©hp i. 1. Bill TJItbrarg Nortlj (Carolina ^tuU Intopraitg P65 37 FOREST RESOUKCES LIBRARY S00426736 S FOREST RESOURCES LI3R,-.f.Y THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE DATE INDICATED BELOW AND IS SUB- JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE AS POSTED AT THE CIRCULATION DESK. APR 1 b i£b3 DEC 2 I 1994 /UocuJ ^ -ft Bulletin No. 22. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF FORESTRY. THE WHITE PINE (PINUS STROBUS Linneeus.) V. M. vSPAIvDING, Professor of riottiiiy in the University of Tvllchiigan. KHVISKI) AND I'.Nr.ARCF.D BV B. K. FERNOW, Chief of tlie Uivisioii of Forestry. WITH CONTRIBUTIONS: INSECT ENEMIES OF THE WHITE PINE . . By F. H. CHITTENDEN, Division of Entomology. THE WOOD OF THE WHITE PINE By FILIBERT ROTH, Division of Forestry. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1899. PJH White Pine Forest. Bulletin No. 22. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIVISION OF FORESTRY. THE WH ITE PINE (PINUS STROBUS Unneeus.) V. M. SPALDING, IProfessor of Kotany in the University of Miohigan. REVISED AND ENLARGED BY B. E. FERNOW, Chief of the LDivisioi^i of forestry. WITH CONTRIBUTIONS: IN§ECT ENEMIES OF THE WHITE PINE . . Hv F. H. CHITTEXDEX, Division of Entomology. THE WOOD OF THE WHITE PINE By FILIBEKT ROTH, Division of Forestry. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1899. LETTER OI- TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Dkpart:ment of Aubiculture, Division of Forestry, Waxhingtoii, D. C, March 15, 1898. Sir: I liave the honor to submit licicwitb for imblicatiou a mouograph on the White Pine of the Northern United States. The first draft of this monograph, like the one on "The Timber Pines of the Southern United Stati's" (Bulletin No. 13, Division of Forestry), by Dr. Charles Mohr, was prepared more than ten years ago by Prof. V. M. Spalding, of Ann Arbor, Mich.; but it was then found that much informa- tion of i)ractical value was still lacking, and hence publication was delayed until the deficiencies could be supplied. Professor Spaldiug, after having made several revisions, under the pressure of other work had to abandon the idea of amplifying and perfecting the monograph itself, and this was left to the undersigned, with the collaboration of the staff of the Division of Forestry. The undersigned is responsible not only for the plan of the work, but especially for the portions referring to forest conditions, forestal treatment, and for the discussion on the rate of growth, to which Mr. Mlodziansky also contributed. Mr. Filibert Koth, of the Division, besides furnishing the study on the wood of the species, has also contributed the portions on the history of the lumbering oi)ei"ations, while the discussion on the injurious insects is by Mr. F. H. Chittenden, of the Division of Entomology. A very comprehensive investigation into the rate of growth of the White Pine lias been carried on since 18!»2 as opportunity afl'orded and funds permitted. The results of this investiga- tion, comjjrising the analysis of over seven hundred trees, in the form of tables and notes, will be found in the Appendix. The measurements in the field were mainly executed by Mr. Austin Cary, of Bangor, Me., and by Mr. A. K. Mlodziansky, of the Division. The latter also performed the calculations and tabulations in the Division, and in this work developed a short and satisfactory method of tabulating, analyzing, and using the large mass of data readily for the purpose of summarizing, averaging, and generalization. This method is described in Bulletin No. 20, Division of Forestry. The situation regarding White-Pine supplies has materially changed since this monograph was first conceived, so that it might almost be charged that this publication comes too late. This would be a misconception both as to the situation and the objects of the monograph. No information of any kind could have arrested the decimation of our White-Pine supplies, which proceeds through the momentum of economic laws; and even now, when it is well known that a few years will see their exhaustion, no change in the methods of milling with a view to length- ening tlie supplies is contemplated by the manufacturer, who is only concerned iu keepiug his mill running. The manufacturer is a harvester, not a forest grower. The object of this monograph is to lay the basis for an intelligent recuperation of the virgin growth by the forest grower of the future, work which will surely be begun presently, but which would not have be6n undertaken ten years ago. In the preparation of this monograph use has been made of all available sources of informa tion. Acknowledgments are due to a large number of correspondents, named in the projier connection, who have rendered valuable aid by contributing notes on distribution or have assisted in other ways. 4 LETTEli UF TUANSMITTAL. The botanical illustrations showinj? exterual cbaracteis arc by Mr. George B. Sudwortb; those of the anatomy of the wood are by Mr. N. B. Pierce and Mr. Filibert Itoth, and those of i)arasitic organisms and disease conditions are from Hartig's "Lelirbutli dor Baunikraiikheitcn" and "Zersetzungserscheinungen des Ilolzes." The illustrations accompanying the section on injurious insects were furnished by the Division of Entomology. The map of distribution was prepared in the Division of Forestry. ^^ The monograph is believed to be just in time for the use for which it is intended, namely, to prepare for the application of sylviculture to the remnant of our pineries. Respectfully, B. E. Feunow, Chief of JJirision. Hon. James Wilson, /Secretary of Agriculture. CONTENTS. Introduction 11 Geographical distribution 11 Character of distribution, by regions 12 Notes on general distribution 15 Conclusions regarding natural distribution 16 The White Pine lumber industry 16 Original stand and present supplies 19 Natural history 20 Botanical description 20 Relationship 21 Morphological cliaracters 21 Root, stem, and branch sjsten: 21 Leaves 22 Floral organs 22 Seeds 23 Seed supply 23 The wood 24 Growth and development 26 Rate of growth 27 Height growth 27 Seedling stage 27 Development in open stand 28 Development in the forest 30 Ett'ect of composition of forest upon height growth 32 Effect of locality upon height growth 33 Growth in thickness 34 Detail measurements of annual gain iu circumference 35 Area accretion 36 Form development, or taper 36 Growth in volume 37 Cubic contents of trees 38 Lumber contents of trees 38 Conditions of development 39 Demands upon climate and soil 39 Associated species 40 Light requirements 43 Yield of White Pine 44 Dangers and diseases 49 Injuries by human agency 49 Injuries by storms 50 Diseases 51 Effect of heat and drought 51 Parasitic diseases «. 51 Insect enemies of the White Pine. By F. H. Chittenden, Division of Entomology 55 Introduction 55 The destructive pine bark-beetle 55 Remedies 56 Other injurious bark-beetles .56 Timber-beetles and other Scolytidw .57 Pine sawyers and other borers .57 The white-iiine weevil 58 Moth caterpillars and pliint-liee on trunks and limbs 59 Leaf-feeding insects 60 Forest managcmeut Gl Natural reproduction '. G2 Notes oil natural roiiroiluction f>2 Artificial loproductioii fiH Planting notes ,^. (it The White I'ine as a forest tree in Germany 07 The wood of the White Pine. By Fimbert Roth, Division of Forestry 73 Character and physical properties of the wood T.\ Specific weight 7:! Shrinkage 77 Strength 77 Durability 80 Comparison with other woods SO Uses of White Pine W Appendix : Tables of measurements S5 ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Pasa. White Pine forest FrontiBjiiece. Plate I. Map showing original distribution of White Pine (rinus 8<)-o&h8 Z.) 11 II. Fig. 1. — White Pino mixed with hardwoods in central New York. Fig. 2. — Old White Pine tree in mixed forest (yonng pine in the foregronnd) in New York State 12 III. Map showing forest conditions of northern Wisconsin • 14 IV. Fig. 1. — Transporting logs over ice road in Michigan. Fig. 2. — Lnmiier camp in Michigan 20 V. Leaves and Inid of the White Pine 22 VI. Cones, seeds, etc., of the White Pine 23 VII. Sections of young shoot of White Pine 2G VIII. Sections of wood of White Pine 26 IX. Seedlings of White Pine 27 X. Fig. 1.. — A thinned pine grove in New Hampshire. Fig.2. — Yoiiug i)ine in New Hampshire 48 XI. Fig. 1. — Young pine in need of pruning. Fig.2. — Y'onng pine pruned 50 XII. Disease of White I'iue: Agaricus melleiis 54 XIII. Disease of White Pine: I'olyporus iinnosus 54 'TEXT FIGUKES. Fic. 1. Bark of old AVTiite Piue 21 2. Diagram showing height growth of mixed and of pure growth White Pine in Presque Isle County, Mich 32 3. Diagram showing height growth of White Pine in forest of varying composition in Pennsylvania 33 4. Girdled White Pine continuing to grow 49 5. Dendroctonue frontalia 55 6; Tomicus cacograplius. , 56 7. Galleries of Tomicus cacot/rajih iis .57 8. Gnathotrichua materiariiis 57 9. Gallery of Gnathotrichiig materiariiii 58 10. Chalcophora virginiensis 58 11. rUsodes sirohi 59 12. Larval mines under l>arlc and pupal cells of Pisaodes sirohi 59 13. Lophyrus abbotii 60 14. Tubes of pine leaves made by pine tube-builder 60 15. Chionaspis pinifoliiv 60 16. Diagram showing specific weight of wood at dift'erent cros.s sections of the stem; also a decrease of weight fioni the stump upward, and the similarity of the wood of difl'erent trees 76 17. Diagram showing spcciiii' weight of kiln-dry wood at difl'erent points in the stem from ground np ward. 76 18. Diagram showing eflect of moisture on crushing strength 80 19. Diagram showing rate of height growth of dominant trees 93 20. Diagram showing rate of height growth i>f codominant trees 94 21. Diagram showing rate of height growth of oppressed trees 95 22. Diagram showing height growth of dominant, codominant, and oppressed trees throughout range 96 23. Di.agrani showing volume growth of dominant, codominant, and oppres.sed trees thronghout range ... 97 ?l. Diagram showing lieight growth of dominant trees, by States 100 25. Diagram showing height growth of codominant trees, by States 101 26. Diagram showing hciglit growth of oppressed trees, by States 101 27. Diagram showing volume growth of dominant tries, liy States 102 28. Diagram showing volimie growth of codominant trees, by States 103 ■ 29. Diagram showing volume growth of ai)i>resged trees, by States 104 7 8 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Fig. 30. Diaj^ram showing aver.igo progress of iliameti t growth (breast high) of dominant trees 108 31. Diagram showing diameter growth of dominant trees at various heights from ground (aiiCT:ago throughout range) 108 32. Diagram showing diameter growth of codominant trees at various heights from ground (average throughout range) 109 33. Diagram showing diameter growth of oppressed trees at various heights from ground (average throughout range) 109 34. Diagram showing diameter growth of dominant trees at various heights from ground in Wisconsin.. Ill 35. Diagram showing diameter growth of oppressed trees at various heights from ground in Wiseonsin.. Ill 36. Diagram showing diameter growth of dominant trees at various heights from ground in Pennsylvania . 1 13 37. Diagram showing diameter growth of cudominant trees at various heights from ground in Pennsylvania 113 38. Diagram showing diameter gn.wtli of dominant trees at various heights from ground in Michigan. .. 115 39. Diagram showing diameter urowtli of cudominaut trees at various heights from ground in Micliigau- 115 40. Diagram showing diameter growth of oppressed trees at various heights from ground in Michigan... 116 THE WHITE PINE. (PINUS STROBUS Linneeus.) Pimm atrohiiB Linn.-eus, Spec. PI. ed. 1, 1001 (1731). Pinu8 tenuifoUa Salisbury, Prodr. 399 (1796). LOCAL Oi: COMMON NAMES. AVTiite Pine (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New .Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Ontario, Nebraska). Weymonth Pine (Massachusetts, South Carolina, European literature). Soft Pine (Pennsylvania). Northern Pine (South Carolina). Spruce Pine (Tennessee). BULLETIN NO. 22, DIV. OF FORESTRY. U. 8. DEPT. OF AGR. y. 95 90 _ as WHITE PINE (Pinus strobus L.) B. E. PERNOW Chief of the Divinioii uf ForMli'y U. 8. Department of Agriculture THE \vh:ite pine. INTRODUCTION. For two centuries and a half the White Pine has been universally employed for purposes of construction in the Northern United States. Its abundance and the combination of qualities which adajits it to an almost unlimited number of uses have made it the most important and the most highly prized of all the timber trees of the region to which it is indigenous. In several of the Northern States it has been a more constant source of wealth and has yielded larger returns than any other single product. Thus, for instance, in 1879, a fair year for comparison, the natural products of the State of Michigan were estimated by Governor .Terome as follows:' Agricultural products ifXS, r.OO, 000 Timber (50,000,000 Copper .S, 000, 000 Iron.- -• 10,000,000 Salt 2,000,000 Fish 1,000,000 According to this estimate the value of the timber products, chiefly White Pine, was at that time, in round numbers, six times that of the iron, seven and one-half times that of the copper, and thirty times that of the salt product of the State, and amounted to about 3."i per cent of all the products of the State cond)ined; and if the value of the entire White Pine product of the present year (1898), some 7 billion to 8 billion feet B. M., be taken into consideration, it will exceed in value at first points of production the entire gold and silver output of the country, which is not nnich less than $100,0G(),000. Commercial interests of great magnitude, dependent upon the handling and transportation of the White Pine product, have been built up in Chicago and other northern cities, and the diminu- tion or failure of the supply must inevitably result in the transfer of the capital thus employed to other purposes or to other centers of distribution. In fact, such changes have already been and are now being made with great rapidity, and much of the capital formerly invested in the pine lands and mills of the northern lake region has been transferred to those of the Gulf States and the Pacific coast. A multitude of industries is dependent upon a continued and large pi'oduction of pine lumber, and its failure, though perhaps not threatening such a collapse of business interests as alarmists have pictured, will nevertheless involve serious if not disastrous consequences to the communities relying upon its continuance. The maintenance of an adequate future supply, especially in view of the well-known fact that the existing forests of White Pine can last bnt a few years longer, at most, is therefore a matter of great economical importance and can not receive too prompt attention. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The White Pine is a tree inaiidy of northern distribution, although it occurs along the mountain ranges as far south as northern Georgia. It occupies in this distribution the Boreal and Transition life zones, as defined by Dr. C. Hart Merriam. ' Michigan and its RosourccH, Lansing, 1881. 12 THE WHITE PINE. The botanical range of the White Pine may be circumscribed as follows: From Newfoundland and the Atlantic coast north of the Gulf of St. Lawrence its northern limit runs in a wavy line between the forty-ninth and fifty-first degree of latitude, its most northern extension occur- ring near its western limit, when, slvirting the southeastern end of Lake Winnipeg, it turns southward, following more or less closely the ninety-sixth meridian of longitude, and i» a southeastern direction the line which demarcates the boundary between forest and jirairie to the Oedar River at the Iowa line, and along the Missis.sippi River, crossing it near Rock River, when, following this river for some time, it takes an easterly course to the head of Lake Micliigan, then in a northeasterly direction througli Micliigan to the shores of Lake St. Olair and across Ontario, skirting tlie southern shores of Lake Erie in the two most northeasterly counties of Ohio, then turns southward through the eastern counties of that State, and following into West Virginia near the 1,000-foot contour line along the foothills of the Alleghenies through Kentucky and Tennessee, gradually withdrawing to higher elevations (1,200 feet) into northeastern (Seorgia; the line then returning northward along the eastern slope and crossing upper Delaware, reaches the Atlantic coast in southern New Jersey. The distribution of commercially valuable timber is, to be sure, very different and much more confined. The northern parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan contained probably the largest amount of White Pine, the broad belt of commercial pine of these States continuing eastward through Ontario, northern New York, and the northern New l<]ngland Stat«s to New Hrnnswick and Newfoundland, and following the New England coast, while tlie higher elevations of the New England States showed preponderantly spruce with pine intermixed. The northern counties of western Pennsylvania also contained a large amount of White Pine timber mixed with Hemlock and hardwoods. The (jharacter of tliis distribution is exhibited by general outlines and shailings on the accompanying map (PI- 1). The extreme limits of its sporadic occurrence can not be fixed with absolute precjision, and from the nature of the case must remain more or less indefinite. Similarly, the limits of greater or less development can only bo apjiroxiniately stated. The occurrence of the White Pine was generally as a component of the mixed hardwood forest of the Atlantic, even in the best developed portions of its range, and under such condi- tions, that is, in mixture with other species, it seems to attain its most perfect development. The finest specimens of the highly esteemed "Cork Pine" of Michigan grew among hard- woods on a better quality of soils than those wliicli produced less valued grades. On the lighter .sands true ])inery (pure or nearly pure growth of Wiiite Pine) occurs. Here its admixtures are most frequently of Red Pine (Piniis resinosa) and in its northern limits of Jack Pine {Pinm dirnr- /(■«/«), while on the better and cooler situations it accompanies the spruces (/'/cert mftn'awa and /'. c/uHKhnsis) with P.alsam Fir {Abies halsamea) and Hemlock [Tsnga ciintxlcimn). CHARACTER OF DISTRIBUTION, BY REGIONS. The character of the occurrence of the White Pine in the forest within its field of distribution will readily appear from the descriptions in the tables of Avro yield in the Appendix. Ill Maine, the lower altitudes, along the coast and some of the river valleys, contained in their ihardwood forests the White Pine in fine development, which gave to that State its cognomen of \fihe "Pine Tree State." Rejiorts of trees G to 7 feet and over in diameter and up to 250 feet in height testify to the capacity of the species in this region. The original stand of this pine in the State is practically entirely removed, while the young growth furnishes now again small quantities of logging material. The higher altitudes, with their slate and granite soils, are stotiked entirely with the s])rn(!e and hardwood forest in which the pine occurs oidy as a scattering mixture and of inferior development. This same manner of distribution applies more or less to New Hampshire and northern Xeir Vorh: In the Adirondacks the pine, now almost entirely removed, fringes witli the Spruce and Palsam Fir the many lakes and water courses and keeps to the lower altitudes; mixed in with the Maples, Kirches, Beech, and Spruce, it towers 50 to 00 feet above the general level of the woods, with diameters of 30 to 10 inches. Its reproduction under the shaile of its conqietitors, however, is prevented, young pine being rarely seen excei)t on old abandoned openings in the forest. (See PI. II.) ) Bui etinN 0. 22, Di., of Fo,e stry, J. S. Dept, f Aeiriculture. Plate II. i „ J L "■'■A. i '-.:^i 1 Fig. 1.— White Pine mixed with Hardwoods in Central New York Fig. 2. -Old White Pine Tree in mixed Forest (Young Pine in the Foregroundi in New York State. OHARACTEK OF DISTRIBUTION, BY REGIONS. 13 ":■ 111 western Neto York the White Pine was once qnite abundant as a concomitant of the hard- ( wood forest. Young growth is now (keeping into every wood lot, while in I'ennsylvania the White Pine occurred undoubtedly in the lower eastern counties in commercial quantities as well as in the adjoining counties of Netc Jersey, where it begins to be a tree of the mountains, the higher slojies, ridges, and tops becoming its favorite habitat. It is here largely associated with Hemlock, which often becomes the preponderant tree. Pure pine growth is rare, but the mixed hardwood forest is- seldom without an admixture of White Pine to the extent, as a rule, of about 30 per cent nuiueritl' cally, the soils within the range of its occurrence being seemingly everywhere quite favorable to \ its growth. Besides the Hemlock, the coniferous species with which it is found associated are Pitch Pine (Finns r'njlda) and Spruce, while Red Pine (Pinus resinosn), the most successful rival of the White Pine in the lake region, is here rarely met, and then only in single individuals. The hardwoods? most frequently represented are Maple, Beech, and Birch, more rarely Oak and Chestnut, with / Basswood, Cucumber, Hickory, Cherry, etc., interspersed in single individuals. The best development of the White Pine is usually found along the water courses. Thus, in Pennsylvania, in Luzerne County the White Pine is situated along Bear Creek and its tributaries; in Clinton County the pine is found on both branches of Hyner Run and along Youngwomans Creek ; in Clearfield County there wei-e 20,000 acres along Sandy Creek and its tributaries heavily timbered with White Pine, of which about 2,000 acres of primeval timber are left, whicli would cut about 100 million feet B. M. of White Pine. In Jefferson County a tract of Hemlock and Wliite Pine forest of about 90 square miles, known as the Hay's tract, is traversed by the North Fork and its tributaries. In Forest County the areas heavily covered with pine were situated along Hickory and Tionesta creeks. There is as yet standing over 100 million feet B. M. of White Pine along Hickory Creek and its tributaries. The heavy cut of pine in Elk County came from Medix Run, Dents Run, and their tributaries. The courses of the streams follow the trend of the ridges, the substrata of which are usually of a porous nature, consisting in most cases of slate or laminated shale, a soil very favorable to pine situated on moderately elevated grounds and slopes along the hollows and gorges, whicli, on account of the pervious substratum, offer most satisfactory soil-moisture conditions. From New Jersey the White Pine has practically vanished long ago as a factor in lumber production, and almost as a tree of common occurrence. With the extension of the distribution southward, the White Pine becomes less freijueiit and of inferior development; the climate forces it to higher and higher altitudes. It occurs in quantity only in islands or in small bodies on the crests and along the slopes of the Alleghenies, both east and west, usually aocompanyiug water courses in broader or narrower belts. Regarding the manner of occurrence of the Wiiite Pine in these southern regions, tlie remarks of Mr. W. W. Ashe on the distribution in North Carolina (Bulletin No. G, North Carolina geological survey, 1898) are more or less applicable : The wootUaud iu which White Piue is the domiuaut coniferous tree is nut extensive, but lies iu isolated, small bodies along the crest and southern and eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge, or on the low hills ou the west, * * ' extensive forests seldom being found above the higher limit (3,000 feet in Macon and Jackson counties), or perfect individual development attained below the lower (2,800 feet). In a few places on the southern slope of the Blue Ridge ' * ' the White Pine is associated with Yellow Pines as well as with deciduous trees, but the trees are generally short-holed, and neither so large nor tall as those growing at a higher elevation to the west of this range. Single specimens or small groups of trees are locally dispersed in the broad-leaf forests throughout the mountain counties between the limits of altitude given above. It appears from these statements that in these latitudes below the 2,000-foot level this pine can hardly be expected to be of commiircial or forestal value for the future. The area of greatest quantitative development is found around the Great Lakes and in the basin of the St. Lawrence and its tributaries, in tlie very places most perfectly adapted to its ready and economical exploitation and easy shipment to markets, the large number of streams that are capable of carrying logs, the accessibility of natural ports of distribution, and favorable climatic conditions inviting the logger and lumberman. Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota have thus become known as the great lumber region of the United States. 14 THE WHITE PINE. In Michigan the distribution of the species is entirely controlled by the character of the soil, all sandy areas being pinery proper, with large areas oC pure growth of several sipiare miles in extent containing only White Pine. Occasionally, and (^specially on the driest and poorest sandy gravels, the lied Pine {Pi nits reninosa) associates and sometimes predominates, the White Pine not representing more than 10 to 20 per cent of the number of trees. In the northern regions Jack Pine {Pinus divaricatn) takes the place of the lied Pine. The typical pine forest on fresh sandy soils consists of White Pine (45 to 55 per cent of the dominant growth) mixed with lied Pine (25 to 45 per cent) with scattering Hendock (10 to 15 ])er cent) and octcasional Fir and hardwoods. The undergrowth, usually moderately dense, consists mainly of small Ilemlock, Fir, and young hardwoods. On moister sand with loam or clay subsoil Hemlock and hardwoods replace the pines, the Red Pine vanishing entirely and the White Pine occurring only in large isolated individuals. Into 'wet or swampy places the White Pine also penetrates in single individuals among Arborvita-, Hackmatack, and Spruce. As the loam in the composition of the soil increases, the hardwoods increase numerically, the White Pine occurring only in single individuals and groups, and Red Pine and Hemlock only occasionally. Finally, the heavy clay soils toward the southern range of the species give absolute preponderance or exclusive possession to the hardwoods, mainly Sugar Maple, Yellow Birch, and Beech, although occasionally White Pine appears scattered, or even in smaller or larger groups. Lumbering of White Pine in Michigan began about 1835, and was at its best in 1883, but now the virgin pine is nearly cut out. Reproduction is satisfactory on the sandy areas wherever tires are kept out, which is rare; on the clay-loam areas reproduction under the shade of the hardwoods is practically impossible. In Wiscoiinin the same dependence on soil conditions in the distribution of the species prevails as in Michigan. The accompanying map of the forest areas of Wisconsin, taken from Bulletin No. Iti, of the Division of Forestry, will serve to give an i('.ea of the manner in which this distribution ai)pears within the belt oi best development. (See PI. HI.) From this map it will be seen that the ilistribution is to the largest extent dependent on soil conditions, the sandy soils representing the pinery areas, in which merchantable hardwoods and Hemlocks are waTiting; the loam and clay areas are stocked with the hardwood forest, in wliich both Hemlock and Pine occur scattering or in isolated groves, represented almost entirely by mature old timber. Saplings, bushy young trees, and seedlings are comparatively scarce, an active reproduction of the pine evidently not going on. This condition is found especially on the heaviest soils, where the hardwoods crowd out the i)ine, while on the sandy or gravelly soils the pine holds its own and forms a fair proportion of the sapling timber. In the true i)inery of the sandy soils the hardwoods are scantily reiiresented by small White Birch, Aspen, and Maple. Tlie Hemlock is entirely wanting. On the barrens proper the White Pine is rei)laced by Jack Pine and lied Pine, one, or both together, forming forests of consideral>le extent, usually with hardly any undergrowth or admixture save some scattering Scrub Oak. Fn Mimifsota climatic conditions again begin to assert themselves in inllucncing the distribu- tion of the White Pine. The conifers become preponderant over the hardwoods everywhere. Pines, liotli Ked and White, together with Tamarack (Lari.v larivina) and Arborvita>, (Cedar— 77/ (y«- Occident ai is) and some admixture of Spruce occupy those sites, both swamp and dry lands, which elsewhere would bo occupied by hardwoods. With this change in composition goes a decrease in development; • the sizes both in diameter and height are reduced. It is an interesting fact that both in \\'isconsin and Minnesota the jjine area does not, as in the eastern field of distribution, gradually fade out toward the praiiie, but the true pine woods cease abruptly within 30 or 40 miles at most from the demarcation line of the prairie, leaving the intervening ground to Birch and Aspen or Scrubby Oak and Jack I'ine openings. In the Canadian extension of the species ])ure pinery is very rare. The great bulk of the most productive pine country lies northward and westward from the mouth of the Ottawa River to Georgian Bay in mixed growth, which consists mainly of hardwoods, with Hemlock, Spruce, Arborvita; (Cedar), and Balsam, while the lower tiers of Ontario are of the same charactei' ot hardwoods, with little scattering pine, as in southern Michigan. The eastern extension of the IztS o0 the first regular raft of Wisconsin logs was brought to the city. In IS.jS Schuleiiberg and Boeckler built a large sawmill on the St. Croix-, and from this time on rafts of sawed White Pine were seut to St. Louis from the northern rivers. The receipts of White Pine at St. Louis were: In 1853, about GO inillicm feet; in IS.SiJ, about U>2 milliou feet. Similarly the lumber trade of the city of Chicago, the greatest lumber market in the United States, if not in the world, illustrates well the development of the White Pino lumber industry. In 1847 only 32 million feet of White Pine lumber were received. The annual receipts at intervals of ten years since 1855 to 1895 were as follows: lafw "M<, (10(1, (K)() 1865 617,115,734 1875 l,15:i,715,432 1885 1, 741, 891i, 000 1895 1, 637, :i8n, 000 The receipts reached their maximum in 189-i with L',li03,874,000 feet, and the heavy diminution since that date is not greater than would be accounted for by the general busiuess depression throughout the country. Ill Cauada, as in New England, the exploitation of White Pine began almost with the first .settlement. Logs, hewu timbet-s, and especially ship spars, were exported in early days, and of late years an extensive trade in sawn lumber, as well as saw logs, has sprung up between that country and the United States. Since reliable statistics of the lumber output of this region are wanting, the following figures for the dues on crown timber in Ontario and Quebec must sutlice to illustrate the development of the industry: Areraijt! annual dues on crown iimher for Ontario and (^hiebcc. 1826-1834 $24,000 1835-1851 82,000 1852-1857 122,000 1858-1866 168,000 1867-1881 450,000 The export into the United States for 1894, the heaviest year, was: Lumber, 1,155 million feet (Pine and Spruce); pine logs, 277,947,000 feet, or less than Ih, billion feet B. M. Though scattering White Pine occurs in all provinces of eastern Canada, large bodies of merchantable timber are only to bo found on the upper waters of the Ottawa, and on the shores ORIGINAL STAND AND PRESENT SUPPLIES. 19 of Lake Huron (Georgian Bay district) aucl Lake Superior, and the White Pine himberiug- is piacticaliy cotitined to these districts. The output of White Pine in the Dominion is estimated ut 14 to ii billion feet per year. ORIGINAL STAND AND PRESENT SUPPLIES. What the original stand of White Pine was is dillicult even to estimate. The amount of White Pine cut in the New England States, New York, Pennsylvania, and the eastern Provinces of Canada is not known, and the only reliable figures which give an indication of what has been harvested are the figures for the Lake States above mentioned. For the Lake region alone the estimated original stand for Wisconsin may serve as an illustration. For the pine-stocked area of this State, a total stand of about 150 million feet per township (2;5,000 acres) has been shown to be a fair average. This would indicate a total of about 130 billion feet, of which about GG billion feet were cut between 1873 and 1807, and about 20 billion feet are supposed to have been cut prior to 1873, making a total of about 8G billion feet as actually harvested, while about 18 billion feet were believed to be still standing in 1897. These figures are based upon a thorough canvass made by Mr. Filibert Koth and published in detail in Bulletin No. 16 of the Division of Forestry. On the same basis, Michigan possessed fully loO billion feet and Minnesota may be assumed to have had about 70 billion feet, which would make an aggregate of about 350 billion feet of pine for the Lake States. Of this about 170 billion feet were cut between 1873 and ]8'.»7, and about 50 billion feet were probably cut prior to this time, accounting for about 220 billion feet out of 350 Inllion feet. While it must remain mere conjecture, it seems quite fair, nevertheless, to assume that the total supplies of White Pine aggregated probably not less than 700 billion feet of standing timber originally. Of this total, then, not less than 50 per cent was contained in Canada and the Eastern States, the United States portion representing about two-thirds of this heritage, the Canadian portion showing less than 20 per cent of total supplies. Of this large amount of virgin supplies, a little over 15 per cent, or 100 billion feet, may be estimated as standing. These supplies may be approximately distributed as follows: Canada is credited by the statistician of its department of agriculture with about 37 billion feet of standing pine, an estimate probably far below the real truth. For the Lake States the following estimates were made in 1897 by the best-informed man of the Lake region : Minnesota, 36 billion feet; Wisconsin, 18 billion feet: Michigan, 10 billion feet. These estimates are considered quite high by many. The standing pine in Michigan is placed by a detail township canvass in 1890 at only about G billion feet; the standing White Pine of Minuesota is estimated by the State chief fire warden at only about 12,600 million feet, while an estimate for Wisconsin made in 1895 places the standing pine of that State at only 8 billion feet. Eetaining the larger figures as probably the nearest correct, there exist to-day : In the Lake States, about G4 billion feet; in Canada, over 40 billion feet; in New York and Pennsylvania, not over 2 billion feet; in New England, not over 3 billion feet; in West Virginia and Tennessee, not over 1 billion feet; making a total of about 110 billion feet, or about 22 per cent of what may fairly be believed to have been standing originally. Of this standing supply, about 100 billion feet are so located that the present rate of exploitation (over G billion feet per year) can be, and probably will be, continued until over 75 per cent of the present supply is cut, when, of course, a lack of logs will lead to a reduction in output. This condition may be looked for before the end of the next ten or twenty years, and from that time, unless recuperative measures are adopted. White Pine will cease to be the great staple of our lumber markets. In former years lumbering of all kinds was careless, and even in the White Pine forests the prevailing "inexhaustible supply" notion led to enormous waste. Stumps were left 3 to 4 feet high, all defective trees were left, and top logs burned up with the debris. Many of these old slashings have been logged for the second and even the third time, often yielding a greater profit than when first culled. At present this is no longer the case. High stumpage prices and a perfect market have led to the closest economy in logging, milling, and shipping of White Pine. The trees are felled with the saw, the stumps are 18 inches and less, care is had in the marking and sawing of logs, and the top is utilized, irrespective of knots, just as far as it will make saw timber. Defective logs 20 THE WHITE PIXE. iire rarely left behind, aiiil "clean cutting" now means the removal of all logs, however defective. In logging, ice roads, improved by nightly sprinkling, enable the transport of enormous loads (5,000 feet and more) by single or double teams. The logging railway is fast finding favor, and in many places the logging is thereby made continuous, being carried on at all seasons. (See I'l. IV.) The yields in White Pine are, as might be expected, very variable. iV cut of 2 million feet B. M. on a " forty," or 50,000 feet per acre, was not a rare one in the pineries of southern Michigan, and occasionally such cuts are made in Wisconsin and Minnesota. To yield such a result the entire "forty" must be well and evenly stocked. The best acre, then, need not be far above the average, and, in fact, rarely exceeds 75,000 feet. A stand of 1 million feet on a " forty," or 25,000 feet per acre, is a good one, but was of quite common occurrence in all White Pine districts, and may still be found in many places, while whole townships or counties have averaged 10,000 feet per acre. These yields depend, of course, on the