(College This book voas presented bq J.. .^J'-IJ/) 5 This BOOK may be kept out TWO WEEKS ONLY, and is subject to a fine of FIVE CENTS a day thereafter. It is due on the day indicated below: i^l^fl^^^ cjg. THE EUSPORANGIATAE THE COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGY OF THE OPHIOGLOSSACEAE AND MARATTIACEAE BY DOUGLAS HOUGHTON CAMPBELL PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C. Published by the Carnei^ie Institution of Wasiiinjj;ton 1911 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON Publication No. 140 Copies of this Book wertt first issued Allb2919n PRESS OF ISAAC H. BLANCHARD COMPANY NEW YORK PREFACE. The great importance of the eusporangiate ferns as the nearest existing rela- tives of the Paleozoic ancestors of the higher types of Hovvcring plants invests them with an especial interest tor the student of plant evolution; and no apology is necessary for presenting at length a summary of our present knowledge of the structure and development of these important plants. For more than twenty years the writer has been much interested in the study of the Eusporangiatre and during this time has published a number of works deal- ing with them. He has had rather unusual opportunities for collecting these forms, and an extensive and representative collection of materials comprising a good many species has been accumulated, so that the time seemed ripe for a comparative study of the group, for the purpose of determining, as far as might be, the relationships existing between the different genera, as well as for throwing some light upon the question of their position in the great series of ferns. The present memoir is an attempt to present the results of these studies, based mainly upon the writer's own materials, but supplemented by a careful study of the work of other investigators who have described the structure and development of the EusporangiatsE. The writer's grateful acknowledgments arc due to a number of colleagues who have rendered assistance in various ways. Especially is he indebted to Prof. E. C. Jeffrey, through whose kindness a large number of admirably preserved prothallia and young plants of Botrychnim virginimmm were sent the writer, and in addition a number of valuable slides of the same. Without this material the work on 5o- trychium would have been very incomplete. To my colleague in Stanford University, Prof. L. L. Burlingame, thanks are due for valuable assistance in the preparation of the photographic plates, as well as for the use of a number of important sWAts oi Ophioglossum and Helminthostachys. To Prof. J. C. Willis, of the Botanic Gardens at Peradeniya, the writer would express his appreciation of many kindnesses and assistance in collecting during his stay in Ceylon. It was the good fortune of the writer to enjoy the unequaled facilities for collecting material offered by the great gardens at Buitenzorg and Tjibodas in Java, where, through the interest and courtesy of the distinguished director. Professor M. Treub, whose recent death was such an irreparable loss to science, means were afforded for securing the most valuable materials used in the preparation of the present work. Douglas Houghton Campbell. Stanford University, April, 1910. 50568 TABLE OF CON'lENTS. Pkefack iii Introuuction 3-4 PaKT I. Till-: Ol'HIOGLOSSALES I. Thh (Jamhtophv,. b-ii Germination in Ophioglossum 7 The Adult Cianietophyte of Ophiogloisum 10 The Histology of the Camctophyte 15 The Gamctophyte of fici^rvi/""'" 16 The Histology of the Gametophyte of Z?o?,v. /"",/, 18 The Gametophyte of f/f/m;n?/(oi/ii( 7/ vx 19 The Endophyte 21 The Sexual Organs 22 The Antheridium 22 The Antheridium of Of>liioglnssunt 22 The Antheridium of i?o// J. /hh/h 24 The Antheridium of Hrlnunthostiuhys 25 Spermatogenesis 26 The Archegonium 28 The Archegonium of O/j/dVvf/ojjHm 28 The Archegonium of 5ofr)i(7(/«m 30 Fertilization ^I Fertilization in 5o/ry(7(n/m r;;f;H/V;HH?H 31 Significance of the Endophyte 32 II. The Embryo 34-54 The Embryo of Ophioglossum 34 The Development of the Primary Bud in 0/)/»oi;/oj-X!i/« mo/wi I (»H("; 40 The Embryo o( Ophioglossum vul^atum 4^ The Anatomy of the Young Sporophyte of 0/)/;/Q^/ojJum 44 The Embryo of 5o^rvi7i/um 46 The PZmbryo of Hehmnthostachys 54 in. The Young Sporophyte 55-84 The Young Sporophyte of Ophioglossum 55 The Young Sporophyte of Botryrhium 59 The Young Sporophyte of //<7m(H(/if)jM<7n'.f 67 Comparison of the Young Sporophytes of the Ophioglossaceae 82 IV. The Adult Sporophyte 85-116 The Sporophyte of Ophioglossum 86 The Anatomy of £Mo/)/i/o^/oj.fwm 89 The Root in Euophioglossum 93 Anatomy of OphtoJerma , 94 Anatomy of Cheiroglossn 99 The Sporophyte of 5o(ry<:/"«m 99 The Sporophyte of Hclminthost/uhys 104 The Sporangiophore of the Ophioglossales 108 The Development of the Sporangiophore . . 1 10 The Development of the Sporangium 112 VI CONTENTS Part II. The Marattiales. I. The Gametophyte 119-134 The ProthaWium of KduljnssKi 122 The Prothallium of Z)rtnic or kss ihv i(nii;ill\ |)l;R-ed nucleus. A marked e.\ct|ni(>n to the oidinar) tv|>i- ot'spdii- \\;is ih;ii Iduiul in .m luuietermined species o( Opliioglossuin collected at Hiiitenzorg in Java. 1 his was supposed to be O. moliiccfimini, with which it was {^rowinj^;, hut a comparison with typical specimens of the latter species showed marked tlitterences, the most stiiking being the spores, which were larger than in the type, had much less dense contents, and were espe- cially notable in that they had regulaily two nuclei, a condition unique, so far as I know, among the ferns. (See Campbell 8, fig. 157.) The granular contents of the spores include numerous albuminous granules, together with more or less starch and oil. (;krmination in oimiioglossum. 1 he first successful attempts to germinate the spores of Ophioglossiini were made by me in 1892, when ripe spores of the epiphytic (). pendulum were collected in Hawaii and brought to California. 1 his species was found in Hawaii, growing usually upon the trunks of tree ferns, and the spores were sown upon bits of the bark-like masses of roots, which in the commoner tree ferns of Hawaii (species of Cihotiuni) cover the trunk with a thick, felted mass. These masses of roots were kept in jars, and the spores were sown upon them, a good many of them germinating in course of time. Fhe germination was very slow, the spores often remaining unchanged for months, and none of these young prothallia developed beyond the stage with three cells. This failure to develop further was undoubtedly due to the fact that they did not become infected with the mycorrhiza, which is essential to the full development of the prothallium. In 1906 ripe spores of the same species were collected in Ceylon and Java. In Ceylon spores were secured at the botanical garden in I'eradeniya and in the Barrawa Reserve Forest near Hanwella, where Lang obtained his material. In Java the spores were mostly collected at Tjibodas. In all of these later experiments the spores were sown in humus collected from about the base of the spore-bearing plants. These masses of wet humus were kept in stoppered bottles. As in the earlier experiments, the germination was slow, the first germinating stages being found only after a month or more, and in some cases the spores remained un- changed for a very long period. The bottles containing -the spores sown upon the humus were brought back to California, and a recent exami- nation (September 1909) showed a considerable number of apparently normal spores, as well as living three-celled prothallia, presumably the result of comparatively recent germination. Spores sown in Tjibodas on April 18, 1906, were first found germinating at Buitenzorg on May 24, germination at this time being pretty well advanced. On June T, a number of these had three cells. The germination (fig. i ) in all cases coi responded closely with the writer's former observations and closely resembles that which we shall see pres- ently in OpIiKiolfissuru uKilucniiiuiii. In no case could any chloroplull be detected. (icrmin.iting spore of Ophioglouum pendulum. X360. Optical section of A. Three views of a very young gametophyte of 0. pendulum, showing infection by mycorrhizal fungus. X360. 8 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES and apparently the prothallium of 0. pendulum is strictly saprophytic throughout its existence. The extremely favorable conditions for plant growth at Buitenzorg made this an unusually promising place for studying germination, and very soon after my arrival there a quantity of plants of Ophioglossum moluccaiiutn, or what was sup- posed to be this species, was secured, and the spores were sown. Subsequent study showed that at least three species grew together at Buitenzorg, so that it is not at all certain that all of the germinating spores and the prothallia which were col- lected later really belonged to O. mohiccanum. Since in all previous experiments with the Ophioglossaceae germination had been very slow, it was with much surprise that the first lot of spores that were sown, when examined a week later, were found to be germinating very freely and had evidently been growing for some days. New sowings were made, and in some cases the first germination stages were evident within three days from the time the spores were sown. Inasmuch as the spores contain no chlorophyll, this rapid germina- tion is really remarkable. In the most favorable instances the greater part of the spores germinated and many thousand germinating spores were studied. The first sowings were made upon earth taken from where the plants were growing; the earth was placed in small glass dishes and flooded with water; the spores were then scattered over the surface of the water, some sinking, but the greater part floating on the surface. In later experiments cavities were hollowed out in the earth and these were filled with water, while the rest of the earth was left wet, but not flooded. It was found that the spores germinated more promptly in the water than on the wet earth, and this suggested that probably under natural conditions germination occurs where the spores fall in slight depressions which are filled with water for a time after heavy rains. The prothallia oi Hehninthosiachyi, to judge from the locality where they were found in the Barrawa Forest, occurred only where the forest was subject to inundation, and it may be that immersion in water is necessary for the germination oi Ophioglossum moluccanum, or at any rate facilitates germination. The older prothallia of this species which were found in Buitenzorg were growing in low ground between the projecting roots of trees, where water might very well stand for some days in wet weather. The first sign of germination consists in the enlargement of the spore contents, which soon burst the rigid outer membrane along the three lines upon its ventral face, and through the cleft thus formed the spore contents, surrounded by the col- orless inner membrane ("endospore" or "intine") protrude as a blunt papilla (plate I, fig. 2). The first division wall is transverse and is soon followed by a second wall in the upper cell (i. e., the one turned away from the opening). The second wall is at right angles to the first, and the young prothallium now consists of three cells, the basal one, which is partly exposed through the cleft at the upper side of the spore, and the two upper cells, which have more dense contents than the basal one. The basal cell in position corresponds to the first rhizoid in the germi- nating spore of the typical ferns, but it was never found to become extended into a true rhizoid, and no rhizoids were seen in any of the very young prothallia. While Ophioglossum moluccanum and O. pendulum agree very closely in the early stages of germination, in the latter species no trace of chlorophyll can be detected at any time, but in O. moluccanum it is not uncommon to find from one to three chloroplasts present. These chloroplasts are very pale in color, but it is certain that a small amount of chlorophyll is present in some cases. While most of the young prothallia oi Ophioglossum moluccanum do not advance beyond a three-celled stage, a few were found in which there were four cells, but all THr-: c;ami-toi>hvti-; y attempts to cany tluiii 1)c\()ik1 this stage failed and after exhaiistinir the spore con- tents they soon died. Ihe small amount of chlorophyll (jccasionall)- found in these young prothallia is evidently insufficient for their independent growth, and after a few weeks the granular contents all disappear and the cells soon collapse, showing that the young gametophyte has died from starvation. A number of specimens of the rare Ofiliioglossiun intcniircltiini were collected near IJuitenzorg and a few ripe spores were also secured. I'hese spores contain somewhat less dense contents than those of the other species described and have a more delicate epispore. Spores were sown on March 30 in Buitenzorg, and when examined about two weeks later no germinations were found, nor did a second examination about the end of April show any further results. On May 21, however, two three-celled prothallia were found, and subsequently a small number of others, but no later stages were discovered. The young prothallia appeared in every respect like the similar stages in the other species (plate i, fig. 6). In Ophioglossum periclulum a number of young prothallia were found which had increased very much in size and undergone further division. 'Ihe first of these were observed on April 3, and had developed from spores sown in Peradeniya on February 9. These young prothallia (fig. i, ,) had from four to six cells. It was found that in each case the mycorrhiza had connected itself with the young prothallium, and evidently had caused a stimulus in its growth. In every case where the young prothallium had more than three cells there was found associated with it the mycorrhiza, which could be easily seen to penetrate into the basal cell. The infection was in all cases due to fragments of mycelium, and in no case to any- thing which could be interpreted as spores. The fungus was apparently growing free in the humus where the spores were sown. This soil, as we shall see, was taken from about the roots of the sporophytes which furnished the spores. The free surface of the basal cell has its wall decidedly thickened, and it was here that the infection took place in all the specimens seen. The branching mycelium of the mycorrhiza was closely applied to the surface of the cell and a haustorium was sent down through the cell wall into the basal cell (fig. i, m). This haustorium is pointed at first, but after it penetrates into the cell it enlarges and assumes the form of a somewhat thickened worm-shaped body, much thicker than the free mycelium outside. In the cell infected with the fungus, the contents show the peculiar aggre- gated appearance characteristic of the infected cells of the older prothallia. On the 6th of April a specimen with seven cells was found. About a month later, a number of other specimens were observed also, some of these having as many as thirteen cells (plate i, fig. 9). This was the largest number found in any of the young prothallia. The divisions of these young prothallia are mainly in the lower cells, so that the apex, as in the prothallium of the true ferns, develops mainly from the lower of the two original prothallial cells. The basal cell, however, al.so undergoes divisions, and there is no very marked difference between the lower and upper ends of the prothallium. At this stage there is a marked resemblance, except for the absence of chlorophyll, to the early germination stages o( Lvropocliiini ceriniinu (Treub I). The mycorrhiza penetrates the cells adjacent to the one first infected, but leaves the apical region free, and this region probably remains permanently free from the endophyte, as it does in the adult prothallium. 'ihe number of young prothallia found was too small to make it possible to determine exactly what may be considered to be the normal succession of cell divi- sion, and whether at this early stage there is a definite apical cell could not In- decicUd. As will be seen from the figures, there is evidently a good deal of variation in the 10 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES early divisions. In these larger prothallia there is already the beginning of an axial tissue. Whether the cell v (plate i, fig q) is to be regarded as an apical cell, it would be hard to say. Owing to my departure from |ava about three months after the first observa- tions were made, it was impossible to trace the development of the prothallia further, but this much is certain — without the infection of the fungus, growth will not pro- ceed beyond the three-celled stage, and apparently in 0. pendulum no chlorophyll will develop under any conditions, and the prothallium from its earliest stages must be considered saprophytic in its nutrition. Whether the oval body described as the product of germination is to be considered as a sort of tubercle, such as is found in Lycopodium cernuum, must be decided by further investigations. Lang's descrip- tions and figures of the smallest specimens which he discovered would indicate that this is not the case in 0. pendulum; but the tuberous body usually found at the base of the older prothallia in 0. moluccauuni (and this is true also in O. vulgatum) would indicate that in these species it is not impossible that a primary tubercle is first formed and subsequently the fertile branch. THE ADULT GAMETOPHYTE OF OPHIOGLOSSUM. In 1856 Mettenius (Mettenius 1) found the gametophyte of O. pedunculosum Desv., a tropical species, growing spontaneously in the pots where the plants had been cultivated in the botanical garden at Leipzig. He did not succeed, however, in making the spores germinate. These prothallia were slender, subterranean bodies, sometimes branched, sometimes without branches. They ranged in length from 1.5 lines to 2 inches (fig. 3, A, B). There was usually present a basal enlarge- ment or tuber, from which the fertile part of the prothallium extended. The older portions were brownish in color; the growing tips of the branch white. From the surface there grew numerous short brown rhizoids. Archegonia and antheridia grew more or less intermingled and were formed in large numbers. Except for the greater size, these prothallia closely resemble those of O. moluccanum collected by me in Buitenzorg; and as O. pedunculosum Desv. has been held to be a synonym of O. moluccaniim-^chXtcht, it is possible that Mettenius's plants were the same as those found by me growing in Buitenzorg in Java.* The next account of the prothallium oi Opliioglossum is that of Lang (Lang 1). He collected in Ceylon specimens of the prothallia of Opliioglossum pendulum. These were found in the Barrawa Reserve Forest, not far from Colombo, and were buried in the humus accumulated between the leaf bases oi Poly podium quercifolium, an epiphytic fern to which O. pendulum is often attached. I visited this same locality in February, 1906, but was unsuccessful in collecting the prothallia, although I obtained numbers of the sporophytes. Some time after, however, when in Java, I found a very large number of prothallia which were growing in much the same way as those collected by Lang, except that in this case the fern to which the Ophio- glossum was attached was the widespread bird's-nest fern, Asplenium nidus. Bruchmann has given a detailed account of the prothallium of the widespread O. vulgatum, which agrees closely in its essential details with 0. pedunculosum and O. moluccanum. Bruchmann's specimens were collected in the Thuringian Forest, in a depression that w*as subjected at times to overflow, a condition paralleled by the locations where the prothallia of Helminthostachys were collected by Lang and * Cristensen in his recent Index Filicum (1906) regards 0. moluccanum as a synonym of 0. pedunculosum. Through the kind- ness of Professor K. Goebel, I recently had an opportunity of examining some specimens of O. pedunculosum growing in the botanical garden in Munich. These plants were the descendants of the specimens in Leipzig described by Mettenius and certainly very closely resembled the typical O. moluccanum from Buitenzorg. THE GAMF.TOPHYTK 11 mysfir, ;in(l ;il.s(i liki- the l()calit\' wlun- inosr of my s|Hi.iiiun.s of (J. tnoliimniiirn were iouiul in |ava. 1 liis, in (.onnection uitli my expLiimciits in gciininating the spores of O. nwliKcamitti, makes it not unlikely that actual submersion is a necessary condition for the germination in the terrestrial species ot Ophio^losstitn. In April 1906, about fifty prothallia of O. nioluccanuni were collected by me at Buiten/org, where, as we have seen, this species is extremely abundant. Only a small number of these were young enough to show the young reproductive organs, and most of them had already developed the young sporophyte. The greater part of these prothallia were found growing together in a slight depression between the projecting roots of a tree. These prothallia were slender bodies, from 5 to 10 millimeters in length, and none of them branched. They showed a more or less conspicuous basal tuber, like that described by Mettenius for O. peJunculosum, and indeed they very closely resembled his figures of the simpler forms of that species, but are very much smaller. The youngest specimen found (plate i, fig. 10) consisted of a small, irregular tuberous body of a brownish color, from which grew a short appendage or branch, the tip of which was white. The older ones also showed this basal tuber, but the cylindrical branch was much longer. Owing to their slender form, the prothallia are not always easily distinguishable from roots, and in some cases a microscopic examination is necessary before one can be sure of their real nature. Growing from the surface are scattered short brown hairs like those described by Mettenius for 0. peJunculosum. Archegonia and antheridia are formed at an early period, and can be traced to the base of the fertile branch, or in some cases may be found even upon the tuber. In these specimens the reproductive organs seemed to be formed in rather smaller numbers than is the case either in 0. pednnciilosum or O. vulgatum. Among the prothallia was one very much larger than the others which had very large numbers of old archegonia. It is highly probable that this represents a second species, but unfortunately there was no means of determining to which of the two or three forms associated under the name 0. moluccmnnn it belonged. The cells of the tuber and the lower part of the branch contain the character- istic endophytic fungus, but the greater part of the fertile branch is quite free from this, and the cells appear almost transparent, but they contain numerous small starch granules. The endophyte is much more abundant in the cells of the tuber. The hyphre, which stain readily with gentian violet, are irregular in outline and branch freely. Very often branches can be seen piercing the walls of adjacent cells. In the living condition the pointed apex of the prothallium is pure white, and even with a hand lens the projection of the antheridia is clearly evident. Mettenius noticed this "varicose"' appearance t)f the smaller prothallia in 0. pedunculosuvi. A median section of the branch shows that the end is decidedly pointed and has a clearly defined apical cell. Owing to the very small amount of material available, no satisfactory transverse section of the apex could be made, and it can not be told whether the apical cell in transverse section is three-sided, as described by Hruch- mann for O. vulgatum, or is four-sided, as it is in O. pendulum. In the smaller speci- mens antheridia were more numerous than archegonia, although several of the latter were present. The antheridia arise, in general, in acropetal succession, but it is not unlikely that secondary ones may be formed also. The archegonia are scattered among the antheridia apparently without anv definite order. In some specimens, especially in the larger ones, the old archegonia were found in great numbers, many more than the antheridia. In other specimens a considerable part of the protliallium was (juiie destitute of either archegonia 01 antlu 1 iilia, and in this respect the pro- fhalluini om a comparison with the early infection of the young prothailium in Ophioglossinn, it seems to me more probable that the young prothailium in Botrychiitm also is infected at a very early period and that the endophyte, once established within its tissues, grows with the development of the gametophyte, the secondary infection through the rhizoids of the older gametophyte being of minor importance. In both species of thjirycluiim the infected region comprises the greater part of the central tissue, leaving only a comparatively narrow peripheral region free from the endophyte. This uninfected area is thicker upon the upper surface and comprises the whole of the meristematic region, together with the developing sexual organs. As in Ophioglossum, this uninfected tissue contains small starch granules in considerable numbers, but not much else in the way of granular contents. The invasion of the fungus results in the destruction of the starch and the accumulation of large amounts of oil. This oil, according to Jeffrey, is not readily soluble in alcohol, and the cells containing it, both in fresh and stained sections, appear dark- colored. THE GAMETOPHYTE OF HELMINTHOSTACHYS. The monotypic Heltnitithostachys zeylanica is not uncommon throughout the lowlands of the Indo-A4alayan region and often occurs in large numbers. The only account yet published of the gametophyte is that of Lang (Lang 1). The prothallia which he describes were collected in part by himself in the Barrawa Reserve Forest in Ceylon in March 1901. Other material studied by Lang was collected at the same place by Mr. Coomara Swamy. I made a visit to the same locality in February 1906, and also found a considerable number of prothallia, but all of these had been fertilized and had attached to them the young sporophyte, so that no young repro- ductive organs were found. The forest where they were collected is subject to inundation from a river which runs through it, and it was in the parts that had been overflowed that the young plants were discovered. This makes it not unlikely that, as in the case of Ophioglossum mohucanuin, germination is favored by having the spores immersed in water, and this may be a necessary condition for the first stages of germination. A quantity of ripe spores were collected and various attempts were made to germinate these, but without success, and, as none of the specimens obtained by Lang were very y^ung, the early history of the prothailium still remains to he investigated. As in the other Ophioglossace;e, the prothallia are subterranean, occurring at a depth of from 5 to 6 centimeters in the earth. In form (figs. 10, 1 1) they are some- what intermediate between Botrychium and Ophioglossum, but are on the whole more like the latter. They are somewhat irregular in outline, with a broad base, recalling the basal tuber of O. moluccanum, but this tuber is relatively larger and more lobcd. From this basal tuberous portion a short upright branch extends, much as in Ophioglossum moUnconum, but it is relatively thicker and shorter. The whole gametophyte is radial in structure, as in Ophioglossum, and thus differs strikingly from the dorsiventral gametophyte of Botrychium. The basal enlarged portion is brown in color and covered with rhizoids, which are mostly absent from the upper, more slender part upon which the reproductive organs are borne. Lang found that there is a tendency to dicecism in the prothallia, some pro- ducing only antheridia (figure 11, A), while in others archegonia predominate, 20 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES although in the hitter a few anthcridia are almost always developed before the arche thallium the basa gonia appear. In the mal 1 "vegetative" portion is relatively small and often is irregularly lobed, these lobes being not of the nature of true branches, but merely the result of unequal growth. I'he female gametophyte (fig. lo) has the basal region relatively larger and is even more irregular in form than the male, while the fertile region is shorter and wider. Some of the more elongated types of the male gametophyte are quite similar to the simple prothallium of Opiuoglossiini moluccainim. As in the other genera, the endophytic fungus is always present and occupies much the same position as in Botrychium. Lang found that the growth is due to the activity of a single apical cell having the form of a four-sided pyramid, much like that found in Ophioglossiim pendulum. 1 he lateral segments divide by periclinal walls, and from the superficial cells thus formed originates the layer of tissue from which the sexual organs arise. The inner cells contribute to the axial tissue of the gametophyte. The antheridia in the male plants are evenly distributed about the periphery, so that in cross-section they form a nearly uniform circle. The axial tissue, ^ especially in the male prothallium, has the cells much elongated, and Lang thinks nduction of plastic material from the basal region of the prothallium to the growing point. The outer part of the basal region consists of two or three layers of somewhat flattened cells, which, like the corresponding tissue in 5o/rv( /;;»»/, are free from the endophyte. From some of these superficial cells there are developed unicellular, elongated rhizoids, with markedly cutinized walls. This cutinization extends to the outer walls of the superficial cells, while the inner walls of these cells, as well as those of the inner tissue, show the cellulose reaction. The formation of the lobes of the basal region are due, not to definite apical growth, but to irregular cell divi- sions in the outer layers, which remain free from the fungus which occupies the greater part of the central region of the lobes, as well as the axis ot the main shoot of the prothallium. The central tissue is made up of about equal parts of infected and uninfected cells. The latter, as in the other cases investigated, contain starch granules which are absent from the cells harboring the fungus. Fungus hyphae were seen in many cases to penetrate the rhizoids, but it is highly probable that in Helmmthostachys also there is a primary infection at an early stage in the germination of the spores. Lang notes that in the older male prothallia the fungus is dead and the further growth of the prothallium is dependent upon the amount of reserve food (mainly achys zeylanica, riniary root. X I'veloped second they are useful in the 1HI-: c;,\Mi )1'1IVI 21 starch) \vhi(.h is lift in tlu- iills. It is not clear wliar mic the enddpliyte pla\s in the inaniifactiiie ot" the reserve food materials upon which the further growth of the prothalliiim depends. It is highly prohaiile, however, that some of the necessary organic elements are derived from the destruction of the fungus tissues which serve as food foi rhi' tinther development o{ the prothallium. While no data are at hand to jiroxe this, tlu- lack of permanent growing tissue in the prothallium and the com- plete destruction of the fungus make it highly probable that the life of the gameto- phyte in H rIiuiiitliital succession. Ilu- niiitlifi cill, like that of tin- antlu mliuni, is sometimes lirnail, sonutinus nairow and deep, and the cover cell is conespondini^ly shallow or dee|i. 1 In- hist division of the inner cell takes place shortly after the cover cell is cut off. The next division is in the cover cell, which Hrst divides hy a vertical wall, a second \ertical wall being formed almost immediately, intersecting the first and dividing the cover cell into four practicalh e(pial cells, arranged quadrant-wise (fig. 16, A). The middle cell next divides by a transverse wall into the primary neck canal cell and the central cell (fig. 16, /•"). The canal cell pushes up between the four primary neck cells, which presently divide by nearly horizontal walls, so that there are two tins of neck cells. One 01 both of these di\ ide again later, so that each row of neck cells consists of thiee or four. Rareh' the re ma\- be Hve cells in one 01 more of the rows. — Development of the archegonium in Ophiogloisun, \. Transvcriic section of gametophyte apex, showing two young archegonia,? , and apical cell, x. B-G. Successive stages in the development of the archegonium; seen in longitudinal section; «, neck canal cell; b, b.isal cell. H. Recently fertilized arcliegonium; 5/>, a spcrmatozoid within the egg nucleus. The neck canal cell is very conspicuous, its base being broad, and the upper part narrower and extending to the uppermost neck cells. The large and conspicu- ous nucleus soon divides into two, but as a rule there is no division wall, although occasionally two distinct neck canal cells may be present. Sometimes both of the nuclei remain in the broad basal part of the cell, and sometimes one is at the base and one nearer the apex. This arrangement seems to depend upon the direction in which the nuclear division takes place. 1 he basal cell divides by a vertical wall at about the same time that the primary canal cell is cut off from the central cell. Ihe basal cell subsequentU undergoes further divisions, but its limits are readily distinguishable up to the time that the archegonium is mature (fig. 16, G). In its earlier stages, the archegonium of Ophioglossitrn pendiduni bears a striking resemblance to that of the Marattiacea?, which the mature archegonium more nearly resembles than it does that oi Botr\chiiim. According to Bruchmann's account, 0. vulgatiini has a neck somewhat longer, and this is also true of O. mohn- ciiniini. Even when mature, the neck projects but little above the surface of the prothallium. although there is some elongation of the cells at the time of dehiscence (fig. 1^'. (!)