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A marked difference was shown throughout the experiment between the different plots. In the Snowflake "White variety, the stalk from the seed that had grown in central Nebraska for two years had decreased almost a foot in height, the ear was 8.8 inches lower down, and the ear shank almost two inches shorter, while th(> plants from Nebraska seed had an average of 1.2 fewer leaves. The weight of both stalk and ear was found to be heavier in the corn grown from the seed just from Iowa, but the proportion of ear to stalk was higher in the acclimated corn. The Nebraska corn averaged almost 200 square inches less leaf area, which was to be expected of plants grown in a drier climate. The yield of grain was in favor of the home-grown seed. Similar conclusions were indicated from variety tests. Of the twenty-two varieties that were tested by the co-operating farmers in various parts of the state, thirteen were Nebraska grown, four from Illinois, two from Iowa, one from Indiana and two from Minnesota. In these experiments, the significant fact was revealed that not one of the nine varieties the seed of which was grown outside of the state ever took first or even second place in the average results for the state. These results do not indicate that the varieties from the other states are poorer seed than our own. Their low yield is due to the fact that they are not at first adapted or acclimatized to our own conditions. The lesson to be learned from this is that to get the best results in corn growing, the seed must be home-grown, and grown not only in the same state but in the same locality. The results of the variety tests indicate that seed grown in eastern Nebraska will not do as well in western Nebraska as local varieties, and vice versa. There should be careful growers of seed in every county of the state. Use of Unadapted Seed Too many Avill send away for seed when better seed may be found at home than can be obtained anywhere else. It is always uncertain to buy seed from a distance, and this is doubly true when good seed is scarce. One is likely to pay much more than it would cost to separate out the good ears by means of the germination test. Seed grown as far south as Oklahoma has been sold through agents to Corn Belt farmers for planting their crop. There can be but one result — soft corn. A mistaken idea prevails in regard to the "running out" of corn because it has been grown too long in a locality. The longer a corn is grown in the same locality, the better ada})ted it becomes to the condi- tions of that particular locality, provided good seed is used each year. On the edge of the Corn Belt and in new corn region.s, much trouble is caused by growing unadapted strains. Nearly every introduction thp: adaptation of corn 21 of unadapted corn has proved to be a failure. A corn grower in south- ern New Mexico introduced practically every known variety of the Corn Belt, but with no success. The unselected native corn of his own sec- tion yielded more than fancy, high-priced, imported seed. ]\Iany other similar instances could be quoted. If seed corn must be purchased, it should be obtained from a local- ity where soil and climatic conditions are practically identical with those of the place where the corn is to be grow^n. The price of seed corn is not important. The loss of from two to five dollars a bushel, the aver- age price of seed corn, is small as compared to the loss of a large part of the crop. A bushel of seed corn should produce on the average 300 bushels of corn. At 50 cents a bushel, the produce of a bushel of seed is worth $150. The loss of stand, immaturity, etc., resulting from unadapted seed corn may actually cause a loss of $20 or $30 per bushel of seed planted. CHAPTER 5 PICKING SEED CORN TT IS doubtful whether the governor of each Corn Belt state could issue a more valuable proclamation each year than one proclaiming a suit- able week for all farmers of the state to gather and dry seed corn. One year the governor of Iowa issued a proclamation as follows : To The Farmers of Iowa: Your attention is again directed to the serious situation that often con- fronts the state in the springtime on account of the lack of good seed corn. Because of the high valuation of our land, it is essential that the very best seed possible be provided. Wages are high and hired help hard to secure. It is, therefore, primarily important that everything possible be done to increase the production of corn per man power. One hundred per cent seed corn will very greatly increase the production of corn per acre and the production per man power. Permit me again to urge every farmer to save enough seed corn this fall to supply his needs for next season, and if possible, a surplus for the follow- ing season. By doing this, you are following a wise and sound business prin- ciple, as well as rendering a service to agriculture generally and our whole country. Therefore, by virtue of authority in me vested, I, W. L. Harding, Governor of the State of Iowa, call upon all of the farmers of this state to help in this important work, and for the purpose of concentrating upon this matter, I pro- claim and set aside the period commencing September 20 and ending October 2, 1920, as seed corn weeks, and earnestly urge that this period be made one of general participation in this great work. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state. Done at Des Moines, this si^iteenth day of August, 1920. No prudent Corn Belt farmer will allow October 15 to pass with- out having sufficient seed for at least one year's planting stored w^here it can not be injured by unfavorable weather conditions. The average farmer who picks corn from his own field a week or two before killing frost, and Avho stores that seed in an airy place where the ears do not touch and where they will not freeze before they are dried out, will get paid, on the average, at least a dollar an hour for his time. In the northern part of the Corn Belt, October 1 should be the latest date for picking seed corn from the field. Field selected seed should be picked several weeks before the corn is dry enough to husk and crib. Farmers in localities that sometimes have no seed corn because tlie jn-evious season was too dry or too short may "insure" themselves by PICKING SP^.ED (U)RX 23 saving early each fall a supply of seed corn sufficient for two or three years' planting. Good seed corn well cared for will retain good germi- nation and high productivity for three years. Corn has been transported from a land of perpetual summer, where the returning wet season permitted the seed to germinate without having Picking seed corn before frost. endured winter conditions. It has been introduced into northern locali- ties where the winters are severe. It has shown a remarkable ability to adapt itself to short summers, but is dependent upon man to care for its seed during the winter. Therefore, seed corn should be picked before killing frost. To get the largest yields of corn, it is desirable to grow a variety that will use nearly all of the growing season of an average j^ear. In the seasons shorter than the average, much of the corn will not dry enough to escape injury from freezing. In such seasons, field selec- tion is necessary to obtain seed that will grow. In some varieties, con- tinued early selection will tend to reduce the number of days required for maturity by as much as a week or ten days. In the northern half of the Corn Belt, this earliness is desirable and will not reduce the yield if other factors are properly cared for. In years when June, July and August are unusually cool and rainy, it is of altogether extraordinary importance to go through the field in 24 CORX AND CORX-GROWIXG late September and pick one bushel of the best matured ears for each three acres which are to be planted the following spring. The frost damage to seed corn in 1915 and 1917 was forecast long in advance by the cool summer weather. On the other hand, in years of heat and drouth during July and August, t^ere is almost never any danger of frost damage to seed corn unlei^is^mjfere are exceptionally heavy rains in September and October. In^cn years it may be perfectly safe to delay the picking of the, seed corn until regular corn husking time. To be on the safe side, ]^'e.y^, it is well to make it an invariable rule to pick and hang uaMone'^eek before the average date of killing frost one bushel of seed o^iVl^r each three acres to be planted the following spring. ^'' Cause of £W^i^ Injury* The underlying causes pfvfreeziHg injury are late maturity of the corn and abnormally ead^Vireezto^' weather. Late maturity may re- sult from (1) late VJg^^S^j^v planting of unadapted varieties, and (3) peculiar weath^^onditions which do not favor early ripening. Undue early freezing <:njj?Jr work similar injury to corn which would possess strong vitality*" under normal weather conditions. When sub- jected to a severe frost, immature corn suffers a partial or total loss of germinative power. The germ in a sound kernel of corn is an embryonic living jilant with stalk, leaves and root. When this living germ contains a large amount of moisture, some physical or chemical change is brought about by freezing, which results in death. Following this, the germ usually turns dark in color, which is a fairly safe index as to whether the ger- mination has been destroyed. As the moisture content of the corn decreases, the injury to the vitality of the kernel from exposure to any given freezing temperature is decreased. Dry corn containing 10 to 14 per cent of moisture will not be injured by any amount of winter freezing. Air dry corn with a moisture content of 10 or 12 per cent will withstand the freezing temperature of liquid air, or 190 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. On the other hand, corn with 60 per cent moisture may be killed by pro- longed exposure to barely freezing temperatures. There may be varia- tion in the moisture content of kernels on the same ear, which will ac- count for partially impaired germination of an ear. In 1915, as much as 16 per cent variation was found in the moisture content of such kernels. *Nebraska Bulletin No. 163. PICKING SEED CORN Table II — Moisture Content and Germination of Corn Harvested at Various Dates During Fall and Winter of 1917-1918 Condition of Corn at Time of First Frost, October 8 Moisture in Grain of Corn Gathered on Shocked Corn — 1. Fairly well matured, ears solid Corn Standing in Field — 2. Fairly well matured, ears solid 3. Somewhat rubbery, ears twisted... 4. Very rubbery, grain medium soft 5. Grain very soft 6. Late dough stage 7. Milk stage I I 301 171 17 21 26 27 i 34 I 36 I 26] - S 1 1 15 1 16| 16 1 15| 18 16 1 23 19| 26 21| 28 28 i 33 291 Condition of Corn at Time of First Frost, October Per Cent Perfect Germi- nation of Corn Gath- ered on I I I I 98| 85| 93| 871 86 ! I 1 I 98| 83| 87| 93| 88 94| 56| 79| 59| 61 92| 34| 20| 14| 20 92| 14| 17| 5| 6 82| 10| 10| 01 44| 1| 1| 0| Minimum temperature, degrees F~ "1241 "171 -16| -18j -21 Shocked Corn — 1. Fairly well matured, ears solid Corn Standing in Field— 2. Fairly well matured, ears solid 3. Somewhat rubbery, ears twisted... 4. Very rubbery, grain medium soft. 5. Grain very soft 6. Late dough stage 7. Milk stage *The first selection was made after the first killing frost, which occurred in the early morning of October 8. November 19 — Prolonged freezing, with minimum of 17 degrees F. December 11 — Prolonged freezing, with minimum of -16 degrees F. December 29 — Prolonged freezing, with minimum of -18 degrees F. January 17 — Prolonged freezing, with minimum of -21 degrees F. Methods of Selection If the best seed ears are planted in one portion of the field, a large amount of labor will be saved in picking seed corn in the fall. This por- tion of the field will usually contain the number of good seed ears sought. Seed corn should be : 1. "Well adapted to seasonal and soil conditions where it is to be planted. 2. Grown on productive plants of a productive variety. 3. Well matured and preserved from ripening time until planting, so that it will retain its full vigor. 26 CORN AND COKX GROWING A seed corn cart is one of the most convenient aids in gatlieringr seed corn. It calls attention to the necessity of gettinj? into the field before the first frost, to select the seed ears. A wooden soap box fast- ened upon a pair of iron wheels similar to cultivator wheels, and a couple of poles for shafts makes a cheap but handy seed corn cart. A seed corn sack is not so invitin^i to the ordinary farmer. Anyone who has carried a sack eontainino; about a bushel of corn through the field knows that it is a tiresome task. ]More than one row of stalks may be observed when picking seed corn. However, as much time as possible should be given to a study of stalk conditions. The practical rule to follow in picking seed corn in the field is to save the ears which are medium large, well matured, solid, and carried on a stiff stalk at from three to five feet above the ground. A seed corn cart. The ear should be borne on a shank which points the ear downward rather than upward. Later on, the ears may be gone over for the finer points. Of course, no ear should be saved showing any sign of mold, and neither should an ear be saved if it comes from a stalk infested with smut, fusa- rium or any other kind of disease. In Illinois and the states further west and north it seems to be ad- visable to pick for ears with a moderately smooth dent, ears with kernels which are smooth, shin.v and horny. In central and southern Indiana, however, highest yields are obtained with roughlv dented corn which PICKING SEED CORN l>7 is somewhat starch}-. A rather broad, thick kernel seems to be best in nearly all sections. The kernel should carry its Avidth well toward the tip, for there is probably no more serious weakness in Corn Belt seed corn than the narrow, tapering, shoe-peg type of kernel. Ears carrying kernels of this sort almost never have that solid, heavy-for- their-size feeling which characterizes ears with broad, thick kernels which carry their width well toward the tip. If home-grown seed is not selected before husking time, it may be obtained by any of the following methods : 1. Select from the load when husking for early feed. 2. Select at time of general husking by having a box on the side of the wagon for seed ears. 3. Select at the time the husked corn is being elevated into the cribs. 4. Select and test ears from the crib during winter or spring. 5. Use one-year-old seed. The first method is practiced only to a limited extent, while the second method is the most common way of getting seed corn, and is a satisfactor}^ method in years of well-matured corn. However, in "soft corn" years there w411 be great difficulty in getting viable seed. The third and fourth methods are better than using unadapted seed. If the one-year-old seed has been kept under good storage conditions, it makes desirable seed for planting. CHAPTER 6 STORING SEED CORN npOO often seed corn is not taken care of after pickinp-. If field- selected seed corn is not stored in a dry. well-ventilated place where it will not freeze, it may as well be left in the field until harvest time. The husked ears should be stored the same day that they are picked. A good storage place for seed corn should have the following essentials : 1. Dry. 2. Well ventilated. 3. Protected from weather. 4. Temperature above freezing. 5. Free from mice. 6. Convenient for handling and testing the seed. Provided the windows and doors are left open on all clear, bright days during the fall, the following are good : 1. Dry attic or spare room. 2. Dry cellar. 3. Any dry, well ventilated building. All the following places have so often proved bad for seed that they should be avoided : 1. Barn where there is live stock or hay-mow above live stock. 2. Over oats or corn. 3. Damp cellar. 4. Closed attic over kitchen. 5. Any damp or closed place. 6. Out in the open. The common practice of hanging- seed ears in corn cribs or other open buildings maj' obtain good ventilation, but it offers no protection against freezing. Although corn containing less than 16 per cent of moisture is not readily injured by cold weather, most seed corn contains more than this amount of moisture in the fall. Under certain condi- tions seed corn may be stored in a dry basement. This practice should not be encouraged unless the ventilation is good. Frequently, the ven- tilation of a basement is poor and the humidity of the air high, affording good conditions for the growth of mold. There is probably no better place in which to store seed corn than in a well ventilated room in the house, provided the room temperature does not fall below 26 degrees F. A desirable arrangement for the farmer who saves a large amount of seed corn is to build a house especially for storing seed corn. The method of storing is of secondary importance, provided the place is right. The method selected, however, should provide a free circulation of air on all sides of each ear. In other words, no two ears should touch, nor should they lie flat upon a board or other surface. This is especially important when the ears are selected early and con- tain a large amount of moisture. It is also important that the .seed be STORLXG HEED CORN 29 protected from mice and rats. A method which probably best meets both of these conditions is that of hanging the ears individually. It is safe to take down the ears when the moisture content is less than 18 per cent. Seed corn stored under good conditions should be dry enough to withstand winter temperatures with- in fifty days after picking. Artificial heat is sometimes used in drying seed corn, where it is necessary to dry it rapidly or where large quantities are handled. AVhen heat is used, it should be applied gradually and temperatures higher than 70 degrees should be avoided. Too rapid drying will injure the vitality of the seed. For small quan- tities, however, such as will be need- ed on individual farms, air drying of seed corn is satisfactory. Wire Hanger One of the cheapest, most con- venient and most satisfactory hang- ers for storing seed corn is the wire hanger, cut from electric-welded hog-tight fencing. As the hangers are cut from the wire the long way, they may be made any de- •sired length. This v.-ire has perpendicular strands two inches apart and horizontal strands four inches apart, thus making a 2x4-inch rect- angular mesh. The wire is cut in such a manner that looking at the hanger filled with corn and hanging up, two ears are hung in pairs, opposite each other, and each pair of ears is four inches below the pair above. The wire may be cut with a cold chisel and a hammer, using a piece of iron on which to rest the wire ; or with a pair of wire cutters. Seed ears may be placed on these hangers rapidly. The hangers may be hung on nails driven into rafters or 2x4 's, wath the greatest economy of space. These hangers may also be carried from place to place and conveniently laid on tables for the germination test without having the corn fall off. When through with them in the spring, they may be tied in bunches and stored in a small space. The cost of wire and the labor in preparing hangers for 1,000 ears need not exceed tv.'o dollars. The illustration shows 48-inch wire fencing cut for making seed corn hangers. It will be seen that the wire is cut in such a manner as to prevent waste. twine luince 30 CORN AND CORN-GROWIXC Making seed corn hangers out of electric welded fence. Note the alternate wire method of cutting. Binder Twine Hanger The binder twine hanger is one on which a large amount of seed may be hung in a comparatively short time and in a little space. Take a piece of binding twine, twenty to twenty-five feet in length, and after tying the ends together, place a loop over each hand and lay an ear in the middle at the bottom so that each end of the ear is supported by a strand of the twine. The two ends of the loop are then crossed and another ear is placed on the crossed twine above the first one. This operation is repeated until the string is full. By the use of a shuttle de- vice, one man can string the ears about as fast as two can working with- out it. Objections to this hanger are that ears fall out and one ear can not be removed without tearing down the entire hanger. Other Hangers Woven wire, tacked on both sides of a framework, made i)refer- ably of four-inch material, makes a handy seed corn rack. Lath tacked four inches apart on each side of four-inch uprights make desirable racks. Each pair of lath accommodates twenty-five or more ears. Such a rack five feet in height holds 400 ears. Other good devices are made by driving nails into boards, poles, or posts, over which the butts of the ears are thrust. These hangers are known as seed corn trees. A large number of devices for storing corn have been offered on the market. Many of them give good sat- isfaction and may be used by those who do not care to devise a method of their own. CHAPTER 7 TESTING AND GRADING SEED CORN TF >SEED corn is picked before freezing weather and stored in a dry, Avell ventilated place and protected from freezing temperatures until it is well dried, there is no need of seed corn testing. But in order to be absolutely safe, every farmer, in February, should germinate two hundred kernels of corn from tM^o hundred ears taken at random. If less than 90 per cent of these kernels grow strongly, it will almost cer- tainly pay the farmer a dollar an hour for his time to make a thorough ear by ear test of all the ears which he expects to plant. The Cheap and Efficient Rag Doll The rag doll seed corn germinator, according to Hughes, of Iowa, made possible a satisfactory corn crop throughout all of the Corn Belt in 1918, when we were at war and when a failure in our corn crop would have been a national disaster. Seed corn fit to plant was not Rag doll (courtesy of Iowa Station) to be had in any quantity, perhaps not enough to plant one-tenth of the corn crop. The only means of getting good seed was by testing mil- lions of individual ears, separating the good from the bad. The doll germinator was used in making practically all of these tests. 32 TORN AND COKX-GROWIXG Tlie ear by ear test may be made easily -with the ra' individual ears of corn for germination de- pends upon the method used and the efficiency of the operator. From the tests made at the Iowa experiment station, the cost has been found to be from 15 cents to 45 cents for each one hundred ears. The differ- ence was due entirely to the method of testing which was emploj'ed. The cost of testing corn by the rag doll method was 18 cents and by the saw- dust box method, 27 cents. This was on the basis of pre-war values. The cost of selecting seed for planting an acre will depend upon the method used and the quality of the corn. If the corn is of fair qual- ity so that it is not necessary to throw away too many ears, the cost per acre will be less than 10 cents. And even if the corn is of such poor vitality as to make it necessary to throw away 85 per cent of the ears, the total cost of getting out enough for an acre will not be over 25 cents. What to Do if Low Testing Corn Must Be Planted Even though corn with a general test as low as 60 per cent must be planted, the effect on the yield is not necessarily very serious, pro- vided the farmer knoM's that he is planting low testing corn and in- creases his rate of planting accordingly. If the farmer would plant 100 per cent corn at the rate of three kernels per hill, he should plant 60 per cent corn at the rate of five kernels per hill in order to get as many live kernels planted on each acre as with good corn. According to the theory of probabilities, 17,500 kernels of 60 per cent corn planted on an acre of 3,500 hills would result approximately in : 36 hills with 5 dead kernels. 272 hills with 5 live kernels. 907 hills with 1 dead and 4 live kernels. 269 hills with 4 dead and 1 live kernel. 1,210 hills with 2 dead and 3 live kernels. 806 hills with 3 dead and 2 live kernels. If the live keriiVi' f^om 60 per cent corn grew as vigorously as from 100 per cent corn, the yield should not be affected by. more than two or three bushels per acre by such a distribution as the above. At any rate, at the Nebraska station, as a five-year average, they found that alternating hills of one, two, three, four and five plants yielded at the rate of 58.6 bushels per acre, as compared with 59 bushels where every hill contained three plants. One of the greatest objections to planting 60 per cent seed corn is that the hills with four to five stalks have a rather high percentage of nubbins. Shelling and Grading Seed Corn Shell the .seed corn by hand, discarding the tips and butts. Shell each ear in a pan by itself before dumping it into the sack with the rest of the shelled ears. As you shell, note the kernel type. Throw out ears the kernels of which show decided signs of starchiness or dull color on the backs of the kernels ; also throw out ears with kernels showing hlis- 34 CORX AND CORX-GROWIXG tered jzerms or other sijins of immaturity. Watch for moldiness around the tips of the kernels. IMoldiness is one of the most .serious seed corn defects, and all ears showing- a sign of it should be thrown out. Dis- card ears with shoe-pegi>y kernels which do not come out full and plump to the tip. Moderately large, well-matured kernels, with a plump tip and with a shiny, horny back, free from starch, seem to be associated with yielding power more than any other factors which we can tell about merely by looking at the seed. Shelling corn by hand gives the time required to judge the kernel type effectively. It also avoids a few broken kernels, although this is really not important. After .shelling, it helps a little to run the corn over either a cheap hand grader or a cylinder machine grader. Iowa experiments indicate that size of kernel is one of the most important things in determining yield. The light, small kernels are especially likely to be poor yielders. Theoretically, therefore, the eliminating of the small kernels with a grader should be decidedly worth while. And, of course, kernel uniformity is of real help in getting the best results out of the corn planter. CHAPTER 8 THE RELATION OF SOILS TO CORN npHE best corn soils are ^vell drained, deep, dark loams. Sand}^ soils, unless heavily manured, are not desirable for corn, as they dry out quickly and are usually low in fertility. On the other hand, clay soils are, as a rule, poorly drained and too compact to produce the best corn. The good corn soils of central Illinois and northern Iowa contain in the plowed soil of an acre about 1,200 pounds of phosphorus, 4,500 pounds of nitrogen, and 35,000 pounds of potassium. On this type of soil, one to two per cent of the nitrogen and one-half to one per cent of the phosphorus seem to become available in the ordinary year. A forty-bushel corn crop (grain and stover) removes from the soil sixty pounds of nitrogen, eight pounds of phosphorus and twenty-eight pounds of potassium. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the two elements that are likely to limit corn yield, except on deep peats where potassium is usually lacking. Calcium, applied in the form of lime, often gives an increase of three or four bushels of corn per acre. Corn is the rankest feeding and the most destructive of soil fertility of all our common crops. Only on the very richest soils caii corn be grown for more than two years in succession with any assurance of profit. In, humid regions, corn yields may be maintained or increased by the use of (1) rotations, (2) barnyard manure, (3) clover, (4) crop residue.s, (5) good tillage, (6) commercial fertilizers. Crop Rotations The all-important and economical way of maintaining corn yields is to use proper crop rotations. Of course, the short-time tenant can not make very much use of the rotation. In other cases, rotation is very valuable, and should be an important part of the fertility plan of a farm. The most common rotations in the Corn Belt (in some sections wheat is grown instead of oats) are as follows: 1. Continuous corn. 2. Corn-oats. 3. Corn-oats-clover. 4. Corn-corn-oats-clover. When corn is grown on good land continuously, the available fer- tility not only decreases rapidly, but there tends to be increasing dam- age from corn insects and diseases. After ten or fifteen years of con- tinuous corn growing, the yield tends to be about twenty-five bushels per acre, as contrasted with thirty-five bushels where the corn and oats 36 ( 'OKX AND ( H) RX-G ROW I XG arc rotated, and sixty-five buslicls where there is a rotation of corn, corn, oats and clover, and where ei a a> a Method of Preparing Seed Bed Yield in Bushels Per Acre ear av s per rease 3 plan ^•3 a^ .-■s 1911!1912|1913|1914|1915il916|1917il919|1920 Z^ < Groulid~^lowed, crop sur- ! | | I I I I I face planted .....| 49.9| 62.8| 14.5| 44.9| 41.1| 46.3| 75.0| 78.5 51.7 51.61 Ground plowed, crop plant- | I | | I | | I ed in shallow furrows..] 55.6| 76.5! 18-6| 51.4| 53.0 60.9| 81.9| 78.4 51.7 55.2 59.0 57.6 60.2 64.2 58.5 7.4 6.0 8.6 12.6 Double listed I 56.9] 73.0J 18.2| 54.6| 44.3| 53.8| 68.4| 84.4| 54.7 Double disked, single listed..| 67.4] 75.5i 36.7| 54.1| 42.5] 56.7i 80.2| 75.2] 53.2 No disking, single listed | 60.3| 80.0| 43. 1| 58.1| 45.2] 59.2| 84.2| 91.9| 55.9 Average | 58.0 | 73.5 28.2 | 52.6 | 45^| 55^| 77^| 81^| 54.1 Inches of rainfall for the | III j 1 months of June, July I | | I I I and August | 5.71| 6^1 8^| 6^ 31^| 10^ J^|^ 5^8 Rate of Planting Thickness of planting depends on variety, soil, latitude and pur- ])ose for which grown. Also it should be kept in mind that in the cen- tral C'orn Belt only 70 per cent of the kernels planted produce stalks. I\Iost growers in the Corn Belt plan to get about three kernels in the hill, the rows being three feet six inches apart both ways. This dis- tance between rows is more or less standard for planters, check wires and cultivators. In drilled corn, the distance between the rows is the same as in checked corn, and the plants should average ten to fourteen inches apart in the row. On rich clover land or sod, with corn planted for fodder or silage, or with small varieties, checking at the rate of five kernels to the hill and drilling at the rate of one kernel every eight or nine inches often gives the best yields. However, even on rich land, corn planted at the rate of three kernels per hill produces ears which average about 50 per cent heavier than the ears produced when five kernels per hill are plant- ed. Unless machine buskers are used, the labor of husking is so in- creased by thick planting that it is doubtful if five-kernel planting is warranted on even the richest soils of the northern part of the Corn Belt. On poor land, with tall growing varieties, two or three kernels per hill unquestionably give the best results. Planting for silage is discussed in Chapter 15. 