contains more than the heart wood, and i i the bark it is reduced to a minimum quantity, only 0.26 per cent. These are leading facts in the distribution of the elements of growth in the vegetable kingdom, and we may feel assured that it is not an accident that they are thna distributed. It is probable. that lime distributed to the outside is best adapted to the protection of the vegetable ti<>ue<. The newest parts, asthe oa t Slde wood; derives a part of it> elements from the inside, espe- cially the phusphates, which are no doubt transferred by the circu- lation. The law which has been already expressed, holds good in all the correct analyses of the parti of trees: their distribution is NORTH-CAKOLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 83 upward and outward, tending continually to the new parts which are being developed. § 101. The ashes of peat differ in composition according to the nature of the plant from which peat is formed. There will also be changes in the composition of peat which is old, when compared with a now growth of it. The following analysis by Johnson, shows the general composi- tion of peat ashes : Chloride of sodium, 0.41 Phosphate of lime, 2.46 Sulphate of lime, 18.66 " magnesia, .... l.GS Carbonate and silicate of magnesia, 6.32 " '♦ potash and soda, 5.32 " " alumina, 11.63 Oxide of iron, 9.18 Silica, 15.55 Insoluble matter, sand, &c, 7.94 Carb. acid, coal, etc., 10.85 100.00 In this sample the gypsum is much greater than usual, and the silicate of alumina is foreign matter, as alumnia is never a true ash product. § 102. On reviewing the general principles which are set forth in the preceding account of fertilizers, we may understand that it is not sufficient to apply to the soil fertilizers in their simple state, and at random, provided the planter determines to derive from them the greatest benefit. We are unable to increase their power, but their elements of fertility may be preserved or prolonged by a suitable management, which in reality would be equivalent to an increase of power. The most active and valuable ones require the most particular attention. Guano, for example, requires careful manipulation, and when it is once determined how this volatile compound is to be treated, it furnishes a rule for others whose com- position is closely related to it. Of the different fertilizers, we may arrange them into four orders. 84 NORTII-CAROLI>'A GEOLOGICAL 6URVKY. In the tir?t, we may place those which contain a notable per centaire of ammonia, in such a state of combination that it is freely exhaled, or exists in a volatile condition. In the Bccond, those which by chemical changes form ammonia, ami which aif :ne volatile. In the third, we may place the fixed salts: and In the fourth, those compounds which consist of carbonaceous matters, and possess also the character of comparative stability under ordinary conditions. The latter order is well adapted to a general u>e with the preceding, either as an absorbent of tlie vol- atile matter, especially ammonia, or with the salts, with which they form combinations consisting of an organic acid and a mineral The probability is that the best results are secured by mixing our organic with the inorganic in every instance. By adopting this course, the time when soils will begin to exhibit signs of ex- haustion will be far in the future, or certainly postponed in- definitely. CHAPTER X. The quantity >>r ratio of the inorganic elements in a plant may be increased by cultivation. Source of nitrogen. Specific action of certain manures, particu- larly Baits. Kami yard manure never imiss. Use of pi manure sometimes fails, as gypsum: ;. Wiule it is well established that the organs of plants possess each their own component, inorganic elements, it is equally well proved that their quantity may be increased or diminished by BUHdee of cultivation. The organs -till maintain their differei in respect to the ratio of the component elements under any system of culture. A- an illustration of the changes which may be produced by mod. - of cultivation, we may cite wheat. If, for example, it is NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. S5 manured with the ejects of the cow, it furnishes a smaller propor- tion of gluten than if manured with fertilisers richer in ammoni*. When manured as above, the berry contained 11.95 parts of gluten and 62.34 of starch. When manured with human urine, which is rich in the elements of ammonia, it yielded 35.1 of gluten : nearly three times as much as in the former case. Gluten determines the weight ot' the grain, and, to a certain extent, its use. T.ie flow which is suitable for the manufacture of maccaroni, must be rich in gluten. Certain soils produce, without fertilizers, a heavy wheat rich in gluten. This is a fact with the wheat of Stanly county X. C. which weighs 6S lbs. to the bushel, probably the heaviest wheat ever sent to market. § l"i. The important principle contained in the foregoinc facts have a practical bearing; they determine the practicability of rais- ing a crop adapted to a particular use, independent of the influence of climate, and hence of increasing its value. In relation to the subject of ammonia, much thought has been given, and many experiments made to settle the question of its source. As nitrogen forms a large proportion of the atmosphere it was natural to infer that the atmosphere might furnish this ele- ment directly to the leaves or to some other part of the plant This view has not been adopted, and it is moreover well settled that ammonia exists in the air in small quantities and is dissolved in rain water; it is also contained in fresh fallen snow, but notwith- standing its presence in the atmosphere, it is essential to its recep- tion in the plant to combine it with an organic acid, which nature effects in the soil, which contains organic matter, in the condition of acids, as the cerenie and apocrenic. Certain other saline manures exercise a specific action upon crops. Those of ammonia are, perhaps, the most general in their effects ; all crops continue to grow longer under the influence of these salts, or continue in a ^rowing state until late in the season. Nitrate of soda has a similar effect. AVith respect to their applica- tion to certain crops, which we wish to have ripened within a cer- tain period, as tpbaccOy for example, they would not be adapted to it; it would cause the plant to continue growing until frost; it would be in the unripened state, or only ripened in part ; and hence the tobacco would command only an inferior price m marker. 80 ::th-carolina geological mryi.y. • £ 1".">. Certain -alts promote the growth in perfection of particu- lar parts Tims when the straw of wheat or ry< weak, theory would load t<> the use of the soluble silicates of lime or potash, for the purpose of supplying the eilex where it is required. The practice is attended with good results. When the ear is not well tilled, the phosphates are resorted to, as it is here that this >alt is deposited in ti _ uantity. The leave- ine are developed by carbonate of potash; and the phosphates again develope or go to the fruit. Other fertilizers seem to be adapted in certain conditions at least to all crops. Farm-yard manure never comes amiss, provided it een subjected to bucIi physical and chemical changes which the crop requires. It is not always proper to apply it fresh or in the con< g manure. Gypsum is specially adapted to the growth <>t' red clover, and ashes and marl will bring up white clover in places where it had not been known to grow perhaps at all. Phosphate of magnesia has been praised for potatoes, and the super-ph f lime is the best dressing for turnips. Bui even the foregoing well authenticated facts are somewhat local; for certain reasons not well ascertained, some of the striking effects of these special results, do not occur in another section of the country, or at least are far from b ing60 striking It is never pos- sible to predict the effects of gypsum on crops, though its proper* ties mnst 1 everywhere; that is. must always act as an absorbent of ammonia and water, but still it is said to fail at times [n i glai ' • ' particularly praised, while in country th< re are only a few districts where it is not attended with bei thecrop. Natural fertilizers, however. -and al<»ne in their failures. Those manufactured for a particular end are found :•• fail frequently. Failures no doubt occur by a misap- plication of the substance; it may be given in esc a destroyer. It may fail from an unfavorable . and may also fail from adulteration or for want of a natural purity in composi- tion as a great excess of inert and valueless substance with which it is intermixed. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 57 CHAPTER XI. On the periodical increase of the corn plant. The white flint, together with the increase of leaves and other organs. The proportions of the inorganic elements in the several parts of their composition. The quantity of inorganic matter in an acre of corn and in each of its parts. Remarks upon the statistics of composition. § 106. The changes which a plant undergoes during its period of growth are worthy of attention. For the purpose ot illustrating the development of vegetable organs, we have selected the Indian corn or maize ; and as the growth of the foliage exhibits the views we wish to bring out, we have tabulated the weekly increase of the leaves in weight, and the amount of water they contain, together with the quantity of ash the whole weight furnishes. The obser- vations begin in July and are continued until August 11 : AUGTST 4. AUOrST 11. •28H' 1642 2179 1227 B8L97 36.59 This table shows the rapid increase of weight in the leaves from July IS to August 4, after which the leaves rapidly lose their weight, by supplying, no doubt, nutriment to the corn, which is then tilling up. There is in most organs a growth which attains its maximum at a certain period, when it seems to retro- grade. This view, however, applies only to the subsidiary organs All the energies of a plant are Concentrated on the production and perfection of seed. The stalks of corn increase in about the same ratio as the leaves. -r^LKS. time: JVLY& jcly 12. jcly IS. July 24. aim;. 4. auo. 11. Weight in giains, 100 1084 3041 5219 +o'.»7 Water, 92 987 2871 4686 Ash, 94 8 16.82 29. 4S 51.2:. .5 lo7. The stalk attains its maximum growth between by the 4th and before the 11th of August, and begins to yield up its nu- triment to the ear, which is rapidly forming. By the 23d of the time : JULY 5. JULY ia JCLY IS. JCLY 29. Weight in grains. 367 698 886 2294 Water, 304 568 869 1835 Ash, •J. 75 75 G 8.32 41.58 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SIKY.Y. month, ■ week later, they weigh 2,237 only. In the selection of specimens, if was attempted to employ such u were equally ad- vanccl Mid of equal size, as possible. f the white flint corn during pe- riods of one week and during the period embraced in tl ing . will he expressed in the following tables and remarks. ( »n the 28th of June the corn was IS inches high, and had increas- ed in height during the preceding week 7£ inc. weight of each plant, S Increase in weight 68. July 5th, hight 26 inches; increase in hight, S inches : W< igM of one plant .--.. •t weight ilurin^ the week 152J ige increase of one plant per day, 21.7 Jaly 12th, hight of plants 35 inches; increase 9 inches : Weight of one plant B61.8 grs., [ncrease pn- week 482.7 -lay 61.83 - July 19th, hight 4:1 inches; increase in hight 6 inches : Average weight of each plant "7" I iring the week 177. r 'lay 35.31 Jelv 2r)th, hight 4'.' inches; increase in hight ♦'>. or one inch per '■it of each plant 2 • k 1181.6 ! ■ se per day 170.29 " per hour Angus is 9 inch' \\ .-lit of each plant ght per week 1868. Average pi r day 181. • ige per hour, NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 89 August 9th, hight 65 inches ; increase during the week 7 inches : Average weight of each plant, 38.27 grs.. Increase during the week, 280. " Increase per day, 11.92 " Increase per hour, .49 " August 16th, average hight 72 inches; increase 7 inches: Average weight of each plant, 0780 grs., Increase of weight during the week, 2953 " Increase per day, 430 " Increase per hour, 18.16 " August 23rd, average increase in hight of plants for the week .76 inches; increase in hight during the week 4 inches: Average weight of each plant, 8170. grs., Increase in weight, 1389. " Average per day, 198. " " per hour, 8.27 *' August 30th, average hight 7S inches; increase in hight during the week 2 inches: Average weight of each plant, 10.580 grs., Increase during the week, 2.409 *' Increase per day 344 " " per hour, 14.34 " September 6, average hight of each plant, 7S inches. No in- crease in hight for the week : Average weight of each plant, 12.917 grs.. Increase during the week, 2136. Increase of weight per day, 305. Increase of weight per hour, 12.72 On comparing the parts of the plant with each other at this stage of growth, we find they hold the following proportions to each other: 6 IfORTII-' iABOLINA GEOLOGICAL 8CRVKY. Tassel, 147.!'* grs., 2.2f> per cent. Upper part of the stalk 1128.8 •• 0.68 Lover part of the stalk, 8084. " 1.18 - itlis 12:". •• 1.42 r.»7»>. " Let. tai Btalks 1217. " .48 Hoskl 2484. - 1.65 Kernels !»26. « .488 " Cob 1255. •• .354 M The composition of the ash of the leaves and sheathe at thi* stage of growth is as follows : LEATEJ 8UF.ATIT* A!CD nr«K.». Potash 10.15 Soda, 22.1.3 Lime 3.38 1.96 Magnesia, 2.38 2. "2 Eat thy and alkaline phosphates 14.50 13.80 Carbonic acid, :;."><> 4.14 Silicic acid 3"i.27 38.1" Sulphuric acid 5.84 6.86 Chlorine 1.63 4.34 At a later period, that of October 18th, when the corn was ripe, the learefl and sheaths were composed of: LJATEi. SUM Potash, 8.33 T.48 8.52 12.44 lime 4.51 2.13 Magnesia 0.86 0.7'.* Phosphates, 6.85 Silicic a'-i'l 51.2") 4.05 trace. Sulphuric acid, 488 1 2.27 .Chlorine 2.66 2.96 | L09 The stalks of the period were composed of: NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 91 STALKS. Potash, 16.21 Soda, 24.09 Lime, 2.84 Magnesia, 0.93 Phosphates, 16.15 Silicic acid, 12.85 Carbonic acid, 1.85 Sulphuric acid 10.73 Chlorine, 10.95 The phosphates of the leaves of the October's growth are less than in thoee of September 6. The amount of the alkalies have apparently diminished, though it is possible that comparisons may be fallacious, seeing that the results are obtained from the analysis of different plants, growing also on different hills, and may prove to be due to other causes than those connected with the distribution of inorganic matter by the influence of the organs. Our theory is, with respect to the distribution of the inorganic matter, that the leaves furnish to the grain a part of their store, or that it is trans- ferred from the leaf to the grain. The husks are composed of: iicbks. Potash, 3.51 Soda, 9.82 Lime, 0.45 Magnesia, 0.07 Phosphates, 26.25 Silicic acid, 47.65 Sulphuric acid, 6.67 Chlorine, 5.56 Carbonic acid, trace. For feeding stock, horses, cows, etc., the advantages of one organ over the other are not very great, so far as the inorganic matter is concerned. The silicic acid or silica is the greatest in the husks, which may be regarded as the useless part ; but it happens that the plioxj'ha'es are greater in the husks than the leaves at this stage ; but again, the potash and soda are greatest in the leaves. In the sheath and leaves, taken at the same date, Sept. 6, there are but slight differences in composition in the two organs, leaf and husks. A comparison of the composition of the leaves and the grain of the white flint corn of August 22 1 N«ii:TH-< Alii.I.INA (, I "LOGICAL SIRVKY. LiAvrs. w*. -:, 12.76 28.92 Soda 8.51 22.59 Lime, 6.09 0.16 Magnesia, 1.25 2.41 Alkaline and earthy phosphates, 19.25 Silica 50.55 0.60 Sulphuric acid, L18 4.38 Chlorine, 8^76 9.40 The alkaline and earthy phosphates, potash and soda, exist in large proportions in the grain, while the silica is rod need to a minimum, and is confined to the cuticle. ; 11". Analysis of the grain and cob of the 8 rowed yellow corn of the same ear : URAIV. COB. Potash, 27.35 37.85 Soda, 5.79 1.83 Lime, trace. 0.24 Magnesia trace. 8x68 Earthy and alkaline phosphates, 62.76 86.67 Chlorine 4.10 2.96 Sulphuric acid, 3.48 9.20 Slier, 1.78 10.70 Per centage of ash, 62 .40 As it regards the value of the cob for nutriment bo far aa its in- organic matter is concerned, it is plain that it has a certain value and should not be lost. Cob ashes are known to be rich in the al- kalies even when guided only by taste; but at this stage the potash amonnta to '•>' per cent, and the phosphates to 36 per cent, and the .silica to only ten per cent. Bat the per centage of ash is small in the -cob. scarcely amounting in any case to more than one-half of one per cent. § 111. The hnskfl of this variety of corn and which belong to the tame Btage <>f growth, are composed of: Potash 2 I.n:. Soda 2. n4 lai b. of lime, 0,27 Magnesia, 0.28 Phos. of lime, magnesia and iro*i, , . 2D.43 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 93 Chlorine, 1.11 Sulphuric acid, 11.11 Silica, 32.13 From observation and experiment it appears highly probable, that the S rowed yellow corn is one of the most valuable for feed- ing ] roperties. Its parts are all of them rich in inorganic matter. § 1 12. Upon an acre of corn we raise about 18,700 plants. These plants will contain 466.80 lbs. of inorganic matter. This inorganic matter will be distributed to the parts of plants in the following amounts: Tassels, 64.239 grs., Stalks 525.525 " Sheaths, 594.962 " Leaves, 1.195.845 " Silks, 25.284 " Husks, 434.091 " Cobs, 264.600 " Grain, 480.690 " 3.585.036 grs., =7468.82 oz.=466.801bs. Of this quantity the leaves and sheaths will contain of: LEAVES. SHEATHS Silica, 82.681 pounds, 39.667 pounds, Earthy phosphates, 29.273 " 7.546 " Lime, 9.400 " 1.581 " Magnesia, 1.910 " 0.589 " Potash, 19.704 " 5.571 " Soda, 13.142 u ','.262 " Chlorine, 15.072 u 2.202 " Sulphuric acid, 6.461 " 8.928 '* The weight of the inorganic matter of the grain and cob will be : GRAIN. COB. Silica, S.y.iO 4.678 Earthy and alkaline phosphates, 22.187 8.229 Lime, 0.187 0.103 Magnesia, 1.606 0.309 Potash, 14.950 12.315 Soda, 14.118 _'.n34 04 :lH-CAK'iI.INA GEOLOGICAL SIKYI.Y. CUeniM 0.309 0.04."> Sulphuric acid, 2.740 0.118 The stalks of one acre will contain : Silica 8.1 Earthy phosphates, 1 < • Lime 1.926 Magnesia 0.640 Pota*h 11.087 Soda 17.094 Chlorine 7.491 Sulphuric acid, 7.:>J 64791 pounds. § 113. The several amounts of the inorganic elements will stand as follow - : LBS. OZ. DECIMAL PARTS OF AS OrNCr Silica ±78.12.496 Earthy phosphates, etc 93. 3.'.'s4 Lime 18. 9 - gnesia, 5. 0.1 Potash 66. 2.944 Soda 61.15.184 Chlorine 28. ' Sulphuric acid, 29.11.696 m.16.1 § 114. The foregoing statistics of the corn or maize elements show thai it is an exhausting crop. This is agreeable to the opin- ions of the best informed farmers. The maize crop is remarkable for bearing high culture without danger of ai ve growth of stalk or leaves. In this respect it is quite different from wheat or oats. The rich lands of the tern counties of North-Carolina produce great crope of maize. but when wheat is put upon them, the crop consists of etrasr instead of grain, which is even of a p • quality, so far as it is produced in, the foregoing statistics show the actual amount which each part contains, and what it removes from the soil. An infer NORTH-CAROLINA. GEOLOGICAL BUBVEY. »0 ence from all these facts is, that it is not sufficient to supply the phosphates upon an exhausted soil to restore it to fertility : the quantity of potash, soda, etc., which may be and probably is com- bined in part with silica, shows that the soluble silicates will be required in the list of fertilizers. Plants require foliage element^ as well as [train or seed dements j for undoubtedly the perfection of the seed is dependent, in a great measure, upon the perfection of the foliage. This precedes, or is developed first, and when we rind it green and luxuriant, we predict a line crop of grain. CHAPTER XII. Value of foliage for animal consumption depenoV upon the quantity of two differ- ent classes of bodies: heat producing and flesh producing bodies. These two classes arc the proximate organic bodies, and are ready formed in the vegetable organs. Proximate composition illustrated by two varieties of maize. Their comparative value. Analysis of several other varieties of maize for the pur- pose of illustrating difference of composition as well as their different values. Composition of timothy, etc § 115. The true value of foliage is determined from the quantity of the proximate elements of certain organic products developed or produced in the organs and seeds of many plants, particularly those which are in common use for feeding animals. Of these elements starch, sugar, gum. dextrine, gluten, legmnen. casein, albumen, are the most important. The list is naturally divisible into two classes. The four first form a class which have been called respira- tory elements, and furnish the body with heat and fat; they are destitute of of nitrogen. The remainder, of which gluten stands at the head, are the flesh and strength producing elements, and are known to contain nitrogen, and hence are sometimes called mtro- ic nts. The first class meet a special want in the animal economy, that of supplying it with heat, and when they are taken in larger quantities than the system requires, they accumulate around certain parts in the form of fat. .\>kni < AK'oMNA GEOLOGICAL BUftfEl. It is evident that as the economy of the animal system requires not only heat bat Btrength and muscle or flesh, and as these are furnished from plants in the first place, that any given plant is val- uable fur food in proportion to the quantity which these twoelas lements are contained in the vegetable or which it can furnish. In order to determine the value of a plant, then, these different aees and individuals of the class are separated or isolated from their natural combinations, or in other words they are analyzed. As an example we may take the composition of maize, which will show the proximate composition of the grain. Its ultimate analy- - 8 would be, resolve the proximate bodies into the elements, car- bon, oxygen, dydrogen and nitrogen. The proximate elements exi>t ready formed in the yraiu, leaf or §tem^ and they are separa- ted from the tibre or cellular tissue by water, aleohol, ether, weak alkaline, solutions, etc. The grain, then, in its proximate elements of ready funned bodies, contains: S BOWED WniTE FUST. WHITE KEN1CCKT DEXT CO*>. Starch 57.47 Oil, - Dextrine or gum 4.01 Sugar and extractive 18.81 Albumen -2.-2T 4.44 it 0.39 0.80 filuten ".72 Fibre Water 11.48 18 I The heat producing bodies in the two varieties an- : FL1XT. KENTCi'KT ■ OXS. Starch 57.47 5".'.<:2 8.56 0.M 4.01 3.08 Sugar 18.81 13.80 i i fat producing bodies. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 97 While the flesh producing are in the KLIST COT.N. RHTUCR COEN. Albumen, 2.27 4.44 Casein 0.88 Gluten 1.67 0.72 4.33 5.96 In the Kentucky corn the flesh producing bodies exceed those in Flint corn. To give another analysis of corn for the purpose of showing a still greater difference in the varieties often cultivated, we select the small blue corn used for parching. It contains: Starch 42. -36 Oil. 5.30 Sugar and extractive, 15.32 Gum, 7.52 Albumen, 5.00 Casein, 2.04 Gluten, 4.73 Fibre,* ••• 8.56 Soluble in fibre by potash, 8.55 The tine parching properties of this corn are due to the large quantity of oil present in the grain. Another variety of pop corn. the lady finger, contains nearly T per cent, of oil. The sweet corn is still more remarkable in its composition, thus it contains: Starch, 11.00 Oil 3.60 Sugar, 6.62 Dextrine or gum, 24.82 Extract, 8.00 * Fibre is the hard stringy part of vegetables ; it is wood or the fibre of flax ; cotton lint is the purest form of fibre ; bruise or beat wood or straw or grain, dis- solve out by water, ether, alcohol and a weak solution of pearlash all that can be and the part remaining is fibre; it exists in the excrements of cattle and ha and forms much of their bulk. N"Uni-CAU"UNA OSOIjOOIOAL sukvkt. Cilutcn 4 _ Albumen 14 • in Fibre 11. -2 4 Water II - The Btarch in this variety is reduced to a minimum quantity, and the gum or dextrine i> increased to the maximum known in maize. The gOm, no doubt, replaces in part the starch, and it is tin's ele- ment which causes the great shrinkage in the kernel, from which ■re should very naturally infer that the corn was gathered in an unripe condition. This, however, is not the fact, lint the sweet corn i- eminent for it- tiesh producing elements when it is seen to contain 14 per cent, of albumen and 5 per cent. of casein. § 116- The value of the corn leaf, or fodder, as it is ca v . more accurately ascertained by submitting it to an organic proxi- mate analysis. When thus treated timothy and corn leaf arc found tu be composed of: TIMOTnT. CORN LEAF. Fibre 68.14 60.00 Wax ■_ - undetermined. Sugar extract and dextrine, 8.20 10.00 Albamen 1.89 0.82 Casein 2.84 1.60 Water, l-2.:;.« 10.17 The insoluble fibre mak.-s the hulk of the leaf, and serves in the animal economy to till up space, or give a proper degree of tension to Inc membranes. The albumen and casein are nearly a- la in corn leaf a- in the best of grasses. The red top, a favorite hay, imposed of: Rbw || Was i \ Resin, Extract and tugar b.oo Albumen, ] 4'i •in 1 - Water 10.00 NOKTH-CAROLLXA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 99 § 117. It will be observed that the insoluble matter, or fibre, in the three kinds in the above examples, timothy, red top and corn leaf, are really the same, or nearly so. All the other bodies, classed as nuiritivi and fat producing, make up the remainder. They dif- fer in quantity in these individual specimens, yet. it is probable, that for feeding stock, as they generally grow, sometimes on rich and sometimes on poor soil, they cannot differ essentially. One. in its general run, will support as much stock as the other, for it will he observed that cultivation, or no cultivation, changes the character of the crop. If, however, we compare the foregoing compositions with another species, which grows naturally on a cold wet soil we shall perceive a great difference. For example, a carex (a swamp grass) collected just before it was to blossom was found to be composed of: Fibre B6.90 Wax i Albumen 2.84 Casein , trace. Resin 0.47 Extract and sugar ,; The greatest part of this grass is unnutritious fibre, still it is not deficient in albumen, bat both classes of bodies are reduced to a low per cent age. We find less than 15 per cent, of the heat and fiesh producing bodies combined. Composition of the common garden pea. rice and wheat, so far as their proximate organic elements are concerned : PEA. Water 14 Starch 42 S _■ if and gum 6 Nitrogenous substances, 24 Oil 2 Woody fibre 9 Ash 3 LOO Rice contains a larger amount of stalk than wheat or corn, but in nitrogenous substances it is less than one-half of that in wheat, and in the pea they exceed the rice more than three times. IICE. WHEAT. 13 IS ' 42 4 '.i 7 HI 1 .-> 4 ti 1 .•> •:th-cakoi.ina geological suit I AFTER XIII. \ >n of tuberous plants with respect to their nutritive elenu: potat Street | Their nutritive va. red. | 118. Tlie family of vegetables which rank next in nutritive value to the cereals are the tuber bearing plants, potatoes, a potatoes, turnips, etc. They owe their value mostly to the presence of the same heat and flesh producing graina The inorganic elements are the same as in the cereals and gi .-- », but their proportions differ somewhat from them. Th cer potatoe, which is. in general repute, is composed of: ■nan potatoz. Silica, . karthy and alkaline phosphate?, consisting of lime, magnesia ami iron i Lime t.U5 Magnesia Potash 14.J B b Sulphuric acid tj.25 Carbonic acid irace. A curious fact which we brought out in the analysis of the pota- - is the difference in the proportion of both water and ash of the ends, and he-ides the rose end. if planted, will form potatoes earlier than the heel end. They are com] - ■m Water 8 - 70.17 Diy matter ]• Ash | n § 1\{K The proximate organic tnaljsis of the tuber of tlie mercer - j more information, as it rega j its 1 ■•■ as qualities. It contains : 3 rch ;i.71 Rbw ;..-- Gluten 0.J NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 1,01 Fatty matter, Albumen ' Ca-ein O- 50 Dextrine, "■ ' - Sugar and extract The water of the potatoe amounts to about So per cent. The starch is less in this sample of mercer than in the early June, which contains 13.37 per cent. As it regards flesh producing bodies all the potatoes rank low. ^ 120. The following analysis of the sweet potatoe will enable the reader to compare it with the Irish as an article of food, partic- ularly with regard to its flesh producing qualities. The ash is com- posed of: Silica. 1S5 Earthy and alkaline phosphate? 8*10 Carbonate of lime 0.60 Magnesia Potash, 4 ' A36 Soda 50a Sulphuric acid ■•»■ Chlorine *■•■ Carbonic acid 15. , -2 The tuber contains: Water c Drv matter, :? ' a Ash 109 g 121. The proximate organic analysis gave: SWEET POTATOE. TCENir5. Starch, ' ' 7 Sugar and extract, 5.8 - Dextrine, Fibre 1-85 - Matter dissolved by potash -.10 ~] Albumen, 6.8 H twin 108 J A body that resembles balsam - - * oil. Water, ^6.56 |02 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The e analyses serve to confirm or rather to agree with the common opinion, that the sweet potatoes rank considerably higher in the scale of nutriment than the Irisli ; they furnish more of the producing bodies; they contain less water. Both are rich in potash. The per centage of ash appears low, but in both it is ex- treinelv fnsible and difficult to obtain in a pure condition fur weigh- ing as it is very liable to be caustic. The ash of the leaves and stems is composed of: Silica 81.60 rthy phosphates K Carbonate of lime 15 Magnesia none. Potash 18.51 Soda !'.4f, Sulphuric acid, Chlorine -J."'.' P< r cent of ash in leaves, i' " stems, The sweet potatoe compared with the turnip used so largely for fattening stock in England, is far superior in every point of view. CHAPTER XIV. (Tomposilion of the ash of fruit trees; as the peach, apple, pear, Catawba grape • carbon or pure charcoal which some of the hard woods give bv ignition in closely covered crucibles. §122. Persons who cultivate fruit trees may wish to know the composition of the inorganic matter or ash which the different parts furnish. The following analysis will fulfil in part, at least, their wishes. The peach being a very important fruit tree in this State, :ted from among many which have been made. The ash of the parts of the peach is composed as follows : NORTII-CAKOLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 105 BARK. Potash, 2.20 Soda, Chlorine of sodium, 0.04 Sulphuric acid 4.1!) Lime, 42.17 Magnesia, 2.10 Phosphate peroxide of iron, 0.40 Phosphate of lime, 0.79 Phosphate of magnesia, . . . 0.51 Silica, 4.13 Coal, TTOOP. LEAVES. 7.11 12.41 11.18 0.10 0.30 1.51 12.12 22.20 14.77 0.40 8.00 0.32 2.47 20.1!) 10.44 1.34 3.15 1.05 0.42 4.48 In the tbresroimr analysis the carbonic acid was undetermined. It appears from the analysis that sulphates, gypsum probably, will have good effects upon the peach tree. The leaves in another analysis made in July, gave: PEACII LEAVES. Potash 14.28 Soda 21.22 Lime 10.22 Magnesia, 5.90 Phosphate, 11.60 ' Sulphuric acid, 4.42 Chlorine, 5.12 Carbonic acid, 14.80 The pits of a peach are rich in lime, phosphate of lime and silica. Lime must hold an important place as a fertilizer for the peach tree, provided we attempt to fulfil the indications furnished by the composition of leaves, wood and bark. The alkalies, potash anil soda, are also to be supplied. Ashes, however, will supply all its wants. § 123. Composition of the leaves of the pear and apple tree. at the time when the flowers had just fallen: APPLE THEE LEAVES. PEAK TUEE LEAVES. Potash, 27.17 l*.'-'5 Soda, 11.83 16.19 Lime, 3.38 4.71 Magnesia, 2.74 4.50 Chlorine, 0.79 undetermined. Phosphates, 26.00 25.05 N.-iHIi-CAUnUNA GEOLOGICAL BCBYKY. Sulphuric add, ln.12 undetermined Silica 4.66 1.76 Carbonic m id 56 1 1.66 Botli tlie apple and pear leaves are rich in alkalies as well as Whether an analysis in September would furnish similar res ts ia doubtful, as it is believed that there may he a • thes lies to the maturing fruit. 8 1 -J4. Analysis of the ash of the leaves of the Catawba grape, gathered June 2d : tab 18 - hi B l:«c i Magnesia 1.74 Phosphates 82.96 Sulphuric acid — - ' ' - • Silka M Chlorine, 0.74 Carbonic acid : ''"~> Ash of the wood 0.08 At this period of the year the leaf is rich in phosphates and alkalies. It is well known that bones and alkalies are among the best fertilizers for the vine. 125. The ash of wood, it is shown, differs in the proportions vt' organic matters. They differ also, in quantity of carbon or char- coal the wood furni.nu : abstracting the ash of the latter, it is reduced to 15.70, From th< ng, it appears that the quantity of cai'h coal which the hard woods furnish, rarely exceeds 17 per cent., and Inced bv extracting the ash. XORTH-C-LROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 105 CHAPTER XV. Nitrogenous fertilizers most suitable for the cereals. Correlation of means and ends which meet in fertilizers. The final end of nitrogenous bodies. The power to store up or consume fertilizers modified by age, exercise and tempera- ture. Error in cattle husbandry. Crops containing the largest amount of nutriment. Weights of crops, etc Indian corn and turnips. Sweet potatoes. The produce of an acre of cabbage, etc Cultivation of fruit trees — trimming and protection. ^ 126. As those substances are the most suitable for fertilizers, especially for the cereals, which contain the most nitrogen, so, those containing this element are the most suitable food for animals; and as none of the cereals can be grown without tiiis element, so ani- mals cannot be sustained unless it forms a part of their food. There is, therefore, a correlation of means and ends existing in the estab- lished order of things between what plants and animals require for sustenance. In the first case, it would seem that the nitrogenous compounds are secondary necessities, while in the latter they are primary, or have immediate reference to the characteristics of the class of beings by whom they are required. They are more essen- tially the force creating elements, and are designed to be expended for this purpose, and never to accumulate beyond the creation of the parts which are the seat of the force, while in the vegetable kingdom they accumulate and are not consumed in the performance of any of its functions. Gluten, a nitrogenous element, and starch, a heat producing element, accumulate in the grain. There they remain until on being received into the animal structure; the lat- ter is expended in developing heat, the former in motion or exer- cise of the muscular organs. >; 127. The tinal end, then, of furnishing nitrogenous bodies to growing vegetables, is to supply necessities which the nature and construction of animals demand ; and herein is a broad distinction between the two kingdoms — accumulation in one, waste in the other, or a consumption of its own organs in animals, requiring therefore constant renewal to supply the place of the wasted tissues which have been expended in the development of force. In the animal economy the heat producing bodies, starch, gum, 0lj| and sugar, cannot be substituted for the flesh and force produc- 7 106 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL BUKTKT. ing bodies, gluten, albumen and fibrin or casein ; their functions being totally different A dog cannot live on pure starch or sugar ; neither could his lite be sustained on pure fibrin. There is always a mixture of these bodies in all kinds of food as prepared by the organic bod! "Wheat. Indian corn, rye, etc., have been shown to consist of a number of elements belonging to each of the class whose functions in the animal economy have been stated. Any of the cereals will sustain life, as they furnish both heat and flesh. Rice contains less of the flesh producing elements than wheat. Indian corn by itself is probably the best life sustaining body of this class. § 12S. The ability or power of the animal machine to consume and store up elements is modified by exercise and age. The grow- ing animal only accumulates as it is necessary ; it is a law that the young should attain the size of the species ; so in passing from the embryo to the adult state, consumption falls short of accumulation, when the adult s'tate is attained accumulation is no longer necessary, and the amount of food taken has to be adjusted to the preservation of the balance between the food eaten and the forces which con- sume it. Exercise increases consumption, a tact established by numerous experiments made with healthy animals. This is an im- portant consideration when applied to the fattening of animals. "When they are allowed to run at large and exercise at will, or even subjected to such an amount of exercise as may be required to feed, the accumulation of fat is slower, and the quantity of food is It --. which is necessary to reach that state of obesity required for the stall ; a larger amount of food is necessarily consumed than is essen- tial to it when the animal is still and performs no more exercise than health demands. In illustration of the foregoing statement, it has been determined l»y experiment that where 20 sheep were allowed to run at large in an open field, they consumed 19 lbs. of turnips each day for 3 successive winter months; they gained during the time of trial 512 pounds. Twenty other sheep kept for the same time in a shed, and upon an average consumed 15 pounds of turnips per day, and increased in weight 790 pounds. In addition to the turnips both flocks were fed half a pound of linseed cake and half a pint of bar- ley, but from inclination the enclosed flock consumed one-third less linseed cake than the out door flock. The increase in the confined flock was greater, and also the consumption of food less. NOJBTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 107 Protection from cold weather is another way of increasing weight by the use of less food. Those elements which are burnt in the system for the purpose of developing heat, must be provided in larger quantities and proportionate to the severity of the cold to which they are exposed. The starch, oil, sugar, etc., is consumed for the generation of heat, which would be deposited in fat if the medium in which they are placed were warmed or was protected from extreme severities. The natural adjustment, then, of food to the wants of the system is influenced by age, exercise and temperature. The two latter may be controlled by means both simple and cheap, so that both food is saved and accumulations of fat deposited. § 129. The great error in this State in cattle husbandry is, the practice of compelling animals to shirk for themselves both winter and summer. So effectually do they consume all they eat in win- ter to keep themselves warm, that when spring comes they are more than spring poor, and two months is required to get them up to a living condition ; and it is rare that a fat animal is found or made during summer and autumn. There is, then, no doubt that shelter and food is required in North- Carolina as well as in New York, though the climate is miuh more favorable here for every purpose than in the north. The natural food which is mostly the produce of old fields and the wood and swamp ranges, is far less nutritious than the cultivated vegetables ; more exercise is required to get it, and hence a greater amount of expenditure of force is necessary. This, coupled with the fact of a less nutritions food and exposure, accounts tor the small size of the stock of the Southern States. § 130. It is an interesting enquiry, what crop or production con- tains in itself, the largest amount of nutriment or life-sustaining elements? In a question of this kind, it should be understood that it is not simj ly albumen or gluten, the flesh producing bodies, which are involved in the question, or the quantity of heat producing bodies as starch, sugar and gum ; for neither class of bodies is in reality life sustaining by itself, but it relates to, or means to inquire, what crop per acre contains that combination of the heat and flesh producing bodies in the greatest quantity ? A good old Alalthusian would regard this as a question of the deepest import, and would call to his aid the power of arithmetic and of the statistics of crops to solve the question. 108 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. tain a close approximate solution of this ques it is nee several weights of the crops which an acre yield? under good culture. An acre should yield, for example. 25 bushels of wheat, though large territories mag than 15 bushels; hut an acre which will yield '2. r » bushels of wheat will yield 60 bushels of corn — it is always competent to do this: hut the reverse of this is not true, for swamp lands will readily pro- duce the Indian corn, but not more than half the amount of wheat" and of a poor quality. If Indian coin is compared with the turnip, which is regarded in .'and as furnishing the greatest amount of life preserving ele- ments, it will appear that in this respect it exceeds our favorite crop. 1 lined that a crop of turnips yield per acr. pounds, but only one-ninth of this is nutriment, the rest is water; there is. therefore, out of tne 07,000 pounds only ^.444 of dry mat- ter. The heat producing elements only equal 6,290 pounds, and the flesh producing bodies amount to 1,000 pounds. The grain of Indian corn contains in an acre 2,780 poun ch. oil, Arc. which belong to the heat producing bodies, while the flesh produ- cing amount !•■ B40 pounds. If the grain only is taken into the unt, turnips rank higher than corn in their life sustaining pow- er. But it may thus be that though turnips outweigh Indian corn, it is not clear that in actual service this crop could by itself be em- ployed fur the human family; it answers a good purp - - e of our dishes, and s san sh to a tnrki F; no one would like the process of being fattened exclusively upon turnips. 'an corn being susceptible of all kinds of treatment by the cook, «ach one r>f which is. generally relished, it is highly probable that it should be placed highest in the scale as a li: .ing 132. Of the root crops, though turnips in England are prefer- to all others for fattening cattle, yet they must rank far b. The dry matter in t: itoe amounts r cent. It contain- l!» per cent, of starch, •"• per cent, of •. and nearly 1 per cent of dextrine or gum. Its heat produ- araount I : ■ r cent, at least. It nearly 7 per cent, of flesh forming bodies. A gli per acre about 30, - Is. The quantity of starch, -uirar. Arc. will amount t< 7,62J pounds, and >*0RTH-CAK0LLXA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 109 the weight of the flesh producing elements amount to 2,100 pounds. The life sustaining elements, therefore, in the sweet potatoes exceed those of the turnip, and would be preferred bj far to them ; and if the human family was reduced to the alternative of subsisting upon a single product, the sweet potatoe would do, because, like Indian corn, it may be cooked in various modes and made to suit the pal- ate, which is by no means to be lost sight of. But the turnip has too much water, is too insipid for daily use by itself, and could not be employed alone as a life sustaining substance, notwithstanding its rank. It takes rank because of the immense weight of a crop upon an acre. Taken pound for pound and it ranks low in the scale of nutrients. A person would have to consume 3 pounds of turnips to obtain the nutrient matter of one pound of the sweet potatoe, if our estimate is founded upon the quantity of dry matter which they respectively contain. In the Indian corn there is about 14 per Cvmt. water ; by the most thorough drying it amounts to 16. The remainder is important as a nutrient, taking the word in its broad- est signification. We are aware that Johnson's doctrine is somewhat different. He maintains in his scale of heat producing elements that the turnip will support eight times as many men upon the same acre as wheat. On the other hand, when they are estimated for flesh forming qual- ities, turnips will support four times as many men as wheat, Indian corn, or barley. Cal>bage, however, it is admitted, ranks higher than turnips in its rle'sh forming elements. The Irish and the negro population seem to understand this; the former particularly, purchase in mar- ket a cabbage, if it is to be found. ;; 133. The produce of an acre of cabbage amounts to 21.2 tons if their heads average 10 pounds each. Of this quantity 2»0.2 tons is water and 4 is dry cabbage, of which a ton will contain 324 pounds of nitrogenous matter. A ton contains IS pounds of inor- ganic matter, but if the substance is perfectly dry, it contains 153.9 pounds. The problem to be solved, however, is not the power of the different kinds of substances to sustain life by their actual amounts of heat or fle^h producing elements which they contain- It does not seem to be intended that either man or beast should subsist upon one kind of food. The appetite is never satistied with one or two things even, — it seeks variety; and when variety is at- 110 ;TH-CAROLIXA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. tainable, the strength for labor and the enjoyment of health attains its maximum power. Ton cabbage are important articles in the list of nutri- ments: and although they may contain more nitrogenous matter than wheat <«r corn, yet f as would make them their exclu- at and drink, unless driven by n< do; and if neoess upelled men to take them, the power to work and en- dure fatigue would be diminished, while Indian corn, wheat, or eve:. -. though they contain less nitrogenous matter, would supply the wants of the system much better. 134. It ia maintained, and the fact should be noticed in this connexion, that root crops, particularly the turnip, are to be spe- cially recommended for cultivation as they impoverish the land :. however, at the facts. A good turnip crop weighs to the aci '• pounds, and its inorganic matter or salts amount to 4" Is to the acre, while wheat has only about 60 pounds in the '2~> bushels. Cabbage takes awav about 600 according to Johnson, but this is rather to little for dry cabbage; it amounts to .34 pounds. Gri en cabbage contains only IS pounds to the ton. When we consider, then, the great weight of a good crop of turnips it will be admitted, we believe, that they are really more exhausting than the cereals. It makes no difference in the final results if it is proved that the root crop derive a 1; re of their nutriment from them ; they must obtain inorganic matter from the soil in due proportion, and experiment proves that they rem more from the Boil than other crop;.. Thi- with a yiew to d g of roots. They have their place in feed- inter and spring when the green - an- >uld not be selected for cultivation on the erroneous doctrine that they do n<»t impoverish the Boil, or to amount than the cereals and many other crops. 'ur icmarks thus far have related to the cereals and those hich are I for the Bustenance of man, or rather the character <.f the elements which he constantly empl Wt ai ■':.• te in fruits, which are of vast im- port;, l'iieir cultivation ia every where, we may Bay, receiving special . but many work on the old doctrine that a fruit tree or vine will provide for itself, if it is once fairly planted and watered a few times. It lives and may be it flourishes a few year.-. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Ill but in process of time it ceases to grow, and its fruit fails in quan- tity and quality. In such a result the planter is very apt to say that the climate is unsuitable for its growth. But let us briefly inculcate the true doctrine relative to trees. They require fertilizers as well as the cereals, and most of the fruits are injured by heavy grass culture, and especially by corn. The reason is they arc robbed of food. Roots extend much farther than many suppose; hence the deep plowing at a distance from the trunk breaks up the rootlets and cuts off the channels through which nu- triment ordinarily flows. Thrifty and profitable trees are made in this way only, that of supplying that variety of nutriment which any farmer knows his wheat or corn requires. The mode which should be followed in applying it, is to broadcast it over the sur- face, and which should extend beyond the shade of the branches. Very few rootlets for the support of the tree are thrown out, ordi- narily, near the trunk. It is of little use again to trench around the tree and deposit in the cut manure — it is far better to give the whole surface of an orchard dressings of composted manure. Such a course favors the development of rootlets, and the nutrient mat- ter is carried down to them in that dilute condition which their spongioles require ; and lastly, trees require clean culture, the re- moval of all Meeds beneath, and suckers which sprout from the base of the trunk. § 136. Many trim their trees outrageously by cutting the lowest large branches; the consequence is the production of a high, slim- headed tree of little value. The growth of the apple tree is upper- ward and narrow, with only a slight tendency to spread or expand latter ally. This mode of trimming the tree increases the upward growth, and hence, a very imperfect head is formed by the lateral extension of the side branches. Trees thus mutilated alwavs remain . if the word can be applied to trees. Even peach trees in North-Carolina are deprived of their best bearing branches. In addition to the injury sustained directly as fruit-bearing trees, their trunks are also exposed to the heat of the sun, which blasts the south or south-western sides, in consequence of being deprived in part, at least, of the shading which they require from the branches. In regard to vines, we believe the European mode of close trim- ming not well adapted to the cultivation of our native graves. It 118 XOKTH-CAEOLIXA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. is unnatoral, and not really reqnired by our climate. It is true. the Catawba, under the knife and shears of foreign cnltori e survived thus far their mutil; *.his fact rather pre - and natural recuperative powers under injury, than the utility of the practice. Wliat tlie human system may endure under physic is one thing: what it requires, and is nee- perfect health and developemeir. In our southern climate, protection from a burning sun on the side exposed from noon till tive. is one of the most important points to be attended to, and probably it is equally necessary in the growth of young orchards and vineries to protect the r be during the heat and drouth of summer bv m The object lerve the water of the soil, or prevent its excessive ew. ration by organic matters, which are the most retentive of moisture of all bodies which can be employed for this purpose. NORTH-CAROLLN'A GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. PART II. AGRICULTURE. CONTAINING DESCRIPTIONS, WITH MANY ANALYSES. OF THE S< JILS OF THE SWAMP LANDS. EBEXEZER EMMONS, STATE GEOLOGIST. "KALEIGH-: W, W. HOLDEX, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1-60. PREFACE. The Swamp lands of Xorth Carolina seemed to require a special examination in consequence of their variable characters and their great extent of surface. Differing in all respects from the uplands but possessing among themselves certain characters in common and at the same time as bodies of land other characters, which are not common, we have entertained the opinion that they richly deserved a careful examination, and have been encouraged to underrake it in the hope that it would result in the discovery of many important facts. Such a result has been hoped for by the fact that other State surveys, as well as those which have been undertaken by private enterprise, have left this field untouched. Viewing the subject in its most general points, before the work was undertaken, it seemed that the most important questions re- quiring solution were those which related to the condition and state of the elements which compose these soils, their relative and absolute quantities, and their prospective powers of endurance when brought into cultivation ; the latter of which would be de- termined, or at least indicated, by the per centages which analyses would give. These are some of the views which have governed us in the choice of measures we adopted in executing the task, and which have also incited us to the undertaking. As we had already determined from several analyses that there were varieties of soil included under the general term $wam_p lands, though they have the same aspect and appear much alike, and yet were found to be unlike the best lands under this class ; so we felt that it was im- portant to be able to point out those particulars in which they differed. This is not at all difficult when subjected to laboratory tests, but it would be still more useful to point out some method which could be executed by the planter, and upon which he could rely,, at least so far as to distinguish thereby the poor soils from the rich. vi PREFACE.. The method proposed is simply a mechanical separation of parts bv mean of water, and by which the coarse sands may be obtained v from the fine r the latter of which are really the important inorganic parts, and which give in analysis the lime, iron, alumina r phosphates, magnesia, etc. These complex elements,, which furnish ::portant nutritive or available elements differ in different localities and in different parts of the same tracts, facts which are explained in the text. In some they are reduced to 2.50, op 3 to 4 per cent., when in other parts perhaps of the same tract they exist in proportions varying from 10 to 50 per cent. Bv a mechanical separation in the mode we have described,, a planter may determine these important facts for himself with suf- ficient accuracy to guide him in his purposes, for it is an established principle, that when the inorganic matter does not exceed 3, 4. or 5 per cent., the land will not produce well. If, however, this small per centage exists only in a top layer, and at a depth of IS inches or so, there is a stratum charged with a larger per centage, say 10 to 15 per cent, of inorganic matter in which the fine soil exists. the land may be cultivated successfully \ if T however, a stratum of this kind is 5 or 6 feet below, or we have a mass of this thickness composed almost exclusively of vegetable matter, the plant will be unable to send its roots thus far, for it will perish too soon to secure a foothold on life, just as it would in a bed of marl, or a heap of stable refuse. The Carteret county open prairie has been re-examined, and we find a more favorable composition of its soil than at a previous Drainage of a tract ha9 effected a shrinkage of the vegeta- ble matter so much that a stratum of soil may be reached by the roots of crops. The tract, in its poorest constitution, i.s by no means to be ranked with a first class swamp soil. I have stated that there is a belt of excellent land surrounding the open prairie. But though the open prairie is not well adapted to the growth of the cereals, yet for Irish potatoes it is admirably constituted, and it is not improbable but that an enterprising man would make money heir cultivation. But I have stated the principal facts in their proper places, and need only refer to them in this place. The labor required in the analysis of so many specimens has- been exceedingly great. The work has been in hand mere than twe years. My assistants have been employed with me in the work. PEEFA€E, V when in town and when out door work was impossible or could not' be proseeuted to advantage. We have no doubt that much mere should be undertaken, the results of which would be anvantageous- to the State, at least indirectly. It is highly important that lands so fertile should be brought into cultivation, and we have no doubt that large tracts which are classified under the term, trwamj) lands T are to become- the best in the State for the growth of cotton. The great want which is felt is the construction of roads Iry which these lands may be reached and brought into market. We have no hesitation in saying that the' two millions of acres of swamp lauds are worth four millions of upland. In a rough estimate of this kind, we take tirm and esopenm ef cultivation into the account — the time these lands endure without the use of expensive fertili- zers, and-the ease arid the slight wear and tear of the instruments- Heed in cultivation,, when compared in the same list of expenses- required in the cultivation of the uplands of the middle counties,. However this may be, our aim has been to place the merits of these lands .in their true light ; not to exaggerate or depreciate Tf this- aim has been secured we shall be satisfied with the result*?-.. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. The compensations which take place in nature and by which a balance of force* is preserved Considerations relating to water. Water surfaces. Evaporatioi regulated by saline matters in the ocean. Carbon and carbonic acid. Insolu- bility of vegetable matter a conservative condition. Average fall of rain. 9— 17. CHAPTER II. The utility resulting from the analysis of soils. Methods pursued. IT — 23. CHAPTER III. The swamp lands. Their mode of formation and geological age. 23—26. CHAPTER TV. Geographical position of the swamp lands, and their extent in North-Carolina Defective information in the public archives of the State. The Savannah lands, etc. 26—28. CHAPTER V. Temperature of soils. Distribution and circulation s>f heat. 2S — 32. CHAPTER VI. Swamp lands divided into six districts. The Dismal swamp district has not been explored. Diversity of composition of these lands. Elevated in the- middle. 32—35. CHAPTER VII. Composition of swamp lands stated. Hyde county. Natural crftp is Indian corn. Number of plants to the acre. Quantity raised. 35 — 49. CHAPTER VIII. Position of Plymouth. Quality of soils indicated by the growth of timber. Cost ot drainage. Composition of four specimens of soil from the south side of Albemarle sound. Mechanical separation of elements, etc. 50 — 57. CHAPTER IX. The Pungo tract. Gen. Blount's plantation. General description of this part of the Albemarle swamp, with its natural growth of timber. Depth and compo- sition of the soils of this section of the swamp. Mechanical separation of the parts of the soil. How the poor soils of this class may be improved. Tyrrell county. The centre of the Albemarle tract highest in the centre. 57—65. Till TABLF. OF CONTENTS. lPTEB X. Say river District, composition of its soil. The 4th district of Swamp lunik. The open prairie of Carteret county, composition of its soils. Change effected by drainage. Inorganic matter increases with the depth «f soil. •".."> — 74. CHAPTER XL •Composition of soiis towards Beaufort. Composition of Mr. Sefton's swamp land Adams creek soils, Craven county. Dover swamp Craven co.. Eta hight above Nawbein. Composition of it6 soil. CHAPTER XII. :np lands of New Hanover and Brunswick counties, their composition remarks. 80—86. CHAPTER XIII. iall berry lands, and their composition. The Savannah lands and their charac- b'cs and -compositisn. 87 — DL APPEXDIX, lining brief descriptions of the Mineral Springs and well waters which cs;-ur in and about Raleigh, !'--- SURVEY OF NORTH-CAROLINA. PART II. AORICULTU Mat, 1860, E. Emmons. CHAPTER I. The compensations which take place m nature and by which a balance of forces is preserved. Considerations relating to water. Water surfaces. Evapora- tion regulated by saline matters in the ocean. Carbon and carbonic acid. In- solubility of vegetable matter a conservative condition. Average fall of rain. § 1. Rational farming rests on compensations, and has to be •conducted in accordance with the known laws of nature. If, in any part of space the balance of the forces is about to be lost, there will immediately set in counteracting forces to restore the balance which is thus endangered. The machinery of nature is so construct- ed, or under the government of such forces, that a balance is pre- served among them. Heat rarefies the air, and it rises in space, but its place is immediately supplied from the surrounding cooler atmos- phere. The great body of it may be moved over extensive areas, and when it has been subjected to excessive heat, the balance must be restored by winds and forces acting with a violence pro- portioned to the causes of disturbance. The evaporation of water from the soil is in part, and for a time, restored from the reservoir below. When, however, solid matters are removed from the soil by cultivation, the balance can be restored only by the hand of man. Even water has to be provided in certain countries by irri- gation. But in the general operations of the natural forces, ample provision is made for supplying water, ammonia and carbonic acid to all parts of the earth's surface. If no provisions existed in the In m "KTH-CAROLIXA GEOLOGICAL SUKVKY. machinery of nature to effect a general distribution of these im- portant elements, the earth's surface would he a barren wai Irrigation can only supply water under favorable circa rostan The great reservoirs of water fur watering the earth are the oceans. Let as see how the machinery works when it is furnishing the Bnpplies which vegetation every where requires. In the fir- know that the area which is to he watered must be rightly proportioned to that from which the supply is to come, and this supply is derived from the water surfaces provided for purpose. Now, the Atlantic ocean has an area of twenty-five mil- lions of square miles, and the Pacific of seventy millions. T: are the two great water surfaces upon which an earths snrfae thirtv-five millions of square miles is dependant for a constant - plv of this element. Now, it is a necessary part of the arrange- ment, that water should pass from the state of water to a light vapor, at all temperatures. Water has this property, though we connect its vaporous state with its boiling condition, when its tem- perature is raised to 212° of Fah. Bat at this temperatnre find that the heat it receives is just balanced by its apparent I as or by latent heat in the vapor as it escapes. While heating up to 212° its accession of heat is greater than the lose i op in vapor, and hence, continues to accumulate, or to grow hotter, till it reaches this point. If vapor was not formed till water boiled, or indeed, if not formed at all temperatures, the earth would be uninhabitable. Water then exposed to the atmosphere at all temperature- _ te sufficient heat to change it into vapor. It is water still, but its par- ticles are so widely separated by heat or expanded that if seen, it is a mist, a do •/. or m especially the a- il pa up the mountain side, it it is tall and reaches the re- gion of frost, it is entirely disborthened of its load. It is here, how- r, where - and rivers are formed and from whence they flow seaward, carrying back to the parent bosom every atom which NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 11 the sea had loaned. Should but a few atoms be lost in the outward or homeward journeys, the sea would fail to be kept full, and in process of time it would be dried rip. Every atom is therefore sent back, and thereby the balance of nature is preserved. Water en- dowed as it is, must circulate and supply the earth, and its people with itself. A counteracting law would be required to arrest its service. Our safety, however, for a supply rests mainly on the ease with which the loaded winds discharge their "argoes. If they were more niggardly, and held on to their possession with a miser- ly grasp, the poor plains and rollii g hills would be swindled out of their dues; and none but the snow clad mountain could extract the liquid treasure. Nature then has provided a machinery for the distribution of water which works perfectly. The farmer may sit in his parlor and see its operations. He needs no watering cart to supply his- crops like those used to lay the dust of the streets of cities. Such would be too expensive and cumbersome and would utterly fail. Compensation is the law. If the mountains, hills, and plains are irrigated by the forces of nature, ample provision is made for the return of the element to its parent bosom to be re-used and so work on as long as seed time and harvests shall continue. Now water how many times soever it takes its round of circulation never wears out, and it has been found, that a given area of land gets punctual- ly its annual share; and those countries- which are- deprived of rains or water in its usual form, ever remain in this condition. This stability is due to the uniformities in the operation of forces. The winds, unstable proverbially, are still under the government of law, and hence, as carriers of rain, and distributers of the ele- ments essential to the growth of plants, perform their offices so punctually and regularly that the kingdoms of nature rarely suffer from their failure to perform their office. But it seems to us at the iirst thought, that as three-fourths of the world has to be laid un- der water so that the other fourth may be supplied with this ele- ment that nature has been too lavish in its supply of evaporating surfaces. We are however, forced to admit the fact after we have found that it is rare that it is any where in excess. It is true that a few limited patches of land in India, where according to observa- tions not less than GOO inches of rain fail during the year, a quanti- ty which if furnished at one time would cover the country with a 18 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVl.Y. depth of 50 feet. Here there appears to be be a great excess of tliia element. As an offset however, to such excessive installments of rain, we have several rainless districts, as Peru. Chili and the Sahara of Africa, and hence it is probable that the average quanti- tv of rain for the whole acreage of land, would scarcety exceed 50 inches: and hence, in the general operations of nature, there is only a sufficient water surface to supply the rains which are nee sarv to the vegetable and animal kingdoms. The. annual fall of rain at Chapel Hill is 43. 9G inches. At Gas- ton 40.83 inches, and at Murfrecsborough 32.54 inches. There is no excess of rain it would seem from the few observations to which we can gain access in the Eastern counties. Wfl have said that all the water which the Oceans loaned from their exchequers is returned in due time, not, it is true, in the same individual particles, for the Atlantic furnishes water to the Pacific, and there is no doubt a mutual interchange, but each gets its quota and thereby keeps its coffers filled. But rivers, though they return all the water required, they do not return it in the pure, unsophisticated state it was when it set out on its journey borne by winds to the mountains. On its re- turn it is bnrthened with salts of various kinds. It robs the soil every where of its matter which we call fertilizing. Is it a trespass upon the plantation through which the rivulet flows, a robery of which the farmer has a right to complain ? In general, it is not. In a few particulars it may be. We think the Roanoko should cease plundering the upper country, but in general, we may say, it is a necessary tithe to the parent waters. It is necessary to en- able these great bodies of waters to fulfil their functions to earth .and man, to the kingdoms of nature. According to Maikv, the Philosopher of the Sea, these saline matters serve to keep the sea in motion ; they bring particles at the too losing their proportion of fresh water, beoome more saline and heavier, and sink to be replaced by particles moving upwards, .lint when the evaporating forces act upon large surfaces under a vertical sun, the excess of fresh water removed is so great that a dimple in the surface of the sea is formed whereby the outer boun- daries rush in to fill up the excavation. But saline matter in the sea retards evaporation ; it becomes a check upon Eolus or any wind which would .perhaps take too much at a time, and thereby NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 13 unnecessarily drench a part of the earth. Saline matter, therefore, checks evaporation, and as fresh water floats upon the surface and may be evaporates rapidly for a time, the process will be interrup- ted when a more saline layer is reached ; moderation is thereby secured. § 2. But it may be inquired, what consequences are likely to follow from a constant access of saline matter in the ocean ? "Will it become surcharged by evaporation, and will it become too saline for terrestial vegetation ? Such would be the case were it not that the forces of nature tend here as elsewhere to balance each other. The sen is like a great peopled city. There are builders there who want matter for their habitations. There is the coral insect who builds reefs extending for a thousand miles in a continuous line; there are oysters, clams, and myriads of shell fish as they are called, who use vast quantities of lime and other materials. We have seen that the great depths of the sea are sanded with minute shells of foraminifera. All these builders conspire to keep the sea well balanced and cleared of excess of saline matter, and there will be no excess, because it is solidified by the organisms prepared for the purpose ; and such has been the operations of life, in all past time ; the older rocks are charged with marine organisms, and the newer are equally so, and it is in this way the planter is pro- vided with marl and other fertilizers, deposited where the sea once stood. He now reaps the benefits of the saline matter which was robbed from the land millions of years ago. It is now returned back for his use in a better form and state. But the salt of the sea would form a huge pile if gathered into one heap. Shafhautl has computed, that the mineral matter suspended in the ocean, is equal to twice the bulk of the Himalayas. It is even said that there is common salt enough in the ocean, to cover an area of seven millions of square miles to the depth of one mile. We have rea- son to believe this immense amount of saline matter has been tak- en from the land since rivers have flowed seaward, though it is not fully settled, neither can it be; whether the ocean w;s created brackish, or was originally fresh water like our rivers, the opera turns of nature have not fully declared either in the affirmative or negative. § 3. The swamp lands of North-Carolina and of the Atlantic coast, contain a vast amount ef carbon. The vegetable matter is 1± N"KTH-CAROLDiA GEOLOUICAX, 6UBVEY. often more than 10 feet deep; and sometimes it is not easily sounded by the longest poles we can use. The quantity of organic D in some turm, varies from one-half to nh five hnndreths of the dry ma—. Whence has this vast quantity of carbon been derived '. Now - wet to this question does not appear to be difficult. In the n*r-t place all of it was once alive, and it all consists of the remains of vegetables whose constituent element is carbon. Now the foundation 4>f this carbons or a mixture of -and and clay: in a great measure is entirely destitute of carbon or vegetable matter, and hence we may assume that the original soil did not contain this element and could not supply it. We are. therefore, obliged to look for a Ripply to the atmosphere as has already been indicated in a former trea It may be interesting to see the computations which liave been made with respect to the quantity of carbon in the atmosphere in combination with ox;. _ rming carbonic acid. Thus the whole ght of the atmosphere being known, it has been determined with great accuracy that its carbonic acid forms one thousandth of this _ -. and as carbonic acid contains twenty-seven per cent. of carbon, the atmosphere will contain three thousand and eighty- five billion pounds of carbon. This quantity, it is maintained, ceede all that is locked up in the forests, and in the condition of mineral coal in the earth's strata. From thee - we maybe that the air can furnish carb.»n to an unlimited amount. It might appear that the withdrawal of this vast oauntity of carbon from the Atmosphere would materially affect its composition. Of this we cannot be assured. The withdrawal is a fact, but the re adequate to effect a replacement of the ab- red carbon. Thus in volcanic action vast qantities of carbonic acid pass into ami mingle with the atmosphere. What is with- drawn by the operation of one class of foi - is replaced by another. BO that it will be found, that the true balance is preserved, that which organised being-, by their constitution require. In the coal period vast quantities rbon were withdrawn from the atmosphere, and nolidified in the anthracites and bitu- nn,! - da; and hence it ■! that this abstraction of carbon rendered the atmosphere better and purer than it had been informer peril ~. The carbonic acid in the concurrent chai NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 15 of the day, gave up its oxygen, which, being added to the atmos- pheric mass, improved it to the amount thus added. Whether the constitution of the atmosphere has changed ma- terially since animals and plants were created, cannot be settled by calculations of the foregoing kind. We must resort to the deter- mination by facts of a different nature — those which relate to the wants and necessities of organic bodies. If our observations on animals and plants are extended to the coal period, we cannot find that they differed in their capacities to resist the poisonous effects of excessive doses of carbonic acid better than those of the present time. They appear to have been fitted to precisely similar conditions of the surrounding elements, and to have breathed an atmosphere like our own. and to have inhabited a medium identical with the waters now upon the earth's surface. In fine, it is not proved sat- isfactorily that the deviations in the composition of the controlling elements would injuriously affect the living organisms of the pres- ent period. So that to all intents and purposes the atmosphere was composed of elements existing in the ratios that they now exist. It is possible, however, that compensating forces were more active in early periods than now. If carbonic acid was removed more rapidly from the atmosphere in the coal period, it may well be maintained that volcanic agencies may have liberated more carbonic acid from the interior of the earth than now, and hence, a balance among the forces would be preserved. § 4. The vast body of carbon locked up in the swamp lands of North-Carolina must have been in solution, otherwise it could not have been received into the tissues of the plants. As it now exists it can scarcely be regarded as a soluble substance. If its solubility had been preserved it would have disappeared and found its way to the ocean. Insolubility is a preservative force, intended to pro- tect important bodies from waste. The property, however, is ex- cessively strong; as hnmic acid resists water alone with consider- able force, requiring 2,500 times its weight to dissolve it. Both heat and frosts too affect its solubility; both enables it to resist so- lution. In these facts we find a preservative power by which veg- etable fertilizers remain a long time unchanged. ^ 6. While the carbonaceous bodies are soluble with difficulty in water alone, we find that alkalies and particularly ammonia effect their solution, and it seems that they have a strong affinity for this 16 XORTH-CAROLIXA GEOLOGICAL SUBVET. ibeorfoiDg it readily wherever it is in their reach. A- ammonia is present in the atmosphere, and as rain contains it in small quantities and being carried down into the midst of the peat, it diss - r combines with portions of it, and forms thereby food for the nourishment of plants. "While then, water in which peat is- constantly immersed scarcely dissolves it, ammonia comes in aid of eble solvent powers, and thereby prepares a nutriment for the _' crop ; but the great store of matter remains, and is only prepared in divided doses. The conservative force exerted in so- lution, is not probably all that is concerned in supply, it is not im- probable that the vitality of the plant some way or other regulates and controls the reception of nutriment. We are not prepared to say how. It may be ultimately worked out by successive dis- coveries similar to those which took place in regard to the changes effected by the plant upon carbonic acid. It would then be like the history of all great discoveries, effected at different times and by the sagacity of different persons. Thus, net, tirst observed the evolution of a gas from leaves immersed in water : Priestly, discovered that that _ - - oxygen ; Ingen- house demonstrated the necessity of solar light for its disengage- ment, and finally, to complete the range of discovery, Lenwesteia has the honor of showing that the gas oxygen, is derived from car- bonic acid. It is thus that discoveries advance in a certain line, by step towards an ultimate fact, or generalizatiou. which is required in order to express the perfection of the advancing series. - only at the termination of such demonstrative truths, that theory receives its finishing stroke. In agriculture, practice has no doubt advanced farther than theory. Indeed theory is so far in the back ground that it may be : sting in expecta- . rather than in fact. The advancement of agriculture then, can; scribed strictly and in truth I : neither has it been so much under its guidance as many of the sciences. Many from theoretical dbctrii practice of agriculture is ran _ d by them. In- deed agricultural theories, s i&f, or t! which ha _ n out of experience. That the practice of agri- culture lias advanced far towards perfection without the aid of is not su: g n it is considered that its operations are very simple, and that results flow from them with great cer- XORTH-CAROLIXA GEOLOGICAL SURTET. i: tainty. This tact lias prevented that special consideration of phe- nomena, which would have come to pass in more complicated ar- rangements. Besides, the phenomena with which agriculturalists are most familiar, are enveloped in a kind of mystery ; and hence, appear to be beyond their reach. They can however, bring out the phenomena of vegetation in its season ; the grass and grain spring up when they sow the seed : they grow up under their eyes, though not in obedience to their will. They stand however, in the place of its proximate cause and they have learned by am- ple experience, that their growth may be promoted or retarded by certain agents; yet, the why and the wherefore they have not sat- isfactorily determined. CHAPTER II. The utility resulting from the analysis of soils. Methods pursued. § 6. A change of opinion has undoubtedly taken place in the minds of farmers and chemists respecting the advantages of soil analyses. Tn the earliest days of agricultural chemistry expecta- tions were no doubt too high ; too much was expected. It would, however, be contrary to tacts, to deny that agriculture has been advanced by the analysis of soils and the ash of plants. The knowledge of soils is certainly much more exact than it could have been had their comp isition been left to conjecture: and it is certain that farmers do proceed in the application of manures with better and more distinct ideas of what thev are doing and what thev want. They now know 'the reason why the expensive manures, potash and the phosphates, need be applied. § 7. It is no legitimate argument against analysis because it has not accomplished all the utility which may have been claimed when systematic agriculture was younger. If farmers and chemists will only look at results, or study the history of agriculture for the last fifty years, they will feel satisfied that its advancement has 16 NOKTH-CAKol.INA OBOLOQJOAL M i:\l.Y. been due in the main to chemistry, and in part to the direct results of the analysis of soils. Indeed, no real or rational progress could have been made until much had been done in this line of. chemical arch. The importance of minute proportions of the alkalies, alkaline earths and phosphates could never have been understood without these analyses. Experiments too, have grown out of chemical results of the highest importance. The use of organic matter has been established by experiment- suggested by analysis. It has been proved that organic matter is equally important with inorganic, and moreover, must exist, or be furnished and exist in it in a certain condition. Xo soil is absolutely destitute of organic matter, but in the South its proportion is often too small. Planters in the Southern States now understand why marl is injurious in certain cases. They know how to prepare it for use to avoid dis- astrous results; and all this must be traced to the benefit of the analysis of soils. Show the planter a held which is deficient in organic matter, and his application of marl will be governed by this fact. He knows that if a large dressing is applied, his objects will be defeated. He will proceed and make a compost of organic matter and marl; and he knows that thus prepared, he may use marl freely on poor land. Now. accident could not have put him in possession of this im- portant practical precept. lie would, and did find out, that heavy dressings of marl were injurious to crops for one or more years: but he would never have discovered that it was due to a deficiency of organic matter. This main fact was determined by analysis, and moreover, it led t<> the settlement of the question respecting the condition of the matter itself, and it is well established that it is necessary that it should be oxidized, and pass to the condition of an acid, in which state, it combines with the alkalies and earths, and forms soluble bodies. These organic salts become the food of the crop. The fact then, 'hat organic matter is indispensable to a fertile soil, together with the reason why. has grown out of analysis. Bui this is only one result It may be- said generally, that all the most important experiments in the growth of crops have grown out of the analysis of soils. For example, it was found that the phosphates and alkalies formed only small fractions of all, even fertile soils, ami it occurred as it naturally would to philo- sophical minds whether such small doses were really necessary to NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 10 the ripening and perfection of a crop. Experiments to settle this important and interesting question were set on foot to determine it, and they have resulted in showing clearly and satisfactorily that however little they may be, they are still essential to the perfec- tion of seed. Now, what has grown out of analyses must be re- garded as it respects utility, as a part and parcel of the original investigation, and analysis thus viewed cannot be regarded in other light than as having been eminently useful. It was necessary that it should precede and prepare the way for this experimental work, and we may probably assume that unless the preparatory steps had been taken, those important questions would not have been pro- pounded. The great objection which has been made to the utility of analysis is that chemistry is incompetent to detect the certain minute and essential elements of soils, without which the plant cannot perfect itself, may exist in the soil in sufficient quantities, and yet be beyond the reach of the chemist's skill to detect them. Chemical analysis for example pretends not to rind a less fractiou than J- of a strain ; an acre of soil one foot deep will weigh 2,000,0l>0 10U0 = . " , ,. . 1 pounds ; an ordinary wheat crop will take oft 200 pounds ot mineral matter, allowing one half to be phosphates and we have only one twenty thousandth part composed of that part or quantity; and hence, too small for the chemist to find. Four hundred pounds ot guano, conainingsay one-fifth phosphates applied to an acre entirely destitute of phosphates, would, it is claimed make all the difference there is between a good crop and no crop at all ; but this eighty pounds,- distributed through (2,000,000) two million pounds of soil would be too trifling a quantity for the present state ot chemical analysis to detect. Besides, it is farther said he does not need it, it being too expensive and the general deductions of the chemist are ot more value to him than any [.articular analysis of his soil. Grant- ed ; but then, these very deductions are either the results of analy- - -. *>v of experiments which analyses have suggested and called for. There can be nothing truer, and hence to discard analysis on the grounds stated is unjust to Liebig, Johnson, Mulder and others. Then again it is said that a Boston chemist found a barren >and of New Hampshire, with the same composition as another specimen from the rich Sciota Valley. This we doubt ; be that as it may, the subsequent paragraph shows very distinctly the prominent differ- :TH-CAROLINA GKoLOGICAL SCRTKY. ences of the two example? of soil. The New Hampshire barren remelv Sciota Valley soil on the c e.xrretnelv fine. No one denies the importance of texture in a the chemist who should neglect to state the differences between two bo much alike in the quantity of sand, would omit a very im- of information. It would belong - s€ gen* eral deductions which the chemist has formed from either .ical and mechanical analyses of soils. Again, the statement that one-fifth of the four hundred p _'uano, consisting of phosphates distributed through 2, ponn - - 1. makes all the difference between a good crop trop at all, is an assumption. In the case of the appli< guano, it is only fair to assume that the 400 pounds added is just BO much addition to the fertilizing matter already in the soil, and in most cases we have never found an exception to this result, that -phates may be detected in 1000 grains of any soil. >Ve are unbelievers in the doctrine that SO pounds of phosphates only in pounds of soil would produce a crop of wheat or any other crop : that it will, however, or will not, requires to b by experiment. R. The correct analysis of a soil is by no means a short and ea>y task, as many have supposed, or - to suppose when tl f-rward their packages to the laboratory, and seem to expect re- ;, - within twenty-four hours, .at least. That the reader may entertain more rational l I of 1 than is usually expressed by our correspond* _ in part remarks upon this subject, by I>r. (*. T. Jackson, i f Boston** "The analysis of soils is so difficult, and n - BO much time, that the chemist is often discouraged, and if pa it would cost more than he could well afford. Hence, krnsl analyses must be made at the public expense, under the direction government. The manner in which the present analyc - been made, demands from twenty to twenty-five days, and no chemist can properly attend to more than one at .' a time. I state this to correct erroneous impressions on the subject. In de- :1, we have to work on a great at office report I NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 21 number of its separate portions, sometimes employing 100 grains in the analysis, and at others 25, while to separate those ingre- dients which occur sparingly, we employ at least 1,000 grains for each determination. The results are subsequently reduced to per centage in the tabulated form. In the first place, the sample has to be dried at a moderate temperature in a current of dry, warm air, and then thoroughly mingled, so that the successive portions taken for analytic processes may be exactly alike. To determine the amount of organic matter, 100 grains dried at 212° Fah. are burned in a platinum crucible, when the loss by combustion and volatilization is ascertained by decrease of weight. Then the soil is dige3ted with chlorohydric acid, the matters solu- ble in the acid are ascertained by the usual method, and their pro- portions stated. Another analysis of 25 grains is next taken for analysis by entire solution, and this is decomposed b}' fusion with carbonate of soda in the manner employed in the analysis of inso- luble silicious minerals, and a complete analysis made, all the in- gredients being weighed excepting the alkalies, which are deter- mined by difference, while their relative proportions are ascertained by the analysis of 100 grains of the soil by acids, and then their ratios are computed for that portion which had been analyzed by fusion with soda. Again, separate portions of 100 grains each are employed for the determination of the proportions of carbonic and phosphoric acids, the first being ascertained by expelling, by means of a stronger mineral acid, in a proper aparatus. The phosphoric acid is thrown down from an acid solution in combination with peroxide of iron, lime and magnesia, all of which are precipitated by am- monia. The weight of these substances combined is first ascer- tained, when they are all re-dissolved and the oxide of iron is separated in a state of sulphide of iron, which is again converted into peroxide of iron by nitric acid, and re-precipitated, and again weighed, whereby the proportion of phosphates is ascertained. This is again checked by analysis of the sulphide of ammonia and solution of the phosphates. Then for the determination of sulphuric acid, chlorine, nitric- acid, ammonia and the organic acids, we operate on separate lots of soil, each weighing 1,000 grains. Sulphuric acid is precipitated by means of nitrate of barytes; chlorine by nitrate of silver; nitric 22 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL PURVEY. acid is tested in an aqueous solution of the soil, boiling it with chlorohydric acid and gold foil, to set- it* it dissolves any gold, and by evaporation of the aqneotre solution to dryness, and by testing the deflagration of the dry residue which contains organic matters mixed sometimes with a minute proportion of nitrate of potash. I re is no direct mode of determining the proportion <>t* nitric | in a soil. It occurs only in minute proportions. The organic acids of the soil, crenic, apOcrenic and lniniic acids are separated together from the insoluble humus by means' of a i rated solution of carbonate of ammonia, and after filtration this solution mi evaporation to dryness will give the weight of these acids, with some phosphates; which are always dissolved by Miiuioniacal solution, namely, the phosphates of lime and magnesia. * On burning the organic acids these phosphates are obtained, and iheir weight deducted from the comhined weight of the organic matters and phosphates. By deducting the weight of the soluble organic acids from the whole weight of the organic matters, we have that of the insoluble humus or carbonaceous matters. We i deduct from the soluble organic acids the weight of the am- monia and determine it by a separate process on another 1,000 grains -oil. The ammonia is ascertained by digesting distilled water, acidulated with pnre hydrochloric acid with 1,000 grains of the soil* then on filtration, evaporation of the acid aqueous solution, and the addition of bi chloride of platinum solution, we obtain ammonia, as a soluble chloride of platinirm and ammonia, fcpj which it is easy to compute the proportion of ammonia in the iiiic matter of the soil from the weight of the double chloride.'" We. have pursued for the mosl part the foregoing detailed methods, the results of which are nsually satisfactory. ProbaWy the analysis of the soil of the swamp lands will be attended with more utility than those of the midland or mountain counties, for ter mines with certainty the fact whether they are susceptible ultivation or not, and also, it determines the cause of their irorthlessni Furthermore, as it regards the utility of analysis, we believe that have promoted the advancement of agriculture in an eminent ree a ,,,l the reason why agriculturists and certain chemists :ry their utility is owing to their not effecting what enthusiasts NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 23 promised, or what was expected. Too high expectations when un- fulfilled are very liable to produce a reactive feeling and to call out sentiments entirely of a depreciating character, or tolead persons to say that they are of no account. But until thorough analyses had been executed, a correct view of soils, either practical or theoretical, could never have been obtained. We now know for a certainty, some of the functions of a soil, and it is a great deal to know that the most important elements of growth exist only in minute quantities, and that they may be removed in tie course of a tew years' cultivation. This is a practical fact, and could not have been guessed out ; it remained to be determined by the skill of the chemist and accurately conducted experiments. CHAPTER ILL Fhe swamp lands. Their mode of formation and geological age, § !>. It is maintained that soils are the debris of rocks which have been forming from the earliest periods of the earth's history. This is no doubt literally true ; but the debris has been subjected to certain changes, particularly those of place. It has not lain by the side of the rock from which it was separated in but few in- stances, but its removal or change of place has been excessive in many instances, as in the western and northern States, while in the South that agency which is recognized there has not been in oper- ation hero. In this State, no currents of water have ever swept over the face of the earth, so as to remove the soil to a great distance from the rocks from which it was derived. In the course of time, that which belongs strictly to the present period, however, a partial removal to distant quarters has taken place. This removal was effected mostly by rivers acting locally upon hanks of soil, which by little and little were transported to the Atlantic coast, or to inland bays, like the Albemarle and Palmico of our coast. Now, the soils during the act of removal, were subjected to the -4 LOGICAL SCRVET. iter, whereby the coarser parts were separa- the finer and distributed according to the comparative gravity ; the liner particles being transported farther than the and probably in different directions, both laterally and more widely. The present operations of water illustrate in part the nature of by which removals forme; cannot but notice the turbid conditions of the Roanoke, the Fear, daring a freshet. It is due to the soil which has been rom their banks, and which is being tran- ~:de in part, before the waters reach their des- itkm. In free! - is, the low ground? are inundated with I - muddy water, and it frequently happens that an inch or more of fine - *ed at certain places which are favorably situated. or in places where the waters are unagited by the rapid com - usually seen, howev g the immediate banks of •d it is not unfrecmently the case, that all the old ever rank, is buried, or concealed beneath the sedi- it. But in addition to this heavy deposit, there is still a liner ich is carried by the water into lateral marshes, and ter, though robbed of a part of its burthen, still retain? I hich slowly settles among the moss, re ch belong to this peculiar formation. These waters are slowly :T. and perhaps even remain s, ind are only dis- 1 of by mid-summe: . >n, and during the time ve while it is receiving the fine sedimen- overflowing rivers. In conditions like t: st s soils formed, inasmuch as there is addt e sediments which become the . and which are intimate _ed with an 'idance of fertilizing matter in the condition of peat. Such is the pr" which the best swamp lands are made, le the poorer be' _ ted where • white •- ■. --. When the sand and ached a cert it, or has attained the level of ordinary freshets, vegetation on, and m- n, _ as, and certain herbaceous plants trees, still grow, until the surface upon which they stan _ er than the margins. The whole n F vegetation which grew in former years is like a sponge, and it is at all times nearly NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 25 aturated with water. Iu this condition it receives no farther addi- tion of soil ; it is a mere growth of water living vegetables which maintain their place by their constitutional adaptations. This vegetation is divisible into two parts, the dead and living; the former beneath, the latter above. This status quo is maintained solely by the low temperature of the swamp. All the vegetation below is as it were, water logged, and in process of time it simply blackens, as it is a water charring; and when it has become peat it undergoes no farther change. This is the exact condition of many swamps; above they consist of a mass of vegetation of the poorest plants, the mosses and coarse grasses ; and for trees, some pines of a small size, and many bays or magnolias. Let such a swamp be drained and it subsides from a one to two feet; a chano-* which is confined to the upper part. In early days, or when first forming, sand was received from a distance, or it may have been laid down upon an old sandy sea bottom. But it has generally happened that the lower parts ot the vegetable mass is mixed with sand, showing that though the swamp was based upon a sea bot- tom ; yet, being basin shaped, it continued for a time to receive materials from a distance. The age of these deposits is no doubt recent. They repose upon the eolian sands, and generally, so far as their bottoms have been exposed for examination, they belong to most recent coast deposits, and yet, it is probably true, that thej extend far back beyond the settlement of the coast. Still, they are properly modern formations, and are entirely connected with the present state and arrangements of the present line of coasts, and the river systems coming in from the interior. It is probably true, that as to agricultural value, it will prove that those which are the highest or have become higher than tide water by growth of ve'getation, they are of less value while those which are so situated that they receive the overflowings of rivers until a late period, and hence are last formed, are the most valuable. Hyde county, for example, is only about 4 or 5 feet above storm tides. The Dover swamp in Craven county, we believe, is nearly 60 feet ; the first is excellent land, and the latter worthless, — or comparatively so. In the same field, however, with these poor swamps we may often find fertile islands capable of bearing heavy crops of corn. The means by which such islands may be recog- nised will be stated farther on. 2 KTH-CABOLIXA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. CIIAPTKIi IV. jraphical position of the swamp lands, and their extent in North-Carolina. Defective information in the public archives of the State. The Savannah lands, etc, e lands under consideration are confined to the eac counties. They scarcely touch the long, narrow sounds which skirt the Atlantic. Large bodies extend from fifty to one hundred miles from the ocean, and occupy wide belts, not far ft and parallel ith. the principal rivers. Their shape is, howe Irregular, and it will be seen by the inspection of any correct map, they must occupy ground considerably higher than the I of the river which they skirt. They are reservoirs of water, and numerous streams issue from them on all sides which find their wav to the river channels by exceeding :ed routes or oonn - ;.' 