Nnrtlf (EaroUtta »mt This book was presented by Frederick L. Wellman This book is due on the date indicated below and is subject to an overdue fine as posted at the Circulation Desk. J^^ QCT^ 199d FLORA OF BIEII. FIIBIIII. in SIM FEOM THE Taurus to Ras Muhammad, AND FEOM THE Mediterranean Sea to the Syrian Desert. I BY Rev. GEORGE E. POST, M.A., M.D., D.D.S., SYRIAN PROTESTANT COLLEGE, BEIRUT, SYRIA. ADDENDA. The following plants have mostly been discovered since the printing of the Flora was commenced in 1883. Among them, however, are a few which were overlooked when the text was prepared. It is recommended that references to these Addenda be made in the margin, in their places in the Flora. Page 40. After R. cliionopUlus. R. §ericeii§, Peyrou. 2f .03 to .05, tufted, silky; neck thickened; roots fibrous. Root-leaves ob- long, 2-3-pinnatipartite into oblong lobes. Scapes not longer than leaves, 1-liowered ; sepals sparingly pubescent, more than half as long as obovate-cuneate petals ; carpels round, thick-margined, ending in a short, fitraightl beak ; disk finely granular — .June to August — 'Ain- Judai (Lebanon). Page 41. After B. Cassius. li. Sclaweinftirtliii, Boiss, 21 .3 to .25, appressed-hirsute, yellowisli-canescent; root-stock horizontal. Root-leaves trisect into cuneate-oblong segments, sparingly dentate at tip ; stem-leaves petioled, pinnatisect into linear-oblong, sometimes in- cised lobes, the uppermost leaves with 2-3, linear lobes. Flowers .02 broad, long-peduncled; sepals villous, spreading-deflexed, petals obo- vate, twice and a half as long as calyx ; fruiting head globular, axis glabrous; carpels semi-ovate, ending in a slender, recurved, crosier-like beak, as long as they — May — Wet meadows ; Neb'-el-'Asal ; Jebel Keniseh ; top of Jebel Baruk. Page 41. After R Chius. R. PaiiSi- Jordan!, Asch. .25 to .3, glabrous or sparingly pubescent; stem branched. Lower leaves cuneate-obovate in outline, palmately 2-3-lobed or -divided, divisions cuneate, with 3, oblong, obtuse, entire or 1-2-dentate lobules. Pe- duncles slender, usually longer than leaves. Flowers .005 to .006 broad, petals longer than sepals; heads globular, .005 broad; carpels round- obovate, disk studded with unarmed tubercles ; beak one-third as long as ovary, slightly curved or straight — Spring — Wadi Dra'a (Moab). Page 43. After Var. incurvus. Yar. scandiciuus, Boiss. All the leaves dissected into narrow, linear lobes — Southern Palestine. Page 44. After iV. ciliaris. Var. divaricata, Post. Carpels united for one-third their length, divaricate — Phoenician coast. Page 45. After D. Orientale. I>. glandulosum, Boiss. et Huet. © .4, branched, glandular-pubescent at petioles and inflorescence with golden hairs. Racemes loose ; middle lobe of purple petal linear, bifid, somewhat shorter than lateral lobes ; spur twice as long as petal ; capsule much shorter than peduncle, oblong, somewhat flattened and incurved, long-beaked — Early summer — Aintab. After B. tomentosum, Var. longecalcaratuin, Post. Spur twice as long as purple petal — Aintab. Page 46. After B. Cappadocicum. I>. flavum, D. C. © .4 to .5, hirsute-viscidulous, branching from base and above, branches rigid. Floral leaves short, undivided. Flowers .008 long, yellow, loosely ra- cemed ; petal 3-toothed at tip, the lateral teeth longer, half-ovate, the middle tooth short, broad, denticulate ; spur as long as petal, curved upward; capsule oblong, .01 to .015 long, tapering at base, aJrwpiZy cuspidate — July — Palmyrene Desert. Page 47. After D. Bovei. I>. Ainaiii, Post. (Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ill, p. 152). 2| .6 to 1; root of 1-2, oblong tubers; stem glabrous, terete. Leaves glabrous except at ciliate margins and sparingly hairy nerves, the lower .2 to .3 broad, palmately parted into overlapping, obovate-oblong, cuneate, obtusely incised, lobed and toothed segments. Raceme .1 to .3 long, rather dense; floral leaves linear, acute, the lower longer, the upper shorter than blue, .025 long, flowers; peduncles recurved, club-shaped, two-bracted at or below middle, bearded with yellow hairs; spur once and a half as long as sepals, straight; ovaries glabrous — August and September — Subalpine Amanus. Page 47. After D. Ithaburense. ♦ * * * Follicles 3-5. Petals separate, entire, the upper falcate, short- spurred, the lower clawed. D. I^tapliysagria. L. © Stavesacre. .5, soft-hirsute. Raceme elongated, often branched at base. Leaves palmately parted into 5-7, lenticular, acute, entire or trifid lobes ; peduncles ,twice as long as flower, 2-bracted; spur obtuse, one-fifth as long as sepals; limb of lower petals obovate-lanceolate ; capsule inflated, hirsute — June — Rashein (Lebanon). Page 47. Before BERBERIDACE JE. MENISPERHACEiE, D. C. (Moon-Seed Family). Woody climlers with ohlong^ oltuse leaves, 7io stijndes, hypogynous, dioecious or polygamous flowers, (ours) 6- an- droids and Z-gynous, sejpals and petals six, in two rows, irn- Iricated in the lud ; fruit a 1-seeded drupe, (ours) with, scanty albumen, and an incurved c??i5ry (9 — Carpels free, inserted on the receptacle, style 1. Ovules solitary in carpels, amphitropous, attached to ventral suture. COCCUEUS, D. C. CoccuLus. Upper sepals larger. Petals shorter than sepals. Anthers 4-lobed. Styles erect or re- curved, undivided. Drupe com- pressed, the scar of the style near the base; stone tubercled at back, deeply excavated at sides ; seed horseshoe-shaped ; cotyledons linear, flat. C. Eeaeba, Del. 5 Crlau- cous, puberulent ; branches (a) Piece of pistillate plant of Menispermum Leseba. (6) Piece of of starainate plant of same. slender, " elongated somewhat twining. Leaves oblong, subsessile. Cymes few-flowered, short-peduncled, axillary — Summer — Sinai. Page 64. After N. sylvestre. N. aureuin, Boiss. et Held. 2f Root creeping ; stems erect, branching. Leaves not auricled at base, the lower 3-1-pinnatisect into linear-lanceolate, entire or sparingly dentate segments. Fruiting racemes .2 to .25 long, straight; silicles oblong-linear, .005 long, about half as long as pedicel and twice to thrice as long as apiculate style; valves 1-nerved — Summer — Near Elmalu (Northern Syriaj. Page 66. After C. uUginosa. C. Oraeca, L. .1 to .15, gla- brous or sparingly ciliate. Leaves pinnate, leaflets petiolulate, obovate, obtusely lobed or parted, the terminal lobe cuneate. Pods. 03 long, .003 broad, ending in a style as long as their diameter — May — Shady places, Feitrun (Lebanon) ; Mt. Cassius. Page 68. After H. matronalis. H. Aiutabica, Post. (Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot., Vol. xxiv, p. 424). If .3 to .4, sparingly hairy; stems nearly simple. Lower leaves obtuse, lyrate-jpinnatifid or sinuate-dentate, upper entire, acute. Petals deep violet; (immature) pods stiff, gla- brous — Spring — Aintab. Page 69. Mtev M. torulosa. M. Bungei, Boiss. Stem .4 to .6, branching from base and above, beset with simple hairs. Leaves beset with bipartite hairs, oblong-linear, sinuate-dentate. Racemes .3 to .3 long, loose; pedicel a little shorter than calyx; petals oblong- linear, pink; siliques straight or circinnate, glabrous; stigma short- conical, acutish — April — Var. glabre§cen§, Boiss. Stem glabrous. Leaves scabrous only at margins — Fields west of Palmyra. Page 72. 8. Lmselii, L., should be S. graiidifloruiii, I'ost. (Plantse Postianse, i, 3). Page 75. After U. goniocaulon. E. Libanoticum, Post. (Plan- tse Postianse, III, 5), 1^ .1 to .13, canescent; stems numerous, ascend- ing, stii. Leaves linear, entire. Flowers * * ; siliques few, with short pedicel narrower than pod, ascending, stifi; style slender, twice to thrice as long as diameter of pod, stigmas retuse — June — Between el-Qal'at and Rijal-el-'Asherah, northern Lebanon (2800 m.). Page 75. After E. picrpureum. E. Blancheanum, Boiss.^ .3 to .4, greyish-canescent. Leaves linear-subspathulate to linear, entire, the lower tapering to a petiole. Flowers pinkish-purple, .01 to .013 long, short-pedicelled ; pods .01 to .03 long, .0015 thick, more or less falcate-recurved ;- style .003 long, tapering — July — Palmyrene Desert. Page 77. After va7\ foliosa, Post. Yar. acutelobata. Post. Root-leaves runcinate-lyrate ; stem-leaves acutely triangular-lobed or serrate — Es-Salt to 'Amman. Page 83. A. argenteum, Wittm., should be A. murale, W. K. Page 83. After A. eriophyllum. A, Cilicicum, Boiss. et Bal. (D .3 to .4, green, sparingly beset with minute scurf; stem corymbose-panicled. Leaves oblong-spathulate. Petals obovate, deep yellow; fruiting racemes short; silicles on capillary, wavy pedicels, stellate-hirtulous, .002 broad, orbicular, twice as long as apiculate style; seeds wingless — June and July — Kurd Dagh; mountains west of Marash. Page 85. After A. macrostylum. A. mmutum, Schlecht. .05 to .1, hirtulous with stellate hair, branching from base. Leaves minute, obovate to oblong, obtuse. Petals pale yellow, linear, retuse ; fruiting racemes somewhat elongated; silicle orbicular, .003 broad, re- tuse, four times as long as apiculate style ; seed with narrow membran- ous margin — April. Yar. conclen§atunij Post. Fruiting raceme short, forming an almost globular head — Hassan Belyley Pass (Amanus). Page ^Q. After A. Damascenum. A. dasycarpum, Steph. .1, branching from base. Leaves entire, obovate, obtuse or acutish. Racemes dense ; sepals at length deciduous; petals nearly linear; silicles elliptical to orbicular, convex, about as long as style: seeds wingless — Spring — Tiberias; Palmyrene Desert. Page 86. Before A. aureum. A. homolocarpum, F. and M. .05 to. 13, grey, branching from base. Leaves lanceolate. Flowers minute; petals spathulate-cuneate, yellow, shorter than calyx; fruiting raceme. 03 long; silicles longer than spreading pedicel, orbicular, .004 broad, scarcely inflated, five times as long as filiform style; seeds with narrow margin — Spring — Sinai. Page 87. Before C. saliva. C. sylvestrii, Wallr. 0.3 to .5, appressed-strigulose. Leaves entire or denticulate. Fruiting ra- cemes .2 to .3 long, loose; pedicels spreading, twice to thrice as long as pyriform, .006 long, punctate, margined silicle; style half as long as pod — Spring — Fields; middle zone of Lebanon and Antilebanon to Aintab, and northward. Page 88. After C. Bursa-Pastoris. Var. ixiiiiuta, Post. Pods .0025 long. Leaves linear — Mukhtarah (Lebanon). Page 94. Before C. oxyceras. C. AmaHi, Post (Plantse Postianae, V, 2). @ .1, green; stems 2-3 from neck. Lower leaves repand, pe- tioled, obovate-oblong ; cauline oblong, obtusely auricled, clasping. Raceme .03 long in fruit; flowers * * =^, silicles obtriangular-obcordate, with moderately diverging horns, and style as long as sinus — July — Moist woods ; Amanus. Page 95. After IBERI§. * Leaves entire or nearly so. Flowers, radiating. Perennials. 1. I. §empervireiis, 5 -^ ^^ -^5 branches ascending, naked below, leafy above. Leaves oblong-linear, obtuse, glabrous. Flowers white; silicles in a short raceme, ovate, with acute sinus and lobes; style longer than sinus — 3Iay and June — Aintab ? Page 97. Before ISATI8. ^AMERARIA, Desv. Sameraria. Calyx equal at base. Petals oblong-spathulate, clawed. Stamens free, toothless. Silicle indehiscent, coriaceous or chartaceous, not fungous, cordate at base, surrounded by a broad, membranous wing, the cell coriaceous or membranous, keeled at back on either side or furnished with wings shorter and narrower than cell. Style filiform. Seed 1, pendulous. Cotyledons incumbent — Annual, glau- cous herbs, with entire, oblong, cordate-clasping stem-leaves, bractless racemes, deflexed fruiting pedicels, and pale yellow flowers. S. Ariiicna, L. Silicle orbicular, hirtulous, with a closed sinus at tip : style as long as sinus ; mar- ginal wing more or less plicate — Spring — Overflowed ground. Near el-Weshen (Palmy rene Desert). Page 108. After C. hrncliycarpa. C glaiices- cens, D. C. 2f .3, glabrous below; stems angled, simple or sparingly branched. Leaves petioled, round- ovate, obsoletely 3-nerved at base, the lower .03 to .03 Silicle of samemia long. Racemes terminal, glandular; bracts sessile, rmena. oblong; pedicels thrice as long as bracts; petals oblong, obtuse, netted- veined, 3-4 times as long as calyx; pods Iroad-linear, acute, falcate, sparingly papillose — Spring — Palmyra. Page 112. After R. KaJiirina, Mull. .3 or more, glabrous. Lower and middle leaves lanceolate-spathulate, entire, upper ternate! Racemes loose; pedicels longer than flower; sepals linear-oblong, about as long as white corolla; lateral lobes of upper petals half-ovate, deep- ly incised ; capsule obovate, glabrous, short-3-toothed with somewhat constricted mouth — Spring — Jebel Usdum to 'Ain- Jidi. Page 124. In place of Var. i^ruinosus. I>, deserli, Post. (Plant^e Postianse, ii, 6). 11 .3, pruinose-velvety ; stems numerous, simple or stiff-branched. Leaves connate at base, appressed to stem, scabri- dulous at margin, scarcely longer than internodes. Flowers solitary or 2-3 in a cluster; scales scarious, ovate, cuspidate; calyx about twice as long as scales, teeth oblong-ovate, the nerves of the sinuses long-decur- rent; lamina pink, obovate-cuneate, dentate — April to July — Moun- tains south of Qaryetein. Page 125. After D. Jloribundus. ». Hau§$kiieclitii, Boiss." % .15 to .2, tufted, many-stemmed. Leaves rigid, linear, scabrous at margin; sheaths of stem-leaves longer than diameter of stem, with short limb. Stems 1-2-flowered ; scales short-ovate, hyaline at margin, acute, mucronate, one-third as long as calyx; calyx-teeth triangular, acute, white-margined ; lamina obovate, dentate, white at upper, green- ish or brownish at lower surface — July — Top of Jebel Baruk; Sudr- esh-Sheikh-'Ali (Antilebanon). Page 127. After T. Syriaca. T. flliform]'§, Post. (Plantge Postianse, V, 3.) .5, glabrous; stem reddish, minutely white-dotted, stiff-panicled from base. Leaves linear, 3-5-nerved, scabridulous at margin, the upper subulate. Pedicels filiform, 1-3 times as long as calyx; calyx-teeth short-triangular, mucronate; lamina white, oblono- entire; capsule about twice as long as calyx — July — Amanus. °' Page 129. After G. Aucheri. O. liygropliila, Post. (Plantae Postianae, ii, 6.) If .1, crisp-puberulent below, glabrescent-glaucous above; stems elongated, pendulous, forked-branched. Leaves fleshy, rounded at base, oblong, .15 to .18 long, .02 to .03 broad, obtuse, 5- nerved, scabridulous at margin. Bracts scarious, triangular; pedicels capillary, 2^-3 times as long as turbinate-campanulate calyx ; calyx- lobes ovate, broad-margined; claw included; lamina pink, oblong, .003 to .005 long, twice as long as calyx — July — Ditches; Mar Lian (Qaryetein). Page 129. After G. ortegiodes. G. tubulosa. Nob. .1 to .2, glandular-hirtulous ; stem and branches filiform, forked. Leaves 6 linear-setaceous, .005 to .015 long, acutish. Pedicels much longer than calyx; calyx tubular-campanulate, .003 to .005 long, membranous between nerves, teeth ovate, obtuse; petals purple, cuneate, refcuse, as long as calyx; capsule oblong-cylindrical, as long as calyx; seeds transversely wrinkled — May — Kef r Huneh to Jezzin (Lebanon). Page 130. After G. porrigens. O. Aiitilibaiiotica, Post. (Plantse PostiauEe, ii, 6.) 5 .08 to .2; branches minutely puberulent, erinacous. Leaves .008 to .015 long, .001 to .0015 broad, minutely and sparingly puberulent-scabridulous, terete, pricMy mucronate. Heads dense, terminal, easilj/ hrolcen off ; bracts longer than calyx, dilated at base, linear-lanceolate, prickly; calyx cleft for one-fourth its length into ovate, prickly-mucronate teeth ; lamina white, spathulate, entire, slightly exserted — July — Top of mountain above Bludan. Page 137. After 8. crassipes. S. papilloma, Boiss. .3 to .4, hirtulous; stems forked-branched. Leaves oblong-lanceolate to linear- lanceolate, the floral longer than flowers. Flowers subsessile, alar and terminal; calyx setose at green nerves with lojig, icavy^ soft painllcB^ cylindrical and in fruit oblong-club-shaped, teeth lanceolate, acute; lamina pink, cuneate, 2-lobed ; capsule twice as long as carpophore — Spring — BeirCit; Beit-Meri. Page 140. After S. Kotschyi. Var. effu§i§$ima, Boiss. Stems much-branched. Alar peduncles sometimes .02 to .05 long. Lobes of crown triangular — Marash. Page 141. After 8. Cassia. S. iiitricata, Post. (Bull. Herb. Boiss., iir, 154.) 2^ ? .6 to 1, papillose-roughened below, glabrous- viscid at inflorescence ; stems numerous, intricately panicled, branches filiform. Leaves grass-like, .02 to .05 long, the uppermost very narrow. Peduncles much shorter than calyx; calyx .015 long, glabrous, red- lined, teeth ovate, obtuse; lamina greenish, cuneate, bij^artite to be- yond middle, half as long as calyx ; lobes of crown tooth-like ; capsule oblong, as long as carpophore — August and September — Gaiour Dagh (Amanus). Page 145. After Yar. stenophylla. Var. brevipes, Post, Pe-. duncles short — "Wadi-el-Qarn (Antilebanon). Page 146. After 8. 8c'hlumbergeri. S. f iifidelium, Post. (Bull. Herb. Boiss., in, 154.) % .16 to .3, glabrous, many-stemmed from base; stems stiff, geniculate, 1-2-flowered. Leaves linear-spathulate to linear-long-acuminate, the lower .04 long, .002 to .005 broad. Calyx pale green or red-striped, cylindrical, then club-shaped, .025 long, teeth triangular, scarious-margined ; claws dilated, glabrous ; la- mina pale, linear-cuneate, bifid to beyond its middle ; capsule ovate, about as long as carpophore — August and September — Gaiour Dagh (Amanus), 1500 m. Page 148. After A. setacea. Var. puberulent a, Post. The whole plant puberulent — Gaiour Dagh (Amanus), 1500 m. Page 153. After A. Libanotica. A. Adoiiidis, Peyron. 11 .1 to .15, tufted, glabrous; stems filiform. Leaves .003 long, linear, ob- tuse. Stems few-flowered ; pedicels twice to thrice as long as calyx ; sepals oblong, acute ; petals obovate, twice as long as calyx — June — Neb'-el-Hadid; Afqa. Page 155. Before CERASTIUJW. MCEXCHIA, Ehr. MffiNcnrA. Sepals 4-5. Petals 4-5, entire or retuse. Stamens 4-8-10. Styles 4-5. Ovary oo-ovuled. Capsule 8-10-dentate, teeth revolute at margin. Seeds reniform — Annual, glaucous herbs differing from Cerastium in habit, short capsule, and nearly entire petals. M: octandra, J. Gay. .15 to .3; stem 1-2-5-flowered. Leaves lanceolate-linear, acuminate. Pedicels filiform, much longer than calyx ; bracts herbaceous, narrowly scarious ; flowers 4-merous ; sepals lanceolate, acute, scarious-margined, longer than white petals; capsule oblong, little shorter than calyx — Spring — Beirut, near the river; border of Pines. Page 155. After C. KotscJiyi. C. trigyuuiii, Vill. li .05to.l, tufted; trunks procumbent, rooting; stems glabrous or puberulent. Leaves glabrous, oblong-lanceolate, acutish. Cyme 1- oo-flowered; pe- dicels long, glandular-pubescent, in fruit reflexed ; sepals oblong, ob- tuse, scarious-margined; petals obcordate, about twice as long as calyx; capsule twice as long as calyx, teeth at length spreading — Summer — Top of Jebel Makmel. Page 159. After P. tetraphyllum. P. alsiiiefolium, Biv. .02 to .15, branching from base, procumbent. Leaves somewhat fleshy, in fours or twos, opposite. Cymes dense, flowers 5-androus; pedicels about as long as calyx ; sepals ovate, mucronate ; petals oblong, nearly entire, half as long as calyx ; style shorter than ovary — Spring — Sands ; Phoenician coast. Page 160. After H. hirsuta. H. deii§iflora, Williams. MS. .1 to .15, strigose-pubescent, greyish-canescent. Leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, tapering at base, obtuse; stipules triangular. Flowers sessile, in clusters of 3-12, shorter than the leaf; calyx-lobes with a thickened, narrowly hyaline margin, acutish, the outer two ovate, the inner elliptical — Spring — Lebanon. Page 162. After P. arge?iiea, var. scariosissima. P. ecliiiiata, Desf. .OSto.l, pubescent; branches ascending from neck. Leaves ovate-oblong, acute, scabrous, denticulate. Clusters dense, in the axils; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, shorter than flowers; calyx urn-shaped, lobes spathulate, truncate, aristate — May — Sands; coast to Beit-Meri and Bikfayah. Page ITO. Before H. hircinum. H, ADdro§aBmuiii, L. 5 -^ or more, glabrous ; stems erect. Leaves coriaceous, ovate from a ses- sile, cordate base, .03 to .07 long, obtuse. Cyme corymbose, sheathed at base by upper leaves ; sepals ovate, obtuse, persistent ; capsule larger than a marrowfat pea, berry-like — Summer — Eocky places; Kurd Dagh and Amanus. Page 171. After H. hircinum. HE. Olympiciiiti, L. 2f .5, glabrous, glaucous; stems decumbent or ascending from a hardened root-stock. Leaves sessile, lenticular^ .01 to .02 long, prominently pel- lucid-dotted. Cyme terminal, 1-5-flowered; calyx less than half as long as corolla, growing in fruit, lobes not Uack-dotted, the outer ovate, cuspidate, the others ovate-oblong, acute; flowers .04 broad — Sum- mer — Gaiour Dagh (Amanus). Page 173. After H. confertum. Var. stenobotrys, Boiss. Asperulous, glabrescent above. Calyx-lobes oblong^lanceolate, obtu- sish, short-fringed — 'Ain-Judai (Lebanon). Page 172. After H. liyssopifoliumf var. latifolium. Var. micro- calyciiium, Boiss. Leaves narrow ; sterile twigs imbricated ; sepals ovate, obtuse, densely glandular — Amanus; Kurd Dagh. After E. TieliantJiemoides. Var. iiauiiiii, Keller et Post. . .15 to .2. Leaves minute, scabridulous and glabrescent, glandular — Gaiour Dagb (Amanus). Page 177. After A. lauitercBflora, var. ^9a?/iV?«. Var. g^labres- ceiis, Boiss. Stems glabrous. Leaves nearly glabrous. Involucre half as long as calyx or less — Palestine. Page 177. After A. apUrocarpa. 8. A. Kurdica, Schlecht. % 1 or more, hirtulous-tomentellous. Raceme loose, often paniculate. Lower leaves cordate-reniform, o-7-lobed, the floral smaller, more or less deeply palmatipartited into linear-oblong, acutely crenate lobes. Peduncles shorter than calyx ; involucre a third as long as calyx, lobes triangular; calyx-lobes lanceolate; petals violet; seed white pustular, somewhat grooved at back — Summer — Rocks ; Antilebanon above -^ebedani. Page 180. After TIL.IACEJE, before ORE^VIA. TIJLIA, L. Linden. Sepals 5, deciduous. Petals 5, naked, or with petaloid scales at inner aspect of base. Stamens numerous, free or irregularly polyadel- j)hous at base. Ovary o-celled, with 2 ovules in each cell. Style simple, stigma 5-dentate. Fruit globular, indehiscent, by abortion 1- celled, 1-2-seeded — Trees with axillary or terminal cymes, the pe- , duncle united as far as middle with a leaf-like bract. T. argeiitea, Desf. q .6 to .8; comus ovate. Buds pubescent; leaves with cordate, oblique base, ovate, acuminate, acutely dentate, white with fine stellate wool at lower surface. Capsule as large as a marrowfat pea, obovoid -globular, apiculate, ribs scarcely prominent ^— Summer — Amanus. Page 183. Mtex L. nodifiorum. L*. toxiciiin, Boiss. 5 .15 to .2, glabrous, glaucescent ; branches stiff, simple, forming an intricate bush. Leaves thick, oblong, ,005 to .014 long, the lower obtuse, the upper acute. Flowers terminal, solitary or 2-3 in a head; sepals oblong, with scarious, glandular-denticulate margin, mucronate, about one- third as long as yellow, acutish petals ; capsule globular-ovate, a little longer than sepals — June and July — Top of Mt. Hermon. Poisonous to goats. Page 184. In place of 14. L. Austriacum. L., Peyroiii, Post. (Plantre Postiance, iii, G.; © .3 to .4, glabrous; stems branching from base or above, loosely corymbose. Leaves rather crowded, linear, acute, .005 to .012 long. Flowers few, solitary, pedicels erect in flower, nodding in fruit; sepals ovate or nearly orbicular, obtuse, mucronulate, narrowly scarious-margined, one-third as long as pale petals and capsule; capsule globular, .01 in diameter, more than twice as long as sepals — April and May — Fields; Ilauran to Ccelesyria, Antilebanon, and Aintab. 9 Page 191. After d. asphodeloides. O. Pyrenaicuiti, L. 2^.5, soft-pubescent, glandular above; stems ascending. Leaves reniform, 7-9-cleft into obtuse, crenate-dentate lobes, the upper small, palmati- parted. Peduncles axillary, pedicels reflexed in fruit; sepals oblong, short-mucronate ; petals purple, obcordate, ciliate above base, about twice as long as calyx; valves appressed-pubescent or glabrescent- Summer — Afqa (Lebanon). Page 200. After MEI^IACE^. Order ACfeUIFOl^IACE^, D. C. (Holly Family). Trees or s/iruds, with small, axilla?'?/, 4:-S-merousJloivers, a mimtte calyx, free from the 4:''^-celled ovary and resulting ^-'^-seededj lerry-lihe drupe* the stamens as many as the petals^ alternate with them, inserted at their hase — Calyx imbricated in aestivation. Cells of ovary 1-2-ovuled. Al- bumen copious, embryo straight, small. ILEX, L. Holly. Calyx persistent, 4-5-toothed. Corolla rotate, 4-5-parted. Ovary sessile, nearly globular, 4-5-celled, stigmas 4-5, nearly sessile. Drupe globular, pyrenes 4-5, crustaceous — Shrubs, with leathery, ^glossy, alternate leaves, I. Aqiiifolluiii, L. 5 5 2 ^0 ^ or more. Leaves ovate, acute, wavy, spiny-dentate or entire. Peduncles axillary, short, many-flowered, flowers somewhat umbelled ; drupe dark crimson, as large as a marrow- fat pea — May — Gaiour Gagh (Amanus). Page 202. After R. Libanotica. R. glaberrima, Peyrou. ^ 2 to 4, unarmed, glabrous. Leaves petioled, oblong to lenticular, .0^5 to .05 long, entire. Umbel long-peduncled ; drupe black, as large as a currant, half as long as pedicel — May — Forest of Ehedin. Page 222. After T. Cassia. T. Amaua, Post, .1 or more, soft-pubescent. Leaflets obovate to cuneate-truncate, denticulate at tip. Flowers 2-4 in axillary and terminal clusters, pale yellow ; calyx- teeth one-fifth as long as hirsute tube, narrow-triangular, acute ; corolla once and a half as long as calyx, immature pods sparingly hairy — April — Hassan Beyley to 'Othmaniyeh; BeiBn to Kurk-khan. Page 222. After T. astroites. T. aurantiaca, Boiss. .1 to .15, appressed-pubescent, procumbent. Stipules short-triangular; leaflets obovatc-cuueate, small, denticulate at tip. Peduncles filiform, twice to thrice as long as leaves; flowers 8-12 in a head, orange-colored ; calyx half to one-third as long as corolla, teeth setaceous, longer than tube; pods appressed-pubescent, curved, .02 long, .001 thick, trans- versely reticulate-nerved — June — Kurd Dagh. Page 222. After T. Noeana. T. ortUoceras, Kar. et Kir. Appressed-hirsute, erect. Stipules semi-sagittate, dentate; leaflets obovate, dentate at tip. Peduncle nearly 0; flowers 2-4, .005 long, sessile ; calyx a little shorter than corolla, teeth subulate, longer than tube; pods appressed-puberulent, .012 long, .0015 broad, straight, re- ticulate-veined with the areolce longer lengthwise — Spring — In a gar- den near Beirut (Peyron). 3 10 Page 235. After T. minima, T. lunata, Boiss. © .B to .4, papillose-hairy, procumbent. Stipules semi-ovate, striped, denticulate at tip. Peduncles 1-3-flowered, shorter than leaves, long-awned; ca- lyx-teeth setaceous, somewhat longer than tube, two-thirds as long as corolla; pod nodding, flat, semilunar^ .018 long, .01 broad, transversely nerved, with an acute, incurved beak — June — Aintab. Page 236. After T. Schlumlergeri. T. A§clier§oiiii, Urb. .03 to .05, diffuse, prostate. Stipules ovate to ovate-lanceolate, pinnat- ifid-dentate; leaflets triangular-obcordate, with 2 teeth on each side of sinus and a mucro at its bottom, glabrous at upper, sparingly hairy at lower surface. Inflorescence 1-flowered, peduncle shorter than petiole; flower .004 long; calyx-teeth triangular to triangular-lanceolate, half as long as puberulent tube ; corolla twice as long as calyx, yellow ; ovary linear, style falcate, stigma capitate — April — Nazareth. Page 229. Aiter M/denticulata. M. sessilis, Peyron. .1 to .15, pulescent. Stipules semi-ovate, acute, entire. Flowers solitary or twin, sessile or nearly so, minute ; pod sparingly pubescent, .003 broad ; coils 4, rather compact; margin prominent, deeply grooved on either side, with 2 rows of short prickles at right angles to face of coil — May and June — 'Ain-Sofar; Kefr Silwan; Hammana; el-Masna'ali (Anti- lebanon). Pagb 231. Before M. parmjlora. M. Italica, L. 1 or more; stem stout, erect. Lower ^tv^vXes f ringed-toothed ; leaflets large, obo- vate-cuneate. Racemes longer than leaf; flowers .005 long, yellow; pod obovate-glohular, .003 long, corky— April and May — Near Zuq (Lebanon). Page 234. After T. lappaceum. T. ]Lig[U§ticiim, Balb. Soft-hispid ; stems erect or decumbent. Free portion of stipules lan- ceolate-setaceous ; leaflets obovate ; heads ovate or oblong, usually two, one peduncled, the other sessile ; calyx longer than pink corolla, teeth equal, triangular at base, setaceous at tip, twice as long as tube — Spring — Beit-Meri. Page 242, Before T. Aintalense. T. inulti§triatuiii, Koch. Glabrous ; stems elongated, ascending or diffuse. Free part of stipules lanceolate, mucronate; leaflets obovate to elliptical-acute, all serru- late; heads ovate, base usually naked; calyx-teeth nearly equal, lan- ceolate at base, then subulate, erect, at length recurved, somewhat shorter than cylindrical, at length ovate tube, which is 24-nerved at base, and between the nerves smooth or obsoletely transverse-nerved; corolla purple — Spring — Palestine. Page 242. After T. glomeratum. T. suffocatuni. Glabres- cent; stems short, prostrate, rosetted. Leaves long-petioled, leaflets cuneate-retuse or obcordate, serrulate at tip. Heads sessile, axillary, confluent at the lower part of the stems, and sheathed by cuspidate stipules; flowers nearly sessile; calyx twice as long as white corolla, teeth lanceolate, at length recurved or falcate, as long as the at length ovate tube — April — Nazareth ; Jaffa. Page' 250. After Lotus Conimbricensis. X \ Floioers yellow. 11 Pase 355. Last line but one. In place of A. Pfusianus. A. gos- sypinus. Page 359. After A. eallichrous. A. Moabiticus, Post. .05 to .1, sparingly hairy, diffuse. Leaves .035 long; leaflets 5-8 pairs, el- liptical, obtuse, .006 long, .003 broad. Heads a little larger than a mar- rowfat pea, 4-6-flowered, peduncle as long as leaf or shorter; calyx ■white-and-black-hairy, teeth linear-setaceous, as long as tube ; corolla violet; lamina of vexillum obovate-retuse ; pod * * — April — Between Mashatta and Ziza (Moab). Page 361. After A. honibycinus. A. Palmyren§i8, Post (Plan- tse Postianae, i, 6). .4 to .5, crisp-white-and-black- villous ; stems prostrate. Leaflets 8-10 pairs, obovate, .008 long, retuse, rather remote. Racemes loosely 5-10-flowered, peduncle shorter than leaf; calyx-teeth as long as tube; corolla white, .03 long; pods oblong, incurved, white- fleecy — April — Wells of Abu Fadil, west of Palmyra. Page 36S. In place of A, Prusianus, Boiss. A. gossypinns, Fisch. 5 . 3 to ,4 ; branches long, loosely spiny ^ woolly canescent. Spines .03 to .08 long; stipules ovate at base, abruptly cuspidate, at length glabrescent; leaflets 4-8 pairs, ovate to obovate-oblong, .005 to .01 long, long-prickly, woolly-canescent. Axils oo -flowered, forming ovate or globular, terminal heads, a little smaller than a walnut; bracts oblong, boat-shaped, villous at upper part of back ; calyx .007 long, woolly- canescent — Summer — Bashlamish, base of Amanus, and eastward. Page 369. In place of Var. alpimcs. Post. Var. filagineu§, Boiss. Heads scarcely larger than a filbert, often crowded together at tip of branch. Spines .03 to .03 long, those of heads leafless. Leaflets 3-4 pairs, .003 to .006 long— Top of Akher Dagh. Page 369. Before A. psilacmos. A, exig:uu§, Post (Plantae Postianae, in, 7). 2( .04 to .05, heads Just emerging from shingle ; trunk vertical ; branches numerous, ascending, covered with imbricated, dead petioles. Leaves few, .013 to .018 long, forming an involucre to the heads, and mixed with the flowers ; spines yellow, short ; stipules ovate, acute, scarious; leaflets 1-4 pairs, lenticular, .006 to .01 long, white-silky, prickly-mucronate, much longer than petiolar spine. Axils 4-6-flowered, crowded into cocoony, globular, terminal heads, larger than a filbert ; bracts ovate-oblong, acute, shorter than calyx, fleecy ; calyx fleecy, split to base, .013 long; corolla shorter than calyx, cream- colored — July — Shingle; top of Sudr-esh-Sheikh-'Ali (Antilebanon). A. Antiochiaiius, Post. If .3 to .3; branches yellow, loosely leafy, densely tomentellous between stipules, beset with old spines at base. Spines .03 to .05 long; stipules ovate-triangular, cuspidate- tapering, tomentellous toward base, glabrescent toward tip; leaflets 6-8 pairs, oblong, tapering at base and tip, .006 long, .003 broad, spiny- mucronate, longer than petiolar spine, appressed-silky, pale green. Axils 5-6-flowered, crowded into an ovate or globular head, .03 to .05 long, intermixed with leaf-bearing spines ; bracts linear, tapering, long- villous at back, nearly as long as calyx; calyx .009 long, villous, teeth longer than tube — August — Near Antioch. Page 370. After A. Bethlemiticus. A. Barbeyanii§, Post (Plantae Postianae, v, 5). ^ .3, erinaceous; branches beset with old, weak, spreading, blackish spines. Stipules lanceolate, glabrous, the 13 free portion ciliate at margin; spines weak, .02 to .04 long, hairy ; leaf- lets 5-6 pairs, lenticular, spiny-mucronate, appressed-canescent, .006 to .008 long, .003 broad. Axils 3-5-flowered, few together at tips of branches ; bracts ovate-orbichlar, boat-shaped, short-mucronate, crisp- tomentellous at back; calyx white-hairy, split nearly to base, teeth subulate ; vexillum .02 long — July — Amanus. Page 373. After A. macrocephalus. A. Elireiiliergii, Bge. If .3 or more, glabrous; stem slender. Stipules herbaceous, oblong-lan- ceolate; leaves .15 long; leaflets 8-12 pairs, oblong-linear to linear, the longest .015 long, .002 broad. Peduncles longer than globular heads; calyx campanulate, stiff-villous, .016 long, teeth longer than tube, as long as vexillum; vexillum recurved, scarcely longer than the wings and keel, orbicular, notched — Summer — Beskinta (Lebanon). Page 374. After A. Kotschyanus. A. lUitchcllii, Post (Plantac Postianse, i, 7). 2f .12 to .15, appressed-canescent, diffuse. Stipules minute, triangular, ciliate, green at tip, connate at base; leaflets 8-13 pairs, oblong-cuneate, obtuse or retuse, .004 to .007 long. Peduncles twice to thrice as long as leaf ; heads ovate-globular ; bracts triangular, longer than pedicels ; calyx appressed-white-and-black-hairy ; teeth triangular-lanceolate, one-fourth as long as tube; corolla deep-violet, .02 long, vexillum obtuse, longer than wings — April — Border of Syrian Desert, between Es-Sait and Abu-Dali Pagje 283. After 0. Plolemaica. O. Ktirdica, Post (Plantse Postianse, iv, 6). 2|[ .15 to .2, appressed-silky, canescent, nearly erect. Stipules scarious, connate beyond middle; leaves .08 to .12 long, of 4-9 pairs; leaflets obovate, .007 long, mucronate or muticous or retuse. Calyx -teeth subulate, twice as long as tube; corolla .008 long, pink, scarcely twice as long as calyx; (young) pod appressed-silky, long- prickly — June — Kurd Dagh. Page 288. After F. serratifolia. V. aiirautia, Stev. 2f .5 to 1, hirtulous, erect. Leaves .15 to .2 long; leaflets 5-7-pairs, ovate, .03 to .04 long; petiole muticous or mucronate; stipules unequal, one cor- date-ovate, the other oblong-lanceolate. Racemes co -flowered, as long as leaves or shorter ; calyx hirsute, the lower tooth lanceolate, as long as_ tube, half as long as orange-colored corolla, the others very short, triangular; pod long-stipitate, flattened, rhombic — June — Kurd Dagh. Page 390. After F. gracilis. V. pube§cen§, D. C. .3 to .4, puherident, slender, climbing. Leaflets 3-5 pairs, ovate to ellijjtical; stip- ules semi-hastate, linear-lanceolate, entire. Peduncles filiform, 1-5- flowered, muticous, somewhat longer than leaf; calyx half as long as bluish-white corolla; pod linear, pubescent, .01 to .015 long, .002 to .003 broad, 4-6-seeded— Spring— Beirut; Beit-Meri. Page 295. After 0. hirsutus. Var. gla1>ratu§, Boiss. Gla- brescent — Amanus. Page 314. Before U. Libanoticus. U. Pe§talozzae, Boiss. 2f .1 to .3, glaucous, more or less pubescent-glandular. Root-leaves spath- ulate, obtuse, cuneate at base, obsoletely denticulate, stem-leaves obovate-oblong. Panicle glandular-hirsute, flowers somewhat one-sided ; corolla pale pink, twice and a half as long as calyx, cleft to middle into lanceolate, tapering lobes =- Spring .^ Sof Dagh to Akher Dagh, and northward. 13 I*AGE 316. After S. amplexicaule. * * Annuals or monocarpic. Leaves Jlat. S. Amani, Post (Plantoe Postianse, v, G). .1 to .3, crisp-pu- berulent; stems simple or branching from neck, thyrsoid-panicled, pale or reddish. Leaves numerous, flat, spathulate, the lower .013 to .02 long, .002 to .004 broad, obtuse, entire, the upper whorled. Cymes 4- 12-flowered; calyx-teeth oblong, acute, cuspidate, tawny; petals .002 long, white, lanceolate, tapering, scarcely longer than calyx ; stamens 10-12; carpels puberulent, erect, beaked — July — Amanus. Page 319. Add a semicolon at the end of line 3, under PU:XICA. The line will then read "with two tiers of cells, the lower consisting of 3, and the upper of 5 ; " Page 322. After E. roseum. E. orig^aiiifoliiiiii, Lam. If .2 to .3; stolons hearing dtclb-like duds at their tips, covered with imbricated scales. Leaves somewhat petioled, ovate, acute, remotely repand -den- tate. Flowers few, .008 broad, nodding in the bud — August — Jebel Sunnin. Page 322. Before Oeder XLV. CUCURBITACE^. ClRCiEA, L. Enchanter's Nightshade. Calyx-tube slightly prolonged beyond ovary, limb 2-lobed, lU length circumscissile, caducous. Petals 2, obcordate. Stamens 2, al- ternating with petals. Fruit pear-shaped, bur-like with hooked bristles, 1-2-celled; cells 1-seeded — Tender herbs, with small, white flowers, in peduncled, terminal and lateral racemes ; leaves alternate, petioled. C, Eutetiana, L. If .3 to .6. Leaves ovate, cordate or rounded atbase, repand-denticulate. Bracts 0; pedicelsreflexed in fruit; calyx- teeth ovate, acute; petf^ls 2-lobed, short-clawed — Summer — Woods: Amanus. Page 342. After B. triclwpodum. Var. depauperatum, Boiss. Tnvolucels as long as flowers — Among reeds, at mouth of Beirut river. Page 348. After B. angustifolia. REUTERA, Boiss. Reutera. Calyx-teeth obsolete. Petals ovate, nearly entire, convolute at tip. Fruit laterally flattened, ovate to oblong. Ribs of mericarp 5, filiform, obsolete. Grooves 2-3-vittate. Inner face of albumen flat -- Biennial or perennial herbs, with yellow flowers. B. tenuis, Boiss. et Haussk. % .1 to .15; stems rigid, filiform, forked-branched. Root-leaves rosetted, petiole once and a half to thrice as long as limb; limb truncate to cordate at base, orbicular, .01 in diameter, acutely 5-10-dentate; stem-leaves at forks reduced to a setaceous sheath. Umbels with 2-3, short, capillary rays ; fruit oblong, .002 long, longer than pedicel — Rocks over tombs near fountain on east side of valley south of Yebrtid. Page 849. After P. eriocarpa. P. Moabitica, Post (Bull. Herb. Boiss., Ill, 156). .1 to .25, papillose-hairy or glabrescent, forked- branching from base. Leaves all ternatisect into petiolulate, oblong to cuneate, lobed and dentate segments ; petioles winged, ciliate-margined. Umbels with 4-6, nearly equal, filiform rays, .01 to .015 long; fruit 14 ovate-oblong, .0015 long, shorter than pedicel, white-hispid; stylopo- dium reversed top-shaped, separated at tip, half as long as tapering, straight styles ~ April — Wadies east of Dead Sea, and Jordan Plain. Page 350. After S. capilUfoUa. S. IIeriiioiil§, Post (Bull. Herb. Boiss., i, 399). @ or Q 1; tuber as large as a filbert, globular, fibril-bearing beneath; stem slender, terete, paniculate-branched. Leaves * *, the upper reduced to a long caudate sheath. Umbels with 3-3, equal rays, .013 to .025 long; involucre leaves 1-3, laneeolate-subulate, much shorter than rays ; involucel leaves 4-8, lanceolate, tapering, un- equal, half as long as pedicels; fruit nearly globular, .003 long, shorter than the longest pedicels ; stylopodium depressed-mamillary, shorter than recurved styles — June — 'Ain-esh-Sha'arah (Hermon) ; Kurd Dagh. Page 351. Before G. HaussTcnechtii. O. pterocarpum, Boiss. 2X .3 to .35, sparingly corymbose-branched. Leaves linear in outline, .1 long, .01 broad, pinnatisect into crowded segments, dissected into capillary lobes ending in a white bristle. Umbel with 5-9, unequal rays, the longest .05 to. 06 long in fruit; fruit short-pedicelled, truncate at base and tip, .01 to .016 long, wings Iroader than seed — June — Kurd Dagh. Page 353. After C. Libanoticum. C. auraiitiacuni, Post (Plantge Postiange, iir, 8). (2)1; stem erect, striate, sparingly hirtulous, forked, panicled-cymose. liower \ea.\eswhite-hispiduhus, oblong in out- line, .1 or more long, .04 broad, tripinnatipartite, segments of all orders oblong, lobules .003 long ; upper leaves pinnatipartite into capillary lobes. Leaves of involucel and lanceolate petals orange-colored; fruit linear, .01 long, .0015 thick, chib-shaped at tip; styles divergent, twice as long as depressed-conical, broad -margined stylopodia — July and August — Subalpine grain fields between^ Sikr-Ibrisah and el- Merj-et-tawil (Northern Lebanon). Page 360. Before F. pauciradiata. F. Kurdica, Post. 2( 1 or more, glabrous, glaucous ; root-stock thick, horizontal ; stem terete, leafy, panicled above. Leaves triangular-ovate in outline, ternately bi- pinnatisect, axes distant, the lower leaves .35 to .3 long and broad,' lobules clustered, .003 to .005 long, .001 broad, thick, mucronulate. Kays .03 to .05 long, unequal, 3-4; leaves of involucre and involucel lanceolate-linear ; pedicels short — June — Kurd Dagh. Page 363. After J, dichotoma. J. ^Ve§tii, Post (Plantae Postia- nse. III, 9). (D 1 to 1.5, glabrous, ;glaucous;£stem terete, striate, pani- culately much-branched. Leaves oblong in outline, lower tripinnati- parted, .3 long, .04 broad, primary segments distant, secondary ovate- orbicular, .004 to .007 long, few, oblong, flat, .003 to .004 long, .001 broad; upper leaves reduced to oblong-lanceolate sheaths. Rays 1-3, unequal, .03 to .05 long, 3-6 times as long as umbellets; leaves of in- volucel ovate, one-third as long as pedicels ; pedicels 7-10, longer than fruits; (immature) mericarps elliptical, convex, central area distinct from fungous margin; vittae indistinct — July — Fields, a little dis- tance from baseof Hallmat-Qobu, just at top of Wadi Theniyyet-er-Ras. Page 380. After 0. Capensis. O. 8chimperi, Presl. 2X .5 to ,6; stems numerous, wand-like, rigid, punctate-scabrous below, gla- brous above, forked, loosely coryinbed. Leaves glabrous, linear, taper- is ing at base, acute at tip. Stipules tooth-like. Pedicels much shorter than flower; calyx-teeth ovate-triangular, acute, shorter than tube; corolla blue, .016 long, lobes oblong-linear, one-third to one-fourth as long as tube — April — Gravel ; Wadi Hebran (Sinai). Page 383. After G. Bocco7iL O. Sliepardi, Post. 2f .3 to .5, glabrous, turning blackish in drying ; stems numerous, ascending from a woody base, quadrangled, more or less long-panicled above. Leaves in sixes, oblong-lenticular, .015 to .025 long, .002 to .004 broad, mu- cronate, scabridulous at margin. Pedicels usually longer than flowers; corolla .002 long, pinkish, lobes oblong, obtuse; fruit glabrous — July and August — Gaiour Dagh (Amanus). Page 385. After Cr. aureum, Var. obloiigifolium, Boiss. Leaves oblong to ovate. Panicle contracted — Gaiour Dagh (Amanus). Page 386. After G, jungermannioides. O. Petrae, Hart. .25 to .3, hispidulous; stems diffuse, 4-angled, brittle. Leaves in fours, linear, 1-nerved, stiff, .008 long, .001 broad, acute, scabridulous at margin. Cymes axillary and terminal, few-flowered, and 2-4 times as long as leaves ; pedicels capillary; corolla. 002 broad; fruit (immature), hispid with hooked hairs — Winter — Petra. Page 392. After A. Tiumifusa. A. €r]iauten§is, Post (Plantae Postianse, iii, 10). 