For Reference NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THIS ROOM I LIBRARY OF 1885- l©5e J^IateS €mm$p^ W ";;;: ■ ,| 4* ,' 1 9a r\& JEE D£l TRAlNlSFORMATIONS OF MOTHS GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF INSECTS AND A TREATISE ON THOSE INJUEIOUS AND BENETIOIAL TO OKOPS FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES, FARM-SCHOOLS, AND AGRICULTURISTS BY ALPHEUS S. PACKAED, M.D. WITH FIFTEEN PLATES AND SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY WOOD-CUTS, NINTH EDITION. NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY Copyright by A. S. PACKARD, Jb., 1869 and 1876. PREFACE TO THE NINTH EDITION. The reader is requested to correct certain errors as follows : Pp. 69 and 616, Lepisma, with other Thysanura, is not neu- ropterous. P. 346, the name of the common clothes-moth should be changed from Tinea flav if rontella Linn, to Tinea pelliolella Linn. P. 466, Fig. 433 represents the larva of Coenia dimidiafa Fabr., according to Mr. 0. Lngger, who has raised it. P. 611, Fig. 598 does not represent the eggs of Corydalis cornufns, which have been correctly identified and figured by Dr. Riley. P. 655, for Pedipalpi substitute for the name of the order the word Arthrogastra, of which the Pedipalpi are a sub-order. P. 680, Sj^irostrephoji copei siiould read Scoterjjes copei. In the author's text-books on Zoology, and also in his '• Entomology for Beginners," he has adopted a new classi- fication of insects, dividing them into sixteen orders. This scheme will probably be introduced in the next edition of the present work. Provideuce, July, 1888. PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION. More important additions and alterations have been made in the sixth and seventh editions tlian in any previous oneo The author has decided to consider the Ilexapoda, Aruchnida, and Myriopoda as sub-classes of Tracheata, and conseqiiditly what have been in former editions regarded as sub-orders arc called orders. The Thysanura, moreover, are separated from the Neuroptera, and regarded as a distinct order, compi-ising .synthetic types with features allying them to the Orthoptera, Neuroptera, and Myriopoda. They are divided into two sub- orders, the lower the Collonbola of Lubbock; and for the higher sub-order, comprising the Lepismatidie and Campodeae, the term Cimira {Hivtoo, to move; ovpd, tail) is proposed. The terms ttnaculum and elater are adopted from the author's previous writings for the " holder " and " spring " of the Col- lembola ; and for the sucker or organ secreting the adhesive material characteristic of the Collembola, the term collophore is proposed. Brief mention has been made of the Pycnogonidre, which lare placed among the mites ; also of the Peripatidea, which are given a place next to the sucking Myriopoda, since they have been proved by the researches of Mr. Moseley to be Tracheata. On page 240 the discovery by Mr. Swinton of an auditory ajjparatus at the base of the abdomen of Lepidoptera has been noticed, as well as Mr. Mason-Wood's discovery that Mygale and Scorpio stridulate (page 628). A number of minor changes and corrections have been made in the ])l:ites. Some important changes have been made in the classifica- tion of the Coleoptera which do not appear in the text. The weevils, Cureuliomd(C, should, in accordance Avith the views expressed by Dr. Le Conte, be jilaced at the end of the group. The Coccinellidm and ErotylUlm should nlso, in ai^cordance with the views of Mr. G. K. Crotch (Check-List of tho PREFACE. Coleoptera of America north of Mexico, 1874), be placed in. the Clavicorn series, those and allied families being placed in^ the following succession : DermesHdce^ Endomychidcv^ Cioidcef Erotijlidw^ Atomariidw, CucKJidtv, ColydiiddP, Rhizophagidce^ Ti'ogositidfM, Hitidulidce, Coccinellldce, Cistelidcv, etc. At the- end of the series the succession of families is as follows . Ceranibycidoe, DrucJiidcie, Chrysomelidre, Tenehrionidi^^ JEyia- lltidw^ Alleculida', Pyrochroidoe, Anthicidcp^ Mdandryidoi^ 31ordellida\ Stylopidoe, 3Ieloidce, Cephaloidm^ CEdemeridce, Mycteridce, PytJddce, Curcidionidce, Scolytidcey and Antlivibidcr, Brenthidm being the last. Since the publication of the last edition of this Avovk, our knowledge of American fossil insects has been much extended. Mr. Scudder has described tea more species from the carboni- ferous strata of Nova Scotia and Pennsylvania, some of them of peculiar interest, thus increasing the number of known palaeozoic foi-ms to thirty-two. The carboniferous insect- fauna of America is now so well known that we may note a close affinity between it and that of Europe at the same epoch. Tertiary localities exceedingly rich in fossil insects have been discovered in new parts of the West ; more than one himdred species have already been described by Mr. Scudder from Eastern and Western Colorado, Wyoming, and British Columbia, but these are a mere fragment of what have been found. Among those described are many of an interest- ing character, especially a wonderfully preserved butterfly {Prodryas Persephone) and e^^ masses of a huge Neuropteron allied to Corydalus, together with others which indicate a partially tropical fauna at that time. Of post-tertiary insects,. Dr. Horn has described ten beetles from a bone cave in Pennsylvania, and Mr. Scudder two from the interglacial clays of Ontario. A. S. PACKARD, Jr. Peovidenoe, R. I., December, 188^. PREFACE. This introduction to the study of insects is designed to teach the beginner the elements of entomology, and to serve as a guide to the more elaborate treatises and memoirs which the advanced student may wish to consult. Should the book, imperfect as the author feels it to be, prove of some service in inducing others to study this most interesting and useful branch of natural history, the object of the writer will have been fully attained. In order to make it of value to farmers and gardeners, whose needs the writer has kept in view, and that it may be used as a text book in our agricultural colleges, concise ac- counts have been given of insects injurious or beneficial to vegetation, or those in any way affecting human interests. "When the localities of the insects are not precisely given, it is to be understood that they occur in the Eastern Atlantic States from Maine to Pennsylvania, and the more northern of the Western States. When the family names occur in the text they are put in spaced Italics, to distinguish them from the generic and specific names which are Italicized in the usual way. The succession of the suborders of the hexapodous insects is that proposed by the author in 1863, and the attention of zoologists is called to their di\ision into two series of sub- orders, which are characterized on page 104. To the first and highest may be applied Leach's term Metabolia, as they all agree in having a i^erfect metamorphosis ; for the second and lower series the term Heterometabolia is pro- Vlll PREFACE. posed, as the four suborders comprised in it differ in the degrees of completeness of their metamorphoses, and are all linked together by the structural features enumerated on page 104. The classification of the Hymenoptera is original with the author, the bees (Apidae) being placed highest, and the saw- flies and Uroceridae lowest. The succession of the families of the Lepidoptera is that now generally agreed upon by en- tomologists. Loew's classification of the Diptera, published in the "Miscellaneous Collections" of the Smithsonian Institution, has been followed, with some modifications. Haliday's suggestion that the Pulicidse are allied to the Mycetophilidse gives a clue to their position in nature among the higher Diptera. Leconte's classification of the Coleoptera is adopted as far as published by him, i.e., to the Bruchidae. For the succeeding families the arrangement of Gerstaecker in Peters and Carus' "Handbuch der Zoo- logie " has been followed, both being based on that of Lacor- daire. The Hemiptera are arranged according to the author's views of the succession of the families. The classification of the Orthoptera is that proposed by Mr. S. H. Scudder. This succession of families is the reverse of what has been given by recent authors, and is by far the most satisfactory yet presented. The arrangement of the Neuroptera (in the Lin- noean sense) is that of Dr. Hagen, published in his "Synop- sis," with the addition, however, of the Lepismatidae, Cam- podeae and Poduridae. The usual classification of the Arachnida is modified by placing the Phalangidas as a family among the Pedipalpi, and the succession of families of this suborder is suggested as be- ing a more natural one than has been previously given. The arrangement of the Araneina, imperfect as authors have left it, is that adopted by Gerstaecker in Peters and PREFACE. ix Carus' "Handbuch der Zoologie." In the succession of the families of the Acarina, the suggestions of C^aparede, in his "Studien der Acariden," have been followed, and in the preparation of the general account of the Arachnids the writer is greatly indebted to Claparede's elaborate work on the "Evolution of Spiders." In the preparation of this "Guide" the author has con. suited and freely used Westwood's invaluable "Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects;" Gerstaecker's "Arthropoden" in Peters and Carus' "Handbuch der Zoo- logie;" Siebold's "Anatomy of the Invertebrates" (Burnett's translation, 1854); Newport's Article "Insecta" in Todd's Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology; and Dr. T. W. Harris' "Treatise on Insects injurious to Vegetation." He would also acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor L. Agassiz for many of the general ideas, acquired while the author was a student in the Museum of Comparative Zoo- logy at Cambridge, regarding the arrangement of the orders and classes, and the morphology of the Articulates. For kind assistance rendered in preparing this book, the author is specially indebted to Baron R. von Osten Sacken, who kindly read the proof sheets of the chapter on Diptera ; to Mr. F. G. Sanborn for the communication of many speci- mens and facts; and also to Messrs. Edward Norton, S. H. Scudder, J. H. Emerton, C. T. Robinson, A. R. Grote, G. D. Smith, E. T. Cresson, P. R. Uhler, C. V. Riley, Dr. J. L. Le- conte, Dr. Hagen, W. C. Fish, and E. S. Morse. For much kind assistance and very many favors and suggestions, and constant sympathy and encouragement during the printing of the work, he is under special obligation to his valued friend, Mr. F. W. Putnam. The types of the new species noticed here are deposited in the Museum of the Peabody Academy of Science. He would also express his thanks to 1 PREFACE. the American Entomological Society, the Society of Natural History at Boston, the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, the Essex Institute, the Smithsonian Institu tion, the Secretary of the Maine Board of Agriculture, and to Mr. R. Hardwicke, the publisher of "Science-Gossip," Prof. Sanborn Tenney, the author of "A Manual of Zo- ology," and to his coeditors of the "American Naturalist,'* for the use of many of the cuts, a list of which may be found on the succeeding pages. Peabody AcAOBinr of Science, Salem, Nov. 10, 1869. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Figs. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 84, 86, 87, 91, 93-106, 124, 126, 130, 131, 132, 142, 144, 146, 151, 180, 191-196, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 2086, 209, 212, 213, 215, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225, 226, 246, 256 -260, 267, 320, 321, 332, 333, 379, 404, 408, 409, 421, 422, 442, 455, 480, 481, 484, 485, 487, 493, 500, 501, 502, 509, 513, 518, 519, 521, 531, 534, 535, 552, 561, 562, 576, 579, 593, 601 and 651, were borrowed from the American Eutomological Society, at Pliiladelpbia. Figs. 2, 14, 15-24, 27, 48, 63-67, 69, 181, 216, 217, 222, 230, 231, 233 -235, 247, 369, 389, 420, 424, 427, 435, 436, 438, 497, 508, 578, 630 and 631 were loaned by the Boston Society of Natural History. Figs. 25, 36, 37, 65, 83, 128, 136, 237, 242, 269, 350, 352-357, 362, 368, 372, 373, 380, 511, 512, 514, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 556, 585-587, 589, 690, 591, 594, 602, 603, 604 and 605, were borrowed from the report of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture for 1862. Figs. 155-165, 169-179, 270, 271, 285-296, 300, 303-306, 345-348, 358, 359, 632, 633 and 634, were loaned by the Smithsonian Institution. Figs. 1, 5, 8, 10, 30, 31, 32, 51, 52, 57, 58, 62, 64, 68, 72, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 89, 92, 110-121, 127, 185, 186, 227, 228, 239, 248, 250, 252, 262, 263, 273, 278, 298, 307-314, 317-319, 322, 324-327, 329-331, 334-343, 361, 363a, 375, 387, 412, 413, 425, 426, 428, 430, 432, 433, 437, 439, 447-451, 456-458, 463, 464, 474, 475, 504, 516, 576, 577, 580-584, 588, 592, 608, 613, 615, 627, 636, 637, 638, 639, 641, 642, 646-649, were taken from the " American Naturalist." Figs. 41, 70, 71, 88, 129, 138, 143, 152, 200, 232, 249, 253, 255, 349, 492, 554, 618, and 645 were borrowed fi'om the "Report of the Maine Board of Agriculture for 1862." Figs. 73-78, were kindly loaned by Prof. Jeffries "Wyman. Figs. 570, 571, 574, 575, 617 and 635, were loaned by the Illinois Geological Survey. I am also indebted to Prof. Sanborn Tenney for the use of Figs. 189, 190, 198, 315, 323, 563-567, from his "Manual of Zoology." The publishers of Hardwick's " Science-Gossip," London, afforded me stereotypes of Figs, 517, 557, 569, 573, 606, 607, 609-611, 616, 620 -622, 628, 629 and 640. Electrotypes of Figs. 119, 261, 281, 281c-284, 328, 344, 351, 360, 363, 367, 374, 376, 414, 429, 434, 452-454, 466, 468-471, 477, 479, 494, 506», 506^ 510, 522-526, 530, 532, 533, 536-541, 547-551, 664, 568, 595-598, were purchased of the publishers of the " American Entomologist." The following figures were engraved expressly for the work, viz: Figs. 11, 12, 13, 26, 28, 29,42, 43-47, 49, 50, 53, 64, 56, 59-61, 80, 107- Xll EXPLANATION OF PLATE. 309, 122, 123, 125, 133-135, 137, 139-141, 145, 148-151, 166-168, 182- 184, 187, 188, 197, 203, 208, 210, 211, 214, 218, 223, 236, 243, 244, 254, 264-266, 272, 280, 297, 299, 301, 302, 308, 310, 364-366, 370, 371, 377, 378, 381-386, 388, 390-397, 399-403, 405-407, 410, 411, 415-419, 423, 431, 440, 441, 443-446, 459-462, 465, 467, 4/2, 473, 476, 478, 482, 483, 485a, b, 488, 489, 490, 491, 495, 496, 498, 499, 503, 505, 507, 515, 520, 527-529, 555, 558-560, 565, 572, 599, 600, 612, 614, 619, 623-626, 643, 644 and 650. Of these, 119 were drawn from nature, mostlj- by Mr. J. H. Emerton, and a few by Messrs. C. A. Walker and L. Trouvelot. These are num- bered: 11, 12, 13-20, 26, 28, 29, 42, 51, 52, 57-63, 64-67, 79-82, 90. 107- 109, 122, 123, 125, 133, 137, 139, 141, 145, 148, 149-151, 166, 167, 168, 182-184, 187, 188, 197, 203, 208 a, b, 210 a, 211, 214, 218, 236, 254, 265, 266, 299, 301, 308, 316, 364-366, 378, 383, 384, 386, 392, 393, 396, 397, 400, 402, 403, 405, 413, 415, 419, 423, 431, 443, 441, 443-446, 465, 473, 476, 482 a, 483, 485 a, b, 489, 490, 491, 496, 498, 499, 503, 505,507,515 620, 555, 560, 565, 599, 600, 612, 614, 619. Of the remainder. Figs. 134, 459-462, 495, 506, were copied from Harris ; 43, 45, from Leidy ; 46, 47, 49, 50, from Straus-Durckheim ; 44, 53, 54 and 650, from Newport; 135, 140, from Fitch; 223, 243, 244, 628, 529, from Glover; 264, 467, from Curtis; 623-626, from Clapa- rede ; 643, 644, from Doyere ; 56 from Gerstaecker ; 297, from Mecz- nikow; 302, from Brauer; 417, 418, from Leprieur; 527, 558 559, from Guerin-Meneville ; 572 from Dohrn ; 394, from Blisson; 388, from Candeze; 377, 381, 382, 385, 390, 391, 395, 399, 401, 406, 407, 410, 472 and 488, from Chapuis and Candeze. Plates 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11, were taken from the "American Naturalist." Plates 5 and 8, are original, and drawn from nature by Mr. J. H. Emerton. Explanation op Plate 8< Fig. 1. Empretia stimulea ; la, larva. Fig. 2. Leuoania unipuncta; 2 a, larva. Fig. 3. Xanthoptera semicrocea ; 3 a, larva. Fig. 4. Catocala ultronia ; 4 a, larva. Fig. 5. Angerona crocataria, male ; 5 a, larva. Fig. 6. Ennomos subsignaria; larva. Fig. 7. Nematocampa fllamentaria; 7 a, larva (enlarged twice). Fig. 8. Abraxas ribearia, male. Fig. 9. Anisopteryx vemata, male; 9a, female (enlarged), 96, larva. Fig. 10. Cidaria diVersilineata; 10 «, larva. Fig. 11. Galleria cereana. Fig. 12. Lozotaenia rosaceana; 12 1, larva. Fig. 13. Penthina pruniana. -. Fig. 14. Depressaria robiniella. ...• I"® x™,'?®' Fig. 15. Lithocolletis geminatella; a, larva; b, pupa (enlarged three tunes), 15c, Fig. 16. Buciilatrix pomifoliella. Fig. 17. Coleophora; larva. Fig. 18. Lyonetia saccatella; 18n. larva; 186, case (enlarged). Fig. 19. Lithocolletis nidificansella (enlarged) ; 19 a, cocoon. Fig. 20. Aglossa cnprealis. Fig. 21. Anchylopera vacciniana. Fig. 22. Penthina vitivorana fenlarged). Fio. 23. Pteropborus periscelidactylus; a, larva; b, pupa (eolAiged three times). GUIDE TO Tllb: STUDY OF INSECTS. THE CLASS OF INSECTS. That brancli of the Animal Kingdom known as the Ar- THROPODA, includes all animals having the body composed of rings or segments, like short cylinders, which jire ])laced suc- cessively one behind the other, and which bear jointed appen- dages, or feet. The plan of their entire organization, the es- sential features which se})arate them from all other animals, lies in the idea of articulation, the apparent joining together of distinct body-segments, bearing hard, jointed appendages. If we observe carefully the body of a Worm, we shall see that it consists of a long cylindrical sac, which at regular intervals is folded in upon itself, thus giving a ringed (annulated, or articulated) appearance to the body. In Crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, etc.) and in Insects, from the deposition in the skin of the latter of a peculiar chemical substance called chitine, the walls of the body become so hard- ened, that when the animal is dead and dry, it readily breaks into numerous very perfect rings. Though this branch contains a far greater number of species than any other of the animal kingdom, its myr- iad forms can all be reduced to a simple, ideal, typical figure ; that of a long slender cylinder, divided into numerous segments, arranged in two or, as in Insects, into three regions, and bearing jointed appendages. It Fig. i. is by the unequal development and the various modes of group- ing the rings, as well as the differences in their number, and also in the changes of form of their appendages, i.e., the feet, jaws, and antenna?, that the various forms of Arthrojyoda are pro- duced. The Cuvierian branch Articidata comjjrise the modern branches of Worms and Arthropods. Fig. 1. Worm-like larva of a Fly, Scenopitms. — Original. 1 THE CLASS OF IXSECTS. Artliropoilous animals are also very distinctly bilateral^ i.e the body is symmetrically divided into two lateral halves, and not onl}^ the trunk but the limbs also show this bilateral sijinuietry. In a less marked degree there is also an antero- jxjsterior symmetry, i.e. each end of the bod}" is opi)osed, just as each side of the body is, to the other.* The line separating the tvro ends is, however, imaginary and vague. The antennae, on the anterior pole, or head, are represented by the caudal, or anal, stylets (Fig. 2), and the single parts on the median line of the body corre- spond. Thus the laltrum and cljpeus are represented bj- the tergite of the eleventh segment of the abdomen. p,j„ 2* ^^ nearly all Worms (Fig. 3) the long, tubular, alimentary canal occupies the centre of the body ; above it lies the "heart," or dorsal vessel, and below, upon the under side, rests the nervous system. be d The breathing apparatus, or "lungs," in Worms consists of f\ simple filaments, placed on the front of the head ; or of gill-like processes, as in the Crustaceans, which are formed by membran- ous expansions of the legs ; or, " Fig. 3. ^ as in the Insects (Fig. 4), of delicate tubes (tracheae), which * Professor Wj-man (On Symmetry and Homology in Limbs, Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1S67) has ^hown that antero-posterior symmetry is very marked in Articulates. In the adjoining figure of Jwra (Fig. 2) the longi- tudinal lines illustrate what is meant Tjy bilateral symmetry, and the transverse lines "fore and aft" symmetry. The two antero-posterior halves of the body are \evy symmetrical in the Crustacean genera Jfera, Oniscus, Porcellio, and other Crustacea, and also among the Myriopods, Scutigera, Polydesmus, " in which the Umbs are repeated oppositely, though with diflerent degrees of ineflualitJ^ from the centre of the body backwards and forwards." " Leuckart and Van Benedcn have shown that Mysis has an ear in the last segment, and Schmidt has described an eye iu the same part in a worm, Amphicora.'' — Froni Wyman. Fid. .'5 represents an ideal section of a Worm. / indicates the skin, or mus- milar body-wall, which on each side is produced into one or more fleshy tubercles, »sually tipped with bristles or hairs, which serve as organs of locomotion, and THE CLASS OF INSECTS. 3 ramify throughout the whole interior of the animal, and con- nect with breathing pores (stigmata) in the sides of the l)o(ly. They do not breathe through the mouth as do the higher ani- mals. The tracheae and blood-vessels follow closely the same rejiresents the embryo of a worm (Autohjtus coriiutus) at a latar stage of growth, a is the middle tentacle of the head; e, one of the posterior tentacles; b, the two eye-spots at the base of the hinder pair of feelers; c is one of a row of oar-like organs (cirri) at the base of which are inserted the locomotive bristles. THE CLASS OF INSECTS. 5 but all becoming respectively more complicated. For example, in the Earth-worm {Licmbrieus), oach. ring is distinguisluible into an upper and under side, and in addition to these a well- marked side-area, to which, as I'or example in marine worms (e.g. Nereis) , oar-like organs are attached. I n most worms eye-spots appear on the front rings, and slender tentacles grow out, and a pair of nerve-knots (ganglia) are ai)portioned tghth, ninth, and tentl, abdominal rings in the larva, a, first pa r situ- ated on the eighth sternite ; h, second and inner pair ; and c, the oute^ pair. The lel h!'o!.lh' 'h' rr "' *'^'"'''' ''""• ^^'''^ '""'•■ l^'*^"- (^)' f°'™« the true ovipositor, thioughHhich the eggs are supposed to pass when laid by the insect, the two outer pau-9 « and c, sheathing the inner pair. Ganin shows that in the embryo or / olynema (1 ig. 0.^5), the three pairs of tubercles arise from the 7th, 8th and 9th s-- ments respectively. Fig. 15, 16. The same a little farther advance-l FIG. 17. The three pairs now appear as if together giwving from the base of the mnth segment ; 17 a, side view of the same, showing the end of the abdomen grow- ing smaller through the diminution in size of the under side of the body. Fig. 18. The three pairs of rhabdites now nearly equal in size," and nearly ready to unite and form a tube; 18a, side view of the same; the end of the abd.i- inen still more pointed; tlie ovipositor is situated between the seventh and tenth ring.s, and is partially retracted within the body. 16 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. gradually incurved toward the base (Fig. 18), and the three- pairs of rhabdites approach each other so closely that the two outer ones completely ensheath the inner, until a complete extensible tube is formed, which is gradually withdrawn entirel}' within the body. The male genital organ is originally composed of three pairs (two pairs, apparently, in ^s- chna, Fig. 19) of tubercles all arising from the ninth abdominal ring, being sternal outgrowths and placed on each side of the mesial line of the bod}?-, two be- Fig. 20. ing anterior, and very unequal in size, and the Fig. 19. third pair nearer the base of the abdomen. The ex- ternal genital organs are to be considered as probably homologous with the limbs, as Ganin has shown that they bud out in the same manner from (see V). 704 fig. 655) the arthromere.* f h This view will apply to the Fig. 21. genital armor of all Insects, so far as we have been able to observe. It is so in the pupa of ^scJma (Fig. 21), and the pupa of Agrion (Fig. 22), which com- pletely repeats, in its essential features, the structure of the ovipositor of Bombiis. Thus in uEscJma and Agrion the ovipositor consists of a pair of closely appressed ensi- form processes which grow out from under the posterior edge of the eighth abdominal ring, and are embraced between two pairs *This term is proposed as better defining the ideal ring, or primary zoological element of an articulated animal than the terms somite or zooidte, which seem too vague; we also propose the term arthroderm for the outer crust, or body walls, of Articulates, and arthropleura for the pleural, or limb-bearing region, of the body, bemg that portion of the arthromere situated between the tergite and sternite. Fig. 19. The rudiments of the male intromittent organ of the pupa of ^Bschna, consisting of two flattened tubercles situated on the ninth ring; the outer pair large and rounded inclosing the smaller linear oval pair. Fig. 20. The same in the Humble-bee, but consisting of three pairs of tubercles, X, y, Zj 8,9, 10, the last three segments of the abdomen. Fig. 21. The rudimentary ovipositor of the pupa of JSschna, a Dragon-fly. Fig. 22. The same in pupa of Agrion, a small Dragon-fly. Here the rudiments of the eleventh abdominal ring are seen, d, the base of one of the abdominal false gills. The ovipositor of Cicada is formed in the same way. — Figs, lt-22 original. COMPOSITION OF THE OVIPOSITOR. 17 of thin lamellifonu pieces of similar form uiul structure, aiisiug from the steruite of the ninth ring. These outgrowtlis appar- ently also homologize with the filiform, antennae-like, jointed appendages of the eleventh ring, as seen in the Perlidae and most Neuroptera and Orthoptera (especially in Mantis tes- sellata where they (Fig. 23) closely resemble antennic), which, arising as they do from the arthropleural, or limb- bearing region of the bodj^, i. e. between ^ Fig. 23. the sternum and episternum, are strictly homologous with the abdominal legs of the Myriapoda, the "false legs" of cater- l)illars, and the abdominal legs of some Nein-opterous larvjie {CoryclaUs, Phryganeidce, etc.). It will thus be seen that the attenuated form of the tip is produced by the decrease in size of certain parts, the actual disappearance of others, and the perfection of those parts to be of future use. Thus towards the extremit}^ of the body the pleurites are absorbed and disappear, the tergites overlap on the sternites, and the latter diminish in size and are "withdrawn within the body, while the last, or eleventh sternite, entirely disappears.* Meanwhile the sting grows larger and larger, until finall}' we have the neatly fashioned abdominal tip of the bee /f concealing the complex sting with its intricate system of visceral ves- sels and glands. The ovipositor, or sting, of all insects, therefore, is formed on a common plan (Fig. 24). The solid elements of the arthro- * In Ranatra, however, I^acaze-Duthiers has noticed the curious fact that in order to fonn the long respiratory tube of this insect, the tergite and sternite of thfc pregenital (eighth) segment are aborted, while the pleurites are enormously en- larged and elongated, so as to carry the stigmata far out to the end of the long tube thus formed. Fig. 23. End of the abdomen of Mantis tessellata; p, many-jointed anal style- resembling an antenna. 5-11, the last seven abdominal segments; the 8-llth ster- n>:tes being obsolete. — Froi7i Lacaze-Duthiers. Fig. 24. Ideal plan of the structure of the ovipositor m the adult insect. i-7t, the tergites, connected by dotted lines with their corresponding sternites. b, the eighth tergite, or anal scale ; c, epimerum ; a, a, two iiieces fomiing the outer pair of rhabdites; i, the second pair, or stylets; and /, the inner pair, or sting; d, the Fig. 24. 18 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. mere are modified to form the parts supporting the sting alone. The external opening of the oviduct is always situated between the eighth and ninth segments, while the anal opening lies at the end of the eleventh ring. So that there are really, as Lacaze-Duthiers observes, thi'ee segments interposed between the genital and anal openings. The various modifications of the ovipositor and male orgaji will be noticed under the different suborders. The Stklctuke of the Head. After stud3'ing the com- position of the thorax and abdomen, where the constituent parts of the elemental ring occur in their greatest simplicity, we ma}- attempt to uiu'avel the intricate structure of the head. We are to determine whether it is composed of one, or more, segments, and if several, to ascertain how man}', and then to learn what parts of the tj-pical arthromere are most largely developed as compared with the development of similar parts in the thorax or abdomen. In this, perhaps the most difficult problem the entomologist has to deal with, the study of the head of the adult insect alone is only guesswork. We must trace its growth in the embryo. Though man}' writers consider the head as consisting of but a single segment, the most emi- nent entomologists have agreed that the head of insects is com- posed of two or more segments. Savigny led the way to these discoveries in transcendental entomology by stating that the appendages of the head are but modified limbs, and homol- ogous with the legs. This view at once gave a clue to the complicated structure of the head. If the antennae and biting organs are modified limbs, then there must be an elemental segment present in some form, however slightly developed in the mature insect, to which such limbs are attached. But the best observers have differed as to the supposed number of such theoretical segments. Bnrmeister believed that there Avere two only ; Carus and Audouin thought there were three ; McLeay and Newman four, and Straus-Durckheim recognized seven. From the study of the semipupa of the Humble-bee {Bomhus) support of the sting; c, the support of the stylet f O- ^- the amis : O, the outlet of the oviduct. The seventh, eighth, and ninth sternites are aborted. — i^rom Lmcozo- Duthiers, THE STRUCTURE OF TIIK HEAD. 19 and several low Ncuropteroiis forms, as tlie larva of Ephemera^ but chiefly the embryos of Diplax, Chrfjsnpa, Attelabus^ Nema- tns, aiul Fnlex, we have concluded tliat there are four such ele- mental segments in the head of hexapodous insfcts. On reference to fig. 57 it will be seen that th.-re is a sk'rnal portion on the under side of the two posterior s.-gne its of the head, and in the embryo of Attelabxs we have seen sterna also developed in the antennal and mandibular segments, so that we may conclude that there arc four segments in tlie hoiid of all SIX footed insects, correspon ling to the jointed appendages, I e. the labium, or second maxilhe, the first maxill?e, the man dibles, and the antenme. Though having, in accordance with the generally received opinions of Milne-Edwards, Dana, and others, believed that the e3^es of Crustacea, and therefore of Insects, were the homologues of the limbs, and developed on separate segments placed in front of the antennal segment, as stated in the previous editions of this work ; I have, however, on farther stnd^'- of the subject, been led to reconsider the mat- ter, and decide tliat the eyes are but modified dermal sense cells, and in certain articulates. developed on limb-bearing seg- ments. Thus in the King Crab (Limiilxs) a pair of ocelli are situated on the first segment of the bod}^, and the large com- pound e3'es grow out on the back of the third segment, both bearing limbs. In the embryos of all the insects ^-et exam- ined, the eyes are groups of specialized cells of the skin which grow out on the upper, or tergal, side of the same segment which bears the antenna}. In certain mites, as 113'drachna, and its allies, the simple eyes are situated over the second pair of legs, and at a considerable distance behind the iiead. Among the worms, also, organs of sight, as in Pohjophthalmus^ are developed on each segment of the body ; or, as in certain Pla- narians, scattered irregular^ over the l:)od3'. The three ocelli, when present, are developed after the e3'es appear. Each of these three ocelli is situated uix)n a distinct piece ; but we must consider the anterior single ocellus as in reality formed of two, since in the immature pupa of Bombus the anterior ocellus is transversel3' ovate, resulting from the fusion of two originall3' distinct ocelli. There are, therefore, apparcntl3^ two pairs of ocelli. The clypeus and labrura are 20 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. simply a fold of the skin of the front part of the antennary segment, and are not to be compared with the tergite or rudi- ment of the eleventh segment of the abdomen. Now, since the arthropleural is the limb-bearing region in the thorax, it must follow that this region is quite Avell devel- oped in the head, while the tergal region, bearing the organs of sight, sometimes of enormous size, is perhaps still more largely developed ; and as all the parts of the head are subordinated in their development to that of the appendages of which they form the support, it must follow logically that the larger por- tion of the body of the head is pleural and tergal^ and that the sternal parts are A'cry slightly developed. Thus each region of the body is characterized by the relative development of the three pai'ts of the arthromere. In the abdomen the upper (tergal) and under (sternal) surfaces are most equally devel- oped, while the pleural line is reduced to a minimum. la the thorax the pleural region is much more developed, either (piite as much, or often more than the upper, or tergal portion, while the sternal is reduced to a minimiun. In the head the pleurites form the main bulk of the region, and the sternites are reduced to a minimum. Table of the Segments of the Head and their Appendages, beginning with the most antekiou. First Segment {Antennary}, Second Segment ( Mandibular), Third Segment (First Maxillary), Fourth Segment ( Second Maxillary, or) Labial), Pastoral. Pleural, Pleural, I Tergal (occiput), ■Pleural (gena), I Stei-ual (gula). Antennae, together with the labrum, epipharyux, clypeus, eyes, and ocelli. Mandibles. First maxillae. Second maxillae (Labium). The Appendages. We naturally begin with the thoracic appendages, or legs., of which there is a pair to each ring. The leg (Fig. 25) consists of six joints, the basal one, the coxa., in the Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera, consisting of two THE APPENDAGES. 2. pieces, i.e. the coxa and tiochuntine (see Fig. 12); the tro- ofianter; the femur; the tibia, and, histly, the tursxn, which is subdivided into from one to five joints, tlie latter being qa the normal number. The terminal joint ends in a i)air ^ of claws between whicli is a cnshiow-like sucker called the puluillus. This sucking disk enables the Fly to walk upside down and on glass. In the larva, the feet are short and horny, and the Fig. 2.'). joints can be still distinguished. In Myriopods, each segment of the abdomen h-as a pair of feet like the thoracic ones. "We must consider the three pairs of spinnerets of Spiders, which are one to three-jointed, as homologous with the jointed limbs of the higher insects. In the six-footed insects (Hexapoda), the abdominal legs are deciduous, being present in the Coleopterous grub, the Dipterous maggot, the caterpillar, and larva of the Saw-fl}', but disappearing in the pupa state. They are often, as in most maggots, either absent, or reduced in number to the two anal, or terminal pair of legs ; while in the Saw^-tiies, there are as many as eight pairs. These ''false" or "prop-legs" are soft and tlesh}', and without articulations. At the retrac- tile extremity is a crown of hooks, as seen in caterpillars or the hind-legs of the larva of Chironomus (Fig. 26), in which the prothoracic pair of legs is reduced to inarticu- late flesh}' legs like the abdominal ones. The jyosition of the different pairs of legs deserves notice in connection with the principle of " antero-posterior symmetry." The fore- legs are directed forwards like the human arms, ^^'s- 2f;. but the two hinder pairs are directed backwards. In the Spiders, three pairs of abdominal legs (spinnerets) are retained through- out life ; in the lower Hexa[)ods, a single pair, which is ap- pended to the eleventh segment, is often retained, but under a form which is rather like an antenna, than limb-like. In some Neuropterons larvai {Phryganea, Corydahis, etc.) the anal pair of limbs are verj' well marked ; thej- constitute the " anal forceps " of the adult insect. The}' sometimes become true, many-jointed appendages, and are then remarkably like Fig. 25. A, coxa; B, trochanter; C, femur; D, tibia; F, tibial spurs; E, tarsus, divided into five tarsal joints, the filth ending in a claw. — From Sanborn. ^2 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. aiitennfe, as in the instance of 3fantis tessellata described by Lacaze-Dutliicrs (Fig. 23). In the Cockroach these append- ages, soiuetinies called "anal cerci," resemble the antennae of the same insect. In the Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera they do not api)ear to be jointed, and are greatly aborted. The Wings. The wings of insects lirst appear as little soft vascular sacs permeated by tracheae. The}' grow out in the preparatory stages (Fig. 27) of the pupa from the side of the ;^. thorax and above the insertion of the legs, i.e. between the epimerum and ,m tergum. During the pupa state they are pad-like, but when the pupa skir. is thrown off they expand with air, and lA a few minutes, as in the Butterfly, enlarge to mau}'^ times their original size. The wings of insects, then, are simple expansions of the crust, spread over a framework of horny tubes. These tubes are really double, consist- ing of a central trachea, or air tube^ inclosed within a larger tube filled with blood, and which performs the functions of the veins. Hence the aeration of the blood is carried on in the wings, and thus they HCYxe the double purpose of lungs and organs of flight. The number and situation of these veins and their branches (vpinlets) are of great use in separating genera and species. The typical number of primary veins is five. They diverge outward at a slight angle from the insertion of the Aving, and are soon divided into veinlets, from which cross veins are thrown out connecting with others to form a net-work of veins and veinlets, called the venation of the wing (Figs, 28, 29). The interspaces between the veins and veinlets are called cells. At a casual glance the venation seems very irregular, but in many insects is simple enough to enable us to trace and name the veinlets. The five main veins, most usually present, are Fig. 27. The semipupa oC Bomhna, the larva skin havinar been removed, show iug the two pairs of riulinu'ntary wini^s growing out IVoui the mesothorax (A-), aucj r.ietathor.'ix {in), n and the seven succeeding dots represent the eight abdominal stigmata, the lirst one (n) being in the pupa situated on the thorax, since ttie first ring of tile abdomen is in this stage joined to the thorax. — Original. Fig. 27. THE WINGS. 23 called, begiiiuiiig at the costa, or IVoiit edge, the costal, suficostui^ 'median, sKbmcdiaK, and internal, and sometimes the median divides Into two, making six veins. Tlie eastal vein is nu- divided ; the suheostal and me- liian are divided into several branehes, while the snbmedian and internal are nsually simple. The venation of the ibre- "vviugs affords exeellent marks in separating genera, but that of the hind wings -varies less, and is consequent!}' of less use. The wings of manj' insects are divided b^' the veins into three Avell-marked areas ; the costal, median, and internal. The costal area (Fig. olh) forms tlie front edge of the wing and i ; the strongest, since the veins ai'e nearer together than elsewhere, and thus afford the greatest resistance to the air Fig. 28. Fore and hind wings of a Butterny, showing the venation. I. fore wing: a, costal vein; b, subcostal vein; 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, five subcostal veinlets; c, inde- pendent vein (it is sometimes a branch of the subcostal, and sometimes of the me- dian vein) ; d, median vein ; rfi, rf2, rfs, cU, four median veinlets ; e, snbmedian vein; /, internal vein ; h, niterno-median veinlet (rarely found, according to Doubledav except in rapilioand Morjiho); 6 and , q\ the upper, middle, and lower discal veinlets. In the Bombvcida? and many other moths gi and g'^ are thrown off from the subcostal and median veins respectively, nieetmg in the middle of the cell at ^72. They are sometimes wholly absent. II. The hind wing; the lettering and names of the veins and veinlets the same as n\ the fore wing. — Slightly changed from Doubledmj. Fig. 29. Fore wing of a Hymenopterous insect, c, costal vein ; sc, subcostai vein, 111, median vein; sm. snbmedian vein; i. internal vein: c, 1,2,3, the first, second, and third costal cells; the second frequently opaque and then called the pierostigma. sc, 1, 2, 3, 4, the four subcostal cells; w, I, 2, 3, 4, the median cells; «w, 1, 2, 3, the three subme.lian cells ; ( 1, the internal cell ; this is sometimes divided into two cells, and the nnmber of all but the costal cells is mconstant, the outer row of cells (4, 4, 3) being the first to disappear. The costal edge e.vtends fi-oni ctoc; the outer c. the fipcx : the outer edge extends from the apex (c) to a, and the inner edge extends from n, the inner ang'e, to the in sertion of the wing at i. — Original. Figs. iO-il from Scudder. 21 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Fig. 30. — d duiing flight. The median area (Fig. 31 u) is tb.e largest. It is in the grassho})pers and crickets sometimes modilied to form a musical organ, being drum-lilve, as in tlie (Ecaiithus (Fig. 30), or rasp-like, as in Archyj)- tera (Fig. 31a). The internal area (c) is the smallest, and less dis- tinctly marked than the two other regions ; the musical file-like or- gan of Phanero2)tera curvicauda, a grass- hopper (Fig. 32 d) is situated on this area. The limits of the edges of the wing vary in almost every genus, and their comparative length affords excellent generic characters. The front edge (Fig. 29) is called the costal, its termina- tion in the outer angle of the wing is called the apex; the outer edge is situated lietween the apex and the inner an- (jle, between whicli and tlie base of tlie wing is tlie inner, or internal, edge. These distinc- tions are of most use in describing the butter- flies and moths. The Appendages of Y\s. 31 «. i]iQ Head. These organs are divided into two groups, the first of Avhich comprise the sensory organs, i. e. the ocelli, eyes, and antennte, wliich are attached to the region in front of the mouth, or jjreoral region of the head. The second group consists of the sensorio-digestive appendages, coml^ining the power of finding and seizing the food and prepai-ing it fof digestion. Tliey are inserted behind the mouth and belong to the pastoral region of the head. TILE APPENDAGES OF THE HEAD. 25 We will first describe the ocelli, which are theoretically the most anterior organs of the head, ending with the basal appen- dages, the labium (second maxiUae) being the hindermost. The simple eye, Ocellus, or Stemma, is the simplest form of the eye. Its most elementary form (seen in the larva of th(! Bot-fly and the Cocidomyiun larva of Miastor) is that of a ])i()\vu spot, or group of pigment-cells lodged under the skin and against which a nerve-tilament impinges. Over this spot New- port states that the tegument is transparent and convex, resembling a true cornea, or eye-lens. A w'ell-developed ocellus consists, according to Newport, of a "very convex, smooth, single cornea, beneath which is a spherical crystalline lens, resting upon the plano-convex surface of the expanded vitreous humor, the analogue of the transparent cones of the compound eyes." Miiller believes that the function of the ocelli is the perception of nearer objects, while that of the compound eyes is to see more distant objects. The ocelli constitute the only visual organs in the Mja'iapods (except Cermatia), the Arachnida, and the larvae of many Six-footed Insects ; they are usually from one to six on a side. In adult insects they are generally three in number, and are generally present except in the large majority of Coleoptera. Their norvial site is in front of the ej^es, but they are usually Fig. 33. thrown back, during the growth of the insect, behind the ej^es, on the vertex, or topmost part of the head (Fig. 33). The Compound Eyes are a congeries of simple eyes. During the growth of the insect the simple eyes of the larva increase lgss&j in number, and finall}^ coalesce to form the compound Mp^ eye, or compound cornea, the surface of which is Fig. 31. very convex and protuberant in the predaceous insects, or those requiring an extended field of vision. The number of facets, or coi-neae, vary from fifty (in the Ant) to 3,650, the latter number being counted b}^ Geotfroy in the eye of a Butterfly. These facets are usually hexagonal, as in the Dragon-fly (Fig. 34), or, rarely, quadrangular. Fig. 33. Ocelli of three species of Sand-wasps, Pompilus. — From Cresson. Fig. 34. Thi-ee hexagonal facets of the compound eye of a fossil Dragon-fly, g:reatly magnifled. — From Dawson. 26 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. The Antenncn (Figs. 35, 3G) are inserted usually in the adult insect between, or in front of the e^es, though in the embr30 they arc inserted below and in front of the eyes. It is nonually a long, filiform, slender, many- jointed api)endage, undergoing great changes in form. AVhen it is highly specialized, as in Coleo[)tera and Ilymenoptera, it is divided into three parts, the basal or satjje, the middle or pedki'J^ and the terminal part or JlageUum, Fig. 35. or davoUi, which usually comprises the greater part of the antenna. It is believed by some that the sense of hearing is lodged in the antemia?, though Siebold has discovei'cd an auditory apparatus situated at the base of the abdomen of some, and in the fore-legs of other species of Grasshoppers. Mr. J. B. llicks has made the latest studies on the auditors- apparatus. According to him "it consists first of a cell, sac, or cavity filletl with fluid, closed in from the air by a mem- brane analogous to that which closes the foramen ovale in the higher animals ; second, that this membrane is, for the most part, thin and delicate, but often projects above the surface, in either a hemispherical, conical, or canoe-shaj)ed, or even hair- like form, or variously mai'ked ; thirdly, that the antennal nerve gives off branches which come in contact with the iinier wall of the sacs ; but whether the nerve enters, or, as is most probable, ends in the small internally- projecting papilla which I have shown to exist in many of these sacs, it is very difiicult to say. The principal part of the ner^e proceeds to these organs, the remaining portion passing to the muscles, and to the loots of the hairs, at least to those of the larger sort." On the other hand, Lefebvre, Leydig, and Gerstaecker regard this so-called "auditory apparatus" as an organ of smell. The antennas have also the sense of touch, as may readily be observed in Ants, Bees, and the Grasshopper and Cockroach. "The Honey-bee, when constructing its cells, ascertains their proper direction and size by means of the extremities of these Fig. 35. Filiform antenna of Amphizoa. — From Horn. Fig. 36. A, lamellate antenna of a Laniellicorn Beetle; B, antenna of a Fly, wi Ml the bristle thrown off from the terminal joint; C, bristle-lilie antenna of a J)iagoii-lly, lAbdlulu. — From Sanborn. THE APPENDAGES OF THE HEAD. 27 crgans ; \vliile the same insect, when evidently allected b}' sonnds, keeps them motionless in one direction, as il" in the act of listening." (Newport.) After cutting off one or botli antenniv of the June l)eeth', Lachnosterna, the insect loses its power of directing its llight or steps, wheeling about in a senseless manner. Dr. Cleniens observed that the Cecropia moth was similarl}- affected after losing its antenna\ The Mandibles (Fig. 37) are inserted on each side of the mouth-opening. They usually consist of but a single joint, H Fig. 37. representing probably the basal part of the ideal limb. This part, however, is often subdivided by two longitudinal furrows into three parts, each ending in a "tooth" of unequal size for tearing and cutting the food. This tripartite form of the man- dibles, to which attention has been called by Mr. Scudder, is more fully carried out in the maxilla, where each portion is highly specialized. The mandibles vary greatly in form and size. The tAvo cutting edges are usually opposed to eaeli other, or frequenth' overlap in the carnivorous forms. Their base is often concealed by the clypeus and labrum. Their motion is transverse, being the reverse of the motion of the jaws of Ver- tebrates. a Fijc. 38. b The IlaxiUa' {Figs. Mb, ^9) ave Fig. so. much more complicated organs than the mandibles. They are Fig. 37. Diflferent forms of mandibles. A, mandible of Cicindda purpurea; B. ritylloptera, a green grasshoi)i)er; C, Libellula trimaculatu ; D, Tespa maculuta, ov l)aper-making Wasp ; E, " rostrum " or jointed sucker of the Bed-bug, Cimex lectu- larius, consisting of mandibles, maxilla?, and labium ; F, j)roboscis, or sucker, of a jMosquito, Culex, in ^vhich the mandibles are long and bristle-like.— fVo/ra Sanborn. G, mandible of AmjMzoa; II, mandible of Acratas,-A genus of Cockchafers. — Front. Horn. Fig. 38. a, mentum and labial palpi; b, one maxilla, with its palpus, of Acra- ius. — From Horn. ■ Fig. .3!). Maxilla of Amphizoa, with the two lobes (stipes and lacinia), and tlie palpifer bearing the four-joiuted palpus. — From Horn. 28 THE CLASS or IXSECTS. iiiserteci en the under side of the head and just behind the mouth. The maxilla consists of a basal joint, or cardo, beyond which it is subdivided into three lobes, the sti2:)es, or footstalk ; the palpifer^ or palpus-bearer ; and the lacinia, or blade. The stipes forms the outer and main division of the organ. The lacinia is more membranaceous tlian the other parts, and its upper surface is covered with fine hairs, and forms a great part of the side of the mouth. It is divided into two lobes, the superior of which is called the galea, or helmet, which is often a thick double-jointed organ edged with stiff hairs, and is used as a palpus in the Orthoptera and many Coleoptera. The inferior lobe is attached to the internal angle of the lacinia. It terminates in a stiff minute claw, and is densely covered with stout hairs. The maxillary j-x^'ljoi are long, slender, one to four-jointed organs. In Perla I have found that both pairs of palpi bear organs probably of smell. The maxillae vary greatly in the different groups. Their office is to seize the food and retain it within the mouth, and also to aid the mandibles in comminuting it before it is swallowed. Tliis function reminds us of that of the tongue of vertebrate aninuils. The labium, or second maxilloe (Fig. 40), is placed in front of the yula, whicli forms the under part of the head, and is bounded a on each side by the gewje, or cheeks, and posteriori}' by the occiput. The genae are bounded laterally b}' the epicranium and the nnder side of the eyes. In front are situated the basal parts of the labium, or second maxilliie, which embraces the suhmentum and mentinit (or labium proper). The labial palpi are inserted into the mentum, but often the latter piece is differentiated into two, the anterior of which takes the name of palpiger, called by Dr. Lecontc (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections) the ligula, and from wliich the palpi originate. The ligula is tlie front edge of the labium, being the piece forming the under lip. It is often a flesh}- organ, its inner surface being continuous Fig. 40. Ligula and labial palpi of ^TOp/t?«off, an aquatic beetle. It is quadrate and without paraglossse ; n, mentum of the same, being deeply incised, and with a tooth at the bottom of the excavation. — From Horn. THE APPENDAGES OF THE HEAD. 20 With the soft meiubraue of the mouth. In tlie Bees, it is enor- mously developed luid covered \vith soft liuirs. It is often confounded with the palpiger. In Jli/drous it is divided into two lobes. In most of the Carabiihe. and Bees it is divided into three lobes, the two outer ones forming the jxo'uglosya; (Fig. 41m), and acting as feelers, while the middle, usually much longer, forms the Ungna, or tongue, being the continuation of the ligula. In the bees, where the ligula is greatly developed, it performs the part of the tongue in Vertebrates, and aids the max- illae in collecting nectar and pollen. The roof of the mouth is formed by the lahrum and the epipharijnx (Fig. 42 c), a small fleshy tubercle concealed beneath the labrum. It is seen in tlu' bees on turning up the labrum. It_ probably corresponds to the "iabellum" of Schi6dte. The labrum (Fig. 41 e) is usually transverse and situated in front of the dypeus (Fig. 416). The shield-like dypeus is the broad, visor-like, square piece forming usuallj^ the front of the head. Behind it is the dypeus posterior^ or svpra-dypieus. a subdivision of the clypeus, and especially observable in the Ilymenoptera. The epicranium forms a large part of the head ; it is bounded posteriorly by the occiput, on the sides by the eyes, and in front by the ctypeus, and though usually described as a single piece, is really composed of several. The ocelli often appear to be situated upon it, though in reality the}' are placed upon a distinct piece or pieces. The "epicranial suture" is the line of junction of the two "procophalic lobes" (Huxley). Fig. 41. Front view of the head of a bee, Anthcphora. a, compound eyes; c, three simple eyes, situated upon the epicranium; b, clypeus; e, labrum; d, an- tennae;/, mandibles; », maxillae; h, maxillary palpi; I, palpiler; j, labial palpi; m, paraglossa;; k, ligula. — From Xeicport. 3* 30 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. (These lobes will be explained farther on when speaking of their development in the embryo.) Behind the epicra- nium is the ocaput, or base of the head. It belongs to the la- bial, or second max- illary segment, and helps to form a com- plete ring, articulat- ing with the thorax. It is perforated by a foramen to afford a connection between the interior of the head and thorax. It is sometimes, as in many Coleoptera, Or- thoptera, and llemip- tera, elongated be- hind and constricted, thus forming a "neck." It will be seen bej'ond, that the labrum and clypeus are in the embryo developed from a "tongue-like proces-s whose inferior part eventually becomes the lalirum, while superiorly it sends a triangular process (the ludimeut of the clypeus) into the interval between tho proce- phalic lobes."* This part {i.e. the clypeus and labrum) is the most anterior part of the head, and in the embrj'o, as in the adult, is normally situated in front of the ocelli, but is not to be compared with the " anal plate," or eleventh tergite, of the larva, or with the telson of the scorpion, as Huxlej'j supposes. Fig. 42. Side view of tlie front part of tlie head, together with the month- parts of the Humble-bee (Bomhus). a, clypeus covereil with hairs; h, labrum; c, the flesh}' epipharynx partially concealed by the base of the mandibles (rf); «, lacmia, or blade of the maxill.-e, with their two-jointed palpi (/) at the base; j, the labium to which is appended the ligula (f/); below are the labial palpi; h, the two basal joints, being greatly enlarged; /.-, the compound eyet^.— Original. * These lobes are folded back upon the top of the base of the head, and they seem to form the tergal portion of the autennary ring, to which they respectively belong and do not seem to us to be the sternal portion, as suggested by Huxley, for they are apparently developed in front of the mouth-opening, and form the roof of the mouth. t " Liistl\-, thorp are certain parts developed singly in the r.^edian line in the Artic- uUita. Of this nature are the frontal spines of Crustacea,, their telson, and the sting THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 31 In describing Insects the vertex^ or crown, of the head is the highest part ; and the front is the part usually in front of the insertion of the antennae. 7'iiE MuscLLAK System lies just beneath, and is continuous with the integument. It consists of numerous "distinct isola- ted straight libres, which are not gathered into bundles united by conunon tendons, or covered by aponeiu'oses [or tendinous sheaths] to form distinct muscles, as in the Vertebrata, but remain sei-arate from each other, and only in some instances are united at one extremity by tendons." (Newport.) These minute fibres form layers, which Newport regards as separate muscles. "Each fibre is composed of a great number of very minute fibrilte, or fasciculi of fibrillai," and has been observed by Wagner and Newport to be often striated as in Vertebrates. The muscular system is simplest in the lower insects and the larvaj of the higher forms, and is more complex in the head than elsewhere, and more complex in the thorax than in the abdomen. These minute muscles are exceedingly numerous. " Lyonnet, in his immortal work on the anatomy of the larva of Cosms ligmperda, found two hundred and twenty-eight dis- tinct muscles in the head alone, and, by enumerating the fibres in the layers of the different segments, reckoned 1,G47 for the body, and 2,118 for the internal organs, thus making together 3,d03 muscles in a single larva. In the larva of Sphinx ligus- tri we have found the muscles equally numerous with those discovered by Lyonnet in the Cossus." (Newport.) The muscular system corresponds to the jointed structure of insects, as do the ether internal systems of organs. Of the muscles belonging to a single ring, some stretch from the front edge of one segment to the front edge of the next, and others of the Scorpion, whose mode of development appears to be precisely similar to thatol atelson. In the same category we must rank the labrum in front of the niouth, which m the Crustacea (at least) appears to be developed from the sternum of the antennary, or third somite, the metastoma (or so called labium, or lln-ua) ol Crustacea, and the lingua of Imecta, behind the oral aperture. " However mucJi these appendages may occasionally simulate, or play the par^ of appendages, it is important to remember, that, morphologically, thev are of a very diirerent nature, and that the confusing them with true appendages must tend completely to obscure the beautiful relations which obtain the dif ferent classes of the Articuluta:'- Huxley, Linnaan Transactions, vol. xxii London. 32 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. to the liincler edge ; there are also sets of dorsal and ventral muscles going in an oblique or vertical course. The muscles are either colorless and transparent, or yellowish white ; and of a soft, almost gelatinous consistence. In form the^' are simpl}' flat and tliin, straight, band-like, or pj-ramidal, barrel or feather-shaped. They act various!}' as rotators, elevators.^ depressors, retractors, protrusors, Jlexors, and extensors. The muscular p>oiver of insects is enormous. The Flea will leap two hundred times its own height. Certain beetles can support enormous weights. Newport cites the case of Geo- trupes stercorarins \yh\ek is "able to sustain and escape from beneath a pressure of from twent}- to thirt}- ounces, a prodi- gious weight when it is remembered that the insect itself does not weigh even so man}- grains." .Some beetles have been known to gnaw tlu'ough lead-pipes, and the Stag-beetle of Europe, Lucanus cervus, has, as stated by Mr. Stephens, gnawed ''a hole an inch in diameter through the side of an iron canister in which it was confined." "The motions of the insect in walking as in flj'ing are dependent, in the perfect individual, entirel}' upon the thoracic segments, but in the larva chiefly upon the abdominal. Al- though the number of legs in the former is alwa3\s six, and in the latter sometimes so many as twent^^-two, progression is simple and easy. Mliller states (Elements of Physiology, p. 970, Translation) that on watching insects that move slowly he has distinctly perceived that three legs are always moved at one time, being advanced and put to the ground while the other three propel the body forwards. In perfect insects, those moved simultaneously are the fore and hind feet on one side, and the intermediate foot on the opposite ; and afterwards the fore and hind feet on that side, and the middle one on the other, so that, he remarks, in two steps the whole of the legs are in motion. A similar uniformity of motion takes place in the larva, although the whole anterior part of the body is elevated and carried forwards at regular distances, the steps of the insect being almost entirely performed by the 'false,' or abdominal legs." '■'•In Jliyght the motions depend upon the meso- and meta- thoracic segments conjointly, or entirely upon the former. The THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, 33 sternal, episternal, and epimeral pii'tos, frt'cly articulated together, correspond in function -with the sternum, the ribs, and the chivicles of birds.* The tliorax is expanded and con- tracted at each motion of the wings, as in birds and otlier ani- mals, and becomes fixed at each increased effort as a fulcrum or point of resistance upon wliich the great muscles of tlie Avings are to act, tluis identifying this part of the body in function as in structure with that of other ani- mals." (Newport.) The Nekvous System. In its simplest form the nervous system consists of two longitudinal cords, each with a swelling (nerve-knot, or ganglion,) corresponding to each segment (Fig. 43). Tliis cord lies on the ventral side of the bod}', but in the head it passes upwards, sending a filament from each side to surround the oesoph- agus. f As in the Verteljrates, the nervous cord of insects is composed of two distinct columns of fibres placed one upon the other, column, which is nearest to tlie exterior of the body, is that in which the ganglia, or enlargements, are situated. The upper one, or that which is interned and nearest to tlie viscera, is entirel}' without ganglia, and passes directly over tlie ganglia of the under column without forming part of tliein. but in veiy ♦Bennetonthe Anatomy of the Thorax in Insects, and its Function durintf Flight. Zoological Journal, vol. i, p. 3!!!. jThe brain of insects is formed of several i)airs of ganglia, corresponding, probably, to the number of primitive segments composing the head. The nervous cord is thus, in the head, massed together and compacted to form a brain. Fig. 43. Nervous System of Corydalus cornutus. «," cerebrum ;" h, " ceio- brellum;" c, thoracic ganglia, which distribute a nerve to each leg; rf, eight paiis of abdominal ganglia. The dotted lines represent the wings. — Frovi Leubj. 3 Fig. 43. "The under or external 34 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. close approximation to them." NewiDort also believes that the ganglioniess upper, or internal, column of fibres is analogous to the motor column of Vertebrata, Avhile the external, or under one, corresponds to the sensitive colunui, thus representing the cerebro-spinal system of the Vertebrata. From each pair of ganglia are distributed special nerves to the various organs. In the larva of Sphinx the normal num- ber of double ganglia is thirteen, and the nervous cord of the Neuroptera and other lowl}' organized and attenuated forms of insects corresponds in the main to this number. In the adult insect, especially in the Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Hj'menoptera, the three thoracic ganglia are fused together, following the fusion and general headwise development of the segments of the tegument. Besides tlie central nervous cord, eorresi)onding to the spinal cord of the ^'ertebrates, there is a vagus, or visceral nerve, representing the sympathetic nerve of higher animals. This nerve "arises, in the larva, from the anterior part of the cerebrum, and, forming a ganglion on the upper surface of the pharynx, always passes backward beneath the brain, along the middle line of the a^sophagus." In its microscopic structure the nervous cord, like that of Vertebrata, consists of a central "gray" substance, and an outer or periph- eral part, the "white" substance. In the embryo the ganglia are very large and close together, the commissures, or connecting filaments being very short, and small in proportion. Organs of Nutrition. These consist of the alimentaiy canal and its appendages, or accessory glands (Fig. 44). We have already treated of the external appendages (mouth-parts) which prepare the food for digestion. The simplest form of the aliinentaiy canal is that of a straight tube. In the larva of Stylops and the sedentary young of Bees, it ends in a blind sac, as they live on liquid food and expel no solid excretions. When well developed, as in the adult insect, it becomes a long convoluted thick muscular tube, subdivided into different parts which perform different functions and have distinct names, taken from analogous organs in the vertebrate animals. This digestive tube is composed of three coats, the outer, or peri- ORGANS OF NUTRITION. 35 toneal; the middle, or muscular; and the inner, or mucous. Tha mucous coat is variously modified, being plaited or folded ; or, c d e h f k as in the Orthoptera and carnivorous Coleoptera, it is solidified and covered with rows of strong horny teeth, forming a sort of gizzard. The alimentary canal is held in place by retractor muscles, but principall}^ by exceedingly numerous branches of the nuiin tracheie. This canal (Fig io) is subdivided into the mouth and pha- rynx^ the 0'Soj)hagHS^ supplementary to which is the cro]^, or " sucking stomach" of Dipt era, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera : the proi€7Uncuhts, or gizzard ; the reiitriculus, or true stomach, and the intestine, which consists of the ileum, or short intes- FiG. 44. Anatomy of Sphinx ligustri. m, i, q, the nervous cord resting on the floor of the body; at c, the g-anglia form a brain-like organ, much hirger than the ganglia of the thorax {m) and abdomen (7). From the brain is sent ofl' the suboesophageal nerve which surrounds the gullet into which the food is conveyed by the maxilla;, or spiral tongue («)> which, when at rest, is rolled up between the ■"abial iialpi {b). From the nervous cord is also thrown ofl" a pair of nerves to each pair of legs (as at n, o,p) and a branch, d, is sent ofl" from above, distributing nerves to the muscles of flight. The heart, or dorsal vessel (e,/), lies just beneath the median line of the body, aud is retained in place by muscular bands (as at /) as well as by small tracheal branches. The alimentary canal (/(,./, g), forms a straight tube in the head and thorax; h, the crop, or sucking stomach, which opens into the oesophagus; j, the true, chyle- forming stomach, which conti'acts posteriorly, and then dilates near its anal outlet into a cloaca (indicated at .;, but not distinctly, as it is concealed by the numerous urinary vessels). The urinary vessels also indicated at g, form long tubes (which correspond to the kidneys of Vertebrates), opening into the pj-loric end of the stomach. The position of the testes {k)\s the same as that of the ovary, and the dotted line I shows the course of the eflTereut duct {vas deferens) and also of the oviduct of the female. The figure represents a longitudinal section of the insect, the legs and ends of the antennae having been removed. — From Newport. 86 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. tine, and the colon and rectum. The lattei' part, as well as the crop and proventriculus, are sometimes absent. Of the appendages of the canal ^ the first are the salivary glands, which are usually long simple tubes, which in the larva, ac- cording to Newport, form the silk vessels. They '■'empty themselves by a single duct thi'ough the spinneret on the floor (labium) of the mouth." In the Ant-lion {Myrmeleon) the silk is spun from "a slender telescopic- like spinneret, placed at the extremity of its body," and Westwood also states that the larva of Chrysopa spins a cocoon "from the spinneret, at the extremity of the body." These silk glands wlien taken out of the larva, just as it is about ready to transform, are readily prepared as "gut" for fish-lines, etc., by drying on a board. In the Bees these glands are largely de- veloped to produce a suflScient amount of salivary fluid to moisten the dry pollen of flowers, before it enters the a?sophagus. "Bee-bread" consists of pollen thus moistened and kneaded by the insect. The Honey-bee also dissolves, by the aid of the salivary fluid, the wax used in making its cells. Newport believes this fluid is alkaline, and forms a solvent for the other- wise brittle Avax, as he has seen this insect "reduce the per- fectly transparent thin white scales of newly secreted wax to a pasty or soapy consistence, by kneading it between its man- dibles, and mixing it with a fluid from its mouth, before apply- ing it to assist in the formation of part of a new cell." Insects have no tru§ livei'; its functions being performed ^' by the walls of the stomach, tlie internal tunic of which is composed of closely-aggregated hepatic cells." (Siebold.) In the Spiders and Scorpions, however, there is a liver distinct from the digestive canal. In the vSpiders it is very large, enveloping most of the other viscera. Fig. 45. Alimentary tube of Corydalus cornutus. a, oesophagus; b, proven- triculus; c, ventriculus; d, large intestine; e, urinary tubes; /, coecum; g, testis or ovary — From Leidy. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 37 Siebold states that in some insects the ileum has glandular appendages whose product is perhai)s analogous to the pancre- atic fluid. In the larva of insects is found the co^-pus udiposum^ or fat-body, in the form of large lobes of fat-cells which spread through the intervals of the viscera in the general cavity of the body. It is interpenetrated and retaineil in i)lace by numerous tracheae. The Cikcllatoky System. The vascular, or circulatory, system is not a closed sac as in the Worms and \'ertel)rates. The organs of circulation consist of a contractile, articulated dorsal vessel, or so-called "heart," which terminates in a cephalic aorta. The dorsal vessel receives the venous current through the lateral valvular openings and pumps the blood into its prolongation or cephalic aorta, whence it escapes, traversing the body in all directions, in regular currents, which do not have, however, vascular walls. "In this way, it penetrates the antennae, the extremities, the wings, and the other appendages of the body, by arterial currents, and is returned by those of a venous nature. All the venous currents empty into two lateral ones, running towards the posterior extremity of the ■body, and which enter, through lateral orifices, the dorsal vessel." (ISiebold.) "The blood of the Insecta is usually a colorless liquid, though sometimes yellowish, but rarely red. In this liquid are suspended a few very small, oval, or spheroidal corpuscles, which are always colorless, have a granular aspect, and are sometimes nucleated. "The dorscd vessel, which is constricted at regular intervals, is always situated on the median line of the abdomen, being attached to the dorsal wall of its segments by several trian- gular muscles whose apices point outwards. Its walls contain both longitudinal and transverse fibres, and, externally, are covered by a thin peritoneal tunic. Internally, it is lined by another very fine membrane, which, at the points of these con- strictions, forms valvular folds, so that the organ is divided into as many chambers as there are constrictions. Each of these chambers has, at the anterior extremity on each side, a valvular orifice which can be inwardly closed. The returning 38 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. blood is accumulated about the heart and enters into it during the diastole of each of its chambers, through the lateral orifices (Fig. 46 1)- It then passes, by the regularly successive Fig. 47. Fig. 40. contractions of the heart, from behind forwards into the aorta, which is only a prolongation of the anterior chamber. This aorta consists of a simple, small vessel, situated on the dorsal surface of the thorax (Fig. 44 e), and extending even to the cephalic ganglion, where it either ends in an open extremity, or divides into several shoi't branches which terminate in a like manner. Tlie length of the dorsal vessel depends, in all the three states of insects, upon that of the abdomen. The number of its chambers is very variable, but is, most usuall}', eight. "Tlie l)lood, after leaving the aorta, traverses the body in currents which are also extravascular, and in this way bathes all the organs. The newly-prepared nutritive fluid passes through the walls of the digestive canal in Avhich it is found, into the visceral cavity, and thence directly into the blood. Latterly, this extravascular circulation has been called in question, but its presence may be easily and directly observed Fig. 46. Part of the dorsal vessel or heart of Lucanus cervus ; a, the postei'ior chambers (the anterior chambers are covered l)y a part of the ligaments which hold the heart in place), i, the auriculo-ventricular openings; g, g, the lateral mus- cles fixed by the prolongations h, h, to the upper side of the abdomen. — From Straus Durckheim. Fig. 47. Interior of the dorsal vessel; a, the inner walls with their circular fleshy fibres; c, the auriculo-ventricular opening; with its semilunar valve (c), in front of which is d, the interventricular valvule. — From Straus Durckheim. THE CIKCULATORY SYSTEM. 39 ■with very man}- perfect Inseetii uiul their larviu. Tlie vascular walls, supposed to have been seen at certain points, are, un- doubtedly, the result of some error of observation or interpre- tation. This is also true of the pulsatile organs supposed to have been observed in the legs of many water-bugs, and which were thought to affect the circulation." Blanchard and Agassiz believe in a "peritracheal circula- tion," and other observers agree that the course of the circula- tion is along the trachcie, i.e. that the blood circulates in the space between the loose peritoneal envelope and the trac-hea itself. Professor II. J. Clark objects to this view that the blood disks are too large to pass through such an cxcccdingl}- minute bpace as the distance between the Iradica ruid its ptritoneal wall. McLeod has proved that such a ciroilation does not exist. Newport thinks that there are actual blood vessels distrib- uted from the heart and "passing transversely across the dorsal surface of each segment in the pupa of Sj^hinx. If they be not vessels distributed from the heart, it is a some- what curious circumstance that the Avliole of the blood should be first sent to the head of the insect, and the viscera of the abdominal region be nourished only by the returning blood, which has in part passed the round of the circulation." Newport also describes in Sphinx the supra-spinal^ or gi'cat ventral vessel which lies in the abdomen just over the nervous cord, and which is also found in the Scorpion and Centipede. He believes "this vessel to be the chief means of returning the blood from the middle and inferior portion of the body to the posterior extremity of the dorsal vessel or heart." He strongly suspects that anteriorly' this great ventral vessel is connected with the aorta. The circulation of Insects, there- fore, is probably as much a closed one as in the Myriapods, for he states that the "blood certainly flows in distinct vessels, at least in some parts of the body in perfect insects, and that vessels exist even in the larva." Observations on the vascula. system are exceedingly difficult from the delicate structure of the vessels, and the subject needs renewed observations to settle these disputed points. The blood is forced through the vessel into the body by regu- lar pulsations. Herold counted thirty to forty in a minute in a 40 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. full-grown catcipilhir ; we have counted about sixty a minute in the recently hutched \ar\a of Diiilux. During excitement, the number of pulsations increases in rapidity. Newport found the pulsations in a l)ee. Avthojihora^ when quiet, to be eight)- a minute ; but when '"the insects Avere quite lively, and had been exposed to the sun for an hour or two, the number of pulsa- tions amounted to one Iiundred and forty." He found that the v umber of pulsations decreased after each moult of the larva of -I~^ ""^^ sions of the body-wall penetrated by trachei>j (branchial tracheae). There are normally eleven spiracles, or breathing-holes (Fig. 48), on each side of the body ; each consisting of an oval horny ring situated in the peritreme ^ 'ff- ^'^^ and closed liy a valve, w-hich guards the orifice (Fig. 49). Within this valve is a chamber closed within b)- another valve which covers the entrance into the trachejx,'. The air-tube itself (Fig. 50) consists of "an external Fig. 48. Larva of the Hnmble-bee just beginning to change to a pupa, showing ten pairs of stigmata Tn the adult bee. only the third pair is apparent, the remaining pairs being concealed from view, or in part aborted. In most insects there are usually only )>iiir-i of stignin'a --0'-'g''>i.\, ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 41 Fig. 50. •serous, and an internal mucous membrane, inclosing between them a spirally convoluted fibre, thus giving great strength unci flexibility to the tube." Nearly all the air enters through the thoracic and first abdominal spiracles, so that on pinching most insects on the thorax the}^ can be easil}' d e p r i v e d o f breath and killed. "In. some aquatic larvjB such as those of Dytkidoi, Eristalis (Pig. 51, pupa), and Ephydra, and also in some perfect insects, as in Nepa and Ranatra, the parts sup- porting the stigmata are prolonged into slen- der tubes, through which the insect, on rising to the surface, breathes the atmospheric air. Agri'on (Fig. 52) aftbrds a good instance of branchiae or gill-like expansions of the crust, or skin. It is supposed that these false gills, or branchiae, "absorb the air from the water, and conAC}' it by the minute ramifications of the tracheal ves- sels, with which they are abun- dantly supplied, and which ter- minate in single trunks, into the main tracheae, to be distributed over the whole body, as in insects which live in the open atmosphere." (Newport.) Of branchiae there are three kinds. The fii'st, as in the larvae and pupae of Gnats, consist of slender fila- ments arranged in tufts arising from a single stem. Fig. 5-2. In the \av\n. of Gyrinus and the aquatic caterpillar of a moth, Fig. 49. Chamber leading into the trachea; a, a, external valve protecting the outer opening of the stignia, or breathing hole; b, c, c, inner and more complicated valve closing the entrance into the trachea (I, k); m, conical occlusor muscle closing the inner orifice. — From Straus Durckheim. Fig. 50. Portion of a trachea divested of its peritoneal envelope, a, spirally convohited fibre, closely wound around the trachea, as ate; c, origin of a secondary tracheal branch. — From Straus Durckheim. Fig. 52. One of the three gill-like appendages to the abdomen of the larva and inipa of Agrion enlarged, consisting of a broad leaf-like expansion, permeated by tl'acheae which take up by endosmosis the air contained in water. — Original. 42 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Ilych'ocampa stratiolata^ they form short stiff bristles placed along the side of the both'. Ayrioa and Epliemera, in their larval stages, afford the second kind of branchiae, and Libellula the thhd kind, or internal gill, sitnated in the colon. The jMosquito breathes both by branchiae which form large clnb- shaped organs, and l)y lateral filaments. In those insects that fly, most of the tracheae are often dilated into air-vesicles, so that by filling and emptying them of air the insect can change 'its specific gravit3\ That their use is also to lighten the body is shown by their presence in the heavy mandibles and head of the male of Lucanus cervus. In the adult Humble-l)ee there are two very large vesicles at the base of the abdomen. These vesicles are not found in the larvae, or in the adult forms of creeping insects. The act of respiration consists in the alternate dilation and contraction of the abdominal segments, the air entering the body chiefl}^ at the thoracic spiracles. As in the Vertebrates the frequenc}^ of the acts of breathing increases after exertion, "When an insect is preparing itself for flight, the act of res- piration resembles that of birds under similar circumstances. At the moment of elevating its elytra and expanding its wings, which are, indeed, acts of respiration, the anterior pairs of spiracles are opened, and the air rushing into them is extended over the whole body, which, l)y the expansion of the air-bags, is enlarged in bulk, and rendered of less specific gravity ; so that when the spiracles are closed at the instant the insect endeavors to make the first stroke with and raise itself upon its wings, it is enabled tvj rise in the air, and sustain a long and powerful flight with but little muscular exertion. In the pupa and larva state respiration is performed more equally by all the spiracles, and less especially by the thoracic ones." During hibernation the act of breathing, like the circulation of the blood, almost entirely ceases, and the heat of the body is greatly lowered. Indeed Newport has shown that the devel- opment of heat in Insects, just as in Vertebrates, depends on the "quantity and activity of respiration, and the volume and velocity of the circulation." The Humble-bee, according to Newport, possesses the voluntary poiver of generating heat by breathing faster. He says, confirming Huber's observations, ORGANS OF SECRETION. 45 *'the manner in which the bee performs her incubatorj^ office is bj' phicing herself upon the cell of ;i nymph (pupii) that is soon to be developed, and then beginning to resi)ire at first very gradually. In a short time the respirations become more and more freijuent, until at length they are increased to one hundred and twenty, or one hundred and thirty i)ei- minute. The bod}' of tlw insect soon becomes of a high temperature, and, on close inspection, is often found to be bathed with per- spiration. When this is the case the temperature of the insect soon becomes reduced, and the insect leaves the cell, and an- other bee almost innnediately takes her place. When respira- tion is performed less violently, and consequently less heat is evolved, the same bee will often continue on a cell for many Lours in succession. This extreme amount of heat was evolved entirely by an act of the will in accelerating the respiratoiy ef- forts, a strong indication of the relation which subsists between the function of respiration and the development of animal heat." Organs of Secretion. The urinary vessels, or what is equivalent to the kidneys of the higher animals, consist in In- sects of several long tubes which empty b}' one or two common secretory ducts into the posterior or "pyloric" extremit}' of the stomach. There are also odoriferous glands, analogous to the cutaneous glands of vertebrates. The liquid pouretl out is usually offensive, and it is used as a means of defence. The Bees, Wasps, Gall-flies, etc., and Scorpions, have a poison-sac (Fig. 54^) developed in the tip of the abdomen. The bite of the Mosquito, the Horse-fly, and Bed-bug is thought b}' New- port to be due to the simple act of thrusting their lancet-like jaws through the skin, and it is not known that these and other insects which bite severely eject any poison into the wound. But in the spiders a minute drop of poison exudes from an orifice at the end of the mandibles, ''which spreads over the whole wound at the instant it is inflicted." This poison is secreted by a gland lodged in the cephalo-thorax, and wliich is thought by Audouin to correspond in position to the salivary apparatus and the silk glands of the Winged Insects. Organs of Generation. We have already described the external parts. The internal parts of the male insect consist,. 44 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. of a duct, the ductus ejacidatorhis, which opens into the external intromittent organ. This duct extends backwards, connecting with the vesicidce seminales, which lead by the vasa deferentia to the testes (Fig. 53). The latter are usually rounded glandular bodies, sometimes, as in Melolontha and Lncanus, numbering six on a side. These organs lie in the abdominal cavity, usually above and on each side of the alimentary canal. The sperm, or fertilizing fluid, contains ver}' active spermatic par- ticles w h i c h are developed in large cells in the testes, where thej- are united into bundles of various forms. In the female, the internal re- productive organs (Fig. 54) are more simple than those of the other sex. The external open- ing of the female is situated at the end of the oviduct, that leads by two tubes to the ovary, Avhich consists of two or i^ore tubes (in the Queen Bee one hundred and sixty to one hundred and eighty) in which the ova are developed. On the upper side Fig. 53. Male organs of Athalia cenfifolire. h, the penis, or external portion, in wliich the ductus ejaculatorius (/) terminates, whirh extends bac'kwards, anil is connecte'l with the vesiculce semiiudex (e), and vasa deferentia (d) which are con- nected with the epididymis (b), and the testes (a), i and I, two jiairr; of homy plates, surrounded by a horny ring {k). i, horny prehen.sile hooks attached to /.-. m, two elongated muscular parts inclosing the penis (/i). — From Xeivport. Fig. 54. Female organs of generation of Athalia centifnlice. a, h, c, the eighteen ovarial tubes originating from each of the two oviducts (e), and containing the im- mature eggs;/, the spermatheca; ^, )ioi,«on-sac, the poison being secreted in the secretoiy vessels h. The poison flow.s through the oviduct into the sting and thence into the wound made by the stiug. 10, the terminal ganglia of the uervous cord. — From Xewport. Fig. 54. ORGANS OF GENERATION. 4» or the oviduct are from one to five ai)peii«l!igL's, the most impor- tant of which is the sjjennatheca (the otlicrs being sebaceous glands), Avhich receives the fertilizing fluid of the male during sexual luiion, and in whicli, according to Darwin, the nuile ele- ment '"is enabled to keep alive four or five years." Insects hiseocual. With the exception of the Tardigrmles^ which are doubtfully referred to the Mites {Acarinu), there are no hermaphrodites among Insects, that is, there are no indi\id- uals having both male and female organs, and capable of self- impregnation. On the contrary, the sexes are distinct ; Insects aie bisexual. Hermaphrodites, so-called. Cases not unfrequently occur in which from an-est of development of the embrj-o, the sexual organs are imperfectly developed, so as to present the appear- ance of being both male and female. "Siebold has investigated some hermaphrodite Honey-bees belonging to the Italian race, obtained from a Dzierzon hive at Constance. He found in man}' of them a combination of sexual characters, not onl}- in the external parts, but also in the generative organs. The mixture of the external characters is manifested sometimes only in the anterior or posterior part of the bod}^, sometimes in all parts of the bod}', or only in a few organs. Some si^ecimens pre- sent male and worker characters on the two sides of the body. The development of the internal organs is singularly correla- ted with these peculiarities of external organization. The sting, with its vesicle and gland, is well developed in hermaphrodites with the abdomen of the worker ; soft in those with the drone- abdomen. Tiie seminal receptacle, when present, is empt}'. The ovaries contain no ova. In the hermaphrodites with the drone-abdomeii, the male sexual organs are well developed, and the testes contain spermatozoids. Irequentl}' Avith testicular and ovarian organs present on each side, the epididj'mis and copulator}^ apparatus are well developed, and an imperfect poison-apparatus exists. In these cases the tube contains spermatozoids, but there are no ova in the ovaries. The her- maphi'odites are thrown out of the cell by the workers as soon as they emesge, and speedil}' perish. Siebold ascril)es the pro- duction of these hermaphrodites to an imperfect fecundation of the ovum." (Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliehe Zoologie, 1864, p. 73. See Giinther'a Zoological Eeview for 1864.) 46 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Mr. Dunning describes a specimen of Fidonia piniaria, " which was sexually- a female, and the abdomen was appar- ently distended with eggs ; the general color was midwa}- be- tween the colors of the ordinary male and female, but tlie size and markings were those of the male. (Transactions Ento- mological Societ}', London, Aug. 7, 1865.) Professor West- wood states that "he had an Orange-tip Butterfly {xinthocharis cardamines) , which was female in every respect, except that on the tip of one fore- wing were about a dozen of the bright orange scales which characterize the male." The Egg. Professor H. J. Clark (Mind in Nature) defines an egg to be a globule surrounded b}' the vitelline membrane, or yelk-envelope, which is protected bj^ the chorion, or egg- shell, consisting of " two Idnds of fluid, albumen and oil, which are always situated at opposite sides or poles." "In the earli- est stages of all eggs, these two poles shade off" into each other," but in the perfectl}' developed egg the small, or albu- minous pole, is surrounded by a membrane, and forms the Purkinjean (germinal) vesicle ; and thirdly and last, the inner- most of the three globules is developed. This last is the Wagnerian 'S'esiele, or germinal dot. The oily matter forms the yolk. Thus formed, the egg is the initial animal. It becomes an animal after contact with the male germs (unless the product of organic reproduction), and the egg-shell or chorion is to be considered as a protection to the animal, and is thrown oflT when the embryo is hatched, just as the larva throws otf its skin to transform into the pupa. So that the egg-state is equivalent to the larva state, and hence there are four stages in the life of an insect, i. e. the egg, the larva, the pupa, and the imago, or adult state. The egg is not always laid as a perfect egg (Clark). It sometimes, as in the Ants, continues to grow after it is laid b}^ the parent, like those of frogs, which, according to Clark, "Are laid before they can hardl}' be said to have become fully formed as eggs." Again, others are laid some time after the embryo has begun to form ; and in some, such as Meloj)liagns and Bravla. the larva is fully formed before it is expelled from the oviduct. THE EGG. 47 Eggs are usually small iu i)ropoition to the size of the parent; but in nuuiy minute forms (i.e. Pulex, Pediculus^ etc.) they are i)roportionately nuieh larger. In shape eggs are either spherical or oblong. In some there are radiating append- ages at one end, as in those of Nejxi and Ranatra ; or they are provided with a single stalk, as in ChrysojM, Cynijis, and O^jhioii. The eggs of most Hymenoptera, Diptera, and many Coleop- tera are usually c^dindrical ; those of Lepidoptera are more generally spherical. The eggs of the Mosquito ai-e laid in a boat-shaped mass, which floats on the surface of quiet pools, wlnle those of the Chrysopa, or Lace-winged Fly (Fig. 55), are supported on long pedicels. -~^^ V^lh They are almost invariably ' -^.',^=rr?>^ laid near or upon objects des- tined to be the food of the Fig. 55. future larva. Thus the Copris, or "Tumble-bug," places its egg in a ball of dung which it rolls away to a secure place ; the Flesh-fly oviposits on meat ; and all vegetable-feeders lay their eggs on the food-plant where the larva, upon its exit from the egg, shall readil}' find an ample supply of food. The posterior end of the egg is more often the fixed one, and it may thus be distinguished from the anterior pole. In the eggs of some Diptera and Orthoptera, the ventral side of the embryo, according to Gerstaecker, corresponds to the couA^ex side of the egg, and the concave side of the latter corresponds to the dorsal region of the embryo. The surface of the chorion, or egg-shell, which is dense and brittle, is often covered by a mosaic-work of more or less regu- lar facets. In man}' small eggs the surface is only minutely granulated, or ornamented with ribs and furrows, as in those of many Buttei-flies. The Micropyle. On the anterior end (though sometimes at both ends) of the egg is one or more pores of exceeding minuteness, through which the spermatozoa (more than one of which, according to Darwin, is requisite to fertilize an ovule") enter to fertilize the egg-contents. In some cases these micropyles are scattered over the whole surface of the egg. Fig. 56 a represents the micropyles of Nepa cinerea, consisting 48 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. of a whorl of long bristles. Those of Locnsta virklissima (Fig. i)(jh) slightly resemble toadstools. Fig. 5Gc represents the an- terior pole of the egg with, the micropyles of Pyrrkocoris apte rus. — ( From Gerstaecker»y Tliis contact of a male sperm-cell with the yolk is the fertilization of the egg.. From this moment begins the life of the embryo. Fertiliza- tion of the female germ by *''o- ■i^- means of the male sperm, through the congress of the sexes, is the rule Avith bisexual animals, but there are exceptions among insects. An embryo may start into being without the interposition of the male ; to this mode of generation has been applied by Lenckart the term Parthenogenesis. Among certain species of insects there are some individuals which, by a sort of budding process, and with- out the aid of the male element, throw off summer broods, con- sisting of '^' asexual" individuals, which, as winter approaches, are succeeded by a brood of true males and females, the latter of which lay eggs. This phenomenon, called by Steenstrup "alternation of generations," has been observed among a com- paratively few species, and the apparent design of such an anomalous mode of reproduction is to afford an immense num- ber of individuals, thus providing for the continuance of the species. The individuals in whom this budding process takes place are called "asexual" because, though they may resemble the female sex outwardly, their sexual organs are only partially developed. This budding process is the same in kind with that observable in the Jellj^-flsh, which throw off by parthenogen- esis, or alternations of generations, summer broods of immense extent, but in winter propagate by true eggs. Huxley has studied the development of Aphis by parthenogenesis, the anomalous nature of which had previously been discovered by Bonnet, Trembly, Lyonet, Degeer, Kyber, and others, and arrives at the following conclusions : "1. Ova deposited b}' impregnated female Aphides in autumn are hatched in the spring. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. 49 2. From these ova viviparous, and, in the great majority of cases, apterous forms proceed. S. Tlie broods to which these give rise are either winged or apterous, or botli. 4. The number of successive broods has no certain limit, but is, so fai' as vve know at present, controlled only by tempera- ture and the supply of food. 5. On the setting in of cold weather, or in some cases on the failure of nourishment, the weather being still warm, males and oviparous females are produced. 6. The males may be either winged or apterous. 7. So far as I am aware, there is no proof of the existence of any exception to the law that the oviparous female is apte- rous. 8. Viviparous Aplikles may hybernate, and may co-exist with oviparous females of the same species." (Linnaean Transac- tions, xxii, p. 198.) The origin of the viviparous, asexual, or agamic (from the Greek o, without ; game, marriage) individual, as it may be more properly called, is, up to a certain stage, the same as that of the true egg, i.e. until the germ (j^sendovum) of the former is detached from the false ovary (pseudovarium). "From this point onwards, howeA^er, the fate of the pseudovum is different from that of the ovum. The former begins at once to be converted into the germ ; the latter accumulates j'elk-sub- stance, and changes but little. Both bodies acquire their mem- branous investment rather late ; within it the pseudovum becomes a living larva, while the ovum is impregnated, laid, and remains in a state of rest for a longer or shorter period. "Although, then, the pseudovum and the ovum of Aphis are exceedingl}^ similar in structure for some time after they have passed out of the condition of indifferent tissue, it cannot be said that the sole difference between them is, that the one requires fecundation and the other not. When the ovum is of the size of a pseudovum which is about to develop into an em- brj'o, and, therefore, long before fecundation, it manifests its inherent physiological distinctness by becoming, not an em- bryo, but an ovum. Up to this period the influence of fecunda- • tion has not been felt ; and the production of ova, instead of 4 50 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. pseiulova, must depend upon a something impressed upon the constitution of the parent before it was brought forth by its viviparous progenetrix." (Huxley.) Siebold has also shown that the "ova of the Queen-bee pro- duces females or males, according as thej' are fecundated or not. The fecundated ovum produces a queen or a neuter according to the food of the larva and the other conditions to which it is subjected ; the unfecundated ovum produces a drone." This is analogous to the agamic reproduction of Aphis, and " demonstrates still more clearly- the impossi- bility of drawing any absolute line of demarcation histologi- cally between ova and buds." This process of reproduction is not known in the MjTiapods. It occurs among the mites (Acarina), and occurs in isolated genera of Hemiptera {Aphis^ Chermes, Lecanium, and Asx>idi- otus according to Gerstaecker). Among Lepidoptera the Silk-moth sometimes lays fertile eggs without previous sexual union. This verj^ rarely hap pens, for M. Jourdain found that, out of about 58,000 egg>, laid by unimpregnated silk-moths, man}' passed through their early embryonic stages, showing that they were capable of self-development, but only twenty-nine out of the whole number produced caterpillars. (Darwin.) Several other moths * have been found to lay fertile eggs without previous sexual union, and among H3anenoptera, Neinatus ventricosus^ Cymps, Neurotery^s, perhaps Apojihyllus (according to Gerstaecker), and Cynips spongijica (according to Walsh, Proceedings of * We give a list from Gerstaecker (Bronn's Classen und Ordnungen des Thier- j-eiohs) of all the known eases of agamic reproduction in this suborder, with the number of times the phenomenon has been observed, and the names of the ob- servers. Sphinx Hgustri, once (Treviranus). Sinerinthus jwjmii, four times (Xord- mann). Smerinthus ocellatus, once (.Johnston). Euprepia ctija, live times (Brown, etc.). " viUic.o., once (Stowell). Telei Polyphemus, twice (Curtis). Gastropacha pint, tliree times (Scopoli, etc). Gastropacha quercifolia, once (Basler). " potatoria, once (Burmeis- ter). Gnst.rtipacha quercus, once (Plieninger), Llparh (/ispitr, once (Carlier). " Pjf/c/i'riiKi/li" {1 Liparis diapar), (Tardy, WestwDoil). Lipuris (ic/ir(ip<)tlri, once (Popoff). Orgn'Kt pi(ilihinul:i, once (Werncburg). Pui/rlw (ipi/'iirmis, once (Kossi). " /((•//■,(■ (.Siebold). Solenohid Urhcnelhi (Sieljold). " triqiietrclld (Siebold). Domhijx mori-, se\eral times. The subject has been also discusse'd by Siebold in his work entitled, A true Par- thenogenesis in Lepidoptera and Bees; by Owen, m his "Parthenogenesis," and by Sir J. Lubbock in the Philosophical Transactions, London, vol. 147, pt. 1. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. 51 the Entomological Society of Philadelphia). Parthenogenesis, or agamic reproduction, is, then, the result of a l)ud(ling pro- cess, or cell-growth. This process is a common mode among the Radiates, the low Worms, and the Crustaceans. Metamor- phosis is simpl}' a series of marked stages, or periods, of growth ; and hence growth, metamorphosis, and agamic re- production are morphologically' identical. All animals, there- fore, as well as plants, grow by the multiplication of cells. After hearing the surprising revelations of Bonnet, Reaunnir, Owen, Burnett, and Huxley on the asexual mode of generation in the Aphis, we are called to notice still a new phase of repro- duction. None of the observers just mentioned were accus- tomed to consider the virgin aphis as immature, but rather as a wingless adult Plant-louse. But Nicolas Wagner, Professor of Zoology at Kasan,* supported b}'^ able vouchers for the truth of his assertions, both in Russia and in German}', who have repeated and thoronghh' tested his observations, ha^ observed an asexual reproduction in the larva of a Cecidomy* ian fly, Miastor metraloas (Fig. 297), and Meinert has observed it in this species and the Oligarces paradoxus Meinert. Says Dr. R. Leuckart, whose article f we have drawn largely upon in the present account, "This reproduction was said to commence in autumn, to continue through the winter and spring, giving origin, during the whole of this period, to a series of successive generations of larva?, until, finally, in June, the last of them were developed into perfect and sexually mature animals. The files, then, as usual, after copulation, lay eggs, and thus recommence the developmental cycle just described." Professor Leuckart has observed these facts anew in the larvte of a species of dipterous gall-fly, and which he believes distinct from the Russian species, found under the bark of a half dead apple-tree that was attacked by fungi. The j'oung are developed within the body of the larva-like parent from a *K. E. Von Baer, "Report on a New Asexual Mode of Reproduction observed by Professor Wagner in Kasan." Bull. Acad. St. Petersburg, 1SG3, pt. vi, p. 239. Also, Wagner in the Journal of the University of Kasan. ISGl. tOu the Asexual Reuroduction of Cecidoniyia Larvae. Annals and Magazine Of Natural History. Translated from Zeitschrilt fur Wissenschallliche Zoologie, Bd. xiv. 52 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. "germ-ball" essentially agreeing with the ovarj', and the asex- 11 al larvae begin life as egg-like bodies developed from this germ-ball, just as eggs are developed in the little tubes of which the ovary is an aggregation. Hence these worms bad out from the germ-stock, just as we have seen in the case of the Aphides. Leuckart and Wagner farther agree, that " the so-called chorion never being formed in either of them, the vitellus [yelk] remains without that envelope which has so re- markable and peculiar a development in the true egg of in- sects." .... "The processes of embr3'o-formation agree in all essential points with the ordinary phenomena of devel- opment in a fecundated egg, exactly as has been proved (by Huxley) to be the case in the Aphides." .... "The only- difference consists in the germ-chambers of the Cecidomyide larvae separating from the germ-stock, and moving about freely in the cavity of the body, whilst in the Aphides they remain permanently attached, and constitute an apparatus which, in its form and arrangement, reproduces the conditions of the female organs." Another case of paedogenesis, which unites that of Miastor with the parthenogenesis of the Coccidce, has been discovered by Grimm who found, in the spring of 1869, the pupa of a species of Chironomus laying eggs. But in the autumn other pupse become flies without laying eggs, while the fly itself de- posits a larger number of eggs than the spring pupa. Grimm also found that on removing from the perfectly developed in- sect, before it has left the pupa-case, the eggs which would otherwise have been fertilized, and preserving them in water, the development of the larva took place in them also, but lasted a little longer (about six days). Previous to the forma- tion of the primitive band, the germ develops as in the Coc- cidce ; afterwards it resembles that of other Diptera (Simii- lium and CJiironomidce ). Dimorphism is intimately connected with agamic reproduc- tion. Thus the asexual Aphis, and the perfect female, may be called dimorphic forms. Or the perfect female may assume two forms, so much so as to be mistaken for two distinct spe- cies. Thus Cynixjs quercus-sjoongijica occurs in male and female broods in the spring, while the fall brood of females were DIMORPHISM. 53 deecribed as a separate species, C. aciculata. Mr. B. D. "Walsh ■considers the two sets of females as dimorphic forms, and he thinks tliat C. aciculata lays eggs which produce C. quercus- S2)ongiJica. Huber supposes there are two sizes of the three forms (?". e. male, female, and worker) of Bombus, one set being a little larger than the other. Alfred Wallace has discovered that there are two forms of lemales of Papilio Memnou of the East Indies ; one is normaL having its wings tailed and resembles a closely allied species, l\(piUo Coon, which is not dimorphous, while the other is tail- less, resembling its tailless male. Papilio Pammon has three sorts of females, and is hence "• trimorphic." One of its forms predominates in Sumatra, and a second in Java, while a third, (described as P. Romulus) abounds in India and Ceylon. P. Ormenns is trimorphic, as Mr. Wallace obtained in the island of Waignion, ''a third female quite distinct from either of the others, and in some degree intermediate between the ordinar}-- male and female." Much the same thing occurs in the North American P. Turmis. Papilio Glauois is now known to be a dimorphic form of the former butterfl}-, both having, according to Mr. Unler, been bred from the same batch of eggs. Mr. W. H. Edwards has found that Papilio AJax is pol^nnorphous, the same batch of eggs giving rise to P. AJax, and varieties WalsJiii, Telamonides, and Marcellas. The male sex also pre- sents dimorphic forms. Mr. Pascoe states that there are di- morphic forms of Anthribidce; that they occur in the males of Stenocerus and Micoceros. Six species o? Dytiscus have two female forms, the most common having the elytra deeply sul- cate, while in the rarer forms the elytra are smooth as in the male. There is a tendency, we would observe, in the more abnor- mal of the two sexual forms, to revert to a lower type. Thus the agamic Aphis is more generally wingless, and the tailless female butterfly mimics the members of a lower genus, Pieris. The final cause of Dimorphism, like that of agamic reproduc- tion, is the continuance of the species, and is, so far as yet known, an exceptional occurrence. Mimetic forms. Many insects often resemble, in a remark- 54 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. able manner, those of other groups. They are called mimetic forms. Insects are related to each other by analogy and affin- ity. Thus the truly tailless species of Papilio, i. e. those where the tail is absent in both sexes, are related by affinity to Pie- ris, which has rounded hind wings. The}^ also stand next to Fieris in the system of Nature. But there are, on the other hand, mimetic forms, which borrow the features of groups far above them in the natural system. Thus the Sesia resembles a Bee, Bombylius and Luphria resemble Bomhus; the Sj^phus flies are easily mistaken for Wasps. So in the second series of suborders of Insects, Forficula resembles the Stcqihylinus; Termes resembles the true Ant ; Psocus, the Apliis ; Ascalaphus resembles Papilio ; Mantispa recalls the Orthopterous Mantis, and. Panotpa reminds us of the Tiptdce {Bittacus being strikingly analogous to the Dipterous Bittacomorplm) . Thus these lower, more variable groups of insects strive, as it were, to connect themselves by certain analogous, mimetic forms, with the more stable and higher groups. Comprehensive types are mimetic forms which combine thfe characters of other and generally higher groups. Thus each Neuropterous family contains mimetic forms which ally them strongly with some one of the six other suborders of insects. The early fossil insects are remarkable for combining the char- acters of groups which appear ages after. The most remark- able comprehensive type is a Carboniferous insect, theEugereon Boecldngi mentioned farther on. Hybridity. Hybrids are sometimes produced between differ- ent species, but though it is known that different genera unite sexually, we know of very few authentic instances of the pro- duction of h3'brids therefrom. One is related by Mr. Midford, who exhibited at the March 4th (1861) meeting of the London Entomological Society, hybrids produced from a male Phiga- lia pilosaria, and a female Nyssia hiopidaria. "The males resemble iV". Iiispidaria, but in color have the lighter and greener tint and transparency of wing of P. pilosaria." The Development of Insects. Immediately after the fer- tilization of the egg, the fu'st act in the organization of the THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSECTS. 55 .'uture embryo is the formation of the germinal h\3er, or blas- todenn (from the Greek, meaning primitive skin). This hiyer is formed at the surface out of a surface-layer of larger, often nucleolated, cells which nearly encompass the ^olk-mass. At one point there is a break in this cellular layer, and the yolk granules reach to the surface, so that it appears darker than the other parts of the egg. This cellular layer is soon resolved into the blastoderm, or germinal laj-er, which thickens and narrows, forming a longitudinal band. This is the first stage of the embryo, which lies as a thin layer of cells upon the outer surface of the yolk. Both ends of the body are alike, and we shall afterwards see that its back lies next to the centve of the egg, its future ventral side looking outwards. The enibryo is thus bent on itself backwards. In the next stage the blastoderm divides into a certain num- ber of segments, or joints, Avhich appear as indentations in the body of the embiyo. The head can now be distinguished from the posterior end chiefly by its larger size, and both it and the tail are folded back upon the body of the embryo, the head especiallj' being sunk backwards down into the jolk-mass. In a succeeding stage, as Ave have observed in the embryo of Diplax^ a Dragon-fly (Fig, 57), the head is partially sketched out, with the rudiments of the limbs and mouth-parts ; and the sternites, or ventral walls, of the thorax and of the two basal rings of the head appear. The anterior part of the head, in- cluding the so-called "procephalic lobes" overhangs and con- FiG. 57. Side view of embrj-o. The procephalic lobes arenot shown. 1, antenna; 2, mandibles; 3, maxillffi; 4, second maxillEe (labium); 5-7, legs. These numbers and letters are the same in all the figures from 57-«0. The under-side (sternum) of six segments are indicated. Fig. 58. Ventral view of the same. 56 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. ceals the base of the antennse. It is probable that more careful observation would have shown the end of the abdomen folded back upon the dorsal region, as usual at this period in the embryos of those insects whose embryolog}' has been studied. The antennae, mandibles, and maxillae form a group by them- selves, while the second maxillae (or labium) are very much larger and turned backwards, being temporaril}- grouped with the legs. There are traces only of the two basal sterna of the abdo- men. This indicates that the basal abdominal segments grow in succession from the base of the abdomen, the middle ones appearing last. The post-abdomen (Fig. 59 a) has probably been developed synchronous with the procephalic lobes, as it is in all insect and crustacean embryos yet observed. As stated by Zaddach, these two lobes in their dcA'elopment are exact equivalents; antero- posterior symmetry is very clearly de- marked, the two ends of the body at first looking alike. But in this stage, after the two ends of the body have been evolved from the primitive cell-layer, develoi)ment in the post-abdomi- nal region is retarded, that of the head progressing with much _a"cater rapidity. In the next stage (not figured) the 3-olk is completely Availed :n, though no traces of segments appear on the back or side of the embryo. The revolution of the embr3'o has taken place ; the post-abdomen being curved beneath the bod}', and the back presenting outwards. The rudiments of the eyes appeal* as a darker, rounded mass of cells indistinctly seen through the yolk-granules, and situ- ated at the base of the antennae. They consist of a few epithe- lial cells of irregular form, the central one being the largest. The second maxillae are a little over twice the length of the irst maxillae and are grouped with the legs, being curved back- ;rards. Thej' are, howcA'cr, now one-third shorter than the an- terior legs. The second maxillary sternum is still visible. The tip of the abdomen (or post-abdomen) consists of four segments, the terminal one being much the larger, and ob- scurely divided into two obtuse lobes. The abdominal sternites are now well marked, and the ner- TllK DEVELOPMENT OF INSECTS. 57 -vous cord is represented by eight or nine large oblong-square seen sideways) ganglia, which lie contiguous to each other. The formation of the eyes, the post-abdomen, the sternites, and median portion of the nervous cord seems nearly synchro- nous with the closing up of the dorsal walls of the body, though the division of the tegument into segments has not apparently taken place over the yolk-mass. The succeeding stage (Fig. 59) is signalized by the appear- ance of the rudiments of the intestine, i 3 2 e while the second maxillae are directed more anteriorl}'. In form the bod}^ is ovate-cylin- drical, and there is a deep constric- tion separating the post -abdomen from the anterior part of the abdo- men. The terminal (eleventh) i-ing is immensely'' disproportioned to its size in the embrj'o just pre- vious to hatching (see Fig. 61, where it forms a triangular piece J , ( 7 situated between its appendages, the anal stjdets). At a later period of this stage two more ab- dominal segments have been added, one to the end of the main body of the abdomen, and another to the post- abdomen. They have been apparently interpolated at the junction of the post-abdomen to the abdomen proper. Should this observation be proved to be correct, it may then be considered as a rule that, after reaching a certain number of segments, all additional ones are interpolated between the main body of the abdomen and its terminal segment or segments. This is the law of increase in the number of segments in "Worms, and in Myriopods (lulus, according to Newj^ort's observations), in Arachnids (Claparede). and Crustacea (Ratlike). The next stage (Fig. 60), is characterized by the differentia- Cl-2 3 Fig. 59. An embryo much farther advanced, c, clypeus; e, eye; a, bi-lobed «xtremity of the abdomen; i, the rudiments of the intestines. 58 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. tiou of the head into the rudiments of the antennary ring, and' tlie supraclypeal piece, and clypeus, together witli tlie approx- imation of the second pair of maxillae, which, when iinited, form the labuim, tlie extremities of which are now situated in the middle of the bod}'. The antennie noAv extend to the middle of the labium, just passing be^'ond the extremities of the mandibles and maxillae. The oesophagus can also be seen going from the mouth-opening situated just beneath the labunn. It curves around just behind the eyes. There are at this i)ei-iod no appearances of movable blood-disks or of a dorsal vessel. The abdomen is now pointed at the extremity and divided into the rudiments of the two anal stylets, which form large, acute tubercles. The yolk-mass is also almost. ^5w ..^j—E entirely inclosed within the body walls, form- ing an oval mass. Another embryo, observed July 27th, had reached about the same stage of growth. The front of the head, including the antennary segment, is farther advanced than before. The entire head is divided into two very distinct regions ; i. e. one before the mouth-opening (the preoral region, including the antennary, or first segment of the head, carrying the organs of vision ; namely, the ocelli and com- pound eyes, and the organs of sense, or an- tenuse) ; and the other behind the mouth (lyostoral) consisting of the mandibular, or second segment, fhejirst maxillary, or third segment, and the seco7id maxillary, or labial, being the fourth and last segment. At a later period the embryo is quite fully formed, and is about ready to leave the egg. The three regions of the body are now distinct. The articulations of the tergum are present, the yolk-mass being completely inclosed by the tergal walls. Fig. 61. Fig. fil. The embryo taken from the egg:, but nearly ready to hatch, t, the dotted line crosses the main trachea, going through the yolk-mass, now restricted to the thoracic region. At x, the trachese send off numerous branches around an enlargement of the intestine (colon), whei-e the blood is aerated; better seen in fig. 62. The abdomen consists of eleven segments, the last being a minute triangular piece. THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSECTS. 59 The body is so bent upon itself that the extremities of tlie second maxillie just overlap the tip of the abdomen. The two limbs of the labium are now placed side by side, with the prominent spinous appendage on the outer edges of the tip. These spines are the rudiments of the labial palpi. The general form of the embryo at a still later period (Fig. 61), on being taken from the egg and straightened out, re° minds us strikingly of the Thysanura, and, in these and other re- spects, tend to prove that the Podurae and Lepismie, and allied genera, are embryonic, degraded forms of Neu- roptera, and should ttierefore be considered as a family of that sub- order. Seen laterally, the body gradually ta- pers from the large head to the pointed ex- tremity. The body is flattened from above downwards. At this stage the appendages are still closely ap- pressed to the body. Just before the ex- clusion of the embryo, the legs and mouth- parts stand out freer from the bod3\ The labium, especially, assumes a position at nearly right angles to the body. The antennae, mandibles, and maxillae have taken on a more definite form, being like Fig. 62. The larva just hatched and swimmiug in the water, n, ventral cord or nervous ganglia; D, dorsal vessel, or "heart," divided into its chambers. The anal valves at the end of the abdomen, which open and shut during respiration, are- represented as being open. Both of the dotted lines cross the trache*. x, net- work of the tracheae, surrounding the cloaca. -60 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. that of the young larva, and stand out free from the body. The head is much smaller in proportion to the rest of the body, and bent more upon the breast. The Larva (Fig. 62) when hatched is about five hundredths of an inch in length. The head is now free and the antennae stand out free from the front. The thorax has greatly diminished in size, while the abdomen has become wider, and the limbs very long ; and the numerous minute tubercles, seen in the preceding stage, have given origin to hairs. The dorsal vessel can now, for the first time, be seen. When in motion, the resemblance to a spider is most striking. The flow of blood to the head, and the return currents through the lacunar or venous circulation along the side of the body were easily observed. The vessels were not crowded with blood disks, the latter being few in number, only one or two passing along at a time. Two currents, pass- ing in opposite directions, were observed in the legs. Fig. G3. Side view of the liead of the larva of Diplax l)efore the first moult, c, deciduous tubercles terminating in a slender style; their use is unknown; they have not been observed in the full-grown larva, e, the compound eyes 1, the three jointed antenna?, the terminal joint nearly three times as long as the two basal ones. 2, the mandibles, and also enlarged, showing the cutting edge divided into four teeth. 3, maxilla; divided into two lobes : d, the outer and anterior lobe, •2-j()inted, the basal joint terminating in two setre; and a, the inner lobe concealed from view, in its natural position, by the outer lobe, d. 4, the base or pedicel of the second maxilla;, or labium, the expanded terminal portion being drawn sepa- rately; rf and rt, two movable stout styles representing, perhajis, the labial palpi; the lobe to which they are attached is multidentate, and adajited for seizing prey ; on the right side the two styles are appressed to the lobe, x represents, perhaps, the ligula; but we have not yet studied its homologies carefully: this part is attached to a transversely linear piece soldered to the main part of the labium, y, the 11th abdominal ring, with its pair of conical anal styles, z, the last tarsal joint and pair of long slender claws. Fig. 64. The pupa of Diplax, having rudimentary wings, in which the eyes are much larger, and the legs much shorter than in the recently hatched larva; in- troduced to be compared with the young larva. Figs. 57-64, original. TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE INSECT. Gl On review it will be seen how remarkable are the changes in form of the insect before it is hatched, and that all are the result of simple growth. We have seen that the two ends of the body are first formed, and that the under side of the body is formed before the back ; that the belly is at first turned out- wards, and afterwards the embryo reverses its position, the back presenting outwards. All the appendages are at first simple protrusions from the body-walls, and new segments are interpolated near the tip of the abdomen. These changes take place very rapidly, within a very few days, and some of the most important and earlier ones in a few hours. We can now better understand that the larva and pupa stages are the result of a similar mode of growth, though very marked from being in a diflTerent medium, the insect having to seek food and act as an independent being. Transformations of the Insect. We have seen that during the growth of the embryo, the insect undergoes remark- able changes of form, the result of simple growth. The meta- morphoses of the animal within the egg are no less marked than those which occur after it has hatched. It will also be seen that the larva and pupa stages are not always fixed, defi- nite states, but only pauses in the development of the insect, concealing beneath the larva and pupa skins the most impor- tant changes of form. The process of hatcliing. No other author has so carefully described the process of hatching as Newport, who observed it in the larva of Meloe. "When the embryo larva is ready for its change, the egg-shell becomes thinned and concave on that side which covers the ventral surface of the body, but is much enlarged, and is more convex on the dorsal, especially towards the head. The shell is then burst longitudinally along the middle of the thoracic segments, and the fissure is ex- tended forwards to the head, which then, together with the thoracic segments, is partially forced through the opening, but is not at once entirely withdrawn. The antennae, parts of the mouth, and legs are still inclosed within separate envelopes, and retain the larva in this covering in the shell. Efforts are then made to detach the posterior segments of the body, which 62 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. are gradually released, and with them the antennae, palpi, and legs, and the larva removes itself entirely from the shell and membranes. In this process of evolution the joung Melo'e throws off two distinct co\erings : first, the shell with its lining membrane, the analogue of the membrane in which, as I have elsewhere shown,* the j'oung Myriopod is inclosed, and re- tained several days after the bursting of the ovum, and which represents in the Articulata, not the allantois, but apparently the amnion, of Vertebrata ; next, the fii'st, or foetal deciduation of the tegument, analogous probably to the first change of skin in the Myriopod, after it has escaped from the amnion, and also to the fii'st change which the 3'oung Arachnidan invariably undergoes a few days after it has left the egg, and before it can take food. This tegument, which, perhaps, may be analo- gous to the vernix caseosa of Vertebrata, thrown off at the instant of birth, is left by the young Meloe with the amnion in the shell ; and its separation from the body, at this early leriod, seems necessary to fit the insect for the active life it has commenced." (Linn. Trans, xx. p. 306, etc.) The larva state. The larva (Latin larva, a mask) was so called because it was thought to mask the form of the perfect insect. The larvae of Butterflies and Moths are called cater- pillars; those of Jieetles, gy'iibs ; and those of the two-winged Flies (Diptera) maggots; the larvae of other groups have no distinctive common names. As soon as it is hatched the larva feeds voraciouslj^, as if in anticipation of the coming period of rest, the pupa state, for which stores of fat (the fatty bodies) are developed for the supplj' of fat globules out of which the tissues of the new body of the pupa and imago are to be formed. Most larvae moult, or change their skin, four or five times. In the inactive thin-skinned larvae, such as those of Bees, Wasps, and Gall-flies, the moults are not apparent ; as the larva increases in size it out-grov,s the old skin, which comes off in thin shreds. But in the active larvae, such as cater- pillars, grasshoppers, and grubs, from the rapid absorption of vessels in the outer laj^er of the skin, just before the change, * Philosophical Transactions, Pt. 2, 1841, p. 111. ♦w . TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE INSECT. 63 ?t becomes hard and dr^^ and too small for the growing in- sect, and is then east olf entire. A series of bee-larvui can be selected showing a graduation in size and form from the egg and recently hatched larva up to the full-grown larva. In the caterpillar and other active larva?, there are usually four or five stages, each showing a sudden and marked increase in size. Newport states that the caterpillar of S])hinx ligustn moults six times, and at the last moult be- comes a third larger than at any earlier period ; the larva of Arctia caja moults from five to ten times. A few days before the assumption of the pui)a state, the larva becomes restless, stops eating, and deserts its food, and usually spins a silken cocoon, or makes one of earth, or cliips, if a borer, and there prepares for the change to the pupa state. During this semipupa period (lasting, in many insects, only for a day or several days, but in some Saw-flies through the winter) the skin of the pupa grows beneath that of the quies- cent larva. While the worm-like larva exhibits no trire- gional distinctions, the muscles of the growing pupa contract and enlarge in certain parts so as to modify the larva form, until it gradually assumes the triregional form of the adult insect, with the diflerentiation of the body into a head, thorax, and abdomen. In a series of careful studies, abundantly illustrated with excellent plates, Weismann has recently shown that Swammer- dam's idea that the pupa and imago skins were in reality already concealed under that of the larva is partially founded in truth. Swammerdam states, "I can point out in the larva all the limbs of the future nj-mph, or Cidex, concealed beneath the skin," and he also observed beneath the skin of the larvaj Df bees just before pupating, the antennae, mouth-parts, wings, and limbs of the adult. (Weismann.) During its transformations the pupa skin is developed from the hypodermis, or inner layer of skin. This peals off, as it were, from the inner layer of the old larva skin, which soon dries and hardens, and is thrown off. Meanwhile the muscles of the bod}' contract and change in form, thus causing the origi- nal segments of the larva to infold and contract at certain parts, gradually producing the pupa form. K, during this period, the 64 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. insect be exammed at intervals, a series of slight changes of form ma}^ be seen, from the larva to the imago state. In some cases each change is accompanied b}' a moult, as in the "^ ac- tive " Ephemera, where Lubbock counted twent}^ one moults. As a general rule, then, it ma}' be stated that the body of the larva is transformed into that of the imago ; ring answer- ing to ring, and limb to limb in both, the head of the one is homologous with that of the other, and the appendages of the larva are homologous with the appendages of the imago. Weismann has shown that in the larva of the Meat-fly, Mtisca voniitoria, the thorax and head of the imago are developed from what he calls " imaginal disks." These disks are minute isolated portions of the hypodermis, which are formed in the embryo, before it leaves the egg, and are held in place within the bodj'-cavity of the larva b}' being attached either to nerves- or tracheae, or both. After the outer layer of the larva skin dries and hardens, and forms the cask-shaped piqjarmm, the use of which corresponds to the cocoon of moths, etc., these imaginal disks increase in size so as to form the tegument of the thorax and head. The abdomen of the Meat-fly, however^ is formed by the direct conversion of the eight hinder segments of the body of the larva, into the corresponding segments of the imago. Accompanying this change in the integument there is a destruction of all the larA-al s^'stem of organs ; this is either total or effected by the gradual destruction of tissues. Now we see the use of the "fatty body;" this breaks up, setting free granular globules of fat, which, as we have seen in the embryo, produces by the multiplication of cells the new tissues of the pupa. Thus the larva-skin is cast aside, and also the softer organs within, but the formation of new tissues keeps even pace with the destruction of the old, and the insect pre serves its identity throughout. The genital glands, however, are indicated even in the embrj'o, and are gradually developed throughout the growth of the insect, so that this histolysis, or destruction of tissues, is not wholly complete. The quiescent pupa-state of Musca is long-continued, and its vitality is latent, the acts of respu'atiou and cii'culation being almost suspended. (Weismann.) TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE INSECT. GS* In the metamorphosis of Corethra^ a Mosquito-like Fl}-, which is active both in tlie larva and pupa states, "the segments of the larva are converted directly into the corresponding seg- ments of the body of the imago, the ai)pendages of the head into the corresponding ones of the head of the imago ; those of the thorax are produced after the last moult of the larva as diverticula of the hypodermis round a nerve or trachea, from the cellular envelope of which the formation of tissue in the interior of the appendages issues. The larval nuiscles of the abdominal segments are transferred unclianged into the imago ; the thoracic muscles peculiar to the imago, as also some additional abdominal muscles, are developed in the last larval periods from indift'erent cellular cords which are indi- cated even in the egg. The genital glands date back to the embrj'o, and are gradually developed ; all the other systems of organs pass with little or no alteration into the imago. Fatty body none or inconsiderable. Pupa-state short and active." (Weismann.) As tlie two types are most clearly discriminated b}' the presence or absence of true imaginal disks, Weismann suggests that those insects which undergo a marked metamorphosis might be divided into Insecta discota (or Insects with imaginal disks), and those without, into Insecta adiscota. The metamorphosis of Corethra maj' prove to be a type of that of all insects which are active in their preparator}" stages ; and that of Jhisca tj-pical of all those that are quiescent in the pupa-state, at least the Lepidoptera and those Diptera which have a coarctate * pupa, together with the Coleoptera and those Neuroptera in which the metamorphosis is complete, as Phry- ganea, Hemei'obius, etc. The transformations of the Humble-bee are easily observed by taking a nest after the first brood have matured, when we shall find individuals in all stages of development from the larva to the imago state. The figures below show four stages, but in reality there is every gradation between these stages. *The larvte of some of the higher Diptera spin a slight cocoon, while the true flies, such as the Muscidse and Syrphidae, etc., change to -pupx within the larva skin which contracts into a cylindrical "puparium" corresponding in use to the cocoon ; such pupae are called " coarctate." 5 66 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Fig. 64 shows what we may call the semipupa, concealed by the old larval skin. There arc ten pairs of stigmata, two thoracic and eight abdominal. The head of the semi-pupa lies under the head (a) and prothoracic ring (b). The basal ring of the abdomen (c), or fourth ring from the head, is un- changed in form. This figure also will suffice to represent Fig. 65. Fiff. 66. / Fig. 67. the larva, though a little more produced anteriorly than in its natural form. In another stage (Fig. 65) of the semi-pupa, the larval skin is entirely sloughed off, the two pairs of wing-pads hing paral- lel, and very equal in size, like tlie wings of Neuroptera. The Ihoraco- abdominal ring, ov }jropodeum (c), is distinguished by its oblong spiracle (n), essentially differing from those on ihe abdomen. At this point the body contracts, but the head TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE INSECT. G7 and thorax together are yet, as still more in the previons stage, much smaller than in the pupa, and there is still a con- tinuous curve from the tip of the abdomen to the head, {y, antenna ; h, lingua, niaxilhe, and palpi ; i, fore-legs ; j, mid- dle legs ; A-, meso-scutum ; I, meso-scutellum ; n , spiracle of the propodeum.) In a succeeding stage (Fig. 66) of the semi-pui)a, the heml and thorax together nearly equal in size the abdomen, and the propodeum (c) has become entirely transferred to the thorax. Tlie head has become greatly enlarged ; the rings are A^ery un- equal, the hinder pair are much smaller, and overlaid by the anterior pair ; the three terminal pair of abdominal rings, so large in Fig. 65, have been absorbed, and partially inclosed in the cavity of the abdomen ; and there has been a farther dif- ferentiation of the ring into the sternite (f?), pleurite (e), and tergite (/). (a, eye-, /*, lingua; o, OA'ipositor, two outer rhabdites exposed to view.) The abdominal spiracles in Figs. 65 and 66, are represented by a row of dots. In the pupa they are concealed by the tergites, which overlap the sternites. Fig. 67 represents the pupa state, w'here the bod}^ has become much shorter, and the appendages of the head and thorax gi-eatly differentiated ; the external genital organs are whoU}^ retracted within the cavit}^ of the abdomen ; the head is freer from the body, and the whole btilk of the head and thorax together, in- cluding the appendages, greater than that of the abdomen. These changes of form, assumed by the insect in its passage from the larva to the pupa state, are nearly as striking as the so-called " h3'permetamorphosis " of Meloe and Sitaris described by Newport and Fabre. (I, mesoscutellum ; 79, cl}'- peus ; 9, maxillifi with the palpi ; r, lingua.) We have also observed similar changes in the semi-pupa of a Tineid larva, which we found in the mud-cells of Odi/nerus alhophaleratus. There were over a dozen specimens in ditferent stages of growth from the larva to the pupa, which were but partially paralyzed by the well-directed sting of the intelligent wasp, so that some continued to transform into perfect pupse. The following changes were noticed : the larva straightened out, and became a little shorter, the prothoracic ring remaining the same ; the head of the pupa being beneath it ; the meso- 68 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. thoracic ring enlarged, swelling and rounding above and on the sides, and with this increase in size drawing the meta-thorax forwards. Tlie first visible portion of tlie pupa beneath is the mesothorax. Tlie thoracic legs of the larva are now con- stricted at their base, and have become useless. In the next stage, the most important change noticed is in the metathorax, which now becomes broadly heart-shaped. In a succeeding stage, the whole thorax bulges out, and is much larger and clearly distinguished from the head and abdomen. The prothorax of the larva disappears, and that of the pupa takes its place. The occiput of the pupa, just before the larva- skin is thrown off, can be distinctl}' seen under the larval occi- put, pushing aside each half of the latter. In the last stage of Bomb us just before the imago leaves its cell, the body and limbs are surrounded by a thin pellicle. This pellicle also envelops the moth, just before it leaves the pupal state, and is cast off when it moults the pupa-skin. This is probably identical with the skin cast by the active subimago of Ephemera, soon after it has taken its flight. Westwood also considers this subimago skin identical with that covering the bodies of coarctate Diptera, as in Eristalis. Newport states, that when the imago of S2Mnx is about to cast off the pupa-skin the abdominal segments are elongated beyond their original extent, this being the first part of the insect that is entirely freed from its attachment Avithin the pupa-case. After this the thorax slits down, and the body is drawn out of the rent. In the Butterfl}^ the wings mature in a few moments, but those of SjyJiinx being thicker, require two or tlu'ee hours. Newport (Philosophical Transactions, London, 1832 and 1834) has detailed with great minuteness the internal changes of Sphhix ligustri while transforming. The most marked changes are in the nervous and digestive systems. Several anomalous modes of metamorphosis have been ob- served, one in Diptera and the other in Sitaris and Meloe. The development of the latter insect will be noticed beyond. Sir John Lubbock has described the singular metamorphosis of Lonclioj)tera, which he considers to be allied to Sargus, though the adult stages differ greatly. The larvse are oblong TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE INSECT. 69 ovate, flattened, with four long setae in front and two behind, with the sides of the body euuirginate and spinuhited. They were found under logs. ''Wlien the larva is full grown, it de- taches itself from the skin, which retains its fcrni, and within which the insect changes into a white opaque tleshy grub con- sisting apparently of thirteen segments which gradually dimin- ish in size from one end to the other. There are no limb-cases. According to analogy the pupa should be 'incomplete;' it is probable, therefore, that the legs and wings make their appear- ance at a later stage. If this be so the })erfect form is only attaineil after passing through three well-marked stages. I re- «ret, however, that the specimens at mj' disposal did not enable me to decide this point." (Trans. Ent. Soc. London, Third iSer. i, 1862.) Ilaliday states that Thrips goes through a proiwpa and pupa stage. There are five well-defined stages in the Ilomopterous O Tjiphlocyba, and more than three in Apliis. Yersin has noticed . several stages in the development of Gryllus canqjestris, and the genus Psocus has four such stages. The duration of the different stages varies with the changes of the seasons. Cold and dam}) weather retards the process of transformation. Ee'aumur kept the pupa of a Butterfly two years in an ice-house before, on being removed to a warm i)lace, it changed to a butterfly. Chrysalids survive great alter- nations of heat and cold ; they may be frozen stif!' on ice, and then, on ])eing gradually exposed to the heat, thaw out and finish their transformations. Retrofjrade Decelopmeitt. There are certain degradational forms among the lowest members of each group of Insects wliicli imitate the group beneath them. The Tarcligmdcs (which are considered by some authors to be allied to the Mites) are mimicked b}- the low parasitic worm-like Demodex foUiculorum ; the low Neuroptera, such as Lepisma. imitate the Myriopoda ; and the wingless Lice remind ns of the larvaj of the Neuropter- ous Hemerobius. Among the Coleoptera, the history of Stylops affords a strik- ing example. The active six-footed larva is transformed into the strange bag-like female which takes on the form of a cylin- drical sac, the head and thorax being consolidated into a 70 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. minute flattened portion. The process of degradation here seems carried out to its farthest limit. Tims the degraded forms of the lower series of Hexapods- take on a Myriopod aspect. In the more highly cephalized Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera the degraded forms are modelled on a higher articulate type. The idea of a divis- ion into three regions is involved. Thus the wingless forms of Flies, such as the Bird-louse, Nirmus; the Bat-tick, Nycte- rihia ; the Bee-louse, Braula; and Chionea resemble strikinglj'" the biregional Arachnids. In the wingless female of Orgyia ahd the Canker-worm moth, the head is free, but the thorax is merged into the abdomen. The resemblance to the lower insects is less striking. The worker ants and wingless Ichneumons, PezomacJius, still more strictly adhere to the type of their suborder, and in them the triregional form of the body persists. Among the first of the examples here cited we have seen the workings of a law, by which most degraded forms of insects (and this law is exerted with greater force in Crustacea) tend to revert to the worm-like, or, as we may call it, the archetyjjal, form of all Articulata. We have seen that many winged forms mimic the groups above them, whereas the wingless degraded species revert to a worm-like form. In either case, the progress is towards a higher or a lower form. The latter is the more exceptional, as the evolution and growth of all animals is upwards towards a more specialized, differentiated form. The Imago. After completing its transformations the adult insect immediately seeks to provide for the propagation and continuance of the species. The sexes meet, and, soon after, the male, now no longer of use in the insect economy, jDerishes. The female hastens to lay her eggs either in, upon, or near what is to be the food of the young, and then dies. This period generally occurs in the summer and autumn, and during the winter the species is mostly represented b}- the egg alone. Rarely does the adult insect hibernate, but in many species the pupa hibernates to disclose the adult in early summer. The larva seldom, as such, lives through the winter. Re'aumur kept a virgin butterfly for two years in his hot- house. From this it would seem that the duration of the life GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 71 of an insect maj^ be in this way greatly prolonged. Most in- sects live one year. Ilatcliing from the egg in early summer, they pass through the larva state, and in the autumn become pupiv, to appear as imagos for a few days or weeks in the succeeding sunnner. ]\Iany Lepidoptera are double-brooded, and some have even three broods, while the parasitic insects such as Lice and Fleas, and many Flies, keep up a constant succession of broods. Warmth, Mr. R. C. R. Jordan remarks in the Ento- mologists' Monthly Magazine, has much to do with rapidity of development, as insects may be forced artificially into hav- ing a second l)rood during the same season. Some Coleoptera, such as the Lamellicoi-ns, are supposed to live three years in the larva state, the whole time of life being four years. The Cockchafer {Melolontha) of p:urope is three years in an-iving at the perfect state, and the habits of the Goldsmith Beetle {Cotalpa lanigem), according to Rev, Samuel Lockwood (American Naturalist, vol. 2, p. 186), and of the June Beetle, and allied genera, are probably the same. Geographical Distribution. The insect-fauna of a coun- try comprises all the insects found within its limits. The Polar, Temperate, and Tropical zones each have their distinct insect-fauna, and each continent is inhabited by a distinct assemblage of insects. It is also a curious ftict that the insect- fauna of the east coast of America resem1)les, or has many an- alogues in, that of the Eastern hemisphere, and the west coast of one repeats the characteristics of the west coast of the other. Thus some California insects are either the same spe- cies or analogues {i.e. representative species) of European ones, and the Atlantic coast affords forms of which the ana- logues are found in Eastern Asia and in India. This is corre- lated with the climatic features which are repeated on alternate sides of the two hemispheres. The limits of these faunae are determined by temperature and natural boundaries, i. e. the ocean and mountain ranges. Thus the insect-fauna of the polar regions is much the same in Europe, Asia, and North America ; certain widely spread polar species being common to all three of these continents. When we ascend high mountains situated in the temperate 72 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. zone, whose siuuuiits nearly reach the snow-line, we find a few insects whicli are the same or very similar to those of the polar regions ; such an assemblage is called an Alpine fauna. The insect-fauna of each great continent may be divided into an Arctic, or polar, a Temperate, and a Tropical fauna, and an Alpine fauna if there are mountains in the warm latitudes which reach near the snow-line. Mountain barriers, inland seas, des- erts, and peculiarities in the flora (or collection of plants peculiar to a certain district), are boundaries of secondary importance in limitiug the distribution of species. On the other hand insects are diffused by winds, rivers, oceanic currents, and the agency of man. By the latter im- portant means certain insects become cosmopolitan. Certain injurious insects become suddenly abundant in newly cultivated tracts. The balance of nature seems to be disturbed, and insects multiplying rapidly in newly settled portions of the country, become terrible pests. In the course of time, how- ever, they seem to decrease in numbers and moderate their attacks. Insect-faunae are not limited by arbitrary boundaries, but fade into each other by insensible gradations corresponding in a general way to the changes of the temperature of different portions of the district they inhabit. The subject of the geographical distribution of insects, of which we have as yet but given the rudiments, may be studied to great advantage in North America. The Arctic insect-fauna comprises Greenland, the arctic American Archipelago, and the northern shores of the continent beyond the limit of trees. A large proportion of the insects found in this region occur in arctic I^urope and arctic Asia, and are hence called circum- polar, while other species are indigenous to each country. Again, the arctic fauna of Labrador and Hudson's Bay differs from that of the arctic portions of the region about Behring's Straits, certain species characterizing one side of the continent being replaced by representative species which inhabit the opposite side. The Alpine fauna of the White Mountains consists, besides a very few peculiar to them, of circumpolar species, which are now onl}' found in Labrador and Greenland, and which are GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Hi •supposed to 1)0 ivlifs of :i glacial fauna Avliich formorl}^ inhal> ited the uortliorn part of the temperate zone, and in former times followed the retreat of a glacial, or arctic climate from the low-lands to the Alpine summits. These i)atches, or out- liers, of an Arctic fauna, containing however a preponderance of subarctic forms, also occur in the colder parts of New England. The subaictic fauna is spread over British North America, stretching north-westerl}' from the interior of Labrador and the northern shores of the St. Lawrence, following the course of the isothermal lines which run in that direction, and north of which no cereals grow. There are subarctic forms Avhich inhabit the shores of the Ba^- of Fundy, especially about Eastport, JIaine, where the fogs and cold arctic marine currents lower jhe climate. Dr. J. L. Leconte, in a paper on the Coleoptera of Kansas and Eastern New Mexico (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowl- ■edge), thus subdivides the Coleopterous fauna of the United States, and gives a useful map to which the reader is referred. "The whole region of the United States is divided by merid- ional, or nearly meridional lines into three, or perhaps four, great zoological districts, distinguished each by numerous peculiar genera and species, Avhich, with but few exceptions, do not extend into the contiguous districts. The eastern one of these extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the arid prairies on the west of Iowa, IMissouri, and Arkansas, thus embracing (for convenience merely) a narrow strip near the sea-coast of Texas. This narrow strip, however, belongs more properly to the eastern province of the tropical zoological district of ^Mexico. "The central district extends from the western limit of the eastern district, perhaps to the mass of the Sierra Nevada of California, including Kansas, Nebraska, Utah, Ncav Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. Except Arizona, the entomological fauna of the portion of this district Avest of the Rocky Mountains, and in fact that of the mountain region proper, is entirely un- known ; and it is very probable that the region does in reality constitute two districts bounded by the Rocky Mountains, and the southern continuation thereof. 74 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. "The western district is the maritime slope of the continent to the Pacific, and thus includes California, Oregon, and Wash- ington Territories. "Tliese great districts are divided into a number of prov- inces, of unequal size, and which are limited by changes in climate, and therefore sometimes distinctly, sometimes vaguely defined." "The method of distribution of species in the Atlantic and Pacific districts, as already observed by me in various memoirs, is entirely difterent. In the Atlantic district, a large number of species are distributed over a large extent of country ; many species are of rare occurrence, and in passing over a distance of several hundred miles, but small variation will be found in the species obtained. In the Pacific district, a small number of species are confined to a small region of country ; most species occur in considerable numbers, and in travelling even, one hundred miles, it is found that the most abundant species- are replaced by others, in many instances very similar to them ; these small centres of distribution can be limited only after careful collections have been made at a great number of locali- ties, and it is to be hoped that this very interesting and im- portant subject of investigation may soon receive proper atten- tion from the lovers of science of our Pacific shores. ' ' In the Central district, consisting, as it does to a very- large extent, of deserts, the distribution seems to be of a mod- erate number of species over a large extent of country, with a considerable admixture of local species ; such at least seems ta be the result of observations in Kansas, Upper Texas, and Arizona." There are a very few species which range from New England to Brazil, and fewer still (Xyleutes robini(e, according to Bois- duval, is found in California) range from New England to California. Junonia coenia, according to authors, is found both in the Southern States and California, and Pyrrharctia Isabella of the Eastern States would be easily confounded with P. Cali- fornica. Variation. Islands afford more variable forms than conti- nents ; the Madeiran insects and those of Great Britain vary more than the same species found on the continent of Europe* GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 75 A species spread through two zones of temperature also vaiies ; many European species, according to McLachlan, becoming "melanized" in going northward, while others become paleit Such varieties have been (le.seril)ed as dillereut species. Mr. Alfred Wallace finds that the most constant forms of species are those the most limited in their geograi)hical ranoe as to a particular island, while those species, which range oAer a large part of the Malayan Arehipelago, vary very consider- ably. It is a general rule throughout the animal and vegetable world, that the most widely spread species are those capable of withstanding the greatest climatic changes, and adapting them- selves to the greatest diversities of topography. While the most widely distributed species are thought to be the most variable, Mr. Scudder finds in the genus Chionobas that C. semidea, restricted to the summit of Mt. Washington varies almost as much as C. Oetio, which is circumpolar, being found both in Labrador and Northern Europe. Mr. Wallace (Transactions of the Linu^an Society, xxv, 1865, p. 14) mentions the following facts "as showing the special influence of locality in giving a peculiar fades to the several disconnected species that inhabit it." "On examining the closely allied species, local forms, and varieties distributed over the Indian and Malayan regions. 1 find that larger or smaller districts, or even single islands, gi^ e a special character to the majority of their Papilionidte. For instance: 1. The species of the Indian region (Sumatra, Java, and Borneo) are almost invariably smaller than the allied spe- cies inhabiting the Celebes and Moluccas ; 2. The species of New Guinea and Australia are also, though in a less degree, smaller than the nearest species or varieties of the Moluccas : 3. In the Moluccas themselves the species of Amboyna are larg- est ; 4. The species of Celebes equal or even surpass in size those of Amboyna ; 5. The species and varieties of Celebes possess a striking character in the form of the anterior wings, differing from that of the allied species and varieties of all the surrounding islands ; 6. Tailed species in India or the Indian i-egion become tailless as they spread eastward through the archipelago." Variety breeding. Varieties may be produced artificially; thus negro varieties of insects may be raised "from parent* 76 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. more or less tainted with melanism, and according to Knaggs, there is a "freauent recurrence of individuals wantinof a hind wing, which maj^ be noticed even at large in Macaria notata." "Few species are liable to the same extent of variation, and many apparentl^^ to none at all." Certain si:)ecies varj^ "ac- cording as they niay have reproduced, generation after gen- eration, on a chalk}^, peaty, gravelly, or other soil." Food also exerts an influence in inducing variation, according as cater- pillars of the same species feed on different plants ; this occurs most commonly in the Micro-lepidoptera. (Knaggs, in the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, London.) Introduced species of insects, like those of plants, often thrive more vigorouslv than the native forms. This is instanced by native insects which abound in unusual numbers in newl}' cleared districts where the former presence of forests and their natural foes kept them under. The Potato-beetle, Can- ker-worm, and CUsiocamixi must have lived formerl}' in mod- erate numbers on our native plants, where now countless hosts affect our introduced plants. Among species introduced from a foreign country we have only to instance the Hessian FI3', the AVheat-midge, the Coddling-moth, the Clothes-moth, the Apple Bark-louse, and the Grain-weevil. Mr. W. T. Brig- ham informs us that some of the most abundant insects in the Hawaiian Islands are introduced species carried by vessels from Europe. Vanessa Antiopa^ Pyrameis cardui, and P. Atalaiita, so abundant in this country, are supposed to be intro- duced butterflies. Aphodhis Jimetarius, found by us living in dung on Mt. Washington, is one of our most common beetles, and the Asparagus-beetle, introduced from Europe a few j-ears since, is commo;. in gardens in Eastern New York, while Mr. Walsh has recorded the appearance of the European Gooseberry Saw-Flj", which ravages the Gooseberry and Currant. Pieris rupee, the Cabbage-butterfly, introduced from Europe into Quebec about 1859, soon became abundant within a circle of forty miles radius about that city, and has even spread into ]Maine and Vermont along the railroads leading from Quebec. Insect Years. There are insect years as well as "apple years," seasons when insects most abound. Every collector knows that there are certain years when a particular species of GEOLOGICAL DLSTRIBUTION. 