11. Hi€ most northern swamp is a continuation «»f the _ 1 1 -:nal, lying partly in Virginia and partly in North-Carolina, and ies large tracts in Currituck and Pasquotank counties, uotank river rises in this swamp, its head being really in Lake immond, in Virginia. Towns and numerous hamlets, however, are planted in the great Dismal Swamp. It is traversed by roads, and few in j _ through this section of country would tnapeet they were in this swamp, famous the world over for its omii name. The largest territory of swamp lies in Washington, Tyrrell, ifort and Hyde counties. Its whole length is rather more than nty-five miles from east to west, and at least forty-five in the irtfrom north to south. It lies between Albemarle Sound, rater Itoanoke River, and Pamlico Sound, Pamlico and Tar rs. The most eastern parts of this great tract, however, should be regarded a- /|L The black ?<>ils of the a when laid dry become sufficiently warm for the perfection of indian corn even when water stands in the furrows a part of the - The ition of the bony of vegetable matter forming the swamp lands is due to two CftOMfl : 1st, low temperature ; 2d, the NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 31 exclusion of air containing oxygen, which is the agent which com- bines with the organic matter and forms with them humic, crenic, apocivnic acids, and which in their turn combine with ammonia, lime, magnesia, and iron, and which are supposed to be the food of plants. The temperature of the earth from January 22d to April 21st has advanced from 41° to 68°-70°. The color causing an increase ac- cording to its depth ; and black soil at the depth of 6 inches reach- ing 80°. At a later period it is sometimes found to rise to 120° when ex- posed to the sun when a marsh near by was only 67°. From the foregoing facts we may readily surmise what is needful to be done to increase the surface as well as bottom heat. The most rude savage, if he had any idea at all respecting indian corn, would never plant it in a wet place ; he would select a dry surface. But, having done this, it is not certain that in every case it would be possible to increase the heat of the soil by artificial means. However, as dark soils become warm in proportion to their depth of color, we may, under favorable circumstances, mix black sub- stances with the soil, such as char coal and peat. Wheat grows better on a stiff red soil than a stiff light one. In most cases the color demonstrates that chemical action has progressed farther than in a light colored soil. In the former the iron has become, at least in a part of it, saturated with oxygen. One part may remain in a protoxide; and if there is organic matter in the soil this is certainly the case, as it deoxidizes the peroxide, a change which is supposed to be a very important one in reference to the formation of ammonia in the soil. In connexion with the subject of cold and warm soils, we may state a beautiful compensation with regard to the distribution of heat. The loss of heat by evaporation has been fully stated, but it may not have occured to the common reader that the reverse takes place when this vapor condenses again as it is carried landward, and as the air hovers over the soil with its load of water, every object cooler than itself is moistened with dew, and the heat of this vapor is imparted to the surfaces on which it is deposited. When, however, equalization of tempera- ture between the air and bedewed surfaces has taken place, it is no longer formed. The properties of air, whether as a carrier of moisture and heat, or as a moving body, are eminently adapted to 32 ::TH-CAKOLINA GEOLOGICAL SCRVET. the \\;r [fetation; they are what the farmer wants tor his fin]. -: doing tliat in the simplest and gentlest manner pi - supply the necessities; erf the infant plant. They are cooled in the hot sunshine by evaporation, and wanned by the dews of the evening, and are thereby saved from the chills which the ahsence of the sun tend to produce. Water, as most persons on reflection will perceive, i> a material proper to our earth as much as oxygens silex or gold : but heat is in one sense a foreign product, not to call it matter, originating in the operation of forces peculiar to matter. The great source of heat which the outward parts of the earth enjoys is derived from the sun. It is distributed by nnmei agencies, luit its nature is such that the heat of one year i - the celestial spares, and what is enjoyed the next is a new emana- tion from the sun and from the active agencies of earth. It is not, then, like water, preserved from year to year by a conservative force; but we are indebted for its continuation to the constant action of the sun and the terrestial forces which are appointed to furnish it from their store hone These remarks, we are aware, have no connexion with swamp lands that we can perceive, and still they are not to he regard* entirely n.-cless. especially w en taken in connexion with the re- mark- concerning the conservation of water and its perpetual ence upon the earth's surface and connexion with the atm - phere. CHAPTER VI. m Swamp lands divided into six districts. The Dismal swamp district has not been e x plored. Diversity of composition of those land-. Elevated in the middle. . The swamp lands of North-Carolina may he regarded as forming six districts. The first beginning on the north, is the Dismal swamp, which lies both in Virginia and North-Carolina. The NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 66 second is the Albemarle and Pamlico swamp district, lying be- tween the Albemarle and Pamlico sounds. This large tract is of a quadrangular form and occupies large areas in Tyrrell, Hyde, Washington and Beaufort counties, and probably has the largest acreage of any swamp in the State. It is also the type of all the rest, and will by itself represent every variety of this kind of land which is found in either of the others. The third is Bay river district, lying between Pamlico and Neuse rivers, both of which in their lower reaches, swell out into wide bays. The fourth is Carteret county district, lying between the Neuse and Bogue and Core sounds. In this lies the great open prairie tract of eighty thousand acres, and which is owned mostly by the State. The fifth is the Holly Shelter swamp, including Angola bay, lying between New river and the East Cape Fear. The sixth is Green swamp, lying mostly in Brunswich county. The Dismal swamp district has not been sufficiently examined to enable us to speak definitely with respect to its agricultural character. It is believed to furnish the characteristics of the other districts. A single analysis of a specimen of its soil in the early part of the survey, and which was procured within a few miles of Elizabeth City, gave results closely resembling those taken from Hyde county. The examination of the second district has been much more ex- tensive, having procured samples of soils from all sides of this extensive tract. This we have regarded as particularly worthy of attentive examination and illustration, as it furnishes the best types of soil with which the others may be compared. Those of Hyde county are the best known, and when it is found that a soil has a composition similar to those of this county, we are sure that they will be productive. It is not designed to intimate in the foregoing statement, that this large tract has been crossed, or traversed extensively. It has been examined, however, in Tyrrell county, in Hyde, on both sides of Matamuskeet lake, in Washington and Beaufort counties. W« have samples of soil which no doubt represent all the varieties which occur in this great tract. It is proper to observe in this place, that the swamp lands of this State present as much diversity • 34 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL 8URVKV. in composition as those of the middle or western counties. For example as it regards the quantity of vegetable matter; Bome are •ompoeed almost exclusively of it, while in others, it is reduced to a minimum, and thereby scarcely differ from ordinary soils. We find between these, extremes of every imaginable variety in the quantity of vegetable matter, though to the eye there is a very close resemblance. Besides in the counties above named, there are large tracts which are well adapted to the growth of wheat, being composed of large proportions of clay, with only the ordinary quantity or per centage of organic matter. There is still another interesting tact which should be noticed here inasmuch as it is applicable to all the large tracts of swamp land ; it is, that they are all higher in the middle than upon the borders. This explains the fact why the streams all flow outward. They all originate in a culminating belt, or crown ; and it is this interior belt, which gives in analysis the great excess of vegetable, while the outskirts contain a greater porportion of inorganic matter. This statement however, does not always hold good ; yet it is so common as to be worthy of notice. Hence too in ditching, it is necessary to keep the cut level or down, so as not to run out. in its progress towards the crown of the swamp. We shall also expect from the foregoing to find the vegetable matter increasing, and perhaps to be approaching to that extreme, that it will not be advisable to at- tempt to bring it into immediate cultivation. The miner, in his trials for gold, follows if possible the lead to the vien, the great depository of metal; the farmer or planter, will pro- ceed something in the same way, trying at short intervals the mass for the purp «e of determining the quantity of earth, or soil which is intermingled with the vegetable matter, inasmuch as cultivation turns, wc think, on the quantity which it contains, at least in the present state of our agricultural knowledge. As many variations exist in composition, so it will be found that there will necessarily occur equivalent variations in value. In or- der to determine the value of any part of the uncultivated sections they should be compared with lands under cultivation and which have been proved by experiment. Certainly this course musl be regarded as the safest, though we believe that it is not diffi- cult to arrive at a safe conclusion provided the proper steps are taken to determine one or two points, the quantity of soil in the NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 35 mass, and its condition whether it is line or coarse, or is made up entirely of marine sand. In this case it certainly is better than an entire absence of mineral matter; yet, if it is to be cultivated other elements must be added. CHAPTER VII. Composition of swamp lands stated. Hyde county. Natural crop is Indian corn. Number of plants to the acre. Quantity raised. § 1-L The composition of the swamp lands, which now claims attention, will be as fully stated as seems to be necessary for a full knowledge of their peculiar properties. In doing this it is regard- ed as expedient to bring together all the analyses which have been made which are trust-worthv. As it regards those which were given in the report for 1S50, they will be also restated as they have been re-examined and additional results obtained, which were necessary to make them complete. Hyde is an ancient county. It occupies the eastern part of the 2d district of swamp lands; is elevated only a few feet above the tide storms of the coast. The marsh lands everywhere skirt the best swamp land, but they are never included in those which are under consideration, even such parts of them which are only rarely overflowed by tides. They are too saline for the cereals, or the fine meadow grasses. It is in this county that the durability of swamp lands has been tested. 'J he records of the courts and reliable tradition show that certain tracts have been under constant cultivation over a century with a yearly crop of grains, principally indian corn, without showing a decrease in the number of bushels per acre or any diminution in the fertility of the soil. It is rather maintained that they improve under cultivation ; and this is not surprising, because they are brought to a condition more favorable to vegetation in consequence of the free admission of air and the disappearance of 36 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. an upper surface too much charged with vegetable matter. Be- sides if becomes more compact, and is Letter able to support the heavy foliage. In a loose soil the roots are unable to sustain the foilage and keep it upright against the force of Btrong winds which sometimes visit the low counties. The roots are liable t<> be broken or injured in resisting its force. Though the soil is still to be regarded as light and loose, it is not spongy, and water rises through it as in other soils, though moisture is favored by the presence of a large amount of vegetable matter. The color is black or dark brown, as already indicated, and the whole mass near the surface looks as if it was composed entirely of vegetable matter. We see no particles of sand or soil in it. On the sides and bottoms of ditches a li the soluble organic matter is large in this instance. The quantity of ammonia is smaller at this depth than at the sur: The constitution of this part of the soil is excellent, p - all the elements which are necessary for the growth of crops. The specimen for analysis was taken about midway between the- top and bottom of the mass of soil ; below, it preserved the same com- mon apparently or so far as mechanical exploration could furn- information, though it is probably more highly charged with goil as it seems to increase with depth. But taking the whole i:. - of soil which is a feet deep at this part of the plantation and not less elsewhere, there is in sight a large store honse of mat- ter to sn>ta : n the crops, or any future vegetable growth. . This plantation, which has been under actual cultivation fop a period sufficiently long to test most thoroughly the capacity of the Ilvde count r endurance, is at present ihe property of Dr. Long of Lake landing. Its ownership can be traced back for six generations, and the crops which have been removed have ne- cessarily been confined to the cereals and probably Indian corn, with an occasional crop of wheat, which is cultivated for the pur- pose of occupying the land with something m<>re profitable than a hea "h of weeds. It is necessary they should be excluded by occupation. The composition of a sample of this soil, which has been so long under the plow, has been determined with the following results: NORTH-CAROLINA. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 39 Water, 8.90 Silex, 59.00 Insoluble organic matter, I&66 Humic acid or soluble organic matter, 3.40 Peroxide of iron and alumina, 8.00 Carbonate of lime, 0. 1 Magnesia, 0.09 Potash, 0.04 Soda, 0.08 Silicic acid, 0.20 Phosphate of lime, 0.62 Sulphuric acid, trace. Chlorine, trace. Ammonia, 0.2") 98.96 This soil is shown to contain less organic matter than the first, and a larger proportion of silica. The first element must necessarily diminish under cultivation more rapidly than can be accounted for by removal in the crop. It is consumed by exposure to the ele- ments, undergoing a change analogous to combustion, and which Liebig has termed eremacausis. The quantity of corn which is cultivated per acre, is reckoned by the number of plants allowed to stand. The common rule in Hyde county, we believe is to cultivate fourteen thousand per acre; and it is common to allow two or three plants to grow in a hill. A crop made up or consisting of such a number of plants per acre will give a stranger a correct knowledge of the capabilities of the soil. But it should be observed that the immense growth of foilage with stalks is somewhat out of portion to the grain, and it appears, that maize, growing in a very rich soil, runs somewhat to foilage, though not to the excess which is observed in oats, wheat and other cereals. The bight of the corn, upon an average, is 12 feet high. The grain is rather lighter also than northern or western corn, and the ears, taken as a whole, appear rather less than when grown upon soil with less vegetable matter. The usual crop is between 10 and 12 barrels of 5 bushels, to the acre. If heavy winds in the early part of the season, or other agents act unfavorably, it will be diminished to 9 or 10 barrels per acre, while in favorable seasons it reaches twelve barrels. 4'J ::th-caroli>"a geologi j v. It may not strike a person as remarkable: but it should be considered that no manure is called for. and the simplest and cheapest mode of cultivation is all that is required to make a crop oft: - - tmaisthe common result, without an expendi- ture in money and labor for manure. Therefore, there is a larger _:i it is not uncommon to obtain a larger yield, bat it is o at a heavy expence in fertilizers and labor. M Staled in the I g paragraphs, were taken from the south side of Matatnnskeet lake. The north y regarded as better land. It is ik>t. however, fully established that this opinion is well founded. The differences are The composition of the soil of the north side i? certainly much the same, as we believe. The followii ate- ment of the con *:on of soil from the plantation of Mr. Burrows, taken at a depth of eight inches. It had been under culture for three years: Wafer II Insoluble organic matter, Humic acid, or soluble organic matter, Peroxide of iron, Alumina. .">.]<» Silicic acid, Carbonate of lime 0.27 Pota-h Soda, 0.10 sphoric acid, O.lfl Chlorine, trace. Sulphuric acid, trace. Ammonia. Silex The land* of ITy.le follow the same rule respecting the presence ■ .f chlorine and sulphuric acid, as all the swamp lands of the tern and southern counties. Their absence -atisfaetorilv acconnted for, unless it is due to excessive moisture, or to their removal by constant contact with water. The timber of the soils of the Matamnskeet country are black gum and c >th of a NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 41 large size. Large pines and poplars are not uncommon, and all are regarded as indicative of a rich soil. This opinion is un- doubtedly true, and may be relied upon. It is, in fact, perfectly compatible with all the arrangements and conditions required. While the timber of the poor tracts bear trees of a small size, of a different kind, appear dwarfed or starved, for want of nutriment. The poor soils also bear upon their surfaces indications equally compatible with the conditions in which they are connected, but in the latter it is perhaps a condition which may be greatly im- proved. § 17. It will be useful in passing, to compare the swamp lands with the prairies of Illinois, or any other tract of the great west, whose characteristics have drawn westward so many emigrants from New England, New York and the old world. The soils of the prairies have a great natural fertility, and which it is supposed by many are so excessive that they will bear culti- vation for thousands of years, though not without the aid of fer- tilizers. Large tracts in Europe, Lombardy. for example, have yielded crops for two thousand years. But Lombardy yields her crops, and has done so from time immemorial, by the aid of fer- tilizers, and which are husbanded in a manner and with a care, which is unknown out of that country. Calculations are made to a penny, what a pound of any given fertilizer is worth. It is a money article. The long period during which Lombardy and England have been cultivated, and are still productive, proves the value of the basis of the soils upon which agriculture has rested. § 18. A prairie soil of Illinois is usually black, or brownish black and friable, from an intermixture of earthy or sandy matter. It has a basis or subsoil of a stiff yellowish clay, and such is the nature of this soil, that it has borne a succession of crops of maize for thirty ) r ears, and even more, without manure. These lands are better adapted to maize than wheat, and parti} 7 " so for the same reasons that this crop succeeds better in all the swamp lands than wheat. Besides, the open prairies are swept in the winter by strong chilling winds, which injure wheat by rooting it up. Such influences must bear annually upon lands thus exposed. The crops of corn are larger than in Hyde county, but whether they sell for as much money, is quite doubtful. A prairie crop often reaches a hundred bushels per acre. The farmers of Hyde seem 3 42 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. to be contented with 60 bushels per acre, and at the same time we see no reason why they too might not increase it to 100 bushels The composition of the prairie lands furnish some differences, but the: - - much uniformity that they appear to form only one class. I 19. An example or two showing the composition of the best of the class will suffice for a comparison with the Hyde county corn lands. Thus, the best kind consists of: Organic matter and water in combination, 9.05 Alumina, 3.38 < ixides of iron 4.30 Lime 54 goon 35 Potash, 19 Soda, 08 Phosphoric acid, 10 Sulphuric acid, 08 Carbonic acid and traces of chlorine 09 100,00. Ammonia, 41 Containing nitrogen, 3-4 Prof. Voelcker ^0. Prof. Voelcker remarks* that the soil is not rich in phos- phoric acid, but still, there is an ample store to meet all the re- quirements of the plants usually cultivated upon the farm. The great and important distinction in the composition of the prairie soil and swamp lands, is the great excess of vegetable matter in the latter. The prairie soil possesses no advantages in point of composition with respect to the expensive elements, photpfo -. . etc The prairie lands must necessarily require fertilizers at an early day, while the magazine of food in the swamp lands will require centuries before it can be consumed, even under constant cultivation. Another variety of prairie soil analyzed by Prof. Voelcker is re- garded as less fertile than the preceeding. It is composed of: * Prairie farming in America, by James C. Caird, M. P. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 43 Organic matter and water of combination, 5.76 Alumina, 1.57 Oxide of iron, 2.57 Lime, 35 Magnesia, 40 Potash, 33 Soda, trace. Phosphoric acid, 05 Sulphuric acid, 05 Carbonic acid, and traces of chlorine and loss, .... 53 100.00 Ammonia, 0.31 Containing Nitrogen, 0.26 The proportion of nitrogen, says Prof. Yoelcker, is less as might be expected from the smaller quantity of organic matter. How- ever, two tenths per cent, is regarded as a large proportion though when expressed in fractional numbers it appears insignificant, yet when it is known that the weight of soil, ten inches deep upon an acre amounts to a thousand tons in round numbers, the quantity of nitrogen in an acre of soil existing in this proportion will be about two tons. A crop of wheat of 36 bushels to the acre with its straw, contains fifty two pounds of nitrogen, and a crop of Swed- ish turnips only about thirty-six pounds. In this connection it will be instructive to many to see the com- position of a rich wheat soil of Scotland analyzed by Prof. Ander- son. It is from Mid Lothian and consists of: Organic matter and water, 10.19 Alumina, 6.93 Oxides of iron, 5. 17 Lime, 1.22 Magnesia, 1.08 Potash, 0.35 Soda, 0.43 Phosphoric acid, _ 0.43 Sulphuric acid, 0.04 Silica, 71.55 Water, 2.58 Carbonate acid and loss> 0.03 100.00 Nitrogen, 22. 44 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL BUJtVRf. S veral analyses of Bwamp soils have been made, which, at the time, were regarded as owned bj the State, but subsequent- ly we were informed were taken from the lower part of the valley of the Mississippi. They were furnished by the Hon. B. F. Moore of this place. It is impossible to find marks by which No. 1 may be I from a Hyde county s<>il. They were numbered up to seven. No. 1 is black and fine, showing that the vegetable matter has passed into the condition of well formed peat. It gave, on analys - : No. i. n ... Water nic matter Alumina and oxiron, 3.50 3 S 97jE Lime 1.00 sia 50 .1" Potash, undetermined. 99.G9 99.80 V . 3 corresponds to some of our best gall berry lands, which are low and wet : it has a drab color, and a fine silicions base, and is a tolerable good soil. Another which is still more sandy, and less coherent, resembles our gall berry soils and must rank with poor soils. It consists of: "Water, 100 Organic matter, Silex, 90.00 Oxide of iron and alumina, 4.00 Lime 8.40 Magnesia, 0.06 Potash and soda, undetermined. - 46 The organic matter of Xo. 6 is reduced to the minimum quantity of excessively sandy soils. These analyses from a distant part of our country are introduced for the purpose of noticing a fact which is not uncommon in soils NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 45 of this class. It is the occurrence of poor patches in the midst of No. 1, which is a rich and productive soil. But these spots of bar- renness bear the plant until it is a foot high, when it turns yellow and dies. This kind of material is loose and chaffy ; it contains 65 per cent, of vegetable matter, but it is loose and rather coarse, and probably furnishes one reason why vegetation dries up so early. It is not deficient in inorganic matter, but growth requires a body of soil which has firmness, but it is possible that these barren places contain the astringent salts of iron and alumina. There are several places in North-Carolina where the vegetable matter contains an acid salt of iron, which destroys corn or any other vegetable productions when it is placed in contact with them. § 22. A practical method for obtaining a sufficient knowledge of the swamp soils to enable the owner or purchaser to form an opinion of their value, and which may be performed by any person possessed of patience and care, is by adopting a mechanical pro- cess. Take about a pound of soil, with or without weighing, and with water in a clean dish or saucer, and then with the fingers rub the mass fine; allow it to settle, pour off the black liquid and the matter which floats in it. This consists of vegetable matter separ- ated from the mineral. The operation is to be repeated as long as the water is discolored, being careful nut to pour off or Waste the soil. After several washings the fine sandy particles begin to appear in all the best soils. If, however, the soil is poor, white coarsish sand will appear in place of the gray fine material, which characterises the Hyde county soils, or those which are similiar to them. The operation is by no means difficult, but requires care to save the soil when it is fine; indeed, one-third of it will probably be lost in the most careful performance of the process, but enough soil will be obtained to show its character even though the opera- tion is hastily performed. Two results, obtained mechanically, will be given in this plan. The first is Dr. Long's soil, which had been under cultivation over a century, and the second a soil from the north-side of the lake. Thus 100 grains, on being carefully washed by the foregoing method, gave : 46 NORTH-CABOLDfA GEOLOGICAL SCETEY. Very fine soil, 41.0 Fine sand or soil, 18.0 grs. Vegetable matter, 2. 81.00 The result shows that more than one-half is very fine, the re- mainder le*s so. The soil, under the microscope, showed scales of mica and grains of felspar, which indicate a derivation from granitic rocks. On being heated to redness the whole becomes a drab color. The soil from the plantation of Mr. Burrows, on the north side of the lake, treated in the same way, gave : Very fine soil, 28.40 Fine 16.20 grs. Vegetable matter, 47 86.30 The color was a light gray, and on being heated to redness was only slightly redened. There again the 1 iboat one-half, as when the vegetable matter is consumed, it leaves 44.30 per cent, of a compound which is mostly silica, which, as in the former specimen, is extremely fine. . In order to show the difference between a rich soil and one which is comparatively poor, we shall place one of the latter in this connexion. It is from the Carteret county lands or the open prairie. Thus, on mechanically separating the inorganic matter, we found : The coarse part amounted to, 27."" grs. lino •• •• " 7 Organic matter, 44.22 The fine and valuable part bean a -mall proportion to the coarse which can scarcely be relied upon for furnishing nutriment. However this may be, it is useful in assisting to give solidity to the mat [rotable matters. propose to introduce^ in this connexion, the remarks of Mi jars. D. Simmons & Brother, of Hyde county, accompanying NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 4r< two analyses of soils by Prof. N. B. Webster, of Portsmouth, Ya. They were marked A and B. The first consists, according to Prof. Webster, of: Moisture, when air dried, 14.00 Vegetable matter, 58.00 Silex, very fine, 14.00 Alumina, 06 Oxide of iron, . . - 03 Lime, 01 Potash and soda, 01 Loss, 03 86.04 We have copied the analyses from the North-Carolina Farmer, and probably there is some mistake in figures, though the appar- ent error may lie in mistaking the quantity used in analysis. The composition of sample B is stated as follows: Moisture, when air dried, 13.00 Carbonaceous matter, 68.00 Silex, 14.00 Alumina, 0.06 Oxide of iron, 03 Lime, 01 Loss, 4.00 100.00 The information derived from Messrs. Simmons, distinguished for their successful farming and large crops, is as follows: The sample A was taken from an 80 acre field, lying on the north shore of the lake, and running back half a mile. This land had been in cultivation about 20 years, and produces now, in a fair crop year, 10 to 12 barrels of corn per acre. The sample B was taken from a 640 acre tract, lying back of the 80 acre field. It has been in cul- tivation five years, and produces, in a fair crop year, from 10 to 12 barrels of corn per acre. These lands lie between Matamusk&t and Aligator lakes, four miles distant from Alligator river. Alli- gator lake is said to be 10 miles wide and 15 long, and from 3 to 5 feet deep. It lies nearly in the centre of the county. It is sur- •t^ N0RTH-CAR0LIXA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. rounded t»v a ridge from 4 to 6 feet above the sheet of water. The b:ick lands are drained info Alligator river on the north, and into Palmico sound on ihe south. The cultivated lands on the north >ide of Matamnskeet lake run back about two miles, and are werj uniform in qualify. The nortli side is the best and deepest soil. Indeed, it may be said the county is a garden spot. It has a population of 5, to 6,000, and ships t'i<»m 500 to 600 thousand bushels of corn, and some 5i» thousand bushels of wheat per annum, to which may be added large quantities of peas, potatoes, Ac. n ^'24. RiBCAPrrtJLATTOS respecting the Hyde county soils. Their peculiarity consists, 1st. in the extreme fineness of the soil proper, or the inorganic matter. This is of a drab color, and shows by itself a good composition : that is, it proves that it does not consist of a pure marine sand, but that it contains all the common inor- ganic elements, iron, silica, alumina, lime, magnesia, etc. Those which consist of marine sand alone, ami which express by them- selves barreness, have an inorganic matter which is white, and any person of ordinary capacity will recognise rhis element, which, though necessary, is not sufficient by itself to supply the wants of it is simply defective in other important matters. Acids, however, acting upon even the white sand, dissolve a fractional part; showing the probable existence of a small quantity of felspar intermixed ; and hence, even, in the case of the presence of a white sand, a few crops may be grown. The great amount of organic matter is a common characteristic ; and cc Berves only to distinguish this class, the swamp soils from the upland soils. Hyde county softs show a greater capacity for endurance than the prairie soils of Illinois: notwithstanding the annual crop of maize is somewhat less per acre. But on the Score of location we are unable to see that the Illinois soils have a preference. As it regards health. Hyde county is no more subject to chills and fever than the country of the Prairies. It is a remarkable fact that persons live and labor in swamps with impunity, or freedom from disease. A large amount of vegetable matter, when exposed to the miii, usually generates miasmata, but the common mode pur- sued for cultivation of the soils of Hyde county will not expose B greater surface, or a greater amount of vegetable matter than is exposed in the breaking up of prairie grounds ; and those grounds NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. id when first exposed, or for several years disengage miasmata and generate in the exposed inhabitants chills and fevers. Precautions in both sections of country, no doubt, will enable persons and families to counteract their injurious influences, hi part at least, and thereby escape the attacks of fever. The origin of the soils of Hyde county may be traced to granitic rocks, either granite or gneiss, whose composition is precisely similar. Finely abraded materials being transported from the interi- or by rivers which frequently overflowed their banks, and distri- buted thereby the fine soil over low grounds, upon which plants of various kinds were growing. In certain poor tracts, however, coarse sand was admitted and distributed more rapidly, but still over a surface supporting coarse grasses and mosses. As all of the eastern counties were at one time submerged tracts, and received deposits of sand while beneath the Atlantic, it has no doubt often happened that these marine sands have been subsequently disturbed and the sand redistributed by rivers. § 25. The position of the great swampy tract to which Hyde county belongs is between the lower reaches of the Roanoke and Palmico sound, a position which shows very satisfactorily what must have taken place in early times when the land was a few feet lower than it is now. "We may regard all the tracts which possess a gray or drab colored soil as having received it from the interior, while the clear white sands, which often appear under the micro- scope as ground crystals, are probably derived from marine beds which have been assorted or sifted by the action of waves. It is by no means an uncommon circumstance that river currents, with their burthens of comminuted rock and tides bearing forward sand meet and commingle their contents, and some varieties of soil are actually composed of the fine and coarse as if they had been mixed in the way we have indicated. § 26. The principal fact we have to bear in mind is that soil mixed with vegetable matter is absolutely necessary for the growth of plants. The black peat, if destitute of soil, will not sustain a crop, it necessarily perishes, and the time during which plants or crops of the cereals can grow and perfect seeds or fruit depends directly upon the amount of soil the peat contains combining the necessary elements in due proportions. 50 NORTH-CAROLLSA GEOLOGICAL BLUVKY. CHAPTER VIII. Position of Plymouth. Quality of soils indicated by the growth of timber. Cos: o! drainage. Composition of four specimens of soil from the south side of Albemarle sound. Mechanical separation of elements, etc _ 7. PLTMorrn is a place of some note upon one of the south di- - . aooke, and above its entrance into Albemarle sound some ten miles. It is upon the north side of the great swamp, to which the Hyde county lands, which have been under consider- ation, belong. In its vicinity are lands which are owned by gentlemen of Raleigh, and who are now making inroads upon the desert swamp in the way of drains and ditches, aided by the axe and grubbing hoe. Cheir lands, which are not far from Plymouth, are in an easterly direction, and a: far as externals are concerned, -ly related to those of Hyde county; but as we have already d, the swamp lands of North-Carolina are as variable in com- position as the uplands; and hence, the necessitv of an analysis of some kind to prove or determine their characr. - - It is indeed, able that there is more danger of misjud_ _ heir qualitier - le inspection, than of the uplands; for the vegeta- ble matter masks their essential characteristics, or those character- which their ability to bear crops depend. It is true, that timber in kind and quality, furnishes a clue upon which to found a judgment: and following this guide, it is very probable that good would make a wise eh i; is so fitting that certain I - 1 a large and port - should grow upon a fat .. and dwarfish ith stinted limbs and mossy trunks, should belong to a lean soil, in which there it scarcity of the money elements, that it seem< to be be an axiom in the veg- etai - much established in the vegetal 'le king- dom as in the animal, that fata - lull feeding, le leanness is due to a lack of nutriment, provided the organs of assimilation are in a healti. k upon the specimens from the north of the Albemarle and Pamlico swamp as reprt - tative of that side, as they were taken from a tract fa en or t thousand acres. However ton may be, it if necessai keep before us the characteristics of those lands which we know to NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 51 be good, and which have been amply tested. "We ought, however, to bear in mind that tests by actual crops may be sufficient to satisfy practical men, but the results of these very tests harmo- nize perfectly with well known principles. To the minds of those imbued with principles, the results are precisely what they would have predicted, they would say a priori, what the results should be. State the facts truly with respect to the soil, and they would pre- dict results. We have then, two sources of imformation for our guide, principles and tests oy experiment. Principles have certain advantages over tests, as they determine for us before hand, or prior to the application of labor and the payment of money ; and hence, may be resorted to when tests by experiments are not con- venient and require more time than can be devoted to the mat- ter. § 28. The first work which is necessary to subdue a swamp and bring it under cultivation is to draw off the water by drains, and then to kill the trees by girdling. The timber when girdled is allowed to stand until dead. We have been unable to ascertain the expense of subduing swamp lands by draining and clearing. In this State it is generally under- taken by the owners of hands. The highest price we have heard be- ing paid is 16 cents per cubic yard for cutting deep and wide ditches. This is more than the work will cost usually ; especially when it is undertaken by the owner, with good hands. The task for a smart negro is to cut 400 cubic feet per day, and one who is industrious finishes it in season to save at least one full da} r of the week. In draining systematically, lots are laid out in squares often acres each; ultimately the water finds its way to the drains and leaves the surface sufficiently dry for cultivation. . It is not expected that the surface will be dried the first season, and no profits are obtain- ed the first two years. Corn, however, grows upon the ditches and upon the area drained soon after the mass has settled even among the dead trees after the underbrush is removed. In conse- quence of the heavy expense attending the subjugation of a swamp, it is necessary that the person who embarks in it, should possess capital, for it is not simply the first cost which is to to be met, but the expenditure has to remain unproductive for two or three years. There is the cost of supporting the hands employed for the time, the interest of the money, and perhaps the outlay for the land, all 52 NORTII-CAIMI.INA. GKoLOGICAL SURVEY. of which, either requires cash, or good credit based upon a cash reputation. The timber immediately shows the effect of drainage and srird- ling, but it is not intended to apply the axe generally to the large trees. The roots of the gum speedily decay. The tree ia Bpongy and almost like cork; and hence, rots earlier than the cypress. As a general rule, the work of clearing is not so formidable an under- taking as ir appears it would be on the first inspection of the tow- ering cypresses, the woods are soft and unlike the oaks, maples, birches, beeches, etc., of a northern forest. We believe that the of clearing these lands is less than those of the North, or the well wooded uplands of the South, but we have only insufficient data to form a correct opinion. The difficulty is, very few persons keep a book of expenses for work of the kind, and besides, we be- lieve that as clearing really extends over a period of many years, it is impossible to estimate it. Nature is left to perform as much of it as possible. § *2!». The section fr«>m which the soils were taken, the composi- tion of which we propo.se now to give, is situated upon the branches of Kendricks creek. This short creek rises in the dismal and falls into the south-side of Albemarle sound. The section is regarded a- a part of the Hyde county tract, and to be continuous therewith. We shall give the composition of only four specimens, as they in to represent the condition and character of this part of the swamp. The first is a brown or grayish In-own color and would be pronounced, on inspection, a fertile soil. ( >n drying it concretes into small lumps, which, however, are easily crushed. It shows bo Band or soil proper, the vegetable matter being in a sufficient quantity to mask or conceal it, but being rubbed between the lingers, or taken between the teeth, its grittiness is ;tt once per- ceived. The latter method of trying the swamp soil is a I 1 one, as if present it will be detected and something relating to its fineness or coarseness revealed. This is numbered 4. and on analysis it gave : Water, -24.000 Silez 48.000 Organic matter, 18.000 Peroxide of iron and alumina y.900 I.imc, 220 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 53 Magnesia, 100 Potash, 177 Soda, 000 Chlorine, 090 Sulphuric acid, trace. 99.447 The silex and inorganic matter is of an ash color, and it is proper to observe in this connexion that the iron is in the condition of a protoxide, being white when precipitated, and resembles alumina unless it is oxidised by nitric acid. It differs from many soils in the color of the oxide, as in some cases it has the pertoxide color and then it is greenish. The organic matter in these cases of un- cultivated and recently exposed soil has deoxidised it to its lowest state of oxidation, and this fact illustrates very condusively the influence of inorganic matter in soils. When they have become dry and exposed to the atmospheric agents a part of the iron becomes oxidised, but being always present in a mass of vegetable matter it is again deoxidised under favorable conditions. A suc- cession of changes of this kind take place which as water is decomposed hydrogen is set free, and may, when liberated, combine with nitrogen and form ammonia. This variety of soil is rather upon the rim of the swamp, but it occupies an exceeding large space. The analysis was made upon the specimen which had not been dried in the open air, and shows the amount of water which it naturally holds. But this large per centage of water, it will be perceived, diminishes the ratio of the other important elements ; and hence the true value of this variety of soil is not expressed in its most favorable light. The examination of this area of soil suggests its adaptation to cotton. We have seen cotton growing luxuriantly and well sup- plied with bolls on a similar soil in Carteret county. In the con- stitution of cotton we can see no objection to a complete success on this soil. About one-fourth of a mile from the outer rim we find the mass to be richer in vegetable matter or to increase in quantity towards its interior. The specimen is black, fine grained material, but con- tains unchanged stems of vegetables, or those but slightly blacken- ed. It is a true peat, in most respects to the eye. We took of this 54 :Tn-OAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SUBTET. sample numbered '2, two hundred grains and found it composed of: racsjmci. Silex 19." _-anic matter 54". Alumina 4 5 . Peroxide of iron 1.09 Lime Magnesia, L< Potash 177 Soda, - 088 Chlorine Sulphuric acid. trace. trace. 19?. 99.: U The texure of this specimen is looser than the foregoing. In dry- ing, it concretes and forms rounded lumps which > i • in- dication edition, lor one composed entirely - ible mat- ter dries differently. The great excess of water in this variety bears unfavorably upon its composition provided it is not left out of the account, but it ia plain when drainage shall have had its full effect upon it, the ratio of all the important elements will be greatly increased. Taken all in all, this soil is rich in productive elements, and will be found equal to anv of those in Hyde county ; for as we have found by ample ob- servation, the only draw back to a successful cultivation is the ab- sence of soil, or inorganic matter. The necessity, however, of com- pact! .rive roots a tirm hold of the earth is u tain kinds of swamp lands remain loose and rather chaffy a: are drained. It is indicative of the absence of soil and when they m ..rks of ignited matter they catch tire like tinder, and burn until extinguished by the exhaustion of com- bustible matter or are put out by lung continued rains. '. For mechanical analysis of the foregoing, 100 grains were taken and carefully washed : We obtained sand, 3.00 Very fine soil or sand, lfl Organic matter. 40.30 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURYEY. 