2f Hirsute, turning blackish in drying; stems climbing, ending in broad panicles. Leaves in threes or pairs, oblong- lenticular, .004 to .01 long, .0015 to .003 broad, muticous, the lower reflexed. Cymes loose; corolla greenish-yellow, sparingly hairy with- out, funnel-shaped, lobes oblong, revolute, rather obtuse, longer than tube; anthers oblong ; style bifid at tip; fruits minute, hispid — July and .August — El-Ghautah (Damascus) . Page 402. Before 8. TJcranica. S. Kurdica, Post (Plantai PostianaB, iv, 7). % .45 to .5, velvety with intermixture of longer hairs; stems numerous, simple or sparingly branched. Lower leaves oblong- spathulate, entire, silky, tapering into a petiole, .01 to .035 long, the rest .04 long, pinnatisect into a few, oblong to linear lobes, the terminal lobe oblanceolate, entire or irregularly dentate. Peduncles long, naked ; head flattened-hemispherical, .02 broad; scales of involucre lanceolate, hirsute, half as long as flowers; corollas woolly outside, pink, scarce- ly radiating; involucel very villous; awns of calyx twice as long as purple, 28-34-rayed crown — September — Kurd Dagh. Page 413. -Before £RIOERO]%\ A^TER, L. AsTEK. Head usually radiate, rarely discoid. Rays in one row, pistillate. Disk flowerets tubular, perfect. Involucre imbricated. Receptacle naked. Akene flattened, beakless. Pappus hairy, in 1-xi rows — Perennial, rarely biennial herbs. A. Amaiii, Post. 2^ .0, glabrous; stem striate, simple, corymbose above, leafy. Leaves oblong-linear, .03 to .04long, .004 to. 005 broad, 3-nerved toward tapering base, acutish. Peduncles .02 to .03 long, beset with short, linear bracts ; heads few, .008 broad ; scales of invo- lucre oblong, obtuse, 3-uerved, the inner more than half as long as narrow, pale pink rays; disk flowerets two-thirds as long as rays; hairs 16 of pappus equal, as long as flowerets; akenes appressed-bristly - - September — Amanus, above 'Othmanlyeh (Plain of Issus). Page 413. After E. alpinum. E, Shepardi, Post (Planto; Postianse, v, 8). 2^ .6 to .8, pubescent; stems erect, corymbose pani- cled above. Leaves entire, acute, the radical oblanceolate, tapering to a petiole, the lower cauline oblancoolate, tapering at base, the upper oblong-linear, sessile. Involucre pubescent, scales linear, acuminate, with tawny rib, and straw-colored, scarious margin, three-fourths as long as fawn-colored pappus; rays pale, linear, a little longer than pappus — July — Amanus. Page 433. Before A. montana. A. flabellata, Post (Plantse Postianse, v, 9). 2f .3, appressed-silvery-silky ; trunks prostrate or ascending, bearing sterile and fertile stems. Leaves of sterile stems fan-sliajjed, bipinnatipartite into linear, undivided or bitid lobules, .004 to .006 long, .001 broad; leaves of simple or sparingly branched fertile stems ovate in outline, 2-1-pinnatipartite into lobules longer than those of sterile stems. Heads solitary, small; involucre pubescent, scales lanceolate, scarious-margined ; rays yellow, about twice as long as in- volucre, oblong, obtuse, entire; akenes ribbed-angled, with a short crown — July — Amanus. Page 439. Before P. teucofJiyllum. P. depauperatiini, Post (Bull. Herb. Boiss., in, 158). 2^ .15 to .25, woody at base, appressed- silvery-silky; stems numerous, ascending, the fertile with scattered, minute leaves to tip. Leaves ovate in outline, petioled, fan-shaped, bipinnatiparted into linear, acute lobules, .003 to .004 long, .001 broad. Corymb terminal, dense, 3-lO-flowered, .01 to .015 broad, capitate; pedicels half as long as .004 long, .001 broad, obovate-conical heads; scales of involucre oblong, obtuse, the interior scarious at tip ; crown half as long as ribbed akene — August and September — Subalpine regions; Gaiour Dagh (Amanus). Page 443. After S. dorimformis. S. Otlionnse, M. B., 1 to 2, glabrous except sparingly puberulent under surface of leaves; stem striate, ending in a broad corymb. Lower leaves petioled, oblong-ljin- ceolate in outline, often .5 long, .08 to .2 broad, pinnatisect into 6-10, oblong-lanceolate, acute, incised-dentate segments on each side of pe- tiole, the lower often 2-parted ; upper leaves sessile, lobes narrow ; flo- ral leaves linear, undivided. Heads cylindrical, .01 long, .003 broad, 5-7-flowered ; scales of involucre 5, glabrous, iinear-spathulate, squa- mules few, short; rays 1-2, thrice as long as involucre ; akenes silky; pappus twice as long as involucre — Summer — Amanus. Page 449. After C. corymbosa^ var. Libanotica. Var, iiiicroce? pliala, Post. Heads compact, .01 to .02 broad; outer scales of invo- lucre .015 to .02 long — Izra' (Leja) ; Gergesa; Nebo. Page 451. After G.foliosa. C Po§tiana (Winkler, Synopsis Cousiniae, p. 223). © .4; stem cobwebby, branched, leafy, many- headed. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, sinuate-pinnatilobed,- the lower petioled, the upper sessile, decurrent, lobes triangular, spiny; upper- most leaves forming an involucre to the heads, all cobwebby. Heads solitary or twin, ovoid-conical, as large as a hazelnut, about 20-flowered ; scales of involucre 50 or more, erect, spiny-mucronate — July — Wadi- el-Mal (Antilebanon). 17 Pase 458. After €. Syriaca. C. Anranitica, Post (Bull. Herb. Boiss. I., 400). 2f 1 or more; stems cobwebby, canescent. Lower stem leaves .6 long, .25 broad, sessile, decurrent, ovate-lanceolate in out- line, glabrescent at u^per, cobwebby at lower surface, pinnatisect into long-lanceolate, decurrent, entire or short-lobed segments, lobes short- triangular, ending in a strong spine. Corymbs of 2-5, peduncled heads; heads ovate-turbinate, .1 long, .08 broad; involucre constricted at tip, glabrous, scales coriaceous, reddish, the lower reflexed or spread- ing, appendix triangular-lanceolate, long-tapering, the upper appress- ed, ending in an ovate, short-tapering, spiny-mucronate appendix; flowerets deep purple; akenes somewhat tetragonal — July and August — Fields; Jaulan and Haurau. Page 460. Before SERRATUL.A. . AUTRAS^IA, C. Winkler et Barbey. Autrania. (Plantse Postianoa iir, 11, 12). Heads homogamous, flowerets equal, perfect. Scales of involucre in 5 rows, green at base, the outer and middle narrowing abruptly into a spine, the inner with a deltoid, scarious appendix, with dark, tawny base, somewhat fringed margin, and spinescent tip. Receptacle flat, sparingly bristly. Anthers sagittate at base. Akenes squamous- wrinkled, obpyramidal, 4-5-angled. Pappus of co rows of bristles, the inner feathery, the outer shorter, not feathery — Perennial, alpine plants. A. pulcliella, Winkler. 2f .05, nearly stemless, 1-headed. Leaves resetted at top of root-stalk above vestiges of old leaves, short- petioled, oblong-spathulate in outline, .03 long, .01 broad, pinnatifid or lyrate, appressed-canescent on both sides, ciliate-dentate at margin, lobes 3-4 pairs, oblong-ovate, spiny-mucronulate, terminal ovate. Head obovate, .035 long, .025 broad at tip; scales of involucre hirsute or appressed-pubescent under base of appendix, ovate to oblong and linear, about as long as spiny appendix ; flowers pale pink, longer than scales — July — Rijal-el-'asherah (Northern Lebanon), 2600 m. Page 464. After C. laxa. C Ainani, Post. (Plantse Postiange V, 9). 2f .4, white with appressed, detersile wool; stems angled, corym- bose-panicled from lower third. Leaves obsoletely dentate, pitted, the lower oblong in outline, .06 to .1 long, petioled, entire or pinnately divided into oblong segments, the terminal larger, rhomboid-ovate; stem-leaves sessile, with narrower segments, the uppermost oblong, undivided, small, bract-like. Heads ovate-turbinate, .01 long, .007 broad ; scales of involucre appressed-tomentellous, ovate, pale, ending in a triangular, straw colored, 7-13-pectinate appendix; flowerets deep pink; pappus white — August — Amanus. Page 467. After C. EausslnechUi. C. sclerolepis, Boiss. % 1; stem sparingly cobwebby, leafy below, simple, racemose-3-7-headed above. Leaves pubescent-scabrous, petioled, lyrate-pinnatipartite, the lower on a petiole . 15 long, with 2-4, lateral, small, ovate segments, and a terminal, oblong segment .07 to .1 long; other leaves oblong- lanceolate, short-decurrent. Peduncles beset with scarious, tapering scales, as long as heads; heads globular, .03 in diameter; scales of involucre coriaceous-scarious, white, glossy, entire or obsoletely den- ticulate-fringed at margin, ovate to oblong, ending abruptly in a 18 spine, which in the middle ones is as long as scale ; flowerets pink — July — Marash. Page 471. After G. GTieiracantha. Var. los]gt§pma, Post. Seg- ments of leaves linear, elongated. Spines of involucre one-third as long as head — Woods; Mt. Cassius. Var. latifolia, Post. Most of the leaves undivided, the upper and terminal segment of lower (when lyrate) oblong -lanceolate, .03 to .01 broad — Amanus. Page 473. After G. lanatus. Var. IatlfoIiu§, Post. Leaves of stem and involucre broader, glabrescent — Galilee ; Coslesyria. Var, proliferti§, Post. Low, .1 to .'Z^, proliferous. Leaves as in last - - Common. Page 483. Before H. prcmltum, Vill. M. Pelleterianom, D.C. % Root-stock prsemorse, stolonif erous ; stems 0. Leaves rosetted, oblong-spathulate, .03 to .05 long, .01 to .02 broad, stellate-tomen- tellousj and upper surface with long, tawny bristles from a bulbous base. Scapes .1 to .3 high, sparingly tomentellous, and beset with black, stipitate glands. Heads hemispherical, .02 broad ; scales tomen- tellous and black-stipitate-glandular, oblong, scarious-margined, — July — Amanus, Page 484. After H. BalanscB. H. §triguIo§iiiii, Post (Plantse Postianse, v, 11.) If .5 to .8, clothed with long hairs from dilated base, mixed at inflorescence with short hair. Stem-leaves oblong, acute, .1 long, .02 broad, sessile, repand-dentate, the lowest half-clag23iDg at base. Heads racemed-panicled, .02 long; scales acute, puberulent, the midrib sparingly beset with black prickles — July — Amanus. ■ Page. 484. After H. Lilanoticum. M. Tialgatun], Koch. 71 1 or more, more or less hirsute or glabrescent ; stem leafy, corymbose- panicled above. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, .05 to .1 long, acute, coarse- serrate, the cauline sessile. Peduncles and acute scales of .02 longheads puberulent, more or less black-glandular-hairy — Summer — Amanus. H. Bartocyi, Post (Plantse Postianee v. 10). 11 1 or more, green, sparingly beset with hairs from a tubercle. Leaves repand^ dentate, lower tapering to a margined petiole, obovate-spathulate, .3 long, .05 broad; middle leaves similar but sessile, half-clasping; upper sessile, oblong-ovatq, cordate-auricled, half -clasping at base, .05 to .01 long, .03 to .01 broad, obtuse to acute. Inflorescence corymbose-pan- icled: peduncles beset with black glands, and short, lanceolate-subu- late bracts; heads .012 long; scales acute, scarious-margined, beset with black, glandular hairs — July — Amanus. H. AutranI, Post (Plantas Postianas v, 11.) 2f Root-stock prse- morse; stem .3 to .5, thyrsoid-panicled from base, clothed with short wool and long, wavy hairs, arising from a tubercle. Leaves repand- denticulate, sparingly beset with bristles from a tubercle, lowest ovate- oblong, acute, with petiole .1 to .15 long, .03 to .04 broad; cauline ovate to ovate-lanceolote, .03 to .01 long, acuminate, sessile, the upper smaller, bract-like. Heads .015 long ; scales acute, white-bristly, scarious margined — July — Amanus. Page 488. Before L. mminea, L. I<. muralis, L. 2f 1 or more, glabrous ; root prsemorse ; stem leafy. Leaves tender, the lower long- 19 petioled, the rest with a short, winged petiole, auricled at base, all lyrate-pinnatisect, the terminal segment cordate or hastate, 3-5-lobed, the lateral lobes 2-3 on each side, decurrent, coarse-lobed. Peduncles elongated, filiform; heads cylindrical; scales glabrous, the lower mi- nute, ovate, the upper lanceolate, obtuse; flowers sulphur-colored; akenes black, elliptical, compressed, 5-ribbed on each side, ending in a short beak. Var. slnuata. Post (Bull. Herb. Boiss., iii, 159). Lowest leaves not lobed, petiole narrow-winged, lamina obtusely 5-lobed or coarse- serrate; stem-leaves auricled at base, sinuate or obscurely angled- lobed on each side, ending in a broad-rhomboid, entire, coarse-serrate lobe, or this lobe hastate, or 5-serrate-lobed and serrate — August and September —Gaiour Dagh (Amanus). Page 491. After Z. glomerata, Cass. Z. Foxil, Post. .1 to .25, glabrous; stems simple or forked. Boot-leaves linear-lanceolate, tapering to a petiole, .06 to .08 long, .01 broad, coarsely incised-den- tate and denticulate, with narrow, triangular teeth ending in a cartila- ginous tip ; cauline leaves oblong, decurrent, irregularly coarse-serrate. Heads solitary, .015 long, half to one-fourth as long as bracted pe- duncles; scales oblong-ovate, white-tipped; akenes white, fungous, appressed-silky, lateral wings hyaline, eroded, rather narrower than akene; pappus silky, twice as long as akene, persistent — April — Between Jebel Usdum and 'Ain Jidi. Page 503. Line 6, should be f t StyU glabrous Mow, hairy alove. Line 7, read, in place of TRACHELIUM, TRACHELIOPSIS. Page 507. Instead of TKACHEL.IUM. TI^ACMEI^IOFSIS, Buser (Gen. Nov. Bull. Herb. Boiss., ii, 524). Flowers cream-colored, or pale blue. Sepals more or less linear, erect or spreading. Corolla funnel-shaped, lobes oblong-triangular, somewhat hooded at tip. Stamens 5, anthers linear, apiculate. Ovary inferior, 3-celled, ovules numerous. Style twice as long as corolla, glabrous below, hajry above, stigmas 3, lanceolate or Ungulate. _ Cap- sule erect, pyriform, with pores at base. Seeds oblong, wheat-like or almond-shaped, tawny or yellowish, glossy, somewhat lined — Peren- nial herbs with fleshy root-stock and brittle stems. The two species described under Trachelium, p. 508, belong to this genus. Page 526. After V. canescens. Y, parvillorum, D.C. .3 to .6; stems erect, puberulent, stiff-branched. Leaves somewhat fleshy, rounded at base, petioled, ovate-oblong-obtusc] to lanceolate-tapering, .03 to .06 long. Umbels axillary, sessile or peduncled ; pedicels longer than flowers ; calyx-lobes triangular ; corolla yellowish-red or purple, .003 broad, lobes oblong, obtuse; croion reduced to 5, short, 'purple glands; follicles linear-lanceolate, glabrous, .00 long — July — Hauran. Page 533. After a Myxa. C. Otaaraf, Forsk. 3 Ohara^. 3 to 5. Leaves short-petioled, oUong-spathulate, .04 to .06 long, .01 to .015 broad, minutely puberulent, light-green. Cymes loose; calyx- teeth broad-triangular, very short; corolla tube shorter than calyx, lobes rounded; anthers barely exserted or included; stigmas linear- club-shaped; drupe orange-colored, round-ovate, .007 long — July and August — 'Ain- Jidi, 20 Page 539. Between XICHINOSPERlfEUM and * * Nutlets adherent ly inner face and margins, withpricMy wings at hack. E, Szovitsianum, F. et M. .2 to ,4, rough with short bristles arising from a tubercle; stem more or less branching from base. Leaves linear-spathulate to linear, .02 to .04 long, .0015 to .004 broad. Racemes loose; bracts longer than pedicels and fruits ; fruiting pedicels thick, recurved, 1-3 times as long as fruits; lobes of calyx linear, about as long as fruit; wings of nutlet with 5-6, triangular-acuminate prickles — May — Baalbek. Page 544. Anchusa STiattucTciiy Post, is A. Aucheri, Alph. D. C. Var. brunneo-purpurea, Post. Page. 562. Before G. stenENOGAMIA or FLOWERING PLAf .3. Plants having true flowers, with stamens and pistils, and producing genuine seeds which contain an embryo. Class I. EXOGEXJE. Stems formed of bark, wood, and pith ; the wood forming a layer between the other two, and increasing, wlien the stem continues more than one year, by the addition each year of a layer next to the bark ; the bark also growing, from year to year, by a layer on its inner surface. Leaves generally netted-veined. Embryo with a pair of opposite cotyledons, or several in a whorl. Parts of the flowers usually in fours or fives. Subclass L AIS'GIOSPERM^. DICOTrLEDON^OUS PLAKTS. Pistil consisting of a closed ovary, which contains the ovules, and forms the fruit. Cotyledons only two. DIVISION I. THALAMiFLOR/E. Floral envelopes generally double, i. e., consisting of both calyx and corolla. Petals and stamens generally separate, implanted on the receptacle, under the ovary, free from it, and from the calyx. A few genera and species of this division are destitute of petals. 34 RANUNCULACE2E. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.) Order I. RA«[U]VCUI.ACEiE. (Crowfoot Family.) Herbs, or woody vines, loith colorless acrid juice, jpolypetci- lous, or apetalous, with the calyx ofteyi colored like a corolla, hypogynous / the sepals, petals, numerous stamens, and many or few pistils, all distinct, or pistils slightly connected hy ovaries, —Flowers regular oi* irregular. Sepals 3-14. Petals 3-14, generally equal in number to petals, sometimes irregular, or wanting. Stamens separate, indefinite ; anthers united to filament. Pistils equal to sepals in number, or indefinite, free or united below, l-celled. Fruits akenes, or dehiscent follicles, one- to several-seeded. Fig. 1. Fig. 1. (a) Half flower of Ranunculus, showing the torus on which are inserted the calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistils, all separate from each other : some of the pistils open showing the erect seed. (6) One of the petals with scale at base, under which nectar is usually found, (c) One of the akenes enlarged, (d) The same opened showing the erect seed, (e) Flower of anemone. (/) Pistil of same, with ovary split open, showing j7enrfMZous seed, (o-) ^Estivation, valvular, of Clematis. (A) Induplicate ffistivation of another Clematis. (») Akene of Clematis, with its long silky tail. RANUNCULACE^. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.) 3$ . Tribk I. CliEMATIDE^. Sepals valvate or induplicate in bud. Petals wanting, 1. CLEMATIS. Ripe akenes with long feathery tails. Seeds pendulous. Tribe II. ANEMONES. Sepals imbricated in bud, colored like petals. Petals wanting, or present ; pore, if present, at apex of claw. Seeds pendulous * Petals wanting. Perennials. 2. THALICTRUM. Involucre wanting. Akenes grooved lengthwise. 3. ANEMOINE. Involucre distant from flower. Akenes not grooved. * * Petals destitute of pore. Jlnnuals. 4. ADONIS. Leaves, radical and stem, ternately divided. ■?«• -x- * Petals witJi, pore at summit of claw. Annuals. 5. MYOSURUS. Leaves all radical, linear, entire. Tribe 111. RANUNCUIiK^. Sepals and petals flattened, imbricated in bud. Petals generally with pore or scale at base. Seeds erect. 6. RANUNCULUS. Akenes destitute of a pair of smooth cells at base. 7. CERATOCEPHALUS. Akenes with a pair of smooth cells at each side of base. Tribe IV. HRIiliEBORE^^. Sepals imbricated ia bud. Petals bilabiate or irregular. Fruit a whorl of several seeded follicles. * Flowers regular. 8. HELLEBORUS. Leaves palmate. Sepals petal-like. Petals. tubular bilabiate. 9. GARIDELLA. Leaves pinnate. Sepals not petaloid. 10. NIGELLA. Leaves pinnate. Sepals petaloid. * * Flowers irregular. 11. DELPHINIUM. Upper sepal spurred. Petals small in 2 pairs. Tribe V. PiEONIKiE, Sepals imbricated in bud. Petals broad. Base of carpels surrounded by a ring. Ovules numerous. 12. PiEONIA. Leaves bi-ternatisect. Flowers large, red. 1. CLEMATIS, L. Virgin's Bower. jJu Sepals 4. Petals wanting. Akenes numerous, sessile, dehiscent, dry. - Style with long plumose tail (Fig. 1, i.) — Perennial vines climbing by the twisting of the petioles. Leaves opposite, * Flowers solitary nodding, with involucre near lase. 1 C. Cirrliosa, L. 71 'S-* Sf- Leaves clustered heart-ovate, coarsely-toothed, entire, or ohscurely lohed. Involucre cup-shaped, bilabiate, near the flower. Sepals whitish-yellow, ovate— Spring — Hedges from Aintab to southern Palestine. Flowers much larger than in 3 and 3. * * Inflorescence 'paniculate. Base of 2^(^nicle nalced. 2. C Flaminiila, L. 1(! Leaves tchen young pnlescent, afterirnrds smooth, bi-pinnate ; segments ovate or oblong entire, or 3 - lobed, slightly oblique. Sepals oblong, obtuse, white. Akenes pubescent, with proinlnent ma?'gi7i. — Spring and Summer — Hedges and thickets, common in Syria and Palestine. FloAvers 0. OlGm. broad, Var. maritime, Boiss. Lobes of leaves linear — With type. Var. lobata, Post. Leaflets broader, coarsely serrate or lobed. 3. C vitalfoa, L. 21 Leaves 2^^^5es(?e?^?, especially on nerves, bi-pinnate, divisions ovate-acuminate, sUgJitly hecLrt-shaped at dase, coarsely toothed, occasionally entire. Sepals white, oblong, woolly on both sides. Carpels hirsute, margin incanspicitous — Summer — Hedges and thickets near coast of Syria and Palestine. Flowers 0.01 m. broad. 36 RANUNCULACEiE. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.) Var. Syriaca, Boiss. Leaflets regularly coarse-toothed. Carpels less convex — Tripoli. Var. integrifolia, Post. Leaflets entire. With type. 2. THAL.ICTRUM, L. Meadow-Rue. Flowers without involucre. Sepals 4-5. Petals wanting. Carpels dry, without tails, grooved lengthwise — Perennial herbs with ternately or pinnately decompound leaves, and small panicled flowers. 1. T. Orientale, Boiss. 21 Leaves 3 - ternately compound ; leaflets obovate. Sepals petaloid, white, longer tJian sta7nsns. Carpels 3 - 6 ; stigma oblong, straiglit — April to June — Clefts of rocks near Ghazir. 2, T. minus, L. If Leaves 3 - pinnately compound ; leaflets ovate or more or less cuneate-obovate, 2-3 - fid or lobed. Panicle pyramidal spreading. Sepals fugacious, as long asjllaments or shorter. Carpels 3-8 ; stigma short, obliquely adherent to carpel. Var. nutans, Kegel. Smooth. Leaflets sometimes white beneath, acutely lobed or cut — Early Summer — Shady places. Mt. Cassius, and northward. 3. A]X[EMOBilE, L. WiNDFLOWER. J^*- Involucre distant from flowers, composed of three leaves, more or less dissected. Calyx corolla-like ; sepals 5 to 15. Corolla wanting. Stamens numerous. Carpels numerous, without tails — Perennial herbs with handsome flowers, and ternately parted or dissected leaves. 1. A. Coronaria, L. If o^w^^i^j'Vu Root tuberous. Sepals 5-7 olovate, pubescent without. Carpels covered with dense wool,, ending in a long filiform style. Torus ovate or oblong — February to April. Var. typica, Post. Calyx scarlet, cr yelloio, or rosecolored. Sepals broad. Leaves much dissected. Flowers sometimes 0.07 m. broad — Everywhere in Syria and Palestine below sub-alpine regions. Var, caerulea, Post. Leaves as in last. Flowers generally somewhat smaller, blue. Sepals obovate-oblong — With type. Var. parviflora, Boiss. Divisions of leaves not much dissected. long. Flowers small, blue. Sepals oblong — Rather rare. Var. incisa, Boiss. Leaves as in last. Beirut. 2. A. blancla, Schott et Kotschj^ If Root tuberous, oblong, rarely cylindrical. Sepals 9-15, oblong-linear, blue, smooth without. Carpels pubescent, ending in a short black style ; stigma spherical, black. Torus hemispherical. — Spring — From Taurus to Lebanon, 1000 to 2000 m. Flower about 0. 02 m. broad. Leaves ternately decom^DOund. RANUNCULACE^. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.) 37 4. ADOXIS, L. Pheasant's Eye. Flowers destitute of involucre. Sepals 5. Petals 5-15, destitute of nectar-bearing pore. Akenes nearly globular, ending in a hard, beak-like style — Annual herbs, with much dissected leaves, and crimson, orange, or yellow flowers. The distinctive characters of our species ill-defined, and inconstant. Foliage and mode of growth of all alike. * Inner face of tarijel straight, destitute of tooth, 1. A. Palsestina, Boiss,0 Flower 0.02m. broad, crimson. Calyx smooth. Petals flattened, obovate. Spike dense, cylindrical. Carpels dilated at middle, surrounded 'by a toothed crest ; lower portion tuberculated, wrinkled, upper ending in a short, pyramidal, slightly hoohed beak — Spring — Fields, Palestine. 2, A. Aleppica,' Boiss. Flower 0.02 m. to 0.035 broad. Calyx smooth. Petals flattened, spreading, obovate. Spike cylindrical. Carpels oblong, wrinMed lengthwise, tapering to a straight, sharp leal:, clmtmeled at hase, equalling them in length — Spring — Fields, from Coelesyria to Aleppo, and Aintab, and northward. 15. A. autiimiialis, L. Flower 0.01 m. to 0.014 broad, crimson, orange-colored, or yellow. Calyx smooth. Petals concave, connivent. Spike oblong. Carpels Yig. 2 pitted and wrinkled, ending in a short, straight beak — Spring — Fields, Syria and Palestine ; common. A^ar. erJocalycina, Post. Calyx villous — Com- mon with type. ( A, eriocalycina, Boiss.) "^ * Inner face of carpel furnished loith a tooth. 4. A. aestivali§, L. Flower 0.015 m. to 0.02 broad. Calyx smooth. Petals flattened, elliptical. Spike dense, oblong, or cylindrical. Carpels oblong- pyramidal, pitted, surrounded at hase by a toothed crest with short exterior spur. Beak ascending ; tooth distant from its base — Spring — Fields, northern Syria. Var. squarrosa, Boiss. Spike short. Base of carpel rectan- gular. Crest acute. Tooth prominent, nearly as long as beal' — With type. Var. Iotigiro§tra, Post. Beak of same length as carpel, grooved— Aintab. Ba'albek. 5. A. microcarpa, D.C. Flower about 0.01 m. broad. Petals flattened, elliptical. Spike dense, oblong. Carpels small, pitted, oblong, ending in an ascending beak. Tooth short, obtuse, at base of beak— Spring— Aleppo to Moab. Above Jericho. Too near A. autumnalis. 6. A. dentata, Del. Dwarf. Flower 0.01 m. broad, or less, yellow or orange-coloured. Calyx smooth. Petals connivent obovate. Spike dense, cylindrical. Carpels reticulate, wrinkled, surrounded near the middle by a toothed crest, from the outer aspect of which pirojects a spur as long as beal. Beak ascending, blackish. Tooth near the base of beak, thick— Spring— Aleppo and Palmyra to Ilamath. Gaza, and southward in the Tih. 38 KANHNGULACE^. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.) Var. snbinermis, Boiss. Flowers smaller. Spike more com- pact. Crest of carpels less prominent — Damascus* Borders of et Till. 7. A. flammca, Jacq. Stem stout. Flower 0.015 m. to 0.03 broad. Calyx appressed-hairy. Petals linear-elliptical, flattened. Spike cylindrical loose. Carpels ovate, ending in an ascending, black beak. Tooth ohtuse, near l)ase of heah — Spring — Fields, throughout ; rather rare. Too near A. 5. MYOSURUS, L. Mouse-Tail, Flowers destitute of involucre. Sepals 5, furnished with a spur at base. Petals 5, with filiform claw, and nectar-bearing pore at base of lamina. Akenes wedge-shaped. Style beak-like, short— Small annual herbs, with undivided leaves. M. laiiiiiinus, L. All the leaves clustered at the root, linear. Scape 1-flowered, Petals sliorter than calyx. Carpels crowded on a tapering spike— Spring — Above Zebedani. El-Balqa 6. RANUXCUL.US, L. Crowfoot. Buttercup. ^tJ,2i Sepals 3-5. Petals 5, rarely more, with pore at base, naked, or covered with a scale. Akenes numerous, usually flattened, apiculate — Annual or perennial herbs. § 1. BATRACmUOT. 11 Petals white, furnished With a naled pore athase. Aquatic jjerenniaU, loith floating or immersed leaves. 1. R, aqnatilis, L, % Flowers O.Ol m. to 0,02 broad. Peduncles as long as, or longer than, leaves. Petals oliovate, hroad. Stamens numerous — Spring. Var, lieteropliyllii§, D.C. The floating leaves round, with icedge shaj)ed, crenate loles. The immersed leaves capillary, much dissected — Hums. Var. §M]!>iiicrsiis, Gr. et Godr. All tlie leaves immersed, wkh elongated capillary lobes, — Canals and streams ; common. Var. spSagerosperiiiHS, Boiss. Sepals J to -^- as long as petals. All the leaves immersed, with short and stiff loles. Carpels nearly globular, scarcely keeled — Common. Var. paiitotlirix, Bl. Leaves much dissected, lobes long, slender — Common, with var, suhmersus, 2. R. trifliopliyllus, Chaix. 11 Flowers less than 0.01 m. broad. Peduncles usually shorter than leaves, sometimes longer. Petals usually narrow, sometimes broad, less than tirice as long as sepals. Stamens few. — Spring — Aintab to Galilee, and southward. A species with much dissected leaves, and capillary lobes, too near to var. pantothrix of last. § 2, FICARIA, 21 Petals 8-12, yellow. Pore at lase of j^etals covered irith a scale. 3. R. €altliaefoliu<>i, Jord. 1^ S^ tfj^ Leaves ovate-cordate entire or pinnate, or obscurely toothed. Peduncles as long as, or longer than, leaves. Sepals yellowish- white. Corolla ^.^% m. to ^.^% Inroad. RANUNCULACEiE. (CBOWFOOT FAMILY.) 39 Carpels ovate, hirsute— Febm&rj to April— Wet places, from Aintab to Jerusalem. 4. R.. ficarioides, Bory et Chaub. 11 Dwarf. Leaves small ovate-cordate, with obtuse, crenate lobes. Peduncles shorter than leaves. Sepals yellow. Corolla ahout 0.01 m. broad. Carpels oblong, smooth — March to May — Lebanon, from 500 m. to 1,500. § 3. EURANUNCUL. US. or "^l. Sepals 5. Petals generally yelloio, sometimes scarlet, or crimson, or orange-colored, or wJi ite. Pore at base oj petals generally covered tcith a scale. Series I. Perennials. * Divisions of root grumous. t Carpels nearly spherical. Alpine plants. 5. R. myosuroides, Boiss. et Ky. 21 Dwarf (0.03 to 0.00 m..) glabrescent. Root-leaves 1-2 or more, with 3-5 oblong, entire, or bifid lobes; stem-leaves 3-parted, or wanting. Flowers 0.007 m. broad-, petals elliptical, somewhat longer than sepals. Spike oblong. Carpels smooth, oblong. Style shorter than ovary, straight — May to July — Alpine regions of Lebanon and Antilebanon. t t Carpels flattened. \ Root-leaves, or all but the lowest, palmately lobed or cut. a. FloiDcrs large, red, or rose-colored, or orange, or yellow, or white. 6. H. Asiaticii§, L. 2^ 6^«i\\j'lli Appressed hairy. Lower leaves round, crenate ; the others more or less dissected, with oblong, toothed lobes. Flowers 1-5. Corolla 0.02 m, to 0.08 broad, cri7nson, or rose-colored, or orange, or yellow, or ^ohite. Spike 0.02 m., or more in length, dense. Carpels papyraceous. Beak reflexed, shorter than ovary — February to May — Fields, and waste places, Syria and Palestine, Notwithstanding its brilliant flowers, not to be regarded as the " lily of the field. ^'' Var. tcnuiloI>u§, Boiss. Leaves much dissected — With type, b. Floicers medium-sized, yelloic, or ichitish. T. R. Sprimerianus, Boiss. 11 Hirsute. Stem stout, 0.04 m, high, much hrinched. Root-leaves round, with heart-shaped base, and th7'ee obtusely lobed divisions. Spike oblong. Carpels triangular-py?'a- midal, beset with hairs icith a tubercled base. Beak as long as ovary, straight, or slightly curved, hooked at extremity — May to July — Subalpine regions of Lebanon and Antilebanon, El-Buqa'. 8. R. ]>aina§ceiiu§, Boiss. et Gaill. 2^. Stem and induraent as in last. Root-leaves as in last, with numerous, overlapping, obtuse lobes. Lobes of stem-leaves oblong, obtuse. Spike ovate, at length oblong. Beak curved — Spring — Fields, Aintab to Damascus, and the Buka'. This and the last are probably varieties of R. oxyspermus, M.B. 9. R. cuneatu§, Boiss. % Villous. Stem slender, 0.25 m. high, with few branches. Root leaves round-ovate, with wedge-shaped, or rounded, or heart-shaped base ; lobes not over-lapping. L/obcs of stem-leaves linear, acutish. Spike ovate. Beak straight — Summer —Alpine regions of Lebanon . 40 RANUNCULACE^. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.) 10. R. Chaerophyllos, L. If Appressed-silky-hairy. Nech covered with dense fhres. Lower root-leaves nearly round, S-lobed, dentate ; the remainder dissected into oblong or linear lobes. Stem, l~3JloiDered. Spike ovate-oblong. Carpels ovate, punctate, ending in a spreading, recurved beak — Spring — Aleppo, Antilebanon, and Lebanon, below 1,000 m., to coast. I I Moot leaves pinnately parted. 11. R. millcfoliatus, Vahl. 1^ Glal/rescent. Leaves 2-3- pinnately parted, lobes oblong, or linear, acute. Stem simple, 1-2 Jiowered. Spike oblong. Carpels nearly spherical. Beak recurved, half as long as ovary — Spring — Abeih at el Hadhirah, and probably elsewhere in Lebanon. 12. R. myriophyllus, Euss. 2f 5^« Canescent with appressed wool. Leaves pinnately dissected ; lobes oblong, somewhat acute. Stem divaricately much branched. Fruiting peduncles long. Spike oblong. Carpels triangular-obpyramidal, punctate, smooth, ending in a slightly spreading beak, shorter than ovary — Spring — Fields, Syria and Palestine. Var. Hicrosolyniitaiiiis, Post. Lobes of leaves linear. Flowers whitish, often 0.02 m. or more in breadth. Fruiting peduncles thickened. Beak shorter than in type — With type throughout. {M. Hierosolymitanus, Boiss.) * * Divisions of root fibi'ous. t Rachis hairy. " 13. R. palustris, L. 11 Rootstock short. Hair of stems and petioles sliort, dense ; of leaves appressed- villous. Root-leaves ovate, ternately parted ; divisions cut-lobed, obtusely toothed. Peduncles grooved. Carpels ovate, ending in a short, straight beak — Spring — Wet jilaces near Aleppo. 14. R. Xeapolitauus, Ten. 1^ Upper portion of stems ap" jDressed hairy, Rootstock short, with thickened fibres. Lower leaves round-ovate, ternately parted ; divisions cut-lobed, acutely toothed. Peduncles slender, grooved. Carpels round, ending in a short, conical beak — End of Spring — From Lebanon to Aintab, and northward. 15. R. cliiO]ioplislii§, Boiss. % Smooth, dwarf, tufted. Neck thickened, ^'\\X\ fihrous roots. Root-leaves oblong, 'i-Z-pinnately parted, with oblong lobes. Scapes not longer than leaves, 1-2 flowered. Sepals smooth. Carpels ovate, margin thicTcened ; disk tubercled ; beak not hooked — Summer — Alpine regions of Lebanon and Anti- lebanon. 16. R. €lemi§sus, D.C. If. Dwarf. Rootstoclc oblique. Neck clothed ivifh fibres, furuished with vv^hitish hairs. Root-leaves smooth, round, palmately divided into 3-5 segments, which are dissected into oblong lobes. Scajjes longer than leaves, 1 -flowered. Sepals p>ubescent. Carpels triangular-ovate, flattened ; margin not thicJcened ; beak hooTced — Summer — Alpine regions of Lebanon and Antilebanon. t t Rachis smooth. Inflorescence corymbose, loose. 17. R. €as§ius, Boiss. 2|! Appressed-silky-hairy. Root-stoch horizontal, with descending fibres, and sliort terminal suchers. Radical leaves pentagonal, tcrnate, the middle segment petiolulate, and all the RANUNCTJLACE^. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.) 41 segments divided into oblong-cuneate cut lobes. Carpels ovate, punctate^ slightly hairy, marginate, tapering into a short straight beak — May and June — Lebanon and Antilebanon, and northward. 18. R. €on§taiitinopolitanus, Urv. 71 Villous below, appressed-hairy above. Eoot-fibres descending directly from neck. Root-leaves triangular-ovate, ternate, with obovate, cut, and coarsely toothed lobes. Carpels large, ovate, striate^ smooth, ending abruptly in a very short, hooked beak — April to June — Var. Palcestinus, Boiss. Lobes of leaves cuneate at base — Hedges, Aintab to Antilebanon and Lebanon. Plain of el Huleh, Series 2. Annuals. * Carpels riot margined. Petals destitute of scale at base. 19. R. sceleratiis, L. Stem erect, often thickened. Lower leaves 3-parted, with oblong or cuneate, lobed or cut divisions. Carpels in ovate heads 0.002 m. to 0.004 long, minute, obovate, with grooved border, and short, mucronate beak — Spring — Wet places from Hamath to Tripoli, and probably elsewhere. * * Carpels mare or less flattened, margined, generally tubercledor prickly. Petals with scale at base. t Leaves undivided. 20. R. opliiog^lo§§ifolius, Vill.0 Glabreacent. Stem fistulous, erect. Lower leaves ovate or ovate-cordate, upper oblong-lanceolate. Flowers about 0.005 m. to 0.007 broad. Heads as in last. Carpels as large as mustard seeds, ovate, slightly flattened ; margin narrow, beak short, black, hooked — Spring — Wet places near Tripoli, and probably elsewhere. 21. R. laterifloru§, D.C. Glabrous. Stem erect, fistulous. Leaves oblong -elliptical. Flowers small, sessile in axils, or terminal. Heads round-ovate ; carpels ovate, with tubercled disk, and acute margin. Beak nearly as long as ovary, lanceolate, hooked — Spring — Syria. Moab. t t Leaves palmately divided, cut or loled, sometimes much dissected. 22. R. Cbius, D.C. Villous or glabrescent. Stem much branched. Leaves round-heart-shaped, with three crenately-lobed divisions. Peduncles opposite leaves, thickened hi fruit. Flowers 0.004 m. broad. Petals as long as sepals. Heads globular 0.005 m. broad. Disk of carpels studded with tubercles, ending in a hooked hair. Margin acute, not grooved, tapering to a hooked beak, half as long as ovary — Spring — Coast of Syria, and Lebanon. 23. R. pl&ilonotis, Retz. Hirsute. Lower leaves ovate- cordate, sometimes broader than long, crenate-toothed or lobed. The rest 3-parted, with cut and toothed divisions. Flowers 0.01 m. broad. Petals ticics as long as sepals. Heads ovate, 0.004 m. broad. Carpels nearly round; disk tubercled near the 2-grooved Tuargin ; beak very sJiort, oUuse — Spring — Aintab to Aleppo. 24. R. trachycarpus, F. et M. Hirsute. Root-leaves 3-parted or cut. The remainder trifid, with lobed 43 EANUNCULACE^. (CEOWFOOT FAMILY.) segments.^ Petals a little longer than sepals. Heads spherical, about 0.005 m. in diameter. Carpels ovate; margin 2-grooved, disk tubercled, beak tapering, half as long as ovary — Spring — Wet places from Hums to Kerak. 25. R. lomatocarpus, F. et M. © Fig. 3 Glabrescent. Leaves ternate ; divisions obovate, those of lower leaves obtusely lobed and cut, of upper leaves dissected into oblong and linear, ' acute lobes. Petals twice as long as sepals. Head 0.01 m. or more in diameter. Carpels ovate ; disk tu- bercled ; margin with, or without groove, tapering into a slightly curbed heaJc, half the length of ovary — Spring — Fields, Syria and Palestine ; common. Leaves often much dissected into narrowly linear lobes. Var. cornuta§, Post. BeaJc as long as ovary Head of r. lomato- — With type — (i?. cornutus J>. O.) carpus, var. eornutus. 26. R. mnricatus, L. Glabrous or glabrescent. Root-leaves long-petioled, round or Tcidney-shaped, with 3 cut and toothed divisions. Upper leaves cuneate at base, with 3 ohlong, cut or toothed dimaions. Petals a little longer than sepals. Heads generally more than 0.01 m, in diameter. Carpels large, ovate, with muricate disk, and strongly grooved margin, tapering abruptly into a beak as long as ovary — Spring — Ditches and wet places ; common throughout. 27. R. arvensis, L. © Glabrous or slightly-hairy. Lower leaves cuneate-obovate, cut or toothed, or 3-parted ; the remainder ternate, dissected into linear lobes. Carpels 0.006 m. long, obovate ; disk muricate ; margin at right angles to surfaces of disk, broad, fringed at both edges with stiff spines much larger than those of the disk ; beak usually — Spring — Fields common. Var. rostratus, Post. Spines of disk shorter, sometimes reduced to tubercles ; spines of margin short, often mere teeth. Carpels ending in an oblique, slender, curved beak, more than half as long as ovary — Lebanon. Bethel. Var. long^ispinus, Post. Spines of margin longer than ovary — 3Iinat el Husn, Beirut. 28. R. Pinardi, Boiss. © Dwarf, appressed-hirsute. Lower leaves round-wedge-shaped, obtusely 3-3-toothed ; the rest dissected into linear-oblong lobes. Carpels few, 0.01 m. long, 0.003 broad ; disk minutely tubercled ; margin tumid, obtuse, tapering into a lanceolate, circinnate beak twice as long as ovary — Summer — Anti- lebanon, above Rasheiya and Zebedani. T. CERATOCEPHALUS, M(ENCH. Sepals 5. Petals 5, with nectar-bearing pore at base, covered with a scale. Akenes caducous, with an empty cell at each side of base. Beak long, sickle-shaped — Dwarf annual herbs, with palmate leaves, dissected into linear lobes. C. falcatus, Pers. © Beak curved upward, hooked— Spring — Fields, Syria, \ RANTJNCULACE^. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.") 43 Pj^ ^ Yar. TUlgaris, Boiss. Scape as long as, or longer than leaves. Beak broad at base. Var. exscapus, Boiss. Canescent, or rufescent. Scapes short or Var. incurvus, Boiss. Scapes longer than leaves. Base of beak narrow. 8. HELLEBORUS, L. Hellebore. ^ ^ Sepals 5, petaloid, persistent. Petals small, tubular, bilabiate. Carpels united at base — Peren- nial herbs, with palmate or pedate leaves, and Head of Cerato- greenish, lurid, nodding flowers, eephaius faicatua, j^ vcsicarius, Auch, 2^ 0.3 m. to 0.5 high. var. Tu gans. Root-leaves long-petioled, ternate, with petiolulate segments, dissected into cuneate cut-toothed lobes. Floral leaves sessile, with 3-5 oblong-cuneate, cut-toothed lobes, overtopping the flowers. Carpels inflated, forming a light green, spherical capsule, 0.04 m. or more in diameter — February to May — Woods, Mt, Cassius and northward. 9. OARIDEL.L.A, Totjrn. Sepals 5, caducous, not petaloid, shorter than petals. Petals 5, with a long claw, having a nectar-bearing pore at its apex, and a bilabiate limb ; both lips bifid, the outer much longer than the inner. Fruit a 2-3-celled capsule — Annual, erect, rigid herbs, with pinnate leaves dissected into linear or capillary lobes. 0. unguicularis, Lam. Claws twice as long as sepals and laminae, or longer. Laminae wavy-margined. Capsule 0.005 m. to 0.01 broad, composed of two or three follicles, united for two thirds of their length — Spring — Fields, Syria and Palestine. 10. BflGELiLiA, L. Fitch. Fbnnel-Flower. Jtl**, -J^iy^ Sepals 5, petaloid, caducous, longer than petals. Petals small, clawed, with bilabiate lamina, the outer lip cleft into two or more lobes, and the inner smaller, entire or bifid. Nectar-pore at base of outer lip. Fruit composed of 5-13, more or less united follicles. Style long, beak-like — Annual herbs with leaves, 1-3-pinnately dissected into linear or capillary lobes. * Flowers hlui&h. Carpels not oompreised. Inner lip of petals Tuilf or more than half as long as outer, 1. N. arvensis, L. Leaves simple, or 1-2-pinnately divided. Claw short. Inner lip of petal half as long as outer, Carpels 3-5, strongly 3-ribbed adherent for two thirds of their length, forming an obconical capsule ; leak as long as ovary, or a little shorter — Spring — Var. $^lauca, Boiss. Glaucescent. Lobes of leaves long, acute — Maritime plain of Syria. Var. divaricata, Boiss. Glaucous. Lobes of leaves short, obtuse. Upper leaves sometimes simple — Syria and Palestine. Alexandria. 44 RANUNCULACEJS. (CKOWFOOT FAMILY.) Var. caiidata, Boiss. Carpels united to their middle only — Vineyards and fields near Aintab. 2. N. deserti, Boiss. 0.02 m. to 0.04 in height. Flowers small. Petals short-clawed ; inner lip nearly as long as outer. Car- pels 3, adlierentfor one third of their lengthy 3-nerved below, 5-nerved above ; leak a little longer than ovary — Spring — From El Balqa to the Tih, and southward. 3. ]V. stellari§, Boiss. Flowers medium-sized. Petals long- clawed ; inner lip about half as long as outer. Carpels 5, lanceolate, keeled, adherent for one fourth of their length, 1-nerved ; leak tic ice or three times as long as ovary — Spring — Fields, Kessab ; Lattakia. 4. IV, satiTa, L. Nutmeg-Flower. ^j^\ if- • •\3^-i\ lJ\ Flowers large. Petals short-clawed ; inner lip nearly as long as outer. Carpels 5-7, inflated, warty at sides, united to ajyex ; heaJcaslong as ovary — Spring — Fields, Egypt. The black seeds of this species are siir inked over some kinds of bread in the East, Var. brachyloba, Boiss. Densely branched, hirsute. Cap- sule very warty — Aintab and westward. * * Flowers yellowish- white. Inner lip of petals 'very short . Carpels flattened. 5. N. Orieiitali§, L. Lobes of leaves rigid. Sepals gla- brous. Petals short-clawed ; exterior lobe ovate, short-bifid. Carpels united for half their length ; nerves three, distant, connected by transverse veins — May — Amanus and eastward. 6. N. oxypetala, Boiss. Lobes of upper leaves often oblong- lanceolate. Sepals glabrous. Petals minute, clawed ; external lip broader than long, somewhat ^-lobed, lateral lobes short, round ; intermediate lobes dissected into bristles longer than stamens. Carpels united beyond middle ; nerves 3, approximate- — May — Fields, Aintab to Aleppo. Var. IVocana, Boiss. Petals long-clawed — Bludan. Var. tennifolia, Boiss. Lobes of leaves slender. Petals long- clawed — Aintab . 7. IV. eiliaris, D.C. Sepals hispid. Petals clawed ; outer lip cuneate, bifid, with long, linear, hispid lobes. Carpels 5-15, hispid, adherent for a little more than ^ their length, prominently 3-nerved — April to June — Fields, Syi"ia and Palestine. 11. DELPHINIUM, L. Larkspur. ^\g, Sepals 5, irregular, pctaloid, the uppermost spurred or helmet shaped. Petals generally 4, the upper two prolonged into spurs, which are included in the spurs of the calyx, and all separate, or united into a monopetalous spurred corolla. Follicles 1-5 separate — Annual or perennial herbs. RANUNCULACB^. (CROWFOOT FAMILY.) 46 * Follicle 1. Petals united, t Petal B-loled, X Peduncle nearly 0. Floral leaves longer tluin flower^ much dissected. 