77 insect is unusually common. The Army-worm, Leuccmia laii- puncta,, swarms in countless numbers in a summer followinii a dr}' and warm spring. After a cold and rainy spring, insects are less abundant. Mr. F. Smith remarks that in P^ngland the summer and autumn of 1860 were unusually wet, which dis- abled the bees, wasps, and fossorial hymenoptera generally, in building their nests. AVe know how ants are hindered from building their nests hy rain, and in a very rainy season num- bers probalil}' die. A succession of rainj' seasons caused the Andrem\?, or Spring bees, to disappear from the vicinity of London. While a severe winter, if the cold be continuous, is not injurious to insects, mild periods in winter, when it is warm enough to rouse them from torpidity, are as fatal to insects as to vegetation, should severe cold immediately follow. Geological Distribution. The geological distribution of insects corresponds generally with that of other animals » though insect-remains are few in number, owing naturall}- to the difficulty with which their fragile forms are preserved in the rocks. Professor C. F. Hartt has discovered near St. John, New Brunswick, the oldest insect-remains in the world. They occur in some plant-beds of the Upper Devonian forma- tion, and consist of six species of Neuroptera. Mr. Scudder, who has referred to them in vol. 1 of the American Naturalist, states that with the exception of one or two Ephemeridie, or May-flies, thej^ mostty represent families which are now extinct. He describes a gigantic Maj'-fl}^, Platepliemera antiqua (PI. 1, fig. 3) ; Litlientomnm Harttii (PI. 1, fig. 5) ; Homothetus fossi- lis (PI. l,fig. 7) ; and Xenoneura cmtiquorum which is supposed to bear a stridulating organ like that of the Grasshoppers, so that he "is inclined to believe there were chirping Neu- roptera in those days." Ascending to the Carboniferous rocks, insect-remains appear more abundant. At Morris, Illinois, haA^e been collected some remarkable forms. Among them are Miamia Bronsonii Dana (PI. 1, fig. 1), allied to the White Ants and Hemeristki occi- dentalis Dana, allied to Hemerobius and Chrysojya. From the same locality Mr. Har-i^c^r has described Arthrohjcosa antiqua (Fig. 68), a singular form with a jointed abdomen. 78 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. In the Coal-beds of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, sev- * eral interesting Myriopodous, Nenropterous J and Orthoptcrous insects have been found ; ^v {V among them a Cockroach, Archimnlacris ^0.. \\ jD Acadica (V\. 1.* fig. 2). In Europe, Car- boniferous insects have been discovered at Wettin, Saarbriick, etc. The insects from these two formations show a tendency to assume gigantic and strange shapes. They are also compre- Fig. 68. hensive types, combining the characters of different families and even different suborders. The most re- markable instance is the Eugereon Boeckingii Dohrn, from the Coal Formation of Germany. It has been referred by Dr. Hagen, with some doubt, to the Hemiptera, from its long im- mense rostrum into which all the mouth-parts are produced, the labium ensheathing them as usual in the Hemiptera. Its fore- legs are large and raptorial ; but the filiform many-jointed an- tennae, and the net-veined wings are Nenropterous characters. Hence Dohrn considers it as a comprehensive tj^e uniting * EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1. Fig. 1. Miamia lironsonii. A Nenropterous insect found in iron-stone concre- tions in the Carboniferous beds at Morris, Illinois. The figure is magnified one- thii-d, and has all its parts restored; the dotted lines indicate the parts not existing on the stone. Reduced from a figure in the Memoirs of the Boston Society of Nat- ural History, Vol. I. Fig. 2. Archimnlacris Acadica. Wing of a Cockroach observed by Mr. Barnes in the coal-formation of Nova Scotia. Fig. 3. I'latephemei-a antiqua. A gigantic May-fly obtained by Mr. Hartt in the Devonian rocks of New Brunswick. Fig. 4. Xyiobius sigillarite. The Mj-riopod (or Gally-wonn) found in the coal- formation of Nova Scotia, by J. W. Dawson. Copied from a figure in Dr. Dawson's Air-breathers of the Coal-period. Magnified. Fig. 5. Lithentomvm Hartii. A Neuropterous insect, the specimen first dis- covered by Mr. Hartt in the Devonian rocks of New Brunswick. This fossil, and those accompanying it, are the oldest insect-remains in the world. Fig. G. Three facets from the eye of an insect, considered by Dr. Dawson a Dragon-fly. It was found in coprolites of reptiles in the rocks containing the My» riopod, represented in Fig. 4. Copied from Dr. Dawson's figure, greatly magnified. Fig. 7. noinothetusfossilis. A Neuropterous insect from the Devonian rocks of New Brimswick ; it was discovered by Mr. Hartt. Fig. 8. Haplophlebiiim Barnesii. A curious Neuropterous insect, of large size, probably allied to our May-flies ; taken by Mr. Barnes from the coal of Cape Bre- ton. These figures, with the exception of 1, 4, and 6, are of life size, and borrowed from the new edition of Dr. Dawson's Acadian Geology. Plate 1 Fig. 1 I ig.a. Fig. 3. Fig. i. Fig. 5. Fijr. fi. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. '■"r ;-rf:v:»» V _i- .?■ ^-^ .-I'/zlj/Cv^^^^^"^!^-^ s^>«;f^ FOSSIL INSECTS. GEOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION. 79 the characters of the Neuroptera and Ilemiptera. It is a large insect, spreading about two inches ; its body must have measured over an inch in length. In the Mesozoic rocks, the celebrated Solenhofen locality' in Bavaria is rich in Liassic insect-remains. Dr. Hagen (Ento- mologist's Amuial, London, 18()2) states that among the Solen- hofen fossils the Neuroptera and Orthoptera are most largely' represented ; as out of four hundred and tifty species of insects, one hundred and fiftj' are Neuroptera, of which one hundred and thirty-six are Dragon-flies, and besides '■'there is a Cory- dalus, one Ch'ysopa, a large Ajyochrysd, and a l)enuti(nl iV^?Hp/ies. The last two genera, which do not seem very remote from Chrysopa^ are now found only in the Southern 3Iemi- sphere, Nymphes is peculiarly an Australian genus." The Lias of England is very rich in fossil insects, especially the Purbeck and Rhoetic Beds (see Brodie's Work on Fos- sil Insects and also Westwood in the Geological Journal, etc. Vol. X.). In the Trias, or New-Red Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, Professor Hitchcock has found numerous remains of the lar^'a of an aquatic Coleopterous insect. The insects of the Tertiary formation more closely resemble those of the present day. The most celebrated European locality is CEningen in Switzerland. According to Professor O. Heer, over five thousand specimens of fossil insects have been found at QSningen, comprising 844 species, of which 518 are Coleopterous. From all Tertiary Europe there are 1,322 species, as follows : 166 Hymenoptera, 18 Lepidoptera, 166 Diptera, 660 Coleoptera, 217 Ilemiptera, 39 Orthoptera, and 56 Neuroptera. "If we inquire to what insect-fauna of the present period the Tertiary- fauna is most analogous, we shall be surprised to lind that most of the species belong to genera actually- found in the old and the new world. The insect-fauna of CEningen con- tains 180 genera of this category-, of which 114 belong to the Coleoptera. Of these last, two {Dineufes and Caryhoriis) re- main in Europe, while all the others are now found living both in Europe and in America. The wliole number of Coleopterous genera furnished by CEningen, and known to me, amount to BO THE CLASS OF INSECTS. 158 ; those that are common to both hemispheres forming then- more than two-thirds of the whole number, while of the actual Coleopterous fauna of Europe, according to the calculatioii of M. Lacordaire, there is only one-third. The genera found to-day in both parts of the world have then during the Tertiary epoch pla^^ed a more important part than is the case now ; hence the knowledge of the character of the fauna is rendered more difficult. We find at Q^ningen but a ver}^ small number (live) of genera exclusively European ; seventeen are found to-daj^ in Europe, in Asia, and in Africa, but not in America. For the most part they belong to the Mediterranean fauna (comprising eight genera) and give to the insect-fauna of Qiningen a strong proportion of Mediterranean forms. In this fauna I only know of one exclusively Asiatic genus ; t^vo are peculiar to Africa, and two others {Anoplites and Naupactus) are American. "There are now living, however, in Europe certain genera which, without being exclusively American, since they are found in Asia and in Africa, belong more peculiarly to America ; such are Belostomurti^ Hypselonotus^ DipAonychus, Evagorus, Sten- opoda, Plecia, Caryhorus, and Dineutes. . . . The genera peculiar to our fauna of Tertiary insects amount to forty-four, of which twenty-one belong to the Coleoptera ; among the Orthoptera there is one, and six Hymenoptera, six Diptera, and eleven Hemiptera. They comprise 140 species." (Heer.) An apparently still richer locality for Tertiary insects has been discovered by Professor Denton west of the Rocky Moun- tains, near the junction of the White and Green Rivers, Colo- rado. According to Mr. Scudder "between sixty and seventy species of insects were brought home, representing nearl}^ all the different suborders ; about two-thirds of the species were Flies, — some of them the perfect insect, others the maggot-like larviie, — but, in no instance, did both imago and larva of the same insect occur. The greater part of the beetles were quite small ; there were three or four kinds of Homoptera (allied to the tree-hoppers). Ants of two different genera, and a poorly preserved Moth. Perhaps a minute Thnps, belonging to a group which has never been found fossil in any part of the world, is of the greatest interest." He thus sums up what is known of American fossil insects.. THE DISEASES OF INSECTS. 81 "The species of fossil insects now knoAvn from North America, number eighty-one : six of these belong to the Devonian, nine to the Carboniferous, one to the Triassic, and sixty-five to the Tertiary epochs. The Ilymonoptera, llomoptera, and Diptern occur only in the Tcrtiaries ; the same is true of the Lepidop- tera, if we exclude the Morris specimen, and of the Coleoptera, with one Triassic exception. The C)rth()i)tera and INIyriopods are restricted to the Carboniferous, while the Neuruptera occur both in the Devonian and Carboniferous formations." Mr Scudder describes from the Carboniferous formation of Nova Scotia, besides Xylobius sigiUariai Daws., four additional spe- cies (X. similis, fractus and Daivsoyii, and Archiulus xylohio- ides, n. g. and sp.), forming the family Archiulidoi. The Diseases of Insects have attracted but little atten- tion. They are so far as known mostl}' the result of the attacks of parasitic plants and animals, though epidemics are known to break out and carry ofi' myriads of insects. Dr. Shinier gives an account of an epidemic among the Chinch bugs, Avhich "was at its maximum during the moist warm weather that fol- lowed the Cvkl rains of June and the first part of July, 1865." Species of microscopic plants luxuriate in infinitesimal for- ests within the alimentary canal of some wood-devouring insects, and certain fungi attack those species which are exposed to dampness, and already enfeebled by other causes. Among tli-e true ent02)hyta, or parasitic plants, which do not however ordi- narily occasion the death of their host. Professor Leidj' describes Enterohryiis elegcms^ E. sjnndis, E. aUematus, Arthromitus cristatus, CladopJtytnm comatum, and Corynodadiis radiatiis, which live mostly attached to the mucous walls of the interior of the intestine of Julus manjinatus and two other species of Jidus, and Passalus cormitiis. Eccrina longa Leidy, lives in Polydesmus Virginiensis ; and E. moniliformis Leidy in P. gramdatus. But there are parasitic fungi that are largely destructive to their hosts. Such are Sj^haeria and Isaria. "These fungi grow with great rapidity within the body of the animal they attack, not only at the expense of the nutritive fluids of the latter, but, after its death, all the interior soft tissues appear 82 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. to be converted into one or more aerial receptacles of spores." (Leidy.) These fungi, so often infesting caterpillars, are hence called "caterpillar fungi." They fill the whole body, distend- ing even the legs, and tlu'ow out long filaments, sometimes longer than the larva itself, giving a grotescjue appearance to the insect. Leidy lias found a species which is verj- common in the Seventeen-3'ear Locust, Cicada septendecim. He fomid "among mj-riads of the imago between twelve and twenty specimens, which, though living, had the posterior third of the abdominal contents converted into a drj^ powder}-, ochreous- yellow, compact mass of sporuloid bodies." He thinks this Cicada is very subject to the attacks of these fungi, and that the spores enter the anal and genital passages more readily than the mouth ; thus accounting for their development in the abdomen. The most formidable disease is the ^'- Muscardine" caused by a fungus, the Botrytus Bassiana of Balsamo. It is well known that this disease has greatly reduced the silk crop in Europe. Balbiani has detected the spores of this fungus in the eggs of Bomhyx mori as well as in the different parts of the body of the insect in all stages of growth. Extreme cleanliness and care against contagion must be observed in its prevention. Among plants a disease like Muscardine, due to the presence of a minute fungus {Mticor meUitophorns) , fills the stomach of some insects, including the Honey-bee, with its colorless spores, and greatly weakens those affected. Another fungus, Sporendonema muscce, infests the common House-fly. Another Silk-worm disease called '•'• Pehrine^'" carries off many silk- worms. Whether it is of pathological or vegetable origin is not yet settled. I'here are also a few intestinal worms known to be para- isitic in insects. The well-known "Hair-worm" {Gordins) in its young state lives witliin tlie body of various insects in- cluding the Spiders. The tadpole-like young differs greatly from the parent, being short, sac-like, ending in a tail. Upon leaving the egg they work their way into the body of insects, and there live on the fatty substance of their hosts, where the^'^ undergo their metamorphosis into the adult hair-like worm, and make their way to the pools of water in which thej- live THE DEFORMITIES OF INSECTS . 83 and beget their species, and lay " millions of eggs connected together in long cords." Leidy thus writes regarding the habits of a species which infests grasshoppers. "The number of Gordii in each insect varies from one to five, their length from three inches to a foot ; they occupy a position in the visceral cavity, where they lie coiled among the viscera, and often extend from the end of the abdomen forward through the thorax even into the head ; their bulk and weight are fre- quently greater than all the soft parts, including the muscles, of their living habitation. Nevertheless, with this relatively inunense mass of parasites, the insects jump about almost as freely as those not infested. "The worms are milk-white in color, and undivided at the •extremities. The females are distended with ova, but I have never observed them extruded. When the bodies of Grass- hoppers, containing these entozoa, are broken and lain upon moist earth, the worms gradually creep out and pass below its -surface." Goureau states that Filaria, a somewhat similar worm, in- habits Hihernki hrumata and Vanessa prorsa. (Ann. Ent. Soc. France.) Siebold describes Gordius s^ibbifurcus which infests the Honey-bee, especially the drones, though it is rather the w-ork- ers, which frequent the pools where the Gordii live, that we would expect to find thus infested. Another entozoan is Jfer- mis albicans of Siebold, which is a vei'y slender whitish worm much like Gordius, and about five inches long. It is found in the drone of the honey-bee and in some other insects. Deformities of Insects. Numerous instances of supernume- rary legs and antennae are recorded. The antenna are some- times double, but more commonly the legs. "Of these As- muss has collected eight examples, and it is remarkable that in six of them the parts on one side are treble." Newport, from whom we have quoted, states that "the most remarkable ex- ample is that given by Lefebvre of Scarites Pyrachmon in which from a single coxa on the left side of the prosternum two tro- chanters originated. The anterior one, the proper trochanter, supported the true prothoracic leg ; while the posterior one, in the form of an oblong lanceolate body, attached to the base of 84 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. the first, supported two additional legs equally well formed as the true one." The wings are often partially aborted and deformed ; this is especially noticeable in the wings of butterflies and moths. Mr. F. G. Sanborn has described and figured aAvingof a female of Libelhda luctuosa Burm. (Fig. 69), in Avhich among other deformities "the ptero- ^'^- ^^- stigma is shorter and broader than that of the opposite wing, and is situated about one-eighth of .an inch only from the nodus, only one cubital vein occurring between them, instead of fourteen as in the opposite wing." (Proceed- ings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. xi, p. 326.) Directions for Collecting and Preserving Insects. Insects differ sexually in that the female generally appears to- have one abdominal ring less (one ring disappearing during the semi-pupa state, when the ovipositor is formed), and in being larger, fuller, and duller colored than the males, while the lat- ter often differ in sculpture and ornamentation. In collect- ing, whenever the two sexes are found united they should be pinned upon the same pin, the male being placed highest. When we take one sex alone, we ma}^ feel suio that the other is somewhere in the vicinity ; perhaps while one is flying about so as to be easily captured, the other is hidden inider some leaf, or resting on the trunk of some tree near hy, which must be examined and ever}^ bush in the vicinity A'igorousl}' beaten by the net. Many species rare in most places have a metropolis where they occur in great abundance. During seasons when his favorites are especially abundant the collector should lay up a store against years of scarcity. At no time of the year need the entomologist rest from his labors. In the winter, under the bark of trees and in moss he can find many species, or on trees, etc., detect their eggs, which he can mark for observation in the spring when they hatch out. He need not relax his endeavors day or night. Mothing is night employment. Skunks and toads entomologize at night. Early in the morning, at sunrise, when the dew is still on the leaves, insects are sluggish and easily taken with the hand ; COLLECTING AND PRESERVING INSECTS. 85 SO at dusk, when many species are found flying, and in the night, the collector will be rewarded with many rarities, many species flying then that hide themselves by day, while many caterpillars leave their retreats to come out and feed, when the lantern can be used with success in searching for them. WoUaston (Entomologist's Annual, 1865) states that sandy districts, especially towards the coast, are at all times prefer- able to clayey ones, but the intermediate soils, such as the loamy soil of swamps and marshes are more productive. Near the sea, insects occur most abundantly beneath pebbles and otlior objects in grassy spots, or else at the roots of plants. In many places, especially in Alpine tracts, as we have found on the summit of Mt. Washington and in Labrador, one has to lie down and look carefully among the short herbage and in the moss for Coleoptera. The most advantageous places for collecting are gardens and farms, the borders of woods and the banks of streams and ponds. The deep, dense forests, and open, treeless tracts are less prolific in insect life. In winter and early spring the moss on the trunks of trees, when carefully shaken over a newspaper or white cloth, reveal man}' beetles and liymenoptcra. In the late summer and autumn, toadstools and various fungi and rot- ten fruits attract many insects, and in earl}' spring when the sap is running we have taken rare insects from the stumps of freshly cut hard- wood trees. WoUaston says, " Dead animals, partially-dried bones, as well as the skins of moles and other vermin which are ordinarily hung up in fields are magnificent traps for Coleoptera ; and if any of these be placed around or- chards and inclosures near at home, and be examined every morning, various species of Xitidiilci', Silphidfv, and other insects of similar habits, are certain to be enticed and cap- tured. "Planks and chippings of wood may l>e likewise employed as successful agents in alluring a vast number of species which might otherwise escape our notice, and if these be laid down in grassy places, and carefully inverted ever}' now and then with as little violence as possible, many insects will be found adhering beneath them, especially after dewy nights and in showery weather. Nor must we omit to urge the importance 86 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. of examining the under sides of stones in the vicinity of ants* nests, in which position, during the spring and summer months^ many of the rarest of our native Coleoptera may be occasion- ally procured." Excrementitious matter always contains many interesting forms in various stages of growth. The trunks of fallen and decaying trees offer a rich harvest for many wood-boring larvfe, especially the Longicorn beetles, and weevils can be found in the spring, in all their stages. Nu- merous carnivorous Coleopterous and Dipterous larvae dwell within them, and other larvae which eat the dust made by the borers. The inside of pithy plants like the elder, raspberry, blackberry, and syringa, are inhabited by many of the wild bees, Osmia, Ceratina, and the wood-wasps, Crabro, Stigmusy. etc., the habits of which, with those of their Chalcid and Ich- neumon parasites, offer endless amusement and study. Ponds and streams shelter a vast throng of insects, and should be diligently dredged with the water-net, and stones- and pebbles should be overturned for aquatic beetles, He- miptera, and Dipterous larvae. The various sorts of galls should be collected in spring and' autumn and placed in vials or boxes, where they may be rear- ed, and the rafters of out-houses, stone-walls, etc., should be carefully searched for the nests of Mud-wasps. Collecting Apparatus. First in importance is the net. This is made by attaching a ring of brass wire to a handle made to slide on a pole six feet long. The net may be a foot in diameter, and the bag itself made of thin gauze or mosquito- netting (the finer, lighter, and more durable the better), and should be about twenty inches deep. It should be sewed to a nanow border of cloth placed around the wire. A light net like this can be rapidly turned upon the insect with one hand. The insect is captured b}' a dexterous twist which also throws, the bottom over the mouth of the net. The insect should be temporarily held between the thumb and fore-finger of the hand at liberty, and then pinned through the thorax while in the net. The pin can be drawn through the meshes upon opening the net. The heating-net should be made much stouter, with a shal- lower cloth bag and attached to a shorter stick. It is used for beating trees, bushes, and herbage for beetles and Hemiptera COLLECTING AND PKESERVING INSECTS. 87 and various larv«j. Its tlioroiigh use wc would recommend in the low vegetation on nioinitains and in meadows. The ivater- net may l)e either round or of the shape indicated in Fig. 70. The ring should be made of brass, and the shallow net of grass-cloth or coarse millinet. It is used for collecting aqua- tic insects. Various sorts of forceps are indispen- Fig. 70. gable for handling insects. Small delicate narrow-bladed for- ceps with fine sharp points in use by jewellers, and made either of steel or brass, are excellent for handling minute specimens. For larger ones long cur\ed forceps are ver}' con- venient. For pinning insects into boxes the forceps should be stout, the blades blunt and curved at the end so that the insect can be pinned without slanting the forceps much. The ends need to be broad and finely indented by lines so as to firmly hold the pin. With a little practice the forceps soon take the place of the fingers. They will have to be made to order by a neat workman or surgical-instrument maker. Some persons use the ordinary form of pliers with curved handles, but they should be long and slender. A spring set in to separate the handles when not grasped b}' the hand is a great convenience. Various pill-boxes, vials, and bottles must always be taken, some containing alcohol or whiskej-. Many collectors use a wide-mouth bottle, containing a sponge saturated with ether, chloroform, or benzine, or bruised laurel leaves, the latter be- ing pounded with a hammer and then cut with scissors into small pieces, which give out exhalations of prussic acid strong enough to kill most small insects. Besides these the collector needs a small box lined with corn-pith, or cork, and small enough to slip into the coat- pocket ; or a larger box carried by a strap. Most moths and small flies can be pinned alive without being pinched (which injures their shape and rubs off the scales and hairs), and the* killed by pouring a little benzine into the bottom of the box. Killing Insects for the Cabinet. Care in killing affects very sensibly the looks of the cabinet. If hastil}- killed and dis- torted by being pinched, with the scales rubbed off and other- wise mangled, the value of such a specimen is diminished 88 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. either for purposes of study or the neat appearance of the col- lection. besides the vapor of ether, chloroform, and benzine, the fumes of sulphur readil}' kill insects. Large specimens may be killed by inserting a pin dipijed in a strong solution of ox- alic acid. An excellent collecting bottle is made by putting into a wide-nioulli bottle two or three small pieces of cyanide of potassium, which may be covered with cotton, about half- filling the ])ottle. The cotton may be covered with paper lightly attached to the glass and pierced with pin-holes ; this keeps the insect from being lost in the bottle. For Diptera, Loew recommends moistening the bottom of the collecting box with creosote. This is excellent for small flies and moths, as the mouth of the bottle can be placed over the insect while at rest ; the insect flies up into the bottle and is immediately suffocated. A bottle well prepared will, accordnig to Laboulbine, last several months, even a year, and is vastly superior to the old maans of using ether or chloroform. He states, "■the incon- A enience of taking small insects from a net is ^vell known, as the most valuable ones usually escape ; but b}' placing the end of the net, filled with insects, in a wide-mouthed bottle, and putting in the cork for a few minutes, they will be suff"ocated." Pinning Insects. The i)in should be inserted through the thorax of most insects. The Coleoptera, however, should be pinned through the right wing-cover ; many Hemiptera are best pinned through the scutellum. The specimens should all be pinned at an equal height, so that about one-fourth of the pin should project above the insect. The best pins are those made in Berlin by Klager. They are of five sizes. No. 1 being the smallest; Nos. 1, 2, and 5 are the most convenient. For very minute insects still smaller pins are made. A very good but too short pin is made b}- Edles- ton and Williams, Crown Court, Cheapside, London. Their Nos. 19 and 20 may be used to impale minute insects upon, and then stuck through a l)it of cork, or pith, through which a No. 5 Klager pin may be thrust. Then the insect is kept out of the reach of devouring insects. Still smaller pins are made by cutting off bits of very fine silvered wire at the right length, which may be thrust by the forceps into a piece of pith, after the insects have been impaled upon them. COLLECTING AND PRESERVING INSECTS. 89 Small insects, especially beetles, mti}- be mounted on cards 'Or piecos of mica tluoui^li which the pin may be thrust. The French use small oblong bits of mica, with the posterior half covered with green paper on which the number ma}' be placed. The insect may be gummed on the clear part, tlu; two s(^\es to- gether. The under side can be seen through the thin mica. Others i)refer triangular pieces of card, across the end of which the insect ma}' be gummed, so that nearly the whole un- der side is visible. jMr. Wollaston advocates gumming small Coleoptera upon cards. Instead of cutting the pieces of cards first, he gums them promiscuously upon a sheet of card-board. "Having gummed thickly a space on your card-board equal to, at least, the entire specimen when expanded, place the beetle upon it, drag out the limbs with a pin, and, leaving it to dry, go on with the next one that presents itself. As the card has to be cut after- wards around j'our insect (so as to suit it), there is no advan- tage in gumming it precisel}' straight upon your frame, — though it is true that a certain amount of care in this respect lessens your after labor of cutting-off very materially. When 3'our frame has been filled, and you are desirous of separating the species, cut out the insect with finely pointed scissors." For mending broken insects, i. e. gumming on legs and an- tenuiie which have fallen off", inspissated ox-gall, softened with a little water, is the best gum. For gumming insects upon cards Mr. AYoUaston recommends a gum ''composed of three parts of tragacanth to one of Arabic, both in powder ; to be mixed in water containing a grain of corrosive sublimate, without which it will not keep, until of a consistency just thick enough to run. As this gum is of an extremely absorbent nature, nearly a fortnight is required before it can I)e properly made. The best plan is to keep add- ing a little Avater (and stirring it) every few days until it is of the proper consistency. It is advisable to dissolve the grain of corrosive sublimate in the water which is poured Jirst upon the gum." Preservative Fluids. The best for conunon use is alco- hol, diluted with a little water ; or whiskey, as alcohol of full strength is too strong for caterpillars, etc., since it shrivels them 90 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. up. Glycerine is excellent for preserving the colors of cater- pilliirs, though the internal parts decay somewhat, and the specimen is apt to fall to pieces on being roughly handled. Laboulbene recommends for the preservation of insects in a. fresh state plunging them in a preservative fluid consisting of alcohol with an excess of arsenious acid in fragments, or the common white arsenic of commerce. A pint and a half of al- cohol will take about fourteen grains (troy) of arsenic. The living insect, put into tills preparation, absorbs about xo^ao of it'S own weight. When soaked in this liquor and dried, it will be safe from the ravages of Moths, A)dhrenas, or Dennestes. Tins li(|uld will not change the colors of blue, green, or red beetles if dried after soaking from twelve to twenty-four hours. He- miptera and Orthoptera can be treated in the same way. A stay of a month in this arseniated alcohol mineralizes the insect, so that it appears very hard, and, after drying, becomes glazed with a white deposit wliich can, however, be Avashed off with alcohol. In this state the specimens become too hard for dissection and study, but will do for cabinet specimens designed for permanent exhibition. Another preparation recommended by Laboulbene is alcohol containing a variable quantity of corrosive sublimate, but the latter has to be weighed, as the alcohol evaporates easilj^ the liquor becoming stronger as it gets older. The strongest solu- tion is one part of corrosive sublimate to one hundred of alco- hol ; the weakest and best is one-tenth of a part of corrosive sublimate to one hundred parts of alcohol. Insects need not re- main in this solution more than two hours before drying. Both of these preparations are very poisonous and should be handled with care. The last-named solution preserves specimens from mould, which will attack pinned insects during damp summers. A very strong brine will preserve insects until a better liquor can be procured. Professor A. E. Verrill recommends two sim- ple and cheap solutions for preserving, among other specimens, the larvaa of insects " witli their natural color and form remark- ably perfect." The first consists of two and a half pounds of common salt and four ounces of nitre dissolved in a gallon of water, and filtered. Specimens should be prepared for perma- nent preservation in this solution by being previously immersed COLLECTING AND PKESERVING INSECTS. 91 in a solution consisting of a quart of the first solution and two ounces of arseniate of potash and a gallon of water. (Pro- ceedings Boston Society Nat. Hist., vol. x, p. 257.) The nests, cocoons, and chrysalids of insects may be pre- servfed from injury from other insects by being soaked in the arseniated alcohol, or dipped into benzine, or a solutic^n of c;ir- bolic acid or creosote. Preparing Insects for the Cabinet. Dried insects may be moistened by laying them for twelve or twenty-four hours in a box containing a layer of wet sand, covered with one thick- ness of soft paper. Their wings can then be easily spread. Setting-boards for spreading the wings of insects may be made by sawing deep grooves in a thick board, and placing a strip of pith or cork at the bottom. The groove may be deep enougli to allow a quarter of the length of the pin to project above the insect. The setting-board usuall}- consists of thin parallel strips of board, leaving a groove between them wide enough to receive the body of the insect, at the bottom of Avhieh a strip of cork or pith should be glued. The ends of the strips should be nailed on to a stouter strip of wood, raising the surface of the setting-board an inch and a half so that the pins can stick through without touching. Several setting-boards can be made to form shelves in a frame covered with wire gauze, so that the specimens may be preserved from dust and destructive in- sects, while the air may at the same time have constant access to them. The surface of the board should incline a little to- wards the groove for the reception of the insect, as the wings often gather a little moisture, relax and fall down after the insect is dried. Moths of medium size should remain two or three days on the setting-board, Avhile the larger thick-bodied Sphinges and Bombycidce require a week to dry. The wings can be arranged by means of a needle stuck into a handle of wood. They should be set horizontally, and the front mar= gin of the fore-wings drawn a little forward of a line perpen- dicular to the body, so as to free the inner margin of the hind wings from the body, that their form may be distinctly seen. When thus arranged, they can be confined by pieces of card pinned to the board as indicated in figure 71, or, as we prefer, by square pieces of glass laid upon them. '92 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. After the insects have been thoroughly dried they should not be placed in the cabinet until after having been in quarantine to see that no eggs of Dennestes or Anthrenus, etc., have been deposited on them. For preserving dried insects in the cabinet Laboulbt-ne recommends plac- ing a rare insect (if a beetle or any Fig. 71. other hard insect) in water for an hour until the tissues be softened. If soiled, an insect can be cleansed under water with a fine hair-pencil, then submit it to a bath of arseniated alcohol, or, better, alcohol with corrosive sublimate. If the insect becomes prune-colored, it should be washed in pure alcohol several times. This method will do for the rarest insects ; the more common ones can be softened on wet sand, and then the immersion in the arseniated alcohol suffices. After an immersion of an hour or a quarter of an hour, according to the size of the insect, the pin is not affected by the corrosive sublimate, but it is better to unpin the insect previous to immersion, and then pin it when almost dr3\ For cleaning insects ether or benzine is excellent, applied with a hair-pencil ; though care should be taken in using these substances which are very inflammable. After the specimens are placed in the cabinet, they should be farther protected from destructive insects by placing in the drawers or boxes pieces of camphor wrapped in paper })erfo- rated by pin-holes, or bottles containing sponges saturated Avith benzine. The collection should be carefully examined ever}^ month ; the presence of insects can be detected by the dust beneath them. Where a collection is much infested with destructive insects, benzine should be poured into the bottom of the box or drawer, when the fumes and contact of the ben- zine with their bodies will kill them. The specimens them- selves should not be soaked in the benzine if possible, as it renders them brittle. Insect-cabinet. For permanent exhibition, a cabinet of shal- low drawers, protected by doors, is most useful. A drawer may be eighteen by twenty inches square, and two inches deep in the clear, and provided with a tight glass cover. For constant COLLECTING AND riiESERVlNG INSECTS. 93 use, boxes made of thin, well-seasoned wood, with tight-fitting covers, are indispensable. For Coleoptera, Dr. Leconte recom- mends that they be twelve by nine inches (inside measurement). For the larger Lepidoptera a little larger box is preferable. Others prefer boxes made in the form of books, which may be l>ut away like books on the shelves of the cabinet, though the cover of the box is apt to be in the way. The boxes and drawers should be lined with cork cut into thin slips for soles ; such slips come from the cork-cutter about twelve by four inches square, and an eighth of an inch thick. A less expensive substitute is paper stretched upon a frame. Mr. E. S. Morse has given in the American Naturalist (vol. I, p. 156) a plan which is very neat and useful for lining boxes in a large museum, and which are placed in horizontal show-cases (Fig. 72). "A box is made of the re- quired depth, and a light frame is fitted to its in- terior. Upon the upper and under surfaces of this frame, a sheet of white paper (di-awing or log- paper answers the pur- pose) is securel}' glued. rig- 72. The paper, having been previously dampened, in drying con- tracts and tightens like a drum-head. The frame is then secured about one-fourth of an inch from the bottom of the box, and the pin is forced down through the thicknesses of paper, and if the bottom of the box be of soft pine, the point of the pin ma}' be slightly forced into it. It is thus firmly held at two or thi-ee diflferent points, and all lateral movements are prevented. Other advantages are secured by this arrangement besides firmness ; when the box needs cleaning or fumigation, the entire collection may be removed by taking out the frame, or camphor, tobacco, or other material can be placed on the bottom of the box, and concealed from sight. The annexed figure represents a transverse section of a portion of the side and bottom of the box with the frame. A, A, box ; B, frame ; 94 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. P, P, upper and under sheets of paper ; C, space between lower sheet of paper and bottom of box." Other substitutes are the pith of various plants, es-pecially of corn ; and palm wood, and " inodorous felt " is used, being cut to fit the bottom of the box. Leconte recommends that ' ' for the purpose of distinguish- ing specimens from different regions, little disks of variously colored paper be used ; they are easily made by a small puncli, and should be kept in wooden pill-boxes ready for use ; at the same time a key to the colors, showing the regions em- braced by each, should be made on the fly-leaf of the catalogue of the collection." He also strongly recommends that the "specimens should all be pinned at the same height, since the ease of recognizing species allied in characters is greatly in- creased by having them on the same level." He also states that '-it is better, even when numbers with reference to a catalogue are emploj^ed, that the name of each species should be written on a label attached to the fii'st speci- men. Thus the eye is familiarized with the association of the species and its name, memory is aided, and greater power given of identifying species when the cabinet is not at hand." For indicating the sexes the astronomical sign ^ (Mars) is used for the male, and $ (Venus) for the female, and 9 for the worker. Transportation of Insects. While travelling, all hard-bodied insects, comprising many Hymenoptera, the Coleoptera, He- miptera, and many Neuroptera should be thrown, with their larvae, etc., into bottles and vials filled with strong alcohol. "When the bottle is filled new liquor should be poured in, and the old may be saved for collecting purposes ; in this way the specimens will not soften and can be preserved indefinitely, and the colors do not, in most cases, change. Leconte states that "if the bottles are in danger of being broken, the specimens, after remaining for a day or two in alcohol, may be taken out, partially dried by exposure to the air, but not so as to be brit- tle, and these packed in layers in small boxes between soft paper ; the boxes should then be carefully closed with gum- paper or paste, so as to exclude all enemies." Lepidoptera and Dragon-flies and other soft-bodied insects may be well preserved by placing them in square pieces of pa- REARING LARV^. 95 per folded into a triangular form with the edges overlapping. Put up thus, multitudes can be packed awa}' in tin boxes, and will bear transportation to any distance. In tropical climates, chests lined with tin should be made to contain the insect- boxes, which can thus be preserved against the ravages of white ants, etc. In sending live larvae by mail, they should be inclosed in Ut- ile tin boxes, and in sending dry specimens, the box should be light and strong, and directions given at the post-office to itamp the box lightly. In sending boxes by exi)ress they should be carefully packed in a larger box, having an inter- space of two inches, which can be filled in tightly with hay or crumpled bits of paper. Beetles can be wrapped in i)ieces of soft paper. Labels for alcoholic specimens should consist of parchment with the locality, date of capture, and name of collector written in ink. A temporary label of firm paper with the locality, etc., written with a pencil, will last for several years. Preservation of Larvae. Alcoholic specimens of Insects, in all stages of growth, are very useful. Few collections contain al- coholic specimens of the adult insect. This is a mistake. Many of the most important characters are effaced during the drying process, and for purposes of general study alcoholic speci- mens, even of Bees, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Dragon-flies are very necessary. Larvce, generally, may be well preserved in vials or bottles of alcohol. The}' should first be put into whiskey, and then into alcohol. If placed in the latter first, they shrivel and become distorted. Mr. E. Burgess preserves caterpillars witli the colors unchanged, by immersing them in boiling water thirty or forty seconds, and then placing them in equal parts of alcohol and water. It is well to collect larvae and pupae indiscriminate^, even if we do not know their adult forms ; we can approximate to them, and in some cases tell very exactly what they must be. Rearing Larvae. More attention has been paid to rearing Caterpillars than the 3'oung of any other suborder of insects, and the following remarks apply more particularly to them, but 56 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. very much the same methods may be pursued in rearing the larvae of Beetles, Flies, and Hymenoptera. Subterranean larvae have to be kept in moist earth, aquatic larvie must be reared in aquaria, and carnivorous larvae nuist be supplied with flesh. The larvsie of Butterflies are rare ; those of moths occur more frequently, while their imagos may be tcarce. In some years many larvae, which are usually rare, occur in abundance, and should then be reared in numbers. In hunting for caterpillars bushes should be shaken and beaten over newspapers or sheets, or an umbrella ; lierbage should be swept, and trees examined carefully for leaf-rollers and miners. The best specimens of moths and butterflies are obtained by rearing them from the egg, or from the larva or pupa. In confinement the food should be kept fresh, and the box well ventilated. Tumblers covered with gauze, pasteboard boxes pierced with holes and fitted with glass in the covers, or large glass-jars, are ver}^ convenient to use as cages. The bot- tom of such vessels may be covered with moist sand, in which the food-plant of the larva may be stuck and kept fresh for several days. Larger and more airy boxes, a foot square, with the sides of gauze, and fitted with a door, through which a bot- tle of water may be introduced, serve well. The object is to keep the food-plant fresh, the air cool, the larva out of the sun, and in fact everything in sucli a state of equilibrium that the larva will not feel the change of circumstances when kept in confinement. Most caterpillars change to pupse in the autumn ; and those which transform in the earth should be covered with eartli, kept damp by wet moss, and placed in the cellar until the following summer. The collector in seeking for larvae should carry a good number of pill-boxes, and especially a close tin box, in which the leaves may be kept fresh for a long time. The diiTerent forms and markings of caterpillars should be noted, and they should be drawn carefully together with a leaf of the food-plant, and the drawings and pupa skins, and per- fect insect, be numbered to correspond. Descriptions of cat- erpillars cannot be too carefully made, or too long. The relative size of the head, its ornamentation, the stripes and spots of the body, and the position and number of tubercles, and the hairs, or fascicles of hairs, or spines and spinules> ENTOMOLOGICAL WORKS. 97 which arise from Uiem, sliouki be noted, besides the general form of the body- The lines along the body are called dorsal, if in the middle of the back, subdorsal; if npon one side, lat- eral^ and ventral when on the sides and under surface, or stfg- matal if including the stigmata or breathing pores, which are generally parti-colored. Indeed, the wliole biography of an insect should be ascertained by the observer ; the points to be noted are : 1. Date, when and how the eggs are laid ; and number, size, and marking of the eggs. 2. Date of hatching, the appearance, food-plant of larva, and number of days between each moulting ; the changes the larva undergoes, which are often remarkable, especially before the last moulting, with drawings illustrative of these ; the hab- its of the larva, whether solitary or gregarious, whether a day or night feeder ; the Ichneumon parasites, and their mode of attack. Specimens of larvae in the different moultings should be preserved in alcohol. The appearance of the larvre when full-fed, the date, number of days before pupating, the forma- tion and description of the cocoon, the duration of larva in the cocoon before pupation, their appearance just before changing, their appearance while changing, and alcoholic specimens of larvte in the act, should all be studied and noted. 3. Date of pupation; description of the pupa or chrysalis; duration of the pupa state, habits, etc. ; together with alcoholic specimens, or pinned dry ones. Lepidopterous pupa should be looked for late in the summer or in the fall and spring, about the roots of trees, and kept moist in mould until the imago appears. Many Coleopterous pupae may also occur in mould, and if aquatic, under submerged sticks and stones, and those of borers under the bark of decaying trees. 4. Date when the insect escapes from the pupa, and method of escape ; duration of life of the imago ; and the number of broods in a season. Entomological Works. The titles of a few of the most im- portant works on Insects are given below. The more advanced student should, however, possess Dr. Hagen's Bibliotheca En- tomologica, 8vo, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1862-3, which contains a 7 yS THE CLASS OF INSECTS. complete list of all entomological publications np to the )'ear 1862. Besides these he should consult the annual reports on the progress of Entomology published in "NViegmann's Archiv fiir Naturgeschiclite, begun in 1834, and continued up to the present time ; and also Giinther's Zoological Record (8vo, Van Voorst, London), beginning with the j-ear 1864. Occasional articles are also scattered through the various government re- ports, and those of agricultural societies and agricultural papers. GENERAL WORKS. The works of Swammerdam, Malphighi, Leeuwenhoek, Lyonnet, Serres, Meckel, liatndohr-, Snckoiv, Merian, and Herbst. Beaumv}-, Rene Ant. de. Menioires pour serviral'Histoire des Insectes. Paris, 173-t -1742, 7 vols. 4to. yioesel. Aug. Joh. Der monatlich heraiisgegeben Insekten-Belustigung. Numberg, 174i5-17iil, + vols. 4to, illustrated. reer, Carl de. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire des Insectes, 1752-1778, 7 tc's. 4to. linmeus, Carolus. Systema Naturae, 173.i. 12th edition, 1766-1768. fabricius, .Toll. Cliriist. Systema Entomologise, 1775, 8vo. ■ Genera Inseotorum. 1777, 8vo. . Species Insectorum, 1781, 2 vols. 8vo. . Mantissa Insectorum, 1787, 2 vols. 8vo. . Entoniologia Systematica, 4 vols. 8vo, 1792-94. Cramer, P. Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde. 4 vols. 4to, i., . ^.-. StoU, Coaper. Supplement to Ci'amer's Papillons exotiques. 4to, Amsterdam 1787-91 Smith, J. E.. and Abbot, John. The Natural History of the Rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia. Fol. Plates. London, 1797. Zdtreille, Pierre Andre. Precis des caracteres generique des Insectes, 1796, 8vo. • Genera Crustaceoriuu et Insectorum, 4 vols. 8vo, 1806-1809. . . Consideration generales sur 1' Ordre naturel des Animaux composant les Classes des Crustaces, des Arachnides et des Insectes. . In Cuvier's Regne animal, 8vo, 1810. ■ Families naturelles du Regne animal, 8vo, 1825. Cours d' Entomologie, 8vo, 1831. Fabriciux, Othn. Fauna Groenlandica. Hafnias, 1780, 8vo. Contains LibeUula f»>^o (erroneously), Phrygnnea rhovibica, Termes divinatoririm, etc. I>rury, Dreiv. Illustrations of Natural History, etc. London, 1770-1782 4to, 3 vols. (ed. Westwood, 1837). Numerous species are figured and described. Treviranus, G. It. Vermischte Sehrifteu anatomischen und physiologischen luhalts Bd. 1 u. 2. Gottingen, 1816-17, 4to. Mac Leay, W. S. Hora> EntoniologiciB,2 vols. London, 1810. Meigen, F. IF. Systeniatische Beschreibung der bekannten europaischen zweiflu- geligen Insecten. 7 vols. Aachen and Hanini, 1818-183.5. (Although this work contains only European species, many of them are common to both continents.) Say, T. American Entomology. 3 vols. With plates. Philadelphia, 1824, 25, 28. . Complete Writings on the Entomology of North America, edited by J. L Leconte, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo, colored plates. New York, 1859. Jiaer, K. E. r. Beitrage zur Kentniss der niederen Thiere. (Extracted from Noia Acta Acad. Leopold. Carolin. xiii. 2, 1827.) ENTOMOLOGICAL WORKS. 99 Palisot de lienuvais, A. J. Inseotcs recueillis en Afrique ct en Anieriqne, clans lea royanmes iV Oware et de Benin, li SanitDoniingiie et dans les Etats-Unit:, pen- dant les anuees, 178(^;)7. Fol. with 'JO plates, Pans, ISO-Vi]. Snrigny, J. C. de. Desciiiition de 1' Efc'vpte. Histoire naturelle. Crustacea, Arachnides, Myriapodes et Insectes, 53 pi. in gv. fol. Taris, 1809-1838. Ex- plication somniaire des planclies par J. V. Audouin, Paris, 182(;, lol. <'urtis, John. Description of the Insects brought home by Commander James Clark. Ross's Second Voyage. App. Nat. Hist., 18.31, 4to, plates. (Several Arctic species arc described.) Kirbt/, JF. laboration de H. Hagen. Paris, 1850, 8vo. (Memoir. Soc. R. Science de Liege, vol. vi.) (Two species, Lib. Hudsonica, p. 53, and Agrion Doubledayi, p. 209, are described in this work.) Hagen, M. Revue des Odonates ; Monographie des Caloptei-ygines ; Monographic des Gomphines (cf. Selys Longchamps). Agassiz, L. Lake Superior, its Physical Character, its Vegetation, and its Animals, Boston, law. With Catalogue of Coleoptera, by Dr. J. L. Leconte, and of the- Lepidoptera, by Dr. T. W. Harris. Lacaze-Duthiers, H. Recherches sur I'anmure g^nitale femelle des Insectes. Plates. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Melsheimer, F. E. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the United States. Smithsonian Institution. 8vo, 1853. Dallas, W. S. Catalogue of Hemipterous Insects in the British Museum. 1, 2. Illustrated. London, 1852. Fitch, Asa. The noxious, beneficial, and other Insects of the State of New York. Reports 1-8, l&ifi-GG. Smith, Frederic. Catalogue of Hymenoptera in the British Museum. Parts i-vi. Plates. London, 1857-58. Fallen, C. F., Stal, C, and Fieber. Various papers on Hemiptera in Scandinavian and German periodicals. Hilbner, J. Sammlung Exotischer Schmetterlinge. 5 vols. 4to. Plates. 1806. Guinee, A. Species general des Lepidopteres. (Noctuidie, Phaljenidte and Pyra- lidae) Suite a Buffon. Paris, 8vo, ia52-.57. Stainton, H. T. The Natural History of the Tineina. 8vo, with many plates. Lon don, vols. 1-8, 185.5-64, 8vo. Lacordaire, J. T. Genera des Coleopteres. 8vo, tomes 1-7. Paris, Roret, 1854. Boisdural, J. A. Histoire generale et Iconographie des Lepidopteres et des Che- nilles de I'Amerique septentrionale. 8vo. Paris, Koret, 1829-42. . Species generale des Lepidopteres. 8vo. Roret, Pans, 1856. , Essai sur 1' Entomologie horticole. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Practical Entomologist. Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Vols. 1, 2, 4to, 1865-67. Harris, T. W. A Treatise on some of the Insects of New England, which are injurious to Vegetation. Third edition, illustrated. Boston, 1862. Leconte, J. L. Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Part 1, 1861-2 Smithsonian Institution. ,^ List of Coleoptera of North America. 8vo, 1863-6. Smithsonian Institu. tion. . New Species of North American Coleoptera. 8vo. Part 1, 1863-6. Smith sonian Institution. . Coleoptera of Kansas and Eastern New Mexico. 4to. 3 plates. 1&59 Smithsonian Institution. Hagen, H. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America. 8vo. 1861. Smith sonian Institution. Morris, J. G. Catalogue of the described Lepidoptera of North America. 8vo. 1860. Smithsonian Institution. ENTOMOLOGICAL WORKS. IQl Csten Sacken, li. Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America. 185a Smithsonian Institution. Loew, H., and Osten Sacken, R. Monograph of the Diptera of North America Partsl,2, 8vo, 18. li)9 u. p. 45,5 fl'.) J^^ewporf, O. On the Structure, Relations, and Development of the nervous and circulatory Systems, and on the existence of a complete Circulation of the Blood in Vessels, in Myriapoda and Macrouious Arachnida. (Philosoph. Transact. 184.3, p. 213-302.) . On the Structure and Development of the Blood, I. ser. The Development of the Blood Corpuscle in In.sects and other Invertebrata, and its Comparison with that of Man and the Vertcbrata. (Annals of Nat. Hist. XV, 1S45, p. 281-284.? . On the Nervous System of the .•«|)hinx li^'ustri Lin. and on the Changes which it undergoes during a Part of the Metamorphoses of the Insect. (Philo- soph. Transact. 1832, p. 383-308, and 18.34, 389-423.) -. On the Temperature of Insects and its Connexion with Functions of Res- piration and Circulation in this class of Invortebrated Animals. (Philosoph. Transact. 1837, p. 2.59-338.) Blanchard, E. Recherches anatomiques et zoologiques sur le Systfeme nerveux des Animaux sans vertebres. Du systeme uerveux des Insectes. (Annal. d. scienc. natur. 3. ser. V, 1840, p. 273-379.) 102 THE CLASS OF INSECTS. Blanchard, E. Du Syst^me nerveux chez les InverWbrts dans ses rapports avec 1» Classification de ces Animanx. Paris, 1849, 8vo. Milne-Edwards, IT. Legons sur la Physiologic etl'Anatomiecomparde de I'Homme et des Animaux. Paris, Masson 18o7-endicularis con- sists of a bifurcate tube which opens into the ductus seminalisy and only rarely into the capsxda seminalis itself. In the Tenthredinidce , "this apparatus is formed on a different type ; the seminal vesicle is a simple diverticulum of the vagina, and more or less distinct from it, besides it is defi- cient in the accessory gland. The copulatory pouch is absent in all the Hymenoptera, as are also the sebaceous glands with those females which have a sting and a poison gland," Avhile in other insects the sebaceous glands are present, and it would be nat- urally inferred, therefore, that the two are homologous, but modified for diverse functions. The two testes of the male are "composed of long follicles, fasciculate and surrounded, together with a portion of the torose deferent canal, b}' a common envelope ; but more com- monly the two testes are contained in a capsule situated on the median line of the body." (Siebold.) The eggs are usually long, cylindrical, and slightly curved in HTMENOPTERA. 113 the Bees ; in the "Wasps they are more globular, and aflfixed by their smaller somewhat pcdicelled end to the side, near the bot- tom of tlie cell in which they are laid. The eggs of the lower families tend to assume a spherical form. The eggs of dif- erent species of Bombus present no appreciable differences. The larvji3 of the Bees and Wasps, especiall}- the social species, which live surrounded b}' their food, are of a ver}- persistent form, the various genera differing but slightly, while the species can scared}' be separated. Such we have found to be the case in the Bees and Wasps ( Vespidw) and Fossorial Wasps. The sexes of the species with a very thin tegument, such as A2)is, Bombus, and Vesjxi, can be quite easily distin- guished, as the rudiments of the genital armor can be seen through. The Ilymenoptei-a are mostly confined to the warmer and temperate regions of the earth ; as we approach the poles, the Bees disappear, with the exception of Boinbiis, and perhaps its parasite Ajxithns ; a species of Vespa is found on the Lab- rador coast, which has a climate like that of Greenland. No fossorial species of Wasps are known to us to occur in the arc- tic regions, while a few species of Ants, and several Chalcidi- dce and Ichneumonidoi are not uncommon in Northern Labrador and Greenland. Our alpine summits, particularly that of Mt. Washington, reproduces the features of Northern Labrador and Greenland as regards its Hymenopterous fauna. The tropics are, however, the home of the Hymenoptera, and especially of the Bees. There are estimated to be about twenty-five thousand living species of this suborder, and this is probably a much smaller number than are yet to be discovered. Li geological history', the Hymenoptera do not date far back compared with the Neuroptera and Ortlioptera, and even the Coleoptera. Indeed the}^ were among the last to appear upon, the earth's surface. The lower forms, so far as the scanty records show, appeared first "n the Jura formation ; the Ants, appear in the Tertiar}' period, especiall}' in amber. As we have noticed before, the Hymenoptera are more purely terrestrial than any other insects. None are known to be aquatic in the earlj' stages, and only two genera have been found 114 HYMENOPTERA. swimming in the adult state on the surface of pools, and the}' are the low, minute, degraded Proctotrupids, Presticichia nutans and Polynema natans described by Mr. Lubbock. The Hymenoptera do not imitate or mimic tlie forms of other in- sects, but, on the contrary, tlieir forms are extensively copied in the Lepidoptera, and especially the Diptera. A partial excep- tion to this law is seen in tlie antennae of the Australian genus Tliavmatosoma^ where they are long and slender, and knobbed as in tlie butterfly-, and also in Tetndonia mirabilis of Smith, from Brazil. The Hymenoptera, also, show their superiority to all other in- sects in the form of their degraded wingless species, such as Pezomaclms, the workers of Formica and the female of MutilJa. In these forms we have no striking resemblances to lower orders and suborders, but a strong adherence to their own Hymenop- terous characters. Again ; in the degradational winged forms, we rarely find the antennae pectinated ; a common occurrence in the lower suborders. In a low species of the Apiarim , LamprocoUetes dadocerus, from Australia, — that land of anom- alies, — the antenniie are pectinated. This, Mr. F. Smith, the best living authority on this suborder, says, "is certainly the most remarkable bee that I have seen, and the only in- stance, to my knowledge, of a bee having pectinated antenna? ; such an occurrence, indeed, in the Aculeate Hymenoptera is only known in two or three instances, as in Psanuaotherma Jlab- ellata amongst the Mutillidoi, and again in Ctenocerus Khigil in the Pomjyilida^ ; there is also a modification of it in one or two other species of Pompilidoi " Among the Tenthre- dinidce, the male Loj)7iynis has well-pectinated antennae, as also has Cladomacra macwpus of Smith, from New Guinea and Celebes. The wings of perhaps the most degraded Hymenoptera, the Proctotrupidm^ are rarely fissured; when this occurs, as in Pteratomus Putnamii, they somewhat resemble those of Ptero- jihoriis, the lowest moth. It is extremel}' rare that the com- pound eyes are replaced by stemmata, or simple eyes ; in but one instance, the genus Aiifhophorabki, are the eyes in the male sex reduced to a simple ocellus. This species lives in the darkness of the cells of Anthophora. APIARI^. 115 By reason of the permanence of the type, due to the higli rank of these insects, tlie generic and specific characters are founded on very slight ditierences, so that these insects, and particularly the two higher families, the Wasps ( Vespidce) and liees {A2)iarice) are the most difficult insects to stud}'. The easiest characters for the recognition of the genera, lie in the venation of the wings ; though in the fossorial families the logs vur}' greatly. The best specific characters lie in the sculptui- ing and style of coloration, but the spots and markings are apt to vary greatly. The great ditferences between the sexes are liable to mislead the student, and hence large collections are indispensable for their proper stud3^ Bees act as "marriage priests" in the fertilization of plants, convening pollen from flower to flower, and thus insuring the formation of the fruit. It is said that many plants could not be fertilized Avithout the interposition of Bees. Their interesting habits deserve long and patient studj' ; it is for their observations on the insects of this suborder that the names of Reaumur, the two Hubers, and Latreille will be ever held in special remembrance. Most Hymenoptera love the sun, and they may be caught while fl3'ing about flowers. The nests of bees, wasps, and ants should be sought for and the entire colony captured, together with the parasites. The hairy species should be pinned while in the net, and the naked ones can be put in the collecting-bot- tle. The larger species may be pinned, like other insects, thi'ough the thorax; but the minute Chalcids, etc., should be gummed, like small Coleoptera, upon cards. The nests of bees and of wasps and ants and the young in various stages of groAvth should be collected, and in such num- bers as to show their difi'erent stages of construction, to serve as illustrations of insect architecture. Apiari^ Latreille {Apklce Leach). This and those families succeeding which are provided with a true sting, Avere called b}'^ Latreille Hymenoptera Aculeata. The male antennae are mostly thirteen-jointed, while in the female they are twelve- jointed. The females (and the workers, Avhen they exist) feed the larvae, which mostly live in nests or cells. 116 HYMENOPTERA. In the social Bees, besides the normal male and female forms,, there are asexual females, whose inner genital organs are partly aborted, though externally only differing in their smaller size from the true females. The male antennae are longer, tapering more towards the tips, and the eyes of the male approach eacli other closer over the vertex than in the opposite sex, thougli these are characters which apply to other Hymenoptera. The mouth-parts are in the higlier genera greatly elongated, the labium being long, with the lingua of great length, and the lobes of the maxillae long and knife-shaped ; but these parts, as well as the form of the jaws, are subject to great nioditications in the different genera : the labial palpi are four-jointed, and the maxillary palpi are from one to six-jointed. The hind tibia and basal joint of the tarsi are, in the pollen-gathering species, very broad ; the tibia is in Apis and Bombus hollowed on the outside, and stiff bristles project over the cavitj'' from each side of the joint, forming the honey-basket (corbicnban) , on which the "clodden masses of hone}' and pollen" are con- veyed to their nests. In the parasitic genera, such as Apathus, the tibia is, on the contrary, convex, rather than concave, though of the usual width ; while in Nomada, also parasitic, the legs are narrow, the tibia not being dilated. In Andrena and its allies, Hcdictus and Colletes. tlie mouth- parts, especially the tongue, are much shortened, thus afford- ing a passage into the Vespidce . In these genera the tongue is folded back but once between the horny encasement of the maxilUe, but in the higher Aitiarioi the part formed by the union of the lingua and maxilla is twice bent back, and thus protected by the horny lobes of the maxillae. The fore- wings have two or three subcostal (cubital) cells. There are two thousand species of this family. The differ- ences between the larvae of the various genera of this family are very slight, those of the parasitic species are, however, readily distinguished from their hosts. The higher Apiarice, comprising the subfamily yl^^fu^xe, have the ligula long, cylindrical, while the labial palpi have two very long, slender, compressed basal joints, and two short terminal joints. The genus Apis has no terminal spurs on the hind tibiae, APiARi^. in while the fore-wings have three subcostal (cubital) cells, the middle of which is elongated and acutely wedge-shaped. The eyes in the male are united above ; the mouth-parts are nearly aborted, and the hind legs are smooth. In the female there are two paraglossia on the ligula, and the maxillary palpi are one-jointed. The worker only diti'ers externally from the female in the shorter abdomen. The larva of the IIone3--bee closel}' resembles that of Bom bus, but the body is shorter, broader, and more flattened, while the lu'iid is less prominent, and the lateral tubercles along the body are, perhaps, less prominent than in the young Humble- bee, otherwise the two genera are, in the larval state, nuich alike. In its natural position, the larva lies at the bottom of the cell doubled upon itself. Though the larvse are said usually to feed upon pollen, ]Mr. Desborough states that honey alone is the food of the grub, as he reared 729 larvjt with no other food than honey. But as with the wild bees they may extract honey from the pollen provided for them. He says the matured bees may be observed feeding at night on the bee-bread (pollen). Lang- stroth (The Hive and Honey-bee), however, states that "pol- len is indispensable to the nourishment of the young. It is ver}' rich in the nitrogenous substances which are not contained in the hone3\" The Honey-bee, Apis melJifica^ is now distributed over the civilized world. It was introduced into this country during the seventeenth centurj', and into South America in 1845 (Ger- stnecker). The Italian, or Ligurian. bee is considered by F Smith as being a climatic variety. The cultivation of the Honey-l)ee is rapidly increasing in this country, but the German Bee-masters ha\'e made the most pro- gress in theoretical and practical Bee-culture. Convenient hives are now constructed by which all the operations of the bees can be observed at leisure. Gerstivcker thus sums up the habits of the Honej'-bee : A fertilized queen which, with a few workers, has wintered over, lays its eggs in the spring first in the worker, and afterwards, at a later period, in the drone- cells (both arranged in two perpendicular rows of cells). Early in summer, the workers construct the larger flask-shaped queen- 118 HYMENOPTERA. cells, which are placed on the edge of the comb, and in these the queen-larvae are fed with rich and choice nourishment. As soon as the first of the new brood of queens is excluded from its cell, which it indicates by a peculiar buzzing noise, the old queen deserts the nest, carrying away with her a part of the swarm, and thus forms a new colony. The recently excluded queen then takes its marriage flight high in the air with a drone, and on its return undertakes the management of tlie hive, and the duty of laying eggs. When another queen is disclosed, the same process of forming a new colony goes on. When the supply of young queens is exhausted, the workers fall upon the drones and destroy them without mercy. The first brood of workers live about six weeks in summer, and then give way to a new brood. Mr. J. G. Desborough states that the maximum period of the life of a worker is eight months. The queens are known to live five years, and during their whole life la}^ more than a million eggs (V. Berlepsch). Langstroth states that "during the height of the breeding season, she will often, under favorable circumstances, lay from 2,000 to 3,000 eggs a day." According to Von Siebold's discovery only the queens' and workers' eggs are fertilized by sperm- cells stored in the receptaculum seminis, and these she can fertilize at will, retaining the power for four or five years, as the muscles guarding the duct leading from this sperm-bag are subject to her will. Drone eggs are laid by unfertilized queen-bees, and in some cases even by worker-bees. This last fact has been confirmed by the more recent observations of Mr. Tegetmeier, of London. Principal Leitch, according to Tegetmeier, has suggested the theory that a worker egg maj^ develop a queen, if transferred into a queen-cell. "It is well known that bees, deprived of their queen, select several worker-eggs, or very young larvae, for the purpose of rearing queens. The cells in which these eggs are situated are lengthened out and the end turned down- ward." He suggests that the development into a queen was caused by the increased temperature of the queen-cell, above that of the worker-cells. But Messrs. F. Smith and Woodbury (Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, January 2, 1862) support F. AriARI.E. 119 ITubcr's theory, that the change is due to "the quality as well as (niaiitity of food with whicli the royal larva is siiiiplied," though Dr. Leiteh objects, that it has been by no means con- clusively proved "that the so-called royal jelly ditfers in any respect from the ordinary food supplied to tlie worker larva;" and Mr, Woodbury cites the experiments of Dzierzon, as quoted by Kleine, "that as Iluber, by introducing some ro^-al jelly in cells containing worker-brood, obtained (pieens, it may be possible to induce bees to construct royal cells, when the Apiarian prefers to have them, bj' inserting a small portion of royal jelly in cells containing worker-larvie." Kleine takes "an unsealed royal cell — which usually contains an excess of royal jelly — and removes from it a portion of the jelly, on the point of a knife or pen, and b}'^ placing it on the inner margin of an}' worker cell, feels confident that the larvre in them will be reared as queens." Before these points are settled we must stud}- the habits of the "Wild Bees, and of the other social Ilymenoptera and White Ants, together with the social Aphides more carefully. Mr. F. W. Putnam pertinently states, "at present I cannot believe that the peculiarity of food, or the structure of the cells, pro- duces a ditference of development in Humble-bees, for the lar- vte, as has been previousl}^ stated, were seen to make their own cells from the pollen paste. Is it not more natural to believe, as has been suggested to me b}- Professor J. Wyman, that the difference in the development of the eggs is owing to their be- ing laid at various times after impregnation? Thus, if I am right in supposing that the queens are impregnated by the males late in the summer, the eggs, laid soon after, produce the large queen larvte ; * the next set of eggs, laid in the spring, produce the workers, or undeveloped females, while from those deposited still later, male bees are principally developed." (Proceedings of the Essex Institute, Salem, vol. iv, 1864. y 103.) Referring to Mr. Putnam's statement that there are both small and large queens (besides the workers), Dr. Gerstnecker infers, * Dr. Gerstaecker, on the other hand, states that " from the brood-cells of a nest of Romhtis muscoriim, found by him on the 18th of September, there were devei- oped at the end of the same month only workers." 120 HYMENOPTERA. "from the examination of numerous individuals found flying in the spring after liibernation, that tliese could not be consideretl as true queens, since their ovaries were onl}' moderately devel- oped, though larger than tliose of the workers, while in the true queen, captured in the summer, tlie ovaries were perfectly developed. This corresponds almost entirel}' to what we find in the wasps, whose spring females have only moderately de- veloped ovaries." How the Honey-boe l>uilds its cells, and whether the}- are ex- actly hexagonal, are questions that have interested the best observers from Maraldi who wrote in 1712, and Reaumur, whose Memoires a[)i)eared in 1740, down to the present date. Their solution involves not only the closest observation of the insect while at work, but also the shrewdest judgment to ex- plain the facts oljserved and deduce a legitimate theory. Does the bee intelligently plan her work out beforehand, or does she follow the guidance of what is called i)istinct? Does sh.e construct hexagonal cells which are mathematically exact, or does she vary the proportions of each cell, so that it is per- fect onl}^ in its general ideal form? Again, in making the cell, is the bee actually capable of making such a cell alone, or is it due to the resultant action of several bees ? Professor J. Wy- man is of the latter opinion, as lie thinks ''that if left alone to build a single cell, this would most probabl}- be round. In the cells of Mehpona, as Ruber's plate shows, they are onl}- hex- agonal when in contact with the adjoining cells." (Proceed- ings of the Boston Society of Natural Histor}-, x, p. 278, 1866.) A similar view is that proposed in 1862 b}' the Rev. Samuel Haughton, in a paper read before the Natural History Society of Dublin, where he says, according to Mr. F. Smith, that the hexagonal form of the cell " may be accounted for simply by the mechanical pressure of the insects against each other during the formation of the cell. In consequence of the instinct that compels them to work with reference to a plane, and of the cylindrical form of the insect's body, the cells must be hex- agonal." Mr. G. R. Waterhouse (Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. Third series, vol. ii, p. 129, 1864) has APIARI.E. 121 •proposed what has been called the ''circular theory," or what the author himself terms "the principle of working in seg- ments of circles." lie contends " that the hexagonal form of the ■ cells of certain bees and wasps may, and does, arise out of this mode of action when under certain conditions ; that those condi- tions are, that the cells are so commenced that their natural cir- cumferences, as the work proceeds, are either simi)ly brought into contact with each other, or that the cells are so placed that the (we will say theoretical) circumferences must intersect. Contact with adjoining cells, then, is an essential condition to ■bring about the hexagonal form as I have before pointed out (See Proceedings of the Entomological Society, 1858, p. 17) ; but for this result it is not necessary that a hexagonal cell should be completely surrounded by other cells." Is not this theory, after all, too mechanical ? Is not our bee more of a free agent? Does it not have a mind to design its work? Mr. F. Smith, who has devoted 3'ears to the study of Hymenoptera, especially the higher forms of this suborder, the Bees and Wasps, replies to both theories of "Waterhouse and Haughton, by bringijig in the case of the AVasps which also build hexagonal cells, showing that a solitary wasp will build its cells in verj^ regular hexagons. Thus the nest of the soli- tary Wasp, Icaria guttatipennis, "consists of a double row, the number of cells being ten ; I now direct your attention to the fact that all the cells are perfectly hexagonal, the exterior planes being as beautifully finished as those in contact with the inner planes of the opposing cells. I have placed a draw- ing of this nest (Plate 5, Fig. 7) in the box on the table, and I particularl}' wish you to observe, that the fli'st cell is carried up in a perfectly hexagonal form above the adjoining cells ; a proof that, if Wasps never build perfect isolated hexagonal cells, they certainly possess the capability of doing so. The exterior of all the cells, as I before observed, is hexagonal, not cylindri- cal, until fresh cells are added on the outer side, as was ob- served to be the case in combs of the Hive-bee, by Mr. Tegetmeier." (Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London. Third series, ii, 1864, p. 135.) An examination of the cells of three species of PoUstes (the female of which begins alone in the spring to build her nest 122 HYMENOPTERA. the cells of which are afterwards greatly increased in niiinl)er after the first brood of females appear), convinced us tli.nt the Wasp begins with the circular cup-shaped form of cell, and when about depositing an egg in it, clianges her mode of ope- rating, builds up the edges into a hexagonal form, and carries up the rim of each cell independently to its required height. She thus apijarently changes her plan at a certain stage of the work, and is so far a free agent. Mr. Smith also exhibited a portion of the nest of another wasp, Tatua Morio (Plate 5, Fig. 9), that proved to his mind the primary intention of the wasp instinctively to build cells with exactly six sides. The figure represents part of one of the flat floors, on which the foundations of the cells are laid in regular liexagons, instead of beginning in hemispherical cups. Mr. Smith (p. 141) concludes, "that all hexagonal cells are not constructed upon a circular principle, and that the primary idea of all social bees and wasps is not to produce cylindrical cells with hemispherical bases." In this connection the following extract from Mr. Smith's remarks is of interest : "It may not be known that in order to expedite the building of hone3'-combs, it is a common practice with bee-keepers in Germany to furnish hives with artificial foundations for the cells ; these consist of sheets of wax, upon which is impressed a series of pyramidal hollows ; in fact, the- counterpart of a comb built by the bees themselves, entirely deprived of the cell-walls ; and it is from such a piece of comb that the casts for the artificial foundations are obtained. A piece of casting of this description I la}' before you, and I par- ticularly call your attention (addressing the members of the- Entomological Society of London) to the commencement of the outer cells ; you will see, in some instances, a single plane of the hexagonal cell commenced, in others two or three are in progress ; here you have a ground-plan supplied, or, I may say, the foundations of the habitations ready prepared, upon which the laborers are to raise the walls, and you may see how admi- rably they have done it. Instinct enables the bee to construct, hexagonal cells without teaching, and, we are told, in one un- deviating manner. Surely the example before us exhibits an amount of intelligence on the part of the bees in availing them- APIARIiE. 123 selves of such adventitious aid. Must we not henceforth, when speaking of the marvels of the hive or the vespiary, erase from our vocabulary such terms as blind instinct ; and must we not cease to stigmatize the bee as a mere machine?" At the meeting of the same society held Feb. 1, 18G4, Mr. F. Smith exhibited a collection of Wasps' nests, — one of Vespa rufa, the rest of V. vulgaris; they were in various stages of formation, the earliest consisting of only a single cup contain- ing the first egg, others consisting of three or four cups, whilst others again were more complete. The whole had been arti- ficially obtained b}' Mr. Stone, who tempted the wasps to build by excavating holes in banks and furnishing them with foot- stalks ; in fact, Mr. Stone appeared to possess the power of inducing wasps to build nests of almost any shape he pleased. But to return to the cell of the Bee. It should first be proved that the cells are not exactly and mathematically per- fect hexagons, though sufficientl}" so for the purpose for which they are used. In the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. vii, 1866, Professor Wyman has, by a most careful as well as novel and ingenious mode of investiga- tion, proved that the cells are all more or less imperfect, and that a hexagonal cell mathematically exact, does not exist in nature, but only in theory. The form of the cell is liable to marked variations, chief among which the following maj' be mentioned, in the author's own words : "1. The diameters of workers' cells ma}' so vary, that ten of them may have an aggregate deviation from the normal quantity equal to the diameter of a cell. The average varia- tion is a little less than one half that amount, namely, nearly 0.10 inch, in the same number of cells. '•2. The width of the sides varies, and this generally in- volves a variation of the angles which adjoining sides make with each other, since the sides vary not only in length but in direction. "3. The variation in the diameters does not depend upon accidental distortion, but upon the manner in which the cell was built. 124 HYMENOPTERA. "4. The relative size of the rhombic faces of the pyramidal base is liable to frequent variation, and this where the cells are not transitional from one kind to another. "5. When a fourth side exists in the basal pyramid, it may be in consequence of irregularity in the size of the cells, or of incorrect alignment of them on the two sides of the comb." Sometimes one of the faces is lost, and a new one formed, so that all the basal portion of the cell becomes reversed, as ABC will be seen by refer- ence to Figs. 73 and 74 ; the first repre- ^"'S- "^- senting the cells wlien the base is viewed, and the second when looked at perpendic- ularly to one of the sides. In both figures A indicates the ordinary form of the cell. The whole A B c series of Fig. 74 shows the gradual introduction of the new face, which is seen on the lower border, and the elimination of one of the original faces, which is seen on the upper border. At L B, which is intermediate between the two extremes, the four faces consist of two eqiud rhombs, — one of which is the outgoing and the other the incoming one, and two equal hexagons. B, Fig. 74, represents the sides of the same cell, which, instead of forming three trapeziums, as at A, a, b, c, now form two pentagons, a' and c', and a parallelogram, b'. At C, Figs. 73 and 74, the forms are in all respects the reverse of those of A. A and C are sjmimetrical with each other, and B is sj'^mmetrical in itself. No pre- cise number of cells is necessary for the purpose of making this transition, for it may take l)lace in two or three, or extend through a long series, as in -Fig. 73. "6. Ordinarily, the error of alignment does not amount to more than one or two diameters of a cell. But occasionally Fiff. 74. Fiff. 75. APIARI^. 125 r-f the rows of cells on one side of the comb raaj' deviate from their true direction with regard to those on the other, to tlie extent of 30°." "Thus, if a piece of normal comb be held in the position in which it was built, two of the opposite angles of the hexagon. Fig. 75, A, a, will be in the same vertical line, and two of the sides will be parallel to this. The same is true of the opposite side of the comb ; and thus all the cor- responding parts of the cells on the two sides will be par- allel. In the deviation we are now noticing, the change is like that represented in A, where the cell a is in its true position, while the cell b, which is from the oppo- site side, and is in contact with «, varies fi'om it by about 30°. If we look at these two cells in the direc- tion of their sides as at B, the prism a wall have one of its angles towards the eye, and b one of its sides. In consequence of this deviation and the continual crossing of the rows on opposite sides, the pj-ramidal base is not made, and the cell is shortened. "7. In curved or bent combs the cells on the concave side tend to be- come narrower, while those on the other tend to become broader to- wards their mouths. In Fig. 76 (this and Figs. 77 and 78 are made ^'=- '^'^- from impressions obtained directly from the comb and transferred to wood ; they represent the form of the cells exactly), as in the central line of cells, there are a variety of hexagons, each resulting from the union 126 HYMENOPTERA. of two cells, the base being double while the mouth is single. That on the line a, h, has three sides at one end, united b}' two long sides with one at the other, and thus two of the opposite sides are not parallel ; at c, cZ, two sides at 6 Fig. 78. either end are united by two long sides, these last being par- allel ; and at e, /, the mouth of the compound cell has seven sides. P^ach has a partition at its base, separating the two originally distinct cells, and each was lined with a cocoon, showing that it had been used for rearing young. At g, not only has the partition between the combining cells disappeared, but also three of the sides of each cell." The bees do not appear to have an}^ systematic way of mak- ing a transition from worker to drone cells, which are one-fiith larger than the former. IVIore commonly, they effect it by a gradual alteration of the diameters, thus enlarging a worker into a drone, or narrowing a drone into a worker cell. This alteration is usually made in from four to six rows. In one case APIARI^. 127 Professor "Wyman notiiced the transition made with only one cell, as in Fig. 78, but not without destroying the regularity' of the two adjoining rows. " In consequence of the gradual narrowing or widening of the transition cells, the comb tends to become more or less tri- angular and the cells to become disturbed. The bees counter- act this tendency by the occasional intercalation of an additional row, of Avhich two instances are given in Fig. 78, at a and b, where three rows of worker cells are continuous with two of drone cells, c, d and e, f; or, reversing the statement, and supposing the transition, as in the building of tlie comb, is from worker to drone-cells, a row of the latter is from time to time omitted as the rows a and h ; in this way, the regularity of the comb is preserved." Iloney-cells are foi-med either by enlarging the ordinary brood-cells, or adding them to others often larger, or by con- structing a new comb, devoted entirely to the storing of hone}'. "While the cells of this last are built unequivocally in accord- ance with the hexagonal type, they exhibit a range of variation from it which almost defies description." No Ichneumon-flies are known to attack the larva of the Hone3'-bee, nor in fact, with few exceptions, any of the wild I)ees, owing, probably, to the difficulty of their gaining access to them, since Anomalon vespariim has been reared from the cells of wasps which are more exposed than those of bees. But the Honey, as well as the wild bees, are afflicted by a peculiar assemblage of insect-parasites, some of which have the most remarkable habits. The most formidable pest of the Hive-bee is the Bee Fly, Phora incrassata, which in Europe sometimes produces the well-known disease called "foul- brood." The Bee-louse, Braula cwca, is, in Europe, sometimes troublesome to the adult bee, while Tricliodes apiarius, a beetle, devours the larva^. The larvfe of 3TeIoe and Stylojys are known in Europe to infest the Honey-bee, and among the low intesti- nal worms Assmus enumerates Gordius subbifurcus which in- fests the drones of the Honey-bee as well as other insects. Professor Siebold has also described Mermis albicans^ which is a similar kind of hair-worm, from two to five inches long, and whitish in color. This worm is also found, strangely 128 HYMENOPTERA. enough, only in the drones, though it is the workers wliicL frequent watery places (where the worm deposits its eggs) to appease their thirst. The Wax-moths, GaUeria cereana and Achroia alrearki, do much harm by consuming the wax and thus breaking down tlie cells, and by filling the hive witli. their webs.* The genus Ajyis is indigenous in South America, though the Honey-bee has been extensively introduced into the West In- dies. Our Honey-bee is replaced in the tropics by the stingless, minute bees, which store up hone}^ and live in far more numer- ous colonies. The cells of MeUpona are hexagonal, nearly approaching in regularity those of the Hive-bee, while the honey-cells are irregular, much larger cavities, which hold about one-half as much honey as a cell of the Humble-bee. From a paper on the Brazilian Honey-bees, read by Mr. F. Smith be» foi'e the Entomological Society of London, March, 1863, he states that the MeJi2ionas are small insects, having tvings sho7'ter than the abdomen, the latter being very convex and oblong; their mandibles never being dentate ; while the Tn'gonas have the wings more ample, and longer than the abdomen, which is short, somewhat triangular, while the mandibles are serrated, denticulate, or sometimes edentate. The Meliponas are re- stricted to the new world, while Tn'gona extends into Africa,. India, and Australasia. "All these bees are honey gatherers, but the honey collected by the different species A'aries greatly in quality : from the nests of some it is excellent ; from others, Avorthless. The honey of the species '■ Mombitca' is said to be black and sour, the quality being dependent on species of flowers from which the honey is collected. This great difference in the honey of the various species is apparent^ confirmatory of the fact that each species confines itself to particular flowers, never visiting any other kind. The different relative length of the tongue in ♦Explanation of Plate 2. Parasites of the Honey-bee. Fig. 1, Phora incras- saia; Fig. 2, pupa; Fig. 3, larva. Fig. 4, Braula cteca; Fig. .'5, larva. Fig. 6, Tri- chodes apiarius .- a, larva ; h, pniia. Fig. 7, AMoe angusticoUis ; Fig. 8, freshly hatched larva; Fig. 9, second stage of larva; Fig. 10, first stage of semi-pupa; Fig. 11, l)ui)a. Fig. 12, Sti/lops Childreni in the body of a wild bee, Andrena; Fig. 13, top view of the same removed from its host; Fig. 14, male of the same; a, side view. Fig. \ft, Mucor mellitophoriis, a parasitic fungus. Fig. 16, unknown larva found ia nest of Humble-bee. Descriptions of the insect parasites will be given beyond. Plate 3 Fig. 5. Fig. 4. Fig. 13. PARASITES OF THE HONEY BEE, AP1ARI.E. 129 the species is also confirmatoiy of the same supposition ; in- deed, the great diversity in this respect observable in these bees, appears to me to be analogous to a similar diversity in the length of the bills of humming-birds, which, it is well known, are always adapted for reaching the nectaries of the particular flowers which they usually frequent." In regard to the immense numbers of individuals in a col- on}', Mr. Stretch, who collected them at Panama, "found n nest several feet in length in the hollow of a tree, containing thousands of individuals, their numbers being, as he informs me, apparently countless. "Gardner, in his travels, gives a list of such species (of Melipona) as he met in the provinces of Piauhy and Goj'az, where he found them numerous ; in ever}' house, he saj'S, '3'ou find the hone}' of these bees ; ' many species, he tells us, build in the hollow trunks of trees, others in banks ; some suspend their nests from branches of trees, whilst one species constructs its nest of clay, it being of large size ; the honey of this spe- cies, he says, is very good." (Smith.) In a nest of Trkjona carbonaria from Eastern Australia, Smith, of the British Museum, found from 400 to 500 dead workers crammed in the spaces between the combs, but he did not find a female among them. The combs are arranged precisely similar to those of the common wasp. The number of honey-pots, which are placed at the foot of the nest, amounted to 250. Smith inclines to the opinion that the hive of Trigona con- tains several prolific females ; ' ' the accounts given of the mul- titudes inhabiting some nests is too great, I think, to render it possible that one female could produce them all. Mr. Stretch described a hive that he saw, occupying the interior of a deca}- ing tree, that measured six feet in length, and the multitude of bees he compared to a black cloud. M. Guerin found six fe- males in a nest of Melipona fulvipes." Hill states, in Gosse's Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica, "that the wax of these bees [Trigona] is very unctuous and dark colored, but susceptible of being whitened by bleaching. The honey is stored in clusters of cups, about the size of pigeon's eggs, at the bottom of the hive, and always from the 9 130 IIYMENOPTERA. brood-cells. The brood-cells are hexagonal ; the}' are not deep, and the young ones, when read}' to burst their casement, just 1111 the whole cavity. The mother bee is lighter in color than the other bees, and elongated at the abdomen to double their length." Smith also states that the female of this genus has the abdomen greath' distended, reminding one of the gravid female of the White Ant. (Smith, Proc. Ent. Soc, London, Dec. 7, 18G3.) In Xorth America, our nearest allj', as regards its habits, of the true Hone^'-bee, is the Humble-bee {Bonibus), of which over forty species are known to inhabit North America. The economy of the Humble-bee is thus : the queen awakens in early spring from her winter's sleep beneath the leaves or moss, or in deserted nests, and selects a nesting-place generally in an abandoned nest of a field-mouse, or beneath a stiunp or sod, and "immediately," according to Mr. F. W. Putnam, "collects a small amount of pollen mixed with hone}', and in this dei)osits from seven to fourteen eggs, gradually adding to the pollen mass until the first brood is hatched. She does not wait, however, for one brood to be hatched before laj'ing the eggs of another ; but, as soon as food enough has been collected, she lays the eggs for a second. The eggs [Plate 4, Fig. 2] are laid, in contact with each other, in one cavity of the mass of pollen, with a part of which the}' are slightly covered. They are very soon developed ; in fact, the lines ai'e nowhere dis- tinctly drawn between the egg and the larva, the larva and pupa, and again l)etween the latter and the imago ; a perfect series, showing this gradual transformation of the young to the imago, can be found in almost every nest. "As soon as the larvte are capable of motion and commence feeding, they eat tlie jiollen by which they are surrounded, and, gradually separating, push their way in various directions. Eating as they move, and increasing in size quite rapidly, they soon make large cavities in the i)ollen mass. "When they have attained their full size, they spin a silken w'all about them, which is strengthened by the old bees covering it with a thin la}er of wax, Avhich soon becomes hard and tough, thus form- ing a cell. [Plate 4, Figs. 1, 2.] The larvje now gradually attain the pupa stage, and remain inactive until their full devel' Plate 3. PARASITES OF WILD BEES, APIARI^. 131 opmcnt. They then cut their way out, and are ready to assume their duties as workers, small females, males or queens. "It is apparent that the irregular disposition of the cells is due to their being constructed so peculiarly by the larva*. After the first brood, composed of workers, has come foith, the queen bee devotes her time princii)ally to her (hities at home, the .workers supplying the colony with honey antl pollen. As the queen continues prolific, more workers are added, and the nest is rapidly enlarged. "About the middle of sunnner eggs are deposited wliich produce both small females and males." . . . "All eggs laid after the last of July produce the large females, or (jueens ; and, the males being still in the nest, it is presumed that the queens are impregnated at this time, as, on the np[)roach of cold weather, all except the queens, of which there ai-e several in each nest, die." (Putnam, Com. Essex Inst., vol. iv, p. 98, 1864.) Besides Apathus, the larvae of various moths consume the honey and waxen cells ; the two-winged flies, Volucella and Conops, and the larvte of what is either an Anthomyia or Tachina-like fly ; several species of Anthrax, the Coleopterous Anobium i)aniceum of Europe, Meloe, Stylops, and Anthero- phagus ochraceus are parasitic on Humble-bees.* The habits of the genus Apathus are not clearly known, but they are supposed to prey, in the larva state, upon the larvfe of Bombus, being found in their nests ; their habits, so far as known, ally them with Nomada. The species are distinguished by the tibiae being convex, instead of concave, as in Bombus, while the mandil)les of the females are acute, triangular, biden- tate, being spatulate and three-toothed in Bombus, and they have no pollenigerous organs. There are males and females only, as in all the remaining genera of the family. Apathus Ashtonii (Plate 3, Fig. 1) is found in the Northern States. ♦Explanation of Plate 3. — Parasites of the Humble and Leaf-cutter Bees. Fig. 1, Apnthus Ashtonii. Fig. 2, yephopteri/x Edmavdsiii rt, larva; 6, pupa. Fig. 3, 3n, Microynster nephoptericis, an Ichneumon parasite of Xephoi)teryx. Fig. 4, Anihcrophdfitis ochraceus. Fig. 5, Anthomyia? larva; a, side view. Fig. 6, Re- cently liatched larva of f>tj/Iops Childrenii; a, side view. Fig. 7, larva; a, pupa of Anthiipharahia mcyachilis, a Chalcid parasite on Megachile. Fig. 8, Pteratomus Pntnnmii. an exceedingly minute Proctotrupiil fly, supposed to be i)arasiticon An- thorplioral)ia megachilis; «, a hind wing. Fig. 9, a Mite found in the nests of Humble-bees. 102 HYMENOPTER A . Xylocopa, the Carpenter-bee, is "the hirgest and most bulky of all known bees," but less hirsute than Bombus, while the basal joint of tlie labial palpi is almost four times as long as the second ; and the maxillary palpi are six-jointed, the mouth- parts being very highly organized. The larva of X. Vircjinica (Plate 4, Fig. 3, adult ; Fig. 4, larva ; Fig. 5, nest) is slenderer- than that of Bombus, the body tapering more rapidly towards each end. The power of boring the most symmetrical tunnels in solid wood reaches its perfection in the large Virginian Carpenter- bee [Xylocojxi Virginica). We have received from Mr. James Angus, of West Farms, N. Y., a piece of trellis for a grape- vine, made of pine wood, containing the cells and young in various stages of growth, together with the larvse and chrysa- lids of Anthrax siniiosa (Plate 4, Fig. G, larva; Fig. 7, pupa), a species of fly parasitic on the larva of the bee, and which buries its head in its soft body and feeds on its juices. Mr, Angus thus writes us regarding its habits, luider date of J>dy 19 : "I asked an intelligent and observing carpenter j-es- terday, if he knew how long it took the Xylocopa to bore her tunnel. He said he thought she bored about one-quarter of an inch a day. I don't think myself she bores more than one- half inch, if she does that. If I mistake not, it takes her about two days to make her own length at the first start ; but this being across the grain of the wood may not be so easily done as the remainder, which runs parallel with it. She alwa^'S foUoAvs the grain of the wood, with the exception of the en- trance, which is about her own length. The tunnels run from one to one and a half feet in length. They generallj^ run in opposite directions from the opening, and sometimes other gal- leries are run above the first, using the same opening. I think they only make new tunnels Avhen old ones are not to be found, and that the same tunnels are used for many j^ears. Some of the old tunnels are very wide. I have found parts of them about an inch in diameter. I think this is caused by rasping otf the sides to procure the necessarj^ material for con- structing their cells. The partitions are composed of wood- raspings, and some sticky fluid, probably saliva, to make it adhere. APiARr;E. 133 "The tunnels are sometimes taken possession of by other bees and wasps. I think when this is the case, the Xylocopa prefers making a new cell to cleaning out the mud and rubbish of the other species. I freciuently find these bees remaining for a long time on the wing close to the opening, and bobbing their heads against the side, as if fanning air into the opening. I have seen them thus employed for twenty minutes. Wiietiier one bee, or more, makes the tunnel, that is, whether they take turns in boring, I cannot say at present. In opening the cells, more than one are generally found, even at this season. About two weeks ago, I found as many as seven, I think, in one."* The hole is divided by partitions into cells about seven-tenths of an inch long. These partitions are constructed of the dust or chippings made by the bee in eating out her cells, for our active little carpenter is provided with strong cutting jaws, moved by powerful muscles, and on her legs are stiff brushes of hair for cleaning out the tunnel as she descends into the heart of the solid wood. She must throw out the chips she bites off from the sides of the burrow with her hind legs, pass- ing the load of chips backwards out of the cell with lier fore- limbs, which she uses as hands. The partitions are built most elaborately of a single flattened band of chips, which is rolled up into a coil four layers deep. One side, forming the bottom of the cell, is concave, being *"Since writing the above I have opened one of the new holes of Xylocopa which was commenced between three and four weeks ago, in a i>ine slat iised in the staging of the greenhouse. The dimensions were as follows: Opening fully 3-S wide ; depth 7-l(i ; whole length of tunnel (i and 5-l() inches. The tunnel branched both ways from the hole. One end, fioni opening, was 2 and 0-8, containing three cells, two with larva and jiollcn, the third empty. The other .Say has described Anthojyhora ahrupta and A. taurea from Indiana. In Eacera the anteinuti are vary long, while the body is still plump and hairy : our more common form in the Middle States is Eucera maculata St. Fargeau. The species are likewise gregarious, and, according to Smith, their habits are precisel}' the same as those of Anthophora. In Megachile, the Leaf-cutter Bee, the head is broad, the body stout, oblong, the ligula is about one-half longer than the labial palpi, being quite stout, while the paraglossa? are short and pointed ; the maxillae are long and sabre-shaped, while their palpi are short and two-jointed. There are two subcostal cells in the fore wing. It is a thick-bodied bee, with a large square head, stout scissor-like jaws, and with a thick mass of dense hairs on the under side of the tail for the pur- pose of carrying pollen, since it is not provided with a pollen basket as in the Honey and Humble-bees. The lar\a is broader and flatter than that of Bombus, the raised pleural region is a little more prominent, and the raised, thickened tergal portion of each ring is more prominent than in Bombus. The Megachile lays its eggs in burrows in the stems of the elder (Plate 4, Fig. 9), which we have received from Mr. James Angus ; we have also found them in the hollows of the locust tree. Mr. F. W. Putnam thus speaks of the econonu" of 3/. centuiicidaris, our most common species. ''My attention was first called, on the 26th of June, to a female busily en- gaged in bringing pieces of leaf to her cells, which she was build- ing under a board, on the roof of the piazza, directly under my window. Nearly the whole morning was occupied by the bee in bringing pieces of leaf from a rose-bush growing about ten j-ards from her cells, returning at intervals of a half minute to a minute Avith the pieces Avhich she carried in such a manner as not to impede her walking when she alighted near her hole. [We give a figure of the Leaf-cutter bee in the act of cutting out a circular piece of a rose-leaf (Plate 4, Fig. 8). She APIARI.T.. 137 alights upon the leaf, and in a few seconds swiftl}' runs her scissors-like jaws around through the leaf, bearing off the piece in her hind legs.] About noon she had i)robul)ly com- pleted the cell, upon which she had been engaged, as, during the afternoon, she was occupied in bringing pollen, preparator}- to laying her single egg in the cell. For about twenty days the bee continued at work, building new cells and supi)lyiug them with pollen. . . . On the 28th of Jul}', upon removing the board, it was found that the bee had made thirty cells, arranged in nine rows of unequal length, some being slightly curved to adapt them to the space under the board. The longest row contained six cells, and was two and three-quarters inches in length ; the whole leaf-structure being equal to a length of fifteen inches. Upon making an estimate of the pieces of leaf in this structure, it was ascertained that there must have been at least a thousand pieces used. In addition to the labor of making the cells, this bee, unassisted in all her duties, had to collect the requisite amount of pollen (and honey?) for each cell, and lay her eggs therein, Avhen com- pleted. Upon carefully cutting out a portion of one of the cells, a full-grown larva was seen engaged in spinning a slight silken cocoon about the walls of its prison, Avhich were quite hard and smooth on the inside, probabl}' owing to the move- ments of the larva, and the consequent pressing of the sticky particles to the Avails. In a short time the opening made was closed over by a very thin silken web. The cells, measured on the inside of the hard walls, were .35 of an inch in length, and .15 in diameter. The natural attitude of the larva is some- what curved in its cell, but if straightened, it just equals the inside length of the cell. On the 31st of July, two female bees came out, having cut their waj' through the sides of their eells." In three other cells "several hundred minute Ichneu- mons [Ant hophorabiamegachilis] were seen, which came forth as soon as the cells were opened." (Com. Essex Inst., vol. iv, p. 105, 1864.) MeyacliUe integer Saj' IMS., according to Dr. Harris (MS. notes), forms its nest of leaves the first of August. This spe- cies is twice as large, but closely resembles Megachile brevis of Say. The front of the head is covered with dense ochi-eous 138 HYMENOPTERA. hairs, becoming shorter and black on the vertex. The nest^ preserved in the Harris collection, now in the Museum of the Boston Society of Natural Histor}', is made of rose-leaves, and is scarcely' distinguishable from that of M. ceidunndaris. Osmia, the Mason Bee, is another genus of Carpenter or Upholsterer bees. The species are generall}^ bluish, with greenish reflections, with smooth shiny bodies, and the species are of smaller size than in Megachile. The tongue in this genus is three times as long as the labium, tapering from the base to the acute apex, and clothed with short hair. Mr. F. Smith states that the larva of the English species hatch in eight da3S after the eggs are laid, feeds ten to twelve days, when it becomes full-grown, then spins a thin silken Covering, and remains in an inactive state until the following spring, when it completes its transformations. The habits of the little Mason-bees are quite varied. They construct their cells in the stems of plants and in rotten posts and trees, or, like Andrena, they burrow in sunny banks. An European species selects snail-shells for its nest, wherein it. builds its earthen cells, while other species nidificate under stones. Curtis found two hundred and thirtj^ cocoons of a British species {Osmia paretina), placed on the under side of a flat stone, of which one-third were empty. Of the remainder^ the most appeared between March and June, males appearing first ; thirty-five more bees were developed the following spring. Thus there were three successive broods for three succeeding years, so that these bees lived three j-ears before arriving at maturity. Mr. G. R. "Waterhouse, in the Transactions of the Entomo- logical Society of London, for 1864 (3d series, vol. 2, p. 121), states that the cells of Osmia leucomekaia "are formed of mud, and each cell is built separately. The female bee, having de- posited a small pellet of mud in a sheltered spot between some tufts of grass, immediately commences to excavate a small cavity in its upper surface, scraping the mud away from the centre towards the margin by means of her jaws. A small shallow mud-cup is thus produced. It is rough and uneven on the outer surface, but beautifully smooth on the inner. On mtnessing thus much of the work performed, I was struck with APIARI-E. 13(> thi-ee points. First, the rapidity with which the insect worked ; secondly, the tenacity with which she kept her original position whilst excavating ; and thirdly, her constantl}- going over work which had apparently been completed. . . . The lid is excavated and rendered concave on its outer or upper surface, and is convex and rough on its inner surface ; and, in fact, is a simple repetition of the first-formed portion of the cell, a part of a hollow sphere." The largest species of Osniia known to us is a very dark-blue species which seems to be undescribed. We will call it the wood-boring Osmia {Os^nia lignivom). It is larger than the Os7nia Ugnaria of Say, being just half an inch long. The head is much shorter, and less square than in Say's spe- cies. The front of the head below the antennae is clothed with dark hairs, but above and on the thorax with yellowish ochreous hairs. The bod}' is deep blackish blue, with greenish reflec- tions. "We are indebted to a lady for specimens of the bees with their cells, which had been excavated in the interior of a maple tree several inches from the bark. The bee had industri- ously tunnelled out this elaborate burrow (Plate 4, Fig. 12), and, in this respect, resembles the habits of the Carpenter-bee {XyJocopa) more closely than any other species of its genus. The tunnel was over three inches long, and about three- tenths of an inch wide. It contracted a little in width between the cell, showing that the bee worked intelligently, and wasted no more of her energies than was absolutel}- necessary. The burrow contained five cells, each half an inch long, being rather short and broad, with the hinder end rounded, while the opposite end, next to the one adjoining, is cut off squarel}'. The cell is somewhat jug-shaped, owing to a slight constriction just behind the mouth. The material of which the cell is com- posed is stout, silken, parchment-like, and very smooth within= The interstices between the cells are filled with rather coarse chippings made b}' the bee. The bee cut its way out of the cells in March, and li^ed for a month afterwards on a diet of honey and water. It eagerly lapped up the drops of water supplied by its keeper, to Avhom it soon grew accustomed, and whom it seemed to recognize. The female of Osmia ligyiaria Say MS., according to Dr. 140 HYMENOPTERA. Harris' MS. notes, was found in the perfect state in cocoons within earthen cells under stones, April loth. The cell she con- structs is half an inch long, oval, cylindrical, and contracted slightly into a sort of nock just before the opening for tlie exit of the bee. From Mr. James Angus 1 have received the pellets of pollen, about the size of a pea, in which it deposits its eggs ; the larvte were about one-thud grown in August. This species is larger than Osmia simiUima of Smith, while the male antenna; are much paler, being fuscous. The front of the head is covered with long dense yellow ochreous hairs. The vertex is not of so dark a green as in 0. simillima, and is covered with coarse punctures. The thorax is heavil}- clothed with yellow ochreous, thick hairs. Tlie abdomen is yellowish, and much more hairy. The legs are stout, fuscous, with yel- lowish hairs. Length, .35 inch. Our smallest and most abundant species is the little green O.smia simillima of Smith. It builds its little oval, somewhat urn-shaped cells, against the roof of the large deserted galls of tiie oak-gall fly (Diplolepis confluentus), placing them, in this instance, eleven in number, in two irregular rows, from Avhich the mature bees issue through a hole in the gall (Plate 4,* Fig. 14. F'rom specimens communicated by Mr. F. G. Sanborn). The earthen cells, containing the tough dense cocoons, were arranged irregularly so as to fit the concave vault of the larger gall, which was about two inches in diameter. On emerging from the cell the Osmia cuts out with its powerful jaws an ovate lid, nearly as large as one side of the cell. Both sexes may be found in April and May in the flowers of the willow * Explanation OF Plate 4. — Fig. 1, a cell of the Humble-bee; natural size, with the pollen mass upon the top. Fig. 2, end view of the same mass, showing the three ejrgs laid in three divisions of the cavity. Fig. 3, Xylocopn Jlrf/inica, the Carpenter Bee. Fig. 4, the larva of Xylocopa Virginica; natural isize. Fig. 5, the nest containing the cells of the same, with the partitions and pollen masses, on which the j-oung larva is seen in the act of feeding; natural size. Fig. 6, young larva of Anthrax sinuosa; side view. Fig. 7, pupa ol' A iithnix siniioxa, side view; natural size. Fig. 8, the Leaf-cutter Bee {MegachUe), on a rose leaf, in the act of cutting out a circular piece. Fig. 9, cells of Megachile, in the elder; natural size. Fig. 10, larva of Cerntina dupla, the little green Upholsterer Bee; enlarged. Fig. 11, cells of the same in the stem of the elder; natural size. Fig. 12, cells of O^min Hr/nivorn, new species, the wood-devouring Mason-bee, exca. vated in the maple; natural size. Fig. 1:5, cells of Osmia simillima, the common green Mason-bee, built in the deserted gall of the Oak-gall V\y. Fig. 14, a single earthen cell of the same: natural size. Fig. 1.5, pollen mass, or bee-bread of Osmia lignarin ; natural size. It is made up of distinct pellets of pollen, which are probably stuck together with saliriu Plate 4. ARCHITECTURE OF BEES. APIARI^. 141 and fruit trees which blossom later. The antennae are black, and the green body is covered with fine white hairs, becoming yellowish above. In the Harris collection are the cells and specimens of Osmia pacijica Say, the i)eaceful Osmia, which, according to the man- uscript notes of Dr. Harris, is found in the perfect state in earthen cells (Plate 5, Fig. 2) beneath stones. The cell is oval cylindrical, a little contracted as usual with those of all the spe- cies of the genus, thus forming an urn-shaped cell. It is half an inch long, and nearly three-tenths of an inch wide, while the cocoon, which is rather thin, is three-tenths of an inch long. The following genera, called Cuckoo Bees, are parasitic on other bees, laying their eggs in the cells, or nests, of their host. In Coelioxys the body is stout, and the bee closel}' mimics its host, Megachile. The ligula is verj^ long, being almost three times the length of the labium, and tlie paraglossae are wholly wanting ; the maxillary- palpi are short, three-jointed, and the abdominal tip of the male is variously toothed. Cceh'oxys odo- dentata Say, is abundant late in the summer about flowers. An allied genus, Melecta, is parasitic on Anthophora, and Epeolus is parasitic on Colletes. The species of Nomada are very numerous ; in all, the tongue is long and acute, with paraglossae about one-fourth as long as the tongue ; the maxillarj- pair of palpi are six-jointed ; and there are three subcostal cells. The species in their slen- der, smooth, gaily colored bod}^ resemble the wasps. These Cuckoo-bees lay their eggs in the nests of Andrena and Ha- lictus, and, according to English authors, Panurgus and Eucera, where the}-- may be found in all stages of development corre- sponding to those of their hosts. The females do not sting severely. The species emit sweet, balmy, or balsamical odors. Shuckard states that these bees should be killed with burning sulphur to preserve their bright colors. The larvie differ greatl^^ from those of their hosts, Andrena, the head being much smaller, the body being smoother and rounder, and belonging to a more degraded, lower type. The whole body is more attenuated towards both extremities. The pupa differs from those of any other genus of this family known to us, except Andrena, by having tlu-ee conspicuous 142 HYMENOPTERA. spines on the upper and posterior edge of the orbit, which are also found in the pupa of Stigmus, a Crabronid genus, and which evidently aid in locomotion. Thus the same law of degrada- tion obtains in these highly organized bee-parasites as in the lower parasitic species, though in a much less marked degree. From specimens found in the nests of Andrena and Halictus, collected at Salem by Mr. J. H. Emerton, and now in the Mu- seum of the Essex Institute, we have been enabled in great part to clear up the history of this bee. We have found in the nests of Andrena vicina both sexes of Nomada imbricata Smith, and several females of Nomada pulchella of Smith ; and in the cells of Halictus parallelus Say, specimens of Nomada imbri- cata. Both full-grown larvae and pupse of different ages, up to the adult Nomada, ready to take leave of its hdst, were found in the cells of the Andrena vicina. It seems, there- fore, that the newly hatched 3'oung of Nomada must feed on the pollen mass destined for the Andrena. But there seems to be enough for both genera to feed upon, as the young of both host and parasite were found living harmoniously to- gether, and the hosts and their parasites are disclosed both at the same time. Does not this mild sort of parasitism in No- mada throw much light on the probable habits of Apathus, the Humble-bee parasite ? It is more than probable that the Apa- thus larvae simply eat the food of the Bombus larvae, and do not attack the larvae of their hosts. Both Nomada and Apathus in their adult stages live harmoniously with their hosts, and are seen gathering food from the same flowers, and flying about the same nest. In the second subfamily, Andrenetm, the ligula, or tongue, is for the most part short and broad, and the maxillary palpi have four joints of equal size. In Sphecodes the body is smooth and wasp-like, and in its habit of running and flying in dry sandy places, it resembles Sphex, whence its generic name. The abdomen is generally light red, farther aiding in the resemblance to the Sphegidoi . The ligula is short, lancet-shaped, fringed with setae ; the para- glossifi are not so long as the tongue, while the labial palpi are shorter than the paragiossae, and the maxillae are broad, lan- ceolate, with six-jointed palpi. The antennae of the males are APIARIiE. 143 short and sometimes moniliform. Sphecocles dichroa Harris is our most common species. Mr. F. Smith, from direct observa- tion, states that this genus builds cells, though earlier authors have stated that it is parasitic on Ilalictus and Andrena. Prosojns is generally yellow on the face, and is "less pubes- cent than an}' of the bees." The tongue is broad, subemar- ginate, the paraglossae reach a little beyond the tongue ; the labial palpi are as long as the tongue, while there are two sub- costal cells in the fore wings. Smith states that the genus is not parasitical as formerly supposed, as he has "repeatedly bred them" from cells laid in a regular order in the hollow of bramble stems. Mr. S. Saunders has also raised them in Alba- nia where "they construct their cells in bramble sticks (which the}' bore in the same manner as CoUetes) with a thin transpa- rent membrane, calculated for holding semi-liquid honey, which they store up for their young. The species are much attacked by Stylops." Like Sphecodes and Ceratina, this genus, accord- ing to Smith, is unprovided with pollenigerous organs. We have several species in this country of which P. affinis Smith, and P. elliptica Kirby, are found northward. The habits of our species are not known. Augochlora comprises beautiful shining metallic green spe- cies, very commonly met with. The thorax is globose, and the anterior wings have one marginal and three submarginal cells ; the first submarginal cell as long as the second and thu-d united. Augochlora purus Smith is a small, green, rather common species. Mr. J. H. Emerton has found its nests in Sa- lem, near those of Andrena. The mouth of the hole opened under a stone, and was built up so as to form a tube of sand (Plate 5, Fig. 1). The burrow on the 28th of June was four inches deep. Andrena is a genus of great extent, and the species are often difficult to distinguish. The lanceolate tongue is moderately long, and the paraglossae are half as long as the tongue itself, while the six-jointed maxillary palpi are longer than the maxillae themselves. The wings have three subcostal cells, with the rudiments of a fourth one ; the second is squarish, and the third receives a recurrent nervure near the middle. The pos- terior legs " have a long curled lock upon the trochanter be- 144 HYMENOPTERA. neath, and the anterior upper surface of the femora is clothed vrith. long loose hair, which equall}' surrounds the whole of the tibiiB." (Shuckard.) The abdomen is banded more or less conspicuously with reddish. The larva (Fig. 80) is stout and thick, with a head of moder- ate size, and the mouth-parts are a little shorter than usual, the maxillfB and labium especially. The segments of the bod}^ are much more convex (angularh' so) than usual, giving a tuberculate outline to the body. It is stouter than that of Halictus, the wings are less convex than in that genus ; while the maxillaj are much stouter and blunter. The pupa is distinguished from the other genera b}' much the same characters as the imago, except that there are two tubercles on the vertex near the ocelli. From a comparison of all its stages, this genus stands inter- mediate between those placed above, and Halictus, which, in all its characters, is a more degraded form. The males often differ widely from the other sex, in their broad heads and widely spreading bidentate mandibles. Mr. Emerton has observed the habits of our most common species, Andrena vicina Smith, which builds its nest in grassy fields. The burrow is sunken perpendicularly, with short pas- sages leading to the cells, which are slightlj' inclined downwards and outwards from the main gallery. The walls of the gallery are rough, but the cells are lined Avitli a mucus-like secretion, which, on hardening, looks like the glazing of earthen-Avare. In Fig. 80 Mr. Emerton gives us a profile view of natural size of the nest showing the main burrow and the cells leading from it ; the oldest cell, containing the pupa (a) is situated nearest the surface, Avhile those containing larvfe (h) lie between the pupa and the cell (e) containing the pollen mass and egg resting upon it. The most recent cell (/) is the deepest down, and contains a freshlj' deposited pollen mass. At c is the begin- ning of a cell ; g is the level of the ground. The bees were seen at work on the 4th of Maj', at Salem, Mass., digging their holes, one of which was alread}^ six inches deep ; and by the 15th, hundreds of holes were observed. On the 28th of Ma}-, in unearthing six holes, eight cells were found to contain pol- APIARI^. 145 i len, and two of them a small larva. On the 29th of June six lull-grown larvffi were exhumed, and one about half-grown. About the first of August the larva transforms to a pupa, and during the last week of this month the mature bees appear. In Halictus, which is a genus of great extent, the head is trans- verse, and flattish ; the mouth- parts are of moderate length, the tongue being very acute, with acute paraglossai half the length of the tongue, while the labial palpi are not quite so long as the paraglossae. There are three subcostal cells in the wings, with the rudiments of a fourth often present, and the second cell is squarish. The abdomen is ob- long ovate, with a longitudinal linear furrow on the tip in the female. In the males the bod}^ is longer and the antennre more filiform and slender than usual in this famih'. The larvjB are longer, and with more acutel}- convex segments than in Andrena. The pupje diflfer much as the adult bees from /^J^J Andrena, especiall}- in the shorter mouth-parts. Ualictus jx^'-rallelus Say excavates cells almost exactl}- like those of Andrena ; but since the bee is smaller, the holes are smaller, though as deep. Mr. Emerton found one nest, in a path, a foot in depth. Another nest, discovered September 9th, was about six inches deep. The cells are in form like those of Andrena, and like them are glazed within. The egg is rather slender and much curved ; in form it is long, cylindrical, ol> tuse at one end, and much smaller at the other. The larva 10 V 146 HYMENOPTERA. Fig. 82. (Figs. 79, 81) is longer and slenderer, and quite different from the rather broad and flattened larva of Andrena. The bod}' is rather thick behind, but in front tapers slowly towards the head, which is of moderate size. Its body is somewhat tuberculated, the tubercles aid- ing the grub in moving about its cell. Its length is .40 of an inch. On the pupa are four quite dis- tinct conical tubercles forming a transverse line Fig. 81. j^jgt; ij^ front of the ocelli ; and there are also two larger, longer tubercles, on the outer side of each of -which an ocellus is situated. Figure 82 represents the pupa seen from beneath. Search was made for the nests on July 1 6th, when the ground was very hard for six inches in depth, below which the soil was soft and fine, and over twenty cells were dug out. ''The upper cells contained nearly mature pupne, and the lower ones larvae of various sizes, the smallest being hardly distinguishable by the naked eye. Each of these small larvae was in a cell by itself, and situated upon a lump of pollen, which was of the size and shape of a pea, and was found to lessen in size as the larva grew larger. These young were probablj^ the offspring of several females, as four mature bees were found in the hole." (Emerton.) The larva of an English species hatches in ten days after the eggs are laid. Another brood of bees appeared the middle of September, as on the ninth of that month (1864) Mr. Emerton found sev- eral holes of the same species of bee made in a hard gravel road near the turnpike. When opened, they were found to contain several bees Avitli their young. September 2, 1867, the same kind of bee was found in holes, and just ready to leave the cell. Like Bombus, the females are supposed to hybernate. the males not appearing until late in the season. Like Andrena, these bees suffer from the attacks of Stylops, and according to Shuckard, an Ichneumon preys upon them, wdiile certain spe- cies of Cerceris, Philanthus, and Crabro carry them off to store their nests with. VESPARIiE. 147 In CoUetes the females, as Shuckard observes, resemble the -workers of the lloncy-bee, while there is eousiderable disparity betweeii the sexes, the males being much smaller, the tongue and maxilUii ver}^ short ; and the four-jointed labial palpi much shorter than the paraglossa. There are three subcostal cells, with the rudiments of a fourth. These bees form large colo- nies, burrowing in the earth eight or ten inches deep, lining their cells "at the farther end with a very thin transparent mem- bi-anaccous coating, resembling goldbeaters' skin." They thus furnish six or eight cartridge-like cells, covering each with a t seem to be p;3rfectly circular, though stated by Water- house to be so in tlie incipient cells, for in some cases we de- tected two slight angles, thus making three sides, which, however, would be easily overlooked on casual observation ; as there are onl}' two sides within, the cell, from being at its earliest inception hemispherical, or "saucer-shaped," becomes five, and subsequently six-sided, and thus from being cir- cular, it is converted bj' the wasps into a hexagonal cell. In some cells, perhaps a majority, both in this and the other spe- cies, the newly made rim of the small cells is thinner than the parts below, and slightly bent inwards ; thus being quite the re- verse of the thickened rim of the cells of the Hive Bee. It would seem that the wasp plasters on more silk, especially on the angles, building them out, and making them more promi- nent, in order to complete, when other cells are added, their hexagonal form. The three cells are of much the same size and height when the third egg is laid, as we observed in another nest, that of Folistes Canadensis (Linn.), built at the Defences of Washington, near Munson's Hill, June 9th. Again, when one or two more cells have been added to the nest, and there are four or five in all (Plate 5, Fig. 6 ; Ga, top view, in which there are four cells), two of them are nearly twice as large as the others, while the fifth has been just begun, and is eggless. The form of the two which run up much higher than the others is the same as that of the smaller and shorter ones, i.e. they are on one side nearly semicircular, and on the other, partly hexagonal, and the angular sides show a tendency to be even more circular than when the others are built around them, for the little architect seems to bring out the angles more prominentl}- when carrying up the walls of the other cells. Thus she builds, as if by design, one and the same cell both by the "circular" and "hexagonal" methods, afterwards adopt- VESPARI^. 153 ing only the latter, and if she devotes her attentions specially to plastering the corners alone, with the design of making the cell six-sided, then we must allow, contrary to Mr. Water- house's views, that the wasp builds the hexagon b}- choice, and not as the mere result of her blindly "working in segments of circles ;" for if our i)oint be proved, and the most careful obser- vation of the wasp while at work is needed to prove it, then it may be shown that the wasp is a free agent, and can abandon one method of working at a certain stage of her work, and adopt a different mode of operating. The eggs are oval, pointed at the end, and glued to the in- side of the cell. They are situated midway from the top and bottom of the incipient cell, and placed on the innermost sides, so that in a group of several cells the eggs are close together, only separated by the thin cellular walls. In a completed cell the egg is placed very near the bottom. For several days a Polistes Canadensis was engaged in build- ing its nest in my tent in camp near Washington. When first noticed on June 9th, there were three cells, two of Avhich con- tained eggs; and it was not for two days, the 11th, that the third cell was completed, and a third egg deposited in it. The wasp paid especial attention to strengthening the pedicel, going over it repeatedly for an hour or two with its tongue, as if lay- ing on more silken matter, and then proved the work by its swiftly vibrating antennj^. It would often fly out of the tent, and on its return anxiously examine each cell, thrusting its head deep down into each one. It gradually became accustomed to my presence, but eventually abandoned the nest, without adding more cells. The others, while at work on the bushes, abscond- ed at my approach, and seemed very wary and distrustful, as if desirous of concealing their abodes. Mr. Smith has found Trigrmahjs b.'pustulatus to be a parasite on Polistes lanio Fabr. (P. Canadensis Linn.), from St. Salvador, S. A. Saussure arranges the higher Vespidse into two parallel series. Vespa is offset by Chartergus and Nectarina ; lower down we find Tatua and Synoeca, while Polistes is offset by Polybia. These five genera are tropical, and in their habits, the general appearance of their nests, and in the number of individuals represent Vespa and Polistes of the temperate zone. The 154 HYMENOPTERA. genus Nectarina is a short plump wasp, somewhat like Odyne- rus in shape ; its distinguishing mark is the concealment of the postscutellum by the scutellum. Nectarina mellijica Say,, of Mexico, builds a large nest externall}' like that of a wasp, but it is more irregular, and the papery covering consists of but one layer. The interior of the nest is ver}- different, the galleries of cells, instead of being parallel, being arranged in concentric spheres. Chartergus has the tip of the clypeus slighted excavated, and an oval sessile abdomen. C charturius Olivier makes an ex- ceedingly thick tough nest, attached by a broad base to the bough of a tree, about twice as long as thick, and ending in a cone, piercetl in the centre by the entrance which passes through the middle to the basal gallery ; the other galleries are formed by a continuation of the sides of the nest, and arranged in a conical plane. In Tatua, the abdomen is pedicelled, but the petiole is not enlarged, and the abdomen itself is very regularly conical. T. morio Cuvier, from Cayenne, forms a nest like that of Charter- gus ; but the galleries form a flat floor, and each gallery has an entrance from the outside of the nest, where in the latter there is one common entrance. Plate 5, Fig. 9, shows how the bases of the cells are laid out on the edge of a gallery. In Synoeca the peculiarly shaped abdomen is cordate and compressed. The curious nest of S. cyanea Fabr. is formed of a single layer of cells fixed against the trunk of a tree, and covered in with a dense covering made from the bark of dead trees. Some nests of Synoeca are three feet long. In the ver}' extensive genus Polybia, which resembles Polistes in its general shape, the abdo- men is pedicelled, and the mandibles are four-toothed. The nests are somewhat like those of Chartergus, but much smaller. Sev- eral species occur in Mexico, and in Brazil the number of species is very great. In Apoica the abdomen is very long, and the third segment is as long as the second. Plate 5, Fig. 11, represents the nest of Apoica paUida Olivier, from Ca^'enne. It is unprotected, with a conical base, and with a single row of cells. In Icaria we have an approach to Polistes in the slender series of cells composing the nest, forming two or three rows VESPART^. • 1,j5 only. Plate 5, Fig. 7, represents the nest of /. giittatipeimis Saussure, from Senegal ; 8, ground plan of a similar nest. These wasps are mostly distinguished from Polybia bj' the petiole ending in a globular mass. Plate 5, Fig. 10, represents the elegant nest of Mischocyttarus labiatus Fabr., from Caj-- enne and Brazil, which consists of a few cells supported by a long pedicel. The wasp itself much resembles Polistes, but the petiole is very much longer. The remaining genera noticed here are solitary, building separate cells, and with only males and females. There are three subcostal cells in the fore wings, and the maxillae and labium are much elongated. In Eumenes the abdomen has a long pedicel, being sessile in Odynerus. While authors place Eumenes higher than Ody- nerus, we would consider the latter as a higher, more cephar lized form, since the abdomen is less elongated, and the head is larger. In Odynerus the ligula is long, deeply forked at the slender extremity, while the slender paraglossai are shorter, ending in a two-toothed claw-like tip ; the maxillje are slender, and the palpi have an elongated basal joint ; the clj'peus is nearl}' circular, toothed on the front edge. The larva differs from those of the higher Ve spar ice , in its more elongated head, the square clypeus, the unusuall}^ deep fissure of the bilobate la- brum, and in the larger tubercles of the bod}^, as the larva is more active, turning and twisting in its cell, while feeding on its living food ; and in this respect it is more closely allied to the young Crahronidcn . In the pupa of 0. albojjhaleratus, the tip is more Incurved than in the pupa of Vespa, so that the hind legs (tarsi) reach to the tip, and the abdomen is rounded ovate, while in Vespa it is oblong. The cells (Plate 4, Figs. 13, 14) of Odynerns cdbophaleratns Sauss. have been detected like those of Osmia in a deserted gall of Diplolepis confluens, where several Avere found in a row, arranged around one side of the gall, side by side, with the holes pointing towards the centre of the gall. The cells are half an inch long, and one-half as wide, being formed of small pellets of mud, giving a corrugated, granulated appearance to the outside, while the inside is lined with silk. 1 5 6 HYMENOPTERA . We have received from Mr. Angus deserted cells of Cera- tina in a syringa stem, in which we detected a pupa of an Odynerus, perhaps 0. lexicomelas ; the cell was a little shorter than that of the Ceratina it had occupied. The cocoon of the Odynerus was of silk, and almost undistinguishable from the old cocoon of Ceratina. The wasp had dispensed with the necessity of making a mud cell. If future research shows that either this or any other species makes a mud cell or not at will, it shows the intelligence of these little "free-agents;" and that a blind adherence to fixed mechanical laws does not obtain in these insects. The larvae of Odynerus and E^umenes are carnivorous. I found several cells of 0. albophaleratus, June 22d, in the deserted nest of a Glisiocampa^ which were stored with micro- lepidoi)teroas larvje and pupte, still alive, having been para- lyzed by the sting of the wasp. The larvae of the wasp was short and thick, being, when contracted, not more than twice as long as broad ; the rings of the body are moderately convex, and the pleural region is faintly marked. Prof. A. E. Verrill has discovered the cells of an Odynerus at New Haven, forming a sandy mass (Plate 5, Fig. 12) attached to the stem of a plant. In Eumenes the lingua is very long, being narrower and more deeply divided than in Odynerus ; the second subcostal space of the wings is long and narrow, while in Odynerus it is triangular. The genus is easily recognized by the very long pedicel of the abdcnen. Eumenes fraterna Say constructs a thin cell (Plate 5,* Fig. 15) of pellets of mud, and as large * EXPLANATIOX OF PLATE .■;. Fig. 1. Mouth of the tunnel of Augochlora punts ; from Emerton. Fig 2 Cells of Osmin pacifica i communicated by Mr. Sanborn. Fig 3. Vertical section of nest of Vespa with a group of primitive cells surrounded by one layer of paper, and part of another; from Saussure. Fig. 4. Xest of Po- iistes annularis ; from Saussure. Fig. 5. Three primitive cells of Polistes; ■'Jo, top view of the same, one being eggless. The sides adjoining are angular. Figs. (J and 6rt, a cell farther advanced, consisting of four cells, each containing an egg, and with the edges of the cells built up higher and more decidedly si.\-sideien leiic(>j)iis Say has a dense silvery pile on the front of the head, witli l)laek antennit, and the pedicel is rather short. Nyssonid^ Leach. In this famih' the head is transversely longer and less cubical than in the preceding group ; the ver- tex is higher and more convex, while the front is narrow, the clypeus long and narrow, the e3'es long and narrow, and the antennae are more clavate than in the Crahronidw^ and the propodeuui is sometimes armed with acute spines, while the enclosed space is smoothl}' polished or striated. The wings are long and narrow, and the abdomen is sessile in the typical genera, where it is obconic, but clavate when pedicellate. In Trypoxylon the body is long, with a pedicellate clavate abdomen. In Europe "Mr. Johnson has detected it frequent- ing the holes of a post pre-occupied I)}- a species of Odynerus, and into which it conveyed a small round ball, or pellet, con- taining about fifty individuals of a species of Aphis ; this the Odyuerus, upon her return, invariabl}' turned out, flying out with it, held ])y her legs, to the distance of about a foot from the aperture of her cell, where she hovered a moment, and then let it fall ; and this was constantly the case till the Trypoxjdon had sufficient time to mortar up the orifice of the hole, and the Odynerus was then entirely excluded ;• for although she would return to the spot repeatedly, she never endeavored to force the entrance, but flew off to seek another hole elsewhere." T. politam Sa}' has purplish wings, and no enclosure on the propodeum. T. frigidum Smith lives in the stems of Syringa, from which it has been reared by Mr. Angus. The thin, delicate cocoon is long and slender, enlarging slightly towards the anterior end. The genus MelUnus (belonging to the third subfamily, Mel- Unince,) is known by its broad front, and slender antennae, and its pedunculate abdomen, while in Alyson, a slender- bodied genus, it is sessile. MelUnus hhnacidatus Sa^'^ has a black head, with pale tipped antenna?, and two ovate 3'ellow spots on the abdomen. Alyson oppositus is black, with two NYSSONID^. 163 jellow spots on the abdomen, which has the l)asal ring yel- lowish red in the female. The fourth subtamil}- is the Nyssoninoe, so named from Nys- son, a typical genus. The genus Gorytes is truly a mimetic form, closely simulat- ing the genus Odynerus, one of the VesjyarUe. The front of the head is narrow, while the clypeus is larger than usual. The si)ecies are numerous, occurring late in the summer on the Howers of Spira?a. Gorytes flavicornis Harris is polished russet lirown, with narrow yellow rings on the abdomen, the propo- deum is smooth and polished, and the basal riugof the abdomen is black. A species has been observed in Europe protruding her sting into the frothy secretion oPrettigoniic living on grass, and carrying off the insect to provision its nest with. Oxyhelus is a short, stout, black genus, with whitish abdomi- nal spots, and stout spines on the thorax, while the sessile 4ibdomen is distinctly conical. "Its prey consists of Diptera, which it has a peculiar mode of carrying by the hind legs the while it either opens the aperture of its burrow or else forms a new one with its anterior pair. Its flight is low, and in skips ; it is very active." (Westwood.) Oxybelus emarginatus 8ay has two oval membranous appen- dages to the metathorax, and is a common black species found abundantly on the flowers of the Virginia Creeper. In Xysson the body is a little longer, narrow comi)ared with ",hat of Oxybelus, while the terminal joint of the antennie is thickened, flattened, and excaAated beneath. JVysson lateralis Say is dull black, with six light spots on the abdomen. The species of Stizxs are of large size and easily recognized by their hirsute body, stout legs, triangular silvery clypeus, and the high transverse vertex of the head. The i)ropodeum has a faintly marked triangular enclosure. The species are very rapacious, paralyzing grasshoppers and other large insects with their formidable sting, and carrying them off to provision their nests. Professor 8. Tenney has sent us a specimen of the Dog-day Cicada'^C. canic ulari s) which Stizus speciosiis had thus stung. Mr. Atkinson has observed the same fjict, and has found the deep burrows of this species, the hole being three- fourths of an inch in diameter. He has observed it feeding on sap running from a tree 164 HYMENOPTERA. The species of Larra are smaller, and differ from those of Stizus in the long, narrow, verj- prominent labrum, the shorter clypeus, broader front and longer abdomen, the tip of which is without the broad subtriangular area which is present in Stizus and the other genera of this famih'. Larra unicinda Saj- is black- ish, with a single reddish band on the second abdominal ring. Bembecid.e Latreille. We have but two genera, Bemhex and Monechda, which have large heads and flattened bodies, bearing a strong resemblance to Syrphus flies from their similar coloration. The labrum is very large and long, triangular, like a beak. The species are very active, fl3ing rapidly about flowers Avith a loud hum. "The female Benibex burrows in sand to a considerable depth, burying various species of Dip- tera (vSyrphidie, Muscidie, etc.), and depositing her eggs at the same time in company Avith them, upon which the larv«, when hatched, subsist. Wlien a suflflcient store has been collected, the parent closes the mouth of the cell with earth." "An anonymous correspondent in the J^ntomological Magazine, states that B. rostrata constructs its nests in the soft light sea-sands in the Ionian Islands, and appears to catch its prey (consisting of such flies as frequent the sand ; amongst others, a bottle- green fly) whilst on the wing. He describes the mode in Avhich the female, with astonishing swiftness, scratches its hole with its forelegs like a dog. Bemhex tarsata, according ta Latreille, provisions its nests with BomhyUi." (Westwood.) Dufour states that two Diptera, Panopea carnea and Toxophora fasciata, the latter allied to Systrophus, are parasites on Bem- bex. Mr. F. G. Sanborn has noticed the exceedingly swift flight of our common Bemhex fasciata Fabr. on sandy beaches w'here it is found most abundantly. Monechda differs from Bembex in its slenderer bod}^, more clavate antenuie, and its shorter, very obtuse labrum. The body is smoother, and most generally more highly colored and more gaily spotted than in Bembex. Monedula Carolina Fabr. and M. ■^-fasciata Say are common southwards of New England. Larrii).*; Leach. Mr. F. Smith defines this family as having " mandibles notched exteriorly near the base ; the labrum con- LARRID.E. 165 cealed, with a single spine at the apex of the intermediate fibiie ; the abdomen is ovoid-conical." The genus Astuta is a Uirge hairy form, witli long antennae and palpi and an elongated prothorax. Its spiny legs show its relationship to the Si^ he g idee. Astata tmicolor Say repre- sents the genus in this country'. Tachytes is also of larger size than the following genus. It is covered with long dense golden short hairs, with a trap- ezoidal front. Tachytes aundentus Fabr. is rare ; it frequents the rio.versof the Asclepias, as we have found pollen masses at- tac'.ied to the spines of its legs. We figure (89) a tarsus of a wasp belonging probably to this genus, received from Mr. V. T. Chambers, showing the pollen masses of Asclepias at- tached to the spines. Tlie genus ian-ada "contains those species which have the marginal cell truncated at the apex and appendiculated, and three submarginal cells, the first as long as the two following ; .... the metathorax [propodeum] truncated posteriori}^, elongate, the sides being generally parallel ; the mandibles are large and arcuate, with a tooth on their exterior towards the base; abdomen ovate-conical, acuminate at the apex." Larrada arfjentata Beauv. is covered with silver}' pile. It is a slender form, Avitli short, nearly unarmed legs. A Brazilian species of Larrada^ according to IMr. IT. W. Bates, builds a nest composed apparently of the scrapings of the woolly texture of plants ; it is attached to a leaf, having a close resemblance to a piece of German tinder, or a piece of sponge. The cocoons were dark brown, and of a brittle consist- ency. The reporter, Mr. F. Smith, adds : "I am not aware of any similar habit of building an external nest having been pre- viousl}' recorded ; our British species of the closely allied genus Tachytes, are burrowers in the ground, particularly in sandy situations ; their anterior tarsi are strongly ciliated, the claws bifid and admirably adapted for burrowing. On examin- ing the insect which constructed the nest now exhibited, I find the legs differently armed ; the anterior pair are not ciliated, IGC HYMENOPTERA. and the claws are simple and slender, clearly indicative of a peculiar habit differing from its congeners, and how admirably is this illustrated in the nest before us ? " Sphegid^ Latreille. Smith defines this family as having "the posterior margin of the prothorax not prolonged back- wards to the insertion of the wings, and anteriorly produced into a neck, with the abdomen petiolated." The very fossorial legs are long and spiny, the posterior pair being of unusual length. The mandibles are large, curved, narrow, and acute, the base not being toothed externally, and the antennae are long and filiform. The species are often gaily colored, being ornamented with black and red, brown and red, or are entirely black, or blue. They love the sunshine, are very active, rest- less in their movements, and have a powerful sting. Tlie sting of these and other wasps which store up insects for their young, penetrates the nervous centres and paralyzes the victim without depriving it of life, so that it lives many days. A store of living food is thus laid up for the young wasp. After being stung the caterpillars will transform into chrys- alids, though too weak to change to moths. Mr. Gueinzius, who resides in South Africa, observes that "large spiders and caterpillars became immediately motionless on being stung, and I cannot help thinking that the poisonous acid of Hymen- optera has an antiseptic and preserving property ; for cater- pillars and locusts retain their colors weeks after being stung, and this, too, in a moist situation under a burning sun." These insects either make their nests in the sand, or, like the succeeding family, are "mud-daubers," building their cells of mud and plastering them on walls, etc. The tropical genus Amjyulex is more closely allied to the preceding family than the other genera. The species are brassy green. Dr. G. A. Perkins has described in the Ameri- can Naturalist, vol. 1, p. 293, the habits of a wasp, probably the Ampidex Sihirica Fabr., which inhabits Sierra Leone, and oviposits in the body of the cockroach. The dead bodies of the cockroaches are often found with the empty cocoon of the wasp occupying the cavity of the abdomen. A species of this genus, abundant at Zanzibar at certain sea- SniEGID.E. 1C7 sons, was frequently observed b}' Mr. C. Cooke to attack the cockroach. The cockroach, as if cowed at its presence, im- mediately jields without a struguh'. The Aini)ulex stings and paralyses its victim, and then flies away with it. Chlorion is closely allied, containinii" blue and metallic green species, often with golden yellow wings. Chlorion cyaneutn Dahlb., a blue species, is found in the Southern States. The genus Priononyx " differs from the genus Sphex in hav- ing the claws qnadridentate beneath at their base ; the neura- tion of the wings and the form of the abdomen are the same as in Harpactopua^" which is found only in the tropics and Aus- tralia. Priononyx Thomue, is found from South Carolina to Brazil, including the "West Indies. The genus Sphex is quite an extensive one. The head is as wide as the thorax ; the antennje are filiform, mandibles large and acute, bidentate within, the teeth notched at their base, forming a rudimentary tooth, the apical tooth being acute. The thorax is elongate-ovate, truncated behind, with a trans- \erse collar (prothorax). The fore wings have one marginal and three submarginal cells ; the marginal cell elongate, rounded at its apex ; the first submarginal cell as long as the two following. The abdomen is pedun- culated, conically ovate, and the an- terior tarsi are cili- atedin the females. Sphex ichneumo- nea Linn. (Figure 90) is a large rust- red species, with a dense golden pu- Fig. 90. bescence. It is common from Massachusetts southwards. In the last Aveek of Jul}-, and during August and early in Sep- tember, we noticed nearl}' a dozen of these wasps busil}- en- gaged in digging their holes in a gravellj^ walk. In previous seasons they were more numerous, burrowing into grassy 168 IIVMENOPTERA. banks near the walk. The holes were four to six inches deep. In beginning its hole the wasp dragged away with its teeth a stone one half as large as itself to a distance of eight inches from the hole, while it pushed away others with its head. In beginning its burrow it used its large and powerful jaws almost entirely, digging to the depth of an inch in five minutes, com- pleting its hole in about half an hour. After having inserted its head into the hole, where it loosened the earth with its jaws and threw it out of the hole with its jaws and fore legs, it would retreat backwards and push the dirt still farther back from the mouth of the cell with its hind legs. In eases where the farther progress of the work was stopped by a stone too large for the wasp to remove or dig around- it would abandon it and begin a new hole. Just as soon as it reached the required depth the wasp flew a few feet to the adjoining ])ank and falling upon an Orchelimum vulgare or O. gracile, stung and paral^'zed it instantly, bore it to its nest, and was out of sight for a moment, and while in the bottom of its hole must haft'e deposited its egg in its victim. Eeappearing it be- gan to draw the sand back into the hole, scratching it in quite briskly by means of its spiny fore tarsi, while standing on its two hind pairs of legs. It thus threw in half an inch of dirt upon the grasshopper and then flew off. In this way one Sphex Avill make two or three such holes in an afternoon. The walk was hard and composed of a coarse sea-gravel, and the rapidity with which the wasp worked her way in with tooth and nail was marvellous. Sphex tibialis 8t. Fargeau is a black, stout, thick insect. Mr. J. Angus has reared this species, sending me the larva; in a cavity previously tunnelled bj' Xylocopa Virginica in a pine board. The hole was six inches long, and the oval cylin- drical cocoons were packed loosel}', either side by side, where there was room, or one a little in advance of the other. The interstices between them were filled with bits of rope, which had perhaps been bitten up into pieces by the wasp itself ; while the end of the cell was filled for a distance of two inches with a coarse sedge arranged in layers, as if rammed in like gun- wad- ding. The cocoons are eighty to ninety hundredths of an inch long, oval lanceolate, somewhat like those of Pompilus. They SPHEGID^. 169 consist of two layers, the outer very thin, the inner tough, parchment-like. The larvae hybernate and turn to pupae in the spring, appearing in the summer and also in the autumn. The larva is cylindrical, with the pleural ridge prominent, and with no traces of feet ; the head, which is small and not prominent, and rather narrow compared with that of Pelopjeus, is bent inwards on the breast so that the mouth reaches to the sternum of the fourth abdominal ring. The posterior half of each ring is much thickened, giving a crenulated outline to the tergum. The abdominal tip is obtuse. Sj^hex Lanierii Guerin, according to Smith (Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, Feb. 7, 1859), con- structs its nest of a cottony substance, filling a tunnel formed by a large curved leaf. The species of the genus are sup- posed to burrow in the ground, and the two cases above •cited show an interesting divergence from this habit. Mr. Smith adds, that in "the Sphex which constructs the nest in the rolled leaf, the anterior tarsi are found to be very slightly •ciliated, and the tibifie almost destitute of spines, thus affording another instance proving that difference of structure is indica- tive of difference of habit." The genus Pelojxeus is of a slighter form than in Sphex, the body being longer and slenderer ; the clypeus is as broad as long, triangular above, in front convex, or produced and end- ing in two teeth. The outer costal cell is lanceolate oval, the second subcostal cell subtrapezoidal, being widest above ; it is also somewhat longer tlian broad. The first median cell is very long and narrow, much more so than usual. The pedicel of the abdomen is long, the first joint in the male being often as long as the remainder of the abdomen. The larva of P. cceruleus Linn, is much like that of Sphex, having a cylindrical body with the rings thickened posteriorly. It differs from that of Pompilus in its longer and narrower head, the short broadly trapezoidal cl37)eus, and the distinctly marked •exserted labrum. The mandibles are long and tridentate. The pupa (of P. flavipes) differs from that of the Ve spar ice in having the head more raised from the breast ; the palpi are not partially concealed, as they may be easily seen for their ■whole length. The long curved mandibles cover the base of the 170 HYMENOPTEKA. maxillae and lingua, and the antennae reach to the posterior coxae. The maxillae are slender, not reaching to the tip of the labium. The female usually provisions her cells (Plate 5, Fig. 14) with spiders. The cells are constructed of layers of mud of unequal length, and formed of little pellets placed in two rows, and di- verging from the middle. They are a little over an inch long, and from a half to three-quarters of an inch wide, and are some- what three-sided, the inner side next the object, either stone- walls or rafters, to which it is attached, being flat. As the earthen cells sufficiently protect the delicate larvae within, the cocoons are very thin, and brown in color. The oells of Pelopceiis Jlavipes from Brownville, Texas, col- lected b^' an United States officer and presented to the Boston Society of Natural History, contained both spiders and numer- ous pupie of a fly, Sarcopliaga niidipennis Loew (MS) which is somewhat allied to Tachina. These last hatched out in mid- summer a few days before the specimens of Pelopaeus. It is most probable that they were parasitic on the latter. These specimens of P. flavipes were more highl}' ornamented Avith j^el- low than in those found northwards in the Atlantic States, the metathorax being crossed by a broad yellow band. The genus Ammophila is a long slender form, with a j^etio- late abdomen, the tip of which is often red. The petiole of the abdomen is two-jointed, and very long and slender, being longer than the fusiform part. In the males the petiole is in some species much shorter. The wings are small, with the apex more obtuse than usual ; the second subcostal cell is pentag- onal, and the third is broadl}^ triangular. Westwood states that "the species inhabit sandy districts, in which A. sabulosa forms its burrow, using its jaws in bur- rowing ; and when they are loaded, it ascends backwards to the mouth, turns quickly around, flies to about a foot's distance, gives a sudden turn, throwing the sand in a complete shower to about six inches' distance, and again alights at the mouth, of its burrow." ' ' Latreille states that this species provisions its cells with caterpillars, but Mr. Shuckard states that he has observed the female dragging a very large inflated spider up the nearly per- pendicular side of a sand-bank, at least twenty feet high, and POMPILID^. 