* Qernert Bros. Lumber Co. \ 988 LOLISVILLE, KV.. I -^ \ No. T^OO jtjiji PLEASE DO NOT DEFACE. ." ._ ,. . ^ t.^OttOE)t BT NUHUI MLT. ^ 7 Um Fif tirM I* prdcraoct U .y SuK M.<>..r».«rt«. QERNEItT BROS.'Lt'MBER CO DO aOT i.o*ti oa aiva tmis •ook awtT i* tou M«va ao »i««i1k« MSa PMI KIHOLT ■■ruMB IT TO V% SMO o«i.>*« "\1,-^. The NCSU Libraries North Carolina State University This book was presented by William A. Jackson ^^^ir^T-m^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from NGSU Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/lumberlathsdoorsOOgern '^L^^.^T^^K^ '^^^jW^/^^5'^5^^/" "Jibe past." 'tibc jfuture. A^^ti>-^<^ C^ f'^a^ £/^^iP£CA FRED GERNERTpres. P.C.CERNERTV.PRE5. cable address gernlum." use the " lumbermans," 'manufacturers EXP0RT"AND "a. B. C." telegraph CODES. J.WCERNERTcEN.MCR. FRANK ROTH sec.&tbeas. J^\ V' NCORPORATED ^^//ff^ &>* louisviltLte;, k.y. u.s-a. LUMBER LATHS DOORS SASH BUNDS MOULDING ; h'-^'i \ ^ ASD (> INTERIOR FINISH ^H ? EXTERIOR FINISH t-'t - ' BRACKETS -s^-^-se r SAWED AND TURNED ^;^^t_ ' WORK ^ninniniiii PRE55ED WOOD ORNAMENTS ETC. Ic,%- 'iS^- v"i rr COPYRIGHTED. Bstcrcd. iccordiof to the Act of Confrw. in thr yr«r of oar Lord On* Tbonund Eifht liuBdred and Niorty-Ei(bi. ^f Pscn OEUXsar, in the office ol the Ubrmriaa of Coocrcv. •! Wa>htn(ton. D. C. All righu rcwrrrd. TO THE Progressive Architects and Builders OF THE Falls Cities and the South. TO THE MEMORY OF Henry G. van Seggern, That Master Builder, whose genius and si- to hold the order until all the goods are ready, as the two cars must go forward at the same lime. In cases where delivered prices prevail, we are not to be held responsible for the safe delivery of the goods, but are chargeable only for the actual amount of freight according to rate named in our Bill of Lading, which amount may be deducted from our invoice, and the same is not subject to discount. Our responsibility ceases after delivering goods in good order to the Railroad or Transportation Company. We do not quote prices delivered on less than car-load shipments. All claims for overcharges on freights must be made on the Transportation Company, and we shall not be held liable for such claims. It is l)est not to pay the freight in ca.ses where the Delivering Agent demands more than the inserted rate in Bill of Lading, until such overcharge is corrected. Where this is impossible, however, a duplicate freight receipt should l>e demanded for the purpose of making a claim on the General Freight Agent, at the point where the shipment originated. When packages are not in good condition at point of delivery, such fact should be noted by the Freight Agent on his receipt. Should a shii)nicnt go astray, make a claim on the Transportation Company for the amount of the invoice accompanied b\ the Bill of Lading, the same as when making claim for overcharges. Rates are most favorable when gof)ds are shipped "Owner's ri.sk," and unle.ss instructed to the contrary, we ship at buyer's risk. Orders from "Prepay" stations roust be accompanied by the amount necessary to pay the freight. Shipments are not insured unless the order states specifically so to do. In case a mistake occurs in a shipment, advise us immee loaded by us are handled at customer's risk. j^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. IT^ow to ®r6er. Upon receipt of an order we furnish all or such portion of it as we ma}- have in stock, and the remainder as soon as it can be turned out of the Factor5', unless otherwise directed. Orders for "Special" or "Odd" work can not be altered or cancelled after the work is under wa}-. Many dealers believe that the term " Stock Goods " covers everything listed in a price sheet or catalogue. We carry in stock all ordinary Louisville styles and sizes and many more, but there is no factory in the country which carries ALL the stock listed in the Universal price sheet, or Catalogue. We reserve the right to fill all .stock orders with styles and patterns as near as those called for, as possible, in cases where we are out of the latter. We also reserve the right to fill all orders not otherwise specified in such kind of wood as we may have in stock or as may be selected bj- our workmen. Work which must go through the Factory involves more or less delay, and if the time be limited it must be so mentioned in the order. Requests for alterations or cancellations must reach us before the work is underway, otherwise the purchaser must pay for the original order. Where special quotations have been agreed upon let your order so state, and never describe an order " Same as Last," but refer to the date of the orders and invoice desired duplicated. In ordering Door, .Sash, Blinds, Glass and "Odd" work always give WIDTH first, HEIGHTH or LENGTH second and THICKNESS last, and give figures preference over scale measurements. GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^^ ^ij^ IF.^ow to 0^^cr flll^ how to lUntc n i6ill for tinnnatc. WINDOW FRAMES. Hindiru' Frames are usually lumished pm up, but it desired we Uiniish them K. I). Knock Down. ) 1 — Give number of lights and size of glass, if regular, and in addition thereto, if the frames are for odd windows, l>e sure to give the width and height outside of sxshes, and state thickness of the latter 2 — State whether your frame is to be for a Single Sash, or a Pair, and whether for Plain Kail Sash ( plank frame ) or for Check Rail Sash ( box frame ) . 3 — If for Circle, Segment or KUiptic head window, or with divisions or other characteristics, give numl)er of design from our Catalogue, or send sketch with order. 4 — State whether for Brick or Frame house. IF FOR BRICK HOUSE state: 6 — ( Kind of wood u.sed for inside 6nish. [See I, 2, 3 and 4 alx)ve.] IF FOR FRAME HOUSE Btate: 6— (a) Width of studding. {b) With or without lining on outside of studding. (r) Whether finished to grounds or not. (d) With or without casing on outside. {f) Plain or moulded casing on outside. (7 ) If cap over frame is wanted, give our Catalogue number. (c) If top sash is smaller than bottom sash, state whether or not a top pocket is required for bottom sa.sh to slide into. [.See I, 2, 3 and 4 alx»ve.] P. S. — Unless otherwise specified we put on square hanging stiles and use the ctlebrate . 2 — For paint or oil finish. 3 — Number of panels and how arranged or give Catalogue number. 4 — If Moulded, state flush mold ( F. M. ) or raised mold i R. M. ), and state whether one or both sides are to be moulded and how each side is to be finished. SASH DOORS state: 6 — (a) If open or glazed. (6) Kind of lights and number of glass. (<•) If Marginal or other divisions give our Catalogue number or sketch. 6— If Circle Head i C. H.), Segment Head (S. H.) or Klliptic Head send .sketch and give radius. If square Head with Circle, Segment, or Elliptic panels or lights send sketch giving arrangement of same. [See I. ;, 3 and 4 above.] STORE DOORS state: 7 — (a) Single or double thicknt-- ( />) How finished on outside, (r) Heighth to top of lock rail. [iee I. 2, .■?, 4, 5 and 6 above.] SHOW FRONTS ^ve: 1 — Width, heighth and thickness iiKliuliiig paiit-ls l>elow and transom above if required. 2 — Thickness of sill and heights of panels, and how finished, on one or both sides. 3 — Thickness and width of transom bar. 4 — Sketch or Catalogue nural)er giving number of lights, and how arranged. 5 — Open or glazed and kind of glass. 6 — If sash only are wanted, give out.side measure and thickness. j^ ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. JSlinbe, Outside Blinds are designated "O. B." Inside Blinds are designated "I. B." Stationary Slats are designated "S. S." Rolling Slats are designated " R. S." A Pair of Blinds indicates 2 pieces. A Set of Blinds indicates more than 2 pieces. A Blind indicates one piece. 1 — Give number of lights and size of glass, if regular, and outside measurement if odd. • 2— Thickness. OUTSIDE BLINDS O. B. 3— («) Mention kind of Slats S. S. or R. S. (b) Single or in Pairs. (c) For large and Mullion Windows give number of folds. [See I and 2 above.] Regular stock consists of i '3 inch R. S. and i-'s inch S. S. Panel Blinds and half panel and half slats, or % R. S. and }< S, S. are all odd, and must be explicitly ordered. INSIDE BLINDS I. B. 4 — (a) Give number of folds. (d) Full width and heighth of Blinds. (c) If all Panels (No. 5,962), or ^i Panel and '< Slats (No. 5,961). If required otherwise give Catalogue number or send sketch. ((/) For paint or oil finish. [See I and 2 above.] Our regular stock consists of four fold, 'g-inch thick, made to cut twice, once at meeting rail and once between meeting rail and bottom rail of Sash. We carry in stock, solid panels No. 5,962 and ^4 Panel and '+ Slats vertical rolling (No. 5,961.) jlls ^^ GEF^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO., 0^ jf^ 'LUl^^o\v5 an^ Saeb. A Window and a Pair of Sash is one and the same thing, but while a Pair of Sash is composed of two pieces each containing the same number and size of lights, a Window may embrace two or more Sash, and each may contain lights varying in size and number. A sash indicates one piece. .\ Set of Sa.sh indicates more than two pieces. 1 — Give number of lights and size of glass, if regular, but if your Windows are odd, be sure to give width and height of Frames in addition to above. 2 — Give thickness. 3 — State if Single Sash, Pairs or Sets. 4 — Plain or check rail. 6 — Open or glazed and kind of glass. 6 — For paint or oil finish. 7 — If for Circle. Sejjment or Elliptic head frames, or if Marginal lights or other di\-isions are wanted give number in our Catalogue, or send sketch. Our regular radius is the width of frame ; if otherwise, give spring line. ' Staiiworh. 1 — Give sketch or Catalogue number of ground plan and elevation. 2 — Give height from top of floor to top of floor. 3 — Give width of second story joist. 4 — Give size and location of well hole. 5 — State where doors or other openings are located, if any, near l>eginning or landing of Stairs, or underneath the same. 6 — Send sketch or Catalogne number of Base used in building. 7 — Should Treads and Ri.sers be housed into wall strings or butted. 8 — Should Treads and Risers be blocked and glued, or plain. 9 — Give Catalogue number of Rail, Newel and Balusters desired. 10 — How finished underneath. 11 — Kind of material wanted. NOTE. — In ca.se you cut your own carriages give number and height of risers and width of treads in the carriages, full length of treads and state if Nosing and Scotia should return on ends. Describe plainly what portion of the Stair you desire us to furnish, and answer question above set forth. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ CROWN MOULDINGS— Full Size. j^^ ^1^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. j^^ fj^ CEO AN MOULDINOS-FuU Size LO UISVILLE. KEN TUCKY, U. S. A. j^ CROWN MOULDINGS— Full Size. 4 ** *% GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ff^ ^^ CAP AND BED MOULDINGS Full Size. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. PANEL AND BASE MOULDINGS— Full Size. GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO I U BAND MOULDINGS Full Size. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. BEADS, ROUND AND SCOTIA— Full Size. GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ^r^ ::^ lSTRAOAL, panel nosing, cap and picture moulds Full Size. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ CAPS— Full Size. »<> jf^. ( GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ffi^ ^jfi^ 4IM 4156 f^ ~~A f^m n 1 n \ ^ c .J G IJ^ jt-t-m: CD /■ H. «>'9 4IH1 CAPS, SHOES AND BEADS FuU Size. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. W/^MMMWW'^' ' 'i' '//mw/A .■^^^^9m9m w '^W////////////////// //,7/A'//////////////.v. i . 1 ''' J&^X ^sst I 'w. '/ y^y^/. yy^/ ^.Z''^/ < r.^^ ^^/-y/^^-^^ ' '■"/ / y/^///''/////////////////»///^. 4204 STRIPS— Full Size. tf^ #S GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., jf^ ^jj^ r\r CASING Full Size. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S, A. CASINGS, STOOLS AND APRONS— Full Size. M_ ^ 4l¥% G^RNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ff^ ^^ ^ STOOLS AND SUBSILLS Full Size. b^wkmkj .k^u k''kw^k^k■.kkkkk^^.' ' i^^mi^m^^MmiJ^miJJJi^^^^ ^-'^^^^^-^^-^^^''''^^^^^-^^^^ .fi^s^^ 4234 BASE— Full Size. i#>» ll^ GEFIHERT BROS. LUMBER CO , j l^ ^^ \ r r \ \ BASE Full Size. \ 424& COMBINED KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ k^^^s^i^^..s,...;.....sU.v..c^^>.^^::^.^^^si.,...i; ,^r^.„ ,?^-^,.,.,.,^l?;.i;. 4251 JAMBS— Full Size. GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO , ^tK -sJI^ r\j C V FRAMES AND CORNER STRIPS Full Size. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 19 4271 CORNER STRIPS AND DRIP CAPS— Full Size. 4..b gUMikkLU FRAMES Full Size. SILLS— Full Size. i GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. fr:*- L/~^, r n n k J C SASH STOCK— Full Size. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ RAILS— Full Size. 24 ^ #S GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^^^ ^^ I ♦jUW^^' L - '■>i 4305 In s ^ RAILS— Full Size. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 25 J ^. < ^ ^ ^' "" ^ xV^ ^ RAILS Full Size. 26 J^ j^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^^a^ j^ \ \ HAND RAILS Full Size. For Other Style* S«e PRf^ea 274. 278. 276. 277. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j#^ 27 'J~ MM IM HJI Ul » PARTITION, CEILING AND SIDING— Full Size. 2S i«^ 1^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^j^ ^ \ U L_.j ~v-^ rv^ p BASE Full Size. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ^9 y-vT 1/^ V>, 4344 CASING— Full Size. ,y':., GE RNERT BROS LUMBER CO.. ^^ ,^ y Z ^^ J •> I CASING Full Sizo. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ASTRAGALS. CORNER BEADS. SHELF EDGES AND CLEATS. r^/ v~\ HOOK STRIPS. 4360 4ic'jK HEARTH STRIPS. ASTRAGALS CLEATS, STRIPS AND CORNER BEADS--Full Size. GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO . ^ft», ^^^ PARTITION FRAMES. IMPOSTS AND TRANSOM BARS— Full Size. ^^^ r^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ( "^ OOOOl 11' d 4385 CAPS, BANDS AND SLIDING DOOR STRIPS— Full Size. 34 ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., f^ fj^ V_^^/ rTHTTT ASTHAOALS AND BANDS Full Size. j^ «^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. jf^ j^^ 35 X "v^^ rv j^ CASING, BASE AND CHAIR RAIL— Full Size •ii^ „«^ GERNFRT BROS LUMBER CO. fMk f^K H02 ■." « I" EMBOSSED MOULDING. These Dasigui can be worked on other Moulding-*. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ 37 4408 „M ^ mi^^^i^^f^^^,<- worked on other Mouldinfr». #K ^% LOUISV ILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. ^^ mmmm^ji^mmMJ 4430 'axll EMBOSSED AND CARVED MOULDING. These Designs can be worked on other Mouldings. 40 1^ ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., j^ gj^ 4431 \^x2 4 4.ti I ." . 1 ^T7 — '^^ " iljiiiiiiri,iiiiiii]iriiTiiiaMiKiii[I u ''''''!!'^lilM 44J4 13-16" . r r/ S'l 44.iH ,■ , S" IH300S nn'lliiMii'ti.iill EMBOSSED EGG AND DAKT MOULDING. Tho«<' DcBi^nB cnn bo worked on other Mouldin^B. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 4447 Mi-.Dia. 4459 §,^^5 ^^ TURNED ROPE AND BEAD MOULDING Split to order. 4- S^^ ::^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO . |^ 9^ /- «4o0 S-.3S" 4464 %•• > 7- 3 ! SJ GENUINE CARVED MOULDINGS. These Desifrn* can be worked on other Moulding. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 43 4467 U"x\'~ 4470 '4"x1?," u 4471 !-4"xI /I N 4472 3-16" x?i" GENUINE CARVED MOULDINGS. These Desig s can be worked on other Mouldings. 44 J^^* iPC% GEF^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO., p^ ^^^ \ «4?b •," I 1^" «4?4 ■,'•« r 44 79 S"«S 4479A H"« S" 4479B\'«m- Hirrri?n -i.r |f. iir sx 44ao r". ■," 4481 3-16" «S" GENUINE CARVED MOULDINGS. These Deiigni can be worked on other Mouldings. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 45 4484 'i"x 1', 4489 li" X 2" 4485 J-lb"x 1" 4486 '„" X 1' 4487 U"x\" 4 4 90 A 5-i6"xI'.r' USU a 5-15"^ I'r GENUINE CARVED MOULDINGS. These Designs can be worked on other Mouldings. OENTJINB CARVED MOULDINGS. Theae I}««i{fna can be worked on other Moulding. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 47 R V 3-lt>' X Mo" 4498 c. GENUINE CARVED MOULDINGS. These Designs can be worked on other Moulding 5-16" X 7-15" 4S GERNFRT BROS. LUMBER CO . 4i0? *«-i4".l6" v,",4"i10- Vi3H"x14" >«"i3"i12- W"«»V"i10" «4"i3"«lH" «S03 '."•3'«"in' «}04 S"«SS"«2«" S"i«S"i30" \"i«(«"i 18v«" ^••i3««"«t2" «»"«2^«". t2" ^••.«">9" 4505 5-l6"«4" I 13s' 4i05 »"x6W*i 2SS" \".5H"i18" »".SS"i13" \"i4s".16" .%" 30' x8" x54 ' 36' x12' xK" 4542 X 2" X «" X 2Kj"xk" X 3" x «" X 3^i"xM" x 4" x «" x 4/3" X Si" X 5" X M" X 6" X M" X 8" X «" X 10" X H" »a44 1" X 2"xM" 1/j"x 3"xM" 2" x 4"xM" 2^4" x 5"xM" 3" X 6" X !i" 4" X 8"xM" 5" xlO"x!-i" 6" x12"xt4" 4545 2" X 2" X U 2V4"x 2V2 ' X il 3" X 3" xH 3/!"x 3!i ' X !* 4547 2" Dia M' 1h. 2H" " M' 3" " y 4" M' 5" M' 6" %' 8" M' 10" >i' 12" ^i' GENUINE CARVED ORNAMENTS. other sizes to order. jjj^ j^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., 451i 2M0"> U"*" GENUINE CARVED ORNAMENTS.— FurniBhed in Compo. if desired. Other sizes to order. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 4561 7"xlO"l| 4560 5!i"x195i" 45g2 8;."x9V2" GENUINE CA.RVED ORNAMENTS.— Furnished in Compo. if desired. other sizes to order. 9l^ ft^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., j^ ^ 4S66 1S"«I7" 4i67 6«"> 7k" 4565 26"«13S" 4568 3^" w. Any length. T^^^^f!^^^ ^ 4569 4H"w. Any I«ng1h. 4572 2H". 19V GENUINE CARVED ORNAMENTS.— Furnished in Compo. if desired. Other sizes to order. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. #^ 4573 For 8"0 n"0 14" O 9" O D 1 2" O 1 5" O !0"Oa t3"0 16"0 1 IM" a 22" a post. O Denotes Round. D " Square. 4 5 75 For 6" "1 8" '-^ 1 2" O 7"0 10"O 14"0 55 ik^iJwuu-m ' G" o 9" ;■ 1 r o 7" O I 0" I 4" O 8" O I 2" O 1 5" O 12 4577 For 6" O 7" O 8" O 9"0 10"o li"0 13"o |4"0 5"0 16"o 4579 For 6" 03 9" O 1 2" O T O 1 0" O 1 4" O 8"0 n"0 15' -^ 4580 Pilaster Cap. 2" neck 5" neck 8" neck 3„ ,. 5.. „ 113.. .. 4" " 7" " 12" " 4582 For 6"0. 7"0. 8"0, 9-0 and 10"O. 4 5K3 h.r 4584 for 4"0and^ 8"0andn 2" post 5-0 " □ 9"0 " D 2H"0 " 6" " □ 1 0" " D 3" " 7" ■■ u 1 2" " a 3V="0 " 5'-i" fa'( 7" deep COMPO., FIBRE AND CARVED WOOD CAPITALS. 56 #^ ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. #K , ^g^_ 9fc :yf^ f<_J^ 4ie«a. .•« b , . ^7 «-«i- «2|- 4587 b. '4-i4'.-«l9- 4587c »<-x4'«-« 17- f 4)89c 3 V 6S- 4 589 b. 3.t6-»2"« ItH- 4590 H'i3- «I0- 4590 ». K-«2K".7- GENUINE CARVED ORNAMENTS. OtluT 81Z08 to order. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 57 4591 18"x34" 4 591 a 9"x 18" 4591 b4'i"x 9" 4 591 e. 5-1 6" X 5"x 5-;.i" 4591 f. 5-16" X 4" X 5" 4592 a. «"x6y"x24" 4592 b. 9i"x4»i"x WW" 4593 M"x3y!"x 7M" 4594 a. H"x4'4"x ihi" 4596'-i %"x 1"x2H" 4593 ■■4" X 3" X 7" 4598a. H" X 2/2" X 5" 4 596 a. '.i"x 3" x 12" 4596 b. 3-16"x 2'.4"x9" 4597 2':- x K GENUINE CARVED ORNAMENTS. other sizes to order. S8 GEf^NERT BROS LUMBER CO., 4622 t '«" DUmetor. 4623 Is" 4624 2'«" 4625 2V" " 4626 3H" " 4 oil I" Uiimetw. 4632 1(4" •■ 4633 IS" " 4634 IV" " 4635 2" " TK.bl.r..l IM, .-j-rmt Wng lanMd plukoiie the tm un b* nriti. Cut r«prc>«ntk four In. 4638 1." Diametar. Hollo. 4h4.' 1 ',•• U.jmctrr 4643 2'«" 4644 7>," NATURAL PRESSED WOOD ORNAMENTS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 59 4646 U" Diameter, 4647 \ik" 4648 iH" 4649 IS" 4650 2%" 4651 2?i" 4652 3'i" 4662 I"Diametei 4663 \U" " 4664 I':" " 4665 ly" " 4666 2" " 4667 2»." " 4668 3" " 4672 21;" Diameter. 46 73 I'i" " 4674 W" Diameter. 46 76 2" Diameter. 4 677 2^4" " 4678 2H" Diamete,-, 4684 2" Diameter NATURAL PRESSED WOOD ORNAMENTS. GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO 4t>B/ 1 z 4eu 2M"i2>« 4689 2H" « 2H 4690 2\" . 2k 4691 3" 13" 4692 3<«".3v. 4693 3k"i34i 4697 2'«' • 2i»' 46!«8 2S' m2W' 4699 -'V > 2k 4 700 3" .3" 4701 3^- .3'«' 47u2 3\- .31i' 4;oj i, ••».■'« - 4 706 ;\"i.'k" 4707 3" »3" 4 708 3^.".3*•" 4 709 3k"i3k" 4710 4^i"i4^" 4711 3k"«3k" 4/W 4«"i4k'' «713 3k"i3\" ^ 47IJ l\-iH" 4716 2(«"i2t«- 4/17 IS"«r' 4718 2H"»2S" 2',- Incht*. 4 7.P NATTTRAL PRESSED WOOD ORNAMENTS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A ijlV ^_ ^ r'ii|-,i.ka *730 3H"x3«" 4731 2h"x2%" 4732 17i"x 178" 4728 2'5"x2' 47i'9 2" x2" Process for Finishing Natural Pressed Wood Ornaments. As it is necessary to finish end wood vrith a different material from that used on flat grain, we give herewith a recipe which has been found practical and economical. Take by weight one part of Paraffine shaved fine to twenty parts Naphtha, dissolve in a closely covered g^lass jar in a warm place. The solution should be complete in two or three hours; if not, the trouble is with the quality of the Naphtha. Use none but the best. "Give the hardwood Ornaments one coat, and those of soft wood two coats: let them drv and rub them with a stiff polish- ing brush, then apply one coat of shellac (we find ihat the white shellac is best adapted for light colored woods and the brown for dark colored woods, but in most cases the former is preferable), on which varnish mav be laid if desired when dry." In order to accommodate our customers who may find it in- convenient to prepare this mixture for small quantities of work, we keep the same in stock in the following quantities: Half Pints, 25c; Pints, 35c; Quarts, 50c; Gallon lots, $1.00. 4739 3H" Diameter, 4739 A 5" 4740 3!-,"x2f," NATURAL PRESSED WOOD ORNAMENTS. 4; 34 1 '■." X I '.»" 4738 1" Diameter 4741 2'i" Diameter. 4742 2'i" 4743 3,'*" 62 #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., W9^ v^^ 4M4 6" « -•■." 4;«S 8\"«2«, lilM^ II 1 J «/4b 4'i"«.'V 4;«7 6',".3\" r "ii^s 4 74S 2«"x4H" 4M9 3S"ii2S" 4, ■Ml 4751 2; 4?52 2'." . 4 4 713 3'." . : 4 7M .■■/' . I." NATURAL PRESSED WOOD ORNAMENTS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 4 5b 15 X I a 4/J7 I2"xl?4" 4758 12"xt' 4759 14"x 1' 4rul 12"x I'," 4 762 1 l'4"x 1»i" 4 71)3 15" X 1 '_,■' 4 j3 5 \ 1 i 47b6 6 X I' ' 4 767 6" X ]-;' ^^m^^^^M NATURAL PRESSED WOOD ORNAMENTS. '^t ^0f^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., iJ^N ^i^ 4769 3H" X 6H" 4772 I . . 1 4773 2" Ola. 4774 3'."Dia. 47/5 2'." Oil. 4 776 2" " 477? 1" Di«. 4777A 1't"Squir«. 4777B I' "« i>-" 4778 l>."OU. 4779 2S" D1«. 4780 2V" " 4781 3'." " 4>'d^ -« Ui>. 4 783 1" " cr:u p,"Dli. ^^^ ^^^ 4786 I" D.a. 4787 I" Dm NATURAL PRESSED WOOD ORNAMENTS. ^^ H LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 65 4792 3'4"xl4" In 3 pieces, see below 4793 6^4" X 20" " 3 " " 479JA J'-,"x3'4" 4793A 5'»"x6'4" Made with square sides, but can be trimmed to this shape. 