50 CORN AND CORX-GROWING Table IV Followinp- are the results obtained on soils much richer than the averap'e with different rates of planting- in different sections of Iowa for an average of 1920, 1921 and 1922: NORTHERN SECTION No. kernels Average Number Stalks Bushels Per planted at Harvest Acre 2 1.78 53.39 3 2.60 66.50 4 3.16 71.77 5 3.89 74.56 NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION 2 1.74 53.49 3 2.51 65.73 4 3.14 67.78 5 3.86 68.89 SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION 2 1.64 58.53 3 2.34 70.42 4 3.04 74.07 5 3.65 74.66 SOUTHERN SECTION 2 1.76 49.49 3 2.35 60.75 4 2.35 60.75 5 3.68 59.18 A bushel of 56 pounds of seed will plant about seven acres where hills of three kernels are three feet six inches apart both ways. Depth of Planting No matter how deep the kernels are planted, they will send out their permanent roots an inch or two beneath the surface. In listed corn, the permanent roots are covered to a depth of five or six inches after their position has been definitely determined by the emergence of the young corn plant above ground. Of course, other permanent roots will also come out from the higher nodes which are surrounded by soil as a result of lister cultivation. In reality, surface planted corn sends out its permanent roots (not brace roots) from its bottom two or three nodes, which are located just beneath the surface of the ground, whereas, listed corn has the advantage of more nodes below ground and a larger, deeper root system. The kernel should be planted only deep enough to be well surround- ed with moist soil, usually not deeper than two inches. Corn planted too deeply will rot in the soil or the great effort of the seedling to emerge will stunt the growth. Where the seed bed has been thoroughly worked uniformity of depth of planting is obtained. If it is necessary to plant deeply because of dry weather, light soil or wind, it is advisable to use the lister or furrow opener planter. PLANTING CORN 51 Time of Planting Corn planting usually begins when the normal mean temperature reaches 56 degrees F., and the bulk of the planting is done Avhen the normal mean temperature reaches 61 degrees F. — about the middle of May in the central Corn Belt. Earlier planting is more difficult to keep clean, and often causes a loss of stand due partly to insects, but chiefly to rotting of the seed and increased susceptibility to disease. Later planting reduces yields and gives more opportunity for frost in- jury in the fall. Whatever the time of planting, the seed bed should be well prepared and danger of severe spring frosts should be over, although liuht spring frosts do not injure the young seedlings, especially under dry conditions. In fact, while a severe freeze will destroy that part of the young seedling which is above ground, it is astonishing how often a new vigorous growth is sent up from the roots. The practical optimum date of planting corn in the central Corn Belt, one year with another, is May 15. Planting before May 1 or after May 25 usually gives re- duced yields. Replanting Corn Loss of stand is usually due to (1) bad weather conditions, such as frost or heavy rains; (2) i)oor seed; (3) birds, insects or rodents; (4) poor preparation of the seed bed; (5) planting too deeply, or (6) plant- ing too early. Every precaution should be made to overcome the.se conditions. If, nevertheless, there is less than a three-fourths stand, the entire field should be replanted. A few- missing or one-stalk hills may be planted by hand with the same or an earlier variety, but this is not .so very practical. If the loss of stand occurs too late for replant- ing, it is best to disk the field or any poor part of it and sow to an emer- gency hay crop, such as Sudan grass or sorghum cane. Acres Planted Per Day According to the United States Department of Agriculture Year- book for 1922, the standard number of acres planted in a ten-hour day is about as follows : Two-row planter, S^/^^-foot rows, one man, two horses 14.0 By hand, 3%-foot rows, one man 4.5 CHAPTER 11 CULTIVATING CORN '"pHE average Corn Belt farmer with fifty acres of corn spends :'>(J0 hours of man labor and 600 hours of horse labor cultivating corn. At the same time, his team walks about 470 miles. This takes more time than anj' other farm operation except corn husking. IMoreover. corn cultivation conflicts to some extent with haying and oat harvest. The principle of cultivation followed by most farmers is to cultivate the crop as many times as possible before the corn gets too high to work in. But they should keep in mind the reasons for cultivating and the cheap- est, easiest ways of accomplishing the desired results. Chief Reasons for Cultivating A large number of corn cultivation experiments have been conduct- ed throughout corn producing states. With but few exceptions, the tests show that in the cultivation of corn, the removal of weeds is the all-important object. The Kansas, Illinois, Minnesota and ^Missouri stations and the United States Department of Agriculture have obtained conclusive results showing the great importance of the weed factor. Corn hoed by hand to prevent weed growth, without stirring the soil, has yielded as much as corn thoroughly cultivated. As an example of such experiments, those at the Kansas station, conducted upon a heavy silt loam, are represented in Table V, which gives the average yields of corn variously cultivated in 1914-1921, inclusive. Table V— Method of Cultivation Test Summary, 1914-1921 11914 1915 Ordinary cultivation | 13.0| Ordinary cultivation | plus one-horse culti- j vator, as per judg- | ment | 13.3 Ordinary cultivation | plus one-horse culti ).1| 70.0 57.3 I'ator every 10 days..|11.0| 52 No cultivation, weeds "I9i6 1917 I o Oi I I 19191192011921 I I I 43.91 45;3I 44.4 44.51 46.5 39.0 34.9127.7 33.5 26.1 24.31 74.81 60.11 47.0 77.5i 76.3 , 65.51 42.7| 46.1| 41.51 44.8| 34.4 u L-uiiivitinJii, wecuo I I I I I I I I I I scraped | 9.2| 58.6| 71.4| 44.0| 46.8| 45.0| 40.6| 29.4| 25.7| 73 65. 45.8 46.6 Where weeds have been removed by hand -hoeing, the yields of corn have been a])out the same as where the corn has been thoroughly culti- (TLTIVATIXG CORN 53 vated. Thus with iuter-tilled crops, when the fields are free of weeds, it is not profitable to cultivate, unless the soil is of such type as to bake and crack. The high cost of tillage may be lowered by reducing the amount and depth of cultivating. Other Reasons for Cultivating At various periods throughout the history of corn cultivation, several other beneficial results have been attributed to proper cultivation. Some of the common reasons are to : 1. Conserve moisture. 2. Make plant food more available. 3. Retard soil erosion. 4. Mix the soil constituents. 5. Improve the physical condition of the soil. 6. Germinate dormant weed seeds. 7. Give the plants a loose soil in which the roots will grow better. 8. Cover organic matter. 9. Control the soil temperature. Under some conditions any or all of these desirable factors may be accomplished to a certain extent. But, as previously pointed out, the killing of weeds appears to be the only factor that has a great effect on the crop that year or following years. Soils lose large quantities of soil water, but this loss is due chiefly to utilization by the growing crop, transpiration from growing weeds, or internal evaporation and escape 54 ("ORX AND CORX-GROWING of water vapor. Only methods of tillag:e which will prevent loss from these sources are of value so far as the water in the soil is concerned. Excessive run-off may be retarded and the absorption of water by the soil may occasionally be aided by proper methods of surface tillage. Types of Cultivators There are a large number of corn cultivators in use today. Dif- ferent ones are of special value for different conditions and times of cultivation. However, the right cultivator should be used at the right time and under the conditions to which it is adapted. Cultivators may be divided into the following classes : 1. Shovel cultivators — (a) with small shovels; (b) with large shovels. 2. Surface cultivators — blade or sweep. 3. Disk cultivators — (a) surface planted corn, (b) listed corn. 4. Harrows — (a) spike-tooth, (b) weeders. 5. Miscellaneous cultivators — (a) one-horse, (b) hand hoe. The first three classes may be divided again according to whether they are of the one-row or two-row type. The latter are becoming com- mon. They are of particular advantage on large areas and for later cultivations. The two-row cultivator reduces the time required for cultivation about 45 per cent. Care must be employed when using the Two-row cultivator with duck-foot shovels. two-row cultivators for the first cultivation and in crossing checked corn. Another classification may be made according to whether the cultivators are horse or power drawn. At the Missouri station it re- (piired forty-two minutes to cultivate three inches deep an acre of twelve- inch corn the third time Avith a two-row motor cultivator. The cultiva- tion required three-fourths of a gallon of gasoline and one-tenth of a quart of oil for each acre. The first shovel cultivators were large, and each gang of the ma- chine carried only one shovel. These large shovels stirred the ground CULTIVATING CORN .35 deeply and did considerable injury to the root system of the crop. The tendency in making shovel cultivators has been toward smaller shovels with more of them on each gang of the cultivator. Small shovels are desirable for the later cultivations. There are various shapes of shov- els, such as the duck-foot, spearhead and the common or rectangular (sometimes called bull-tongue). Surface cultivators are characterized by long sweeps or blades that work just under the surface of the ground. Surface cultivators are of }iartieular advantage in the later cultivations. Many corn growers, therefore, substitute blades for shovels on their cultivators after the second cultivation. Large implement concerns state that surface cul- tivators should be more widely used on loam soils, but that they have grown slowly in popularity because farmers have been accustomed by long usage to the shovel type. The surface cultivator has not found favor in sections of heavy clay or other tight soils. It is an excellent cultivator with which to fight morning-glories, Canada thistles and sim- ilar types of weeds. The weeder or harrow gives excellent results when the corn is small and the ground is not baked. The disk cultivator is the best type to use on weedy, grassy and sod ground. The disks will cut heavy growth that the shovels will not work in. Most cultivators used in listed corn are of the disk type. Harrows are excellent for early cultivation. Many weeds may be killed and a large amount of ground cultivated at a low cost with the harrow. Corn may be harrowed right after planting, before it is up, and until it is a foot high. The only time there is any danger of injury to the corn is when the field is harrowed at the time the plants are just coming through the ground. Harrowing will often take the place of one ordinary cultivation. Also, weeders cover a large amount of ground and cultivate corn efficiently, especially when the corn is small. There mav be times after the corn is "laid bv" — given the last 56 CORX AND CORX-GROWIXG ordinary cultivation — when additional sino-le hor.se cultivation is bene- ficial. In such case, a special type of one-horse cultivator may be used, or a mower wheel may be drapp-ed through the field. Hand pulling- or hoeing of persistent weeds after the corn is ''laid by" should be l)raeticed. Table VI — Implements Used in Cultivating Corn (Illinois Station) (Bushels Per Acre) I I I I I I I I I I I Implements |1912|1913|1914|1915|1916|1917|1918|1919!1920|1921| Av. Small shovels I 61.7[ 47.51 44.3| 48.0] 33.2| 67.3 Large shovel | 61.0| 45.2| 42.61 45.2| 29.1 Tower cultivator i 64.0| 42.1i 43.l| 51.6 33.2 Disk cultivator j 64.41 44.3! 46.71 48.8 35.6 I I I I I l_l l__l I 47. 2| 53.2| 36.9 62.4 67.1 67.5 47.51 57.8| 37.7 50.2 53.91 38.1 53.0 54.0 49.3 49.2 48.2 49.3 47. 2| 55. li 29.0] 56.8| 49.5 Cultivation Procedure The first cultivation may be made before the crop is up. While the harrow is more commonly u.sed, some farmers prefer to "blind plow," following the planter marks with the ordinary cultivator before the corn is up. Blind plowing is desirable in fields infested with quack grass or similar weeds. In many cases farmers neither blind plow nor harrow, but begin cultivation with the ordinary cultivator after the corn is about four inches high. The first cultivation is always in the same direction as the corn is planted. Care should be taken that the young plants are not in- jured or covered. Either stationary or rotating shields on the cidti- vator Avill help to protect the plants from being covered by loose soil. Plants partly or entirely covered at the time of the first cultivation are permanenth" stunted and are either barren or produce nubbins. The cultivator should run deeply and close to the row the first time over, so as to cover weeds in the hills. The kernel contains food on which the plant feeds when it starts, hence the roots have not yet grown out Avhere many of them will be disturbed. The first cultiva- tion is the most important. If it is deep and close to the corn plants, it helps to warm the soil, destroys weeds, and loosens the ground so thor- oughly that the later plowings are easier. In checked corn the second cultivation is usually crosswise of the direction the corn is planted. The ease or difficulty of this cultivation is dependent upon how accurately the corn was checked in planting. After the first cultivation, it is not advisable to run the shovels too deeply or too close to the hills. Allow them to throw in just enough dirt to cover weeds in the hills. A month after planting, the roots from hills, side by side, may be found to meet each other between the corn rows and to be within two and one-half inches of the top of the ground six inches out from th(> hills of corn. Plowing deeper than three inches close to tile liills at this time tears niauv roots and injures the com. CULTIVATING CORN Methods of Cultivation In general, there are two methods of cultivation, (1) level culti- vation, (2) hilled or ridged cultivation. Level cultivation is best. Com- pared to the ridged type of cultivation it has the following advantages : 1. Less surface is exposed for evaporation. 2. Only shallow cultivation is required. 3. The field is more easily prepared for the next crop. 4. Yields are greater. Depth of Cultivation Surface culture, which means stirring the soil to a depth not greater than four inches below the surface, cultivates without pruning or in- juring the roots of the plant, and forms a mulch on the surface. Deep culture conserves as much soil water as the shallow method, but in most cases the yields of grain from shallow tilled fields have been in excess of those obtained under identical soil and climatic conditions from deep-plowed fields. The difference usually is attributed to the fact that deep culture injures the roots of the plants. How Cultivation Affects Soil The cultivation must be suited to the kind of soil. If a field is sandy or easy to work, because it is rich in organic matter, it may be plowed from the beginning with a surface cultivator. Wet, heavy soils should be given deeper cultivation the first time to loosen them up and dry out the surface. If a shovel cultivator is used, it should not run as deeply the second time. A surface cultivator may be used on heavy soils of this type unless there have been heavy rains to pack the soil. Number of Times to Cultivate The number of times to cultivate corn will depend upon the num- ber and kind of weeds, the ground in w^hich it grows and the climatic conditions. Keep the corn free from weeds, and try to keep the dirt on top loose — to hold moisture. The growth of weeds in many corn fields shows that such fields are suffering from a lack of cultivation. In others the soil is baked and moisture is lost. When the ground gets too dry after heavy rains, it will dry and crack open. These cracks allow the moisture to escape rapidly, and should be prevented by cul- tivation. After the corn grows tall, its foliage shades the ground from the sun, and largely prevents both the loss of moisture by evaporation and the growth of weeds. Sometimes, when the season is warm and wet, the corn may grow so fast it is only cultivated twice. The usual number of cultivations in the Corn Belt is four. Cultivation of Listed Corn Disk cultivators are commonly used to cultivate listed corn. The disks are set to cut and throw out the weedv fringe the first time over. 58 CORN AND (;ORX-GK()WINCt A hooded shield is used to protect the plants, especially the first time over. Small shovels are set to mulch the soil in the furrow close to the corn, and large shovels are set to destroy weeds on top of the ridge. The second time over, the corn is a few inches high, and so the disks ^W* ; »: w^^J^^H Lister two-row cultivator, illustrating method of throwing dirt away from the plants in the furrow the first time over. When the plants are larger, the dirt will be thrown toward them. are set to throw in, filling the furrow. The shovels are set to destroy and work down the ridge. The disk cultivator is used two or three times, depending on conditions. Often listed corn is "laid by" with an ordi- nary shovel cultivator. Both single-row and tAvo-row lister corn culti- vators are used. Ways of Reducing Cost of Cultivation Harrow and disk the field thoroughly before planting, to kill weed growth in its early stages and to make the seed bed firm. If most of the weeds are killed before the crop is planted, later cultivations may be reduced to a minimum. Good preparation of the seed bed will lessen the cost of cultivation. The use of the harrow or weeder for early cul- tivation is one of the most important labor saving practices. Two-row cultivators save man labor. Remember that the one big object of cul- tivation is to kill weeds. Acres Cultivated Per Day Under Corn Belt conditions, the average number of acres cultivated in a ten-hour day is about as follows : One-row riding (first or second cultivation), one man, two horses 5.5 One-row riding (third cultivation), one man, two horses 7.0 Two-row riding, one man, three or four horses 13.0 CHAPTER 12 WEEDS OF THE CORN FIELD 'T*HE wheat crop rusts, the oat crop lodges, the cotton crop has its boll weevil, and the corn crop has its weeds. Good corn prowin;i is a constant battle airainst weeds, and the w'eed factor is a large one in delermining the number of acres of corn to grow. Weeds deprive corn of both moisture and plant food. Although weeds are one of the worst enemies of corn, the corn field is an excellent place to eradicate Aveeds that have become a pest in mea- dows, pastures and small grain. In sections where corn or other culti- vated crops can not be profitably grown, the weed problem is a diffi- cult one. To rid their fields of weeds, the farmers must summer fallow, thereby losing the crop for one j^ear. Corn growing is partially replacing summer fallow in many sections, because clean cultivation of corn frees the ground of weeds and the corn crop is not a heavy user of moisture. The crop following corn does nearly as well as after summer fallow, thus showing the importance of killing weeds. Influence of Weeds on Yield* The most important factor in the growth of a crop of corn on fer- tile soil with a well-prepared seed bed in humid regions is the killing of weeds. With the same prepara- tion of seed bed, corn produced, as an eight-year average, 7.3 bushels per acre where the weeds were al- lowed to grow, and 45.9 bushels where the weeds were kept down with- out any cultivation. This gives an increase of 38.6 bushels, or say ^19.30 per acre, for keeping weeds down. Weeds deprive the plant of moisture, light and food, all of Avhich are absolutely necessary for the production^, of crops. Poor cultivation in June gave foxtail and barnyard grass such a start that the yield of this field was re- duced twenty bushels per acre. 'Illinois Bulletin No. 181. 60 CORN AND COKX-GROWIXG The Classes of Weeds Some weeds produce enormous quantities of seeds, some produce strong underground stems (quack grass) or roots (Canada thistle), that produce new ])lants, and others produce both seed plentifully and strong underground systems. The weeds of corn may be classified according to the length of their life as follows: 1. Annuals — those that live one year, such as foxtail and crab-grass. 2. Biennials — those that live two years, such as bull thistle and wild carrot. 3. Perennials — those that live more than two years, such as Canada thistle and quack grass. The annuals and biennials are usually controlled by cultivation, because they grow only from seed. If new weed seeds are kept off the farm, and the weeds already growing are prevented from going to seed, no great amount of trouble will be had from these. ]\Iost of the peren- nial weeds are propagated by underground parts as well as seeds, and the job of eradication is more difficult. To eradicate these weeds, all top growth must be kept down, so that the underground parts will starve. Care must be taken in cultivation so that underground parts are not spread by the cultivator, for small pieces take root and form new patches of the perennial weed. Use of Smother Crops to Kill Weeds There are many smother crops that will control weed growth or at least weaken the growth of the weeds so that the pests may easily be eradicated by proper cultivation. Alfalfa, Sudan grass, buckwheat and sorghum are good weed exterminator crops. A heavy seeding of oats acts as a smother crop. For smother crops to be effective, the seed bed must be clean at time of sowing. Fall plowing and thorough cultiva- tion with the disk in the spring, followed by shallow plowing before seeding, checks the weeds severely. The oats should be cut early for hay, before the weeds mature seed. After the removal of the crop, the ground sliould l)e disked and plowed. Common Corn Field Weeds Some of the worst corn field weeds from the standpoint of number, difficulty in eradication or damage to the corn crop, are : 1. Canada thistle. Cirsium arvense. 2. Quack grass. Agropyron repens. 3. Wild morning-glory (Bindweed). Convoltnilus sepium. 4. Black bindweed (Wild buckwheat). Polygonnm convolvulus. 5. Cocklebur. Xanthmm canadcn.sc. 6. Indian mallow (Butter-print). Abutilon theophrasti. 7. Pennsylvania smartweed (Heart's-ease). Polygonum pcnnsylvayxicxim. 8. Lady's thumb. Polygonum persicaria. 9. Foxtail (green and yellow). Setaria viridis and Setaria glauca. 10. Crab grass (Finger grass). Digitaria sanguinalis. There are many other weeds often found in the corn field, such as European biudwccd, which is one of the worst of all when it gets in a WEEDS OF THE CORN FIELD 61 field, milkweed, horse-nettle, slioot'ly. lamb's quarter, wild sunflower, barnyard o'rass, artichoke, rajjrweed, pigweed and Russian thistle (only in western ]>art of Corn Belt). Methods of Control These Aveeds of corn are classified in four groups, as follows : 1. Weeds which require a special type of shovel on the corn cultivator. 2. Weeds which can not be handled to the best advantage unless the land is put into meadow or pasture for a time. 3. Weeds which require a thorough hand hoeing during late July or early August. 4. Weeds which are common in every corn field but require no attention other than the ordinary three or four cultivations. First Group The first group includes weeds like the Canada thistle, wild morning- glory, and European bindweed and other weeds that grow from under- Quack grass, a bad corn field weed in the extreme northern part of the Corn Belt. Canada thistle. ground running roots and from seed. These running roots branch and grow horizontally from the main root. They may be found from a few inches to a few feet below the surface of the soil. At almost any time during the growing season, buds will form on these horizontal roots and send up new plants. The above-ground growth manufactures the food material that is stored in the roots. In order to starve out the plants, it is necessary to keep down all top growth. If the underground growth 62 CORS AND C'ORN-GROWIXG is not replenished by food which is made only by the aid of green leaves, all of the food in the underground roots Avill be used by the growing plant. In time, the plant and roots will die. It is necessary to watch for the introduction of new plants from seed. Frequent cultivating with si)earhead, surface, or duck-foot shovel is necessary so as to keep down the top growth of the weeds in this group. After cultivation is discontinued, the patches of these weeds should be kept down by hoeing. Localized patches where there is a thick stand may be summer fallowed and a crop grown on the remainder of the field. Where thistles are not too firmly established, smother crops, such as alfalfa, grasses, millet and small grains thickly sown and grown for one season give these weeds a set-back which makes easier the eradication by clean cultivation in the corn field the following year. The plants are easily spread by root-stocks that hang on the cultivator shovels. Second Group In the second group are weeds such as quack grass and Johnson grass which spread by underground stems in the same way as the first group. It seems necessary to put a field that is badly infested with these weeds into meadow or pasture for a term of years. The pasturing or continued cutting of these gras.ses brings the underground stems closer to the surface of the ground. Exposing the underground stems by plowing will kill many of the plants. The following crop of corn will afford a good place for thorough cultivation and liberal use of the hoe. This method of control may also be used for the first group. Third Group Persistent annual weeds, such as the cocklebur, butter-print, black bindweed, wild morning-glory and the Russian thistle are weeds that should be handled by the third method. Or- dinary cultivation will not kill all of these weeds in a corn field where they have a good hold. It will recpiire thorough cultivation plus hoeing auil hand pulling during late July and August to clean a field. "Weeds of this type set an abundance of seed, and so every ])lant should be eradicated. Plants of the cocklebur a few inches high will mature seed. The Viur of lliis weel encloses a pair of seed, one oC which will germinate one season and the other the next season. The seed of the butter-print lives in the soil for ten or more years. L.. Foxtail, the most widespread annual weed in corn. WEEDS OP THE ('ORX FIELD 63 Fourth Group ]\Iost of the ordinary annual corn field weeds are in this class. The most common weeds of this group are the Pennsylvania smart weed, lady's thumb, foxtail, shoofly, crab grass, lamb's quarter, and pigweed. Thor- ough preparation of seed bed and cultivation as outlined in the previous chapter will rid badly infested fields of these weeds. Heavy June rains which delay the first or second cultivation permit annual weeds of this type to become very serious. In this case, the only practical thing which can be done is to cultivate as quickly and cleanly as the weather will permit. Heavy late summer rains often cause a rank growth of these weeds in August, even though the field was clean at the time of "laying by." Such a growth is not serious, and there is nothing prac- tical to do about it. CHAPTER 13 HARVESTING EAR CORN npHE three methods of harvesting that have to do with ear corn are discussed in this chapter, while the other methods of harvesting- are taken np in the following chapter. The six general methods of harvest- ing are as follows: 1. Husking the ears by hand from standing stalks. 2. Snapping the ears by hand from standing stalks. 3. Husking the ears by machine from standing stalks. 4. Cutting the stalks for silage. 5. Cutting the stalks for fodder. 6. Harvesting with live stock. Husking by Hand Most of the crop in the Corn Belt is husked by hand from the stand- ing stalks after heavv frost. At this time the ears are dry enough to crib Thumb hook. The husking hook takes an altogether different motion than the peg. Young men who have learned to use the hook find it much speedier. Husking peg or pin is used by th ^ old- er generation. Clean work can be 'lone with the peg, but it is slower than the hook. and they break from the stalks more easily. Before corn is picked, the husks shoidd be dry and the kernels hard. Ordinarily, harvest begins the latter part of October and is completed at Thanksgiving time, but fields occasionally stand throughout the entire winter. With the use of a husking hook or peg, one man will average about 75 l)ushels of corn a day, depending upon condition and yield of corn and weather conditions. Records of 100 bushels of corn picked in a day are common. An unusual corn husking record is 261 bushels picked in a ten-hour day. This record was made by Charles Fries, of Rippey, Iowa, working in a fichl of good corn averaging 60 bushels to the acre. He did not handle the team nor unload the corn, but only picked. Rec- ords are ba.sed chiefly upon the stamina of the picker, but it is unques- HARVESTING EAR CORN 65 tionably true that men who use hooks generally make better records than those who use pegs. The hook method of husking was invented independently by R. F. Clark, of Illinois, and Mr. Kees, of Nebraska, about 1895. Young men have found the hook much speedier than the peg, but the older men still cling to the peg, especially in the eastern part of the Corn Belt. The hook, except in the hands of an expert, does not husk quite as clean as the peg. One man with team and wagon picks two rows at a time in one trip across the field in the direction the corn is planted. The ordinary farm wagon is equipped on the side opposite to the picker with a "bang board," or extension side, against which the picker throws the husked ears. Tn addition to the husking peg or hook, and gloves, the "bang board" is the only extra equipment used. Snapping Corn Snapping is the breaking of the ear from the stalk, but not remov- ing the husk. This practice is common in the south, where corn dries out well and there is danger of injury in the crib from moths or weevils. In the Corn Belt, corn fed directly from the field early in the fall is snapped in order to save the labor of husking. Sweet corn is usually snapped and hauled directly to the cannery. Ordinarily, corn for crib- bing is not snapped, because : 1. The husks interfere with the drying of the corn in the crib. 2. The husks take up storage room. 3. The husks interfere with corn shelling, except in the case of big power shellers. Husking By Machine Eventually, corn husking machines will be used extensively, but they will come into common use gradually. The machines were used on many large farms during the World war. There has been a great Husking machines give satisfaction under some conditions. 66 CORN AND CORN-GROWING improvement in the corn picker, and improvement will continue so that the machine will pick up down stalks, catch shelled corn and husk clean in dry weather. Even now, corn pickinf? machines seem to have been sufficiently perfected so that they are a decided success on the larger farms where all conditions are favorable. All conditions are not likely to be favor- able, however, for more than one-fourth of the time Avith the types of corn which are now most generally grown in the Corn Belt. There is a real opportunity for someone to develop types of corn genuinely adapt- ed to the corn hu.sking machine. In standing corn, during October, the machine seems to give better results than the ordinar.y busker, picking many nubbins which most buskers pass up and leaving less in the way of silks and ribbons on the corn in the wagon. With six horses and one man, it will pick on the average about 370 bushels in a ten-hour day. But as the season wears on and the stalks become brittle and some of the ears drop off, the ma- chine seems to labor under a serious handicap. Ideal picking condi- tions are : 1. Upright, hard shelling corn. 2. Stalks and husks not too brittle. 3. Dry under foot. 4. Cloudy or damp weather. Heretofore, in the Corn Belt, corn breeders have selected for single- eared types of corn because of the greater labor of husking two-eared stalks. With the corn husking machine, however, there may be a positive advantage in two-eared sorts. W^ith hand buskers., it is inadvisable for corn to carry the ears much lower than waist high, but with the machine it is permissible for the ears to be as low as two feet from the ground. For the picking machine, it seems that a rather smooth-kerneled, shallow-grained sort which clings tightly to the cob would be better than a deep-grained, rough, easy- shelling kind. Reid Yellow Dent, and other varieties of corn similarly bied, are responsible for a large part of the difficulty with corn picking machines. Reid Yellow Dent is an ideal variety for hand huskers' carrying a large ear on a small shank and breaking off easily. It is just about the worst possible variety for machine husking. Even under ideal conditions, when the machine picks cleanly, there are some objections to the mechanical picker, as f oIIoavs : 1. It requires five or six horses to pull the machine. 2. It is hard on the horses. 3. It tears down the stalks and leaves them in poor condition for pas- turing. 4. It is expensive, costing about .