171 that whilst burrowing it makes a loud whin-ing buzz ; and, in the Transactions of the Entomological Societ}' of London, he states that he has detected both A. sabuJosa and A. Jiirsuta dragging along large spiders. Mr. Curtis observed it bury the caterpillars of a Noctua and Geometra. St. Fargeau, how- ever, states that A. sabulosa collects cateri)illars of large size, especially those of Noctuae, with a surprising perseverance, whereas A. arenaria., forming a distinct section in the genus, collects spiders." (Westwood.) AmmoiMla cementaria Smith, and A. nrnaria King, are the more common species in this countr}- ; tliey are red and white, while A. luctHosa Smith is a black, shorter, stouter, more hirsute species. They may all be seen flying about hot sandy places, and alighting near wells and standing Avater to drink. PoMPiLiD^ Leach. In this family the body is oblong, the sides often compressed, and the head shorter, when seen from above, being more trans- verselj' ovate than in the preceding family. The antenme are long, not geniculate, and in the males are stouter and with shorter joints than in the females. The e3'es are narrow oval, and the maxillary palpi are six, and the labial palpi four-jointed. The prothorax is ex- tended on the sides back to the base of the wings, which latter are large and broad, the fore pair having three subcostal cells. The legs ai-e very long and slender, with thick slender spines. The Pompiliclie, of which about seven hun- dred species are known, have a wide geographical range, from the temperate zone to the tropics. Like the Sjyhegidce, they oviposit in the body of other insects, storing their nests, usually built in the sand, with spiders and caterpillars. The head of Pompilus (Fig. 91) is a little longer, seen from 172 HYMENOPTERA. above, than in the other genera ; the front of the head is about a third longer than broad. The antennae are long and fili- form and sometimes crenulate, as in Figure 91a, in the males ; the mandibles are stout, broad, sabre-shaped, being much curved, with low flattened teeth, and the maxillary palpi are longer than the labial palpi. The wings are rather broad, with the three subcostal cells lying in a straight row. The abdomen is slightly com- pressed, and equals in length the remainder of the bod}^ The sting is ver}' large and formidable, and ex- cessively painful, benumbing the parts it enters. They '" ■ "" are exceedingly active, running and flying over sandy l)Iaces like winged spiders. There are about five hundred species of this genus described. They are usually shining black or deep bluish black, with ' Fig. 92. smoky or reddish wings, and sometimes a reddish abdominal band. This genus is interesting, as aflbrding in its form a mean between the globular thorax and short body of the Apiari(M and the elongated body of the Ichneumonidce. The Pompilus formosus Say (Fig. 92), called in Texas the Tarantula-killer, attacks that immense spider the Mygale Hentzii, and, according to Dr. G. Lincecum (American Naturalist, May, PO-MPILID.*:. 173 1867), paralyzes it with its formidable sting, and inserting aii egg in its body, places it in its nest, dug to the depth of five inches. There is but a single brood, produced in June, which is killed off by the frosts of November. This species feeds in summer ''upon the honey and pollen of the flowers of the Elder, and of Vitis ajnjyelojisis, the Virginia Creeper : but its favorite nourishment is taken from the blossoms of Asdeinas quadrifolmm." (Lincecum.) F. cyUndrkus Cresson (Fig. 93, wing) is one of our smallest species, being from three to five lines long. It occurs in the South and "West. P. arctus Cresson (Fig. 94, wing) in- habits Colorado Territory. P. Marice Cresson (Fig. 95, ? enlarged) is a beautiful and rare species found in Pennsj^lvania. The genus Priocnemis is characterized by the two hind pan- of tibiae being serrated ( 5 , Fig. 96, a, wing ; 6, pos- terior leg ; c, anterior leg) , and by the want of spines on the an- terior legs. P. wiifasciatus Say is a wide-spread species and b a readily recognized by the deep black color of the body, the yellow an- tennae and the large yellow spot at the tip of each anterior wing. The genus Acjenia (Fig. 97, «, wing ; 6, posterior leg) differs in having smooth legs. A. brevis Cres- Fig. 96. son (Fig. 98, wing) is a little spe- cies found in Georgia. A. congncus Cresson (Fig. 99, wing) was captured in West Virginia ; and A. accejitus Cresson (Fig. 100, wing) in Georgia. The genus Notocyphus (Fig. 101, ?, wing) is found in Brazil and Mexico. Planiceps (Fig. 102, Fig. 95. 174 HYMEXOPTERA. Wing) contains a few species, of which P. niger Cresson, an entirely black species, is found in Connecticut. Aponis (Fig. 103, wing) contains a single American species, A. fasciatus Smith, taken in North Carolina. From Mr. F. G. Sanborn we have re- ceived the larva and cocoon of Pompilus fanereus St. Farg., a small black spe- The larva is short and b -i Fig. 97. cies, which builds its nest in fields broad, with the lateral region rather prominent, and the tip of the abdomen rather acute. It differs from Pelopaeus in its stouter, rather flat- tened bod}', and thickened segments, though as our specimen is preserved in alcohol these characters may have be- come exaggerated. It more nearly re- sembles Pelopaeus in its transverse clypeus, thin bilobate labrum, and the stout mandibles, which are, however, much stouter than in Pelopaeus, while the whole head is shorter, broader, and rounder. It is probable that this pecu- liar form of the head (which as in Sphex is bent beneath the breast), together rig. 103. with the broad transverse clypeus, and broad, short, bilobate, thin, transparent labrum, and especially the unidentate short broad mandibles are family characters, sep- arating the larvae of this group from those of the Sp liegidoi . The cocoon is ovate, long, and slender, much smaller at one end than the other, not being so regularly fusiform as in Sjihex. Ceropales differs from the foregoing gen- Fig. 100. gj.^ jj^ i^g broad head, its much shorter ab- domen ; and also in the eyes being a little excavated, in the depressed labium, the narrow front, which dilates above and l)elow the middle, and in the greatly elongated hind legs, gen- erally banded with red or whitish. Ceropales bipunctata Say is generally distributed throughout the United States. It SCOLIAD.1-:. 175 Is easily recognized 1)3- the l.laek body and legs, and rod pos- terior femora, and is six lines long. C. Robinsonii Cresson (Fig. 104, J) is an elegant species found in West Virginia. An allied genus is Mi/gnimia (Fig. 105, Aving) containing M. Mex- icana Cresson and M. ns- tulataDahlh., two Mexican species. In the genus Pcpsjs (Fig. 106, wing) the max- illary and labial palpi are of equal length. The spe- cies are large, some of them being among the lar- gest of Hymenoptera, and ai-e generally indigo-blue in color. Fepsis hews Dahlbom is found m Cuba; it is two inches long; P. cyanea Linn., which is blackish-blue, with blue abdomen and wings, the latter reddish at the apex, has been described by Beauvois from the United States, while P. elegans St. Farg. also occurs in the Southern States. P. formosa Say affords another example of a species common to both sides of the Kocky Mountains, as it has been found both in Texas and Cal- ifornia. It is black, with bluish or greenish reflections, with bright fiery red wings, and is thirteen to eighteen lines long. ScoLiAD^ Leach. This family forms a group very easily distingmshed from the Bembecid(B or Chrysidid<^, as well as the Povip ilidce, by the broad front, the small indented eyes, and the great sexual differences in the antennae, those of the male being long and slowly tliickened towards the tip, while in 17G HYMENOPTERA. the female they are short, thick, and elbowed on the second joint. The cl3'peus is large, irregularly quadrilateral, becom- ing shorter in the lower genera, and the labrum is small, scarcel}^ exserted, while the mandibles are, in the female es- peciall}^, large and broad. The prothorax is ver}- square in front. In the fore-wings are three subcostal spaces. The abdomen in the typical genus (Scolia) is broad and flat, longer than the rest of the body. The abdomen of Mutilla approaches that of the Chrysididce in having the second ring much en- larged over the others. The males usuall}' have the anal stylets very prominent, while the sting of the female is very powerful. The body and legs are generall}- very hirsute, and the first tarsal joint is as long as the tibiae. The genus Saj^yga is easily recognized by its smooth slender body, being ornamented with yellow, with transverse bands on the abdomen. The head is long, very convex in front, and the antennae are clavate ; the prothorax is very broad, giving an oblong appearance to the thorax. The legs are slender and smooth. It is said to be parasitic, laying its eggs in the cells of Osmia. Sapyga Martinii of Smith is found northward. The species of Scolia are often of great size, being black and very hirsute, with the labium composed of three linear di- visions ; the abdomen alone being banded or spotted with yellow on the sides. They are found in the hottest places about strongly scented flowers. In Europe, Scolia hicincta "makes its burrows in sand-banks, to the depth of sixteen inches, with a very wide mouth;" and it is probable that the nest is stored with grasshoppers. Scolia quaclrimaculata Fabr. is found in the Middle and Southern States. The larva of Scolia flavifrons was found by Passerini to live in the body of the lamellicorn beetle, Oryctes nasicornis. In Madagascar, Scolia oryctophaga lives on Oryctes simia, according to Coquerel. Professor Sumichrast states that at Tehuacan (Department of Puebla) the Scolia Azteca Sauss. is very common ; and is particularly abundant in the leather tanneries, which leads him to think that the females of this si)ecies .also deposit their eggs under the epidei-mis of the larva which abounds in the tan. Tiphia is black throughout and rather hirsute. The antenuc'e MUTILLAUI.E. 177 are shorter than in Scolia or Myzinc ; the elypeus is also shorter, while tiie prothorax is longer. In the fore-wings the onter cos- tal cell is short, broad, angnlated, oval ; and of the two sub- costal cells, the outer one is l)road and triangular, twice as long as broad, while the first median cell is regularly short rhom- boidal, much more so than in the other genera. The females, according to West wood, '"make perpendicular burrows in sandy situations, for the recepti/rmosu maj' be known 1)3' the "Ncry short clypeus, the broad ver- tex, and the rings of the abdomen of the ^ ». male being unusually contracted. The Fijr. 107. abdomen of the female is cylindrical, about twice as long as broad, and thickest on the second ring. The rings are densely hirsute on the hinder edge. Myrmosa unicolor Hay (Figs. 107, male ; 108, female) is widely distributed. "We have taken this species in Maine, while sex- ually united, early in June. The wingless female is like an ant, and is pale reddish on the thorax and basal ring of the abdomen, and the antennae and feet are concolorous, while the head and remaining abdominal rings are much darker. It is .20 inch long. The male is ,28 inch long and entirely black. rOKMICARI^. 179 The genus Mutilla is a veiy extensive one, and enjoys a wide geographical range. It is tlu-oughout stouter than JJyrmosa, tiic licad is more cubical, and the thorax and abdomen is shorter, the tip of the latter being somewhat truncated. The wingless female closely resembles, both in its form and motions, a worker ant. The body is coarsely granulated and either naked or densely hirsute, and of a scarlet, black, or pale red, or brown-black color. The females are found running in hot sanily places, and hide themselves quickty when disturbed, while the males frequent flowers. Mutilla occidentalis is a large species. It is of a beautiful scarlet color and is armed with a very powerful sting. According to Profes- sor A. E. Vcrrill this species was found by him, at New Haven, to construct deep holes in a hard beaten path, storing its nest J '^ with insects. This species is also said by rig. 109. Kirby to be very active, "taking flies by surprise." (West- wood.) Mr". Yerrill noticed that this insect makes a slight creaking noise. The larvae of M. Eurojxea are said to live parasitically in Humble-bees' nests. Mutilla ferrugata Fabr. (Fig. 109) is found frequent^ in New England. FoRMiCARi^ Latreille. The family of ants would seem naturally to belong Avith the truly fossorial H3-menoptera, both from their habits and structure. Both males and females are winged, but the males are much smaller than the females, while the wingless workers are smaller than the males. In these wingless forms tlie segments of the thorax become more or less separated, making the body much longer and slenderer, and less compact than in the winged nor- mal sexual forms, the prothorax being more developed than in the males and females. The workers often consist of two forms : one with a large cubical head, or woi'ker major, some- times called a soldier, and the usual small-headed form, or worker minor. The head is generally triangular. The eyes are large in the males, smaller in the workers, and in those of some genera (Ponera, Typhlopone, etc.) they are absent ; while in the 180 HYMENOPTEKA. workers the ocelli are often wauting, though present in the winged individuals of both sexes. The antennae are long, slender and elbowed. The mandibles are stout, and toothed, though in those species that do not themselves labor, but en- slave the workers of other species, they are unarmed and slender. The maxillary palpi are from one to six-jointed, and the labial palpi two to four-jointed. The fore-wings usually have but a siugle complete subcostal (cubital) cell. The sting is often present, showing that in this respect as well as their fossorial habits the ants are trul}^ aculeate Ilymenoptera. The larva is short, cylindrical, with the end of the bod}- ol)tuse. The rings of the body are moderately convex. The head is rather suutII and l)eut upon the breast. The larva? are fed by the workers with food ehiborated in their stomachs. The larvai of the stingless genera usually spin a delicate silken cocoon, while those of the aculeate genera do not. Both Latreille and Westwood, however, state that sometimes, as in Formica fusca, of Europe, the pupjie are naked, and at other times enclosed in a cocoon. The colonies of the different species varj- greatly in size. In the nests of Formica sanguinea the number of individuals is veiy great. The history of a formicarium, or ant's nest is as follows : The workers only (but sometimes the winged ants) hibernate, and are found early in spring, taking care of the eggs and larvae produced by the autumnal brood of females. In the course of the summer the adult forms are developed, swarming on a hot sultry day. The little yellow ants, abundant in paths and about houses in New England, generally swarm on the af- ternoon of some hot day in the first week of September, when the air is filled towards sunset with myriads of them. The females, after their marriage flight in the air, may then be seen entering the ground to lay their eggs for new colonies, or, as Westwood states, they are often seized by the workers ar.d retained in the old colonies. Having no more use for their wings they pluck them off', and may be seen running about wingless. According to Gould, an early English obserAer, the eggs destined to hatch the future females, males and y/orkers, are deposited at three different periods. The nests of some species of Formica are six feet in diameter FOKMICARI^. 181 and contain many thousand individuals. Ants also build nests of clay or mud, and inhabit hollow trees. They enjoy feeding upon the sweets of flowers and tlie honey of the Plant- lice, which they domesticate in their nests. Several species of beetles, including some of the StapJiylinidce , take up their abode in ants' nests. Ants are useful as scavengers, feeding on decaying animal matter. A good method of obtaining the skeletons of the smaller animals, is to place them on a densely populated ant-hill. The habits of the ants, their economy and slave-making habits, are described in the works of Iluber, La- treille, aud Kirby and Spence. Upwards of a thousand species of ants have alread}^ been described ; those of this countr}- have still to be monographed. The first group of this extensive family consists of Dorylus and its allies, and Formica and the neighboring genera, all of Avhich are distinguished by having only the first al)dominal seg- ment contracted, while in the second group (Mynnicarice), the two basal rings are contracted into knot-like segments. The genus Dor>/lHS was, by Latreille, King, and others, in- cluded in the Mnt illarice . The head is very short, the ocelli are large and globuhn-. Tlie thorax and abdomen are elongated, the last is cylindrical, with a small, round, basal joint. The legs are short, with broad compressed femora and feather-like tarsi. In the wings tlie outer subcostal cells are wanting. The females are not ^et known. jNIr. F. Smith sa3's that Dor3dus Avas found by lion. W. FUiot to li\e in the man- ner of ants, under the stone foundation of a house in India. The societ}' was ver^- numerous. The difterence in size of the male aud worker is very remarkable. The males are of large size an.l are found in troi^ical Asia and Africa. Typ^tlop'tne is an allied genus. T. pallipes Ilaldcman is found in Pennsylvania. To the genus Anomma belong the Driver-ants of Western Africa. The}- march in vast armies, driving everything before them, so formidable are they from their numbers and bite, though they are of small size. They cross streams, bridging them by their interlocked bodies. Only the workers are known. Two species only, A. Burmeisteri Shiickard, and A. arcens Westwood, are described from near Cape Palnias, West Africa. 182 HYMENOPTERA. The genus Ponera is found distributed throughout the tropics. The females and workers are armed with spines ; the abdomen is elongated, the segments more or less diminished in size, the first comparatively large and often cubical. The legs are slender. P. ferniginea Smith is a Mexican species. The allied genus OdontomacJius springs like some leaping spiders. It uses for this purpose its unusually long mandibles, which are bent at right angles. 0. darns Roger lives in Texas. Formica includes the typical species of ants. Over two hun- dred species of this genus have been already described. The body is unarmed. The abdomen is short, oval or spherical, the scale-like first segment being lenticular in form, with a sharp upper edge. The subcostal cell of the fore-wings enls in a point. Formica sanguinea Latr. is one of our most abundant species, making hillocks of sand or clay, according to the nature of the ground. From the formicary walks, and underground galleries, radiate in all directions. This species has been ob- served making forays upon each others colonies. We have found a variet}^ of this species in Labrador, where it is com- mon. It does not throw up iiillocks, but tunnels the earth. This species has been observed in Europe by P. Huber, to go on slave expeditions. They attack a "negro-colony" be- longing to a smaller black species, pillaging the nest, and carry- ing oft' merel}^ the larvae and pupse. The victors educate them in their oavu nests, and on arriving at maturity the negroes take the entire care of the colony. Polyergus rufescens is also a slave- making ant, and "Latreille very justly observes that it is physi- cally impossible for the rufescent ants {Polyergus rvfescens), on account of the form of their jaws, and the accessory parts of their mouth, either to prepare habitations for their famil}-, to procure food, or to feed them." Formica sanguinea sallies forth in immensely long columns to attack the negro ant. Hu- ber states that only five or six of these forays are made within a period of a month, at other seasons they remain at peace. Huber found that the slave-making Polyergus rufescens when left to themselves perish from pure laziness. They are waited upon and fed by their slaves, and when they are taken awaj^, their masters perish miserably. Sometimes they are known to labor, and were once observed to carry their slaves to a spot chosen. FORMICARI.E. 183 for a nest. The F. sanguinea is not so lielplcss, "they assist their negroes in the constrnction of their nests, they collect their sweet fluid from the Aphides ; aild one of their most usual occupations is to lie in wait for a small species of ant on which they feed ; and when their nest is menaced by an enemy they show their value for these faith- ful servants, b}' carrying them down into the lowest apartments, as to a place of the greatest securit}-." (Kirby.) Pupiie of both of the slave- making species were placed in the same formicary by Iluber, where the}" Fig. no. were reared by the "negroes," and on arriving at maturity " lived together under the same roof in the most perfect amity," as we quote from Kirl)y. Darwin states that in England, F. sanguinea does not enslave other species. In this country Mr. J. A. Allen has described in the Proceedings of the Essex Institute, vol. 5, 1866, a foray of a colony of F. sanguinea upon a colony of a black species of Formica, for the purpose of making slaves of them. Formica Pensylvanica, our largest species, is found in oaks and decay- Fig. 111. ing trees, while F. herculanea Latr. burrows in the earth, its hole opening beneath stones and sticks. Gould, who wrote in 1747, states that there are two sizes of workers of the common European Formica ri(fa, and flava; one set of individuals exceeding the other l)y about one-third. Kirby states that in his specimens "the large workers of For- mica rufa are nearly three times, and of F. flava, twice the size of the small ones." Mr. E. Xorton describes F. fulvacea (Fig. 110, worker minor), and also Tcqnnoma tomentosa (Fig. Ill, worker major ; antennoe broken off) , from Mexico. The troi:)ical genus Polyrhachis includes, according to Smith, all those species that closely resemble Formica, but Avhich 184 BYMENOPTERA. have the thorax and node of the peduncle armed with spines or hooks. They construct small semicircular nests, of a kind of net-work, on the leaves of trees and shrubs. Their communities are small, sel- dom exceeding twenty individuals. Mr. Norton describes P. arhoricola \¥ig. 112, worker major) from Mexico. An allied genus is Ectatomma (Fig. 113, worker major of E. ferniginea Norton, from Mexico). Mr. F. Smith has described a new genus, (EcophyUa^ which is allied to Formica. The}^ are green ants, found building in trees Fig. wi. in the tropics of the old world. The nest of (E. smamgdina Smith is "formed by drawing together a number of green leaA'es, which they unite with a fine Aveb. Some nests are a foot in diameter. They swarm, says Mr. Wallace, in hilly for- ests in New Guinea. Their sting is not very severe. This genus forms a link between Formica and Myrmica ; it agrees with the former in hav- ing a single node to the pe- duncle, and with the latter in having the ocelli obsolete in the workers, and in being fur- nished with a sting." The curious Honej'-ant of Texas and Mexico, Myrmeco- cystus Mexiccuius Westwood, has two kinds of "workers of very distinct forms, one of the usual shape," according to Smith, " and performing the active duties of the formica- rium ; the other and larger worker is inactive and does not quit the nest, its sole purpose, apparently, being to elaborate a kind of honey, which they are said to discharge into prepared recep- tacles, which constitutes the food of the entire population of the communit}-. In the honey-secreting workers the abdomen is distended into a lai-ge globose bladder-like form. From this honey an agreeable drink is made by the Mexicans.'' 113. FOKMICARIiE. l«-> The secoiul subfamil}', 31>/rmicaria', includes those species ill which the two lirst ahdoininal segments are contracted and lenticuhir. In M>inuica the females and workers are armed with si)iiios, and the ocelli are absent in the workers. The species are very small, and mostly bright colored. 3f>/rmica molesta Say is found in houses all over the world. G. Lincecnm describes the habits of the Agricultural Ant of Texas, Myrmica moh'faciens. It lives in populous communi- ties. "They build paved cities, construct roads, and sustain a large military force." In a year and a half from the time the colony- begins, the ants previously living concealed beneath the surface, appear above and "clear away the grass, herbage, and other litter, to the distance of three or four feet around the entrance to their city, and construct a pavement, .... con- sisting of a pretty hard crust about half an inch thick," formed of coarse sand and grit. These pavements would be inun- dated in the rainy season, hence, " at least six months pre- vious to the coming of the rain," they begin to build mounds rising a foot or more from the centre of the pavement. "Within these mounds are neatly constructed cells into which the "eggs, 3'oung ones, and their stores of grain, are carried in time of rain}' seasons." No green herb is allowed to grow on the pavement e:vcci)t a grain-l)eariug grass, Aristida stricta. This grain, when ripe, is harvested, and the chaff removed, while the clean grain is carefull}^ stored away in dry cells. Lincecum avers that the ants even sow this grain. They also store up the "grain from several other species of grass, as well as seeds from manj- kinds of herbaceous plants." Pheidole is distinguished by having workers with enormous heads. P. notabilis Smith, from the Island of Bachian, Indian Archipelago, is noted for the enormously enlarged, cubical head of tlu N.orker major, Avhich is at least six times the size of the abdomen, while in the worker minor, the head is of the ordinary size. An Indian species, P. providens Westwood, according to Col. S3kes, "collects so large a store of grass seeds as to last from January and February', the time of their ripening, till October." The genus Atta is also well-armed, while the workers have a very large, deeply incised and heart-shaped head, without 186 HYMENOPTERA. ocelli, and the second abdominal knot-like ring is very trans- verse. A. dypeata Smith is a Mexican species. In Eciton the man dibles nearly equal the length of the in- sect itself. This ge- nus is the most ferocious of all the ants, entering the nest of species of Formica and tearing them, limb from limb, and then carrying off the remains to their own houses. Eciton Mexicana Roger (Fig. 114, worker major, o, front view of head, show- Fig. 114. ing the immense sickle-like mandibles, and only the two basal joints of the antennae; Fig. 115, worker minor, with a front view of the head, showing the mandi- bles of the usual size). This species, wdth Eciton Sumichrasti Norton, (Fig. 116, worker minor) has been found by Professor Sumichrast at Cordova and Orizaba, Mexico. The males of Eciton are not yet known. Smith supposes that Labidus (a genus allied to Dorylus) is the male form, and Sumi- chrast thinks this conjec- ture is "sustained bj the rig. iis. fact that it is in the season when the sorties of the Eciton axe the more frequjnt that the Labidus also show themselves." FORMIC ARI^. 187 An allied genus is Pseiidomyrma. P. bicolor Guerin (Fig. 117) is found in Central America. P. flavidxda Smitli, found in Central and South America, in Mexico lives, according to Sumichrast, within the spines which arm the stems of certain species of Mimosa. These spines, fixed in pairs upon the branches, arc pierced near the end by a hole (Fig. 118 a), which serves for the entrance and exit of the ants. The genus CEcodoma differs from Atta in having the thorax armed with spines. (E. rig. iio. Mexicana Smith (Figs. 119, female; 120, worker major) is abundant on the Gulf Coast of Mexico. In many places, ac- cording to Sumichrast, the natives eat the females after hav- ing detached the thorax. The intelligence of these ants is wonderful. They are seen in immense num- bers transporting leaves. Sumichrast states tha "the ground at the foot of the tree, where a troop ot these *■ arrieras,' or workers, is assembled for despoil- ing it of its leaves, is ordinarily strewn with frag- ments cut off with the greatest precision. And if the Fig. 117. ^YQQ jg jjQ^ iqq lofty, one can satisfy himself that a party of foragers, which have climbed the tree, occupies itself wholly in the labor of cutting them oJf\ while at the foot of the tree are the carriers which make the journe^-s between the tree and the nest. This manage- ment, which indicates among these „. insects a rare degree of intelligence, is, perhaps, not a constant and in- variable practice, but it is an incon- testable fact, and one which can be constantly proved." "It is specially in the argillaceous countries that the O^^codomas build their enormous formicaries, so that one perceives them from afar by the projection which they form above the level of the soil, as- well as by the absence of vegetation in their immediate neighborhood. These nests occupy a surface of many square Fig. 118. 188 HYMENOPTERA. metres,* and their depth varies from one to two metres. Very many openings, of a diameter of about one to thi-ee in- ches, are contrived from the exterior, and conduct to tlie inner cavities which serve as storehouses for tlie eggs and larvae. The central part of the nest forms a sort of funnel, designed for the drainage of water, from which, in a country where the periodical rains are often abundant, they could hardly es- cape witliout be- ing entirely sub- merged, if they did not provide . for it some out- let. "The system which reigns in Fig. 119. the interior of these formicaries is extreme. The collection of vegetable debris brought in by the workers is at times considerable ; but it is deposited tliere in such a manner as not to cause any inconvenience to the inhabitants, nor impede their circulation. It is mostly leaves which are brought in from Avithout, and it is the almost exclusive choice of this kind of vegetation which makes the CEcodoma a veritable scourge to agriculture. At each step, and in almost every place in the elevated woods, as on the plains ; in desert places as well as in the neighborhood of habitations, one meets numerous columns of these insects, occupied with an admirable zeal in the transportation of lca\es. It seems even that the great law of the divi- sion of labor is not ignored by these little creatures, judging from the observations which I lune often had occasion to make." (Sumichrast.) "The CE. cephalotes," sa3^s II. W. Bates, "from its immense numbers, eternal industry, and its plundering propensities, be- comes one of the most important animals of Brazil. Its immense hosts are unceasingly occupied in defoliating trees, and those most relished hy them are precisely the useful kinds. They * A metre is about thirty -nine (39.37) inches. FORMICARI^. 189 have regular divisions of laborers, numbers mounting the treefi and cutting of!' the leaves in irregularly rounded pieces the size of a shilling, anotlier relay carrying them off as they fall." "The heavily laden fellows, as they came trooping in, all de- posited their load in a heap close to the mound. About the mound itself were a vast number of workers of a smaller size. The very large-headed ones were not engaged in leaf-cutting, nor seen in the processions, but were only to be seen on dis- turbing the nest." Bates also saj's, "I found, after removing a little of the surface, three burrows, each about an inch in diameter; half a foot downward, all three united in one tul)ular burrow about four inches in diameter. To the bottom of this I could not reach when I probed with a stick to the depth of four or five feet. This tube was perfectly smooth and covered with a vast number of workers of nuich smaller size than those oc- cupied in conveying the leaves ; the}' were unmixed Avith any of a larger size. Afterwards, on probing lower into the bur- row, up came, one by one, several gigantic felloAvs, out of all proportion, larger than the largest of those outside, and which I could not liaA'e supposed to belong to the same species. Be- sides the greatly enlarged size of the head, etc., they have an ocellus in the middle of the forehead ; this latter feature, added to their startling appearance from the cavernous depths of the formicarium, gave them quite a Cyclopean character." Of another species, the CEc. sexdentata, Mr. Smith quotes from Rev. Hamlet Clark, that at Constancia, Brazil, the pro- prietor of a plantation used CA'ery means to exterminate it and failed. " Sometimes in a single night it will strip an orange or lemon tree of its leaves ; a ditch of water around his garden, Avhich quite keeps out all other ants, is of no use. This spe- cies carries a mine under its bed without any difficult3^ In- deed, I- haAC been assured again and again, by sensible men, that it has imdermined, in its progress tln-ough the countrj", the gi-eat river Paraiba. At any rate, without anything like a nat- ural or artificial bridge, it appears on the other side and con- tinues its course." Tliis testimony is confirmed by Mr. Lincecum (Proceedings of Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1867, p. 24) in an interesting account of the CEc. Teooana, which he has observed for eighteen yeai-s. He states 190 HYMENOPTERA. that they often cany their subterranean roads for several hun- dred 3^ards in grassy districts, where the grass would prove an impediment to tlieir progress. On one occasion, to seciu-e ac- cess to a gentleman's garden, where they were cutting the vegetables to pieces, they tunnelled beneath a creek, which was at that place fifteen or twenty feet deep, and from bank to bank about thirty feet. He also observes that the smaller workers which remain around the nest do not seem to join in cutting or carrying the leaves, but are occupied with bringing out the sand, and generall3' work in a lazy wa}-, A'ery difiereutly from the quick, active leaf-cutters. Also, that the pieces of leaves are usuall}' dried outside before being carried in, and that if "wet by a sudden shower are left to decaj^ without. He also thinks that their lives are dependent upon access to water, and that they always choose places where it is accessible by digging wells. In one case, a well was dug b}'^ Mr. Pearson for his own use, and water found at the depth of thirty feet. The ant-well which he followed was twelve inches in diameter." Fig. 121. (Norton, American Naturalist, vol. 2.) The genus Cryptocerus is remarkable for its flattened head, with the sides expanded into flattened marginal plates, con- cealing, or partly hiding the e3'es. C. multispinosus Norton (Fig. 121) is the most common species about Cordova, Mexico, where they live, according to Sumichrast, within the trunks of trees. Chrysidid^ Latreille. In this small group the thirteen- jointed antennoe are elbowed, the eyes are oval and the ocelli distinct. The maxillaiy palpi are five, and the labial palpi thi-ee-joiuted. There are about four hundred species known. These insects are very difljerent from the ants in their oblong compact form, their nearly sessile, oblong abdomen, having only three to five rings \^sible, the remaining ones being drawn with- in, forming a long, large, jointed sting-like ovipositor, which can be thnist out like a telescope. The abdomen beneath is concave, and the insect can roll itself into a ball on being dis- turbed. They are green or black. The sting has no poison- bag, and in this respect, besides more fundamental characters, CHRYSIDID^. 191 the Chiysis family approaches the Ichneumons. They best merit the name of "Cuckoo-Uies," as the}' lly and run briskly in hot sunshine, on posts and trees, darting their ovipositor into holes in search of the nests of other Ilyraenoptera, in which to lay their eggs. Their larv;B are the first to hatch and devour the food stored up by other fossorial bees and wasps. "St. Fargeau, however, who has more carefullj' examined the econ- omy of these insects, states that the eggs of the Chrysis do not luitch until the legiliuiate inlial)itant has attained the greater part of its growth as a larva, when the lar\a of the Chrysis fastens on its back, sucks it, and in a very short time attains its full size, destroying its victim. It does not form a cocoon, but remains a long time in the pupa state." (Westwood.) " In the Entomological Magazine has been noticed the dis- covery of lledychrum bidentulum, which appears to be parasitic upon Psen caliginosus ; the latter insect had formed its cells in the straAvs of a thatched arbor, as many as ten or twelve cells being placed in some of the straws. Some of the straws, per- haps about one in ten, contained one or rarely two, of the Hedychrum, placed indiscriminately amongst the others. Walkenaer, in his Memoirs upon Halictus, informs us that Hedychrum lueidulum waits at the mouth of the burrows of these bees, in order to deposit its eggs therein ; and that when its design is perceived by the bees, they congregate together and drive it away. St. Fargeau states that the females of Hed3'chi-um sometimes deposit their eggs in galls, while II. regium oviposits in the nest of Megachile muraria ; and he mentions an instance in which the bee, returning to its nearly finished cell, laden with pollen paste, found the Hed^^chrum in its nest, which it attacked with its jaAvs ; the parasite im- mediatel}', however, rolled itself into a ball, so that the Mega- chile was unable to hurt it ; it, however, bit off its fom- wings which were exposed, rolled it to the ground and then de^josited its load in the cell and flew away, whereupon the Hed3'chrum, now being wingless, had the persevering instinct to crawl up the wall to the nest, and there quietly deposit its egg, which it placed between the pollen paste and the wall of the cell, which prevented the Megachile from seeing it." (Westwood.) In Cleptes the underside of the abdomen is not hollowed out ; 192 HYMENOPTERA. it is acutely oval, and with five rings in the male. Cleptes semiaurata Latr. is found in Central Europe. We have no na- tive species. In Chrysis and the other genera, Stilbum, l^arno- pes, and Iledj'chrum, the abdomen is hollowed beneath, and the tip is broad and square. CJin/sis Jiikiris Dahlb. (Fig. 122) is a short, thick, bluish green species, .32 inch in length. It is not uncommon in New England. In Hedychriim the maxillar}^ palpi and ligula are rather short, the last cordate ; the mandibles are three-toothed within. The abdomen is broad and short, almost spherical, the second' seg- ment being the largest. H. dimicUatuvi Say is found in the Middle States.' The European Stilbum splendidum, Fabr. according to Du- four, lives in the cells of Pelopoeus spirifex. It makes oblong cocoons of a deep brown, with rounded ends ; they are of great tenacity, being mixed with a gunnny matter. Mr. Guenzius states that in Port Natal "a species of Stilbnm lays its eggs on the collected caterpillars stored up by Eumenes tinctor, Avhich con- structs a nest of mud and attaches it to reeds, etc., not in a single, but a large mass, in Avhicli cells are excavated, similar to the nest of Chalicodoma micraria ? * First, it uses its ovi- positor as a gimlet, and when its point has a little penetrated, then as a saw or rasp ; it likewise feels with its ovipositor, and, finding an unfinished or an empty cell it withdraws it immedi- ately, without la3'ing an egg." ICHNEUMONiD.E Latrcillc. The Ichneumon-flies are readily recognized by the usually long and slender body, the long ex- serted ovipositor, Avhich is often very long, and protected by a sheath formed of four stylets of the same length as the true ovipositor. The head is usually rather square, with long, slender, raanj'-jointed antennae which are not usually elbowed. The maxillary palpi are five to six-jointed, while the labial * A query ( ?) after the name of a species indicates a doubt whether the insect really belongs to that species; so with a ? after the name of a genus. A ? before both the genus and species expresses a doubt whether that be the insect at all. ICHXEUMONIDyE. 19'3 palpi arc three to four-joiuted. The abdoineu is inserted iui- inediately over the hind pair of trochanters, and usuall}^ consists of seven visible segments. The fore-wings have one to three subcostal (cubital) cells. The lai'va is a soft, fleshy, cylindrical, footless grul), the rings of the body being moderately convex, and the head rather smaller than in the foregoing families. The eggs are laid by the parent either upon the outside or within the caterpillar, or other larva, on which its .young is to feeil. AVhen hatched it devours the fatty portions of its victim which dies gradually of exhaustion. The ovipositor of some si)ccies is ver}' long, and is fitted for boring through very dense substances ; thus Mr. Bond, of England, observes that lihyasd pcrr/uasoria actually bores through solid wood to deposit its eggs in the larvai of Sirex ; the ovipositor is worked into the Avood like an awl. When about to enter the pupa state the larva spins a cocoon, consisting in the larger species of an inner dense case, and a looser, thinner, outer covering, and escapes as a fly through the skin of the caterpillar. The cocoons of the smaller genera, such as Cryptus and Microgaster, may be found packed closely in considerable numbers, side by side, or sometimes placed up- right within the body of caterpillars. The Ichiieumon-flies are thus very serviceable to the agricul- turist, as thej^ must anmiallj" destroy immense numbers of cat- erpillars. In Europe over 2,000 species of this family have been described, and it is probable that we have an equal num- ber of species in America ; Gerstaecker estimates that there are 4,000 to 5,000 known species. The Ichneumons also prey on certain Coleoptera and Ilymen- optera, and even on larvae of Phryganidce, which live in the water. In Europe, Pimpla Fairmairii is parasitic on a spider, Clubione holosericea, according to Laboulbene. Boheman states that P. ovivora lives on a spider, and species of Pimpla and Hemiteles were also found in a nest of spiders, according to Gravenhorst. Bouche says that Pimpla rufata devours, during winter and spring, the eggs of Aranea diadema, and Ratzburg gives a list of fourteen species of Ichneumons parasitic on spiders, belonging to the genera Pimpla, Pezomachus, Ptero- malus, Cryptus, Hemiteles, Microgaster, and Mesochorus. Mr.. 13 194 HYMENOPTERA. Emerton informs me that he has reared a Pezomachas from the egg-sac of Attus, whose eggs it undoubtedly devours. They are not even free from attacks of members of their own family, as some smaller species are well known to prey on the larger. Being cut off from communication with the external world, the Ichneumon larva breathes by means of the two principal tracheae, which terminate in the end of the bod3', and are placed, according to Ger- staeeker, in com- municution with a stigma of its host. From the com- plete assimilation fy of the liquid food, Fig- 123. the intestine ends In a cul de sac, as we have seen it in the larvffi of Humble-bees and of Sty lops, and as prol^alil}^ occurs in most other larvae of similar habits, such as 3'oung gall-flies, weevils, etc., which live in cells and do not eat solid food. The first subfamily, the Evaniidoi, are insects of singular and very diverse form, in which the antenrse are either straight or elbowed, and thirteen to fourteen- jointed ; the fore-wings have one to three suljcostal (cubital) cells, and the hind wings are almost without veins. In Evania and Foenns the abdomen has a very slender pedicel, originating next the base of the metanotum. The former geiuis has a remarkably short triangular compressed abdomen in the female, but ovate in the male. The species are parasitic on Blatta and allies. Evania Icevigata Olivier (Fig. 123, S and pupa) is a black species, and is para- sitic on the cockroach, Periplaneta, from the eggs of which we have taken the pupa and adult. The eggs of the cockroach are just large enough to accommodate a single Evania. This species Fig. 124. ICIINEUMONID^. 195 is widely distributed, and in Cubu, according to Cresson, it devours tlie eggs of Periplaneta Americana. Tlie genus Aulacodes of Cresson, "forms a very close con- necting-link between the minute Ichneumons and the Evaniae." A. nigriventris Cresson (Fig. 124, a; 6, metathorax ; c, inser- tion of the abdomen) lives in Cuba. Foenus is quite a ditterent genus, as the abdomen is very long and slender. Foenus jaculator Linn, is known in Europe to frequent the nests of Crabronidce, ovipositing in the larvae. Peh'cinus is a fa- miliar insect, the im- mensely elongated, linear abdomen of the female easily Fig. 125. distinguishing it. The male is extremely rare ; its abdomen is short and clavate. It striking!}^ resembles Trypoxjion, though the abdomen is considerabl}^ larger. Pdecinris po/?/- cerator Drury (Fig. 125, $ and ?) is widely distributed throughout this country. The genuine Ichnemnonidm hixxQ long, straight, multiarticu- late antennae. The first subcostal (cubital) cell of the fore- wings is united with the median cell lying next to it, while the second is very small or wholly wanting. There are two recurrent veins. Mr. Cresson has described the genus Eipliosoma (Fig. 12G), Fig. 12G. which he states may be known by the long, slender, compressed abdomen, and the long posterior legs, with their femora tocthed beneath the tips. E. annu- latum Cresson, a Cuban species, is, according to Poey, "para- sitic upon a larva of Pyralis." (Cresson.) In Ophion the antenna? are as long as the body, the abdo- men is compressed, and the species are honey-yellow in color. O. macrurum Linn. (Fig. 127) attacks the American Silk- worm, Telea Polyphemus. Anomalon is a larger insect and usually black. A. vesjmrum is, in Europe, parasitic on Vespa. 196 HYMENOPTERA. The genus Bhyssa contains onr largest species, and frequents the holes of boring insects in the trunks of trees, inserting its remarkabl}^ long ovipositor in the body of the larvae deeply' embedded in the trunk of the tree. Harris states that Bhyssa (Pimpla) atrata and lunator (Fig. 128, male) of Fabricius, " may frequently be seen thrusting their slender borers, measur- ing from three to four in- ches iu length, into the trunks of trees inhabited b}' the grubs of the Tre- mex, and by other wood- ^'S- 127. eating insects ; and, like the female Tremex, they sometimes become fastened to tlie trees, and die without being able to draw their borers out again." The abdomen of the male is xery slender. Pimj)la has the ovipositor half as long as the abdomen. P. pedalis Cresson is a parasite on C!lisiocampa. The genus Tragus leads to Ichneumon. The antennaj are shorter than the body ; the abdomen is slightly petiolate, fusi- form, and the second subcostal cell is quadrangular. Tragus exesorius BruUe is tawny red, and is a para- site of Papilio Asterias. The genus Ichneumon (Fig. 129) is one of great extent, probably containing over three hundred spe- cies. The abdomen is long and slender, lanceolate ovate, slightly petiolate. The second subcostal cell is five-sided, and the ovipositor is either concealed or slightly exserted. Fig. i28. Ichneumon suturcdis Say is a very common form, and has been reared in abundance from tlie larva of the Army-worm, Leu- cania unipuncta. The bod}' is pale rust-red, with black sutures on, the thorax. Another common species, also parasitic on the ICHNEUMONID^ . 107 Fig. 12i). Array- worm, is the Ichneumon j)aratus, which is blackish, banded ami spotted with yeilow. The singular genus Grotea, established by Mr. Crcsson, has along and narrow tliorax (Fig. 130a), anil a very long and petiolated abdomen {c). We have taken G. nwjnum Cresson, the only species known, from the cells of Crabro in raspberry stems received from Mr. \ngus. Cryptns is a genus of slemlor form, with a long, cylindrical abdo- niLMi, which is petiolate. In the fe- male it is oval with an exserted ovipositor, Cresson ligures a wing (Fig. 131) of CJ ornatipennis, a Cuban species, which has the wings differently veined from the other species. Westwood remarks that in Europe a species of this genus preys on the larvjB of the Ptinidw . PezomacJms is usually wingless, and might at first sight read- ily be mistaken for an ant. The body is small, the oval abdo- men petiolate, and the wings, when pres- ent, are very pmall. The species are very numerous. Gerstascker suggests that some may be wingless females, belong- ing to winged mnles of allied genera. The third sul)family is the Braconidce, containing those genera having long juultiarticulate antennie, and with the first subcostal cell separate from the first median, lying just behind it. The second suljcostal cell is usually- large, and there is only one recurrent vein. The genus Bracon is diatinguished b}- the deeply excavated clypeus. The first sub- costal cell is completely formed behind, wanting the recurrent nerve ; the second cell is long, and four-sided. More than five hundred species, mostly of bright, gay colors, are already known. The genus Rhopalosoma of Cres- son connects Bracon and other minute genera (Braconidje) with the true Ichneumons. B. Poeyi Cresson (Fig. 132) is a 130. 198 HYMENOPTERA . pale honey-yellow species, with a long club-shaped abdomen; It lives in Cuba. Rogas is a genus differing from Bracon in having the three- first abdominal rings long, forming a slender petiole. In 3Iicrocjaster^ a genus containing numerous species, the antennae are eighteen-jointed, and the abdomen is shorter than usual, and clavate. There are two or three subcostal cells, the second very small. Mi- crogaster nephojjtericis (Plate 3, figs. 3, 3 a) is parasitic on Nephopterj^x Edmandsii, found in the cells of the Humble-bee. Ajyhklius, the parasite of the Plant-lice, is a most valuable ally of man. It is known by its small size, and by having the second and third segments of the abdomen moving free on Fig. 132. each other. There are three cubital cells, though the wings are sometimes wanting. Apliidius (Praon) avena- phis of Fitch, the Oat-louse Aphidius, is black with honey- yellow legs, and is one-tenth of an inch long. Apliidius (Toxares) tnticap)his Fitch, the Wheat-louse Aphidius, is black, shining, with thread-like antennae composed of twenty-fi^e joints. Its length is .08 inch. Frequently the large size of the parasite causes the body of the dead Aphis to swell out into a globular form. Proctotrypidje (Proctotrupii) Latreille. Egg-parasites; In this family are placed very minute species of parasitic Ich- nemnon-like Ilymenopters which haxe rather long and slender bodies, with straight or elbowed antennae of A^arious lengths, often haired on the joints, usually ten to fifteen, sometimes only eight in number, while the wings are covered with minute hairs and most of the nervures are absent. The maxillary palpi are three to six, the labial palpi usually three-jointed. The abdo- men has from five to seven joints, and the tarsi are mostl}" five- jointed, rarely four -jointed. These insects are often so minute that they can scarcely be distinguished by the naked eye unless it is specially trained ; they are black or brown, and A'ery active in their habits. They may be swept off grass and herbage, from aquatic plants, or from hot sand-banks. Thej^ proctotrypid.t:. 199 prey on the wheat-flies by inserting their eggs in their hn-vit'^ on gall-midges, and gall-flies, and on fungus-eating flies. In Europe, species of Tele((s lay their eggs in those of other insects, especiall\^ butterflies and moths and hemipters, where they feed on the juices of tlie larva- growing witliiu the egg, coming out as perfect Ichneumons, AVe i)robably have many species of these insects in tliis countr}-. They usually occur in great numbers where they are found at all. They are almost too small to pin, and if transfixed would be unfit for study, and should, therefore, be gummed on mica, or put into small vials with alcohol. In Proctofnipcs the antenn:e are long, feathered, twelve- jointed. The fore-wings have the beginning of a cubital cell, and two longitudinal veins on the posterior half. The abdo- men is spindle-shaped and ver}' acutely pointed, the terminal joints being tubular in their arrangement, and thus, as Westwood states, approaching the Ch r ysid i d ce . An unknown species (Fig. 133) we have taken at the Glen, in the White Mountains. The head of Diapria is horizontal and Fig. 133. longer than broad ; the ocelli are moved forward on to the front edge ; the long, filiform antennre have a projection on the under side, with the basal joint much elongated ; in the male they are thirteen or fourteen-jointed, with one joint less in the female. The wings are Avithout stigma or veins. The abdomen is long, oval, pedicelled. In Europe, D. cecidomyi- arum Bouche is parasitic on the larvre of Cecidomyia arte- misite. Esenbeck considers that this genus is also parasitic on the earth-inhabiting Tij^ulidfe. Gonatopns is a wingless genus, with the head vor3' broad, transverse, and the front deeply hollowed out. while the ten- jointed antennffi are long, slightly clavate, and the thorax is much elongated, deeply incised, forming two knot-like portions. Go)>nfi)pus lunatus Esenbeck, found in Europe, is one and a half lines long. Ceraphron has the antennae inserted near the mouth ; they are elbowed, and eleven-jointed in the male, and ten-jointed in the female. The abdomen has a very short pedicel. Tlie fore- iOO HYMENOPTERA. wings have a veiy short, bent costal (radial) vein. C. arma- turn Say was described from Indiana. The egg-parasite, Teleas, has the elbowed twelve-jointed an- tennae inserted very near the front of the head, and slightly hairy and simple in the male, but in the female terminated in a six-jointed club. The thorax is short, the legs thickened and adapted for leaping, and the abdomen is pedicelled. Many species have been found in Europe. According to Westwood, "the type of this genus is the Ichneumon ovnlorum of Linnaeus (Teleas Linnoei Esenbeck), Avhich Linnanis and De Geer obtained from the eggs of moths." It has been raised from the eggs of several Bovi- bycidfi}. " Bouche observed the female deposit Fig. 134. an egg in each of the eggs of a brood of Bom- byx neustria. He describes the larva as elliptical, Avhite, shining, rugose, subincurved, and one-third of an inch long." (Westwood.) Of the extensive genus Platygasfer over a hundred European species are already known. The body, especially the abdomen, is generally flattened, the antennoe are ten-jointed, and in the female clavatc. Tlie wing veins are absent ; the rather slender legs are not adapted for leaping, and the tarsi are five-jointed. A species of Platygaster (Fig. 134) not yet named, oviposits in the eggs of the Canker-worm moth, Anisopteryx vernata, and ])y its nainl)L'rs does much to check the increase of this caterpiUar. AVe have seen seA'eral of these minute insects engaged in inserting their eggs into those of the Canker- worm. Dr. Harris, in speaking of the enemies of the Hessian-fly, states, that "two more parasites, which Mr. Herriek has not yet described, also destroy the Hessian-fl}', while the latter is in the flax-seed or pupa state. Mr. Herriek says, that the egg- parasite of the Hessian-fly is a species of Platygaster, that it is very abundant in the autumn, v/hen it lays its own eggs, four or five together, in a single egg of the Hessian-fly. This, it appears, does not prevent the latter from hatching, but the maggot of the Hessian-fly is unable to go through its trans- formations, and dies after taking on the flax-seed form. Mean- while its intestine foes are hatched, come to their growth, spin PROCTOTRYPID.'E. 2U1 themselves little brown cocoons within the skin of their viotin\, and in tlue time, are changed to winged insects, and eat their way out." P. error P'itch (Fig. 135) is closely allied to P. Upiihe Kirby, which, in Europe, destroys great numbers of the Wheat-midge. Whether this is a parasite of the midge, or not, Dr. Fitch has not yet deterniinod. The habits of the genus Bethylus remind us of the fossorial wasps. Bethylus fuscicornis, according to Ilaliday, "buries the larvre of some species of Tinea, which feed upon the low tufts of Rosa spinosissima, dragging them to a considerable distance with great labor and solicitude, and employing, in the instance recorded by Mr. Ilaliday, the bore of a reed stuck in the ground instead of an arti- licinl funnel, for the cells Avliich should contain the progeny of the Bethylus, with its store of provision." (Westwood.) The genus Liostemma is re- markable for having the basal segment of the al)domen of the females furnished with a thick curved horn, which extends over the back of the thorax and head. Dr. Fitch states that /. inserens is supposed by Kirl)y to insert its eggs into those of the W^heat-midge. In the genus Galesus of Curtis, the mandibles are so enlarged and lengtli- ■ened as to form a long beak, and Westwood farther states that in some specimens the anterio-r wings have a notch at the ex- tremity. Say's genus Coptera has similar wings. C. j)olita Say was discovered in Indiana. In the very minute species of Mymar and its allies, the head is transverse, with the antennre inserted above the middle of the face ; tlicy are long and slender and elbowed in the male, but clavate in the female. There are no palpi, while the very narrow wings have a very short subcostal vein and on the edges are provided with long dense cilife. The antenna of Mymar are thirteen-jointed in the male, and nine-jointed in the female ; the club is not jointed. The tarsi are four-jointed, and the abdomen is pedunculated. Mymar ptdcheUus Curtis is a quarter of a line long. It is found in Europe. An allied 202 HYMENOPTERA. form Polynema ovulorum Linn, laj's numerous eggs in a single butterfly's egg. In Anaphes the male antennjB are twelve-jointed, those of the female nine-jointed, and the abdomen is subsessile and ovoid. In Anayrus the male antennae are thirteen-jointed, those of the female nine-jointed, while the tarsi are four-jointed, and the acutely conical abdomen is sessile. No native species are known. The smallest Hymenopterous insect known, if not the most minute of all insects, is the J^feratonms Futnamii Pack. (Plate 3, figs. 8, 8a, hind wing), -whicli Ave first discovered on the body of an Anthophoral)ia in tlie minute eggs of which it is undoubtedly parasitic. It differs from Anagrus in the obtusel}" conical abtlomcn, and the narrower, ver}^ linear wings, which are edged with a fringe of long, curved hairs, giving them a graceful, feathery ai)pearance. The fore-wings are fissured, a very interesting fact, since it shows the tendency of the wings of a low Hj'menopterous insect to be fissured like those of Pterophorus and Alucita, the two lowest Lepidop- terous genera. It is one-ninetieth of an inch in length. Chalcidid.e Westwood. This is a group of great extent ; the species are of small size ; they are often of shiny colors, as the name of the principal gemis implies, being either bronzen or metallic. They have also elbowed antenna? with from six to fourteen joints, and the wings are often deficient in veins. In some genera, including Chalcis, the hind thighs are thickened for leaping. The differences between the sexes, generall}' very marked in Il^-menoptera, are here especially so. The abdo- men is usually seven-jointed in the male and six-jointed in the female, the other rings being aborted. The male of several species has the joints of the antennre swelled and furnished with long hairs above. Some of the species of Pteromalus are wing- less, and closely resemble ants. They infest eggs and larvae. Some species prey upon the Aphides, others lay their eggs in the nests of wasps and bees. One species is known in E^urope to be a parasite of the common house-fly. Others consume the larvae of the Hessian-fly, and those Cecidomyiae that pro- duce galls, and also the true gall-flies (Cynips). Some are CHALCIDID^. 203 parasites on other Ichneumon parasites, as there are species preying on the genus Aphidius, which is a parasite on the Aphis. Mr. "Walsh has bred a species of Hockcria and of Gl^'plie, which are parasitic on a Microgastcr, whicli in turn preys upon the Army-Avorm, Leucania unipuncta ; and Chalcis albifrons Walsh, was bred from the cocoons of Pezomachus, an Ichneumon parasite of the same caterpillar. The pui)re of some species are said to have the limbs and wings soldered together as in Lepidoptera, and the larvae sel' dom spin a silken compact cocoon. We have probably in this country at least a thousand species of these small parasites, nearly twelve hundred having been named and described in Europe alone. Thc}^ are generally large enough to be pinned or stuck upon cards or mica ; some individuals should be preserved in this way, others, as wet specimens. Fig. 136. Chalcis is known by the abdomen having a long pedicel, its much thickened, oval thighs, and curved tibiae. Chalcis hra- cata (Fig. 136), so named by Mr. Sanborn "in allusion to the ornamental and trousered appearance of the posterior feet" is about .32 inch in length. "Reaumur has described and figured a species of Chalcis, which is parasitic in the nest of tlie American wasp Epipone nitidulans and which he regarded as the female of that wasp." (Westwood.) The genus Leucospis is of large size. It is known l)y having the large ovipositor laid upon the upper surface of the alxlo- men, and being spotted and banded with yellow, resembling wasps. One of our more common species is the L. affinis (Fig. 137) of Say. The Cuban L. Poeyi Gucrin is para- sitic on the Megachile Poe3'i of Chu'rin. The well-known Joint-worm, Enrytoma, Fig. 137. ^oj. jsosoma Walsh) produces galls on wheat- slems. The antennae are, in the male, slender and provided with verticils of hairs. The acutely oval abdomen has a short pedicel. The hind legs are scarcely thicker than tlie fore limbs. E. hordei Harris (Fig. 138) is found in gall-like swellings of wheat-stalks. It is still a matter of discussion. 204 HYIVIENOPTERA. whether it directly produces the galls, or is parasitic, like many of the family, on other gall-insects. Dr. Harris, who has studied the habits of the Joint-worm, states that the bod}' of the adult fl^' is jet black, and that the thighs, shanks (tibiae), and claw-joints, are blackish, while the knees and other joints of the feet, are pale-yellow. The females are .13 inch long, while the males are smaller, have a club-shaped abdomen, and the joints of the antennae surrounded with a verticil of hairs. The larva is described b^^ Harris from specimens received from Yirjiiui I, as varying from one-tenth to nearly tliree-twentieths of nn inch in leiif2:th. It is of a pale 3'ellowish white color, Avith an internal dusk}^ streak, and is destitute of hairs. The head is round and partially retractile, with a distinct pair of jaws, and can be distinguiahed from the larvte of the dipterous gall-flies by not having the v-shaped organs on the segment ^^-— ' succeeding the head. During the sum- mer, according to Mr. Gourgas's observa- tions reported by Dr. Harris, and when the bai'ley or wheat is about eight or ten inches high, the presence of the 3'oung Joint-worms is detected "b}' a sudden Fig. 138. check in the growth of the plants, and the yellow color of their leaves," and several irregular gall- like swellings between the second and third joints, or, accord- ing to Dr. Fitch, " immediately above the lower joint in the sheathing base of the leaf;" or, as Harris states, in the joint itself. The ravages of this insect have been noticed in wheat and l)arley. During November, in New England, the worms transform into the pupa state, according to the observations of Dr. A. Nichols, and "live through the winter unchanged in the straw, many of them in the stubble in the field, while others are carried away when the grain is harvested." In Virginia, however, the larva does not transform until late in February, or early in March, according to Mr. Glover. From early in May, until the first week in July, the four-winged flies issue from the galls in the dry stubble, and are supposed to im- mediately lay their eggs in the stalks of the j'oung -\\heat or barle}" plants. The losses by this insect has amounted, in Virginia, to over a third of the whole crop. The best remedy CHALCIDID^. 205 against the attacks of this insidious foe, is to burn the stubble in the autumn or spring for several successive years. Plough- ing in the stubble does not injure the insects, as they can work their way out of the earth. It has been objected by Westwood, Katzburg, and more recent]}' by Mr. "Walsh, (who afterwards changed his views), that as all the species of this famil}', so far as known, are para- sitic, the Eurytoma cannot be a gall-producer, and that the galls are made by a dipterous insect (Cecidomyia) on which the Eurytoma is a parasite ; but, as they offer no new facts to support this opinion, we are inclined to believe from the statements of Harris, Fitch, Cabell, T. Glover (Patent Office Report for 1854), and others, that the lar^■a of the Eurytoma produces the gall. "We must remember that the habits of comparatively few species of this immense family have been studied ; that the genus Eurytoma is not remotely allied to the Cynipidse, or true gall-flies (which also comprise animal parasites) , in which group it has actuallj^ been placed by Esen- beck, for the reason that in Europe "several species of Eurj-toma have been observed to be attached to different kinds of galls." ("Westwood.) Dr. Fitch also describes the Yellow-legged Barley-fly, Eurytoma Jlcwipes, which produces similar galls in barley, and differs from the "Wheat Joint- worm in having j-ellow legs, while the antennae of the male are not smTounded with whorls of hair. The Eurytoma secalis Fitch infests rye. It differs from E. hordei in "having the hind pair of shanks dull pale-yellow, as well as the forward ones." We shall also see beyond that several species of Saw-flies produce true galls, while other species of the same genus are external feeders, which reconciles us more easily to the theory- that the Eurytoma hordei, and the other species described by Dr. Fitch, differ in their habits from others of the family, and are not ani- mal parasites. Indeed the Joint-worm is preyed upon by two Chalcid parasites, for Harris records finding the larvae, proba- bly of Torymus, feeding on the Eurytoma larvje, and that a species of Torj^mus (named T. Harrisii, by Dr. Fitch, and per- haps the adult of the first-named Torymus) and a species of Pteromalus are parasites on Eurytoma. In Monodontomerus (Torymus) the third joint of the an- 206 HYMENOPTERA. tennae is minute, and the hind femora are thick, but not ser- rated, and beneath armed with a tooth near the tip. The wings are rudimentary so that it does not quit the cell. Newport states that the larva is flat, very hairy, and spins a silken cocoon when about to pupate. It is an " external feed- ing parasite" consuming the pupa as well as the larva of An- thophorabia. The imago appears about the last of June, perforating the cell of the bee. It also lives in the nests of Osmia, Anthophora, and Odynerus. The genus Anthojihorabia is so-called from being a parasite on Anthophora. The males differ rcmarkabl}' from the females, especially in having simple instead of compound eyes, besides the usual three ocelli. A. megachiUs Pack. (Plate 3 ; fig. 7, larva ; 7 a, pupa) is a parasite on a species of Megachile. The larva is Avhite, short and thick, cylindrical, with both extremities much alike ; the segments are slightlj' convex, and the terminal ring is orbicular and rather large. Length, .04 inch, being one-third as broad as long. On opening the cells of Megachile, we found nearly a dozen containing these para- sites, of which 150 larvae were counted clustering on the out- side of a dead and dry Megachile larva. In England they occur, according to Newport's observations, in much less num- bers, as he found from thirty to fifty in a cell of Anthophora. A few females hatched out in the middle of October, and there were a few pupae left, but the majority wintered over in the larva state, and a new and larger brood appeared in the spring. Perilampus is a beautiful genus, with its shining, metallic tints. The eleven-jointed antennae are short, lying when at rest in a deep frontal furrow. The head is large, while the abdomen is slightly pedicelled, being short, contracted, with the ovipositor concealed. P. 2)latygaster Say and P. triavgu- laris Say were described from Indiana. The numerous species of Pteromalus often oviposit in the larvae of butterflies. In this genus the antennae are inserted in the middle of the front. The abdomen is nearly sessile, ob- tusely triangular, or acutely ovate in form, with the ovipositor concealed. The femora are slender. There ai-e about thi-ee hundred species known to inhabit Europe. Pteromalus ro- nessce Harris is a parasite on Vanessa Antiopa. P. clisio- PROPERTY OF Z. p. METCALF CHALCIDID^. 207 Vi-j;. i:!!). campce Harris infests Clisiocanipa. '■'■ Pteromahifi apum is parasitic in the nests of the Mason-bee." (Westwood.) A spe- cies of this or an allied genus (Fig. 139) infests the eggs of the Clisiocanii)a Ameri- cana. Its eggs are probabl}^ laid within those of the Tent-caterpillar moth early in the summer, hatching out in the autumn, and late in the spring or early in June. An allied genus, Siphonura, is a para- site on galls. It resembles a beetle, Mor- della, from its ver^'^ peculiar scutum. The antennae of Semiotellus are twelve-jointed. *S'. (Ceraph- ron) destructor Say (Fig. 140), according to that author, destroys the Ilessian-fl}-, while lying in the ''flax-seed" state. Fitch de- scribes it as being a tenth of an inch long, black, Avitli a brassy green reflection on the head and thorax, while the legs and base of the al)domen are yellowish. In Encyrtus, which comprises over a hundred species already known, usuall}^ rather small in size, the body is short and rounded. The eleven-jointed antennae are inserted near the mouth. The thorax is square behind, and the sessile abdomen is short and broad at the base. Encyrtus Bolus -and E. Reate are described from North America by Mr. F. Walker. Encyrtus varicornis is in Europe found as a parasite in the cells of Eumenes coarctata. The antennae of Euloj^hus are nine- pjg. -^^l jointed, with a long branch attached to the third, fourth, and fifth joints. The abdomen is flattened, sessile. E. basah's Say was described from Indiana, We figure a Chalcid (Fig. 141, S), allied to Eulopus, which preys upon the American Tent Caterpillar. A species of BlastopJmga (B. grossorura Grav.) is interest- ing as it is the means of assisting in the fertilization of the Fig Fig. 140. 208 HYMENOPTERA. blossoms, whicli act, as applied to this instance of the fertiliza- tion of flowering plants by insects, has been called by Mr. Westwood " caprification." Cynipid^ AYestwood. {Diploleparke Latreille.) Gall-flies. In this most interesting family we have a singular combination of zoological and biological characters. The gall-flies are closely allied to the parasitic Chalcids, but in their habits are plant- parasites, as the}^ live in a gall or tumor formed by the ab- normal growth of the vegetable cells, due to the irritation first excited when the egg is laid in the bark, or substance of the leaf, as the case may be. The generation of the summer broods is also anomalous, but the parthenogenesis that occurs in these forms, by which immense numbers of females are produced, is necessary for the work they perform in the economy of nature. When we see a single oak hung with countless galls, the work of a single species, and learn how ninnerous are its natural V. nr. Fig. 142 enemies, it becomes evident that the demand for a great nu- merical increase must be met by extraordinary means, like the generation of the summer broods of the Plant-lice. The gall-flies are readily recognized by their resemblance to certain Chalcids, but the abdomen is much compressed, and usually very short, while the second, or the second and thiitl seg- ments, are greatly developed, the remaining ones being imbri- cated or covered one by the other, leaving the hind edges exposed. Concealed within these, is the long, partially coiled, very slender ovipositor, which arises near the base of the abdo- men.* Among other distinguishing characters, are the straight *Fig. 142. I, abrtomen of Cynips quercus-dciculata Osten Saoken, with the ovipos- itoi" exserted ; II, the same with the ovipositor retracted; III, the abdomen of the female of Figites (Diplolepis) H-lineatus Say ; IV, the same showing the ventral portion, in nature covered by the tergal portion of tlie abdomen; V, end view of the CYXirri)/E. >09 (not being elbowed) thirteen to sixteen-jointed antenna, the labial palpi being from two to four-jointed, and the maxil- lary palpi from fonr to six-jointed. The maxillary lobes are broad and membranous, while the ligula is fleshy, and either rounded or square at the end. There is a complete costal cell, while the subcostal cells are incomplete. The egg is of laroc size, and increases in size as the embryo becomes more devel- oped. The larva is a short, thick, fleshy, footless grub, Avith the segments of tlie body rather convex. When hatched they immediately attack the interior of the gall, which has already formed around thein. Many species transform within the gall, while others enter the earth and there become pup®. It is well known that of many gall-flies the males have never been discovered. ^'Ilartig says that he examined at least 15,000 specimens of the genus Cynijxs, as limited l)y him, with- out ever discovering a male. To the same purpose he collected about 28,000 galls of r'//"'>s divi'sa, and reared 9,000 to 10,000 Cynips from them ; all were females. Of C. folii, likewise, he had thousands of specimens of the female sex without a single male." (Osten Sacken.) Siebold supposes in such cases that there is a true parthenogenesis, which accounts for the immense number of females. Mr. B. D. Walsh has discovered (American Entomologist, ii, p. 330) that Cynips quercus-aciculata O. Sack., which pro- duces a large gall in the antumn upon the black oak, in the spring of the year succeeding lays eggs which produce galis disclosizig Cynips quercus-spongijica O. Sack. He proved this by colonizing certain trees with a number of individuals of C. quercus-aciculata, and finding the next spring that the co-^j-.s laid by them produced C. quercus-spongijica. The autunm brood of Cynips consists entirely of agamous females, while the vernal brood consists of both males and females, and Mi- Walsh declares after several experiments that " the agamous autumnal female form of this Cynips {C. q. aciculata) sooner or later reproduces the bisexual venial forin, and is thus " i more dimorphous female form" of C. q. spongijica. abdomen of Cynips, shovrinj; the relations of segments 7-8, the sternal portion of the eighth segment being obsolete; up. the single pair of abdominal spiracles; A' I, terminal ventral piece, from which the sheaths f.s k) and the oviiiositor (o) tal;e their origin: it is strongly attached at m to the tergites of the sixth and seventh rings; o, ovipositor; s, s its sheaths; a, an appendage to r, the tenninal stemite. — From Walsh. 210 IlYMEXOPTEliA. In this connection be refers to the discover}^ of Clans, in 1867, of sevenil males of l^syche Jieh'x, which had been sup- posed to be parthenogenous, thousands of specimens having been bred by Siebold, all of which were females. Baron Osten Sacken (in the Proceedings of the Entomol- ogical Societj' of rhiladelphia, vol. 1, p. 50) saj's that "a strong proof in confirmation of my assertion is, that in those genera, tlie males of which are known, both sexes are obtained from galls in almost equal numbers ; even the males, not nnfrequently, predominate in number (see Hartig, 1. c. iv, o'J9). Now the gall-flies, reared by me from the oak-apple, were all females. Dr. Fitch, also, had only females ; and Mr. B. D. Walsh, at Rock Island, Illinois, reared (from oak-apples of a diflTerent kind) from thirty-five to forty females. Avithout a single male. This leads to the conclusion that the Cynipes of the oak-apples belong to the genera hitherto supposed to be agamous." For an account of the habits and many other interesting points in tli? l)iology of these interesting insects, we further quote Baron Osten Sacken. ' • Most of the gall-flies always attack the same kind of oak ; thus, the gall of C. seminator Han-is, is always found on the white oak ; C. tvbicoJa Osten Sacken on the post oak, etc. Still, some galls of the same form occur on dWerent oaks ; a gall closely' resembling that of C. qttercvs- globtdas Fitch, of the white oak, occurs also ou the post oak, and the sw^mp chestnut oak ; a gall very similar to the com- mon oak-apple of the red oak occurs on the black-jack oak, etc. Are such galls identical, that is, are they produced l>y a gall-fiy of the same kind? I have not been able to investigate this question sufficiently. Again, if the same gall-fly attacks dif- ferent oaks, may it not, in some cases, produce a slightly diflcr- cnt gall ? It will be seen below, that C. qne7'cns-futilis, from u leaf-gall on the white oak, is very like C. qverciis-papiUoia frcm a leaf-gall on the swamp-chestnut oak. I could not perceive anv difierence. except a very slight one in the coloring of lie feet. Both gall-flies may belong to the same species, ard although the galls are somewhat diflTerent, they are in son ;■ respects analogous, and might be the produce of the same gt;ll- fly on two different trees. CYNIPIDiE. 211 "Some gall-flies appear very early in the season; Cynips querciis-palastria for instance, emerges from its gall before the cud of May ; those galls are the earliest of the season ; they grow out of the buds and appear full grown before the leaves are developed. May not this gall-fly have a second generation, and if it has, may not the gall of this second generation be different from the first produced, as it would be under diftbrent ch-cumstances, in a more advanced season, perhaps on leaves instead of buds, etc? "A remarkable fact is the extreme resemblance of some of the parasitical gall-flies with the true gall-fly of the same gall. Tims, Cynips quercus-futilis, O. Sacken, is strikingly' like Aulax ? fntilis, the parasite of its gall. The connuon gall on the black- berr}' stems produces two gall-flies which can hardly be told apart at first glance, although they belong to different genera." (Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadeli)hia.) Ilartig has divided this family into three sections : First, C3'nips and its allies, the true gall-flies (Psenides) in which the second (counting the slender pedicel as the first) segment of the abdomen is longer than half its length, and the subcostal area is narrow, the basal areolet (cell) being opposite the base of the former. Cynips confluens Harris forms the oak-apple commonly met with on the scrub-oak. There is a spring and summer brood. These galls, sometimes two inches in diameter, are green and pulpy at first, but when ripe have a hard shell with a spongy interior, in the centre of which, lodged in a woody kernel, which serves as a cocoon, the larva transforms, escaping through a hole, which it gnaws through both the kernel and shell. We have found the fly ready to escape in June, and Dr. Harris has found it in October. Two galls are represented on Plate 4, fig. 13 ; the larger of which has been tenanted, after the gall-flies had escaped, by an Odynerus. Cynij^s gallce-tinc- torire Olivier produces the galls of commerce, brought from Asia Minor. Biorhiza (Apophyllus Ilartig) is a wingless genus, and lives beneath the earth in galls formed at the roots of oak trees. Biorhiza nigra Fitch is black throughout, including the antennae and feet, and is but .08 inch long. 212 HYMENOPTERA. Galls are often found on the blaekberiy, tenanted b}' another genus, Diastrophus, which has usually fifteen-jointed antennae in the male, and one joint less in the female. On opening a gall containing this fly, Ave often find an inquiline gall-Hy, Aulax, "showing the most striking resemblance in size, color- ing and sculpture, to the Diastxophus, their companion. The one is the very counterpart of the other, hardly shoAving any differences, except the strictly generic characters." (Osten Sacken.) These galls are also infested by C'halcid parasites, Callimome (two species), Ormyrus, and Eurytoma. Osten Sacken enumerates "eight cynipidous galls on the dif- ferent kinds of roses of this country. " The flies all belong to the genus RhodMes^ Avhich is distinguished by the under side of the last abdominal segment being draAvn out into a long point, Avhile the antenniie are fourteen-jointed in both sexes. Ji. rosce produces the bede- guar gall ("from the Hebrew beder/aacJi^ said to mean rose-apple"). It Avas formerly used as a medicine. The galls form a moss-like mass, encircling the rose branch. Rhodites dkhlocerus of Harris (Fig. 143), produces hard, woody, irregular SAvellings of the branches. We now come to the second section, the 0^lest gall-flies (In- quilinae), which are unable to produce galls themseh-es, as they do not secrete the gall-producing poison, though possessing a well dcA'^ eloped ovipositor. Hence, like the Nomada, etc., among bees, they are Cuckoo-flies, laying their eggs in galls already formed. This group may generally, according to Mr. Walsh, be dis- tinguished from the preceding by the sheaths of the ovipositor alAvays projecting, more or less, beyond the "dorsal valve," AA'hich is a small, hairy tubercle at the top of the scA^enth ab- dominal segment. This dorsal \'alve also projects greatly. In almost all the species, the ovipositor projects from" between the tips of the sheaths. Among the Inquiline genera are Synoplirus, Amblynotus, Synerges, and Atdax, which are guests of various species of Cynipides. In Figites and allies (Figitidoe), the third section of the TENTHREDINID^. 213 famih', the second segment is shorter than half the h'ngth of the abdomen, being much longer and less higii and compressed than in the Cynipides, and the ovipositor is retiaeted within the ab(h)men. These insects are true internal parasites, re- sembling the Chalcids. Ibalia is a i)arasite on a wood-beetle. This genus has, by "Walsh, been placed in the Cynipides, Figites has feather-like antenna' in the male ; it is a parasite on the larvai of Sareophaga. The genus Allotria is a para- site on Aphis. Walsh states that two genera, which he has identified as Kleidotoina and EucoUa are true Figiticke^ and "have the wings fringed like a Mymar, and the former has them emargi- nate at tip with the radial area in my species distinctly open, and the latter simple at tip with the radial area in ni}^ species marginally closed by a coarse brown vein." EucoUa is sup- posed to l)e parasitic on some insect attacking the turnip. Tenthredinid.e Leach. The Saw-flies connect the IT3'men- optera with the Lepidoptera. In the perfect state they con- form to the rijinenop- j. o j terous type, but as larvaB they would often be mistaken for Lepi- dopterous larvw, and i; in their habits closely ^ resemble many cater- pillars. The three divisions of the body, usually so trenchantly iiKU-ked in the higher llymenoptera, are here less distinct, since the alxlonien is sessile, its basal ring bein^ broad and applied closely to the thorax, while the succeeding rings are ver}^ equal in size. The liead is broad and the thorax wide, closely resembling that of the Lepidoptera. The wings (Fig. 144, fore-wing) are larger in jDroportion to the rest of the body than usual ; they are more net- veined, the cells being more mnnerous and extending to the outer margin.* *In treating of this family we avail ourst'lves lavsrcly of the imiiortant work on the AnuM-ii^nn .-species, publishing at the time of writing, by Mr. E. Norton, in the Transaciiona of the Americaa JiJllwaiological Society, vols. 1, -2. We therefora 214 HYMENOPTERA. All these characters show that the saw-fly isi h degrade^ Hymenopter. The antennre are not elbowed ; are rather short and simple, clavate, but in rare instances fissured or feathered. The ab- domen consists, usually, of eight external segments, the tAvo last being aborted on tlie under side, owing to the great develop- ment of the ovipositor. Tlie ovipositor or "saw" (compare Fig. 24) consists of two lamella?, the lower edge of which is toothed and fits in a groove in the under side of the upper one, which is toothed above, both protected by the usual sheath-lilvc stylets. On pressing, says Lacaze-Duthiers, the end of the abdomen, we see the saw depressed, leave the direction of the axis of the body, and become perpendicular. By this movement the saw, which both cuts and pierces, makes a gash in tlie soft part of the leaf where it deposits its eggs. The eggs are laid more commonly near the ribs of the leaf, in a series of slits, each slit containing but a single egg. "Some species, on the other hand, introduce their eggs by means of their saws into the edges of leaves (Nematus conju- gaUis Dahlb.), and others beneath the longitudinal ribs of the leaves. A few, indeed, merely fasten their eggs upon the outer surface of the leaves {Nematus grossidario' ^ etc.), attaching them together like a string of beads (Reaunmr. vol. v, plate 10, fig. 8), wliilst a few place them in a mass on the surface of the leaf (ibid, plate 11, figs. 8, 9)." (Westwood.) The irritation set up by the saws in the wounded leaf, causes a flow of sap which is stated by Westwood to be imbibed by the egg, so that it swells gradually to twice its original size. It is known that the eggs of ants increase in size as the embryo develops, and we would copy his diagram (Fig. 144), showing the venation of the wing (compare Fig. 29 and our nomenchiture), with the explanation of parts given by him. «, stigma; h, costa or costal margin; c, apical margin; r?, costal and post- costal veins; e, externomedial ; /, g, anal; ft, posterior margin; i, marginal vein; j, snbmargiual vein ; 1:, first, second, and third (transverse) submaiginal nervures; I, recurrent nervui'es (discoidal); m, disccidal vein; n, first find second inner api- cal or submarginal nervures. Bulla; or clear spots, on the veins or nervures, with bullar or clear lines crossing them. 1,2, marginal or radial cells ; .'?, 4, 5, G, submar- ginal or cubital cells; 7, 8, 9, discoidal cells; 10, costal cell; 11, 12, brachial or me- dial cells; 13, 14, inner and outer apical cells. (Hinder cells, Hartig. Cellule du limbe, St. Farg.) No. 11 is sometimes the medial, and Nos. 12 and 13 the submedial cells; Nos. 9 and 14 the apical cells; Nos. 7 and 13 discoidal; Nos. 10, 11, 12, 15, the first, second, third and fourth brachial cells; 15, lanceolate cell. 1, open; 2, con- tracted; 3, petiolate; 4, subcontracted; 5, with oblique ci'oss nervure; C, with straight cross nervure. TEXTHREDIXID.E. 215 question whether the increase in size of the eggs of the Saw- tly is not rather clue to the same cause. Tlie punctures in the phmt often lead, in some genera, to the proihiction of galls, in which the larvoe live, thus showing the near relationship of this fnniily to the gall-liies (Cynipidae). The larvie strongly resemble caterpillars, but there are six to eight pairs of abdominal legs, whereas the caterpillar has but five pairs. Many species curl the hind bod}- u\) si)irally when feeding or at rest. They are usually green, with lines and markings of various colors. They usually moidt four times, the last change being the most marked. Most (jf the larviB secrete silk and spin a tough cocoon, in which they hiber- nate in the larva, and olten in the pupa state. The pupa has free limbs, as in the other families. The eggs are usually de- posited in the leaves of plants, but in a few eases, according to Norton, in slender or hollow stems. While some are slug- shaped, like the Pear-slug, others like Lyda inanita, mentioned bj' Westwood, live on rose bushes, and construct a "portable case, formed of bits of rose-leaves arranged in a spiral coil ; " and other species are leaf-rollers, like the Tortricids. The larva of Cephus does injur}^ to grain, in Europe, by boring within the stems of wheat. A remarkable instance of the care of the saw-fly for her 3'oung, is recorded by Mr. R. II. Lewis, who observed in Australia, the female of Perga Leicisii deposit its eggs in a slit next the midribs of an Eucalj'ptus leaf. They w^ere placed transversely in a double series. "On this leaf the mother sits till the exclusion of the larvae ; and as soon as these are hatched, the parent follows them, sitting with out- stretched legs over her brood, protecting them from the attacks of parasites and other enemies Avith admirable perseverance." (Westwood.) The species are mostly limited to the temperate zone, but few being found in the tropics. The perfect insects mostly occur in the early summer, and are found on the leaves of the trees they infest, or feeding on flowers, especially those of the umbelliferous plants. The genus Cimbex contains our largest species, the antennae ending in a knob. C. Americana Leach is widely dis(ril)uted, and varies gi-eatly in color. The large whitish larva, with a 216 IIYMENOPTERA. blackish dorsal stripe, may be found rolled up in a spiral on the leaves of the ehn, birch, linden and Avillow trees. When disturbed it ejects a fluid fi'om pores situated al)ove the spira- cles. It constructs a large tough parciunent-like cocoon, and the fly appears in the early summer. The genus THchiosoma is recognized b}- its hairy body, and the antennae have five joints preceding the three-jointed club. T. triangnlum Kirb}' is found in British America and Colorado, and a variety, T. hicolor Harris, on Mount Washington ; it is l)luck, except the tip of the abdomen, Avith the fourth and fifth joints of the antenuie piceous, and the thorax is covered witli ash-colored hair. In Abia the anteniut? are seven-jointed, with the club obtuse ; the body is villose, the abdomen having a metallic silken hue. The Ahia caprifolii Norton (Fig. 145, larva) is ver}^ destruc- tive to the Tartarian Honeysuckle, sometimes stripping the bush of its leaves during successive sea- sons in INIaine and Massachusetts. It hatches out and begins its ravages very soon after the leaves are out, eating cir- cular holes in them. It lies curled up on the leaf and when disturbed emits drops of a watery fluid from the pores in the sides of the body, and then falls to the ground. During the early part of August it spins a pale yellowish silken cocoon, Imt does not change to a pupa, Mr. Riley states, until the following ^'^- ^•*'^- spring. He describes the larva as being common about Chicago ; that it is ''Ijluish green on the l)ack', and 3'cllo\v on the sides, which are pale near the spiracles, and covered with snaall black dots. Between CA'cry segment is a small, transverse, yellow band, with a black spot in the middle and at each end. Head free, of a brownish black above and color of the body beneath." The fl}' is described b}' Norton as being black, with faint greenish reflections on the abdomen ; there are two white bands at the base of the metathorax, and the wings are banded. It is .36 inch long and the wings ex- pand .70 inch. The larvos can easil}' be destroj^ed from their TENTHREDINIDJE. 217 hul)it of falling to tlie ground when the bush is shaken, where they can be crushed by the foot. Dr. Fitch has reared Abia (Voni one or two cocoons found on the wild cherr^^, the fly a[)poaring in Now York during March. Hi/lotoma is a much smaller gemis ; the basal Joint of the antenna is oval, wdiile the second is small and round, and the terminal joint is very long. The larva is twenty-footed, and when eating curves the end of the body into the form of an 8. The pupa is protected l)y a gauzy, doubly enveloping cocoon. //. McLecn/i Leach is wholly black, sometimes with a tinge of blue. It is found throughout the Northern States. Th? genus l^ristiphora, closely allied to Nematus, is known by its nine-jointed antenn;\?, and the single costal cell ; the first submargiiial (subcostal) cell having two recurrent veinlets. P. idoitidem Norton has been discovered by Mr. W. C. Fish to ■be destructive to the cranberry on Cape Cod. He has reared the insect, and sent me the following notes on its habits, while the adult fly has been identified b}^ Mr. Norton, to whom I submitted specimens. Tlie larvae were detected in the first week of June, eating the leaves ; "they were light or pale yel- lowish green when iirst hatched," and grew darker watli age. The head of the young was dark, but in the full-grown worm lighter. When full-grown they were about .30 of an inch in length, and had two lighter whitish green stripes running along the back from head to tail. They had spun their cocoons by the 20th of June in the rubl^ish at the bottom of the rearing bot- tles. On the 29th of June they came out in the perfect state. "VVe would add to this description that the body, in two alco- holic specimens of the larvae, was long, cylindrical, and smooth, with seven pairs of abdominal feet. The head is full, rounder' and l)lackis]i, l)ut after the last moult pale honey-yellow. The male is shiiilng black, and Mr. Norton informs me that it is his P. kliotd. P. grossulariai "Walsh is a widely difl'used species in the Northern and Western States, and injures the currant and gooseberry. The female fly is shining black, while the head is dull yellow, and the legs are hone3-yellow, with the tips of the six tarsi, and sometimes the extreme tips of the hinder tibire and of the tarsal joints ])ale dusky for a quarter of their length. The wings are partially h3^aline, with black veins, a 218 HYMENOPTERA . lioney-3'ellow costa, and a dusky stigma, edged with honey- yellow. The mule ditters a little in having black coxa?. Mr. Walsh states that the laiwa is a pale grass-green worm, half an inch long, with a black head, which becomes green after the last moult, but Avith a lateral broAvn stripe meeting with the opposite one on the top of the head, where it is more or less confluent ; and a central brown-black spot on its face. It appears tlie last of June and earlj'^ in Jul}', and a second brood in August. They spin their cocoons on the bushes on which they feed, and the fly appears in two or three Aveeks, the specimens reared b}' him flying on the 26th of August. P. sycophanta Walsh is an "•inquiline," or guest gall-saw-fly, inhabiting a Cecidom^ian gall on a willow. The genus Eaura comprises several gall-making species. It differs from the preceding genus in the second, instead of the first, submarginal cell having two recurrent venules. Mr. Walsh has raised E. orbitalis Norton (E. genuina Walsh) from galls found on Salix humilis. This gall is a bud which is found enlarged two or three times its natural size, l)efore it unfolds in spring. The larva is twenty-footed, is from .13 to .19 of an inch long, of a greenish white color, and the head is dusk}'. It bores out of its gall in autunni, descending an inch into the ground, where it spins a thin, silken, whitish cocoon. The gall of E. salicis-ovum Walsh is found on Salix cordata. The female is shining yellow, while the ground color of the male is greenish white. The gall of this species is an oval roundish, sessile, one-chambered, green or brownish swell- ing, .30 to .50 of an inch long, placed lengthwise on the side of small twigs. The larva is pale yellowish, and the fly appears in April. The fly is, according to Walsh, " absolutely undistin- guishable by any reliable character from the guest gall-saw-fly, Euura j)ertnrbans Walsh," which inhabits dipterous galls made b}' Cecidomjdan flies on the willow and grape (Walsh) . If these two "species" do not differ from each other, either in the larva. or adidt state, "by any reliable characters," then one must question whether the variation in habits is sufficient to separate them as species, and whether E. salicis-OAum does not, some- times, instead of forming a new gall, lay its eggs in a gall ready- inia,de by a dipterous gall-fl3\ We have seen that Odynerus TENTHKEDINID^. 2 1 i) alboplialeratus, which usually niakcs a uuul coll situated iu the most diverse places, iu one case at least, makes no cell at all, but uses the tunuel bored out b}- a Ceratiua ! aud yot we should not split this species into two, on account ol" this dillereuce in its habits. "We had written this before meeting with Mv. Norton's remark that "it is difficult to give a hearty assent to Mr. AValsh's inquilines or guest-llies, without further inves- tigation." (Transactions of the American Entomological Society-, vol. i, p. 194.) In Nematus the nine-jointed anteunre have the third joint longest. There is one costal and four subcostal cells, the second cell receiving two recurrent veiulets ; the basal ludf of the lanceolate cell is closed ; the hind wings have two mid- dle cells, and the tibiae are simple. The larvae are hairy with warts behind the abdominal feet. They have twenty feet, the fourth and eleventh segments (count- ing the head as one) being footless. Thc}^ are either solitar}-, feeding upon the leaves of plants, or social and generally found on pine trees, while some species live in the galls of plants. The pupa, according to Hartig, is enclosed in an egg-shaped cocoon, like that of Loph^Tus, but less firm, though with more outside silk. It is generally made in the earth, or in leaves which ftdl to the groujid. N. verfebratus Say is green, with the antennas and dorsal spots blackish, the thorax being trilineate. There are fifty species in this country, of which the most injurious one, the Gooseberry saw-fi}', has been brought from Europe. This is the iV. ventricosus Klug Avhich was undoubtedly imported into this country about the year 18G0, spreading mostly from Rochester, N. Y., where there are extensive nurseries. It does more injury to the currant and gooseberry than any other native insect, except the currant moth (Abraxas ribearia). Professor Winchell, who has studied this insect in Ann Arbor, Michigan. where it has been very destructive, observed the female on the 16th of June, while depositing her cjdindrical, whiti^;h and transparent eggs, in regular rows along the inider side of the veins of the leaves, at the rate of about one in forty-five seconds. The embryo escapes from the egg in four daj's. It feeds, moults and burrows into the ground within a period of eight days. It remains thirteen days in the ground, being 220 HYMENOPTERA. most of the time in the pupa state, wtiile the fly lives nine daj-s. The first brood of worms appeared May 21, the second brood June 25. Winohell describes the larva as being pale-green, with the head, tail and feet, black, with numerous l)lack spots regularly arranged around the body, from wliich arise two or more hairs. Figure 14G, 1, shows the eggs deposited along the under side of the midribs of the leaf; 2, the holes bored by the very young larvae, and 3, those eaten by the larger worms. In transporting gooseberry and currant bushes, Walsh recom- mends that the roots be carefully cleansed of dirt, so that the cocoons may not be car- ried about from one gar- den to another. The leaves of the bushes should be examined during the last week of May, and as onl}^ a few leaves are affected at first, these can be de- tected by the presence of the eggs and the little round holes in them, and should be plucked off and burnt. The female saw- fl}^ is bright honey-j-ellow, ^'S- ^^' with the head black, but yellow below the insertion of the antennne. The male differs in its black thorax, and the antennjie are paler reddish tlian in the female.* The genus Empl'i/tus has nine-jointed antennas ; the third * Mr. Norton lias coniiiuiiiicatecl the following description of the larva of another eaw-fly of this genns which infests the weeping-willow. •' Xematux trUineatus Norton. The larva: of this were first seen npon the weep- ing-willows about August 1st, in immense numbers, almost wholly stripping large trees of their leaves. They begin uiion the eilge of the leaf and eat all of it except the inner midrib. They are very sensitive to disturbances, very lively, and are generally found with the hinder part of their bodies bent up over the back. They are twenty-footed, of a bright green color, palest at head and tail, with five rows of black dots down the back, the outer row upon each side irregular and with inter- vals. On each side above the feet is another row of larger black dots, and the three anterior pair of feet are black at the base, middle and tip. " A great number of the saw-liies were found flying about the trees, August 19th, in the proportion of about ten males to one female. The males being almost wholly black upon the thorax." TENTIIliEDlNID.E. 221 and fourtli joints of equal length ; the Avings have two subcos- tal and three median cells, the lirst as long as the second, gen- erally longer ; the first receiving one recurrent vein, the second two. We have found the larva of E. maculatus Norton on the cultivated strawberry, to which, in the AVestern States, it some- times does considerable damage, but it can be quite readily exterminated b}^ hand-picking. ]\Ir. Riley has carefully ol)- served the habits of this insect, and we condense the follow- ing remarks from his account in the Prairie Farmer : — Early in May, in Northern Illinois, the female saw-fly deposits her eggs in the stem of the plant. They are Avhite and .03 of an incii long, and may be readil}' perceived upon splitting the stalk ; though the outside oritice, at which they were intro- duced, is scarcely perceptible, their presence causes a swelling in the stalk. By the mid- dle of Ma}^ the worms will have eaten innumerable small holes in the leaves. The^' are dirty yellow and Fig. i47. gray green, and at rest curl the abdomen up spirally. They moult four times, and are, w^hen full-fed, about three-fourths of an inch in length. They make a loose, earthen cocoon in the ground, and change to perfect flies by the end of June and the beginning of Jul}'. A second brood of worms appears, and in the early part of August descend into the ground and remain in the larva state until the middle of the succeeding April, when they finish their transformations. The fly is pitchy black, with two rows of dull, dirty white, transvei-se spots upon the abdomen. The nine-jointed antennae are black, and the legs are brown, and almost white at the joints. Fig. 147 rep- resents the Strawberry Emphj'tus in all its stages of growth. 1, 2, ventral and side-view of the pupa; 3, the fly enlarged ; 222 HYMENOPTERA. 5, the same, natural size ; 8, an antenna enlarged ; 4, the larva while feeding ; G, the same, at rest ; 7, the cocoon ; 9, an eo-o; enlarged. Of the genus DoJerus, known b}' the second submarginal cell receiving two recurrents, D. arvensis Say, is a common blue- black species found in April and May on willows. The genus Selandria is the most injurious genus of the famil}-. It embraces the Pear and Rose-slugs, the Vine-slug and the Raspberry slug. The flics are small, black, with short and stout nine-Jointed an- tennae, and broad thin wings. "The larvoe are twenty and twent3^-two-footed, present- ing great differences in appearance and habit, being slim}-, hairy or woolly, feeding in companies or alone, eating the whole leaf as the)' go, or, removing only the cuticle of the leaf, and forming sometimes one and some- times two broods in a j-ear. Selandna vitis, the Vine-slug, is twenty-footcQl ; it has a smooth skin, and the bod}- is somewhat thick- ened in the middle but slender towards the tail. "While growing, the color is green aboA'e, with black dots across each ring, and yellow beneath, with head and tail black. They Ha'c upon the vine and are very destruc- tive, feeding earl}'^ in August in companies, on the lower side of the leaf, and eating it all as the J' go from the edge inwards. There are two broods in a season. The fly is shining black, with red shoulders, and the front wings are cloiided." (Norton.) S. rubi Harris feeds on the raspberrj^, appearing in Ma3\ The larva is green, not slimy, and feeds in the night, or earl}^ in the morning. S. tilice feeds on the linden. The Pear-slug, S. cerasi Peck (Fig. 148, larvae feeding on a leaf of the pear, and showing the surface eaten ofl" in patches ; a, enlarged ; 6, fly), is twenty-footed ; it narrows rapidl}' behind the swollen thorax, and is covered with a stick}' olive-colored slime. It feeds on the upper side of the leaves of both the wild and cultivated cherry and pear trees, and has been found on the plum and Fig. 148. TENTIIKEDINID/E. 223 mountain-ash. It appears in June and Sejjlemlier. The fly is shiny bhick, with the tips of the four anterior femora, and the tibiae and tarsi, dull white. An egg-parasite, belonging to the genus Encj-rtus, renders, according to Peck, a great number of its eggs abortive. The Rose-slug, Selandria rosoe Harris, is longer than the Pear- slug, the body being scarcely thickened anteriorly, and not covered with slime. It is pale-green and yellowish beneath. It appears in July and August, and does great injury in dis- figuring and killing the leaves of the rose, which remain dried and with- ered on the bush. When full-fed, the larva,, like the Pear-slug, makes a cocoon beneath the surface of the ground. The flies are seen in abund- ance about the rose-bushes as soon ''ig- 149. as the leaves are expanded, when they may be caught with nets, or the hand on cloud}'' daj-s. Hand-picking, and the application of a very weak solution of carbolic acid, coal oil, whale oil soap, or quassia, are useful in killing the larvae. On the 25th of July a young friend brought me a large num- ber of some remarkable larvae (Fig. 149, natural size) of a saw-fly, which I surmised might belong to this genus. It pre- sented the appearance of an animated, white, cottony mass, about an inch long and two-thirds as high. The head of the larva is rounded, pale whitish, and covered with a snow-white powdery secretion, with prominent black eyes. The body (Fig. 150, naked larva) is cylindrical, with eight Fig. 150. pairs of abdominal legs, the segments transversely wrinkled, pale pea-green, with a powdery secre- tion low down on the sides, but above and on the back, arise long, flattened masses of flocculent matter (exactly resembling that produced by the woolly plant-lice and other Homopterous Hemiptera) forming an irregular dense cottony mass, reaching to a height equal to two- thirds the length of the worm, and con- cealing the head and tail. On the 27th and 28th of July the larvae moulted, leaving the cast skins on the leaf. They were then naked, a little thicker than before, of a pale-green color, 224 HTMENOPTERA. and were curled on the leaf. They eat out the edge of the leaf of the butternut tree. Sometime during August, two cocoons Avere si)un between the leaves, but I did not succeed in raising the saw-fly. On describing the larva, in a letter to Mr. E. Nor- ton, he kindty sent me alcoholic specimens of larv?e (without the W00II3' sulistance, which dissolves and disappears in alcohol) found feeding on the hickory, Avliich are ■^■°- ^^^' apparently, from the comparison of alcoholic specimens, identical with the Butternut Selandria. The adult fl}^ (Fig. lol, ^ , a, cocoon), he has named S. carycBy of which he has kindl}- furnished me with the subjoined description.* Allan'us is closely related to Se- landria, l)oth in its structure and its habits, ])ut differs in having the an- tennae short and somewhat clavate. A. basilarisHiiyis a common species. The Pine saw-fl}^, Lojjhyrus, may be known by the feathered antennae of the male. L. abietis Harris (Fig. 152, female) infests the fir and pitch-pine. The male is black above and brown beneath, while the female is 3'ellowisli brown above. Fi,?. 152. * Selandria cari/fe Norton, nov. sp. (Belonging to tribe 2. Under wings with one middle cell. Div. A. Anteuna3 fllifonii, short). Female. Color shining blai-k. The pro- and mesothorax and scntellum iiifous. the apex of the latter black; the nasus and legs white, with their tarsi blackish: the base of coxk and a line down the upper side of the legs black. Antennje short, the second joint as long as the first; the four final joints together, not longer than the two preceding. Nasus slightly incurved. Claws of tarsi apparently bitid, Wings subviolaceou.s. Lanceolate cell petiolate, the first subniedial cell above it, with a distinct cross vein. Under wings with one submarginal middle cell (all other si)ecies have this cell discoidal), the marginal cell with a cross nervure, and all the outer cells closed by an outer nervure, which does not touch the margin. The submedial cell extended nearly to margin. Length, .2.3 of an inch. Expanse of wings .40 of an inch. " The male resembles the female, but the under wings are without middle cells. The larv£e feed upon the leaves of the hickory (.Juglans squamosa.) They are found upon the lower side of the leaf, sometimes fifteen or twenty upon one leaf, which they eat from the outer extremity inward, often leaving nothing but the strong midribs. They cover themselves wholly with white flocculent tufts whicii are rubbed off on being touched, leaving a green twenty-two legged woi-m, about .75- TENTIIREDINIDiE. 225 with a short black stripe on each side of the thorax. The larvai are about half an inch long, of a pale dirty green, yel- lowish beneath, striped with green, and when full-fed yellowish all over. They are social, and may often be found in consider- able numbers on a single needle of the pitch-pine. The larvaj spin tough cocoons among the leaves, and the tlies appear during August, but probably in greater numbers in the spring. These slugs can be best destroyed by showering them with a solution of carbolic acid, pe- troleum, whale oil I'ig- iJJ. soap, or tobacco water. Mr. Fish has sent me the larva? of a saw-fly, allied to L. abietis, which, in Eastham, Mass., ravaged the young pitch-pines planted in the sandy sh!/rtis pini-rigiche Norton. New Species. Female. Length, 0.30; expanse of wings, 6o of an inch ; antenna; seventeen-jointed, short, brown : color, luteous biown. with a black line joining the ocelli, a black stripe do^^^l each of the three lobes of the thora.v above, and the sutures behind ; body jialer beneath ; the trochanters and base of the tibia; waxen ; claws with an inner tooth near the middle ; wings very slightly clouded ; cross nervure of the lanceolate cell straight. Male. Length, 0.25; expanse of wings, 0.55 of an inch; antenna; flfteen-jointed, black, quite short, with twelve branches on each side, those at the base nearly as long as the sixth and seventh ; apical joint simple, enlarged at base ; color of insect black, Avith the abdomen at apex and beneath yellow-brown; legs the same color at base; below the knees whitish. 15 226 HYMENOPTERA. L. Ahbotii Leaeh. The flies appear early in June, and there is but ti single brood of larva.', which remain on the trees, in Illi- nois, until November, and hibernate before changing to pupae. The female is hone3--yellow, with pale rufous legs, and the male is jet black. Fig. 153 represents, after Rilej^, the trans- formations of this species, whose habits closely resemble those of L. abietis. 1, is the fl}' somewhat magnified ; 6, magnified antenna of the male ; 7, female antenna ; 2 and 3, pupae ; 4, larvai in different positions, natural size ; 5, cocoon. The L. Lecontei Fitch has been found feeding on the Scotch and Aus- trian pines in New Jerse}', and has been described by Mr. Riley. The larva is an inch long, dirt}- or jelloAvish white, with dorsal black marks wider before than behind, and usually broken trans versel}' in the full-grown individuals ; they are farther ai)art than in L. Abbotii. '"The lateral spots are some- what square, with an additional row of smaller black marks below them, and the last segment is entirely black a])ove. The antemue of the male fly are twenty-one-jointed, and have on one side seventeen large, and on the other seventeen small branches, there l)eing eighteen on one side and fifteen on the other in L. Abbotii. The female may at once ha distinguished from L. Abbotii by her abdomen being jet-black above, with a small brown patch at the end, and a transverse line Qf the same color just below the thorax." There are several allied genera, such as Cladius (C. isomera Harris), Lyda {L. scripta Say), and Xyela (X. infuscata Har- ris), which belong here. The last genus, Cejyhus, which by some "The females of Lophvrus are all much alike and I have found the number and fonns of the joints of the antenuw, so far, the only reliable guide. The male looks preuisel.v like that of L. abietis, but the form of the antenna; differs in being much shoi'ter. The female looks much like L. abdominal is Say, taken on the pine near New York. The following list will show how the species may be distinguished by vomiting the number of joints." L. Fabricii Leach, male, not described, female, IG joints. L. compar Leach, " " " " 1(" " L. pini-rigidse Norton, " 15 joints " 17 " Pine. L. Abbotii Leach, " not described " 17 " " L. abietis Harris, " 21 joints, " 18 " L. abdominalis Say, " not described, " 18 " Pine. L. pinetum Norton, " 1!) joints, " 18 " " L. Amcricanus Leach, '•' not described, " 19 " L. insularis Cresson, " 17 joints, " 20 " Pine. L. Lecontei Fitch, " 17 " " 21 " UROCEIIID.E. 227 Hutliois is placed in the next family, is retained by Norton in the present groui). Tlie larva is, in Enrope, injnrious to r3e and Avheat, boring in the stems of the plant. Ce2)hus abbreviatus Say is our more typical form, though rarely met with. C. trimaculatus 8ay is found in New York early in June, according to Dr. Fitch. Urocerid^ Leach. The family of ' ' Horntails " are so-called from the long prominent horn on the abdomen of the males, while the ovipositor or "saw," resembling that of the true saw- llies, is attached to the middle of the abdomen, and extends far beyond its tip. They are of large size, with a long cylindrical body and a large head, square next the thorax, but much rounded in front. The antennae are long and filiform. Tlie larviE are "cylindrical fleshy grubs, of a whitish color, with a small rounded horny head, and a pointed horny tail. They have six very small legs under the fore-part of the body, and are pro- vided with strong and powerful jaws, wherewith they bore long holes in the trunks of the trees they inhabit. Like other borers these grubs are wood-eaters, and often do great damage to pines and fii-s, wherein they are most commonly found." Harris farther states that, when about to transform, the larvaj make thin cocoons of silk in their burrows, interwoven with little ohips made by the larva. "After the chrysalis skin is cast off, the winged insect breaks through its cocoon, creeps to the mouth of its burrow, and gnaws through the covering of bark over it, so as to come out of the tree into the open air." Xiijhidria is so-called from the sword-like ovipositor, which is much shorter than in the succeeding genera. The body is a little flattened, somewhat turned up behind, and the tip of the abdomen ends in an obtuse point, while the antenniB are short, curved and tapering at the end. Xipliidria albicornis Harris is black with yellowish legs and white antennre, with the two lowest joints black. It is nearly three-fourths of an inch long. The typical genus of the family is Urocerus, which has a large body, with a large ovipositor and long, sixteen to twentj^-four- jointed antennae, while the body of the male ends in a stout acute horn. U. albicornis Fabricius has white antennae, and the female is of a deep blue-black color, while tlie male is black. It is found on pine trees in July. It is an inch in len^nh. 228 HYMENOPTERA. The genus Tremex is known by the wings having two mar- ginal and three submarginal cells. Tremex Columha Linn, in- fests the elm, pear and button-wood. The female is an inch and a half long, rust-red, varied with black, Avhile the abdomen is black with seven ochre-3'ellow bands on the upper side, all but the two basal ones being interrupted in the middle. They fly during the last of summer. "Dr. Harris thus describes the habits of this interesting in- sect. The female, when about to lay her eggs, draws her borer out of its sheath, till it stands perpendicularly under the middle of her body, when she plunges it, l\y repeated wiggling motions, through the bark into the wood. When the hole is made deep enough, she then drops an egg therein, conducting it to the place by means of the two furrowed pieces of the sheath. The borer often pierces the bark and wood to the depth of half an inch or more, and is sometimes driven in so tightly that the insect cannot draw it out again, but remains fast- ened to the tree till she dies. The eggs are oblong oval, pointed at each end, and rather less than one- twentieth of an inch in length. ^'«- ^^^- "The larva, or grub, is yellowish white, of a cylindrical shape, rounded behind, with a conical, horny point on the upper part of the hinder extremity, and it grows to the length of about an inch and a half. It is often destroyed by the maggots of two kinds of Ichneumon-flies (Rhj'ssa atrata and lunator of Fabricius). These flies may frequently be seen thrusting their slender borers, measuring from three to four inches in length, into the trunks of trees inhabited b}^ the grubs of the Tremex, and by other wood-eat- ing insects ; and like the female of the Tremex they some- times become fastened to the trees, and die without being able to draw their borers out again." We have noticed the trunk of an elm, at Saratoga Springs, perforated by great numbers of holes, apparently made by these insects. T. latitarsus Cresson (Fig. 154 ; a, antenna ; h^ wing ; c, hind leg) is remarkable for the expansions on the hind legs. It lives in Cuba. LEl'IDOrTEKA. 229 LEPIDOPTERA. Butterflies and Moths are readily recognized by their cylindrical, Compact bodies ; their small head, with its large- clypeus ; by the maxillai being prolonged into a tnbular Fig. 155.* Fig. 156. *' tongue;" the obsolete mandibles; and the broad, regularly veined wings, which are covered with minute scales. Their transformations are complete ; the active larvai assum- ing a cylindrical, worm-like form, being rarely footless, and al nid Fig. 157. Fis. 1.58. having from one to five pairs of fleshy abdominal legs, besides the three pairs of corneous jointed thoracic limbs. A large proportion (butterflies excepted) spin silken cocoons before ♦For explanation of cuts, 155 to 171, see pages 233 and 234. 230 LEPIDOPTERA. changing to pupae (chrysalids, nj^mphs). In the pupa state the limbs and appendages of the head are soldered together, and the head and thorax tend to form one region, upon which the third region, or abdomen, is more or less movable. Thi'ee 5 160. Fig. 161. or four genera of the lower families are partiall}^ aquatic, while, as a whole, the suborder is purely terrestrial. The three regions of the body are very distinct, but the head, though free, is smaller and with its parts less equally developed la laiiiie 2 Fig. 162. than in the Hymenoptera, and the "propodeum" has now be- come plainly the first abdominal ring. The abdomen is also longer, with the genital armor partially exserted, thus showing a tendency to decephalization. In fine, the whole body is. Fig. 163. Fig. 164. loosened and less compact than in the Hymenoptera. Their broad wings ; obsolete mouth-parts, with the abnormally devel- oped maxillae ; and active larvae, with their worm-like shape, LEPIDOPTERA. 231 are .also characters which show that the}- are more degraded than the Ilymeuoptera. There is also a greater disproportion in the relative size of the three thoracic rings. In the abdominal rings the plenrites are nmch larger than in Ilymenoptera, where they are partiall}'^ obsolete. They scarcely use the legs, the fore pair (so remarkably differen- tiated in the higher Ilymenop- tera) being partially obsolete in some butterflies (Vanessa, etc.). Tlioy are essentially fliers, not having the great variety in the mode of loco- Fig. ics. motion observable in the Hymenoptera. No parasites arc known to oco-ur in tliis order. They are only social while in the larval state, and then merely because their eggs, in such in- stances, are laid in bunches, and on distinct food-plants to A which tlie larv;e are confined. The adults rarely take an active jjart in the economy of nature, and have but little opportunity for the mani- festation of instinct and reason, though the larvjTi in seeking for suitable places in which to undergo their transformations often exhibit Fig. ififi. wonderful instinct. The readiest method of determining the natural position of gi'oups is by a comparison of their degradational forms. Thus we find that in the degraded Il^'menoptera the tripartite form of the body is preserved ; while, on the contrary, in the wing- less Lepidoptera (such as the female of Orgyia and Anisopteryx) the body is either oval, the head being less free and smaller than in the winged form, and the thorax and abdomen continuous, their respective rings being of much the same size and l shape, while the legs are feeble : or, as in the female of CEketicus, the body is elongated, and worm-like. The wingless moths, then, are much lower than the worker ants, the female Scolia, 232 LEPIDOPTERA. etc., giving us an unfailing test of the difference in rank of the two suborders. In their habits and transformations, and in their external A B anatomy, the Lep- idoptera vary less than other insects. The Lepidoi> tera, while in the perfect state, can be scarcely said to walk much, com pared with beetles and other walking Fiar. 168. insects, the legs being only used to support them wliile at rest, and not for locomotion. They move almost entirely by their broad wings, which with them are more highly specialized than in other in- sects. Their fore wings are usually triangular in form, while their hind wings are some- what square or rounded Fiff. 170. Fig. 169. T!ie anterior wings are the most typical in form and A'enation, The surface, from the costa to the inner edge, inaj' be ABC 1 a Fig. 171. divided into three areas, — the costal, median, and internal. There are five principal veins : the costal and subcostal are LEPIDOPTERA. 233 grouped together, and form the costa or front edge of the wing ; the median occu[)ies the middle of the wing ; and the sub- median and internal, the hinder, or internal, area of the wing. The costal vein is usually' sinii)le, and joins the costa near its outer third. The subcostal, near the middle of the wing, is usually subdivided into five branches, which are called ven- ules, while the median is usually sulidividod into one venule less, and the submedian and internal are simple. The last, or fifth, subcostal venule, and the first median venule, generally each throw out a small vemde, which meet to form the discal venule, tlius ench)sing a large central area CMlled the discal area, or cell. There are rarely any cross venules i)resent. Some- times, as in llepinlus, there is a transverse costal venule, and An interno-submeilian vemde.. They are usually found onl}^ in degraded Lepidoptera, and recall the net-veined style of vena- tion of the Neuroptera. The legs are slender, cylindrical, and weak. The coxae are closely united with tlie thorax, the trochanters are spherical, Figs. 155, 15(5, give a general view of the body of a butterfly denuded of scales. IG. 155. a, antenna ; 1, prothorax ; m, iiatagia, or shoulder-tippets ; k, mesoscutum ; t, abdomen; A, costal edge of fore-wing; I), apex; C, outer edge excavated; E, outer angle; B, inner edge; ah, discal cell; <7ot, discal venules, throwing off the independent vein, at. The dotted lines indicate the inner, middle and outer third of the wing. Fig. 1.57 illustrates the mode of ornamentation of the wings of moths; ab, am and al, the inner, the middle, and outer third of the wings. The capitals are the same as in Fig. 1.55; sd, the basal line; sa, the inner line; sp, the outer, and ms, the marginal line variously waved, scalloped and angulated. In most of the Noctuida3 are the dentiform spot, 1 b; mo, the orbicular, and iiir, the reniform spots ; between the two latter often runs the transverse shade, «??(. In Fig. 1.58, hind.wii7endent venule); 6 to 12, branches of the subcostal (in Fig. IGl, xii, is the costo-subcosta] recurrent venule). In Fig. 1!)2, wings of the Ilepialus, the venation is more irregular, and in the fore-wing tlia discal cell is divided into an anterior and posterior discai cellule, by tli j di - ■ >-longitudinal vein ; sd, x, and s, accessory cells. In the Tineids the venation is very simple. In Fig. 103, the submedian and internal veins have disappeared; 9 is the costal vein ; 2, 3, the two branches of the median vein; 4 to ■8, branches of the subcostal vein. In Fig. 164, the internal vein is shortened, and the submedian forked, while the median and subcostal are mei'ged together. — From Hnnemnnn, in Morrison Synopsis, Smithsonian Miscetlaneous Collections. Compai-e also Fig. 29 on page 23. Figs. 1.5!? and 1()5. a, antenna, on one side wholly, and on the other partially, pectinate; 6, eye:/, ocellus; h, labial jialpus; , with the end split apart; B, rudimen- tary maxilla of Actias Luua, with its single-jointed rudimentary jialpus, showing the mode of attachment to the base of the maxilla; C, two-jointed, rudimentaiy labial palpus of A. Luna; D, the same, single jointed, of Platysamia Cecropia. Figs. lOO, no. Head of amoth in relation to the prothorax (1). Fig. 171, A, B, side view and (C) front view of the head of a moth; a, antenna; 6, eye; d, the " front;" €, orbit of the eye; /, ocellus; g, maxilla situated between h, the three-jointed la- bial palpi ; i, the maxillary palpus, sometimes very large and three-jointed. LEPIUOPTEIIA. 235 of from one to three joints, the terminal one being small and pointed. They are recurved in front of the head, on each side of the spiral tongue, and are covered with hairs ; their func- tion, as touchers or feelers, seeming to be lost. The man- dibles ai-e rudimentarj^, consist- ing of a pair of liorny tubercles, partly concealed by the front edge of the clypeus. The maxillae, on the other hand, are remarkably developed. In their rudimentaiy state, as in Attacus, they form a pair of gi'ooved blades, the hollowed sides being opposed and held Fiff. 173. Fia Fig. 174. together by a row of minute teeth, thus forming a canal. The insect sucks through this long tube the sweets of flowers. Fig. 176. Fig. 177. Fig. 178. Fig. 17i The "tongue" is often nearly as long as the body of the insect itself, and when at rest, is rolled up and held between the palpi. At its base are the minute rudimental maxillaiy palpi. 236 LEriDorxERA. wiiich are generally' concealed, but are apparent in the smaller and lower moths, Crambus and the Tineids. They are usually from two to three-jointed, and even five to six-jointed, as in Tinea granella, and longer than the maxillae, thus resembling the Fhryganeidce , or Caddis flies. In seeking for honey with their long maxillae, the Lepidop- tcra play an important part in the fertilization of plants, especially the Orchids. The ocelli are often present, though they do not form a tri- angle on the vertex, as there are only two, the third and most anterior one being absent. The eyes are large and globose, and var3^ in their distance apart in different families. The antennae vary greatl}' ; they are either filiform (Fig. 172, a), or setiforra (Fig. 172, i), or fusiform, as in the Sphinges (Fig. 172, c), or club-shaped, as in Papilio (Fig. 172, d). They are rarely entirely naked, but are finely ciliated (Fig. 173), or have a pair of bristles on each joint (Fig. 174), which are sometimes tufted (Fig. 175). The joints are sometimes toothed (Fig. 176), lamellate (Fig. 177), serrate (Fig. 178), or pec- tinate (Fig. 179). The thorax in Lepidoptera is remarkable for the small size of the first, or prothoracic ring, the mesothorax being highly developed. In Telea (Figs. 11 and 12, on page 11) the char- acteristic form is well shown. The tergal arch of the pro- thorax is almost obsolete, the scutum alone being represented by a corneous piece, while the pleural parts are more developed as supports for the forelegs. In the mesothorax the prae- scutum is present, but is usually vertical, being bent down and concealed between the two rings, becoming visible, how- ever, from above in Hepialus (Sthenopis), in which respect it strikingly resembles the position and development of the same piece in the neuropterous Polystoechotes. The scutum is large, with convex sides, broadest behind the middle, and deei)ly notched for the reception of the triangular scutellum, which is about one-fourth the size of the scutum. The postscutellum is transverse, and situated out of sight, unless the two hinder thoracic rings are separated, under the scutellum. The epi- sterna and trochantines are large, and the whole mesothoracic flanks nearly twice as wide as those of the metathorax. The LEl'IDOrXEKA. 237 metathorax is much compressed antcro-postoriorl}'. The scu- tum is thrown aside as it were b}' the seutelluui into two lat- eral, nearly square halves, the remaining tergal pieces being usually obsolete and membranous, but in Sthenopis the in-M- scutum and scutellum (Fig. 13, page 12) are large, and meet in the middle of the segment, nuich as in the neuropterous /S i a I i d ce and Jle m erobii d ce . The abdomen is oval in Papilio, becoming long and linear in the Tineids. In the Zygcenidce^ especially, the basal ring is membranous and is parti}' adherent to the thorax, and somewhat inflated on each side. The number of abdominal segments varies, being either eight or nine ; the variation occurring, as stated by Lacaze-Duthiers, in closely allied genera ; thus the genital and anal openings are placed more usually behind the eighth, but sometimes behind the ninth segment. The genital armor is very simple, consisting of two valve- like pieces. The parts beyond (anal stylets, etc.) are aborted, so that the anus and external opening of the oviduct are brought closel}'^ together. In the male the parts are more com- plex, the anal forceps often, as in the Callosamia Promethea, forming long curved hooks for clasping the abdomen of the female. The nervous system of Lepidoptera, and its changes during the transformations of the larva, have been studied most thoroughly by Herold (in Pieris) and Newport (in Sphinx ligustri and Vanessa urticae). In the imago the ventral cord consists of seven ganglia, while in the larva there are eleven. This decrease in their number is due to the fusion, during the jDupa state, of the first, second, third and fourth ganglia of the larva, exclusive of those situated in the front part of the head ; these form the two thoracic ganglia which distribute nerves to the legs and the muscles of the wings. Meanwliile the. fifth and sixth ganglia of the larva have either disappeared entirel}', or been united with the others. The digestive system (see Fig. 44, on page 35) of butterflies and moths is modified to suit their peculiar habits. They draw in the sweets of plants tlu-ough the "tongue" by a sucking stomach which opens into the hinder end of the cesophagus. "The ileum is long, small, and nearly always forms several 238 LEPIDOPTERA. convolutions. The colon is constantly of a large size, and is often dilated into a caecum at its anterior portion." (Siebold.) The salivary glands are composed of two simple tubes, which are very large in the larval state, extending into the abdomen. The respirator}' sj'stem is normal and well developed. In the larva the stigmata are wanting on the second and third thoracic and last abdominal segment. In those species of >^phingidm, Bomhycidoi and Noctuidoi, which have a long-sustained flight there are numerous vesicular dilatations of tlie tracheae. Tlie urinary tubes are six in number ; they are long, free, and open into the stomach by two excretory ducts. The silk-glands consist of two long, flexuous, thick-walled sacs, situated on the sides of the body, and opening by a common orifice on the under lip (labium) usuall}' at the extremity of a short tubular protuberance (Siebold). The}'- are most developed when the larva approaches the pupa state. We once found a larva of Clisiocampa Americana that had just spun its cocoon, and to ascertain whether the silk had been exhausted, we removed the worm from its cocoon, when it spun another, but thinner one ; and upon removing it a second time it spun a third very thin cocoon, before the supply of silk was entirely exhausted. The ovary consists of four very long, spiral, multilocular tubes. The receptacidum seminis is pyriform, and often has a long, spiral dnctns seminaUs. At its base is situated a large, double sebaceous gland ; and there ai'e two small ramose glands, perhaps odoriferous, situated at the orifice of the vagina. The copulatory pouch is a remarkably large, pyriform reservoir, having for the reception of the male intromittent organ a canal, which opens by a special orifice, situated below and behind the external opening of the oviduct. (Siebold.) The testes form two round or oval follicles, and the two short deferent canals unite with two simple and verj- flexuous accessor}' glands, to form the long ductus ejacukitorius. Several interesting cases of hermaphroditism in butterflies and moths have been published by European entomologists. Mr. Edwards has noticed two remarkable instances in the Pro- ceedings of the Philadelphia Entomological Society (vol. iv, LEPIDOPTERA. 23.) p. 380), the latter of which we have also seen. "A speehiien of Papilio Asterias is in my collection, and Avas captnred by Mr. J. Me3er of Brooklyn, L. I., two or three years since. It is a line instance of a perfect herniapln-odite. The right wings are both male, the left wings both female, distinctly marked upon both surfaces with no sutfusion of color. The size is that of the largest specimens of Asterias. The Saturnia Promethea is in the collection of Mrs. Bridgham of New York, and is a curious instance of an imperfect hermaphrodite. The left an- tenna and left primary are male ; the right antenna and left secondary are female ; the right primary is also female, but the right secondary is something between the two, neither male nor female. The color of the upper surface is nearly the same as the under surface of the male. On tlie under side th tera are almost without exception injurious to vegetation and are among the chief enemies of the agriculturist. They are rarely found fossil owing to the delicac}' of their bodies. Remains, doubtfullj^ refeiTed to the Lepidoptera, have been found in the Jura formation. A Sphinx-like moth has been discovered in the Tertiary formation of Europe, and a few minute forms have occurred in Amber. Butterflies are easil}^ distinguished from the other groups by their knobbed antennae. In the Sphinges and their allies the feelers are thickened in the middle : in the Moths they are fili- form and often pectinated like feathers. Lepidoptera have also been divided into three large groups, called Diurnal, Cre- puscular and Xocturnal, since butterflies fly in the sunshine alone, most Sphinges in the twilight (some of them, however, fly in the hottest sunshine), wliile the moths are generally night-fliers, though many of them fly in the day time, thus showing that the distinctions are somewhat artificial. The larger Lepidoptera (butterflies and the larger moths) 16 242 LEPIDOPTERA. have been called Macrolepidoptera., while the smaller ones, including the smaller Pi/ rali dm, the Tortricidoi, and the Tineidce, are called Microlepidojjtera. In studying these insects the best generic characters will be found in the antenna?, the shape of the head-parts, the vena- tion and proportions of the wings : very slight changes in these parts separating genera and species. Size and coloration, which are usually ver}^ constant, afibrd good specific characters. A good method of preserving larvae dr}', adopted at Dresden, is to squeeze out the intestines through a hole made near the anal extremit}' of the larva, then to insert a fine straw, after which it may be placed in a glass vase, itself placed in a tin vessel and held over a lamp ; the larval skin is blown while suspended over the lamp, b}' which the skin dries faster. It may be done with a small tube or blow-pipe fixed at the end of a bladder, held under the arm or between the knees, so as to leave the hands at liberty ; and the straw which is inserted into the body of the larva ma}^ be fastened b}' a cross-pin stuck thi'ough the skin, and thus retained in its proper position thi'oughout the process of blowing. The small larva?, such as those of the Tinea?, may be put alive into a hot bottle, baked mitil the}' swell to the proper extent and dry, when they can be pinned with all their contents inside. (Westwood, Proceed- ings of the Entomological Societj^ of London, Sept. 7th, 1863.) Dr. Knaggs has, in the Entomologist's Monthl}' Magazine, given some directions for managing caterpillars. Verj'^ 3'ouug caterpillars, Avhich will not eat the food provided, and become restless, should be reared in air-tight jam-pots, <^lie tops of which are covered with green glass to darken the interior of the ves- sel. When small larva? hide themselves by mining, entering buds and spinning together leaves, they should have as small a quantity of food as possible. In changing larvae from one plant to a fresh one, a slight jar or puff of breath will dislodge them, and they can be transferred to the jam-pot, or the glass cjdin- der, covered at one end with muslin, can be turned muslin end downwards for them to crawl upon. The duplicate breeding cage, pot or tube, should be "sweetened" by free currents of fresh dry air and then stocked with fresh food. Dr. Knaggs advises that "hiding places," or bits of chips, LEPIDOPTERA. 243 etc., be provided for such Noctuid larva3 as naturally lie con- cealed, such as Orthosia, Xanthia, Nodua, etc., "while for Agrotis and a few others a considerable depth of fine earth or sand is necessary." "Larv;?, which in nature hibernate, must either be stimulated b}^ warmth and fresh food to feed up unnaturally fast, or else through the winter must be exposed to out-door temperature." For such larvic as begin to eat before the trees are leaved out, the leaves of evergreens must be provided, pine leaves, chickweed, grasses and mosses. Hibernating, living larvae, must during the winter be kept dry, otherwise the damp seems to hang about their fur, and causes them to be attacked by a white fungus ; while smooth larvae require the natural damp- ness of the soil. Mr. Gibson strongly recommends that during the winter all cages containing larvEe be placed in front of a window facing the east or north-east, so that the inmates may be kept as cool as possible. When the moth is fairly out of the pupa, as remarked by Mr. Sanborn, their wings often fail to properly expand, on account of the want of moisture, " the insect being unable to expand its wings in a heated, dry room. He has avoided this difficulty by placing the insect just emerged, or about to come forth, beneath a bell-glass, within which he had placed moistened pieces of bibulous paper." Mr. Trouvelot has noticed that the difference in size of the wings of moths or butterflies is due to the fact that some of the fluid thrown into the wings during their development escapes from a break in the surface of the wing, so that this wing is smaller than the other. He has, by pinching a wing while thus developing, caused the fluid to "flow from the punc- ture, and immediately the wing so wounded ceased to grow, while the three others continued their development to its full extent." "I have sometimes advanced the development of the wings of Telea Polyphemus. I selected for this purpose, pupai ver}^ far advanced in their transformation, as is shown by the looseness of the pupal skin, and by the color of the wings of the moth, which can be seen through it. I took carefully the pupal skin from around the moth and suspended the insect in the position that Lepidoptera take when emerging from the 244 LEPIDOPTERA. chrysalis. It is very rare that the Tvings of such an insect are developed, though I have obtained some perfect specimens -n this way ; and in one instance the development of the wings took place only thi'ee days after the pupal skin had been removed. Success is more certain if the insect is put under a glass jar with a moistened sponge, and something for the insect to hang from ; the dampness of the air in the jar will prevent the soft wings from drying too fast, and when the time arrives for the insect to accomplish its transformation, the fluid will be active. Such an insect has much analogy with a vertebrate born prematurely ; the insect, like the quadruped, remains almost motionless till the natural time for its birth arrives." Papilionidje Latreille. The Butterflies, or Diurnal Lepi- doptera, are at once distinguished from the moths by their knobbed antennae, though they are sometimes nearly filiform. The body is small, but there is a greater equality in the size of the three regions than in the moths, the abdomen being much shorter and smaller, as a general rule, than in the lower fami- lies. The ocelli are usually wanting ; the spiral tongue or maxillae, are long and well developed ; and the wings are car- ried erect when in repose, and are not held together during flight by a bristle and socket as in the moths. The larvae vary greatly in shape and in their stjde of orna- mentation, but they uniform^ have, besides the thoracic legs, five pairs of abdominal legs. The pupa is called a " chrysalis" or "aurelian" from the bright golden hues which adorn those of many species. They disappear as the wet tissues beneath the pupa-skin harden just before the fly appears. The pupa is usu- ally angulated on the sides of the thorax and along the upper side of the abdomen. A few species, such as those of Vanessa, hibernate, while several species, such as Vanessa Antiopa, are social as young larvae. The most "perfect state of society is ex- hibited by a Mexican butterfly (Eucheira socialis Westwood), the caterpillars of which construct a veiy strong parchment-like bag, in which they not only reside, but undergo their change to the pupa state." Butterflies also occasionally swarm while in the perfect state, such as species of Colias, Cynthia and Danais, multitudes of which are sometimes seen passing over- PAPILIONID^. 245 head in long columns. They are truly tropical insects, since Gerstaecker mentions that three times as many species (600) occur at a single point (Para, Brazil) as in all Germany, where scarcel}' 200 species live. There are about 5,000 species known ; 900 inhabit North America and probably the number will be increased to a thousand, while about 125 species have been found in New England and its immediate border. The noble genus Ornithoptera lias very long, slightly kuobl)ed antennae, and a well developed prothorax ; while the fore- wings are very large, elongated, triangular, and the hind wings are relatively smaller and rounded. 0. Priamus Linn, is found in the Moluccas. There are twenty species known. The larvjB as in some species of Papilio have an external forked sheath for the " tentacles." The pupa is sustained by a silken thread as in Papilio ("Wallace). Of the extensive genus Papilio, or "Swallow-tail," over 300 species are known. The larva is rather short and stout, with a V-shaped scent-organ, or "tentacles." The pupa is supported by a filament passed entirely around it. The common P. As- terias Drury appears in New England in June, when it lays its eggs on the leaves of parsle^^ and other umbelliferous plants. From this brood a new set of buttertlies appear in August. The larva is yellow, striped and spotted with black, and Avhen irritated, pushes out, from a slit in the prothoracic ring, a V-shaped, yellow, flesh}', scent-organ, used as a means of de- fence. The chrysalis is free, attached by the tip of the abdo- men and supported by a loose silken thread, which is passed over the back. It lives in this state from nine to fifteen days. It has two ear-like projections on each side of tiie head and a prominence on the back of the thorax. Mr. W. Saunders has received from St. John's, Newfound- land, several specimens of a butterfly, one of which I have before me, and Instead of being a ver}' remarkable variety of P. As- terias, seems to be a distinct and undescribed species, as supposed by my friend to whose collection it belongs. He writes me, after giving a detailed description, presented below,* * " Papilio brevicaiida Saunders. Female. Expands three and one-fifth inches ; heaa, palpi and antennae black; thorax black, fringed with yellow hairs on each side, for about half its length ; body above black, with a row of seven or eight yellow spots along each side which are largest about the middle of the row ; under 246 LEPIDOPTERA. that "this species resembles P. Asterias, but differs from it in many points. In P. Asterias the palpi are edged within with yellow ; in P. brevicauda they are black. P. Asterias has two yellow spots above at the base of the antennae, which are either wanting, or exceedingly faint in the other species. P. Asterias has a spot of bright yellow on the anterior edge of each side of the thorax ; P. brevicauda has a fringe of duller j^ellow, extend- ing fully half the length of the thorax. On the primaries the discal bar in P. Asterias is much narrower, and the inner row of spots smaller and bright yellow, the upper one in the row being divided ; in P. brevicauda the spots are fulvous, the upper side of the body black, the abdomen being fnrnished with two rows of yellow spots con-espouding with those above, with several additional spots within near the tip ; feet black. Prnnaries above brownish black, with a bar of yellow across the end of the discal cell; just beyond this is a row of eight spots, extending across the wing nearly parallel with the outer margin; the upper one, which rests on the sub- costal vein, is yellow, elongated and irregular, with a blackish dot beyond the mid- dle; the lower ones are fulvous ; the second and third smaller than the first and of an elongated, triangular form, with the apex pointing inwards; the fourth, fifth: and sixth are similar in shape, but larger, the latter with its apex partially wanting; the seventh spot is wider and slightly concave on both the inner and outer edges, the inner edge is broken ; the eighth is long, narrow and irregular, with its lower edge close to the hind margin of the wing. Behind the upper spot in this row is a second yellow spot nearly round. Between these and the outer margin is a second row of spots, eight in number, but much smaller in size. These are all yellow, the three upper ones nearly round, the lower ones more or less elongated, the lowest contracted in the middle as if composed of two spots joined together; the fringe of the wing is also spotted with yellow, the spots corresponding in number and position with those forming the second row. " Secondaries above brownish black, with a row of seven large spots nearly con- fluent beyond the middle, in continuation of those on primaries, all more or less triangular in form, the middle ones somewhat elongated; these spots are yellow above and at the sides, fulvous from near the middle to the outer edge; the fulvous marking is less distinct on the second and third spots ; within the margin is a sec- ond row, all yellow excepting the upper one which is tinged with fulvous; the up- per spot is oblong, the second nearly round; third, fourth and fifth lunular, nearly equal in size; the sixth similar in form, but much smaller; Avhile the inner one is irregularly concave above, holding in the cavity the eye-like spot at the anal angle. On the outer edge are six yellow spots, larger and more striking than those fonn- ing part of the fringe on the primaries. The space between the two inner rows of spots is sprinkled with metallic blue atoms. At the anal angle is a round, red spot, ■with a black dot in it below the middle, and a crescent of bluish atoms above; tails very short, scarcely one-eighth of an inch long, — not more than half the length of those of P. Asterias. "Under surface of wings somewhat paler in color, with spots corresponding to those above. The upper spot of the inner row on the primaries is tinted with, fulvous; the spots composing the inner row on the secondaries are more decidedly and uniformly fulvous ; the four upper spots in the second row are also streaked with the same color; the bluish atoms between the rows are partially replaced by- green ones." Taken at St. John's, Newfoundland. PAPILIONID^. 247 one is undivided. The inner row of spots on tlie secondaries are also entirely yellow in P. Asterias, smaller and very diller- ent in form from those on P. l)r(!vicau(la. The second row of spots is also smaller in P. Asterias, and the red spot at the anal angle paler, with a smaller black dot in it, and a wider crescent of bluish atoms above. The length of the tail, which is one of the most striking points of ditierence, has already been noticed." We have compared some interesting varieties of P. Asterias in the Museum of the Boston Society of Natural History, col- lected about Boston by Mr. Shurtleff, which approach (in the reddish hue of the spots, usually yellow, especially on the under side, and the shortness of the tail) the Newfoundland speci- men kindly sent us by Mr. Saunders, and strongly suggest the inference, with which Messrs. Scudder and Sanborn agree, that P. brevicauda is a very remarkable species allied to P. Asterias. The yellow PapUio Turmis Linn, flies in June and July through woods and about lilacs. Its larva feeds on the apple and wild thorn ; it is green with two eye-like spots on the thorax, and pupates in the middle of August. The black dimorphic ? form, P. Glaucus, is found in the Southern States. P. Daunus Boisd. (Fig. 180) originally ^ig. iso. found in Mexico, has been found in Kansas, near the Eocky Mountains, by Mr. James Ridings. He states that it strikingly resembles P. Turnus, but has longer antennae, with longer, more curved fore-wings, besides differing in other characters. It ex- pands nearly five inches. P. Troilus Linn, appears more com- monly southward. The larva feeds on the sassafras and lilac trees, and was found by Mr. Saunders feeding, rolled up on a leaf, on the spice bush, August 3d. "Its length was about one and three-fourths inches, the body being thickest from the third to the fifth segments. The head is rather small, flat in front, slightly bilobed, dull flesh color, with a faint tinge of brown. The body is bright pea-green, with a yellow stripe across the anterior part of the second segment ; edged behind with dull black. On the fourth segment are two prominent 248 LEPIDOPTERA. eye-like spots, of dull yellowish or 3'ellowish buff, encircled by a fine ring of black, and a large black pupil filling most of the lower portion. The posterior portion of this black pupil is encircled by a shining bluish black ring, the anterior portion of wliich strikes a little beyond the middle of the pupil ; there is also a line of black in front of the pupil ex- tending nearly across the yellow portion, and a pale pinkish spot in the upper part of the yellow which is edged with a slightly darker shade. On the fifth segment are two large, irregular spots of the same color, pale buff", encircled by a faint ring of black,' and having a faint pinkish spot on the anterior jDortion of each ; these spots are nearer to each other than those on the fourth segment, a portion of the space between the fifth and sixth segments being deep black ; each segment, from the sixth to the eleventh in- clusive, has four blue dots, encircled with black, those on the seventh, eighth and ninth segments being largest. On each side, close to the under surface, is a wide yellow stripe, gradually softening into the green above, and edged below with blackish brown. Immediatelj^ below the s[)iracles is a row of blue dots edged with black, one on each segment from the sixth to the twelfth inclusive. The under surface is dull, pale greenish, or 3'ellowish white, having a decided reddish tinge as it approaches the yellow stripe on the sides. Tlie feet partake of the same general color." P. Pkilenor Fabr. is black, with a greenish reflection towards the outer border, with whitish spots on the margin, and on the hind wings six whitish lunules. The larva is brown, with two lateral rows of small, reddish tubercles, and two long tubercles on the protlioracic segment. The chrysalis (Fig. 181, side and dorsal view) is grayish violet, 3'el- lowish on the back, with the head ending in a truncated cone. The genus Parnassius has short, thick antennae, with a rounded club, and the fore-wings are much rounded at the apex ; it inhabits mountains. P. Smintheus Doubleda3', with three other species, is found in the Rock3'' Mountains. PAPILIONID^. 249 The "White Turnip, or Cabbage butterfly, Pieris oleracea Harris (Fig. 182 ; a, larva), is well known as being often destructive to cruciferous plants. In this genus, and its allies, the wings are rounded and entire on the edges, and are grooved on the inner edge to receive the abdomen. The greenish caterpillars are slender, "tapering a very little toward each end, and are spar- ingly clothed Avith a short down which is quite apparent, how- ever, in Pieris oleracea." We have found the larvae of this species on turnip leaves in the middle of August, at Chamber- lain Farm in Northern Maine. They are of a dull green, and covered with dense hairs. They suspend themselves by the tail and a transverse loop ; and their chrysalids are angular at the sides, and pointed at both ends. (Harris.) Pieris oleracea is white, with the wings dusky next the body, the tips of the fore-wings are yellowish beneath, and the hind wings are straw-colored beneath. The 3'ellowish, pear- shaped, longitudinally ribbed eggs, are laid three or four on a single leaf. In a week or ten dajs the larvae are hatched. They live tlii-ee Fig. I82. weeks before becoming full-fed. The chrysalis state lasts ten to twelve days. There is an early summer (May) and a late summer (July) brood. Piei'is rapm Schrank has been intro- duced from Europe and is now found in the vicinity of Quebec and the northern parts of New England. P. Protodice Boisd. and Lee. is found southward. The head of the chrysalis, kindly sent me by Mr. Saunders, is pro- longed into a tubercle, which is equilaterally triangular, seen in outline, with two small tubercles near the base. On the thorax is a high, thin dorsal ridge, edged with red. On each side of the abdomen is a ridge, largest anteriorly, and rising into a thin tubercle on the second ring. There is a thin dorsal ridge on the posterior half of the abdomen. The tip is deeply excavated by a furrow extending the whole length of the ter- minal ring. There are seven rows of black dots on each ring. 250 LEPIDOPTERA. It is pale whitish straw yellow throughout, with thick, black dots on the anterior half of the body. It is .70 of an inch in length. It also occurs in California. The Sulphur-yellow butterflies, Colias, of which C. Philodke Godart, our most common butterfly, is a type, occur ever^-wl.ere. There are three broods, one appearing in April and May, and the other in July ; wliile a third brood appears late in Augurt (Scudder). "The female deposited her eggs on the 24th of July ; they were very long, tapering at each end, with twelve or fourteen raised, longitudinal ribs, and smaller cross lines in the concave spaces between them. They hatched on the 31st. The freshty hatched larva is about a thirteenth of an inch long ; the head is black, and the body dull yellowish brown. When five-eighths of an inch long, it is nearly the same as when ma- ture ; the head being dark green and slightly downy, with minute hairs, which also give a downy appearance to the whole body, which is also dotted minutely with paler points. There is a yellowish white stripe, on each side close to the under sur- face. Beneath, the body is slightly paler than above. The full grown larva is an inch long, and diflTers from the young in hav- ing an irregular streak of bright red running through the whitish lateral line. It feeds on the clover and lupine, and on the cultivated pea. It is not unlike a saw-fl}'^ larva in its ap- pearance and movements, feeding on the iipper surface of the leaves and twisting its body into a coil when disturbed. The chrysalis is about seven lines long, girt with a silken thread across the greatest diameter of the body, which is full and bulg- ing on the sides. The head is pointed conically, with a purplish red line on each side, running to the tip and margined behind with yellow. The body is pale green, with a j-ellowish tinge, and a ventral line of a darker shade formed by a succession of minute, yellowish dots ; a yellow stripe runs along the side on the five hinder segments. Beneath, on the seventh, eighth and ninth rings, is a blackish brown line on each side, deepening^ in color about the middle of each segment, and a dorsal line of dark green about the same length. It remains in the chrys- alis state about ten days." (Saunders.) Mr. Scudder has described three species of this genus from the north. Colias Pelidne we have taken abundantly in PAPILIONID^. 