4792B 6" X I ■«" 4793B Same, only scroll runs opposite. 4792C 8=4" X 2=4" 4793C Same, only scroll runs opposite. ^j^^^ ^jJRfak ■vA^j|^^ 1 i 4795 !' = " square. 4794 3'4" square 4795 2'." " *'3' 1 ■"»" square. NATURAL PRESSED WOOD ORNAMENTS. i^^^ ^^^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., IWs J!^^ 4797 C IO-.?«- ♦ 799 4»|-x7H" Opn. ;i£^/!;^^"^i>>.ii^K,^ ri ■«n(i.ii«(ii «^ 4 79BA 6.6 GENUINE CARVED PANELS AND BRACKETS. Other Size* to Order. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ 67 4800 Scroll 6=8" X 18" Outside size to order. 4800 A Scroll 6'=" x 13" Outside size to order. 4800 B Scroll 5H"x 14" Outside size to order. 4800 C Scroll 5" x 12'. Outside size to order. 4 8UOD Scroll 4>-4"x 14"4 Outside size to orde 4800 F Scroll 3\" x 1 5\" Outside size to order. \N ^ rt jajJti ' *\u> 'i x f \ t M%.^ n :KUiuifXrM i / ii x^KiM i xWij{ij i j{^ ^ ^ 4800 E Scroll 4'4 x 12", Outside size to order. 'Wmm'M WS^ •111 ' ■:■ .'_ ■ ... . j y,^. 4800 H 8x1 0" 4801) (i 6" X 9" 4800 J 10x14 4800 K 9"x 12" 4800 L 8"x8" EMBOSSED AND PRESSED PANELS. other Sizes to Order. 68 fj^ 9$S GERNERT BROS LUMBER CO >^i^ -^ 480t $H"« is" I IS" JH"K JS"« U*" J JH"» JS"i IH" 4I«04 ]©] 5s"«iS"» IS" SH"iiS"« IS" i-."M 4>t"» IH" l« i »! J."i5s"» 1»i" ^»3^ m 481 I 5 .". 5'."i \^- 5',"i IS" / > • s i ."I 5s"i I' ^/im I M>» 4821 SS-.7V"- S-16" CORNER BLOCKS. Othor Siz.'B to Order. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A 4825 5!2"x 11" X 1?»" 69 4828 5' = "x lOy'x 1 4»Z3 5'.."x 10" X P„" (fJ^pasTT^ 482b 5';"x 9'="x 1", 4832 5"x9"x I 4830 5'i"x t3"x 1?," HEAD, CENTER AND BASE BLOCKS. 70 1*> ^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^j^ ^ SS"«9"« IX" 4H"« 10" I IK" 4836 SW"! 12" I IS" ^ 7"« IS". IX" 4843 ■ < • I ." 7"« I?" . I V HEAD CENTER AND BASE BLOCKS. '•WfHiii — "^^^^^"Vi i 4846 7" I I?" X <«," ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 71 5^"x I2"x l=„ ^i^igiH^igBigj^iBgij 4850 5'~"x 12"x I's" 4850 A 5"x n"x 1«" 4853 5'.."x n"x r 4856 5'='x 12"x 1' 4856 A 5"x ir'x 1; SVs" x 5'"" x 1 ' 5'=" x 5^2" X 1 ^ 5'-" X 5'"" X Mi" ^1 480? 3" X 5" X IH' 4857 A 4!=" X 4"!" X 1 H" 4857 B 4- X 4" X %' 4849 iy,"x I2"x W 485i 5^"x 12"x IX" 4855 5V'!"x 10"x I?," 4858 5'5"x W" x\%" 4858 A 5" X 11 " X I %" HEAD, CORNER AND BASE BLOCKS. J^^^ 1^^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. #lk #K 4860 4H' .4w"x IH" 4" i4" X IH" 3S' «3H"x 1" 4" xD. i ISi 3H"x6" X IS 3" » JS' •x 1 it 4H6b 4869 4872 3S"x3'." . I 4S"x4S"x 1" 3" x3" .H" 3" x3" « 1" 4" x4" x1" 2H"x2S"xH" 2H"x2H"x \" 3S"i3H"x 1" 2" X 2" X »4" 1 - p:^ 4861 4H' 4" 3S' X \0%' X 10', • X 10'.' . IS" X 1" 4" 3H" 3" i D 4867 3''»"x IOS"x IS" 3" X I OS" I IS»" 24" X 8'."x \" m\ ^y I -4773 3" xIOh"xH" 2H"x 8'*"x>i" 2" X 8" X S" B HO 4875 ~ 4H ■ «»" *8'8 4H"x4s"xm" 4" ,4" »>,■■ 3" x 3" x \" 3" « 3" x K" 4" x4" xl>«" 3" x3" x\" 2'i"x2H"xK" 2H" x 2Vi" x «" 3S"i3s"x \" 2>*"x2s"«\" ^" «2" xV 2" x2" x H" HEAD, CORNER AND BASE BLOCKS. #gS ^M LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A I^Ki MH ii^iil E'^^ 488 2=^" X 4' 2?i"x3!, 4885 2»;"x3',"x 7i 4888 6H"x35i"x;s" 3Ji" X 3*i" X 7i" 2;a"x 25£"x 3S" 4890 29i"x6"x %" 4891 4y" X 4'a" X IJ-s" 3y"x3»4"x Ub" u 4892 4=i"x4^4" X I's" 3y"x394"x 1^" u 4893 4894 3?4' x3^a"x I^" 3»a"x 3U" 3U' X 3'4"x \W 3'4"x3'4" 3" x3" x1J6" 3" x3" 2?i' x2=4"x IH" 2K"x2a" u 4896 3^4" X 3'4"x IH" 2?8"x 29»"x %" 13s" X n"x5i" 24" 2H" 2" PRESSED HEAD, CORNER AND BASE BLOCKS. 2y"» 2ii")( IH 2" x2" X ^i I3a"x ISi"x fi I«"xl«"x H 1«"xl>6"« 5« %"x^" X H 5^ 5^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ^^ ^^ 4920 4 CM*. 4921 3" Oh. 4922 2" Ota. TURNED ROSETTES. j^ ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 75 ♦948 13»"Dia, ^947 lyDia, 4945 2'i" Oia. HALF BALLS, TOPS AND ACORNS. 4944 3"i" Dia. 4943 4'^" Dia. 7" #^ i^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^^ j^ 5013 Ua"x 12 SPINDLES AND BALUSTERS. Scale 1-4 Full Size. §>^ #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. j|^ ^^ PORCH BALUSTERS. I r^N, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. iiii a 5061 5062 TABLE LEGS. 5063 506* S^'SS GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ^||^ ^g^ FURNITURE AND GRILLE SPINDLES. 5094 5095 ;'a 'x 10" P." X 10" SPINDLES. QERNERT BROS, LUMBER CO., r^, fj^ M:3 Sr" FURNITURE AND GRILLE ORNAMENTS. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ^^ ^^, 85 5174 5175 5176 7i"x2" '."xl^a" H"x;?8" GRILLE AND FURNITURE SPINDLES. §^ j^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO GRILLE AND FURNITURE SPINDLES. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ^^ 87 5193 1'^"x6" 5194 1'Ti"x6':" SPINDLES. SS 5^ (^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO. "73? J^O: IS i 13" 9»Im j^ 99U 9 S20J S206 5207 5208 5209 4V«24" 3V"«24" 2^"«24" 2H"«2«" 1V"«24" 5»U 3-4 .JO" 2^ 5204 15" S»rll ouir. r& 1 1 t) i 5210 52M 5.1: 52U 2\"«24" 3V"«30" 3«i"»30" 2»»"il?' ^i©=— S2I6 2^". j. 5218 4k"«3'6" [iK 5217 3V"«36" t 1 ] p t 1 [ ^ 1 1 i L_ Jl » t^l^ J222 2>*" . 24" 5219 ^•'• ' 3i.".3'6" 3 * " ■ yy 3A, . .. ., ■ CORNERS OABLH FINISH AND PORCH POSTS. ^^ j^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 5226 5^4" X 4'2" 5226 A 4%"x 4' 5226 B 3M" X 4' 5227 5228 3a"x 4'2" 49i" X 4'2" 5230 4?^" X 4'4" illliiliiiliiiliiii ill 5231 4='."x4' 89 5238" 5239 3M"x2' 29i"x2 5236 3?i" X 3' 5233 4;i" X 4'6" 5241 H4"x4' 5242 I»,"x4' 5243 H8"x4' rCORNEE, BEADS, PORCH AND NEWEL POSTS. j^ j^ GEf^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO. p5> ^^s 52S2 • *V « lOFL iiSI J253 S«".10FL J%".IOFt 1U n. i2i9 5^". 10 ft PORCH POSTS. 4^- . 9 Ft. ^1^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 52b3 5264 55i 'x 10 Ft 4=a X 10Ft 5269 5270 4=a"xlOFt. 3Ji"x9Ft pOrch posts. :iiii n 3V" . oFt. 3\i' . 5 Ft. 5274 52?6 *k" « 6 Ft *h" « J ft PORCH POSTS. i\" X 10 Fl }280 A 6^," . 10FI. Sin of SHift, Square Column. 5281 STbTb 6V"« 10 Ft 81.' •» 10 Ft 52B1 A Slje of Shift, 7V"«IOFt. Square Column. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 93 5282 Doric. M' 5283 5284 Ionic. Corinthian. PORCH COLUMNS. #^ ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., j^ ^^ 5286 Doric. S287 5288 Fluted Doric. Square. PORCH COLUMNS. nnnnnnn 'UKJ«" 5335 lb"x 2'. 6 X \%" GABLE ORNAMENTS. 98 ^^ ^f^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER C O., j^ 0^ l8H"«3'.7-« l>t" GABLE ORNAMENTS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 99 2r'x3'.7"x IJa" GABLE ORNAMENTS. 5356 15"x 18' = " X 1H" ^0^ ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER C O., j|^ ^fj^ S376 7H"i rt- . j»" GABLE ORNAMENTS. Ig^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ j^ 5377 \^"x%" 5384 4"x?r' rwwvwwM 5378 3"xH" ^▼▼^▼^▼1 5385 5"xt!3' 53 79 51i"x,'8" O c O p O o WW^bWW 5387 4"x! 5380 7y," X 7«" PWW^^V¥¥¥^ 5388 e'xIH" 5381 3"x36" 5392 5H"xX- DR APERY AND CRESTING. I02 ^1^ j^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., _ |j|^ 4/ ^%i^il /^, s ^ /^ ^^y'^^Kj^ /^ 4 r\ ->'S I - r ^ r r' \ J ^--N ^ D«L. 4-, ■ 1 1 i X » J(\ J^ v-"3> t\ y .^ J DKAPEKY AND CRESTINij. !^ g»^ LOmsVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. #lh «S|^ 103 5409 2 4"x 24" X IV 1 44"x4H"x5i" 54)6 6"x6" 5410 20'x20"x IX" 5415 x8"x%" 5411 I6'x I6"x :%" 5413 1 2" X I 2" X 1 V 5412 14"x I4"x 1?»" 5430 5431 8"x2'.6"x 15»" 5H"x74"xlK' SPANDRAL BRACKETS AND PORCH SCROLL. I (-4 #IK j^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO. 99^ flP^S M3g 10". 10- J4J9 10"«I2- S«40 t2-»l2-« I<«- 5«<0A I0-.I4- 5no B ir . 16' S4 4 1 8' »442 W 5443 lO'xU' 5444 1Z-XI6' J44S M-xIB* 5446 I6"x20' 5447 18-x12"xlW 544 7 A 10' X 12' 544 7 B 12-x M- 5454 24" X 25s 54Si 20S"«25V« 2,. - '■»< GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO. 14 74 20- K 20" « IS" 54 76 24-«24"«2H" SPANDRAL BRACKETS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 5488 15Ji"x 18"x IH SPANDRAL AND PORCH BRACKETS, >oS Jl^ fi^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., #^ #iK SPANDBAl, AND CORNER BRACKETS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. #^ 109 5504 )2")i I6'x 1' 5506 12"xl2"x1X" 5510 20"x24"x2K" SPANDRAL BRACKETS. II o «l^ ji^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. j|^ j;^ O. -.,.-.3. g iJ17 18-x30"x3H- SPANDRAL AND CORNER BRACKETS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 5525 4"x 5Ft. X l; 5533 6"x30"x2" BRACKETS, ARBOR ARCHES AND LOOKOUTS. Jl^ #s GERNEKT BROS. LUMBER CO.. i^^N 3^^^ r ^ V ) K i ^'■^■-^i L [ ~] [^n r r-i ja !_ J«,"i 18". \"5h"« 21". S" t> ))38 Si39 i»40 )i4l 4"x2t"«J." 5i*"«2l"«\" JM".2I".)»" JH"«2I".\" Si5l 555; SSTT ■.■.« MSi : • s., 5^^/ 55<,« J559 SCROLL BALUSTERS, PICKETS AND COUNTER LEGS. ^^ j^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ^^ j^ 113 5561 6"x 18"x4" 5563 6H"x 18"x 3«" 5562 9" X 29'," X 5" 5564 5565 X 2 7;4"x 5" 5"x 13.1=" x3«" 55b6 9"x 26»a"x4" 5568 7"x 12'x4W" 5569 5!.,"x 9"x 3^ 5570 6"x 10'/!"x4'i" DOOR BRACKETS AND MODILLIONS. 14 J^ a** GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ,j^ 8H-« 10". JV iiSO 6".8S"i3*" 558t 7H". l2-« 3k' DOOR BRACKETS AND MODILLIONS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 5586 5'-2" x20" x3" I' it, \J ll I'll. CLJ 'if Ml!|i I, IV 3587 8" X 20" X 3'/ 5588 10"x 21"x3H" 5590 4" X I5"x3" DOOR AND CORNICE BRACKETS. «fe_*^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. wW% P^^ 9-1 J7-.6- DOOR AND CORNICE BRACKETS. 5',- . .- / "> -^ ^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. jj^ Iporcbes, Brackets, Iboobs, Balustrabe, Ba^ Minbows anb Cornices. On the preceding pages will be found an interesting assortment of Brackets, Modillions Spandrals, etc. Although the renaissance style of architecture is rapidly being displaced by more artistic and neater designs, it is still adopted for business property. Our patrons will find a complete line, and please note that dimensions given are for regular stock and in the following order: First, projection or width ; second, height or length, and third, the thickness. Other than regular sizes made to order. On the following pages are found a variety of Door and Window Hoods and Caps, Hood Brackets, Porches, Veranda, Bay Windows, Gable Cornices, Balustrade and finish. The designs represent regular sizes, and are carried in stock, but other dimensions can be furnished on short ■notice. Quotations do not include Casings unless specifically mentioned, and prices on Balustrade are always given exclusive of Posts, unless otherwise specified. 117 M M S M i603 J-,"» 2'.10"« IW HOOD BRACKETS. Other S'zci to Order. 1811331 m??f DOOR AND WINDOW HOODS. ScnU- 1 Inch. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 119 n I j) 11 Q Q y i* g^ ga ^a ^'at i^a 5607 17?i"x 4',3'2"x i; HOOD BRACKETS. other Sizes to Order. DOOR AND WINDOW HOODS. Scale 1 Inch. [1^ J?^ i^N GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ^^ ^^ S609 22" « S'.g". 2" }6I I I5". 3'.6". !(,•■ HOOD BRACKETS. Othpr Size* to Order. 'iViF mgaamsa^M^MmmmmMW '4^k^^K£«X^^ .■■■■■BBHHBIBBBIBaE IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf DOOR AND WINDOW HOODS. Scalo 1 Inch. af^ i fr^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. HOOD BRACKETS. other Sizes to Order. DOOR AND WINDOW HOODS. Scale 1 Inch. #^ j|l|^ GEF^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO., j^ 'J S6I8 Fw 3 Ft. D—r. f 5617 !<•■« 5.4S".3\-' HOOD BRACKETS. Other S;z«-» to Order. DOOR AND WINDOW HOODS. Seal. 1 Inch. «^ j^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. OUTSIDE DOOR AND WINDOW CAPS. Inside Casing. Scale 1 lucli. 