im m m i m m Bulletin No. 164 May 19, 1899 THE NORTH CAROLINA CoLLEGEOF Agriculture AND Mechanic Arts AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION W. A. WITHERS, A.M., Acting Director The Flora of North Carolina FROM Ranuncuiaceae to Salviniaceae C. W. HYAMg RALEIGH, N. C. 512 Publications will be sent to any address in North Carolina upon application. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION RALEIGH, N. C. BOARD OF TRUSTEES W. S. Primrose, Raleigh, President of t}ie Board. A. Leazar. Mooresville. H. E. Fries. Salem. D. A. Tompkins. Charlotte. T. B. TwiTTY, Rutherfordton. Fraxk Wd. Eden ton. J. C. L. Harris Raleigh. L. C. Edwards Oxford. Jno. W. Harden. Jr . Raleigh. H. E. Bonitz Wilmington. Matt Moore. Kenansville. J. Z. Waller Burlington. W. H. Ragan. High Point. David Clark Charlotte. R. L. Smith Albemarle. P. J. Sinclair. Manon. J. B. Stokes . Windsor. W. J. Peele. Raleigh. E. Y. Webb. Shelbv. W. C. Fields. Sparta. J. F^ANK Ray. Franklin. Alex. Q. Holladay. President of the College. EXPERIMENT STATION STAFF. Alex. Q. Holladay, LL.D., President of the College.* W. A. W^ithers. A.m.. Acting Director and Chemist.* F. E. Emery. M.S.. Agriculturist.* W. F. Massey. C.E.. Horticulturist.* Cooper Curtice. D.V.S.. M.D. (l) Veterinarian.* G. S. FRAPS. Ph.D.. Assistant Chemist. J. A. BlzzELL. B.S.. Assistant Chemist. H. W. Primrose. B.S.. As.sistant Chemist. Alex. Rhodes A&sistant Horticulturist. C. W. Hyams. As.sistant Botanist J. M. Johnson. M.S.. Assistant Agriculturist. B. S. Skinner. Farm Superintendent. J. M. Fix. Secretarv. C. M. Hughes. B.E.. Clerk. Mrs. L. V. Darby. Stenographer. FERTiLiZEn CONTROL DIVISION. A. W. Blair. A.M.. State Chemist. C. B. Williams, M.S., As-sistaet Chemist. C. D. Harris. B.S.. Assistant Chemist. F. G. Kelly, As.sistant Chemist. W. G. Haywood. B.Litt, Assistant Chemist. H. E. King. Chief Clerk. Miss M. S. Birdsono, Stenographer. The Director's oflBce is in the main building of the College. Telephone No. 135 C. The street cars piass within one hundred yards of the College bxiilding. The Station is glad to receive any inquiries on agricultural subjects. Address all communication^i to the Agricultural Experiment Station, and not to indi- viduals. They will be referred to the members of the Station staff most compe- tent to answer them. Samples for analysis should be sent to the State Chemist, * Member of Station ConnciL (i) On ie»vt of absence. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. The N. C. CJollege of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Thb North Carolina AGRicrLxuEAL Expekimext Statiox, Raleigh, N. C, May 18, 1899. Prof. W. A. Withers, Acting Director. I herewith submit a revision of the Flora of North Carolina, pre- pared by my assistant, Mr. Hyams. The rich Flora of the State has never been fully catalogued. That of Dr. Curtis being up to the present the only attempt in this line. I believe that the present list will be valued by botanists as an addition to our knowledge of the habits of these plants. Yours truly, W. F. MASSEY, Horticulturist, Botanist and Entomologist. PREFACE. lu the year 1867, Rev. M. A. Curtis published *A Catalogue of the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants of the State," embracing 1,920 species, exclusive of the lower orders. Since this time a very large number of species have been added to the list, as will be shown further on. Such additions have been published, at long intervals, by various parties, and botanists have long desired a complete Flora of the State, and it is the aim of the present work to supply this want. Thf number of species here recogniz-d is 2,685, comprising 15-4 families. This brings up to June, 1899, it is believed, all well estab- lished species within our area. In the admission of new species I have pursued a conservative course, and have only admitted those that appear to bear the requisite tests of constancy and persistency in their distinguishing cliaracters. As far as possible the popular, local names have been given, and I have followed the revised no- menclature of Britton and Brown, only in such cases as seemed well founded in botanical priority. It give? me pleasure to submit this work to your consideration, believing it will aid scientists in deter- mining the localities and range of our vegetation to a large extent, and as being, perliaps. the largest local list of plants ever published in the South. I have divided the State into botanical districts, and have indicated the same by the .'ollowing abbreviations E, C, and W, meaning respectively Eastern, Central and Western. Where a species is found in all the districts the letter A is used. A line running north through Gaston. Alexander ai d Alleghany counties would divide the Central and V»>stern districts, while one running north through Bladen, Wakeand Granville counties would divide the East- ern and Central districts. I have critically examined all the various publications bearing on the subjfcf, and desire to make due ac- knowledgements to the authors of the same. Re^spectfully, C. W. HYAMS. The Flora of North Carolina. FROM RANUNCULACEAE to SALVINIACEAE, By C. W. HYAMS, Assistant Botanist. Flowering: Plants. Class I— Exogeneous Plants. Order 1. RANUXCULACEAE. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.) Atragene Americana, Sims. Purple Virgin's Bower. W. Clematis ochroleuca, Ait. Dwarf Clematis. C. and W. ovata, Pursh. Mountain Clematis. W. Viorua, L. Leather Flower. C. and W, crispa, L. Blue Jessamine. E. v^^irginiana, L. Virgin's Bower. C. and W. Addisouii, Brittou. Brown's Clematis. C. reticulata, Walt. Smooth Clematis. E. Catesbyana, Pursh. Hairy Clematis. E. Anemone quinquefolia, L. Wind Flower. "W. Caroliniana, Walt. Carolina Anemone. W. Virginiana, L. Virginia Anemone. C. and W. trifolia, L. Mountain Anemone W. Hepatica triloba, Chaix. Liverwort. C. and W. ?>;.;,' ;;(acutiloba, D. C. Acute-lobed Liverwort. C. and W. Thalictrum dioicum. L. Early Meadow Rue. W. Cornuti, L. Tall Meadow Rue. A. clavatum, D. C. Slender Meadow Rue. W. macrostylum, Shuttlaw. Meadow Rue. W. nudicaule, Schwein. Meadow Rue. C. anemonoides, Michx. E. and C. coriaceum (Brittou) Small, i'hick Meadow Rue W. purpurascens, L. Purple Meadow Rue. W. Adonis, L. Pheasant's Eye. A. Trautvetteria palmata, F. & M. False Bugbane. W. Ranunculus aquatilis, L. White Crowfoot. C. parvifiorus, L. Small-flowered Crowfoot. E. and C. alismaefolius, Geyer. Spear-leaved Crowfoot. C. pusillus, Poir. Dwarf Crowfoot. E. and C. muricatus, L. Spiny-fruited Crowfoot. E. and C. 29« N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Ranunculus abortivus, L. Smooth Crowfoot. E. and C. micranthus. Nutt. Rock Crowfoot. E. and C. recurvatus, Poir. Rough Crowfoot. E. and C. sceleratus, L. Biting Crowfoot. E. Peunsylvanicjs, L. Bristly Crowfoot. C. Purshii, Rich. Pursh's Crowfoot. C. seotentrionalis, Poir. Marsh Crowfoot. E. and C. repens, L. Creeping Crowfoot. A. repens, L. nitidus. Crowfoot. E. fascicularis. Mu&hl. Tufted Crowfoot. C. hispidus, Michx. Hispid Crowfoot. A. acris, L. Meadow Crowfoot C. palmatus. Ell. Pallinate Crowfoot. E. Alleghaniensis. Britton. Mountain Crowfoot, W. bulbosus, L Bulb us Crowfoot. A. parvulus, L. Hairy Crowfoot. E delphinifolius, Torr. Yellow Water Crowfoot. E. oblongifolius. Ell. Oblong- leaved Crowfoot. E. Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix), Boss. Water Crowfoot. E. Aquilegia Cana lensi:^, L Columbine Crowfoot. A. vulgaris, L. Purple Crowfoot. C. cocci nea, 5?mall. Crowfoot. C. Delphinium azureum, Michx. Blue Lockspur. W. tricorne, Michx. Dwarf Lockspur. W. exaltatum. Ait Tall Lockspur. W. Consolida, L. Garden Lockspur A. Helleborus viridis, L Green Hellebore. W. AcoNiTUM uncinatum, L. Wild Monkshood. W. reclinatum. A. Gray. Trailing Monkshood. W. »- Zanthorhiza apiifolia, L'Her. Yellow Root. A. Hydrastis Canadensis. L. Golden Seal. W. Caltha palustris, L. Marsh Marigold. C. and W. IsoPYRUM biternatum, T. c\: G False Rue Anemone. C. AcTAEA alha (L.I. Mill. White Bat:eberry. W. rubra (Aif.) Wild. Red B.ineberry. W. '^IMICIFUGA racemosa, Ell. Rattle Tof>. C. and \V. cordifolia, Pursh. Cordate Rattlf> Top. W. Americana, Michx Mountain Rattle Top. W. Myosurus minimus, L. Mou^e tail. E. Order 2. MAGNOLIACEAE. -MAGNOLIA FAMILY. •^L\GNOLiA grandiflora, L. Magnolia. E. »^lauca. L. Sweet Bav. E. '-'Umbrella, Lam. Umbrella Tree. A. Tr)/oeit.< <^cuminata, L Ciuumber Tree. W. cordata, Michx. Heart-leaved Magnolia. W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 29S Magnolia Fraseri, Walt. Long leaved Magnolia. W. macrophylla, Michx. Large-leaved Magnolia. W. j^LiRiODENDRON Tuliplifera, L. Poplar. A. Order 3. ANONACEAE. PA PAW FAMILY. AsiMiNA triloba, Danal. Pap^w. C and \V. parviflora, Duual. Small Papaw. A. Order 4. MENISPERMACEAE. MOOXSEED FAMILY. Menispermum Canadense, L. Moonseed. A. CoccuLUS Carolinu?, D. C. Red Moonseed. E. and C. Calycocarpum Lyoni, Nutt. Cup seed. C. Order 5. BERBERIDACEAE. BARBERRY FAMILY. » Berberis Canadensis, Pursh. Barberry. W. vulgaris, L. European Barberry. C. and W. Caulophyllum tbalictroides, Michx. Blue Cohosh. W. DiPHYLLEiA cymosa, Michx. Umbrella Leaf. W. r Podophyllum peltatura, L May Apple. A. Jeffersonia diphylla, (L.) Pers. Twin-leaf. \V. Order 6. nymphaeaceae. water lily family. Cabomba Caroliniana, Gray. Water-shield. E. Brasena peltata, Pursh. Water-target. E. Nelumbium luteum, Willd. Water Chinquepiii. E. Nymphaea ad vena, Soland. Yellow Pond Lily. A. advena, minor, Morong. Small Pond Lily. C. sagittaefolia, Walt. Arrow-leaved Pond Lilly. E. odorata, Ait. White Pond Lilly. E. and C. Order T. sarraceniaceae. pitcher plant family. .^Sarracenia purpurea, L. Purple Pitcher Plant. E. and C. j^ava, L. Trumpet-leaf E. and C. ^.-/>-^ rubra Walt. Red-flowered Trumpet-leaf. S. W. . variolaris, Michx. Spotted Trumpet-leaf. S. E. Order 8. DROSERACEAE. SUNDEW FAMILY. .^^ROSERA filiformis, Raf. Three-leaved Sundew. E. 394 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Droskra lougifolia, L Long-leaved Sundew. rotundifolia. L. Round-leaved Sundew. E. and C. brevifolia; Pursh. Shorl le.ived Sundew. E and C. DiONAKA rauscipula. Ell. Fly Trap. E. Order !♦. PAPAVERACEAE. POPPY FAMILY. Argemone Mexicana, L. Mexican P.»ppy. E. Sanguinaria Canadensis L. B ood Root. A. Chelidoxium raajus, L Celandine. C. Papaver somniferum, L. Opium Poppy. C. and W. Rhoeas, L. C-«»rn Pop|>y. C dubium, L Smooth-fruited P«tppy. A. Argemone, L. Rough-fruited Poppy. E Glaucium luteum, Scop. Sea Poppy. E. Order 10. fumariaceae. fumitory family. Adlumia cirrhosa, Raf Climbing Fumitory. W. DiCEXTRA Cucullaria. Torr. Diitohmnn's Breeches W. exiniia, Walp Wild Bleeding heart. W. Canadensis. Torr. Squirrel CdVn. W. CoRYDALis glauca. Pursh. Pink Corvdalis. W. flavula, Raf Pale Corvdalis. W. aurea, Willd. Golden Corydalis E. micrauthum (Engllm) Briiton. Small-flowered Cory- dalis. E. FiMAKiA officinalis, L. Fumitory. E parviflora, Lam. Small Fumitory. E. Order 11. cruciferae. mustard family. Nasturtium tanacetifolium, H. efc A. Tansy Cress. E. palustre, D. C. Mar-h Cress. E. iacustre, Gray. Lake Cress. C. officinale, R. Br. Water Cress. A. sylvestre. R. Br. Creeping Yellow Cress. E hispidum, D. C. Hi.-pid Yellow Cress. E. Armoracia, Fries. Horseradish. C. Cardamine rhoraboidea. D. C. Spring Cress. E. rotundifolia, D. C. Round-leaved Cress. W. spathulata, Michx Spatulate-leaved Cress W. hirsuta, L. Bitter Cres<. C. Ludoviciana, Hook. Virginia Bitter Cress. C. Clematitis. Shuttlw. Mountain Bitter Cress. W. Pennsylvauica, Muhl. Pennsvlvania Bitter Cress. W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA 295 Cardamine arenicola, Britton. Bitter Cress. E. parviflora, L. Small flowered Bitter Cress. W. flexuosa, With. Wood Bitter Cress. W. Dentaria diphylla, Miclix. Pef^per Ko(jt. W. laciniata, Muhl. Cut leaved Pepper Root. C. and W. heterophylla, Nuti. Slender Pepper Root. W. multifida, Muhl. Ternate leaved Pepper Root. C. Arabis lyrata, ].. Rock Cress. C. Canadensis, L. Sickle Pod. C. and W. laevigata, D. C. Smooth Rock Cress. C. and W. Thaliana, L. Thale Cress. C. hirsuta, Scop. Hairy R'ick Cress. W. Burkii, Porter. Burke's Rock Cress. W. Barbarea vulgaris, R. Br. Yellow Rocket. E. and C. praecox, R Br. Scurry Grass. C. stricta, Andrz. Winter Cress. C. Sisymbrium Thaliana, Gaud. Mouse-ear Cress. E. and C, canescens, Nutt. Tansy Mustard E. and C. officinale. Scop. Hedge Mustard. E. and C. Allaria, Scop. Garlic Mustard. E. and C. Draba Caroliniana, Walt. Caroline Whitlaw Grass. E. and C. ramosissima, De.^o. Branching Whitlaw Grass. W. verna, L. Vernal Whitlaw Grass. E and C. brachycarpa, Nutt. Short- fruited Whitlaw Grass E. and C. Camelina sativa, Crantz. False Flax. E. Senebiera Coronopus, Poir. Wart Cress. E. did y ma Lesser Wart Cress. A. Lepidium Virgn:iicum, L. Wild Peppergrass. A. campestre, R Br. Field Peppergrass. C. Ruderale, L. Roadside Peppergrass. E. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Moench. Shepherd's Purse. A. Cakile maritima. Scop. Sea Kale. E. Alyssum maritinum, L Sweet Alyssum. C. SiNAPis nigra, L. Black Mustard. A. alba, L. White Mustard. A. 4 arvensis, L. Charlock. A. juncea, L Indian Mustard. C. Brassica campestris, L. Turnip. A. Napus, L. Rape. C. Raphanus sativus. L. Radish. A. Hesperis matronalis, L. Dame's Rocket. C. Order 12. capparidaceae. caper family. Gynandropsis pentaphylla, D. C. E PoLANisiA graveolens. Raf. Clammy- weed. W. Cleome spinosa, L. Spider-flower. C. and W. 296 N. G. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Order 13. VIOLACEAE. VIOLET FAMILY. » Vior.A palmata, L. Early Blue Violet. A. cucullata, Ait. Hooded Blue Violet. A. villosa. Walt. Wood Blue Violet. E and C. sororia, Willd. Woolly Blue Violet. C. sagittata, Ait. Arr.»w-leaved Violet. C. ovata, Nutt. Ovate Arrow leaved Violet. C. » pedata, L. Bird's-foot Violet. A. rotundifolia, Michx. Rouhd-leaved Violet. W, blanda, Willd. Sweet White Violet. E. and C. blanda amoeua. LeConte. LeConte's Violet C. primulaefolia, L. Primrose-lenved Violet. E. and C. lanceolata, L. Lance-leaved Violet. E. and C. hastata, Michx. Halberd-leaved Violet. W. pubescens, Ait. Hairy Yellow Violet. C. and W. scabriusrula (T. ^HiBiscus Moscheutos, L. Swamp Mallow. A. militarij. Cav. Halber.l-Kaved Mallow. E. aculeatu?, Walt. E. Trionum, L. Venice Mallow. A. Order IS. TILIACEAE. LIXDEX FAMILY. * TiLiA Americana, L. American Linden. W. pubescens, Ait. Hairy Linden. W. heterophylla, Vent. Mountain Linden. W. Order 19. HYPERICAGEAE. ST. JOHX's WORT FAMILY. AscYRUM stans, Michx. St. Peter's wort. A. hypericoides, L. Si. Andrew's wort. A. ^ Hypericum Kalmianum, L Krilm's St. John's-wort. W. prolificum, L. Siirubby Kalnvs St. John's-wort. W. densiflorum, Pursli. Bushy Kalm'sSt. John's-wort. W galioides, L;im. B-d straw St. John's wort. W. adpres?um. Bart. Creeping S . John's-wort. C. and W virgatum, L^m. Vir^ate St. John's-wort. C. and W. perforatum, L. Common St. John's-wort. A. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 299 H^PERiCL'M maculatuin, Walt. Spotted St. John's- wort. C. and W. graveolens, Buckley. Mountain St. Jobn's-wort. W. muliilum, L. Dwarf St. Julm's-wort. C. and W. gyranauthum. Engelm. Clasping-leaved St. John's- wort. C. Canadense, L. Canadian St. John's-wort. W. Druiumon^ii. T. ifc G. Drummond's St. John's-wort. W. Saruthra. Mirhx. Orauge-jirass. A. Virginicum, L. Marsh S:. Juhn's-wort. C. and W. peliolatum. Walt. Larg^-r Marsh S'. John's-wort. E. and C. aureum, Bart. Mucr<>nate St. John's-wort. W. fasciculatum, Lim. Fascicled St. John's-wort. E. as{>alathoides, WiUd. Branching Sr .John's-wort. E. ambiguum. Ell. Linfar-Ieave 1 St. John's-wort. W. corymbosum. Muhl. Mountain St. John's-wort. W. Nudiflorum. Michx. Four angled St. John's-wort. E. and C. Buckleyi, Curtis. Buckley's St John's-wort. W. pilosum, Waif. D iwny St. John's-wort. E. and C. acutifolium, Ell. Larger Virgate St. John's-wort. C. glomeratum. W. Elodes campanulata, Pursh E. peliolata. Pursh. E. Order 20. CAMELLIACEAE. CAMELLIA FAMILY. /^^ORDONiA Lasianthus. L Loblolly- Bay. E. Stuartia Virginica, Cav. E. and C. pentagyna, L'Her. W. Order 21. MELIACEAE. MAHOGANY FAMILY. »^Melia Azederach, L. China Tree. A. Order 22. linaceae. fl.\x famfly. LiNUM usitatissimum. L. Flax. C. and W. Virginianum. L. Virginia Fiax. A. striatum, Walt Swamp Flux. C. sulcatum Ridd. Sulcaie Flax. C. and W. medium (Plauch) Britten. Stifif Yellow Flax. E. Order 23. oxalidaceae. wood sorrel family. OxALis Acetosella, L. White Word-sorrel. W. 300 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. OxALis violacea, L. Violet Wood-sorrel. C. and W. corniculata, L. ProcumVyent W«-)od -sorrel. E. and C. filipes, Small. Slender Yellow Wood-sorrel. C. stricta, L Upright Yellow Wood-sorrel. A. recurva, Ell. Large flowered Yellow Wood-sorrel, C. cyiijosa, Small. Tall Yellow Wo. ViTis Labrusca, L. Fox Grape. A. ^ aestivalis, Michx. Summer Grape. A. . cordifolia, Michx. Frost Grape. A. » rotundifolia, Michx. Musca'line Grape. A. '^ bicolor, LeConte. Winter Grape. A. Baileyaua, Munson. Bailey's Grape. W. ^^issus Ampelopsis, Pers. Simple Ampelopsis. E. stans, Pers. Pepper-vine. E. ^Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx. Virginia Creeper. A. Order 30. RHAMNACEAE. BUCKTHORN FAMILY. Bercheria volubilis, D. C. Supple Jack. E. and C. Rhamnus minuliflorus, Michx. Vine-lik^^ Buckthorn. E. •^Carolinianus, Walt. Carolina Buckthorn. A. lanceolata, Pursh. Lance-leaved Buckthorn. C. ^ Ceanothus Americanus, L. Red-root. A. Order 31. celastraceae. staff-tree family. v^Euonymus Americanus, L. Strawberry Bush. A. atropurpureus, Jacq. Purple Strawberry Bush. C. Europaeus, L. Spindle Tree. C. kCelastrus scandens, L. Bittersweet. W. ^achystima Canbyi, Gray. Canby's Mountain Lover. W. Order 32. ilicaceae. holly family. i^lLEX opaca, Ait. American Holly. A. Cassine, L. Daboon Holly. E. ^.vomitoria, Ait. Yaupon Holly. E> ^glabra, L. Inkberry Holly. E. and C. decidua, Walt. Meadow Holly. E. and C. monticolaj Gray. Large-leaved Holly. W. mollis, Gray. Broad-leavt-d Holly. W. laevigata. Gray. Smooth Winterberay. E. myrtifolia, Walt. Myrtle-leaved Holly. E. ambigua, Chapm. Serrate leaved Hdlly. E. longipes, Clia[>m. Smooth-leaved Holly. E. Amelanchier, Curtis. Amelanchier Holly. E K- verticillata, Gray. Black Alder. A. Beadlei, Ashe. Beadle's Holly. C. and W. lucida (Ait), T. & G. Inkberry. E. 308 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPEttlMENT STATION. Order 33. CYRILLACEAE. CYRILLA FAMILY. Cyrilla racemiflora, Walt. Leatherwood. E. Order 34. STAPH YLEACEAE. BLADDER- NUT FAMILY. . Staphylea trifolia, L. Bladder-nut. A. Order 35. SAPIXDACEAE. SOAP BERRY FAMILY. Cardiospernum Halicacabum, L. Balloon Vine. C. K^sculus glabra, Willd. Fetid Buckeye. W. octandra, Maril). Sweet Buckeve. \V. I Pavia, L. Red Buckeye. C. and W. •^AcER saccliarinum, L. Silver Ma[)le. W. ♦^rubrum, L Red Maple. A. . Saccharum. Marsh. Sugar Maple. \V. Saccharura Floridanum. Small. Sugar Maple. C. Pennsylvanicum, L. Goasefoot Map'e. W. spicatum, Lam. Mountain Maple. W. «^Negundo, L. Ash leaved Maple. A. Order 36. POLYGALACEAK. MILKWORT FAMILY. PoLYGALA cymosa, Walt. Tall Pine barren Milkwort, ramosa, Ell. Low Pine- barren Milkwort, lutea. L. Orange .Milkwort, cruciata, L. Marsh Milkwort, brevifolia, Nuit. Shori-leavtd Milkwort, verticillata, L. Whorled Milkwort, ambigua, Nuit. Loose spiked ^illkwo^t. incarnata, L. Pink Milkwort, sanguinea. L. Purple Milkwort. Curtissii, Gray. Curtiss' Milkwort. Mariana, Mill. Maryland Milkwort. Nuitallii, T. Oe G. Xuttall's Milkwort. Senega, L S-^neka Snakeroot. polygama, Walt. Racemed Milkwort, paucifolia, Willd. Fringed Milkwort. Order 37. . LEGUININOSAE. PULSE FAMILY. Crotallaria sagittalis, L. Rattle box. E. and C. ovalis, Pursh. Prostrate Rattle-box. C. and W. LuPiNUS perennis, L. Wild Lupine. E. and C. perennis gracilis, Nutt. Slender Lupine. E. and C. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 303 LuPiNUS villosus, Willd. Hoary Lupine. E. and C. diffusus, Nutt. Prostrate Lupine. E. and C. Medicago lupuliua, L. Black Medic. E. and C. deuticulata, Willd. Toothed Medic. E. and C. sativa, L Purple Medic. E and C. k^YTissus scopariu.*, L. Scotch Brof>m. C. and W. Melilotus alba, Desv. White Melilot. A. officinalis, Lam. Yellow Mellilot. A. * parviflora, D st. Annual Melilot. A. Lidica, Ail. Indian Melilot E. •--Tkifolium agrarium, L. Yellow Hop Clover. A. procumbent, L. Smaller Hop Clover. A. dubium, Sibth. Least Hop Clover. A. ,^iucarnntum, L. Crimson Clover. A. »^^arvense, L. Rabbit-foot Clover. A. pratense, L Red Clover A. reflexum, L. Buftaloe Clover. A. hybridum, L. Alsatian Clover. A. Carolinianura. Michx. Carolina Clover. A. ►-^epens, L. White Clover. A. HosACKiA Purshiana, Beuth. Trefoil. C. Lotus Helleri, Britton. Heller's Lotus. C. PsoRALEA melilatoides, Michx. Psoralea. C. OiLobrychis, Nutt. Psoralea. C. Canescens, Michx. Psornlea. E. Lupinellus, Michx. Psoralea. E. Petalostemon corymbosus, Michx. E. corymbosus trifohatus, Chapm. E. ^Amoepha fruticosa, L Fal.^^e Indigo. A. herbacea, Walt. Lead Plant. E. glabra, Desf. Lead Plant. W. virgata. Small. Lead Plant. W. *■ RoBiNiA Pseudacacia, L. Locust. A. viscosa, Vent. Clammy Locust. W. hispida, L. Moss Locust. C. and W. hispida rosea. Pursh Ro-e Locust. C. and W. i' Wistaria frutescens, D C. Amt^rican Wisteria. E. and C. Teprosia Virginica, Pers. Goat's Rue. A. spicata, T. & G. Hirsute Goat's Rue. C. and W. hispidula, Pursh. Aispid Goat's Rue. E. and C. ambigua, Curtis. Hoary Goat's Rue. E. and^C, Indigofera Caroliniana, Walt. Carolina Indigo.(jjE. tinctoria, L. Lidigo. E Anil, L. Indigo. E. Sesbania vesicaria, Ell. Sesban. E. macrocarpa, Muhl. Sesban. E. punicea, Beuth. Seshan. E. AsTRALAGUS Canadensis, L. Milk Vetch. W. 2 304 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMEST STATION. AsTRALAGUS glaber, Michx. Vetch. E. ViciA sativa, L. Common V*-tch. A. hirsuta, Koeh. Hairy Vetcli. E. Cracca, L. Cow Vetch. E. and C. Americana, Muhh Americat* Vetch. E. and C. Caroliniana. Walt. CaroHna Vetch. A. tetrasperma, Moluch. Slender Vetcli. E. and C. angusti folia, Roth. Smaller C )mmon Vetch. E. and C. Lathyrus venosus, ^luhl. Veiny P.a. C. I myrtifolius, Muhl Myrtle leaved Pea. W. Aeschynomene hisf'ida, Willd Jointed Vetch. C. ZoRNiA tetraphylla, Michx. Zornia. E Stylosanthes elatior, Swariz. Pei cil Fmwer. A. riparia, Kearney. Pencil Flower. W. i/ Lespedeza repeus, Birt. Cie< pinj: Bush-clover. A. violecea, Per?. Vio et Bi-h-clover. A. reticulata, Pers. Bu-h clover. A Sturei, Nutt. Store's Bush clover. E and C. striata, Hook & Arn. Ju an Bus''-clover. A. hirta, Ell. Hairy Bush-clover. E. and C. hirta oblonwitolia, Britton Bush-clover. E. and C. capitata, Michx. Round-headed Bush-clover. C. and W. capifata seric'a. H ok & Arn. Bush-chver. E. procumhens, Michx Tr diing Bu^h clover. E and C. Nuttailii, Darl. Nnttad's Hu>h clover. E. frutescens (L), Britton. Wand-like Bush-clover. E. and C, Virgiuica (L.). Britton. Slender Bush-clover. E. and C. angustifolia (Pur>h.), Ell. Narrow leaved Bush-clover. E. and C. Desmodium nudiflorum, D C. Naked Beegar's-tick. A. acumiimtura, D C. Pit ir* d leave I Beggar's tick. A. pauciflotum, D. (". Few flowered Begt^ar's tick. A. lineatum, D C. Sni-I B giiar'^-tick. C. rotundifolium. D C. Pr •>tr ite'stick. A. ochroleucum. Cur i<. Cream fliwertrl Beggar'!^-tick. C. humifusuin, Bt ck. TiHiImg Beggar's-iick. E. and C. strictum. D. C. Siitf B >.'i;ar's tick. E. sessilifoliuin, T & C Sessile- leaved Begijar's-tick. E. cane?cei ^, DC 11 ary Be:.MrHi's-iick. A. bracteosum, D C. BiJicie.i Begg -r's-iick. C. paniculatuni, D C. I'm ic'ed B- girar'- tick. E. paniculatum Chi'Miani. Iwitum. Ciiapman's Beggar's- tick. E. paniculaium luli i- Vol Pubescent Btggar's tick. E. laevigatum, D ' S .. h B- gi^ar's ti< k. A. rhombifoliuni. D (' K "inb leaved Begg^ar's-tick. E. viridifl .rum, B- ck V e leaved B ggar's-lick. C. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 305 Desmodium Dillenii, Darl. Dillen's Beggar's-tick. A. Canaiiense, D. C. Canadian Beggar's-tick. A. rigidum, D. C. Rigid Beggar's tick. A. Marylandicum, Bi)ott. Smooth Beggar's-tick. E. ciliare, D. C. Hairy Beggar's tick. E. & C. tortuosum, D C. A. cuspidatum, T. & G. A glabellum, D. C. E. tenuifoliura, T. ct G. E. Rhynchosia tomeutosa, H. ifc A. Twining Rhynchosia. A. erecta, D. C. Erect Rhynchosia. A. simplicifolia, 'Wood. Round leaved Rhynchosia. E. and C. pHASEOLUS perennis, Walt. Wild Bean. A. helvolus, L. Trailing Wild Bean. A. umbellatus, Brittun. Pink Wild Bean. E. Apios tuberosa, Moluch. Ground Nut. A. ViGNA luteola. Benth. E. Erythrixa herbacea, L. E. Clitoria Mariana, L. Partridge Pea. A. Centrosema Virginiana, Benth. Virginia Partridge Pea. C. and W. Amphicorpaea monoica, Nuit. Hog Pea. E. and C. Galactia glabella. iMichx. Milk Pe^i. E. and C. pilosa, Ell. Downy Milk Pea. E. and C. mollis, Michx. Hoary Milk Pea. E. sessiliflora, T. ct G. Sessile-flowered Milk Pea. E. B.\PTisiA lanceolata. Wild Indigo. E. villosa. Ell. Villous Wild Indigo. E. tinctoria. R Br. Yellow Wild Indigo. A. alba, R. Br. While Wild Indigo. W. leucantha, T. A: G Laigea Wild Indigo. E. and C. Thermopsis Caroliniana, Cnriis. Mountain Thermopsis. W. fraxinifolia, Curtis. Smaller Mountain Thermopsis. W. mollis, Curl is. Hairy Thermop-is. C. v^Cladrastis tinctoria, Raf. Yellow wood. W. vCercis Canadensis, L. Judas Tree. C. and W. Cassia nictitans, L. Sensitive Pea. A. •- Chamaecrista, L. Large fl »wered Sensi'ive Pea. A. obtusifolia, L. Low-flowered Sensitive Pea. C. MarylandicH, L Wild Senna. C. and W. occidenta is, L. Coffee Senna. W. aspera, Ell. Hirsu'e Sensitive Pea. A. V Gleditschia triacantho.