251 Labrador. It represents our C. Philodice. C. interior lives north of the Great Lakes, and C. occidentalis ranges from Fort Simpson to the Gulf of Georgia. The species of a closely allied genus, Terias {T. Lisa and T. Delia), are much smaller and are more tropical. The genus Danais has anteuntc with a long and curved knob, the head and thorax are spotted with white, and the wings ai-e round and entire. The caterpillars have projecting, tlu'ead-like horns, arranged in pairs on the top of the second and eleventh segments, and the body (D. Archippus) is banded with yellow, black and Avhite. The oval chrysalids are short and tliick and decked with golden spots. The larva of D. Archippus Harris feeds on the silk-weed, Asclepias, and matures in about two weeks, changing its skin three times, while the chrysalis state lasts for ten or twelve days. The butterfly appears from July to September. A very beautiful and quite aberrant tropical genus is Heli- conia, in which the wings are small, very narrow and often very transparent, while the antenna are nearly as long as the body. The larvae are either long, cylindrical and spinose (Acraea violae), or furnished with several pairs of long fleshy append- ages, and the clnysalids are often brilliantly spotted with golden and suspended by the tail. According to H. W. Bates (Transactions of the Entomolog- ical Societ}^, 1857), the venation of the wing in many species of Mechanitis and ItJiomia, which are allied to Heliconia, varies in different individuals of the same species. The sexes have the closest resemblance in color and markings. They are very gregarious in their habits. The Brazilian '^ H. Melpomone varies in a curious manner. I have no doubt they are hybrids {i. e. the varieties) , and I can almost point out the species with which it hybridates. Strange to say, the hybrids occur in one district and not in another, and one style of hybrids onl}'^ occur in one district and not in the others, the species being equally abundant in all the districts." Argynnis is readily recognized by the numerous round and triangular silver spots on the under side of the hind wings. The very spiny caterpillars have a round head, and the spines are branched, two of the prothoracic ones being the largest and 252 LEPIDOPTERA. reaching over the head. The angular arched chrysalids have the head either square, or slightly notched, with a smooth thorax, while on the back of the abdomen are two rows of usually gold colored tubercles. They usually feed on violets, and may be found from May to Jul3\ Argynnis Idalia Drury is found the last of summer. A. Cyhele Fabr. is found in the Middle States, and A. Atlantis Edwards in the White Moun- tain valleys and the colder portions of New England. Mr. C. A. Shurtleff discovered the larva and pupa of the lat- ter, July 17th, at Eastport, Maine, and being with him at the time, we made the following description of them : The larva is uniformly cylindrical, tapering alike towards each end of the body. On each side of the vertex of the head is a small low spine, giving the head an oblong shape when seen sidewise. The front is broad, somewhat square, flattened, with scattered hairs. On the first and second thoracic rings are two large subdorsal spines and minute lateral warts bearing small bris- tles, and on the hind edge of these rings are two large spines. On the third thoracic ring are three large spines. On each abdominal ring are six stout spines of the same size and placed equidistant on the upper surface. The bristles on the spines are nearly one-half as long as the spines themselves. Small pa- pilla, giving rise to bristles, are scattered over the body, with a row of them above the abdominal feet. The triangular anal plate is small, papilliform and prominent. The larva is dark velvety purple, the base of the head being of a pale horn color ; the body beneath is scarcely paler than above ; the spines are pale livid on the basal half. They were full-fed and ready to pupate July 17th. The head of the pupa is square in front. On the prothorax are two sulxlorsal spines, and an elevated mesial ridge on the mesothoracic ring, rising highest behind. At the base of each wing is a sharp, conical, prominent papilla, immediately succeeded by a broad, thin-edged dilatation, con- stricted and appressed to the base of the abdomen ; this is the internal angle of the wings. On the abdomen are two lines of subdorsal sharp papillae, one on each side. The wings extend to the fifth abdominal ring, and from this point the abdomen rapidly tapers to the tip. The surface of the body is wrinkled with conspicuous black spiracles. Its general color is chest- PAPILIONID^. 253 nut brown, mottled with black ; the wings being black at the base. The sexes of the rare and superb A. Diana Cramer ditier remarkably, the male being dark velvety brown, with a deep orange border, while the female is blue-black, with lighter blue spots and patches on the border of the wings. It has been taken in "West Virginia, Georgia and Arkansas. A. Ajyhrodiie (Fig. 183*) abounds in the Northern States. According to Scudder, it is double-brooded, appearing about the middle of June, and fresh specimens late in August. A. Montinus, a more diminutive species, was discovered by Mr. Scudder on the lower half of the barren summits of the White Mountains. Allied to this last species by their size, are A. Myrina Cramer and A. Bellona Fabr. found in damp meadows late in summer. A. MjTina has tawny wings boi- dered with black above, and ex- pands from one and three-fourths to one and eight- tenths of an inch. A. Bellona diflfers from the other species by not ^'^- ^^• having any silvery spots on the under side of the wings. Mr. Saunders has reared A. Myrina from eggs deposited June 24th, by a specimen confined in a box. "The egg is pale green, elongated, shaped something like an acorn, with the base smooth, convex and the circumference striated longitudinally, with about fourteen raised striae which are linear and smooth ; the spaces between are about thi'ee times wider than the striae, depressed, concave in the middle, and ribbed by a number of cross lines, fifteen to twenty between each stria, and distinctly indented. The egg is contracted at the apex, the striae protrud- ing at the tip all around a little beyond the body of the egg. The larva hatched in six or seven days, and when fresh from the ♦The upper side of the wings ia figured on the left side, and the under side on the right, in this and in Figs. 184 and 188. 254 LEPIDOPTEEA. egg was about one-tenth of an inch long. The head is medium sized, black, and shining ; the body above is dark brown, with transverse lines of a paler color, especially on the anterior seg- ments ; it is thickly covered with stout hairs of a pale brownish color ; between the first and second moult it is one-fourth of an inch long. The head is bilobed, shining, black and hairy, and the body above is greenish black, the greenish tinge most apparent on the second and third segments, with a few small yellowish dots along each side, and transverse rows of strongly elevated, black tubercles, emitting numerous short, black hair- like spines. "The under surface is similar to the upper ; the feet are black and shining, and the prolegs are black, tipped with a paler hue. After the second moult there are two fleshy tubercles on the second segment much longer than the others, being three or four times their length, which are covered throughout with small hair-like spines. The yellowish spots along the sides of the body assume more of an orange tint, and there are one or two faint, longitudinal streaks of the same color along the sides close to the under surface, and between the rows of large, raised tubercles, are many smaller ones which are also black and appear but slightly raised. August 7th the larva was full- grown. The head is, at this period, slightly bilobed, black, shining, and covered with short, fine, black hairs. "The body above is dark greyish brown, beautifully spotted and dotted with deep velvety black ; the second segment, has two long, fleshy horns, j^ellowish white at base, black above, covered with minute, blackish, hair-like spines. The third and fourth segment, have each four whitish spines tipped with black, those on the sides placed on the anterior portion of the segment, those above about the middle. All the other seg- ments have six whitish spines, excepting the terminal one, which has four. All the spines have fine branches of a black or brownish black color and are about one-third the length of the flesh}^ horns on the second segment. A pale line extends along each side from the fifth to the terminal segments close to the under surface. The under surface is brownish black, darker on the anterior segments ; feet black and shining ; prolegs brown, with a shining band of brownish black on the outside. PAPILIONID^. 255 The duration of the pupa stage was ton or eleven days." The pupa, received from Mr. Saunders, has two hirge, conical tuber- cles in front of the insertion of the antennae, and two acute tubercles on the pro- thorax. The thorax is acutely bituberculated on the sides, with an acute thin dorsal ridge, on each side of which are two small, sharp tubercles. Along the back of the abdomen Y\g. 184. are two rows of tubercles, those on the third abdominal ring being much larger. It is half an inch long, and pale ash, with black dots and irregular lines. Melitma differs in not having silver spots beneath, while the caterpillars are covered with blunt tubercles which give rise to short stiff bristles. They feed on different species of Fig. 185. plantain. The chrysalids are like those of Argynnis, but spotted with black or brown, and not with golden. Melitcea Phaeton Drury (Fig. 184) is found in damp bogs. "We have taken the young larva less than one-half of an inch long, early in spring under leaves, where it had doubtless hibernated. The mature larva (Fig. 185, enlarged, the specimen from which the drawing was made, is too contracted, the head being drawn in unnaturally ; fig. 186, pupa) is cylindrical, and the head is slightly angulated. There are nine rows of black spines which are fleshy and surrounded at the tips with rather long, thickset spinules. The head and thoracic and last three abdominal rings are black ; the rest of the body being deep orange, with black lines between the spines, and dots along the side. Towards the last of May and early in June it changes to a chrysalis, which is white with a slight bluish tinge, with yellow papilla?, and scattered black Fis. 186. 256 LEPIDOPTEEA. spots, giving it a gay and variegated appearance. The butter- fly rises from cold, swampy places the hist of June and early in July. Its wings are velvety black, with orange red cres^ cents and spots. It expands from two to two and a quarter inches, being our largest species. M. Tharos Boisd. and Leconte is a very abundant species in New England. There are two broods, one appearing in June and early in July, and the second one late in August and Sep- tember. It has short, broad wings which are tawny orange above, with black, irregular lines and spots ; it expands from one and three-tenths to one and a half inches. Mr. Saunders has sent us a remarkable and undescribed but- terfly, under the name of Melitcea Packardii Saunders, with the following description: "It resembles M. Tharos in size, and expands 1.42 of an inch. The palpi are pale browai above, yel- lowish below ; antennae black above, dotted with white and tipped with red ; below white tipped with red. Head, thorax and abdomen, black above, clothed with brownish hairs ; white underneath ; feet brownish yellow ; wings above brown, with a cupreous tinge, sprinkled with fulvous atoms, with a wide band of dark brown on the outer margin, faintly edged on each side with black. The primaries have a fulvous macular band a short distance from the base, extending nearly across the wings, and a patch of the same hue a little bej'ond and towards the front margin. Beyond the middle is a wide band of the same, divided by the veins into a series of seven spots ; the upper one is very small, a mere dot with a whitish hue ; the second is much larger ; the third and fourth are nearly uniform in size, larger and more elongated than the second ; the fifth and sixth are the largest and wider and longer than any of the upper ones ; the seventh is nearly of the same width as the sixth, but not more than half the length ; the fringe is dotted with white, especially about the tip. "On the secondaries a wide fulvous patch covers the inner part of the wing, extending from near the base to near the middle of the wing, and bounded towards the inner margin by a brown edging ; within this patch are three rounded blackish spots, one most distinct about the middle, the others near the inner margin and partly lost in the brown edging of the wing PAPILIONIDiE. 257 « Beyond this is an imperfect band of fulvous spots, in continua- tion of those on the primaries ; the upper ones faint and indis- tinct, and two of the lower ones prominent and nearly round ; the last small and linear. The inner margin is edged with fulvous, liaving a j'cllowish tinge which encroaches on the outer brown marginal band at the anal angle. The fringe of the secondaries is dotted with dull white. The primaries below are fulvous, with a single wavy, brown line across the wing a short distance within the outer margin ; base yellowish, costal margin sprinkled with dark brown atoms, and a streak of the same along the middle of the wing near the hind margin. At the tip is a yellowish patch, occupying the space between the brown line and the margin, and within this, one of silvery white nearly equal in size. Below the white are three indis- tinct, yellowish patches, the lower one extending to the outer margin ; a large patch of yellow at the loAver corner where the outer and hinder margins meet. The secondaries below are yellowish from the base to near the middle, with streaks and spots of brown ; the yellowish color extending down the inner to the hinder margin. Beyond the middle the wings are silvery white, sprinkled with yellow and brown scales, divided by the brown veins and partially crossed by an irregular streak of brown. There are also two brown patches on the hind mar- gin, the smaller one nearly round and occup^-ing the space between the first and second median venules ; the larger being irregular and resting on the median vein, and extending across the third to the second subcostal venule." (Canada.) This is now known to be a suffused A-ariety of M. Tharos. Melitwa Nycteis Scudder is rarely found in Maine and Mas- sachusetts ; it is pale fulvous above, with blackish brown markings, and expands from one and three-fifths to one and four-fifths inches. 31. HarrisH Scudder may be readily distin- guished from M. Nycteis by the under surface of the hind wings being cinnamon-red, with bands and spots of white margined with black. It expands one and three-fourths inches and is found in New England, though rather a rare species. The larva has been reared in Norway, Maine, by Mr. S. I. Smith. It feeds on Diplopappus umbellatus, pupating from the middle to the last of June, and remaining in the chrysalis state from ten to 17 258 LEPIDOPTEKA. sixteen da3's ; the butterfly' appears from June 20th to Aug. 1st. The larva (Fig. 187, witii the chrysalis, after Mr. W. II. Edwards) closely resembles that of Melitcna J^haeton, but, says Mr. Scudder in a letter, it is smaller, and the orange color pre- dominates over the black. Like that of M. Phaeton the caterpillar lives in swarms on its food plant, covering the whole summit of the plant with a web, which at all times is foul with '"■ ^'' excrement, and presents a most un- sightly appearance. The chrysalis, he also states, may be best described by saying that it is a miniature copy of that of Phaeton. 31. Chalcedon Doubleday is found in California and the Rocky Mountains, while M. Anicia Doubledaj- , the under side of which is much like that of Chalcedon, occurs not only in California and the Rockj^ Mountains but also in Kansas. M. Texana Edwards is a Texan species expanding one and one- half inches. In Vanessa the wings are notched and angulated or tailed on the hind edges, while the palpi are long and beak-like. The larA^a is cylindrical and stoutl}' spined, the spines being long and branched. The caterpillars are gregarious during the earlj* stages. "The head of the chrysalis is deepl}' notched, or fur- nished with two ear-like prominences ; the sides are very angu- lar ; in the middle of the thorax there is a thin projection, in profile, somewhat like a Roman nose, and on the back are two rows of very sharp tubercles of a golden color." (Harris.) Vanessa Antiopa Linn, is one of our most abundant butterflies, being much more common in this country' than in Europe, whither it has probably been carried. Its wings are purplish brown above, with a broad buff yellow border in which is a row of pale blue spots. The butterfly hibernates, appearing before the snow is off the ground. It is seen until Juno, and then not until the middle of August, The larva is black, spotted minutely with white, with a row of eight dark, brick-red spots on the back. The chrysalis is dark broAvn, with large tawny spots around the tubercles on the back. The caterpillar defol" PAPILIONID.'E. 259 ates the willow, poplar and Balm of Gilead. Vanessa Mil- hertii Godart is much smaller and is rather rare. It occurs about roadsides in May, July and August. The larva feeds on nettles. Mr. Saunders informs me that "it was found feed- ing on the nettle, nearly full grown, Jul}^ 2Gth. It was from one to one and one-eighth inches long. The head is black, thickly covered with fine, brownish white hairs, and sprinkled with many minute whitish dots. The body is black, thickly sprinkled with whitish dots and with small, fine, white hairs, each segment, excepting the second, with a transverse row of branching spines. A greenish yellow lateral line runs close to the under surface, with a second broken line of a brighter 3'el- low color. All the spines and their branches are black, except- ing the lower row on each side from the fifth to the twelfth segment, springing from the greenish yellow lines ; these are of a greenish yellow color. Under surface dull greenish, minutely dotted with whitish dots. There is a wide, central, blackish stripe covering anteriorly, nearly the whole of the under sur- face." V. Californica Boisd. is bright fulvous, with three black bands on the anterior edge of the fore-wings, and there are no black crescents in the black border of the wings. The genus Grapta differs from the preceding in its deeply incised wings, its smaller size, and red and brown colors. The under side of the hind wings has usually a silvery or golden dot and curved line, or both, imitating different punc- tuation marks. Grapta interrogationis Doubleday is one of the largest species, and has a golden semicolon beneath. It is found in Ma}^, August, and in autumn. The caterpillars injure the foliage of the elm and lime trees, and also the hop vine, some- times defoliating the whole vine. The larva has been found, by Mr. Saunders, feeding on the hop, August 7th, "When full grown its length is one and one-fourth inches. The head is reddish black, flat in front and somewhat bilobed, each lobe tipped with a tubercle emitting five single, black, pointed spines ; it is covered with man}' small, white, and several black- ish tubercles. The body is cylindrical, black, thickly covered with streaks and dots of yellowish white ; the second segment is without spines, but with a row of yellowish tubercles in their place ; the third segment has four branching spines, all black. 260 LEPIDOPTERA. with a spot of dark yellow at their base ; and on the fourth segment are four spines, as there are on all the others, except- ing the terminal, which has two pairs, one posterior to the other. The spines are yellow, with blackish branches, except- ing the terminal pair which is black ; and there is a row of reddish ones on each side. The under surface is yellowish grey, darker on the anterior segments, with a central line of blackish and many small, black dots." The chrysalis state lasts from twelve to fourteen days. It is ash brown, with the head deeply notched, and eight silvery spots on the back. Grapta c-argen- teum Kirby (Fig. 188, G. Progne Harris) is a small species with a bilvery L in the middle of the under side of the hind wings. It is our most common species northward. It appears the last of summer. The larva lives on the hop and elm. Grapta comma Double- day is more common southward. It is known by having a silvery comma in the middle of the hinder wings. The caterpillar lives on the hop and elm. Mr. W. H. Edwards has Fig. 188. found the larvae on the broad-leaved nettle. He says "my attention was first attracted by observing certain leaves drooping, and more or less eaten. On the under side of these I usually found the caterpillar inactive, and never more than one upon the same plant. The half-grown larviB were black, with a yellowish stripe along the side from the third segment to the tail, and with yellow stripes across the back, and spots of the same color at the base of the dorsal spines, which were yellow, tipped with black. The mature larvae were white, mottled or striped with grey or ashen, and with red spu*acles." The chiysalis is brownish gray or white, variegated with pale brown, and ornamented with gold on the tubercles. The fly appears in May, July, August and September. In the colder and mountainous portions of New England and New York, these species are replaced by the Grapta Faunus of Edwards^ PAPILIONIt)^. 261 MTho states that "comparing Faunus with c-all)um, the former is deeper colored hy many degrees ; it is one-fiftli larger, the black spots and margins much heavier, and, owing to this and the depth of the ground-color, the general hue of the surface is much darker than either c-album or any of tlie American spe- cies." The under side of G. Faunus is beautifully marbled in several colors. The geiuis Pymmeis differs from Vanessa in having the wings simply scalloped, not notched ; beneath, they are not marked with metallic colors, and the long, tapering palpi curve upward. The larvae are covered with branched spines, corre- sponding in size, and often wanting on the first and last seg- ments ; the head is heart-shaped. They are solitary, hiding under a rolled leaf or spinning a slight web, and hang by the hind feet alone when about to transform. The chrvsalids are angular on the sides, with two or three lateral rows of sharp, golden tubercles, and a short, thick tubercle on the top of the thorax. P. cardui Linn, feeds on thistles and the sunflower, the hollyhock, burdock and other rough-leaved plants, in June and July. It remains in the pupa state twelve days, the but- terfly appearing in Maine, about the 20th of July. Pymmeis Huntera Fabr. has much the same habits, while P. AtuJanta Linn, feeds on the nettle. These species are all double- brooded, first appearing in May and then in July, August and Sei^tember. Junonia is closely allied to Vanessa. J. coenia Boisd. and Lee. is found in the Southern States, the West Indies, Mexico and California. In Liinenitis the antennae are very slender, and the hind wings are scalloped, while on lioth wings the discal area is open. The caterpillar and chrysalis are like those of Danais. L. Misippus Fabr. (Fig. 189) is tawny yellow above, and of a paler yellow beneath, with a broad, black border, spotted with white, and black veins. It expands from three to three and a half inches and flies from June to September. The larva is pale brown, variegated with white on the sides, and some- times with green on the back ; the prothoracic ring has two slender, blackish, spinulated horns, and on the tenth and eleventh rings are short tubercles. It feeds on the poplar and 262 LEPIDOPTERA. willow. The pupa is known by a thin, almost circular, projec- tion standing out from its back. The young larvtie winter in cases "composed of the leaf of the willow, on which the larva feeds, neatly joined b}' its longest opposite margins, so as to form a cylindrical tube closed at one end and lined with silk." (Trouvelot.) L. Epliestion Stoll is blue black, with three black lines on the hind edges, and just within the outer border is a row of orange colored spots. It lives on the scrub-oak (Quercus ilicifolia) in June, and also on the whortleberry and the cheny. Limenitis Arthemis Drury is smaller and has an oblique, broad, white band, crossing both wings. It is common in the White and Adirondack Mountains, where it is double brooded, ap- pearing late in June, and again late in August. The superb and regal ge- nus Morplio is the Atlas among but- terflies. The broad wings 189.* 1 1 spread nearly six inches, and are usually of a brilliant blue above, and brown beneath, with e^-e-like spots. Morjiho Menekms Linn., from Brazil, expands five and a half inches. M. Polyjyhemns Chenu is a Mexican species. M. Epistroj)his Hiibner is of a delicate pale green, with two rows of lunate brown spots on the hinci wings. The apex of the fore-wings is brown, and the discal spot is connected with the brown costa. It inhabits Brazil. The genus Satyrus, and its allies, Chionobas, Hipparchia and Neonympha, are Avood brown and ornamented, especialty be- neath, with ej^e-like spots, and have the wings entire, with the veins of the fore-wings swelled at their base, and the discal area open on the hind wings. They have a short, quick, jerky flight. The caterpillars are green and smooth, spindle-shaped,. OvT cylindrical, tapering at both ends ; the hind end is notched, * Figs. 189, 190 and 198, are from Teuney's Zoology. PAPILIONID^. 263 and the head entire or notched. They live most!}- on grasses. "Tlie cln-ysalis is eillier oblong and somewhat angular on the sides, with the head notched, and two rows of pointed tuljer- cles on the back, or short and rounded, with the head obtuse." (Harris). Chio- nobas is found on Alpine summits and in the Arctic regions and on subarctic mountains. C. semidea Say (Fig. 190; Fig. 191, hind wing) lives on the summit of Mount Washington. It feeds on sedges, according to Scudder. Mr. Scudder, has in the accompanying figures, closely exhibited the diti'erences between the Alpine and Arctic species of Chionobas. C. Jutta Moschler (Fig Northern Labrador ; it extends as far south as Quebec, accord- ing to Edwards. C. Chrixus Doubleday, (Fig. 193) is found on Pike's Peak, Colorado Territory ; C. Calais Scudder (Fig. 194) is found on Albany River, Hudson's Bay; C. Bore Schiodte (Fig. 195) we have collected in Hopedale, Labrador, as also C. (Eno Boisd. (Fig. 190). Satyrus Alope Fabr. is our largest spe- cies. It is dark brown, with a broad, ig. 191. ochre-yellow band bej'ond the middle. It is abundant in open fields in Juty and August. green larva is striped with dark, the head is round, and the tail is forked. The clnysalis is rather long, rounded on the sides and with the head notched. S. Nephele Kirby is the more f Fig. 192. The pale rig. 193. Fig. 194. Fig. 195. Fig. 196. northern form, and in the upper Middle States, as about the Catskill mountains, occupies higher ground, according to Mr. Edwards, while S. Alope, which prevails southward, is found in the lowlands and valleys. S. Nephele is smaller, darker, and 264 LEPIDOPTERA. there is no yellow band on the fore-wings, though, sometimes, each eye-like spot is surrounded by a yellowish diffuse ring. Neonympha Eurytris Fabr. flies low, with a jerky sort of motion, in thick woods, in June and Jul}'. The larva is like that of S. Alope, while the chrysalis is shorter with the head obtusely rounded. The adult is dark brown, with two black eye-spots, pupilled with a lead-colored dot, and surrounded with an ochre-yellow ring. On the hind wing is a smaller, simi- lar spot. It expands one and seven-tenths of an inch. The aberrant genus Libythea, with its long, snout-like palpi, reminds us of the Pyralids. It is small and the wings are m-egularl}^ notched. L. Bachmanii of Kirtland is not a common butterfly. It occurs southward, and in Central America is re- placed by L. carinenta. The small, delicate Theclas and Lj^cfenas are often of great beauty and interest. The palpi are elongated, the wings entire, and the hind pair are often once or double tailed. The larvffi are slug-like, as when moving on their short feet, sixteen in numljcr, the}^ seem rather to glide than walk. They are oval, flat ])elow and rounded al)ove, both extremities being much alike, with the small head retracted within the body. The short and thick cluysalids are flat beneath, but very con- vex above and rounded at each end. Chrysojihanus Ameri- camis Harris, our most al)undant form, is coppery red above. Its green larva feeds on the sorrel, and there are three broods of butterflies in the year. The chrysalis is usually suspended under a stone. One sent by Mr. Saunders, is smooth, with no fine hairs. The head and thorax, including the wings, is dull reddish brown, dotted with black ; the abdomen is much lighter cinereous, with very distinct , and irregular black dots, and a lateral row of twin black dots, one dot being a little behind its mate. On the middle of the back are three rows of smaller black dots. It is .45 of an incli in length. Chryso- phfoius Tlioe Westwood is quite a rare species. Mr. Saunders describes the eggs as being "nearly round, a little flattened at the apex and flattened also at the base, where it is fastened to the box. They are greenish white, and thickly indented ; at the apex is a considerable depression ; immediately around this, the indentations are small, growing larger towards the base." PAPILIONIDiE. 265 The genus Lycoena is azure blue throughout, with dark mark- ings. Lyccena neglecta Edwards (Polyommatus pseudargiolus Harris) is very common about the Kalmia and Rliodora in Ma^', and a new brood appears in June and Julj-. It has been reared by Mr. Saunders, from whom I have received the pupa, which is a little hairy, being much smaller than in Thecla Acadica and paler ashy. It is spotted quite thickly with black blotches, and on each side of the abdomen is a subdorsal row of rather large, black, contiguous blotches, more distinct than in T. Acadica. It is .30 of an inch long. L. comyntas Harris is quite common southward. It differs from the other species in having a little tail on the hind wings, at the base of which are two deep, orange-colored crescents. It flies in July and August. The caterpillar lives on the Lespe- •deza. It is green witli three darker stripes. The brown chrys- alis has three rows of black spots on the back. Theda differs from the two preceding genera, in its conspic- uous tails and the longer cluljs of the antennae and its dusky brown hues. The larvae are longer and flatter, and they usually live on trees. Theda Immidi Harris feeds on the hop-vine. It flies in July and August. Theda niphon Godart, a dusky rust-red butterfly, feeds on the pine. The larva is gi-een, with a dorsal yellow stripe, and a white one on each side. It changes to a short, thick, greyish pupa, with two rows of blackish dots, and beyond these a row of rust-red ones. Mr. Saunders has sent us the following description of the cater- pillar and chrysalis of Theda Acadica Edwards, found by him at London, Canada West, feeding on the willow, June 11th and 18th. " It was .63 of an inch in length, with a very small, pale brown head, withdrawn within the prothoracic segment, when at rest. The body is rather dark green, and is thickest from the mesothoracic to the sixth abdominal segment. There is a darker green, dorsal line, the dorsal region being flat, rather wide, and edged on each side with a raised, whitish yel- low line, and the sides of the body are inclined at almost an acute angle, and striped with faint, oblique lines, of a greenish 3-ellow. A whitish yellow line borders the under surface, be- gmning at the anterior edge of the second segment (the head is, for convenience, counted as a single ring, or segment) and 266 LEPIDOPTERA. extending entirely around the bodj^ The chrysalis is .32 of an inch long, and .15 wide. It is fastened with a silken thread. The abdomen is thickened and somewhat raised. It is minutely hairy, pale brown, with man}' dots and patches of a darker color ; the upper edge of the wings being quite dark, with a dark ventral stripe, and four or five short, dark lines on the side. It remains in the chrvsalis state eight or nine days, the caterpillar turning dark July 3d, just before pupating." The body, especially the abdomen, is thicker and fuller than in. Chry sophanus Americanus . Thecla ^lojjsus Iliibner is found in New England and Canada. Mr. Saunders sends me the following description of the larva taken June 9th, by beating bushes, at London, Canada. "It was .40 of an inch in length. The head is small, of a shin- ing black color, Avith a pale stripe across the front just above the mandibles, and is drawn within the second ring when at rest. The body above is green along the middle rings, deep rose color at each extremity, and is thickly covered with short, brown hairs. The second segment is rosy above, greenish yellow at the sides, with an edging of the same color in front ; the third segment is entirely rose colored ; from the third to the tenth segments is a dorsal stripe of rose which is wide on the fourth,, fifth, eight and ninth segments, but narrow and linear on the intermediate ones ; on the tenth segment the green encroaches on the rose color on the sides of the body, extending raorQ than half-way upon the segment behind the tenth. The body is rose colored with a dorsal streak of a darker shade. The rose color at each extremity is united by a ros}^ line along each side close to the under surface which grows fainter on the middle segments. The under surface is dull green, with a jellowish tint ; the feet and prolegs (abdominal legs) are yellowish green. June 24th, the larva has now become quite large and will probably soon go into the chrysalis state. I found it would readily eat the plum and cherry. "Its length is now .70 ; its width about .20 of an inch. The head is very small, bilobed, black and shining, with a streak of dull white across the front above the mandibles, which are reddish brown. The body above is dull green, with a yel- lowish tint, especially on the anterior segments, which are PAPILIONID^. 26 T thickly covered with very short, brown hairs, scarcely visible without a magnifier ; these hairs arise from small, pale, yel- lowish dots which appear slightly raised ; there is a dorsal streak of dark green arising from the internal organs showing through the semitransparent skin. There is a patch of dull pink, or rosy color, on the anterior segments from the second to the fourth inclusive ; it is faint on the second ring, and covering but a single portion of its upper surface, and nearl}^ covering the dorsal crest on the third segment, and reduced again to a small, faint patch on the fourth. On the posterior segments is a much larger rosy patch, extending from the hinder part of the ninth segment to the end of the body. The hinder part of the ninth segment is merelj^ tinged. On the tenth segment it becomes a rather large patch, widening posteriorly. Behind this the body is entirely covered with rosy red. The sides of the tenth segment, close to the under surface, have a streak of the same color, and there is a faint continuation of this on the ninth segment. The head is drawn Avithin the second segment when at rest. The second segment is smaller than the third ; there is a wide dorsal crest, or ridge, from the third to the tenth segments inclusive ; behind this the body is suddenly flattened, the sides suddenly sloping. The under surface is j^ellowish green, with a few very fine brownish hairs ; the feet and prolegs are gi'eenish, semitransparent. "On June 29th it fastened itself to the lid of the box, chang- ing to a chiy sails July 1st, which was .45 of an inch in length, and its greatest width .20 of an inch. The bodj^ is pale brown and glossy, with many small, dark brown or black- ish dots distributed over the whole surface ; they are thicker along the middle above, with a faint, imperfect, ventral stripe from the seventh to the eleventh segments ; the surface is thickl}" covered with very short, brown hairs, invisible without a magnifier. The imago appeared July 13th." Mr. Saunders has found the larva of Thecla strigosa Harris, a rare species in Canada and New England, feeding on the thorn, Crataegus, July 13th. "The head is small, greenish, with a faint tint of brown, and a black stripe across the front below the middle, and a patch of white between this stripe and the mandibles, which are brownish black above. The body is of a 268 LEPIDOPTERA. rich velvety green, with a yellowish tinge, slightly paler be- tween the segments, and a dorsal stripe of a darker shade, centred along the middle segments with a faint, yellowish line. The anterior edge of the second segment is yellowish brown, with a few dots of a darker color. The body is thickly covered with minute hairs which are brown above and white below, being scarcely visible to the naked eye. The body is flattened above (dorsal crest not bordered with yellow as in T. Acadica), steeply sloped at the sides, where it is striped with faint oblique lines of yellowish, two or three on each segment. The two last segments have a patch of yellowish on each side, making the dark dorsal line appear much more prominent. A faint yellowish line close to the under surface from the fifth to the terminal segments. The under surface is bluish green, with a darker patch on the last two segments. "The chrysalis changed June 19th, and is nearly oval in form. The head-case is rounded, and the body is dark reddish brown, with black markings thickly covered with fine, short, whitish hairs, rather more numerous on the anterior and posterior segments. Anterior segments with many thickly set patches of blackish, and a dark ventral line from the sixth to the twelfth segments. It is bound by a few silken threads on the anterior portion of the seventh segment." The accompanying cut (Fig. 197) represents the pupa of a Thecla, found in July b}" Mr. Sanborn, on the Glen road to Mount Washington. The body is smooth and tapers gradually from the raesothorax, and the venation of the wings is very apparent. Another pupa, probably T. nlphon, found by Mr. Sanborn, is very different, being much stouter, and thicker through the abdomen, by a third of its Fi" 197 ■ diameter, than the chrysalis figured. It is rough and covered with short, fine, stiff" hairs ; the tegument is so thick, that there are no traces of the veins of the wing, while the sutures between the segments and the appendages are not nearly as distinct. The larva, according to Mr. Sanborn's notes, was found feeding upon the White Pine, July 13th. "It was .45 of an inch long; the head was retracted, yellow- ish, and the body pale, transparent green, with four longi- tudinal, white stripes, and one transverse, lozenge-shaped PAPILIONID^. 209" patch, of the same color, on the eleventh segment. The rings were all somewhat elevated in the middle of their diameter and thinly covered with yellowish brown, short hairs." He did not succeed in rearing the butterfl}', but this description will be useful to any entomologist who may be fortunate enough to rear it hereafter. The Hesperians, or Skippers, are a large group of small, dark, dun-colored butterflies, whose antennae have the knob curved like a hook, or ending in a little point bent to one side, reminding us of the antennae of the Sphinges. They ai'e moth- like in their motions, form, and larval characters. They arc stout bodied, with lai'ge heads and prominent eyes, and thick palpi, almost square at the end. The larvae are spindle-shaped, naked, and with a remarkably large head. They are solitary, and often hide in folded leaves like the Tortricidce, trans- forming in a rude cocoon of dead leaves or stub- ble, held together by silken threads. The pupae are somewhat conical, like those of moths, smooth and generally covered with a bluish white powder. They are fastened by the tail and a slight band of threads within their rude ^^s- ^^• cocoons. "We have many species in this country ; the largest forms occurring southwards. Eudamus Tityrus Cramer feeds on the locust and is our largest species northward. E. Bathyllus flies in June and July. It feeds on Glj'cine and Hed3^sarum in May and June. In Hesperia the knobs are shorter, and end in a point turned side wise. The upper wings are raised, and the lower spread out flat when at rest. The chrysalis has a long tongue-case free at the end, in this respect showing a transition to the hawk-moths. They are snuff-brown, with dark spots. Mr. W. Saunders has been very successful in raising the larvae of H. Hobomoc Harris and other butterflies and moths, by watching for the fertile eggs in captured specimens, which are often deposited on the sides of the collecting box. The food-plant of the larvae can usually be discovered after experi- menting with those plants on which other species of this or allied genera are known to feed. "The egg, deposited June 17th, is nearly round, flattened on the lower side, and of a 270 LEPIDOPTERA. pale gi'een color. Under the microscope it appears plainly reticulated, with fine, six-sided markings, strongly resembling the cornea of a %'s eye. The larva on finding its way out, June 27th, began to eat the egg-shell at the centre above. It feeds on grass, on the inside of the leaves near the joints, drawing portions of the leaves together with silken thi'eads. AYhen placed on a strongly ribbed blade of grass, it spins a few threads from rib to rib, and stations itself behind the threads. By the 14th of July the caterpillars were three- eighths of an inch long and resembled those of H. Mystic of the same age." Mr, Saunders did not succeed in raising the caterpillars to maturitj' as they were unfortunately lost. The most abundant species in New England is H. Wamsutta Harris (Fig. 198) which frequents roadsides throughout the summer. According to Mr. Saunders' notes, from "eggs de- posited July 10th, the young larva was hatched July 24th, the eggs growing darker about two or three days previous. The egg is pale greenish yellow, or j^ellowish green, strongly con- vex above, and flattened at the place of attachment. The flat- tened portion is slightly concave and very faintly reticulated under a power of fortj^-five diameters. The 3'oung larva, when first hatched, is about the same as that of Mj'stic and Hobomoc, probably .10 of an inch, and is scarcel}^ distinguishable from them, excepting that it is slightly darker in color. The head is large and prominent and of a shining black color. The second segment has a ring of brown- ish black, encircling it aboA'e. The body is dull brownish yel- ,low, A'ery faintl}^ dotted with black, each dot emitting a single, rather long, brownish hau'. The under surface is rather paler than the upper. Mr. Saunders has also reared the larva of H. Mystic Edwards from the egg, which is "strongly convex above, flattened below and depressed in the centre of the flattened portion. Under a magnifj'ing power of eighty diameters, the surface is seen to be faintl}' reticulated ; it is pale yellowish green. The eggs were deposited about the 20th of June and hatched on the 28th and 29th of June. When hatched it was .10 of an inch long, with a large, black head, and was w^hite, becoming yel- lowish brown, especially towards the end of the hody. It feeds SPIIINGID^. 271 on grass, and at this stage can scarcch' be distinguished from the young larva of II. Ilobomoc. When an inch long the head is not large in proportion to the body, though it is prominent and wider than the second segment ; it is dull reddish brown and black posteriorly. The bod}^ above is semitransparent, dull brownish green, with minute, whitish hairs, similar to those on the head, with a dorsal line and many darker dots over the surfiice. The second segment is pale whitish, with a line of brownish black across the upper surface, with a faint, pale, lateral line close to the under surface : the terminal seg- ments are paler than the rest of the body. The feet are whitish, semitransparent. This species is found from Canada to Maryland. Sphingid^ Latreille. The Hawk-moths or Humming-bird moths are among the largest and stoutest of Lepidoptera. The body is very stout, spindle-shaped, with narrow, powerful wings. Their flight is, consequently, exceedingly swift and strong. The antennae are prismatic in form and thickened in the mid- dle. The tongue, or maxillae, is remarkably long, so that the insect is able, while on the wing, to explore the interior of deep flowers. This habit of remaining for a considerable time poised in the air on their rapidlj^ vibrating wings, causes them to be mistaken for humming-birds. At rest the wings are folded, roof-like, over the body. The larvae have sixteen legs, and on the last segment is an acute horn, sometimes represented by a simple tubercle. At rest they stand with the forepart of the body elevated in a supposed Sphinx-like attitude. The larvae descend into the earth and transform, often in rude, earthen cocoons, moulded into form by the pressm-e of the bod}-. The tongue-case is usually free. There are between 300 and 400 species known, a large part of Avhich are tropical American. Most of the species fly ia June and July. The larvae transform in the latter part of August and in September. In Ellema the body is small. The head is small, narrow and somewhat tufted, and with small eyes. It might be passed over on a hasty view for a Noctuid. The larva of Ellema Harrisii Clemens is green, has no caudal horn, and lives on the pine. 272 LEPIDOPTERA. Mr. Saunders writes me that he has found it feeding on the- pine, about tlie middle of September. "It is two inches long, the bod}' being smooth and nearly cylindrical and thickest in the middle of the body. The head is large, pointed above, flat in front and green, with a j^ellow stripe on each side. The bod}^ is bright green, with a dorsal row of dark red spots on the fifth to the twelfth segments inclusive, with a bright yel- low stripe on each side of the reddish spots and a lateral white stripe mixed with yellow." The moth is a very small, ash grey species, only expanding two inches. It frequents flowers at dusk in June. The genus SjMnx^ as now limited by systematists, is much larger bodied, with a long and narrow head, small eyes and long and narrow wings. The head of the larva is rather large, semi-oval and flattened in front. The body is cjdin- drical, smooth and obliquely banded on the side, with an arching, caudal horn. It transforms in a subterranean earthen cell. The tongue-case of the pupa is short and free, instead of being soldered to the body. JSjyhinx gordms Cramer is dark brown, with a roseate tinge, and the thorax is blackish brown above. The larva feeds on the apple. Sphinx kalmiae Smith is hoary and rust-red, and on the hind wings are a median and marginal black band. The caterpillar feeds on the lilac and laurel. It is pale green, with seven oblique, lateral, pale yellow bands, edged above with black, which is again bordered with pale blue. SjMnx drupiferarum Smith has the fore-wings blackish brown, with the discal dot and outer edge of the wing whitish fawn-color. The larva feeds on the different species of plum. The body is pale green, with lateral purple bands, edged beneath with white. Sphinx chersis Hiibner (S. cinerea Harris) is the largest species we have, and is pale ashen, and reddish gray beneath. The larva feeds on the lilac. The large "potato worm" belongs to the genus Maci-osila, containing our largest species of the famity ; the head is pro- portionally large, and the wings are rather broad, with the interior angles dilated. M. cingidata Fabr. has pink hind wings and pink spots on the abdomen. It feeds on the sweet potato. M. quinque-maculata Haworth (Fig. 199, moth ; a. SPHINGID.E. -75 18 274 LEPIDOPTERA. larva ; 6, pupa) is gray ; the fore-wings are immaculate at the base, and on the hind wings are two distinct angulated bands. Tlie larva feeds on the tomato and potato vines. It is dark green, with a series of gi-eenish j^ellow angular bands on the side. The tongue-case is long and much arched. M. Carolina Linn, is cinereous, with a white spot at the base of the fore- wing, while the central band of the hind wings are indistinct. The larva (Fig. 200) feeds on the tobacco and tomato. It is dark green witii lateral, oblique, white bands, edged above with blu- ish and short trans- verse black stripes. The tongue-case is shorter and less curved than in M. 5-macu- lata. The tongue of a Madagascar hawk-moth, M. chientius^ Wallace states, is nine and a quarter inches long, probably adapted for exploring the long nectaries of some Orchids. In Ceratomia the bod}- is thick, with the head and ej'cs small ; the thorax is short and round, while the abdomen is rather long. The larva is easily' known by the four thoracic horns, besides the usual caudal horn. The tongue-case is not free. C. Amyntor Hiibner (quadricornis Harris) feeds on the elm. We now come to the more aberrant forms of the famil}'. Under the name of Cressonia Mr. Grote has separated Fig. 201. from the genus Smerinthus, a species in which the Avings are more notched than in the latter genus, and the antennae are slighth' pectinated. Cressonia jnglandis Smith (Fig. 201, venation) is of a pale fawn-color, and has no eye-like spots on the hind wings, as in Smerinthus. The larva is bluish green, with a row of subdorsal and stigmatal reddish brown spots, and six oblique, lateral, bright yellow bands. It lives on the wild cherry. In Smerinthus the body is stout, the head sunken and the maxillae are only as long as the palpi, being almost obsolete. SPIlINGIDiE. 275 The species are said to fly heavily and only in the night. The head of the larva is semi-oval or pyramidal, acute above, and the thoracic rings are obliquely banded on each side. The pupa is smooth, cylindrical and somewhat conical in form. S. modestus Harris is a very large species, expanding nearl3r six inches. It feeds on the Lombardy poplar. S. exccecatus Smith has the hind wings rosy on the inner angle. The "ocellus" or eye-like spot is black, Avith a large, pale blue pupil. The larva is apple green, with seven oblique, j^ellowish white lines on the sides, and a bluish caudal horn. It feeds on the apple and the Rosa Carolina. /S*. geminahis Say (Fig. 202, venation of the hind wing) is so called from the two sky-blue pupils in the black ocellus on the roseate hind wings. The pupa has been found at the roots of willows. In the genus PMlampelus, or lover of the vine, as its name indicates, the tongue is again as long ^'^- '^^• as the bod}'. The antennae have a long hook tapering to the end, bearing cilise in the male. The abdomen is large and thick, and the wings are deeply concave on the inner border. The larva has a tubercle in place of a caudal horn. The tongue-case of the pupa is not free. P. vitis Harris is olive gi'cen, with pale green hind wings, which are rose-red towards the inner margin. The larva is flesh-colored mixed with yel- low, and Avith short, transverse, black lines, and lateral, semi- oval, 3'ellowish white bands, edged with black. In Deilephila the abdomen tapers suddenly at the tip and the fusiform antennae end in a minute hook. The gail}' colored larva has a straight and rather short caudal horn. There are no oblique bands on the sides of the bodj^ but a row of subdorsal spots on each side. Clemens states that the anterior segments are much attenuated, and are capable of being withdrawn or shortened, or much extended. "When disturbed thej^ fall from their food-plants, shorten the anterior segments and bend the head inwards." They transform in a cell excavated from the surface. The tongue-case of the pupa is not free. D. lineata Fabr. is olive green, with six white lines on the thorax. The hind wings are black with a rose colored central band. The larva is yellowish green ; the subdorsal spots consisting of two curved, 276 LEPIDOPTERA. short, black lines, with j-ellow above and beneath. It is double' brooded in Texas. The larva feeds on the purslane and turnip, and will, in confinement, eat the apple. D. chamcenerii Harris has a white line on each side of the head and thorax. The larva feeds on the willow-herb (Epilobium angustifolium). It is bronze green, dull red beneath, with nine round cream- colored spots, pupilled with black, and a dull red caudal horn. The genus Thyreus has a lateral tuft on each side of the tip of the flattened, oval abdomen, and the head is broad and obtuse, while the fore-wings are excavated just below the tips. The body of the larva tapers gently from the first ab- dominal ring, and the last segment has a lenticular tu- bercle instead of a true horn. When at rest it throws its head from side to side thus producing a crepitating noise. It transforms in a cell on the surface. T. Abbotii Swainson (Fig. 203 and larva) is dull chocolate brown, with dull sulphureous hind wings, with a dark brown terminal band broken up into short lines on a roseate spot at the inner angle. The larva is reddish brown, with numerous patches of light green. The tubercle is black, encircled at base by a j-ellowish line and a blackish cordate patch. It feeds on the Avild and cultivated grape-vines and on the Ampelopsis quinquefolia, or woodbine. The Bee-moth or Clear-wing, Sesia, is smaller than the fore- going genera, and the body is flattened, oval and gaih' colored with yellow, black and red, while the wings are transparent in the middle. The larva tapers in front, has a dorsal stripe just Fiff. 203. iEGERIAD^. 277 ■above the row of stigmata, and a short recurved horn. It transforms in an imperfect cocoon at the surface of the earth. •Sesia diffinis Boisd. is pale greenish yellow, with the abdomen black beneath, and the legs black. The larva is pale green, reddish beneath. Sesia Thyshe Fabr. is a more common species northward. The thorax ^^" ' is deep olive green, with the abdomen reddish be- neath, and with whitish legs. It is abundant, flying in June in the hot sun about the lilac and Rhodora Canadensis. Under the name of Lejnsesia Mr. Grote has separated L. Jlaoofasciata Barnston (Fig. 204, venation of fore-wing) found in Canada, from the genus Macroglossa, repre- sented in Europe by M. stellatarum Linn. My. Grote also separates from the latter genus, under the name of Eupyrrlwglossutn, Fig 205. a Cuban moth, which has larger, fuller eyes, and larger hind wings than in Macroglossa. E. Sacjra (Fig. 205, venation of fore-wing) is a handsome form described by Professor Poey. ^GERiAD^ Harris. These elegant and gail}' colored moths, which by the arrangement of their colors and their clear wings, look like bees and wasps, are readily recognized by their small size, narrow wings, thickened antennae, and by the tufts at the 'Cnd of the body, which thc}^ can spread out Inn-like. They fly A-ery swiftly in the hottest sunshine. The larvjie are borers, living mostly in the hollowed stems of plants. Tiiey are whit- ish, cylindrical, with sparse, short, inconspicuous hairs, and they have no anal horns. They transform in a rude, oblong, oval cocoon, constructed of the chips they make in boring out their tunnels, cemented by a gummj' secretion. The pupae are chestnut-brown, with transverse rows of short teeth on the al^lominal rings, b}^ which they make their way out, partty tlu'ough the hole previously made by the larva for the exit of the moth. The shell of the chr3'salis is often left protruding from the hole. This family is, therefore, quite injurious to gardeners. ^geria exitiosa Saj^ (Fig. 206, S) the Peach-tree borer, has Kjaused the death of mau}^ peach trees and also, according to JFitch, occasionally attacks the plum. It is a slender, dark 278 LEPIDOPTERA. blue moth, expanding an inch and a half, or more. The male is much smaller than the female (Fig. 207), expanding one inch. She deposits her eggs near the root of the tree. The larvae are hatched and bore in to feed upon the inner bark and sap wood. When one year old they make their cocoon under the bark or at the root of the tree. Borers of all sizes, Harris states, will be found in the trees thi'oughout the year. The trees should be protected by wrapping sheathing paper around the bottom of the trunk, and putting fresh mortar around the roots. The wounded part may be cov- ered with clay, ^gena pyri Harris infests the pear tree. It is purple black above and golden yellow beneath, with three yellow bands across the abdomen, the middle band Fig. 206. being the larger. The habits of the Grape-root borer, ^. polistiformis Harris, resemble those of the Peach-tree borer. It sometimes de- stro^^s grape-vines in the Middle and Western States, but doe* not attack the Scuppernong variety. The larva lives under ground, the female, according to Walsh, "depositing her egg; on the collar of the grape-vine, close to the earth ; the young larvae, as soon as they hatch out, immediately descend intO' the roots." They attack the sap-wood and bark of the roots, eating irregular furrows. The cocoons are oval, and covered with bits of wood and dirt. They are found, through the summer, in the earth near the roots of the grape, and the moths fly from the middle of June until the mid- dle of September, according to Dr. Kron. Harris describes the moth as being dark Fig. 207. brown, tinged with tawny orange on the sides, and banded with bright j-ellow upon the edge of the second abdominal ring. The thorax and fourth abdominal ring are faintly tinged with yellow, or tawny orange, as are the palpi, under side of the antennae, and the legs. The female has a little orange colored tuft on each side of the tail, and the males have two tufts on each side. The wings expand from one to one and a half inches. Another species, -^. caudata Harris, inhabits th^ wild currant. ZYCENin^. 279 The currant borer, JEgeria tipriUforme Linn. (Fig. 208 ; 6, larva ; a, pupa, enlarged) has been introduced from Europe, and is a great pest in our gar- dens, injuring the currant bushes. It is a slender, agile, dark blue moth, found flying in July in the hot sun, about the currant leaves. The larva bores in the stems, and by splitting them open, in the fall and spring, we shall find the larva, Avhich pupates towards the last of May. Mr. James Ridings describes from Virginia ^. quinq'M caudata (Fig. 209) which has five filaments at the tip of the abdomen. Its body is blue black, with a transparent spot at the base of the hind wings, while the third abdom- inal segment is red above. The Squash-vine borer. Fig. 210. Melittia cucurbitce Harris (Fig. 210 ; a, larva), often kills, very suddenly, the squash plant. The moth is orange colored, spotted with black, and its hind legs are fringed with long, orange and black hairs. She oviposits on the vine close to the roots, from the tenth of July to the middle of Au- gust. The larva eats out the interior of the vine, and usually transforms in a rude earthen Fig- 209. cocoon near the roots, but as we have no- ticed, within the stem, beginning to spin its cocoon the first of October. Zyg^nid^ Latreille. This interesting group connects the diurnal with the nocturnal Lepidoptera. Some of the forms (Castnia) remind us strikingly of the butterflies. The group may be recognized by the rather large free head, and the simple antennae which are slightly swollen in the middle, or 280 LEPIDOPTERA. partially clavate, as in Zygsena,. The wings are long and nar- row in the t3'pical genera, becoming shorter and broader in the lower genera, such as Euremia, from India. The scales are fine, powder}^ and scattered thinly over the surface, often leav- ing naked spots on the wings. The species are usually green or deep blue, with scales of purplish black, or entirely black, alternating with gay colors, such as golden, bronze, or white and red. They fly in the hot sunshine. The sixteen-footed, greenish larvse are short, cylindi'ical, the body being obtuse at each end. The head is very small and when at rest is partially di'awn into the prothoracic ring. The segments are short and convex, with transverse rows of un- equal tubercles which give rise to thin fascicles of very short and evenly cut hairs, which are often nearly absent. The larvae are either naked, as in Al3'pia, Eudr3-as and Castnia, or, as in the lower moth-like species, they are hair}^, like those of the Lithosians and Arctians in the next familj'. Before trans- forming, the larvte usually spin a dense, silken cocoon, though Eudryas and Castnia make none at all, and Ctenucha a slight one of hairs. The pupa of Zygaena, especiall}^, is intermediate in form between that of JEgeria and Arctia, being much stouter than the first, and somewhat less so than the last. The head is prominent, and the tips of the abdomen sub-acute. Ctenucha is more like Arctia, while Castnia and Alypia are elongate, slender, with the head made especiall}' prominent by a tubercle on the front of the clj'peus. In common with the Sphingidoi and uEgeriadce, the Zj^gaenidtB are confined to the tempei'ate and tropical regions. The famil}' tj'pe, Zygcena, has its metropolis about the Mediter- ranean Sea, and thence spreads to the north of Europe, and southward to the Cape of Good Hope. Zygiena exulcms is found as far north as Lapland, and in vertical distribution rises 6,000 to 7,000 feet in the Alps of Styria. Castnia is, however, a tropical American genus. Alypia is the most northern genus, extending into the Hudson Bay ter- ritories. Glaucopis and allies, which comprise a large number of species, are almost exclusively tropical American. In Aus- tralia, as King observes, Castnia is represented by Synemon. The American genus Eudryas is represented by very closely allied South African srenera. ZYG^NIDiE. 281 Castnia closely resembles the Hesperians, though much larger. The species are of large size and of brilliant hues, and Qy in the day time, like the butterflies. The head is, however, much narrower in front, and the antennae inserted higher up. The larva is a borer, living in the stems of Orchids ; it is not known, but probably has the usual form of boring caterpillars, and the pupa is said by King to resemble that of Cossus. Alypia comprises black moths, ornamented with white and yellow patches on the wings. The antennae are long, and a little thickened in the middle. The wings are short and broad. The body of the pupa is not contracted at the base of the abdomen as in Eudr^-as. The larva feeds on the grape and constructs an earthen cocoon, like that of ^geria, according to Harris. A. octo-macidata Fabr. is black, with eight spots, two on each wing, those on the fore wing being yellowish, those on the hind wing white. The genus Psychomorpha is allied to Alypia, but differs in the broadly pectinated antennae, and the shorter palpi, which do not pass beyond the front of the head. P. epinienis Drury (Fig. 211) is found from Connecticut southwards. It is black, with a broad, 3'ellow, white, irregularly lunate patch crossing the outer third of the wing, and on the vm- der side is larger, being triangular, with two square black spots connected with the costa ; on the hind wings is a little larger, mostly regular crescent-shaped brick-red spot; it expands 1.10 inches. Doubleday (Harris Correspondence) states on the authority of Abbot, that the larva feeds on Bignonia radicans, in Georgia. '^It is pale, with black lines, and though having the full complement of legs, seems to be a semi-looper in its walk, like Brephos." Eudryas is a peculiar form, gaily colored, and easil}' known by the densely tufted forelegs, and the short tufts of metallic scales on the thorax and abdomen. The antennae are filiform, and the abdomen is tipped with hairs. The larva of E. grata Fabr. is gail}- colored with orange and blue, dotted with black. The bod}' is long and widens towards the eighth ring, which is humped, from which the body rapidly narrows to the tip. 282 LEPIDOPTERA. Across each segment is a row of tubercles which give rise ta three fascicles of hairs. The pupa is rather long, with a promi- nent tubercle on the front of the head, and the abdominal tip ends in four tubercles. The larva feeds on the grape dur- ing midsummer and at the end of August creeps down, bury- ing itself three or four inches, without making any cocoon. Ml", L. Mitchell of Norwich, Connecticut, has had the kind- ness to send me "a piece of wood burrowed by the E. grata with one of the pupse in position." As E. unio is now known to burrow in the stems of plants, our opinion that Eudryas is allied to Castnia would seem to be confirmed by the habits of the larvae which seem, at least occasionally^ to bore into wood. Uudn/as unio Hiibner according to Mr. Kirkpatrick, burrows in the stems of Hibiscus, thus resembling Castnia in its habits. Mr. Grote establishes the genus Eiiscirr7i02)terus for a moth closely allied to Eudryas. E. Poeyi Grote (Fig. 212, fore wing ; the venation of the hind wing being "almost identical with that of Eudiyas") is a brown and yellow Cuban species. Zygcena is a European genus, and ^is- 212. its characters have been indicated in describing those of the family. The antennae are much thickened towards the end, the wings are long and narrow, and the species are usually entirely blue black, or green with red, or white and red bands and spots. Acoloitlms represents the Procris (P. vitis) of Europe, but. the wings are longer and narrower, and the hind wings are very ovate. The gregarious larva of A. Americana is a little over half an inch long, being short and thick. It is yellow with a transverse row of black spots on each ring. Before pupating it spins a dense cocoon in crevices. The moth is deep blue black, with a saffron collar. Riley states that the " eggs are deposited in clusters, and in twenty-five to thirty days from the time of hatching, the worms, which then measure rather more than half an inch, spin dirty white, flattened cocoons, mostly in clusters on the leaf. Three daj^s afterwards they become chrysalids, also somewhat flattened, and of a shiny yellowisb- brown ; while in ten days more the moths issu**-'* BOMBYCID^. 28^ The genus Pyromorplia has thin, oblong wings, very broad at base, the Iiinder pair being as broad as tlie fore-pair ; witli a small, slender body. P. dimidiata Herrich-Schteffer (after- wards described by Clemens under the name of Malthaca per- lucidula) is blackish brown, with the basal half of the costal region of both wings yellowish. It expands one inch, and is found sparingly in the Middle States, but has been detected near Boston by Mr. Sanborn. The species of Glaucopis and its allies, abounding in tropical America, are represented in the Northern States by CtenucJui, which has pectinated antennte, long, slender, acutelj^ pointed palpi, and rather broad wings ; the apex of the fore-pair being much rounded. The thick-bodied larva feeds on sedges and grass, and is ver}' hair}^, like an Ai'ctian. The pupa is sliort and thick, and much like that of Arctia. Ctenucha Virginica Charpentier is of a deep indigo blue, with a smoky tinge on the fore wings, a lighter blue abdomen and a saffron collar. It flies in the hottest sunshine. The female lays her smooth, green, spherical eggs in a broad mass. Lycomorpha has dentated antennae, the body is unusually slender, and the wings long and nar- row. L. Pholus Dvvaj is deep blue, the wings being saffron at base. The larva feeds on lichens. E. Bicknell I have received the eggs of this moth, larvae hatched August 10th, and closely resembled the larvse of the Arctians when of the same age. The genus CaUcducia, according to Grote, differs from its better known ally, Ctenucha, by its antennae not being so broadly pectinated, its shorter palpi, and by important differ- ences in the venation of the wings. C. vermiculata Grote (Fig. 213, hind wing) occurs in Colorado Territory. BoMBYCiD^ Latreille. This large and handsome family com- prises some of the largest and most regal of moths. Their thick heavy bodies, and small sunken heads, and often obsolete mouth-parts (the maxillae or tongue being especially short com- pared with other moths), and the broadly pectinated antennae, together with their broad, often falcate wings and sluggish habits, notwithstanding numerous exceptions, afford good ^84 LEPIDOPTERA. characters for distinguishing them. The clypeus is large, the antennae are inserted higher up than in other moths, so that when in doubt as to the position of some aberrant forms, a ref- erence to these characters enables us to determine quite readily as to their affinities. The larvae are thick, usually more hairy than other moths, or, as in the typical forms, Attacus, etc., are thick, fleshy and with seven longitudinal rows of long tubercles, crowned with spines. The hairs, especially of the Arctians, are thickly spinulated, so that the cocoons of the hairy species are very dense and made with but little silk, while the naked larvae, of which the silk-worm is a tj^pe, sjjin very dense co- coons of the finest silk. It is probable that the caterpillars are usually developed in the egg soon after it is laid in autumn. Dr. Burnett has noticed that the embryos of the American Tent caterpillar are developed before winter sets in, and "Guerin- Meneville has found that the larvae of the Japanese silk-worm (Samia Yama-mai) are developed in the egg within a few days of their deposition in autumn, although they are not hatched until the following spring." (Zoological Record, 1864.) Several moths of this familj^ (Arctia pudica, Setina aurita, Hypoprepia fucosa, etc.) have been known to produce a stridu- lating noise by rubbing their hind legs over a vesicular expan- sion situated on the sides of the thorax, and the Death's-head Sphinx has long been known to produce a creaking sound. The pupae are very short and thick and easily recognized by their plump form. "Bar mentions the occurrence in Ca^'enne of an aquatic caterpillar, which produces a moth, resembling Bomhyx phcedima of Cramer. This larva lives at the bottom of the water, and feeds on the roots of an abundant weed." (Bulletin Societe Entomologique de France, 1864.) LIthosia and its allies (Lithosiinae) have very narrow wings, the antennae filiform, and the body slender. The larvae are cylindrical and covered with short, spinulated hairs. Some of them do not spin cocoons, so far as we know, the pupa of Cro- cota being found under stones with the dried larva skin still adhering to the tip of the abdomen. LitJiosia argillacea Pack. is slate-colored, with yellow palpi and prothorax. The base of the wings and the tip of the abdomen are yellowish. Lithosia casta Sanborn (Fig. 214) is an undescribed species BOMBYCID^. 285 of great beauty, discovered by Mr. Sanborn at Berlin Falls, N. H., August 10th, and also at Ausable Chasm, N. Y. It is pure milk white, with a slight slate-colored tinge on the hind wings, and is slate-colored beneath, especially on the fore wings, and white on the inner edge of the hind wings. Just behind the middle of the white abdomen are tufts of tawny hairs, and the tip is white. It ex- pands one and a quarter inches. Crambidia has still narrower wings. C. pallida Pack, is of an uniform drab color and would be easily mistaken for a Crambus. Nudaria has broad wings like a geometrid moth, with hyaline spots. The larva is hirsute and makes a thin cocoon of interwoven hairs. N. mundana is a European moth. It is represented in this country by EupliOj- nessa mendica Walk., which has broader wings and longer palpi. The wings have two rows of smoky transparent spots. Hypoprepia has rather broader wings than Lithosia. H. fu- cosa Hiibner is deep scarlet, with three leaden stripes on the fore wings, the middle stripe situated at the apex of the wing. The larva, Mr. Saunders informs me, is "spiny and black, sprinkled lightly with yellow dots and short lines ; there is a dorsal row of yellow dots from the fifth to the twelfth segments. The head is black." Early in May, according to Harris, it makes its cocoon, which is thin and silky, and the moth appears twenty days afterwards. Crocota is red, or yellowish red, throughout, with black margins and dots on the wings. The an- tennae are filiform and the wings are broad, being triangular in form. Our most common species is Crocota ferruginosa Walk., which is pale rust-red, with two dusky broad bands on the outer half of the wing. A much larger form is Uietheisa bella Linn. (Fig. 215), a beautiful moth, whose j-ellow fore wings are crossed by bands of Avhite, encircling black dots, while its scarlet hind wings are edged irregularly with black. 586 LEPIDOPTERA. The genus CalUmorpha is still larger, with broad wings. C. Lecontei Boisduval is white, the fore wings being almost entirely bordered with brown. The caterpillars of this genus are usually dark colored, "odth longitudinal yellow stripes. By da}' they hide under leaves or stones and feed by night on various shrubb}^ and herbaceous plants. C. interrnpto-marginata Beauv. (Fig. 216, fore wing) has an anchor-shaped black spot when the wings are folded, one side of the anchor being seen in the figure. Arctia and its allies are stout-bodied, with short, moderately broad wings, and simple or feathered antennae. The hairy larvfe are covered with dense whorls of long, spinulose hairs. They make a loose cocoon of interwoven hairs under the shelter of some board or stone. The pupa is short and thick. Arctia virgo Linn, is an exceediuglj' beautiful insect. Its fore wings sometimes exjDand two inches and a half, and are flesh- red, streaked thickly with broad, black slashes, and on the vermilion-red hind wings are seven or eight large black spots. The caterpillar is brown. A. Anna Grote is allied, but differs in the wholly black ab- domen and black hind wings. It was de- scribed first from Pennsylvania, and has been detected by Mr. B. P. Mann on the Alpine summit of Mount Washington, N. H. The common black and reddish, verj^ hairy caterpillar, found feeding on various garden weeds, is the 3'oung of Pyrrharctia isabella Smith, a stout-bodied, snuff colored moth. The cater- pillar hibernates, as do most of the others of the group of Arctians, and we have kept it fasting for six weeks in the spring, previous to pupating in the middle of June ; it re- mained twent3'-seven days in the pupa state, the moth appeal- ing early in June. Leucarctia differs from Spilosoma in having narrower wings, and the outer edge much more oblique. Leucarctia acrcea Smith is white and buff colored. Its caterpillar is the salt-marsh cat- erpillar, which at times has been verj^ injurious b}^ its gi-eat numbers. It is yellow, with long hairs growing from j^ellow warts, and it makes a coarse, hair}' cocoon. Hypliantria textor Harris is entirely white. The caterpillar, or BOMBYCIDiE. 287 '' fall web worm," is slender, greenish 3'ellow, dotted with black, with thin, silken hairs. It spins a thin and almost trans^mrent cocoon, or almost none at all. H. cunea Drury is white, spot- ted with black dots. Mr. Saunders informs me that the larva "will feed on Chenopodium album. The head is small, black, shining, bilobate. The body is black, with a slight shade of brown, and sprinkled with very small, whitish dots. Each seg- ment has a transverse row of shining black tubercles, each giving rise to a tuft of hairs of the same color ; on each side of the body is a double row of orange-colored spots from the sixth to the twelfth segment inclusive." The "yellow bear" is the caterpillar of Spilosoma Virginica Fabr. The moth is white, with a black discal dot on the fore wings and two black dots on the hind wings, one on the middle and another near the inner angle. Halesidota has a more slender body, with longer antennae and palpi, and longer wings than Arctia, being thin and yellowish, crossed by light brownish streaks. The larva is very short and thick, usually white, with dark pencils and tufts of hau-s, arising from twelve black tubercles on each ring, placed as seen in the cut (Fig. 217). H. tessel- laris Smith, the " checkered ' tussock moth," is ochre-yellow, with its partially transparent fore wings crossed by five rows of dusky spots. H. caryce Harris is light ochreous, with three rows ^'^- ^17 of white semitransparent spots parallel to the very oblique outer margin. "The chrysalis, according to Han-is, is short, thick, and rather blunt, but not rounded at the end and not downy." Mr. Saunders writes me, that the larva of //. maculata Harris "feeds on the oak. It is 1.30 inches in length ; the body is black, thickly covered with tufts of bright yellow and black hairs. From the fourth to the eleventh seg- ments inclusive is a dorsal row of black tufts, the largest of which is on the fourth segment." The moth appears early in June ; it is light ochre-yellow, with large, irregular, light, transverse, brown spots on the fore wings. These tufted larvte lead to the tussock caterpillars, which, as in Orgyia, have long pencils of hair projecting over the head and tail. The pretty larvjB of this genus are variously tufted 288 LEPIDOPTERA. and colored, and feed on the apple tree and various garden vegetables. The males have very broad wings, with veiy broadly pectinated antennte, and fly in the hot sunshine in September. The females are wingless and often laj^ their eggs on the outside of the cocoon, and then die, scarcely moving from theii- eggs. 0. antiqua Och. is tawny brown, while 0. leti- costigma Smith is dark brown, with a lunate white spot near the outer angle. The thick and woolly -bodied, pale yellowish, crinkled-haired Lagoa is an interesting genus. The tip of the abdomen is very broad, and the antennae are curved and broadly pectinated, while the wings are short and broad. Tlie larva is ver}' densely pilose with short, thick, evenly cut hairs, those at the end being longer and more irregular. It is broadly oval, and might easily be mistaken for a hairy Limacodes larva, for, like it, the head is retracted and the legs are so rudimentary as to impart a glid- ing motion to the caterpillar when it walks. Lagoa crispata Pack, is so named from the crinkled woolly hairs on the fore wings. It is dusky orange and slate-colored on the thorax and low down on the sides. Previous to the last moult it is whitish thi'oughout and the hairs are much thinner. The larva (Fig. 218) feeds on the blackberry, and, according to a cor- respondent in Marj^iand, it feeds on the apple. The cocoon is long, cylindrical and dense, being formed of the hairs of the larva, closely woven with silk. The pupa is very thin, and after the moth escapes, the thin skin is found sticking partiall}^ out of the co- coon, as in Limacodes and its allies (Cochlidiifi) . This last group of genera is as interesting as it is anomalous, when we consider the slug-like, footless larvae, which are either nearly hemispherical, boat-shaped, or oblong, with large fleshy spines, and are painted often with the gaj'est colors. The pupae are very thin skinned, and the cocoons are nearly spherical. The moths are often diminutive, the larger forms being stout, woolly -bodied and with short, thick antennae, pectinated two-thirds their length, while the smaller genera with slender bodies have simple filiform antennae, and closely resemble some of the Tortrices. Eudea is a very stout and woolly genus ; the antennae are BOMBYCID^. 289 three-fourths as long as the fore wings and pectinated on their basal half. The fore wings are a little shorter tlian the body and the hind wings reach to the tip of the broadly tufted abdomen. Euclea Monitor Pack, is cinnamon brown, with a large irregular green patch in the middle of the fore wings. We named this species from the striking resemblance of the larva to the iron-clad " Monitor." It is very regularly elliptical, flattened above, and a broad conspicuous brown spot in the middle of the back reminds one of the "cheese-box" or turret. Long, flesh}^, bristling spines arise from each end of the larva. Emjjretia stimulea Clemens (Plate 8 ; Fig. 1 ; la, larva) is our largest species of this group. The moth is rarely found by collectors, and is of a rich, deep velvety brown, with a reddish tinge. There is a dark streak along the basal half of the me- dian vein, on which is situated a golden spot, while there are two twin golden spots near the apex of the Aving. It expands an inch and a half. The larva is thick and elliptical, the body being rounded above, but flattened beneath, and a little fuller towards the head. There is a pair of densely tpinulated tuber- cles on each side of the segments, the subdorsal pair on the metathoracic ring, and a pair on the seventh abdominal ring, being two-thirds as long as the body is wide. There are three pairs of small, but well developed thoracic legs, while there are none on the abdommal segments. The body is reddish, with the upper side green between the two largest pair of spines, centred with a broad elliptical reddish spot, edged with white, as is the green portion along the side of the body. According to Mr. S. I. Smith, of New Haven, from whom the specimen figured was received, the larva feeds on the raspbeny. He states that the hairs sting, as its specific name indicates. The cocoon is rounded, almost spherical, and is surrounded with a loose web, the whole structure being over three-fourths of an inch in length. The moth appeared June 18th. Phobetrum has narrow wings, and the male is very unlike the female, which has been raised by Mr. Trouvelot, and was con- founded by us with the Thyrklopteryx ephemercvformis of Ha- worth. Its antennae are very broadly pectinated, and the remarkably long, narrow fore wings are partly transparent. Tliyridopteryx nigricans Pack, must be considered as belonging 19 290 LEPIDOPTERA. to this genus. The cocoon of the latter species is tough, leath- 013-, brown, and nearly spherical. The larva of P. pitliedum Smith is broad, ovate, flattened, with six long, tongue-like, fleshj^ lateral appendages. It feeds on the plum, cherry and apple. In Limacodes the fore wings are oblong, the costa being straight, while the hind wings scarcely reach to the tip of the ab- Fig. 219. domen. The fore wings are often crossed by straight lines forming a V. L. scaj^ha Harris (Fig. 219) is light cinnamon brown, with a dark tan-colored triangular spot, lined externally with silver, which is continued along the costa to the base of the wing and terminates sharply on the apex. The larva, as its specific name indicates, is boat-shaped, being of the form of a castana nut, and is green, spotted above with brown, and pale beneath, while the sides of the bod}' are raised, the dorsal surface being flattened. It constructs a dense, oval, spherical cocoon, surrounded by an outer thin envelope. CaUochlora cliloris H-Sch. (Fig. 220) is a pale brown moth, allied to Euclea, and with a broad, pea-green band crossing the fore wings. Litliacodes {L. fasciola Boisd. Fig. 221) and ToHricodes, strikingly resemble the genus Tortrix, from their narrow wings, slender bodies, and filiform antenna?. The subfamily Ps^'chinfe, embraces some remarkably di^'er- gent forms. The two genera, Phryganidia and TJii/ridoj)- N y- tenjx, differing so much in the breadth of their '^- "^ wings and thickness of their bodies, are, how- s' ever, connected by man}- intermediate forms \^,_ # .^p- Q(^.(-.m.i.ij^g ill Europe. Psyche is a hairy-bodied r\g. '«i. moth, with broad and thin wings, the female of which is wingless and closelv resembles the larva, and inhabits a case, which is constructed of bits of its food-plant. The female of Psyche helix has been known to produce 3'oung from eggs not fertilized by the male. It lives in a case of grains of sand arranged in the form of a snail shell, thus resembling some Phr3'ganeids in its habits, as it does structurally. BOMBYCID^E. 291 The male of Tliyridoptei-yx (T. ephemermformis Haworth), the '" basket- worm," is stout-bodied, with broadly pectinated antennae and a long abdomen ; the anal forceps and the adjcjin- iug parts being capable of unusual extension in order to rench the oviduct of the female, \yhich is wingless, cylindrical, and in its general form closely resembles its larva, and does not leave its case. On being hatched from the eggs, which are, so far as known by us, not extruded from its case by the parent, the young larva? immediately build little, elongate*!, bas- ket-like cones, of bits of twigs of the cedar, on which the3^ feed, and may then be seen walking about, tail in the air, this tail or abdomen cov- <3red by the incipient case, and presenting a comical sight. The case (Fig. 222) of the full grown lan^a is elongated, oval, cylindrical, and the flesliy larva transforms within it, while it shelters the female through life. The genus (Eceticus comprises large species, with much the same habits, growing in tropical America and in Australia. A basket-worm, allied to (Eceticus, has been discoA-ered in Florida, by Mr. Glover, feeding upon the orange, and we gixe the following account of it from the study of Ms admirable drawings. With much the same habits, it be- longs to quite a different and undescribed genus. The body of the male resembles that of the broad winged Psyche, and indeed, this moth may be regarded as a connecting link between the latter genus and O^ceticus. It may be called the Platoeceticiis Gioverii (Fig. 223). Its body is slender, with pectinated an- tennae ; the wings very bi'oad, irregular, and the hind wings are broad and much rounded, reaching a third of their length beyond the tip of the abdomen. It is dark brown throughout, and expands three-fourths of an inch. The wingless, cylindrical, worm-like female (Fig. 223 b) is acutely oval in form, and whitish. The larva (Fig. 223 c) is rather flattened and resembles that of Fig. 223. Fi£ 292 LEPIDOPTERA. ThjTidopteryx. It constructs an oval cocoon (Fig. 223 d) which hangs to the edge of the leaf. The genus Perophora., another sack-bearer (P. Melsheimerii Harris), is a gigantic Psychid, being about the size of the silk- worm moth, which it closely resembles in the imago state. It also lives in a case during the larva state, formed of two oblong pieces of leaf, fastened together in the neatest manner by their edges, and lined with a thick and tough laj'-er of brownish silk. The larva is cylindrical, as thick as a common pipe-stem and light reddish brown in color. The head has extensible, jointed feelers which, when extended, are kept in constant motion, while be- hind is a pair of antenna-like organs, broad and flattened at the end. The tail is widened and flattened, form- ing a circular hornj^ plate, which like the operculum of a whelk, closes up the aperture of the case. Before transforming within its case, the larva closes each end with a circular silken lid. The pupa is blunt at the hinder end and with a row of teeth on each abdominal ring. Both sexes are winged. Our species, P. Melsheimerii Harris, is reddish ash grej^ sprinkled with blackish points, and with a common oblique blackish line. Notodonta and its allies (Ptilodontes HUbner) are mostly naked in the larva state, with large humps on the back, and the hind legs often greatlj^ prolonged, as in Cerura, the "fork-tail." The pupa and moths are best described by stat- ing that they bear a close resemblance to the Noctuids, for which they are often mistaken. Coelodasys (Notodonta) unicornis ^'&- --^■ Smith derives its specific name from the horn on the back of the caterpillar, and its generic name from the large conical tuft of hairs on the under side of the prothorax. The moth is light brown, with irregular green patches on the fore wings. The cocoon is thin and parchment-like, and the caterpillars remain a long time in their cocoons before changing ]to pupae. Nerice bidentata Walker (Fig. 224) is a closely allied moth. Edema BOMBYCID^. 293 albifrons Smith (Fig. 225) is known by the costa being white on the outer two-thirds. It feeds on the oak, to which it is oc- •casionally destructive. Mr. Riley (American Entomologist, vol. i, p. 39) describes the larva as being of a "bluish white ground-color, marked longitudinally with yellow bands and fine black lines, with the head and a hump on the eleventh seg- ment either of a light coral or dark flesh color." It generally tilevates the end of the bod}'. It pupates during the last of September, the moth appearing about the middle of April, in the vicinity of Chicago. Platypteryx, a small geometra-like moth, with its broad fal- cate wings, seems a miniature Attacus. Its larva is slender, with fourteen legs, and naked, with several little prominences on the back, and the tail is forked like Cerura. The pupa is enclosed in a co- •coon among leaves. P. geniculata Walker, and Dryopteris rosea Grote, represent this interesting group. We -also give a rude sketch, traced from Abbot's drawings, from the advanced -sheets of the Harris Correspondence, of an undescribed species of Dryopteris (Fig. 22G, and its larva). Doubleday states that the moth is rose-colored, with a few red dots in the yellow portion of the hind wings. The Chinese silk- worm, Bomhyx mori Linn., has white falcate fore wings, while the hind wings do not reach to the tip of the abdomen, and the antennae are Avell pectinated. The larva is naked, rather slender compared with those of the next group, and cylindrical ; the second thoracic ring is humped, and there is a long horn on the tail. It is three to three and a half inches long. It is of an ash}' or cream color, but "in almost ever}" batch of worms there will be seen after the first moult has occurred, some dark colored, which, at the first glance, appear to be a distinct species," but Captain Hutton, of India, shows that "so far, however, are they from being a mere pass- ing variety that they are actually types of the original species, and merely require to be treated according to the established rules of breeding in order to render them permanent and healthy." 294 LEPIDOPTERA. "He attributed the enormous loss of silk- worms by mus- cardine and other diseases, and the consequent diminution of the crop of silk, to the combined effects of bad and scanty food, want of sufficient light and ventilation, too high a tem- perature, and constant interbreeding for centuries of a debili- tated stock. He asserted that there was no such thing now in existence as a perfectly healthy domesticated stock of silk- worms ; and moreover, that it was useless to seek for healthy seed, for w^hether in Europe, Persia, India or China, the worms were all equally degenerated, or, if there were a difference at all, it was in favor of the European race. He had for several years been experimenting on Bombj^x mori, with a view, if possible, to reclaim the worms, to restore to them a healthy constitution and to induce them to revert from their present artificial and moribund condition to one of vigor and perma- nent health. The occasional occurrence in a brood of one or more dark grey or blackish-brindled worms — the 'vers tigres' or 'vers zebres' of the French — contrasting strongly with the pale sicklj^ hue of the majorit}^, must have been noticed by all who have had experience in rearing silk-worms ; such occur- rences have been alwaj's spoken of as indicating varieties aris- ing from domestication. The author had endeavored, by a series of experiments, to ascertain the cause of this phenomenon, his conviction being, either that the species had at some time or other been crossed by another of different colors, and that Na- ture, as sooner or later she always Avould do, was making an effort to separate them, or that the original color of the worm had been dark, and an effort was being made to reveii, from a sickly condition to the original healthy starting point. He ac- cordingly picked out all the dark colored w'orms and reared them separately, allowing the moths to couple only inter se, and the same with the Avhite worms. In the following spring the one batch of eggs produced nearly all dark brindled worms, whilst the other batch produced white worms, sparingly interspersed with an occasional dark one ; these latter were removed into a dark batch, which was also weeded of its pale worms. In the third year the worms were still darker than before, and were always larger and more Aigorous than the pale ones, giving larger and better stuffed cocoons. He finally succeeded in BOMBYCID^. 295 getting an entire brood of dark worms, which he regarded as a sign of increased health and strength in the hirva?, thus proving that the dark worms were of the original race, which also agrees with the colors of the lunnerous species of the genus of which he has, with others, made known nearly twenty. The author also considers the white cocoons as a strong sign of de- generacy, arguing that the good quality of the silk i)roduced, was no proof of the general health of the insect, as the mala- dies affected rather the quantity produced, and the present great fineness was due likewise to the di&sase." (Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London.) The silk-woi-ni is an an- nual, though some species of this group yield two and three broods in the warmer parts of India. It moults four times, but occasionally only three times. The cocoon of the silk-worm is white or Avhitish yellow and is over an inch long and nearly half as broad ; 3G0 cocoons weigh a pound and a half. In France and Italy about thirty- six days elapse between the hatching of the larva and the for- mation of the cocoon, it taking four days for the spinning of the cocoon. In England and certain parts of India it requires fort3'-six days for its formation. The above remarks apply to Bomhyx mori Linn., the Chinese silk-worm, which feeds on the mulberry, originally derived from the mountainous provinces of China. It is the largest and strongest of the domesticated species. There are, however, as shown by Captain Huttou,, twelve species of silk-worms, most of which have been confounded nnder the name of B. mori, and which belong to the genera Bomhyx of Schrank, Ocinara of Walker, and Trilocha Moore. There are six domesticated species of Bombyx. There is not silk enough in the cocoon of Ocinara to make it worth cultivating (Hutton). Captain Hutton, speaking of the larvae of B. Huttoni, re- marks that it "is curious to observe the instinctive knowledge which these worms appear to possess of the approach of a hail- storm. No sooner are the peals of thunder heard, than the whole brood seems to regard them as a warning trumpet-call, and all are instantly in motion, seeking shelter beneath the thicker branches, and even descending the trunk of the tree to some little distance, but never proceeding so low down as to 296 LEPIDOPTERA. lose the protecting shelter of the boughs. For rain they can nothing, but appear to be able to distinguish between the com- ing of a heav}' shower, and the more pitiless pelting of the hail." Attacus and its allies (Attaei) form the central and most typical group of the family. They are among the largest of insects. The genus Attacus is found in China, the East Indies and the South Sea Islands, and in Brazil. Its immense size, falcate wings, with the large triangular transparent spot in the centre, readily distinguish it. A. Atlas Linn., from China, expands from seven to nine inches. Samia is a smaller genus and with a partially transparent lunate spot in the middle of the wings. Samia Cynthia Linn, has been introduced from China and is a hardy worm, quite easily raised, and the silk is Fig. 227. of a good quality. Mr. W. V. Andrews urges, in the Amci'lcan Naturalist (vol. ii, p. 311), the cultivation of the Cynthia silk- worm in this country, as it is double-brooded, our native spe- cies bearing but a single crop of worms. It feeds on the ail- anthus, and can ]je reared in the open air. Among many allied forms, generally referred to the genus Attacus but which still need revision, are the .1. MiiJitta (Tussah worm), from China and India ; A. Pernyi, from Manchouria, which feeds on the oak, and which has been raised in France, and the Japanese Anthercea Yama-mai, all of which produce silk, though less reared in Europe than the Cynthia worm. The silk of the Yama-mai Jioth ajjp-oaches nearest that of B. mori, and as it feeds on BOMBYCID^. 297 Fig. 228. the oak, and can be raised in the open air, its cultivation has gained nuich attention in Europe. A. Aurota Beauv. is com- mon in Central and South America. In Brazil it could be raised with success for home use, but is too delicate for a northern climate. Telea Polyphemus (PI. 6, male ; PL 7, female) is brown, with large transi)arent eye-like spots in the centre of the wings. The thread of which the cocoon is spun is continuous, and is readily unwound. It is coarser than that of the Bomb3'x mori, but has a rich gloss and can be used very exten- sively in commerce. Its larva (Fig. 227), which feeds on the oak, is thick, fleshy, striped obliquely with white on the sides, with angulated segments, on which are tubercles giving rise to a few short hairs. The pupa (Fig. 228) is very thick, and the cocoon (Fig. 229) is regularly oval cylindrical. Mr. L. Trouvelot gives an account in the American Natural- ist (vol. i) of this silk-worm, which is our most hardy native "worm. So successful was he in rearing them that in a single season "not less than a million could be seen feeding in the open air upon bushes covered with a net." The moths leave the co- coons late in Maj', ap- pearing until the middle of June. They then lay their eggs, generally singly, on the under side Fig. -i-io. of the leaves. In ten or twelve days the caterpillars hatch ; the operation usually takes place early in the day. The worm moults five times, the first four inoultings occurring at intervals of ten daj's, while about twent^^ days elapse between the fourth and fifth moults, this process usually occurring late in the after- noon. It makes its cocoon late in September, and in six or eight days after beginning it» cocoon assumes the pupa state, and- in this condition passes the winter. The genus Actias is at once known by the hind wings be- 298 LEPIDOPTERA. ing prolonged into a long tail which reaches far behind the tip of the abdomen. Actias Luna Linn, is green and the larva closely resembles that of Telea ; it is, however, banded ob- liquely with yellow instead of white, and spins a cocoon that is of much the same shape. It is not so hardy a worm as the Polyphenms caterpillar. It lives on the Avaluut, hickory and maple. In the Museum of the Peabod}^ Academy is a closely allied and uudescribed species from the west coast of Guate- mala, wliich we would call Actias Azteca. It differs from A. Luna in its nuich smaller size, expanding only three and a half inches, and in the shorter fore wings, the apex being much rounded and with shorter veins, while the "tails" on the hind Avings are only half as long as those of A. Luna. It also dif- fers in having the origin of the first subcostal venule much nearer the discal spot than in A. Luna, being very near that of the second subcostal venule. It is whitish green, with markings not essentiall}^ ditt'ering from those of A. Luna. Callosamia is a genus with broader wings and no transpa- rent eye-like spots. The larva has large tubercles and is very plump. Its characters are intermediate between those of /Samia and Platysamia. C. Promethea Drury is a smaller spe- cies than the others. Its larva is pale bluish green, with the head, tail and feet 3^ellow, with eight warts on each ring, those on the two first thoracic rings being the largest, much longer than the rest and coral red. The cocoon is hung by a stout silken cord to the stem of the leaf whicJi is then wrapped around it. It may be found attached to the twigs of the wild cherr}?^. Azalea and Cephalanthus, or button bush, in winter after the leaves have fallen. Our most common species of this group is the Cecropia moth, belonging to the genus Platysamia, which has a broader head and wings than the foregoing genera. The caterpillar of P. Cecropia Linn, is longer, with long spinulated tubercles, especially marked on the thoracic rings ; the large, very dense cocoon is open at one end and thus the silk cannot be un- wound so well as that of the Polyphemus worm, but it is still useful, and Platysamia Euryale Boisduval is cultivated in Cali- fornia for its silk, though the cultivation of the Chinese silk- worm (B. mori) is carried on there very largely. BOMBYCIDiE. 299 The next group, the Ceratoeanipadte of Harris, is composed of large moths, in which the hind wings scarcely extend beyond the tip of the abdomen, and the wings are often ocellated. The larviB are longer than in the Attaci and more hairy. Eiicronia Mala I)'"iu-y has a narrow, lunate, curved white line in the centre of each wing ; it expands from two and a half to three inches, and is l)la'^k with a common, broad, yel~ lowish white band. The caterpillar is elongated, with six long branched prickles on each ring. It feeds on the oak- Hypercliiria lo of Walker (Saturnia lo of Harris) is a little larger than the preceding. The male is yellow and the female reddish brown, with a faint eye-like spot on the fore wing, and on the hind wings a large round blue spot, margined with black and pupilled with white. The caterpillar is green, with spreading tufts of spines, very sharp, stinging severely when the insect ^'"' '^'^^' is handled, and arising from a tubercle, of which there are six on each ring ; the fascicles on the side are as represented in Fig. 230. The pupa is thick, pointed at the tip of the abdo- men, and the cocoon is thin, being made under leaves on the ground. It feeds on the corn and cotton, to which it is verj^ harmful southwards, and also on the maple, elm, etc. atheroma regalis Hiibner expands from five to six inches, and its fore wings ai'C olive colored, spotted with yellow and veined with broad red lines, while the hind wings are orange red, spotted with olive, green and yellow. The caterpillar is spiny, having four large acute spinulated spines on the anterior thoracic segments. It feeds on the Avalnut, hickor}^ and the persim- mon tree, and spins no cocoon. A second spe- cies, C. Mexicana Grote and Rolnnson, has been described, as its name indicates, from Mexico : it is more orange and less red, with duller j-ellow^ patches. Fig. 231 is a rude sketch (from the Harris Correspondence) of the young larva, with two of the peculiar long hairs next the head magnified. A much smaller species, which expands only 3.10 inches, is the C. sepitkralis G. and R., w^hich was discovered at Andover, Mass., by Mr. J. O. Treat. It is purplish brown, without an}' j-ellow spots, and with a diff"use discal spot, centred 300 LEProOPTERA. with reddish scales. Mr. Treat has raised this fine moth from the larva found on the common pitch pine ; it resembles that of C. regalis. It also occurs in Georgia, as it has been figured in the unpublished drawings of Abbot, now in the possession of the Boston Society- of Natural History. Eacles imperialis Hiibner has broader wings, expanding from four and a half to over five inches. The wings are yellow with purple brown spots. The larva is but slightly tuberculated, with long, fine hairs. Its chiysalis is like that of Anisota. The genus Anisota is much smaller than the foregoing, with variously striped larvae, which are naked, with two long, slender spines on the prothoracic ring, and six much shorter spines on each of the succeeding segments. The3" make no co- coons, but bury themselves several inches deep in the soil just before transforming, and the chrysalids end in a long spine, with the abdominal rings very convex and armed with a row of small spines. The species have much smaller, narrower wings, with less broadly pectinated antennae than in the foregoing moths. A. rubicunda Fabr. is rose colored, with a broad, pale 3'ellow band on the fore wings. Anisota senatoria Smith is pale tawny brown, with a large, white, round dot in the cen- tre of each fore wing. Tlie next group of this extensive family embraces the Lach- neides of HiJbner, in which the moths have ver^' woolly stout bodies, small wings, with stoutly pectinated antenna?, while the larvaj are long, C3lindrical and hairy, scarce!}' tuberculated, and spin a very dense cocoon. The pupae are longer than in the two preceding subfamilies. Gastropacha (Fig. 159, hind wing) has scalloped wings, and a singular grayish larva whose body is expanded laterallj', being rather flattened. G. Americana Harris is rust}' brown, slightl}^ frosted, and with ashen bands on the wings. In Tohjpe the wings are entire. T. Velleda Stoll is a curi- ous moth, being white, clouded with blue gray, with two broad, dark gray bands on the fore wings. The larva is hairy and is liable to be mistaken for an excrescence on the bark of the apple tree, on which it feeds. The American Tent Caterpillar is the larva of Clisiocampa, well known by its handsome caterpillars, and its large, con- \ ^ ^W^4/ / BOMBYCID^. 301 spicuous -webs placed in neglected apple trees and on the wild cherry. The eggs are laid on the twigs, in bunches of from 300 to 400, placed side by side and covered with a tough gummy matter ; they are sometimes infested by chalcid para sites. The larvae of C. Americana Harris hatch out just as the leaves are unfolding and soon form a web, under which the col- ony lives. They may be destroyed by previously searching for the bunches of eggs on the twigs before the tree is leaverl out, and the caterpillars may be killed with a brush or mop dipped into strong soap-suds, or a weak solution of petroleum. The larvae become full grown about the middle of June, then spin their dense white cocoons, under the bark of trees, etc., and the moths appear about the first of July. The larva of C. Americana is about two inches long, hairy, with a dorsal white stripe, with numerous fine crin- kled black lines on a yellow gTOund, united below into a common black band, with a blue spot on the side of each ring. The moth (Fig. 232, and larva) is reddish brown, with two oblique, dirty white lines on the fore wings. It expands from an inch and a quarter to an inch and a half. The Forest Tent caterpillar, C. disstria Iliibner (C. sylvatica Harris) differs in the apex of the fore wings being much longer, with two transverse rust brown, nearly straight, parallel lines. It is sometimes destructive to the apple and oak trees. The Heinali are a group of boring moths, the larvae boring in the stems of plants or in trees. The wings are narrow, both pairs being verj' equal in size, and show a tendency to recur to the net-veined stj'le of venation of the Neuroptera. Xyleutes is a large moth, with a stout vein passing through the middle of the discal space, and the short antennae have two rows of short teeth on the under side. X. robinice Peck is gra}-, with irregu- lar black lines and dots on the wings, and a black line on the inside of the shoulder tippets. The hind wings of the male Fig. 232. 302 LEPIDOPTERA. (X. crepera Harris) are distinctly triangular and yellow on the oviter half. The larva is nearly three inches long, is reddish above and covered with sparse long hairs. It bores in various directions through the red oak and locust, and spins a dense cocoon. The pupa is much elongated, Avith the suture between the segments well marked, and the head and thorax rather small. Sthenopis is a gigantic moth, with more falcate wings than in Ilei)ialus. S. argenteomaculata Harris expands nearly three inches, and is ashy gray, variegated with dusky clouds and bands, with a small, triangular, silverj- spot and round dot near the base of the fore wings. Hepialus is smaller, with a larger head and straighter Avings. H. humuli Linn, is injurious to the hop vine in Europe. Our most common spe- cies, H. musteUnus Pack., is sable brown, with slight silvery lines on the fore wings. It expands a little over an inch and a quarter. NocTUvELiTiE Latreille {Noctuidm). Owlet moths. There is a great uniformity in the genera of this family, which are characterized by their thick bodies, the thorax being often crested, hy the stout and well developed palpi, and the simple and sometimes slightly pectinated antennae. The fore wings are small and narrow, and the rather large hind wings are when at rest folded under them, so that the moth looks much smaller than when flying. They fly swiftl}' at night, and are attracted b}' light. The fore wings have almost invariably a dot and reniform spot in the middle of the wing, and the moths are generally dark and dull colored. The larvae taper towards each end, and are striped and barred in diflTerent ways. They have sixteen feet, except those of the lower genera, such as Catocala and other broad-winged genera, which have fourteen, and look when they walk like the Geometers. Thej^ make thin earthen cocoons, and the pupae generally live under ground. In these and other more essential characters, this family is' intermediate between the Bombycidae and the Phalae- nidae. There are about 2,500 species known. These moths can be taken at dusk flying about flowers, while they enter open windows in the evening, and during the night are attracted by the light within. When alighted on the table NOCTU^LIT^. 303 under a lamp a slight tap with a ruler -will kill them without iujuring the specimens. In warm, fogg}' evenings, they enter in great numbers. The moths tly in Jul}' and August, but many species occur only in autumn, while others hil)ernate and are taken earlj- in the spring. An English Avriter says, "moths are extremely susceptible of any keenness in the air ; a nortl^ or east wind is very likely to keep them from venturing abroad. Different species have different hours of flight." An English entomologist states, that "after dusk the flowers of the willow are the resort of several species of moths (Noc- tuidae), some of which have hibernated, and others have just left their pupa state. It is now some fifteen years since the collectors first took moths in this yvay, that were likely long to have remained deficient in the collections but for the discover}', by Mr, H. Doubleday, of the attractive powers of the sallow blossoms. I believe it was the same gentleman who found out about the same time that a mixture of sugar and beer [or rum and sugar or molasses, etc.], mixed to a consistence somewhat thinner than treacle, is a most attractive bait to all the Iv'oc- tuidce. The revolution wrought in our collections, and our knowledge of species since its use, is wonderful." "The mixture is taken to the woods, and put upon the trunks of trees in patches or stripes, just at dusk. Before it is dark some moths arrive, and a succession of comers continue all through the night, until the first dawn of day warns the revellers to depart. The collector goes, soon after dark, with a bull's-eye lantern, a ring net, and a lot of large pill boxes. He turns his light full on the wetted place, at the same time placing his net underneath it, in order to catch any moth that may fall. The sugar bait may be used from March to October with success, not only in woods, but in lanes, gardens, ana wherever a tree or post can be found to put it upon. The best nights will be those that are warm, dark and wet ; cold, moon- light, or bright, clear and dry nights are always found to be unproductive. It is also of no avail to use sugar in the vicinity of attractive flowers, such as those of the willow, lime or ivy. Sometimes one of the Geometridce or Tineidce comes, and occasionlly a good beetle." The virgins' bower, when in blos- som, is a favorite resort of NoctuiE. Many can be taken by 304 LEPIDOPTERA. carrying a kerosene lamp into the woods and watching for whatever is attracted by its light. Thyatira and Cymatophora are allied by their small, haiiy heads, to the Notodontse in the preceding famil}'. In Th^-ra- __ -^ tira the palpi are long and depressed, and the \^^^ *W J foi-e wings are dark, with five or six large light \3^ spots, and the larva is like that of the Noto- Fig. 233. dontjB, the segments being humped, and the anal legs raised while at rest, while Cymatopliora is pale ashen, the fore wings being crossed bj' four or five waved lines. The larva is smooth, rather flattened beneath, with a large hea:l. It feeds on trees, between two leaves united by silk. C. cani- plaga Walker describes from Canada. GramatojyJiora trisig- nata Doubleday (Fig. 233, fore wing) is a gaily colored spe- cies, greenish, marbled with black, with three large, round, brown spots on the fore wings. The larva (Fig. 234) is humped, giving it a zig-zag outline, and is brown with the third to the sixth abdominal ^'S- ^34. rings much paler. It has the unusual power of boring very smooth, cylindrical holes in solid pine wood. We have re- ceived specimens of its tunnels from Mrs. J, Brigham. We have found the larvae just moulting on the leaves of the lilac, September 12th. In Acronycta the head becomes large and broad, the fore wings are broad and short, with dark streaks and a dark mark, like the Greek letter Psi on the ^'TXTt^t^-^^ inner margin. The larA'ae vary c/-^— ^^tv in being humped or cjiindrical, ^^s- 235. downy, slightly hairy, or very haiiy, and feed exposed on shrubs. The pupa lies in a co- coon made in moss or in crevices of bark. A. ohlinita Smith (Fig. 235, larva) is whitish gray, with darker streaks on the fore wings. Apatela Americana Harris is a large, pale gray moth, without black streaks, whose woolly, yellowisli caterpillar, with long,, slender pencils of black hairs, feeds on the maple. NOCTU^LITiE. 305 We have received from Mr. Sanborn a singular eaterpiller allied to this genus (Fig. 23G), which is figured in the Harris Correspondence as Acronycta acris? var. Americana. "It is greenish brown," according to Harris, "each segment above with a transverse oval greenish yellow spot ; the body is beset with a few long black bristles, dilated at the end, which do not grow, as usual, from small warts ; there are no long bristles on the second and third thoracic, or on the tenth abdominal rino-s. It moves very quickly, and rests with the fore part of the body Fig. 236. bent sideways. The chrysalis was found under a log fastened to another with a few threads. The moth ai)peared June 28th." In Leucania the fore-wings are short, the outer margin nearly straight, while the hind wings are usually white. Leucania umpuncta Haworth (Plate 8, fig. 2 ; «, larva) is the "Army- worm" of the Northern States. Its larva is smooth, cylindri- cal, tapering rapidly towards each end, and striped with fine, dark, longitudinal lines. It feeds on grasses, and in certain years has greatly ravaged wheat fields. It hides by day amono- tufts of grass. The moth is rusty, grayish brown, peppered with black scales, and with an oblique row of about ten black dots running towards the apex, and a white discal spot. It expands a little over one and a half inches. It constructs, in the middle of August, a rude earthen cocoon, or cell of dry grass. The moth appears the last of August northwards. Six species of Ichneumon, and one of Tachina, prey upon this species. To pre- ^. ,. '^'ewt the too great accumulation of this very destructive caterpillar, the grass laud should be burnt over in autumn. When on the march their armies may be kept out by ditching, and hogs and fowl should be turned into fields during the middle of August, while they are transforming, to prevent their attacks the succeeding year. Agrotis, the Dart-moth, is known by its crested thorax; the palpi are broad and truncated, level with the front, and the antennae are either somewhat pectinated or distinctly cili- 306 LEPIDOPTERA. ated. The dot and reniform spot are very distinct, being sit- uated on a black ground, and there is a basal, median, black streak on the fore wing. The apex of the hind wings is much produced. The larvae, called "■cutworms," are thick, with a distinct, horny, prothoracic plate, like that in the Tortrices, or leaf-rol- lers ; the}^ are marked with shining and warty, or smooth and concolor- ^'o- 2^^- ous spots, and often lon- gitudinal dark lines, and live b}' da}' hidden under sticks and the roots of low plants ; feeding by night. The pupa is found living under ground. Agrotis tessellata of Harris (Fig. 237) is dark ash colored ; the two ordinary spots on the fore wings are large and pale, and alternate with a triangular and a square, deep, black spot. It expands an inch and a quarter. Agrotis devastator Harris is the moth of the cabl)age cut-worm. Another very abundant species, often seen flying over the blossoms of the I Golden-rod in autumn is the Agro- tis subgothica (Fig. 238). Mr, Riley states that this moth is the "parent of a cut- worm which verj' closely resembles that of A. Coch- rani, but which has the dark side divided into two stripes. The Fig- 239. cnrysalis remains somewhat longer in the ground, and the moth makes its appearance from four to six weeks later than A. Cochrani." A. suffusa Den. and Schief. (A. telifera of Harris, fig. 239) is so named from the lance-like streaks on the fore wings. It appears late in July, and probably attacks corn, as Mr. Uhler has found the chrysalids at the roots of corn in Maryland. Riley describes the larva under the name of the Large Black Cut-worm. It is an inch and a half in length when crawling. NOCTU^LITiE; 30> ^'^Its general color above is dull, dark, leaden lirown, with a faint trace of a dirty yellow white line along the back. The subdorsal line is more distinct, and between it and the stigmata are two other indistinct pale lines. There are eight black, shiny, piliferous spots on each segment ; two near the sulxlorsal line, the smaller a little above anteriorly ; the larger just below it, and a little back of the middle of the segment, with the line appearing especiall}^ light above it. The other two are placed each side of the stigmata, the one anteriorly a little above, the other just behind, in the same line with them, and having a AV'hite shade above it." While cut-worms have usually been supposed to feed upon the roots of grasses and to cut otf the leaves of succulent vegetables, Mr. Cochran, of Calumet, III., has discovered that one species ascends the apple, pear and grape, eating off the fruit buds, thus doing immense damage to the orchard. Mr. Cochran, in a letter published in the "Prairie Farmer," states that "they destroy low branched fruit trees of all kinds except the peach, feeding on the fruit buds fii'st, the wood buds as a second choice, and preferring them to all things, tender grape buds and shoots (to which the}^ are also pa'-tial) not excepted ; the miller always preferring to lay her eggs near the hill or mound over the roots of the trees in the orchard, and if, as is man}- times the case, the trees have a spring dressing of lime or ashes with the view of preventing the operations of the May beetles, this will be selected with unerring instinct liy the mil- ler, thus giving her larvae a fine warm bed to cover themselves with during the day from the observation of their enemies. They will leave potatoes, peas and all other jonng, gi-een things, for the buds of the apple and the pear. The long, naked, 3'oung trees of the orchard are almost exempt from their voracious attacks, but I found them about midnight, of a dark and damp night, well up in the limbs of these. The habit of the dwarf apple and pear tree, however, just suits their nature, and much of the complaint of those people who cannot make these trees thrive on a sandy soil, has its source and foundation here, though apparent^, utterly unknown to the orchardist. There is no known remedy ; salt has no prop- «rtie& repulsive to them ; they burrow in it equall^^ as quick as 308 LEProOPTERA. in lime or ashes. Tobacco, soap and other diluted washes da not even provoke them ; but a tin tube, six inches in length, opened on one side and closed around the base of the tree, fit- ting close and entering at the lower end an inch into the earth, is what the lawj^ers w^ould term an effectual estoppel to further proceedings. " If the dwarf tree branches so low from the ground as not to leave six inches clear of trunk between the limbs and ground, the limbs must be sacrificed to save the tree, as in two nights four or fiA^e of these pests will fully and effectuall}^ strip a four or five year old dwarf of every fruit and wood bud, and often when the tree is green utterly denude it of its foliage. I look upon them as an enemy to the orchard more fatal than the can- ker worm when left to themselves, but fortunately for man- kind, more surely headed off"." Mr. Riley has named this cut-worm Agrotis Cochrani (Fig. 240, and larva) and de- scribes the larA'a which, ' according to the obser- vations of J. Townley of Marquette, Wis., also ascends standard trees, not confining ^'^s- 240. jtg injuries to dwarf trees. The cut-worm is 1.07 inches in length, "It is slightly shagreened and the general color is of a dingj^ ash graj', with lighter or darker shadings. The back is light, inclining to flesh color with a darker dingy line along the dorsum. The sides, particularly along the subdorsal line, are of a darker shade. On each segment there are eight small, black, shiny, slightly elevated points, having the appearance of black sealing-wax, from each of which originates a small black bristle. The stig- mata are of the same black color and one of the black spots is placed quite close to them anteriorly. The head is shiny and of the same dingy color, vnth two darker marks ; thick and almost joining at the upper sui'face, becoming thinner below and diverging towards the palpi. The upper surface of the first segment is also shiny like the head. The ventral region is of the same dingy color, but lighter, having a greenish tinge NOCTUyELITiE. 309 anteriorly and inclining to yellow under the anal segment. Pi'olegs and feet of the same color. It has a few short bristles on the anterior and lateral segments. "The head is light brown, with a dark brown spot on each side and dark l)rown above, leaving the inverted Y mark in the middle light brown, and having much the appearance of a. goblet, as one looks from tail to head. The cervical shield is dark brown, except a stripe above and on each side. There are sparse, short, white bristles laterally and posteriorly. The venter and legs are of a glaucous glassy color, and the feet are light brown." "The moth in its general appearance bears a great resem- blance to Hadena chenopodii, but the two are found to difter essentiall}' when compared. From specimens of H. chenopodii, kindly furnished me by Mr. Walsh, and named b}- Grote, I am •enabled to give the essential differences, which are: 1. In A. Cochrani, as already stated, the middle area exceeds some- what in width either of the other two, while in H. chenopodii it is but half as wide as either ; 2. In the Agrotis the space between the spots and between the reniform and transverse posterior is dark, relieving the spots and giving them a light appearance, whilst in the Iladena this space is of the same color as the wing, and the reniform spot is dark. The claviform spot in the Hadena is also quite ijrominent, and one of its distinctive features ; while in the Agrotis it is just about -obsolete. Another larva is called b}^ Mr. Eiley the W-marked cut- worm. ''It measures one and an eighth inches, and its gen- eral color is ash gray, inclining on the back and upper sides to dirty yellow : it is finely speckled all over with black and brown spots. Along the back there is a fine line of a lighter color shaded on each side at the ring joints with a darker color. Subdorsal line light sulphur yellow, with a band of dirty brownish j'ellow underneath. Along the stig- matal region is a wavy line of a dark shade with flesh colored markings underneath it ; but the distinguishing feature is 8 row of black velvety marks along each side of the back, on al" but the thoracic segments, and bearing a general resemblance ^looking from tail to head), to the letter W. The ventral i-egioii SIO LEPIDOPTERA. is greenish gray ; prolegs of the same color ; thoracic feet brown black. Head black with white lines in front, resembling an in- verted Y, and white at the sides. The tlioracic segments fre- quently have a greenish hue." It is the Noctxia dandestina. Still another, of which the moth is unknown, is described by Mr. Riley under the name of the Pale Cut-worm. "It is of the same length as Cochran's cut-worm, and the general £olor is pale gray, with a lilac colored hue, caused by innumer- able light purplish markings on an almost white ground. There is no particular shading on the back, and it is very slight along the subdorsal line. The stigmatal line, however, being destitute of the above mentioned markings, is almost white. Above this line there is a band of a darker shade than the I'est of the body. At first sight this worm appears quite smooth and uniform in color, the most striking feature being the second segment, which is shiny black, with three white lines. One of these lines is on the top, and continues to some extent on the head ; the others are placed on each side of this and do not run down as far. ^ig-241- a The anal segment has also two black shiny marks on its surface. The stigmata are black and the head is gray, below light shiny, and brown above. Legs and feet of the same color as the under side of the body which is nearly white with a glaucous tinge. There are a few scattering hairs near the tail. This worm is smoother than the others." In Gortyna the antennae are crenulated in the male, and the fore wings are yellow with darker markings. The larva is dull colored with warty spots. That of G. Jiavago, an European species, feeds in the stems of thistles and the burdock, chang- ing to a pupa inside the stem. G. Icucostfgma attacks the colum- bine (Harris). The habits of the Dahlia and Aster stalk borer (Gortyna nitela Guenee) have been described by Mr. Riley, who states that the fore wings of the moth (Fig. 241 ; o, larva) are lilac gray, speckled with minute yellow dots, with a dis- NOCTUiELIT.T:. 31V tinet white band runniiio; across thcin. The caterpillar is gen- erally of a livid or purplish brown, though varying n)nch as to depth of shading and is darker before than behind, "The young worm hatches about the first of July and immediately connnences its work of destruction. It works in such a sur- reptitious manner as to be too often unnoticed till the vine is destroyed. The plant does not generally show any signs of deeay until the worm is about fully grown, Avhen it wilts and is past recovery. This occurs about a month after the worm is hatched, and it then crawls just under the surface of the ground, fastens a little earth together around itself b^^ a slight web and changes to a chrysalis of a very light mahogany brown color, and three-fourths of an inch long. The moth comes forth the fore part of September. The careful cultnrist need fear nothing from this tronl)lesome insect, as an occasional close inspection of the plants about the first of July will reveal the hole where the borer has entered, which is generally quite a distance from, the ground, and by si)litting downwards one side of the stalk with a penknife it ma}- be found and killed. If this inspection be made at the proper time the worm will be found but a short distance from the hole and the split in the stalk will heal by being kept closed with a piece of thread." (Prairie Farmer.) Achatodes differs from Gortyna in not having the fore wings falcate. A. zece, described by Harris, is rust-red with gray clouds and bands on the fore wings and yellowish gray hind wings ; it expands an inch and a half. The larva feeds inside the stalks of corn, within which it transforms ; it is a little over an inch long, smooth and naked, wdth the head and the top of the first and last rings of the V)ody black, and with a double roAV of small, smooth, black dots across each of the other rings. It also infests the dahlia and elder. The genus Mamestra comprises rather large moths in which the antennjie are rather long and simple in the male ; the front of the head is smooth and convex, and the reniform dot is very distinct, while the outer margin of the fore wings is rather oblique. The larva is longer than usual and feeds on the leaves of low plants, remaining concealed by day. The pupa is subterranean, the cocoon being made of eai'th. Mamestra arctica Boisd. (Hadena amica) is common north- 312 LEPIDOPTERA. ward, and is found in tlie colder subarctic regions of America and Europe. It cuts off tlie leaves of roses and other slu'ubs. Fitch states that the larva, late in May in New York, cuts off the young shoots of the currant. It is an inch and a half long, of a shining livid color, with faint dots, from which arise a very short, fine hair. It remains in the pupa state about a mouth be- neath the gi'ound, the moth appearing in July. It is found also in Labrador and in Europe. The moth expands an inch and three quarters and is of a deep Spanish brown, variegated with gray, with a very conspicuous reniform dot ; the outer edge is bordered with blue gra3^ Harris also describes M. x>icta-, a red- dish brown species, w ith a conspicuous white Z on the outer edge of the fore wing. The larva is yellow, gaily variegated with three longitudinal stripes. It feeds on garden vegeta- bles, and Mr. Fish informs me that it feeds on the cranberry. The genus Plusia is quite unlike the foregoing genera, as the paljDi are long and slender, and the fore wings are acute, with silver marks and lines, usually a dot and dash, like a semicolon ; the inner angle is tufted, and the hind wings are triangular. Our most common species is Plusia precationis Guenee, the larva of which, according to Mr. Saunders, feeds on the holl^'hock in August. "It is one and a half inches long, the body tapering anteriorly and thickening in the middle and tow'ards the end. The head is small, smooth, shining green, with a black stripe on each side. The body is green with dull whitish, longitudinal lines above and a whitish stripe somewhat more distinct on each side near the spiracles. It changed to a chiysalis August 9th." A species of Plusia, like P. pra?cationis, is figured by Mr. Glover in his unpublished plates of insects injurious to the cotton plant. It has a much curved, semicircular discal spot, with a distinct dot just bej'ond, the two spots arranged thus >^- . The caterpillar is pale gi'een, the body increasing in size from the head to the tail and with a lateral row^ of brown dots. "It was found eating the cotton flow^er in Georgia the last of October." It forms a loose, thin cocoon among the leaves, and the pupa is pale green, spotted above with irregular bi'own spots. Mr. Glover also figures quite a different species of Plusia, w-hich has the same NOCTUiELIT^. 313 habits as the species just mentioned. It belongs, however, to a (liferent section of the genus, and on the discal area is an •oblique, golden, irregular oval patch, containing two unequal dots. The larva is pale green and has a broad, lateral, white rstripe. The chrysalis is brown and protected b^^ a thin, loose cocoon. P. divergens Fabr. lives on the Alps, in Finmark, and in Labrador. Mr. F. G. Sanborn found, July 6th, a closely allied species on the summit of Mount Washington, N. II., which dif- fers from P. divergens in the forked, golden, discal spot being a third smaller, while the two branches of the spot go off at right angles to each other. On the fore wings the second line from the base is acutely dentate on the submedian vein, where in P. divergens it is straight, and the outer line is also den- tate, not being so in P. divergens. The hind wings are yel- lowish at base, with a wide black margin. It may be called Phisia montana. Mr. Grote has described P. ignea (P. alticola of Walker) from Pike's Peak, which is closely allied to P. divergens. Phisia cerea Hubner (Fig. 242, side view) is a reddish brown moth, with obscure markings, and without the usual metallic spots. It expands a little over an inch, and is not uncommon iu the Xorth- ern States. Aletia is a slender- bodied genus, with triangular fore wings A. argillacea feeds upon the cotton, brown moth with a dark discal oval spot centred pale dots. She deposits, according to Mr. Glover, a low, much flattened, vertically ribbed egg upon the surface of the loaf. The larva is a loopcr, whence it can be readily distinguished from the army and boll worms, and its liody is thickest in the middle, very hairy, green, dotted with black along a subdorsal yellowish line, and with black dots beneath. It matures early in the season, and a second brood becomes fully grown in Sep-= tember and October. When al)out to transform it gathers a leaf together by a web, thus forming a rude cocoon. (Glover.) Like our northern army worm (Leucania uuipuncta) the Army worm of the South (Fig. 243, egg and larva, Riley), makes its appearance in great nmubers in a single day, committing the greatest havoc in a few hours. Professor J. Darby, of Auburn, Ala., writes me that "Saturday. Septem- 314 LEPIDOPTERA. ber 19th, I was in the field examining the forms (buds before- flowering) and the young bolls (fruit after the floral organs have fallen off). I examined all carefull}^, with no signs of eggs or worms. On Sunday I did not see it. On Monday I passed it as usual and observed nothing unusual. On Tuesday morn- ing I passed it and noticed nothing unusual. On Tuesday noon ever}^ plant in the field was stripped of all its upper leaves; not one remaining as far as could be seen, and the plants were covered with millions of worms. I counted on one plant forty- six worms. They commence at the top of the plant, eating every leaf. When the leaves were gone they attacked the young bolls, eating through the perianth and consuming the young cotton. In the course of four days the work was done. They did not touch the grape, nor any other plant in the field. Many left tlie field and thousands were in the road and on the fences, luit not one in a thousand thus escaped. To-da}-, September 23d, there is scarcely one to be seen. Their disappearance is as myste- rious as their coming. They have left no signs that I can see, either on the stalks or in the ground. They have extended over hundreds of miles, and nothing has proved a barrier to them, having been as destructive on islands in the river, as elsewhere. One-third of the cotton crop has been destroyed. Nothing of the kind has occurred in thirty years past to my knowledge." The larva is reddish brown, with distinct black spots, the dorsal line being streaked with yellow and black. It hibernates as a moth. The presence of this caterpillar in the West Indies caused the cultivation of cotton to be abandoned. The same, or another species, also appears often in Guiana and othei* parts of South America. A good remedy against the worm is a mix- ture of two parts of carbolic acid with 100 of water, to be sprinkled on the leaves of the plant. HeUothis has pubescent antennffi, the thorax and abdomen are smooth, and the fore wings slightly acute at tip. Tlie larva is elongated, but not attenuate, with a large head and distinct lines along the body. Fig. 243. NOCTUiELITiE. 315 It feeds exposed on low phmts, preferring the flowers. The pupil is conical and subterranean. //. armi'fjera Linn. (Fig. 244; a, larva) is the "boll worm" of the Southern States, so destructive to cotton crops. Riley states that it also feeds on the fruit of the tomato, and in Southern Illinois on the silk and green kernels of corn and also the phlox, tomato and corn-stalks, and, according to Mr. T. Glover, it bores into the pumpkin. Mr. Rile}', in the "Prairie Farmer," describes H. pJdoxiphaga Grote under the name of the "Phlox worm" (Fig. 245, and larva). He states that there are two broods in a year, the first appearing in July, and becoming moths by the middle of August, the second passing the winter in the chrysalis state. The eggs are deposited singl}^ on all Fig. 246. portions of the plant, and the caterpillar, when about to become a chr3'salis, enters the ground, and in- terweaves grains of sand Avith a few silken theads, forming a very slight elastic cocoon." The genus Helioclieilus differs from Heliothis in its broader and shorter wings and its vena- tion. H. paradoxus Grote (Fig. 246, vena- tion of fore wing) is a pale testaceous moth, with the fore wings darker. It inhabits Colorado Territor3^ Anarta is rather a small moth, with a hairy hody and small head ; the fore wings Fig. 245. are thick and velvety, with confused markings, and the hind wings are yellow or white, often bordered with black. The larva is short and smooth in repose, with the anterior portion of the body bent under the breast. The pupa is enclosed in a 316 LEPIDOPTERA. cocoon of silk mixed with earth. The genus is arctic or sub- arctic, and inhabits Alpine summits. A. algida Lefebvre in- habits Labrador and Lapland. A closely allied and undescribed species, seems to be peculiar to the summit of Mount Wash- ington, N. H., where it has been detected by Mr. Sanborn. Xanthoptera semicrocea Guenee (Plate 8, fig. 3 ; a, larva) is brown, with the base of the wings saffron yellow ; it expands a little less than one inch. Dr. A. W. Chapman, of Appalachi- cola, Fla., states in a letter to Mr. Sanborn, that the larva feeds on the leaves of the Pitcher plant, Sarracenia. It is red and cylindrical, with short black tubercles on the top of each segment, and a black c^dindrical spine on each side of the four basal rings of the abdomen, surmounted by fine hairs. It does not spin a cocoon but hangs loosely by a few silken threads within the pitcher-like leaf, and the moth is the only insect that can get out of the bristly and narrow opening of the "pitcher." The little slender-bodied genus Erastria has filiform antennae and a slender crested abdomen, with the usual lines and dots quite distinct. The larva is smooth and slender, Avith only three pairs of abdominal legs. The pupa is enclosed in a co- coon among leaves or moss. E. carneola Guenee is a common species, with the outer edge of the fore wings flesh colored. In Breplios the hind wings are bright orange, the bodj'^ is hairy and the antennae are ciliated ; the abdomen is slender, and the wings are broader than usual. The larva is smooth, elongate, with sixteen legs, though the first two abdominal pairs are useless for walking, hence the larva has a semi- looping gait. It feeds on trees and makes a slight cocoon in moss or under bark. B. infans Moschler inhabits Labrador and New England. It flies early in April before the snow has left the ground. Catocala is a beautiful genus, the species being numerous in this country and of very large size, often expanding three inches or more ; the wings are broad, and in repose form a very flat roof. The larva is elongate, slender, flattened beneath and spotted with black, attenuated at each end, with fleshy filaments on the sides above the legs, while the head is flat- tened and rather forked above. It feeds on trees and rests NOCTUiELIT^. 317 attached to the trunks. The pupa is covered with a bluish efflorescence, enclosed in a slight cocoon of silk, spun amongst leaves or bark. C. piatrix Grote is brown on the anterior wings and varied with black, while the hind wings are yellow with a broad median and marginal band. It is common in the Middle and Eastern States. C. ultronia Hiibner (Plate 8, fig. 4 ; a, larva) expands two and a half inches and is of a rich umber color, with a broad ash stripe along the middle of the wings, not extending to- wards the apex, which is brown. The hind wings are deep red, dusky at base, with a median black band, and beyond is a red band a little broader than the dark one, while a little less than the outer third of the M'ing is blackish. The larva feeds on the Canada plum. It is gray with black punctures, and the head is edged with black. The segments are transversely wrinkled, and on each one are two whitish and two brownish papillae ; the two brown ones on the eleventh ring are much larged, and on the ninth ring small brownish horn. On the _y^^^\^ ^en supposed to belong to the same group as Castnia, but the shape of the head, the long geometriform antennae, the palpi and the conical pupa and other characters ally them with the Urapteryx and the higher Phalaenidae. Ura)iia Leilus is velvet black, the fore wTngs crossed by emerald green striae, and the hind edge of the hind wings are banded with light blue and golden, while the fringe and long tail are white. It is found in Surinam and Brazil. Urapteryx is a true Geometrid, with very square hind wings extending beyond the abdomen, with their outer margin pro- longed into a short tail. U. politia Cramer is a yellow^ species found in Mexico and the West Indies. The larva of the European U. sambucaria feeds on the oak, elder, bramble, €tc., and is elongate, with projections from the eighth and twelfth segments. The pupa is elongate and enclosed in a net- Jike cocoon suspended by threads. In Choerodes the hind wings are still angulated, the angle reaching beyond the tips of the abdomen ; the falcate apex of the fore wings is acute, and the outer margin is entire and angulated just above the middle. The species are usually pale 'ochreous, with short transverse strigaj and two darker lines, the outer one of which is obtusely angulated just before the apex, a transversata Drury is a pale ochreous species, which we have found resting on red maple leaves. The genus Angerona comprises the single species A. croca- taria Fabr., the larva of which (Plate 8, fig. 5 a) we have found feeding on the cultivated strawberry during the last of June. It is an inch and a half long and when at rest extends itself straight out. The body gradually increases in size to the first pair of abdominal legs. The head is flattened so as to be 320 LEProOPTERA. square above, and whitish green, with tlii'ee longitudinal brown lines. The prothoracic ring is concolorous with the head, from which two brown lines extend, forming an inverted V on the hinder edge. The body is pale grass green above, with the sides bulging. There are four minute black dots on each ring, a whitish, indistinct subdorsal line, and a lateral white line ex- tending to the sides of the anal legs. The bodj' is gi-eenish white. The moth (Plate 8, fig. 5, male) is of a rich yellow, with brown patches on the wings, and appears in Jul}-. In Endropia, which is closely allied to Choerodes, the outer edge of the wings is deeply notched. JE. tigrinaria Guenee is dirty ochreous, the wings being sprinkled with black ; the outer line is nearly straight, ferruginous, paler within, with some submarginal spots, and the basal line on the fore wings is angulated, while the apex is pale and margined externally Math blackish. Metrocampa is pearly white, with the wings a little bent in the middle. M. perlata Guen. is pure white, with two darker oblique lines not angulated ; it is found not uncommonly north- ward. The larva of the English M. margaritata has twelve legs, and like Catocala has fleshy filaments on the sides just above the legs. The pupa lives on the surface of the earth. Miopia has pectinated antennae and exceedingly thin trans- parent wings, which are angulated in the middle of the outer edge, and with an inner and outer line, the latter bent nearly at right angles. The larva has twelve legs, but is smooth. The English E. fasciaria feeds on firs. Ellopia flagitiaria Guenee is pale ashen ochreous, with the speckles and two bands pale brown. It expands from six to eighteen lines. In Caberodes the antennae are broadly pectinated, and the apex of the fore wings is nearly rectangular. The species are pale ochreous with thick wi«gs, and the outer line termi- nates near the apex. C. met^'ocamparia Guenee is common northwards; with a blackish discal dot and outer dusky line arcuated and margined with white. The genus Nematocampa is characterized by the four fila- ments on the back of the larva. N. Jilamentaria Guen. (Plate 8, fig. 7 ; 7a, larva) is a small moth of a pale ochreous color, with reddish brown lines and dots, a ring in the discal space,. PHAL^ENIDiE. 321 and jnst beyond a dark lead-colored band which becomes a broad squarish patch on the inner angle, and which is continu- ous with a broad band of the same color on the hind wings. It expands three quarters of an inch. Its singular larva we have found feeding, late in June, on the strawberr}-. It is .70 of an inch long, cylindrical and with two pairs of long curled filaments, situated on the third and fifth abdominal rings re- spectively ; its general color is wood gray, and the pupa is pale reddish gray. The moth appeared on the 27th of July. The geimsJ^ufitc/iia,to which our currant worm belongs, may be known by the whitish or ochreous wings being covered with dark, often partially transparent blotches, and the larva being gaily speckled with black and golden spots. liJ. rihearia Fitch is ochre-yellow, with two rows of dark spots, the inner row be- ing incomplete and the outer row with a large blotch in the middle of the wings. As soon as the leaves of the currant and gooseberry are fairly expanded, late in May or early in June, the j'oung caterpillar may be found busily eating them. In about thi'ee weeks after hatching it becomes fully grown, being about an inch long, and bright yellow with black dots. The chrj^salis may be found under the bushes, either upon the ground or just under the surface. In two weeks after pupating the yellowish moth may be seen flying about the garden. Riley states that by sprinkling powdered hellebore upon tlie leaves, or applying a solution of eight or twelve ounces to a bucket of water, the larvae will be killed, while hand-picking and shaking the bushes Avill also reduce their numbers. The genus Ennomos is stouter and much more hairj^ than any of the preceding genera ; the antennae are well pectinated in the male, the wings are not so broad as usual and are den- tate. The larva is rather long and twig-like, either smooth or humped, and spins a cocoon consisting of leaves drawn to- gether by silk. E. magnaria Guen. is yellow, punctured with black, with two dusky lines, and the fringe is partly blackish. E. siibsignaria Hiibner (Fig. 248, moth ; Plate 8, fig. 6, larva) is a delicate, white, widely distributed species, and in the city of New York, where it is free from the attacks of its natural enemies, it is very destructive to the elm trees. 21 322 LEPIDOPTERA. A writer in the " Practical Entomologist" (vol. i, p. 57) states that the caterpillars are hatched as soon as the leaves unfold, and \[\e unobserved for a week or so iu the young shoots in the tree-tops, and when half grown are seen crawling about the tree. Towards the end of June they pupate, and in about a week after the moth appears. The importation of the English sparrow is said to have very effectually checked the ravages of this caterpillar, which may be recognized by its resemblance to the twigs of the tree on which it feeds, while its rather large head and the terminal ring of the body are bright red. In Amphklasys the body is very stout and the triangular wings are inclined to be small (in Nyssia, an European genus, the female has minute rudimentary wings) and narrow, while the antenucti are broadly pectinated. The larva is stout, twig- like, being dark brown and warted ; it is swollen at each end, and the head is often bifid. The pupa is subterranean. Such are the habits of A. cognataria Guen. which is white and very thickly sprinkled with ashy black. We have found the larva feeding on the ' ' Missouri currant," the gooseberr3', and the red Spiraea. It went into the pupa state on the 22d of September. Boarmia has pectinated antennre, the tip being generally simple, while the abdomen is rather slender and the wings are dusky gray and crossed by dentate lines. The larva is twig- like, elongate, with small humps and lateral projections, and lives on trees. The pupa is subterranean. B. gnopharia Guen. is ashen, the wings clouded with fuscous, and dusted with black scales, with four black dentate lines. A species of Boarmia^ figured by Mr. Glover, "eats the flowers of the cotton, being found early in October." The larva is of the same thickness throughout, with a rather large head angulated above, and two tubercles near the tip. It is brown, with a double lateral pale stripe. The chrysalis is brown and enclosed in an under- ground cocoon. The moth expands nearly an inch and a half, 248. PHALiENID^. 323 and is ash colored, sprinkled densely with brown speckles, with three angulated, transverse, black stripes. Oeometra and its allies (Nenioria, lodis, and Racheospila), have smooth, round or angular, entire wings, which are green, often witli whitish lines. Geometra is the largest genus; "it has pectinated antennte, and the larva is rather short, downy, with several dorsal humps. The pupa is enclosed in a trans- parent cocoon amongst moss." (Stainton.) G. iridaria Guen, is pea green, with two broad bands, and the costa of the fore wings is white sprinkled with rust red. A great man}' species, often difficult to identif}^ from the sameness in their markings, are comprised in the genus Acida- Ua^ which is known by its rather thin wings, with the edges usually entire, and with stripes and bands and other markings common to both. The hind wings are often slightl}' angulated. The larva is smooth, slender, and feeds concealed under low plants. The pupa is subterranean, or lives in a cocoon among leaves. A. nivosaria Guen. is j^ure white. A. enudeata Guen. is whitish yellow ; its wings are speckled with brown, and with pale lines and submarginal spots. Macaria is easily recognized by its falcate wings, which have a rounded excavation below the hooked tip, and there is a rather prominent angle on the hind wings. There are usually two large blotches, one in the middle of the wing, and the other on the outer third of the costa. The lar\'a is rather short and smootli, and feeds on trees and shrubs. The pupa is protected by a cocoon. 31. (jranitata Guen. is gray, with indistinct darker bands and minute black speckles, with a rust red costal spot in front of a black discal spot. Zerene is a beautiful genus, with feathery antemife and broad, thin, white wings. Z. catenaria Drury is white with black discal dots, and two black scalloped lines. The larva is a gen- eral feeder, eating sedges, the goldenrod, blueberr}', waxwork, and according to Mr. Fish, is injurious to the cranberry. It is a pretty caterpillar (Fig. 249) and is straw colored, the seg- ments being wrinkled and thickened, with two subdorsal darker threads ; the head is yellow with six black dots ; the spiracles 824 LEPIDOPTERA. are black, situated in a white field, and with a black dot on: each side. In Maine it pupates about the middle of August, making a thin gauzy cocoon, consisting of yellowish green silken threads. The pupa is white, with scattered black dots and black stripes ; it remains thirty-two da3's in the pupa state, the moth appearing during the middle of September. In Anisopteryx the male antennae are simply pubescent, the wings are ample, and rounded at the tip, wliile the hind wings are rounded. The female is wingless, the head small and the body is oval. The male of A. vernata Peck (Plate 8, fig. 9 ; 9a, female; 9&, larva), the moth of the Canker worm, is ash colored, with a whitish costal spot near the tip of the fore wings which are crossed by two jagged whitish bands dotted with black on the outside ; they expand about one inch and a quarter. In the early spring and late in autumn the male flies about and couples with the wingless female, which lays a patch of short, cylindrical eggs, from sixty to one hundred or more, arranged in rows, and glued to the surface of the bark. The larvae hatch from the first to the middle of May, or as Harris states, about the time of the flowering of the red currant, and the leaving out of the apple tree. Almost before the presence of the larvae is known they often nearly strip an orchard of its leaves. They also attack the cherry, plum, elm, and other trees and shrubs. The canker worm (Plate 8, fig. 9 6) when mature is about an inch long, ash colored on the back, black on the sides, and beneath yellowish. It varies greatly in the intensity of its markings. It ceases eating when four weeks old, and late in June creeps down, or lets itself down by a thread, and burrowing from two to six inches in the loose earth, there forms a rude earthen cocoon, fastening the grains of earth together with silk. Twenty-four hours after the cocoon is fin- ished the worm becomes a chrysalid, which, in the male, is slender, rather pointed in front and light brown in color. Com- ing forth in the autumn and following spring, its progress up the tree can be arrested by the application of coal oil or prin- ter's ink, by the well known methods, around the trunk, while the bunches of eggs should be picked off" and burnt. The A. pometaria Harris is as abundant as A. vernata ; it has thinner wings, wanting the whitish bands and spot, and having an PHAL^NID^. 325 oblique, dusky, apical line. "We are inclined to think that it is simply a variety of A. vernata. Harris has detected an ich- neumon parasite which pre^'S upon the canker worm, and a species of Tachina also attacks the caterpillars, and we have noticed a minute species of Platygaster (Fig. 134), tii'st dis- covered by lierrick, ovipositing in its eggs. The Calosomas also devour them, and i)robably other ground beetles ; and cer- tain wasps (Eumenes) store their nests with them. (Harris.) Allied to the canker worm is the Hyhernia tiliaria Harris, the male of which is much larger and has feathered antennae. The female is larger and slenderer than that of the canker worm, and along the back are two rows of black dots on a pale gray- ish ground. The moth flies late in the autumn. The larva is bright yellow, with ten crinkled black lines along the top of the back, and is an inch and a quarter in length. It feeds on the lime, apple and elm, and is sometimes very destructive. Eiq^ithecia is a diminutive form, with very small rounded hind wings, while the fore wangs are much elongated towards the apex, and at rest both pairs are spread out and pressed closeh" to the surface on which the moth rests. The larva is rather short, stiflT, often marked with dorsal lozenges, and the head is small and rounded. It feeds on trees or low plants ; sometimes on seeds of plants. The ])upa is slender, conical and pointed. E. miserulata Grote is clear silky grayish, with a black interrupted outer line and a grayish fringe, interrupted with black. Cidaria numbers many species in which the antennae of the male is simple or slightly pubescent, and the fore wings are rather pointed at the tip, while the hind wings are rounded. The larva is elongate and slender, with the head often notched. It feeds on trees or shrubs, and the pupa is of variegated colors. Cidaria diversilineata Hiibn. (Plate 8, fig. 10, 10a, larva) is yellowish ochreous, with brownish angular lines, and at rest the abdomen is curved over the back. Mr. Saunders has found the larva feeding on the woodbine. According to his notes "the body above is dark brown, with a slightly reddish tint, and patches of a darker shade along the dorsal region, being the color of the twigs of its food plant. It remains in the pupa state about a week." We have also 826 LEPIDOPTEEA. found both brown and green specimens feeding on the grape vine in midsummer. The worms can be removed by hand-pick- ing as they are rather conspicuous objects. A larva, probably of Cidaria, has been found by Mr. W. C. Fish, stripping the cran- berry plants in Harwich, Mass., late in August. Mr. Fish writes, "I have never met them that I am aware of before, but on one bog in this place thej^ destroyed nearly two acres of cranberry vines, eating off all the green leaves, the bog being as black in spots as though a fire had been over it." They were not numerous elsewhere in that town, but may prove at times to be a great pest to cranberry growers. We failed to rear the larvae sent by Mr. Fish. They are about the size of the canker worm. The head, which is no wider than the rest of the body, is deeply indented, on each side rising into a tu- bercle ; the anal plate is long, acute, and beneath it are two minute acute tubercles, tinged with reddish. It is dull reddish brown, simulating the color of the twigs of the cranberry, and is finely lineated with still darker lines. The head is speckled with brown, with a conspicuous transverse band across the vertex, and two rows of pale spots across the front. Just above the spiracles is a broad dusky band. Beneath, the body is paler, with a mesial clear line edged with brown. It is .80 of an inch in length. Mr. Fish states that the owner of the bog flowed it with water so that it was completely covered and the w^orms were killed. This is a rapid and the most etiectual Avay to ex- terminate insects ravaging cranberry lots. • Pyralid.^ Latreille. The Snout-moths, so called from their very long and slender compressed palpi, are very easily recog- nized by this character alone. The more typical forms have triangular fore wings, and a slender abdomen and long slender legs, the front pair of which are often tufted. They are usually dull ash graj^, with a marked silken lustre. The larger genera, Hypena and Herminia, etc., are called Deltoids, as when at rest the wings form a triangle of the form of the Greek letter Delta. Their antennae are sometimes pectinated in the male. ' They are usually gregarious in their habits, and often extremely local. They haunt moist grassy places, are readily disturbed by day, and fly before dusk, while some are- PYRALIDiE. 327 true day-fliers. The larvte are generally known by their remark- ably u'lassv appearance, and the few hairs on them have an un- usually bristly look. Many spin a cocoon. The pupa is long, slender, and conical. The largest form is llypeiui, in which the male antennai are hairy, and the palpi are long, ascending, and the fore legs are not tufted, and there are often slight tufts of raised scales on the fore wings. The larva is elongate, cylindrical, with four- teen legs, and feeds on low or climbing plants, making a slight cocoon among leaves. The Hop vine moth, H. huviuU Harris (Fig. 250 ; a, larva and pupa) is very de:itructive to the hop. It is marbled with gray beyond the middle of the fore wings, with a distinct oblique gray spot on the tip ; they are crossed by two wavy blackish lines formed of elevated black tufts, and there are two similar tufts in the middle of the wings ; it expands one inch and a quarter. The ^^ ^ ^ „ ^j^^^^^ i ^ ^S^ larva, is glass}^ pea- ^HH^b^rag^^SBf m. The bod}^ is ^^^^^H^^^^P^ wk long and slender, iJ^^HII^^Hr O with rather convex ^^P'''*^^'^ V rings, and with long ^'S- ^-^O- « sparse hairs. The head is rather large and deeply divided into two lobes by the median suture ; it is a little more yellowish green than the body, which tapers gradually towards the tail, Avhile the anal legs are long and slender, there being but two pairs of abdominal legs, so that the caterpillar walks with a looping gait. The body is striped with a narrow whitish line, edged broadly below with dusky, and with two white lines on the sides of the body, though specimens vary in the number of lines, some having no lateral whitish stripes. It is .45 of an inch in length. "When half grown the larva is pale livid flesh color, not greenish, with a broad dark dorsal line, bounded on each side by a whitish line. It is double-brooded, the first lot of caterpillars appearing in INIay and June, the moths coming out late in .June and early in July : while the second brood of larvae appear in July and August, the moth flying in Septem- ber. It is very active, leaping oflT the leaf to the ground wheu disturbed. When fully grown it forms a loose silken cocoon 328 LEPIDOPTERA. within a folded leaf or an}' crevice, the moth appearing in three weeks. We have raised a species of Tachina from the pupa. The vine should be showered with a solution of whale oil, and soapsuds, and the plants shaken to rid them of these pests. Herminia ditlers from Hypena in its tufted fore legs ; the larva is short, slender towards each end, covered with small spots ; it has sixteen legs, and feeds concealed among dry leaves, making a narrow cocoon among them. H. Jucchusi- alis Guenee is one of our most common species. Py)xdis has narrow wings, the fore wings being oblong, with distinct lines, and the palpi are short, ascending. The Meal moth, P. farinalis Harris, is reddish gray at the base and hind edge of the fore wings, becoming more reddish towards the tip, with two whitish cross lines, the space between being ochreou s . The larva is dull whitish, with a reddish brown head, and having reddish pro- thoracic and anal plates. It feeds on straw and corn, and Mr. Riley has found it feeding on clover. The Clover worm, or Asojyia costalis Fabr. (Fig. 251 ; 1, 2, larva in different positions; 3, 7, cocoon; 4, pupa; 5, 6, moth), ac- cording to Riley, "attacks and spoils clover for feeding pur- poses, both in the stack and mow, by interweaving and covering it with abundant white silken webs and black excre- ment that much resembles coarse gunpowder, Tlie parent of these clover worms is a pretty little lilac-colored moth, with wide golden fringes," and has been introduced from Europe. The moths fly late in June and in July, and they creep into all parts of the stack, as the larvie have been found eight feet from the ground, though they are mostly found at the bottom. The larva is three-fourths of an inch long and is dull dark brown, with an olivaceous hue. Mr. Riley thinks there are several broods through the 3'ear, and suggests as a preventative to PYRALID^. 