■ The venrial canal cell is ver\- iliffcult to demonstrate, and one is sometimes inclined to ilouht whether it is formed at all in some cases; neither Lanij nor Bruch- 30 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES nianii was able to detect it in (). pcndiihini and O. vulgatiiiii. It is probable that its apparent absence in most ot the archegonia is due to the fact that it is formed very late and is extremely inconspicuous. The same apparent absence of a ventral canal cell in the Cycads and some Conifers has been shown, on more critical study of the material, to be due to the small size of the ventral nucleus and to its very evanescent character. In nearly all of the archegonia examined, just before they opened there was present a vesicular body above the egg, which was probably the ventral canal cell much distended with fluid preparatory to the opening of the archegonium. A small nucleus, or what looked like one, could sometimes be seen, but it must be said that its nuclear nature was not above suspicion (plate 2, fig. 33). Just before the archegonium is ready to open, the egg cell, which up to this time is compressed above by the basal wall of the neck canal cell, becomes distended and pushes up the base of the canal cell, which thus becomes concave below. It is probably about this time that the ventral canal cell is cut off. Unfortunately, no cases were found showing mitosis in the central cell, but there seems no good reason to doubt that a ventral canal cell is, usually at least, cut off. Fig. 17. — Development of tlie archegonium in j A-D. Longitudinal sections. X320. K. Ripe archegonium, showing ventral canal cell i'. X F. Recently fertilized archegonium, showing spcrmatt 65. (After Jeffrey.) ;oids within venter. X32 The neck canal cell does not show the complete disorganization which is com- mon, but retains its form up to the time that the archegonium opens. With the opening of the neck there is some elongation of the outer neck cells, but there is decidedly less projection above the surface of the prothallium in O. prmhilutn than is the case in O. viilgatnm. The nucleus of the egg cell is large, but it does not always stain readily, except the nucleoli, and it may be that the same resistance to stains is the reason why its sister nucleus in the ventral canal cell is so difficult to sec. THF, ARCHEGONIUM OF BOTRYCHUmf. The archegonia in Botrychltim are found usually upon the flanks of the median ridge, upon whose summit are borne the antheridia. In their early stages they closely resemble those of Ophioglossum (fig. 17). As in the latter, there is some variation in the form of the mother cell, which may be quite deep and narrow, or relatively broad and shallow. The subsequent divisions in the central cell and in THK GAMKTOPHVTI-; 31 the covL-i cell agree very closely with those in Ophioglossinn; hut the neck cells arc more numerous and at maturity the neck projects much more strongly than is the case in Ophioglossum. There may be as many as seven or eight cells in each row of the neck, which, except that it is quite straight, resembles that of the typical ferns. It is especially like that of OsmunJd, in which the neck is also straight. The neck canal cell (fig. 17, D) becomes much elongated, and the nucleus divides, as in Ophioglossum, but in most cases at least there is no division of the canal cell itself. As in Ophioglossum, the ventral canal cell is very inconspicuous, and often impossible to detect. Jeffrey (fig. 17, E) figures a very evident ventral canal cell, but the nucleus is much smaller than that of the egg or neck canal cell. I have also found what seemed to be a ventral canal cell in the archegonium shortly before it opened, but, as in the case of Ophioglossum, this was not absolutely certain. As in the corresponding stage in Ophioglossum, above the egg cell, with its large and conspicuous nucleus, there is a clear space containing a small round body, which showed no evident nucleolus, but otherwise stained very much like the nucleus of the egg, and was probably the nucleus of the ventral canal cell (fig. ij,D,v.) While no certain cases of mitosis of the egg nucleus for the cutting off of the ventral canal cell were encountered, in one case the egg nucleus looked as if it were in the early prophase of division. Bruchmann's figures of the archegonium of Botrychium lunaria closely resemble that of B.virginianum, but he was unable to find a ventral canal cell, nor did he apparently see the division of the nucleus of the neck canal cell. The archegonium ofHchnint}iostachys{fig. 11, D) closely resembles that of Botrychiutn. FERTILIZATION. In only a few cases were spermatozoids seen within the neck and venter of the open archegonium in Ophioglossum, but twice a spermatozoid was seen within the nucleus of the egg; as there were no other stages obtained, however, the details of nuclear fusion could not be followed (fig. 16, H). The spermatozoid penetrates the nucleus of the egg, where for a time it can be seen distinctly. It is probable that its fusion with the egg nucleus is much like that described by Shaw for Ouoclca (Shaw I, 2). In the mature egg cell the nuclear reticulum is often decidedly con- tracted, but whether this is normal or the result of reagents can not be said. FICKTILIZATtON IN BOTRYCHIUM VIKCINIANl'M. Jeffrey observed a single spermatozoid within the venter of the archegonium and noted that at the time of fertilization the egg developed what he called a " receptive prominence." I have observed the same phenomenon in several cases (plate 2, fig. 46), and in a good many instances have also found one or more sper- matozoids within the venter. In one case, what looked very much like a sperma- tozoid was seen within the egg nucleus itself, and the process of fusion is probably very much the same as that so fully described by Shaw for Ouoclca. In the specimen shown in fig. 17, /•, oneof the spermatozoids looks as if it has partially penetrated the egg, but it is mipossible to be certain that it was not simpl\' lying against it. In this case, just above the nulceus of the egg there was a slight bicak in the gianular cytoplasm that looked as if it might be a receptive spot, bur the speimatozoitl was not entering the egg at this point. In another instance a curious thing was noted, but whether it was normal or not it is impossible to sav (plate 2, fig. 46). A spermatozoid had just entered the neck of the open archegonium and the egg had developed a ver\- conspicuous receptive prominence. The nuclear contents were very strongly Contracted and deeply stained and a portion apparently projected beyond the nuclear membrane 32 THD OPHIOGLOSSALES into the receptive prominence. A similar synapsis was noted in several cases. In most instances where free speimatozoids were present in the venter of the arche- gonium the egg nucleus presented a curious appearance (plate 2, figs. 47, 48). A single large nucleolus was present, but scattered through the nucleus there were sometimes a dozen or more of intensely staining round bodies, which at first sight looked like nucleoli, but on more careful examination were seen to differ from the large nucleolus in that they appeared less homogeneous and generally showed a central vacuole-like structure. These granules stain very much like the body of the spermatozoid, and it was thought that possibly they might be derived from a fragmentation of the body of the spermatozoid that had entered the nucleus, but this could not be satisfactorily demonstrated and the nature of this phenomenon must remain for the present uncertain. Fertilization in HchnintliostaL-hys has not been obseived. SK;N1F1CANCE of the KNUOI'HYTE. That the presence of the endophyte is essential to the existence of the sapro- phytic gametophyte of the Ophioglossaceze is indicated by the failure of the germi- nating spores to develop unless they become associated with the fungus. Moreover, the universal occurrence of a similar endophyte in all humus saprophytes among the seed plants indicates that in all of these chlorophyll-less plants the presence of the fungus is necessary for the existence of the host. Although it has not been directly proved, it is generally assumed that one role of the endophyte is the elaboration of some of the carbonaceous constituents of the humus. The infrequent communica- tion between the external hyphae and the internal mycelium makes it unlikely that the nutritive products are directly absorbed by the fungus, and it seems much more probable that the rhizoids of the gametophyte are the direct agents of absorption. How the humus constituents are changed by the action of the fungus so that they are available for the cells of the host is not clear, and it is by no means impossible that some at least of the necessary carbon may be derived from the fungus itself, in the digestive process to which it is subjected in the cells of the host. This seems plausible from the fact that in the green prothallia of certain ferns, where presumably the gametophyte is entirely able to supply its own carbon compounds through photosynthesis, these digestive cells appear to be wanting; at any rate they were not observed in a number of forms that I have studied. The experiments of Ternetz (Charlotte Ternetz I), show that certain fungi, including endophytic mycorrhizae, are able to assimilate free nitrogen and confirm the assumption of^ earlier observers that the fungus is useful to the host in supplying it with nitrogen compounds; but, while this is probably a very important part of its functions, it seems to me that it is not perhaps the only one, and that the carbon also is supplied, directly or indirectly, through the agency of the fungus. In an extended study of the endophytic mycorrhiza of the saprophytic orchid, Neoitin, W. Magnus (W. Magnus 1) has shown that two types of mycelium ex- hibited by the endophyte are of very different nature. The slender, cylindrical hyphae constitute the active portion of the fungus, which behaves like a parasite toward the cells which it invades, destroying the starch and probably other constitu- ents of the cells, but not attacking the nucleus. The swollen vesicular mycelium, however, is a degenerating structure and is itself destroyed by the cells of the host, which actually digest these fungus mycelia in much the same way that the cells of the leaf of Dnsera digest their prey. Magnus has very graphically shown that the relation of the two symbionts is mutually antagonistic, each one acting as a parasite on the other; nevertheless the presence of the fungus is essential to the higher THE GAMETOPHYTE 33 ort^aiiisni, so long as tin- latter is destitute of chlorophyll. Tht- explanation of the widespread saprophytism exhibited by so many of the higher plants may be sought in this attempt to defend themselves against what was probably at first a strictly parasitic organism. Having acquired the power to attack and to feed upon the parasite, the photosynthetic functions were more and more subordinated, until a state of true parasitism (or saprophytism) resulted. The numerous semi-saproph}tes like most of the green Ericales and many of the green ()rchidace;e, are good examples of transition stages, while the characteristic leafless humus saproph\tes, such as iVIonotropa and Corallorhlza, represent the fully developed phase of this peculiar form of symbiosis. We might say that such green prothallia as those of the Marat- tiaceiE and Gleichenia, which contain an endophytic fungus, bear somewhat the same relation to the subterranean prothallia of the Ophioglossaceic that the green Ericales do to Monotropa. The occurrence of a similar endophyte has also been noted in a number of liverworts. Cavers (Cavers I) has studied this association with some care in the common liverwort, Fegatella, as well as in some other Hepatic;E. He found in Fegatella that the endophyte is beneficial to the growth of the host, which was more vigorous when the fungus was present. He assumed that this was due to the assist- ance given by the fungus in the assimilation of organic matter from humus or other organic substrata. (See also Humphrey 1). This occurrence of an endophyte in the Hepatica- makes its occurrence in the green prothallia of ferns readily comprehensible. Whether in the latter it is an advantage to the host to have the endophyte present remains to be seen, but it is highly probable that such is the case. Once having acquired the habit of associating itself with the fungus, the gradual evolution of the purely saprophytic subterranean gametophyte of the Ophioglossaceae from green forms similar to those of the Marattiace;e is readily comprehensible. 34 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES II. THE EMBRYO. The development of the embryo in the Ophioglossaceae has been more or less completely studied in Ophtoglossum pednnculosum, O. vulgatmu, O. moluccainim, O. pendulum, Botrychium virgintaniim, B. liinarta, and B. oblifjinini (Mettenius I, Bruchmann 1 and 2, Lang I, Campbell 8, Jeffrey 1, Lyon I). The first division in the young embryo in all of these is usually approximately transverse, although there may be a good deal of variation in this respect. It is probable that in all cases the primary root, the stem ape.\, and the foot all arise from the epibasal region. The embryo reaches a very large size before the root emerges from the overlying prothallial tissue and all of the organs of the young sporophyte are very late in developing, so that it is not easy to trace their origin back to the early cell divisions in the young embryo. Much the most conspicuous organ of the young sporophyte is the root, which may reach a very large size and an advanced stage of development before any evidence of the other organs is apparent. Indeed, several roots may be developed before the shoot is established. In Ophtoglossum vulgatum and Botrychium lunarta, according to Bruchmann's account, the young Fig. \%.—0[,hioglossum ,r An old archegonium. Xl8o. Two-celled embryo within the archegonii Two sections of an older embryo. Xl8< sporophyte remains several years under ground before the first green leaf appears above the earth, and it is probable that in Ophtoglossum pendulum there is also a long period of underground existence before the first green leaf is developed. In Ophtoglossum moluccanum, however, and in Botrychtum virgintanum, the first leaf developed is a green foliage leaf, which grows rapidly and soon appears above the surface of the ground. THE EMBRYO OF OPHIOGLOSSUM. The first figures that we have of the embryo of Ophtoglossum are those of Mettenius, but his figures of the embryo of O. pedunculosum are not at all satis- factory, although he shows correctly sections of the older sporophyte. Lang figures only one embryo, a somewhat advanced one of 0. pendulum. Bruchmann figures a two-celled stage and a single more advanced embryo of O. vulgatum, but he describes and figures several stages of the young sporophyte. My own study of Ophtoglossum was based mainly upon the development of the embryo in O. pendulum, where a Tin-: iMiuoo 35 fairly comjilcte series of embryos was olnaiiud and rhr (k\(lo|imtiir lollowitl quite satisfactorily. In (). rnohh, iiiiiiin 1 foiiiul two <|iiirc \oiin; r, root. X The cotyledon grows upward and soon ruptures the overlying prothallial tissue, while the root grows down in the opposite direction and pierces the prothallium at a point some distance below where the leaf emerges. As the root grows downward through the foot the latter becomes unrecognizable, its outer cells remaining, however, as a zone of large cells encircling the equatorial region of the very much elongated bipolar embryo. The young root very early develops a tetrahedral apical cell, like that of the later roots. This cell is probably cut out from the central tissue of the embryo, close to the base of the leaf. The cell r in fig. 18, C, to judge from its position and the arrangement of the cells around it, is probably the initial cell of the primary root. The young cotyledon grows rapidly and has first a conical form (fig. 23, B), terminating in a definite apical cell. As it grows it develops a small oval lamina and a slender petiole, and presently the little green leaf appears above the surface of the earth. 1 he embr\o of (). vulgatum differs remarkably from that of 0. mohiccanum in the late development of the leaf. Bruchmann was unable to obtain the younger stages of the embryo, so that the origin of the different members is still somewhat obscure. In this species it is the root which develops first, and it soon becomes 36 THK OPHIOGLOSSALES exceedingly conspicuous. Bruchmann considers that the root and toot are both of hypobasal origin, but he bases this on a comparison with the true ferns rather than upon actual study of embryos, as he was unable to obtain embryos sufficiently young to demonstrate this, and all trace of the original divisions disappears before any sign of the stem and leaf is evident. It may be well questioned whether, as in Botrychium and 0. pendulum, the foot does not take up the whole hypobasal region. It is not impossible that the position of the basal wall may also vary in O. vulgatum. From a comparison with the embryo of 0. pendulum, I am inclined to assign more of the embryo of the former to the foot region than is done by Bruchmann. In O. vulgatum there is, finally, a differentiation of the stem apex from the epibasal region, as in Botrychium and the true ferns, while in O. moluecanum there is no trace of a stem apex in the very young sporophyte, this developing later as a bud upon the first root. From a study of O phioglossum moluccanum and also ot 0. pendulum it is evident that the history of the young sporophyte in these species differs strikingly from that of the other Pteridophytes. In both of these species the definitive sporo- phyte always arises secondarily, as a bud upon the root, in the same way that adventitious buds are commonly formed upon the roots of the adult sporophyte. Bruchmann notes in 0. vulgatum the very precocious development of the primary A. Transverse section of very young embryo. B. Longitudinal section of young embryo. Xi8o. C. Three transverse sections of an older embryo; l-i, basal wall; r, primary root. XlSo. n. An older embryo; r, primary root. root and the late appearance of the stem apex and first leaf; but in this species the shoot apex, according to his statement, is derived directly from the epibasal half of the embryo, as it is in most Pteridophytes. In Ophioglossum pendulum, where the development of the embryo seems to offer no check to the further growth of the prothallium, the position of the arche- gonium varies a good deal and it is impossible to tell from a section just what the position was in the living state, as the branches of the gametophyte extend in all directions and archegonia may be formed at any point upon their surface. To judge from the youngest stages of the embryo that were met with (fig. 20), the basal wall in this species is not necessarily transverse. In both of the cases figured it was oblique, and more nearly longitudinal than transverse. It is likely, however, that it is horizontal, or approximately so. In the four-celled embryo shown in fig. 20, J, the quadrant walls were at right angles to each other, and this was also the case in the five-celled embryo shown in fig. 20, B. Somewhat older embryos (C) show that there is a pretty regular octant formation, and Bruchmann states that this is also the case in O. vulgatum. While in the typical ferns, and in Botrychium, all of the organs of the young sporophyte can be traced to certain regions of the young embryo, in Ophioglossum THK KMHRVO 37 pendulum only one of the definitive organs, the root, arises in this way, and this becomes differentiated at a very early period. One of the octants next to the arche- gonium at once becomes the apical cell of the young root. This cell is very soon recognizable by its size and shape, and quickly begins its regular segmentation. The primary cap-cell is soon cut off (fig. 20, D), and from now on the young root is very conspicuous. The octant divisions are vc-ry clearly marked in this case, and in section 3, which is the uppermost of the three, the large triangular apical cell of the root is very evident. Two types of the embryo were seen in this species. One ot these (fig. 21, A) is nearly globular in form; the other (fig. 21, /i, 6") is elongated. The former looks as if it originated from an embryo in which the basal wall was transverse to the a.\is of the archegonium; in the other it was probably more or less vertical. It is probable that in the former instance the root initial is one of the epibasal octants, while the whole of the hypobasal portion gives rise to the large foot. In the second type it is difficult to say which half should be considered epibasal and which h\p()basal, hut, as in the other case, one half ma\' be considered to be root, thc' other halt tout, the C. Older embryo, with single root. D. Embryo with two roots; /)r, gametopliyte. Shaded region occupied bv the mycorrhir.a. growth of both being nearly in a plane at right angles to that of the archegonium axis, andl suggesting the relative positions of cotyledon and foot in the embr}o of Ophioglossum moluccanum. In form the first type somewhat recalls the embryo of Boirychium virginianum. The whole lower portion, or hypobasal half, forms the very conspicuous foot, while from the epibasal region the primary root is developing, and already the rudiment of the second root is visible. Whether the latter arises directly from the primary root, or whether it arises independently from the second epibasal quadrant, is not quite certain. The cells of the epibasal region are evidently actively growing, having abundant protoplasm and conspicuous nuclei. The cells of the foot are larger and much more transparent. The second type of embryo (fig. 21, B, C) resembles very closely the second state of the embrxo of Opinocrlossinn viilguturii, where, as is said b\' Hruchinaiin, rlu- embr\() is "all root." 38 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES In O. molticcanuni the prothallium probably lives for a single season only, and the formation of the sporophyte stops its further development; but in 0. pendulum, where embryos are much less frequently found, the large gametophyte continues its growth apparently unchecked by the development of the attached sporophyte, which retains its connection with the gametophyte for a very long time, as in 0. vulgatum and Botrychium virgmianum. The embryo reaches a very large size before it breaks through the prothallium. The primary root then emerges as a conical point (fig. 3, F, sp). The second root remains short for a time. There seems to be a good deal of difference as to the time of the appearance of the latter. In the globular type of embryo the second root appears very early, and it looks as if it might have been formed quite independently of the primary root. Sometimes, however, the primary root may attain a length of several centimeters, and may even begin to form rootlets before the second root emerges; while in other cases the two roots grow in opposite directions and seem to be of about equal size (fig. 3, E). The leafy shoot in Ophioglossum pendulum does not appear until the root system is well advanced. The primary root, although attaining a length of 10 centimeters or more, in no cases showed any signs of leaf-bearing buds in the specimens that I collected. Rootlets were devel- oped in some cases, and it is not impossible that there may be an extensive development of the root system before the first leafy bud is formed. This is quite in harmony with the large develop- ment of the roots in O. vtilgatum, where Bruch- mann believes that it may be eight or ten years before the first foliage leaf appears above the ground. In O. vulgatum, however, this leaf arises from the original stem apex derived directly from the embryo, and not from an adventitious bud. Ophioglossum moluccanum and the similar species that grow with it differ very much from Ophioglossum pendulum in the character of the young sporophyte, which, as we have seen, at once develops a green foliage leaf or cotyledon. The sporophyte very closely resembles that of O. /jf e figures, so that the whole of the hypobasal part might be interpreted as the foot, while the root would be of epibasal origin, as it is in O. pendulum. The next stage figured by Bruchmann (fig. 19, B) is very much like the type of 0. pendulum, where only one root was developed at first, and in this case also we are inclined to consider the whole of the enlarged base ot the embryo as the foot. Before the cotyledon and stem apex can be recognized the first tracheary tissue of the root has already been developed, and about the same time the apex of the second root can be seen arising near the base of the primary root (fig. 19, C). The cotleydon arises near the base of the root, upon the upper side of the embryo, and forms a small conical protuberance, which grows from a definite apical cell. At the base of the cotyledon, on the side turned away from the root apex, a shallow depression is formed, and in this there may be seen a single large superficial cell, which is apparently the apical cell of the very limited stem apex. Inclosing the cotyledon and the stem apex is an elevated ridge which grows up about them and finally forms a sheath, which rapidly grows so as to include the bud within a cavity completely closed except for a narrow canal which opens outward. While the cotyledon and stem apex are thus formed from superficial tissue in (). vulgatuni, their early inclosure in the sheath suggests that we have to do with a condition intermediate between the completely endogenous shoot apex in O. moluc- canum and the entirely exogenous shoot in Butrychtum. 44 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES The second root arises quite independently of the stem apex, being developed below the insertion of the primary root, and its vascular bundle joins that of the first root near its base. A rudimentary vascular bundle is developed within the cotyledon, and also joins the bundle of the main root near its base, but no bundle at all is developed within the stem. The cotyledon reaches only a very small size, but the second leaf soon appears nearly opposite the cotyledon. The second leaf also develops at an early period a vascular bundle, which connects with the vascular bundle of the primary root near its point of junction with the second root, and this exactly resembles the arrangement of the bundles in the bud formed upon the root in O. moluccanum. It is evident that in the young sporo- phyte of O. viilgatuni, as in O. moluccanum, the vascular system is made up entirely of the bundles of the roots and leaves, the stem itself having no proper stele. The second leaf finally emerges and appears above ground as the first sterile green leaf of the young sporophyte. Bruchmann states that the second leaf does not appear above ground until five years after it is first formed, and he believes that the sporophyte, at the time its first leaf appears above ground, is nine to ten years of age. The third leal may be fertile, but this is not always the case. THE ANATOMY OF THE YOUNG SPOROPHYTE OF OPHIOGLOSSUM. In Ophtoglossum pendulum the young primary root soon breaks through the prothallium and elongates rapidly, but owing to its brittleness it is easily broken off, and it is impossible to state here just how far it develops before the bud is formed upon it. The development of the second root varies a good deal. The first root may reach a length of 3 or 4 centimeters before the second root can be seen at all. The growth of these earlier roots is in all respects similar to that of the later ones. There is a large tetrahedral apical cell whose divisions are quite regular, and there is soon visible the axial vascular bundle which extends for some distance into the foot, where it ends blindly. The vascular bundle of the second root joins the first at the junction of the latter with the foot (fig. 21, D). The first tracheary tissue appears at the point of junction, and is made up of short, somewhat irregular, pointed tra- cheids with reticulate thickenings. From this point the development of the tracheary tissue proceeds toward the apex of the roots. The bundle is diarch, as is plainly seen in cross-sections (fig. 27, E'). The endodermis is very clearly defined and the characteristic radial markings are extraordinarily clear, especially in sections treated with a double stain of safranine and gentian violet. The tracheary tissue is also beautifully differen- tiated by this stain. The bundle is slightly elliptical in form and the protoxylem ele- ments appear at the foci of the elliptical section. 1 he first appearance of the tracheary tissue is some distance back of the apex and the development proceeds rather slowly. In the oldest part of the roots older bud of Ophiogh. of the bud. THK I;MI!KV() 45 exaniiiud rlic tun wlcm masses wcic iiiU(|Lial in si/.r, tin- lai Botrychnnii obliqiiiim (Lyon 1) differs strikingly in the foim of the eml)r\() from either B. virguiiainini or B. Imuiria, and these differences are so marked that Lyon proposes to separate B. obliquum and a number of allied species as a new genus, Sceptridium. The ovum in Botrvcliium obliquum becomes very much elongated after fertilization, and it is probable that the first wall separates the part next the archegonium from the inner cell, the former developing into a suspensor, very much as we shall see that it does in Dancea, and this suspensor becomes well developed and is conspicuous in the later stages of the embryo. Unfortunately, Lyon gives no details of the further history of the embryo until the definitive organs are far advanced. He states that the suspensor becomes elongated, pushing down the rest of the embryo, which he calls the "protocorm," believing that it is homol- ogous with the so-called "protocorm" of Lvcopodiuni — a resemblance which would probably disappear were a more thorough study of the subsequent history available. This development of a suspensor is the first case described in the ferns, but, as we shall see presently, a similar suspensor is regularly present in the genus Dancca, which in other respects shows some interesting resemblances to B. obliquum in the development of the embryo. Moreover, as we have seen, there is often an elonga- tion of the upper cells of the \'oung embryo of B. virginianitm, which suggests a rudimentary suspensor. Lyon figures only a very advanced stage of the embryo, at about the time when the root first emerges from the prothallium. At this time, aside from the presence of the suspensor, the most marked difference between B. obliquum and B. virgin- iaiium is the apparent absence of the foot in the former species, while this organ is so remarkably developed in B.virginianum. The root \nB. obliquum penetrates the lower surface of the gametophyte, the cotyledon breaking through on the upper side, so that the relative position of the leaf and root is like that of Ophioglossum moluccauum, or the Marattiace;e. In the orientation of the root and shoot, there- fore, B. obliquum is much more like Dinuni or Opliioglossiim molucciiiium than it is like B. vitgiuianum. It is to be hoped that further investigations will lu- math- u|ion this extrenieh interesting species. We anticipate that when the histor\ of the earlier stages is 54 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES known it will be found that a large foot is present in the embryo, as it is in the Marattiaceae and the other Ophioglossaceae, and the apparent absence of this foot in the older embryo is due to the root apex being formed deep in the central tissue of the embryo, as it is in the Marattiaceae and in Ophioglossuni moluccanum, and pushing its way downward through the foot, which thus becomes indistinguishable from the outer tissue of the root. Except for the absence of the foot the organs of the older embryo of 5. oblt(juum show the same relative positions as those of B. virginiatnim, and, as in the latter, the first leaf is apparently a functional green leaf which appears above the surface of the earth. THE EMBRYO OF HELMINTHOSTACH^'S. The embryogeny of Helmtnthostachys, the third genus of the Ophioglossaceae, is unfortunately very incompletely known. Lang (Lang I), to whom we owe the only published account of the gametophyte and young sporophyte, was unable to secure any young embrj^os and only very scanty material of the later stages. Lang says of the youngest forms which he found (Lang 1, page 40): "The large hemispherical foot is deeply inserted in the tissue of the prothallium. The upper portion of the embryo had burst through the covering also of the latter; in it can be distinguished the primary root — the first leaf— and (covered over by the sheath of the first leaf) the depressed apex of the stem. The position of the organs is thus essentially similar to what is found in Botrychiiim virgintanmn." Lang's material was collected in the Barrawa Reserve Forest, in Ceylon, and in February 1906 I visited the same locality and collected a large number of young sporophytes, many of which were still connected with the gametophyte; but none of the gametophytes were young enough to show young embryos. As we have already suggested, it seems very probable that the gametophyte of HehnintJi- ostachys, like that o{ Ophioglossum nioluccaiuim, is annual and produces normally a single sporophyte, after which it perishes. The development of the gametophyte is probably dependent upon the annual inundation of the forest, and this perhaps accounts for the fact that all of the young sporophytes were of about the same age. The youngest specimen which I found is shown in fig. 10. The petiole of the leaf was about i centimeter in length, and at the tip the minute lamina, strongly bent over like the young leaves oi Botrychiiim vtrgtnianurn, could be seen, showing the three lobes which characterize the fully expanded leaf. The cotyledon is rudi- mentary in Hehninthostachys, the "cotyledon" described by Lang being really the second leaf. At the base, but separated from the root by a short internode, is a swelling which marks the position of the apical bud, inclosed within the hollow sheath at the base of the petiole. The root at this stage is still quite short, the first green leaf seeming to be more precocious than in Botrychium and thus resembling Ophioglossuni moluccanum. As the leaf grows the lamina expands and is seen to be ternate in form. Very often the two lateral lobes are of unequal size and show that the ternate form is due to an unequal dichotomy, such as is common in many ferns in the early leaves, which are transitional between the dichotomously divided cotyledon and the pinnate leaves of the older sporophyte. The ultimate divisions of the veins, as in Botrych- ium, are dichotomous.* * In a recent note (Lang 2) it is stated that a suspensor also occurs in Helminthoitachys. 55 1. rill'. ^ouNc; si'oRoi'iivi 1 TilK YOUNC; Sl'OROl'll^'lK OK Ol'i IIO(;LOSSUM. As we have seen, the single vascular strand in the young sporophyte of Ophio- glossiim rnoluccanum is continu;le axial binulle in the basal part of the internode is very nuich like that found in the young sporophyte of /io- trycluiini (fig. 49, D, F). l"he endoderniis of the two bundles becomes continuous and there may be seen intermediate stages of a single bundle, oval in section, but with two conspicuous xylems, separated by the mass of large, thin-walled tissue which gradually disappears as the bundle is followed downward; and finally, in the lower part of the internode, the section of the stele appears quite circular, the center being occupied by the solid xylem formed by the complete coalescence of the xylems of the fused leaf traces (fig. 49, J). The arrangement of the phloem, pericycle, and endoderniis is the same as in the single leaf trace '^ ')~^X^^ in the upper region of the \/\1yh-( niternocle. < \J'-0': {,.->(:%% The base of the stip- ular sheath can be fol- lowed downward to about the level where the two leaf traces begin to coal- esce. Its anterior free portion, betwten which and the internode is a narrow slit, finally be- comes quite free and its section is visible as an oblong mass of cells lying quite separate from the section of the internode. Longitudinal sections of a somewhat older sporophyte are shown in fig. 48, A, B; the third leaf is pretty well developed, with the stipular sheath completely overarching the stem apex and the fourth leaf, which already is conspicuous. The third leaf is still completely covered by the large stipular sheath of the second leaf, which apparently forms a closed cavity; but an examination of the adjoining sections showed that the ante- rior margin of the sheath is quite free in front and that there is a narrow cleft between it and the internode. Ihe real nature of the sheath and its relation to the leaf base is very clearly shown in the nuilian section ot the terminal bud from an older plant (fig. 48, Cy D), and the resemblance to the terminal bud of Botrvr/mitu linifin'ri, except for the dorsiventral arrangement of the parts, is most striking. This is equally marked in the adult sporoph\te, as Farmer has already pointed out. rile specimen under consideration diffeied somewhat from the yoimger one that was descrilnd in the relation of tht- \-oung organ.s. The cotyledon was better developed and although the lamina was rudimentary the stipular sheath was large and inclosed the base of the second leaf, while in the younger specimen discussed no sheath was developed at the base of the cot\ledon. There was a diflVrent rela- tion of the r(M)ts also, pidhahK associated with the greater (livelo|inuin of the cot\'ledoii in rile specimen under consideration. The second root, instead of being formed at the base of the third leaf in the terminal bud, was developed a short dis- tance above the cotyledon, near the base of the second leaf, while in the \-oungei specimen no root was developed above the primary root until the third leaf had 74 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES begun to develop; but this second root developed much earlier in its relation to the development of the next leaf than was usually the case. In the present plant the root corresponding to the third leaf, which was the third root in this case, was in a very early stage of development and had not begun to elongate at all. The third leaf in median section was already pretty well advanced and the apical portion was very strongly incurved, as it is in the young leaves of Botrychium virginiatium, which it resembles more than it does that of B. lutiaria, and it also suggests the form of the young leaves in the Marattiaceae. The basal part of the young leaf, however, is exactly like that of B. lunarta. The stipular sheath forms a thick body, projecting forward and about equal in height to half the total length of the young leaf. It is strongly concave below, and the next leaf is fitted into the cavity (fig. 48, C). The forward margin extends downward as a sort of lip which elongates rapidly and keeps pace with the growth of the young leaf inclosed within it, and this is completely concealed until it has reached a large size. The sheath finally forms a long, conical protuberance at the base of the leaf to which it belongs. The cavity below the sheath is extended backward, so that the base of the leaf is hollowed out in front and in section appears much narrower than the part of the petiole above the insertion of the sheath; this brings the stele of the leaf very close to the epidermis at this point. The narrow cleft thus formed between the posterior wall of the stipular cavity and the petiole of the leaf in front is the "canal," which Gwynne-Vaughn described as occurring at the base of the petiole of the older plant and opening above the insertion of the stipule. These canals are easily seen in longi- tudinal sections of the young bud (fig. 48, B) and it is very clear that they are, in truth, nothing but the narrow spaces between the bases of the adjacent leaves. Gwynne- Vaughn's statement that they open above the insertion of the stipules is incorrect unless the stipules of a given leaf are considered to be derived from the sheath sur- rounding the base of the leaf, this sheath properly belonging to the next older leaf. This canal can be seen as a narrow slit in the young leaf, extending below the inser- tion of the next younger one, the young stele of the leaf being separated from the epidermis at this point by only about three rows of cells. The stele of the young leaf can be traced nearly to its tip, and then continues downward toward the inner side of the leaf into the internode, below where it joins the young stele belonging to the next younger leaf. As in the younger sporophyte, the stem apex is of very limited extent and the apical cell shows the same form. In the section figured (fig 48, C) the youngest leaf is cut almost m a median plane and though externally no differentiation is visible the young stele is already conspicuous and can be followed down without difficulty. Passing on one side of the stem apex and above the leaf trace, there is no evidence of procambium in the apical region of the stem. In the young sporophyte, therefore, it is perfectly certain that no cauline stele is present. Farmer (Farmer 2) states that in the older sporophyte the stele can be traced above the insertion of the youngest leaves, but we believe a careful study of this point in the older plant would show, as in the younger one, that the stele is developed in the young leaf at an exceedingly early period and that the stele of the internode is composed entirely of leaf and root traces. The procambium tissue developed on the ventral side of the stele near the apex can be shown, by a study of its transverse sections, to be due entirely to tissue derived from the leaf traces, which are extended downward until they meet on the ventral side of the internode. Near the stem apex are numerous small scales and hairs filling up the space about it and probably associated with the prevention of drying up of the stem THF, YOUNG SPOROPHYTK 75 apex, which is doiibl) protected by these scales and its complete inclosuie in the young leaf bases. It is possible that these scales secrete some mucilaginous sub- stance, although there was no evidence of this in the stained sections. In this plant the internodes were quite solid and there was no trace of the large lacuna- which were described for the younger plant. Whether the presence of the lacun;c is due to any differences in the environment remains to be seen. The speci- mens were all collected under apparently the same conditions, but it is possible that there may have been differences in the amount of water in the soil in which they were growing, and this difference in the amount of water may have something to do with the development of the lacunae. The root at the base of the third leaf was cut transversely and was in a ver)- early stage of development. The root was still completely buried in the cortex and the stele still imperfectly developed, but showing its connection with the stele of the fourth leaf above the junction of the third leaf trace with the stele of the inter- node. No tracheary tissue was developed and the course of the leaf trace was bur little disturbed by the formation of the root. In longitudinal sections taken from a much older sporophyte (fig. 48, C, D) the arrangement of the organs at the apex is seen to be exactly the same as in the younger plants, but of course the parts were all larger. The youngest leaf (/ ' ) still resembles in form and size the corresponding leaf in the younger stem, but the next older leaf is relativel)' broader than the early leaves of the younger sporophyte, and although the stipular sheath is now well developed the upper portion of the leaf is still quite undifferentiated and the apex is scarcely bent forward at all. The resemblance, therefore, to the young leaf of Botrychinni liiuario is even more marked than it is in the younger sporophyte. The apical region of this young leaf is occupied by an epithelium-like layer of columnar cells, and it is doubtful whether any one of these can be certainly denominated the apical cell. Somewhat the same doubt exists also as to the point of a single initial cell in the youngest leaf. In the latter there was some shrinkage in the group of large meristem cells at the apex, which made it still more difficult to decide this point, but a median section showed somewhat indistinctly a single cell, apparently triangular in outline, which from its form and the arrangement of the adjacent