^, L. Honey Locust. C. and W. ' ^^^- raonosperma, Walt. Swamp Locust. •^ Mimosa. i;C. ^i-^-- , •,■- o- -]' • >- >' - • - - • Schrankia uncinala, Willd. Sensitive Brier. augustata, T. ct G. Narrow-leaved Sensitive Brier. W. 306 N. C. AGRICXTLTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Order 38. Rosacea E. rcse family. Chrysobalanus obloDoifolius. Michx. E. •^Prcnus Americana, Mar?li. Wild Red Plum. A. Chicasa, Michx. Hug Pium. A. Peunsylvanica, L. Wild Red Ch^-rr}'. W. Y^ serotina, Ehrhart. Wild Black Cherry. W. •^Virginiana, L. Choke Bherry. A. Caroliniana. Ait. M<>ck Orange. W. cuneata, Raf Apf»alachian Cherry W. ^ erty. W. , trivialis Micbx. Low busli Blackberry. A. Baileyanus, Brittoi . Bailey's B ackberry. C. Canadensis, L. Dewberry. A. , Rosa setigera, Miclix. Climbing R>^e. C. . Carolina, L Swamp Rose. A < rubiginosa. L. Sweetbrier Rose. C. - humilis, Marsli. Pasture Rose. A. , laevigata, Micbx. Cli' r< kee Rose. A. V Crataegus Crus-Galli. L Cockspm- Tborn. A. spatlinlaia, .Micbx. Small-lruited Haw. E. and C. punctata, Jacq. Large-fruited Haw. W. cordata, Ait. Wasbineton Hiw. C. and W. rotuiidifolin, Borck. Haw. W. ^. Oxycantha. L May I'born. C. elli[>tioa. Ait. May TliDrn. W. Kapi'.f"lia, Micbx. Parsley Haw. E and C. ►^ cocci nea, L Red Haw. A glandulosa, WiUd. Glan.lular H .w C. and W. macracnnilia, Lodndded Ludwigia. E CiRCAEA Lutetiana, L. Encbanter'.s Nigbtsbade. C. and W. alpine, L. Lesser Encbanter's Nigbtsbade. C. and W. Order 48. TURNERACEAE. TURXERA FAMILY. PiRiGUKTA fulva, Cbapm. Pirigueta. E. Order 49. PASSIFLORACEAE PASSIOX FLOWER FAMILY. ^ Passiflora incarnata, L Mav Pop. A. lutea, L. Small May Pop. A. Order 50. CUCURBITACEAE. GOURD FAMILY. Lagenaria vulgaris, Sering. Gourd. A. Melothria pendula, L. Melotbria. E. SiCYOS angulatus, L. One seeded Cucumber. C. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 311 Order 51, CACTACEAE. CACTUS FAMILY. •^PUNTiA vulgaris, Mill Prickly Pear. A. Order 5'^. FICOIDEAE. SESUViuMjportulacastrum, L Sea Purslane. E. (peutaudrnm, Ell. Se;>. Purslane. E. MoLLUGo'verticillata, L. Carpet-weed. A. Order 53. UMBELLIFERAE. PARSLEY FAMILY. Hydrocotyle umbellata, L Umbellate Water cup. E. Canln-i C. & R. Ciuby's Water cup E. verticellata, Thurb. Whorled Water cu}>. E. Americana, 1-. American Wjitercup. A. raiiunculoides, L f. Floating Water-cup. E. Bonariensis, Lam. E. repanda, Pers. Ova'e Water-cup. E. CRANTZiAiineata (Micbx.\ Xutt. Crantzia. E. SANicuLA'Marylandica. L. Black Sanicle. A. Canadensis, L. Canada Sanicle. A. •i' i'gregaria, Bicknell. Clustered Siuicle. E. and C. Eryngium 'yuccaefolium, Michx. Button Snake Root. A. yuccaefulium synchaeium, Gray. Button Snake Root. E. virgatum. Cam. Virgate Button Snake Root. A. Virginianum, Lam. Virginia Button Snuke Root. A. praealtum, Gray. Marsli Button Snake Root. PiMPERNELLA iutegcrrima, B. ct H. Yellow Pimpernel. E. and C. Bupleurum rotunditolium, L Hare's Ear. A. CicuTA maculata, L. Poi-on Hemlock. A Apium Petroselinum, L. Garden Parsley. E. and C. graveolens, L Celery. E and C. leptophyllum, D. C. Marsh Parsley. E. and C. Leptocaulis divaricatus, D. C. E. DiscoPLEURA capillacf^a. D. C. Bishop weed. E. Deringa Canadensis, D. C. Honewort. C. and W. SiUM lineare, Michx. Water Parsnip. A. longifolium, Pursli. Water Parsnip. E. and C. Thaspium trifoliatum (L.), Britton. Golden Alexander. C. and W. aureum, Nutt. Golden Alexander. A. barbinode, Xutt. Hairy Golden Alexander. A. piunatifidum, Gray. Cut leaved Golden Alexander. W. LiGUSTicuM actaeifolium. Michx. Angrelica. W. ZiziA aurea, Koch. Golden Meadow Parsnip. A. Bebbii, C. & R Bebb's Meadow Parsnip. W. cordata, D. C. Heart-leaved Meadow Parsuip. A. 313 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Angelica Curtissii, Bucklej'. Curtiss' Angelino. W. hirsuta, Mulil. Pubescent Angelico. A. CoNiosELiNUM C-Hnadense, T. & G. Hemlock Parsley. W. TiEDMAXiA rigida, C. & R. Water Drop-wort. E. and C. teretifolia, D. C. Water Drop- wort. E. and C. teruata, C. & R. Ternate VVater Drop-wort. E. and C. Heracleum lanatura. Michx. Cow-Parsnip. W. Daucus Carota, L. Wild Cnrrot. A. pusilla, Michx. Wild Carrot. A. Chaerophyllum procumbens. Lam Chervil. A. Teinturieri, Hook. Chervil. E. and C. Osmorrhiza brevistylis, D. C. Sweet Cicely. C. & W. longistylis, D. C, Sweet Cicely. C. and W. Erigenia bulbosa, Nutt. Harbingerof Spring. W. CoRiANDRUM sativuiH, L. Coriander. C. and W. Caucalis nodosa, Huds. Hedge Parsley. E. Pastinaca sativa, L. Wild Parsnip. A. J]]thusa Cynapium, L. Fool's Parsley. E. FcENicuLUM vulgare, Gaert. Fennel. C. ScANDix Pecteu Veneris, L. Shepherd's-needle. E. aad C. Carum Carui, L. Caraway. C. Order 54. ARALIACEAE. GINSENG FAMILY. ♦^Aralia raceraosa, L. Spikenard. W. hispida Mich. Rough Sarsaparilla. W, nudicaulis, L. Wild Sirsaparilla. W. V spinosa. Prickly Asli. A. Panax quinquefolium, L. Ginseng. W. trifolium, L. Dwarf Ginseng. E. Order 55. cornaceae. dogwood family. •'Cornus florida, L. Flowering Dogwood. A. circinata, L'Her. Round leaved Dogwood. W. ■ sericea, L. Swamp Dogwood, E. and C. • stolonifera, Michx. Red Osier Dogwood. W. paniculata, L'Her. Panicled Dogwood. C. and W. stricta, Lam. Strict Dogwood. A. V alternifolia, L. f. Alternate-leaved Dogwood. C. and W. •^YSSA sylvatica. Marsh. Tupelo. A. biflora, Walt. Water Tupelo. E. w-aquatica, L. Larger Water Tupelo. E. Caroliniana, Poir. Carolina Tupelo. E. Order 56. caprifoliaceae. honeysuckle family. * Sambucus Canadensis, L. American Elder. A. pubens, Michx. Red berried Elder. W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 313 *^ Viburnum alnifolium, Marsh. Hobble-bush. W. •'' aceri folium, L. Arrow-wood. A. pubescens, Pursh. D.)wuy Arrow-wood. W. •^dentatum, L. Mealy- tree C. and W. molle, Michx. Soft-leaved Arrow-wood. E. kma!l Madder. E. Order 58. LOGAXIACEAE LOGAMA FAMILY. Spigelia Marilandica, L. Pink Root. E. and C. ^Gelsemium sempervirens. Ait. f Yellnw Jessamine. E. and C. MiTKEOLA petiolata, V. & G. Mifrewort. E. and C. sessilitolia, T. & G Wiiorled Mitrewort. E. aud C. PoLYPREMUM j»roceiiiben«, L. Polypremuin. A. Order 59. VALEKIANACEAE. VALERIAN FAMILY. Valeriana paucifl >ra, Michx. Valerian. W. Valerianella Locusta, Bet'k^. Corn JSalad. C. Chenopodifolia, D. C. Goose-foot Corn Salad. C. radiata, Durf. Beaked Corn Salad. C. Order GO. dipsacaceak. teasel family •'^ipsacus S3'lvestris, Mill* r. Teasel. C. and W. Order 61. CrCHORIACEAE. CHICORY FAMILY. ^OiCHORiUM Intybus, L. Chicory. A. divaricatum, D. C. Chicory. W. Apogon, humili<, Ell. C. Krigia Virginica, Willd. Dwarf Dandf-lion. A'. araplexicaulis, Nutt. Virginia Dandelion. A. Montana, Nutt. Mountain Dandelion. W. Dandelion, Nutt. G)Ht'sbard. E. and C. Tragopogon porrifoliu-;, L. Oyster Plant. E. and C. V Taraxacum Dens leonis, Desf. Dandelion. A. SoNCHUS oltraceus, L Sow Thistle. A. asper, All. Spiny Sow Thistle. A. Lactuca Canadensis, L. Wild Lettuce. A. hirsuta,Muhl. Hairy Wiid Lettuce. W. integrifolia, B'gd. Arrow leaved Wild Lettuce. W. acuminata, Gray. Blue Wild Lettuce. C. and W. Floridana, Gaert. Florida Wild Lettuce. C. leucophaea. Gray. Tall Blue Wild Lettuce. W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 315 Lactuca leucophaea integrifolia. Gray. Blue Wild Lettuce. W. gramiiiifolia, Michx. Wild Lettuce. E. Pyrrhopappus Carolinanus. D. 0. False Daudelion. A. Crepis pulchra, L. Hawksheard C. virens, L. Smooth Hawk^beard. E. biennis, L. Hough Hawksbeard. E HiERACiUM veiiosum, L. Blo: dwort. A. Mariauum, Willd. Maryland Bloodwort. C. Greenii, Porter ct Biitton. Green's Bloodwort. W. paniculatuni. L Panicled Bloodwurt. W. scabiuni, Miclix. Rough Bloodwort. W. Gronovii. L. Gronovius' Bloodwort. A. Nabalus altissimus. Hook. Tall White Lettuce. W. albu.>j, Hook. Lion's loot. A. serpentarius, Hook. Canker weed. W. integrifolius, Cass. Canker weed. W. virgatus, D. C. Slender Canker-weed. E. crepidiueu,--, D. C. Coryinbed Canker-weed. W. Order 62. ambrosiaceae. ragweed family. IvA frutescens. L. Mar^h Elder. E imbricata, Walt. Sea-coast Marsh Elder. E. KAmbrosia trifida. L. Great Ragweed. C. and \V. integrifolia. Muiil. Li^sser Ragweed. C. and W. arieraisiafolia, L Roman Wnrmw. od. A. Xanthium spinosum. L. Ciot-bur. A. strumarium, L. Co' kle-hur. A. Canadense, Mill. American Cockle-bur. A. Order 63. COMPOSITAE. COMPOSITE F.AMILY. Vernonia Xoveboracensis, Willd. Iron-weed. A. Noveboracensis tomentosa, ^Lilt. Pubescent Iron-weed. A. glauca (L), Britton. Broid-leaved Iron-weed. A, gigantea (Wait.), Britton. Tall Iron-weed, oligophyila, Michx. Niiked Iron weed. E. angustifolia. Michx. Leafy Iron-weed. E. Elephantopus Caroliniaiiu-:, Willd. Ele[diant's-foot. A. nudatus, Gra\ . Smo'th Elejihani's-foot. A. tomentosus. L. Woolly Elephant's-foot A. Sclerolepis verticiliata, Cass. Sclerolepsis. E. Carphephorus tomentosus, T. ct G. E. corvmbo>us, T & G. E beliidifolius, T. ct G E. v^iATRis squarrosa, Hell. Blazing Star. E. and C. intermedia, Small. Lesser Blazing Star. E. and C. 316 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. LiATRis elegans, Willd. Handsome Blazing Star. E. and C. Helleri, Small. Heiler's Blazing Star. C. scarioso, WilM. Builou Snake-root. A. squarrul.isa, M chx. Small Snake root. E. and C. spicata, W illd. Gay Ft-allier. E. and C. spicata [)nnnl.t, L^dd. Larger Feather. C. and W. graminitoiia, Willd. Fine-leaved Blazing Star. C. and W. grammiiolia pilosi (Ait), Britton. Ciliate Blazing Star. E. tennif'lia, Nuit. Snioo h Blazing Star. E. paueifloia, Pursli. Pubescent Blazing Star. E. gracilis, Pur.sli Graceful Blazing Star. E. odoraM.ssinia, Miclix. Carolina Vanilla. E. panicula'a, Michx. Hairy Vanilla. E. regiinoiitis Small. Vanilla C. KuHNi.\ eupatoriodes, L. Fal.«e Boneset. A. EuPATORiUM purpuieum, L. Queen of-tlie-Meadow. A. puri'ureum falcatum (Michx), Britton. Narrow queen- of tlie-Mfadow. A. purpureum amoenum, Gray. Purple Boneset. A. foeniculaceum. Wild. Hcg-weed Boneset. C. S' rotinuui, Mielix. Late flowering Boneset. A. leucole()ip, T. & G. White bracted Boneset. E. ali>um, L Wniie Boneset. C. and W. hyssopilolium, L. Hyssop-leaved Boneset. A. Torreyanum, Short. Torrev's Boneset. C. and W. semisei-ratum, L C. Small-flowered Boneset. E. alti^simum. L. L Tall Boneset. W. sessili folium, L Mastard Boneset. W. verhenaelolium, Miehx. Vervain Boneset. C. and W. rotunditol um, L. Wild Hoarhound. C. and W. puh-'sceiH, Muhl. Hairy Boneset. E. and C. ^ ppifoliatum, L. Common Boneset. A truncatum, Muhl. Traucote Boneset. A. ageratoides, L. f. White Snake-root. C. and W. aroiuHticum, L. Smaller Snake-root. C. and W. coelestinum, L. Mist-flower. E. and C. coronopitolium, Willd. E. pinnaiiti lum. Ell. E incarn.itum, Walt. E. MiKANiA scandens, Wid. Climbing Boneset. A. Sericocarpus conyzoj es. Nees. White Aster, E. and C. soli.laginens, Nees. Rough White Aster. E. and C. tortifolius, Nees. Toothed White Aster. E. and C. ''Aster ten"br.>sus, Burge-s. l^ong leaved Wood Aster. W. divaricatus, L. White Wood Aster. W. divaric rus cymuiosus, Burgess. W. divaiic iius curnfolius, Burgess. W. divancaius deltoideus, Burgess. W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 317 Aster divaricatus persaliens, Burgess. W. divaricatus fontinalis, Burgess. W. Claytoni, Burgess Clayton's Aster. W. curvesceus, Burgess. Doinetopped Aster. C. curvescens umbelliformis, Burgess. C. curvescens oviformis, Burgess. C. Schreberi, Xees Schreber's Aster. C. macrophvllus, L. Large-leaved Aster. W. Shortii, Hook. Short's A^ter. W. azureus, Liudl. Sky-blue Aster. E. and C. cordifolius, L. Coiumon Blue Aster. E. and C. cordifolius polycephalus, Porter. E and C. cordifolius alveanus, Burgess W. cordifolius pedicellatu^, Burgess. W. Lowrieanus, Porter. Lowrie's Aster. E and C. ptarmicoides Georgianns, Small. Aster. 0. undulatus, L. Wavy-leaf Aster. A. undulatus abrupiifolius, Burgess A. undulatus loriformis, Burgess. A. undulatus triangularis, Burges?. A. patens. Ait. Late Purple Aster. A. phlogifolius, Muhl. Thin-leaved Purple Aster. A. v^ Novae Angliae. L. New Engl md Aster. E. and C. oblongifolius, Nutt. Aromatic Aster. E. and C. puniceus, L" Red stalked Aster. A. puniceus firmus, Nees. Red-stalked Aster. A. laevis, L. Smooth Aster. E. and C. conciuus, Willd. Narrow-leaved Smooth Aster. E. purpuratus, Nees. Southern Smooth Aster. E. •^Tovi-Belgii elodes, T. & G. Aster. E. Novi Belgii Atlanticu-, Burgess. Atlantic Aster. E. Novi Belgii Brittonii, Burgess. Briitou's Aster. E. concolor, L Eastern Silvery Aster. E. grandifiorus, L. Large flowered Aster. E. and C. surculosus, Michx. Creeping Aster. E. and C. gracilis, Nutt. Tuber Aster. A. acuminatus, Mich. Mountain Aster W. dumosus, L. Bu'^hy Aster. E. and C. cordifolius, T. & G. Stouter Bushy Aster. E. paniculatus, Lam. Panicled Aster. C. bellidiflorus, Willd. Aster. C. and W. simplex, Willd. Aster. C. and W. Tradescanti, L. Tnidescant's Aster. C. Faxoni, Porter. Faxon's Aster. W. ericoides, L Frost weed Aster. E. and C. ericoides pilosus, Porter. Aster. W. ericoides platyphyllus, T. & G. Aster. W, lateriflorus (L.), Britton. Calico Aster. E. 318 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Aster lateritiorus gloinerellus, Bargess. Aster. E. lateriflorus pendulus, Burges:-. Aster. E. lateriflorus horizontalis, Burgess. Aster. E. vituiueus, Lam. Small White Aster. C. foliolosus, Ait. Aster. C. miiltiflorus L. While Wreath Aster. A. tenuifolius L. Perennial Aster. E. subulatus, Michx. Annual Aster. E. spectabilis, Ait. Seaside Purple Aster. E. Curtissii, T. & G. Curtiss' Aster. W. ?quarr<)^u«, Walt. Aster. E. Elliottii, T. & G. Ellioit's Aster. E and C. infirujus, Michx. Cornel-leaved Aster. W. umbellatus, Willd. Tall Flat-top Aster. C. amygdalinus, T. & G. Broad Flat- top Aster. C. linarifolius, L Savory-leaved Aster. E and C. Erigeron strigosus. Muhl. Daisy Fleabaue. A. an uus. Pers. Sweet Scabious. A. Philadel[>hicus, Muhl. Philadelphia Fleabaue. A. bellidifolius. Muhl. Plantain Fieabaue. E. and C. nu licaulis, Michx. Eirlv Fleabaue. E. and C. Canadensis, L. Canada Fleah.iue. A. linit'olius, Willd. Panicled Fleabaue. A. BoLTONiA diffusn, Ell. Panicled Boltonia. E. gla.slifi>li;i, L'Her. Boltonia. E. .