32^ stack the clover on a good log or rail foundation so as to allow the air to pass up through froui beneath. In Aglossa pinguinalis Harris, the Grease moth, the palpi are rather long, the lore wings are grayish brown clouded with a darker hue, and arc crossed by two indented lines. The larva is of an uniform dark brown, with a darker head and protho- racic plate, and feeds on greasy horse clothes, etc. Another species of Aglossa (perhaps A. cuprealis) has been sent me by Prof. A. E. Verrill, who writes me that the larva does great damage to the old leather bound volumes in the library of Yale College, by eating out great patches and galleries in the leather covers, and also, in some cases, some of the glue and pasteboard. It spins a silken cocoon. The moth (Plate 8, fig. 20) differs from A. pinguinalis by the hind wings being pale whitish gray, instead of grayish brown. The palpi have the third joint one-third as long as the second. It is pale brown, with a slight reddish tinge, and the wings are •crossed by two pale bands, with several pale costal spots. The outer band is heaviest on the costa and inner angle, and faint in Fig. 252. the middle of the wing. The hind wings are pale, shining whitish, with no bands. It expands .90 of an inch. In Europe, Mr. Curtis states, the Aphomia colonella Linn. (Fig. 252) which also occurs with us, is a formidable foe of the iumble bee, feeding upon its honey. When fully fed it spins a tough web of a close woolly texture, in which the caterpillar turns to a chrysalis ((f). "The female moth creeps into the nest in June to deposit her eggs, and the caterpillars live in families sometimes of five hundred, to the total destruction of the progeny of the poor humble bees. The moths are of a dirty Avhite, the upper wings have a greenish and rosy tinge, with a line of black dots round the margin, a whitish space near the base, and two black lines near the costa in the male. The fe- male has two distinct, indented, transverse bars, and two black spots on the disc." Hydrocampa and its allies are exceedingly interesting from 330 LEPIDOPTERA. the aquatic habits of the larvae, which remind us of the Caddis: worms. Cataclysta is at ouce known by its slender body and narrow wings, the hinder pair of which haA'e a row of eye-like spots along the hind margin. The larva is elongate, with a pale head, and is aquatic, feeding beneath the leaves of the Duck weed, living in a cylindrical silken case covered with leaves. The pupa has a long ventral projection, and is enclosed in the case of the larva. C fuJicalis Clemens has, on the outer mar- gin of the hind wings, a row of five black lunules connected by intermediate metallic violet blue spots, and behind them a row of orange yellow dots. The larva of Paraponyx is provided with branchiae and spira- cles ; the pupa residing in a cocoon among leaves under water. Hydrocanipa has large white spots on the outer edge of the fore wings. The larva is rather thick, attenuated at each end, with a black head. It is aquatic, living in a flat case under the leaves of water lilies. The pupa resem- bles that of Cataclj'sta. The genus Botys (Fig. 253) incluciec many species, in which the conical abdo:> jr. is longer than the wings, and the tip y£ Fig. 253. the front pair is often prolonged. The larva is said by Stainton to be livel}^ attenuated at each end and semitransparent, with warty spots. It feeds in rolled up leaves. The pupa is elongate, smooth, enclosed in a slight co- coon among leaves. B. verticalis Albin is whitish, with the outer edge of the fore wings dark grayish. The larva feeds on the nettle. B. cltrina G. and R. is a bright yellow species. The genus Desmia is at once known by its resemblance to Botys, and by its black body and wings, spotted with broad white patches, while the male antenna? are swollen in the middle. D. maculalis Westwood, the Grape leaf folder, is shiny black, with a white fringe on its wings, which are spotted in the mid- dle with white patches, and with two Avhite bands on the abdo- men of tlie female. It is found chiefly in the Southern States, w'here it attacks the grape. The larva, according to Riley, who observed the moth in Southern Illinois, is "glass-green, and folds a leaf, or attaches two, that may be close together, by aid of a few silken threads. It is verj- active, jumping and jerk- PYRALID^. 331 ing at the least touch. It acquires a flesh-colored hue prior to changing to a chrysalis, which it usually does just within the leaf. Many wliich thus changed with me ou the 21st of July, became moths on the 29th of the same month." To the genus Phycita belongs the Apple leaf crumpler, or P. nebulo of Walsh, which in the West is known to strip the trees of their early leaves. It drawls the leaves together by a web, and about the middle of June becomes fully grown, when it closes up its horn-like case, and at the end of the same month and early in July appears as a long, narrow-winged moth, somewhat like Nephopteryx, but with broader fore wings. Nephopteryx is a genus with y&ry narroAV wings, with the male antcnnte sinuous at the base. It feeds on various trees, while the larva of N. Edmandsii Pack. (Plate 3, fig. 2; 2a^ larva ; 2&, pupa), feeds on the cells of the humble bee. The genus Myeloid closely resembles Nephopteryx. Our most injurious species is the Gooseberry worm, which is ver}^ common. It may be called the M. convolutella (Fig. 25-1; a, cocoon) and is an importation from Europe ^^^ (Zeller) . Though familiar with the in- ^' / \ sect, and having raised the moth, our « ¥i-/- .;")4. specimens were too much rubbed for identification, and w^e are indebted to Mr. Saunders of London, Canada, for ver}- perfect specimens of the moth, and notes regarding its habits, confirma- tory of our own observations. The motli is pale grav, with a dark, transverse, diffuse band on the inner third of the Aving, enclosing a zig-zag white line not reaching the costa. There is a discal discoloration, and beyond, a Avhite zig-zag line with a long, ver}' acute angle on the internal margin, and a row of marginal black dots, while the apex is white, and the veins and their branches white ; it expands nearl}^ an inch. As soon as goosel)erries and currants are well formed, many turn pre maturely red and dull whitish, which is due to the presence of a pale green, smooth worm, which, after eating out the inside of one berry, leaving a hole for the passage of the excrement, enters another berry making a passage-way of silk until it draws together a bunch of currants, or two or three gooseber- ries. During the last of June it pupates, while the moth does- 332 LEPIDOPTERA. not appear until the spring of the following year, Mr. Saun. ders' specimens having left the chrysalis May 8th. Crambus, so abundant throughout the summer in grass, is at once known by the long narrow wings being rolled around the body in a tubular form. The larva has sixteen legs, is whit- ish or dull colored, with large shining spots, and feeds on moss in silken galleries. Mr. Saunders has hatched the larvae from the eggs. "They feed readily on grass, the blades of which they fasten together with silken threads, under which they live concealed ; they will also feed on clover." Crambus mutabiUs Clemens is grayish fuscous, the palpi a little darker, while the fore wings have a grayish median stripe, not extending beyond the disk, and the discal dot is dark brown. It is a variable and a connnon species. Other kinds are variously streaked with silvery white. The Bee moth, Galleria, has rather broad wings, which are indented on the outer edge. G. cereana Fabr. (Plate 8, fig. 11) is dusky gray, streaked with purple brown on the outer edge, with a few dark brown spots on the inner margin. The larva is yellowish white, with brownish dots. It constructs silken galleries running through the comb, in which it feeds. It spins a thick white cocoon. Two broods of moths appear, one in April and May, the other in August. They lay their eggs at evening while the bees are resting. The caterpillars mature in about three weeks. ToRTRiciDvE Leach. The "Leaf-rollers" are best character- ized by the shortness of the palpi, which project beak-like, and are rarely long enough to be curved in front of the head ; and b}^ the oblong fore wings. They are of small size, rarely expanding over an inch, and are folded roof-like (Fig. 255) over the body. The fore wings are *'^' ■^■'■^- broad, compared with those of the Thietdce , and are much rounded on the costa. They are variegated with bands and spots, often of brilliant metallic hues, wliile the hind wings are dull colored like the body, the inner edge being folded fan-like against the body. The antennae are filiform and the legs are much shorter than in the Pyralids. They fly mostly by night, resting during the day upon the plant on which the larva TORTRICIDJE. 333 feeds. They most abound in summer, though a few species are found in the sj^ring and autumn. The larvae are cylindrical, usually transversely wrinkled, and nearly naked. The pupa is slender, and the rings of the abdomen armed with transverse rows of teeth. Many of the larger species roll up the leaves of trees, or gather them into a rude tent, with silken threads ; others devour the inte- rior of fruit buds and seeds, or live in the tender shoots, or under the bark, or in the roots, while some live exposed on tlie leaves of plants. In Antithesia the palpi are longer than the head, and the thorax is tufted behind ; the fore wings are more than twice as \ov.^ ns broad, the costa being regularly arched, while the apex is obtuse, and the apical third of the costa is white or ochreous. A. hipartitana Clem, has white fore wings, with a dark brown basal patch, and a central concolorous band, with two or three dark brown spots on the outer third of the costa. The tip of the wing is spotted with brown, and there is a pale brownish spot in the middle of the white apical third of the wing. It is not uncommon northwards. Another species has been detected on -^"j the rose by Mr. F. W. Putnam. The larva is yellowish green with a jet black head and prothoracic shield, and pupates late in June, the moth appearing during Juty. It is identical with the Antithesia pruniana of HiJbner (Plate 8, fig. 13, natural size) a destructive moth in Europe, where it devours the plum, as its specific name indicates. The inner two thirds of the fore wings are marbled with black and lilac colored scales ; the apical third being white, with three costo- apical dark spots, and the extreme apex black. The genus Siderea has rather long fore wings, the costa be- ing regularly arched, and the tip rather pointed, the outer edge being concave below the tip. Clemens, doubtfully, refers his SJ nuhilana (Fig. 256, la, head) to this genus. The fore wings are brown, with dark brown markings, and there is a dark brown basal line and a central irregular dark brown band, which becomes ochreous brown in the middle of the wing, and seems to be separated from a conspicuous dark brown triangu- 334 LEPIDOPTERA. lar patch, which is edged narrowl}^ with ochi'eous. Near the inner angle are two dark brown oblique stripes. The typical genus Tortrix has the palpi much longer than the head, with the fore wings about twice as long as broad, and the costa arched abruptly at the base, while the outer edge is truncate and sometimes hollowed out below the tip. T. geli~ dana Mosdiler is a common arctic form, and occurs commonly in northern Labrador, and has been detected on the Alpine summit of Mount "Washington by Mr. F. G. Sanborn. He has also detected a new species which feeds on the cranberry, for which we suggest the name Tortrix oxycoc- cana. Its body is dark brown, with lighter hairs on each side of the abdominal segments, and fuscous at the tip. The fore wings are ig. .J/. ^^ ^ peculiar glistening gray, mottled with red- dish brown scales, especially towards the outer edge. There are no well defined spots or bands. The hind wings and bod}^, and under sm-face of the wings are slate colored. The wings expand .64 inch. The Leptoris hreviornatana of Clemens (Fig. 257 ; a, side view of the head and labial palpi ; &, fore wing ; c, hind wing), which is referred to the genus Tortrix by Mr. C. T. Robinson, has tawny j^ellow fore wings, with the veins brown. An oblique brown band arises on the basal third of the costa, and runs to the middle of the inner margin, but does not reach it. On the costa is a bro^ni patch. It lives in Virginia. Mr. Robinson also informs me that in a forthcom- ing paper on this family he re- fers the Pfycholoma? semifus- :a7m of Clemens (Fig. 258 ; a, head ; b, fore wing ; c, hind wing) to the present genus. "The fore wings are white along the costa and hinder margin, mai'ked with pale brown, ochreous and tarnished silvery stripes and spots." It ranges froir Maine to Virginia. The genus Lozotcenia has palpi rather longer than the head. Fig. 2.58. TORTRICID^. 335 It differs from Tortrix in tlie male having a fold or flap of scales extending nearly to the tip of the fore wing, while the outer edge is indented below the tip, which is rather produced up- wards. The larvie of this genus feed in leaves, the edges of which are drawn together by silken threads, or in the stems and seeds of plants. L. rosaceana Harris (Plate 8, fig. 12; 12 a, larva) is pale brown, with two oblique, darker reddish brown bands, and a triangular spot of the same color on the costa near the tip. The hind wings are ochreous j-ellow, and blackish within. The larva, early in June, binds together the leaves of the rose, apple and strawberry. It is plump and rather large, and of a pale yellowish green. We found, on the 23d of June, the fully grown larva on the leaves of the strawberry, doul)ling them up and binding them together by a few silken threads. The worm is pale livid, greenish above and paler beneath, with a conspicuous black dot on each side of the hinder edge of the prothorax. The head is very pale honey yellow, with two black spots : one near the insertion of the mandibles, and the other on the side near the base of the head. The posterior half of each segment is transversely wrinkled a few times. The body is scattered over with a few minute tubercles, each giving rise to a fine hair. It is .80 of an inch long. One specimen spun its slight cocoon on June 26th, the pupa appearing June 30th. It is sometimes attacked by Ichneumons. The pupa is pointed on the vertex of the head, and on the back of each abdominal ring are two rows of spines. The moth usually appears the last of June. There is a second brood in August. We have reared another species from the wild strawberry. It may be called the Lozotmiia fragariana. It is a very pretty moth expanding .80 of an inch, with red fore wings, darker on the outer half and with a large triangular white spot near the middle of the costa ; the outer edge of the spot is hollowed out. The outer edge of the wing is pale, especially in the middle, and concolorous with the head and palpi, and thorax. The hind wings and abdomen are whitish buff. The hind wings are whitish beneath. The larva may be found in Maine, early in June, folding the leaves, and the moth appears in the mid- dle of the same month. The Lozotcenia gossypiana, or Cotton Leaf-roller, we describe 336 LEPIDOPTERA. from the very characteristic drawings of Mr. Glover. The' larva closely resembles that of L. rosaceana and is about the same size. It rolls up the leaf of the cotton into a loose cir- cular fold, and Avhen fully grown spins a thin, loose, transpar- ent cocoon between the leaves. On the abdominal tip of the brown cocoon are three pairs of minute hooks, the two outer pairs supported on a pedicel, b}^ which the chrysalis is re- tained in place in the cocoon. The moth is the size of the L. rosaceana, being pale reddish brown, and with three darker bars, the inner one crossing the costal two-thirds of the wing, the middle and broadest crossing the wing obliquely, and ter- minating near the outer angle, while the third bar cuts off the apex of the wing. The hind wings are paler, but dusky along the inner side. The species of Penthina may be recognized bj^ the oblong, fore wings, the apex being obtuse, sometimes a little falcate. An interesting species, according to information received from Mr. M. C. Reed of Hudson, Ohio, rolls up the leaves of the grape, and when the fruit becomes formed, eats the pulp and seeds, thus doing a two-fold injury to the vine. It may be called th3 Penthina vitivomna* (Plate 8, fig. 22, enlarged). The head, thorax, and palpi, and basal half of the antennae are fulvous. The fore wings are dark slate brown. From the mid- dle of the costa proceeds a blackish band which curves to the middle of the outer third of the wing ; beyond is a linear curved costal band succeeded by another broader but quite short costal line ; the costa is tawny beyond, sending a tawny patch obliquely inwards. Near the margin is an irregular blackish patch and two dark spots on the costa, and a larger one at the apex. The hind Avings and body are dark slate color. It expands .40 of an inch. The first brood of caterpillars feeds on the leaves, ap- pearing in May (in Ohio), or as soon as the leaves are grown. The second brood appears when the grapes are nearly filled out, and then they feed on the pulp and seeds. Mr. Reed writes me that "in every instance where a grape was opened contain- ing a fully grown larva, the seeds were mere shells. They con- tinue their work until the grapes are fully ripe, and at that time on removing to a new berry, seem to make their home in the old one, which is attached by a web." The larva turns. * It is the Lobesia botrana of Southera Europe according to Prof. Zeller. TORTRICID^. 337 over the edge of a leaf to form a rude cocoon for the chrysalis. Mr. Read suggests destroying the leaves thus aUected before the)' fall in autumn, as the larvae do not descend to the earth to undergo their transformations. Halonota ditfers from Tortrix in having tlie apex of the fore wings rather obtuse, and there is a pale blotch usually present on the middle of the inner margin. //. siiiinlana Clemens is brownish ochreous, Avith dull ochreous palpi, reddish at the tip ; the fore wings are brown, with a slight brassy hue, and with an ochreous dorsal blotch ; the costa is streaked w4th ochreous, and there are two violet streaks, one running be- neath the tip and the other to a faint eye-like patch, behind which, on the hinder margin, are three black spots. The genus (wraphoUtha is characterized by Stainton as hav- ing the palpi longer than the head, with the fore wings more than twice as long as wide, the costa being slightl}' arched, and the apex rather pointed, while the outer edge is a little hollowed out below the apex, and rounded at the inner an- gle. The larviB live in the folded leaves of shrubs, or in the tops of herbaceous plants, or in their roots. Mr. Robinson refers the Steganoptycliaf ochreana of Clemens, to Gra- pholitha (Fig. 259 ; a, head ; 6, fore wing ; c, hind wing.*) The fore wings are pale yel- lowish, and the outer half of the costa is streaked with ochreous brown, and there is an ej-e-like patch which is white, and contains two ochreous brown streaks and two black dots. It was discovered in Virginia. Robinson also refers Clemens' Euryptychia saUgneana (Fig. 256 ; 8 a) to this genus. It was bred by Mr. B. D. Walsh, in Illinois, from a willow gall. The fore wings are Avhite, tinted with j'ellowish, with a dark brown basal patch, the wing bej^ond being nearly white varied with lead colored speckles, and striped over the venules with dull, leaden gray, transverse stripes, two of Avhich near the anal angle, form a white e3'e-like patch. (Clemens.) Under the name of CaUimosema sdntillana (Fig. 256; 9 a), * The artist has represented the last branch of the median vein forked at the tip. It should have been the middle branch. (^Clemens.) 22 338 LEPIDOPTERA. Clemens describes a moth with narrow fore wings, and a lar^e eye-like spot across the inner angle, the venation being the same as in lojjlocama. In this latter genus (Fig. 256; 10 o, I. foruiosana Clemens) the wings are broader and have the costa of the fore wings dilated at the base, while the labial palpi are broad, and reach far bej^ond the front of the head. In Anchylopera the palpi are shorter than the head, with the fore wings broader than usual, and the costa somewhat obtusely arched towards the base, while the tip is often hook-like and the outer edge concave. The larva feeds between the united leaves of plants. A. spirecefoli- ana Clemens is white on the fore wings, with a large, reddish brown dorsal patch extending from the base to the middle of the wing, and an oblique band from the middle of the costa to about the centre of the wing ; the costa beyond is streaked alternately with white and red- dish l)rown to the apex. The larA'a feeds on the leaves of Spiraea opulifolia, or Nine-bark. It is pale green with a yellowish tinge. (Clemens.)* * i i-. -im. Mr. Fish has discovered an un- described species which feeds on the cranberry, and which we ma}^ call the Cranberry Anchylopera, A. vacciniana (Plate 8., fig. 21, enlarged). The motli is dark ash, the fore wings being whitish, dusted with l^rown and reddish scales, with white nar- row bands on the costa, alternating with broader yellowish *FiG. 260; la, represents the head of A. nuheculnna, described by Clemens in tlie Proceedmgs of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia ; 1 6, the vena- tion of the fore wing; and 1 c, the hind wing; 2n, the head of A. oceUana Clemens; 26, the fore wing; 2 c, the hind wing: Sa, the head of A. mediofasciana Clemens; 86 the fore wing; and 3 c, the hind wing. TORTRICID^. 339 brown bauds, five of which are several times larger than the others, and from four of them irregular indistinct lines cross tlie wing. The first line is situated just beyond the inner third of the wing, and is often obsolete. The second line is the largest and is slightly bent once in the middle of the wing. There is a large brown spot parallel to the costa, being situated on the angle. The third line is oblique and stops before reaching the inner angle and is forked on the costa, while the fourth line is a short apical diffuse irregular line. The apex of the wing is dark brown, and is a little more acute than usual in the genus. The length of a fore wing is .20 of an inch. It lays its eggs on the leaves during the month of August and a new brood of larva? appear in September, though they hatch mostly in the following spring, or early in June, and become full}' grown in Jul3^ The larva seen from above is much like that of Lozotienia rosaceana, but the head is a little larger in proportion to the rest of the body, being as wide as the bod}^ in its thickest part. The body is more hairy, while the prothorax is not dark. The chr3'salis is rather slender, the body being contracted at the base of the abdomen, on the rings of which there are dorsal rows of fine spines. Mr. Fish writes me that "these larvae, called the Cranberry- vine worms, hatch about the first of June from eggs that have remained upon the leaves of the plant all winter. Tliey com- mence to feed upon the tender growing shoots of the plant, drawing the leaves together wdth their web for shelter, conceal- ing themselves and feeding within. Before reaching their full size they, if very numerous, almost wholly destroy the leaves and tender shoots, giving the whole bog a dark dry ap- pearance as though a fire had been over it. This is wh}- they are in some places known as ' fii-e-woi-ms.' Having reached their full size they spin up among the leaves or among the dead leaves upon the ground. After remaining in the pupa state about ten or thirteen daj's the moths come out and de- posit their eggs upon the leaves. "This j-ear the moths were out the last of June and first of July. In five or six days the eggs hatched and this second brood, which is usually the most destructive, mostly changed 840 LEPIDOPTERA. to pupae on the 20th of July. On the 26th of July the first moth came out and most were out before the 4th of August. I saw the moth at Sandwich as late as the 20th of August. Most of the eggs laid in August do not hatch until the following spring. I did succeed in finding two or three larvae in September, but they were rare at that time. The oul}' sure means known of destroying them, is to let water upon the bog for twenty-four hours." Another Tortricid larva, which seems to differ generically from the vine worm, in being thicker and having a larger, squarer prothoracic ring, and a less hairy bod^^ is called the " Fruit- worm." According to Mr. Fish, these worms appear the first of August and work all through the month. The first signs of their presence are seen in the berries that are attacked turn- ing prematurely red. Most of them reach their full size before the first of September. In some places where the vines have been retarded by be- ing kept under water until the fii'st of June previous (it is com- mon to cover the bogs b ' o with water when con- ^'o- 2(51- venient), they do not reach their full size until a few weeks later. When fully grown they enter the ground and spin their cocoons within a few inches of the surface. The cocoons are covered with grains of sand and are hardly distinguishable from small lumps of earth. They remain in the ground all winter. I do not know positively the perfect insect, as I have never been able to rear it in-doors. In the spring of 1867 I bred two species of Ich- neumons from these cocoons that had remained in the house over winter." The Strawberry leaf-roller (A. fragarite Riley, Fig. 261 ; c, lines showing the dimensions of the moth ; «, larva, natural size ; 6, the head and four succeeding rings of the body ; d, the terminal ring of the abdomen, showing the anal legs) has, according to Riley, recently been doing much injurj^ to straw- berry plants in Illinois and Canada. "It crumples and folds the leaves, feeding on their pulpy substance, and causing them TORTRICID^. 341 to appear dry and seared, and most usually lines the inside of the foUl with silk. There are two broods during the year, and the worms of the first brood, which appear dnrino; the month of June, change to the pupa state within the roUed up leaf, and become minute reddish brown moths during the fore part of July. After i)airing in the usual manner, the females deposit their eggs on the plants, from which eggs in due time hatches a second brood of worms. These last come to their growth to- wards the end of September, and changing to pui)ie, pass the winter in that state. The moth expands from .40 to .45 of an Inch. The liead and thorax are reddish brown, with pale palpi and legs, and dusky antenuie, while the tarsal joints are dusky at the tips. The fore wings are reddish brown and streaked and spotted with black and white, as in the figure, while the hind wings and abdomen are dusky." (American Entomologist, vol. i, p. 89.) The Coddling moth, Carpocapsa, has palpi longer than the head ; the apex of the fore wings is rather obtuse, and the outer edge is suddenly hollowed out below the tip. The larvae feed in the interior of fruits. C. pomonella Linn. (Fig. 256, 11a) is gray, with numerous darker, transverse lines, and with a curved black line before the ocellated patch on the inner an- gle, which line is edged with a coppery tint. The motn lays its eggs on apple and pear trees early in summer in the blossom- end of the fruit, and the larva hatches in a few days, burrowing into the core. It matures in three weeks, when the apple drops to the ground and the larva transforms in a thin cocoon in crevices in bark, etc., and in a few days another brood of moths appear, though most of them remain in their cocoons through the winter as larviC, where we have found them under the loos- ened bark early in May. This formidable pest may be partiall}^ destroyed by gather- ing "wind-falls," though the larva often deserts the worm-eaten apple before it falls. The best remedy is that suggested by Dr. Trimble, who binds bands of hay about the trees from July until the middle of September. The larvae crawl under these bands and there spin their silken cocoons, when every few days the bands can be removed and the worms de- stroyed. 342 LEPIDOPTERA. TiNEiD^ Leach. The Tiueids are a family of great extent^ and the species are very destructive to vegetation, having in- numerable modes of attack. They may be distinguished from the Tortricidce by their smaller size, while the narrow wings which lie on the top of, or are rolled around the body when at rest, are often falcate, or pointed acutelj^, and edged with a long fringe of exceeding delicacy. The maxillary palpi are greatly developed, while the labial palpi are of the usual size, and usuall}' recurved in front of the head. The antenna; are long and filiform. The larvae are cylindrical, variously wrinkled transversely, and with from fourteen to sixteen feet. They often construct cases in which they live, and usually spin a Slight silken cocoon, ivbouc 1,200 species are already known in Europe alone. Those of this countrj^ have been mostly de- scribed by Dr. Clemens. In studying this interesting family, Stainton remarks that "the elongated wings, the slender body and the long or very long fringes to the wings, are characters by which the Tineidse may generally be recognized at once ; and the development of the palpi and their variety in form and structure, offer most tangible grounds for separating the greater number of the gen- era. Indeed, if the student will look at the head of a species to see whether it is hairy or smooth, if he will then notice the palpi, whether the maxillary palpi are developed and to what extent, and whether the labial palpi are slender, ascending or drooping, whether the second joint is densely clothed with scales, or bears a long protruding tuft, and if he will farther notice the form of the hind wings, Avhich are either well rounded or very pointed, or indented towards the tip, he will be per- fectly surprised to see how easily he will arrange these insects into genera by their structure." The larvae vary excessively in the number of legs, sixteen being the usual number, but in several genera (Gracilaria, Lith- ocolletis, etc.), we only find fourteen; in Nepticula, though the legs are but poorly developed, they number eighteen ; on the other hand the larvae of a few of the smaller genera (Antispila, Tinagma, etc.) are absolutel}'^ footless. For collecting and preserving these minute and delicate moths, which are called by collectors, micro-lepidoptera, especial TINEIDiE. 343 instructions are necessary. When tlie moth is taken in the net, it can be blown by the breath into the bottom. "Tlien by elevating the liand through the ring, or on a level with it, a common cupping glass of about two inches in diameter, or a wine glass carried in the pocket, is placed on top of the left hand over the constricted i)ortiou, the grasp relaxed, and the insect permitted to escape through the opening into its interior. The glass is then closed below by the left hand on the outside of the net, and may be transferred to the top of the collecting box, when it can be quieted by chloroform" (Clemens) ; or the moths may be collected in pill boxes, and then carried home and opened into a larger box filled Avith fumes of ether or ben- zine or c^'anide of potassium. In i)inehing any moths on the thorax, as is sometimes tlone, the form of that region is inva- riably distorted, and man}- of the scales removed. In search- ing for "Micros" we must look careful]}^ on the lee side of trees, fences, hedges, and undulations in the ground, for they avoid the wind. Indeed, we can take adA'antage of this habit of many Micros, and by blowing vigorous^ on the trunks of trees start the moth off into the net so placed as to intercept it. This method is most productive, C. G. Barrett states, in the "Entomologist's Moutlil}^ Magazine," while a stead}' wind is blowing. In seeking for the larA'ai wc must remember that most of them are leaf miners, and their burrows are detected by the waA'ed broAvn Avithered lines on the surface of leaves, and their "//•ass," or excrement, throAvn out at one end. Some are found between united lea\'es, of which the upper is crumpled. Others construct portable cases Avhich they draAv about the trunks of trees, fences, etc. Others burrow in the stems of grass, or in fungi, toadstools, and in the pith of currant or raspberry bushes. Most are solitary, a few gregarious. A bush stripped of its leaves and covered with webs, if not done by Clisiocampa (the American Tent Caterpillar), Avill Avitness the Avork of a Tineid. Buds of unfolded her1)S suffer fi'om their attacks, such as the heads of composite floAvers which are draAvn together and con- sumed by the larvre. After some practice in rearing larA'je it will be found easier and more profitable to search for the leaf miners, and rear the 344 LEPIDOPTERA. perfect, fresh, and uninjured moths from them. In this way many s^^ecies never found in the perfect state can be secured.* In raising ^^ micro" larvae it is essential that the leaf in which they mine be preserved fresh for a long time. Thus a glass jar, tumbler or jam-pot, the top of which has been ground to receive an air-tight glass cover, and the bottom covered with moist white sand, will keep a leaf fresh for a week, and thus a larva in the summer will have to be fed but two or three times before it changes ; and the moth can be seen through the glass without taking off the cover ; or a glass cylinder can be pi iced over a plant inserted in wet sand, hav- ing the top covered with gauze. Dr. H. G. Knaggs in treat- ing of the management of caterpillars in breeding boxes, enumerates the diseases, beside muscardine and cholerine, to which they are subject. Among direct injuries are wounds and bruises, which may be productive of deformities in the future imago ; the stings of ichneumon flies, whose eggs laid either upon or in the body may be crushed with finely pointed scis- sors or pliers ; frost bites, and suffocation chiefly from drown- ing. If the caterpillar has not been more than ten or twelve hours in the water it may be recovered by being dried on a piece of blotting paper and exposed to the sun. Larva? may also starve to death even when food is abundant, from loss of appetite, or improper ventilation, light, etc. ; or the}' may eat too much, become dropsical, and die. Caterpillars undoubt- edl}' suffer from a contagious disease analogous to low fever. Man}- die while moulting, especially the larvie of Butterflies, Sphinges, and Bombycids ; others are carried off b}' diarrhoea, which is generally caused by improper feeding on too juicy or relaxing food, when oak leaves or dr}- stunted foliage should be given them. To relieve constipation they should be fed with lettuce and other natural purgatives, and lastl}-, they ma}' ibe attacked by fungi, especially, besides those previously men- *"In general, it may be said, tlie mines of the leaf miners are chararteristio of the genus to wliich tlie larva may belong. A single mine once irlentifled, enables the collector to pronounce on the genus of all the species he_ may find thereafter. Tliis added to the ease with wiiicli tlie larvK are collected, and the little subsequent care required to bring tliem to maturity, except to keep the leaves in a fresh and healthy state, makes the study of this group, in every respect, pleasant and satis- fiictory to the entomologist." (Clemens.) TINEID^. 345 tioned, a species of Oidium. Such patients should be put iu direct sunlight or (hy currents of air. (Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, June, 18G8.) The pupae easily dry up ; they should be kei)t moist, in tubes of glass closed at either end, through which the moth can be seen when disclosed. In setting micro-lepidoptera : "If the insect is very small I hold it b}' its legs between the thumb and finger of the left hand, whilst I pierce it with the pin held between the thumb and finger of the right hand ; if the insect is not very small I use a rough surface, as a piece of blotting-paper, or piece of clotli, for it to lie upon and prevent its slipping about, and then cautiously insert the point of the pin in the middle of the thorax, as nearly as possible in a vertical direction. As soon as the pin is fairl}- tlu-ough the insect, remove it to a piece of «offc cork, and by pressing it in, push the insect as far up the pin as is required. "For setting the insects I find nothing answers as well as a piece of soft cork, papered with smootli paper, and with grooves cut to admit the bodies. The wings are placed in the . squired position by the setting needle, and are then retained in their places b}^ a wedge-shaped thin paper brace, placed over jhem till a square brace of smooth card-board is placed over the 3nds of the wings." (Stainton.) A small square of glass can also be laid on the wings to keep them expanded, and thus serve the same purpose as the paper braces. LinniBus first set the example of having the specific names of the Tortricids end in ana and of the Tineids in ella, and at the present day the rule is generally followed by entomologists, who have also given the same terminations to the names of the smaller spe- cies of Pyralids, such as Pempelia, Crambus and allied genera. In the group of Tineids proper, the head is roughly scaled, with short and thick labial palpi, while the maxillar}^ palpi are generally extremely well developed, and the antennae some- times (Adela) extremely long. The larvse live in a portable case and feed on wool, hair, etc., and fungi, or decayed woodo Solenohia has very short labial palpi, which are almost con- cealed in the hairs of tlie mouth, and the case of the larva is shorter than usual. The unimpregnated females of this genus laj' fertile eggs, so that one may breed a species for j^ears with- 346 LEPIDOPTERA. out ever seeing a male. (Stainton.) Solenobia? Walshella Clemens is gray, varied with fuscous. The silken case is gran- ulated with fine sand ; the larva is probably lichenivorous. In Tinea the head is rough, the maxillar}' palpi are usually folded and five jointed, while the labial palpi are cylindrical, hairy and sometimes bristly. The fore wings are oblong ovate, and the hind wings ovate and clothed with scales. The common Clothes moth, Tinea Jiavifrontella \. 262 ; fig. 2G3, a, larva, with its case, 6 ; c, chr^sa- lis, enlarged) is of a light buff color, with a silky iridescent lus- tre, the hind wings and abdomen being a little paler. The head is thickly tufted Avith hairs and is a little taAvn}'. The wings are long and narrow, pointed acutely, with the most beautiful and delicate long silken fringe, which increases in length towards the base of the wing. The moth begins to fly about our apart- c h ments in Ma3-, individuals remaining through the sum- mer. They lay their eggs in woollens, though we have « reared numerous specimens which had attacked a mass of cotton. Earl}' in June we found numbers of the Fig- 263. caterpillars in their flattened cjdindrical cases which in this instance were white, the color of the substance they fed upon. The larva is whitish with a tolerably plump bod}', which tapers slightly towards the end of the body, while the head is honey yellow. The segments of the bod}^ are thickened above by two transverse folds. The body of the chr3'salis is considerably curved, with the head smooth and rounded. The antennae, together with the hind legs, which are laid on the breast, reach to the tip of the abdo- men. On the upper surface of each ring is a short trans- verse row of minute spines, which aid the chrysalis in moving towards the mouth of its case, just before changing to a moth. When al)out to transform, the skin splits open on the back, and the perfect insect glides out. The skin is moulted with great rapidity. To avoid the ravages of this destructive moth,. TINEID^. 347 woollens and furs should be carefully shaken and examined early in June. Dr. Harris states that "powdered black pop- per strewed under the edge of carpets is said to repel niotlis. Sheets of paper sprinkled with spirits of turpentine, camphor in coarse powder, leaves of tobacco, or shavings of Russian leather, should be placed among the clothes when they are laid aside for the summer ; and furs and other small articles can be kept by being sewed in bags with bits of camphor wood, red cedar, or of Spanish cedar, while the cloth lining of carriages can be secured forever from the attacks of inoths by beino- washed or sponged on both sides with a solution of the corro- sive sublimate of mercury in alcohol, made just strong enough not to leave a white stain on a black feather." The moths can be most readily killed by pouring benzine among them, tliou<'-h its use must be much restricted from the disagreeable odor which remains, and c its inflammable na- ture. The use of a weak solution of car- bolic acid is also rec- ommended. Tinea tapetzella Linn., the Carpet moth, is black- ish at the base of the fore wings, the re- mainder being j^ellow- ish white, while the h Fig. 3G4. « hind wings are dark gray, and the head white. The larva feeds on carpets, etc. Tinea gmnella Linn. (Fig. 264 natural size, and enlarged, with the wings spread ; a, larva, natural size and enlarged"; 6, pupa, natural size ancl enlarged ; c, grains of wheat held to gether with a firm web) the Grain moth, is found flying in granaries during the summer. The female lays thirty or more minute eggs, one or two on each grain of wheat. The white worm hatches in a few days, eats its way into the grain, clos- ing the entrance with its castings, and after it has devoured the interior of one grain, unites others in succession to it, until it binds together by a fine web a number of them. When 348 LEPIDOPTERA. nearly full grown the}' cover the grains with a verj^ thick web. According to Curtis the larvffi retire to cracks and crevices in tlie floor and walls of the granary, and construct their cocoons by gnawing the wood and worlving it up with their web until it has tlie form and size of a grain of wheat, wherein it remains through the winter, changing to a chrysalis earl}^ in the spring ; while two or three weeks after the moth appears. It is creamy white, with six brown spots on the costa, and with a long brown fringe. To prevent its attacks empty granaries should be thoroughly cleansed and whitewashed, or washed with coal oil, and when the moths are flying numbers may be attracted to tlie flames of a bright light : also when the larvae are at work, the grain should be shovelled over frequently to disturb them. The beautiful genus Adela is at once known by its exces- sively long antenme. The larva makes a flat case, and feeds on the leaves of various low plants, such as the wood Anemone :and Veronica. The A. Ridingsella of Clemens has coppery brown fore wings, with a pale grayish brown mesial patch dusted with black, and four or five black spots at the inner angle, while the hind wings are fuscous. Hyponomeuta has a smooth head, with rather short, slender, reflexed, subacute labial palpi ; the fore wings are white, dotted in rows with black, and on the base of the hind wings is a transparent patch. The larvae are gregarious, and the pupa is enclosed in a cocoon. H. miUejmnctatella Clemens is white, with the base of the costa blackish, and with longitudinal rows of distinct black dots, two of which, one along the inner mar- gin, and one along the fold, are plain. The hind wings ai-e blackish gray. In Dejvessaria the fore wings are unusually oblong, being rounded at the apex ; and the hind wings are broader than uhual, with the inner edge emarginate opposite the subme- dian vein, and rounded opposite the internal vein. The abdo- men is flattened above, with projecting scales at the sides. The larviv of this genus are extremely active, and feed on a variety of substances ; some in rolled up leaves of composite plants, some in the leaves and others in the umbels of the umbelliferous plants. Man}- of the worms descend from the plant on the slightest agitation, so that considerable caution is TINEID^. 349 necessary in attempts to collect them. The full-fed larvae do scend to the gi-ound and change to pupje among the fallen leaves. The perfect insects have the peculiarity of sliding about when laid on their backs. D. atrodorsella Clem, is yel- low ochreous, with six or eight black costal dots, with a red- dish patch extending from the disc towards the tip of the wing. The head is rufous above, with the face blackish brown above and 3'ellowish beneath. During the last summer we observed a locust tree which had some of the branches well nigh defoliated by an undescribed species of this genus which we may call the Deiyressaria robin- iella (Plate 8, fig. 14, natural size). The head, palpi and fore wings are light brick red, spotted irregularly with yellow, and the antenujB are slate brown. The fore Avings are a little darker in the middle, especially towards the inner edge. There is a submarginal darker brown band near the outer edge, which does not reach the costa, and on the outer edge is a row of minute black dots. The hind wings and abdomen are of a pale slate gray, and of the same color beneath, while the legs are of a very pale straw j'cllow. It differs from most of the spe- cies of the genus in having the apex of the fore wing less rounded than usual, and in this and other respects it is allied to the Em'opean D. laterella. The larva is thick-bodied, with a black head, and is gi'een, the cervical shield being green. It devours the leaves, drawing them together by threads, and also eats the flower buds. It was most abundant in the last week of June. It turned to a chrysalis July 8th, and in about two weeks the moth appeared. In Gelechia the fore wings are rather long and pointed, and the hind wings are trapezoidal and more or less excavated below the tip. The terminal joint of the labial palpi is slender, al- most needle-like, smooth and pointed. This genus is of great extent and comprises a considerable diversity of species. The moth is extremely active. Clemens states that "the habits of the larvae are extremely varied, feeding upon leaves, flower- buds, young shoots, and in the interior of grain and seeds. The species that feed in buds and shoots are mostly in the larva state in spring and the beginning of summer ; those that feed in and upon leaves are met with in summer and autumn, and 350 LEPIDOPTERA. those that feed on seeds do so in the autumn and winter." The Angoumois Grain moth, G. cerealella Liun. (Fig. 2G5), is ochreous, with a fuscous streak towards the base, and a few fuscous dots towards the tip of the wing, while the hind wings are gra3-ish ochreous. The wings are sometimes unspotted. It feeds in wheat granaries, where it secretes itself within the grain, devouring the mealy substance. Reaumur, according to Mr. Stainton, thus speaks of the economy of material in the food of the larva of Gelechia cerealella. "A grain of wheat or of barley contains the precise quan- tity of food necessary to nourish the larva from its birth till it is fuii fed. For if we open a grain inhabited by a 3'ounger and smaller larva, we find that there is more or less of the sub- stance of the grain still to be consumed, according to the size of the larva. But what is remarkable is, that in the latter case, we find at least as much and probably more excrement, and in larger pellets, than we find in a grain tenanted by an older larva." It is thus driven to eat its excrement over once and perhaps more than once ! "We have received from Mr. F. G. Sanborn the larva (Fig. 266, much enlarged) of this moth, which had eaten out the kernel of grains of parching corn, leaving but a thin shell. The body is unusually short, thick and white, the tegument being A'ery thin and transparent. Gelechia fungivo- rella Clem, has roseate white fore wings, dusted and banded with brown. Walsh states that "the larva mines a cabbage- like gall (C. salicis-brassicoides). Fig 266. peculiar to Salix lougifolia, and a pine-cone-like gall on Salix cordata, named C. salicis-stro- biloides by Osten Sacken." The larva of a similar species, G. roseosufusella, inhabits the fruit panicles of the sumach. Coleo2)hora is a beautiful form, with long fringes to the wings, which are long and lanceolate, especially the hinder pair. The head is smooth above and in front, and the slender, simple antennae are sometimes thickened with scales as far as their TINEID^. 351 middle. The labial palpi are slender, rather porrected, with a slender prolonged tuft from the second joint, and the third joint is pointed. The larva is a case-bearer, changing to a pupa within the case. While these moths abound in the larva state, the adult insects are rarely- met with. The leaf-feedinasypogon, — t, anterior branch of the third longitudinal vein; ?«, anterior intercalary vein; r, posterior intercalary yam. — From Loew. Comparing the wing of Ortalis with that of the bee and butterfly flgiired on page 23, we should prefer to use the same tenuinology and call I, m, n, the margi- nal vein ; A,b, the costal ; c, d and c the tliree branches of the subcostal vein ; /, the median vein: 7i, the submedian; and r, the internal vein. In Macquart's system, modified slightly by Sacken (flg. 270), h, U is the costal : cm, the subcostal; d and e, the median ; /, the submedian, and g the internal vein. 362 DIPTERA. thereby, states that the fly, which produces the sound of F, vi- brates its wings 352 times a second, and the bee, which makes- the sound of A', 440 times a second. "On the contrary a tired bee hums on E', and therefore vibrates its wings only 330 times in a second. This diiference is probably involuntary, but the change of 'tone' is evidently under the command of the will, and thus offers another point of similarity to a true 'voice.' A. bee in the pursuit of honey hums continually and content- edly on A', but if it is excited or angry it produces a very dif- ferent note. Thus, then, the sounds of insects do not merely serve to bring the sexes together ; they are not merely ' love songs,' but also serve, like any true language, to express the feelings. (Sir John Lubbock's Addi'ess before the London Entomological Society, 1868.) Landois describes the sound-producing organs in several genera of flies. "He distinguishes three difi^erent tones a& emitted by these insects : during flight, a relatively- low tone, a higher one when the wings are held so as to prevent their vibrating, and a higher still when the fly is held so that all mo- tion of the external parts is prevented. The last mentioned is the true voice of the insect ; it is produced by the stigmata of the thorax, and ma}^ be heard when ever^^ other part of the body is cut away. The first sound is caused by the rapid vi- bration of the wings in the air ; the second is caused, or at all events accompanied, by the vibration and friction of the abdo- minal segments, and by a violent movement of the head against the anterior wall of the thorax." The halteres also assist in producing the sound. The vibration of the head in the Diptera during the emission of sound is regarded by this author as due to the transmission of movement from the tho- rax. (Zoological Record, 1867.) Landois also states that there are small species which give a deeper note than larger ones, on account of the wing-vibrations not being of the same number in a given time. (Lubbock.) The legs are slender, unarmed, except with stout bristles, as in Asilus ; the joints are simple, c^'lindrical ; the tarsi are five- jointed, the terminal joint ending in two claws (ungues), be- tween which is the cushion, or indvillus, consisting of two or three fleshy vesicles, often armed with hairs, which are tubular > DIPTERA. 3G3. and secrete an adhesive fluid, which is said to aid the fly in walking up-side-down on polislied surfaces. The nervous system in the Diptera is characterized by a grouping of the tlioracic ganglia into a single mass, from which proceed nerves to the abdomen ; the abdominal ganglia being for the most part aborted. Thus in some Muscidcn, Oestrus, and Hippobosca, the nervous cord behind the cephalic portion, consists of a single thoracic ganglion, which gives out nerves in different directions. The higher Muscids, such as Syrphu? and Conops have in addition one or two ganglia situated at the base of the abdomen. The higher groups, such as the Tabanidce, As Hi dee and Bombylidce have six ganglia, and the Empidce, Tipulidce and Culicidce have more. The larva? usually have one more pair than the adult, having ten and sometimes eleven ganglia, with long commissures^ which are often double. The digestive sj'stem is less complex than usual. As in the two preceding suborders, on one side of the esophagus is a pedicellate sucking stomach which extends into the abdomen near the true chyle-making stomach. The latter is of the usual intestinoid form, enlarging a little anteriorly, with two coecal appendages beneath on each side, near the cardiac ex- tremity. The four, rarely five, Malpighian vessels which correspond to the kidneys of vertebrates, are united before they open into the single or double common outlet. There are two main tracheae, and two large air-sacs, one on each side, at the base of the abdomen. The system of tracheae is simplest in the aquatic Tipulid larvae, resembling in this respect the Phryganeae, where the tracheae are subcutaneous and designed to extract the air from the water. The testes are generally colored, being provided with a pig- ment la^'er. They are oval, curved or tortuous glands, with a short efferent vessel (A^as differens). The ovaries consist of three to four chambered tubes, and a short oviduct. The re- ceptaculum seminis is generally triple. A true bursa copulatrix is wanting in the Diptera, but in "many Muscidcn the vagina has, as a seminal receptacle or uterus, a spacious and sometimes 364 DIPTERA. lated in great numbers, and remain until the larvae are suffi- ciently developed to be hatched, so that these animals are viviparous. In the pupiparous Hippoboscae, the female organs are formed on an entirely special type, corresponding with the remarkable mode of reproduction in these animals." (Siebold.) Near the external openiug of the oviduct is a pair of glands designed to secrete the gummy matter coating the eggs. The eggs of the Diptera are usually cylindrical, elon- gated and slightly curved, and the surface is smooth, not being ornamented as in the Lepidoptera. In the Tipulidce the eggs become mature as soon as the pupa skin is thrown off", when tliey are immediately laid. The larvffi are footless, white, fleshy, thin skinned, cylindrical and worm-like, spindled or linear in shape. They have, in the higher families, as in the Tipulidcie, a distinct head ; but they are often headless, as in the Muscidce, and are then called maggots. They live in mould, decaying organic substances, or in the water. Man}- maggots are provided with two corneous hooks, probably the mandibles, with which they seize their food. The pupa is either naked (Pupa obtecta, Fig. 276), like the chi-ysalids of moths, with the limbs exposed, as in the Tipu- lidce ; or they are coarctate (pupa coarctata, Fig. 272) as in the flies generally, the skin of the larva serving to protect the soft pupa within, as during the growth of the pupa the old larval skin separates from the newh^ formed pupa skin, which contracts slight!}'. It is then called the puparium, and is usually cylindrical and regularly rounded at each end like the cocoon of moths. Those which have the rig. 272. pupae obtected, when aquatic and active, are provided with gill-like filaments permeated with tracheae. The semipupa stage of Diptera, corresponds generall}' with that of the Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. By an ingenious device Dr. Fitch succeeded in observing in the living insect the processes b}^ which the larva of the willow Cecidomyia (C. salicis) turns to a pupa, and which is usuall}' accomplished during the night. He states that "as the first step of this change, at the anterior end of the larva the cutis or opake inner slvin becomes wholly broken up and dissolved into a DIPTERA. 36^ watery fluid, whereby the thin trauspai'ent outer skin or cuticle is elevated like a vesicle or blister, which occupies about a fourth of the length of the worm on its under side, but is much shorter on its back. The insect is now in its em- bryo-pupa state, having lost its larva form and having not yet assumed its pupa form. In the fluid contained in this vesi- cle, the wings, legs and autennte of the future fly now begin to be developed, whereby the sheaths of the wings at length come to be discerned immediately under the skin. This skin is exceedingly thin, delicate and transparent, like the tunica arachnoides of the human brain, a mere film, as thin as a spi- der's web. Eventually the insect, b}' gently writhing, ruptures this film at its anterior end, and gradually crowds it ofl" down- wai'ds to the lower end of the vesicle, carrying the minute black jaws of the larva witli it. It there remains, becoming dr}^ and torn into shreds which flake and fall off" by the con- tinued motions of the insect. At the same time from the remainder of the surface not occupied by this vesicle, a still more slight and delicate film, appearing as though the worm had been wet in milk which had dried upon it, forming an ex- ceedingly thin pellicle or scurf, becomes separated by the same motions of the insect and drops ofl" in minute scales scarcely to be perceived with a magnifying glass. And now the insect has acquired its perfect pupa form." Frederic Brauer has proposed in his " Monogi'aphie der CEstriden," a division of the Diptera into two large gi'oups. This division is much more natural than the old one into those with coarctate and obtected pupsie. The first group is the Di})- tera orthorapha, comprising the N emocera, or flies with long an- tennae, together with the Stratiomyidm, Xylopliagidce^ Tabanidce^ Acroceridce (.^), Bombylidce, Asilidce, Lejjtidce, Therevidce, Empidce and Dolichopidoi (pass- ing over some small families whose metamorphoses are not known). In these families the larva skin at the last moult splits down along the middle of the back of the three thoracic rings, while a transverse split on the first thoracic ring makes a T-shaped fissure. Tlii'ough this the mummy-like pupa with free limbs escapes ; or it remains within the loose envelope formed by the old larval skin, when this author calls it a "false pu- parium." 866 DIPTERA. In the second group, the Dipiera cydoraplia^ the true coaro* tate, cylindrical, smooth puparium is formed by the contraction of the larva skin, but is very difiereut in shape from the ma- tm'e larva ; while this puparium remains in vital connection by means of tracbeai, with the enclosed pupa, which escapes from the puparium through a curved seam or lid in the anterior end, and not by a slit in the back. This group includes th© Pi2)unculid(B , SyrpJiidoi, Coiiopidce, CEstridoe, Mus- cidce and Pup ip> ara. Certain Diptera are injurious to crops, as gall j)roducers, but indirectl}^ the Tachioiidce are beneficial since they prey on cat- ei'pillars ; while the greater number act as scavengers in the Avater and on land, and thus as sanitary agents. Diptera enjoy a Avider geographical range than other insects. None of the larger families are exclusively tropical; the Mus cidce and mosquitoes are found in the circumpolar regions in abundance, as well as in the tropics. They are the earliest to appear in spring and the latest to disappear in autumn. They are active at all times, in rain or sunshine, day or night, though the greater number prefer the sunshine. From their habit of living in vegetables, flowers, and other substances sometimes eaten by persons, physicians occasion- ally are called to treat cases where dipterous larvae have been swallowed and produced sickness. Among those most fre- quently vomited are larvae of various Muscids, especially An- thomyia. "C. Gerhardt records a case in which a patient, after four days illness, vomited about fifty larvae of some dipterous insect, probably a large species of Muscida?. A. Laboul- bene describes and figures in the Annals of the Entomologi- cal Society of France, a larva of Teichomj'za fusca Macquart, which is exceedingly abundant in the public urinals in France, and which lives in human urine. He identifies it with the larvae described and figured by Davaine in 1857, as having been evacuated from the intestines of a woman after she had sufliered much pain. (Zoological Record for 18G7.) Four other cases are on record of larvae having been voided, by the urinary pas- sages, or found living in urine, though, as suggested to us by Dr. Hagen, it is possible that in such cases, the worms were not A'oided, but lived in the urine previous to the time they were detected by the reporters of such cases. DIPTERA. 3gj Dr. J. Leidy reports in the Proceediugs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, for 1859, a case where a niun. ber of specimens which "api.eared to be the larvie of the Blue- bottle fly," were given him by a physician, having been vomi- ited from the stomach by a child. Also, a second case where numerous larvte of a species of Anthomyia, - were given to him for exannnation by a physician who had obtained them from bis own person. He had been seized with all the symptoms of cholera morbus, and in the discharges he had detected nu- merous specimens of this, to him, unknown parasite. It was in the latter part of summer, and the larv^, it is suspected, had been swallowed with some cold boiled vegetables Dr Leidy had observed the same kind of larva in another case' accompanied with the ordinaiy phenomena of cholera morl bus. Isidore Geoffroy Saint Hilaire records a case of a larva of the common fly found living in the skin of an infant; while Dr. Livingston, according to Cobbold, detected a "solitary larva of a species which had taken up its residence in his le- Dr. Kirk removed this parasite by incision; and on a secon'd occasion he obtained a similar specimen from the shoulder of a negro. There are about 2,500 species of North American flies de- scribed, and it is probable that the number of livino- No^th American species amounts to 10,000. In Europe theretare also about 10,000 known species, belonging to about 680 genera The flies of this country, compared with the other o-roups have been but little studied, though the habits of man^^are so interesting and the species very numerous. The different parts of the body vary much more than in the Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera, and in such a degree as to often afford compaivv tively easy characters for discriminating the o-enera Their habits are very variable. Fresh water aquaria are necessary for the maintenance of aquatic larvre. If quantities of swamp mud and moss with decaying matter are kept in boxes and jars, multitudes of small flies will be hatched out Leaf- nnning and seed-inhabiting species can be treated as mici-o- lepidoptera, and earth-inhabiting larv* like ordinary cater- pillars. Dung, mould in hollow trees, stems of plants and 368 DIPTERA. toadstools contain numerous larvae or maggots, as the young of flies are called, which must be kept in damp boxes. Flies can be pinned alive, without killing them b}' pressure, which destroys their form ; and numbers may be killed at once by moistening the bottom of the coUectiug box with creosote, benzine or ether, or putting them into a bottle with a wide mouth, containing cyanide of potassium. Minute species can be pinned with very slender pins, or pieces of fine silver wire, and stuck into pieces of pith, which can be placed high up on a large pin. In pinning long-legged, slender species, it is advisable to run a piece of card or paper up under their bodies upon which their legs may rest, and thus prevent their loss by breakage. Of these insects, as with all others, duplicates in all stages of growth should be preserved in alcohol, while tlie minute species dry up unless put in spirits. In the genuine flies the thorax is highly centralized ; the maxillai are covered by the labrum, and the labium is not pro- vided with palpi. The females lay eggs from which the larvae are hatched. They are also divided into the Wemocera, com- prising those flies having long, thread-like, manj'-jointed an- tennae, and embracing the higher families, i.e. the Culiciclm, Tipulidce, Bibionidce and Rhyphidm ; while the remain- ing families of this division are included in the Brac/iycera, or flies with short antennae, such as the Muscidce, etc. But the fossil genera, Electra and Chryothemis, discovered by Profes- sor Loew in the amber of the Tertiary formation, and a North American genus of XylopJicigidce ,aiid the genus Kachicerus, have intermediate characters combining these distinctions, which are thus shown to be somewhat arbitrary. CuLiciD^ Latreille. The family of Mosquitoes or Gnats have the mouth-parts very long and slender ; the maxillae and mandibles are free and lancet-like. Figure 274 (A, larva ; c, its respiratory tube ; B, pupa ; d, the respiratory tubes ; a, the end of the abdomen, with the two oar-like swimming leaves, seen in profile at B, from drawings made by Mr. E. Burgess,) illustrates the transformations of a species inhabiting brackish water in the vicinity of Boston. The larvae remain most of the time at the bottom feeding upon decaying matter, thus act- CULICID^. 369 ing as scavengers and doing great benefit in clearing swamps of miasms. Occasionally- they rise to the surfiice for air by a jerking movement, inhaling it through the star-like respiratory tube which connects with the trachea?. The i)up, maxilhvN and their palpi, a : ch the man- dibles, which are minutely serrated ; c. labial palpi, the labium not being shown in the figure) was found on the person of a man, though it seems to differ specifically from Westwood'a figure of P. irritans Linn., the human flea; other species live on the dog, cat, squirrel, and other quadrupeds and various birds. The antennte are concealed in a small cavity situated behind the simple eyes and are four-jointed ; in P. musculi riff. 310. 390 DIPTERA. Duges, the}'" are external. Kirby describes a gigantic species twa lines long, from British America. As a preventive measure in ridding dogs of fleas we would suggest the frequent sweeping and cleansing of the floors of their kennels, and renewing of the straw or chips composing their beds — chips l)eing the best material for them to sleep upon. Flea-afflicted dogs should be washed every few days in strong soapsuds, or weak tobacco, or petroleum water. A writer in the "Science-Gossip" recom- mends the use of Persian Insect Powder, one package of which suflices for a good sized dog. The powder should be well rubbed in all over the skin ; or the dog, if small, can be put into a bag previously dusted with the powder ; in either case the dog should be washed soon after." One of the most serious insect torments of the tropics of America is the Sarcopsylla (Rynchoprion of Oken) penetrans^ Linn., called by the natives, the Jigger, Chigoe, Bicho, Chique, or Pique. (Fig. 311 much en- ^^' larged ; a, the gravid female, fe J natural size). The female during the dry season, bores into the feet of the natives (though it also ^'^- ^^^- lives in dogs and mice, which accounts for its presence in houses), the operation requii ing but a quarter of an hour, usually penetrating under the nails, and lives there until her body becomes distended with eggs : the abdomen swelling out to the size of a pea. The presence of the insect often causes distressing sores. The Chigoe la^'s about sixty eggs, according to Karsten, deposit- ing them in a sort of sac on each side of the external opening of the oviduct. The larvjie do not live in the body of the parent, or of its host, but, like those of Pulex, live free on the ground. The best preventives against its attacks are cleanliness and the constant wearing of shoes or slippers when in the house, and of boots when out of doors. SiMULiD^ Loew. Simulium molestiim (Fig. 312; a, larva of this or an allied species, magnified), the Black -fly, represents this family. Its antennte are eleven-jointed ; the palpi are four-jointed, with long, fine terminal joints, and the ocelli are BIBIONIDyE. 391 wanting, while the posterior tibia?, and first joint of the hind tarsi are dilated. The body is short and thick. The labrum is free, sharp as a dagger, and the proboscis is well developed and draws blood profusely. The species are numerous. Tlie Black-tl^', so well known as the torment of travellers in the North, is black, with a broad silveiy ring on the legs. We have received a large species from Mr. E. T. Cox, called in the AYest the liuHalo fly. On the prairies of Illinois it has been known to plague horses to death b}' its bite. The S. (Rhagio) Columbaschense Fabr. in Hungary aboiuuls in im- mense numbei'S, often killing cattle. Other species abound in the American tropics where they are a great scourge. The cylindrical larva of the Euro- ^'S- 3T2, a. pean species is furnished with short antennie and two flabelli- form appendages. On the under side of the prothorax is a thick conical and retractile tuljcrcle, and there are several curved filaments at the end of the body. The pupa has eight very long lateral filaments on the front of the thorax, and the posterior end of the body is enclosed in a semio^al membra- nous cocoon, open in front, and posteriorly attached to some plant. The fly leaves the pupa beneath the water. BiBiONiD^ Macquart. This group is characterized b}- jav- ing three ocelli and the prothorax much developed ; the wings have no discal cell. The coxa; are not prolonged and the em- podium (supplementary cushion) is proportionally- long, while the pulvilli are sometimes wanting. The typical genus, Bibio of Geoffro}', has short, nine-jointed antennae, five-jointed palpi, and the eyes of the male are large and contiguous, while those of the females are small. The larvfe are cylindrical, footless, with ten spiracles, and furnished with transverse rows of short hairs, being found in dung, but thej^ mostly feed on the roots of grass, whole patches of which appearing as if Avinter-killed. Robins destroy immense numbers of them. "NVestwood has 392 DIPTERA. found the pupae enclosed in smooth oval cells ; they are naked, the thorax gibbous, with the rudimental wings and legs very short. Bihio albipennis Say, a white-winged species, is double- brooded, and flies in swarms in June and October, alighting slowlj^ on the passer-by. Rhyphid^ Loew. This family is known hy the wings hav- ing a perfect discal cell, while the empodium resembles a pulvillus ; the pulvilli being wanting. The single genus Rhyphus has short fourteen-jointed antenna?, the second joint of the palpi swollen, and the legs are not spiny. Bhyjyhus alternatas Say, is common on windows. The succeeding families belong to the Brachycera, or short- horned flies. Xylophagid^ (Macquart). This family is known bj- the three basal cells of the wings being very prolonged, the an- nulated third joint of the antenme always without a style or terminal bristle, and by the spurred tibia?. Xylophagus has ten-jointed antennje, with the ovipositor verj- long. The larva is c^'lindrical, with an oblique scaly plate on the tail, while the head ends in an acute horny point. Loew doubtfully refers the genus Bolbomyia^ found fossil in the Prussian Amber, to this group. Stratiomyid.e Latreille. The wings in this group have the three basal cells much prolonged, and the costal vein reaching only to the middle of the wing. The third joint of the an- tennae is sometimes subdivided into several portions. The tibic\2 are spurless and the pulvilliform empodium is much developed. The coarctate pupa retains the larva skin nearly in its original form. The genus Beris is easih' distinguished b}' having seven, instead of five (the usual number) abdominal segments visible. In Sargus the ej-es of the males approxi- mate much closer than in the females. They are showy insects, with bright metallic colors, and are widely distributed over the earth. The larva lives in the earth, is oval oblong, narrowing before ; the head is scaly, with two ocelli, and armed with two hooks, while the body is hairy. Fig. 313 represents a pupa TABANIDiE. 393 belonging probably to this family. Stratiomys has a broad tlafr teueil abdomen, and the scutellum spined. The larvae are aquatic, being apodal and flattened, and slen- der especially at the end of the body, which is elongated and has a simple terminal spiracle "surrounded by a great number of bearded hairs, which form a coronet, and which are capable of being closed up so as to retain a bubble of air, and by the assistance of which the insect suspends itself at the surface of the water for respiration. On assuming the pupa state, the insect floats at liberty in the water, the enclosed pupa occupying only the anterior rig. ;u3. portion of its larva skin." Tabanid^ Latreille. In this important family the thi*ee basal cells of the wings are much prolonged ; the third longitu- dinal vein is furcate, and the tegulie are rather large. The pro- boscis of the male has four, that of the female six bristles. The third joint of the antennae is annulate and always Avithout style or bristle. The e^'es are large, and the thorax oblong and flattened above. The female Horse-flies are troublesome from their formidable bite. The pupae are obtected, resembling the adult flies. Pangonia has a proboscis often longer than the body itself. Chrysops^ the Golden -eyed fly, is ver}^ trouble- some, unceasingly flying about one's head, striving to alight and draw blood. The two basal joints of the antennae are prolonged, hairy, the third spindle-shaped. Chrysops niger Macquart and C. vittatus Wiedemann are the two most abun- dant species. Tabcnms, the Horse-fly, is known by its large size and powerful biting and sucking apparatus. Like the mosquito, the male horse-fly does not bite, but lives on the sweets of flowers. The accompanying sketch shows the structure of the l^roboscis of the female of the Green-head fly, Tabanus lineola Fabr. (Fig. 314 ; a, five terminal joints of the antennae ; Z6, labrum ; 7h, mandibles ; mx, maxillae ; mp, the two-jointed, large, stout, maxillar}' palpi ; ?, the tongue). Its bite is most painful and poisonous to many. Mr. Walsh has shown, 394 DIPTERA. Fij;-. :!U. however, that in its larval state the horse-fly is useful to man. as it feeds on snails and probably the larvae of other root- eating insects. The larvae of other species are aquatic, living under submerged objects. Walsh describes a greenish transparent larva which is cylin- drical, twelve-jointed, the body being most slender towards the head, which is small, truncate, conical, the anterior part, capable of extension, with short, flesh}^, exarticulate antennae and without ocelli. There are six pairs of dorsal fleshy tubercles. On the un- der side of the abdominal segments are six retractile false legs, and a single anal retractile proleg. It is, when disturbed, vigorous and restless, swimmiug quickly, often elevating the anal slit, in which the stigmata are probably placed, out of the water to take in the air. The pupa is cylin- drical, obtuse at the head, tapering a little posteriorly, and is of a pale yellowish brown. There are six tubercles at the mouth, above which are the trigonate three or four-jointed antennae. The abdominal segments are furnished with a ring of appressed bristles directed back- Fig. SI."). wards, and the anal spine is large, trun- cated, and terminates in six small, stout spines. T. atratus Fabr. is a common species ; it is black, covered with a whitish bloom, and expands nearly two inches, while the Tabanus cinctus Fabr., or Orange-belted horse-fly, is smaller and less abundant. Of the smaller species the Tabanus lineola Fabr. (Fig. 315) is so named from the whitish line along the abdomen. This fly is our most common species, thousands of them ap- pearing during the hotter parts of the summer, when the sun is shining on our marshes and Western prairies ; horses and cattle are sometimes worried to death by their harassing bites. In cloud}^ weather they do not fly and they perish on the cool frosty nights of September. LeptidvE Meigen. This family is easily distinguished from the preceding by the simple third joint of the antennae, which are provided with a simple or thickened styliform bristle.. ASILID^. 395 The tibifB are spurred; the larvae slender, cylindrical; the body widening posteriorly, terminates in two points, while the pupa is naked, incomplete, with transverse rows of spines on the abdomen, becoming largest at the tip. The larva of Leptis vermileo Fabr. lives at the bottom of holes which it makes in sand, and thus, like the ant-lion, entraps other insects. Cyrtid^ Loew. Known by the greatly inflated thorax and abdomen this family is of but small extent, comprising species which have the proboscis rather obsolete, or long and bent be- neath the body. Such are the genera Cyrhis, Acrocera and Oncodes. The genus Hirmoneura represents the family Hiu- MONEURID^E of LoCW. Mydasid^ Leach. This famity, represented in this country by the single genus Midas, is easily known by the large size of the species, and by the long clavate antennss, the fleshy labium,, and the minute empodium. The larva and pupa are said by Harris to almost exactly resemble those of ^lyt\ the rapacious Asilidse. The larva of Midas davatus W^ \ Drury is cylindrical, whitish, tapering before and r^^O almost rounded behind, with two spiracles in the last ^^ct segment but one of the abdomen, and is two inches 7^4- long. It lives and undergoes its transformations in j^^^ decaying logs, (Harris.) The pupa (Fig. 316, drawn LDj from a specimen in the Harris collection) is about ^^ an inch and a quarter long, brown, nearly cylindrical, ^'^' ^^ " with a forked tail ; there are eight spines on the forepart of the body. Midas fidvijies Walsh has similar habits and its transformations are similar ; the larva is insectivorous. AsiLiD.E (Asilici) Latreille. These large, stout, Robber-flies, as the Germans stjde them, are covered with stiff hairs, and have long abdomens. The third joint of the antennae is sim- ple ; the labium forms a horny sheath, and the empodium is like a horny bristle. They are rapacious, seizing other insects and flying off with them, like the fossorial hymenoptera. Da- vjpogon (Fig. 271, 3, wing) has the second longitudinal vein 396 DIPTERA. runniug into the border of the wing, while the anterior tibiae end in a hoolved spine. The genus Laphria is large, stout-bodied, very hirsute, the second longitudinal A'ein runs into the first, and the stj'le of the antenna? is cither tliick and stout, and gcncrall}^ wanting, or entirely obsolete. In their loud buzz, swift, peculiar flight and general appearance, the species strikingly resemble humble bees. Laphria thoracica Fabr. is nearly an inch long, and is black with yellow hairs on the thorax. Asibis is much longer, with an acutel}' pointed prolonged abdomen, and the species are often nearly naked, while the more essential characters lie in the union of the second longitudinal vein with the first, and the termination of the antennae in a distinct bristle. The larvae of Asilus sericeus Say, which feed on roots of the rhubarb plant, according to Dr. Harris, are 3'ellowish white, about three-quarters of an inch long, a little flattened and tapering at each end, with a small brown, retractile head, which is pro- vided with two little horny brown hooks. The l)rown pupa is naked, with a pair of tubercles on the front of the head, three spines on the side, a forked tail, and a transverse row of fine teeth across each abdominal segment, by which they are en- abled to work their wa}' to the surface. The Trupanea apivora Fitch, or Bee-killer, captures the honey bee on the wing, one having been known to kill 141 bees in a day. (Riley.) Therevid^ Westwood. This small group is characterized by the wings having the three basal cells much prolonged ; the third longitudinal vein is furcate, and the antennae have a ter- minal style of variable form, sometimes wanting. There is no em[)odium, and the labium is fleshy. The larva is verj^ long and slender, the abdominal rings having a double segmented appearance, with two respiratory tubes at the end of the body. They are found in garden mould and rotten wood. The pupa is oblong, with two spines on the front of the head, and three on the side of the thorax. WestAvood states that the larva of a species of Thereva, which is like a wire-worm in shape, feeds on the pupae of some moths. BoMBYLiiD.E Latreille. These pretty flies are very hirsute. SYRPHIDiE. 39'/ with an oval body and long proboscis ; the wings have the three basal cells much prolonged, with the anterior intercal- ary vein present almost with6ut exception, the posterior always wanting. The third joint of the antenme is simple, and the empodium quite rudimentary. They are exceedingly swift on the wing and are found in sunny paths and glades early in the spring and throughout the sunnner. Thej^ can only be cap- tured when alighted on the ground. The eggs are laid in the nests of bees, and the half cjdindrical, long, fleshy, smooth, unarmed larvjB devour the bee larvix?, while the pupa is spiny, armed on the head with horny lamella?. In tlie gcims Bomhy- lius the body is ovate, with long dense hairs and a smrfll head. The eyes of the male are grown together, and the legs are very slender. A species is known in England to lay its eggs at the opening of the holes of Andrena, whose larvse and pupae are devoured by the larvne of the fly. Systrojnis is very long and slender, and wasp-like, as in Conops, with the proboscis equal- ling the thorax in length. The genus Anthrax is more flattened and oblong in shape than Bombylius, with a short proboscis ; the eyes are not connected in the males. The species are gaily colored, the wings often partially black ; they fly in paths in the hottest days of summer. The larvae are parasitic on bees, and in their transformations closely resemble those of Bombylius. Audouin has found Anthrax morio in the nest of Anthophora, and Westwood has found the pupa-skin in the nest of Megachile, while the larva has, in England, more re- cently been found to be parasitic in the nests of certain An- drenidfE. We have received from Mr. Jo Angus the larva and pupa (Plate 4, figSo 6, 7) of Anthrax sinuosa Wiedemann, which is parasitic in tho nest of Xylocopa Virginica. Stephid^ Leacho These gaily colored flies, so useful to ag- riculturists from their habit of feeding upon Plant-lice, closely resemble the wasps in form and coloration, iiaving hemis- pherical heads, large broad eyes, and rather flattened bodies ornamented with yellow bands and spots. The wings have the thi'ee basal cells much prolonged, the third longitudinal vein simple, a spurious longitudinal vein between the third and fourth longitudinal veins ; while the fom-th longitudinal vein is united 398 DIPTERA. Fig. 317. at its end with the thuxT, and there is no intercalary vein. The genital armor of the male is unsymmetrical, and there is no empodium. They hover in the hot sun over and about flowers, resting upon them to feed on their sweets. The larvae either live in the water, when the body ends in a long extensile breathing tube ; or are terrestrial, living in decay ing wood, or parasitically in nests of bees, or, as in S3'rphus, live among plant- lice. The singular spherical larva of 3Ii- crodon globosus (Fig. 317 ; a, puparium ; s, spiracular tubercles ; v, vent ; b, anterior view of the same ; c, larva just before pupation) is found, according to Mr. Sanborn, under sticks in company with shells. Milesia strikingly resembles, in its style of coloration and form, the common large j'^ellow wasp. The antennae are short, drooping, with a stout oval terminal joint, and a subterminal bristle. M. excentrica Harris, Avith its j-ellow spots and bands resembles a wasp. EristaKs is well known by its aquatic "rat-tailed" larvae, the abdomen terminating in a long respirator}^ tube equalling the bod}^ in length, with two stigmata at the end, which ihey pro- trude out of the w^ater. There are seven pairs of prolegs, more distinct than in aii}^ other genus in the entire suborder. The pupa is found buried in the earth. The bodj' of the larva shor- tens and hardens, forming the puparium, which is provided with four horns, serA'ing as organs of respiration. Tlie species of Eristcdisf are seen flying abundantly about * Jules Kunckel lias recently detectert a time peritrachial circulation in Eristalls, ihus conlirming the discoveries of Blancliard and Agassiz. He saw the blood imprisoned between the inner air tube and tlio envelope of the trachea, and pene- trating into the capilhiry termination of those tracheaj, and saw the flow of the blood globules in the peritracheal space. This peritracheal circulation thus seems to coiTcspond with the arterial circulation of the vertebrate animals, and the mi- nute branches of the tracheaj are capillaries, and tlie blood is arterial. "En resume, the tracheae of insects, air tubes in tlieir central portion, blood vessels in their peripheral portion [/. e., the space surrounding the air tube] become at their extremities tnie arterial capillaries." "The blood in the peritracheal space re- mains through all its course in contact with the oxj'gen ; it arrives at the capilla- SYRPHID^. 393 318. flowers in the spring, and are common througliout tlie spring, Tliey scoop up tiiu pollen of the flowers with their maxill^. We luive received from Mr. E. T. Cox the puparium (Fig. 318) of a species wliicli in- habits the salt vats of the Equality Salt Works of Gallatin County, 111. The pupa- rium of a species of Ilelophilus closely re- sembling that figured by Westwood (Class. Insects, Fig. 131, 8), has been found living in the salt water canal of the Naumkeag Factory leading into Salem Harbor, and is in the Museum of the Peabody Academy. Closely allied to p:ristalis is the genus Merodon, of which 31. bcu-dus Say (Fig. 319; a, puparium, natural size) is fre- quently met with. Its thorax, the first abdominal ring and the side of the second are cov- ered with short yellow hairs ; it is .70 of an inch in length. The puparium is of the same length, and is cjiindrical, ending suddenl}^ in a re- spiratory filament a little longer than the body ; it is quite stout, contracting be- yond its middle into a slender filament. On each abdominal ring is a pair of small, low, flattened tubercles crowned b}- a number of radiating spiuules. Its larva is undoubtedly aquatic, like that of Eris- talis. Mr. Sanborn has also reared from the pupa state 3T. Xarcissi, which probably lives in the soil about decaying bulbs, as the puparium has no respira- tory tube, but instead a very short sessile trun- cated projection, scarcely as long a8 it is thick, with a pair of stigmata in the end ; the body is cylindrical and rounded alike at each end, with a slight con- lies perfectly vivified; it is ,1 true arterial blood. These capillaries are not in communication Mith the venous capillaries; the blood is taken up by the tissues, it nourishes them and flows into the venous lacunae, and the lacunar cuiTents carry it to the dorsal vessel." Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 1868. 400 DIPTERA. traction behind the middle of the head ; its surface is rouga< ened with transverse wrinkles, but no regularly marked sutures, indicating the divisions between the segments, are apparent. It has been introduced from Europe, according to Mr. Sanborn, by the importers of Dutch bulbs. The well known genus Syrphus (Fig 320, S. politus Sa^-) so useful in reducing the immense numbers of plant-lice, lays a single Qgg in a group of plant-lice, which hatches out a footless, eyeless, flattened, transversely wrinkled, gaily colored green and purple maggot (Fig. 321) having a very extensile body, which enables it to reach up and grasp the Aphis b}^ the peculiar sucking mouth-parts. When full}- grown tlie larva adheres b}' means of a glutinous secretion to a leaf, its bod}^ contracts and hardens, forming a half C3dindrical i^uparium. The species of Volucella are parasitic in their habits, the larvae feeding on those of Bombus. They are long, "narrowed in front, transversely wrinkled, with fine lateral points, and the tail is armed with six radiating points ; the mouth is armed with two bifid mandibles, and three pairs of tentacula." (Westwood.) The pupse are not known. The fly would be easily mistaken for a bee, nearly attaining the size of the worker Humble-bee, being remarkably plump and hirsute. J. Kiinckel states that in Europe two species are known to live in the nests of Vespa. CoNOPiD^ Leach. The species of this family bear some resemblance to the wasp, Eumenes, from their long, slen- der, pedicelled abdomen. The thi-ee basal cells of the wings are large, the third closed, more or less remote from the pos- terior border, and all the longitudinal veins are simple. The eyes in both sexes are smaller than in the preceding family, being separated. The i^i'oboscis is, with a few exceptions, much prolonged, and the third joint of the antennae has either an apical style or a thick dorsal bristle. The male genital armor is symmetrical and turned beneath the abdomen. The flask-shaped larva of Conops is " soft, whitish, eleven-jointed, with a long neck and a mouth armed with lips and hooks (man- dibles), and two lateral elevated plates supporting the two spiracles." It was found by Lachat and Audouin living in the CONOriDyE. 401 abfloracn of Bombiis. It is also said bj' St. Fargeau to live in the nest of Vespa, and Cotiops flavipes Avas bred, according to Curtis, from tlie body of Osmia. Mr. S. S. Saunders has observed in Epirus the habits of a species which lives in the abdomen of Pompilus audax Smith. The fly lays its eggs in June in the adult Pompilus, probably ovipositing between the abdominal segments. During August the larvje become full}' grown, probably in ten or fifteen da3'S. The puparimn is oval, of an uniform, deep, piceous hue, and the fly works its way through the first and second abdominal rings of the wasp, whose abdomen then breaks in two. Saunders also found a similar Conops larva in Sphex flavipennis, caj)- tured at the same time and place as the Pompilus ; also a smaller species of Conops was bred from the abdomen of O d y n e r u s . We have also bred a species from one of two species of Bom- bus, either B. vagans or B. fer- vidus. Ill Myopa the antennal bristle is subterminal, and the probos- cis is twice elbowed. Westwood has observed Myop)a atra fly- ing about sand-banks in which were the burrows of various bees, and by other authors the genus is said to be parasitic on bees. The genus Pipunciihis represents a small group in which the head is almost entirely occupied by the eyes, the front and face being exceedingly narrow, while the antennaj have a basal bristle. Loew considers the genus Scenopimts as the type of a dis- tinct family, hinting at its relationship with the Bombyliidae. The genus is known by the short antenntv, without style or bris- tle ; and by the short proboscis with its broad fleshy end. The larvae are long, very slender, much like those of Thereva, and the pupa is much like that of Leptis. Mr. Sanborn has reared S. paUipes Say (Fig. 322 ; a, larva). The larva is found under 26 402 DIPTERA. carpets, and is rcmarkaljle for the double segmented appearance of all the abdominal segments, except the last one, so that the body, exclusive of the head, seems as if twenty-jointed instead of having but twelve joints. The head is conical, one-third longer than broad, and of a reddish brown color, while the bod}-^ is white. It is .65 of an inch in length. The larva is also said to live in rotten Avood, and is too scarce to be destruc- tive to carpets. The fl}^ is black, with a metallic hue, and with pale feet. The genus Platypeza also represents the PlatypezidcB of Meigen, the antennae of which have an apical bristle, with the male genital armor (hj^popygium) turned symmetrically under the al)domen. The middle tibiie are provided with spurs, and the empodium is wanting. The larva is flat, with rigid curved bristles along the side. It lives in rotten mushrooms. Empid.k Leach. The species of this family closely resemble the Asilidie in their long body, incumbent wings, and rapaci- ous, carnivorous habits. The first joint of the antennae is not much shortened, and the third joint has an apical or dorsal bristle, while the empodium is usually membranaceous and of a linear form. The head is small, spherical, the eyes united in the -male ; the })roboscis is horny, without a distinct tongue, and bent upon the breast. The slender larvae, whose segments aro much constricted, arc found in garden mould. The species hover in swarms over standing w^ater, flying backwards and for- wards as if by a connnon impulse. They appear very carl}- in the spring, or in autunm. The genera Hyhos and Tachydromia represent small groups which are closely allied to Empis. DoLiciiopoDiD^ Latreille. Loew has characterized this well marked famil}' as generally comprising metallic green, brisk and }-estless Diptera of small or medium size, predator}^ on other insects, and living principally in damp situations ; the larvae living under ground or in decaying wood. The head is hemispherical, the ej-es large and hairy, the antenna? are stretched straight out, with a two-jointed bristle. The probos- cis is short and stout, concealed above by the single jointed, usualh' scale-shaped palpi, with a wide opening which can be (ESTRIDJE. 403 shut by the protruding suctorial flaps. The wings do not have the auxiliary vein running towards the anterior margin ; the an- terior basal cell is very short ; and the discoidal cell coalescent with the second basal cell, while the posterior basal cell is very small. Thc}^ are mostly "found on the leaves of aquatic plants, on stones partly overflown with water, on dams and near water- falls ; some of them are able to run rapidly over the water, even when it is rippled by the wind {Ilydophorus) ; others are fond of salt or brackish waters {Aphrosylus, Thinophilus and some llydrophorus) ; the species of Medeterus prefer dry situations, and are found on stumps of trees, fences, etc., even in very dry and hot weather." CEsTRiD^E Leach. Bot-flies, Breeze-flies. In these flies, so interesting in their habits, the body is stout, hair}-, like the Humble bees, and they are easily recognized by having the opening of the mouth very small, with rudimentary oral or- gans. The middle part of the face is exceedingly narrow, and the minute antennte are inserted in rounded pits. The eggs hatch vcr}^ soon after lajdng, and Rile}^ (First Annual Repoi't on the Noxious Insects of Missouri, p. 1G4) thinks, from the testimony of three independent witnesses, that the sheep bot- fly is viviparous, the larvie hatching within the body of the parent, who deposits in the nostrils of the sheep the "perfectly formed and living grub." The larvoe are, in general, thick, fleshy, footless grubs, con- sisting of eleven segments exclusive of the head, which are spined and tuberculated, the former in rows, which enable them to move about readily when living under the skin or in the frontal sinus and thus greatly irritate the animals on which they live. The stigmata are placed in a scal}^ plate on the thick- ened posterior end of the body. The mouth of the cutaneous larviB consists simply of fleshy tubercles, while in those species that live in the stomach and frontal sinuses of their hosts, it is provided with horny hooks. While in this state they moult twice, and then attain their full size. They feed on the puru- lent matter originating from the irritation produced by the movements of their bodies. Just before assuming the pupa state, the larva leaves its peculiar habitat, descends into the 404 DIPTERA. Fig. 323. ground, and there becomes a coarctate pupa, enclosed within the old larva skin, and remaining in connection with it by means of fonr trachea?. The genus Gastropliilus has very small mouth-parts, the deep lying palpi being somewhat spherical, and the proboscis nearly obsolete, while the abdomen is sessile. The species are of medium size, short and thick, and very hairy. The female deposits her eggs on the horse's hips and legs, whence the larvae are introduced into the stomach. The body of the larva widens posteriorly ; the mandibles are not visible, and the maxillse con- stitute the so-called mouth-hooks, by which the larva grapples and adheres to the walls of the horse's stomach. The rudimentary antennae are indicated by an ocellus-like point. The Horse Bot-fly, Gas- trojjJdlus equi Fabr. (Fig. 323 ; fig. 324, larva), in its perfect state is pale yellowish, spotted with red, with a grayish j'ellow hirsuties ; the thorax is banded with black, or sometimes, though rarely, reddish hairs. The hinder trochanters are hooked in the males, and tuberculated in the females, and the wings are banded with reddish, Avith two spots at the apex. The larvae live from May till October, and when fully grown, hang by their mouth-hooks on the edge of the rectum, whence (ESTRIDiE, 405 they are carried out in the excrement. The pupa state lasts from thii'ty to forty clays, and the perfect tly appears the next season from June to October. In Iliipoderma the pal^)! are entirely wanting. The species are either very lai'ge, or of meilium size, and often quite small, cov- ered with fine dense hairs. The legs are long and slender. The IIi/poderiHa hovis Degoer (Fig. 325, a, larva) or Bot-fl3'of the ox, is black, densely pilose ; the front of the head is dirty ashen, ■with whitish yellow hairs. The naked black thorax is twice broadly banded Avith yellow and white ; the scutelluin has slight tubercles; the abdomen is black, with a "oasal white or yellowish band, a mesial black band, and at the end is a reddish orange baud of hairs. The larvae are found during the month of Miiy and in the sunnner in the tumors on the backs of cattle, and when fully grown, which is generally in July, work their way out and fall to the ground. They exist in the puparium twen- ty-six to tliirt}^ da^'s, and the fl}- appears from June to September. This species is found over all the civilized portions of the world. Ilf/podenna tarandi Linn, infests, in like manner, the Reindeer. The genus (Estromyia is thought to inhabit the Hare. CEstrus ovis Linn., the Sheep Bot-fly, is of a dirty ash color, with a fuscous ashen, banded, and obscurely spotted thorax. The abdomen is marbled with yellowish and white flecks, and is hairy at the end. The larva lives, during April, ]May and June, in the frontal sinus of the sheep, and also in the nasal cavity, whence it ftills to the ground. It changes to a pupa in twenty-four hours, and the fly appears during the summer. Caterebm has the third joint of the antennjie oval or elliptical and the bristle is dorsal and feathered ; the species are short, very plump and hairy flies, with a proboscis elbowed at the base, and with a metallic shining rounded abdomen. The larvju live in sul)cutaneous bots beneath the skin of vari- ous animals. One species (the C. emasculator of Fitch) lives in the scrotum of the squirrel, which it is known to emasculate. 406 DIPTERA. Mr. S. S. RatbA-on has reared C. hnccata Fabr. (Fig. 326, and side view) from tbe body of a striped squirrel, the larvae having emerged from the region of the kidneys." (American Ento- mologist, p. 116.) Other species live in the Opossum and different species of field-mice. Cuterebra horripilum Clark is found throughout the United States, and C. cunicuU Clark lives in the hare and rabbit, in the Southern States, and is found, according to Coquerel, in the bots of horses. The genus Dermatobia includes the Ver macaque, of Caj^enne and Mexico, found beneath the skin of man in tropical America, and it is disputed whether it be a true indigenous "Oestrus hominis," or originally attacks the monkey, dog, or other mam- mal. In Caj^enne the species attacking man is called the Ver Macaque ; in Brazil (Para) Ura ; in Costa Rica, Torcel ; in New Grenada, Gxisano peludo, or Muche. The D. noxkdis Goudot? (Fig. 327) Ver moyocuil, lives on the dog, and is found in Mexico and New Grenada. The larvse are long, cylindrical, S-shaped^ ditfering greatly in form from others of this famil3\ The flies are closely allied to those of the preceding genus. Dr. Leidy states in the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Acadeni}^ (1859), that several specimens of the larva of a bot-flj' were ob- Fig. 327. tained by Dr. J. L. Leconte in Honduras, from his travelling companions. Thej' were "usually found be- neath the skin of the shoulders, breasts, arms, buttocks and thighs, and were suspected to have been introduced when the persons were bathing." "Dr. Leconte informs us that his com- panions Avere not aware of the time when the eggs of the larvae, obtained by him, were deposited in their bodies. He also states that the presence of the larva gave rise to comparatively little uneasiness." According to Krefit a species of Batradiomyia is parasitic upon four species of Australian frogs. The larvae are found between the skin and the flesh behind the t3'mpanum ; ihey are of a 3'ellow color and may be squeezed through a small open- ing that exists over them. When they quit the frog the latter MUSCIDiE. 407 dies. The change to the pupa state is usually effected on the lower surface of a piece of rock in some damp locality. The perfect insect emerges in thirty-two days. (Giinther's Zoologi- cal Record, 18G4.) MusciD.E Latreille. The common House-fly, the Blue-bottle flj-, and the Flesh-fly, at once recall the appearance of this family, which is one of great extent, and much subdivided by entomologists. The antennae are three-jointed, the terminal joint being flattened and with a plumose bristle in the typical species. The proboscis ends in a fleshy lobe, with porrect single-jointed niaxilhuy palpi. The four longitudinal veins of the wing are simple ; the first of the two veins on the hinder edge often approaching that on the apex of the wing ; the tarsi have two pulvilli, and the abdomen is five-jointed. The larvae are footless, cylindrico-conic, narrowing in front, Avith a head variable in form, and with hook-like mandibles. There are often two pairs of spiracles, one on the terminal ring of the body, and the other pair on the prothoracic segment. The pupa is enclosed in the puparium, generall}^ cylindrical, but sometimes preserving the original shape of the larva. The celebrated *'Tsetze" fl}' (Glossina morsitaus Westwood) is a member of this family. It kills cattle b}' its painful bite, though its in- jurious nature is said to have been overrated. It is allied to Stomoxys, the species of which l)ite very sharply. S, caltricans has a well developed proboscis, enabling it to bite severely. It is often found in houses. The species of the genus TacJu'na, like the Tchneumonidae, are parasitic in caterpillars, and others are found in the nests of bees. They are stout flies, covered with bristles, with the ej^es much larger in the males than in the other sex. The bristle of the antenuffi is bare or with a very short pubescence. The thorax is short, and the first posterior cell is closed, or but slightly opened, and the legs are short. The abdomen is oval or c^dindrical, and the first segment is much shortened. The larvae are oval, with the segments much constricted ; they have no head ; the last segment bears two spiracles. T. (Senomet- opia) militaris Walsh laj's its eggs, from one to six in num- ber, on the Army worm (Leucania unipuncta), "fastening 408 DIPTERA. tbem b}' an insoluble cement on the upper surface of the two or three first rings of the body. Tlie eggs luitch often after the caterpillar has gone under ground to transform, and in fifteen to nineteen days, or the last of September, the flies ap- pear, T. (Lydella) doniphone Riley (Fig, 328) preys on the larvte of the Colorado potato beetle. Other species of gen- era allied to Tachina, accord- ing to Dufour, are parasitic on beetles, etc ; thus, Cassklomyia prej'S on Cassida, HyaJomyia on Brachyderes, and Ocyptera attacks Pentatoma ; and he thinks that Chartopldla Jloralis feeds either on the food o\ the young itself of Andrena. SarcopJiaga, the Flesh-fly, has a small head, with the antennal bristle plumose or haiiy, naked at the tip ; the first posterior cell only slightly opened, or closed, with largo tegulas and stout legs. The flesh-fly, Sarcophaga carnaria Linn., is black, the thorax streaked with gray, and the abdomen checkered with wliitish. The female is viviparous, that is, the larviL' hatch and live within the oviduct. The ova- ries are large, arranged in a spiral manner and con- tain sometimes 20,000 eggs. We have reared /Sarco- phaga nudipennis Loew from the cells of Pelopseus flavipes, the Mud-dauber, which had been stored with spiders, the flies making their appearance on the first of July, a few da^s before the wasi)s issued from the cells. Tiie parent flies had probably laid their eggs in the spiders before the cells were closed by the wasps. The nests were Ii-rought from Texas. Musca has plumose antennne, while in Stovioxys pectinated. Dufour states that the allied genera, Echinomyia, Gonia^ Dexia and Sipihonia are also viviparous. Musca (Lucilia) Ccesar Linn, the Rlue-l)ottle fly, and Miisca (Calliphora) vomitoria Linn, the Meat-fly, deposit their eggs (flj^-blows) upon meat and decaying animal substances, and during the late war were grievousl}' tormenting to our soldiers, Fig. 329. they are MUSCID^. 409 laying their eggs in the wounds, espeeiall}- of those left on the lieUl over night. The larva of M. Caesar (Fig. 329) is of very rai)i(l growth. It is of an "elongated conical form, pointed towards the head, which is furnished with two fleshy horns," and liorny mouth-parts, and a pair of rudiments of branchiie on the prothoracic ring. The body is suddenly truncated, the end being furnished with a pair of stigmata. The pupa trans- forms in the ground, within a puparium of the usual long, cy<. lindrical form. Dr. Chapman of Appalachicola, writes to Mr. Sanborn that this fly, - attracted by the stench of a mass of decaying insects which have perished in the leaf of Sarracenia, ventures in and deposits its eggs, and the larvic devour the festering heap. These in turn, on becoming flies, are unable to get out of their prison, perish, and are added to the putrefying mass that had nourished them." F. Smith notices in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of Lon- don, 1868, the "Warega" fly of Brazil, which is said to be the "pest of both man and animals ; it is a species of Muse a, and is said to lay its eggs in the skin ; large and terrible swellings are formed. The mode of extracting the maggot is to cut an opening, and to press it out — a most painful operation. These wounds are very difficult to cure." The House-fly, 3Iusca domestica Linn., is common in the warmer parts of the year, and hibernates through the winter. A study of the proboscis of the fly repeals a wonderful adaptability of the mouth-parts of this insect to their uses. We have already noticed the m jst perfect condition of these parts as seen in the horse-fly. In the proboscis of the house-fly the hard parts are obsolete, and instead we have a fleshy tongue-like organ (Fig. 330), bent up underneath the head when at rest. The maxillge are minute, and the palpi (mi^) are single-jointed, and the man- dibles {m) are comparatively useless, being very short and small compared with the lancet-like jaws of the mosquito or horse-fly. But the structure of the tongue itself (labium, I) is 410 BIPTERA. most curious. When the fly settles upon a lump of sugar or other sweet object, it vinbends its tongue, extends it, and the broad knob-like end divides into two flat, muscular leaves {l)y which thus present a sucker-like surface, with which the fly laps up liquid sweets. These two leaves are supported upon a framework of chitinous rods, which act as a set of springs to open and shut the muscular leaves. The inside of this broad fleshy expansion is rough like a rasp, and as NcAvport states,, "is easily employed by tlie insect in scraping or tearing delicate surfaces. It is by means of this curious structure that the busy house-fly occasions much mischief to the covers of our books, by scraping oft' the albuminous polish^ and leaving trac- ings of its depre- dations in the soil- ed and spotted ap- pearance which it occasions on them."^ The house-fly breeds in August, about stables. The pjo-. 331. eggs are deposited in horse-dung. The larva (Fig. 331*) hatches twenty-four hours after the eggs are laid ; it moults tAvice, and in about a week pupates, and in six or seven days more the fly appears. In Europe it is infested by minute Chalcids. Jdia Higoti, according to Coquerel and Mondiere, produces a disease in the natives of Senegal, probably by ovipositing on the skin, thus giving rise to hard red fluctuating tumors, in which the larva of this fly resides. The species of the genus Anthomyia, seen about flowers, in * Fig. 331, A, larva of Musca domestica, just hatched, showing the distribu- tion of the two main tracheae, and the anterior and posterior commissures (a, a), dorsal view. B, the larva in the second stage; sp, spiracle. C, spiracle enlarged. F, head of the same larva, enlarged ; bl, labrum (?); md, mandibles; mx, maxilke ; at, antennae. E, a terminal spiracle much enlarged. D, pupa- rium ; sp, prothoracic spiracle. All the figures much enlarged. ivrosciD^. 411 the larva state live in decaying vegetable matter and in privies. They are smaller flies than the foregoing genera, witli smaller alulae, and the fourth longitudinal vein of the wing is straight, thus leaving the first posterior cell fully open. The larvie are generally much like those of the meat-fly, but are thicker, while others, belonging to tlie genus Homalomyia^ are flat- tened and hairy. The Radish-fly, Anthomyia raphani Harris, abounds in the roots of the radish, the fly appearing towards the end of June. Another species, the Onion-flj-, Anthomyia ceparum (Fig. 332), causes the leaves of the onion to turn yellow and die from the attacks of the larviB in the roots. The larvae mature in two weeks, transform in the root, and two weeks later disclose the flies. Mr. AValsh suggests that the larvje may be de- stro3^ed by pouring boiling hot water over the young plants, which, with- out injuring the on- ions, destroj's the maggots. The Fig. 332. Seed-corn Maggot, the \ar\ a of Ant Jwiuyia zece 'Riley (Fig. 344,. p. 419, o, larva; b, puparium ; c, kernels eaten), destro3^s, in New Jersey, the kernels of sprouted corn before it comes up. The Cabbage maggot, the larva of A. b)-assicce Bouche, a com- mon fly in Europe, has been found in Michigan to be injurious to the cabbage. (Riley.) The hairy maggots of Homalomyia runicularis live in rotten turnips. (Harris.) The puparium (Plate 3, fig. 5, 5 a) of another species has been found by Mr. F. W. Putnam in the nests of the humble bee. In Ortalis the front is quite prominent, the clypeus is greatly developed, the opening of the mouth wide, and the proboscis much thickened. This genus comprises variously banded and spotted flies, which may be seen walking along leaves vibrating their wings. The}^ feed on the leaves, and afterwards the pulpy fruit of the cherry, olive and orange. Another Onion- fly, discovered by Dr. Shimer in Illinois, is the Ortalis Jlexa 412 DIPTEEA. of Wiedemann (Fig. 333 ; a, larva). Tlie fly differs from the Anthomj-ia ceparum, besides more important respects, in hav- ing black wings with three broad curved bands. The maggot feeds in the root thus killing the top of the plant. A species of Trypeta^ according to F. Smith, which in Brazil is called the "Berna" flj-, deposits its eggs in wounds, both on man and beast. "It is remarkable from having the apical segment of the ab- domen elongated into a long oviposi- tor. Mr. Peckolt says the negroes sutler much from the attacks of this fly, which frequent- « Fig. 333. ly deposits its eggs in their nostrils whilst they are sleeping, and such are the effects of its attacks, that, in some cases, death ensues." (Transactions of the Entomological Society^ London, 1868, p. 135.) To the genus Lojichcea, Osten Sacken refers, with consider- able doubt, a fly, which I have found in abundance, raising blister-like swellings on the twigs of the willow. They were full^^ grown in April. The larva (Fig. 334, fl}^ ; o, the larva ; 6, the pupa) is curved, cjdindrical, tapering nearl}' alike towards each extremity, Ficr. 334. though the thoracic region is the thickest. The rings are thickened upon their pos- terior edges, so that the}^ appear contracted in the middle. It is glassy green, with two little elongated tubercles placed near each other at a little distance from the end, where in the pupa the}'^ are terminal. It is .15 of an inch long when full}' ex- tended. The pupa-case, found late in May, is oval, long, cy- lindrical and obtuse at both ends ; the anterior end is more blunt ; the first segment of the body is minute and forms the MUSCIDiE. 413 lid, which opens when the fly makes its exit, and bears two small slender tubercles which project upwards. The posterior end bears two terminal spine-like tubercles similar to those on the head, but projecting horizontally. The puparium is glassy green, and the limbs of the enclosed pupa can be partially seen tlu'ough the skin. The rings are (especially on the thorax) spinose, being the remnants of the rows of spines around the hind edge of the larval segments. It is .15 of an inch long. The pupa lies a short distance from the opening of its burrow, which is about half an inch long, and is situated between the wood and the bark. The larva before pupa- '^- ting eats away the bark, leaving a thin outer scale, or roundish black space which can be folded back like a lid, which the fly pushes open when it emerges. Several swellings occur on the twig in the space ^'^ of six inches. The fly appeared the 25th of June. Dufour states that in Europe Lonchcea nigra lives in the outer bark of the oak, and another under the bark of the poplar, while still another species makes a sort of gall in the dogsgrass. The genus Sphyracephala is remarkable for its stalked eyes, which are placed on long stems going out from the sides of the head. Some species are found fossil in the Prussian amber. S. brevicomis Say is rather rare. The Cheese maggot is the larva of Piojihila casei (Fig. 335) a shining black fly, three-twentieths of an inch long, with the four posterior legs yellowish, and with transparent wings. The whitish larva is cylindrical, and .22 of an inch in length, and is acutely pointed towards the head and truncated behind, with two long horny stigmata in the middle of the truncature, and two longer fleshy filaments on the lower edge. When moving it extends its mouth-hooks, and pulls itself along by them. Mr. F. W. Putnam has called my attention to the power of leaping possessed by the maggot. When about to 414 DIPTERA. leap the larva brings the under side of the abdomen towards the head, while laying on its side, and reaching forward with its head, and at the same time extending its mouth- hooks, grapples by means of them with the hinder edge of the truncature and pulling hard, suddenly with- draws them, jerking itself to a distance of four or five inches. The Wine-fly (Fig. 336, puparium) also belongs to the same genus, and with its puparium ma}' be found floating in old wine and cider. Several species of the genus Ejphydra have been found living in salt water. Mr. E. T. Cox has sent us specimens of Ephydra halophila Pack. (Fig. 337 ; a, wing ; 6, puparium), which in the pupa state lives in great numbers in the first graduation house of the Equality Salt Works of Gallatin County, Illinois, The larva itself we have not seen, but the puparium is cylindrical, half an inch long, the body ending in a long respiratory tube forked at the end. The fly " itself is copper}^ green, with pale hone}'^ yellow legs, and is .15 of an inch in length. Another spe- cies has been found by Professor B. Silliman liv- ing in great abundance in Mono Lake, Cal., and in the Museum of the Pea- body Acadeni}' are pu- paria of this genus from Labrador, and from under sea-weed on Narragansett Bay, and a pool of brack- ish water at Marblehead ; they are noticed by the author in the "Proceedings of the Essex Institute," vol. vi. The Apple Fly, or DrosopliUa, has habits like the apple midge. Mr. W. C. Fish has described in the "American Naturalist," the habits of an unknown species (Fig. 338 ; a, larva) , which he writes me has been very common this yeax in Barnstable County, Mass. He says that "it attacks mostly Fig. 337 MUSCID^. ^jg the earlier varieties, seeming to have a particular fondness for the old fashioned Sunnner, or High-top Sweet. Tlie larvje en- ter the apple usually where it has been bored by the Apple- worm (Carpocapsa), not uncommonly through the crescent-like puncture of the curculio, and sometimes through the calyx, when it has not been troubled by other insects. Many of them arrive at maturity in August, and the fly soon appears, and successive generations of the maggots follow until cold weather. I have frequently found the pup® in the bottom of barrels in a cellar in the winter, and the flies appear in the spring. In the early apples, the larvae work about in every du-ection. If there are several in an apple, they make it unfit for use. Apples that appear per- fectly sound when taken from the tree, will some- times, if kept, be all alive with them in a few rig. sss. weeks." Other species are known to inhabit putrescent vegetable matter, especially fruits. Mr. B. D. Walsh alsodes cnbes in his '^ First Annual Report on the Noxious Insects of Illinois, another apple fly, Trypeta pomondla Walsh,' which destroys stored apples, and has been found troublesome in va- nous parts of the country. In England Oscinis gmnarius Curtis lives in the stems of wheat. The Oscinis vastator Curtis does serious damage to wheat and barley crops in England, by eating the base of the stalk. Tlic larv.^ are fully grown late in June, and a month later, the fly appears. Th-ir attacks are restrained by numer- ous Pteromali, and a minut e Proctotrupid (Sigalphus caudatus) oviposits in the ^gg of the Oscinis. Other allied species in the arya state cause the stems of wheat and barley to swell twice then- usual size, which disease is termed in England the gout. The larv^ of Chlorops lineata Fabr. in Europe, destroy the central leaves and plant itself, the female laying her eggs on the stems when the wheat begins to show the ear. In a fort- night the eggs hatch, and the fly appears in September. Curtis also states that Chlorops Herpinii Guerin, attacks the ears of 416 DIPTERA. barley, from six to ten larvse being found in each, and by de« stroying the flowers render the ear sterile. Oficinis frit Linn, in Europe inhabits the husks of the barlej', and destroj's one- tenth of the grain. Linnjieus calculated the annual loss from the attacks of this single species at half a million dollars. Ploughing and harrowing are of no use in guarding against these insects, as they do not transform in the earth ; the best remedy lies in the rotation of crops. Many of these small flies, like the micro-lepidoptera, are leaf-miners, and are not readity distinguished from them when in the larva state. Of the genus PJiora, a European species (P. incras- sata Fig. 339 ; o, larva ; b, puparium) f r e q ii e n t s bee hives, and is thought by some to produce the disease which is known among apiarians as " foulbrood." In the pupiparous Diptera, namel}', those flies which are born as pupjE from the body of the parent, the lar^a state having been passed within the oviduct, the thorax is more closely agglutinated than before ; the head is small and sunken in the thorax, and in the wingless species this consolidation of the head and thorax is so marked as to cause them to bear a remarkable resemblance to the spiders. Spider-like in their looks, the}' are spider-like in their habits, as the names Spider- flies, Bat-ticks and Bird-ticks, impty a likeness to the lower spiders or ticks. The antennae are very deeply inserted and partially obsolete ; the labrum is ensheathed by the maxillae, and the thoracic nervous ganglia are, as in the Arachnida, concentrated into a single mass. Fig. 339. HippOBOSCiD^ Westwood. The Forest-flies and Sheep Ticks are characterized bj^ the horny and flattened bod^^, the horizontal flattened head received into the front edge of the thorax, the large eyes, the rudimentary papilla-like antennae placed ver}^ near together, and the proboscis is formed b}^ the labrum and maxillae, whose palpi are wanting ; the labium is very short ; wings with the veins present only on the costal HIPPOBOSCIDiE. 417 edge, the others either aborted or only partially developed. They resemble the lice in their parasitic habits, living beneath the hairs of vertebrates, especially of bats, and are abundant beneath the feathers of birds. These flies differ from all other insects in their peculiar mode of development, which reminds us of the intra-uterine life of the vertebrate fatus. According to Dufour and Leuckart they have an irregular uterus-like enlargement of the oviduct, which furnishes a milk-like secretion for the nourishment of the larvfe. The body of the larvte, for each female produces but one or two young, when first hatched is not divided into rings, but is smooth, ovate, egg-like, forming a pui)arium-like case in which the larvie transform to pupie innnediately after birth. The Forest-fly or Horse-tick, Hippohosca Latreille, has no ocelli, with five stout veins on the costal edge of the wing ; thorax broad, and the proboscis short and thick. "We figure a species* of this genus (Fig. 340) which was found on the Great Horned Owl. Its body is much flattened, adapted for its life under the feathers, where it gorges itself with the blood of its host. The genus Lipoptena, which has ocelli, with only three costal veins, a long slender probos- cis, and a small thorax, is remarkable for living in its wing- less state on the Deer, but when the wings are developed it is found on the Grouse (Tetrao). The Bird-tick, Ornitliomyia^ has ocelli, a short proboscis and six costal veins, and there are numerous species, all bird parasites. *Hippobosca bubonis n. sp. female. Uniform horn color, with a reddish tinge, and blackish hairs; legs paler, with dark tarsi, body beneath paler; tip of abdo- men black, with long bristles. Length of liody MO inch; of a wing ..'U inch. Dif- fers from H. equinw in being larger, and in its uniform reddish color. Taken Oct. 5 ; Museum of the Peaboily Academy of Science. 27 Fig. .Ttl. 418 DIPTERA. In the wingless Sheep-tick, Melophagus ovinus Linn, which is often very troublesome (Fig. 341, and pupurium), the head is wider than the thorax, the proboscis is as long as the head itself, the limbs are short and thick, and the bristly abdomen is broad and not divided into joints. The genus Camus, which was placed in the Conoj^idce by Nitzsch, seems rather to belong here. C. hemapterus Nitzsch, is "of the size of a flea, with minute rudi- ments of wings, and is parasitic on biixls of the genus Sturnus." Nycteribid^ Leach. The Bat-ticks are remarkabl}- spider-like, with a beaker-like head, without ej'es, having four ocelli, or else entirely blind. The finger-like, two-jointed antennte are situated on the ujidor side of the head. The proboscis is feather-like, the palpi verj^ large and por- rect ; the legs are of great size, with the basal joint of the tarsi of remarkable length, and the hairy abdomen is composed of six segments. They are ver}- small parasites, one or two lines in length. "Westwood has extracted the puparium from the body, showing the close relationship of these strange forms to Hippobosca. Nycteribia Westivoodii Guerin (Fig. 342) is an East Indian species. Fiff. 342. Braulixa Gerstaecker. The Bee-lice are wingless, minute, blind insects, with large heads ; the thorax is transverse, ring- shaped, half as long as the head ; the abdomen is round, five-jointed, and the legs are thick, with long claAvs ena= bling them to cling to the hairs of bees. The genus Braula maj^ be compared with the flea, its bod^- being flattened vertically, while that of the flea is flattened lat- BRAULINA. 419 erally. "While the transformations of Braula show it to be inuloubtedly a degraded Muscid, with a true puparium ; those of the flea, with its worm-like, more highly organized larva, and the free obtected pupa show that, thougli wingless, it occupies a much higher grade in the dipterous series. Braula coeca Nitzsch (Fig. 343, and larva) is found living parasitically on the honey bee in Europe, and has not been detected in this country. The antenna3 ai-e short, two-jointed and sunken in deep pits. It is from one-half to two-thirds of a line long. The larva is headless, OA'al, eleven-jointed and white in color. On the day it hatches from the egg ic sheds its skin and changes to an oval puparium of a dark broAvn color. It is a bod}' para- site, one or two of them occurring on the body of the bee, though sometimes they greatly multiply and are very trouble- some to the bee. Fiff. 344. We now take up the second series of suborders of the hexa^ podous insects, in which the diflerent segments of the body show a strong tendenc}^ to remain equal in size, as in the larva state ; in other words there is less concentration of the parts towards the head. In all these groups the prothorax is greatly developed, generally free, while the wings tend to conceal the two posterior thoracic segments, and the body generally is elongated, flattened or anguiated, not cjdindrical as is usually the case in the preceding and higher series. The degradec wingless forms resemble the worm-like Myriapods, while, as we have seen above, the wingless flies resemble the Arachnida. The imago (especially in the Hemiptera, Orthoptera and cer- tain Neuroptera) resembles the larva ; that is, the metamor- phosis is less complete than in the preceding groups. 420 COLEOPTERA. COLEOPTERA. "hi the highest suborder of this series, the Coleoptera, we find the most complete metamorphosis and the greatest speci- alization of parts, with a more complete con= centration of them to- wai'ds the head than in the lower suborders. They are at once rec- ognized by the el^'tra, or thickened horny fore wings, which are not actively used in flight (the hind wings being especially adapted for that purpose) , while they cover and encase f the two posterior seg- ments of the thorax and the abdomen. The prothoracic ring is greatly enlarged, often excavated in front to re- ceive the head. These characters are very per- sistent ; there are few aberrant forms and the suborder is remarkably homogeneous and easily limited. The head is free from the thorax, but less so than in the preceding suborders ; it is scarcely narrowed behind, and its position is usually horizontal. The eyes are usually Fig. 346, under surface of Harpalus caliginosus. (After Leconte.) a, ligula; b, paraglossfe ; c, supports of labial palpi ; d, labial palpus ; c, mentum ; /, inner lobe of maxilla; g, outer lobe of maxilla; h, maxillary palpus; i, mandible; ky COLEOPTERA. 421 -quite large, and there is but a pair of ocelli, when present, or there may be but a single ocelkis. The nntennaj are generally inserted just in front of tlie eyes, and rarely between them as Fig. 34G. in the preAaous suborders. They are either filiform where tho joints are cj-lindrical, as in the Carabidce, not enlarging towards the end, or serrate, as in the Elateridce, where the buccal oiipiiinir; J, arula or tliroat; m, m, Imccal sutures; n, ,n:ulai' suture; o. pro* steruum:^/', ei>isternuni of i)rntliorax; p, epinieron of luotliorax; 7, 7', , metauotum (or dorsal surface of meta- tltorax): q, femur or tlii^h: r, r, r, tersites of the abdomen; s, s*, s', spiracles ol £ti'.,'mata, t, t, t", tibias; v, tibial spurs; tv, tarsi. C2'2 COLEOPTERA. joints are triangular and compressed, giving thereb}'^ a serrate outline to the inner edge; or clavate, as in the SiliiliidcB^ Fig. 347. where the enlarged terminal joints give a rounded club-shaped termination ; lamellate, when the terminal joints are prolonged Fig. 348. Jnternally, forming broad leaf-like expansions, as in the Sea- rabeidce, Avhile the geniculate antenna is produced when Fig. 347. Different forms of antennae : 1, serrate; 2, pectinate; 3, capitate (an(J also geniculate); 4, .5, 0, 7, clavate; 8, 9, lamellate; 10, sciTate (Dorcatoma); 11, ir- regular (Gyrinus); 12, two-jointed antenna of Arlranes crecus. Fig. .348. 1, bipectinate: 2, flabellate antennje; 3, maxilla? of Bembidium; 4, of Hydrophilus; .5, of Pselaphns; 6, maxillaiy palpus of Ctenistes; 7, of Tmesipho- rus; 8, of Tychus.— J^rom Leconte. COLEOFTERA. 423 the second and succeeding joints make an angle witli the first The mandibles are alwaj's well developed as chewing organs, becoming abnormally enlarged in Lucanus, while in certain Scarabcida3 the}' are small and membranous. Tlie maxillte (Fig. 348) are supposed to prepare the food to be crushed by the mandibles. The body of the maxilla con- sists of the carclo; a second joint, stipes, to which last are attached two lobes and a palpus. In certain Cicindelidm and Carabidce, the outer lobe is slender and two-jointed like a palpus. The maxillary palpi are usually four-jointed, some^ times with one joint less, and in but a single instance is there any additional joint, as in Aleochara. The mentum is generally square or trapezoidal, varying in size. The labium bears the ligula, and supports the labial palpi, and varying much in form, is thus important in classifi- cation. The labial palpi are usually three-jointed, sometimes two-jointed, or with no joints apparent, as in certain Staphy- l in id a', according to Leconte. The greatly enlarged prothorax is free and very movable, the pronotum or dorsal piece, considered to be formed origi- nall}" of four pieces, is usuall}' very distinct from the pieces composing the flanks, though sometime they are continuous. The two hinder rings of the thorax are covered up by the wings and do not vary in form so as to be of much use in classification. They are respectively composed of a praescutum, scutum and scutellum, and postscutellum, the first and fourth pieces being more or less aborted. The pieces composing the flanks are partly concealed by the great enlargement of the dorsal parts of the segment, much more so than in the prece- ding suborders, the side pieces being much smaller and more difficult to trace ; and these flank-pieces (pleurites) help form the under surface of the body, where in the Il^-menoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera, they are greatly enlarged, forming the bulging sides of the body. The epimera and episterna of both the nieso- and metatho- rax, Leconte states, are of much value in classification, especi- ally those of the mesothorax, "according as the}' reach the middle coxse, or are cut off from them by the junction of the fpisterna with the metasternum." The thickened horny an- 424 COLEOPTERA. terior pair of wings (elytra), often retain traces of the original A'eius, consisting of three or four longitudinal lines. Their office in flight seems to be to assist the hind wings in sustain- ing the body, as but rarel}- Avhen the insect is on the wing do the elytra remain quiet on the back. The membranous hind wings are provided with the usual number of principal veins, but these are not subdivided into veinlets. The wing is long, narrow and pointed, with the costal edge strong, being evi- dently adapted for a swift and powerful flight. In the running species, such as many Carabidce, the hind wings being useless, are aborted, and verj^ rarelj' in some tropical Lampyridm and Scarabceidce are both pairs of wings wanting in both sexes, though, as in the Glow-worm and some of its allies the females are apterous. The legs are well developed, as the beetles are among the most power- ful running insects. The coxte are large and of much use in distinguishing the families. The trochantine is usually present in the forelegs, but often absent in the middle pair ; the tro- chanters, or second joint of the leg, is small, circular, ob- liquely cut oft', and the femur and tibia lying next bej'ond are of var3'ing form, correlated with the habits of the insect, the hinder pair becoming oar-like in the swimming i)?/^?"6'c/fZce and some Ilydro'pltilida'. ., while in the Gi/rinidce both pairs of hind legs become Inroad and flat. The number of tarsal joints varies from the normal number, live, to four and three joints, the terminal joint as usual being two-clawed. These claws are only known to be wanting in Phana?us, a Scarabaiid, and the alK-rrant fa^nily Stylopida' . According to the number of the tarsal joints the families of C'oleo])tera haA'e been grouped into the Pentamera (liAe-jointed), the Tel ^amera (four-jointed), the Trimera (three-jointed), and Tlete-^ romera, which are four-jointed in the hind pair, while the first and second pairs are five-jointed. The al)domen, usually partly concealed by the wings, is ses- sile, its base In-oad ; in form it is usually somewhat flattened. The tergal and sternal portion of each ring is connected usually by the membranous pleural piece, which represents the epimera and episterna of the thorax, and on which the stig- mata are situated. While in the other suborders the typical COLEOPTERA. 425 number of jibdominal segments is ten, no more than nine have been traced in the Coleoptera. A few genera are capable of producing sounds by rubbing the limbs or elytra over finely wrinkled surfaces, which in Trox arc situated on the side of the basal segments of the ab- domen, and in Strategus on the tergum of the penultimate seg- ment of the abdomen, while such a surface is found in Ligyrus on the surface of the el^'tra. The nervous system is subject to great variation in the Cole- optera. The ganglia ma}^ be fused into three principal mas- ses, as in the Lamellicorns, Curcxilionidui and /Scolytidce, where the first mass corresponds to the prothoracic ganglia, the second and larger to the second and third thoracic ganglia, usually separated in the other suborders, while the third oblong mass represents the whole number of abdominal ganglia, from which radiate the nerves which are distril)uted to the muscles of the abdomen and the reproductive s^-stem. In the Cistel- dce, CEdemeridcG and Cerambycidce, the abdominal por- o.on of the nervous cord occupies the whole body, and there are five ganglia in the abdomen. These two t^^pes of the ner- vous cord sometimes run into each, but are always distinct in the larva state. The alimentar}' canal is ver}^ simple in the flesh-eating spe- cies, going directly, without man^' convolutions to the anus, but in the vegetable feeders it is A-ery long and greatly con- voluted. The gizzard is oval in shape, its internal folds being armed with hooks. There are two salivary glands. The urin- ar}^ tubes are either four or six in number. "The phosphorescent organs of the Lampyridm and cer- tain ElateridcB consist of a mass of spherical cells, filled with a finely granular substance and surrounded by numer- ous trachean branches. This substance which, by daylight, appears of a yellow, sulphur-like aspect, fills in the Lam- pyridce^ a portion of the abdominal cavitj', and shines on the ventral surface through the last abdominal segments, which are covered with a \Qvy thin skin ; while with the Elateridce, the illumination occurs through two transparent spots, situated on the dorsal surface of the prothorax. The light produced by these organs, so remarkably rich in tracheae, is undoubtedly the 426 COLEOPTERA, result of a combustion kept up by the air of these vessels.- This combustion explains the remission of this phosphores- cence observed with the brilliant fire-flies, and which coin- cides, not with the movements of the heart, but with those of inspiration and expiration." (Siebold.) The trachetB of the Coleoptera are always highly developed. In the larva state the}' arise from two principal trunks. In the adult, however, tliey branch out directly near each stigma and distribute branches which communicate with other main trunks. In those species which fly most, both the fine and larger tracheffi end in vesicles, which are distributed in great abun- dance all over the body. In the Lticanidce they are especi- all}^ numerous, thus lightening the bulk of the enormously developed head. The ovaries are arranged in the form of branches of few or numerous tri- or multilocular tubes ; the receptaculvm seminis is wedge-shaped and often arcuate, communicating with the copulatory pouch by a long flexuous spiral seminal duct, and there is a bursa copulatrix usually present. The testes var}' in consisting of two long coeca, or two round or oblong folli- cles, or pyriform and placed like a bunch of grapes on the extremity of the vasa deferentia, or as in the Lamellicorns, Ceramhycidm ^ Curculionidm and Crioceridce^ they are round, flattened, disc-like, and are situated, two to twelve in number, on each side of the body. The organ of intromission is very extensible, composed of the terminal segments of the body, which form a broad flattened, hairy canaliculated piece. The larvae when active and not permanently enclosed (like the Curculio) in the substances that form their food, are elon- gated, flattened, wormlike, myriapodous-looking, witli a large head, well developed mouth-parts, and with three pairs of tho- racic feet, either horny, or fleshy and retractile, while there is often a single terminal prop-leg on the terminal segment of the body and a lateral horny spine. The larvae of the Ceram- hycidee are white, soft and more or less cylindrical, while those of the CurcuHonid,m are footless or nearly so, and resemble those of the Gall-flies, both hymenopterous and dip- terous. The pupae have free limbs, and are either enclosed in cocoona COLEOPTERA. 427 of earth, or if wood-borers in rude cocoons of fine chips and dust, united by threads, or a viscid matter supplied b}^ the in- sect. None are known to be coarctate, though some Coccin- ellae transform within the ohl larva skin, not rejecting it, as usual in the group, while other pupte are enclosed in the cases in which the larvae lived. In some Staphylinidce the pupa show^s a tendency to become obtected, the limbs being soldered to the body as if it were enclosed in a common sheath. Gen- erall}^ however, the antennte are folded on each side of the clypeus, and the mandibles, maxilloe and labial jialpi appear as elongated papillte. The wing-pads being small, are shaped like those of the adult Meloe, and are laid upon the posterior femora, thus exposing the meso- and metathorax to view. The tarsal joints lie parallel on each side of the middle line of the body, the hinder pair not reaching to the tips of the abdomen, which ends in a i^air of acute prolonged forked in- curved horny hooks, which must aid the pupa in working its way to the surface when about to transform into the beetle. The number of living species is between 60,000 and 80,000, and over 8,000 species are known to inhabit the United States. There are about 1,000 fossil species known. They are found as low down as the Coal Formation, though more abundant in the Tertiary deposits and especially the Amber of Prussia. Coleoptera have always been the favorites of entomologists. The}' have been studied, when in their perfect state, more than any other insects, but owing to the difliculty of finding their larvjB, and carr3'ing them through their successive stages of growth, the earlj^ stages of comparatively few species are known. The most productive places for the occurrence of beetles are alluvial loams covered with woods, or with rank vegetation, where at the roots of plants or upon their flowers, under leaves, logs and stones, under the bark of decaying trees, and in ditches and by the banks of streams, the species occur in the greatest numbers. Grass lands, mosses and fungi, the surfaces of trees and dead animals, bones, chips, pieces of board and excrement, should be searched diligently. Man}' are thrown ashore in sea-wrack, or occur under the debris of freshets on river banks. Many Carabiclce run on sandy shores. Very 428 COLEOPTERA. early in spring stones can be upturned, ants' nests searched, and the muddj^ waters sifted for species not met with at other times of the year. For beating bushes a large strong ring-net should be made, with a stout bag of cotton cloth fifteen inches deep. This is a very serviceable net for manj^ purposes. Vials of alcohol, a few quills stopped with cork, and close tin boxes for larvfB and the fungi, etc., in which they live, should be provided ; indeed, the collector should never be without a vial and box. Beetles should be collected largel}^ in alcohol, and the Fig-. 34i). colors do not change if pinned soon after being taken. Coleoptera should be placed lugli up on the pin, as in- deed all insects should. The pin should be stuck through the right elytron (Fig. 349) so that it shall come out beneath or between the middle and hind T>air of legs. Small species should be pinned with minute pins, which can be afterwards mounted on higher ones. CiciNDELiDiE Leach. The Tiger Beetles have very large heads, much broader than the prothorax, very long curved jaws and long, slender legs. The outer lobe of the maxillae is biar- ticulate, the inner usuall}'^ terminated by an articulated hook. The eleven-jointed antennae are inserted on the front above the base of the mandibles. The}^ are brownish or greenish with metallic and purplish reflections, marked with light dots and stripes. They abound in sunny paths and sandy shores of rivers, ponds and the ocean, flying and running swiftly, and are thus very difflcuit to capture. The larvae (Fig. 350) ai*e hideous in aspect ; the head is ver^^ large with long jaws ; the thoracic rln""s large and broad, and the ninth ring has two large tuber- cles each ending in two hooks, by which the hunch-backed grub can climb up its hole, near the entrance of which it lies in wait for weaker insects. These holes may always be found in sandy banks frequented by the beetles. While all the species living in tlie United States are gi'ound beetles, in the tropics there are some which live on trees. H. W. Bates states that Ctenostoma and its allies have a greater CICINDELID^. 42S resemblance to ants than to the Cicindelfe proper, so much so that when the insects are seen prowling in search of prey along Fig. 3-31. . Fig. 352. Fig. 3.53, the slender branches of trees, thej^ can scarcely be distinguished from large ants of the Ponera group. The genus AmblycMla has the third joint of the maxillary Fig. 354. Fig. 355. Fig. 350. Fig. .3.57. palpi longer than the fourth, and the first joint of the labial palpi very short, while the epipleurffi are wide. Omus differs in tlie wider epipleurre ; both genera inhabit the Pacific States, Fig. 358. and the former is found as far east as Kansas. TetracJia (Fig. 351, T. Virginica Hope) has the first joint of the labial palpi exonerated. In Cidndela and allies, the third joint of the max- 430 COLEOPTERA. illary palpi is shorter than the fourth. This country is very rich in species, among the most common of which are C. gen- erosa Dcjean (Fig. 352) ; C. vulgaris Say (Fig. 353) ; C. pur- jpiirea Olivier (Fig. 354) ; C. Mrticollis Say (Fig. 355) ; C. aexgxttata Fabr. (Fig. 356), a bright green active species with six golden dots ; and C. 2mnctulata Olivier* (Fig. 357). CAKABID.E Leach. This is a family of very great extent, and one very difficult to limit. In form the species vary greatly ; the antennae are inserted behind the base of the man- dibles under a frontal ridge ; maxillae with the outer lobe pal- piform, usMally biarticulate, while the inner lobe is usually Fig. 359. curved, acute and ciliate, with spines. The epimera and epi- sterna of the prothorax are usually distinct ; the three anterior segments of the abdomen, usually six, rarely seven or eight in number, are connate. The legs are slender, formed for run- ning ; anterior and middle coxa3 globular, posterior ones dilated Internally, and the tarsi are five -jointed, f *riG. 3.58 illustrates the external anatomy of this family :—l, head of Cieindcla; 2, maxillaj of Cicindela; 3, mentiini of Omns; 4, mentnm of Tetracha; 5, nientura oi Cicindela ; G, antennae of the same ; 7, abdomen of the male of the same ; 8, pos- :erior coxa of the same; 9, anterior tarsus of Omus (male); 10, anterior tarsus of Cicindela. — From Leconte. tFiG. 359 illustrates the external anatomy of the Carabidcs: — 1, extremity of ihe -anterior tibia of Carabus, inner face; 2, maxilla; of Cychrus; 3, head of Cychrus; 4, head of Carabus ; 5, antenna and part of liead of Loricera ; 6, mentum of Carabus ; 7, ma.xilla of Carabus; 8, under surface of Pasiniachus; 9, under surface of meso- and metathorax of Metrius ; 10, anterior tibia of Metrius; 11, under surface of meso- and metathorax of Physea; 12, antennae of Pasiniachus: 13, mentum of Pasiniachus; 14, maxiUa of Pasiniachus; 15, anterior tibia of Pasiniachus; 16, heail of Promecognathus ; 17, meutum of Pseudomorphus, showing the indistinct gular suture. — From Leconte. CARABIDiE. 431 FiK. 300. They are, with few exceptions, predaceous beetles ; they are runnois, the hind \vings being often absent. Their colors are dull metallic or blaclc. They run in grass, or lurk under stones and sticks, or under the bark of trees, whence they go out to hunt in the night- time. Thej'^ may be found also in great numbers under the debris of freshets and under stones in the spring. The larvae are found in nuich the same situations as the beetles, and are generally oblong, broad, with the terminal ring armed with two horny hooks or longer filaments, and with a single false leg l)eueath. The genus Omophron^ remark- able for its rounded convex form, and wanting the scutellum, is found on the wet sands by rivers and pools, where also Ela- ^plirus occurs, which somewhat resembles Cicindela. It has slightly emarginate anterior tibiae, with large prominent e^^es, r*?- ^^- and rows of large shallow ocel- late holes on the elytra. The genus Calosoma is well known, being common in fields, where it lies in little holes in the sod, in wait for its prey. I have seen C. calidum Fabr. (Fig. 360) attacking the June bug (Lachnosterna fusea) tearing open ■ts sides. Its larva (Fig. 361) is black. C. scrutator Fabr. (Fig. 362) is a still larger species with bright green elytra. It is known, accord- « ^'"- ^^• '.eg to Harris, to ascend trees in search of canker-worms Carabus has similar habits, but differs in having the third 432 COLEOPTERA. joint of the antennas cylindrical, while that of Calosoma is gi-eatly compressed. C. serratus Say (Fig. 363 ; a, pupa ot the European C. auroniteus) is black bordered with purple. The closely allied species of Cychnis, of rich purple and blue tints, differ in the longer head, the deeply bilobate labrum, and in having four of the antennal joints smooth, with thickly striated elytra. ("We figure some unknown larv.e of this family which are allied to Carabus ; Fig. 364, natural size ; Fig. 365, a little en- larged ; a, mouth parts ; b, end of the l)ody, and Fig. 366, a larva apparently of tiie Fig. 364. same genus.) PasimacJms elongatns Lee. (Fig. 367) has been found, according to Walsh, to prey on the Doryphora, or Potato beetle. The genus Scarites and its allies have the anterior toothed palmate tibiae more or less produced at the apex, with a pedunculate abdomen. In Scar- ites and PasimacJncs the basal joint of the antenna is verj' long ; the former having the maxillai rounded at the tip, and the tho- rax rounded behind, while in Pasimachus, the thorax is dis- | Fig. 367. tinctly ang'.^lated, and the max- illae are hooked. In Clivina the basal joint of the an- ^'S tennae is short, the mandibles flat and acute, and the clypeus is not emarginate. In Harpalus and allies the epimera of the mesotho- rax do not extend to the coxae, and the mesosternum is large, widely separating the middle coxse. Of this group Brachinus (B. fumans Fabr. Fig. 368), the Bombardier beetle, with its narrow head and cordate Fig. 3G8. prothorax, is remarkable for discharging with quite en explosion from its anal glands a pungent fluid, probably 366. CARABIDyE. 433 of use as a protection against its enemies. They are j'cllow- ish red, witli bluish and greenish elytra. Helluomorpha (H. praeusta Lap. Fig. 369 ; a, mentum) has a large menttim and much compressed antennae. Galerita is similar but niuch larger, with a red thorax, and blue or blacU elytra. Fig. 370 represents the larva ; Fig. 371 the pupa of G. Lecontei Dejean, a Southern species, Casnonia has a rhomboidal head, with a long narrow neck and a cylindrical tho- rax. C. Peusi/lvanica De- jean (Fig. 372) is not un- coni mon , being f o u n d under stones. The species of Lehia are found upcm flowers, especially the golden rod, in August and September. They are gaily colored, with the head con- stricted behind and the thorax pedunculate. The species of Platijniis (P. cupripenne Say, Fig. 373) are often of brilliant metallic green and red colors. In Cymin- dis, which is hairy, the head is not constricted behind, and the last joint of the labial palpi is dilated. In Pterosti- cfius, which is a genus of great extent, the three basal joints of the anteunte are smooth, the anterior tibiae are thickened at the ex- tremity, and the dilated tarsal joints are triangular or cordate. The species are Fig. 372. black and of common occurrence. Amara differs in the head not being narrowed behind, the slightly emarginate labrum and the elytra being Avithout the usual punctures. Zimmerman states that the species are annual, or double brooded annuall}^ ; the eggs, which are laid beneath the surface of the soil, do not mature for several days after coupling ; the larvaj moult once, live six to eight 28 Fig. 3/0. Fig. 373. *34 COLEOrXEEA. weeks, and the pupa lives half that time; the beetles often hibernate. The larva has the general form of that of Poeeilus. The species of Harpalus are large, with a very square prothorax. H. \f caUginosns Say (Fig. 374) is bene- ficial in eating cut-worms and other injurious larvie. Fig, 375 represents a larva supposed to belong to this or an allied genus. Th.e blind Anoph- thahnus TeUkampJii Erichs. from the Mammoth Cave, has no e3'es, while the legs are ver}' long, especially the narrow fore tibia? ; but in Ti-e- chiis, Avliich is closel}' allied to the blind Cave Beetle, the e^'es are as large as usual, and the legs stouter. Fig. 374. Fig. 375. Bemhidium com- prises species of - ver}' small size and variable in form, in which the anterior tibige are not dilated at the base. The}' are found abundantly under the refuse of yrn> freshets and tides, preying upon dead animal matter and other insects, and a species of Cilleniim, closel}^ allied to Bembidium, is known to seize the beach-flea, Gammarus, and devour it. Fig. 376 (A, a little enlarged ; B, head ; o, ^ylZ^ mandible ; e, antenna ; /, labium and its two- p-j^ jointed palpi ; g^ maxillse ; /<, /, J, under side "^ of different abdominal rings) represents the larva of a Ground beetle, which, according to Fig. 377. Walsh, preys upon the larva of the Plum cur- culio while under ground. Fig. 377 represents the rig. 37a supposed larva of a European species of Chkenius, and Fig. 378 what we suppose is the larva of a beetle allied to Cillenum. Amphizoid^ Leconte. The genus Ampliizoa (Fig. 379, A. insolens ; a, antenna ; &, labrum ; c, mandibles ; d, maxillae ; e, DYTISCID^. 435 ligula ; /, mcntuin ; gr, prostenium, IVont, and A, side view ; i, under side of the rest of the bodj^ showing the six ventral seg- ments of the abdomen ; J, anterior tarsus : from Horn) found in Northern California, is the solo representative of this family and differs from the preceding family in the metasternum be- h d j i Fig. 379. ing truncate behind, and not reaching the abdomen. A. inso- lens Lee. is an anomalous form, being subaquatic, and in its structure and habits connecting the Carabidce with the suc» ceeding famil}^ Dytiscid.k McLea^^ The Diving Beetles, or Water Tigers, are oval flattened elliptical beetles, which differ from the Car- abidce in the form of the hinder coxae, which are very large, touching each other on the inner edge, and externall}- reaching the side of the body, entirely cutting off the abdominal seg- ments from the metathorax, while the oar-like swimming legs are covered Avith long hairs, and the hinder i>air are much flat- tened. The larvae are called "water tigers," being long, 03^- lindrical, with large flattened heads, armed with scissor-lilce jaws Avith Avhich thej'^ seize other insects, or snip off the tails of tadpoles, Avhile they are even known to attack young fishes, suclving their blood. They are known to moult several times, four or five days intervening between the first two periods of moulting, and ten days between the latter. The body ends in a pair of long respiratory tubes, which they protrude into the air, though eight pairs of rudimentary spiracles exist. When about to transform the larva creeps on to the land, constructs a round cell, and in about five days assumes the pupa state, and in two or three weeks the beetle appears, if in summer, or 436 COLEOPTERA. if in autumn hibernates as a pupa, to transform to a beetle in the spring. In Halij)lus the antennae are ten-jointed, bristle-shaped, and the legs are scarcely adapted for swimming, being narrow. The body is very convex, spotted with black or gra}-, while the elytra are covered with rows of punctures. In the remain- ing genera, the tj'pes of the familj-, the antenniE are eleven- jointed and the hind legs oar-like. "The larvae differ not only by their dorsal segments being armed with spines, which gives them a ver^^ grotesque appearance, but b}^ their possessing only one claw, and by their anal segment (which is rudimentary in all other Dytiscidie) being enormousl}'^ elongated and forked, so that the anus is placed on the under side of this pe- culiar tail, and the spiracles of the eighth pair, which are ter- minal and tube-like in other Dytlscidce here, become lateral and quite plain." (Schiodte.) In Colymbetes and Agabiis the anterior tarsi of the males are broad, ol)long, and covered be- neath with cups of equal, or nearly equal, size. Agabus ditiers in having the thorax as wide at the base as at the middle, or still wider. In Dytiscus the ovate, not very convex body is usually broader behind the middle, and the last joint of the palpi is not elongated, while in Acilius which is usually banded, the intermediate tarsi of the male are not dilated. Tiie females of these two genera often have the elytra deeply furrowed, wliile those of the males are smooth. Dytiscus fasciventris Say and Acilius mediatus Say are common in all our ponds northward. Gyrinid.e Latreille. "Whirligigs. These oval bluish black beetles are easily distinguished by their peculiar form and habits. They are always seen in groups, gyrating and circling about on the surface of pools, and when caught, give out a disagreeable milky fluid. Like the previous family, upon being disturbed, they suddenly dive to the bottom, holding on by their claws to submerged objects. They cany down a bubble of air on the tip of the abdomen, and wlien the supply is ex- hausted rise for more. The cylindrical eggs are placed by the female, end to end, in parallel rows on the leaves of aquatic plants, and the larvae HYDROPIIILID^. 437 •are hatched in about eight days. They are myriapodous iu roiiii. with a pair of hirge, long, Uiteral respiratory tUaments on each segment, much as in the hirva of Corydalus. They become fully grown in Au- gust, crawl out of the water and si)in an oval c;)Coon, within which the pupa remains a month, and then appears as a beetle. In Gy- rinus (Fig. <'580, G. borealis Aube ; Fig. 3/dro})hilus is large, oval, olive-black and with smooth el^'tra. In the larva the lateral appendages of the abdomen are soft, flexible, ciliated, and assist in buoying up the heav}-, fleshj' bod}' (for wliicli purpose the antennae are ciliated) but they do not serve for respiration as in Berosus, another extensive genus of this family. (Schiodtc.) H. triangularis Say is a large, pitch}' black species. In Ilydrobius the last joint of the maxillarj^ palpi is longer than the preceding. Sphceridium and its allies are characterized by an ovate, convex or hemispherical form, with ten rows of punctures or striiK, though in Cydonohim there are no striae. In Cercyon the mesosternum is not pro- duced, and the prosternum is keeled over. "In the larvae of Cercyon and Sphwridiii'm, which represent the H3'drophiline tj'pe modified for life on dryland (though in humid places), we find neither lateral abdominal appen- dages, nor even true feet, the animal wrig- gling its way through the debris amongst which it lives, whilst the last abdominal segment is the largest of all and is often armed with hooks'." (Schiodte.) Platypsyllidte Leconte. The only spe- cies of this family known is a small brown insect, -16 inch long i^Platypsylla castoris Ritsema, Fig. 382\ enlarged), found on the American beaver. The body is broad, ^'J?- 3'^'^'- flattened, e3^eless, with short elytra, and spiny on the legs and salient parts of the body, as in the flea. Leconte remarks that its affinities are "very composite, but all in the direction of the Adephagous and Clavicorn series, though chiefly with the latter.' SiLPHiD.K Leach. The Carrion or Sexton beetles are useful in burying decaying bodies, in which the}' lay their eggs^ SCYDM^ENID^. 