$400. Elevating the Corn The larger Corn Belt farms usually have a portable elevator for delivering the husked corn from the wagon to the crib. These elevators HARVESTING EAR CORN 07 save the large amount of hand labor required when the corn is scooped by shovel from the wagon into the crib. The corn is dumped and ele- vated by power furnished bj" a team or gasoline engine. A crib may be entirely filled with no hand labor. For shoveling, the w'agon is equipped with a special end-gate, which provides room for the shoveler to stand. Corn Cribs A good corn crib should provide for the following : 1. Ventilation. 2. Protection from rodents. 3. Exclusion of moisture. 4. Accessibility to the feed lot. 5. Permanency. Most of the cribs are of wood with slatted siding. These cribs are of varying lengths, but are quite \niiformly eight feet wide, so that good Cribbing corn with portable elevator. ventilation is obtained. In years of large corn crops, much corn is placed in temporary wire or stave fence cribs. For permanency, farmers have been building cribs of special hollow tile that has a channel extending downward toward the outside of the crib. These circular cribs with central ventilators and cement floors have proved very satisfactory. Moisture in Corn It is not safe to crib in an ordinary crib, ear corn that has over 30 per cent moisture. In an average j^ear at husking time, corn will con- tain from 20 to 30 per cent moisture. There is a rapid decrease from September to November in the amount of moisture in cribbed corn, and again in the spring months. 68 CORN AND CORN-GROWING From November until the following October, corn will lose from 8 to 20 per cent in weight, depending upon conditions. As a rule, there will be about 17 per cent shrinkage in ordinary corn the first year. The second 3'ear there is a small amount of shrinkage in crib corn, usually less than one per cent. (See Chapter 21.) Measuring Corn To find the number of bushels of shelled corn in a bin, multiply the length by the width by the depth (all in feet), and divide by 1.25. To find the number of bushels of ear corn, divide by 2.5. If the corn is in the husk, divide by 3.5, For a round crib, multiply the distance around the crib by the diameter by the depth of the corn (all in feet) and divide by 10 to get the number of bushels of ear corn ; if the corn is in the husk, divide by 14.5. A common wagon box is 10 feet long and 3 feet wide. It will hold two bushels of shelled corn or one bushel of ear corn for every inch in depth. There are 2,150.42 cubic inches in a bushel of shelled corn, and 4,300 cubic inches in a bushel of ear corn (allowing 70 pounds of ear corn to the bushel). In the case of unusu- ally deep grained, smooth-dented, well-matured corn, 3,800 cubic inches of ear corn may shell out a bushel. Pasturing Corn Stalks A valuable by-product of the husked corn crop is the excellent pas- ture afforded by stalk fields after husking. A majority of Corn Belt farmers turn live stock into a corn field as soon as the field has been husked. A stalk field furnishes a good place to winter over cattle and horses. The live stock break down the stalks, aiding in preparation of seed bed in the spring. Pasturing of stalks in wet weather is a dis- advantage, especially on heavy soils, as the live stock will pack the soil. Shelling Corn Ear corn not containing more than 25 per cent moisture will shell readily, and in the frozen state corn with more moisture will shell. However, it is not safe to bin shelled corn containing more than 19 per cent moisture. If shelled corn is to be stored beyond April 15, it should not contain more than 17.5 per cent moisture, or it is likely to heat seri- ously during the first spell of w^arm w-eather. Grade 3 corn, which contains not more than 17.5 per cent moisture, may be safely shipped in warm weather. The two types of corn shellers are spring sheller and cylinder sheller. ]\Iost of the small power shellers and hand shellers are of the spring type. These shellers have an adjustable rag iron that holds the ears against a deep grooved wheel that shells the corn from the ear as a large wheel revolves the ear, so that the kernels are removed from the entire ear. Blowers for cleaning, cob stackers, and elevators are part of most of the power types. The cylinder sheller is usually a large power HARVESTING EAR CORN 69 machines. The corn is shelled by the revolvino- of shellin«>' rinacking it is greatly facilitated by the ordinary distributor. When a large quantity of corn is placed in a silo within a short time, a considerable settling of the silage results, making it necessary to refill the silo within a few days in order to utilize the full capacity of the silo. Where two silos have been built side by side, filling one for a day and then filling the other for a day until the two silos are filled, will partially overcome the difficulty from settling. Adding Water If corn is cut at the proper time, good silage can be made without adding water. Corn in the silo at filling time should feel moist. Briefh', water should be added to corn when filling the silo under the following 84 CORN AND (^ORX-GROWTXG conditions : First, when corn is too ripe and does not pack well in the silo ; second, Avhen ref illintr the silo in the late fall or winter with dry shocked corn. Preventing Waste on Top Unless feedin<>' is commenced as soon as the silo is filled, some corn at the top of the silo Avill spoil. This waste may be partly eliminated in several Avays. First, level off the surface and tramp firmly. Some farmers use finely cut straw or chaff from the straw stack thoroughly packed and Avet down, to cover the top. Others soak the top with water and sow oats. The oats sprout and make a thick covering which keeps out the air and reduces the waste. Satisfactory results have come from the use of tar paper spread over the surface and covered with a thin layer of cut corn from which the ears have been removed. In any case, it is a good plan to jiull the ears off the last load of corn wliieh is ]Mit into the silo. Opening the Silo Corn may be fed as soon as the silo is filled, but for the first few days, it is nothing but green corn finely cut. When handled in this way, there is no waste on the top of the silo. During the first ten days or two weeks, fermentation takes place, and the corn is gradually changed to silage. When allowed to stand for a time before using, some corn at the top of the silo Avill spoil and before feeding is begun this spoiled layer should be removed. Refilling the Silo After the contents of the silo have been fed out, the silo may be re- filled Avith dry shocked fodder, if it is available. Dry corn put in the silo makes a very satisfactory feed, but it is not as high in value as silage from corn put in at the proper stage. In refilling a silo with dry corn fodder, about 250 gallons, or one ton, of Avater should be added to each ton of dry fodder. The Avater may be run in the top of the bloAver Avith a hose. It is not desirable to alloAV the Avater to run in one place, as it Avill folloAv channels, and leaves parts of the silage practically dry, resulting in much spoiled feed. Corn stover may be used in the above Avay. HoAvever, its feeding value is much loAver than silage made from fodder. These types of silage should be made not later than February 1. Frosted Corn Silage If the corn which is to be used for silage is frosted while still quite immature, it is best to cut it soon after frost, to avoid loss of leaves and alloAV the corn to cure out to some extent before putting it in the silo. In 1915, Avhen much immature corn Avas liar\'ested for silage, many farmers cut their frosted corn, cured it in the shock, and filled their silos later in the season, adding Avater to facilitate the pack- CORN SILAGE 85 ing of the silage. Some of the farmers who put this kind of corn into the silo immediately, found that the silage produced Avas very watery. Soft corn silage is discussed in Chapter 14. Corn Silage Versus Other Silage As far as its content of protein and sugar is concerned, the corn plant furnishes the most nearly ideal single plant material for silage. Plants similar to the legumes contain too much protein material in pro- portion to the sugar content. Sunflowers give a large tonnage, but a coarser silage. Dairy sections in the southern Corn Belt infested with the chinch bug have grown sunflowers for silage with only fair results. Legumes, especially soy beans, have been mixed with corn for silage. Ordinary corn and soy bean silage, resulting from growing the two crops together in the same field, usually has ten parts of green corn to one part of soy beans. The Indiana experiments indicate that the advan- tage of corn and soy bean silage is more theoretical than actual. Ap- parently, any slight increase in the value of the silage per ton, or in the yield of the mixture per acre, is counterbalanced by the cost of the soy bean seed and by the extra bother involved in handling the mixture. Characteristics of Good Silage In buying, feeding or judging silage, it is well to know the charac- teristics of good silage. Good silage should have the following char- acteristics : 1. Cut in short half-inch lengths (not long shreds). 2. Very leafy with few coarse stalks. 3. A large amount of grain in the stover. 4. Sweet and free from all molds. 5. Sharp odors of acid. 6. No odor of spoiled butter. 7. Even distribution of moisture. 8. From 60 to 74 per cent moisture. 9. Light in color. 10. Palatable. Measuring and Valuing Silage To measure silage, square the diameter and multiply by .7854, and then by the depth of settled silage. This gives the number of cubic feet. If not much silage has been fed out, allow 40 pounds to the cubic foot. In the bottom one-third of the silo, allow 43 pounds per cubic foot. A ton of average Corn Belt silage is worth the value of five bush- els of corn plus 300 pounds of loose hay. CHAPTER 17 HARVESTING WITH LIVE STOCK npHERE are three general ways of harvesting the standing corn crop with live stock. Hogging-down, however, is the only common prac- tice. These ways, in the order of their importance, are : 1. Harvesting with hogs — hogging-down. 2. Harvesting with sheep — sheeping-down. 3. Harvesting with cattle and horses. Hogging-Down Hogging-down corn is a practical and efficient way of gathering the crop and feeding spring pigs which are to be finished for the early winter market. Farmers who have tried it are almost unanimously agreed that the method is economical and successful. The most enthu- siastic hogging-down men are those who have followed the method longest. Tests show that hogging-down gives as good results as dry lot feeding. Fifteen advantages of hogging-down, according to the Iowa sta- tion, are : 1. Labor is saved. 2. Storage charges on corn are saved. 3. Returns are equally as good. 4. The hogs develop good constitutions. 5. No manure is lost. 6. The manure is evenly and uniformly distributed. 7. The crop is harvested without waste. S. The weeds may be cleaned up. 9. Hogs may follow cattle in the field. 10. Facilitates and encourages the gathering of seed corn. 11. Poor stands of corn may be taken advantage of. 12. Under certain conditions brood sows may be run in the field. 13. Fall plowing is sometimes possible. 14. Organic plant material will be largely added. 15. Corn is harvested more quickly. However, the practice has some drawbacks. Twelve disadvantages, according to the Iowa station, are : 1. Hardens the soil if pastured when wet. 2. Some waste of corn in wet weather. 3. A loss of stover. 4. Difficulty of fencing. 5. Brood sows and gilts get too fat. 6. Takes extra care to turn hogs into new corn. 7. Heavy hogs may waste some corn. 8. Hogs do not gain well after hogging-down. HARVESTING WITH LIVE STOCK 87 9. Likelihood of neglecting hogs. 10. More liable to sickness. 11. Stalks are hard to plow under. 12. Several minor disadvantages. Variety of Corn to Use The highest yielding corn which is adapted to the locality is the variety to use for hogging-down. The hogging-doAvn season may be lengthened by having a small field of an early variety of corn on which to turn the hogs early in the fall. In the North, hogging-down is the only practical way of harvesting short-stalked varieties such as the early flints. Sweet corn does not produce as much pork as field corn, because it does not yield so well. The Principle to Follow The Iowa station says that hogs can gather their own corn to ad- vantage by making efficient use of the grain eaten as they carry on their labor-saving and fattening campaign. However, results show that in the corn field, as in the dry lot or in the pasture, the same general principles of nutrition govern the hogs' appetites, digestion assimila- tion, growth and fattening. It is necessary to know where the protein is coming from to grow the pigs. Although corn field weeds, such as purslane, lamb's quarter, pigweed and morning-glory, furnish some protein, the average hog is in need of more bone and muscle-building material than he can get in the corn field. Some means should be pro- vided to supply supplements to the corn crop. Supplements Necessary Tankage or some other supplement furnishing high quality protein equally cheaply, should be fed when hogging-down a field of corn. It seems to be far more important to feed tankage than to grow soy beans or rape with the corn. And even though a stand is obtained of the soy beans or rape, it is still advisable to use the tankage. "Weaver, of the IMissouri station, gives the following average results for hogging-down corn and soy beans, with and without tankage, during the years 1919, 1920 and 1921 : Hogging-down corn (courtesy of Iowa Station). 88 CORN AND CORN-GROWING Table IX Weight (in pounds) and Yield (in bushels) Hogs in lot I 15 Days fed Average initial weight Average final weight Total gain Average daily gain per head Tankage, total Average daily tankage per head. Tankage per pound of gain Yield of corn Yield of soy beans — seed 34.9 3.39 43.06 Rape, soy beans, eowpeas (in the southern Corn Belt), pumpkins and rye are grown in the corn field for hogging-down. The value and the method of planting these crops in the corn field are discussed in Chapter 18. Hogs running in the corn field will utilize the corn to better advantage and require less tankage if they may run on a clover, alfalfa, rape or blue grass pasture adjoining the corn field. Other Essentials It is essential that the hogs be put on a full feed of corn before being turned into the corn field. It is a good practice to feed green corn fodder with the old corn so that the hogs will get accustomed to their new ration. The feeding of oats will help somewhat in counter- acting the laxative effects of feeding the green corn. If the hogs come in at night, feed them some old corn before turning them out in the morning. Hogs do better when an abundance of water and shade are pro- vided. Clean, clear tile water is good if the land from which it comes is free from cholera and other contagious infection. Clear creeks of known source and fresh springs are good drinking places for hogs. The ordinary barrel water works well in most places. The value of plenty of clean, fresh water for hogs in the corn field can not be over-empha- sized. Carrying Capacity of Corn Usually the field should be fenced, so that small areas may be harvested at a time. It is well to hog-off an area in three weeks, and better in two weeks. Spring shotes weighing 90 to 130 pounds are desirable for hogging-down corn. According to the IMinnesota station, it will require the following number of days to hog off an acre of corn with 125-pound pigs : HARVESTING WITH LIVE STOCK 89 Table X Approximate No. of Days Number of Pigs Weighing 125 Pounds 0/ u t il 22.5 11.2 5.6 y i Ji 30.0 15.0 7.5 O is 37.5 18.7 9.3 « 0) le §8 45.0 22.5 11.2 0) Is ?8 10 52.5 ''O 26.2 40 14.1 Sheeping-Down Corn The practice of turning lambs into the corn field at the rate of .six or seven per acre, to clean up weeds and the lower leaves of corn, is a good one. Turning in twenty to forty lambs per acre to harvest the corn crop is more doubtful, for the reason that the lambs are ready to go back to market at the time when the fat lamb market is usually low, and, moreover, there is often some death loss when the lambs first start to eating corn. In the latter practice, all of the essentials, such as providing proper forage, water, shelter, fencing, salt, the right kind of animals, and proper management are similar and equally as important for sheep as for hogs. It is profitable to have additional pasture and forage outside of the Sheeping-down corn. corn field for the lambs. Plenty of rough feed should be supplied so that the lambs will not eat too much corn. The same forages, soy beans, cowpeas or rape, as sown in the corn field for hogs, may be used for sheeping-down. At the Nebraska station, they found it advisable to feed the average lamb in the corn field one-fourth of a pound of oil meal daily. Thrifty lambs, weighing from 45 to 60 pounds, are desirable ani- mals for sheeping doAvn corn. Older sheep are all right if not too de- 90 CORN AND CORN-GROWING fective in the teeth to eat corn readily. The feeders should be started slowly on the corn to keep doAvn scours and bloat. Extreme precaution and common sense should be used in turniuo- the lambs into the corn field. Lambs turned in the corn field late in September will gain from tAvelve to twenty pounds per head in a feeding period of from two to three months. During the feeding period the lambs will harvest one or two bushels of corn each, depending on the amount of supplementary feed. Small areas should be sheeped-doAvn and the lambs moved before they have to hunt for feed. Shotes running with the lambs or turned in the field afterwards will clean up the corn left by the lambs. Harvesting With Horses and Cattle Horses and cattle may be used to harvest the corn from the stand- ing stalks in the field. However, the disadvantages of packed soil, waste and fencing difficulties, are more pronounced than in hogging-down. This method of harvesting is not a widespread practice, and is not used except in case of very cheap corn when husking is high-priced or labor is difficult to get. It is better to husk the corn fairly clean and turn in the horses and cattle to pasture the stalks and clean up the corn remain- ing in the field. CHAPTER 18 COMPANION CROPS FOR CORN /^CCASIONALLY, other crops are grown with corn to balance the corn ration for animals and to utilize the ground better. It is doubt- ful if the returns warrant either reason. At any rate, there are many essentials and precautions to keep in mind in order to get the most out of an acre of corn and to feed the crop profitably. The crops ordinaril.y planted with corn are soy beans, rape, cowpeas (in the southern Corn Belt), and sometimes pumpkins. Clover and rye have been sown in corn just before the last cultivation of the corn, with varj^ing success. Usually, the lack of moisture causes i)Oor results and makes it a poor practice. The crop sown with corn should be well adapted to the locality and add more to the combination than it takes away. Soy Beans Soy beans are a comparatively new crop in America, especially in the Corn Belt. Trials during the last twenty years have shown the crop to have a wide range of adaptation, including all the corn and cot- ton lands of the country. The seeds are four times as rich in protein and fat as shelled corn. The most popular use of soy beans in the Corn Belt is for planting with corn for hogging-down or for silage. Over 70 per cent of the soy beans grown in the Corn Belt are planted with corn for hogging-down. The beans are planted at the same time as the corn. They are erect- growing annuals which do not interfere with the growth of corn or with cultivation. The cost of cultivation is not increased by the addi- tion of the beans, and the feeding value of the corn is improved. There is no real difficulty in handling the beans with corn for silage. Effect of Yield on Corn When sown at the ordinary rate of three beans with three kernels of corn per hill, most experiment stations agree that there is some re- duction in yield of corn. Practical farmers, however, .seem to be of one opinion, that the total feeding value of the crop is increased. The amount of the decrease in the corn yield will depend almost entirely upon the amount of moisture and plant food available for the crop. If there is sufficient of each for both crops, little decrease in the yield of corn can be noticed, but if the crop is struck by drouth, the corn will suffer before the beans. Method of Planting The most practical method of planting beans with corn is to place the beans in the hills of corn at the same time the corn is planted. This 92 CORN AND CORN-GROWING is best accomplished by means of a bean attachment for the planter, which is operated by the check wire the same as the corn planter. It is also possible to drill corn and drill beans at the same time, or to check corn and drill beans between the hills. The latter method has given greater yields of both corn and beans than hills of corn and beans to- gether, but there are disadvantages in the cultivation of such a planting. Beans and corn may be mixed and planted from the corn planter box, but this is not so satisfactorj', as an uneven stand of corn often results because the beans settle to the bottom of the planter box faster than the corn. Practical farmers, by adding a handful or so of beans on top of the corn at each round, can overcome this objection to some extent. Rate of Seeding About three beans per hill of corn should be planted. The greater the number of beans per hill, the greater the reduction in the yield of corn. If three beans are planted per hill, the pounds of beans required for each acre are as follows : Pounds Manchu (large seed) 5.0 Medium green (large seed) 5.0 Ito San (medium seed) 3.5 Chestnut (medium seed) 3.5 Ebony (medium seed) 3.5 Midwest (medium to small seed) 3.0 Peking (small seed) 2.0 One bushel of beans, therefore, will plant from twelve to thirty acres, depending on the size of the beans. Varieties The several hundred varieties of soy beans are as different as are varieties of corn, and much of the success in soy bean growing depends upon the choice of the proper variety. To be planted with corn, a variety must be chosen that will ripen with the variety of corn that is used as the companion crop. For silage and sheeping-down, a later variety may be used, but for hogging-down the soy bean variety should be matured when the hogs are turned in. The early varieties, like Ito San and Chestnut, rij^en readily in the most northern states. The mid- .season kinds, like Peking, INIanchu and IMedium Green, mature in the Corn Belt. Inoculation Inoculation is an important factor on most Corn Belt soils. The inoculation of the seed or soil is simply applying some substance that is known to carry live bacteria. On fields that have grown a successful crop of soy beans during the past three or four years, the bacteria are usually present in .sufficient numbers. On other fields, they should be supplied in order to insure maximum yields. Inoculation, however, is not absolutely necessary for the production of a crop. COMPANION CROPS FOR CORN 93 There are various methods of inoculation. An easy method is to use soil from a field that has grown a successful crop of soy beans dur- ing the previous year. Dry it in a shadj^ place and when the soil is dry enough to sieve through a piece of screen wire, spread the seed about two or three inches deep on a clean place. Make a solution of one-half Soy beans in corn furnish green feed rich in protein. cup of sugar to one quart of hot water for each bushel of beans. When the solution is cool, sprinkle it over the beans to make them sticky. Sift the soil uniformly over the moist beans. After drying a few hours, the beans are ready to plant. In case no inoculated soil is at hand, commercial cultures may be used with good results. These cultures may be purchased from any seed house. The method of application is essentially the same as the one mentioned, except that hot water must not be used. Directions for the use of commercial cultures always accompany the package and have l)een found to be reliable. Care should be taken not to wet the beans to such an extent that the seed coats will swell enough to break. Rape Rape is closely related to cabbage, turnips and rutabagas. The seed, the root system and the smooth, large, succulent leaves resemble those 94 CORN AND CORN-GROWING of cabbage, but there is no tendency to form a head. The plant urows two feet tall under average conditions, and on rich, moist soil will grow three or more feet in height. Rape is one of the most valuable pasture crops which can be seeded in the corn at the last cultivation, and is more valuable than soy beans in corn, if a stand can be obtained. However, because of lack of mois- ture, a stand of rape in corn about twice in every five 3'ears, is all that may be expected. But since rape seed rarely costs more than 13 cents a pound, and the total cost of seeding will not exceed 75 cents an acre, farmers can afford to seed rape annually with the expectancy of get- ting stands twice out of five years. The corn and rape growth can be harvested profitably by hogging down or Ity pasturin-z' with sheep in the fall. The leafy plants also tend to shade the ground sufficiently to keep the land free of weeds. Rape has little effect on the yield of corn in the average year, reducing the corn yield about one-half bushel. Method of Planting The seed is generally scattered with a hand seeder at the rate of three to five pounds per acre, immediately preceding the last cultiva- tion, which should be shallow. It may be sown a little later with a one- horse drill, but the delay in time of seeding and the additional labor are objections which jirobably more than offset the advantage of pro- viding a more uniform distribution and covering of the seed. The suc- cess of late seedings depends largely on the rainfall during July and August. Varieties There are two types of rape, the winter or biennial and the summer or annual. The biennial kind lives two years where the winters are extremely mild, as in the South and on the Pacific coast, but in the Gorn Belt the plants are killed by hard freezes in late fall, so it is necessary to make new seedings every year. The summer or annual type, which is also known as "bird-seed" rape, produces seed the first season, but the plants do not make sufficient growth to be of value for forage. The winter or biennial kind, usually known as Dwarf Essex rape, is tlic o:i\v one recojumended for Corn Belt seeding. Cowpeas In the southern Corn Belt and in the South, the cowpeas make a good growth when ]ilanted with corn. The crop requires more heat than corn and is not grown to any extent north of the southern line of Iowa. Many of the things said about soy beans apply to cowpeas. However, the cowpea is a vining plant and not erect-growing like the soy bean. Cowpeas succeed on poorer soils better than soy beans. They should not be planted until the soil is thoroughly warm. Similarly to soy beans, the crop may be sown with corn in one operation with the ordinary corn planter. Broadcasted in the corn and covered at the last cultivation. COMPANION CROPS FOR CORN 95 they should be sown about one bushel to the acre. If cowpeas have been grown in a locality for a long- time, inoculation will not be neces- sary. The Whippoorwill. New Era and Iron are common varieties. Pumpkins According to the Iowa exj^eriment station, pumpkins are often used to advantage with corn. The seed is planted in either missing hills or adjacent to every third hill. Corn planters are now available with a pumpkin seed attachment. On a fertile soil the pumpkins do not seriously interfere with the corn crop and are an added source of revenue, yielding from two to three tons per acre. Many of the canning factories are ready to contract for this crop in the spring- at a specified price, or it may be fed to the stock. From two to three tons per acre is a common yield, depending on the severity of injury from the bugs when the plants are small and an adequate moisture supply when the pumpkins are filling out. Other Crops Clovers, alfalfa and rye have been sown in corn just before the last cultivation of the crop, with varying success. Usually the lack of mois- ture causes poor results. It is not a widespread practice and is not recommended. IMany other crops may be sown with corn, but usually to no advantage. CHAPTER 19 FEEDING CORN TO LIVE STOCK r^ORN is the basis of the live stock grain ration in the Corn Belt, for it is (1) plentiful, (2) easily obtained, (3) comparatively cheap, (4) palatable to all classes of live stock, (5) high in carbohydrates, and (6) low in crude fiber. Corn is a carbohydrate or starchy feed, rich in energy, fat and heat-forming material, but it is low in protein and ash — bone and muscle-building material. The protein which the kernel does contain is inefficient and unbalanced. About 58 per cent of the protein is zein, which lacks some of the amino acids necessary for animal growth. Composition of Corn The average percentage composition of some of the common carbo- hydrate grains, as given by Henry and Morrison, is as follows : Table XI Grain Dent Corn No. 3. Wheat Oats Barley Rye 'S o Carboh ydrates ja 3 W fc ^ < U i^ ^ 16.5 1.4 9.4 1.9 66.11 10.2 1.9 12.4 2.2 71.2i 9.2 3.5 12.4 10.9 59.61 9.3 2.7 11.5 4.6 69.81 1 9.4 2.0 11.8 l.S 73.2 4.7 2.1 4.4 2.1 1.8 It will be noted in Table XI that corn, wheat and rye each contain about 2 per cent fiber, whereas barley contains more than twice as much fiber as corn, and oats contain five or six times as much. In the case of hogs, each 1 per cent of excess fiber lowers the feeding value by 5 per cent. Fiber is not so important with horses and cattle, and for this rea.son oats are much more efficiently utilized by this class of live stock than by hogs. The following table from ''Feeds and Feeding," by Henry and Mor- rison, shows the average digestible nutrients and the nutritive ratio of the common grains : FEEDING CORN TO LIVE STOCK Table XII 97 Dent Corn No. 3. Wheat Rye Oats Barley ^ ' 1922 and 1928. This means that before the war the north-central Iowa elevator during the early winter usually paid the farmers for corn the Chicago price for No. 4 corn less seven cents for freight and three cents for handling. In other words, with Chicago No. 4 corn at 60 cents a bushel, the north-central Iowa elevator paid .")() cents. In the summer-time, when the moisture content in farm corn dropped to less than 15.5 per cent and it would, therefore, grade as No. 2 instead of No. 4 on the Chicago market, the north-central Iowa elevator would pay the farmers about 10 cents below the Chicago price for No. 2 corn. Dtiring 1922 and 1923, the standard differential be- t\veen Chicago corn prices and prices paid by north-central Iowa ele- vators has been 10.5 cents (the freight rate) plits 4.5 cents (the handling Tyi^ical country elevator. charge), or a total of 15 cents. At times some other market may bid more for Iowa corn than Chicago, and in stteh case Iowa farmers may get for their corn a price within eight cents a bushel for corn of the same grade at Chicago. This is rather ttnusual, however, and is a result as a rttle of corn shortage in ]\[issouri, Kansas and Texas, which causes a strong temporary movement of Iowa corn sottthward. Types of Country Elevators There are three kinds of country elevators — independent, line and farmers' co-operative. The independent elevator is tisitally owned by a wealthy man in a small town who has an extensive accptaintance with farmers. Bankers, lumber dealers and feed dealers seem especially like- ly to embark on this line of business. 