cells may very well have been the apical cell. The small group of meristem cells forming the stem apex is crowded in between the base of the youngest leaf and the elongated ridge which surrounds the stem apex upon the ventral side. In consequence of this crowding the outer faces of the apical cell and its youngest segments are very small. The base of the apical cell is more than twice as broad as its free outer face. The ventral face of the apical cell is convex and the young segments cut off from it are strongly curved. The inner or basal wall is oblique, so that the axis of the young cells in the tissue below the apical cell makes an angle with the long axis of the apical cell. Below the apical region may be seen the section of the large central stele of the internode. This is composed, apparently, of two strands of procambium separated by a broad band of pith. As Farmer pointed out, in the older plant there is no question that procambium tissue is developed upon the ventral side of the bundle which extends into the apical region and which is, apparently, not connected with the leaf traces. From this he believes that the stele is really a cauline structure. A study of the cross-sections, however, as will be presently seen, shows that this ventral tissue really does belong to the leaf traces, although it is possible that the basal tissue of the roots may :idd to it in parr, bur I have not been able to satisfy myself that any of this stelar tissue can be |ii(i|nrl\ assigned to the nctivit\- of the stem apex. 76 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES As in Botrychium and Ophioglossuni, the tissue derived immediately from the activity of the apical meristem, after the central pith is developed in the stele, contributes only to this central region or pith, which is really not part of the stele proper. On the dorsal side of the stele the whole of the procambial strand can easily be followed into the leaf, and when this is followed downward it is seen to run obliquely through the youngest internode, at the base of which it joins the next leaf. The latter already has its lamina developed and strongly bent over, but is still inclosed in the stipular sheath belonging to the next older leaf. These older leaves have only a single leaf trace, but it divides into two strands above the level of the stipular sheath. A median section of the thick central stele in F.r..5,. transverse sect ions from a young sporophyt. : of Helrr. • hthoMclr termi;i.nl bud i nclosed by stipular sheath, j/;. . In G, V is pit bet^ [, section of a yc )ung leaf, showing the ternate 1 amina. Xj;. /, petiole of leaf; the upper region shows conspicuous protoxylem elements made up of much elongated tracheids, whose thickenings are between annular and spiral in form, but very different from the coarsely reticulate and the conspicuously pitted tracheids of the meta.xylem developed in the older parts of the stele. In all cases where truly median sections were seen the protoxylem elements occupied the innermost region of the xylem and no metaxylem was seen within these, so that the bundle (at first, at any rate) is endarch, as in the other Ophioglossaceae. It is impossible to see in this sec- tion that metaxylem was developed inside of the protoxylem, as Farmer found to be the case in the older sporophytes. THK voi'Nc; sroKoi'nii i: 77 In fig. 48, I\ iluic is sliowii .111 insntiDii oC ;i nnit ii|i(in ilic side .nul its vi-ry broadly expaiuU-d li;isc- with rlu- iini;iil;n rnn|umti\i 1 1 ailuuls. I Ins \ii\ l)ici;i(l base of insertion ami ilu dlnimis c sheath is absent from the third youngest leaf. acts as an absciss layer, such as Jeffrey demonstrated in Botrycluum, and this not only causes the separation of the old leaves but perhaps also acts as a protective layer to the leaf scars. The absence of periderm from the ventral side is no doubt connected with the strictly dorsal position of the leaves. The later roots, like the first one, grow from a single tetrahedral apical cell, very much like that of Ophioglossum and Botrychiiim. The root cap is not very prominent and is usually somewhat pointed. It apparently owes its origin entirely to the activity of the outer segments of the apical cell. The primary segments of the root cap undergo periclinal divisions, but, as in Botrychiiim, the stratifications of the older layers is much less marked than it is in the ordinary ferns. Each of the lateral segments of the apical cell divides by a somewhat radially placed anti- clinal, so that a transverse section of the three youngest segments shows six cells having a nearly radial arrangement. Periclinal walls may arise and the inner cells of the segments give rise to the central cylinder of the root, while from the outer ones is developed the cortex. As in the other Ophioglossaceae, no root hairs are formed. Till': ■souNc; spoRonivri (SI The piiniaiy root, as Lang pointed out, is usiiall) tiiauli, liiii occasional!) iliarch loots occur, as they usually do in Botrychium and in Ophioglossum pciidii- linii. In this case, however, one of the xylems was rather larger than the other. The later loots are tetiarch and in the older sporophyte. as Farmer showed, the roots {feneially lia\i si\ wiem masses, or occasionally seven. This type of root is most like that of the Maiattiacex. The cndodermis is pretty well developed, but not so conspicuous as it is in Botrychium. In the cortical region of the first root there is a /one of cells in which occurs an endophytic mvcorrhiza, such as is common in the roots of other ( )phioglossacea-, and probablv the same as the endophytc which is found in the tissue of the prothal- lium. Whether the infection of the primary root is direct from the prothallium oi whether there is a new infection from the soil was not determined. Lang states that the mycorrhiza is only developed in the first two or three roots, the fourth root and those formed later not having the endophytc. In these later roots the cortical cells are densely filled with starch. The rhizome continues to grow upright for a good while and it was not deter- mined at just what time it assumes the prostrate position which it has in the adult form. At first there is usually one root formed for each leaf, but in the older plants this regularity is lost, and Farmer states that there may be three or four roots developed for a single leaf. On the other hand, the number of roots may be less than that of the leaves, especially in the younger plants. A curious abnormal form was seen in a young sporophyte, where for some reason several of the earliest leaves had remained in the rudimentary condition of the cotyle- don. Five of these rudimentary leaves could be seen formed in succession. The sheaths were fully developed and there was a long internode between each pair of leaves. Three of these had developed roots, but the others had failed to do so. This rhizome was nearly 3 centimeters in length, but it had hardly increased at all in thickness. A single ternate leaf had expanded at the summit, but whether this was the first functional leaf that the plant had developed could not be determined, as the rhizome was broken off below and there may have been one or more func- tional leaves developed below the first of the rudimentary ones. This repetition of vestigial leaves recalls the condition of things in Ophioglossum vulgatum and Botrychiiun huuiria. For a good while the new leaves are of the same ternate form as that of the first foliage leaf, but sooner or later, probably depending on the vigor of the plant, the ternate form is gradually replaced by five foliate leaves, the later divisions being the result of an unequal dichotomy of the lateral leaf seg- ments, similar to that by which the second lateral segments of the primary leaf are separated from the terminal leaflet. In these five foliate leaves the characteristic "pecopterid" venation of the adult sporophyte is fully attained (fig. 45, B). Kach lateral vein forks twice, the ultimate veinlets extending to the margin of the leaflet. A section of the petiole of one of these leaves shows that it contains four vascular bundles, arranged in pairs. The dorsal bundle of each pair is decidedly larger than the ventral one. The base of the petiole is almost perfectly cylindrical, but further up it becomes winged, so that a groove appears on its inner face extending for some distance below the junction of the lamina and the petiole. 1 here is a very slightl}' developed hypodermal tissue composed of two or three layers of cells, the walls of which are colorless and considerably thickened, some of them showing thickened corners like the collenchvma found in the leaves of the Marattiacex. 82 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES COMPARISON OF THE YOUNG SPOROPHYTES OF THE OPHIOGLOSSACE.E. If, as we believe, the type of sporophyte found in Ophioglossuni moluccanum is really primitive, we may assume that the sporophyte at first had a single axial stele, collateral in structure and essentially the same in leaf and root. This primitive sporophyte had no stem at all, but consisted simply of leaf and root. From the primitive vascular skeleton, composed of a single unbranched strand, we can derive the different types characteristic of the older sporophyte in the three genera. As to the first origin of the stem apex, we can only conjecture; whether it originally arose, as it does in Ophioglossum, as an endogenous structure repeating, as it were, the origin of the primary root, we have no means of knowing, but this seems to be the most probable explanation of the origin of the stem apex in the primitive sporo- phyte from which are descended the different types of the Ophioglossaceae. After the establishment of the stem apex the secondary leaves contributed their quota to the developing skeleton of the sporophyte. In Ophioglossum these leaf traces remain largely free and anastomose only to a limited extent, thus giving rise to the open tubular dictyostele with very large meshes. The structure of the individual strands of the dictyostele is essentially the same as that of the free leaf traces. In Helmmthostachys the early leaf traces fuse completely and there is formed a solid stele in the younger internodes with a central xylem core, composed of the united xylems of the two leaf traces. These leaf traces are approximately collateral in structure, although it may be that they have a small amount of phloem upon their inner face. After entering the petiole of the young leaf, however, these assume a distinctly concentric form. As the leaves increase in size their traces become broader and in section appear more or less crescentic, so that when the leaf traces come together there is left between them a certain amount of the ground tissue which after they have united appears as a pith lying inside of the tubular stele. This pith, however, it must be remembered, is not part of the stele proper, but is merely an included portion of the ground tissue. With the complete fusion of these two broad leaf traces the tubular form is established and the wood appears in section as a continuous ring. In Botrychiitm, especially in the large forms like B. virgiti- tanitm, the tubular condition which is secondary in Helmmthostachys is established at once; this is probably to be explained by the fact that the vascular bundles of the first leaves are much better developed, there being two strands in the cotyledon and in the second leaf, and the leaf traces belonging to these are correspondingly broad and on fusing include at once a certain amount of the ground tissue, so that the stele appears tubular from the beginning. Botrychium virginuuiiim undoubtedly represents the most specialized type of the Ophioglossaceae, and the development of the cambium with a permanent secondary thickening of the wood is an evidence of a higher degree of specialization in the vascular system than is found in any other living Pteridophyte. While a very slight indication of this secondary thickening has been found in Ophioglossum, and I have also noted some slight traces of it in Helmmthostachys, there is never developed in these the genuine cambium ring, such as we find in Botrychium virginiarnim. In the development of the spiral protoxylem elements Helminthostachys differs from the other Ophioglossaceae and suggests the true ferns. In the early development of its vascular system there rare strong sugges- tions of some of the Marattiacea?, especially Kaulfussia and Dancea. The develop- ment of concentric bundles in the petiole in Helminthostachys and Botrychium also suggests the Marattiaceae. Assuming that the collateral bundle, which is typical of the stem in all of the Ophioglossaceae and occurs also throughout in Ophioglossum, is primary, the con- THE VOUNG SFOROI'Il^l !•: 83 centric bundles as they occur in the petiole ot Hcltnnithostacliys and liotrytliiutti must be considered as secondary. Fhe monarch root of Ophioglossum moluc- canum and the other members of the section Eiiophioglossum is to be considered as a relic of the primary condition where the single axial stele, as in the young spo- rophyte of O. moluccanum, had the single strand of practically uniform structure, extending through the leaf and root. The development (jf diarch roots, such as those of O. pt'iuliilinri and Botrvcliium, is probably also secondary and perhaps associated with the early development of the second leaf in these forms. The diarch root appears again in the young sporophyte of the Marattiaceae and is permanent in most of the leptosporangiate ferns. The roots of the larger species of Botryclutini and especially those of Helminfliostacliys, with their increased number of xylems, are undoubtedly secondary developments, perhaps associated with the large size of the roots; and we again find this same type developing in the Marattiaceae. In regard to this point, Helminthostachys is the most aberrant of the Ophioglossaceae and approaches nearest to the Marattiaceae. The leaf in the smaller species of Ophioglossum is probably a very primitive structure and the closed stipular sheath — which is not exclusively foliar in origin, but at first owes part of its tissue to that of the cortex of the root, from which the sporophyte arises — is probably an older structure than the strictly foliar, stipular sheaths in Botrychium and Helminthostachys. The simpler types of Botrychium, like B. simplex and B. hinaria, show a transitional condition between the closed sheath of Ophioglossum and the open sheath of B. virginiatnim, which may really be spoken of as composed of two stipules, in this respect recalling the Marattiaceae. Helminthostachys, in the development of the stipular sheath, agrees exactly with the simpler types of Botrychium. In these forms the sheath is hood-shaped, open- ing by a transverse slit in front and below, and the upper portion of the sheath is broken through when the inclosed leaf emerges, so that the two apparent stipules in Helminthostachys are really secondary, caused by a tearing of this hood-shaped sheath, and are not proper stipules as they are in Botrychium virginianum. The simpler and probably more primitive species of Botrychium, like B. simplex and B. luiiana, are obviously intermediate between Ophioglossum and the larger and more specialized species of Botrvchiutri. This is shown in the form and venation of the leaves, as well as in the character of their tissues. Instead of the pinnate venation found in the leaves of B. virginianum, these more primitive species show no midrib in the leaf, but the veins all radiate from the veins of the leaflet, dividing dichotomously, so that they are arranged in a fan-like fashion. Were the iiuls of the veins connected there would result a reticulate venation, exactly like that of Ophioglossum. These leaves, moreover, are fleshy in consistence and have stomata upon both sides, while in Botrychium virginianum and in Helminthostachys the stomata are restricted to the lower surface of the leaf In all of these particulars Ophioglossum and the simpler species of Botrvcliium are evidenrh' iimrc primitive than the other genera. In Botrychium virginianum, as we have seen, the c()t\ledon is extrauiilinarih developed, more so than that of any other Pteridophyte. Ihe contrast between this highly developed cotyledon and the very rudimentary one in Botrychium lunaria, where the yt)ung sporophyte passes several years under ground before the first green leaf emerges, is very striking. It is, however, to be assumed that the rudimentar\ condition of the leaves in Ophioglossum vulgatum and Botrychium lunaria is a secondary condition, connected with their long life under ground. Helminthostachys, on the whole, approaches more nearly to B. lunaria in its early stages of development than it does to B. viroinianum. This is shown in the 84 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES rudimentary condition of the cotyledon and in the venation of the first foHage leaf, which, although it has a ternate lamina, is quite rudimentary. We have already referred, however, to the rudimentary leaves of B. liiiiana, which also sometimes develop a very small ternate lamina. The venation of the first leaf in Hchnnithos- tachys also approaches the cyclopterid type found in the leaves oi B. hiiiana. The structure of the stele in the young stem also, after attaining the tubular form, is more like that of 5. lunaria than like that of 5. virgintanutti. On comparing the early stages of development of the ( )phioglossace2' and Marattiaceae we shall find that they have a good many points in common, which will be discussed more at length after we have described the structures of the latter. Ophioglossiim, as to the formation of the cotyledon, is very much like Kaiilfiissia, while Helmtnthostachys is more suggestive of Dancca. The stipular structures of the two families are unquestionably homologous and the entire conical stipular sheath, found in the lower members of the Ophioglossace:e, is probably an older type than the free stipules found in Botrychiiim virginianum and the Marattiaceae. In both the Ophioglossaceae and Marattiaceae the young sporophyte at first is made up almost entirely of leaf and root, and the whole vascular system is composed of the leaf traces with no proper cauline vascular tissues, so that one might almost say that the stem is made up entirely of the bases of the leaves, the dominance of the leaf being the most noteworthy feature in the morphology of these plants. On the whole, probably Helminthostachys most nearly resembles the Marattiaceae. This is true both of the character of the venation of the leaves, the structure of the root bundles, and the development of tannin cells in the young sporophyte. These tannin cells seem to be quite absent from the tissues of both OpJuoglossuni and Botrychium. THE ADULT SPOROPHYTE 85 IV. THK ADULT SPOROl'inTI,. The essential characteristics of the sporophyte are established while it is still quite small and the subsequent differences are mainly an increase in the size of the parts and finally the development of the spore-bearing structures which constitute the peculiar spike or sporangiophore so characteristic of these plants. As the structure of the tissues has been repeatedly studied and described, no attempt will be made here to take up a detailed study of these. The Ophioglossacea- in general, except for the rather elaborate vascular bundles ot the stem, especially in Botrychium, are marked by great simplicity in the structure of the tissues. The surface is usually smooth except in the younger plants, where there may be a development of scales and hairs, presumably for the protection of the young tissues of the stem apex. The hard hypodermal tissues and bands of sclerenchyma, so common in the leaves and stems of many ferns and developed to a less degree in the Marattiacea?, are practically entirely absent from the Ophio- glossacea;. Except for the vascular system of the stem the bundles are usually less developed than is common in the more highly differentiated ferns, this being especially the case in Op/uuglossiini, where the very delicate bundles forming the veins of the leaf run through the spongy green tissue of the leaf without causing any projecting veins at the surface. This condition is true also in the simpler types o( Botrychium and in the young leaves of Helminthostachys. The great bulk of the ground tissue in leaf, root, and stem is parenchyma. The development of periderm in the outer tissues of the stem is probably always associated with the leaf bases and serves, as we have seen, both to separate the dead leaf bases and to protect the scar thus left after the leaf has fallen away. The roots are characterized by the complete absence of root hairs. The outer- most layer of cells often has the walls much thickened and they mav show the reac- tion of cork. The bulk of the cortex of the root, however, is composed of unmodified parenchyma. The vascular cylinder in the root remains monarch in the section Eiwphioglossiim, but is diarch in the smaller roots oi Ophioderma and in the smaller species oi Botrychium, and ranges to hexarch in the larger roots oi Helminthostach\s. The roots, especially in the larger species, are thick and fleshy and as a rule branch sparingly and somewhat irregularly. In the section Euophioglossum no lateral roots are formed and branching is rare. When it does take place it is the result of a true dichotomy of the apex. The root, as in the youngest stages in the plant, grows almost always from a single tetrahedral apical cell, which is much alike in all the genera. The most characteristic feature of the Ophioglossaceae is the peculiar sporangial spike referred to. There is a certain correlation in the degree of development of this spike and the sterile leaf segment with which it is associated. The fertile leaves may arise very early in the history of the sporophyte. Bruchmann states that the first leaf to appear above ground in Botr\chium lutuiria is already a fertile one and in Ophioglossum vulgatum the second green leaf to be developed usually bears spores. This early development of the fertile leaf is probably an indication oi" the primitive nature ot these plants, as we must assume that the ancestral form must have at once developed a sporangial structure on the first leaf, or what corresponded to that in the embryo. In liatrychium luiuiria Bruchmann figures )oimg spore-bearing plants which are still connected with the prothalliuni. and |effie\ states that in B.ingiiii- anum he once found a fruiting plant with which the prothalliuni was still connected. 86 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES THE SPOROPHYTE OF OPHIOGLOSSUM. Of the three existing genera of the Ophioglossaceae, the genus Ophioglossum is much the largest and most widespread. The number of species, however, is very imperfectly understood, as there is great confusion in the nomenclature, owing to the inadequate study of the tropical species, of which the number is undoubtedly much greater than has generally been supposed. The smaller terrestrial species look very much alike and it is evident that collectors have often failed to discriminate among them. My attention was especially called to this while I was collecting ma- terial of Ophioglossum in Java, where there is evidently a considerable number of species. Raciborski (Raci- borski 1), who has described the Pteridophytes of this region, mentions only a single species as occurring in the neighborhood of Buitenzorg, where most of my collect- ing was done. But in that immediate neighborhood 1 collected at least three very distinct species, and two were collected at Tjibodas, some 4,000 feet above Buit- enzorg. Raciborski, however, mentions only a single species as occurring at Tjibodas. There is no doubt that a critical study of these plants from other regions where they abound will greatly increase the number of species to be recorded. The great majority of the species of Ophioglossum belong to the subgenus Euophioglossum, which should probably be separated completely from the very differ- ent forms which comprise the other subgenera. The species of Euophioglossum are all small or moderate- sized plants with undivided leaves which are generally lanceolate or broadly oval in outline and have the sporangial spike borne on a very long stalk attached to the sterile part of the leaf near the base of the lamina. These plants are always terrestrial, the leaves growing from an upright rhizome, which is sometimes a good deal enlarged, sometimes more slender in form. From the rhizome there extend numerous roots which are sometimes developed one for each leaf, but this is by no means always the case. The sporophyte oi Euophio- glossum seldom exceeds a height of 30 to 40 centime- ters and some of them are very much smaller (fig. 55, also plate 3). Except for their larger size the later leaves do not differ essentially from the primary leaf of the young sporophyte. The venation is always reticulate, usually without any definite midrib, although sometimes there is a central vein which is slightly stronger than the others. In many species, e. g., 0. moluccanum, O. vulga- tum, small branches ending blindly are found within the large meshes. In other species, e. g., O. lusitanicum, there are no free veins within the areoles. In many of the species but one leaf is formed each year, but in others, especially many of the tropical species, there may be as many as four or five formed in a F,G.55. Two specimens of Ophioglossum moluc- canum (Schlecht), slightly reduced. The larger one is the typical 0. moluccanum ; the smaller one is probably a second species. THE Ain I.T Sl'OROl'UVTE 87 single season. In O. vulgatum the development ot the leaf is very slow, the leaf remaining three years inclosed in the bud and emerging in the fourth season. So far as I know, no study has been made of the development of the leaves in those species of the temperate climates where more than one leaf is developed in the season, and it remains to be seen whether the leaves which unfold in the same season are of the same age or not. In the rapidly growing tropical species it is exceedingly unlikely that more than a few months are necessary for the complete development of the leaf, which unfolds as soon as it is mature, but nf) data are available on this subject. While the spike m Euopliiogloisiirii is usuall) inserted at the base of the sterile lamina it may be attached much further down. This is especially noticeable in the small species O. hcrgtanum, from South America (see Bower 9, page 435). In O. bergKinum the leaves do not show a clear separation into lamina and petiole and the spike is inserted close to the base ot the linear leaf, so that it appears to be an en- tirely distinct structure. In nearly all of the species of Euophioglossiim the later roots, like the primary ones, are monarch, but in O. bergunnim they are diarch. In most cases at least, as Holle (Holle 1) showed, only one root is formed for each leaf. This seems to be the case in O. moluccanum, which was investigated with some care. Ophioglossum pendulum (plate 4, B) is the best-known representative oi Ophio- derma, the second section of the genus. This differs a good deal in its general char- acters from the small terrestrial species of Euophioglossum. It is not uncommon throughout the eastern tropics, where it grows as an epiphyte upon the trunks and branches of various trees. The rough stems of certain tree ferns and some palm- like species of Phcenix form a favorite habitat for this fern in certain regions and, as we have pointed out in the study of the gametophyte, it is frequently found rooting in the masses of humus between the old leaf bases of some epiphytic ferns like Asplentiim nidus. 1 he stem, instead of being upright, is markedly dorsiventral, but is short, with the leaves crowded together near the end and all growing upon the dorsal side of the rhizome, as they do in Helminthostachys (fig. 63). The leaves are very much elongated and the ribbon-like lamina merges very gradually into the extremely stout petiole. These leaves in large specimens may reach a length of 1.5 meters, or even more, and the long, strap-shaped leaves hanging down from the boughs of the trees present a very characteristic appearance. In larger specimens it is not uncommon to find the lamina dividing dichotomously (see plate 4, B) and it is said that sometimes this dichotomy may extend to the petiole, in which case each segment of the leaf bears a separate spike. The venation of the leaf is reticulate, the veins inclosing long, narrow meshes with no free veins, and the venation thus resembles the type represented in Euophio- glossum by Ophioglossum lusitantcum. fhe larger plants always have several leaves which are expanded at the same time and growth goes on uninterruptedly, The leaves are crowded together and there is no evident internode between them, but it is clearly seen that they are arranged in two rows on the fianks of the short rhizome (fig. 63, A). The remains of the stipular sheaths surround the bases of the leaves and these sometimes present the appearance of two small stipule-like organs. As in Euophioglossum, adventitious buds are frequently formed upon the roots. As a rule they are not terminal, but lateral structures and probably do not differ essentially in their development from those of O. moluccanum. The rhizome is more or less buried in the humus and the roots ramify through this. I^ven in the very young plant the roots are branched and this branching Ih-coiik-s very marked in the larger N]-)()roph\ fe. There seems to be some difference 88 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES in the number of roots, but in most cases two were found connected with each leaf, instead of one as 1 stated in my earher description of the plant (Campbell 4). The roots are very stout, sometimes attaining a diameter of over 3 millimeters. The smaller roots are diarch, but in the large roots there may be three, four, or even five xylems. Ophioglossum poululiim is much the largest member of the Ophioglossaceae and the sporangial spike as well as the individual sporangia far exceeds in size those of any other species (plate 4, B, 3-6). The spike is attached by a short peduncle and hangs down from the pendent lamina. In large specimens the spike may reach a length of 20 centimeters or more with a breadth of about a centimeter. Above the insertion of the spike the leaf is thin, but the slender peduncle is continued downward into a thick, flattened midrib which merges gradually into the petiole, so that the spike has very much the appearance of being a terminal structure with the sterile lamina adherent to it. The young leaves in 0. pendulum emerge while they are still very young and the sporangial spike is in an extremely rudimentary condition The general devel- opment of the leaf is therefore very easy to follow in this species, as these young leaves are entirely free. The second species of the section Ophioderma is the rare O. intermedium (fig. 69; plate 4, A). This for a long time was known only from one locality in Borneo, but has lately been collected at other points in the Malayan region. The specimens figured were collected by the writer near Buitenzorg in Java. In the account of the Ophioglossaceae given in Engler and Prantl's "Natiirliche Pflanzen- familien" (Bitter 2) it is suggested that 0. intermedium is only a terrestrial form of O. pendulum; but there is no doubt at all that it is a very distinct species. The plants described here were growing in masses of humus at the base of old clumps of bamboo. The stem is usually very short, forming a small tuberous body, from which, in most cases, only a single leaf was growing, although two were sometimes found. A careful examination of this short rhizome showed that, like Ophioglossum pendu- lum, it is dorsiventral. The roots were short and in all cases observed were without branches. In one of the specimens a bud very similar indeed to the corresponding buds in 0. pendulum was found growing from one of the roots. Ophioglossum intermedium differs from O. pendulum in being rigidly upright. The peduncle is longer and the lamina of the leaf much smaller and more clearly differentiated from the petiole. As in O. pendulum, however, the petiole is prolonged into the peduncle of the spike with the same midrib-like thickening, caused by the coherence of the basal part of the peduncle with the lamina. This plant is exceedingly variable. In the larger specimens, except for the much shorter lamina, the plant a good deal resembles small specimens of O. pendulum. In others, however, the lamina is almost completely suppressed and this condition closely approaches the third member of this section, Ophioglossum simplex (fig. 71). This latter species is at present known only from one locality in Sumatra, and is dis- tinguished from all the other species of Ophioglossum by the practically complete suppression of the sterile portion of the leaf (see Bower 8). The form of the rhizome and the habit of the plant in O. simplex most nearly resemble 0. intermedium, to which it is probably not very distantly related. Whether or not we regard the absence of the lamina of the leaf as a case of reduction, the fertile leaf in 0. simplex certainly very closely resembles what one would assume to have been the primitive condition of the leaf in the ancestors of the Ophioglossaceae. The third .section, Cheiroglossa, contains a single very peculiar species, O. palniatum (plate 5). This occurs throughout tropical America, but does not seem to be a common plant. It has been reported from Florida, where, however, it is THE ADULT SPOROPHYTE 89 very rare. It has been collected in various parts of South America and in the West Indies, and apparently the same species is known also from the Island of Bourbon and from the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. The specimens from which the figures and descriptions given here were made were collected in the summer of 1908 in the Ulue Mountains of Jamaica, and were found in one jihice only, growing upon a rotten tree stump. The rhizome in Ophioglossitrn palmatiim is an almost globular tuber, which is radially constructed and in this respect resembles that of Kuopluoglossum more than that of OphtoJcrma. The leaf bases are covered with long brown hairs, which give a characteristic appearance to the rhizome. The roots are numerous and more slender than those of Ophioglossum pendulum. They are sparingly branched and the branching may have the appearance of a true dichotomy, but the material available did not allow of a critical investigation of this point. However, since in Euophtoglossum the branching of the roots is actually dichotomous, it is not impossible that the same may be true in Cheiroglossa. The smaller roots, as in O. prnduhim, are diarch and, as in all of the other forms, a niycorrhiza is developed in the cortical region. In sections of one of the largest roots available the bundle was triarch. 