character of the forest growth, the greater or smaller admixture of other species occasioning the differences. Thus, if any large territory of the pine districts were taken into consideration, a yield of 150 million feet per township would be found a fair statement for most parts of the pineries of Wisconsin and Michigan. The best yields do not usually come from those tracts which contain the largest trees, but where the pine is least mixed with other species and stands most dense. Such areas, pineries proper, where no merchantable hardwoods were mixed with the pine, are usually tracts of loamy sand, and occur in extensive bodies in all three of the Lake States. Generally, White Pine cuts more wasteful than Norway or lied Pine, has a thicker bark, more large dead limbs and knots, these latter often coming to within 20 feet of the ground, even on large trees, and is quite given to forking. This latter peculiarity seems natural to the tree, and has been observed abroad as well as here. It seems independent of the character of the soil, as it occurs on clay and sand alike, but it is often localized, so that on a small tract of 10 or L'O acres nearly all trees are forked. Trees with three and four forks are Tiot rare, and live forks occur. In addition. White Pine is extensively defective by decay, so much so that in some localities 15 to 20 per cent must be allowed for the loss from this source. NATURAL HISTORY. The oldest descriptiim of the White Pine ap])ears to l>c that of Plukenet, published in 1700. Its scientific name of i'i«»h), which together form the conspicuous zone crossed by radiating bands, the so-called medullary rays, and outside of the parts just described, a broad zone of cellular tissue, constituting the middle bark, which is bounded externally by the epidermis. The pith, medullary rays, and middle bark consist of simple cells, originally of an irregularly rounded form. Together they constitute the so-called ground tissue of the stem, as distinguished from the fibro- vascular portion, which includes the wood and inner bark. Within the cortical portion of the ground tissue numerous large openings (PI. VII, J, rd) are seen, of different sizes and apparently without definite arrangement. These are the resin ducts. Each duct runs longitutlinally through the stem, and consists of a central cavity filled with resin, around which is a single layer of secreting cells, easily distinguished by the nature of their con- tents from the surrounding cells of the cortex. At this stage of development the resin ducts are confined to the cortical parenchyma, none having yet been formed in the woody portion of the stem; but later in the season, as may be seen in older sections, a number of ducts are formed, arranged in a circle near the periphery of the wood. The.se have essentially the same structure as those of the cortex, but are of smaller size and are surrounded by fewer secreting cells. In cross sections of older .stems the resin ducts are seen, arranged in an irregular circle, in each annual ring. Their physiological significance is not fully understood, though there can be little doubt tliat De Vries is correct in assuming that«the abundant resin is of service to the growing tree, when wounded, in preventing decay of tlic wood, and that its preservative inHiience is con- tinued after the tree has been cut into lumber. In .sucli a young shoot as has been described the cells are vitally active, and are filled with granular protoplasm, in addition to which several other substances are either produced or stored up in them, particularly in the cells belonging to the ground tissue. Ohloroi)byll o<;curs in the pith and medullary rays as well as in the cortical jxjrtion. It is most abundant in the cells of the cortical parenchyma, occurring in the form of minute grains, irregular in shape and size. Starch, in rounded granules, occurs abundantly throughout the ground tissue, the cells of the cortex con- taining a larger proportion than those of the pith. liesin, as already stated, fills the resin ducts and the secreting cells around them, though starch is often found in the latter. Passing now to the woody portion immediately surrounding the pith, two characteristic fea- tures at once attract attention. The elements composing the wood, .r ( PI. VII, 1 and .V), have a much narrower lumen than those of the pith, and are regularly disposed in radiating rows. These elements, the tracheids, are elongated thick-walled cells, fpur to six sided, according to the number of tracheids by which they are surrounded. Their walls are liguified and are marked by the peculiar structures called bordered i)its. Their structure, when fully developed, is shown in PI. VIII, ],2, and /. In the ecoiu)my of the tree the wood fullills the function of mechanical support, and serves as the conducting tissue through which the water, evaporated from the leaves, is carried up from the roots. The medullary rays are composetl of cells so flattened by the ])ressure of the tracheids that on longitudinal sections they appear as represented in PI. VIII, .9. They contain a conspicuous nucleus, are clo.sely packed with granular food substances, and serve collectively as a storehouse THE WOOD. 25 of reserve materials. Communication between these and the tracheids is effected by means of simple pits on their radial walls. The inner bark, or phloem, ^;/i (PI. VII, 1 and 5), closely resembles the young wood on cross section, its elements being arranged in i-adiating rows and traversed in like manner by the medullary rays, The cells composing it differ, however, in various important particulars from those of the wood. Their walls are of cellulose, and although important as conductiug tissue, they contribute comparatively little to the rigidity of the stem. Between the wood and inner bark is the cambium or formative tissue, represented in PI. VTI, i, as a light band of extremely small and delicate cells, and in the same plate as a zone of cells with thin walls and large lumen, contrasting strongly with the wood elements and those of the inner bark between which they lie. It is from the cells of the cambium that those of the wood are formed on the one hand and those of the bark on the other. The process is a gradual one, and no absolute line of demarcation can be drawn between the cambium and the tissues derived from it. The cells of the cambium multiply by tangential division. The essential features of this process, as regards the position of the cell walls, are represented in PI. VIII, -i, in which the lightest lines represent the youngest walls and the heavier ones those of greater age, successively. It is by the constant repetition of this process of tangential division and the subsequent thicken- ing of the walls of the cells thus formed that the wood and inner bark make their yearly increase in thickness. In the spring the cells of the cambium are large and vigorous, and a rapid forma- tion of wood elements with relatively thin walls and large cavities takes place, while later in the season much smaller tracheids with thicker walls are formed. This results in the strong contrast between the wood last produced in any given ye.ar and that formed at the beginning of the next season's growth, giving rise to the sharp distinction of annual rings so clearly brought out in PI. VIII, 1. The histological characters thus briefly summarized hold true, in a general way, for other conifers as well as the White Pine. This species, however, presents a number of peculiarities that are of both physiological and economical interest. The resin ducts of the White Pine are larger aud more numerous in the cortex than in the wood, an arrangement well adapted to secure the protective action of the resin contained in them without introducing an clement of weakness into the wood. Comparisons with other species bring out this fact in a striking manner. Thus, upon comparing the distribution of the resin ducts in stems of the White and Scotch pines, as nearly alike as possible, it was found that in the cortex of White Pine stems of one year's growth the number of resin passages ranged from 20 to 47, the average being about 33. The number in the wood was more uniform and averaged about 13. In the Scotch Pine the average for the wood was found to be 33 and for the cortex 10. Taking the second year's growth in the same way, the average number for cortex of White Pine in the specimens examined was 28 aiul for wood 27; in Scotch Pine, for cortex !) and for wood 37,' The small size of the resin ducts in the wood conti-asts strongly with the very large ones of Scotch Pine, which seriously interfere with the continuity of the wood and tend both to weaken it and to give it an uneven texture. The extremely small number of thick-walled tracheids constituting the summer wood of the White Pine is in marked contrast with the broad band of summer wood formed in various other species. Comparing the annual rings of White Pine with those of Longleaf Pine, for example, it is seen that while the thick-walled tracheids of the former make hardly more than the mere outer edge of each ring, those of the latter constitute one-third or more of its entire width. Moreover, the gradual, almost imperceptible, transition from spring to summer wood in the White Pine contrasts strongly with the abrupt line of demarcation seen in Longleaf Pine aud all other Yellow Pines. It is to tliis very gradual transition that the uniform texture of the wood of White Pine is chiefly due. The medullary rays of the difterent groups of pines show certain structural peculiarities that appear to be constant for the group of species in which they occur. The writer is indebted to Mr. Filibert Koth for the following notes in regard to this feature: In all pines the medullary ray is made up of two kinds of cells which differ iu their general form, and still more in the configuration of the cell wall and pits. The one kind occupies the upper and lower rows of each ray, Etta L. Knowles, iu Botanical Gazette, August, FOREST RESOURCES LIBRARY ies ■ Rep bile in other groups in this country ■da. i ,aluKtri» , «to., in.'lniling 20 THE WHITE PINE. aud are tlierofore termrd the outer cells; the otlier kind makes up the intermediate rows and arr known us the inner cells. In the appearance of lioth onter and inner cells there is a marked and constant difference in different groups of pines. While the interior of the wall of the onter cells (transverse tracheids) is smooth in some groups, it is beset with nnnierous bold projections in others. Similarly the inner cells (parenchyma) of the spring wood of each ray in some groups have but a sinfilo large pit comnninicating with the neighboring \ this is brought about by three to si.v smaller pits. Based upon these differences, the following classification of the wood of ditfcrc by Dr. 3, Schroeder:' Section I. Walls of tlie tracbeids of tbc ])itli ray witli dentate projections. a. One to two large, simple pits to each tracheid on the radial walls of tho ci-Usof tlio pitli ray.— ( only by P. retinoBa. b. Three to six simple pita to each tracbeid, on the walls of tbe cilia of the pilli ray.— r.nm|i most of our "hard" and "yellow" pines. Section II. "Walls of tracheids of pith ray smooth, without dentate projections. a. One or two large pits to each tracheid on the radial walls of each coll of tlie jiith r.iy.— Groiiii 3. I', stmhus. Uimhirliana. .ind other true White Pines. 6. Three to six small pits on the radial walls of each cell of the pitli ray.-Grnup 4. P. parryann. and othiT nut i)ine.s, includiiif; also 7*. bal/ouriana. Returning to the medullary ray of the White Pine, it is observed th.nt the walls of tho onter cells arc tliin (1.5// to 2 ft); the round pits quite variable in number and size, but always as small, and often smaller, tlian the pits of the tracheids in the summer wood; also tliat the walls of the inner cells are thin {l.n /t to 3 //), for the most part very thin, being largely occupied by pits; that the pits are large ovals on the radial walls of tlic cells in tho spring wood, small erect ovals in tho summer wood, and small and irregular in outline above and below wlieni the inner cells communicate with each other. The length of these cells varies, even in the same r;iy, between 50 /; and 300 // ; the width was found to be about 7 /( for the outer and 12 /< for the inner cells; the height, more variable in the outer than in the inner cells, and less variable than cither width or length, may be set at about 23 /i for outer and inner cells. The average number of cell rows in one medullary ray^ for the specimens studied, is 7.5, whereof 2.6 fall to the outer cells and 4.9 to the inner cells. The limits of the total number of cell rows were 2 and 16; the height of the ray, tliercfore, 46 /( to 368 /(, dimensions scarcely appreciable to the nnaideil eye. What is lost in size is gained in number; on an average 21.3 medullary rays were counted on 1 si|uare niillimetcr, or 13,:U2 to 1 S(iuare inch of tangential section. A study of the wood iii its physictil and mechanical jtioperties, by Mr. Filibert Koth, will be found further on in this monograph. F.XI'I.ANATIOX Ol- PLATE YII. 1. Transverse section of fresh .shoot, cut in summer of first year X 25. Tho zone of small cells surrounding tlie ])itli includes the wood and inner bark, both of which are traversed radially by tho medullary rays. The thick cortical parenchyma outside of these is marked by the presence of a number of large resin ducts. ;:'. Portion of epidermis, with appendages. Beneath the epidermis a few cells of tho cortical parenchyma containing starch. .". Highly magnified view of a part of the transverse section, showing the structure of wood and inner b.-irk, with the thin-walled cells composing the cambium lying between them. [Figs. 2 and 3 were drawn with great care with the camera, but unfortunately no statement of the inagnilicMtion w.as preserved with them.] EXPLANATION (IF PLATK VIII. 1. Cross section of wood x 175. The section includes parts of three medullary rays, the middle one of which is cut partly through the inner cells and partly through the cross tracheids. The gradual transiliou IVoni sprini; to summer wood is clearly shown. Part of a resin duct is seen on the right. S. Radial longitudinal solution of wood X 200, showing a few of the thick-walled tr.acheids of tlio sunuuer wood followed by tho large thin-walled ones of the succeeding spring, both crossed by a medullary ray. The liordercd pits of tlie outer cells of tlie ray, shown both in section and surface view, are in strong contrast with the simple pits of the inner cells. ,1. Tangential section of wood X 200. 4. Cro.sssectionof part of twig collected May 20, 188fi, x 175, showing caiiiliiuiii and ilevelopincol oT wood and b.irk. The woody ring is about one-third its final thickness. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. The seeds of the White Pine retain their vitality for a long period. Trustworthy observers state that a fair percentage will grow after being kept five years or more. The conditions of germination and successful growth are, in general, the same as for other i)ine8, namely, a suitable 'Dr. J. Schroisder, Das IIolz der Coniferen, 1872. . 22, t)l». of Forestry, U. S Dept. of Agncu Sections of Young Shoot of White Pine. Sections of Wood of White Pine. \l Bulletin No. 22, Div of Forestry. U, S. Dept. of Agrl wmi* Seedlings of White Pine. RATE OF GROWTH. 27 soil, moderately warm and moist (not wet), in which the seeds are covered at a depth not exceeding twice their own diameter, and, further, protection of the young seedlings against the hot sun and drying winds. Special attention is required in tlie nursery to avoid undue moisture when the seedlings appear above the ground, as they are often attacked by a destructive disease very common in propagating beds, known as "damping off." If, however, no adverse influences have interfered with its normal development, the young plant presents itself after some mouths' growth as a slender shoot, crowned by the persistent seed leaves, in the midst of which is the terminal bud, the latter having already formed numerous short foliage leaves. No branches have appeared, and the foliage leaves arise singly instead of in groujis of five. The whole plant, as it appears at this time, with its slender stem and long taproot, is represented, natural size, in PI. IX, drawn from a specimen obtained in the pine woods of Michigan, in September, 1SS6. Earlier and later stages of development of the seedlings are shown in the same plate (i, 5, .?, i, 5, 6) drawn from nursery specimens. For the first two or three years the growth of the seedling is slow, and is so greatly influenced by its surroundings as to make it impossible to give averages that will fairly represent the yearly increase in height and diameter. Thus, a healthy seedling, three years old, from the nursery row, measured 4.0 inches, while a self sown specimen from Maine, four years old, measured only 2.7 inches in height. But, if the circumstances are favorable, after the third year a growth of one to several inches is made each year, and from this time on the yearly increase in height is clearly defined by alternating nodes and interuodes, a whorl of branches being formed at each node. The leading shoot is from the first the most conspicuous and the most important part of the plant, branches being manifestly subordinate, dying off in later years as in other conifers. The rate of growth being of most important practical interest, much space has been devoted to this part of the developmental history. The tree rarely reaches a height of more than 160 feet and diameters of more than 40 inches, more usually 30 inches. Occasionally these dimensions are exceeded; trees of 200 feet in height and of 60 inches in diameter have been reported. The largest actually measured by the Division ot Forestry was 48 inches in diameter breast high and 170 feet in height, with an age of about four hundred and sixty years, containing 738 cubic, feet of wood, standing in a group of similarly old and large pines in Michigan. Another tree of this group, with 47 inches diameter and 1G2 feet in height, contained 855 cubic feet, being less tapered. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IX. 1. Seedling as it first appears with seed coat attached to seed leaves. 2. .Seedling with seed coat detached. S. Seedling with seed leaves and prim.ary foliage leaves disposed singly on stem; five months old. 4. Seedling in its second year, showing primary leaves and secondary leaves (mature fornr), the latter in clusters of five. 5 and G. Seedlings three to five years old. RATE OF GROWTH. The following statements regarding the progress and rate of growth of White Pine are based mainly upon the very comprehensive data collected by the Division of Forestry in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. These data, involving meas- urements and detailed analyses of over seven hundred trees grown under varying conditions, together with records of the conditions under which they grew, and the amounts of timber which were produced under such conditions per acre, are presented fully in the tables, with accompanying uotes, in the Appendix to this monograph. It appeared, however, desirable to present in the text not only the generalizations and conclusions, but also some typical ca.ses. Some other measure- ments, made before this comprehensive investigation and recorded by the writer in his original manuscript, are also produced. HEIGHT GROWTH. SEEDLING STACE. The growth of the seedling is variable, according to the conditions under which it grows. In the forest it is much slower than under cultivation, as would naturally be expected. The common 28 THE WHITE PINE. practice of nurserymen is to sow the seed broadcast in carefully prepared beds, where the seed- lings stand from two to lour years before transplanting. Standing very close, the tiees do not make as stocky growth as they otherwise would. Under these conditions the average growth of untrausplanted seedlings, according to statements by the well-known nurserymen, Thomas Meehan & Sons, is as follows: One year seedlings, 2 to 3 inches high; two years, 4 to G inches; three years, 12 to l^t inches; four years, 24 to 3(J inches. The late Mr. Robert Douglas, the veteran nurseryuian, of Waukegan, 111., wrote: White Pino seedlings one year old are 1 to 2 inches high and altogether too small and tender fur tninsplanting. At two years old they are much stronger, from 3 to 5 inches high, with line librous roots and in line condition for transplanting. At three years old they aie 6 to 9 inches high and shonid not he allowed to stand another year, as they would add about 10 inches to their height during the next year and would not he suitable for planting. The first season al'ter transplanting, the White Pine (like other trees) will not increase much in height, but will establish itself, extending its roots and forming a strong terminal bud, so that when it is six yi^ars old it will exceed in weight and bulk over one hundred times its projiortions when transplanted, and thereafter will increase in growth from 18 to 30 inches in height annually in good soil for many years. Gardner & Sons, whose nursery is about 90 miles west of the Mississippi Iliver, in Iowa, and therefore outside of the natural range of the species, submit the following measurements, coincid- ing with the above, as representing average growths at their nurseries before and after trans- planting: One-year-old seedling, li inches high; two-year-old seedling, 4 inches high; three-year- old seedling, 7 inches high. The trees are transplanted at three years of age and thereafter the average height for the three following seasons are: Four years old, 12 inches high; five years old, 16 inches high; six years old, 33 inches high. Another establishment reports as the average height of two year-old trees in seed bed, 3^ inches; of tliree-year seedlings, 7 inches. Casual observations and measurements of some forty-five seedlings in the forest permit the following as to the height growth of seedlings in the forest: Height growth of White I'inc in the forcut for the first six years. Age or seedlings. Height Of Stem. Current cretion.' rrom— To- Average. Inchee. 2 3 10 30 Inehei. 4 12 31 InchM. Indies. ii 2 2 J ygjjf 1 These measurements show that the rapid height growth begins with the si.xth year, when the total growth of the first five years is almost doubled in one season. This, to be sure, holds only lor seedlings favorably situated. In those less favored the rapid stage of development comes more gradually. This slow progress in younger years is naturally reflected in a retardation of the year of maximum height growth, which in dominant trees oc(!nrs about the twentieth year, while in ()l>l)res.sed trees it may not come before the fortieth year. DKyKr-OrMKNT IN OI'KN STAND. Trees on lawns and in pastures, which grow up in full enjoyment of light, are somewhat dif- '^erent from trees in the forest. The slow seedling stage is followed by a very rapid imirease in the rate, which attains its maximum before the twentieth year and then declines gradually. Table 1, on the next page, presents a complete record from year to year of the growth of eight trees planted on a lawn at Ann Arbor, Mich., which were measured in ISSO, the annual increase being measured between the whorls of branches. These measurements also exhibit the great variability of growth from season to season and from tree to tree, even under otherwise similar conditions. In some of the trees, evidently, injuries or accidents retarded de\elo|)ment. Such ai)parent deficiencies have been left out of consideration in averaging the data. HEIGHT GROWTH. 29 TarM'-. l.—JJeight grotvlh of ll'hile Pine planted in lawn at Ann Arhor, Mich., hy years, in inches. Age. Diame- breast high. Height. Feet. 30.5 23.5 30.5 26.6 34.5 44.5 ""■53" 47.5 Heiglit, by years. lto6 In. 26 20 25 41 33 50 41 ~0.3 7 In 15 3 11 8 In 22 5 4 12 14 16 9 In I 14 24 14 10 11 12 1.3 14 16 JTn:7nJni:,^,. 16 17 In In 18 In. 19 In. '21 32 20 7 20 In. 21 In 23 In 24 In 25 In 26 27 In. In 28 In 29 In. 30 rr«. 17 19 19 21 23 29 """"so 30 Inchea. 6.1 3.8 6 6 8.2 12.8 In. t 23 18 LV, , :,!•,» 24 2b .u „u _, _, _, _.,,7 .., 25 26 19 '3 21 'V: '20 12 "7 5 2.I1 _... 11 Averages ........ _1^5 J? g « -3 ;ir Average by 6year puriods- .3 1 16 20 ■■ r r 1 " ...|... I8|. .....]. ..|..... ..7.6 1 \-\-\- NdTE.— Treoa Nos. 1 to 6 »toocI iu shallow soil on gravel subsoil ; Nos. 7 and 8 in deep loam. From thi.s table it appears that these eight trees grew on an average hardly more than 6 inches during the first six years, more than three times as fast during the ne.xt si.\; years, and reached a maximum rate of over 27 inches per year during the third period of six years, the decline beginning after the twentieth year and the rate decreasing until it has fallen to about 15 inches near the thirtieth year. To show how, under less favorable conditions, the progress of self-sown trees is very nearly the same, the following measurements may serve, from which it appears that natural seedlings on pastures, standing more or less crowded, reach at ten years a height of 10 feet; at the age of twenty years about 25 feet, and trees thirty-live to forty years of age, with diameters of C to 9 inches, attained and even passed the height of (iO feet, showing an average growth for that period of 15 to IS inches per year: Taiii.k l\.— Measurements of self-soien Wliitc I'inc on })astiire. (Furnished by Mr. J. E. Hobbs, of Nortli Berwick, Mo. ; altitude. 250 feet.] No. 2. With Nos. 1 s No. 3. Old pasture, soil shallow, gri No. 4. Level ground, soil heavy loai No. 5. From old pasti No. 6. From old pasture after one year No. 7. From old pasture after oue year No. 8. From old pasture after one year I tillage; 5 feet from No. 6; 1 tillage i 5 feet from No. 1 ; bore cones. I tillage; 5 feet from No. 6 ; bore cones; distant from neighbors 8, 34, and 19 inches. I tillage; 5 feet from No. 6 ; bore cones; touched another 4.inch diameter. 30 THE WHITE riNE. ; shawled. ir's tillage; 5 feet from No. 6; bore coacs. clly loam on compact subsoil of sand; pine mixed with Hemloek. OaV 1 iii-arly 'i inrlies from similar tree, with others quito near; crowded. (S.14-K'. *' I' ,i:i\'ll\ li. .1111 nil . I. iiipact subsoil of aani' ,, 17. Isni,;;. ,i ,. 1 !. .'. 1 'I pii \ iuiis, .ipinLiciitly through leader wo: 1.18. I,ci,U.MUii.l,.,..Uiu.ui In.aii, 1. 19. With Xo. lU; lost leader livoy I. 20. Level ground, soil heavy loam, IS. 21-2G. Old pasture, soil sh>allow, griivelly loam on compact subsoil of I west; all sis trees, besides four others, within circle of 24 feet diameter nearest uoighboi-s 2, 5, and lu feel, respectively. Hemlock, Oak, 1 about 20 fcf Coucerniug trees 1, 2, 5, G, 7, 8, and 10 (Table II), Mr. Ilobbs sent the following interesting cominnnicatiou, under date of January 11, 1887 : All these trees were fouuil in an old pasture adjoining my land on the north and having similar a.spect and soil. A fringe of tall White Pine timber surrounds it on three sides, north, east, and sontli. The distance across this open laud from north to .south is about 60 rods. This land has beon in pasture from fifty to one hundred years. It was formerly thickly covered with moss, sweet fern, and other low-growing bushes, in the shade of which animals found some grass. Altliough thus surrounded by tall pines their seeds seldom sprung up. Not many years liefore these trees started a portion of this land was plowed and planted with potatoes one year, and then turned out to p;isture again, whereupon young pines immediately sprung up. These were cut down first, but they continued to come up so abundantly that they were allowed to grow, and now the patch that was planted with potatoes is quite thickly covered, in many places too thickly, with trees like tho.se measured. This fact shows the importance of turning up the soil so that the seeds that fall upon it may have a chance to take root. Only hero and there a seed will liud lodgment on land that is covered with moss and low-growing bushes, no matter how abundantly seeds may be sown upon it. How such trees continue to grow is shown in Table III. From the measurements it appears that a steady growth continues, which, by the hundredth year has brought the tree to a height of near 100 feet. Takle 111.— Measurements of U'hUe Piiu-, ijrown on iibandoncd fields. [Furnished by Mr. J. E. Hobbs, of North Berwick, Me. j Age. Diam- breast high. Di.im- eter below Length crown. Le.ph leader for last years. Total height. Height at- 10 yrs. .0 yrs. SO yrs. 40 60 yrs. 60 yrs. 70 yrs. 80 yrs. 90 yrs. 100 yrs. 110 yrs. 120 yrs. Tear>. 58 59 61 64 70 82 84 85 85 87 87 109 117 122 123 Inche.. 16 18 25 31 29 23 28 Inche,. 10 3 ill 23 16 Ft. In. 50 30 33 28 6 43 6 i I 45 6 39 4 49 10 40 4 52 6 01 4 57 55 50 Inchen. 66 09 48 56 50 72 40 66 02 30 72 28 40 3o' 24 Ft. In. 80 10 67 6 78 3 70 2 100 8 01 6 92 7 104 10 100 2 112 9 112 9 101 10 107 5 97 4 Feet. 15 10 12 11 14i 9 9 8 8 9 13 14 8 10 Feet. 11 25 24 30 only 10 16 18 i 27 16 21 Feet. 42 31 37 36 46 one^lo 28 26 35 39 25 35 Feet. 55 45 47 47 Feet. 69 67 62 58 Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. i 77 68 ' cut ; height at Hftv-eich t years, 64 feet 10 inches. 54 41 39 47 71 52 52 66 60 82 63 64 77 70 7n 81 75 76 87 81 an ^99 8C 87 07 93 «■> no infi Not cut into sections. 15 36 ; 49 62 70 77 84 92 99 loej 16 52 1 58 63 69 74 80 83 90 96 _ NOTES TO TABLE lU. No. 1. North Berwick, Me.; near foot of hill sloping to north; growth, dense; apparently abandoned farm land; shallow, sandy soil. No. 2. South Berwick, Me.; thrifty second growth, in valley of Great Works Kiver; exhausted farm land on granitic formation; sand over 20 feet deep, well stocked with White Pino. No. 3. North Berwick, Mo.; near foot of hill sloping to north; growth, dense; apparently abandoned fiirin hind; shallow, sandy soil. No. 4. North Kerwick, Me. ; near foot of hill sloping to nortb ; growth, dense; apparently abandoned farmland; 8h;illow, sandy soil. No. 5. South Berwick, Me.; thrifty second growth, in valley of Great Works Uiver; exhausted farm land on granitic formation; sand over 20 feet deep, well stocked with White Pine. Nos.6-10. North Berwick, Mo. ; near foot of hill sloping to north ; growth, dense; iipparoutly abandoned farm land ; shallow, sandy soil. l)E^■ELO^MKNT In the dense forest the same general law of development, namely, of slow and rapid stages, prevails for dominant trees as is exemplified by the foregoing measurements of tiees grown in the lield, although the quantitative progress varies somewhat. According to the relative amount HEIGHT GROWTH. 31 of light at the disposal of the crowu the rate of growth differs, and there is I'ouiid, therefore, in tlie forest trees, though very nearly the same ag:e, trees of different heights, according to the success of the struggle for light which they have had with their neighbors. At every stage of the devel- opment of a forest growth, after its juvenile period, the trees can be classified into dominant, the tallest, which grow with their entire crown in full enjoyment of light and space, overtopping their neighbors; codomiuant, which, although of same height, have their crowns narrowed in, but still unimpeded at the top; while others (oppressed) are pressed in from sides and top, and finally are entirely suppressed and die. This relationship of individuals changes from time to time, some of the codomiuant gradually falling into the class of oppressed, and of these a large number become suppressed. Occasionally a codomiuant becomes dominant, or an oppressed one, by liberation of its oppressors, through storms or accident, finds opportunity to push forward and make up for lost time. Thus, a natural growth may start with a hundred thousand seedlings per acre; by the twentieth year these will have been reduced by death to 6,000, and by the hundredth year hardly 300 may be left, the rest having succumbed under the shade of the survivors. It is owing to these changes that in analyzing tree growth we find great, often unaccountable, variation in the rate of growth of even the same individual, and hence, in order to recognize the average, a very large number must be measured to even out the deviations from the law. For the same reason it is desirable to classify the trees as indicated above and ascertain the rate of growth of trees grown under diffei-eut light conditions. To be sure trees behave also somewhat differently under varying conditions of soil, climate, and exposure; hence, a further classification is necessary if it is desired to establish more thau the mere general law of progress and also to ascertain the influence of these variable conditions. In a general way, we find, as in the trees grown in the open, the slow seedling stage followed by a very rapid increase in the annual rate of growth, beginning with the sixth year and reaching a maximum of 16 inches with the tenth year in dominant trees. With trees which have not enjoyed access to light to the same extent the maximum occurs later; hence, in codoininaut trees it is reached, with 13 inches, in the twentieth year, while the oppressed trees reach their maximum current accretion still later, namely at forty years, with less than 12 inches for the year. As soon as this highest rate is reached decline takes place gradually iu all classes, much faster in the dominant trees than iu the less-favored ones, which decline in the rate of aunual height growth much more slowly. By the one hundreth year the annual height growth is reduced to from 6 to 7 inches, the dominant trees showing the lower rate, which continues to decline until about the one hundred and sixtieth to one hundred and seventieth year, when all tree classes have come to a rate of about 2 inches, at which they continue to grow, slowly but evenly, for another century. This persistence of the height growth, which makes old trees tower 40 to 50 feet above their broad-leafed neighbors, influences also the shape of the crown, whic'i does not flatten, as is the case with most pines. Very old trees, four hundred years and over, rarely exceed a height of 160 feet, although exceptional individuals have been found of the unusual height of 200 feet. It will thus appear that the principal height growth is made during the first century, the second century noting a persistent but only slow progress. If we take the average of all the yearly accretions at any one year of the life of the tree (the average annual accretion at that year), the influences which have been at work during the whole lifetime are of course reflected; therefore, since the juvenile period shows a slow growth, the average accretion attains its maximum much later. This culmination of the average annual accretion takes jilace much earlier in the more favored tree classes, namely, at about the twentieth to fortieth year, after that declining, while iu the oppressed it does not occur until the seventieth year, maintaining itself afterwards for a long period. This difference would also appear if we compared better and poorer sites. In other words, when the annual rate of growth is slow it remains more persistent than when it is rapid. The persistence noted in oppressed trees indicates also the shade endurance of the species. From Table IT, which gives the accretions from decade to decade (periodic accretion), we see the capacity of the species to thrive in spite of the shade, even in later stages of its life. Even after ninety years of oppression, when the tree is given oi)portunity by increase of light, it is still able 32 THE WHITE PINE. to make as good an animal height growtli as its more-favored neighbors, and can continue the same to the second century. From tlie table of lieights at various ages it is learned that the success in the Juvenile stages after all tells on the total height growth. Taule IV. — Periodic heiijht growth, by decades, of dominant, codominant, and opjireaaed pine. Class. DboailoH. 1 Ft. 8 2 Fl. n 12 R 3 13 10 7 Ft. 13 10 6 Fl. 11 12 9 6 Fl. 6 q •7 Fl. 8 8 n Ft. 7 8 9 7 6 10 Fl. 6 6 C Ft. 5 5 6 12 Fl. 5 5 5 1» Ft. i i 5 14 Ft. 3 4 15|l6 Ft.^Ft. 17 Ft. 3 f 18 Ft. 3 f 19 Ft. 3 2 3 SO Ft. 3 2 21 21 3 82 Ft. 23 24 25 Dominaiit Ft. Codominant •i 2 2 * OppresBixl fii'li k 40 Effect of composition of forest tipon height growth. The height development of White Pine seems to progress more rapidly when it grows mixed with Other species. A striking instance showing how the height growth of White Pine is bene- lited by the presence of other species is given in the diagram (fig. 2), wliich represents the height growth of White Pine taken from two sites (a and h) in Presijue Isle County, Mich. The sites were about 5 or C miles distant from each other. /^^lit!M!i.;i.!iuiitixi.iiiLLii.i:i , 1 : ■ . ! nu The soil and the moisture conditions on both sites were apparently identical (fresh sand), as were the total number of trees to the acre (the sample area on site a contained 181 trees and that on site h 189 trees) and the age of the trees and their distribution over the ground (density of crown cover). The only difference found be- tween the sample areas staked off' on both sites was the composition of the forest. Site a con- sisted of a mixed growth of Norway and White Pine, while site h represented practically a pure growth of White Pine save a few small Hemlock and an occasional Norway Pine. The diagram shows that tlie White Pine on site a was exceed- ingly stimulated in its height growth by the presence of the Norway Pine. The associated species entering into the struggle for light with the White Pine naturally affect the i>rogress of the height growth of the pine. The ettects of the associated species upon the height growth of White Pine and the iieriod of their influence depend upon the capacity of the associated species to grow in height as well as upon the time when the associated species are cither iutroduced among the pine or received it under their shelter. In case, for instance, hard- woods accompany White Pine from the very start the influence of the hardwood upon the height growth of the pine will last only for the first sixty or seventy years, that is, up to the age at which most of the hardwoods practically reach their maximum height. In case the Norway Pine or the Ilendock starts sinuiUaneously with the White Pine, the height growth of the White I'ine will be stimulated to a considerably later age, because the Hemlock or Norway Pine tiontinues to grow in height at a similar rate for a longer time. When the White Pine happens to start on ground already covered with other species in such a manner as not to be interfered with in its growth the associated species, if capable of growing in height to a later age, will stimulate the height growth of the White Pine for a considerably longer period. All this is clearly demonstrated in the accom- panying diagram (fig. .3), representing the hciglit growth of White Pine taken from three sites (./', A-, and /) of identically the same conditions except as to composition of the forest and theditler- ence in the ages between the pine and associated s])ecies. All three sites had a well-drained clayey loam underlaid by a laminated shale of indefinite depth. The White Pine on site/ (Clear- field County, Pa.) was mixed with Hemlock of a large size; the i)ine on this site had started 20"Av. /. / , ,, , ■ liliiliiiiiiiititii!! 