102 COPxX AXD CORX-GROWIXd The Federal Trade Commission reports that of over 9,000 eoiieerns handling- grain at eonntry stations in 1918, from which rejiorts wev secured, 36 per cent Avere commercial line elevators, 19.49 per cent were farmers' co-operatives, and 31.62 per cent were commercial independ- ents. The local mills accounted for most of the balance. In several of the grain states, where there is a keen interest in co-operative mar- keting, the percentage of farmers' elevators is much higher than the general average of the country as reported by the Federal Trade Commis- sion. For instance, Iowa's percentage of co-operative elevators was estimated at 32.6 in 1921. It should be noted also that the average farm- ers' elevator does business on a bigger scale than either of the other tyi^^s. It buys annually on the average nearly twice the volume of the line elevator and about one-half more than the average independent. Ordi- narily, an elevator should handle 100,000 bushels of grain annually if it is to do business on an economical basis. Previous to 1900. many of the line elevators profiteered unmerci- fully, at the expense of their farmer patrons, and did all in their power to prevent the formation of co-operative elevators. Since 1910, the different types of elevators seem to have been doing business on about the same margin, with the tendency in favor of the co-operative elevators in years of rising prices, and oftentimes in favor of the line or inde- pendent elevators in years of falling prices. Two Ways in Which Country Elevators May Sell Grain at Chicago Country elevators may ship their grain to Chicago as fast as they are able to fill the cars, or they may ship a little more leisurely and protect themselves against a decline in the market by '' hedging "" (sell- ing short as many bushels of corn for future delivery as they have bought from the farmers). If the elevator does not take out any price insur- ance in the form of "hedge" sales, it will make a speculative profit above expectations in case the Chicago market advances before the car gets to it. On the other hand, there may be a speculative loss if the market falls. This speculative ri.sk becomes very great in years of car shortage, which may cause the la])se of several AAceks between the time the corn is purchased from the farmer and the time it is sold at Chicago. When an elevator deals only in cash grain without any "hedge" insurance, it is necessary to pay about $2 a car (about one-seventh of a cent per bushel) for brokerage and miscellaneous charges. If, how- ever, an elevator takes out "hedge" insurance by .selling "future" corn at the time the purchase is made from the farmers, it is necessary to pay about one-fourth of a cent per bushel in addition for the insurance. The method of hedging is illustrated in the following: An elevator is buying corn on February 20, which it expects to ship sometime in March. May future corn, which is the nearest future, is quoted at 72 cents and the cash No. 3 corn is 66 cents. The elevator knows it must buy corn from farmers at 15 cents below Chicago price for same grade, MAKKETIXG CORN 103 and it therefore i^ays 51 cents for 1,115 bushels of corn, ^vhicli is all that is offered to it that day. The same day it wires a commission com- pany at Chicago to sell 1,000 bushels of May corn at 72 cents (the 6-cent difference between the February cash No. 3 corn price and the May future is in part caused by contract future corn being No. 2 and in part by the two or three months' storage charges). When the corn is finally received in Chicago, on March 10, the price of the May future may be 65 cents and the cash No. 3 corn 59 cents. In that case, the elevator in buying back its paper contract on ]\rarch 10, makes a profit of seven cents a bushel, which enables it to meet the loss on the cash corn. On the other hand, an advance to 80 cents for May future and 74 cents for No. 3 cash will result in a loss of eight cents a bushel on the paper corn, which counteracts the gain of eight cents on the actual corn. In either case, the net result is that the elevator gets for its corn a price about equivalent to what it paid the farmers on February 20. The theory of "hedging" is beautiful, and the practice is fairly good. Unfortunately, some elevator managers succumb to the tempta- tion to buy and sell paper grain above what is needed for purely "hedg- ing" purposes. In a few cases, also, the cash grain and future grain markets do not maintain the sympathetic relation toward each other which is neces.sary if "hedging" is to be perfect price insurance. The four futures commonly dealt with on the Chicago market are May, July, September and December. The smallest unit of paper grain customarily handled is 1,000 bushels. Commission firms charge one- fourth of a cent per bushel, or $2.50 for 1,000 bushels, for the sale and purcha.se. In addition, it is necessary to put up with commission firms 10 cents a bushel, or $100 for 1,000 bushels, to serve as margin to pro- tect the commission company in case the corn goes down before the deal Mcisture tester used in rleterminin.s; corn grades, both by country elevators and at primary markets. 104 rOKX AND COKX-0 ROWING is closed. "Hedging"' can be made really useful by elevator managers, especially -when they are unable to ship promptly, and the tendency of the market seems downAvard. In the case of line elevators, " hedginji' ' " is usually taken care of from a central office. ]\Iany co-operatives do not hedge at all, partly because they fear their managers may speculate on the side and partly because they do not understand the advantages. The Grain Act, which was passed by Congress in 1922, gives the United States Department of Agriculture power to designate certain markets as contract markets where futures may be traded in. Regula- tions may also be prescribed with the idea of making it possible for the future grain prices to register actual changes in supply and demand conditions rather than mere speculative raids and corners. It is to be assumed, therefore, that the Grain Act may make it possible to use the Chicago market for "hedging" purposes with greater safety than would otherwise be the case. Handling Cash Grain at Chicago Grain cars, when they reach Chicago, are switched onto grain tracks, where they are examined by state grain inspectors. Samples of grain are taken from each ear, and these samples are taken to a grain grading room, where the percentage of moisture is ascertained and the corn is given a definite grade on the basis of the Federal Shelled Corn Stan- dards, as set forth in the following : Table XIV — Grade Requirements for White, Yellow and Mixed Corn Maximum Limits of bo "S ■~: a g is Si "S c Grade 5-H 2? 5S 11 = S2i .s ^ Mois (per
  • rain standards of the United States for shelled corn (maize) : Corn— Corn shall be shelled corn of the flint or dent varieties. Basis of Determinations— Each determination of color, damage and heat damage shall be upon the basis of the grain after the removal of foreign material and cracked corn as provided in the section defining foreign material and cracked corn. All other determinations shall be u])on the basis of the grain, including such foreign material and cracked corn. Percentages— Percentages, except in the ease of moisture, shall l)e percentages ascertained by weight. Percentage of Moisture— Percentage of moisture in corn shall be ascertained by the moisture tester and the method of use thereof de- scribed in Circular No. 72 and supplement thereto, issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, or ascer- tained by any device and method giving equivalent results. Test AVeight Per Bushel— Test weight per bushel shall be the weight per Winchester bushel as determined by the testing apparatus and the method of use thereof described in Bulletin No. 472, dated October 30. 1916. issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, or as deter- mined by any device and method giving equivalent results. Foreign Material and Cracked Corn— Foreign material and cracked corn shall be kernels and pieces of kernels of corn, and all matter other than corn, which will pass through a metal sieve perforated with round holes twelve sixty-fourths of an inch in diameter, and all matter other than corn remaining on such sieve after screening. Heat-Damaged Kernels— Heat-damaged kernels shall be kernels and l)ieces of kernels of corn which have been distinctly discolored by ex- ternal heat or as a result of heating caused by fermentation. The market corn is also divided into classes on the basis of color. as follows : AVhite Corn— This class shall consist of corn of which at least 9S per cent by weight of the kernels are white. A slight tinge of light straw color or of pink on kernels of corn otherwise white shall not affect their classification as white corn. Yellow Corn— This class shall consist of corn of which at least 95 ]ier cent by weight of the kernels are yellow. A slight tinge of red on kernels of corn otherwise yellow shall not affect their classification as yellow corn. Mixed Corn— This class shall consist of corn of various colors not coming Avithin the limits for color as provided in the definitions of white corn and yellow corn. White-capped yellow kernels shall be classified as mixed corn. 106 CORN AND ('()KN-GR()^Y1XG In the ordinary crop year, the leading' primary markets receive about equal amounts of No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 grades of corn, with much more No. 3 and No. 4 corn coming- in during December and January. In a soft corn year like 1917, 25 to 40 per cent of the corn may be .soft corn and sell 5 to 15 cents a bushel below No. 2. In unusually .sound corn years like 1920, half of the corn may grade as No. 2 or better. CHAPTER 21 CORN PRICES ^<)RX prices are chiefly dependent on the size of the crop in the I'nited States. Statistical research indicates that corn prices before the war, on farms of the United States, on December 1, varied up and down according to size of the crop, about as follows : Corn Crop Price, Dec. 1, on farms 20 per cent below normal 34 per cent above normal l.T per cent below normal 21 per cent above normal 10 per cent below normal 15 per cent above normal 10 per cent above normal S per cent below normal The normal corn crop for the United States from 1923 to 1928 seems to be about 2,850,000.000 bushels. Because of world-wide price dis- turbances, it is exceedingly difficult to say just what will be the normal corn price on farms of the United States on December 1, from 1923 to 1928. If we assume 80 cents as the normal corn price, a crop of 3,135.- 000.000 bushels (10 per cent above normal) would mean, according 1o the table, a price of 8 per cent below normal, or 73.6 cents, whereas, a crop of 2,565,000,000 (10 per cent below normal) would indicate a price of 15 per cent above normal, or 92 cents. Corn Prices Also Influenced by Size of Crop Two Years Previous A large corn crop two years previous tends to mean higher corn prices this year. This is probably a result of a larger hog population wliich followed the large corn crop and which is still existing two years following the large corn crop. This influence is very small as compared to the influence of the size of the corn crop the same year. The tend- ency is expressed in the following : Corn Crop, two years previous Price, Dec. 1, on farms 2.5 per cent below normal 5 per cent below normal 10 per cent below normal 2 per cent below normal 10 per cent above normal 2 per cent above normal 15 per cent above normal 3 per cent above normal Corn Prices Influenced by Wheat Prices Both corn flour and corn meal are used occasionally to some extent as Avheat flour substitutes, and there is therefore a little sympathy be- tween wheat and corn prices. Before the war. this relationship seems to have been about as follows: 108 COKX AND CORN-GROWING Wheat Price Corn Price Dec. 1, on farms Dec. 1, on farms 30 per cent below normal 6 per cent below normal 20 per cent below normal 4 per cent below normal 10 per cent below normal 2 per cent below normal 10 per cent above normal 2 per cent above normal 20 per cent above normal 4 per cent above normal 30 per cent above normal 6 per cent above normal During the twenty years following the Civil war, corn sold on the average for only about half as much per bushel as wheat, but since 1890 corn has averaged 65 to 70 per cent as much as wheat, and in years of .short corn crops and fairly good wheat crops corn has sold within a few cents a bushel of wheat. Because of the fact that wheat is richer in gluten than corn, and therefore better adapted to bread making; be- cause a bushel of wheat weighs 60 pounds, whereas a bushel of corn weighs only 56 pounds, and because corn is higher in moisture than wheat, it is doubtful if corn Avill ever sell for any length of time for more than 85 per cent as much per bushel as wheat. It is probable, how- ever, that corn will gradually advance from its present ratio of around 70 per cent to 80 per cent for the reason that the good corn lands of the world are much more limited than the wheat lands, and corn is used in making many more different kinds of food and industrial products than Avheat. In fact, it is possible though hardly probable that corn will eventually sell for practically the same price per bushel as wheat. For the immediate future it is to be expected in years when both the wheat and corn crops are normal, that corn will sell for about 70 per cent as much per bushel as wheat. If corn sells for a period of years above this ratio, there will be a teudencv in lar'.ve parts of ^Missouri. Illinois, Indiana and Ohio to ]uit much land which is now in winter wheat into corn. Corn Price in Early Winter Influenced by Hog Packing the Preceding Summer There is a tendency for the numlier of hogs packed the ])recediug summer to influence corn prices in the early winter, about as follows : Number of Hoss packed at western Corn Price during early winter points preceding summer. immediately following. 8 per cent decrease below normal. ...4 per cent decrease below normal 4 per cent decrease below normal. ...2 per cent decrease below normal 4 per cent increase above normal... .2 per cent increase above normal 8 per cent increase above normal....4 per cent increase above normal Evidently, a large number of liogs fed out during the summer im- mediately preceding the new corn crop helps in some measure to create a situation making for slightly higher priced corn. The average weight of hogs during the summer also indicates a little something concerning the oncoming corn price situation. The re- hilion seems to be about as follows: CORN PRICES 109 Weight of Hogs at western pack- Corn Prices during early winter ing points preceding summer. immediately following. 6 per cent increase above normal... .8 per cent decrease below normal 3 per cent increase above normal.. ..4 per cent decrease below normal 3 per cent decrease below normal. ...4 per cent increase above normal G per cent decrease below normal....S per cent increase above normal rt seems that hos than usual, fed to heavier weights than usual during- the summer season immediately ])recedin,G: the new corn crop, indicate that the hog Dack- ground to corn prices is unfavorable. On the other hand, large numbers of ho?.s fed out to a light weight during the summer months indicate that the hog background to corn prices is favorable. Some people think that large numbers of hogs fed to heavy weights would be more favor- able to high corn prices than large numbers fed to light weights. Actu- ally, it does not work out this way, for the reason that farmers will not feed hogs to heavy weights except when there is an abundance of cheap corn, a situation which usually continues to make somewhat for cheaper corn prices during the new crop season. Corn Prices and Hog Prices Corn and hog ratios are discussed in tlie following chapter (22). There is not the close immediate connection betAveen corn prices and hog prices that many people think. Statistical research indicates that l)efore the war corn prices usually led the way and hog prices followed l)ehind. As a rule, scarce, high-priced corn was followed several months later by higher-priced hogs, the full effect being felt on the hogs about eight or nine months later, and continuing for about twenty months after the short corn crop Avas harvested. Hog prices are practically valueless in predicting the future course of corn prices, although corn prices may be of very real value in pre- dicting the future course of hog prices. Weather and Corn Prices Since the size of the crop (discussed in the first paragraph of this chapter) has far more to do with corn prices than all the other factors put together, it is especially important to study the weather in its rela- tion to the size of the crop. This is gone into in great detail in Chap- ter 3. Suffice it to say here that the all-important weather from the standpoint of corn prices is the rainfall and temperature from July 1 to August 20. During this period, it requires an average of about one inch of rainfall every ten days to hoVl new crop futures (December and ]May) corn prices steady. More than one inch of rainfall in ten davs tends to lower corn prices, 1.4 inches or more tending to cause a drop of two or three cents a bushel. Less than half an inch of rainfall in no CORN AND ('0RX-(!K{)WIXC1 tell (la\-s tends to cause an advanei^ of 1hree or four cents a bushel. I r there has been an average of less than a tenth of an inch of rain during the ten-day period, and if the mean temperature has averaged above 80 degrees, the corn price may run up six to eight cents a bushel. To de- termine the average rainfall, it is necessary to have reports from at least twenty representative stations in each of such states as Iowa, Illi- nois. Indiana, Ohio, IMissouri, Nebraska and Kansas. The daily corn and wheat region bulletin, which may be obtained from the Chicago AVeather Bureau, gives such information. Prices as Influenced by Shrinkage and Time of Year Illinois and Io^^•a ex})eriments indicate that on the average, corn picked early in November will shrink about 3 per cent during November. 2 per cent during December, 1 per cent in January, 1 per cent in Feb- ruary, 1 per cent in ■March, 3 per cent in April, 3 per cent in May, 2 per cent in June, and 1 per cent in July, normalh' making a total of about 17 per cent shrinkage from cribbing time in November until the middle of the following summer. Of course, there is considerable vari- ation in the years. If the fall is dry and the corn is unusually well matured, the shrinkage may amount to only 9 or 10 per cent, whereas in years when the fall is wet or the corn is poorly matured, it may run as high as 25 per cent. The monthly figures represent normal condi- tions. In some years, however, the really heavy shrinkage will start in late Alarch, in other years in April, and occasionally not until June. Ordinarily, though, late April and ]\Iay is the time of the heaviest shrink- age in corn, much depending, however, on the temperature and the humidity. On the basis of shrinkage alone, it would take, to equal a ])rice of 50 cents a bushel for corn in November, 55 cents in April and US cents in July. When interest is added at 6 per cent, and allowance is made for the overhead investment in the crib, and for a small amount of rat- tage, it will be found that in the ordinary year, it will take, to equal a price of 50 cents a bushel for corn in November, about 52 cents in De- cember, 53 cents in January, 54 cents in February, 55 cents in March, 57 cents in April, 59 cents in May, 60 cents in June, 62 cents in July. and 62.5 cents in August. The actual pre-war normal price for corn on Iowa farms was 49 cents a bushel in late November and December. 50 cents in January, 51 cents in February, 53 cents in March, 56 cents in April, 59 cents in May, 61 cents in June, 63 cents in July, 63 cents iir August, and 61 cents in September. This would indicate that before the war, it was normally a good plan to sell corn in late November, if possible, rather than to sell in December, January, February or March. Rather than to sell in these months, it seemed usually to be a good ])l;i:i to hold for a June, July or August market. Corn Prices as Affected by the General Price Level Whenever the general price level rises as a result of the abundant cu.rrency which follows upon an increased gold supply, improved bank- CORN PRICES 111 in<>' methods, or war, it is inevitable that corn prices also should rise. From 1896 to 1913, the general tendency of corn prices was upward, tecause prices of all kinds were going up as a result of the sudden in- crease in gold output accompanied by improved banking methods. From 1915 to 1920, the war demand, accompanied by currency inflation, sent prices of all kinds up. and corn moved in sympathy. From 1896 to 1913, food prices of most kinds increased somewhat more rapidly than prices generally, because the great over-production of food resulting from the opening of the IMississippi valley was finally absorbed. Corn prices advanced more rapidly than most other food prices, because the corn land of the world was qnite fnlly exploited be- fore the wheat, oat and rye land. Tf we express the relation between farm corn prices and the general United States price level as 100, in the decade 1906-1915, then the rela- tion during the twenty years extending from 1866 to 1885 was 79, whereas the relationship during the decade of 1886-1895 was 88 and during the decade of 1896-1905 the relationship w^as 87. Using the same method, we find the corn crops of 1920, 1921 and 1922 selling for an average of only 61, as compared with 100 in 1906- 1915. This very low relationship was caused partly by the inability of Europe to pay normal prices for our surplus corn and pork products and partly by the ability of organized labor and organized business to hold up manufactured products and freight rates to a high level. Corn prices will doubtless reach again their 1906-1915 ratio to the general price level by the decade of 1930-1940. The decade of 1920-1930 is one of readjustment and uncertainty. Corn Prices and Wages of City Labor From 1811 to 1860, a l)ush("l of corn on the Chicago market sold for the value of four hours of city labor. From 1 873 to 1902, a bushel sold for the value of 2.3 hours. From 1903 to 1912, a bushel sold for the value of 2.4 hours of labor. Corn in 1921 and 1922 sold on the basis of 1.2 hours of labor per bushel. During the four years before the war (1911-1914), it required about 1,170 bushels of Chicago corn to equal the yearly wages of the railroad man. In 1921 and 1922, it required 2,700 bushels to equal the yearly wages of the railroad man. Theoretically, it is to be assumed that in the long run the volume of city labor will increase more rapidly than the output of corn, and that therefore the tendency will be for the yearly wages of city labor to buy fewer and fewer bushels of corn. Labor-saving inventions both on the farm and in the cities tend to postpone this eventual outcome. Temporarily also, labor organizations can hold wages above the ratio Avith corn prices justified by the fundamental economic situation. This results oftentimes, however, in larger numbers of corn farmers looking for work in the cities. It is to be expected, therefore, that the situation 112 COKN AND COKX-GROWING of l!)21-l!l'22 will not continuo iiidcfinitcly. l)nt th;it corn prices -will after a time come to have as favorable a ratio with the waues of labor as ill 1911-1914. Geography of Corn Prices Before the war, the United States Department of Ag-riculture made a lieographical study of corn prices for the five-year period, 1910-1914. The oiitstandino- feature of this inA-estipration was that the center of Geography of corn prices, 1910-1914. Geography of corn prices, 1920-1922. Note that the cheap corn section is still about the same as before the war. (^ORN PRICES 113 c'lieap corn was in northwestern Iowa, northeastern Nebraska, south- eastern South Dakota and southwestern ^Minnesota. When No. 2 corn was 61 cents a bushel on the Chicago market during December, it was customary for corn on farms in northwestern Iowa to sell about 14 cents a bushel cheaper, or around 47 cents a bushel. Eastward and southeastward of the cheap corn section in northwestern Iowa, corn prices before the war ordinarily tended upward at the rate of about three cents every hundred miles. A study based on the three-year period, 1920-1922. indicates that northwestern Iowa, northeastern Nebraska, southeastern South Dakota and southwestern ^Minnesota is still the cheap corn section. The really great difference between the two maps is caused by the increase in freight rates. During 1920 and 1921, the cost of shipping a bushel of corn from northwestern Iowa to Chicago was seven or eight cents more than before the war, and in 1922, after the reduction was made, the cost was still about four cents a bushel more than before the war. From the standpoint of producing .surplus corn for the Chicago mar- ket, the only reg;ion which compares with northwestern Iowa is central Illinois. The corn price in this section would be just as low as in north- western Iowa except for the fact that it is two hundred miles closer to Chicago. Before the war, this gave it an advantage of five cents a bushel. Since the war, as a result of the increase in freight rates, the advantage has amounted to at least seven or eight cents a bushel. In southern oMissouri and southern Illinois, with the exception of a very small area along the river in extreme southeastern ^Missouri, there is no surplus corn whatever to ship to market. Home-grown live stock furnishes the market, and the corn price customarily is almost as high as the Chicago price. In fact, there are sections of the Ozarks Avhere corn almost invariably sells higher than at Chicago. There are parts even of northern ^Missouri where corn is often shipped in. During 1921 and 1922, for instance, there were sections of northern Missouri with the corn price averaging around 65 cents at a time when only 200 miles away, in central Iowa, the price was 42 cents. This situation encouraged a considerable movement of Iowa corn southwai-d instead of to Chicago. In studying the two maps, keep in mind that the prices are based on December 1 farm values. During the summer-time, when there is less moisture in the corn, and when a corn shortage develops in many localities, farm corn prices much more nearly approach the Chicago corn prices. For the ten years, 191.3-1922, average December 1 corn prices for representative states in different sections of the country were : South Dakota, 70 cents; Iowa, 73 cents; Illinois, 78 cents; Ohio, 83 cents; Pennsylvania, 99 cents: New York, $1.16; ^Massachusetts, $1.22; Georgia, •+1.08; Texas, $1; Colorado, 85 cents; Idaho. $1.04, and California, $1.24. 114 CORN AND (OKX-CIROAVIXG The corn price rises rajiidly in every direction from the center of cheap- est corn, where Iowa, Nebraska. South Dakota and ^Minnesota come tog-ether. Corn Value The ultimate value of corn is as a source of fuel or power. A bushel of ear corn contains about the same number of B. T. units as 50 to 60 pounds of ordinary soft coal. When soft coal is above $15 a ton and corn is less than 30 cents a bushel, corn may derive a part of its value from its heating content. This situation is reached only in communi- ties remote from coal mines and terminal markets in years when the general economic situation is demoralized and the corn crop is very large. When crude oil becomes so scarce that crude oil sells wholesale alove 50 cents a gallon, it is possible that alcohol made from corn at 75 cents a bushel can compete with the gasoline as a source of power for automo- biles and trucks. Under ordinary conditions, corn derives its value largely from its ability to furnish fat-forming material to hogs more cheaply than any other grain. By means of the corn-hog combination, it is possible to produce palatable meat with a less expenditure of land and human labor than in any other way. Corn is the most efficient plant of the temperate zones in fixing the energy of the sun's rays, and the hog is the most efficient meat animal for converting that sun energy of corn into a palatable form for human consumption. Corn also derives a part of its value from its ability to furnish the 22,000,000 farm work horses and mules of the United States the cheapest energy which can be obtained in any grain. Heretofore, corn has derived only a small part of its value from its use in factories and mills. Its use in this way is steadily growing, however, and eventuall.y the corn food products as manufactured wiil have as much to do with corn values as the ham, bacon and lard Avhich are made by the hog out of corn. Commercial corn ])roducts are dis- cussed in Chapter 37. CHAPTER CORN-HOG RATIOS /^OKX and hogs influence each other profoundly. One year with an- other, hogs consume about 40 per cent of the corn crop of the United States, or as much as all of the other farm animals put together. Hogs are even more important as a market for corn than the foregoing indi- cates, for the reason that the horse, mule and dairy cow demand for corn is almost constant, whereas the hog consumption of corn often varies by as much as 10 per cent from one 3'ear to the next. Moreover, tlie 20 per cent of the corn crop which the farmers of the United States customarily feed to their horses and mules is used to keep the farm man- MAP NO. VII Note that the hog dots are thickest where corn dots are thickest, the most outstanding exception heing east-central Illinois. (Courtesy of United States Department of Agriculture.) ufaeturing plant running and is not a direct source of income. The corn which is sold in the form of hogs bulks far larger than the corn which is used in any other way. Close Relationship -Maps Xos:. VII and VIll illustrate the exceedingly clo^e relationship between corn and hogs in the United States. It will be noticed that where the corn dots are thickest, so also are the hog dots. The outstand- 116 CORN AND CORN-GKOAVING ing- exception i^s in central Illinois, Avhere with Chica<>'0 only 100 miles away, the comparative freight rates on corn and hogs are snch as to make it more profitable on many of the rented farms to ship corn rather than hog-s to Chicago. In the mountain and Pacific coast states, the hog dots are thicker than the corn dots, the hogs being fattened on barley and milo. These western hogs are barely sufficient to supply the home demand, and do not have commercial significance in the same way as the hogs of the Corn Belt. Chicago Values as a Basis for Ratios With corn and hogs so dependent on each other, it is not surprising that there should be a close relationship between corn and hog prices. This relationship is known as the corn-hog ratio. As the average of the past fifty years, it has required on the Chicago market 11.5 bushels of Xo. 2 corn to equal in value 100 pounds of heavy hogs. In other words, with No. 2 corn at 50 cents a bushel at Chicago, the tendenc^y has been MAP NO. VIII Compare with I\Tan VII and note the tendencv tci corn and hogs to go together in the United States. (Courtesy of I'. S. Dent, of Agriculture.) for heavy hogs to sell for 11..") times as much, o:- lor $5.75 a hundred- weight. Decade after decade, the ratio has averaged around 11 or 12 bushels on the Chicago market. Sometimes corn is so cheap and hogs are so high that the ratio may be 15 or 16 bushels for a year or so, but in such a ca.se the result is the breeding of .so many sows that there is an over-production of hogs and a shortage of corn (unless the weather is unusually favorable), Avith the result that hogs become cheap and corn liiuh and tlio ratio narrows suddenlv to 10 bushels or even less. Usuallv. CORN-HOG RATIOS 117 hogs sell for about twenty months below their long-time ratio with corn and then for about twenty months above it. Sometimes cholera, un- usual business conditions, war, or exceptional weather modifies the swing of hog prices above and below their normal ratio, but even so the swings are only rarely shorter than twelve months or longer than thirty months. The chart illustrates the rhythmical nature of the corn- hog relationship. The zero line in this chart is the 11.5-bushel ratio cor- rected for the season of year (in December the ratio is about 11 bushels, whereas in the early spring it averages 12.4 under a situation where the average for the entire year is 11.5 bushels). Ratio Based on Farm Values If Corn Belt farm values are taken for both corn and hogs, instead of Chicago values, the normal ratio is 13 bushels of farm corn to equal 100 pounds of farm hog, instead of 11.5 bushels. This difference is WOg l<}0 (a> Corn root worm beetle is grass green in color and is found in late Jr.ly and August, feeding on corn tassels and corn silk, (b) Corn root worm burrows into corn roots, caus- ing corn to blow down easily in late summer. (Enlarged.) 