1 his root was rather young and the trachcary tissue was only partially lignified. The niycorrhiza was also less evident than in the smaller roots taken from a younger plant. Two young plants were found which probably had arisen from buds upon the roots of the older sporophyte. One of these is shown in figure 70, A. It had developed a single nearly lanceolate leaf very much like the early leaves of O. pe)idulum. A single root had developed near the base of the leaf and this was joined to the small globular rhizome. A second root could be seen above this, but whether this second root belonged to the leaf or was part of the root upon which the bud had arisen could not be determined. The older leaves may reach a length t)t 60 centimeters or more (plate 5). "1 hey are more or less deeply palmately cleft into narrow segments, which give the leaf a curious superficial resemblance to certain kelps, such as Laminana digitata. \ he base of the fan-shaped lamina is abruptly narrowed into a nearly cylindrical petiole, about ecjual in length to the lamina itself. The venation is rather of the type of (). viilgdt 11)11, having numbers of free veins in addition to the elongated closed meshes. In .some of the smaller leaves (plate 5, 3) there is present a single small median spike, which, like that of O. prnduhim, has a short peduncle, but it is inserted below the lamina, in this respect again being more like Euophioglossutn. In the larger leaves there are several sporangial spikes arranged in a series on either side of the petiole, usually below the insertion of the lamina, but sometimes some of them are inserted above the junction of the lamina and the petiole. Bower (Bower 9, page 436) has figured a series of specimens of this species showing the great variation in the number and arrangement of the spikes. He emphasizes the fact that although these spikes are apparently marginal, in reality they always ari.se from the adaxial side of the leaf. 1 ie shows that in this species also there mav be a branching of the individual spikes sinn'lar to that which occurs in Opliioglnssum prnduhim and less frecjuently ill ccirain species of Kuopluoglossum. IHK ANATOMY OF K UOPHIOGI.OSSIIM The stem aj^ex of the adult plant has been repeatedK studied in the witlespiead Opluoalussunt vulg/itum, hut thetc is little information in regard to this jioint in other species. From a somewhat careful txamination of (). mohutunum it is eviilent that this species agrees dosel}' with (). vulgntum, and a study by one of mj- students, 90 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES Mr. C. S. Morris, of this species and also ot a broad-leaved form from Ceylon, probably 0. reticulatum, showed that the same characters prevail in the species he examined as in 0. vulgatum. It therefore seems likely that all species of Euophio- glossum agree in the main in the structure of the stem apex and the development of their tissues. We have seen that in the young sporophyte the stem apex is completely inclosed in a small cavity formed by the hood-like stipular sheath of the youngest leaf. This condition, once established, is permanent (fig. 56) and there is no essential difference in the appearance of the stem apex between a young plant in which two or three 1 older sporophyte of phioglosium moluccanum, showing arrangement of n apex; sp, young sporophylls. D shows apical region more enlarged. leaves have been developed and the full-grown sporophyte. The stem apex is of limited extent, crowded in between the bases of the young leaves, and in O. moluc- canum the single apical cell is of the same form as that which was found in the early condition of the young bud; i. e., in longitudinal section it is four-sided, with a broad base and a narrower outer face. According to Holle (Holle 1), the apical cell in 0. vulgatum is pointed below; but Rostowzew (Rostowzew 2) in his figures shows the same form as the apical cell in O. moluccanum. It is not at all impossible, however, that both forms may occur, as in cross-sections the apical cell in O. mol- //rr///;//^« may be either three-sided or four-sided (figs. ^Q and 56, D). The apical THE ADULT SPOROPHYTE 91 cell in O. molurcanurti may rherefore be described as a three-sided or four-sided prism or a truncate pyramid. As in the young plant, the sripular sheath of each new leaf is formed mainly from the basal tissue of the leaf itself, but includes also tissue from the margin of the stem apex. The sheath is open above by a narrow pore through which it communicates with the space between it and the next stipular sheath. In O. moluccaniitn, as in (). vulgatiim, three leaves of different ages can generally be seen inclosed in the bud and sometimes the first indication of the fourth young leaf can Six of a scries of cross-sections from a sporophyte of Ophio^lossum molurcanum, j/>, young sporophy!!; x, stem apex. also be distinguished (fig. 56, C,D). A cross-section of the youngest sheath shows the pore as a minute opening, separated from the stem apex below by a very- narrow space. A careful study of the older stem gives no reason for assuming that the tissues of the very open reticulum forming the fibrovascular system of the rhizome is in any part due to additions from the apical tissue of the stem. Whether longitudinal or transverse sections are examined it is perfectly clear that the strands of this reticulum are made up entirely of leaf traces which can be readily followed into the young leaves or the tissue immediately below. The immediate apical region of the stem, as in the younger sporophyte, is unmodified parenchyma which adds onh' to the large central pith, if pith this can be called, as the separate bundles of which the vascular reticulum is composed run free for long distances through the ground tissue 92 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES of the Stem, which is identical in appearance in the cortical and the central regions. The bundle from each young leaf can be traced to a junction with a root stele and from this point of junction it extends through the ground tissue of the stem, running almost horizontally until it joins the trace from the next older leaf. In this way is built up the open, large-meshed vascular cylinder. So far as could be determined in O. moliiccaiiiitii only one root was formed for each leaf. The tissues of the root base are continued upward to connect with the young leaf and downward to join the stele from an older one. No endodermis can be detected in the bundles of the stem in O. vulgatuni and the same is true for 0. moliiccamtm, but in O. bcrgianum, 0. capense, and 0. ellip- iictim, according to Poirault (Poirault 2), both an inner and outer endodermis occur in the older part of the rhizome; these however, disappear in the younger region higher up. A transverse section of the mature rhi- zome (fig. 57) in Ophioglossum moluccanum shows the widely separated sections of the strands of the vascular cylinder as a circle of small collateral bundles without any endodermis, the mass of wood being in immediate contact with the thin-walled parenchyma of the ground tissue or sepa- rated from it at most by a single row of pericycle cells. In some of the smaller species the leaf traces are relatively broader and there is an approximation to the ring- shaped section presented by the cylindrical stele of Botrychium or Helminthostachys, and sometimes the same appearance may be approached in sections of the older rhizome which happen to pass through a region where there are numerous anastomoses of the bundles forming the reticulum (fig. 57, E). Kxcept for the vascular bundles, the tissue of the stem is made up almost ex- clusively of simple parenchyma. The de- velopment of periderm, which takes place to a limited extent in the outer region, is doubtless associated with the old leaf bases, as it is in Botr\chium. The leaf structure of £i/o/j/z/o^/oj-x//m is exceedingly simple. The mesophyll is made up of thin-walled green cells, practically uni- form throughout; and through this spongy mass of mesophyll the delicate veins pass without forming any projections at the surface. Both sides of the leaf are provided with a simple epidermis, stomata being developed on both sides of the leaf. In those species in which the leaf lies more or less horizontally, as it does, for example, in O. reticulatum , the stomata are less numerous upon the upper surface. The arrangement of the bundles in the petiole has been already studied in the commoner European species, O. vulgatuni and O. lusitmitcum. In all of the species belonging to the section Euophioglossum there is given off from the vascular system of the rhizome a single leaf trace, which divides at the ba.se of the leaf into two section of a sporophyte of Opiiioglo p;, older than the one shown in fig. 56. \ j ■;r<)Rorm 93 stiaiuls. I'.ach of tlusr stiaiuls ma\- ilividi-, oi onl\ <.iu- ol tlKin ( ti/jl>niitiirri (fig. 70), but tile structure dI rlic ])Lti()lL- is \ l 1 )• iiurIi like- that ot O. prnJuluNi and probably the same relation of the leaf bundles to the bundles of the rhizome obtain as in O. pendulum. The difference in the venation has already been pointed out and the leaves differ also from those of 0. pcnduluru in the fact that stomata are developed only upon the lower side. A feature of this species is the presence at the base of the leaves of very conspicuous multicellular branching hairs, (juite different from those found in any other species of Op/iioglossum (fig. 70, C). I find that the cells are much more elongated in my specimens than those figured in the account of the ( )phioglossace.-i' given in the Naturliche Pflaii/enfamilien.* iiiK si'okoi'iniK OK Korm-ciiu.M. There is much the same uncertaint\- as to the iiumlnr of s|Hcics iA' Butix, linnii that there is in Opiuoglossum. Some of the species are e.xceedingl)- variable and their limits are difficult to determine. Bitter, in his account of the Ophioglossace;c in Engler and Prantl's "Naturliche Pflanzenfamilien," states that there are sixteen species. Underwood (Underwood 1) says "about thirty," of which fifteen occur in the United States. Christensen in his Inde.x Filicum recognizes thirty-four species Many of the species are very widespread, being most abundant in the North Temperate Zone. According to Christ (Christ I), B. lunarta is not only widespread throughout the colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere, but occurs again in the corresponding regions of the Southern Hemisphere, having been reported from Pat- agonia, southern Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. A few species occur in the mountain regions of the tropics; thus B. laiuiginosum is not uncommon in the highlands of Ceylon, where I collected it at an altitude of about 7,000 feet. The simplest member of the genus is Botrycluum simplex, a very variable species occurring at various places in Noith America, northern Asia, and Kurope. Its smaller forms closely resemble a small Opliioglossutii (fig. J2,A, B), except that the sporangia are more distinct. From this primitive type, obviously not very remote from Opiuoglossum, there is an interesting series of forms leading up to the large species like B. virgiiiiatuim and B. silatfohum. This latter species, which grows in the mountains of western North America, is perhaps the largest of the genus (plate 7). The plant is sometimes 2 feet high, the leaf nearh' a foot in width. and the very large panicle of sporangia 6 inches 01 more in length. In the evolution of the leaf in Botrvrlinnu, xhv sjiorangiophort' shows a devel- opment parallel with that of the sterile leaf. In the forms of B. simplex, lia\ing an entirely undivided sterile lamina, the sporangiophore has the form of a simple spike with a single row of large sessile sporangia on either side (fig. 72, J) and very closely resembles a small Opiuoglossum. As the sterile leaf segment becomes more and more dissected, there is a corresponding branching of the sporangiophore which, • Prc.frssor Biiwrr. at the last meeting of the British .Association for the .Advanci-incnt of Science, read a paper on the Anatomy of Ophiogloaum pulmaiuiii. This has not yet been published, but Professor Bower has kindly furnished me with an abstract of his paper from which the following extract is quoted. "It was thought probable that 0. palmaium (the only spiiies .>( Mction (./le/Vojj/ojju) would share with the species named (i.e., the species of Ofiluoderma) the character of a d\\\A- 1 1 1 ii 1 1 i, , in,l material collected in Jamaica has shown that it docs. The axis is much distended by parenchymatcn; i nili and cortex, and as a consequence the meshes of the stele arc transversely widened. From their ni.ir l : i ; ■ m ' li ti, hut not quite simultaneously, arise two strap-shaped strands, which are thus widely apart in their on;;ni. .\:ui ui .luibion into numerous smaller strands, these range themselves into two fan-like semicircles, which spread till tlicir margins meet, forming the circle of strands of the petiole. A remarkable feature of the stock is the intrusion of roots into the bulky pitli; this is especially obvious towards the base, where they pass out as thick mycorrhizic roots." This behavior of the roots recalls that of the Ma 100 THE OPHIOGLOSSALES in the large forms of B. virginianum and B. sUaifoliiim, forms a large panicle 15 centimeters or more in length and bears many hundred sporangia. Two types of leaf division may be noted, a pinnate form represented by 5. lunaria and its allies, which are sometimes separated as a special genus Eiihotrychiiim, and a ternate division which is found in all of the larger species. These larger species form a second section, Phyllotrichinm. A third genus, OsmunJopteris, has been proposed to include Botrychium virginianum and its allies. In most of the species of Botrychium Ophioglosmm simplex Ridley (after Bower). The fertile leaf has no sterile lamina. Fig. ^z.■ — (A-D, after Luerssen.) A, B. Botrychium simplex Hitchcock. C,iS. ternatum S D, B. lunaria (L.) Swz. E, B. virginianum (L.) Swz. PHE ADULT SPOROPHYTE 101 the tcxnuc (if the katis soft and Hcsh}-, like that of Opiiioglossum, hut in li.virgini- niiutn it is thin and niemlManaceous, hkc that of many true ferns. In B. limartn (fig. 72, D) the venation comes nearer to that of Ophinglossum than is the case in the larger species. The fan-shaped leaflets have no midrib and the veins branch dichotomously from the base of leaf, radiating from this point in the manner de- scribed as "cyclopterid." In the larger species the leaflets have a distinct midrib E.G. 73. A. Rhizome of a strong plant of Botrychium virginianum. Xi. The base of the expanded le; B. Section of the terminal bud. j(, stem apex, i, n, 111, the three youngest leaves. X2.66. C. Section of petiole, enlarged. D. Section of rhizome; p.pith; m, medullary rays; jr.xylem; f A, phloem; c, cambium; iA,endode A-G. A series of sections of the sporophyll of Botrychium la, .ugSnosum \\z position. Csi-cticmof pedunck-. H. Section of the petiole of the cotyledon of B. virg^inianum. i , !, lacuna:. and the forking veins are attached to this laterally (fig. 72, E). The type of B. lunaria is withriuli/lirn Julian (hg. 64, K) resembles that of 0. moluc- canum, except that all the parts are much larger. Ihe apex of the young sporangio- phore appears upon the adaxial side of the very broadly conical young sporophyll. Bruchmann's studies on Botrxchium lunaria indicate that in this species the separation of the fertile and sterile segments of the sporophyll is the result of a diciiotomv of the apex of the sporophvli at a very early stage in its development. in Opluoolosstim ic ha\e not been A. Young sporophyll of Ophiogloimm prmliilum. sp, llic sporangiopliorc B. An older sporophyll. Xi. C. A still older stage, showing venation of lamina. D. Base of a full-grown sporangiophore. K. Sporophyll with rudimentary lamina, /. The sporoph}ll, however, is larger at this time than is the case moluccamtni (Bruchmann 2, fig. 57). The earliest stages in the development of the sporangioph( studied in Hclninithostachys. Bower says (Bower 9, page 455): "The origin unlike. It appe; frond, and it is downward." In the latter respect it might ver\- well be compared to the stronglv bent-ovi sporangiophore of Botrychiiini virgiiiiaiiinn. )f it is similiar (i. e., to Ophtoglossum) and its early stages not rs at first as an outgrowth on the adaxial side of the sterile urved over while youn ll-. 113 nnlwstaclixs. I'lin.iiuli the kiiuiiKss of Prof. 1,. L. Biulingame 1 havi- also had soiiif of his |->ie|iaiations ot OpIiKJi^lossitm nin iil/iturn and an opportunity to exanmu- Helmtnthostach ys. An examination of hotli lonijitiidinal and cross sections ot the \()un, ventral canal cell ; o, egg; m, mantle celli. is sometimes unmistakably a true dichotomy, but again it seems to be adventi- tious. In one large prothallium of £). jamaicensis of very irregular form, four groups of archegonia were present, widely separated from each other. It could not be cer- tainly determined whether these arose from a repeated forking of the original apex or whether one or more of them was of adventitious origin (fig. 91, C). The ape.x of the prothallium in the younger stages is usually uuknted by a sinus, but in the older ones the heart shape is almost completely lost and the apex may even project as a rounded protuberance, bearing the archegonia upon its lower surface, or it may be fan-shaped, with little or no indentation at the growing point. The prothallium is the usual dark-green color found in the other Marattiacea?, but as we have seen is rather more delicate in texture. Of the three species examined, Dana-a elUptica resembles more nearly the prothallia of the other Marat- tiaceae in the thickness of the central portion, which may show from eight to ten 12: layers of cells, ihe form aiul division of" the apical cells is exactly the same as in the other Marattiacea-. Stiff brown rhizoids are developed upon the lower surface and are mainly confined to the midrib, over which they may be evenly distributed, or there may be certain regions of considerable extent which are quite destitute of them. The rhizoids in all the species which have yet been examined are truly multicellular, as was correctly shown by Brebner to be the case in D. simpliclfolia. The nuclei are not very large, but can be readily demonstrated. The distribution of the reproductive organs is not always the same. Apparently the usual course of development is present here, the antheridia appearing first upon the lower side of the midrib and the adjacent points of the prothallium; later, nearer the apex and upon the lower side, the archegonia arise. Sometimes, how- ever, as in the other forms, there is a more or less marked tendency to dicecism and some of the smaller prothallia seem to bear only archegonia or antheridia, and it is common to find antheridia developing exclusively upon the lateral lobes, which A. Section of a >(>ung prothallium, showing (\vi. B-E. Longitudinal sections of antheridia. F-H. Transverse sections. G, H are surface views showing the oper< nUr crli. in. iii.intlr trlU. \ iSo. I. Cell from interior of prothallium, showing the endophvte. apparently never produce archegonia at all. Antheridia may also occur upon the upper surface, but this is not common, and in no cases were archegonia seen except upon the lower surface of the midrib. The reproductive organs are sonutimes found in great numbers upon the older prothallia, the whole lower surface of the midrib being beset with archegonia. Quite as often, however, extensive areas along the midrib are quite sterile and the archcgoni;i thus appear in |iatches, sepaiattd h\ sterile intervals. IHK KNDOl'HYIK () rattiaceae that I havt \I,\K \ In all of the Marattiaceae that I have studied, an nulopln tic fungus \ei\ niucli like that which occurs in the prothallium of the ()phioglossace;e has been found occupying the central cells of the prothallium in nearly all cases. The endoph\ te which infests the green prothallium of the Marattiaceae, when compared with that found in the strictly saprophytic prothallia of the Ophioglossaceae, shows some differences which are probably not without significance. The structure of the myce- 128 THE MARATTIALES Hum and its general behavior are so much hke the form which occurs in Ophio- glossum as to leave little room for doubt that the two forms are either identical or very closely related. The conidia (fig. g6, /), while occurring in the Marattiaceae, are perhaps less frequent, but in form and structure are much like those of the endophyte of Botrychnim. The most noticeable difference is the absence of the digestive cells, i. e., those that contain the varicose swollen mycelium. No evidences were found in the Marattiaceae of the destruction of the fungus by the cells of the host and it is likely that the endophyte in these green prothallia is more nearly a true parasite than is the case in the saprophytic gametophytes of the Ophio- glossaceae. In the infested cells of the green gametophyte the starch and chroma- tophores are destroyed by the action of the endophyte, but the nucleus of the cell remains intact. THE SEXUAL ORGANS. THE ANTHERIDIUM. The development of the antheridium, except for the details t)f spermatogenesis, was correctly described by Luerssen and Jonkmann for Marattia and Jngioptcn's. The other genera agree closely with these in the essential structure of the antherid- ium. The development of the antheridium in the Marattiaceae agrees very closely indeed with that of Ophioglossuni. Fig. 97.— Developm A. Section of prothallium, bearing antheridia on both surfaces. X8o. B-H. Longitudinal sections. X300. E-H, D. elllplica; the others, D. jamaicemis. The mother cell of the antheridium, as in Op/iioglossmn, divides first by a periclinal wall into an outer cell, the primary cover cell, and an inner one, from which the mass of spermatocytes is developed (figs. 96, 97). The mother cell of the anther- idium shows much the same variation in form as that of Ophioglossum, sometimes being relatively broad and shallow and at other times deeper and narrower (fig. 96, B, C). The first division in the inner cell is usually transverse, but in the broader type of antheridium this first wall may be longitudinal. The primary wall is followed by a second one at right angles to it and the four cells thus formed are again divided so that there result eight nearly equal cells. The first wall occasionally is somewhat oblique, but even in such cases the regular quadrant and octant walls arise at right I III i.AMi.iorii^i I 12V angles to till- |iiimai\ iluision wall. I lif ni-\r (livisii)iis an-, iisuall) at kast, anti- clinals (fig. 97, (7), but before long the periclinal walls also are developed and sub- sequent divisions do not show any recognizable regularity in their sequence; there seems to be a good deal of variation in this respect, even in the same species. 1 he number of cells ultimately formed varies a good deal, but the number of spermato- cytes finally developed is probably never so great as that found in some of the C)phioglossace;f. Ktiulfitssia, both in the si/.e of the antheridium and that of the spermatozoids, approaches nearest to Ophioglossiuti. The number of sperinat(r/.oids ma\ reach several hundred, fifty or more being visible in a single section of a large antheridium, and nearly or (|uite as many may sometimes lie found in Dantra, where, however, the spermatozoitls are much smaller than in K (iiilfussKi. Ill the cover cill the divisions are all anticlinal and iKiri/oiual sections or surface views show that the successive walls are arranged spiialK in a way suggesting the segmentation of a time-sided apical cell. 'i"he last-foinud wall cuts out a small, nearly triangular cell, the opercular cell (fig. 95 D, E. <>). In most cases, at least. this opercular cell is thrown off when the antheridium opens, leaving a small aperture through which the spermatozoids are ejected. Surrounding the mass of spermatocytes is a layer of mantle cells cutoff from the adjacent cells of the prothal- lium. These mantle cells, at the time of the opening of the antheridium. become very much distended and project strongly into the cavity of the empty antheridium (fig. 100, /?, til). They no doubt play an important part in the dehiscence of the ripe antheridium. Sl'KKM VroCENESIS. (Plate 2, figs 58-44.) ()t the i\larattiace;e, Kaulfiissia is the most satisfactory for studying the details ot spermatogenesis, owing to the much larger size of the spermatozoid. The development of the spermatozoids agrees very closely in its details with that of Opiiioglossuni. If the spermatocyte is examined just before the final division the two blephaioplasts can be seen and the division of the cell into the two spermatoc\tes proceeds very much as in Opliioglossiini. After the final division the nucleus of the spermatocyte appears coarsely granular and, as in other cases, no nucleolus can be seen. In favorable cases the blepharoplast is visible as a round body, stained 9 130 IHE MARATTIALK! rather stiongly and lying near the nucleus. 1 he blepharoplast soon takes on the curved form and becomes much extended and the cilia begin to develop from it before the nucleus has materially changed its shape. The nucleus now becomes slightly pointed at one end and begins to stretch out so as U) appear somewhat crescent-shaped, very much as in Ophioglossuni and as it does in other ferns that have been described. With this change in the form of the nucleus, the blepharoplast becomes still more elongated and strongly colored and the cilia increase in length. The nucleus of the spermatozoid in Kaulfiissia is less elongated than is usual in the ferns, and in this respect, as well as in its larger size, it more nearly resembles Ophioglossuni than it does the other Marattiaceje. The granular appearance of the nucleus is maintained until the spermatozoid is almost fully developed, when there seems to be a fusion of the chromosomes so that it appears almost homogeneous; this is accompanied by a noticeable diminution in the size of the nucleus. The nucleus occupies only the large posterior coil of the spermatozoid, while the anterior portion, which shows about two coils, is composed of the blepharoplast with probably a certain amount of other cytoplasmic matter. Fig. ioo. A. Cross-section of a ripe anthcridium of D. jamaicensii. B. Cross-section of an empty antheridium ; m, mantle cells. C-D. Surface views, showing opercular cell. All figures X 350. In Marattia and Angiopteris (plate 2, fig. 44) the nucleus of the spermatocyte becomes much more extended and the whole spermatozoid is more slender than in Kaiilfussia. Indeed there is very little difference between the appearance of the spermatozoids of Angiopteris and Marattia and those of the typical leptosporangiate ferns. Some observations were made also upon Dancea, in which the spermatozoid is somewhat intermediate in character between that o{ Angiopteris and Kaulfussta (plate 2, figs. 42, 43). In size the spermatozoids are more like those ot Angiopteris, but the nucleus is much less elongated and the general form of the spermatozoids is more like that of Kaulfussia. THE ARCHEGONU'M. The archegonium in the Marattiaceae, like the antheridium, very much resembles that of Ophioglossuni, but the neck of the archegonium is even less developed than in the latter. Jonkmann ( Jonkmann I) has given a fairly complete account of the development in Marattia and Angiopteris, and Farmer (Farmer 1) has described and figured the archegonium of the latter genus. Usually, at least, the archegonium is developed only upon the cushion of tissue back of the apex, the young archegonia arising in acropetal succession. Jonkmann THE t.AMI 131 States, liowcvci, that lie lias tniintl tluiii a Hum, but noiu- of the specimens 1 have cell of the young archegoniimi is scarce! antheiidium and like it is first divided In and an inner cell, the latter usuall}, init central and a hnsal cell (figs. lOi loj), as Iso upon the uppii suit.ice ot the piothal- ixamined have shown this. The mothei V disringuishahle in form from the \oung a jHiiclinal wall into an outer lovei- cell nor always, divided suhsi(|ui nrly into a in O/'/iioglossinn and in the t\ jiical ferns. Sometimes the mothei cell of the archegonium is seen in tians\erse section to have been cut out veiy nuich as the axial low of cells arises in the archegonium of the Hepaticiv. Ihere seems no question that the so-called mother cill of the archego- nium in all the ferns is really homologous onl\ \\uh rhi axial vow of cells of rhi- 'fi rthe opm br\-ophyte archegonium, the four rows of neck cell of the terminal cap cell of the liverwort archegoniu The inner of the two primary cells, as we have alreach statid, ma\ havi' a basal cell cut off from it before the further divisions arise, by which the egg cell and the canal cells are divided. I'he neck canal cell is very broad and may become divided into two cells, but usually the division is confined to the nucleus, which probabi)' divides in all cases. 1 he ventral canal cell cut off in the usual fashion from the egg is, with the exception of Datura, very large and conspicuous, thus differing from \Tc\\r^on\A o{ Angiofiterii. X275. 6, ba Ophioglossum, where the ventral canal cell is so difficult to demonstrate; bur in Datura there is the same imperfect development ot the ventral canal cell that is found in Ophioglossutri. As the archegonium approaches maturity a layer ot mantle cells, much like those which surround the antheridium, is cut off from the tissue surrounding the venter of the archegonium. The archegonia of Marattia douglasii are confined to the lower side of the midrib and begin to form at some distance back of the grow- ing point; so tar as can be determined, any superficial cell of the apical meristem can develop into an archegonium. The mother cell divides, as we have seen, into three superimposed cells, of which the lowest, /;, usually divides later by vertical walls, and forms the base of the archegonium. From the central one, b\- transverse divisions, are formed the canal cells and egg, and from the uppermost the neck. Compared with the typical ferns, the most striking differences are the short neck and the very broad canal cells. The cover cell undergoes division into four, by two intersecting vertical walls, as in Ophioglossutri, and each of these four cells then undergoes division by nearly horizontal walls, but the cells remain short, so that the neck projects very little and there are only three or four cells in each row; occasionally there may be only two. Jonkmann states that, as a rule, two of the rows of the neck contain three cells and two contain tour, but that there may occa- sionally be as many as five. The neck canal cell often shows a trace of a division and there ma\- he an :ictual division w:ill t'ormed (fig. loi, D), hut in Marattia douglasii 132 THK MARATTIALES this is not ordinarily the case. In one instance in this species I observed a division by a vertical wall, so that two neck canal cells were formed, placed side by side, in a way recalling very strongly the division of the neck canal cell described by Jeffrey in certain species of Equisetnm (Jeffrey 2). The central cell is divided again by a hori- zontal wall into two nearly equal cells, the lower one being the egg, the upper one the ventral canal cell. The mature egg is nearly elliptical in form, the upper third being almost homogeneous and quite colorless, forming the so-called receptive spot. The nucleus is of moderate size and does not stain very strongly. The archegonium of Augiopteris closely resembles that of Marattia, but is perhaps somewhat narrower (fig- loi). Jonkmann figures the archegonium ot M. ficittafolia, which shows that this species also is, in the relative size of the canal and neck cells, very much like Angi- opteris. Farmer thought that a basal cell was usually, if not always, present, and my own studies tend to confirm this. Archegonia of Kmill , neck canal cell. In Kaulfussia (fig. 102) the archegonia form, as a rule, only after the antheridia have ceased to develop. Compared with the other Marattiaceae they are decidedly large, and in this respect Kaulfussia approaches Ophioglossum. Like the mother cell of the antheridium, there is a good deal of variation in the width of the young archegonium in Kaulfussia. Some of the narrower types recall the archegonium of Anthoceros and emphasize the resemblances between the archegonium of the Anthocerotaceae and the eusporangiate ferns. The neck of the archegonium is very short, each of the four original neck cells often dividing only once, so that there may be but two cells to each of the four rows. More commonly, however, there is a second division in some of the cells, so that each row consists of three cells. The nucleus of the broad neck canal cell probably always divides, but the number of available specimens was too small to decide whether or not there is ever formed a division wall between these, although it is not at all unlikely that this may occur. The ventral canal cell is conspicuous and equals its sister cell, the egg, in breadth. In the peripheral portion of all the axial cells of the archegonium there are many small granules of starch. Jonkmann figures similar starch granules in both Marattia and Angiopteris. THE GAMETOPHYTE 133 Ihe archegonium in Danaa, while resembling that of the other Marattiaceae, in its position and early development shows some marked differences, the signifi- cance of which is not quite clear. The division of the mother cell into the primary neck cell and the central cell follows in the same way as in the other forms, but the inner cell, usually at least, does not have a basal cell separated from it, but develops at once into the egg cell and canal cells. The absence of the basal cell is by no means unknown, however, among the other Marattiaceic. The primary neck cell gives rise to the usual four cells, each of which divides into three or four, and exception- ally into five. There is a marked elongation of the inner cell before its separation into the central cell and the neck canal cell (fig. 103, D). Up to this point there is nothing peculiar in the development of the archegonium in Danaa, but while in most of the other Marattiaceae a conspicuous ventral canal cell is formed, its sister cell being the egg, in Datura the formation of a definite ventral canal cell couKl nor be satisfactorily demonstrated. In a number of cases (fig. 10^; phue i, fio. 4S) ;i siikiII nucleu.s-like body could be seen in a large, clear space just above the somewhat contracted mass of protoplasm, with its laiue and conspicuous nucleus, which constitutes the egg cell; but this ventral canal cell nucleus, if such it is, is very different in appearance from the large and conspicuous one found in the other Marattiaceae, and in the absence of anv division stages its nuclear nature must for the present remain somewhat doubtful. There is somewhat the same uncertainty in regard to the primary division of the neck canal cell. This possesses a large and conspicuous nucleus which in large and apparently mature archegonia was still undivided. In a few cases a division of the protoplasm in the neck cells was observed; in other cases, without any such division. 134 THE MARATTIAI.KS a second body ot rather indefinite outline and staining much less strongly than the lower nucleus could be made out; but up to the present time I have not been able to satisfy myself that the division of the neck canal cell nucleus, which always occurs in the other Marattiaceae, takes place here. The very uncertain nature of the ventral canal cell recalls strongly the condition of affairs in Ophioglossum, where it is equally difficult to demonstrate satisfactorily the presence of a true ventral canal cell. FERTILIZ.^TION. It has not been possible to follow in detail the process of fertilization in the Marattiaceae, but several stages were found in preparations of Marattta douglasii. The entrance of the spermatozoid into the archegonium was not seen, but in a number of cases the material had been killed immediately after, and twice spermato- zoids were found which had penetrated into the egg. In these cases the spermato- zoid was quite unchanged in form, but had not yet entered the nucleus itself. One case was observed where there were apparently two nuclei in close contact, but the egg nucleus was much contracted and it is doubtful whether this was really a normal appearance. It is probable that the details of fertilization are quite similar to those observed in other ferns. 135 11. rilK LMHRYO. The study of the embryogeny of the Marattiaceae offers many difficulties. Fertilization does not seem to be of common occurrence and a very large number of prothallia must be examined before even a small series of embryos can be secured; moreover, the earlier stages of the embryo are peculiarly liable to shrinkage in preparing them for sectioning and it is exceedingly difficult to secure really satis- factory preparations of these early stages. A marked peculiarity of the young sporophyte, which was first shown by Luers- sen and Jonkmann for Marattia and Aiigiopteris, is the orientaticjn of the primary organs of the young sporophyte with reference to the archegonium. The primary or basal wall in the embryo is always transverse, as it usually is in Ophioglossum, instead of being vertical as in most of the typical ferns. The first leaf, instead of being formed from the portion of the embryo nearest the archegonium, as it is in the common ferns, arises from the half of the embryo which is turned awa\' from the archegonium, and grows straight upward, bursting through the prothallium u|)on its upper surface, instead of appearing upon the lower side of the prothallium and curving upward. Ihe external organs of the young sporophyte are dificrentiated A. Two iongitudii B. A similar sectif C. Three transver 1 sections of a young embryo, t i, basal wall. X200. of an older embryo, cor, cotyledori; r, root initial. sections of a much older embryo, showing junction of the two first much later than is the case in the Leptosporangiates, and the Marattiaceae in this respect closely approach the Ophioglossaceae. It has been generally assumed that, as in the leptosporangiate ferns, the cotyle- don and stem are of epibasal origin, the root and foot hypobasal. This conclusion was reached by both Jonkmann and Farmer, and my early studies on Marattia douglasii led me to the same conclusion. A further study of this species, however, as well as an examination of the embryos of Angiopteris, Kaidftissia, and Datura, has shown that this is not the case, but that the whole of the hypobasal region is devoted to the formation of the foot, and the root is developed secondarily from the epibasal region, from which are also derived the stem apex and the cotyledon. While in the typical ferns the young organs of the embryo at a very early stage show a definite apical growth, the apical cells being readily traceable to the primary- octants of the embryo, this is by no means so readily shown in the Marattiace;e. In the later stages, such initial cells can be seen in the root and stem at least, but the relation of thesi' initial ceils of rhe root and stem to the earl\- tli\isions of the embr\() is ver\- difficult to (len-rminc In M.dniiclasn (Caniiihell .? ) I .tatiti rhat there 136 THE MARATTIALES was probably a single initial in the stem and in the primary root, and Farmer also thought that a single root initial was always present in Angiopterts, but concluded that such an initial cell was not present in the stem of the young sporophyte. Breb- ner (Brebner 2) says that in Dancea simplictfolia such a single initial cell seemed to be always present in the stem, and my studies on Angiopteris, Kaiilfussia, and Dancsa indicate that a single initial is developed at an early period in the stem apex and persists until the sporophyte has developed several leaves. Before any division occurs in the embryo the fertilized cell increases markedh in size, after which there is formed the horizontal basal wall (figs. io6, 109, Ij b). This is probably followed at once by the median wall (except in Dancea), so that the embryo at this stage is divided into four approximately equal quadrants (see Jonk- mann 3, fig. 9). The genus Daiicea, at least this is true for D. jamaiceiisis and D. eUiptica, differs in the early divisions of the embryo from the other Marattiaceae. The egg cell after fertilization elongates in a way which closely resembles that found in Botrychium ohUquum (Lyon 1). The primary hypobasal cell either divides no further or only once and forms a short suspensor, so that all the organs of the young embryo, including the foot, are really of epibasal origin. As \'et no trace of such a suspensor has been found in the other Marattiaceae. THE EMBRYO OE MARATTLA. Luerssen (Luerssen 2) found the one-celled embryo and young plants of Marattia cirutwfoUa, but was not able to procure the older embryos. The writer (Campbell 3) succeeded in procuring several stages of the embryo in Murtittia douglasii, and somewhat later Luerssen described and figured some of the earlier stages in M. fraxinea and M. wettimantiKrfolia. These, so far as 1 am aware, complete the list of records upon the embryo o{ Marattia. The fertilized ovum in Marattia doHglasii becomes much enlarged before it divides and completely fills the venter of the archegonium. The granular contents of the egg cell become evenly distributed without any apparent increase in quantity as the fertilized ovum grows, so that the one-cell embryo contains comparativel\- little granular contents, but the nucleus is very conspicuous. At the time of the first division the young embryo is almost perfectly globular in form. I was unable to find the stages immediately following this, but jonkmann has figured an eight- cell embryo of M. fraxinea (see Jonkmann 3, fig. 9). The basal wall is transverse and this is followed successively by the median and transverse walls, so that the globular embryo is divided into approximately equal octants. From the hypobasal half, which is nearest the archegonium, there is developed the foot alone, while all of the other organs arise from the epibasal portion, which is turned away from the archegonium. The youngest embryo (except the one-celled stage) which I found in M. douglasii, is shown in fig. 106, A. This is about the same stage as the one shown in Jonkmann's figs. 11 and 13. Unfortunately this embryo was rather badly shrunken in the process of embedding and the division walls were a good deal distorted, so that it is rather hard to determine exactly their correct relation to each other; but probably the wall h h represents the basal wall and m the median wall. The embryo has now lost its original globular form and become oval, the long axis lying transversely. The secondary divisions in the octants are mostly anticlinals, and the first periclinals have just appeared in a few of the cells. Figure 106, A, shows two consecutive median sections. It will be seen that cell division is more active in the epibasal portion than in the hypobasal region. PHI •MI1K'|( 13: In my original snid\- <>{' Murattni I t'dncliidtd that the- primary divisions n-sulted in the estabhshmcnt of the organs of the voiing sporophyte in a manner similar to that in the l>ept()sporangiat:c, i. e., that the stem and leaf were derived from the epibasal (]nadrant, the root and foot from the hypobasal ones. Farmer thought that this was true for Angiopteris and Jonkmann assumes that it is the case also in Marattia. A fuither study of my preparations, however, has led me to believe that the whole of the hypobasal region is devoted to the foot, while the root, together with the leaf and stem apex, are of epibasal origin. A large cell (hg \ob,A) occupies approximately the same position as the stem apex in the older embryo and it is possible that this may be the apical cell of the stem, but in the absence of the inter- mediate stages this can not be positively asserted. For a long time the embryo retains the oval form and there is scarcely any sign of the young organs of the sporophyte which in the leptosporangiate ferns are so early manifest; indeed, Jonkmann states that there is no differentiation at all, but a careful study of the older embryo shows unmistakable indications of the definitive organs. The devel- opment of the tissue in the epibasal region is not uniform, but somewhat to one side of the center (fig. io6, B) there may be seen a group of columnar superficial cells, which mark the position of the future growing point of the stem. Wlurher one of these supeificial cells is the definitive apical cell it is impossible to determine, but from a compari.son with the older stages, as well as with )rresponding stages of the embryo ) in the oti hi ■, at least, tha and perhajis this traceil back to tl cell noted in the \()imt£e genera. t seems pro this is the c; nitial cell ma\ centralh' pla v<). ba- in b considerable portion of the epibasal tissue is not uicUuleil ui the men- stematic region, winch is tleiued mainly, at least, from only one of the original epibasal quadrants. The tissue adjacent to this meristematic region is made up of large cells with less dense contents and smaller nuclei and differs in no way from the large cells of the foot, into which this tissue insensibly merges and of which it may be said to constitute a part. In the embryo figured, it was not quite certain whether the root apex had begun to form or not. It seems probable that the cell r is really the apical cell of the young root, but except for its position it was not noticeably different from the cells adjacent; however, as in Angiopteris and Datura there is no question that the root originates in this position, it is probable that this cell is really the initial for the young root and is cut out from the base of the epibasal tissue near its junction with the foot. This marked endogenous formation of the root is very much like that in the embryo of Opliiogloisiini nioliiicauiini, but differs entirely fVom the superficial origin of the apical cell of the root in the embryo of the Leptosporangiates. The stem apex in the older emhr\(> is of very limited extent, consisting of onl\- a few cells, of which one, as we have said, is probably the definite apical cell, although it must be said that this point is very difficult to decide, as all of the central cells of this apical group look a good deal alike, but a careful study of both transverse and longitudinal sections seems to point to one of these as the apical cell, which in shape is a good deal like that in the stem apex of Ophioglossum. In longitudinal 138 THE MARATTIALE5 sections this is somewhat wedge-shaped, the narrow end turned outward and the broad base below. In cross-section this cell is nearly square in shape (fig. 107, A, x) and there may be seen a fairly regular series of four segments cut from the lateral faces. From the broad truncate base of the cell, segments are also cut off which contribute to the inner tissue of the stem.