20 40 60 RCE. 80 rity, Mich.; 100 3 growth. HEIGHT GROWTH. 33 among the Hemlock, which stimulated the height growth of the pine during all its lifetime. The White Piue on site k (Jefl'erson County, Pa.) was mixed with Hemlock of a small unmerchantable size. The pine here had started simultaneously with the Hemlock, which stimulated the height growth of the pine only for a certain period, after which the Hemlock, being overtopped by the pine, was out of the struggle and left in the capacity of an underwood. The White Pine on site i, which merged into site k, was mixed with hardwoods, which stimulated the height growth of the pine for the first sixty years, when the hardwoods reached their maximum height and then with- drew from the competition, leaving the pine to increase the height on its own account. The influence of climate and soil on height growth will further appear from a study of the tables in the Appendix. This influence on height growth is not very great, if we confine our inquiry to regions of best development, the difference rarely exceeding from 5 to 10 per cent. MO £0 40 60 80 /RGE ■>. 3.— Diagra m shiiwins lieight growth of Wliite Pine in forest of varying com] *: and i, Jetterson County /oo 120 mo /BO Effect of locality upon height (jroirth. Comparing the growth in different localities, it ai)pears that the trees from Pennsylvania started at a lower rate than those in all other localities, but after the twentieth to the twenty-fifth year they surpass all others. If this can be accepted as correct, the deduction of the development in early youth from old trees being subject to errors, it may be exi)lained by the fact that these trees grew in mixture with Hemlock and were kept back by the shade of their neighbors, but when they had outgrown these they felt the stimulus exerted by them. The trees from Maine and Wisconsin, also starting more vigorously than those from Michigan, decline and sink below the Michigan trees between the eightieth and ninetieth year, which may for Wisconsin be possibly explained by the retarding influence of winds after the pines have out- grown the hardwoods, while in Maine the poorer soil may account for it. Michigan, with its tempered lake climate, presents a most regular and persistent height curve, coming nearest to the average of all locations. In codominant and oppressed trees these differences do not come to nn expression, but since the classification is somewhat doubtful and variations within wide ranges are possible, these data are hardly to be used for comparison as to locality effects. 20233— No. 22 3 34 THE WHITE PINE. GROWTH IN THICKNESS. The growth in thickness, or diameter accretion, although remarkably reguhir in this species, is much more variable, but it is also more persistent, than the height growth, as will api)ear from the following comparisons: Thus, in five groups of trees from different sites, ninety-four to one hundred and nine years old, the heights differ only by a little over 8 per cent, varying from 91 to 98i feet, while the diameters differed by almost 50 per cent, varying from 10 to 23.7 inches. Again the persistence is illustrated by the comparison of the height growth of five groups from two hundred and seven to two liundred and thirty-three years old, which showed an increase over the grouj) Just mentioned of somewhat over 20 per cent, while the diameters were by 30 per cent greater; and if the poorest groups of the two sets had been compared the difference would have been still more striking, namely, 15 per cent for the height as against 37 per cent for the diameters. This is in part explained by the fact that, where the seedling springs up in the virgin forest, it is very apt to be suppressed for a longer or shorter period by the large mother trees and the host of deciduous and other forms which make up the forest cover. While the height growth is by this shade also impeded, this is not so to the same degree as the diameter, which is a direct function of the amount of foliage that is at work. The sapling may thus remain a slender pole for many years, and not until it is able to lift its head above its crowding neighbors, or until light has been admitted to its branches, does it begin to expand its crown and consecjuently thicken its stem. In managed forests, or in tracts where from any cause crowding has been prevented, the growth in diameter progresses somewhat more in the manner of the height growth, namely, slowly at first, then rapidly until the maximum is attained, when a slowly decreasing rate sets in. In the seedling the diameter growth is exceedingly small, very rapid in the young trees, when the annual ring is often one-sixth to one-half of an inch wide, but decreases with the slower rate of height growth. When the tree is sixty to eighty years old, the yearly ring is commonly not more than one-twelfth of an inch wide; it then gradually sinks to one-fifteenth of an inch, which is then maintained throughout life, rarely falling to one twenty-fifth of an inch. The average annual accretion reaches its maximum about the fiftieth to the sixtieth year with somewhat over one-fifth of an inch on the diameter of dominant trees, whi(;h rate is nearly maintained to the one hundred and fiftieth year. Thrifty trees at forty years of age grown in the forest, measure from 6 to 9 inches in diameter breast high; at fifty years, from 10 to 12 inches; at eighty years, 15 to 17 inches; and they reach a diameter of 18 to 20 inches by the time they are a hundred years old. To attain a diameter of 30 to 40 inches, which represents the best merchantable material of days now almost passed, more than two hundred years have been required, while trees four hundred to four hundred and fifty years old attain diameters of .W to 60 inches and over. Trees of 40 inches diameter at three hundred years were by no means rare. To be sure, there are exceptional individuals which exceed these dimensions, and variation iu the rate of growth, due to soil, climate, and surrounding conditions, are naturally as frequent as in heiglit growth. The progress of diameter development of dominant, codominant, and oppressed tree classes, and in different localities, is exhibited in the, tables and diagrams in the Appendix. The usual method is to determine the diamciters at 4A feet from the ground (breast high), not only because when measuring standing trees the measurement is most conveniently made at this height, but because the lower diameters show much more irregularity. There is also more wood deposited near the base at and above the root collar, giving rise to the so-called I'oot swelling (butt swelling), undoubtedly a jjrovision to strengthen the stability of the tree. Unfortunately for the investigations here recorded, it was not practicable to have the trees cut and measured at breast height, since the measurements were made on trees felled in regular lumbering operations, exposiiig only the cross sections at the height of the stumj), mostly 2i feet above ground, and at log lengths. Even at that height (2.^ feet above ground), a difference in the progress of diameter growth from that on higher cross sections is noticeable and becomes especially pronounced in later life, as is shown iu the curves representing the progress of diameter growth on cross sections at various heights. The diameters here given for the lowest section are, therefore, somewhat larger than those usually employed, namely, breast high, especially in later years. GROWTH IN THICKNESS. 35 The liigher sections exhibit not only a reguhir course, but an entirely siraihir one, from cross section to cross section. There is no reason to assume that the course at breast height would not follow the same law; therefore there can be constructed a curve for this height similar to the curves of liigher sections, using for guide points the data obtained from a series of measurements made to establish the yield of pine in which trees were measured at breast height (compiled in tables in the Appendix). This has been done on the diagram in the Appendix, which shows the diameter development of diflerent cross sections for dominant trees. From this can be read the following average dimensions as approximating the diameters of each decade, leaving out the uncertain Juvenile stage: Diameter, hreant hiijh, of White Pine {averages approximated), in inches. 1 20 1 80 40 1 50 1 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1 180 \M 150 160 170 t 180 190 200 "" In. In. In. In. 8 11.5 13.5 15 10. 5 In. 17.8 In. In. In. ! In. 19 20.2 21.3 22.2 In. In. 23 23.8 In. 24.5 In. In. In. 25.2 26.4 26.8 In. 27.5 That these figures may be considerably exceeded (even by 50 to 60 per cent) under favorable conditions will appear from the various tables of measurements in the Appendix. Especially is this the case in the second-growth groves of pine. As will be readily seen in the curves after the Juvenile stage, during which the diameter grows very slowly, an acceleration in the rate takes place, which soon reaches a maximum, continuing at that for a short time, and then slowly and persistently declining from about .'i inches per decade between forty and fifty years to 1^ inches at one hundred years, and half that amount at two hundred years. DETAII. MEASIIRISMENTS OF ANNUAL GAIN IN CIRCUMFERENCK. An interesting set of most accurate observations have been made and reported by Mr. Nathaniel Morton, of Plymouth, Mass., exhibiting 38 young trees of White Pine, which had sprung up among oak and other hardwoods, mixed with White Pine and a few Pitch Pine in an old, rather-neglected piece of woods, and which were measured every year from 1891 up to 1898. The trees stand rather open. The age varied from twenty-eight to forty-two years, most trees being between thirty and thirty-six years old and their average ago thirty-six years in 1891. In 1891 the average cross section 3 feet from ground was 131 square inches; in 1898, 197 square inches; the growth 00 sciuare inches, or about 9 square inches per year, one tree making 15 square inches per year. This growth corresponds to a growth in circumference of about 1.3 inches per year, or a growth in diameter of four-tenths of an inch per year. The detail measurements are given in the following table: Table V. — Annual gain in circumference of White Pine trees in Massachusetts. Number of tree. Gain, in quarter inches. 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 Number of tree. Total Total in inches. Percentage o f gain as com. pared with gain of 1891... Average gain per tree (in inches) Gain, in quarter inches. 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 139 190 14}~47J 100 135 184 181 157 168 Total in six years. 36 THE WHITE PINE. AREA ACCRETION. While the diameter accretion decreases in rate continuously after' the juvenile stage, the growth of the areas or layer of wood corresponding to the diameter increments follows by no means the same course. After the juvenile stage, which is determined by the formation of a definite crown, and when the diameter has attained at least C inches the cross-section area begins to increase in arithmetical progression; a constantly increasing rate prevails until a maximum is attained, which comes between the sixtieth and one hundred and twentieth year, and then continues remarkably uniform for a long period. No decline is noticeable until after the second century has begun. In codominant and oppressed trees tlie area as well as the diameter accretion move somewhat diflerently, the maximum rate coming later and lasting a shorter time, tlu^ decline following soon after the maximum. Since size of crown and light conditions regulate the amount of diameter growth, it is evident that trees with well-developed free crowns form more wood than those crowded, the dominant more than the oppressed, and those on lawns more than those in the dense forest. Moreover, in these latter the wood is differently disposed along the trunk than in tlie former. Not only do trees grown in the open throw their energy into branch growth, but the accretion on the bole is laid on in layers, increasing in width from top to base. The result is a more rapi2 Ft. B. M. Ft. 6fit„"lii 1 1 85::;i::::::!;::!::: 80 i...i... per cent; hardwoods 48 per cent. (Jlassification for White Pine: Dominant, 75per cent; oppre.saed, 22 percent; sup- Two-atory stand, upper story 1 1,152 ■•-.-••i lower story by hardwoods (Yellow Birch mixed with Basawood with scatfa-ring 1,155 1,482 780 580 315 .:. :::::: V.X'.'. sional Elm) Sciintv UDdir- . growth of the voun': li.ird 347 1.101 1,161 408 429 485 1,521 - ... underlaid by a liardi>an of clay and stone^j, 4-inch mold on top, with a surface cover of leaves. ' ' — : '■ 6 15, S41 95,040 15 2 1 MICHIGAN. Site d; Montmorency County. White Pine. Red Pine Hemlock. 1 ■3 1 i 1 1 Volume. 1 1 a 1* 5 Description of site. Boles. Merchantable timber. 1 Sample area, 1 acre. Age of pine, 250 to 270 years. Number of trees, 113: White Pine, 54 percent; Red Pine, 35 per cent; Hemlock, U per cent. Locality damaged by fire twelve years before ; 15 per cent dead (rees and 20 per cent injured by fire. 1 Inches. 10 12 13 14 15 !? 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 Feet. i § o„./r Ft. B. M. 2 3 3 3 6 S 8 Inchen. I 16 21 22 23 30 Feet. i 2 2 6 Inchei. "* 159 60 207 231 86 96 315 280 906 855 ''<'«} 40 11 12 15 20 White Pine miked with Red Pine and inter- of a gray color, turning brown and red under- neath with a surface cover of brakes checker- berry. The subsoil is a brown sand, sometimes loamy and in spots clayey. Density of crown 800 216 696 498 1,862 560 302 340 1 1 61 10,154 60,900 39 13 Total yield : 86,100 feet B. M., of which White Pine 66 per cent. Volume of Red Pine: Boles, 5,256 cubic feet; merchantable timber, 25,200 feet li. M. Average annual accretion : White Pine, 59 cubic feet. 331 feet B. M. 42 Tamlb VI.— .-lere i/ield i,f IVhitc I'i PENNSYLVANIA. Site /.- Dtiliois, Clearfielil Couuty. THE WHITE PINE. xitex in Wisconsin, Mirhigan, I'cnnstjlvania, and Maim — C'ontiiiii MAINE. Site It: York County. White Pine. i 1 £ Volume. S Descriptiou of site. ■o % n,- 1 Boles. 11 •a o s Ft. In f«.«. (hi-rt. S.M. Sample area, 1 acre, 1,200 to 1,500 15 120 1.360 feet above sea. Age of pine, 240 to 1 ■"■ 18 White Pine, 37; Hemlock, 84; Ma- 130 ple, 5; Beech. 3; Birch, 3. 20 130 ' Hemlock mixed with White Pine. 21 with occa.sional Maple, Beech, anil 22 130 1 Birch, on a bill sloping towards 23 ) 570 3.000 24 130 135 3,690 row Creek. The undergrowth. 26 135 257 1,390 27 135 young Beech, Hemlock, and occa BionaT Birch and Cucumber. .Soil. 2!l 135 J rellow clayey loam of a medium 30 145 IrainianeshLs in it,, deep, fresh. 31 145 1,220 7,800 mold on top, ivith =..rr:i "--r of 34 145 • 800 4.800 40 511 3,300 scattering d uli 41 145 511 east corner ;ii,.i i >nl,. 45 145 638 depth. Den.-av ui ciu.iu i..vlt. 37 9,028 52,260 0.7 (in places 0.8). White Pine. Description of site. n 4 32 60 84 8 36 52 8 12 12 8 328 Hi a In. i? 3 1 Feet. 45 55 45 55 45 55 65 55 55 65 55 65 75 ■s p Sample area, one fourth acre. Age of pine. 50'to 60 years. Number of trees : Mature White Pine. 328; young White Pine. 160; mature Hemlock. 20; young Hemlock, 20. Classification for White Pine: Dominant, 9 per cent; codominant, 45 per cent; op- pressed, 23 per cent; suppressed, 23 iH,r White' Pine, with scattering Hemlock and and young Hemlock. Soil, a gray sand, sometimes brown or loamy, with a vegeta- ble mold of 3 inches, deep, fresh, with a leafy surface cover. Clayey subsoil, prob- ably 4 or 5 feet below surface. Dcnsitj of 256 330 840 72 414 144 780 144 306 240 116 408 4.070 MAINE. Site a : York Co White Pine. ,,, Dcscriptio.iofeitc. 11 m i £% ■A a > In. Ffel Cu./t. Sample area, one-half acre. Age of pine. 90 to 100 years. Number of treel: White Pine. 10 75 42 75 192 118; Red Oak. 6; Norway Pine. 2. Classi- 12 75 2:13 lication for White Pine: Dominant, 26 per 12 85 120 cent; codominant, 40 percent; oppressed, 18 per cut; suppressed, 16 per cent. White Pine with scattering Red and White 13 222 14 75 154 14 85 332 15 .184 site. Theundcrgrowtli.nMi(l,.i:it,-l-, ,l.-i,a,., 16 85 408 consists of small Hcml»'k;iii.Ulei>rl, siiniII 17 85 528 Maple and Oaks niiiiiLr..ii-.. .'^.jil, ;. line 10 18 85 690 loamy sand. gray or bn.wii in 1..I01, .l.-ip. 19 1,323 fresh, with 2 or 3 inches mold on top, anil leafy surface cover; clay lica proWbly some feel below surface. Density of crown 20 85 1:)2 21 85 320 22 85 534 cover, O.S. 85 ma 95 250 25 95 280 26 95 560 118 White Pine. Descriptiou of site. 4 28 ?s 84 24 36 32 8 40 ST Ill In. 9 }» 16 17 i Feel. 65 55 55 C5 55 65 65 75 65 75 65 75 65 75 85 75 65 A 1' Sample area, one.fourth acre. Age of pine, 50 to 60 years. Number of trees: Mature White Pme.396. Classification for White Pine: Dominant, 18 iier cent; codominant. 27 per cent ; oppressed, 24 per cent ; sup- White Pine, with occasional Norway Pine, on a slopi> to north 5° to 10=. Scanty omler^Towlh „f H.-nilcH-k. Oak. and Fir. ,",l",, ".p!'"'/ 'i'" '-'.'. '',,,V fresh? Willi lil.H 1, ,,, , , l„->iontopand li-aiv >,iii.M. |.r..l)ably8 to 12 feci duu u. Lkn^ii, ui , iJun cover, 0.8. 190 ItX) 1.008 240 522 576 168 880 100 408 696 232 552 132 462 292 184 204 , 131 cubic feet. CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT. 43 i.iiniT hkquirements. The capacity of the White Pine to keep its place in mixture with the hardwoods is probably mainly due to its shade endurance. In this respect it excels all pines with which we are acquainted. Pines are, as a rule, rather light-needing species, and are usually at a disadvantage in the mixed forest, unless compensating lulluences are in their favor. The White Pine is an exception. As a consequence, it is capable of forming dense thickets, supporting a larger number of trees per acre and producing a larger amount of material than the more light-needing species. Also, as a con- sequence of its shade endurance, it does not clean itself of its branches as readily as other pines; not only do the lower branches remain green for a long period in spite of the shade of the superior tiers of foliage, but they persist after they are dead for many years. As this shade endurance is, however, only relative, and as many of the associates possess it in greater degree, the additional advantage of rapid height growth alone saves the pine from being after all suppressed by its shadier companions. Yet, these succeed iu keeping the young progeny of the pine subdued, and hence the observation that in the dense virgin forest of hard- woods the reproduction of White Pine is scanty. The difficulty of cleaning itself of dead branches seems to be overcome by association with shadier companions, for, as a rule, the best quality, cleaner boles, and absence of black knots, which denotes earlier cleaning, are found in such association. Yet, iu these mixtures the trees are apt to be shorter bodied, since the hardwood companions are shorter bodied and the stimulus to height growth ceases sooner. In the pinery proper the stimulus to height growth exerted by the neighbors continues longer; hence, longer shafts are found here, other conditions being the same, although the boles are less clean and less free of knots. Its shade endurance is decidedly less than that of the Spruce, which maintains itself, but not thriving under the dense shade of Maple, Birch, and Beech, where White Pine seedlings and saplings are not to be found, although they sustain perfectly the shade of oaks. To be sure, this shade euduraiice is to some extent dependent on moisture conditions of soil, being less ou the drier than on the fresher soils. This relatively high shade endurance permits ready natural reproduction of the pine, espe- cially where the hardwoods have been thinned out to some extent, or where, after clearing, all species start their race for reoccupatiou of the soil with equal chance. The pine then appears iu the young hardwood growth iu single individuals at first, somewhat behind in height, but finally, when it enters upon the period of rapid height growth, it outgrows its competitors and is assured ,of its place. More frequently does the reproduction take place in groups, smaller or larger, the many areas of "second growth" of several acres in extent, which are found throughout the hardwood coppice of Massachusetts, showing that tendency toward gregariousness so characteristic of the conifers. A further discussion of the conditions of reproduction and the yield occurs in the portion devoted to the discussion of forest management and of forest yield. In these natural reproductions the trees grow close together, that is, close for unaided nat- ural reproduction, as is apparent from the following table of acre yields of young growth taken at various places in New England : : yield of younij j)ine gr Soil. While Pine. Species intermixed. SUt«. A-e. Number. Biameter (breast high). Length of log. 01° logs'! Niinihei. Name and remarks. Ma.8acl.u3ctta Fresli, well-drained loam and sandy loam. years. 35 128 284 75 Inches. 14 to IS 10 to 14 6 to 10 3 to 6 3 Uax. 40 40 35 ""■35 20 20 Cu.Mt. 1,611.2 3J8. 9 147 52 21 8hLnut. Maple. All other. T 1 490 2, 014. 1 228 "is" 10 9 6 Dry, welldraiued sandy NewHampsbiro... 35 13 231 181 5 51? 18 to 24 14 to 18 10 to 14 li to 10 3to C 30 30 35 18 22 15 178.9 372.4 1,007 »5e- 'z:7.'z. 1,558.3 Total....,,,, 38 44 THE WHITE PINE. Taulk VII. — Acre yield of tjounij pine iiroi. M. is saw material. The persistency of growth seems to continue beyond that age, and the indications are that the decrease of the current as well as average accretion per acre during the next century takes place so gradually that at one hundred and fifty years it may still be over 100 cubic feet, and not much below at two hundred years, when the burden of the acre may be near 20,000 cubic feet, with over 120,000 feet B. M., and double the amount in tlie oldest growths of two hundred and fifty or more years, which may i)ossibly be the limit of production. While these figures, which differ very materially from those proposed in the tables by Messrs. Piuchot and Graves, may stand for the better soils, as ideally possible, practically, perhaps, rarely attainable, especially in older stands, poorer soil sites will vary from them by from 20 to 40 per cent, so that a yield of 9,000 cubic feet at a hundred years, or 50,000 feet of lumber, would still be quite reasonable to expect on the poorest soils on which White Pine can be satisfactorily grown. On the sandy soils of Wisconsin whole forties are found to average 50,000 feet per acre of naturally growu unattended forests of one hundred and fifty years of age. Table VIII summarizes the measurements of sample areas, Avhich are given in detail in the Appendix. It will serve to show what our native woods, without attention, stocked with partly useless trees and in open stand, exhibiting much wastage in unoccupied ground, are capable of producing. If we assume that the areas might have been stocked with liine alone, that they would have produced at only the same rate as they have under their present conditions, even though the acres had been fully stocked and not in the fractional manner which is indicated by the decimal giv- ing density of cover (all assumptions), and if in connection with the density factor we consider the number of all trees per acre and the percentage which the pine represents, we may, as a mere matter of judgment not fit for tabulation, arrive at an indication as to what the acre might possibly have produced. Such indication of possibility has been attempted in the last column of the table, and has served in the above discussion in connection with all other data presented. This is all that can be done in the absence of the measurements above indicated. These figures are of no direct practical application except to give a general notion of the productivity of White Pine and the variability of yields. An inspection of the table of yield in Germany, on page 69, will show that these approxi- mations are not unreasonable. The lumber contents in board feet may be approximated by multiplying these figures by 4 or 5 in the younger growths and by 6 or 7 in the older. Assuming a moderately careful practice of logger and sawyer, by no means mathematically tenable, the above tentative propositions for normal yields might be even increased. To assume, as is done by certain authorities, that tables of normal yield could be constructed by using the density indicated by a decimal as a mathematical factor, using that factor as a divisor of tlie actually measured yield in order to arrive at the normal, is to mistake the value of the density factor. Not only would trees and whole acres have developed very difterently when grown under different density conditions during their life, but the estimate of the density is such a vague and uncertain one, a mere opinion, that even if the greatest care were exercised, its use as a mathe- matical factor would not be admissible. It is a mere indication of the present condition of the growth, and its meaning at different periods of life is very different in its physiological effects as expressed in volume accretion. 4G IHK WHITE PINK. S g ■i ?. s n ii it y 1 CO i i °- 2 i 1 1 i I i ! i i i 1 i i i 1 1 lit - 11 i § i i s ^' s s i i i a a o i 1 i i ?! S 1 i i 1 § i § i i i i s S S S §' 3 S i s i i g i i IS § i g 1 i g 1 r. § i 2 g i i s s i ^ « 11 i 3 S S S => S S 1 do d o i o — 1 i 1 !!f !^r! 1 !! 1 " ^- T"r^ !°1 ^ r!'!°-n - 1 ! " ! ^ ! 1 |S Is li 1 : ! ! 1 ^s: ^ f^ $ IJ] mil -|s-s - s-i S -^ g" ■ ■ i s s s - & 2 S --s^ss 1J 1 1 E i 1 i ■ f eg. 1 !i III iii ill 'i! Hi • a : : : s B i e S £ 1 1 1 i i % i i ^ 1 a nil' I 1 J i 1 ■II 4f 2-355 SSS22S 2S |s 2£SS£S52 1 B iS § S S S t^!? S3 5 S |S g S S g S g S S 1 i s <. ^-=---^da,^=;e ~o.ee. i--^ *-«^^i « 1 z ^ ■ 1 , 1 M i . 1 >^ A i B 1 , 1 ■ ■ t il i : t ' 1 S ■ » ' s; 1 I \ . i ? .a :i - 47 ill llllll S3| |||2|||||g| OT o )2 co' S" S* ^ '^ ^ S » pj i~ "* S S w ^ ^' "^^ I i i 5 i § _ s g s s s? s - ill § i i IS s i_i _ I i c=WS?=o;Wfc:pti1?:wfe:w£bw£i:^=::^=^; a H I 3 t I ll 111 ll I III 1 I I I I I i I J § I i i i ". I I I I ll § s s s s £ 5 S 2 2 g § S S g 3 S I g S % 2 S ill i g SI s s s s 3 2 2 2 2 2 § g S 3 3 S aat= p:^^ ^-sEsbp^^a 48 THE WHITE PINE. It luaj' be of interest to record more especially the data of a small clump of young White Pine sprung up naturally on an abandoned fleld of less than three fourths of an acre in extent, situated near Farmington, N. II., which its owner (Mr. J. D. Lyman, of Exeter) had from time to time thinned out for the last twenty-two years, with a view of accelerating the growth of the trees. Unfortunately, no record of previous conditions and frequency and extent of operations was attainable, but the present condition (three or four years ago) is exhibited in the following table : Data of a clump of natiiraUij grown yoiiiiy White I'hie. [Age: Forty-six tii fifty- years. Height: 70 to 80 feet. .Niiiul.er of trees. Diameter (breast l.igh). Volume. CMC feet. 85 84 6U0 1,169 875 806 3«U 96 20 1 1 10 27 25 31 18 6 2 Inche, 21 lOtoi',* 14 to IB 1II0 14 10 to 11 a to '0 121 ... 4,095 This would indicate a yield per acre of about 6,000 cubic feet, from which, with the dimensions attained under careful mill practice, some 3(),000 feet of lumber might be cut. To be sure, with such open stand much of this must be knotty, even though the trees were pruned as far as possible. T>y comparison with the measurements of naturally grown unthinned acres, we find that two to three times the number of trees of the age indicated in the above table might stand on au acre and make as much total product (see Massachusetts, .site c, which, with 324 trees, produced 0,188 cubic feet); and although a few trees in the thinned grove had reached larger dimen.sions, the total product of trees over 12 inches in diameter is almost the same, the diSerence in favor of the thinned part being only 100 cubic feet. From this comparison it would appear that the thinning was too severe to secure the most desirable results. PI. X shows the condition of the grove when the measurements were taken. Allowance, however, sliould be made for the amount utilized in thinnings. Whether this inferior material would pay in most cases the cost of its removal is fjuestionable. A very uncertain estimate by the man who iierformed the thinnings places the amount of wood removed equal to that now standing, among which is 5,000 shingles. The following table shows the measurements of one of the largest trees in the grove: Mecsnnmenh of trcr. I Age: Filly-aix years. Height: 81) feet.] Heigl.l ofse..Uo.„. 1 feet. Diameter, in incl.es. Number of ring^^onsee- Slumi, 1?* 122 1 54 46 42 37 32 24 15 8 60 This tree, when felled and cut into waney-edged boards, made lumber to i imoiint of .'^(>4feet. Fig. 1.— a thinned Pine Grove in New Hampshire (Trees d1 Years Old 185 T'- tml /\', Fig. 2.— Young Pine in New Hampshire (Trees 20 Years O^c DANGERS AND DISEASES. 49 DANGERS AXD DISEASES. The White Pine is subject to a considerable number of destructive influences even when growing si)outaneously, but a hirge proportion of these might be avoided if prox)erly understood and guarded against, since they are in great part due to human agency. INJURIES BY HUMAN AGENCY. The subject of forest fires lias been so fully discussed that it is iinnecessary here to treat it in detail, although the pine forests of the Northern States have suffered more irreparable injury Irom this than from all other destructive agencies combined. From the numerous suggestions that have been made respecting protection from fire and from unnecessary injuries in general, the most important appear to be: (1) That a well-digested code of laws, capable of promjit enforcement, based upon the recommendation of a nonpolitical forest commission, is of primary importance. -Girillt:d While Pine coutinuiug to grow. (2) That a correct public sentiment, encouraged by a wider dissemination of information concerning the value of forest products and the time required for their growth, will have more influence than all other means together in preventing unnecessary destruction. Unlike the Loblolly Pine of the Southern States, or the lied Pine with which it is commonly associated, White Pine has a thin bark during the first thirty to fifty years, which affords but slight protection from lire. Conse(inently, the species suffers much in young growths from surface tires, which do little or no harm to the thick-barked i)ines and hardwoods. In the mature trees the growing layer is much better protected, as the bark with age becomes proportionately thicker than that of Red Pine. Related to the foregoing, and properly placed under the head of injuries to be charged to human responsibility, are wounds occasioned by cattle. A pine foi-est is less liable to injury from the browsing of cattle than one composed of deciduous trees, and in the Eastern States old pastures commonly grow up to i)ine, the deciduous species being kept down by (he cattle. But in 20233— No. 22 4 50 THE WHITE PINE. any ease, wLeii the growth of timber is the primary object, domestic auimals should be rigorously excluded, as they are certaiu to do more or less injury to tlie growing trees. A pine forest, or a forest of any kind, is no more properly a "run" for cattle than a lield of standing grain, and the damage is likely to be more extensive and less capable of repair in the former than iu the latter case. The White Pine shows considerable recui)erative power, which is exhibited in the ready reestablishment of broken leader and the healing of wounds, in which the prolific resin exudations assist by keeping out water and fungi. The experiences of Mr. Nathaniel Morton, of Plymouth, Mass., in trimming i)ines, recorded in The Forester (June, 189S), show the absolute safety of pruning live limbs of 3 to 5 in(;hcs and more in diameter, which are covered in a few years by new growth (PI. XI). An interesting case of ])ertiuacity of life and recuperative power, which at the same time throws light on the much- debated (juestion of food and water movement iu trees, is also reported from the same source, and represented in fig. 4. A young pine in the forest was, two years ago, not only girdled, but the bark peeled olf for 11 inches all around the tree. The tree has a x)erfectly healthy appearance, and has continued to grow iu length, although apparently about half as fast as before. The measurements of internodes of this tree during the last six years follow. The diameter growth above tiie wound has continued, while below the wound it has remained stationary, as will appear from the measurements made two years after the removal of the bark. C'ircumferonco near the ground 15 Circumference just below the wouiid 11 Circumference where hark is stripped ",•} Circumference just above first row of branches 11 Circumference above second row of branches 11 The wound is entirely covered by pitch. The growth just above the wound has a baggy appearance, showing an accumulation of wood deposit, which shows the arrest of the food materials duo to the absence of the cambium layer and bark. It would appear that the roots could either live without the food supply from above (at least for two years), or else that a sufficient amount can pass through the dead wood of the trunk, and at least the water necessary for the elaboration of food materials iu the foliage can be supplied through the old wood. The writer inspected this tree, and can vouch for the truthfulness of the descrijjtioii. A similar case with a southern pine (species undetermined) came to his attention, where the tree was older and had grown over twenty years above the wound; but as only a cut was inspected the possibility of a cambial connection of the upper and lower i^arts was not abso- lutely excluded, as in the present case. INJURIES BY STORMS. Of injuries not within human control may be mentioned, first, those resulting from storms, snow, and ice. The soft texture of the wood and tlie short-lived branches of the White Pine would naturally suggest its being more liable to injury by storms than are deciduous trees. This, however, is not the case. The angle which the branches make with the trunk admits of their readily bending, and under such a weight it is found that Maples and other hardwood trees break down much more frequently. Mr. B. F. floyt, of Maiicliester, Iowa, states that " a whole summer's observation among the White Pines of Tennessee failed to reveal a single case in which a tree of that species was injured by the wind," attributing the fact to the mechanical disposition and structure of the trunk and branches.' Iu this respect, then, the White Pine stands at a decided advantage as compared with many deciduous trees with which it is naturally associated. Like the shallow-rooted Spruce, the White Pine is liable to be upi-ooted and thrown by storms, although to a less degree. While, however, the mechanicsil effects of tlic wind and of storms of snow and ice arc not sufficient to re(iuirc special consideration, the injurious consequences of diying wimls are such as 'American Naturalist, December, 1B8G. Bulleale sickly color and often the production of short stunted shoots. A still more marked symptom is the formation of great (luantities of resin, which How downward through the injured parts and out into the ground, resulting in the sticking together of the roots and masses of dirt that have been penetrated by the resin. Passing up a little way into the trunk, the cause of this is seen in the active working of the fungus in the medullary rays and around the resin canals, where apparently both cell walls and cell contents undergo degeneraticm and partial conversion into resin. This flows downward, as already stateil, and also works laterally into the cambium, producing great blisters in the younger parts where growth is going on, and also resulting in the formation of abnormally large resin canals. As the disease advances the lungus continues to attack the trachcids of the sound wood and soon induces marked changes. Under its influence the walls lose their lignifled character, become softer, and give the cellulose reaction, while the mycelium of the fungus penetrates and fills the enlarged cavities of the tracheids. (PI. XII, -i, 5, (1.) The whole inside of the trunk may finally become hollow for some distance above the stump, its interior being filled with a loose rotting mass, penetrated by rhizomorph strings, and only becoming worse tlie longer it stands. The disease having once reached this