126 CORN AND CORX-GROWIXG crop than corn, and the corn put on a new field. Rotation is an almost infallible cure for the northern corn root worm, but is not such a certain l)reventive of the southern form. White Grub Worm The grub is a large white insect with a reddish-brown head. It is similar to the grub found in manure piles, although the latter is not injurious to corn. The parent form of the white grub is the common May beetle or June bug, the large, black or brownish beetle which flies to the lights in ]Mav and earlv June. V '^'^^ /'^ The beetles hide in the grass all • Ndw^ i\ /y'y^ (lay an,;] after sun-down feed on th'^ /f 1h\ '"^MJ " "^^"^ leaves of trees, often doing consider ngH vv V^"^ 7 ^^^^^' damage. They deposit their ( a ) b '^'^^-^'^f eggs in rather compact soil, usuall\ , ^ ^ , , sod ground, during June. These (a) June bug. (e) Full-grown white i ^ i i ^i 11 grub ready to pupate. (d) Half- ^ggs hatch and the young grubs be- grown grub at stage when it does gin to feed upon the roots of the ducedT^ (damage to corn. (Re- gTass that summer. Grubs do not become full groAvn for two years, and even then they remain in the soil for a third winter, emerging as beetles nearh' three years after the eggs were deposited. A generalized life history is as follows : First year — In May the beetles emerge from the soil, feed, and de- posit eggs. Larvae hatch, begin to feed, and winter over in the soil. Second year — Larvae feed during the season. The most damage to crops is caused this year. The larvae winter over in the soil practically full grown. Third year — Larvae feed early in the season, pupate in June or July, and change to beetles a few Aveeks later. The beetles stay in the soil over winter. Fourth year — Same as the first. Beetles emerge in ]\Iay and early June. The presence of the white grub is indicated by (1) dwarfing of the plant, (2) killing of the plant in any stage of growth, (3) weak root system, (4) falling of the stalk. The grubs are not known to infest such crops as clover, alfalfa or buckwheat; these may safely follow sod in a "grub year." Small grains are attacked by the grubs, but to a less extent than corn or potatoes. Under certain conditions, grubs may be controlled by an intelligent rotation, particularly in a district known to be badly infested. Grubs are usually abundant near wooded areas. When grubs are expected in any particular year, corn should not follow sod. It may safely follow a cultivated crop. By referring to the generalized life cycle, one may INSECTS OF CORN 127 determine when to expect damap-e by gTiibs. For instance, if the beetles are exceptionally abundant one year, a laro-e number of grubs may be expected the next year. In any given locality, the grubs are likely to be numerous at three-year intervals. For example, northeastern Iowa has had outbreaks in 1912, 1915, 1918 and 1921. If the two-year-old grubs are damaging corn, there is no practical measure to get rid of them at once without injuring the crop. However, such measures as fall plowing, rotation and turning hogs in on grub infested land may par- tially prevent further injury. Hogs turned into infested fields by the middle of October, before the grubs go deep, will rapidly clear out most of the grubs. The only objection to turning in hogs is that occasionally they become infested with the thorn-headed worm, which is a parasite of both hogs and white grubs. Because the grubs go deeper into the soil for the winter, early fall plowing is of some value, as it brings the grubs to the surface and crushes many of them. INSECTS THAT WORK ON THE STALKS Cut- worm Full grown cut-worms are about one and one-half inches long, usu- ally dull in color. Rarely, as with the variegated cut-worm which attacks clover, are they well marked or striped. Late in June or early in July the mature larva forms a loose cell in the soil, changes to the pupal stage, and a few dayfi later to the adult or moth. ]\Ioths of the various species are much alike. All are dull in appearance and brown in color, with the hind wings lighter than the fore wings. The moths deposit eggs in the grass lands late in the season. The larvae hatch the same fall and spend the winter in the soil partly grown. Consequently, they are of good size by the time the young corn plants are pushing their way through the ground. There is usually only one generation each year. The cutting off of the stalk at the base of the plant, at or just below the surface of the soil, is the work of the cut-worms. Usually, the insect responsible for the damage may be found in the soil near the plant attacked. If cut-worms are present in a corn field, the only two measures to be taken are replanting and poisoning. Replanting should be delayed until damage by the insects has practically ceased. Although the cut- worm pupates in late June, it usually does very little severe damage after warm weather comes on in early June. A poison bait may be made by mixing one pound of Paris green with twenty-five pounds of dry bran or middlings. Scattered over a corn field, this bait attracts the cut- worms, which feed on it and are killed. Results are sometimes very good, but occasionally this method seems to be worthless. Early fall plowing of grass land to be planted in corn the next year is a preventive measure. This plowing buries the eggs or young larvae 128 CORX AND CORN-GROWING so they can not live over winter. Close fall pasturing of such land is also a benefit. Corn land should he disked and harrowed as much as possible before planting'. Chinch Bug The adult form of the chinch bup- is about one-fifth of an inch lon-^', black in color, with the under winj:s whitish. These wino's cross on the back of the in.sect. forming- a sort of an X-shaped mark. Young- chinch Adult winged forms of chinch bug. The larval form, which invades corn fields, looks like this, but has no wings. bugs are pale yellow at first, becoming quite reddish later. At first, there are no traces of wings, but in the later stages wing pads appear. Chinch bugs shed their skins four times and after the fourth moult be- come full grown. During the winter, chinch bugs hibernate in clumps of grass and along fences and hedge rows. In April they go to the wheat fields, which offer plenty of food at this time. They soon deposit their eggs and their young feed on the wheat. At wheat harvest, the bugs of the preceding year are dead and the young ones have not developed wings. The bugs seek green food, and since they are unable to fly, they crawl from one field to another. Growing corn at this time is especially tempt- ing to the partly grown chinch bugs, and the object of the control mea- sures is to keep the bugs out of the corn. Chinch bugs mature in the corn field in July and deposit eggs for a second generation. They grow rapidly and feed on the corn. In September, the second generation matures and spends the winter as adults. Since 1900 most chinch bug damage has been to corn south of the southern Iowa line. Back in 1887, however, chinch bug injury was noticeable in three-fourths of the counties of Iowa. Damage to corn occurs, for the most part, in midsummer, when the growing bugs pass from ripening wheat to corn. It does not necessarily follow that the chinch bug will not become dangerous in localities where no wheat is grown, although such usually is the ca.se. Chinch bugs drive their beaks into the plant tis.sue and suck the juices. INSECTS OF CORN 129 In general, the four control methods for the chinch bug- are (1) cleaning- all rubbish and waste places, (2) barriers around fields, (3) spraying, and (4) natural enemies. Since the chinch bugs hibernate in clumps of Avild grass and similar places, much benefit may be obtained by burning rubbish along fences and hedge rows, in the winter. Clean culture does away with hiber- nating places in a field. As wheat harvest in an infested field draws near, measures to pre- vent the insects from entering the corn field should be taken. This is best done by making barrier lines of some repellant, such as road oil or creosote, around the infested field. The road oil barrier must be kept so sticky that the chinch bugs can not cross it, but the creosote acts on ac- count of its repellant odor. The strip of oil should be half an inch thick or more. Post holes about two feet deep should be dug at intervals of about twenty feet, along the oil line. A little kerosene poured into these holes will kill the bugs that collect. These barriers must be kept freshened. Calcium cyanide was extensively used as a chinch bug barrier for the first time in 1923. It seems to be quite satisfactory, but rather expen- sive. After more experimentation has been done, further information should be obtained from the ^Missouri and Illinois stations. Once the bugs are in a corn field, spraying with tobacco extract or kerosene emulsion is the only measure available. This is usually im- practical. The natural insect enemies of the chinch bug are not numerous, nor do they thrive in hot, dry weather. On the other hand, chinch bugs are the more numerous and thrive best under these conditions. How- ever, the natural enemies have done much to reduce the number and ex- tent of chinch bug attacks. In southern Illinois they have found it well worth while to reduce chinch bug damage by growing varieties of corn with unusually large, sturdy stalks, wide leaves, and more than usually vigorous root's. The Democrat or Champion White Pearl is probably the best of these varie- ties. Under conditions of moderately severe chinch bug infestation, the Democrat will yield twice as much as Reid Yellow Dent, whereas, on the same soil, without chinch bugs, the Reid corn will usually yield 'two or three bushels more per acre. Corn Bill-Bug There are several kinds of bill-bugs. Most of them are black or brown in color. All are beetles with hard backs and long snouts, which make, the holes in the leaf blades. In the grub stage, the corn bill-bugs feed on the roots of certain grasses. One of the most common species feeds on timothy roots. In general, the insects spend the winter in the beetle stage and work in this stage upon the young corn plants in the late spring. In 130 ('ORX AND COKX-OKOWIXG the early suninier, the beetles deposit their eggs on timothy and other grasses. The eggs hatch and the young grubs feed on the grass roots until early fall, when the adult beetles appear. Before changing to beetles, the grubs enter the pupal stage for a short period. The tender leaves injured by rows of holes cut across the blade, is the work of the corn bill-bugs. The injury occurs when the plant is a few inches high, and the leaf blade is still within the sheath of the corn stalk. The holes do not become coni^ipicuous until the blade has grown out. Since the blade is curled up within the leaf sheath, one hole made in the leaf sheath means six or eight holes in the curled leaf blade. Corn ]ilauted on timothy sod that has been infested with these grubs is likely to be damaged, especially if the sod has been turned under in the spring. It has been found that the early fall or summer plowing of sod lands which are infested with these grubs, reduces greatly the injury if corn is put in the field the following year. The stirring of the soil disturbs the insects so that they are unable to survive the winter. Army Worm The army worm resembles the eut-worm. The color varies from yellow to brown or black. There are three stripes, a middle black one and an upper and lower yellowish one, on each side. The worm pupates in the soil. The pupa gives rise in ten to twenty days to a moth. The moth is a night-flying insect and is often attracted in large numbers to light. The fore wings of the moth are yellowish-brown in color and are marked with a small white speck near their center. Each female moth is cai>able of laying about 700 eggs. These eggs hatch into small green worms in about eight to twelve days. The young worms eat but little and feed close to the ground. They may be in a field in great numbers and still escape detection. The worms are nearly full grown before injury becomes serious. Three to five weeks are required for full growth. The worms then are one and one-half inches long and one-eighth of an inch wide. While the army worms prefer to breed and feed in grass or small grain growing in low and moist parts of fields, they become so abun- dant and food material so scarce, that the worms are forced to seek other places for their food. On such occasions, the worms migrate in vast armies and enter a corn field if it is in their path. The migrating worms climb the stalks and strip the plants of their leaves. The worms hide (luring the daytime under clods of dirt and rubbish, and feed during the night. There arc several control measures for the army worm. Infested areas may be mowed, covered with straw and burned. If migrating, the worms may be destroyed by spraying. ])y scattering poisoned bait, similar to that used for cut-worms, or by trenching, as described for tile clnueh bnsr. INSECTS OF CORN 1:J1 Grasshoppers There are several species of grasshoppers. ]\Iost every one is fa- miliar with the ordinary adult which does the damage to crops. The habits of the nsiial species are much alike. The grasshopper has no lar- val stage. The grasshoppers usually lay their eggs in the fall of the year and then^die. The eggs are laid in masses in the ground. As many as 127 eggs have been found in a single egg mass laid by one of the large species of hoppers. Each female ordinarily produces two eg^ masses. The eggs remain in the ground over winter. The following spring, during ~\Iay and June, the eggs are hatched. The young insects feed and grow and at intervals shed their hard skin. After the skin has been moulted for the fifth time, the insect is fully Avinged and the females are ready to lay eggs. Ordinarily, grasshoppers do not breed in corn fields, but may in- vade such fields from neighboring ones where alfalfa, grain or grass is grown, or from uniilowed edges of fields and roads. They eat the leaves, silks and husks of the corn plant. There are several control methods. Poison bait made as follows is good : Bran or mixed bran and sawdust 25 pounds White arsenic or Paris green 1 pound Salt 1 pound rheap molasses 2 quarts Water 10 quarts Amyl acetate (technical) 1 ounce This amount of bait is sufficient to scatter over two acres. It slumld be scattered early in the morning. Corn Ear-Worm The ear-worm is the common greenish or brownish worm that eats into the ears of both dent and sweet corn. The adult is a brown moth. As there are three generations in one year, and each female produces 200 to 300 eggs, this insect can increase rapidly. They go over the Avinter in the pupal stage. The moth emerges early in the spring and deposits eggs which hatch by the time corn is planted. The first two generations live on the leaves, but the third generation attacks the ears. It is especially damaging to sweet corn. In the South it plays havoc with the dent varieties. The young worm begins to feed on the silks and kernels at the tip end of the ear. The full grown worm tunnels down the ear toward the butt end. The same worm feeds on the cotton boll the tomato and tobacco bud. There ai)pears to be no reliable measure for controlling the corn ear-worm. Fall plowing has often been recommended, but it is doubtful if this measure is effective. The insects breed with such rapidity dur- ing the summer that any benefit of fall plowing is overcome. Some benefit has Ix'cn obtained h\ dusting sweet corn during the silking 132 CORN AND CORX-GROWIXG jicrioil. witli powdered lead arsenate, but this is not practical except with sweet corn. Varieties that have lono-, ti.u"ht-fittinenera helono-int; to tlio tribe Trij^saeeae — Euchlaena (teosinte), Tripsacnm (jiama jirass). and Coix (Job's tears). Teosinte and gama grass are described in Chapter 1. Teosinte will cross with corn, but as yet there have been no successful crosses of either corn or teosinte with gama grass or Job's tears. Job's tears is an ornamental garden plant. Large growing, soft shelled forms of Job's tears are cultivated as a grain crop in the Pliilip- pines and other tropical eastern countries. There are several other genera belonging to Tribe Tripsaceae, Avhich are found in India, but which seem as yet to be of no practical impor- tance. From a strictly botanical point of view, there are no clear-cut species of the Genus Zea. Before the discovery of Mendel's law and its application to the genetics of corn, many distinct species of zea were recognized. Today most of these so-called species are looked on merely as interesting freaks which behave as Mendelian dominants or ^Mendelian recessives. On the basis of kernel texture there are four common groups of zea (corn") : 1. Dent. 2. Flint. 3. Sweet. 4. Soft. Dent Corn Dent corn is characterized by a depression in the crown of the kernel. This denting is caused by the unequal shrinkage of the hard starch found on the sides of the kernel and the soft starch which com- poses the crown. The character of the indentation varies all the way from a shallow dimple through a crumpled crease to a thin beak or hook. This last kind of indentation is characteristic of those dents with the highest percentage of soft starch toward the crown. Dent corn varies in color and in size and shape of ear. There is also a great variation in size and shape of kernel. Some ears of dent corn bear kernels of the extreme shoe-peg type, very narrow and deep. Other ears of dent corn bear kernels of the square type, very wide and shallow. In between are all gradations of kernel type. The great diversity of type sketched in the foregoing, together Avitli historical and genetic evidence, indicates that dent corn is not in any sense a species, but a conglomerate mixture. This mixture seems to have resulted from both accidental and intentional crossing of the large flint type (recognized as a distinct sort in the early part of the nine- teenth century) with the gourd-seed, which seems to have been a late- maturing, rank-stalked type, bearing an ear with 22 to 36 rows of rough, deep, very soft, shoe-peg kernels. The ears were rather short, small- cobbed and very thick because of the great depth of grain. Some CLASSIFICATION OF CORN 14:J ' i 1 H 1 i ^!* ■ 1 1 r ^ a 11 1 1 1 1 i i 1. 1 Jr ■bIr w IF ^W Teosinte ear spikes on left. Three ears on right are types which result when teosinte is crossed with corn and the corn types are selected out. (Courtesy oi" United States Department of Agriculture.) people have looked on the gourd-seed as being synonymous with dent corn. That this is not true is indicated by the testimony of farmers who grew both dents and gourd-seeds. For instance, one farmer who grew both Avrote : "Gourd-seed is a large, rough, soft corn. It is later and has larger stalks and ears than the other varieties. It lacks the flintiness and weight for the same bulk as the others have. In comparison with dent of my own raising, in feeding hogs, 1 thought it took about one and one- fourth bushels to go as far as one of my own corn. But cattle in par- ticular will eat it more readily, as it is not so hard to masticate." Mr. John Lorain, in his "Practice of Husbandry," published in 1825, refers to the common practice of mixing gourd-seed with other varieties : "So prevalent are mixtures, that 1 have never examined a field of corn (where great care had not been taken to select the seed), which did not exhibit evident traces of all the corn in general use for field 144 CORX AND CORX-G ROWING planting, with many others that are not used for this purpose. None can be longer nor more readily traced than the gourd-seed. "The quantity of the gourd-seed mixed with the flinty yellow corns, may be determined, so as to answer the farmer's purpose. When the l)roportion of the former greatly predominates, the grains are pale, very long and narrow, and the outside ends of them are so flat (beaked) that but little of the indenture is seen. As the portion of the gourd-seed decreases in the mixture, the grains shorten, become wider, and their outside ends grow thicker. The indentures also become larger and rounder, until the harder corns get the ascendancy. After this, the outside ends of the grain become thicker and more circular. They also grow wider, and the fluted appearance between the rows increases. The indentures also decrease in size until they disappear, and the yellow, flinty variety is formed. But, as I believe, not so fully but that the latent remains will forever subject it to more or less change. It is more difficult to determine the quantity of big and little yellow flints, which may happen to be mixed with the gourd-seed, and at the same time with each other. The soft, open texture of the gourd-seed renders it unfit for exportation, unless it be kiln-dried." Lorain, previous to 1825, stated that true gourd-seed is white : "It is invariably white, unless it has been mixed with the yellow flinty corns. Then it is called the yellow gourd-seed, and too many farmers consider it and most other mixtures original corns. I have often heard of original yellow gourd-seed corn, but after taking much trouble to investigate the fact, could never find anything more than a mixture. If there be an original yellow gourd-seed corn, it has eluded my very attentive inquiry from the Atlantic to our most remote western settlements. ' ' Lorain also says that much of the corn which passes for white gourd- seed has been mixed with white flint. Peter A. Brown, LL. D., writing a paper on corn for the Chester county, Pennsylvania. Cabinet of Natural Science, in 1837, refers to true gourdseed as carrj-ing twenty-four or more rows of kernels. He looked on ears carrying fourteen to twenty-two rows of kernels as mix- tures of flint and gourdseed. No reference is made to dent corn, although he lists thirty-five different types, seven of which he states were origin- ated by mixing gourdseed and flint. He mentions the King Philip as mixing especially well with gourdseed. According to the twelfth Smithsonian Institute report, the Mound- builders of Arkansas grew a type of corn which is "judged to be the variety known in the South as the gourd-seed corn. ' ' Beverly, in his history of Virginia, written in 1705, states that the Indians grew a late flint and a late dent. "The other has a larger grain and looks shriveled, Avith a dent on the back of the grain as if it had never come to perfection ; and this they call She corn. This is esteemed CLASSIFICATION OF CORN 14; by the planters, as the best for increase, and is universally chosen by them for planting; yet I can't see but this also produces the flint corn, accidentally among- the other.'' Evidently there was some crossing of flint and gourdseed to produce dent corn long before the time of John Lorain. The genetic evidence in favor of the hypothesis that the typical dent varieties grown in the Corn Belt are a cross of the flint and gourd-seed corns, consists in the ease with which inbreeding isolates out types which are practically pure flints. H. A. Wallace has isolated out of the Clyde Black strain of Reid Yellow Dent a flinty type similar in appearance to the Dutton flint, popular in New York seventy years ago. Gourd-seed types, because of their lateness and susceptibility to disease, have thus far been difficult to isolate in their pure inbred form. Of course, it is recognized that there may have been many other sorts mixed in forming the modern dent corn, but it is believed that the chief characteristics of dent corn as it is known in the Corn Belt today are due to the large flint and the gourd-seed. Modern dents seem to contain varying percentages of flint and gourd-seed blood. Johnson County White appears to contain a high percentage of gourd-seed, whereas Northwestern Dent is unquestion- ably more than one-half flint. The hybrid heredity of dent corn and the consequent variability and possibility of securing unproductive as well as productive mixtures, indicates that intelligent selection is probably more necessary with dent corn than with purer types. Dent corn typically contains about 10 per cent protein, 68 per cent nitrogen free extract, and 4.8 per cent fat. It is one to two per cent poorer in protein and one to two per cent richer in nitrogen free extract than flint corn of the same moisture content. Shelled dent corn typi- cally weighs 55 or 56 pounds per bushel, whereas shelled corn of the small seeded flints may weigh 60 pounds per bushel, and the flour corns may Aveigh only 50 pounds. p-L-inT - i^i_ouF=\- DEin-r hORmr iTARcn Gcrrn Illustrating difference of kernel texture in different types. 14(i CORN AND (M^RX-GROWIXG Flint Corn Flint corn differs from dent corn in that it contains practically no soft starch; therefore, no indentation is formed. Most flints sucker jirofusely, and nsnally bear more than one ear ])er plant. Flint corns are good yielders and furnish excellent fodder. The corn meal made from flint corn is of superior quality. ]\Iost yellow flints are a much deeper yellow than yellow dents. The four common classes of flint varieties are (1) early flints, (2) medium flints, (3) tropical flints, and (4) popcorn. The early flints are the earliest varieties of corn grown in the United States. They grow only three or four feet high, and bear the ear within a few inches of the ground. The color is variable, and the ear six to seven inches long and usually carrying eight rows. This type is adapted to short seasons, high altitudes and dry conditions. Representative varieties are Gehu, Dakota White and Early Indian. Most of these early flints were developed by the Indians of the northwest with but very little improvement by the white man during the past thirty years. The medium flint class consists principally of varieties that orig- inated in New England and the Middle-Atlantic states. They grow from five to seven feet in height, but are finer stalked than the dent varieties. They vary greatly in size and color of ear and in length of maturity. Most of them are eight-rowed. Because of their fine stalks and numer- ous leaves, they make an excellent quality of fodder and silage. Repre- sentative varieties are Longfellow, King Philip. Smut Nose and Mercer. Both the early and medium flints sucker considerably and carry many streamers on their husks. The tropical flints are not well knoAvn in the United States. Pre- sumably, Columbus found tropical flints growing on the West India islands and introduced them to Europe. Many of the common flints of Italy, the Balkan States and Argentina seem to be tropical flints. The tropical flints, as modified by selection in these countries, require about 120 days to mature. Many of them do not sucker. The kernels usually are narrower and deeper than with the medium class of flints. Oftentimes the ears carry twelve rows. Popcorn differs from the other flints in that it contains an even higher percentage of hard starch, the kernels are usually much smaller, and the hull in proportion to the size of kernel is tougher and thicker. Because of these characteristics, the kernel, when heated, has the ability to pop better than the other flints. Popcorn is discussed in Chapter 27. While there is great variability among all four classes of flints., just described, there is reason to think that they arc more luiiforni in tlicii- characteristics than the dents. Sweet Corn SAveet corns may be of the dent type (Evergreen) or the flint ty])e (Golden Bantam), and also of soft corn types. Sweet corn, therefore has the possibility of being one of the most variable of all corn tyjies. CLASSIFICATION OF CORN 147 Tlie only distinguisliing characteristics of sweet corn are wrinkled ker- nels and translucent, hard starch, which does not mature normally, ap- parently remaining- in the sugar stage much longer than is the case witli ordinary corn. Soft Corn Soft varieties of corn are grown only to a very limited extent. They are also known as "squaw" corn and "flour" corn. Soft corn is usu- ally similar to flint corn in plant and ear characters, but differs in that the kernels are composed largely of soft starch Instead of hard starch. Like flint corn, it has no dent (sometimes there is a slight dent in Hopi Indian corn). The horny starch in soft corn is such a very thin shell at the sides of the kernel that it is impossible for any strain of this corn to be deep yellow in color (the yellow color of corn is found only in the horny starch). Strains, of soft corn are Brazilian Flour, Hopi and the Blue Flour of the Nebraska and Dakota Indians. Evidence indicating the purity of flour corn as an ancient type is the inbreeding Avork done by Kemptoji and Collins with the Pawnee Blue Flour. The Pawnee Blue Flour with- stands inbreeding with less loss of vigor than any other strain of corn which has thus far been put through this severe test. Other Types Kernel texture, while convenient for practical purposes, is only one basis of classifying corn. Geneticists have studied hundreds of distinct types which the botanists of a generation ago would have dignified with Latin names as distinct species. Some of these types are : 1. Pod corn — each kernel enclosed by a husk as well as the entire ear. '1. Brachytic corn — short jointed corn which is normal in every respect except that the joints are only half the normal length. There are the usual number of leaves. 3. Purple-leaved corn — the leaves and husks are a deep, beautiful purple. 4. Japonica. or striped-leaved corn. .5. Hairy corn — hairs on the stems and leaves. 6. Ramosa corn — ear a round cluster of kernels withort a true cob. (Dis- covered at the Illinois station.) 7. Corn bearing ears with lateral branches at the base of the cob. 5. Tassel ear corn — ears borne on tassels. 9. Waxy corn — logically, this should be included as a fifth member ot the classification on kernel texture. The carbohydrates of the kernel are stored in the form of dextrin, instead of as starch. It is not shriveled, however, like sweet corn. 10. Starchy sweet corn — like waxy corn, this logically should be included with the classification on basis of kernel texture. The upper part of the ker- nels is transparent and horny like sweet corn, and the lower part is starchy. This corn is grown by certain Mexican and Peruvian Indians. It can be pro duced by crossing true sweet corns with dent corn and then selecting out in later generations the sweet corn recessives which carry white starch at the base of the kernel. It is not grown commercially. 148 VOVx^ AND CORX-GROAVIXG There are many more rather freakish types of this sort which have as legitimate claim, from a botanical point of view, to be known as species of zea as do dent corn, flint corn, sweet corn and soft corn. From a practical point of view, however, this classification into four groups, on the basis of kernel texture, seems best. ^4^ ^t"^ CHAPTER 27 POPCORN npHE growing of popcorn on a field scale in the Corn Belt is a spe- cialized and localized industry. Profit in popcorn growing depends largely on the grower's ability to produce popcorn of good quality, store his crop properly, and market it advantageously. In comparison to field corn, popcorn is more bother to raise, harder to get a stand, more difficult to keep clean, and more bother to gather and deliver. In addi- tion, marketing difficulties and fluctuating prices make it an unprofit- able crop for promiscuous planting. Why It Pops Popping is the complete eversion of the kernel as a result of the explosion of the contained moisture when heat is applied. A 12 per cent moisture content is considered best for popping. This means that popcorn usually pops best after about six months of storage. Ordinary rice popcorn increases in volume from twelve to twenty times on pop- ping. Certain high popping strains and the Jap Rice may increase in volume by as much as thirty times. Types of Popcorn The three common types of popcorn are White Rice, Jap and Pearl. In the great popcorn district in Sac and Ida counties, Iowa, the White Rice and Jap are grown almost exclusively. White Rice — -The kernels are pointed at the crown. Ears are seven or eight inches long and carry twelve or fourteen rows of kernels. The m. ^''W^^^|t^jr,wM»'«rBF«-^-^^ ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 » 1 3 Z 1 1 ! 