* Much the greater part of the epibasal meristem contributes to the cotyledon, which is soon evident as a broadly conical protuberance, somewhat flattened on the side adjacent to the stem apex and merging gradually on the outer side into the large- celled tissue which adjoins the foot. To judge from the limited number of young embryos which I could examine, it seems that the growth of the cotyledon is not due to the activity of a single apical cell, but this point was somewhat uncertain. By the time that the cotyledon is established, growth has progressed in the young root, which now is seen to have a conspicuous apical cell, which divides rapidly so that the root quickly elongates in a direction opposite to that of the cotyledon (fig. 108). The apical cell of the primary root in M. douglasii is not triangular in outline, but more or less quadrilateral, whether seen in longitudinal or cross sections (fig. 107, B). In form and segmentation it perhaps more nearly resembles that of Daiura than it does the tetrahedral apical cell which occurs in the young primary root oi Angwpteris. Active cell divisions take place also in the tissue of the foot, which completely incloses the young root and becomes practically merged with it, so that it is quite impossible to say, at the time the root emerges, just how much of the tissue ot its outer portion really belongs to the root itself and how much is derived from the original tissue of the foot. The latter is now no longer recognizable as such, the young sporophyte apparently at this time being composed almost entirely of the cotyledon and the very large root, with the stem apex, lying near their junction. From a comparison with younger stages, however, it is perfectly evident that the enlarged central region of the embryo at this time is composed mainly of tissue belonging to the foot, which is, so to speak, perforated by the root in its downward growth. The development of the vascular bundles at a very early period is first evident in the cotyledon, which almost as soon as it can be recognized at all is seen to have a strand of procambium extending below it. If this procambium strand is traced downward, it is seen to continue without interruption into the base of the root, exactly as it does in Ophtoghssum moluccanum. No trace of a procambial cylinder can be found extending into the stem apex, which gives rise only to the parenchyma of the central pith. This early development of the vascular bundles in the cotyledon and root was correctly observed by Jonkmann and Farmer, both for Marattia and A. Section of an advanced emergence of cotyled B. The cotvledon, more er * In a very recent paper tem in Marattia alata is at first group of initial cells. l), Miss Charles states tha r sporophvtes the single api( the apical cell of the I cell was replaced by THE EMBRYO 139 Angiopteris, but they seem to rakr it for granted that a vascular strand is also developed in the stem; at any rate the\- make no reference to the absence of such a vascular strand from the stem region. In my earlier study of Marattia, I supposed that a strand was developed which belonged to the stem itself, but a further exam- ination of many plants, after a study of this point in the other genera, has made it pretty clear that this supposed stem bundle really belongs to the second leaf, the rudiment of which appears at a very early period. rilK KMHRYO OF ANCIOI'TI- RIS. In Angiopteris the embryo very early becomes more greatly elongated trans- versely than is the case in Marattia, so that in a longitudinal section it appears as a very much depressed oval (fig. 109); the cpibasal region is larger than the hypobasal A. Two sections of a young embryo of Angiopteris. B. Diagrams showing arrangement of cells of same C. An oljer embryo, b h, basal wall; si, stem apex and the quadrant divisions are often still evident. Whether octant divisions are formed in all the quadrants could not positively be determined, but Jonkmann states that such is the case. There can usually be found in the young embryo a nearly centrally placed large cell (fig. 109, C. st), which probably is the initial cell of the young stem. The position of this cell is not unlike that which occurs in the nhryooi Angiopteris. X200. The yovmg root, :x; col, cotyledon; /, foot. embryo of Eqtiisettini, and at this stage there is also a certain resemblance to the em- bryo of Botr\chium virginuinum. As the embryo grows it tends to assume a more nearly globular form (fig. i lo). The basal wall can still be imperfectly followed, the hypobasal portion of the embryo being made up of the large cells forming the foot, while above the basal wall the cell divisions are more active and the rudiments of 140 THE MARATTIALES the Stem and cotyledon can be recognized, although the embryo still retains its oval outline. As in the embryo of Marattia, growth is most active in the central region of the epibasal part of the embryo and there can generally be recognized a large central cell, which is presumably the single initial of the stem apex, although, as in the case oi Marattia, it is not absolutely certain that a single initial cell is always present. Cell division is especially active on one side of the stem apex, and this area marks the position of the young cotyledon. The limits of this growth area A. Two longitudinal sections of B. Stem region of same embryo. Xi6o. C. Root apex. Xl6o. not very sharply defined and it is difficult to say whether it can be traced back to a single quadrant or octant cell, but it is probably not always constant in its position; indeed, the stem looks as if the stem apex and the cotyledon both arose from the same quadrant, the second epibasal quadrant contributing, at least in part, to the foot. As seems to be true in all the Marattiaceae, the root makes its appearance at a comparatively late period and it is evident that the root, as in the embryo of Maratlia, is a strictly endogenous structure. The first indication of the root is the development A. Longitudinal section of an advanced embryo of An B. Cotyledon of same embryo, showing dichotomy of C. Root apex of same. X220. of the cotyledon. X50. of a group of actively dividing cells, almost in the center of the embryo below the stem apex. This meristematic region is probably always of epibasal origin, but it is close to the basal wall and it is possible that sometimes it may arise below it. The apical cell, which in the early stages almost always appears triangular in section, becomes conspicuous and was recognized by Farmer in his study of the embryo of Tin: IMI'.R'iO 141 Jiigioptcns {Fainifi I). Tin- loor initial now divitlcs by icj^Lilar SLiinicntatidn and the root apex pushes rapidly down tlirough the underlying toot and ultimately emerges on the lower side of the prothallium. In the meantime the cotyledon grows actively and there is a rapid elongation of the whole embryo in a vertical direction. As in the case of Mcirattia, it is difficult to prove that the cotyledon grows from a single initial cell. The cotyledon has very much the form of that in Marattia, growth being more active on the outer side, so that it curves over the stem ape.x very much as the cotyledon does in the embryo of Hotrycliiiini virgiiiiatium. About the time that the cotyledon is ready to emerge, the apex becomes flattened out and (sometimes, at any rate) there is a true dichotomy of this apex (see fig. 112, B). In the primary root there seems to be no question of the presence of the single initial cell which, at first at least, has the tetrahedral form, but later on is apt to have the base truncate, although it usually has three series of lateral segments. I have not been able to confirm Farmer's statements that the single apical cell is later replaced by a group of similar initials, as in the later roots of the sporophyte, although it is not at all impossible that such may sometimes be the case. The development of the embryo of the vascular bundles in the young sporophyte is exactly the same as in the coiiesponding stages of the embrvo ni Mmattin. rilK KMIUnO ()1- KAUI.I TSSIA. So far as I am aware, no account has been published of the embijo ui kuul- fiissiii, except one of my own (Campbell II). Only two young embryos were found, so that it was impossible to follow in detail the early history of the young sporophyte. The basal wall, as in the other Marattiaceae, is transverse and, to judge from a comparison of similar stages of the embryo in Marattia and Aiigiopten's, all of the organs of the young sporophyte in Kaulfussia, except the foot, are also of epibasal origin. Figure 113, A, shows a nearly median longitudinal section of the young embryo. This is very much elongated transversely, and to judge from the position of the cells the basal wall is probably followed by the median walls, forming nearly equal quadrants. The large cell {st) in one of the epibasal quadrants corresponds in position to the similar cell found in the embryos of the other genera and very likely may represent the primary initial cell of the stem. The embryos, however. Fig. 1 13.— Young embryos of Kimljuniit. X275. a similar embryo, hh, ba^al wall; n, t]iiadrant wall. were too young to make clear the relation of the cotyledon and primary root to the stem. Three nearly transverse sections of an embryo of about the same age are shown in fig. 113, B. To judge from the structure of the older sporophyte at the time when it first emerges from the prothallium, Kaulfussia agrees in the main with Marattia and Angiopteris in the origin of the young organs of the sporophAte. 142 THE MARATTIALE; THE EMBRYO OF DAN.+'.A. liiebiKT (Brebnci 2) has described the older enibiyt) of Duiura simpliiifolm, but did not secure the earlier stages. The youngest specimens he figures closely resemble in form a corresponding stage in the species studied by me, and the slightly pointed basal region suggests the possibility of the presence of a short suspensor in D. simpUcifolia like that which I have found in D. jamaicensis and D. elliptua. While my own collection of young embryos is not as complete as might be wished, still enough stages were secured to show that at least D. jamaiceusis and D. rlli pticu A. Archegoniuni containing a one-celled embryo B. Outline of next section of same embryo. C. Three-celled embryo, showing suspensor, ius. D. Outline of next section of the same embryo. E. Three longitudinal sections of a four-celled F. .An older embryo, which was shrunken. G. Diagram of F, showing probable arrangen nbryo. It of cells. differ remarkably from the other Marattiacea? that have been studied in the develop- ment of a short suspensor, thus showing an interesting analogy with the embryo of Botrychium obliquum, described by Lyon (Lyon 1). Whether D. jenmani shows the same peculiarity was not determined, on account of the failure to obtain the young embryo of this species; but as in its later development it corresponds very closely to the other species, it is highly probable that a suspensor is developed. section of an older embryo of D. jamaicensis. The su B. Three sections of a young embryo of D. elliptica. sus, suspensor. X200. Before the first division takes place in the embryo, the fertilized ovum enlarges to several times its original size and becomes decidedly elongated. The first division wall, as in the other Marattiaceae, is transverse, but of the two primary cells thus formed the hypobasal one divides no further, or only once, and forms a short sus- pensor which pushes up into the neck of the archegonium whose cells become more or less completely disorganized (fig. 114, A). The next division wall is a nearly median one in the epibasal cell, and this is soon followed by a second wall in each IMHKVi 143 .f tlic basal iills, so ihat this portiini of tin cmhrvo is dunK-.l into foui luarly equal tiuadrants. I lure is sonic cvickncc that these are tollowed by hoii/ontal octant walls, so that the epibasal region is thus divided into octants in much the same fashion as obtains in the whole embryo in other Marattiacea- and in the lepto- sporangiate ferns. How far these divisions are constant can only be conjectured, owing to the small number of young embryos which were available. The elongated pear-shaped embryo in Datura appears very different indeed, in these early stages, from the broadly elliptical and much depressed embryos of corresponding stages in the other Marattiace;e (fig. i 14. f , /_), E). older embryo. X2cx3. Section B is a nearly median ; A is the next section in the series; C shows the suspensor, sus. A further study of the embryos shows that all of the lower halt of the epibasal region, probably that derived from the four lower octants — i. e., the four octants that were in contact with the .suspensor — develops into the foot, while all of the other organs of the embryo (leaf, stem, and root) arise from the four terminal octants. Quite early in the development of the embryo, there appears the same centrally placed large cell which we have observed in the embryos of the other genera and which, as we have seen, probably represents the primary stem initial. Brebner concluded that a single initial was present in the stem of Z). simplicifolia and this is true of the three species e.xamined by me. The initial of the stem in Daiura becomes very easily seen in the older stages and is perhaps more clearly defined than it is in any other of the Marattiace;e. Whether or not this cell can be traced back to one of the original terminal octant cells is difficult to say, but it is quite possible. No single initial could be made out for the cotyledon, and it seems quite likel}' that the position of the cotyledon is not always exactly the same, being determined perhaps by the position of the embryo with reference to the light or to some other factor. The cotyledon, as in Marattia and Jngiopteiis, first appears as a slight prominence close to the nearly centrally placed stem apex, and there is soon visible 144 THE MARATTIALES a group of actively dividing cells which constitute its growing point, but no one of these can be certainly named as the apical cell (fig. 117, 3). The embryo now rapidly increases in breadth until the apex is almost flat, except for the slight pro- jection in the center, where are situated the stem apex and the young cotyledon. The whole embryo at this stage may be described as "top-shaped." The stem and cotyledon occupy a comparatively small portion of this broad terminal area and are surrounded by a ring of large absorbent cells, physiologically, at least, belonging to the foot and merging insensibly into the similar cells which make up the lower half of the embryo. As in the other Marattiaces, the very young embryo shows no trace at all of the root and this appears only after the embryo has reached a comparatively large size. The origin of the root is exactly the same as in the other genera and it is a strictly endogenous structure. The single initial cell arises deep down in the tissue of the embryo, usually below the cotyledon and probably from the same octant as that from which the cotyledon is formed, but owing to the displacement of the original division walls this can not be determined positively and it may be that the position of the root is not always exactly the same. The apical cell of the root soon i-iG. 119. — u.jamatcetisis. A. Two sections of an advanced embryo. Xioo. B. Stem apex of the same embryo. X220. becomes conspicuous, but it does not usually show the triangular form as seen in a longitudinal section, but appears more nearly square, as in Marattia. This root initial cell is quite variable in form, but more commonly it appears in longitudinal section with a truncate base (fig. 117, r). In transverse .section it approaches the triangular form, but is more or less irregular in outline. The lateral segments cut off from the initial cell are large and contribute later to the root cap as well as to the inner root tissues, and it is not impossible (as Farmer believes to be the case also III. IMHK^I 145 in :lugi()[^trni) that sdiiutmu's HKire tliaii out- ot tlicsf tcimin.il iills tuiution as tlic apical cell. As soon as the toot apex is established its growth is veiy ia|iiil and, as in the other genera, there is a rapid elongation of the whole embryo, whose vcitical dianutci very soon becomes greater than the transverse diameter, and ultimatel> the whole embrvo becomes veiy much elongated. In the a.xial region of the embiyo just below the stem ape.x there is a marked elongation of the central cells which might at first sight be taken to represent the central vascular cylinder, but these elongated cells do not give rise to vascular elements, but remain as elongated parenchyma and belong really to the pith. Ihe part of the foot which lies below the growing root apex acts as a very massive root cap and is pushed down with the growth of the toot until the latter emerges from the lower side of the piothalliiim. The cor\'Iedon in the meantime grows actively ii|nvar(l and finally penetrates tlu' piorhalliinn, emerging on the upper side. The growth of the stem is slight and the cotyledon and root form nearly a straight line, as in the other Marattiaceae and in Opluoglossum, so that the young sporophyte may be described as bipolar. The equatorial region is surrounded by the large absorbent cells in contact with the prothallium and ail of these may be said to function as the foot, although it is impossible to sa}' how much of this tissue is derived from the original foot. THE ANATO\n .AM) HISTOLOGY OF THE YOUNG Sl'OROl'H^' IK. The young sporophyte, at the time the root emerges from the prothalliinii, is very much alike in all of the genera (figs. io8, iii, I2i). The cotyledon at this stage is a thick, conical protuberance, strongly curved inward over the stem apex, owing to the more rapid growth upon its outer side. Close to its base lies the very limited growing region of the stem, adjacent to which is the rudiment of the second leaf, which at this time projects very slightly above the level of the stein apex. The cells of the latter, and also those of the young leaves, are evidentl)- actively growing cells with conspicuous nuclei and are quite different in appearance from the large, transparent cells that compose the enlarged mid-region of the young sporo- phyte. This is largely made up of the original tissue of the foot, but this tissue merges insensibly into the basal region of the cotyledon and the upper part of the root, these two organs forming in their growth almost a straight line. \\'hether or not we term this middle region of the young plant the "stem," it must be borne in mind that it does not arise from the activity of the extremely limited meristem, forming the true stem apex. The young sporophyte is traversed by a single conspic- uous vascular bundle which extends through the cotyledon and root without intei- 10 146 THE MARATTIALES riiption, and it is quite impossible to say just exactly where the point of junction is. In Angiopteris elongated tannin cells, which stain very strongly, accompany the vascular bundle, both in the root and cotyledon; but these are either entirely wanting or but slightly developed in Marattia and are quite absent from the young sporophyte at this stage in the other genera. In the relation of the primary root and leaf, there- fore, the embryo of the young sporophyte in the Marattiaceae shows a most striking resemblance to the condition found in Ophtoglossum moluccaiium. The cotyledon, as in Ophioglossum, is not to be looked upon as an appendage of the stem, but as an organ siti generis. Almost as soon as the second leaf is recognizable, there is evident, connecting it with the primary vascular strand, a short group of procambium cells, and the stem apex is seen to occupy the space between these two leaf traces. No procambium IS developed in the stem above the junction of the leaf traces, hut the inner cells, derived from the apical meristem, contribute solclv to the medullary tissue of the sporophyte (hg.izuJ). _ ' ' ..h Fig. ill.—Dim.cajamaicens 15. Large embryo, cot Median section of ( , cotylcdo: ;otyIedon; n; I', second leaf. X50. h, epidermal scale. X95. C. Second leaf. D. Trichomes f X,5o. ^ rom apical region. The first tracheary tissue arises in the mid-region of the young sporophyte and consists of a group of short reticulate tracheids. From this point the development of the tracheary tissue proceeds upward into the cotyledon and downward into the root. The single strand of tracheary tissue in the cotyledon is seen to be continuous with one of the xylem masses of the diarch root. The second xylem of the root arises somewhat later and is connected with the xylem of the second leaf. This second xylem mass is decidedly smaller than the first one, at least in Dancea, where I have studied this point carefully, and an examination of the other genera points to a similar inequality in the xylems of these as well, but this may not always be the case. THE COTYLEDON. The cotyledon at a very early period bends strongly over the stem apex, very much as it does in Botrychium virginianum, and very soon afterwards begins to flatten out, so as to indicate the separation of the lamina from the petiole. The flattening of the apex is followed, in many cases at least, by a true dichotomy, which is soon repeated, so that the lamina becomes fan-shaped, with a strictly dichotomous venation (fig. 87, G, H; fig. 127). This shows especially well in Marattia douglasii. In M. sambucina (fig. 87, C) the cotyledon is more nearly orbicular than in M. douglasii, but the venation indicates a similar early dichotomy of the apex. In Angiopteris, the form of the cotyledon is extremely variable (fig. 124). Farmer states that it has a distinct midrib extending to the apex of the cotyledon THF YOUNG .SPOROPHYTF 147 ami that the seionclaix' \tiiis aii' |iinnattly aiiangtcl with leti-ieiuc: to the midrib. These later veins, however, may show clichotonious branching. I made an e.xamina- tion of a considerable number of young sporophytcs collected at the same place where Professor Farmer secured his specimens, but very few of the plants that I collected siioweci this pinnate \enation in the cotvUdon. although it is usualh' conspicuous 11^ sporophyte of .1 to tlie gametopl Young sporophyte of Kaulju gametophyte,/ir. X2. Cotyledon from another plant . A later leaf; ir, stipule. / i . in the second leaf. Figure 124, 6", shows drawings of a number of the forms from my collection, showing the variation from a strictly pinnate to a perfectly dichoto- mous venation. Many of them show an intermediate venation, but with very few exceptions, even where a midrib was present, this was forked at the apex, indicating F.r.. ,24. A. Young sporophyte of .In^lopicrisj with three leaves. B. Young cotyledon. X20. C. Three cotvh-dons, showine the variation in form. ; I his primar\ ung leaf (fig'. B) wl .t the re thei ipe.K .■ wa,^ thai llun iiad been an eai I\- ilichotonn . Ibis primar\ tli well shown in a section thiough a vei (juestion that such a dichotomy was taking phi In Daiiira there is much the same variation in the form of the cot\leilon as in A)igioptcris. Brebner's figures of D. stmplicifoUa show that the cotyledon in this species has a midrib with two lateral veins near the base, but sometimes the midrib forks at the summit, indicating again the early dichotomy of the cotyledon. In one 148 THK MARATTIALES of his figures, where there is no forking of the mid-vein, the hiteral veins seem to follow the margin of the leaf and rejoin the central vein, thus inclosing two large areoles like those found in the cotyledon of Kaiilfussi a; no mention of this, however, is made in the text. D. jaNiaimisis (fig. 125, J) shows a very similar form and vena- Four young bporophytes still M Young cotyledon of D. elliptka. An older cotyledon of D. elliptii. tion, but the cotyledon is larger and there is sometimes a forking of the lateral veins. In this species also there may sometimes be found a fan-shaped lamina with true dichotomous venation like that of Marattia, but as I had httle material of this species I can not say how common this form is. It is probable that an examination lung sporophyte of D. jamtiicen lightly enlarged, i, the cotyledon ise of the fourth leaf, showing st cale, K. X20. ith four leavi . " ¥u,. n-j.— Dait^a elliptii section of a young sporophyte, showing C. Median section of second leaf. D. Apex of second leaf. X150. E. Stem apex. X150. and hence does not show in the figure, which is a section passing directly through the leaf traces. This plant showed very clearly the very earliest stage of the second root (fig. 147,//, r). The apical cell of the young root is cut out from one of the cells of the parenchyma below the stem apex, lying almost exactly half-way between the two primary leaf traces. Only a single segment had been cut off from the apical cell in this case and both the apical cell and this primary segment were easily dis- tinguished from the surrounding tissue by their denser contents. There is nothing to indicate that the cell which had assumed the function of the root initial was in any way essentially different from the neighboring cells. If it is an endodermal cell there is no way of recognizing this, as the endoderniis could not be recognized in this part of the sporophyte. Figure 147, B, shows an enlarged view of this young root initial, lying above the junction of the two primary leaf traces. Conspicuous reticulate tracheids with pointed ends are present in the trace from the cotyledon, but as yet no permanent tissue has been developed in the bundle from the second leaf. THE OI.nr-R SPOROPHYTE 165 A somewhat older spoiophyte from D. janiaicensis is shown in fig. 148. In this plant the third leaf was plainly visible and the second root had developed into a short conical body which was pushing its way through the tissues between the insertion of the first and second leaves. By this time tracheary tissue haS developed in the bundle from the second leaf, and now for the first time we note the presence of large tannin cells in the neighborhood of the vascular bundles. Three of these are shown in fig. 149, lying next the bundle of the second leaf. The irregular ring of the sporophyte shown in fiq. 148. of narrow cells shown in the- figure and hing point of insertion of the second root. Figure of the apex of this second root. 'I"he apical below tile a]iical meiistem marks the 149, /i, shows a nearh' median section cell is nearly oblong in form and the lateral segments are very large and periclinal segments which contribute to the root 166 THE MARATTIALES cap are cut off from them. The outer cells of the root cap are very much enlarged and there is an evident space between the root and the surrounding tissues. The trace from the third leaf joins that of the second one close to its union with the bundle from the cotyledon (fig. 148, B). In fig. 150 are shown nine cross-sections from a series made from a plant of D. jamaicensis, in which four leaves were evident. A microscopic examination ot the stem apex showed, however, that a fifth leaf was also present, which stood nearly directly opposite the cotyledon. A shows sections only of leaves 3 and 4, the latter having the stipules conspicuous, while these are absent or scarcely developed at all on the first three leaves, at least in the specimen in question. Between the leaves are seen sections of the numerous scales which beset the surface of the young leaves. B is taken somewhat lower down and includes a section of leaf 5. C passes through the stem apex and shows clearly the spiral arrangements of the first five leaves, each of which has in its petiole a single concentric bundle which becomes larger in ig sporophyte, with t1 apex. Roman figures D. jamaicensis. fully-developed leaves and two younger t each successive leaf, with a corresponding increase in the development of the xylem. As the sections are examined, farther and farther down in the stem {D to F), one can see very clearly the way in which the single bundle in the lower part of the stem owes its origin to the coalescence of the leaf traces. Proceeding downward the traces of leaves 4 and 5 are seen to approach gradually and finally to become completely coalescent; and still further down {F) the leaf trace from 3 joins that from 4, and a single bundle results, crescent-form in section, but showing ckarl\ its compound nature. 1 he three xylems never become entirely confluent. THE OLDKR 167 For a long time sections of the stem show this single central Inmclle of crescentic form, at Hrst tleiived from the coalescence of the third, fourth, and Hfth leaf traces, but continued upward in the same form and added to by the addition of the traces from the subsequent leaves. I'his crescentic stele, which, for convenience may be spoken of as the stele of the stem, is entirely of foliar origin. The crescent never becomes completely closed and its opening in the earlier stages of development can not be properly called a foliar gap. The parenchyma which is inclosed within its curve belongs from the first to the ground tissue and is not part of the stele. Some of the surrounding cells show traces of the typical endodermal markings and it is perhaps safe to say that the stele is bounded by an endodermis, as Farmer states is the case in Angtopteris and Brebner in D. simplicifolia. The limits of the endo- dermis, however, especially upon the concave side of the stele, are very vague. The stele, after the complete fusion of the three leaf traces, may perhaps best be described Fig. 151. Four longitudinal sectic rth leaf, /*, has the stipules well dc as concentric in structure, with phloem developed all around the xylem, but there are probably traces of phloem also between the three xylems which represent the three confluent leaf traces. In the older portions of the stem the bundles become still more completely fused and the compound bundle is oval in outline, but still shows plainlv the three xylems of its constituent leaf traces (fig. 150, G). In this region the endodermis is rather better developed than it is higher up, but its limits are still rather vague. At this level the traces of the leaves, i and 2, are still free, but have approached nearer to the central bundle than is the case higher up. Still lower down, the trace from the second leaf joins the Iniiulle formed from the later leaf traces, proaches the conditi using Brebner's teir which no longer clearly shows the sepa: 11 whiili has been desciilnd as " pi dtusleli iin()li)"\-. I he wiem tknunts. liu\\i\ei. but osteli 168 THE MARATTIALES core, but are more or less scattered, with thin-walled elements between. After fusion of the second leaf trace with this is complete, the section of the stem shows only two bundles, representing the two first leaf traces, and finally (fig. 150, H and /) the section of the stem shows the condition already described for the sporophyte with but two leaves. These finally merge into a single primary axial bundle (/), which, followed downward, merges imperceptibly into the stele of the primary root. Near the middle of these lower sections can be seen a section of the second root, which pursues a downward course through the cortical tissue for a very long distance, but finally emerges and grows downward, side by side with the primary root. The third root (fig. 150, G, r") emerges much higher up and breaks through the cortex at about the level of the junction of the three youngest leaf traces. Fig. 153 shows the details of the central tissue from the same sporophyte as that just described. J passes through the stem apex and shows the apical cell cut somewhat obliquely, and near it the section of the trace from the fifth leaf. D is z section of the fourth leaf trace from the same level. This shows but two tracheids at a point near the inner limits of the bundle, while on the outer side there is a con- spicuous curved line of protophloem cells. 5 is a section taken somewhat lower down and shows the bending in of the leaf trace as it descends into the stem. This is still more marked in the fifth leaf trace, which, at this level, has a crescentic form, A. Apex of fifth leaf from sporophyte shown in fig. B. Stem apex of same. C. Base of third root, showing triarch bundle and r but no permanent elements yet developed. It is probable that a portion of this crescentic mass of procambium represents the sixth leaf trace. The fourth leaf trace at this point shows three tracheids which are decidedly larger than those higher up, and still lower down the tracheids increase still more in size and several tannin cells can be seen in contact with them. The section of the fourth leaf trace is connected with the large but undifferentiated trace of the fifth leaf by an isthmus of procambium cells, so that the sections f)f the two bundles form the crescent-shaped section, similar to that seen lower down (fig. 153, C). The tracheary elements of the fused portion of the fourth leaf trace are noticeably larger again than those in the free portion of the leaf trace. We now notice, for the first time, traces of the mucilage ducts which afterwards become so conspicuous in the stem. These first appear in section as rounded cells (m), and it is evident, as Farmer has shown in Arigiopteris, that the earliest mucilage canals are of lysigenous origin, i. e., they are formed by a 169 fusion of ctlls and not splirtinii apa ibout this intercellular spac )t" the- (.(.lis and tin- dcvilopnicnt of" In liis taiiicr paper Hrehner states that the mucilage ducts are schizogenous, but in his later paper he admits that they may he of lysigenous oiigin, which certainly is the case in the species of Datia'a described here. Ihe details of the older central bundles of the sections /• and (/', Hg. 150, are shown in fig. 153, E, F: the shaded cells in 6' are tannin cells. Figure 151 shows longitudinal sections of a young sporophyte of /^. elltptica, of about the same age as the sporophyte which has just been described. This al.so shows three fully developed leaves, while the fourth and fifth leaves are well advanced. -Ql^i P 153.— Details of th< lar system of sporophyte : A. Passes through the stem apex; B and C, lower down D. A single leaf trace. X150. E, F. Vascular bundles frc ,mfig..50 showing the fourth and fifth le; 1 the lower part of the stem, m, h young mucilage ducts The central bundle of the stem formed by the junction of the three first leaf traces is now conspicuous and forms a stout central strand, continuing downward into the primary root (;'). // is a nearly median section, passing through the stem ape.x, whose large and conspicuous apical cell is shown in fig. 152, B. The ape.