stage, there is of course nothing to be done for the tree but to fell it as soon as possible and save whatever wood remains unaffected. (2) r<)h/ponis aiiHonKs Fries ( Trametes radicipcrda R. Hartig). — Tliis is one of the most dangerous parasites of coniferous trees, causing "red rot" and the dying out of plantatioTis both of young and old pines. In (lermany it infests various species of pines, including riiinx strohiiH and rinus sijlvestria ; also Pivea excelsa, Juniperus comvmnis, and others. It is more destructive to the White Pine than to the Scotch Pine. The disease appears in plantations of various ages, from five to one hundred years old, show- ing itself by single plants here ami there becoming pale, then yellow, and suddenly dying. These external symptoms are altogether similar to those observed in trees infected by Af/aricnn mcUfius. Other trees are attacked in the neighborhood of the infected ones, nnd so the disease spreads eentrifugally. The fruiting portioJi of the fungus (PI. XIII, 1 to 6) grows on the roots near the surface of the ground, forming yellowish-white cushions (white on the spore-bearing surface) that may finally, though rarely, become a foot or more in diameter. Between the wood and bark of the affected tree are extremely thin layers of mycelium, distinguished from those of Ayarivus nifUciis by their softness and delicacy. The tissue of the roots and the inside of the stem is decayed to a considerable height. The disease is spread by the spores, which are carried away by mice and other burrowing aTiimals and deposited on the roots of adjacent trees, where they germinate and penetrate the living tissues of the bark, passing thence into the wood elements and growing in them toward the stem. It is also communicated by the roots of infected trees crossing those of sound ones in the ground (PI. XIII, /), the fungus growing directly from one to the other. A violet discoloration of the wood is the external symptom of beginning decomposition, in which the contents of the i>arenchyma cells die and turn biown through the action of the mycelium. This color disappears with the loss of the cell contents, and a clear brownish-yellow takes its place, with scattering black spots here and there. These are surrounded at a later period with a white zone (PI. Xn,. rufipennis Kby., and although not known to aflect White Pine, it is not impossible that it might attack this tree in case it extends its present depredations. The species of Dendroctonus are peculiarly periodical in their attacks. There is, however, one ex(!eption, />. terebrans Ol., which is usually common at all times over a very wide area of the United States and Canada, infesting all the ])ines. According to information received in May, 1898, this or a related si)ecies is now ravaging the pine forests of a portion of southern New Jersey. The genus Tomicus contains perhaps quite as dangerous forms as those which have just been mentioned. The appearance of the beetles is somewhat similar, as is also their method of life. A species tiiat has been associated with the mortality of pines in the region about and south of the District of Columbia is 7'. ific(>f/rti2)hii,i Lee, or southern pine bark-beetle, which is illustrated mn(rli enlarged at lig. 0. It is reddisli in color and may be readily separated from any of the preceding TIMRER-BEETLES AND PINE SAWYERS. species by the structure of its auteuuiP. and by the toothed apex of the elytra or wiug-covers. Its mine is shown as it appears on the under side of the bark of a tree at fig. 7. Tomicus inni Say, the northern pine bark-beetle, is destrnctive to pine forests in the North in a very similar manner to the preceding species, which it much resembles in structure as in habit, but is less injurious farther South. T. callif/raphus Germ., a similar species to the two preceding and about equally destruc tive, abounds in the pine woods of both tlie North and South, and T. cwlatus Zinim. and T. arnlms Eicli. also infest White Pine. Among other well-known white-pine bark-beetles may be mentioned Crypturgus imsUhiH Gyll., Hylimjops glabratus Zett., and several species of Hylastes and Dryocmtes. The remedies to be employed against these insects are prac- tically the same as for the destructive pine bark-beetle. TIMBER-BEETLES AND OTHER SCOLYTID^Si. While the majority of the pine-infesting Scolytida' breed between the bark and the wood, a considerable number, called timber-beetles, live entirely within the sapwood; others, the twig-beetles in the small twigs and branches, and a third group, represented by Pityo2)hthorus coniperiht Sz., inhabits the cones. The chief danger from the bark-beetles, as has been shown, is from their attacks on living trees. They do comparatively little damage to timber, except as they loosen the bark and thus afford ready access to water and mold and to other destructive insects. The timber-beetles, or ambrosia beetles, as they are sometimes called, live almost exclusively in greenwood, pre- ferring that which is slightly injured, of impaired vitality, or such as has been newly felled, but they often attack and kill healthy growth, and in the process of their work in timber cause a staining or "bluing" which entails a still greater loss than results from their direct attack to living trees. The presence of these beetles in a tree is manifested by the little piles of white sawdust which they eject from the " pin-hole" entrance to their galleries. The pine timber-beetles are found in the genera Gnathotrichus, Xyloterus, Xylebo rus, and Platypus. Gnathotrichus materia r ins Fitch is the commonest of three species of the genus, all of which attack pine. This species is shown greatly enlarged at flg. S, and its characteristic galleries in the wood of pine are well illus- trated at fig. 9. The same remedies advised against bark-beetles will prove valuable against the timber beetles. Kerosene emulsion or a carbolated wash would accomplish the destruction of the timber-beetles even after they have attained entrance to a tree, provided the application be made in time. The twig beetles are represented by the genera Pityophthorus and Hypothenemus. Of the former genus, /'. S2)arsus Lee, cariniceps Lee, pullus Lee, lautus Eich.,2)la{/iatus Lee, are all well-known pine species. The genus Hypothenemus inhabits alike deciduous and coniferous trees. Remedies are the same as for bark-beetles. Pruning and burning infested twigs and branches and the clearing away and burning of brush heaps during winter are indicated. For choice ornamental trees in private grounds and in parks plugging the "pin holes" with wire and stimulating the trees with manures and fertilizers to assist them to recuperate from attack are advisable. PINE SAWYERS AND OTHER BORERS. Of all the insects that occur in pine timber the Oerambycid, or long-horned beetles, of the genus Monohammus, are the best known, and are credited with being the most destructive. If -Gnathotrichus ma. beetle, enlarged ; antenna, still more en- larged at left (Marx del.). 58 THE WHITE PINE. we except the losses occasioned by tlie more or less sporadic attacks of certain species of the Scolytidiv. already nienf ioncd, probably this opinion is about correct. Five of these species have been described, all i)ine feeders and beetles of the largest size, with elongate cylindrical bodies and extremely long antenna', those of the male being two or three times as long as the remainder of the insect. The pine sawyers are nio.st troublesome in the mill yard, and their large white larvae often do much damage to logs by eating great holes thi-ough their solid interior. While burrowing in the wood the larvae make a peculiar grating sound that may be heard on quiet nights at a consid- erable distance. This is a familiar sound in the lumber camps of the North, and has probably given rise to the name of pine sawyers, by which these insects are known. jMouoliammus ran- fiisor Kby. is a large gray species destructive in the lumbering districts of the Northern United States and Canaila; M. litlUiilor Fab.; a mottled brov/n beetle, replaces the above species in the South, aMANT-LirE. 59 n. n.—Piesodes stroU: beetle at left; arva; ft, pupa — enlarged about tUn :ime3 (from Packard). spots, as shown in the accompanjing illustration (fig. 11). It is provided with a latlK-r long rostrum or snout to which are attached its elbowed antenna>. The larva, wliich is white aiid loot- less, is illustrated at «, and the pupa, also white, is figured at h. This weevil is one of the iirst spring visitants in the North, occurring as early as March about Washington City and in April or May farther north. Its eggs are deposited on the terminal shoots of pine, particularly of young trees, bnt sometimes also in the bark of old trees. The larva, when hatched, bores into the pith or mines the sapwood. Toward tlio end of summer it attains full growth, when it goes into hiberna- tion until the next spring, transforming to pupa and soon after- ward to the mature or beetle form. The presence of this insect in a tree is first manifested by the wilting of the leading shoots,which becomes most evitlent toward the close of summer. The identity of the species at work may be established at once from its peculiar cells beneath the bark. (See fig. 12.) These cells, which are destined for its winter nest and for further transformation, are sunk into the pith and covered over with long fibers of chipped wood. When a terminal shoot of a small tree becomes filled in the summer with these larv.T, to the number sometimes of a score or more, the shoot, with its lateral branches, as well as the stock below, wilt and gradually die, the bark becomes loosened, pitch oozes out, and by autumn the shoot turns black, and the bark is covered with mas.ses of pitch. A tree thus damaged will fail sometimes for several successive seasons to send out a new terminal shoot, with the result that the lateral shoots continue to grow, and the tree becomes more or less distorted. Owners and overseers of pine groves will do well to make a practice of examining the young trees each year, say in August, and when one with a wilting terminal shoot is found to cut or break it off and commit it to the flames. With every blighted twig thus treated from a do/.en to fifty or more weevils will be destroyed, and thus the numbers of the insects for the coming year will be greatly lessened. All dead growth or such trees as have from any cause been injured beyond recovery and which might serve as centers of infestation by harboring this weevil or other injurious species should be similarly treated. What is most needed is a preventive, and for this purpose a good thick fish-oil soap mixed with Taris green and carbolic acid, in the proportion of about a pound of the former and a quart of the latter to 100 gallons of the wash, is recommended. It should be sprayed in April and May on the terminal shoots of the trees and repeated at the end of a month if necessary. MOTH CATERPILLARS AND PLANT-LICE ON TRUNKS AND LIMBS. The trunks and limbs of pine are also subject to the attack of sev- eral insects besides those in the order Coleoptera that have been men- tioned. Of these are three tortricid moths of the genus Eetinia, which affect the pitch and other pines. Two other moths of similar habits to the above occur on White Pine, wounding the trunk below the insertion of the branches and causing the resinous sap to exude. These are the pitch-drop worm {Pinipestis zimmermanni Grote) and Harmonia 2)ini Kell. The same remedies advised for other boring species, and particularly tho.se specified to be used against the white-pine weevil, are indicated for the present class of insects. Several species of plant-lice affect the White Pine. The white-pine aphis (Lachnus strohi Fitch) is very abundant in the Northern States, living in colonies on the branches of trees and puncturing and extracting their juices. The so-called " pine blight," Gliermes jnnicorUcis Fitch, is sometimes very destructive, its presence being manifested by large patches of a white, floccnlent —rissodet itrtih -natural ai/.e (fr no THE WHITE PINE. Sell izont'iira pinicola secretion, beneath which covering are concealed myriads of niinuto Thos., feeds on tlie lender shoots of young White Tine. Kerosene emulsion applied as a si)ray is the appropriate remedy for these jjlaut-lice. LEAF-FEEDING INSECTS. Tli<^ most deslructivo insects of the foliage of i)ine are several species of sawllies of the genera Lojihynis and Lyda, one of which is represented in its several stages at lig. 1:?. It is called Fin. 14. Fio. 13, — Lophitrus ahhotii : 1 foni.ile, onlar;::iMl , 2, 3, impil, onljil;^i'iI; 4, 4, l:irv;i', natuial si/i'; .'>, i (irodii, natural Hj/e; 6, lualo antenna,?, i'i'n»aleanti*nn.i, <'nlai-<;ed (from Kiloj). (from Abbot's white-pine sawfly {LopJii/rus ahhotii Leach.), and is periiaps the most injurious foliage feeder which infests the pine woods of the North. The caterpillar of a single species of butterfly, Tkcela niphon Ilbn., is known to feed uiion the foliage of White Tine, but among the larviB of moths of dilferent lamilies are innumerable ])ine- feeding species. Prominent among them is the magnificent sulphur-yellow imperial moth (Eaoles imperialin l)ru.), Avhose larva attacks the leaves of various forest trees. Of other moths whose cateipilhirs devour the foliage of Wiiite' Pine may be mentioned: Harris's \iuw hawk moth {FAlnna han-isii Clem. I, A', ctnii/criirina S. and A., E. piminii i>inl., 'I'oli/itc. ha-icis ViU-h, the white-pine tufted caterpillar (I'latyccruraJ'urcilla Pack.), the rediiead inchwomi {SiMiotliisK hix'ujnaia Walk.), FOREST MANAGEMENT. 61 tbe sulphur k'af-rollur moth (J)ick<;lia sulphureana Clem.), Teras J'crrugana S. V., and Amorhia liumerotiana Glem. Au interesting 8i)ucies is the pine tnhQ-hn'Mm- {Lophoder us politana Haw.), which, iu its larval stage, lives within a tube formed by webbing together a number of pine needles as shown in fig. 14. A number of species of adult Coleoptera, whose larval habits are imperfectly understood, sub- sist upon the leaves of White Pine. Of these are the Scarabseid, Diohelonyvha alhicoUis Burm., and the Chrysomelid, GlyptoHccUs puhcscvns Fab. The best remedy for the sawfly larvuj, caterpillars, and beetles is a spray of Paris green, applied upon the first appearance of these insects on the trees. The consideration of the insect enemies of the White Pine may conclude with the mention of ' th(i pine-leaf scale insect (Chionaspis pinifoliw Fitch), which forms its scales upon the leaves, exhausting them of their juices and causing them to turn yellow. This species is illustrated at fig. 15. A sti-oug spray of kerosene emulsion will be found an efficient remedy against these scale insects. FOREST MANAGEMENT. As regards forest management, we have, unfortunately, in this country no experiences which would permit its to form very positive opinions based on actual observation regarding this species or any other. The study of the natural history of the species in its native occurrence permits us, nevertheless, to draw conclusions which may at least serve as a basis for its future sylvicultural treatment. In the first place, it may be declared that the White Pine is the most important and promising species upon which to expend attention in our coming forestry operations within the limits of its natural occurrence. Its adai)tation to a variety of soils and situations within these limits, its rapid growth, its excellent form, its remarkable mass development per acre, its shade endurance, its all-round useful wood product, and its propagation, both by natural and artificial reproduction, give it a position among our timber trees hardly approached by any other. There are certain general principles which are the result of experience in forest management in I']urope and elsewhere, a|iplying to this as to most species. The first is, that mixed growth isin~/ every respect superior to jiure growth; it will therefore be proper policy to grow White I'ine pref-_) erably, if not altogether, in mixture with other species. This advice is given in spite of the fact that the White Pino grows rather well in pure stand, and that, owing to its sliady crown during a long period of its life and the density of stand in which it can develop, and the large (juantity of foliage which it sheds, the soil conditions are not iu danger of deteriorating, as would be the case with more light-needing species. But, as has been observed in its natural occurrence, its develop- ment is more favorable in companionship, and especially is this the case with regard to the cleaning of the bole of its branches, which are peculiarly persistent. Whether it would pay to substitute an artificial cleaning by pruning the young grov.'ths is still doubtful; meanwhile the self-pruning performed by mixture with shady companions will have to bo encouraged, especially as thereby other valuable advantages are secured which attach to the mixed forest iu general. Unfortunately, our irrational exploitation has reduced the White Pine in the natural forest areas often to such an extent that its reestablishment is possible only by artificial means. Wherever the culling has not been too severe, and either young growth has developed or seedling trees have been left, the natural reproduction should be encouraged by favoring the young growth and by removing or thinning out other species Avhich interfere with the starting of a young growth. Fortunately, the White Pine, owing to its shade endurance, is specially fitted for natural repro- duction from the seed of mother trees, more so than most other pines, and the rai)idity of its growth, in which it excels most other shade-enduring species, is also favorable in this respect. We are not yet prepared to determine the most profitable rotation in which tlie species is to be managed under varying conditions. The fact that it is not only a very rapid but one of the most persistent growers, trees making wood at the rate of lA to 2 cubic feet per year up to the one hundred and fortieth year, permits a wide range of choice for rotations, and since its wood, being rapidly changed into heartwood, becomes serviceable very early, the rotations may be either low or high, varying from fifty to one hundred and fifty years, according to local economic and soil conditions. THE WHITE PIN! NATURAL REPRODUCTION. Tlie VVIiiLc. i'iiie leprodiices itself readily iu the virgin forest on all sandy and loamy sand soils where the hardwoods do not interfere. On these areas thickets of younj; growth, sapling- timber, and dense groves of mature trees are scattered without regularity, and there is no indica- tion that this pine forest has undergone material change for centuries. In the hardwood districts of the heavier soils of the Lake region, where the pine is met with chietly as old, overripe timber, the reproduction of the pine seems, temporarily at least, to be interfered with by the associated growth. Large, old trees occur, thinly scattered or in clusters, but sapling timber and young ■ growth is often entirely wanting over considerable areas. Similar conditions prevail, or have pre- vailed, iu the mountains of Pennsylvania, and also in New England and in the Adirondacks. Where the pine is cut and some seed trees are left the ground soon covers itself with young growth. This, contrary to the common notion, is true even where fire has run over the slashings and the ground for a time is stocked with Poplar and other brush. Such groves or thickets of young pine occur in all parts of the pinery of the Lake region, and in the aggregate cover several hundred thousand acres. (Jenerally, however, the tire returns from time to time, the young seedlings, as well as the mother trees, are finally all destroyed, and thus the reproduction is completely pre- vented. On such lands, impoverished by fire and exposure to sun and wind, not even the Poplar returns. In the hardwood, Spruce, and Hemlock regions the cutting of the pine in the usual manner simply assists its competitors, and its reproduction is seriously hampered and frequently prevented altogether. Where these clay and loam lands are completely cleared and then aban- doned, as has been the case with thousands of acres of New England forests, the White Pine is one of the first to return if any seed trees exist iu the vicinity. Hundreds of groves have sprung up in New England iu this way. NOTES ON NATURAL REPRODUCTION. A case of the kind above referred to was observed in 1S8G in York (Jounty, Me., and the following notes on the subject will, no doubt, prove of interest: In ooiiipuiiy with Mr. Jcilin E. Hobbs, who is thoroughly faiiiiUar with the history of the various j)ieces of loreBtiexaiiiined, a visit was made to a imiuber of i)laces on which White Piue was growing, others ou which yimng pine seedlings wore coming in, and slill others iu the immediate vicinity where none were to be seen, although the general conditions of soil and situation were practically identical. The soil, much of it, was light and sandy, with a growth of Comptonia, Pterin, (liiiillluria, and other iilants common ou piue laud. A largo number of trees had a crop of cones, the last year before this visit in which there was a good crop having been 1879, according to Mr. Hobbs. Going first to an open lield that was formerly covered with piue trees, it was found to be very thickly covered with young seedliugs, from a few inches to 2 feet or more in height, that had sprung up in such abundance that a bare 8i)ot was hardly to be soeu over the whole tract. This piece was cut over in the winter of 1879-80, the ground was not burned over, and there being a good crop of seeds, these had grown promptly and a young forest was rapidly coming ou to take the place of the one removed. On going to other ]>ieces in the vicinity, from which the pine had been cut at difl'erent times since 1879, a most striking contrast was observed. On these pieces that seemed otherwise just like the iirst, and with the conditions just as favorable for a secimd growth, only a very few pine seedlings were to be seen. These few may have come from seeds carried by wind from the neighboring forests, but evidently the ground had not been seeded as the first piece had, and it was impossible not to draw the conclusion that the difterence was due simply to the fact that the Iirst piece was fully seeded, while the others were not. Repeated observations of similar pieces of laud led further to the couclusiou that no dependence can be placed upon the springing up of seeds that have lain dormant in the ground for a term of years; or, in other words, although the seeds of the White Pine n^tain their vitality for a long time if kept in a dry place, there is a lack of evidence to show that this is the case in the natural forest, where they are alternately dry and wet. Other interesting conditions of growth were noticed iu the same region. In the vicinily of standing piue forests, particularly ou their leeward side, seedliugs of diticrent ages were coming up, often vi ly thickly, but ujion entering the forest, after the Iirst 2 or 3 rods, no more of these were to be seen, their growtli having evidently been prevented by the dense shade of tlio standing trees. In hardwoods, on the other hand, where the surroundings were a little more favorable, some young pines were growiug here and there. All observations recnforcod the truth that there is no mysterious succession of forest growth, involving uecessary alternations, and that the White Pine does actually grow and flourish for an indefinite number of generations on the same land, if only the necessary seeding has beou insured. In such regions as have .just been described reforesting with the White Pine is a comparatively simple matter. Whore nothing more is done than to t:ike advantage of natural conditions by felling the trees in seed years, or by leaving seed trees here and there, an abundant crop of youug pines may often be secured. As a matter of fact, large ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION. 63 tracts ill Maine and Massachusetts aro coining up in this way to second-growth pine, and as the profit arising from the protection of these young forests is better understood, there is no reason to doubt that the whole matter will in a great measure regulate itself. In the Adirondack region and in the pine belt of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota the case is far different. Under the present system forest iiros are an almost necessary result of all lumbering operations. To start with, all trees that are large enough are cut, and if by chance here and there one has escaped that might produce a crop of seeds, it perishes in the lires that soon sweep over the ground, leaving hardly a living thing behind them, and burning the seeds that under other conditions might have sprung up to form a second growth of pine. On all such burned tracts pine seedlings are rarely found in any number, and yet here and there they are seen growing where the fire had left a seed tree by the side of a stream or a piece of unburued ground, thus giving the seed a chance to grow. After making a careful study of the pine lands of Michigan for several years the conclusion seems plain that here, exactly as in New England, everything practically depends upon reseediug. Here in the Northwest the seed trees have been destroyiul, th(: seeds in the ground have been burned, and, as an inevitable consequence, the land remains a wilderness and must remain so until scmie means are found of restoring the forests by artificial sowing or planting. There is nothing in the soil itself that prevents reforesting the pine lands of Michigan at once. It is because seeds are, to a great extent, wanting, and the seedlings that do start are nut protected, that these pine lands are left in their desolate and unproductive condition.' The experience with White Pine iu Europe fully confirms the correctness of the observations above recited. White Pine abroad reproduces well, seeds abundantly, and is so particularly well suited to natural reproduction that the most experienced and competent recent writers claim that this tree fairly " demands" this form of regeneration. ARTIFICIAL REPRODUCTION. Ooncerning the artificial reproduction by seeding or planting, the experience, both in this country and Europe, is quite extensive. Not only has this species been planted frequently and for a long time in New England and in other parts of its natural range, even for forest purposes, but thrifty groves have been established also in the Western prairies beyond the limits of natural distribution. In Germany larger or smaller plantations were made in many localities near the beginning of the century. The planting in this country has, however, not usually proceeded with a knowledge of proper forestry practice. As a rule, plants have been set out too old, and hence the planting has proved expensive; usually, also, it has been too wide spaced to secure the most desirable result in form development. Another point also usually neglected is the admixture of other species to stimulate the growth of the pines aiul possibly to reduce the expense of covering the ground. In Europe the majority of pine plantations made with Scotch Pine {Pinus xilvestris) is made with one-year-old seedlings, which is done very cheaply and expeditiously, often on unprepared ground, when one man may set 1,000 to 1,500 plants in a day. Eor White Pine, especially under our conditions, where the young plants have much to contend with in the way of climatic ills, weed growth, etc., this method is probably not applicable. Two-year and even three-year old plants, grown in seed beds and once transplanted in nursery rows, to produce a stocky root system and growth, will probably be more successful, being better prepared to overcome adversities. The seedlings, grown from seed sown either broadcast or in drills iu the seed beds, must be shaded during the first two years, as is usual with conifers in this country. After the second year they will endure the hottest sun. The shade must be graduated according to the weather, as the seedlings are liable to damp ott' the first season if too much shaded and to burn off if not shaded enough. As there are about 1,800 seeds to the ounce, it will take about 5 to G ounces to the 100 feet of drill, unless the seed be specially poor, when greater allowance will have to be made in proiiortion ' We are likely to repeat in the Northwest, on an extensive scale, the history of several of the Eastern States. Under inducements held ont to enconr;ige immigration, many settlers have been led to tuki^ up land all through the worst part of Michigan and Wisconsin, including the "barrens." They clear the land, seed it, if they can, with clover, and put in other crops, work in the adjacent pine woods for a living, and " develop the country," thus doing for the State exactly what needs to be done and what the State has neglected to do for itself; but it is a disastrous experiment for the settlers. The many farms kept up in this way for a while may finally bo abandoned, but the whole region will then be in a great measure secured against extensive fires, and the lands that have been plowed and worked over will be in a better condition for reforesting. CA THE WHITE PINE. to the perneiitiige of gcnniiiiitiou. In oidiuary collecting the percentage of giiminating seeds may not exceed 75 per cent, and, as is indicated in the discussion ou seed supply (page 133), it may fall far below this figure in some years. Even if :iO,0(M) to 25,000 seeds should germinate per pound, it would not be safe to count on more than 5,000 to 8,000 seedlings th;it will grow to use, and in the transplanting to iiursery rows an allowance of at least 5 to 10 per cent should be made for losses, so that to secure 10,000 transplants at least lA pounds of seed is needed, to secure which it may take from :^ to 4 bushels of cones. Close planting is indicated on account of the ditliculty with which tliis pine cleans itself of its branches. It should be planted not more than 4 feet apart or, preferably, set out in mixture with a shady, slower growing companion, the Black Spruce (Picca nigra) being an ideal choice within its habitat, and of broad-leafed trees the Sugar Maple (Acer saccharinum), which, for the sake of economy, may be sown between the wider spaced (8 feet or more) plants of White Pine. The mixture should not stop here, but other kinds chosen with circumspection from the many that are found associated with the White Pine in its natural habitat should be added, as Chestnut, Yellow, and Eed Birch, Basswood, Hickories, and Oaks, and of conifers, the Ked Pine, Hemlock, and occasionally in some localities Arborvitu'. Dr. Fernow has for some time (since 1887) advocated a method of forest planting in which the main or "final harvest crop" is distinguished from the mere "nurse crop" or "filler," when only 500 or COO trees per acre, or even less, of the better kinds are set out with care as the main croj), receiving due attention in their further development, and the nurse crop is introduced of the cheapest kinds and in the cheapest manner to act as soil cover to check weed growth and stimu- late height growth, straight form, and cleaning of the main crop. The White Pine would, of course, bo a most excellent main crop. By the fiftieth year or so the pines, if set out at the rate of 500, will have overtopped the nurse crop, except where trees of the latter have taken the place of a failing pine, and their crowns will have closed up, their boles straight and clean, furnishing clear lumber, if the nurse crop was properly chosen and has done its duty. The further management then would concern itself mostly with gradual thinning out of the main crop to secure the diameter accretion due to increased crown development and light. By the one hundredth year it will be reasoiuible to exi)ect at least half the trees set out to have reached their highest value in maturity and size, with 15,000 to 20,000 cubic feet to the acre, for the White Pine is not only a rapid j^rnwer, but a large producer, its shade endurance permitting as large a number of trees to develop satisfactorily per acre as the Spruce, which it outgrows in height and diameter. While planting nursery-grown seedlings as a rule furnishes better results, sowing the seeds into permanent sites may, under certain conditions, especially on soils not too prone to weed growth and in the more humid climate of the Northeastern States, jirove satisfactory and cheaper. Various methods can be employed according to circumstances. On light soils sowing broad- cast on snow may furnish satisfactory results ; ou heavier soils preparation of the ground to receive the seed will prove indispensable. This may be done by plowing furrows or by hoeing plats of 2 or 3 feet s(]uare (the larger size where overgrowing by brushwood is to be feared) and sowing into these in drills or broadcast. Dr. Fernow devised such a method for reclothing cut-over lands on slopes in Pennsylvania grown up with brush, where it would be too expensive to prepare the entire ground. Here the plats were made larger, 4 or even G feet stjuare, and into these not only pines were either planted or sown but also a nurse crop surrounding the pines, expectation being that this nurse croj) will protect the pines against the encroachment of the surrounding brush growth until the pines are tall enough to fight their own battle and finally kill out the brush. A fuller descrip- tion of these plantings is to be found in Bulletin 17, "Check list of the forest trees of the United States," etc., of the Division of Forestry. PLANTING NOTES. Tlie following notes on planted groves, their condition, growth, and results are given a place h(!re as recroiding individual experiences in various i)arts of the country, withcmt intending to recommend I he practices of tlie planters, which, from the forester's point of view, are faulty in some directions, especially in the open stand, which is advocated : In P^astem Massachusetts, particularly in Plymouth and Bristol (iiuntles, there are luimonius small borlies of White Piuc th:(t were set out from forty to fifty years ago, and whose rapid growth and liealthy conditions show that, PLANTING NOTES. 65 there the work of planting at least has been successful. The trees composing them averaged at thirty to thirty-five years from the time of planting, not far from 45 feet in height, and measuri'd approximately 2 feet 6 inches in circum- ference, breast high. These nieaaurements vary for different bodies of pine, but are believed to represent very closely the average size at the age indicated, and in many cases the trees are considerably larger (see measurements of growth on page 88). This growth of pine is of such value that according to competent judges of property in that region, much of the land that without the pine would be worth only $3 to $10 per acre, is worth with the standing pine $50 to $75 or more per a tu.^. The land, 1 acre, wliere the AVhite Pines are pliiutnl. is .|iiii< lUit, what slope there is being to the south; and at least one-half of it is too wet in spring, and often in thu early part of sununer, for the best results in tillage. The soil is black, part of it mucky, 1 to 2 foet in depth, and underlaid, for the most part, with a rather stitl', blue clay. The trees were planted May 4, 1872, 4 feet apart each way. The White Pine is a comparatively h;ird tree to transplant successfully ( ?). The roots are soft, long and naked, with very few small or fibrous roots ni^ar the tree. Knowing the necessity of careful handling, no efi'ort was spared, from digging in the nursery to setting in permanent place, to secure successful results. ■■"iroughout the season the ground was kept in a good state of tillage liy fre<2-83 the loaders of a considerable jiroportion of the trees were broken down by the w<5ight of sleet. This was the cause of many trees being crooked at that point, and of others having more than one leader. Except for the trees deformed in this way nearly all have almost perfectly straight trunks. The trees are much more nearly uniform in height than in diameter. The sizes of the trees in the plat are as follows: Fifty-eight are 3 inches in diameter; (uie hundred and ninety-four, 4 inches; two hundred and fifty-six, 5 inches; two hundred and thirty-six, inches; orvit;i' the lowest, the remainiug conifers being of about oqual height, averaging 35 feet. Seventy White Pines were measured, takiug all the trees as they came in the rows, and including the center of the plantation. The average diameter, breast high, was 6.2 inches. The branches were dead, but still persistent to a height of 18 to 20 feet. At the Bryant nurseries, Princetou, 111., somewhat south of the natural limit of the White Pine, trees that were grown as ornamental nursery stocli have been permitted to stand, giving some notion of the growth of the species in the ricli prairie loam of that region. The oldest specimens were set in 1858 and were imported seedliugs. They are now about forty-two years of age, and average about 65 feet in height. Measured trees range from 9 inches to 26 inches in diameter. Norway Spruce of the same planting equal the pines in height, but the average diameter is less. These trees stand about 30 feet apart. On the margin of a natural hardwood grove an acre of the richest prairie land was planted to White and Scotch Pine seedliugs about twenty-two years ago. The trees were set 3 by 4 feet, and have never been thinned. Each species was planted pure, and one of the tallest White Pines measured 33 feet high, the aver.age height being estimated at 2G feet. Fifty White Pines, taken as they came in the rows, were measured, breast high, the average diameter being 4i inches. Scotch Pine showed about equal growth. At the Iowa Agriiultnral College, Ames, Iowa, in the center county of the State, a piece of waste land of about 3 acres was planted to White Pine, European Larch, Box Elder, Green Ash, and Cottonwood in 1875. The plat oi'cupies a gravelly knoll sloping to the north. The soil is a yellow clay, with much gravel, and of unknown depth. The top of the knoll forming the south side of the plantation is set with pure Larch. The Pine, Box Elder, and Ash are mixed, evidently without order. The original planting was 3J by 3i feet apart, and the trees now average about 10 feet apart each way. The White Pines are estimated to average 30 feet high, and twenty-six measured trees, taken iis they came, ranged from 5 to 14 inches in diameter, the average being 8.7 inches. The pines are now the dominant trees of the mixture and are fully 10 feet higher than the Box Elder, which exceed the Ash 5 feet. The following diameter measurements will serve as an additional basis of comparison: White Pine, as aboTe (26 trees) 8.7 Box Elder, as above (23 trees) 4.7 Green Ash, as above (21 trees) 3.6 European Larch (planted pure on crest, 26 trees) 6 Cottonwood (same plat, base of knoll, 14 trees) 10. 