1. D. axilliflorum, D.C. Glabrescent, or puberulent above. Bepals ovate-oblong. Upper lobe of petal oblong, bifid, as long as ovate, lateral lobes. Follicle glabrescent, or appressed-pubescent, cylindrical, obliquely wrinkled, nearly sessile, appressed to stem — May and June — Coelesyria, Lattakia and northward. Flowers violet, or bluish-white. X X Peduncle as long as, or longer than follicle. Floral leaves simple or nearly so. 2. D. Orientale, J. Gay. Sparingly pubescent. Racemes l(yng, dense. Sepals round-ovate and ovate. Upper lobe of petal oblong, bifid, much longer than the triangular, oMuse, lateral lobes. Spur shorter than petal. Fruiting peduncles curved upward, longest near base of raceme. Follicles sparsely glandular, cylindrical, abruptly mucronate, — April to Jun« — Damascus to Aintab and Marash, and northward. Flowers deep violet or purple, retaining their color for a long tirne when dry. Flowers oj this species have been found in the garlands of mummies 3,000 years old, with color but slightly faded, 3. D. toineiito§uiii, Auch. Appressed-canescent, branching from base. Racemes short, loose. Sepals ovate, and ovate-oblong. Petal triangular, with scarcely distinguishable lateral lobes. Spur a little longer than petal. Fruiting peduncle erect, refracted at insertion oj lon^ bracts. Follicle appressed-hairy, cylindrical, tapering into a beak one-third its length — Spring — Waste fields, Aleppo to Aintab, and northward. Flowers violet to light-blu£, and rose-color, 4. D, olig^anthum, Boiss. Appressed-canescent, branched from base. Racemes short, flowers 1-7 rose-colored. Petal cuneate at base, triangular, obscurely 3-lobed. Spur somewhat shorter than petal. Calyx and corolla somewhat persistent after flowering. Fruiting peduncle divergent, refracted at insertion of short bracts. Follicle woolly, oblong, inflated, ending abruptly in a short beak — May and June — Aintab to Palmyra, and Coelesyria, and eastward. 5. D. sulphureum, Boiss. et Haussk. Low, appressed- pubescent, corymbose. Flowers 3-5, in short raceme, sulphur-colored. Upper lobe of petal S-toothed, longer and narrower than lateral lobes. Spur twice as long as petal. Fruiting peduncle recurved. Follicle pendulous, hirsute with white hairs, oblong-lanceolate, mucronate — Spring — Grassy places in mountains about Marash, 1,300 m. 6. D. pu§illuin, Labill. Dwarf, 0.02 m. to 0.08 high, soft- velvety, canescent. Branches divergent from neck. Racemes dense, with 3-5, rose-colored flowers. Petal rhomboid, with 3 obscure lobes of equal length, the middle one truncate, 3-toothed. Spur shorter than petal. Fruiting peduncle refracted at apex. Follicle oblong, com- pressed appressed-hairy — June — Lake Yam\ini. Lower regions of Antilebanon. 46 RANUNCULACEiE. (CROWI'OOT FAMILY.) 7. D. rig-idum, D.C. Velvety-canescent, viscid, rigid, much branched from base. Racemes with few, scattered, icliite, or rose- colored flowers. Middle lobe of petal Mjid, much shorter than lateral, rounded lobes. Spur as long as petal. Fruiting peduncle long, straight, or slightly dent near a'pex. Follicle sparingly glandular-hairy, oblong, curved upward, ending abrwptly in a beak one-third to one-half its length — April to July — Fields, Syria and Palestine. 8. I>. Cappadociciim, Boiss. Pubescent with white hairs below, and golden hairs loith glandular lyase above. Lobes of leaves oblong-lanceolate. Racemes loose ; flowers violet. Middle lobe of petal oblong, bifid, as long as, and narrower than lateral lobes. Spur tioice as long as petals. Fruiting peduncles sj^reading, recurved. Follicles sparsely hairy, oblong, tapering into a beak one-fourth their length — June — Aintab and northward. t t Petal obovate, broader than long, truncate, ^-toothed. 9. D. cleserti, Boiss. Dwarf puberulent, viscid, dichoto- mous from base. Leaves oblong, minute. Flowers minute, terminal., yelloio. Spur horizontal, as long as petal. Follicle pubescent, oblong, few seeded — Spring — Lesser desert (Barriyat Ja'far). 1 1 1 Petal 5-lobed. Calyx spur boat-shaped icith a crozier-shap)ed extremity. 10. I>. aiitltoroideiiin, Boiss. Appressed-j^ubescent, dichotomous. Flowers whitisli-rose-colored. Upper lobe of petal bifid longer than intermediate triangular lobes. Lower lobes ovate, larger than the rest. Follicle oblong, ending abruptly in a beak one-fourth its length — Summer — Dry places from middle zone of Antilebanon, Lebanon, and Coelesyria, to Aintab and northward. * * Follicles 3. Petals distinct, the upjper notched. 11. 1>. peregrinuin, L. More or less pubescent, or glabrous, glaucescent. Branches stiff, straight, nearly naked. Lower leaves 3-parted, leaflets cut into linear-lanceolate lobes. Upper leaves entire, linear. Flowers molet-colored. Laminae of lateral petals a little shorter than, or as long as claw. Spur straight, ascending, once and • a half to tioice as long as flower. Follicles cylindrical, mucronate or aristate, slightly hairy — June to October — Dry places, Syria and Palestine to 1,500 m. A variable species, including D. virgatum, Poir, and perhaps D. halteratum, Sibth. et 8m, Var. . Bovei, Decaisme. Dwarf, glabrous, excepting the appressed-pubescent peduncles. Branches rigid. Lower leaves oblong- spathulate, trifid. Stem leaves linear -lanceolate, acute, undivided. KANUNCULACB^. (CHOWPOOT FAMILY.) 47 Racemes shorty loose. Laminae of lateral petals one-half or one-third as long as claw. Spur ascending, thrice as long as flower. Follicles glabrous^ somewhat divergent — Spring — Lesser desert. ' * * * Follicles 3-5. Petals separate, setose, the upper ^-loled. IS. I>. Ithaburense, Boiss. 2f Sparingly pubescent. Stem tall, angled, simple. Leaves pahnately -parted, segments cuneate, cut and divided into oblong-linear lobes. Racemes rather dense. Flowers Muish-ichite. Sepals pubescent without ; petals setose. Follicles hirsute, tapering into a long beak — May and June — Valley to the north of el Jebel el Ahmar, near Antioch, Mt. Tabor. 12. PiEOXIA, L. Peony. Narmishlc. Sepals 5, persistent, leaf -like, unequal. Petals 5 or more. Follicles 2-5, dehiscent on their inner side — Perennial herbs, with 1-2 ternate leaves, large showy flowers, and fleshy root-stock, bearing tuberous fibres. P. corallina, Retz. If Leaves bi-ternate, glabrous, rarely puberulent beneath, leaflets distinct, oblong-elliptical, entire. Flowers rose-colored, 0.1 m. broad. Follicles woolly, becoming horizontal — Spring — Woods, Cassius, Amanus, and northward. Var. triternata, Boiss. Leaflets round-ovate, frequently sub- cordate, obtuse, or slightly acute — Afka. Amanus. Order II. BERBERIDACfliE. (Barberry Family.) Herbs or shruhs^ with alternate leaves^ with sepals and petals hoth imbricated in the bud, in two rows. The hypo- gynous stamens as many as the petals and opposite to them / anthers adnate, opening by two elastic vaPoes at the top, Ova/ry solitary, 1-celled. — Sepals 34-6. Petals as many, or twice as many as sepals. Frnit a berry, or an inflated capsule, irregularly torn at maturity. * Fruit an inflated capsule. Flowers panicled. L BONGARDIA. Herbs. Leaves all radical. Capsule O.Ol m. long. 2. LEONTICE. Herbs. Stem leafy. Capsule 0.02 m. to 0,03 m. long. * Fruit a small berry. Flowers in small, corymbose racemes. 3. BERBERIS. Shrubs with 3-parted thorns. 1. BOXOARDIA, C. A. Mey. Sepals 3-G, bracts 0. Petal 6, destitute of scale, but furnished with a nectar-bearing pore at base. Stamens 6. Style short; stigma discoid, plicate-lobed. Ovules 5-6, basilar. Fruit an inflated capsule, opening when ripe by an irregular laceration ; seeds 1-4, globular — Glabrous herbs, with leaves all radical, and root a large turnip-shaped conn, 0.20 m. or more beneath the surface of the soil. 48 BERBEHIDACE^. (BARBERRY FAMILY.) B. chrysogonum, L. If ^urf-ud-dih. — Leaves pin- -pm. 5. natisect, segments sessile, obovate-cuneate. 3-6 fid at apex, opposite, or in whorls of 4 at the lower part of the leaf. Stem loosely panicled with scales at the base of the branches. Capsule ovate-oMo?ig, 0.01 m. long — Early Spring — Fields, Syria and Palestine to 1,000 m. Root used as a remedy for Epilepsy. 2. LEO^TICE, L. Lion's Leaf. Sepals 6, bracts 0. Petals 6, with a stipitate scale at inner face of base. Stamens 6. Style short, stigma obtuse, indistinct. Ovules 2-4 basilar Capsule inflated, seeds globular — Glabrous herbs, with root as in last, and leafy stem. Li, leontopetalum, L. 2f KTiamirat Adhdr. Leaves Mternatisecty leaflets ovate or obovate, rarely subcordate. Inflorescence a large, dense, leafy panicle. Bracts oblong, much shorter than the pedicels. Capsule round-ovate,0.02 m. to 0.03 long — Early Spring — Fields, Syria and Palestine to 1,000 m. Root used as a remedy for Epilepsy. Bongardia cliirvsoEro* Var. oblong^ifolium, Post. Leaves 2-3-ternatisect. num, l. Leaflets oblong, obtuse, truncate or retuse, cuspidate — Aintab. 3. BERBERIS, L. Barberry. Berleris. Sepals 6, bracteolate. Petals 6, concave, with two glands at inner aspect of base. Stamens 6. Stigma peltate. Berry with 3-3 subbasilar, erect seeds — Shrubs with 3-5-parted thorns. B. cretica, L. 5 Low. Leaves firm, nearly sessile, obovate- elliptical, entire, or slightly serrate, hardly as long as 3 -parted thorns. Racemes few-flowered, corymbose, shorter than leaves. Berries ellip- soid, blach — Summer — Lebanon and Antilebanon, above 1,200 m. B. crat(Bgina, B. C. is a variety of this species with longer leaves and exserted racemes. Order IIL IVYIWPHiEACEiE. (Water-Lily Family.) AquatiG perennial herhs, with submerged root-stocks, and floating or emersed cordate or peltate leaves^ and floating or emersed flowers / the ovules i^arietal, and the embryo en- closed in a small sac at the end of the albumen, next to the hilum. — Flowers regular, axillary, solitary. Torus fleshy, urn-shaped, enclosing carpels. Sepals 4-5, inserted at base of torus. Petals numerous, inserted in many rows into the torus. Stamens indefinite, in many rows inserted into the torus ; anthers adnate. Fruit berry-like consisting of the fleshy torus, enclosing carpels, which adhere to it and one another. 1. :NY]»IPIIiEA, L. Water-Lily. Watee-Nymph. Ul-Haudhdn. Sepals 4, green outside, nearly free. Petals destitute of a nectar- bearing pore, inserted over the whole torus. Stamens inserted on the NYMPHiBACE^. (PONDLILY FAMILY.) 49 fleshy torus which incloses the carjDels, the outer petaloid. Carpels 18-20, connate forming a capsuloid berry with a concave summit, having a globular projection in the centre — Flowers white, blue, or rose-color, very showy. N. alb», L. If White Water-lily. Leaves cordate entire. Sepals obtuse. Petals lohite^ ovate, obtusf^. Anthers blunt. Stigmas with short,, cylindrical appendages — Summer — Huleh and; northward. 2. WUPHAR, Smith. Yellow Pozjd-Lily. Spattek-Dock. Sepals 5. Petals stamen-like, or scale-like, with a nectar-bearing pore at back, inserted under the carpels. Carpels connate, in a ring, forming a capsule-like berry — Flowers yellow, not showy. ]!¥, luteum, L. If Common yellow Water-lily. Leaves ovate deeply cordate. Sepals orbiculate, concave. Anthers oblong-linear. Stigma unbilicate, 12-16-rayed, entire, or slightly repand — Summer — In ponds and streams, throughout. Order IV. PAPAVERACE^. (Poppy Family.) Herbs with milky or colored juice^ flowers regular (except Hyjpecomn^ which has two unequal pairs of opposite petals)^ with fugacious sepals y poly androus hypogynous, the ovary 1-celled' with two or more parietal placentm^ or a silique^ %celled hy a spongy partition connecting the placenice, or a lotnent separated into joints hy transverse partitions^ or apparently a many-celled capsule^ the placentce nearly reaching the axis, — Petals 4-6. Stamens usually numerous (in Hypecoiim 4). Ovules numerous. Capsule opening by pores or valves. Leaves alternate, exstipulate. Fig. 6 c e f Fig, 6. (o) Bud of Papaver rhaeas, L. showing the caducous sepals, separating like a hood, (ft) Open flower of the same, showing 4 petals, numerous stamens, and obovate 5 50 PAPAVBRACE^, (POPPY FAMILY.) ovary, crowned with a convex disk and rayed stigmas. (ci Ripe capsule of same, with umbonate disk, {d) Capsule of P, hybridum, L, (e) Silique of Clielidonium. (/) The same after separation of valves, (g) Loment of Hypecoum procumbens, L. •^ Flowers regular. 1. PAPAVER. Ovary an incompletely several-celled capsule Stigmas 4-20. 2. RCEMERIA. Ovary 1-celled, Stigmas 3-4 Fruit elongated siliquiform. 3. GLAUCIUM. Ovary a silique with spongy partition, and 2-cells, Stigma 2-lobed. * * Flowers irregular, the similar petals opposite each other in pairs. Ovary 1-celled, 4. HYPECOUM. Plants with orange-colored juice, and leaves dissected like those of Fumaria. 1. PAPAVER, L. Poppy. KUshJcMsh. Sepals 2-B. Petals 4, rarely 5-6, crumpled in the l)ud. Stamens very numerous. Stigma sessile, united in a flat 4-20-rayed disk crowning the ovary. Capsules ovate club-shaped, or cylindrical, or ellij)tical, with parietal placentae extending nearly to the axis, forming several to many false cells, opening by pores or chinks under the edges of the stigmas — Herbs, with generally milky or colored juice, the flower buds nodding. * Biennials, Floicers dull jAnkish. DUlc angled. Stigmas 3-9. 1. P. Liibaiiotictim, Boiss. (D Sparingly bristly. Stems low, ascending, simple, 1-flotcered, or somewhat hranched Ijdoxo %^-fiowered. Leaves pinnatisect with slioi% crowded, oblong, obtuse lobes. Buds obovate. Capsule glabrous, obovate-oMong^ 0.015 m. to 0.02 long, much broader thnn depressed-conical disk — Late Summer — Highest summits of Lebanon and Antilebanon. 2. P. Caueagicueii, M. B. (D More or less bristly. Stems much hranched, many-Jlowered. Leaves bipinnatisect or parted, with elongated, oblong or linear-lanceolate, acute lobes. Buds spherical. Capsule glabrous, rarely somewhat appressed hairy, elliptical or oUong, 0.01 m. long, broader than conical or pyramidal disk — Late Sumfner — Highest summits of northern Amanus, and Akkerdagh. 3. P. liyoscyamifoliuiii, Boiss. et Haussk. @ Glaucous. Stem thick, thyrsoid. Leaves short, somewhat leathery, sparingly bristly, oblong-lanceolate, pinnatipartite, with short, triangular, slight- ly dentate lobes. Buds ovate. Capsule glabrous, oblong, angled, with abruptly tapering apex, and convex, 4-5-lol)ed disk, narrower than capsule — Summer — Chalky soil, 300 m. to 600 ; Aspadrul near Aintab, and northward. * * Annuals. t Gap>sule glabrous. \ Filaments awl-shaped. a. Stem leaves not clasping. 4. P. rlijeas, L. Corn-Poppy. Shuqaiq un-nu'-mdn. Bristly, rarely glabrescent. Leaves pinnately or bipinnately parted or cut, with oblong-lanceolate segments. Petals deep crimson, usually broader PAP AVERAGES. (POPPY FAMILY.) 51 than loug. Anthers oblong or ovate. Capsule obovate, club-shaped, or oblong. Stigmas 6 to 10 — Spring — Fields and waste places, common everywhere. This variable species should include P. iniibo- Fig. 7 natum, Boiss. with umbonate capsule, (Fig. 6, c), probably P. slyJatiim, Boiss. et Bal., and P. caavatiiiJi, Boiss. et Haussk. It also includes var. g-cstiiiiiui!i, Boiss. with short obovate cap- sules, (Fig. 6, I) ; var. obloei^atum, Boiss. with obovate-oblong capsules ; var. Syriactim, Boiss., with oblong, club-shaped capsules. All these («) Disk with overlap- varieties vary with leaves entire or nearly so, or ?'"§ scallops (&) Disk with segments more or less acute, sometimes ^'^^ ^«P^^^*^^ ^^^"°P^- linear, entire or toothed, sometimes obtuse, rarely ^. Plants of both vane- ,' ,_. T IT J \ 1 ties in all other respects lyrate. P. diitomm, L. would seem to be only ^s in P. rhieas. a variety with the scallops of the disk not overlap- ping. The scallops of fully ripe capsules seldom overlap, (see Fig. 7, ?>). 5. P. polytricliiim, Boiss. et Ky. More or less hirsute. Leaves lanceolate, pinnatifid or pinnatisect, with sliort, oUusely Med segments. Petals crimson. Anthers ovate-globose. Capsule club-shaped, obovate-oblong, with convex, or umbonate disk. Stigmas 7-8 — Spring — Rocky places and fields, Beirut, El-Koura, Antilebanon, Damascus, and northward. Too near the last. &. Stem leaves clasping. 6. -P. i^lauciim, Boiss. et Haussk. © Glaucous, glabrous with exception of a few bristles along peduncles. Radical leaves obovate- oblong tapering to a petiole ; stem leaves cordate at base, pinnately lobed or parted, lobes triangular, obtusely toothed. Sepals glabrous. Petals crimson. Capsule ovate, stipitate. Disk flat, with broad scallops. Stigmas less than 12 — Early Summer — Tchermalik, in northern Syria. X X Filaments cltib-shaped at apex. 7, P. somiiiferHin, L.0 Common Poppy. Glaucous, glabrous, or sparingly bristly. Leaves oblong, unequally dentate below, cordate at base. Petals white, or rose-colored with eroded-lobed margin. Capsule obovate, stipitate, with flat disk — Spring. Var. glabrum, Boiss. Stouter, glabrous, leaves less deeply lobed. Capsule large, flattened-spherical. Stigmas 10 to 12 — Es- caped from cultivation. Cultivated for Opium. t t Capsule bristly, 8. P. liytoridiim, L. Setulose. Leaves bipinnatipartite, with linear segments. Petals vinous-red. Capsule (Fig. 6, d) ovate- globular, copiously beset with strong, needle-like, curved bristles. ^ Disk one-third as broad as capsule, sulcate, obsoletely crenate — Spring — Fields; common. 53 PAPAVERACEiK. (POPPY FAMILY.) Fig 9. P. Argemoiie, L. Setulose. Leaves bipin- natisect. with acute lobes. Stem elongated, erect. Petals pale scarlet. Capsule (Fig. 8) oUong- elliptical, sparingly beset with ^ceah, straight bristles. Disk a little narrower than capsule — Spring — Fields ; less common than last. 2. rj)Osite the outer petals. Corolla flattened, closed at apex ; the 4 petals in pairs, the similar ones opposite each other ; the outer with spread- ing tips, and (in ours) the upper only spurred at base ; the inner narrower, with callous tips united over the stigma. Stamens in two sets of 3 each, united by their filaments ; the middle anther of each set 2-celled, the lateral 1-celled. Pod either a 1-celled, 1-seeded, indehiscent nutlet, or a silique. 1. CORYDALIS. Fruit an ovate, or oblong-lanceolate silique. 2. CERATOCAPNUS. Lower fruits urn-shaped nutlets with a conical lid, upper oblanceo- late capsules with an ensiform beak. 3. FUMARIA. Fruit a globular, 1-seeded nutlet 1. CORYDALIS, D.C. Corydalis. Upper set of stamens long-spurred at base. Stigma 2-lobed. Silique many seeded; seeds arillate — Perennials, (ours) with tuberous roots^ and terminal racemes of handsome flowers. FUMARIACE^. (FUMITORY FAMILY.) 55 1 .C. rutaefolia, Sibth. 71 (Fig. 12) Stem destitute of scales at base. Stem leaves opposite, short- petiolecl or sessile, 1-2-ter- nately-parted, leaflets petio- lulate, entire or trisect, with large ovate, rhomboidal, or elliptical lobes. Flowers deep Tose-colm^ed, crescentic, %oith upturned spur, Silique ovate — April and May — Alpine and subalpine regions of Lebanon, Antilebanon, Amanus, and northward. 2. C. solida, Smith. Jl Stem scaly at base. Stem-leaves alternate, long- petioled, 2-ternately parted, and dissected into small, oblong lobes. Flowers ptallid; spur straight, or somewhat dejiexed at apex, Silique oblong-lanceolate — Spring — Middle and subalpine regions of Lebanon, Anti- lebanon, Nusairy Moun- tains, and northward. Fig. 12 Fig. 12. («) Flower bud of Corydalis rutaefolia, Sibth, (Zi) One of the caducous sepals, (c) A flower, after the separation of the calyx, (rf) The upper petal, (c) A lateral petal. (/) The lower petal {g). The upper set of stamens, with a long spur. (A) The lower set of stamens, without spur, (i) The pistil, with its slender style, and 2-lobed stigma. 2, CERATOCAPXOS, Dueieu. Upper set of stamens spurred at base. Stigma minute, flattened, dilated. Nutlets 1 -seeded; capsules 1-2-seeded; seeds not arillate — Perennial, climbing, tendril-bearing vines, with short racemes of small rose-colored flowers. C. Palaestina, Boiss. 2^ Leaves°l-2-ternate ; leaflets petiolulate, ovate, obtuse, entire, mucronulate. Bracts in flower a little longer, and in fruit a little shorter than pedicel — Feb. to May — Hedges and rocks ; coast range and maritime plains of Syria and Palestine. 3, FUMARIA, L. Fumitory. Shahtarraj. Riz-ud-dejdj. Spur of upper set of stamens often obsolete. Stigma 2-homed. ISTutlet indehiscent. Seeds not arillate — Annuals, without tendrils, with finely dissected leaves and small flowers in dense racemes or spikes. ARTIFICIAL KEY TO THE SPECIES. ^ Fruiting pedicels recurved. Sepals broader than corolla. 7, F. Capreolata, 6, Anatolica, S, Tliureti. 56 FUMARIACE^. (PUMITOIIT FAMILY.) * * Fruiting pedicels erect or spreading t Flowers smaller than F, officinalis, ie., less than 0,01 m. long. f Sepals broader than corolla, 5, F. micrantlia. J X Sepals narrower than corolla, or wanting. 2, F. Vaillantii, 3, parviflora, 4, asepala. I f Flowers as large as, or larger than F. officinalis, ie., 0,01 m. or more in length, a. Sepals as broad as, or broader than corolla. 11, F. GaiJlardoti. b. Sepals narrower than corolla, 1, F. officinalis, 9, macrocarpa, 10, Judaica. $ 1. OFFICINAL ES. FlowersO.Olm.long,orle.ss. Fruit nearly smooth. 1. F. offleiiiali§, L. Lobes of leaves flat, oblong-linear. Sepals ovate, acuminate, acutely dentate, a little narrower than pink corolla, and one-third as long. Bracts a little shorter than erect-spreading fruiting pedicels. Fruit ohcordate, hroader than long — Spring — Ba'albek and northward. 2. F. Vaillaiitii, Loisel © Glaucous, rigid. Lobes of leaves flat, narrowly linear. Sepals oblong, acute, dentate, narrower than pedicel, one-eighth to one-tenth as long as pink corolla. Bracts as long as erect-spreading fruiting pedicels. Fruit globular, ohtuse — Spring — Aleppo. 3. F. parviflora. Lam. Glaucous, diffuse. Lobes of leaves narrowly-linear, ohtuf^r^ Sejoals ovate, dentate, acute, a little hroader than the pedicel, one-sixth as long as w7u^e, rarely pinkish corolla. Bracts as long as erect-spreading fruiting pedicels. Fruit globular, apAculate — Feb. to May — Fields and grassy places ; everywhere. 4. F. asepala, Boiss. Glaucous, rigid, low, compact. Lot^es of leaves flat, oblong-linear, «cw^6. TXaceuies few Jloicered, nearly sessile, overtojjped, and more or less concealed l)y upper leaves. Sepals usually alorti'De, Corolla white. Bracts as long as erect-spreading fruiting pedicels. Fruit globular, apiculate — Feb. to May — Fields ; Phceni- cian coast and Lebanon to Aintab, and northward. 5. F. micraiitha. Lag. Green. Compact, erect or spreading. Lobes of leaves narrowly linear. Sepals round-ovate, half as long as, and broader than rose-colored corolla. Bracts somewhat longer than erect-spreading fruiting pedicels. Fruit globular, somewhat keeled, obtuse — Spring — Fields; common. 6. F. Anatolica, Boiss. Green. Compact, erect or spreading. Lobes of leaves narrowly-linear. Sepals, ovate-acuminate, dentate, half as long as, and a little broader than pink corolla. Bracts larger than recurved fruiting pedicels. Fruit globular, obtuse — Spring — Fields ; Mt. Carmel to Aintab, and northward. Too near F. micrantha. $ CAPREOIiAT-SJ, Flowers between 0.01 m, and 0.015 long. Fruit nearly smooth. Pedicel recurved. PAPAVERA(iE^. (POPPY FAMILY.) 7. F. eapreolata, L.0(Fig.ia). Lobes of leaves Hat olttvae. Sepals ovate, acute, dentate, somewltat Jjroader tJian^ and half as long as irhite^ jmvple-tiiJ'ped corolla. Bracts shorter than fruiting pedicel. Fruit somewhat compressed, globular, obtuse — 'Spring — Diffuse, climbing or pendulous on hedges and walls; maritime region and coast ranges; Bauias. 57 Fig. 13 / of leaves minuie^ oblong-linear, acute. Sepals ovate, repand-dentate, somewhat broader, and one-half to one-third as long as (leej) jdnk corolla. Bracts a little shorter than fruiting pedicel. Fruit ovate-globose, acutish — Spring — Near Ehedin. Too near F. Anatolica. ^ 3, AGRARI^. Flowers between 0.01 m. and 0,015 long. Fruit tubercled 9. F. iiiacrocarpa, Parl,0 Lobes of leaves oblong, rather obtuse. Sepals lanceolate-linear, much narrower, and one-third as long as pale-pink, greenish- tipped corolla. Bracts about as long as erect-spreading fruiting jiedicels. Fruit large, globular, slightly compressed, scarce- ly heeled — Spring — Fields and rocky places ; maritime regions, and coast ranges. Fiff. 13. («) Flower of Fumaria capreolata, L. (b) One of the sepals somewhat enlarged, (c) Upper petal, (d) Lower petal, (c) One of the lateral petals. (/) Upper set of stamens with its spur, (it) The pistil with 2-horne(l stigma, (A) The nutlet with the bract sub- tending its pedicel. 10. F. Jiiilaiea, © Lobes of leaves oblong, acutish. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, much narrower, and one-fourth as long as pale-pink, purple-tipped corolla. Bracts from half as long to as long as fruiting pedicels. Fruits smaller than the last, compressed, heeled, obtuse — Spring — Hedges, and stony places, maritime plain and coast ranges. Too near F. macrocarpa. 11. F. Oaillardoti, Boiss. Lobes of leaves oblong, obtuse. Sepals oblong, acute, dentate at base, as broad, and half as long as pale, purple-tipped corolla. Bracts longer than erect-spreading, or someiohat recurmd fruiting pedicels. Fruit globular, compressed, keeled, obtuse, mucronulate — Spring — Phoenician plain, and lower regions of coast ranges. Order VL CRUCIFER^, (Mustard Family). Ilerhs or sJirtcbs with jncngeni^ watery juice^ usually al- ternate leaves, and cruciform, tetradynamous flmoers ; fruit a silique, silicle, indehiscent 1-celled nutlet, or loment. — Sepals 4, generally caducous. Petals 4, hypogynous, .2:enerally regular, opposite each other in pairs, their spreadino^ limbs 58 CRUCIPER^. (mustard FAMILY.) forming a cross. Stamens 6, 2 of them shorter, and inserted lower down, (rarely 4 or 2). Ovary consisting of two coalesced carpels, 2-, i*are]y 1-celled ; style and stigma entire, or 2-lobed. Fig. 14 Fi?, 14. (a) Flower of Mustard, enlarged, (b) The tetradynamous stamens, also enlarged, (c) Siliques of Arabis turrita, L., one of them with the valve gone, showing the seeds suspended from the marginal placenta?, (rf) A seed cut crosswise, much enlarged, showing the accumbent cotyledons, and the wing around the seed, (e) The embryo (/) A flower of Matthiola, (g) Its tetradynamous stamens, enlarged, (h) A raceme of Draba. (?) A silicle of the same, cut across, showing the partition, and seeds suspended from marginal placenta?. (;) One of the seeds cut across, much enlarged, showing the incumbent cotyledons. Suborder I. SILiIQUOStE. Pods siliques, linear, r^r oblong (except in ^nastatica II, Savignya 94, and Carrichtera 25), dehiscent for their whole length, or all except the apex (except in Andreoskia). Valves parallel to septum, and equalling it in breadth. Tribe I. ARABIDEJE. Seeds orbicular or oval, in one row (except in Nasturtium 5, Nasturtiopsis 4, and Arabis 6). Cotyledons accumbent (in Nasturtiopsis 4, incumbent). * JVot desert plants. 1. MATTHIOLA. 1^ Woolly herbs. Flowers pinkish-purple, yellow, or livid. Pods flattened, often 2-homed. 2. CHEIRANTHUS. 71 Canescent, shrubby plants. Flowers large, yellow. Pods 4-angled. 3. NASTURTIUM. 1^ Glabrous or glabrescent herbs. Flowers white. Pods linear, or ob Ion?, turgid. Seeds in 2 rows, 5. BARBAREA. If!® Glabrous herbs ; stems 4-angled. Flowers yellow. Pods 4-angled. CliUCIFERiE. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 50 6. AARBIS. 2X (D Herbs, usually pubescent; radical leaves spathulate. Flowers white pink, or yellow. Pods linear, flattened, 1-nerved. Seeds sometimes in 2 rows. 7. CARDAMINE © Glabrous herbs. Flowers white. Pods flattened. Nerves 0. 9. ANDREOSKIA, © Glabrous herbs. Flowers white. Pods linear, keeled, 2-horned. ** Desert plants, or plants of Jordan Valley. 4. NASTURTIOPSIS. © Green herbs. Flowers yellow. Pods short, cylindrical, turgid. 8. MORETTIA, If Prostrate, stellate-tomentose herbs. Flowers whitish pink. Pods oblong, terete. 10. NOTOCERAS. © Dwarf, appressed-canescent herbs. Flowers minute, white. Pods oblong, keeled, 2-horned 11. ANASTATICA, © Dwarf stellate-canescent herbs. Flowers minute, white. Pods ovate-spherical, aE.E. Pods composed of twin, orbicular cells, or oblong, ovate, obovate, obcordate, or obtriangular. Cotyledons accumbent. 40. BISCUTELLA. © Pods composed of twin, orbicular cells. 41. IlELDREICHIA. 2f Pods obovate-truncate, broader than long. Alpine plants. 42. THLASPI. d) © Pods obcordate, or oblong. Flowers racemed, sometimes irregular, 43. IBERIS. (D © Pods ovate, obcordate, or obovate-horned. Flowers in umbels, irregular. 44. TEES D ALIA. © Pods obovate, keeled, winged. Flowers racemed, minute, wljite, 45. CARPOCERAS, (D Pods obtriangular, horned. Suborder 111. NUCAMENTACEiE. Pods indehiscent, twin, or sinple nutlets,, wingless, or winged. Tribe VIII. SENEBIERIE^E. Pods twin, 1-celled nutlets. Cotyledons narrow, incumbent. 46. SENEBIERA. (2) © Pods broader than long, rough-tubercled. Tribe IX. ISATII>E-E. Pods single nutlets, winged or wingless, 1 celled with 1-2 seeds, or 2-4-celled with 1 seed in each cell. * Pods winged. t Cotyledons accumbent. Pods orbicular, or obovate. 47. PELT ARIA. If Pods large, 0.01 m. Stamens not appendaged. Tall, glabrous herbs. 48. CLYPEOLA, © Pods small, 0.004 m. or less. Low, canescent herbs. t t Cotyledons incumbent. Pods ovate, oblong, or linear, 49 TSATIS. if © Pods bony or horny, with leathery or papery wings, I t t Cotyledons wrinkled lengthwise. Pods ovate. CllUCIFERyE. (MUSTAIID FAMILY.) 61 50. BOREAVA. Pods 4-winged. Plants with habit of Bunias. * * Pods wingless {except Bimias'), f Cotyledons incumbent, flat, or transversely wrinkled. 51. NESLIA. Pods small, 0.02 m., oblate-spheroidal 5 style awl-shaped. f t Cotyledons wrinkled lengthwise. 52. TEXIERA, Pods spherical, smooth, pendent by delicate peduncles. 53 CALEPINA. Pods ovate-spherical, rough ; style apiculate. 54 SCHIMPERA. Pods obliquely ovate, with oblique beak. Desert herbs. t t t Cotyledons accumbent, 55. MVAGRUM. Pods violin-shaped ; style awl-like ; cells 3, the central fertile. 56. EUCLIDIUM. Pods small, 2-celled, appressed to stem. Low, rigid herbs. 57. OCHTIIODIUM. Pods small, 2-celled, peduncled, with 4 rough-tubercled angles. t t t t Cotyledons curved, or convolute. 58. BUNIAS. Pods 4-angled, winged, keeled, 4-2 celled, cells in pairs, 1 1 t t t Cotyledons eondtiplicate. 59. ZILLA. 5 Pods ovate-pyramidal, 2-celled. Thorny desert shrubs. Suborder IV. IiOMENTACKtE. Loments transversely 2-jointed ; lower joint indehiscent, seedless ; or dehiscent, 2-ceIled, 2 - go, seeded ; or more or less obsolete : upper joint indehiscent, 1-celied 1 - co-seeded, or 2- cx-celled, cells in 1-2 rows, 1-seeded. Tribe X, CAKIIiINK.E. Lower joint of loment conspicuous, indehiscent, seedless ; or dehiscent, seedless or seeded. Upper joint 1-celled, 1-6-seeded, or with 1-4 cells, in one row. * Loioer joint of pod indehiscent. 60. CRAM BE, 1i Lower joint pedicilliform, seedless ; upper globular, obsoletely ribbed. 61. RAPISTRUM. Lower joint obovate, seedless ; upper ovate, ribbed. 62. DIDESMUS. (2) Lower joint oblong, seedless ; upper ovate-pyramidal, ribbed. 63. CAKILE. Lower joint barbed at base ; upper ensiform, 1-seeded. 64. EN ARTHROCARPUS. Loment elongated ; each of its joints 2-6-seeded. * * Lower joint of pod dehiscent, ^-valved, in ours 2-4 seeded, 65. ERUCARIA. Lower joint cylindrical, 2-4 seeded, upper globular, or oblong, 1-4 celled. Tribe XL RAPHANEiE. Loments, with obsolescent or obsolete lower joint: upper joint 1-celled, GO-seeded ; or with numerous, 1-seeded cells in 1-2 rows, cells at length separating. * Cells of upper joint 1-Cr> in l-row, or 2-6 in two rows. 66. RAPHANUS. Lower joint rudimentary. Seeds globular. 67. ANCHONIUM. IX Lower joint obsolescent. Seeds oblong, broad. * * Lower joint obsolete. Cells of upper joint go, in 2 rows. 68. CHORISPORA. Sterile cells usually alternating with fertile. Style long, 69. STERIGMA. © All the cells fertile. Style short, 1. MATTIHOLA, II. Br. Stock. MentMr. Calyx erect, saccate at base. Petals clawed. Pods with thick septum ; lobos of stigma erect, connivent, decurrcnt along style, often horned — Woolly or canescent herbs, with stellate, or branching hairs, and purplish, yellowish, or livid flowers. 62 CRUCIFEK^. (MUSTATID FAMILY.) * Perennials. Horns of stigma 0, or very shorty 0.002 m, long. Petals purplish, livid, or dingy -yellow. 1. M. albicauli§, Boiss. 11 Stellate-velvety. Stem 1 m, to 1.20, sulcate, angled. Leaves oblong, entire, acute, 0.10 to 0.15 m. long. Petals dingy-purple. Vo^& glabrous, 0.12 m. long, and 0.006 broad ; stigma narrow. Seeds with broad wing — April to May — Moab?, and eastward to Persia. 2. M. crassifolia, Boiss. et Gaill. 2^ Densely woolly with hrancliing hairs ; base bushy. Leaves oUong, entire, or olsoletely sinuate, obtuse. Fetals jmr^jlish. Pods 0.10 m, long, and 0.004 broad, woolly ; stigma a little narrower than ripe pod — April to June — Rocks ; Phoenician coast, and probably southward. Var. pinnatiflda, Post. Lower leaves more or less pinnatifid — Beirut. 3. M. Damascciia, Boiss. 21 Densely woolly with branching hairs ; stems simple or branched at base. Leaves ovate-oblong, sinuate, or coarsely 2-3-toothed-lobed. Petals dingy-yellow. Pod 0.15 m. long, 0.003 broad, woolly ; stigma much narrower than ripe pod — April to June — Antilebanon. Damascus. 4. M, tri§ti§, L. If Appressed-canescent, much branched, shrubby at base. Leaves linear, entire, or 1-2-dentate-lobed on each side. Flowers sessile ; petals livid, or 'purplish. Fods slender, 0.07 to 0.08 m. long, spreading ; stigma with lateral tubercles, or horizontal, acute horns, 0.002 m. long — Early Summer — Pits at quarries ; Beirut ^Blanche). 5. M. Arabica, Boiss. If Woolly- canescent, 0.75 m. to 1 m. high, many stemmed, rigid, branching from base. All the leaves lanceo- late-linear, entire. Flowers sessile ; petals livid. Pods spreading, pubescent, 0.05 m. long, incurved-twisted ; stigma ovate, somewhat broader than pod — Spring — Ut Tih, and eastern desert. * * Annuals. Stigma ^-horned. Pods terete. t Lamina of petals obovate or oblong, pmrpjle or pinlc. 6. ]?I. liumilis, DC. © Ashy -velvety, 0.10 m. Leaves linear, or lanceolate, dentate, or pinnatifid. Flowers sessile. Pods 0.03 m. to. 0.05 long,0. 0015 broad; stigma short, conical, or bigibbous ; horns 0.001 m. to 0.002 long, horizontal — Spring — Gaza, and southward to Egypt. 7. ]fl. tricuspidata, L. © Canescent, low, 0.15 m. to 0.20, diffusely branching from base. Leaves oblong, sinuate-pinnatifid, with rounded lobes. Pods 0.06m. long, 0.002 broad, spreading, woolly; stigma conical, with divergent or horizontal, awl-shaped horns, equal- ling or exceeding it in length — March and April — Sands along coast ; commori. Fig. 15 Pod of M. tricuspidata. CRUCIFERiE. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 63 §. M, bicornis, Sibth. et Sm. 0O.4Ora. Ashy-jntherulent, bran- ching. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, pinnatifid, the upper Unea7\ entire. Pods 0.06 m. long, 0.001 broad ; stigma Dcry short, obtuse, with hori- zontal or incurved horns, 4 or 5 times as long as diameter of pod — April and May — Fields ; Aintab and northward. 9. in. aspera, Boiss. © Rough with branching hairs, greenish. Stem low. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, obsoletely rep)and. Pods rigid, spreading; stigma conical, more or less elongated, with erect or divergent, awl-shaped horns, twice as long as diameter of pod — Spring — Desert of Judaea. tt Laniiifm of petals linear-lanceolate.^ livid, tmvy-margined. 10. M. oxyceras, DC. Qurainah. Canescent, glandular. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, sinuate, &r pinnatifid. Pods 0.07 m. long, 0.001 broad, terete, torulose ; horns of prominent stigma acute, awl- shaped, 4-6 times as long as diameter of pod, horizontal or deflexed — March to May — Waste places ; Palmyra to Coelesyria, Moab, southern Palestine, and southward. Var. lunata, Boiss. Stigma short, obtuse ; horns horizontal, or incurved — Lower Jordan valley. Var. forcipifera, Boiss. Stigma short ; horns short, broad at base, incurved, with introflexed tips, often contiguous — Aleppo. - Var. brevicornis, Post. Jerla'-. Pods often contorted. Stigma more or less prominent ; horns horizontal or deflexed, once or tioice as long as diameter of pod — Same range as type. (if. livida Del,) 2. CHEIRAMTHUS, D.C. Hand-Flower. Calyx erect, saccate at base. Petals clawed, yellow. Pods 4-angled, flattened ; valves 1-nerved ; lobes of stigma divergent — Perennials, shrubby at base, canescent with bipartite hairs. C. Clieiri, L. 11 Wall-flower. Leaves lanceolate-linear, entire, or somewhat dentate. Flowers 0.02 m. long, deep-yellow, fragrant — Spring — Antioch. 3. I^ASTURTIUM, R. Br. Water-Cress. Jerjdr, Sepals equal, spreading. Petals entire, clawed. Pods generally turgid, more or less flattened, valves nerveless, or obsoletely 1-nerved; stigma nearly simple. Seeds in 2 rows, minute — Glabrous, or spar- ingly hairy, perennial herbs. * Flowers white. Glands 4, p)lacental. 1. N. officinale, L. 2J! Common Water-Cress. i^esM^Z. Qiirrah. Leaves pinnate, 3-7 pairs ; leaflets repand-elliptical, terminal round- ovate, cordate at base. Pods oUong-Unear, 0.015 to 0.02 m. long, and 0.002 m. broad, longer than nearly horizontal pedicels, often incurved; seeds pitted — March to July — Wet places ; common. * * Floicers yelloio. Placental glands 4, valvular 2. 2. N. sylvestre, L. 71 Leaves pinnatisect or pinnatifid, with Uong, or lanceolate, entire, dentate, or pinnatifid segments ; upper <^ 64 CRUCIFER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) leaves ofte?i linear. Pods linear^ 0.01 m. long, and 0.001 m. broad, as long as horizontal pedicels ; seeds somewhat rough — April to June — Streams and wet meadows ; subalpine Lebanon. 3. N. coronopifoliiim, DC. If Stem nearly naked, ascend- ing. LeSiYes jnnnatijid-dentate, (resembling those of Plantago Corono- pus) pubescent. Pods linear, incurved, as long as pedicel — Spring — Southern end of Dead Sea. 4. IV. inacrocarpiiiii, Boiss. 2^ Radical leaves long-petioled, oblong, entire, toothed, or lyrate-pinnatifid ; stem-leaves auricled, divided into long^ narrow, linear, entire lobes. Fruiting raceme zigzag. Pods linear, 0.05 m. long, 0.001 broad, four or Jive times as long as the erect-spreading 'pedicel, tapering at point — April to June — Lebanon and Antilebanon ; rare. 4. IVASTURTIOPSIS, Boiss. Calyx equal at base. Petals clawed, entire. Placental glands 2, elongated; valvular, semiannular. Stigma simple. Pods oblong, tur- gid ; seeds in 1 or 2 rows ; cotyledons incumbent — Annuals with yellow flowers, resembling Nasturtium. »f. Aratoica, Boiss. © Sparingly pubescent, ^^g. 16 green. Leaves oblong, dentate, or pectin ate-pinnati- fid. Pods 0.012 m. long, 0.0015 broad, incurved, as long as slender pedicels — March — Ut-Tih and southward . Pod of N. Arabica. 5. BARlSASiEA, R; Br. Winter-Cress. Yellow-Rocket. Calyx equal at base. Petals clawed, entire. Pod oblong, or linear; valves keeled, or ribbed ; stigma somewhat retuse. Seeds elliptical — Biennial, or perennial, glabrous herbs, with yellow flowers. 1. B. plaiitaginea, DC. @ % Lower leaves ovate-oblong, petiolate, or sublvrate, lateral loles usually minute, tooth-li^e ; upi^er leaves sJiort auricled at Use, oblong, dentate. Flowering racemes dense. Pods 0.03 m. or more long, erect-spreading, curved, with a rather long, slender style — May to July — Mountains ; Besherri ? ; north of Amtab, , and northward. 2. B. minor, Koch. 21 Rhizome horizontal. Root- Fig. 17 leaves long-petioled, small, ovate-oblong, entire, or obsolete- ly repand, or sublyrate ; stem-leaves long-auricledatbase^ incised-p>innatijid, or lyrate,t'he uppermost undivided, incised- dentate. Pods 0.02 m. long, 0.002 broad, horizontal ; style apiculate — l^Jay and June ~ Wet places ; subalpine regions of Lebanon, Antilebanon, and northward. 6. ARABIS, L. Rock-Cress. Calyx erect, base equal, or bisaccate. Petals clawed. Stio-ma undivided, or retuse. Pod sessile, elongated, linear; valves flattened, or convex, 1-nerved. Seeds in one row, rarely in 2 — Herbs with white, pinkish-purple, rarely yellow flowers, and undivided leaves. CRUCIFER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 65 * Seeds wingless^ or nearly so, t Annuals^ with Iranching hairs, 1. A. vcriia, L. Stem 0.20 m., simple, or sparingly branched. Root-leaves odovate ; stem-leaves round-ovate, with clasping base, _ all serrate. Raceme with few, purplish flowers, 0.005 m. long ; pedicel shorter than calyx. Pods 0.04 m. long, nearly erect — Spring —Sandy places, and fields ; Hebron to Lebanon, Antilebanon, Nusairy Moun- tains, and northward. 2. A. Montbretiana, Boiss. Stem 0.15 m. to 0.20, nearly simple. Root-leaves oUong ; stem-leaves ovate-oblong^ with _ sagittate, clasping base ; all more or less dentate. Raceme with few, white flowers, 0.003 m. long ; pedicel a little shorter than calyx. Pods 0.04 m. long, spreading — Spring — Lebanon, Antilebanon, Nusairy Mountains, and northward. 3. A. auriciilata, Lam. Stem somewhat branched, 0.30 m. Root-leaves oblong ; stem-leaves ovate-oblong, with sagittate, clasping base; all denticulate. Raceme with somewhat numerous, minute^ white flowers. Pedicel longer than calyx. Fruiting raceme zigzag. Pods 0.05 m. long, less than 0.001 broad, spreading — Spring — Gilead, Hauran, Antilebanon, Lebanon, and northward, 4. A. Auclieri, Boiss, Villous. Stem nearly simple, 0.35 m. Root-leaves ovate ; stem-leaves oilong, and oUong-ovate, not clasping at base; all denticulate. Racemes with few, ^c7w^6 flowers, 0.005 m. long. Pods 0.03 m. to 0.04 long, 0,001 broad, erect — Spring — Sandy fields; Damascus to Aintab, and northward. t t Bimnials, glaucous, or hirsute. 5. A. perfoliata, Lam. © Glaucous. Stem 0.60 m. to 1 m. Root-leaves runcinate-dentate, hirsute with branching hairs ; stem- leaves oblong-lanceolate, cordate-sagittate at base, denticulate, or entire. Petals pale cream-colored. Pods stiff, 6-8 times as long as pedi- cel ; seeds in 2 rows — Spring — Qodmus in Nusairy Mountains, and northward. 6. A. laxa, Sibth. and Sm. @ Glaucous. Stem 0.60 m. to 0.80. Root-leaves lyrate, obtuse, hirsute with branching hairs ; stem-leaves oblong, acute, cordate-auriculate, entire. Vetvil^ white. Pods 0.12 m. long, 0.0015 broad, along one side of stem, spreading — April to July — Shady places ; middle region of Mt. Cassius. Var. cremocarpa, Boiss. Pods <^e^&?;6^, 0.10 m. to 0.13 long — Bikfaya, Hammana, and mountain above Batroun. 7. A. sagittata, Bertol. (D Hirsute. Stem, simple, 0.60 m. Root-leaves oblong, petioled, dentate; stem-leaves ereci, oblong, obscure- ly dentate, with spreading auricles. Pods erect, torulose,_0.05 m. long, 0.001 broad — May and June — Middle region of Lebanon, and northward. tit Perennials, §. A. albida, Stev. If Canescent, or woolly. Stem 0.20, simple, or slightly branched. Root-leaves obovate-oblong, obtuse ; stem-leaves 66 CRUCIFER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) ovate, clasping, sparingly toothed. Petals white, showy, 0.015 long. Pods 0.04 long, 0.0014 broad, toi-ulose, erect, or somewhat spreading — April to September — Rocks ; alpine and subalpine Lebanon, and Antilebanon, and northward. Var. umbrosa, Boiss. G-reen, slender^ zigzag. Stem-leaves oblong^ or oblong-lanceolate — Shady places. Var. tliyrsoidea, Boiss. Green, low, 0.05 to 0.10. Leaves small, obovate, few-toothed. Racemes dense. Pods 0.025 long — Dhohr- el-Qodhib. Var. brevifolia, Boiss. Felty-canescent. Stems tufted, brittle. Leaves small, few-toothed — Exposed places. Var. Billardieri, Boiss. WooUy-canescent. Stems more loose- ly tufted than in last. Leaves smaller, entire, or 1-2-toothed at base. Pods 0.02 to 0.05 long — Shady places. * * Seeds broadly winged. Biennials. 9. A. turrita, L. (D Puberulent, with branching hairs. Stem 0.50 erect, nearly simple. Root-leaves 0.10 m. long, elliptical, tapering into a petiole ; stem-leaves oblong, obtusely cordate-clasping ; all denticulate. Pods (Fig. 14, c.) 0.12 long, 0.002 broad, recurved, on erect, very short pedicels — May to August — Woods ; Amanus. 7. CARDAMIBfE, L. Bitter-Cress. Calyx equal at base, upright, or spreading. Petals clawed. Pods linear, flattened ; nerves 0. Stigma simple — Annual, or perennial herbs, with pinnate leaves, and white flowers. 1. C hirsiita, L. Small Bitter Cress. Leaflets 2-4 pairs. Flowers 0.003 long, much overtopped by young jjods. Pods 02 long, 0.001 broad, erect — February to May — Fields and shady places ; common. 2. C. ulig^iiiosa, MB. 2^ Leaflets 2-7 pairs. Flowers 0.006 long, overtopping the young 2iods. Pods 0.03 long, 0.001 broad, some- what spreading — May to August — Wet places ; Lebanon, and northward. 8. MORETTIA, DC. Calyx erect, equal at base. Petals oblong linear, entire, pink. Pods short, terete ; stigma thickened at base, bifid. Valves with small partitions on their inner surface — Perennial, branching, prostrate, or ascending, stellate-canescent, desert herbs. ]fl, caiiescens, Boiss. % Rahhmi. Leaves short-petioled, ovate-oblong, entire, or obsoletely toothed, 0.01 to 0.015 long, Pods 0.01 long, nearly erect — February to May — East of Gilead to El- 'Arabah, and Et-Tih, and southward. 