124 #K tfU^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ^f^ ^^ G — \ ..-■> |wwvw^wwir^vw^W| W\ »626 ^ ^ ■3 OUTSIDE DOOR AND WINDOW CAPS. Scale 1 Inch. «** j^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. f^ j^ 125 Xa,BB!Eli:===:; ^'SBk-; ,=:=!—-. S3!^.^ -:^ - :^:;j ; -'^: - ^^ -I tr^. - f^^'Tz;s^ A ^ \ M " -\ /- \ ^■^-—. \ / ,) - = -^ OUTSIDE DOOR AND WINDOW CAPS. Inside Casing. Scale 1 Inch '=6 9»|s ?*^ GERNERT FiROS. LUMBER CO.. ^|W. > ^ 9<^9<^9<»9<^<>'^«<^9-^44 Kail ^?' High. H I I 2 Floor I'm. i64 6 Rul :: H.gK PORCHES AND BALUSTRADE. Other iizoB to order Beala 1-9 inch. ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ fil^ 131 3d47 floor Size 6' X 1 r 5650 Rail 1 7" High, 5651 Kail 15" High PORCHES AND BALUSTRADE. Other sizes to order. Scale 1-2 inch. I ;.J j||^ ^1^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. fl^ ^j^ ^ -J ^^' ^ rnTTTTT ill )6ii Rail 76 High. Biluitar 2M- PORCHES AND BALUSTRADE. Other lixea to order. Scale 1-2 inch. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. A^ ^^ 13: 565b 6 X B Floor size. PORCHES AND BALUSTRADE. other sizes to order. Scale 1-2 inch. >i4 ^m GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., j|^ ^1^ ^5^ xa*- ^?^ v;^ st^ ^4^ ^Jf 5664 Ri,l ?6- Hiir* 566* R*.< .'« H.gh. b6/ Hi 30' Mc- PORCH AND BALCONY BALUSTRADE. Othrr siu-i to order. Scale 1-2 inch. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. fHK f^ ^35 PORCHES. other sizes to order. Scale 1-4 inch. .^'^ ** #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., flK #iK It; J Grc-ndPUn PORCHES. Other sizes to order. Scale 1-4 inch t^ j^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ j^ 137 5 6 74 Elevation. 5674 Ground Plan. 5676 Elevation. 5675 Ground Pla 5676 Ground Plan. PORCHES. Other sizes to order. Scale 1-4 inch. «3"^ iMk ^^ GERNERT BROS LUMBER CO., #|K #IK 6678 (jrouod PlMk ^h;■^ Ground Pla PORCHES. Other aixea'to order. Scale 1-4 inch. j^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. jf^ 139 5b8l b'.b' 5680 Ground Plan. PORCHES. Other sizes to order. Scale 1-4 inch. 14L JP^* C^ GERNERT BROS LUMBER CO.. ILLi.ii.-iiJ yi. . il! il.iiiiilJlIIHiliiiJ.ii.iUil JPPN J^^S I: '...ill' ^ il tiiil 1 1 1 niinii 1 ' III I M ( HJ Elevation. 5oHJ Ground Pl*r 1 il>B3 (irounil Piin, PORCHES. Other ■)>:<>■ to order. Brnli- 1-4 inch. ^^ ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ 141 M^^i m}J- ¥^^^^Uiiii^W^^}r^^l !f Mffn :f ^i4i\^m^\.iUMtAJtL 5684 22', X 7'. 5685 Front. PORCHES. Other sizes to order. Scale 1-4 inch. 142 GEf^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. jjf^ ^j^ inHHiiii pillflHMMiiM ^Hiii.n X X ff I PORCHES. other aizcs to order. Scale 1-4 inch. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ 143 5688 Elevation. 5688 Ground Plan. PORCHES. other sizes to order. Scale 1-4 inch. 144 GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. fiK 1^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 1 45- j0^ j^ GEF^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO., jff^ l(-93 10 M • <0' PORCHES. Other sizes to order. Sc&le 3-8 inch. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 147 nnntnHtnntnuiitnnnnnHmntm 5694 lOFt. x6'6" PORCHES. other sizes to order. Scale 3-8 inch. J^ GEI^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO l*SL_*S j^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j|^ 149 ■50 J»> #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., iNK iriK i^ j^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ 151 2 CO «52 ^^m jl^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. fl^s j^lj^ ^ M S IF"'' 1 -i i BAY WINDOWS. Scale 1-4 inch. j||^ rr*X, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ 153 r L 1^4 #Ik d^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., j^^^^ j^^^S LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U, S. A. #^ ^ 155 ■VL^ BAY WINDOWS. Seals 1-4 inch. i5f al^ rf^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER^O. fl^ **J^ rpt^SPf Ll':? BAY WINDOWS. Scalu 1-4 inch. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. f^ ^^ 157 -I I i ©: >8 .■"*>» #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., J'f^ y^S LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ ^^ 159 b M > w Q o o w M o CO i6o fNK #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^jf^ ^^ #^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. i6i >'i- #►* ^^ GERNEKT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ffj^ j^ QABLE FINISHES. Scale 1-4 inch. ^1^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 163 i 104 #^ i^ GERNERT BROS LUMBER CO.. 9^ #^ ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 165 i66 j^^ ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO. 9^*^ 3s^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 167 i6^ .\^ GEf^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO., p^ ^^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 169 I70 fi^ fi^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., I^'Sn i?^ OD LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 171 j0^ ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., 9f^ 0^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 173 Q 2> E5. tel ^ M O M 2 W «74 y^S 9^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^^^ 3^^^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 1/5 176 GERNERT BROS LUMBER CO.. p^ <-A»^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. #^ 177 I7S GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., 9v^ S^P* LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 179 581 I 2'.4', = "x 2'.4' = "x P 1 — ^i .-~.-,^,i J 1 1 p ; 1 —^ - 1 , 1 rii ! ! ^m 5813 2 Ft. x 3 Ft. > 5814 2'.6"x l'.8"x I; 5815 1 ]'■:" Dia. X ; 5816 1 8" Dia. X 1 ?i" 581/ 4 (t, W 58 18 3 Ft. Wide, 5819 4 tt Wide. GABLE WINDOWS AND VENTILATORS. other sizes to order. GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO % J^ EI ^ « ft. Wjhftr ♦' *»-;. 3fi. li-i 1%' 3a.?3V..,- GABLE FINISH. Carving run throui;h to outaid* edg«. ^Tini; opportunity to chmn^ pitch. All funusbed in qn«rt«r pi»c««. Other Bixea to order. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 181 ^%^^ ii pM^^ 5838 I4"x 10' A;r Grate. mm 5837 20" X 12" Air Grate. i^Miilllllllllli^U_Li 5S4I Cellar Doors in Pairs. 5840 Cellar Door Frames. ORNAMENTAL. SHINGLES, CELLAR GRATES AND FRAMES, other sizes to order. GERNERT BROS LUMBER CO., ^f^ ^^ r *♦ ♦ ♦ **** •*, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ , ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ *» • » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ******* .****** ******* ******* •^» ♦^^ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ * • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * • ***** * ♦ • • ..* ^ ♦ • ♦ • ' 4 Li : ! i ! b ft is _ . J84b 3. .JMI- J847 3'. «3MI" CELLAK blKPS. BATTON DOORS, PICKET AND LATTICE GATES. DOOR BLINDS. Other sizea to order. ^^ ^^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 183 5K60 -1 Ft, FRAMES. other sizes to order. 58t)1 J'.b' X JO" ^1^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ^^ ^^ ALL RLGULAR SIZES KEPT IN STOCK. KF777J77777T777 1^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ^ff^ ^^ 5879 28 « 36" \ V.AAAAAAAAAX /\/^/>>.AA/^■/VA.y^./V\, ^ \ i880 50"«36" 5881 28 >36' WINDOW FRAMES AND OUTSIDE CASINGS. Otlior sizes to order. ^^ L OUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. iSi 5884 44"x36 X J 2: .^ :s: ~p~ IS 1 6" X 36" 5885 24"x36" I6"x36" WINDOW FRAMES AND OUTSIDE CASINGS. other sizes to order. Z2L ~PL z: m « M 8 • » lo ^ 1 V Pantry Fracn*. )8H8 14". 37' All racalar |>|« in it« IH T«tlv»-LigM Windo'i. J922 50 X 24 50". 40 PLAIN. MARGINAL AND ORIEL WINDOWS. Other sizea to order. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiHiiiiii ^ 5926 Transom I Li. 3' x 14" 59J5 4-L Barn Sash, I0"xl4" 5924 6-L Barn Sash, IO"xI6" IP "TTTT7Tr rl 1- ii 1 ^^ ' " ' y 5927 Transom 2 Li. 3' x 14 5923 59.'9 Pantry Windows. 3-L Cellar Sash I2"x36" I0"x20" Queen Arne Transorr 3'.>< I4" J9J3 Transom 1-Li. Cir. Cor. 3'x U" 5930 2-L. Cellar Sash, 14-x 20" 5931 Barn Transom 5' x If 5934 Transom 1-Li. Cir. End. 3'x14" 5935 5936 4' x 6' x P Cupboard Sash 3' X 4'. Cupboarb and Inside 5937H Show Sash. 4' x 5' 3' x 6' x Pj" no strip. PANTRY WINDOWS, TRANSOMS, BARN AND HOT BED SASH. Other sizes to order. >96 iNK ^iiS GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO. #!> #^ ♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦^* ♦ * ♦ • ..*♦*•♦ ,* % ♦ ♦ ♦ •< ;,■ Uttic* D»or. 594U IH \o )* High. From 21 ta 3 7 wid*. i94l "Norlti Wnt" StkkJ ~3»?7~TT7 r^" ^i 1 \\\\i\mi i ^ li:^ % i\iU\iH DOOR BLINDS, LATTICE GATES, DOOR AND WINDOW SCREENS. 'Other sizes to order. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A 5952 Iron Bracket. •■•. ' . • . ■^'. . ' . '. • c • /.:."./ ^•^• ^' Our Fire-Proof Doors and Shutters. For Hotels, Theaters, School and Apartment Houses, Factories & Ware-Houses. ATTRACTIVE EFFICIENT INEXPENSIVE Fm. 1. Elevation. Fio. '.'. Section, showing' Steel Panel with wood stiles g-liiefl and screwed on. Fig. 3. Shows Hinge riveted to ste< 1 sheet, bent around edge of wood stile, to swing door same as an ordinary loose pin but. FlO. 4. Shows Lock, with rim riveted to steel sheet, making entire door independent of wood work. SCREEN STOCK, FIRE PROOF DOORS AND SHUTTERS. '98 ll^ #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., 0^ ^ SJ II_B_J ^ 1 1 i 1 ' 1 1 1 ^ 1 H u— All Regular S'nt on hand VENETIAN BLINDS Wo Are S«lo Af^ents in Our Torritory for this Cel<'bmteii>U of and i I'anrl l>oork. but in mdilition \vv havo a varirtv of other ktyli'k. lH>th id Panel anil Front I>uor». and are prepared to till urdcnt fur any of the followinir kinds on ithort notic<*. \^=3 n n K tiOOb b007 FOUR AND FIVE-PANEL DOORS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ' — ' '^ -" > r .11 1 — J 1 1 1 t. LJ The prices of Doors are based on ordinary machine finish. When material is selected for oil the cost is increased, and when hand smoothed for oil finish the price is further increased. ; 1 ill L ' — '^ L 1 SIX-PANEL DOORS. 304 jgl^ j^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^ff^ 1 1 I 1 1 ll II lll .1 1' 1 II II 1 II f u i J n 1 1 ( — 1 1 Bcgnlar stock Doors are made either of White Pine, Cypress, Y. P., or White Pine Stiles and Eaila. with Yellow Pine Panels. At the open price we reserve the right to fill orders in anv kind of wood. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll 1 1 SEVEN, EIGHT AND NINE-PANEL. DOORS. j^ j^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. jj^ 205 ; 1 : _ 2:3 ^^^^v'■^^^^ 6025 Art Moulded Stiles. fPjH Ij^ti:^ i i i 1 1 1 LrrrrTI 1 i.l 1.1 t.l.U.'. == \ n T7^ 6026 Art Moulded Stiles. 1 n / 6027 Chamfeied. 6028 Chamfered and Stub MI'd. We are prepared to furnish our patrons with Veneered Oak, Birch, Maple, Cherry, Walnut or other Hardwood Doors at less than Chicago Prices. Hardwood Doors to order only. 6029 Chamfered and Stub MI'd. — 6030 Chamfered and Stub MI'd. =11 L U =1 6031 Raised Moulding. Flush MI'd to order. p 3 E 1 1 i 6032 Raised Moulding. Flush MI'd to order. MOULDED DOORS. -'-- i#K #>% GEF(NERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. jf^ ^^ ^^ h033 3' • ?■ . IS lUiMd Moulding. Dr. Top Pud I. 6034 3'« ?■ > I Garfield Panel. 6035 3'« 7'» IH- Oihkosh Panel. 