2 1 I 1 t 7 Typical ear of White Rice popcorn, which is grown more commercially than all other kinds put together. 150 COKX AND COKX-GKOAVIXG stalks are usually six or seven feet tall. It yields about 70 i)er cent as many pounds of ear corn per acre as ordinary dent corn grown on the same land. It is the outstanding- popcorn of America, but the Jap is gradually replacing it to a considerable extent. Jap — The kernels are pointed like the White Rice, but are much narrower. The ears are only two or three inches long. They carry typically from twent3'-four to thirty-six rows of grain. Kernels are deep but exceedingly narrow. The stalks are about five feet tall. It will yield about 70 per cent as many pounds per acre as the White Rice and about half as many pounds as ordinary dent corn on the same land. Because of the small ears, it is difficult to husk. When buskers of dent corn are paid four or five cents a bushel (eighty pounds of ear corn), it is customary to pay buskers of White Rice about 15 cents per hundred pounds of ear corn and buskers of Jap about 23 cents per hundred pounds of snapped corn. Jap corn suckers less than most strains of White Rice, and the main tassel spike is shorter and thicker. ]Many of the stalks are somewhat hairy. Two or three ears per stalk are common. Jap produces a more tender product on po})ping than the White Rice, and is much in demand on that account. Some call it Jap Hull- less because it is so tender. It also increases more in bulk on i)opping than is the case with ordinary White Rice. The market has normally paid from 40 to 100 per cent more for Jap popcorn per hundred pounds of snapped corn than for White Rice per hundred pounds of ear corn. Pearl Popcorn — The kernels are rounded and shallow, and look like small flint kernels. The ears are about eight inches long and carry eight to fourteen rows. The eating quality of Pearl popcorn is low as compared with the Jap. The large popped kernels of the eight-rowed variety are strung on strings and used as ornaments at Christmas-time. The three common Pearl varieties are White Pearl, Golden Queen and Eight-rowed. Cultural Methods Popcorn is grown in almost exactly the same way as ordinary dent corn. It should not be planted after June 1, because popcorn which is the least bit immature is worthless. An ordinary corn planter with special plates is used to plant popcorn. It may be either checked or drilled. However, drilling is to be discouraged unless the land is ex- ceptionally free from weeds. Five to six kernels are dropped in a hill, and often three feet four inch wire is used, so that the cross rows are forty inclies apart and the planter rows forty-two inches. Five to six pounds per acre gives a good .stand. Cultivation is practically the same as that of the dent corn. How- ever, the smaller plant makes the first cultivation a little more difficult. Three to four cultivations are the rule, and it is "laid by'' at the same time or a little later than dent corn. POPC'ORX l')l Popcorn ripens somewhat earlier than fiekl corn, hnsking often be- ginning- the last of September or the first of October. It should be fnlly mature before frost comes, as freezing- injures the popping qnality and greatl}^ reduces its value on the market. The best quality of popcorn is obtained by allowing the ears to ripen fully on the standing stalks. Husking from the shock, while practiced in a limited way, is very poor practice. Formerly, popcorn was harvested exclusively by hand, but in late years the husking machine has come into favor as a means of getting the corn into the crib. Both methods have their good points. Three me{n operating a machine will crib as much corn as five men by hand. The husking machine is discussed in (-hapter 13. Forty inches of White Rice per day is a good day's picking for a man. It seems to take at least twice as much labor to husk White Rice popcorn as it does dent corn. Marketing From 60 to 75 per cent of the entire crop is marketed before the first of January. Some is hauled directly from the field to the market. The crop is often contracted for before the seed is put in the ground. The contract price fluctuates greatly, but is usually around $2 per hundred pounds of White Rice ear corn when prospects are for dent corn selling for 50 cents per bushel of ear corn (eighty pounds) in December. ]\Iost of the popcorn cribbed on the farm is marketed shelled. Shrinkage, according to one authority, is about 30 per cent. Rat-proof cribs are often used, though rodents do less damage to popcorn than to dent corn. Cribbing and Shelling The Dickinson, Cracker-jack and ShotAvell peoi)le, who buy the bulk of the commercial popcorn, have built large plants for the storage of popcorn. One plant in Sac county, Iowa, consists of four cribs with a capacity of 1,250,000 pounds each of ear corn, or a combined capacity of five million pounds; an elevator with a 350,000-pound shelled corn capacity, and five tanks with a capacity of two million pounds of shelled corn. Popcorn cribs along railroad tracks, owned by one of the big commercial con- cerns in Sac county, Iowa. 152 CORX AND CORN GROWING Early in the summer, shellino- starts in the big cribs and is kept up intermittently all summer, so that the cribs will be empty in time for the new crop. The sheller is built in as part of the plant, and endless belts convey the corn from the cribs to the sheller. Amount Grown Popcorn is grown in practically every state. However, the main portion of the market supply comes from Sac and Ida counties, in Iowa, and Valley and Greeley counties, in Nebraska. Iowa is the leading popcorn state. Two counties, Ida and Sac, nor- mally grow over 10,000 acres annually. The following table gives pop- corn acreage in Ida and Sac counties for different years : 1912 1919 1922 Ida county 5,412 11,411 2,996 Sac county 8,408 14,722 5,160 As to whether the decline in acreage indicated by the 1922 figures will jirove to be permanent is rather doubtful. Uses of Popcorn Most of the popcorn is used as a confection. "Cracker-jack," "Checkers" and similar well-known delicacies are coated popcorn. In handling the commercial grades of popcorn, the wholesaler must figure on a waste of 7 to 25 per cent. This waste is made up of kernels that will not pop, kernels that are mixed with dent corn and dust or broken pieces of cob that the sheller did not clean cut. Considerable popcorn flour is used commercially. It is said that it is a fine light flour of unusually high quality. CHAPTER 28 SWEET CORN CWEET corn is extensively grown for canning- purposes in many sec- tions of the Corn Belt, especially in Iowa and Illinois. It takes about IjOOO acres of sweet corn to maintain an efficient canning factory. Sweet corn is an early cash crop, that is usually contracted for at plant- ing- time ; hence, the marketing of the crop is not a problem. Sweet corn fits in Avell before winter wheat in the rotation, making for some sections a better combination than field corn and oats. The stalks left in the field after snapping the sweet corn are a valuable feed, worth $8 or $4 an acre. In general, sw^eet corn is a profitable crop for many farmers located within four miles of a canning factory. How It Differs from Field Corn The ordinary dent, flint and soft corns are usually referred to as field corn, although some of these types are occasionally used as roast- ing ears. Kernels of sweet corn are horny, wrinkled and translucent. The high sugar content of the kernel gives this type of corn its name and particular uses. Most sweet varieties are prolific and sucker greatly. As a rule, sweet corn requires a shorter season than field corn. Uses of Sweet Corn ]\lost of the sweet corn grown on a fi(4d scale in the Corn Belt is sold to canning factories that are within hauling distance of the farms. Dried sweet corn is still used by farmers, and sweet corn on the ears in the "roasting stage" or "in the milk," is an important vegetable. A small amount is picked for table use. Although sweet corn yields less than field corn, a few farmers prefer it for hogging-down or sheeping- down. According to the Iowa station, "Sweet corn provides an early soiling crop. It may be harvested in early September before the field corn is sufficiently matured and at a time when green feed is usually scarce. Sweet corn silage has a very high value. The stalks are sweet, palatable, and contain less crude fiber and hence a higher percentage of digestible matter than field corn." Varieties Distinct varieties of sweet corn were not well developed until the last of the nineteenth century. Now there are a great number of varie- ties, which are usually classed as to time and maturity. The following ones are most commonly grown in the Corn Belt for canning purposes : 154 CORN AXD CORX-GROWIXG 1. Stowell's Evergreen — medium late, most prominent canning variety. ■1. roitntry Gentleman — late, good quality; yields less, but brings higher price than Stowell's Evergreen; canners like it because the grains are narrow. 3. Golden Bantam — very early, small, yellow, tender; prospects of becom- ing a very important canning variety in northern sections. Soil and Climate Good corn land is as important for sweet corn as for field corn. For a description of corn soils and fertilizers, see Chapter 8. Sweet corn is not as hardy as the field corns, and is more easily injnred by frosts or liackward spring weather. Ill addition, hot weather makes the corn tough. Cool seasons make a tender corn. Otherwise, the general relation of climate to sweet corn is aliont the same as for field corn. Easy on the Land Sweet corn when harvested at the canning stage does not exhanst the soil fertility as do most farm crops. It is a well-recognized fact that the processes involved in the maturing and filling out of the seed make a heavy drain upon the fertil- ity of the soil. Sweet corn is har- vested before this stage is reached. At this stage, ears are 75 per cent water. As sold to the canning fac- tory, the ears from an acre of sweet corn remove slightly more potash, 55 per cent as much nitrogen and 25 per cent as much phosphorus as the ears from an acre of field corn. Since potash is not as important as nitrogen and phosphorus under Corn Belt conditions, it may be seen that sweet com is quite easy on the land. Sweet Corn Seed According to Erwin, it is cus- tomary for the canners in the Corn I)elt to "renew the seed supply, eom- iiionly from the New England States, every year or at frequent intervals. This practice seems to be based Evergreen Sweet Corn. upon three assumptions : First, that A mature seed ear of good type. swret corn when grown continu- SWEET CORN 155 ously under Com Belt conditions loses in sugar; second, becomes starchy, and third, tough." However, Erwin's tests show that these assump- tions are not always true, and that adapted home-grown seed sliould be used. Cultural Methods A well-prepared seed bed similar to the one for field corn should be made for SAveet corn. The crop should not be planted until after field corn, for it is not so vigorous and grows slowly in a cold, wet soil. From four to five kernels are planted in a hil]. Planting operations and cultivation are just the same as for field corn. Harvesting and Marketing Sweet corn is harvested much earlier than the field varieties. The harvest season is about a month in length, from the middle of August to the middle of September. Collins says that sweet corn is at its best about eighteen days after the silks emerge. The ears are snapped with the husks on and delivered directly to the canning factory. The time for this is directed b}^ the factory, and it is important that the corn be gathered at about the right time. With th(^ sweet corn crop there is no storage ])roblem and no loss in shrinkage. The customary yield on forty-bushel corn land is two and one-half tons of snapped corn to the acre. Prices for sweet corn vary greatly from year to year. However, Corn Belt canneries usually pay for a ton of the snapped corn delivered to the factory a price equivalent to fourteen to seventeen bushels of new corn. Of course, unusual weather, causing unusually cheap or unusually high dent corn prices, may vary this ratio, but one year Avith another these figures are about right for Evergreen corn. Ordinarily, the gross income from field corn and sweet corn groAvn on similar land is about the same. The higher value of sweet corn stalks, however, and the other incidental advantages make the real income from sweet corn usually greater than from dent corn. Canning Practically all the work of canning is done by machinery, from the time the corn is dumped on the scales until it is loaded on cars with labels attached. The corn is first husked, then the ears pass through a silker, and from there they go to the cutter. The cobs are ejected from the building, while the kernels pass on to the mixing vat, where salt, sugar and water are added in proper proportions. The corn then is fed into cans, which are capped and cooked in steam for an hour or two. Labeling and ])oxing usually are not done until after the rush season, or until time for the corn to be put on the market. A ton of ordinary Evergreen sweet corn yields about 672 cans, or 28 cases. With prices as they prevailed in 1923, with canned Iowa corn selling Avholesale, per dozen, at 90 cents, it would seem that the loAva canneries were selling the product of the average ton for about .1^50. Of this, about $15 rep- 156 CORN AND CORX-GROWIXG resented the cost of the 672 cans. In addition, salt, sugar and other materials cost about $1-, and labor amounted to perhaps $12. Overhead expenses were around $10 and the farmers were paid $9 a ton for their corn. The retail price is usually 45 per cent above the wholesale. When Iowa sweet corn retails at $1.30 a dozen, the Iowa farmer is paid about 23 cents out of this $1.30. The grower of the sweet corn seems to be only one small factor in a highly complicated process. Table XV Acreage, Yield Per Acre and Price Per Ton of Sweet Corn Grown for Manufacture, 1920-1922 (Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture.) Illinois Iowa Maine Ohio New York Maryland Wisconsin Indiana Minnesota Michigan Delaware Vermont Pennsylvania All other Acreage Yield Per Acre Price Per Ton Total 48,540| 27 55,850 18 15,S20| 10 30,9701 13 27,070| 14 24,590 10,870 15,080 11,860 6,950 3,000| 2,140i 3,430| 9,900] 3 266,0701135 ,580 ,520 ,040 ,790 34,760 32,120 14,270 20,310 850| 16,6701 660| 22,2601 ,640 ,180 ,700 ,270 ,570 ,820 990 ,190| 8,4901 13,730| 11,6601 5,510| 5,540| 1,960| 1,750| 5,6901 8001194,7201 2.2| 2.3 3.1 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 1.8 2.2| 2.2| 2.2| 2.3| 2.6 2.8 3.2 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.8 2.9 2.8 2.2 2.0| 2.3 2.7 2.9 2.61 Husk Pile Silage $19.75|$12 15 30 18 22 2.61 23 2.5| 15 2.0| 18 2.0| 15 2.0| 14 2.7 15 2.0 20 2.4| 17 2.0| 13 2.4|$19 9.77 7.20 27.50 5.70 16.59 10.00 22| 10.54 00| 10.00 40| 9.14 00 11.41 00| 10.00 00| 15.00 00| 10.00 981 8.07 55| 12 28!$13.45|$11. Husk pile silage compares favorably with ordinar^^ field corn silage. It is a valuable by-product of the canning factory, that is usually sold or given to the growers for feed. This silage is made up of husks, tips of ears, and cobs, which are high in protein and starch. The cobs are not as valuable as the husks and refuse ear tips. Husk pile silage fer- ments in the pile where it is dumped at the factory, and it need not be placed in a silo. CHAPTER 29 VARIETIES OF CORN A LTHOUGH there may be a thousand varieties or strains of corn, a few leading' ones make up a large percentage of the corn grown. A few of the leading varieties iu different sections of the Corn Belt are giveu in the following : Section of Corn Belt Leading Varieties Northern Silver King, Minnesota No. 13, Northwestern Dent, Wimple, Golden Glow. Central Reld Yellow Dent, Silvermine, Boone County White, Learning. Eastern Boone County White, Reid Yellow Dent, Johnson County White, Learning, Punk Yellow Dent. Western Reid Yellow Dent, Silvermine, Hogue Yellow Dent, Freed White Dent, Calico. Southern Reid Yellow Dent, Boone County White Dent, St. Charles White, Kansas Sunflower. Reid Yellow Dent Reid Yellow Dent was originated by an accidental cross between a rather late, light-reddish colored corn and a small, early yellow corn. Robert Reid, the originator, brought the reddish colored corn, known as Gordon Hopkins corn, to Illinois from Brown county, Ohio, in 1846. Because of a poor stand in 1847, a small yellow corn was used in re- planting the missing hills, and so the cross occurred. James L. Reid, a son of Robert Reid, improved the hybrid by selection, his best work being done from 1870 to 1900. He won a prize with it at the World's Fair, in 1893, and as a result it soon became widely distributed. Standard ears of this variety are nine to ten inches long and seven to seven and one-half inches in circumference, for the central Corn Belt, but vary somewhat with the section of the Corn Belt in which they are grown. The ear is slightly tapering, the rows are closely spaced, dis- tinctly dove-tailed, and average from sixteen to twenty-two in number. The kernels are slightlj' keystone in shape, of medium depth and nar- row to medium in width, Avith a square crown and a smooth to rough indentation. The normal color is yellow, but the reddish tinge of the Gordon Hopkins often appears. The cobs are inclined to be small and are dark red in color. The stalk is rather heavy, tall and leafy. The ears are often borne a little too high on the stalk unless care is taken in selection. The general opinion seems to be that Reid Yellow Dent can not be surpassed on rich soil Avhere it has become acclimated. 158 C^>RX AND CORX-GKOWIXG Reid Yellow Dent requires from 110 to 120 days to mature and should be classed as medium late. At present, due to wide adaptability, it is the most common yellow variety in the Corn Belt, although the type necessarily has been modified to fit many different conditions. The type as now generally grown is rougher than the type whicli Reid orig- inally preferred. Outstanding strains of Reid corn are lodent, Black, McCulloch and Krug. lodent is an early Reid developed by L. C. Burnett, after years of painstaking ear-row work at the Iowa station. Black lias resulted a;uiii;sMM««vWMmmmsm«v\ aWT t Ut'id corn. (Rough type.) from a cross of lodent and a late show type of Reid, made by Clyde Black, of Dallas county, Towa. McCulloch was produced by selection from a cross of a small amount of Pride of the North with a large amount of Reid. Fred McCulloch, of Iowa county, Iowa, was the originator. George Krug. of Woodford county, Illinois, in 1903, crossed Gold ]\Iine with a Nebraska strain of Reid and has developed Krug corn by selecting con- tinuously for a smoother, rather small-eared type. All of these strains have demonstrated their ability to yield. fSee Chapter o6, on Corn Yield Contests.) Boone County White Boone County White was originated in Boone county, liuliaiui, by ^Ir. -Tames Riley. In 1876, he obtained his foundation stock, which was a large, coarse, late-maturing variety of corn known as' White ]\Iastodon. The stalk is heavy and rank, with short inter-nodes and abundant foliage. The ideal ear is nine and one-half to ten and three- fourths inches long and seven and one-half inches in circumference. The shape is nearly cylindrical, with straight rows, sixteen to twenty- two in number, and of medium spacing. The butts arc rather large and open, with shallow cavity. The cob is white and is rather large and heavy. The kernels are thick and ])locky, medium to wide, and medium to deep. The normal color is a creamy white and the usual indentation is rather rough. Boone County White is a hitc-maturing variety of corn, recpiiriiiL;' 120 to 125 days. It is grown chiefly in the southern Corn Belt, and on account of its late maturity is not well adapted to the remainder of the (;'orn Belt. However, it is a popular corn on the rich land of VARIETIES OF CORN 15!) the .sections wliere it is adapted. Boone County AVhite and the related Johnson County White are far more widely gTOwn than any otlier white Corn Belt varieties. Learning Learning- corn has been developed since 1856, according to W. A. Lloyd, of the Ohio station. It did not originate in 1826. Mr. Lloyd says: ''Manifestly, J. S. Learning could not, as it is often stated, have originated this corn at that time (1826)." J. S. Leaming, in develop- iiii:' Learning corn. ])lac('d special emphasis on early maturity. He Leaming corn (original type, as favored by Mr. J. S. Leaming Thniight that a rather short stalk, heavy at the V)utt and tajx'ring rapidly. l)earing" a tapering' ear. "\^'as the type that matured earliest. The original Leaming: corn ripened in from 90 to 100 days. The present day type of stalk is still medium in height. The ideal ear is nine to ten and one-half inches in length and seven to seven and three-fourths inches in circumference, with large, rather open bntt and distinctly pointed tips. The roAvs vary from sixteen to twenty-fonr in number. The kernels of true Leaming are medium in depth, very thick and rather narrow. Leaming is a deeper yellow than most yellow dents. The indentation varies from smooth to rough, luit in the original Leaming the smooth type was preferred. It is grown most extensively in the central and eastern parts of the south-central Corn Belt and to some extent in adjoining sections of the north-central Corn Belt. Leaming became popular in the eighties and nineties, partly because of the publicity it received from winning prizes at the World's Fair in Paris, in 1878. Silvermine 8ilvermine originated with J. A. Beagley, of Sibley, Illinois, who started Avith a sample of white corn which won a prize at the Ford county, Illinois, institute in 1890. The Iowa Seed Company, of Des Aloines, bought his entire crop in 1895, for $1,000, and originated the name, Iowa Silvermine. Silvermine is not a rank-growing variety, and even on rich soil it does not produce as heavy foliage as some varieties. The stem is of a fine texture and there is little coarseness about the joints. The ears are 160 COR\ AND CORX-G ROWING medium in size, beinp- from nine to ten inches in lenu'th and from seven to seven and one-half inches in circumference. They are cylindrical for about two-thirds of the lenfjth of the ear and then slowly taper off at the tip. The kernels are of medium depth and width, but thin in comparison with their width. The dent varies from smooth to roufi'h. The color is creamy white. The deep kernel and small cob of Silvermine give it a high shelling percentage. Silvermine is adapted to a wide range of climate and soil and has the reputation of doing well on poor soils. It is a medium early corn, maturing in 110 to 115 days, and is well adapted to central Corn Belt conditions. It is the leading white variety just north of the section where Boone County White is widely grown. Silver King Silver King, also known as Wisconsin Xo. 7, was first developed as a variety by H. J. Goddard, of Fort Atkinson, Iowa, who brought a bushel of the seed from Indiana to Fayette county, Iowa, in 1862. Mr. Goddard selected for early maturity and yield. To improve the yield, he selected fairly large ears with deep, wide kernels, a medium to small cob and closely spaced rows. One of the valuable characteristics of this Silver King. corn is its freedom from barren stalks. The ideal ear is eight to nine inches long and six and three-fourths to seven and one-half inches in circumference. There is a gradual taper from butt to tip, and the rows average sixteen to the ear and are inclined to be wavy. Silver King has creamy white kernels which are very wide, of medium depth and thick- ness, slightly keystone in shape. The usual indentation is rough. It is one of the earliest maturing of the prominent varieties, maturing in 100 to 110 days. It ranks first in importance in the northern Corn Belt and stands next to Reid Yellow Dent in the north-central parts. Some Silver King is grown as far south as JMissouri, but only for late planting or rej)lanting. Kansas Sunflower Kansas Sunflower originated from an early yellow variety of corn introduced from Iowa into Douglas county, Kansas, in 1887. John ]\Ioody, of Eudora, Kansas, obtained seed of this variety in 1890, and continued growing it for some time, carefullv selecting the seed each VARIETIES OF CORN 161 season. Five years later he sold his entire crop to the Barteldes Seed Company, of Lawrence, from Miience it was distributed under the name of Kansas Sunflower. The stalks grow from eight to nine feet in height, are fairly leafy, and under favorable conditions sucker rather badly. The variety is a hardy and vigorous grower. The ideal ears are nine to ten inches in length and seven inches or slightly less in circumference. The ears are rather slender and taper slightly, carrying ordinarily fourteen to eight- een rows of kernels. The kernels are broad, medium deep and of medium indentation. The grain of Kansas Sunflower is a bright, rich yellow. Kansas Sunflower is a medium late variety, which rij^ens in 120 to 125 days. It is well adapted for growing throughout eastern Kansas. Because of the slender ears and lack of show characters, Kansas Sun- flow^er has not been a very popular variety, even though it has consist- ently given good results. St. Charles White The St. Charles White is a native of St. Charles county, Missouri, where it has been grown for a great many years. Two types of this corn are recognized — the small St. Charles and the large St. Charles, the former being slightly earlier and better adapted to thin lands. The ears taper somewhat from butt to tip. The cobs possess the striking peculiarity of being blood-red in color. The St. Charles White is a late-maturing variety, averaging 125 to 130 days for complete ma- turity. It is a rank-growing variety with adaptation similar to Booue County White. It is useful as a silage variety. Commercial White The Commercial Wliite corn was originated by P. E. Crabtree, of Barton county, Missouri, who developed the corn by sc^lecting the white cobbed ears of the St. Charles White. The ideals which have been kept in mind in selection are uniform kernels of medium depth, Avith. a low amount of crown starch and large germs. The ears are larger in circumference and more cylindrical than are those of the St. Charles White, but often taper quite abruptly at the tip. The rows are straight and distinctly paired. The butts have a tendency to be flat and often have a large shank. The kernels are broader than those of St. Charles White and are only of medium depth. The}^ are thick and a trifle more wedge shaped than the St. Charles White and more rounded at the top. They possess a small amount of crown starch and are pearly white in color. The indentation is medium smooth. Commercial White is a late maturing variety which requires 125 to 130 days for complete ripening. It is a tall growing corn, averaging about nine feet for the state, and very leafy. The stalks are very strong and stocky. The cob, which has a tendency to dry slowly, prevents as high a grade of market corn as either Boone County White or St. Charles 162 CORN AND CORN-GROWING White. It is a good silage variety. Missouri co-operative tests have shown it to be the highest yielding variety on the black prairie uplands of the state. Minnesota 13 Minnesota 13 was originated l)y ear-row breeding at the ]\Iinne- sota experiment station, from seed purchased in 1893, from a St. Paul seed company. Probably it was from Pride of the North. The ideal ears are seven to eight inches long and six and one-half inches in circum- ference. There are twelve to sixteen rows and the ears are slightly tapering. It has yellow kernels and a red cob. The kernels are shallow and have a dimpled dent. It is an early-matnring but heavy-yielding variety, adapted to the region extending from southern ^Minnesota north- Avard. Golden Glow Golden Glow, which is the most popular yellow dent in Wisconsin, Avas originated by the Wisconsin station by crossing a Wisconsin strain of ^Minnesota 13 Avith a someAA^hat later and larger-eared variety long groAA^n in Wisconsin under the name of North Star. After several years of selection, the new variety AA'as distributed by the Wisconsin station. Hogue YelloAV Dent Hogue YelloAv Dent has been groAvn by :;\lr. R. Hogue, of Crete, Saline county, Nebraska, since 1885. He obtained the corn from Lan- caster county, Nebraska. The history of the corn previous to that time is not knoAvn. Mr. Hogue has carefully selected the seed each year, having particularly in view a deep kernel. The result is an ear Avith rather deep kernels, deeply indented and fairly late maturing. One characteristic of the corn is a thick, medium tall stalk Avith long, broad leaves, giving a large amount of foliage. The variety has never been intentionally crossed since Mr. Hogue obtained it. Mr. Hogue has never undertaken to select for uniformity of kernel type or ear ; in fact, he has ahvays intentionally selected and mixed several ear types for his seed supply. The standard for type adopted by the Nebraska Corn Improvers' Association is: Shape of ear, slightly tapering; length of ear, eight to nine inches ; circumference of ear, seven to eight inches ; color of kernel, yelloAv ; shape of kernel, Avedge ; indentation of kernel, rough ; number of roAvs, sixteen to tAventy ; size of shank, medium ; size of cob, medium ; color of cob, red. The variety requires approximately 120 days to mature and is not AA'ell suited under conditions of a shorter groAving season. It is ex- tensiA'ely groAvn in eastern Nebraska and central Kansas. Johnson County White Johnson County White Avas originated by J. D. Whitesides, in Johnson county, Indiana, in 1893, from a cross betAveen Boone County AVhite and Forsythe's Favorite, and Avas imjiroved by several farmers. VARIETIES OP CORN 163 The ideal ears are about nine and one-half to ten and one-half inches long- and seven and one-half inches in circumference. They are about the same size as Boone County White, but are slightly more tapering-. The kernels are narrower and more nearly square at the crown than Boone County White. They are also deeper, rougher and more starchy in composition, which gives them a starchy white color. Johnson County White matures in 120 to 125 days, and is adapted to the southern Corn Belt, but is too large and late maturing north of southern Iowa. It is replacing Boone County White in many localities. Freed White Dent This variet}' was developed by J. K. Freed, of Scott county, Kansas, who began by selecting a badly mixed variety of a local corn for the purpose of establishing a more uniform type of ear and kernel. The original source of the foundation stock is unknown. The corn has been grown in western Kansas for at least thirty years. Freed White Dent ranges in height from six to eight feet, depend- ing on the growing conditions. The stalks are sturdy, fairly leafy, and are likely to sucker extensively under favorable conditions, but not to so great an extent as most other western developed varieties. The ideal ears are seven to eight and one-half inches long and six and one-half to six and three-fourths inches in circumference. The number of rows of kernels varies from twelve to sixteen. The kernels are rather shallow and medium in width and thickness. The dent is smooth and the kernel texture is flinty. Freed White Dent is an early variety, which matures in 105 to 110 days. It is primarily adapted for growing in western Kansas and on the uplands in west-central Kansas. Because of its hardiness and vigor- ous growing habits, it is an exceptionally high-yielding early corn for growing anj'where in Kansas. Northwestern Dent The origin of Northwestern Dent is doubtful, but almost certainly was the result of crossing a dent and a flint, one of which was red. It is a semi-dent