^asteruides, L'Her. Aster like Boltonia. A. Bellis perrenis, L. European Daisy. E. ^ SoLiDAGO squarrosa, Muhl. Stout Ragged Gidd^n rod. A. petiolaris, Ait. Downv Ragged Golden-rod. W. eaesia, L Blue-stemmed Golden-rod. E. and C. flexicaulis, L. Zig-zag Golden rod. E. and C. Curtissii, T. tt G. Curtis' Golden rod. W. bicolor, L White Golden-rod. W. uliginosa, Nutt. Golden rod. W. hispida, Muhl. Hairy Golden-rod. W. erecta, Pursh. Slender Golden-rod A. monticola, T. & G. Mountain Golden-rod. W. puberula, Nutt. Downy Golden-rod. E. sfricta, Ait. Wand-like Golden-rod. E. spfcio'-a, Nutt. Noble Golden-rod. A. Purshii, Porter. River-bank Golden-rod. E. sempervirens, L Sea side Gv)lden-rod. E. , odora, Ait. Sweet Golden rod. A. odora inodora, Grav. Scentless Golden-rod. A. tortifolia, Ell. Twisted-leaf Golden-rod. E and C. t- rugosa, Mill. Wrinkle-leaved Golden-rod. A. fistulosa. Mill. Pine barren Golden-rod. E. patula, Muhl. Spreading Golden-rod. C. and W. THE FLORA. OF NORTH CAROLINA. 319 SoLiDAGO patula strictula, T. & G. Strict Spreading Golden-rod. C. and W. ulmif'»lia, iMuhl. Eim leaved Goldeurod. C. and W. Bootiii, Hook. Boot's Goldeurod. C. and W. Booltii Yculkinetij^is, Biition. Yadkin Golden-rod.' C. Ellioitii, T. & G ElliouV Golden-rod. E. juncea, Ait Sliarp toothed Golden rod. A. arguta, Ait Cnt leaved Golden-rod. W. serotina, Ait. Late Gol-'en rod. W gigantia, Ait. Hispid Late G)ldenrod. W. Canadensis, L. Catiada Gulden-rod. C. Canadensis scabriuscula. Porier. Gt)ldenrod. C. nemoralis, Ait. Field Golden rod. C. ' rigida, L Hard leaved Golden rod. A. graminifolia, Ell. Fragrant Golden-rod. C. tenuifolia, Pursh. Slender Fragrant Golden-rod. C. sphacelata, Rat'. False Golden-rod. W. pubens, Curtis. Pubescent Golden rod W. Buckleyi, T. c*c G. Buckley'^^ Golden rod. W. lanci'olia, T. ct G. Mountain G »lden-rod. W. pulverulenta, Nuit. Pine-barren Golden-rod. E. verna, Curtis. Hoary Pine-barren Golden rod. E. glomerata, Michx. High Muntain Golden rod. VV. spiiliamaea, Curtis. Tufied stemmed Golden-rod. W. angnstifolia, Ell. Sea coast Golden-rod. E. amplexicaulis. T. & G. Clasping Golden-rod. C. plumosa, Small. C. BiGELOviA nudafa, D. C. Ravless Golden-rod. E. Chrysopsis graminifolia, Nut t. Golden Aster. E. Mariana, Nutt. Maryland Golden Aster. A. trichophylla, Nutt. Biennial Golden Aster. E. hyssofiifolia. Nutt. Hissop-like Golden Aster. E. gos.^vpina, Nutt. Cottony Golden Aster. E. vBaccharis halemifolia, L. Grounrisel-bush. E glomerulifolia. Pers. Groundsel bush. E. angu:rtifolia, Michx. Groundsel bush. E. Inula Helenium, L. Elecampane. W. Pluchea bifrons, D C. Viscid Marsh Fleabane. E. and C. foetida, D. C. Inland Marsh Fleabane. E. and C. camphorata, D. C. Spicy Marsh Fleabane. E. and C. Pterocaulon p\ cnosiachyum, Ell Pterocaulon. E. Antennaria margarit:icea, R Br. Everlasting. A. plantaginifolia, Hook. Plantain Everlasting. A. neodioica, Greene. Cai's foot Everlasting. C. neylecta, Greene. Field Cat's to. t Everlasting. C. Graphalil'M polycephalum, Michx. Sweet Life Everlasting. A. HelUri, Briiton. Heller's Life Everlasting. E. and C. purpureum, L. Purple Life Everlasting.JfA. 3 320 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Gkaphalium uliginosum, L. L'>w Marsl) T/'fe Everlasting. E. FiALG') Gerraanica, L. Cudweed. C. PoLYMNiA Canadt^usis, L. Momitain Cu|i-j.i>..j.. V\ Uvedalia, L. Indian Cup plant. A. AcA.NTHospERMUM xantliioides D. C. A. ChkysuGONUM Virginianuni, L. Chrvsogonura. A. SiLPHiUM compusitum, Miclix. Rosin weed. C. w-trifoliatulu, L. Wlinrled Rosin weed. A. Astericus, L Starn' R..sin weed. E. Astericus deutatum. Rosin weed. E v^erfoliatum, L. Indian-cup. A. Berlandikra tomentosa, Nutt. Berlandiera. E. Parthenium integri folium, L. Culling Almond. A. auriculatum, Britton. Auricled Cutting Almond. W. EcLiPTA alba, Hassk. Eclipta. E. and C. BoRRicHiA frntescens, D. C. Sea Ox eye. E. Zinnia pauciflora, L. Zinnia. E. v^Heliopsis laevip, Fers. False Sun-flower. C. gracilis, Nutt. Slender False Sun flower. C. Tetragonotheca helianthoides, L. Tetragonothtca. A. Spilanthes repens, Michx. Spilanthes. C. Echinacea purpurea, Moench. Purple Cone flower. C. V RuDBECKiA triloba. L. Tiiin-leaved Cone-flower. E. and C. . hirta, L Black Eyed Susan. A Brittonii, Small. Biitton's Cone-flower. W. fulgida, Ait. Orange Cone-flower. W. spathulata, Michx. Flat-headed Cone flower. C. --'laciniata, L. Thimble weed. A. laciniala humilis. Gray. Thimble w-eed. A. speciosa, Neud. Cone-flower. C. rupestris, Gray. Cone flower. W. pinnatiloba, T. & G. Cone flower. W. LEPACHYs'pinnata, T. & G. Gra5'-headed Cone flower. A. Heli.anthus angustifolius, L. Swamp Sun flower. E. i^ annuus, L Common Sun flower. A. atrorubens, L Purple dish Sun flower. A. laevigatus, T. & G Smooth Sun flower. W. parviriorus, Bernh. Small Wood Sun flower. C. and W. giganteus, L. Giant Sun flower. W. divaricatus, L. Cough Sun-flower. W. strumosus. L. Pale Wood Sun flower. W. hirsutus, Raf. Stiff"-haired Sun flower. W. glaucus. Small. Glaucous Sunflower. C. • tomentosus. Michx Woolh' Sun-flower. A. ■ tuberosus, L. Jerusalem Artichoke. A. heterophylius, Nutt. Sun-fl >wer. E. oecideutalis (Ridd.) Dowellianus, T. & G. Sun-flower. W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 321 Helianthus decapetalus, L Sun-fliwer. W. Scluveinitzii, T. & G. Sun flower. W. Verbesina Virginica. L. Virginia Crownbeard. A. occidentalis, Walt. Small Yellow Crownbeard. A. AcTiNOMEKis squarrosa, Nntt. Actinomeris. A. •KToreopsis discoidea, T. & G. Swamn Tickseed. rosea, Nutt. Small Rose Ttckseed. E. senifdlia, Michx. Greater Tickseed. A. senif )lid stellata, T. & G. Stellate Tickseed. A. delpiiinifolia, Lam. Lirkspur Tickseed, C. loDgif )lia, Small. Tickseed. E and C. v^rticillata, L. Wliorled Tickseed. A. anceolata, L. Lance-leaved Tickseed. E. pubescens, Ell. Star Tickseed. C and W. crassifolia, Ait. Hairy Tickseed. C. auriculata, L Running Tickseed. A. tripteris, L. Tall Tickseed. A. aurea, Ait. Showy Tickseed. E. trichosperma, Michx. Smooth Tickseed. E. and C. latifolia, Michx. Mountain Tickseed. W. gladiata, Walt. Terete Tickseed. E. angustifolia, Ait. Branching Tickseed. E. BiDENS frondosa, L. Beggar's-ticks. A. cernua, L. Smaller Beggar'c^-ticks. A. chrysanthemoides, Michx. Brook Beggar's-ticks. A. bipinnata, L. Spanish-needle Beggar's-ticks. A. connata, Muhl. Purple-stemmed Beggar's tick. A. discordea, T. & G. Swamp Beggar's-ticks. E. and C. B^LDWiNiA uniflira, Ell. Baldwinia. E ^*^\LiNSOGA parviflora, Cav Galinsoga. A. parviflora hispida, D. C. Galinsoga. A, ^^Iarshallia latifolia, Pursh. Marshallia. A. lanceolata, Pursh. Lmce leaved Marshallia. A. lanceolata platyphylla, Curtis. Mar-hallia. A. laciiiarioides, Small. Marshallia. E. angustifolia, Pursh. Marshallia. E. '''Selenium autumnale, L. Sneezeweed. A. nudiflorum, Nutt. Purple head Sneezeweed. A. tenuifolium, Nutt. Fine leaved Sneezeweed. A. quadridentatum, Labill. Sneezeweed. W. vernale, Walt. Sneezeweed. E Curtissii, Gray. Curtis' Sneezeweed. E and C. ^^CHiLLEA millefolium, L Yarrow. A. AxTHEMis Cotula, L. May-weed. A. arvensis, L. Field Camomile. E. and C. nobilis, L. Garden Camomile. E. and C. tinctoria, L. Ox-eye Camomile. E. and C. I^Chrysanthemu.m Leucanthemum, L. Ox-eye Daisy. A. Parthenium, Pers. Feverfew. C. 33i N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Tanacetum vulgare, L. Tansy. A. vulgare crispum, D. C. Tausy. A. Artemisia caudata, Mich. Wild Wormwood. E. Abrotanum, L. Southernwood. C. vulgaris, L. Mugw^rt. C. Arnica nudicaulis, Nutt. Leopard's bane. E. and C. Erechtites hieracifolia, Raf. Fire-weed. A. Ca( ALIA reuiformis, Muhi. Indian Plantain. W. atriplicifolia, L. Pale Indian Plantain. A. suaveolens, L. Wild Carawav. A. Senecio tomentosus, Michx. Wooly Ragweed. A. obovatus, Muhl. Round-leaf Ragweed. E. and C. Balsamitae, Muhl Balsam Ragweed. W. Smallii, Britton. Small's Ragweed. W. Robbiusii, Oakes. Robbins' Ragweed. W. aureus, L. Life-root. A. gracilis, Pursh. Slender Life-root. E. lobatus, Pers. Butter-weed. A. vulgaris, L. Groundsel. C. viscosus, L. Fetid Groundsel. E. Millefolium, T. & G. Mountain Groundsel. W. Arctium Lappa, L. Burdock. A. minus, Schk. Common Burdock. W. Carduus lanceolatus, L. Spear Thistle. A. altissimus, L. Roadside Thistle. A. discolor, Nutt. Field Thistle. A. Virginianus, L Virginia Thistle. A. horridulus, Pursh. Yellow Thistle. E. muticus, Pers. Swamp Thistle. E. arvensis, Robs. Canada Thistle. E. and C. repandus, Ell. Pine-barren Thistle. E. Centaurea Cyanus, L. Corn flower. A. Calcitrapa, L. Star Thistle. E. Cm< us benedictus, L. Blessed Thistle. E. Chaptalia tomentosa, Vent. Chaptalia. E. Order 64. LOBELIACEAE. LOBELIA FAMILY. Lobelia cardinalis, L. Cardinal Flower. A. syphilitica, L. Great Blue Lobelia. C. and W. puberula, Michx. Downy Lobelia. E. and C. leptostachys, A. D. C. Spiked Lobelia W. amoena, Michx. Southern Lobelia. E. and C. amoena glandulifera. Gray Lobelia. E. and E. glaudulosa, Walt. Glandular Lobelia. A. inflata, L. Tobacco Lobelia. C. and W. spicata. Lam. Pale Spiked Lobelia. C. and W. Nuttallii, R. & S. Nuttall's Lobelia. E. and C. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROUNA. 323 Lobelia paludosa. Xutt. Swamp Lobelia. E. Canb}^, Gray. Canbv's Lobelia. E and C. Cliffortiana, Gray. CliHord's Lobelia. E. Order 65. CAMPANULACEAE. CAMPANULA FAMILY. •Campanula aparinoides. Purgh. Bell flower. W. divaricata, Miclix. Panicled Bell flower. W. Americana. L Tall Bell flower. W. * Specularia perfoliata, D. C. Large Venus' Lookiug-glass. A. biflora, Gray. Small Venus' Looking-glass. A. Order 66. clethraceae. white alder family. t^^LETHRA alnifolia, L. Sweet Pepper bush. C. and W. acuminata, Michx. Mountain Pepper bush. W. Order 67. PYROLACEAE. MINTERGREEN FAMILY'. Pyrola rotuudifolia, L. Canker Lettuce. W. »^'himaphylla. maculata, Pursh. Wintergreen. A. umbellata, Nutt. Fragrant Wintergreen. W. Order 68. MOXOTROPACEAE. INDIAN PIPE FAMILY. MoNOTROPSis ordorata. Ell. Sweet Pine sap. E. MoNOTROPA uniflora, L. Indian Pipe. A. Hypopitys, L. False Beech-drops. A. Order 69. ERICACEAE. HEATH FAMILY. ^ Azalea nudiflora, L. Pink Azalea. A. >^canesceus, Michx. Mountain Azalea. W. u^alendulacea, Michx Flame Azalea. C. and W. ^rborescens, Pursh. Fragrant Azalea. C. and W. viscosa, L. White Azalea. C. and W. glauca, Michx. Glaucous. White Azalea. W. nitidd, (Pursh) Briiton. Shrubby. White Azalea. W. ^ Rhododendron maximum, L; Great Laurel. W. .^'atawbiense, Michx. Catawba Laurel. W. Vaseyi, Gray. Vaspv's Laurel. W punctatum, Andr. Rose Laurel. W. Menzeisia globularis. Salisb. Menzeisia. W. Leiophyllum buxifolium, Ell. Sand Myrtle. E. ^.V: W. prostrtum. W. Kalmia latifolia, L. Mountain Laurel. C. and W. angustifolia. Sheep L'lurel. E. and C. 324 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Kalmia CLineata. Michx. bwaiup Lauiel. E. hirsuta, Walt. Hairy Laurel. E. I Leucothoe axillaris, Don. Downy Leucothoe. E. ♦^atesbaei, Gray. Cate&by's Leucothoe. C. and W. recurva, Gray. Mountain Leucothoe. W . ► racemosa, Gray. Swamp Leucothoe. A. ^Andromeda floribunda, Pursh. Feiter-busb. W. r^nitida, Bartr. Common Fetter-bush. A. * i Mariana, L Stf^gger bush. E. and C. ^ ligustrina, Muhl. False Privet. C. and W. pubescens. Small Privet. W. t^peciosa, Michx. Pine-barren Privett. E. pulverentula, (Michx.) Ashe. E. and C. Cassandra cal3'culata, Di>n. Cassandra. \V. >^XYDKNDRUM arboreum, D. C. Sour-wood. A. ^^ Epigaka repens, L. Trailing Arbuiu? A. » Gaultheria procumbens, L. Checker-berry. W. Order TO. VACCINIACEAE. HUCKLE BERRY FAMILY. *"Gaylussacia frondosa, T. and G. Tangle berry. E. and C. i^dumosa, T. and G. Bush Tangle berry. E. and C. hirtella, Grtiy. Hairy Bush Tangleberr3\ E. resinosa, T. and G. Blade Tangle berry. E. and C. ursina, Gray. Taller Black Tangle berry. W. brachycera. Gray. Glabrous Black Tangle-berry. W. *"Vaccinium virgatum, Ait. Sjutht^rn Bi; ck Huckleberry, A. tenellum. Ait. Le.