9. ANDRE08KIA, Reichenb. Calyx erect, nearly equal at base. Petals small, oblong, white. Pods linear, indehiscent, flattened, valves ending in divergent horns, I CRUCIPBR^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 67 half, or more than half as long as style — Annual herbs, with habit of Carclamine. A. Cardamine, R'c'h'b. © Glabrous, 0.6. Base of petiole with large^ semi-orlicular auricle ; leaflets 4-5 pairs, ovate-oblong, ob- tusely crenate. Pods 0.02 long, 0.003 broad — Spring — Moist places, Tripoli and northward. 10. NOTOCERAS, R. Br. Calyx somewhat spreading, equal at base. Petals minute, white. Pods short, somewhat dehiscent ; valves keeled, honeycombed on their inner face, ending in a divergent mucro, longer than style ; stigma capitate — Dwarf, desert annuals, canescent with bipartite hairs. ;N, Canarieiise, R.Br. © 0.05 to 0.10, ascending. Leaves oblong-linear, tapering at base, 0.02 long. Pods 0.01 long, 0.0015 broad ; mucro 0.001 long — March and April — Mar Saba, Jericho, and eastward, and southward. 11. AN ASTATIC A, L. Rose op Jericho. Calyx erect, equal at base. Petals minute, white. Pod ovate- globose, inflated, 2-celled, dehiscent. Valves with a transverse auricle at apex, divided within by a transverse partition into two compart- ments ; seeds solitary in each compartment, pendulous. Style awl- shaped ; stigma indistinct — Dwarf, dichotomous, prostrate annuals. Fruiting plant indurated, woody, with branches incurved, forming a globe,- which expands again when immersed in water. Fruit persis- tent. 4. Hierocliuiitiiia, L. © Stellate-canescent. Leaves obovate, repand, tapering, into a short petiole — February to May — Around Dead Sea, along borders of Et-Tih, and southward. 12. HESPERI!^, L. Rocket. Calyx erect, bisaccate at base. Petals clawed. Pods elongated, terete, usually tardily dehiscent, sometimes breaking into irregular joints. Septum with narrow, transverse areolae — Perennial, or bien- nial herbs, with purple, violet, or livid flowers. * Flowers ijui'ple, or molet. Biennials or perennials. 1. H. K.ot§cliyana, Fenzl. If 0.30 to 0.40. Canescent with loose branching hairs. Stems nearly simple. Root-leaves oblong-lan- ceolate, coarsely dentate ; stem-leaves lanceolate, acute, denticulate. Petals pale violet. Pods rigid, glairous, 0.05 to 0.06 long, 0.001 broad — May to July — Subalpine regions of Lebanon, and Cassius, and northward, 2. H. matronal is, L. (2) 0.80 to 1. More or less pubescent with coarse, branching hairs. Stems paniculate. Leaves ovate-lanceo- late, acuminate, dentate. Petals light purple. Pods erect-spreading, rough, fiexuous, 0.10 long, 0.0015 broad — June and July. G8 CRUCIFER^. (mustard FAMILY.) Var. runcinata, Boiss. Glandular, with intermixture of spread- ing hairs. Loicer leaves often lyrate — Nusairy Mountains. Subalpine regions of Amauus, and northward. * * Petals livid. Perennials. 3. H. pnlmoiiarioides, Boiss. 2^ 0.30, simple or branching at base, minutely glandular-woolly, with intermixture of scattered bristles. Root-leaves oblong-spathulate ; stem-leaves tapering to a margined petiole, or sessile, more or less clasping, triangular-oblong, or oblong-lanceolate, more or less acute ; all entire or obsoletely denti- culate. Pedicels longer than calyx, recurved in fruit. Pods glahrous, ^-angled^ as broad as thickened pedicel, 0.10 to 0.13 long — April and May — Bludan to Aleppo, Aintab, and eastward. 4. H. secuncliilora, Boiss. et Sprun. 2^ More or less hispid with spreading bristles. Lower leaves wavy-pinnatifid ; stem-leaves sessile, oblong-lanceolate, dentate at base. Racemes somewhat one- sided. Pedicels shorter than calyx. Pods spreading, glabrous, or rough, flattened, very long, subtorulose — Early Spring — Said by Paine to have been found in Gilead and Moab ; not found by others ; perhaps the following. 5. H. pendula, DC. 11 Minutely glandular-woolly, with in- termixture of scattered bristles. Root-leaves runcinate-lyrate ; stem- leaves sessile, triangular-lanceolate, acutely dentate. Racemes loose. Pedicels shorter than calyx. Pods 0.06 to 0.08 long, 0.003 broad, i^re^ hirsute with hranching hairs, sub-torulose, j^^ndulous — April to June — Rocky places and woods ; Gilead and Moab, Lebanon above 1,500 m., Antilebanon, plain of Damascus, and northward. 13. MALCOLMIA, R. Br. Calyx erect, equal, or bisaccate at base. Petals clawed. Pods elon- gated, terete, often tardily dehiscent, tapering into a capitate or conical stigma, formed by two connivent lamellae — Annual herbs, with pink, white, or yellow flowers. * Calyx hisaccate. Pod soon dehiscent. Style apiculate. Stigma capitate. 1. M. conftisa, Boiss. 0.10 to O.Olo, ashy stellate-puberulent. Leaves small, oblong or oblong-linear, or somewhat repand. Petals 0.003 long, pale. Pods 0.03 long, 0.001 broad, torulose, piibernlent ; stigma truncate, bilobed — March and April — Sands along Phoenicean coast 2. M. pulcliella, DC. 0.05 to 0.10, many-stemmed, diffuse, ascending, glabrous, or sparingly appressed-pubescent below. Leaves obovate to oblong, entire, repand, or more or less sinuate-pinnatifid. Petals 0.01 long, pale-pink. Pods 0.03 to 0.04 long, 0.001 broad, glabrous ; stigma truncate, or bilobed — January to April — Sandy places ; borders of Et-Tih, and northward along coast. Var. pygmaBa, Post. More or less stellate-canescent below. Leaves small, sinuate-toothed or pinnatifld. Flowers smaller, pale — Borders of Et-Tih, and southward. (31. pygmma, Bel.) CRUCIFER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 69 * * Galyx nearly equal at hase. Pods tardily dehiscent^ gradually tapering into an acute or ohtme stigma, 3. M. Africana, L. 0. 30, pubescent, with scattered, single and forked hairs. Leaves oblong, dentate^ or repand-toothed. Flowers 0.005 long, white. Pods 4i-a7igled, spreading, scabrous, 0.06 long, 0.0015 broad — Spring — Sandy places ; Et-Tih, Dead Sea, and Moab, to Damascus, Aleppo, and northward, and eastward. 4. M. torulo§a, Desf. 0.25, sparingly pubescent, or hispid, with branching hairs, and bristles. Leaves oblong, acutely dentate or pectinate-pinnatijid. Flowers 0.003 long, white. Pods terete^ hirsute, torulose, 0.03 to 0.04 long, 0.001 broad — March to May — Fields and waste places, throughout, and southward through the Tih, to Egypt. Var. contortuplieata, Boiss., with twisted and coiled pods, occurs with type. Var. leiocarpa, Boiss. Pods glabrous. Leaves generally scarcely dentate — Palmyra, Haur^n, and Gaza. 5. M, Auranitica, Post. 0.10, sparingly glandular-puleru- lent, except lower surface of rachis of leaves, which is villous with Iranching hairs. Leaves linear-lanceolate, runcinate. Raceme few- liowered ; flowers 0.012 long, pinlc ; sepals green, nery sparingly papil- lose^ scarious-margined, obtuse ; lamina of petals obovate-oblong, as long as calyx. Pedicel half as long as calyx. Young pods very spa- ringly papillose-hairy — May — In wheat field, east of Sowarat-es- Saghiri, Hauran. Root-leaves 0.04 long, 0.008 Iroad^ rosetted, 6. M, Zachlen§i$, Post.0 0.10 to 0.15. Sparingly pubescent or hispid. Stems single, erect. Leaves oblong-linear, pectinate-pinnatijid. Raceme few-flowered ; flowers 0.01 long, piiik ; sepals hispid with branching wavy hairs, acutish, scarious-margined ; lamina of petals obovate-oblong. Pedicels half as long as calyx. Pods .... — April and May — Zahleh. Root-leaves 0.03 to 0.06 long^ 0.005 hroad, rosetted. * * * Calyx Usaccate. Pods tardily dehiscent, gradually tapering into a style. Septum areolate, rarely fungous, t Flowers pinJc. 7. M. €hia, Lam. 00.10 to 0.20, canescent, with appressed bi- partite hairs, branching. Leaves entire, olovate to oblong, tapering to a petiole. Flowers 0.008 long. Pods 0.05 to 0.06 long, 0.001 broad, nearly erect, puberulent ; style conical — April to June — Rocky places ; Hebron to Phoenicean coast, Lebanon, Antilebanon, Damascus, and northward. 8. M. crenulata, DC. 0.10 to 0.20, green, scabrous, or glabrescent ; stems numerous, simple. Leaves crenulate-repa7id, lower oblong, tapering to a petiole, upper sessile, clasping, oblong-lanceolate, long-auricled. Flowers 0.015 long. Pods 0.08 to 0.13 long, 0.0035 broad, spreading, glabrous or sparingly papillose-hairy ; style bifid — January to May — Deserted fields ; southern Palestine and Moab to Aintab. 10 70 CRUCIFERiE. (mustard FAMILY.) 1 1 Flowers yellow. 9. ]fl. coiirmgioide§, Boiss. 0.05 to 0.10, green, scabrous- papillose ; stems simple. Root-leaves obovate-oblong, tapering at base, repand^ ai' entire ; stem-leaves short aurided, acutely denticulate. Flowers 0.013 long. Pods 0.06 to 0.09 long, 0.0015 broad, horizontal, glab- rous ; style terete, slightly bifid — April to June — Fields and rocks ; Damascus, Antilebanon to 1,500, and Zahleh, to southern Palestine. 14. EREIVIOBIIJM, Boiss. Calyx erect, long persistent, bisaccate. Petals linear-spathulate, entire, jDinkish. Pods linear, torulose. Seeds nearly orbicular, mar- gined. Cot5-ledons obliquely accumbent — Annual herbs, canescent with stellate hairs, or glabrescent. 1. E. liiieare, Del. Prostrate, or ascending, branching, compact., 0.10 to 0.30. Leaves sessile, oblong, or oblong-linear, entire. Racemes dense., many-flowered; flowers 0.005 long, overtopped by young pods (as in Cardamine hirsuta) ; pedicels half as long as calyx, or less. Fiuiting TSiceme com2Mct. Pods 0.015 long, 6.001 broad, stellate- canescent, 6-18-seeded — February to May — Sandy places ; in the Tih and southward. Fig. 18 Fig. 18. (a) Fruiting raceme of E. lineare, Del. (b) Fruiting raceme of E. Fieldii, Post. (e) Pod of E, Fieldii. 2. E. Fieldii, Post. Prostrate, branching, straggling ; stems 0.10 to 0.20 long. Leaves sessile, oblong-linear, linear, or cylindrical, fleshy. Racemes loose, few-flowered ; flowers 0.01 long, not overtopped by i)ods ; pedicels nearly as long as calyx. Fruiting raceme elongated, loose. Pods 0.015 to 0.025 long, 0.002 broad, puberulent or glabrescent, 4-8-seeded ; seeds ticice as broad, as in last — February to April — Sandy places ; Et-Tih, and southward. ClltTCIFERJ5. (^rUSTARD FAMILY.) 71 15. SISYMBRIUM, All. Ped. PIedge-Mcstard. Calyx erect, or spreading, generally equal at base. Petals clawed. Pod& flattened or terete, 4-6-sided ; stigma capitate, or obsoletely bi- lobed — Annual or biennial herbs with yellow, white, or pink flowers. * Floicers 0.002 lo7ig, cream-colored, or lohite. Pods flattened., 1-nerved, 1. S. piimilum, Steph. 0.02 to 30, scabrous with short, branching hairs. Root-leaves obovate-oblong, sinuate-dentate, or pin- natifid ; stem-leaves oblong, sagittate, entire. Flowers cream-colored. Pods 0.015 to 0.03 long, 0.001 broad, spreading, sJiort-pedicelled, incur- ved, puberident, longitudinally veined — Spring — Aleppo, Damascus, and walls of Jerusalem, to Arabia Petrsea, and eastward. 2. S. Tlialiaiiiim, L. Mouse-ear Cress. 0.30, sparingly pilose, with simple, or branching hairs. Root-leaves rosetted, oblong, tapering to a petiole ; stem-leaves linear-oblong, sessile ; all remotely denticulate. Flowers white. Pods 0.015 to 0.02 long, 0.001 broad, spreading, lo?ig pedicelled (0.012), straight, or incurved, glabrous — Spring — Bikfaya, Lebanon ; Husn Suleiman, Nusairy Mountains. 3. S. nudum, Belang. 0.05 to 0.12. Leaves all radical, minute, oblong, entire, or somewhat dentate. Flowers cream-colored. Pods 0.02 to 0.03 long, O.OOl broad, short jiedicelled, erect — Spring. Var, toraeliycarpum, Boiss. Pods 0.015 to 0.02 long. Valves longitudinally veined — Lebanon. * * Flowers 0.003 long, jjinh. Pods cylindrical, 1-nerved. 4. S. Scliimperi, Boiss. © 0.08, ashy-puberulent. Leaves bipinnatisect, with small oblong, obtuse lobes. Raceme few-flowered. Pods 0.04 long, 0.001 broad, short-pedicelled, spreading, somewhat re- curved, stellate-jmderulent — Spring — Moab {Tristram), Sinai, and eastward. * * * Moicers 0.003 long, yellow. Pods cylindrical, 1-nerved. 5. S. Sophia, L. 0.40 to 1, ashy-puberulent or glabrous. Stem branching. Leaves M-t/ri-pinnatisect, into minute oNong-linear, acute lohes. Racemes many-flowered. Pods 0.02 to 0.04 long, 0.001 broad, erect-spreading, glabrous ; pedicels 0.01 long — April to June — Roadsides and waste places ; common throughout. * * * * Flowers from 0.002 toO.OH long, yellow. Pods terete, d-nerved. t Fruitiiig pedicel very short, as thick as p>od. Septum thick. 6. S. Columnse, Jacq. (|) 0.30. to 0.50, more or less loosely hirsute. Leaves runcinate-pinnatipartite ; lobes of lower leaves o^^aie- dblong, dentate, with an ascending auricle at dase ; lohes of upper leaves linear or lanceolate, terminal hastate. Flowers 0.006 long ; calyx erect. Pods 0.09 long, 0.0015 broad, horizontal, sparingly hirsute or glabres- cent —- May to July — Fields and roadsides ; Lebanon, Antilebanon, and Grilead to Damascus, Hums, Aintab, and northward. T. S, Pannonicum, Jacq. 0.30 to 0.50, more or less loosely hirsute below. Lower leaves runcinate-pinnatipartite ; lobes ollong- 72 CRUCIPER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) linear', dentate, with an ascending auricle at hase ; upper leaves 'pinnate^ with linear leaflets. Flowers nearly 0.01 long ; calyx spreading. Pods 0.09 long, 0.0015 broad, spreading, glabrous — May and June — Tripoli, Buqa', and Damascus, to Aleppo, and northward, and east- ward. Var. rigidulum, Boiss. SallhJi. 0.l5 to 0.20. Lobes of upper jeaves short — Sinai, and perhaps Et-Tih. 8. S. ery§iinoide§, Desf. Thuwwdt. 0.15 to 0.30, nearly glabrous. Leaves runcinate-pinnatifid, lobes oNong, dentate, not auri- ded at dase Flowers 0.002 long ; calyx somewhat spreading. Pods 0.02 to 0.035 long, 0.001 broad, horizontal, glabrous — Spring — Jericho, Ghor es Safieh, and southward. 1 1 Fruiting pedicels somewhat lengthened, slender. Septum thin. 9. S. Irio, L. (D 0.60, glabrous. Leaves runcinate-pinnatisect ; lobes oblong-lanceolate, toothed, not auricled. Flowers 0.003 long. Pods 0.05 long, 0.001 broad, erect-spreading, four to Jive times as long as pedicels — March to June — Road sides and waste places ; every- where. 10. S. Damasceiium, Boiss. et Gaill. d) 0.40 to 0.60, hirsute, with spreading and retrose hairs. Lower leaves lyrate-runcinate ; lobes somewhat dentate, the lower minutely auricled at loicer edge. Flowers 0.005 long. Pods 0(05 to 0.06 long, erect spreading, six to eight times as long as pedicel — May and June — Subalpine Lebanon; Wadi el Qarn, . Antilebanon ; Damascus. 11. S. L«aeselii, L. d) 0.40, hirsute with spreading and retrorse hairs, or glabrescent. Leaves runcinate ; lobes oblong-lanceolate or linear, acutely cut or dentate, not auricled. Flowers 0.014 long, showy. Pods somewhat curved, nearly erect, thrice as long as slender pedicel ; stigma Uhbed — May and June — Aintab and northward, and east- ward. ***** Flowers 0.003 long, yellow. Pods awl-shaped. Septum thin. 12. S. officinale, L. © 0.40, retrorsely hairy, or glabrescent. Leaves runcinate ; lobes 2-6 pairs, those of lower leaves ovate-oblong, the terminal truncate, those of upper linear lanceolate. Pods 0.015 long, 0.0015 broad at base, appressed to stem — Spring — Waste places ; everywhere. ****** Flowers 0.002 long, cream-colored, bracteate. Pods terete. Septum spongy, 13. S. ruiicinatum, Lag. 0.30, nearly glabrous. Leaves acutely runcinate dentate. Flowers solitary. Pods hardly 0.02 long, 0.0014 broad, somewhat incurved — April to June — Et-Tih to Haui'an, Damascus, Aleppo, and northward. Var. Tillosuni, Boiss. Pubescent throughout — Jebel Qaisun, Damascus. CRUCIFERiE. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 73 16. ALiLiIARIA, Adans. Garlic-Mustard. Calyx erect. Petals clawed, white. Pods terete, with 3-nerved valves ; septum pellucid ; seeds striate — Biennial herbs, with cordate- ovate leaves, formerly attributed to Sisymbrium, from which they differ in habit. A, officinale, DC. © 1, somewhat villous at base, glabrous above. Lower leaves reniforni^ repand-crenate, upper cordate-ovate, acutely dentate. Pods .05 long, .002 broad, with short, thickened pedicel — April to June — Shady places ; Mount Cassius, and north- ward. 17. CONRIIVCJIA, R'c'h'b. Calyx erect, bisaccate. Petals clawed. Pods linear, flattened, or acutely 4-angled ; valves 1 -nerved — Annual, glaucous herbs, with oblong, or elliptical, entire, auricled, clasping stem-leaves, and ra- cemed yellow flowers, 1, C. Orientali§, L. © .6. Leaves oblong, wavy-margined. Pods .12 long, .002 broad, spreading, 4-angled ; valves somewhat keeled ; style tajjering ; stigma minute, capitate, retuse ; seeds rough — February to May — Fields ; Phoenicean coast to Antilebanon, and northward. 2. C. clavata, Boiss. © .1 to .25. Leaves elliptical. Pods .06 long, .0015 broad, valves obsoletely 1-nerved ; style dub-shaped, quadranglecl ; stigma bifid w^ith connivent lobes ; seeds glabrous — May and June — Fields ; Buqa' and Antilebanon to Antioch, Aintab, and northward. 18. ERYSIMUH, L. Treacle-Mustard. Calyx erect, equal at base, or bisaccate. Petals clawed. Pods 4-angled, terete, or flattened, valves 1-nerved or keeled ; stigma capitate, retuse, or 2-lobed — Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, canescent with appressed, simple, bifid, or branching hairs. Flowers yellow, or purple. * Annuals. Floicers yelloio. Pods ^L-angled. 1. E. repaiidiim, L. © .15 to .3 green. Leaves linear, or linear-lanceolate, repand-dentate, often recurved at apex. Pedicels sliort. Flowers .008 long. Pods .04 to .09 long, .0015 broad, rough-hairy, spreading, rigid, often torulose ; style thick ; stigma retuse — April to June — Fields ; Moab and Gilead to Lebanon, Antilebanon, Aleppo, and northward, and eastward, A variable species. Fm. 19. Pod of Erysimum repandum. 74 CRUCIFER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY J Var. rigidum, Boiss. Low rigid. Pods somewhat thicker — Same range as type. 2. E, tenellum, DC. © Low, green, stem branching. Leaves linear, long, repand-dentate. Flowers (size of E. Helveticum) nearly sessile. Pods canescent ; stigma loith long divergent lobes — Spring — Between Aleppo and Mosul. * * Biennials, Flowers yellow. Pods Ai-angled, or terete. t Pods 4i'a7igled, 3. E. Smyrnseum, Boiss. et Bal. @ Green, stems leafy, pani- culate above. Lower leaves oblong, inincinate, or dentate : upper linear, dentate or entire. Pedicels a little shorter than calyx. Flowers about .01 long. Pods .04 to .08 long, erect-spreading, clothed with Upar- tite intermixed icith a few hrancMng hairs, tapering into a style nearly as long as their breadth ; stigma truncate — Spring — Rasheiyah. 4. E, verrucosum, Boiss. et Gaill. od — March to May — Fields and road sides ; common, iHirschfeldia adpressa, Mmnch.') N.B. — To this genus belong B. oleracea, L., CaWage, with its many cultivated varieties, as Broccoli, Caulifloioer, Kale, and Eohh raU ; also B. Napjus, L., Rapeseed with its varieties. 20. SOfAPIS, L. Mustard. Khardal. Scarcely distinguished from Brassica by the 3-nerved valves of pods. * Pods loith coiiical heaJi^. 1, S. juncea, L. Gkibrou^. Lower leaver oblong-lanceolate dentate sometimes lyrate, uj)per lanceolate-linear, entire or dentate. Pods rather erect, torulose ; beak long, awl-shaped at apex ; valves keeled — Spring — Jericho. Cultivated for oil. 2. S. arvensis, L. Field Fig. 21. Mustard. Charlock. Khardal larri. .6 to 1, more or less hirsute. Leaves ovate, unequally dentate, radical sometimes lyrate. Pods .03 to .05 long, .002 broad, erect, or slightly Pod of S. arvensis, type, spreading ; beak often as long as rest of pod — Spring — Fields and waste places ; common. Var. §^eniiiiia. Pods as above, glabrous — everywhere. CRUCIFERiE. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 77 Var. ]IIe§opotamica, Boiss. Pods .02 to .03 long ~ Beiriit. Var. Orientalis, Boiss. Pods retrorsely hispid — Common. * * Pods with long^ ensiform, flattened leak. 3. S. alba, L. © White Mustard. Ehardal aUadh. 1 and higher, hispid. -^^°- '*'*• Leaves puberulent, pinnatisect, with unequally dentate-lobed segments. Pods .03 long, .004 broad, torulose, generally hirsute ; beak seed-bearing at base, decurrent — Spring — Waste places ; everywhere. Pod of Sinapia alba, 21. DIPL.OTAXIS, DC. Calyx spreading, equal at base. Petals clawed. Pods linear, flattened ; valves l-nerved. Seeds in 3 rows — Erect, branching herbs, with yellow, pink, or white flowers, and aspect of Brassica. * Flowers yellow, 1. D. tenuifolia, L. If .6, glabrous. Leaves oblong-lanceo- late, sinuate-dentate, or pinnately cut or parted, with linear lobes ; rarely entire. Pedicels twice as long as flowers. Pods erect on ascending pedicels, .04 long, .003 broad ; style .003 long — June to November — Walls and roadsides. Var. integrifolia, Boiss. Nearly all the leaves entire — Castle of Antioch. 2. D. Timinea, L. © Jureijir. .3, sparingly^apillose-hairy ; stems simple, or branched at base. Root-leaves sinuate-lyrate, with short, obtuse lobes ; stem-leaves few, oblong, or linear, dentate. Pedicels shorter than flowers. Pods ascending, .03 to .03 long, .0018 broad ; style .003 long — November to May — Roadsides ; common. Var. integrifolia, Boiss. Leaves entire, or scarcely crenate — Coast, Jerusalem, and probably elsewhere. Var. foliosa, Post Stems leafy. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, irregularly dentate — Plain of Sharon. 3, D. Harra, Forsk. % So't'ra, .3 to .4, hispid, rarely glabres- cent ; stems multiple, branching, often woody at base. Leaves obovate-oblong, coarsely-toothed. VQ^icalslonger than flower, slender, often deflexed. Pods stipitate, .04 long, .003 broad, with hroad, sulsessiUy Moled stigma — February to May — Sterile places ; Damascus to Ghor-es-Safieh, Et-Tih, and southward, and eastward. Var. glabra, Post. Glabrous. Leaves oblong, sparingly toothed — Damascus, Antilebanon. 12' 78 CRUCIFER^. (mustard FAMILY.) Flowers lilac-pinJc, or white. 4. D, erncoide§, L. © .3 to .6, sparingly papillose-hairy ; stems branched from base and above . Leaves runcinate-lyrate, dentate, uppermost oblong, dentate. Pedicels about as long as flowers. Pods ascen- ding, .02 to .04 long, .002 broad, style .003 long ; stigma Ulobed — January to April — Fields ; Damas- cus and Ccelesyria to Moab, Jordan valley, southern Palestine, and southward, and eastward. Fig. 23* 5. D, acri§, Forsk. Shuqaiyar, .01, sparing- ly haiiy, or glabrescent. Leaves oblong or obovate, dentate, obtuse. Pedicels ascending, about as long as flower ; flower .013 long, Pods erect, short stipitate, .02 to .035 long, .002 broad ; stigma sessile, truncate — Spring — Et-Tih, and southward. 22. HORICAIVDIA, DC. Calyx erect, bisaccate. Petals clawed. Pod linear, more or less flattened ; valves keeled, 1-3-nerved. Seeds in 1 or 2 rows — Gla- brous herbs, with large pinkish-puri[3le flowers. * Leaves undivided, the upper cordate-auricled, clasping at base. Pods somewhat 4:-angled. Valves 1-nerved, Biennials or perennials. 1. in, Jamaica, Boiss. d) If Khusidnrel-Jemdl. Tahaq. Leaves .06 to .1 long, obovate to ovate, the lower tapering at base. Pods .05 to .07 long, .002 broad ; seeds in 2 rows — February to May — Et-Tih and southward. 2. ]fl, damosa, Boiss, 5 BJmmimah. .6, Leaves .01 to .02 long, oblong ; the lower and those of sterile branches often repand-den- tate, ,with cuneate base. Pods .04 to .06 long, .001 broad ; seeds nearly in 1 row — March to May — Et-Tih and southward, and east- ward. * * Leaves bipi Pods flattened. Annuals, Valves obsoletely B-nerved. 3. M, clavata, Boiss. et Eeut. Fleshy, .1 to .2 ; stem flexuous, branching from base. Lobes of leaves linea/r, somewhat terete. Pods .02 long, .001 broad ; seeds in 2 rows — February to April — Et-Tih and southward. 23. ERUCA, DC. Calyx equal at base, erect. Petals veined, clawed, entire or retuse. Pod linear or oblong, appressed, with ensiform style, and convex 1- nerved valves. Seeds in 2 rows, or rarely in 1 — Branching, erect-herbs, with yellow, lilac-veined petals. CRUCIFERJS. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 79 1. E. sativa, L. .5, more or less papillose- hairy. Leaves lyrate-pinnatifid or pinnatisect into oblong, dentate lobes. Beak half as long as pod or moi^e — March to May — Roadsides and fields ; common. Var. eriocarpa. Pods scabrous with retrorse hairs iE. Cappadocica, Boiss., var. eriocarpa) — Wadi el Qarn, Antilebanon. Var. Cappadocica, Segments of leaves less toothed. Pod longer, glabrous, beak one-third its length ; seeds larger than in type. (E. Cappadocica, Boise.) — Be- tween Hamath and Palmyra. Fig 24. SAVIOXYA, DC. El-Qulaiqalah. Calyx erect, equal. Pod stipitate, elliptical, with chartaceous valves ; septum with 2 layers. Stigma simple. Seeds in 2 rows* winged, with half-adnate funicles — Viscid, glabrous, or sparingly hairy divaricately branched, desert herbs, with small pale pink flowers. S. iSlgyptiaca, DC. Shaldimh. .Ito .15. Leaves fleshy, the lower obovate-oblong, dentate, petioled ; up- per linear, pinnatifid, or entire. Pods on flliform, spreading pedicels twice their length ; style apiculate — Feb- ruary to April — Et-Tih and south- ward. Fig. 25. Pod of Savignya iEgyptiaca. 25. CARRICHTERA, DC. Calyx erect, equal at base. Petals clawed, entire. Pod globular- ovate ; style flattened, spoon-shaped, ovate, leaflike ; cells 4-ovuled — Dwarf annuals, with small cream-colored, violet-veined petals. .1 to .3, glabrous, or slightly hairy, dichoto- C. vellaB, DC. mous from base. Leaves bipinnatisect into linear lobes May — Aleppo to Moab, Jerusalem, Et-Tih, and southward ward. March to and east- 26. RICOTIA, L. Calyx bisaccate. Petals clawed, obcordate or retuse. Fruit a flat lenticular or elliptical silicle, 1-celled by disappearance of thin septum, or a linear 2-celled silique with papyraceous septum. Seeds in 1 row, flattened, wingless — Annual, sparingly hairy herbs, with pink or white flowers, and recurved fruiting pedicels. 80 CRUCIFER^. (mustard FAMILY.) 1. R. Liunaria, L. .2 to .4. Leaves 2-3 pin- nate, with petiolulate divisions, and ovate, lobed segments. Petals obcordate. Silicles lenticu- lar or elliptical, .03 long, .013 broad, 2-7 seeded, mucronate with short style — Spring — Coele- syria, Lebanon, and coast to southern Pales- tine ; Jordan valley. Fig. 26. Pods of Ricotia Lunaria in different stages of development. 2. R. sinuata, Boiss. et Held. Leaves bipinnatisect, with petiolulate ovate-cuneate, deeply lobcd segments, those of upper leaves linear. Petals retuse. Siliques .04 to .05 long, .004 broad, 7-8 seeded, sinuous contracted between the seeds ; style one-third as long as breadth of pod — Spring — Beilan and northward. 27. FARSETIA, Turra. Jerba'. Calyx equal at base. Petals clawed, with oblong-linear limb. Silicle canescent (in ours) oblong, ovate, or elliptical ; stigma 2-lobed. Seeds in 2 rows, flattened, broadly winged — Low shrubby canescent plants, with forked hairs, purplish flowers, and linear, entire leaves. F, JEgy^tiaea, Turra. 5 '4. Silicles oUong or elliptical, .015 to .02 long, .006 broad ; seeds 12 or less — Spring — Around the Dead Sea and southward. Var. OTalis, Post. Lower, mote spinescent Silicles ovate or elliptical, .01 to .015 long, .006 to .008 broad ; seeds 6 or less — Around the Dead Sea and southward. (F. ovalis, Boiss.) Pod of F. ^gyptiaca. 28. FIBIOIA, Medik. Calyx bisaccate or equal at base. Petals clawed ; limb oblong, entire. Silicles hirsute, elliptical or orbicular, sometimes obovate, flattened, 2-celled ; septum nerveless, with fine transverse veins. Stigma minute, capitate. Seeds in 2 rows, flattened, winged nial herbs or low shrubs tomentose, with stellate hairs, racemose-spiked (ours) yellow. Peren- Flowers CRUCIFER/E. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 81 F. clypeata, L. If .4 to .8. Root and lower stem-leaves oblong spathulate, upper oblong, or oblong- linear, all entire or repand. Silicles elliptical, ovate-elliptical, to obo- vate-elliptical ; style apiculate ; seeds 3-8, usually broader than wing — Spring — Rocky places in mountains, throughout. Var. rostrata, Post. Style half or one-third ^ long as breaclth of pod. {F. rostrata, Sclieiik.) Var. macroptera, Post. Wing as broad as or broader than seed. iF. macroptera, Ky.) Fig. 28. Fig. 29. Pod of F. clypeata. Pod of F. clypeata with valves removed to show seeds. Var. obovata, Post. Pods obovate. (^F. oliovata, Boiss.) Var. erioearpa, Post. Pods densely woolly. {F. eriocarim, DC.) 29. AUBRIETIA, Adanson. Calyx erect, bisaccate Petals clawed, limb entire or retuse. Sili- cic ovate-oblong ; style apiculate ; valves convex ; septum with 1-2 longitudinal folds, and numerous, transverse, minute areolae , ; seeds in 2-rows, numerous, minute — Tufted, perennial herbs, with short branching wool, and pink or white flowers- A, liibaiiottca, Boiss. 2]! .1 to .15, spreading, canescent. Leaves oblong-deltoid, entire or with a tooth at each angle. Fruiting racemes flexuous. Valves nerveless — Summer — Alpine and sub- alpine regions of Lebanon ; Coelesyria. 30. COLIITEOCARPUS, Boiss. Calyx erect, equal at base. Petals clawed, with entire limb. Sili- cic papyraceous, inflated, ovate, dehiscent only at apex ; style apicu- late ; valves reticulate, 1-nerved ; septum marginal, incomplete ; seeds wingless — Perennial, glabrous, tufted herbs, with white flowers and habit of Thlaspi. ' C reticulatus, Lam. '^. Leaves rigid ; the radical rosetted, tapering at base, linear-oblong, sharply 3-4-dentate on both sides ; stem-leaves entire, ovate or oblong, acute. Raceme before flowering capitate, afterwards somewhat elongated — Summer — Alpine and subalpine Lebanon and Antilebanon ; Jebel Qaisun, near Damascus. 31. KCEXIOA, Adanson. Calyx erect, equal. Petals entire, white. Silicle flattened, nearly orbicular ; septum reticulate ; seeds margined — Annual or perennial herbs, canescent with bipartite hairs. 13 82 CRUCIFEK^. (mustard FAMILY.) 1, K.. Le§tre, L. If Shmbby at base. Leaves obovate or oblong, the upper often lanceolate-linear. Flowers .002 long ; petals obovate, sometimes refuse. Fruiting racemes rather long., dense. Sili- cles olomte, to O'Date-ellixMcal, .002 to .003 long, .0015 to .002 broad, more or less stellate-woolly ; style nearly as long as pod ; seeds wing- less — Summer — Alpine and subalpine regions of Lebanon, Antileba- non, Amanus, and northward. Var. g-eiminiiin, Boiss. Appressed-canescent ; stems slender, .1 to .2 long, prostrate er ascending, tufted. Var. siiffriiticens, Boiss. Appressed canescent ; stems ascend- ing, .2 to .3. Var. obOTatiiiii, Boiss. As in preceding, but leaves all obovate- spathulate, obtuse. Var. miiiutifloriiui, Boiss. Scurfy. Summit of Sunnin. 2. A. concleusatniii, Boiss. et Haussk. 2J! or (2) Scurfy, '?/ ichite ; stems indurated at base, ascending, .12. Leaves minute ; obovate-obloug, obtuse, tapering into a j^etiole. Flowers larger than in last ; petals obovate. Fruiting racemes umbel-liJce, contracted, cofym- hose. Silicles narroicly ellvptical, .004 long, .0015 broad, tapering at base, obtuse ; style one-third to one-half as long as pod — Summer — Subalpine regions of Amanus, and Akherdagh and northward. X X Tall, .3 to .8. Lower-leaves more than .01 long, obovate or linear- spathulate, Silicles not more than .005 long. 3. A. constellatiim, Boiss. 21 .5 or taller, scurfy ; stems herbaceous, reddish, loosely corymbose paniculate. Leaves oblong- spathulate, .04 long, .01 broad, tapering gradually into a j)etiole. Fruiting racemes contracted, umbel-like, corymbose ; silicles scurfy. CRUCIFER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 83 lenticular^ .005 long, .002 broad ; style one-third their length — Later Summer — Subalpine regions of Amanus and northward, Var. eonfertiiiii, Boiss. Lower. Corymb contracted. Silicles .003 long, .002 broad — Alpine regions. Var. leptdotuiii, Post. Leaves of sterile stems smaller, densely scurfy. Silicles as in last — Amanus. 4. A. arg^enteum, Wittm. 2^ .3 to .4, stems clustered^ shrubby at base, herbaceous above, corymbose at apex. Lower-leaves obovate oblong, .012 long, .004 broad, upper linear-oblong, all scurfy white beneath. Fruiting racemes short, corymhulate, silicles scurfy, flattened, obovate or orliculate^ .003 to .004 long, .002 broad, style nearly as long as pods to half their length ; seeds broadly loinged — May to October — Subalpine and mountain regions, Lebanon to Amanus, and northward. Var. maerocarpuiii, Post. Stem-leaves .02 to .03 long. Sili- cles .005 long, .004 broad — Cassius and Amanus. 5. A. creiiiilatiim, Boiss. If .5 or taller, shrubby at base. Leaves of sterile branches scurfy white, linea7'-spathulate, .035 long. Fertile stems corymbose-paniculate. Leaves green, oblong-linear. Fruiting rac^emes contracted, almost umbel-like ; pedicels cajnllary flexuous ; silicles sparingly scurfy, orbicular, . 002 to , 003 in diameter, retuse, menibranous, crenulate at margin ; seeds narrowly winged — Early Summer — Middle region of Mount Cassius, \XX Tall,.^ to .4. Lower -learns linear, plicate, croicded. Silicles .0l5 long. 6. A. saniariferum, Boiss. et Haussk. If or 5 *^ to .5. Leaves of sterile branches scurf j plicate, of fertile green, linear, not pli- cate, all .02 to .03 long. Fruiting racemes corymbose. Pedicels filiform, reflexed. Pods glabrous, p)apyraceous, obovate-orbicular, thin, with short style, and wingless seeds — May and June — Middle mountain region of Amanus, and northward. Fruit resembling that of Peltaria. 1 1 Biennials. Pods oboDate, .003 to .004 long, 7, A. eiriopliylliiin, Boiss. et Haussk. (g) Sterile stems .1, crowded loitli minute, densely pannous, oblong- obovate leaves ; fertile stems, .1 to .3, with few, green, sparingly woolly leaves. Inflorescence much branched, corymbose ; fruiting racemes dense .02 to .03 long ; silicles stellate-woolly, obovate-elliptical, .003 long ; style one-third their length ; seeds wingless — Sum- mer — Amanus to Akherdagh, and northward. Var. iiinbellatuiii, Post. Fruiting racemes .01 to .015 long, umbelliform. Silicles lenticular,. 00^ long, .0015 broad — Gesbeldagh. Akherdagh. 8. A. €a§siuiii, Boiss. (2) .5 to .8, green, sparingly stellate-hairy. Stem stout, leafy above, dense- ly corymbose. Leaves oblong, the lower often .05 long, tapering at base. Fruiting racemes .08 long ; silicles .004 to .005 long, on horizontal pedicels, sparingly hairy ; style one-half to one-third as long as pod ; seeds narroioly winged — Summer — Fields Fig. 30. End of raceme of Alyssum Cassium. 84 CRUCIFER/E. (mustard FAMILY.) Var. caiiescens, Post. Leaves smaller, obovate oblong, more or less silvery-canescent, mixed with green foliage — Khotscli-Bel, Amanus, 1,500. * * Silicles unequally convex ; cells 2-ovided. Filaments winged, toothed or a2Jpe7idaged, rarely toothless. t Perennials. 9. A. moutauuui, L. If .15 to .25, greenish or canescent ; branches ascending, Iierlaceous, or woody at base. Leaves oblong- obovate, or oblong-linear. Petals retuse. Fruiting raceme .04 to .06 long ; silicles more or less scurfy, obovate to orbicular, . 004 long, retuse ; style ctbout as long as pod ; seeds narrowly winged or wingless — May and June — Subalpine regions of Lebanon, Antilebanon, Cas- sius, and northward. 10. A. praecox, Boiss. 1(! .15, silvery-scurfy ; branches ascend- ing, iDoody. Leaves ol)ovate to oblong. Petals retuse. Fruiting racemes .02 to .03 long ; silicles glabrescent, ovate to obovate-orbicu- lar, .006 long, retuse ; style shorter than pod ; seeds wingless — May and June — Middle region of Amanus, and northward. Var. nauuui, Post. .03, tufted. Fruiting racemes .01 long, contracted — El-Jebel-el-Abiadh, between Hamath and Palmyra. 11. A, siiffruticeiis, Boiss. 2|! Scurf y-canescent ; branches slwrt, prostrate, zigzag. Leaves oblong-linear. Petals entire. Silicles ovate, sparingly scurfy ; seeds mngless — Summer — Alpine region of Barakatdagh, Amanus. Summit of Hermon. {Tristram). 12. A. lepidotuni, Boiss. If .05, silvery-scurfy, densely tuf- ted ; sterile branches .01 long, herbaceous. Leaves minute, iml>ricated, the lower spathulate, the upper ovate-elliptical. Petals retuse. Fruit- ing racemes .01 long or less, with few pods, umhel-Vike ; silicles scurfy, ovate-orbicular, .004 long, retuse ; style nearly half as long as pod — Summer — Top of Sunn in, and northward. 13. A. Mouradiciim, Boiss. et Bal. If .15, scurfy ; branches prostrate or ascending. Leaves obovate to liuear-spathulate. Petals obovate-cuneate, entire. Fruiting racemes .03 to .06 long ; silicles glahrous, ovate-orbicular, .006 long, retuse ; style about as long as pod ; seeds wingless — April to August — Middle, subalpine, and alpine zones of Lebanon, Nusairy Mountains, and northward. 14. A. tetrasteinoii, Boiss. 2f .05, shrubby at base, scurfy below, short-woolly above. Leaves .... Petals oblong-cuneate retuse. Fruiting racemes short ; silicles scurfy, ovate, somewhat retuse ; style about as long as pod — Summer — Mountains of Northern Syria. Var. latifoliuiii, Boiss. Leaves oblong-elliptical — Summer — Mountains near Nazareth. 1 1 Annuals. X Petals nearly twice as long as adyx. 15. A, iiiacrostyluni, Boiss. et Huet. © Canescent, strigulose with scattered, branched hairs ; branches short, prostrate or ascending. CRUCIPER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 85 Leaves obovate or oblong. Petals oblong-spathulate entire. Pedicels recurved ; silicles twice as large as those of A. montanum^ strigidose, ovate ; style nearly as long as pod ; seeds wingless — Spring — Har- mon (Tristram), Mount Akdagh, northern Syria, and northward. I I Petals little if any longer than calyx. § Silicles glabrous. 16. A. niiiiimuin, Willd. .1 to. 15, canescent-scurfy, dwarf, branching from base. Leaves oblong-linear. Petals linear, retuse. Fruiting raceme elongated, dense ; pedicels erect ; silicles orbicular, .0025 long retuse ; style one-sixth to one-fourth as long as pod ; seeds narrowly margined — Spring — Fields ; Aleppo and northward. § § Silicles scabrous with stellate h^irs. IT. A. umbellatuin, Desv. .03 to .05, scabrous branching at base, prostrate or ascending, branches nearly simple. Leaves linear, or linear-oblong. Petals o'etuse. Fruiting racemes .01 to .02 long, contracted, urabel-lilce or conical ; silicles imbricated, ovate, .004 long ; style short ; seeds narrowly margined El Kufr, Hauran. Northern Syria. April and May — Roadside 18. A. Szo\ritsianuin, F. etM. .03 to .1, appressed-canes- cent with stellate hairs, branching from base, branches simple. Leaves obovate to linear-oblong. Petals pale, narrowly linecw-cuneate, entire. Fruiting racemes .015 to .05 long, cylindrical ; silicles densely imbrica- ted, ovate, .003 to .004 long ; style short, seeds narrowly margined — April to June — Mountains of Hauran, Antilebanon, Lebanon, Cassius, to Aleppo, Aintab, and northward. 19. A. strictiim, Willd. .1 to .3, gTeenish-canescent, bran- ching from base, branches simple. Leaves broadly oblong-linear, obtuse. Petals oblong-oblanceolate, entire. Fruiting racemes .06 to .09 long, cylindrical ; silicles loosely imbricated, elUijiical, sparingly hirsute ; style short, conical ; seeds narrowly margined — Spring — Waste fields, Ba'albek, Mar 'ash, and northward. Fig. 31. 20. A. campestre, L. .1 to .25, ashy or yellowish ; stems usually numerous, branching from base and above. Leaves oblong-oblanceolate to oblong. Petals bifid. Fruiting racemes .03 to .07 long ; pedi- cels spreading ; silicles orbicular, .003 to .005 long ; style one-fourth to one-sixth as long as pod ; seeds nar- rowly margined — Spring — Fields ; everywhere. Var. g^enuinum, Boiss. Rays of stellate haijs of pod short. Var. pilosum, Post. Rays of stellate hairs of pod long. Var. hirsntum, Post. Stellate hairs of pod in- termixed, with simple or doid)le hairs arising from a tuber- pruitinii raceme cle. {A. hirsutum, M. B.) of Aiyssum campestre, 14 86 CRUCIFER^. (mustard FAMILY.) * * * Silicles cowoex^ canescent ; cells 2-oDulecl. Filaments toothless. An7iuals. 21. A. pauiaseenum, Boiss. et Gaill. .1, ashy, branching from base. Lieaves all ohovate to obovate-oMong . Flowering racemes dense ; petals bifid. Fruiting racemes .03 to ,03 long ; silicles scurfy, orhimlai\ .002 long ; style as long as pod, or shorter ; seeds wingless — Spring — Fields ; Damascus. Qaldiin. Deir 'Atiyeh. 22. A. calyciiium, L. .08 to .25, branching from base. Lower-leaves obovate, iqyper ohlanceolate to oUong-linear, all silvery. Flowering racemes dense ; fruiting loose .08 to .1 long ; se])als persis- tent in fruit ; silicles orbicular, retuse, .003 \ong,tHth Jiattened margin; style almost ; seeds narrowly margined — Spring — Jebel Qaisun, Damascus. * * * * Silicles flattened., glah^ous ; cells d-Q-seeded. Filaments dentate. Petals twice as long as calyx. Annuals. 23. A. aureum, Fenzl. © .1, branching from base. Leaves oblong-linear. Silicles elliptical .006 long, .003 broad ; style hcdf as long as pod — Spring — Jerusalem to Hauran, Aleppo, and northward. 24. A, meniocoicles, Boiss. As above, with linear-sul)ulate leaves, and sliort style — Spring — Mountains near Damascus, Deir 'Atiyeh, and northward. Too near the last. 33. DRABA, L. Whitlow-Grass. Calyx erect, equal at base. Petals entire or retuse. Filaments toothless. Stigma capitate. Silicles lenticular or elliptical, flattened or (in ours) turgid. Seeds in 2 rows, often numerous, not margined — Annual or (in ours) perennial, dwarf herbs, usually tufted, with white or (in ours) yellow flowers, and undivided leaves. * Leaves pectinate-ciliate. Cells few-ovuled. 1. D. Olyinpica, Sibth. 2f .1 ; tufts broad, dense. Leaves narrowly linear, acute. Stamens scarcely longer than adyx. Silicles small, turgid, elliptical, 5-6 times as long as style — Summer — Rocky places in alpine regions. Var. lieterocoina, Boiss. All the leaves erect, or lower reflexed. Scapes glabrous. Fruiting racemes often elongated. Pods hairy — Amanus, and northward. 2. I>. oxycarpa, Boiss. '^. .02 to .06 ; tufts small, dense. Leaves oblong to linear, acute. Stamens iiea/rly as long as corolla. Fruit- ing racemes und)el-like ; silicles scabrous with minute stellate hairs, ovate-lenticular, long-acuminate.^ .007 long, exclusive of the .()^'^ filiform style — May to August — Alpine regions of Lebanon and Hermon. * * Leaves villous. Cells lQ-24:-ovuled. 3. D. vesicaria, Desv. If .01 to .05 ; tufts obconical, very compact. Leaves densely imbricated, oblong, acutish, villous with branching hairs intermixed with simple bristles. Sepals scabrous, scarious-margined. Petals nearly twice as long as calyx. Stamens as long as calyx. Silicles scabrous with short stellate hairs, elliptical, .005 CRUCIFER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 87 long, .002 broad, rmicronate loith short style — May to September — Alpine and subalpine regions of Lebanon and Antilebanon. 34. EROPHILA, DC. Calyx erect, equal at base. Petals bifid. Filaments free, toothless. Silicles elliptical to oblong — Annual dwarf herbs, with rosetted root- leaves, and racemed scapes with minute white flowers. * Cells of silicle 7-8-seeded. 1. E. miiiiiiia, C. A. M. © .03 to .1. Leaves linear, often .02 long, entire or dentate, slightly hirsute with simple hairs. Silicles .005 long or less — Spring — Fields, Lebanon to Damascus, Aintab, and northward. Top of wall of Jerusalem. * * Cells of silicle lQ-24:- seeded. 2. E. praecox, Stev. .1. Leaves oblong or elliptical, some- iDhat fetioled, sparingly scabrous with branching hair. Silicles orhicu- lm'-elli;ptical — Spring — Damascus. 3. E. Tulg'aris, DC. .05 to .1. Leaves oblong, sessile, sparingly hispid with branching hair. Silicles ohlong-elUptical, .005 long — Spring — Rasheiyah to Aintab, and northward. 4. E, setulosa, Boiss. et Bal. .05 to .1. Leaves rJiomloid, sparingly furnished with simple orforhed bristles, tapering to a petiole. Silicles oblong-elliptical, .007 long — Spring — Fields ; maritime plains of Syria ; lower zone of Lebanon ; Nusairy mountains. 35. EEPTAI.EUM, DC. Septils linear, erect, equal at base. Petals linear. Longer stamens long-connate in pairs, often reduced by abortion to two. Pod nearly indehiscent, linear, somewhat flattened ; valves 1 -nerved, reticulate ; lobes of stigma connate in a minute cone — Annual, dwarf, white- flowered herbs. Ti, filifolium, DC. .03 to .1, glabrous, divaricately branched. Leaves thread-shaped undivided, or pinnatipartite with filiform lobes. Flowers .005 long, sessile, axillary. Pods .02 long, .002 broad — Hharran in northern Syria, and northward, and eastward. 