variety that normally produces more suckers and leaves than any other common dent. The ear is six to nine inches long with ten to fourteen rows of kernels. The kernels are red with a wliite or yel- lowish crown. It is a hardy corn adapted to the extreme northern part of the Corn Belt, and is the best known variety in the northwest. Wimple Yellow Dent Wimple Yellow Dent was developed by ■Mr. Wimple, of Beresford, South Dakota. The ideal ears are eight to nine and one-half inches in length and tapering in shape. The kernels are wide with a short beak dent and are lemon yellow in color. It has a larger ear and considerably heavier stalk than Silver King. Wimple Yellow Dent matures in from 164 TORN AND CORN-GROWING 105 to 115 days. It has been grown in the northern part of the Corn Belt for a number of years. The originator has recently developed a smoother, earlier strain. Funk Yellow Dent Mr. Funk, of ^McLean county, Illinois, secured the original seed from 'Sir. James Reid, about thirty years ago. Since that time, popular opinion has demanded several variations in type. For a time, it was bred for a rough type, but in recent. years the emphasis has been on the smooth. A popular utility type of corn is Funk Yellow^ Dent, Strain 176-A. The ideal ears are nine to eleven inches long and seven to eight inches in circumference. This variety conforms just as nearly as possible to the utility type score card. The story of how this strain of corn has been developed from Funk YelloAv Dent is as follows : ■'In germinating several hundred bushels of seed corn during the winter of 1915 and 1916, we occasionally noted a few ears on the ger- minator that were remarkably free from molds and rotting and that possessed unusual vigor and magnificent root development. These ears proved their superiority in the field during the following season, by far outclassing everything else in the experimental plots. The progeny from these champion mother ears have been multiplied and improved further by special breeding methods." Calico Strains of Calico have been developed by different growers. The shape of the kernel, dent, character of stalk and length of growing season vary considerably, depending upon the grower. The ears are from nine to eleven inches long and almost cylindrical. The kernels are variegated in color, ranging from pink to red, depending upon the amount of red in the striping, but there are sometimes groups of kernels of solid white, red or yellow. It is quite widely distributed and has no fixed characteristics. Many strains are early to medium maturing. These are well adapted to western Corn Belt conditions. Bloody Butcher Bloody Butcher is a name applied to strains having a deep red grain. The crown of the kernel varies in color for the different varieties, but is usually lighter than the remainder of the kernel. As a rule. Bloody Butcher corn is not any more productive than corn of any other color. Like Calico, the different varieties of Bloody Butcher vary greatly, as do those of the white and yellow varieties. The red color is in the hull only; beneath the hull, some Bloody Butchers are white and some are yellow. Several of the important varieties in addition to the ones just de- scribed are as follows : VARIETIES OF CORN 165 Early White Dent .Marten White Dent (Great Plains) ; Payne White Dent (Great Plains) ; Pioneer White Dent (North^vest) ; Rustler White Dent (North- west), and Webber Early Dent (Great Plains). Medium to Late White Dent Brazos White (Texas) ; Champion White Pearl (Illinois) ; Chisholm (Southwest) ; Cob Pipe or Collier (Missouri) ; Democrat (Illinois) ; Easterly White (Illinois) ; Eureka (general) ; Farmer's Pride (eastern Corn Belt) ; Farmer's Interest (eastern Corn Belt) ; Faulkner (Illinois) ; Forsythe (Kansas) ; Hammett (Kansas) ; Iowa Ideal (Iowa) ; McAuley (Kansas) ; Mexican June (Southwest) ; ]\Iunikhuysen (Southeast) ; Ne- braska Wliite Prize (Nebraska) ; Pride of Saline (Kansas) ; Roseland (Kansas) ; Shawnee White (Kansas) ; Sherrod White Dent (Kansas) ; Surcropper (Southwest) ; Tuxpan (Southwest) ; Vogler White Dent (Indiana), and White Wonder (Oklahoma). Early Yellow Dent Ardmore Yellow (South Dakota) ; Brown County Yellow (North- Avest) ; Golden Surprise (Ohio and Illinois) ; Kossuth County Reliance (Iowa) ; Minnesota King (Minnesota) ; Murdock (Wisconsin) ; Pride of the North (general), and Robertson Yellow Dent (Northwest). Medium to Late Yellow Bear Paw (Ohio) ; Gartner (Missouri) ; Champion (Ohio) ; Clarage (Ohio) ; Cuppy (Ohio) ; Darke County Mammoth (Ohio) ; Early Yellow (Indiana) ; Ferguson (Southwest) ; Giant Beauty (Southeast) ; Golden Beauty (Missouri) ; Golden Eagle (Illinois) ; Golden Gem (Southeast) ; Golden King (Illinois) ; Goldmine (general) ; Hiawatha (Kansas) ; Hil- dreth (Kansas) ; K. B. Yellow Dent (Iowa) ; Lancaster Sure Crop (Pennsylvania) ; Legal Tender (general) ; Midland Yellow (Kansas) ; Monitor (Ohio) ; Riley Favorite (Indiana) ; St. Charles Yellow Mis- souri; Shroll Yellow Dent (Ohio) ; Skipper (Southeast) ; Wabash Yellow (Indiana) ; Western Plowman (Illinois), and Yellow Jumbo (Ohio). Miscellaneous Dent Blue and White (scattered) ; Devolid (Ohio) ; Early Red (scat- tered) ; Hackberry (Ohio) ; Hecker Red (Illinois) ; Lenocher Homestead (Iowa) ; Minnesota 23 (Northwest) ; Old Glory (Texas) ; Rotten Clarage (Ohio) ; Strawberry (general) ; Stony Hill White Cap (New York) ; Strout Red (Illinois) ; Swadley (Great Plains), and White Cap Y. D. (general). Cotton Belt Single Ear Lowman (yellow) ; Shenandoah White (white) ; Southern Beauty (white) ; Wyatt Improved (yellow) ; Hickory King (white). ]66 CORN AND CORN GROWING Cotton Belt Prolific Bigg Seven Ear (Avhite) ; Cocke Prolific (white); Garric (whiTf : Hasting Prolific (white) ; Hickory King (white) ; Jarvis Golden Prolific (yellow); Marlboro Prolific (white); Mosby (white), and Sanders (white). New England Flints Hall Gold Nugget ; King Philip ; Longfellow; ]\Iercer; Rhode Island : Sanford White ; Smut Nose. Northwestern Flints Assiniboine ; Burleigh County Mixed ; Cassia County ; Dakota White : Fort Peck Indian ; Gehu. Southern Flints Creole. Argentine Yellow Flints Canario; Colorado, and Piamontese. Italian Yellow Flints Cinquantino; Nostrano Isola; Pignoletta d'oro; Rostrato. and Scag- liolo. Soft Corn Ivory King ; Mixed ; Rea, and Brazilian Flour. CHAPTER 30 DEVELOPMENT OF THE PLANT npHE two steps in the development of the corn plant are first, g-ermina- tion, and second, growth. The essentials of these two steps in devel- opment are discussed in this chapter. Germination The four conditions necessary for seed to germinate are (1) vitality', (2) moisture, (3) heat and (4) oxygen. Under favorable conditions, corn may retain its vitality for ten years. However, after the second year of storage, the vigor of germi- nation rapidly declines. As a practical proposition, seed corn should never be kept past the second year. Moisture is necessary for seeds to germinate. Water readily pene- trates and softens the seed coat of corn. Corn requires a higher temperature to germinate than the small grains. It is a crop which germinates best under higher temperatures than usually prevail in May. Doctor Pammel, of the Iowa station, gives the following temperatures for the germination of corn : Minimum, 49.9 degrees F. ; maximum, 134.8 degrees F. ; optimum, 91.4 degrees F. Cold-resistant strains of corn are being developed which will germinate Avhen the temperature is as low as 43 degrees F. Oxygen is found in the seed, but not enough for germination. One of the reasons that corn does not germinate well on poorly drained soils is that the excess water in the soil excludes oxygen. Growth Growth is cellular development. During early development, growth takes place in all parts at the same time, and after the first three weeks of growth all parts of the plant are formed. The five essentials for the growth of the corn plant are (1) vigor, (2) water, (3) light, (4) heat, and (5) plant food. The plant must have inborn vigor. A seed may sprout, but if the seedling does not have strength, a normal plant will not be obtained. Water Corn requires large quantities of water to carry plant food and to keep it from wilting. Kiesselbach found that the rapidity of transpira- tion of corn varies directly with the temperature and the leaf area. A well-grown corn plant on a hot day in late July w411 transpire five to ten pounds of water. This means that an acre of corn plants at this time of year is pumping up water from below and throwing it into the atmosphere at the rate of eighteen tons daily, or 720 tons of water per acre for the forty days during July and August when the corn is most active. 168 CORN AND CORX-GROWING Light Light furnishes the power which all green plants require. The pro- cess bj^ which green plants take sunlight and store up its poAver is known a.s photosynthesis (light-building). In photosynthesis the carbon diox- ide of the air enters the leaves through stomata (little holes) and is there combined by the poAver of the sunlight Avith Avater to make for- maldehyde and later starch. Starch is literally imprisoned sunshine. Of all green plants, corn is one of the most efficient in capturing sunlitiht in large quantities and storing it aAvay in the form of starch. Heat Corn recpiires a large amount of heat for deA'elopment. In a Penn- sylvania experiment, it AA'as found that during the tAA^enty-tAA'o days preceding tasseling, tho.se days Avith a mean temperature of less than 70 degrees F. usually resulted in a groAA^th of three to three and one- half inches in tAventy-four hours, Avhereas those days AA'ith a mean tem- perature of 75 or more degrees resulted in a groAvth of five to five and one-half inches in tAventy-four hours. When the temperature in the daytime exceeded 85 degrees, further increases did not seem to result in greater groAvth, probably because of moisture shortage. Plant Foods A fifth essential for groAvth is jilant food. In general, corn requires the folloAving chemical elements: Carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (0), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S), cal- cium (Ca), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg). The expression, "C.HOP- K(i)NS CaFe Mg (Mighty Cxood) " is a reminder of the essential chem- ical elements. Oxygen, carbon and hydrogen are furnished by air and Avater, Avhereas the other elements are minerals in the soil. About f)7 ])er cent of the corn kernel comes from the air and only 3 per cent from the soil. Each element is a specialist in its OAvn field, and should it become defi- cient can not be replaced by another. Oxygen is the most abundant element. It readily forms com})ounds Avith practically all other elements and constitutes about one-half of all knoAvn matter. It enters the plant in the compound, CO,, a gas, and HoO, Avater, Avhere it is further changed by sunlight to build up the carbohydrates and proteins. The corn kernel is about 46 per cent oxygen. Carbon is closely associated AA'ith plant life. It enters the leaves of the ])lant in the form of COo, Avhere it is combined by sunlight Avith Avater brought up from the roots to form sugar, starches and the like. Carbon composes 45 per cent of the corn kernel. Hydrogen is the third most abundant element in the corn ker- nel. It makes up 6.4 per cent of the corn kernel. Water is the one important source of h.ydrogen for plant growth. This element is com- bined by sunlight Avith carbon and oxygen to form the various carbo- hydrates and proteins Avithin the plant. ]VKVEL()PMENT OF THE PLANT 169 Xitrogeii is one of the most important and possibly the least ap- preciated elements. It forms one-sixth of the protein in plants, the formation of which would be stopped without it. Nitrogen : .1. Stimulates growth of foliage. 2. Imparts a deeper green color to foliage. 3. Delays the maturing process. 4. Controls the amount of other plant foods used. About 1.5 per cent of the corn kernel is nitroj>en. Sulphur is an important constituent of both protein and proto- plasm. There is practically always a great abundance of sulphur in the soil. About one-fifth of one per cent of the corn kernel is sulphur. Phosphorus is found in every cell of every plant, but it is especially a])undant in the seed. It is of great value because it : 1. Causes rapid germination of seed. 2. Causes early ripening. 3. Causes greater formation of seed in proportion to stem. 4. Is essential to protoplasm. About one-third of one per cent of the corn kernel is phosphorus. Potassium plays an important role in the development of plant life. It seems to : 1. Encourage carbohydrate formation. 2. Aid in transference of starch. 3. Aid the plant in resisting fungus disease. About one-third of one per cent of the corn kernel is potassium. Calcium, which is fundamental both to plant and animal nutrition : 1. Aids in the development of root hairs. 2. Aids in the transportation of starch. 3. Neutralizes plant acids. 4. Has a strengthening effect on cell walls. The corn kernel contains less than one-tenth of one per cent of calcium. Magnesium is found more particularly in the seed of plants. In this respect, it is the opposite of calcium. Practically all soils contain sufficient magnesium for plant growth. About one-seventh of one per cent of the corn kernel is magnesium. Iron is second to oxygen in abundance in the earth's crust. It is never a limiting factor in production, as plants use only a small amount of it. Nevertheless, iron is essential to chlorophyll production. By withholding iron from plants, no chlorophyll will develop, and conse- quently the plant makes no natural growth. Only small traces of iron are found in the corn kernel. Of these ten essential elements, there are two, phosphorus and cal- cium (lime) which must be purchased and added to the soils of the Corn Belt to keep them productive. The other eight elements are either present in abundance already or can be maintained through certain nat- ural processes. CIIArTER :}1 BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CORN /^ORN, like other grasses, has a fibrous root system. The three types of corn roots are (1) temporary, (2) permanent and (3) brace roots. Illustrating how depth of planting influences length of mesocotyl and why the permanent roots (p) start just below the surface of the ground, no matter how deep the kernel is planted. The temporary roots (t) lose their impor- tance after the permanent roots are well established, except possibly in the case of Hopi corn. BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS 171 The temporary root system is composed of the roots which are pushed downward from the tip of the kernel when it first sprouts. Dur- ing the first two or three weeks after germination the temporary roots furnish most of the food which the young plant obtains from the soil. The root system of corn is much more extensive than most people suspect. This picture shows only a part of the roots. The great mass of fine roots are lost on digging. (Courtesy of Iowa Station.) Brace roots. 172 CORN AND CORN-GROWING Later on, tliese roots either rot away from the plant or become unim- portant except in the case of Hopi corn, -which seems to rely on the tem- porary roots to bring- up moisture from the deeper layers of the soil. If the young- corn plant, two or three weeks after germination, is dug up. it will be noted that between the kernel and the green stem above ground is a slender white stem. This is known as the mesocotyl. In the case of corn planted one inch deep, the mesocotyl is about one inch long, whereas in the case of corn planted twelve inches deep (Hopi corn is often planted this deep), the meso- cotyl is twelve inches long. The tem- porary roots start from below the mesocotyl and go downward, where- as the permanent roots start from just above the mesocotvl. Corn occasionally sends out branch- es from the upper nodes. This is common in teosinte and certain types of tropica] corn. Permanent Roots The first two, three or even four nodes of the mature corn plant are separated by very short inter-nodes and are just below the surface of the ground. It is from these nodes just below the surface of the ground that the permanent roots start out laterally from the nodes and then go downward to a depth of as great as five or six feet. The large, strong permanent roots are concentrated within a foot or two of the plant and only the small, fibrous roots reach the greater depth. Brace Roots Brace roots differ from the i)ermanent roots in that they come from the first two or three nodes above ground. In ''down" corn or certain tropical varieties the brace roots may come out from nodes as high up as the fifth or sixth. Brace roots from the first node or two above ground are of very real help in maintaining an upright corn plant, but it is doubtful if brace roots from the higher nodes serve any useful purpose. Funk says they are as.sociated with diseased corn. The stem of each inter-node is hollow on one side and it is on this hollow side that the leaf comes out. From the lower nodes on this hollow side there usually develops a small bud which does not amount to much except in the cases of the nodes Avhich bear ears. The roots of the corn plant : 1. Support and anchor the stalk. 2. Absorb plant food (soluble salts and water). BOTANICAL CHARA(TERISTI(;S 17:! 3. Excrete organic substances (such as carbon dioxide, mineral salts and organic acids). 4. Render plant food soluble by action of the excretions. Root growth is increased when the following conditions are present : 1. Large supply of oxygen. 2. Favorable temperature. 3. Plenty of moisture. 4. Good soil tilth. 5. Abundant available plant food. Stalks The stalks of corn vary in height from one and one-half to about thirty feet. Some of the small, early popcorns will develop ears when only one and one-half feet high. Silage corns often make a growth of eighteen feet. The stalk is made up of nodes or joints, usually eight to twenty in number. The average number of nodes is about fourteen. In typical dent varieties of the central Corn Belt, the eighth node as a ride bears the ear. The node is the origin of all lateral outgrow^ths, such as roots, branches, leaves and ears. The portion of the stalk between the nodes is called the inter-node. The longer inter-nodes are toward the top and the shorter toward the base In cross-section, the stalk is made up of four parts, as follows : 1. The epidermis, a thin transparent tissue, covers the outer part of the stalk. It is impervious to moisture and protects the stalk from insects and disease. 2. Just beneath the epidermis is the stem wall — a woody layer, the hard, stiff portion of the stalk, made up of large numbers of fibro-vascular bundles, closely packed together. These bundles, stiffened by silica deposits, make the stem wall the "backbone" of the plant. 3. The center cavity of the stalk is filled with pith. It is a soft, spongy mass of tissue and serves as a storehouse for moisture and food. The fibro- vascular bundles in the pith are separated by large masses of pith. 4. The fibro-vascular bundles are channels for the transportation of plant food. They are found mostly in the woody stem wall and extend from the roots up through the stalk to the leaves and ears. They carry mineral plant food from the roots to the leaves and manufactured plant food to the ears and stalk. A little food is manufactured in the stem as well as the leaves. Length growth takes place just above the nodes, and at the end of the stalk. The growth may be likened to a telescope. As a telescope unfolds, so does the corn stalk unfold. Therefore, the statement that we can "see corn grow over-night" is often made. Diameter growth takes place from the inside and not by added layers as in a tree. This type of diameter growth is called endogeneous. Suckers Suckers, or tillers, are branches which come from the nodes just at or just beneath the surface of the ground. The tendency to sucker is influenced by the variety, soil conditions, rate and method of planting. 174 CORN AND CORX-GROWING A large amount of available plant food will produce more suckers than soil in poor condition. Plentiful moisture increases the number of suckers. Corn planted one kernel to the hill will send out more suckers than when planted at the rate of five kernels. Suckers have their own root system and often bear ears. However, the ears as a rule are inferior to those upon the main stalk, often being borne on the tassel. It does not pay to pull off the suckers. At the Nebraska station, they found that pulling off suckers cut the yield greatly. Leaves The leaves on a corn plant are arranged alternately, conceal the groo\'ed sides of the stalk, and are usually twelve to eighteen in number. The wav3' margin, the result of the outside growing faster than the mid- rib, adds surface and flexibility to the leaf. The corn leaf is made up of three parts, as follows : 1. Leaf sheath. It comes from the node, and clasps or surrounds the stalk. 2. Blade, often incorrectly called the leaf. It is composed of the mid- rib, veins (parallel to mid-rib) and intracellular tissue. 3. Ligule, located at the hinge between the sheath and the blade. It is a collar which prevents water, dirt and insects from running down the sheath and stalk. At either end of the ligule is situated the auricle, or lobe-like por- tion. It is the light-green, wavy, triangular portion of the blade. It turns the water down the stalk onto the leaf below. The leaves use the energy of the sunlight to manufacture plant food from water, minerals and carbon dioxide, and give off excess moisture.

    , i A c R 1 i a C R i ,A c r i a C r j i a c r j I A C R Pr— white. Bh — blotched. Shows only in A c R Bh. br — brown. Relation unknown. whit( HEREDITY IN CORN 197 in — intensifier. ]M — mottled. Shows only in r r R. st — stippled. zu — Zimi. Endosperm Colors Y— yellow. (East & Hayes, 1911.) Yp — pale yellow. (Emerson, 1911.) Endosperm Texture Su Wx— starchy. ( Collins & Kempton, 1914 ; Kempton, 1919. ) Su wx — -waxy. (Collins & Kempton, 1914; Kempton, 1919.) su Wx— sugary. (Collins & Kempton, 1914; Kempton, 1919.) su wx — sugary. (Collins & Kempton, 1914; Kempton, 1919.) Fl Fl Fl— flinty. ( Hayes & East, 1915. ) Fl Fl fl — flinty. (Hayes & East, 1915.) Fl fl fl —floury. (Hayes & East, 1915.) fl fl fl —floury. (Hayes & East, 1915.) de — defective seeds. (Jones, 1920.) sh — shrunken endosperm. (Hutchinson, 1921.) Plant Height Dwarfs and semi-dwarfs — an — anther ear (variable in height). (Emerson & Emerson, 1921.) be — brachytic. (Kempton, 1920.) bv — brevis. cr — crinkly. d — dM-arf. (Emerson, 1912b; Emerson & Emerson, 1921.) na — nana. te — tassel ear. (Emerson, 1920.) ts — tassel seed. (Emerson, 1920.) tw — twisted, zg— zigzag. (Eyster, W. H., 1921a.) Leaf Characters cr — crinkly, gl — glossy. Ig — liguleless. (Emerson, 1912a.) mr — midrib, ru — rugose, si — slashed, sp — spear. Ear Characters d — dwarf. AVith anthers in the ear. an — semi-dwarf. With anthers in the ear. ra — ramosa. Branched ear. (Gernert, 1912.) Fs— fasciated ear. (East & Hayes, 1911; Emerson, 1912b.) 198 CORN AND CORX-GROWIXG in — interrupted ear. (Emerson, 1912b.) nk— naked. (East & Hayes, 1912.) sk — silkless. Tu— tunicate. (Collins, 1917.) te — tassel ear. Zigzag rows in ear due to development of both flowers of the spikelet. ts — tassel seed. Zigzag rows in ear due to development of both flowers of the spikelet. Tassel Characters ad— adherent. CO — 3oherent. ms — male sterile. (Eyster, L, A., 1921.) nk — naked, ra — ramosa. Tu — tunicate, te — tassel ear. ts — tassel seed. Linkage Groups in Corn List furnished by Dr. Lindstrom, of the Iowa Experiment Station. I, the C group, including also I, sh, wx, v^ II, the R group, including also 1, S, g, li^, pgi, (w,?) III, the Su group, including also Tu IV, the B group, including also Ig, ts^, v^ V, the Y group, including also PI, sm. fi, bh, w^, w-, Wg VI, the P group, including also br, tSo, f VII, the A group, including also v ? Miscellaneous Linkages Yp-pg3 d— pgo gs — z,-an gl — fr-v (This was the situation as viewed by Dr. Lindstrom early in 1923. ]\Iany more factors will doubtless be placed in their linkage groups every year as more experimental work is done liy the corn geneticists.) CHAPTER 35 CORN JUDGING r^ORN shows first became really popular about 1890, reaching their crest about 1910. In the early corn shows, the idea was to give the prize to the sample which gave indications of the greatest yielding power. The men who drew up the early score cards assumed that of course high yield was associated with ears as large as the ordinary sea- son would mature, and ears with a high percentage of shelled corn. Therefore, in the central part of the Corn Belt their ideal was an ear ten inches long, seven and one-half inches in circumference, with eighteen to twenty-two rows packed together tightly on the cob and carried out over the tip and well-rounded butt. They wanted the space between the rows of kernels, both at the cob and on the outside of the ear, to be as narroM' as possible because that meant a higher percentage of shelled corn. Deep kernels, kej'stone in shape, and moderately wide, met their ideals better than either the narrow shoe-peg kernel or the shallow, extremely square kernel, both of which are usually associated with a lower shelling percentage. They preferred ears with straight rows and cylindrical in shape, because the kernels were more uniform and could be planted with fewer skips by the corn planter. Large germs were desired because that meant more oil and protein in the kernel and there- fore more feeding value. For probably fifty years before the popular corn shows of the early twentieth century, these common sense points had appealed to thoughtful corn farmers everywhere, and the men who made out the score cards in the nineties merely reflected the opinions of the men who had thought most about corn. Fancy Points About 1900, the corn judges began to prefer corn with a rough dent. The rough dented corn seemed to have straighter rows and more uniform kernels, which also seemed to be a little deeper. It was also advisable to develop fancy points of this sort in order to enable the judges to make any distinction between the hundreds of competing sam- ples, most of which were almost equally good from the standpoint of the original score card. And so it came about that corn judges uncon- sciously came to think more and more about fancy points. Tests Upset Ideals The first corn shows were held before the days of careful experi- mental work. It is not surprising, therefore, to find that actual yield tests with different types of corn rudely upset some of the most cher- !00 CORN AND CORN-GROWING ished ideals of the early corn judges. For ten years the Ohio station continnonsly selected for moderately long ears of corn and for moderately short, and contrasted the yielding power of the two strains. The short ears, only six or seven inches in length, seemed to have the ability to yield almost exactly the same as the ears nine or ten inches long. Bare This type of ten-ear sample, which represents hundreds of hours of labor pick- ing over thousands of ears of corn, wins at the corn shows. No one can tell in advance whether such corn will yield as much or more than ordi- nary corn. tipped ears with nearly an inch of cob showing yielded about the same amount of shelled corn per acre as ears with perfectly filled tips. Ears shelling out only 76 per cent yielded considerably more ear corn per acre and fully as much shelled corn as ears shelling 88 per cent. Smooth corn slightly outyielded the rough corn. Carefully conducted tests of this sort at the Ohio, Nebraska and a number of other stations made it ap- pear extremely doubtful if many of the points on the old-fashioned corn score card were worth while from the standpoint of yield. No one has as yet learned enough about corn to know just what relationship there is between yield and the different ear and kernel characteristics. The relationship seems to be different in different sea- sons and on different soils. The following yield score card is based chief- ly on experimental work at the Iowa station and probably applies as well as any to central Iowa and Illinois. CORN JUDGING 201 Yield Score Card (No fancy points) Points Solid, well-matured ear which weighs like lead (heavy for its size, with kernels firm on cob) 15 Length of ear( at least 7 inches) 5 Circumference of ear (at least 5.5 inches) 5 Width of kernel (not less than one-fourth inch wide) 15 Thickness of kernel (not more than 8 kernels to the inch) 10 Depth of kernel (at least seven-sixteenths inch deep) 15 Kernel plump at tip 15 Kernels without blistering or damage by mice 5 Kernels with bright, large germ (germ should be clear and waxy when cut) 5 Kernels come loose from cob without leaving tip cap or taking part of cob with them 5 Kernels hard, horny and shiny, without showing white starch on their backs 5 Total lOU It is assumed in this score card, as should be the case with all corn score cards, that ears which will not grow are given no consideration whatever. In Illinois and parts of Iowa where root rot diseases are serious, the last point — ^hard, horny, shiny kernels free from starch — probably should be given 15 or 20 points instead of only five, for it has been definitely proved that starchy kernels are more susceptible to these diseases and yield less as a consequence. In Nebraska, especially in the western part, 15 or 20 points should be given to a smooth dent combined with a slender ear and freedom from starchiness. On the other hand, the rich bottom lands of central and southern Indiana seem to yield more when planted to a rough, somewhat starchy corn carrying twenty or even twenty-two rows of kernels, than when planted to the smaller, slender-eared type with its horny, shiny kernels. What Corn Judges Like AVhile no one knows much about measuring the effect of ear and kernel characteristics on yield, it is fairly easy to learn what type of corn will appeal to corn judges at the big corn shows. In the single ear classes in the central part of the Corn Belt, the ideal ear is ten inches long, seven and one-half inches in circumference, with twenty or twenty- two straight rows of kernels carried out to the tip (tip kernels being of the same type as the kernels on the body of the ear), and with a well rounded butt with only a small opening left for the shank. Of course, the ear must be straight and cylindrical in shape, with the diam- eter carried uniformly from the butt to within two or three inches of the tip, where a slight taper is permissible. The kernels must be moderately wide, keystone in shape, deep, plump at the tip, and without any trace of being shrunken or blistered. In Iowa and Illinois, the judges lay great emphasis on the backs of the kernels being horny and shiny, but in Indiana and at the International Grain and Hay Show they are not so particular about this point. In central Iowa, Indiana and at the 202 CORN AND CORN-GROWING International the custom has been to favor the rough corn, -whereas in Illinois, since 1920, they have been favoring the smooth corn with an exceedingly horny kernel, showing the least possible susceptibility to root rot infections. By attending corn shows and associating with corn judges, it is possible to learn their ideals and pick corn to meet them. In the ten-ear, thirty-ear and bushel classes, it is necessary to pay great attention to uniformity. All of the ears should be within an inch of the same length. None of the ears should carry less than eighteen rows nor more than twenty-two. The kernels should all be of the same size, shape and color, showing no trace of mixture with white pollen (if the variety is yellow) or yellow pollen (if the variety is white). In ad- dition, the ears must be true to what the judges recognize as the variety type. To fulfill all of these requirements means that a man must start with seed from a recognized show strain and grow it out on rich soil and then go over 50,000 or 100,000 ears in the hope of finding a prize winning sample. Picking corn for show is interesting work which ap- peals to farmers with an eye for the beautiful. The premiums offered at the corn shows have made corn exhibiting