-.'^er Black Huckleberry. E. ♦-corymbosum L. High bush Huckleberr}'. A. fuscatum. Giay Hu' kleberry. E. pallidum, Ait. Mountain Huckleberry. W. vacillans, Kalm. Low Blue Huckleberry. W. . stamineum, L. Deerberry. A. arboreum, Marsh. Farkleberry. E. crassifolium, Andr. Eastern Black Huckleberry. E. myrsinites, Michx. Huckleberry. E. hirtuium, Bucklev. Hairy Huckleberry. \V. Chiogexes hispidula, T. and G. Siiowheriy. W. Oxycoccus macrocarpu?, Pers. American Cranberry. E. and W. erythrocarpus. Pers. Mountain Cranberry. W. Order TL diapexsiaceae. diapexsia family. Pvxidaxthera barbulata, Michx. Flowerii g Pyxie. E. ^ Galax aphylla, L. Galax. C. and W. ,^ Shortia galacifolia, Gray. " Hyams' Sparkling Shortia." W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 325 Order 72. sty'racaceap:. storax family. ^ Styrax pulveiuleuta, Michx. Downy Storax. E. >^^randiflora, Ait. Large-leaved Slorax. A. »le Gerardia. E. maritima, Raf. Sea side Gerardia E tenuifolia, Vahl. Sh nder Gerardia. A tenuifolia filiformis, Chapm. Filiform Gerardia. A. Skinoeriana, Wood. Skinner'.-* Gerardia. E. auriculata. Michx. Auricled Gerardia. E and C. aphylla. Nutt Pine-barren Gerardia. E. setacea, Walt. Setaceous. Geraidia. C. Castillija coccinea, Spreng. Painted- cup. C. and W. Schwalbea Americana, L. Chaff-i-eed. E. 338 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Pedicularis lanceolata, Miehx. Swamp Lousewort. \V. Canadensis, L. Betony Lousewort A. Melampyrum linearp, Lam. Cow-wheat. W. latilolium, iMuhl. Cow-wh-eat. W. Order 83. SUi.A.NAC li;..VE. NIGHTSHADE FAMILY. Atropa physalodes, L. Apple-of Peru. C. and \V. Physalis pubescens, L. Low Hairy Ground Cherry. A. Barbadensis, Jacq. Barbadoes Ground Cherry. A. obscura, Michx. Glabrou>^ Ground Clierry. A. angulata. L. Cut-leaved Ground Clierry. C. Philadelpliica, Lam. Philadelphia Ground Cherry. C. lanceolaia, Michx. Prairie Ground Cherry. W. Virginiana, Mill. Virginia Ground Cherry. A. helerophylla, Nees. Clammy Ground Cherry. C. heterophylla nyctagina, Rydberg. Clammy Ground Cherry. C. vi^cosa, L. Stellate Ground Cherry. E. SoLANUM nigrum, L. Black Nightshade. A Carolinense, L Horse Nettle. A. Dulcamara, L. Woody Nightshade. W. Lycopersicum, L. Love A[)ple. C. aculeatissiiium, Jiicq. Nightsl)--\de. C. •^YCiUM vulgare, Dunai. Boxihotn. C. Carolinianum, Michx. E. Datura Stramonium, L. Jamestown-weed. A. Tatula, L. Purple Jamestown-weed. A. Metel, L. Entire-leaved Jamestown-weed. E. NicoTiANA rustica, L. Wild Tobacco. C. Order 84. CONVOLVULACEAE. MORNING GLORY FAMILY. DicHONDRA repenp, ForsL Dichondra. E. Breweria humistrata. (Walt) Gray. Breweria. E. aquatica, (Walt) Gray. Water Breweria. E. PickM'ingii, (Curiisj Gray. Pickering's Breweria. E. Ipomoea Quamoclit, L. American Red Bell-flower. E. an I C. coccinea, L. Small Red Morning glorv. A. pandurata, (L.) Meyer. Wild Potato Vine. A. iacunosa, L. Small While Mornin^.^lory. A. Carolina, (L) Pursh. Small Pink Morning glory. E. pur{)urea, (L.) Roth. Purple Morning-glory. A hederacea, Jacq. Iveyleaved Morning glory. A. sagitttila, Cav. Sagitate Morning glory. E. tamnifolia, Griseb. Bracted Morning glory. E. Convolvulus sepium, L. Hedge Bindweed. A. repens, L. Trailing Bindweed. A. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 329 Convolvulus spithamaeus, L. Upright Bindweed. W. arvensis L. Small Bind wee' Order 85. CUSCUTACEAE. DODDER FAMILY. CuscuTA arvensis, Beyrich. Field Dodder. A. indecora, Choi^y. Pretty Dodder. A. Coryli, Engrelra. H«zel Dodder. \V. Gronovii, Willd. L -ve vine Dodder. A. rostrata, Shutthv. Beaked Dodder. W. corapacta, .Juss. Compact D.idder C. inflexa, Engelm. Umbel Dodder. E. andC. Order 86. POLEMOXIACEAE. PHLOX FAMILY. k- Phlox paniculata. L. Garden Plilnx. A. maculata, L. Wild S«eet William. C. and W. ovata, L. Mountain Phlox W. glaberrima, L. Smooth Phlox. W. glaberrima sutfruticosa, Grav. Smooth Scabrous Phlox. W. reptans, Michx. Crawling Phlox E. v' divaricata, L. Wild Blue Phlox. A. amoena, Sims. Hairy Phlox. C. pilosa, L. Downy Phlox. C. k'subulata, L. Moss Pink Phlox. E Drumraondii. Hook. Drummond's Phlox. A. Polemonium reptans, L. Greek Valerian. W. Order 87. gextianaceae. gentian family. Sabbatia lanceolata, i Walt) T. and G. Lance leaved Sabbatia. E. paniculata, (Michx ) Pursh. Branching Sabbatia. E. angusiitolia. (Michx ) Brition. Narrow-leaved Sabbatia. E. angularis, (L) Pursh. Square-stemmed Sabbatia. A. calycina, (Lim) HeHer. Coast Sabbatia. E. stellaris, Pursh. Marsh Sabbatia. E. Elliottii, Steud. Elliott's Sabbatia. E. and C. gracilis, Salisb. Slender Marsh Sabbatia E. chloroides. Pursh. Large Marsh Sabbatia. E. Gentiana quinquefl )ra, Lam. Stitf Gentian. W. crinita, Froel. Fringed Gentian. W. ochroleuca, Frcel. Sirif)ed Gentian. E. and C. Elliottii, Chapm. Elliott's Gentian. E and C. Saponarin, L. Soapwort Gentian. A. %/Andrewsii, Griseb. Closed Gentian. W. ^> flavida. Gray. Yellowish Gentian. E. augustifolia, Michx. One-flowered Gentian. E. 330 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Frasera Carolinensis. Walt. American Col umbo. A. Obolaria ^'i^ginica, L. Pennywort. C. Bartoma Virginica, (L.) B. S. P. Yellow Bartonia. E. verna, (Michx.) Muhl. White Bartonia. E. Order 88. menyanthaceak. buckbean family. LiMNAXTHEMUM lacuuosum (Vent). Gri.tjeb. Floating Heart. E. aquaticum (Walt), Britton. Larger Floating Heart. E. Order 89. APOCYNACEAE. DOGBANE FAMILY. Amsonia Tabernaeraontana, Walt. Ainsonia. C. and W. ciliata, Walt. Pale Amsonia. C. and W. Vi.NCA minor, L. Small Periwinkle. A. mnjor. Large Periwinkle. A. Apocynum androsaemifolium. L. Bitter-root. A. canuabinum, L Isidian Hemp. A cannabinum glaberrimum, D. C. Glabrous Hemp. A. EcHiTis diiformi?, Walt Echites. C. Order 90. ASCLEPIADACEAE. MILKWEED FAMILY. /^AscLEPiAS tuberosa, L. Butter- fly Weed. A. decumbens, L. Decumbent Butter fly Weed. A. lanceolata, Walt. Few flowered Milkweed. E. rubra, L. Red Milkweed. E. and C. laurifolia, Michx. Red Milkweed. W. purpurascens, L. Purple Milkweed. W. incaruata. L. Swamp Milkweed. A. pulchra, Ehrh. Hairy Milkweed. A. obtusifolia, Michx. Blunt-leaved Milkweed. A. exaltata (L), Muhl. Tall Milkweed. W. variegaia, L White Milkweed A. quadrifolia, Jacq. F<>ur leaved Milkweed. C. and W. Syriaca, L Common Milkweed A. perennis, Walt. Thin-leaved Milkweed. C. verticillata, L. Whorled Milkweed. A. amplexicauli--, Michx Clasping Milkweed. E. tomentosa, Ell. Villous Milkweed. E. AcERATES viridiflora (Kaf), Eaton. Green Milkweed. A. viridiflora Ivesii. Britton. Ives' Milkweed. A. hmgifolia. Ell. Florida Milkweed. E. and C. PoDOSTiGMA pubescens. Ell Podostigma. E. Sextera maritima Decaisne. Senlera. E. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 331 GoNOBOLus mrtcroj)hyllus, Michx. Large-leaved Negro-viue. C. and W. suberosus, R. Br. Coast Negro vine. E. hirsulus, Miclix. Hairy Negro-vine. A. obliquus, R. Br. Large flowered Negro-vine. E. and C^ Carolinensis, R. Br. Carolina Negro-vine. A. Order 9L OLEACEAE. OLIVE FAMILY. wSyringa vulgaris, L Lilac. C. \, OsMANTHUs Americanus, B. & H. ( )smanthus E. k Chionanthus Virginica, L. Fringe Tree. A. . Fraxinus Americana, L. White Ash. A. viridis, Michx, Green Ash. E. and C. pubescens, Lam. Marsh Red Ash. C. platycarpa, Michx. Water Ash. E. nigra, Marsh. Black Ash. E Biltmoreana, Beadll. Biltmore Ash. W. Order 92. HYDROPHYLLACEAE. WATER-LEAF FAMILY. Hy'drophyllum Virginicum, L. Virginia Water-leaf. W. macrophyllum, Nutt. Large-leaved Water-leaf, W. Canadense, L. Broad-leaved Water-leaf. W, • '?;;)(3 appendiculatum, Michx. Appendaged Water-leaf. W. Nemophila microcalyx, Nutt. Neraophila. Phacelia bipinnatifida, Michx. Loose-flowered Phacelia. W. parviflora, Pursh. Small flowered Phacelia. W. hirsuta, Nutt. Hairy Phacelia. W. Purshii, Buckl. Pursh's Phacelia. W. fimbriata, Michx. Fringed Phacelia. W. Hydrolea quadrivalvis, Walt. Hairy Hydrolea. E. Order 93. boraginaceae. borage family. Heliotropium Europaeum, L. European Heliotrope. C. Curassavicum. L. Sea side Heliotrope. E. Indicum, F. Indian Heliotrope. E. and C. anchusaefoliura, Poir. Heliotrope. E. and C. Cynoglossum officinale, L. Hound's-tongue. W. Virginicum, L L. Wild Comfrey. W. Lappula A^irginiana (L.), Greene. Virginia Stickseed. W. • Mertensia Virginica (L), D. C. Virginia Cowslip. A. Myosotis laxa, Lehm. Forget-me-not. W. Virginica (L ), B. S. P. Spring Scorpion-grass. C. Lithospermum arvense, L. Corn Gromwell. A. 332 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. LiTHOSPERMUM l.itifolium, Michx. American Gromwell. C. • '"5 '" Gmelini (Miehx ), Hitch. Giiieiiu's Gromwell. Y. ^'2^ canepcens (Michx.), Lelim. H'>ary Gromwell. A OxosMODiuM Garoliiijuium (Lam.), D. C. False Gromwell. C. r^ •• ; Virginianum (L.), D. C. Virginia False Gromwell. ' Symphytu.m officinale, L. Comfrey. C. and W. BoRRAGO officinalis, L. Borage. C. Lycopsis arveusis, L. Small Bngloss. E. and C. EcHiUM vulgare, L. Viper's Bugloss. C. Order 94. ACANTHACEAE. ACANTHUS FAMILY. RuELLiA biflDra, L. Pine-barren Ruellia. E. strepens, L. Smooth Ruellia. C. strepeus micrantha (Englm.) Brittou. Ruellia. C. strepens cleistantha, Gray. Ruellia. C. ciliosa Pursh. Hairy Ruellia. A. ciliosa parviflora (Nees) Brinon. Hairy Ruellia. A. ciliosa ambigua, Gray. Hfliry Ruellia. A. DiANTHERA Americana, L. Water Willow E. ovata, Walt. Loose- flowered Water Willow. E. and C. JusTiciA brachiata Pursh. Justicia. E. and C. Calophanes oblongifolia, Don. Calophanes. E. Order 95. PHRYMACEAE. LOPSEED FAMILY. Phryma Leptoslacbya, L. Lopseed. C. and W. Order 96. VERBENACEAE. vervain FAMILY. -^^ERBENA officinalis, L. European Vervain. A. urticifolia, L. Nettle leaved Vervain. A. riparia, Raf. River-bank Vervain. W. hastata, L. Blue Vervain. A. pinnatifida. Lam. Pinnate Blue Vervain. A. angustifolia, Michx. Narrow leaved. Vervain. C. bracteosa, Michx. Largf^bracted Vervain. C. Aubletia, Jacq. Large-flowered Vervain. E. LiPPiA lanceolata, Michx. Fog-fruit. E. nodiflora, Michx. Fog-fruit. E. > Callicakpa Americana, L. French Mulberry. C. and W Order 97. LABIATAE. mint FAMILY. Teucrium Canadense, L. Wood Sage. C. and W. OciMUM Basilicum, L. Sweet Basil. C. IsANTHUR coeruleus, Michx. False Pennyroyal. C. and W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 333 Tkichostema dicbotomum, L. Bastard Pennyroyal. C. and VV. lineare, Nutt. Narrow Bastard Pennyroyal. E. Scutellaria lateriflora, L Mad dog Skullcap. C. and W. serrata, Andr. Showy Sknllrnp. C. and W. caneseens, Nutt. Downy Skullcap. C. and W. versicolor, Nutt Heart-leaved Skullcap. A. versicolor minor, Cliapm. Hpart leaved Skullcap. A. pilosa, Michx. Hairy Skullcap. W. integrifolia, L. Hyssop Skullcap. A. parvula', Michx. Sranll Skullcap. E. campestri'^, Britton. Prairie Skullcap. \V. saxatilis, Riddell. Rock Skullcap. W. galericulata, L. Marsh Skullcap. W. nervosa, Pursh. Veined Skullcap. W. Marrubium vulgare, L. Hoarhound. A. LoPHANTHUs nepetoides, Benth. Catnip Hyssop. W. scrophulariaefolius, Benth. Figwort Hyssop. W. Cedronella cordata, Benth. Cedronella. W. Nepeta Cataria, L. Catnep. A. Glechoma, Benth. Ground Ivey. A. Prunella vulgaris, L. Heal all. A. Physostegia Virginiana (L.) Benth. False Dragon-head. W. Virginiana speciosa, small Dragon-head. C. and W. denticulata (L.) Britton. Lion's Heart. W. Synandra hispidula (Michx ) Britton. Synandra. W. Galeopsis Tetrahit, L. Hemp Nettle. A. Leonurus Cardiaca, L. Motherwort. A. Lamium amplexicaule, L Dead Nettle. A. maculatum, L. Spotted Dead Nettle. C. album, L. White Dead Nettle. C. Stahi'S hyssopifoli.i. Michx. Hyssop Hedge Nettle. W. ambigua (Grav), Britton. Dense-flowered Hedge Nettle. W. tenuifolia, Wi'lld. Smooth Hedge Nettle. W. aspera, Michx. Rough Hedge Nettle. W. cordata, Riddell. Cordate Hedge Nettle. W. arvensis, L. Corn Woundwort, E. Salvia lyrata, L. Lyre leaved Sage. A. urticifolia, L. Nettle-leaved Sage. A. Sclarea, L. Clary Sage. C. coccinea, L. Scarlet Sage. C. obovata. Ell. Obovate Sage. A. officinalis, L. Garden Sige. C. MoNARDA didyma, L. Red Mountain Mint. W. Clinopodia, L. Basal Balm. W. fistulosa, L. Wild Bergamot W. media, Willd. Purple Bergamot. W. punctata, L. Horse mint. C. and W. Blephilia ciliata (L.), Raf. Downy Blephilia. C. and W. hirsuta (Pursh.), Torr. Hairy Blephilia. VV. 334 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Hedeoma pulegioides (L.), Pers. Pen ny royal. A. Melissa t-fficinalis, L. Lmboh iJ.iIm. C. Satureia liortensis, L. Savory C. Calamistha Clinopodium. Benili. Basil weed. C. Nepeia, L. ast Amaranth. E. AcNiDA cannabina, L. Silt Wafer hemp. E. resocarpa, Michx. Silt Water-hemp. E. Order 102. chenopodiaceak. goosefoot family. Chenopodium album, L. Limb's Quarters. A. album viride (L), Moq Green Quarters. A. glaucum, L. Oak-leaved Goosefoot. A. Bofccianum, Moq. Bosc's Goosefoot. A. 4 336 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Chenopodium murale. L. Xeitle-leaved Goosefooi. A. ambrosioides, L. Mexican Tea. E. and C. anthelminticura, L. Wormseed. A. multifidum, L. Cut-leaved Goosefoot. E Atriplex hastata, L Htlberd leaved Orache. E. ^.?. areuaria, Nutt. Sea-beach Orache. E Salicoknia herbacea, L. Slender Samphire. E. Bigelovii, Tow. B'selow's Samphire. E. amhigua, Michx. Woody Samphire. E SuAEDA linearis, Moq. Sea Biite. E. Salsola kali, L. Saltwort. E. Order 103. POLYGON ACE A E. BUCKWHEAT FAMILY. RuMEX Acetosella, L. Sheep Sorrel A. ha'^tatulus, Miihl. Engelmanu's Sorrell. E. salicifolius, AVein. "Willow l^-aved Dock. E. verticillatus, L. Swamj* Dock E crispus, L. Yellow Dock. A. eonglomeralus, Murr. Small Green Dock C. sanguineus, L. Red-veiueo Dock. E. pulcher,L. Fiddle Dock. E obtusifolius, L. Bitter Dock. A peisicarioides, L. Golden Dock. E. Fagopyrcm esculentum, Moluch. Buckwheat. W. PoLYG<;)NrM emersum (Michx.). Britton Swamp Persicaria. A. incarnatum. Eil. Pmk Persicaria. C. Pennsylvanicum, L. Pennsylvania Persicaria. C. Persicaria, L Lady's Thumb. A. setaceum, Baldw. Bristly Persicaria. W. hydropiperoides, Michx. WiM Water Pepper. A. Hydropiper, L Smart weed. A. punctatum. Ell. Water Smart-weed. C. punctatum robusiior. Small. Water Sraart-weed. E. orientale, L. Prince's Feather. C. Virginianum, L. Virginia Kno'.