36. CAMEEINA, Crantz. False Flax. Calyx nearly eq\ial at base. Petals entire, oblong-linear, tapering from apex to base. Filaments free, toothless. Pod an ovate, obovate, or orbicular silicle, or a linear-cylindrical silique, with keeled margins ; valves turgid, indurated ; stigma simple ; seeds in two rows, rarely in one — Annual herbs, glabrous or hispid with forked hairs. Flowers yellow. Root-leaves oblong, stem-leaves oblong-lanceolate, sagittate- auriculate. * Pods pyriform to orbicular or ovate. Seeds in 2 roios. 1. C. sativa, L. Sparingly jmbescent. Leaves entire or repand-dentate. Fruiting racemes .1 to .15 long, rather compact. Pedicels spreading, tioice or thrice as long as glabrous, margined, .008 88 CRUCIPERiE. (mustard FAMILY.) long, reticulate pods ; style half as long as iwdL — Spring — Fields ; Beirut. 2. C, Iiispicla, Boiss. Patulous-hispid. Leaves dentate or repand. Fruiting racemes .15 to .25, loose. Pedicels spreading, once and a half to twice as long as glabrous, margined, .003 long pods ; style as long as 'pod^ or longer — Spring — Fields ; Ba'albek to Palmyra, and northward, and eastward. Var. la§iocari)a, Post, Pods hispid. Style longer than pod — Qaldun to Aintab, and eastward. {G. lasiocarpa^ Boiss. et Bal.) * Pods linear. Seeds in 1 row. 3, C. aiiomala, Boiss. et Haussk. Scabrous below with patulous stellate hairs. Stem much branched. Leaves nearly entire. Fruiting racemes long. Pedicels one-third as long as linear-cylindrical .01 to .015 long, .0015 broad pod ; style thrice as long as l>readth of pod — Spring — Fields near Hharran, northern Syria. 36 (a). CHRYSOCHAMEI.A, Boiss. Calyx equal at base. Petals entire. Filaments free toothless. Silicic elliptical to ovate, turgid, valves somewhat keeled, 1 -nerved — Dwarf yellow-flowered annuals, with sagittate-auriculate leaves, and zigzag fruiting racemes. C. Telulina, DC. .08 to .15, canescent with branching b airs. Root-leav9s oblong-lanceolate, dentate to pinnatipartite. Silicle .003 to .004 long ; pedicel capillary, twice or thrice as long as pod ; style short — Spring — Hills about Aleppo. 37. CAPSELL.A, L. Calyx equal at base. Petals obovate, entire. Filaments toothless. Silicles trianguiar-obcordate or ovate ; valves boat-shaped, wingless ; cells many-seeded — Annual herbs with resetted -p root-leaves, and white flowers. ^^* 1. C. bwrsa-pastori§, L. Shepherd's Purse. .3 to .4, glabrous, or hispid with forked or simple hairs. Root-leaves entire, repand, or runci- nate-pinnatifid ; stem-leaves oblong-lanceolate, auricled. Silicles triangular-olcordate — February to August — Roadsides everywhere. 2. C. procumbens, L. Dwarf. Leaves ^^^ ^^ capseiia pinnatipartite into elliptical or lanceolate lobes, or bursa-pastoris magni- undivided. Silicles ovate, oMuse or subtruncate — fied two diameters. May - Valley of Hasrun, Lebanon. Philistine on^eVSvl reTovrd S coast. Jericho. show seeds, 38. EEPIDIUM, L. Pepperwort. Pepper-grass. Calyx equal at base. Petals entire. Stamens 4 or 3, toothless, free. Silicles flattened, orbicular, ovate, or elliptical, 2-celled, dehis- cent ; valves wingless or winged ; cells 1-2-ovuled — Herbs or shrubs with minute white or yellowish flowers. CRUCIFER^. (mustard FAMILY.) 89 t Silicles ovate or oUoiig, notched^ winged ; style free. 1. Li. sativum, L. .3 to .6 ; stem erect, stiff, paniculate. Root-leaves 1-3-pinnately cut or lobed, the upper linear, undivided. Flowering raceme long ; pedicels stiff, appressed ; silicles ovate-orbicu- lar, .004 long, notched at apex, narrowly winged ; style as long as, ov a little longer than sinus — April to June — Beirut to Coelesyria, Moab and Jerusalem ; escaped from cultivation. 2. Li. spiiiescens, DC. .2 to .4, glabrous ; stem erect, stiff, divaricately branched. Lower-leaves 1-3-pinnately cut into linear lobes ; upper linear, entire or dentate. Flowering racemes short, elon- gated in fruit, syinescent ; pedicels stiff appressed ; silicles ovate, .004 long, notched at apex, narrowly winged ; style as long as, or a little longer than sinus — Spring — Fields ; common. Too near the last. 3. Lr. corniitum, Sibth. et Sm. .1 to .4, glabrous ; stem erect, stiff, divaricately branched. Lower-leaves 1-2-pinnatisect, with toothed and cut lanceolate and linear lobes ; upper linear, entire or somewhat toothed. Flowering racemes short, elongated in fruit, spinea- cent ; pedicels stiff', appressed ; silicles imbricated^ erect, oblong, .006 long, notched at apex for 07ie-sixtli to one-third their length; wing- broad ; style much shorter than diius — Spring — Syrian coast to Coele- Syria and northward. * * Silicles ovate or oblong, notched ; wings adherent to style. 4. L. Aucheri, Boiss Sparingly stellate-puberulentj prostrate ; stems diffuse, .15 to .3 long. Lower-leaves oblong, .03 to .04 long, pinnately divided into oblong, obtusely lobed or toothed segments ; upper oblong, tapering at base, sparingly toothed or entire. Racemes axillary or terminal, compact in flower, loose in fruit, .1 to .15 long ; pedicels spreading in flower, appressed in fruit ; silicles ovate-oblong, nearly quadrangular, slightly dilated at base, .003 long ; wings ovate, acutish ; gtyle half as long as pod — May — Roadside near Nedjha, south of Damascus. 5. li, Nebrodense, Guss. 2^.1 to .15, woolly-canescent ; sterns decumbent. Root-leaves .05 long, oblong, petiolate, entire, toothed, or obsoletely lyrate ; stem-leaves .01 long, oblong, minutely auricled at base. Racemes capitate in flower, oblong in fruit, .03 to .04^ long ; ' pedicels spreading, longer than hirsute, obovate, .004 long silicles ; wings at apex, oblong, obtuse, one-third as long as cells ; style a little longer than sinus — May and June — 'Akkar. Var. ^ microstyluiti, Boiss. Style scarcely longer than sinus — Subalpine and Alpine Lebanon (L. microstylum, Boiss. et Held.) * * * Silicles transversely ovate, .002 to .003 long, wingless. Perennials. 6. li. Draba, L. If .3 to .5, pubescent ; stem erect, corymbose at apex. Leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate, repand or dentate, those of root petiolate, of stem sagittate-clasping, Silicles cordate at base, 15 90 CRUCIFERuE. (mustard FAMILY.) often with one rudimentary cell ; valves turgid — Spring — Fields ; common throughout. * ♦ * * Silicles ovate to elliptical, .001 to .003 long, wingless. Perennials. 7. L.. Chalepense, L. If .3 to .5, pubescent or glabrescent ; stems erect, corymbose at apex. Leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate, repand-dentate, those of root petiolate, of stem sagittate-clasping. Silicles ovate, .002 to .003 long, rounded or someicliat tapering at hase and apex ; style one-third as long as p}od — Spring — Fields ; common. Too near the last. Intermediate forms of pods leticeen tJioseofthis and the last species are to he sought. 8. li. cra§§ifoliuiii, W. K. 11 .15 to .3, glabrous or puberu- lent ; neck fibrous, branching into many panicvlate-corymbose stems. Leaves fleshy, those of root petiolate, ovate to oblanceolate, entire or sparingly toothed, of stem oblong to oblong-lanceolate, sagittate-clasp- ing. Silicles ovate or elliptical, .002 long, reticulate ; stigma sessile — Spring — Salt marshes ; Merj of Damascus. 9. li, latifolium, L. If 1, or more, glabrous or puberulent, paniculate above. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, entire or dentate, the lower long-petioled, .15 long, the upper short-petioled or merely taper- ing at sessile hase. Silicles ovate-orbicular or elliptical, .001 to .0015 long, sometimes refuse at base, glabrous or puberulent ; stigma sessile — Summer — Marshy places, Lebanon, Antilebanon, and Damascus, to Aintab and northward. 10. l«. gramiiiifolium, L. If .4 to 1, glabrous, much branched. Lower leaves and those of the last year's branches oUong- »pathulate, crenate-dentate, or cut at base, upper stem- leaves linear entire. Fruiting racemes .15 to .3 long ; silicles .0015 to .002 long, ovate ; style short — Summer — Roadsides ; Hums to Antioch, Bitias, and northward. ***** Silicles elliptical, .003 long, apex retuse, nearly icingless. Biennials. 11. L. perfoliatuin, L. @ .2 to .4, glabrous. Loicer-leaves %-^-pin7iatisect into minute, linear-oMong Ivhes ; upper-leaves ovate, deeply cordate-clasping. Silicles orbicular-elliptical, .002 to .003 long ; style short — Spring — Roadsides and housetops ; Coelesyria, Antilebanon, Damascus, and northward. 40. ^THIOMEIMIA, R. Br. Calyx more or less bigibbous at base. Petals entire. Longer fila- ments usually dilated, entire or toothed, free or connate in ^ pairs. Silicles obcordate or obovate, winged or wingless, 1-celled, indehiscent, or 2-celled dehiscent, with 1-3 ovules in each cell — Glabrous herbs or shrubs, with pink, purple, or white, racemed or spiked flowers. * Tufted perennials. Silicles 2-celled ; cells 2-ovided, narrowly winged. 1, M, oppositifoliiim, Labill. 2f .05. Leaves imbricated, fleshy, obovate, .01 long. Silicles ovate-elliptical, .008 long, truncate, retuse at apex, with exserted style ; f\micle adnate at base — Summer — Alpine summits of Lebanon. CRUCIFERiE. (mustard FAMILY.) * * Shnibby j^erennials. t Silicles 2-celled ; cells 1-ovuled, 91 2. JE, coridifolium, DC. 5 .1 to .25, many-stemmed, stems simple, the fertile as icell as sterile leafy. Leaves obtuse or acutish, obovate-oblong, oblong-linear or linear, the upper .01 long. Flowers .006 long, pink. Flowering and fruiting racemes dense, the latter .03 to .06 long ; silicles ohomte-oblong, .007 long, notched at base and apex ; wings narrow, l)oat-sha])ed, entire ; style much shorter than sinus — Summer — Alpine and subalpine regions of Lebanon, Amanus and northward. 3. iE. Armenum, Boiss, % .1 to .3, with numerous simple stems. Leaves .006 to .008 long, 7iaiTozcly linear, acute. Flowers .005 to .008 long, pink ; flowering racemes short, fruiting .03 long ; silicles .004 long, obovate, obtuse at base, with broad obtuse sinus at apex ; wings crenate, broader than cells ; style shorter than sinus Summer — Middle zone of Amanus and northward. pj^ oo 4. JE. loiig^istyluiti, Post. (Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 1888 p. 425) ^ ."Ito .3, many-stemmed from a woody, zigzag, decumbent base ; fertile stems with few, sterile with many .02 to .03 long, ^ .003 to .005 broad, oblong-linear leaves, tapering at base, very obtuse at aj^ex. Fruiting racemes rather loose, .02 to .05 long; Biliole^ obcm^date-ar- bicular, .008 long, deeply notched at apex ; wings as broad as cell, entire, slightly incurved ; style longer than sinus — Summer — Kocky jDlaces, 1,200 ; Jebel-el-Fughry in Lebanon; Kaipokdagh in Amanus. 5. iE, §picatuin, Post. (Hooker's Icones Plantarum, Vol. xv., Plate 1478) 5 -15 to .25, many stemmed from a woody, zigzag base, reddish-aorlcy Mow. Lower-leaves crowded .006 to .015 long, ohovate-cuneate, truncate, often retuse ; upper a few ■p3iiTS,ol)long-ellipticcd, .01 long, nearly sessile. Fruiting vacemes forming hopliJce sjnkes, .01 to .03 long, .015 broad ; silicles orbicular, .01 long, slightly notched at base and deeply at apex ; icings twice as broad as cell, pale pinkish green, crenate-margined, flat or wavy ; style several times shm^ter than sinus — April to June — Rocky places above 1,000 ; El- Jebel-el-Ahhmar, opposite Antioch, and the adjacent mountains of Amanus. Spike of ripe fruits ofiE. spicatum 6. iE. styloium, DC. 5 .05 to .15 ; stems simple or branched, leafy. Leaves .01 long, ovate-lanceolate, acutish, the lower tapering to a short petiole. Flowers capitate, .007 long. Fruiting raceme elon- gated ; ovary ovate, scarcely retuse ; wings denticulate ; style long -- Summer — Alpine summits of Lebanon. 7. iE, Gileadense, Post. (Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1888, a. Ripe pod of M. longistylum. b. the septum and style, with a seed, both natural size. 93 CRtJCiPER^. (mustard family.) p. 425) 5 -2 or more ; stem somewhat branched. Lower-leaves on sterile branches obovate, petioled, limb .005 long, waxy-margined ; upper linear acute. Flowers .... Fruiting racemes . 1 long, loose ; silicles ol)omte-orl>kular, .004 long, retuse at base, scarcely so at apex ; wings as broad as cells, radiate-plicate, involute, upper almost urn- shaped crenate, at length fimbriate ; stigma sessile — Spring — Woods near Es-Salt. 1 1 Silicles ^-celled ; cells 2-ovuled, winged. §. i^E. cordatum, DC. 5 -15 to .2, with few, rigid, leafy stems. Leaves crowded, cordate or deltoid-cordate, clasping, .008 to .01 long, the ujiper acute. Flowering raceme cajjitate to oblong ; flowers .006 long, sulplmi'-colored. Fruiting raceme elongated ; silicles omfe, truncate-retuse at apex ; wings somewhat dilated above, a little broader than cell, repand ; st^jle about as long as pod — May and June — Sub- alpine regions of Lebanon and Antilebanon. * * * Annuals. Silicles '^-celled ; cells 2-d-ovuled with mpj'e or less Jicittened icings, or 1-celled, 1-seeded, urn-shaped, oicing to convolution of wing. Plants .1 to .25 high, with lower-leaves ovate, more or less petioled, ujyper oblong -lanceolate, sessile, cordate at base. t Fruiting racemes .05 to .1 long, compact but not sp)iTcecl. 9. JE. cri§tat«iii, D.C. © Silicles usually of both kinds, the two-celled orbicular, .008 in diameter, with coarsely -toothed iDings broader than cells, and style much shorter than open sinus — Spring — Fields ; Hebron to Jerusalem, Aintab, and Aleppo. 10. iE, Iieterocarpuiii, J. Gay Silicles of both kinds, the two-celled orbicular, .008 in diameter, with entire wings broader than cells, and style shorter than closed sinus — Spring — Fields ; Judea and Gilead to Coele-Syria, Antilebanon, Aleppo, and north- ward. 11, JE, campy lopter Hill, Boiss. Silicles of both kinds, the two-celled orbicular, .006 long, with entire icavy wings, broader than cells and style longer tlian ovary, and much longer than open sinus, much less in number tlian the small, globidar, urn-shaped, one-celled pods — Spring — Fields ; Aleppo to Aintab. ft Fruiting racemes .01 to .04 long, forming hop-UTce spiilces. 12, iE. Biixlbaiiiiiii; Fisch. Silicles all two-celled, or- bicular, .01 long, w^ith entire, flattened icings ticice as h^oad as cells, and a short style at bottom of deep, slit-like^ closed sinus — Spring — Fields ; Northern Syria and northward. 41. BISCIJTEL.L.A, L. Buckler-Mustard. Sepals equal or saccate at base. Petals obovate, entire, clawed. Stamens free, toothless. Silicles indehiscent, twin, much flattened ; valves orbicular, separable from axis, 1-seeded — Annual or perennial herbs, often hirsute, with small yellow flowers. B. Columnae, Ten .2 to .4. Leaves obovate-cuneate, to oblong-lanceolate and linear, dentate or entire. Stem nearly naked — Spring — Fields; common throughout. (Fig. 35.) Fig. 35. Fruiting raceme of Biscutella Columnae, CHUCIFER^. (mustard FAMILY.) 93 42. HELDREICHIA, Boiss. Calyx equal at base. Petals entire, Longer filaments winged ; wing tapering or ending in a lateral tooth. Silicles flat- tened, almost twin, obovate to transversely ovate, truncate at apex, two-celled, dehis- cent. Valves helmet- shaped, keeled, wing- less ; cells 1-ovuled ; seed flattened, not margined. — Perennial, glabrous herbs, with white flowers. H. toiiplevrifolfa, Boiss. 2f .1 to .3 ; root-stock slender, creeping, branching at apex ; stems divaricately branching from base. Leaves fleshy, obovate to spathulate, petioled, entire, the uppermost linear, obtuse. Silicles transversely ovate, .004 long, ,008 broad, rounded at base, truncate at apex, with short, apiculate style — Sept. — Dhohr-el-Qodhib. Var. siitotrilolDa, Boiss. Pod somewhat trilobed, by enlarge ment at base of style — Top of Lebanon. ^ 43. TMI.ASPI, L. Penny-Cress. Calyx equal at base. Petals equal, or in unequal pairs, entire. Stamens free, toothless. Silicles flattened, obcordate-orbicular' oblon» or obtriangular, generally notched at apex. Valves boat-shaped^ ovate.— Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, with auricled, clasp- ing leaves, and white or pink flowers. ' * Wing of silicles surrounded ly a prominent nerve. t Pods orUcular ; sinus narroic, slit-lihe. 1. Til. torevicaaiBe, Boiss. et Ky. © .03 to .05. Root-leaves . small, petioled, ovate ; stem-leaves nearly entire, ovate ; auricles acute. Petals white, retuse, once-and-a-half as long as calyx. Fruiting racemes capitate; silicles .008 long, with reticulated wings ; stigma sessile ; cells 4:-6-seeded— May— Subalpine regions of Lebanon and Antilebanom tt Pods obcordate, with broad sinus; cells 4:-ovuIed. Loic herds. 2. Til. microstylum, Boiss. ©or (2) .08 to .1 ; stems many, ascending, short. Root-leaves petiolate, ovate ; stem-leaves claspinc with acutish auricles. Fetuls jjale /les7i-colo7'ed, twice as long as calyx^ silicles oUong-subcordate, .008 long, tcith someiohat narrow sinus; wino-s nerved at apex, broader than cell ; style one-fourth as long as sinus • — May — Alpine and subalpine zone of Lebanon and middle zone of Cassiug. 3. Til. perfoliatum, L. © Shemr-Murah .1 to .3, branching from base, stems ascending, or erect. Root-leaves ovate-cordate, ovate, obovate or elliptical, petiolate \ stem-leaves sometimes petio- led, usually oblong-lanceolate, clasping, with rather obtuse auricles. Petals, white, usually irregular, about twice as long as calyx ; silicles obovate-orbicular, .008 long; stigma sessile — March to May — Fields ; common everywhere. 94 CBTJCIPER^. (mustard FAMILY.) Var. microcarpum,* Boiss. Pods .004 long. Var. rotundatum, Boiss. Pods more rounded. Var. stylatum, Post. Style about as long as sinus. Var. J^atolicum, Post. Petals two unequal pairs, the longer 3-4 times as long as calyx — More common in the mountains (H. Natolicum, Boiss). Var. longistylum, Post. Petals as in last. Style several times as lang as sinus — Nusairy Mountains. * * Wings not surrounded ly a nerxe^ disa^ypearing toward lase of pod. Glaucescent, UenniaU with obtusely aurieled stem-leaves ; cells 4:-ovuled. 4. Til. viola§cen§, Schott et Ky. (D Root leaves repand, ovate- oblong, tapering into a petiole ; stem-leaves oblong, entire, acutish. Petals scarcely longer than violet calyx; anthers violet; fruiting racemes pyramidal .15 long or longer, dense ; pedicels as long as obcordate ob- triano-ular .006 long silicles ; wings rounded ; style scarcely half as long as narrow sinus — Spring — Grassy places ; Amanus and north- ward. 5. Th. densiflorum, Boiss etKy. (D Root-leaves dentate, ovate- oblong, tapering into a petiole, stem-leaves entire, oblong, acute. Petals twice as long as calyx ; anthers yellow ; fruiting racemes corym- &ose .03^0.05 long, dense ; pedicels shorter than ob-triangular, obcordate silicles ; wings acutish ; style nearly half as long as narrow sinus — Spring — Amanus. 6. Til. elegaiis, Boiss. (D .3 or more. Root-leaves entire, obo- vate, tapering into a long petiole ; stem-leaves ovate. Petals twice and a half to thrice as long as calyx ; fruiting racemes corymbose, .04 to .05 long, dense ; silicles oblong-obcordate, .005 long with broad sinus, and acutish wings ; style half as long as diameter of pod — Spring — Amanus and northward. 44. CARPOCERAS, Boiss. Carpoceras. Sepals equal at base. Petals equal, entire. Filaments free, tobth- less. Silicles ob-triangular or oblong, apex 2-horned with broad cres- centic sinus; valves boat-shaped, wingless, keeled — (Ours) Biennial- herbs with white or pink flowers, and oblong to cordate leaves, the lower tapering to a petiole, the upper clasping. 1. C. oxycera§, Boiss. © .6 to 1. Silicles ob-triangular .006 long ; horns awl-shaped from a triangular base, half as long as pod ; style someiohat shorter than horns — May and June — Woods; middle mountain zone ; Galilee ; Cassius. 2. C. Cappadocicum, Boiss et Bal. © .6 to 1, glaucous. Lower leaves .1 or more long. Silicles oblong, .01 long, .002 broad ; horns very short, less than half as long as style — May and June — Woods ; middle zone of Mt. Cassius. Probably only a variety of the last. 45. IBERIA, L. Candytuft. Sepals equal at base. Petals unequal radiating. Filaments free, toothless. Silicles ovate or obovate ; cells 1-seeded ; valves boat- CRUCIPERiE. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 95 shaped, winged — Small shrubs or monocarpic herbs, with umbellate white or pink flowers. * Leaves entire or nearly so. Flowers strongly radiating. Biennials. 1. I, Jordani, Boiss. (D .1 to .15, branching from neck. Leaves somewhat setulose, entire or repand, oblong-spathulate to linear. Flowers pink, crowded in a flattened umbel ; silicles in a short somewhat umbellike raceme, ovate, .007 long, somewhat concave ; wings purple, acutish ; style s/wrter than sinus — May and June — Amanus. 2. I. Taiirica, DC. (f) .3 to .3, branching from neck. Leaves obovate-spathulate to linear-spathulate entire, or somewhat dentate. Flowers flesh colored or pink, in a hemispherical umbel ; silicles in a short race77ie, with spreading or contracted pedicels, ovate ; wings acutish or obtuse ; style longer than sinus — Spring — Woods ; Cas- sius and northward. ** Leaves more or less pinnatifid. Flowers scarcely radiating. Annuals. 3. I. odorata, L. .05 to .15, minutely bristly. Leaves linear-lanceolate or spathulate, pinnatifid toward apex. Flowers small ; silicles umbellate, glabrous, ovate ; wings acute, twice as long as style — March to May — Damascus to Nusairy Mountains, Aleppo, and north- ward and eastward. 46. TEE^DALIA, E. Br. Teesdalia. Sepals spreading, equal at base. Petals equal, or the outer radia- ting. Stamens 4-6, with a scale at the inner side of base. Silicles obo- vate ; cells 3-ovuled ; valves boat-shaped, with keel-like wings — Annual glabrous herbs, with rosetted, pinnatifid root-leaves. T. Lepidium, DC. .05 to .1. Petals not longer than calyx ; stamens usually 4. Stigma sessile — July and August — Bikfaya. 47. HUTCHINSIA, R. Br. Hutchinsia. Sepals equal at base. Petals entire. Filaments toothless. Sili- cles (in ours) elliptical, flattened, valves keeled, wingless ; cells 3- seeded — Small annuals, with pinnate leaves, and minute white flowers. H. Petraea, L. .1. Root fibrous, branches slender. Silicles .003 long, a little shorter than pedicels — Spring — Bare hills ; Moab. 48. SEXEBIERA, Poir. Wart-Cress. Swine-Cress. Sepals short, spreading, equal at base. Petals oblong. Filaments free, toothless. Silicles twin, indehiscent ; cells each containing one globular seed — Annual or biennial herbs, diffusely branched from neck, with minute white flowers. 96 CRTycirBR^. (mustard family.) S. Coronopus, L. (f) BesMd larri. Leaves 1-3 pinnatisect. Silicles nearly sessile, broader than long, tubercular- Fig. 36. reticulate with dentate margin ; style pyramidal — Spring — Roadsides ; everywhere. 49. PEL.TAMA, L, Peltakia. Sepals spreading, equal at base. Petals with obovate, entire limb. Filaments free, toothless. Silicles somewhat stipitate, papyraceous, thin, or- bicular, indehiscent, 1-celled, netted veined, with prominent margin, 3-4-ovuled but generally 1- seeded ; style none ; stigma dot-like ; seed pen- dulous. — Tall, glabrous, perennial, corymbose herbs, a. Kaceme of Senebiera with white flowers, and silicles on recurved filiform Coronopus in fruit with T , ' leaf opposite, pedicels. j. silicle magnlfiod 2 diameters. P. augustifolia, DC. If .6 to 1. Root-leaves Yig. 37 long-petioled ovate, often cordate at base ; stem-leaves, tapering at base, lanceolate to linear — April to July — Rocky places, in middle zone of mountains ; throughout 50. CL.YPEOL.A, L. Treacle-Mustard. Calyx equal at base. Petals entire. Filaments den- tate appendaged. Silicles obovate to orbicular and el- liptical, indehiscent, 1-celled, 1 -seeded ; stigma retuse ; seeds not margined, flat, pendulous — Annual herbs sindes of canescent with stellate, scurfy wool ; leaves oblong peitaria angus- to linear-spathulate ; flowers racemed, minute, yellow ; WioWs. pedicels recurved. * Silicles papery^ hirsute ; cell central^ surround^ hy a icing. 1, C. joiithla§pi, L © .1 to .25. Petals nearly as Fig. long as calyx ; silicles almost orbicular^ slightly retuse at apex ; seed half as broad as cell ; wing entire ; stigma sessile — April to June — Hills and sandy places ; through- out. 2. C. microcarpa, Moris. .05 to .01. Petals about as long as calyx ; silicles ohovate-elliptical, slightly notched at apex ; seed rather more than half as broad as cell ; wing entire ; stigma sessile — Marchand April— Stony places ; Sinai. ProlaUy only a variety of the last. * * Silicles leathery^ echinate with retrorsely harbed hristles ; wings 0. 2. C. ecliiiiata, DC. © .05 to. 15. Fetdiis scarcely longer thain calyx ; silicles obovate-orhicular, obtuse ; style very short — Spring —Hill country, east and west of Jordan, and northward to Damascus, and eastward. 4. C lappacea, Boiss. © .1 to. 2. VetaXsticice as long as calyx ; thrice as long as those of our other species ; silicles elliptical, acute^ with long style — Spring — Rocky places ; Antilebanon and eastward. CRUCIFERiE. (mustard ITAMILT.) 97 51. ISATIS, L. WOAD. Sepals spreading, equal at base. Petals equal, entire. Filamentt free, toothless. Silicle indehiscent, linear or ovate, with elongated, fun- gous (rarely membranous) cell ; back flat, or surrounded by an obtuse margin, or winged only at apex ; wing fungous or membranous ; stigma sessile ; seed 1, pendulous — Monocarpic or perennial herbs, with yellow flowers, petioled lower and sagittate upper leaves, and deflexed fruiting pedicels often thickened at apex. * Cell of pod fungous, surrounded 'by a memhranous wing. Perennials. 1. I. lati§iliqua, Stev. If. Tall. Lower leaves oblong-spathu- late, upper linear-lanceolate. Silicles glabrous or pubescent, varying greatly in size, ovate-orticular oxohlong with roundedbase, or cuneate with obtuse or tapering apex ; wing Iroader than cell — Summer — Alpine regions of Lebanon and Antilebanon. * * CelU of silicles oblong or linear, fungous, iwrrounded by a thich fungous wing. t Perennials. 2. f. glauca, Auch. % .6 to 1.3. glabrous, glaucous; stem expanding into a broad panicle. Leaves entire; lowermost with petioles sometimes . 3 long ; upper minute, scarcely auricled. Silicles tomentellous, linear-oblong from a cuneate base, .013 long, .005 to .006 broad, obtuse or truncate-retuse — May and June — Fields ; Qaldun, north of Damascus, and northward and eastward. 3. I. Aiicheri, Boiss 2^. .2 to .3, more or less woolly or pubescent, many-stemmed, with small, few-branched panicle. Leaves entire or repand ; lowermost oblong-spathulate, including petiole .05 long ; upper linear-lanceolate acutely long -auricled. Silicles tomentose, oblong, .015 long, .006 broad, truncate-retuse at apex ; wing narrow, dilated ahove cell — May and June — Mountains about Behesne and northward and eastward. Yar. vellerifera, Boiss. Wool of silicles long, villous, com- pletely hiding the cell — Marash. 4. I. hispida,. If .2 to .3 hispid, woody at base ; panicle small, loose. Leaves mostly on lower sterile stems, entire or repand, obovate, tapering at base into a petiole, .1 to .12 long, .015 to .025 broad, obtuse, upper few, small, not auricled. Silicles (immature) pan- nous, obovate, somewhat dilated and truncate-retuse at apex ; wing narrow, hardly expanded above cell — Summer — Subalpine regions of Akherdagh. Further study, with ripe fruits, is required to determine whether this species may not be a variety of the last. 5. I. coclilearis, Boiss. 2]I ? .6, glabrous, except aUmg ribs of leaves. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acutely dentate, those of stem lanceolate, auricled. Silicles .008 long, woolly, oblong-cuneate, scarcely winged above, cell glabrescent, somewhat concave — Summer — Moun- tains about Behesne. 16 98 CRUCIPEK^. (mustard FAMILY.) I I Biennials. 6. I. tinctoria, L. d) Dyer's Woad. .6 to 1 glabrous ; panicle broad, loose. Root-leaves acutish, oblong-lanceolate, entire or repand ; stem-leaves lanceolate to linear, sagittate. Silicles glabrous or pubescent, oblong-linear with cuneate base, .012 long, .003 broad, 8-4 times as long as their breadth, obtuse, or retuse ; cell narrow, obtusely ribbed — Spring — Plain of Gennesaret. I I I Aiinuals. 6, I. microcarpa, J. Gay. .3 to .4, gJalrous, glaucous. Root-leaves oblong, nearly entire, .03 to .05 long ; stem-leaves lanceolate or triangular, auricled, entire. Silicles, elliptical^ .006 long .003 broad, rounded at base, obtuse or acutish at apex ; cell separated from wing hy an almost obsolete groove — Spring — Desert east of Moab, and southward to Sinai, 7. I. Aleppica, Scop. .3 to .6, glabrous or nearly so, forming an ample panicle. Lower leaves obovate, dentate or somewhat lyrate, including petiole .12 long, .04 broad; upper small, auricled, entire or repand. Silicles retrorsely puberulent, linear, .02 long .004 broad, rounded or retuse at apex ; cell narrowly linear, marTced hy a groove on eitlier side — Spring — Fields ; through- out. Poda of Isatis Aleppica 52. BOREAVA, Jaub. et Spach. Boeeata. Calyx somewhat bigibbous, spreading. Petals oblong-spathulate, clawed. Filaments toothless. Silicles nut-like, hard, indehiscent, ovate or nearly 4-angled, (in ours) 4-winged, one-seeded ; style capitate ; seed ovate, pendulous — Annual, glabrous, glaucous herbs, with paniculate-corymbose stem, entire, cordate-auricled leaves, bract- less racemes, and medium-sized, pale yellow flowers^ and aspect of Bunias. B. Orie!itali§, Jaub. et Spach. .3 to .6. Leaves oblong, acute, the lower often .08 to .1 long. Pedicels slender, somewhat spread- ing, nearly as long as silicles ; silicic with style .008 to .01 long, some- what tubercled, wavy-plicate between wings, tapering into a pyra- midal, 4-angled style, half its length — Spring — Fields ; Aleppo. 53. WESIilA, Desv. Neslia. Calyx equal at base. Petals entire. Filaments toothless. Silicles compressed oblate-spheroidal, indehiscent, -pj^ 4q 2-ovuled, 1-seeded ; stigma retuse, seed pen- dulous — Annual herbs, hirsute with branch- ing hairs ; stem-leaves sagittate ; flowers small, yellow. Rf. paniculata, Desv. © .3 to .6. Leaves oblong to lanceolate, entire or dentate. Fruiting racemes .03 to .18 long, pedicels spreading, filiform, thrice as long as reticulated silicles ; style apicu- late — Spring — Fields ; everyw^here. Pods of Neslia paniculata CRUCIFER^. (mustard FAMILY.) 99 54. TEXIERA, Jaub. et Sp. Texiera. Calyx loose, equal at base. Petals oblong, clawed. Filaments free, toothless. Silicles globose, glabrous, indehiscent, with mem- branous -epicarp, thick spongy mesocarp, and crustaceous, unequally crested endocarp. Seed 1, pendulous — Glabrous, ^iq 41 glaucous herbs, with small, pale yellow flowers. T. gIa§tifolia5 DC. .15 to .3, branching from base or above. Lower leaves oblong, sin- uate-dentate or pinnatifid ; upper oblong-lanceo- late, sagittate, entire. Pedicels longer than pods, deflexed — Spring — Fields ; Zahleh to p^^j^ ^j. texiera Damascus, Aleppo, and northward. giastifoUa. 55, CAtiEPINA, Adans. Calepina. Calyx spreading, equal at base. Petals obovate. Filaments free, toothless. Silicles ovate spherical, inde- ^iq. 42. hiscent, beaked with a short, angular style, obsoletely 4-ribbed, reticulated, 1-celled ; seed pendulous —Annual, white flowered herbs. Raceme of Calepina Corvini C. Corvini, All. Ped. 0.3 to .6 glabrous. Root-leaves resetted, lyrate ; stem-leaves oblong, auricled, dentate. Pedicels spreading, filiform, twice or thrice as long as pods — Spring — Fields ; common. 56. SCHIMPERA, Hochst. et Steud. Schimpera. Calyx spreading, equal at base. Petals equal, entire. Filaments free, toothless. Silicles indehiscent ; cell ovate, crustaceous, tubercled, ending in a linear, compressed beak. Seed 1, pendulous — Desert annuals, with minute yellow flowers. S. Arafeica, Hochst. et St. Es-Sufeird .1 to .25, sparingly papillose-puberulent. Root- leaves rosetted oblong, runcinate-dentate or pin- natifid; stem-leaves linear, entire, auricled. Cell of silicle ovate ; beak oblique, tliiice its length ' — March and April — Et-Tih and southward. Yia. 43 57. MYAGRfJM, L. Myagrum. Pods of Schimpera Arabica Calyx somewhat bisaccate at base, nearly erect. Petals oblong. Longer filaments connate at base. Silicle indehiscent, leathery -corky obcordate, swelling into two rounded knobs at apex ; style short, 4-angled ; seed 1 , pendulous — Annual glaucous herbs, with minute, pale yellow flowers. 100 CRUCIFER^. (mustard FAMILY.) Fig. 44 Pods of Myagrum perfoliatum. M. perfoliatum, L. .3. Leaves entire or repand, the lower oblong, taper- ing into a petiole ; the upper oblong to lanceolate, auricled. Pedicel thick club- shaped, shorter than the pod — Spring Fields ; Coelesyria to Hauran, Damas- cus Aleppo, and northward and eastward. 58. EUCL.IDIUM, R. Br. Euclidium. Calyx spreading, equal at base. Petals oblong-spathulate. Fila- ments free, toothless. Silicles small ovate, 2-celled, the sutures of the indehiscent valves manifest ; style (in Fig. 45 ours) permanent, awl-shaped; stigma bilobed ; seeds 1 in each cell, pendulous.-— Annual, rigid, dichotomous herbs, with small, sessile, white flowers. E. Syriaciim, L. .1, hirsute with branching hairs. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, entire or repand. Sili- cles scabrous — Spring — Fields and roadsides ; Hauran po^s of in Hums Aleppo, and northward, and eastward. Euclidium w xxiAiiL , i:-ir Syriacum 59. OCHTHODIUM, DC. Ochthodium. Calyx spreading, equal at base. Petals clawed, oblong-spathulate. Filaments dilated, toothless. Silicles leathery, indehiscent, globular- cubical, with tubercled-echinate angles, 2-celled ; style short, pyra- midal ;' -seeds 1 in each cell, pendulous — Annual, branching herbs, with yellow flowers. O. iEgyptiacum, L. .3 to 1, very sparingly hirsute. Leaves not auricled, the lower pinnatipartite or lyrate ; the uppermost lanceo- late entire. Fruiting racemes often .3 to .4 long, loose ; pedicels stiff', longer than pods -— Spring — Fields ; common. Fig. 46 Rae«m« of Ochthodium iEgyptiacum, showing a leaf, immature fruits, and flowers. 60. BUIVIAS, R. Br. Bunias. Calyx erect or spreading, equal at base. Petals clawed, oblong- spathulate. Filaments free, toothless. Silicles nut-like, 4-angled, winged, ovate, 4 to 3-celled ; style pyramidal ; seeds 1 m each cell, pendulous, spoon-shaped ~ Yellow flowered herbs. CRUCIPHR^. (MUSTJLRD FAMILY.) 101 B. Eracagro, L. © .3 to 1 ingly pubescent. Lower leaves runcinate or sinuate-dentate ; up- per linear-oblong, acute, entire. Wings of silicle crest-like ; cells 4 — Spring — or more, spar- FlG. Ripe pod of B. Erucago. Var. ecbinata, Boiss. Wings of pod split to base into 5-6 lanceolate teeth — Fields and hedges ; northern Syria. 61. ZIL.L.A, Forsk. Zilla. Sillah. Calyx erect, equal at base. Petals oblong, entire, long-clawed. Filaments free, toothless. Silicles crustaceous ovate-globular, corky- fungous, 2-celled ; style bony, beak-like ; seeds 1 in each cell, pen- dulous — Horny, nearly leafless, dichotomously branched, desert shrubs, with pink flowers Z. myag^roides, Forsk. 5 Es-SiUah. .3 to .5, glabrous. Lower leaves rosetted, soon with- ering, oblong, repand-lobed, ta- pering into a petiole ; upper oblong to linear, obtuse. Flowers .01 lonar ; silicle glabrous, smooth, or Fig. 48 irregularly ribbed pitted December to April — Southern end of Dead Sea, and southward. 62. CRAMBE, L. Crambb. Calyx spreading, equal at base. Petals obovate, entire. Longer Pod and thorns of Zilla my agroides. filaments generally toothed below apex. Loments indehiscent ; lower joint pedicelliform, seedless ; upper globular, hard, 1-celled, 1-seeded; stigma sessile ; seed suspended by a funicle which ascends from the bottom of the cell, globular — Herbs or shrubs with a broad panicle of rather small white flowers. * Perennial. Loioer leaves Idbed, not parted. 1. C. maritiiiia, L. Jl. Sea-Kale. Glabrous. Root-leaves elliptical-oblong, of rounded, wavy, sinuate or lobed. Loment .008 to .01 long ; upper joint ovate — Spring — Coast (Tristram.) 2. C. Oriciitalis, L. If .6 to 1, stem glabrous. Leaves sca- brous, ovate-oUong to oUong lanceolate, the lowermost .3 to .3 long, un- divided, the others pinnatifid or lobed — May to July — Fields; Aleppo to Aintab. Yar. Aiiclieri, Boiss. Leaves vehety-canesceni — Coelesyria, Antilebanon, and Damascus, to Aleppo and northward. * * Annual or biennial to pm'ennial. Lower leaves lyrate. 3. C. Hispanica, L. .3 to .6, sparingly hispid. Lateral 102 CRUClFERiE. (mustard FAMILY.) segments of leaves 2-4, small, terminal cordate-orbicular — Spring — Mountains of Galilee. Samaria, Moab, and Gilead. 4. C filiformis, Jacq. @ to If. .3 to .4, sparingly papillose- bristly. Lateral segments of leaves 2-4 small, terminal loith truncate or cuneate hase^ ovate-orbicular — Spring — Plain of Gennesaret (Tristram, ) 63. RAPISTRUM, Desv. Rapistrttm. Calyx spreading, somewhat bigibbous at base. Petals Fig. 49. clawed, entire. Filaments toothless. Loment indehiscent ; joints 1-celled ; the lower oblong or pedicelliform, marked with sutures of indehiscent valves, seedless or with 1-2 pendulous seeds ; the uj^per ovoid-globular, beaked, with 1 erect seed — Tall, yellow-flowered herbs, R. rug^osum, L, © .3 to .6. Lower leaves lyrate ; upper oblong, repand. Fruiting pedicels stiff, thickened, as long as and narrower than the obconical lower joint of loment ; upper joint marked with longitudinal crests ; style as long as pod — Spring — Fields and roadsides, com- mon throughout, Var. lougisityluni, Post. Style twice as long as pod. Var. elavatuiu, Boiss. Lower joint often longer racemTof than pedicel ; uj)per larger, nearly globular — PhcBnician Rapistrum coast. rugosura. 64. DIDESMUS, DC. Didesmus. Calyx erect, somewhat bigibbous at base. Petals obovate, clawed. Filaments free, toothless, Loments oblong, leathery, with indehiscent, 1 -seeded, generally angled and grooved joints, the terminal pyrami- dal ; seeds globular, pendulous — Annual, white-flowered herbs, with aspect of Myagrum and Erucaria. * Leaves not divided, or only the lowermost lyrate. 1. I>. jEgyptius, L. Sparingly scabrous. Leaves olhng oUuse, remotely dentate, or the lowermost lyrate. Joints of loment of equal length, ovate 4-angled, the terminal longer than style — Spring — Plain of Gennesaret, * * Leaves 1-%-pinnatisect. 2. D. tenuifoliu§, Sibth. .3, scabrous. Leaves jDinnatisect into short, linear, entire or dentate lobes. Joints of loment equal in length andthicl-ness, ovate-tetragonal, the terminal a little longer than ^tyle — Spring — Beirut, 'Aleih ; probably introduced, 3. I>. ro§tratu§, Boiss, Papillose-puberulent, Leaves bipinnatisect into shcu't, linear lobes, Loicer joint of loment shorter, cylindrical, iqrper tlirice as thicl\ ovate- pyramidal, as long as style — Spring — Palestine (Roth), Jericho (Schlumberger). Beirut (Peyron) CRUCIFER^. (mustard FAMILY.) 103 65. CAK1L.E, L. Cakile. Calyx bigibbous at base. Petals obovate, Fig. 51. clawed. Filaments free, toothless. Lomeuts with 2 joints ; the lower shorter, top-shaped, truncate at apex ; the upper (in ours) ensiform ; both 1-celled, 1-seeded ; stigma sessile — Annual, fleshy, glabrous, maritime herbs, with dentate, pinnate, or rarely entire leaves, and pale or pink floAvers. C. niaritiina, Scop. Sea-Rocket. .25. Leaves pinnatifid, with linear, obtuse lobes. ^°^' ""{^-^ aurVcS. ^'"'^' Lower joint nsually ''Z-toothed at a^ex — Early summer — Sands of coast. of pod Beiri:it. with lateral auricles Var. auriciilata. Lower joint or harbs below their middle (Fig. 51 ) — Var. iiitegrifolia, Boiss. Leaves oblong, entire or sinuate den- tate — Beirut. 66. EXARTHROCARPUS. Labill. Enarthrocarpus. Calyx equal at base. Petals oblong, clawed. Filaments free, tooth- less. Loments elongated, terete or flattened, indehiscent ; lower joint short, with 1 -3 cells, each with one pendulous seed, or seedless ; ui)per joint oo-celled, often constricted, each cell with 1 erect seed — Annual branching herbs, with aspect of liajyhanus, lower leaves lyrate, upper small, dentate ; flowers yellowish-purple, veiny. 1. E. arcuatu§, Labill. .3 to .5, scabrous-puberulent. Lower pedicels Ir acted; loments .06 to .1 long, appressed-scabrous, terete^ torw- lose, curved ; beak short, straight, thick ; lower joint short or none, 1-or 0-seeded — Spring — Seacoast of Syria, and lower mountain regions. 2. E. lyratu§, Forsk. Abu-Qarn. lose-hairy. Pedicels nearly all bracted; loments .04 to .05 long, appressed scabrous, slightly flattened and cur- ved, obsoletely torulose, ribbed and grooved lengthicise ; beak short, straight, slejider ; lower joint elon- gated^ 2-3-seeded ^- Spring — Ras Beirut ; probably adveutive from Egypt. Jericho to Bir-es-Saba', Gaza, and southward. S. E. §trangu]atu9, Boiss. Shilwat. Yasanid . 3 to .6, more or less hispid, especially below. Pedicels nearly all bracted. Lo- ments .03 to .04 long, appressed scabrous, especially at margins, flattened, Jceeled, curved, torulose, striate ; beak lojig, often hooked; .3 to 1, sparingly jDapil- FiG. 53. Leaf and loment of E. strangulatus. 104 CRUCIFEKiE. (mustard FAMILY.) lower joint 1-2-seeded — Spring — Wadies about Dead Sea. Borders of Et-Tih, and southward to Egypt and Sinai. 67. HUSSONIA, Boiss. Hussonia. Calyx bisaccate at base. Petals clawed, linear-oblong. Filaments toothless. Loments slender, elongated ; lower joint short, terete, 1-2-celled, seeds 1-2 in each cell, pendulous ; upper joint oo -celled, each cell withl cylindrical-linear seed; beak long — Annual desert herbs with aspect of Erucaria, but well distinguished by the long, slender, and contorted pods. M, imcata, Boiss. .2 to .3, scabrous below, glabrous above, flexuous, twining among shrubs. Leaves pinnatisect, lobes linear to oblong, entire or dentate to pinnatifid. Loments short pedicelled, .03 to .04 long, curved or contorted; beak hooked — Spring — Et- Tih and southward. 6§. ERUCARIA, Gsertn. Erucaria. Calyx erect, equal at base. Petals obovate, clawed. Filaments toothless. Loments 2-jointed, slender ; lower joint terete, dehiscent, longer than upper, 2-celled, 2-valved ; seeds 2-6 in each cell, pendu- lous ; upper joint indehiscent, ovate or ensiform, beaked, cells 1-3, 1-seeded — Annual, branching herbs, with pinnatisect leaves, and lilac flowers. 1. E. Aleppica, Gaertn. .3 to .6, nearly glabrous. Lobes of lower leaves linear or oblong, pinnatifid, those of upper narrow, elongated, entire. Loments stiff, .015 long, generally appressed ; lower joint cylindrical^ many-seeded, upper ensiform, somewhat keeled, 1-seeded, nearly as long as lower ^ and as long as aicl-shajped style ■ — Feb- ruary to June — Roadsides ; common throughout, especially in the Ghor, and east of the Jordan. Var. puberula, Boiss. The whole plant puberulent. Between Jerusalem and Jericho. Yar. latifolia, Boiss. Lobes of lower leaves broader. Yar. horizoiitali§5 Post. Ripe pods horizontal. Lobes of leaves short, at right angles to axis. — Nedjha, south of Damascus. A plant with the spreading pods of E. crassifolia. 2. E. liiiearilo1>a, Boiss. Glabrous, tall. Lohes of leaves linear awl-sJiajyed. Loments appressed ; upper joint slender, 1-2-seeded, torulose, longer than JiMform style — Spring — Eastern highlands (Tristram). 3. E. microcarpa, Boiss. .1 to .3 papillose-scabrous. Lobes of lower leaves at riglit angles to axis, -flesJiy, sliort, pinnatifid ; of upper linear, entire. Loments .006 long, ascending, glabrous or scabrous ; lower joint torulose, flattened, many-seeded ; upper ovate, half as long as lower, sliarter than style — February to April — Aroiand Dead Sea, and in Et-Tih, and southward to Egypt. CRUCIFER^. (MUSTARD FAMILY.) 105 Var. major, Post. Plant larger, reaching .5. Pods with style .008 long. Style as long as loth joints — El-wadi-el-Abiadh in Et-Tlh. 4. E, cras8ifolia,Forsk. Krum'b-es-Salira'h. .3 to .4, glabrous. Lobes of leaves oblong-linear to linear, entire, or sparingly dentate. Young loments cUftexed, at maturity nearly Jwrisontal, .016 long, lower joint half as long as U2?]jer, cylindrical, many-seeded, upper eusiform, somewhat keeled, thicker than lower ; leak shorty awl-shaped — Spring — South end of Dead Sea. 69. RAPHAI^^US, L. Radish. Fiji. Calyx erect, bisaccate at base. Petals long-clawed, obtuse or retuse. Filaments free, toothless. Loments terete ; lower joint nar- row, top-shaped, sterile, rery short, sometimes ; upper elongated, continuous, or necklace-like, with cells in 1 row breaking up into segments ; seeds globular, pendulous — Annual or perennial herbs, with lyrate lower leaves, and lilac or yellow, more or less purple- veined flowers. * U2?per joint of loment continuous^ with 3 l&ngitudin/il celU, 1. R. §ati¥U8, L. Common Radish. Fiji. .5 to 2, sparing- ly papillose-hairy or glabrescent. Upper joint of loment .08 to .05 long, .01 thick, ohlong-conical, inflated, glabrous, longer than leak — SjDring — Escaped from cultivation ; everywhere. 