profitable for many men. This has been especially true in central Indiana and the southern half of Iowa, Mhere a combination of rich soil, a rather long season, and favorable rainfall have made it possible to grow beautiful, rough, large- eared corn very easily. Shows Are in a State of Change It seems that corn shows are now in a state of change, and that in the future the judges may pay somewhat more attention to the practical points and somewhat less to the merely beautiful. The weak point in all corn judging is that most of the really important functions of the corn plant which have to do with yield express themselves in other ways than through the shape of ear and type of kernel. Corn shows and corn judges have an important place in drawing men of like tastes together, but the day is past when they are having much direct influence in improving the yield of our corn. The Iowa Corn Growers' Association has to some extent recognized this by inaugu- rating a scientific yield contest, as described in Chapter 36. CHAPTER 36 CORN YIELD CONTESTS PRACTICAL farmers long ago discovered that the corn which won at the corn shows was not necessarily high yielding corn. It was there- fore suggested that farmers compete to see who could produce, not the best looking corn, but the most corn per acre. Such contests demon- strated that it was possible in the South, by means of extremely heavy fertilizing combined with a favorable season to produce over 200 bushels per acre. On rich clover sod land in the North it was found that occa- sionally, when all conditions were favorable, that over 130 bushels per acre could be produced. But the practical farmer again rebelled. He said that he had no time to fool around with a pet acre of corn which would not win a prize unless it happened to be favored with lucky rains at just the right time in July and August. As a result, acre yield con- tests are now used for the most part as a device to interest farm club boys. In this way, these tests have done an immense amount of good, definitely starting many boys on the path of becoming genuinely inter- ested in all that makes for good farming. Best Type of Test The best type of corn yield contest involves growing several strains of corn side by side on the same land, to see which sorts will yield the most when all conditions are alike. This type of contest should be con- ducted for at least three years, and preferably for five. Since practical farmers are not in position to do the careful experimental work involved in this kind of a contest, it has been the custom for the county agent, the experiment station, or the Corn Growers' Association to supervise the planting and weighing. All the farmer who enters this kind of a contest has to do is to furnish a few pounds of seed (in some cases he also pays an entry fee of a few dollars to defray part of the expenses). The farmer has none of the bother of growing or harvesting, but at the finish receives the benefit of knowing how his seed compared in yielding power with other strains of corn grown under exactly the same soil and moisture conditions. If his corn has done well, he may develop quite a seed business. If it has done poorly, he will find it advisable to buy corn from someone whose corn has done well, growing the two sorts side by side on his own farm at first in order to verify under his o^^ n conditions the results of the yield test. Woodford County Test The first carefully conducted three-year corn yield contest of this sort was the Woodford county, Illinois, test, which was began in 1919 and completed in 1921. Seed from 120 Woodford county farmers was 204 COKN AND CORN-GROWING entered in this test in eaeli of three years. These 120 sorts were grown side by side in two different places in the county. Every other row across the test field was a check sort not entered in the contest. By cor- recting the yield by means of the adjoining check, it was possible to take into account soil variations. The Krug strain of Reid Yellow Dent, which stood at the top as an average of the three years, outyielded the average corn in the contest by 6.6 bushels per acre, and the poorest, which was also a strain of Reid, by 17.1 bushels. The ten high yielders were grown again side by side in a number of different places in "Woodford county, in 1922, and again the Krug corn outyielded the others. The Krug corn was also entered in the Iowa corn yield contest in 1922, and yielded within one bushel per acre as much as the corn which won first. Iowa Yield Test The Iowa corn yield contest was begun in 1920 by the Iowa Corn Growers' Association. The Iowa experiment station assists in planting and harvesting the plots of the strains, which are grown side by side under the same conditions. Each strain which is entered is grown in Black Yellow Dent corn, which has yielded well as a three-year average in the Iowa Corn Yield Contest. the eastern part of the state, the central, and the western, and at each place at least five plots of each strain are grown, thus making fifteen replications in all. Such a careful test involves an expense of about .$20 for each strain of corn entered, and each farmer who sends in his seed to be tested is therefore charged $10, the other $10 being borne by the Corn Growers' Association. For purposes of the contest, the state is divided into four sections, northern, north-central, south-central and southern. Most of the strains entered in the northern section have been Silver King, whereas, in the southern and south-central sections the contest has chiefly been between different strains of Reid Yellow Dent. In the south-central section, where the competition has been the keenest, the Black strain of Reid has stood high as an average of three years, with a yield of seven bushels per acre more than the strain of Reid which was the lowest as an average of the three years. There were CORN YIELD CONTESTS 205 many other strains of Reid which were lower yielding than this low strain, but the farmers growing them became tired of paying $10 to enter them after one or two years. In this respect, the Iowa form of corn yield contest is inferior to the Woodford county, Illinois, test, where all the farmers stay in every year and the results are not an- nounced until the last year. Technique of a Yield Test In the ordinary county corn yield contest, the county agent sees that some ten or twenty different local strains are planted side by side on the same farm. Such a test awakens a lot of local interest, but un- less the county agent neglects his other duties it is very difficult for him to make a really thorough comparison and as a result the ordinary county corn yield contest is rather inaccurate. The technique of con- ducting a corn yield contest in order to get the most accurate comparison of yielding power at the least expense of money and time has not yet been thoroughly worked oat. In the Iowa corn yield contest the original plan was to plant the different sorts side by side in plots of four twenty- five-hill rows each, there being five replications of such plots for each sort. Only the two center rows were harvested, the theory being that the two outside rows might be affected by the sorts grown on either side. In actual practice, it was found that all of the sorts entered were so sim- ilar in their habit of growth that there was no need of having two border rows to eliminate plot competition. Under such conditions, it seemed possible to gain accuracy by having twenty replications of one row each rather than five replications of four rows each. In the Iowa contest, they have always grown a check sort every fifth plot in order to have a standard by which to correct for soil conditions. It seems, however, that the use of a check sort to correct for soil conditions is only doubt- fully worth while when there are ten or more replications. The ideal way seems to be to have a row of check corn grown in every other row across the field or else to leave out the check and try to obtain accuracy by having at least ten replications. Refined mathematical and experi- mental methods are being applied to this problem, and it is expected that by 1928 the most practical way of determining the comparative yielding powers of different kinds of corn when grown under the same conditions, will have been discovered. In any event, it will always be necessary to run such a test for at least three years. The benefit of such contests as the Iowa corn yield contest is that certain standard strains are discovered which have demonstrated their ability to yield well over a period of years. Farmers who do not enter such contests can get seed of such sorts to grow side by side with their home corn. Hundreds of farmers have done this as a result of the loAva corn yield contest. Some of them have found that their home corn has a higher yielding power under their own conditions, but others have found that the high yielding corn discovered by the yield contest is fully five or ten bushels per acre better than their home corn. CHAPTER 37 COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS OF CORN A BOUT two hundred and eighty million bushels, or 10 per cent of the corn crop of the United States, is manufactured annually. Roughly, one hundred and eighty million bushels, or 6.5 per cent, are ground in the corn meal mills, and sixty million bushels, or 2.2 per cent, are handled by the starch factories. About forty million bushels, or about 1.5 per cent, of the corn crop is used in the manufacture of alcohol, lye hominy and in miscellaneous ways. Dry Process The corn meal mills manufacture the meal by what is known as the dry process. In the early days of corn milling, the entire kernel was ground. This made an excellent quality of corn meal, although some people objected to it because of the fine particles of hull. The greatest objection, however, was the presence of the germ in the meal, which made the meal rancid if kept a great length of time. IModern corn milling, therefore, involves degerminating the corn as its first step. The corn is sprayed with water or treated with steam until it has a moisture con- tent of about 20 per cent, after which it goes into a machine with a rapidly revolving core, w^hich results in breaking up the kernel in such a way as to loosen the hull and the germ but not to grind the starch. By mechanical processes, the hard starch is separated and ground into the commercial corn meal as we know it today, or, as some people call it, ' ' hominy grits. ' ' If the meal is ground extremely finely, it makes what is known as corn flour, which can be mixed with wheat flour to produce a product which is just as good as pure wheat flour, although the bread made from it does not rise quite as much. The soft Avhite starch is mixed with the hulls, which are commercially known as corn bran, to make what is known as hominy feed. Extensive experiments with hominy feed in Iowa and Indiana, indicate that it has ])ractically the same value for hogs as shelled corn. The germs are some- times ground and mixed with the hominy feed; but in the more up-to- date plants, the oil is pressed out. The oil cake which is left after press- ing out the oil is generally mixed with the hominy feed. Under average conditions, a bushel of corn, under the dry process, produces about 22 pounds of corn meal, 33 pounds of hominy feed, and one-half pound of oil. In the manufacture of corn flakes, the dry process is used until the coarse particles of horny starch are separated out. These are rolled COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS OF CORN 207 out and toasted. Most of the corn flakes are manufactured by three large plants at Battle Creek, Michigan. They use about 10,000,000 bush- els of corn annually. Wet Process The starch factories use only about one-third as much corn as the corn meal mills, but the process is far more complicated, and the prod- ucts are much more extensively used in a wide variety of industries. The method of manufacture is known as the wet process. A bushel of corn as manufactured in a starch factory by the wet process produces about 32 pounds of starch, 15 pounds of gluten feed, 1.5 pounds of corn oil and 1.5 pounds of corn oil cake meal. Of the 32 pounds of starch which are obtained from the ordinary bushel of corn, only about 12 pounds are usually sold by the starch factories in the form of starch. Most of the rest (about 20 pounds) is usually converted into corn syrup. Twenty pounds of corn starch make 24 or 25 pounds of corn syrup or glucose. About tAvo pounds of the original 32 pounds of starch obtained from a bushel of corn are made into a corn sugar. Both corn syrup and corn sugar are extensively used in candy making, ice cream, preserving, etc. Of the sugar used in commercial candies, over one-third comes from corn. People in the United States who eat candy are patronizing the farmers of the Corn Belt to almost as great an extent as they are the planters of Cuba and Hawaii. The wet milling process of corn manufacture is briefly as follows : The corn first goes through a very thorough purification process by which dust, particles of corn cobs, nails and other impurities are re- moved. The corn is then steeped for about thirty-six hours in lukewarm water to which is added a small amount of sulphurous acid. This is nec- essary for it prevents fermentation, and also softens the corn, allowing a better separation to take place later on in the process. Most of the sul- phurous acid is lost in the steps to follow : The steeped corn is fed into disintegrator steel mills, which crush the kernel but do not grind it. In this crushing the elastic germ remains unbroken and is easily separated from the remainder of the kernel. This is done by passing the crushed mass into "germ separator tanks," in which the germs, containing 60 per cent oil, rise to the top and are removed by a mechanical skimming apparatus. They are then thoroughly washed with water in rotating sieves to remove all traces of gluten and starch which may adhere to them. The lumps of endosperm, hulls and loose particles of gluten and starch leave the separator tanks as tailings. This mass, coming from the bottom of the tanks, goes to the buhr mills, in which it is ground fine. It is then pumped over revolving silk sieves, where the hulls are removed and washed free from adhering gluten and starch, which pass through the fine silk cloth. The hulls, separated in the rotating sieves, are partly dehydrated and then thoroughly dried in steam dryers. They are later mixed with the gluten to form "gluten feed." 208 CORX AND ("ORX-GROWIXG The mixture of starch and gluten suspended in water and ])assin ^^ o -jg ^ ^-z 1897-1901 1 160,8091 2,195,795| 1902-1906 i 91,662| 2,628,334| 1907 ! 129,7861 2,512,065| 1908 1 69,2511 2,544,9571 1909 1 77-4031 2.572,3361 i i ! 1910 1 113,9191 2,886,2601 1911 1 123,824| 2,531,488 1912 1 64,764i 3,124,746| 1913 1 137,9721 2,446,988] 1914 i 80,0461 2,672,804] ' I I 1915 ! 96,0091 2,994,793| 1916 i S7,908| 2,566,9271 1917 1 34,448| 3,065,233] 1918 1 114,678 2,502,6651 1919 ] 69,835] 2,811,302] I I I 1920 ] 139,0831 3,208,584] 1921 ] 285,769] 3,068,569] 1922* ] 177,287] 2,890.712] *Preliminarv estimate. sS i o^ o :^ o 7i 1= ,-H o o .-^ o o o 83.3] 85.6] 88.1] 82.2[ 82.8] 77.2] 86.9] 88.2! 84.2] 82.7] I ! 87.21 86.4] 80. 6| 80.1] 85.5] 85.01 82. 2| 80.1] 85.1] 84.5] I I 77.21 71.11 83.8] 83.9| 75.2| 60.0] 85.6] 82.4] 89.1] 87.11 I I 89.6] 86.9] 84.01 87.5] 85.0] 88.3] 2,005,697] 2,170,417] 1,939,877] 2,244,571] 2,126,965] 2,492,763] 2,027,922] 2,654,907] l,961,058i 2,259,755] I 2,127,965] 2,154,487] 1,837,728] 2,062,041] 2,448,204] I 2,789,720] 2,684,634] 2,553,290] 2,362,604] 2,719,9961 2,641,851[ 2,614,208] 2,649,739] I 3,000,17911 2,655,312] 3,189,510]1 2,584,960] 7,752,850] I 3,090,802)1 2,654,835] 3,099,68111 2,617,343| 2,881,13r]l I 3,347,6671 3,353,33811 3,067,99911 823,739] 045,965] 931,503] 999,2351 980,848] I ,165,378] 884,059] ,290,6421 866,352] 910,894] I ,116,559] 782,303] ,253,290] 855,269] ,045,575] I ,564,832] ,305,559] ,087,412] 424,894 596,400 470,046 565,510 620,057 661,777 517.766 680,831 422,059 498,285 560,824 450,589 678,027 362,589 470,328 705,481 587,893 515,236 Table XXIII— Monthly Marketings of Corn by Farmers, 1917-1922 Estimated amount sold monthly by farmers o£ the United States (millions of bushels) Year ;-! 0) 03 % a> o 1 -> 3 1-0 he < S 02 1890 J^'^ K 1 33.11 34.01 35.91 38.01 45.8 39.0 35.6 39.5 43.4 34.3 35.2 39.5 43.1 45.5 40.0 45.4 31.1 47.7 44.6 39.4 51.9 41.9 30.9 37.4 38.3 35.5 38.6 42.0 47.4 42.7 42.3 50.0 42.9 37.2 t 1 1 53.11 53.8 49.4 50.6 53.8 54.8 59.0 50.4 49.6 53.8 53.5 50.0 50.8 52.8 46.8 51.9 55.3 44.1 52.5 50.3 53.4 50.0 53.4 52.4 52.7 58.9 50.9 49.8 47.9 53.4 47.3 55.6 53.9 51.2 1 59.3 59.2 58.6 59.3 61.5 63.8 69.5 59.3 62.2 64.0 64.8 61.6 67.2 65.2 62.2 63.1 63.8 56.7 63.3 60.3 58.0 68.2 64.8 62.9 65.3 59.8 63.6 56.6 67.1 59.8 61.4 65.5 66.5 60.9 1 75.4 72.0 71.7 72.3 75.0 74.8 71.4 71.0 73.3 73.3 71.1 74.9 69.6 66.3 69.7 72.6 70.5 68.4 70.5 71.9 70.1 75.5 68.4 73.9 75.5 68.5 67.2 68.5 72.1 75.0 72.1 76.6 73.9 73.2 75.9 71.0 74.3 77.8 76.3 74.1 75.2 77.0 75.5 75.3 75.5 82.2 76.2 75.9 73.2 73.1 73.8 75.7 75.4 73.4 76.3 76.2 75.7 78.3 79.0 72.8 80.8 75.1 1 73.8 78.7 1 74.5 1 80.7 i 75.0 70.5 71.6 73.4 72.7 74.7 75.0 73.3 71.7 73.8 76.3 79.8 74.8 71.9 72.7 70.8 75.0 76.3 72.9 74.0 77.2 73.3 73.2 72.6 78.1 76.0 67.7 77.0 71.8 78.8 73.6 72.6 74.2 75.1 1 61.9 ]891 > 69.4 1892 <^^ 65.1 1893 67.9 1894 ^6» ' .... 67.5 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 V0.7 6\j.9 71.3 69.3 65.4 69.4 66.7 63.0 64.8 67.3 68.3 70.7 65.7 70.4 65.0 66.9 1911 69.6 1912 67.9 ]913 67.1 1914 1915 1916 . .. 66.8 68.5 65.1 1917 65.0 1918 .... 1919 .... 1920 .... 1921 .... 1922 60.0 69.9 69.7 71.6 70.3 1923 .... 1924 .... 1925 .... 1926 .. INDEX Absorption of water, 167 Acclimatization, 19 Acids in silage, 81 Acres per day Cultivated, 58 Planted, 51 Prepared, 44 Adaptation, 18-21 Changes in corn, 19 Effect of acclimatization, 19 Home-grown seed, IS Use of unadapted seed, 20 Adding water to silage, 83 Africa, corn growing in, 220 Age of seed, 24 Air, 168 Alcohol, 9 Aleurone layer, 177 American origin, 1-6 American stalk borers, 132 Angumois grain moth, 133 Aphis, 124 Argentina, corn growing in, 215 Army worm, 130 Arrangement of leaves, 174 Ash. 96 Asia, corn growing in, 1, 220 August weather, 15 Automobiles, run by alcohol, 8 Barnyard manure, 37 Benefits of yield tests, 203 Beverly, reference to corn in Virginia, 144 Binder twine hanger, 30 Bill-bug, 129 Biological origin, 1 Birds, 134 Black, Clyde, 145, 158 Blade of leaf, 174 "Blind"' plowing, 56 Bloody Butcher, 164 Boone County AVhite, 158 Borers, 132, 133 Botanical characteristics, 170-178 Flowers, 174 Kernels, 177 Leaves, 174 Roots, 171-173 Stalks, 173 Suckers, 173 Brace roots, 172 Brachytic corn, 147 Branched ears, 147 Breeding, 179-188 Cross, 181 Ear-row, 181 Inbreeding, 182-188 Selection, 179 Brown, reference to early corn types 144 Burnett, L. C, 158 Burning stalks, 37 By-products, 206-211 Calcium, 169 Calibrating the planter, 46 Calico corn, 164 Carbohydrates, 96 Carbon, 168 Carbon dioxide, 81 Carbon disulphide fumigation, 133 Carrying capacity of fields, 88 Cart, seed corn, 26 Cash grain, 104 Cattle Feeding, 96 Harvesting with, 90 Cause of dent, 142 Center of production, 9 Chambers, J. M., 4 Changes in corn not adapted, 19 Characters, Mendelian, 19' Characteristics of Good silage, 85 Growth, 167 Checked corn, 46 Chemical composition, 96 Chinch bug, 128 Chromosomes, 193 Classification Botanical, 140 Market, 101, 102 Cliff Dwellers, 1 Climate, 8 Clover, 37 Cob products, 211 Cob pipes, 211 Coix, 142 Cold nights, 17 Colonists, 1-5 Colors, 195 Columbus, 1, 4 Commercial Feeds, 206-211 Fertilizers, 38 Products, 206-211 Companion crops, 87 Cowpeas, 94 Pumpkins, 95 Rape, 93 Soy beans, 87, 91-93 Composition, 96 Conditions of germination, 11 248 CORN AND CORN-GROWING Constitution, 167 Continuous corn growing, 35 Continents, 212-220 Control of Diseases, 135-140 Insects, 123-134 Weeds, 61 Co-operative elevators, 102 Corn Belt American, 9, 10 Argentine, 9, 10 Center of, 9, 10 Importance of corn in, S, 9 Varieties of, 157-166 Corn bill-bug, 129 Corn-hog ratios, 115-118 Based on Chicago values, 116 Based on farm values, 117 Close relationship, 115 Corn Products Company, 210 Corn root aphis, 124 Corn root worm, 125 Cost of production, 119-122 In 1922, 242 By sections of the country, 242 Man and horse labor, 119 Owner's, 120 Reducing, 120 Share tenant's, 119 Silage, 121 Variation of, 119 Cost of testing seed, 33 Co?ts, reducing, 120 Cotton states, corn growing in, 212 Countries, distribution of corn, 157 Country elevators, 101-103 Country Gentleman sweet corn, 176 Cowpeas, 94 Cracked corn, 105 "Cracker-jack," 152 Cribs, 67, 71 Crop rotations, 35 Cross breeding, 181 Cross pollination, 181* Crows, 134 Crude fiber, 97 Cultivating, 52-58 Acres per day, 58 Depth of, 57 Effect on soil, 53, 57 Listed corn, 57 Methods, 57 Number of times, 57 Reasons for, 52, 53 Reducing the cost, 58 Ways, 57 Cultivators, 54 Cut-worms, 127 Damping-off, 139 Danube Basin, corn growing in, 218 December future corn prices, 103 Definitions Fodder, 75 Grades, 105 Silage, 81 Stover, 78 Democrat corn, 97 Dent corn, 142 Depth of Cultivation, 57 Planting, 50 Detasseling, 186-188 Development of the plant, 167-169 Germination, 167 Growth, 167 Differential, price, 100 Digestible nutrients, 96 Diplodia, 137 Disking, 40 Diseases, 135-140 Diplodia, 137 Fusarium, 137 Miscellaneous, 139 Smut, 135 Disease resistant corn, 138 Distance between rows, 56 Distillation products, 210 Distribution of varieties, 157 Double listing, 48 Drilled corn, 47 Drouth resisting, 12, 15 Dry fodder, 78 Dry process of manufacture, 206 Dyes, 211 Early corn culture, 5, 6 Early history, 1, 3, 4 Early types, 1 Ear, 177 Ear-row breeding, 181 Ear w'orm, 131 Elements, 167, 168 Elevating, 66 Elevators, 101 Endosperm, 176 Epidermis, 173 Essentials of Good plowing, 42 Germination, 167 Growth, 167 Euchlaena, 142 European corn borer, 132 Europe, corn growing in, 212-220 Evolution, 2 Exports, 225, 226 Family, 140 Fat, 96 Federal grades, 104 Feeding, 96-98 Feeding value of soft corn, 74 Female flowers, 174 Fermented products, 211 Fertility, 35 Fertilization, 176 INDEX 249 Fertilizers, 37, 38 Fibrous roots, 170 Filling the silo, 82 Flakes, 207 Flint corn, 146 Flour, 207 Flour corn, 147 Flowering habits, 174 Flowers, 174 Fodder, 75-79 Harvesting, 77 Losses in, 77 Planting, 76 Uses, 77 Varieties, 75 Food value, 74 Foreign countries, 212-220 Foreign material in corn, 105 Fossil ear, 2 Freed White Dent, 163 Freezing, injury by, 24 Frequency of cultivation, 57 Frost, 15 Fumigation, 133 Funk Yellow Dent, 164 Furrow opening, 48 Fusarium, 13? Futures, 103 Gama grass, 2 Genus, 142 Geographical origin, 1 Geography of corn prices, 112 Germ, 177 Germination, 11 Gloves, husking, 64 Gluten feed, 207 Golden Glow, 162 Gourd-seed corn, 3, 143 Grades, market, 104, 105 Grading seed, 33 Grain act, 104 Grain weevil, 133 Grass family, 142 Grasshoppers, 131 Grooves of the stalk, 173 Groups of weeds, 61-63 Growth essentials, 167-169 Heat, 168 Light, 168 Plant food, 168 Vigor, 167 Water, 167 Growing corn outside of the Corn Belt, 212-220 Africa, 220 Asia, 220 Argentina, 215 Cotton states, 212 Danube Basin, 218 Mexico, 219 South Africa, 220 Western Europe, 219 Growing season, 8, 11, 12 Grubs, 126 Hairy corn, 147 Hangers, seed corn, 29, 30 Hariot, Thomas, 4 Harrowing, 42 Harshberger, J. W., 2 Harvesting, 64-69 For fodder, 77 In the ear by hand, 65 In the ear by machine, 65 With live stock, 86-90 Heat, 8 Heat and rapidity of growth, 11 Heat-damaged kernels, 105 Hedging, 102-104 Heredity, 189-198 Heterozygosis, 191 History, 1-7 Hog-corn ratios, 115-118 Hogging down, 86-89 Advantages, 86 Carrying capacity of corn, 88 Disadvantages, 86 Principle of, 87 Supplements necessary for, 87 Variety of corn to use, 87 Hogue Yellow Dent, 162 Home-grown seed, 18, 20 Homozygosis. 191 Hook, husking, 64 Horse labor, 119 Horses, harvesting with, 90 Husking By hand, 64 By machine, 65 Husk-pile silage, 156 Husks, 177 Hydrocyanic gas, 133 Illinois rainfall month by month, 245 Illinois temperature by months, 246 Importance of corn In the Corn Belt, 8, 9 In the United States, 8, 9 Imports, 226 Importing seed, 21 Inbreeding, 182-188 Indian corn growing, 4, 5 Influence of weeds on yield, 59 Insects, 123-134 Angumois grain moth, 133 Army worm, 130 American stalk borers, 132 Chinch bug, 128 Corn bill-bug, 129 Corn ear worm, 131 Corn root aphis, 124 Corn root worm, 125 Cut worm, 127 European corn borer, 132 Grasshopper, 131 (ORX AND (X)RX-GROWIXG Mediterranean flour moth, 133 Weevil, 133 White grub worm, 126 Wire worm, 123 Internode, 173 Iowa Corn Yield Test, 204 Iowa rainfall month by month, 243 Iowa temperature by months, 244 Iowa State Agricultural Society, 4 Iron, 169 Jap popcorn, 150 Jobbers, 47 Job's tears, 142 Johnson County White, 162 Judging, 199-201 June weather, 11 July weather, 11-15 Kansas Sunflower, 160 Kernel, 177 Kiesselbach, T. A., 174 Kinds of Cultivators, 54 Silos, 81 Krug corn, 158 Labor cost, 119 Later history, 5, 6 Lateral-branched corn, 147 "Laying by," 55 Leaming, 159 Leaves, 174 Length of season, 9 Level cultivation, 57 Life history of insects, 123, 134 Light, 168 Ligule, 174 Line elevators, 101-102 Linkage, 193 Listed corn Cultivation, 57 Planting, 45-51 Live stock, harvesting with, 86-90 Lorain on early corn types, 143-144 Low testing seed, 33 Machine busker, 65 Magnesium, 168 Male flowers, 174 Man labor, 119 Manufactured products, 206-211 Manure, 37 Market grades, 104 Marketing, 99-105 Federal grades, 104 From farm to local elevator, 99 Price differential, 100 Primary corn markets, 99 Selling at Chicago, 102 Types of country elevators, 101 McCulloch, Fred, 158 Measuring Cribs, 68 Silage, 85 Wagons, 68 Mechanical structure of kernel, 177 Mendelian characters, 189 Mesocotyl, 172 Mexico, corn growing in, 2, 219 Million-dollar rains, 13 Minnesota 13, 52 Mixed corn, 105 Modified rag doll, 138 Moisture in corn, 25 Moldy corn, 73 Mound Builders, 1 Nitrogen, 169 Node, 173 Norsemen, 1 North America, 4-7 Northern corn root worm, 125 Northwestern Dent. 163 Number of stalks per hill, 49 Number of varieties, 157 Nutritive ratio, 96 Objects of cultivation, 53 Oil, 209 Origin of Corn, 1, 2 Dent corn, 142 Other countries, 212-220 Oxygen, 168 Parks, W. F., 2 Parts of the plant, 170-177 Pasturing stalks, 68 Pearl popcorn, 150 Peg, husking, 64 Permanent roots, 172 Peru, 2 Phosphorus, 169 Picking seed, 22, 27 Pistillate flowers, 174 Plant, 170-177 Planter, calibrating the, 46 Plant foods, 168 Planting. 45-51 Acres per day, 51 Depth, 50 Distance between rows, 49 Furrow opening, 48 Listing, 48 Rate, 49 Replanting, 51 Surface, 47 Time, 51 Plant selection of seed, 23, 24 Plowing, 42 Pod corn, 147 Poison, 137 Poisoning of live stock, 73 Pollen, 176 ]\)llination, 176 Popcorn, 149-152 INDEX 251 Amount grown, 152 Cribbing and shelling, 151 Cultural methods, 150 Marketing, 151 Types, 149 Uses, 152 Why it pops, 149 Potassium, 169 Power shellers, 68 Precipitation, 13 Preparation of the seed bed, 40-44 Sod, 42 Stalk ground, 40 Stubble ground, 41 Preserving silage, 84 Price of seed corn, 22 Prices, 107 General price level, 110 Geography of prices, 112 Hogs, 109 Previous crops, lOS Shrinkage, 110 Size of crops, 107 Time of year, 110 Value, 114 Wages of city labor, 111 Weather, 109 Wheat, 107 Proclamation, seed corn, 22 Production, 6, 7, 227, 228 Products, 206-211 Prolific corns, 166 Pumpkins, 95 Purple-leaved corn, 147 Quack grass, 62 Quick method of planting, 47 Rag doll tester, 31 Rainfall, 11-17 Ramosa corn, 147 Rape, 93, 94 Method of planting, 94 Varieties, 94 Rate of planting, 49 Ratios, corn-hog, 115-118 Relation of Climate, 9 Soil, 39 Replanting, 51 Ridge cultivation, 58 Roasting ears, 153 Rodents, 134 Root rots, 138 Roots, 170-173 Brace, 172 Permanent, 172 Temporary, 171 Rotation of crops, 35 Roughage, 98 Rust, 139 Salting soft corn, 72 Score card, 201 Seed bed, 41 Seed corn, 22-30 Adaptation, 18-21 Butting and tipping, 33 Buying, 20 Cart, 26 Foreign, 19 Freezing injury, 24 Grading, 33 Home-grown, 18 .Judging, 199-201 Kind to select, 26 Method of selection, 26 Picking, 22, 23 Plant selection, 26 Price, 22 Proclamation, 22 Shelling, 33 Storing, 28-30 Testing, 31-33 Selection breeding, 197 Selection of seed, 26 Self-fertilization, 176 Sheeping-dowm, 89 Shelling, 68 Shipping, 102 Shocking fodder, 77 Shew corn, 199-201 Shows, 202 Shredding, 73, 78 Shrinkage, 67 Silage, 70, 80-85 Characteristics of good, 85 Compared to other, 85 Culture of corn for, 82 Defined, 81 Frosted corn, 84 Varieties for, 70 Yields of, 82 Silks, 176 Silos, 80-85 Pilling, 82 Kinds of, 81 Number of, 80 . Opening, 84 Refilling, 83 Preventing waste in, 84 Silver King, 160 Silvermine, 159 Single listing, 48 Smother crops, 60 Smut, 135 Snapping, 65 Sod ground, preparation, 42 Soft (flour^ corn, 147 Soft corn, 70-74 Classification of, 70 Cribbing, 71 Ensiling, 70 Feeding, 73 Food value of, 74 Marketing, 73 252 CORN AND CORN GROWING Salting, 12 Shocking, 71 Shredding, 73 Soft starch, 178 Soiling crop, 77 Soils, 35-39 Barnyard manure, 37 Clover, 37 Commercial fertilizers, 38 Crop rotations, 35 Plow under stalks, 37 Proper handling, 38 South Africa, corn growing, 220 Southern corn root worm, 125 Soy beans, 87, 91-93 Effect on corn crop, 91 Inoculation, 92 Method of planting, 91 Rate of planting, 92 Varieties, 92 Spikelets, 174 Spread of growth, 8 Stages of ripening, 177 Stalk, 173 Stalk borer, 132 Stalk cutter, 40 Stalk ground, 40 Stalks, number per hill, 49 Staminate flower, 174 Stand, 49 Starch, 178 Starchy sweet corn, 147 Statistics, 221-242 St. Charles White, 161 Stigma, 176 Stock, harvesting with, 86-90 Storage, seed corn, 28-30 Stored corn Heating of, 20 Insects injurious to, 133 Shrinkage of, 68 Storing seed Methods of, 28-30 Place for, 28 Stover, 78 Stowell's Evergreen, 153, 154 Striped-leaved corn, 147 Structure of plant, 170-177 Stubble ground, 41 Suckers, 173 Sugar, 208, 209 Supplementing corn, 98 Surface planting, 47 Sweet corn, 153-156 Canning, 155 Climate, 154 Cultural methods, 155 Difference from field corn, 153 Easy on the land, 154 Harvesting, 155 Husk pile silage, 156 Marketing, 155 Seed, 154 Soil, 154 Statistics, 156 Uses, 153 Varieties, 153 Syrup. 210 Tassel, 176 Tassel-ear corn, 147 Technique of inbreeding, 186-188 Temperature, 11-17 Temperature for germination, 11 Temporary roots, 171 Teosinte, 143 Terminal elevators, 99 Testing seed corn, 31-33 Thickness of planting, 49 Tillage, 40-51 Time required for Cultivating, 58 Harvesting, 69 Husking, 69 Planting, 51 Preparation of seed bed, 44 Time to Pick seed, 23 Plant, 51 Tip cap, 177 Transpiration, 174 Tribe, 142 Tripsaceae, 142 Tripsacum, 142 Types, 3, 142, 147, 210 Unadapted seed, 20 United States, 221-232 Unloading, method of, 83 Uses Commercial products, 206-211 Feed, 96-98 Utilization of Fodder, 77 Soft corn, 70 Value, 8, 97 Value of silage, 85 Varieties, 157 Bloody Butcher, 164 Boone County White, 158 Calico, 164 Freed White Dent, 163 Funk Yellow Dent, 164 Golden Glow, 162 Hogue Yellow Dent, 162 .Johnson County White, 102 Kansas Sunflower, 160 Leaming, 159 Minnesota 13, 52, 162 Miscellaneous, 165 Northwestern Dent, 163 Popcorn, 149-152 Reid Yellow Dent, 157 St. Charles White, 161 Silver King, 160 INDEX 253 Silvermine, 159 Soft corn, 166 Sweet corn, 153-156 Wimple Yellow Dent, 163 Ventilators, crib, 72 Viability of seed, 23 Vigor, 167 Vitamines, 97 Vitality of seed, 24 Wages of city labor and corn prices, 111 Water, 167 Water in silage, 83 Waxy corn, 147 Weather August, 15 Cold nights, 1-7 Frost, 15 Drouth, 15 Heat, 16 Illinois, since 1890, 245-246 Iowa, since 1890, 243-244 June, 11 July, 11, 14 Prices and, 14 Summary of, 17 Weeder, 54 Weeds, 59-63 Classification, 60 Control, 61 Influence on yield, 59 Names, 60 Smother crops for, 60 Weevil, 133 Western Europe, corn growing in, 219 Wet process of manufacture, 207 Wheat nrices, influence on corn prices, 107 White corn, 105 White grub worm, 126 White Rice popcorn, 150 Wild grass, 2 Wimple Yellow Dent, 163 Wind pollination, 176 Wire hangers, 29 Wire-worm, 123 Woodford county yield test, 203 World war and corn, 8 Xenia, 190 Yellow corn, 105 Yields Corn, 33, 203 Silage, 82 Yield tests, 203-205 Iowa, 204 Woodford county, 203 Zea Mays, 142 WmmSSm^^^^^^^^^^^^^m