-weed. W. aviculare, L. Door-weed. A maritimum, L Seaside Knot-weed. E. tenue. Michx. Slender Knotweed. W. Convoloulus, E. Black Bind-weed. A. cilinode, Michx. Fringed Biud-weed. W. scandens. L Climbing False Buckwheat. A. cristatum. E. cV: G. Crested False Buckwheat. A. sagittatum, L Arrow-leaved Tear thumb. C and W. arffolium, L. Halberd le;ived Tear-Thumb. E. andC. hirsutum, Walt. Hairy Knot-weed. E. Polygonella parvifolia, Michx. Coast Joint-weed. E. flrt'culata (L.i, Meisn. Joint-weed. E. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 337 Order H>4. LAIRACEAE. LAUREL FAMILY. Persea Carolinensis, Nees. Red Bay. E. pubesceDS (Parsh), Sarg. Swamp Bay. E. Sassafras officiuale, Net-s. Sassafras. A. LiTSEA geiiiculata. B A: A. Pond Spice. E. LixDEKA Beuzoiu, Blurae. Spi oh- v\-o< id. A. melissaefulia, Bluuie. Hairy Spice-wood. A. Order 105. THYMELE.\CEAE. MEZERELM FAMILY. DiRCA palustris, L. Leather-wood. E. and C. Order 106. SANTALACEAE. SANDALWOOD FAMILY. CoMANDRA umbellata (L.). Bastard Toad flax. A. Darbya ambellulata, Gruy. Darbya. C. ^ Pyrularia oleifera. Gray. Oil Xu'. C. ^nd W. BucKLEYA disiichophylla, T. Tr. Buckleya. \V. Order 107. LORANTHACEAE MISTLETOE FAMILY. '^Phoradendron flavescens, Niitt. Mistletoe. A. Order lOS. sai'ruraceae. lizard's tail family. Saururus ceruuus. L. Lizard's-tail. A. Order 109. CERATOPHYLLACEAE. HORNWORT FAMILY. Ceratophyllum demersum, L. H-rnwort. E. and C. Order 110. callitrichaceae. water starwort f.\mily. Callitriche palustris, L. Water Fennel. E and C. heteraphylla, Parsb. Lariier Water Fennel. E. and C. Order 111. podjstemaceae. river weed family. Podostemon Ceraio{)byllum, Michx. River-weed. E and C. Order 112. euphorbiaceae. spurge family. Phyllanthus Caiolinensi-, Walt Carolina Piiyllauthus. C. Croton glandulosus. L. Glandular. Croon. C. capiiatus, Michx. Capitate Croton W. mouauthogynu?, Michx. Single-fruited Croton. C. 338 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Crotonopsis linearis, Michx. Crotoiiopsis. C. AcALYPHA ostryaefolia, RiHd. Horn beau Mercury. C. Virgiuica, L. Virginia Mercury. A. gracilenp. Gray. Slender MMCUiy. C. Tragia urens, L. E-'Siera 'Iragia. \V. macrocarpa, Wild. Twining Tiagia. C. RiciNUS communis, L. Cas'^r-dil Plant. A. •Jatrofa stiraulosa. Micljx. Sf-uig-- Nettle. A. Stillingia sylvatica, L Queen's Df-liglu. E. and C. Euphorbia polygonifdia, L. Sea.>-ide Spurge. E. maculata, L Sp<>tte«l Spurge. A. hypercitolia, Gth}-. Larye Spotted Spurge. A. corollata, L Flowennj: Spurge. A. corfilUit;i angustilolia. Ed. Fl-wering Spurge. A. marginuia, Pursh. \Vlii;e-margined Spurge.[r,W. dentata, Miclix. Toothed Spurge. C. Ipecacuaidiae, L. Ipecac Spurge. \V. heterophylla, L. Various leaved S[>urge. C Lathy ri.«, L. < 'aper Spuige. W. Darlingtonii, Gray. Darlington's Spurge. W. obtusata, Ptirsli. Blunt If aved Spurge. E. commutata, Engelin. Tinted Spurge. C Cyparissias, L Cypress Spurge. E. Order 11.3. urticaceae. nettle family. Urtica dioica, L. Stinging Nettle. C. and W. gracilis, Ait Siender Neitle. A. urens, L. Small Nettle. A. Laportea Canadensis. Gand. W.^'d Nettle. A. Pilea pumila. Pvaf Cl^^arweed. A. Boehmeria cylindrica iL), Wild. Fals^- Nettle. A. Parietaria Pennsylvairca, Mull. Pellitoiy. A debili-, Forst. Hairy Pellitory. E. Order 114. can.vabinaceak. hemp family. HuMULus Lupulus, L. Hop. W. Order 115. MOHACEAE. MULBERRY FAMILY. v'MoRUS rubra. L. Red Mulberr}'. A. alba. L. White Mulberry. A. > Broussonetia pap\riferi, Vent. Paper Mulberry. A. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 339 Order 116. ULMACEAE. ELM FAMILY. Ulmus fulva, Michx., Slippery E'm. A. , Americana, L. American E'm. A. alata, Michx W ha hoc E'm. A. v-Planera aquatica (Wah). Gmel. Water Elm. A. ^Celtis occideDtahs, L Hai-kb-rry. A. occidentalis pinnihi, Pnr.-ii. Rouglileaved Hackberry. A. ^Missippiensis, Bosc. iSouthern Hackberry. A. Order IIT. PLATAXACKAE. PLANE-TKKE FAMILY. w^la.ntanus occidentalis, L. Sycamore. A. Order 118. juglandaceae. walnut fa.mily. *. Jugl.\ns nigra, L Black Walnut. A. ► cinerea, L. White \\'alnut. C. and W. » Cakya amara, Nutt. S\vara[) Hickory. C and W. aquatica, Nutt. Water Hickory. E. and C. all;a, Nutt Shell bark Hiekorv. A. tomentosa, Nutt. Whiie-liean Hickory C. and W. microcarpa, Nutt Cinall fruited Hickory. \\ . porcina, Nutt. Pig- nut Hukory. C. sulcata, Nutt. Shag-bark Hicki)ry. C Cirolii ae — se{>tentriunali?, Ashe. Sauihera Shag-bark Hick- ory. C. villosa (Sarg), Ashe. Scurfy Hickory. C. villosa [>allida, Aslie. Scurfy Hickory. C. glabra liirsuta. Ashe. Hicko-y \V. Order 119. cupuliferae. oak family. w- Fagus ferruginea. Ait. American Beech. A. v CaSTAnea vesca, L. American Che.'^tnut. C. and W. pumiia, Mill. Chinquapin. A. pumila nana, Muhl. Larger Chinquapin. C. and W. s CoRYLUs\Americana. Walt. Hazel-nui. C. and W. 'rostrata. Ait. B ;iked Hazel nut. C and VV. I. Carpinus Americana, Michx. Hornbeam. A. ^^Ostrya Virgiuica, Willd. Iron-wood. A. QuERCUS Phellos, L. Willow O.k. A laurifolia, Michx. Laurel Oak. E. and C. V. inbricaria, Michx. Shingle Oak. W. einerea, Michx. High ground Willow Oak. E. , aquatica, Catesb. Water Oak. A. ^-nigra, L. Black-Jack Oak. A. 340 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. QuERCUsCatesbaei, Michx. Tarkey Oak. E. ► coccinea, Waug. Scarlet Oak. A. ► velutina, h^m. Black Oak. A. . ruba, L. Rrd Oak. A. • falcafa, Michx. Spanish Oak. A. falcata pag:odaefolia, Ell. Spauish Oak. A. ilicifolia, Wang. Bear Oak. C. and W. Rudkini, Britton. Rudkiu's Oak. C. myrtifolia, Willd. Myrtle Oak. E. r stellata, Wang. Post Oak. A. stellata parviflora, Chap. Post Oak. E. stellata margaretta, Ashe. Post Oak. E. »- alba, L. White Oak. A. lyrata, Walt. Over ciif* Oak. E. prinos, L. Swamp Chestnut Oak. C. Michauxii, Nutt. Michaux's Oak. E. bicolor, Willd. Swnnip White Oak. W • Muhlenbergii. Engelm. Chestnut Oak. C. prinoides, Willd Chinquapin Oak. A. Bladen borensis, Ashe. Bladenboro Oak. E. and C. Order 120. MYRICACEAE. WAX-MYRTLE FAMILY. »^Iyrica cerifera, L. Wax-Myrtle. E. cerifera pumila, Michx. Wax-Myrtle. E. Caroliuensis, Mill. Bay-berry. E f CoMPTONiA asplenifolia, Gaert. Swelt Fern. C. and W. Order 121. BETULACEAE. BIRCH FAMILY. *^Betula nigra, L. River Birch. A. lenta, L. Sweet Birch. W. lutea, Michx. f. Yellruce. W. . alba, Link. White Spruce. W. JuNiPERUS Virginiana, L. Red Cedar. A. , communis, L. Common Juniper. E Taxodum distichum, Rich. Bald Cypress. E. Thuja occidental is, L, Arbor Vitae. W. Chamaecyparis thyoides (L), B. S. P. White Cedar. E. Taxus minor (Michx ), Britton. American Yew. W. Class II— Endogenous Plants. Order 124. PALMAE. PALM FAMILY. i Sabal Palmetto, R. & S. Cabbage Palmetto. E. Adansonii, Guerns. Dwarf Palmetto. E. Order 125. ARACEAE. ARUM FAMILY. Arisaema triphyllum (L). Torr. Indian Turnip. A. Dracontium(L.), Schoot. Green Dragon. A. polymorphum, Small. Dragon. W. Peltandra undulata, Raf. Green Arrow-arum. A. alba, Raf. White Arrow arum. E. 348 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Order 1'26. LEMNACEAE. DUCKWEED FAMILY. Lemna polyrhiza, L. Greater Duckweed. E trisulca, L. Star Duckweed. \V. Valdiviana, Fhil. Valdivia Duckwted. E. minor, L. Lesser Duckweed. E. WoLFFiA Columbiana, Kart^i. WalflBa. E. Order 127. TYPHACEAE. CAT TAIL FAMILY. Typha latifolia, L. Broad-leaved Cat tail. A. angustifolia, L. Narrow leaved Cat-tail. E. Sparganium eurycarpum, Engelm. Bur-reed. C. androcladum,Eugelm. Branching Bur-reed. E.andC. Order 1'28. NAIADACEAE. PONDWEED FAMILY. PoTAMOGETOX natans, L. Fhtating Pond weed. E. and C. pulcher, Tuck. Spotted Pondweed. A. Nutallii, C. & S. Nuttall's Pondweeds. E. loiichiles, Tuck. L-ing-leaved Pondweed. E. lucens, L Shining P.>ndw»ed. E. pusillus, L Small Pondweed. E. and C. liybridus, Mich.K. Rafiuesque Pondweed. E. pectinuatus. L. Fennil-leaved Pondweed. E.andC. PennsvlvanicuSjCham. Pennsylvania P'>ndweed. E. aud'C. RuppiA raaritima, L Ruppia. E Zaunichellia palustris. L Ziunichellia. E. Naias marina L Large Naia-. E flexilis, Rost. Slender Naias. E. ZosTERA marina, L. Eel grass. E. Order 129. ALISMACEAE. WATER- PLANTAIN FAMILY. Triglochin triandra, Michx. Three-ribbed Arrow-grass, E. Alisma plantago, L Water Plantain. A. tenellum, Mart. Dwai t Water Plantain. C. EcHiNODORUS radicans, Engehn. Cree['ing Bur-head. A. rostratus, Engelm. Upright Bur head. A. Sagittaria calciua, Engelm. Arrow head. C. latifolia, Willd. Broad-leaved Arrow-head. A. latifolia pubescens, Muhl. Hairy Arrow-head. A. lancifolia. L. Lance-leaved Arrow head. E. teres, S Wats. Slender Arrow-head. E. gramiuae, Michx Grass Leaved Arrow-head. E subulata. L Subulate Arrow lyead. E. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 343 Order 130. VALLISNERIACEAE. TAPE-GRASS FAMILY. Elodea Canadensis, Michx. Water Thyme. W. Vallisneria spiralis, L Tape Grass. E. LiMNOBiUM Spongia. Richard. Frog'.«<-hii E. Order 131. BURMAXNIACEAE. BURMANXIA FAMILY BuBMANNiA biflora, L. Northern Burmannia. E. capitdta, Chaptn Southern Burmannia. E. Order 132. ORCHIDACEAE. ORCHID FAMILY. Cypripedium acaule, Ait. Stemless Ladies Slij)per. C and W. pube<-cens. Willd. Yellow La'Hes Sli['per. C.andW. parviflorum, Salish. Small Yellnw Ladies Slipper. C. and W. spec-table, s-ilisb. Showy Ladies Slipper. W. Orchis spectabilis, L. Showy Orchis. C. and W. Habexaria orbiculata, Torr. Large Rnnnd- leaved Orchis. W. nivola. Spreng. Small White Orchis. E. inlegra, Spreng. Smidl Yellow Orchis. E. bractiata. R. Br. Lo' g bracted Orchis W. clavellata, Spreng Green Woo.l Orchis. W. flava,GrHv. Pale Gre^n Orchi«:. E. cristata, R. Br. desied Yellow Orchi-. C. and W. cil'ata, R. Br. Yellow Frinyed Orchis. E and C. fimbriata, Gray. Purple Fringed Orchis. E. and C. psycodes, Gray. Smill Pur[)lp Fringpd Orchis. W. blephariglottis, Torr. White Fringed Orchis. W. blephariglottis holupeiala, Gray. White Fringed Or- chis. W. peramoena, Gray. Fringeless Purple Orchis. W. PoGOXiA ophioglossoides, Ker. Rose Pogonia. A. trianthoghora, B. S P. Nodding Pogoni i. W. divaricata, R Br. Spreading Pogonia. W. verticillata. Xutt. Wborled Pogonia A. Arethusa bulbosa, L. Arethusa. W. Spiraxthes cernuH. Rich. Nodding Ladies' Tresses. A. odorata. Lindl. Fragrant L:ulies Tre>ses. C. and W. praecox, Kumze. Grass-like Ladies' Tresses. E. gracilis, Beck. Slender Ladies' Tressi s. W. LiSTERA convallarioides, Torr. Twayblnde. W. australis, Lindl. Soutl^rn Twayblade E. GooDYERA repens, R. Br. Ne' leaf Plantain. W. pubesceiis, R. Br. Neileaf Plantain. A. MiCROSTYLis ophioglossioides, Nuet. Adder's-mouth. E. 344 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. LiPARis liliifolia, Rich. Twayblade. W. CoRALLORHiZA ndoiitorhiza, Nutt. Crawley-root. C. and W. Wisteriana, Conrad. Coral-root. C. multiflora, Nutt. Larj^e Coral root. C. and W. TiPULARiA discolor, B. S. P. Crane-fiy Orchis. C. Calapogon pulchellus, R. Br. Grass-pink. E. and C. pallidas, Cbapin. Grass-pink. E. parviflorus, Lindl. Grass Pink. E. Bletia aphylla, Nutt. Crested Crawley. A. Aplectrum hyemale, Nutt. Adam and Eve. A. PoNTHiKVA glandulosa, R. Br. Ponthieva. E. Order 133. AMARYLLTDACEAE. AMARYLLIS FAMILY. »- Amaryllis Atamasco, L. Atainasco Lily. E. and C. t^ Hymenocallis lacera, Salisb. Spider Lily. E. Agave Virginiana, L. False Aloe. E and C. Hypoxis erecta. L. Star-grass. A. juncea, Smith. Star-grass. E. Order 134. HAEMODORACEAE. BLOODWORT FAMILY. LoPHiOLA aurea, Ker. Laphiola. E. Aletris farinosa, L. White Colic-root. A. aurea, Walt. Yellow Colic-root. A. Lachnanthes tinctoria, Ell. Red- root. E. Order 135. BROMELIACEAE. pine apple FAMILY. »■ TiLLANDSiA usneoides, L. Florida