55 There is, therefore; a great predominance of very fine inorganic matter in the foregoing, which is rather remarkable ; it however, goes to sustain the opinion which has been formed of it ; the finely divided matter being in sufficient abundance to last for centuries. The first soil of which we gave the composition gives, as well be seen, a much larger proportion of the coarser particles of soil. Thus we obtained of: Coarser particles, 15.00 Very fine, 41.00 Organic matter, 18.00 74.00 The coarser particles consisted of limpid quartz, mixed with fel- spathic looking particles, the former greatly predominating. Al- though the extremely fine particles are in part quartz, yet it is highly probable that as felspar is softer and suffers more from abra- sion that they are mostly felspathic, and hence, will furnish in the course of time, inorganic elements as food for crops. The fine silica in its condition of fineness is also in a state to be acted upon by alkalies, and thereby become soluble and fitted to be taken into the organism of plants. The condition of a large part of the inorganic elements is to be regarded in the light of a reason why these soils are so productive in maize. Another specimen of swamp soil from this district, and from a spot still farther removed from the outer rim than the preceding, gave results somewhat different. It is numbered one, and yielded the following elements on being submitted to analysis : Water, 75.60 Organic matter, 16.00 Silex, 7.60 Peroxide of iron and alumina, 30 Lime, 40 Magnesia, 10 Chlorine, none. Sulphuric acid, none. 100.00 5G NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The small per cent age of inorganic elements in this specimen is due to the great excess of water. If calculated dry, they would amount to about 35 per cent., and each individual element would be increased in proportion. But soils of this composition, es- pecially when connected with water beneath, never become ac- tually dry, but will contain at least from 8 to 10 per cent, of water. This tract, with the composition then as thus indicated, will contain inorganic matter amply sufficient for cultivation. The process of draining in this instance had just begun to take effect, and hence, the amount of water which these lands hold in their natural con- dition is exhibited. By mechanical separation of the parts of this soil, it gave: Coarsish soil, mostly quartz, 1.70 Fine soil, 7.30 Were the fine soil stated in the ratio it will exist after it is per- fectly drained and dried in the sun, the amount will be so changed in the relative quantities, that no one will doubt that it can sustain a large growth of corn, or other crops suitable to this class of soils. The last of this series is No. 3. It consists of earthy matter in a fine state of division, but in which we found a particle of quartz as large as a duck shot, which is uncommon in soils of this descrip- tion. It contains also partially decomposed sticks or wood. It gave, on analysis, as taken from the tract, with only a slight effect from draining: Water, C'8.80 Organic matter, -4. ill Alumina and peroxide of iron, B6 Silex 4.50 Gtfrtxttiate of lime, 80 Magnesia, 10 Chlorine, "7 Sulphuric acid, trace. After exposure to the air for a month it lost water, and henco the proportion of the elements were relatively changed. The soil as first submitted to analysis shows the large amount of water it is capable of holding for some time after the drains have been cut. NORTII-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 57 The following analysis shows the amount of water lost, which, certainly escapes slowly as it has been exposed freely to the air in a dry room for four weeks : Water 50.80 Insoluble organic matter, 22.00 Soluble organic matter, 10.80 Inorganic, 16.10 Phos. lime and magnesia dissolved by carb. of am- monia, 1.20 Tried mechanically for inorganic matter, it gave : In coarsish sand or soil, 8.50 Very fine soil, 7.50 The constitution of this whole tract, so far as the soils collected can be relied upon, prove that it is closely allied to the Hyde county or Matamuskeet lands. There is really no deficiency of ^organic matter, and it is highly probable that cultivation for half a century will improve it. One objection to soils of this descrip- tion is the loose state of the surface from the presence of unde- composed wood, and hence an insecure condition of maize in a storm of wind and rain. It is highly probable that it will be im- proved by a heavy roller, or by any measure which will give solidity to the surface. CHAPTER IX. The Pungo tract. Gen. Blount's plantation. General description of this part of the Albemarle swamp, with its natural growth of timber. Depth and compo- sition of the soils of this section of the swamp. Mechanical separation of the parts of the soil. How the poor soils of this class may be improved. Tyrrell county. The centre of the Albemarle tract highest in the centre. § 31. Pungo lake, a small sheet of water, is nearly the centre of 4 53 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVKY. the great Albemarle and Pamlico swamp. From near this little sheet of water numerous Bluggish streams depart; some to Albe- marle Bonnd, others to Pamlico, and others still, which flowing at lir-t more easterly, drain the centre off towards Hyde connty, where finally they take a northerly direction, and flow into Albe- marle Bonnd, by Alligator river. Pongo lake appears to be the culminating point of this great tract, where the swell of the crown attains its maximum, and hence, it is here that we should expect to find the most vegetable matter with the least soil. On the Beaufort county side, or perhaps we Bhonld say Wash- ington, which is its capitol, we have the north-we?t rim or margin. The travelled part of this country is along the north side of the Pamlico sound, where the land has the firmness neces-ary for a road ; but a little north lies the drowned lands, which on being traced eastwardly, cany us back to Hyde county. Many plantations have been reclaimed from the Beanforl while the attempts to work successt'uly the lands about Pungo, have not been eminently so. The most successful planter of Beaufort county, and probably of the State, is General Blount. He is the successful pioneer in sub- jugating the swamps, and probably saw at an early day their great and intrinsic value, and has made a large fortune by their cultiva- tion, and is now the owner of 50,000 acres. It is true, the pro- ductiveness of the Matamuskeet lands was indicative of the nature of other swamps, but still it seems to have been held that thej were very peculiar and confined, and that planters need not expect equal advantages out of this region, and it has taken time to satisfy the public that rich lands of this cla^s exist elsewhere. What has contributed very considerably to depreciate their value have been the failures to cultivate the poorest tracts, and the management of experiments to determine something satisfactory to owners has often been trusted to incompetetent parties. 2. The specimens which have been submitted to analy- the purpose of determining the character of the dismal upon its southern margin, or northwestern margin, if we depart from Ply- mouthy were procured from Gen. Blount's plantation. The exami- nation of so large a field rendered it necessary to select samples from known places. It is not, however, possible to carry such in- vestigations over the whole ground. A life time would scarcely NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 59 suffice for this. Xeither do we deem it necessary ; for. though there are several k ; nds of soil which possess marked differences in their composition, yet. there would be unnecessary repetitions of facts; for it seems to us there are only a few points which require to be fully established, though they should be placed before those who are any ways interested, ip such a light, that these points may be determined by themselves. § 33. Gen. Blount's plantation is at Madisonville, 12 miles from Washington, and is located upon the margin of the swamp. The general run of the timber is black gum, of which there is a heaw growth in many places, large poplars and maples, which are usual- ly scattering, and short leaved pines ; and when the land falls off in fertility, there is a growth of laurels. The depth of the vegetable covering, rarely exceeds thirtv inch- es. Its general appearance is much the same as that of all lands of this class, being black, wet and spongy, while in their natural con dition. They are based upon a subsoil which is argillaceous, but not so close and compact as to retain the water. The crops have not been confined to corn. Oats, though not eminently productive, have succeeded very well : the poorest fields yielding from 30 to 40 bushels per acre. In seasons less favorable for this grain, it falls to 20 bushels per acre. The corn crop has averaged forty-five bushels to the acre. Gen. Blount states in a letter published in the report for 1S3S, that he had raised one hun- dred and twenty bushels of corn to the acre on a plantation in Hyde county. This result is one which is not surprising, and it shows the lands of this class are fully equal in productiveness to the prairie lands of Illinois, of which we have given some account in a preceding paragraph. Another fact mentioned by Gen. Blount is of great importance, is that for the forty years, during which he has been a resident up- on this class of lands, the health of his family, white and black, will compare favorably with the healthiest locations in Eastern Xorth- Carolina. Only four specimens from Gen. Blount's plantation have been analyzed. No. 1. Is a dark soil, and has a depth of twenty inches, resting upon a subsoil with argillaceous matter, but not sufficient in quanti- ty to form an impervious mass. It is intermixed with sand. The 00 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL BUBTKT. land bore a heavy growth of black gum, with poplars, maples and a few laurels, and in which there was a mixture of the short leaved pine. It bore 50 bushels of corn to the acre, and had been under cultivation three years. It gave on analysis: Silex 85.540 Hunic acid or soluble organic matter, 2.30 Insoluble organic matter JV ,; Oxide of iron and alumina 4. Carbonate of lime Magnesia, " Potash a Soda '' - Phosphoric acid, 0. Sulphuric acid, trace. Chlorine, trace. It has a fine drab colored inorganic matter, with a due propor- tion of oxide of iron and alumina. The proportion of the alkalies and phosphoric acid appear to be small ; and yet, the growth of timber indicates a high grade of fertility. A mechanical separation of the essential parts of this specimen of soil gave : Very fine soil, or sand ... 50.00 Coarser soil or sand, 20.50 Organic matter 26.00 It had been exposed to the air several weeks, and had become dry. but soils of this description still retain from six to eight per cent, of water. Mixed with the organic matter we found small pieces of decayed wood, bark, roots, cVrc. The earthy part was invisible, an important fact, for we may always regard suc;i speci- mens as containing it in a very fine state of division, and favorable for crops. No. '2 was taken from an unreclaimed part of the marsh. The depth of soil is two feet. Subsoil contains sufficient clay to check materially the percolation of water, and resists the introduction of the spade. The consequence of this impervious state is, that the surface has always been wet, and more so than in No. 1. The NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 61 vegetable growth consists of reeds, which stand very thick. The pines are small and sickly, and intermixed with the former are gall berries and red and white bay bushes. The soil is supposed to have been burnt over in former times, as large stumps of charred pine still remain. After heavy rains the surface is nearly covered with water. It is, however, susceptible of drainage. On submit- ting this soil to analysis it gave : Silex 74.000 Organic matter, 18.060 Peroxide of iron and alumina, 3.""" Phosphoric acid, 0." - 21 Carbonate of lime, 0.048 Magnesia 0.005 Potash, 0.040 Soda ".■ Water, 4.000 >.ooe This specimen was nearly dry before it was weighed. It pre- served its water a long time, and after several months exposure to the air. in an open box. it contained 15 per cent, of water. It contained rather fresh and half charred roots, with bark and wood, but its texture was compact, not spongy. The separation of its parts mechanically gave : Very fine sand, 66.546 Fine sand, lo.OOO Organic matter, 18.000 No. 3 has been cleared for ten years, and has been regarded as second rate swamp land. The growth of laurels is greater, and fewer poplars and gums than No. 1. For ten years in succession it has been cultivated in corn, and produced, in its prime state, forty bushels to the acre. The last crop was only thirty. A crop of oats followed, with a yield of twenty bushels to the acre. The soil will average IS inches in depth. The specimen for analysis was taken from a part of the field which is regarded as the poorest, or from that part of the field which produced the poorest oats. It gave : 62 XOKTH-CABOLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Silex 81.600 V. j table matter 12.600 !'. : oxide of iron and alumina, 4. Carbonate of lime, 0. Hagiww, 0.010 Phosphoric acid, trace. Potash, trace. 98.530 The color of this soil is of a dark gray, and had become dry in the box beside Xo. *2, which remained wet. It is light and pulver- ulent, though it forms loose concretions in drying. The quantity of silex is quite large for this class of soils, and some of the most important elements of growth exist in small proportions. There is quite a contrast between this specimen and Xo. 1, or between it and the best Hyde county soils. The foregoing sample of soil is one which would be greatly im- ] roved by the use of marl. It has a large stock of organic matter, and hence large dn Bsings, if thought advisable, could be used without injury. The labor and expense of enriching - - this description is much less than when they are nearly destitute of soil or inorganic matter, and it is no doubt true that all the j ■■ soils which begin to be deficient in the inorganic elements may be brought up to the best class of soils by the use of marl a in the u?l- of this fertilizer more than one good result is secured. [n the 1ir>t place the necessary elements, lime, magnesia, iron and phosphoric acid are added to i f , and in the second place marl solidates the mas-, an improvement which most Bwamp lands require. No. 4 has a depth of 3 feet and rests on a sandy clay, and all the percolation of water. The timber is very huge, black gums from one to two feet in diameter at the stump, and fifty to six: the limbs, with straight bodies: the limbs form an angle of about 30° to the axis of the trunk. Poplars with large trunks are not uncommon, mixed with maples in keeping with the former ae size and thrift in ess, and cypresses, averaging from B to 10 to the acre and from two and a half to four feet and a half in diameter at the stump ; the bodies are straight, and the limbs form an angle with the trunk of 40°, and first appear at the bight of one hundred feet. This tract is uncultivated. Its soil is composed of: NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 63 Silex 77.56 Organic matter, 15.400 Peroxide of iron and alumina, G.900 Lime, 500 Magnesia 100 Potash, 019 Soda, 029 Phosphoric acid, 062 Sulphuric acid, 180 Chlorine, trace. 101.028 The mechanical separation of its parts gave : Very fine sand, 60.00 Fine soil, 25.50 Organic matter, 15.40 The sand is not coarse, but rather fine, and (qnartzose) of a gray color. Tt is very uniform in size in all the specimens. This tract probably contains the best land of the section. It is black in color and contains partially decayed roots, bark and wood. The timber, depth of soil and its composition, indicate a soil probably equal in fertility to any in the eastern counties. The silicions matter is fine, and of a drab color. Portions of this soil, after drying in the air, were exposed to the heat of an oven having a temperature of 300°, and lost 34 per cent, of water. It appears to be established from many observations and experi- ments relative to the swamp lands, that much depends upon the fineness of the soil intermixed with the vegetable matter; for when there is a perceptible coarseness of all the particles, the land will not bear cultivation many years. It will be deficient in elements which are always large enough in uplands, as the oxides of iron and alumina. The soil too, will be found t<> constat of quartz or flint, similar to that of beach sand. This variety dries readily, and is liable to become chaffy, or if the vegetable matter is tine, the quartz soon shows through the white ground in which it is imbedded ; where, on the contrary, the earthy matter is line, it retains moisture and bears the drouths of summer without suf- fering. In certain combinations of soil elements, extreme fineness 64 XORTH-CABOLINA GEOLOGICAL SUKVhV. may be a defect; it may be too impervious to the air, and so light as to be blown away with high triads. Such ih>ng to that cla— of soils where the vegetable matter is comparatively small. But in swamp soils extreme finene>-. in-read of being an objection, is an a>l vantage. . The high esteem in which swamp lands begin to be held should not blind the eyes of their admirers to the fact, that like other lands, they will show the effects of bad treatment after a while; and it may. indeed, does turn out, that they become at least partially exhausted after several years of cultivation. "When it is found that the quantity of Indian corn per acre is steadily falling off, while the seasons are favorable, it is a warning to the planter that he is taxing his land too much, and it requires rest, or some modification of treatment. Kxperience proves that guano acts admirably upon these lands when they are becoming exhausted, and no doubt the vegetable matter still remaining has much to do with the beneficial effects of this fertilizer. -Marl also acts very favorably, and it is one of those kind adjust- ments which brings these lands and marl in juxtaposition. The favorable action of guano most in part depend upon the ready absorption of its ammonia bv the vegetable matter, a fact which is well established. There is, therefore, less loss or less liability of losing this important element when used apon these lands, than upon upland-, where the vegetable matter is generally small, rarely exceeding five or six per cent., and often reduced to two or three. We see, on comparing swamp lands with sandy ones in this re- spect, especially those of the kind which often occur in the eastern counties that, in the latter, the aeeof guano is rather precarious, much depending upon seasonable rain- or showers. < Mi swamp lands, again, neither guano nor marl are liable to burn the crop. When, therefore, lands which have a constitution similar to those of Beaufort, Washington and others, it seems to be conceded that they are less liable to suffer from the irregularities of our climate than the I uplands. . That part of the Albemarle and Pamlico swam)) which extends into Tyrrell county, appears to rank only as aeoood rate soil; but it is only upon the Croatan sound that we have made NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 65 examinations, and hence we may have formed an erroneous opinion of a part of tin's great tract. We know that there are lands of this class which are cultivated successfully and with profit, but how they rank, when compared with Hyde, Washington and Beaufort counties, our data are insufficient for forming a satisfactory opinion. § 36. The centre of this great tract is higher than the margins, and we believe this phenomenon to be due to a growth of vegetable matter, and it will probably turn out that at the surface there will be a deficiency of soil, or a great excess of the vegetable element. If this conjecture is true it will be liable to take fire from the carelessness of hunters, and even to occur when the common pre- cautions have been taken to prevent it. Much, however, is to be expected from a better drainage than has yet been obtained. When this has been obtained there will be a great change in the upper part or surface, the loose vegetable matter will shrink to half of its present bulk, and if in the early times of the formation soil accummulated with the vegetable growth the surface may undergo so great a change by depression that the roots of crops may be brought within striking distance of the soil below. CHAPTER X. Bay river District, composition of its soil. The 4th District of swamp lands. The open prairie of Carteret County, composition of its soils, change effected by drainage. Inorganic matter increases with the depth of soil. § 37. Bay river district of swamp lands is included between the lower reaches of Pamlico and Nense rivers, or between their forks as they unite to form Pamlico sound. Bay river is intermediate between these two rivers. This district is much smaller than the preceding or the Albe- marle. It has the same general characteristics; a flat country, with swamps interrupted by hard ground, which generally extends along, and not far from the estuaries of the Pamlico and Xense. Cfi NORTH-CAROLINA OBOLOCtiOAL SURVKY. The only specimen of the Bay river lands, which we have pre- served for analysis, cannot be distinguished from those of the other districts. It is separated mechanically into the three distinct parts, and furnishes proportions, or ratios, quite similar to the best swamp land?: thus: One hundred grains gave, of coarsish sand. '2:i.<> parts. Very fine sand, 17.t) < »rganie matter 66.0 Water o.(i 88. The partly chemical and partly mechanical analysis, gives a result corresponding to those of the other districts which are known to hold a high rank. The principal point which requires to be brought out and prov- ed is. the proportion of soil existing in the mass of the peaty mat- ter, inasmuch as when this is proved, it has been found to possess the same complexity of composition as any soil from the midland counties; that is, it is found to contain iron, alumina, lime, magne- sia, potash, etc., though like much of the soil of the eastern coun- ties, the relative proportion of silex ma}' be greater. It seems from this fact, and the character of the deposites in all the eastern coun- S, that formerly, the state of the river currents and other agents, performed the same functions that they now do, and much in the same manner; they transported the abraded materials from the tipper country, assorted them, and disposed of them as the same river-, currents, agents. Arc. now do upon our coa ■. The 4th district of Bwamp lands, lying between the lower reaches of the Neose and Core sound, is elongated westwardly and comparatively narrow for its length. It furnishes the same varie- il as the preceding, passing from those which rank as num- ber one, to number three, or those which are too poor to hold out inducements to clear them, in the present relative value of landed property. Indeed this country furnishes Mich a vasl acreage of tillable land .that even Becond rate lands will remain uncultivated except when their locations for market are extremely favorable. We ought to take their adaptations into consideration : for certain lands which rank only as second <-r third rate for corn, or wheat, may pay very large profits if planted with Irish potato ' rtain NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 67 tracts of poor lands answer well for pasturage, sheep husbandry, etc. It is rare indeed, that we can justly say of l his or that piece of land, that it is good for nothing. These remarks are applicable to the tract which we propose now to consider. We shall confine our remarks to that part of this district which is included in Carte- ret county. We have not attempted to give exact boundaries of swamp lands. It would be impossible in the present condition of the State surveys. When large districts are marked upon any ot the best maps, it would be adopting an error to regard their boun- daries as correctly drawn. The swamps are connected by strips of narrow belts, and swell out irregularly, and hence, may be consid- ered as forming one tract, but their shape or form is extremely irregular, and most plantations have their swampy parts, though they are principally upland. § 40. It is a matter of little consequence, however, whether a tract of this class is large or small ; the general characterics will be those of the large areas ; their composition will agree, and their qualities will belong to one standard, or, they-will rank in the same grade according to the amount of inorganic matter which they con- tain. § 41. The great tract in Carteret, generally known as the open prairie, is a marsh or swamp, mostly destitute of trees; and hence, the area which is exposed to view is more than ten miles in length and breadth. But the entire tract, has an area more than two hun- dred square miles. In this tract, there is a continuity of swamp, ranging somewhat in condition, depth of mud, and solidity of sur- face, but it is all swamp in reality. It furnishes a growth of coarse grasses over its whole surface, or that part which is open to the sun. This tract is surrounded by a piney ridge which has a sandy soil and bears moderately large, long leaved pines. But the im- mediate border is so thickly overgrown with briers, rebels, bam- boos, and other ugly bushes, that it is at the expense of a man's coat, pantaloons and shirr, if he forces his way through them. This outside hedge is twenty rods wide in many places, and even wider in others. Since improvements, however, on a small scale have been undertaken by means of ditching, the access to the open grounds is easy and safe. This tract should be described under two divisions, the outside briery border, and the grassy open part. The first is much the 68 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVKV. least in area, but it is of considerable importance, as it is land which ha- a high intrinsic worth. We visited this tract in 1852, in April, by the direction of the Board of Education* The time proved very oniavorble for con- ducting the examination. The prairie was filled with water and the facilities for getting over it, were only clumps of grassy kimwles which stood above the water. It was soft and yielding to the foot every where else, and was easily penetrated to a depth of between five to ten feet. During this visit, we procured specimens of the surface from a depth of eighteen inches. When brought up, they were spongy and black, and consisted mostly of vegetable fibre, undergoing the common changes incident to swamp grounds. But the examina- tion was not satisfactory, and could not be from the circumstances under which it was made. The question, however, for decision was, whether the composition of the soil of the swamp held out en- couragements for expenditure for draining it, or if drained, could it be cultivated with profit 8 The surveys of this great tract prove that it may be laid dry ; it is from 12 to 15 feet above storm tide. The drainage is into Core sound and Neuse river, and is higher in the middle than its borders. The largest or heaviest drainage is into the Neuse. The position of the open ground prairie with respect to water access and removal of products is very favorable, and if this tract was under cultivation, all parts of it would find convenient points for reaching the deep waters of this river. The soil of the rim of the open prairie is richly constituted. On submitting a sample to analysis it gave : Water, 11.200 < Irganic matter, 52.700 Silex, :;•_'.: •Per oxide <>f iron and alumina 2.000 i ';irlionate of lime, l.OOii tfagnesia 300 Potash 073 Soda, Chlorine, trace. Sftlp. acid, trace. 100.0C3 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 69 § 42. This part of the tract furnishes a black vegetable mass from three to five feet deep; it is homogeneous and contains com- paratively few fibres in an nndecoinposed state. By experiment it produced excellent Irish potatoes, and a growth of corn stalks and leaves, which, in consequence of late planting and inattention, bore no ears. The seed was planted the 20th of June, and the weeds were allowed to have their way, but the result proved that the crop did not fail in consequence of the unfavorable constitution of the soil. When corn is planted in peat destitute of soil it grows to the hight of a foot and then dies. The stalks, however, were well developed and well supplied with leaves, and grew to the hight of 10 feet. Hence, it is probable that had the corn been planted in season and properly hoed it would have borne fruit. However, there never has been much doubt respecting the border soil, its rank vegetation furnishes testimony quite conclusive. Mechanical separation gave : Coarsish soil, • 7.00 Fine soil, 25.50 Organic matter, 52.70 It, therefore, contains a large per centage of very fine soil, and which is well adapted to the growth of crops. § 43. The piney ridge which forms a border still higher than the prairie has a soil more sandy than the preceding, and is regarded a second rate land of this class. It gave, on analysis : Water, 2.58 Organic matter, 8,58 Silcx, mostly sand, 78.20 Per oxide of iron and alumina, 3.82 « Carb. of lime, 3.80 Magnesia, 50 99.58 Separated mechanically it gave : Coarsish sand, 17.20 Fine soil, 1G.00 70 WWtTH-CABOLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. ;4. The: . 5 furnishes nothing important any farther than the fact that the immediate surroundings of the prairie the soil differs in no respect from the common - reg 'un- trv. A change, how - immediately re within the piney ridge, e-pecially that of the open grounds. an important drainage has been effected by a ditch about four feet deep, and extending one mile from the outer rim, the around has settled u 16 inches over an area of about half a square mile. It was near the drained part that our soils were taken in 1S52. Upon this part, or the drained part, three small patches of corn were planted last year. The two outer pieces were upon the part from which our first specimen of soil was taken, and in the same piece with the corn, beans, and Irish potatoes were grown which ripened well. The piece of corn upon the open prairie and about three-quarters of a mile from the outer rim was not equal in rigor to that nearer the outside; still, considering all the circumstances, the experiment ought to be regarded as successful, though we do not believe' this tract adapted to the growth of corn, itch, and from the bottom of the most vigorous corn hill, we took a specimen of soil for examination. It had the follow- ing composition : Water, -21.38 _■ inic matter, 00.91 I: rganic matter, 2.60 It can hardly be maintained that so small a quantity of inorganic matter would have sufheed for the existence of corn of the biz found it in September, and the only solution which can be given of the fact is that the roots penetrated to the subsoil which con- tain- a mifch larger | _- f inorganic matter. Thi- view is snsl uned by the character of the soil which appears in the middle of the ditch not more than 1" feet from the place where the corn grew, and about 12 to 14 inches deeper than the iuien just referred to. Thus the soil of the middle of the ditch, under the vegetable coating, gave on analysis NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 71 Water, ganic matter -i^.2-2 Silex - Peroxide of iron and alumina g Carb. of lime, 91.66 The mechanical separation of parts irave: Coarse sand, 27 00 Fine soil 11 5^ Organic matter, 45 .->.-> \ Not far removed then from the surface soil there is a do- posit consisting of organic and inorganic matter in due pro- portions, and within the reach of the roots of corn and other phtnts. The soil being light presents no obstacle to their penetra- tion below, and indeed are invited there by a greater amount of moisture since the drainage began. The sand in the middle part of the ditch and elsewhere probably, is distributed irrecrularlv. "We find it as it were in nests, but there is still in the vegetable part a fine soil to the amount we have stared. We were unable to pro- cure soil in 1S52 from this depth, though in sounding we aiwa'v* found what appeared to be a sandy deposit. Since the surface lias settled by drainage, the upper part has as it were diminished srreat- ly in thickness and seemingly in quantity, but it is reallv only in bulk. It has become compact. The coarse sand is of a granitic origin, as it contains felspar and mica, a fact which holds%ut an improved prospect of its fertility being lasting. We w,.,u!d not advise an attempt of raising corn upon the prairie grounds. We believe the Irish potatoe will prove the most profi- table crop, especially so long as they find a readv sale at the price of from si. 50 to $8.00 per bushel. Irish potatoes can be raised at a cost of only ten cents per bushel, at which price thev become profitable for the manufacture of starch. But so long as "thev bear so high a price, starch making, though a simple process, would be out of the question. The quality of the potatoe grown upon the prairie is really superior to the northern growth, or to such varie- 72 NnKIII-CAkoI.INA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. ties as find their way to this State, being mealy and entirely free from a strong taste or odor. They would also be employed it cheap- er for fattening swine, as they make a superior meat when the fat- tening ip completed by the use of corn meal. The composition of the soil at the bottom of the ditch differs es- sentially from the foregoing. It contains : yTater 4.80 Organic matter (i.iii) Silex, 70.82 Alumina, 2.92 Peroxide of iron, 1.80 Carbonate of lime, 3.00 Magnesia, 40 Potash, 03 B&89 ni. A result similar to that which is brought out strongly in this anal \ sis seems to be one, which is general, or common to all soils of this elass. It is the steady increase of soil in quantity, pro-' portionate to the depth. At the top, it is at its minimum ; in the stratum from one foot to twenty inehes below, it has sensibly in- creased; and near the bottom, it is in quantity equal in amount to |he upland soils, though more silicious. There the top of the soil has onlv between 2 and 3 per cent, of soil ; it is really the ash of the vegetable matter. Eighteen inches deeper, and we find 34 per cent., and at the depth of 4 feet, it has increased to 7!> per cent. Considering the character of the soil, we regard these facts as important, for there is really no obstacle to the penetration of roots to this depth when the body of soil is drained. "We often find roots penetrating still deeper, and in a stiller medium by far than this. It is essential, however, that stagnant water should be re- moved, and that no layers of earth and vegetable matter contain- ing a-tringent salts be left nnd rained ; and if existing should be neutralized by the use of lime or marl. AVe mav also observe that the organic matter continues to the depth of four feet, but it di- minishes about, in the same ratio that the inorganic increases, but its presence is important, as it keeps the mass porous, and it' air penetrates thus far it is acted upon and furnishes the usual products for the growth of a crop. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 73 But in the middle of the large swamps, the vegetable covering is much thicker than upon the borders, and hence may be, and no doubt is, too thic'v to permit the roots to reach a bottom, or layer charged with soil. How much deep draining will effect in consoli- dating the surface after a sufficient lapse of time for dryino- and increasing its solidity, has not yet been determined by trial. We have found in some samples 100 per cent, of water remaining af- ter the soil had been exposed two weeks to the air. While vege- table matter is thus soaked, or permeated with water, its bulk is greatly swollen ; and hence, when removed by thorough draining and it will also shrink excessively and probably not occupy more than one third of its former bulk; its diminution of bulk, will no doubt in many cases render the soil accessible to the roots of plants. In the Albemarle district and adjoining the tract, and indeed forming a part of it, there is an open prairie quite similar to the Carteret in general appearance. It lies towards Pungo lake, or a little to south-east of the creek. It is called the burnt lands from the common opinion of the inhabitants, that it has been burnt over, when its timber was destroyed. It is regarded also as having been prior to this period a juniper swamp. At present its vegetable productions are limited to a few scattering bushes which do not in- terfere with a wide view over the whole field for many miles in all directions. To the eye the surface soil scarcely differs from that of adjoining productive tracts. But the prevalent opinion is that it will prove a barren field after a few inferior crops are harvested. We have only separated the parts of the soil taken from near the surface. It is black and slightly gritty between the teeth, and evidently consists of vegetable matter to a great extent. On being mechanically divided, it gave : Coarsish quartzose sand, 1.70 Fine, or very fine soil, 4.10 Vegetable matter, 27.2 Water, 67.0 99.030 This separation gives a small per centage only of soil, but as the specimen was fresh from the field, and contained a large propor* 5 -4 NOKTH-CAROLLN'A GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. tion of water. The 67 per cent, which it holds before draining, will afterwards be diminished about two-thirds : and hence, the quantity of tine eoil will be relatively increased. We should take into the account the increase of soil in depth, and within strik- ing distance of the roots of crops, which will come in aid of the planter. Without spending time in a conjecture whether the burnt net can ' tablj cultivated, as it is. it will aid us in ma. _ up ajndgment before hand to compared it with another on - vth of timber in its vicinity, and whoe - externally iden- tical in character. It is a tract situated near or upon McRae'a ca- nal. This tract is remarkably heavily timbered. The tree- ,:ick and white gum. cj] leaved pine here and there, and all are large. Among them is the red maple, which is regarded as a sure indication of a productive soil, when as- - iated with thi The composition of this soil, as determined mechanically - ibllo and 3-50 Fine soil "Watt -r 1 I j.inic matter It appears that a soil of the foregoing composition with only - per cent, of inorganic '.natter bears large fb ] Peroxide of iron and alumina, Carbonate of lime, .-nesia, trace. The specimen had become dry by exposure to the air in paper, and hence, the small quantity of water. The sand is white, and nearly pure quartz, and only a small per centage could be dissolved out by the action of muriatic acid. When this specimen is com- pared with * 'he Albemarle swamp, whicl . to lack inorganic matter, a great difference - rered in the Dover swamp representative ; the water was reduced I lard; it was much drier than it ever will be by draining. In the Dover representative there are really only two elements, white NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 79 sand and vegetable matter. If water is added, the sum of the three amounts to 98.43, leaving only 1.57 for the active or soluble elements, and still the Dover swamp is covered with vegetation, though it is not vigorous and healthy. It is no doubt, supported in a great measure, by the subsoil and the elements derived from the atmosphere. If a farmer, however, should drain and put it requisition for corn or wheat, it would not answer to the call. It is not to be under- stood that we speak thus confidently of the whole tract, and it 13 highly probable that rich places exist. The most we wish to incul- cate is that where the soil consists of vegetable matter intermixed with white or gray quartz sand, there is but a small ground for hope that the tract will pay the expense of drainage. The foregoing views as intimated in the foregoing paragraphs receive support from the consideration that .76 per cent, of per oxide of iron and alumina cannot furnish for a lapse of years sufficient phosphoric acid to sustain the cereals, it is at least evident, that the available mat- ter for divers crops is extremely small. The practical per centage of important elements, cannot exert a chemical or mechanical in- fluence upon the organic matter. AVe confess, however, that we do not know the nature of the subsoil, it will probably turn out that the forest trees derive their support from the stiff subsoil on which the silicious vegetable mat- ter rests. There are many points in which the swamp soils differ from the true peat of the Northern States and Canada. A very reliable analysis of a kind of peat found in Canada by Mr. Hunt of the Canada Geological survey may be cited. Thus, Mr. Hunt found 6.75 per cent, of ash, and it should be observed that it is not soil, as in most cases of the swamp peat of the South but a true ash of the vegetable matter, and hence, its composition must partake of that of an ordinary ash ; and hence, it is found to consist of large per cents., viz : of carb. of lime 52.11 ; sulphate of lime 15 ; sulphate of potash 0.60 ; lime and magnesia as silicates, Arc, to the amount of 13 pet cent. The peaty soils of the South, or certainly of Xorth- Carolina consist of intermixtures of fine inorganic matter to a large extent, and though the top is essentially vegetable matter, yet the soil increases continually, or if the areas as indicated before had communications with rivers from whicli they received sediments, whereas, in the North the peat is formed in isolated basin-shaped 80 XORTII-CABOLIXA GEOLOGICAL SUEVET. excavation?, which have been filled up by the growth of moss, or sphagnum, etc.. and were of course separated from rivers or streams bearing sediments from a distance. The < roalow and Jones swamp, which appear to be con- nected with the great Carteret open-ground prairie and «wamp, has an area of over one hundred square miles. The White < >;.k river rises in it. together with New river, both of which empty into Bogoe sound, or Bogue and Stumpy sounds. Short branches rising in this tract, fall into the Trent. The slope is mainly towards Bogue sound. This great tract is easily drained, being formed upon comparatively high ground. Portions of it have been under cultivation, and the produce in corn has been from ten to twelve barrels per acre. Upon the branches of the White I the timber is large, consisting of poplar, cypress, black and white gum and red maple. Other parts are covered with reeds which furnish subsistence to stock during the winter. The surface of the swamp is more or less interrupted by dry islands, which bear large long and fhort leaved pines. White oaks abound of a large size, where it is not too wet. Some of the islands, as they are called, have a light sandy soil, and seem to have been formed by the action of water. The only canal for drainage which we have in- spected, Mas cut bj Mr. Franck. of Onslow county. It crossed a part of the tract called the White Oak desert. This, on being cut one mile, gave a water power of about twelve feet. Its cos: was fifteen cents to the cubic yard. The depth of soil varies from one t" twelve feet, the depth increasing towards the central part of the tract. The general characteristics of this swamp are the same a- which have already received attention. The composition, as de- termined by analysis, may be stated as foil Silex 6<\r»n < T.-anie m.-UU-r 25.00 JYroxi U- of iron and alumina, 11. sphoric acid CarSonatc- of lime 1.500 Magnesia 0.300 Potash 0.010 Soda. ft - Silicic acid, 0.100 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 81 Water, 2.713 100.988 The machanical separation of parts gave: Coarsish felspathic sand, 27.00 Drab-colored fine soil, or sand, 45.00 Vegetable matter, 25.00 The soil was dry by exposure in paper, and to the air. The felspathic sand is coarser than that of any part of the Al- bemarle district. The quantity of tine soil, and of lime also, is large, and the elements of fertility appear to be sufficient to con- stitute a good composition for cultivation. CHAPTER XII. Swamp lands of New Hanover and Brunswick counties, their composition with remarks. § 51. The fifth swamp district is in Xew Hanover county. It is formed by the Holy Shelter swamp and Angola bay. They both are elongated tracts, and drain iuto the eastern branch of the Cape Fear. We find the composition of the soils of the swamp lands of Xew Hanover county to correspond with those already given. Thus a specimen gave, on analysis : Organic matter, 7.700 Sdex 86.000 Per oxide of iron, 1.000 Alumina 4.000 Silicic acid, 300 Chlorine, .... trace. Sulphuric acid, trace. 82 NORTH-CAROLINA OKoLOGICAL SUR\ Potash, . . rb of lime, Magnesia, 105 90." Mechanically separated it gave, in parts: Fclspathic sand, Finely divided soil, 49.0 ( >rganic matter, 7. 7 The specimen was well dried before analysis, and was black, but consisted of vegetable matter in small quantity only, and in which the soil was distinguishable. Still it has been proven produc- tive. A tact which will perhaps strike the attention of a chemist is the small quantity of iron which exists in all the swamp soils. It is not only, as we have before stated, in the condition of a pro- toxide, but it is in a less proportion than in upland soils. How much influence this quantity of iron may have upon vegetation, to diminish the chances of a healthy growth, cannot be determined before hand. Iron is no doubt an important element in soils, though we believe, upon the whole, that even in the swamp soils it will be amply sufficient to meet the wants of crops. So long as these tracts are undrained, charged with water, the iron will remain in the condition of a protoxide. When drained, and air replaces the water, it is at least partially changed, and be- comes more highly oxidated and i- constantly undergoing chai by which the amount of oxygen is variable, ally when in contact with a large amount of vegetable matter. .' 53. The sixth Bwamp district is confined to Brunswick connty. It is roond or nearly so. and presents a very uniform outline, but its interior is studded with islands, ami the swampy part incloses them entirely or they are connected to others by narrow necks of hard ground.. This swamp lies low and its perfect draii nes- tionable. We have not been able to obtain an examination of sur- - which were made years ago. It furnishes a vast amount of cypi -hingles. The timber is well set, large and thrifty, and NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. S3 the indications for fertility are the same as those which have been already stated. The composition of the soil supports the views just expressed. A sample on analysis gave : Organic matter, 37.50 Water, 15,80 Silex, 35.35 Peroxide of iron, and alumina 10.50 Carb. of lime, 1.45 Magnesia, 0.15 Potash, l.io Soda, 0.15 . Sulphuric acid, trace. Chlorine, trace. 100.00 A mechanical separation of its parts gave : Coarse sand, '. . . 2.10 Fine soil, 33. 25 Organic matter, . . • 37.50 It should be stated that this soil contained a greater quantity of half decayed wood sticks than usual, and hence, the proportion of soil is comparatively less than it would have been by rejecting this kind of vegetable matter. § 54. Large tracts of this swamp are laid under water by dams which overflows the high way or roads and the traveler is forced to drive his team through water from a foot to 4 or 5 feet deep. The tide of the Cape Fear sets up the creeks some twelve miles from their months, which is indicative of aflat country to within a short distance of their origin. The subsoil is often too stiff for easy cultivation, or the penetra- tion of roots. It approaches in composition and consistence a brick clay. Thus the silex amounts to S3 per cent, with 21 per cent, of organic matter, and with only traces of lime, magnesia and pot- ash. It is probably as in other cases variable in composition. Another specimen of the Brunswick and swamp soil furnished by Mr. H. J. McNeil, gave : B4 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Water 8.000 Organic matter, 34.000 Silica, 45. IT" Peroxide of iron and alumina, L0.490 Oarb. of lime, 0.490 Magnesia 0. •! 