439 The larviTp are cnistaceous, flattened, with the sides of the bcdy often serrated, black, and of a fetid otlor. The}- undergo their transformations in an oval cocoon. In Xi'croplioms (Fio-, 34(), X. Aniericanus Oliv.) the antennai have ten apparent joints, and the rounded club is four-jointed. The genus Silpha, of ft which S. Lapponira Ilerbst (Fig. 383, larva full}- grown ; 384, young, from Labrador) is a common si)e- cies, differs in the third joint of the antenna being no longer than the second, but shorter than the first. In XecropliiJus the third joint is as long as the first. N. Snrttut- mensis Fabr. has a yellow thorax with a central irregular Idack spot. Cafops and its allies live in fungi, carrion and ants' nests, and are small, black, oval insects. The Fig. m. eyeless Adelojx^ hirtus Tellk. is b-Iind, wanting the eyes, and is found in Mammoth Cave. Anisotoma and allies, with eleven-jointed antenujx?, are oval and sometimes hemis- pherical, and capable of being rolled up into a ball. They are of small size and found in fungi, or under the bark of dead trees, Agatliklium (Fig. 385, larva of the European A. seminulum) has the club of the antenna three-jointed. Clambns and allies comprise exceedingly minute species, found in decayino- veoe- table matter. An aberrant form is BratJiimis, two species of which, B. nitidnti Lee. and B. varicornis Lee, have been found from Lake Superior to Nova Scotia, about the ^'S- •■^^'^'^• roots of grass in damp places. According to Leconte, thev arf small shiny insects of graceful form, and distinguished by the prominent middle coxae. ScYDM^NiD^ Leach. The species of this small group differ from the Pselaphidce to which they are closely allied by their long el3'tra and distant conical posterior coxa?. They are mi- 440 COLEOPTEKA. iiute, OA'al, brown, shin}- insects found under stones near water, under bark and in ants' nests. Scydmceuus is tlie topical genus. PsELAPiiiD/i: MacLeay. In tliis group the hiljial })alpi are very small, while the four-jointed maxiUary palpi are of re- markable length ; the eyes are composed of large lenses, and are sometimes wanting ; the eh'tra are short, truncated, beneath which the wings, Avhen present, are folded and the legs are long and the femora are stout, while beyond the leg is usually slender. "The species are very small, not exceeding one- eighth of an inch in length, and are of a chestnut-brown color, usually slightly pubescent ; the head and thorax are most fre- quentl}^ narrower than the elj'tra and abdomen, which is con- vex and usuall}' obtuse at tip. Man}^ are found flj'ing in twilight ; their habits at other times are various, some being found in ants' nests, while others occur under stones and bark. North America seems to be rich in this famil}^ ; more than fift}'^ species are known to me, and several of the genera have not occurred in other countries. This famil}' closely approaches the St a phi/ 1 hi idee, but the ventral segments are fewer in number, and not freely moving, and the eyes are composed of large lenses." (Leconte.) The genus CJoviger and its allies Adrancs cmcns Leconte, which is found in ants' nests in North- ern Georgia, have ant^'ume with less than six joints ; it is blind, and the antennje ha^e only two joints. Psdaplius and its allies have eleven-jointed, rarely ten-jointed antennae. Staphylixij).k Leach. The Rove-beetles are easily- recog- nized by their long linear black l)odies, with remarkabh' short el3'tra, and seven to eight visible horny abdominal segments. The maxillae are bilobate, usually ciliated, with four-jointed palpi, except in Aleochara, when there is an additional joint; ihe antennae, variable in form and insertion, are usually eleven- jointed, and while the legs are variable in length and form, the anterior coxae are usuall}- large, conical, prominent and contiguous. Though sometimes an inch in length, they are more commonly minute, inhal)iting wet places under stones, manure heaps, fungi, moss, under the bark or leaves of trees. Many species inhabit ants' nests, and should be carefully STAPHYLINID^. 441 souglit for on dewy mornings under stones and pieces of wood, ■which sliould be tul^en up and shaken over a white clotli or paper ; or the wliole nest slioukl be sifted through a ratlier coarse sieve, wlien the small beetles will fall through the meshes. The eggs are very large. The larvit^ (Fig. 386, un- der side of a larva probably belonging to this family, from Maine, enlarged twice) closely resemble the beetles, being narrow, the segments of very equal size, the terminal ring forming a long prop-leg, on each side of which there is a long ciliate seta. In the pu[)ie the hind wings arc not folded beneath the elytra, but extend beloAv, meeting upon the breast. In the true Staphylini the anterior coxffi are prom.i- uent and their coxal cavities are open behind, ^eo- chara and its allies are difficult to distinguish, as the characters separating them are l)ut slightly marked ; they have the maxillary palpi moderate in length, with the second and third joints also of moderate length, the fourth small, subulate, distinct, and in AJeochara ^'«- ^^' itself there is an additional very small fifth joint. In Iloma- lota, numerous in species, the ligula is short and bifid, and the first to the fourth joints of the hind tarsi decrease in length. In TacJn/porus and allies the prothoracic spiracles are visible ; the anterior coxjb are large, conical and prominent, with the trochanters ver^' distinct, while the antennae are inserted under the lateral margin of the front. The species are usually convex above, with the thorax always ample, arched and highly polished, and the abdomen conical, sometimes very short. They are found partly in fungi, partly under bark. Dr. Leconte, whom we have been quoting, states that the species of Bolito- hius usually have the head much elongated ; when, however, the head is oval, they approach closely to the genus Queclius of the next tribe, but are recog- nized by the antennae being inserted at the lateral ^'S- ^^^• margin of the front, near the eyes, and not at the anterior angle of the frontal margin, as in Quedius. In StajyhyUnus the antenuiie are inserted on the anterior mar- gin of the front, inside of the base of tue mandibles, but dis- 442 COLEOPTERA. fcant from each other ; the thorax is punctured and pubescent^ the middle coxje slightly separate, while the abdomen is nar- rowed at the tips. Fig. 387 represents the larva of this or a closely allied genus found in a humble bee's nest. Phihmthus ditfers in having the femora unarmed. The species live in decaying matters and excrement. The spe- cies of Po'derus (Fig. 388, the larva of the European P. tempestivus Erichs.) are found under stones, etc., near water. In Stenus, of which S. stygiais Saj^ and S. Juno Fabr. are types, the eyes are large and prominent, so that the heatl resembles that of Cicindela and the Fig. 388. antemije are inserted upon the front between the eyes ; the l^brum is entire and rounded anteriorlj', the para- glossse are dilated, rounded, and the bod}'^ is coarsely punctured, while that of its nearest ally Dianous is finely punctured and the paraglossae are connate and indistinct. Another small group of genera is repre- sented by Oxyporus, which is found in fungi, rand which has a large head, Avith large long mandibles crossing each other, and five-jointed tarsi ; and Oxytelus which is found in wet places and in dung, and has three- " jointed tarsi, with a row of spines on the front tibiiie, and the middle coxse "separated. Fig. 389. Anthophagus ccesus f, Harris Correspond- ence (I'ig. 389 ; a, maxilla), is found in wet ground where spearmint grows, of which it diffuses a strong odor. In Omaliian the antennas are inserted under the lateraf mar- gin of the front, the elytra are long, and the tibiae finely' spi- nous. Micndymma is closely allied, but differs in the elj'tra being yevy short. The genus Micropep>lus is squarish in form and connects the present family with the one following. HiSTERiD^ Leach. As stated b}^ Leconte, "this is a very well defined family of insects, moderately numerous, nearly all of a shining black color, with the elytra variously sculptured TRICHOPTERYGID^. 445 w^ith striae ; some few species of Hister and Saprinus have the elj-tra marked with red, and a few of the latter goiuis are metallic in color. The form of the body is A'ariable ; those of the first group are oblong and flat, with prominent mandibles ; the others are round, oblong oval, globose, some depressed and some convex. The species live under the bark of trees, in excrement and in carcasses. When disturbed the insects retract the antenna and feet, appearing as if dead. The an- teunaj are geniculate, the eighth and following joints forming a compact annulated, rounded or (rarely) triangular club. The elytra are truncate behind, leaving two segments of the abdomen uncovered. The linear flattened larvae have the ter- minal ring ending in two biarticulated appendages, and a single anal prop-leg. The larva of the European Hister vierdarius (Fig. 390) lives in cow dung, forming a cell in which it transforms, and like Authrenus, the pale brown pupa retains the larva skin about it. In Hister the head is retracted and bent downwards, and the club of the antenna is round and annulated. Ulster interrxtptus Beauv. and A. marginicolUs Lee. are common northward. Fig. 390 The genus Iletcerius differs in the antenna! club being obcouical, truncate and solid. The species are found only in ants' nests early in the spring. In Saprinus the antenn£e are inserted under the margin of the front ; the antennal cavities being at the sides of the prosternum proper. The species are mostly found in carrion and in dung. ScAPHiDiiD,E MacLeay. "This family," according to Dr. Leconte, "contains small oval or rounded oval, convex, very shining insects, living in fungi. The sides of the thorax arc oblique, and the head small, so as to make the body somewhat pointed in front; the thorax is very closely applied to the front, and the elytra are broadly truncate, permitting the tip of the conical abdomen to appear." In Scaphidimn the an- tennae are clavate, the ej-es emarginate, the posterior tibiae are not spinous, and the first joint of the posterior tarsi longest. Trichoptertgid^ (Trichopterj^gia Erichson). This incon- siderable family comprises the smallest beetles known. The 444 COLEOPTERA. eleven-jointed antennae, which are verticillate, with long hairs, are inserted at the margui of the front, and the club is long and loosely articulated. The beetles live under the bark of trees and in ants' nests. The larvae are carnivorous, being very active, without ocelli, and with cylindrical bodies, witii four-jointed anternuB and long four-jointed legs. Trichopteryx is known by its pubescent body, and laminate posterior coxae. One species is one-third of a line long •, others are still smaller. The larva ^'^■^^^ of the European T. intermedia Gillmeister (Fig. 391^ enlarged) feeds on Podurae. PiiALACRiDiE Erichson. "A small number of oval or rounded oval, couA^ex, shining insects, constitute this family. They are found on flowers, and sometimes under bark. The elytra have sometimes approximate rows of small punctures, but more usually only a sutural stria. The scutellum is larger than usual, triangular. One of the four genera (Tolyphus) of this famil}' is wanting in our fauna. The other three are separated b}' the form of the posterior tarsi." (Leconte.) In Phalacrus the anterior and posterior tarsi are of the same length. The larvae are vegetable feeders, living in the flowers of composite plants. NiTiDULARi.^ Latreille. This famih^ includes small oval or elliptical, flattened beetles, which are sometimes almost globu- lar. The head is suddenly narrowed before the insertion of the antennre, thus forming a short beak, and the antennae may ^ be partially retracted into a groove under the eyes. The larvae are both carnivorous and vegetable-feeders ; they are elongated, with two to four-jointed antennae, three ocelli on each side, with a flattened hairy body, ending in four small, horny, recurved tuber- cles. The pupae may be found under the Fig- 392. surface of the ground in earth and sawdust. Carpophihis has the second and third abdominal segments short, while the first, fourth and fifth are longer, and the claws are simple. Carpophihis antiquus Mels. is a well known spe- COLYDIID^. 445 cies. Nitidula and its allies are elliptical depressed, often with a broad margin ; the el^^tra covers the whole abdomen, or leaves merely the tips exposed. In Nitidula the last joint of the labial palpi is not tliickcr than the preceding, and the species often have two red spots on the elytra, as in Nitidula hipustidata Fabr. In Epurcea, which is found under stones and bark, the last joint of the palpi is large and thick. Omosita zolon Fabr. is also spotted twice with red ; the genus may be recognized by the antennal grooves diverging behind, following the outline of the eyes, while in the males the sixth abdominal segment is wanting. Ips is much longer and larger, with trun- cate elytra, and the head is iunnersed in the thorax to the eyes. Ips sanguinolentus Say has a broad red band on the elytra, with two large round dots. Ijts fasciatus Say (Fig. 391, and larva ; found in the roots of the squash b}' Mr. M. C. Read) has two broad interrupted yellow bands on the elytra ; both species occur about flowing sap in spring. Ips ferruginea of Europe lives on the 3'oung of H^desinus ligniperda. EMzo- phagus depressus is known in Europe to attack the larvae of Hylurgus piniperda, according to Dufour. MoNOTOMiDJE Chaudoir. The species of this inconsiderable group are much like the preceding fainily in form, but as Le- conte states, differ from them in the anterior coxa? being small, rounded and separated. The}^ occur under the bark of trees. Trogositid^ Kirby. This group, usually united with the preceding famil}', is distinguished b}^ the bilobate maxillae, with the short, four-jointed maxillae and the short undilated tarsi. They generally live under bark, but some have been trans ported over the whole world in grain. In Trogosita, which comprises long insects, with the thorax narrowed behind, the ligula is entire, the tibiae are not spinous, and the thorax is prominently angulated in front. CoLYDiiD^ Erichson. The small globular anterior and middle coxae, and the foui'-jointed simple tarsi will enable them, Leconte states, to be readily- distinguished from an}^ of the neighboring families. The species are of small size, usually 446 COLEOPTERA. rather long and C3-Iinclrical, and occur in fungi, in the earth, or under the bark of trees. Colydium is slender, with finely striate elytra, and the anterior tibijB have one spur enlarged and hooked ; while the first joint of the tarsi is elongated. C. elongatwm is stated hy European authors to attack the larvae of Plat3^pus, a genus allied to Scolj'tus. EnYSSODiDyE Erichson. This group, by some authors united witli the preceding family, simulates the form of the Carabids. The antennae are, however, composed of equal globular joints, and tlie head is strongly constricted behind into a neck. They ure found under bark. In Bhyssodes the eyes are placed upon the side, and in the other genus, Clinidium, upon the upper surface of the head. CucujiD^ Latreille. The species of this family are very much flattened long insects, with flat, strongly emai'ginated elytra, and the abdomen has five full segments, equal in length. They are found under bark. The larvae are quite transparent, with the terminal joint ending in two horny curved hooks. The antennae are four-jointed, the limbs provided with a single claw, and there are five ocelli on each side of the head. In Syl- vanus, Avliich is of small size, the nine to eleven-jointed an- tennae do not have the first joint elongated as usual, while the terminal ones are enlarged. Sylvanas Surinamensis Linn, is one-ninth of an inch long, of a rusty brown color, and covered with short j'ellowish hairs. The larva is a flattened yellowish white grub, with the terminal joint somewhat conical. It breeds in bran, rice and wheat. Cticujus is a bright scarlet flattened Insect, with punctured elytra, and three faintly marked smooth lines. The larvae differ from those of S^dvanus by having two horny tubercles at the end of the abdomen ; they are often found in granaries. Cryptophagid^ Kirb3\ This family differs from the pre- ceding group in the greater length of the first abdominal ring, the thickened body, and in the thorax being as wide as the elytra. Antherophagus is readily known by its resemblance to Epuraea among the Nitidulidce , as its head and body is flat, Fiff. 394. MYCETOPHAGID^. 44^ the front not prolonged, and in the male is dccpl}^ excised at the tip. Tlie antennjy of the female are clubbed as usnal, and the mandibles are prominent and suddenly incurved at the tips. It is often found on flowers in the perfect state. We have found the larvai (Fig. 393 ; a, end of abdomen) of Antherophagiis ochraceus Say (Plate 3, fig. 4) in the nests of humble bees during July and August. They are whitish, and .32 of an inch in length. The beetles are of a pale honey yellow, Avith v ^ / little darker antenna?, legs and elytra, while the ends aLS^ of the antennal joints, the base of the eoxse and tibial. Fig" 393. and tip of the terminal joint of the tarsi are black. J The larA-a of the European CryjMojjJiagus hirtus Gyll. (Fig. 394) is found in cellars. Derodontjd.e Leconte. In these insects the transverse form of the anterior and posterior coxa (which latter are slightly separated), dilated inter- nally, forming a small plate to protect the insertion of the thigh, distinguishes this group from all the preceding families, and approximates it somewhat to the families following the Elateridce. Lathridiid^ Redtenbacher. Leconte states that the insects of this small family are of very small size found flying in twilight, and also under bark and stones ; they are of graceful form, the elytra being usually wider than the thorax ; the species of Bonvou- loiria and most of the species of Lathridius (Fig 395, larva of L. minutus Linn., enlarged) are veiy ^'»- '^^^■ remarkably sculptured, with elevated lines on the thorax. Othniid^ Leconte. Othuius umhrosus Lee. is the type of this family. It occurred in Nebraska, near the Rocky Monn- tains. MrcETOPHAGiD^ Leach. The genus Mycetophagns is finely punctured with closely appressed hairs ; the anterior coxal cavities are open ; the tarsi are four-jointed and filiform, the 448 COLEOPTERA. anterior pair in tlie males having bnt three joints ; the frontal suture is always distinct and usually deep ; the eyes are trans- verse and the antennae gradually enlarged externally. Dermestid^ Leach. These well known insects have the head small and deflexed, with short mandibles, rounded eyes, with a single ocellus ; the prothorax is short, sometimes exca vated for the reception of the antenuie, Avhich are in- serted in front of the eyes and are usualh' eleven-jointed, and the legs are siiort, somewhat contractile, the tarsi being five-jointed. In B3turus the mandibles have sev- eral teeth, and the claws are armed witli a large basal Fig. li'x,- tooth. They are small oval brown beetles found eating flowers. Mr. J. L. Russell of Salem, has called mj^ attention to the ravages committed by B. unicolor Say on the raspberry ; it eats the flowers, being most abundant during June, and for two or three summers has been very abundant. Hand picking was found to be the best remed3^ Every entomologist dreads the presence of Dennestes and Anthrenus in his cabinet. The ugly, bristly, insidious larva, which so skilfully hides in the body Avhose interior it consumes, leaving only the shell read}^ to fall to pieces at the slightest jar, can be kept out onl}^ with the greatest precautions. Der- mestes lardarins Linn., the" larger of the two, is oblong oval, with short legs, black, with the base of the- elytra gray buff, covered by two broad lines. It is timid and Fjr. ■■'>'■)-. slow in its movements, and when disturbed seeks a shelter, or mimics death. AVe have found the larva (Fig. 396) of probably another species of Dermestes, crawling up ihe side of an out-house. It was nearly twice the size of D. lardarius. Atfagenus peUio Stephens is another insect which infests museums. It is shorter than Dermestes, black, with two dots on the wing covers. The larva (Fig. 397, en- larged three times) is long and slender, cylindrical, with red- dish brown hairs closely appi-essed to the body, giving it a silk}^, shining appearance. Tlie abdomen ends in a long pen- cil of hau's. It has been known to eat holes in carpets. Anthrenus varius Fabr. (Fig. 398 ; a, larva ; b, pupa) is rounded oval, with transverse waved lines. Its larva is thick, GEORYSSID^. 449 with long bristles, which are largest on the end of the body. The^' are generally destructive in museums, and prey on stuffed specimens of all sorts. The beetles fly al)out early in spring and then lay their eggs. The insect is found in all its stages througli the year. They may be killed like the Clothes-moth, also found in museums, b}'- saturating the specimen infested by them with benzine. To pre- vent their attacks, they should be kept out of collections by keeping benzine in constant evaporation in open vessels. Camphor and turpentine and creosote are also very useful. Insects recentl}^ prepared should be placed in quarantine, so we may be sure none of the mu- seum pests will be introduced into the drawers or cases of the cabinet while either in the egg or larva state. Their presence in cabinets may be detected by the dust they make falling on the white surface beneath. Specimens thoroughly impregnated with carbolic acid, or arsenic, or corrosive sublimate, will not be attacked by them. Fig. 398. Byrrhid.e Leach. Pill Beetles. This group has the head retracted under the thorax, with the parts of the mouth more or less protected by the prosternum ; the legs are short, stout and retractile, and the antenuffi are clavate. The tj-pi- cal species are "oval or rounded, very convex, dull black or bronzed insects, covered with a fine, easih* removed pubescence, forming varied patterns." In Byrrhus all the tarsi are retractile. We have taken Byrrlms Americamis Lee. in Labrador, on the stems of the "Labrador tea." They are found in cold mountainous districts. The larv?e (Fig. 399, larva ^'^' '^^'^' of B. pillula lUiger, a European species found in moss) are flesh}', cjdindrical, with the last two rings of the body larger than the others. Geortssid/E Heer. This family consists of but a single genus, characterized by Leconte as comprising small, rounded, 29 450 COLEOPTERA. convex, roughl}^ sculptured, black insects, found at the mar- gins of streams, on wet sand ; they cover themselves with a mass of mud, so that no part of the insect is visible. Georys- sus pusUlus Lee. is our only species. Parnid^ MacLeay. These are aquatic beetles, having a retractile head, and are often found clinging to submerged stones, both in the lar\'al and pupal states. The bod}' of the beetle is " clothed with a fine pu- bescence, enabling a film of air to lie preserved beneath the water." The larvffi are hemispherical like a basin. "The larva of Psephenus Lecontei Hald. (Fig. 400, under side, enlarged three times) is an elliptical object, with the margins widety extended be- yond the body, and is seen on stones under the water of rapid streams ; it is especially abundant in the rapids of Niagara, and differs in no important particular from the larva of Heli' cJms of the next subfamily'. It respires by branchial fila- ments." (Leconte.) Elmis (Fig. 401, larva of a European species) is known b}- the narrow, elongate scutellum. Fig. 401. Heterocerid.e MacLea}'. "This ftxmil}' consists of but a single genus, Heterocerus ; it is represented in every portion of our territory. The species ai-e numerous, but \evy similar in form and color, so that care is necessary in distinguishing them. The}' are oblong or subelongate, oval, densel}' clothed with short, silky pubescence, \evy finel}' punctuate, and of a brown color, with the el^-tra usually variegated with undulating bands or spots of a j-ellow color. Tlioy li's-e in galleries which they excavate in sand or mud at the margin of bodies of water, and, when disturbed, run from their galleries and take flight, after the manner of certain species of Bembidium." (Leconte.) LuCAXiD.E Latreille. This famil}' is closely allied to the next, and is often united with it, as it differs chiefl}^ from the outer laii^ellate joints of the antenna not being so closely SCARAB^ID^. 451 Fig. 402. finited into a compact club, as in the Scat abeidce, and tlie niontum is usually large. The genus Liicanns, called the Stag- iiorn beetle, is of large size, with enormously developed jaws in the male, as in Lucanus dama Fabr. (Fig. 402, suddenly to the ground. Anasjns has the foiu'th joint of the anterior and middle tarsi very small, and the body is fusiform, with oval eyes. In 3for- della the body is wedge-shaped, the ej'es are finely granulated, the scutelluni is triangular, and the last joint of the maxil- lary palpi triangular or securiform. The larvae are said to live in the pith of plants during autumn, and are long, subcjlin- drical, and the sides of the rings are furnished with fleshy tubercles. MordeUistena differs in the hind tibiaj having sub apical and oblique ridges. Antiiicid.e Latreille. Of this small group, Notoxus ancliora Hentz is noted for having the head prolonged over the mouth into a horn ; it is found in marshy places. Leconte states that Tanarthrus scdinus Lee. flies and runs on salt mud like a Cicindela ; it occurs in the Colorado desert. The nu- merous species of Anthiats live in sandy places near water. Formicomus is ant-like, being wingless. MELOIDiE. 477 Pyrochroid^ L.itreillo. A small group of beetles wliicb are found under the bark of trees ; the^' generally have a red- dish thorax contrasting with the black head and elytra. "The branches of the pectinate male antenna? are rigid in Pyrochroa^ and very slender and flexible in Dendroides ; in Schizotus they are of an intermediate form, and somewhat flexible." (Le- conte.) The larva of Dendroides is a very flat whitish grubj with two large curved spines on the tail ; it lives under the bark of pines and other trees. Two species of this genus, D. concolor Newman and D. Canadensis Latr., are equally common in New England. Fig. 446, enlarged, represents the larva of a species of Pi/rocJiroa, of which P. Jlabellata Fabr. is a type. Meloid^ Gyllenhal. This is a family of great in- terest from the parasitic habits of the larvae, which dif- fer remarkably from the adult forms. The head is much bent forwards, and is suddenly constricted far ^'S- ^^• behind the eyes into a small neck ; the eleven-jointed antennae are inserted at the sides of the front, before the ej-es ; the elytra are variable in form, but when abnormalh^ shortened, are ovate, rather than square at the tip, and the hind wings are often absent. The legs are long, the hind tarsi are four- jointed, the penultimate joint usaall}" cylindrical. They are soft-bodied, cylindrical, slender beetles, and are always found on flowers. The larvae are ovate, flattened, often very minute and then somewhat resembling the Pediculi in habits. MeJoe is a large dark blue beetle found about buttercups and crawl- ing on grass in Ma}^ and again late in August. The elytra are small and short, overlapping each other on the large ovate full abdomen ; the claws are cleft, the male antennae are twisted and knotted. The eggs are laid in the ground, prob- ably'' near the nests of bees, for in the early spring, the ^oung larvae recentlj^ hatched are found on the bodies of various bees, such as Bombus, Halictus and Andrena, and also various Syrphi and Muscae frequenting the flowers of the willow in April, whence they are convej-ed b}' the agency of the bees. On these flowers we have found them in abundance. They are very active in their habits, and difllcult to rear in confinement. 478 COLEOPTERA. which can only be done by confining the bees on which they are found, and supplying them with flowers. When the bee becomes exhausted by the loss of fluids drawn out by its para- site, it is quickl}^ deserted by these minute torments for a newly introduced and more lively bee. The length of the larva at this period (Fig. 447) is .06 of an inch. It differs very remarkably from those of the neighboring families, which are generally oval, being long and linear- oblong, flattened. The three thoracic rings are of equal size, transversely oblong, the head being of nearly the same size with one of the thoracic segments, and provided with short antennae. The legs have long claws with an intermediate long pad. From the tip of the abdomen proceed two pair of setae, the inner one much longer than the other pair. It is shorter than that of M. violaceus, figured by Newport, who has, with great sagacity, cleared up the remarkable history of this genus. It is undoubtedlj' the j'oung of our connnon Melo'e angusticoJUs Say (Fig. 448). The larvae are convej^ed b}- the bees themselves into their nests where the}^ prey on the larvae and bee bread. When full-fed and read}'' to pass through their transformations, instead of at once as- suming the pnpa state, they pass through what has been called by Fabre a " h3-permetamorphosis." In other wo:ds the changes in form preparatory to assuming the pupa state are here more marked than usual, and are al- most coequal with the larva and pupa states, so that the Meloe instead of passing through oul}' three states (the egg, larva and pupa) in reality passes through these and two others in addition which are intermediate. Fabre states that the larva, soon after entering the nest of its host, changes its skin and assumes a second larval form (Fig. 449) resembling a lamellicorn larva. Newport, however, who with Siebold has carefully described the metamorphosis of Meloe, does not men- MELOID.E. ■479 Fig. Ui). tion this stage in its clcvelopmont. In this stage the larva is said to be motionless ; the head is mask-like, without movable appendages, and the feet are represented by six tubercles. This is, properly speaking, the "semipupa." This form, however, according to Fabre, changes its skin and turns into a third larval form (Fig. 450). After some time it assumes its true pupa form (Fig. 451) and finally moults this skin to appear as a beetle. In Iloria and allies the head is large, square behind, and the front is not prolonged beyond the base of the antenna?. Iloria sancjuinipennis Say is now placed by Leconte in the genus Tricrania, which differs in the last joint of the maxillary palpi being longer tlian the third, and by the triangular head. It is found in the nest of the hum|Dle bee, and in the West Indies a species of Iloria is found in the nests of Xylocopa teredo, a species of carpenter bee. ^ Sitan's, an European genus, has much the same habits as Meloe. Its eggs are laid near the entrance of bees' nests, and at the very moment, according to Fabre, that the bee lays her egg in the honey- cell, the flattened, oval, Sitaris larva drops from the body of the bee upon the egg and feasts upon its contents. It then feeds on the honey in the cell of the bee and changes into a white, cyliudri- eal, nearly footless grub, and after it becomes full- fed, and has assumed the supposed "pupa'' state, the skin, without bursting, encloses a kind of hard "pupa" skin which is verj' similar in outline to the former larva, Fig. 451. ' and within this skin is found a whitish larva, which directly changes into the true pupa. These changes M. Fabre calls a " hypermetamorphosis," but it will probably be found that the two so- called "pupa" states, immediately preceding the final genuine pupa state he describes, are but changes of the semipupa, and can be paralleled in some de^ gree by the remarkable changes of the bee and moth noted V us previousl3% Fig. 452. 480 COLEOPTERA. The Blister beetles, of which Lytta (Cantharis) affords many species, secrete the substance known as " Cantharadine." The Spanish- fl}^ is used in commerce, and is a bright shining green spe ^ cies. Our native forms, which as J_ 'well as IM e 1 o e , when dried, can Fig. 453. be used for pro- ducing blisters, are dark colored. Their larvae have the same form as that of Meloe ; it remains yet to ascertain their true habits, though Latreille states that they live beneath the ground feeding on the roots of vegetables. Among the species of Blister beetles which are especially injurious to the potato are Lytta vittata Fabr. (Fig. 452), L. cinerea Fabr. (Fig. 453, a), L. murina Lee. (Fig. 453, 6), and L. marginata Fabr. (Fig. 454). Phodaga alticeps Lee. (Fig. 455 ; 1 , front of male ; / \ '2'> pi'ofile of male ; 3, anterior tibia and tarsus ; 4, Fig. 454. middle tibia ; 5, claw ; from Horn) is a Californian .species, remarkable for the great differences between the sexes, in the form of the legs and tarsi. Rhipiphorid^. Gerstaecker. This family is characterized by Leconte as having a vertical head, with perfect mouth- parts, affixed to the prothorax by a very slender neck, which is entirely contained within the prothorax, while the vertex is usually elevated. The eleven-jointed antennae (ten-jointed in the female of certain species) are pectinate or fiabel- late in the males, and frequently serrate in the females. The prothorax is as large as the elj^tra at base, much narrowed in front, and the elj'tra, rarety covering the abdomen, are usually narrowed be- hind, diverging on the back. The legs are long and slender, •vith filiform tarsi, and the claws are pectinate or toothed, be- ing rarely simple. They are found on flowers. The larval STYLOPIDvE. 481 X^tiis are not yet known. Eki2Ji'2)horiis is a wedge-shaped genus, not found in America. R. FinHtcus Paykull is said to be a parasite on Clir3'sis, tlie cuckoo wasp. It is here repre- sented b}' two genera, Macroskujon and Emmenadia whicli are wedge-shaped, with coarsely punctured and sparsel}^ pubescent bodies, with the vertex of the head much elevated. In Myo- dites the elj'tra are very small. Tlie species are found on Soli- dago or Golden-rod in August. The genus Metoeciis is allied to Mj'odites. Metoecus paradoxus Linn, is in Europe a para- site in the nests of wasps (Vespa) eating the larvte. In the genus lihipklius the males lune short pointed de- hiscent elytra, while the females are entirely wingless and worm-like. It is a parasite on BJatta Germanica. Thej' are to be looked for in this country, where they have not yet occurred. STYLOPiDiE Kirby. This most anomalous familj", both as regards the structure and the habits of the few species compos- ing it, were for a long time excluded from the Coleoptera by sj'stematists generally, and by Gerstaecker the}' are even now placed in the old "order" Strepsiptera. They are minute forms, and have been characterized thus by Dr. Leconte. "Oral organs atrophied except the mandibles and one pair of palpi. Head large, transverse, vertical, prolonged at the sides, forming a stout peduncle, at the end of which are situated the e^^es, Avhich are convex and verj^ coarsel}^ granulated. Antennje inserted on the front, at the base of the lateral processes of the head ; forked in one genus. Prothorax exceedingl}' short. Mesothorax short, bearing at each side a slender, coriaceous club-shaped appendage, Avith the inner margin membranous : this appendage represents the elytra. Metathorax very large, greater in bulk than the rest of the body, with the sutures of the dorsal pieces all distinct. The postscutellnm is conical and prolonged far over the base of the abdomen ; wings very large, fan-shaped, with a few diverging nervures ; the epimera are very large, and project behind almost as far as the postscutel- lnm. Abdomen small, with from seven to nine segments. Legs short ; anterior and middle coxaj cylindrical, prominent ; uind coxae very small, contiguous, quadrate ; tibiae without 31 482 COLEOPTERA. spurs ; tarsi without claws, joints each with a membrauous lobe beneath." The females are sac-like. They live enclosed in the body of the bee. In Stylops the antennae are six-jointed, and in Xenos they are four-jointed. From the middle of May until late in June both sexes of St3'lops ma}- be found in "stylopized" individu- als of Andrena and Polistes. The flattened triangular head of the female maj^ be seen projecting from between the abdomi- nal segments of the bee, and sometimes there are two or tiu'ee of them. On carefully drawing out tlie whole l)od3' of a female Stylops ChiJdreni (Fig. 45G ; a, ab- domen of bee enclosing the female St^'lops ; &, top view), Avhich is very extensible, baggy and full of a thin fluid, and examining it under a high power we found multitudes, at least three hundred, of very minute Stjdops larvae, like particles of dust issuing in every direction from the body of the parent. Most of them escaped from near the head, over which they ran, as i\\&y must do, .when the parent is in its natural position, in order to get out upon the surface of the l)ee. It thus ap- pears that the 3'oung (Plate 3, fig. 6, 6 a) are hatched Avithin the body of the parent, and are therefore viviparous. The head of the female is flattened, triangular, nearly' equilaterally so, with the apex or region of the mouth obtuse, and the two hinder angles each containing a minute simple e^'e ; the larger part of the head above consists of the epicraniiim, Avhich is narrow in front, with the edge coua'cx ; the mandibles are obsolete, being two flattened portions lying in front of the gena and separated fi'om that region l)y a ver}' distinct suture ; no clypeus or laljrum can be - distinguished. The mouth is transA'erse and opens on the upper side of the head, while in front, owing to the position of the mouth, lies the rather large labium and the rounded papilliform maxillaa. The larva is elliptical in form, the head semioval, while the STYLOPIDiE. 483 Fig. -tST. tip of the abdomen is truncate ; the sides of the body arc straiglit, there being no well defined sutures between the seg- ments ; seen laterally' the larva is thickest at the inetathoracic ring. Two simple ej'es are situated near the base of tlie head. The body is so transparent that the intestine can be traced easity to just before the tip, where it ends in a ciil cle sac. Tha two anterior pairs of legs are much alike ; coxae short ; femora and tiljire small, cylindrical ; a slen- der tibial spur ; the tarsi consisting of a single elavate joint equalling the tibia in length, being much swollen at the tip, and without claws. The hind tarsi are longer, very slender, two-jointed, the terminal one being bulbous. The terminal styles, inserted in the tenth abdominal ring, are a little more than one-half the length of the body, which is covered with long setose scales. In their movements these infinitesi- mal larvae were very active, as they scrambled over the body of the parent, holding their caudal setffi nearl}' erect. On the last of April we caught a male Stylojys ChUdreni "West- wood (Fig. 457, and 458) in the same net with a stylopized Andrena placida, and as the abdo- men of the male was long and very extensile, its tip being provided with a capacious forceps for seizing the bod}' of the female, it is most proba- ble that the female described belonged to the same species, and that at this time the short-lived male, for this one lived Init for a daj^ in confinement after capture, unites sexually with the female. It appears then that the larvaj are hatched during the middle or last of June, from the eggs fertilized in April, and which are retained within the body of the parent. The larvffi then crawl on to the body of bees and penetrate within the abdomen of those that are to hibernate, and live there through the winter. The entire body of the male is, with the 484 COLEOPTERA. head and antennae, of a velvety black, the abdomen slightly brownish, while the legs and anal forceps are pale resinous brown, and the tips of the tibiae and the tarsal joints pale testaceous. It is about one-fourth of an inch in length. The succeeding families comprise the divisions Tetramera and Trimera of early authors, in which the penultimate joint of the tarsi is but slightly developed, forming an enlargement at the base of the last joint, with which it is closely united. Bruchid-(E Leach. This small family comprises Curculio-like beetles of short rounded form which are noted for their activity and readiness to take flight when disturbed. They differ from the Curculionidcn in the proboscis being folded on the chest, the antennse being short and straight and inserted in a cavity next to the eyes. There are 300 species of. Bruchus known. Bruclius pisi Linn., the Pea weevil (Fig. 515), is found in seed peas in the spring. It appears soon after the pea is in flower, ovipositing on the young pods (Glover). The young larva feeds in the growing pod, on the pulp of the pea. Peas infested with them should be soaked in boiling hot water before sowing. Bruchus varicornis Lee, in like manner infests the bean. CuRCULiONiDJE Latreillc. The weevil familj^ maj^ be at once recognized by tlie head being ' lengthened into a long snout or proboscis (used for boring into objects when about to oviposit), near the middle of which are situated the long, slender, elbowed antennse. At the extremity of the snout are situated the mouth-parts, which are much reduced in size, the palpi having small rounded joints. Their bodies are hard and generally round and often very minute. They are very timid and quickly feign death. The larvie are white, thick, fleshy, foot- less gi-ubs, with fleshy tubercles instead of legs, and arc armed with thick curved jaws. They feed on nuts, seeds, the roots, pith and bark of plants, leaves or flowers, and especially the fruits, Avhile some are leaf-miners and others are said to make galls. Preparatory to transforming they spin silken cocoons. The number of species already known is immense, being not less than from 8,000 to 10,000, and upwards of 630 CURCULIONID^. 485 genera have been already- described by Schonlierr and others, of which we can notice but a lew of the most important. Brenthus and its allies difler from the following genera in their remarkably long and slender bodies, the snout being stretched straight out, not bent down as usual; while the slightly clavate antenn;© are not elbowed. Dr. Har- ris gives the history of B. septemtrionaUs Ilerbst (Fig. 459). The female in midsummer punctures with her long snout the bark of the white oak. The grub, when hatched, bores into the solid wood ; it is nearlj- c^dindrical, whitish, except the last seg- ment, which is dark brown and horny, and is F's- ^s^). obliquely hollowed at the end, which is dentate, forming a scoop by Avhich the larva clears its gallery of chips. There are three pairs of legs and an anal prop-leg. The pupa is described as being white, with the head bent on the chest between the T WW I ^3JL ""'"igs and legs. On the back are 1 /i7r\ /jI iluL ^'^^^'^ of sharp teeth, with two larger thorns at the anal tip. Harris states that "the different kinds of Attelabus are said to roll up the edges of leaves, thereby forming little nests of the shape and size of thimbles to con- tain their eggs and to shelter their 3'oung, Avhicli afterwards devour the leaves." A. ancdis lUiger (Fig. 460) is dull red, with dark blue antennse and legs. In Rhyncliites the head is not con- tracted behind into a neck. R. hicoJor Fabr. injures various roses, wild and cultivated. It is red above, Avith the antennae, legs and sides of the body black. The little seed weevils, Apion, are peai'-sliapml and generally black. Apion Scnji Schonli. (Fig. 461) lives in the pods of the wild Indigo. It is black and one-tenth of an inch in length. Balaninus, the nut- weevil, is oval in shape, with a ver}^ slender snoiit, nearly as long as the body. B. nasicus Say (Fig. 462) is found on hazel bushes, and probabl}^ infests the nuts. Harris describes Fiff. 4G0. Fiff. 401. Fi!,'. 402. 486 COLEOPTERA. it as being dark brown, and clothed witli verj- short, rust- yellow, flattened hairs, which are disposed in spots on its wing covers. It is nearly three-tenths of an inch long, exclusive of the snout. The genus Hylohius has the antennae inserted before the middle of the snout, not far from the sides of the mouth. The Pine weevil, Hylohius pales Herbst, is very destructive to pines, the pitch-pine especiall}-. This deep chestnut colored weevil is very abundant in May and June. It has a line on the thorax, and yellowish white dots scattered over the bod}', while the thighs are toothed beneath, and the slender cylindrical snout is nearl}^ as long as the tho- rax. The larvae are found under the bark. In old trees it burrows under the bark, its galleries extending irregularl}' over the inner surface of the bark and in the sap wood. The White-pine weevil, Pissodes strohi Peck (Fig. 463; a, larva; h, pupa), equally destructive Avith the former, is a smaller beetle, more slender, and oblong oval in form. It is rust-colored brown, with two white dots on the thorax, a white scutellum, and behind the middle of the ehtra, which are punctured in rows, is a transverse white line. Harris states that its eggs are deposited on the leading shoots of the pine, probabl}^ on the outer bark, and the larva when hatched bores into tlie shoot, and thus distorts the tree for life. The pupa is found just under the bark, the beetles appearing in the autumn, though in much greater numbers in May. We have found this insect, in all its stages of growth, under the bark of the white pine the last of Ai)ril, the larvae being the most numerous. The larva is white, foot- less, cylindrical, with a pale reddish head. It is .32 of an inch long, and transforms in a cell. The pupa is white, the tip of the abdomen being square, with a sharp spine on each CURCULIONID^.. 487 3id3. It is .30 of an inch long. An insect tliat would be readily mistaken for the Hylohius pales is the Otiorhynclms sul- C((tiis of Fabrieius (Fig. 4G4), which is of niiich the same color, but witli a thicker bod}-. The Plum Gouger, Anthonomus prunickhi Walsh, resembles the Plum curculio in its haliits, and, according to Walsh, is equally as common in Nortliern and Central Illinois. It makes a round puncture in the i)lum, sometimes five or six, from which the gum copiously exudes. Instead of living, however,^ in the pulp, it devours the kernel and usually transforms inside the stone of the fruit. "The thorax of the plum gouger is ochre-yellow ; the head and hinder parts slate-color, the latter with irregular white and black spots. In connnon with the other species of the genus to which it belongs its snout usually projects forward, whereas that of the Curculio usually hangs peri)endicularl3' downwards." (Walsh.) A. syrnphanta Walsh is brown-black and was bred by Mr. Walsh from the galls of various saw-flies found on the willow, and he supposes that this species, "while in the larva state, must destroy the egg or the ver^^ young larva of the gall-making Nematus, just as A. cra- tcegi AYalsh evidently does ; which was found in an nndescribed Cecidomyian gall on the thorn bush, and just as the larva of A. scuteUatus Schonh. gradually destro3-s the young plant-lice among which it lives ; otherwise the two larvje would exist in the same gall." Walsh has also bred A. tessellatus Walsh from the Cecidomj'ian gall, C. s. brassicoides. It is "a A'ery con- stant species and easily recognizable hy the tessellate appear- ance of the elytra." A. quachigihbus Say punctures the apple, making from one to twent}- holes in the fruit. The Cranbeny weevil, as we may call it, or the Anthonomu^ suturalis Lee, is a minute reddish brown beetle, Avith the beak one-half as long as the body, just beyond the middle of which the anteuuj^^ are inserted. The head is darker than the rest of the body, being brown black. The thorax is a little darker than the elytra and covered very sparsely with short whitish hairs ; the scutellum is whitish, and the elytra are shining red- dish brown, with the strijie deeply punctured, the interstices being smooth. It is .13 of an inch long including the beak. Mr. W, C. Fish writes me that in the middle of July he 488 COLEOPTERA. Fig. 465. detected this little weevil laj-ing its eggs in the buds of the cranberry. "It selects a bud not quite ready to open, and clinging to it, works its snout deep into the centre of the bud. An egg is tlien deposited in the hole made, when the beetle climbs to the stem and cuts it off near Avhere it joins the bud, which drops to the ground and there decays ; the egg"^ hatching and the grub going through its transformations within." The larva is long and rather slender, cylindrical, the bod}' being of uniform thickness and curved ; the head is pale honey yel- low ; the jaws tipped with black ; the rings are very convex, especialh' the pro- thoracic one ; it is white, with a few fine pale hairs, and is .08 of an inch in length. The Magdalis olyra of Herbst (Fig. 405 ; a, larva ; &, pupa ; the thorax of tlie larva is enlarged by the pupa growing be- neath ; the pupa from which the drawing was made is not full}' developed, since the tip of the fully grown i)upa ends in two spines) may be found in all it.s stages early in May under the bark of the oak. The larva is white, with the head freer from the body than in Pissodes strobi (tliough it is not so represented in the figure). The bod}" of the beetle is black, punctured, and the thorax has a lateral tubercle on the front edge, Avhile the tars: are brown with whitish hairs. It is a quarter of an inch long. Conotraclielus neimpliar Herbsto olie Plum- Weevil (Fig. 466; a, larva; 6, pupa; c, beetle; c?, plum stung b}'' the weevil) is a short, stout, thick weevil, and the snout is curved, rather longer than the thorax, and bent on the chest when at rest. It is dark brown, spotted with Avhite, ochre-yellow and black, and the surface is rough, from which the beetle, as Harris says, looks like a Fig. 400. CUECULIONID^. 489 dried bud when shaken from the trees. When the fiiiit is set, the beetles sting the phnns, and sometimes apples and peaches, with their snouts, making a curved incision, in which a single egg is deposited. Mr. F. C. Hill bIioavs that the curculio makes the crescent-shaped cut after the egg is pushed in •' so as to undermine the egg, and leave it in a kind of flap formed by the little piece of the flesh of the fruit which she has under- mined. Can her object be to wilt the piece around the egg and prevent the growing fruit from crushing it?" (Practical Entomologist, ii, p. 115.) The grub hatched therefrom is a little footless, fleshy white grub, yvith a distinct round light brown head. The irritation set up by these larva? causes the fruit to drop l)efore it is of full size, with the larva still within. Now full-fed, it burrows directly into the ground and there trans- forms during the last of the summer. In three weeks it becomes a beetle It also attacks many other garden fruits, such as the cherr^^, peach and quince. Drs. Harris, Burnett and others, think the larva is but a temporary occupant of the Avart on plumb and cherry trees, and not a cause of the disease. The best remedy is jarring the trees, and catch- ing the larvas in sheets and burning them. Dr. Hull's "cur- culio catcher" is an excellent invention for destroying these insects ; it consists of a large inverted w hite umbrella, fixed upon a large wheelbarrow split in front to receive the trunk of the tree, against which it is driven with force sufficient to jar the curculios from the tree into the umbrella. The genus Ceutorhynchus is a small, short, thick curculio, which attacks the seeds of the radish and allied j^lants. We have noticed a pale gray species on the radish, which probably inhabits the seeds. The genus CaJandra has a slender snout slightly bent down- wards, a coarsely punctui-ed thorax nearl}- half as long as the 490 COLEOPTERA. whole body, while the elytra are furrowed and do not quite cover the tip of the abdomen. G. pcdmarum Linn, is a large black weevil, which lives in the trunks of palms. The Grain "Weevil, Sitophilus granarius Linn. (Fig. 467 ; e, and natural size), is pitchy red in color, the surface rough ; it is about an eighth of an inch long, and is im- mensely prolific. This gi'eat pest, both as a larva and beetle, consumes wheat after it is stored up, being very abundant in granaries. Tlie larva I ' devours the inside of the hull, leaving the shell Fig. 4G8. whole, so that its presence is not readily de- tected. To prevent its attacks Harris recommends that the wheat be kept cool, well ventilated, and frequently stirred. A similar weevil, Sitophilus oryzce Linn. (Fig. 467 ; c, a, larva ; b, pupa), attacks the grains of rice and also of wlieat ; it differs in having two large red spots on each elytron, and it is abundant in the South, where it is called the ' ' black weevil." The European turnip weevil, Ceutorh)/nchus ossimilis Pa^'k., a broad, pale gray insect, has occui'red in Maine on the radish. The Grape Curculio, Coeliodes incequalis Say (Fig. 468 ; 469 ; a, grape disfigured by the larva ; 6, larva), has lately, according to Walsh, been very 'destructive to grapes, stinging the fruit and thus destroying whole bunches of them. The presence of the larva in the grape may be known b}^ a discolora- tion on one side of the berry as if prematurel}'^ ripening, though it be the last of June or early in July. Late in July or early in August the grub may be found fulh' grown, when it drops to the ground and descending a little beneath the surface transforms, and the beetle appears early in 8ep° tember. It is grayish black, the el^'tra black freckled with gray spots, and striated, with large punctures. The legs are dull brick red ; the femora are unarmed, while the four anterior tibifB have a large rectangular tooth near the base. It is from .09 to .11 of an inch in length. As a preventative against their attacks, the vines should be thoroughly shaken each day in June. 469. scolytid.t:. 491 The genus Phytobius is closely allied to the preceding ; the European P. vekitus Beck has the habit, as we learn from Gerstaecker (Ilandbnch dcr Zoologie) of living under water. The Potato-stalk Weevil, BarkUas trinofnfus Say (P^ig. 470 ; larva and pupa; 471, adult), is a common species in the Mid- dle and Western States, where it causes the stalk to wilt and ilie, hence all stalks so affected should be burnt. " The beetle is of a bluish or ash gra}^ color, distinguished as its name im- plies, by having three shiny black impressed spots at the lower edge of the thorax. The female deposits a single egg in an oblong slit about one-eighth of an inch long, which she has pre- viously formed with her beak in the stalk of the potato. The larva subsequently hatches out and l)ores into the heart of the stalk, alwa3^s proceeding downward towards the root. When fully grown it is a little over one-fourth of an inch long, and is a soft, whitish, legless grub, with a scaly head." (Riley.) The larva of 7?. vestitus Sch. (Fig. 472), infests the stems of the tobacco plant in Mexico. Mr. Huntington has ob- served the Grape Cane gall curculio, Barklius Sesostris Lee. (Fig. 473) in the larval state in large bunches near the joints of the Clinton grape on Kelly's Island, near Sandusk}-, Ohio, and has also found the beetle in considerable numbers. The larva closely resembles that of the Potato Baridius. Riley states that the gall is formed during the previous autumn while the tender cane is growing. "It has almost invariably a longitu- dinal slit or depression on one side, dividing that side into two cheeks, which generall}' have a ros}^ tint." It pupates late in June, and early in Jul}^ the adult Fig. 472. appears. It may be known by its polished elytra and i^unc tured thorax. It is pale reddish, with a stout beak, equalling the bod}' in length, and each elytron has a swelling on the outer edge near the base, and another near the tip. It is a tenth of an inch long. It is the Madams vitis of Rileyo ScoLYTiD^ Westwood. These cjdindrical bark borers are 492 COLEOPTERA. rounded beetles of an elongate cylindrical form, truncated be^ fore and behind. They mine under the bark of trees, running their winding ga;lleries in every direction. They rarelj^ attack living healthy trees. They are usually brown or black in color. The rounded head does not I end in a snout and is deepl}' sunken in the thorax ; the clavate antennae are somewhat el- bowed, while the palpi are very short ; the elytra are often hollowed at the end, and the short stout legs are toothed on the under Fig. 473. gitie of the femora, and the tarsi are slender and narrow. The eggs are laid in tlie bark, whence the larvae on being hatched bore straight into the sap wood, or mine between the bark and sap wood. They are like those of the preceding family, fleshy, cylindrical, footless larvae, wrinkled on the back. AVhen fully grown in the autumn they gnaw an exit for the beetle, taking care to leave a little space closed in front of their burrow to conceal the pupa. The bark of trees infested by them should be scraped and whitewashed. Hylurgus terebrans Oliv. (Fig. 474) is a rather large red species, very abundant in spring. Fig. 474. It is found under the bark of pines associated with Pissodes, though the larva is smaller and more C3diudrical. It mines the inner surface of the bark, slightly grooving the sap wood, and pupates in April, appearing as a beetle in great numbers on warm daj'S early in May. Hylurgus dentatus Say infests tlie cedar. The Scolytus destructor of Olivier often does much injur}' to old and decaying elm trees in Er.rope Capt. Cox exhibited to the Entomological Societj- oi London a piece of elm three feet long, which was scored by the lateral tubes of this insect, which he estimated must have given birth to 280,000 larvte. The various species of Scolytus, Tomicus and Xyloterus give rise to a disease similar to fireblight, by their ravages beneath the twigs of fruit trees, causing the bark to shrivel and peal oft' as if a fire had run tlu-ongh the orchard. The best method of restraining their attacks is to peal off the affected bark, ex- CEKAMBYCIDiE. 493 posing the eggs and larvaa to the air, when the birds will soon destroy them. T. monographus does great damage by drilling holes in malt-liquor casks in India. It was calculated that sometimes 134,000 holes were drilled in the staves forming a single cask. Immersion in boiling water has been found an effectual remedy. (Morse.) Also associated with Pissodes, we have found in April the galleries of Tomicus pint Say branching out from a common centre. They are filled np with fine chips, and, according to Fitch, are notched in the sides "in which the eggs have been placed, where they would remain undisturbed by the beetle as it crawled backwards and forth through the gallery." These little beetles have not the long snout of the weevils, hence they cannot bore through the outer bark, but enter into the burrows made the pre- ceding year, and distribute their eggs along the sides. (Fitch.) T. xylographus Say (Fig. 475) is often a Fig- *76. most formidable enemy to the white pine in the North, and the 3^ellow pine in the South. The genus Cryphalus is a slenderer form. A species, probably the G. materarius of Fitch (Fig. 476), has been found by Mr. Huntington of Kelly's Island, to bore into empty wine casks and spoil them for use. Cerambtcid^ Leach. (Longicornia Latreille). This im- mense family, numbering already nearl}^ 4,000 known species, comprises some of the largest, most showy, as well as the most destructive insects of the suborder. They are readily recog- nized by their oblong, often cylindrical bodies, the remarkably long, filiform, recurved antennae, and the powerful incurved mandibles. Their eggs are introduced into the cracks in the bark of plants by the long fleshy extensile tip of the abdo- men. The larvffi are long, flattened, cylindrical, fleshy, often footless whitish gi-ubs, with very convex rings, the prothoracic segment being much larger and broader than the succeeding, while the head is small and armed with strong sharp mandi- bles adapted for boring like an auger in the hardest woods. These borers live from one to three years before transform- ing, at the end of which time they construct a cocoon of chips at the end of their burrows, the head of the pupa Ij'ing next 494 COLEOPTERA. to the thin portion of bark left to conceal the hole. As quoted by Baron Osten Sacken in an interesting article on the larval forms of some of our native beetles, Erichson states that "not withstanding the great similitude between the larvae of Longi- corns, some important differences in the structure of those belonging to the four subdivisions of this family may be no- ticed. The larvae of the Lamiidae differ more than the others,, on account of the total absence of feet, and the position of the first pair of stigmata which is placed in the fold between the pro- and mesothoracic segments, less abruptly separated than the others. The other larvae have this first pair on the sides of the mesothorax, and have feet, which, however, are sometimes so small as to be perceptible only when magni- fied, even in large sized larvae. The Cerambj'cidae (Cerambyx, Callidium and allies) have, on the posterior side of the prothorax, above and below, a fleshy, transverse fold, separated by a' furrow from the horny disc of this segment. In the Prionidae and Lepturidae, the same fold is visible only on the under side. The Lej^turoe have a large flattened head, as broad as the prothorax, whereas Fig. 477. in the other Longicorn larvte the head is small and much narrower than the thorax. The larvae of the Prionidge show the least differences from those of the Lep- turidae ; and that of Spondj'lis is remarkably allied to the lat- ter." " The pupa is at first soft and whitish, and it exhibits all the parts of the future beetle under a filmy veil which m- wraps every limb. The wings and legs are folded upon the breast ; the long antennee are turned back against the sides of the body, and then bent forwards between the legs." (Har- ris.) The beetles mostly hide by da}^ and fly by night. Parandra hrunnea Fabr. is much unlike the remaining genera, being Tenebrio-like in form, with a broad head and short an- tennae, and shining red in color. The larva is described by Osten Sacken as having a yellowish cordate head, with a large prothorax and fleshy tubercles on the upper and under side of CEKAIVIBYCIDvE. 495 the segments, with the first pair of stigmata placed on tho eides of the mesothorax. It is found in dead beach trees. The Orthosoma tmicolo7' Bnuy (Fig. 477) is a light ba}^ col- ored beetle found flying from tlie middle of July until Septem- ber. We have found the larva (Fig. 478) in the rot- ten stumps of the pine, and in the AVestern States lliley states that a larva (Fig. 479, head and tho- rax seen from beneath), probably of this species, eats the roots of the grape-vine, hollowing out and sometimes severing the root and killing the vine. J^iionus brevicornis Fabr. is a very large, not un- common beetle, of an ovate shape and pitchy black color, with short, thick jaws, and antenna about half as long as the body. The larvse, Harris states, are as thick as a man's thumb, and are found in the trunks and roots of the Balm of Gilead and Lombardy poplar. Fig. 479. Fig. 478. Crossklius 2')KMirior Bland (Fig. 480), fi-om Nebraska, is a pale reddish beetle, with the antenna, head, base and the large mark on the disk of the elytra and legs black. An allied form is Ehuria? Ulhei Bland (Fig. 481, showing the sculpturing of the head) which is described as coming from Cape St. Lucas, Lower Cali- fornia. The larva of Stenocorus putatcr Peck (Fig. 482 ; a, iai-va, just about transforming; b, pupa) nearly ampu- ^'^- ^ tates the branches of the black and white oaks. After becomino- I mature in the trunk, and just before undergo- ing its transformations, it gnaws off a branch which falls to the ground, containing the larva, which changes to a beetle in midsummer, and lays its egg near the axilla of a leaf stalk or The beetle is a very slender one, with antennse longer than the body in the males, the third and fourth joints of which are tipped with a small spine or thorn. It is dull brown, with gray spots. The Banded hickory borer, Chion vCerasphorus) cinctus Drury, makes long galleries in the i96 COLEOPTERAc i r 1 3 1 ^ 1 B u trunks of hickory trees, the worm often working its way oui ^f the wood after it has been made into articles of furniture or carriages. The Ase- mum mcestum Halde- man (Fig. 483 ; a, ft, hu"va ; h, pupa), Ave have found in all its stages under the bark of oaks, early in Ma}'. The larva is footless, white ; the head is rather 1 arge , white. ^'^- ^^' with strong black jaws convex on the outer side ; the body is imiform, gradually diminishing in width posteriori^' ; it is .GO of an inch long. The pupa is .44 of an inch long. The beetle is about half an inch long and is dark brown, with very thick femora, 'y. It flies the last of May. I have received a larva of this i species from Dr. Shimer, which was found by him boring C in the grape-vine. The genus GalUdium has antennae Fig. 484 of moderate length, a broad rounded prothorax, and a flattened body behind. The larvae are unusually flattened, with a broad horny head, small stout man- dibles, and six small legs, and the}^ are said to live in this state two years. CaUidium antennatum Newman is en- tirely blue; it bores in pine wood and in red cedar, min- ing under the bark. C. sevii- circidaris Bland (Fig. 484) is reddish brown, with a white band on each elytron, enclosing a rather large, semicircular, black spot. It was discovered in Pennsylvania. Clytus has a more cjdindrical body, and spherical prothorax, besides being beautifully banded with golden, on a dark ground. Clytus speciosus Say injures the maple. "We have taken the beetle on the summit of ]\Iount Katahdin in Maine. The beetle lays its eggs in July and August, and the larvsb Fig. 483. CERAMBYCID.E. 497 bore in all directions through the tree. Osten Sacken do scribes the larva of C 2^ictus Drury, the Ilickory-tree borer (Fig. 485; a, larva; 6, pupa), as being "six to seven-tenths of an inch in length, being rather long, somewhat flattened club-shaped, the thoracic segments being considerably broader than the abdominal ones, but at the same time distinctly flattened above and below." The pupa has a numerous pointed granulations on the prothorax, and similar sharp spines on the abdominal segments. " On the penultimate rij;. 485. segments, these projections are larger and recurved anteriorly at the tip ; there are six in a row near the p(;sterior margin, and two others more anteriorly. The last segment has four similar ijrojections in a row." The male of the Locust tree borer, C. rohinlm Forster (Fig. 486, $), according to Walsh, differs fVom that of C. pictus "in having much longer and stouter an- tenuie and in having its body tapered behind to a blunt point," while the females "are not dis- Fig. 480. tinguishable at all." It does great injury to the Locust tree, and appears in the beetle state in September, while C. pictus^ the Hickory tree borer, appears in June. C. araneiformis Oliv. (Fig. 487) has been detected on a wharf in Philadelphia ; it was first described as coming from St. Domingo. The Long-handed Acrocinus, A. longimanus Fabr. (Fig. 488, larva, natural size), is a gigantic insect, allied to Prionus, but with enormousl}' developed fore legs, the whole body, including the fore legs, when out- stretched measuring ten inches ; it is brown, beautifully banded with red and buff. M. Salle has found the larva at Cordova, Mexico, under the bark of a Ficus. It larger in Brazil. Leiopus is a diminutive ally of Lamia. Dr. Shimer has detected the larva of L. xanthoxyli Shinier, under- mining the bark of the prickly-ash, when the wood has recently died. It is a footless borer, "of whitish and pink orange colors, about one-fourth of an inch long." In the buiTOWS 32 4S7. orows 498 COLEOPTERA. formed b3' the larvae he fouud Ma^' 2oth, several pink-orange pup*, " in^•llrii^bl3' Ij'iug with their heads outwards ; their long antennae folded over the wing-eases obliquely' down on the sides, passing beneath the posterior pair of legs, a little beyond them and then curving up over the breast, reach the head." The beetle is related to L. aljjha Say, and is graj', with bands and spots of blackish pubescence ; it is .25 of an inch long. Two species of ichneumons were found bj' Shimer to prej' upon the beetle. In Monoliammiis the antennie are of great length. M. titillator Fabr. is brown mottled with gra}' ; while a slenderer spe- cies, M. scutellatus Saj', of a peculiar dark olive green, with a whitish scutellum, bores in the white pine. The singular habits of the Girdler, Onci- deres cingulatus Say (Fig. 489), have thus been described by Professor Haldemau in the Pennsylvania Farm Journal, vol. i, p. 34. "This insect was first described by Saj' in the Journal of the Academy* of Natural Sciences, vol. v, p. 272, 1825, and its habits were discovered by us and published in our 'Materials towards a History of the Col- eoptera longicornia of the United States ;' Am. Phil. Trans., vol. x. p. 52, 1837. "In our walks through the forest our atten- tion was frequently drawn to the branches and main shoots of young hickory trees (Carya alba), which were girdled with a deep notch in such a manner as to induce an observer to be- lieve that the object in view was to kill the branch bej'ond the notch, and extraordinary as it maj' appear, this is actually the fact, and the rig. 489. operator is an insect whose instinct was implanted b^'^ the Almighty power who created it. and under such circumstances tiiat it could never have been acquired as a habit. The effect Fi-. -liSS. CERAiMBYCIP^. 491, of girdling is unknown to the insect, whose life is too short to foresee the necessities of its progeny during the succeeding season. "This insect maybe seen in Pennsylvania during the two last weeks in August and tlie first week in September feeding upon tlie bark of the tender branches of the young hickories. Both sexes are rather rare, particularly the male, which is rather smaller than the female, but with longer antenni«. The female makes perforations in the branches of the tree upon which she lives (which are from half an inch to less than a quarter of an inch thick), in which she deposits her eggs ; she then proceeds to gnaw a groove of about a tenth of an inch wide and deep around the branch, and below the place where the eggs are deposited, so that the exterior portion dies and the larva feeds upon the dead wood and food which is essential to many insects, although but few have the means of providing it for themselves or their progeny by an instinct so remarkable. "Where this insect is abundant, it must cause much damage to young forests of hop-poles by the destruction of the prin- cipal shoot. We have known insects which, from their rarity, could hardly be regarded as 'noxious,' increase to such an extent as to be very destructive, and the locust trees (Robinia pseudacacia) have had their foliage withered during the few last summers from such a cause (Cecidomyia robinia^ Hald.) which has caused these trees to wither since that period, particularly in August, 1868." The Tridentate Compsidea, C. trklentata Oliv. (Fig. 490, larva, en- larged three times), is a dark brown beetle, with a rusty red curved line behind the eyes, two stripes on f'^- 490. the thorax, and a three-toothed stripe on the outer ed-e of each wing-cover, and is about half an inch long. It lives under the bark of elms, occasionally doing much damage. (Harris ) The larva of Psenocerus supemotatus (described by Say) which burrows in the stem of a climl)ing plant, supposed to be the grape, Osten Sacken describes as being three-tenths of an inch long, subcylindrical or prismatical, the pro- and meso- thorax being a little broader than the otlier segments, and the whole body sparsely beset with fine golden hairs. 500 COLEOPTERA. This insect, according to Fitch, also does much injur}- to the currant, eating the pith "through the whole length of the stalk and leaA'ing it filled with a fine powder. It is about the first of June that the parent insect deposits her eggs upon the currant stalks, and the worms get their growth bj' the close of the season. They repose in their cells through the winter, changing to pupae with the warmth of the following spring, and begin to appear abroad in their perfect state as early as the middle of May, the sexes pairing immediatel}^ after the}^ come out." (Fitch.) In August, 1868, I received from Dr. P. A. Chadbourne, President of Madison University, several branches of the apple containing larvpe, which in the next spring changed to this beetle. They were very injurious to orchards in Fig. 491. 2^ig vicinit}^, and this seems to be the first instance of its occurrence in the apple. The larva (Fig. 491, en- larged thrice) is nearl}^ half an inch long ; it is footless, white, with the head scarcely half as wide as the body and con- siderably flattened ; the segments are rather convex, each hav- ing two rows of minute warts, and the tip is rather blunt, with a few fine golden hairs. It devoured the sap wood and under side of the bark and also the pith, thus locall}- killing the terminal twigs, and causing the l)ark to shrivel and peel off, leaving a distinct line of demarcation between the dead and living portions of the twig. Each larva seemed to live in a space one and one-half inches long, there being five holes through the liark within the space of as many inches. On the 16th of August the grubs seemed to have accom- plished their work of destruction, as they '^' ■*" were full}^ grown. The beetle is from .13 to .20 of an inch long, and may be known by its dark, reddish brown, cylindrical body, with a high tubercle at the base of the elytron, an oblique yellowish white line on the basal third, and a broad curved white line on the outer third of the elytron, or wing-cover. Saperda Candida Fabr. (bivittata Say, Fig. 492) the well known Apple tree borer, flies about orchards in July in New CHKYSOMELID^. 501 England, in Maj- and June in tlie Western States, usually at night, but we once observed it flying in the hottest part of the day. At this time the female la3's her eggs in the bark near the roots. The nearly- cylindrical larvie are whitish fleshy grubs, with a small horny head, while the prothoracic ring, as usual, is much larger than the others, the two preceding ones being very short, and from thence the bod}' narrows tc the tip. It bores upward into the wood, where it lives two or three years, finally makiaig a cocoon eight or ten inches from its starting point, in a burrow next to the bark, whence it leaves the pupa state (which begins early in June) in midsum- mer. It also infests the wild apple, quince, pear, June-berry, mountain-ash and hawthorn. Riley advises soaping the trunk of the tree to prevent the beetle from laying its eggs, and when the tree is infested with them to cut through the bark at the upper end of their borings and pour in hot water, while in the autumn the bark should be examined and the 3'oung worms that had been hatched through the summer may be dug out and destroyed. "We have found what we supposed to be the young larvjB of Vesmocenis cyanezis Fabr. in the stems of the elder ; the beetle is a handsome purple and white Longicorn. We have found Bhagium lineatum Olivier living in old trunks of pine trees. The antennffi are no longer than the breadth of the body. It makes a cocoon of chips, and the beetle appears in the autumn, not, however, leaving the tree until the spring. CiiRYSOMELiD.E Latreillc. The Leaf-beetles are oval or oblong, often very thick and convex above, with short an- tennae, round prominent eyes, with a narrow cylindrical thorax, and the hinder thighs often much thickened in the middle, while the abdomen has five free segments. The larvre are short, rounded, cylindrical or flattened, generally of scft consistence, usually gaily colored, and beset with thick flat- tened tubercles or branching spines, and well developed tho- racic feet. There are estimated to be from 8.000 to 10,000 species. They are found feeding, both in the larva and adult stages, on leaves, either on the surface, or, as in Ilispa and several species of Ilaltica, their larvaj are leaf-miners. 502 COLEOPTERA. Fig. 493. The genus Donacia connects this family with the preceding. It has a rather long body and unusually long antennae. D, proxima Kirby is dark blue, and Donacia Kirhyi Lacordaire is of a shining coppery hue. The larvae live in the stems of water plants, and make a leathery cocoon in the earth before transforming. The Grape-vine Fidia (F. viticida "Walsh, Fig. 493) is very injurious to the grape in the Western States, from its habit of " cutting ' straight elongated holes of about an eighth of an inch in diameter in the leaves, and when numer- ous so riddling the leaves as to reduce them to mere shreds." It is chestnut brown, and cov- ered with short whitish hairs, giving it a hoary appearance. Riley states that it is very abun- dant in the vineyards in Missouri, where it pre- fers Concord and Norton's Virginia grapes^ while it occurs on the wild grape-Adne and on the leases of the Cercis Canadensis. "It makes its appearance during thfe month of June, and by the end of July has generall}^ disap- peared, from which fact we may infer that there is but one brood each year." The vines should be often shaken and chickens turned in to feed upon them when it is possible. Crioceris is known by its rather long body, and the prothorax be- ing narrower than the el}^- tra. The an- tennae are rather long, the fore coxte are swollen, pressed together, and the claws are either free or united at the base. We have no native species, but Crioceris asparagi Linn, has been introduced mto gardens about New York, doing much injury to the asparagus. Fitch describes it as being about a quarter of an inch long, with a tawny red prothorax and three bright lemon yellow spots on each el3'tron. The larva is soft-bodied, twice CHRYSOMELID^. 603 as long as thick, the body thickening posteriori}', and of a dull ash gray or obscure olive, with a black head and legs. Lema triUneata Olivier (Fig. 494 ; a, larva ; 6, terminal joints of abdomen; c, pupa; d, eggs) occurs in great abundance on the leaves of tlie potato. The dirty yellowish larvivi are found on it abundantly, and hide themselves l)y covering their bodies with their own excrement. Tliey mature in about two weeks, transform in earthen cells cemented with a gummy exudation discharged from the mouth, and in a fortnight, being about the first of August, the beautiful yellow and black striped beetle, with a reddish liead and prothorax, appears. Hisiia is also a miner in the larva state. Hhpa (Uroplata) rosea Harris (Fig. 495) is supposed by Harris to mine the leaves of the apple tree. Harris describes it as bc)ng "of a deep or a tawny reddish yellow color above, marked with little deep red lines and spots. There are three smooth, longitudinal ribs on each elytron, spotted with blood-red, and the space between these lines are deeply punctured in double rows ; the under side of the body is black, and the legs are short and reddish. They meas- Fig. 405. ure about one-fifth of an inch in length." "The larvae burrow- under the skin of the leaves of plants, and eat the pulpy substance within, so that the skin over and under the place of their operations, turns brown and dies, having somewhat of a blistered appearance, and within these blistered spots the larvae or grubs, the pupae or the beetles, may often be found. The eggs of these insects are little rough, blackish grains, and are glued to the surface of the leaves, sometimes singly, and sometimes in clusters of four or five together. The grubs of our common species are about one-fifth of an inch in length, when fully grown. The body is oblong, flattened, rather broader before than behind, soft, and of a Avhitish color, ex cept the head and the top of the first ring, which are brown, or blackish, and of a horu}^ consistence. It has a pair of legs to each of the first three rings ; the other rings are provided with small fleshy warts at the sides, and transverse rows of little rasp-like points above and beneath. Tlie pupa state lasts only about one week, soon after which the beetles come out of 604 COLEOPTEEA. theii burrows." Ilispa (Uroplata) suturalis Fabr. mines the Locust tree, and often proves very destructive in the Middle and Western States. They are flat, the body behind being broad and square, and the elytra are generally ridged and furrowed. Cassida aurichakeaFahr., the yellow Helmet beetle, is hem- ispherical, flattened, so that the edges of the wings are very thin ; and the larva is broad, oval, flattened, and by means of two spines terminating its upturned abdomen, holds its old cast larva skin OA-er its body as a means of protection. Dur- ing the last week in Jul}' we have found the larva? in all stages of growth ver}^ abundant on the Morn- iBg-giory in our garden, eating holes in the leaves. In the young the head and legs are more prominent than in the old. It pupates the last of Julj^ and carl^- in August. The Chehjmorpha crihraria Faltr. (Fig. 496 ; a, pupa) we have found in all its stages on the leaves of the silk-weed late in July and early in August, and in one instance in Salem it occurred in al)undance on the lea^-es of the raspberry. The larva differs from that of Cassida aurichalcca, not onlj- in its greater size, but the body is thicker and narrower ; the head is freer from the thorax, iind the spines are simple, not spinula- ted. The body is yelloTA^ and less protected by the cast skin. When about to transform, the larva attaches itself to the leaf by a silken thread, a few segments from the end where the end of the body of the future pupa is situated. rf^^^^^g^!'kr It is .45 of an inch long. The pupa is broad *^>*^fr^V^^jfjf»^ and rather flattened, dark and spotted with Fig. 497. yellow and covered with a whitish powder, causing the j^ellow portions to appear more prominently ; along 2ach side of the abdomen is a row of five spines, and there are four spines on the anterior edge of the prothorax ; it is .40 of an inch in length. Fig. 497 represents, according to Harris, "the larva, nearly full size, of Galeruca geJatinarice Fabr. or an allied species, found abundantly on Ambrosia elatior, Jul}- 30th. They CHRYSOMELIDiE. 505 live on the upper surface of the leaves and devour the cuticle and parenchyma above, leaving the lower cuticle untouched. It is of a dirty yellowish white color, with black tubercles bearing white bristles. Length one-fourth of an inch." (Har- ris Correspondence, p. 267.) "We have found Galeruca marginella Kirby (Fig. 498 ; a, larva ; b, pupa) in all its stages of growth on Myrica gale, during the middle of August, in Northern ]\Iaine. The larva is shining black, coria- ceous above, and the body is elongated, flattened, with a small orbicular black head. The upper side of the body is hard, from the close prox- imity of the black flattened ^ ^ig. 498. « tubercles. Beneath, whitish ; on the side is a row of small black brown tubercles, and along the middle of the body is a row of transversely linear brown tu- bercles, on each side of which is a minute dot-like tubercle. It is not hair}', and measures .25 of an inch in length. AVhen about to transform it fastens itself b}' its tail to the surface of a leaf. The pupa is brown-black. The beetle is xnnber brown, testaceous on the edges of the elytra, the legs being also testaceous, while the prothorax is pale, with three dark brown spots, of wliich the central one is T-shaped. -^-^.^y^^ The Striped Squash beetle, Diabrotica jJj/^ sp-^ vittata Fabr. (Fig. 499, «, larva ; 6, pupa .AwiA Jil seen from underneath; Fig. 500, adult) ap- / VU^ pears on squash vines as soon as they are Fig. 50i. rig. 500. up, and at once devours them unless their attacks arc pre- vented. Covering the vines with cotton or a box covered with muslin or millinet is the onl}^ sure remedy, while on a large scale powdered charcoal, or lime is used, to be sprinkled on the leaves. Mr. Gregor}-, says the "American Agriculturist," re- lies upon plaster, or 03'ster-shell lime, which may be shaken 506 COLEOPTERA. from a small sieve while the leaves are wet with dew or rain ; to be applied as soon as the plants are up. He objects to the use of air-slacked stove lime, as it is apt to be too caustic and injure the plant. Dr. H. Shimer has given an account of the habits of this insect in the "Prairie Farmer," and has sent me specimens of the insect in its different stages. He states that the grub in June and Jul}^ "eats the bark and often perforates and hollows out the lower part of the stem which is beneath the ground, and the upper portion of the root, and occasionally when the supply below fails, we find them in the vine just above the ground." It hibernates in the pupa state. "The larva arriA-es at maturity in about a month after the egg is laid ; it remains in the pupa state about two weeks, and the beetle probably lives several days before depositing her eggs, so that one generation is in existence about two months, and we can only have two, never more than threfr broods in one season." He has found them boring in the squash and muskmelon vines as late as October 1st. The larva is a long, slender, white, cylindrical grub, with a small brownish head. The prothorax is a little corneous. The tho- racic legs are very slender, pale brown ; the end of the body i» suddenly truncated, with a small prop-leg beneath. Above is an orbicular brown space, growing black posteriorly and ending in a pair of upcurved, vertical, slender black spines. It is .40 of an inch long. It will be seen that both in its boring habits and its corresponding, remarkable, elongated, C3dindrical, soft white body, that this larva varies widely ft-om that of Galleruca, to which the beetle is closely allied. The pupa is .17 of an inch long, white, with the tip of the abdomen ending in two long acute spines arising from a common base. The Twelve- spotted Diabrotliica (Fig. 501, D. duodecim-punctata Fabr.) is injurious to the leaves of the Dahlia. The genus Haltica, to -which the little blackish Flea-beetles belong, is well known. The larvte mine the leaves of the plants on which they afterwards feed. Haltica (Crepidodera) cucumeris Harris (Fig. 502) infests the cucumber. Harris de- scribes it as being "only one-sixteenth of an inch long, of a black color, with clay-j'ellow antennae, and legs, except the hindmost thighs, which are brown. The upper side of the body CHRYSOMELIDJE. 507 Fig. 503. 18 covered with punctures, which are arranged in rows on the wing-cases, and there is a deep transverse furrow across the hinder part of the thorax." It not only kills young cucumber- vines, eating the seed leaves, but is found all through the summer eating holes in the leaves of various garden vegetables. The Grape-leaf Flea Beetle, //. (Grapto- dera) chalybea Illiger, eats the buds and leaves of the grape. It is a steel blue in- sect, often varying in its shades of color- ing, sometimes becoming greenish. It is a little over three-twentieths of an inch in length. In Ohio, Mr. M. C. Reed noticed the sexes of this species, which Dr. Leconte considers as probably the Graptodera exapta of Say (Fig. 503), pairing May Gth. The larxse appeared the last of the month, and by the first Aveek in June, and on the 30th of the same month, the beetles appeared. I have received specimens of the larva from Mr. Read. It is a j^ellowish white, cylindrical worm, with a jet black head and black tubercles, from each of which proceed several fine hairs. The prothorax is brown black above ; on each succeeding ring of the body are ten tergal black tubercles, the two inner ones being long and narrow, and transverse, the others forming | round dots. On each ring is a single black dot just between the two lower " ^ ^'■" ^*^*' larger tubercles. On the sides are two rows of black tubercles, and along the middle of the under side a row of transverse tubercles, on each side of which is a row of dot-like tubercles. It is .35 of an inch in length. The Striped Turnip Flea beetle, //. (Phyllotreta) striolata Fabr. (Fig. 504 ; a, larva ; h, pupa), is black, with a waved yel lowish stripe on each wing-cover, and is less than a tenth of an inch long. Dr. Shimer describes the larva as being white ; the head is of a pale broAvn color, and near the end of the lx)d3' is a brown spot equal to the head in size ; besides the tlioracic legs there is a single anal prop-leg. It is .35 of an inch long. It feeds upon roots beneath the ground. The pupa is naked, white, and transforms in an earthen cocoon. In seventeen 508 COLEOPTERA. days from the time the larva ceases eating the oeetle appeared. It then feeds on the seed leaves of cabbages and turnips and other garden vegetables, when it proves very injurious, while afterwards in June, when the plants have at* tained their growth, they sicken and die from the attacks of the larva in their roots. (American Naturalist, vol, ii, p. 514.) The Silk-weed Labidomera, L. trimacidata Fabr. (Fig. 505, larva) is found in its larval stage on the Silk-weed about the first of August. It is a thick hemispherical beetle, with a dark blue head and prothorax, and orange elytra, with three large blue spots on each wing-cover. It is one-half of an inch long. Fig. 505. Fig. 506. The Colorado potato beetle, Doi-yj^Jiora decem-Uneata Say (Fig. 50G ; a, eggs ; b, the larvae in different stages of growth ; e, the pupa ; d, beetle ; e, el^'tron, magnified ; /, leg, magnified) has grudually spread eastward as far as Maine, from its original habitat in Colorado, having become Aery destructive to the potato-vine. It becomes a beetle within a month after hatching from the yellowish eggs ; the larva is pale yellow with a reddish tinge and a lateral row of black dots. Messrs. Walsh and 'Riley state that "there are three broods of larvai every year in North Illinois and Central Missouri, each of which goes under ground to pass into the pupa state, the first two broods comina^ out of the o-round in the beetle state about CHRYSOMELID.E. 509 ten or twelve (lays afterwards, while the third brood of beetles stays under ground all Avinter, and only emerges late in the following spring, just in time to lay its eggs upon the young po- tato leaves," which it devours to such an ex- tent as to sometimes almost cut off the en. tire crop in certain lo- calities. The Editors of the ' ' American En- tomologist," from whom we have quoted, enumerate and figure various beetles, hemiptera, and a species of Tachina fly (Lydella dor^'phorre Rile^') which mostly prey upon the larvte. Dr. II. Shinier shows, in the "American Naturalist," -\ol. iii, p. 91, that a dry and hot summer is very unfavorable to the development of this insect, the pupse dying for want of suffi- cient moisture in the soil. The best remedy against its attacks is hand picking. A very closely allied species or variet}^, the D. juncta Ger- mar (Fig. 506'), nia}- be easil}^ confounded with the other spe- cies, but diflFers, according to "Walsh, in the head of the larva being paler, Avhile in the beetle the thiid and fourth stripe from the outside are united, whore they are distinct in the D. 10-lineata, and the legs are entirely pale jellow, with a dark spot on the femora. It feeds on the wild potato, not eating the cultivated species, and has always been an inhabitant of the Western and Southern States. Chrysomela is an oval oblong genus, and its ally, CalligrapJia, is ver^' convex, hemispherical ; the species ai-e gaily spotted and banded ; CaUigrapha scalaris Lee. is abundant on the alder. The larvre (Fig. 506^ larva of C. Philadelphica Linn.) are thick and flesh}^, with a row of black spiracles along the side of the body, and a dark prothoracic shield. , Eumolpus auratus Fabr. is a shining, rich golden green bee- tle, found on the dog's-bane. Chlamys is a little oblong, cubical, roughly shagreened, Fiar. 5062. 610 COLEOPTERA. metallic greenish beetle, found in abundance on leaves south- ward. The larva of Chlamys plicata Olivier, according to Mr. S. H. Scudder, who has reared it from the sweet-fern, is a sac bearer, drawing after it a rounded, flask-shaped, blackish sac, within which it withdraws when disturbed. Larvae appar- ently belonging to this species were found by Mr. Emerton on grass in pastures in July. They are interesting as being true sac-bearers, recalling Psyche helix and other sac-bearing moths, and the Phryganeids. Fig. 507 represents the larva in the act of walking, the head and thoracic segments protruding from the case. The case is a quarter of an inch long and one-half as thick, being oval cylindrical. It is black and appears to be formed of little pellets of vegetable matter chewed by the larva and applied to the Fig. 507. , edge, with a seam along the middle of the under side, which readily spreads open when the sac is pressed. The case is a little contracted before the mouth, where the pellets are a little larger than elsewhere. The larva is of the form of those of others of the family, but the body is slenderer in front of the abdomen, and the legs are longer than usual. The abdomen is suddenly thickened and curved at right angles, the tip being rather pointed. The body is white, with a brown-black head and dark brown legs, and a prothoracic corneous piece, with a corneous piece at the inser- tion of each leg. It is, in its natural curved posture, .25 of an inch long. In the Museum of the Peabody Academy arr several minute chalcid parasites reared from C plicata. Cryptocephalus is a short, cylindrical genus, numbering nearly 800 species. Erotylid^e "Westwood. This famil3r is very largely devel- oped in tropical America, and is known by the large, flattened antennal club, which consists of three joints. Most of them are supposed to be leaf insects, while the more northern spe- cies live in fungi. Endomyciiid^ Leach. In this small group are genera whose bodies a>'e oval, with antennae longer than the head, which with COCCINELLID^. 511 the trapeziform prothornx, distinguish them from tho allied families. An interesting form from New Hampshire, the Phy- maphora pulchella of Newman (Fig. 508), is described by Harris (Correspondence, p. 25G) as being rust-red, with paler feet and antennai, the head being black ; there is a broad black band across the middle of the elytra, and the tips are black. 1 CocciNELLiDiE LatreiUe. The characteristic form Fig. 50S. of the " Lady-birds " is well known. They are hemispherical, generally red or yellow, with round or lunate black spots. The species are difficult to dis- criminate, and number upwards of 1,000. Some in- dividuals belonging to different species have been known to unite sexually, but producing sterile eggs. The 3^ellow long oval eggs are laid in patches, often in a group of plant-lice, which the larvae greedily devour. They are rather long, oval, soft-bodied, pointed behind, with the prothorax larger than the other rings, often gail}^ colored and beset with tubercles or spines, and when about to turn to a pupa, the larva attaches itself by the end of the body to a leaf, and either throws off the larva skin, ■which remains around its tail, or the old dried skin is retained, loosely folded about the pupa as a protection, thus simulating the coarctate pupa of the flies. The Spotted Hippodamia, //. maculata DeGeer (Fig. 509) is pale red, with thirteen black spots on the body, and is quite common, while the H. convergens Guerin (Fig. 510, with larva and pupa) is common southwards. In Coccinella the body is smooth, hemi- spherical, with the hind angle of the prothorax acute. The eggs of the common Two-spotted Coccinella, C. hipxinc- iata Linn., are laid in Maj- on the bark of trees, anc^. those of another brood are laid in June and hatched July 1st. They are oval, cylindrical, orange yellow, and are attached in a bunch of about twenty-five, by one end to the bark. They hatch out when the leaves and their natural article of diet, the Aphis, appear, and may be found running about over the leaves of various garden shrubs and trees. The body is black with flat- 512 COLEOPTERA. tened tubercles spinulated above ; on each side of the first abdominal segment is a j^ellowish spot, and there is a broad yellowish spot in the middle of the fourth segment, and one on each side. On June 28th we found several fully grown larvjB a quarter of an inch long, transforming into pupae, with a freshl}^ transformed beetle. The larva begins the opera- tion by attaching very firmly, with a sort of silky gum, its tail to the leaf, the point of attachment not being the extreme tip, but just before it, where the tip of the abdomen of the pupa is situated. Meanwhile the body contracts in length and widens, the head is bent upon the breast, and in about twentj'-four hours the skin splits open and discloses the pupa. The body of the pupa is black ; the head is also black, and the prothorax is black and yellowish pink, with a black dot on each side, and a smaller black dot on each edge ; the mesothorax, wing-covers, scutellum and legs, are shining black. The ab- dominal rings are pale flesh-colored, with two rows of large black spots on each side, the spots being transverse ; the terga of the fourth to the seventh seg- ments are separated, the bod}^ being arched and leaving a deep furrow between. The beetle is orange j-ellow, with a black head and prothorax ; the side of the pro- thorax is whitish, with a central diamond-shaped white ^'S- 5i2. spot, and behind it a much longer whitish spot. The beetle derives its specific name from the two black dots on the elytra. It hibernates, and might be used to clear house-plants of plant- lice. The Nine-spotted Coccinella, C. novemnotnta Herbst (Fig. 511, and pupa), and the Three-banded Coccinella, C. tri- fasciata Linn. (Fig. 512), are also not uncommon species. The Fifteen-spotted Ladj^-bird, M>/ski Ib-jmndata Olivier. Is black on the head and prothorax, with seven black spots on the brownish red elytra, and a black spot on the scutellum ; it is seven-twentieths of an inch in length. The larva closely re- sembles that of Coccinella, but along the body are six rows of stout spinulated spines ; the upper surface of the body is black, with a pale spot on the hinder edge of the prothoracic ring ; the body is pale beneath. It is half an inch long. The pupa is pale, not black like that of the Coccinellae known to us, and COCCINELLIDiE. 513 is sixteen-spotted, with three additional rows of dark spots on the abdomen. The bod}^ is broad and flat, with a row of three spines on each side of the abdomen, and is .40 of an inch long. In Cliilocoi'us the margin of the elytra is dilated, and the lunate prothorax is rounded behind. C. bivulnerulus Mulsant {Fig. 513) is black, with two yellow spots. The genus Sci/imms is hemispherical, pubescent, with short, abruptly clavate antenmie. I have received from Dr. II. Shimer the larva and adult of Sqjmnus cer- vicalis Muls. which he found in the holes of insects boring in the Prickl3'-ash. The body is subcylin- drical, pale whitish, much longer and slenderer and narrower than in Coccinella, with a small black round head ; the iegs are long and slender, more so than in Coccinella. The rings are rather convex, not tuberculated above, though provided with a few hairs. It is .12 of an inch long. The beetle is reddish brown, with verj^ dark Fig. 514. Pi-ussiau blue elytra, and is .10 of an inch long. Epilachna borealis Thunberg (Fig. 514) is yellowish, with seven large black patches on each elytron. "The larvae, according to Osten Sacken, are common on the leaves of the pumpkin. It is j-ellow, with long, brown, branched spines, arranged in rows of six on each segment, except the first tho- racic segment, which has onl}^ four. The pupa instead of spines has short bristles, especially on the thorax." Fig. 515. The Pea "Weevil (ci larged) 33 514 HEMIPTERA. In the remaining suborders, the metamorphosis is, with the exception of most of the Neuroptera, generally " incomplete," the active larva and pupa closely resembling the adult, and often scarcely distinguishable from it except in being wingless. This similarity of the adult condition to the larval and pupal forms, as well as the equality in size of the different segments of the body, the aquatic habits of manj^ of the species, and the numerous genuine parasites found amoug them, are indica- tive of their low rank. HEMIPTERA. This order, including the true "bugs," the plant-lice, bed- bug and body-lice, may be briefl}^ characterized by the beak- like sucking mouth-parts, composed of the mandibles and maxilliie, which are ensheathed b}^ the large expanded labium, while the labrum is small and short ; by the free, large protho- rax, the usually angular short body, and the irregularly veined wings, the veins being but few in number, while the fore wings are often half coriaceous and opake. The metamorphosis is incomplete. There are many wingless parasitic forms, and many aquatic species. The triangular head is nearly alwa3's sunken into the pro- thorax, and is small in proportion to the rest of the body ; the ej'es are small, nearly globular and very prominent, and the three ocelli are set far back, while the short, bristle-like, or Hliforin antenna^ with from five to thirteen or more joints, are inserted l)elow and far in advance of tlie eyes, so that the front is broad and flat. The parts of the mouth form a four-jointed solid hard beak. Tlie mandibles and maxilhB are long and style-like, the latter without palpi ; they are ensheathed at their base by the canaliculate labium, which has obsolete palpi, while the lingua is short, but slightly developed, its function of tasting the food, owing to the peculiar habits of the suborder, being thrown into disuse. The labrum is well developed, being generally acutely triangular. The thorax is constructed on the coleopterous type, the prothorax being broad above, and the wings, when folded, concealing the rest IIEMirXERA. 51o of the body, while the side pieces (the epimera and episterna) are hirge and of much the same form as in the Coleoptera, and the legs are situated close together, with coxaj and trochanters very similar to those of the Coleoptera. The body is usually very flat above, or, in the more or less cylindrical species somewhat broad and flat. The body is less concentrated headwards than in the Coleoptera, though much more so than in the Orthoptera, and in this respect, as well as in other essential characters, the group is intermediate between these two suborders. Both pairs of wings are very equal in size and alike in shape, except in the higher families where they are very unequal, the hinder pair being very small. They are generally very regularly ovate in shape, the costal edge l.eino- much curved and rounded towards the obtusely rounded apex° the outer edge is long and very oblique, and the inner edo-e short, though often longer than the outer edge in the lower families. The type of venation is rather peculiar in this sub- order, as the costal veins are large and stout, while, as seen in the wings of Aphis, the median veins are sent out from the costa; indeed there is no central powerful vein in the middle of the wing ; in other words the wing is scarcely differentiated nito its three special regions, so well seen in the Hvinenoptera and Lepidoptera, and especially the Orthoptera. The surface IS net-veined rather than parallel-veined, but there are few veinlets, and the interspaces are large and few in number, and m this respect most Hemiptera show their superiority to the Orthoptera and Xeuroptera. In the lower section of the suborder, the Ileteropterous Hemiptera, the thickening of the basal half of the wing tends to obliterate all traces of the veins, and especially the veinlets. The legs are slender, and often very long, owing to the gi-eat ngth of the femora and tibh., while the tarsi, tike those of the lowest Coleoptera, are two or three-jointed The abdomen has six to nine segments apparent, though tlie typical number is eleven, according to Lacaze-Duthiers. Ihe stigmata are very distinct, being often raised on a ^.ubercle. On the basal ring of the abdomen are two cavities in which are sometimes seated vocal organs, as in the male Cicada, and in the metathorax of some species are glands for secretincx a 516 HEMIPTERA. foul odorous fluid. Lacaze-Duthiers has given a sectional view of Ranatra (Fig. 516 ; v, dorsal vessel ; i, intestine ; n, ner- vous cord) which shows tlie relation of the elements of an abdominal segment, t, is the tergum ; em, the epimerum ; ES, the episternum, and s, the sternum. The ovipositor and the genital armature are generallj^ con> cealed within the tip of the abdomen, being rarely exserted so as to form a prominent part of the bodJ^ It differs greatl}?^ in its development, and is difficult to reduce to a common tj-pe. Lacaze-Duthiers states that we may consider the abdomen of the Hemiptera as consisting of ten or eleven segments, accord- ing as we consider the horny ring, lying between the abdomen and thorax as the basal ring of the abdomen, or not. He re- gards the former view as the true one. This author contends that in Ploa the tergum of the first and second abdominal segments (proto and deutotergites) are coal- esced, and that the original sutures are marked bv simple stricB, while at the opposite end of the abdomen the genital and anal outlets are separated by three rings, i.e.., the eighth, ninth and tenth. In i\\(MCicadidoe and Phytocoris the ovipositor is per- fect and much as described in the Hymenoptera. In the ^Ftilgoridce, Naucoris, Ploa and Notonecta, the eighth segment is complete, while the ovipositor is more or less in- complete, and it often happens that a reunion of secondary pieces represents a principal piece, and that the elements of the two postgenital rings are articulated together by overlap- ping each other. In Ranatra as well as Nepa is a third modification of the ovipositor, where the postgenital segment is incomplete, and the sternal appendages and sternum of the segment bearing the ovipositor only remain, the other parts being aborted. In the Pentatomids and Cimex there is no ovipositor, but the aborted elements are more or less developed, so as to be identifiable. The nervous system consists, besides those of the head, of two thoracic ganglia, of which the anterior is the smaller, which send off two main trunks to the abdomen. HEMIPTERA. 51"? The oesophagus is usually small and short, while the much convoluted stomach is veiy long and subdivided, first into a large, straight, glandular portion ; second, into the convoluted smaller part, and third, in some Pentatomids and Corel dee there is a third stomach " consisting of a very narrow, slightly flexuous canal, on which are inserted two or four rows of closely aggregated glandular tubes." (Siebold.) The Cicad idee, and most Heteropterous Ilemiptera, have verj^ large lobu° lated salivarj^ glands, divided into two unequal portions, and often with long digitiform processes. Tn the aquatic species, i.e., the iVa tenor idee and JVep id(Py there are two stigmata at the end of the abdomen. In Xepa and Ranatra the stigmata are situated at the ba'^o of a long tube. There are four long urinary tubes. The ovaries are formed of from four to eight tubes arranged in a verti- cillate manner about the end of the short oviduct. In the Psyllidee and Cicad idee, however, they are composed, in the first family, of from ten to thirty unilocular tubes, and in the second, of from twent}' to sevent}' bilocular tubes. The receptaculum seminis consists of one or two small caeca, and the Cicad idee are the only Ilemiptera which have* a C()[)nlutory pouch, this consisting of a p^-riform A-esicle. "The viviparous Aphidai ditier from those Avliich are oviparous, in that their eight ovarian tubes are multilocular and their oviducts entirely without appendages, while with the second, or oviparous, these eight tubes are unilocular, and there is a seminal receptacle and two sebaceous glands." (Siebold.) The testes varj^ gi-eatl}- in number and form, consisting of from one to five tubuliform or rounded glands. The active larvoe of the Ilemiptera, like those of the Orthop- tera, resemble closely the imago, differing mainly in possessing the rudiments of wings, which are acquired after the second moulting. After two changes of skin (foui- in all) tlu-y assume the pupa state, which differs mainl}' from that of the larva in having larger wing-pads. While the development of the image ordinarily occupies the summer months, in the Aphides it takes but a comparatively few days, but in the Seventeen-j-ear Locust as many years as its name indicates. An exception to this mode of development is seen in the larva of the male 518 HEMIPTERA. Coccus, which, as in the higher suborders, spins a silken co* coon, and clianges into an inactive pupa. Apterous individuals, especially females, sometimes occur, especially in the aquatic Hydrometra, Velia and Limnobates, and in many other genera the hind pair of wings are often absent. The embryological development of such Hemiptera as have been observed (Hi/drometra , Con'xa, Ap h i d ce , Go ccidm, Pe d icul i n a and Ma llophag a) corresponds very closely with that of certain Neuroptera {Lihelliilidm and Hemerohido' . There are about 30,000 species living and fossil. Some species are of great size, especially the Hydrocores, a division containing the aquatic genera, Velia, Ncpa, Belostoraa and Notonecta, and which first appeared in the Jurassic formation. Latreille divided the Hemiptera into the Heteroptera and Homoptera. The latter are the higher in rank, as the body is more cephalized, the parts of the body more specialized, and in the Aphid m^ which top the series, we have a greater sex- ual differentiation, the females being both sexual and asexual, the latter by a budding process, and without the interposition of the male producing immense numbers of 3'oung, which feed in colonies. The species are smaller than in the Heteroptera, and are all terrestrial. The Heteropterous Hemiptera, on the other hand, are larger, the body is less compactly put together, the al)donien and thorax are elongated, the head is small com- pared with the rest of the body, and the species are large, some of great size (a sign of degradation among insects), and several families are aquatic, indicating a lower grade of devel- opment, while representatives of these were the first of the suborder to appear in geological times. Their aflSnities are with the Orthoptera and Neuroptera, while the, A pit id oi and Homoptera generally, on the other hand, whose bodies are more cylindrical, ally themselves with the first and higher se- ries of suborders. In the Homopterous Hemiptera the fore pair of wings are generally transparent and usually net-veined, lying with the hind pair, which are considerablj^ smaller, roof-like upon the body, and the head is held vertically, where in most Heterop- tera it is horizontal and flattened. APHIDiE. 51G Apiiid.e Latreille. The I'laiit-lice have antennre with from five to seven joints, and generally' longer than the bod}-. The ocelli are wanting, and the beak is throe-jointed and developed in both sexes. The legs are long and slender, with two-jointed tarsi. The males and females are winged, and also the last brood of asexnal individuals, but the early summer broods are wingless. Their bodies are flask-shaped, being C3-lind- rical, the abdomen thick and rounded, and in Aphis and Lachnus is provided with two tubes on the sixth segment for the passage of a sweet fluid secreted from the stomach. Tl;e wings are not net-veined, having few veins, which pass out- wards from the costa. They are usually green in color, with a soft powdery bloom which exudes from their l)odies. Bonnet first discovered that the summer brood of wingless individuals were born of virgin parents, hatched from eggs laid in the autumn, and that the true winged sexes composed the last generation, which united sexuallj^, and that the female laid eggs in the autumn which produced the spring brood of asexual wingless Individuals. Dr. W. I. Burnett gives the following brief summary of the mode of development in this group. In the early autumn the colonies of plant-lice are composed of both male and female individuals ; these pair, the males then die, and the females begin to deposit their eggs, after which the}' die also. Early in the spring, as soon as the sap begins to flow, these eggs are hatched, and the j'oung lice immediatel}' begin to pump up sap from the tender leaves and shoots, increase rai> idly in size, and in a short time come to maturity. In this state it is found that the Avhole brood, without a single excep- tion, consists solely of females, or rather, and more properly ; of individuals which are capable of reproducing their kind. Tliis rei)rOiluctiou takes place b}' a viviparous generation, there being found in the individuals in question, ^oung lice, which., when capable of entering upon individual life, escape from their progenitors, and form a new and greatly increased col- ony. Tliis second generation pursues the same course as the first, the individuals of which it is composed being, like those of the first, sexless, or at least without anj' trace of the male sex throughout. Tiiese same conditions are then repeated, and 520 HEMIPTERA. SO on almost indefinitely, experiments having shown that the power of reproduction under such circumstances ma}' be exer- cised, according to Bonnet, at least through nine generations, while Duval obtained thus eleven generations in seven months, his generations being curtailed at this stage not by a failure of the reproductive power but by the approach of winter, which killed his specimens ; and K^-ber even observed that a colony of Aplds dianthi, which had been brought into a con- stantly heated room, continued to propagate for four j-ears in this manner, without the intervention of males, and even in this instance it remains to be proved how much longer these phe- nomena might have been continued." Dr. Burnett, from whom Ave quote, considers this anomalous mode of increase of inc]^- viduals as a process of budding, and that the whole series, like the leaves of a tree, constitutes l)ut a sin- gle generation, which results from the union of the sexes in the previous fall. It has a 1 w a y s been sup- posed that the final autumnal set of individuals were males and females alone. But Dr. Burnett states: "The terminal brood has hitherto been considered, as far as I am aAvare, to be composed exclusivel}^ of males and females, or, in other words, of perfect insects of both sexes. I was surprised, therefore, on examining the internal organs of the non-winged individuals, to find that man}' of these last were not females proper, but simply the ordinar}' gemmij^arous form. MoreoA'er so great was the similarity of appearance between these two forms — true females and gemmiparous in(li^■iduals — that they could be distinguished only by an examination of their internal genitalia." APHID JE. 521 MM. Balbiani and Signoret have discovered that the com- mon KuiopL'tm Aj)his aceris produces, besides 3'oung of the normal form, a singular dimorphous form (Fig. 517), first de- scribed in 1852 by Mr. J. Thornton, under the name of Phyl- loxthonis testudinatas, and afterwards called Periphyllus testudo by M. Van der Hoeven. The chief characteristic of this re- markable form, which is flattened, scale-like, is the series of leaf-like scales surrounding the body and bordering the appen- dages, while the upper side of the abdomen is covered with hexagonal figures. The generative apparatus is also very ru- dimentary. It does not produce young, and the insects them- selves do not increase in size after birth, being scarcely one millimetre in length. "They undergo no change of skin, never acquire wings like the reproductive individuals, and their antennae always retain the five joints which thoy pre- sent in all young Aphides before the first moult." (Science Gossip, 1867, p. 204.) Aphides are found upon every part of plants. Some species which are Fig. sis. ^•ingless, are found on the roots of plants, others on the stems of twigs, others roll up leaves, or form gull-like swellings on leaves ; the grain Aphis sucks the sap of the kernel. Ants arc fond of the sweet excretions from the abdominal tubes, and often keep them captive in their nests like herds of cattle. Syrphus flies, Coccinellae, etc., keep them within proper limits in nature. Various species of Aphidius kill laroer numbers than we imagine. "When an Aphis has received ^an egg from one of these parasites it quits its companions and fastens itself by its ungues to the under side of a leaf, when it swells into a globular form, its skin stretched out and dried up, and in a short time the perfect parasite escapes by a circular hole, the mouth of which sometimes remains like a trap door." In the Museum of the Peabody Academy is an apple twig almost covered with dead Aphides, each perforated by a hole from which an Aphidius had escaped. 522 HEMIPTERA. In ApJiis the seven-jointed antennae are longer than the bodj-, the two basal joints short and thick, the seventh the longest, and near the end of the abdomen there ai'e two long honey tubes. Aphis aven(B Fabr. is abundant and ver}' injurious to the ears of wheat, sucking out the sap and greatly reducing the bulk of the corn. In certain years it has spread over the country in innnense numbers. Aphis mali Fabr. (Fig. 518, winged female; Fig. 519, asexual female), and A. malifolice Fitch are found on the apple ; A. cerasi Fabr. on the cherry ; A. persicoi Sulzer on the peach, and A. brassicce Linn, on the cabbage. There are about thirty species known in this country. In Lachnus the sixth joint of the antennae is shorter than the seventh, and the honey tubes are very short. Lachnus strobi is found on the w^hite pine bushes often in great numbers. Lachnus canjce Harris is a very large species which lives on the Hickory. Mr. Walsh states that he has "noticed in the autumn, numerous apterous females on the same tree, which lived many daj^s and laid their eggs in confinement, .but died without assuming wings." The genus Eriosoma differs in having no honey tubes, and in having only two median (dis- coidal) cells. The species are covered with a woolly flocculent substance, secreted from the abdomen, though no special glands for this pui'pose have yet been discovered, while but lit- tle "hone}^" is exuded from the orifices of the aborted honc}'- tubes. Eriosoma, lanigera Ilausmann, the Apple-blight, is black, with the abdomen hone3" 3'ellow. The eggs are laid in the axils of the branches, especially near the roots of the tree, if there are any suckers present, and are enveloped in the pow- dery substance of the abdomen of the female. By their stings in the bark numerous Avarts and excresences are produced, the leaves turn yellow and drop off, and the tree often dies. Professor Verrill has found, about the middle of October, among the wingless individuals, " a large number of both males and females having well formed and rather large wings, but in other respects closely resembling the rest." The genus AdeJges was proposed by Vallot for certain broad, flattened plant-lice, which attack coniferous trees, often raising APHID^. 523 swellings on twigs like pine and spruce cones. The antennre are short, five-jointed and slender; there are three straiglit veinlets arising from the main subcostal vein and directed out- wards, and there are no honey tubes ; otherwise these insects closely resemble the Aphides. A species (Fig. 520 ; o, pupa seen from beneath) closely related to the European Adekjes (Chermcs) coccineus of Ratzburg, and the A. strobilobius of Kaltenbach, which have similar habits, we have found in abun- dance on the spruce in Maine, where it produces swellings at the end of the twigs, resembling in size and form the cones of the same tree. The most destruc- tive insect of this family is the Grape Pliylfoxera, P. viti- « Fig. 520. folice Fitch (P. vastatrix Planchon). It exists in two forms, one raising irregular galls on the leaves, and the other form- ing small swellings on the rootlets. The root-form is both wingless and winged, the latter very rare. The leaf-form is said to be always wingless. Fig. 521 (after Riley) represents the wingless leaf- form ; a, b, newly hatched 1 a r v a, ventral and dor- sal view; c, egg; (7, section of leaf- gall ; e, swelling of tendv'i\;f,[/,h, mother gall-louse, lateral, dorsal, and ventral views ; i, anten- na; J, two-jointed tarsus. Fig. 521a, «, healthy root ; b, one on which the lice are working, repre- senting the swellings caused by their punctures ; c, a root which has been deserted by them, and where the rootlets have 524 HEMIPTERA. begun to decay ; d, c7, c7, lice of natural size on the larger roots ; e, female pujsa, dorsal view ; /", the same, ventral view; (/, winged female, dorsal view ; A, same, ventral view ; t, mag- nified antenna of winged insect ; J, side view of wingless female laying eggs; h shows how the punctures of the lice cause the larger roots to decay. Fig. 521 h, sexual Phyllox- era? ; a, female vitifoUce, ventral view, showing the large egg through the ti-ansparent skin of the body ; 5, dorsal view of the same ; c, tarsus, greatly enlarged ; d, shrunken anal joints as they appear after ovi- position ; 6, male of another species, P. carymcmdis Riley, dorsal view ; the dot in the I — J---^ circle indicates the natural Fig. 522. size of the insect. (After Riley.) Pemphigus formicarius is tended by ants. The Vagabond Pemphigus, P, vagabundus Walsh (Fig. 522), so-called from its habit of wandering to very great distances in its native forests, raises large galls (Fig. 524) on the tops of the cotton-wood and balsam poplars; and the "old blackened galls hang on to the twigs for several seasons, giving the tree a singular appearance ra _ ,^<'-==?ts»-...^-=,^ when the leaves are off in the Avintertime." A single female begins the gall, whose y o u n g soon multiply, leaving the gall in September. Mr. Walsh has also described Fig- 523. the Sumac gall (Fig. 523) caused by a smaller species, the Pemphigus rhois of Fitch, and also the Cockscomb-elm gall (Fig. 525) made by the P. vlmicola of Fitch, which infests j^oung white elm trees, often densely covering the leaves. "By the end of June or the beginning of July, the gall becomes full of winged plant- Fig. 521». a. Fig. 521b. The Grape Phylloxera. COCCID^. 525 lice, when the slit on the upper side of the leaf, through which the mother plant-louse built up the gall early in the spring, gapes open and allows the insects to escape into the open air." (American Entomolo- gist, p. 108.) The Editors of the " American Entomolo- gist" describe and fig- ure the Apple root plant-louse, Eriosoma (Pemphigus) X)rjri of Fitch (Fig. 526 ; a, the gall ; 6, larva ; c, fe- male ; d, leg ; e, beak ; /, antenna of female ; gr, of larva), which occurs sometimes in great abundance, form- ing, in October, galls like potatoes, and two to three inches in diameter, on the roots of apple trees, just beneath the surface of the ground. _ The European Chermes (Pemphi- gus) abietis has two sorts of females, and is parthenogen- cus, according to Leuckart. CocciD^ Fallen. The Bark-lice have six or more joints to the antennae ; the tarsi are two-jointed, the beak wanting in the males, in which the hind wings are usually wanting, while the scales made by the females are usually flattened, scale-like, or rounded hemi- spherical. The wingless, scale-like, adult females, by a retro- grade development, in which the legs and rings of the body become aborted, remind us of the Barnacles and allies among Fig. 525. 526 HEMIPTERA. Crustacea, and like them, the^^ cau scarcely be referred to the type of Articulates at all, while other forms, such as C. cacti Id its larval state, resemble Glomeris, or the Isopods, among Crustacea. On the other hand the males have been mistaken for some Neuroptera, and the male Coccus, Avith its long anal stylets and the single pair of fore wings, may be likened to an Ephemera. The genera Aspidiotus and Lecanium are par- thenogenous, as in the Aphidm . In Aleurodes both sexes are winged and of similar form, the antennae are six-jointed, with the second joint lengthened, and in the fore wings, which are spread out as in Lepidoptera, there is but a single vein, the median. We have received from Mr. J. L. Russell specimens of A. va- ^K^ porarium which oc- curred in great num- bers on his house- plants and especially rig- 526. on the tomato leaves. The winged forms appeared early in September. The larvse are green and scale-like, rounded oval, and the pupae retain the same form and are smooth beneath, but with minute hairs above and on the edges. The adult is 3'ellowish white, with snow-white wings, and is about .04 of an inch in length. The body of the imago nearl}'^ formed, with black ej'es, can be seen through the thin pupa skin. In Dorthesia the males only are provided with wings ; the an- tennae are long, nine-jointed, and the abdomen is oval, ending in a bushy mass of threads. The genus Coccus differs in that the two-winged males have ten- jointed antennt^ and two anal bristles. The females have nine-jointed antennae, and are covered with a flattened, hemispherical scale. The Cochineal insect, Coccus ^y>\~5\\ ® Fig. 527. COCCID^. 527 (Psciulococcus) cacti (Fig. 527, male, with wingless female, mitunil size and enlarged) secretes masses of Cochineal from its body. The males are carmine red, with light brown wings, and the anal setoe, or bristles, are two and one-half times longer than the body, which is three-fourths of a line long, while the female is one line in length, rounded in form, and covered with a heavy bloom. It lives in Mexico on the Cactus cocciuellifer, and has been introduced into Spain and Algiers and the Madeira islands. Coccus manniparus of Elu'enberg is found at Sanid growing on the Tamarix, and pro- duces by its attacks the gum-like secretion called "manna." Coc- cus lacca Kerr lives in the East Indies on the Ficus religiosa, and produces the lac of commerce. When found on the twigs it is called stick lac, but after it has been pounded, and the greater part of the coloring matter extracted by water, it is called seed lac ; when melted down into cakes after it has been strained and formed into thin scales, lump lac and shell lac. Mr. Glover has figured three species of Aspidiotus found by him living on the orange in Florida, and all seem to be new to science. The first we may call Aspidiotus Gloverii (Fig. 528, a, male ; 6, female ; d, linear scale, enlarged) which differs from the others by not having, accordmg to Glover's drawing, the usual pair of caudal filaments. It occurs on the bark and leaves, especially on the outer edge, and along the midrib. Another species is represented at Fig. 528, c. The third species may be called the Aspidiotus citricola, which has been very injurious to the orange in the Maritime Alps in "^^ ^' Northern Italy. It has, besides a linear Fig. 520. scale like that represented in Fig. 528, d, an oval scale (Fig. 529, o, male; 6, female, enlarged; c, oval scale), and the female has two long caudal filaments. The hymenopterous parasite, Coccophagus, preys on this genus. 528 HEMIPTERA. Other bark-lice belonging to another genus, Lecanhim, are found in hot-houses ; they differ from the preceding in being flat, scale-like, without any traces of rings, and have eight- jointed antennae, while the males have nine joints to the an- tennae, and are two-winged. L. hesjjeriduvi Linn, is found on the orange. The Editors of the American Entomologist (p. 14) describe the Lecanium Madurm (Fig. 530, h) which lives on the twigs and leaves of the Osage orange. "The dark part is the scale covering the insect, and this scale, as usual in the genus to which the insect belongs, is of a blood brown color. The pale part is snowy white, and is composed of a fine cottony down enveloping the eggs and j'oung larvae." A similar species, L. acen'cola (Fig. 530, a) "infests the bark as well as leaves of the common maple." The common bark-louse of the Apple tree be- longs to the genus Aspidiotus (A. conchiformis) and does more injury to that tree than au}'^ other insect known. It is also found on the cur- rant, plum and pear. (Riley.) The female is ^'^s.^^. shaped like an oyster shell. There are from ten to one hundred eggs laid by the female. Westwood states that the males of this genus are very broad, with broad wings, and a central anal appen- dage, but without the usual caudal filaments. The puparium has a double shield. Mr. Riley has studied the habits of the A. conchiformU ""^ COCCID^. 529 m^'^ Gmelin (Figs. 531, 532) in Illinois, and states that June 6tli most of the eggs were hatched, though the young had not left the scales ; on the 9th the Aveather being " exceedingly warm," the young (Fig. 532, 2) were found running all over the twigs ; on the 11th they all became fixed, and the day after a white waxy secretion began to issue from the body in the shape of very fine, delicate threads (3). On the 22d they had increased materiallj^ in size, the waxy secretion vanished soon after the last date, leaving what appeared to be the body of a yellowish brown color, though in reality the body is underneath and separate, and has lost all trace of members. On the 6th of July the secretion rapidly increased and assumed an oval form, and the insect was of the form indicated at 5, On the 10th the scale presented the appearance indicated at 4. Two daj's after a third plate began to be secreted from the posterior end of the insect, and enlarged rapidly', becoming of the same color as the back. By ! the first of August their growth was to all appearance completed, the scale measuring .12, while the insect is only .05 of an inch long, thus occupjang about half the space within (7). On the l?Mi of August Fig- :>.;i. they began to lay eggs, and by the 28th all had ceased egg-laj-- ing, while the body shrivelled up. There is but a single brood, mm MM Fig. 532. the eggs laid late in summer, hatching in the following spring. Thus it appears, according to Riley's observations, and as Har- ris supposed, that the shell-like scale is secreted from the sur- 34 530 HEMIPTERA. face of the Ijod}', and is identical with the flocculent matter, or down, that exudes from certain Aphides and the shell lac insect and related forms. On the other hand, Dr. Shimer, who has given the fullest history of this insect, and was the first to make observations for the most part similar to those recorded above, considers that the scale consists of the several (three) sast skins of the larva, "cemented by some kind of an exuda= tion to the bark." This insect can be best exterminated by scraping the bark, and then washing the trees with soapsuds a few daj'S after the trees blossom, just as the j^oung are about hatching. Dr. Shimer has discovered a mite (Acarus? mains Shimer) which sucks the eggs in autumn. Another species, which is native, the As- jmliotus Harri.sii of Walsh (Figs. 533, 534, A, B. showing the two kinds of scales) dif- fers in the scale being oval, "almost entirely flat, and of a pure milk white color," with red eggs, while those of the Oj'ster shell bark-louse are milk white, and the larvae are at first blood red. It occurs on the apple and pear, and is far less injurious than the other species. Fig. 5;j;3. PsYLLiD^ Latrcille. These small Leaf- hoppers are found hopping over the surface of leaves and often raising galls. They are flattened and provided with short legs and a broad head, and covered with a white cottonj^ mass in the larva state. In the mature insect the forked antennae are eight to ten-jointed, with two slender terminal bristles forming the fork. There are three remote ocelli ; the beak is three- jointed, reaching to the middle of the chest, and the epimcra of the meta- thorax terminate behind in B^^ A^ nji acute spine on each Fig. 534. side. The limbs are short, i\'ith thickened shanks, and two-jointed tarsi. The wings are thickened and folded roof-like over the body, and the three CICADELLINA. 531 -veins, costal, median and siibmedian, arc usually each di- vided but once. Tlie genus Psylla has the bristle-shaped antenna? as long as the body, and a distinct pterostignia. Tiie species are very numerous, many kiuds of trees liaviug their peculiar leaf-hop- per, but scarcely any have been yet described. Psylla pi/rl is brownish orange, with a greenish abdomen. It is very injuri- ous to the pear tree. In Livia the antennae are shorter than the bodj^, with a very large and thick basal joint, and flattened eyes. Livia vernalis Fitch is bright ferruginous ; the breast and tips of the antennae are black, while the legs are pale rust-red. It is .15 of an inch in length, and is found in vessels of sap of the sugar maple, according to Dr. Fitch. O Cercopid^ Leach. The true Leaf- hoppers possess a broad, triangular head obtusely pointed in front, with a large triangular scutellum not concealed by the wings when at rest, and the ocelli are either two in number or entirely wanting. The short, two-jointed antennaj end in a bristle, being inserted on the upper edge of the front, just before the eyes. The large prothorax is broad and flattened and transverseh^ oblong. The fore wings are thickened, and the hind legs are long, being fitted for leaping. Many species inhabiting grasses, such as Helochara and "Aphrophora, while in the larva state suck the sap of grasses and emit a great quantity of froth, or in some cases a clear liquid, which in the former case envelops the bod\-, and thus conceals it from sight. It is then vulgarly called "toad's spittle." li^Typldocyha, which comprises many small species, there are two ocelli : the scutellum is rounded, and the front is slightly concave. The species of this and the following genera by theu" attacks on various vines and fruit trees often kill them. Thej' are among the greatest pests of gardeners. The injury is produced by their beaks in feeding, and by the ovi- positor in puncturing the leaves, in which they lay their eggs. In Erythroneura the head is crescentiform, about as broad as the thorax, with the vertex rounded down to the front, with- out an angular edge ; the ocelli are situated between the vertex I I 532 HEMIPTERA. O and the front, and almost as near each other as the ej'es, while the fore wings are without closed cells in the disk. The spe- cies most injurious to the grape-vine is ih^^rythroneura vitis Harris (Fig. 535). It Is pale j'ellow, with two red lines on the head, while the hinder edge of the thorax, including the scutellum, the base of the fore wings, with a broad band across their middle, are scarlet, and the wings are tipped with black. O In Jassus the species are larger than the foregoing, with stouter bodies. The head is very broad and /short, concave at base, and the ocelli are placed between the e^es on the front, which , is broader than long, and the ovipositor is recurved. Jassus irroratu^^ay is not uncommonl}' seen on herbage. The common Helochara communis Fitch, a grass green spe- cies, is found in great abundance in damp, grassy places, in company with tlie yellow-legged, closely allied, *i>ie(/roce/>/ia/a .noUipes and^i)iedrocephc(la quadrivittata Say, which lias the vertex flattened and four scarlet stripes on the wings. InTet- tigonia the antennse are half as long as the body. ^. bijida Say is common in grass. lnVJe7'copis the prothorax is large and licxagonal. The' Clastoptera pro- \teus of Fitch is a common insect in blue- berry fields and cran- berry pastures. It is short and thick, with a bright j-ellow head, with a black band on the front margin of the vertex, and a broader one on the front, and a black dot near the apex of the elytra, while the legs are yellowish white, and the tarsi are black. It varies greatly in its colors. '^n Aphrophora the head is of moderate size, with two ocelli approximate on the crown of the head ; the prothorax is trapezoidal and the posterior tibiae have two teeth. ^A. quadrinotata Say is found on grape-vines. ^ FuLGORiD^ Leach. This family, as stated b}^ Westwood, is at once known by having only three distinct joints in the an- tennae, and the two ocelli are placed beneath the eyes. The Fig. 535. CICADARIiE. 533 'head is veiy large ; the bod}' is high and convex, often com- pressed laterally. The hind legs are thickened and enlarged, adapted for leaping purposes. Some of the strangest shapes among insects are found in this group. This is due to the great development of the forehead, or vertex of the head, which is pro- longed either angularly-, or into a long snout-like process, as in '^Fulgora, while in other species it is as Jong as the entire body. ''The species of some genera^, such afe Flata limbata,' Phenax variegata,^ystra auricoma and L. lanata, emit a wax}' white secretion, made into a fine white wax, which is much esteemed in China and the East Indies." (Wcstwood.) The Lantern-fly, ^i^M?(/ora, attains an immense size when compared with other Ilemiptera, being between two and three inches long. Tlie head is large with a prolongation much longer than the head, which is said by novices and some nat- uralists, though doubted by others, to be luminous at night, whence its name. The Fulgora lanteniaria Linn, occurs in Surinam, and^. (Hotinus) candelaria Linn, is found in China. Mr. Caleb Cooke of Salem, who resided several years in Zan- zibar, Africa, informs me tliat the Lantern-fly is said by the natives to be luminous. They state that the long snout lights up in the night, and in describing it, say "its head is like a lamp." {Keetchua Jcana-tah.) In Flata the base of the head is concealed by the front edge of the prothorax, the front of the head is long and slender, Avithout any middle keel ; the wings are very broad and rounded. ^Anotia Bonnetii Kirb}' is found, according to Fitch, on wil- lows about the middle of September'^ " Otiocerus Coquebertii Kirby is found on beech and oak trees, and sometimes on the grape-vine, according to Fitch. The gQwwk'^Delpliax has a very broad front, with sharp edges and a forked keel along the middle ; the antennae are two- jointed, the articulations long and thickened at the end. ^Del phax arcensls Fitch is pale acIIow, unspotted, with the elytra and wings nearly pellucid. It is common in fields of wheat earl}^ in June. ^CiCADARi.E Latreillo. These interesting insects, commonly £alled ;• locusts," are large and wedge-shaped, with a large 534 HEMIPTERA. broad head and prominent eyes. The males have a musical apparatus beneath the wings on the basal ring of the abdomen, which acts like a ket- tle drum, producing a loud, pon^etrating, shrill sound. Cicada rimosa of Say, our smallest species, be- gins to be heard a little before the mid- dle of June. The C. pruinosa Say is larger and appears later, being an au- A ' ^^f^^ ' tumnal species. Pro- Q Fig. 5;{c. fessor A. E. Verrill has observed this species in Norway, Me., lajdng its eggs in the stems of Solidago or Golden-rod. It made a longitudinal incision with ragged edges into the pith of the plant, then with its oviposi- tor forced its eggs a little distance down in the pith below the external opening ; there were two rows of eggs suc- ceeding the fi r s t single one, each pair diverg- ing out- wards, the Fig. 537. lower e n d s of each pair nearly touching each other, and all placed very near together. The habits of the Seventeen 3'ear \ocustf Cicada CICADARIiE. 535 septendecim Linn. (Fig. 53G, A ; g, drum; r, r7, male genital hooivs ; Bf-T?. Cassinii Fisher ; g, drum ; e, /, genital lioolcs. Fig. 537, c, with expanded Avings) which does not in- habit Northern New England, arc well described bj- Harris and Fitch. The 3'onng larvae feed on tlie roots of the oak and apple, clustering upon the roots and suck- ing the sap with their beak-like mouths. Tliey live seventeen years. Different broods appear in different localities, so that each year they are seen in some part of the country. The Editors of the American Entomologist, p. C3, give additional information regarding its habits. It appears during the last half of May, and disappears about the fourth of July, and tlie eggs hatch between the twentietli in of Juh' and the first of August. Tlie eggs (Fig. 537 ; d, e, enlarged) are deposited in pairs in the terminal twigs of different species of decidu- ous trees, especially the oak (Fig. 538, punc- _ tured twig ; Fig. 539, a twig which has been *''^'-^^ ^ punctured and then healed over). The larvee hatch out in about six weeks after they are laid, and (Fio-. 540, newly hatched larva) drop to the ground in which they live feeding on roots of trees for nearly seventeen years, the pupa state (Fig. 537 ; a, b, cast l)upa and skin; c, adult) lasting but a few days. "When about to transform into the winged state they ascend to the surface, making cylindrical burrows, '•firmly cemented and varnished so as to be water- '•5«- proof." Mr. S. S. Rathvon has observed that in low and wet localities the pupj^e extend these "galleries from four to six inches above ground (Fig. 541 ; a, full view ; b, section) leaving an orifice of egress even with the surface {e). In the upper end of these chambers (c) the pupse would be found awaiting their approaching time of change. Tliey would O ^ig- 5«- then back down to below the level of the earth, as at d, and issuing forth from the orifice would attach themselves to O Fig 536 HEMIPTERA. the first object at hand, and undergo their transformations in the usual manner." (American Entomologist, p. 64.) The ovipositor of Cicada, as we have observed it in a rudi- mentary state in the pupa, closely resembles that of ^schna (Fig. 21), and essentially agrees with that of Bombus, the basal pair of blades arising from the eighth segment of the ab- domen, as in the humble bee, and the two succeeding pairs forming the ovipositor itself (the outer pair forming a sheath) arising from the ninth segment. NoTONECTiD^ Latreille. The Water Boatmen somewhat resemble the Tettigonise, but their habits are aquatic ; their hind legs are very long, ciliated, and formed for swimming. The body is convex above, but flat l)eneath ; the head is large and nearl}^ as wide as the rest of the bod}', Avith a liroad and round- ed front ; the antennae are four-jointed, c o n - cealed beneath the ej'es, and the ocelli are want- ing. The different spe- cies of Corixa are com- mon in every pool. Their motions are rapid, diving Avhen disturbed rapidly to the bot- tom and seizing hold of submerged olyccts. They fly well, but walk with difficulty. The genus is characterized I)}' the single-jointed fore tarsi, which are flattened and strongly ciliated ; tlie prothorax is large, covering the mesotho- rax. C. internipta ^ixy is not uncommon in pools. In Notonecta the bod}- is somewhat prismatic in form, and hair}^ beneath, where in Corixa it is smooth. The fore tarsi are three-jointed, and the hind legs are very Tig.ui. long. Roesel states that "the eggs (which are attached to the stems and leaves of aquatic plants, and are of an oval form) are hatched in fifteen days ; the young make their ap- Fie:. 541. NEPID^. 537 pearance at the beginning of the spring, and the parent sur- vives until the}' have arrived at maturity." (Westwood.) The recently hatclied 3'oung are broad, oval and flattened. Noto- necta undulata Say (Fig. 542) and N. irrorata Say are our more common forms. The genus Ploa diflTers from tlie preceding, in the fore wings being coriaceous, and "united togetlier by a straight suture." Nepid.e Leach. Tliese insects have xovy flat bodies which are either oval or very long and linear. The head is sunken into the thorax, with large eyes, but no ocelli. The antennae are short, three or four-jointed, and concealed in a cavity under the eyes ; the beak is tln-ee-jointed. The fore wings are mem- branous, and the fore feet are raptorial, while the hind limbs are formed for swimming. In Nepa and Ranatra the body terminates in a long breathing tube, and the tracheary system in these two genera is ver}' peculiar, being very largelj^ devel- oped on the under side of the bod3\ Tliere is a large air- bladder within the metathorax, leading from the spiracle, which evidently lightens the insect during its flight. In the abdomen the spiracles are only present on the third to the fifth rings ; the}' are not, however, simple clefts in the walls of the body but are closed by a sieve-like membrane, so that they perform the function of tracheal gills. (Gerstaecker.) The genus Belostoma comprises the most gigantic forms of the suborder, some species being from three to four and a half inches long. The body is oval, elliptical, flattened ; the eyes are large and the second to the fourth antenual joints provided with hook-like expansions. The fore tarsi are two-jointed, with a single claw, and the hinder limbs are broad, flat, and well fringed. The larvae are provided with two claws on the fore tarsi. "The females of some species of Belostoniai carry their eggs upon their backs, arranging them in a single layer with great symmetry." (Westwood.) Belostoma Halclemaniim Leidy is not uncommon in our waters. It is three inches and a half in length, and has black patches on the under side of the body, while in B. grisea Say, which is of the same size, the under side is unspotted. Professor A. E. Verrill lias sent me the eggs and freshly hatched young of one of our New England 538 HEMIPTERA. species of Belostoma, the former of which he found in the spring "under an old log just at, but above, the edge of the water. On the 18th of June they hatched out a most amusing flock of young bugs, nearly as large as squash bugs, and light yellowish green in color, which soon changed to dark gray." The young, two days old and previous to moulting, were .35 of an inch loug. The eggs are smooth, cylindrical, 16 of an inch long, and are deposited in a mass of about ninetj^ eggs, attached by the posterior end to a mass of silk-gum. They partially overlap each other, and the young escape bj- a round lid, indicated by a semicircular Avhite line. The genus Ranatra is remarkable for its long, linear body, terminating in the long respirator}^ tube. Tlie prothorax is greatly elongated, while the mesoscutellum is short. "The eggs of the genus Ranatra are more elongated than in Nepa, and are furnished above with two slender setae. According to Rosel, they are deposited at random in the water, but Geoffrey states that the}- are introduced into the stems of aquatic plants, the elongated filaments being alone exposed. Our most com- mon form is Ranatra fusca Beau- vois (Fig. 543). The genus Nepa has ver}^ short three-jointed antennae, the two last joints being expanded later- all}'. The body is flat, oval, with two long respiratory tubes, while the thorax is trapezoidal, and the mesoscutellum is Aery large ; the thighs are dilated, with a notch to receive the tibia, which is curved and soldered to the tarsus. The genus is veiy predaceous, feeding like Ranatra and others on the larvae of Ephemerae. "The eggs are deposited in the water ; they are Fig. 543. PLOTERES. 539 oval, and surmounted by seven elongated filaments, which serve, while the egg is in the oviduct, to form a kind of cup for the reception of the succeeding egg, but which are recurved when the egg is discharged." (Westwood.) Galgulidje (Galgulini) Burmeister. This small group con- sists of a few species whioli have the hind legs formed for running. The body is short, broad, flattened, and the head is broad with pedunculated eyes, and the four-jointed antennae are concealed beneath the eyes, while the ocelli are present. These insects are said to live on the edge of the water, "bury- ing themselves in the sand, especially in the larva state." The group is interesting as forming a connecting link between the aquatic and terrestrial plant-eating species. In Galgulus the third antennal joint is small, the fourth minute and rounded. G. oculatus Fabr. is uniformly brown, the upper surface granulated, and beneath blackish. Ploteres Latreille. These insects are long, narrowing alike towards both ends, being shaped like a wherry, and with their long legs they course over the surface of ponds and streams, moving backwards and forwards with great facility. They are among the earliest spring insects. The body beneath is furnished with a coating of plush, to repel the water. The four-jointed antenntie are long and slen- der, and the fore legs are partially rap- torial for seizing their prey. Wingless insects (evidently mature as they are found coupling) occur in this family, as among the Cimiciclce. Thus, there are apterous forms in Hydrotrechus, Hydrometra and Velia, while in Pyrrho- coris apterus and Prostemma guttula tliere are individuals partially winged, ^'S- ^^^- "which no one regards otherwise than as specifically identical with the full-winged specimens of the same species, . . . but must be compelled to regard them as imagines with peculiar characters of their own, somewhat analogous to the neuters, or undeveloped females of the bee ; but yet more perfect thai; 540 HElVnPTERA. that kind of imago, being capable of reproduction." (West- wood.) In Velia tlie triangular head is sunken in the thorax up to the eyes ; the ocelli are wanting ; the thorax is large, and the wings are present. The genus Hydrotrechus (Gerris) has the ocelli present, the abdomen long and slender, while the prothorax i< very large, covering the mesothorax. The eggs of a European species are preyed upon by a species of Teleas, according to Mecziii kow. Hydrotrechus remigis (Fig. 644) and H. rufoscutellatus Fabr. a reddisli species, are abundant on our streams. The larvffi are mucli shorter and witli broader bodies than the adults. The genus Halohates has the first antennal joint as long as the two following ones together ; both ocelli and wings are wanting ; the mesothorax is very large, and elongated posteri- orly, and the fore legs are short, outstretched, with thickened femora, while the middle j^air of limbs is the longest. The species are found swimming on the surface of the ocean in the tropics far from land. Reduviid^ (Reduvini) Latreille. The characters of this famil}^ are these : head free from the thorax, elongated, nearly cylindrical, with prominent eyes and two ocelli ; the antennae are of moderate length, slender towards the end, and the beak is stout and incurved ; the tarsi are three-jointed and the legs are long and fitted for running. These insects are among the most predaceous of the Ilemiptera. The group Ijcgins with an aquatic genus Lhnnohates, which connects this family with the preceding one ; it runs over the surface of pools like Gerris. The body is linear ; the protho rax is as long as the rest of the thorax, and the hind wings are wanting. Ploiaria is a remarkably slender, thread-like insect, with long hair-like posterior legs, reminding us of Tipula. The species are raptorial and are frequent in gardens. P. brevipennis Saj^ is reddish, with wings, and the feet are ringed near the knees. Its ally, Emesa, resembles "the thinnest bits of sticks fastened together," according to Westwood. The bod}^ is long and thin, hair-like, and the antennae are long and delicate ; the REDUVIID^. 541 fore legs are raptorial, with long and thin coxfe. The wing» are either wanting, or they reach only to the middle of the ab- domen. Emesa longipes DeGeer has a white head, with a brown band under the eyes ; the femora are annulated with brown, and tipped with white. In Salda the body is small, elliptical and flat ; the antennte are long and thread-like, half as long as the body. The beak reaches to the end of the breast, the second joint being at least six times as long as W- ^1.5. the first, and the legs are short and slender. Tha species are found mostly in Europe along the shores of the ocean and inland waters. The genus mibis is known by the anterior tibiic having an apical cushion ; the beak is slender, extending to the hind Tegs. Nabis ferus Linn, is abundant in gardens, feeding on insects! An allied and common form is the Pirates picipes of Ilerrich Schaefl-er (Fig. 545). The P. bignttatus Say has been found between the mattrasses of a bug-infested bed in south Illinois, and probably feeds on the bed-bug. (American Entomolgist, p. 37.) * The allied genera Prostemma (P. guttata), and Coranus (C. subap- terus) "are interesting on account of their being generally found in an undeveloped imago state ; the latter being either entirely apterous or with the fore wings rudimental, although occasionally met with having the four ^ a ^ b wings completely developed." Mr. ^'^- ^^^• Westwood thinks that, esi:)ecially in hot seasons, these apterous insects acquire full sized wings, in accordance with the same opinion of Spinola, whom he quotes. The type of the family is the genus Reduvius of Fabricius, which may be recognized by its second and third antennal jomts being much longer than the fli-st, while the fourth is hair-like. The limbs are densely hirsute, and the beak is short and stout. Reduvius personatus Linn., a black species, is said to feed upon the bed-bug. " The larva and pupa have the in- stinct to envelope themselves in a thick coating of particles of 542 HEMIPTERA. dust (DeGeer) and so completely do they exercise this habit that a specimeu shut up by M. Brulle, and which had under- gone one of its luoultings during its imprisonment, divested its old skin of its coat of dust, in order to recover itself there- with." (Westwood.) "The Evagoras viridis Uhlcr MS. is said, by the Editors of the "American Entomologist," to devom' the plum curculio. In Harpactor the head is convex behind the eyes ; the ocelli are distant, knobbed, and the first antennal joint is as long as, and stouter than, the two succeeding ones together. Har- pactor ductus Fabr. (Fig. 546 ; &, beak) attacks the larva of the Colorado Potato-beetle. Another member of this family, the Conorhinus sanguisuga of Leconte, is said to occur in beds, its bite being very painful. (American Entomologist, p. 87.) CoRisi^ Latreille. In this very extensive family, which is especially rich in species in the tropics, where they are gaily colored, the head is flat, extended horizontally, and sunken up to the eyes within the prothorax. The antennae are long, fili- form, often clavate at the tip, and from three to five-jointed. The two ocelli are almost always present, while the beak-sheath (labium) is four-jointed. The tarsi are generallj^ three-jointed, and the claws are provided with two suctorial pads. The membranous wing-covers have distinct, often forked, longitu- dinal veins. We follow Gerstaecker in retaining Latreille's family Cor- isiae, which includes the "Lygaeidae," "Coreidae" and "Penta- tomidiie" of recent authors, as they all agree in the general form of the bod}', and, as stated by Gerstaecker, in the struc- ture of the antennae, the uniform presence of two ocelli, the longitudinal veins of the fore wings, and the hardness of the crust of the body ; these characters separate them from the precedhig groups. In L3'gaeus and allies (Lygaeidae) the scutellum is of the normal size ; the antennae are four-jointed, and are attached to the under side of the head, and the beak is tolerably long. In Lygmiis the head is elongated acutely, the eyes globular, the ocelli distinct, and the antennae are slender, scarcely half as coRisr^. 543 long as the bod}', and slightl}^ clavate. Lygcus hircicus Fabr. is a typical form. Pyrrhocorif, apterus Linn, is nsuall}^ apter- ous ; occasionally specimens are found with wings. It inhabits Europe. The Chinch bug, J^lissus leucopteriis of Uhler (Fig. 547) is a great enemy of our wheat crops, and, as its specific name indicates, it may be known by the white fore wings, contrasting* well with a black spot on the middle of the edge of the wing. It is about three-twentieths of an inch in length. Harris also states that "the 3'oung and wingless individuals are at first bright red, changing with age to brown and black, and are al\va3's marked with a wliite band across the back." Shimer sa3-s the female is "occupied about twenty days in la3'ing her eggs, about 500 in number. The larva hatches in fifteen days and there are two broods in a season, the first brood maturing, in Illinois, from the middle of July to the middle of August, and the second late in autumn." According to Harris, the "eggs of the chinch bug are laid in the ground, in which the 3'oung have been found, in great abundance, at the depth of an inch or more. Thej^ make their appearance on wheat about the middle of June, and inay be seen in their various stages of growth on all kinds of grain, on corn, and on herds- 1 grass, during the ^'^- ^*'^- whole summer. Some of them continue alive through the win- ter in their places of concealment." The best remedies are the early sowing of small grain in the spring, fall ploughing and the use of the roller upon land that is loose and friable. Stubble, old straw, and corn stalks among weeds in fence corners should be burned in the early spring. This species is widely diffused, ranging from Kansas and Nebraska to the Atlantic Coast. I have taken it frequently in Maine, and 544 HEMIPTEEA. even on the extreme summit of Mount "Washington, in Augu jt. Dr. Shimer in his "Notes" on the cliinch bug, saj's that it "attained the maximum of its development in the summer of 1864, in the extensive wheat and corn fields of the vallej- of the Mississippi ; and in that single year three-fourths of the wheat and one-half of the corn crop were destroyed throughout many extensive districts, comprising almost the entire North-west, with an estimated loss of more than one hundred millions of dollars in the currency that then prevailed," while Mr. Walsh estimates the loss, from the ravages of this insect in Illinois alone, in 1850, to have been four millions of dollars. In the summer of 1865, the progeny of the broods of the preceding year were almost entirely swept off by an epidemic disease, so few being left that on the 22d of August, Dr. Shimer found it "almost impossible to find even a few cabinet specimens of chinch bugs alive " where they were so abundant the year before. "During the summer of 1866 the chinch bugs were very scarce in all the early spring, and up to near the harvest I was not able, with the most diligent search, to find one. At harvest I did succeed in finding a few in some locali- ties." "This disease among the chinch bugs was associated with the long-continued wet, cloudy, cool weather that pre- vailed during a greater portion of the period of their develop- ment, and doubtless was in a measure produced by deficient light, heat and electricity, combined with an excessive humidity of the atmosphere." In 1868 it again, according to the Edi- tors of the "American Entomologist," "did considerable dam- age in certain counties in Southern Illinois and especially in South-west Missouri." Fig. 548 represents the Anthocoris mskliosm Say, called the False Chinch bug ; it is often mis- taken for the chinch bug, with which it is sometimes found associated. In the "Coreidfle" the seutellum is still of the usual size; the antennte are four-jointed ; while the basal joint of the beak is generally the longest. Westwood states that the Coreus marginatus of Europe "in flight makes a humming noise as loud as the hive bee," and the eggs of this species have been observed by Audouin to be CORISI^. 