5 It should be added that the Cottonwoods stand wider apart than the mixture of Pine, Box Elder, and Ash, while the Larch stand closer together. All were set originally 3| by 3.} feet, anil the alternate rows have been removed througliout the plantation. At Windom, Miun., in the southwest part of the State, Mr. E. Sevatson has included two rows of White Pine in a plantation covering 10 acres. These trees were set about thirteen years ago, when 8 to 12 inches high, and are jiresumably not over eighteen years old. The two rows of pine are between rows of Arborvifce and Balsam Fir. They are about 25 feet in height, and tlie average diameter, breast high, of seventeen trees, taken as they came in the rows, was 5 inelies. Tlie soil is a stiff clay loam, and the plantation is about 100 feet above tlie surface of a lake which joins the farm. The entire country is treeless, except for groups of trees on the lake shore and groves along the Des Moines River, 3 miles distant. The White Pine in this location is less vigorous than Scotch Pine, European Larch, or Norway Spruce. Fine trees of White Pine, set in single specimens about thirty years ago, are growing at Arbor Lodge, Nebraska City, Nebr., the home of lion. J. Sterling Morton, ex- Secretary of Agriculture. These stand in bluff soil (a fine loam) about 2 miles west of the Missouri River. A few fine specimens may also be seen in the lawn at the homestead of Hon. A. H. Whiting, at Whiting, Monona County, Iowa, in the deep black loam of the Missouri bottoms. At Brookings, S. Dak., within 17 miles of the Minnesota line, repeated plantings of the White Piue have resulted in failure. At Franklin, Nebr., aljout halfway across the State, near the Kansas line, tliis species has failed after extended trial. Very few trees can be seen in Lincoln, Nebr., though it has been repeatedly tested there as an ornamental tree. The diminished .amount of atmospheric moisture will necessarily prevent general satisfactory cultivation beyond the western boundary of Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota. A number of fine specimens of White Pine stand in the lawn of the Rollins homestead at Columbia, Mo., about 10 miles north of tlie Missouri River and halfway between the east and west boundaries of the State. The soil is a clay loam, underlaiil with limestone, which outcrops at many places in the vicinity. These trees were planted in 18.55, when two or three years old, by Col. .1. II. Rollins. The largest is now (1897) 29 inches in diameter, breast high, and 64 feet 9 inches in height. One of the smallest is about 56 feet high and 16 inches in diameter. Additional notes of plantations in the West might be given, but the above is sufficient to show the White Pine can be successfully grown somewliat beyond its natural range, Ijut does not well endure the dry conditions of soil and atmosphere which it must meet in the region west of the Missouri River. THE ■WHITE PINE AS A FOREST TREE IN GERMANY. As has been stated, the White Pine was intiodnced qnite early into England, and from there it found its way into various parts ol' the Continent. In England it remained largely a park tree. In Germany it has been a forest tree proper for over a century, being used quite frequently, on account of its hardiness and shade endurance, as " gap cover" to fill fail places. It has also been planted in many places on small areas as pure growth or mixture with the common European or Scotch Pine {Pimis silvestris) and Spruce. For a long time this " newcomer " was regarded with a 68 THK WHITE PINK. feelinfj of doubt and even suspicion, and long before anything definite could possibly be said about the matter the merits and faults of the White Pine were extensively discussed. The " practical" man, and with him some scientific men, were satisfied that such a light colored softwood could not possibly be durable or otherwise desirable, and the small quantities ottered from time to time did not always find ready market. Of late years this condition has changed. In a series of excel- lent articles, Dr. L. Wappes, a Bavarian forester, records the experience had in one of the oldest bodies of White Pine in (Jermany, in which he shows that the tree in pure growth, and also as mixture with pine, spruce, or hardwoods, has proven a most excellent factor of the German forest; that it seeds early and heavily, and as plant material is easily and cheaply secured ; that it is readily and even preferably reproduced by natural seeding, a rapid grower, capable to withstand crowd- ing and shading, and that it is a tree especially capable of i)roducing a large amount of timber even on poor soils, all of which coincides with the observations on its native habitat laid down in this monograph. He shows that besides the Fir ( Balsam), the White Pine is the only tree which, in the Palatinate and on poor soils will, at the age of one hundred and ten years, make timber of Class I (according to (rerman notation, diameter at half length, 22 inches and better); that while the com- mon pine at that age furnishes only l.i per cent of Class III and better (diameter 12 inches and over), the White Pine furnishes 27 per cent, or more than double this amount of these and more valuable diameter classes. Dr. Wappes emphatically states that White Pine, wherever known, is eagerly bought, and that the opinion of the consumers has radically changed. He proves by the figures of large sales from the State forests, that since 1882 the value of White Pine has nearly doubled, while that of Spruce and common Scotch Pine has increased by only 20 per cent, and that of Fir and Larch has actually declined during this period. The following figures give an idea of the growth of White Pine abroad. The groves of the Palatinate are stocked on very inferior soil, nearly all other groves cited being on loamy sand. The figures for total volume are somewhat misleading, since they do not include the timber which has been removed from the older groves in thinnings, which would add probably from 10 to 15 per cent to make up whole production. It will be of interest to give more in detail the conditions of the last-mentioned plantation, reported this year in Dr. Lorey's Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung: The plantation of about 9 acres, on fresh loamy sand, situated at an elevation of 2,200 feet above sea level in Wurtemberg, consists of White Pine mixed with Scotch Pine, Spruce, and J''ir in single individuals or groups. The White Pine represents, numerically, two-thirds of the total number, Scotch Pine is found among the dominant growth in part, but the Sjiruce and the snuill number of Firs show only codominant and oppressed trees. The density of the growth was reported as satisfactory until in 1875, when a snowstorm broke down much material, so that at present the density does not average over 0.7. The stand, originating from seed, was several times thinned, and the last time, octcasioned by the snowstorm, 400 White Pines were removed, with over 10,000 cubic feet of wood. The number of trees averaged 183 per acre, of which 142 White Pines, with diameters varying from 7 to 24 inches, and 10 inches in the average, yielded altogether 9,510 ciubic feet, while the other species added only 1,290 cubic feet. Comparison with the other acre yields recorded shows that under these conditions the product was less than in more favored situations, either the site or light conditions reducing the growth. The diameters represented on a sample area were distributed as follows: Diameters inches . . Number of trees 10 to 12 20 12 to 14 14 to 1() 16 to 18 33 Of the Scotch Pines only four had reached diameters over 10 inches, and of the Spruces none over 14 inches. The superiority of the White Pine also appears from the comparison of height growth, which was established for every five years by the measurement of average sample trees, as follows: Height growth of White Fine, Scotch Pine, and Spruce, hy years. Sample trees. Age (years) and height growth (in feet). 5 2.1 4 2 10 16 9 18 12 20 30 29 29 24 26 It 35 80 45 42 36 !i2 49 48 40 59 54 54 46 60 65 ,7 60 05 59|0. 66 76 69 68 60 81 7.1 72 05 75 70 76 SO 86 89 92 95 97 80 82 84 ' 87 78|80|82|81 90 100 88 _86_| White Pine height growth Scotch Piue height growth AS A FOREST TREE IN GERMANY. (>'.) The preceding table shows how the slow growth of the first five years which the White Piue has in common with the Norway Spruce is overcome before the fifteenth year, and by the twen- tieth year the White Pine lias distanced the Scotch Pine, gaining on it constantly until, by the ninetieth year, it has outgrown it 1'2 per cent. IHmensiung and yklds of JVhile Pi iermiin fin Localit.y. Character of forest. Age. Number of trees per acre. Average diameter Height. Volume of wood, es elusive of limbs and stumps. Palatinate I Years. 104 68 68 58 46 25 (75 to SO) <75.„80, 82 250 660 550 330 600 2, 200 452 410 333 723 415 183 Inches. 15.6 9.1 10.4 10,3 Feet. 92 66 79 04 49 Cubicfeet. 13, 300 JO, 000 \z 4,000 3,200 13,224 13, 000 H.298 12,024 13, 027 10, 800 White I'ine and Scotch Pine Prussia (Grafinrode) White Pine mixed with Scotch Pine and Spruce. (6 to 28) (72 to 87) '^'is"*'' ""'"sT 9. 7 i 72 Frankfort on the Main — ]]" Thuringia Wurtemberg ■"^;;;ii::';;,:rn;'."-''''^^'^'-"°''' 78 93 11.7 16 (79 to 89) From these figures the capacity of the White Pine to produce large amounts of valuable stem- wood is apparent. Thus, on soil on which the lOOyear-old trees developed only a height of 92 Jeet, over 13,000 cubic feet of stemwood, corresponding to about 60,000 to 70,000 feet B. M., American scale, were cut per acre over and above about 1,200 cubic feet of material removed in previous thinnings. In every case the White Pine excels the common pine, and even the Spruce in this respect. It should be added that most of these plantations, made in the early part of this century, were not executed according to present superior methods, the species being an exotic and expensive was set out more in orchard fashion, as most planters in our country have been apt to do, at distances of 8, 12, and more feet apart. Owing to this fact the development was prob- ably not as satisfactory in the earlier years as it might have been had the method of close planting, either pure or in mixture, prevailed. The superiority of growth over the German Spruce and Pine is more fully illustrated in the following table, which shows the distribution and proportion of trees of White Pine and Spruce and of White Piue and Scotch Pine that are found in given diameter classes in two mixed planted growths of these species: Disiribulion aud proportion of ff'hUi' Pine and Sprncr. and IVIiih: /'i sixtyeight years old. [65 per cent Tine ; 35 per cent Spruce.] White Fine and Scotch Pine, fifty- eight years old. [50 plr cent of each.] Diameter 1 White of trees. | Pine. Norway Spruce^ Diameter of trees. White Pine. ^P«r Inches. Per cent. 4 to 6 6 to 8 15 8 to 10 30 10 to 12 22 12 to 14 20. r. Per cent. 9.5 30 27 26 6.8 Inches. 4 to 6 6 to 8 8 to 10 10 to 12 12 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 18 to 20 Per cent. 19.5 18.7 26 23.5 Per cent. 2.4 32 35 24 4.9 2.4 :....' It appears that nearly 32 per cent of the White Pine is over 12 inches in diameter, as against less than 7 per cent of the Spruce, while 35 per cent of White Pine, as against 6.5 per cent of Scotch Pine, developed over 12 inches in the mixture of these two, and over 11 per cent of the former belongs to sizes above 14 inches, which is hardly reached at that age by its competitor. These figures prove clearly that the White Pine excels the Scotch Pine even during the age of 70 THE WHITE PINE. most rapid growth, so that the ditt'erence. in view of the sti^ady growtli of White Pine ami the marked decrease in rate of growth in the Scotch Pine, wonld be markedly greater if okler timber had been compared. Just as in its native range, the White Pine is decidedly a heart pine, the sapwood changing early into the durable and more valuable heartwood. In timber one hundred years old grown in the Palatinate the sap in many cases is less than 1 inch thick, so that 75 per cent and more of the entire stem is composed of heartwood. In view of these facts it is quite safe to say that the White Pine in the future will be one of the ])rominent forest trees of (iermany, and perhaps of Europe, as it will always be the king of woods in our Northern and Eastern States. THE WOOD OF THE WHlTE PINE. THE \VOOD OF THE V^HITE PINE. I?y FiLiiiERT KoTii, Division of Forestry. White Pine is a favorite material with the wood cousumer in the Northeastern States on account of the combiuatiou of qualities it possesses. It is a light, soft, uniform, straight-grained timber, to be had in all markets in any quantity and in all dimensions, from fhe ship's mast to the clapboard. It seasons well, shrinks and warps but little, is quite durable, insect-proof, and takes oil and paint and has a good color, is light to handle, easy to saw and plane, takes nails without splitting, and is, in short, the ideal material for the carpenter and joiner, who handles the bulk of the 30 to 40 billion feet of sawed timber and lumber annually used in this country, of which White Pine furnishes over 30 per cent. CHAEACTER AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE WOOD. The structure of White I'ine, like that of other pines, is simple. Ninety per cent and more of the weight of the dry wood is formed by the common wood fibers, or tracheids, 0.12 to 0.20 inches long, well suited for pulp material. The spring wood of each annual ring passes gradually into the summer wood and thus the sharply defined bands of hard, dark and soft, light-colored material so conspicuous in the rings of all hard pine, especially Longleaf and Ouban Pine, are absent in White Pine, making the cutting of the wood by either plane or saw much easier than is the case with hard ])incs. Sapwood and heartwood are quite distinct — the former white, the latter with a slightly brownish cast. The change from sapwood to heartwood takes place earlier in the young tree and the younger portions of old trees than in older timber. Thus, in a thrifty sapling thirty years old the sapwood shows about eighteen rings on the stump, but only ten rings 35 feet from the ground. In trees over one hundred years old the number of rings in the sapwood is generally over thirty at the stump, decreasing often to fifteen or twenty near the top. The number of rings in the sap, as in other pines, is smaller in thrifty and greater in slow-growing trees, while the width of the sapwood is generally least in slow growing timber. Compared to other |)ines, White Pine has a narrow sap at all periods of its growth. While in the hard pines, like the Longleaf Pine, and still more in Loblolly and Shortleaf Pines, the sap forms generally from 50 to 75 per cent of the log, it is generally less than 35 per cent of mill-sized timber in White Pine. This highly valuable property of the White Pine is found in all localities, even in Europe, where the tree has been widely planted. SPECIFIC WEIGHT. To determine specific the weight of the wood and other physical i)roperties a collection of seventy-three trees was made, including material from the New England States, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and also from the mountains of North Carolina. The specific weight of the greenwood varies chiefly with the amount of sapwood and conse- quent abundance of moisture, since the heartwood contains but little water outside of its cell walls (except in some cases where the heartwood near the stump also contains liquid water). Generally the weight of the greenwood varies from about 40 to 50 pounds per cubic foot, and is greater in young poles than in old timber, which latter on this account floats readily, rarely sink- ing, even after years of immersion. The specific weight of the kiln dry wood varies, generally from 0.33 to 0.40 (20 to 25 pounds per cubic foot), is greater iu the old tree than in the young sapling, is greater at the stump than 73 74 THE WHITE PINE. f'artlu'i lip ill tilt' same stoni, is indepLMident of orientation (as great on the north side as on the Konth side), is no greater on clay land than on the sandy soils, and seems in these particnlars quite independent of locality. The wood from the swamp trees is no heavier nor lighter than the wood from the upland trees, the trees from New England differing apparently in no way from those of either the Lake region or North Carolina. Leaving out of consideration the specific, weight of the limbs and knots (these being always heavy, as in all pines), the average specific weight of the dry wood of the stem was found to be for — S|„.,inr, l-'i ve trees 200 to 250 years old 0. 386 Five trees 125 to 160 years old 388 Five trees 100 to 125 years old 383 Ten tr. (-8 75 to 0!) years old 378 Ten trees 50 lo 71 yctars old 366 Nineteen trees 40 to 49 years old 3.53 Nineteen trees 30 to 39 years old 351 From the above, and still more from the table following, in which the trees are grouped according to age, it will be seen that \Yhite Pine displays a uniformity of specific weight, and other properties dependent on weight, such as is entirely unknown in any other pine of the Eastern United States. Average iicight (kiln dry and green), moisture content, and Hhrinkagc per cent nf ll'hile Vine. I.— TREES 200 TO 250 YEAKS OLD. Locality. Original number or trees. of trees. Diameter breast high without bark. Width of rings. Specific gravity X 100. Moisture as Kiln dry. Green. '"ofMhr Shrinltage dry wood. 5 16 3 1 2 3 Year.. 225 250 205 209 202 202 Inche,. 23.0 22.0 19.0 27.0 19.4 20.5 mm. 1.1 .8 1.3 1.6 1.0 1.2 38.1 38.5 36.0 39.0 38.5 39.2 69 62 64 66 60 07 Per cent. 93 73 95 85 100 81 Per cent. 7.6 8.6 8.5 8.1 8.0 7.9 Do • ... 38.6 65 8 S 1 II.-TREES 125 TO 160 YEARS OLD. 3 t 146 140 141 140 158 19.0 22.0 12.0 15.0 33.0 1.6 1.9 1.0 1.2 2.1 42.0 36.4 38.4 40.5 37.1 74 72 85 72 72 92 113 92 87 lie 9.0 8.7 9.1 9.8 7.7 LinviUcN.C 38.8 71 95 8.9 III.-TREES 100 TO 122 YEARS OLD. 1 2 \ 7 g 9 10 110 122 114 !?^ 10» 112 ni 17.5 17.7 . 9.5 7.5 7.8 \.l 5.0 2.2 1.2 36.0 35.0 39.8 38.3 40.8 38.9 38.0 36.7 64 04 7!) 76 100 78 85 71 06 0. bo...' .■.■.■."!:":.■.■.■.■.■"" 99 120 121 138 122 147 109 9.0 9.8 8.5 10.5 8.8 8.8 8.5 Do Uo Do ^ 38.3 74 119 8.9 IV.— TREES 75 TO 100 YEARS OLD. Lincoln CoDnty Wis 6 12 15 75 «4 90 81 9.1 93 83 94 K4 78 4.0 14.0 12.0 15.0 7.0 7.0 6.3 10.4 10,2 0.8 2.0 2.1 36.3 39.4 37.0 3fi. 40.4 40.1 36.3 37.0 37.1 38.5 68 85 72 90 76 74 76 76 111 148 121 149 132 115 128 119 8.4 9.0 9.8 9.0 9.4 8.7 9.8 8.0 9.8 8.7 Do Chippewa County Wis Do 37.8 9.0 SPECIFIC WEIGHT OF WOOD. Averaije wiighl (kitii dry and ijreen), moisture coiihiil, und Hhrinkaye per v.— TREES 50 TO 74 YEAKS OLD. 75 f of White: fine -ContiuiKHl. Locality. i Diameter breast high without bark. Width of rings. Speciflc gravity X 100. Moisture as per cent dry wood. ' niimferof! mate age trees. of trees. Kiln dry. Green. i^i'^srj Lincoln County Wis 7 8 11 1 16 17 Years. 60 50 52 65 73 67 50 52 .54 65 Inches. 4.5 2.0 5.5 8.0 7.0 4.2 13.0 11.0 14.0 10.0 10.0 34.3 39.3 33.8 38.7 35^7 35.3 38.5 36! .5 35.5 80 70 86 78 64 72 73 yer cent. 148 P.«,.. li 6 6 3 122 84 121 112 93 105 Plymouth County Mass 36.8 74 115 8.0 ''™"^' 1 VI.— TREES 40 TO 49 TEARS OLD. 10 17 18 20 21 25 26 27 32 33 48 47 40 40 40 ■12 44 46 45 49 47 48 46 46 45 45 41 2.3 6.0 6.0 6.0 2^8 4.0 8.5 9.2 13.7 9.5 12.5 10.3 10.2 10.0 12.8 9.1 10.3 8.6 0.0 2.0 2.2 2.3 LO 1.4 2.6 3.0 3.9 2.8 3.6 3.1 2.9 2.7 3.8 2.6 3.4 3.1 43.3 31.3 33.5 34.5 33.7 35. 33. K 36.2 36.2 35.0 38. 34.5 39.0 _ 37.2 35.0 35.5 37.7 3L7 81 85 81 71 82 58 64 65 67 70 66 75 61 64 102 162 173 149 124 105 158 76 95 93 81 108 104 103 106 118 98 122 8.5 8.9 9.0 8.6 8.3 l\ 8.4 8.5 8.4 8.1 9.3 9.3 7.0 8.1 8.6 9.4 8!4 Marathon County Wis Do Do Merrimack County, N. H Do ... 35.3 . 70 113 8.4 VII.— TREES 30 TO 39 TEAKS OLD. 22 38 40 lJ 77 64 66 74 74 83 61 65 63 72 68 66 66 67 71 71 74 64 162 105 100 131 147 146 85 108 99 143 111 89 108 111 99 129 123 147 8.2 8.3 ».2 7.7 9.1 8.2 7.5 l\ 9.5 9.3 8.7 8.3 9.1 12.0 11.0 10.8 10.8 9.2 n.2 6.5 10.5 9.2 7.0 0.8 8^2 9.5 7.5 9.3 3.5 3.4 4.7 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.6 4.8 2.9 4.4 3.6 2.9 i's 3.0 3.2 3.' 7 36.5 35.2 35.7 35.2 33.7 36.0 36.1 33.6 35.2 33.0 35.2 34.5 38.6 36. 7 36.7 37.7 32.7 34.5 30.0 8 13 14 15 34 35 38 •An Do Do Worcester County, Mass 19 35 20 33 Do Do 28 30 31 35 36 35 38 37 37 39 34 35 35 Merrimack County, N. II 9 1 8 2 5 5 2 Do Do 35.1 68 104 8.5 ^ VIII.— TREES 20 TO 3U TEARS OLD. 459 1 22 4.0 2.7 34.7 460 1 26 1 7.0 2.8 36.9 83 85 164 156 9.4 10.2 Do 35.5 84 165 " 1 7fi THE WHITE PINE. From the table it appears that the specific weight of tlic timber is (juite iudepculeut of the rate of growth, ami tliat the individual variation generally moves within very narrow limits. The diagrams (figs. 16 and 17) show the relation of weight for the different .sections from the stump --•^ ^ \ -=^ bt--.- "^ C?=s= ==4^ "^rs= l-i= — ^ ^^^ ^^ P^ u--== S ^ ^ ~ • Position . of discs, feet from ground . FlK. 10. — I)iaf;niMi showioj; Hpocilic weight of wood at differeut cross aoitioiis of ( upward, and the similarity of the wood of difiorent trees. (Five trees, over 20C i old. Dotted line iudieales the average.) ipward; the slightly greater weight of the older timber, as compared to sapling material, the ini(oriii decrease in weight from stump u|)ward, and also the uniformity of the several individuals )f Miiy group of trees is clearly ai)parent from the line.';. The same tlecrease in weight from below ^ ^Ni \ \ ^ \ k ^ ^ — h K ^^ ^=^ -d — p^ >=- "^ 2 V::: =— f ' Position nf ilisi-s. r,-rl from c/rc '.— UiaRrain showing apecifle weiglit of kiln-dry wood al .liii.i.ni ],c.iiii^ in the st ■irl. upward i.s oliserved in tiie wood of any given ])eriod rings (next to the haik) was lound to b(> as follows: tlins, lli<>, wood of tlie last forty reuse in wriijlil of Ihr .01 to GO'J were satisfactory in every respect, and the results, therefore, of iar j;reater value than those for trees 101 to IIG. lu keeping with its greater weight, the wood of the butt logs is slightly stronger than that of the top logs, and there is generally a regular ditterence between different parts of the same cross section, the center, as appears usual in pine, being the weakest, the heavier intermediate portion the strongest, and the peripheral part lying between the two. For a more careful study of this relation, tests were made of a set of 2 by 2 inch sticks cut out of one log from each of three trees, in such a manner that the centers of the logs formed one set, the part midway from center to bark another set, and the outer portion of the logs a third or outer set, the latter two being all quarter-sawed pieces. The tests furnished the following average results : fllreufjlh of 2 by S pieces at 1:'J per cent moisture. Ivindof test. Tree No. 601. Tree No. 602. Tree No. 603. Pounds per '"■r7-io 7,900 Pounds per 7,970 9,030 1,291 Pounds per '"ft: 9!340 1,-JH5 It is apparent from the above that tlie perfect (iiiarter-sawed material confirmed the other test results in showing tlie great similarity of tlie wooil of these three trees. It also shows, how- ever, that the effect of defects in an unselected lot reduces the strength values markedly in this species. Arranging the results according to the position of the test pieces in the log, it is found that in compression endwise the strength was: Center piece.s, r),.".20 pounds, or 78 per cent; intermediate, 7,000 pounds, or 100 per cent; outside pieces, 0,(i80 pounds, or 9.1 per cent; showing that the heart pieces, as has been found in other conifers, are always the weakest, thus verifying the results of the general series. Tlie slight de(;rease from the intermediate to the outside pieces is in keeping with the smaller weight of the latter and ueed not be ascribed to the fact that these pieces con- tained small proportions of sapwood. As might be e.xpected, the uniformity of results in this jiroperly selected and prepared material was greater than in tlie ordinary series. Of 58 tests, all fell within 2r. per cent of the average strength and 7(i per cent within 10 per cent of the average. In connection with a general study into the maxinuiin uniformity of wood, three scantlings of White Pine, with an average specific gravity of about 0.;54 and an average compressive strength at 8 per cent moisture of 4,900 pounds, were examined, two being tested air-dry (8 per cent) and tlNKAGE AND STRENGTH OF WOOD, 79 the other after being .so.iked for three mouths in cold water. The results of these tests on White Piue are embodied in the following table: Strength of contigu 1(8 blocks of the same scaiitUng of IFIiile I'l [Dimensions generally, 2.76 by 2.70 li select material, in compression endwise. Number iif block. Dry scantlmfT. Soaked scantling. NnnibiT of block. Dry scantling. Soaked scantling. 1 2 Potmds per tq.in. 5,070 5,150 5:020 4,770 4,770 4,920 4,950 4,840 4,860 a 6, 460 4,860 5. 010 3 Pounds per sq.iu. 2,270 2,390 2,300 2,200 2:390 2,300 2,310 2:290 2,310 2,340 2,210 2,370 2,340 2,340 2,340 2,330 o5,710 2,310 2,200 2,180 2,130 1 1 2 « Pounds per sq. in. 4,850 4,860 4! 840 I'M 4,730 4,760 t-M 4,730 4,760 4,770 4,670 4,6C0 4,660 4.590 4.600 4.610 4,880 4,920 4,870 4,970 4,940 Pounds per '"Cm 4,940 5,020 5,110 lf£ 4,820 4,950 4,900 .1, 040 5,160 6, 120 5,100 5,230 i:iS ,S280 i:^?S 5, 360 5,510 Pounds per sq.in. 4,860 4,940 5,010 4, 950 Po^mds per sq.in. 2 27 3 28 :::::; 6 31 7 32 4,690 4:670 4,630 4,800 4,730 4,660 . a 6, 000 4,840 4, 780 4,840 4,870 5, 040 5,150 5,340 5,300 6,200 10 35 13 38 4,960 16 41 17 42 4.910 a 6, 600 4,600 4,650 4.720 4,800 20 45 48 24 ft Dried at 180^ F. (to about 2 jut cent moisture) before testing. It appears that in the teats on dry material the greatest difference between any two contiguous blocks of select quarter-sawed White Pine was 190 pounds per square inch, or 3.8 per cent of the total strength; that generally it was less than 2 per cent, and several times only about 0.2 per cent, but that in tests of this kind les.s then 200 pounds in the results can not be regarded as any dift'erence at all, this amount being due to indeterminable differences found even in the best material, and partly due also to imperfections in the means and methods of testing. It is also clear tliat in the same scantling, though select and of small dimension (only fi feet long) a diti'ei-ence of nearly 000 i>ounds i»er square inch, or IS per cent of the strength, in comiiression endwise may be found, so that any inferences from scantling to .scantling must be taken with great caution, and any accurate relations, such as the influence of seasoning, etc., can be made only in a manner similar to that employed in these uniformity tests. From the general series of tests, also from the tests on the select 2 by 2.inch jtieces, and in way of indication also from some of the tests in maximum uniformity, it appears that seasoning aff'eets the wood of White Pine to about the same degree as that of other pines. The strength of greenwood, or wood soaked to a point where additional immersion no longer changes the volume, is independent of differences in moisture. This is quite clear from the test in niiilbrmity of the scantling immersed for three months. Though the blocks differed (especially near the ends) within wide limits as to the amount of moisture tltey contained, yet the strength was found to be as uniforiii as in evenly dried timber. By drying green or fully saturated wood to about 2 ])cr cent moisture (kiln-drying at SO'^ C), the strength is more than doubled; and even if pieces well air- dried are kiln-dried the strength is still increased by over 40 per cent. For timber to be used under cover and kept properly ventilated, it is safe to presume that the strength, once seasoned, will be 50 per cent greater than when green, and if used in heated rooms, an increase of 100 per cent on the strength of the green timber may reasonably be exi)ected. The diagram (fig. 18) well illustrates this feature. 80 THE WHITE PINE. s ^ so 60 ■W \ \ 20 V \ \ \ X. Compression Streiujlli pci: ,s(r.incli in pounds. . Iti Uiugiaia tiLij DURABILITY. With regard to its durability, White J^iiio is geuer;illy niulerrated. The soft, light-colored wood suggests general frailty and a lack of resistance, in which resistance to decay is included. In the region where it grows the unusual great durability of the heartwood of White Pine is well known; " the stumps of White I'ine last a lifetime;" old logs, covered with moss and often with young Poplars and l^iirch growing from their surface are uncovered and utilized as shingle bolts. White Pine shingles wear out, but rarely decay, and a good sidewalk of White Pine is considered the best to be had. As in other pines, the sapwood decays readily, but this being narrow in good logs, more than half of all White Pine sawed is good durable heart, a wood which is neither subject to decay iK)r to the boring insects any more than the heavy resinous heart of the Ked Pine or of the Southern ])ines. COMPARISON WITH OTHER WOODS. Generally White Pine is logged and milled on a largo scale, cut mostly into boards iind i>lank, and there is to-day no common wood which is more economically handled and more caiefully selected. Compared to other pines, the White I'ine is ottered more extensively and has a greater influence on lumber markets than any other wood used. It is more uniform, lighter, softer, and USES OF WOOD. 81 shrinks less than any other pine; it is durable, insect proof, and suited to a much greater number of uses than the wood of other pine.,. The following table exhibits the position of White Pine as to weight and strength : Weiyht and utrrngth of White Pine compared with other pines. Name of pines. Bending. Compress! n endwise. fepec,f.cg.a>,tj. Rupture. To relative elastic limit. Actual. Relative. Pounds persqua™ Relative. Pounds persquare Relative. Pounds persquare Relative. 81 53 51 48 UIO 87 84 78 62 12, 800 11,800 10, 400 3,100 7,900 100 92 81 71 10,300 9,500 7,800 7,700 6,400 100 92 76 75 62 8,300 6 700 5,200 100 94 78 81 62 Lobloliv Shortleaf ReSorNorway:::;:::::::-::;;:: Of the several columns, that on specific weight being at once the simplest and most truly representative of the entire stem of mature timber, illu.strates probably the relative position of these five pines most perfectly. The Southern pines, if only the saw timber is considered, will prove even heavier and stronger by several per cent than appears from this table. USES OF WHITE PINE. There is no wood in the United States, perhaps in tlic world, of which there is a greater quantity used, nor one which is put to a greater variety of uses than that of the White Pine. At present the great mass of White Pine, probably not less than 95 per cent of the entire output, is cut into even lengths, usually 12 to IS feet long, jireferably 10 feet (full 75 per cent lieing 10 feet), and is converted principally into boards, plank, and "dimension stuff," 1 to 4 inches thick and 4 inches and upward in width, the widths varying always by an even number of inches. In all the better mills the slabs are cut into laths, pickets, etc., while tlie thickest slabs and the .sound portions of very defective logs are cut into shingles. These " shingle cants" are of variable sizes, usually containing knots and decayed portions; these defects in the shingle are cut out subse(iuently by the knot sawyers. Shingles of regular widths are rarely made. In the sawing of the great mass of lumber the main saw merely cuts slices of various thicknesses from the logs, and their conversion into certain widths, as well as the removal of uneven edges, is left to the edger, on whose knowledge and skill much of tlie success of the mill depends. Usually the clear stuff, whenever possible, is left in broad and thick planks; the rest is cut into different widths so as to insure the greatest value, in most cases boards of e.xtra width and select boards, for siding, etc., receiving preference and determining the conversion. The clear stuff, or "uppers," rarely forming over 15 per cent of the cut in our times, are used by manufacturers of sash, doors, and blinds, and by furniture men, and the most select portions by model makers and other s]>ecial manufacturers where the price of the material is of secondary consideration. For material of this kind the consumer generally pays over $50 per 1,000 feet B. M., and in some cases it is retailed at over -1 100. Of the remainder, the great mass is used in the construction of frame houses, where commonly everything of wood, from cellar to roof, is made of this material. Of the inferior grades, enormous quantities are used for boxes, and much also is used as fencing and barn lumber. For box shooks, straight- stave cooperage, pails, tubs, etc., a great deal of small sapling pine is employed. Smaller quantities of better-grade White Pine are used in mill constructions (for chutes, elevators, etc.) ; also in the manufacture of farm implements, for large surfaces, panelwork, etc., and in boat and ship building for decking, in fitting up cabins, for all kinds of spars, where its lightness, stiffness, and durability, together with its fine form and dimeusiou.s, render it a special favorite. Considerable quantities of hewn and round timbers are still brought to market for export, but on the whole this trade is insignificant when compared to the entire output. White Pine is universally seasoned in the yard ; most of the lumber does not reach the consumer until a year after manufacture. The ea.se of working induces the consumers to do a great deal of 20233— No. 22 6 82 THE WHITE PINE. resawing. The llooring, and even siding for the smaller markets, and for cheap construction are commonly the selected parts of sheathing and other inferior grades, as classed at the mill, and it is rare to find, in recent years, the best grades of White Pine in the smaller retailers' yards. In the classification of White Pine a great degree of finesse has been introduced, and the closest attention is paid here, as well as in edging and trimming, to the probable future use of a given piece of material. From the enormous consumption of White Pine alone, and also from the great variety of uses to which it is put, it is clear that any material diminution of supplies must affect extensively and intimately the wood market and wood industries of this country. The common claim of substi- tution of some other pine or conifer, and still more the belief in the use of hardwoods in the place of White Pine, have but little in their favor. A shipping case of White Pine recpiires about half the effort to make and only .50 to 65 per cent of the eflbrt to haul or handle as one made of Southern Pine, its most natural substitute. Similarly, a White Pine lath nails with half the effort, shrinks less, and thus is far more satisfactory than one made of hard pine. For a good door or for satis- factory sash and blinds only the Cypress and White Cedar can enter as a substitute, and both are too restricted in their occurrence, and the Cypress has too little chance of future regeneration to deserve consideration as a general substitute. The transportation of Pacific coast timbers, a small portion of which have the properties of White Pine, to tiie densely populated Eastern TTuited States is not likely to occur on a large scale, for the cost of hauling alone equals the value of good grades of Eastern lumber. APPENDIX. TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. APPENDIX. TABLES OF MEASUKEMENTS. The following tables reccird the detail investigations, measnrements, and tabulations which have served as a basis for the discussion of the growth of the White Tine. The measurements in the field were made by Mr. Austin Cary, of Bangor, Me., and by Mr. A. K. Mlodziansky, of the Division of Forestry. Mr, Mlodziansky has also executed the laborious calculations, and is responsible for their accuracy. The methods employed in this investigation have been described in general in Bulletin No, 20, "Measuring the forest crop," of the Division of Forestry. They are in the main similar to those practiced by European foresters, with some minor and one important modification, which latter Mr. Mlodziansky has developed during the course of his work iu collating the data. This modifi- cation, which refers to the analyzing of trees for ascertaining the rate of growth, consists in grouping by age classes, and instead of analyzing each single-measured tree, as is usually done in European practice, averages the data of measurement from a nuinber of trees grouped and then analyzes the growth of the average tree thus constructed of each age class or group. In this way the work of collating is very considerably reduced and the measurements of a very much larger number of trees can be expeditiously utilized for average statement. It is needful, however, in order to be quite satisftictory, that the classification or grouping of trees be made in the woods while measuring, a task which requires considerable judgment. When the classi- fication is so done in the woods, the mechanical work is further simplified by entering the measurements for each group in sets, the measurements of cross sections taken at the same height being entered on the same sheet for all trees of the group, when the averaging of the measurements can at once be performed on the same sheets. The forms used in the investigation are also appended, and will serve to further elucidate the methods pursued. Since it was not expedient to fell trees specially for these measurements, it was not always possible to secure all measnrements in the most desirable form; for instance, the desirable meas- urement and correlation to age of diameters at breast height, and at short intervals of the height, could not be obtained, because the work was performed on trees cut in regular lumbering opera- tions; hence, the data had to be manixmlated and interpolations used so as to secure satisfactory approximations for the periodic growth. The number of trees analyzed (some 700) is so large that any deficiency of method may be considered as neutralized. TABLES OF CUBIC AND BOARD CONTENTS OF WHITE PINE. The tables of cubic and board contents of White Tine are based upon the measurements of pine taken for analysis from the various sites described in the tabulations of acre yields. The stem of each individual tree was calipered at intervals of 4 or 8 feet, and the volumes of the portions between two successive diameter measurements were calculated separately, considering them as frustrums of cones. From the volumes of steins of similar height and diameter, breast high, the average volume was noted. The volumes of stems of missing dimensions was calculated by employing the corresponding factors of shape. The factor of shape is determined by dividing the volume of a tree by that of a cylinder of the same height and diameter, breast high; it shows the tai)er of the stem and is usually expressed in decimals, thus representing arithmetically the form of the stem. For determining the volume of a tree by means of the factor of shape, it is necessary only to measure the diameter and height of the tree, find the volume of a cylinder of the corresponding height and diameter, and multiply that volume by the factor of shape. The lumber of stems in board feet was determined by eniploying Scribner's rule, 85 86 THE WHITE PINE. rs S S 3 2 S S 2 S ?rs Sis S S S S S S g « S S? 3^SSl g^^liWW^ 1 1 isoajq) a JBJOOMtJn I ^ ■(q3!q ■)«E8jq) 3S'g£=^:;-g??!g£ iSsilissiiiii^ 'nmmmm SS§£i2SSJSS2SSg.;,- 52S2?iS^Sc§5 »SSS2Si Srt"23122^22?i?3wMcSMSwS^«Sr'Mj$«rtnrtw^5^555^ TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 87 II. — Actual lapering and hoard conUnla of stems of White Pine from '> to 511, inches in diameter, breast high. 10.6 8.2 •>:>.. » 21.2 ■f:f ti 20.4 23. H 22.2 23, 1 21.0 24.2 21.0 22. H 20.6 23, () 21.0 22.7 24. H 23.1 •ih 3 24.2 23.7 21.2 20.0 2.1, () 22.8 24. R 24. (i •/.f,. 