\ of the fifth leaf is seen just above this and a more enlarged figure of this is shown in fig. 152, A. The apex of the fifth leaf (which is here cut transversely) is occupied bv a small group of large cells, of which the central one may perhaps represent a single initial cell. Below the stem apex, but separated from it by a considerable amount of tissue, can be seen the bases of the leaf traces from the fourth and fifth leaves respectively. These are joining the central bundle of the stem near the junction 170 THE MARATTIALES of the third leaf trace, and at this point there may be seen the base of the third root (r"). Between the fourth and fifth leaf traces is present a section of the first mucilage duct. 5 is a section some distance to one side of the apex, also passing through the primary mucilage canal and the fourth root, which arises between the fourth and fifth leaf traces. Figures C and D are sections on opposite sides of the stem apex from B. The fourth leaf, with its conspicuous stipules (st), showsjn these sections, and the third root can also be seen. Fig. 152, C, is a more enlarged view of the third root shown in fig. 151, D. The root is triarch and in the peripheral part of the cortex there is visible a row of very conspicuous cells whose walls stain very strongly with safranine and in section closely resemble large tracheary elements. A longitudinal section of these cells, which are also conspicuous in the later roots (fig. 155), shows that they are elongated sclerenchyma cells whose thick walls are conspicuously pitted. Farmer (Farmer 3) observed similar cells in the roots of Jngiopteris. Figures 154 and 155 show three longitudinal sections of a pretty well advanced young sporophyte of D. jenmatii. The root (shown in the figure emerging at the base) is probably the second root. The stem has already begun to assume a dorsi- ventral form, and the basal part of the root, which is strongly cui-ved, is cut away and so does not show in these sections. The earliest leaves are no longer recognizable and it is impossible to determine just how many leaves have been formed. The leaves first formed have the single trace characteristic of the first leaves in all of the species, but the youngest leaves show that the leaf trace is double. In this sec- tion (fig. 155, A) is shown a very young leaf, cut through parallel to its surface and showing clearly the stipules at its base and also the young vascular bundles. Within the leaf are two bundles, which are seen to join at its base, but separate again lower down, the two bundles thus forming two distinct traces in the stem. In fig. 154, B, the section passes through the youngest root, which is seen to have its stele joined to one of the leaf traces from the youngest leaf. Several conspicuous mucilage ducts are now present in the stem near the vascular bundles; these are THE OLDER SPOROPHYTE 171 formed of rows of large cells which become more or less fused tf)gether and their contents, composed of a dense granular mucilage, stain very strongly, either with safranine or with IJismarck brown, which were the principal stains used in preparing the sections. Numerous tannin cells are also present, scatrcncl irregulari\- through the cortical tissue and also in the vascular bundles. Figure 155, B, is a median section through the base of one of the later roots, showing its connection with the corresponding bundle in the stem. The elongated cells {sc) are the cortical sclerenchyma cells already referred to. These are shown on a larger scale in C and D, where the conspicuous pitted walls can be seen. The shaded cells in the figure are tannin ceils. Figure 156 shows cros.s-sections taken at different heights from a sporophyte of D.jenmani, a plant of about the same age as that which was shown in the preceding series of longitudinal sections. Sections made near the apical region, A, B, and C, A. Another section of specimen siiown in fig. 154. B. Base of a root showing sclerenchyma, sc, in cor C. Sclerenchyma cells, showing pitted walls. X5: D. Surface view, showing pits. show two pretty well advanced leaves and the first trace of a third, the apex of which is indicated in C and E. Unlike the earlier leaves with their single leaf tiace, these later leaves, as we have seen, have the petiole traversed by two vascular bundles whose sections are plainly visible. These, as we have remarked from a study of the longitudinal sections, fuse into one near the base of the leaf (//), and two small bundles are also present on either side, belonging to the stipules. As the sections are followed downward, the main bundle is found to divide into the double leaf trace entering the stem, and the two small stipide bimdles become uniteil with these, so that within the stem, at about the level of the stem ape.x, two distinct bundles are seen, corresponding to each leaf. Ihe leaves are now arranged in two series, indicating that the dorsiventral character of the stem in this species is established and the youngest leaf lies almost opposite the next xoungest oni\ whose leaf traces can be seen. E shows the stem :i]iex with the apical cell. \. ami the \(umgest leaf rudiment, /. 172 THE MARATTIALES Below the level of the stem apex, the stele of the axis closely resembles that already described from the somewhat younger plant and forms a somewhat irregular crescent, evidently composed of two portions which are joined on the side facing the two leaf traces from the oldest leaf which shows in this section. The opening of the crescent at this level is turned away from the leaf. No permanent elements are present in the central stele as yet. Following this downward, the crescent is seen to open on the side next the two oldest leaf traces and there is thus formed a foliar gap, while on the opposite side the space becomes closed. In section D, which is taken lower down, the position of the section of the central stele is reversed. At A-D. Four transverse sections of a young sporophyt E. The apical meristem with apical cell of stem, F-I. Four sections from the same series, but taken stele. »;, mucilage ducts. Between the i • oi D.jenmani. X20. Section C shows stei r, and a leaf initial, /. X180. lower down. X20. Figs. F, G, show fusion lucilage ducts in G can be seen the small i this point the section of the central stele forms a crescent ot tissue, most of which has not passed beyond the procambial stage. This crescent-shaped mass is evi- dently composed of two parts and represents mamly the basal undivided bundles of the two youngest leaves. Tracheary tissue has begun to develop in the older of these two masses. Occupying the space within this crescentic stele are three young mucilage canals, but none are yet developed in the cortical tissue of the stem. Within this central space there can also be seen the section of a small isolated group THK OLDKR SI'OKOrinTr, 173 ;i\lal stele in loiiimissural j itii Hvc leaves. The older k Ininclle, e-resceiit-shaped in laiul whuh hac t base, shown ii iLitlinc and eon bundles belong of procanibial cells. This is the singk' axial stele oi eonmiissural strand which had not yet begun to develop in the plant \ this section, has a single large vascula centric in structure, and there are also seen the two small concentru ing to the stipules. All the leaf traces in the older leaves are concentric in structure, with well- developed internal phloem, and thus differ from the collateral traces of the earliest leaves. This concentric structure of the bundle is already well marked in the fourth leaf, where, however, the protophloem is mainly developed upon the outer side. /• shows the arrangement of the bundles in a section somewhat further down. I he two strands from the oldest of the three leaves seen in the apex have joined the horns of the crescentic central bundle, which still shows clearly its dual nature. In the younger of the two portions of these sections the first tracheids have just appeared near the free end, while in the older half a line of tracheids extends nearly through the whole of the center. The mucilage ducts at this level are much larger and their cells have become confluent. Close to the large mucilage canal can be seen the A Fig. 157. A. Section of an older stem of Danaa jenmaitiy showing cortical iniicilaj;c ducts, w, and tcntral or , commissural strand, c. //, leaf trace, r, root. X20. B. Shows a section higher up, with free leaf traces and commissural strand. section of the axial vascular strand, which somewhat higher up turns outward and becomes fused with the inner face of the crescentic central stele. The leaf traces soon become completely merged with the broad crescentic stele and their limits can no longer be recognized. The foliar gap gradually closes up and the two por- tions of the crescent separate at a point opposite so as to form a leaf gap, nearly- opposite the first one; but I have seen no cases where a section of the central stele appears as an unbroken ring, although it is possible that this might occur for a brief period. Much the same condition of things is seen lower down and it is clear that in all cases, after the double leaf trace has been developed, one bundle fuses with an older and one with a younger leaf trace. The axial bundle shows a central mass of tracheary tissue, and in somewhat older stages an endodermis is pretty well developed. Finally this bundle can be traced downward to where it connects with the main stele, composed of the united leaf traces. The main stele gradually passes down into the base of the stem, where it shows the structure already described for the younger sporophyte. In older sporophytes the crescentic central stele becomes brokt n up perniaiu iul\ into two elongated masses when seen in section (fig. 157), but the junction of the 174 THE MARAITIALES leaf traces with these takes phice exactly as in the younger plant. Fig. 157, B, shows the separate leaf traces and the free axial strand, while in A the leaf traces are becoming fused with the broad central strands and the axial strand is also anastomos- ing with one of the latter. This has taken place at the point of junction with a root. While in the younger sporophyte the mucilage ducts are confined to the central region, in the older plant they occur also in the peripheral region of the stem (fig. 157, >n). The details of the vascular bundles are shown in figs. 158 and 159. To recapitulate: The vascular system in the young sporophyte of Daiura begins as a single axial strand, which is continuous through the cotyledon and root. At a very early period a second vascular bundle or stele is formed in the second leaf connecting with the primary strand, and this is followed by a similar single strand or stele in each succeeding leaf, up to about the seventh. Up to this time, except for the steles of the secondary roots, the whole vascular system is built up of united leaf traces and there is no cauline bundle in the strict sense of the word, although we may speak of the bundle, or stele of the stem, as soon as there is a solid central strand formed below the junction of the earlier leaf traces. This primary stele never has the form of a true protostele, however, as the xylems belonging to the separate leaf traces can be recognized and the compound nature of this central bundle is unmistakable. TIIK OLDKK Sl'OKOl'H'lTl' 175 At a later stage-, piohablv about the time that the seventli leaf is toinieii, theie arises the single axial (coiiiniissuial) stiaiul. which is caiiline in its oiigiii aiul which, as lirebner has stated foi- D. snti/>licifalia, is the only strictly caiiline portion of the vascular system ot the stem. Ihis can first be seen at about the same time that the tlrst double leaf trace appears. The development of the vascular system was not traced fuither, as it has already- been adequately described by Kiihn ( Kiihn 2), and except tor the increased number of leaf trace and commissural strands the vascular system is essentially the same in a young plant like that shown in fig. 157 as it is in the adult sporophyte. Brebner's account of the development of the young sporophyte in Dan, in simplicifolia agrees essentially with my own studies of D. eUiptica, D. jetmnnii, and D. jamaicensts. He failed, however, to get successful sections of the transition region between the root and the cotyledon, or, as he puts it, "between the root and stem," and his statements that the central bundle begins as a "haplostele," i. e., a protostele, is not borne out by my studies on the other species. Moreover, his statement that "in this way the somewhat irregular adelosiphonic dictyostele of Dantra is established now by a process which is, to all intents and purposes, a branching of the haplostele, due to the departure of the leaf traces of closely set, spirally arranged leaves," might better be stated, "the dictyostele arises by a process which is essentially the fusion of the leaf traces of closely set, not necessarily spirally- arranged leaves." He fully recognized the important part which the leaf traces play in the building up of the dictyostele of the stem, but he did not apparently recognize these as the sole factors in the development of the dictyostele of the older stem. He does,^however, specifically state that the axial t)r commissural strand is the only part of the vascular system which is strictly of cauline origin. THI<; ADULT Sl^OROPHYTE OF DAN.ilA. The anatomy of what was supposed to be the sporophyte of Dancea was first described by Holle (Holle 2), but the later investigations of Kiihn showed that the plant investigated by Holle could not have been a Dancea, nor could it even have belonged to the Marattiaceae, since Holle describes the rhizome as developing a sheath of sclerenchyma, a condition of things which has not been found to exist in any Marattiaceae. Kiihn's account is very far from complete and the description of the sporophyte given by Brebner (Brebner 3) fori), simplicifolia does not deal with the adult sporophyte. The account given here is based mainly upon a study of D. jamaicensts and D. elhptica, but an investigation of certain points was also made in D. jenmani. The rhizome in D. jamaicensts and D. jenmani is a markedly dorsiventral one. These two species are a good deal alike, but are readily dis- tinguished by the difterence in the form of the leaves. In the former the leaves are rather larger and have more numerous pinnae, while the terminal pinna is developed. D. jctimant has somewhat smaller leaves with from seven to nine pairs of leaflets, and the leaves are abrujitly ])innate, tlie terminal pinna not being developed ( plate q. A. fig^ ,). 1 he leaves are arranged very much as they are in llchntiittiostdilivs 01 in Ophtoglossum penJtilnm, the fleshy leaf base being provided with two vei\ conspic- uous stipules which are developed very early in the life of the sporoph\ tc. I'lic exact number of roots corresponding to a leaf is not easv to make out, but there are at least two, and it is (juite possible that the number may sometimes be greater. These roots branch freely, especially toward the tips. D. clliptica (plate lo) is a good deal larger than the other species and the stout rhizome, which, including the persistent leaf bases, has a diameter of 3 centimeters 176 THE MARATTIALES or more, is upright, the leaves being spirally arranged as they are in Marattia and Angiopteris. The petioles in this species are characterized by curious enlargements or nodes, which may occur in the other species also, but are much less prominent. The leaves of D. elliptica reach a length of about 50 centimeters and the leaflets, which are much larger than those in the other species, are less numerous, there being usually about eleven. The conspicuous nodose swellings seen in the petiole are repeated on a smaller scale in the rachis at the base of each pair of leaflets. Sections of the stems were examined in D. jamaiceiuis and D. flliptica, which, e.xcept for a difference in size, agree closely in their structure. The ground tissue, as was first pointed out by Kiahn, consists entirely of parenchyma, through which are scattered many conspicuous tannin sacs which, in preserved material, appear to the naked eye as numerous black specks. The section of the vascular cylinder looks very much like that of the younger sporophytes already described, but the number of bundles seen in the section is larger, and there is a group of .several bundles instead of the single medullary strand seen in the section of the younger stem. In a section from a. large specimen of D. elliptica in which the rhizome, including the old leaf bases. was about 3 centimeters in diameter, the outer ring ot bundles containid thirteen, while within this was a smaller circle composed ot five medullary bundles, three large ones and two smaller ones. In a similar section of a medium-sized section of D. jamaicensis, in "which the rhizome was about half the size of that in D. elliptica, there were nine bundles in the outer ring and four in the middle, two large ones and two small ones. In this section the junction of a root was cut through and the root stele was seen to be applied by its broad base to one of the larger of the medullary bundles (fig. 161, J). The relation of this central group of bundles in the stem to the prinuu)- medullary strand was not investigated. Brebner has shown that in the later stages of the 3'oung sporophyte in D. simplicifolia the original medullary strand — which, as we have seen, is really the only part of the vascular system which is strictly of cauline origin — fuses at certain points with the bundles of the outer ring, and at this point of fusion there may be a liranching so that a section above this shows two of these medullary bundles. Whether all of the central group of bundles seen in the stem of the adult /;. 177 (1 D. rlliptuii aif line to iuitlui l)i aiuliinj; of tlic uiline primary incdiillary strand, or whether some of thtin may be new bundles oiigin, remains to be investigated. The arrangement of the characteristic mucilage ducts is the same in the two species studied. There is a ring of these in the outer region of the cortex and a second group in the central region, these central ones usually being close to the vascular bundles. lizoinc of Dtifuea jamtiUcui :oi D. el 1 1 /yi lea. X i .5. lagc ducts arc not shown. THE AN.ATOMY OF THE LE.'Vl-. A section of the petiole of the adult leaf appears very much like a similar section of the stem, except that there is developed in the cortical region, separated by several rows of cells from the epidermis, a band of sclerenchyma, yellowish or brownish in color, and very much indeed like that common in the typical ferns. Holle's statement that a similar mantle of sclerenchyma occurs in the stem was shown to be an error, the result of his having investi- gated a fern which was not a Daticea. There certainly was no trace of scleren- chyma in any of the specimens I have examined. The distribution of the vascular bun- dles in the petiole is very similar to that in Hclnunthostachxs, except that inside the ring ot bundles there is a single larger central one, instead of the two small ones which occur in Helminthostachys. All the bundles are continued into the stem as separate strands or there may be a certain amount ot anastomosing among them, as there is in Ophioglosstim pendulum, which Daneea resembles more in the character of its leaf traces than it does Helmin- thostachys, where the bundles of the petiole are united into a single trace within the cortex of the stem. The distribution of the mucilage ducts in the petiole is very much like that of the stem. There is a definite ring of these inside the zone of sclerenchyma and several larger ones in the central region, near the vascular bundles. 1 he form and venation ot the leaf is essentially the same as in the younger sporoph\tes which have alread\' been described, and stomata are developed only upon tiie lower side, the epidermal cells showing a strongly undulate outline, except tor the series ot narrow cells which 12 178 THE MARATTIALES immediately surround the stoma. A section of the lamina presents an appearance very much like that of Hclninithnstachys. Below the upper epidermis is a well- developed palisade layer, while below this the spongy mesophyll has the characteristic intercellular spaces found in the leaves of most of the higher plants. Dancea tricho- manoides, a very small species from Peru, has delicate membranaceous leaves, which probably would show a much simpler structure than that of the coriaceous leaves of the larger species. D. siiitciisis, a species from Porto Rico, which is in the herba- rium of the British Museum, has adventitious buds developed at the leaf tip. A, B. Two lont^itudinal and third leav C. Stem apex. XiSi Tig. 163. :tions of a young sporophyte of Kaulju ; r', second root. X20. D. Apex of third leaf. XiSo. THE APICAL GROWTH OF THE ROOTS. The earlier roots grow from a single initial cell, but this is later replaced by a group of similar initials which, in the large roots, are very much like those described for the root apex of Jngioptcris (Koch 1). Figure 162 shows a section of a root from the young sporophvte which is somewhat transitional in character between the form with a single detinue mitial cell and the larger root with its group of initials. The cell x, which is very much like the apical cell of the primary root, may perhaps still be considered as the single apical cell, but the adjacent segments are almost equal in size to this, and it is clear that they contribute to the plerome cylinder of the root as well as to the cortex and the root cap. In sections of large roots taken from the adult sporophyte, there is found at the growing point not a single initial cell, but a group of apparently similar initial cells somewhat wedge-shaped in longitudinal section and arranged in a radiating fashion. No single one of these can be clearly recognized as a primary initial cell. These cells divide at intervals by longitudinal walls and from the bases additions are made Till- OLDI-K Sl'OKOl'IIVTE 179 to the plerome cylinder, while from the outer cells of the meristem group arise the new cells for the root cap. The outer segments cut oft' from the peripheral cells of the apical group of cells undergo more rapid periclinal divisions than those nearer the center and the cells thus formed contribute to the cortex of the root. Unlike the roots of most of the Ophioglossaces, those of Daitam branch freely in a monopodial fashion. This is paralleled among the Ophioglossacex- by some of the larger species ot Botryc/iiuni, Helninithostachys, and (Jphioglossum pcnJuhini. Kiihn's statement that the roots are unbranched is incorrect. The branching of the roots was perhaps somewhat more frequent in D. jamaicensis than in D. elliptica, but the latter species also shows numerous short lateral rootlets. The root hairs are not conspicuous on these older rf)ots, but are readily seen upon the younger ones and are then found to be multicellular, as was first shown by Brebner for D. simplicifolia. Sections ot the larger roots were examined in these two species and, while they agreed in the main, there were some slight difterences. In a large root of/), elliptica, about 2 millimeters in diameter, the outer portion was occupied by about four rows of brownish thin-walled cells, very probably more or less suberized. Within this was a ring of brownish sclerenchyma cells about three cells in thickness, and between this and the exceedingly conspicuous endodermis was a broad zone of parenchyma, the cells containing much starch. A short distance outside of the endodermis was a ring of conspicuous mucilage ducts. There were twelve xylem rays alternating with as many rays of phloem. These did not extend to the middle of the stele, which was occupied by a pith of considerable size. The roots of Z). jamaicensis were somewhat smaller and the main diff"erences were: first, the thicker layer of tissue outside the ring of sclerenchyma, which was much less developed than in D. elliptica (in many places this ring was but one cell in thickness and very seldom more than two cells); second, the mucilage ducts were relatively very much larger; third, there were but nine xylem masses instead of the twelve in the root of D. elliptica. The endophyte, which is usually found in the primary roots of all the Marat- tiaceie is generally wanting from the larger roots of the adult sporophyte. THE SPOROPHYTE OF KAULFUSSIA. The deveK)pment of the young sporophyte in Kaulfussia resembles that of Dancea in most respects, but from the first it is markedly dorsiventral, like the sporophyte of Helninithostachys. The cotyledon, while not provided with the char- acteristic free stipules of the later leaves, still has its base connected with a ridge which extends around the stem apex and youngest leaves, which thus lie in a cavity at the base of the cotyledon in much the same way that the stem apex is situated in the young sporophyte of Ophioglossum; but the sheath in Kaulfussia forms a shallow open cup, instead of the closed conical sheath found in Ophioglossum. This stipular sheath seems to be in all respects similar in its origin to that found in Ophioglossum. The second leaf lies nearly opposite the first and thi- thirtl next to the fiist, and so on, the distichous arrangement being evident from the beginning. \\'e have already pointed out that in the very young sporophyte the vascular bundle from the cotyledon is continued directly into that of the root and that the bundle from the second leaf joins this common bundle, as shown in fig. 163. These primary bundles run on one side of the apical meristem, which, as in Damra, is of very limited extent and does not contribute at all to these bundles. The apical cell of the young sporophyte, up to the oldest stages that were in- vestigated, is very much like that of the very young plant and is broader than that of Daiicca, more resembling both in cross and longitudinal sections the apical cell 180 THE MARATTIALES oi Ophioglossum. The young leaves arise right and left in succession on either side of the stem apex, and from a very early period are strongly bent over, showing the characteristic circinate vernation of the Marattiaceie. Sections made through the apex of the young leaf show that it has at first a definite apical cell a good deal like that which is found in the stem apex, and although no satisfactory cross-sections of this apical cell were found, there seems to be no question that there is present a single definite initial cell which probably has much the same form as that of the stem apex. The young leaf, at this stage, has the dorsal region strongly convex and composed of large parenchyma cells. The apex is bent over forward and downward. Fig. 164.— Scries ol leaf D. Stem apex more enlarged. F-H. Central region of the The tissues of the apex and the adjacent region are composed of small, actively dividing cells. The young vascular bundle can be clearly seen extending nearly to the apex and continuing downward into the stem until it joins the bundle from the next older leaf. The second root arises at about the same time that the third leaf is recognizable and apparently its origin is exactly the same as it is in Daiura. Its stele joins the central bundle of the stem near its junction with the third leaf trace. The young leaves, like those in Daiia-a, are sparingly covered with hairs and scales, but these scales do not have the peltate form found in Datura, being usually short rows of stout cells; or the hair may have its base composed of an oblong mass of cells attached by a narrow stalk and having its apex drawn out into a slender filament composed of two or three elongated cells. The terminal cells of these hairs usually stain very strongly, indicating that they contain tannin. The young leaves are relatively stouter than in Dnnera, but otherwise resemble them closely. In the young sporophyte, up to the time of the formation of the third leaf, there may be no trace of the mucilage ducts, although these may be developed Till-: OLDKR SPOROl'IiyTI- 181 at an earlier ixriod. I'lie mucilage ducts throughout the hte of the sporophyte are less conspicuous in K/iiiI/iismh than in Daiuca. A section taken at the level of the stem apex in the viiy \nung s|)<)rophyte (fig. 137) presents an appearance not unlike that found in the bud in Oplnuglossutri. The base of the cotyledon extends around the stem apex, so that in the section the stem apex and the second leaf are inciosetl in this cavity formed by the stipular sheath of the cotyledon. Higher up, the base of the cotyledon becomes free from the second leaf, but this takes place earlier on one side than on the other. The development of the vascular system in the stem is exactly as it is in Daiicca. The stem apex in the young sporophyte takes no part in the development of the vascular bundles, the stele in the stem being made up entirely of the united leaf traces. In the specimen figured (fig. 164), in which the second leaf was still quite young, the bundle from the cotyledon passes downward into the stem and continues its downward course until it joins the second leaf trace. The resulting solid stele at first shows the two separated xylems of the component leaf traces which lower down merge into a single thick band of xylem completely surrounded by the phloem (fig. 164, E-H). This stage corresponds to Brebner's "haplostele" in DancFa sini- pUcifoUa. This condition merges insensibly into the primary root with its diarch bundle, the two xylems in the younger part of the root being quite separate, but forming a single band at the base of the transitional region, between the root and the bundle in the stem. The bundle of the root shows a conspicuous endodermis which becomes less and less evident in the transitional region, although it prob- ably never quite disappears. The primary root usually shows the presence of an endophytic fungus like that occurring in the prothalh'um and in the priniarv root of most of the Ophioglossaceae. Fig. 166 shows cross-sections of a young sporophyte in which the fifth leaf is still quite small, but with its trace showing the first tracheary tissue. This fifth leaf trace unites below with the trace from the fourth leaf and forms a single bundle, with the xylems separate. The xylem from the fourth leaf above its junction with the fifth leaf trace forms at first a continuous band which divides into two parts, one of which unites with the xylem from the fifth leaf trace, while the other remains distinct. This separation of the xylem in the fourth leaf trace is the first indication of the for- mation of the double leaf trace, such as we shall find occurs in the later leaves. 182 THE MARATTIALES The separated xylems become joined lower down into a single transverse plate, just before the junction of the strand with the trace from the third leaf (fig. i66, H), with which it joins in the same way and is continued downward to the junction with the strand arising from the fusion of the second leaf trace with the cotyledon. Above the junction of the first and second leaves, the stele of the second root, which grows vertically downward, joins the stele formed by the junction of the three youngest leaf traces. Above the junction the section of the bundle is nearly circular in outline, the large tracheids forming a broken group in the center of the bundle, quite like a A-C. Serif D. Stem apex. H-J. Three sections lower down. K. Central vascular cylinder still lower down. corresponding stage in Dancrn. Some of the cells adjacent to the bundle show the typical thickenings on the radial walls, indicating that they belong to the endodermis, but the limits of the endodermis are e.xtremely vague. In this plant two mucilage ducts had developed in the fourth leaf, one on each side of the vascular bundle (fig. 1 66, B, m). The second root is stouter than the primary one and its bundle is triarch. The mycorrhiza present in the first root could not be detected in the second root, but possibly may be developed at a later stage. All of the roots are provided with root THT OLDPR SrOROPFn'Tr 183 hairs, wliicli rcseniblf tliost- in Diuin-n in bLiiii^ iiuiltinlliilai. In rlic laif^er roots there may sometimes he five or six cells, each with a conspicuous nucleus, makinj; up these root hairs, and sometimes they show signs of branching at the apex. It is evident that in Kaulfiissui, up to the time that five leaves have developed, the vascular system ot the stem consists of a single axial strand, a sort of sympodium formed by the completely united traces of" the young leaves. The xylem may appear as a sin-gle mass at the points where fusion of the leaf traces is complete, but at most points the individuality of the component strands is maintained, so far as the xylem is concerned. Figure i68 shows transverse sections from a iiuuh older sporophyte. The section of the petiole still shows the single vascular bundle having near its inner face a single large mucilage duct, which follows the leaf trace downward into the stem. As the bundle from the leaf enters the stem it broadens, and there is a separation of the xylems into two masses, first seen in the fourth leaf. In the specimen shown here the earliest leaves w-ere not sectioned, and, as it can not be stated exactly how many leaves the young sporophyte had developed, it must therefore remain uncer- tain which leaf first shows the completely divided leaf trace. In the specimen in question the oldest leaf that showed had a single trace with two separate xylems, while the next leaf had the leaf trace completely separated and resembling a corre- sponding stage in Datia-a (fig. i68, /'). As the traces from the two leaves approach preliminary to their fusion, the double leaf trace has its parts united again so that the traces become single before they join. The leaf trace now forms a single bundle, crescentic in section and very much like the single broad leaf trace from the earlier leaf. The two traces come nearer and nearer and finally fuse on one side, so that a section shows a single bundle almost circular in form, but broken on one side (fig. 1 68, H). This break is finally closed up, and the section of the bundle is completely circular and resembles very closely that oi Botrxchiutn or HfUniutlios- taclixs, except that phloem is developed inside the ring of xylem (fig. 168, A"). A similar condition may sometimes be f^ound for a very short rime in the voung plant of /3rt,/,jv/ also. No certain evidence of an internal endodermis coidd be made out ami tlu' external endodermis is also somewhat vague, although there is pn>babl\- no question of its presence. The outer phloem is bounded by a fairly well-defined peric\cle, between which and the starch-filled cortical cells of the stem arc two or three layeis of transparent cells, some of which presumably constitute the endodermis. The endodermis is certainly present in the free leaf traces, although less conspicuous 184 THE MARATTIALES than it is in the roots. In the upper region of the stem the leaf traces are further apart, and as the number increases a cross-section of the stem shows a circle of separate bundles closely resembling the arrangement in Ophioglossum. The central "commissural" strand, which is found in the adult stem, had not developed in any of the young sporophytes I examined and evidently arises much later in the history of the sporophyte than it does in the other Marattiaceae. In this respect, as well as in the arrangement of the bundles themselves, Kaulfiissia is more like A, B. Two sections above level of stem a C-J. Sections taken lower down from K. Central bundle of section J. XI, L. Part of the bundle of section H, of a young sporophyte of Kaulju series, m, mucilage ducts. enlarged. G, F, I, J, show only the I of about same age ; Ophioglossum than it is like the other Marattiaceae. In the intermediate condition between the single solid stele found in the very young stem and the entirely separated leaf traces of the older rhizome, there is a transitional condition with a "siphono- stele," very much as in Helminthostachys (fig. i68, K). In one very young sporophyte there was found, in the cortex of the primary root near its base, a large lacuna which recalled the similar lacuna found in the first internode o{ Helminthostachys. HK OLDER SPOROPHYTE 185 Tlu- youiig s[)on)\^h\tv (>{' Kaiilfussid is almost completely destitute of the tannin cells which are so conspicuous a feature in Datura, and these tannin cells are prac- tically entirely absent from the sporophyte throughout its whole existence. In this respect there is a marked resemblance to Opliioglossuni. The mucilage ducts are also somewhat less developed than in the other Marattiace:e and are mainly con- lined to the central part of the stem in proximity to the vascular bundles. At a late period they may also appear in the cortical region. Their lysigenous origin is less evident than in Dancea and it is not impossible that they may sometimes be of schizogenous origin, as Brebner states is often the case in Dancea. The structure of the vascular strands is very much like that of Dancva, as a reference to the figures will show. There are developed slender, spirally-marked protoxylem elements like those in Dana-a and which we have already seen occur also among the Ophioglossace^, in Helminthostachys. The stipules in the young plants of Kaulfiissta are much less definite than they are in Daiicca. A cross-section through the bases of the young leaves shows that instead of the bases appearing free, each with its distinct stipules, the leaf is confluent with the next one, one side being slightly extended and free. The leaf base thus incloses the next younger leaf completely on one side, but leaves it free on the A. Bundle from intermediate region of .i \ B. Section of primary root. X150. C. Section of bundle of second root, fn, endo Other (fig. 168, 5). In the later leaves the stipules become more conspicuous, but they are always connected by a very conspicuous commissure in front (fig. 171, (oni) so that a section of the young leaf base shows a space between the front of the petiole and the stipular sheath. In short, the structure is very similar to the open stipular sheath of Botrychium virginianum and apparently arises in much the same way. The structure of the adult sporophyte has been carefully investigated by Kiihn, who pointed out that it is the simplest of the Marattiace:e in the structure of the stem (fig. 171, B). As in the young sporophyte, the stem shows in section a single circle of vascular bundles, but there is in addition a single median strand within the circle of bundles belonging to the dictyostele, and this bundle is presuniahl\- of cauline origin, like the corresponding one in Daiiera. The whole vascular skeleton of the stem, when removed by maceration, was found by Kiihn to be a hollow cylinder with large open meshes. These are more elongated on the ventral side and from these ventral strands alone, according to Kuhn, the roots are developed. In this respect Kaiilfiissia offers a certain analog\- to Helmnithostachys and perhaps to Ophioglossiini pendulum. As in the other Marattiaceic, the ground tissue of the rhi/ome is composed of simple parenchyma. The outer layers have their walls brown in color and show the reaction of cork. Except for the presence of the central strand, a .section of the 186 THE MARATTIALES rhizome oi Knulfiissin presents almost the exact appearance of a similar section of Ophioglossiini. In a rhizome having a diameter of about a centimeter twelve bundles showed in a cross-section taken through the internode, one of these being the medullary strand. The section of a petiole of a leaf taken from the same plant is shown in fig. 171, C, and the structure of the section closely resembles that of the rhizome. There were eight bundles arranged in a circle, within which were two medullary strands. The cortical region was composed of several rows of brownish cells, prob- ably similar to those in the outer part of the rhizome, and within these, separated bundle from a young sporophyte of Kutil- ftissia, showing two xylems. X150. Fig. 171. Rhizome of a large sporophyte of Kaulju ules; com, commissure. X]f. B. Section of rhizome. X2. C. Section of petiole. X2. from them by three or four rows of cells, was a conspicuous band of collenchyma, a tissue characteristic of the leaves of most of the Marattiaceae. According to Kiihn, the bundles of the leaves are continued separately into the cortex of the stem and do not unite into a single leaf trace. There are occasional anastomoses of the vascular bundles of the petiole, quite like those in the stem itself, and this becomes especially marked at the base of the leaf, so that the leaf trace (if such it can be called) forms a hollow reticulate cone, quite equaling in diameter the vascular cylinder of the stem itself, and attached to this by the open base, the sepa- rate strands forming a crescent-shaped group when seen in section. The arrange- ment of the bundles within the petiole itself and their method of junction with the vascular system of the rhizome are very much like tho.se in Ophioglossiim pendiiluju. The vascular bundles, both in the petiole and rhizome, are concentric. The endodermis is not recognizable and the central xylem is completely inclosed by the phloem, sieve tubes being developed throughout. TIIF OI.nivK SI'OROPMVTi: 187 \\ hik' iiuicilafi,i- diKts aii' pre ■sint in hdth leaf and sti-m, they aie less numerous and conspiiuous than in Daiiua. There is a ring of" them in the outer cortex and several larger ones in the central : region. Kidin states that, although these mucilage ducts sometimes look as if they were of schi/.ogenoirs origin, in reality the)' are always lysigenous, i. e., tiiey are lornu-d h\ tlie fusion of several mucdage-secreting In the cotyledon and the earlier leaves a section of the lamina shows, hetween the large-celled epidermis of the upper and lower sides, a mesophyll composed of about three layers of (juite inditierent parenchyma, exactly as it is in Opiitoglossuni. In the adult leaves the upper part of the mesophyll is compact, but there is no proper palisade tissue developed. Toward the lower surface the mesophyll becomes looser. Until the plant has reached a considerable si/e the leaves remain undividetl and, except for the much greater size, closely resemble the early leaves of the )-oung sporophyte (see plate 1 1, fig. i). 