6036 3' > 7' « I •. Mikado. D FRONT AND STORM DOORS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. jf^ j^ 207 | i DI 6043 6044 3 Pan. 1 Light. 2 Pan. 2 CIr. Top Lights. ' — ' ; P^*^ ^ [—] 6045 3 Pan. 4 Light. 6046 6047 6048 2 Pan. 2 Light. z Pan. 1 Light Eiiptic Top 2 Pan. 1 Light Cir. Top Corners Moulded. All quotations are based on the regular 3'x7' size, 1% in. thick. All regular sizes in stock. Glass used in 1-light Doors D. S. and smaller lights S. S. All 1-light Doors are back-puttied and glass fastened with Art Moulaing. SASH DOORS. S^ /^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., fHh i^ It— 1 r-| 1 ■ ■ r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r. 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1' ' 1 1 II 11 II »J -J All one-Ii(fht Dcjors arc (ilnzml with I). S. (tlaiw, Imck ptitllcd ami faiitonot«Ded in with Art Moulding in one-light Door*. Try our Hardwood Veneered Doors. lallDilnl 6070 nnn 7 1 — i FRONT DOORS. j^ ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U- S. A. 6073 2 Light Garfield. Glass back puttied in 1 light Doors and fastened with Art Moulding. Marginal Doors Glazed with plain Center and Border Lights, Cathedral. ^crv^ ^-j^i^jJirvT — fc^ M d iiuiiUIlL^ u lJ □ LJ U Z3 □ n u a □ DiniiD^, 6oao Oshkosh Marginal. PLAIN AND BORDER LIGHT FRONT DOORS. GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., j^ ^||^ L^_^J L 1U\ \ iii' Halaa* otherwise specified «s to flAxin^. Mar^nkl Doors wili tie ^Uued plain Centers kod colored Border Lights. Ordinarr Sire 3"xT"xI V". oil finish extra price. r .1 ji i.m mi I.I : ^I^HBSBB "i — ^-^^ 1 1 . _ 1 B: -f X T(P -r^l SINGLE AND DOUBLE FRONT DOORS, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ;i3 Front Doors when Glazed are filled with D. S. Glass, back puttied and fastened with Art Mould. Try our Hardwood Veneered Front Doors, Oak, Birch, l\faple, Cherrj', Walnut, etc., only made to order. OUR SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. •Us #IK GERNERT BROS LUMBER CO., 9^ lil^S 6092 6'«7'6"«1V 6093 6094 5'«7'6"«lk- 609» Onr new Art Muuldeil and OrnamonUMl Doorsarc thelaU-stout. We surpass all our competitors in design and workmanship. Quotations on soft wood and art" based on size shown. (Mil Biwjs to onler and oil finish extra. •C tvujm.«J< MJU>jkjrx:F:njK.^^ IT^^ ID D e'aS'al^ >>'. bU*H 6' > II' > I \ hn99 DOUBLE AND SINGLE FRONT DOORS. *NK fNK LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ ■^5 6100 b' x8' X W" 6101 6102 5'x 8' X 1 = Quotations are based on Soft Woods of sizes shown. Hardwood Doors and other sizes to order. Plate Glass and Hand smoothing' extra price. 6104 5'x8'xHi" 6105 6106 5'x8'x1? DOUBLE AND SINGLE FRONT DOORS. ^0^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO, • x:::::: 1^- 6109 61 10 3' > B > l-« 61 II a a I 1 i - |u L i'xe'ji i!k~ QaoUtions art- )im*«n Soft Wo«xU, kin.-» khown. Hanlwood I)ooni and other ftixcw to onier. I'lato (ilasn and Handiunonthinp extra Prior. DOUBLE AND SINGLE FRONT DOORS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 217 D D p| P STORE DOORS. >» #l> #IK GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO. #K #^ '" jtmxf nfufu iP".P"[Lr v^ Trnc Trrr FRONT AND STORE DOORS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ ;i9 INTERIOR FINISH AND WALL CABINETS. Stale 3 8 inch. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 229 INTERIOR FINISH. Scale 3-8 inch. 230 Ai_** GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO. #9^ ^i^^ INTERIOR FINISH. Scale 3-8 inch. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 231 INTERIOR FINISH. Scale 3-8 inch. ^1^ GEI^NLRT BROS. LUMBER CO., «^ INTERIOR FINISH. Scalp 3 8 inch. LOUI SVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 233 |g!go!iii!JU!i!i9iigiioii!iiiigiiiDi)ioiuig]iiii| i ia'»s«^=a^545.«fea',^tJ^g55=^«&.f;#-,s;i y f' I {: f i }! « * " II ^ f ; ir 1 : lE IB i 5 ( ' [ I i 1 ; x \ DOORS AND INSIDE CASING. Scale 1-2 inch. 234 i^ ii^ GEf^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ii^ otk lb 1 Fr 1 f 1 a 1 ■! ^ - » CD O SJ uiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiniiiiitiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiim 8 s 3 s 5 = S _ to Q }i- ^?F^ o J 1 p 5 ^ CO 1 niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i!iini]iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ^ X 1 « ] 1 1 i 4K + f «^i X 1 i ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. i^ j^ 235 **^ 236 ji*lN ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., j^^% 1^^^ M n] y y \d [^ I I s HI l « CARVED CASING SECTIONS. Half full size. 2iS i»% ^S GERNERT BROS . LUMBER CO., jj^ <^ "X ui'i^^iM.^.A'^ji.i^A .cnnL CARVED CASINOS AND HEADS. 618« Half fuU aise. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. jg^ j^ 239 WAINSCOTING. Scale 1-2 inch. -4 ** ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. ^ffj^ ^^ WAINSCOTING. Scale 1-2 inch. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A 241 6201 5-1 6". X 2", Maple. 6202 5-16", X 2". Oak. 6203 5-1 6", x2'. Cherry. 6204 5-l6".x2". Walnut 6205 5-16". X 3'. M. andC. s ^ JU.J,J - ». Y ' Mil 6206 5-16".x3". 0. and M. 6207 5-1 6". x3". M. and W. wmBnmwmmiiiiiwiiTimBmiiiimi 6208 5-16",x4". C. and M. ^ 6209 5-1 6". X 4". 0, andW. 6210 5-1 6". X 4-. C. and 0. 6211 5-1 6", X 4". W, andO 6212 5-1 6". X 4-. M.andC 6213 5-16".x4'. W.andM 6214 5-16". X 4". C. and M. 6215 5-1 6". X 4". M, andO. 6216 5-1 6". X 4". C. andM. 6217 5-16", X 4". 0. C. andM. s 6218 5-1b-.x4". W. M.andO 6219 ■i-16".x4-. 0. MandW. 6220 5-1D-.XD". M. W. and 0. 6221 5-1 6". x6". 0. andW, 4>f:4-^^i^4^-^-^^>^:mii^ 6.-22 5-16".x6-. 0. andC. 6223 5 1 6" . X 6" 0. and C. ^mV^ V" ■¥n F^ W^ yT^t? 11 fJQQ fiimt^ ^ JLJ ^ \^ Ik^^n — J 6224 5-16". X 6". 0. and W. 622 7 5-16",x6", 0. and C. 6229 5-16" x6". 0. andM. ,": _^.-^=r — -r-T -^ ^-— _~_x= — -_= — -,? 1 ^^H^^^^^^^^^^^ :. .\-^^_,^ ^^^1^ ~z -=r'-^:E=^ \ 6230 5-16". X 8". 0. C, M, and W. 6^32 5 1b x8 !==^ t 6-33 5-lb , V « . 0. S= ,^- -_-___ llllltliiil ^nNli.rtmiiiiiiiffliiW'1 -. _ --— ^ — --- ____,-- — — _ — 'j^ — ^ 6234 5-1 6". X 8". 0. ^^M§i!n^^ 6235 5-1 6". X 8". 0. M and W. gpltfNH^aMgW 6236 5-16". X 8". 0, and M, .^■- J^— =^-=-^=- -^^n— _ -W- w Mi^JSI ¥M^ Wk ===- =-= =^--=..^ — - 1=^ -■ 1 623 7 5-16",x9" . 0. S'^ " '^T' " '~~~~ - -.^-^^^ ;^^ffiM i 6233 5-1 6". X 9". 0. C. and M. 6239 5-16". X 9". 0. and C. 6243 5-16". X 10". 0. W. and C. SUIIIIIIIIIfflllllllllli iiii|iiiiiiiaiofMiiiiiriiiiiniiii|ip.ii|mii Ml ^^0^ SliifliMliM lllplllllllllllllllllfllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllj 6245 5 tfa y 1 5 C W and M 6246 5 16 X 18 and C — - -^ III m '^ I M ^ -~ - '^s M' M - -a 624 7 Blocks 1 2 Sq 6248 Blocks 12 Sq C and M 6250 Blocks 6". x 1 2". and 3". Sq. 0. and W. il n.-t aiMBH 6251 Blocks 12".Sq. 0. 6244 5-16". X 10". 0. C. and M. PARQUETRY FLOORS AND BORDERS. Blucks 6" x1 2" . Scale 1-2 inch. ♦ • ♦ ♦ 1 .i- I . :;.' ■ 1 1 ' I , 1 I I II I ■ r m: I .'. 1 i 6233 Boril«r, 0. (nd W. 62i4 Field, 0. I V ♦ ♦ ♦ /♦ 4 iil 1 ■"■ ■!■■■'■■■ ■■ urn ■!■ K K >S K K K / 1^- ■'^z- :^ ...if I n-l .1 1 ■ =:, .^^^^^ i i j4{ iiiiiji r] n«j| I IR ^-«S>5i>-0-<><>^ TXI>OOOC>0<^ 62ij BotdB^^^ '^9^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO. j^^^ j^^^ FiilllillMlil kuiiiiiiii^ !:it:;:!!H!itttii'Hit:i!t!! 11 111) HUH III) \mi W iiiiit 1^^ T' .:■: - :fj,l tfftflj?' innlYlftr '» r-:"f'liM •*;' " lli' -r'if'r -^ GRILLE WORK. Scale 3-4 ineli. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ GRILLE WOEK. Scale 3-4 inch. J ... „ ,,p... 5 ^ ^^ 6282 ^ GRILLE WORK. Scale 3-4 inch. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 247 HnHH?H>rl "?<#< 9? GRILLE WORK. Scale 1-2 inch. 24S !09^. tl^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., W9\' ^^^ GRILLE AND FRET WORK. Scale 1-2 inch. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 249 6304 3' 10" W. X T H. 6303 3'W. WH. SIDE BOARD, BOOK CASES AND CABINETS. y t\o:\},\ 6 $•«- W. 1 t BOOK CASES AND SIDE BOARDS. #K ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 251 i*> *^ OEKNEKT BROS. LUMBEfl CO.. 3^y% 3^^^ t W i^^^^i^:^ ' — ' L u^— lllJ nnnr Wk ! IF™ lO ?-'TFn[^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 253 © ^^ ^^i ^ "XT Smm in 1 h^: 254 GERNERT BROS. LUMBEf^ CO,, j||^ j^ J2 ^ lr^[f T L -1 j n M r- imf^ oiipfin -I L J LJL 1^^ 1^^ ' p" J 6321 3'.«8' ( 6323 18-.. 3*. J i J i .. 1 1 L— L 1 ==^ \ i 1 1 1 t - ■ J. :.-.:: :: 3 I J'W. «8H 1 1 H \ \ \ I fB- 1 — — =2 1 - _1 1 ^1 1 1 h -1 1 1 h -1 1 1 1- -1 632) 63?4 3'W. >8'h LINEN PRESSES AND MEDICINE CASES. I LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^% ^^ 255 , . . /Iftobern Staircases. . . During the Colonial days of the Seventeenth Century the modest and rude structures which sufficed to shelter the colonists, contained but a primitive method of elevating mankind. In no branch of industry is the contrast of two centuries so conspicuous as in the art of building stairs. On the following pages we exhibit many designs and varied, of the latest styles of modern stair-work, which we are prepared to furnish in short order at remarkably low prices. As late as ten years ago it would have been impossible to obtain a stairway of the same design for less than double the cost of production to-daj', but the progressive age in which we live brings within the reach of every builder an artistic structure at a comparatively nominal price. No branch of our plant is given more attention than our stair department, and we assure our patrons that ever>' care and precaution shall be taken to secure to them the finest the market affords for the money expended, not only in stair work, but in every line of our interior finishing department. In ordering stairways kindly follow instructions given on page xvi, in front part of this catalogue. P-O- -o \ -D- r 4 L |J v. J S : L D -q>- D-0" y Mw o Oround Plan. STAIR CASES. 8ckI« 1-4 inch. jSm j^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. 257 (° °) r }V f 0| V>w 6413 i- ^ 1 1 o rO T STAIR CASES. 64IS Ground plan, scale 1-4 inch. ^5^s jl^ #^ GERNERT BROS LUMBER CO.. STAIR CASES. Ml* EleT*tion», temXt S-4 iach. ^^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. #^ ^^ 259 STAIR CASES. 6423 Elevations, scale 3-4 inch. ^6o f»» J^^ ii \-^ r I-, !^ i ^ rr 6«»; 6«»J ^ '^ A A n M96 e«9; 64»s ■^ Q A > 6499 6iOO fiiOl STAIR NEWELS. ^1^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. -71 ii^ 6509 6510 651 1 6513 6514 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 6520 STAIR NEWELS AND BALUSTERS. '■72 0lh% ft^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., j^ j^ I f ; ! ti2\ 6S22 6»23 6524 6523 6i26 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 I I' i 6333 63J4 63^3 biS6 6337 6338 63J9 3340 6341 6342 1343 6344 «m u 6546 6347 6548 6549 6550 BSil fi552 6553 6534 6555 6536 STAIR BALUSTERS. j^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. #g^ ^ 273 655? 