545 » of a splendid golden appearance." The larvje and pupic of several species of Coreus have been observed by Westwood to "differ from the imago in wanting ocelli, possessing only two joints in the tarsi (although there is a slight indication of an articulation in the middle of the terminal joint) ; their antenna also are much thicker, especiall}- the intermediate joint. The pupa of C. scapha differs also from the imago in having the margins of the abdomen notched." Several adult forms of this group are known to be partially wingless. The Squash-bug, Coreus (Gonocerus) tristis DeGeer (Fig. 549) is very destructive to squash-vines, collecting in great numbers around the stem near the ground, and sucking the sap with its stout beak. It is a large, blackish brown insect, six-tenths of an inch long, and dirty yellowish beneath. It hibernates, leaving the plant in October. About the last of June the sexes meet, and the females "lay their eggs in little patches, fastening them with a gummy substance to the under side of the leaves. The eggs are round, and flattened on' two sides, and are soon hatched. The young bugs are proportionally shorter and more rounded than the perfect insects, are of a pale ash color, and have quite large antennne, the joints of which are some- what flattened. As they grow older and increase in size, after moulting their skins a few times, they become more oval in form, and the \mder side of their bodies gradually acquires a dull ochi'e-yellow color." (Harris.) The 3'oung attack the leaves, causing them to wither up. Successive broods are said to appear through the summer. Professor Verrill has found, with the assistance of Professor S. W. Johnson, of Yale College, that the odor of this and other hemipterous insects bears the most resemblance to that of the formate of oxide of amyl, or the formate of amylic ether. It is probable that this substance is its most essential and active ingredient. (Pro- ceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, xi, p. 160.) In Neides the bod}- is remarkably thin and slender, repeat- ing the form of Ploiaria, or of Spectrum among the Orthoptera. In Alyclus the body is small, slender, tlie head prolonged, 35 546 HEMIPTERA. while the ocelli are very near together, and the last autennal joint is often twice as long as the two preceding ones together. Alydus eurinus Say is a widely diffused species. An allied genus is Rhopalus. Another species of this group is the Metapodius nasulus of Say, Avhich, in the Western States, mjures cherries b}^ sucking them. In the last group (Pentatoniidffi, which we place next to the Membranacei, because they are less allied to the Homoptera, and are more nearly related to Cimex) the scutellum is ver}' large, often covering more than one-half the abdomen, and in this respect they at least remind us of those Orthopteraus genera in which the same character prevails. This is a group of great extent, with bright colors and often of large size. The head is received into the large broad, short prothorax, and the bod}' is generall}- ovate. The second joint of the beak is the longest. The various species are found on shrubs, sucking the leaves or often transfixing catei'pillars on their beaks and carry- ing them off to suck their blood at leisure. DeGeer describes the eggs as being generally of an oval form, attached to leaves at one end by a glutinous secretion, the other being furnished with a cap, which tlie larva bursts off when it hatches out. The larvae are more convex and less flattened than the adults. " DeGeer has made an interesting observation relative to the care with which the females of a species of this family (Acan- thosoma grisea), found on the birch, defend their young. In the month of Jul}^ he observed many females accompanied by their respective broods, each consisting of from twenty to forty 3'oung, which they attended with as much care as a hen does her brood of chickens." (Westwood.) In Pentatoma the antennae are five-jointed ; the beak is slen- der, reaching to the end of the breast, with its first joint lying in the furrow on the throat. The scutellum is two-thirds the length of the abdomen. Pentatoma tristigma Harris has a series of three or four black dots on the under side of the abdomen, of which the posterior one is largest. It is seven- twentieths of an inch long. Pentatoma ligata Harris is a large green species, widely edged all around, except the head, with pale red. THRIPID^. 547 I Fig. 550. In Phloea the body is much flattened, and expanded laterally into leaf-like flaps. The antenna are three-jointed, the first joint of which is longest. P. corticata Drury is a peculiar form, which occurs in Brazil. Arma sjnnosa Dallas (Fig. 550, b ; a, beak, seen from be- neath ; c, beak of Euschistus punctipes Say) is useful since it preys on the larva of the Dorj^phora. Another bug of this group, the Stiretru.s Jimhriatus Say (Fig. 551) has similar habits. h\ Coriniekena the wing-covers are nearly covered by the scutellura, which « is wider behind than before. The body is short and transverse, being broader than long, and scale-like or semicircular in shape. Corimelrvna nitiduloides Wolff re- sembles a Ulster beetle, and is greenish black, with dull honey yellow antennte. The species of this genus have much the same form, and are usually shining black. C. pulicaria Ger- mar, according to Riley, injures strawberry-vines and grape- vines in Illinois, In the genus Tetyra the scutelliim covers nearly the whole abdomen, but leaves the side of the wing- oovers exposed. The antennre are slender; the first joint is Jonger than the second, the third being the shortest, and the fifth is twice as long as the fourth. Tetyra niarmorata Say i-i a variegated species, the costal margin of the wing being provided with transverse fucous lines. The genus Scutellera is remarkable for the great size of the scutellum, whence its name is derived. This piece, which is elongated trian- gular, covers not only the entire abdomen, but also the wings ; the antennae are five-jointed, tlie two first joints small, the three last ones long, quite large. The species are adorned with gay metallic colors, and are especially abundant in the Island of Sund? (Gerstaecker.) No species of Scutellera occur in America. In the group or family Arthropteridm of Fieber the scutellum is still larger than in Scutellera. Thripid.t: CThripsides) Fallen. This interesting group 548 HEMIPTERA. bears much the same relation to the C or i sice as the lice do to the Membranacei (Cimex), or Podura and Lepisma to the Neuropterous families above them. A comparison with the Mallophacja is still better, for in Thrips (Fig. 552) we find, as in the last named group, free, biting mouth-parts, accom panied by a general degradation of the bod3\ Though the spe- cies are winged, yet the wings are partially aborted ; they are long, narrow, linear, both pairs of equal size, as in the tj^Dical Neuroptera, and by the frequent absence of any veins, either longitudinal or transverse, and the long delicate silky fringe, remind us strikingl}^ of some minute degraded hjnnenopterous Proctrotrypidm^ Pteratomus (Plate 3, fig. 8), for example. The mandibles are bristle-like ; the maxillae are flat, triangular, bearing two to three-jointed palpi, and the labial palpi are present, but very short, T , ii/////,'///MM^^' ^nd composed of but two or three joints. Chiefly on account of these characters these in- sects were placed in a dis- tinct order, termed Tliy- sanoptera hj Haliday, and by many recent authors Fig. 552. they have been widely separated from what seem to us their nearest allies. Latreille, however, recognized their aflJinities to the Homoptera, while stating that in their free biting mouth-parts they resembled the Orthoptera, to which Geoffrey referred them. To us they appear to be, as it were, degraded Lygaeids, and to preserve the general form of that group, in the long head, the stout, thickened fore limbs, and the large, square prothorax. They have both compound and simple eyes, the latter three in number. The antennas are long and slender, with from five to nine joints. In some species the fore wings are comparatively well developed, or, as Haliday states, they are "transformed into broadish elj^tra, ciliated only behind, and with longitudinal and transverse nerves. In some species the wings are want- ing, at least in the males." (Westwood.) "The abdomen is THRIPID^E. 549 terminated in tlie male by a long attenuated joint, by a four- valved borer in the female." The eggs of Phlaiotiuips have been compared to those of Culex, by Haliday, "being C3'lindric, rounded at one end, and crowned with a knob at the other." Both the larva (Fig. o54) and pupa are active, being found in the same situations as the adult. The larva? are of softer consistence, pale, or reddish, and the thoracic rings are similar to each other, while in the pupa "the articula- tions of the limbs are obscured bj'^ a film, and the Avings enclosed in short fixed sheaths. The antenn*^ are '^■" turned back on the head, and the insect, though it moves about, is much more sluggish than in the other states." (Hali- day in Westwood's "Introduction," etc.) The different species occur under the bark of trees, and are verj^ injurious to grain and flowers, eating holes in the leaves or corollas, and sucking the sap from the flowers of wheat, in the bottom of which the}'^ hide. In Phkeothnps and allies (Fig. 552, P. coriaeea Ilalidav?) both sexes have the abdomen terminating in an acute point, being either the ovipositor of the female, or the slender termi- nal tube-like joint of the male. The wings are almost with- out veins, with long cilijx^ and at rest folded one upon the other. The antennae are eight-jointed. Tiu'ee ocelli are proHCut in the winged species, but in the wingless forms thej' are absent. The Plihvothrips '//u(// of Fitch appears "in a roundish cavity near the tip end of the 3'oung fruit." Dr. Fitch describes another species (P. car}^^) which is found in singularly shaped galls on the hickory-, "which resemble a long, slender pod thrust half-way through the leaf." This author doubts, how- ever, whether these galls are made by these insects. He also states that "the insect within, when disturbed, turns its tail upward over its back in a menacing manner, the same as the rove beetles (Staphylinidae) do, and when the point of a needle, which had been pressed upon one of these insects, is touched to the tip of the tongue, unless my imagination greatly de- ceives me, it will frequently be found to impart a peculiar acid biting sensation." A second group (Terebrantia Haliday) includes the genus 550 HEMIPTERA. Tlirips, in which the females are provided with a four-valved compressed ovipositor which lies in a furrow in the two last abdominal segments. The fore wings are thickened, elji-tri- form, with two longitudinal continuous veins. The antennae are, for the most part, nine-jointed. Thnps cerealium Haliday is dark reddish brown, and very injurious to wheat. Capsini Burmeister. The species of this family are very numerous and very active in their habits, running swiftly and easily rising on the wing. They are fond of fruits, and it is the little Capsi which give such a nauseous taste to the rasp- berry, which they feed upon. The females are distinguished from the males "by having the ovipositor nearl}^ half the length of the body, somewhat sabre-shaped, and received into a slit on the under side of the abdomen." The body in this group is convex, oval, and of a soft consistence, and "distin- guished by the elongated antennaB having the second joint often thickened at the tip, and the terminal joints very slen- der, the rostrum long and four-jointed, while the ocelli are wanting. The pupa of Capsus Danicus is clothed with short and somewhat clavate hairs." (Westwood.) In Capsus the body is elliptical or oval ; the head is triangu- lar, convex. Capsus quadnvittatus Harris is 3'ellow, with four black bands. Phytocoris differs from Capsus, according to Har- ris, in having a smaller head, while the thorax is wider behind and narrower in front. P. linearis Beau v. is a fifth of an inch long ; the head is yellowish with three narrow, longitudinal^ reddish stripes ; the thorax has a 3'ellow margin, with five longi- tudinal 3'ellow lines upon it. The male is much darker colored. It is excessively common on all kinds of plants. It appears early in April, but is most abundant in summer. In the genus Miris the head is elongated triangular ; the basal joint of the antennae is thickest, whereas in the preceding genus the second joint is the stoutest. 3Iiris dorsalis Say is pale yellowish rufous, immaculate, and the antennae are rather stout, tapering, and rufous. Membranacei Latreille. This famil}- includes the Bed-bug, tind it is from this insect that the name "bus;" has been ex- MEMBRANACEI. 551 tended to the entire suborder. The antennas are four-jointed, with the tip clavate or knobbed. The ocelli are, for the most part, wanting ; the beak is gutter-like, with a three-jointed sheath (labium). The tarsi are three-jointed, without any foot-pads. In Cimex the beak reaches, when laid upon the breast, as far as the fore coxiv ; the legs and autonnse are cov- ered with fine hairs ; the second antennal joint is longest. The prothorax is elliptical, and the metathorax is nearly as broad as the circular abdomen ; the wings are wanting. The habits of Cimex lectularias Linn., the bed-bug (Fig. 555), are too well known to require an}^ farther mention here. It is exceedingl}' tenacious of life, and ordi- nary bug-powders and other applications are useless unless the most scrupulous cleanliness is exercised besides. The eggs are oval, white, and the young bugs escape by pushing off a lid at one end of the shell. They are white trans- parent, differing from the perfect insect in hav- Fig. 555. ing a broad triangular head, and short and thick antennae. Indeed, this is the general form of the louse, to which the larva of Cimex has a very close affinity. Some Cimices are para- sites, infesting pigeons, swallows, etc., in this way also show- ing their near relation to the lice. The bed-bug is rust-red, with brown hairs, and is two and a half lines in length. It lives as a parasite on the do- mestic birds, such as the dove. Mr. James McDonald writes me that he has found a nest of swallows on a court house in Iowa, swarming with bed-bugs. In Europe the Cimex hinin- dlnis Herr. Schaeff. lives on the swallow ; Cimex pipistrelU Jenyns lives on the bat ; and Cimex colmnbarius is found in pigeon houses. Westwood states that the bed-bug is eleven weeks in attaii> ing its full size. DeGeer has kept full sized individuals in a sealed bottle for more than a year without food. The Cock- roach is the natural enemy of the bed-bug, and destroys large numbers. Houses have been cleaned of them after being thoroughly fumigated with brimstone. Bed-bugs, as well as other bugs, plant-lice, etc., may be de- stroyed by a preparation consisting of thirty parts of unpuri- 552 HEMIPTERA. fied cheap petroleum, mixed with 1,000 parts of water. It can be introduced into holes and cracks in houses, and sprin- kled on plants. The cracks of bedsteads may be filled with mercmy ; and benzine will also effectual!}'- dislodge them, as well as boiling water. The benzine ma}' be applied by means of a sm-gical instrument Fig. 556. called the Atomizer. In Syrtis the head is small, compressed laterally, and the fore legs are raptorial, thus allying the genus with Reduvius. Syrtis (Phymata) erosa Fabr. (Fig. 556) has swollen fore legs, and a deep groove on the head ; it is useful in devouring Aphides. Fig-. .5.57. In Tingis the beak reaches to the end of the breast, and the fcre legs are simple, the thorax and wing-covers are spread out leaf-like, and the species are of small size. T. liycdina Herrich-Schaeffer is abundant on the willow. T. hystriceUns Richter (Fig. 557, upper and under side, magnified twenty diameters) is a Ceylonese species. It "sticks close to the under side of the Bringall leaf, and there undergoes all its changes, from the larval to the perfect state. The larvje are black." (Science-Gossip, p. 84, 1869.) PEDICULINA. 553 In Aradus the beak is longer than the head, the prothorax is widely expanded, while the wing-covers are rounded at the base. A. crenatus of Say has the cylindrical edge of the abdo- men obtusely creuated. The species are found under the bark of trees. Pediculina Burmeister. Lice. In these low degraded Hem° iptera, which stand in the same relation to the rest of the lleniiptcra as the Flea does to the more perfectly organized Diptera, the body is wingless, with a small indistinctly jointed thorax, while the abdomen is large, oval, with nine segments. Tlie antenni^i are filiform, five-jointed, and the eyes are minute, not faceted. The tarsi are two-jointed, with a large hook-like terminal joint, which is bent back towards the basal joint. The mouth-parts still preserve the form of a beak-like sucker, but it is fleshy and retractile, and the body is white, and of minute size. The species of Pediculus are blood-suckers, and parasitic on man and various species of Mammalia ; different species being found on different regions of the body. Different varieties, according to Dr. W. I. Burnett, are found living on the bodies of diflTerent # races of men. f Two species live on man; Pediculus humanus capitis DeGeer (Fig. 558) inhabits the head, while the Body Louse, P. corporis of DeGeer (P. vesti- menti Nitzsch) is found elsewhere. These two species are difHcult to distinguish, they are so <3losely allied. Professor J. C. Schi(idte, a Scandinavian naturalist, has recently published an elaborate treatise on this genus, and describes the mode of attack used by these disgust- ing creatures. It thi'usts its minute beak into the skin rand sucks in the Ijlood by means of its large sucking stomach or "pumping ventricle." Schiodte placed one of these insects on his hand, and observed its movements through a glass. After the creature had fixed its beak or haustellum into his hand this naturalist noticed that " at the top of the head, under the transparent skin, between and a little in advance of the eyes, a triangular blood-red point appears, Avhich is in contin- ual movement, expansion and contraction alternating with 554 HEMIPTERA. increased rapidity. Soon this pulsation becomes so rapid that several contractions may be counted in a second. However, we must turn our attention elsewhere, for the whole digestiA'e tube is now in the most lively peristaltic movement, filling it- self rapidly with blood, as is easily observed ; the long oesopha- gus is particularly agitating, throwing itself from one side to another inside the neck, bending itself so violently as to re- mind one of the coiling of a rope w'hen being shipped on deck." Schiodte states that the sucking organ or beak is a "dark brown protruding haustellum, provided with hooks at each ex- tremity, out of which an excessively delicate membranaceous tube, of varying length, is hanging. This pumping "ventri- cle" (which is undoubtedly homologous with the pumping stomach of most sucking insects, such as the Diptera, Lepidop- tera and Hymenoptera) Schiodte has discovered in "those Coleopterous larvaj which have powerful organs for biting, placed at a distance round a very minute mouth-opening, such as the larvae of Carabi, Hydrophili, and Hister, as Avell as in the larvte of Dytisci, which suck through the mandibles." The same author also shows that the mouth Fig. 559. of Pediculus differs from that of Hemiptera generally in the circumstance that the labium is capable of being retracted into the upper part of the head, which there- fore presents a little fold, which is extended when the labium is protruded. He also shows that those parts which were, by mistake, thought to be palpi and mandibles by Erichson, Jurine and Landois, are simply lobes on the under side of a chitinous band. In Pediculus the thorax is a little smaller than the elongated abdomen, and all the tarsi are two-jointed. The genus PJithi- rius has a very small thorax, with the abdomen much wider than the head, and the fore tarsi have but a single joint. Phthrrius pubis Linn. (Fig. 559), the Crab louse, is found on the pubic region of man and also on the head. Mallophaga Nitzsch. The Bird-lice live on the hair of Mammalia and feathers of birds. In this group there are dis- MALLOPHAGA. 555 tinct jaws. The flattened body is corneous, hard above, and the head is horizontal, with three to five-jointed antennre ; the eyes are small and simple ; the mandibles are small, like a hook, and the maxillar}^ palpi, when present, for they are some- times wanting, are four-jointed, while the labial palpi are two- jointed. The thorax is small and but two-jointed apparently, as the meso- and metathorax are united together. The abdo- men is from nine to ten-jointed, while the short thick limbs have two-jointed tarsi and one or two claws. These insects are considered by Burmeister as forming a passage from the Ileraiptera into the Orthoptera, as they pos- sess free biting mouth-parts, especially free mandibles, which ate not as in the rest of the suborder fused together with the other parts to form a sucking tube. Docophorus huteonis Pack, (pi. 9,* fig. 3) lives on the Red Shouldered Hawk; and D. hamatus Pack. (PI. 9, fig. 7) is found on the Snow Bunting. Goniocotes Bitrnettii Pack. (Fig. 560) infests the domestic fowl. Lipeurus corvi Pack. (PI. 9, fig. 2) is a parasite of the crow ; L. elongatus Pack. (PI. 9, fig. 4), and L. gracilis Pack. (PI. 9, fig. G) are long and slender forms. In the genus Philojoterus of Nitzsch the antennre are filiform, five-jointed, and the labial palpi are wa,nting. Nir- mus is an allied genus ; both live on birds. N. thoracicus Pack. (PL 9, fig. 5) lives on the Snow Bunting. Trichodectes canis DeGeer lives on the dog, and has three-jointed an- tenna?. The females have two mov- able hooks on the penultimate ring of the abdomen. T. subrostratus is a parasite of the cat. T. capne Pack., lives on the goat. The Saddle-back Gull is inhabited by CoJpoceplialuiin lari Pack. (PI. 9, fig. 1). Gyropus has no labial palpi. G.porceUi Schrank is a third of an inch long and lives on the Porpoise. Mr. C. Cooke has found G. oralis on the Guinea pig in this countrj-. ♦Explanation of Plate 9.— Fig. 1, Colpocfphalum lari Pack.; 1 ,,' ii' ' : \ '.) \ 0\^''">'-^ ORTHOPTERA. 557 As in the Coleoptera, the prothorax is greatly developed over the other segments, and the mesothorax is rather smaller than the metathoracic ring. The pronotum is very laro-e, broad and flattened above, while the other two segments are concealed by the wings when at rest, and the parts are soft and membranous. The sternum of each ring is very large, broad and flat, resembling that of Libellula, while the two fore pairs of legs are normal in size, though the fore legs are often raptorial, as in Mantis ; or fossorial, as in Gryllotalpa. The hinder pair are enormously developed for leaping purposes. The fore wings are generally long and narrow, somewhat thickened, like parchment, or thin, transparent, and more or less rounded, while the hind pair are broad and large, folding in longitudinal plaits on the back. Both wings are net-veined, but not so much so as in the Neuroptera, as the longitudinal veins are larger and more regular, while innumer- able cross veins, still more regular than in the Neuroptera, though more numerous, give a characteristic facies peculiar to the Orthopterous wing. There are also numerous wingless, degraded genera, which resemble the young of other genera. The body is usually much compressed, or greatly flattened (Blattariffi), or long and cylindrical, as in the Walking Stick. The abdomen consists of eight or nine distinct segments, while the tenth forms part of the ovipositor, being somewhat abor- ted, the tergite only in some cases remaining, and there is in addition in the Loctcstarice, according to the views of La- caze-Duthiers, the tergite of an eleventh abdominal ring. ^V'e will notice more fully than usual the structure of the ovipositor, as it is of great systematic value. The genital armature is more complex than in the Hymenoptera, and is generally very large and exserted, so as to form a conspicuous part of the body. In its simplest form, in Forficula, it is represented only by a single tergite, all the other appendages being absent. In the Locustari(£, however, the typical form is seen, consist- ing of a tergite and the epimera supporting the tergo-rhabdite, while the episternum supports the sterno-rhabdites, and the oviduct opens out under the sternite. There are thus four pieces attached to the single ninth ring ; the oviduct opening between the eighth and ninth segments, while the anal opening 558 ORTHOPTERA. is under the eleventh ring in all the Orthoptera, according to Lacaze-Duthiers' researches. The female genital armature is farther complicated, in the Locustarioe especially. The eleventh segment is composed of five parts, which surround the anus. Two of these are lateral iilaments which are, in one case, as in Mantis tessellata (Fig. 23), multi-articulate, and are proper sensor}' organs, like the antennae, and must be regarded, in our view, as homologous with the anal prop-legs of Lepidoptera and other insects, and as true-jointed appendages like the thoracic legs, and jointed appendages of the head, such as the palpi and antennae. They also form the anal stylets of the Gryl- I idee , etc. These anal stylets are articulated to the posterior edge of the tenth tergite, as Lacaze-Duthiers states, and thus seem to us to be properly appendages of that ring, which, as this author affirms, "presents two articulating teeth for this purpose." The two other elements are "triangular, surround- ing the anus with three valves, which, by their union, form a sort of pyramidal body," which he calls the " subgenital or pre- genital plate." There are then, two systems of appendages, as we have before stated; i.e., the genital armature, consist- ing of two pairs of non-articulated stylets, and the single pair of anal ai'ticulated st^dets, which are the homologues of the thoracic legs, together with the pre-anal plate. The same parts are present in the male, being converted into large, clasping, hook-shaped stylets, for retaining a firm hold of the female during sexual union. The eggs as they pass from the oviduct between the valves are deposited in a hole in the ground, made by the powerful ovipositor. Certain Locustarice imitate the Cicada in la3dng them methodicall}' in the stems of plants, which are drilled out by the valves of the ovipositor, which are slightly toothed on the outer sides and easilj' move on one another, somewhat as in the Saw-fly and Cicada. "The eggs of the Grylliclce are laid either singl}' in the ground, in irregular clusters in subter- ranean passages, or uniforml}^ in a single row, in the pith of twigs; those of the Locustarim are never laid singly, but either in the pith of plants, in regular clusters in the ground, or in regular rows on stems of plants ; those of the ORTHOPTEKA. 559 Acrydii are always laid in riidel}'' regular clusters, in the ground." (Scudder.) The nervous system closely resembles that of the Neurop- tera ; it is in all three stages composed of three thoracic, and six or seven abdominal ganglia, extending the whole length of the bodjs and united by double commissures. The splanchnic system, or analogue of the great sympathetic nerve in verte- brates, is highly developed in the Acridii and in Gryllotalpa, having in front two pairs of ganglia, and posteriorly one or two, while in the Blattarice and Ph as mi da the single nerve is most developed. Organs of hearing are stated by Siebold to occur in the Acridii, consisting of two fossiB or conchs, surrounded by a projecting horny ring, and at the base of which is stretched a membrane resembling a tympanum. On the internal surface of this membrane are two horny processes, to which is attached an extremel}'^ delicate vesicle filled with a transparent fluid, and representing a membranous labj'rinth. This vesicle is in connection with an auditor}^ nerve, which arises from the third thoracic ganglion, forms a ganglion upon the tympanum, and terminates in the immediate neighborhood of the labj'rinth by a collection of cuneiform, staff-like bodies, with very finely pointed extremities (primitive nerve-fibres?), which are sur- rounded by loosely aggregated, ganglionic globules. The Locustarice and Gryllidce have a similar organ, situated in the fore legs directly below the coxo-femoral articulation. M. Hensen confirms the accuracy of this description in the " Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Zoologie," vol. xvi, 1867. The highly developed alimentar}^ canal has the crop (pro- ventriculus) separated by a deep constriction from the oesoph- agus, and the gizzard is provided internally with from six to eight rows of horny denticulated plates situated on ridges, with numerous smaller teeth between, so that the whole num ber of teeth amount to 270. The stomach is of even width, not usually making more than one-half of a turn, or one turn ; its cardiac extremit}^ is provided with from two to eight caeca. The salivary glands are highl}^ developed, "consisting of two, four, or six botr^-oidal masses, situated in the thorax, and hav- 560 ORTHOPTERA. ing long excretory duets, besides, also, often having long pedunculated reservoirs. The number of chambers in the dorsal vessel is usuall;/ eight. The respiratory sj'stem does not differ essentiall}' from that of other insects, though in the Acridii most of the trans- verse anastomosing tracheae have large air-reservoirs, greatly assisting in lightening the body for their long-sustained flight. The urinary tubules are short and very numerous, from twenty to one hundred and fifty and over, surrounding the pylorus. Tlie OA'aries, two in number, consist of numerous multilocular tubes, while the seminal receptacle consists of a pedunculated vesicle, whose closed extremity is dilated into a pea-shaped vesicle, forming the caj)sula seminis. In most Orthoptera the testes consist of long fasciculated follicles sur- rounded by a common envelope, and many have in addition highly developed accessory glands, surrounding a short ductus ejacAdatorins. The larvae of the Orthoptera materially differ only in size from the adult, and the pupae are distinguished from them by having the rudiments of Aviiigs. The}^ attain the adult state by simple moultings. Several cases are on record of pupae of grasshoppers being found sexually united. In 1867 Mr. Trimen exhibited to the Entomological Society of London "a grasshopper of the genus Poecilocerus, of which he had found the pupae in copula ; it was not an isolated case, for he had seen hundreds of pairs of the n^nnphs at Natal." Some of the largest insects are included in this suborder, in fact the majority are larger than those of other suborders, and it will probably be found that many large grasshoppers and Mantidm will weigh nearly as much as any Goliath or Her= cules beetle, the largest of insects. The Orthoptera range, in time, from the Carboniferous for- mation ; and among the earliest forms are certain species of Blattarice, which are next to the group of the Neu-optera the earliest known forms of insect life. In the Carboniferous rocks they have rarely occurred, but the forms are most nu- merous and best preserved in the Tertiary formation, espe- cially in the Amber of Prussia. PROPERTY O Ze P, METCALF ORTHOPTERA. 561 There are about 5,000 species known, which attain their greatest development in size and numbers in tropical countries. In studying these insects, the proportions of the head, of the prothorax, of the wings, of the hind legs, and the external genital parts, should especially be taken into account. The ornamentation varies greatly even in the same species, and therefore large numbers of individuals are necessary to ensure a proper knowledge of any species. The ditferent sounds produced by Orthoptera should be care- fully studied ; every speci-^s can be distinguished by its ^ecu- liar note, and as in different families the musical apparatus varies, so each fomily has a characteristic chirrup, or shrilling, consisting of a harsh, grating, rasping noise. Mr. Scudder has contributed to the "American Naturalist," ii, p. 113, an interesting article on the sounds produced by some of our native species of Grasshoppers, and has even reduced their notes to a written music. He states that grass- hoppers stridulate in four different ways: "first, by rubbing the base of one wing-cover upon the other, using, for that pur- pose, the veins running through the middle portion of the wing ; second, by a similar method, but using the veins of the inner part of the wing ; third, by rubbing the inner surface of the hind legs against the outer surface of the wing-covers ; and fourth, by rubbing together the upper surface of the front edge of the wings and the under surface of the wing-covers. The insects which employ the fourth method stridulate during fliglit, — the others while at rest. To the first gi-oup belong "the Crickets (Gryllidoe) ; to the second the Green or Long-hornec' Grasshoppers (Locustariie) ; to the third and fourth, certain kinds of Short-horned or Jumping Grasshoppers (Acrydii)." The transformations of grasshoppers need careful study For this purpose their eggs should be sought for, and the de yelopment of the embryo in the egg be noted ; also the follow- ing facts should be ascertained : the date of deposition of the eggs ; the manner of lading them ; how long before the embryo is hatched ; the date of hatching ; how many days the pupa lives ; so also of the pupa and of the imago, while the inter- vening changes should be carefully observed. Crows and blackbu-ds feed on their eggs and larva3, and hens and turkeys 8e 562 ORTHOPTERA. feed greedil}- upon young and old. Ichneumon parasites prey upon them, and also the lower worms, such as Filaria, Grega- rina and Gordius, and the red mites attack them. Mud wasps provision their nests with the young. Orthoptera can be easii}^ preserved in strong alcohol, and ma}' afterwards be taken out and pinned and set at leisure. They can be killed with cyanide of potassium, or ether, with- out losing their colors, as the}' would do after remaining long in alcohol. They should be pinned through a little triangu- lar spot between the bases of the el3'tra, or fore wings, when the wings can be spread to adA^antage, They are also often pinned through the prothorax, or through the right elytron, as in Coleoptera. In pinning these insects for transportation care should be taken to put in additional pins crossing each other on each side of the abdomen, and in like manner to steady the hind legs, which are ver}- apt to fall off if too much jarred. Gkyllid.e Latreille. The Crickets have a somewhat cylin- drical bod}', a large vertical head, with elliptical eyes ; the ocelli are often wanting, and the long filiform antennae arise from in front of and between the eyes. The wings are of mod- erate size, net-veined, lying flat on the back ; the fore pair are ovate, the costal edge of the fore wings being bent abruptly down on the sides of the body, while the hinder pair are trian- gular. They, like the succeeding families, leap actively, the hind femora being enlarged. The genital armature is largely developed, forming long and slender stylets, often nearly as long as the body. "The subgenital plate is formed by the seventh sternite. The eighth abdominal segment is rudimen- tary and concealed beneath the scAenth segment. The ninth segment, situated beyond the outlet of the ovipositor is incom- plete. Its elements, appearing to be four in number, are devel- oped into a large solid borer. The ninth sternite is bifid, its episternite not being developed." (L. Duthiers.) A second type is observed in Gryllotalpa, where the subgenital plate is formed by the eighth sternite, instead of the seventh, and the incomplete sternite and tergite of the ninth segment are pres- ent, much like those of the other abdominal rings. The oviposi- tor is very short, while the hairy stylets arise from the eleventh GRYLLIDJE. 5G3 abdominal ring and are verj- long. In the male the long anal hairy stylets are retained, while the parts repi-escnting the ovi- positor are aborted. The shrilUng of the male is a sexual call, made b}^ raising the fore wings and rubbing them on the hind wings. The noise is due to the peculiar structure of the fore wings, the middle portion of which forms, by its transparent elastic surface, on which there are but few veinlets, a resonant drum, increasing the volume of sound emitted b^^ the rubbing of the Jile on the upper surface of the hind pair of wings. This file is the modified internal vein, the surface of which is greatly thickened, rounded ami covered closel}- with fine teeth. In the females the wings are not thus modified, and they are silent. They have been known to lay 300 eggs, glued together in a common mass. In Jul}' the larvae appear, and l)y the last of August the grass is alive with fully grown crickets, their loud chirruping resounding through the warm clays and nights of autumn. The species are generally dull black or ])rownish, and in the tropics attain to a large size. In the genus Triclactylus the males have the anterior tibite three-fingered, i.e., the tibia has a lateral hooked appendage to which the tarsus is attached, while a long hooked projec- tion takes the place of the feet. The species are minute, the largest known, T. apicaUs Say, being one-fifth of an inch long. It is found in the Southern States, while Tridactyhis terminalis Uhler is found northward. The Mole-cricket, Gryl- lotaJpa, so-called from the enlarged fossorial fore feet, lives in wet, swamp3' soil, bj' ponds and streams, where it raises ridges while constructing its subterranean galleries in search of insects. Its fore legs are adapted like those of the mole for digging, and are remarkably short and stout, much flat- tened and armed with solid tooth-like projections. Their eggs, from 300 to 400 in number, are laid in the spring in tough sacks, in galleries. Very rare northward, they are more com- mon in the Middle and Southern States. Gryllotalpa horealis Burmeister is found in New England, burrowing in moist earth near ponds. The Southern species is GryUofalp>a longipennis Scudder, and in the West Indies an- other species ravages the Sugar-cane. The genus Gryllns in- cludes the common crickets. The European House-cricket, 564 ORTHOPTERA. G. domesticus Linn., has been introduced into the vicinity of New York, as stated by Mr. James Angus. Our two largest species are the Gryllas luctuosus Serville, known by the great length of the fore wings, which project be^-ond the abdomen ; and Gryllus ahhreviatus Serville, which is found in the Middle States. The most common New England species is the Gryllus neglectus of Scudder, from which Gryllus niger Harris differs in its much shorter ovipositor. The small cricket so abundant in our fields is Nemohius vittatus Harris, a brownish striped species ; the genus differs from Gryllus in the last joint of the maxillary palpi being double the length of the penultimate, while in Gryllus, it is of the same length. In (Ecantlms niveus Serville (Fig. 561, male ; fig. 562, female ; fig. 30, hind Fig. 561. wings of male and female, showing the broad thin portion between b and c, used in producing the shrilling noise) the wings are broad and very transparent, narrower in the female, the hind legs very long and slender, and the male is ivory white. The males make a loud shrilling noise, and both sexes are found on plants, especiall}^ the grape-vine. Mr. W. Saunders states that the female does considerable injury to the raspberry and plum twigs ^'^- ^^'^- by boring into the branches for the purpose of laying its eggs, and the Editors of the "Ameri- can Entomologist" state that it severs grapes from the branches. This genus leads to the next family. Mr. Scudder has described in the "Proceedings of the Bos- ton Society of Natural Histor}^" Archegogryilus 2yriscus, a fossil cricket from the coal formation of Ohio. "One broken hind leg and a fragment of a wing were found ; the leg was notice- able in having the tibia furnished with several large promi= nences, while the femur was smooth." LocusTARi^ Latreille. The large green Locusts are easily distinguished by their large heads, and their compressed bodies. The front from being vertical often inclines inwards, owing to the greatly enlarged vertex, which is often produced LOCUSTARIiE. 56* into a horn. The ocelli are either present or obsolete, and the eyes are globular in shape. The antenniB are of great length, as are the legs, which are long and slender. The prothorax is saddle- shaped, and the wings are thin, the anterior pair slightly tnickened, while the hinder pair are broad, these insects taking long flights. The base of the upper wings is transparent, form iug a drum by which tlie males produce a loud shrill noise tliey do not rub the hind legs against the wings as do the Acrydii. Scudder states that "the daj^ song of some Locus- tarians differs from that of the night." The abdomen is not of great length, while the ovipositor and male claspers are greatlj^ developed, and are of much importance in classifica- tion. Lacaze-Duthiers describes the typical form as having the subgenital plate formed b}^ the eighth sternite, while the ninth ring is complete. Its elements form the ovipositor, <;omposed of six pieces, which are large and long, for boring into the earth and twigs in laj-ing the eggs. The ninth ster- nite is bifid. Similar parts in the males are formed for clasp- ing the body of the female, and are large and long. The eggs are laid in the autumn, and the young hatch in the spring. The wingless genera have curved, cylindrical bodies, with long antenuffi, and are very active, leaping vcr}^ vigorousl}",* they are brown in color, and inhabit caves or live under stones. Ceitthophilus is a wingless genus, in which the pronotum does not extend over the mesonotum. C. maculatxs Say has the pos- terior tibiii3 of the male waved. It is common under stones. C. stygius Scudder is found in the caves of Kentucky, and Jla- denoecus subterraneus Scudder is found in IMaunnoth Cave. It is a slender form, the antennae exceeding the length of the bodj' several times. Udeopsylla differs from the following genus, Daihinia, according to Scudder, "-in the longer, more slender, less robust, and less spiny legs, in the somewhat more slender body and smaller head, in the shorter maxillary palpi, and in the structure of the tarsal joints," the first and fourth being equal in length, while the two middle ones are small, the second joint overlapping the third above. U. rohusta Haldeman is found in Xebi-aska. In the interesting genus Daihinia^ the "tarsal joints of the anterior and posterior pair -are only three in number, the first and last being of nearly 5(56 OKTHOPTERA. equal length, with a single small joint between them, a veiy interesting exception to the almost universal rule among the Locustarice." The Katydid, Cyrtophyllus concavus Say (Fig. 5G3), has the fore wings concave, much produced in the middle. The eggs, according to Harris, are "slate colored, and are rather more than one-eighth of an inch in length. They resemble tin}', oval, bivalve shells in shape. The insect lays them in two contiguous rows along the surface of a twig, the bark of which is previously shaved off, or made rough with her piercer. Each row consists of eight or nine eggs, placed some- what obliquely, and overlapping each other a little, and the}' are fastened to the twig with a gummy substance. In hatching the egg splits open at one end, and the young insect creeps through the cleft." In Phyllop- tera the wings are narrower, but still concave, and the ovipositor is of moderate size, while in 3Iicrocentrum it is ver}'- small. P. ohJongifoUa Burmeister is abundant in September, in New England, being found farther northward than the Katydid, and when it flies it makes a whizzing noise, compared by Harris to Fig. 5G3. that of a weaver's shuttle. He also states that "the females lay their eggs in the autumn on the twigs of trees and shrubs, in double rows, of seven or eight eggs in each row." These eggs in form, size and color, and in their arrangement on the twig, are very different from those of the Katydid. Plianerojotera has still narrower wings than the genera hitherto noticed, and the ovipositor is more sharply turned upwards. The P. cnrvicauda of DeGeer (P. angustifolia Harris) is very abundant, being the most common species in Northern New England. In ConocepJioJns the front of the head is produced into a cone. The species, generally pea green, often present brown, individuals. C. ensiger Harris is a commonly distributed spe- ACRYDII. 567 cies. Mr. S. I. Smith has observed a female of tliis species " with the ovipositor forced down between tlie root-k'aves and the stalk of a species of Andropogon, where the eggs are probably deposited." XiphidiKm is a genus of smaller size, with the ovipositor nearly- straight. X. fasciatum Serville is green, with a brown stripe on the head and thorax. It is common in gardens. According to Ilagen and Scudder an undescribed species of Xiphidium makes longitudinal punctures in the pith of the Cotton plant. In Orchelimum the ovipositor is large, ensiform, and \\\> curved. 0. vuJgare Harris is very common northward ; it \% pale green, Avith two brown stripes on the head and tliorax. It has a large transparent shrilling organ, and is a more robust form than the preceding species. Locusta virkUssima Linn, is a common form in Europe. Westwood states that '■'Ilf/perho- mala virescens Boisd. from New Guinea, is distinguished b^' the prothorax extending completely over the abdomen like a pair of elytra," and that CondijlrxJerd tricondijloUJes from Java, in the elongated, constricted prothoi'ax and fine blue colors, ex- actly imitates the Cicindelous genus Tricondyla. AcRYDii Latreille. Grasshoppers have the bod}' much com- pressed, the head large, the front vertical, the ocelli generally present, while the antennse are short, the greatest number of joints being twenty-four. The prothorax is ver}' large, some- times reaching beyond the abdomen, and the wings are deflexed ; the hind legs are enlarged for leaping, and the tarsi are three-jointed. The stridulating noise is produced by rub- bing the thighs against the fore wings, which are long and narrow, while the hind wings are broadly triangular. The ovi- positor, with its accessory pieces, consists of a subgenital plate formed by the seventh sternite ; the ninth segment is complete, and the blades (tergo-rhabdites) composing the ovi- positor consist of three secondary pieces united together be- tween them. Those rhabdites are short, thick, somewhat conical, and corneous. The eggs are laid in a cocoon-shaped mass covered with a tough glutinous secretion, and containing from fiftj' to one hundred eggs. The pupa; are distinuiuished 568 ORTHOPTERA. from the larvoe in having large wing-pads. On the basal joints of the abdomen are two cavities covered each with a mem- brane, and containing a vesicle filled with liquid, which is sup- plied by a nerve sent from the third thoracic ganglion. They were considered b}- Latreille and Burmeister to be vocal or- gans, but more correctly it would seem, by J. Miiller and von Siebold as organs of hearing. This family embraces insects of gigantic proportions. The migratory locust (Acr^'dium migratorium) is a most destructive insect from its voracity and immense numbers. Swarms of grasshoppers are common in the far West where thej^ commit great havoc in crops. Our Caloptenus femur-rubrum has at times, though not of late years, gone in immense swarms. The larvai of many species live through the winter, and appear often in March on unusually warm da3's. In the genus Oj)omala the acute antennae are broad and flattened at base. In 0. hrachyptera Scudder the fore wings are but little more than one-half the length of the bod3\ In Chloedltis the hinder edge of the pronotum is square or rounded ; there are no foveolie on the vertex, and the lateral carinte of the pronotum is parallel, or quite nearl}' so. Chloedltis conspersa Harris is light bay, sprinkled with black spots, with a black line on the head behind each eye, and ex- tending upon the thorax. The front wings are pale j-ellowish brown, and the hind shanks are pale red, with the spines tipped with black. Mr. S. I. Smith states that the structure of the ovipositor of this species is "beautifully adapted to a remark- able habit in the manner of depositing the eggs, which seems not to have been noticed before among Orthoptera. The eggs are deposited in old logs, in the under sides of boards, or in an}^ soft wood lying among the grass which these insects inhabit. By means of the anal appendages the female exca- vates in the wood a s-mooth round hole about an eighth of an inch in diameter. This hole is at first almost perpendicular but is turned rapidly off in the direction of the grain of the wood, and runs nearly parallel with, and about three-eighths of an inch from the surface ; the whole length of the hole being an inch or an inch and a fourth. A single hole noticed in the end of a log was straight. The eggs, which are about ACRYDII. 669 a fourth of an inch in length, quite slender and light brownish yellow, are placed in two rows, one ou each side, and inclined so that, beginning at the end of the hole, each egg overlies the next in the same row by about half its length. The aperture is closed by a little disk of a hard gummy substance. I have seen many of the females engaged in excavating the holes, and the}' alwaj's stood with the bod}' in the direction of the grain of the wood, and apparently did not change their posi- tion during the operation. When one was just beginning a hole it was very easy to see the up})er appendages rise and open, and each time scrape aAva}' a little of the wood. During this operation a frothy fluid is emitted from some part of the abdomen, but whether it serves to soften the wood or to lubricate the appendages and the sides of the hole I did not determine." The genus Stenohothrus differs in having foveolae on the vertex. S. curtipennis Harris is a very common species and at once recognized by its very short wings. In the genus Tragocephala the vertex of the head is promi- nent, the front rather oblique, sloping inwards, and the pro- thorax is acutely angulated posteriorly. T. infuscata Harris and T. viridifasdata Harris are common species ; the former is dusky brown, the hind wings transparent, pale greenish yellow next to the bod}', with a large dusky cloud near the middle of the hind margin, and a black line on the front margin ; while the latter is green, with dusky fore wings broadly banded with green. Pezzotettix closely resembles Caloptenus, except that in some of the species it is wingless. P. borealis Scudder is found in British America, and also on the tops of the moun- tains of New Hampshire and Maine. In the P. alpinus KoUar of Europe there are short wings. The genus Caloptenus has but a slight mesial ridge on the prothorax ; the lateral ridges vary in size, and the sternal tubercle is very large, while the tip of the male abdomen is much swollen. Caloptenus femur- nibrum Harris (Fig. 564, h) is the common Red-legged grass- hopper. It varies greatly and has been so alnmdant in New England and Canada, though not of late years, as to become a public calamity. It has been seen very rarely on the Labrador coast, and It is a very widely distributed species, ranging from 570 ORTHOPTERA. Labrador to the Mississippi. Tlie Caloptenus spretiis Uhler (Fig. 564, a), appears in immense numbers in the countrj^ be- tween the Mississippi and the Rocliy Mountains, and extending from the Saskatchewan river on the nortli to Texas. Tlie native breeding-places of this species cover an area in AYyoni- iiig, Montana, and British America, north of IVIontana, ot about 300,000 s^?7« Harris is ver}- common in woods under stones in New England. The third joint of its antennae is as long as the next five, collectively. In Cryptocercus both sexes are wingless ; the antenuiie are half as long as the whole bod}", and the abdominal appendages are not exserted, being very short. C punctulatus Scudder is known by its thickly punctured body and dark mahogany brown color, with reddish beneath. It is found southwards. In Pycnoscelus the males are wingless ; no females have yet been found. It differs from Cryp)tocercus in having a larger head ; the eyes are placed closer together, and the st3'lets are slender, cj^lindrical, of about the same length as the cerci and inserted just within them. Plate 1, fig. 2 represents the wing of an extinct species of cockroach (Blattina?) discovered by Mr. Barnes in the coal formation of Nova Scotia. While most Df the remains of cockroaches found in the Carboniferous rocko^ FORFICULARIJE. 577 of this country and Europe have been referred to the genus Blattina, Mr. Seudder describes, in tlie " Pahieontology of Illi- nois," a form under the name of .VyA/cm mithracophila (Fig. 570, upper wing; Fig. 571, prothorax) which was found in the lower part of the true coa I .^ "^^ measures at Morris, Illinois. '^ FoRFicuLARi.E LatreiUc. The Earwigs are very unlike other Orthoptera, and are ^^^'^- ^"'^• readil}' distinguished by their narrow flattened bodies, with short wing-covers, like the Staphylinidte among beetles, on which account Linnaeus placed them among the Coleoptera. The head is free, flat, horizontal ; the ocelli are wanting, and the ej'es round ; the antennae arise from under the ej'es, and are filiform and twelve to forty-jointed. The elytra are short and thick, while the rounded, broad, hind wings are folded under- neath so as to be almost entirely concealed by the anterior pair. The female genital armature is described by Lacaze-Duthiers as composed of a subgeuital plate formed by the eighth ster- nite, while the eighth and ninth abdominal rings are partly aborted, and onl}' represented I)}' two horny arcs closely soldered to the tergite of the ' tenth ring. The rhabdites of the eleventh ring are greatly developed, forming the immense forceps, which are often as long as the whole bod}-. This family was ranked as a separate order by Leach and Kirby, under the name of Dermcq)tera, and were called EvpJexoptera by Westwood. They are nocturnal insects, hiding in the day time between leaves and in flowers, flying about at dark. They feed on the corollas of flowers and on fruit, and will eat bread and meat. They are rare insects in this country, though troublesome in Europe from their gi-eat numbers. An Alpine species lives under stones in Europe. In Forjiada the antennae are fifteen- jointed. Spongophora hipunctata Seudder has two pale spots on the elytra. In Labia the antennae are less than twelve- jointed. Labia minuta Seudder is yellowish brown, with the sides of the abdomen and the head reddish brown. 37 578 NEUROPTERA. NEUROPTERA. These insects have the body, as a whole, more elongated tiian in other insects, with large broad, net-veined, thin, mem- branous wings, both pairs being ver}' equal in size, the anterior pair being sometimes smaller than the hind wings, while in some genera the hind ones are either diminished in size or obsolete. The mouth-parts are free, the mandibles being well developed, and the abdomen is long and slender, with the genital armor always present, but made on the simplest plan, not forming a sting. The metamorphosis is either incomplete or complete ; accordinglj' the pupa is either active or inacti\e and when inactive resides in a cocoon. The greater number of species are aquatic ; and several degraded forms (Lepisma, etc.) bear a strong resemblance to the Myriapods. The description of the head and mouth-parts of the Orthop- tera applies well to the Neuroptera, but the head is horizontal, flatter, and the mouth-parts are less sjanraetrical, certain parts being greatly developed over others. As a general rule that part of the head situated behind the mouth is larger, in propor- tion to the rest of the head, than usual in the larvae of the higher insects, and also the mouth-parts are much larger and less compact. Thus the head of a Neuropterous larva may be actuall}' larger than the entire thorax of the same insect ; in the Hymenopterous and Lepidopterous larvre it is tne reverse, the head is often smaller than even the pi'othoracic ring. The mouth-parts are inclined to become very large, and in the larva of Libellula the labium is enormously developed, masking the jaws and other parts when at rest, and capable of great extension, while it is armed with powerful hooks, being modified palpi, for seizing othei- insects. The thorax is large, the segments being well developed, and the prothorax is usually large and square, but in what in many respects are the most t^-pical insects of the group, the Eplie- merrdm and Llbelhih'cUe , the prothorax is very small, as in the highest insects, and in the latter group the greatly enlarged flanks of the mesothorax seem to take its place. NEUROPTERA. 579 The wings are large, and iu the LihelUilidve they are in constant use. The legs are generally of siinpio structure, these insects neither walking nor leaping rnucli. Rarely, as in Mantispa, are they adapted for seizing their prey, as they are in many Ileniiptera and Orthoptera. The abdomen of the Neuroptera is composed, according to Lacaze-Duthicrs, of eleven segments (arthromeres), and the ovipositor is constructed on the same plan as in the Ilymen- optera, Hemiptera and Orthoptera, though in the different fiimilies the characters vary much more than in the higjier sub- oi-ders, in this respect perfectly according with the anatomy of the other parts of the body in the different groups. He states, however, as observation has taught us, that in its structure the ovipositer is simpler than in other insects, and the farthest removed from that of the Hymenoptera. Lacaze-Duthiers, whose work is necessarily incomplete from treating of the female ovipositor alone, not regarding the analogous parts in the other sex, considers the Neuropterous ovipositor (tariore) as having three types of structure. The simplest is found in Libellula, in the abdomen of which there are ten segments much alike ; "the eleventh is more complex than the others ; it has the same structure as in TEschna. It is especially in the division of [the famiiy containing] Libellula and its allies that the two appendages take the form and the function of pincers, and that the special word 'forcipate,' has been used. These forceps serve, as is well known, for daspino- organs, and to enable them to perform the very long pj-Glimi"^ naries to fecundation." The outlet of the oviduct lie^ between the eighth and ninth segments. The nervous system of the Neuroptera consists ivf the cere- brellum, with its lateral productions, the optic nerves, forming a cylinder extending between the eyes and presenting four swellings. (Leidy.) There are three thoracic and eight ab- dominal ganglia which are of very uniform size, and connected by double commissures. (See Fig. 43.) The nervous cord is very equably developed and the brain portion is relatively smaller than in the higher suborders. Professor Leidy has described the digestive organs of Cory, dalm cornictus, which may serve as a type for the rest of th* 580 NEUROPTERA. suborder. It agrees with most other genera of the group in- having a long oesophagus, which is dilated posteriorly into a spacious proventriculus, which extends as far back as the fifth abdominal segment. The large intestine presents a large con- volution, and abruptl}^ dilates into an oval or fusiform coecum in its lower third, which latter opens into the rectum. In some genera there is a long sucking stomach inserted on one of the sides. In Corydalus this is only present in the pupa, and is aborted in the imago ; so also in the larva the "proven triculus, with its apparatus of stomachal teeth," is adapted to the carnivorous habits of the insect, but in the pupa the teeth disappear, "while in the imago we find the oesophagus again lengthened, still contracted at its commencement, but gradu- ally dilating until it forms a capacious Florence flask-shaped proventriculus, or gizzard." (See Fig. 45.) "With the Peril dee the gizzard is wanting, but the upper extremity of the stomach has from four to eight coeca point- ing forwards. With the Libellulidce the oesophagus is long and large, and protrudes somewhat into the straight, oblong, constricted stomach, which is without coeca, and is succeeded by a very short ileum and colon. The digestive tube of the EphemeridcB, which in their perfect state take no food, is feebly developed. Its walls are very thin throughout, and the oesophagus is directly continuous with the stomach, which is a bladder-like dilation, and succeeded b}^ a short, straight intes- tine. The predatory Panorpidce, which are rapacious, differ notably from the other Neuroptera, and resemble rather the preceding order (Orthoptera). The oesophagus is short and straight, and in the thorax is succeeded by a spherical muscu- lar gizzard which is lined internally with a brown chitinous membrane covered with stiff" hairs. The stomach is tubular and straight ; the ileum makes two convolutions before pass- ing into the long colon." (Siebold.) In Lepisma the oesoph= agus terminates in a "kind of crop, which is succeeded by a globular gizzard provided with six teeth." There are two simple, short, salivary glands in the Si all dee, while in the Phryganeielee and Hemerohielee "they are ramified and highly developed. It is quite remarkable that there is, in this respect, a sexual difference with the Panor- JTEUROPTERA. 5gj pidce ; the males have three pairs of very long, tortuous tubes, while with the females the only vestiges of this apparatus are two mdistiuct A-esicles." (Siebokl.) In their larval state the aquatic Neuroptera breathe by false gills, or branchial trachea^ these generally consist of slender filaments situated on the sides of the abdominal seg- ments These filaments are fleshy, and penetrated by trachel which take up the oxygen from the water. In the lar^■a3 of the Phryganeidce these false giUs are simple, "rarely ramified, and united m groups of from two to five, which stand out to., wards tlie back." Siebokl also states that "with those of the Ephen^er^cla^ each of the anterior abdominal segments has a pair of these branchia3 which are sometimes ramified in the most varied manner, and sometimes consist of two kinds some being lamelliform and alternating with the others which are fosciculate. With all the Ephemerid^Dictyoneura Goldenberg, and is perhaps identical with CHie of the species described and figured by Goldenberg." '^^Dictyo- neura is said b}^ Goldenberg to resemble the Neuropterous genus Semblis. Dr. Hagen also informs me that Gerst.aecker, after an examination of Bockmg's specimen, ' thinki^^ugereon NEUKOPTERA. 583 Cn is next related to the Ephemeriua. The parts of the mouth have nothing of the Hemiptera about them and the}- are even more rehxted to the Diptera." While we would defer to the judgment of these distin- guished ento- mologists who have actually studied the fos- sil itself, yet judging from Dolu'u's draw- ing we would refer the insect to the Xeurop- tera, and would suggest that in certain charac- ters we are strongl}' reminded of certain more abnormal genera of Heme r oh idee and the Panorpidw. The wings while closely resembling the Ephemerids, as Dr. Ilagen has sug- gested to us, also, in our opinion, recall those of an African species of Palpares, and of the fore wings of Nemoptera, and the antennffi and beak-like mouth-parts seem analogous to those of Panorpa and Boreus.* C^ Fig. 572. Eugereon Bockingi Dolira, enlai'gert three diameters; A, «, lab rum; b, first pair of jaws (mandibles); c, second pair (maxilhe); e, labial palpi; /, fragments of antenna;; »», portion of legs; n, middle tibi?e. C, a,b, antenna; D, a, head ; 6, fore femora ; c, jirothorax ; d, prosternum ( ?) ; E, tarsus and end of the tibia of tlie left fore leg. — After Dohrn. *Erichsonand Siebold have grouped the Termitidw, Psocidce, Emhidce Epheiaeridre and Lihellulid (e\\n<\er the name of " false" Xeuroptera.and con- sidered thein as Orthoptera, restricting the Xeuroptera to the Sialidce, Hemero- bid(B, Pnnorpi d re and Phryganeid fe,am\ this classification has been adopted bj- most continental entomologists. Now while believing in the unity of the Neu- ropterous type, and that the so called " false " Xeuroptera (especially tlic May-flies and the dragon-flies) are really the most typical of the suborder, being tlie most unlilve other insects, do not we have many characters in tiiese palwo/oic net- veined insects, which unite more intimately (lie so calleil false and true Neurop- ters ? We would not forget the analogies shown in these fossil uet-veiiied insects 684 NEUROPTERA. It is a rather large insect, the head and mouth-parts measur- ing thirty-nine millimetres, the three thoracic rings twenty- eight millimetres, and the part preserved of the right upper wing Ibrty-lbur millimetres, and of the right under wing fifty- one millimetres. The antenna? are long and tlu-ead-like, as in Fanorpa, and the venation of the wings are of the Neuropter- ous tj'pe, while the elongated mouth-parts are Hemipterous in appearance, though the labial palpi (Ae) are well developed, being usually absent in the Hemiptera. It is the most puz- zling form 3^et brought to light, and has been compared b}' Dr. Dohrn to the fossil Archoeopteryx of the Solenhofen slates^ referred by some natui'alists to the birds, and by others to the reptiles. We have shown elsewhere* that the Neuropterous families, except the most t^'pical, f.e., the E2ihemericUe and Lihellu- lidce, mimic every other suljorder of insects. They are in fact comprehensive or synthetic types, comljiuing, as do all decephalized, embryonic forms, the structures of the other sub- orders of insects, and thus presenting, in advance, features which remind lis of characters more fully Avrought out in higher and more comi)actly finished groups of insects. As regards the preser\ation of the dragon-flies, Mr. Uhler states that "the large, brilliant green dragon-flies (Cordu- lina), as well as the 3'ellow, brown-strii)ed Gomphina, having the eyes wide apart, will furnish new species in almost all parts of the country. In order to preserve specimens in the neatest manner it is well to slip them immediately, when caught, into paper bags of suitable size ; first taking care to lay back the wings so that the}' will be applied together, to prevent mutila- tion. These paper bags may be placed loosely in a box carried for the purpose. They can thus be taken out at leisure, killed by applying a camel's hair pencil, dipped in sulphuric ether, chloroform, or benzine, to the under side of the body, and then have the wings spread by placing them upon the setting to the Orthoptera, and which serve to unite the two suborders more intimately than ever. Indeed entomologists in the future may unite the Ortlioptera and Neuroptera (in the Linntean sense) into a single suborder equivalent to the Coleop- tera or Hymenoptera, and these two groups may stand as two subordinate divi- sions just as tlie "Homoptera" and "Hemiptera" are subdivisions of the Lin- mean group of nemii>tera. * Journal of the Boston Society of Natural History, viii, p. 590. TERMITID.E. 585 iboards. In most species the colors change after death, hence it is important to make short descriptions of tlie colors before killing the specimens," The smaller, more slender and deli- cate Nenroptera should be pinned directly in the collecting •box. Many species are caught by a light in the night time, such as Polystoechotes nebulosus and the Phryganeidoi; and a bright light placed in damp situations by streams, etc., will attract large numbers, the smaller species, like moths, be- ing attracted a great distance by light. For the proper study of the genera of these insects, and often of the species, they should be collected in alcohol, so as to be studied in a flexible state. Dr. J. L. Leconte has pul)lished in the "American Naturalist," iii, p. 307, some new directions for the preserva- tion of insects which will applj^ to these as well as other insects. " Surgical art- has given to us an instrument by which a poisonous liquid can be rapidly and most effectively applied to the entire surface of large numbers of specimens as they stand in the cabinet boxes, without the trouble of moving them. I refer to the ' Atomizer.' "Opinions maj^ var^^ as to the nature of the liquid poison to be used, but after several trials I have found the following formula to be quite satisfactory ; it produces no efflorescence, «ven on the most highly polished species, while the odor is quite strong, and persistent enough to destroy any larvae or €ggs that ma}^ be already in the box : — Saturated alcoholic solution of arsenious acid, eight fluid ounces ; Strj^chnine, twelve grains ; Crj^stallizcd carbolic acid, one drachm ; Mineral naphtha (or heavy benzine) and strong alcohol, enough to make one quart. I have not stated the quantity of naphtha, since there are some varieties of light petroleum in commerce which dissolve in alcohol only to a slight extent. These should not be used. The heavier oils which mix indefinitel}- with alco- hol are the proper ones, and for the two pints of mixture ten to twelve fluid ounces of the naphtha will be suflScient. Care should be taken to test the naphtha on a piece of paper. If it leaves a greasy stain which does not disappear after a few hours it is not suitable for this purpose. "The best form of atomizer is the long, plated, reversible tube ; it should be worked with a gum elastic pipe, having two 586 NEUEOPTERA. bulbs to secure uniformity in the current. The atomizing glass tubes and the bottle which usually accompany the apparatus are unnecessary : a common narrow-necked two ounce bottle will serve perfectly to hold the fluid." Tlie aquatic larvie and pupae can easily be reared in aquaria in jars and tumblers, taking care that the weaker species are separated from those more powerful and bloodthirsty. The little Entomostraca, or water-fleas, serve as food for many of the smaller species. With very little care many species can be raised in this way, and so little is known of their transforma- tions that figures and descriptions would be of great value. The interesting and varied habits of the different families can be also easily noted. They can be called summer insects, since few are found late in the fall or early in the spring, though several Perlidce, Hemerobius, Boreus and several species of Phryganeids are found ere the snow has gone in the spring, and a few species of the latter family are found in November. Termitid.e Leach. The White Ants in the different grades of individuals, and their complex econom^^ foreshadow the for- micaries of the ant and the hive of the bee. The bodies of the winged individuals are shaped somewhat like that of the ant, but they differ in the long, narrow, straight, finel}^ net-veined wings, the costa of which is remai'kably straight, while both wings are equal in shape and size, with the veins arranged in the same manner in both. The head is of moderate size, hori- zontal ; the eyes are rather small, globose, and, between them are two ocelli, the third and more anterior one being nearly obsolete. The antennae are short, with about twenty joints, and the mandibles are small triangular, with fine teeth on the cutting, or inner edge. The abdomen is ovate and shorter than in the Neuroptera generally. In all these points, as Avell as in their habits, the white ants are the most perfectly organ- ized of the Neuroptera. They are more cephalized, their bodies are developed more headwards, and their intelligence and remarkable instincts ally them also, intellectuallj-, with the most perfect of insects, the Bees, Wasps and Ants. Thus in the lowest suborder of insects we find features which strikingly remind us of the highest insects. Nature constantly repeat- TEKMITID^. 587 ing the same idea in different groups, here leaps over as it were whole groups of insects, as if by prophecy pointing out the advent of still more perfect forms and higher intelligences. Geolog}"^ teaches us that the white ant and other Neuroptera preceded in time, as they do in structure, their higher ana- logues. The genus Calotennes differs from Termes in its small head, the large, transverse, oblong prothorax, the veined costal area, and in the tarsi being furnished Avith an apical plantula (or foot-pad situated between the claws). C. castaneus Unrmeis- ter is almost cosmopolitan, occurring in Western and tropical America. In Tennopsls the head is large, the ocelli are ab- sent, and the prothorax is small, otherwise it agrees with Calo- termes. T. anyusticollis Linn, is found in the Pacific States. The type of the family, Termes, has a large rounded head, with two ocelli, and a small heart-shaped prothorax ; the costal area is free, while the foot-pad (plantula) is absent. Our com- mon white ant, Termes flavipes Kollar is found from ]\Iassachu- setts southward, under stones, sticks and in stumps. It is of a chestnut color, head and prothorax black brown, with brown- ish antenuiti ringed with a jmler hue, with white, very delicate wings, and the mouth, tibiie and tarsi are yellow. The work- ers are white, with honey j^ellow heads. The white ants of Africa live together like ants in colonies of vast extent. The mules and females are winged and closely resemble each other as usual. There are two Avingless forms ; the soldiers, which have large square heads, and long poAverful mandibles, Avith a large prothorax, and the tcorliers which have small rounded heads and minute, nearly obsolete mandi- bles. There also occur among the workers certain individuals (Nasuti) Avhich have the front of the head prolonged into a horn. All these wingless individuals are asexual, the organs of reproduction being undeveloped. They have been consid- ered to be larvffi by eminent authorities, but they are found in the nest in abundance when the males and females have arrived at maturity. They must, therefore, be considered like the workers among bees and ants, as individuals specialized, or set apart for the performance of certain duties invoh ing the in- crease and preservation of the entire colony. Thus the sol- 588 NEUROPTERA. diers, as they are termed by Smeathman, with their warlike aspect, act as "seutiuels and soldiers, making their appearance when the nest is invaded, attacking the intruders and inciting the laborers to work. The more peaceful and laborious workers are estimated to be one hundred times more numerous than the soldiers." "They collect food, form covered ways, guard the males and females and take care of the eggs and young." (Westwood.) While most of the species burrow in wood, or under ground, others, as in the Termes fatale Linn. (T. bellicosus Smeathman), raise conical hillocks of remarkable strength and firmness, often ten or twelve feet high. After impregnation the females, as in the case of the ants, lose their wings. They are then conducted into the interior of the nest by the Avorkers. Here the body of the female gradually be- comes enormously distended with eggs, being ovei- two inches in length, and it is known to lay 80,000 in the course of a day. The pupa of Termes lucifugus, a French species, was found by Latreille in the spring, with four white tubercles, or wing l)ads. Other pupae are described and figured by Westwood, which by their long wing-pads, prolongedsbeyond the abdomen, closel}^ resemble the Homopterous adult^Ce re op id a; . Fossil Termites occur in the coal formation of Germany. Embid^ Burmeister. These are small insects, forming a connecting link between the white ants and Psocus ; they are characterized by the linear depressed body, with the head free from the thorax, the wings equal in size, with few veins, and triarticulate tarsi. The larvse are found under stones and are protected by a cocoon which they renew at each moulting of the skin. (Gerstaecker.) Emhia Savigni Westwood is found in Egypt. A species of Olyntha ? the only genus of this family found in North America, is stated by Hag' n to occur in Cuba. PsociD^ Leach. These minute insects would be easily mis- taken for Aphides, both the wingless as well as the winged individuals. Their bodies are oval, the head free from the prothorax, which is small and partially concealed by the wings. The wings are unequal in size, and with few veins, thus depart- PSOCIDiE. 589 ing widely from the usual Neuropterous t^'pe of venation, and closely resembling that of the plant-lice. Mr. R. McLachlan states (Entomologist's Monthly Magazine) that "the eggs are laid in patches on leaves, bark, or other objects, and the fe- males cover them with a web. The larvae and pupre greatly resemble the per- fect insects." The larvae closely resemble the pupae ; the ocelli in these states are absent, and the tarsi are two or tlu-ee-jointed, accord- ing to the species. He has observed individuals with but partially developed wings. " In all their states the}' probably feed on dry vegetable substxinces and lichens. They are univer- sally common, living more ^'g- 573. or less in societies on tree trunks and palings, and amongst the herbage of trees, especially firs, larches and yews, and some species in houses and warehouses. I believe that both sexes possess the power of spinning a web, not distinguishable from that of spiders. They are exceedingly active and diffi- cult of capture." (McLachlan.) In the nearly wingless genus Clothilla, from California, there are no ocelli, the wings are incomplete, and the tarsi three- jointed. Clothilla pkea Motschulskj' is but .04 of an inch long and pitchy black in color, with a brassy reflection. In the nearly wingless Atropos the ocelli are wanting and the tarsi are three-jointed, while the rudimentary wings form minute square pads. The A. divinatorius of Otho Fabricius is a little pale, louse-like insect, seen running over books and in insect cases, where it does considerable injury to specimens. The Atropos is in England called the "death-watch," and is sup- posed to make the ticking sound heard in spring. Mr. E. Newman (Entomologist, iii, p. 66) has bred " Psocus puUcarius^ or some allied species, from Clothilla pulsatoria" (Fig. 573.) 590 NEUROPTERA. The geuus Psocus, which closely resembles in its appear- ance aucl habits the Aphides, though the species are not suck- ing insects, has three ocelli, two or three-jointed tarsi, and well developed wings. The species are very numerous, and abound during the close of summer. Psocus venosus Burm. is said by Fitch to live on the maple, while P. salicis he describes as being found on the willow. Perlid^ Leach. This group comprises those Neuroptera with long flattened bodies, the sides of which are parallel, while the prothorax is large ; the antennae are long and thread-like, and the wings are unequal in size, the posterior ones being broad, triangular. The labial palpi are present, while the mandibles exist ordinarily in a rudimentary state. The wings are usuallj^ charged with many irregular transverse veins, and when folded flat on the back, extend beyond the abdomen. The tarsi are three-jointed, and there are, in the tj-pical genera, two terminal setae on the abdomen. The pupae are active, with prominent wing-pads. They are found in rivers under stones, while the adults are found resting on leaves and in low damp places. The larvae resemble the adult, except in being wing- less, and bear a general resemblance to the larvae of certain Ephemerids, showing the near relationship of the two families. The genus Pteronarcys is remarkable for retaining in the adult state external gill-like filaments attached to the under side of the prothorax. It consequently lives in exceedingly moist places, much nearer the water than Perla. P. regalis Newman is fuscous, the head is no broader than the thorax, while in P. i^roteus Newman the head is broader than the pro- thorax and the abdomen is yellowish beneath. In Perla the wings are vein}', the transverse veins few and ver^^ regular, wliile the hind wings have a large, plicated anal space. The palpi are thread-like, and there are two abdominal setie. Westwood remarks that "there is a very great diversity in the sexes of the typical genus Perla, the males being much smaller than the females, with ver}- short wings." Perla ab- no)-mis Newman is yellowish fuscous, and the wings are sub- hyaline with the veins clay-yellow. The genus Isopteryx is characterized by the wings having PERLIDiE. 591 the transverse veins few in number, almost absent, and there is no basal space in the posterior wings. The palpi are seta ceoiis, the last joint being shortest. Isopteryx Cydippe New- man is pale yellow and immaculate. Capnia is known by the wings being vein^^, with the trans- verse veins very few and regular ; the anal area of the posterior wings is large, plicate, and the palpi are filiform, with the last joint ovate, longer than the preceding one, and there are two setae. Capnia pygmoia Burm. is shining black, with gray hairs. It is common in New York in Februar}^, according to Dr. Fitch. The species of Tieniopteryx have the Avings inroUed and veined, with the transverse veins \e.ty scarce, rather regular ; the anal area of the posterior wings is large and plicated ; the palpi are filiform, with the last joint ovate. There are no abdominal setae, and the tarsi are divided into three long equal joints. They fly early in spring and late in the autumn, and south- wards, during the winter. T. frigida Ilagen is black, with grayish hairs, with a gray band on the middle and another at the apex of the nearly transparent wings. In Nemoura the wings are veiny, flat, and the transverse veins are few, very regular, the veins of the pterostigma forming an X. The anal ai'ea of the posterior wings is large and plicate, and there are no caudal setae. The males are smaller than the females, with shorter wings. N. alhidipennis "Walker is piceous, shining, with whitish wings. The genus Leuctra differs from Nemoura in the wings being rolled in when at rest. L. tenuis Pictet is fuscous, with three elevated lines on the disk of the thorax. Under the name Palceopterina, Scudder has described a group considered by him as a distinct famil}- which comprises but thi*ee fossil species discovered in the Carboniferous forma- tion at Morris, Illinois. The fragments of the first species found were described by Professor J. D. Dana in 1864:, under the name of Miamia Bronsoni (Plate 1, fig. 1, the dotted lines represent the parts restored by Mr. Scudder). He states that this insect "while Neuropterous in wings, closely ap- proaching the Semblids, has- broad costate femurs, and even a large spinous joint to the anterior legs, peculiarities which seem to be almost inconsistent with the Neiu'opterous type, .592 NEUROPTERA. although in part characterizhig the Mantispids, and which are in complete harmony with the Orthopterous type." (American Journal of Science and Arts, 18G4, p. 33.) Professor Dana farther states " that in the broad costate femurs of the second pair of legs and the form of the prothorax, it ap- proaches the Orthopters of the Phyllium family, and is very unlike any known Neu- ropters. The anterior legs are peculiar in having a large and broad femur armed above with very slender spines as long as the joint, three of which, though mutilated, are seen in the specimen. But something of this kind is observed under Neuropters in the Mantis- pids. It is quite probable that these anterior Fig. 574. legs were prehensile, as in Mantispa, and the fact that tlie tibia and tarsus are not in sight in the specimen, favors this conclusion. . . . There appears to have been a pair of short obtuse appendages at the extremity of the abdomen, much as in Phyllium. The head is mostly obliterated." Mr. S. H. Scudder in the "Memoirs of the Boston So- \ ciety of Natural History" for ■j 18G7, shows that the vena- ^ tion of this genus recalls fea- tures of several other Neu- ropterous families, such as the Ter m i t i d m , the He mero- biclm and Si alt dee. Mr. Scudder, who has given a restoration of this remark- able insect, states that the Fig- 5T5. head is somewhat like that of Perla, being oval, depressed, with long oval lateral eyes. These two authors disagree as to the "fore legs" (Dana), Mr. Scudder calling the parts so designated by Professor Dana, the head. Gerstaecker states his opinion that Miamia is " without doubt a Perlarian." z' m EPIIEMERIDiE. 593 Mr. Scudder has more recently described in the "Palaeon- tology of the Illinois Geological Survey," iii, p. 5G6, two other forms of this group. He remarks, "the two specimens before me, with wings better preserved than in the individual of Mia- mia Bronsoni, prove that my delineation of the conjectural parts of the wing structure of the Palcuojitei'ina was in part erroneous, and give evidence of a closer relationship of the Palneopterina to the ancient Termitina than I had supposed possible." A second species of Miamia from Morris, Illinois, he calls M. Dance (Fig. 574 ; all the specimens occurred in balls of iron stone). It is four- fifths smaller than M. Bron- soni. He also remarks, "the other fossil which I would refer to the Palai02yterina is Chrestotes lapidea (Fig. 575). The genus differs from Miamia in the shortness and rotundity of the wings," and in the venation, some points of which remind him of the Blattarim. Epiiemerid^. Leach. The May-flies, or Ephemerids, as their name implies, are, when full}- grown, very short-lived insects, the adult living but a few hours. The body is slender and weak, being ver^^ long ; the prothorax is of moderate size ; the antennie are subulate, or awl-like, being ver}- small, as in the Libellulidce, while the parts of the mouth are rudimen- tarj', the insect taking no food in the adult or imago state. The w;ings are very unequal in size, the hinder pair being much smaller, or in some instances (Cloe and Caenis) entirely aborted ; the transverse veins are either few or numerous ; the tarsi are four or five-jointed, and appended to the long, slender abdomen are two or three long caudal filaments. The sexes unite while on the upper surface of the water, and after a short union the female drops in the water her eggs "in two long, cylindj'ical j-ellow masses, each consisting of numer- ous minute eggs." Walsh states that he possesses a "sub imago of Palingenia bilineata, which oviposited in that state." The larvfe live in running water and prey on small aquatic insects, the body being long and flat, with long hair- like antennae, and small eyes situated on the side of the head, the ocelli not usually' being present, and long sickle-shaped jaws, while along each side of the abdomen are leaf-like or 38 694 NEUKOPTERA. busli}' false gills, and the body ends in long feathered anal hairs. The}- live, it is stated, two or thi'ee 3'ears, and reside in burrows in the mud, under stones, or among grass and weeds, where they may be taken with the water-net in great abundance, and are beautiful objects for the aquarium. Lub- bock states that Chloeon passes through twent3--one moultings of the skin before it assumes the imago state ; the pupae are active and have, as a general rule, the rudiments of wings. After leaving the pupa skin the insect (subimago), when its wings are expanded, takes a short flight, and then casts an- other skin before reaching the final imago state. The}" often fly in immense numbers, and become stranded in winrows along the borders of lakes. The perfect insects should be preserved in alcohol for study, as they shrivel up Avhen pinned. They should be described when alive if possible. The genus Ephemera of Linni\3us has thi-ee long and equal caudal setie ; the fore wings are present, with very numerous ti'ansverse veins, while the eyes are remote, and in the males simple. Ephemera decora Walker is luteous, with the end of the antennai black and a reddish band on the side of the body. The remains' of a gigantic form described by Mr. Scudder mider the name of Platephemera antiqua (Plate 1, fig. 3) has been discovered b}^ Mr. C. F. Hartt in the Devonian formation of New Brunswick. Another fossil wing, Hapjlophlehium Barnesii (Plate 1, fig. 8), accompanying the preceding, has been doubtfully referred to the May-flies by Mr. Scudder. It indicates a very large species. Mr. Scudder also figures, in the Palaeontology^ of the Illinois Geological Surve}', certain fos- sils from lower Carboniferous strata, which "appear to be the wings of insects, and, being probabl}' more nearly allied (p. 571) to the Ephevieridce than to other Neuroptera, should be grouped under the generic name Ephemerites." In Palingenia there are th.ree caudal setaj, the middle one being short, and sometimes almost absent in the males. There ai'e four wings with very numerous transverse veins, and the CN'es are remote and simple. P. hiUneata Say is a common species and one of the largest of the family ; it is found floating on the surface of lakes. It is greenish yellow, with a reddish stripe on the side of the prothorax. The genus Baetis has but EPHEMERIDiE. 595 two abdomiuiil setiu, while the four wings are provided with numerous cross-veins. The eyes are simple, and in the males of large size and placed ver}' near each other. Lai'tis inter- punctata Sa^' is a j'ellowish white species tinged with green, with an arcuate black line on the front, and a lateral black point, while the prothorax has one black stripe on the side. The singular genus Bu'tisca is very thick-bodied, and differs from the other P>phemerids in the fifth abdominal joints being twice as long as any of the others. The pupa (Fig. 576, i ; o, lateral tooth; II, antenna; in, section of the abdomen, the numerals indicat- ing the segments ; a, branchiae, above which is a flap, b) "differs," according to "Walsh, "from all de- scribed Epliemerinous pupae in the antennae being eight-jointed or there- abouts, not multiarticulate, and also in the branchije being internal and not used for locomotive purposes, ^'^" ^^®" and from all larvge and pupae, and indeed from all known hexapod insects in any of their states, in the pro-, meso- and metanotum being connate and confluent, and extending over one-half of the abdomen in the form of a large, dilated, convex carapace, or shield, thus giving the in- sect a very Crustacean appearance." The larva, early in its life, has rudi- mentary wings, as in many grasshoppers, but in the pupa state they are not present. Near Baetis comes Potamanthus, which has three caudal setae and four wings provided with numerous cross- veins ; the eyes in the males are double, large and approximate. The Potamantlins ciqndus of &ay is black, with a broad dorsal stripe and a lateral impressed line on each side of the thorax. P. marginatus Zetterstedt (Fig. 577), a boreal European species, we have found in abundance in Labrador fly- ing over pools in July. Fis:. 577. 596 NEUROPTERA. In CloS there are but two caudal setae, and though there are usually four wings, 3'et the hinder pair are sometimes wanting, and there are few transverse veins. The eyes in the males are double, large and approximate. Cloe pygmo^a Hagen is brownish gray, with the feet and setae white, and the wings hya= line. It is a Canadian species, Ccenis differs in having three caudal setae, with no hind wings developed, and few cross-veins, and the eyes in the males are very simple and remote. Ccenis hilaris Say is small and whitish, with black ej^es, and the thorax is pale fulvous, with short obscure Fig. 578. lines beneath and on the sides. Hagen states that the most abnormal Ephemerid is Oligoneu- ria, distinguished by the abortive condition of the legs, the large size of the longitudinal veins of the wings, the rarity of the transverse veinlets, and by a long bristle-like appendage at the base of the fore wing. A closely allied genus has been described by Dr. Hagen under the name LacMania. It has two caudal filaments, where Oligoneuria has three, and thei'e are three strong transverse veins in the fore wings. L. abnor- mis Hagen (Fig. 578, enlarged) is a Cuban sijecies. Mr. Scudder regards as the tj-pe of a distinct family, which he calls the Hemeristina, a single form, the Hemeristia occidentalis of Dana, which occurred with Miamia Bronsoni in the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Illinois. Mr. Scudder de- fines this family as consisting of "Neuroptera of large size. The prothorax is quadrangular, narrower than the meso- and metatiiorax, though not proportional^ so much so as in the Palceopterina; the femora (probably the front pair) are as in the Palceopterina, but proportionally broader. Wings large, long, about twice as broad bej'^ond the middle as near the base, the costal border convex in its outer half, with nu- merous and prominent cross-veins but no reticulations ; when at rest, overlapping quite completely, even close to the base, LIBELLULID^. 597 much as iu the Perlarice, and probabl}^ with the sides pro- tected near the base by the deflected marginal and scapular (subcostal) areas." Scndder sliows that while the venation is much the same as in Ilemerobius, as stated by Professor Dana, it also resembles that of tlie Si all dee and Epheineridoi and LibeUuUdce. Gerstaecker thinks that Ilemeristia "at least stands nearer to the Ephemeridcii than to any other family." ' (Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, vol. \.) LiBELLULiD^E Latrcllle. Dragon-flies, Dcvirs-darning-nee° dies, or Mosquito Hawks, are readily known by the enormous head and thorax, with the remarkably long, slender, cylindrical abdomeu. The head is large and globular, with immense eyes often encircling the head. The large square thorax is remark- able for the small size of the tergal parts, while the pieces composing the flanks are greatl}' enlarged, rising up especially in front, taking the place of the prothorax, which is usually very large in the Neuroptera generally, but is in this family greatly aborted, as these insects scared}^ ever walk. As in the Ephemeridce the antenme are short and setiform, Uut the mouth is furnished with palpi. The wings* are large, * Fig. 579. Venation of a fore wing of Gomphiis. Veins. — «, «, costal vein ; b, subcostal vein; c,c, median vein; rf, submedian vein; e, postoostal vein. Sectors — (branches springing from areas, veins, cross-veins, or other sectors), jff, princi- pal sector; g, nodal sector; h, subnodal sector; /.-, median sector; mm, short sec- tor; n; upper sector of the triangle (normally a prolongation of d); o, lower sector of the triangle (normally a prolongation of e); o', o", its branches. (The figure gives an angle wliere o' bifurcates from o, which should have been a flow- ing curve. Both n and o sliould have been engraved as springing from the lower angle of the triangle, t.) Cros.i-rein-i. — p, nodus; 7, arc or arculus; rrr, - - - ant^- leubitaJs. (The basal antecubital is ^^T0Ugly engraved as dislocated with that of 598 NEUROPTERA. densely reticulated, very equal in size, and in some eases the hind wings are a little larger than the fore wings. The tarsi are three-jointed, and the second abdominal segment of the males is furnished Avith accessory genital organs. ' ' Landois notices a peculiar sound-producing organ in this family, and figures that of ^schna juncea. It is situated in the prothoracic stigmata, which are placed quite at the front of the thorax, and concealed b^^ the head. These stigmata are large elongated slits, one margin of which is simple, whilst the other bears a sort of chitinous comb of about twenty teeth, between which an exceeding!}' delicate membrane is extended. The metathoracic stigmata, which in general are the chief or- gans of sound in this part of the bod}^, are smaller, and bear on one side a semilunar valve with stiff hairs." (Giinther's- Zoological Record for 1867.) "During the pairing of the sexes, which takes place during flight, the male seizes the neck of the female with his anal claspers ; the female then curves the end of Its abdomen to the second abdominal ring of the male, which has a swollen expansion of the under surface, containing in a longitudin''l cleft the intromittent organ, Avhich convej's the seminal fluid from the bladder-like cavity into the body of the female. But since the outlet of the testicle opens on the ninth segment of the abdomen, the males previous to union with the other sex, must fill the copulating sac with the seminal fluid, by curving its abdomen upon itself. After the union has been effected the females generally let go of the males. In many the second or subcostal series);, - - - - postcuhitals. Areas anrl Angles. — t, the triangle (discoidal) ; u, internal ti'iangle ; V, anal triangle ; W, basal area (or space) ; xx, median area (or space); y, membranule ; s, anal angle in the male, tlie dotted line z' showing the form of the anal corner of the wing in the female Gomphm, (The angle z onght to have been engraved as much more acute and salient.) A A, discoidal areolets (in the figure two ranges of them commencing with three). B, pterostigma; C, its basal (or mternal) side prolonged in the normal manner; D, "quadrangle," "quadrilateral," or "area above the triangle," bounded above by m, below by d, basally by q, and terminally by an unnamed cross-vein; EEE, postcostal area (or space). Of tlie above pterological parts, q and its sectors, r, s, t, W, y, B, and in tlie Calopterygina and Agi-ionina "tlie quadrilateral" (D), and "the postcostal area" (E), are the most important in classification. — Fro?>t Ilagen with modificutions by Walsh. Following the nomenclature adopted in tliis work, an would inriicate the marginal vein; 6, the costal; c, the subcostal; d, probably the median, and e, the submedian vein. LIBELLULIDiE. 599 species of Libelluln, however, during oviposition, the male retains his hold ou the neck of the female, and l)oth fty over the surface of standing water, the female touching the surface of the pool with the tip of her abdomen, and letting the eggs fall into the water. "In some genera (Libellula, Agrion) the two sexes of a spe- cies difler greatly in color, the males having bright variegated colors, while the females are dusk}-, being more of one color. The males of many species have, on the abdomen, several days after exclusion from the pupa case, a bluish powdery exuda- tion. The genus Calopteryx and allies differ sexually in the color of the wings." (Gerstaecker.) "Brauer indicates the occurrence of dimorphism in the fe- males of some species of the genus Neurothemis, some of them having the wings very richly veined, as in the males, whilst others have widel}^ netted veins like those of the ordi- nary Libellula^." (Giinther's Zoological Record for 1867.) During July and August the various species of Libellula and its allies most abound. The eggs are attached loosely in bunches to the stems of rushes and other water-plants. In la^-ing, them, the dragon-fly, according to Mr. P. R. Uhler's observations, "alights upon water-plants, and, pushing the end of her body below the surface of the water, glues a bunch of eggs to the submerged stem or leaf. Lihelhda auripennis I have often seen la3'ing eggs, and I think I was not deceived in my 'observation that she dropped a bunch of eggs into the open ditch while balancing herself just a little way above the surface of the water. I have also seen her settled upon the reeds in brackish water with her abdomen submerged in part, and there attaching a cluster of eggs. I feel pretty sure that i. cuiripennis '(XoQB not always deposit the whole of her eggs at one time, as I have seen her attach a cluster of not more than a dozen small yellow eggs. There must be more than one hundred eggs in one of the large })unches. The eggs of some of the Agrions are bright apple-green, ])ut I cannot be sure that I have ever seen them in the ver^- act of oviposi- tion. They have curious habits of settling upon leaves and grass growing in the water, and often allow their abdomens to fall below the surface of the water. Sometimes thov fly a2:ainst 600 NEUROrTERA. the surface, but I never saw what I could assert to be the pro- jecting of the eggs from the body upon phmts or into the water. The English entomologists assert that the female Agrion goes below the surface to a depth of several inches to deposit eggs upon the submerged stems of plants." The Agrions, however, according to Lacaze-Duthiers, a French anatomist, make with the ovipositor a little notch in the plant upon which the}' lay their eggs. These eggs hatch during the middle of the sum- mer, and the J'oung larva (Fig. 62) when first hatched differs from the more mature larva (Fig. 580), in not Fig. S80. Jiaving the rudiments of wings, and in the long, spider-like legs. The larva is very active in its habits, being provided with six legs attached to the thorax, on the back of which, after the first one or two moults, are the little wing- pads, or rudimentary wings. The large head is provided with enormous eyes, while a pair of simple, minute ej'elets (ocelli) are § placed near the origin of the small ])ristle-like feelers, or antennae. Seen from beneath, instead of the formidable array of jaws and ac- cessory organs commonly' observed in most carnivorous larvae, we see nothing ))ut a broad, smooth mask covering the lower part of the face, but when some unwar^^ insect comes ^ — -/'..... \ within striking distance the battery \ r\ /^ of jaws is unmasked, and opens ^ ''V\/ rV — ■*'' upon the victim. This mask (Fig. /^ y^i' L^~\ vf~\ \ ^'^^ ' under side of head of a dragon- ( f ( \ /Af I ) ) ^y larva, with the labium full}' ex- ^" \\"''VPI^^ J J J tended ; a-, x' ^ a-", the three subdivi- ^" " '^ ^y^^^^'^r \y ^ sions ; ?/, niaxill;x\ For other details ^^ ^ of the head of the larva of Diplax, ^'s- '^^^^ see p. GO) is peculiar to the young, or larva and pupa, of the dragon-fly. It is the labium, or under lip greatly enlarged, and armed at the broad spoon-shaped extremit}^ {x) with two sharp hooks, adapted for seizing and LIBELLULID^. 601 retaining its prey. At rest, the terminal half is so bent up as to conceal the face, and thus the creature crawls about, to all appearance, the most innocent and harmless of insects. Not only does the immature dragon-fly walk over the bottom •of the pool or stream it inhabits but it can also leap for a con- sidcrable distance, and by a most curious con- \ trivance. By a syringe-like apparatus lodged , in the end of the body, it discharges a stream 4 of water for a distance of two or three inches behind it, thus propelling the insect forwards. This apparatus combines the functions of loco- motion and respiration. There are, as usual, two breathing pores (stigmata) on each side of Fig. 582. the thorax. But the process of breathing seems to be mostly carried on in the tail. The trachea are here collected in a large mass, sending their branches into folds of membrane lining the end of the alimentary canal, and which act like a piston to force out the water. The entrance to the canal is protected by three to five tri- angular horny valves (Fig. 582, 9, 10 ; Fig. 583, side view), which open and shut at will. When open the water flows in, bathing the internal gill-like organs which €xtract the air from the water. This "is then ■suddenly expelled by a strong muscular effort. In the smaller genera, Agrioji (Fig. 584, side view of false-gill, showing but one leaf), Lestes and Calopteryx, the respiratory leaves, called the tracheary, or false-gills, are not enclosed within tlie body, but form three broad leaves, permeated by trachea?, or ak-vessels. They are not true gills, howcA-er, as the blood is not aerated in them. They only absorb air to supply the tra- cheae, which aerate the blood only within the general cavity of the body. These false gills also act as rudders to aid the insect in swimming. It is easy to watch the dragon-flies through their transformations, as they can easily be kept in Fig. .584. aquaria. Little, almost nothing, is known regarding their Fig. 583. 602 NEUROPTERA. habits, and any one who can spend the necessary time and patience in rearing them, so as to trace up the ditterent stages from the larva to the adult fly, and describe and figure them accuratelj^, will do good service to science. Mr, Uhler states that we know but little of the young stages of our species, but "the larva and pupa of the LihellulcB may be always known from those of the ^E^chncti by their shorter, deeper, and more robust form, and generally by their thick clothiug of hair." The pupa (Fig. 585, pupa probabl}^ either of iEschna con- stricta or jE. cleps3-dra) scarcely differs from the larva, except in having larger wing-pads. It is still active, and preys on other insects. When the insect is about to assume the pupa state the bod}^, having outgrown the larva, skin, by a strong muscular effort opens a rent along the back of the thorax, and the insect having fastened its claws into some object at the bottom of the pool, the pupa gradually works its waj^ out of the larva skin. It is now considerably larger than before. Immediately after this tedious operation its body is soft, but the crust soon hardens. This change, with most species, probably occurs early in summer. When about to change into the adult fly the pupa climbs up some plant near the surface of the Avater. Again its back yawns wide open, and from the rent our dragon-fl}^ sloAvly emerges. For an hour or more it remains torpid and listless, with its flabby, soft wings remaining motionless. The fluids leave the surface, the crust hardens and dries, ricli and Aoried tints appear, and the dragon-fly rises into its new world of light and sunshine. In Agrion and its allies (Agrionina) the antenna; are four- jointed, the eyes are small compared with those of Libellula, and distinct ; the wings are equal, while the abdomen is cylin- drical and long and slender. In ddrq^foryx the wings are very broad and densely reticulated ; the pterostigma is absent in the males, that of the females irregular and areolate ; the Fig. 585, LIBELLULID^. 6oa Fig. 586. basal space has no transverse veins, and the male appendages are forcipate. (Hagen.) Caloptenjx cq/kaUs Burm. is shining brassy green, with long black feet. In Leates there are two antecubital transverse venules ; the fourth apical sector is broken ; the postcostal space is simple ; and the quadrangular space is trapezoidal, with the exterior inferior angle acutp ; the pterostigina is large, oblong, and the appendages in the male are forcipated. Lestes etirina Say is blue, varied with green and violet. Tlie beautiful genus Agrion has the apical sector straight, the postcostal space simple, the quadrangular space trapezoidal, with the exterior inferior angle acute ; the pterostigma small, rhomboidal, while the male abdominal ap- pendages are short. Agrion civile Hagen is brass}' -black, varied with blue or green, with a hair}^ head and thorax. A. smicium Burm. (Fig. 586) is red, variegated with black, and is a common species. In the group ^schnina the wings are unequal, and all the triangles of the wing are of the same form. In Gomphus and its allies the wings are un- equal, the hinder ones be- ing broader, and the trian- gles of both pairs of wings have no trans- verse veins. Gomphns fra- ternus Say is yellow spotted with black, with black feet. The genus Anax differs in the anal angle of the posterior wings being rounded in the male, and the abdomen has a lateral interrupted ridge. Anax Junius Drury is a large and widel}'^ spread species ; it is gi'een, spot- ted with blue and fuscous, with a yellow head, ^schna differs Fig. 587. «04 NEUROPTERA. in having the anal angle of the posterior wings of the male acute. yEschna heros Fabr. is one of our largest and most abundant dragon-flies. It is fuscous, marked with yellowish green, and with two oblique green stripes on the side of the thorax. In the third group of this immense family, the Libellulina, the wings are unequal, and the triangle of the anterior w~= tera to be hereafter mentioned, and in a serial arrangement, such as we are forced to make in our books, this seems to us to be their proper place, while in nature they appear to us to stand off b}^ themselves parallel Avith the Sialidw and HemerobidcB, certain genera of which, in the imago state (such as Coniopteryx), they closely resemble, while they seem 616 NEUKOPTERA. to rank higher than the Panorpidce, which next to the Thysanura are in our view the lowest famih' among the Neu- roptera. The larvte are more or less cj'lindrical, with well doA'eloped thoracic feet, and a pair of feet on the end of the abdomen, var3dng in length. The head is small, and like that of a Tor tricid larva, which the Caddis or Case-worm, as the larva is called, greati}' resembles, not onl^- in form, but in its liabit of rolling up submerged leaves. The}- also construct cases of bits of sticks, sawdust, or grains of sand, which they drag over the bottom of quiet pools, retreating within when disturbed. Thej^ live on vegetable matter, and on water-jQieas (Entomostraca) and small aquatic larvae. When about to pupate I he}- close up the mouth of the case with a grating, or as in the case of Helicopsjche b}- a dense silken lid with a single slit, and in some instances spin a slight, thin, silken cocoon, within which the pupa state is passed. The pupa is much like that of the smaller moths, except that the wings and limbs are free from the body. Dr. Hagen informs me that after leaving its case it makes its wa}' over the surface of the water to the shore, sometimes going a long distance. "Westwood states that "the females deposit their eggs in a double gelatinous mass, which is of a green color, and is retained for a considerable time at tlfe extremity of tlie body ; the mass is subsequently attached to the surface of some aquatic plant, and Mr. Ilyde- man has observed the female of Phryganea grandis creep down the stems of aquatic plants under the water, very nearl}- a foot deep, for the purpose of oviposition." A. Meyer mentions several instances of the union of the sexes of ditlerent species of tliis famih", with the production of fertile eggs. (Gi'inther's Zoological Record for 1867.) Only one exception to the aquatic habits of this family is the EnoicyJa pnsiUa Burmeister which, according to Mc- Lachlan, in Europe "lives out of the water amongst moss at the roots of trees. The larva is destitute of the external respiratory filaments common to almost all caddis- worms, but the spiracles are not \evy evident. E. pusilla is also remark- able, inasmuch as the female is wingless, and little resembling the male." A^on Siebold discovered that an Ichneumon (Agrio- PHRYGANEID^. 617 Vig. GOT. typiis arraatus) attacks the full}^ grown larva of a Phryganea (Aspatlieriuia), which inhabits a smooth cylindrical case, which the Ichneumon converts into a pupa case by spinning a long broad band of silk around the anterior opening. (Gei* staecker.) In Nearonia and Phryganea the maxillary palpi differ in the two sexes, and there arc two spurs on each of the fore legs, and four on the middle and hind legs. The maxil- lar3'^ palpi in the males are four-jointed, in the females five-jointcd, and there are three ocelli. Neuronia differs from Phi-yganea in having its ;uitenn;\i a little shorter than the wings, whereas in the latter they are longer, aud the fore wings are hair3\ Neii- ronia semifasciata Say is fulvous, witli the fore wings transversely flecked with brownish-black, a small basal spot, and an abrupt, median streak at the hinder margin of the Aving, while the disk has two 3'ellowish spots, and there is a short fuscous subapical band on the hind wings. Fig. 606 Fig. 6O6. represents the case of the European Phryganea grandis Linn. In the group LimnophiUdes the maxillar}^ palpi of the males are three, those of the fe- males five-jointed ; ocelli three ; anterior wings rather narrow, the apex obliquely truncated or rounded. In Limnophilus the tibial spurs of the three pairs of legs are arranged thus, 1, 3, 4 (ne., one spur on 'the front pair of tibiae ; three on the middle, and four on the hinder pair), and the apex of the anterior Avings is truncated. L. perpusilliis "Walker is a boreal species, oc- curring at Hudson's Bay. Limnophilus rhom- liciis Linn. (Fig. 607, case made of bits of moss) ^'^- ''^^• is an ochreous species, with luteous hairs. Fig. 608, a, case, represents a case-worm which we have found in great abuud* Vlir. COM. Fig. 608. 618 NEUROPTERA. ance in Labrador. Though we have not reared the imago we suppose it to be the Limnophilm suhpunctulatus of Zetterstedt, the most abundant species we met in Labrador. The case is straight, cylindrical, and built of coarse gravel, and the larva is a thick, cjlindrical, whitish worm. Fig. 609 repre- sents the case of L. flavicornis Fabr,, a European species, which is often constructed of small shells. Fig. GIO illustrates the case of the European L.pellu- cidus Olivier, which is formed of large pieces of Fig. bii. leaves laid flat over each other. In Sericostoma the ocelli are wanting, and the palpi are pilose, the maxillary palpi of the males are four-jointed, cover- ing the face like a mask. S. Americanum Walker is black with black hairs ; the antennae are twice the length of the bod}", while the anterior wings are much longer than the hind ones. Fig. 611 represents the tube of a European species of this genus. In Helicopsyche the spurs are arranged thus : 2, 2, 4, and the maxillar}^ palpi of the males mask the face, being recurved. We have found the larvae of Helicopsyche glabra Hagen (Fig» h Fig. 612. ffl 612, a;, lunate patch on the basal abdominal ring; a, front view of the head, enlarged ; m, mandible ; e, eye ; 6, vertical view of the end of the abdomen, enlarged), about changing to pupje, the middle of July, in Wenham Lake, Mass. One had spun its operculum and lay with its head just behind PHRYGANEIDuE. 61^ it. The body of the larva is curved, tliough not spirally, and when out of the case it is cj'lindrical, thickest on the basal ring of the abdomen, and is pale greenish, while the head, thorax and legs are brownish ; it is .25 of an inch in length. The head is hairy and is smaller than usual, a little narrower than the thorax, with black, acute unidentate mandibles. The thoracic rings are horny above, somewhat hairy, and the legs are slender and hairy. The abdomen ends rather abruptly, with two short tubercles ending in a hook, both sides being alike, the body throughout as symmetrical as other larvae rig. an. of this family, though living in a helicoid case. On each side of the basal segment of the abdomen is a lunate, corneous, hairy spot, by which the larva probabl}^ retains its hold in the case when the head and thorax are protruded. The case is usually very regularly helix-like in form, though the umbilicus varies in size. It is composed of fine grains of sand so arranged that the outer a surface is smooth. It is closed during the pupa state by a dense, silken concave, suborbicular operculum, with concen- tric lines, rounded on the side, and but slightly con- vex on the other, with a slightl}' curved slit for the passage of water situated on the less convex side, each side of the slit be- ing provided with slender straight teeth which near- ly touch each other, thus forming an i m p e r f e c t gi'ate. The larva does not spin a cocoon. Fig. 613 represents the case of H. arenifera Lea, from Indiana, Mr. J. A. McNiel has brought from Pulvon, west coast of Nicaragua, similar larvae, belonging to a species very closely Fig. 614. 620 NEUROPTERA. allied to that described above. They differ in being a little larger and more hairy. The case is similar, though with a rough exterior. The pupa (Fig. 614, a, antennjB, curved back behind the eyes ; I, labrum ; m, mandibles ; mp^ maxillary palpi ; w;, wings) of this Nicuraguan larva is curved in a slightlj-' spiral manner, the antennae are curved over and behind the 3yes, reaching to the seventh abdominal ring ; the maxillary- palpi are laid backwards on the side of the thorax, and the labial palpi lie between them, though diverging from each other. The wings are pressed to the body under the legs, the latter being fringed with long hairs. On the end of the abdomen are tw^o slender tubercles ending in fine hairs, and alike on both sides, the pupa, like the larva, being sj-mmetri- cal throughout. The larvae seem to live in clear water on a sandy bottom, often attached to submerged sticks, unio shells, etc. In Leptocerus the antennae of the males are ex- tremely long ; tibial spurs thus : 2, 2, 2. L. niger Linn, is black, shining, with black hair ; the antennae are black, the basal half annulated with snow-white, while tlie basal joint is reddish ; the feet are luteous, the intermediate ones being snow-white, while the Fig. (>15. anterior wings are steel-blue bhick, and the hind wings blackish. It is found in Europe and the United States. Fig. 615 represents. Dr. Hagen informs me, a case of either this species or L. sepulcliralis Walker, or else a similar species. The larva builds a thin, long, conical, sandy tube supported between two needles of the pine. The specimens figured were found by Rev. E. C. Bolles at Westbrook, Maine. In Setodes the species are snow-white ; the spurs are ar= ranged thus : 0, 2, 2. >S'. Candida Hagen is pale 3'ellow, with the anterior wings snowy white. It occurs in the Southern States. McLachlan states that "some species of Setodes make delicate little tubes, entirely formed of a silky secretion, without any mix- rig. 616. ture of extraneous matters." Fig. 616 repre- sents a tube of a European species of Setodes formed of sand. In Hydropsyclie and allies the ocelli are three in number, or ■entirel}' wanting, while the last division of the maxillary palpi PHRYGANEIDiE. 621 Is verj' long, filiform and multiarticulate. In Ihjdropsyche the spurs are arranged thus : 2, 4, 4. The antenna? are rather long and slender, the ocelli are absent, and the intermediate feet of the female are dilated. H. scalaris Hagen is black gray, with white hairs, and the antennas are yellowish, and obliquely striated with black at the base ; the fii'st joint is covered with snow-white hairs. Philojwtamus has three ocelli, and the tibial spurs are arranged thus : 2, 4, 4. In Rhyacophila the maxillary palpi have the last joint entire, straight, shorter than the rest ; while there are three ocelli, and the tibial spurs are arranged thus : 3, 4, 4. R. fuscula Walker is rust-red, with some black hairs and a subfuscous spot on each side of the thorax. It comes from Hudson's Ba3\ Another curious Neuropterous insect found in the iron-stone concretions of Morris, 111., is the Megatlientomum pustulatum of Scudder (Fig. 617, natural size), described and figured by him in the "Pala;on- tology of the Illinois State Geological Sur- vey." "The fragment represents a wing (ap- parently an upper one) of a Neuropterous in" sect. It is gigantic in size, very broad, with distant nervures, sim- ple infrequent divarica- tions, and in the outer half of the wing, which alone is presented, a Fig. 617 cross neuration, composed solely of most delicate and irregu- lar veinlets. The wing is also furnished with a great number of larger and smaller discolored spots, the surfaces of the larger ones irregularly elevated." Mr. Scudder thinks the wing is allied to that of Coniopterj'x, adding ' ' it appears to belong to a family hitherto undescribed. I do not know of a single insect, li^^ng or fossil, which approaches it in the struc- ture of the wingrs." ■622 THYSANURA. THYSANURA. The Thysanura are wingless, and undergo no metaraor- phosiSo There is a great range in the degree of complexity of structure from Lepisma, the latter resembling a larva! Perla or Blatta, to Anura. The higher group, or bristle-tails, which we may call Cinura, comprises the families Lepismatidm and Campodem. Lubbock has ap[)lied the term Collemhola to the Poduridoe and Smynthuridw, in allusion to the sucker-like organ situated at the base of the abdomen. The Cimcra are characterized by their well-developed mouth-parts, abdominal feet and bristles or cerci, and the Collembola by their spring {elater), its holder {tenaculum, Fig. GlVrt), as well as the sucker or collophore, as it may be termed ; by the rudimentary moixth- parts and by their diminutive size. — ^F^'eiTa' These interesting small, wingless forms also afford a pas- sage from the true winged insects to the Myriopods. Scolo- pendrella being a connecting link, having the head and antennre of Campodea, and the abdominal legs of the Myriopods. Even the place of abdominal legs in Lepisma is supplied by the rows of small stylets which prop up the long slender abdomen. Lepismatid^ Burmeister. Bristle-tails. These agile crea- tures, which are revealed by turning over stones and sticks in damp situations, and are often seen about houses, have a long flattened body, with metallic scales, in form somewhat like those of butterflies. The antennse are very long, setiform, many-jointed ; the mouth-parts are free, with long palpi ; the maxillary palpi being seven-jointed and the labial palpi four- jointed. The mandibles are stout, sunken in the head, and armed with teeth for gnawing. The prothorax is verj^ large, and all the rings of the body are of much the same size, so that the insect bears a general resemblance to the Mj'riapods. The anal stylets are long and large, which with the smaller CAMPODEiE. G23 ones inserted on the subterminal rings of tlie abdomen aid greatly in locomotion, though these insects run with great ra- pidity and do not leap like the Poduriclce, and thus remind lis, as well as in their general appearance, of certain wingless cockroaches. In Lepisma (Fig. 618, L. 4-ser2a. ?H'ra7("s Nicolet, M we have found in summer resting on the Vl'!!l leaves of the Clematis. The Lejiidoa/rtiis al- binos Nic. (Fig. 620) is a minute pearly white species found in Europe ; its scales (Fig. 621) are thin and with distinct markings. Smynthurus is short, differing greatly in form from Podura, and bears a striking resemblance to the larva of Coniopteryx. The body is short, nearly spherical, and 40 Fig. 621. 626 ARACHNIDA. in its form approaches the spiders, as noticed by Latreille. The foiu-juinted untennne are long and elbowed, while there are eight simple e^-es on each side of the head. The species are found on the leaves of garden plants. In Pajnrias of Lubbock, the antennae are said to be " four-jointed, but with- out a well marked elbow, and with a short terminal segment, offering the appearance of being many-jointed. * SUB-CLASS II. ARACIIXIDA. The t3-pical forms of this order have the bodj^ divided intc two regions, the head-thorax (cephalothorax) and abdomen. The head is sometimes quite distinct, but is generally sunken into the thorax, which bears four pairs of legs, while the abdo- men has no organs of locomotion, though the abdomen is pro- vided with three pairs of jointed appendages (the sjiinnei-ets) , which are, however, homologous with the legs. The metamor- phosis is ver}' incomplete in the lower forms, while in the spiders there is none at all after the animal leaves the egg. The head is without antennae, or compound eyes. The order shows some analogy with certain Dipterous insects, especi- ally w^hen compared with the wingless Chioneaand Nycteribia, and its lowest forms (certain mites) bear a close resemblance to some of the lower Crustacea, as the 3'oung stages and em- bryonic development are remarkabl}' similar. The typical forms of tlie order homologize too closely- with the apterous insects to allow them to be separated as a distinct class, ^\'e shall see below that the rank here assigned to the group ac- cords well with their anatomical characters and habits. In some genera there is a decided line of demarcation between the head and the thorax, which is, however, Aery distinct during embryonic life, and we do not percei\e that gradual transition from mouth-parts to swimming legs which obtains in the Crustacea. The order, however, has much lower, more degraded forms than the Myriopods even, as the genus Demodex testifies, w)iich may recall readily certain intestinal worms. This we would consider as but an example * Explanation of Plate 10. — Fig. 1, Lepisma saccharina Liun?; Fig. 2, 3 Degeeria flavocincta Pack. ; Fig. 4, 5, D. purpurascens Pack. ; Fig. 6, 7, Isotonn pluiiibca Pack.; Fig. 8, i), MacUUis variabilis Say. PI 10 THYSANURA ARACHNID A. G27 of what often occurs among all degraded forms, of a recur- rence to the archet3-pal form of the articulate type, and not for this reason, as some authors have done, would we place the Arachnids of Latreille in a class by themselves, below the MjTiapods ; nor on recurring to the spiders alone, Avith their high organization and wonderful instincts, would we follow Professor Owen and others in placing them even above the true insects. We must look upon the Spider as a hexapodous insect, de- graded, wingless, and partially- deceplicdized. A i)art of the elements, constituting the head in insects, have been, as it were, withheld from the head and detained in the thorax, which has thus an increase in one pair of limbs. On the other hand, the sensorial, or pre-oral, region of the head, is wanting in two most important members, i. e., the compound eyes and the an- tennae. Both Zaddach and Claparede state that there are no organs in the spiders homologous with the antennae of insects. The simple fact that the homology of the organs generall}- is so close between the two groups shows that the}- must fr.ll into the same class. The same can be said of the Myriapods. The circulatory sj^stem is very perfect in the spiders and scorpions, but in most of the lower mites there is no dorsal vessel, or vascular sj-stem at all, the fluids being supposed to circulate in the general cavitj^ of the bod}^, "and by the aid of the muscular movements and the contractions of the intesti- nal canal, transferred in an irregular manner hither and thither in the visceral cavity and in the extremities." (Siebold.) In the Phalangiclce there is a distinct, thi"ee-chambered dorsal vessel, or heart. In the spiders and scorpions, however, the vascular system is highl}^ organized, as shown bj^ Newport (in the Scorpions), and Claparede (in Lj^cosa). Here then, is, as in Sphinx, a dorsal and ventral vessel with lateral veins, or ve^ nous sinuses, performing the functions of true veins. The main dorsal vessel is mostly situate in the abdomen, as the lungs have their seat in that region, where the most important respi- ratory function, that of supph'ing the blood with fresh ox^^gen, is performed. Claparede has shown that in Lycosa the blood flows through the dorsal vessel from the head, instead of towards the head, as in the six-footed insects. 628 ARACHNID A. The nervous system consists of a small brain, a group of thoracic ganglia and a few abdominal ganglia, which, however, are aborted in the spiders. The cerebral ganglia, or brain, lie just above the oesophagus, and send down two cords embrac- ing the throat, and also distribute nerves to the ocelli and mouth-parts. In the mites (Acarina), where the body is oval, and not divided into the two distinct regions, there is no brain, and but a single ganglion lodged in the abdomen, from which are distributed the nerves supplying the head and the peripheral parts. In the spiders the brain is of considerable size, and the thoracic ganglia or " suboesophageal ganglia," are large, send- ing off on each side four large pi'ocesses from which proceed the nerves supplying the feet. In the scorpion (Pedipalpi) the nervous system is still more highly organized. The brain is not large ; it is composed of the two spherical superoesopha- geal ganglia fused together, sending off the usual nerves to the mouth-parts. This brain- like organ is connected by two filaments with the ventral gan- glionic mass, formed by the probable union of several gan- glia, and situated in the middle of the false cephalothorax. The continuation of the nervous cord consists of seven abdominal ganglia, with the commissures united into a single cord. The maxillary palpi, functional!}^, take the place of antennae, showing how one organ may perform the office of another in a different group of animals. It is also evident that the spider combines in the same organ the senses of taste, smell and feel- ing, which are supposed in insects to reside in the two pairs of palpi and the antennoe. Mygale and Scorpio stridulate. The alimentary canal is formed, according to Siebold, on two types. In the mites and spiders, the stomach is produced lat- Fig. 622. ARACHNIDA. 629 <;rall3' iuto large coecal appendages (Fig. 622, alimentary canal of Tegenaria civilis ; «, stouuich, with c(Kca ; c, liver ; a, renal organ; e, fat bod}'), and tlien passes into a short, small intes- tine, going straight to the end of the body. In the Pedipalpea (Phrynidie and Scorpions) the intestinal eanal is more simple, not liaving any coecal dilatations to the very small stomach. The salivary glands are often of large size, especially in Ixodes, and are thus adapted to their blood-sucking habits, much saliva being needed to mix with their food. In the spiders and scorpions the liver is well developed and distinct from the intestinal tube, being in the spiders a brown or dirty yellow mass filling a large part of the abdominal cavit}' and enveloping most of the other viscera. As during the growth of the young spider the head is thrown back on top of the thorax to which it is thus most closely uni- ted, it follows that the simple ej'es, from two to twelve in number, are situated on the npper surface of the cephalo- thorax, while no other sensory organs, i.e., the compound eyes and antenn?e, are ever developed. Thus in the adult spider the mandibles seem to be pushed far in front of the ocelli, and to occup}' what is originally the proper or normal site of the ocelli, and in insects of the antenni\3, which no doubt has led most authors to homologize them with the antenna? of hexa- podous insects. Claparede says "all the appendages are post- oral, hence there are no organs homologous with the antenna?." Thus the mouth-opening is Ijrought far forward ; it is flanked on each side by a mandible (Plate 10, fig. 3, c, a, movable claw, or fang), a large, powerful limb, which does not move horizontally but vertically ; behind are the large, well developed maxilloe (Plate 10, fig. 2, & ; 7, maxillary palpus ; 8, male palpus), Avith, their long, leg-like palpus. Thus the function of the inscctean anteunai must, in the spiders, reside in the maxillary palpi. Claparkle's researches on the embryology of the spiders and mites have demonstrated that the front pair of legs of Arach- nids are homohjgous with the labial palpi of insects, which, as we have previously stated (p. 59), in the latter, are late in embryonic life thrown forwards, and associated with the max- illae and other mouth-parts, while in the Arachnids the}- retain •their embryonic position and are grouped with the legs (see 630 ARACHNIDA. fig. 59, 4) and are usually of the same form. Thus one cepha- lic segment of insects is permanently retained in the thorax among the Arachnids, whereas we liave seen in the embr}'© of the dragon-fly (Figs. 59, 61, 4) it assumes an intermediate position between the head and thorax, the remaining anterior part of the head being clearly separated bj' a deep suture. In Fig. 59, we see the labial palpi (4) grouped with the three pairs of legs ; a position permanent in the Arachnida. The dragon= fly, at the period represented b}' Fig. 59, p. 57, may be legiti- mately compared with the scorpion, especially Cyclopthalmus, from the coal measures. While, as Blackwall states, nothing is known with certainty concerning the organs of smell and hearing in spiders, Mr. R. Beck " suggests that spiders are capable of distinguishing sounds to some extent by means of ver}^ delicate waving hairs which are found on the upper surfaces of their legs. During life they move at their peculiarly cup-shaped bases, with the least motion of the atmosphere, but are immovable after death. It is well known that sound is due to vibrations which are generally conve3'ed by undulations of the air ; now I am perfectly satisfied that if these undulations are of a certain character the hairs I am alluding to, upon the spider's leg, will move, and I wish you particularly to notice that they are of different lengths, so that some might move whilst others would not, and also that the longest is at the extremity of the leg, and therefore can receive an undulation which might die away higher up. I may just mention that there is a group of these peculiar hairs on the flea. The legs of a spider are most sen- sitive organs of feeling, if they do not also embrace those of hearing." (Entomologist, London, 1866, iii, p. 246.) The four thoracic feet have seven joints, and it is probable that the two basal joints homologize with the coxa and tro- chantine of insects, in which the two joints are retracted, side by side, and closely fused together. The tergal part of the thoracic segments is large, overlapping the pleural, while the sternum is a rather large, broad breast-plate. The abdomen is generall}^ somewhat spherical, and in but few instances is it drawn out and the rings well developed, as in the scorpion* In the mites it is fused closely with the cephalothorax. ARACHNIDA. G31 In the genus Hersilla we see clearly that the three pah-s of spinnerets are but modilied legs. The second and inner pair are generally the smallest, while the third and largest pair are the most posterior. Tlieir ofhce is to reel out the silk from the silk-glands. The tip of the articulated spinnerets ends in a cone, perforated by myriads of little tubes (over 1,000 in Epeira, about 300 in Lycosa, and a less number in the smaller species) through which the silk escapes in excessivelj' delicate threads, which unite to form the common thread visible to the naked eye. (Plate 10, fig. 4, spinnerets of E[)eVra vulgaris en- larged twenty-five diameters ; fig. 5, a spinning tu-be.) The Acarina are supposed to have glands analogous to the silk glands, whose product, like silk, hardens on exposure to the air, and b}' which certain parasitic genera, such as Uro- poda, fix themselves solidly to their host. Siebold states also, that " many species of Ilydrachna fix, by a kind of glue, the anterior portion of their bod}- on aquatic plants, and in this position await the completion of tlieir moulting. The organs secreting this substance have not yet been discovered. It is well known that the European Tetranychus telarius spins large webs on the leaves of trees and on house-plants. The reproductive system is much as described in insects, ex- cept that the external appendages are rarely developed in either sex. The genital armor is situated at the base of the abdomen ; it is concealed when present under the skin. In the Acarina the two ovaries open on the middle of the abdomen, or on the under side of the thorax, either between or behind the last pair of legs. In Ilydrachna the oviduct opens into an ovipositor by which the insect is enabled to lay its eggs under the skin of the fresh-water mussel on which \t is parasitic, and other mites oviposit in a similar way under the epidermis of plants. In most spiders the two ovaries have their outlet in an ori- See situated between the two lung-sacs. They have a distinct receptaculum seminis, especiall}- marked in Epeira. "The Scorpionidci} have three ovaries, consisting of as man}' lon- gitudinal ones, united ])y four pairs of transverse ones." The outar two of the former are oviducts, leading out at the base of the abdomen. 632 AKACHNIDA. The testes of Ixodes consist of four or five pairs of !:nequa'. follicles, opening out near the base of the abdomen." The males are distinguished from the females by their larger "cheli= ceres" (maxillary palpi) and larger pair of clasping legs. In the spiders the testes are "two long, simple, interlaced caeca, concealed beneath the hepatic lobes," which lead by two def- erent canals to the base of the abdomen, through a simple fissure, which, however, is not applied to the vulva. The com- plicated hollow spoon-shaped palpi are supposed to be the in- tromittent organs. "They are filled with sperm and applied to the entrance of the vulva. For this purpose the last joint of the palpi, which is always hollow and much enlarged, contains a soft spiral body, terminated by a curved, gutter-like, horny process. Beside this there is an arched, horny filament, and several hooks and other appendages of the most varied forms. These appendages are protractile and serve, some to seize the female, and others as conductors of the sperm." (Siebold.) While the majority of the Arachnida are developed as usual after the laying of the eggs, a few, such as the scorpions and Orihatidcti and other mites, are known to be viviparous, and it is probable that an alternation of generations occurs in some of the lower mites. The Tardigrades are hermaphro- dites. The Arachnida breathe both by tracheae and lung-like organs. The mites, the false scorpions, the harvest-men and Solpu- gidcB are provided with tracheae, communicating externally by means of spiracles, generally two in number, and concealed between the anterior feet. In Hydrachna, which lives con- stantly beneath the water, the tracheae "possess probably, the power to extract from the water, the air necessary for respira- tion." (Siebold.) In the false scorpions a pair of lateral stig= mata are situated on each of the two basal rings of the abdomen. From these spring "four short, but large trachean trunks from which arise numerous unbranched tracheae spread- ing through the entire body." In the So Ipiig idee there are three pairs of stigmata and the tracheae ramify and are distrib- buted much as in insects, and in the Phalangidm the tra- eheary sj-stem is well de\'eloped, arising from tAvo stigmata 9pening between the insertion of the posterior legs. ARACHNIDA. G33 In most of the spiders (such as Segestria, Dysdera and Ar- g3'roiieta) there are botli a tracheary system and kings. The two stigmata, from wliich these traclieaj lead, open near the pulmonary opening. In two otlier genera, Salticus and Micro* phantes, there are two stigmata situated at the posterior end of the abdomen. Siebold calls attention to a tracheary system in many Araneaj opening by a transverse fissure placed near the spinnerets. From this opening a main trunk leads in, soon dividing into four simple tracheae, which are not round as usual, "but are flattened, riband-like, and without the trace of a spiral filament ; these extend, with a gradual attenuation, to the base of the abdomen. . . . The air received into these organs is separated into as fine portions as tliat of the lungs.* The so called lungs of the spiders are little round sacs open- ing by transverse fissures on the under side of the base of the abdomen. The inner surface is divided into thin lamellae, ■connected together like the leaves of a book. Each of these is formed by a membranous fold, between the two leaves of which the air enters from the general cavity of the lung, and is divided into very minute portions. No traces of blood ves- sels have been found in these pulmonary lamellae." (Siebold.) Among the organs of special secretion the poison and silk glands require description. There are two ;;^>cison glands ■emptying into the throat, and thence opening out through hol- lows in the jaws. (Plate 10, fig. 3, a, b.) In the scorpion the poison gland is lodged in the last abdominal segment at the base of the sting. The silk, as contained in the glands, is a viscid transparent fluid, which on exposure to the air hardens into silk ; it is drawn out by the legs through three, rarely two pairs of spinnerets. There are usually five of these glands lodged in the abdomen, and the '"threads probably have different qualities, according to the glands from w^hich they are secreted." (Siebold.) " To form the thread this liquid is drawn through the tubes, * According to Dr. Burnett, Blancliarrl regarrls these anomalous tracheae as only elongated pulmonary sacs. Leuckart, however, considers that these organs are only a sort of trachea; deprived of the usual spiral filament to keep their walls from collapsing, and he considers that the pulmonary sacs of the spider are sim- ply modified tracheaj. — Dr. IF. I. Burnett's Translation of Siebolds's Anatomy oj the Invertebrata. 634 ARACHNIDA. which divide it into such small fibres that it dries almost im» mediately on coming in contact with the air. The spider has the power of uniting these fibres into one or several threads, according to the purpose for which they are to be used. The thread commonly used for the web is composed of hundreds of simple fibres, each spun through a separate tube. As the thi'ead runs from the bod^^ it is guided by the hind feet, w hich hold it off' from contact with surrounding objects, until the desired point is reached, when a touch of the spinners fastens it securely." (Emerton, American Naturalist, ii, p. 478.) The eggs are laid but once a j^ear in June. The evolution of the embrj'o begins immediately, and goes on with a rapidity according with the temperature. The egg consists, as Herold observed, simply of a vitelline membrane, but no chorion ; it is perfectly homogeneous, and has no microi)yle. The contents are an emulsion of fatty globules suspended in a scanty amount of liquid, which should not be confounded with the al- bumen (or white) of the eggs of vertebrates. No trace of the "germinative vesicle" has as yet been traced in the eggs of insects, though perhaps it has been overlooked from its trans* parency. The first stages in the egg after the}' are laid, are the follow- ing : at the surface of the vitellus appear, here and there, small, very clear and perfectly circular spots ; they are the nucleus of the future blastoderm (primitive skin, from which the organs of the embryo successive!}^ originate or "bud" out). These nuclei act as centres of attraction on the mole- cules of the vitellus for the formation of the cellules. The unmodified vitellus diminishes in the same proportion as the peripheric la^^er of granules increases. The granules multiply rapidly, and soon the surface of the egg appears to be divided into a certain number of areas, each of which is occupied iu the centre by a circular and transparent space surrounded with small opake granules, which become less and less dense as we go to the outer surface. These hexagonal cellules form an uni- form layer over the entire surface of the egg ; it is the blasto- derm. Up to this time the changes precisely accord with those observed in the hexapodous insects. The next stage is the formation of A^entral tubercles, the ru- ARACHNIDA. G35 diments of the limbs of the embryo. The first change is the formation of the "primitive strealv," or the splitting of the blastoderm, which is due to a local multiplication of the cel- lules along the median line of the egg. These tubercles result from a simple thickening of the blas- toderm, and what is ultimately destined to be the back (tergiini) • of the animal, arises from a similar thickening of the blastO' derm, which he calls the "primitive cumulus." This mass, easily distinguished by its whiteness, always floats on the top of the yolk of the egg, keeping its position next the eye of the observer. The " cumulus," at first almost hemispherical, elongates over the surface of the blastoderm, becoming pyri- form. This region is the posterior, or anal, pole of the egg. Fig. 624. Fig. 623. Fig. 625. We see the "cumulus" spreading from the anal pole over the surface like a veil, but it is less white than the polar region. This veil continues to spread over the entire surface to a pole opposing the anal, which Claparede terms the cephalic pole Each pole forms a very prominent projection. At this stage the body of the embryo becomes well marked and subdivided, worm-like, into rings. (Fig. 623.) The extent of the dorsal region is greatly limited, while that of the ventral side is gi'eatly increased. The entire ventral region, occupying most of the whole egg, is homologous with the primitive ventral streak. It is at this time that the formation of the protozoonites (elemental rings. 636 ARACHNIDA. or primordial segments) takes place. Six of these zones or segments arise between the cephalic and anal poles ; these zones represent the ventral arcs. The two anterior rings bear the mouth-parts, the mandibles and maxillae ; while the others form rings corresponding to the four pair of feet. These pro- tozoonites are very transitory, only existing for a short period ; they gradually retreat towards the ventral side, enlarge and nearly touch each other. The embryo (Fig. 624) now grows much longer, and new em- brj'onal segments are formed in the abdomen just as they grow out in the worms, ancLMyriapods, and also in the Crustacea, ac- cording to Rathke's researches. Thus while the cephalothora- cic riugs appear simultaneously the abdominal segments appear one after the other. The first one appears between the last tho- racic ring and tlie anal " hood," or pole. Meanwhile the lateral extremities of the protozoonites have become enlarged ; these enlargements form the appendages. These tubercles, or rudi- mentary limbs, appear on the abdominal as well as on the tho- racic rings (Fig. 625). This fact is one of great interest, as showing a resemblance to the Crustacean with its abdominal legs, and more especially to the abdominal footed M^a-iapods, and the larvae of many true six-footed insects. Thus the young spider is at first like a caterpillar, haAing "false," de- ciduous, abdominal legs. Five abdominal rings are present in Pholcus. Next follows the development of the "post-abdomen," or tail, which being differentiated from the anal pole or "hood," becomes detached from the yolk mass, and is folded back upon the embryo, just as the abdomen of a crab is folded in an op- posite way to the ventral side of the body.* This "post-abdomen," after dividing into three segments, disappears completely during the growth of the embryo. This is the more interesting, as the "post-abdomen" of the scor- pion is retained permanently. Meanwhile the two cephalic *Aiid in like manner the ceplialio, lobes, containing the ocelli, are seen in the author's figures folded back upon the base of the head, so that the antennae are never developed, and the mandibles of the spider take their place, in advance of the eyes. Tne stnicture and succession of the rings of the insectean head are most readily exnlained, and some clue is given to their number and succession by comparison witli the embryo of spiders. ARACHNIDA. 637 lobes have developed, and the blastoderm has divided into a dermal, or outer layer, and a muscular, or inner layer of cells. The outer layer forms the chitinous body-wall, or crusty while from the inner layer are developed the digestive, vascu- lar and other organs besides the muscles. After the rudiments of the appendages are formed the epi- mera appear. At this period we are struck with the perfect identity between all the appendages of the body at their ftrst origin. In the Arachnida the formation of the primitive seg- ments takes place much sooner than in most other articulates, where they often do not appear until after the rudiments of the limbs are developed. Another characteristic of the evolution of the spiders is the tardy appearance of the rudiments of the legs. The ven- tral arcs, or protozoonites, subdivide into ventral and pleural parts, which signalize the formation of the permanent rings of the body. The author's figures and statement show, though he does not state the fact clearly, that development progresses from each end of the body towards the centre, as we have shown* to be the case in insects. Thus the posterior half of the body repeats the mode of development and general form of the anterior, or cephalic pole. The third period in the life of the embryo dates from the forma- tion of the ventral rudiments to the exclusion of the spider. The fii'st change consists in the lengthening and meeting of the rudimentary legs. The mouth-parts develop first. At this period the limb-bearing (pleural) region of the body separates and the sternal piece or breast-plate appears as a "slower, later formation." Now the thoracic legs grow much more rapidly than the mouth-parts and lie interlocked npon the breast. (Fig. 626, j) When the first pair of legs are Fisr. 626. ♦Proceedings Boston Society of Natural Histoi-y, Feb. 7, 1866. tFlG. 626, OT, maudibles; mx, maxillae; I, fourth pair of legs; p, postabdomen. 638 ARACHNIDA. long enough to cross each other the jointed structure of the limbs disappears, and they soon become divided into their usual number of joints, though the tarsal joints are the last to be perfected. At this time the maxillte become differentiated, or split up, into the basal lobe and its appendage, or palpus. Claparede compares the basal lobe to the coxa of the legs, though it is formed long before the coxae of the feet them selves. The anterior pair of appendages form the mandibles. The formation of the head is next in order. The "cephalic lobe" is divided into what the author calls two "procephalic lobes," separated by a deep incision, and at this period the head appears very distinct from the thorax. Afterwards the anterior or ante-oral part of the head is, as in the case of the "post-abdomen," folded back on the top, and then closely sol- dered to the thorax, thus forming the so called "cephalo- thorax." These procephalic lobes are separated by a third lobe or "triangular plate" which grows up between them, forming the epichile. The mouth first appears as a longitu- dinal furrow in this triangle, the posterior border of which becomes the so called labium ("glossoide" of Latreille). The labium thus originates in the spiders in an entirely different way from the appendages, and is not formed, as Brulle sup- posed, by the soldering of the maxillae, hence we shall adopt Latreille's term "glossoide" for this piece. The two procephalic lobes afterwards unite, and are soldered together on the median line, to form the anterior face of the head. This approach takes place from above, over the buccal frame (epichile). The mandibles are thus in advance of the mouth, though primitively behind it. "The head is then in the embryo of the spider very distinct from the thorax. Only towards the end of embryonic life does the soldering of the ' cranium ' and of the prothorax become so intimate that their limits become indistinct. It Is only from this moment that there exists a true cephalothorax." (Claparede.) Towai'ds the end of embryonic life the simple eyes appear, arising from four little furrows, called the "ophthalmic fur- rows." They are colored by the deposition of a small quantity of pigment. They appear at an earlier period in the Acarina. Formation of the heart and viscera. After the walls of the AKACHNIDA. ^39 body and its appendaojes have been formed the dorsal vessel appears. It is Ibrnied thus : when the division of the blasto- derm into its muscular and outer layers takes place the cells multiply and are heaped up along the median line of the body, so as to form a sort of cordon (cord), not only in the abdomil nal, but in the thoracic region of the body. The vessel prob- ably originates in the spaces between the colls, but the author has been unable to trace either its origin or that of the blood- corpuscles. But the rudimentary heart soon presents rhyth- mic pulsations, and in the limbs we see the arteries filled with a homogeneous fluid, in which can be detected the pres- ence of small corpuscles, moving by impulses synchronous with the systole of the dorsal vessel, showing that this fluid is the blood. The heart already presents several dilatations (cham- bers) corresponding to the abdominal segments. The nervous system does not appear to be formed when the embryo assumes the ventral instead of the dorsal position The digestive system is very rudimentary when the embryo quits the egg. The alimentary canal is probably hollowed out of the middle of the vitelline mass, being a membranous tube formed around the remaining yolk mass. The hings and spin- nerets are well formed when the embryo is hatched, while the eyes appear later. The same processes of development go on in the scorpions, the "post-abdomen" of the Araneina (>vhich we have seen folded back on the base of the abdomen and finally to disap- pear) m them being retained, forming the long, articulated _ tail ; thus the distinction into abdomen and post-abdomen IS very artificial as the two parts merge into each other, especi- ally in Solpuga, Chelifer and Phrynus. In the mites the arrest of development is still more marked as the three regions of the body are in the adult not diff-eren- tiated, and the entire body assumes an oval form, the abdomi. nal parts being short, thus strikingly resembling the embryo figures ""''^ *^' '^'''^''' ^'"'^'^"^' ^' «^^" "^ Claparede's In the Acarina there is a true metamorphosis, the larvae of some forms when first hatched being worm-like ; then there is an oval stage when the young mite has but thi-ee pairs of 640 ARACHNroA. feet (though in others at this stage there are four pairs), and after another moulting the fourth pair of limbs appear. The young mite is analogous to the "Nauplius" stage of many low Crustacea. Claparede* has observed in Atax Bonzi, which is a parasite on the gills of fresh- water mussels, that out of the origin all v laid egg (Plate 1 1 fig. 3, embryo of Atax Bonzi ; ?c, head-plate ; ag, infolding of the belly ; dm, intermediate skin ; mo, outer shell of the egg; md, mandibles; mx, maxillse; p^-p', legs; vt, yolk. Fig. 4, front view of the same) ; not a larva, but an egg-shaped form hatches, which he calls a "deutovum."^ (PI. 11 fig. 1, bursting of the egg-shell into two halves, wo, on the day that the deutovura, dm, hatches out ; md, mandibles ; mx, maxillae ; p^, third pair of legs ; Ih, bod}^ cavity ; sj), com- mon beginning of the alimentary canal and nervous sj'stem ; amb, hsemaboeba, amoeba-like bodies, which represent the blood corpuscles ; there being no circulation of the blood, the move- ments of the haemaboBba constitute a vicarious circulation. Fig. 2, the deutovum free from the first egg-shell ; lettering same as in Fig. 1, oc, rudiments of the simple eyes ; r, beak; h, h', rudimentary stomach and liver). From this deutovum (which is not the "amnion" of insects) is developed a six- footed larva. This larva passes into an eight-footed form, the "second larva," (the "nymph" or pupa, of Dujardin and Robin) which transforms into the adult mite. The pupa dif- fers from the adult in having longer feet, and four instead of ten genital cups, the latter being the usual number in the adult. The larvae are elongated oval, with six long legs and four ocelli. They swarm for a short time over the gills of the mus- sel they are living on and then bore into the substance of the gill to undergo their next transformation. Here the young mite increases in size and becomes rouud. The tissues soften, those of the different organs not being so well marked as in the first larval stage. The limbs are short and much larger * The development of spiders and of the Arachnids generally, has been traced "by Rathke, Herokl, and more especially by Claparede, in a work of great ability, from which we liave drawn tlie preceding account, often using the author's own words. His observations were made on various genera of spiders (Pholcus, etc.) His "Studies on Mites," from which Plate J 1 is copied, appeared in Siebold's and KoUiker's Journal of Scientific Zoology, 18G8, part i'' PLATE 11 METAMORPHOSTS OF M-rTES*. ARACIINIDA. Gil tmm before, the whole animal assuming an enibiyo-like appear- ance, and moving about like a rounded mass in its enclosure. Indeed is this process not (though Claparede does not say so) a histolysis of the former larval tissues, and the formation of a new body, as in the change of the six-footed insect beneath the larva skin, where the pupa is formed ? A new set of limbs grow out, this time there being four instead of three pairs of legs, Avhile the old larval skin is still embraced within the membrane containing the second larval rounded mass. Soon the body is perfected, and the pupa, as we may properly call it, slips out of the larval membrane. The "second larva" after some time undergoes another change ; the limbs grow much shorter and are folded beneath the body, the animal being immovable, while the whole body assumes a broadly ovate form, and looks like an embrj^o just before hatching, but still lying within the egg. This may also be comparable with the formation of the adult fly within the puparium. (Compare Weisraann's account of this process in Musca, pp. 63, 64.) This period seems to be an exact repeti- tion of the histolysis, and the formation of new tissues for the building up of a new bodj' which preceded the pupal stage, while the adult mite slips out of its pupal membrane just as the pupa threw off its larval membrane. This process, again,- ma}' be compared to an adult butterfly, or fl}^, emerging from its pupal membrane. Thus the mites, at least several species, pass through a series of metamorphoses similar to those of such insects as have a complete metamorphosis (except that the Acarian pupa is active), while the absence of such a metamorphosis in the spiders is paralleled by the incomplete metamorphosis of the Orthoptera and man}' Neuroptera, which reach adult life by simple moultings of the skin. In the genus Myobia there is not onlj^ a deutovum, besides the original egg, but also a tritovnm-stage. The eggs of this mite are long, oval and conical at the posterior end. The em- brj^o, with the rudiments of limbs, is represented b}' Fig. 5 of Plate 11. The little tubercles md and mx, represent the man- dibles and maxillae, while the three pair of legs, p^-p^, bud out from the middle of the body ; Ic represents the head-plate^ 41 642 ARACHNIDA. The maxillge and mandibles finally unite to form a beak (r Fig. 6) and the three pairs of feet {p^-p^) are folded along the median line of the bod}'. The farther development of the embrj'o is now for a time arrested, and a peculiar tooth-like process (Fig, 7, d) is developed. Claparede thinks that by means of this the anterior end of the egg-shell is cut off, and the erabr3'o protrudes through, when, as in Fig, 7, it is seen to be surrounded b}' a new membrane, the deutovum (c?f), equivalent to that of Atax. The front pair of legs {p') have grown larger and stand out in front and on each side of the beak (r). The growing embryo again forces off the anterior end of its deutovum, and the oval end of the egg protrudes through, and is surrounded b}' another membrane. This is the tritovmn. The embryo is now surrounded b}' the membrane of tlie tritovum, and also hy the deutovular membrane and the original egg-shell, the last two having lost a small portion of their anterior ends. During the tritovam-stage the fore pair of feet become curved in like claws, and the beak sinks down into the body. Now the six-footed larva (Fig. 8) breaks through the shell and closely resembles the adult (Plate 11. fig. 9). The first pair of feet, modified for grasping the hairs of the field-mouse, on whicli it is a parasite, take the place of the maxillte, which have been arrested in their development, and the mandibles {pr) assume a style-like form. After one or more moultings of the skin a fourth pair of feet {p*) are acquired, and the adult form results, which the author considers as the type of a new familj' of Acarina, Claparede also suggests the aflflnitj' of Myobia to the Tardigrades (Echiniscus and Lydella), especially from the study of the structure of the style-like mandibles and their supports, "\Ye feel convinced, after examining Clapa- I'ede's figures and descriptions that this comparison is \exy significant, and this has led us to consider the Tardigrades as a family of true mites, related to Myobia and Demodex. A Freuch naturalist, C. Robin, has recently observed in cer- tain bird sarcoptids, to which the parasite of the Downy Woodpecker noticed above is allied, ''that the males pass through four, and the females through five stages, indicated as follows : (1) the egg, on issuing from wliioli the animal has the AKACHNIDA. 