Moss. E. Order 136. IRIDACEAE. IRIS FAMILY. »^Iris versicolor, L. Blue Flag. A. Caroliniana, Watson. Carolina Blue Flag. E. tripetala, Wall. Blue Flag. E. Virginica, L. Virginia Blue Flag. E. and C. > verna, L, Dwarf Blue Flag. A. cristata, Ait. Dwarf Iris. W. Germanica, L. Fleur de-lis. C. I IxiA Chinensis, L. Blackberry Lily. C- and W. i- SiSYRiNCHiUM anceps, 8. Wats. Blue-eyed Grass. E. and C. Allant'cum, Bicknell. Eastern Blue-eyed Grass. E. angustifolium, Mill. Pointed Blue-eyed Grass. A. Caroliuiannm, Bicknell. Carolina Blue-eyed Grass. W. ' rufipes, Bicknell. Blue eyed Grass. E. and C. scabrellura, Bicknell. Blue-eyed Grass. W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 345 Order 137. DIOSCOREACEAE. YAM FAMILY. DioscoREA villosa, L. Wild Yam. A. Order 138. SMILACEAE. SMILAX FAMILY. k- Smilax herbacea, L. Carrion-flower. A. tamnifolia. Michx. Halberd-leaved Smilax. E. and C. ecirrbata, Wals. Upright Smilax. E. and C. glauca. Walt. Glaucous Smilax. A. rotundifolia, L. Horsebriar Smilax. A. rotuudifolia crenulata, Small. Horsebriar Smilax. W. hispida. Muhl. Hispid Smilax. C. Pseudo China, L. Long stalked Smilax. Bona nox, L. Bristlv Smilax W. A^laurifojia, L. Laurtl-leaved Smilax. E. and C. ^Walteri, Pur-t. Walter's Smilax. E. lanceolata, L. Lai ce leaved Smilax. E. and C. auriculata, Walt. Fragrant Smilax. E. pedunculata, Miihl. Smilax. A. ^- Trillium sessile, L. Wake-robin. C. and W. grandiflorum. Salisb. Large Wake-robin. W. V erectum, L. Beth-mot. A. cernuum, L. Nodding B-th-root. A. erythrocarpum, Mirbx. Painted Beth-root. A. pusillum, Michx. Pink B-th root. E. stylosum. Nu't. Rose Beth root. W. Medeola Virginiana, L Indian Cucumber-root. A. Order 139. LILIACEAE. LILY FAMILY. PoLYGONATUM bifloFuin, Ell. Hairv Solomon's Seal. A. gigantium. Diet. Smooth Solomon's Seal. A. Smilacenia racemosa, L. Large Salomon's Seal. A. bifolia, Ker. Mountain Si>lomon's Seal. W. stellat;^ L. Star-fl'iwered Solomon's Seal. C. «kConvallaria majalis. L. Lily of the Valley. W. Clintonia borealis, Raf. Yellow Clintonia. W. umbellata, Torr White Clintonia. C. and W. Allium tricoccum, Ait. Wild Leek. W cernuum. Roth. Nodding Wild Onion. W. vineale, L Wiid Garlic. C Canadense. L. Meadow Garlic. A. ^.-mutabile, Michx. Wild Onion. A. striatum. Jacq. Yellow False Garlic. E. Camassia Fraseri, Torr. Wild Hyacinth. W. Erythronium Americanum, Smith. Dog's tooth Vio^er. W. albidum, Nutt. Dog's-tooth Violet. W. 346 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. ►- LiLiUM Philadelfliicum, L. Philadelphia Lily. W. Catesbaei, Walt. Southern Red Lily. E. Canadense, L. Wild Yellow Lily C. and W. superbum, L. Turk's Cap Lily. W. Grayi, S. Wats. Asa Gray's Lily. Carolinianuoi, Michx. Cnrolina Lily. A. Masseyi, C. W. Hyams. Massey's Li'ly. W. r Yucca filamentosa, L Christmiis-hells. C and W. gloriosa, L. Bear-grass. E. aloifolia, L. Benr-grass. E, "-"Ornithogalum umbellatutn. L. Star of-Bethlehem. A. * MuscARi botryoides, Mill. Gra[)e Hyacinth. C. Asparagus officinalis, L. Asparagus. A. , Hemerocaulis fulva, L. Dav Lilv. W. flava, L. Yellow Day Lilly. C.and W. Order 140. MELANTHACEAE. BU>X'H FLOWER FAMILY. ToFiELDiA glutinosa, Pers. Glutinous Tofieldia. W. pubens, Michx. Viscid Tofieldia. E. glabra, Nutt. White Totieldia. E. Xerophyllum aspliodeloides, Nutt. Turkey- beard. W. setifolium. Small. Turkey-beard. W. Chamaklirium luteum, Gray. Star- root. A. Amianthemum muscaetoxicum. Gray. Fly-poison. A. angustifolium, Gray. Fly poison, E. Stenanthium gramineum, Morong. Stenanthiutn. W. Zygadenus glaberrimus, Michx. Zygadenus. E leinianthoides, S. Wats. Pine-barren Zygadenus. W. Melanthium Virgil icum, L. Bunch flower. E. and C. latifoliura, Desr. Crisped Bunch-flower. C. and W. parviflorura, 8. Wats. Small Bunch-flower. W, Veratrum viridi, Ait. White Hellebore. W. UvuLARiA perfoliata, L. Perfoliate Bellwort. A. sessiilifolia, L. Sessile Bellwort. A. puberula, Michx. Mountain Bellwort. Streptopus amplexifolius, D. C. Twisted-stalk. C. and W. roseus, Michx. Sessile Twisted -stalk. W. Prosartes lanuginosa. Don. Hairy Dis[)orum. W. maculata, Buckley. Mountain Disporuoi. W. Pleea tenuifolia, Michx. Pleea. E. Order 141. JUNCACEAE. RUSH FAMILY. LuzuLA campestris, D. C. Common Wood Rush. A. pilosa, Willd. Hairy Wood Rush. W. JuNCUS eff"usus, L. Common Rush. A. Roemerianus, Scheele. Roemer's Rush. E. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 347 JuNCUS bufonius, L. Toad Rush. A. Gerardi. Loisel. Blark Ru>li. tenuis, Willd. Slender Rush. A secundu^. Beauv. Socund Rusli. E. and C. dichotomus, Ell. Forked Ru-^h. E setaceus, Ro-tk. Awl lea Vf d Rush. E. marginatus, Rostk. Gras-;-le:!ved Rush. A. repeiis, .Vlichx. Creepinjj Rush. A. brachycarpus, Engelra Short-tiui;ed Ru-h. C. polycephalus, Michx. Mnny-headed Rush. E scirpoid. s, Lam. Siripu-; lik*- Rush. E. aud C. megacep4.alus, Cunis Camlina Rush A. Canadensis. Gay. C:inaiia Rush. A. Canadensis suhcaudatus, Emgel. Canada Rush.SfA. Canadensis longeohudaius, Emgel. Canada Rush. A. acuminatns, Michx. Sharp i'uiteerus. A. esculentus angustispic.ttu-!. Bri'ton. Yellow Xut-grass Cyperus. A erythrorhizos, Muhl. Reci-ro ted Cyperus. C. specio>us, Vahl Michaux'?! Cvp^rus. E strigosus, L. Straw-colored Cyperus A strigdsus capitatus, Boeckl. Straw-coiored Cyperus. A. strigosus robustior, Kunth. Straw col ore- 1 Cyperus. A. refract us, Engelm. R- flexed Cvuerus. W retrofractus (L.), Torr. Rough Cyperus. A Lancastriensis, Porter. L iiicaster Cyi)erus. A. cylindricus. Ell. Pine b;nren Cyperus. E. ovularis, Tid«s, Torr. i wig-rush. A. etfusum, Torr. Saw grass. A ScLERiA oligautha, Miciix. Frw-flouer^d Nui-rush. E. triglomerata, Mu-hx. Tall Nut-rush. E. and C. veticularis, Miclix Rniitulated Nut rush. E. veticularis pubescens. Brittou. Pubescent Nut rush. E. veticularis ohscurH, Britten. Obscure Nut-rush. Torreyana, Walp. Torrey's Nut-rush. E. pauciflora, Muhl. Papillose Nut-ru'^h. E. verticillata, Mubl. Low Nui-rush. E. and C. Elliottii. Cbaj>m. Elliotts Nut- rush. E. Carex Collinsii, Nutt. Collins' Sedge. E intumesceiis. Rudge. Blailder Sedge. E and C. Asa Grayi. Bailey. Gra\''s Sedge. E. and C. grand is, Bniley Large Sedge. C. bullata. Schk. Button Sedge. A. lurida,Vahl. Sallow Sedge. E ;ind C. lurida flaccida, Bailey. Sallow Sedge. C. Frankii, Knutt. Frank's Sedge. E. squarrosa, L. Squarrose S'-dge. E. typhinoidt-s, Schwein. Cat-tail Sclge. E. and C. scabrata, Schwein Routih Sedge. W. vestita, Willd. Velvet Sed^e. C. Walteriana, Bailey. Walter's Seige E. torta, Boott. Twisted Stdge. C. and W. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 351 Carex prasina, Wahl Drooping Sedge. W littoralis, iSchwein. Barratl's Sedge. E. gVDMndra, Schwein. Nodding Sedge. W. virescehs, Muhl. Downy Green Sedge. C. and W. Costellata, Britton. Ribbed Sedge. W. triceps, Michx. Hirsute Sedge. C. and W. Caroliniana, Schweiu. Carolina Sedge. C. gracillima, Schwein. Graceful Sedge. C. aestivalis, Cunis. Summer Sedge. \V. tenuis Rudge. Slender-stalked Sedge. W. oblita, Steud. Dark-green Sedge. C. grisea, Wahl. Gray Sedge. A. amphibola, Sieud. Narrow leaved Sedge. C. flaccosperraa. Dewey. Thin -fruited Sedge. W. poiym()r[)ha. Muhl. Variable Sedge. C and W. tetanica, Schk. WVod's Sedge. E. and C. Meadii, Dewey. M-^ad's Sedge. E. laxiflora, Lam. Loose flowered Sedge. W. laxifl'jia patulifolia, Carey. Sedge. W. blanda, Dewey. Sedgn. W. stvloflexa, Bucklev. Bent Sedge. C. digitalis, Willd. Wood S^dge. C. and W. ptychocorpa, Steud. Thicket Sedge. C. pedicellata (Dewey), Britton. Fibrous-rooted Sedge. W. Pentisylvainca, Lara. Pennsylvania Sedge. W. nigro — mar^ierata Schweiu. Blaokedged Sedge. C. Fraseri, Andr. Fra.^er's Sedge. W. leptalea, Wahl. Bristle-stalked Sedge. W. stipata, Mulil Awl-truited Sedge. C. and W. vulpiiioidea, Michx. Fox Sedge. C. rosea, Schk. S'ellati Sedge. C. and W. rosea radiata, Dewey, Stell>iti Sedge. C. and W. ce[)halaph()ra, Muhl. Oval-headed Sedge. C Mitchelliana. Curtis. Mitchell's Sedge. C. broraoides, Schk Bro>ra like Sedge. E. decomposeta, Muhl. Large-panicled Sedge. C. retroflexa. Muhl. Reflexed Sedge. W. tribuloidfs, Wahl. Biunt broom Sedge. W. tribuloides Bebhii, Bailey. Bhinthr-xim Sedge. W. stramiuea, Wild. Straw Sedge. W. straminea foenea, Torr. S;raw Sedge. W. straininea mirabilis, Dewey. Straw Sedged. W. alata, Torr. B'-oad-winged Sedge. E. criniia, Lam. Fringed Sedge. A. gyuandra. Schwein. Nodding Sedge. E. Willdenovii, Schk. Willdenow's Sedge. W. fusca, AH Brown Sedge. W. Davisii, S. it Torr. Davis' Sedge. W. 5 352 N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Carex conoidea, Schk. Field Sedge. W. oligocarpa, Schk. Few-fruited Sedge. W. plantaginea, Lam. Plantaiu-leaved Sedge. W. folliculata australis, Bailey. Folliced Sedge. E. and C. oblita, Steud. Dark green Sedge. E. juncea, Willd. Juneus Sedge. W. verrucosa, Muhl. Glaucous Sedge. E. turgescens, Torr. Chamrel leaved Sedge. E. riparia, Curtis. River- bank Sedge. A. Order 148. ■ GRAMINEAE. GRASS FAMILY. Tripsacum dactyloides, L. Gama Gra^ss. A. KAnthoxanthum odoratum, L. Sweet Vernal Gras>. C. Eeianthus alopecuroides (L). Ell. Spiral-awned Beard Grass. A. saccharoides. Michx Plume Grass. E. compactus, Nash Contracied Plume Grass. E. aud C. brevibarbis, Michx. Short beared Plume Grass. A. Stipa avenacea, L. Feather Gr. ss E. Manisuris rugosa. Kuuize. Wrinkled Man'suris. E. grauularii-, Swariz. Manisuris. C. Andropogon scoparius, Michx. Broom Beard-grass. A. argyraeus. Schultes. Silvery B-ard-grass. A. furcatus, Muhl. Forked Beard-grass. C. Virginicu<, L Virginia Beard grass. C. glomeratus (AValt.), B. S. P. Bushy Beard-grass. E. EUiattii, Chapm. Ellioti's Beard-grass. C. CHRYSOPOGO^' avenaceus (Michx.), Benth. Indian Grass. A. Sorghum Halopense (L.i, Pers. Johnsou-grHss. A. Nazia raceniosa (L.), Kuuize. Prickle grass. E. K^ASPALUM mucronatum. Muhl. Water Paspalum. E. and C. racemulosum, Nutt. C. membranaceum, Walt. Walter's Paspalum. E. purpurasceiis, E!l. C. disiichum, L. Joint grass. A. dilatalum. Poir. Tall Paspalum. A. setaceum, Michx. . Slender Paspalum. A. ciliatifoliura, Michx. Ciliate leaved Paspalnm. C. ciliatifolium dasyphyllum, Ell. Paspalum. C. lougipeduuculaium, LeCoi.te. L )ngstalked Paspalum. E. and C. ♦^laeve. Mich. Field Paspalum. A. Floridanum, Michx. Florida Paspalum. A. praecox, Walt. E. coinpressum (Sw.), Nees. Flat Paspalum. A. difforme, LeC'onte. E. paspaloides (Michx), Scrib. Crab-grass Paspalum. A. furcatum, Flugge. Paspalum. E. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 358 MiLiUM^arnphicarpon, Pursh Amphicarpon. E. Panicum coDsauguiiieum, Kath. C. Addisonii, Nash. E. Ashei, Pearson. Ashe's Amphicarpon. E Scribnerianura, Nash. Scribner's Amphicarpon. E. and C. scoparium, Lam. C. scabriusculum, Ell. E. Joori, Vasey. Joor's Amphicarpon C. macrocarpon, LeConte. Amphicarpon. W. gibbum, Ell. Gibbons Amphicarpon. E. and C. verrucosum, Mnhl. Wart}- Amphicarfion. E. capillare, L Witch-grass Amjihicarpon. A. proliferum, Lam. Spreading Amfjliicarpun. E. and C. miliaceum. L. Milkt. C. amarum, Ell. Sea beach Amphicurpon E. Crus-galli, L. Barnyard Gra^s A. Walter], Pursh Salimarsh Cockspiir. E. digitarioi(le.«, Carpenter. Narrow Pauicnm. E. and C. hians, Ell. Gaping Panicum. A. ancep^ Michx. Beaked Panicum E. and C. agrostidilorme, Lam. Agrostislike Panicum. E. eloDgatum, Pursh. Long Pnnicum. A. sphaerocarpOM, Ell. Round fruitej, L. Virginia Rve Grass. A. striatus, Willd. Nodding Rye Grass. C. Asprella Hvstix, Willd. Boitle-brush. C. r Arundinaeia macros[)erma, Michx. Cane. A. tecta, Muhl. Reed. A. THE FLORA OF NORTH CAROLINA. 857 Class III— Acrogens. Cryptogamons or Flowerlkss Plants. Order 149. EQUISETACEAE. HORSE-TAIL FAMILY. Equisetum laevigatum, Braun. Smooth Scouring-rush. A. hyemale, L. Common Sc )uring-rush. W. sylvaticum, L Wood Horse-tail. E. arveuse, L Field Horse-tail. C. Order l.oO. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE. ADDER's TONGUE FAMILY. BoTRYCHiUM ternatum (Thimb ), Sw. THrnate Grape fern. E. and C. dissectum. Grai»e fern. E. and C. Virginianurn (L), Sw. Virginia Grape-fern. A. Order 151. POLYPODIACEAE FERN FAMILY. ^ PoLYPODiUM vulgare, L. Common Polypody. C. and W. vulgare cfistatum. Common Polypody. W. * valgare Carabricum. Common Polypody. VV. incanum, ^w. Tree Polypody. E. and C. v-Pteris aquilina, L. Rock Brake. A. aquilina caudata (L), Hook Rork Brake. E. tremu lollies. C. Pellaea atropurpuria, Link Cliti brake. W. Cheilanthes Alabamensis, Kuntze. Alabama Lip-fern. W. lanosH, Walt Hairy Lip-fern. W. tomentosa, Link. Woolly Lip-fern. W. \*Adiatum Capillus- Veneris, L. Venus-hair Fern. E. ^ pedatum, L. Maiden hair Fern. A. WooDWARDiA A^irginica, Smith. Virginia Chain Fern. A. angustifolia, Smiih. Net veined Chain Fern. E. and C. Camptosorus rhizof)hyllus, Link. Walking fern. W. AsPLENiUM pinnatifidum, Nutt. Pinnatifid Spleenwort. W. ebenoides, Scott Sco't'.s Spleenwort. W. parvulum, M & G. Small Spleenwort. W. platyneuron, Oakes. Ebony. C. and W. Trichomanes, L. Maiden hair Spleenwoi-t. W. angustifolum, Michx. Narrow-leaved Spleenwort. W. Ruta-muraria, L. Wall Rue Spleenwort. W. montanum. Willd. Mountain Spleenwort. W. Bradleyi, Eaton. Bradley's Spleenwort. W. thelypteroides, Michx. Silvery Spleenwort. A. 358 N. C. AGRI<:ULTURAL EXPErtlMENT STATION. AsPLENiUM Filix-foemiua, Beruh. Lady-fern. A. dentatum, L. Spleenwort. W. Cystopteris bulbifera, Beruh. Biilbons Brittle Fern. \V. fragilis, B-iTuh. Brittle Fern. W. A.SPIDIUM acrostichoides, Sw. ('hristmas Fern. A. Il'acrostichoides Schweiniizii. Christmas Ferm. A. Noveboracense, Sw. New York Fern. W. Thelipteris, Sw. Shield Fern. A. Goldieanum, Hook. Goldie's Fern. C. and \V. marginale, Sw. Wood Fern. C. and W. spinulosum, Sw. Spinulos'^ Shield Fern. W. spinulosurn intermedium, E^ton. Soinulose Shield Fern. W. spinulosum dilatatum, Hook. Spinulose Shield Fern. W. Phegopteris polypodioides, F»-e. Long Beech Fern. W. hexagonoptera. Fee Broad Beeoh Fern. A. Drypopteris, Fee Oak Fern. E. and C. DiCKSONiA punctilobnla (Michx). Grav. Hay-scented Fern. W. Lygodium palmatum, Sw. Climbing Fern. A. Onoclea sensibilis, L. Sensitive Fern. A. WooDSiA Ilvensis. R. Br. Ru.«ty Wood si a. W obtusa, Torr. Blunt-lobed Wood.-ia. W. *OsMUNDA cinuamomea. L. Cinnamon Fern. A. . regalis, L. Royal Fern. A. ^-Claytoniana. L. Clayton's Fern. A. Order 1.52. LYCOPODIAOEAE CLUB-MOSS FAMILY. Lycopodium lucidulum, Michx. Stiining Club moss. \V. Selago, L. Fir Club moss. W. clavatum, L Running Club-moss. W. dendroideum, Michx. Ground Pine Club moss. W. Carolinianum, L Carolina Club-moss. E. ' complanatum, L. Christmas Club-moss. W. innudatum, L. B 'g Club-moss. E. a]o[>ecuroides, L. Fox tail Club-moss. E alopecuroides ad|iressura, Chapm. Club-moss. E. Order 1.53. SELAGINELLACEAE SELAGINELLA FAMILY. Selaginella rupestris, Spring. Rock Selaginella. A. apus, Spring. Creeping Selaginella. A. Order 154. SALVINIACEAE. SALVINIA FAMILY. Azolla Caroliniana, Willd. Carolina Az)lla. E. NDEX. PAGE. Abies 341 Abutilou 29S Acalypha 338 Acanthospermum 320 Acer . 302 Acerates 330 Achillea 321 Acnida 335 Aconitum 292 Actaea 292 Actinomeris 321 Adiatuin 357 Adlumia 294 Adonis 291 ^sculus 302 Aeschynomene 304 ^thusa 312 ■Agave 344 Agrimonia 306 Agropyrum 356 Agrostemma 297 Agrostis 355 Ailanthus 300 Aira 355 Alchemilla 306 Aletris 344 Alisma 342 Allium 345 Alnus 340 Alopecurus 355 Alsine 297 Alyssum 295 Amarantus 335 Amaryllis 344 Ambrosia S'^S Amelanchier 307 Amianthium 346 Ammania 3^9 Amorpha 303 Ampelopsis 3°^ Amphicorpaea 505 Amsonia 33^ Amygdalis 3°^ Auagallis S-5 Andromeda 3^4 Andropogon 352 Anemone 291 Angelica 3^2 Anlennaria 3^9 Anthemis 321 Anthenantia 355 Anthoxanthum 352 PAGE. Antirrhinum 326 Anychia 297 Aphyllon 326 Apios 305 Apium 311 Aplectrum 344 Apocynum 330 Apogon 314 Aquilegia 292 Arabis 295 Aralia 312 Arctium 322 Arenaria 297 Arethusa 34:; Argemone 294 Arisaema 341 Aiistida __ 355 Aristolochia 335 Arnica 322 Arrhenatherum 355 Artemissia - 322 Arundinaria 356 Asarum 353 Asclepias 330 Ascyrum 29S Asimina 293 Asparagus 34(1 Aspidium 358 Asplenium 357 Asprella 358 Aster 316 Astilbe 30S Astralagus 303 Atragene - 291 Atriplex 336 Atropa 328 Azalea 323 Azolla 35S Baccharis 319 Baldwinia 321 Baptisia 305 Barbarea 295 Bartonia 330 Batrachium 292 Bellis 318 Berberis 293 Berchmeria 301 Berlandiera 320 Betula 340 Bidens / 321 Bigelovia 319 360 INDEX. PAGE. Bignonia 326 Blephilia 333 Bletia 344 Boehnieria 338 Boltonia 318 Borrago 332 Borrichia - 320 Botrychium 357 Boykinia 30S Brachyelylrum 355 Brasena 293 Brassica 295 Breweria 328 Bromus 354 Broussouetia 338 Br\-ophylluin 309 Bucknera 327 Buckley a . 337 Bumelia 325 Bupleurum 311 Burmannia 343 Cabomba 293 Cacalia 322 Cakile 295 Calamagrostis 355 Calamintha 334 Callicarpea 332 Callirrhol 298 Callitriche 337 Calopbancs 332 Caloi.ogon 344 Caltba 292 Calycanthus 307 Calycocarpum 293 Camassio _- 345 Cameliua 295 Campanula 323 Camptosorus 357 Capsella 295 Cardamine 294 Cardiospermum 302 Carduus 322 Carex 350 Carphephorus 315 Carpinus 339 Carum 312 Carya 339 Cassandra 324 Cassia 305 Castanea 339 Castilleia 327 Catalpa . 326 Caucalis 312 Caulophyllum 293 Ceanothus 301 Cedronella 333 Celastrus 301 Celtis 339 Cenchrus 354 Cenlaurea 323 Centrosema 305 Centunculus 325 Cephalanthus 313 PAGE. Cerasliutn 29S Ceratophyllum 337 Cercis 305 Chaeropbyllum 312 Cbamaecyparis 341 Chamaelirium 346 Chaptalia 322 Cheilanthes 357 Chelidonium 294 Chelone 326 Chenopodiuni 335 Chimaphilla 323 Chiogenes 324 Chionanthus 331 Chloris 356 Cbrysanthemum 321 Chrysobalanus 306 Chrysogonum 320 Cbrysosplenium 308 Chrysopsis 319 Chrysopogon - 352 Cichorium 314 Cicuta 311 Cimicifuga 292 Cinua 354 Circaea 310 Cissus 301 Cladium 350 Cladrastis 305 Claytonia 297 Clematis 291 Cleome 295 Clethra 323 Clintonia 345 Clitoria 305 Cnicus 322 Cocculus - 293 Colli nsonia 334 Comandra 337 Commelyna 347 Comptonia 340 Conioseiinum 312 Conopholis 326 Couvallaria 345 Convolvulus 328 Corallorhiza 344 Coreopsis - 321 Coriandrum 312 Cornus 312 Corydalis 294 Corylus 339 Crantzia 311 Crataegus 307 Crepis 315 Crotalaria 302 Croton ._. 337 Crotonopsis 338 Cteuium 356 Cunila 334 Cupbea 309 Cuscuta 329 Cynodon 356 Cynoglossum 331 Cyperus 348 INDEX. 361 PAGE. Cypripedium 343 Cyrilla 302 Cystopteris 35S Cytissus 302 Dactylis ^ 354 Daiithonia 355 Darbya 337 Dasytoma 327 Datura 32S Daucus 312 Decumaria 30S Delphiuium 292 Dentaria 295 Deringa 311 Deschampsia 355 Desmodium 304 Diamorpha 309 Dianlbera 332 Diauthus 297 Dicentra 294 Dichromena 350 Dichondra 32S Dicksonia 35S Didiplis 309 Diervilla - 313 Digitalis - 327 Diodia ■ 313 Dionaea 294 Dioscorea 345 Diospyros 325 Diphylleia 293 Diplachne 356 Dipsacus 314 Dirca 337 Discopleura 311 Dodecatheon 325 Draba 295 Drosera 293 Dulichium 349 Eatonia 356 Echinacea 320 Echinodorus 342 Ecbium 332 Eclipta 320 Eleocharis 349 Elephantopus ._ 315 Eleusine 356 Elodea 343 Elodes 299 Elymus 35^ Epigaea 324 Epilobium 3'o Epiphegus 326 Eqnisetum 357 Eragrostis 35^ Erechihites 322 Erianthus 352 Erigenia 3^2 Erigeron 3'8 Eriocaulon 348 Eriophorum 349 Erodium 300 PAGE. Eryngium 311 Erythrina 305 Erythronium 345 Euouynjus 301 Eupatorium 316 Euphorbia 33S Fagopyrum 336 Fagus 339 Festuca 354 Filago 320 Fiinbristylis 349 Foeniculum 314 Folhergilla . 309 Fragaria 306 Frasera 330 Fraxinus 331 Fuirena 349 Fumaria 294 Galactia 305 Galax 324 Galeopsis 333 Galium 313 Gallinsoga 321 Gaultheria - 324 Gaura 309 Gaylussacia 324 Gelsemium 314 Gentiana 329 Geranium 300 Gerardia 327 Geum 306 Gilleuia 306 Glaucium 294 Gleditchia 305 Glyceria 354 Gnaphalium 319 Gonobolus 331 Goodyera 343 Gordonia 299 Gratiola 327 Gymnopogon 356 Gynandropsis 295 Habenaria 343 Halesia 325 Hamamelis 309 Hedeoma 334 Helenium 321 Helianthemum 296 Helianthus 320 Heliopsis 320 Heliotropium 331 Helleborus 292 Hemerocaulis 346 Hemicarpha . 349 Hepatica 291 Heracleum 312 Herpestris 327 Hesperis 295 Heteranthera 347 Heuchera 30S Hibiscus . 29S 362 INDEX. PAGE. Hieracum 315 Hierochloe 355 HoJcns 354 Hordeam 355 Hosackia 303 Hottonia - 325 Houslonia 313 Hri'is-onia 296 Hamulus 33S Hydrangea 30S Hydrastis 292 Hydrochloa 354 Hydrocotyle 31 1 Hydrolea 331 Hydropby^lum 331 Hymenocallis 344 Hypericum 29S HvTX)xis 344 Hyptis 534 Hyssopus 334 Ilex 3,01 Ilvs-^nthes 327 Impatiens 3'! Ijidigofera -.o^, Inala 319 Ipiinaea 32S Itjs 344 I^anthus 332 I>olepis 349 Isipyram 292 Itt-a' 3^^ Iva 315 Ixia 344 Jalropa 33!> Jeffersonia 293 'aj^lans 339 J uncus 346 Juniperus 341 Jussiaea 510 Justicia 332 Kalmia 3^3 Kostelelzkya 29S Krisjia 3'4 Kuhaia 316 Kyllingia 349 Lachtianthes - 344 Lichnocaulon 34'^ Lactuca 314 L^genaria 310 Lamium 333 Laportea — 35^^ Lappula 33' Lathyrus 304 Lechea 296 Leersia 334 Leiophyllum 323 Lemna 342 Leonurus 333 Lepachys 320 Lepidium 295 P.4GE. Leptandra 327 Leptocaulis 311 Leptochloa 356 Lespedeza 304 Leucotboe 324 Liatris 315 Ligusticum 311 Lilium 346 Limnanthemuni 330 Lininobium 343 Lin aria 326 Lindera 337 Linum 299 Liparis 344 LipocarDba 349 Lippia 332 Liquidamber 309 Liriodendron 293 Listera 343 Luhospermum 331 Litsea 337 Lol)elia 322 Loiium 3S5 Lonicer-i 313 Lopbanthus 333 Lopbiola 3^4 Lotus 303 Ludwigia 310 Lupinus 302 Luzuld 346 Lycbnis 297 Lycium 32S Lycopodium 358 Lycopus 334 Lycopsis 332 Lygodiutn 35S Lysimacbia 325 L>tbrum _- 309 Macbridea 334 Magnolia 292 Malva 29S Manisuris 352 Marrubium 333 Marsha]lia 321 Martynia 326 Mavaca 347 Mediola 345 Medicago 303 Melampyrum 328 Melantbium 346 Melia 299 Melica 356 Melilotus 302 Melissa 334 Melotbria 310 Menispermura 293 Mentba 334 Menziesia _. 323 Mertensia 331 Micranlhemnm . 327 Microslylis 343 Mikania 316 Milium 353 INDEX. 363 PAGE. Mimosa 305 Mimulus 327 Mitchella 313 Mitella 308 Mitreola 314 Modiola -- 29S Molliigo 297 Monarda 333 Monotropa 323 Monotropsis 323 Morus 33S Muhlenber^ia 355 Muscaki 346 Myosotis 331 ilyosurus 292 Myrica 340 Myriophyllum 309 Nabalus 315 Naias 342 Napara 29S Nasturtium 294 Nazia ._ 352 Nelumbium 293 Nemophylla 331 Nepeta 333 Nesaea 309 Nicandra 32S Nicotiana 32S Nymphaea 293 Nyssa 312 Obolaria 330 Ocimum 332 CEnothera 310 O'derilandia 313 Onoclea 35S Onosmodium - 332 Opaiitia 311 Orchis 343 Origanum 334 Ornithogalum 346 Osmanlhus 331 Osmorhiza 312 Osmunda 35S Ostrya 339 Otophylla 327 Oxalis 2Q9 Oxycoccus 324 Oxydendrum 324 Pachystima 301 Palpalanthus 34S Pa;iax 312 Panicum 353 Papavcr 294 Parietaria 33S Parnassia 30S Paronychia 297 Partheuium 320 Paspalnm 352 Passiflora 310 Pastinaca 312 Paulownia 327 Pedicularis Pellaea Peltandra Penthorium Penstemon Persea Peialostemon-. Phacelia Phaiaris Phascolus Phegopleris Philadelphus __ Phleum Phiox Phorodendron . Phragmites Phryma Phyllaulhus .__ Physalis Physoslegia Phytolacca Picea Pilea Pimpernella Pinguicula Pinus Piriqueia Planera Plantago Platauus Pleea Pluchea POH Podophyllum _ . Podostemor, Podostigma Pogonia Polanisia Poiemunium Pol\ gala Polygonatuni __ Polygonella Polygonum . _- Poh mnia Polypodium Polypogon Polypremum - Pontederia — . Ponlhieva Popu'ius Poriulaca Potamogeton - . Polentilia Prosartes Preiser pi naca . Prunella Prunus . ._ - Psilocarya Psoraiea Plelia Pteris Pterocaulon Pycnanthemum Pvrola 34 i ^09 326 3"^3 351 355 305 35S 30S 354 329 35 ■S 32s 333 335 341 33S 311 326 341 310 339 335 339 346 3'9 354 293 >o 295 329 502 345 53^ 520 357 355 314 347 344 340 297 342 306 346 3C9 .306 350 303 300 357 319 334 323 ;364 INDEX. PAGE. Pyrrhopappus 315 Pyiulaiia 337 Pjrus 307 Pyxidanthera 324 Quercus 339 Ranunculus 291 Raphanus 295 Rhamnus 301 Rhexia 3^9 Rhododendron 323 Rhus 300 Rhynchosia 305 Rhvnchospora 349 Ribes ---' 30S Ricinus 33^ Robinia 3^3 Rosa 307 Rubus 306 Rndbeckia 320 Ruellia 532 Rumes . 33^ Ruppia- 342 Sabal 341 Sabbatia 329 Sagina 297 Sagittaria -- 342 Salicornia 33^ Salix 340 Sal&ola . 33^ Sal\na 333 Sambucus 312 Samolus 325 Sanguinaria 294 Sanguisorba 306 Sanicula -- 3^^ SHfKsnaria -- 297 Sarracenia 293 Sassafras. — - 337 Satnreia --- 334 Saururus 337 Saxifraga 3^8 Scandix 3^2 Scbrankia 305 Schwalbea 327 Scirpus - 549 Scleranthus 29S Sclevia 35° Sclerolepis , — -- - 315 Scrophnlaria ---_ — 326 Scutellaria 333 Sedum - 3°^ Selaginella 35^ Senebiera 295 Senecio 322 Sentera --- 33° Sericocarpus 316 Sesbania 3^3 Sesu\-ium 3'i Setaria 354 Seymeria 327 Shortia 324 Sieves --. — 3], Sid'a 298 Silene 297. Silphium 320" Sinapis _ 295 Sisymbrium 295 Sisyrhinchium 344 Sium . 311 Smilacena 345 Smilax 345 Solaaum 328 Solea 296 Solidago 318 Sonchus 314 Sorghum 352 . Sparganium 342 Sparlina --. ... 356' Specularia 323 Spergula --- 297 Spigelia -. 314 Spilanthes 320 Spiraea -.- 306 Spiranthes -. 343 Sporobolus 355 Stachys 333 Staphylea 302 Statice 325' Steironema . 325 Slellaria 298 Slenanthium --- 346 Stilhngia 338 Slips 352 Stipulicida 297 Slreplopus -- 346 Stuartia -- 299 Stylosantbes --. 304 Styrax 325 Suaeda -- — 33^ Symphoricarpus 313 Symplocus - 325 Symphytum -.. 332 Synandra - . 333 Syringa 33' Talinum - .- -- 297 Tanacetum --- 322 Taraxacum 314 Taxodium 341 Taxus --■- .--. 341 Tecoma 326 Teprosia -. 303 Telragonotheca 320 Teucrinm 332 Thalictrum -- 291 Thaspium 3" Thermopsis -. 305 Thuja 341 Tiarella - 3<^8 Tiedmaunia 312 Tilia --- 298 Tillandsia 344 Tipularia 344 Tissa 298 Tofieldia 346 INDEX. 365 PAGE. Icicanlia 347 ragia — 338 ragopogon 314 tvetteria 291 lostema 333 ilium 303 ,.ochin . 345 ..'.um 345 Triodia .. 356 Triosteum 313 Triplacis . 356 Tripsacum .-- 352 Trisetum 355 Tsuga 341 T\ oha 342 nus 339 Uiiiola 356 Urtica 33S Utricularia 325 Uvalaria '. - - - 346 Vaccinium 324 Valeriana 314 Valerianella 314 /allisneria .- 343 veratrum 346 Verbascum 326 Verbena 332 Verbesina 321 PAGE. Vemonia — 315 Veronica 327 Viburnum 313 Vicia -- ■ 504 VJgna 305 Vinca 330 Viola 296 Vitis 301 Waldsteinia -- 306 Wistaria .-- 303 Wolffia 342 Wocdsia 358 Woodwardia 357 Xanthium 315 Xtrrophyllum 346 Xyris 347 Yucca — 346 Zanthorhiza 292 Zauthoxylum — 300 Zaunichellia 342 Zinnia _ 320 Z-.zania ... .__ .— 354 Zizia .. 311 Zornia 304 Zostera 342 Zvgademus _ 346