91 1 Potash 0.681 Soda, 0.826 Sulphuric acid, trace. Chlorine, trace. Silicic acid, 0.580 99.997 Hie composition of this sample indicates as high degree of fertili- ty as the Hyde, Washington or Beaufort counties. While analysis furnishes very satisfactory results, it is not to be forgotten that the tracts adjacent may be less so, and indeed, not productive at all. Where changes in the kind of timber are ap- parent, passing from the cypress, gums, populars and maples, etc., to bays, gall-berry, especially if accompanied by a dwarfed condi- tion, it is an indication that the soil has changed, or the con- ditions have passed from a favorable, to a less favorable one, and though the change may possibly be due to influences which deep draining may remove, yet, in a majority of cases, it is due to the constitution of the soil. This should be examined, and tested in they way we have proposed. § 55. In a few wet districts we sometimes meet a peculiar soil, which is, as the people say, salt; but which really never contains but a little chloride of sodium, or common salt. It is a black vegetable substance, in part charged with the astringent salts of iron and alumina. We are induced to speak of this product be- cause we have seen it from three different parts of the eastern counties, in Weldon, near Tarboro' and at Mosely Hall, in Lenoir count}'. The specimens have the same characteristics, though that from near Weldon was obtained from a depth of To feet. We communicated with those interested at Weldon and Tarboio 1 , and have not preserved a statement of results. The specimens from a swamp at Mosely Hall will require a brief notice ; though they deserve a full analysis, yet time will not permit us now to enter into details. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. bo The substances, which are really swamp products, are black, with an astringent ferruginous taste. If applied to crops, or if seed are planted in it, they are of course destroyed. The black astringent substance contains, in 100 parts : Water and vegetable matter, 11.70 Silex or sand, 89.80 Protoxide of iron, 1.52 Alumina, 1.82 Carb. lime, 0.80 Sulphuric acid, 1.61 99.45 The surface of this vegetable matter is crusted in dry weather with this astringent salt. If this substance were in great abundance it would be an excellent material for composts, notwithstanding it is now poisonous in composition. Mixing lime or marl with it will decompose the present salt and form gypsum. This substance too, is adapted to use in stables, or any place where ammonia is gen- erated, and escapes into the air. Sulphate of ammonia will be formed, or even the vegetable matter itself as it is absorbative, will attract and retain ammonia, but indeed as it is with this salt, it is an admirable material to spread over the refuse of stables and yards where noxious odors escape and which are always we believe com- pounds, containing ammonia or sulphur or both. From this swamp deposit we have obtained phosphate of iron, a product which we suppose may have been formed from decom- posed animal matter ; it is rare one and may be distinguished from other minerals by its beautiful blue color. Another product of this swamp we are inclined to regard as a compound of phosphoric acid, lime, etc., but we are still in doubt respecting its true character. It is white, inclined to chrystallize in radiating forms, and is sometimes a white, soft substance, and in others quite a hard concretion, assuming a cylindrical form. It is intermixed with grains of quartz, which are foreign particles. It gave, on analysis : Water 4.2 Organic matter, 4.0 Silex, or insoluble matter, 69.0 :TH-CAROLIXA GEOLOGICAL SUEV - ibstance resembling alumina, Carbonate of lime Magnesia. 0.10 I The wliil .ce resembling alumina, we suppose may be a md with phosphoric acid, but we have not the proper I letermine fully its composition : that it is not alumina, is proved :ie fact, that though a part of it dies . yet the pre- at once in the flame of the blow pipe. If a phosphate exists in quantity. valuable if not in quantity, it is a very interest!!):: one fur the . alumina is the production of a bine bead of cobalt in the flame of the blow pipe. There is a tin°re of blue, when thus treated, but the bluent- strictly that which is common to alumina. These several prodn • [r. Parrott Mewbom, of Lenoir county, who ob- cd them in draining a swamp. The foregoing products are the most important, but another which is excessively sandy and brown- have analyzed. It contains : - x : Water. 2.1 .- mir matter Peroxide of iron and alumina :>nate of lime, trace. pounds having the foregoing composition are worthier-- e acquired the vegetable matter as a debris, am. D the spot. NORTH-CAROLE* A GEOLOGICAL SEBYEY. ST CHAPTER XIII. < iall berry lands, and their composition. The Savannah lands and their charac- teristics and composition. .5' 56. The gall berry lands, as they are called, are a species of swamp, but their characteristics cannot be subjected to the exact rule of the carpenter, nor the legal measure of the grocer ; they refuse to be subjected to specific technicalities, though thev have • certain common characteristics. All lauds are not gall berry 1 be- cause the gall berry has taken possession; neither are £ral) berry lands all composed of stiff clay ; some are sandy, with black veg- etable matter concealing it, while uncultivated or nnbroken. Gall berry lands are level tracts, composed of wet and sandy argilla- ceous matters, or wet sandy, with black vegetable mold intermixed, and with only small fractional parts of the money elements con- tained in them in either case. They seem to have been formed by denudation, by the action of the waves of the sea, by which the best part of a soil, the top has been carried away, as a stratum of stiff, incorrigible, sandy and ferruginous clay beneath. Over certain areas subsequent to de- nudation, sand has accumulated along with a coarse vegetable growth, as water grasses and the like; in fact, a formation went on accumulating like the best swamp lands, but the material was a quartz sand, containing only traces of the nutritive elements. In the other case, a formation, though slowly building up now. be^an with the process of tilling up very recently, and the bottom clavs exposed by denudation ; still, from the top or surface the dwarfed vegetation springs from this incorrigible sandy clay, which is poorly mixed, coarse and closely compacted, so as to hold water about as well as a wash bowl. By evaporation in summer, and a slow leakage, these lands get dry by the middle of July ny .he first of August, and then they may be traversed, but they are liable to become wet by heavy showers, when by the same processes they again may become dry. In this condition of the soil and surface the inducements are not sufficiently weightly to tempt the owner to drain them, for the purpose of testing their qualities for crops of the cereals, or the less expensive products, the root crops, to S8 NOKTH-€ABOLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. which they are not really adapted. Like other species of land, wc find them variable in composition, but uniformly with a level surface, and so close that water stands upon them until it evapo- rate. Their relative position is westward of the kinds of swamp which have been described ; though lands answering to the gall berry occur in patches in all parts of the eastern counties with variable aspects, but always wet, level and with a dwarfed vegetation. Their chemical constitution gives two extremes; the black, Bandy vegetable mold, and the stiff, sandy, argillaceous bottoms. The former is often mistaken for good swamp soil; the latter, never. The vegetation is much the same in both ; coarse water plants, a few reeds in favored places, particularly on the banks of streams, small, short and long leaved pines; but the whole aspect of the vegetation is that which arises from a short allowance of food, and exposure to cold bottoms beneath, and a chilly atmos- phere above. The silex in all the kinds of gall berry lands is large, the soluble alumina and iron, small — and the other elements in small fraction- al quantities. Thus in a specimen from Sampson county, we found : Water, .'{.09 Silex, 88.40 Organic matter, 4.20 Peroxide of iron and alumina, 2.92 Carbonate of lime, 02 Magnesia, 01 Potash and soda, trace. Phosphoric acid not perceptible, 00 But medium results are obtained by cultivation when these lands are well drained; but, as it costs as much for draining the lands as better ones, it is not often done. The specimen had be- come dry by exposure to the atmosphere. A mechanical separation gave : Coarse sand, 38. Fine soil, 50.10 Organic matter, 4.20 NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 6t* § 57. The Savannah lands, differ from the preceding in many important particulars. They are to the eye, dead level tracts, open to the sun and bordered by clumps of trees irregularly plant- ed so as to have open spaces either leading to similar tracts or in- to the depths of a forest. They are now usually covered with broom grass, and appear rather barren m winter, but in the spring if the dead grass is burned, they become green and pleasant. We have no authentic history or tradition which can be believed in all respects, in regard to their origin. But they really are miniature representations of western prairies, and probably originated by the action of similar causes. When a certain kind of soil has been forest planted, it con- tinues in forest for centuries, unless some cause destroys the root and branch, as fire or water ; and when destroyed and opened to the sun a thick coating of grass covers the ground so perfectly, that the seeds of forest trees are deprived of the necessary stimulants to germination, or if they germinate a repetition of destructive agents again occurs, till all seeds at or near the surface have germinated and have been destroyed. Grass ultimately gets full possession ; and though in the general it appears only as grass, yet if watched carefully, it will be found that the grasses have been changing, or a natural rotation has taken place ; the rule of exchange being a succession of grasses from the better to the worse, by which we have ultimately in this climate broom grass, an unmistakeable in- dex of an exhausted soil. This view, however, is sustained only when the products of vegetation are taken away. Combustion of the surface materials, followed by winds which transport the light ash far from the field upon which the plant grew which produced it, is an exhausting process. Forest fields when once exposed to the sun by the destruction of their pines, oaks and hickories, are directly in the road to a prairie, or savannah formation ; and when the latter is formed, it becomes as permanent as a forest. As it re- gards their origin, we incline to the theory, that fire has been the direct instruments concerned, and is still more or less active,. in preserving these tracts in a stationary condition. The water theo- ry, is less intelligible than the fire theory ; the latter explains all the phenomona as we think better than the former. The soil of the savannahs is fine, yellowish and compact, not un- like a brick clay, and so far as we have observed, contains by far 6 ;:TiI-CAROLlXA. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. '•oarse sand. It is a homogeneous soil, in which respect, it dif- from the gall bercy, and it being tine, compact, deep, and still wet, though not a swamp at all, it still holds always too much wa- ter for the cultivation of the cereals. The land is cold ; a term un- doubtedly applicable to this class, in which respect, it differs from the prairies of the west. It differs also from the swamp soils in the absence of vegetable matter, and from the uplands by compactness and firmness of material, and hence too the explanation of the fact, too cold and moist, for the cultivation of the cereals or even >t crops. The specimen of soil which has been examined was taken from a savannah in Craven county, which is being put into a state for cultivation, and which is owned by Mr. "Wood. The Atlantic rail- road passes through it. These lands in Craven county, though not so extensive as those of New Hanover, still seem to possess the same characterics. "We cannot affirm that there are not many va- rieties of savannah lands, still, there are good grounds for 1 that they possess a greater uniformity of composition than the swamp or gall berry lands. The savannah soil of Craven, on being submitted to analysis, gave : •Water 4. Humic acid or soluble organic matter, 2.00 Insoluble, 1.7 Phosphoric acid, undetermined, Silex 80.fi Silicic acid, 1"" Alumina, 7.000 Peroxide of iron, B.4 Carbonate of lime, 600 Magnesia, 176 Potash, 098 Chlorine, a large, trace. Sulphuric acid, trace. 99.' Ammonia, 0387 per cent The specimen was dried in the air previous to analysis, it there- fore does not represent the quantity of water held by the soil in its ordinary condition. NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 91 The chemical constitution of the savannah lands appear to be well composed for durable cultivation. They will require deep draining and the time required for the escape of water will un- doubtedly be twice as long as that necessary to drain ordinary up- land soil, in consequence of the line state of division in which the materials exist, and their natural affinity for water. When drained and dried, we have reason to believe that they will become good wheat or cotton lands. 92 X0ETH-CAR0LIXA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. APPENDIX, Containiii^ brief descriptions of the mineral springs and well waters which occur in and about Raleigh. 58. At nnmeroos places in "Wake and the adjacent connties .ve been discovered which are entitled to the appel- lation of Frequent inquiries have been mad- letter relative to them, and in several instances these waters have been sent to me for analysis. These requests have been complied • far as it -eemed to be necessary. In most cases, however, when the general character of the water was known by taste, or by on standing twenty-: a, I have merely made a quafiatative examination. The water in this neighborh or in the town of Raleigh, are all chalybeates, and though they ap- pear to be weak, or contain a small amount only of mineral : ter. sufficient for medical pur .if the quantity larger, it would be more disagreeable to the palate, less 1 be drank, and it would both affect the head and produce a feeling H :':ie chest. The quantity of mineral matter is there- fore well adapted for use in all cases where chalybeates are useful. An essential condition for the salutary influence of chalybeates their solution in a large amount of liquid matter. It insures their absorption into the system, and thereby favors their specific in- fluences, much more than if they were in a concentrated ;• Tli e well waters of Sal _ . which are used for drinking and cooking rank with as much propriety in the clas~ e springs referred to. They differ, however, from them in the :ice of iron, or if it o . and in the presence of chlorides, which exist only in traces in the mineral spring wa- ters How much influence impure well waters have upon the health of a community ell determined. But it is well known that to strangers the common waters of a locality are fre- quently highlv injurious, and it is probably true that the purer the water for common n g the better it is. and there is verv little doubt that the best water which can be procured for familv use, '- . collected and preserved in filtei XORTH-CAROLDfA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 93 cisterns. In summer it would be warm, but cooled with ice it be- comes a luxury. There is a great uniformity in the composition of the spring waters of this description : the constant differences being a varia- tion in the amount of solid matter dissolved in the water. They belong to the class known as chalybeate waters, which contain iron as the most active and important element. Such springs are readily recognized by the yellow or ochreous deposit along the line of flow. They are limpid or perfectly transparent when they tirst from the ground and when first bottled, but on standing 2i hours, a yellowish sediment falls down consisting of iron, lime and mag- nesia. This takes place in consequence of the loss of carbonic acid, the matter in solution being retained by an extra atom of carbonic acid, and hence while the salts are held in solution they are bi-car- bonates. When the water is exposed to the air the feeble aft: of this extra atom of carbonic acid is such that it soon - and the remaining compound in the water is no longer soluble, and hence, is deposited in a powder. A tumbler of those ' land- ing in the open air shows the escape of a gas which is carbonic acid. When the fresh water is shaken with a solution of red cab! g changed to a tinge of green bv ammonia or an alkali, it becomes purplish again by the carbonic acid which is escaping. It is claimed that some of the springs contain sulphur ; those which have been subjected to the action of basic acetate of lead, have scarcely a perceptible effect upon this delicate test Silver vessels which have been used many times become slightly tarnished in certain spots. Hence, it is ] - - .Iphuretted hydrogen es- capes in exceedingly minute quantities. The springs usually flow out of banks of gravel and sand in place, and which was derived from granite or gneiss. These banks are more or less ferruginous, but in the best waters they probably flow from the granite, and thence percolate through the soil. C -.oposition of some of the waters ot % these springs ■..: the garden, one mile and a half from town. The whole amount of solid matter held in solution in a gallon of water is 16.72 grains. It consists of chloride of lime, organic matter. bi-carbonate of iron, lime and magnesia. In all cases, the organic matter is in the condition of humic, crenic and apocrenic 94 NORTH-CAROLINA OKI 'LOGICAL SURTET. acids, which are also in combination with the mineral matter. It contains also silicic acid. The IngUbicU 9prmg, two miles east of Raleigh, is in a iine grove, and line drives might be cut out by opening roads, or lino walks, as they would be shaded by avenues of trees. This spring contains solid matter, about 15 grains to the gallon, consisting of organic matter, iron, lime and magnesia. The chlo- ride of lime was not tested for, but as it is usually present, so probably it is in this water. Its use has had a beneficial effect upon invalids in several instances. The analysis of the spring upon Mr. Boylan's land, was not pre- served ; it scarcely differs from the foregoing in the amount of solid matter, to the gallon. The water is pleasant to drink, and is pecu- liar in its taste. The water of a spring in Franklin county resembles also the fore- going. One pint of this water contains : Iron, in combination with carbonic and organic acids, ._'7 Lime, 34 Ifagoesia, 1ft Organic matter as a whole, 2. 13 3.84 To the gallon 22.77 grs-. The Dodd spring has a temperature of G0°, air being 78. The solid matter in a gallon amounts to 10 grs. In a pint it contains: ' frgaoic mutter, 90 Iron in combination with organic matter, Carb. of lime, 24 Carb. of magnesia, 10 Besides the foregoing, we obtained both the chlorides of lime and magnesia,, the latter in a large trace. The Dodd spring differs from the Franklin county spring in containing less organic matter, and hence, it is that the iron in it, is more distinct to the taste. The yellow powder deposited from mineral Bprings has a com- plex composition. It consists of hnmic acid, crenic and apo- crenic acids in combination with the iron, a portion of the carbonic NORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 95 acid having escaped. The two last acids are detected by the action of acetate of copper upon the alkaline solution of this ferruginous deposit. There is no doubt, also, that phosphoric acid is present in the compound. § 60. The wells of Fayetteville street deserve a place among mineral waters. They differ from the springs simply, in the absence of iron. The well at the corner of Fayetteville street leading to the depot, contains 23.92 grains of solid matter to the gallon, containing alu- mina, sulphuric and muriatic acids, lime, magnesia and organic matter, both vegetable and animal. Mr. Askew's well contains to the gallon, 21.30 grains; organic matter 11.68; saline matter 9.68. The market well contains 18.80 grs. to the gallon ; organic matter 7.20 ; saline matter 13.20. The Doctor's well contains 21.44 grains of solid matter to the gallon, saline matter 8.16. organic matter 13.28. To repeat once more, the saline matter in the foregoing wells consists of, 1, chlorides, or we may call them muriates, muriates of lime and magnesia; 2, sulphates, as sulphate of lime, together with organic matter. The saline matter is white and free from iron, or merely traces of iron. The In-own or gray crust upon the tea kettles consists of the sulphates and carbonates of lime ; the latter is formed probably from the organic salts. The salutary effects of the spring water, which we have wit- nessed in several instances, is to be attributed to the iron, which is perfectly dissolved in the water when it issues from the fountain, in which condition it is readily absorbed into the system. The other substances, however, are regarded as aiding in the general effects. GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP NORT H- O AROL IN PART III, BOTAWY; CONTAINING A CATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS OF THE STATE, WITH DESCRIPTIONS AND HISTORY OF THE TREES, SHRUBS, AND WOODY VINES, REV. M. A. CURTIS, D, D. RALEIGH: W. W. HOLDEN, PRINTER TO THE STATB. 1860. RALEIGH, June 1st, 1860. To His Excellency, John W. Ellis, Governor of North- Carolina : Sir :— I herewith transmit the Report of the Rev. M. A. Curtis, D. D., upon the Woody Plants of this State. The valne of this Report is greatly enhanced by the fact that it embodies the labor of more than twenty years. Dr. Curtis, in reviewing the whole subject with a view to a publication of the results of his labor, has felt constrained to furnisn descriptions of only the most conspicuous and important plants indigenous to the State ; and of the less important ones a Catalogue simply, noticing, with each species, its geographical range in the State, and, where desirable, its economical or medicinal uses. Notwithstanding the latter portion of his Report may thus appear to consist chiefly of technical names, and thus be of no general practical use, it will be regarded by the scientific public as a con- tribution of great value, not merely for its indication of the vege- table productions of this State, but also as containing a large amount of information not elsewhere to be found. The position of this State is such that it forms the north and south limits of many interesting productions in Natural History, belonging both to the vegetable and animal kingdoms ; and it has been regarded an im- portant work to fix definitely the true north and south boundaries of species belonging to these kingdoms. In view of these considerations, together with many others which will, no doubt, be suggested on reflection upon the whole subject, it is hoped that your Excellency, with the Honorable Gentlemen constituting the Litkraky Board, will give publicity to the labors of Dr. Curtis, who has consented to assist me in this part of the State Survey. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, E. EMMONS, State Geologist. To Prof. E. Emmons, Geologist of the State of North- Carlina : Dear Sir: In compliance with your request, that I would fur- nish, in connexion with your general Survey of the natural resour- ces of the State, an account of its vegetable productions. I have prepared the following paper upon the Woody Plants of North- Carolina. I have brought these together in one view, because they are the most important, the best known, and can be more intelligi- bly arranged for general use, than upon a plan strictly scientific. Botanists will of course find fault with it; but as my cole purpose herein is to make this essay of popular service, and as intelligible as possible to those who know nothing of systems and would not take the time or trouble to master a scientific treatise, I have adop- ted the present course as the most, likely one that occurred to me to accomplish the end proposed. It has its difficulties, as you will readily see, but yon will at the same time confess, I think, that, though it might be J)etter done, the end could not be so well at- tained but by some such arrangement. I must therefore crave your indulgence for this departure from established usage in this first portion of my Report. I have felt somewhat hampered by the limits to which I was re- stricted, and, as it is, have unavoidably over-run them; but I hope, nevertheless, that nothing essential has been often omitted, either in the descriptions, or in noticing the valuable uses, of the various Trees, Shrubs and Vines of the State. In instances where the plant is well known and needed no discrimination from similar or kindred species, I have omitted all description, as being in such cases superfluous. But whenever one is tass known, or may be easily confounded with others, I have endeavored to present all the distinctive characters by which it may be discriminated from them. How far I have been successful must be left to the proof hy trial; but I am pretty confident that a person wholly unpractised in this kind of investigation can, by means of the Tabular View given at the end of this Report, very soon learn to discriminate and find the name of most of the Woody Plants of the State. 6 LETTER TO PROF. EifM 1 state in conclusion, what yon were not before aware of, that this Report is one of the fruits of your long continned service in the field of Science. M\ first knowledge of the elemei. terms ot Botany was derived from yourself and your distinguished Preceptor, Prof. Eaton, at the beginning of your public career. Though I was then too young to be admitted to your course of in- struction, an impulse was then given which never abated, and now, forty years afterward, returns back to you with this humble offer- ing. The contribution is, therefore, most appro; pat into your hands by Your friend and servant, A. CUKnfl INDEX. [X. B. Xarues in Italics are synonymes of others :n the Index] PAGE. Alder 108 Dwarf, . 106 " White, . 100 (Andromeda,) . . !'0 Apple, Crab, .. 09 Arbor Yita\ ... 109 Arrow Wood, . . 90 (Ascyram,) .... 110 Ash,* 53 " Mountain, . 70 " Prickly. . . . 91-103 ■• Stinking, . 53 Aspen 73 i Atragene,) 120 Balsam, 36 Bamboo, 116 Barbery 84 Bass Wood, ... 7S Bay, Loblolly, . 80 ,: Red. ...... 68 11 Sweet, ... 66 Bearberry, ... 86 Bear Grass. 94 Beech 47 M Water, .. 76 Birch 73 Bittersweet, ... 119 Blackberry 88 Bladder Nut, . . 107 Box 107 Box Elder 53 Box Wood, .... 60 Buckeye 4S (Buckleya.) 105 Buckthorn 65 " Carolina, 92 Buffalo Tree, .. 95 Burning Bush, . 102 Bursting Heart, 102 Butternut 45 Button Bush, . . 107 Button Wood, . 76 Cabbage Tree, . 64 Calico Bush, . . 99 Cane, 109 Canoe Wood, . . 77 PAQ& (Cassandra,) ... 97 Catalpa 50 Cedar, Red 71 . " White, . . . 38 Cherry 56 Chestnut, 46 China Root, ... 116 China Tree, ... 65 Chinquapin, ... 47 Choke Berry. . . 69 (Cocculus, ) .... 117 Coffee Tree, ... 50 Coral Berry, . . 87 (Cornus,) ...... 01 Cotton Tree, ... 73 Cranberry 87 Creeper, Virg'n, 114 Cross Vine, US Cucumber Tree, 07-8 Currant, ...... 85 Cypress, 29 (Darby a,) 105 (Decumaria.) . . . 119 Deer Berry, ... 86 Devil's Shoe Strings, ...... 87-91 Devil Wood, ... 57 Dew Berry, ... 88 Dog Wood 60 Do. Striped, 52 Eglantine, .... 89 Elder 89 - Marsh, .. 108 Elm, 54-5 Fern, Sweet, . . . 106 Fetter Bush, ... 95 Ft i\r Bush, ... 91 Fir 26 Fish W.od, 102 Flowering Moss, 110 (Forsteronia,) . . 119 Fringe Tree, . . 95 Gall Berry, 60 Goose Berry, . . 84—5 Goose Berry, . . 86 Grapes, 111-115 PAGE. Groundsel 108 Gum, Black 69 " Sweet 77 Hackbcrry 01 Hardback, 103 Hazel Not 106 Hazel, Witch, . . 106 Haw, Black, 89-90 " Red 82-3 Heath, False, ... 100 He tn lock, 96 Hemlock Spruce, 27 Hickory 43—4 Hobble Bush, ... 91 Holly, 58 " Dahoon, . . 58 Honeysuckle, ... 98 Hop Tree 107 Hornbeam 75 " Hop, . 75 Huckleberry, . . . 85-6-7 He, . 105 (Hudsonia.) 110 Hydrangea, .... 100-1 (Ilex,) 59-60 Indian Physic, . . 68 Ink Berry 60 Iron Wood, 75 (Itea,) 100 Ivy, 99 Jessamine, 119 Juniper, 28 Laurel 97 41 Bij, 66 " Dog, 96 " High Bush, 65 " Sheep, ... 99 Leather Wood, . . 92 (Leucothoe,) .... 96 Lime Tree, 78 linden 78 Linn Tree, 79 Locust, 48-9 " Honey, . . 49 Loosestrife, 109 Magnolia, 66 VIII INDEX. .... Mistletoe M Mulberry i: : id, Wax. Ni n e Bai . . Oak Oil Nut Beard, Palmetto •■ Dwarf, . '• '• Sweet, . •■<', . . mason, . . . PilK-S, ....... Planer Tree, . . Pin PIuiIlS Poison ( >ak, . . . Poison Vine, . . "*,) • Pond Bush, . . 77 103 " Carolina, Pride oi India. . 7.7-101 Privet 91 116 Queen of the Meadow Raspberry, 71 Rattan, .'. 117 • .'1 .",n 100 Red i: »t, .... 104 1".; Reed 109 61 ... 109 104 Rose 104 _-/, . . . 60 . . 94 Ibine 115 Yellow Root, . . . 104 fellow Wood, . . 65 59 PREFACE. The Plants of North-Carolina have long been considered by Botanists as unsurpassed in variety and beauty by those of any States of the Union, excepting: a few ot those which lie upon the Gulf of Mexico. The Flora of this State should properly be re- garded as forming the transition between the Northern and South- ern Botanical Districts, as it is within our boundaries that many of the Northern plants have their Southern limits, and some of those which form a peculiar feature of Southern vegetation commence. Of the latter species are the Pond Pine, several Magnolias, Palmetto, &c. There is still another circumstance which gives a much greater variety to our vegetation than could be derived from mere difference of 2£ degrees of latitude between her Northern and Southern boundaries. The Mountains on the West- ern border of the State are several hundred feet higher than any others in the Union, so that the difference of elevation between these and our sea-coast occasions a difference of vegetation equal to that of 10 or 12 degrees of latitude. Thus upon the higher summits are found species such as belong to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, those in the N. E. part of New York, and to Canada. The intervening ranges of Virginia and Pennsylvania partake, in part only, of the same peculiarities, but the greater elevation of some of our summits permits the growth of some species which are unknown between them and the Northern regions above mentioned. In the distribution of Plants over the State we have three dis- tinctly marked Districts, as well characterized by their Flora as by their Geological features. As in the Geology of the State the peculiar formation of one District may penetrate, overlie, or under- lie that of another, yet the predominating characters of each be sufficiently marked and striking to arrest the notice of the most casual observer; so it is with the vegetation of these Districts. The analogy of distribution between the objects of these sciences may be extended still further. For as, in the one case, we often 2 PREFACE. meet with misplaced Rocks, so, in the other, the Botanist is some- times surprised by meeting with species of Plants quite out of their proper range, and for whose location it is not always easy to account. Thus the Cranherry, an inhabitant of elevated regions and not uncommon in our Mountain Marshes, is also found, to a limited extent, in the low lands of the Northeastern part of the State. The beautiful Calico Bush, or fry, rarely found but in rocky regions, as in the mountains or along the rocky banks of water courses, occurs abundantly in the Dismal Swamp, especially along the line of the Canal. The pretty Roanole Bund in no other part of" the State. Indeed, in all elements wl tha - tedS nts thein in hap- pier combination, in greater j-c -r in lars. do tlie i :ia. esp- i Hayw levation and extent of our Mountains, - - of plants to much higher latin ber peculiar to the Southern ranges, it is not snrpris Mountains attracted the early attention an-.] ontinued to be visited by a larger numb'. :hcr portion of our country, A brief ace oft" . - \ ho have examined other par II be an appropriate introduction to the accompanying list and description of the objects by them lirst brought to public not itram, of Philadelphia, visited the Cherokee in ]77»;. He also paesed through the lowei - oof iteresting volume of his "Travels" was I the book has been long out of print. A ' x. under the patronage of the French governn. viail -.une region in 17 s 7. In the following year he explored twu tains of Burke and Yancey counties, y^g awav in the Fall 2£ - 1,8 rubs and Plants. En 1 the same region, ascending Linville, Black, Yell grandfather and Table Mountains. In the foil ing year he twice passed over portions of the same. Tiaditioi- this indefatigable and eccentric traveller are current in the westers. con: M are probably yet living who remember him. The late Col. Davenport, of the Yadkin Valley, was his .guide on raJ occasions. A very large and interesting portion of our Mountain species was first discovered by Michaux, and published in his Floba Boriuli-Americasa, which is yet a -standard and PREFACE. xiii classical work in Botanical literature. With rare exceptions his species have been since identified l>y other explorers. Mr. Fraser, a Scotchman, made botanical collections in our mountains between the years 1787 and 17S9. Under the patronage of the Russian government he explored them again in 17!>9, ac- companied by his eldest son. It was on this journey that the splendid Laurel, or Rhododendron Catavvbiense of Botanists, was discovered, which, with the varieties obtained by skilful cultivation, was for" fomg the pride of the English Florists. Both revisited the country in 1S<»7. After the decease of the father in 1S1 1 , the younger Frazer returned hither and passed several years in diligent examination of the Mountains, annually sending large quantities of ornamental plants and seeds to Great Britain. lie is well and respectfully remembered by those who made his acquaintance, especially in Burke county. M0N8. Delile, French Consul at Wilmington, in the early part of this century, sent valuable collections of plants from the Cape Fear region to Paris, which are acknowledged in the writings of several European authors. Mr. John Lyon, of" Great. Britain, was an assiduous collector of our plants, and contributed very largely of our most interesting species to the English gardens. lie probably was in our mountain region previous to 1S<)2, but of this I have no positive information. He, however, spent several years there at a subsequent period, and died at Asheville in September. 1S14, aged 49 years. A plain marble stone marks his last resting place in the grave-yard at Ashe- ville. A manuscript Flora, which he seems to have compiled for convenient use as a manual, from such works as had then been published on American plants, is now in my possession. F. A MrciiAix, son of the Miehanx mentioned above, and who accompanied his father in some of his visits to this country, tra- versed a portion of our mountain district in 1Si>2. The result of his explorations in various parts of the country, is contained in his 2 ■ work on the Forest Trees of North America,* illustrated with beautiful colored Plates. I am much indebted to this valua- * An exquisitely beautiful edition of this work, was published in 1857, by Kice and Hart of Philadelphia, in five volumes ;— the last two added to the original work by Mr. Nuttall. XIV 1'liKFACE. ble work for information upon the economical value of our timber trees given in the following description of our Woody PlanN. Frederic Pursh, a German, author of a valuable Flora of North America, and who travelled extensively in the Northern and Mid- dle States, pretends to have extended his journeying* to North- Carolina ; but his statement is deemed rather more than doubt- ful. Mr. Kin, a German Nurseryman, living at Philadelphia, visited our State in the early part of the present century. He was a man of little cultivation, not. properly a Botanist, and his discoveries were published by others. Thomas Ndttall, an Englishman, but long a resident in this country, a most accomplished Botanist, who has contributed as much as any one man to the discovery and elucidation of the floral treasures of North America, examined portions of our mountain ami lower districts. He is the author of Genera of North Ameri- can Plants, and of many important botanical papers in the scien- tific journals of this country. He died in 1859. H. B. Croom, E>q., and Dr. H. Loomis, made a pretty careful exploration of the vicinity of Newbern, and their observations were published, in 1S33, in a Catalogue of Plants of Newbern and vicini- ty. A second and enlarged Catalogue was printed in 1887 by Mr. Croom. In this the services of Mr. Geo. Wilson are acknowl- edged for valuable contributions to the knowledge of plants around Newbern. In 1833, I published, in the Boston Jonrnal of Natural History, an Enumeration of the Plants growing around Wilmington, the fruit of diligent examination made during a residence there of two years and a half. Occasional visits since made have increased the number of species known in that most interesting locality, the Flowering Plants and Ferns of which exceed one thousand. Dr. James F. MoRee, of Wilmington, has devoted much time to a study of the Plants of that neighborhood, and the completeness of the above Knuineration is not a little due to his observation and assistance. The late Rev. Dr. L. D. von Sen w kin it/., of Salem, has contri- buted very largely to a knowledge of the Botany of this State, par- ticularly in its lower orders, or those having no proper flowers, as Mosses, Fungi, &c. In these departments he was the most expert PREFACE. XV and accomplished Botanist that our country has produced. In 1821 he printed at Raleigh a small Tract of 27 pages upon the Hepatic Mosses or Livencorte^ most of which he had observed near Salem. In 1820 lie published in a Scientific journal at Leipsic a paper upon the Fungi of North Carolina, containing descriptions of a large number of species previously unknown, some of which are illustrated by very good figures. A similar paper upon the Fungi of the United States, printed in 1831 in the Journal of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, contains a large amount of North-Carolina species not included in the former paper. These were the first treatises of the kind produced in this country, and the list of species given in the following report will embrace a large number derived from them. This learned and most estimable gentleman, a worthy descendant of the celebrated Count Zinzendorf, departed this life, February, 1834, at the age of 54 years. The Rev. Dr. Mitchell, during one period of his Professorship at our University, was an assiduous cultivator of Botanical Science, and had made a considerable collection of specimens, which he generously shared with Dr. Schweinitz and myself. I am indebt- ed to him for several species which had otherwise been yet un- known to our North-Carolina Flora. A species of Carex, named after him, commemorates his devotion to the beautiful science. This is a petty tribute to his name ; but others have honored it in better proportion to its worth. Mt. Mitchell, the loftiest summit of the Black Mountain range, the witness of his laudable triumph when he first ascertained its surpassing height, and which alone saw the sad catastrophe of his death in the darkness of night and storm, is his noble monument and his tomb. Dr. Cyrus L. Hunter, of Lincoln county, has devoted consider- able attention to the study of Plants in his vicinity, and I am in- debted to him for information which will be acknowledged in an- other place. He published in the Charlotte Journal (for 1834?) a list of such plants as he had observed in his neighborhood. Prof. A. Gray, of the University of Cambridge, and John Carey, Esq., of New York, examined the principal mountains of Ashe and Yancey in 1841, and detected several species of plants which had escaped the notice of previous investigators. An interesting ac- count of this expedition may be found in an article by Prof. Gray in the American Journal of Science, Vol. XLII, to which I am in- XVI PREFACE. debted for much of the information here given of the early explor- ers of our alpine district. The same distinguished Botanist, with Mr. Stluvant of Ohio, in l v 4."!, entered our mountains from Virginia, the former continuing along the range to Georgia; the latter leaving the State by t he French Broad River. The results of this tour have not been form- ally published. Large collections, however, were made by Prof. Gray for the Botanic Garden at Cambridge ; and two beautiful vol- umes of specimens of Mossts and /. rf» were prepared by Mr. Sullivant, which were gratuitously distributed among Naturalists in this country and Europe. In a subsequent year Mr. S. made a Botanical reconnoisance in the low country of North-Carolina. Mr. S. B. Buckley has also made valuable contributions to our knowledge of the Flora of Western Carolina. In 1S42, he entered the State by the Hiwassee River, spending the summer in a care- ful examination of the principal summits and water-courses as far as Yancey county. Several new species were detected by this gentleman and published in Vol. XLYot Silliman's Journal. Since the above date he has made several visits to the same region. Mr. Rugkl, a German collector of plants, spent some time in our mountains in 1842. His discoveries were published by Shurtle- wortk and others. Mr. Dow, a 3'oung Botanist, traversed the whole length of our mountain range in 1S44-, but I have never learned if his observa- tions and discoveries have been made public. The writer of this, during a residence near the mountains in 1*.;5-'C, had occasional opportunities of visiting the high ranges in Burke and Yancey, a- also the counties of Lincoln, Mecklenburg, and Caldwell. In 1S39, he spent the summer in traversing the mountains from Ashe to Ge» rgia. A visit of a few weeks was again made to Ashe and Yancey in l v 4. r >; and another in 1854 !•■ Ban- combe and Henderson. Besides Miese, a residence of some years in various portions of the middle and lower sections of the State, comprising in all about 20 years, lias given him opportunities of becoming acquainted with the vegetable productions of the State, of which he has assiduously availed himself, and the results have been published in various journals in this country and England. The accompanying li>t pi species contains all that is known of the plants of North-Carolina ; a longer list than has yet been publish- ed of any State in the Union. PREFACE. Xvii It may be expected, perhaps, that in enumerating those who have contributed to a knowledge of the natural productions of our State, I should not omit a notice of Lawson's History of North- Carolina, the first printed work devoted to this subject. But besides that this book is now nearly inaccessible, there being but a single copy in the State, we cannot always recognize the objects described in it, the application of Indian names being lost, and that of English names rather variable and uncertain. So far as I have been able to authenticate species noticed by Lawson and other old journalists quoted in Dr. Hawks' History of North- Carolina, I have done so in the April No. (1S60) of the North- Carolina University Magazine. The information upon the Natural History of the State contained in their works is now of no scientific or economical value, and their errors in statement are not few. In the following arrangement of our Woody Plants, I shall not be governed by established scientific rules, but shall adapt it, as well as I can, to the comprehension of those who know nothing at all of Botany as a science. I hope, in this manner, so to present our Trees Shbubs and Cumbers, that the most, if not all of them, shall be easily recognized with very small expenditure of patience and study. The well known popular names applied to most of the species and genera will greatly facilitate the success of this ar- rangement. The above mentioned Divisions will be sub-divided according to the nature of the fruit in each, some groups having cones, like the Pines; some, nuts, like Oaks and Hickories; others, fleshy or pulpy fruit, like the Apple and Plum. A tabular view of this classification will be given at the end of this Report. **~ The scientific names will, in all cases, correspond with those* in Dr. Chapman's Flora of the Southern United States. THE TREES NORTH-CAROIiIN -A. PINES. These have their fruit in large scaly cones, popularly called burs, and have evergreen needle-shaped leaves, two to five enclosed in a sheath at their base. 1. Yellow Piste. (Pinus mitis, Michx.) This, with us, is called Short-leaved Pine and Spruce Pine. The first is objectionable, because we have at least two species with shorter leaves; and the second, because another is more appropriately called by that name. I have therefore adopted the name by which it is known in the Middle States, and recommend its use here, as it is much to be desired that there be a greater uniformity in the popular designa- tions of our forest trees. In the great confusion now prevalent, it is often quite impossible to ascertain what is meant by the names of our most common trees and other plants. This is perhaps the most widely diffused of all our Pines, it being common from New England to Florida, mostly in light clay soils. With us it is found from the coast to the mountains, but more rarely in the Lower Dis- trict, and it enters into the composition of most of our upland for- ests. It is from 40 to 60 feet high, with a circumference of 4 or .". and even 6 feet. The limbs on the upper part of the tree are more inclined towards the trunk than those of our other species, so as to give somewhat of a pyramidal form to the top. The leaves are 'J to 5 inches long, generally two, but sometimes three, in a sheath. The cone or bur is the smallest of all our species, rarely attaining a length of 2 inches, the tips of the scales armed with slender short prickles. The heart-wood is fine grained and but moderately re- sinous ; but the sap-wood soon decays. The timber is extensively '2 ' THE TREKS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 1 in lionse and ship building, though not deemed so valuable as that of the Long-leaf. When grown in very rich soils. I believe its timber is coarser thau when raised in less fertile iand. % .! - Pins. (P. mope, Ait — This tree is generally con- founded in tiii? State with the preceding, and also called 8h Pine. In some parts of the country it is known also under the names of i . /•.'■'■■■/■. and Scrub Pine. The name which I have adopted, after Michanx, seems to have j'nated from its being a prevalent tree in New Jersey, where it ha- it- northern limit, and from whence it is found, <>n barren and gravelly hills, to the tipper part of Georgia. In such situations it is found in the Middle and Upper Districts of this State, but nowhere very abundant. It is from 2" I I high, and 19 to 15 inches in diameter, with rather distant, spreading and drooping branches. The yonng brandies are smoother in this than in other species. The leaves are two in a sheath. 1 to *2 inches long, shout half the length of those of the preceding species, while the cones are considerably larger than in that, being _ l inches long, and armed with long' stonter sharp prickles. This tree is too small, often crooked, and generally with too much s <1. to be of any value. 3. Pan ki.v Pink, i P. pnngens, Mtehx.) — The name here given is but a translation of the scientific one. as I could never 'earn that it was distinguished from the ) i /' '■ by the inhabitants of the j _ iere it grown. In some books it is cal ' be at all appropriate. This species is, however, the least widely 1 of any North-American Pine. The tree ?ery symmetrical, is from 50 feet high, and 12 to i >(| inches in diameter: The leaves are in pairg, a< hi the two preceding-] it much thicker and stitier than in -those, and about i'A incheslong. Put the cones give the chief peculiarity and interest to thi* Pine. Ti f a light yellow color, very com- pact, 3 inches long and - inches broad at the base, the scales armed THE TREES OF NORTII-CAROLINA. 21 with very broad strong sharp spines, which are one sixth of an inch long and bent toward the top of the cone. In the strength and sharpness of these spines we have no other species witli which we can compare this. I have never learned that the timber of this tree is of any special value. 4. Pitch Pink. (P. rigida, Mill.) — Generally known by this name, but, according to Michaux, sometimes called Black Pine in Virginia. I think it is. in North-Carolina, confounded with the Yel- low Pint, as I have not heard any distinctive name for it, though its leaves are in threes, (rarely in fours.) 