1 23.2 23.6 26.2 24. R 30.5 31. S ' 30. 5 20. 8 I 26. 5 30.0 25.0 31.5 28.5 31.5 ' 23.5 28.8 I 27.7 33.0 ' 30.0 31.2 31.8 111. 1 20.9 13. 9 16,2 19.1 16.5 22.1 19,9 23.9 21.3 18.2 21.3 11,0 16,7 21,7 22.6 20.0 16.5 10.0 18.5 13.9 21.0 22.2 19.1 23.4 20.4 23.7 22.0 20.8 17.2 23.0 23.7 27.0 24.0 19.6 10,0 14.3 19.2 15.0 10,0 25, 22.8 2(1, 5 24.2 23.7 24.0 13.0 18.5 20.0 14.8 26.0 23.0 2.5.3 22.0 25.5 26.2 23.0 29.7 26.2 28.7 24.4 23.8 20.0 19.0 32.4 29.1 29.6 27.0 31.5 23.0 ■|t,'2' 14,0 18,9 15.0 13 1 6.0 14.2 8.0 12.5 21.5 18.0 17 3 10.2 20.7 15.7 14.3 9.1 19 5 20 18.3 13.2 25,9 20.9 21 5 13.0 18.5 15.5 88 THE WHITE PINE. Tablk III. — Measurements of White Pine grown under similar conditions, yroupcd in age classes for averaging. (The groups of trees measured .■jre sample trees recorded in Table VI.] Tree her. Age. Diameter n-ith bark (breast high). Total height. Factor of 8hai«. Ratio of Volnmo of boles. Accretion. Group, location, .ind rtes.riiHiou of siU'. of crown to the to '»e"' tree. Current annual. t^Taf Maimchusetls and Xew namplltire. Wbite Pine mixed with hardwoods on a hill. Soil, brown or yellowish sandy loam, medium-sized erain, light, loose, fresh, and well drained, with a lealy sur- f^e iover. Tree^, 400-500 to the acre. 21 2 19 3 31 Yrs. 33 Inches. 0.5 8.6 8.5 9.2 9.2 9.5 9.1 10.0 11.2 10.3 13.0 12.8 Feet. 51.3 05.3 GO.O 55.2 62.5 63.0 64.0 62.7 53.0 70.0 71.5 69.5 0. .57 .51 .58 .58 .57 .57 .56 .50 .52 .50 .50 0.37 .34 .21 .42 .35 .36 .40 .35 .54 .34 -48 O,..0A Cubicft. Cubiefi. 13.8 14 3 15.6 16.0 15.9 17.0 18.4 21.3 32.7 33.1 11 ll 20 1 36 32 • 44 1 55 26 I 47 . 44 39 40 40 49 49 50 54 39 61 52 9.8 7M 8^2 9.1 9.5 10.2 10.3 11.2 12.0 12.5 13.7 02.3 43.8 51.8 .V2.0 55.0 58.2 63.7 08.0 63.0 59.0 59.1 09.9 71.5 18.1 5.6 8!8 9.9 13.0 16.3 16.6 19.0 19.7 22.4 31 3 0.60 0.41 Massachusetts and Neti- Hampsldrc. White Pine on a level plain site. SoU, a brown or yel- low brown loamy sand, underlaid by sand or s.ind with gravel iu medium or sometimes coarse grain, shaUow, porous, light, moderately loose, fresh, and well drained, with an abundant lealy surface cover. Trees, 350-400 to the acre. 28 29 30 8 6 12 11 4 9 10 5 0.47 .51 isi .51 .51 .45 .50 .51 .48 .,52 .51 0.42 .51 .40 .51 .36 .43 .47 .46 .37 :^1 .42 36. 3 A • 45 46 U 44 47 47 45 47 47 48 47 9.9 12.0 11.5 12.5 11.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 60.0 60.0 .-.8.5 55.0 59.0 56.0 58.5 80.0 59.0 58.0 55.0 .50 0.43 .47 .41 .48 .45 .44 0.C2 .55 .67 .49 .50 17.0 20.2 20.0 19.4 18.7 18.3 17.9 17.3 16.4 16.3 15.4 0.50 0.38 Pnmsiilmnia. White Pine intermixed with hardwoods and occasional Hemlock. Soil, clayey loam, with yellowbrowu shales in it, deep, fresh, and weU drained. 3 12 2 16 9 5 6 21 19 .48 .43 .51 .46 .40 .48 .42 1 .49 Average 11.0 14.5 13.:) I-.;. 8 11.8 1U.2 11. u 58.0 64 in 58 r.5 62 .45 0.45 !45 . 52 ..59 .50 .52 U.55 .58 .38 .41 .35 .35 18.0 33.1 26.4 25.6 20.1 22.0 0.70 0.39 GKOUP C. Maine. White Pine with scattering Hemlock, occasional Spruce and Fir, on a level plain site; scanty undergrowth of Hazel and young Hemlo.:k. Soil, gray sand, some- times brown or loamy, with 3 .uches vegetable mold, deep, fresh, lealv surface cover; clayey subsoil probably 4 or 5 feet below surface. Density of crown cover, U.7. Trees, 370 to the acre. 12 50 59 55 50 59 50 . 54 64 57 50 47 52 49 52 54 54 12.3 14.5 14.5 8.5 8.0 11.0 11.5 9.5 io!o 54 50 46 .lO 46 53 54 56 24.7 28.7 31.4 9.5 0.94 Pennrnjlvania. From a young White Pine grove mixed with mature 9 0.46 .47 !45 .43 .47 .46 .53 .48 66 66 60 «I 60 61 66 66 14.2 15.7 12.1 10.1 14.7 53 82 81 83 79 81 89 10. 6 14.0 14.7 15.0 15.0 19.0 18.7 .52 82 84 82 85 96 .47 0.49 .50 , -48 .48 .48 .47 .64 0.39 .42 .41 .31 -37 .51 16.0 43.0 48.0 48.1 50.8 78.2 0.08 0.30 (iROlT D. VCscnnsin. An open grove of hardwoods, in which White Pine is scattered in varying proportions, on broken land, with young hardwoods. Fir, few Hemlock, and Horiilieam. Soil, light brown sandy loam, nicdluio line grain, loose, deej). fresh, and well drained, with an abundant leafy sur/ace cover. 22 23 31 27 30 33 r;;;;:::: 82^ 16.0 85 -48 1 40 58.0 I 2 10 0.71 TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 89 Table III. — Meaaiiremenls of WJiitf Pine grown under >iimilar condilions, grotijjcd in age clasus for nre)'ajtn 68,4 07.2 67.0 60.7 andleafy surface i.iVfi: . Ia\ iir.ilial.ly sunieli .l l>.low surface. Density ol craw n e.jyer, U. 7. Trees, 1213 to the acre. Averace 95 100 96 82 99 18.5 13.5 14.4 16.5 20.0 91 94 100 .45 0.44 .47 .47 .41 .41 0.57 !46 74.5 41.0 48.7 65.7 90.9 1.55 CROl'P (i. Michi.jan. Open grove on n ley..] j.lniir al..,,- Ilie l.ank^ of a river, White l;!i' li 'tial M. . iMi.'ii ill . 11,1 H ,, 1 11,', tack and ] 18 9 Bank^kn, !■ ,m1, i;i,,im1, ,^,,,,,1,, „i xniuig Fir, Cedar (/■/■"./""<■'■"''■"'"'"', ■ i"^^ «>"-'li Daks. .Soil, gray »»r ]ii;tit i»rowii, .^and,, iiiettium line-grained, porous, light, loose, dry (in places fresh), with a leafy surface cover. . 94 109 112 109 106 110 109 112 112 108 109 16.0 13.0 14.0 14.8 15.3 16.5 17.0 17.0 18.3 20.5 20.8 94J 93 s 100 103 105 105 .45 .52 .47 .45 .47 .41 :45 .44 .41 .51 0.51 .47 .47 !30 61.5 45.7 50.2 51.4 2.13 65 meh„jan. Open grove on a level jilain. along tin l..nil , nl ,t 1 1 , , r. ,') White Birch and occasionally 1 1 ,: ;i,, l " -1? 04.3 Soil, gray or light brown, sandy, iLii-dium, line- grained, porous.night, loose, dry (in places fresh), with a leafy surface cover. 6 20 19 21 ;::::;::. (?) 1 72.4 56 ' S^ ■! .49 .42 99.1 99.8 Averace 98J 102 90 99 94 .44 0.40 .39 .46 0.54 .51 .44 .59 68.9 89.7 92.7 96.7 103.0 1.64 Michiuan. Norway Pine (67 per cent), mixed with White Pine (.12 percent), and occasional Kock Maple, on a level plain. Soil, yellow or gray sand, fresh, moderately loo.se, with a surface cover of brakes; subsoil, sandy. Density of crown cover, 0.7. Trees, 182 to the acre. 1 22 48 47 123 101 103 104 20.0 20.8 2(1.5 22.7 . 108 21 (1 96 91 90 105 97 .41 0.45 .45 .39 .47 .42 .51 0.30 .58 .46 .53 .57 95.5 90.9 131.8 141.5 176.8 189.5 1.81 0.89 Wisconsin. An open grove of hardwoods, in which White Pine is scattered in varying proportious, on broken land, with frequent swamps in the hollows; undergrowth, of .4 28 15 121 125 125 125 119 20.2 24.5 26.5 26.3 29.0 loose, deep, fresh, and well drained, with an abundant leafy surface cover. Average 123 ?5,3 95 .44 .53 145.5 2.92 l.W 90 THE WHITE PINE. :yrowii II niU-r similar londiUona, .linitilv 32 37 12 40 2.1 27 31 11 dense, ot .v...,,,- biinlw ,. ;,n,l In. S,.il, Im.wl, loamy sand. Ir,-»li, l Icr;,!. ly \:.,-.-, will, .-, ,s,„l;„..„ cover of brakes and grass; .subsu.l sund " itii atuiics. ::■•;:;;;: 140 149 135 135 10.8 20.2 21.1 102 105 114 121 30 39 40 0. .'.0 .57 .43 05.3 88.9 107.9 138.6 1.49 0.70 OKOnP N. Michigan. Norway Pine (67 per cent) mixnrt with White Pine (32 per cent), and occasional Rock Maple, on a level 5 6 3.') plain. .Soil, yellow or gray »and, fresh, moderately loose, with'asurfacocover of brakes; subsoil, sandy. Density of crown cover, 0.7. Trees, 182 to the acre. ! 140 112 142 142 143 149 148 21.0 23.0 24. 23.5 22.0 24.2 25.0 26.3 113 117 110 114 lift 110 115 39 41 41 49 45 46 46 !39 .36 .20 .38 !39 112. 1 1.38. 9 148! 157.3 164.3 168.8 205.4 0.80 Michigan. White Pine (70 per cent) inti!rmi.\edwith Norway Pine (14 iwrcent) and Hemlock (1.5 percent), with s'cattcr- ing (.Vdar {Thuja ,«n,l,nl.dh) -.uuX Jtck M;i)ili., and oc.asion;.! 11. ..Ii iili.l Wliil,- l;i,vl,, on ;i l,.^,•l |,Iuin; 27 20 11 30 21 5 clay. Density of crown cover, 0.8. Trees, 156 to the acre. 1 Average 142) 100 178 175 168 185 173 24.0 23. -, 24.0 25.7 27.3 30.5 23.2 26.0 115 104 119 111 122 110 112 40 45 43 42 46 .34 0. 40 .41 .38 .41 .46 .42 .34 160.5 Wisconsin. 172 176 181 217 256 138 UIO lar. ;,ndKb„'.onnn.v.„ u I , - Ja mold on toji, and lairh . ovurtd u iili lisiv.-s. 172 182 188 186 25.5 25. 2 26.7 31.0 113 118 118 119 44 45 45 .39 0. -.-.i . ."ill .40 182 173.0 202.1 286. 6 1.44 OROUP Q. Michigan. Norway Vine intermixed witll Wliil.- I'iiie in v;irving )>n>portiiinH, on rolliii" l;iiid Willi nin n |y pine. Soil, rc-d clayey i..am. niixcl ^vitll .sand and .stones of all sizes, moist; subsoil, sometiniea of clay, sometimes 10 11 13 15 16 17 A.ver»fe 211 204 221 213 214 216 202 204 212 25.4 24.7 27.0 26!o 26.8 24.0 29.0 29 30.0 114 102 113 121 126 126 134 132 133 133 .44 49 .41 !« .42 .44 .39 .41 .44 .42 0. 45 .33 .37 .41 .40 .42 .37 A2 176.5 106 191 201 210 187 238 230 0.88 83 QROII' T. Wisconsin. White Pine mixed with h.ardwoods, on drift and some- what uneven land ; nndergrowth, of young hardwoods and Fir. Soil, cL-jyey, underlaid by a hardpan of clay and stones, fresh with 4.inch mold on top. 2 3 4 .5 6 8 Average 211 210 222 228 220 220 218 27.0 31.8 35.0 24.8 24.0 24 5 29.0 124 121 123 llli 100 107 UK .42 0.43 !41 .49 .45 .44 0.40 .40 .40 .27 .35 .49 213 287 1.49 Wisconsin. White Pine mixed more or less with Yellow Birch, Rock Maple, Norway Pine, and occasional Bass, Pop- lar, and Elm, on uneven land, full of drift ridges and hollows, frequently full of water. Soil, a mix- ture of loam, sand, and stones, with 2 to 3 inches hlack mold on top, and fairly covered with leaves. 10 11 12 13 10 17 160 150 157 249 A 2"1 28.2 20.0 27! 5 28.3 30.2 33.0 33.0 33.0 37.0 40.0 114 120 137 138 120 143 121 140 147 125 .44 0.43 .39 0.46 224 112.50 191.07 215. 2.S 222. 2!l 264.40 291.03 317.85 321.86 389.57 455. 05 479.51 1.57 1.01 Michigan. A two-roof grove, npp.r roof formed of Whiti' Pine, under roof of H.-.m h, :Maplo, ¥iT, and ..,ca8i..nally White liinl, .-m,! Il,-,nl.„k; undergrowth, moderately dense, of \„uiig liaidwoods and Fir. Soil, brown loamy sand, fr.ah, niod.-rately loose, witli a surface cover of brakes and grass ; subsoil, sand with stones. 41 8 30 28 34 10 33 39 29 3 245 242 226 226 220 230 219 226 237 233 245 ;38 ,n"" .41 .38 .42 .00 . 42 . 31 .44 .43 .38 .49 .45 .77 .41 .55 .43 .40 , 135 137 142 142 140 145 120 145 143 145 143 122 145 150 140 130 144 43 .44 .43 .46 .43 .43 .43 .42 ;43 .39 .44 .45 .43 .42 .48 0.39 !43 .36 .40 .36 .47 .42 .44 .23 .35 .42 .41 !62 Michigan. A two.roof grove, upper roof formed by White Pine (80 percent) and Norway Pine (20 per cent), under roof ot tine, taU Hemlock: undergrowth, of young Hemlock, P.eech, and Dwarf Maple. Soil, brown loamy sand, deep, fine (for sand), porons, loose, and well drained (water stands in low ground), with a moderately leafy surface cover i subsoil, same as soil. 234 236 237 237 251 233 237 235 245 244 233 23.2 23.8 24.5 23.5 24.5 27.0 24.5 25.5 25.5 26.0 30.0 26.2 27.0 29.0 34.0 32.0 197.3 199.1 202.6 205.4 20B.8 207.0 212.6 227.3 233: 9 240.2 281.1 348.1 Average f ,,...,,....,.. 1 237J 36.5 140 .43 ,41 236.4 1.64 P.?8 92 THE WHITE PINE. McaKuremenla of ll'hilc J'iiie ijrown under similar conditions, groiipcd i fliisscs fur arira(ii>iy — Continued. Tree "be"" Age. Diamet«r with hark SJgh). Total height. Factor of shape. theleng'th of crown to the to tal height oftht, tree. Volume of holes. Accretion. Group, Incation, nn.X .les.rii.tin.i .,f .sit,-. Current annual. Average A twn-ronf Krc.x. ,i i,i., , , ,„,i i,,( Wlm, r,,i..irri- der roof or i;--' ■ i . . i ..i . >.'. uiiv 14 7 23 13 30 4 42 16 2 35 15 5 17 Irs. 258 252 265 253 256 260 251 256 266 256 258 260 Inchc. 26.0 20.2 2I.I 30.0 32.0 31.5 29.5 33.0 31.0 31.5 33.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 Feel. 119 157 126 135 142 132 155 144 145 144 139 154 138 149 0.37 .41 .35 .41 .39 ■:^ .42 .33 .41 .40 .38 .41 .42 .37 Cubic /t. 162. 54 193.21 Cubie/I. Oubic/t. 46 58 45 39 48 48 41 39 51 33 59 ,1=; 205.21 207. 67 25(1. 13 207.87 276. 89 311.99 313.07 314.06 314. 38 316.81 360.75 370. 50 404.18 of .VOUUgbai-.i" - > n.« II h,,iiM> ^:iii,l, fr<■.'^ll,^loclerill,■l^ l....«. , >mi h ., .n, l,„ . .uvti..l l,iuke.s .111(1 grass; subsuil.auud «itli aluiics. :: Av«i:iK,- mchi.jan. 10 238 417 445 455 426 400 4.57 461 435 458 30.5 37.0 35. .'•. 41.0 43.0 46.0 47.0 48.0 46.0 47.0 141 1.15 141 152 160 150 160 170 108 152 .39 0. :i7 .42 .40 .37 ^42 .43 .40 285. on 433.2 5111.5 ii iiui. 6 855.3 1.50 l.iu l.ardwooils anil Jlemlock, witll occasional Norway Pine, on a level plain ; undergrowth, of young Henl- lock'and hardwoods. Soil, b'rown loamy eafd, .no- diiim line grain, light, loose, very Am7 ■';;;:;;; ,.;,,,'■„■;,, ,,„,;;,:' ■' .■i-8.M..iy 365. 9 286. 8 511.1 402.4 638. 4 366. 7 373. 4 369.2 27.5.2 307. t 482.0 ■ ■1 A veraue 255 34.0 147 .41 .,. 390.0 „ 1 , .,, ^ ' TABLES OP MEASUREMENTS. 93 -IHmenniona, volume, and i of (jrowth, by decades, baaed npoii (A) OLD-GBOWTH PINE. (1) DOMINANT TREES. Aver.age tbrougliout the r.inge.] (224 trees.) ilj/ses of trees in Tables III and VI. Ago. Diameter at height (vrithout bark). Total height of tree. Volume of stem Kelativoperceiitof tot.il Periortic accretion. iuuuT Current accrSn. (without bark). Cubic Jt. (?) 0.5 2.2 5.6 10.8 18.6 11 50.9 06.0 82.7 100.3 118.5 137.3 155.7 175.3 194.6 214.8 234.7 254.7 Heart, wuo.l. Sapwooil. Bark. Decade. Height. Volume. Tean. 10 20 40 m 00 70 80 90 100 no 120 130 150 ICO 170 180 190 200 210 220 2r!0 Inchea. 0.9 2.5 8.7 I CI 12.1 1:1.8 15.5 17.2 20!6 26. -.i 27.5 h'.s 31.0 30.7 31.0 32.0 Feel. 7.7 21.0 33.7 46.0 56.7 66.3 74.7 82.0 9L3 10X7 107.7 111.3 114.4 117.3 120.7 123.7 126. 3 129.0 134.5 137. 5 140.5 I'er cent. Per cent. Per cent. 1 n 1 12 20 21 22 23 Feci. 7.7 13.3 12.7 12.3 10.7 i.i r'» 413 4.7 3^7 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.0 2.7 £.7 3.0 3.0 3.0 OvMcft. (!) (!) 3^4 5.2 7.7 9.5 10.8 isa 16.7 17.6 18.2 18.8 18.4 19.6 2012 19.9 20.0 20.6 21.5 21.0 Oubic/t. 'o:'o2 .07 .13 .22 .31 .40 .49 .56 !84 .91 .98 l!o9 1.14 1.19 1.23 l!25 1.30 Cubic/t. .52 .77 .95 1.08 1.21 1.51 1.67 1.76 1.82 1.88 1.84 1.90 2^02 1.99 2. 00 2.00 2.15 2.10 40 1 47 13 1 » - 12 65 23 12 69 21 11 /•GO /ICE showing rate of height growth of dominant trees. /SO /80 200 94 'IIK WHITE PINE. ralume, and rate of yrowlh, hy ilivadf OLD-GKOWTH PINE— Continued. (2) CODOraNAMT TBEES. [Average throughont the range.] (lOetroDS.) T>ian,...r Volume of Htcm (without hark). Relative per cent of total Periodic accretion Age. at height of 21 feet (without bark). Total volume. l.rnuS'' accretion. Current annual Heart, wood. Sapwood. Hark. Decade. Height. Volume. Tear,. Inchu. Feel. Cubic /t Per cent. Per cent Per ant Feet. Cubic /t. CMc/t. i^bic/t. 10 1 (?) (0 20 2.3 16.0 4 2 10.0 (») 0.02 (!) 30 4 28.5 1 6 3 12.0 .05 0.12 5.8 38.0 9.5 2.9 .11 .29 CO SI.U 66.6 11 3 9.0 3.6 .19 .36 70 10.5 04.0 17 4 7 7.5 .25 .61 24 9 !.:> 7.5 .75 90 13.3 79.0 34 4 7.5 9.5 .38 .95 100 14.7 84.5 44 5 5. 5 10.2 .45 1.02 110 16.0 89.5 5. 5 ' 1 11 5.0 11.0 .50 1.10 120 12.0 .56 1.20 130 18.6 19.0 78 6 ' 13 4.5 11.2 .01 1.12 140 19.8 103.0 '11 6 ' 1 14 4.0 12.9 .06 1.29 150 20.8 107.0 104 1 1 15 12. .6 .69 1.25 160 22.0 111.0 115 9 1 10 4.11 12.0 .72 1.20 170 23.0 114.0 XO 11. 8 .75 1.18 IRO 23.8 117.5 129 2 , IS 3.5 13.9 .72 1.39 2.5 13.7 .75 1.37 200 25.6 122. 5 152 7 20 2.5 9.8 .76 .98 210 26.3 125.0 J65 I ... 21 2.5 12.8 .79 1.28 220 27.0 127.5 179 3 1 1 22 2.5 13.8 .81 1.38 230 27.7 130.0 ,9.0 1 1 , 1 23 2.5 15.7 .84 1.67 ^00 TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 95 Tahlr IV. — IJimensioniij volume, and rate of yrowth, hy decades, etc. — Continued. (A) OLD-GEOWTH PINE-Coutiuuea. (3) OPPRESSED TKEES. [Average throughout tbn range.] (104 trees.) Age. at height of 2i feet (without bark). Total height of tree. Volume of stem {without hark). Relative per cent of total Perior cent. Per cent. I'er cent. Feet. 12 2 1.6 4.1 5.0 7.8 9.0 11.5 10.5 '£.5 CuUe/t. (!) 0.02 .06 :i5 .22 .30 .38 .46 ..18 .71 Cubic ft. (?) (!) 0.11 .1(1 It's l!l5 1.05 •125 2.35 2.35 2.15 2.15 2.20 i:n 2.10 13.0 ' 80 1.5.2 1 91 17.4 ! 0.5 10. , 1110 21.8 104 24 HIS 100. 5 124.0 147 5 25. 7 27.4 29.0 30. 5 32.0 33.3 111 114 117 120 122 124 169.0 190.5 212.5 234. 5 2.56.0 277.0 21.5 22.0 22.0 21.5 21.0 1.10 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.38 65 23 12 TKEES. (Average in Wisconsin.] (55 trees.) 10 20 30 40 5(1 00 70 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 100 190 2O0 1.0 2.2 4.0 5.4 6.8 8.0 10.6 12.0 13.4 14.7 10.0 17.2 18.3 19.5 . 20.0 21.0 22.7 23.7 24.6 10 10 24 32 47 55 62 69 75 81 86 90 94 98 101 104 107 110 (!) '.1 1.6 3.2 U.O 9.5 13.5 20.0 28.0 38.0 48.3 60.0 73.0 85.0 97.5 109.5 122.0 134.0 146.0 1 2 5 6 9 10 w 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 7 5 3 3 (!) (!) .9 1.6 2.8 3.5 4.0 B.5 8.0 10.0 10.5 11.5 13.0 12.0 12.5 12.0 12.5 12.0 12.0 !04 !lO :i7 .22 '.h .40 .46 .52 .57 .01 .64 :?^ .73 (. '([•„3 .09 .16 .28 .35 .40 .6.5 .80 1.00 1.05 1.15 1.30 1.20 1.25 1.20 1.25 1.20 1.20 :::::::::: 60 28 12 (U) IJD.VINANT •rilEK.S. [Average in Michigan. (75 trees.) 10 211 30 00 70 80 100 110 120 130 140 150 100 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 0.8 2.8 5.2 7.4 9.4 11.3 13.1 14.8 16.4 17.9 19.3 20.0 21.8 24! 25.1 26.1 ll.l 28.8 29.5 30. 3 31.0 7 20 32 43 03 72 SO K3 91 08 107 110 113 116 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 'o'.5 2.0 6.5 10.5 17. B 27.0 38.2 .51.6 65.5 III 108.0 123.5 140.0 1.58.6 175. 192.5 210.0 226.5 244.0 261.5 279.0 1 7 f "> 15 18 20 1.5 3.6 5,0 7.1 9.4 11.2 13.4 13.9 13.9 14.2 14.4 15. 5 16.5 18.5 16.5 \u 10.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 0. 02 .07 .16 '. 2!l !48 .57 .05 .72 .78 .83 .88 .93 .90 1.03 1.07 1.10 1.13 1.16 1.19 1.21 'o'l5 '. nil .71 .94 1. 12 i;39 1.39 1.42 1.44 1.55 1.6.5 1.85 1.05 1.75 1.75 1.66 1.75 1.76 1.75 1 '■ 31 12 69 20 11 l)F MEASUREMENTS. 99 OLD-GlajWTU riiwth, by dicades, < 0- Cuutiuuyd. AHe. at height of2ifi6t bark). Total heij;bt ofticc. Vollimo of stem (Without barls). Jtolativo^pLjr^ccnt of total | I'eriodio aoorotiou. lumi'aT aeereliou. Current auuual accretiou. Heart- wood. Saiiwood. Hark. Decade. Height, j Volume. rears 10 20 30 40 00 60 80 100 110 120 UO 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 ■ Inchet. 0.7 2.2 4.0 5.7 7.3 8.8 10.1 11.7 13.2 14.6 15.9 17.2 19.8 20. il 22.1 23.2 24.1 25.1 20.0 26.7 27.4 Feet. 7 10 29 37 47 57 05 89 94 U!l 104 108 112 116 119 123 120 132' 135 138 Cubic ft. 0.4 1.3 4.0 7.6 11.5 18.0 26.4 38. U 50.0 03. 77.0 92.0 106.0 119.0 130.0 140.0 (') n (?) il Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 1 2 3 4 5 9 11 12 14 Feet. I 3 Cuhiefl. (0 0.9 2.7 3.0 3.9 6.5 8.4 11.6 liiio 14.0 15.0 14.0 13.0 11.0 10.0 Cubicjt. (!) 0.02 .04 .10 .15 .19 .20 !42 .50 !64 .71 .76 .79 .81 Oubie/t. (?) (•') 0.09 .27 .36 .39 .65 .84 1.16 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.60 1.40 1.30 1.10 1.00 '.:::::.'.:. 19 20 1 i 1 1 I 03 24 13 1 [Average in Michigan.] (^6 trees.) 1 •■ 36 13- .......... :::::;:::; 68 19 13 (D) DOMINANT TKEES. [Average in Peunsylvaiiii 10 20 30 60 80 90 loo 110 130 140 100 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 .1.0 K.5 12! 2 14.0 15. 6 17.1 1- 22.9 24.1 25.2 28.4 27.5 28.0 29.6 30.8 31.9 33.0 34.0 7 ! a, 21 ' 0.5 30 3. 6 49 7.8 60 14. 4 70 24. 9 78 : 36.1 ^ ! ^5^:^ 99 74.6 104 ' 00.7 108 11)6.9 . 112 ' 123.6 110 140.9 119 158.2 122 176. 9 125 196.2 128 217.4 131 , 238.11 1 1 12 i 7 11 U 11 8 4 3 3 3 3 (?) (?) 2.1 5.2 6.6 10. 5 11.2 12.2 11.3 1.0.0 10.1 10.2 10.7 11.':: 18.7 19.3 21.2 20.6 22.0 23. 7 25. 5 25.7 (0 0.21 ..02 .06 1.05 40 47 13 .00 Tffi .66 .7.0 .95 l.Otl i!io 1.15 1.21 1.25 1.30 L^? 1.46 1 IJ 1 SO 161 1 62 1 67 1 73 1 73 1 87 1 93 2.12 2.00 2.25 2.37 2. .05 2.57 1 ■" io 12 137 1 284.2 140 1 309.7 143 335.4 a 1 .„ 100 THE WHITE PINE. Tahi.k IV. — JJhnenxiuiix. fuliiiiii, and rale of ijroulh, ki/ i/tad/i .•-■, c/i!.— fimtiniicd. ,-.i, (ii,ik;i;()\vth I'lNK-Cniitiinii-.i. LTiige ill I'KUiisylvania.] (78 trees.) ' lliiiiMcH-r atlieiplit total lieigllt -Voluiri. 1 .lltiM |H1 liUtuftotltl Poriodie acchJtion. tmrfi" accretion. Current ac"cret"i'™. .V.-. (without b„rk). (Ulthoilt liark) Heart Sll.«00.1 Kark. Decade. Height. Volume. I'eare. luchet. Feet. Cubic/t / / l;-rcent Feel. Cubic ft. Cubic ft. Cubic ft. 10 0.9 5 (!) (!) 2.3 16 2 11 (■') 0.J2 (!) 1 8 3.0 .12 M 7.0 48 7 8 5 9 3.0 .15 .30 6 3.3 .18 .33 16 7 12.0 69 21 1 8 .29 iO 7 9 7.4 .34 10.0 85 47 ') 11 .43 .80 1211 17. ;i 90 .7 9 12 10.0 05 . 13 7.3 .50 19.7 98 76 9 14 1.17 1.50 20.7 102 88 1 l.S 12.0 1.20 16 12.9 .03 1.29 170 22.7 109 in J 180 23.5 112 120 2 IH 13.9 19 13.7 l.,37 210 25.8 118 21 .79 220 26. .■> 17'1 1 22 13.8 .81 1.38 2;io 27.3 122 105 (5 25 10 23 - 15. 7 .84 1.57 IBOr 140 § 60 PennsylvBHia ■ Michigan \A/i scons in — lYJaine - n'Hi; BO 80 7 120 JW BDE viuy liuiglit ^rowtli Lit' (1( 160 180 200 2Z0 240 260 ant iroea, by States. TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 101 /oo /ea /4i? /so /30 eaa iliowiugjjuiglit growth oJ' codominaiit trees, by Stiitea. ^«a7 e4a 60 80 100 ISO MO 160 180 800 ^0 MO 260 Vw,. -.'C— Diagram ahdwing height growth of oppresseil treus, Ijy States. , HE WHITE VISE. Vui. 27._l)iai TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 103 ao 60 80 Fm. 28.— Diagram ahowiuj;; vol 2O0 104 THE WIIITl^ PINE. UOLUME IN CUBIC FEET TAliLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 105 Tablk IV. — Itiv I'oliivw, and rate of tjroxvthj hy decades, (B) SECONDGEOWTH PINE. (11) Site a: York CorNTV, Mk. DOMINANT TREES. (11 trees.) Aee. Diameter at height ha.k). Total height of tll'O. Tolnme of stem (without barii). lielative per cent of total Periodic accretion. Average Curri'iit Heart- wood. ■Sapwooil. Hark. Decade. Height. •="'■=■1 rears. 10 20 3(1 40 M 70 80 90 Inches. tl 10.2 14.2 18. C •zi.a 2B.2 Feet.^ 1 77 8.1 90 r„ue^. 2.1 Percent. Vereenl. Per cent. Feet. 1 I'f 8 5 Oxtbicft. 0.9 1.6 4.4 10.5 17.0 26. :i 21.9 17.8 .10 .21 .42 .68 1.00 1.17 1.25 Cubic/t. 0.0!) lilt 1.70 2.63 2.19 1.78 17.0 34.0 CO. 3 82.2 100.0 (0 1 I Z i;i zJ 10 20 70 1.8 0'2 19! 1 21.0 43 56 Mi 0.2 6!4 U.fl 26.2 39.0 54.0 70.0 1 1 7 i? 13 8 6 5 0.2 .5 1.7 4.0 8.2 is! 4 14.4 16.0 0.02 .03 .08 .16 .29 .44 .56 .07 .78 0.02 .05 .17 .40 .82 1.16 l!44 1.60 1 1 34 41 il OPPRESSED TREES. (12 trees.) i 70 80 90 1.5 4.5 7.2 9.5 11.2 12.8 14.0 15.0 1.5.4 6 18 41i 1 «3i 6.7 li 12.3 19.0 26.0 32.4 39.0 1 2 12 lli !.!* 13, 4 if, 3.8 5.7 6.7 7.0 0.4 6.6 i.'l,3 .09 .16 .25 .31 .30 .40 .43 If) 0.21 :57 .07 .70 :66 08 28 12 (12) Site c: York Cof ntt, DOMINANT TREES. (10 trees.) 40 1 "' 1.9 9! 4 12.1 13. 9 7.5 19.0 32. 45.0 58.0 05 ! .. ' ' 1 7.S 11.5 13.0 13.0 .... 3.8 !:!J 0.05 .08 !30 .43 .07 .38 ^l 43 4. ,2- t 1 .70 .94 (8t rees.) 1 10 1 f 2.2 5.0 7.7 21.3 33.4 43.0 56.0 0.2 1.0 3.8 8.4 13.0 - 1:::::::::: 9.7 11.0 12.1 9.0 13.0 0.2 .8 4.6 0.02 .05 .13 il 0.02 1 \ io 1 ''^ .40 1 43 45 12 ^.4^1 (13) Massachusetts and New : dominant treks. (12 trees.) r~ 2.2 4.7 9! 6 9 25 39 53 1.4 4.3 9.3 2 3 9 16 14 14 0.1 1.3 2.9 5.0 0.01 .07 .14 .23 II \ 30 40 51 9 ■ 13 I 29 I (Average in Massachusetts and New Haini.shire c f 12 trees Ho" 2.5 5.4 7.8 9.4 .58 12.5 1 10 23 15 10 0.5 1.5 4.5 6.0 0.06 .10 .22 .31 0.05 2 .15 1 48 46 6 ! 4 .60 1 106 THE WHITE PINE. -JHmtiiKiona, rolume, and rate of grou'lh, by decades, etc. — Contiuueil. («) SKCONUGROWTH PINE-Contiiiue.1. (H) Site g: Cleabfield Codntt, Pa. DOMINANT TREES. Age. S'Sed Total I»i-^ of 2J feet l.eiRl.1 °f "J«"\ ,w4™t of>ree.j(-Vj|-» Relative per cent of total Periodic accretion. Average accretion. Cubic ft. ;i5 .45 Carrent annual accretion. cubicn. .29 l.OS Heart' wood. Sapwood. Bark. Decaile. Height. volume. Ou,.icft. 2.9 10.5 Team. 10 20 30 Inches. 1 FeH. Cubic ft. 2.0 1 9 1 0.1 7.3 1 27 ,1.0 13.2 41^ 1 13.5 Percent. Per cent. Per cent. 1 2 18 141 37 55 8 Fio" 1 g 0.1 0, «o, 1 2 18 .09 3 14 0.1 .20 .0. 1 OPPRESSED TREES. (3 trees.) I 10 (15) Site i: Fobe.st Countv, DOMINANT trees. 35 Ho CODOMINANT TBEBS. 1 9 1 (') 1.3 4.7 9.8 3 18 13 12 (h 3.4 (0 n.on .10 .24 1 '1 C. S 8.5 36 . 53 11 ... , OPPRESSED TREES. Luzerne County, Pa. :!LJ (9 trees.) 1 10 1.0 .■1.2 5. it w'.'b 6 19 0.4 2.5 7.2 14.0 6 13 14 (?) 2.1 4.7 e.8 (M 0. 02 .28 (?) (?) 0.21 .47 .68 30 1 40 ^50_ ^" « is" TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 107 Tatjle v.— Growth of diaiiiHer and < ; he'ightu from the ground. (1) AVERAGE THROUGHOUT THE RANGE. Charac- ter of growth. Height of section from ground. DIAMETE1; OF SECTION, IN INCHES, AT AGE (YEABS) OP— 10 i i.n 1.4 1.0 •Ifl 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.0 1.4 2^1 i 20 4. 1 i.v. 4.4 2! 9 4^9 5.1 4.9 4.3 3. 81 2.9; 2.0 3.1! 4.2' 4.4 4.3 4'l 3.8 »1 7.2 4! 4 6.1 7.0 O.fl 6.1 S.3 4.2 3.1 V. 0.2: 40 .5! b ». ii I ' r !> 50 lUt. b.2 7.7 'a.\ 00 ::! 8.9 liu S.4 7.4 70 K.5 10.3 10.1 11 6 11. r, 11.3 ai 80 11! 4 10.4 '.I. t 11.5 \2. 6 12.2 0.8 8.6 90 12! .') 11,3 14.3 13.0 13.0 10! 2 9.0 100 12. ll 14.3 13.4 14.4 14.5 13. 5 110 li.SI 14.1 10.9 U.T 15.7 14.4 15.2 15.4 14.0 120 ^"i 18.3 17, H 16.9 15.3 10.0 16.2 14.5 11.4 130 18.1 10.1 16.7 10.8 15.0 11.9 140 17.2 ;;;■] 19.2* 17.4 15.5 150 160 1 170 180 1 190 200 210 220 230 It Si l! Is 11 II Feet. i so CG 82 100 115 li* 34 50 60 114 2S 18' 34 50 06 82 100 1: ' 20.3 17.7 IS. 17.8 15.9 .,- ..1 21.3 18.4 1H.2 23.8 23.3 19.0 18.8 18.7 ' 24.7 21.2 20.0 20.8 23.2 19.5 19.1 ::o -\ 25.6 21.8 21.1 21.4 i 24.0 19.9 31.7 25.9 25.4 24.7 26.4 22.4 21.8 24.8 20.3 32.0! 27.1 25.4 33.6 26.9 27.8 23.6 25.9 34.5 28.5 26.4 Charac. ter of growth Height DIAMETEtt ACCRETION, IN INCHES, FOB DECADES— from ground. 1 2 8 4 .'•> 6 7 8 « 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1! If Feet. i B6 82 115 li' 34 60 6G 82 114 1^ 34 50 CO 82 100 1. 2. i. 1. ii: 1. 2. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2! 2. l.t 1. 2. it 2. 2! 2.3 h i.f i.f 2.f 1' 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1 1: l.C 3 1.. 1! 1! i 1. 7 1. ) 1! 2 0. 1 "• l.C 1.' ;' 1! 2| l.C \f 1. 0. 2 1. 0. 2 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. I.f 1' 0! 1.4 I.f 0. . 1. 1.8 o'fl O..? 0. : o.a :;; i.a l.C u. 1.7 1.0 0.9 0.8 1 1.3! 1.4 0.9; l.( 0.8' 0.8 O.S; 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.( 0.7, ,.4! 1.2 I.n; o.i) 0.8 o.a o.a 0.8 0.5 O.E 0.4 0.4 l.C o!£ 1.' 0!' 0. 0. 0. l). 0. 0. 1..^ H.f 1. o!' 0.7 O.C 0.7 1. 0> 1.3 1.1 " O.- fl. 0!' 1.1 o!i 0!' 1.2 1.1 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.4 1.2 (U 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.6 1.0 0!. 0.5 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 o!i o.r o.n 0.5 1.1 0.7 0.8 0.0 l.C o!: 0.7 O.E o.e 0.' O.f 0.4 0.9 0.5 O.fl 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.6 I.O 0.5 0.7 O.fi 0.9 Charivc- Height of section CORRKSI'ONDINQ AREA ACCRETION, IN SQUARE FEET, "" '""=*° BS- growth. from ground. 1 2 3 ♦ 6 e 7 8 9 10 » 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Feet. 07 18 0. 0.24 30 0.33 0.35 11 35 0.36 0.39 o.3r o.:m 0.38 0.38 0.37 0.34 0.32 0. 35 0.32 18'- 04 19 .2f .22 .21 .21 5S .34 04 1' ■]l ■]l IP If .2(: 21 .21 .2(1 .21 .If .1! .If .1! .If .18 .2( 50 IC .)!] If If ,lf 17 n .11 .11 .I'l .If .15 .It .1.'. .1( B 11 14 17 .17 .12 .17 I.'- .1' .14 .I.f .15 82 Of 0- 111 11 191 .13 .12 .11. .14 .13 .12 .12 .U .13 .14 02 .06 .11 .1(1 .12 .11 .12 .13 .13 .12 .12 .16 .14 115 .01 .Oi .07 .10 .11 .10 09 19 .21 .3 .24 .23 21 27 .24 23 .33 .2? .21 .21 .21 «i is' .03 10 12 1? 14 ,14 ,15 .15 .15 .15 .11 .15 .14 .U .14 .1< .1: .14 .1.1 1( .Is .14 .14 . 14 14 14 14 1; 13 .13 .1. .14 .1; .I- .12 .15 .13 u 14 .14 13 1: .12 .13 66 .03: n- IC 11 12 .11 .12 .11 .11 .12 .11 .12 .11 .It .12 ll O'^l .Of 09 .11 .U .11 .Oi .11 .Of .11 98 (>■>:. .01 .ol .IC 114 .01 .01 .03 .05 .0^) »! oJ 0.| 07 .10 .10 11 1.'- ,14 .19 .?.n 00 20 32 .22 .23 .23 .21 .22 .20 .20 .15 .14 .13 1^ .H .I.'- .14 .15 .14 .14 .14 .11 .!( .Of .Of 1! .1: .14 50 08 .11 11 1-' ,14 .1^ 14 .IS .IS .13 .1: .(13 Of .11 .12 .11 11" .U ,0! .07 0S| 05 .0' .07 05 .05 . 05 .0( 100 .02 .06 .05 .05 .Ob .00 .04 .04 IDS THE WllITK PINE. '0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 130 200 2Z0 flDE OF DISK TABLES OF MEASUKEMENTS. 109 "0 SO -o Fig. 32. — Biagram ehowinj; 80 too I20 140 ISO 180 200 230 240 AGE OF D/C'^ rowtli of coilomiuant trees at various lii-i-lits from groniul (average throughout range). ;;rouud (avorago throughout rauge). 110 THE WIIITK PINE. Table V. — Growth of diameter and cross-sevHon area at various heiylita from llie ijroaiut — (Jontiuiicd. (2) AVEKAGE FOK WISCONSIN. AT AGS (YKAKS) OK- 4.2 5.8 7.2 18.1 14.7 18.8 15.5 1.1 f 1C.7 14.? \r>.:>, U 1 K 5 14.4 10 120 litO 140 150 160 170 180 1»0 200 210 220 230 25.1 26.8 21. 5 21. a 22.8 21.8 20.0 DIAMETER ACCRETION, INCHES, FOB UECADBS— 2 3 * J. 1 i.r. \\ 1.9 2.1 1.8 i! 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.8 l!2 l!7 1.11 1.0 o.a 0.9 U. 9 0. 9 13 u IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.1 2.0 1.1 1:1 l.G 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.5 0.9 o!f 1.2 ^^.^ 0.1 0.( II, » fl 0. t 0.6 0.6 1,1 1 ■? 1.0 1 , 1, O.b O.t O.i) 0.7 0,7 COKBESPONDINa AREA ACCUETION, IN .SQUARE FEET, 0.11 0.16 0.20 0.53 U.48 0.48 TABLES OF MEASUKKMENTS. Ill 36 32 i ■MiiJ + : E'/z feet from ground W- 18 .. .. ,. t:::. \\ j ii:; =;: 2!: N Z8 24 34 .. •> .. ;;;; 50 „ „ .. \\\ 66 .. .. ., IW 82 m. ■ l:i i 1 ;ii ::;.= :;: 8 1™ :'.'.:: ::::::: ■^{/\ ;;:: 4 ^■iiiiiiii :'z n iM|Mil|i|ii "it- '-'-V- :::; ::: -i! il AG£OFD/SK FlQ. ;!4.— Diagram showing diameter growth uf dominant trees at various heights I'rora ground in Wisconsin. 40 60 80 100 120 100 160 180 flBE OF DISK Fig. 35.— Diagram showing diameter growth of oppruBsed trees at various heights from ground in Wisconsin. 112 THE WHITE PINE. Tahi.b V.—(iroicllt of diameter and eroaa-section area at variom hciyhtsj'rom the ground — Continued. (3) AVEKAGE FOR PENNSYLVANIA. 'Height of UIAMETEK OF SECTION, IN INCHES, AT . too 110 ISO 130 140 150 IGO 170 ISO 1»0 200 SIO 320 1 SiiO to 'JS. < •_'• . 1.41 r-i lU. 1 1... Hi. 5 17,;^ 17 f ir. ^ i(i .■-. V,. 3 l.S.i 11!. ii 1».0 u. .8, 25. 19.7; 2U.3 21.0 19. 1 111. 7 iHiiiKlitof svi'tiun DIAMETER ACCBETION, IN INCHES, 1 ?■?! 18 I» 20 COltUESPONDlNO AUEA ACCKETUIN, IN SIJUAUK Kon DECADE8- 0. 17 0. 22 0. 23 '.tt-\ !o7i G 7 8 -'■ • — 0.2.5 0.20 0.20 .18 .17 1.1 l« .17 .16 .1.S . II .17 .10 1.1 . IC .11', .10 .14 .i:i . 1.1 . U .14 .13 ir .11 isl in .14 .13 .1:' .11 11 .11 .12 .11 1 .(11 . 00 . 09 1 .07 .Ob 1 1 12 13 0.34 .It .li in .1» .15 .10 lis '.16 .27 .22 .151 .12 .11 .12 .12 .12 .08 :oi .13 .14 .12 It) 20 22 0.37 .., ,21 .22 .U .14 ?J 1! .11 .16 .21 .2, .19 .14 ■■^ i:- .15 .li .13 TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 113 '0 20 40 BO Fig. 37 Diagram ishowing dia) 20233— No. 22 8 120 I4U ISO 180 FOO 220 fiDE OF DISK bei).'hts from Krounil in Ptmnaylvania. 114 THE WHITE PINE. vth of iliiiiiietir and croas-seclion area at rarioiia hcbjlits J'lom i (4) AVERAGE FOK MICHIGAN. rifi — Continued. .11, DI&HETEB OF SECTION, IN INCHES, AT A V'( |:i :i 14.0 14. i; ll. 1 K.l "■' ' '" ' 8.7 9.5 10.3 11.0 11.7 10 1 11 3 n a 14.0 15 3 16 5 17,7 18,7 19 7 20. r 21.4 14.7 15.5 16.2 17.; 17.1 17.4 ]7.t 18.2 11 6 12.- 13 ! 14 ( 1.5. ■/ 15. f 1B.< 16. t 17.2 12,1 13.; 14.? 14. i 15.2 9 1 9.1 10. 2 1(1. ( 11. ( 11. ■! 11. i 8.1 8.6 9.0 22.1 22.! 18. 3| 18. 18.5 DIAMETEH ACCBETION, IN INCHES, KOK DECADE 2.2, 2.2 1.6 .9 1.4 1.2 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ,! 1 3 1.2 7 1 0,7 0.6 i 0.( fl.5 1" 0.4 0. 6 0. 6 0. 5 0. 7 0. 6 0. 5 C'hani. soclion COHIlBSrONDlNO AHKA ACt .KT,. N.l. .S„.AK ,K A,.l s- ,:.;:;!,. 2 3 4 5 7|s 9 10 u 12 13 14 15 "i 1; IS^ 19 20 21 22 Iss Feet. 1 I 1 1 ii 0, u:> 0.01 0.14 0. r. 0.20 0.2: 0.23 0.2( 0.28 ).3l 0.2V 0. 2V i.:t( 0.«( 0. 2J 0.2* If 04 i: 15 ,11' .20^ .19; .21] .21 .11 W ,21 .22 w .If n .IB .I'i . 15 04 ,,i:^ .17 .11 .19 .18; .21 .18 .20 .20 .19 .16 .17 .U .» .18 .17. .18 .17 .17 .17 15 .16 .1; .I7I .11 .11 Kl .1,5 lil 66 oa 12 14 .i: .14, .14 .14| .15 .16 .Ih .17 .17 .14 .14 .1? .11 .11 82 m o; .Oil 11 .15 .1: I? .12 11 . 12 100 .02 .07 .07 .11 .09 .12 .10. .09 .10 .10 .09 .08 2i 01 0.' OR ,11 .I3I .13' .16 ,20 .22 .21 .23 27 .,„! ?4 25 w' .26 .24 24 23 .20' .18 19 li\ 18- ,i: .141 .16 .It .15 .11 .11 .17 .18' .15 .18' .1; I J .13, .15 .161 .16 .11 .1« .U .15 .14 .i;t ii' 50 .05 .11 .1.' .10 .16 .U .15 .14 .15 .14 15 14 14 1? .11' .1; .11 GO o: .u; 11 1 . 12 . 10 . 12 .11 .0! .11 .11 Of .09 IS .o; .11 .11 .0! .11 08, 1 100 .02 .04 .05 .00 .07, .09 .08 .08 .09 .08 .09 ^ .01 .03 .06 .10 .11' .11' .11 .U .19 .18 .21 2; ;J „ 10 .20 18 .15 .14 .13 1-7 18 .02 .01 .H .i;i .11 .1(1 y^ 34 .o: .1 .1' .!( .14 .1:1 .11; , i: .0! .1( ,11 .11' .0! or .08 .01 (16 ?• t. 60 ,1 .!•- .12 .11 .]■• -\-i .11 ,11 .]( II .10 01 .07 6C o: 11! .10 .111 .111 .11 .07 111 o& ni .0! 01 .07 .or, .07, .01 .115 (1. 100 .OL .0. .0 .05 .00| .00, .04 ■"1 ! TABLES OF MEASUKEMENTS. 116 20 40 60 Fig. ;i8.— Dhij;ram .slio\ 100 120 im 160 flGEOFD/Sf< (wtli uf tlominaut troos at various liciglit.s 1 180 200 220 240 20 40 60 Fig. 39— Diagram ,slii>wii 100 120 jao 160 /iCE OF DISK ,li ,>f loilominant truts at various hiiKlit /80 200 22n 240 IIG THE WHITE PINE. 100 120 J40 ISO fiGE OF DISH 150 200 220 240 Fio. 40.— Diu'jriim abinviug iliamotur growth of oppressed trees at varioua heiglits fnmi ground lu MicLi{,'aii. TABLii V i.—AiTi: ijivMs of IVhitv I'iiw and meatumncnts of mmple trees. A.-.MlfllUiAN: t'lyl I'res(|UO Isle County, to 800 Icet above sea k-vel.] deep; subsoil with small s Soil: Yellow or gray aanil, nioder i'orett amdilions: Ued" Pino '(61 per cent), mixed with White Pine (36 percent), ;: Maple, Poplar, Cedar (3 per cent), on level. White Pin Sample area; 1 acre. ;e cover of Age ol pine: 100 to 150 years. Density oC crown cover: 0.6. . occasional Number of trees: 181. Ked Pine. Dominant.., Oppressed... Su])pri-ssed. .per I ACRE YIELD. White Pine. Red Pine. 1 Volume. Number Diameter; Height. Nunibor of trees. Diameter (breast Height Mer. high). Bole. chantable timber. high). Inches. FeH. Cubicfeet. FcetB.M. IncTM. FcU. 4 17 3t«6 GtolO ' f 170 25 6 to 10 18 10 100 7 u 175 240 7 14 In 15 16 100 232 325 12 216 9 21 180 3 22 24 303 119 27 366 68 trees : 113 trees: Total cnbic feet. 3,813 i,050 feet B. M., of which White Pine 44 per cent. rMmi: White Pine, 57 cubic feet. 272 feet B. M. TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 117 Table VI.— Jcre yields of IVIdlc Pine and measurements of sample icfcs— Coutiuued. A.-MICIIIGAN-CoDtiui.ed. IIEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE TREES. DOMINANT OROWTH. Tr enumbor Age. Diameter (breast high). Height. Rings per iuch stump. Volume of tree. Factor or shape. Ratio of oKr. to total height of tree. Current annual accretion. tnS" accre- tion. Yean. 100 100 !I5 Inches. 19.0 20.2 21.5 Feet. 94 95 100 No. 5.2 4.9 4.1 99.6 115.4 0.40 .48 .45 0.52 .42 Percent.] Cu.ft. 2.0 1.50 .8 .80 1.0 1.15 1.00 1.21 Average... 88 20.2 9e 4.7 96.8 .44 .47 1.3 1.16 .99 u 5.9 46.9 SDPPRESSED GROWTH. 1 19 1 92 10.5 72.0 8.2 10.0 73.0 7.6 20.0 0.47 20.9 1 .53 0.26 .48 1.2 3.7 0.25 0.22 1 Average...' 88 10.2 i 72.5 7.9 20.7 .50 .37 1 2.4 .51 .23 1 Age class: 100 DOMINANT , 123 101 105 104 20.0 20.8 20.5 22.7 10.2 90. U 99.0 94.0 5.5 4.7 5.1 4.7 89.7 92.7 96.7 103.0 0.40 .42 .42 .39 0.54 .51 1 .44 .59 i 2.9 2.0 1.3 1.5 2.60 1.85 1.26 1.55 48'; 47.. 5 ■99 Aver.-,ge... 108 149 135 135 21.0 20.2 21.0 22.0 96.0 105.0 114.0 121.0 5.0 7.6 6.2 5.5 95.5 88.9 107.9 139. 6 .41 .39 .39 .52 ..50 .57 .43 1.9 2.0 2.2 1.5 1.81 1.78 2.37 2.111 .89 !80 1.03 35.. Average... 