6558 6560 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 6568 6569 6570 6571 6572 6573 6574 6575 6576 6577 I STAIR BALUSTERS AND TREADS. -4 iNK #m GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^ff^ fjjl^ HAND RAILS. HAND RAILS. Full Size. t^ #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. j^ j^ HAND RAILS. j^ j^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U. S. A. jf^ 277 HAND RAILS. ^Z^_Jfe_jK GEF^NEKT BROS. LUMBER CO. 1^^^ ^^^S 6601 Width of MuM 4' 6~ Ndght 4' 1 '. Tll< OpMlag 2' S4- wid* I 2' 8^' Mgk. Lcogtk of SMf 4' 8'. MANTELS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. #^ !79 >8o jjl^ #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., 99^ W^^ ^^fi^-^'^^y^-^^-^ Widtli of Maiital, S 7~ Haight, 48~ TltaOpwiing 35S- W. I 35^i H. Lmgth of Shelf 60". MANTELS. jf^ j^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ 6609 Width of Mantel, 51" Height, 60" Tile Opening 35'i" W. x 43=4" H. „ is ^\^'^ \t i SSI I 6610 Width of Mantel. 57" Height, 48" Tile Opening BSV," W. x 35%" H, Length of Shelf 60 ■. MANTELS. ^^ jjiK jiK GEFINERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. J^^\ 3^^% e6W WMth of HMtol, 60* Hil(lit, 4r Tii*0««*l<^ •!5**'-<^ «o I4 ife4 l&ij ^ X ? ^ I #»^_|gK ^LOUjSVILLE^KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ ^^^ f CO 28."^ j&£t»c C?^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. J^ 5^ j^ #^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j ^ jg^ li^ #^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. flNK #►* i-: W'. ik, *. ii.: v_. i^ - i-1 itt ^ ^ •i^-. =i. L. c LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ^^ 291 292 J«^ ^^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., #K n jl^ f^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j(^ 293 294 GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. f^ I j^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ ^^ 295 290 4^ #IK GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ^ <»* • " « c ■"w— :Q ri* ^J^''"^''/■•':'.:-*l.:■.:"--■-"-'lWl.■li'.■ % J\ ~\ 1 • il) l( u i'#i!Llirri',-jHlih • M J. 2 1 ■ * o ■£>.'■" 1-1- LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ^^ 297 Defender Refrigerotors: The lc<- Paa Shelf .• made of heavy. g«l« Taai/od IroB. and re»U upon iron brackets ruiui.ni; all the way around the Inside of the box and fumisbing an abaolute'.r coUd and sta- ble »u|>port. The hole* in each end of the •belf. and the large aperture in the center, fumUh ample (pace for the circulation of air. The Ice Pmi proper is made of beary, gal- Tani/«ool, charcoal paper, wood ilalag ,.: : air spacci^ which taken tocether give aiac separate walls for the protection of ice and the preservation of a uniform tempera- ture In the provision chamber. Locks and HIages are of geaaiae broace, and of artistic design. Casters are of standard make an' J -^ ^J ^ * oj cj CO ro CT> f'i^'i^"? £ °. -«■£««« ~ s Q g■^5^o^ .M „ hrt 300*;-.iccnZ o O Sppppor^ „ o S coc^co^,^ _, ^ W = - : : : -D ; tn == F F ? =: " F 03 O OT ;;; 5 00 o W > ■ w b ^ o o b M O bd o U w CQ H 02 > t^ u M M H O W W t^ O sss* s > SSSf 2 ^ bd M JJ*W_, _,* -I !^ o^-l^ -g- o H O) HE ong 24" s. ong tslde f;:s;ss I '1 Z J= jNK 1^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ,^ ^^^ Adjustable Chair Desks. C683 Cloiett. Church Furnltur©- IVwH, I'lilpitH. I'latfomi Kiirniturf, Chapel ami Siinday-Mchool Seating. Theatre nnd Holl Seal Inn Opc-ra I'lialrH from tlic low-prici-il vciiuit to the most elaborately up- liiilttcriil; Sctti-ih and l'i)rtalilc Folding; < 'liairHuf every (leHCrlptlon. BiitiK Kurttltiirc and FIttlnKH— <°<)unter8, Scrccnu. UeHks and Uftlce C'haint. FIml- Office DchKh cif ivi-ry iluHcription. Court HoMMU h'urnlturo. Store Fltilnu»— the most ela)iiir:ite. We inakn thiH branch a Hpoclaltv If InteroHtcd in any of the alKivc, write u». SCHOOL AND CHURCH FURNITURE. I LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ 303 668 + Folding Lawn Seat, 6686 Camp table or Cot> Combined Chair and Col. CAMPING FURNITURE. 3 '4 jNK rfK GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., jj^ ^ FLOWER STANDS. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. ^^ 505 n _n 6702 3'> 5'x He" J } J J 670 3 4' X 6'x 1 ,... GREEN HOUSE AND HOT BED SASH. 306 Jl^ #|K GERNERT BROS LUMBER CO.. f^ ^^ L) 'Bt^ \\ -JeJi [-* GREEN HOUSE MATERIAL. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ 307 Ot_ JW 2 & 6713 6722 HOT BED SASH BARS AND GREEN HOUSE MATERIAL. 3o8 J«k *> GERNEKT BROS LUMBER CO., j||^ ^^ im n n n ITU b D ELECTRICAL MOULDINGS. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 309 IBS Til Bi Till lain 6801 Patent Ondoyant, 6803 Patent Pyramidical. 6805 Patent Diamond Star. 6806 Diamond Ribbed, 6807 Patent Muranese, illllilllllllllllli lililil lil III I lililil liMililil N lililililiH lililllll 6809 Ribbed. CATHEDBAL GLASS. 3>o #JK 1^^ GEf^NERT BROS. LUMBER CO., ••n fH^s m m IMiM ~~1 I ''^.~-'Trrrr^'7-y'7^ / A BEVELtD PLATE To-ORirtrR 1 SAND BLAST AND BEVELED PLATE. #|K ^^ LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. U.^. A. j^ 3ni 6826 6827 GEOEMTRIC CHIPPED GLASS. 3'2 GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. #iK #m >2:J^^'^''>:-"^'^ 1 ^ ^' ^ )r ^ ~ * > ^ ' b^f<^ ^l^ -^^ 7^^ .. ^^^ \>'; w^ ^'^ V** vi» -tiiS' 4 '6 6903 BrkkUjftr Trwtlti 6 ft. L T3 b9U4 C4ip«nlcr TrMllM, 4 fict long. bSUb bl'J >:M tJk' s 6906 Plymb Kul*. i'6' 6907 Folding Ironing Board J'. 9~ 6910 Hit ClotAM Propi. 6911 I Oft. 6908 Plain Ironinf; B.i'i t 9 Bool Jack \*- Waih B«tcli 4 n. 691 J Any Sin. Brtcklayari Arc)i«. Foliling ClottMt HofM*. 6914 4 Ft High. 69 1 J J ft' 6916 6 " ' All 3 Sactiont. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 321 Quilting Frame. 6919 6920 Tree Boxes. =P1 b921 6922 Hitch Post. 6923 Kroli LaMc •... 24 ft. •933 CitMMM 76 to 36 ft 693} Fr«ltCn«(. h9 4< LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. U. S. A. j^ Egg Crate Filled. 6936 12 dozen. 6937 6 3938 4 ■ Ecs Crate Closed. \f^.' M^W^ 6939 Egg Testers. EggCpate Folded, 6940 Salt Boxes- 6941 Knife Tray 694 3 T.ick and Nail Box 6944 Tack and Nail Box 324 - GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO . ^^ ^^ , Bw 4 6 ^t 3 SvtMu. t.v'.h 694 7 36 WgtL 6948 48" ■ 6B49 60- - •9»0 7?- - brjrctStasd. 4 Strt'Mi. 69)1 a*^ 6952 48- - 6953 60- 69»4 77 ■MWwMv r#Mtaif Tm^ Stas^ LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ ^^ 3.5 69 5 7 Sash Pulley. 6960 Shingles, 6958 Sash Cord. 6959 Weights. 6962 Hardwood Floor Scraper. 6965 Plasterer's Hair. j^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. j^ j^ t9i' D.rt br I 3V l« 5V Oa evct ift.aB4i ^ Aa^ Cr»4MlMli3V- «»-iM t • O f««r>j LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 6983 Rubeiine. RUBEROID ROOFING AND INSULATING PAPERS. We respectlulh- call the attention of our ]iatroiis to the rapidity with which "Ruberoid Roofing " is taking the place of Shingles and Metal roofs. The stock from which it is inan- ufactnred has a fonndation composed of the best and strongest felt, and is impregnable to water, acid, heat, or alkali, and the material, which comes in rolls of 200 sqnare feet each, is supplied with the necessar}- nails, washers, and cement, and is warranted to resist heat, water, acids, alkali, and other matters detrimental to the materials now commonly in use. It is especially desirable for Tobacco Barns, Stables, Warehouses, and Dwellings, and its cost is much less than any other material now in use. , It is particularly prepared for covering Founderies, Factories, and Tanneries, Chemical, Acid, and Glass-works, and all structures continually exposed to sudden changes in temper- ature and to heat, gases, and moisture. It is well adapted for Brewery, Distillery, and ]\Iilling structures, Car roofing. Refrig- erators, and Ice plants. For the latter purposes, however, we handle e.Kclusively P. &. B." and Giant Insulating Papers, i ply, 2 ply, 3 ply, and 4 ply, which is now universally used wherever it is desirable to retain a certain atmospheric condition, to exclude heat, air, moisture or corrosion. The Papers are put up in rolls of 1000 square feet, but can be furnished in smaller quantities. The cost of putting down either the Roofing or Paper is nominal, and each package contains directions so simple that any intelligent laborer or boy can apply the same. Send for samples and particulars. ROOFING AND INSULATING PAPERS. 328 «|^ ^ji^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO. USEFUL RULES. TW oatatdc o( m circle u eqaal to $ 1-7 limn tW dumctrr. Tw,» >r>4 nf > rrrV i» r<]aal to .7S5 timc* (« (qoATF fieet. ..,_.. -• : cubic A Mjosrr acre U «ib ;-io fc«t long on each •ide. A mile i» S-'&i fert in length. A load of kuid »boakl contain i en. rard. A buTcl ot lime contains 3S bosbeU and vet|;tu aboat aoo Ib». A M]. ft. of wall 4 in. tbick coataia* 7 brickv A"-""9"** " U" A --•••!•. ■- " 21 " A »qu • ■■ ement " 40 " 9 o ntained in 2 ft. o( wall. Vic 3>e and t load laad to looo bnck. A perch of stone contains 24 V cubic feet. A cord of stone. 3 bn. lime and I en. ran) of sand required for each 100 cubic Ccet of rubble maannrr. .\ Brick usoallT weighs 4 Ib*^ 6/xx> to the car. A cubic foot of stone nsnallr weighs 160 lbs.. i,5 cubic feet to the car. A load of sand (I cubic yardi weighs 3^000 lbs., S loads to the car. A bushel of lime weighs !so pounds, 300 bushels to the car. .\ bushel of coal weighs 73 lbs., j^ bu. to the car. .\ square of roofing requires 1000 shingles 4 inches to weather. A square of roo6ng requires 900 shingles 4,S inches to weather. A square of roofing requires 4 Iba. nails. A >!:ini:r :, • :::,•:,. ■» i.le ^rding requires . I inch Up and 3 ; , _ unted in. .\ MjuaTc ui' liuunoij requires 1 10 feet face of floorinj; and 3 ^ ponnds nails. 100 rardis of r.\^^:rr:r.,- requires I/no feet ofB}-Tkils,r .rathing and lath. 10 pounds n : ".15 ^<^ sand and tt '>t!. hair: u. . ...... :i pounds nails, S bn. lime. 16 bu k^iid and 1 bn. hair. .\ board 13 fl. long contains I fl to ererr in. A " 14 - •• I 1-6" " A *• 16 " I 1-3" " " " A- 18- :«<---- A " 20 •• ! 2-J ~ " ** ~ A " 33 •• • I 5.* " •• A" 24"" " 3 ---- Beards surfaced to i^t in. are reckoned as I !% in. thick. Boards surfaced to i.H in. are reckoned as I S in. thick. Boards surfaced to I V in- >re reckoned as 3 in. thick. Boards surfaced to less than }i in. are reckoned as 1 :n. thick. be MEASURES. .-S8A r.s. Stand..- . . I Banci equals 31 S KaUoBs. A box 34 z 24 in. X 14 7-10 in. will bold I BarreL A box 24 X 2S in. X 16 in. will hold S bo. A box 12 X 16 in. X II i-j in. will bold I bushel or .S drr gallons. A box II i-5'z 24 in. s S ia. will also bold I bushel or 8 dry gallons. liq- MEASURES-Contlnuad. x8 in. will bold S ^ iu. will bold I peck X 6 2-s in. will bold 1 peck X 4 1-6 in. will bold Speck X 6 3-s in. will hold S peck - in. X II. in. will bold 10 .\ '- '\ : .; \ : 5 m. x 13 2-5 in. holds lodrr gaL A box S ■« X 7. in. x 4 in. holds i liquid gal. A box 4 X 4 in. s 4 l-s in. will bold 1 quart drr measure. A box 4 ■« X 3 S in. z 4. holds 1 qt. lio. mens. A box 4X4in.x2 i-ioin. will bold I pint dry measure. A box 4 S X 3.^ ia. z 3 in. will bold 1 pint liquid measure. A\Vell 5ft.Dia.z 10 fl. deep bold 463-5bbls. A - 6 - - z 10 - - - 67. A - 7 - " X 10 " ~ " 9.K - "9M " A - 8 *• - ZIO " - - A • 9 " - ZIO ~ - •* 151 A - 10 - " z 10 - •• - iS6».5 - A - II - " z 10 " " " 236 A " 13 - - z 10 ~ - - 268^5 - A tank 1 " " ZIO " " •• iH - A - 3 - " XIO " " " .7««-»4" A - 3 - ~ »»" "* - 16 3-3 ~ 29S-6 " A " 4 " *• ZIO * " •• A X 10 •• ~ ».H - of water cootains 7 11 -at r» -i»j poundv A .Ji.: r. water contains 231 CTL in. weighs S pounds. Estimated Weights of Dry Lumber. Floormg I>res.><^l scj Msicbed While Pine X,O0O Floonng l>res>cd aad Matched Yeliow Pine . I.Soo Weather Boards, Dre«cd White Pine . 850 •• •• " Poplar . . . 900 Cetliag % iach thick White Piac . . . 