3 to 5 inches lonjr, and more rigid than in the latter. The tree is 30 to 50 feet high, with a rough blackish bark, the branches numerous and occupying two- thirds of the trunk, thus rendering the wood very knotty. The cones are 2 or 3 inches long, of a light brown color, of en growing in clusters of 3 to 5, and the scales having sharp reflexed prickles. The wood is compact and heavy, filled with resin, though when grown in low grounds it is much lighter and has much more sap- wood. It is a good deal used in some parts of the country, but being inferior to the Yellow Pine, and much less common with us, it is not deserving of much consideration. It is no where common in this State, and I have not observed it any where east of Lincoln county, though it is probably scattered sparingly through the Mid- dle District. It is found northward as far as New-England, and southward. I think, to Georgia. 5. Poms Pixe. (P. serotina, Michx.) — This has considerable re- semblance to the Pitch Pine, but is as remarkable for its scattered branches as that is for its crowded ones. They are. however, in no danger of being confounded in this State, as I do not think thev are found in the same sections. Put it is very frequently confoun- ded in the low country with the PMolly Pine, though very read Un- distinguished from that by its cones. It is common in the small swamps or bays of the Lower District, in company with 8w et Bay, Sour Gum, &c, and occasionally in similar situations in the Mid- dle. It sometimes covers pretty large tracts of rich swampy and peaty lands, but never, I think, constitutes any extensive forest. In some localities it is called Savanna Pine. The leaves of this species are in threes, and 5 to 7 inches long. The cones are re- markable for their short, form, compared with their size, being about 2£ inches long and 5 in circumference at their base, armed wfth •_'•_' TIIK TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. very short fragile prickles. They grow in clusters, often surround- ing the branch, are of shining light brown color, and remain closed until the second year. They are deemed ornamental enoagb to grace the mantel in some houses. This tree is generally abont #0 or 50 feet in bight, bat in favorable soils rises as high/as 00 and even SO feet. The wood is of better and more durable qualities than that of the Lohlolly, and is occasionally used for the masts of small vessels. It is nut known to exist north of this State. 0. Loblolly < r < >i.n Field Pink. (P. Ta?da.) — This tree has its northern limit in or near the District of Columbia, gradually be- coming more abundant to the southward, until, in this State, it is the most common Pine, next to the Long-leaf* in the lower district. It is there found wherever the soil is dry and sandy, as well as in some of the smaller swamps; but is replaced by the Yellow P <>n clayey and gravelly soils. In exhausted fields out of cultivation it almost invariably springs up, which gives the origin of one, and in this State the most common, of its names. Its leaves are from '*. to 10 inches long, clustered by threes (very rarely 2 or 4,) in a sheath. The cones are 3 to 5 inches long, the scales armed with rather strong sharp prickles. The trunk rises to the height of 50 and 7t feet, with a diameter of 2 and 3 feet, and has a spreading top. The wood is sapp}' and coarse-grained, liable to warp and shrink, and soon decays on exposure. It is among the least valua- ble of our Pines, but is sometimes applied to inferior uses. It af- fords a good deal of Turpentine, which is less fluid than that from the Long-leaf ". This tree extends somewhat into the Middle Dis- trict. I am indebted for the knowledge of an important variety of this tree, known as the Swamp or Slash Pine, and about Wilmington a- Rotemary /''/>■, to some articles in Kussel's Magazine, written by Mr. Edmund Puffin, of Virginia, who has made a careful ex- amination of the characters and habits of our southern Pines. He says : "This .Slash Pine] tree grows only on low and moist land, and is the better for timber, and grows larger in proportion to the greater richness of the land. It is the principal and largest timber Pine in the original forests of all the low, flat and firm but moist lands bordering on Albemarle Sound, and also farther South ; and I have seen it growing as well, but much more sparsely, on the rich swampy borders of the Roanoke and in the best Gum lands THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 2d bordering on the Dismal Swamp, and some on the low bottom lands of Tar River. Among the other gigantic forest trees on the rich and wet Roano' - is calk- d )'• Pi In tin N:v and ;k yards of the country it bears the latter name, though this de- ation there includes also the s /' . as well - ties first described in this list. It begins to appear in th Eastern part of Virginia, and from thence to la it the tree of the Lower Districts of the Southern S occ early all the dry sandy soil for many hundred miles. It i - < f< et high, in favorable situations stii! 30 inches in diameter. The leaves are 1" to 15 inches lonir. on young si - sometimes much longer, and clustered on the < the branches like a broom. The cones are 1 lies lonsr. The w ery little sap. The r triboted very uniformly through it. and hence the wood is n durabh.. 1 more compact : which qualities, in to its being of tine grain, give it the preference over al! our Pines, The quality of the w - upon the kind < : in which it is grown, as in a richer mould it is sinons. This inferior kind is, in some places, distinguished as }' . — am •• in point, illustrating the vague and indiscriminate ap- plication of the popular names of our forest trees. In some soils - of a reddish hue : and this, in the northern dock-yards, is denominated Red Pine, and considered better than the others. I am informed, that trees which have a small top indicate a stock with the best heart-wood. THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 25 The great value of this tree in both Civil and Naval Architec- ture is too well known to justify a full enumeration of its uses, and statistics of trade in it belong rather to a Gazetteer than to an es- say like this. But it is not the wood only that gives value to this tree. The resinous matter, in various forms, is shipped from our ports in large quantities to all parts of the United States and to foreign countries. Turpentine is the sap in its natural state as it flows from the tree. When it hardens upon the trunk, and is got- ten off by proper implements, it is called scrapings, of very inferior value to the virgin article. Tar is made by burning the dead limbs and wood in kilns. Pitch is tar reduced about one half by evaporation. Spirits of Turpentine is obtained by distillation from Turpentine, including Scrapings. Rosin is the residuum left by distillation. The greater part of these articles found in the markets is derived, I believe, from this State. Large tracts of this Pine are sometimes suddenly destroyed, as by a blight, to the irreparable injury of the owners, as the forests can not be reproduced in a life time. From the great value of the tree its destruction has attracted more especial notice ; but our Yellow Pine (P. mitis,) is subject to the same casualty. In Eu- rope the same kind of fatality happens to the Firs. The mischief is caused by swarms of a small insect penetrating through the bark into various portions of the stock, and against which there is no remedy yet discovered. Other species of insect sometimes attack the Oaks and effect a similar destruction. 8. White Pine. (P. Strobus, Linn.) — This beautiful tree, of such immense value to Canada and New England, extends along the Alleghaniesto our own mountains, where it is found in considerable quantities, forming peculiar and handsome forests in the rich ele- vated vallies, especially of Ashe and Yancey. It is found as far south as Georgia. Though at the North this tree is as important, and its timber as extensively used, as our own Long-leaved Pine, yet from its inaccessibility in our mountains it has no marketable value with us, and does not seem to be much used in the region where it grows. There are peculiarities about this tree which distinguish it at first sight, and at any distance, from all our Pines, in the pale green color of its fo'iiage, the smooth light bark of the trunk, and the cir- cular disposition of the limbs, which gradually diminish in length 3 26 THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. toward the summit, so as to give this the symmetry ot* a Fir more than of a Pine. The leaves are also,/?''-- in <' sheath, which is the <■ with no other of our Pines. In favorable situations at the North, this tree has been known to reach a height of ISO feet, with a diameter of 7 feet. In our mountains it is found from 00 to 70 feet high, with a proportional diameter. The wood is light, soft, free from knots, very easily, worked, and durable, though not very strong, and is applied to a far greater variety of economical uses than that of any other Pine. FIRS AND SPEUCES. These are distinguished from the Pines by their leaves growing singly upon the branches, (not included by twos, threes, Arc., in a common sheath,) and by their cones, which are composed of thin scales without prickles, somewhat like llojis. They are all possi of singular beauty, and are indispensable to the perfection of artificial groves and parks. It is only in cool and moist situations, however, that, they can be fully developed; though they thrive and are very ornamental in private grounds through the Middle Dis- trict of the State. They are impatient of the heat in the Lower District, and unless well shaded there, are apt to remain dwarfed, or to die out. 1. Balsam Fir. (Abies Fraseri, Pursh.) — This is the handsomest of our Firs, and is very similar to the Silver Fir of Europe, though everyway smaller; the latter sometimes attaining the height of 150 feet, while ours seldom reaches 4(», with a diameter of 1.2 to 1.". inches. It is an inhabitant of the higher mountain.- from Pennsyl- vania southward as far as this State. Farther north it is replaced by a larger but very similar species known as the Canada Balsam, (A. balsamea.) It is not uncommon on our highest summits, but I think is not found upon any which do not exceed 4000 fret above the sea. Some of these summit- appear to In- occupied almost ex- clusively with forests of this tree, and tin- dark color of these and of masses of the next specie.-, has probably given its name to the Black Mountain. Several knobs and ranges south of the French Broad river are called Balsam .Mountain from the prevalence of this tree upon them. \Y hen not too much crowded this has a close pyramidal top. The leaves are of a bright green above, and silvery THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. '2~ white beneath. When the branches are loaded with cones, (which in this species only stand erect,) the tree is very beautiful. The cones are from 1 to 2 inches lung. The timber is of little value, though sometimes sawed or hewed out for mountain cabins; yet if valuable, it could not, from its location, be available. The tur- pentine or balsam is a clear thin liquid, obtained from small blisters od the bark of the trunk by means of sharp horn spoons or bqoom inserted into their lower side. It is of an acrid taste and is much used by the inhabitants on cuts and sores ; but the application is painful and as likely to promote inflammation as to allay it. 2. Black Spruce. (A. nigra, Poir.) — Common in our mountains, especially on the Black, but at a lower elevation than the preceding species. It extends from this State along the Alleghanies to Xew- England and Canada. In our mountains it is sometimes very im- properly called Jumper, and it is, I believe, what is most commonly and absurdly called lie Balaam. With us it is a small tree of darker green foliage than the preceding, but of similar form. In higher latitudes it has a height of 70 or SO feet, and is there an ele- gant tree. The wood has strength, lightness and elasticity, and is much used both in the Northern States and abroad, for the vards and topmasts of vessels. The drink so popular at the North, and known as Spnun Beer, gets its name from the use of the small branches, chiefly of this species, which are steeped in the brew. 8. White Spruce. (A. alba, Michx.)— This has about the same range in the United States as the Black Spruee, but does not ex- tend quite so tar to the northward. It is rather rare in our moun- tain-, but is occasionally met with in similar situations with the other, and with which it is generally confounded by the inhabitants. In one instance I heard it called Lavender, a name belonging to a garden herb. It is very distinct from the preceding, and its whole aspect is lighter ; the summit of a similar pyramidal form, but less compact, is of less size, with slender and more drooping branchlets, the pale green leaves of more delicate form, and the cones narrower. The wood is employed for the same purposes as that of the Black •A. Hemlock Spruce. (A. Canadensis, Michx.) — Universally known in our mountains as Sprue* Pine, though the name here preferred is not unknown. The latter is a very common appella- tion of the I'tUoc: 1'ine in this State. The Hemlock is found a- ff THE TREES OF NORTH-CAR MSA. far Hudson's Day ; whether south f N rth Carolina I not learned. It is almost entirely confined, in the moon - .»f torrents and cold swamps, but '.own to their This ■ ■ larger tree than the preceii _ but .in here, as in higher latitudes, the statur. . and a diameter of 2 or 3 feet. In its light spread:: and delicate foliage it is a more graceful tree than the others. The leave; are light green above and silvery beneath. two ways upon the brandies, while in all the other Sj spread from every part of them. T: - . to 1 inch I and gracefully depend from the ends of the branchlets. The tim- ber • some extent at the N rth, 1 * > f inferior in. tance. The bark, however, is extensively and almost exc - 1 for tanning in some par- v-England. to < >ak bark it is said that the two united are preferable to either .e. :e Cedar. (Cnpressus thyoides, Linn.) — In North-Carolina, and some other portions of the South, this seems to be known only under the name of Juniper. Bnt as it is not Juniper. I do not ate to reject the name. The one above given is in common in the Middle and Northern States wherever the tree is found. The true Juniper < Juniperus communis* of Europe and the North- ern States is related to our . and its fruit is an aromatic bet while that of the present species is a small, dry. v. scales which spread open in maturity after the mann-. a Pine or Cypress bur. This tree is found from Florida I S and. In our State it is confined to swamps in tiie lower trier, where, in some places, it is very abundant. Il - 80 feet high, with a diameter of 2 or 3 feet. The various n - ich its wood is applied make it one of the most valuable trees in the try. It is line grained, soft, light, and easily worked, and after ■ning acquires a light rosy tint. It has a strong ar and the flavor given to water kept in buckets or pigal- and Box White Oak The leaves are more coarsely cut than those of the White Oaky their divisions often enlarged at their outer ends," rather rough on the upper side, and with a gray down underneath. The acorns being very sweet and much eaten by wild Turkeys, it is in some localities called Turkey Odk. This tree is rarely found as high as 5<> feet and with a diameter of 18 inches, but I have seen it with a diameter of 26 inches. Hence it THE TREES OF XORTII-CAROLKNA. 33 cannot be employed for all the purposes for which the White Oak is used, although in fineness of grain, strength and elasticity, it is superior to it. It is serviceable for fence-poets, (hence its name,) fur the work of wheelwrights and coopers, and is used advantage' oasl) for the knees in ship-building; Fur the staves of liquor-casks this and the White Oak supply material far superior to any other of our Oaks. 3. Over-cup Oak. (Q, lyrata, Walt.) — This is unknown north of this S;ate and does not. seem to be common anywhere. In this State I know of its existence only in the rich swampy lands of the Nense and Cape-Fear and their tributaries as far up the country as Chatham and Orange. The foliage has more resemblance to that of the Pod Oak than of any other, for which reason it is. farther south, called Swamp Post Oak. It is also sometimes called II White Oak. The acorn is almost wholly enclosed in its cup, (whence its name,") by which character this tree may easily be dis- tinguished from all others. It sometimes attains the height o\' BO feet and a diameter of 2 and 3 feet, and is then a majestic tree. The wood is inferior to that of the two preceding species, yet is sufficiently compact to be serviceable, if it was more accessible and more extensively diffused. -i. Swamp Chestnut Oak. iQ. Prions, Linn.) — Xot known north of Pennsylvania, but is pretty common in the maritime parts of the Southern States, where it is met with in the rich soils of the river swamps. "With a height of SO or 90 feet and proportional diameter, a straight trunk and expansive tufted summit, it forms a beautiful and majestic tree. The leaves are 6 to S inches long, broader to- ward the outer end, with coarse rounded teeth on the edges, and pale down underneath, and of that ashy hue which distinguishes all the species of this section of Oaks. The acorns are about 1 inch long, nearly half covered by the cup, and with a stem about $ inch long. In economical value this can hold but a second or third rank among the White Oaks. The timber has strength and dura- bility, and is therefore employed for various purposes; but it is more porous than that of White or Post Oak. It has a straight split and shreds easily, and is therefore employed, especially by the negroes, in the making of baskets and brooms. Rails from this tree will last 12 or 15 years, and the fuel is considered valuable. "We have two varieties of this tree, so well marked that some 84 THE TREES OE WORTH-CAROLINA. LTiista have regarded them as distinct species. Bet our living Botanists now consider them as variations from one type 1 by difference of soil and situation. They are a< follows: s rip White Oak. (var: . Michx.) — It is generally known throughout the United States by tin's name, and takes the place of the Swamp Chestnut Oak as we proceed inland from the :' the latter, and is found on the edges of swamps and inun- dated hanks of rivers, not in the open and drier forests. It handsome tree ot 70 or SO feet high, with luxuriant foliage, the silvery whiteness of the underside of the leaves beautifully contras- ting with the bright green of the upper surface, when they are stirred by a gentle wind. The leaves are 5 or 6* inches long, in form like the preceding, hut with the marginal teeth more unequal. The acorns are supported on a stem 1 to 3 inches long, by which character this variety may he easily distinguished from every other Oak in this section. The wood is strong and elastic, and heavier than White Oak, to which it nearly approaches in value : though not being common, it is much less nsed in the arts. Chestnut Oak. (var: monticola, Michx.) — This is some- times called Rock Oak and Chestnut Oak, and is found as far north as New England. It is an inhabitant only of high rocky or gravel- s, and hence occurs only in the Middle and Upper Dis- tricts of this State. It is a showy symmetrical tree in favorable •situations, with a luxuriant foliage, sometimes attaining a height of 50 or 60 feet, and a diameter of 3 feet : but from the usual barren- ness of the soil where it grows, it is seldom seen of these dimen- sions, and k commonly not more than 30 or 40 feet high. In the leaves and fruit it differs very slightly from the Swamp Chestnut Oak. The timber is valuable but not equal to 117 its pores being more open. In ship-building it is used, in some places, for the lower part of the frame, for knees and ribs. It has a reddish tinge like that of Whit* Oak. For fuel it is inferior only to Hick- ory. The bark is among the best for tanning. 5. Chestnut ( >ak. (Q. Castanea, Willd.) — Not uncommon in the Middle and Western States, but it occurs very scatteringly in the Southern. I have not noticed it in North-Carolina, bu1 Michsnx mentions a single tree seen by him on the Cape Fear, a mile from Fayetteville. He also found it on the Holston and Nolachncky Rivers in East Tennessee, and it may perhaps be found on those THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 35 streams in the western part of our State. The tree rises to a height of TO and 80 feet, with a diameter of 2 feet, the branches rather erect than spreading. It is so sparingly diffused, that the value of the wood has never been tested ; but its excessive porousness promises poorly. It ha? a yellowish tinge, and is therefore known in some localities under the name of Yellow Oak. This species is often confounded with the Swamp Oaks described above, which it certainly resembles ; but its leaves are narrower, shaped more like those of the Chestnut, (whence its popular name,) with the teeth nearly sharp ; and its acorns are only about f inch long. With its tine form and handsome foliage, this would be very ornamental in private grounds. 6. Chinquapin Oak. (Q. prinoides, Willd.) — Sometimes called Dwarf Chestnut Oak. Its foliage is somewhat like that of the Rock Chestnut Oak, and also has some likeness to that of the Chinqua- pin, which gives it its common name. It is a mere shrub, 2 to 4 feet hi'_di, of no value, and is here mentioned only to give a com- plete view of the genus. It is found very sparingly in the Lower District, but is not uncommon upon poor soils in the upper parts of the State. SectIon II contains three distinct Divisions ; the first, with leaves narrow and entire ; — the second, with leaves broad, generally entire, and pear-shaped ; the tkiird, with leaves broad and cut into several segments. Division 1st. Live Oak. (Quercu6 virens.) Willow Oak, (Q, I'Lellcs.) Shingle Oak. (Q. imbricaria.) Laurel Oak. (tj. laurifolia.) Upland Willow < >ak. (Q, einerea.) T'insion 2nd. Water Oak, (Q. aquatica.') Black Jack, (Q. nigra.) Divi&ion or*!. Spanish Oak, (Q. falcata.) Bkek Oak, (Q. tinctoria.) Scarlet Oak, (Q. coceinea.) Bed Oak. (i l rubra.) Scrub Oak, (Q. cateebtsL) Lear Oak, (Q. ilicitblia. 7. Live Oak. (Q. virens. Ait.) — "Well known under this name wherever it exists, and needing no description. It is found along the sea-shore from near Norfolk, Va., to the coast of Texas. It is commonly 40 or 50 feet high, and 1 or 2 feet through the trunk. Of all the < >aks this is most highly prized for ship-building, the timber hardening with age, and being closer grained and more durable than any other. The bark also is excellent for tanning- 38 IBB TREKS OF N0RTII-CAR<>I.INA. 8. WillowOajc. (Q. rhellos, Linn.) — This beautiful tree, re- markable for the narrowness of its leaves, whicli gives the foliage much the appearance of that of a Willow, ami by which it is easily gnized at considerable distance, extends north as tar as New Jersey, it affects cool moist situations, and is not uncommon on the borders of swamps in the Lower District, where it rises to the height of 50 to 00 feet, with a diameter of '2 feet. In the Middle District it is more scattering found in similar situations. It is more to be admired for its beauty than its use. as the wood is very coarse grained, and ill adapted to purposes requiring much strength and durability: though it is said to answer tolerably well, if tho- roughly st'a«»ned. for the felloes of wheels. 9. Laurel Oak. (Q. laurifolia. Michx.) — This is a stately tree, of similar dimensions to the preceding, which it somewhat resem- bles, though the leaves are neither so long nor narrow, and are not always entire. It holds a middle place, in its general appearance and qualities, between the Willow Oak and narrow leaved Water Oak. The acorns resemble those of the latter. I am not aware that it has any distinctive name in this State, as it seems to be gen- erally confounded with one or other of the species just mentioned. In South-Carolina along a portion of the Pee Dee, it has a loeal name of Darlington Oak. The English name which I have chosen is "iily a translation of the botanical name. I believe this tree is not found north of this State, but it is common southward to Florida. It is an inhabitant of our Lower and Middle Districts in similar localities with the preceding, but flourishes well in higher and drier grounds, and is a common and much admired shade tree in towns ami villages, especially in the lower parts of the State. 10. Shdiolb <).\k. (Q. imbricaria. Miehx.) — This takes the place of the preceding Oak in the Upper District, not being found east of Burke and "Wilkes. From thence westward it becomes more abun- dant along the larger water-courses, especially those which flow to the west, as the Pigeon and Hiwassee. Its northern limit is in western Pennsylvania. It is more common in the Western States, Bfl far north as Illinois, and is there known by the names of Jack . Black Jack Oak) Lawd Oak, and Shmglt Oak, In those part:- (.four State where it occurs, I have heard it called only Wittr (< i Oak, a name very generally applied elsewhere to a very differ- ent species. This is from 40 to 50 feet high and VI to 15 inches in THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. &i diameter, branches low, and casts a thick shade with its dark crowded foliage. The leaves are 3 or 4 inches long, about 1 inch broad, and of a li. Leans, Nutt 11. Upland Willow Oak. (Q. cinerea, Michx. — Found only in the Pine barrens of the Lower District, where it is very generally diffused. It rarely exceeds 20 feet in height and inches in diam- eter, though I have seen it. when standing alone and in favorable situations, quite a large tree with a circumference of 3 feet. As a general thing it may be considered too insignificant to merit more than a passing notice. Its foliage is of an ashy hue. The bark af- fords a fine yellow dye ; but the tree is too small and too little mul- tiplied to furnish material for extensive use. In the vicinity of the Pee Dee River this Oak_ is called Blue Jack. There is a dwarf variety of this, called Running Oak and White Oak Runners, (var: pumila, Michx.,) which is. I believe, the small- est Oak known. It rarely reaches a height of 3 feet, and bears a profusion of acorns at the height of 15 and 20 inches. The foliage is very similar to that of the preceding, but is smaller and becomes smoother in age. It abounds, in creeping roots from which its small stocks spring. It is found only in the Lower District, especially near Wilmington, from whence it is sparingly found in the Barrens as far to the south as Florida. 12. Water Oak. i'Q. aquatica. Gates.) — This is not found beyond Maryland. It is abundant in our Lower District, and in some parts of the Middle, on the borders of swamps and in the river bottoms, and extends somewhat into the F/pper. It is 4u or 50 feet high, and 12 to 2o inches in diameter. The leaves are pear-shaped, as in the Black Jack, being much the broadest at the upper end, but are smaller, smoother aad paler green than in that species. The bark is seldom used for tanning. The wood, though very tough, is not much employed for economical purposes, being inferior to oth- :S mi: trees of nobtu-casouna. er kinds of Oak. On the Roanoke I have heard this called Tut- a name also given to the Spanish and !'■ The foliage of this tree varies very much in different situs tarrow and very little if at all broader at the upper than at the lower, end, so as to resemble very much th;. Oak. But any <>ne who is familiar with the common form ami habit of the II • will not he easily deceived in its v;iri« 13. Black Jack. (Q. nigra, Linn.) — This Binall and gen unsightly tree, easily recognized at a distance, when it is of much bj its lower limbs hanging downwards, sometimes to the \ ground, is found as far north as New Jersey and extends in:" the Western St; as - luthward to Florida. In this S we I with it in various soils and situations from the i the Mnuntaii m exceeding 30 feet in height and 12 inches in diameter. In the largest stocks the wood is heavy and com] hut coarse grained and porous in the smaller ones. When exp the weather it is subject to rapid decay, and is not of any value in the arts. For fuel it is among the best wood we have. The to J) inches long,) of a dark green above, and lor beneath. On young shoots, as is frequent on other ives are often twice their ordinary size, and divided ..•■nts as in the 7.'. d Oaks. We now a I division ut' the Oaks known as that oi' th >, in which there is such a confusion of popular names that : will be of little service in designating the Bpecies. "There i- no uni- formity in their application in different part- of th< . ind with- in the same neighborhood the same name may be given to differ- . liferent name- t<> the same - - not there is so much resemblance among them, apparently a tendency to • g the mem- It is indeed BOineti] iiicnlt to de- particular tree b< . of two tty well marked -peel'-. 1 Bhall therefore be obli ping more minutely than I have the preced _. ■ the most common or typical forms. Hie low are those by which the B] monly known in different parts of the United States. THE TREKS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. o'J 11. Spanish Oak. (Q, falcata, Michx.) — This is generally known in this State, I think, by the name of Red Oak, though sometimes called as above. It is also, in some parts, denominated Turkey Oak, from a vague resemblance between the form of the leaf (when it has but three divisions,) and the track of a Turkey. It is to be distinguished, even at some distance, from other species of this sec- tion by the grayish down on the underside of the leaves and on the young shoots upon which they grow, giving the tree a very differ- ent hue from that of the others. The leaves, too, have narrower divisions [3 to 7 in number.) than the others, generally entire, and slightly curved backwards. The manner in which the clusters of leaves hang down from the ends of the branchlets gives them a plume-like aspect very unlike those of the other spe-cies. The Spanish Oak is found as far Xorth as New Jersey, and south- ward to the Gulf of Mexico. In this State it is one of the com- monest forest trees from the coast to the mountains, but diminishes in quantity as we approach the latter. It is often over feO feet in height with a diameter of 1 to 5 feet. The bark of the trunk is- dark-colored, its outer portion (cellular integument) being of mod- erate thickness. The wood is reddish and coarse-grained with empty pores. The staves made of it are only adapted to contain coarse articles, but are said to be more esteemed in the West In- dies than those made from the other Red Oaks. The wood is less durable than that of the White Oaks, and is not much used in build- ing, Arc. The bark is held in high estimation for tanning hides, which it renders whiter and more supple than other species. A variety of this species (var: pagodaejblia, Ell.,) has larger leaves, cut into 11 to 13 divisions, gradually diminishing in length from the lower to the upper divisions. Another variety (var : tri- loba, MichXi,) has leaves with two or three short and rounded divisions at the outer end, but may always be recognized by the gray down on the underside and its accordance in other respects with the common form. 15. Black Oak. (Q. tinctoria, Bartr.) — A tree SO or 90 feet and 1 or 5 feet in diameter. The trunk has a deeply furrowed • ark brown bark, from whence the tree probabi;. name. The leaves are cut rather deeply into 5 or 7 divisions, the divisions being also somewhat toothed, and each part tipped with a bristle. They have also a thin rusty down on the underside. The leaf-stem 40 Till: NORTH-CAROLINA. is from 1 to 2 inches long. Daring the spring and part of summer their npper surface is ronghened with small glands which art- per- ceptible t«» the Bight and touch. On young stocks they turn dull red in the Fall: those on old stocks, yellow. When the leaves have fallen, this species may be distinguished from the Spanish Oak by the longer, more acute and more scaly buds, and also by chewing • of the hark which gives a yellow color to the saliva. The wood i> reddish and coarse-grained, with empty pores, hut is iger and more d arable than any other of the Red Oaksj and where White Oak can not he obtained is a good substitute for it in buildings. Staves are largely made of it for containing coarse ar- ts r 1 . c tides. The hark is very rich in tannin, ami is in much request. From this hark is obtained the Q*terciiron, which is extensively in dyeing wool, calico, silk and paper-hangings. The decoc- tion is brownish yellow, ami is made deeper by an alkali, lighter by acids, and brighter by a solution of tin. This tree is common in the United States east and west of the Alleghanies. reaching north to New England, and is said to indi- cate a good soil for agriculture. It is most abundant in the upper part of the State. If it exists in the Lower District it must be sparingly. 16. Scarlet Oak. (Q. coccinea, Wang*) — This is generally founded with the preceding species, and called Sj>,i)n's ! > and /<'■nh\ impart a yellowish tinge to the saliva. The wood i- wry similar to that of the preceding - Cies, but is not very durable, and is not used for building. &C., when better material can be had. What is known as Red <>■• are made from this as well a< from the two preceding species. The bark is much inferior for tanning to that of the />/..;;,, in? from North-Carolina southward. It is generally confounded with the preceding, from which it can be cl _ .ed at some distance by the more numerous (9 to 13) and more slender leaflets, which THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. « are shaped very much like the leaves of the Peach, though larger. Fruit with a thin husk parted nearly to the base; a nut with thin shell and of a reddish color, and the kernels bitter as in the prece- ding. The timber is rather inferior, even to that of Xo. 6. WALNUTS. 1. Black "Walnut. (Juglans nigra, Linn.) — This tree is well known throughout the State by this name, and needs no particular description. With us it is 40 or 50 feet high ; but in the richer lands of the "Western States it is often 70 feet, with a diameter of 6 and 7. It is most abundant in our Middle District. The tim- ber is much used in cabinet work, is of a dark brown color, strong and tenacious, the grain fine and compact enough for receiving a polish, and when well seasoned does not warp and split It is also exempt from attacks of worms. The Nut is globular, and its kernel sweet and agreeable to most persons, though inferior to the Euro- pean Walnut (J. regia.) The young fruit is highly esteemed for Pickles and Catsup. The husk is employed in domestic use for dying Woollens. This is a pleasant shade-tree, and mingles well with others about a residence. 2. White Walnut. (J. cinerea, Linn.) — This is the common name of the tree in the section of State where it grows, though that of ButUrnv.t, applied to it in the Northern States, is not unknown. It is found upon bottom lands and river banks in the vallies of the Mountains. I have not met with it east of Wilkes, but am inform- ed that it is occasionallv found as far down the countrv as Orange and Randolph. Its general aspect is very much that of the Black TI alnutj but it is a smaller tree, and when in fruit can be at once recognized by the Xuts, which are about twice as long as broad. "V\ hen not in fruit, the pitchy clamminess of the leaf-stems and young branchlets, together with the smooth gray bark of the branches, will readily distinguish it. In favorable localities at the North, this tree attains the height of 50 feet, with a diameter of 3 or more ; but with us it is rather smaller. The timber is of a red- dish hue, not of much strength, but durable and free from attacks of worms. It is used in light cabinet work and in the panels of carriages, as it is light, not liable to split, and receives paint re- markably well. It is also used somewhat in the lower frame-work 46 THE TREES OF NORTH-CABOLINA. of buildings and for the various purposes in rural economy which require material not easily affected by heat and moisture. The bark is sometimes used for dyeing Woollens a dark brown, though not equal for this purpose to that ot Black Walnut. It is also a domestic remedy for cases where a sure but safe and gentle cath- artic is needed. The kernel of the Nut is more oily than in the I Walnut, but is palatable. The young fruit is used for Pickles. The sap of the tree is slightly saccharine, and sugar has been made from it, but not equal to that from the J/<\ CHESTNUTS. 1. Chestnut. (Castanea vesca, Linn.) — This is an inhabitant of all the cooler parts of the United States. With us it is chiefly con- fined to the mountains from Ashe to Cherokee, and is found but sparingly on hills in the Middle District as low down as Guilford and liandolph. It rinds its proper soil and temperature on the sides of our high mountains, where it probably acquires as large dimen- sions as anywhere in the Union ; stocks being sometimes met with which, at 6 feet from the ground, measure 15 or 1G feet in circum- ference. Its usual height is from 50 to 70 feet, but is sometimes 90, with a capacious and well formed top. The wood is light, tol- erably strong, elastic, and capable of resisting the effects of atmos- pheric changes. Its durability gives it great value for fencing, and the rails, which are split out straight and easily, are said to last 50 years. For shingles it is superior to the Oais, but is liable to warp. It is sometimes used for cooperage, but is too porous for anything but dry wares. For fuel it is little esteemed, as it tnmp$ moat in- tolerably, almost as much as Hemlock Spruce, But for charcoal it is well adapted, and in this form is extensively used in Forges and Smithies. Botanists deem our Chestnut to be only a variety of the Euro- pean. The wood is not quite so tine grained, ami the nuts are only it half the size of the European, but they are much sweeter and more palatable. On Mt. .Etna is a Chestnut tree (but appa- rently of five united trunks.) 53 feet in diameter, and with a spread of branches sufficient to shelter 100 men on horseback! There are several trunks near this which are 75 feet in circumference. THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 4 I 2. Chinquapin. (C. pumila, Michx.) — This extends from the Delaware throughout the South. In this State it is known from the seaboard to Cherokee, and in great varieties of soil. It is usu- ally a shrub from 6 to 12 feet high, but in cool fertile situations it is sometimes 30 or 40, and 12 or IS inches in diameter. The wood is finer grained than the Chestnut and equally durable ; but the stock is too small for extensive use. There is a distinct variety of this (var : nana,) in our poor forests with slender shoots and extensive runners, bearing fruit at the height of a foot. Beech. (Fagus ferruginea, Ait.) — Common throughout the United States, and the only species in the country. It is a very handsome tree, though rarely seen in cultivation. In the Lower District of the State it occurs rather sparingly and of no great size. In the Middle District it is more common and luxuriant; but it is in the Mountains that it is found in greatest abundance and of pro- per dimensions, being there from 50 to SO and even 100 feet high, with a diameter of 2 and 3 feet. The wood is compact and tough, and of very uniform texture, by which it is well adapted for plane- stocks, shoe-lasts, and the handles of mechanical implements. 'When perfectly seasoned, it is not liable to warp. It is easily affected by variations of moisture and dryness, but is very durable when kept constantly dry, or when permanently immersed in water. The bark is sometimes used for tanning, but is not equal to that of Oak. The nuts are a fine mast for hogs,*and a valuable oil can be ex- pressed from them. The old Saxon word for Beech is Buck or Bud', and hence our word Bud-wheat (i. e. Beechwheat) from the similarity of their triangular fruit. BUCKEYES. These handsome productions, admired both for their foliage and blossoms, as well as for general elegance of form, are of the same genus with the Asiatic Horse Chestnut (^E. Hippocastanum,) so much prized as an ornamental tree in Europe and parts of this country. The leaves are what is called digitate ; i. e. the leaflets spread, like the fingers of a hand, from the end of a common leaf- stem, a character which belongs to no other of our forest trees. 4- THE TREES OF NORTH-CAKOLIXA. There are 4 species in the United States, of which tw .ive within our limits. Possibly a third speck's (uE. pan:: sistfl in the apper part of the State adjoining South-Carolina and Georj 1. Yellow Bugkbtb. i^Esculus rlava. Ait.) — More ahv.ndant in the Western than in the Atlantic States ; in the latter it is not found north of Virginia. In this State it is most abundant upon the sides of our high mountains, and is nowhere of larger size. It here reaches a height of 60 and 80 feet, with a diameter of 3 or 4. and with its tapering straight trunk is a very imposing tree. The. no better indicator than this of a deep rich fertile soil. The flowers are in large clusters, yeli occasionally with a reddish ting ami very bIiowj. In the Middle District this species is fonnd along streams and in river bottoms as far down as Orange, but is here a mere shrub 3 to 6 feet high. °. Red Buckets. [JE Pavia, Linn.) — This grows only in the •hern and Western States. It is distinguished by is dull red flowers, and is what is chiefly known in our Lower and Middle Dis- tricts under the name of Buckeye. It is usually s to 12 feet high, but sometimes becomes a small tree. The root of this spe me- times used as a substitute for soap in washing woollen cloths. The powdered seeds and bruised branches, if thrown into small ponds and stirred a while, will so intoxicate fish that they rise to the sur- face and may be taken by hand. The next Group of trees is that whose fruit is contained in 1 or seed-ves-els which are longer than broad, like those of the Bean and Pea. It includes the L<> . /•' d Ilmh Arc. 1. Locest. (Robinia Psendacacia. Linn.) — In the Atlantic B well known ornamental tree first appears in southern Pennsyl- vania and extends thence along the Alleganies to their southern terminus. It is more common in the Western States. In North Carolina I have met with it in a wild state only on the lower ri< of the Mountains, but probably it is, or was. native tor some dis- tance east of the Blue Ridge. The w 1 is hard, compact, and tak. polish. It r ay longer than almo>t any other, and! - Ungly valuable for poets and fences. There are diflfi '. in the quality of the trees which it is impor- tant to keep in mind. Those with a red heart are deemed the best: — those with a heaH\ the next. — and those THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 4ii with a 'white heart, the least valuable. In Civil Architecture the timber is not extensively used in buildings, but is employed for Railroad ties and sleepers, whenever it can be had. In Naval Architecture it is used to as great an extent as the supply will per- mit. For trunnels (the wooden pins that fasten the planks to the frame of vessels,) it is of the highest value, as, instead of decaying, it grows harder with age. The wood is also used by Turners in- stead of Box, for the manufacture of small articles, such as bowls, salad spoons, &c, for which it is well adapted by its hardness, du- rability, and capability of polish. 2. Clammy Locust. (R. viscosa, Vent.) — A very ornamental tree, smaller than the foregoing and much less known, it being chiefly confined to the southern range of our Mountains and the adjoining ones in South Carolina and Georgia. It does not exceed 40 feet in height. The young branches are covered with a clam- my matter, and the flowers are of a beautiful rose color ; characters which will always distinguish it from the preceding. The wood is similar. 3. Rose Locust. (R. hispida, Linn.) — A well known ornamental shrub of our gardens, (sometimes known by the singular misnomer of Rose of Sharon,) with large deep rose-colored blossoms, bristly branches, flower-stems and pods. It is indigenous to the rocky summits of mountains and hills in the Upper and Middle Districts; and a dwarf variety, in the Pine barrens of the Lower. IIonkt Locust. (Gleditschia triacanthos, Linn.) — Found in all the States from Pennsylvania and Illinois southward. It is diffused over this State, but is nowhere very abundant. It is from 30 to 50 feet high, and 2 or 3 feet through. The heart much resembles that of Locust, but is coarser, and the pores are quite open like those of Bed Oal: It is therefore used only where other material can not be conveniently had. The large pods, 12 or 18 inches long, contain a sweet pulp from which a very palatable beer is made. This thorny tree has been occasionally employed for hedges, but, in all the cases I have seen, without success, the stocks having all run up into trees, possibly from not having been kept down by persevering attention to cutting in. 50 THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. R] d Hod. (Cercis Canadensis, Linn.) — Common over the United States, and found in the Lower and Middle Districts of this, most abundantly in the latter. It is from 15 to 25 feet high, but when the main stock is cut generally shoots up into a cluster of shrubs. As it blossoms early, before the development of its leaves, and is covered with a profusion of bright purplish-red flowers, it is a very striking object in the forests in early Spring. Catali'a. (Catalpa bignonioides, Walt.) — This is so common around settlements as to merit a passing notice, though it is no- where native in the Atlantic States north of the Savannah River. Further south and at the west it is not an uncommon forest tree near rivers, especially those that empty into the Mississippi. Kentucky Coffee Trees (Gymnocladus Canadensis, Lam.) — A native of the Western States, but occasionally cultivated about houses as a handsome shade tree in our Middle Districts and spon- taneously multiplying from the seeds. It has a general aspect like that of Locust, for which it is often mistaken. The pods are thick shelled, G to 10 inches long and 2 broad, containing seeds £ inch broad. The next Group comprises trees with a flat winged fruit, as the Staple, Ash and Elm. MAPLES. These are stately and beautiful trees, as much prized for orna- ment as for their value in art. We have five species of Maple, all that are known in the United States, two of which are mere shrubs. 1. Bed Maple. (Acer rubrum, Linn.) — Well known throughout the State, being found in swamps and low grounds from the coast to the Mountains. It is among the first trees to throw out its blos- soms in early Spring, (as early as February in the Lower District,) and with its bright scarlet flowers then gives a peculiarly pleasing aspect to the otherwise naked forest. In Autumn, the brilliant crimson of its dying foliage again makes it a conspicuous object, though accompanied by others which vie with it in contributing to THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 51 the splendor of our autumnal scener}\ It does not appear to be so large here as farther north, where it is sometimes 70 feet high and 3 or 4 feet through. The wood is of close and fine grain, and sus- ceptible of brilliant polish. It is extensively used in the manufac- ture of chairs, saddle trees, yokes, and various articles of wooden ware. It is not sufficiently solid, however, for heavy work, and speedily decays if subjected to variations of heat and moisture. When the grain of this wood has a winding direction, it furnishes the material called Curly Maple, which is much used for cabinet work and sometimes for the mouldings of houses. Bedsteads and gnnstocks of much beauty are made of it, and it is sometimes em- ployed for inlaying Mahogany. The varied effects of light and shade upon the tortuous veins can be much enhanced by rubbing with sulphuric acid, and afterwards with Linseed oil. The bark of this tree is said to afford a dark blue dye, and a good black Iuk. The sap is somewhat saccharine, but is rarely used for making su- gar. This tree in some situations has yellowish flowers and fruit, and is then called Yellow Maple. 