2. R, pii^ioiiiforinis, Boiss. .3 to .5, papillose-scabrous. Upper joint of loment with beak .1 to .13 long, papillose-scabrous, seed bearing portion .005 thick, conical-cylindrical, one third as long as beak — April to June — Moist grassy places ; Antilebanon to Banias, and Galilee. * * Upper joint of loment 1-cdled, hut constricted between seeds. a. R. Raphaiiistrum, L. Wild Radish. Fig. 58> Jointed Charlock. Fijjaileh. .3 to 1, sparingly scabrous. UjDper joint of loment glabrous, .05 to .08 long, ,004 thick, necMace-form, with two to eight nodes^ ribbed ; bealc 3-5 times as long as up>peT node — Spring — Fields ; common. * * * Upper joint- of loment with l-i^oio of 1-seeded, cells, separating with difficulty. 4. R. Auclieri, Boiss. .5, iscabrous with retrorse hairs. Flowers yellow, not veined. Pedicel short, recurded in fruit ; upper joint of loment .06 to .1 long, .003 thick, strigose with re- trorse hairs, somewhat tapering at"^ basQ • beah short, indistinct — Spring — Syrian coast. Around base of Hermon, Around Dead Sea. Pod of R. Rapbanistrum, 17 106 CRUCIFERJS. (mustard FAMILY.) 70. AIVCHOlVIUMr, DC. Anchonium. Calyx erect, somewhat gibbous at base. Petals clawed. Longer filaments connate in pairs. Loments somewhat terete, tapering into a beak-like style, leathery, with 2-6, 1 -seeded, pithy cells in pairs, separa- ted by a thick septum ; stigma thick, 2-lobed ; seeds oblong, thick — Perennial, alpine, stellate-woolly herbs. A. Billardieri, DC. If. .3 to .6, greyish-canescent, gland- ular, branching from base. Root-leaves oblong, petioled, tapering at base and apex, obsoletely repand-dentate. Racemes at length loose, flowers bracted ; petals purple, somewhat longer than calyx ; loments erect, glandular-scabrous, oblong-lanceolate, .015 to .02 long, .004 broad at base, somewhat flattened, tapering into a long style — May to August — Alpine regions of Lebanon and Autilebanon. 71. CHORISPORA, DC. Chorispora. Calyx erect, bisaccate at base. Petals clawed. Filaments free, toothless. Loments elongated, cylindrical, separable into segments, long-beaked, with 2 rows of numerous 1-seeded cells, generally al- ternating with sterile ones ; stigma indistinctly 2-lobed — Annual herbs, with aspect of Raphanus. Ch. Syriaca, Bois. .2 to .4, Fig. 54. glandular-hairy. Lower leaves lyrate- pinnatifid, upper oblong, petioled, taper- ing at base and apex, denticulate. Flow- ers purple. Loments with beak .03 to .04 long, .003 thick, cylindrical, some- what torulose, scabrous with retrorse „ . .^^ . ^ ■ papilL^, a little longer than awl-shaped ^^^ of Chonspora Synaca beak — Spring — Fields ; Jerusalem to Coeles3Tia, Damascus, Hauran and Palmyra. 72. STERIOMA, DC. Sterigma. Calyx erect, equal at base. Petals clawed. Longer filaments con- nected m pairs. Loment terete, somewhat torulose, pithj^, at lerigth separating irregularly ; cells 1-seeded, arranged in pairs ; lobes of stigma divergent ; seeds oblong, thick. — Monocarpic, yellow-flowered- herbs, canescent with stellate wool. S. §ulpliureuiii, Russ. (D .5. Lower leaves oblong-lanceolate, runcinate-pinnatifid ; up[ier dentate or entire. Pedicel as long as flower ; loments .05 to .06 long, .002 thick, canescent not glandular, ta])ering into a short style — May and June — Ccelesyria to Damascus, Aleppo, and northward and eastward. Order Vn. CAPPARIDACEJE. (Caper Family.) Herhs or shi'ubs loith alternate leaves and regular or irregular ^ \i8ually crucij-orm flowers^ and ^-^-^ (not tetra- dynanious) stamens ; ovary sessile or stipitate^ l-celled^ or %%-celled hy means of false septa arising from parietal placentcB - Sepals 4 (rarely 5). Petals 4 (rarely 0). Stamens CAPPARIDACE^. (CAPER FAMILY.) 107 inserted at the apex of torus. Ovary 2- co-ovuled. Fruit capsular, dehiscent, 2-valved, or beny-like. Seeds kidney- shaped, cotyledons incumbent. Albumt^n little or 0. Tribe 1. CIjEOME^. Fruit capsular, 1, CLEOME. Capsule resembling a silique, 2-valved, many-seeded. Tribe II. CAPPAREiE. Fruit fleshy, baccate, indehiscent, 2, CAPPARIS, Leaves simple. Petals not clawed. 3. JVliERUA. Leaves simple. Petals in ours 0. 4. CRAT^VA. Leaves 3-foliolate. Petals long-clawed. 1. CI.EOME, L. Cleome. Calyx 4-parted with deciduous lobes. Petals 4, hypogynous. Stamens (in ours) 4-14. Torus hemispherical or elongated. Capsule stipitate or sessile, the two valves at length separating from placentae — Pereauial herbs or shrubs. Fig. 55. Rfpe pod of Cleome pentaphylla, showing the stalk between the pod and pedicel * Stamens 6, coalescing Moid with gynoijliore, free alove. Learns 'palmate ^ 1. C. pentaphylla, L. © Men- ~ tanah, TamaWkaJi. .5 to .8, gla])rescent. Leaflets of lower leaves 5, oblong-elliptical, of upper 3, minute. Petals long-clawed, 2-5 times as long as calyx ; filaments free from middle of gynopliore ; capsule (Fig. 55)linear, much longer than gynophore ; seeds concen- trically wrinhled — Spring — Plain of Sharon. * * Stamens 4-6, free from their lase. t Leaves ^-foliolate^ or the upper only simple. I Seeds iDoolly. 2. C. Arabica, L. Um.-Rimml. Zifrah. Shajarat wahhsh .3 to .5, densely glandular-pubescent, branched. Leaflets oblong-linear .015 to .03 long. Pods (Fig. 57) sessile, pendulous, oblong, reticulate, glandular, ,04 to .05 long, .008 broad — lower end of Dead sea, and southward. Flower of Cleome pentaphylla (a) Four of the six stamens. (&) The ovary, (c) The gynophore. (racliycarpa, Vahl. 21 Berlerdn. .3 to .4, glandular, branching from neck. Leaflets thickish, lenticular to obovate-oblong, .005 to .01 long, floral minute, often simple. Pods sessile, glandular, .01 to .012 long, .002 broad — Spring — Sinai near Red Sea. 1 1 Leaves simple. Fm. 57. \ Stamens 6. Pods shart-stijntate. Seeds icoolly, pod of cieome Arabica. 5. C. K.ot§cliyaiia, Boiss. If .3, herbaceous, glaucous, glabrous below ; stems simple or sparingly branched. Leaves long-petioled, ovate, obtuse, 3-nerved ; upper sessile, minute, ovate-oblong. Fetsls, jjale, obsoletely veined ; pods Unear-spatTiulate, glabrous, .05 long, .012 to .015 broad at upper end — Spring — Desert between Hamath and Palmyra, and eastward. 6. C triiiervia, Fresen. If .5 to .6, densely scabrous tcith yellotc, stipitate glands, branching from base. Leaves j)etioled, ovate, acute, 3-nerved, the lower .03 long, sometimes obscurely 3-lobed, the upper minute, oblong, to oblanceolate. Petals reddish, veined ; pods linear, .05 to .07 long, .005 to .006 broad, glandular-scabrous — ^^rmg — Gravel ; in valleys and plains about the Dead Sea, and southward to Sinai and Arabia. X \ Stamens 4. Pods not stijntate. Seeds glabrous, dotted. 7, C. clro§erifolia, Del. 5 Rihh-el-bard. .2 to .6, strigose with stipitate, yellow glands, much branched from base, brittle. Leaves long- petioled, round to Mdney -shaped or cordate, .01 long and broad. Petals yelloic ; pods oblong-cylindrical, scarcely .01 long, .003 broad, shorter than pedicels, glandular — Spring — Around the Dead Sea, and south- ward to Sinai and the Egyptian desert. XXX Stamens 10-14. Seeds glabrous. 8. C. clirysantha, Decaisne. 5 Sufeir atdn. .3 or more, shrub- by, glandular, branches flexuous. Leaves short-petioled, ovate, acutish .006 to .008 long. Pods ovate .005 long, glandular ; pedicels twisted^ recurved — Spring — Sinai. 2. CAPPARIS, L. Caper. Kabar. Calyx 4-parted. Petals 4, imbricated in bud. Torus short. Sta- CAPPARIDACEiE. (CAPER FAMILY.) 109 mens 8-t5-QO , free. Ovary long-stipitate. Berry globular or ovate, many-seeded — (Ours) shrubs with simple leaves and thorny stipules. * Stamens 8-15. Petals scarcely longer than calyx, red. Fig. 58. 1. C. Sodada, R. Br. 5 TimdiW. Branches long, wand-like, decum- bent. Leaves linear-con- volute,.004: long, ending in a pricMy mucro, deci- duous before Jioicering. Berry globular, .008 in diameter, shorter than its stipe, apiculate — Spring — Shittim plain, and southward. Capparig Sodada (o) A flower, (ft) A fruit on its long itipe. * * Stamens co . Petals much longer than calyx, white, 2. C. spinosa, L. 5 Thorny Caper. El-Asaf. 1 to 1.5 ; branches decumbent or pendulous. Leaves orUcular or ovate, .03 to .04 long. Sejxds nearly equal. Berry oblong to obovate-oblong, .05 to .08 long, as long as or shor- ter than its stipe — May to July — Everywhere ; usually pendu- lous from face of rocks and walls. Var. genuina, Boiss. Glahrescent. Leaves nearly round, retuse. Stipules hooked. Flow- ers .06 to .08 broad — Common. Var. canescens, Boiss. More or less pubescent. Leaves ovate or elliptical, often ending in a jjj'icMe. Stipules hooked. Flowers as in last — Common. Var. Aeg^yptia, Boiss. C41abrous or pubescent. Leaves fleshy, round, glaucous, obtuse or retuse, with or without prickle. Flowering branch of Capparis spinosa. Stipules hooked. Flowers medium-sized — Tripoli ; around the Dead Sea and southward. Var. parviflora, Boiss. Oanescent or velvety. Leaves small, ovate-oblong or round, generally acute with prickle at apex. Stipules hooked, often strong. Flowers .O'Z to .04: hroad — Damascus, Zahleh. 110 CAPPAEIDACE^. (CAPER FAMILY.) Var. glauca, Post. Glaucous. Leaves round to round-obovate, with or without prickle. Stipules small, nearly straight : Flowers as in last — Banias. 3. C galeata, Fresen. 5 ^ to 3, glabrous, glaucous, with erect hrancTies. Stipules short, hooked. Leaves ovate-elliptical, .02 to .05 long, fleshy, often prickly at apex. Ujjj^er sepal Jielmet-sTiajjed, longer than the rest. Berry obovate-oblong, .05 long, as long as its stipe — Early Spring — South end of Dead Sea, and southward to Sinai and Egypt. 3. M^RUA, Forsk. M^rua Calyx funnel-shaped, with four, valvate, deciduous lobes. Petals (in ours) 0. Torus lining bottom of calyx, prolonged to its middle ; margin simple or prolonged into p^^^ qq a fringed disk. Stamens go , free, or attaced at base to gynoj^hore. Ovary stipitate, many-ovuled. Berry cylindrical, torulose, trans- versely 00 -celled, the cells 1 -seed- ed — Unarmed shrubs with simple leaves. Leaf, calyx, stipe, and fruit of M. uniflora. M. uniflora, Vahl. 5 Leaves oblong-elliptical, short-petioled, hirtulous. .01 long. Pedicels solitary, shorter than leaves; calyx .012 long ; fruit velvety — Spring — Sinai and southward. 4. CRAT-*:VA, L. Crat^va. Calyx 4-parted, with imbricated, deciduous lobes. Petals 4, long- clawed. Torus hemispherical, lobed. Stamens 8-20 ; filaments elonga- ted. Ovary long-stipitate, 1-2-celled. Berry ovate — Glabrous, thornless shrubs, with 3-foliolate leaves. C. gynandra, L. 5- Leaflets ovate — Spring — Sulphur- springs, east of Dead Sea. (Tristram). Order VIII. RESEDACEiE. (Mignonette Family). Herbs loith irregulm^^ nnsymmetrical, %'^-meroiis, small jiowers^ in terminal sjnkes or racemes^ a fleshy^ hyj)ogynous, one-sided dish (rarely 0) between the jpetals and the (3-40) stamens^ hearing the latter — Calyx open in bud, persistent. Petals variously parted, rarely entire, the upper larger. Disk sessile or stipitate. Anthers introrse. Ovary sessile or stipi- tate, consisting either of 3-6 connate carpels forming a 1-cell- ed pod, (occasionally baccate) with parietal placentae and an open or closed mouth with 3-4 teeth, or of 6 carpels connate only at base forming a 6-celled capsule with basilar placentae. Cotyledons incumbent. Shrubs or herbs. RRSEDACE^E. (MIGNONETTE FAMILY.) Ill * Fruit baccate. Desert shrubs ; branches spinescent ; leaves deciduous. 1. OCHRADENUS. Petals 0. Disk one-sided. Capsule closed. * * Fruit a 1-celled, 3-6-lobed, 3A-homed capsule, 2. RESEDA. Petals 4-8, the upper with dissected hmb. Disk one-sided, 3. OLIGOMERIS. Petals 2, entire or lobed. Disk 0. Annuals with entire leaves. * * * Fruit a capsule composed of 6 cells, connate at base. 4. CAYLUSEA, Petals 5, the upper with dissected limb. Disk one-sided. 1. OCHRAI>EMUS, Del. Ochradenus. Sepals 5-6. Petals 0. Disk expanded above. Stamens 10-15. Ovary 3-toothed. Capsule closed, fleshy, baccate — A shrub with intricate, rigid, at length leafless, spinescent branches. O. baccatus, DC. ^ QurdliaJi. 1 to 6, glabrous. Leaves linear. Flowers very short-pedicelled. Capsules obovate-globular — Spring — Around the Dead Sea, and southward. 2. RESEDA, L. Mignonette. Khuzdm. Sepals 4-8. Petals 4-8, the upper more or less dissected. Disk one- sided, the upper part plicate. Stamens 10-40. Ovary 3-4-toothed. Pod 3-6-aagled or lobed with gaping mouth — Monocarpic or perennial, branching herbs, with entire or 1 3-ternate or 1-2 pinnatifid leaves. * Flowers 5-Q-77ierous. Pods erect, ^-toothed. Leaves 1-2-pinnatisecL •1. R. alba, L. 0. White Mignonette. .6 to 1, glabrous or sparingly papillary. Flowers large, racemose-spiked ; petals twice as long as calyx ; fruiting pedicels longer FiG. 61 than calyx ; pod ellipsoid-cylindrical, .01 to .015 long, — Spring — Fields and roadsides, and often hanging from walls ; common. 2. R. propinqua, R. Br. @ .1 to .3, nearly glabrous, branching at base. Leaves mostly near base. Flowers minute, spihed ; petals a little longer than se- pals ; pod almost sessile, ohovate to oblong, .005 long, — Spring — Deserts and dry places ; from Hama and Palmyra to Et-Tih, and southward. ^""^ "^ ^' ^^^^* Var. folio§a. Post. .3 to. 4 ; stems leafy above ; spikes looser. Between El-Hurmul ,and Riblah ; Jericho. ** Fhwen 6-S-merous. Pods d-toothed. Leaves entire or 1-2-ternate-cut, sometimes pinnate. t Sepals persistent. I Pods at length pendulous. Seeds pitted^ wrinkled. § Ovmy not stipitate. Filaments persistent. 3, R. Arabica, Boiss. .1 to .25, sparingly pruinose. Lowest leaves simple, oblong-linear, upper ternate, with linear to lanceolate lobes, sometimes wavy. Pedicels longer and petals shorter than calyx ; pods n^a/rly globular — Spring — Border of Et-Tih, and southward. 113 KESKDACE^. (MIGNONETTE FAMILY.) § § O'cary sti'pitate. Filaments soon deciduous. ^ Fruiting calyx gr.oicing little^ if any. R. Alo|>eciiro§, Boiss. .5 to .6, hirsute tcith elongated pa- pillce. Lowest leaves entire, upper pinnate or 2-ternate with oblong-lan- ceolate to linear-lanceolate lobes. Raceme lo?ig, dense ; floiDcrs odor- less ; pods .01 to .015 long, inflated, scabrous at angles — Spring — Fields ; Me r 'Ay tin to Galilee, Samaria and Gaza. 5. R, odorata, L. Mignonette. Ehizdm .3 to .3, glabrous or sparingly scahrous. Lower leaves entire spatliulate, upper ^-parted. Raceme short, loose ; floicers sweet-scented (the only species with odor) ; pods .006 to .01 long, knobbed, nearly glabrous at angles — Spring — Escaped from cultivation. Found wild in Wadi Zuweirah, at south end of Dead Sea, (Tristram). IT ^ Fruiting calyx growing. 6. R. Orieiitalis, Boiss. .3 to .6, papillose-scabrous, decum- bent or ascending. Leaves oblong to oblanceolate, entire or trifid. Racemes loose ; "sepals linear, somewhat longer than sjmthulate lobes of corolla; f)od oMong-olmvate, .01 long — Spring — Sandy fields, along coast ; Hhfileh. Too near R. Phyteuma. \\ Pods erect, {rarely pendulous) Seeds smooth. Calyx not gro^cing. 7r R. lutea, L. (D .5 to .6 or more, papillose, erect. Lower leaves sometimes entire, upper 1-2-ternately parted. Racemes at first short dense, in fruit elongated loose ; rachis glabrous ; pedicel longer than flower ; sepals linear, tapering, as long as yelloic petals ; filaments scabrous; pods .01 to .013 long, er^ci or nodding, ovate to oUong — Spring — Fields ; common throughout. Var. geiiiiina, Post. Pods obloug^ or oblong-club-shaped, erect. Var. ovata. Post. Pods ovate, or round-ovate, truncate, erect or ascending — Lattakia ; Damascus ; Aintab. Var. uutaii§, Boiss. Pods ovate-oblong, nodding — Bethel ; Sheikh Mohammed ; Hums ; Nusairy Mountains. 8. R. g'lobiilosa, F. et Mey. .3 to .5, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves 1-ternate, or pinnately 5-parted. Racemes loose, elongated in fruit ; pedicels longer than flowers and capsule ; flowers minute .0015 broad ; sepals 6, half as long as upper petals, oblong-lan- ceolate, denticulate; corol- ^iq 63 la cream-colored, petals 6, the upper 3-3-lobed, lateral lobes acute, the lateral petals linear ; capsules disk-like, 6-lobed, with a mamillary projection, at apex of which ^ ^''^ ^ IS the 3-fissured 3-dentate (q>) Winged-angled branch of M. globulQsa, mouth — April to May with bract, padicel ■gnd 6-merous calyx ; magni- fied 6 diameters. Vqr 1ti*c^-«rii-k«^s Pniaf . (*) '^PPer petals ; magnified 8 diameters. var. Orevipes, rost- Jc) The 6-lobed capsule j magnified 2 dia- Pedicels shorter than flower -neters. KRSEDACE^. (MIGNONETTE FAMTLT.) 113 Ain-Hesban and Araq-el-Amir, Moab. A plant heretofore observed only in northern Persia. 1 1 Sepals deciduous. Pods erect, medium. Seeds small. X Lobes of itpper petals 1-^, similar ; filaments permtent ; seeds pitted. 9. R, stenostachya, Boiss. .3, papillose-asperulous, grey. Lower and upper leaves linear, entire, intermediate ternate, with linear lobes. Flowers subsessile, minute, forming a long spike-like raceme ; sepals lanceolate, as long as corolla ; upper petals 9-lobed ; filaments deciduous ; capsules minutely scabrous^ obovate-oblong ; seeds minute — Spring — Sinaitic valleys. 10. R. mnricata, Presl. (D If .3 to .5, muricate, rigid. Lower leaves entire, linear-lanceolate, the others ternate with linear to linear-lanceolate lobes. Flowers .004 broad, short-pedicelled, upper petals 7-lobed ; filaments deciduous; capsules glabrous, elliptical, .005 to .01 long ; seeds minute — Spring — Hot valleys above Dead Sea, below level of Mar Saba, to Sinai. Var. undulata, Post. Margin of leaves wavy — Hot rocks ; Wadi-Kelt. X X Lateral lobes of upper petals minute, central obovate ; filaments deciduous ; seeds smooth. 11. R. prumo§a, Del. d) .3, muricate, stiff. Leaves rigid, linear-lanceolate, entire, a few ternately cut. Flowers short-pedicelled in a spike-like raceme ; capsules payillose, cylindrical-club-shaped — Spring — Desert by south end of Dead Sea, et-Tih, Sinai, and south- ward. * Flowers ^-merous. Pods ^-toothed. Leaves entire. PlacentcR Z-lobed. 12. R. Lnteola, L. @ Dyer's Weed or Weld. .5 to 1, glab- rous, stiff, branching from base. Leaves linear-lanceolate, often wavy, and often denticulate above base. Flowers nearly sessile ; sepals per- sistent, shorter than corolla ; filaments persistent ; fruiting raceme often .5 long ; capsules stiff, obovate-truncate, .005 long and broad, acutely toothed, deeply ^-fluted, the lobes more or less knobbed by trans- verse constrictions ; seeds glabrous — Spring and summer — Hills and roadsides ; south-west of Dead Sea, Hauran, Amanus and northward. 3. 0L.I0019IERIIS, Cambess. OLiGOMBRig. Sepals 2-5. Petals 2, turned toward axis, entire or lobed. Disk none. Stamens 3, turned toward axis, somewhat monadelphous at base, the middle one between, the other two opposite the petals. Cap- sules chartaceous, gaping at apex, 4-grooved — Annual herbs with entire leaves, and minute sessile fiowers in slender, spiked racemes. O. subulata, Del. © .1 to .3, branching from base and above. Leaves linear, subulate. Pod oblate-spheroidal, .002 broad, glabrous, or papillose at back of carpels — Spring — Et Tih and southward. 18 114 CISTINE^ (rock-rose FAMILY.) 4. CAYLUSEA, St. Hilaire. Caylusea. Sepals 5, persistent, tlie upper smaller. Petals 5, the upper larger with many-parted limb. Stamens 10-15. Disk one-sided, upper border much dilated. Gynophore elongated, slender. Carpels free, whorled at apex of gynophore, boat-shaped, tapering, 1 -celled, gaping toward axis ; margin of fissure ciliate, 1-seeded. Placentse cushion-like, at apex of gynophore — Annual herbs, with aspect of Reseda Luieola, L., with entire leaves, and flowers in spike-like racemes. C canescens, L. Bliunabdh .3 to .4, papillose-hairy, erect or ascending, branching from base and above. Leaves oblong to linear- lanceolate, often .04 to .05 long, spreading, often with wavy borders. Flowers short-pedicelled, bracts soon deciduous — Spring — Torrid valleys about Dead Sea, and southward to Arabia. Var. pro§trata, Post. Prostrate. Leaves .005 to .02 long, sparse — Sinai. Order IX. CISTIlVEiE. (Rock-Rose Family). Shrubs or herbs with regular flowers^ distinct^ ^^ypogy- nous, indefinite stamens, a persistent calyx, caducous corol- la, incompletely several-celled ovary, with as nia/ny jparietal placentcB as valves, and orthotropous, albuminous seeds — Sepals 5, the outer two often bract-like, sometiDies caducous, the other three a little twisted in the bud. Petals 5, twisted in the bud in a direction opposite to the sepals. Style simple. * Capsule incompletely 5-10-celled. Flowers pink or white, never yellow. 1. CISTUS. All the stamens fertile. * * Capsule 1- or incompletely 3-celled. Flowers yellow , pink or white . 2. HELIANTHEMUxM. All the stamens fertile, 3. FUMANA. The outer stamens sterile, necklace-form, , 1, CISTUS, L. Rock-Rose. Labdanum. Ladhanum. Sepals 3-5. Petals 5. Stamens numerous, all fertile. Capsule in- completely 5-10-celled, siDliting down the middle of the valves ; placen- tae next to the axis ; seeds orthotropous ; embryo spiral — Shrubs with large showy pink or white flowers, and wrinkled, exstipulate leaves. 1. C. villosn§, L. 5 Ghibrah. .3 to 1 or more, more or less viscid, mllous. Leaves elliptical or obovate-oblong, often wavy. Flowers 3-5, with s?iwi peduncles, arranged in umlel-lilie cyraes; sepals nearly equal, ovate, acuminate; petals j9z'?2X' with yellow base ; style as long as ovary — Spring — Shrubby hillsides ; throughout. A drink reseinbling tea is made of its leaves. Var. geiiumu§, Boiss. DcDsely woolly, and villous with long hairs. Leaves large. Var. Creticus, Boiss. Sparingly woolly. Leaves smaller. CISTINE^. (rock-rose FAMILY.) 115 2. C. incanus, L. 5 .2 to .6 or more. Leaves oblong-spathu- late, densely pajinous with^ stellate icool, often wavy -margined, sessile, somewhat connate at hase. Peduncles short, one-jioicered. ; sepals nearly equal, ovate, cuspidate ; petals pinkish-purple, notched ; capsule a'p- pressed bristly, at length glabrescent — Summer — Amanus. Mt lefore observed in the East. "Differs markedly from Var. Creticus of last. 3. C. salviaefoIUi§, L. 5 Ohibrah. .3 to 1 or more, ap- pressed stellate-woolly. Leaves oblong-ovate, ovate, or elliptical, the lower often retuse. Flowers solitary or in umbel-like cymes with long peduncles ; sepals very unequal, the outer cordate, larger than the rest ; petals ^M^e with yellow base ; stigma sessile — Spring — Rocky hill- sides ; throughout. 2. HEIilANTHEMUM, Pees. Sun-Rose. Sepals 5 rarely 3. Petals 5. Stamens numerous, all fertile. Capsule 1- or incompletely 3-celled, splitting down the valves ; seeds ortho- tropous ; embryo folded, rarely spiral — Shrubs or herbs, with less showy flowers than Cistus, yellow, white, or pink ; leaves with or without stipules. * Sepals 3. Petals white or yelloic. Stamens in several rows. 1. H. unibellatum, L. 5 -^ ^^ -^i viscid. Leaves sessile, linear, revolute-margined, woolly below. Flowers 1-4 in umbels or whorls ; capsule enclosed in calyx, one-half to one-third as long as pedicel — April to June — Var. Syriaciim, Boiss. More intricately branched than type. Upper surface of leaf more or less hirsute. Petals yelloio — Subalpine regions of Lebanon. * * Sepals 5. t Annuals. Petals yelloio, equalling the seixds or shorter. Stamens 1 roio. 2. H. guttatum, L. © .1 to .4, erect, sparingly hirsute. Leaves sessile, oblong to linear-lanceolate. Stem branching into 1-2 loose, one-sided racemes. Sepals hairy, the outer smallar — Spring — Sandy and bushy places on coast and in lower mountains. Moab. 3. H. Mloticiim, L. .3 to .5, erect, crisjDly hirsute, branch- ing above. Leaves oblong to linear, obtuse or adiitish. Racemes .1 to .2 long, loose ; pedicels thick, shorter than floral leaves, and of ten shorter tAa/i m^/?.? ; capsules ovate-globular, .01 broad, glabrous, ciliate at an- gles — Spring — Di-y and clayey soils ; coast and mountains. Moab. Var. microcarpuni, Cosson. Branching from base. Capsules .006 long, shorter than calyx — Ehedin; Qaldun north of Damascus ; Rasheiya ; lower Jordan valley. Var. la§iocarpuiii, Boiss. Capsule woolly — Sarada. 4. H. §alicifoliuni, L. .1 to .3, hirsute, branching from base. Leaves obovate to oblong, and lanceolate. Pedicels longer than floral leaves and calyx; capsules ovate-giobular, .005 long, glabrous, as long as ovate, velvety sepals — Spring — Dry hills ; throughout. 5. H. yEgyptiaciim, L. .15 to .3, appressed hairy. Leaves linear oblong, with somewhat revolute margin. Pedicels slender, at 11(5 CISTINE^. (rock-rose FAMILY.) length recurved, shorter than calyx. Outer 2 sepah fterhaceous^ minute, inner 3, scarious, ovate-inflated, red-veined ; capsule ovate-globular, .006 to ,008 long, puberulent, shorter than sepals — Spring — Sandy places ; Judea and Moab, to Antilebanon, Aleppo, and northward. I I Perennials. Petals yellow, about as long as sepals. Stamens in 1 row. 6. H, vento§iiiii, Boiss. B(i'r 5 -3 to .4, greenish stellate- puberulent, intricately branched. Leaves elliptical, with somewhat revolute margins. Racemes loosely 1-5-flowered ; pedicels half as long as calyx, at length recurved ; outer sepals half as long as ovate inner ones — Spring — Top of the Tih chain, and southward. Doubtfully separate from var. depauperatum of next species. 7. H, Kaliiriciim, Del. 5 .15 to. 3, ashy stellate-puberulent. Leaves oblong to linear, with revolute margins. Eacemes dense, many -flowered ; pedicels Fig. as lang as, or sharter than calyx, recurved — Spring — Et Tih, and southward to Egyjit. Var. depauperatum, Post. Branches slender. Leaves small. Racemes few-flowered, loose. Pedicels twice as long as calyx — Callirrhoe to Sinai. 8. H. Liippii, L. 5 -3 to .4, ashy stel- late-canescent. Leaves elliptical to linear with revolute margins. Racemes dense, many flowered ; floicers sessile or nearly so — Spring — Sandy places along coast to Et-Tih and southward. Var. ellipticum, Boiss. Plant larger, leaves elliptical, and flowers more conspicuous — Sea coast and Sinaitic deserts. Var. micrantliUEii, Boiss. Branches ^aeeme of h. Kahiricum. more slender, often dead at tips. Leaves elliptical to linear, ^ often minute. Flowers and capsules smaller — Et-Tih. Callirrhoe. Further study may show the last tliree species to de one. I I I Perennials. Petals 2-3 ti7ne8 as long as calyx. Stamens in oo rows. X Petals yellow. Inner sepals ^-nerved. JRacemes panicled. 9. H. lavandulaefolium, Lam. 5 .3 to .7, appressed stellate- canescent, branches erect. Leaves oblong to linear, with revolute mar- gins, the younger clustered in the axils. Racemes dense, one-sided, nearly opposite, paniculate, the upper often ternate — Summer — Dry places ; coast range of mountains, and northward. + I Petals pinlcish, purple, white, or yellow. Inner sepals ^-nerved. Ra- cemes simple. Fruiting calyx scarious, more or less inflated. 10. H. vesicarium, Boiss. 5 -15 to .25, appressed-canescent. Leaves oblong to linear, obtuse, margins revolute. Stipules linear, half as long as leaves. Racemes loose ; pedicels about as long as calyx; petals pinkish purple ; nerves of inner sepals sparingly hispid— Spring CISTINE^. (rock-rose FAMILY.) 117 — Coast of southern Palestine and hill country of Juclea and Moab, to borders of Et-Tih, and southward. 11. H. Kotscliyanum, Boiss. 5 -^ *o -4, hisjnd. Leaves linear, obtuse, margins revolute ; stipules linear, less than half as long as leaves. Racemes long, rather compact ; pedicels about as long as calyx ; petals yelloio ; nerves of inner sepals entirely hispid — May and June — Calesyria to Aintab, Marash, and northward. 12, H. TuJgare, Gaertn. 5 •'^ *o -^5 greenish, more or less canescent. Leaves ovate-elliptical and ovate-oblong to oblong-linear, margins little or not at all revolute; stipules linear, longer than petioles. Racemes loose, few flowered ; pedicels as long as calyx ; petals yellow, pink, or white ; flowers .015 broad — June and July — North- ern mountains of Syria, and northward. Var. vire§cens, Boiss. Leaves greenish above and below. Var. di§color, Boiss. Leaves more or less canescent below. Var. graudifloriini, Boiss. Lower leaves .035 long, .01 broad. Flowers .03 or more broad — Mt. Cassius. 3. FUMAXA, Spach. FtTMANA. As in last, except the outer rows of stamens, which are sterile, necklace-like. Flowers yellow. * Stipules 0. FloiDers in loose, terminal racemes. t G apsides l2-seeded. 1. F. prociimbens, Dunal. 5 -^j appressed-puberulent, pro- cumbent. Leaves alternate, sessile, linear, about .01 long, alil:e. Flowers 1-4 at apex of branches ; pedicels as long as leaves, at length reflexed ; seeds long adherent to valves — Summer — Aintab and northward. 2. F, §paclitl, Gren. et Godr. ^ Erect. Leaves alternate, sessile, somewhat viscid, the upper smaller. Flowers, in axils of bract-like upper leaves ; pedicels 3-3 times as long as leaves, at length deflexed ; seeds separating from deciduous valves — Summer — Aleppo and northward. 1 1 Capsules ^-seeded. 3. F. oligo§perma, Boiss. et Ky. 5 -O^^? minutely glandu- lar-puberulent, branches ascending. Leaves somewhat viscid, linear- awl-shaped, petioled, remotely denticulate, the teeth ending in slender pellitcid hristles ; floral leaves much smallar. Pedicels recurved, longer than calyx — Summer — Woods ; Cassius and Amanus. * * Leaves stipuled. t Flowers .03 to .03 Iroad. Capsule .006 long ; seeds 13, wrinlled. 4. F. Arabica, L. 5 -3 to .3, more or less pubescent, viscid. Leaves oblong to linear, acute, the loioer much smcdler, croioded. Pedicels longer than calyx, at length recurved ; style slender, lent hcloio, straight above — April to July — Dry hills and rocky places ; through- out. 118 VIOLAHIE^. (violet FAMILY.) 1 1 Flowers .01 "broad. Capsules .003 long ; seeds 6, somewhat netted. 5, F. glutinosa, L. 3 '^^ to .25, minutely glandular -puberu- lent, viscid. Leaves nearly all opposite, needle-lihe, with revolute margins, the floral much shorter. Pedicels thread-like ; nearly twice as long as calyx, spreading. Style straight, oblique — April to June — Dry hillsides and rocks ; throughout. Yar. viridis, Boiss. Leaves longer, looser, glabrescent — Moab. Beirtit. Cassius. Order X. VIOL.ARIEJS. (Yiolet Family). Herbs^ loith 5 ^persistent sejpals^ oai irregular spurred corolla of 5 petals^ 5 hypogynous stamens, with adnate, mtrorse am^thers, connivent in a ring over the pistil, and a 1-celled, d-valved pod, with ?rparietal placentoi. Seeds al- huminous ; emhryo straight — Leaves alternate, stipuled. Fig. 64. (a) Flower of a species of Violet. (6, J, 6, J, &,) The five nearly regular sepals, (c, c, e, c, «,) The five irregular petals, the lowermost with a short spur, (d) Capsule opened, showing the seeds on the parietal placentas. VIOL-A, L. Violet. Heart's-Easb. Benefsej. Sepals nearly equal. Lower petal spurred. Filaments dilated, often projecting beyond anthers. Valves of capsule contracting elas- tically when open, and dispersing the seeds. * Perennials. Stigma cajyitate, glcdyrous, t Stems not 'branched. 1. V. Libanotica, Boiss. % .05 to .1. 'Root thicTc woo&y ; stems numerous tufted, woody. Leaves rhomboid or ovate, with cuneate or cordate base, .015 to .02 long, coarse toothed; stipules oblong-lanceo- late, short-fringed. Flowers .01 broad ; sepals oblong, rather acute ; capsule globular, woolly — Summer — Subalpine and alpine Lebanon. VIOLARIEiE. (violet FAMILY.) 119 2. V. odorata, L. If Sweet Violet, .1 to .15. Root fibrom ; stems somewhat indurated. Leaves deeply cordate^ crenate, .03 to .04 long, those of summer stolons reniform-cordate ; stipules ovate-lanceolate, acute, fringed. Flowers .03 broad ; sepals obtuse ; capsule globular, pubescent — April to June. Var. Deliiihartii, Boiss. Stipules more or less hirsute, long fringed — Woods ; central Palestine, and Gilead, to Lebanon, and northward. Var. §uavi§, Boiss. Stipules linear-lanceolate, long fringed. Lower petal retuse — Woods ; northern Syria. 1 1 Stems Irancfied. Floioers as large as those of V. odoi^ata. 3. V, §ylvatica, Fries. If. Wood Violet .25, nearly glabrous. Leaves reniform to cordate. Stipules lanceolate, acute, long-fringed. Flowers pale violet ; sepals lanceolate, acute ; capsule ovate, 3-angled — April to June — Woods ; middle to subalpine zone of Lebanon. * * Annuals. Stigma urn-sliaped, liairy at lase. t Pedicels with 3 small hracts leyond the middle, usually near flower. 4. V. tricolor, L. Pansy. .15 to .3, glabrescent or more or less hairy, branching from base and above. Leaves crenate, lower ovate-cordate, upper lanceolate, limb .01 to .04 long ; stipules pin- natifid ; lateral lohes linear, middle oblong-sjjathulate, crenate. Petals variegated, yellow, purple, and violet ; spur longer than appendices of calyx — Spring — Escaped from gardens. 5. V, parvwia, Tin. .05 to .1, villous-pubescent. Leaves minute, nearly entire, the loioer nearly round, the wpi^r lanceolate to linear /stipules 3-4-parted into linear lobes, the middle one longer, ob- long. Petals wliite, with bluish base, shorter than calyx ; spur shorter than appendices of calyx — Spring — Subalpine regions ; Jebel el Fughry (Lebanon) ; Antilebanon. Var. calcarala, Post. Petals a little longer than sepals. Spur a little longer than appendices — Heights above Bludan, Antilebanon. 6. V, pentadactyla, Fenzl .03 to .1, retrorsely scab- ridulous. Leaves entire, the lowermost round, the others spathulate- ollong-linear ; stipules 'bipartite, tJie inner lobe liTce the leaf and as long, the outer narrower and shorter. Corolla blue, twice as long as calyx ; spur ticic^ as long as appendices of calyx — Spring — Fields ; Anti- lebanon to Aleppo and Aintab. 1 1 Pedicels hractless. Spur of corolla shorter than appendices of calyx. 7. V. occulta, Lehm. .1, rougli, or glabrescent. Leaves re- motely somewhat crenate, lower ovate, upper oblong-spathulate or lanceolate ; stipules half as long as leaf, lanceolate, pinnatipartite. Sepals large, growing ; appendices large-, coioWsi, pale, shorter than calyx — Spring — Samaria to subalpine Lebanon, Antilebanon, Cassius, Aintab, and northward. 8. V. mode§ta, Fenzl, .1 to .15, rather glabrous or pubes- cent. Leaves obsoletely crenate, the lowest round-ovate, the others oblong to linear-lanceolate ; stipules much shorter than leaf, linear- 120 POLYGALACE^, (MILKWORT FAMILY.) lanceolate, entire, or icith a tooth at each side of hase. Sepals half as long as Hue corolla — Spring — Mt. Cassius (from base to summit) to Marash, and northward. 9. T. ebracteolata, Fenzl. .02 to .1, minutely pnberu- lent. Leaves remotely crenulate, lowest round-ovate, upper oblong to lanceolate ; stipules ihort, oblong-linear, with 1-2 teeth at each side of hase. Flowers small ; sepals a little shorter than yellow corolla — Spring — Subalpine Lebanon and Antilebanon to Aintab, and north- ward. Order XI. POLYOAL-ACEiE. (IMilkwort Family). Herbs or slightly shruhhy plants with irregular hypo gynoiis flowers^ (in ours) 8 nionadeljyhous or diadeljphous stamens^ their 1-celled anthers opening at the top hy a pore or chink — Represented by the typical genus POL.YOAL.A, TouRN. Milkwort. Sepals 5, the outer three small, the inner two larger, wing-like. Petals 3, connate below and adnate to stamen tube, the lowest larger, keel-shaped, enclosing the stamens, with a winged crest on its back. Ovary 2-celled with a single anatropous ovule in each. Style simple. Capsule flattened laterally, 2-celled, loculicidal. Seeds hirsute, sur- rounded at base with a lobed aril. * Annuals. Stems nearly simjjle. Filamcjits monadeljjlious to middle, 1. P. lIoii§peliaca, L. .2 to .4, stems usually solitary. Leaves dense, lanceolate-linear, acuminate. Racemes long, go -flowered, terminal ; outer sepals lanceolate ; wings white, elliptical, 3-nerved, veins not anastomosing ; capsules olocate, notched, glabrous — Spring — Grassy places ; common to 1000 m. * * Perennials. t Racemes hecoming lateral l>y development ofhranches. 2. P. supiiia, Schreb. If .15 to .3, crisply puberulent ; stems numerous, filiform, decumbent. Leaves obovate to obovate-oblong acute. Racemes 5-15-flowered ; outer sepals boat-shaped ; wings obovate, somewhat stipitate, shorter than corolla, broader than capsule, many- nerved; capsule elliptical, notched at apex, glabrous — May and June — Dry shady woods and rocks ; Galilee to Lebanon, Coelesyria, Cassius and northward. 1 1 Racemes terminal. 3. P. prninosa, Boiss. 11 .15 to .3, greyish puberulent, woody at base, with ascending branches. Leaves obovate to elliptical and linear, oMuse. Racemes qo -flowered, loose ; outer sepals oblong, acute; wings oblong-obovate, oblique, 3-nerved ; capsule somewhat hroader than wings, sessile, oUiq^iely obcordate, glabrous — Summer — Mountains of Aintab and Marash, and northward. ITRANKENIACE^. (FRAI^KENIA FAMILY.) 121 4. P. Aiiatoliea, Boiss. et Held. 21^ .15 to .4, puberulent, stems numerous, clustered, erect. Leaves elliptical-linear, to linear acute. Racemes many-flowered, dense, at length loose ; outer sepals ohlong obtuse ; wings obovate-lenticular, 3-5-nerved ; capsnle narivicer than wings, obcordate, stipitate, glabrous — April to June — Dry bushy places ; Mt. Cassius and northward. Order XII. FR ANKEIVIACE^ . (Frankenia Family). Muck hra7iched, prostrate herds or dwarf shruhs^ with small, regular, hyjpogynoiis flowers, clustered in forlis and at ends of branches ; stamens (in ours) 4-6, free, their 2-celled anthers opening lengthioise ; ovary 1-celled, with Z-^ placentcB along the middle of the valves ', ovules in^ rows, anatropous — Calyx gamosepalons, tubular. Petals clawed. Capsules septicidal. Seeds albuminous. FRAXKEXIA, L. Frankenia. Calyx 4-5-fid. Petals 4-5, pink. Style filiform, parted into 3-4- linear-club-shaped lobes, stigmatose along their inner face. 1. F. pulverulent a, L. .1 to .3, imlerulent. Leaves o5- oDate, retuse, pulverulent beneath — Spring — Along coast and in neigh- borhood of salt water; El-Ghor ; Callirrhoe ; Merj Damascus. 2. F. lilrsuta, L. If .1 to .4, more or less hirsute^ woody at base. Leaves linear or oMong -linear, ciliate at base, with revolute mar- gins — Spring — Along coast. Var. ]ii§pida, Boiss. Hispid with white spreading hairs. Var. revoiuta, Boiss. Canescent. Fruiting branches short, erect. Order XHI. SILEMEiE, (Pink Family). Herhs or somewhat shrvhhy plants, with opposite, entire, exstipulateleawes, ^-, rarely Q-onerous flowers ^ calyx gamo- sepcdous ; petals clawed, generally convolute in the hud; petals and stamens inserted on the stalk (gynophore) of the capsides / stamens rarely eq^ualling, never exceeding double the numher of the petals, hypogynous or perigynous ; styles 2-5 / seeds usually numerous, attached to central column of the 1- or obsoletely ^-celled, stalked capsule, kidney -shaped with embryo curved around albumen, or shield-shaped with straight embrgo — Stems usually swollen at joints. Leaves often united at base, the uppermost rarely alternate. Calyx imbricate or valvate in bud, persistent. Styles stigmatose along tlieir inner face. TRIBE I. DIANTHE^, Seeds shield-shaped, with hilum on face. Styles 2. Embryo straight. 19 133 SILENEiE. (pink FAMILY.) * Calyz tubular, .001 in diameter, with 1 linear-lanceolate bract at base, 1. VELEZIA, Calyx 5-15-nerved, acutely toothed. Limb minute. * * Calyx tubular, top-shaped, or obconical, ,002 or more in diameter. 2. DIANTHUS. Calyx tubular, scaly at base, oo -nerved. 3. TUNICA. Calyx top-shaped, tubular, or obconical, with 2 scales or naked at base, 5-15- nerved ; commissure membranous. TRIBE II, li YCHNIDEiE. Seeds kidney-shaped or nearly globular, with lateral hilum. Embryo peripheral or spiral. * Commissural nerves of Calyx 0. Styles 2. Embryo peripheral or curved. 4. ACANTHOPHYLLUM. Shrubs with prickly leaves, and white, sessile flowers. 5. GYPSOPHILA. Calyx usually top-shaped or campanulate, usually 5-nerved, claws of petals usually not bilamellate. 6. ANKYROPETALUM. Nearly leafless perennial herbs, with intricate branches. Petalg tripartite ; claws not bilamellate, 7. SAPONARIA. Calyx usually cylindrical or oblong ; nerves oo. Claws of petals bila- mellate. * * Commissural nerves of calyx manifest. Embryo peripheral. f Styles 3. Calyx usually club-shaped in fruit, often in flower. 8. SILENE. Annual and perennial herbs, with various habit. I j Styles 5, Calyx oblong or cylindrical. 9. MELANDRIUM, Perennial herbs. Calyx membranous, 5-toothed, 10- GITHAGO. Annuals. Calyx coriaceous, with 5 at length deciduous lobes. 1. VEL.EZIA, L. Velezia. Calyx slender, tubular, acutely 5-tootbed, 5-15-nerved. Petals 5, with elongated claw and small limb ; crown 0, or consisting of crisp hairs. Stamens 10 or 5. Torus not elongated. Capsule cylindrical, 4-toothed, few-seeded ; seeds with eccentric umbilicus and piominent radicle — Annual, dichotomous, rigid herbs, with awl-shaped leaves. V. rigida, L. Dibbaiqali. .1 to .3, glandular-hispid or gla- brescent. Flowers alternate or ticin, six times as long as thickened pedicels ; calyx .012 long, .001 in diameter, equally 15-nerved, some- what angled ; limb bifid, naked or with a few hairs at base ; capsule about as long as calyx — May and June — Dry hillsides; Galilee to Aintab, and northward. Var. fa§ciculata, Post. Flowers clustered, subsessile — Nusairy Mountains. Lebanon (V. fasciculata, Boiss.) 2. DIAMTHUS, L. Pink. Carnation. Qurunful. Calyx scaly at base, tubular, oo -nerved, 5-toothed. Petals 5, with spreading, entire, dentate, or fringed limb, glabrous or hairy above. Stamens 10. Torus elongated into a gynophore. Capsule cylindrical or ovate, oo -seeded, 4-toothed. Umbilicus central. Embryo eccentric — Herbs, mostly perennial, with grass-like leaves, and showy flowers. * Calyx more or less striate and minutely warty. Scales 4-6. t Annuals. Calyx striate to dase. Scales 4. 1 D. tripunctatus. 1 1 Perennials . Calyx tube striate only from sinus downward. Scales 4-6. SILENEiE. (pink FAMILY.) 123 2 D. multipunctatus, 3 polycladus. * * Calyx striate^ hut not warty. t Lifrib white, yellowish, or pinTc, entire, crenate or dentate, hut never fringed or hearded. X Scales 4 or less. 4 D. pallens, 5 Judaicus, 6 Auraniticus. X X Scales 4-8. 7 D. lactiflorus, 8 floribundus. 1 1 lAmbpinTc or white, fringed, glabrous or bearded at base. X Scales 4-8. 9 D. Libauotis, 10 superbus, 11 fimbriatus, 12 pogonopetalus. X X Scales 10-16, imbricated, elongated from lowest to highest. 13 D. Sinaicus. 1 1 1 Limb pinlc or purple, dentate, always bearded. Involucre not scarious. X Scales 10-12. 14 D. pendulus. X X 'Scales 4-10. 15 D. actinopetalus, 16 zonatus, 17 hypochlorus. 1 1 1 Limb pinTc or purple, dentate, generally bearded. Flowers capitate ; involucre scarious, long-awned. 18 "D. calocephalus. § 1. VERRUC UL.OSI. 1. I>. tripunctatu§, Sibth. .3 to .4, glabrous, erect, with spreading branches. Leaves somewhat rigid, membranous-margined, ciliate at base, those of branches appressed, with setaceous tip. Flowers solitary at apex of rigid, somewhat incurved branches ; scales 4, ovate, with broad, membranous margin, tapering into aid-shaped, rigid, appressed awns, a little shorter than calyx ; calyx-teeth lanceolate ; limb obovate-cuneate, dentate, d-lined at base — May and June — Fields ; Acre. 2. I>. multipuiictatu§, Ser. 1|: .3 to .5, glabrous, or sonie- what pubescent at base ; stems ascending, simple or sparingly stiff- branched at apex. Leaves ciliate at base, with scabrous margin. Flowers .02 broad, nearly solitary ; calyx .015 to .02 long ; scales 4-6, scarious, pale, ovate, obtuse, ending in a slender, short, appressed aicn ; limb pink, obovate-icedge-shaped, dentate, generally dotted loith deep crimson spots — May to July — Common in dry and rocky places. Yar. gracilior, Boiss. Stems slender — Beirut, zimanus to Aintab. Yar. axillifloru§, Boiss, Stems racemose, owing to the subses- sile, nearly solitary, lower flowers — Lel)anon. 124 SILENE^. (pink family.) Var. prulno§u§, Post. Indument pruinose — Lebanon ; Khan Hhathrurah to Jericho. Var. siitoeiiervi§5 Boiss. Calyx-teeth almost destitute of nerves — Lebanon. 3. I>. poIycladu§, Boiss. If .2 to .5, glabrous, or velvety below; stems numerous, slender, dichotomous, with stiff, slender, elon- gated branches. Leaves stiff, scabrous, those of branches short, narrow, scale-like. Flowers terminal, solitary, .01 broad ; scales scarious, ovate, mucronate ; calyx .006 to .01 long ; limb pale pink, ohlong- linear, eiitire or retuse — Summer — Lebanon and Hermon to Amanus and Akherdagh, to 1500 m. Var. difiru§a, Post. Stems prostrate or ascending, .15 to .2 — Alpine Lebanon. § 2. lilElIOPETAIil. 4. I>, palleii§, Sibth. !