643 form of (2) a hexapod larva, followed by the stage of (3) octo- pod nymphaj [four-footed pup:x3], without sexual organs. (4) From some of these nymph* issue : a, sexual males, after a moult which is final for them ; 6, from others issue females without external sexual organs, resembling the nympluB, but larger, and in some species furnished with special copulatory organs. Finally, after a last moult following copulation, these females produce (5) the sexual and fecundated females, which do not copulate, and in the ovary of which eggs are to be seen. No moult follows that which produces males or females fur- nished with sexual orgaus ; but previously to this the moults are more numerous than the changes of condition." " The larvae undergo from two to three moults before passing to the state of nympha?." These latter also undergo two or three moults. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1868, p. 78.) In some other species of mites no males have been found, and the females have been isolated after being hatched, and yet have been known to la^' eggs, which produced 3'oung with- out the interposition of the males. This partlienogenesis has been noticed in several species. But few fossil Arachnids have been yet discovered. Roemer has described a spider from the coal formation of Germany under the name of Proto- l^'cosa, while two species of scorpions, and a Phalangium-like spider have been detected in the same formation in this country. In studying spiders, of which we have several hundred spe- cies, the number and relative situation of the eyes, and the relative length of the different pairs of legs, should be noticed ; their webs and the manner of constructing them ; their habi- tats, whether spreading their webs upon or in the ground, or in trees, or on herbage, or whether the species are aquatic, or erratic, and pursue their prey without building webs to entrap them, should be observed. So, also, how they deposit their eggs, and the form and appearance of the silken nidus, and whether the female bears her eggs about her, ami how this is done, whether holding on to the egg-sac b}- her fore or hind legs, should all be carefully" noticed! Care must be taken not to mistake the young for full-grown, mature species, and de- scribe them as such. Spiders can be reared in boxes as 644 ARACHNIDA. insects. The only way to preserve them is to throw them into alcohol ; when pinned the}^ shrivel up and lose their colors, which keep well in spirits. The colors of spiders vary much at different seasons of the year, especially during the frosts of autumn, Avhen the changes produced are greatest. All spiders are directly beneficial to agriculture b}^ their carnivorous habits, as they all prey upon insects, and do no harm to vegetation. Their instincts are wonderful, and their habits and organization worthy of more study than has yet been paid them in this country We have no species poisonous to man, except when the state of health renders the constitution open to receive injury from their bite, just as mosquitoes and black flies often cause serious harm to some persons. The Arachnids are divided into three groups, or suborders, the Araneina, the Pedipalpi, and the Acarina. AEANEINA. The Spiders are distinguished from other Arachnids by hav- ing mandibles used exclusivelj^ for biting, a spherical, sac-like abdomen, not divided into segments, and attached to the head- thorax by a slender pedicel. The maxillae resemble the tho- racic feet. Tho}^ breathe both by lungs and tracheae, and do not undergo a metamorphosis, the 3'oung on being hatched hav- ing four pairs of legs. The mandibles (Plate 12, fig. 3, fi^ont view, with the eight ocelli above) are vertical and end in a powe-rful hook, in the end of which opens a duct (Plate 12, 3 a, b) connected with the poison gland situated in the head. Tlie maxillae, represented by the so called palpi, though in reality the maxillae themselves, with a flattened coxal lobe at the base (Plate 12, fig. 2, &, palpi of female ; fig. 8, do. of male) are simple in the female, but in the male the terminal joint is enlarged and modified greatly as an accessory genital organ. The cephalothorax is not jointed, and there are usually eight, rarely six, simple e^'cs (ocelli). In the genus Nops from Cuba there are, however, only two, while in certain cave-inhabiting species, according to Menge, ARANEINA. 645 such as the Anthrobia Maininothia of Tollkampf from Mam- moth Cave, and other spiders inhabiting I^luropean caves, there are none. We quote an interesting account of the habits of spiders, especially the mode of spinning their webs, published by Mr. J. H. Emertou in the "American Naturalist" (ii, p. 478), who has studied our native species witli much care. "The feet of spiders are wonderfully adapted for walking on the web. Each foot is furnished with three claws (Plate 12, Fig. 6, a, b, &), the middle one of which (a) is bent over at the end, forming a long finger for clinging to the web, or for guid- ing the thread in spinning.' The outer claws («, e) are curved and toothed like a comb. Opposite the claws are several stiff hairs (o) which are toothed like the claws, and serve as a thumb for the latter to shut against." "When a spider wishes to build a web she usually selects a corner, so that the structure may be attached on several sides. She then runs a few threads along the ol)jects to which the web is fastened, to facilitate her passage from point to point. The web is commenced b}'^ a line or two across the point where the centre is to be, which is not usually' the geometric centre, but nearer the top than the bottom. Radiating lines (Plate 12, fig. 1, b, b, b) are then spun from the centre in all directions. In doing this the spider often crosses from one side of the web to the opposite, so that the finished portion is always tightly drawn, and the tension of the completed web is the same in every part." " Having finished the framework, the spider begins near the ■centre and spins a thread (Fig. 1, c, c, c) spirally, around the web to the circumference, fastening it to each radius as it crosses. The distance between the spirals varies with the size •of the spiders, being about as far as they can reach. This spiral thread serves to keep the parts of the web in place dur- ing the rest of the process, and is removed as fast as the web is finished. It also furnishes a ready means of crossing from one radius to another where they are farthest apart. All the thread spun up to this stage of the process is smooth when dry, and will not adhere if touched with a smooth object." "The spider, having thus formed the web, begins to put in 646 ARANEINA. the final circles at the outside, walking around on the scaffold- ing previously prepared, which she gradually destroys as she proceeds, until in the finished web only a few turns in the cen- tre are left. The thread of the circles last spun is covered with viscid globules, strung upon it like beads at short distances. If an insect comes in contact with the thread, it iijimediately adheres, and its struggles only bring a larger part of its body into contact with the web. Dust and seeds also stick to the web, so that in a single day it is often so clogged as to be of no farther use. The web also becomes torn by the struggles of the prey, and by wind and rain, so that it requires repair or renewal every night. In mending a web the spider usually removes all except the outside threads, biting them off and rolling them into a hard ball between her jaws, so that when released it will drop quickly to the ground. This probably gave rise to the opinion, sometimes advanced, that the old web is eaten by the spider. "When the web is finished she stations herself in the centre, where a small circle is left free of the adhesive threads. Her usual position is head downward, with each foot on one of the radii of the web, and the spinners ready to fasten themselves by a thread at the least alarm. She often remains in her hole with one foot out, and resting on a tight thread connected with the centre of the web, so that any vibration is quickly detected. If the web be gently touched the spider will rush into the cen- tre, and face towards the disturbed part. She will then jerk smartly several of the radii leading in that direction, to see if the intruder is a living animal. If this test is followed by the expected struggle she runs out towards the victim, stepping as little as possible on the adhesive threads, seizes it in her jaws, and as soon as it begins to feel the effects of the bite, envelops it in a silken covering, and hangs it up to suck at her leisure. In spinning this envelope the insect is held and turned around mainly by the short third pair of feet, while a flat band of threads is drawn from the spinners by the hind pair working alternately like the hands in pulling a rope, and wound over it in every direction, so that in a few seconds it is so covered as to be unable to move a limb. When a web is shaken by the wind the spider will sometimes draw in all her feet towards her Plate 12. THE COMMON GARDEN SPIDER. TETRAPNEUMONES. 64t bod}', thereby tightening the web in every direction so that the vibration is prevented. " The construction of nets for catching food is not the only use of tlie thread made b}^ these spiders. They seldom move from place to place without spinning a line after them as they go. They are able by its use to drop safely from any height, and when suspended by it are carried by the wind across wide spaces without any exertion on their part, except to let out the thread. The crevices in which they pass the winter and the leisure hours of summer, are partly lined and enclosed by z coating of silk resembling that used for conlining captured in- sects. The eggs are enclosed in a cocoon of the same mate- rial, and there the young remain until they are strong enough to shift for themselves, growing to neai'ly dou1)le their size without apparent nourishment. "Several hundred j'oung are produced by a single female; but probably it is seldom that one-tenth of this number ever reach adult size. Nearly- all the spiders which we see in webs are females or j-oung. They spend most of their time in the vicinity of their webs, and manj' doubtless pass their lives within a few 3'ards of the place of their birth. The adult males are seldom seen building or occupying webs : they remain con- cealed during the day, and at night wander about from web to web. When 3'ouug there is no obvious difference between the sexes, but as the time for the last moult approaches, the ends of the palpi of the male swell to several times their former size. When the time for the final moult arrives, both sexes retire to their holes and cast off the skins of their entire bodies, even to the claws. This process obliges them to remain con- cealed until the new skin has acquired sufficient slreugth anc firmness, when they again return to their webs. The females still resemble the young, except in size, but the males are distinguished from them by the greater length of their limbs, the diminished size of the posterior half of the body, and the large and complicated joints of the palpi (Plate 12, fig. 8)." Tetrapnecmones Latreille. The large hairj^ species of Mygale differ from other spiders in having four lung-sacs and as many stigmata, and only two pairs of spinnerets, of which (B48 ARANEIXA. one pair is very small, while there are eight ocelli. The differ, ent species make cylindrical holes in the earth ; that of 31. nidulans of the West Indies is closed by a lid of earth covered beneath with silk. Mygale avicularia Linn., the Bird spider, seizes small birds and sucks their blood. M. Hentzii (Fig. 627, natural size) ranges from Missouri southward. DiPNEUMONES Latreille. In the remaining genera of spiders there are two lung-sacs, two or four stigmata, and three pairs Fig. 627. of spinnerets. They are divided into tvro groups, the "Sed° entary" and "Wandering" spiders. The sedentary species have the ocelli usually arranged in two transverse rows ; they spin webs in which they remain and seize their prey. In the DIPNEUMONES. 649 genus Dysdera there are six ocelli, of whicli four lie in the front row ; the cephalothorax is small, long, oval, and the first pair of leo-s are the longest. The species dwell in silken tubes, under stones or in crevices. D. interrita Ilentz is a New En^dand species. In Drassus there are eight ocelli, and the hindermost pair of feet are the longest. Clubione includes those species which have eight ocelli, the four hinder ones, with the two outer ones on the front row, forming almost a semicircle ; the fore legs are the longest. They construct under the bark of trees, under leaves or be- neath stones, tubes of very white silk, from which they make nocturnal expeditions for food. C. fravqvilla Hentz is com- mon in the United States. C. medicinalis AValkenaer has been used as a vesicant. The Water spider of Europe, Argyroneta aqnatica Linn., lives beneath the water, where it makes its nest and cocoon, which is filled with air. The genus Tegenaria lias the ocelli arranged in two slightly curved row's, the third pair of feet are shorter than the others, and the ab- domen is oval. The species are "sedentary, making in Fig. 628. obscure corners a horizontal web, at the upper part of which is a tubular habitation, where the spider remains motionless till some insect be entangled in the threads." (Hentz.) T. medicinalis Hentz is "pale brown, turning to bluish black; cephalothorax with a blackish band on each side ; abdomen varied with black, or plumbeous and brown ; feet varied with blackish." It " is found in every cellar or dark place in the country. For some time the use of its web as a narcotic, in cases of fever, was recommended by manj'' physicians." (Hentz.) Fig. 628 (enlarged) represents T. atrica, a European species. Filistata is a closely allied genus. F. hibemalis Hentz 650 ARANEINA. *' makes a tubular habitation of silk in crevices on old walls or rocks, throwing out an irregular web which is spread on the wall or stone around the aperture. ... In walking it uses the palpi like feet, and these organs are very long, particularly in the male." According to Hentz it is found in South Caro- lina and Alabama. The two genera Pholcus and Theridion belong to Latreille's group, " lucBquitelaj," comprising those forms in which the first pair of limbs are usually the longest. In Pholcus the legs are very long and slender. According to Hentz the species are "sedentary, making in dark corners a very loose web of slender threads, crossed in all directions. The eggs are col- lected together without a .^ilk covering, wliich the mother car- ries with her cheliceres" (maxillary palpi). This genus "b}^ the extreme length of its legs resembles Phalangiura. The species belonging to it ma}- be found in apartments seldom visited, particularly churches and caves. They shake their body when threatened by an enemy, but seem to have very weak means of offence, and to feed on the very smallest prey." P. Atlanticus Hentz inhabits the Southern States. In Theridion the four inner ocelli are larger than the four outer ones, and the first and last pair of limbs are the longest. Hentz states that the species are sedentar}', forming a web made of threads crossed in all directions, while the cocoons are of various shapes. A majority of the species are very small, and their webs made on the tops of weeds, in bushes, or in retired corners, are familiar to every one. T. vidgare Hentz varies "from a cream white to a livid brown, or plum- beous color. The cephalothorax is dull rufous, the abdomen w^ith various undulating lines, and the feet have more or less distinct, dark or plumbeous rings." Hentz says that "there is probably no spider so abundant in the United States. It makes an irregular web in somewhat retired corners, and usu= ally in dark situations, but occasionally also in the open air." It catches large insects and hangs them up to its nest. Hentz says of the T. studiosum which he has described, that "when its web is destroyed it does not abandon its cocoon, which is orbicular and whitish, and is placed in the central part of the web. The mother then grasps it with her cheliceres, and de- DIPNEUMONES. G',{ fends her progeny while life endures. She also takes care of her young, making a tent like that of social caterpillars for their shelter, and remaining near them till they can protect themselves." It occurs in South Carolina and Alabama. Ilentz says of T. verecundum Hentz, a jet black species found in the Southern States, that " it is very common under stones, logs, or clods of earth, where it makes a web, the threads of which are so powerful as to arrest the largest Hymeuopterous insects, such as humble bees. Its bite, if I can rely on the vague description of physicians unac- quainted with ento- mology, is somewhat dangerous, producing alarming nervous dis- orders. "Fig. 629 rep- resents Therklion ri- pariam (lower figure, male ; upper, female, enlarged), of Europe. Epeira is readily known by the large globular abdomen. The species are "sed- entary, forming a web composed of spiral threads crossed by other threads depart- ing from the centre ; they often dwell in a tent constructed above the web ; the cocoons are of various forms. E. vnlgaris llentz (Plate 12, fig. 12) is pale gray, Avith a pitchy black ab- domen, with various winding white marks, and a middle one in the form of a cross. It spins a regular geometrical web, and is almost domesticated, being found about the outside of houses and in gardens. E. domiciliorum Hentz is a gray or brownish species, and is found in dark rooms. The genus Nejoliila comprises large spiders, with long cylin- drical abdomens. N. plumipes (Fig. G30, natural size) is found in the Southern States. Dr. B. G. AVilder has given an ac- Fig. 629. ^52 ARANEINA. count of its habits, and considers its silk, if the spider could be reared in sufficient quantities, as of commercial value. The males (upper figure) are minute in size, compared with the females. The genus TJiomisus is characterized by the small size of the cheliceres, and the first and second pair of feet are either the longest, or the second alone are longest. The species "wander Fig. 630. after their prey, making no web, but casting irregular threads, with a flattened cocoon, usually placed under leaves, and watched by the mother till the young are hatched." (Hentz.) T. vulgaris Hentz is "pale graj^, with four impressed dots on the abdomen ; the body is flat, and the legs are covered with indistinct darker rings. This spider, commonly seen on feno* DIPNEUMONES. 653 ing or prostrate timber, like those of the same genns, moves siclewise and backwards, but it is much more active than T. celer. When pursued by an enemy, like Attus and Epeira, it leaps and hangs by a thread, which supports it in the air." It is a widely diffused species. T. celer Ilentz is also a widely distributed species, and is "found usually on blossoms, where it remains patiently waiting for Diptera, other small insects, and even butterflies, which it secures with amazing muscular power." The three remaining genera belong to Latreille's group of "Wanderers," as they spin no web. The species of Dolomedes. Fig. 631. (Fig. 631, from Harris* Correspondence) wander after their prey, making no web, except while rearing their j'oung, and hiding under stones, sometimes diving under water ; the cocoon is usuallj"^ orbicular, and is carried by the mother. D. kmceo- latus Hentz "is alwaj^s found near or on water, running on it with surprising agility, preying often on large aquatic insects. A female of Dolomedes was twice found on high bushes by my friend, T. W. Harris, in Milton, Mass., 'on a large, irregular 654 ARANEINA. loose, horizontal web, at one extremity of which was situated her follicle, or egg-bag, covered with 3'oung. The parent ap- peared watching them at some distance.' This spider can dive and stay a considerable time under water, to avoid its enemies. It was found in March, in Alabama, under stones near a stream of water." It ranges northwards to Massachu- setts. The Tarantula belongs to the genus Lycosa, which comprises large stout hairy spiders, with large cheliceres and moderately sized fangs, with the fourth pair of feet the longest and the third pair shortest. The species make no web, wandering for their prey, and hiding under stones. They frequently make holes in the ground in which they dwell, spinning at the orifice a ring of silk which forms a consolidated entrance like a trap door. The cocoon is usualh" orbicular, and is often carried about by the mother, while the young are borne about on the back of her abdomen. (Hentz.) L. tarantula Linn, is the cele- brated Tarantula of Italy and Spain. Its bite is commonly supposed to produce the effects termed "tarantism," but Dr. Bergsoe has proved that tarantism is rarely due to the bite of the tarantula, which is comparatively harmless. The Lycosa fatifera of Hentz is said by him to be bluish black, with the cephalothorax deeper in color at the sides ; the cheliceres are covered with rufous hairs, and have a r,ed eleva- tion on their outer side near their base. It is one of the largest species of the genus. "This formidable species dwells in holes, ten or twelve inches in depth, in light soil, which it digs itself; for the cavit}^ is always proportionate to the size of the spider. The orifice of the hole has a ring made chiefly of silk, which prevents the soil from falling in when it rains. This Lycosa, probably as large as the Tarantula of the south of Europe, is common in Massachusetts, but we have not heard of serious accidents produced by its bite. Its poison, how= SA'er, must be of the same nature and as virulent." (Hentz.) In the leaping spiders, Saltimis, the cephalothorax is usually large, square, and the abdomen is oval cylindrical. Hentz saj^s that thej' wander after their prey, making no web, but concealing themselves in a silken valve, for the purpose of casting their skin, or for hibernation. The Salticus (Attus") PEDIPALPI. 655 familiaris of Hentz is a common species throughout the United ■States. It is pale gray, hairy, and the abdomen is blackish, with a gra3nsh angular band edged with whitish. Hentz says that it is almost domesticated in our houses, and dwells in cracks around sashes, between clapboards, etc., and may be seen on the sunn}'^ side of the house, and in the hottest places, wandering in search of prey. It moves with agility and ease, but usuall}^ with a certain leaping gait. . . . Before leaping this Attus always fixes a thread on the point from which it departs ; by this it is suspended in the air, if it miss its aim, and it is secure against falling far irom its hunting grounds. These spiders, and probably all other species, a day or two before they change their skin, make a tube of white silk, open at both ends ; there they remain motionless till the moulting time arrives, and even some days after are seen there still, probably remaining in a secure place, for the purpose of re- gaining strength and activity." PEDIPALPI. Under the terra Pedipalpi we would embrace besides the Pedipalps of Latreille, the Solpugids and Phalangids. They all agree in having the maxillary palpi greatly enlarged and usually ending in a forceps, and the abdomen distinctly jointed, with the end, sometimes, as in the scorpions, pro- longed into a tail. In the retention of the tail in some of the forms, the abnormally enlarged maxilla, the jointed cephalo- thorax and abdomen, which in the scor^Dions reminds us of the Myriopods, we have characters which place the Pedipalps be- low the true spiders. SoLPUGiD.E Gervais. In this group, the species of which are large, hairy, spider-like aninialb, the; cephaiothorax is clearly jointed, and the abdomen is elongated ; respiration is carried on b^'^ tracbf^fi.'. ^olpvcja may at once be known by the enormous, thon(j;h not \Q,vy long, maxillary palpi. S. araneoides Pallas inhabitb Southern Russia. S. (Galeodes) siiOidata Sav inlia1)its the Southwpstern States. 656 PEDIPALPI. Phalangid^ Gervais. In the group of Harvest-men the cephalothorax is not jointed ; the abdomen is short and thick, and the maxillary palpi end in a simple claw ; the mandibles are well developed and end in a forceps. The legs are extremely long. They breathe through trachea?. They occur about houses, especially in shady places and in woods and Fig. 632. fields. "They are carnivorous, feeding on small insects, and are said to be especially addicted to Aphis-eating." (Wood.) The genus Plialangium has no spines on the palpi, and has two simple eyes. The species have been well described by Dr. H. C. Wood, jr. (Proceedings of the Essex Institute, voL vi), some of whose illustrations appear here, so that the spe- cies here mentioned can be easily identified. P. dorsatum Say PIIRYNIDiE. 657 (Fig. 632, a, female, natural size ; &, male, natural size ; c, penis, anterior and lateral view, enlarged) has been found from northern New York to Washington. When handled it emits a drop of an odorous clear fluid. We have found it frequently in Salem. P. ventricosum Wood (Fig. 633, a, trochanter ; 6, femora ; c, mandi- bles ; d, maxillary palpus, male? natural size) is widely distributed in the United States. Acanthocheir is an eyeless genus with spin}^ palpi. A. armata Tellkampf is found in Mammoth Cave. In Gomjleptes the cephalothorax is much enlarged, and overhangs the abdomen. G. ornatum Say (Fig. 634, male, a, under surface ; 6, upper surface, natural size ; c, penis) is found in the Southern States America. Fig. 633. the species are quite numerous in South Under the name of Archetarhus rotundatiis (Fig. 635) Mr. Scudder describes a fossil Pedipalp, which seems to be "allied « to the Phalangidce and to the Phrynidoi. In its fragmentary state one can scarcely judge with certainty of its exact relationship. The arrangement of the legs ac- cords well with both families. The broad attachment of the thorax to the abdomen is a Phalangidan char- acteristic, while the size and shape of the abdomen, the number of the ^ * abdominal segments and the crowd- Fig 634 ed state of the central portions of the basal ones, indicate closer affinities to the P/iryn idee." Phrynid^ Sundeval. Whip-scorpions. In this group the 42 658 PEDIPALPI. anterior pair of legs are very long and slender, being much smaller than the others, while the maxillary palpi are ver^^ large ; there are eight simple 63-68, and the abdomen is eleven to twelve-jointed, while there are two pairs of stigmata, and thej- also breathe b}' lungs. Phry- nus is at once known b}^ the excessivel}^ long; whip-like, multiarticulate fore legs, w^hich ap- parently perform the office of antennae ; the body is short and broad, and has no appendage to the abdomen. P. reniformis Fabr. is fourteen lines long, and is found in Brazil. P. asperalipes Wood occurs in Lower California. No species occur in the United States. The genus TheJyphonus is known b}^ the oblong bod}-, ending usuall}- in a slender manj^-jointed filament. T. caudatus Fabr. is fifteen lines long, and inhabits Java. T. (//'(/anteiis Lucas occurs in the South-western States and in Mexico. Its bite is poisonous. Kin. fi35. Chernetid^ Menge. (Pseudo-scorpiones Latreille.) The False-scorpions are at once known b}' their large maxillary palpi like the scorpion's claw. The abdomen is eleven-jointed, flattened, without anj' appendage, and the living forms are minute ; the}^ breathe b}' tracheae. The}- are found running about dusty books and in daik places and feed on mites and Psoci. Tliey are often found attached to the leg of some fl}' or other insect by which the}' are transported about. "The fe- male chelifer bears the eggs, seventeen in number, in a little bunch under her Fig. G36. abdomen near the opening of her sex nal organs. Menge has observed the Pseudo-scorpions cast their skin in a light web made for that purpose. The little animal remained five days in the web after its metamorphosis, and did not assume' its dark colors for four weeks. Three months after it returned to the same web for hibernation. Menge describes eight species from the Prussian Amber, be- longing to genera still living, and Corda one (Microlabris SCORPIONID^. 659 Sternbergi) from the coal formation iu Bohemia, one inch long. SchiticUe has found a curious blind species in the caves of Adelsburg, and it is ver^^ probable that a closer examination of the Kentucky caves will give a similar American species." (Hageu.) In Chernes there are no eyes. C. Sanhorni Hagen is found in Massachusetts. In CheUfer there are two e^^es. C. cancroides Linn. (Fig, 636, enlarged) is dark brown, with many short spines on the thorax. It occui's in Massachusetts and Illinois. ScoRPiONiD^ Latreille. The Scorpions are well known by the immense forceps-like raaxillse, and the long tail continu- ous with the thorax, and end- ing in a powerful sting, in which is lodged a poison sac. The body is more distinctly divided into seg- ments than any other Arachnids, and hence the scorpions bear, as Gerstaecker suggests, a strong analogy to the M^-riapods. The genus Scorpio is restricted to those species which have six ocelli. S. Allenii Wood is our only North American species and is found in Lower California. Our other spe- cies are mostly comprised in the genus Buthus, which has eight ocelli. B. Carolinianus Beauvois (Fig. 637) ranges from the South- ern Atlantic States through Texas northward into Southern Kansas. " Scorpions are dangerous in proportion to their size, their age, the state of irritation they may be in, and the temperature of the climate in which they reside. The wounds, however, even of the largest species are rarely fatal." (Moquin Tandon.) Messrs. Meek and Worthen have described (Palaeontology of the Illinois Geological Survey, iii, p. 560) two fossil scor- pions from the lower part of the coal measures of Illinois, which are as highly developed, aud bear a very close resem* (1.37. 660 ACARINA. blance to the living species. The Eoscorpion carhonarius of Meek and AVorthen is sulci by them to resemble closeh* Buthns hirsiitus from California. The other fossil scorpion is the Ma- zonia Woodiana M. and W., which differs from any known living forms in not having an}' lateral ejes. Very different and belonging to a much more degraded and embrj-onic type is the Cydophthabnns BucMandi from the Coal Measures of Bohemia, in which the tail is continuous with the body, being unusually thick. ACARINA. The Mites differ from other Arachnids by their oval or rounded bodies, which are not articulated, the cephalothorax being merged with the abdomen ; the mouth-parts are adapted either for biting or sucking, and they breathe b}^ tracheae. They are usually minute in size ; the ticks, which are some- times half an inch in length, comprising the largest forms. They appear first in geological history in the Prussian Amber, where species of Trombidium and Hydrachna occur. Bdellid^ Duges. This inconsiderable family is represented by small mites with long, five-jointed maxillar}- palpi, and from two to six ocelli, which are sometimes wanting. The limbs are long and thick. The young closel}^ resemble the adults. The genus Bdella has legs of nearly equal length. B. lovgi- cornis Linn., an European species, is scarlet red, and half a line in length. B. marina Pack, lives between tide marks. Trombidid^ Leach. The species of this family are red mites, with either claw-like or style-like maxillary palpi, and short mandibles, with the terminal joints scissor-like and oi> posed to each other. The genus Tetranychus has slender style= like maxillfe, and two ocelli. The two fore pair of legs arise at a long distance from the hind ones, the first pair being the longest. T. telarius Linn, the little red mites of our hot- houses spin webs on rose leaves. It is yellowish, with two red- dish yellow spots on the sides, and is one-half a line long. IXODID^. G61 It may be killed l\y showering sulphur over the leaves. In Europe it is found on the linden tree. The young of this spe- cies, according to Claparede, passes through an Ixodes-like stage, as regards the mouth-parts, for this reason we place the Ixodidce below them. IIvDKACiixiD.K Sundeval. The Water-mites arc known by luiving the maxillary palpi five-jointed, with terminal hooks, or bristles, at the end. The legs gradually increase in length, the hindermost pair being longest ; they are ciliated, with two claws. There are two ocelli. These mites swim in fresh and sometimes salt water, and are seen running over water-plantSo The young differ so much from the adults that the3' were de- scribed b}' Audouin under the name of Achlysia. In Hy- drachna the mandibles are needle-shaped, and the third joint of the maxilhe is the longest. The body is oval, with the limbs adapted for swimming, and there are two e3'es. Hy- drachna conchanim is parasitic throughout life on the gills of fresh water mussels. Others are parasitic during early life on fresh water Hemiptera and Coleoptera. In Atax the bod}- is oval, solid and corneous. The mandi- bles end in a stout curved claw, and the five-jointed maxillar3'- palpi end in an acute point. The species are red in color and live in flowing streams ; when in their early, and in some cases their adult stages, they are parasitic in the gills of mussels. IxoDiD.E Leach. The Ticks are mites of gigantic size, with bodies of a leather}^ consistence. The three to four-jointed maxilloe are small, not reaching bej'ond the beak. The man- dibles are saw-like, being covered towards the end with teeth, with from two to four terminal hooks, and, with the large spatulate, dentate "glossoide" of the maxilla\ form a beak which the tick pushes into the skin of its host. The ocelli are often wanting, and the legs are slender, with two claws, and in the j'oung a distinct membranous foot-pad. The recently hatched young (P'ig. 638, a, glossoide ; b, mandibles ; c, maxillary palpi ; e, adult gorged with blood) is six-footed, the legs being very long, and the head and month-parts are much larger in proportion to the rest of the bod}- than in the 662 ACARINA. adult, while the tripartite division of the body is verj^ distinct^ the thorax being distinct from the head and abdomen. The genus Argas closel^^ resembles Ixodes. Gerstaecker states that the Argas Persicus Fisher is very annoj'ing to trav- ellers in Persia. Travellers in the tropics speak of the in- tolerable torment occasioned by AA'ood ticks, Ixodes, which, occurring ordinarily on shrubs and trees, attach themselves to all sorts of reptiles, beasts and cattle, and even man himself as he passes by within their reach. Sometimes cases fall within the practice of the physician who is called to remove the tick, which is found sometimes literall}^ buried under the skin. Mr. J. Stauffer writes me, that "on June 23d the daugh- ter of Abraham Jackson (colored), playing among the leaves in a wood, near Springville, Lancaster County, Penn., on her return home complai, .ed of pain in the arm. No at- ^\. " J%^ next da}'^, when a raised tu- ^^^^vj^jfS^ 'xS:^;^^^*^;/^ j^Qj. ^j^g noticed, a small * " portion protruding through the skin, apparentlv like a splinter of wood. The child was taken to a phj'sician who a])pliod the forceps, and after considerable pain to the child, and labor to himself, extracted a species of Ixodes, nearly one-quarter of an inch long, of an oval form, and brown mahogany color, with a metallic spot, like silver bronze, cen- trally situated on the dorsal region." This tick proved, from Mr. Stauffer's figures, to be without doubt, Ixodes vtiijmnctata Pack. (Plate 13, fig. 11, enlarged). It has also been found in Massachusetts by Mr. F. G. Sanborn. The Ixodes albipictus Pack. (Fig. 638, adult gorged with blood, and the six-footed young, with the mouth-parts of the young enlarged, and c?, a foot showing the claws and sucking disc), was discovered by Mr. W. J. Hays in great numbers on a moose which had been partially domesticated. The females lay their eggs from the first of May until the 25th of June, the "eggs being forced out e ^ 038. ORIBATID.^. 6G3 in large masses." " On the 3d of Jul}' the entire mass of eggs seemed to hatch out at once, the shell opening like a clam and releasing a six-legged insect." (Hays.) The opening of the oviduct is just behind the head, between the anterior i)air of feet, so that the eggs appear as if ejected from the mouth. Another species is the Ixodes hoois (Plate 13, fig. 10), the common cattle tick of the Western States and Central America, whicli is allied to the European /. ricinus. It is very annoying to horned cattle, gorging itself with their l)lood, though by no means confined to them alone, as it lives indifferently upon the rattlesnake, the iguana, small mammals, and undoubtedly any sort of animal that brushes by its lurking-place in the forest. It is a reddish, coriaceous, flattened, seed-like creature, with the body oblong OAal, and contracted just behind the middle. When fully grown it measures from a quarter to half an inch in length. We have received it from Missouri, at the hands of Mr. Riley ; and Mr. J. A. McNiel has found it very abun- dantly ou horned cattle, on the western coast of Nicaragua. Gamasid.^ Leach. These mites have scissor-like mandibles, free maxilUB, with joints of equal length, and hairj^ legs of similar size and form, while the ocelli are obsolete. They live parasitically on the bodies of other animals. The genus Gam- asHS has long mandibles, with curved, five-jointed, acutely pointed maxillary palpi ; the body is oval, flattened, the skin dense, and the first and last pair of legs are somewhat longer than the middle ones. G, coleoptratorum Linn, is clear, red- dish 3'ellow, and about a third of a line long. It occurs in Europe on beetles, especially species of Geotrupes and Necro- phorus. The same, or a closel}' allied species, is found in this country. Uropoda vegetans DeGeer, a similar form, also lives on beetles. The genus Dermanyssus has shorter jointed max- illar}^ palpi than in Gamasus. D. avium Duges lives on birds, and D. pipistreUo' Gervais on bats. In PteropAxis the terminal joint of the maxillae is ver}' long. Pt. vespertilionis Dufour is a parasite of the bat. Oribatid^ Nicolet. In these mites the body is very hard and horny. The four-jointed maxillary palpi are short, with 664 ACAKINA. Fig. 639. the first joint very large, forming a tootlied eating surface. Tlie ocelli are nearly obsolete, and the legs have from one to thi'ee claws. The cephalothorax has generallj^ two wing-like projections, and two or three cup-shaped pedicellated stigmata on the edge. They generally live on vegetable matter. In Oribates the side of the cephalothorax is produced often into wing-like processes, with the abdomen orbicular, flattened, sometimes emarginate. The European O. cilatus Hermann is smooth, blackish brown, and lives under moss. In Notlirus the body is elongated, somewhat quadrangular, and has no lateral expansions, while the legs are stout, with tripartite claws. We have observed an undescribed species of this genus sucking the eggs of the canker-worm in Salem. It ma}- be called Notlirus ovivorus (Fig. 639). It is reddish brown, with a dense hard body, with the edge of the abdomen expanded evenl}-, and with three slender capitate processes on the cephalothorax^. AcARiD.E. This family comprises the true mites, which have soft, thin- skin ned bodies, with either scissor or st3'le-like mandibles, the latter form- ing a retractile horny tube. The maxillae are obsolete, as well as the ocelli. The claws are sometimes provided with a sucker. The members of this, and the following groups, are among the most lowl^' organized of articulates, and are found living parasitically on the skin of other animals, or buried within their integuments, while certain acari have been detected within the lungs and air passages, the bloodves- sels and the intestinal canals of vertebrate animals. The Fig. 640. ACARID^. 665 genus Cheyletus is remarkable for having the maxillae very large, and like a pair of legs, with the ends tripartite, the outer division being curved and clawlike, while the two innermost are slender lobes pectinated on the inner side ; the mandibles are style-like. A E^uropean species (Fig. 640) feeds on Cheese- mites. It is thought by Mr. R. Beck that another species of Cheyletus is partheuogenous, as "he obtained several genera=. tions from the first individual, without the intervention of a male." (Science-Gossip, 1869, p. 7.) Mr. J. H. Gregory, of Marblehead, Mass., has found a species of this genus, Avhich we may call Cheyletus seminivor us (Plate 13, fig. 6). It injured the seeds of the cabbage stored up during the winter by sucking them dry. Tlie genus Tyroglyplms is known b}^ the body being elongated oval, with scissor-like mandibles, and outstretched four-jointed feet, with a long stalked sucking disc at the end. T. domestkm DeGeer is in Europe common in houses. ]\Iany people have been startled by statements in newspapers and more authoritative sources, as to the immense numbers of sugar mites, T. sacchari (Fig. 641), found in unrefined or raw sugar. According to Professor Cameron, of Dublin, as quoted in the "Journal of the Franklin Insti- tute," for November, 1868, "Dr. Hassel (who was the first to notice their general occurrence in the raw sugar sold in Lon- don) found them in a living state in no fewer than sixty-nine out of seventy-two samples. He did not detect them in a single specimen of refined sugar. In an '^' inferior sample of raw sugar, examined in Dublin liy Mr. Cameron, he reports finding five hundred mites in ten grains of sugar, so that in a pound's weight occurred one hundred thousand. They appear as white specks in the sugar. The disease known as grocer's itch is, undoubtedly, due to the presence of this mite, which, like its ally the Sarcoptes, works its way under the skin of the hand, in this case, however, of cleanly persons. Closely allied to the preceding is the Cheese-mite, T. siro Linn,, which often abounds in newly made cheese. Lyonnet 666 ACARINA. states that during summer this mite is viviparous. T. farince DeGeer, as its name indicates, is found in flour. Other species have been known to occur in ulcers. We figure the larva of the European Typlilodroimis x>yri (Plate 13, fig. 4) the adult of which, according to A. Scheuten, is allied to Tyroglyphus, and lives under the epidermis of the leaves of the pear. There are but two pairs of legs present, and the body is long, cylindrical and worm-like. Fig. 5, plate 13, represents the four-legged larva of another sj^ecies of T37phlodromus. The Itch mite belongs to the genus Sarcoptes, in which the bod}' is rounded ovate, with needle-like mandibles, and with short three-jointed legs. The female differs from the male in having the two hinder pairs of legs only partiall}' developed, and ending in a long bristle. S. scabiei Linn. (Plate 13, fig. 7, female) was first recognized b}" an Arabian author of the twelfth century as the cause of the disease wliich results from its attacks. It buries itself in the skin on the more protected parts of the body, forming minute galleries, by which its pres- ence is detected, and by its punctures maintains a constant irritation. Other species are known to infest the cat, dog and swine They are best destroyed b}^ the faithful use of sulphur oint- ment. Various species of an allied genus, Dennatodectes, live in galleries on different species of domestic animals ; thus D. equi lives in the skin of the horse, D. bovis in cattle, and D. ovis in sheep. Various Sarcoptids occur on birds ; among them are species of Dermcdeichus. On March 6th, Mr. C. Cooke called my attention to certain female mites (Plate 13 fig. 1) which were situated on the narrow groove between the main stem of the barb and tlie outer edge of the barbules of the feathers of the Downy Woodpecker, and subsequently we found the other forms indicated in Plate 13, figs. 2 and 3. in the down under the feathers. These long worm-like mites are probably the females of the singular male Sarcoptes-like mite, represented by Figs. 2 and 3 of the plate, as they were found on the same specimen of woodpecker at about the same date. The female (though there is probabl}^ a still earlier hexapo- flous stage) of this Sarcoptid, which we may call Dermaleichus ACARID^. 667 pici-pubescenfis, has an elongated, oblong, flattened body, with four short legs, provided with a few bristle-like hairs, and end- ing in a stalked sucker, by aid of which the mite is enabled to walk over smooth, hard surfaces. The body is square at the end, with a slight median indentation, and four long bristles of equal length. They remained motionless in the groove on the barb of the feather, and when removed seemed ver^^ inert and sluggish. The male (Plate 13, flg. 3) is a most singular form, its body being rudely ovate, with the head sunken between the fore legs, which are considerabl}^ smaller than the second pair, while the third pair arc twice as large as the second pair, and directed backwards, and the fourth pair are very small, not reaching tlie extremity of the body, which is deeply cleft, and supports four long bristles on each side of the cleft, while other bristles are attached to the legs and body, giving the creature a haggard, unkempt appearance. The genital armature is situated between the largest or third pair of legs. A preced- ing stage of this mite, which may be called the pupa, is repre- sented on Plate 13, fig. 2. It (all the figures of this sarcoptid being drawn to one scale by Prof. A. M. Edwards, and magnified one hundred and fifteen diameters) looks somewhat like the adult, the body being shorter and broader, but without any genital armature. "We figure on Plate 13, figs. 8 and 9, greatly en- larged, a most remarkable mite, discovered by New- port on the body of a larva of a wild bee, and described by him under the name of Heteropus ven- tricosus. Fig. 8, in the plate, represents the body of the fully formed female. In this stage it reminds us ^ig. 642. of Demodex and the Tardigrades. After attaining this form its small abdomen begins to enlarge until it assumes a globu- lar form (Plate 13, fig. 9) and the mass of mites look like little beads. Mr, Newport was unable to discover the male, and thought that this mite was parthenogenous. Another singular mite is the Demodex folliculorum (Fig. 642), which was dis- covered by Dr. Simon, of Berlin, buried in the diseased folli- cles of the wings of the nose in man. It is a long, slender, worm-like form, with eight short legs, and in the larval state has six legs. This singular form is among the lowest and 668 ACARINA. most degraded of the order of Arachnids. It will be seen that the adult Demodex retains the elongated, worm-like appear- ance of the larvse of the higher mites, such as Typhlodromus. This is an indication of its low rank, and hints of a close rela- tionship to the Tardigrades. Tardigrada Doyere. (Arctisca). The Tardigrades, or Bear animalcules, referred by some to the worms, were consid- ered as mites by O. F. Miiller in 1785, and a species was de- scribed by him under the name of Acarus ursellus. The}- have also been referred to the Rotatoria by Dujardin, and were, by Schultze, considered as parasitic Entomostraca allied to Ler- nsea. With Miiller we would consider them as insects belonging to the Aca- rina, and venture, after studying Clapa- rede's admirable work, "Studien an Acariden," containing an account of the genus M3'obia, to consider the Tar- digrades as a family of mites. In form, as indicated by the accompanying figures, copied from Doyere's valuable memoir, they are essentiall)^ mites, and allied in form to Demodex and He- teropus, though in their internal organi- zation differing from all other insects in being true hermaphrodites. Muller observed that they moulted their skins. The mouth is adapted for sucking, with style-like mandibles like those of Myobia. There are two ocelli, and the worm-like body is cylindrical, consisting of four thoracic segments behind the head, bearing four pairs of short, thick legs, ending in three or four claws (in these characters reminding us of the Peripatus, a worm with a large, fleshy ExPLAXATiO\ OF PLATE 13. — FiG. 1, DermaUichus pici-pubescentis Pack., fe- -iiale. Fig. 2, young male. Fig. .3, arlnlt male. Fig. 4, larva of Typhlodromus pyri Scbeuten (after Soheuten). Fig. 5, larva of another species of Typhlodromus (alter Scheuten). Fig. 6, Cheyletus semimvorus Pack. Fig. 7, Sarcoptes scabiei DeGeer (after Gervais). Fig. 8, Heteropus rentricnuus Newqiort, fnlly formed fe- male. Fig. 9, gi'avirl female of the same (after Newijort). Fig. 10, Ixodes bovis Riley. Fig. 11, Ixodes unipunctata Pack. All the figures are enlarged. Fig. 043. PI 13. MITES A^ TICKS. LINGUATULINA. 669 Tier. (i44, leg- like process attached to the sides of each ring of the body aud ending in a pair of claws). In size they are microscopic and live in standing water among plants and like the Rotatoria revive after being apparently dead and dried up. They were called Tardigrades from their excessively slow motions. The young is born with its full comple- ment of legs, and moults several times before arriving at maturity. 3Tllnesiwn tardigraduni Schrank (P'ig. 643, I, mouth -parts ; b, alimen- tary canal ; ov, ovary) is a fifth of a line long ; while Emydium testudo Doyere (Fig. 644, magnified one hun- dred and twenty times) is another European species. Macroblotns America- nus Pack, has been discovered in Maine by Rev. W. R. Cross. LiNGUATULiNA. V. Bcu. Thcsc remarkably' worm- like mites in the adult state inhabit the nostrils anil frontal sinuses of dogs and wolves, and more rarely of horses aud sheep. The larvie, which are like low mites in form, ai*e provided with boring horny jaws and two pairs of small feet armed with sharp, retractile claws. They live in the liver of various animals, where they become encysted, passing^ through a sort of pupa state. The most common species is here represented (Fig. 644a, Pentastoma tcenioides Rudolphi, from Verrill). The male is .08 inch, and the female, which is oviparous , three '^" " or four inches long. It sometimes infests man, living in the early jitages encysted in the liver aud lungs. In Egypt P. constrictum Siebold is occasionally fatal. Pycnogonid^ Latr. Marine, atracheate mites, with palpi, chelae and four pairs of long legs, into which the storaacli sends long caca. Pycnogonum, pdagicuni and Nymphon yrossipes are types of the group. 670 MYRIOPODA. SUB-CLASS ni. MYRIOPODA. The MjTiopods are readil}^ known bj^ their long, cjdindi'ical ©r somewhat flattened bodies, which are composed of from ten (counting the head as one) to over two hundred rings. The head is free from the rest of the body, and is much like that of insects, while the thoracic rings are scarcely distinguishable, either in form or the character of their appendages, from the numerous abdominal rings, so that the head, instead of being soldered to the thorax as in the spiders, is here free, while the thorax is merged in the abdomen. The head of Cermatia shows how closely the highest Myrio- pod agrees with the insects. The few (sixteen) segments composing the body (counting the head as one) ; the large compound eyes, the long filiform antennae, and well developed palpi, farther show the close relationship of this form to the insects. The habits of this genus also remind us of the spi- ders, as they are predaceous and are said to leap after their prey. In the Chilopod Myriopods the mouth-parts are of the same number, and follow each other in the same order as in the insects. Thus in advance of the mouth there are first the ocelli, and immediately' behind them the antennae ; behind the mouth are the mandibles, the maxillae with their palpi, and the labial palpi. As each of these jointed organs is repre- sented by an elemental ring we have four segments in tlie head. In the embrj'O of Julus the rudiments of the first pair of legs are soon aborted, and thus the first thoracic ring bears no legs in adult life. The logs are composed of a coxa, a femur, a tibia and a tarsus, as in the higher insects. As shown by Newj^ort the nervous, digestive, respiratory and reproductive sj'stems very closely resemble those of the larvae of insects, as does the external form of these animals. Newport states that the nervous system of Myriopods ap- proaches nearer, in the simplicity of its formation, to that of the Annelids than that of the larvae of insects. "In the Chilopoda it has the form of a double cord connected by large MYRIAPODA. 671 ganglia in eacli segment, as in most of tlie Annelida, Crusta- cea and Insecta ; but in the vermiform Chilognatha, which former researches have proved to me are most nearl}' con- nected to the Annelida, the two parts of this double cord, are so closel}' united laterally as to appear like a single cord that gives off" a multitude of small nervous trunks at its sides throughout its whole length, but without distinct ganglionic enlargements at their origin." The brain is "composed of at least four pairs of ganglia." The digestive sj'stem comprises the long, tuliular salivary glands, of which two are found on each side of the oesophagus and stomach, opening by a long excretory duct into the mouth ; and Professor Leid^^ has described two others which are placed on each side of the oesophagus, and are pj'riform, con- glomerate, and cellular in structure. Also the long intestinal canal which is much as described in the higher insects ; while, as in Julus, according to Leidy, " at the termination of the proventriculus, there open two biliary tubes, and from it, sur- rounding the commencement of the ventriculus, is suspended a broad, white, opaque, reticulated band, apparently composed like the reta adiposa of insects." The cu'culatory system is of a much lower type than in insects, and in Julus it approaches, according to Newport, by its rudimentary development that of the worms. The vascular system consists of a dorsal vessel, or heai't, with very numerous separate chambers, almost equal to the segments of the body, which connects with another sj'stem of vessels Ij'ing on the under side of the body between the alimentary canal and the nervous cord. This plexus of vessels thus forms " a vascular collar around the anterior part of the alimentary canal," "At each constriction of the heart in the Julidce^ between two chambers, there are two transverse lateral orifices, as in In- sects," which Newport supposes to be either the terminations of delicate veins, or simple apertures admitting the blood from the venous sinuses in the bod}-. The tracheary system is much as in the six-footed insects, and the stigmata have the same relative position, but are placed on the alternate segments of the body. In the Chilopoda the sexual system is much as in the six- 672 CHILOPODA. footed insects, and the orifices are placed at the end of the body. The ovary is a long single tube, which opens in the last ring of the body ; while in the lower suborder, Chilognatha, there is only a single long ovarian tube, provided with two short oviducts which open on the iliird segment of the body from the head. The male organs in the Chilopods are much more complicated than in the other Myriopods, and the two or three, or even the single testicular tube, open on the end of the body, while in the Chilognaths, such as Julus, there are two testes which lead out by a vas deferens to the orifice situ- ated on the third thoracic ring. The order is divided into two suborders, i. e. , the Chilopoda and Chilognatha of Latreille. CHILOPODA. This group is characterized by each ring being simple and not divided into subsegments, and bearing but a single pair of feet, while the head is divided into two regions, one placed before the mouth, the other behind the mouth. The sexual outlet is situated at the end of the body. This suborder is tlie highest, as it contains those ]M3-riopods which have the fewest segments to the body*, thus approaching the six-footed insects and spiders. They are active, rapacious in their habits, and by the division of the head into the two regions, movable on each other, they can almost emulate the insects in their powers of seizing their pre}'. As stated by Professor Wood , their highly organized muscular and nervous system, the compactness of their intestinal apparatus, and tlie length and power of their legs, all betoken habits of great activity ; whilst the formidable nature of their mandibles, and the sharp spines, both lateral and terminal, with which their feet are armed, fit them for predatory warfare. Thus it will be seen that the Chilopods are the more animal, while the Chilognaths are the more vegetative ; this is due to the greater concentration of the body headwards, and the more compact build of the body behind the head. * The larvse of this group may have as many as six or eight pairs of legs when they leave the egg, while the young Chilognaths have only three. (Rolleston.) LITIIOBIIDiE. 673 It is probable that the Centipedes and their allies appeared at a much later period in the earth's history than the Clnlog- naths, as the earliest form of the present suborder known to us is the Geophilus proavus* of Germar, from the Jurassic rocks, whilst the oldest Mj^riopod, one of the Julidce., is, according to Dawson, found in the lower Carboniferous rocks of Nova Scotia, and Dr. Anton Dohrn has recently described a Julus from the coal formation of German}'. Cermatid.e Leach. This group is characterized by having onl}' sixteen rings to the body, while the legs and antennae have more numerous joints than usual. The head is large, very free from the body, with compound ej^es, as in the six-footed in- sects, and long spiny palpi, while the tergites, or scuta, are but eight in number, and there are nine pairs of spiracles; The female ovipositor is forceps-like, while the corresponding male appendages are st3'le-like. The species are the most gaily colored of the order, being striped along the bod}' and banded on the legs. Ceymatia for- ceps Rafiuesque is greenish-brown, with three longi- tudinal stripes of deep green. LiTHOBiiD.E Newport. In this and the remain- ing families of this suborder the antenna are short, and the ej-es simple and sometimes wanting. In the present family there are fifteen tergites, and the antennne are longer than in the succeeding group. In Lithobius the antenntB are fortj'-jointed, and the head is broad and flat. The species of this genus attack earth-worms, grappling with them for several hours, and after killing them, suck their blood. They will, in confinement, de- stroy each other. Their bite is poisonous to small articulates. The European L. forjicatus, according to Newman ("Ento- mologist" 1866, iii, p. 3-42) is preyed upon by Proctotrupes calcar of Haliday, Lithobius Americanus Newport (Fig. 645) is a widely diffused species, and erroneously passes by the name of Ear-wig. It is found everj-where, under sticks and about manure-heaps, where it feeds upon insects and worms. ♦Since shown by Prof. Marsh to be an Annelid (Ischyracanthus). 43 574 CHILOPODA. The genus Bothropohjs of Wood, differs in having small, almost round punctiform excoriations arranged in three or four series on the coxa. The B. multidentatus of Newport is found in the Eastern United States, and is recognized by having from thirt^'-two to thirtj'-seveu ocelli ou each side of the head. ScoLOPENDRiD^ Lcach. The Centipede is the t3'pe of this family'. There are from twentj^-one to twenty-three feet-bear- ing segments, with few or no ocelli, while the last pair of feet are thickened and generall}' spinous. This genus comprises the most gigantic of all M3'riapods, Scolopendra girfontea Linn, from the East Indies, being nine inches long. S. Jieros Girard is our largest species, and is found in the Southern States, Tlie bite of the Centipede is dangerous ; the poison is conveyed from two glands, one iu each of the large fangs or first pair of legs. The genus ScoIo2)ocry2ytoj)s differs in having no ocelli, and twent3--three feet-bearing seg- ments, while the antennae are seventeen-jointed. S. sexsjouiosa 8ay (Fig. 646) is common about Philadelphia, and is found in Iowa ; it is deep orange, with j-elloAV, somewhat compressed feet, with three spines on each of the last pair of feet. Wood describes the manner of moulting in this species. The skin had been crowded back BO as to coA'er onlj' the last two or three rings. The cast skin contains the skin of the head and all its appendages, Qxcn to Jie maxillffi and maxillary palpi. The anterior portion of the skin was so torn as to show that the process of shedding proba- bly began b}' the creature's withdrawing its head from its case and then thrusting it out between some of the anterior sterna, completing the process 1\v pushing the skin back with its legs, and aiding them bj' a peculiar wriggling motion. The exuvia had most of the posterior segments entire, showing that the occupant had been withdrawn from it like a hand from a glove." Wood also states that the female guards her young by laA'ing on her side, and then coiling her bod^' passes them along b}' a Fig. 646. PAUUOPODIDiE. 675 " rapid cilia-like action of her feet ; " thus arranging them sat- isfactorily to herself. Geophilid.e Leach. These Myriapods are very long and slender, with from thirty- to two hundred segments, each formed of two complete, but unequal subsegments, and bearing but a single pair of feet. There are no ocelli ; the antennae are fourteen-jointed, and the anal feet are short and stj-le-like. In Medstocephalus the "cephalic segment," or anterior part of the head is more than twice as long as broad, while in Geuphilas the same region of the head is square. M. fulvus Wood is fulvous, polished, with a light orange head ; according to AVood it is most often found under the inner bark of decaying logs of the locust tree. Geophilns ceplialicus is an unu- sually broad species found near Philadelphia. G. hipuncticeps Wood (Fig. 647) is found in the Western States and Sonora. In Stn'gamia the cephalic segment is small, short, and generally somewhat triangular. S. hotliriopus Wood is a bright red robust species, and inhabits Philadelphia. S. diionopldla Wood is a diminutive species, being onl}^ three-fourths of an inch long ; it is found far north, at Fort Simpson, on the Ived River of the North. The largest spe- cies known is S. epileptica Wood from Oregon, '"' which is five and a half inches long. The last pair of male feet are represented b}' Wood to be antenniform, those of the female being small, short, and preserving the usual shape of the leg. This is an interesting instance of the antero- posterior symmetry of these animals, here more strongly marked than usual. Pauropodid.e Lubbock. The sole member of this family is the Pcmrojncs, which Sir John Lubbock discovered in England living among decaying leaves. "The body is composed often segments, including the head, and is convex, with scattered hairs ; there are nine pairs of legs, and the antennte ra'C five- jointed, bifid at the extremity and bearing three long jointed 676 CHILOGNATHA. appendages." The two species, P. Iliixleyi and P. pediincida- tus of Lubbock are white, and about one-twentieth of an inch in length. Lubbock regards this remarkable form as a "con- necting link between the Chilopods and Chilog- naths, and also as bridging over to a certain extent the great chasm which separates them from other articulata." No tracheae could be detected. The six-footed young (Fig, G48) had the first pair of legs attached to the first seg- ment behind the head, the two other pairs to the following one. Tlie resemblance of Pauro- pus to those Podurae, such as Achorutes, in which the "spring" is verj^ short, is certainly* Fig. 648. remarkable. AVe raa}-, therefore, consider the Pauropus as a connecting link between the Myriopods and the Neuroptera. P. Lubbockii Pack., was found at Salem, Mass. CHILOGNATHA. In this division of the Myriopods the bod}- is divided into numerous segments, each furnished with two pairs of short legs, and the antennne are short, with but few joints. The}' are the lowest insects, and in Julus, with its large number of rings of the same form, we have a good illustration of the vegetative repetition of the zoological elements, or segments, composing the bodj^, which is tlie reverse of what obtains in the cephalized honey bee, for instance, and reminds us strikingly of the Worms. In the genus Brachycybe, a remote ally of Pol^'desmus, we are strongly reminded of some crus- taceans, such as the Isopods, and the posterior end of the body of this Mj'riopod, in the broad lateral expansions of the segments, even recalls the tail of a trilobite. Wood states that the ej^es are frequently absent, and when present they are generally numerous and collected in patches neai' the base of the antennae. The long, cylindrical-bodied Julus is the typical form of the suborder, while the flattened dilated Polydesmus is a more aberrant form. The moutb-pai'ts are either, as in Julus, formed for feeding POLYDESMID^. 677 on decaying vegetable matter, or tube-like, as in Brachycybe and allies ; one pair of maxiltae are wanting. Glomekid.e Leach. In this group the ej^es are arranged in a linear series, and the antenna are placed on the front of the head. The body is half-cylindrical, short and plump, with from twelve to thirteen segments. The head is large and free, with the first thoracic ring small, while the last abdominal ring is large and shield-shaped. The genital openings in both sexes are situated just behind the insertion of the second pair of limbs. In Glomeris the body consists of twelve rings and seventeen pairs of limbs, while in Sjjhcvrothe^-ium the body is made up of thirteen rings and twenty-one pairs of feet. The species are exotic, Glomeris marginata Latreille being found in Europe, and the Sph.ierotheria in the tropics. PoLYDESMiD^ Leacli. In this group the body is much flat- tened, the sterna overarching the scuta, to which they are closely cemented, and the scuta are furnished with lateral laminte. "The head is large and massive, the absence of eyes and the small antennae point to a state of low development of the special senses. The female genitalia are placed in the thu'd segment, just posterior to the second pair of legs. They are generally more or less hidden within the body ; the male organs are situated in the seventh segment, replacing the eighth pair of legs. They generally project very prominently from the body." The 3'oung have three pairs of legs, on the 2d, 4th and 5th rings. In PoJydesmus the body is much flattened, with broad '^ lateral expansions to the rings. Polydesmus Cana- densis Newport is deep brown, with pubescent scarcely clavate antennae ; each of the scuta has eight scales, ^ arranged in a double series. The male appendages rig. 649, are hairy, with a curved terminal spine of moderate length. The female appendages "consist of a pair of bodies shaped somewhat like the crest of a helmet. Along their free margin is an opening surmounted by a double series of teeth-like pro- cesses. It is found in the Northern and Middle States. P. erythi'opygus Brandt (Fig. 649) inhabits the Middle and 678 CHILOGNATHA. Western States. In Polyxenus the body is short, clothed with sliort iDenicillate scales, and there are thirteen pairs of feet. (These scales, or hairs, as has been remarked to us by Mr. Sanborn, are remarkably like the hairs of Dermestes, and this homology is another proof that the Myriapods are an order of the class Insecta.) P. fascicidatus Sa}^ is about a tenth of an inch in length. It has been detected by Mr. Sanborn under the bark of trees near Boston, and I have found it in Salem in the same situations, and also at Nantucket. JuLiD^ Leach. Thousand Legs. Millepedes. This group embraces the t3'pical species of this suborder. The bod}^ is almost perfectly cylindrical, with the sternum greatl}' reduced in size, those of the posterior subsegments being almost absent, while the tergum is greatly in excess. The head is large, with often rather long and jRliform antennae, and simple ej^es arranged in variously shaped patches near the base of the antennae. In Julus the bod}^ is slender and seldom more than three inches long ; the sides of the first scutum are produced in the female, while the antennas are loug and filiform. Wood says the males are "farther distinguished b}' a peculiar altera- tion of the first pair of feet, which are transformed into a pair of very large, thick organs," which probably serve as clasping appendages. Juhis is found commonl}^ under sticks, etc. It is long, C3dindrical, hard, with numerous feet, short and weak, attached to the under surface of the bod}^ ncarl}- in the middle of the abdomen. The antennjB are short and filiform. They crawl rather slowl}^, and at rest curve the bod}' into a ring. They live on vegetable substances, or eat dead eartli-worms or snails. "In the spring the female deposits her eggs in masses of sixty or sevent}-, in a hole excavated for the purpose under the ground ; after three weeks or more the young make their appearance." (Van der Hoeven.) Newport states that when hatched the A^oung Julus consists of eight rings, including the head. The body of the embryo, seen from above, is com- pressed and wedge-shaped, being broadest at the second and third segments. For many days (seventeen) after hatching, the embryo is surrounded by a membrane which Newport re- JULIDiE. 679 Fig. 660. gards as the analogue of the amnion, or vitelline membrane, of the vertebrates. This membrane is at the end of the body connected with anotlier, which in the unburst shell is external to the "amnion," and lines the interior of the shell. New- port compares tliis witli the chorion of vertebrates. Before the amnion is thrown otf the embryo moults, and six new segments a|)pear (Fig. 650, b), and minute tubercles bud out on the under surface of the six and seventh rings, as at a. The new segments are alwa3's developed be- tween the last and penultimate ones,* as has been observed in the worms, the Crustacea, the spiders, and as I have observed in the em- bryo of the Dragon-tl}'. In the young Julus no legs grow out on the third segment from the head, but the outlet of the oviduct of the female is placed on this segment. The male organs find their outlet on the sixth ring from the head. Julus Canadensis Newp. is brownish chestnut, ornamented with a black dorsal line, and a lateral row of black dots. The body consists of fifty-three segments. It is found in the Northern States and Canada. J. mulUstriatus Walsh (Fig. 651) inhabits the Western States. The genus Spiroholus has a much larger, thiclcer bod}', and a rather small head, with short antenna?, often l3'ing partially hidden in a groove in the side of the head. Spiroholus marrji- natus Say is deep brown, annulated with red, and consists of from fifty-three to fift3'-seven segments. The male appendages are described by Wood as formed of two outer parts, and a connecting yoke-like piece. To this family without much doubt, as Dr. Dawson states, belongs the Xylohius sigillarice of Dawson (Plate 1, fig. 4) from the Lower Carboniferous rocks ^'- "'^i' of Nova Scotia. This, in its short, thick antennjie, and small Lead, rather approaches Spirobolus than.. Julus, though the antenna are shorter, while tlic twelve ocelli represented in Dr. Dawson's figure (Air-Breailiers of the Coal Period. Montreal, '••In the Chilopoda the new segments .ire intercalated between the old ones. 680 CHILOGNATIIA. 1863. Plate vi, fig. 58-61) are arranged much as in ^S*. margi- natics. It differs remarkably, however, in the raised posterior margin of the segments, giving a serrate outline to the body. In this respect it seems to combine the characters of the pres- ent family and that of Sjnrostrejyhon, a genus in many respects intermediate between the Polydesmidce and the Siphonantia. Four spiracles are represented on the tenth to the thirteenth segments from the head. The genus Spirostreplion is in many respects intermediate between this and the succeeding family, the sterna being soft, as in the Siphonantla. 8. Copei Pack, was found by Mr. C. Cooke in Mammoth Cave. SiPHONANTiA Brandt. In the sucking Myriopods {Sugantia of Brandt) we meet with the lowest, most worm-like forms of the sub-class. The head is very small and concealed beneath the prothoracic ring. The parts of the mouth are fused and united into a sucking tube for the imbibition of fluids. The eyes are either present or absent, and the scuta, or tergites, may be prolonged laterally into laminre which afford protec- tion only to the back and flanks, the central part of the abdo- men being soft. The feet are small and hidden beneath the broad body, while the male nppendages are placed on the seventh segment. In Octoglena the eight eyes are arranged in two converging rows. 0. himrgata Wood is brown, with a reddish stripe on eacii side, with about forty-five segments to the body. In Brachycyhe the rostrum is acute, much shorter than the antenna?, while the body is broad and flattened. Brachycyhe Lecontei Wood inhabits Georgia, and has long lateral expansions to the tergites. PEPJPATIDEA. This group is perhaps equivalent and allied to the Myrio- poda, with some affinities to the Tardigrades. Peripatus has numerous pores or stigmata, from which fine tracheae ai-ise. The body and appendages are not jointed, the thirty pairs of legs ending each in two claws. T, Edwardsii inhabits Venezuela. ENTOMOLOGICAL CALENDAR. This calendar applies mostly to the New England states, where the appearances of the insects here enumerated have been recorded. It should be borne in mind tliat the season of New York city is about two weeks in advance of that of Boston, and that of Virginia and Illinois about a month or six weeks earlier. It is designed to be of special use to farmers and gardeners as indicating the times of appear- ance of injurious insects. When only the generic name is given several species appear simultaneously. The reader in noticing an insect mentioned here can turn to the index and find in the body of the woi'k an account of its habits. Bombus, queens; a few Ichneumons and Chalcids; Vanessa; Grapta; a few specimens of Noctuida;, Tortrit-ida? and Tineidaj; Ephippophora caryana; Canker worm, females and males; Anthomyia; Tachiua; Chironomus; Anopliiles; Bibio; Chionea; Valga, on the snow; Trichocera hiemalis; Cicindelae and Carabidse; DytiscidaB, and other water beetles; Aquatic Hemiptera; Capnia and Taeniopteryx ; Boreus. lst-15tli. — Formica; Brephos; Adela, on willows; Aphodius; Ptinus fur; Der- mestes; Anthrenus; Attagenus; Epurjea; Ips; Ellychnia; Larva and female of Meloe on bodies of wild bees and wasps ; Ceuthophilus. 16th-30th. — Polyommatus; Lycsena; Thecla; Coddling moth (Carpocapsa); mos« quitoes and larv.'B ; Bombylius; Burying beetles; Euryomia Inda; Buprestids; Chalcophora Virginica; Castings of Saperda Candida; Cylindrical bark borers tTomicus, Xylogiapha) ; Hylurgus; Pissodes strobi; Hylobius pales; Phytocoris. Ist^l.ith. — Xylocopa, Ceratina, Osmia, Andrena and Halictus nesting; Colias; Argynnis Bellone; Melitnea Myrina; Chi-ysoplianus Phlaeas; Clisiocampa larva hatching out; Scoliopteryx; Drasteria; Coremia; Gooseberry Pempelia; Tipulidje; Hessian-fly and Wheat-midgc; Cecidomyia; Syrpluis; Eristalis; Squash beetle; Plum weevil; Hister; Clerus; Elater; Limonius; Cratonychus; ]Meloe; Call;- grapha; ffidipoda corallina; Tragocephala infuscata, viridifasciata ; Libellula; Hemerobius. 18th-31st. — Cynips; Selandria rosae and cerasi, laying eggs; Strawberry Emphy. tus lai-va; Papilio Tunius; Pontia oleracea; Melita^a Phauton, larva; Argynnis; Thanaos; Hesperia; Alypia octomaculata; Spliinx; Ceratomia 4-cornis; Sesia; Hyphantria textor; Arctia; Leucarctia; Agrotis and cut-worms; Hypena humuli, hop-vine womi ; Grapholitha and other leaf-rolling ]arva» on apple and pear; Vino Penthina larva; Carpet moth: Chrysops; Geotrupes; Ilaltica on turnip, tomato, cucumbers, etc ; Apion; AsemummcEstum; Gastrophvsacoeruleiiienuis; Galleruca, (681j 682 ENTOMOLOGICAL. CALENDAR, lst-15th. — Pristophora identidem, cranberry fly larva; Xematus ventricosus, larva; Cyuips; Eurytoma hordei in straw; Pteromalus; Abia, larva; rapilio As- terias; Eiulaiuus Tityrus; Smeriutluis; Abraxas ribearia; Scotosia imdulata; Antithesia pniuiana, larva; larvae of Lithocolk-tis saliciloliella, jiiglandiella ; Xcp- ticiila villosella; Cranberry Anch;,lopera larva; Strawberry An(-hylopera larva; Grape Pterophonis larva; Anisota pelliicida; Icthyura; Tabanus; Tephritis; Osciuis; Laphria; Asilus; Bot-flies; June beetle, Lachnosterua; Areodes lani gera; Pelianota punctata; Serica sericea; Apion Sayi; Macrodactylus siibspin osus, Rose chafer; JDicerca divaricata; Chrysobotliris fulvoguttata and Harrisii Alaus oculatus; Atteiabus aualis and bipuuctulatus; Rhynchites bicolor; Arrhen odes septentrionis; Teleiilionis ; Corymbites; various fireflies, Photinus and Photuris; Colorado potato beeUt; Cocciuella; Pemphigus vititolia?; Apple bark louse, Aspidiotus couchiformis ;^,'icada riniosa; OSdipoda Carolina; Panorpa. lSth-30th.— Megachile nesting; PrTstiphora grost-ulariw, larva; Neonynijilia Euiy- tris; Grapta Progne, larva; Cyntliia cardui, larva, Atalanta larva; Limenitis Missippus; Nymphalis Ephestiou; Melitsea Phaeton, Pharos, Harrisii; Satyrus Mephele; Actias Luna; Eudryas grata, larva: Trochiluim tipuiiforme; ^Egeria exit- iosa ; Platy samia Cecropia ; Telea Polypliemus ; Hypena humuli ; Desmia niaculalis; Crambus; Asopia costalis; Gooseberry Pempelia larva; Phiiampelus; Chaero- campa; Halesidota; Datana miuistra; Eacles imperialis; Citheronia regalis; Hyperchiria lo; Loxotaenia rosaceana; Carpocapsa pomonella, larva; Liniacodes; Locust Depressaria larva; Strobisia levipedella; Coleophora; Tinea, clothes-moth; Cerura borealis; Bryophila; Pterophorus larvaj; Sarcophaga; Anthomyia raphani, radish fly; Scolytus pyri; Cerasphorus cinctus; Monohammus titiHator; Anomala varians; Fidia viticida; Desmocerus palliatus; Hispa suturalis; Lytta cinerea; Grape Coeliot^es larva; Squash, bug, Coi-eus tristis; Lecanium quercifex; Chinch, bug; Thrips, Cicada 17-decim ; ^ettigoiMa rosg ; Chrysopa, Phi-yganea; Xeuronia. lst-l?th. — Wasps nesting; Pine Lophyrus larvae; Melitsea Harrisii; Hesperia Hobomoc; Satj'rus Alope; Deilephila; Darapsa; Harrisina Americana; Alypia octomaculata ; Phragmatobia rubricosa; Pyrrharctia Isabella; Euphanessa; Ha- dena arctica; Catocala; Dahlia Gortyna larva, boring the stems; Phlox worm; Ennomos subsiguaria, Angerona crotataria and many other Phalienidae : Phycita nebulo, and many other Pyralidae and Tortricida;; Simulium; CEstrus; Ortalis. flexa; Acinia; Limnobia; Monoliamnius scutellatus; Trichodes humeralis; Lep- tura Canadensis; Buprestis fasciatus; Grape Baridius: Reduvius; many Libel- lulae. 16th-31?t. — Pristiphora grossulariae ; Tremex Columba; Heteropterus margin- atus; Polyommatus Comyntas; Thecla ftilacer; Danais, larva; Argynnis Idalia and Aphrodite; ^Egeria cucurbita>; Sphinx larva>; Utetheisa bella; Litliosia casta; Ichthyura albosigma; Clisiocampa; Lagoa crispata,: Xyleutes robiniaj; Apatela Americana; Agi-otis telifera, devastator; Hypena humuli, 3d brood of larva;; Bra- chytajuia malana; Antithesia pruniana; Pterophorus; Coleophora; Nepticula; Gracilaria; Elachista; Lenia trilineata; Anthonomus prunicida ; Eumolpus auva- tus; Prionus laticollis; Orthosoma unicolor; Leptostylus: Monohammus marmo- ratus; Lucanus cam:eolus, dama; Clytus; Saperda; Osmoderma scabra; Cram ben-y Anthonomus ;^ettigonia fabse; Clastoptera. lst-I5th. — Many bees and wasps; Crabronidae; Nyssonidae; Bembecidae; Lar- ridap; Sphex, Pompilus and other fossorial wasps; Cimbex larva; Pelecinus and various Chalcids and Proctotrypidae ; CEceticus makes its cocoon; Gortyna zeae; Agrotis subgothica; Plusia; Heliothis; Northern Army worm (Leucania) ; Nepti ENTOMOLOGICAL CALENDAR. 68'd cula; Gelechla; Lyonetia;, riial.Tnidw and Xoctuidic; Cranberry Antithesia; Saperda calcarata; Clytua, Tettigouiaj and many other Hemiptera, Grain Aphis and other Aphides j CoccidS; Phymata erosa; CEcanthus uiveus; Chloiialtis; Acheta; Nemobius, and other grasshoppers. lGth-31st. — Orgyia; hirvaj of many moths and buttei-flies; Lycomoriiha phohis; Apple LithocoUetis larva; Sac-bearing Lyonetia larva; Tomicus and other bark boring beetles ; Girdler Oncideres; Psocidse; second brood of Chrysopa. SEPTEMBER. Ants swarm; Males and females of Bombus ; Nymphalis Disippe; Gastropacha Americana, laiva; Liniacodes, larva; Boll womi (larva); Zerene catenaria; Larva; of various LithocoUetis, Bucculatrix anckother Tineids ; Sciara larva; Carabida;; Clytus pictus oviposits on locust; Meloe; Membracis bima culata; Pemphigus rais- ing galls ; Lachnus strobi. (Eceticus, and larvas of various Tineids; ^geria pyri; Canker worm motli; Anisopteryx; Hibemiatiliaiia; BdelliasomnulenteUaj Ehagium lineatum matoies, but hibernates in its cell; Hemerobius, and larva. Xhe Driver Ant, see p. ISU GLOSSARY. Acuminate. Ending in a prolonged point. Anastomosing. Inosculating or running into each other like veins. Annulate. When a leg, antenna, etc., is surrounded by narrow rings of a dil- ferwnt color. Apodous. Footless. Areolnte. Furnished with small areas; like a net work. Aristate. Furnished with a hair. Aurelia. Ancient term for pupa. Blastoderm. The primitive skin of the embrvo. Blastodermic cells. The cells forming the blastoderm. Bulkite. Blistered. Calcarated. Armed with spurs. Cancellate. Crossed by lines going at right angles to each other. Capitate. Ending in a knob. Carina. An elevated keel-like ridge. Carpus. The pterostigma. Cellule. A little space sun-ounded by veins on the wing. Chela. Terminal portion of a foot, with a movable lateral toe, like the claw of a crab or mandibles of arachnids. Chrysalis. The pupa of Lepidoptera. Concolororis. Of the same color with another part. Ciliate. Fringed. [ashes. Cinereous. Ash color; color of wood Cingula. A colored band. Clavate. Club-shaped. Coarctate. Contracted; compact. Confluent. Running into each other. Connate. United. Cordate. Heart shaped. Coriaceous. Leather-like, thick, tough, and somewhat rigid. Corneous. Of a horny substance; re- sembling horn. Crenate. Scalloped, with rounded teeth. Cupreous. Coppery in color. Dentated. Furnished with teeth. Depressed. Flattened down. Dilated. Widened, expanded. Dimidiate. Half round. Discal. Relating to the disk ; discoidal. Edentulous. Destitute of teeth. Emarginate. Notched ; terminating in an acute notch at tip. Entire. (Wings) with a simple, not in- dented, edge. Epistoma. That part of the face between the front and labrum. Eruca. The larva. Excurved. Curred outwards. Exserted. Protruded; opposed to to» closed. Exuvia. Cast-oflf skin. Fades. Appearance, aspect. Falcate. Sickle-shaped. Fascia. A stripe l)roa(ler than a line. Fauna. An as.^emblage of animals peo- pling a region or country. Fenestrated. Marked will) transparent spots surrounded by a darker color, like window panes. Ferruginous. Rust-colored. Filiform. Thread-like. Flavescent. Somewhat yellow. Flexuous. Almost zigzag. Foliaceous. Leaf-like. Forcipated. Forceps-like. Fovea. A more or less rounded depres- sion. Free. Unrestrained in articulated move- ment; not soldered at the points of contact. Front. The fore-face, bounded by the eyes, the vertex, and often beneath by the epistoma, or clypeus. Fuliginous. Of the color of dark smoke. Fulvo-wneous. Brazen, with a tinge of brownish yellow. [deer. Fulvous. Tawny ; color of the common Furcated. Forked. Fusco-testaceous. Dull reddish brown. Fuscous. Dark brown; approaching black. Fusiform. Soindle-shaped; gradually tajjering at each end. Ganglion. A centre of the nervous sys- tem, containing nerve cells, and re- ceiving and giving out impressions. Geminate. Ai'ranged in pairs ; twin. Gemmiparous. Asexual generation by new individuals arising as buds from the body of the parent. Glabrous'. Smooth; opposed to hairy, downy, villous. Glaucous. Gray ; bluish green. Hamule. A little hook. Hastate. Halberd shaped. Haustellate. Furnished with a proboscis or tonerue-like month. Hexapodous. Provided with six feet. Hirsute. Clothed with shaggy hairs. Hyaline. Transparent; of the color of water. Hypostoma. The clypeus in diptera. Incrassated. Thickened ; swelled out on some particular part. (685) €86 GLOSSARY. Iiifumated. Clonderl. Jrijuscated. Darkened with a blackish tinge. Jnterriqyted. Suddenly stopped. Jnrohifcd. Rolled inwards spirally. Irrorated. Freckled; sprinkled with atoms. LameUiform. Sheet or leaf-like. Limhate. AVhen a disk is surrounded by a margin of a different color. Lamina. A plate or sheet-like piece. Linear. Like a line. Lineated. Provided with line-like marks. Mandihulate. Furnished with mandi- bles ; opposed to hausteUatc. Margiiiated. Surrounded by an elevated or attenuated margin. Membranaceous. Thin; skinny, and semi-transpareut like parchmeiit. Mucronute. Ending in a sharp point. Mutic. Unarmed. Nymph. Old name for pupa. Obcordate. Inversely heart-shaped. Obovate. Inversely ovate; the smaller end turned towards the base. Obsolete. Not distinct; or almost lost to view. Obtected. Ochreous, color. Olivaceous. Olive coloi-ed. Operculum. A lid ; a small valvular ap- pendage. Oval. Egg-shaped. Ovate. More or less oval. ■Oviposition. The act of depositing eggs. Petiolated. Supported on a stem. Piceous. Pitchy, color of pitch; shining reddish black. Pilose. Clotlied M'ith pile, or dense down. Process. A projection. Produced. Drawn out; prolonged. Pruinose. Frostj'. Pseudora. Unimpregnated eggs, which produce young, as in those laid by virgin Aphides. Pubescent. Coated with very fine hairs, or down. Pulverulent. Dusty. Punctured. Marked with numerous small impressed dots. Raptorial. Adapted for seizing prey. Recurved. Curved backwards. Reniform. Kidney shaped. Covered. Of a more or less deep ochre Reticulated. Marked like net work. Revulute. Rolled backwards. Rostrum. The beak or sucking mouttli> parts in Hemiptera. Rufescent. Somewhat reddish. Rufous. Reddish. Rugose. Wrinkled. Sanc/uineous. Blood-red. Scabrous. Rough like a file ; with small raised dots. Scalloped. Edge marked by rounded hollows, without intervening angles. Sericeous. Having the surface with a silk-like gloss, usually from the pres- ence of minute, dense" hairs. Serrated. Like saA\"-teeth. Setaceous. Bristle-like. Sessile. Not stalked. Sinuated. Scooped out. Spinous. Armed with spines. Sjnirs. Stiff bristles, or spines, on the tibiaj. Stria. Aline usually depressed; some- times composed of punctures. Subaduncate. Somewhat hooked or curved. Subulate. Shaped like an awl. Sulcute. With groo\'e-like excavations. Suture. A seam, or impressed line; usually between segments. Taivny. Fulvous; a pale dirty yellow. Teneral. A state of the imago (Neurop- tera) after exclusion from the pupa, in M'hich it has not fully completed its coloring, clothing, etc. Tessellate. S))otted like a checker-board. Testaceous. Dull red; brick color. Tomentose. Covered with fine matted hairs. Truncated. Cut squarely off. Tuberculose. Covered with tubercle-like prominences. Uncinate. Hooked at the end. Unequal. Differing in .size, or length. Unguiculate. Armed with a hook or nail. Valvule. A small valve-like process. Ventral. Relating to the under surface of tlie abdomen. Verticillate. Placed in whirls. Verriculate. With thickset tufts of par- allel hairs. Verrucose. Covered with wart-like prominences. Villose. Clothed with soft, rather long hairs. Vulva. Orifice of the oviduct. ABBREVIATIONS. Beauv., Beauvois. Boisd., Boisduval. Burm., Burmeister. Clem., Clemens. Dahlb., Dahlbom. Den., Dennis. Dej., Dejean. Erich., Erichson. Esch., Esch- oltz. Fabr., Falmcius. Frohl., Friihling. Grav., Gravenhorst. G. and R., Grote and Robinson. Guen., Guenee. Gyll., Gyllenhal. Hald., Haldemau. H. Sch., Hen'ich-Schaeffer. Hiibn., Hiibner. Lntr., Latreille. Lee, Leconte. Linn., Lin- najus. Mann., JIannerheim. Mels., Melsheimer. Oliv., Olivier. Pack., Packard. Sanss., Saussure. Schief., Schiefermiiller. Schonh., Schonherr, St. Farg., St, Fargeau Tellk. Tellkampf. Walk., Walker. o,male; ?, female; *?, worker. INDEX. Abdomen, 14. Abdoiniiuvl leg,-;, 21. Abi;i cariifoliurn, 216. A. cerasl, 217. Abraxas ribearia, 321. Acantliocheir armata, G.57. AcaiUliosKiiia grisea, 510. Acaviil;i>, (>ti4. Acaiiiia, 028, 0:U, 0;58, 639, 642, 644,660, 608. Acarus urscllus, 368. Achlysia, Oijl. Acliiinitos, 070. Acliatodes zesB, 311. Aciilalia oimcleata,323. A. nivosaria, 323. Aciliiis iiR'iliatus, 430. Acoloithii^ AnuTU'ana, 282. Acraea violx', 2.">1. Acratus flavipenuis, 454. Aero c era, 'i'.io. Aci'ocinus lougimanus, 497. AiTonvcta aceris, 305. A. oblinita, 304. Acropiiylla, .")73. Ai'i'Vilii, •">■>'.•, .^07. Acivlimii aleiitaceum, 571. A.tiii;:^ A/.teoa, 298. A. Luna, 234, 298. Ailidre. 395. Asihis 302. A. sericeus, 396. Asopia costali.'^. 328. Asparagus Ijeetle, 76,502. Aspatheriuni, 017. As])idiotus, .50. A. conchiformls,528. A. Ilarrisii, 5;{0. Astata unicolor, 165. A.~vnapta, 378. A t a X , < U2 , 00 1 . A . Bonzi, 640. Alhalia centiloliffi, 44. Athous, 401. Atopa, 404. Atropos divinatorius, 589. A. pulsato rius, 589. Attaci, 234. Atta clypeata, 186. Attagenus pellio, 448. Attacus, 235. A. Atlas, 296. A. Aurota, 297. A. Mylitta, 296. A. Peniyi, 296. A. Yania-niai,290. Attelabus analis, 485. Attns, 194, 655. Angocblora punis, 143, 156. Anlacizes mollipes, 532. " Anlacodes nigriventris, 195. Aulax, 212. Bajtisca, ,595. Baetis iiiteriiunctata, 595. Balniinus nasicus, 485. Baridius trinotatus, 491. B. sesostli' 491. B. vestitus, 491. Bark lice, 11. Batrachedra salicipomonella, 352. Batrachiilei- nristata, 572. BatrachomyiH. 406. Bat-ticks, 410, 418. Bdella longicornis, 660. Bilellidffi, 000. Bear animalcules, 668. Bed bug, 551. Bee killer, 396. Bee louse, 418. Bee moth, 332. Bee, venation of, 23. Belostoma, 80, 518. B. grisea, 537. B. Haldnnanum, 537. Bembecidae, 164. Bembex fasciata, 164. B. rostrata, 164 B. tarsata, 164. Bembidium, 422, 434. Beris, S92. "Berna"fly, 412. Berosus, 438. Bethylus fuscicornis, 201. BiV)io albipennis, 392. BibionidJB, 391. Bicho, 390. Biorhiza nigra, 211. Bird lice, 554. Bird sarcoptids, 642. Bird ticks, 416, 417. Bite of nisects, 43. BittacomoriJha, 5d. B. clavlpes, 384. INDEX. 6S^ 3;ttaous, 54. B. piliconiis, G14. Black dy, 3'JO. Blaps niortisaga, 473. i>lastotleriu, 55. Blastopliaga ffvossorum, 207. JJlatta, 1U4. B. Germauica, 481. B. ori- cntalis, 57(). Blattariaj, 57."). TJlatlina, 57ii, 577. Blood, :{7. Bliie-botlle lly, 407, 408. Boannia gnopliaria, 322. B,;!boi'eriisi, 4.53. liolbouiyia, 392. B )lt'tophagiis coniutus, 474. Bolitobius, 441. Bolitophila, 385. Bombai-dier beetle, 432. Bimibiis, 55, 54, G5, 130, 132, 135, 140,400. B. fervitlus, 401. Bouibus, head of, 30. BombycidiC, 200, 2.54, 238, 283. Boinbvliiihc, 3i)5. Bombvlius, 54, 1(>4, 397. Bonibyx Huttoui, 2!)5. B. mori, 293, 294, 295. B. neustria, .300. B. phoedima, 384. Bauvouloiria, 447: Boreu.s, 493, 583, 586, 014. B. bnimalis, 015. B. uivoriuudus, 615. Bostrielms, 471. Bot lly, 25, 403. Bothropolys multideutatus, C74. Boty.s citriua, 3.50. B. verticalis, 330. Brai'himis fiimans, 432. Bnicliyara, 392. Braohy''vbe, 076. B. Lecontei, 080. Braclivdcie.s, 408. Bradivs, 4.")9. Bracoii, 197, 198. Bracoiiidie, 197. Branchiaj, 41. Brathiims nitidus, 439. B. varicomis, 439. Braula, 40, 300, 388. Braula caeca, 127, 419. B/aulina, 418. Breeze-flies, 403. Bieutlms septentrionalis, 485. Brephos intans, 310. Bristle tails, i;-22. Briirhi, 4S4. Briiclius fabi, 484. B. pisi, 484, 513. Biiprestidre, 1.59, 457. Biithus Carolinianus, G59. B. hirsutus, (500. ' Butterflie.?, hermaphroditism in, 238. Butterfly, venation of, 23. Butternut .saw-fly, 224. Button-wood Tremex, 228 Byrrhidfe, 449. Bj-rrhus Americanus, 449. B. pillula, 449. Byrsocrypta, .523. Byturusunicolor, 448. Cabbage butterfly, 249. Cabbage maggot| 411. Caberodes metrocamparia, 320. Caddis or case-worm, 6, 615. Caddis-flies, 2.30. Caenis, 593. C. hilaris, 596. Calandra, 489. Callalucia vermiculata, 283. Callidium antennatum, 4!H5. Calligrapha Philadelpliica, 509. C. seal- aria, 509. 44 Callimome, 212. Calliinorplia Locontei, 286. CinterrupH to-niarginala, -Sii. Callinioseina sciniillaua, 337. C.illochlora chloris, 2!)0. Callosaniia Pronietliea, 237, 298. Calo.soma culiduui, 431. C. scnitator, 431. Calopteuus bivittatus, 570. C. lemur- ruber, 5;i9. C. spretus,670. Caloptervgiua, o'V. Calopteryx, 599, oul. 002. C. apicalis, 603. C'aliitc'i-nu's castaneu.s, 587. (.M'uiiixlea IVagilis, 023. Caniiioili'iu, 023. Camiiyluniyza, 378. Canker worm, 70, 324. Canker-worm moth, 200. Capnia pygmaja, 591. Capsini, 5.50. [550. Capsus Danicus, .5,50. C. quadrivittatus, Carabid», 421, 423, 424, 427, 430, 435. 437, 44'J. Caraljus auroniteus, 432. C. serratus, 432. Cardo, 28. Carnu.s hemapterus, 418. Carpenter-bee, 132. Carpet motli, 347. Cariiocapsa poi.ionella, 341. Carpophilus anli-puLs, •i44. Carrion or .Sexton Beetle, 438. Carvborus, 79, 80., 0. Casnonia Pensylvanica, 4:53. Cassitla, 408. C. aiirichalcea, 504. Cassidomvia, 408. Castiiia, 280. Cataclysta lulicalis, .330. Catocala, 302. C. piatrix, 317. C. ultro- uia, 317. Catocha, 378. Catops, 439. Cebrio bicolor, 463. Cebrionidje, 4(i2. Cecidomyia, 202, 205. Cecidomyia acropliila, 372. C. artemisiaa, 199. C. destructor, 373, 374. C. fusci- collis, 372. C. glutinosa, 372. C. gros. sularife, 376. C. pavida, 372. C. p;ai- iuopis, 370. C. rigida%3"0. C. robiulae, 499. C. salici.s, :564, 373, 376. C. salici- brassicoides, 377. C. strobiloides, 377. C. tritici, 375, 370. C ? vitis-coiyloides, 377. CecidomyidJB, 371. Cocropia" moth, 27, 234, 298. Cells (if the Honey bee, 120. Cenionus mornatils, 161. Centiiiedes, 10,673, 674. Cephali/.ation, 9. Cephaloidre, 476. Cephaloon lepturides, 476. Cephalothorax, 8. Cepluis, 215. C. abbreviatus, 227. C. ti* maculatus, 227. Cerambycidae, 425, 426, 493. Ceraphron, 199. C. arniatum, 200. Cerasphorus cinctus, 495. Ceratma, 143, 219. C. dupla, 134, 140. Ceratocampadae, 299. Ceratomia Amyntor, 274. Ceratopogon, 371. Cerceris, 146. C. bupresticida, 159. C. deserta. 159. C. tricincta, 159. C. tubei^ culata, 159. G90 INDEX. Cercopidae, 588. Cercuijis, o.Ji. Cere yon, ids. Cenuutiu, 070. C. forceps, G73. CermatidJB, (J73. Ceropalus bipuuctata, 174:. C. Robin- souii, 175. Cetouia, 45J, 457. Ceutliophilus maculatus, 565. C. stygius, »;J5. Ceiitorhvnchus, t89. djalcidiVhe, 2Ui. Chalcids, 101, 207, 410. Chalcis albifrous, 203. C. bracata, 203. Chalcophora Virgiuiensis, 458. Chalicodoma muTaria, 102. ClrirtcM-.u'iis chMi-tarius, l.)4. Chartoplula Uorali^, 408. Chaii!i(j(le.s pectiuicorui.s, G07. C. rastri- comis, OOIJ. C. seiTicornis, 607. Chauliogiiathus Peusylvauicus, 467. Chee.->e maggot, -413. C'helifer, 039. (J. cancroides, 659. Clielymorpha cribai-ia, 504. Chermes, 50, .523. C. abietis, 525. Clienies. 0. Sanborni, 659. Chei'iietidae, 058. Cheny slug, 222. Chevletus, 6j5. C. semenlvorus, 668. Chigoe, 3!K). Chiloeorus bivulnerulus, 513. Chilognatlia, 071, 670. Chiloiioda, 070, 672. Chilopods, 072, 076. Chinch bug, 54;;. Chion ciiictus, 495. Chionea, 358, 559. C. araneoides, 383. C. valga, 383. Chionobas, 75, 232. C. Bore, 263. C. Calais, 263. C. Chrixus, 203. C. Jutta, 263. C. CEno, 263. C. semidea, 263. Chigue, 390. Chironouiida", 370. ChirouDinus (ircanicus, 370. Chivononius larva, 21. Chitine, 1, 9. ChL-euius, 434. Chlamys plicata, 510. Chloealtis conspei'sa, 568. CUloeon, .594. Chlorion cvaneuni, 167. Chlorops Heri)inii, 415. C. lineata, 415. Chcerodes transversata, 319. Chreslotes lapidea, 593. Chrvsidida\ 190, 199. Chr> sis, i:.7, 191, 192. C. hilaris, 192. Chrysobothris lemorata, 458. C. Harrisii, 459. Chrvsomelidje, 501. Chrvsoiia, 47, 79. C. perla, 611. C. ocu- lata. Oil. Chrvsoi'hauus Americanus,264. C.Thoe, 264, 357. Chrysops niger, 393. C. vittatus, 393. Cicada canicularis, 163. C. Cassinii,535. C. pruinosa, 5.34. C. rimosa, 534 C. septendecim, 535. Cicadellina, 531. CHcadid.TB 516. Cicindela generosa, 430. C. hirticolli.*, 430. C. punctata, 430. C. puri)area, 430. C. se5:guttata, 430. C. vulgaris, 4.30. Cicindelidse, 423, 428. Cidaria diversilineata, 325. C. regalis. Cillenum, 4.34. Cinibex Americana, 215. Cimex, 516. C. cohimbarius, 651. Iiiruudiuis, 5.)1. (J. lectularius, 551. pipistrclli, .551. Cioidie, 472. Circulatory system, 37, 398. Cis, 472. Cistela, 475. Cistelid*, 425, 475. Citlicronia Mc.xicaua, 299. 2i»9. C. sepulcralis, 299. Cladius isomcra, 226. Cladomacra macropus, 114. Clatlura iuilivisa, 360. Clambus, 439. Chissiticatiou of insects, 104. _ Clastoptera proteus, 532. ■ Claviger, 440. Clavola, 26. Cleptes scmiaurata, 192. Cleridffi, 468. Clerus, 408. C. alvearius, 469. Cliuidium, 440. Clisiocampa, 156, 196, 343. C. Araen* cana, 207, 238, 301. C. disstria, 301. Clivina, 432. Cloaca, 35. Cloe, .593. C. pygmtea, 596. Clothes moth, 340. Clothilla picea, 589. Clover worm, 328. Clubioue holosericea. 193. C. medicin- alis, 649. C. tranquilla, 649. Clvpeus, 29. Clytus, 159. C. araneiformis, 497. C. pic- tus, 497. C. robiuiiv, 497. C.speciosus, 496. Coccus cacti, 527. C. citri, 527. C. lacca, .527. C. manniparu8,527. C. Gloverii,52T CoccidiB, 112, .525. Coccinella bipunctata, 511. C. Bovenj' uotata, 512. C. trifasciata, 512. Coccinellida>, 511. Coceophagus, 527. Coccus cacti, .520. Cochlidiaj, 288. Cockchafer, 71. Cockroach, 194, 575. Cocoons of silk Womis, 240. Coddling moth, 341. Ctt'liodes ina^qualis, 490. Ca4ioxys octodentata, 141. Coeloda'sys (Xotodonta) unicornis, 292. Coleophora coruscipennella, 351. C. rosacella, 351. C. rosa;foliella, 351. Coleoptera, 420, 421. Antennae of, 422. Number of species of, 427. Colias, 244. C. interior, 251. C. Labra- dorensis, 2.50. C. occideutalis, 251. C. Philodice, 250. Collecting insects, 84. Colletes. 141. 14.3, 147. CoUophore, 622. Colorado potato beetle, 40S, 508. Colpodia, 378. Colvdidse, 445. Colvdium elongatum, 446. Colymbetes, 430. Common 11 y, 361. Comprelieiisive types, 54. Ct)mpsidea tridentata, 499. Condvlodera tricondyloides, 567. Conif>pteryx,625. C."tineil'ormis,609. C vicina, 609. INDEX. 691 Conocephalns ensiger, 566. Couopiila-, too. 418. Couopfs, i;{i, ;5i;3. C. Ilavipes, 401. Conorliiiui.s .saiiguisuga, 3W. Couotraclieliis nenuiihar, -488. Copris, 17. C. Carolina, lol. Coptera, 201. C. polita, 201. Corauus subapterus, oil. Cordulia tenebrosa, 004. Coriluliiia, 584. Corelda3, 542. Corethra, 0.1, 370. Coreus inargiiiatiis, 544. C. scapha, 515. C tristis, .")t.'). Corimelifiia pulicaria, 547. Cori.sia3, 512. (Jorixa interrnpta, 536. Ciiru, inticcts injurious to, 300, 311, 350. Coruea, 25. Coryilalus, 70. C. conuitus, 33, 579, 607. Co'-ynibites aeripeunis, 402. C. viridi.s, 402. C. cylindrifonni.s, 402. C. ti-iun- dulatus, 402. C. liieroglyphicus, 462. Coryuetes, 408. Costa, 2;J. Cotalpa lanigera, 455. Cotton Anomis, .513. Cotton Koarinia, 322. Cotton Ili'lioihis, :!15. Cotton Leaf roller, 335. Cotton IMiisia, 312. Coxa, 20. Crabro, 110, li)7. C. sex-maculatus, 159. C. singularis, 158, 100. C. stii"picola, 158. Crabronidaj, 119. 1.55, 1.57, 195. Crambidia pallida, 285. Crambus, 23 !. C. niutabilis, 333. ■Cranberry Anchylopera, 338. Cranberry Cidaria, 325. Cranberry PristiplioVa, 217. Cranberry Tortrix, 3;!1. Cranberry weevil, 487. Crane-flies, 380. Crepidodera cucumeris, 506. Cressonia juglandis, 274. Crickets, .562. Crioceridw, 420. Crioceris asparagi, 502. Crocota ferruginosa, 285. Crossidius pulchrior, 495. Crotou bug, 570. Cnistacea, 036. Crustacean.*, typical, 5, 7, S. Cryphalus materarius, 4j3. Cryptocephalus, 510. Cryptocercus punctulatus, 576. C. mul- tispinosus, 19U. Cryptopliagidie, 446. Cryptopliagus liirtus, 447. Crvptus, 193, 197, 395. C ? omatipennis, 197. Ctenistes, 422. Ctenocerus, 114. Ctenophora, 381. Ctenostoma, 428. Ctenucha, 239, 280. C. Virginica, 234, 283. Cuckoo bee, 141, 147. Cuckoo flies, 191. Cucujida;, 446. Cucujus. 440. Cucumber flea beetle, 506. Culex pipiens, 369. Culicid.T, 308. Cupes capitata, 470. C. cinerea, 470. Cupe^idK, 469. Ciirculionidie, 159, .378, 425, 426, 484. Currant .Vbraxas, 321. Currant liorers, 279, .500. Currant Pri^til^llora, 217. Cuterebra buccata, 406. C. cuniculi, 400. C. eniasculator, 405. C. horripilum, 40ti. Cut-uorms, liemedies for, 308. Cycbrus, r.a. C\<'loiii)tuni, 438. Cycli)i)tlialnuis, 6.30. C. Bucklandi, 060. Cylindrotonia, 384. C. distinctissinia, 381. C. (I'halacrocera) replicata, 381. Cyuiatophora caniplaga, 301. Cvmindis, 433. C"viiii)id:u, 205, 208. Cvnips, .50, 202. C. confluens, 209, 211. "C. divisa, 209. C. folii, 2(19. C. galla;- tinctoriie, 211. C. (piercus-aciculata, 208. C. quercus-l'utilis, 210, 211. C. quercus globulus, 210. C. quercus-pa- lustris, 211. C. quercus-jjapillata, 210. C. scniinatoi', 210. C. tubicola, 210. Cvuthia, 211. Cvpbiin, 4iil. Cynic la', 395. Cyrtopbyllum concavum, 566. Daddy-long-Ieg.s, 380. Daihiiiia, 505. Danais, 215. D. archippus, 251. Dascyl]id:c, 404. Dasvpogon, 361, 395. Death's head Sphinx, 284. Deciduous legs, 21. Deformities of Insects, 83. Degeeria nivalis, 625. Deilephila liueata, 275. D. chamoeneril, 270. Delphax arvensis, 533. Demodex, 626, 642. D. foUiculorum, 69, 607. Deudroides Canadensis, 4(7. D. con- color, 477. Depressaria atrodorsella, .319. D. later- ella, 3J9. D. robiniella, 349. Dermuleichus pici-pubescentis, 666. Dermanyssus avium, 663. D. pipisti-el- la3, 003. Derniaptera, 577. Dermatobia moyocuil, 406. D. noxialis, 400. Dermatodectes bovis, 660. D. equi, 666. D. ovis, 660. Dermestes lardarius, 448. Dermestid.T, 4!^'. Derodoutid.T, 417. Desmia niarulali>, 330. Desmocerus cyaneus, .506. Desoria, 025. Development of Insects, 54. Devil's darning needles, 597. Dexia, 408. Diabrotica, 12-punctata, 506. D. vittata, .m'x Dianous, 442. Diai>heromera fcmorata. 573. Diapria cecidomyiarum, 199. Diastrophus. 512. Dicerca divaricaia, 458. D. lurida, 458. Diclu'lonycha ilongatula, 454. Dicryoneura. .582. Died'rocppha!,!. .".32. Dimorphism, 52. Dineutes, 79, 80. D. Americanus, 437> 692 INDEX. Diplax, 55, CO, 600. D. Berenice, 605. D. JElisii, 605. 1). rubieuudula, 605. Di|>lolepariae, '208. Diplolepis coufluens, 155. D. conflueu- iiis, no. Diplonvchus, 80. DiplosiV, 375, 378. D. socialis, 372. Dipneumones, &18. Diptera, 358. Niimljer of species of, 267. Venation of, 360. Dise.ises of insects, 81, 344. Diving Beetles, 435. Dolerus arvensis, 222. Dolichopodiilai, 402. Dolomedes laiiceolatus, 653. Dolopius stabilis, Kil. D. pauper; 461. Douacia Kirbyi, 5i)2. D. proxima, 502. Dor bug, 455. Dorcas brevis, 451. Dorcatomma, 422. Dorsal vessel, 37. Dorthesia, 526. Doi-ylus, 181. Doryphora decera-lineata, 508. D. juncta, 509. Dragon-flies, 584, 597, 630, 679. Drassus, 049. Drasteria erechtea, 317. Drilus, 406. Drop-worms, 318. Drosophila, 377, 414. Dryopteris rosea, 293. Ductus ejaculatorius, 44. Dynastes, 455. D. Hercules, 456. D. Tityus, 456. Dysdera, 633. D. interrita, 649. Dytiscidie, 424, 435, 436, 437. Dytiscus, 53. D. fasciventris, 436. Eacles imjierialis, 300. E'tirwigs, 577. F.l)nna? Ulkei, 495. Erhiniscus, 642. ICi'hiuiimyia, 408. Eciton Mo.Kicana, 186. E. Sumichrasti, 186. Ectatomnia ferruginea, 184. Ei-tobia Geiinanica, 576. E. lithophila, 576. Edema albifrons, 292. Etrgs, 46. Egg-iJarasites, 198. Eiphosomi annulatuni, 195. Ehichista 'i orichalceUa, 352. Elaphrus, 431. Elasmocerus terminatus, 468. Elater, 460. E. obliquus, 461. Elateridie, 421,425, 459. Elepliantomyia Westwoodil, 383. Elis costalis, 177. Ellema Harrisii, 271. Ellopia, 318. E. fasciaria, 320. E. flagit- iaria, .320. Elm butterfly, 260. Elm Ennomos, 321. Elm Tremex, 228. >:imis, 450. Elodes, 473. Erabia Savigni, .588. Embidffi, 583, .588. Emesa longipes, 541. Einmenadia, 481. Emphytus maculatus, 220, Empidge, 402. Empis, 361. Empretia stimulea, 289. Empiisa, 575. Euiyilium testudo, 669. Eiicyrtus, 223. E. Botus, 207. E. ReatCi- 207. E. varicornis, 207. Endomychida3, 510. Endropla tigrinaria, 320. Ennomos magnaria, 321. E. subsignaria, 321. EiKiicyla pusilla, 616. KntiiiiioldL^ical journal, 103. Kntonioldu'ical systems, 106. Kutonidlcigical works, 97. Kntomostraca, (ilO. KdMurpiou carbonarius, 600. Epeira domiciliorum, 651. E. Tulgari»r 631, 651. Epeolus, 141. E. variegatus, 147. Ephemera decora, 594. EphemeridsB, .578, .580, 581, 583, 593. Ephemerids, .583, 593. Epbeinerina, 583. Kpliemerites, 594. Ephydra halophila, 414. Epicraniuni, 29. Epi.losis, 372, 378. Epilaclma borealis, 513. Epimera, 9. Epipharyx, 20, 29. Epipone nitidulans, 203. Epirus, 401. Episterniim, 9. Epuraea, 445, 446. Brastria carneola, 310. Erebus Agrippina, 318. E. odora, 318, Eremoijhila Ehrenbergi, 575. Erioptera venusta, 383. Eriosoma lanigei-a, 522. E. pyri, 526. Eristalis, 398. Ernol)ius mollis, 471. Erotylidre, 510. Erythroneura vitis,532. — ■ " Eucera, 141. E. maculata, 136. Encerceris zonatus, 159. Eueheira socialis, 244. Euchroma Columbica, 459. Euclea Monitor, 289. lOuclironia Maia, 299. Eucnemis, 460. Eudamus Bathvllus, 269. E. Tityiiis,269; Eudrj-as, 280. E. grata, 281. E. unio,2S2. Eugereon Bieckingi, 54, 78, 582. - Euloplins basalis, 207. Eumenes, 147, 155,156. E. coarctata,207. E. fraterna, 1.56. E. tinctor, 192. Eumolpus auratns, 509. Euplianessa mendica, 285. Eupithecia misernlata, 325. Euplexoptera, 577. Eupyrrhoglossuui Sagra, 277. Euremia, 280. Euryomia Inda, 457. Eurvptychia saligneana, 337. EurVtoina, 203, 205, 212. E. flavipes, 206. E.'hordei, 203, 205. E. secalis, 205. Euscirrhopterus Poevi, 282. Euura orbitalis, 218. "E. perturbans, 218. E. salicis-ovum, 218. Evagoras viridis, 542. Evagorus, 80. Evania, 194, 195. E. laevigata, 194. EvaniidiB, 194. Eyes, 25. Facets of eye, 25. INDEX, 693 False legs, 17. False Scorpions, 632. Fatty boily, 37. Fauiia, 71.' iFi'iimr, -^l. Fidia viticitla, 502. Fuliniia ])iiuaria, hermaphrortite, 4G. Figites, •>\-2. F. (Diplolepis) 5-liaeatus '208. FigitiiliB, 212. Filaria, 8;J. Filistata hibernalis, 049. Fire lly, 4ii2, 4(J5. Fire-\vorins, 339. Fir saw llv, 224. Flagelluin, 2fJ. Flata, 112. F. limbata, 533. Flea, 11, .idO, 388. Flcsli llv, 407, 408. Flijrht of Insects, 32. Ftumis, lilt, 19.1. F. jaculator, 195. Foiest-llies, 41(i. Forlli-ul:i, .")!, 577. Forlli'iil:iri», 577. Formica llava, 183. F. fulvacea, 183. F. IU'lialliii-. t.Vi. Goni|iliina, .")St. 4. G. neslectus, .504. G. uiger, 564!, Guest gall-nie>, 212. Gyrinida>, 424, 430, 437. Gyrinus, 422. (i. borealis, 437. Gyropus porcelli, 5.55. Hadena ehenopodii, .309. Iladencvciis siilitcri'aneus, .565. Ilalesidota carva', 2S7. H. maculata,287. H. tessellaris, 287. Halictus, 141. 142, 144, 145. H. paraleUus, 145. Haliplus, 4.30. Ilaloiiota simulana, 337. Haltica chalvbea, .507. H. cucumerisk 50-;. II. striolata, .507. Hamanielistes cornu, 523. Haplophlebium, 594. 694 INDEX. rrai-i'>''^ctopns, 167. Harjjuctor cinctus, 542. Haipaliis, :>i>. II. caliginosus, 420, 434. Haipax, 575. H:nvest-nien, 632, 656. h. Itching of the larva, 61. Head, appendages of, 24. Segments of, 20. Structure of, 18. Hearmg, organ.s of, ij.ji). Seuse of, 26. Heart, 37. Development of, 42. Hedvchrum bldentuluni, 191. H. dimidi- atum, 1!J2. H. lucidulum, 191. H. re- giuni, 191. Hegeinou, 456. He'lichus, 150. Heliconia Melpomone, 251. H 'lir ipsvclie, 616. H. arenifera, 619. H. glaln-a, tllij. Ilcliiicheihi.s paradoxus, 315. lleliotliis arinigcra, 315. Hc'lhioniorplui pra;usta, 433. Hclochara communis, 532. Helophilus, 399. Hemeristia occidentalis, 77, 596. Hemeristina, 596. Henierobiidffi, 237, .580, .583, 609, 622. Hemerobius, 581, 586. H. alternatus, 010. H. occidentalis, 610. Hemiptera, 514. Hemiteles, 193. Hepiali, 301. Hepialus, 11, 233, 236. H. humuli, 302. H. musteliuus, 302. Herniai)hrodites, 45. Herniiiiia jiiccliusialis, 328. Ilovsilla. ( Hesperia Ilobomoc, 2G9. H. Mystic, 270. :i. Wanisutta, 270. Hesperians, 269. Ilessian-lly, 200, 202, 207, 372. Hctan'ius,"443. Heteroccrida^ 4.50. Heteromcra, 424. Heterometal)olia, iii. Hcteropus ventricosus, 136, 667, 668. Hexapoda, 21. Hil)ornation, 42. Hickory ginller, 498. Hickory saw-fly, 224. Hickoi-y tree Ijorer, 495, 497. Hipparchia, 262. Hippobosca, 3;;3, 364. H. bubonis, 417. II. equin.T?, 417. Hipiioboscida", 416. llijiiiodnmia convergens, 511. H. macu- lata, .511. Hirnioneura, 305. Hispa rosea, .503. H. suturalis, 504. Histeridas 442. Hister interruptus, 443. H. merdarius, 443. Hockeria, 'iQ3. Honialomyia, 411. Homolota, 441. Homoptera lunata, 318. Homothetus fossilis, 77. Honevant, 181. Honey bees, 45, .50, 52, 116, 147, 361. Honevsuokle saw fly, 216. Hop butterflies, 259," 260, 265. Hop Hepialus, 302. Hop Hypena. .327. Ho)>-vihe moth, 327. Horia sansuinipennis, 479. Hornet, 150. Horntails, 227. Horse bot fly, 404. Horse fly, 393. Horse lick, 417. House lly, 407, 409. Iluniljlc bee, 1.30, 131, 194, 198, 329. Sting of, 15. Hyalomyia, 404. Hyljernia tdiaria, 325. Hvbos, 402. Ilvbridilv, .54. T661. llyihaclina, 631, 632, 660. H. concimrum, 11\ drarhiiida?, 661. Hvdn.liius, 4.38. ilNdroranipa, 329, 330. lIvilriK-oris, 518. IIv(ir()iiicfra,.539. Ily.lroiilnlida', 424, 437. H. piceus,438. Hydrophilus, 422. H. triangularis, 438. Ilydrophorus, 403. 11 vdroi)s\ (be scalaris, 621. Hv(b-otrcflins, 539, 540. Hvlobatos. .540. Hylobius pales, 486. Hylotoma Mcl.eayi, 217. HyhirLTus dcntatus. 492. H. terebrans, 493. Hynu'iioplera, 107. Hypena hiniuiii, 327. llypen hiria varia, 299. Il> perliciiiiala virescens, 5G7. II v|ieriiu'laniorphosis, 67. Ilyiil'aiitria cunea, 287. H. textor, 286. Ilyiiodcrnia bovis, 405. H. tar audi, 405, llyiiodermis, 63. 1I\ lioiionienta rnillepunctatella, 348. llypupreiiia fucosa, 284, 285. Hyporhagus, 475. Hypselonotus, 80. Ibalia, 213. Icaria giittatipennis 121, 155, 156. Ichueuinonida', 192. Iclmeunion, 135, 146. I. o\nilonim, 200, 1. paratus, 197. I. suturalis, 196. Idia Bigoti, 410. Idioptera, 360. Imago, 70. Ina^quitelfe, 650, Inostenima iuserens, 201. Inipulinas, 212. Insects bisexual, 45. Insect Crust, composition of, 9. Insect years, 76. Intestine, 35. Introduced species, 76. loplocama formosana, 338. Ips fasciatus,445. I. ferrugineus,445. I, sanguinolentus, 4-15. Isoptcryx Cvdippe, 591. Itch mite, 666. Ithomia, 251. Ixodidre, 661. Ixodes, 629, 632. I. albipictiis, 662. I. bovis, 663, 668. I. ricinus, 663. I.uni- punctata, 662, 668. Japyx solifugus, 623. Jassus irroratus, 5.32. Jigger, 390. Joint-worm, 203, 204, 205. Juglans s.quamosa, 224. Julida\671,673, 678. Julus, 62, 671, 673, 676, 678. J. Canadan. sis, 679. J. multisti-iatus, 679. -Tune beetle, 27, 4,55. Junonia coeuia, 261. INDEX. 695 Katvdid, SfiG. Kiiriiig- insects Tor the Cabinet, 87. jLiibelliim, '2!). Labia iiiiiuiti, i'ul. Lubitloiiu-ra irimaculata, 008. LabicUis, uso. Labium, 'Z6. Labniin, •!'.). Lace winged flies, (109, (iU. Lai-hlania abnovniis, o!)',!. Lat-hneides, .'SOO. LachnostiM-na, J7. L. fiisca, 455. Laclunis caryaj, 532. L. strobi, 522. Lacinia, 28. Lady bird, 5U. Lannophliuus adustus, figure of, 555. I.airoa iTisi)ata, 288. L:ikriid:i', 17.'). Lainollii'oniia, •t5L Laiuellii'oriis, 425, 42G. lyamprocoUctes, 114. J.anipyridic, 421, 425, 405. Lanipyris, 405. I, iliinia, 51. L. tlioracica, 39G. Larjic Black Cut-Avorm, 30G. I^arrathi arjrciitata, 1G5. Ibarra unicincta, 1G4. LaiTidas 1;;4. [95. Larv.-c, iiie.-^ervation of, 95. Rearing of, Larva state, (!2. Lasiiiptera, .■i78. L. nibi, 372. LaUiii53. Lilhosia argillacea, 28t. L. casta, 284. Lilliosians, '^80. Livia \ erualis, .531. Loi'ustaria', 557, 564. Locusta viridissima, 48, 567. Locusts, 564. Lo.-ust Depressaria, 349. Locust Eudamus, 269. Locust g.lll midge, 499. Locust tree Ijorer, 497. LonclKea nigra, 413. Louclioptera, 68. Longicornia, 4".)3. Lophyrus, 111,219. L. Abbotii, 226. I* abdominalis, 226. L. abietis, 224, 226w L. Americana, 226. L. compar, 226. L. Fabricii,226. L. insularis,220. L. Le- contei, 226. L. pinetum, 226. L. pini- rigidas, 225, 226. Louse, 11. Lozotseuia fragariana, 335. L. gossypi- aua, 3:!5. L. rosaceana, 335, 336. Lubber grasshopper, 570. Lucanidai, 426, 4.50. Lucanus dama, 451. L. cervus, 32, 45L Liidius atteniiatus, 461. Lycrena comyntas, 2G5. L. neglecta, 265u Lvcomorpha' Pholus, 283. Lycosa, 627, 631. L. fatigera, 654. L. ta- rantula, 6.54. Lyctus oijaculus, 472. Lvcus, 465. Lytla inanita, 215. L. scripta, 226. Lydella, (i42. LvgaMdse, 512. Lygajus, 542. J^. turcicus, 543- Lymexylidaj, 469. Lymexylon sericeum, 469. Lyonetia saccatella, 3.55. Lystra auricoma, 533. L. lanata, 533. Lytta vittata, 480. L. cinerea, 480. L. murina, 480. L. marginata, 480. INIacaria granitata, 323. iMachilis, 623. :\Iacrobiotus, 6(!9. Maorodactvlus subspinosus, 454. Macroglossa stellatarum, 277. Macroleijidoptera, 242. ^Macrosiagon, 481. Maciosila Carolina, 274. M. cingulata, 272. M. cluentius, 274. M. quinquo- maculata, 272. 696 INDEX. Martiirus vitis, 491. Mag7o. Manti.^pa, 51, 579. M. brunnea, 611. Mantispids, 592. Mantis tessellata, ovipositor of, 17. Masaris vespoides, 157. Mason bee, iSS, 207. Maxilh-e, 27. Maxillary segments, 20, 58. May flies, 593. Mazonia Woodiana, CGO. Meat fly, 408. Mechaiiitis, 251. Mecistocephalus fulvns, G75. Mecynorhina Savagei, 450. Medcteriis, 403. Megachile, 200, 397. M. brevis, 137. M. centuncularis, J36, 138. M. integer, 137. M. muraria, 191. M. Poeyi, 203. ]Megathentonuim pustulatuin, 621. Melanactes, 402. 3Ielandrya striata, 476. Melandryidaj, 475. Melanism, 70. Melanotus communis, 461. Melee ta, 136, 141. Melipona, 128. M. fulvipes, 129. Melit:ea Anicia, 2.")8. M. Chalcedon, 258. M. Harrisii, 257. M. CEnone, 257. M. Packardii, 25i>. M. Phaeton, 255. 31. Texaaa, 2.i8. M. Thuros, 2.56. Melittia cucurl)ita>, 279. Melliiu;s bimaculatus, 162. Meloi:, 6, 131, 427. M. angusticollis, 478. M. violaceus, 478. Meloiihu, 477. Meldlontlia, 454. M. variolosa, 4.55. Meli>i)hagus, 40. M. ovinus, 418. Menibrauacei. .5.50. Mentum, 27, 28. Merniis albicans, 127. Merodim bardus, 399. M. narcissi, 399. Merope tubei-, 615. Mesochorus, 193. Metaljoli.i. iii. MetapoiTuis nasalus, 546. MetliocM Canadensis, 178. MetoiM'us paradoxus, 481. Metrocamita, 318. M. margaritata, 320. Miamia Bronsoni, 77, 591. M. Danas, 593. Miastor, 25. M. metroloas, 51, 380. Mipoceras, 53. Micralymma, 442. Mi('ro<'ontrum. 556. Mirroibm ulobosus, 398. Micvoaaster, 193, 198, 203. M. nephopte- ricis, 131, 198. Microlabris Sternbergi, 659. Mierolepido))tera, 242. Microlipus, 468. Micropeplus, 442. Mifrophantes, ()33. Mii'ropya, 47. Microtonus sericans, 476. Midas clavatus, 395. M. fulvipes, 395.. Milesia exoentrica, 398. Milk-pedes, 678. Miliioiuni tardigradum, 669, Miltogranima punctata, 147. MiiiifsM, 1(12. MiiiH'tic I'lirnis. 53. 31 iris dor.salis, 550. 31iscliocvttarus labiatus, 155, 156, 31itfs, 028, 632, 639. Transformations of 643. 31ole cricket, 503. Monedula Carolina, 164. M. 4-fasciata, 104. Monodontonierus, 136, 205. Monohammus scutellatus, 498. M, titil- lator, 498. Monomma, 475. Monommidse, 475. 3Ioniit()midje, 445. Mor(U-lla,207, 476, ilunlcllida', 476. Mordelli.stena, 476. 31orplio Ejnstrophis, 262. M. Menelaus, 202. M. Polyphemus, 262. Mosquito hawks, 597. 3Iotions of Insects, 32., 041. M. (Calliphora) vomitoria, 408. 31. domestica, 409, 410. M. (Lu- cilia) Ca^sar, 408, 409. M. vomitoria, 64, 31uscardine, 82. 31uscida3, 104, 407. Muscles, 31. 3Inscular power, 32. 3Iusic of insects, mi, 561, 563. 31utilla, 176, 177. 31. Europaea, 179. M, I'errugata, 179. 31. occideutalis, 179. 31ulillari£e, 177, 181. 3Iy(0tobia iiallipes. 387. 31. sordida, 388. .Mvcetophagid.T?, 447. 31y(et(>]ihagus, 447. Myretophila scatophora, 385. 3Ivcetiii)hilida', 385. 3rvdasidaj, 3H5. 3rvgale avicularia, 648. M. Hentzii, 172, 048. M. nidnlaus, 048. Jlygnimia 31exicana. 175. 31. ustulata, 175. 3Ivlacris anthracophila, 577. 31vmar pulcliellus, 201. 3rvol)ia, (ill, 042. ^Ivodites, 481. 3Ivi)pa atra, 401. 3!vriapi)da, 10, 104, 0"25, 670. 31yriap(.ds, 020, 627,636, 670. 3Iyrmpcocystus 3Iexicaniis, 184. 3lVrmeleon, 581, 611. 31. abdominaliS; ("112. 31. ob.soletns, 012. 31vrmica molefaciens, 185. 31. molesta 185. 3Ivrmicariie, 181. 31yrmosa, 177. 31. nnicolor. 178. Mysia 15-punctata, 512. 3Iystncides, 6. 3Iyzine sexcincta. 177, Xabis ferus, 541. Xannophy.i bella, 605. Xautocoris, 510. Necrobia, 408. Xecrophilus Snrinamensis, 439. Necrophonis, 663. X. Americanus, 43,\ 439. Xe<-tarina. 1.53. X. melliflca, 154. Xei'des, .545. Nematocanipa fllamentaria, 390. INDEX. 697 Nematus, 217. N. conjugatus, 214. N grosfiulariaj, 214. N. trilineatii8,220. N. vertebrutus, 219. N. ventricosus, 50, 219. Nenu>liius vittatns, 564. Neiiiopti'i-a, tilO. Nenuuira all)i. 5.'. |ilalaiu'lla, 350. Nericc biiU'iitata, JShJ. Nervous .•Ui, 518. N. irrorata, 537. N. umlulata, .")37. Notonectida', 53(5. Notoxus ancliora, 476. Nudaria muudana, 285. Nvcteribia, 358, 388, 626. N. AVestwoodii, 418. Nycteribidre, 418. Nymplies, 79. Nyssia, 322. N. hispidaria, 54. Xysson lateralis, 163. , Nyssonidse, 162. Oak Biorhiza, 211. Oak Cvnips, 210. Oak ficAn flies, 210. Oat-louse Aphidius, 198. Occiput, 29, 30. Ocellarv segments, 20, 58. Ocelli, 19, 25. Ocinari, 295. O -tosrlena bivirgata, 680. O -yptera, 408. Odontomacluis clarus, 182. Odor of busrs, 545. Odyneius, 147. V,l, 162, 206,211,401. O. alboplialeratus, 155, 156. O. leucome- las, 1.56, 218. CEcauthus, 24. CE. niveus, 564. CEceticus, 231, 291. (Ecodoma, 177. CB. cephalotes, 188, 189. (E. Mexicana, 187, 188. CE. sexdeutata, 189. OE. Texaua, 189. CEcopliylla sniarafrdina, 184. (Edemeridre, 425, 476. CEdipoda Carolina, 571. CE. corallina, .571. CE. xanthoptera, 571. CEsophagus, 35. CEstrid.-e, 403. CEstroniyia, 405. CE.strus, 3&3. CE. hominis, 406. CE.ovis, 405. Oil beetle, 478. Oligarces paradoxus, 51, Oligoneuria, .596. Olyntlia?588. Oinaliuni, 442. Oni()plirou,431. Oinosita colon, 445. OiiHis, 429. Oncidcrcs cingulatus, 498. Oncodos, .{;),'). Onion llv, 411. Onisi-iis", 2. Opliion, 195. O. macnirum, 195. Oponialoa bracliyptera, 568. ()|ilillialniic ring, 19, .58. Oranire l)clted horse-fly, 394. Grchihnnun gracile, 168. O. vulgare,24 HIS, .-)()7. Oigvia, 70, 231. O. antiqua, 288. O. leu- cii-tigma, 288. Oribates alatns, 664. Oribatida3, (;.32,663. Orniyrus, 212. Ornithoniyia, 417. Ornitlioiitera Priamus, 245. Ortalis, 360. O. flexa, 411. Ortlioptera, 566. Orthosia, 243. Orthosonia unicolor, 495. Oryctes nasicornis, 176. O. simia, 176. Oscinis frit, 416. O. granarius, 415. O. vastator, 415. Osniia, 155, 206, 401. O. leucomelana, 138. O. lignaria, 139. O. lignivora, 139. O. pacitlca, 141, 156. O. paretina, 138. O. simillima, 140. Osmoderma scabra, 457. Otlniiidai, 447. Othnius nnibrosus, 447. OtiociMus Co(iuol)ertii, 533. Otiorhvnclius sulcatus, 487. Ovarv," 35, 44. Oviduct, 35, 44. Ovipositor, 15. Ox Bot fly, 405. Oxybelus emarginatus, 163. Oxyporus, 442. Oxytelus, 442. Pfederus, 442. Pahvopterina, 591, 593, 596. Pale cut-worm, 310. Palinjrcnia bilineata, .593, 594. Palpares, 5,s3, 'd2. Palpifer, 28. Pangonia, 393. Panorpa, .54, 581, .583. Panorpa Germanica, 613. P. communis, 613. P. rufescens, 614. Panopea carnea, 164. Panorpid, 622. Panorpidaj, 580, 583, 613. Panorpina, 615. Panurgus, 141. Paper wasp, 148. Papilio, 54, 236, 237, 245. P. Asterias, 196, 239, 245, 247. P. brevicauda, 245, 246, 247. P. Daunus, 247. P. Glaucus, 53, 247. P. Memnon, .53. P. Ormenns, .53. P. Pamnion, 53. P. Philenor, 248. P. Romulus, .53. P. Troilus, 247. P. Tur- nus, .53, 240, 247. Papilionidje, 75, 244. 698 INDEX. Papirius, 625, 626. P. Saundersii, 624. Pavaglossa, 29. Parandra bruunea, 494. Paraponyx, 330. Panuissius Sniintheus, 248. Paruidre, 4.50. Parnopey, 192. Parthenogenesis, 48. Pasimaclius elongalus, 432. Passalsecus maudibularis, 161. Passalus oormitus, 451. Patagia, 13. Pauropodidaj, 675. Pauropus Huxleyi, 675. P. pednncula- tus, t)75. Pea weevil, 484; figure of, 513. Peacli tree borer, 277. Pear slug, 222. Pear Treinex, 228. Pebrine, 82. Pedii'iaalbivitta, 384. Pedicil, 2(i. Pedifulina, .5.53. Pediculus corporis, .553. P. humauus capitis, 55:5. P. vestimenti, 553. Pedipalpi, (V28, (144, 655. Pedipalps, 655, 057. Pelecinus poiycerator, 195. Pelidnota punctata, 4.55. Pelopteus, 174. P. Cferuleus, 169. P. flavipes, 156, 169, 170,408. Pempelia grossularia;, 331. P. semiru- bella,331. Pemphigus formicarius, 524. P. fornii- cetoriun, 524. P. rhois, 524. P. ulnii- cola, .524. P. vagabundus, 524. Pentamera, 424. Pentatoma, 408. P. tristigraa, 546. P. ligata, .540. Pentatomidffi, 516, 542. Peuthina vitivorana, 336. Pepsis cyanea, 175. P. elegans, 175. P. formosa, 175. P. heros, 175. Perga Lewisii, 215. Perilampus platygaster, 206. Peripatus, 698. Periplaneta, 194. 'P. Americana, 195, 576. Periphyllus testudo, .521. Peritraclieal circulation, 39. Peritreme, 13. Perla abnormis, 590, Perlidffi, 580, 581, 586, 590. Postabdomen, .56. Perophora Melsheimei-ii, 292. Pezomachus, 70, 193, 194, 197, 203. Pezzotettix alpinus, 569. P. borealis, 569. Phalacrocera replicata, 384. Phalacridae, 444. Plialacrus, 444. Phal.Tnida". 234, 318. Phaiangidiu, 627, 632, 656, 657. Phalangids, 6.55. Phalangium dorsatum, 656. P. ventri- cosuin, 657. Phananis, 424. P. carnifex, 453. Phaneroptera curvicauda, 566. Pharynx, 35. Phasma 4rguttatum, 573. Phasmida, 572. Pheidole notabilis, 185. P. providens, 185. Phenax variegata, 533. Phengodes plumosa, 467. Phigalia pilosaria, 54. Philampelus vitis, 275. Philauthina', 157, 158. Philanthus. 146, 442. P. apivonis, 15^ P. ventilabris, 8, 158. Philopotamus, 021. PliilDpterns, 55a. Pliloea corticata, 547. Pliloeothrips caryaj, 549. P. mali, 549. Phlox worm, 315. Pholjt'trum, 289. P. pithecium, 290. Phodaga alticeps, 480. Phol( us, (;:56, 639. P. Atlanticus, C50. Phora iucrassata, 127, 416. Photiuus pyralis, 466. Photuris Pensylvanica, 466. Phryganea gra'ndis, 616, 617. Phryganeidre, 236, 580, 581, 582, 583, 615. Phryganeids, 290, 586. PhrVganida?, 193. Phrvganidia,290. Phrynidie, (i29, 657. Phrynus, 639. P. asperatipes, 658. Phthirius pubis, .5,54. Phycita nebulo, 331. Phyllium siccil'olium, 574. Phyllophorus totiidinatus, ,521. PhVlloptera oblongifolium, 566. Phyllotreta striolata, 507. Phylloxera, 523. Phymaphora pnlchella, 511. Phymata, 552. Phytocoris, 516. P. linearis, 550. Pieris, 54, 237, 361. P. oleracea, 249. P. Protodice, 249. P. rapa;, 76, 249. Pdl beetles, 449. Pinipla, 193, 196. P. Fairmairii, 193. P. ovivora, 193. P. pedalis, 196. P. ra- ta ta, 193. Pine Lophyrus, 226. Pine saw-fly, 224. Pinning insects, 88. Piophila easei, 413. Pipunculus, 401. Pique, 390. Pirates biguttatus, 541. P. picipes, 541. Pissodes strobi, 486. Planieeps niger, 174. Plant-lice, 198, 397, 400, 519. Plateplioniera antiqua, 77, 594. Platteceticus Gloverii, 291. Platygaster, 200, 325, 375. P. error, 201, 376 P. tiijula;, 201, 376. Platymodes Pensylvanica, 576. Platynus cujiripenne, 433. Platypeza, 402. PlatVpteryx geniculata, 293. Platypus," 440. Platyroptilon Miersii, .385. Platvsamia, 293. P. Cecropia, 234, 296. P.'Euryale, 298. Plecia, 80. Plectrodes pubescens, 454. Pleurite, 9. Ploa, 516, .537. Ploiaria brevipennis, 540. Ploteres, 539. Plume moths, 356. Plum gouger, 487. Plum slug, 222. Plum weevil, 488. Plusia alticola. 313. P. divergens, 313. P. ignea. 313. P. montana, 313. P. precationis, 312. Podura, 11, 615, 624. Podura;, 623. 625. INDEX. 69b Podurldae, 623, (524. PoBcilocerus, 6€0. Poison glaiuis, 43. Poison of insectB, 43. Polistes. 121, U7, 149. P. annnlnris, 161, 156. P. CanadeuBis, 161, 162, 163. P. laiiio, 153. Polybia. l.M, 154, 156. Polydesmidae, 077. Polydesnuis, 076. P. Canadensis, 677. P. erythroiiygus, (i77. PolTCrgus rufescens, 182. Poljnema ovuloruni, 202. Polyplienius. 240. Polyiihylla, 45.i. Polyrhachis arboricola, 184. Polystoechotes, 12, 23ti. P. nebulosus, .'■'tfe. I', punctatiis. Oil. Polyxenus fasciculatus, 078. Ponipilida, 114, 171. Pompilus, 25. P. arctus, 173. P. audax, 401. P. cvlindricus, 173. P. formosus, 172. P. fiinei eus, 174. P. Maria;, 173. Poncra. 179. P. I'erruginea, 182. Postscutellum, U. Potnnianthus cupidns, 695. P. marglna- tus, 595. Potato beetle. 503, .lOS. Potato-t^talk weevil, 49. Praescutiim, 11. Preservative flnids, 89. Preserving insects, 84. Prestwiclna, il4. Prlocerri undulata, 408. Priocuenus uuil'asuiatus, 173. Prionida?, 494. Prionocyiiliou discoideus, 464. Priononyx ThoniEe, 107. Pfioiius bievicornis, 495. Prisoi)us llabellicomis, 573. P. spini- ceiis, 573. Pristipliora gi-ossulariae, 217. P. Identi- deni, 217. P. idiota, 217 P. syco- phanta, 218. Procephalic lobes, 55. Proconia quadrivittata, 532. Proctotrupes, 199. Proctotnii)id fly, 131. Proclotrupii. 198. ProctotrypidsB, 198. Promus, 473. Pn)phels, 574. Propodeum, 66. Prop-lcRS, 21. Proscoiiia gigantea, 672. Prosopis afllnis. 143. P. elliptlca, 143, Proeteainia guttata, 541. P. guttula, 639. Protolycosa, 043. Protoplasma Fitchii. 386. Proventricidus, 35. Psamniotliernia, 114. Pselaphidaj, 439, 440. Pselaphus, 422, 440. I'sen caliginosus, 191. P. leacopns, 162. Psenides. 211. Psenocerus pini, 399. P. sapemotatus, 499. P.oephenus Lecontei, 450. Pseudoniyrma bicolor, 187. P. flavidnla , 187. Pseudoscorpiones 668. PseudoTariom, 49. PseiidovTim, 49. Psoci, 668. Psocids, 683, 688. Psociis, 51. ti9. P. pulicarius. 689. P salicii^, 690. P. venooua, 590. Psyi-be helix, 290. Psychina;, 2!»o. Psychoda phalainoides, 380. Psyclioniorpha epimeuis, 281. P.sVlla pvri, 531. P.-0 Pteropliorida;, .3,50. Pterophorufl, 202 P. peri8ceLidactyU.p 350. Pteroptus vcspertiliouis, 603. I'terosticlius, 433. Ptilodontes, 232. I'tinidie. 197, 470. Ptinus I'iiv, 470. I'tvclioloiiia? seniifiiscana, 3.34. Ptyeliopiera, 382. P. paludosa, 884. P iiil'uciucla, 364. Piilex initaus, 389. P. muscull, 389. Pulicidie, 588. Pulvillus, 21. Pyciio«,'()iudie. 669. Pj'ciioscL'lus, 3K. Pyralidae, 326. Pyrali^, 195. P. farinalis, 328. Pyranieis Atalanta, 261. P. cardui, 361 P. Iluntera, 201. Pyrochroa llabellata, 477. Pyi-ochroidae, 477. Pyroniorpha dimidiata, 283. Pyropliorus noctilucus, 462. Pyrrharctia Isabella, 239, 286. Pyrriiocoris apterus, 48, 639, 648. Pvthidse, 476. Pytho, 470. Quedius, 441. Race horse, 573. Kadish fly, 411. Rap nidi a, 308. Uaphiclossa odvneroides, 157. Ranatra, 510, 5,j'7. R. fusca, 338. Ranalra, abdomen of, 17. Raspberry slug, 222. Rectum, 35. Red-legged Grasshopper, G69. ReiUivini, 640. Reduvius iiei-sonatus, 541. Respiration, 42. ResiiU'atioD, organs of, 40, RhalMiie.^, 16. Rhagium lineatum, 501, Rhainphidia, 383. Rliipidandrus, 473. Rhipidius, 48. I{liipiceridie,4C.3. Rhiiiipboridse, 480. Rliil)il)horus Fiunicus, 481. Rhipiphorus paradoxus, 149. Rhizopertlia pusilla, 472. Rhizophagus depressus, 446. Rhudiles dicldocerus, 212. B. rostB, 212 Rhopalosoma Poevi, 197. Rhopaluin pedicellatum, 158, 161 Rhopalus, .540. Rhyacophila fuBCula, 621. Bhynchites bicolor, 48.5. 700 INIJKX. Rhy^iarochromus leucopteraB, 518. ObypbidaB, 3U2. E'.hyphuB alternatus, 393. Ehyssa atrata, 1&(>, 228. Bhysba lunator, 19C, 228. Ehysija pei'Buasoria, It^- Hhyssocles, 446. Kiiyssoilidae, 446. Uiee weevil, 490. Bobber-flies, 395. Komalea microptera, 670» Hose bug, 454. Itose chafer, 454. Ituse gall fly, 213. Rose slug, 222. Uotatoria, 668. liove-beetles, 440 SaMa, fn. sialivary glands, 36. 8alix cordata, 218. Salticus, 633. S. (Attus) flunillaris, 654. Samia, 298. a. Cynthia, 296. Sandalus peti'ophya, 463. Sand wasps, 157. Saperda bivittata, 500. 8. Candida, 500. Saprinua, ^3. SapygB, 17s. S. Martinil, 176. S.repanda, Sarcophaga, 213. 8. carnaria, 408. 9. nudipeiinis, 170, 408. Sarcopsylla penetrans, 390. Sarcoptes scabiei, 666, 668. Sargus, 392. Saturnia Promethea, 239. Satyrus, 263. 8. Alope, 363. S.Nephele, •263. Saw-flies, 213. Scape, 20. Scaphidiidse, 443. Suapliidium, 443. Scarahajidae, 422, 424, 451. Scarites, 4.J2. S. Pyrachmon, 83. Scatopse, 377. Sccnopiuus, 1. S. pallipes, 401. Sch!7,ocei)hala, 57.5. Scliizopodida, 463. aohizojiodus hctus, 463. Schizoui.s, 477. Sciara, 374. S. (Molobrus) mall, 886. Sciopliila, 385. Scleroderma contr.icta, 178. Scolia, -231. S. Azteca, 176. S. bicincta, 176. S flavifrons, 176. S. oryctophaga, 176. S. quadrimaculata, 176. Sooliada>, 175. Scoloi)endra giguntea, 674. 3. beros, 674. Scolopocryptops sexspinosa, 674. Scolytida3,49, 425. ScoIytiLs, 446. S. destructor, 493. Scorpio Alleuii, 659. Scorjiion fly, 613. ScorpionidBB, 631, 659. Scorpions, 627, 629, 643, 669. Scutellera viridipimctata, 647. Scydniainus, 440. Scydmaenid^, 439. Scymnns cervicalis, 613. Secretion, organs of, 43. Sedentary spiders, 648. Seed-corn maggot, 411. Segesti-ia, 633. Selaudria cai-yaa, 224. S. cerasl, 228. 8. rosae, 223. 8. rubi, 323, S. ttlla, 222. S. vitis, 222. Semblie, 682. Semiotellus (Ceinphron) destaruotor W 375. 3«uii-pupa, 67. Sericostonia Americanam, 618. Series of insects, 104. SePia, ,54. S. diflinis, 277. 8.Tby8be,an 8etinu aurita, '284. Seto les Candida, 620. Sheep bot-fly, 405. Sheepticli, 360, 416, 418. Siaiidaj, 237, 580, 583, 606. Sialis Americana, 606. 8. inAimata, 6(6 Siderea? nubilana, 333. Sigalphus caudatus, 416. Silk inoth, 50. Silk weed Labidom«>ra, 648. Silpha Lappouica, 4iX. Silphidae, 42-2, 438. Simulidaa, 390. Siniulium molestum, 390. S. (Bhagto; Coliimbaschense, 391. Sipliouantia, 680. Siplionia, 408. Siphon ura, 207. Sirex, 193. Sitaris, 479. Sitodrepa panicea, 470. Sitopliiius granarius, 490. 8. oiyzn, 480 Size of insects, normal, 107. Skippers, 209. Smell, organs of, 26. Smerinthus excaecatus, 276. S. gemln& tu8, 275. S. inodestus, 276. Smyuthurus, 624, 626. Snout-moths, 326. Soleuobia ? VValshella, 346. Solpuga, 639. S. araneoides, 656. 8 (Galeodes) Americana, 665. Solpugidaj, 6.S2, 655. Solpugids, 655. Soothsayers, 574. Sounds produced by insects, 863, 661, 668 Spaniocera, 378. Spanish fly^ 480. Species of insects, number of, 103. Specilic names, 345. Spectres, 572. Spercheus tessellatus, 438. Sperm, 44. Spliajiotherium, 677. Sphecodes, 142, 143. S. dichroa, 148. Sphegidic, 143, 149, 165, 166. Sphcx, 142. S. flaviiiennis, 401. 8. "oh- neumouea, 167. S Lanierii 160. a tibialis, 168. Sphinges, 236. Sphingidae, 238, 27. Sphinx, 627. S. chersis, 272. 8. drupi- ferarum, 272. S. gordius, 272. 8. kal- miaj, 272. S. ligustri, 63, 237. Sphinx ligustri, anatomy of, 35. Sphojridium, 438. Sphyracephala brevicomis, 40. Spider fly, 3,58, 416. Spiders, 643, 644. Spiders, evolution of, 637, 638. Spider's web, method of spinmag OO. Spilosonia Virginica, 287. Spinnerets, 21. Spiracle, 40. Spirobohis marginatUB, 679. Spirostrephon, 680. Spondylis, 494. Spongopbora bipunotata, 677 INDEX. roi Spring beetles, '109. SpriiiK-taiU, (il6, &2i, Sqiiasii beetle, 505. SqurtBit viue burer, 379. Stiig ? eeUe, 32. iKtaphyliuida), 181, 423, 4S7, 440, 577. Slaiihyliims, W, 441, etutyru, 475. Steganopt.vcha? ocbreana, 887. Stditiina, 25. Stonobotbni3 curtipennls, 669. fei'jDOcerus, 63. S. putator, 496. Stenopotia, 80. 8tenu8 Juuo, 442. 8. stygious, 442. Sternitc, 9. Jbtenio-rliabilites, 16. [lata, 302, Stlieno))is, '236, 237. S. arffenteomacii' iStigiiius, 142. S. IVaternuB, u8, 161. Stllbum spleiulidum, 192. Stiug, 14. Stipes, 28. Stiretrus flinbriatus, 647. Stiziis speciosus, 163. Stomach, Biiuking, 86. Stoinoxys caltricans, 407. Strategiis, 425. Strationiyiilne, 392. Strationiys, i(93. Strawboi :y Coiimelwna, 647. Strawberry £m)>hytii8, 231. Strawbenv saw li^, 221. Strawberry leaf roller, 840. Strawberry i^ozoUenia, 336. Strepsiptera, 4M. ijtrigainia bothriopu8,676. S. ohiononbi. la, ()7.5. S. epilepuca, 676. Stylopidre, 424, 481. Stylops, :?4, 131, 143, 146, 149, 194, 601. S. ChiUlreuii, 131, 482. Stylopyga, 57C. Styriugomyia, 383. Subnientum, 28. Slicking myriapods, 680. Sugantia^ »;80. Sugar mile, GG5. Sylvamis Surinamensls, 446. Syinmetry, aiiicro-posterior, 8, U. Symmetry, bilateral, 2. Syuerges, 212. SyncBca, 15:1 S. cyanea, 164. Syuophrus, 212. Svrphi(he, 164, .397. Syrphiis, 64, 3C3, 3S18, 400. Syrtis erosa, 552. Systropus, 397. TabanidsB, 393. Tabamis atratus, 394. T. olnctufl. 894. T. liueola, 393, 394. Tachina, 325. T. (Lydella) dorvphorse, 408. T. (Senometopia) mllitarig, 407. Tachina-like fly, 131, 147. Tachydromia, 402. 1 acliyporus, 441. Tachytes aurulentus, 165. Taeniopteryx frigida, 691. Tanarthrus salinua, 476. Tanypus varius, 371. Tapiuoma tomeutosa, 188. Tardigrada, G68. Tardigrade s, 45, 69, 633,6^ Tarsus, 21. Tatua, 163. T. morio, 133, 154, 166. Tegenaria atrica, 649. T. oivuis, 680. T. medicinalia, 649. Telea rolyphcmns, 11, 19.'), 213, 297. Teleas, 199, 200. T. Liimwi, 200. Telephorus Carolina, 467. T. bIIiuoatlU> 467. Tenebrio molitor, 474. Teuebriouidie, 473. Teiit-c,ileri>illar, 207. Teuliiiu>lini(l;u, 213. Tcigite, 9, 14. Torias Delia, 251. T.Lisa, 261. Tirmcs, 54. T. bellicosus, 688. T. ftktale 588. T. llavipes, 587. T. luciftigas, 666 Termites, .W8. Tennitidae, .583, ."586, 693. Termop.-iis angitsticollis, 687. Testis, ;«, 44. Tetraclia Vi -ginica, 429. Tetniloiiia, 114. Tetiamera, 124, 484. Tetranycliiis telarius, 631, 6»0, Tetrapneumoucs, 047. Tettigidea latoialis, 572. Tettigonia billda, 532. . Tettig()ni;e, io;;. Tettix granulata, .")"2. Tetyra marmorata, 647. ThaiiiiKitosoma, 114. Thecla Acadica, 2a5. T. luimnli, 266. T Mop.sus, 2(i(;. T. Nipliou, 208. T. str} gosa, 207. Thela.\e.s ulmicola, 523. Thelvphonus caudatus, 658 T. glgau tens, 058. Thereva, 39r,. Therevida', 395. Theridiuu stiidiosum, r)50. T. vcrecun diim, 051. T. viilgare, (50. Thinophiliis, lO.f. Thomisus celer, 652, 663. T. vulgaris 652. Thorax, structure of, 11. Thousand Legs, 678. Thripidie, 547^ Thrips, 09, 80, 378. T. cerealium, 5C0. Throscida;, 459. Thyatira, 304. Thyroucoris histeroides, 647. Thyreopus, 159. T. latipes, 160. Thyreus Abbotii, 270. Thyrid^pteryx, 290. T. ephemeraeformiB 289,291. T. nigricans, 289. Thvsauiiptera, 548. Thysanuru, (iOb, 609 613. 622, 623. Ticks, 601. Tiger Beetles, 428. Tinagma, .342. Tinea, 201. T. flavifrcns, 846. T. gran ella, 347. T. tapetze la, 347. Tineidai, 303, 234, 342, 682. Tineidffi. transfoimation of, 67. Tineids, 230, 237. Tingis hyalina, 552. T. hystricollas. Tiphia iuoraata, 177. Tipula, 360, 381. T. trivittata, 380. Tipulidae, 199, 381. Tmesiphorui, 422. Tobacco wo.Ta 274. Tolype Velled:v 300. Tolyphus, 444. Tomicus monographn* 408. T. plnl, 496 T. xylographufl, 193. Tortricidie, 332. Tortricodes, 290. Tortrix gelidana, 881. T. «XJOOeesas. 884. 702 INUKX. Torymus Hnr 5. rouch, sense of, 26. Toxophoia fiieciata, 164. Toxorhina, 383. Tracliea, 40. Trachys pygmasa, 469. Tiagoceiihala infuscata, 668. T. virldi- fasciata, 5()9. TraiisroiniJ'i.ions of insects, 661. Trausportation of insects, 84. Viechus, 434. riemex, 190 T. Columba, 228, T. la^i- tarsus, 22S, I richii, 457. 1 rlchiosoma bicolor, 216, T. triangulum, 216. Trichoceia, 381, 383. Trichodectes canis, 556. rrichodes apiarius, 127, 468. T. JIuttallii, 46«. TrichopterygidaB, 443. Trichopteryx iutennedia, 444. Tricondyla, 507. Tricrania, 479. Tridactylus apicalis, T. terminalle, 663. Trigona, 128, 129. T. carbonarla, 229. Trigonalys bipustulatuB, 153. Trilocha, 295. Trimera, 424, 484. Trochanter, 21. Ti-och;intine, 21. Trogosita, 445. Trogositidae, 445, TrogHS exesorius, 190. Tionibididae, 6(J0. Trombidium, G(;o. Tropidacsi-is cristata, 671. T. dax, 671. Trox, 425. T. Carolina, 463. T. Bcabro- sus, 453. Tnii)anea apivora, 396. Tryi)eta, 412. T. pomonella. 415. Tryi)oxylon, 195. T. frigijum, 163. T. politum, J(i2. Tsetze Hy, 407. Tumble bug, 47. Turnip flea beetle, 507. Tychus, 422. Typlilocyba, 69,531. Typhlodronuis pyri, C66, 668. Typhlopone, 179. T. palllpes, 181. Tyi-oglyphus domesticus, 666. T. fannsp. 666. T. sacchari, 666. T. siro, 640; 665. Udeopsylla robusta, 666. Ula, 381. Upis ceramboides, 474. Urania Leilus, 319. Urapteryx politia, 319. U. sambncaria, 319. Urinaiy tubes, 43. Urinary vessels, 35, Urite, 14. UroceridsB, 227. Urocerus albicomis, 227. Uroplata rosea, 503. U. sntnrallB, 604. Uropoda, 631. U. vegetans, 663. Utetheisa bella, 285. (Vanessa AnUopa, 206. 244, 258. V. Call- fbmica, 350. V. Milberol, 260. V. nr- Variety breeding, 75. Vas deferens, 36. Vasa deferentia H, Vates, 575. Velia, 518, 538, 540. Venation, 22. Venation of Lepidopter^ 829. Ventriculus, 35. Ver niacafjue, 406. Ver moyocuil, 40(). ' Vertex "of the head, 31. Vesiculae seniinales, 45. Vespa, 147, 195, 400. V. arenana. 148 ^ V. crabio, 150. V. macolata, 148. V orientalis, 14,^. V. i-ufa, 138. V.vnlaat ris, 123. Vespariaj, 147, Vine slug, 222. Volucella, 131, 149, 40C. Wandering spiders, 648. Walking .sticks, 573. Warega lly, 409. Wasp, 8. Water boatmen, 636 Water fleas, 616. Water mites, 661. Water tigers, 435. Wax, 111. Weeping willow saw-fly 220. Weevils, 481. Wheat beetles, 446. Wheat-fly, 199. Wheat joint worm, 203. Wheat-louse A|>hidius, 198. Wheat-midge, 201, 372. Wheat moths, 347, 350. Whip scorpions, 657. Whirligigs, 630. White ant, 130', .586. White-pine saw-fly, 226. Willow Ceeidoniyia, 364. Wine-cask borer, 493. Wine-fly, 414. Wings, 22. Wire worms, 460. W-marked cut-worm, 309. Wood ticks, 6(;2. Wood wasp, 8, 157. Xauthia, 243. Xnnthoi)tera semicrocea, 316. Xenoneura autiquorum, 77. Xenos, 482. Xiphidium fasciatum, 567. Xi)»hidrla albioornis, 227. Xyela infuscata, 226. Xyleutes robiniaj, 301. X. crepera, 808. Xylobius sigillariae, 679. X} locoi)a, 130. X. violaoca, 184. X.Xtt' ginica, 168, 397. Xylophagidae, 392. Xyloj^hagus, 393. Yellow-legged Barley-fly, 900. Zenoa piceae, 468. Zerene catenaria, 328. Zobnule, zoOnite, 9. Zygajna exulans, 980. Zygaenidce, 234, 387, 819. Zygoneura, 878. APPENDIX. The Early Stages of Ichneumon Parasites. Ganin has shown that certain Proctotrypidca (Platygaster, Pob/nema, Te'eas an;l Ophioneurus) ^ the larvae of which live in the eggs as well as the larvre of other insects, pass throngh a series of remarkable changes, heretofore unsuspected, before assuming the final and more normal larval state. He compares these Fig. 652. P a 8 "2 Development of Platygaster. changes to the hyper-metamorphosis of Meloe and Sitaris (see p. 478). The ovary of Platygaster differs from that of other insects in that it is a closed tube or sac. Hence it follows (703) 704 APPENDIX. that at every time an egg is laid, ttie egg tube is ruptured. Tliis was also observed in the sheep tick {Melophacjas) by l-rcuckart, and in certain flies {Limnobia, Psychoda, and My- cetobia) by Ganin himself. The earliest stage observed after the egg is laid, is that in which the egg contains a single cell with a nucleus and nucle- olus. Out of this cell (Fig. 652 A, a) arise two other cells. The central cell (a) gives origin to the embr^'o. The two outer ones multiply by subdivision and form an embryonal membrane, or "amnion," which is a provisional envelope and does not assist in building up the bod}^ of the germ, which however is accomplished by the cells resulting from the subdivi- sion of tlie central single cell. Fig. 652 B, r/, shows the germ just form- ing out of the nucleus (a) ; and b, the peripheral cells of the blasto- derm skin, or "amnion." Fig. C shows the 3'olk transformed into the embryo (g) with the outer layer of blastodermic cells (b). The body of the germ is bent upon itself. Fig. 652 D shows the embryo much further advanced with the two pairs of lobes (md, rudimentary mandi- bles, d, rudimentary pad-like or- gans, seen in a more advanced stage in E) and the bilobate tail (st). Fig. 653 shows the first larval stage after leaving the egg (?)i, mouth ; at, rudimentary antennae ; md, mandibles ; d, tongue-like appen- dages ; st, anal stylets ; the subject of this figure belongs to a distinct species from Fig. 652 tl). This strange form would scarcely be thought an insect, were not its origin and further development known, but rather a parasitic Copepodous Crus- acean, whence he calls this the Cyclo2'>s-like stage. In this condition it clings to the inside of its host by means of its First larva of Platygaster. APPENDIX. roo Fig. 654, temporary hook-liko Jaws (md), moving about like a Cestodes embryo with its well known six hooks. The tail moves up and down, but is scarcely used in locomotion. The nervous and vascular systems and trachcre are wanting, while the alimen- tary canal is si.nply a blind sac, remaining in an unorgan- ized state. The second larval state (Fig. 654, (K, oesophagus ; .-;, supraoisophageal ganglion; ??, nervous cord ; ga and g, genital organs ; ms, bands of muscles) is attained by meanc of a moult, as usual in the metamorphoses of insects. The cells of the iinier layer of ,.._ ,-.- the skin ( hypoder- Second lai\.. '■i Platygaster. : lis) now multiply" gre9%\'., nud give rise to at vrhat corresponds to the priroltiv: band of tl.e embryos of other Insects. The third larv: 1 form is of the usual shape of ich- neumon larA'fe. In Polynema the larva in its first stage is very small and motionless, and with scarcely a trace of organization, being a mere flask-shaped sac of cells. After five or six da3's it passes into a worm-like stage and subsequent^ into a thir 1 stnge (Fig. 655, trj, three pairs of abdominal tubercles destined toformtheovi'">ositor ; Z, rudiments of the legs ; /A", portioi: of the fatt}' bod}' ; at, rudiments of the antennse, Ji, imaginal discs, or rudiments of the wings). The larva of Ophioneuriis is at first of the form indicated by Fig. 656 E. It differs from the genera already mentioned, in remaining within its egg membrane and — tg Tliird larva of Polynema. 706 APPENDIX. Fig. 65(5. not assuming their strange forms. From the non-segmented, sac-like larva it passes directly into the pupa state. The development of Teleas is like that of Platygaster. Fig. 656 A, represents the egg ; -B, C, and D, the first stage of the larva, the ab- domen (or posterior division of the bodj-) being furnished with a series of bristles on each side. B represents the ven- tral, C the dorsal, and D the profile view ; af , antennae ; md, hook-like man- dibles ; mo, mouth ; &, bristles ; m, intes- tine ; sv:, the tail, and ?//, under lip, or labium. In the sec ond larval stage. Development of Egg-parasites. which is oval in form, and non-segmented, the primitive band is formed. The Embryonal Membranes of Insects. — After the forma- tion of the germinal laj-er or blastoderm, the outer layer of blastodermic cells peels off or moults, forming the so-called "am- nion" ("parietal membrane" of Brandt, Fig. 657, am). This skin is a moult from the blastoderm. At a later period, after the formation of the primitive band, a second membrane (Fig. 657, (7/> "faltenblatt" of Weismann ; visceral layer of Brandt) separates from the primitive band. It surrounds the embrj-o in the Hymenoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera, enveloping the limbs, and is shed as a thin pellicle when the embryo leaves the Qgg. Melnikow (Archiv fiir Natm-geschichte. 1869, p. 136) from whose article the accompanying figure is taken, shows that in the lice, however, both the amnion and visceral mem- brane share in building up the bod}"^ of the embryo, and pass upon the dorsal side of the embrj'O. Brandt (Memoirs of the APPENDIX. 707 Fig. 657 St. Petersburg Academy, 1869) also shows that the visceral layer in the Libelluliilic enters, together with the "amnion," into the formation of the yolk sac. Melnikow remarks that " it appears from these facts that the ditferences which we sec in the embrAonal mem- \'"^ branos of insects, are in direct rela- tion to the mode in which the prim- itive band is formed. Tt seems, therefore, that the mode of orij:in of the primitive band, or its position in relation to the 3'olk, is concerned in the above mentioned differences of the embryonal membranes. Development of the Louse. — After the budding out of the limbs from the primitive band, the germ appears as seen in Fig. 657. We now see the amnion (am) surround- ing the 3'olk mass, and the visceral membrane {db) within partiallj' envel- oping the embryo. The head (vk, procephalic lobes, or anten- nal segment,) besides the antennse (o.s) , bears three pairs of short tubercles, which are the rudiments of the mandibles, maxillje, and labium or second maxillae. Behind the mouth-parts arise six long slender tubercles forming the rudimentary legs, while the primitive streak rudely marks out the ventral walls of the thorax and abdomen. Fig. 658 represents the head and mouth- parts of the embryo of the same louse ; vl' is tlie forehead, or clj'peus ; ant, the antennae ; mad, the mandibles ; viax^, the first pair of maxillae, and max", the second pair of maxillae, or labium. Fig. 659 represents the mouth-parts of the same insect a little farther advanced, with the jaws and labium elongated and closely folded together. Fig. 660 represents the same still farther advanced ; the mandibles are sharp, and resemble the jaws of the Mallophaga or biting lice ; and the maxillte (max^) and labium (maar) are still large, while after- wards the labium becomes nearly obsolete. Fig. 661 repre- Embryo of louse. 708 APPENDIX. Fig. 658. Fig. 661. Fig. 659. aU ■max' -max Fig. 660. DEVELOPMENT OF MOUTH-PABTS OF THE LOUSE. APPENDIX. 709 5onts the mouth-parts of one of the JMallophaga, Goniodes, to compare with the nuliineutary mouth-part of l\'dicidiis\ Ibis the upper lip, or hibrum, situated under tlie clypeus ; mad, the mandibles ; max, the maxillae ; ?, the lyre-formed piece ; pi, the " plate", and o, the beak or tongue. (This and figs. 658-601 are from Melnikow's memoir.) Fig. 602 represents the mouth of Pedicidus vestivienti (copied from Schiodte) with the parts entirely protruding, and seen from above, magnified one hun- dred and sixty times ; aa, the summit of the head, with four bristles on each side ; bb, the chitinous band, and c, the hind part of the lower lip ; dd, the foremost protruding part of the lip (the haustellnm) ; ee the hooks turned outwards ; /, the inner tube of suction slightly bent and twisted ; the two pairs of jaws are perceived on the outside of these lines ; a few blood globules are seen in the interior of the tube. Formation of the Wings. — As has already been remarked on p. 64, the genital glands and the muscles of the adult insect were found b}- AYeismann to exist in a rudimentary state in the embryo, while the imaginal discs (which are minute scales, or isolated portions of the inner layer of skin, attached either to a ner\'e or trachea, and which are readily seen on dissection in the young larva), which are destined to grow and spread so as to form the skin of the adult, even exist, though in an ex- tremely rudimentary condition, in the embryo. Weismann has also satisfactorily' shown that in the Diptera the wings arise from similar discs in connection with what he doubtfully re, garded as a nerAC. INIore recently, however, Landois has published in Siebold and Kolliker's " Zeitschrift " a fuller account of the formation of the wings in the butterflies. The}- are found to exist in the caterpillar, soon after leaving the egg, in the form of minute, expansions of the peritoneal membrane surrounding a trachea. This forms a microscopic sac filled Avith fat cells, some of which ti'ansform into elongated nucleated cells, in which trachea? are developed. As the bag grows larger, the tracheae enlarge, and project towards what is destined to be the outer edge of the wing, until when the larva is ready to transform into the pupa, 710 APPENDIX. the wings appear as little bags hanging down the sides, just under the skin. The number of main tracheae in the wing api^ears from one of Landois' figures to be six. Hence, as we have before suspected, this is probabl}^ the tj'pical number of veins in the wings of all insects, though usually but five are readily made out. A New Fossil Carboniferous Insect. — Mr. S. I. Smith contributes to the "American Journal of Science" a descrip- tion of the fore wing of^aolia vetusta from near Paoli, Indi- ana. The wing (Fig. 663) is 2.54 inches in length and about .85 inch wide. The venation is remarkable for the number of slender branchlets which the veins throw off towards the poste- rior border and the tip of the wing. The great care with which the specimen has been drawn and engraved obviates the necessity of farther description. Mr. Smith remarks that Fig. 663. r^ -'?'V/f.y. ^/-:s£•' A\ iiii; I.; I'aolia vetusta. "this wing differs so much in neuration from any family of recent insects, that it is difficult to point out any near affinity with living forms, although it shows some points of resem- blance to several families of Neuroptera, nnd especially to the Ephemerids." To Hemeristia and Miamia, he adds, "it shows more resemblance, but still differs more from either of these genera, which are considered distinct families b}^ Mr. Scudder, than they do from each other. It seems still more allied to ODictyoneura libelluloides of Goldenberg, Prof. Hagen consider- ing it, with ^ugereon Bockingii Dohrn, as a species of this genus. "In both T)ictyoneura and Eugereon, as figured, the wings have considerable resemblance to the specimen from Indiana, but in neither of them are the nervures so numerously IXJUKIOrs INSECTS APPENDIX 711 branched towards the posterior border of the wing, and in Eugereon the spaces between the first three nervnres next the anterior border are comiected by straight cross-nervures. There are also important differences in the branching of the main nervures." Abdominal Sensk Organs. — On p. 17 the remarkable antenniform abdominal appendages of Mantis tessellata are fig- ured as an illustration of what we ha^-e called " sensorio-geni- ital" organs. Dr. Dohrn has Khown that the jointed al)doniinal appendages of GryUotalpa are true sensorj'^ organs. More recentl}^ we have observed sense organs (probably of smell) in the anal stylets of the cockroach {Periplaneta ^imeyicana) , consisting of about ninety minute sacs, situated in single rows on the upper side of each joint of the stylets. They are like similar organs in the antennjie of the same insect. Similar organs are situated on the female anal stylets of Chi'ysopila, a Leptis-like fly. These also are like the single sacs situated on the ends of the labial and maxillary palpi o( Perla. — American Xaturaiist, IV. p. 690. Injurious and Bkxeficiai. Insects. — Explanation of Plate 14. Of much interest to gardeners is the bean weevil (Bnichus varicornis of Leconte, fig. 8, bean containing several grubs; 6a, pupa). This is the well known and very destructive beau weevil of Europe, con- cei-ning which Mr. Angus writes from West Farms, N. Y., to the author : "I send you a sample of beans which I think will startle you if you have not seeu such before. I discovered this beetle in the kid- ney or btish bean a few years ago, and they have been greatly on the increase every year since. I might say much on the gloomy prospect before us in the cultivation of this important garden and farm pro- duct if the work of this insect is not cut short by some means or other. The pea Bruchus is bad enough, but this is woi-se." Another insect recently brought to the notice of farmers, is the corn Sphenophorus (S. zece Walsh, fig. 11), of which Mr. R. Howell, of Tiago County, New York, writes, June 14, 1869: "This is the fourth year they have infested the newly planted corn in this vicinity. The enclosed specimens were taken on the 1 Ith instant. I presume tliat they have been in every liillof corn in my field. They pierce the young corn in numerous places, so that each blade has from one to six or eight holes of the size of a pin, or larger, and I found a num- ber last Friday about an inch under ground hanging to young stalks 712 APPENDIX. Fig. 664. Larva of Leiopus xanthoxyli. with much tenacity. "When very numerous every stalk is killed Some fields two or three years ago were wholly destroyed by this in- sect. Among plant house insects may be noticed the wliite scale bark louse {Aspidiotns hromelioi Bouclie, fig. (i, magnified ; 4, young magnified ; 4rt, end of body still more enlarged). It is often destroyed by a minute chalchid fly, Cocco- phagus(?). Boisduval's fern bark louse {Lecaniiim filirtim Boisd., fig. la, scale enlarged seen from above ; lb, the same, seen from beneath, and showing the form of the body surrounded by the broad, flat edge of the scale ; 7c, an antenna, enlarged ; Id, a leg, enlarged ; le, end of the body, showing the flattened hairs fringing the edge), is common on hot-house plants, as also the Platy- cerium bark louse (Lecaninm platycerii Pack., fig. 5, magnified; 5a, an antenna, enlarged), and the plant house Coccus (C adonidum Linn., fig. 3, magnified). The plant house Aleurodes (^4. vaporarivm of Westwood, fig. 9, enhirged; da, pupa enlarged), is more common per- haps than one would suppose. It lives out of doors on tomato leaves and we found it not uncommon, in September, on strawberry plants on the grounds of the State Agricultural College, at Amherst. The list of hot-house insects is completed by one of the most injurious of all, the miiiute Thrips (Heliothrips hoemorrhoidalis Haliday), from Europe, fig. 2, greatly magnified, which by ., Fig. G6.5. Its punctures, causes the sur- face of the leaf affected to turn red or white, while at times the entire leaf withers. Fig. 10 represents the Cran- berry weevil, Anthonomiis sn- t turalia Lecoute ; 10a, its larva, I mentioned on p. 487. Fig. 12 i represents the Bytiirus iini- cnJor Say (enlarged) which feeds on the flowers of the raspberry. Explanation of Plate 15. — Fig. 1, Leiopus facettis Say, the larva of Avhich Dores in the branches of the apple tree. Fig. 2, Leiopus xnnthoxyli Shimer. which bores under the bark of the prickly ash. Larva of CalliJiiini aina'tiuni niale 15. No. 1. No. 2. No. 10. No. 6. No. U. INJURIOUS AND BENEFICIAL INSECTS. APPENDIX. 713 Fig. r)()4. a, represents the larva; b, upper side, c, under side of the head, greatl}^ enlarged. Fig. 3, Callidium ain(Knum Say, Fig. 665, a, larva; b, upper, c, uuder side of head enlarged. Fig. 6, Drep- Fig. <>()(•). Head of larva of Telcphorus bilineatus. ■anodes varus Gr. and Rob. Fig. 4, the larva and pupa, the former closely resembling the twigs of the juniper, on which it feeds. Fig. Fig. 667. 6, Bucculatnx thuiella Pack., enlarged; (a, cocoon, natural size,) which feeds on the cedar. Fig. 7, Tel- ephorus bilineatus Say ; Fig. 8, larva enlarged. Fig. 666, a, upper; b, under side of the head, much enlarged. The larva of this species was identified by Mr. P. S. Sprague, who found it near Boston, uuder stones in spring, where it changes to a pupa and early in May becomes a Ix'ctle, wlien it eats the newly expanded leaves of the birch. Fig. 9, Galerita janus Fabr. Fig. €67 unknown larva ; a, up- per, b, under side of head, enlarged. The specimen here figured was discovered by Mr. J. H. Emerton, under stones July 1st, Fig- 10, Larva of Cor- dulia lateralis Burm. Fig. 11, larva of Macromia transversa Say. 714 APPENDIX. New Classification of the Hemiptera. — Prof. Schiodte- has proposed the following classification of the Hemiptera, which is probably the best yet suggested, and is based on a more profound study of their external anatomy than has been previously made. It will be noticed, however, that the lice (Pediculina) are not included, though he regards them as forming a separate division (Siphunculata Latr.) of equal value with the Heteroptera and Homoptera. He does not seem to include the Mallophaga among the Hemiptera. The families of the Homoptera are not characterized. I. Genae (cheeks) hollowed out, to receive the first pair of coxse. [Posterior pair of coxae hinged, provided with femoral grooves.] Suborder Homoptera. II. Gense entire, remote from the coxie. Suborder Heteroptera. A Posterior coxae acetabulate, rotating, with no femoral grooves. Trochalopoda. a. Metathoracic epimera laminate, nearly concealing the fli-st ventral segment [of the abdomen. 1. Antennae covered at the base. Fam. 1. Cimices. 2. Antennae entirely uncovered. *. Antennae inserted before the eyes. Fam. 2. Corei. **. Antennae inserted below the eyes. Fam. 3. Lygcei. h. Metathoracic epimera without the ventral lamina. {metrm. 1. Claws superposed (inserted before the end of the joint). Fam. 4. Hydro- 2. Claws terminal. *. Metathoracic epimera almost covered by the mesothoi-acic epimera. Last pair of abdominal spiracles forming a short tube. Fam. 5. yepce. **. Metathoracic epimera wholly uncovered. Abdominal spiracles equal. [Fam. 6. Reduvii^ B. Posterior coxae hinged, provided with femoral grooves. Pagiopoda. a. Antennae uncovered. Fam. 7. Acanthice. b Antennae partially covered. 1. Body depressed, prone, a. Beak free. t. Metathoracic epimera uncovered. *. Feet cursoi-ial. Fam. 8. Pelegoni. **. Feet natatory. Fam. 9. Naucorides. tt. Mesothoracic epimera almost covered by the metathoracic epimera. [Fam. 10. Belostomata. p. Beak free. [Metathoracic epimera uncovered, appeadlculated.] Fam. [11. Corixce. 2. Body boat-shaped, eupinate. [Metathoracic epimera uncovered. Beak free.] Fam. 12. Kotonectce. New Classification of tiie Spiders. — The arrangement of the groups of spiders given by me is very imperfect. I therefore }Dresent the following classification of Dr. T. Thorell (On European Spiders. Part I, 1869-70) as the most satisfac- tory. While I have considered the Ai-aneina as forming a sub- APPENDIX. 715 order of the order Arachnida, it will be noticed that Thorell regards the Araneina as an order, dividing it into the seven suborders and twenty-two families indicated below. The ar- rangement of these groups is like the branches of a tree, and this represents Avell the relations of the groups of articulates, as well as other sub-kingdoms. As Thorell remarks : " As regards the larger gi'oups of spiders, the suborders and the families, the reasons for tlie order of arrangement we have chosen will, we hope, easily be seen if one casts one's eye on the accompanying diagram, which gives a view of the con- nection founded on real affinity, which the families of the spiders adopted by us, according to our opinion, have to each other." Fig. 668. Phrynoidse. Opiliones. I. Orbitelariae. 8. Agalenoidae. 1. Epeiroidae. Retitelarias. 9. Dra.ssoidse. II. 10. Dysderoidae. 2. Theridioidse. 11. Filostatoidse. 3. Scytodoidae. IV. Territelarise. 4. Euyoidie. 12. TheraphosoidsB m. Tubitelariae. 13. Liphistioidae. 5. UrocteoidsB. 14. Catadysoidse. 6. Onianoidne. V. Lateripradae. 7. Hersilionidse. 15. ThomisoidaB. Citigradae. Iti. Lycosoidae. 17. Oxyopoidse. Saltigrada;. 18. MynnecionidaB, lit. Otiotliopoidae. 20. Dinopoidae. 21. Eret^oidae. 22. Attoidae. ^--?r^r..