'The simple leaves are succeeded later by trifoliate ones, and finally five leaflets are developed. The long, fleshy petiole may reach a diameter of a centimeter or more and a length of some 50 centimeters in large specimens. The venation strikingly resembles that of a dicotyledonous leaf, the pinnately arranged, secondary veins being connected by a plexus of small veins, inclosing nearly square areoles within which a few free terminations are occasionally found. The large pores upon the lower side of the leaf, formed by the greatly enlarged stomata already referred to in the younger leaves, are plainly visible to the naked eye, and sections of these look curiously like the pores upon the thallus of certain Marchantiaceae (fig. 128). The stipules of the older leaves are very conspicuous and show much the same structure as that noted for the earlier leaves. The young leaf is included within the stipular sheath of the next older one, and near the apex the unbroken stipular sheath of the youngest expanded leaf shows very plainly that the large stipules are joined in front by a broad commissure, which extends entirely around the apex of the shoot, exactly as it does in Helminthostachys, from which the sheath differs mainl}^ in the fact that it is divided above into the two stipules as it is in Botrychium virginiatiiim, and there seems no reason to doubt that we have to do with entirely homologous structures (fig. 171, A). The stipules of the young leaves are covered with hairs and scales similar to those noted in the young sporophyte. The roots arise from the ventral surface and flanks of the rhizome, and out- number the leaves, to which they apparently bear no definite relation. The apical growth was not studied in the root of the older sporophyte, but it is probable that in the large roots of the older plant the single apical cell found in the early roots is replaced by a group of initials such as are found in the other Marattiaceae, although it is barely possible that the single apical cell may be retained here as it is in the Ophioglossaceae. Unfortunately, material was not available for a study of this point. 1 he roots in most cases are quite unbranched, as they are in huof^luoglossiitn. 1 he only cases where branches were seen, were young sporoph\tes in which the end of the root had been destroyed and two branches had arisen on each side of the destroyed apex. This looks somewhat like a dichotomy ami it is barely possible that, as in Opiuoglossum, there may be a real dichotomy of the root, but all of the cases that were found had much more the appearance of the formation of two lateral roots. The young roots of the sporoph\te are provided with multicel- lular root hairs, like those of Dniitiii. but these disappear as the root becomes oliler. The ci nti;d \;iscid:ir c\liiuKr of the root is surrounded by a circle of ver)- large nuicilage ducts. TIk riulocU 1 mis is clearly evident and the routs which I examined 188 THE MARATTIALES irom a medium-sized plant were tetraich. Kiihn states that pentaich and hex- arch roots also are formed. The reduced number of xylems in the root of Kaul- fussia, as compared with the other Marattiaceae, is another indication of its probable nearer relationship to the Ophioglossaceae, the structure of the root being very similar indeed to that of Hehninthostachys or Ophioglossum pciulidum. TliF. Sl'UROPIlYTE OF MARATTIA. The published observations upon the young sporophyte of Marattia are far from complete. Kiihn (Kuhn I) has described the stem structure in young plants of M . fraxniea, but it is evident that these plants were already too far advanced to show the early arrangement of the bundles, as the stems he described had reached a length of nearly 2 centimeters. Farmer and Hill (Farmer 3) have also given some details as to the early stem structure in the same species. These young plants, especially those described by Kuhn, have the stem relatively longer than is the case either in M. doiiglasii, which I have studied somewhat in detail, or M. alata, or M . sambucina, which I have also examined. In all of these species the stem of the very young sporophyte is still quite short and very soon assumes the compact globular form with the crowded leaves that it has in the adult sporophyte. It may be said, however, that in M. alata the buds which develop upon the old leaf bases have the young stem somewhat more elongated, but not nearly so much as Kiihn's figures would indicate to be the case in M. fraxinea."^'' In the youngest specimens examined by Kuhn the cross-section of the stem showed a ring of bundles corresponding to the leaf traces and a central medullary strand, the whole arrangement being very similar to that which is found in the adult rhizome of Kaiilfiissia. This stage is also very similar to the condition found in the young sporophyte of Dancea. Farmer and Hill describe the vascular skeleton of the very young plant of M. fraxinea as a "siphonostele" with much larger foliar gaps than those found in Angiopteris, and thus more nearly resembling Kaidfussia or Dancea. The leaf traces are at first single, but the later leaves have double leaf traces, such as we have described in Dancea and Kaidfussia. The writer has already published some details in regard to the young sporo- phyte of Marattia douglasii (Campbell 3, 4), and some additional facts are here added to those that have already been published; but as the series of specimens available for study was not at all complete, further investigation is desirable to complete the history of the development of the vascular system in Marattia. The only material available for a study of the young sporophyte in M. douglasii was a series of slides made a good many years ago from material collected on the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands. This material was supplemented by a small number of very young plants of Af. sambucina, collected in Java. Material of older sporophytes of M. alata was collected in Jamaica in the summer of 1908. Un- fortunately, all the preparations of M. douglasii, except the very youngest stages, were longitudinal sections, so that it was diflScult to follow out satisfactorily the course of the vascular bundles in the later stages. Longitudinal sections of a young sporophyte before the cotyledon was com- pletely expanded are shown in fig. 133. The section was cut nearly in the plane of the cotyledon and the bent-over apex of the latter was cut so as to show plainly the two lobes arising from the first dichotomy of its apex. The second leaf is already formed and differs in no essential particular from the corresponding leaf in Kaul- * Since the above was written a paper has appeared (Charles l) describing the vascular system of the young sporo- phvtr of M. alula. The stele of the very young plant is described as a protosteic which passes abruptly into a solenostele. nil. ()LI)i:k si'droi'iivti; 189 fussiti or Diiihrii. It was not (|iiit(.' ctitain whctlur a siiiiilf apical clII was |Misent at this stage, but a triangular cell which could be seen at the apex was probably the apical cell of the young leaf. The root apex of this specimen had been injured so that the form of the apical cell could not be clearly made out, but it was probably the same as we have already described iov the young sporophyte. I he apical cell of the stem meristem was broader in outline than that of Daiuva and truncate below . The vascular system at this stage, as we have already indicated earlier, consists of the common bundle of the root and the cotyledon, which is joined at a point quite close to the stem apex by the second leaf trace. The first tracheaiy tissue is visible at this point in the form of short, reticulately marked tracheids such as we have already seen in the young sporophyte of Dcuuva. At this stage no mucilage ducts or tannin cells had develojud. About the base of the young leaves are short iiaiis A, B. Two longitudinal sections of sporophyte of Marattm ilouglo second leaf; r' , second root. X C. Part of primary root, showing fected by endophytic fungus. Ho. 173. a young sporophyte of Maraitia . 5/, stem apex; /, young leaves; X2S. and scales like those we have seen in the other genera. They are more like those of Kaulfussia than like the peltate scales found in Dtuuca. Sections of a somewhat older sporophyte are shown in figure 172, tiiis section being made at right angles to the one just described. The cotyledon in this specimen was fully expanded and the primary root had penetrated into the earth. I'hc arrangement of the bundles was the same as in the younger sporophyte described, except that the third leaf was now visible and the second root was already well advanced. The section passed exactly through this root, the stele of which is seen to join that of the second leaf and is practically continuous with it. The young trace fVom the third leaf joins the second leaf trace near its junction with the second root. The apical cell of the latter was readily seen and appears in longitudinal section of nearly triangular form, but with the base somewhat truncate (fig. 177, C). The tracheaiy tissue in the middle of the sporophyte is pretty well advanced and the formation of the tracheaiy tissue has extended for some distance into the primary root and the cotyledon. In the former a single elongated tannin sac could 190 THE MARATTIALI' be seen, like those which are much more developed in the primary root o{ Jrigiop- teris, and it was also seen that certain of the cells in the cortex of the primary roots were invaded by the endophytic fungus. In the cotyledon there was a single large mucilage duct. A series of transverse sections was made of a young sporophyte of M. sam- bucina and these agreed in all essential particulars with similar sections of Daticea or Kaidfiissia. In a young sporophyte of M. douglasti, in which two roots were developed in addition to the primary one, there could be seen at the apex two young leaves, prob- ably the fourth and fifth, but as only the median sections of this series had been kept the exact number of leaves could not be determined. The central part of the stem in this plant (fig. 173) was occupied by a single thick bundle, but whether this was solid or open on one side, as Farmer states is the case in M. fraxinca, could not be satisfactorily determined. At this stage the section of the young plant almost exactly resembles a similar one in Danira, and presumably the single central strand is composed of the confluent leaf traces from the three first leaves, as it is in Daiiara. The .xylem of the bundle is still composed exclusively of short, reticulate tra- cheids. Large mucilage ducts and numerous tannin sacs are developed in the petioles of the older leaves and the elongated tannin sacs, like those in the roots of Daria-a and Angiopteris, are sparingly developed in the young roots; but both tannin sacs and mucilage ducts were absent from the stem tissues at this period. In a still older plant (fig. 174) the single central bundle of the basal region is replaced by the separated steles of the single leaf traces, which are beginning to form the open dictyostele characteristic of the adult sporophyte. The exact nature of its origin could not be followed in the material at my disposal, but it is presumably THK OLDER SI'OKOI'HVTr: 191 mucli the same as that (.lescrihtil for Dmiati, since tlie ap|)earaiue of the Idii^itiidinal sections in Marattia is exactly like that of coriespondinj; sta<;es in Duiuni. The apex of the stem, however, is much broader than in Datia-a. There is in the middle of the apical region a cell which from its size and position may be pretty certainly denominated the apical cell (fig. 174, C). There is present a strand of procam- bium which ends abruptly a short distance below the stem apex. This strand |irobably represents the primary commissural strand, which, as in Datia-t:, is in all probability a truly cauline bundle and has no direct connection with the leaf traces. In the central region of the stem there are now seveial large mucilage ducts, but tannin cells are still absent. In the roots, however, the tannin cells are abundantly developed. Farmer and Hill's brief account of the development of Maratttti fiaxinea agrees with my own observations so far as they have gone, except for the interpretation of the vascular bundles. The "protostele" found in the lower part of the stem is undoubtedly the common bundle of the primary root and the cotyledon, and the open "siphonostele" is really made up of separate leaf traces, which anastomose at certain points to form the large meshes of the very open dictyostele. Farmer and Hill call attention to the fact that the "foliar gaps" are much wider than in Aiigi- optcn's, and in consequence the separate strands, seen in section, form a circle of apparently quite separate bundles, evidently closely approximating the condition found in Datuea and Kaiilfussia. Farmer and Hill do not make it quite clear that the commissures which they found developed later, connecting the strands of the dictyostele, were really parts of the central cauline strand, but they presumably assume that such was the case, as this is explicitly stated in the case of Jngiopteris, which they also studied. The structure of the bundle in the latest stage described by Farmer and Hill agrees pretty closely with the condition described by Kiihn in the youngest specimens which he studied, where the stem was about a centimeter in diameter. The early leaf traces, as in the other Marattiace;e, are single, but later on double traces are formed. According to Farmer and Hill, the two bundles of the leaf trace unite before joining the vascular cylinder of the stem. No material was available for a further study of the development of the bundle in M. cloiiglnsn, bur it |irobablv agrees with that of M. fraxinca. Several young plants of M. alata were examined for comparison with the young germ plants of M . douglasii. The specimens in question (fig. 175) had arisen as adventitious buds upon the old leaf bases which had become separated from the stem. This manner of formation of the young plants is very common in this species (see plate 12, A). In one of these yt)ung plants, in which the stem was about 4 centimeters long and 1.5 centimeters in diameter, exclusive of the leaf bases, the oldest expanded leaf had a petiole of about 8 millimeters in diameter. In these young plants there is usually only one leaf expanded, so that they have a very different appearance from the fully developed sporophyte with its crowded circle of leaves, and these monophyllous plants reminil one very much of sterile specimens of some of the larger species of Botrychiutn (plate 12, B). A section of the petiole of this specimen showed ten vascular bundles arranged in a circle, within which, on the ventral side, were two other bundles. The section resembled almost exactly that of the petiole of a fully developed lenf of Fffhninf/iostarlivs. At the base of the leaf are the two very conspicuous stipules, one of which overlaps the other. These stipules are connected by a commissure which joins the two stipules near the base and is entirely concealed within the cavity formed by the overlapping stipules, but can be seen on raising these, as a hood-like membrane, overarching the next 192 THE MARATTIALES younger leaf. Fig. 175, E, shows a young leaf from another plant, in which one side has been cut away so as to show the relation of the stipules to the leaf base. This leaf was still coiled up and its apex was quite concealed within the large overlapping stipules. Both as to its position and its relation to the stipules, the commissure exactly resembles the lip-like basal extension of the stipular sheath in Botrychiitm and Hclminthostachys, and there is no reason to suppose that it is not exactly homologous with this. Partially inclosed by the stipular sheath of the expanded leaf is the next younger leaf, which is cut in a plane nearly at right angles with that of the oldest leaf, so that the overlapping of the stipules, which entirely conceal the rest of the leaf, is very plainly seen (fig. 175, B, P). Within the stipular sheath of this leaf is a still younger one, which is entirely concealed from view from the outside, but shows plainly in longitudinal sections, taken next to the center of the bud. The stem apex is entirely concealed within the sheath of the younger leaf. The resemblance of this section of Fig. 175. — Marattia alata Smith. The outer tissue has been { A, B. Yuunp plant ilcvclopcd as a bud upon an old I of the thick central section are shown. XI. C. Section of petiole of leaf. D. Three sections of a rhizome of a small plant. X1.33 E. Young leaf. The lamina is coiled up within the large stipules, st. to show the commissure, com. Xl.'^3 of the stipules has been i the young plant to a similar section of the bud in one ot the larger species of Botry- chtum or of Helminthostachys is sufficiently striking. The bundles forming the ring in the petiole anastomose freely in the leaf base, as they do in Kaidfiusia or Ophioglossum poidulum, so that the number of strands in the leaf trace is smaller than the number of bundles within the petiole. The vascular bundles in the stem form a single very open mesh-work, with which the leaf traces join and which is, with little question, composed entirely of these leaf traces, as it is in the earlier stage. Indeed, except for the larger size of these plants, there is no essential difference between them and the young germ plants, described in M. douglasii. Several roots are usually developed before the first leaf of these young bud-plants unfolds. Probably one root develops for each leaf, but it is not certain that this is always the case. Owing to the thickness of the cortical region which has to be traversed by the root before it emerges, the roots have already reached a large size before they appear upon the outside. This deep- Till- OLDKR SPOROPHYTi; 193 scatfd origin of tlic roots of" tlu- Marattiacex* has often liti-n Hgiinil and tk-sriilud. The roots from the base of this plant showed the hexarch stiuctuie, the six xylem masses being united in the middle of the stele. About half-way between the stele and the epidermis of the root is a circle of large mucilage ducts, but these were quite absent from the outer cortex. No mycorrhiza could be found, except that in the outermost layers of cells, which constitute a iiidimentary periderm, occasional fungus filaments can be detected, but these are very different in appearance from the typical mycorrhi/.a found in the primary root of the germ plant. No root hairs could be found, but occasionalU' short stumps wire seen which looked as if a root hair had been broken off. Fig. 175, 1), shows three consicurivi' free-hand sections of a stem from a plant of about the same size as the one we have just described, but evidently much older, as there were the remains of many leaves and the whole caudex, except for its smaller size, was very much like that of the adult plant. The broad vascular strands made up of the confluent leaf traces formed an irregular circle which in fig- '75' ^' ■^' ii shows the free central strand which lower down forms the com- missure across the central parenchyma. The arrangement of the bundles, therefore, in the young plant of Marattiaceae is the same as in the adult rhizome of Kaulfiissia. In these sections two roots are shown, one of which is cut through the point of junction with a strand of the dictyostele (fig. 175, D, i). As in the younger germ plants, tannin cells are quite absent from the stem, although in the roots they are conspicuous. A few large mucilage ducts, however, occur in the ground tissue of the stem. Farmer and Hill give one figure of a cross-section of the stele from the young stem of Maratti (I which shows that it has essentially the same structure as that of DatKsa. There is a fairly well-marked endodermis, within which lies a broad zone of phloem, entirely surrounding the central mass of xylem. According to Kiihn, there is in the older plant a second circle of bundles within the first, but no satisfactory account is given as to the relation of the bundles making up this second circle with those of the outer dictyostele. However, it is probably composed also of elements derived from the leaf traces, but it is possible that some of the strands may be of cauline origin. THE ADULT SPOROPHYTE OF MARATTIA. The genus Marattin includes about 25 extremely variable species, some of which, e. g., M. fraxiuea, closely resemble Angioptcris in their general habit (see Bitter 1, page 441; Christensen 1). They occur in the moist, tropical regions of both the Old and New World, and one species, M. salicifolia, extends as far south as the Cape Region of South Africa. M. douglasii is a conspicuous fern of the Hawaiian Islands. This species I have studied somewhat in detail, as well as the West Indian M. alata, which is abundant in the mountain forests of Jamaica. These two species closely resemble each other in general habit and have the leaves very much more divided than is the case in M.fraxitiea and its allies (see plate 12). The stem in the adult plant is an almost globular, upright caudex, a foot or more in diameter in large plants. The closely set, spirally arranged leaves have very stout petioles, 5 or 6 centimeters in diameter at their base, which is enlarged and provided with two very large wing-like fleshy stipules, which, with the base of the leaf, remain attached and completely cover the caudex after the petioles have fallen away. There is at the base of the leaf, as in the other Maraftiacent% a pulvinus- likc enlargement, where the leaf breaks oft", leaving a clean scar marked by the broken ends of the vascular bundles. The leaves may reach a length of 2 to 3 meters rr 13 194 THE MARATTIALES even more. The thick, fleshy texture of the leaflets, much Hke that of Botrychium tcrnatiim or B. silaifolium, at once distinguishes Marattia from any of the large leptosporangiate ferns with which it may be associated. The resemblance to the leaves of Botrychium is especially marked in the young plants growing from the stipular buds. These leaves show a marked triangular outline, curiously similar to that of the larger species of Botrychium {ste plate 12, B). The venation of the leaf- lets is also very like, resembling that oi Botrychium more than it does that oi Dancea or Angiopteris. In the species with large linear leaflets, e. g., M. fraxinea, the form of the leaf is quite similar to that of Jngtoptcris or Dainra, but the veins are not so closely approximated. The structure of the leaf was particularly studied in M. alata, which closely resembles the Hawaiian M. douglasii. In well-grown specimens the leaves measure 2 or 3 meters in length, with a petiole which is 5 or 6 centimeters in diameter above the insertion of the stipules and is somewhat larger lower down. Where it joins the stem there is a marked constriction and the leaves often become broken off at this point, the fleshy leaf base remaining alive and often giving rise to adventitious buds (plate 12, A, 3). A section of the leaf base above the stipules shows the vascular A. Section of ultimate rachis of a leallet of Marattia alata. The shaded ; B. Collcnchyina cells, more highly magnified. C. Part of vascular bundle. The shaded cells are tannin sacs. ullcnchvina; m, mucilage du bundles to be arranged in two large concentric circles, within which is a smaller third ring corresponding to the two inner bundles found in the section of the younger leaf. Below this point there are numerous anastomoses of the bundles before they enter the cortex of the stem, and the leaf trace consists of a much smaller number of bundles, eight in the specimen examined, which are arranged in a single circle, open on the adaxial side. The distribution of the bundles to the stipules was not studied, but it no doubt corresponds to that in other species, where the veins form an extensively branched system, connected with the bundles of the petiole. The large leaves of M. alata, when fully developed, are five-pinnate, the ultimate leaflets being about 2 centimeters long. From the midrib extend lateral veins which usually fork once but may remain undivided (plate 12, A, i ). The bundles of the rachis in the later divisions of the leaf diminish in number and show the horseshoe- like arrangement seen in the leaf trace after it leaves the petiole. In the final divisions the crescent of bundles seen in the larger rachis is always completely united and in section appears as a single horseshoe-shaped bundle (fig. 176, A). In the main stipe and secondary and tertiary rachis there is a conspicuous hypodermal sheath of sclerenchyma. This sclerenchyma passes into collenchyma near the base of the IHK 0LD1;R Sl'OKO 195 stipe and Hnally disappears entirely before the stem is reached. 1 he scieienchynia is also replaced by collenchyma in the rachis of the terminal divisions of the leaf. Tannin sacs are quite absent except from the immediate vicinity of the bundles, where they occur upon the inner concave side, either in direct contact with. the bundle or actually within it. 1 he leaf lamina is only about half as thick as that of the leath- ery Ics^f of Ddiuva clliptica, but shows much the same structure. 1 he palisade cells are not (juite so well developed and there is a complete absence of sclerenchyma, but otherwise the structure is very similar. The cells of the epidermis are undulate in outline and the stomata, like those in Dana-a, are surrounded by a series of accessoiy cells. The hui^e roots may attain a diameter of 6 to 7 millimeters. In the absence of the hypodermal sheath of sclerenchyma they more nearly resemble Kaulfussia than Daiicea, but they are more like Dancca in the greater number of xylem rays, which number twelve in the largest roots examined. In these later roots the central part of the stele is occupied by the pith, the xylem rays not being united as they f a small root of Marattiti dau^lasii B. I'ranivirse section of apex of a similar root. C. Longitudinal section of the apex of the second r D. Apex of a large root of M. alata. x .v, initial cells are in the roots from the younger plant, but in some cases a few scattereti tiacheids appear in the central region. There is usually a ring of conspicuous mucilage ducts in the cortex, but these were sometimes not very well developed. Numerous tannin sacs are scattered through the cortex and also occur within the stele. THE SPOI^OPIIYTI'; OK ANCIOffKRIS. AtigiofHcris is the largest and most specialized of the Marattiace;c. As we have indicated before, there is much difference of opinion as to the number of species which should be recognized and many botanists consider that all of the forms belong to a single extremely variable species. Bitter, however, in his account of the Marat- tiace;e in the "Natiirliche Pflanzenfamilien," thinks that from 20 to 30 species should be recognized, following in this respect the classification given by Presl and l)e Vries; while Christensen (Christensen 1) recognizes 62. 1 have examined ma- terial from Australia furnished by Mr. j. H. Maiden, director of the Botanical Gardens in Sydney, as'well as material collected by myself in Ceylon and Java. Some of the specimens growing in the Botanical Garden at Buitenzorg are the largest that I have seen. Leaves 6 meters and upwards in length were measured and the upright caudex was almost as big as a barrel. The specimens seen in Ceylon were somewhat smaller. 196 THE MARATTIALES Forms oi Angiopteris occur from Polynesia to Madagascar and northward as far as the Himalayas. The genus also occurs in northern Australia. The anatomy of the adult plant has been investigated more thoroughly than that of any other member of the Marattiaceae. The most recent account of the anatomy is that given by Miss Shove (Shove 1), while Farmer and Hill have care- fully investigated the vascular system of the young sporophyte. A number of prep- arations were made by the writer for the purposes of comparison with the other genera, but no attempt was made to follow out in detail the extremely complicated vascular skeleton of the adult sporophyte. Farmer and Hill (Farmer 3) have given a detailed account of the development of the vascular system in the young sporo- phyte ot Jngioptcns, so that it was not thought necessary to make a large number of preparations of this species, the material of which was collected at the same place where Farmer obtained his plants. However, as these authors did not trace the development of the young bundles from the apical meristem, it seemed worth while to examine this point for the purpose of supplementing their account based upon the study of the fully developed vascular skeleton. young sporophyt The vascular system begins, as was recognized by Farmer in an earlier paper (Farmer 1), as a single strand connecting the root and cotyledon, exactly as is the case in the other Marattiaceae. In the further study of the development of the vascular skel- eton Farmer and Hill employed the method of constructing a model of the vascular system, built up of superimposed sheets of wax, corresponding with the outline of the vascular bundles seen in the serial sections. The figures which they give, drawn from such models, show very clearly the relation of the vascular strands which make up the complicated skeleton in Angiopteris. The assumption is made that the single stele found in the young plant is really a cauline structure, the leaf traces being subsidiary. The early history of the vascular system of the young sporophyte is given by them as follows: "The vascular skeleton in the young plant oi Angiopteris consists of an axile rod of tissue, from which strands are given off to the roots and leaves respectively. The first lateral root is given off at a point not quite opposite the formation of the first leaf trace. It is separated from it by about 130°. The regular relation be- tween the leaf and the corresponding root is, however, soon lost. The gaps produced by the early leaf traces are very small and are immediately made good above. The IHE OLDKR 197 first deeply depressed aperture or gap occurs at about tlie sixth or seventh leaf. The leaf traces still continue to issue from the stele as single strands till a varying number have been formed, but they begin to bifurcate while still within the cortex of the stem. "As the stem increases the leaf traces become more numerous and crowded and they take away a larger portion of the vascular tissue from the axile strand. The result is that the leaf gaps become less rapidly repaired. Ihe stele is already hollow in this region, that is, it consists of a cylindrical vascular mass with perforations corresponding to foliar gaps and inclosing a core of parenchyma. Sooner or later, the gap above one leaf fails to be repaired until after the exit of the trace of the next leaf and then the original vascular cylinder becomes broken up and assumes a condition, in transverse section, conforming with that of polystely or dialystely." There is thus a gradual transition from the solid stele found in the earliest stages to a hollow cylinder or siphonostele with a core of pith, and by the formation of larger and larger leaf gaps there is a transition to an open dictyostele like that found in the other genera. Finally there appears the commissural strand which forms a thick A-D. Four transverse the fusion of the E. Centr.il region of C. F. Central region of D stem apex. B, C, s strnd traversing the pith and undoubtedh' of cauline origin. This central strand becomes more and more important as the plant develops and from its central position might be mistaken for the original axial strand of the young sporophyte. The vascular system at this stage is described as follows: "The leaf traces become more complex and anastomoses take place at irregular intervals with the strands which can still be recognized as the relics of the original siphonostele, as well as with one another. Irregularities also commence to become apparent as to the relative heights at which the two members of the leaf traces be- come freed from the plexus of tissue, and a stage is thus reached at which the vascular skeleton appears to consist of a stout axile strand, surrounded by upwardly diverging zones of steles, which ultimately pass out above to the leaves." It is evident that at this stage there is a condition which is \er\' much like that figured by Kuhn for Kaidfussia, and it is pretty clear that the whole of the dictvostele, exclusive of the axial or commissural strand, is made up of the "upwardl\- diverging zones of steles which pass out above into the leaves," i. e., in other words, the dictyostele is composed of a union of multiple leaf traces. 198 THE MARATTIALES Transverse sections of a very young sporophyte of Angiopteris show the same relation of the parts as in the other genera. The junction of the^traces of the first, second, and third leaves takes place at a very short distance below the stem apex, which, as Farmer pointed out, shows an unmistakable apical cell of somewhat irregu- lar form. Compared with the other genera, the primary leaf trace in Angiopteris has the xylem better developed, and composed of about half a dozen tracheids, where the trace enters the stem. This primary leaf trace is concentric, as it is in the later leaves, and not collateral, as it is in Daucra (fig. 179). Near the point of the junction of the three primary traces, there may be seen in the young traces from the second and third leaves the first tracheary tissue, consisting of one or two tracheids. As the sections are examined lower down the tracheary tissue of the second and third leaf traces increases in amount until it forms a solid band, separated from the corresponding xylem of the primary leaf trace by a band of parenchyma. The three leaf traces are now completely fused, but the sections of the two xylems are perfectly evident, and this band of tissue between A-D. Four sections of an older sporophvte tha E. Stem apex. X130. F. Central bundle from transitional region. O. Bundle of primary root. the two xylems (which really belongs to the ground tissue of the stem and not to the stele itself) corresponds to the "pith" figured by Farmer and Hill for the transi- tional region between the root and stem (fig. i8o, C). Sometimes, in still lower sections, the two xylems are connected, but I have found no cases where the pith was entirely surrounded by the xylem, and the two xylems of this axial strand merge gradually into the two xylems of the diarch primary root (fig. 179, G). The endo- dermis is clearly evident in the intermediate region and is recognizable also at higher levels, but is less easy to distinguish. In a series of sections, from a plant in which the fifth leaf was just recognizable, a section at the level of the stem apex shows the apical meristem to be composed of several large cells, one of which is probably the single apical cell, but this is not easy to determine. The base of the fifth leaf is close to the apical group and the section of its stele is indicated by a group of small cells close to the stem apex. The stele of the third leaf is clearly seen, separated from the fourth leaf by about one- third the circumference of the stem. Below the stem apex these two leaf traces THK OI.nFR SPOROPHVTR 199 ;ippro;uli, l)iit an- still srpaiatccl In a cdiisicki al)l(.- mass of tissiit-, l\ins^ directly under the stem apex. Ihe two bundles finally join and between them there seems to be a sort of connective tissue which may perhaps belong to the stem itself, so that this central stele of the stem may possibly have a certain amount of cauline tissue in addition to that deiived from the leaf traces; but it is quite as likely that this connective tissue between the bundles is nothing more than a lateral extension of the leaf trace itself, very much as is the case in J / rhuiiit/i'>.