{; .3 to .4, glabrescent, glaucescent. Stems erect, simple, more or less paniculate-corymbose. Leaves linear, with scabrous margins, sheaths short, knotted. Flowers .03 broad, without bracts, or subtended by the upper pair of leaves ; scales ovate, acute, taperi7ig or mucronate; calyx .015 to .02 long, some- what tapering at apex^; teeth oblong-lanceolate ; limb obovate-cuneate, crenate or dentate — May and June — Dry hillsides ; Antilebanon to Amanus and northward. Var. oxylepis, Boiss. Glaucous. Scales acuminate, the outer often lanceolate iGifh spreading cusp, sometimes only 2 — Ccelesyria and Antilebanon to Palmyra, Aleppo, and nothward and eastward. 5. I>. J"iiclalcii§, Boiss. If .2 to ,3 glaucous, papillose-sca- hrous, tufted; stems generally 1-flowered. Leaves linear, acute, recur- ved, plicate-keeled, with membranous margin. Flowers .02 broad, some- what remote from upper leaves ; scales glabrous, oblong, somewhat spreadAng at apex, tayering abruptly into a green, acute, ascending cusp; calyx thrice as long as scales, .025 long ; teeth lanceolate, acute ; limb oblong, nearly entire — May — Hot hillsides around Dead Sea. 6. ©. AMraiiiticM§, Post. (Trans. Linnean Soc, Lond., 1888,- p. 426) % .3, glabrous, glaucescent ; stems sparingly branched. Leaves linear, plicate, narroidy scarious-margined, the lower imbricated, dilated at base. Flowers solitary ; scales .01 to .013 long, oblong- lanceolate, membranous-margined, abruptly taj)ering into an ascend- ing or spji^eading cusp, half as long as calyx tube ; calyx .02 to ;03 long, with triangular-lanceolate, mucronate teeth ; limb obovate-spathulate, sparingly dentate — May and June — Fields ; between Lbid and Bosrah, Hauran. Further study required to establish the differences between D. pallens, var. oxylepis, Boiss, D. Judaicus, and this species. T. D. lactiflorus, Fenzl. If. 3 to .5, glabrous, woody at base, with many, simple or sparingly branched, 3-5-flowered stems. Leaves linear, scabrous at margin, the lower .06 to .1 long. Flowers .02 broad; scales 4, a])pressed, about one-third as long as calyx-tube, ovate-elliptical, membranous-margined, tapering into a short cusp or mucro ; calyx SILENE^. (pink family.) 125 .02 to .03 long, teeth lanceolate ; limb icldtisli^ obovate, entire or den- tate — Summer — Amauus and northward. Var. inacrolcpi§, Post. Scales 8, lanceolate, nearly half as long as calyx-tube — Woods above Karah-Jurn^ northern Cassius. Var. toracliylepis, Boiss. Scales 8, mucronate — Aintab. 8. I>. floritowndus, Boiss. 2^ .3 to .5, many-stemmed from an indurated rootstock ; stems panicled-corymbose to simple, 1-2-flowered. Leaves rigid, linear, with scabrous margins, 3-5-nerved, lateral nerves at margin. Flowers .01 broad ; scales 4-6, white-margined, mucro- nate, oblong, two-fifths as long as .02 long calyx-tube ; calyx-teeth lanceolate, white-margined ; limb ixde-innk^ oblong, deeply toothed — Summer — Marash and northward. Too nearD. Anatolicus, from which it differs principally in its dentate not crenate limb. Var. prumosus, Boiss. Lower leaves and stems pruinose — Aintab, Marash, and northward. Var. Kerliaiiicu§, Post. Indument as in last. Stems 1-2-flower- ed — Kerhan, near Marash. § 3 FIMBRIA TI. 9. I>. Libanotis, Labill. If .3 to .6, stems thick, angidar, stiffs corymbose, rarely simple. Leaves glaucous, linear-lanceolate, often 5-nerved, the radical rather obtuse, the stem leaves .006 to. 008 broad, acute, often spreading recurved. Flowers 2-3 together, rarely solitary, .02 broad ; scales .01 to .02 long, ovate, tempering into a lanceolate, re- curved, spiny tip; calyx tube .03 long, with lanceolate teeth J its length ; limb pale, obovate-cuneate, reddish spotted at base, fringed to its middle — May to July — Mt. St. Catlierine, Sinai. Alpine Leba- non. Jebel Quleb, Hauran. Table land of Damascus and northward. 10. I>. §nperl>iis, L. 2j! . 6 or more, stems usually single, more or less paniculate or corj^mbose above. Leaves linear-lanceolate, 3-5- nerved, the upper acuminate. Flowers .02 or more broad, usually solitary. Scales ovate, mucronate, one-third as long as .02 long calyx- tube ; calyx-teeth lanceolate, mucronate ; limb pink, pnirple hearded, fringed nearly to hase — Summer — Ccslesyria. Perhaps escaped from cultivation. 11. I>. fiinbriatus, M. B. 2f .2 to .3, many-stemmed, woody at base ; stems erect, slender, simple, rarely stiff- branched. Leaves .01 to .03 long, linear aid-shaped^, scabrous-margined. Flowers .02 broad, solitary ; scales oblong, mucronate, one-third to one-half as long as .02 long calyx-tube ; calyk-teeth lanceolate, mucronate ; limb pink, gldlyrous or hearded at dase, fringed to half its length — August and September — Alpine regions of Amauus and northward. Var. brevifolius, Boiss. Leaves very short. Limb elongated, long-bearded — Cedars of Lebanon. 12. D. pog^onopctalii§, Boiss. et Ky. 21 Many-stemmed, woody at base, ; stems ascending, 1-flowered. Leaves linear, rigid, 3- nerved, shorter than joint. Scales oblong, abruptly acuminate, with narrow membranous margins, one-third as long as .02 long calyx-tube; 126 SILENKffi. (pink PAMILT.) calyx-teeth lanceolate, ciliate at base ; claws exserted ; limb pink, ob- long-spathulate, fringed to less than half its length — Summer — Leba- non, near Besherri and Cedars. Too near the last. 13. I>. SinaicuM, Boiss. 71 Sammah. .3 to .4, glaucous, shrub- by at base ; ste7n8 much hranched, dichotomous. Radical leaves few, fugacious, awl-shaped, scabrous-margined ; stem leaves reduced to an apj)ressed cusp 3A-times as long as sheath. Flowers solitary ; scales 10, closely appressed, ovate, white margined, tapering into a short point, one-third as long as .025 to .03 long, calyx-tube; calyx-teeth lanceo- late, acute; limb glabrous, oUo?ig, a little hroader than claw, fringed for three-fourths its length — August — Rocks at base of Sinai. § 4. DENTATI. 14. I>. pendulu§, Boiss. et Bl. 2^ .4 to .6, many-stemmed from a woody base ; stems with few, stiff branches. Leaves linear, acuminate, somewhat rigid, more or less 5-nerved, scah'ous-margined. Flowers .02 to .03 broad, pedicelled, solitary, or 2-3, clustered ; scales 8-10, oblong-lanceolate, acute, the uppermost one-third to one -half as long as .02 to .025 long, calyx-tube ; calyx-teeth lanceolate, acute ; limb obovate, digitate-incised to one-fouTth its length — September — Hanging from cliffs ; Lebanon. Doubtfully separated from the follow- ing. 15. D. actinopetalns, Fenzl. If .3 to .4, shrubby at base; stems stiff, simple or branched. Leaves linear, acuminate, 5-7-nerved, not scabrous-margined, the radical long, flexuous. Flowers 2-3, cluster- ed, rarely solitary ; scales 8-10, ovate, acute, somewhat herbaceous, one-fourth as long as .02 long, calyx-tube ; calyx-teeth oblong-triangu- lar, acute ; claw exserted ; limb obovate, cut-toothed — Summer — Rocks ; Antioch, and northward. 16. 1>. zonatus, Fenzl. If .3 to .4, tufted from an indurated root-stock ; stems erect, simple or stiff branched. Leaves 5-nerved, rigid, acuminate. Flowers usually scarious-bracted ; scales 4, with membranous margin broader above, ovate, mucronate, one-third a§ long as .02 long calyx-tube ; calyx-teeth lanceolate, mucronate, usually purple-zoned at base, yellow he?ieath, acutely denticulate — Spring — Fields ; Moab. 17. D. liypoclilorus, Boiss. et Held 2f .1 to .2, tufted ; stems simple or slightly branched. Root-leaves .01 to .02 long ; stem leaves linear, grooved, 3-nerved, scabrous. Flowers solitary, bracted or naked at base ; -scales 4, straw-colored, white margined, tapering into a cusp, one-third as long as .012 long calyx-tube ; calyx-teeth lanceolate, ciliate ; limb oblong-spathulate, acutely denticulate, half as long as calyx — Summer — Var. Karami, Bl. Leaves more flaccid ; scales herbaceous ; calyx green, red above — Lebanon, base of Qurnat-es-Sa'adah, Dhun- niyeh. § 6. CARTHUSIANl. 18. D. caloceplialus, Boiss. If .1, nearly glaucous. Leaves flaccid, 5-nerved ; sheath appressed, many times longer thun diameter 8ILENE^. (pink FAMILY.) 127 of stem. Heads of flowers .03 to .04 broad ; flowers .01 broad ; scales oblong, one-tliird as long as calyx-tube, tapering abruptly into awns OTie-third to one- half their length; calyx-teeth lanceolate, acuminate; limb, Iriclc-red, obovate-cuneate, dentate — Summer — Rocky places about Antioch and northward. 3. TUNICA, Scop. Tunica. Calyx scaly at base or naked, top-shaped or tubular, 5-toothed, 5-15-ribbed, the commissures membranous. Petals 5, with elongated claw, and entire, retuse, or bifid limb, destitute of crown. Stamen3 10. Torus small. Capsule oblong, many-seeded, 4-toothed. Seeds shield-shaped with nearly central umbilicus. Embryo eccentric — Slender, rigid, small-flowered herbs, with grass-like leaves. * Calyx scabious, at length inflated, scaly at hase. 1, T, Telntina, Guss. .2 to .5, more or less velvety; stems erect, simple. Sheaths of leaves elongated margins iwt scabrous; leaves and scales of involucre mucronulate, with or without dots. Limb small, scarcely exserted, bifid, pink ; seeds boat-shaped, tubercled — March and April — Coast and coast range to 800 m. Too near T. prolifera, L. * * Calyx involucrate, obamical, rwt scaly at base, 5-15-n£rved. T. Syriaca, Boiss. (f) .15 to .25, glabrous, green, many-stem- med, shrubby at base ; stems filiform, rigid, nearly simple, 1 -flowered. Leaves scabridulous, linear, acute, those of stem short, stiff. Bracts of involucre nearly as long as calyx, linear-lanceolate, acute, with a thicJc red nerve ; calyx .008 long, teeth obtuse with a stout nerve ; limb pink, linear, entire — June — Kocks near Antioch. Pobably a variety of T. saxifraga, L., which Tristram claims to have found in and about Lebanon. * * * Calyx obconical, not involucrate or scaly at hase, 6-^Hbbed, membranous between the ribs, ribs d-nerved. 3. T. pacliygona, F. et M. .2 to .4, glandular- viscid ; stem erect, dichotomous-paniculate. Leaves 8-nerved, linear-awl-shaped. Peduncles stiff, as long as or longer than the .007 long, obconical, glabrous calyx ; calyx-teeth ovate, mucronate with an excurrent mid- rib ; petals white, sometimes reddish beneath, linear-spathulate, entire, somewhat exserted during the maturing of the fruit — April to June — Lebanon and Antilebanon to Aleppo, Aintab, and northward and east- ward. Var. scabrida, Post. Calyx scabrous, especially along nerves ; teetli rather shorter — Arabia Petrsea to El-Ghor, Moab, and Ccelcsyiia. (T. Arabica, Boiss), 4. ACA]VTHOPHYL.L.U]W[, C. A. Mey. Acanthophyllum. Calyx tubular or turbinate, 5-toothed, 5-15-nerved. Petals 5, with long, bilamellate claw, tapering gradually into limb. Stamens 10, with exserted anthers, the 5-opposite the petals somewhat shorter. Gynophore short. Ovary 1-celled, 4-10-ovuled, with hemispherical or short cylin- 138 srLENE^. (pink family.) drical placenta. Capsule 1-seeded by abortion, nearly indehiscent, membranous below, chartaceous above. Seeds ovoid, kidney-shaped. Embryo curved or peripheral — Perennial shrubs, with prickly leaves and white, sessile flowers. A. Tournefortii, Fenzl. 5 -^j somewhat scabrous ; branches slender, simple or paniculate. Flowers clustered in sessile or short- peduncled heads disposed in pairs in the upper axils, or terminal ; bracts straight, as long as calyx ; calyx-teeth prickly ; limb linear- cuneate, retuse, exserted — September — Mountains of northern Syria. 5. OYPSOPHII.A, L. Gypsophila. Calyx top-shaped or campanulate, rarely cylindrical, membranous between the 5 nerves. Petals 5, limb naked at base, claw usually not bilamellate. Torus small. Capsule globular or ovate, rarely oblong, deeply 4-valved. Seeds kidney-shaped, affixed by a marginal umbilicus. Embryo peripheral — Herbs, rarely shrubs, difiering much in aspect. 1. G. venusta, Fenzl. 21 -5, stems terete, thickened at nodes, ending in a glabrous, hemispherical panicle. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate from a rounded base, .04 long, .007 broad at base, somewhat 8-nerved, rough-margined ; bracts herbaceous, with narrow margins. Pedicels capillary, 4-6- Fig. 65. times as long as calyx ; calyx .004 long, cam- panidate, with round-ovate teeth ; date somewliat exserted; limb pink, purple at base, obovate- cuneate, retuse, twice as long as calyx — May — Thickets ; Aleppo to Aintab, and northward. 2. O. Kokejeka, Del. 11 Ruqueqah Kuzdmali. BaraMlih. Sirr. .4 to .6, glabrous, glaucescent, woody below ; stems slender, whitish, dichotomously panicled from base. Leaves fleshy, 1-nerved, with papillose margins, the lower oJ)- long-lanceolate, obtuse, the others linear-lanceolate, acute, often channelled. Bracts linear, herbaceous; pedicels capillary, 4-6-times as long as calyx • , w. ^o .- -^ 1 '- 1 J /^Arv 1 J- -11 J. xi ' jeka,maguified 3 diameters. calyx campanulate, .002 long, divided to three- (j) petals, stamens, fourths its length into oblong, white-margined and pistil, magnified 3 dia- lobes ; petals pink to violet, " elliptical-oblong, ^^^^^^^ twice as long as calyx — March to May — Dry places ; Palmyra to Jerusalem, Moab, and southward to Arabia and Egypt. 3. €r. liibanotica, Boisa. If .15 to .3, glaucous, woody at base, stems numerous, slender, branching into oblong, sometimes viscid panicles. Leaves fleshy, ligid, oblong -lenticular, .01 long, .003 broad, reticulate. Bracts oblong-lanceolate, scarious-margined ; pedi- cels capillary, 3-4 times as long as calyx ; calyx campanulate, .003 long, acutely dentate from middle ; limb pink, shorter than calyx — July to September — Rocks; Alpine Lebanon, Berytdagh and north- ward. 4. O. Aucheri, Boiss. If .6 to 1, green ; stems slender' branching iato a glandular, rarely glabrous panicle. Leaves rigid', tubercled, oblong to linear-lanceolate .03 to .05 long, .003 to .004 (a ) Calyx or G* Roke- SILENE^. (pink family.) 129 broad. Bracts linear, scarious ; pedicels setaceous, 2-3 times as long as calyx ; calyx .0015 long, campanulate, wliite-tuberded, teetb ovate, obtuse, membranous-margined ; limb pink, oblong, somewhat shorter than calyx — July and August — Akherdagh and northward. 5, O. Damascena, Boiss. 2J! .3 to .4, glabrous ; stems slen- der, ending in a glabrous, rarely glandular panicle. Leaves fleshy, oblong, .01 to .015 long, .002 to .004 broad, acute, 3-nerved, the lateral nerves marginal anastomosing with the intermediate. Bracts minute, lanceolate, scarious ; pedicels setaceous, 4-6 times as long as calyx ; calyx campanulate, .002 long, teeth oblong, obtuse, mem- branous-margined ; limb wJiite^ as long as calyx — June and July — Dry hills ; Um-Jemal (Moab) to Damascus, Antilebanon, and north- ward. 6, O. ruicifolia, Boiss. 2^ .8 to 1, glabrous ; stems slender, erect, leafy below, ending in a diffuse, sometimes glandular panicle, Leaves coriaceous, OTiate or oblong^ .01 to .012 long, acute, 5-7-nerved, strongly netted- veined, those of the sterile branches rounded at base, thosG of stem, deeply cordate 07' connate at hase. Bracts awl-shaped with red midrib; pedicels capillary, 3-6 times as long as calyx ; calyx cam- panulate, .0015 long, red-nerved, teeth ovate, scarious-margined, obtuse; limb pink, linear, nearly twice as long as calyx — June — Lebanon, Coelesyria, and Antilebanon, to AintSb and northward. Var. latifolia, Post. Leaves triangular-ovate, broader than long, truncate at base and connate. 7. O. elegrans, M. B.;0 or 21 .3 to .4, glabrous ; stem corym* bose-panicled. Lower leaves small, oblong-spathulate, the others linear- lanceolate, acute. Bracts minute, scarious ; pedicels capillary, many times as long as calyx; calyx hemispherical, .002 long, teeth ovate, obtuse, scarious-margined ; limb pink, linear-wedge-shaped, truncate, retuse, 2-5 times as long as calyx — May to July — Moist places ; Sinai. 8. O. Ti§cosa, Murr. .15 to .3, glabrescent below, viscid above; stemflexuous, dichotomous almost from base, corymbose-panicu- late. Leaves slightly connate, oblong-lanceolate, .01 to .04 long, .003 to .01 broad, acuminate. Bracts minute, triangular-acuminate,_ scarious ; pedicels setaceous, 3 to 4 times as long as calyx ; calyx hemispherical, .0015 long, teeth ovate, obtuse, scarious-margined ; limb pink, wedge- shaped, truncate-retuse, longer than calyx — May and June — Hauran to Damascus, and northward. 9, G. ortegibides, F. et Mey. 5 -2 to .5, minutely pruinose ; stems numerous, flexuous, much branched. Leaves awl-shaped .005 to .015 long. BrdiCts awl-shaped, green ; ^ov^erQ sessile, forming terminal racemes; calyx obconical-tubular, .004 long, teeth lanceolate, acute, limb obovate, white, jDurple-veined, half as long as calyx — September — Ziaretdagh (Amanus) and northward. 10. O. frankeiiioide§, Boiss. If .3, glandular-puberulent ; stems prostrate, tufted ; branches slender. Leaves clustered, atcl-shaped .005 long. Flowers mostly solitary in the upp>er and terminal axils; pedicels somewhat shorter than the sparingly hairy, tubular-campanu- SO 130 SILENE^. (PrNK FAMILT.) late, .005 long calyx ; calyx-teeth oblong, membranous-margined, ob- tuse ; limb wedge-shaped, pink, a little longer than calyx-teeth — June to September — Var. Libanotica, Boiss. More viscid. Flowers often more numerous at the apex of the branches ; pedicels often somewhat longer than calyx — Alpine and subalpine Lebanon. 11. Cr. hir§uta, Labill. If .1 to .3, velvety-hispid, somewhat shrubby at base ; stems h'ittle, slender, decumbent, dichotomously and sparingly branched. Leaves fleshy, linear-spathulate or oUong-ellip- tical, tapering at base, .005 to .008 long. Alar flowers short-pedicelled, termiDal 8-5, sessile, capitate ; calyx tubular-cam'panulate, .004 to .006 long, with acute teeth ; limb obovate, white, a little longer than calyx teeth — April to October — Var. alpina, Boiss. .03 to .05 high, tufted, velvety. Flowers terminal, 2-7, crowded — September and October — Alpine regions of Lebanon, Antilebanon, and Jebel Katarina (Sinai). Var. inolli§, Boiss. Soft-hispid. The alar and terminal flowers 2-5, clustered — Lebanon near Ehedin. Var. Barraclen§i§i, Boiss. Greenish. Flowers nearly solitary ; pedicels somewhat longer than .003 long calyx — Suq-Wadi-Barada. Var. filicauli§, Boiss. Velvety-canescent ; stems elongated flexuous, branching. Leaves ovate-oblong. Alar flowers clustered — Dry places ; Coelesyria to Damascus and Palmyra. 12. O. porrigcn§, L. .3 to .6, hispid-viscid; stem erect, thickish, dichotomous, ending in a diffuse, corymbose panicle. Leaves firm, oblong-lanceolate to linear -lanceolate and linear^ 3-nerved, the largest .07 long, .015 broad. Pedicels capillary, at length spreading-reflexed, 3-4 times as long as oblong-campanulate, .006 long calyx ; calyx be- coming spherical in fruit, teeth oblong, obtuse, white-margined ; limb wedge-shaped, white, as long as calyx ; capsule as large as a pea — June — Fields ; Antilebanon to Qaldun, and northward and east- ward. 6. AXKYROPETAIiUM, Fenzl. Ankyropetalum. Calyx cylindrical, 5-nerved, membranous between nerves. Petals 5, inserted on the upper margin of a sessile, cup-shaped disk, deeply 3-parted, with a naked claw tapering gradually into the limb. Stamens exserted. Ovary 8-9-ovuled. Capsule ovate or oblong, 1 -celled, pa- pery, irregularly 4-valved. Seeds hanging by elongated funicles after decay of capsule, kidney-shaped, with concentric, granular wrinkles — Perennial, glabrous, nearly leafless herbs, with filiform branches, and aspect of Gypsophila Rokejeka. * Intermediate lobe of petal bijid, 1-dentate near base. 1. A. gyp§opliiloicies, Fenzl. 11 .6tol, intricate, diffusely panicled. Leaves few, fleshy, awl-shaped, triquetrous, the lower .02 long, the upper very short. Pedicels capillary, 3-6 times as long as .004 long, puberuUnt calyx ; calyx-teeth rounded, obtuse ; claw linear- cuneate, exserted — Summer — Mahardi to Aintab, and northward. SILENE^. (Plim FAMILY.) 131 2. A, Arsusianum, Ky. l^ .6, stems slender, rigid, simple, rarely with short alternate branches above. Leaves few, very short, linear, acutish, fiat above, convex beneath. Pedicels 2-3 times as long as glabrous .003 long calyx; calyx-teeth ovate, obtuse — June to September — Rocky places ; Amanus and Akherdagh. 3. A. Reuteri, Boiss. et Haussk. !(; .4 to .8 ; stems slender, dichotomously or alternately branched. Leaves short, linear, acute. Pedicels 3-4 times as long as .003 long, campanulate, glandular-hispid calyx ; calyx-teeth ovate, obtuse — July to September — Kapucham- dagh and Akherdagh. * * Intermediate lobe of x>etals not bijid^ and not toothed at base. 4. A. Coele§yriacum, Boiss. If .3 to .6, intricately branched into a diffuse panicle. Leaves few, short, fleshy, the lower linear, the upper awl-shaped. Pedicels once and a half to twice as long as pu- berulent .003 to .006 long calyx —- June and July — Waste places; Coelesyria and Antilebanon. 7. SAPONARIA, L. Soapwort. Calyx cylindrical or oblong-cylindrical, with numerous, generally obscure nerves. Petals 5, with narrow, bilamellate claw, limb general- ly distinct from claw, scaly or naked at base, often expanded. Stamens 10. Torus small or elongated into a carpophore. Ovary generally many-ovuled, with a cylindrical placenta. Capsule obovate or oblong, rarely globular, splitting into 4 short valves or teeth. Seeds kidney- shaped or nearly globular, affixed by a marginal umbilicus. * Inflorescence consisting of opposite, pseudoverticillate cymes. 1. S. nodiflora, Boiss. @ ? 1, glabrous ; branches somewhat whorled, slender. Lower leaves oblong-spathulate, obtusely 5-7-nerved, .06 to .07 long ; stem-leaves lanceolate, acute. Flowers minute ; calyx membranous between ribs, viscid, cylindrical, with short, lanceolate teeth ; limb somewhat exserted, linear-cuneate, retuse ; capsule as large as a pea, bursting the base of the calyx, half its length — Between Behesne and Malatia (northern Syria.) * * Inflorescence loose, dichotomous-corymbose. 2. S, Taccaria, L. Cowherb. .3 to .5. Lower leaves taper- ing at base, the others cordate-lanceolate. Calyx-teeth triangular, scarious-margined ;, claw somewhat exserted ; limb pink, obovate, half as long as calyx — Spring — Fields ; everywhere. 3. S, oxyodonta, Boiss. © As in last except the acuminate calyx-teeth, and smaller limb of the corolla — Fields ; common. Pro- bably a variety of the last. * * * Inflorescence p^ciniculate, or densely corymbose, or cymose. t Limb of petal scaly, distinct from claw. 4. S. pulvinari§, Boiss. If .03 to .15, densely tufted, matted; stems dichotomously 3-7-flowered or simple, 1 -flowered. Leaves small. 133 SILENE^. (pink family.) the radical crowded, linear, .005 long .001 broad, obtuse ; stem-leaves longer. Inflorescence hirsute-viscid ; longer pedicels as long as the .006 long calyx; limb shorter than, capsule as long as, calyx — Summer and Autumn — Alpine Lebanon and Antilebanon. 5. S. offlcmali§, L. If Soapwort. Bouncing Bet. Sher^Ji-Hha- Uwi. .6 to 1, glabrous. Leaves oUong -elliptical, 3-nerved .05 to .1 long, .02 to .04 broad. Cymes crowded, corymhose-jmniculate ; pedicels short; limb pink, entire, retuse or bifid, nearly as long as .02 long calyx ; capsule shorter than calyx — Summer — Cultivated for its saponaceous root, which is used in washing woollens, as it does not cause them to shrink, and also in the manufacture of Hhalawi. 6. S. glutinosa, M.B. @ .6 to 1, glutinous-hispid. Root-leaves spathulate to obovate-spathulate, .1 long ; stem-leaves ovate-oblong, acute. Cymes forming a ■pyramidal-'panicle ; pedicels very short ; limb purple, bifid, linear, less than half as long as .02 long calyx ; capsule shorter than calyx — May and June — Woods near Hassan Beyley (Amanus), and northward. 7. S, Mesogitana, Boiss. .15, pubescent-viscid, dichoto- mous-corymbose. Lower leaves oblong-spathulate, obtuse, 3-nerved, the floral linear-lanceolate. Inflorescence dense; limb pink, obovate, half as long as calyx, tapering at base ; fruiting pedicels erect-spread- iug ; capsule oblong — May — Alpine regions of northern Syria. 8. S. prostrata, Willd. (2) .1 to .3, papillose-canescent, scarce- ly viscid ; stems decumbent, dichotomously branched. Leaves spathu- late to oblong-linear. Inflorescence densely corymbose ; pedicels very short ; limb pink, oblong-spathulate, entire, one-fourth as long as .012 long, purplish or greenish calyx ; capsule small, spherical, as long as carpophore, included in the inflated fruiting calyx — Summer — Alpine regions of northern Syria. t t Lirnb of petal naked, tapering gradually into claw. 9. S. tridentata, Boiss. 2^ .3 or more, viscid ; stem erect, dichotomous from base. Leaves oblong, 1-nerved, the upper lanceo- late. Corymb loose ; pedicels longer than .01 long calyx, in fruit, spreading; limb pink, obovate-cuneate, trifid to half its length into triangular-linear, acute lobes — Spring — Base of Akdagh, Northern Syria. 10. S. Syriaca, Boiss. (D Loosely pubescent- viscid ; stem dichotomously branched. Lower leaves oblong, obtuse, somewhat 3-nerved, the upper elliptico-linear. Corymb loose ; pedicels erect, somewhat shorter than calyx ; claw exserted; limb pink, cuneate-trun- cate, bijidfor half its length — Syria ; place not noted (Boissier). §. SIt.Ei«E. L. Catchfly. Campion. Calyx tubular 10-60-nerved. Petals 5, clawed, with appendage (rarely 0) at apex of claw. Stamens 10, of which 5 are adnate to petals. Ovary 3-celled at base, many-ovuled. Capsule borne on a car- pophore, with 3 rudimentary cells at base, or 1-celled throughout, 6-valved at apex. Seeds kidney-shaped — Annual or perennial herbs. SILENEiB. (pink FAMILY.) 133 Fig. 66. Structure of flower of a Silene. (a) Pedicel. {b) Carpophore, or stalk of the ovary. (c) Ovary, with central placenta, and numerous ovules. {d) Part of petal showing the base of limb, and the two appendages which aid in forming the crown. (e) A stamen, its base united to the base of the petal. (/) The three stigmas about the length of the single style. (^) Transverse section of ovary, show- ing the central placenta, and the numerous ovules. (A) A petal entire, showing claw, appendages, and limb. SERIES A. ANNUALS. StoSERiES I. Calyx 20-60-nerved, ovate cylindrical, or club- shaped, in fruit contracted at apex. * Calyx 20-nerved. 1 S. coniflora. 2 S. conoidea. * * Calyx dO-nerved. * * * Calyx QO-nerved. 2 S. macrodonta. SuBSERiEs II. Calyx lO-nerved, cylindrical or club-shaped. Cap- sule 3-celled at base. * Inflorescence dicJiotomous. Calyx glandular, apex contracted in fruit. 4 S. noctiflora. . * * Inflorescence capitate. Calyx glabrous, apex not contracted in fruit. 5 S. compacta, 6 Reuteriana. * * * Inflorescence dichotomous, cyniose or racemose. Branches not filiform. t Calyx glabrous, apex contracted in fruit. 7 S. muscipula, 8 Behen. 1 1 Calyx hirsute or papillose ; apex contracted in fruit. \ Calyx beset with dilated papyraceous papillod along the nerves. 9 S. squamigera. X X Calyx scabrous-bristly or hirsute along the nerves. 134 SILENEiE. (PINK FAMILY.) § Inflorescerice regularly dichotomous. 19 S. crassipes. § § Lower Jiow&r alar^ the others in l-sided racemes. 11 S. dichotoma, 12 oxyodonta. § § § All the flowers in 1-sided racemes. 13 S. Gallica, * * * * Mowers in 1-sided racemes. Calyx hirsute or papillary, apex not contracted in fruit.. t Seeds with fiat face and obtusely grooved lacTc. 14 S. Nicseensis, 15 hirsuta, 16 villosa. I I Seeds with ear-shaped depression at face and obtusely grooved bach. \ Capsule a little longer than carpophore. 17 S. Arabica, 18 setacea, \ X Capside 1-3 times as long as carpophore. 19 S. Damascena, 20 Palestina. \\X Carpophore almost 0. 21 S. nocturna. I I I Face of seeds smooth, rather concane, back dieeply grooved with two wavy wings. 22 S. apetala, 23 bipartita. ***** Inflorescence dichotomous, ending in racemes or cymes. Calyx hairy or glabrous, apex not contracted in fruit. Tender herbs. t Seeds more or less compressed. 24 S. rubella, 25 sedoides, 26 fuscata. + t Seeds almost globular, with a pore at each side of umbilicus. 27 S. Atocion. ****** Inflorescence irregularly dichotomous. Apex of calyx not contracted in fruit. Rigid lAants with filiform branches and peduncles. t Seeds grooved at bach. 28 S. Kotschyi, 29 linearis, 30 Cassia, 31 Hussoni. 1 1 Seeds flatish at bach. 32 S. juncea, 33 chsetodonta. SERIES B. PERENNIALS. *" Flowers small, 1-5 in a raceme. Capsule short-stipitate. Tufted dwarf , suhalpine and alpine plants. 84 S. pharnaceifolia. ** Flowers rather small ; calyx not more than .01 long; dicecious or monoecious-polygamous, rarely hermaphrodite. Carpophore elongated. 35 S. stenobotrys, 36 brevipes, 37 Bpergulifolia, 38 proinosa, 39 Montbretiana. * * * Flowers hermaphrodite, often large. aiLENE^ (PINK FAMILY.) 135 t Flowers at top of stem ; calyx .(i^to .03 long ; claws auricled, Low al- pine plants. 40 S. stentoria, 41 Tejedensis. 1 1 Inflorescence dichotomous, cymose, or racemose; calyx membranous^ in fiated .013 ^ .3 to .6, glabrous, glaucescent ; stem thick, simjile or sparingly branched above. Lowest leaves spathulate-lanceolate, the others oblong to dhlong-ovate^ connate at lase ; leaves of involucre oblong-ovate. Flowers sessile ; calyx club-shaped from umbilicate base, teeth ovate, obtuse, greenish ; limb pink, ob- ovate, entire ; capsule oblong, half as long as carpophore — Summer — Shrubby places ; Amanus. 6. S. Reiiteriana, Boiss. (D .6 to .8, glabrous, glaucescent; stem with opposite, slender branches almost from base. Lower leaves crowded, somewhat connate, lanceolate-linear, acutish, the others very shorty linear. Flowers subsessile, the loicer generally solitary at the apex of the h^mches, the terminal capitate ; calyx club-shaped, teeth ovate, obtuse ; limb pink, wedge-shaped, bilobed ; capsule oblong, some- what shorter than carpophore — Summer — Sandy places ; J^ebanon, about 1000 m. S. Arnieria, L., said by Tristram to grow along the coast. It is probably an escape from gardens. § 3. LiEIOCAIiYCIN^. 7. S. iiiu§cipiila, L. .3 to .5, glabrous, viscid above. Leaves oblong-spathulate to linear-lanceolate, the floral awl-shaped, as long as or longer than Fig. 67. calyx. Inflorescence dichotomons ; all the flowers short-peduncled ; calyx club-shaped from an umliilicate base, teeth triangular, acute, white- margined ; limb small, cuneate, 3-lobed ; cap- sule oblong-elliptical, once and a half to twice as long as carpophore — Spring — Fields, along coast. 8. S. BeheD, L. .3 to .4, glabrous, glaucescent. Leaves obovate, acute, to oblong- lanceolate. Alar flowers peduncled, the upper Fruiting calyx of alar flower loosely racemed, subsessile ; calyx oblong from °f ^' muscipuia, umbilicate base, inth reddish veins, in fruit inflated, ovate, teeth ovate, obtuse, membranous-margined ; limb pink, minute, bipartite alnmt to base into obovate-oblong lobes ; capsule ovate, shart-stipitate — Spring — Fields and rocky places ; common. § 4. liASIOCAIiYCIN^. 9. S. squamig^era, Boiss. .3 to .5, pubescent-scabrous ; stems dichotomously panicled almost from base. Leaves oblong-spa- SILENE^ (PINK FAMILY.) 137 thulate to linear. Flowers short-pedicelled, in one sided racemes ; calyx .013 to .015 long, club-shaped from umbilicate base, whitish ; scales with 1-4, oblong, obtuse teeth ; limb white, deeply obcordate ; cap- sule ovate, a little shorter than carpophore — May — Fields ; Aintab to Marash. 10. S. crassipe§, Fenzl. .3 to .4, scabrous or scabridulous with elevated dots, pubescent. Leaves oblong- spathulate to lanceolate-linear, the floral often Fig. G8. equalling or overtopping the calyx. Flowers sub- sessile, the alar solitary, the terminal more or less densely cymose, 3-5 ; calyx cylindrical from um- bilicate base, scabridulous with conical papillce, especially along nerves^ in fruit cliib-sliaped, teeth ovate, odtiise, membranous ; limb minute, purple, lijiear-cioneate, retuse ; capsule ovate, less than thrice as long as car2)opihore — Fields ; common. (Includes 8. gonocalyx, Boiss., see supj)lement to Fl. Or. Boiss. p. 93). 11. S. dicliotoma, Ehr. .3 to .5, J//s^'°/s' wmi%ome" puberalent ; stem stiff, dichotomous. Leaves spa- whaTdenseiy^ cymos^e thulate to linear, acuminate. Peduncles very short ; terminal flowers, calyx more or less hirsute loith bristly papillm along the green, pro- minent nerves, oblong-cylindrical, in fruit oblong, teeth short, lanceo- late, acute ; limb lohite, biimrtite beyond its middle into ovate-oblong lobes ; capsule oblong, with short carpophore — Spring — Galilee. Gilead. Var. raceino§a, Boiss. Canescent with crisp hairs. Racemes long. Bracts membranous. Capsule ovate — ^^ SjDring — Fields to 1000 m ; much commoner with us than type. {8. racemosa, Otth.) Var. glabrc§cen$, Post. Glabrescent. 12. S. oxyodonta, Barbey. .3, sparingly puberulent with crisp hairs. Leaves oblong-spathulate to oblong-linear, the upper somewhat clasping. Powers subsessile, solitary ; calyx with broad, green, sparingly pubescent nerves, and lanceolate, acute teeth, ending in a recurved tip ; limb purple, oblong, bifid, into ovate, obtuse lobes ; capsule twice as long as carpophore — April — Plain of Esdraelon. 13. S. Oallica, L. .3 to .4, sparingly hirsute, viscid above ; stem simple or dichotomous. Leaves obovate-spathulate to oblong or oblong-linear, upper awl-shaped. Lower flowers peduncled, upper subsessile ; calyx rounded at base, cylindrical, in fruit ovate, with lan- ceolate-sulndate, somewhat recurved teeth ; limb pink or white, obovate, entire, retuse, or denticulate ; capsule subsessile — Spring — Fields and hillsides ; not rare to 1000 m. § 5. BIPARTITE. 14. S. McaBeiisi§, all. Ped. to (2) .3 to .4, papillose- viscid. Leaves fleshy, linear-oblong obtuse, to linear acute. Flowprs in com- pound racemes or irregularly cymose, more or less peduncled ; calyx 21 138 SELENE^. (PINK FAMILY.) cylindrical, with umbilicate base, in fruit cluh-shaped, teeth lanceolate, ciUate; limb white, greenish-purple below, cuneate, bifid ; capsule ovate, a little longer than carpophore — Summer — An imperfect specimen, ap- parently of this species, was found by the writer in the sands at Latta- kia, in June, 1884. 15. S. liir§uta, Lag. © .3 to .4, hirsute,^ especially above ; stems sparingly divaricate from base. Leaves linear-lanceolate, to subulate. Racemes .2 to .3 long ; lower flowers peduncled, upper sessile ; calyx mscid^illous^ cylindrical, in fruit club-shaped, with green nerves and oblong, obtuse, ciliate teeth ; limb whitish, oblong- cuneate, bifid into oblong lobes ; capsule oblong, a little longer than carpophore — April — Mountains of Moab. {S. hispida, Desf. in Tris- tram's Fauna and Flora of Palestine is probably this species, which is distinguished from S. hispida, among other things, by the absence of alar flowers). 16. S. villosa, Forsk. Nimwdr. AHdni. Dhuna^ah. .1 to .15, papillose-viscid ; stems numerous, procumbent, leafy. Leaves fleshy, spathulate, rather obtuse. Flowers irregulary cymose, or all loosely racemed ; peduncles shorter than .01 to .02 long, cylindrical calyx, reflexed in fruit ; calyx in fruit cylindrical-club-shaped, umbilicate at base, teeth ovate, obtuse ; claws long exserted ; limb white, deeply 3-parted, with obovate lobes ; capsule oblong, somewhat longer than carpophore — Spring — Debbet-er-Ramleh, and southward to Sinai and Egypt. 17. S. Arabica, © .1 to .3, loose-hairy, glandular-viscid ; stems erect, slender, nearly simple. Leaves oblong to linear ; bracts linear, short, unequal. Racemes loose ; peduncles as long as calyx, reflexed in fruit ; calyx whitish, green-nerved, cylindrical, in fruit oblong, .01 long, teeth triangular, obtuse, ciliate ; claw exserted ; limb bipartite ; capsule ovate — Spring — Sands ; Sinai. 1§. S. setacea, Viv. © .1 to .25, appressed-puberulent ; stems erect, rigid, simple or dichotomous from base. Leaves plicate, linear -subulate, acutish ; bracts oblong -linear, short, nearly equal. ' Ped- uncles short ; calyx appressed pubescent, with pale green nerves, cylin- drical, in fruit club-shaped, teeth lanceolate, acutish ; claws somewhat exserted ; limb white, farted to base into linear lobes ; capsule ovate — Spring — Around the Dead Sea, and southward to Egypt. 19. S. Damascena, Boiss. et Gaill. © .3, viscid-pubescent ; stem erect, dichotomously branched. Leaves oblong obtuse, to linear- lanceolate acutish. Lower peduncles longer than calyx, upper very short; bracts unequal ; calyx sparingly glandular, reddish, red-nerved, tapering-cylindrical, in fruit club-shaped, teeth oblong, obtuse ; limb whitish, bifid to middle ; capsule oblong, once to twice as long as carpo- phore — Spring — Middle Lebanon and Antilebanon ; Beirut ; Naba- tiyeh ; Jerusalem (Includes 8. siderophila, Boiss. et Gaill., and may better be referred to the following). 20. S. Palsestma, Boiss. © .3 to .4, sparingly hispid-viscid ; stem erect, simple or dichotomous below. Leaves oblong-linear to SILENE^. (PINK FAMILY.) 139 lanceolate, obtuse or acutish. Racemes .1 to .3 long, stifi ; peduncles shorter than calyx, the upper very short ; bracts unequal ; calyx membranous, red nerved, tapering-cylindrical from truncate base, in fruit club-shaped, teeth oblong, obtuse ; limb purple, bipartite to base ; capsule oblong, ticice to thrice as long as gynophore — Spring — Sandy places along coast, from Jafia southward to Ramleh in the Tih. 21. S. nocturna, L. © .3 to .4, puberuleiit simple or sparingly branched. Leaves spathulate to oblong or oblong-linear, acute. Raceme loose ; lower peduncles as long as calyx or longer, the others short- er ; bracts somewhat unequal, longer than peduncles ; calyx .01 long, oblong injiower and fruit, tapering at base, teeth lanceolate, acute ; limb small, whitish^ livid below, cuneate, bifid ; capsule oblong, sessile — Spring — Coast, and coast range to 1000 m. Var. prostrata, Post. Prostrate ; calyx green- veined — Ras Beiriit. 22. S. apetala, Willd. .3 to .3, appressed- pubescent ; stem erect, simple or dichotomous. Leaves oblong-linear to linear-lanceolate. Flowers loosely racemose, tJie upper irregularly cymose ; ped- uncles longer than .008 long, green, campanulate, in fruit obovate, calyx ; calyx teeth lanceolate, acute ; petals 0, or 7ninute, included, denticulate; capsule globular, sessile — Spring and Summer — Var. Orlentalis, Boiss. Fields ; Wadi Kelt ; top of wall of Jerusalem ; sandy places near Duma, Lebanon. stem erect, Fig. 69. 23. S. bipartita, Desf. .2 to .4, appressed- pubescent ; stems ascending or procumbent at base, rarely erect, simple or dichotomous. Leaves obovate obtuse, to oblong-linear acute ; bracts small, oblong- lanceolate, unequal. Peduncles shorter than . 02 long calyx ; calyx red-nerved, obconical-cylindrical from umbilicate base, in fruit club-shaped, teeth oblong, ob- tuse ; limb pink, bifid into obovate or linear lobes once to twice as long as carpophore coast. Fruiting raceme of S. nocturna. capsule ovate. Spring — Sandy places along Var. Oliveriana, Post. Leaves often narrower. Calyx green- nerved. Limb white or pale pinh, with linear lobes. {8. Oliveriana, Otth. S. colorata, Poir.) Var. longipe§, Post. Capsule shorter than carpophore — Not un- common. Var, stenophylla, Boiss. Leaves linear-oblong to linear. Stems 1 -few-flowered — Palestine to Sinai. 140 SILENE^. (PINK FAMILY.) § 6. ATOCIE^. 24. S. rubella, L. ,3 to .5, imlerulent, glavxescent; stems unequally dichotomous. Leaves obovate-spa- thulate to linear, obtuse. Peduncles of alar flowers Fig. 70. rather long, of the more or less cymose^ terminal ones short ; caljx membranous, oblong, in fruit top-slin2jed, teeth rounded, obtuse, ciliate ; limb pink, obovate-cuneate, retuse ; capsule ovate, 2-3 times as long as carpophore — Spiing — Huleh ; Hauran ; Damascus. 25. S. §cdoides, Jacq. © ,2 to .3, t'is^^- Mrsute, branching from base, dichotomous. Leaves fleshy, oblong-spathulate to oblong. Flowers axillary, racemose oJjove ; lower peduncles longer than calyx, all nodding after fiovcering^ ; calyx .007 long, oblong from umbilicate base, in fruit club-shaped, teeth short, obtuse ; limb small, obovate, retuse ; capsule membranous, oblong as long as calyx, four times as long as carpophore Sands ; along coast. Cymes of S. rubella. Spring 26. S, fuscata, Link. © .3 to .8, viscid -jnilescent ; stems erect. Leaves oNo7ig to oUong -lanceolate. Alar peduncles much longer than calyx, terminal short, cymose ; calyx oblong-obconical from umlali- cate base, in fruit club-shaped, teeth ovate, obtuse ; liml) pink, cuneate-obovate, entire ; capsule ovate, alout as long as carpophore — Spring — Fields ; along coast. 27. S. Atociou, Murr. © .2 to .3, crisp)-p)uberident ; stems ascending, dichotomous. Leaves ova^g, the lower toith margined pjetioles, obtuse, the upper sessile, acute. Alar flowers short, peduncled, ter- minal nearly sessile, cymose ; calyx red, obsoletely nerved, cylindrical from umbilicate base, in fruit club-shaped, teeth membranous-margined, ovate, obtuse ; limb pink, l/iloied, with a tooth on each side at iase; cap- sule oblong, some^dtat shorter than carpophore — Spring — Fields ; throughout to 1500 m. The commonest and most showy of all the species in our district, often covering a large space with its pretty, .02 broad flowers. § 7. RIGIDUL^. 28. S. Kotscliyi, Boiss. © .1 to .3, piruinose-viscid ; stem slen- der, branches filiform. Leaves plicate, lioear-awl-shaped, mucronate, ciliate at base. Peduncles long, filiform ; calyx with prominent red 7? e7T6S, cylindrical from a tapering, umbilicate base, in fruit club-shaped, teeth ciliate, lanceolate , acuminate ; limb pink, cuneate, bifid ; lol>es of crown rounded ; capsule ovate, somewhat exserted from calyx, and longer than carpophore — Summer — Sandy places; middle zone of Lebanon and Antilebanon, Coelesyria, Aintab, Marash, and northward and eastward. Var. striata. Glabrous-viscid. Calyx striate between nerves. Lobes of crown lanceolate, acute — Lebanon ; Coelesyiia. {S. striata, Ear). SILENELE. {TIKK FAMILY.) 141 Var. maritima, Boiss. Internodcs short — Sandy places ; Suediyah to Lattakia. 29. S, linearis, Decaisn. .3 to .5, glatccescent, pubescent, rarely glabrous, viscid above ; stem dichotomous. Leaves lanceolate to linear-subulate. Upper peduncles often shorter than calyx ; calyx green nerved, cyluidrical-clud-sJiaped, in fruit abniftly constricted at lase of capside, teeth triangular, acute, white-margined, limb white, nearly 2-parted into linear-lobes ; capsule ovate-oblong, shorter than carpo- phore — April and May — Arabia Petrsea to Egyi»t. 30. S. Cassia, Boiss. © .6, rough-papillose helotc, glabrous- viscid above, dichotomous, branches rigid, panicled. Leaves linear-lanceo- late tapering at base, to linear-plicate, acute. Peduncles longer than calyx ; calyx appressed-papillose, green-nerved, oblong-club-shaped, teeth lanceolate, acute ; limb whitish, wedge-shaped, bipartite ; cap- sule oblong, somewhat longer than carpophore — June — Woods ; Cassius. 31. S. Hussoni, Boiss. .04 to .07, hirteUous, mscichdous, dichotomous. Leaves oblong-lanceolate to linear. Peduncles longer than calyx ; calyx top-shaped^ .004 long, netted reined, with triangular, membranous-margined teeth, one-third its length ; limb white, bifid into linear lobes ; capsule ovate, tioice as long as carpophore — Spring — Borders of et-Tth and southward. 32. S. juiicea, Sibth. or If .3 to .6, minutely tuberded- pulyerulent below, glabrous, green, viscid above ; branches elongated, slender, paniculate-corymbose. Root-leaves rather large, obonate, petiol- ed, intermediate linear-lanceolate, floral linear-setaceous. Peduncles much shorter than calyx ; calyx glabrous, .015 long, red-nerved, nctted- veined at apex, umbilicate at base, cylindrical-obconical, in fruit clubT shaped, teeth triangular, tapering at apex ; limb showy, white or pink, pwylish netted lelow, bipartite into obovate-oblong, obtuse lobes ; cap- sule ovate, shorter than carpophore — Throughout the year — Common along coast and lower coast range of mountains. An immature speci- men found by the author in the Judean desert seems to belong to this species. 33. S cliaBtocloiita, Boiss. .3 to .5, puberulent-scabrous below, glabrous-viscid above ; stem slender, loosely dichotomous- corymbose. Leaves linear, acute. Peduncles longer than calyx ; calyx glabrous, or hairy at the prominent green nerves, cylindrical-club- shaped, in fruit oblong-club-shaped, with lanceolate, scabrous teeth ; limb pink, bipartite to middle ; capsule ovate, ticice to thrice as long ai carpophore, shorter than calyx — June — Sands along Phoenician coast. Var. inodcsta, Boiss. Capsule exserted — Beirdt. § 8. OTITEiE. 