2. White or Silver Maple. (A. dasycarpum, Ehrh.) — This is generally confounded with the foregoing, but is a much rarer tree, in this State. I do not remember to have seen it except in the Mountains. It is 30 to 50 feet high and 1 or 2 in diameter ; though in the Western States sometimes 8 or 9 feet through. The top is more spreading than in the Red Maple. The leaves are bright green above, and of a silvery whiteness beneath, which gives a pleasing effect to their play in the sunlight, and helps to render the tree a desirable addition to ornamented grounds. The flowers are greenish-yellow, and the fruit (woolly when young,) has large spreading wings. The wood is very white and fine grained, but much softer than in the other Maples; and hence is little used in cabinet work where the others can be had. The sap is sometimes converted into Sugar, which is of superior whiteness and flavor to that of the Sugar Maple ; but twice the quantity of sap is requir- ed to give an equal quantity of Sugar. 3. Suoajee Maple. (A. saccharinum, Wang.)- This is found from Canada to Georgia, and is the most interesting and valuable of our Maples. It has a height of 50 to 80 feet, a diameter of 2 and 3, and a very symmetrical oval top of compact branches, which make it one of the most desirable trees for streets and avenues. It is IS THE TREKS OF X< >RTII-CAROKtNA. very abnndant in our mountains, and occurs also in the Middle Lower Districts. The wood is white when freshly cut, but be- comes of a taint rosy hue on exposure. It has a fine cl< Be grain, takes a fine polish, and is heavy and strong. It is not as durable* as ( >ak, and is not much used in Civil or Naval Architecture. "When well seasoned, it serves for axles and spokes of wheels, chairs. Arc. This tree produces a curled variety of wood like the Red Maple. But there is yet another and more beautiful vari called Bird's /://<. which is much used for ornamental wood work. The wood makes excellent fuel. The ashes abound in Alkali, and they furnish the largest part of the Potash shipped from northern ports. It is the production of Sugar from the sap of this tree, which gives it its highest value. In some of the Northern Stat 3, par- ticularly in Vermont, it is made to an extent that constitutes them almost as ranch a Sugar producing country as Louisiana. In our Mountains, which are too remote from a market to permit any effort to produce this article in sufficient quantity, and of suitable quality, for purposes of commerce, it is annually made to some extern for home use, but not enough for the "sweetening" re- quired even in the Mountains. It is only in the colder regions that the tree can be used for this purpose. In our low country Sugar cannot be made from it. 4. Striped Maple. (A. Pennsylvanicnm, Linn.) — This grows in the colder parts of the country from Canada to Georgia, and is known under the names, besides the one already given, of .If I and Striped Dogwood. In North-Oarolina if is confined to the Mountains. It is but a shrub, rarely over 10 feet high. The bark »th and green, with longitudinal dark stripes, which distinguishes it at all seas'-u-, and makes it an object cu- riosity and interest in shrubberies. The fruit is like that of other Maples, and of greenish color. 5. Mountain Maple. (A. spicatum. Lam.) — This has nearly the same range in the country with the preceding one. In this State it is tonnd only in the Mountains, and is also a shrub 6 to 10 high. From its insignificance it does not seem to have attra sufficient attention to acquire a popular name; but is known far- ther north by the above, and also as TJow Maple. Europeans, who have paid far more attention than ourselves to the uses and ca- THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 53 pacities of our forest productions, have ascertained that this and the Striped Mapk acquire double their natural size, when engraft- ed on other species of Maple. Its leaves and fruit have the com- mon characters of a Maple, the latter being rather small. Ash-Leaved Mai>le. (Xegundo aceroides, Moench.) — I have not learned the name by which this is known in North-Carolina, and have adopted the one very appropriately used in other parts of the United States. In the "Western States, where it is more common, it is called Box Elder. In South-Carolina I have heard it called Stinking Ash. It has the leaves of an Ash, and the fruit of a Maple. It is rare in the Lower District, but is common on the borders of streams in the Middle District to the Mountains. Its ordinary height is from 15 to 25 feet, a rather handsome tree, of light green branches and trunk, and the bark of rather dis- agreeable odor. The wood, though fine grained, is not much used, as it is liable to rapid decay. In the West, it is sometimes em- ployed for inlaying furniture made of Mahogany and Cherry. ASHES. This is a genus of handsome trees, and next to the Oaks, fur- nishes the most valuable timber of our forests. The distinguish- ing properties of the wood are strength and elasticity. The species have a great similarity of general aspect, and are subject to con- siderable variation in different soils, so that their discrimination re- quires some attention and experience. In this State they are all called simply Ash, without any discriminating adjuncts, and I have not the advantage of names, therefore, to assist me in pointing out the species. Xone of them are very abundant. 1. Water Ash. (Fraxinus platycarpa, Michx.) — This is a South- ern species, peculiar to the marshy borders of creeks and rivers in the Lower Districts, and where, as far as I have learned, there is no other species. It is the only one in the State in which the wings of the fruit extend down to the bottom of the seed, and is sometimes even three-winged. The locality and the fruit will Therefore readily determine this species. The tree is 30 or 40 feet high, its timber probably less valuable than some of the others, though partaking of the same general qualities. 54 THE TREES OF XOETH-C PROLIX A. S •■::• : n Ash. • Y. viridia, Michx.i — I have seen this only in the Middle and Upper Districts, upon the banks of rivers. The fruit is gradually dilated from the base upward. The leaf:- tx 5 to ire more or less toothed, amuotb and green on both sides This is a middle sized tree, with greenish branchlets. The timber is much like that of the others, but hardly equal to 117 ' 3. Bbd Ash. (F. pnbeacena, Lam.) — I have seen this only in Lincln, but it is doubtless an inhabitant of rich swampy grounds in other counties of the Middle District. It is 50 at hi^h. the underside of the leaves, and also the young shoots, clothed with a thick whitish down, which changes, in the Fall, to a reddish tint, from whence is probably derived its common name. The leaflets (7 to S») are but slightly notched. The fruit is very much like that of the G A - 1 :. The wood is redder than in the H L, is harder and less elastic, but used for the same purp 4. Whxib Ash. (F. Americana, Linn.) — Diffused through the L'nited States. With us it is not very abundant, but occurs along streams and the borders of low grounds in the Middle and Upper Districts. It is 50 to 70 or BO feet high, and 2 or 3 feet through. It has a straight trunk, with grayish furrowed bark, and smooth bluish-gray branchlets and shoots. The leaflets, in Summer, are very smooth, of a light green above and whitish beneath, ? slightly toothed on the edges. The fruit is about li inch long, nar- row, and with a long slender base, the wing springing from near the summit of the seed. The heart-wood is reddish, and is consid- ered superior to the other Ashes in strength and elasticity. all the purposes which require these properties, it is employed bj Carnage makers. Wheelwrights. Shipwrights, Turners, and Coop- ers. There are but few trees of the American forests more valua- ble and more extensively used than this. It is withal a ve: tree in private grounds. ELMS. qua of Trees too well known to need a particular spe tion of their characters. The fruit is small, flat, and with a thin winged margin. 1. Elm. (Ulmus Americana, Linn.) — This magnificent shade tree is well known throughout the country. In the most favorable THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 55 situations with us, it is uot often seen above 60 or 70 feet high ; but in some sections, as in the Middle States, it reaches the heignt of 100 feet, and a diameter of 4 or 5 feet. The timber of this tree is not iu much demand, but is occasionally used by Wheelwrights for the naves of wheels, where other material can not be obtained. There is a difference in the spread of this tree, the term with drooping branches being much more graceful and showy than the one with more erect branches. It is much to be regretted, that this is generally so crowded in our streets as to prevent its attain- ing its widest spread, and its most natural and attractive form. 2. Small-lkaved Elm. (U. alata, Michx.) — Generally known in this State by this name, but more commonly known elsewhere, perhaps, as Wahoo. It is not uncommon with us, except on the higher Mountains. Its Xorthern limit is in lower Virginia. It is only 30 to 45 feet high, not only smaller, but of much less graceful form, than the preceding, though often seen as a shade tree in our streets. It is readily distinguished by its much smaller leaves, and by the corky excrescences which, as in the Sweet Gum, wing the smaller branches. The wood is more compact and finer grained than in the former species, and is used for the naves of wheels, for which some prefer it to Black Gum. A variety of this occurs, in which the excrescences are wanting and the branches more slender and flowing. Tiie small leaves however, determine the species. 3. Slippery Elm. (U. fulva, Michx.)— Widely diffused over North America, but in no localities so abundant as either of the preceding. It is occasionally met with in our Lower District but more frequently in the Middle, and to some extent in the Upper. It is from 30 to 50 feet high, and 12 or IS inches through. The wood is coarser than that of the other species, but is stronger and more durable, when exposed to the weather, than the common Elm, and is sometimes used in the "Western States in buildings and vessels. For ship blocks it is said to be of the highest value. As the trunk splits well, it is convenient for the making of rails, which are very durable. The inner bark of this tree, especially of the branches, contains a large amount of mucilage which is servicea- ble in colds and bronchial affections, and for emollient plasters. §6 THE TREES OF NORTII-CA.E0UN A. The next Group comprises those trees which have a fruit more or 1' . whether stone fruit like Plums and Cherries, or those which contain seeds like the Crab Apple, and those smaller forms which would popularly be called Berries. 1. Red Plum. (Prunus Americana, Marsh.) — A small tree or Bhrub not uncommon from Canada to Louisiana; and in this State from the coast to Cherokee, especially in the Upper District, along streams and on the border of woods. The leaves are quite veiny and coarsely toothed. The fruit is red, orange or yellow, with a rather tough skin, generally acerb and uneatable, but occasionally of good flavor and then makes an excellent preserve. Some very good varieties have been produced by cultivation. 2. Clin kasaw Plum. (P. Chicasa, Michx.) — A shrub very com- mon in old fields and about settlements throughout the State, some- times becoming a small tree. It has every appearance of being an introduced plant, and it was a tradition of the Indians that they brought this fruit from be\*ond the Mississippi, where it is now known to be indigenous. The leaves are smooth, not very veiny, and finely toothed. The fruit varies very much both in color and flavor, but generally quite pleasant, and is much improved by cul- tivation. 3. Sloe. (P. spinosa, Linn?) — I have seen this only in Lincoln county, where it was pointed out to me by Dr. Hunter, and called by the above name. As I have no notes upon this small tree, I am now in uncertainty whether it be identical with the English Slot or Blackthorn, which is naturalized in some parts of the coun- try, and is considered by the best Botanists to be the parent of the common cultivated Plum, (P. domestica, Linn.) 1. Wii.n ( SheeRY. (P. serotina, Ehrh.) — This ranks among the largest and finest trees of the American forest, and is very widely diffused through tin- United States. In this State it is found through all the Districts, but is less common in the Lower, where the soil and climate arc not so favorable to its growth. It is on the rich and cool declivities of our mountains that it acquires its full dimen- 18 and attains a height of 60 or 80 feet and a diameter of 2 or 3 The smooth straight shaft, symmetrical summit, bright green •id profuse spikes of white flowers, give it a character of much beauty. The fruit is nearly black, (from which the tree is often called Bla- Okerryl) slightly bitter, but with a pleasant THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 57 vinous flavor, and was formerly much used as a cordial in spirit- uous infusion. The wood is of a light red tint which deepens with age. is compact and tine grained, and not liable to warp when pro- perly seasoned. If selected from the part of the trunk near the branches, it is almost equal to Mahogany in appearance. It was once extensively used in nearly ;ill kinds of Cabinet work, but has been pretty much superseded by Mahogany and Rosewood. The bark of this tree is a valuable tonic, and forms the basis of some quack medicines. 5. Wild Red Cherry. (P. Pennsylvania, Linn.) — Chiefly found at the North, but within our limits grows sparingly upon Black, Grandfather, and a few others of our highest mountains. I have but once heard it designated by any distinctive name, viz: Mac- noly, which may possibly be a corruption of Magnolia, and so a misapplication. It is 20 or 30 feet high. The flowers grow in clusters from lateral buds, and not in racemes from the end of the branchleta as in the preceding. The fruit is small and red, with a thin sour flesh. The bark of the trunk is a light red. The wood is reddish and fine grained, but the tree is too small to admit of much use. 6. Mock Orange. (P. Caroliniana, Ait.) — This much admired species is confined to the neighborhood of the Ocean, and is not native, I think, much if any, north of the Cape Fear. From thence southward it is rather common along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It is 20 to 30 feet high, in proper soil farther south becoming 40 or 50, with thick oval summit, clothed with evergreen leaves and cast- ing a deep shade. The racemes-of white flowers (growing from the fork of the leaves) are numerous and showy. The fruit is black, globular, not eatable, and remains all winter on the tree. The wood is rose colored and fine grained, rather brittle, I think, but is not abundant enough to be of use in the arts, and is not superior to others more easily obtained. The chief value of the tree is as an ornament, for which it is very extensively cultivated about houses, either singly or as borders and hedges to private grounds throughout the Lower Districts of the Southern States, thriving very well in sandy soils. Devdl Wood. (Olea Americana, Linn )— This has about the same range with the Live Oak, and, like that, is found but a short 5 THK 3KEB8 OK NOUTU-CAKOLINA. distance from the ceast, I am not informed of any popular name by which it is designated in this State, and have above gives the one appropriated to it farther South. As it is an Olive, it might properly be called Am* rican Olive. It is commonly about 10 or 15 feet high, but is sometimes 30 aad more. The leaves are evergreen, entire, thick and very smooth, and give the tree a very pleasing aspect. The fruit is rather larger than a buckshot, of a bluish- purple color, presenting a pleasant contrast to the foliage. The tle.-h is rather thin over a hard stone, and not eatable. The bark is of a whitish green. The wood has a fine grain, and when dry is exceedingly hard, and very difficult to cut or split, which may furnish a clue, perhaps, to the origin of its name. This tree is well worthy of culture. I have seen it in private grounds under the name of Dahoon //"////,' but the latter is a very different thing, being a true Holly or Ilex. The remainder of this Group, with the exception of the Crab Apple and Persimmon, have fruit which would popularly be called Merries, and I therefore bring them together, though the first eight succeeding genera would not be so called by Botanists. 1. Holly. (Ilex opaca, Ait.) — Common south of New York, and well known through the whole of our State. It is 30 or 40 feet high, and 12 or 15 inches in diameter. The wood is heavy, with a line compact grain, and takes a brilliant polish. When dry it is very hard, and serves well for pullies, screw-, &C. Tne black lines iidaid in Mahogany furniture are often the dried wood of this tree, intended to simulate Ebony. The berries are purgative, and 15 or 20 of them will produce vomiting. The #ne form of this tree, with its evergreen leaves and scarlet berries, gives it much beauty, especially in winter; but it is said to be less attractive than the European Solly. For avenue; and hedge-rows we have few trees superior to it. 2. Dahoon Holly. (I. Dahoon, Walt.) — A shrub or small tree from to 25 feet high, growing on the holders of the Tine-barren ponds and swamps of our Low Uoun i Virginia to Florida. The leaves are 1 or 2 inches long, \ Eo \ inch wide, entire, or with a few sharp teeth mar the upper end, evergreen. The berries are red, as in the Holly and Yop >n, and the plant is well worthy of cultivation. THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 59 3. Yqbqn. (I. Cassine, Linn.)— An elegant shrub, 10 to 15 feet high, but sometimes rising into a small tree of 20 or 25 feet. Its native place is near salt water, and it is found from Yirginia south- ward, but never far in the interior. Its dark evergreen leaves and bright red berries make it very ornamental in yards and shrubbe- vies. The leaves are small, f to 1 inch lung, very smooth, and evenly scolloped on the edges with small rounded teeth. In some sections of the Lower District, especially in the region of the Dis- mal Swamp, these are annually dried and used for Tea, which is, however, oppressively sudorific, — at least to one not accustomed to it. The Mate, or Paraguay Tea. of South America, is of the same genus a the I. Paraguay ensis.) but a very different spe- cies. Our Yopon is the article from which the famous Black Drink of the Southern Indians was made. " At a certain time of the year they come down in droves from a distance of some hun- dred miles to the coast for the leaves of this tree. They make a lire on the ground, and putting a great kettle of water on it, they throw in a large quantity of these leaves, and setting themselves acouoxi the tire, from a bowl that holds about a pint they begin drinking large draughts, which in a short time occasions them to vomit easily and freely. Thus they continue drinking and vomit- ing for the space of two or three days, until they have sufficiently cleansed themselves ; and then every one taking a bundle of the tree, they all retire to their habitations." 4. I. decidua, Walt.) — This and the next three have deciduous leaves, and have not been honored in this State, as far as I know, with popular name?. This is common aloug shaded ravines and branches throughout the Middle District, and is from 6 to 15 feet high. The leaves are 1 or 2 inches long, with rounded teeth on the edges, narrow and tapering down into a short stem, somewhat hairy <>n the veins of the underside, otherwise smooth. Berries red, in clusters, each containing 4 to 6 bony seeds, that are ribbed on the back. 5. (I. ambigua, Chapm.) — A shrub or small tree conhned to our Mountain region in this State, though found elsewhere to the North and South, and from 8 to 20 feet high. The leaves are 3 to 5 and son: inches long, about half as broad, with fine sharp teeth mi the edges, smooth on both sides, and tapering at the upper end. The berries are red, not in clusters, and with seeds as in No. 4. 60 THE TREE8 OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 1. verticillata, Gray.) — This occurs in all the Districts, and in various b • Is, _ to 10 feet high, and has clusters of bright scarlet berries which hang on through the Winter. In - - it ig called Winterherry. The leaves are about 2 incl - _. of vary? g width, but generally broader toward the upper end. toothed, pater and Bomewhat downy on the underside. The seeds are smooth and even. A decoction of the bark is a popular appli- cation to old BOI 7. Qallberkx. iI. glabra, Gray.) — This and the next spec evergreen shrubs, indiscriminately called by the above name, some- times Galls, more rarely Inkberrie^ names apparently derived from their black bitter berries. This is from 3 to 5 feet high, very common in the Branch swamps of the Lower District, and giving it- name of Galls or Gall-bays to the low places chiefly occu- pied by it. The leaves are very smooth and green, sparing ed. 1 to H inch long, and about half that width. 8. Tall Gallberry. (I. coriacea, Chapm.) — This grows in simi- lar situation- with the preceding, having the same habit and ap- pearance, but full twice as large, the leaves also much larger, and either entire or with scattered sharp teeth. 1. Dogwood. (Cornus florida, Linn.) — Common throughout the United S rnd mostly known by this name, but sometimes .called Baaowood. From the showiness of its flowers, and the value .of its wood and bark, it possesses considerable interest. Its •height is from 12 to 20 feet, but is sometimes 30 and 35. The ■d is heavy, hard and fine grained, and takes a fine polish. Pieces can not be had of sufficient size for large work; but for the smaller mechanical and agricultural implements, such as cog- o' mill wheel-, harrow teeth, mallets, wedges, hames. Arc. the well seasoned wood i* well adapted and much used. The young shoots are used for light hoops. The inner bark is an excellent substitute for Peruvian Lark in intermittent fevers. The fresh article is apt to produce pain, which can be prevented, however, by mixing it with Virginia Snake Root. After being dried for a year, this precaution is unnecssary. A very good Ink can be made of this bark in place of Galls. A pretty variety of this tree with : reddish flowers is occasionally met with. 2. Swamp Dogwood. (C. serice^ Linn.) — This and the remain- THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 61 ing species of the genus are only shrubs, but are placed here for the purpose of having all the species of a genus together, as I have done in other genera. With the exception of the last species, they all have their leaves opposite, as in the Dogvoood. This is the only one of them which has received notice enough in this State, so far as T have discovered, to get a name. It is found in low woods in the Middle and Upper Districts, has pnrplish brandies, is from 6 to 10 feet high, and having rather broad, pointed, leaves, which are smooth above and with a silky down beneath. The flowers are white, in flat-topped clusters, succeeded by pale-blue berries. 3. (C. stricta, Linn.) — This is 6 to 15 feet high, with brownish or reddish branches, found only in the wet lands of the Lower Dis- trict, The leaves are about 3 inches lomr and 1 inch wide, taper- ing to a point at the upper end, the edges slightly uneven, smooth on both sides, paler and with prominent veins on the underside. The flowers and pale-blue berries are much as in No. 2. 4. (C. paniculata. L'Her.) — A branching shrub, 4 to S teet high, with gray branches, found in this State only in our mountain coun- ties. The leaves are only 2 or 3 inches long, with a tapering point, smooth, whitish on the underside. The white flowers are in longer and looser clusters than in the two preceding, and the berries white. 5: (C. alternifolia, L'Her.) — I have met with this only on the higher mountains. It is the only one of this genus of Cornels — this being the common name of the shrubby Dogwoods, — which has the leaves alternating on the branches, instead of being oppo- site to each other in pairs. It is 10 or 15 and 20 feet high, the branches also alternate, greenish, streaked with white. The leaves are about 3 inches long, hoary and slightly hairy beneath, and pointed at the end. The flowers are whitish in a loose flat topped cluster ; the berries dark blue or bluish black. 1 1 At kuf.rrt. (Celtis occidentalis, Linn.) — Common over the United States, sometimes called TtfetiL Tr ■> . and scafteringly found in all parts of Xorth-Carolina. It is occasionally seen as a shade tree in our streets, and is admired by some for its dark green foli- age, deep shade and rather graceful branches. The bark of the trunk and larger branches is roughened by small, ridged excre- scensces. The leaves are about 2 inches long, and rather peculiar THE TREES OF NORTH-CABOLI> in Lavi: . Ie perceptibly smaller than th< are al it i or £ of an inch in diameter, of a M Vh but thin flesh, enclosi: _ _ bular nut. Tliis trt 7 1 ' feet high, and 18 or 20 inches in diameter. Tlic ppear to be used for any important pn There is a shrubby form of this (var. pumila. isi nally me! with in the Lower and Middle Districts, 3 to 10 feet high, and i smaller, thinner leaves, but easily recognised by th< arc familiar with the larger form. ■ 1. Black Gol aquatica, Linn.) — Common in sw and shallow ponds of the Lower and Middle Districts, often called r Gum Tree. It is from 30 : I high, 12 or l v inches in diameter. The leaves are 1 or l' inches lot .. ;irk n and shining me what downy underneath when The fruit is commonly in pail .rk blue col. on a common stem from J to 1 inch long. The w ree has its fibres so interwoven in various directions as to make it nearly imj — ible to be split, and it is there - the yellow variety, known as the Y 5 wheels. Itisalsoem] for making Hatter's blocks, cylinders in mills for beating rice, and for caps to masts. 1 are ii stic use I a ' r which, on account compressibility and lighti - y answer very well. T hue of tl this and the nexl butes much, with that of the Tied M peculiar brilliancy to our autumnal scenery so ol | 2. [N. multiflora, Wang.) — "With us this tree seems t eTy confounded with the _. me of tl called 7 Thi> in the uplands in ricl . _ mois 'id is larger every way. It > and 1 or 2 feet in diamet J to 6 incl with a white down underneath, especially when _ ther thick, and shinii . ^ incn long. ' like thai of No. 1. 3. Cotton Gcm. (N. uuiflora, Walt.) — TV- is a Southern 'ree, irthern limit in South-eastern Virginia, and confit THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. b«J to the deep swamps of the Lower Districts. It is 60 or SO feet high. The leaves are 5 to 8 inches long, with a few large teeth on the edges, and a soft whitish down underneath. The fruit is an inch or more long, and of a deep bine color. The wood is like that of the two preceding, but is softer, and is indeed the softest wood we have. As it does not split and is very easily worked, it is manufactured into light bowls and trays. The roots are used for making floats to buoy seines, and are a very fair substitute /or cork where elasticity is not important. Sassafras. (Sassafras officinale, Xees.) — ]S"o plant in the United States is perhaps more extensively diffused than this. In favorable soils it is 40 or 50 feet high, while in poor ground and in the bor- ders of old fields it flowers at the height of 4 to 6 feet. It is com- mon in the Lower and Middle Districts, but is rare in the more elevated parts of the L'pper. It is found of largest dimensions in the Middle District. What is known as the White Sassafras pre- vails in the Lower District, the Bed Sassafras in the others, their differences depending apparently upon a difference of soil. The wood is said to be durable, and is used for fence posts as well as for the rafters and joists of buildings. It is said also to be free from attacks of worms, and that bedsteads made of it are never infested by insects. The roots, and also the flowers, are the basis of some diet drinks which are thought by some to be serviceable to the human system in Spring and Summer. The reputed virtues of the root caused it to become one of the first of our native products in- troduced into Europe, and ship loads were carried thither in the earlier settlement of this country. The bark of the root is a power- ful aromatic stimulant, and has been used in medicine more than 800 years. The young buds and ends of branches contain a irood deal of mucilage, and is sometimes used as a substitute for Okra in soups, — where the latter cannot be had. Red Bay. (Persea Carolinensis, Xees.) — This extends from Vir- ginia through the Lower Districts of the Southern States to Louis- iana, appearing to be confined to the branch swamps within the range of the Long-leaved Tine. It is a small tree or shrub here, but in the vicinity of the Gulf it reaches a height 50 and 70 feet. The evergreen leaves are 2 to 4 inches long, 1 or more wide, smooth and green above, pale beneath. The shrubby form has the leave- 64 THE TREKS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. larger and the underside clothed with a gray down. They have a strong aromatic odor very like that of the European Laurel and may he used in the same manner in cookery and medicine. An aromatic distillation like the Bay Rum of the West Indies could doubtless he obtained from them. The wood is of a beautiful rose c<>] ( r. strong and durable, with a very tine compact grain, and is susceptible of a brilliant polish. Before Mahogany came into such extensive use, articles of furniture of great beauty were made from it at the South, the best having the appearance of watered satin, and they are still found in the houses of some of the older families of the country. I have heard of a single log in Florida sawed into veneering and sold for si 0. In this State it is seldom found of sufficient size for any very important uses. Palmctto. (Sabal Palmetto, P. & S.) — Cape Ilatteras is, or was, the northern limit of this Palm, from whence southward it becomes more abundant in the vicinity of the Ocean. This is the only rep- resentative in the United States of a large and remarkable class of trees mostly confined to the Torrid Zone. A trunk 40 or 50 feet in height, of uniform diameter, with a tufted summit of large bril- liant green, fan-shaped leaves, and so wholly different in structure and aspect from all our other forest trees is a very noticeable and attractive object on our coast. The trunk of this tree is of great value in the construction of wharves, as they are not subject to injury from sea-worms. They have been found serviceable in structures for defence, since balls pass with difficulty through the wood as through cork, and the wood doses upon the perforation instead of splitting. The rarity of the tree in this State renders it of little economical importance here. It is to be deeply regretted, however, that a reckless indifference to the future, which has been charged as a characteristic of Ame- ricans, is likely to efface, at no very distant time, every vestige of this interesting ornament of oor coast. The inner portion of the young plant is very tender and palatable, somewhat resembling tile Artichoke and Cabbage in taste, (hence its name of Cabbage 2 "> and is often taken for pickling, and the stock is ruined by the pro- cess. Thus for a pound or two of pickles, no better either than many other kinds, the growth of half a century is destroyed in a moment, and posterity left to the wretched inheritance of vain THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLTNA. 65 mourning for the loss of the greatest beauty of our maritime forest. 2. Dwarf Palmetto. (S. Adansonii, Guerns.) — This is but o or 4 feet high, never forming a trunk like the preceding, and found only in the Lower District. The leaves of b th these species are employed in* the manufacture of Palm-leaf Hats. Pride of India, or China Tree. (Melia Azedarach, Linn.) — is a common shade tree of streets and yards in the Lower District, and occasionally is seen in the lower part of the Middle District. It is quite naturalized in the former region, to which it is well adapted by its free growth in sandy soil. It is from 25 to 40 feet high, with a spreading top, and its dark green compound leaves and large loose clusters of fragrant lilac-colored flowers make it quite ornamental. The timber is of a reddish hue, and said to be strong and durable ; bnt is seldom used. The leaves pounded and mixed with laid constitute a Persian remedy for a cutaneous dis- ease, better treated, perhaps, with sulphur. The berries are repott- ed poisonous, as well as most other portions of the tree. Robins feeding upon them in the Spring are so stupefied as to be easily caught. BrcKTiioRx. (Bnmelia lycioides, Gaert.) — A small tree from 15 to 25 feet high, found from North Carolina to Louisiana, rather sparingly in this State from the coast to Lincoln county. Its leaves are entire, smooth on both sides, about 2 inches long and f of an inch wide, with short stems. The flowers are whitish and small, grow- ing in a thick cluster in the fork of the leaves, succeeded by a black, cherry-like fruit, about the size of a Pea. The wood is ex- ceedingly hard and heavy, with an irregular grain, and would doubtless be useful for mechanical purposes, were it not too rare to attract much attention. Ykli.ow Wood. (Symplocos tinctoria, L'Her.) — Also called Street Leaf and High Bush Laurel. It does not extend much, if any, north of James River. In this State it occurs from the coast to the Mountains, but is most multiplied in the Lower District. In poor soils it is only a shrub 2 to 6 feet high; bnt in those which are fer- tile, as on the borders of swamps, it becomes a small tree, 20 or 25 teet high and 6 or S inches in diameter. If the trunk be wounded THE BBB OF XOETI a milky offensive juice. The If ieh :hes long I to the taste but rather drv. and :i by cattle and deer in Winl tion, a beautiful yellow color, which is fh n.m. »tton, woollen and silk, are dyed. It isnol much i however. The fruit is a small one-seeded berry. and valu< MAGNOLIAS. Of tin's universally and deservedly admired genus there are 'i species in the United E .'1 of which are fonnd within our boiders. They all have an aromatic ami some* tter bark. The fruit is a fleshy cone, from the cells of which the scarlet ber- are c-xpe'iled and hang for some days 1 ■• berries of id - me qnickly corrupted, bat may be preserved se in damp n 1. Magnolia. [Magnolia grandifloim, Linn.) — I retain the men designation of this tree, tboagfa we hat :iers equally entitled to the name. Farther south it is often called The northern limit of this tree is in Brunswick I i of the Gape Fear; but it flourishes vigorously in cultivation I all the lower oart «.f the State. Its usual height in the: from! 7" feet, but has been found ! gh, and has a handsome form. The leaves are •'» to 1" inches s en. very (hick and leathery. The white fragrant flowers, 6 or 6 inches id, contrasting Btrongty with the dark _ this perhaps the most beautiful tree in the On £ .ber of this 9 soft and very white, but is little OK : Bat. (M. glauca. Linn. — Hie bi talk st n m et wide- ly <1 four Mi _ -.it being common in the maritime tricts from Louisiana to New and in a single locality north of Boston. In this State it is i along branches and i throughout the Lower District, and in similar Bituati 8, I igh m>t common, in the Middle I from 12 1 - - flowering at the heig The lea* small, the white nnder-snrfac with the pal oftheupper. The flowers id. pure white, and of powerful but gra THE TREES OF NORTH- CAROLINA. 67 3. Umbrella Tree. (M. Umbrella, Lara.)— Tins is common in the Middle and Western States as well as in the Southern. In this State it is met with in shaded deep rich soils from the coast to Cherokee, ami is mostly called Ckicumber Tree, a name more gen- erally and properly given to the next species. It is from 25 to 35 feet high. The leaves are 18 or 20 inches long. 6 or 7 broad, and acute at each end. The flowers are 7 or 8 inches broad, white, and not of pleasant odor. Though inferior in beauty to some others, it is an ornamental tree and deserving of cultivation. 4. Cucumber Trie. (M. acuminata, Linn.)— This seems to be universally known by the name here given, and is so designated from the form of its cone or fruit, which, in this species, is nar- rower than in the otherSj and when green is not unlike a cucumber about 3 inches long. The tree is found from the Northern Lakes to the mountains of Georgia. In this State it gr&ws only on the mountains, particularly of Ashe, Yancey and Burke, in moist fertile soil of declivities and on the banks of torrents. It is from 60 to 80 feet high, and 4: or 5 in diameter, comparing well in its dimen- sions with No. 1 . The leaves are G or 8 inches long, 3 or -i broad, and rounded at base. The flowers are 4 or 5 inches broad, white, with :i bluish or yellowish tinge, and very slightly odorous. The wood is Bomewhat similar to that of the Ttilip one grained and takes a good polish, but is not so strong and durable. As an ornamental tree it is much admired. 5. Large-leaved Umbrella Tree. (M. macrophylla, Michx. — This and Xo. 3 derive their names of Umbrella Tree from the mode in which their leaves spread from the ends of the branches. It is a rare product east of the Alleghanies, having been found only on the Chattahoochie in Georgia, in Middle Florida, and in Lincoln county of this State. West of the mountains it is more common. though in scattering groups and at wide intervals. In Lincoln it occurs in several places not far from the road between Lincolnton and Tuckaseege ■ Ford; as near Smith's, the Moore Mine, and Huntereville, f>, 10, and 18 miles from the former place. Itch- cool, rather moist and fertile situations, is from 1"> to 30 feet high, and without any beauty of form. But its leaves arid flowers sur- pass : ;. bi'z • those of any tree or shrub in this country. The former are from 20 to 30 inches long, occasionally even longer, clustered at the ends of the branches and spreading from them like an Urn- THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. brella, their two side- rounded at the base and diverging like ears from tlie leaf-stem. .The flowera are 12 to 14 inches broad, white, with a broad porple Bpot on the inner base of the petals, and fra- grant. It bears cultivation very well in our Middle District In the Lower District it is not so manageable, but can there be graf- ted on the native Umbrella Tree, as was successfully done by the elder Michaux in !en near Charleston. 6. Loxo-LEAYKi> Cm dmbbb Tree. (M. Fraseri, Walt.) — Found only in ravines of the mountains where it is known by this name, and also as WaJtoo and Indian Physic. It is confined chiefly to the mountains of the Southern States, and is nowhere more abun- dant than in Ashe, Yancey and Burke. It is i • or 4o feet high, with a diameter of 12 or 15 inches. The leaves are 8 or 9 inches long, 4 to broad, and though a third smaller, are very much like • of No. 5 in f>nn ; the base in this, as in that, being divided into rounded lobes or ears. The flowers are 3 or 4 inches broad, pure white, and of agreeable fragrance. The cones are 3 or 4 inches long. and. like those of the Umbrella Tree, of a beautiful >r when ripe. This tree bears removal remarkably well, it having been cultivated in the open air near Philadelphia, but it would probably require the protection of shade in our low country. 7. Heart-leaved Cugcmbke Tree. (M. cordata. Michx.i — Often confounded with the Cucumber Tree, to which it bears a general resemblance, though it is a very distinct species. I: is confined to declivities of the mountains from Ashe conntj rgia. It lias a regular oval summit, is 30 to 50 feet high, 12 or 18 inches thick, with a straight trunk, the bark of which has some resemblance to that of S Gum or of a young White ( >ak. The leaves are roundish and he ed, 4 to 6 inches long, The flowers are yellow, the inside faintly streaked with re*\, and nearly 4 inches broad. The cones are about 3 inches long and 1 thick. This is smaller than the Cucumber Tree, but is equally desirable in private ground-, as well for its symmetrical form as tor the beauty of its flowers and its luxuriant foliage. BngT. Amelanchier Canadensis, T-rr and < ir.)— I'ni- - ally known in our Mountains under the name In the I District it is called Servict Tret and Wild Currant. In the latter section ot the State, it is hardly more than a r-hrub. and THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLIXA. 69 is common along branches and swamps. In the former, it inhabits the shaded sides of the Mountains, and is 15 to 25 feet high. The fruit is here much sweeter, more juicy and palatable, like the JfJ- Uu\ than in other parts of the State, and trees are sometimes reck- lessly cut down to obtain it. It is purplish and about the size of some of our Red Haws. This shrub or tree, when displaying its profusion of clustered white blossoms in early Spring, is not with- out beauty, and is found enumerated in the catalogues of some northern Nurseries as The Snowy Medlar. A name so promising has occasionally led to its importation into the State for the adorn- ment of a garden or shrubbery; but I have never known it pro- served over one season's" exhibition, the owners apparently depre- ciating a beauty so common. 1. Crab Apple. ((Pyrus coronaria. Linn.) — Most common in the Northern and North Western States, but extending southward along the Mountains, where alone it is seen in this State. In Yan- cey and Haywood counties it is very abundant, usually about 15 or -10 feet high, and 5 to 8 inches through ; but in some situations considerably larger. The leaves are cut or lobed, not unlike those of the Red Maple. The flowers are of great beauty and diffuse their grateful fragrance to along distance. The fruit is too austere for eating, but makes excellent preserves and jelly, though requir- ing much sugar. A celebrated Cider Apple, kuown as Hughes' Crah, I suppose is a seedling from this species. 8. NaFvR 'W-leaveo Crab Apple. (P. angnstifolia. Ait.) — This extends from Pennsylvania southward, chiefly in those regions not occupied by the former. It is rather common in our Lower and Middle Districts, and reaches into the lower part of the Upper. It is of about the same height with No. 1, but the fruit and leaves are much smaller, the latter being narrow and merely toothed on the edge. The flowers are beautiful and fragrant as in the other spe- cies. 3. Choke Berry. (P. arbutifolia, Linn."! — A mere shrub 2 or 3 feet high, introduced here only to complete an account of the genus. The fruit is berry-like, as in the Mountain AbH\ but has the same structure as an Apple, with seeds of the same appear- ance and taste. It grows in small clusters, and is rather dry and TO nil. CB .A. nt. We have two varieties of this: — one, with a red or purple fruit, l' und on the borders "of branches and bays in the Mid- dle and Lower I)i-tricts ; — the other, in the Mountains, and having a purplish-black fruit. 4. Mountain Ash. (P.Am . D.C.) — This charming tree it little known in this State, even in the Mountains where it s. At the North, it is highly prized as au ornament in yards, ■the beauty of its large clusters of scarlet berrii which hang upon the tree through the winter. It is scarcely dis- tingi from the Mountain Ash or // treat Bri- tain. It is nj rare on our ! igher Mountains, from Ashe to is called Wi , (frem a kind of liquor said to be made from it,) and MounU \ch. The folii :ore like that of a '> than of any other of our trees; and in this resp< ct 3 : : in every other, the general aspect of the tree is bo unlike that of an AppU Tree, that none but a Botanist would suspect a relationship. The flowers are of a dirty white, in spread- ing clusters like those of the Elder, succeeded by benydike scarlet fruit. In favorable soil this is from 12 to 20 feet high ; in roek\ ground, often a mere shrub. ;mm"N. Diospyros Virginiana, Linn.) — Common in the United Star-:.- from Rhode Island and New York southward, and in all the Di - State. It varies much in height according -nation i . but is usually from 30 to 40 feet, though some- time 60, with a diameter of 18 or 20 inches. When standing alo . . ■ ry symmetrical form and is a handsome The he; -wood is of a brownish tint, hard, compact and elastic, I ; I to be lial : :■ split. It bas been used for idered equal made of ch,) and for the vehicles, which are said to be better than those made With u the wood does not appear to be much used. The inner bark at and tonic, and has had ltol- y of the green fruit is well known. ripe [s the b : - of ;■. : ans B . . is sometimes pounded up with i, and the cakes, I in an "ved for i. with the addition of hops and y< :. Brandy has been di. tilled from the fermented fruit, which is said to become good with age. THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 71 Mulberry. (Mortis rubra, Linn.) — Well known throughout the Union, but most abundant in the Western States. It glows in all parts of this State, but is least abundant in the Lower District. It is from 50 to TO feet high, and 1 or 2 in diameter. When in proper soil, and unobstructed in its lateral expansion by surround- ing trees, this becomes a tree of fine form and casts a very thick shade. The heart-wood is yellowish, hue grained and compact, but lighter than WhUi Oak. It has much strength and solidity, and is thought by many to be as durable as Locust. It is much used in fencing and in ship and boat building. The leaves arc too thick and rough for feeding silk-worms, though they have been used for the purpose in the absence of better. The fruit is deep red or purple, of a sweet and acidulous flavor quite agreeable to the taste. Though gently laxative, it is probably a wholesome fruit. The White Mulberry, (M. alba,) a native of Asia, is occasionally seen about houses, and is the tree chiefly used on the old Continent for rearing silk- worms. The Chinese Mulberry (ML mnlticaulis) is only a variety of the White, of smaller size and larger leaves. The Black Mulberry (M. nigra) of Europe is sometimes cultivated in this com; try, but I have not observed it in this State. The Otahi it- or Pa/pei Mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera,) a native of the Pa- cific Islands, is common in our yards, and is commendable for its rapid growth and heavy shade, but becomes a nuisance from its numerous shoots springing everywhere from its spreading roots. Cedau, on Red Cedar. (Jnniperus Yirginiana. Linn.) — X common throughout the country from New England to the Gulf of Mexico, but the soil and climate of the South are most favorable to its complete development. It is from 30 to 40 feet high, with a diameter of 10 or 12 inches, but is smaller in the mountains and western parts of the State than in the Lower District. In <>ld fields solitary trees are sometimes seen of larger dimension.-, than are above given. It is not abundant enough, however, in any part of the State, to be used in the arts. The heart-wood is of a red color, but the sap is white. It is odorous, compact, line grain light, but heavier and stronger than < It ity in an eminent degree, and is applied to all pur- poses which require this quality. That which is grown near the coast is of better quality than what is produced farther inland. 72 THE TREES OF XORTH-CAROMXA. This tree varies bo much in the color, length and spread of the leaves in different situations and at different ages, that some per- Bons make two species of it, one of which thej ca v They are. however, but one Bpeciee, The berries of tine, tree have been a little employed in the United States in the preparation of Gin. as those of the Juniper are used in Europe. Boxes and cabinets made of the wood are exempt from insects, its edor being offensive to them. The remaining trees have all a dry fruit, but of various kinds, and no very intimate relationship — to be arranged in two Groups. The first Group includes those trees which have either flowers or fruit in somewhat the form of tassels, as in the "Willow, Cotton- wood, and Birch. POPLARS OR OOTTONWOODS. These are generally designated by the latter name in this country, but they are true Poplars. Those of them called Aspens are re- markable for the easy vibration of the leaves when scarcely a breath of air is perceptible. This results from one end of the leal-stem being flattened contrary to the plane of the leaf. The constant motion of the leaves is supposed to have been the reason for giving these trees the name of Populus or Poplar, because they, like the populaa . are never at rest. It is a more malicious spirit of slander that has given them the name of Womens* Tongues. The wood of all the species is soft and brittle, but 6ome of them are wed in various kinds of light wood-work. 1. Cakoi.ina Poi-lar. (Populus angulata. Ait.)