950 }i •• •• Yellow Piae. . . . i.Soo DresMd Boards White Pine. 3 000 " " Yellow Piae .3.000 Roagh Boards W'kiie Pioe 2.500 " •• Yellow Piae. 3.500 Joist and Scanthng Yellow Piae. . . . 4.aoo Skiacles 16 inch Cyprca . 300 Laths 4 fleet . . . . . joo m 600 Pkkeu Drewcd White Piac t.8oo •• CypreM .3.3JO Pickeu Rough 2.500 la eMiauiiag weight of Shiagles, Lath, etc, ■I b reaaoaable to calcalaie that 5 Lath will eqaal I fact of Laahcr, 10 Shiagla will cqaal I toot of Laabcr. Aa averse fcace poM •qaals <$ feet of Laaber of iu own hcA or HARDWOOD. Ash . Bcwh BinA. Batlcraal . . . ^ouo o^k . Chc sta t. . . . 3.>or. Poplar Chcny J.>oo Sycaaore Co'toawood . . a.600 I Sweet Caa Cyprca . . . 5.O00 I Walaat . 3S»' J. 500 4.»5<» 4.000 4 ISO 2,800 4.2$0 3.000 3.800 LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 529 Approximate Weights Windows. \n Two Light Check Rai Of Size. Open. s. s. Gla. D. S. Gla. 20 X 24 P lbs. 21 lbs. 23 lbs. 20 -x 28 II lbs. 22 lbs. 25 lbs. 20 X 32 12 lbs. 23 lbs. 26 lbs. 20 X 36 12 -X lbs. 25 lbs. 28 lbs. 20 X 40 n lbs. 26 lbs. 30 lbs. 24x30 ii>/; lbs. 24 lbs. 26 lbs. 24 X 32 12 lbs. 25 lbs. 28 lbs. 24 X 36 IS lbs. 27 lbs. 30 lbs. 24 X 40 14 lbs. 29 lbs. 33 lbs. 26 X 30 12 lbs. 25 lbs. 28 lbs. 26 X 32 12'^ lbs. 26 lbs. 30 lbs. 26 X 34 n lbs. 27 lbs. 31 lbs. 26 X 36 n'^ lbs. 28 lbs. 32 lbs. 26 X 40 14 lbs. 30 lbs 34 lbs. 26 X 44 IS lbs. 32 lbs. 36 lbs. 26 X 48 16 lbs. 34 lbs. 39 lbs. 28x32 n lbs. 28 lbs. 32 lbs. 28x36 ■4 lbs. 30 lbs. 34 lbs. 28 X 40 IS lbs. 32 lbs. 36 lbs. 28 X 44 16 lbs. 34 lbs. 38 lbs. 28 X48 17 lbs. 36 lbs. 40 lbs. Approximate Weight of Eight-Light Windows. iHth. isth. Open Gla. Open Gla. 10 X 12 9 lbs. iS lbs. 8 lbs 15 lbs. ID X 14 II lbs. 19 lbs. 8 lbs 18 lbs 10 X 16 12 lbs. 22 lbs. 9 lbs 20 lbs 12 X 14 II lbs. 23 lbs. 9 lbs 19 lbs 12 X 16 12 lbs. 24 lbs. 11 lbs 22 lbs 12 X 18 13 lbs. 27 lbs. 12 lbs 25 lbs 12 X 20 14 lbs. 32 lbs. 14 X 20 15 lbs. 35 lbs. 14 X 24 17 lbs. 40 lbs. Approximate Weight of Twelve Light Windows. i^th. iWh. Open. Gla. Open. Gla. 8 X 10 6 lbs. 8 lbs. 14 lbs. 18 lbs. 8 X 12 8x 14 8 lbs. 19 lbs. 10 X 12 1 1 lbs. 23 lbs. 9 lbs. 21 lbs. 10 X 14 1 1 lbs. 26 lbs. 9 lbs. 23 lbs. 10 X 16 12 lbs. 29 lbs. 10 lbs. 26 lbs. lO X 18 13 lbs. 32 lbs. 10 lbs. 29 lbs. 10 X 20 14 lbs. 34 lbs. 11 lbs. 31 lbs. 12 X 20 14 lbs. 36 lbs. 11 lbs. 33 lbs. 12 X 24 15 lbs. 42 lbs. 12 lbs. 39 lbs. Blinds 12 L 10 X 12 X 1^ 20 lbs. Blinds 12 L 10 X 16 X i^ 25 lbs. Blinds 12 L 10 X 18 X i^ 28 lbs. Blinds 12 L 10 z 20 K l^ 31 lbs. Doors 4 Pan. 3 x 8 x ij^ 56 lbs. Doors 4 Pan. 3 x 7 x I ^ 48 lbs. Doors 4 Pan. 2.8 x 6.8 x i^ 38 lbs. Doors 4 Pan. 2.6 x 6.6 x i Ji 35 lbs. Doors 4 Pan. 2 x 6 - x ^ 18 lbs. Moulded Doors add 5 lbs. per side. For l^ doors add 25^^ to l^ doors. Inside Blinds 24 x 36 24 lbs. Moulding Ji x ^ per 100 ft. 15 lbs Sash Cord per loo ft. 3 lbs. Weight of a Four-Light Window is practically the same as Two-Light of same length. SYNOPSIS OF DOYLE'S LOG RULES. Bia 10 ft. 23"" 12 ft. 14 ft. 16 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 10 27 32 36 41 46 II 30 37 43 49 55 61 12 40 4« 5b 64 72 80 l.S 50 61 71 81 91 lOI 14 62 75 88 100 112 125 l.S 75 91 106 121 iSb 151 16 90 108 126 144 162 180 17 105 126 144 169 190 211 18 122 147 171 19b 220 244 19 140 169 197 225 253 280 20 160 192 224 2,Sb 288 320 21 180 217 253 28q 325 .3bl 22 202 243 2«3 324 364 404 2.S 226 271 313 359 406 452 24 250 300 350 400 450 500 2,S 275 331 386 441 496 5,SO 26 302 363 433 484 544 605 27 330 397 463 530 596 661 28 ^60 432 504 576 648 720 29 391 469 547 62.S 703 782 •%o 422 507 591 676 761 S45 •^I 456 547 638 729 820 912 ^2 490 5S8 686 7S4 882 980 Vi .S26 631 736 842 946 1052 M .Sb2 675 7S7 900 1012 1125 IS 601 721 841 961 1081 1202 16 640 76S 896 1024 1152 1280 V 680 817 953 1089 1225 1361 3« 723 867 ion 1 156 1300 1446 O ■^N OQO NCONvOOOO ■^ N 0^^0 "^ C^ "^O CO t-^vO ro J ''I- N -^vO CO O rOsO > 00 ■* O \0 -sJ-sO ■^ N vO O O fO « ro 'J-vO CC O X 1 vo O ^"O ■^vO 00 ■^ O O • --I N W "-" M ro "i-vO 00 O \0 O (^^ O f^ O O O fn\D ro «^«C< — NrO-^ liTO CC tJ-\0 CO O M ""to O 00 00 O O .a .•:« u be :jt" rt 7 ■84 3H " 445 34^9 H " \& «oS 3 V " 476 374 11-16" US 3;< " 508 399 V " 1.90 I-50 4 , " 54^1 4a-5 13- 16" 'a '•75 UX " 2.03 UV " lU 48.0 15-16" »97 .V38 "33 ,4X " 647 68.5 ^2 iH •' 4.28 336 '4X •• 723 56.8 iV " 528 417 :4V ;l 502 4;< • 76. A 599 iH " 6.39 S0.4 'dl n4 •' 7.6« 597 5 ■■ S8.8 iH " 8-93 701 'sH •' 69.8 H^ " 10.4 8.13 5V " 93-» ?ir ryi " 11.9 934 SH '• 977 2 " "3 5 10.6 5« " 102. 80. , iH " "53 «»o 5X " 107. 84.0 »% •• 17.1 135 SV " 112. 87.8 »H " 19.1 «50 \s}i " 117. 9«7 2\i " 21.1 16.7 6 " 122. 956 Sizes and Number of Nails to lb. ■ ••a^ 1.1 fM^ llStandinl W r« Nllll. . 1 No. of S uc. ^ Dcacnpcion. Length naiU mite nail* to 11>. siie. to lb. Inches In. No. 2d Fine BIned I 1,000 • "7 1.550 3d I'A 800 IX 16 ■ .015 2(1 1 Common 800 I 16 ■ .140 3d " •V 464 «ViS s.« 4d ** •;4 300 'X 'iJ4 W. t^ '* ■V 224 'V «.l •* 2 168 a t2^ 216 7d »v 120 sV 12 180 8d 2« 88 2H II 112 9d »v 'H »V II 95 lod 3 60' ^ 9H 80 lad 3V 4« .IV I 57 i6d 3;i •'*l .3H 46 aod 4 »4 4 6« Ji ^ 4>i •7 4X JH »4 s •4 s 4H 21 Md 6od 1 i'' 10 8 SX 6 J"^ 'S 12 WEIGHT OF METALS. n pound. I J2 1 i-i6 'A 3-16 V S-16 H X I :ti 1 17 »S3 a 34 50s 4.69 7fo 938 10.10 12.6$ "73 15.20 14.07 2025 18.77 ' 4050 37 54 '44 3.89 578 8.67 11.56 '445 •734 23.12 46 24 tcad. ~i.8r 369 738 11.07 14 76 18.45 22 14 »9-5| 59.06 31 caugc IS neareit lo |.j2 in. 16 gauge ii Dcareit tol-l6in. II gauge it nearett to j^ in. TMICKMISI. Width. ■-l6ia ma. >i6w; Via HiB.| KiB. 1 inch. .31 •4a" 6 1 •84 1.36 108 • X " •a4 48 •7« •9S • 4a 1 90 iV •• .36 :iJ •79 \n 1 581 2.11 «H •• •a9 .87 I 74 3.32 IX •• •3* M •9S 1.27 1 40 a 53 iX • •34 •s 380 3H •' 50 1 00 1 SO 300 ^00 4.00 aX •' 53 1.06 1.58 3 II 3 '6 4.21 aX " 3^ " ■SS I.II 1.66 3 21 3 la 442 •58 1.16 " 74 a ,2 34S 464 aX " .61 1.21 1 Sj 2 42 3<'1 4.84 3 ■' .64 1.27 1 90 a SI 3»o S.06 3V *• .69 '^? 206 a. 74 4.11 548 3X " •74 148 3.22 3. .5 443 590 3X •' •79 '5? a 37 3'«» 4 74 6.12 4 .84 1.68 a SI 3 17 SOS 674 4V " •90 1.80 2.69 3SS S -.6 7.16 4X " •95 1 90 2S4 379 5» 7S8 4^ •• 1.00 2 00 300 400 600 Soo S " '•OS 3 II 316 4 21 6. -.2 8.42 5V •• i.ii 2 21 33a 442 6 63 884 5X " 1.16 a-,?a 3-47 4.63 60s 926, i":; 1.31 2.42 .Vt3 4.84 7 26 96S 1.27 aS3 380 5-"5 758I 10.10 WIRE GAUGE. o 00000 GO 0000 T1 n n 20 19 i.S 17 16 i; 14 15 12 II 10 9 00000000 87654; 2 I FULL SIZE. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, U. S. A. J3I USEFUL HINTS. Whitewash for Wali,s. — Soak ,'+ pound of glue over night in tepid water. The next day put it into a tin vessel with a quart of water, set the vessel in a kettle of water over a fire, keep it there until it boils, and then stir until the glue is dissolved. Next put from 6 to S pounds Paris white into an- other vessel, add hot water, and stir until it has the appearance of milk or lime. Add the- sizing, stir well, and appl)' in the ordinary way, while still warm. Except on very dark and smoky walls and ceiling, a single coat is sufficient. It is said to be nearly equal in brilliancy to zinc white, and is very highly recommended by those who have used it. Whitewash for Outside Work.— Take good quick linie, half a bushel, slack in the usual manner, and add I pound of common salt, J2 pound of sulphate of zinc (white vitriol) and I gallon of sweet niilk. The salt and the white vitriol should be dissolved before they are added, when the whole should be thoroughly mixed with sufficient water to give the proper consistency. The sooner the mixture is then applied the better. To Make P.wxt Without Oii^ or Lead. — Whiting, 5 pounds; skimmed milk, 2 quarts; fresh slacked lime, 2 ounces. Put the lime into a stone-ware vessel, pour upon it a sufficient quantity of milk to make a mixture resembling cream, the balance of the milk is then to be added, and lastly, the whiting is to be crumbled upon the surface of the duid, in which it gradually sinks. At this period it must be well stirred in, or ground, as you would other paint, and it is fit for use. There may be added any col- oring matter that suits the fancy, to be ap- plied in the same manner as other paints, and in a few hours it will become perfectly dry. Another coat may then be added, and so on, until the work is done. It is said this paint is of great tenacity, bears rubbing with a coarse cloth, has little smell, even when wet, and when dry is inodorous. It also possesses the merit of cheapness. To Prepare Glue Ready for Use. — To any quantity of glue use common whisky instead of water. Put both together in a bottle, cork it tight and let it stand for three or four days, when it will be fit for use without application of heat. Glue thus pre- pared it is said will keep for 5ears, and is at all times fit for use, except in very cold weather, when it should he set in warm wa- ter before using. To obviate the difficulty of the stopper getting tight by the glue drying in the mouth of the vessel, use a tin vessel with the cover fitting tight on the outside, to prevent the escape of the spirit by evaporation. A strong solution of isin- glass, made in the same manner, is said to be an excellent cement for leather. To Restore Furniture or any Var- nished Woodwork. — An experienced me- chanic is authority for the statement that the best preparation for restoring furni- ture, especially that somewhat marred or scratched, is a mixture of three parts of lin- seed oil and one part spirits of turpentine. It not only covers the disfigured surface, but restores the wood to its original color, and leaves a lustre upon the surface. Put on with a woolen cloth and rub with dry woolen. To Clean Discolored Glass. — Glass that appears smoky may be cleaned by ap- plying diluted nitric acid, when soap, tur- pentine, alcohol or scouring with whiting would make no impression on it. Water of ammonia is also effective. TO PUT ON BYRKETS, SHEATHING AND LATH. Use square studs at corners in framing building, and begin lathing from the floor and wall up by interlocking joints at cor- ners. Do not drive up the sheathing lath tight, as you would flooring, but let it come to- gether loose. Drive Sd. nails through each lath, or thick part, at every stud. This makes your building firm in every respect, and will prevent cracking of plastering, unless your foundation settles. Be sure to cross or interlock the corners, as shown above. ' Number of Pounds in a Bushel of Grain, Fruit Vegetables, etc. LBS. Barley 48 Beans 60 Bluegrass seed 14 Bran 20 Buckwheat 52 Castor Beans 46 Clover Seed 60 Coal 72 Corn, Shelled 56 Corn in the ear 70 Corn Meal 50 Dried Apples 24 to 28 Dried Peaches 28 to 33 Flax Seed 56 Hemp Seed 44 Hominy 60 Hungarian Grass Seed. . . . ■ .. 48 to 55 Hair for Plastering 8 Lime So Millet Seed. 50 Oats 32 to 34 Onions 57 Potatoes, Irish 60 Salt, fine 501056 Timothy Seed 45 Wheat 60 Potatoes, Sweet 55 Peas 60 Rye 56 Salt 50 9'^. cpy GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO.. lPciioi)6 1UI)cn to /ll^ah.c /llbonc\>. Tnkrii from an old l>u>liir» citil of ihr MichlKan I.unil>rr Co Found ■( Mal«-crn. ArK., in IWI. Years in which panics have and will cKCur again. Their regular cycles are i6, i8 and 20 years and repeat 16, 18 and 20. 1887 80 1867 16 1878 18 1891 80 , ^ rars of good tinjles, high prices a time to sell stocks and values of all kinds. /iTheir Years of hard times, low prices, and a good time to buy stocks, corner lots, goods. Etc., Etc., and hold till the Ixwm reaches the years of good times, theh ujiload. Their cycles are 9. 