34. S. pliarnaccifolia, Fenzl. If. .03 to .1, tufted from a thickish root stock ; stems slender, 1-5-flowered. Leaves villous, grooved, awl-shaped, obtuse, the radical densely clustered ; bracts lanceolate, membranous at base. Calyx .007 long, reddish, slightly 143 SILENE^. (PINK FAMILY.) puberulent, dbconical-camjyanulate, in fruit o'Date^ teeth ovate, obtuse ; claws dilated, limb obcordate-bilobed ; capsule ovate, short-stipitate — June — Subalpine and alpine Lebanon. § 9. SP£RGUIiIFOL.I^- 35. S, stenobotrys, Boiss. etHaussk. If .3 to .5, pruinose, with numerous, erect, slender stems. Leaves subulate, ciliate at broad base. Cymules 1-3-flowered, short-peduncled, forming a loose, viscid raceme, .1 to .3 long ; teeth of glandular-hairy, ovate, .007 long calyx oblong, obtuse ; limb white, biparted almost to base into linear lobes ; fila- ments hirsute, long-exserted ; capsule small, ovate, acute, 3-3-times as long as obconical carpophore — May and June — Chalky districts; Antilebanon about Rasheyah and Mar Elias to Aintab and Marash, and north-eastward. 36. S. brevipes, Paine. If .3 to .3, puberulent ; stems many, difEuse, from a thick, woody base. Leaves small, firm, lanceolate, acute. Cymes spiciform, few-flowered, simple or forked ; flowers small, distant, solitary or twin ; calyx puberulent, cylindrical, .005 long, 5-nerved ; filaments glabrous ; limb small, round, notched ; gynophore almost — April — Southern slopes of Jebel SiSghah (Moab.) 37. S. §pergiilifolia, Desf. 2| .2 to .3 ; scabrous-pubescent, tufted, stems ascending. Leaves linear-siibulate, rigid, recurved, ciliate at base. Cymules with short and stiff peduncles, forming short, ter- minal^ interrnpted, often capitate racemes; calyx .009 long, glandular- hairy, cylindrical-obconical, in fruit club-shaped, with acute angles, teeth ovate obtuse ; limb white, with linear lobes ; filaments glabrous; capsule rounded at base, conical, tapering, twice or thrice as long as carpophore — Var. elongata, Boiss. .3. Racemes loose, elongated — Mt. Akdagh (Northern Syria.) 38. S. pruinosa, Boiss. If .2 to .3, grey, retrorsely puberulent, shrubby at base ; stems ascending, panicled, branches of panicle often alternate. Leaves .01 to .015 long, someichat spathulate. Calyx .01" to .015 long, glandular, cylindrical-obconical, in fruit club-shaped, teeth ovate, obtuse ; limb white, with linear lobes ; capsule slightly punctate, oblong-conical, once to twice as long as carpophore — June — Dry hills ; Cassius and Amanus to Aintab, and northward. Var. alpina, Boiss. Stems .1 to .2, few-flowered — Amanus and northward. 39. S, montbrctiana, Boiss. 2f .2 to .3, grey, velvety ; base shrubby, stems erect, simple or stiff-branched. Leaves 1 -nerved, odlo?i^ to linear-lanceolate, the lowest often obtuse, the rest acute, the floral ob- long-triangular. Cyme terminal, l-S-fowered, with short peduncles ; calyx .01 long, glandular-hairy, campanulate, in fruit club-shaped, teeth ovate, acutish ; claw 1 -toothed on each side ; lobes of the yellow limb short, ovate ; capsule oblong, as long ag carpophore — May — Mountains above Aintab, and northward. SILENE^. (PINK FAMILY.) 143 § 10. AURICUIiAT^. 40. S. §teiitoria, Fenzl. If .1 to .15, velvety, glandular, shrubby at base, tufted, stems 1-2-flowered. Leaves rigid, subulate^ of ten falcate. Calyx .03 long, netted-yeined, club-shaped, teeth oblong, obtuse ; claws exserted ; limb white, small, bifid ; capsule oblong, about as long as or shorter than carpophore — Summer — Top of Le- banon, between Diman and Yamtini. 41. S. Tejedensis, Boiss. % .04 to .06, densely glandular- haii*y ; stems slender, prostrate, naked. Leaves oblong-lanceolate^ acute or rather obtuse. Flowering branches short, leafy, 1-2-flowered at apex ; peduncles short ; calyx .02 long, green-nerved, cylindrical-club- shaped, teeth ovate, obtuse ; limb flesh-colored, bifid to middle into oblong lobes ; capsule oblong, shorter than carpophore — Summer — Gravelly places ; alpine Lebanon and Antilebanon. §11, INFLATE. 42. S. odoiitopetala, Fenzl. .15 to .25, pubescent^ glandula/r^ villous above ; stems leafy, nearly simple. Leaves oblong to lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Flowers 1-7 ; calyx whitish, camjmnulate^ .012 long, with broad, triangular, acuminate teeth ; limb white ; capsule ovate, somewhat shorter than calyx, as long as or longer than carpophore — Summer — Alpine Lebanon and Antilebanon. Var. rubella, Post. Calyx reddish — Top of Sunnin. 43. S. inflata, Sm. If .3 to .5, generally glabrous, glaucescent. Leaves |oblong to lanceolate, acuminate. Calyx ovate, umbilicate at base, with broad, triangular, acute teeth ; limb white ; capsule ovate- globular, included, narrower than calyx, three to five times as long as carpophore — March to June — Fields ; common throughout. 44. S. commutata, Guss. If .3 to .5, glabrous, glaucous. Leaves ovate or elliptical, the lowest sometimes ciliate, the intermediate acute, often heart-shaped at base. Calyx ovate, umbilicate at base, teeth broad triangular ; capsule ovate, included, narrower than calyx, thrice as long as carpophore — June — Mountains near Marash, and northward. S 12. FIIIIBRIATJE. 45. S. pli)r§alodes, Boiss. 2f .1 to .2, hirtulous ; stem thick, hollow, leafy, paniculate above. Leaves .1 to .12 long, tender, ovate, the lower long-petioled, subcordate at base, the others cuneate at base, acuminate. Fruiting peduncles deflexed ; bracts cordate-acimiinate to oblong, large ; calyx cylindrical, in fruit campanulate,' teeth trian- gular, ciliate, ; claws dilated ;|limb white, linear, fringed into 4-6, brist- ly lobes; capsule ovate, much smaller than calyx, scarcely longer than carpophore — June — Bushes ; Banias. § 13. PANICULATE. 46, S. Italica, L. If .3 to .5, tomentellous-canescent, viscid above ; neck bearing short sterile twigs, and erect stems, ending in 144 SILENE^. (PINK FAMILY.) panicles. Lower leaves ovate or oblong-spathiilate, tapering into a petiole, upper lanceolate to linear. Caljx 2)y^escent-gla7ididar, .02 long, obconical-cj'lindrical, in fruit club-shaped, teeth triangular, obtuse limb white, bifid to or below middle into oblong-spathulate lobes capsule oblong-ovate, ojice and a half to twice as long as carpophore — Summer — Fields ; lower and middle zones of mountains. 47. S. A§tarte8, Bl. If .2 to .25, sparingly pubescent-viscid ; stems erect. Leaves puberulent, pale green, those of sterile stems ovate- oblong, acute, petioled, those of fertile linear. Flowers 3-5 ; calyx .02 long, red-veined, glahrous, obconical-cylindrical, in fruit club-shaped, teeth oblong, obtuse, white-margined ; limb white, deeply bilobed ; capsule oblong, as long as or ticice as long as carpophore — Summer — Ruins ot Afka ; Ain Sofar (Lebanon.) Too near the last. § 14. VIRIDIFIiOR^, 48. S. Alliaiia, Boiss. If .6 to 1, green, pubescent, glandular- viscid above ; stem leafy. Leaves petioled, ovate-obloog, acutish. Flowers of depauperated panicle nodding ; calyx glandular, with branching, green nerves, cylindrical, in fruit glabrescent. club-shaped, teeth lanceolate, membranous-margined ; claws included ; limb whit- ish-green, bifid into linear lobes ; capsule ovate, somewhat shorter than carpophore, projecting beyond the calyx — May and June — Woody zone of Cassius and Amanus. 49. S. leiicopliylla, Boiss. If .4 to .6, wooUy-canescent , densely tufted at base, stems slender, viscid above. Radical leaves crowded, obovate-spathulate ; stem-leaves linear-spathulate and linear, very short. Flowers 3-5, terminal, long peduncled, nodding ; calyx .13 long, glandular, cylindrical, tapering below, in fruit club-shaped, teeth ovate, obtuse ; limb linear-cuneate, bifid into linear lobes ; cap- sule oblong, long exsertedfrom calyx, as long as carpophore — May and June — Jebel Katarina, (Sinai). § 15. liASIOSTEMONES. 50. S. longipetala. Vent. 1^ .4 to .6, sparingly puberulent below, glabrous-viscid above. Lower leaves oblanceolate, acute, ta- pering into a petiole, floral lanceolate to linear-lanceolate. Branches of the somewhat one-sided broad panicle long, spreading, 3-7-flowered ; calyx .008 to .01 long, in fiotcer oiconical, in fruit turMnate, teeth ovate, obtuse ; claw ciliate ; limb white, bipartite into long, linear loljes ; csips^lQ someichat exserted, ovate-sjjherical, four times as long as carpo- phore — April and May — Common throughout to 1800 m. Var. purpura§ceii§, Boiss. Petals purple — Aleppo. Wilder- ness of Judea. § 16. SCLiEROCAIiYCIN^ . 51. S, STvertisefolia, Boiss. 2^ .4 to .5, glaucescent, viscid above. Lower leaves obovate-spathulate, acute, petioled ; middle ovate-acute to lanceolate, upper often linear. Peduncles long ; calyx .03 long, cylindrical-obconical. in fruit club-shaped, teeth triangular, acuminate ; claws dilated, exserted ; limb greenish-yellow, bifid into SILENE^ (pink family.) 145 obovate lobes ; capsule oblong, once and a half as long as carpophore — June — Woods ; Cassius, Amanus, and northward. Var, steuopliylla, Boiss. .2 to .4. Lower leaves oblanceolate, upper linear. Cymes few-1-flowered. Subalpine and alpine Lebanon and Antilebanon. Aintab. {S. Mahmeliana, Boiss.) 52. S. Sdiimperiaiia, Boiss. 71 .5, glaucescent-viscid above, shrubby at base ; steais rigid, knotted, forked, long-branch-ed. Lower leaves linear-spathulate, acute, upper linear. Flowers solitary, short- peduncled ; calyx .03 long, nearly nerveless, cylindrical-club-shaped, teeth triangular, acute ; limb linear-cuneate, bifid into linear-oblong lobes ; capsule oblong, adout as long as carpophore — El Bustan (Sinai.) 53. S. Lanotica, Boiss. 21 .2 to .6, glaucescent, somewhat viscid above ; trimk short, naked, woody ; stems slender, leafy ; branches often alternate, 1 -flowered. Leaves oblong-spathulate ob- tuse, to lanceolate and linear acute. Peduncles as long as calyx ; calyx .015 long, nearly nerveless, obconical-cylindrical, in fruit club-shaped, teeth triangular, the alternate ones acuminate ; limb linear-cuneate, bifid ; crown ; capsule oblong, tioice as long as carpophore — August and September — Hebron. Alpine and subalpine Lebanon. 54. S. Porteri, Post. 2^ (Trans. Linn^an Society, London, 1888, p. 426) .1 to .3, tufted at base ; stems slender, 1-3-flowered. Leaves oblanceolate-spathulate to linear and subulate, the upper minute. Calyx .03 long, obconical-cylindrical, in fruit club-shaped, with greenr uh-red nenes, and triangular, scarious-margined, ciliolate teeth ; cap- sule oblong, shorter than .015 long carpophore — September — Alpine region of Ziaretdagh (Amanus) . § 17. BRACHYPOD^. 55. S. gigantea, L. 2|! .6 to 1.5, pubescent- viscid ; stem thick, quadrangular. Root-leaves densely resetted, obovate-spathulate, mucronate, stem leaves oblong-lanceolate, the floral linear-lanceolate, all pubescent. Panicle long, toith dense, verticillate cymes, the upper sessile ; calyx sparingly-hairy, .005 long, obconical, in fruit oMong- turUnate, teeth ovate, obtuse ; limb white, bipartite into oblong lobes ; capsule .008 iong, ovate, at length ricpturing the calyx, four to five times as long as very short carpophore — June to September. Var. Tiridescens, Boiss. Sparingly scabrous-pubescent. Panicle very viscid ; cymes more or less open — Rocky places ; middle zone of Lebanon, Amanus, and northward. 56. S. s^risea, Boiss. .2 to .4, velvety, grey, shrubby at base, tufted ;^ stems slender, angled, often geniculate below, viscid above, endingina 1-7-flowered raceme-like panicle or raceme. Radical and lower leaves oblong-spathulate, the upper linear. Branches of raceme short, 1-3-flowered ; calyx glandular, cylindrical-obconical, in fruit short-club-shaped, Twdding, teeth triangular, acutish ; limb yellowish- green, somewhat bipartite into linear lobes ; capsule oblong, some- what exserted, four times as long as short carpophore — Summer — Rocky places ; alpine and subalpine Lebanon. 22 146 SILENE^. (PLNK FAMILY.) § It. SUCCUIiENTiE, 57. S. sueculenta, Forsk. 2^ .1 to .2, Tehety-papillose, some- what viscid, many-stemmed from a thick, vertical root ; stems diffuse, indurated at base, densely leafy. Leaves fleshy, oblong-spathulate, obtuse, floral lanceolate, usually as long as peduncles. Flowers ir- regularly cymose^ or forming a shorty dense, leafy raceme ; peduncles shorter than calyx ; calyx .02 long, cylindrical, in fruit club-shaped, teeth subulate from a lanceolate base, at length recurved ; claws ex- serted ; limb bifid to middle into oblong-spathulate lobes ; capsule oblong, somewhat longer than carpophore — April to June — Sands ; along coast. 19. ;STENOPHYIiL.JE. 5§. S. Scliliimbergeri, Boiss. 2f .15 to .3, filiform, erect, rigid. Leaves linear-setaceous, acute, somewhat con- volute ; bracts lanceolate, minute. Pedicels one-third as long as calyx ; calyx obconical, with purplisJi, anastomosing nerves, and trian- gular-lanceolate, white-margined, acute teeth ; limb white, bilobed to a thii'd of its length ; capsule oblong, a little longer than carpophore — Antilebanon. 9. IfIEL.AIVDRIUM, Rcehl. Melandrium. Calyx membranous, at length inflated, 5-toothed, 10-nerved, 5 of the nerves commissural. Petals 5, the limb furnished with coronal ap- pendages. Stamens 10, of which 5 are adnate to the petals. Ovary 1-celled ; placenta many-ovuled. Styles opposite the calyx teeth. Capsule 1-celled, spliting down the valves, 10-toothed. Seeds kidney- shaped — Perennial herbs, with aspect of Silene, (ours) with dioecious flowers. 1. M. pratense, Roehl. 21 .3 to .5, pubescent. Leaves oblong to lanceolate-acuminate. Inflorescence glandular hairy ; the staminate calyx oblong, the pistillate ovate, teeth triangular-lanceolate, one-tliird to one-half as long as tube ; limb white, somewhat bifid, with obtuse lobes ; capsule sessile, ovate or oblong-conical, with erect teeth — Summer — Near Ehedin. 2. Itl, eriocalyciniim, Boiss. If .3 to .5, crisp-vehety . Leaves oblong, somewhat obtuse, the upper lanceolate. Calyx woolly, the staminate oblong the pistillate ovate, teeth triangular-lanceolate, lialf as long as tube ; limb white, bifid for one-third of its length ; capsule sessile, ovate, longer than calyx, apex tapering, teeth erect — Summer — Lebanon to highest peaks. 10. OITHAOO, Desf. Cockle. Calyx coriaceous, with 5, at length deciduous lobes, and 10 riblike nerves, of which § are commissural. Petals 5, with naked limb. Sta- mens 10, of which 5 are adnate to petals. Ovary 1-celled, vnth central placenta, and many ovules. Styles alternate with calyx teeth. Cap- sule 5-toothed. Seeds large, kidney-shaped — Annual herbs, with erect forked stems, and long-peduncled, showy flowers. ALSINE^. (cniCKWEED FAMILY.) 147 1, €r, segetum, Desf. Corn Cockle .4 to .6, appressed- canescent. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Calyx-lobes linear-lnceolate, much longer tlian tube, and purple^ obovate, somewhat retuse petals — April to July — Fields ; common. 2. Cr. gracili§, Boiss. slender Cockle .3 to .5, appressed- canescent. Leaves linear. Calyx-lobes linear, shorter than tube and pinJc^ obovate or obcordate petals — Fields ; Marasli and northward. Order XIV. ALSIKJE^, DC. (Chickwhed Family). Herbs or shrubhy jpla7its^with opposite^ stipulate or ex- stvpulate leaves, regular floioers composed of 4-5 distinct, persistent sepals, 4-5 (rarely OJ petals, generally imbri- cated in the bud, stamens inserted at the base of the sessile, l-celled ovary, or into a hypogynous dish ; seeds with peri- pheral embryo — Petals short clawed or sessile. Stamens 3-10 ; anthers 2-celled. Style 2-5, rarely T. Capsule dehis- cent by teeth or valves ; seeds many or few. Fig. 71. (a) Branch of an Arenaria with fourpairs of opposite leaves, a 2-flowered cyme, two small bracts at the base of each pedi- cel, and one flower, and one capsule with three styles. (6) A flower magnified 3 dia- meters, showing the 5 petals, 10 stamens, and 3-valved capsule, surmounted by 3-styIes. (c) A seed divided lengthwjse to show the peripheral embryo. TRIBE f. SABULINE^. Stipules 0. Valves of capsule undivided, as many an styles or fewer. * Styles as many as sepals, alternating with them. 1. SAGINA. Stamens (in ours) 4. Petals minute or 0. Dwarf weeds, flowers minute, green. * * Styles 2-3 (rarely 4-7) opposite the external sepals. halves oj capsule 2-3, alternate with sepals, 2. BUFFONIA. Petals 4. Styles 2. Ovary 2-10-OTuled. 148 ALSINE^. (CHICKWEED FAMILY.) 3. ALSINE. Petals 5. Styles 3. Ovary many-ovuled. 4. aUERIA. Petals 0, Styles 3. Ovary 1-ovuled. TRIBE II. STEIiLiARINEiE. Stipules 0. Valves or teeth of capsule twice as many as styles. * Styles 2-3 {^rarely 5) Capsule usually ovate or ovate-conical. 5. AREWARIA. Petals 5, entire. Stamens 10, perigynous. 6. STELLARIA. Petals 4-5, bifid or bipartite. Stamens 10, hypogynous or perigynous, 7. HOLOSTEUM. Petals 5, denticulate. Stamens 3-4. * * Styles 5, {rarely 3-4). Capsule cylindrical, or conico-cylindrical. 8. CERASTIUM. Petals 5 (rarely 4,) 2 toothed or bifid. TRIBE III. MALiACHIE/E. Stipules 0. Valves of capsule and styles 5. 9. MALACHIUM, Petals 5, bipartite. TRIBE IV. SPEBtGUIiEiE. Leaves stipulate. Valves of capsule as many as styles. 10. SPERGULA. Styles 5. Leaves whorled, 11. SPERGULARIA, Styles 3, Leaves opposite. 1. SAGIl^A, L. Peaklwort. Sepals 4-5. Petals 4-5, entire or retuse, often 0. Stamens 4-10, hypogynous. Ovary many-ovuled. Capsule 4-5-valved to base. Seeds kidney-shaped. Tufted annual or perennial herbs, with white or green flowers, and awl-shaped leaves, connate at base, forming a sheath. 1, S. procunifi^eiis, L. Ti .02to.l, stems procumieiit, rooting at base. Leaves glabrous. Sepals ovate, obtuse, equal; petals ovate, half as long as calyx, sometimes — September — Subalpine Lebanon, Amanus, and northward. 2. S. apetala, S. © .02 to .05, stems erect, branching from base. Leaves ciliate at Jjase, rarely glabrous. Sepals ovate, obtuse, unequal, shorter than capsule ; petals minute, lanceolate, or — Spring — Sandy places ; along coast. 2. BUFFOIVIA, Sauv. Buffonia. Sepals 4, scarious-margined. Petals 4, entire or bidentate. Sta- mens 4-8, inserted on a perigynous, sometimes glandular disk. Styles 2. Ovary 2-10-ovuled. Capsule lenticular, compressed at base, 2- valved. Seeds generally 2, basilar — Annual or perennial herbs with aspect of Juncus bufonii. * Annuals. 1. B. inacrosperma, J. Gay. © .2 to .4 ; stems simple or forked. Pedicels scabrous ; sepals lanceolate, acuminate, 3-7-nerved ; petals one-half to three-fourths as long as sepals ; stamens 4, as long as petals ; styles shorter than ovary ; seeds tubercled at face and back — May and June — Stony places ; Lebanon, Coelesyria, and Anti- lebanon. Var. Tirgata, Post. Stems nearly simple. Seeds less strongly tuberculed on face than at back — Same range as last. {B. mrgata, Boiss.) ALSINEiB. (CHICKWEED FAMILY.) 149 * * Perennials, 2. 15. niiilticeps, Decaisn. 5 -^j shrubby at base ; branches erect, nearly simple, velvety. Pedicels short, velvety ; sepals glabrous, lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved ; petals entire, lanceolate, somewhat short- er than calyx ; filaments half as long as calyx ; styles somewhat longer than ovary ; seeds slightly tubercled at back, flattish at face — June — Rocky places ; Sinai. 3. B. calyculata, Boiss. et Bal. 5 .2 to .3 ; stems prostrate, branches erect, slender, glah^ons, simple, ^'lowers nearly sessile, hracted at hase ; sepals lanceolate, the outer ohsoletely the inner manifestly ner- ved ; petals entire, a little shorter than calyx ; stamens a little longer than petals ; styles much longer than ovary ; seeds slightly tubercled »t back, .002 long — Summer — Akherdagh, and northward. 4. B. K-Oticltyaiia, Boiss. 5 -2 to .3, glabrous, woody at base ; branches stiff, forked above. Flowers nearly solitary ; sepals about equal, lanceolate, all manifestly 5-7-nerved ; petals lanceolate as long as sepals and stamens ; styles as long as ovary ; inner face of seed smooth, margin minutely tubercled — Summer — Qamu'-el-Hurmul (CcBlesyria.) 3. AliSIME, Wahl. Gkove Sandwort. Sepals 5, entire or retuse, rarely 0. Stamens 10 or fewer, inserted with glands on a somewhat perigynous disk. Styles 3. Ovary general- ly many-ovuled. Capsule 3-valved. Seeds kidney-shaped, somewhat laterally compressed, not arillate — Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, with small white or pinkish flowers. * Perennials. t Sepals velvety, nerves 0. 1. A. procumbens, Wahl. If .15 to .25, glandular-pubescent, rootstock woody ; branches prostrate. Cymes irregularly forJced ; pedicels longer than calyx, at length declined ; leaves fleshy, oblong to Unear-oblanceolate, .003 to .005 long ; sepals narrowly white-mar- gined, ovate ; pink petals and ovate capsule as long as calyx — Spring — Desert south of Gaza, and southward to Egypt. 1 1 Sepals moix or less 1-3 or 5-7-nerved. 2. A. rnpc§tri§, Labill. 2f .03 to .1, densely tufted ; trunk short, woody, naked. Leaves of sterile tranches dense, .01 long, stiff, awl-shaped, obtuse, ciliate at base^ with thick midrib, of flowering bT&nches few, .002 to .005 long. Cymes 3-5-flowered ; pedicels glan- dular, once ami a half to thrice as long as calyx ; sepals oblong-linear, rather obscurely 3-nerved ; petals pink, oblong-linear, once and a half as long as calyx ; capsule as long as calyx, few-seeded — September- Alpine summits of Lebanon andHermon. 3. A. rccurva, All. Pod. y. .1 to .15, tufted ; stems woody below ; branches slender, corymbose above. Leaves subulate, .01 long, 3-nerved, those of sterile branches clustered. Pedicles onc€ to 150 ALSINE^. (CHICKWEED FAMILY.) twice as long as calyx ; sepals lanceolate, 5-7-nerved ; petals as long as calyx or longer ; capsule shorter than ealyx — Summer. Var. iiivali§, Boiss. Leaves usually glabrous. Calyx .004 long — Ziaretdagh (Amanus), and northward. 4. A, juiiiperina, Fenzl. 2]! .15 to .2, tufted ; trunks pros- trate, woody, tumid at nodes ; branches stiff, simple. Leaves .015 to .025 long, awl-shaped, mucronate, obtusely keeled, somewhat 1-nerved, generally recurved, the dead ones ]jersistent. Cymes umbeUiJce ; sepals lanceolate, acute, strongly 3-nerved ; petals linear-cuneate, once and a half as long as calyx ; capsule conico-cylindrical, once and a half as long as calyx — June to September — Higher regions of mountains of Galilee, Lebanon, Hermon, Amanus, and northward. Var. legitiina, Boiss. Leaves prickly. Var. tenuifolia, Boiss. Leaves less rigid. 5. A, setacea, Thuill. 21 .05 to .1, glaucescent, many-stemmed from a woody base ; stems filiform. Leaves mostly on the sterile stems, .005 to .01 long, setaceous, obtuse or mucronate. Inflorescence more or less densely corymhose ; sepals oblong-lanceolate, the midrib with a narroiD green stripe on each side ; petals about as long as calyx ; capsule somewhat longer than calyx — Late summer — Alpine regions of Ziaretdagh (Amanus). 6. A. Liibauotica, Boiss. '^. .03 to .1, glabrous, tufted ; stems elongated, prostrate, filiform ; branches short, corymbose, 2-5- flowered. Leaves terete-subulate, grooved, obtuse, the lowermost densely imbricated in four rows. Pedicels shorter than calyx ; sepals lanceolate, acute, with a green band on each side of the midrib, a% hroad as the scarious margin ; petals somewhat shorter than calyx ; capsule as long as calyx — Summer — Sandy places ; alpine summits of Makmel. Too near the last species. Var. papilloma, Post. Papillose-glandular. ** AnnuaU. t Sepals S-d-nerved. 7. A. Meyeri, Boiss. .06 to .08, sparingly glandular-hairy ; stems forked, cymose ; branches filiform. Leaves linear, 7-nerved. Pedicels straight, shorter than calyx ; sepals herbaceous, hirtulous, unequal, lanceolate-acuminate, the outer 5- the inner 3-nerved ; petals one-third as long as calyx ; capsule oblong, two-thisds as long as calyx — Spring — Sandy places near Ehedin (Lebanon). Ssoflidagh. Var. major, Boiss. Lower leaves .03 long. Pedicels longer than .008 long calyx -— Sinai. 8. A. brevis, Boiss. .01 to .03, glandular-puberulent. Leaves awl-shaped, 5-nerved at broad base. Cyme dense, few-flowered, ter- minal, sometimes with a few 1-2-flowered clusters in axils ; sepals 3-nerved, lanceolate, acuminate ; petals one-third, capsule two-thirds as long as calyx — Spring — Rocks ; Sinai. Summit of Jebel Baruk (Lebanon.) ALSINE^. (CHICKWEED FAMILY.) 151 9. A. Smitliii, Fenzl. .1 to .15, glandular- villous ; stems thickish, stifl, irregularly forked. Leaves linear-lanceolate, 5-7-nerved. Cymes loosely clustered, axillary, few-flowered ; pedicels half as long as .007 long calyx, at length spreading or nodding ; sepals unequal, 3- nerved, lanceolate, acute ; petals ovate or oblong, one-third to one- fourth as long as calyx ; capsule shorter than calyx — May and June — Fields ; Hauran to Palmyra, Hamath, Lebanon, Antilebanon, and northward. 10. A. decipiens, Fenzl. 0.1 to .15, pruinose, viscid, dif- fusely forked. Leaves linear, 5-7-nerved. Cymes clustered, farked, axillary and terminal ; flowers nearly sessile ; calyx conical, truncate at base, strongly gibbous ; petals nearly equal, lanceolate, acute, half as long as the .004 long calyx ; capsule shorter than calyx — April to September — Dry places ; Moab and Carmel to Palmyra, Amanus, Ain- tab, and northward. 11. A, intermedia, Boiss. Stems simple, crisp-hairy. Leaves linear-lanceolate, ciliate, somewhat 5-nerved at base. Cymes nearly sessile, axillary, minute, forming a sJiort, clustered raceme ; floral leaves longer than flowers ; calyx truncate, gibbous at base, with un- equal, 3-nerved, lanceolate-acuminate sepals ; petals minute^ oblong ; capsule two-thirds as long as calyx — Spring — Jebel Nahhas, near Aleppo. 12. A. tenuifolia, L. .05 to .2, glabrous or glandular-hairy, dichotomously panicled. Leaves awl-shaped. Sepals lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved ; petals ovate-oblong, tapering at base ; stamens 3-10 ; cap- sule conico-cylindrical, rarely ovate, often longer than calyx — Spring ^Common throughout. Varies greatly in aspect. Var. maeropetala, Boiss. Like type, but calyx somewhat hairy ; petals as long as sepals or longer ; anthers often violet-colored ; capsule as long as calyx. Var. mucronata, Boiss. Cymes contracted ; flowers crowded ; pedicels short ; sepals hairy, acuminate, sometimes with oblique tip ; stamens generally 5 ; petals much shorter than calyx or 0. Var. viseosa, Boiss. Stiff, more or less glandular ; flowers smaller ; stamens generally 5 ; capsule nearly as long as calyx. 13. A. thyiiiifolia, Sibth. et Sm. .04 to .05, glabrescentf stems simple, densely forked, corymbose-cymose. Leaves short, fleshy, Unear-sjjathulate, obtuse, 3-nerved at base. Calyx once and a half to twice as long as pedicels, obovate-oNong, acute, 3-nerved, glabrous, with a narrow, white margin ; petals ovate, somewhat longer than calyx ; stamens 10 ; capsule ovate, somewhat longer than calyx — Spring. Var. Syriaea, Boiss. Inflorescence hairy — Ras Beirut. 1 1 Sepals heeled, 1-nerved. Leaves setaceous. 14. A. picta, Sibth. et Sm. .05 to .15, glandular ; densely leafy at lase ; stems filiform, erect, dichotomous. Cymes long-ped- uncled, diffuse, scarious-bracted ; pedicels twice to thrice as long as calyx, at length reflexed ; sepals glabrous, ovate, ohtuse, scarious-mar- gined ; petals pink, striate, obovate, retuse, twice and a half as long as 152 ALSINEJE. (CHICKWEED FAJMELY.) calyx ; capsule ovate, somewhat longer than calyx — April and May — Fields ; Aleppo to Judea and Moab. Var. ' Sinaica, Boiss. Quleiqalah. Leaves long-mucronate. Flow- ers smaller. Margin of sepals narrower. Petals once and a half as long as calyx — Sinai. 15. A. forino§a, Fenzl. © .05 to .15, glandular ; stem erect, dichotomous, leafy. Cymes long-peduncled, dichotomous, difiuse ; pedicels much longer than calyx, capillary, spreading, straight ; bracts half scarious ; sepals ovate-lanceolate, cusjndate, scarious-margined ; petals pink, obovate-cuneate, once and a half as long as calyx — Spring — 'Akkar. Nusairy Mountains, _ 4. QfJERIA, L. QuERiA. Sepals 4. Petals 0. Staminoids 5, linear, short, opposite the sepals, rarely 0. Stamens 10. Styles 3. Ovary 1-ovuled. Capsule 3-valved to middle. Seeds reniform-globular, somewhat flattened laterally, not arillate — Dwarf annuals, with densely capitate flowers. Q. Hispanic^a, Loefl. .05 to .15, crisp-puberulent. Cymes capitate, bracteate, short-peduncled, corymbose ; flowers sessile, the one at the fork fertile, the lateral sterile, reduced to two bract-like sepals ; fertile flowers with uaequal, 3-nerved sepals, the outer pair and the bracts hooked at apex — Spring and Summer — Lebanon and Anti- lebanon to Aleppo, Aintab and northward. 5. AREIVARIA, L. Sandwort. Sepals 5. Petals 5, entire or refuse. Stamens 10, inserted on a perigynous, glandular disk. Styles 3 (rarely 2-5). Ovary many-ovuled. Capsule with 6 entire or 3 two-toothed valves. Seeds not arillate, kidney-shaped, or laterally compressed — Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes shrubby at base. * Perennials, 1. A. drypidea, Boiss. 5 '^7 glabrous, glaucescent ; sterile leafy hraneJies 0. Leaves .015 long, linear, Jlat, acute, not prichly^ scabrous-margined. Panicle terminal, thyrsoid ; bracts triangular, subulate ; pedicels several times as long as calyx ; sepals hooded, ovate, green turning blackish, scarious-margined ; petals twice as long as calyx — August — Akherdagh. 2. A. Ledebouriana, Fenzl. 5 -^^ glabrous, woody below ; stems corymbose above. Leaves of short, sterile hranclies crowded, of fertile remote, all awl-shaped, triquetrous, mucronate-pricMy. Pedicels glabrous, longer than calyx ; sepals ovate-oblong, acute, with yellow- ish margin and green back, keeled, mucronate ; petals twice as long as calyx — Summer — Mountains of northern border of Syria. 3. A. acerosa, Boiss. 11 .1 to .15, shrubby at base ; stems prostrate ; branches ascending. Leaves of short, sterile branches crowded, pennicilliform, of fertile remote, all .005 to .01 long, rigid, triquetrous, slender, awl-shaped, mucronate. Cymes 5-9-flowered ; pedicels glutinous, shorter than ovate, keeled, acuminate, pricUy-point- ALSINEuE. (cniCKWBED FAMILY.) 153 ed, glutinous sepals ; petals one-third longer than calyx — Summer — Akherdagh, and northward. 4. A. Liibanotica, Ky. If .02, tufted, glandular-velvety. Leaves .001 long, glabrescent, imhricat^d at hase of branches, ohoYa.te, keeled, obtuse. Stems 1-3-flowered ; pedicels longer than calyx ; sepals glandular-hairy, ovate, obtuse ; petals obovate, once and a half as long as calyx — Summer — Rocky places ; alpine Lebanon. 5. A. graveoleng, Schreb. 21 .1 to .3, pubescent-viscid, tufted ; branches brittle, filiform, ascending, loosely^forked, cymoae. Leaves short-petioled, ovate or oblong, acute, tubercular-punctate. Pedicels capillary, several times as long as calyx ; sepals hairy, green, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate ; petals oblong-linear, entire or retuse, a little longer than caljx — Summer and autumn — Middle and subalpine Lebanon and Antilebanon. Siiiai. Var. minuta, Post. Flowers .002 long. Woods ; 'AjlUn. * * Annuals. t Leaves several-nerved. 6. A. leptoclados, R'ch'b. © .1 to .2, puberulent-scabrous, rigid, stiff-branched, dichotomously pauicled-racemed. L'3aves ovate, acute, subsessile. Fruiting pedicels S2)reading horizontally ; sepals hairy, lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved, thrice as long as ovate petals ; capsule oblong, somewhat longer than calyx — May — Sandy places ; coast and interior plains and lower mountains. T. A. serpyllifolia, L. © .1 to .2, puberulent-scabrous, dicho- tomously panicled. Leaves ovate, acute, subsessile. Fruiting pedicels erect ; sepals hairy, ovate-lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved, twice to thrice as long as ovate petals ; capsule inflated, ovate, longer than calyx — May — Near Cedars of Lebanon. §, A. Ca§§ia, Boiss. © .05 to .1, pubescent-scabrous ; stems decumbent, dichotomously panicled. Leaves subsessile, ovate-spathu- late, obtuse, mucronulate, minutely tubercled. Pedicels erect, twice as long as calyx ; sepals hairy, round-ovate, the outer 5-, the inner 3- nerved ; petals oblong, two-thirds as long as calyx ; capsule ovate, in- Hated, abruptly tapering into an exserted neck — May — Subalpine Lebanon. Middle zone of Cassius. Farther study will probably reduce the foregoing three species to one. 9. A. tremula, Boiss. © .15 to .25, pruinose-scabrous below ; stems 1-2-forked, diffuse. Leaves subsessile, oblong, acute. Pedicels capillary, rigid, much longer than calyx, at length spreading ; sepals glabrous, ovate-oblong, acuminate, 3-nerved, white-margined ; petals oblong, two-thirds as long as calyx ; capsule ovate-conical, somewhat longer than calyx — June — Woods ; Cassius. * * Leaves \-nerved. 10. A. oxypetala, Sibth. et Sm. © ,05 to .1 puberulent-gland- ular ; stems filiform, sparingly leafy, dichotomous-cymose above. 23 154 ALSINKiE. (CHICKWEED FAMILY.) Leaves small, ovate, tapering into a petiole. Pedicels several times as lono- as calyx, spreading or deflexed in fruit ; sepals papillose, lanceo- late, acute, olDSoletely several-nerved ; petals lanceolate-linear, scarce- ly longer than calyx ; capsule oblong, a little longer than calyx — Spring — Rocky places ; Mureijat (Lebanon.) 11. A. Panipliylica, Boiss. © .Ito .15, sparingly hirtulo us, tender ; stem erect, stifiE, dichotomously branched, loosely corymbose above. Lower leaves ovate or deltoid, obtuse, short-petioled, upj)er linear-elliptical, acute. Pedicels setaceous, erect, several times as long as calyx ; sepals hairy, lanceolate, acuminate, obsoletely 5-nerved ; petals obovate, obtuse, tapering at base, one-third longer than calyx ; capsule oblong, a third longer than calyx — May — Lebanon, near the Cedars. 6. STEL.LARIA, L. Chickwekd. Starwort. Sepals 5. Petals 5, bifid or bipartite. Stamens 10 (rarely fewer), hypogynous, or implanted on an elongated, perigynous disk. Styles 3 (rarely 2). Ovary many- or few-ovuled. Capsule 6- (rarely 4-) valved to the middle or beyond. Seeds not arillate, kidney-shaped, some- what laterally compressed — Tender, diffusely branched annuals, with white flowers. 1. S, Cilicica, Boiss. .2 to .3, siyaringly scabrous; stems dichotomously branched, cymose-paniculate, leafy. Leaves linear- lanceolate. Sepals oblong, acuminate, membranous-margined ; styles 3 ; seeds 2-5 — May and June — Middle zone of Lebanon. 2. S. media, L. .2 to .4 ; stems diffuse or ascending, tcith a single hairy line., cymose above. Leaves ovate, the lower petioled, the upper sessile. Sepals hairy, oblong, obtuse ; stamens generally 5 ; styles 3 ; seeds numerous — Spring — Fields and moist places ; every- where. Var. pul>esceii§, Post. Crisp-pubescent all around the stems — Beirut. Var. major, Post. All the parts of the plant larger, in aSpect resembling Malachium aquaticum. r. H0L<0§TEU1I, L. Jagged Chickweed. Sepals 5. Petals 5, entire or dentate. Stamens 10, or 3-4. Styles 3. Capsule cylindrical, with 6, revolute teeth. Seeds not arillate, tubercled in rows, flattened at back, shield-shaped, with concave, longi- tudinally keeled face — Low annuals, with umbellate flowers, unequal, 1 -flowered pedicels, refracted in fruit, but often erect after the shed- ding of the seed. 1. H. i^mtoellatum, L. © .1 to .2, glaucous, glabrous, or sparingly glandular. Leaves oblong, the lower tapering into a petiole. Petals bearded at base, sinuate-dentate at apex ; stamens often 3-4, filaments shorter than calyx — April — Fields and sandy places ; common. Var. ovatum, Post. Leaves ovate to ovate-oblong — Aintab. ALSINEJS. (CHICKWEED FAMILY.) 155 2. H. liiiifloruni, Stev. © .1 to .15, green, glandular-hairy. Leaves oblong to oblong-linear, the radical tapering into a petiole. Sepals ovate-oblong ; petals glctbrous afbase, entire; stamene 10, fila- ments as long as calyx — Spring — Sandy places and fields ; Aleppo ; Damascus ; Sinai. §. CERASTIUM, L. Mouse-ear Chickweed. Sepals 5 (rarely 4). Petals 5 (rarely 4), bidentate or bifid. Stamens 10-8 (rarely 5-4). Styles 5 (rarely 3-4). Teeth of cylindrical capsule double the number of the styles. Seeds globular or reniform, not arillate — Perennial or (oui-s) annual herbs, with white flowers. * Styles 3 {rarely 4-5). 1. C. anoinalum, W. K. © .1 to .2, glandular-pubescent, erect, cyme several times forked, corymbose. Leaves linear, the lowest somewhat spathulate. Pedicels ascending, once to thrice as long as calyx ; sepals oblong-lanceolate, with w^rro?^;, scarious-margins ; petals longer than calyx, hifid to middle — Ajpril — Fields ; Aleppo to Hamath, Tripoli, Antiiebanon, and Hauran. 2. C K.ot§cIiyi, Boiss. © Glandular-hairy above ; stem erect; cyme several times forked, corymbose. Leaves linear, those of stem somewhat dilated at base. Pedicels erect, somewhat longer than calyx; sepals oblong, rather obtuse, with h'oad, scarious margins; petals as long as calyx, wltli two sJwrt teeth — Spring — Bludan (Antiiebanon). Probably a variety of the last. * * Styles 5. t Teeth of capsule convolute at apex. Margin not revolute. 3. C. perfoliatum, L. © .3, glabrous, glaucous ; cyme many-flowered, stiff. Lowest leaves petioled, lanceolate, the others oblong to ovate, more or less connate. Pedicels several times as long- as calyx, erect ; sepals oblong, acute, tubercled-punctate ; petals bilob- ed, shorter than calyx ; capsule .02 long, twice to thrice as long as calyx ; seeds echinate — Spring — Fields ; Aleppo to Aintab, Marash, and northward. tt Teeth of capsule spreading or straight. Margin fat or revolute. I Capsule indehiscent, opening dy a terminal pore. Teeth ohsolescent. 4. C. Ulyriciiiii, Arduin. © .03to.l, densely hirsute, hairs retrorse along branches, spreading at leaves and calyx. Leaves oblong- spathulate and oblong, obtuse. Cyme loose ; pedicels erect or spread- ing, once to twice as long as calyx ; sepals villous, lanceolate, acute ; petals oblong-linear, bifid for one-third their length, shorter than calyx; capsule .005 long, somewhat shorter than calyx — May and June — Sandy and rocky places ; Lebanon from 1300 m. upward. I I Teeth of capsule long ; margin not revolute. 5. C. dicliotomuiii, L. © .1 to .2, glandular-pubescent. Leaves lanceolate-linear, rather obtuse. Cyme dense, corymbose ; pedi- cels erect, shorter than calyx ; cah/x not infated ; sepals oblong, acute ; 156 ALSINE^. (CHICKWEED FAMILY.) petals glabrous, obovate- oblong, bilobed, shorter than calyx ; capsule .02 long, twice to thrice as loiig as calyx. — April and May — Fields ; Huleh to Hauran, Antilebanon, Lebanon and northward. 6. C. iiiflatum, Link. .1 to .2, glandular-pubescent. Leaves lanceolate, rather obtuse. Cyme loosely dicTiotomous ; pedicels erect, shorter than calyx ; calyx inflated, ovate-glohidar^ umbilicate at base ; sepals ovate-oblong, acuminate ; petals glabrous, obovate-oblong, bi- lobed, shorter than calyx ; capsule .02 long, mucJinarrower than calyx, and once an(3 a half to twice as long — Apjil to June — Sinai, Le- banon, and Antilebanon, to Marash, and northward. \\X Teeth of capsule with revolute margins. Base of petals learded. 7. C. Ti§co§iini, L. © .1 to .3, glandular-pubescent. Lower leaves obovate-spathulate, tapering into a petiole, the others oNong or elliptical, .015 long, .01 broad. Cyme dense ; pedicels nearly as long as calyx, at length spreading or recurved ; sepals oblong, acuminate, bearded at tip ; petals about as long as calyx, bifid for one-third of their length ; capsule .01 long, somewhat incurved, twice ^^ long as calyx — January to April — Plains and lower mountains ; common. 8. C. bracliypetaliim, Desp. .1 to .2, hirsute with long hairs. Lower leaves spathulate, upper ovate-oblong. Cyme loose ; pedicels nodding, twice to thrice as long as calyx ; sepals lanceolate ; petals obovate, bilobed, shorter than calyx ; capsule .006 long, some- what incurved, a thu'd longer than calyx — May — Borders of rivulets ; Ehedin. § § Base of petals glabrous. 9. C. gIutino§uin, Fries. .1 to .3 or more, glutinous. Leaves oblong or elliptical, the lower tapering into a petiole. Cyme dense ; pedicels once to twice as long as calyx, recurved ; petals a little longer than calyx, bidentate ; capsule .008 long, once and a half to twice as long as calyx — Spring and Summer — Sandy places ; middle zone of Le])anon, Coelesyria, Nusairy Mountains, and northward. 10. C. fragillimiim, Boiss. .1 to .3, hirsute, very viscid ; stems ascending, slender, brittle. Lower leaves spathulate, the others oblong. Cyme very loose ; peduncles twice to thrice as long as calyx, in fruit refracted, at length erect ; sepals oblong, obtuse, narrowly scarious ; petals somewhat shorter than calyx, linear-oblong from a tapering base, with two, short, acute teeth ; capsule .006 long, incurv- ed, nearly twice as long as calyx — June and July — Subalpine and alpine Lebanon and Antilebanon. 9. MAL-ACHIUM, Fries. Malachium. Sepals 5. Petals 5, nearly hypogynous, 2-parted beyond middle. Stamens 10. Seeds globular, tubercled — A perennial herb, with aspect of Stellaria media, L., var. pubescens and major. M. aqnaticum, L. If .2 to .4, crisp-pubescent or glabres- cent ; stems flaccid, decumbent or climbing. Leaves oblong to cor- ALSINEiE. (CHICKWEED FAMILY.) 157 date-ovate, acuminate. Cyme loose ; pedicels long, reflexed in fruit ; sepals ovate, obtuse, growing in fruit ; petals and capsule longer than calyx — Spring — Moist places ; central Palestine. 10. SPERGULA, L. Spurrey. Sepals 5, fleshy, herbaceous, with membranous margins. Petals 5, inserted at bottom of calyx. Stamens 5-10, inserted on a perigynous ring. Styles 5, alternating with sepals. Capsule parted into 5 valves, opposite the sepals ; placenta central, columnar ; seeds lenticular, margined or winged, with fungous, thickened funicle — Annual herbs with slender, filiform, clustered, somewhat whorled leaves. 1. S. arven§is, L. .1 to .3, green. Leaves grooved beneath. Petals ovate, obtuse ; seeds globular-lenticular^ minutely tutercled or white-papillose^ with narrow margins — April and May — Sandy places; not rare. 2. S. pentandra, L. .1 to .15, glaucescent. Leaves not grooved beneath. Petals lanceolate, acute ; seeds flattened, with a white wmg, as broad as disk, radiate-striate — Spring — Near Gaza. 11. SPERGUL.ARIA, Pers. Spuhiiey Sandwort. Sepals 5, scarious-margined. Petals 5, entire, inserted at bottom of calyx. Stamens 5-10, rarely 2-3, inserted on a perigynous ring. Styles 3, rarely 5. Capsules 3- (rarely 5-) parted ; placenta central, columnar, seeds pear-shaped, or flattened-lenticular, scarious-margined or wingless — Annual or perennial herbs, with opposite, filiform, fleshy leaves, and reflexed fruiting pedicels, 1. S, rubra, L. Wahl. or If .1 to .2, more or less glandu- lar ; stems ascending. Cymes leafi/ ; sepals lanceolate^ scarious-margin- ed ; petals reddish, obovate, as long as calyx ; stamens 5-10 ; capsule nearly as long as calyx ; seeds tdangular-obovate, wingless, wrinkled, thick-margined — Spring — Roadsides ; common, especially along coast. 2. S. diandra, Guss. .1 to .15, glandular, or glabrescent below ; stems erect or ascending. Cymes leafless ; sepals oblong^ scarious-margined ; petals red, ovate, somewhat shorter than calyx ; stamens 2-3 ; capsule somewhat longer than calyx ; seeds triangular- ob- ovate, wingless, roughish, thick-margined — Spring — Sandy places ; common, especially in interior. 3. S. media, Wahl. orl^; .15 to .25, pubescent-glandular ; stems prostrate or ascending. Cyme leafy ; sepals lanceolate, scarious- margined, usually with a gland at each side of base ; petals obovate, longer than calyx ; stamens 5-10 ; capsule a little longer than calyx ; seeds smooth, wingless — Spring — Moist places along coast. 4. S. mar;^inata, DC. % .1 to .25, glabrescent below, pubes- cent-glandular above ; stems prostrate or ascending. Cymes racemose, nearly leafless ; sepals lanceolate, with broad, scarious margins, and 158 FAEOKTCHIE^. (WHITLOV-WOET FAMILY.) usually glandless at base ; petals as long as calyx ; stamens 5-10 ; cap- sule once and a half to twice as long as calyx ; seeds rather smooth with Iroad wings — Spring — Salt marshes ; coast and interior. Order XV. PARO]XYCHIE^. (Whitlow-wort Family). Differs from Alsinece chiefly in the more or less united cah/x^ in the (jenerally smaller^ often statninoid^ jpetals (fre- quently OJ . Stamens as many as calyx lobes or fewer, rare- ly twice as many. Styles 2-3, separate or connected at base. Fruit a 1-celled, many-seeded, 3-valved capsule, or a 1-seeded, indeliiscent utricle. * Kmhrijo peripheral, i,e., around the albumen. TRIBE I. POIiYCARPE^. Ovary oo-ovuled. Capsule free, oo-seeded, dehis- cent by valves. Leaves stipulate. 1. ROBBAIREA. Petals clawed, with ovate or cordate limb. 2. POLYCARPON. Petals obcordate or oblong. 3. P0LYCARP.