139.7 21.1 113.0 0.4 112.1 .39 .50 1 1.9 2.08 .81 OPPRESSED GROWTH. 9 .. It. 43.. Average. . IS E 16.0 15.1 16!8 85.0 86.0 84.0 87.0 6.6 6.7 6.0 48.8 49.4 58.5 67.3 0.41 .40 .44 .49 0.46 1 2.5 1.4 1.7 .7 1.22 .69 .99 0.47 .48 .57 .64 i;: 1 IS 16.2 17.0 13.0 18.0 85.5 88.0 94.0 91.0 0.3 6.7 56.0 56.9 .45 .41 .50 .41 .47 .54 .30 1.6 5.2 2.2 4.0 .84 2.96 1.26 3.23 .54 .44 .43 40.. 3... Average. . 1 " 16.7 , 91.0 7.7 60.2 .44 .43 4.1 2.48 .44 SUPPRESSED GROWTH. . 127 I 11.0 69 1.2 24.0 0.54 0.22 3.2 to 300 years. '.BOWTH. 118 THE WniTE PINE, f/rf.- of Ifhiic Pine niid mcasiirrmcii A.-MICIIIGAX- (2) Site h : Soil: Deep, Ipose, gray sand. covcreil witli leaves; eaiil tr) lii' iimlorlaiil by rlay. Forest eonditimt : White Pine (Ci8 )>ct lent), intermixcre.ast high). Heigbt. Bole. Mer- chantable timber. CuM.f^eU 7n<;/.™. Feet. Iliches. Feet. 28 6 to 1(1 1 G to 10 20 6 to 10 ) 40 !I5 1 1 14 11 10 to 14 7 12 26(> Hi « i:: 204 550 1 1 IS 120 1.-. 522 3 1!) ICi :)84 ion 720 1211 010 090 744 22 2;i 045 147 153 26 27 30 555 199 240 129 trees: 20 trees: 34 trees: Total ciibie feet 8,202 Total ciibie feet. 2,440 Total eill.iefei t-.. 520 Total feet B.M 39:300 11,1(!2 cnbie feet, of which Whit .White Pine, 63 cubic feet. 302 feet B. M. MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE TllEES. Ai/c rlOiS : 130 lo l.",0 years. DOMINA.N'T limnVTIl. Treen„„.her. Age. Diameter (breast high). Height. Eings peHnch stump. Volume of irio. Factor of shape. Itatio of o.'';rn to total height of tree:. Cnrrent .ai nual Average Years. 140 i:iG 135 134 130 135 138 133 135 138 139 /»<■/»•«. I'i? 20.0 22.0 22.5 21.7 22.8 23.2 24.0 24.0 23.5 25.0 Feet. 124 114 115 113 123 122 119 110 lOfl 113 122 A',.. (i.5 1:1 It 5.9 fl.l 5.5 5.3 t.7 5.2 1119. 8 115.9 121.5 123.5 130. 1 136. 4 138.5 141.1 143. 5 14«!5 187.3 0.42 .49 '.-.n .39 .42 :42 .43 0.34 .31 :27 .30 ^30 .38 .40 .50 Per,;,,!. '.- 1.1 1.8 .9 1.0 1.5 ■„ ,fl '■■'I' L82 .95 1.38 2'. 58 1.30 1.4U 2.81 (■u..rt 3i .90 .92 .96 l.OI I. 00 1. 06 l.IO 1.07 1:27 1 A\cri„( 135.7 142 142 ,142 143 149 148 22.3 23. 24.0 23.5 22.0 24.2 25.0 26.3 116 117 110 114 110 110 113 115 .5.9 5.8 5.8 5.7 11.0 .'■..8 5!5 130.0 138.9 14S'.() 157.3 168! 8 205.4 .42 .41 .41 .43 ■ .40 .45 .40 .40 .34 .,30 ;ii6 .20 !'34 .39 1.2 K7 L2 1.61 1.07 2.11 2.66 2,38 2.79 2:46 1.00 .99 i!ii 1.14 1.06 1.39 -',' Average.. 144 24.0 115 .5.8 ICO. 5 .44 .34 1.4 2.20 1.10 TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. Tablk VI.— ^cre j/ields of White Pine and measurements of sample Jiei-n— Continued. A.-MICniGAN-Cuntiu«c,l. MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE TREES-Contiuued. OPPBE8SED 119 Tree number. Age. Diameter (breast bigh). Heigbt. Riuga per inch stnmp. Volume of tree. Factor of 8bape. Ratio of lengtb ol crown to total height of tree. Current annual accretion. Average TioiT. ^'"0.{'3- .63 .67 .67 .70 .70 Team. 132 130 135 13.'-, i:i5 140 Inches. 17.8 18.5 18.0 17.5 19.5 18.5 FeH. lU 112 116 110 107 102 No. 6.7 7.8 7.2 7.3 6.8 7.5 Cxi. ft. 83.6 88.4 1)1.2 92.0 95.6 98.2 0.41 .42 .44 if 0.42 .38 .27 !42 .27 Per cent. .97 .82 1.47 .48 1.87 12 28 29 Averajie . . 130 18.3 no 7.2 91.5 .45 .35 1.2 1.10 .67 SUPPRESSED GBOWTH. 8... 32.. 131 135 ; 238 131 1 138 15.0 17.5 17.4 16.4 19.0 115 (?) 104 114 103 8.5 7.2 7.3 7.7 7.0 06.2 73.9 78.6 79.7 80.6 0.47 '.^i5 .47 .39 0.35 1?) .29 .28 .28 1.7 1.3 1.6 0.66 1.77 1.34 1.04 1.29 0.50 .55 .57 .01 .58 17 6... 25. Average . 134.6 142 154 148 21.0 19.0 109 109 97 7.5 7.2 7.7 75.8 121.7 78.0 .44 .46 .30 .44 .41 1.0 1.5 1.4 1.22 1 1.82 1.10 .56 .85 .50 Average - . . 20.0 103 7.5 100.0 .43 .42 1.4 1.46 .67 [TE d: Montmorency County. Suit : Fresh, loose gray sand, turning brown and red below, with surface checkerberry. sulisoil, brown Band, sometimes loamy, and in spots cliiy. Forest conditiont : White Pine (54 per cent) mixed with Red Pine (35 per ce Qple area shows 15 per i ACRE YIELD. per of brakes and Age of pine : S Density of cro I and Hemlock (11 Number of tre ; dead trees and 20 per White Pine. Red Pine. Hemlock. | 1 Volume. XT I,,,, Diameter Height. Height. Number diameter of trees. I<|;r|-t Height. Bole. Mer- chantable Number of trees. (breast high). timber. 1 Inches. Feet. Cu.hicfe.et. Feet It. M. Indies. Feet. Inches. 2 1 3 to 6 Feet. 40 1 12 38 1 1 14 159 3 1 15 60 3 ' 15 207 231 3 18 1 : 17 86 5 20 140 3 19 315 280 8 22 906 5 23 140 8.-.5 1,011 4 ' 25 800 1 20 216 0!)6 498 7 29 2 ! 30 1 31 1 33 340 39 trees: 13 trees. Total cubic feet Total feet B. M . 10, 154 . 60,900 Total cnbic feet Total feet B.M. . 2.'>,200 120 THE WHITE PINE. Table VI. — .Icrc ipeldn of While Vine and measurements of sample /ices— C'ontini A MICinGAN— Continue. (4) SiTEc: Soil: Brown or retl Moiittuoronfy County. iiin, light, loose, tlry, with stones, and surface cover of hnikea and Ajioofpinc otnor weens. Density of c Forest conditions : Red Pine (59 per cent ) mixed with White Pino (41 per cent) ; no nndergrowtli e.halfn( ) to 120 V Clafotittrntinn : Diuniniint.. Oppressed . Nnmber of trees: 110. White Pine. Ued Pine. HALF-ACRE YIELD. White Pine. Red Pine. Volume. Nnmber of trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. Nnmber of trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. Bole. ohantable Inches. Feet. CubUfeet. Feet B.M. Inchct. Feet. 3 to 2 : 6 to 10 20 6I0IO 4 : 10 72 2 1 11 5(5 11 2 ' 12 (i 1 i:i 80 2:u 12 S 14 100 360 80 6.1 10 :i48 IG 100 2 17 130 17 18 288 6 19 474 19 21 22 Total feet B.M 9,030 Total feet B.M. 14,800 Total yield: Pine, 23,830 feet B. M., of which White Pir Average annual accretion : Pine, 51 cnbic feet. 217 feet B.M. MEASUREMENTS OF .SAMPLE TREES. Tree number. Age. Diameter Height. Rings per inch stun.p. of tr.«. Faetor sbape. Ratio of of™rown to totaT height of tree. Current annual accretior. Average annual 'tion. 3 I""' Inches. 18 Feet. 96 No. 6.5 Cu..reet. 0.42 0.41 IW cent. 1.1 O'l.fcct. 0.79 '-& OPPRESSED 55.0 I 0.53 0.31 1.1 TABLES OF MEASUREMKNTS. 121 -Acre yields of TVhite Pine and measurements of sample trees — Coutiiiuetl. A.-MICHIGAN- (5) Site/: Montn tnicj County. Soil: Brown, dry sand, with stones, and surface cover ol' Iinike.s and grass. Purest cnnililinns : Red Pine (94 per cent) with scattorinj; Wliite Pine (6 per cent) on a level plain ; no niiilerj^rowtli save very sinall shrubs of scattered Oak {characteristic of this locality). About 15 per cent of trees injured by lire in 18'Jl. Clasidficatiim : Eed Pino. Dominant per cent. . 72 Oppressed do 13 Suppressed do 15 ACRE YIELD. Diameter (breast high). Mer. Chan table timber. 5 (2 dead) 5 8 (3 dead) 13 (1 dead) 1« (4 dead) 20 (3 dead) 24 (4 dead) ,,J (breast | Height, high). 108 trees: Total cubic feet ... 6, 863 Total feet B.M.... 28,800 Crawford County. Sample [About 1,200 feet above sea level.] nnderately loose, with surfaee cover of fern and grass; Age of ! slc.ry of White Pine (1 Eed Pine of 26 inches in diam- louer story of Fir (22 from 4 to 10 Inches in diameter], . 1. r), and Hemlock (19 from 4 to 10 inches in diameter): Majde, Fir, Uemlock, and Beech. Percentages "" ' White Pii Nun ACRE TIELD. Wliite Pine. Volume. Number of trees. Diameter (breast Height. Mer- high). Bole. chantable timber. Feet. Cnbicfeet. Feet H. 31. 213 18 23 ■2i 120 79 228 134 140 26 27 28 471 432 464 1,743 29 532 30 1.30 1,400 32 150 1,600 35 36 42 1,020 381 401 537 Total cubic feel Total feet K. M 62,300 Average anmial 122 MI< IIIGAN- TIIE WHITr; PINE. ieliln of While riiie nut} minaiirimmU of m MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE TKEES Agp claas: 130 to 150 ycarB. DOMINANT (IHOW'TH. n/ile trees — Continued. Tree iiumlicr. Ase. Di.imeter (hreaat l.iBlO. Ileijilit. Kings pen!;.-.. stump. Volume of tree. Fnctor of »l,apo. Ratio of to total height of tree. Current annual aiiritiou. Average annual accre- tion. 32 Team. 133 141 132 145 128 152 131 148 130 140 Inche: 1.5.2 15.3 10.3 18.0 20.5 10.0 22.5 24.8 Feet. 92 92 88 z 104 112 116 100 115 No. 8.3 0.2 7.5 7.' 3 5.4 6.8 5.9 5.2 55.32 01.70 71.11 94, 50 84.97 129. 42 137.91 137.03 154.12 0.43 .40 .47 ..58 :4i .41 .41 .47 .41 0.43 .42 .60 .44 .47 .38 .46 .40 .30 .40 .43 rer cent. 2.2 2.3 .8 2.0 1.5 1.4 .7 1.9 1.7 1.4 '■"l.{'7 1.27 .49 1.42 1.42 1.19 .91 2.62 2.40 2.10 Cu./t. 0.30 .39 .40 .49 .73 .55 .98 .93 .90 1.13 40 25 1 20 Aver.a«o... 1U.8 102 6.0 97.5 .43 1.6 1.49 .69 OPPRESSED GIIOWTH. . 109 40.53 0.46 0.50 4.5 1.82 Age class: 220 to 240 years. DOMINANT GROWTH. 245 242 226 226 220 2.50 219 220 237 233 243 233 258 252 252 265 253 1? 256 205 200 250 238 200 20.0 U.l 27.5 28.3 30.2 33.0 33.0 33.0 37.0 40.0 120 137 138 129 143 141 121 140 144 147 125 11.0 7.6 7.1 8.7 6.3 7.1 7.2 5]* 112.56 191.07 21,5. 28 222. 29 264.49 291. 03 317. 85 321.86 389.57 455. 06 479.51 0,43 .42 .,38 .41 ^42 .44 .38 .45 .41 .43 0.40 .41 9 8 .5 1 .95 1 .i» .4 .80 .93 .38 .00 .31 .43 .49 !ri5 8 2 11 1.20 1.10 1.45 III 1.95 1.90 1.27 0.03 .70 .81 .78 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.20 1.24 1.22 1.18 1.19 1.41 1.43 ii::;:.:::v:::::: l 1.16 2.22 2.57 2.34 2.73 39 Avernge... 14 7 30.4 26.0 25.2 25.5 27.0 30.0 32. 31.5 29.5 3.3.0 31.0 31.5 33.0 32.0 34.0 30.0 135 119 139 115 126 135 142 132 155 144 145 144 139 154 138 149 7.6 10.0 9.5 9.5 10.4 8.8 8^3 8.9 7.1 7.6 8.2 8.0 7.4 7.6 7.5 296.41 102. .54 193.21 20.5.21 207. 07 259. 13 287.87 275. 89 311.99 31.3.07 314.00 314.38 316.81 300.75 370. 50 404. 18 0.41 0.37 '. 35 .41 .39 .34 .38 .42 !il .40 !41 .42 .37 .48 0.40 .40 .58 ;i .48 .48 .41 ;33 .51 .33 .59 .45 .0 1 1.75 0.05 .77 1.85 1.05 1.03 1.07 1.93 .93 2.82 I., 57 1.25 yi 2.90 38 13 36 42 16 15 Average... 258 30.5 138 8,5 285. 15 .39 .45 1..50 j 1.10 1 TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. Table VI.— Acre iiieldx of IVIiile Fine and measiifniuiits of sami>le. (m'«— Continmd. A.-MIC:IIIGi»(— Continn.-.l. (7) SITE U: Crawford County. Soil: lirown. loamy siiii.l, ihimIiui! :;hr I i-li(, loose, very deep, I'resli, well drained, with surfaco Fitrestrniiililinns: .M.nl. r - . witli acattiM-in^' V. II.. n I w growtli of youuy: llftiil... I. :mi.I llll.^^ Is. MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE T Age class : 420 to 450 years. DOMINANT (IROWTH. 123 Tree number. A-o. Diameter (breast bigb). Height. pSS. stump. Volume of tree. Factor of shape. Ratio of length of crown to total height of tree. Curr<-n ^r" Average annual ai;fre- rear*. 417 445 4.55 426 400 457 4fil 435 458 Inches. 37.0 35.5 41. U 43.0 47I0 46.0 46.0 47.0 Feet. 155 141 152 160 150 100 170 16S 162 ^.0 10.0 IJ;.? (0 (0 10.0 Vo>.5 Ou. ft. 433.2 510.5 583.7 077.3 604.] 721.9 737.0 819.0 855. 3 0,37 .52 .41 ■V 0.45 .39 -.11. .48 .45 .50 .51 Per cent. 0.4 .6 .2 ■ 4 .3 .4 .3 Cu. ft. 1.73 3.06 1.17 2.71 2.08 2.89 2.21 3.28 4.28 ].15 1.28 1.59 1.51 \i 10 Average ... 446 43.0 157 11.0 670.4 .41 .50 ■* 2.UU 1.50 Age class: 270 to 290 years. Crawford County. Sample area: 1 acre. i!,'Iit, loose, deep, fre-sh, well drained, with 2 to 3 inches Age of pine: 95 to 105 i Density of crown cove; mixed with hardwoods (30 per cent) and Hemlock (23 1 li scanty, of young Hi-nilock and Maple. Number of trees: 364. White Pine. 18 ACRE YIELD. White Pino. Hemlock. Maple. Beech. Nnm- her of trees. Diameter high). Height Volume. ber'of trees. Diameter, (breast Height, high). Num. berof trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. ber of trees. Diamctir (l,ro:i8t high). Height. Feet. Bole. Mer chantable timber. 52 Inches. 3 to 6 fltolO 10 11 12 15 10 17 19 20 21 23 25 Feet. 90 to 110 CH.ft. "526" 162 256 456 000 800 638 704 936 640 435 384 309 122 143 Fs.t..M. 18 44 3 2 3 2 Inches. 3 to 6 6 to 10 18 23 Feet. ,60 . to 80 2 Inchs. 3 to 6 6 to 10 10 Feet. 20 14 Inches. 3 to 6 6 to 10 10 White Birch. Yellow Birch. 6 to 10 10 14 17 40 > to 1 60 2 6 to 10 "^*^„?»^^obic., eet . 7. 105 83 trees: Total cubic ft.. 1.330 37 trees. T Dtol feet li M 28,650 Tota feet 15. M 4,780 Totalyield: White Pine and Hemlock. 33,430 feet B. M.. Average annual accretion : White Pine, 71 cubic feet. 286 feet B. M. 124 THE WIIITK PINIC. I,|.; VI.— .l(')-e i/ieliln of iriiili- I'iiu and miuxiircmentH of nam pit- trees — Coutimiod. A.-MKIIHiAN-Ciinlinueil MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE TItEES. DOMINANT OHOWTIl. True number. Ago. (breasr high). Height. „tZp. Volume of tree. Fai-tor shape. Ratio of leugth to total height of tree. Current annual accretion. 1.= accre- tion. 3. 7. 6. rear*. 98 10:l 100 103 Inchei. 10.5 l(i.5 17.0 1ft. 5 IS. 5 FeH. 08 lOli s 'I 4.0 4.8 Vu.ft. C4.5 OK. 4 71.7 94.0 95.9 0.44 .4:1 .4:1 .45 .47 0.45 .40 or .37 Per cent. Cu./t. 1.7 1.10 2.2 1.50 1.5 1 1.07 1.7 1.01 2.1 ; 2.01 .95 .03 :;::::: A.vcras!e.-. 101 n.o 5.0 79.0 .44 .42 1.8 1 1.40 .78 CODOMINANT (iROWTH. ! 9.1 1"! 15.3 l.'->.5 94 91 90 0.0 5.8 49.0 52. 1 02.8 0.49 0.38 '''57 ' 2.0 4.2 2.0 0.99 2.46 1.03 0.52 1 2 "■■":;;;:::::; " 15.0 1 04 0.1 54.8 .47 1 .44 1 2.9 1.09 .55 1 Crawford County. rain, porous, light, lonsf, White Pine anil Ncprwav U.and Banksian Fiiii' hum iig Kir, Cedar (JVii/jn un-uli lid ii fi-w small Oaks. measi;rement.s of sample tree: Age class : 90 to 110 years. Tr,.„ numhcr. Ago. Diameter (breast high). Ileiglit. Rings Volum,. of tree. Factor of shape. Ratin of loiigib to total height of Current annual accretion. Average auiinal Tears. 109 112 109 100 110 112 112 108 109 Inches. 13.0 14.0 \tl 10.5 18.3 20.5 20.8 Feet. 94.0 90.0 93.0 85.0 104.11 101.0 100.0 103.0 105.0 105.0 No. 7.0 7.3 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.1 !j.8 4.8 6.0 i)0. 2 .-.1.4 53.3 04. 3 07.0 72.4 85.3 99.1 99.8 n.52 .47 :1? .41 .42 .45 .44 .41 0. 51 -.47 .47 .37 .30 .59 (0 ..--.o .49 Per cent. u 2.2 2.5 2.2 1.8 3.4 2.5 I'o Cu./t. 1.46 1.75 1.14 L41 1.22 2.40 2. 13 LOO Cu./t. 0.42 .44 .47 ..50 .58 .02 [70 .91 .01 2i 21 A^-ra^' 109.0 16.7 98.6 0.3 1)8.9 .44 .46 2.5 1.04 .03 CODOMINANT OROWTII. 100 90 82 99 13.5 14.4 16.5 20.0 94.0 90.0 94.0 100.0 7.0 0.0 4.8 4.4 41.0 4S.7 65.7 90.9 ('.44 .47 1 .47 .41 0.57 •''53 .40 2.0 4.3 0.82 1 2.08 xoo 1 0.1 1 2; . .50 80 A \ cragi! . . . 94 16.1 94. 5 5.7 01.0 .»| . .52 3.4 2.13 1 _ ._05 1 Aiie class : 150 to 100 years. DOMINANl' lillOWTII. i 2 1.58 157 22.5 114.0 115.0 0.6 { 7.0 124.9 0.40 .40 0.-30 .58 2.4 1.2 K 0.80 1 Average... 1 157. 5 22.1 , 114.5 0.8 j 123.0 1 .40 .47 ,.. 2.22 .80, A.-MIf IIKJ.V? TAHLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 125 Tadle VI. — Acre yieldt of While I'iiie and measurements of sample trees— Contmned. '^*''*' Uoscomnion County. Sample area: 1 acre. [About 1,000 IViut abovo sea level.] Half acre y 0.1. Soil: Brown, loamy sand, deep, fine (lor sand), porous, loose, fresh, and well drained (water stands Age of pine : 230 to 240 years. ^ In^rfrt'iW 'rr.. ^'I'.,T1 "i'.t"^ *"''^""',.=,'!;V".'"',?.""-„.. . Density of crow,, ■•,.,v„r.n.st.„ Foreit K.>d Pine (20 ,._ Hoinloili, Boeib, and dwarf Maple. Climsifwation .- scanty, of yo Whito P HALF-ACEE YIELD. White Pine. Red Pine. Hemlock. Diameter (breast high). Volume. ol trees. Height. liolo. Mer. chautable timber. Number of trees. (breast liigh). Height. Number of trees. Diameter Height. I,ichei. Feet. Vv.feet. FeetB.M. Inches. Feet. Inchet. Feet. 2 14 32 6 to 10 60 16 ! 12j 1 J" 18 125 100 14 6 19 21 to 12 ( 80 528 24 17 25 18 24 130 2,070 1,544 21 \"o 2i 1,344 23 33 , I 76 trees Total cubic feet Total feet B.M . 4,270 . 20,500 Total cubic feet Total feet B.M Total eetU.M . 58,400 . 13,000 Total yield : All species 20,060 cubic feet, of which White Pine was 61 per Aeerage annual accretion, : White Pine, 52 cubic feet. ■ 248 feet B.M. 248 feet J MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE TREES. Age elaet ; 230 to 250 years. DOMINANT OROWTH. Age. Diameter (breast high). Height. Rings per inch stump. Volume of tree. Factor shape. Ratio of lengtl] of crown to total height of tree. Current .annual accretion. 'tion. Years. 234 236 235 237 237 232 233 237 235 245 230 236 238 244 .233 251 Inches. 23.2 23.8 24.5 tt 24.7 25.5 25.5 26.0 30.0 20.2 27. U 29.0 34.0 32.0 27.0 Feet. 142 142 140 145 145 145 143 122 145 150 140 130 144 120 Ifo. 10. () 9^2 9.6 9.0 (0 8.4 9.1 9.0 (.') 9.0 8.5 7.8 7.0 197.3 199.1 202. 6 205.4 207.0 212.6 227. 3 231.1 233. 9 240. 2 271.5 281. 1 348.1 349.6 0.43 0.39 .43 .43 I'er cent. Cu./eet. 1.35 1.38 1.30 1.62 1.03 2.07 1.06 2.04 1.62 1.87 1.69 1.74 3.50 1.03 .83 .84 .86 .80 .89 .91 .96 .98 .95 1.01 1.16 1.18 1.42 1.50 J ;! 3 .42 i .42 .44 1 .44 .43 i .23 .39 .35 .44 .42 .45 .41 :% :tl . 43 . 39 . 43 . 30 17 10 18 Average... 9. 1 1 .„„. „ 237 26.6 140 8.7 1 236.4 .43 .41 •' 1.64 .99 I 14., 3 SUPPRESSED GROWTH. 7 13.0 15.3 1 120 120 17.7 15,2 [ 61.1 1 86.7 1 0.55 .52 0.31 ,41 0.6 ,6 0.37 1 1 5:: :;:::::::;::': .37 1 Average . . . L 14.1 123 16.4 1 73.9 .53 .30 .6 .45 vq 12G THE WHITE PINE. Tahlio VI.— Joe yields of ll'hile Pine and measurvmenla of HampU (;te«— Contimieil. A.— MICHIGAN— Coutinued. Half acre No. 2. Soil: Moist, low groiiiid. ihmi- swainji. A^ii- oC i» Fore** eonilitiotu: Whito I'iue (51 Jier celil l .mil llcluloik (4'J pur L-eut). Dinsity c Classification: Wliitr I'iiu-. Number) HALFACIIE i'lELD. White Pine. IIeinlo,k. VoIuu,e. Niiiiilwr of IIWS. Diameter Height. Number of trees. Dia,ne,cr HeiKbt. Mer- high). Bole. chantable hitth). timber. Inches. Feet. Cu.feet. FeetB.M. IiKhcs. Feet. 15 116 to 19 1 125 176 ', 22 3U4 «; 24 14 "" 25 400 15 211 K«4 28 17 100 i;io 1,680 20 :ii 604 12 ■i'i 4,080 35 702 37 840 2 38 8!I0 60 trees iss trees: Total :ul.ic feet 10,586 Tnlal cubic feei . 4,490 . 99,400 . lelioo jil Hemlock 21,076 cubic feet, of -, White I'ine, 70 cubic feit. 423 feet U. M. (11) Site I: Hail : Light-brown, dry sand, loose, light, v surface cover of leaves Forest co'idilions: Eed I'ine (84 per cent) i sicinal Beech on a gentle slope (angle 5^ Classification : Dominant Oppressed Suppressed lli-nsity of crow Number of tree White I'ine. lied Pine. Beech. Diameter (breast high). Volume. Diameter (breast high). of trees. Height. .0,0. Mer- chantable timber. Number of trees. Height. Number of trees. (breast high). Height. mckes. Feet. Cubicfeet. Feet 11. U. Inrhcs. Feet. Inches. 7''<'<(. 10 1 3to6 } 40 1 6 to 10 11 55 n 12 100 120 20 ]4 120 142 261 18 15 16 100 21 228 5 18 22 23 27 246 134 199 5 19 20 21 trees: ^.^ . 26.060 1 Total yield: Pirn- 7,( TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. Table VI.— Jcre i/ielch- of While Vine and measurementa of aampte (cees— Continued. 127 A.— MICHIGAN— t'outiuucd. 1900 to 1,000 I [foscommuu Couuty. L above .sea lo : No. 1. Soil: Dry,lightbrowiisaud,mediiiuitino,lv /recs— Coll tin nod. Ill with White Tine {10 pur c White I'ii percent.. 75 ilo.... ACKK YIELD. White Pine. Ked riue. ."-«' 1 Volume. niametor (breast high). Height. Bole. eh^Shle Number of tree«. Height. 1 Inches. Feet. \c.nMcfeet. Feetli.M. Inehea. Feet. U 48 1 10 \l r no 1 11 U 1 12 105 369 12 14 •a 3U 10 1 15 100 20 109 15 25 12 10 17 IS 19 2 22 12 trees : 105 trees: 1,221 Totiacubi.fiet. . 8,170 . 34,300 391 cubic feet. 420 feet B. M.. of which White Pine 15 per cent. Pine, 52 cubic feet. 219 feet Jl. M. ACKE VIELD. White Pine. EcdPiue. Oak. Num. licr of Diaiuelcr (breast high). Height Volume. Num- ber of trees. Uianieter high). Height. Nnni. Diameter her of (breast trees. 1 high). Height. Bole. Mer- chant- able timber. i I 4 1 } IneheH. 12 '■1 23 25 20 27 34 Feet. 120 Cnbicfeet. 83 54 90 38 252 213 352 192 210 492 268 157 183 283 Ft.U.M. 13 12 Incho. 11 13 14 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 Feet. ,00 to 120 ; Inches. Feet. 40 Beech. 3 3toC Otoio 13 14 40 to 00 44 trees: i. 85 Irei'S: Total cubic feet 3,503 I Total cubic ft. 7,572 TotalfeotB.M 14,900 | Total ft. B.M. 31,800 9 trees. Total yield : Pine, 1 1 , 135 cubic feet. 40.700 feet B. M., of which White Pine 32 per cent. Averaijc annual accretion : Pine, 02 cubic feet. 259 feet B. M. A.-MICHIGAN- TABLES OF MEASUREIWENTS. Table Yl.— Acre yieldn of White Vine and memurements of sample (roes— Cnutinued. id. MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE TKEES. Age class ! 180 to 180 yearn. DOMINANT GROWTH. 129 Tr e number. A^e. Uiaiiieler (breast high). Height. UiiiE« per inch stump. Volume of tree. Factor of shape. Ratio of length "to'^touf height of tree. Current annual accreliou. Average accre- Cu.ft. 1.26 1.29 Tears. 178 173 163 Inches. 24. 3 27.2 26.5 Feet. 118 121 120 Ko. 7.5 6.2 6.2 Cu.ft. 170.1 218.8 211.0 0.46 .45 .46 0.54 .28 .31 Percent. 1.2 .7 .7 Cu. ft. 2.04 1.53 1.47 21 ,34.. Average... 171 182 188 26.0 25.2 26.7 31.0 120 118 119 6.6 7.4 6.9 5.5 200.0 173.0 202. 1 286.6 .46 .43 .46 .45 .53 .50 .9 1.3 1.2 1.68 2.25 2.42 1.17 .95 1.07 1.54 5 Average. 185 27.6 118 6.6 220.5 .44 1.1 2.22 1.19 179 185 184 182 19.0 125.0 125.0 105.0 109.0 111.0 9.9 11.5 9.1 7.4 7.7 118.4 79.2 111.8 128. 6 134.3 0.48 .41 .46 [45 0.26 .51 .32 .38 .44 0.8 1.5 .8 1.0 1.5 0.90 1.19 .89 1.29 2.01 .42 .60 '.rs i 33 Average . - 184 20.9 112.5 8.9 113. 5 .42 .41 1.2 1.34 .61 20233— No. 22- OPPBESSED GROWTH. 18 1 103 8.7 87.9 0.47 Age class : Over 200 years. DO.MINANT GROWTH. 7.3 218.9 OPPRESSED GROWTH. 130 THE WHITE riNE. nenin of sample tr A.-MICHIGAX-Coiitiiiiu.l. (13) SITB «. ['JOO to 1,000 fuel, above sea 1 ell drainod, with 2 to 3 inclu FiircKi rondilions: Hardwoods (69 per cent) mixed witli White Pine (31 per cent) situated on a slope (angle 10°); undergrowth scanty, of young Oak and Beech. (The single Keau of clay ami sto story 8tau undergrowth dense, of \'hite Pine, 56 per cent; Number of trees ; 76. White Pino. .pert ACKE YIELD. White Pino. Maple. Number of trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. Volume. Number of trees. 1 Bole. Mer- chantable timber. (breast high). Height. 1 Inches. n i- 18 '," 24 27 29 33 34 35 38 Feet. 12U 12U ■ 135 Culncfeet. 64 105 71 79 88 90 105 114 420 480 384 021 924 247 1,040 280 891 1,200 367 429 FeetS.M. 18 3 Inchet. 3 to 6 6 to 10 10 to 14 Feet. 40 60 80 Elm. 2 6 to 10 60 Yellow BiToh. 1 4 4 6 to 10 14 to 18 \ 80 43 trees: Total cubic fee t .. . 8 119 33 trees: Total f««t/R M ' 1 i;}2 Taiii-K Vl.—.lcreiii'hh B.-AVISCONSlN-Coiitiiiue,l. THE WHITE PINE. /((/(• I'hir mid iiicitxiiremcntu i>f xampU Ircis — Coiitii I w. --tory stand, White Pii 1 ' 1 1 rh. Elm or Uasswooil. or li •in;; llie uppur htory anil Iiardwoods Iloriibeani) tliel"W(!rster Density of crown cover: (?) niiixed with White Pine. Rock Mapl Height. Volume. Number of trees. Diameter (breast high). Number of trees. (breast high). Bole. ch^^able timber. Inches, e to 10 18 10 20 Cubicfeet. 20 384 1,992 800 988 2,240 2,376 2,448 Feet B.M. 36 10 Inches. 3 to 6 6 to 10 Feet. 40 60 Yellow Birch. 4 20 4 20 8 31 ; 1 n 1 12 6 to 10 4 10 to 14 4 1 14 to 18 60 ) » Fir. 4 3 to 6 »l 76 trees: ToSifZ'R^ . 72 810 134 THE WHITE PINE i/iclils of White I'inc iinil meaniir vea — C'ontinuod. -WISCONSIX- i» per cent) mixed wit-Tl hardwoods (47 por iTiiiixed with Yellow Birch and scattering I ) ; moderately dense undergrowth, of very Aku of pine: 160) years. Density of ore ACRE YIELD. White Pine. Bock Maple. Elm. Numher of trees. Diameter (liieast high). Height. Number of trees. Diameter (breast high). noigbt. Number Diameter Height. 1 Mer. Bole. chantablo Jnche,. Ferl. Cubiefeet. FeetS.M. Inches. Feet. 1 inckc. 13 44 18 3to 6 40 1 6tol0 60 15 19 OtolO CO 1 ! 14t«18 80 17 18 19 8U 87 6 10 to 14 14 to 18 } 80 i 120 ^ Banswood f % Yellow Eire 1. 25 185 1 aotoio 00 26 400 648 6 to 10 60 Fir. 29 494 1 T,20 15 HO 3;i 030 18 34 140 334 19 35 36 37 1,203 423 42 43 44 46 1,074 562 584 638 r>0 trees: M trees. 19 trees. Total cnbic feet 12.160 Total feet li.M 73,000 A verage anntial accretion : MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE TREES Age class: ]00 to 150 years. Tr<-.. number, 1 Arc. Diameter hife'b). Height. VoUlmc of tree. Factor of shape. Ratio of lengtli "tototal" height ol Average annual tion. Tears. 107 104 102 120 101 Inches. 18.6 18.0 18.7 19.3 14.0 Feet. 86.0 80.0 86.5 90.0 75.0 Ou.ft. 63 70 74 81 41 0.39 .49 .45 .46 .52 0.44 :6i ..55 .40 .07 .73 .68 .41 47 48 50 Average . . . 25 . .. 107 102 102 100 102 103 112 118 105 17.7 111 14.0 18.8 17.0 5.6 83.5 77.5 73.5 75.0 79.5 83.0 86.0 86,5 41.5 m 34 30 40 56 97 81 69 4 .40 .49 .51 .57 ..■■12 .43 .49 .60 .56 .52 .30 .48 ..^7 ..58 .49 .50 .41 .,5(i .61 .34 .35 .46 .55 :?S ..59 .38 26 27::::::;;;;:::;:: 29 32: Average . . . 1 105.5 104 104 101 106 100 105 102 105 15.0 15.3 15.8 16.5 19.5 14.0 17.0 10. 5 18.6 75.0 91.0 96.0 98.0 100.0 94.0 104.0 lOli.O 109.0 53' 52 63 65 95 50 72 08 96 .51 .45 . 50 .44 .4.1 .50 .44 .43 .47 .46 .54 .50 .01 .64 .90 .50 .69 :9i ..51 .41 ;38" .45 .41 .38 7 g Average... 1 103 137 142 16.6 24.0 27.8 100.0 105.0 70 118 201 .40 :« .42 .31 .43 .68 .86 1.42 Average . . . 1.19.5 26.0 10(i. 5 1.^.9 .40 .37 1.14 TABLES OP MEASUREMENTS. 135 Table VI. — Jcro yields of IVhite Pine and measurements of sample trees — Continued B.— WlSCON.'ilN— Coutimied. MEASUREMENTS OP SAMPLE TREES-Continued. Age clots: 150 to 200 years- Tree number. Age. Diameter (breast high). Height. Volnme of tree. Eaetor shape. Ratio of length height of "tion! Years. 207 200 208 195 197 196 205 198 217 197 210 202 205 205 204 225 206 207 204 205 200 201 Inchet. 19.0 20.3 22.6 24.2 24.2 23! 5 25.8 29. 5 29.0 31.0 30.5 33.3 25.6 25.3 28.2 28.5 28.5 32.0 32.0 34.0 28.3 Feet. 94.5 101.0 96.0 97.0 112.5 116.0 113.5 106.5 114.5 115.0 115.0 127.5 120.0 100.5 110.5 110.0 103.0 119. 111.5 115.0 117.0 119.0 Ou./t. 100 121 133 146 154 161 166 192 236 253 282 304 161 175 175 183 213 274 281 285 208 0.50 .44 .45 .43 .41 .40 .47 .43 .35 .45 .42 .44 .42 !« .'40 .40 .44 .44 .39 .40 0.45 .55 .40 .32 .54 .46 .42 .42 .58 :59 .47 .43 .39 .51 .60 .43 .34 .54 .69 .43 .61 Cu. ft. 0.45 .50 .58 .68 .74 .79 .78 .84 1^20 1.20 1.40 1.48 !86 .78 .89 1.03 1.34 1.37 1.43 1.03 14 17 21 24 27 31 34 Average . . . 204 195 27.0 16.0 111.0 108.0 195 75 ■ .47 .47 .49 .44 1.75 .38 35 201 191 216 220 207 207 204 209 200 212 210 212 214 206 220 210 210 210 22.2 29.0 28.5 34.5 35.0 95.0 116.0 120.0 128.0 126.0 115 216 262 308 342 0.45 .41 .49 .37 .41 0.63 .55 .52 ..56 .39 0.57 1.13 1.21 1:^6"5 39 Average . . . 29.8 34.0 35.5 35.0 34.0 1! 38! 37.0 42.0 43.0 50.0 117.0 118.0 121.0 116.0 120.0 141.0 128.0 114.0 127,. 127.0 140.0 144.0 138.0 249 274 305 i i 399 506 677 720 .43 .37 .37 .40 .42 .37 .37 .40 .37 .42 .38 .40 .39 .51 .55 !42 .50 .64 .47 .46 .61 :56 .51 1.19 1.34 1.40 1.53 1.48 1. .54 III 2.41 2.75 3.46 7 Average . . 210 166 151 167 155 155 38.0 25.0 29.5 28.7 29.0 28.0 128.0 105.0 103.0 96.0 101.5 113.5 401 158 175 176 201 217 .39 .44 .36 .41 .43 .45 .52 .38 .52 .55 .52 .41 1.91 .95 1.16 1.05 1.30 1.40 Tit" Average.. 159 28.0 104.0 185 .42 .47 136 THE WHITE PINE. Tablk VI.— .lore i/ields of iriiile Tii B.-WISCON.SIN-(', (3) SITR e : nd vieasiiremenls of sample ire m Connty. subRoil, Age of ; Soil: CAnyvy loam mixed witli sand and stones, loaf cover um.I. i liiil l,y j ty :i inches i clay in ]ilaces and in others sand. yu u> 100) veara Forrtl r.mWiont: Ridges covered with White Pine (fir, i.. r . ...l ) iT.hrmixod with hardwoods (33 Density of irowil cov Iier crnt). mainly Kock Mai»le, few Yellow Birch, IlornlMarn, l;a>,swnod, and occasional Elm. witli scattering Fir (2 per cent) and Red Pine (1 jur cent) ; hollows sometimes full of wateri hut more often open, grassy swamps, with Alder and Hackmatack, fringed by pine. Numlur of trees IOC Clainficatim: White Pine. VCllE YIELD. White Pine. Red Pine. Number of trees. Volume. Number of trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. (breast high). Height. Bole. Mer- chantable timber. 10 Inches. "ll 13 H 15 10 17 18 ? 22 2;i 25 26 27 28 32 33 Feel. 80 100 110 130 CuUcfeet 40 112 304 78 270 520 464 130 432 316 0K8 248 918 1,308 1,110 796 426 1,920 548 FeetB.M. 2 Inches. 18 Feet. 100 Maple. 20 3 to 6 18 6 to 10 A Yellow Birch. .].„. 40 Hornbeam. 6 3 to 6 40 Basswood. 4 3t«6 j 40 Plr. 4 1 3to6 40 108 trees 58 trees. Total eet B. m::.::::::::::::::::::::: li\Z 1 \V€Tage annual TABLES OP MEASUREMENTS. 137 Table VI.~Acre i/iehts of Whitt Fine and measurements of sample trees— Continued. -'WISCONSIN-Continnpil. Soil: Clayey loam niisod with saml ami stonos, leaf ■ _• in ■ ■ Foregl conditio^ clay in pla "zst condi'^'" Elm! with a,- grassy swan Classification : Dominant... ()l)I.rB.^»«l Suppressed underlaid hy 2 to :j inches mold ; auhsoil Age of pine: 100 to 200 (few "• ,„ 90 to 100) years, with Wliite Pine (49 per cent) intermixed with hardwoods Density of crown cover: (?). , few Yellow Birch, Hornbeam, Basswood, and occasional I I'ine; hollows sometimes full of water, but more often open, lliickraatack. fringed by pine. ACRE YIELD. White Pine. Maple. Number of trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. Volume. Number of trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. Bole. Mer. chantable timber. 2 4 2 2 2 Inches. 6 to 10 •V 2.-) 24 20 27 28 29 30 ■.a 42 Fret. ] -" 1 1 100 no to 130 'cubic feet. 20 158 172 496 530 292 1, 530 370 1 1,990 1 420 450 480 548 652 1,074 FeetJS.M. 26 16 2 Inches. 3 to 6 6 to 10 10 to 14 Feet. 40 60 80 Yellow Birch. 2 23 80 Hornbeam 10 3 too 40 54 trees: Total cubic fee Total feet B.M I :::::::;:; . 9,200 . 41, 160 56 trees. 138 THE WlITl'E PINK. lieUlH of While I'hw tuid meii8iiremeiilii l wiMi ,.iri.i m.I i - I. cl»yinjlace»,u.l Forest conditiont : l.i L percent), mainly 1 1 Am Vo. tl. ■ji.,:;i,Hl , .iH.t.l, subsoil. Age of pine: 160 to 100) years. 1 i,.l,>,.,„ls(38 Density of crown 1 ,w,:ilElm, NumlK-r of treeM White Pine. «j^7,«r.-^""''-^'^":'"''''"' "''''•"''"■ •^"'' k. irijiyeil l,y luu.. Oj^essed............... ......... ........... 04 ACRE YIELD. White rine. Maple. Number ottreea. Diameter hi'lm. Height. Volume. Number of trees. Bole. Mer- chantable timber. (breast high). Height. 11 Inchet. OlnlO 11 i:i 15 17 19 20 25 •M 27 2K 29 30 31 32 34 35 31! 38 40 Feet. 80 imi 110 130 140 Cubiefeet. 28 '52 715 360 516 496 536 876 012 856 555 199 852 228 1,200 518 274 360 445 1 490 Feel 11. 31. 22 Inche,. 3 to 6 6 to 10 Feet. 40 60 Hornbeam. 3 3to0 40 Basswood. ■ 4 2 3to 6 . 6 to 10 40 Fir. 5 3 to 6 40 85 trees: Total cubic fee Total feet B.l 49 trees. Average animal a ccrelion: Vhite Piu , 02 cub 298 fi.ot B^M^- TABLES (W MEASUREMENTS. Tadle VI.— Jo-c yieUh of Ifhilc rim: and mcasiiriimuis of sample (i-ees— Continued. 139 15.— WISCdXSIN- MEASUUEMEN'J Atje class SAMI'LK TKKK! ) 220 years. A... Diiimetor (breast l,igl.). H,-ight. Volume or tri-e. I'-actor or slu,.e. Ratio of length ol crown to total height of tree. "tion* Teart. 204 210 207 200 206 205 210 214 210 Inches. 27.3 25.2 31.0 29.5 29.2 30.0 34.0 36.0 39.0 feet. 123.0 137.0 127.5 116.0 130.5 133.0 118.5 113.5 130.0 227 240 239 282 284 292 312 415 !48 .37 !46 .43 .39 .30 .38 0.59 .40 .35 .51 .29 .52 .37 .38 .49 l!l9 1.20 1.37 1.38 1.40 1.40 1.98 •J 7 Average.. . 207 211 228 220 207 204 205 212 204 31.0 20.2 23. 22.8 27.2 27.0 27.0 27.8 27.3 125.0 110.0 113.0 121.0 107.5 121.0 122.0 104.5 112.0 280 132 148 153 200 204 210 180 180 .51 :45 .48 .42 .43 .41 .41 .43 .04 .42 .45 .28 .43 ^51 .41 1.35 .03 !70 .97 L02 .85 .91 1'::::;;::;;::;::: Average... 211 25.0 114.0 177 .44 .42 .84 168 165 173 163 162 174 100 30.0 28! 4 17.8 25:4 121.5 120.0 127.0 91.5 101.0 108.5 104.0 206 224 257 72 130 167 166 0.35 .41 .46 .40 .46 .30 .45 0.49 .60 . .35 .34 .54 .54 .52 1.22 1.36 1.49 .44 .80 .96 1.00 23 Average. .. 107 26.0 110. 174 .42 .47 1.04 140 THE WHITK PINE. Table VI. H.-WISCOXSIN-Continucil. eUh of imie I'i itf sample Incs — Continued. Washburn Cnnnly. rnwTi sandy loam, niudium line srsiin, loose, de<>p, frosh. well draiaeil, with abuu- "'<■ An open Rtand of hardwoods (Ilock Maple. Yellow Birch, ami scattering BasB- h 11. Tiil.iok, and occasional Ked Uak, White Birch, and Poplar), in which White Pine -il 111 \nrvinf: proportions, on broken land, with frelt B WISCONSIN-OonliimuU. Soil; lied, <-oiiip:l(:t clav (blJick on top), well <"• fen 11 148 Tota feet B. M Tot 1 feet B. y ' . 66,005 ' 264 feet B. M. MEASTJEEMENTS OF SAMPl Tree number. Age. Diameter (breast high). Height. 1?!!°" Rings pcr^iSch stump. Volume. Factor shape. Ratio of length °tVto°tal' hcightof tree. Lumber product under present (percent "tota? volume of stem). Tree. Mer. chantable timber. Years. 194 199 197 196 199 189 186 189 197 183 Inches. 26.0 30.0 26.5 23.0 29.0 23.0 22.0 25.5 26.0 26.5 Feet. 116 114 105 95 103 104 104 105 101 Feet. 56 56 56 40 52 54 45 50 40 !fo. 6.6 7!o 6^3 7! 8 6.9 7^2 Cu.fi. 170.8 214.4 183.3 111. I 220.6 106.4 128. 176.1 155.7 151.2 Feet B.U. 908 1,273 997 490 1,290 534 643 791 760 0.40 !45 .40 .40 .35 .46 47 .42 .45 , 0..-il .61 .46 .58 .49 !48 .57 .50 .54 45 37 48 42 42 42 12 14 16 19 Average . . . 193 26.0 103 51 7.0 162.0 858 .42 .51 43 Age class: 230 to 250 ye 250 242 35! 158 150 94 1 82 , 7.5 6.2 416.3 376, 1 IT. .'37 0.40 .45 S3| 50 ; Average . . . 249 201 34.5 40.0 1 154 129 :| 6.8 5.0 396.0 401.7 2, 460 2,300 .40 .36 .42 .50 51 144 IK WHITI-: PINE. •KN'NSYI.VAMA-L MEASIKEMKNT.S OK SAMPLE TKUKS-t Aye cios*: 2U0 to 250 years. CODOMINANT OKOWTB. Tr. e uuiiibur. Age. (breast high). Height. Height t(. ImSeol- crowu. per inch stumii. Volume. Factor of shape. Ratio of length of crown to total height of 5r present practice vSie of 8t<:m). Tree. Mor. chantablo timber. o;:;;;;::::;;:::: Year: 245 232 25e Inches. 28.5 23.0 23.5 Feel. 132 132 141 Feet. 94 78 9U No. 7.0 9.3 10.1 160.6 192.7 FeetB.it. 1,066 0.44 .42 .45 0.29 .41 ..12 51 39 40 5 Average . . . 244 229 234 (f) 231 229 25.0 25.0 28: 27.0 SO.O 135 120 116 124 110 120 60 60 72 00 52 8.8 7.1 9.3 7.8 7.7 203.0 197.6 160.4 224.2 190.2 268.0 1,138 1.100 888 1,348 1,070 1, 53.0 .44 .48 .48 .42 43 .45 .34 .50 .48 .42 .45 .56 45 46 46 50 47 48 I AveragB . . . 231 26.5 .18 61 8.0 208.0 1,188 .45 .48 47 Soil; Yellow chiyoy loam of mwlii [1 Ircsli, well drained, with 2 Age of pine III, I'ealierries, and scattering Density of < l.iMiinated shale of indefinite in places, rjs per cent), with occasional Number of I i;i toward southwest, bordered 1 y ilense, of very young Beech, 240 to 260 years. AUKE YIELD. White Pine. Hemlock. Maple. Number of trees. 1 volume. Number of trees. Diameter 'h%T Height. Number of trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. (breast high). Height. Bole. timber. Jncliee. 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 40 45 Fett. 120 120 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 135 135 135 135 Cubu/eet. } 360 1,370 } 570 651 257 Feet B.M. 1,360 0,420 3,000 6,600 TisOO 2, 300 4,800 3,300 3, 300 4,400 Inchet. 6 to 10 10 to 14 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2.^) 20 27 28 30 Feet. 80 to 100 I 6 to 10 UtolS Feet. }«to00 Beech. 2 10 to 14 l) .,, UtolS 1} 5" Birch. 145 1,220 145 390 145 800 146 1 511 145 [ 611 145 638 i 6 to 10 10 to 14 1 " 37 trees : St'?ieW . 9,028 . 52:260 95 trees: Total cubic foe Total font R M 90, 103 nual accretion: All t 360 foot B. M. TABLES OF MEASUREMENT!^ 145 Taui.e VI.— Jcre yirlds of llliitc 1 .•ENNSYLVAXLV-Coutiuiied. ; measiireiiieiil.f uf xatiiple trcen — Cn MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE TUEES. ■iveL- number. A|,'e. Dia.neler (breast higb). Height. "£?" Volume. Kaetor of Ratio of length of crown to total height of Lumber product under present practice 'SdTf* total volume of stem). RillKS per inch on stump. Tree. Mer- chantable timber. Tean. 260 260 259 241 244 262 265 250 266 245 248 259 262 263 241 261 Inches. 35.5 36.0 32.0 32.0 33.0 28.0 39. U 34.0 44.0 34.0 34.0 33.0 r. 31.5 37.0 Feel. 158 157 152 150 146 150 153 150 144 146 142 133 146 114 146 Feet. 90 90 84 62 88* 88 78 100 92 90 90 82 88 106 6 481.3 396.0 347.7 365.9 lltl 402. 4 638.4 366.7 373.4 304.5 369.2 275.2 307.7 482. 9 2, 079 2,384 1,648 3,318 2,397 4,388 2,248 2,318 1.770 2,220 1,458 1,853 2.970 0.40 .43 .46 '42 .43 !42 .42 .40 .42 .40 .42 .36 .42 .44 0.43 .42 !.59 .34 .43 .42 ;3o .37 131 .38 .43 .34 .27 58 69 55 50 54 47 54 49 57 51 51 48 50 44 50 50 J 37 Average . . . 255 1 34 1 147 88 7.0 390.0 2,507 .41 .39 52 CODOMINANT (iKOWTH. 28 25 262 244 245 246 264 264 262 235 230 244 LI 262 235 IT. 259 264 262 261 28. 5 28.5 25.0 31.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 32.0 30.0 23.0 25.0 26.0 24.5 26: 26.5 25:5 20.0 138 138 130 130 140 152 142 142 141 147 139 136 124 128 130 141 132 142 75 107 84 82 100 110 112 86 84 81 93 98 98 93 108 98 90 84 88 99 9.8 7.7 9.3 7.3 8.4 8.5 9.5 264.3 298. 1 192.1 310.3 300.4 291.4 302.8 248.6 287.7 305.3 200.0 217.1 257.2 214:1 1^:1 276. 5 191.8 239.9 1,551 1,954 1,102 1,731 1 1,905 1.631 1,854 1,318 l:§t? 1,048 i;389 815 1,183 1,021 1,336 1,577 863 1, 322 49 43 45 47 45 40 30 44 48 46 51 40 49 40 46 41 40 0.45 .22 .35 .37 ■i '.39 .41 !37 .30 .28 :?^ .28 .32 .40 .33 .30 49 54 48 46 52 47 51 44 48 53 42 47 45 41 46 47 37 40 5 , ; 7.5 9.6 9.3 9.2 9.2 9.1 31 32 Average . . . 2.53 27 138 93 9.0 •250. 1,421 44 .32 47 S:::::::::::::::: 39 40 259 in.O 132 ! 94 2611 23.0 137 ' 96 2.)8 20,5 123 109 261 16.5 120 82 11.6 138.8 683 0.53 11.1 1 189.6 987 .48 13.0 1 130.9 558 .40 13.7 89.6 1 339 j .50 0.29 .30 .11 .31 41 1 43 35 31 1 Average... 259 ; 20.0 , 128 95 12.3 1 137.0 j 642 [ .49 | .25 _3_^ 20:i33-]sro. 22- 14G THE WHITE PINE. Tahi.h Vl.—Acrciiuldxo/ Ulnlv /'i 'I In iif sample trt-i -PENNSYLVAM A- (3) Site*. (;learlield Ouiiiitv I l.aoo to 1,500 feet above 8 , level.] Sail: yellow < Invoy loam, of medium grain, wrtli fiiio slialeu, ileop, fresh, well diaiiieil, wi 3 )iielieH mold on top, and giirfaeo cover of scanty leaves, Kern, Dogwood, and ISlackli i^ubsoil, liiniinaled shale of indefinite depth. Forest coiidilwim: Hemlock (47 per cent) and White I'im^ r30 per cent) with scatterinj- lieei occasional lUack Itirch (liardwoods 23 per cent) ; uM Wl.ii. I'liii, mixed with Maple, Beech, Hemlock, and scattering Yellow and w liii. 1.11, h w lit. in. I itid Oak. and occasional Black Cherry, in a valley sloping toward .....iiiIum -I ami l,(iT(l( 1..I ..II iill sides by hills over 300 feet above station i undergrowth moder- atul.i a. usi , ol .^ ..uii,^ lluinlock. Beech, Maple, Birch.' HALF-ACRE YIELD. White Pine. Diameter (breast high). Volume. Number of trees. Height. Bole. Mer chantable timber. Inches. Feet. Cubicfect Feetli.M. 6 50 7 50 12 10 50 115 10 50 OU 12 00 150 170 16 184 17 80 45« IS 19 20 80 80 80 ins 270 80 I 750 2 23 80 ) 80 trees: Total feet B. M 14,006 , 41 cubic feet. Table VII.