— This does not reach northward farther than southern Pennsylvania. It becomes more abundant in the low country of all the Southern States upon the marshy banks of rivers, in company with ( . /.'■ I MapU i &C. It is tare in the Middle District, but is sometimes cultivated there about houses. It is 60 or 80 feet high, with an expanded summit and pleasing foliage. The leaves are 3 to 5 inches long, (on young shoots C to 8,) thin, always smooth and bright on both sides, and their edges have small scolloped teeth. They are round- ed at the base, and are marked with yellowish nerves. The buds are short, deep green, and not covered with gum. The young THE TREES OF XOETH-CAKOLES'A. 73 branches and annual shoots are angular, from which character its botanical name of an-juh.ita is derived. The wood does not appear to be nsed. This is very similar to the Cottonwood ox Cotton 1 so common on the "Western Rivers. '2. Cotton Tree. {F. heterophylla, Linn.) — A native of the Mid- dle, Western and Southern States, yet is so rare as to escape gen- eral notice. I do not remember to have met with it in this State, except in rich swamp lands on the lower course of the Cape Fear ; but it probably occurs in similar ground elsewhere. It is a majes- tic, showv, tree, 7" or 80 feet high. 2 or 3 in diameter, with a very thick, deeply furrowed bark. The young branches and shoots are round. The leaves. 3 to 5 inches long, and with rounded teeth, are covered on the underside with a thick soft down, which par- tiallv falls off with age. The wood is much like that of the pre- ceding. 3. Large Toothed Aspex. (P. grandidentata. Michx.) — Nol common in the Southern as in the Middle and Northern Si "With us it belongs to the upper part of the Middle District, is about 40 feet hi°m, and has a smooth grav bark that seldom cracks. The leaves are 3 to 5 inches long, about the same breadth, with large open teeth on the edges, and the underside clothed, when young, with a thick white down which wholly falls away before the end of Summer. This tree is occasionally seen adorning the stree- our villages. The Lombardy Poj:>!a/\ (P. dilatata, Ait.,) a native ot Italy, is common in cultivation about old settlements. BIRCHES. These are products chiefly of high latitudes, both on the Eastern and Western Continents. In this State we have but a single spe- cies below the Mountains. 1. Red BmcH. (Betula nigra, Linn.) — Common on the banks of rivers from the coast to the mountains, and known here only as Birch. This is sufficient designation where no other species occurs, but it is called Bed Birch in those States and regions where it is accompanied by others. It is from 40 to 60 feet high, and 1 or 2 in diameter. It has wood of compact grain, and light reddish ^int, but not of very high value, nor is it much used. It is some- 6 74 THE TKEE8 OF NORTH-CAROLINA. times employed in this State for the railing of balustrades, and the like purposes. Hoops for casks may be made from the branches and shoots, but of inferior quality. 2. Black Birch. (B. lenta, Linn.) — In our Mountains, where alone this tree is found within this State, it is simply called Birch, The most common name for it in the United States is the one above given. In the mountains of Virginia it is called Mountain Mia- hogany ; in New England Sweet Birch and Cherry Birch. It is from 30 to 50 feet high, with a smoothish trunk, resembling that of a Cherry tree. The wood, freshly cut, is of a rosy hue, which becomes darker by exposure, and similar to that of Wild Cherry, and is used, like that, for several sorts of cabinet woik. It has considerable strength, is of fine close grain, and susceptible of a brilliant polish, and is the most valuable of all the Birches known r though hardly equal to Wild Cherry. Furniture made of it, as chairs, tables, &c, will in time and by careful use, acquire very much the appearance of Mahogany. The leaves and blossoms Lave considerable fragrance, and the bark of the young shoots has a delightful spicy flavor like that of the Mountain Tea or Spicy Winter green. The tree is one of much beauty, with dark graceful foliage, and a symmetrical form. 3. Yellow Birch. (B. excelsa, Ait.) — This is a northern tree, as south of the mountains of New York, with the exception of small patches in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and the three or four stocks which I found near the (highest) summit of Black Mountain, it is unknown. Its yellowish-silvery bark, scaling off in thin sheets,, like that of the Paper or Canoe Birch, will at once distinguish this from the two preceding. It is about 25 feet high. The timber is rather inferior to that of Black Birch. It is a handsome tree, and its twigs slightly aromatic. WILLOWS. There are 20 or 30 species of these in the United States, nearly all of which belong exclusively to the North. A few, though they are of no importance, extend to this State and farther south. The value of some species in wicker-work is generally known. The articles manufactured from them are made from the young, slen- der and flexible, twigs and shoots. THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 75 1. Black Willow. (Salix nigra, Marsh.) — This is the only na- tive Willow in the State that becomes a tree. It is 15 to 25 feet high, with a rough dark-brown bark, very common along streams from the coast westward. The wood is soft and of little use ; but when the stocks are of sufficient size, they are said to make dura- ble light timbers for boats. The roots give an intensely bitter de- coction, which is thought by some to be good for purifying the blood, and a remedy for intermittent fevers. 2. Gray Willow. (S. tristis, Ait.)— A shrub 1 or 2 feet high, very much branched, of a dull gray aspect on account of the young branches and leaves being covered with an ash-colored down or wool. The leaves are from 1 to 1£ inch long with a hardly per- ceptible stem, narrow, sharp at each end, but tapering from the base towards the upper end, and with the veins prominent on the underside. I have met with this insignificant plant only in the mountain Counties. 3. Bush Willow. (S. humilis, Marsh.)— Larger than the prece- ding, 2 to 4 feet high, but of similar general aspect, the leaves two or three times longer and broader, and found both in the Middle and Upper Districts, rarely in the Lower. During summer the branches «»f this and No. 2 have cone-like excrescences on their ends. 4. Silky-leaved Willow. (S. sericea, Marsh.)— This is 3 to 6 feet high, with leaves 2 and 3 inches long, borne on conspicuous stems, pale, and with silky hairs on the underside. The Weeping Willow (S. Babylonica,) is common, and the Yel- low Willow (S. vitellina,) occasionally seen in cultivation. Hornbeam. Ironwood. (Carpinus Americana, Michx.) — Among the commonest productions of the country and well known by one or other of these names. It is found on the banks of streams in all parts of the State, generally 12 or 15 feet high, but sometimes 25 or 30, with a diameter of 5 or 6 inches. The trunk has a smooth gray bark, and at the base is irregularly fluted or ridged. The wood is white, exceedingly hard, compact and line grained, but the small size of the tree forbids its use except for inferior purposes. Hop Hornbeam. (Ostrya Virginica, Willd.)— This and the pre- ceding have characters and qualities so very similar that they are THE ntSSB OF NORTH-CAROLINA. generally called by the same names. But the bladdery fruit of this 1 ■much lik that it can verve;. -ied the rammer. It is only/ in the Upper District that I have met with it, and very rarely there. It is 90 or 30 feet high, with a brownish finely furrowed bark, the trunk not ridged at the bot- tom like the preceding. The wood is like that, and also used for fee., tor which we have nothing better adapted, on account of: -trength and toughness . For mill-cog ial- and the like, both th - - iciea would doubtless answer well. remaining Group includes a heterogeneous mass of dry- fruited Tree-, but fortunately nearly all are so well known, that they will need no particular description. i mork. (Platanus occidentals. Linn.) — This is the name gen- erallv given, I believe, to this tree in North Carolina; but it is e extensively known in the United State- In some sections it is called Winter St I and Plant Tree. The last would be most appropriate, if we were governed in our choice by the application of the names of kindred species in Europe. The s - Europe is a species of Maple, having no relationship with what we call by that name. Hiia tree, like the Planes of the old Continent so much celebrated bv the Ancients, is among the largest in the Temperate Zones. It is common over the United States on the borders of streams, where the and fertile, conspicuous for its white bark and jhe stately size of its trunk. In such situations it is found throughout the State, but fa least abundant in the Lower District. Although oc- mally found here of large dimensions, it is not of such size as in the virgin forests of the West, where this tree has its peculiar home, and where it is sometimes seen without branches to the height of 60 and To feet, and with a circumference of 40 or 50 feet. A hollow section of a trunk was once used in Ohio as a Bar B >m; — the *ame, I believe, now exhibited in a New York Mu- seum. This reminds us of the famous Plane tree of Lyeia, men- tioned by Pliny, whose hollow trunk gave shelter for a night to Licinius Mutianus and a retinue of eighteen persons. Its interior was 75 feet in circuit. The wood of our tree becomes reddish in sea- -soning, of a fine close grain, and takes a better polish than Beech, tto which it bears some resemblance. Aa it is liable to warp, it is THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. , ~ not much used in cabinet work, except for Bedsteads. It decays rapidly by exposure to the weather, and is therefore suitable for such articles only as are thoroughly sheltered. The rapid growth, great size, and thick shade of this tree, render it valuable for ave- nues and shaded grounds. Sweet Gum. (Liquidambar Styraciflua. Linn.*) — One of the most extensively diffused tree, in North America, it being found from southern Xew England to Mexico. It is from 40 to 7U feet high, and 2 to 3 in diameter. The wood is reddish, compact, fine grain- ed, and takes a fine polish. Though inferior to Oak, it is suitable for objects requiring toughness and solidity. "When properly sea- soned, it serves well in the upper frame work of buildings, and lasts better than any of the I? ed Oaks. It is sometimes employed for lining the inside of Mahogany furniture, to which it is well adapted by its color, lightness, and fine grain. Though inferior to Black Walnut and Cherry^ it is sometimes used for similar purposes in the manufacture of furniture; but is not durable unless shelter- ed from the air. The braised leaves have a resinous fragrance, and fresh ones are successfully used in cases of dysentery. The dusty matter in the ripe burs is only the abortive seeds. The fra- grant gum is the hardened juice. This is a beautiful tree, especial- ly in Autumn, when the dying foliage has taken its hue of deep crimson, and should be often er seen in private ground.-. Tulip Tree, or Poplar. (Liriodendron Tulipifera, Linn.) — This tree is rarely surpassed in elegance of form, in size, beauty of f.»l- iage, or showiness of blossom, by any tree of the American for In some of the Northern States it is called White Wood and Canoe 1! bod. In Europe, where it has been long and extensively intro- duced, it bears the name of Tulip Tree (which has been adopted to some extent in this country.) from the resemblance of its flower to that of a Tulip. This is much preferable to that of Poplar, (which it bears in this and the Western States,) because it has but little resemblance in any particular to the true Poplars. It is na- tive in all parts of the State, but is not so common in the Lower District as in others. It is from 60 to 100 feet high, with a very straight tapering trunk, and has a diameter of 2 or 3 feet. There is a stock on the South Fork of Toe River, which is near 9 feet in 7o THE TREES OF NOBTH-CAEOLINA. diameter. The wood is tine grained, works easily and takes a good r and more compact than that of the I heart is yellowish, and the sap-wood white, thongh whei Iry gravelly soils the whole wood is white and coarser. 1 an- and Whit* P<.>i>h.u\ the former being most valuable. For the rafters an dj - - buildings the timber is the best substitute for Pine. Cedar, and Cypress. The boards are often need for the exterior and interior work of house-, even for shingling, as they are durable and not liable to split from the in- fluences of heat ard moisture. They are much used by Coach, Chair, and Trunk makers, and are very valuable for all kinds of rk requiring lightness, strength and darabil . mixed with equal parts of Dogwood bark, is a domestic remedy in intermittent fever. Sane Physicians :. employed it successfully alone, or accompanied with Laudanum, in remittent and intermittent fevers, cholera infantum, hysterical af- rms; but others have denied its efficacy. Dr. Dai _ - - that the bark of the root and young tree is a vaj- aromatic bitter. LI XX OR LIME TEE] - These are handsome trees, as well for their form as for the pk .- line and fine shade of their foliage. They are known in the \ States by the names of 1 generally by that of B '. In Europe the species this genus are called Linden and The wood is white and soft, and is used for similar purposes with that of th T . where the latter is not found, bal si :'rer and splits more It is well adapted for Turners' work, and i- ch- in the manufacture of wooden ware. The inner bark, when macerated, separates into broad fibres, which are used for making coarse cordage and matting. In Europe this kind of stuff is called /; hence the name <>f Ba$9 H"<—/. i and large quant: - exported from Russia. The bark also coal _ deal of mu- whioh liniments pared for burns and scalds. In Europe, the honey made from the •idered the best in the world, and when made exclusively from r more than double the price her. The fl THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 79 ers of our American species would very likely serve as well in im- proving the quality of honey, There are but 3 species of Linn in the United States, and all are found in North-Carolina. The flow- ers of the Linn are small, cream-colored, growing in loose clusters npon a common stem which is attached to the middle of a narrow, strap-like, leaf or bract; — a character that will distinguish these trees from all others. 1. American Linn. (Tilia Amerieana, Linn.) — This is found from Canada to Georgia; in this State confined to the mountains and the upper part of the Middle District. It is a handsome tree, 50 to 80 feet high, 1 to 4 in diameter. The leaves are 3 or 4 inches broad, heart-shaped, but one side smaller than the other at the base, smooth or nearly so, and paler green on the underside. The timber of this species is considered more valuable than that of the others. 2. White Linn. (T. heterophylla, Yent.) — More abundant in the Middle and Western States than elsewhere. In this State it is most common in the Upper District, but occurs sparingly in the Middle and Lower. It seldom exceeds 40 feet in height, with a diameter of 12 or 18 inches. The young branches have a smooth silver-gray bark, by which it can be distinguished in Winter from the other species. The leaves are quite large, 6 to 8 inches broad, deep green above, and with a silver-white down underneath. 3. Southern Linn. (T. pubescens, Ait.) — This is confined to the Lower Districts of the Southern States, choosing cool fertile soils npon the borders of swamps and rivers. It is 40 <»r 50 feet high, resembling No. 1, of whieh it may be only a variety. The leaves are 2 to 4 inches broad, shaped as in No. 1, the edges with fewer and more distant teeth than in No. 2, and with a rusty, thin, van- ishing down on the underside. Sour Wood, Sorrel Tree. (Oxydendrum arboreum, DC.) — This extends from Pennsylvania southward, especially along the mountain valleys. In our Lower District it is rare, not uncommon in the Middle, but is most abundant in the' lower parts of the Mountains. It is usually a small tree, but in some localities, as on the upper waters of the Catawba, it attains a height of 50 or 60 feet, and a diameter of 12 or 15 inches. The wood is of no value. The leaves, which are not unlike those of the Peach, are acid like 80 THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Sorrel, from whence its names are derived. These, in the absence of Sumach, are sometimes used for dyeing wool of a black color. The small flowers, about the size and form of those of our swamp Huckleberry, are in large loose clusters, which hang in profusion over the branches with somewhat of a plume-like grace, and make this tree one of the ornaments of our woods. Loblolly Bay. (Gordonia Lasianthus. Linn.) — This pretty tf belonging to the family of the CaiidUas. belongs within the range of the LoiKj-ltdciJ J'hte, and is there confined, I think, to the branch-swamps and bays within 100 miles of the coast. It is from 50 to 70 feet high, with a diameter of IS to 24 inches. When young, it is of a fine pyramidal form; but with age the branches spread irregularly, and the top, owing possibly to the brittleness of the wood, seems subject to early decay. The leaves are evergreen, with sharply toothed edges. The flowers are about 2 inches broad, white, and somewhat fragrant, and young trees in blossom are very attractive. The wood is of r< sy hue, of fine texture and silky lustre, but is light and brittle, and subject to rapid decay, unless kept perfectly dry. The bark is valuable for tanning, but is not abundant enough for extensive use. The fruit is a small, dry, woody capsule. 4 to £ inch long. Snow Drop Tree. (Halesia tetraptera. Linn.i — Found but a short distance beyond the northern line of this State. In our Lower District it is very sparingly distributed. In the Middle District I have not seen it east of Surry and Mecklenburg, but from thence westward to Cherokee it is not uncommon along water courses, especially above that part of their course where they are generally turbid. It is ordinarily a small tree, from 10 to 25 feet high ; but upon some of our mountain streams it acquires nearly double the-e dimensions. It is not of handsome form; but its clusters of white bell-shaped flowers (similar to those of the garden Snow Drop) about half an inch long, give it an aspect of much beauty when in blossom. I have never seen it in cultivation, but it deserves a conspicuous place in the cool moist parts of ornament- ed grounds. The fruit is greenish and slightly juicy when young, becoming dry. /It has 4 winged angles, is about 14 incL with a bonv nut ins-ide. THE TREES OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 81 Planer Tree. (Planera aquatica, Gmel.)— This tree, closely re- lated to the Elm and the Haekberty, is rare in the Atlantic States and unknown north of the Cape Fear River. From thence south- ward it is found on the borders of streams and swamps, and may verv easily be mistaken, at a little distance, for the Hornbeam. It is from 20 to 40 feet high, and 8 to 15 inches in diameter. The wood is said to be hard and strong, but is too rare with us to be of any use. The leaves are about 1£ inch long, and mnch like those of our 8maU4eavsd Elm. The flowers are in a small, round green- ish cluster about the size of small Peas and appearing before the leaves. The fruit is a nut covered with warty scales, quite small. THE SHRUBS OF IN" O 3F1. T H-O AROLiINA. Under tins head will be included those woody plants which do not'ordinarily exceed 20 feet in height, whatever may be their form. So many of these are without names, and there is such a variety in their fruits or seed-vessels, that I can not make so intel- ligible an arrangement of them for popular use. as I have done for the Trees. Still, I hope that most of them, and all that are of any importance, can be identified without much difficulty. They will be arranged, like the Trees, according to the character of their fruit, under the two primary divisions of the Fl> ..>•/ bony seeds. 1. Soajblet Haw. (Crataegus coccinea, Linn.) — Grows in the Middle and Upper Districts, 6 to 1^ feet high, with stout thon and -1 inches long. The leaves are smooth and thin, about l' inches g and broad, cut into several small segments <.n each Bide. The fruit i> bright red, \ inch or more long, and eatable. 2. \V \-iii.\oio.\ Tii.iun. ( ( '. cordate, Ait.) — I have seen this on- ly in the Middle District It is a very beautiful shrub when in blossom, bs may be Been on the Cape Fear near Averysboro' in May. It is from 1" to 20 feet high, the thorns about 'l indies long, and rather slender. The leave- are 2 ;m »» 1 •"> inches long, cut it. divisions Bomewhat like those of the Red Maple. The fru bright crimson, about \ inch long. THE SHRUBS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. &S 3. Parsley-leavkd Haw. (C. apiifolia, Michx.) — This, so close- ly resembling the Hawthorn of England, is found in the Lower and Middle Districts. The leaves are about 1 inch long, and much cut up into small divisions, from which this handsome shrub or small tree derives its name, and by which it is easily distinguished from all the other species. The fruit is red and about \ inch long. 4. Cockspur Thorn. (C. Crus-galli, Linn.) — The most abundant of our Thorns or Haws, and found in all the Districts. It is 10 or 20 feet high and armed with sharp thorns 2 inches or more long. The leaves are about 2 inches long, rather thick and stiff, shining green above, somewhat tapering from the upper part downward, and toothed above the middle. The fruit is red, about £inch long. This is our best species for hedging. But it should be remember- ed, that none answers well if left at random to an upward growth, and is not well laid and so regularly trimmed, or cut in, as to take a lateral growth and to branch freely near the ground. 5. Black Thorn. (C. tomentosa, Linn.) — A shrub or small tree in the Middle and Upper Districts, with large clusters of flowers, which are £ inch or more broad, and a round or pear-shaped, edi- ble fruit, which is orange-red and about § inch long. The leaves are 3 to 5 inches long, of an oval or oblong form, iinely toothed and sometimes cut at the summit, somewhat hairy on the under- side, ami more or less furrowed along the veins above. There is a form of this (var: punctata, Gray,) very common on the tops of our Mountains, with the leaves smaller, more narrowed towards the base, and the furrows on the upper surface deeper, and the veins more prominent beneath. The fruit is round, yel- low ish or dull red, sprinkled with whitish dots. feet high, and the leaves slightly hairy or smooth, and green on both sides. It is found throughout the State. The root of this is slightly astrin- gent, and is a popular remedy for diarrhoea* 2. Low It&ACKBKRRY. (It. cuneifolius, Pnrsh.) — Common in old fields and by road-sides in the Lower and Middle Districts, 2 to 4 feet high, the leaves white and downy beneath. Smaller in all parts than No. 1, the berries generally sweeter. 3. Dewberry. (R. trivialis, Michx.) — Generally well known under this name, but most abundant in the Middle District. This is a trailing species with smooth green leaves, growing mostly in dry soils, and with larger, sweeter fruit than the preceding. 4. Swamp Blackberry. ( R. hispidus, Linn.) — A prostrate species like the preceding, found in the mountain swamps, but ever}' way more delicate, with thinner leaves, and with weak prickles that hardly deserve the name. Fruit black, small and sour. 5. Black or Pi bple Raspberry. (R. ocoidentalis, Linn.) — Growl on the borders of woods and in thickets through the Middle Dis- trict. The fruit is very pleasant but rather dry, and much inferior to the cultivated species. 6. Flowkiuno Rasi'uekuy. (R. odoratus, Linn.) — Found only in the Mountains along rivulets and in cool shaded ravines. This is without prickles, but. is covered with clammy hairs, is 4 or 5 feet high, and has leaves 6 or 7 inchee long, divided into about 5 short THE SHRUBS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 89 segments. The flowers are quite ornamental, about 2 inches broad and looking like a small single Kose. The fruit is broad, red and dry, but pleasant flavored. 1. Swamp Rose. (Rosa Carolina, Linn.) — This is from 3 to 6 feet high, is generally confined to low damp grounds, and has stout hooked prickles. 2. Wild or Dwarf Rose. (R. lucida, Ehrh.)— Generally prefers dry soils, and is found in all the Districts. It is about half the size of No. 1, has the leaves shining on the upper side, and has straight prickles, which will distinguish it from the preceding. 3. Sweet Brier. (R. rubiginosa, Linn.) — Extensively naturalized along roads and about settlements, especially in the Middle Dis- trict, and easily recognized by the pleasant fragrance derived from the rusty colored glands on the underside of the leaves. This is sometimes known as the Eglantine. 4. Cherokee Rose. (R. laevigata, Michx.)— Cultivated in the Lower and Middle Districts, often trained over fences, and, if well managed, serves well for hedging. It is remarkable for its smooth dark evergreen leaves and white single flowers. It is singular that the native region of this Rose is unknown. 1. Elder. (Sambucus Canadensis, Linn.) — There is no portion of the State, except the higher parts of the Mountains, where this shrub is not found. Its leaves are smooth and its berries dark pur- ple. The inner bark is of popular use in ointments for sores. An infusion of the leaves is sometimes used for expelling insects from vines, &c. An infusion of the dried flowers is a domestic remedy for colds. The ripe berries afford a delicate test for detecting acids and alkalies. 2. Red Berrdsd Elder. (S. pubens, Michx.) — Grows only on the higher Mountains above the range of the preceding, from which it is at once distinguished by its red berries and the downy underside of its leaves. It belongs chiefly to a high latitude. 1. Black Haw. (Viburnum prunifolium, Linn.) — Common in rather dry rich soils from the coast to the lower part of the Upper District, 8 to 15 feet high, handsome when in flower. The blos- soms are small, white, in flat •clusters, which are two or three inches 7 THi OF NORTH-CAROLINA. id, and destitute of a common stem. The leaves, 1 or 2 inches ding above. The fruit is about half an md eatable. 8.] . V. nudum. Linn, i — B ..liar range with 1, and grows in cold - grounds, 6 to \'i feet high. The flower clusters in this are supported on a short common stem. The ire larger and of thicker texture than in the former, dull green above, and covered with rusty scales beneath. The fruit is a deep blue. In the Mountains I have heard this called 6 There is a form of this ( var : angustifolum.) with smaller, narrower and brighter leaves, which I have met with in Henderson County. 3. . Walt — A shrub or small tree, growing on the banks of streams, bat not common in this State. The leaves are 1 inch long, rather thick, smooth, broader at the upper end. and faintly toothed. The flower clusters are without a general stem. The fruit is black. ■4. Sheep-Beery. I V. Lentago, Linn.) — Found only in the Moun- tains, 10 or U gh. The leaves are rather thin, 3 or 4 inches long, smooth, with a tapering point, sharply toothed, tbeii and middle nerve beneath, together with the flower branches. - ^,:.kled with rust}- atoms. The fruit is first red, then bluish-black. and is eatable when fully ripe. .". ::ow-W(->od. (V. dentatum, Linn.) — Grows in low grounds of the Lower and Middle Districts, but is not very common. It is 8 to 12 feet high, with ash-colored bark, and by the flowers and fruit would be at once recognized as belonging to the - _ -nu:- as Nos. 1 and 2. The leaves are roundish, 2 or 3 inches long, coarsely and sharply toothed, thin and smooth, the lateral v quite straight, and deeply in.. The fruit is roui. and deep blue, and slightly rough. The young straight branches of this were used by the Indians for making arrows. V. pul Bacons, Push.) — Very similar to Xo. 5, but smaller, 3 or 4 feet high, the underside of the leave- downy, and growing only in the rocky soil of the Mountains. 7. Maple-l:- V. acerifoliurn, Linn.) — A shrub 2 to 5 feet high, found in the Mountains and on rocky of the Middle District, as low down as Orange, with leaves 3 or 4 inches long, shaped like those of a The berries are whi THIS SHRUBS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 91 becoming purplish-black. The slender stems, by removing the pith, make good fuse-sticks for blasting, and will serve equally well for blasts of tobacco-smoke. 8. Hobble-Bush. Tangle-Legs. (V. lantanoides, Michx.) — A small straggling shrub found in cold damp places in the Mountains. The branches spread upon the ground, and, taking root at their ends, form well secured loops for tripping the feet of inexperienced way-farers ; a habit which has been revenged upon by the unlucky, in the names imposed upon it of American Way-fairer 's Tree and the DeviVs Shoe-strings. The leaves are 3 to 6 inches broad, heart- shaped, very veiny, the underside having a rusty down. The ber- ries are first crimson, then black. The flowers on the margin of the broad clusters of this species are very large (b} T abortion,) like those of the well known Snow-ball of our Gardens, which is a spe- cies (V. Opulus,) of this genus. Prickly Ash. (Aralia spinosa, Linn.) — Found in tolerably rich soil from the coast to Cherokee, but not very abundant in any locality. It is seldom 20 feet high with us, and is remarkable for its straight, club-shaped, prickly stem or trunk, with the compound leaves spreading like those of a Palm from its summit. An iufusion of the fresh bark of the root is emetic and cathartic, and is em- ployed, as are also the berries, in spirituous infusion, in rheumatic affections. These are thought by some to be also a valuable remedy for the bite of a Rattlesnake. Privet. (Ligustrum vulgare, Linn.) — Occasionally naturalized about settlements. Berries black. This is suited for low hedges. 1. Spice Bush. (Benzoin odoriferum, Nees.) — Known also as Spice Wood, Wild Allspice, and Fever Bush. Grows in damp woods throughout the State, and, wherever found, known under one or other of these names. It is a strongly scented shrub, smooth, 3 to 6 feet high, with dark red berries, and leaves 3 or 4 inches long. An infusion of the twigs is sometimes used in country fevers, and for sickly cattle in the Spring. 2. (B. melisssefolium, Nees.) — Belongs to the Lower aud Middle Districts in low grounds and on the borders of shallow ponds, 2 or 3 feet high, leaves silky on both sides,.! or 2. inches long, slightly 92 THE BHKUB8 OF NORTH-CAROLINA. heart-shaped, berries red. I am indebted to Dr. McRee and Prof. Mitchell tor my knowledge of this species. Pokd Bush. tTetranthera gcniculata, Xees.) — Occupies small ponds in the Lower District, giving a gray smoky aspect to these localities. It is rarely met with in the lower part of the Middle District. It is 10 or 15 feet high, with smooth, zigzag branches, and small oval leaves, -t to 1 inch long, and red berries. This and the genus next preceding are closely related to the v. and, like it, has small yellowish flowers which appear before the leaves. Llathkk-wood. (Dirca palustris, Linn.) — "Widely diffused over the country, but in this State occuring sparingly upon shaded rivu- lets in the Middle and Upper Districts. It is 3 to 5 feet high, and the branches have such a tough and pliable bark that they make excellent ligatures, for which they were used by the Indians, and from which the shrub derives its name. The fruit is a small red- dish berry. Carolina Buckthorn. (Frangula Caroliniana, Gray.; — A thorn- less shrub, 4: to 6 feet high, belonging to moderately fertile soils in the Middle and Lower Districts, but rare in the latter. The leaves -are 3 or 4 inches long, 1 or 2 wide, dark green, smooth and shining, and ribbed with very straight parallel veins. The berry is black- ish, of the size of a small pea. 1. Sumach. (Rhus copallina, Linn.) — Very common throughout the State, usually 6 to 10 feet high, sometimes a small tree 15 feet high, readily distinguished by its common leaf-stem being margin- ed or winged between the leaflets. The crimson hairs on the ber- ries possess a strong acid, (said to be Malic,) an infusion of which, witii sugar, makes an agreeable cooling beverage, and, without •sugar, is a very useful gargle for weak or sore throats. _'. Smooth Sumaoh. (R. glabra, Linn.) — This is 6 to 10 feet high, growing in the Middle and Upper Districts, and is remarkably smooth in all its parts. A milky juice issues from the wounded bark. The large clusters of red fruit are more compact than in No. 1, having an acid secretion as in that. The branches and leaves are. astringent, and are used for tanning. THE SHRUBS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 93 3. Stagiiorn Sumach. (R. typliina, Lion.)— Belongs to the Up- per District, 10 to 20 feet high, the branches and flower stalks densely and rather softly hairy, somewhat like a Deer's horn " in the velvet." The leaflets are narrow and tapering. The bark issues a milky juice, and the berries are acid, as in No. 2. The wood is orange colored and aromatic. The bark and branches are used for tanning. The large clusters of purple fruit, and a line foliage, render this species quite ornamental. 4. Dwarf Sumach. (R. pumila, Michx.) — This has a general resemblance to No. 3, especially in the dense hairiness of the young branches, but the leaflets in this are much shorter, broader and more coarsely toothed, and the plant is only 1 to* 3 feet high, mostly spreading over the ground. It is rather rare, but occurs in the Lower and Middle Districts, especial!}' in Mecklenburg, where it was originally discovered by the elder Michaux. Pursh has repre- sented it as being very poisonous, but it is perfectly harmless, as are all the preceding species. 5. Poisox Sumach. (E. venenata, DC.) — Found in all the Dis- tricts in cool swampy situations, where it is somewhat conspicuous by its smooth green bark and pink-colored leaf-stems. To most persons it is exceedingly poisonous, some even being affected by proximity to it, especially while rain or dew is evaporating from it. Others, however, can handle it with safety. The juice of this is a good varnish, like that of the Japan Sumach, (R. vernicifera,) which is a very similar, and was once supposed to be the same species. 6. Poison Oak. (R. Toxicodendron, Linn.) — A small shrub, 1 or 2 feet high, well known by this name from the coast to the low- er part of the Upper District. It is less poisonous than No. 5, but is too mischievous to be meddled with by persons who are sensitive to this class of poisons. The juice is an indelible Ink upon linen. It has been stated very positively in some quarters, that the dreaded disease, known in our Mountains and at the West by the name of Milk ^'/'ckness, is caused by the cattle eating of this Poison Oak. But our Lower and Middle Districts abound in this plant, where this disease is not now heard of, while in those portions of the Mountains where cattle are affected with it, and which I have examined with special reference to ascertaining its origin, this 94 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. plant is not found, nor any other poisonous plant which is not common elsewhere. Besides, it is well known that cattle do not take the disease if kept from those grounds till the dew has evap- orated. Its cause is vet a mystery, bnt I am satisfied it is telluric. The Mo\ / - or Winiergreen, (Gaultheria procuml Linn.) so well known in the Mountains, rarely in the other Districts, for its aromatic spicy leaves and berries, is an evergreen shrub, so small that it would not generally be considered such. The next two genera have a fleshy it too large to come under the class rries. They are well known by their names. 1. Papaw. (Asimina triloba, Dunal.) — Xot uncommon in rich bottom lands of the Middle District. 10 to 15 feet high, but in the primitive s< »il of the "Western States sometimes 30 feet. The tb'V are dull dark-purple, over an inch wide. The fruit is about 3 inches long by 14- thick, yellow, and filled with a soft sweet pulp which is edible, but does not seem to be agreeable to most persons. The bark of the trunk and root exhales a very heavy unpleasant odor. The wood is remarkably light and spongy. -. Dwarf Papaw. (A pan iflora. Dunal.) — A small shrub simi- lar to No. 1. but smaller every way. found in waste grounds in the er District, and in thin woods of the Middle and lower part of the Upper District. It is from 2 to 5 feet high, the leaves 4 to 6 inches long, (about half the size of the preceding.) the gree; purple flowers | inch long and of unpleasant odor. Fruit in clus- . about an inch long. -;t Batoni .. Yucca aloifolia, Linn.) — A native of the coast from North-Carolina southward, frequently cultivated in the er District, ami very Bhowy when capped by of white bell-shaped flowers. It is 4 to S feet high, its - leaves (12 or 1 v incl tipped with a very sharp thorny point, and their edges very rough. 2. (Y. gl >riosa, Lii on the sandy coasf, similar-to the preceding, hut smaller, ami the le; ith on the ed 3. Bear Grass. rel. A decoction of the leaves is a domestic remedy for cutaneous diseases in man and beast. 3. (K. cuneata. Michx.) — Similar to the Wicky, found in the Lower District, but very rare. It may be distinguished from that by the flowers being white at top and red at bottom, and by the 100 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH-CABOLINA. leaves being scattered along the branches, instead of growing in circles of three, as in No. 2. Sand Mtbtlb. (Leiophyllum bnxifolium, Ell.) — A small ever- green Bhrub, 6 to 12 inches high, looking somewhat like the Garden Boat, with small, dark green leaves, and small white flowers clus- tered on the ends of the branches. It grows in sandy woods of Brunswick county, and on the rocky summits of our Mountains, from the Grandfather to Whiteside. Falsi-; II hath. (Mcnziesia globularis, Salisb.) — Common on the higher Mountains, 3 to 6 feet high, with thin, hairy, deciduous leaves, and small, reddish, bell-shaped flowers, like those of a Huckleberry, and a small, woody seed-vessel, like those of Andro- meda, &c. 1. White Alder. Sweet Pepper Bush. (Clethra alnifolia, Lino.) Grows near damp place? in the Lower and Middle Districts, 2 to 4 feet high. The leaves are a little like those of the common Aid r. but are smaller and narrower. The flowers are small, white, and very fragrant, terminating the branches in racemes which are 2 or 3 inches long. A form of this (var. tomentosa,) has leaves with a white, down (in the underside. 2. Mountain Peppee Btjsh. (0. acuminata, Michx:) — Quite an ornamental bhrub, 10 to 15 feet high, growing in the Mountains from Ashe to Cherokee. Its leaves are thin, pointed, tine-toothed, and 5 or C> inches long. The racemes of white flowers are larger than in No. 1, and drooping. (Itea Virginica, Linn.) — At a little distance this has some n blance to the White Alder, but with a smoother aspect, and the flowers are not fragrant. It belongs to the borders of wet places from t lie coast to Lincoln, is 4 to 8 feet high, and lias small white flowers in drooping racemes, which are 3 to 5 inches long on the ends of the branches. 1. Wild Hydrangea. (Hydrangea arborescens, Linn.) — A smooth shrub, ~ to 5 feet high, growing along streams and on mountain and hill sides of the Upper and Middle Districts. The THE SHRUBS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 101 leaves are 3 to 5 inches long, heart-shaped, pointed, toothed. The flowers are whitish, in flat-topped clusters, some of those on the margin being large and showy like those of the cultivated Hy- drangea. 2. Snowy Hydrangea. (H. radiata, Walt.) — Found only on the mountains west of the Blue Ridge from Yancey to Georgia. North of this, it has not, I think, been detected. It is from S to 6 or 8 feet high. The leaves are heart-shaped, 4 to 6 inches long, the underside clothed with a thick, silvery-white down. Th-e barren flowers, which give this genus the peculiarity for which it is ad- mired, are in this species found only around the border of the flat- topped cluster, but are said to become much more abundant in cultivation. They are of a pure white, an inch or more broad. This pretty shrub would be much prized in gardens, if there were not some more showy species in cultivation. 1. Syringa. (Philadelphia grandiflorus, Willd.) — This very or- namental shrub, now common in our yards and gardens, prized for its graceful, slender branches, and snow-white flowers, does not appear to be abundant in this State. 1 am acquainted with but a single locality of it, which is in Hickory Xut Gap ; though it is doubtless to be found along other streams in the upper part of the State. It is. 6 to 10 feet high, the leaves about 2 inches long, pointed, with few distant teeth, rather soft and hairy, and tasting somewhat like Cucumbers. The flowers are an inch or more broad. 2. Rough Syringa. (P. hirsutus, Xutt.) — Every way smaller than Xo. 1, the leaves quite rough on the upper side and whitish- downy beneath. This grows on the French Broad River, a few miles below Asheville. 1. Mock Orange. (Styrax grandifolia, Ait.) — A very beautiful shrub, 3 to 12 feet high, with rather large leaves, 3 to 6 inches long, and of a grayish aspect from the presence of a whitish down on their underside. The flowers are from 15 to 20 on loose nod- ding racemes, white, very fragrant, in size and form very similar to those of the Orange. It grows on light rich soils in the Lower and Middle Districts, as far west as Lincoln. This is well worthy of a place in shrubberies, but has received but little attention. 102 THE BHBT7B8 OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 2. (S. Americana, Lam.) — Distinguished from No. 1 by its smooth i leaves, 1 or 2 inches long> and smaller flowers, only 3 or 4 on a raceme. It is 4 to 8 feet high, not inelegant, but of inferior beauty to the other, and grows on the borders of swamps in the Lower District. 1. Bush Bonkysuoklh; (I)iervilla tritida, Msench.) — A small, rather delicate shrub, 3 to 5 feet high, with pointed toothed leares which are 3 or 4 inches long, and have short footstalks. The flow- ers are in clusters of (generally) 3 in the forks of the upper leaves, nish yellow, and funnel-shaped, like those of the Woodbine. This is found only in the. Mountains. 2. (D. sessililblia, Buckley.) — Like the preceding, but larger in Beveral particulars, and the leaves elasp the branches, being desti- tute of a footstalk. Found in the Mountains. 1. Stbawbeeky Bush. (Euonymus Americanus, Linn.) — A shrub •J to 5 feet high, found in all the Districts and known by the names of Jiurnhuj Bush, FiehrWOoA and Buratmg Heart, besides the one first given. The branches are square, straight but flexible, very smooth, and about as green as the leaves. The flowers are small, purplish or greenish, and unattractive. The fruit gives the plant a peculiar beauty, for which chiefly it is prized in Shrubberies. This is of a bright crimson color when mature, and covered with small warts which give it somewhat the aspect of a small Strawberry. This finally bursts open exposing its bright scarlet seeds. 2. JjuuMxo Bush. (E. atropurpureus, Jacq.) — Every way larger than the preceding, its flowers dark-purple, and the fruit smooth. I have not met with it, and am indebted to Prof. .Mitchell for my knowledge of it as an inhabitant of this State. (Stillingia ligustrina, Michx.) — A shrub with slender spreading branches, G to 12 feet high, very rare in this State, and not found, I think, north of Cape Fear River. The leaves are 1 to 3 inches long, not toothed, the upper end obtuse, tapering at the lower end, and with a short footstalk. For my knowledge of this plant I am under obligations to Dr. McEee. The Tallow Tret (S. sebifera,) cultivated farther south, and the Queen's Delight, (S. sylvatica.) an herbaceous plant of the Fine barrens, are members of this genus. THE SHRUBS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 103 1. (Stnartia Virgimca, Cav.)— This and the Loblolly Bay are the only representatives in this country of the admired Camellia family, and the still more important Tea Plank. It is one of our most beautiful shrubs, and yet has nowhere, so far as I know, obtained a popular name. It is found in rich soils in the eastern half of our Lower District, extending north into Lower Virginia, and south- ward to Florida. It is to 15 feet high, blossoming in April and May. The flowers are white, about the size of the Cherokee Rose, silkv on the outer side, covered on the inner with a circle of sta- mens with bright purple filaments and blue anthers. 2. (S. pentagyna, L'Her.) — Like the preceding, without a name. It is similar to the preceding, only its flowers are cream-colored and its staminate filaments are white. Found in the Middle and Upper Districts, from Wake to Cherokee. The seed vessel in these two is an ovoid woody capsule. Toothache Tree. (Zanthoxylum Carolinianum, Lam.) — Known also by the names of PeUitory and PriekH/y Ash. The last name, though more legitimate in this application, is generally appropriat- ed in this State to another plant before described. It is a small branching tree, 12 to 20 feet high, the old bark covered with prick- les, and peculiar to the southern sea coast. The bark, leaves and fruit, are aromatic and intensely pungent, producing a rapid secre- tion of saliva, and are a popular and useful application for tooth- ache. They would probably be generally serviceable as a counter irritant. 1. Hardhack. (Spiraea tomentosa, Linn.) — An erect branching- pretty shrub, 2 or 3 feet high, common in low wet places of the Lower and Middle Districts, and the lower part of the Upper. The leaves are 1 to li inch long, oblong, coarse toothed, the under- side coated with a rusty-white down. The flowers are rose-colored, small, clustered on the ends of the branches in a compound raceme 3 or 1 inches long. 2. Queen of the Meadow. (S. salicifolia, Linn.) — This is similar to No. 1, and sometimes called Aleadoio Sweet, but is taller and the flowers generally white. The leaves are larger, smoother and thinner. It belongs to damp bushy places in the Middle District, and in valleys and along streams in the lower part of the Upper, 104: TIIE SHRUBS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. S. pulifolia. Linn.)— This is found upon river bank- in tlie western part of the State, 6 to 10 feet high, with slender curved branches, often spreading like a vii, -her shrubs, and covered with a profusion of flat clusters of small, white, but not showy flowers. Leaves about 2 inches long arid broad, divided into 3 segments and coarsely toothed. The reddish fruit ombranaceous, composed of 3 to 5 sacs united at base. The ark peels off in thin layers, : ow Root. (Zanthorhiza apiifolia, L'Her. > — A small shrubby plant. 1 or i' t high, g rally spreading on the ground, found on moist rocky hill-sides of the Middle and L'pper Districts. The leaves are dark green -and divided somewhat like those of Parsley. The flowers are small, dark purple, in loose slender clusters, ap- iring before the leaves. The roots are intensely bitter, of a vellow color, and were be the Indians in making a yellow •dye. mothus Americanus, Linn.)— Common in dry : jm the coast to the mountaius, 1 to 3 feet high, and the ends of the numerous small branches having loose clusters il Or 2 inches long,) of small white flowers supported on white footstalks. The leave:- are 1 or 2 inches long, sharply toothed, and have 3 pro- minent veins. The root is dark red and quite astringent, aud is frequently used in infusion, tincture, or powder, where astringency quired. It is said also to furnish a dye of a cinnamon color. The dried leaves served as a substitute for Tea during the Revolu- tion, and hence g»t the name of y ■ ./■ ' ■ - -dd to be quite as good as some of the Black Teas. 1. Indigo B unorpha fruticosa, Linn./ — A very pretty shrub. 6 to 15 feet high, growing upon streams in all the Districts, but more frequent in the Lower. The flowers are small, dark-pur- ple, crowded on spikes which are 3 or 4 inches long and clustered together. It is said to have been nsed for the manufacture of In- but, I imagine, with not much profit. i. Dwarf Indigo Bush.