7 and 11 and repeat 9, 7 and 11. Sure thing. Watch this closely. moo^cn Gal•^6. FOR BUSINESS ADVERTISING THEIR UNIQUENESS MAKES THEM OF GREAT VALUE. width Mo. loch» 7 »V 7A iU 7B a)^ 8 3H 8A 3H 8B 3H 9 3>i 9A 3« 9B a« 10 4 10 A 4 HriKht Ci X 3X-- II A II B 12. '3- 14 I.S. . 15A. i.SB. 4 -4V -4W AU 54 6 .6 .6 CCMl U'ank*. ft^ 90 per loo 90 I 00 .. I 00 . . I 00 I J5 '• .. I 50 " .. « 75 " a 00 " 1 5 or more, will allow you a discount of per cent. Cards neatly printed to order. Type work at 25 cents per 100 more than List Price, when but one line is required, as Personal Cards, Etc. For additional matter add s cents per line extra. P. C. GKRXHRT, Louisville. Ky. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. j^ 1[nbcx. PAGE Acorns 75 Adjustable Chair Desks 302 Adjustable Fruit and Egg Crates .... 322, 323 Adjustable Gable Ornaments 160, 161 Adjustable Screens 196, 197 .\ir Grates iSi Angle Brackets 106, loStoiii Aprons '3. '4 Arbor .■\rches in Arches 320 Arch Spindles 76,77,801082,851087 Art Casings 226 to 238 Art Glass 30910319 Art Moulding 33, 35 to 47 Art Moulded Doors . 208 to 210, 212 to 216, 234 to 236 Art Newels 26710271 Art Wainscoting 239, 240 Astragals 8,31, 34 Balls and Halves 75, 82 to 84, 326 Balusters 77,78,81,112,27110273 Baluster Stock 31 Balustrade 12810134 Band Moulding 5. 6, 8, 30, 33, 34 Band Mould Casing 30, 33 Bank Fixtures . 224, 225 Bar Bells 326 Barber Cases ... 249 Bars 326 Barn Sash . ; 195 Bam Siding 27 Base 15, 16, 28, 35 Base Ball BatS 326 Base Blocks 69 lo 73 Base Corners 88 Base Moulding 5, 15, 16, 28,35 Base Strip 7, 10 Bath Room Presses 254 Battens 8, 11, 181 Batton Doors i8r, 182 B.iy Windows 152 to 156 Bead Moulding 7i 8, 10, 31, 33 Bed Moulding 4, 5 Benches 303, 320, 324 Bevel Siding 27 Beveled Plate Gla=s .... 310,313,31610319 Bicycle Stands 324 Billies 326 Biscuit Boards 321 Black Boards 320 Bhnds 1S2, 196, 198 to 200 Blind Doors . . . ■ 182, 196 Blind Slats 10 Blind Weights 329 Blocks (Center) 69, 70, 72, 73 Blocks I Corner) 68,701073 Blocks (Head) 691073 Board Measurements 328, 329 Book Cases 228, 249, 250 Bool Jacks 320 Borders 36 lo 47, 237, 241 lo 243 Bowling Alley Appliances 326 Boxes • . 323 Box Frames 17, iS, 20. 183 Brackets 10310111,11310116 Brackets i Carved) 48, 51, 55, 61. 64. 66 Bracket Shelves 279 Bricklayers Arches and Trestles .... 320 Bricklayers' Information 328 Brick Measurements and Weights 328 Building Paper 327 Bulkhead Rail 23, 24, 25 Cabinets 22S, 24910254,301,322 Camp Stools 303 Capitals ' • 55. 57 Caps 55,12310127,238,307 Cap Moulding ... 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 19, 30, 32, 33 Cards 332 Carpenters' Trestles or Horses 320 Carpet Strips 11 Carved Brackets P.^C.E 4S, 51,55^.61, 64, 66 Carved Caps owrl« . I >nuKhluivaii'« Outfit . . . . 113 to lib 113 to tr}, 184 to 190 18A. 184 118, 122 5. 8. 9. 3". iJ. 34. 36 to 47 II II. 19 • • ■ 3*9 55. 9» to 95 921095 . . 8j. 83 - 3» Itrau'.riK Houd utd Square* 330 I >ra;*Ty loi, "loj I>n{> C«j>» I>n>p* I»ropScn>ll l>mp Siding I >r> Luoitjcr Weights I»n Mc*»am . . iJtimb Rells Eaatlakc Blocks EastUke Casing Eare Brackets Egg and Dart Moulding Egg and Fruit Crates Ln. ".^ Ext. Evt . s Face i:rd..Lcl» . Fancv Butt Shingles Felt StriiK . . Fence I*ickeU Festoons ... FiniaU Finish Fire-proof Doors Flag Sufis . Floors Floor Scrapers . . Flooring Memoranda Flower Stands . . . Flv Screens I ..!.!'.:it; l;!.\c;f Sunds t -. and Lawn Seals i'-nes .... "». '9. ii. 307 75. 8» ^, 99, 101, 102 . . . 27 ... 3JS • 32*. 33' .... 326 ... «8to;:t .12. 13. 29. 30 103 to 112, 113 to 117 33. 38. 39. *o. 46. 47 .... 322. 323 323 . . . 30R 178, 193 hi . to 65. 67 »5 to 40 192 ISI ■ 33 . . . 112 50. 5*. 53. 56 88.97.99 . 226 to 297 ... 197 321 . 241 to 243 325 32K "»6, 197 324 . . 302. y.;, . 32r., ,•,24 „ _, 322.323 r.tm Boards . . 330 Stands . . . 324 24. 25. 31 I riijic* . . . .17, 18. ao, 21, 32. 181, ih; to 192 Hret Work 229, 230. 244 to 24S Front Ik-r- .... Jt* to 216, 2 -,4 to -'•-'' Fru!' • !e« Fur: -.ta I ur 76.77.801082. ^ 160 10 l^^ 88, 97 to 103. 160 to i>« > • . i-V'i l.iiMc U;q<1uws .... 17310179,192, 193 Gales . 1 82 Gcooetric Chipped Glaia .... 311,313,314 Glass 30910 ^19 Glass Beads and Moulding . . 8, 10, 36, 38, to 41, 4i t" )- 199, ten 192 ■ws and IXKtr* ', rules Grate Battons Crstc I'-.imc- 22, 195. y \pparatus 76, 77. 80 to 83. - . . 229. 230. 2 1 "•ir 325 Half Round Moulding .... 7 Hand Rail 23, 26, 274 to 277 Hanging Stiles |g Hanfwood Floors 241 to 243 Hardwood Floor Scraper" Hanlwtxxl Weight* Heail Kloi, 322 Kitchen lYesse* .-51 10254 Knife Travs ... 323 Krokonole Chips Krokonole Boanis Ladders . . Uth .... landing Newels lattice Doors lattice Gates I.attice Strips Lawn Seats l>:aded .\rt Gla.ss Lime . . Lineal Measurement. Linen I'resses 526 321 . . . 322 325. 328. 331 267. 270 1^2. 196 rS2. 19b . . 303 31610319 325. 328 .^2S. 329 251 to 254 Liquid Measurvments . . 32S Ix>K Mrasurementa 329 Lookouts Ill Louvre Frames 179, i>if> Lumber Weights and Measurements . . ;2.s. ;29 Mallets Mantels , M.Tiiti-I Shelve* . . Mar).:iii.il l.i);ht I>oors Marginal Light Sash and Ti .McaMin-Titrnts . . Meilu nil- Case-. Mcvtinj; Rails MeUl Weights Miscellaneous Information Modillions Mouldin);.^ .\prf>n .Art . Astiagal . Band . . Base . Bntton Bead Bed Blin. 351040. 421047 ... \3>. .M 5. 6. ^. -V'. SA 5. 15. 16. 28. 35 ... 8.11 7. 8, ID. 31.41 4.5 10 4 5. 8 to 10. 19, 30, 33 II 37 to 40. 42 to 47 II tu 14, 291031. 35 31.35 . . . . 7. iR. 19, ti i^- 37. 39. 4". 13. 46. 47 8. 9. 31. 33. 34. .I*" to 47 LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, U. S. A. 335 Mouldings-( Continued.) pace Drip Cap 19. 3^ Egg and Dart 35. 3^ to 40. 47 Electrical 308 Embossed 35 to 40 Glass Bead . . . . 8,10,36,381041,441047 Half Round 7 Hearth Strip 31 Impost . 32 Jamb 17, 20, 32 Lattice " Nosing 8, 10 Panel 4 5. §, 9 Parting Strip 10 Partition Frame 32 Picture S,"38 Quarter Round 7 Rail 23 to :?6, 31, 274 to 277 Rope 41 Round, Half and Quarter 7 Sash Stock 22, 307 Scotia 2, 7 Screen 10 Shelf Cleat 31 Shoe and Strip 10 Stair 7, S, 273 to 277 Stool 13, 14 Strip II Sub-Sill 14 Threshold u Transom Bar 18, 32 Turned Bead 41 Twisted 41 Wainscoting Cap S, g, 33 Moulded Doors . 205, 206, 208 to 216. 234 to 236 Jloulding Weights 329 Mullion Window Frames .... 18510190.192 Muntins 22 Nail Boxes 323 Nail Memoranda 328, 330 Newel Ornaments 481051,561067 Newel Posts ... 88, 89, 258 to 267. ->b8 to 271 Newel Tops 75, 267 to 271 Nosing and Scotia 7. 8, 10 O. G. Battens 11 Office Fixtures 224, 225 Oriels 152 to 156 Oriel Windows 15210156,19110194 Ornaments . . . 48 to 67, 74, 75, 82, 84. 96 to 112 Ornamental Chipped Glass . . . 311,31310315 Ornamental Panels 51, 601067 Ornamental Shingles iSi Outside Blinds 182, 200 Outside Casing 1.8410190 I'ainlers' Ladders 322 P. G. Strips 10 Panels 5 1 , 60 to 67 Panel Doors 202 to 206. 227 to 233 Panel Jloulding 4. 5. S, 9 Panel Shutters 200 Panel Wainscoting 22610231,239, 240 Pantry Frames 190 Pantry Presses 251 to 254, 322 Pantrj- Windows 190, 195 Parquetry Borders 241, 243 Parquetry Floors 241, 243 Parting Strips 10 Partition 27 Partition Frames 32 Partition Shoe 10, 25 Pavement Measurements 328 Pickets 112, 32S Picket Gates 1S2 Picture Moulding 8, 38 Pilaster Caps . 55. 57 Plasterers' Hair 325 Plasterers' Material 325 Plasterers' Memoranda 328, 331 Plinth Blocks 69 to .73 Pluml) Rides 320 Pocket Window Frames 191 Poles 321 Porches 128 to 151 Porch Balusters 761078, 112 Porch Balustrade 130 to 134 PACK Porch Brackets 103 to 1 1 1 Porch Columns 90 to 95 Porch Column Caps 55 Porcli Posts 88 to 95 Porch Rails 23 in 25, 31 Porch Scroll loi to 112 Porti«r Spindles . . . . 76, 77, 80 to 82, 85 to 87 Portier Work 244 to 248 Post Tops 75, 84 Pressed Corner Blocks 68 to 73 Pressed Moulding 35 to 40 Pressed Ornaments 5s to 65 Presses 251 to 25;, 322 Props 320 Pulleys -525 Pulley Stiles . . 17," lis Quarter Round Moulding 7 Queen Anne Sash j 93 to 195 Quilting Frames 321 Rails . 23 to 26, 31. 274 to 277 Railing . 128 to 151 Railing Balusters . . . . 77, 78, 112, 271 10273 Railing Spindles 761081, 851087 Refrigerators 298 to 301 Return Beads 7 Reversible Clothes Bars 320, 324 Ribbeil Glass 309 Risers 273 Rolling Pins 326 Roofing Material 327 Roofing Measurements and Information . . . 32.S Rope Moulding 41 Rosettes 51,581061,64,74,75,82 Round Moulding 7, 41 Ruberine 327 Ruberoid Roofing 327 Rules 320 Running Scroll loi. 102 Safely Step Ladders 322 Salt Boxes ■523 Sand 328 Sand Blast Glass 310, 312, 315 Sash Bars .... 22, 306 Sash Cord 325 Sash Doors 207 to 221, 234 to 236 Sash Pulleys 325 Sash Rails 22, 307 Sash Stiles 22, 307 Sash Weights 325 School Furniture 302 .Scotia 2, 7 Scrapers 325 Screens 196. 197, 199, 248 Screen Brackets 197 Screen Doors and Windows 196, 197 Screen Slide 10, 196, 197 Screen Slicks .... 196, 197 Screen Strips 10, 197 Scroll Balusters 112 Scroll Brackets 10310111 Scroll Ornaments 96 to 112 Segment Head Blinds 199, 200 .Sqgnient Windows 175, 191, 193 Segment Transoms 177, 190, 191 Shelf Cleats 31 Shelf Cornices 222, 223 Shelf Edges 31 Shelving 31, 222, 223 Shingles 181,325,328 Shoe 10 Shoe Strip 10 Show Sash 195 Show Windows 219, 221 .Siding 27 Shutters 1S2. 197 to 200 Side-Boards 227, 249 to 254 Sills 14, 21, 307 Skeleton Box Frames 1S3 Sliding Door Mould 33. 34 Spadral Brackets 10310111 .Spindles 76,77,801083,851087 Spindle .\rches 244 to 248 Spindle Brackets 104, no Squares 320 s^* &^ GERNERT BROS. LUMBER CO., 99^ ^^ 15810 4Stos Sqiure MeasumnenU Squarr Tuminga Stiiir Balu>tcr» Stair Bral■kct^ Stair Ca»c» Stair Mciulilinj; Stair N>«-el» Stair NosiDK and Scotia Stair ( tmamcnta Stair K.11I Stair Rl^c^l Slair Tread* Stair Wi.rk StAcs Sunds .'*tar Scrolls Step ladder- StilU Stone Metnoranda .... Stools Stop Strips . . Store Doors ... S'.orr Fixtures ... Store Froms Store Screens StrBi(;bt Edge> Strips SubsiUs Sonshatle I'ancU Table I^jfs Table of Weights and Measurements Tacks Tack and Nail Boxes . . Tenpins .... Tenpin ItiiUs . . Theatre Chairs Threshold Strips Tips . Tops . . Towel Rin({s Transoms . . . 176, 179, Transom Bars Transom Blinds . . Trays Trapeze Bars, . Trcails . Tree Boxes Trestles Triangles T-S Veramla Cam Veranda Culumnv \°eranda i'ottts Wa^on Jacks . Wainscoting Wainscoting Cap . , . Wainscoting Shoe . . Wall CabineU . Wartlnilws Wash Bench . Weather Boarding Weather Strips Weights Blinds ... Bricks Ceilin;; .... C.«l IKiors .... I>res.se<1 Boards Flooring . . Fruit ('.rain . liardwoual Iron Joists and Scantling Lath I. line l.uinl>er .... .Mclas . . .Moulilings Nails . Pickets . . . RotiKh Boards . . Siinw Hds . . . , Window Screens Wimlow Sills . Window Stools Window Weights Wire (lange Wire Screen . Wooden Card* Wreaths rACK . y^ 179. '80 128 to 151 103 to I I I S5 .... 90 to 95 .... 88 to 95 ^22 37, n6 to aji, 3^9. 340 8. 9. 33 10 337, 338, 349 to '54 . 349. 351 to 254 . . 320. 324 K. 3J» '9. .\3 ■>J8, 331 3a« . w8 . . -,28 . 3»8 3a8 . 3J8 3» ■ .^.U .^3' 32S 3.V» . 3*8 . 3a8 3>8 W8. 329 330 3a8 328, 330 . 3*8 318 . -,28 3i8 33S 33' 318 3a8 3*9 173 to 179, 185 to 195 I". .VI 103 to III, 113 to 1 16 133 to 137, 184 to 190 . . . 183, i8j to 193 . . . . 118 to 122 lg6. 197 14. 21 l.V 14 319 330 197 ,Vja ■ 50. 53. 54. .56. 57 i i "ii-P^ WW ; -T .^ • V.