— ./ere ijields of i A.— PENNSYLVANIA-Coiit TABLES OF MEASITREMENTS. 149 i-lh Whiti- Pini, with measurements of i/oimij pine taken for aim/.i/sis— Continued. Ualf ncr,' Xo. :. ' Crock, Ago of pino: 60 to 80 i 1.5 to Numborof trees: 232. HALF-ACRE YIELD. White Pino. yol„n,e. Number of trees. Diameter (breast Height. 1 Mer. ' high). Bole. Ichantablo timber. Inches. Feet. CiMc/eet FeetB.M. C 50 5C 50 114 JO 115 14 50 210 60 60 200 CO 10 6I] 80 176 184 14 80 708 22 80 1,050 24 25 80 154 trees: Total cnbic foe t 5,0^6 Total feet B. M 24,173 ■ticin: Wliite Pine, 72 cubic feet. MEASUUEMENTS OF SAMPLE YODKG PINE TREES. ainly White Oak and Tree number. Age. Di.imotor h'igi," Height. Height to base of Rings per inch .stnmp. Volume. Factor of shape. Ratio of length of crown to total height of Lumber -nmSer' total of stem). Tree. Mer- cliantablo Tears. 123 132 134 128 inct^s. 29.0 20.0 22.0 31.0 Feet. 84 81 81 90 Fei-t. 34 20 10 20 .Vo. .3.5 5.7 5.7 3.8 CuKc/eet 78.1 81.6 193.8 Feetli.M. 027 369 369 935 0.36 !,38 .41 0.60 .75 .80 .77 37 a 38 40 Average. .. 129 25.5 84 22 4.7 124.0 575 I .40 , .73 38 I Oppressed for the last forty years. i:o THE WHITE PINE. ere yieldii iif sicond-gronth U'liilr I'l tf yniiiKj pine taken for nnuhjuis — Continued I loose, I'rcsh, ileep, A.-PENXSYI.VANIA-Continuod. iioU: KpilillAli-brown Anndy loam of abnniiant leaves. I'orent cmidiliorui: Ilarilwoods— mainly Hunch. Oak, Maple, Chostntit, a White Pnie, PiteU l*inG, Hemlock, and occasional Spruce. MKASUUEMENTS OF SAMPLE TOUNO DOMINANT OnOWTH. id Birch-mixe< I'lNE TREES. Tree number. Arc. Diameter (breast bigh). Ueight. Height to base or Kings per inch stump. Volume. Factor of shape. Katioof oSwn to^tota" height of tree. Lumber product under present praclue 'Sse-rof' total volume Tree. Mer- chantable timber. rrar». 163 98 92 97 Inches. 2D Its 31.0 19.5 r<-<-t. 116 84 73 97 70 Feet. 50 32 32 20 No. 5.0 3.5 4.3 2.5 4.3 121.2 76.1 210.0 67.0 Feet P. St. 947 530 ,'i60 976 363 0.36 !41 .42 0.57 .62 ^67 .66 40 30 40 40 45 J Average . . . 96 24.0 82 30 3.5 118.0 557 .43 .63 40 .Soil: Froflh sand, well drainctl. rarest CfmdUwns: A young Wliite I ing iKirdwoods. , ITpniloek, and f Volume. Lumber -unr E.ltio of Rings length of crown pres,nt Tree number. Ago. (breast higli). Height. base of • Mer- EB crown. stump. Tree. height of tree. total volume of stem). Tean:. Inchct. Fret. Feet. No. Oubio/eer Fetin.M. 54 28.7 14.5 58 20 2.7 31.4 144 38 8.5 50 20 4.8 9.5 43 .48 .00 36 47 8.0 32 .45 .61 37 52 .60 49 11.5 46 18 :i.6 15.7 69 .01 31 52 9.5 63 .46 .00 33 .53 27 54 10.0 56 18 4.3 14.7 59 .48 .68 33 Average ,53 10.5 52 19 4.2 16.0 65 .47 .04 33 I feet above sea level.) iwn.yellowisb coarse grain full of 8ha".«s, Age of pine: 120 to 130; naves. Density of crown covei ind Chestnut Oali, with scattering White (scattered). ine (3), and Norway Pine (2), on a sleep hill dense, of young hardwoods of same species ACRE YIELD. TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 151 Taulk VU.—Ar-re yields nf xcconA-ijrowlh While Pine, irith measiiremcnls of i/oiing pine (akin fur analysis— Contiu A.-l«ENNSYLVANIA-C-..iilinno(l. MEASITREMENTS OP SAMPLE YOnN"G PINE TREES. Vol ime. Lumber product Ratio or under Diameter Height to bale of per inch Factor length of present Trco number. (briMst neight. crown practice high). stump. Tree. Chan table timber. shape. height of tree. used of total volume of stem). Tear>. Inches. Feet. Feet. No. Feet n.M. 40 4.8 88.6 404 6.47 0.48 39 I 86 5.4 115.8 483 4'' .67 34 124 22.0 87 34 5.5 99.0 432 43 61 i 116 18.5 79 36 0.2 63.9 122 19.5 85 li (?) 24.5 83 124.5 068 44 94.5 429 0.4 127 19.5 88 40 i.l 92.0 :54 10 122 15.0 70 3G 7.1 46.2 161 49 .52 11 17.0 84 36 6.9 ATerase... (?) 38 78.0 293 45 .50 37 123 20 83 37 6.0 84.0 383 .45 .55 Birch aud Hemlock.' Clearfield County. [1,200 to 1,500 feet above sea level.] ilr, |i, fresh, well drained (three small 1 " :t inches mold on top, surface cove r.lackberrj', and Dogwood; sulisoi s the Age of liino : 25 to 35 j shale Density of crown co\ iiiii I'm. iiuri mixed with young hardwoods in hollow extending north i>n I lid wi-»t liy liill over 2 feet .above station: undergrowth dense, of hardwoods, mainly Black Birch, Maple, and Beech, and few White ACRE YIELD. White Pine. Number of trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. volume. Bole. Mer- chantable timber. 154 41 54 34 Inches. Under 3 3 to 5 OtolO 10 to 14 14 to 18 Feet. Onbicfeet. 6i:5 432.0 612. 42.0 FeetB.M. 16 to 37 40 to 47 42 to 50 285trec^ ienbicfe Average annual Kin.-iU: Ironwooil, 2 small; Ctiestuut, 2 small; Willow, 10 small; liemluck, 50 small. 152 THR WHITE PINE. Taulk VII. — AiTi ijiiUh of wfund-ijioiilli ll'liitc I'iiic, with meanuri:menl« of t/ounij pi)i A.— PKNNSYI,\'AXIA— Coutiimed. MKASrUEMEXTS OF SAMPI.K YOlNd PINK TUEE.S. Tree number. Age. Diameter (breast high). Height. Height to base of crown. Rings per incli stump. Volume of tree. Factor of shape. Katio of length "to^tota" (Might of Teart. 33 36 35 34 Jnches. 13.5 14.0 12.5 13.5 Feet. 43.8 47.0 4!).0 43.0 Feet. 11.0 14.0 18.5 12.0 No. 1.0 1.9 2.1 1.9 Ou^eft. 20.9 18.8 18.1 ^45 .42 0.75 .70 1 Average... 34 1.3.4 46.0 14.0 1.9 19.7 .44 .70 CODOMINAKT GROWTH. U 32 ! 1. 9- 42.5 47.0 45.0 41.8 41.5 19.5 28.0 28.0 22.5 14.8 1.7 2.5 3.b 3.9 12. C 10.9 7.7 C.7 6.2 U.45 .47 .48 .45 .47 ^ „ 31 34 34 34 9.5 8.0 8.0 7.2 40 38 46 7 Average... 33 8.8 43.0 22.0 2.9 8.6 .46 1 .48 OPPRESSED OROWTH. 3. 33 29 6.0 5.2 5.0 3.8 4.7 4.3 4.0 2.8 2.1 0.51 .55 .48 ,, 8 37.0 32.5 21.5 14.0 .42 .57 Average... 31 5.4 36.0 20.0 4.3 3.0 .51 ..-.".I SUPPRESSED UHOWTH. s.. 2.. .3-. Average . . . 27 30 24 3.0 3.3 3.1 27.0 23.5 27.8 13.0 9.0 14.0 7.0 7.1) 0.7 .7 .6 0.53 !47 0.51 .61 .49 3.1 3.0 2.5 26.0 16.0 24.0 12.0 16.0 7.0 7.4 4.8 5.9 .7 .48 .1! :^? .54 1.00 4.. Average . . . 23 2.7 20.0 11.0 6.3 .3 j .50 .85 Forest County. A'oil : Yellowiflh-hrown clayey loam, witli ^ and on tlic west by Hickory Crceli, :: i and Fern; subsoil, limiinatcd shale of ji Forest conditions: Young Wliito Pine inlu soutliwcHt; undergrowth >ovesealevnl.J 1 rained on nouth by licaver Creek Age of pine: 40 t III top, and surface cover of leaves Uensity of crow (in places thick i Iwoods and occasionn! Hemlock (Ui .ma in other 3ung Hemliiik, ISin-li, H.-fcli. » > 50 years. 1 cover: 0.8 nd crowded, d.ieea open- liber of trej>s: (.'). ACRE YIELD. White Pine. Diameter (breast Voiume. Height. Mer- high). tiniber. Inches. Feel. Cubic/i-et. FeetB.M. 144 { 3 and under 1 49 5 46 34 572 23 ) 24 54 28 9 54 21 .54 J 12 U 58 1 12 58 58 1 30. 14- 15 61 61 } 56 TS-1-248 small; lieech, .--lO+lOO small; Maple, 46+108 small; Oak (Whiteand II; Yellow liireh, 1)0+ 189 small; IronwooU, 13+100 small; Black Cherry, .Vspcu, Uuttornut, and ^Vate^beecb. Table VII. — Acre i/hldn of sccond-'jroioth White Pine, with measu A.-PENNSYLVA>'IA-Contiiiueil. MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE YOUNd PINE DOMINANT OROWTH. TABLES OP MEASUREMENTS. 153 Is of yoiintj pine taken for analysis — Continued. X.. „„„„... Ago. Diameter (breast high). Height. Height to crown. Eing.s por inch stamp. Volume of tree. Factor of shape. Ratio of oS'^n to total -•JS." 3 Tears. 46 44 47 47 45 47 47 48 47 Inches. 12.0 11.5 12.5 11.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 Feet. 00. 58.5 55.0 59.0 06.0 58.5 60.0 59.0 68.0 55.0 Feet^. 20 18 30 28 28 34 .32 30 28 jVo. 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 i:? 3.3 3.6 3.1 Cubic ft. 20'0 19.4 18.7 18.3 17.9 17.3 16.4 16.3 15.4 0.43 ;4i .48 .45 .49 .48 .51 .40 .42 0.62 .55 .67 .49 .50 .52 .43 .46 .48 .49 5 Average . . . 7 4G 47 46 11.11 14.0 14.0 58.0 64.0 58.0 28 34 22 3.3 11 18.0 29.6 26.9 .45 .43 .43 .52 .47 .62 15 Average - . . 40 14.0 61.0 28 3.0 28.2 1 .43 .54 18 43 43 46 45 44 45 45 43 47 44 5 56.0 52.5 .53.0 58.0 58.0 46.0 50.0 54.0 5o!o 28 30 28 30 32 23 30 28 20 36 13.9 13.9 13.7 J3.1 12.9 11.4 10.0 9.6 9.2 8.6 50 48 47 46 47 46 51 51 44 50 43 48 44 59 40 53 IC 5 5 11 17 J Average . . . 44 9.0 54.0 28 4.4 11.5 48 49 OPPRESSED OEOWTH. 27 20 25 ;:;;;; 1 7.5 7.0 7.5 5.0 5.5 48 fe 45 46 22 30 30 28 38 5.0 5.0 5.2 6.9 6.8 7.9 6.6 6.1 3! 6 0.54 .53 .43 .50 .47 0.54 1 .34 .35 23 Avera 44 .17 ge... 43 6.5 46 30 5.8 5.4 .49 .35 1 154 THE WHITE PINE. Taim.k VII. — Ji-rr i/ielih of second-groirih ll'liite I'int, with meaaiinmenln of i/oiinij jiine Inki'n for anahjs'it — Continued. B.-MAIXK: (1) SiTBa: York County. Sample .in^i : One h.all' .icre. Soil: (ii-ay 'tr lirn^-n ftr-r- In.im v *^rtn.! i(«-.-m VirMt, 2 to 3 inclios mold on top and leafy surlacp Aye of pine: 90 to 100 yearfl. cover,";iii'' ' I I i.m.d.lv ~..fn. h.i IhI.i- sinl.i.r. Density of crown cover; 0.5. Forest cottili' a ii- Imu iii ■ ii-;ii,j I :., I oak and White Oak and occasional Norway I>ineoii:il< i n::. ' [ I' ;i:. hii^r of Small Honilock and Buecll and uunierous small M:ii.i. nil I 111 Nnmberof trees: 118. Clamifirali.m: White Pine. liimiimiiit percent.. 26 Coilominant do.... 40 Oppressed do.... 18 Siii>pre3aod do 16 HALF ACRE YIELD. White Pine. | Diameter (breast high). Volume. 1 Number of trees. Height. Bole. Lha"„?^b,J 1 timber. Inches. Fen. Cubie/eet} Feet a.m. 10 75 42 75 192 12 75 233 120 85 75 322 154 332 l,"-. 85 384 10 85 85 18 85 690 19 85 1, 323 20 85 22 534 23 85 060 95 250 25 95 280 2G 95 560 118 tree i- Tot il cubic feet 7,383 MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE YOUNG PINE Tl Afje clasx: 90 to 100 years. nOMINANT (illOWTII. T..eenu,.,„e,.. A«e. Diameter (lireast high). Height. Kings peHnch stump. Volume of tree. Factor of shape. Ratio of length of crown to total height of Current annual accretion. Average accre- tion. 7 year,. 98 92 98 92 92 97 97 90 102 100 Inehc. 28.0 28.0 25.0 2.5.5 25. 22.0 20.0 22.5 20.0 20.3 Feet. 1011 103 92 91 98 102 91 100 103 No. 2.9 2.7 .3.2 3^2 3.8 3^4 4.1 4.3 Cubic ft. 175.3 161.0 140.3 130.3 131.7 Jilt 115.1 104.0 98. B 0.41 .36 .40 .42 .44 .46 .35 .46 .47 .41 0.00 .61 .48 .56 .46 .49 .45 .52 .43 .40 Per cent. Cu./t. Cu./t. 12 17 18 21 Ifi 2o::;::::::::'' Average . . . 90 23.7 97 3.5 130.0 .42 ..■iO 1 1 CODOMINANT ( 4 101 08 98 89 99 89 20.5 19.5 19.0 16.8 18.5 18.5 18.7 17.2 17.2 95 99 90 99 92 80 79 • 87 89 .3.8 3.8 4.1 3.8 ii 4.0 9.3.3 88.4 84.9 71.3 on. 9 08. 4 07.2 0017 0.43 .43 .45 .40 .41 .48 .45 .49 .43 40 1 1 g gj 1 14 S-) 28 15 40 11 Average . . . 94 18.5 9, 4.1 74.5 .45 1 TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 155 Tahi.i-. VII.— .'loe yie.ldn of necond-growlh U'hite Vine, with measiirementii of ijoung pine taken for analijHin—Coi\\.'inmiii. B. -MAINE- MEASUREMENTS OF SAMPLE Y()0NG I'INE TREES— Continued. OPPRESSED (IROWTH. Tree number. Age. Diameter (breast high). IleiKbt. Kings pCMDCh stump. Volnme ol' tree. Factor of shape. Ratio ol' oK'n Current annual accretion. tion. 100 100 99 86 97 99 91 99 Inches. 15.0 15.0 14.0 14.3 13.5 12.0 13.2 12.0 Feet. 90 81 80 SO 80 No. 5.4 0.5 0.0 5.0 5.8 7.2 6.2 0.3 Cibic/t. 55.5 55.3 47.3 43.1 37.3 37.1 35. 9 30.7 48 (]. 27 rereent. Cii./t. Cu.fl. j^ 51 40 50 48 36 21 18 20 14 30 22 " }^ AveraRe... 90 13.. 80 O.U 42.8 DOMINANT 53 60 60 14.0 14.7 !5:'i' 61 o'l 3.2 3.3 3.1 2.8 34.2 39.8 42.8 60.7 0.52 '.U .47 0.09 ■I 5.4 4.0 4.6 4.4 1.85 1.159 1.97 2.07 0.62 1 .66 .71 Averiige... 58.5 16.2 64 1 3.1 44.4 .. .62 4.6 2.02 _^.J brown or loai ubsoil clayey, pr< Pine, with' scatti-i icanty, of Hazel j ■ir, on a level White Pine. ONE-FOURTH ACRE YIELD. While Pine. Nnnil.er of trees. Di.imeter ( breast Height. Volume. Bole. chan'tTble timber. Feet. Cubic feet. Feet IS.M. 32 7 55 256 7 45 330 84 55 840 T2 30 55 414 10 65 144 55 780 8 11 12 144 306 65 12 12 240 4 13 65 116 17 75 408 __ 328 trees: Total cubic fe 3t ' Intermixed speeiei: Yonng White Pine, 160; Hemlock, 156 Tabi.k VII.— .lere i/iehh of i: B.-MAIXK-Continiicd. THE WHITE PINE. iil-yniirtli ll'liile Vine, with measurcmcnln nf young pine taken fn MEASUUEMEXTS OF SAMPLE YOTINC. PINE TREES. DOMINANT (IROWTII. Tre imniber. Age. Diameter (brea.st high). Hciglit. Rings per inch stump. Volume nf tree. Factor of shape. Ratio of to total height of tree. Teare. 50 59 55 50 Inches. 14.5 13.3 12.8 11.8 10.2 11.0 Fert. 64 00 61 58 62 No. 2.8 3.8 3.3 3.5 X7 25.6 22! 21.1 0.45 .44 .45 .52 .59 .50 58 38 41 \i Average... 54 12.3 62 3.6 24.7 .49 .44 CODOMINANT GROWTH. JJ 52 50 51 50 51 50 52 10.0 9.0 8.8 9.4 8.1 8.4 8.1 8.0 8/7~ 59 58 58 54 56 55 56 57 4.3 4.3 4.6 4.3 5.1 tl 5.5 16.1 13.4 13.3 12.3 III 10.2 10.1 0.50 .52 .54 .40 .55 .50 .52 .50 1 .37 .39 20 7 Av('r.^ge... 51 57 4.7 12.1 1 .51 OPPREBSED GROWTH. 49 52 49 48 50 51 50 7 .. 53 54 51 54 58 47 54 -:.2 5.0 6.0 5.1 5.6 5.1 ^ 0.30 .26 .39 .4(1 .33 2 21 I 7 ? ! 9 9 8 50 53 52 50 51 25 19 17 Average... 50 ... 73 5.2 9.1 1 .52 .33 SUPPRESSED OROWTK. 14 55 48 46 46 48 50 48 52 63 57 (?) 49 1 5:7 i\ i n 11 ! 1:1 0.51 :47 .61 ..52 .48 .47 .52 .50 0.31 .28 .25 .27 .20 .56 .26 .43 6.9 13 6 5 6 5 5 15 23 . 24 Average . . . 50 1 6.8 48 1 7.2 4.5 .40 1 .31 TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 157 Tauiji: \ll. — .lcre ijielda of second-ijrowlh It'Ui. B.— MAINE- CouUuacil. 'iik measurements of young pive taken for analysis — Coutiuued. Suit: Urown Handy loam with littlo pebbles in it. deep, fresh, 3 inches black soil and mold on top. Age of pine: 50 to CO j and leafy eurtace cover; clay probably 8 to 12 inches below surface. Density of crown cov Forest conditioHf. White Piue, with occasional Norway Pine, on a slope to north 5° to lO^i Number of trees : 3U6. under-^rowth scanty, of Hemlock. Oak, and Fir. Olassilicatwn: White Pine. ONEFOURTU ACEE YIELD. White Pine. Volume. Number (breast Height. Mer- high). Bole. chantable timber. Inches. Feet. Oubie/eet. FeitJB.M. 65 28 168 20 55 160 34 65 1,008 24 240 32 10 65 576 8 10 75 168 4 75 100 16 12 65 408 696 8 13 16 75 552 4 65 132 12 14 75 462 8 4 16 75 184 4 75 204 Total cubic feet 7,202 iveraije annuat accretu White Pine, 131 cubic feet. One-half acre No. 3. rid, di'cp. fresh, and leafy surface cover: clay probably 4 to 6 feet below surface ■s; White Piue intermixed with Nor' ' ' ' ' ' - 'ifh , undergrowth scanty, of small a White Pi .perc .do.. HALF-ACRE YIELD. White Pine. Volume. Number of trees. Diameter (breast Height. Mer- chantable timber. Inches. Feet. CvUcfeet. FeetB.M. 7 55 26 8 55 260 65 638 6 55 69 38 111 65 684 10 U 75 250 28 65 616 75 14 12 65 357 13 75 138 65 174 2 75 77 2 15 65 73 314 trees: Total cubic feet 4,800 Average annual accretion : White Pine, 87 cubic feet. 8 THE WHITE PINE. ii.n Vll.— -loe ijiiidn of aecoiid-growlh White Pine, with measuremctUs of young pine taken for oim/i/sis— C'outiuuod. -.M AI N !•:— Coiitiuucd. MEASUKEMENTS OF SAMPLE YOUNG PINE TREES. DOMIHAKT GROWTH. Tree number. A«e. Diameter Ueifc'lit. Kings per iucb V„lun.o of tree. Factor of shape. Katio of bel-lil of Year. 89 85 ?^ 82 82 90 91 91 89 89 Inches. 21.8 10.6 17.3 19. ;i 18.8 17.7 18.5 17.2 Feet. 8G 85 87 71) 85 75 85 82 No. 3.7 4.0 \.i 3.8 4.4 4^5 4.4 76.5 09.5 09.3 08.0 07.4 60.6 06.4 03.7 0.40 .43 .48 1 .52 :% .41 '.it .46 .54 g J „ Avera 'e 18.6 21.0 83 85 3.3 70.8 123. 5 .45 .45 100 190 12.6 10.0 57 69 8.0 8.7 24.9 0.50 .53 0.54 1 ^ 95 11.3 03 8.3 22.5 .51 j 1 " 1 PENOBSCOT COUNTl Tree number. Age. Diami^ei (breast bigb). Ueigbt. Volume of tree. Fa.'tor of sbape. Katio of ofTrowD to total beiglit of tree. Curren aDiiiial tion. A verago tilil" Tear,:. 68 77 73 74 70 69 73 75 70 7!l 77 72 Inchei. 12.5 16.0 12.7 13.0 13.0 13.2 13.5 14.7 15.7 14.5 17.0 16.5 16.2 Feet. 70 62 80 80 77 82 83 83 81 82 74 78 85 C«..rt. 31.83 34.55 35. 51 30. 00 35.15 38.49 40. 43 43.20 42. 34 45.10 51.14 51.28 51.91 0.49 .39 .52 .51 ;« ;47 .43 ^48 !oi) '52 .35 !35 !43 .65 .30 Percent. 2.8 3.3 3.7 3.1 3.0 3.0 2^5 3.0 3.2 2.0 11 1.14 1.31 1.12 1.05 1.38 .85 l!51 1.44 1.02 1.95 1.04 Cu.ft. 0.48 .44 .48 .4« .50 .55 .55 .57 '.U ■*^ !7'2 10 2.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'.'.. Average . . . 73 14.4 79 41.30 .40 .44 3.0 1.21 .56 TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 159 Table VIl.— Acre i/ieldn of aecojid-growth White Pine, with measurements of young pine taken for uniilijiis—VoniiaxmA. C— MASSACHUSETTS: (1) Site a; Ilullirook, Norfolk County. Samijloarea; 1 acre. Soil : Yellowish-brown sandy loam, aliallow, loose, ilry, with 1 or 2 inches nioUl on top and a mod- Ago of iihin : 35 to 38 years. erately leafy i rest conditiont ; with scattering Hemlock and Whit I cover: 0.6. ACRE YIELD. White Pine. 1 Volume. oftreea. (breast high). "-"'■ .ole. Mer- chantable timber. 1U9 18 28 11 Indies. 8 11 13 15 17 F„:t. Cuhicfeet. 60 1,690 60 80 70 342 70 528 70 i 598 70 868 70 385 70 230 70 51 Feetli.M. 286 trees: Total Piiinc fn ' A verotje annual 131 cubic feet. ;te h : Pembroke, Plymduth Coiintj'. Soil: Yellowish-brown aarnly loam, medium grain, light, loose, fresh, with 2 to U ii top and surface cover of abundant leavea. Fun-sl conditions: Wliite Pino with scattering Oak, Maple, Gray Birch, and occasi* and Hornbeam: uuder;^ruwth moderately dense of above speciea of hardwoods. ACRE YIELD. Number of trees: White Pint 1 Volume. Number of trees. (l'>re,ist 1 Mer- hi-h). Bole. ichantable 1 timber. Inchcii. Feel. Cubic feet. Feet B.M 226 19 60 304 18 342 70 836 22 572 10 70 310 2 70 70 3 7(] 120 1 70 45 339 tree Tot 1 cubic foot 4,859 ^1 verage annual accretion: White Pine, 92 cubic feet. ' Intermixed species; Red Ccda high. lUd Oak, 1 over 6 iliclicH ili; inches .li. Irr;n,.l u.mI.-i 1" I- M Vndertjrvwth: Gray UircL, 21 i iiajjle. ' n iuches diamet4!r and un< .1.1 uuder 80 feet high: 1 oi ii. s diameter and over 40 ft I I high. Gray Birch, 1 ov •lies diameter aud over 40 1 1 ^Sassafras, 3. r 6 inches di.amcter and over 60 feet high ; from t high. Maple, 4 from 3 to 6 inches diameter aud - 6 inches diameter and over GO feet high : 6 from ■t high. Young White Pine, 69. 1(J() THE WUITK I'lNE. Tahi.k VII. — Aire i/ielitii of accuntl-yrowlli ll'hite I'iiie, tiitli mcusiircmciiln nf i/uuiuj jiiiic taken fur uiiali/sis—Coutimwd. C— MASSACirrSK'lTS-.Contiiiuucl (3) SiTB c .- .sou. IMiiiioiitb County n, poroua, light, lo".s. i> cover of abundaiil 1> lovol plain, origiinill I'.ut out, luaviDg yuuiii: diaiui-d, Willi Anv ACKE YIELD. White Pine. Volume. Nun,ber Diameter (breast Height. Mer. high). Hole. cbautable timber. Inches. Feet. Cubic/eet. Feet li.M. 127 8 65 21 70 399 :i9 U 70 70 770 15 70 70 2 17 70 102 2 18 70 112 __ 310 trees : Total cubic feet 0,188 White Pine, 123 cubic i with 1 or 2 inches mold Forent conditions: White! somewhat hilly site ; Weymouth, Norfolk County [180 feet above sea level.] urn grain, shallow, liybt, loose Sam]de area : 1 acre. 3, dry, and well drained, Age of pine: fiO y subsoil, gravel and stone. Density of erowii Maple and Horubeant on , Gray liirch, and Black Number of trees: AUKE YIKLU. White Pine. Volume. Diameter (breast Number of trees. Height. Mer. ■ high). ehantable timber. Inches. Feet. Cubic feet. Feet li.M. 174 8 CO :iG 10 OS 012 21 12 70 540 10 10 13 14 70 70 400 350 70 100 3 16 70 135 17 70 3 19 70 1S3 21 70 78 1 295 trees: Total cubic feet 4,923 Hemlock, 1; llLiyiiiic 7 from 3 to 6 iuches diameter iin, and surface cover of abundant leaves ; subsoil, yellow tine sand. ForeHl cmulitiims: Cultivated White Pine, with occasioual Gray Birch, on level plain ; undergrowth of scattering Oak aud Maple.' ACHE TIELB. White Pine. Volume. j Number ol' trees. Diameter (breast Height. Mer- high). Bole. chantable timber. Inches. Feet. Oubicfeet. FcetB.M. 240 8 10 55 55 2,160 15 42 672 u CO 41 R 15 1^ 13 14 CO ti5 390 429 15 C5 222 84 4 17 204 18 70 112 ■livit: White 1 ACKE YIELD. \<'ll drained, with about ;i itvcl of all sizes, hvoods and Pitch Pine. White Pine. of trees. volume. high?.' Ueight. Bole. ob^table tiuiber. 115 184 211 2 Inches. ■J to « fit.) 8 StolU 10 14 Feet. 20 30 30 35 35 Cubic/eet. Feet II. M. 1,055 423 11 46 560 trees: Totiil i-.ubif. fe 8t 1 530 iameter and uiuler 60 feet high ; 7 from 3 to C inches di: ■20SS.i-:So. 'S2 10; Maple, 8; Cherry, 3i Hiekoiy. 1 162 THE WHITE Tabi.k VII. — Ji^r j/ields of aecoiid ijroit'ih White I'ii inis of ijouiKj pint lakrn for antilysin — f'ontiiiiiod. C— M .VSSACll USETTS-Ci. (7) Site 3: [500 f Soil: Brown, iiciirly lilaik, siiiidy loam. miMliuTii grain iiicli<:8 Id (lu top, ami uiodoratcly lealy surface Band on low ground. Poretl cmKlitiaiu: White Pino on hill ; nndorgrowtb, de Chorry, Gray liircli, and other hardwoods. > ofMaploi ACEE YIELD. ■idgo, y..llowi.s Mome Ohestnn Nuuiliir of trees: 323. White Pino. Yoln^e. 1 Number of trees. Diameter Height. Mer. 1 high). Bole. .han table' timber. 178 1.CK... 60 ^^r- Fectli.M\ 10 60 32 : 817 2.1 70 59» 70 6,'il 15 70 100 2 18 70 113 1 323 trees: White Pine, 134 cubic and a nioderat'ely leafy f Forest cnndilionv : White Pi on a hill ; undergrowth. Worcester, Worcester County. [About 600 feet a'.iovo sea Icv.l. ACEE YIELD. White Pine. 1 i Volume. Number Mer. high). Bole. chanlable timber. Inches. Feet. 60 CiiUefeet. 1,930 Feelli.M. 30 34 13 70 70 70 741 748 338 70 .372 170 70 120 70 45 1 17 70 31 ^__ __,. 3U1 trees: Tot il cubic feet 4,520 'ine 141 Age of] I I'ine 0.8 (in 10 to 35 years, wn cover: 0. (i 9 0. 2 and U. 4). I ) Maile ^04 (mostly Striped Maple); Oak, 133; Chestnut, 19; Cherry, 11; t 1 under 00 feet high. Populiis grandidentala, 1 over inches diam- II d I niler 00 feet high ; 31 from 3 to fl inclies diameter and over 40 Hemlock, 1 over 3 inches diameter and under 40 feet high. Young TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. Table VII. — Jcre yields of second- tjroirtk ^Fkite I'ine, with measurements of young jyine take C— MASSACIIUSEXTS-Cujitiiiued. (9) Site i: XortUbridge, Worrester County. [500 feet above sea level.] Soil: Yellow sandy loam, fine grain, deep, fresh, well drained, with about 4 inches niohl on top, and a moderately leafy .surface uovetj subsoil, jtrobably ledge ruck. Forent conditipHg: White IMue, with occasiunaL Birch and Maple, on a 1 atfly dense, of Oak, Maple, and Chestnut.' ACRE YIELD. 163 -Contiuui^d. Age of pine Density of c Number of t Wbite IMne. Volume. of trees. Diameter (breast high). Height. Mer- Bole. Ichantable timber. Inches Feet. CubicMl- I-eet li.M. 284 50 1,007 ;i6 U 792 20 13 70 520 13 70 341 70 245 2 15 70 80 Tot 1 cubic feet 5,540 Avera'je amiu (10) SiTEj ■ WhiU' Piue, 158 cubic feet. Brooktield, Worcester County. [800 to 900 feet above sea level.] SuLl : Dark brown or black loam, fine grain, light, deep, frosli, well mokl on top and a moderately leafy surljute cover; subsoil, rock Forest condUions : White Pine, witli occiisiunal Pitch Pine and bard land; undergrowth dense, of various hardwoods, with Oak and ACEE TLELU. Number of trees : White Pine. Diameter (breast Volume. Number of trees. Height. Mer- Bole. ch»,.table timber. InchcH. Feet. Cubicfeet. FeelB. M. 1 10 55 15 33 10 60 528 60 475 14 60 364 7 65 231 1 15 65 37 303 tree Tot Icubicfeet 3,87:i Average annual o to 6 inches diameter and over 40 foot high. )ver40feet high; 1 over 3 inches diameter lie, 77. Poplar, 1 nver 10 iinht-;* rjidertjrowtk: Oak, numerous small trees), 1 Ifi4 THE WHITE riNK. Taiu.k Ml.— Acn .i/iine: 48 years. ■of Number of trees: 446. While Tine. V.— NHW^ HA3IPSIIIHK: (1) Site J: tlh meaKuremeiils of yitunij pine taken for analyaix — Coiiti liosrawen, Merrim [300 feet above s at«ly leafy surface c Forest condiliong : White rine. with scaUerins east to Ih.- Merriniai!k Uivef ami falls otf v look anil Hinall White Pine. I IS, loose, shallow, dry, well drained, er; subsoil, yellow s'and. Bd Pine ou aoraewhat uneven land, \ t to bordering: run: undergrowth o ACRE YIELD. 1 of iiine: 40 \, ■White Pine. | Volume. Nnmher of trees. Di.imetOT (breast bigh). Height. ! Mer. Bole, chantable 1 timber. Inche.. Feet. OvUcfeet. Feet 11. M. 150 20 195 6 to 8 50 1.365 65 50 715 50 11 50 112 511 70 13 M 14 50 25 16 1 50 39 1 es- Total cubic feet 2,832 on: White Pine, 71^ ITE m : Franklin, Merrimack County. [900 to 1,000 feet above sea level.] t:ioil : Brown s.indy loam, medium grain, compact, moist, well drained, with top and modefatelv leafy surface rover; subsoil, rock. Forest conditions: White Pine intermixed with Maple and Birch, on a hill; i ately dense, of young Maple. Birch, and other scattering hardwoods.^ ACKE YIELD. to 3 inches mold i idorgrowth, mode White Pine. Volume. o^T.'S^ Diameter (breast Height. 1 Mer. 1 bigh). ' 1 Bole. chantabVl timber. Inches. F^et C»iic/«(. Feet II. M. 298 8 00 2.980 7 60 47 10 70 893 70 836 13 70 70 70 40 10 70 45 Total cubic feet 5,406 and under 40 feet high ; 1 6 inclies diameter and r 40 feet high ; 1 over 3 di.ametcr and under 60 feet Wliito Bircli. 7 from 10 to iches diameter and over 40 er and under 60 feet high. 40 feet high. Chestnut, 1 Ho lo k 4 Asl 1 Pol lar 1 \sr, THE WHITIC rixR. Table VII.— ^ere yielda of second-firowth Whili- I'inr. with meamircmeiits of young pine taken for nnn//;»i»— Continued. -NEW lIAMPSIIIRE-ContiTiui-il i3) Site 71: lloiiUiuton. Mcrrinmck C'oimty [800 to !I00 feet above son level.] Soil: Urowa Cray, or nearly hiaek sandy loam, fine Krain, moist, well drai anil modenitelv leafy si'irfaco eover; subsoil, rock. Farrsl eonditionii: 'White Pine, with occasional Red Pine.on a hill ; nnder{;rci of Uemlock and soatterine hardwoods ; on occasions dead and littli- sii and triuiuiing done.' ACRE YIELD. I oti li»p Age of pine: CO to 65 years. White Pine. 1 Volume. Number of trees. (breast high). HHght. Eole. Mer- chantable timber. I,ichee. Feel. C„U^. FeelB.M. 43 10 70 817 48 11 70 1.056 70 93S 37 13 70 1,147 27 70 945 15 70 8 18 80 404 192 I 19 20 8(1 210 77 2 1 22 23 80 192 104 291 tree Tot 1 cubic fee . 7 870 Avermir annual accrelifu: White Pine, 127 cubic feet. iTEr. : Hoplunton, Merrini.ick Oon |800 lo flOO feet above soa 1p\ Snil ; Brown loam, fine grain, moderately loose, fresh, well drained, «■ top and leafy surface cover; subsoil, "rocks not very far down. Fnrent mndUions: White Pine with occasional Red Pine on a nortli slo moderately dense, of Elm, Maple, Hemlock, and occasional liardwiic ACRE YIELIl. White Pine. Yohune. Nnmber of trees. Diameter Height. Bole. -Tler.- Inchet. Feet. Oubicfeet. FeetB.M. 189 6 to 10 to 1,701 58 10 00 876 52 11 CO 988 598 27 13 CO 702 14 60 24 J 418 3 16 65 126 Total cubic feet .'■.,649 Average annual accretion : White Pine, 148 cnbic feet. 14 inches diameter and under 80 feet high ; Majdc, 1 over 1 Maples Hundl Uaks TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. 167 Table VU.—A<'re yields of second-growth IVhite Pine, with measurements of young pine taken for aim/j/sts— Continued. D.— NEW HAMPSniUE-Continncd. (5) Site p.' LitcliQold.Hillsboro Connt.v. Siiniplc aro.i; 1 acre. [About 2.'>0 feet above sea level.] .s-oii.Darkbrown sandy loam, line grain^ porous, ligbt,_ loose, sballow. dry, welldralned, with Age of pine: 35 to 40 .years. itli rlav about 4 to G feet Ite.low surface. Forest cundi'tions: White Piuo witli scattering Piteh Pi Maple, Biroh, and few other hard woods. > level pla ACRE YIELD. undergrowth j nty. 0.8. Number of Whit« Pine. 1 Volume. Number Diameter (breast Height. j Mer- Bole, ohantable ! I timber. Inchet. Feet. Onbic/eetJFeelli.M. 233 OtolO ! 50 480 11 1 60 301 19D 14 C.'i 396 222 IC C) 84 18 70 50 19 70 61 22 1 70 78 1 517 trees: 1 Tot 1 cubic feet 4 396 ■ White Pii ITE q : HJllsboro Couiity. [About 700 feet above sea level.] Soil: Brown loam, iiDe grain, deep, moist, well drained, with 2 to 4 inches moli ant leafy surface cover; subsoil, compact, clayey sand. Foretit conditions: White Pine with scattering: Maple and Hemlock on bil of Maple, Oak, Chestnut mainly, and. few other scattering hardwoods. ACRE YIELD. nd abund- Ago of pine Density of undergrowth dense, clusters. Number of t White Pine. 1 Volume. Diameter (l)rea3t Height. of trees. Mer high). Bole. chantable timber. Inches. Feet. Cubic/eel. Feel B.M. 153 lo 10 50 1,377 31 12 60 713 3 1 16 65 126 1 1 n 1 371 trees: Total cubic feet 4,503 ual accretion : White Piue, 107 t diameter nnd < 40 feet hish; 1 over ! rhes diameter and under 40 feet hi^h. 'J over ;i iiH-hea diameter and under 40 THE WHITE PINE. Acre i/ields of second-i/rowlh iriiile I'im, uith meaxii D.-NKW IIAMPSIIiriK-( (7) SlTK r; Milfonl, Ilillshoio ( 1 300 to 400 feet above ^ grain, flhallow. dry, well drained, wil l:int leav.'rt; Biib.soil, light colored and lope : inidergrowth, dense, of Oak niixe ACEE YIELD. Wliito Pine. Number of tr<«s. Diameter Height. Volume. Hole. chantlble tnnber. .139 32a 108 n 9 2 Inchel. 3 to 6 6 to 8 8 to 10 \\ 13 Feet. fo .■■.0 50 50 60 50 Cubicfeet. FeHB.M. 2,261 1,188 \t 38 44 794 trees: Total enhie flu ' .iiirn grain, loose, frcali, 1 foot deep, witli 2 indies mold on toj) and : 'ACRE YIELD. White Pine. Volume. Nitmbor Diameter Height. Mer. high). Hole. nbantjible timber. Inches. 3 to 6 Feet. 40 Cubicfeet Feet B.M. '■','" 6 to 10 50 2,124 12 55 357 10 ■ 55 240 ^l 14 330 3 10 00 117 2 1 1 20 70 72 21 ,0 78 503 tree Tot il cubic fe 4 674 ir 10 incheii diam&ter and over 50 feet high ; 1 over 8 inches diameter and under 50 feet high ; 3 from 3 Xio tJ .'h. .84; rbostniit, 41; Gmvliirrh, TABLES OF MEASUREMENTS. in;) Table VII. — Acre. ijirUl.i of necnnd-ijrou'tli Wliitc I'iiu; wilh iiiiasuremintK nf ijoiintj jilnc taken for anahjsh—i ]).-NKW lIAMPSnillK-Continueil. MEASUREMENTS A.jr SAMPLE YOrNfl I'INE TUBES. Tr 11 number. Ae„. Diameter (breast l.iSl,). Height. Feel. 44 Riiijls ,,eHml, stump. VollllUO of tree. Fiietor of shape. Ratio (if leiiutli of crown to total height of tree. Current annual accretion. ai^re- tioii. Tears. 41 41 41 Inches. 0.8 7.1 8.2 No. Cubic ft. 0.51 .56 .51 0.4:1 .51 51 rercent.\ Cutiicfl. Cubic /t. '.'■10 .24 3o:; 1 Average . . . 41 7.4 60 7.9 .53 .48 .25 1 1 31 42 42 42 9.7 10.4 8.7 63 65 16 21.3 13.1 0.50 .51 .49 38 1 1 38 1 1 51 1 1 u ■34 !■ ::;::;:::' .ll Average . . . . 9.6 66 1G.8 1 .50 35 1 ,,, 1 1 1 • '" \- 38 39 9.3 10.3 57 5 1 13.8 , 18. 0.51 .50 1 0,39 .40 \ 1 36 1 Average... 38.5 1 9.8 60 1 15,9 .50 .39 1 1 1 •" 1 1 , 81 77 17 74 4 48,2 52.4 0,42 .44 0,53 .55 4.6 3.0 2.22 1.57 0.1 .68 1 Average... 1 79 " 73,5 1 ' 50.3 i .43 .54 3.8 1.89 1 ....■" 1 SCHEDULES AND SAMPLE RECORDS. SCHEDULES AND SAMPLE R"ECORDS. FORMS USED IN THE INVESTIGATION. FORM NO. 1. United Stales Department of Agriculture. DIVISION OF FORESTRY. RECORDS OF TREE MEASUREMENTS. Name of collector: N. Species : White I'ine. Year: 1897. (JENKRAL IlKSCUIPTlON (Deiii.tea by capital state: Pennsylviiiiia. County: Clearlielil. Town: Duljoiu. Longitude: 78- 4.j . Latitude: 41° 3'. Altitude: 1,200 to 1,500 feet. General confisuratioii: I'lains liills plateau mouvtainous. General trend of valleys or bills : (Not noted.) Climatic features: (.Meteorological tables furnislied.) General forest conditions of the region: This region in 1870 extended over 120,0(10 carried ou for twenty years by Mr. Du Bois left for the jirese riie lumber ojieration standing timber in a iber of young bard- nly from 1,500 to :2,000 iiniueval condition. Three typical forms of forest conditions are suggested to the observer: (1) Hemlock and White Pine iorest, with an admi.xture of mature hardwoods :ind woods and voungII.-i,a..ck, winch lonu the undergrowth. , , ^, ^ ., ,, , ., , (•') HemldcTv mixed with Wliite I'iuc, with scattering hardwoods; the undergrowth usually moderately dense, consists maiiilv of vouii'^ Hendock with the admixture of Nouiig hardwoods. (3) Hardwoods intermixed with White Pine and scattering Hemlock. The undergrowth hcie consists mainry '■'^^'Tifout'^iriiardwoocls.the Oak, Birch, and Maple form the staple of the hardwood forest, while the Beech, Chestnut Hickory, Cucumber, Ash, Cherry, and Bas.swood ar.' comparatively few in number. Ihe region has a liSm soil and 8ub8..il as it may be.jud-e.l by the 8:unple areas NX. 5, 6, and 7, and is well provided with lumslure by the many streams crossing it :ill over in ditlVrcut directions. 173 174 THE WHITE PINE. FORM NO. 2. DESCKIPTIO.N OK SITE. [Denoted by small lette mtl soiitUwi-st, win: I'deieil Sample area, No. 5: (One :uie. ) Conlormation ul' surface: Hill slop: Narrow t'rcck. , . Soil ami draiua^'e conditions: Yellow clay loam of a medium {;rain (hue slialt with 2 lo :! iuclies mold on top. Siiljsiiil : Laminated eUalo of an indefinite depth. Soil cover: Scanty leaves, fern, and teaberries. Origin of stand: Natural regeneration. Form: Uniform; storied. White Pine forms first and Hemlock the second. Composition : A stand of Hemlock mixo;l with White Pine, intermixed with se; Undergrowth: Absent; dense; moderately dense; scanty; consists of very ,v sional Birch, Cucumber, .and Dogwood (Laurel in northeast corner). Density of stand: 0.7 (in places 0.8). Remarks.— Crowns of White Pine generally well developed; clear and stra 230 to 260 years. Age of Hemlocli almost the same as that of White Pine. ACRE- YIELD MEASUEEMENTS. lancli of Irish well drained, l-lering Ma mug Beecl ght stems. .\ge of White I'ine s Name of species. Uuilergmwlh. 1 White Pine. Hemlock. Maple. Beech. Birch. Diameter (breast high). It SS 2 3 s 2 - ~i - - ■s s s s s s 4 1 S 1: 1! li II % 1* Is li i .1? li 1= il I I! V ft i ft 1! p ji 1 i I ■s 1 'A 3-6 inchus. Uu.ler 3 inches. 6 29 rHJituii / 1 36 8 / 43 9 III / 37 10 II 34 11 / 12 nil / 47 13 lii / I'lii 1 / II 1 38 31 42 38 17 /// /■>n 19 / / nil mi II 1 nil 1 1 Zt / / III 10 .].- rm III ;]« //// 1 nil ja UK / /// 1 t; 29 //// 1 S 30 // / 1 '3:1 // 34 /// i 39 II B 37 1 g an = 1 ■^ 40 41 42 43 44 1 4S I>EI>UC1C1> UKSULTS. Total number of trees on the ai're: 132, of whii'h there were — First species: White Pino, 37; dominant, 41 percent; codominant, 48 per cent; oppressed, 11 Seconil : Hemlock, 81 ; dominant, 32 per cent; codominant, 2t) per cent; oppressed, 42 ]ier ceni Fillli; r..r. I,, :;. Tol.il Yield i.r Ihe aere: Volume of stems, 15,68ti eubie Of wlucli there were— First species: Wliite Pine, .")8 per cent of total yield. Second species: Hemlock, 42 jier cent of total yield. Third, fourth, and fifth speiii»: Hemlock not taken in Average annual accretion: In cubic feet, Oo; merchant ,10:> feet 11. M. feet H. M., 37.5. SCHEDULES AND SAMPLE RECORDS. 176 1 ,r..ded. Do. Do. Do. C.o«-n free. Somewhat crowded. Ciowded. Do. lop killed; somewhat crowded. CrJivded. Do. At 134 feet top lo.st ; free crown about 16 feet. Crown free. Crown free; souod. Ciovvn Romewliat crowded. Crown free. Somewhat crowded. Do, Crown very crowded. Somewhat crowded. Free espoaure. I oi> about 8 feet not found. Do. Do. Clown very crowded. Do. Crown very s.uall. 1 1 .1 1 J s ■f 1 - : : : ! : ::::;: r : ; ; ; : :;:::: _§<£< ; ; : : : [ ] ] [ ] ] %M -Z '■'■'■'■ '■ ::;::: liH^--^^ -^m ^%%% ^^ii^^iiM^A --A~-AyA^A "w B i : ; ; : ;:;::: 1 ••s 1 ; : :;::;; ;::::: •,f»1oax ; MBSIO •p9)|0OJ0 1 •aA!J09j9a 1 •pnnos ^ . iHfrmi .::;:: ; tS . i •( Wit }-<9.l) 9,qE,a«tpa9K 1 1 giiii? H'^m. S^?2 £S'SS2g:til¥,KS °fiS:2|£!iP°; if •p9S89addo atronnuopoo : : ;xxx„ ,, : . : •lannimott V .y ; : : : :x :x : : ■ : :x xx:- ix : ; : : • ■ xxxxx : : •99n o »q3!9q JKIOX s 2 alSSss sSSsSS gsSs s2SS2iSs5g2 SsisSSS- JO 9B •aAvojo sq oi ?qSi9H g g ssss^s ssssgg §S|§8 S§?!Sg3|§S;2i sgs;sggg|S3 1 1 t 1 •y 1 s s <3 :«»t-S'« t-» o.S'^o^o..^ s s S »--2'^ ::2S5S = -"fs si'f2fs2 = »H's 3i2SS^S»* g s S iui'izr ::Z£3;;3 SSSS SS3«3S-SS'=SS 52fsssf- s s S ?;'ru::'- i-?-sf sssf ssi'si'?:22s-s ssssfsS" s s S i^?,-':- ':,.i22S S3SS ?3SSSS2:22SS2 SSS2?5222 g; SI S sr.=',^.Si .issffs ssss ssssgjssssss sassssS';:; s s S ffsSSS 5?5ffs2 s s S ff?iSS2 Ssfsff s f S g353?iS5 ?!3?3Si2S ss2i" fii'saSWssss ?,sii's:?,'2-3 s s s sin?;io?i;^ S'^snff ssss sss;;f2;^22?iH' ?;in'?;.22S2 ?? g S V.^'V-:i -^n;^f« SSsg Sg'J;-,^-,-,!'-- ^,y;-^::5S- s s g ^r, :,;--: ;V:r:-,'f?! f2sf ?iHVV,:',;,H'r^-.,:; ,V:^:, ;^:^si;S s s 5 sS'Ssfg' g°^Sf^ S'sss gjs?=-?;sis=i'iH';5?i fi'S'SlIssS 00 s SI gssfss sfssff assg sssssffassi sssf^sjs's iqgigq lBB9Ja f s sssssg sssssss SSSg S3;SSSSSS82SS S???SSSSSS •on 99^ -^ « =,,«=»-« «o_,«32; SSS2 ssssaassssg jsssgsggs 1 176 THE WHITE PINE. 1 1 •enip 33l5ii35 :3^J53§^§ iii IIks i§ SI asfi J. 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiii ii ii iiii i •^ireairaoa •junaiiuopoo ■I'^.do'"' s i 1 i i i :;;; :5 :;:::: i ::::;;: ; i : : : i ; : "~2|8::fg:i::;5^.;. - : :^;?^i ii ii giSS i |3ii:BSS^i§iy^- j^ss' ii ii i^m 1 is:^H.-£.ini;::'^-- ' :'M^2 32 S3 gggH i?!:' .^ '4.-':"-- ■:- ■' -,-1^ Si ~ ii um 3 ilx.'./ :'./■-■; -;.-■: ; ^ ':sK Si »i §iliS i is^':' ': -^ - ' ' ■ , / ^m H ig MM I i il--^ ---'■ ^V ■ :^n» Si Si P^si iJ?':": - ■ , "_ _ - : ■ ', -^is SM ^s ^mi g 5?^'' ' : -" ^' ^-'^:-^- ^::': = -:ii ili ?i^ fig=s g m-<' -'.-.i"^tmM ii^mm M ■ 5i g^is g m- V ':--:'.^=il mtumii ii M s^is 3 i|i^--',^--V-".;^-V^ "^■i^^^r §3 i^ i?iss S is/,-\-, ■^:;',. V£ ■'■•;.; •■ ;. -^^1 sg 31] iiig. 1 i^r ':::,.:-/- ---v., - ■:. --i^f] Hi SS SgSs s ^?,:V ^ ,-^ ■■, -:;■., , ■ . ■, ■:.v ',I^ = .SS,.. si g|£s § ^Tiir-: ,^^:,-':.".-r,::;: '.-,L;'"!i" ^;ftiii^3 ii:S2 g s -^; ;;;;■:_ ^^u^^^^J-i; tljt s SE^'V !:''-:•;- ,- v: - - ;.;i^aaassaaaas2 ssss g Blj^,';.-;:^J^:iE:^!£A:'., uV:,h3l3 SI 55 5sS5 g SSsssSSS^SsliSsS sS3g3|| SS sjg ggg;; ? s"SSS^I'3'l3^-'SS"S grtggglis !£2 SS |2gg s s 1 |rti'.-;^;-::v;:;:-rz. ;;.■-. ;:::r-gg gs as SS|S ,-' - -: :-:,-3 iSS gs' §S33^ s 1 s'- • ' ■ ■ - ■ , .-^.■. ■-■^ =?^ SJS gsss •h-auu ^■~,' . £ V .■ , v\Vv,,,-,^^SsiSig Ssiia L-i •'ni>!A\ |... , , ■ ^-^..v. :'^-" ; ; ;3g ,?;ass »0I1>I.IM|.I, "'"liliair ■pi's g s IS s g g g g § s a sfl g~ •OiiSMI 1 ^C.„^OC.230jjo,g,J,i«S «gJ.««»<-« ""SSSIC SSSg SSg5 SCUEDULKS AND SAJIPLK UECUUDS. 177 '6ntp«j OJiiaa fMi§, iiisSii?.iiss Si^SI iil^s ililss i sass L'0233~No. 22- alls 3SSSgS= f! = :; J, ^ r; : : ;, ^ =: = HgSig^gfl f. ?, ; iggssggssssggsgg ggggggj sggs; rssg" iggg 178 THE WHITE PINE. FORM NO. 5. Age CLAS.S : 240 to 260 ytia Si'KCiKs: White Pi Feet. No. Vujt. 7,6 4311.4 .1), OWiO. 40 0. 4 401] .4.31 l_|l :U 2(12 33 144 35 2631 31 144, 36 241' 31J 134 sistsol'ver' Beech, H( anil occasioniil 1 37 201 37 llircli and Cucuin- ' \n:v. : 1 Average I . . . 25.') 34 ioil: Yellow clay j 28 202 2S, grain din.' MimI.m 24 'Ji:. J,". wellcln,ViH';i','«ii'l', ":. y-.i : 390.0 2,507 264.31 1,551 9 230 32 1 142 11 244 30 141 13 25R 23 Ur ^\ SCHEDULKS AND SAMPLE RECORDS. 179 • noi;}9J3a? [vnaac gSbjoay 6<-° -Mi sBsS SsmI ^■SSSggSSgs d.lS2S2S3S^ ss;^s2?iss?^ ilt^i-5p. ■yoOAvrtiis ^-g •90.it JO )H3i9n lEJox I r