^t/ir/iv and liatt \chium. . sporophytc of Angioptcr r", r', second and third roots. X25. B, traverses the stem apei. When the fusion is complete, the section of the stele appears circular in outline and the whole of the tissue is apparently (piite uniform, with the exception of a single tracheid marking the jiosition of the wleni of the oUler leaf trace. Ihere follows almost immediateh- tin- oUKr K :if trace which joins the solid stele, formed by the fusion of the traces tiom tin- third and fouith leaf, witiinut causing an\' break. At this level the first trachear\ tissue can be seen in xhv fourth leaf trace also. The structure of the stem below the junction of the second and third leaf traces is the same as that already described for the younger sporophyte. A very young loot was 200 THE MARATTIALES formed just opposite where the second leaf trace joined the stele. The apical cell, which had apparently developed from an endodermal cell, had only undergone the first division. This root was probably not the first lateral root, or if it was, it had formed very much later than is usual. The base of the plant had been somewhat injured and there was what looked like the remains of another root, which was probably the first lateral root. The oldest specimen of which sections were made had four fully developed leaves and the rudiments of the fifth and sixth. An examination of the lower series of sections showed the remains of one or two other leaves and it was probable that eight leaves all together had been formed. At the level of the stem apex (fig. i8i, 5) six separate leaf traces could be seen and the relation of the younger ones to the apex was exactly the same as in the younger sporophyte. Below the apex, the central stele of the stem shows a broken ring of procambium inclosing larger parenchyma, representing the pith. The procambium ring is made up evidently of two portions, one of which is certainly referable to the sixth leaf trace, while the opposite one perhaps represents the beginning of the next leaf trace, although the leaf to which it belongs is not yet evident above (fig. i8i, D). The junction of the leaf traces so close to the stem apex makes this point very difficult to decide. The fusion of the fifth and fourth traces follows quickly and the resulting stele shows plainly the three separate xylems of its component bundles. The older portion of the stele shows that it is still solid, with no evident leaf gaps (fig. i8i, EG), but with several groups of tracheids probably corresponding to as many leaf traces, though less distinct than in the younger plant. This is complicated by the fusion of the root traces, which disturbs the arrangement of the xylems from the leaf traces, but the xylem is less compact than is figured by Farmer and Hill and the "pith" much less definite; indeed, one can hardly speak of a pith in this connec- tion. No trace could be seen of the central commissural stiand which later makes its appearance and which presumably arises in the same way that it does in Datura. In the early stages Angiopteris appears to agree closely with the other Marat- tiaceaein the development of its vascular system, but the single central stele without leaf gaps is retained much longer than in the other genera and it also becomes much larger and has a better-developed xylem, and the open dictyostele, formed from the anastomosing of the early single leaf traces, characteristic oi' Dana-a and Marattia, is not present. It is not quite clear whether the "siphonostele" with its small leaf gaps, which is the next stage in the development, is made up entirely of leaf traces, and it is possible that the stelar tissue, connecting the adjacent leaf traces, may be composed in part of cauline tissue. On the other hand, it is quite as likely that the connection of the leaf traces is brought about merely by a broadening at the point of contact, such as occurs in Helminthostachys. Indeed, at this stage, the stele of Angiopteris is more like that oi Helminthostachys than like that of the other Mafat- tiacea?. THE ADULT SPOROPHYTE OF ANGIOPTERIS. In habit Angiopteris closely resembles the larger species of Marattia. The enormous leaves are arranged spirally about the thick upright caudex, which is covered completely by the persistent bases of the old leaves. The leaves are usually twice-pinnate; the linear leaflets have more or less conspicuously serrate margins with a venation very much like that of Danaa, the veins being more closely set than in Marattia. In addition to the ordinary subterranean roots, large aerial roots are not infrequent, but it is doubtful if there is any essential difference between the two kinds of roots. THF OLDER SPOROPHYTK 201 The anatomy of the stem closely resembles that of Marattia, Inir the hiiiulks seen in section are much more numerous and instead of being arranged in two circles, exclusive of the central commissural strand, are usually arranged in four or five. The first complete study of the arrangement of the bundles in the stem was made by Mettenius (Mettenius 2). A summary of his results is given in the paper by Miss Shove. Briefly stated, Mettenius describes the distribution of the bundles as follows (Shove I, p. 498): "The vascular bundles form funnel-shaped zones, with their lower ends in the axis of the stem and their upper portions continued out into the leaves as leaf traces. It is the transverse sections of these concentrically arranged funnels which appear as the rings of separate bundles in the section of the stem. Segments from the outer zone pass into the leaves as the leaf traces and the gaps thus left are filled up by corresponding segments from the next inner zone." The detailed account made by Miss Shove was based upon a moderate-sized specimen from Ceylon. This stem is described as being somewhat dorsiventral in structure, which is certainly not usual in Atigiopteris and may perhaps be explained by the conditions under which the plant was growing. I found Angiopteris growing frequently upon steep banks and it is quite possible that plants growing in such a position might be obliged to bend upward, in which case a somewhat dorsiventral structure would be developed. Plants growing upon level ground, so far as my observations go, are always strictly radial in structure. Miss Shove found essentially the same structure as that described by Mettenius, except that she states that the leaf traces are developed exclusively from the strands of the outer zone, while Mettenius states that strands are also contributed to the leaf trace from the second zone. The following is taken from her paper (Shove I): "The general scheme of the arrangement of the vascular tissue in Angiopteris is almost clearly conceived by considering it in connection with the insertion of the leaves. The leaf bases, which are set in a rough spiral on the stem, shcnv in their lower parts a meshed segment of vascular tissue having the form of part of the sur- face of a cylinder. This segment passes from the leaf ba.se into the outermost zone of the stem, uniting right and left with the strands of this zone. Then, continuing in an obliquely descending direction, it passes on into the second zone and so on until it reaches the longitudinal axis of the stem, where it unites with other leaf- trace bundles and loses all individuality." Miss Shove found that the steles in the stem were both mesarch and endarch in structure. The proto.xylem is found in groups of two or more spiral tracheids, some of them at the periphery and some in the center of the stele. The number of protoxylems varies with the size of the stele, the larger ones usually containing five or six such groups. The earliest protoxylem appears at the periphery of the stele. Protophloem is developed upon the outer side of the stele in the form of discontinu- ous, small, thick-walled elements, which Miss Shove regards as sieve tubes. This protophloem does not occur upon the inner side of the xylem. A remarkable pecu- liarity of the bundle is the fact that the secondary sieve tubes are formed outside the protophloem instead of within it. The phloem is of greater breadth on the outer side of the stele than on the inner. No endodermis could be detected about the steles in the stem. The usual absence of sclerenchyma w^as noted for the stem. Miss Shove was unable to determine the nature of the apical meristem and the question still remains open, whether the stem grows from a single apical cell orfVom a group, such as is found in the larger roots. It appears from the account of both the older and more recent investigators that the complicated system of concentric meshed zones in the adult stem oi Angiop- 202 THE MARATTIALES teris is really built up of leaf traces, the so-called "compensating segment" being nothing more than the lower part of a leaf trace which higher up emerges as a meshed segment from the outer zone and passes into the base of the leaf. The structure of the petiole (fig. 182, /f ) is like that of Maratti a, except that the vascular bundles are more numerous and are arranged in several circles, inclos- ing one or two small bundles in the center. A cross-section of a leaflet (fig. 182, B) shows the vascular bundle which traverses the midrib to be horseshoe-shape in section, having a central mass of tracheids, with reticulate or scalariform markings, and surrounded by the phloem, largely made up of large sieve tubes, but having also protophloem cells and bast. The ground tissue is composed largely of paren- chyma, but on both sides below the epidermis is a conspicuous band of coUenchyma. In the larger divisions of the leaf the collenchyma, as in Marattia, is replaced by sclerenchyma. The structure of the lamina is very much like that of Dancra, but the palisade parenchyma is even better developed. A comparison was made of the leaves of two forms (species t) of Angiopteris, one from Australia, the other from Ceylon. These showed several notable differ- ences. The leaflets of the Ceylonese specimens were thinner and sharply serrate. Fig. i%i.—Angiopte\ A. Section of petiole from an adult sporophyte, somewhat reduced. B. Section of a leaflet, co/, collenchyma; p, palisade tissue. X14. C. Part of sporophvll, showing the sori. X4. while in the Australian specimens the serrations were almost wanting, except at the tapering apex of the leaflet. There were also marked anatomical diff^erences. In the Australian form the palisade cells are very much elongated and are separated from the epidermis by a layer of colorless hypodermal cells, and the spongy meso- phyll of the lower part of the leaf is decidedly more compact than in the form from Ceylon. In the latter, the palisade cells are noticeably shorter and abut directly upon the epidermis. Undoubtedly the diiTerences in the anatomy of the two forms are associated with the diff^erence between the moist, tropical climate of Ceylon and the drier and cooler climate of Australia, and perhaps do not necessarily imply that the two species are distinct, although it is highly probable that such is the case. The roots originate, for the most part, in the inner zones, but a few may arise in connection with the bundles of the outer zones and must necessarily traverse a very large amount of tissue before they finally emerge. Russow (Russow 1) described two sorts of roots — earth roots which were branched and had but five xylem rays completely lignified to the center of the bun- dles, and aerial roots which were much larger and unbranchcd and had twelve to POROPUVTF 203 twenty xylein rays, <)nl\' the outer traelieids lieiiii^ lii^iiitiecl. In tin- |)lant which was examined by Miss Shove only the earth roots were found, and these, instead of" having only five xylenis as Russow asserts, had from ten to thirteen and the xylem elements were entirely lignified. The pioiiahilities are that there is no sharp line to be drawn between the aerial roots and the eaith roots. Figure 183 shows a sec- tion of a root from the base of a small plant from Australia, in which there were fourteen xylem masses. As will be seen, there is the same circle of large mucilage ducts and the tannin cells that are found in the root of Mmattia, which it very closely resembles. Root hairs are nearly or quite absent, in which respect these resemble the older roots of other Marattiacea^. in two cases Miss Shove found a dichotomous branching of the root. This, while probably anomalous, is interesting, as it recalls the method of branching in the roots of Op/iioglossiim. ARCHANGIOPTKRIS. The genus Archangioptnis. with a single species, A. henryi Christ and Giesen- hagen, is at present known onlv from a single locality in .southern China. Arrli- ano'iDl'tcris in habit resembles a large Dmur/i. Vhv leaves, which re.ich a length of Fig. ii-i,.—Angiopteris. A. Section of a large root, m, mucilage ducts. X14. R. Part of the central cylinder of the root, fw, cndodcrmis. X70. about a meter, have from seven to twelve leaflets, much like those o\' Dtnuvn cUipticd, both in form and venation. The stalk of each leaflet is swollen in a manner that suggests the nodular swellings in the petiole of Dan a- a elliptica (fig. 184). The only account of the structure of the plant is that ot Gwynne-Vaughn (Gwynne-Vaughn 2), but as he had only a fragment of a stem he was not able to make a complete study of the vascular system. To judge from the fragment of the stem which he examined, the leaves seem to be arranged spirally and the stem is probably radial in structure. The general structure of the leaf base seems to be most like that oi' Kaiilfussia. The leaf trace consists of only two vascular strands, which divide up later into several (eight or nine) separate strands, arranged at the base of the leaf in a horseshoe curve, quite like that of Kaulfussia. The arrange- ment of the vascular system of the stipules is probably the same as in the other Marattiacea'. The structure of the stem is also apparently very much like that of Kniilfiissia, a section showing only one circle of bundles with a single central strand. The root, which is liki' that of the other M.iiattiaciii'. h;is from seven to ten xylem rays. 204 THE MARATTIALES MACROGLOSSUM. This represents a new genus of Marattiacese, the one species of which, M. altdce Copeland, has recently been described (Copeland 1). It is a large fern from Borneo, and is evidently related to Angtopteris, from which it differs mainly in its simply pinnate leaves, which may reach a length of about 3 meters (see Copeland 1, plate V). TISSUES OF THE MARATTIACE^. There are often present upon the leaf bases of the Marattiaceae peculiar lenticel- like structures to which German writers have given the name "Staubgrubchen." These arise beneath the stomata, and form small cavities whose peripheral cells become detached and dried up, forming a dust-like powder. Rod-shaped bodies, mainly composed of cal- cium pectate, are of common occurrence in the intercellular spaces of the tissues of the Marat- tiaceae. Siliceous deposits and crystals of calcium oxalate have also been observed in Aiigiopteris (see Bitter 1). The elements of the vascular bundles are much like those in the bundles of the ordinary ferns. The tracheary tissue is composed mainly of scalariform elements, and the sieve tubes have numerous lateral sieve plates, like those of the other ferns. Hill and Farmer have noted a slight secondary formation of wood in Aiigiopteris, somewhat similar to but much less marked than that in the stem of Botryr/i- iiivi vngitiianiiDi (see Hill I, Farmer 3). THE SIH)R01'HYLL OF THE MARATTIACET,. The Marattiaceae differ most strikingly from the Ophioglossaceae in the character of the sporo- phylls. In all of the living Marattiaceae the sporan- gia or synangia are borne upon the lower surface I'lc \'&^.--Arch^„gwi,u, of the leaves, which usually are not at all different from the sterile ones. In Dancea (fig. 189) the sporophylls are decidedly contracted and the very large synangia almost completely cover the lower surface of the leaflets, but in the other genera the sporophyll is not at all contracted and much the greater part of the leaf surface is free (figs. 182, 184, 185, 188). Kaulfiissia (fig. 1 88) differs most from the other genera, the very peculiar cir- cular or rarely oval synangia being scattered apparently without any definite order over the whole lower surface of the leaf. In Dancea the elongated synangia, which lie over the veins, extending from the midrib nearly to the margin of the leaflet, are crowded so that they leave very little of the surface free. In Marattia and Arigiop- teris the synangia lie over the veins as they do in Datura, but they are very much shorter and are formed near the margin of the leaflet, within which they form a single line which occupies only a very small part of the leaf. Archangiopteris, except that the synangia are very much longer, agrees closely with Angioptens. No proper indusium is present in the Marattiaceae, although very commonly about the base of the synangium there are found a few hairs or scales which have sometimes been considered to represent an indusium. In Dancra there is a growth of tissue between the elongated synangia, which grows up into a sort of ridge, the rvi (after Chri nd Giesenhagen). 205 top ot which is txjiaiuliil so rliar ir o\iraiclits the s\iiany;ia. I his ii(l<:;i- in section appears T-shape. Whether this growth of leaf tissue between the synangia in Daiicea is to be considered as an indusium may be questioned. It appears to be very simihir in structure to the oblong cavir\- or fovea, within which is sunk the nor very ilissiniihir s\nangiiini u[' I unirs (Hg. i S9, B). rHi; Sl'OKANCIl'M OV THE MAKATIIACi; l- In .Iiii^iiiptnis and Archangioptcris there are formed sejiarate sjioiangia not very unhke those found in Bntrychiitm or Hclmnitltost(uli\s, but ui all the otiier genera the sporangia are fused into a synangium which might be compared with the spike of Ophioglossnui. The synangium in Danaa sirn/^licifaha may reach a length of over 3 centimeters and contain upwaid of 100 loculi. I he first study of the development was made upon Mardttia h\ Lueissen (Luersseii 3). According to his statement, the differenti- ation of the synangium begins while the leaf is still very small and rolled up between the stip- ules. The tissue about a vein begins to develop into an elevated cushion following the vein. Upon this receptacle there are devel- oped two parallel ridges of tissue, separated by a cleft. These two ridges later grow upward and meet above, so that their edges completely close up the cleft, which no longer shows from the outside. In each half of this syn- angium, very much as is the case in the sporangial spike of Op/iio- glossum, there are developed sep- arate archesporial groups corre- sponding to the separate cham- bers that are found in the fully developed synangium. Luerssen states that the whole process takes about six months for its completion (fig. 186). In Angiopteris (fig. 187) the development of the sporangium begins at a much later period, when the leaf is almost completely developed. Ihe sporangia here are arranged in an oblong group or sorus, which corresponds to the synangium in Marat- tia. The formation of the sorus begins, according to Goebel, as an oblong depression above a young vein, and about this depression there is formed a circle of short hairs which are sometimes supposed to represent an indusium. Two ridges corresponding to those found in the young synangium of Marattia are formed, but upon these the young sporangia develop separately, very much as they do in Botr\cliium. Goebel states that the archesporium in Aiigioptcris can be traced back to a single hypodermal cell. This cell divides repeatedly but apparently without any definite order, and there is finally formed a large mass of sporogenous tissue, each cell of which gives rise in the usual way to four spores. The cells about the arche- sporium develop the tapetum. Goebel states that these tapetal cells are destroyed before the division of the spore mother cells, but I have found that this is not the Fig. 185.— A/araH/a douglmii. A. Leaf from a young sporophyte. stj stipules. B. Leaflet with synangia. X4. C. Horizontal section of a synangium. Xio. 206 THE MARATTIALES case and that the tapctal cells persist until the division of the spores is complete. Bower has confirmed this statement and found that the same condition of things obtains in the other genera. The most complete account of the development of the sporangium is that of Bower (Bower 6), who has studied the development in all of the genera except Archangiopteris. Except for the difference in form, there is no essential difference in the development of the sporangia in Kaidfussia and Dana'a from that found in Marattta. In Datuea, however, the individuality of the loculi of the synangium is less clear than in the other genera. Very often Bower found that the arche- sporium became divided more or less completely by parts of the sterile tissue, some- what in the same fashion that the so-called "trabeculae" are formed in I sokes. In DancEci, moreover, the synangium from the first is solid, and the cleft which is present in the young synangium of Marattia is absent. In Kaulfussia the develop- ment of the synangium differs in that a single circular ridge is formed instead of the ; synangium of Marattia fn jlder synangium. x, the two parallel ones found in Marattia, and the loculi or chambers of the synangium are thus arranged in a circle around a central pit-like depression. Bower states that the sporogenous tissue of each loculus in all the forms he examined can usually be traced to a single mother cell. He also found that the tapetum always arises from the cells adjacent to the archesporium, and that normally all of the sporogenous tissue develops into spores. In these respects the Marattiacea? closely resemble H elmi uthostachys and Botrychiiim. In Daiicea and Kaulfussia there is no mechanical tissue representing the annulus found in the more specialized ferns. The dehiscence of the sporangium in these forms is brought about merely by a shrinking of the cells on either side of the slit by means of which each loculus opens. This slit is very short in Daua-a and may finally appear as a circular pore, but it is not essentially different from the more elongated slit found in Kaulfussia and Marattia. In the latter there is developed, in the outer tissues of the synangium, mechanical tissue which causes the two halves of the synangium to separate, very much like the two covers of a book, and the elongated slit from each loculus opens into this space between the widely separated halves of the synangium. OLDliR SrOKUl'llV 207 Ihe ckliisccruu of tlic iiidiv idiial loculi is affcctc-d by the contractiiin of the tliiiiiici-wallcil cells siii loumled by firmer tissue. The spoian^iuiii (A ."ingiopteris is undoLibtedly a more speciahzed structure than the synaiifjium of tlie other Maratti- ace;e. In Angtoptcns each individual sporangium has the wall on the outer side much thicker than that on the inner one, and the superficial cells have their walls much thickened. The inner wall is sometimes composed of but one layer of cells outside of the tapetum, but more commonly there are one or two layers of cells between the tapetum and the epidermis. Near the top of the sporangium on its outer side there is a transverse band of cells with thicker walls, and these constitute a rudimentary annulus very much like that found in the Osmundaceae. By the contraction of this thickened annulus the longitudinal slit on the inner face of the sporangium is made to open widely at maturity. 1 he number of s|iorcs produced in each loculus, according to Bower, is approximately 1,750 for Dmian, 7.500 foi KauljnssKi, 2,500 for Marattia, and 1,450 for Angiopteris. Which type of sporangium in the Marattiacea; is the more primitive is very difficult to say, as both the free sporangium like that of Angioptrris and the compact synangium like that of Manittia and Daiicca are of about equal antiquity, so far as the geological record goes. It must be remem- bered that the living Marattiace^e are almost certainly merely a few isolated fragments of a once large group, and it is by no means necessary to assume that the spo- rangia of the living forms must necessarily all conform to a com- mon primitive type. It seems quite as likely that the fVee spo- rangia, like those of Angtoptcns, may have originated directly from some ancient prototype which resembled, perhaps, forms like , older sporangiu,,,. BoUychi um OY H Ami nthostculivs, r. the annulus; Mhcrorsistent tapetum. X75. -' -i i l \ while the genera with the solid synangium like Dtirura may have come from forms with completely united spo- rangia like Opiiioglossum. It appears from a study of the most ancient ferns that these bail dinioipliic leaves, the sporophyll probably resembling the fertile spikes of Botryihimii or the fertile leaf segments of Osmuiuia. How the modern Marattiace;e originated fVom forms of this type is not by any means cieai. i'he development in Hclminthostaihys of sterile leaf-like lobes associated with the sporangia may perhaps afford a clew to the method of sterilization by which the sporangiophores of some ty|ie allied to the (^phioglossace;e may gradually have developed sterile green leaf segments, bearing upon their lower surface sporangia or synangia like those of the modern Marattiace;c. These sterile segments found in Hchniutlmstachys are occasionally strikingly leaf- like, and as the groups of sporangia in Helvitnthostachys are sometimes imited into small synangia, the development of similar .synangia upon the lower suitaii ol siu h green sterile segments of the sporangiophore is quite C()ncei\ abli-. Fio. \%T.—Angiopterii. .A, B. sections of young sporangia (after Goebel), Another explanation might be the coalescence of tht of a sporophyll like that found in the Ophioglossace;e, fertile a: bur the the that thi spo 208 THE MARATTIALES langiophoie in all of the living Ophioglossaceae is adaxial, while in the Marattiaceae the synangia are abaxial, is a serious objection to such a hypothesis; and the most plausible explanation at present seems to be that of a progressive sterilization of part of the sporophyll itself and the expansion of the sterile tissue into the broad lamina of the leaf bearing the separated sporangia or synangia upon its lower surface. It must be admitted that the difference between the sporophylls of the existing Marattiaceae and those of the Ophioglossaceae is very great, and the leaves of the former, superficially at least, are much more like those of the leptosporangiate ferns; but the sporangia themselves are very similar in their development to those of the Ophioglossaceae, and offer no obstacle to the assumption of a fairly close relationship between the Ophioglossaceae and the Marattiaceae, which is indicated by the history of the development of the gametophyte, and the vegetative organs and tissues of the sporophyte. Perhaps the most marked difference between the tissues of the Marat- tiaceae and the Ophioglossaceae is the prevalence of the mucilage ducts in the tissues of Marattiaceae, but these arise rather late in the history of the sporophyte, and it is Fig. ii^.—Danxajamakensh. • . A. Base of a fertile leaflet, showing synangia, up. X2. B. Transverse sections of three synangia. X12. C. Horizontal section of a synangium. significant that they are less developed in the presumably more primitive Kaulfiissia than they are in the more specialized types like Angiopteris. Another difference is the development of sclerenchyma, which is quite absent from the Ophioglossaceae; but this again is also quite absent from Kaulfussia, which, on the whole, must be considered to be the most primitive of the living Marattiaceae and also the form which most closely approaches the Ophioglossaceae. PARr III. THl^ ORIGIN AND RI:LA llONSI 1 1 PS ()!< 1HI<; PlUSl^ORANGIAT/i:. IIk luspoiangiate ferns as they now exist represent l)ut a fVu isolatKl hagnu nts (ifwliat in earlier geologic time was presumably a very nuicli larger and more (.(in- nected gr()U|>. As the geological history of these forms is very far from clear (this being especially true of the Ophioglossaces), we are, perforce, dependent niainl\- upon a comparative study of the few existing types for information concerning their relationships. In the foregoing pages an endeavor has been made to trace the de- velopment of these forms, both in their gametophytic and early sporophytic stages, and the result of these studies has been to confirm the belief that a real genetic relationship exists between the Marattiace^e and the Ophioglossacex'. While the three genera of the Ophioglossace;e differ in certain particulars from each other, there is no question as to their being comparatively closely related, and the same is true of the different genera of the Marattiace;e, although perhaps the differences here are somewhat greater than in the Ophioglossaceae. It has been assumed in these studies that the sporophyte of the ferns is the result of a progressive specialization of the sporogonium of some form allied to the Bryophytes, though it is highly improbable that any of the existing Bryophytes are directly related to this progenitor of the primitive ferns. No attempt will be made here to discuss the reasons for accepting the "antithetic" theory of the alternation of generations, rather than the homologous theory. These reasons have been set forth at length elsewhere. It is hopeless to expect that any satisfactory fossil traces will be found of these predecessors of the true ferns. The fern type is exceedingly ancient, but it must have been preceded by simpler forms connecting it with some bryophytic type. These forms, as well as the earlier true Pteridophytes, were almost certainly plants of small size and delicate texture, probably not very unlike some of the small and delicate species of Ophioglossum. Such plants, composed entirely of soft, pciish- able tissues, could hardly be expected to leave recognizable fossil traces, and their absence from the ancient Paleozoic rocks is not to be wondered at. There still exist, however, among the Bryophytes, certain forms which, if they are not directly related to the eusporangiate ferns, nevertheless show many striking similarities in structure, which help to explain at least what may very well have been the character of the liverwort-like ancestors from which the ferns are descended. Among the living Bryophytes, as is well known, an interesting series of types may be traced, showing the gradual increase in the importance of the neutral generation — the sporophyte — starting as little more than a mass of spores, finally by a progressive sterilization of what wasoriginalh' sporogenous tissue, and an accompanying special- ization of the sterile tissues thus formed, attaining a condition of almost complete independence. The importance of this process of sterilization of potentially sporo- genous tissue, has been especially clearly expounded in the works of Professor Bower. In two classes, the true mosses or Musci and the horned liverworts or Antho- cerotes, the sporophyte continues its growth for several months and develops an elaborate system of green, assimilative tissue, quite comparable to that found in the vascular plants. The spore-producing function is correspondingly subordinated and the spore formation is delayed until a late period in the life of the sporophyte. 14 2oy 210 ORIGIN AND RELATIONSHIPS OF THE EUSPORANGIATAE The large, green sporophyte, however (fig. 190, A, sp), never attains complete inde- pendence, as no proper root is developed and it is dependent for its water supply upon the gametophyte. In all of the PZusporangiates, the embryo is much later in developing its organs than in the Leptosporangiates, and thus resembles the Bryophytes; moreover, the embryo reaches a very much larger size before it attains its independence. Even after the young sporophyte has developed several roots and leaves, it may still Fig. 190. A. Gametophyte of Anihotcros sp. with the large sporophyte, 5/>, attached to it. Upper part of spnropliyte is split into valves which allow the escape of spores. B, C. Two gametophvtes of Marattta douglasii, with attached ^jiorophytc. Sporophyte emerges upon tipper side of gametophyte, very much as in Anthoicro^, but a root, r, is developed which penetrates lower side of gametophyte and connects the young sporophyte with the earth, g, gametophyte; jp, sporophyte; /, first leaf; r, primary root. maintain its connection with the gametophyte and be to a certain extent dependent upon it in a way which forcibly recalls the relation of gametophyte and sporophyte in the mosses. This condition, which furnishes a very strong argument in favor of the primitive nature of the Eusporangiates when compared with the Leptosporan- giates, is especially pronounced among the Ophioglossace^e, where it may even go so far that spores are developed before the connection of gametophyte and sporophyte is finally sundered. In the true mosses the sporophyte is exceedingly specialized and shows but a very remote resemblance to that of the Pteridophytes. In Aiithoccros, however, the Fig. 191. Diagrams which show the similarity in form of the very young sporophyte in AnthoceroStA^ and Ophioglossiini^ B. In the former the upper portion becomes an elong- ated capsule within which spores are produced. The shaded portion shows layer of sporogenous tissue sur- rounding central sterile tissue or columella. The zone, m, between capsule and foot, /, is composed of meristematic tissue. In Ophioghsmm the upper part of the young sporophyte forms the primary leaf, or cotyledon, cot, which is not sporogenous. The colum- ella of Anihoccros is replaced by the axial vascular bundle, v.b. At the junction of the cotyledon and foot arises the primary root, r, which finally penetrates the foot and enters the ground. mosl highly developed of the horned liverworts, there are a number of very significant structural details that are very strongly reminiscent of the young sporophyte of Oph'toghssum moluccanum. In both of these forms the young embryo has a very large foot and a conical upper region (fig. 191). This upper portion in Ophioglossum develops into the cotyledon; in Anthoceros, into the spore-bearing part of the sporo- phyte. Above the foot in Anthoceros there is developed a zone of meristematic tissue by means of which new cells are added to the base of the growing spore- ORIGIN AND RELATIONSHIl'S OK THE EUSPORANGIATAE 211 phyte, and in Op/iioglossum much the same thing occurs in the cotyledon, although at first this grows from a single apical cell. It is probable that in the ancestors of the Ophioglossace.ne this upper conical portion of the embryo was developed directly into a spore-bearing organ. There is, however, a marked difference which soon appears, viz, the development of a true root in Op/iioglossutii. This root, pushing down through the foot, penetrates the lower side of the gametophyte and places the young sporo|)hyte directly into communication with the water supply from the earth, and thus the latter becomes entirely independent. Were the large sporophyte of Antlioceros to develop a similar root from the basal meristem, it also would become entirely self-supporting. Indeed, so marked are the resemblances in the early stage of development that they make the inference almost irresistible that the Ophioglossaceae must have descended from some simpler forms whose sporophyte bore a strong resemblance to Antlioceros. This "pro-Ophioglossum," if we may call it so, pre- sumably produced spores upon the first leaf, instead of its being a sterile cotyle- don as in the existing forms. From a study of the development of the sporophyte 192.- Comparison of sexual organs in Anthoccrotacca; and Marallia. of the thallus of Anihoccros pearsoni Howe, showing an anthcridium mother cell, A. Longiludin; witli the superimposed cover cell {d). B. An older anthcridium within a cavity covered by a double layer of cover cells. C. Young archegonium of Xtegaceros IjiboiUnsii Campbell, a form closely related to Anihoceios. D. Sections of young antheridia of Marattia tiouglasii Baker. The inner cell divides at once into the sperm cells, and the cover remains single-layered, dy the cover. E. Young archegonia of Mara/f/fl rfoHjj/ajiV. I, the basal cells of the archegonium; , ruptured spore membrane. 4. A four-celled stage seen from above. 5. Two transverse optical sections of a four-celled gametopbyte. 6. Three-celled gametopbyte of 0. intermedium Ilk. 7-9. Young gametophytes of O. pendulum L., showing mycorrbizal infection, m, niycorrhizal filaments. 10. Adult gametopbyte of O. mo/ufct(fium. x 10. ^, basal tuber; 5 , antberidia. H-14. Gametophytes of O. pendulum. X j. /;, adventitious buds; sp, young sporopbytc. 15. Upper part of ripe antberidium of O. pendulum. X 275. 0, opercular cell. 16-20. Development of the spermatozoid in 0. moluccanum. x 950. hi, blepharoplasts. Plate 2. 21-29. Spermatogenesis in Uphwglossum pendulum, x 950. 21 shows spermatocyte before final nuclear division, with two blepharoplasts, bl ; 22, 23, nuclear spindle from side and pole; 24-29, development of spermatozoid; n, nucleus of spermatozoid; c, cilia; v, protoplasmic vesicle. 30-32. Three stages in the development of the archegonium of O. pendulum, x 275. i, basal cell; «', n", neck canal cells. ^2- Venter of the archegonium, showing apparently a ventral canal cell, v; n, one of the nuclei of the neck canal cell, x 650. 34-37. Spermatogenesis in B. virginianum; 38-41, in Kauljussia; 42, 43, in Damta. All x 950. 44. Nearly ripe spermatozoids of Angioptcris. x 950. n, nucleus; bl, blcpharoplast; c, cilia; v, vesicle. 45. Nearly ripe archegonium oi Danica, showing apparent ventral canal cell, v. 46-48. Recently fertilized egg-cells of Dantea. sp, spermatozoid (?) within the egg-nucleus. Plate 3. Ophinglnssum mi>lucciinum Schlecht. Several types collected at Buitenzorg, Java, and referred to O. moluccanum Schlecht. There are at least three species. Fig. 5 is the typical O. moluccanum. All figures about natural size. Plate 4. A. Six plants of Ophioglossum (Ophiodcrmn) intermedium Hk. reduced one-half. Collected at Buitenzorg, Java. B. Ophioglossum {Ophioderma) pendulum L., collected in the Hanuclla Reserve I'orest, Ceylon. 1,2. Full-grown sporophytes of 0. /)£^ni/u/«m, much reduced. In 2 the sporangia! spike, sp,\s forked. 3-6. Details of the sporophyll and sporangiopborc. Plate 5. Ophioglossum (Cheiroglossn) patmntum L., collected in Jamaica. I. The whole plant. 2, 3. Sporophylls. In 3 there is a single median spike. Plate 6. A. I, Botrychium obliquum Miibl.; 2, B. lunaria L. B. B. virginianum (L.) Swz. Plate 7. Botrychium stlaijolium Pr. California. 224 LIST OF PLATES Plate 8. A. Young plant o( Hclmititliostachys zeyltinitu (L.) Ilk. Rcdiictd about onc-lialf. B. Full-grown plant oi Hehninihostachys, reduced about two-thirds. Collected in the Hanwclla Reserve Forest, Ceylon. Plate g. A. I, small plant of Df/Hrcrt jinmani Underwood; 2, rhizome of the same species; 5, apt.x of sterile leaf; 4, fertile leaf; 5, sterile leaf of D. jamaicensis Underwood. B. I, young plant of Danwa elliptica Sm. (.''); 2, sporophyll of D. jamaicensis; ^, 4, very young plants of/), jimuiiccnsis {'>.). Plate All specimens collected in Jamaica. 10. Adult sporophyte of Daiuea illiptun. Ja Kauljussia ivstulijolia Bl. 1. Young plant showing the rhizome. 2. Sporophyll. Specimens collected near Buitenzorg, Java. Plate 12. A. Marattia iilata Swz. 1. Part of fertile leaf. 2. A single fertile pinna. 3. Fallen leaf-base with adventitious buds, k. B. Marattia alata. I. Leaf from young plant developed from an adventitious bud. 2, 3. Young sporophytes arising from fertilization. All specimens from Jamaica. Plate 13. Angiopterts evecta (Forst.) HofFm. 1-3. Specimens from Australia; 4, 5, specimens from Peradeniya, Ceylon. I, caude.x of a small plant; 2, part of a sporophyll; 3, cross-section of the petiole of a full-grown leaf; 4, young sporophyte arising from the prothallium; 5, single leaf from a similar sporo- phyte. A-} /S ■c^.^. .■\ .6 ^^K ^^m 1. Two spores of O. moluccanum, showing range in size. X 500. 2. Two-celled gametophyle of O. moluccanum. 3. A three-celled stage. 5p, ruptured spore membrane. 4. A four-celled stage, seen from above. 5. Two transverse optical sections of a four-celled gametophyle. 6. Three-celled gamctophyte of O. intermedium Hk. 7-9. Young gametophytcs of O. pendulum L., showing myconhizal infection, m. mycorrhizol filaments. 10. Adult gamctophyte of O. moluccanum. X 10. /, basal tuber; 3 , antheridia. 11-14. Gametophytcs of O. pendulum. X 3. A, adventitious buds; sp, young sporophytc. 15. Upper part of ripe antheridium of O. pendulum. X 275. 16-20. Development of the spermatozoid in O. moluccanum. X 950. hi, Itlepharoplasts. ''^yj^ft*' # „ i 30-32, 33. Spermatogenesis in Ophioglossum pendulum. X 950; 21 shows spermatocyte before final nuclear division, with two blepharoplasts, hi; 22, 23, nuclear spindle (rora side and pole; 24-29, development of spermatozoid ; n, nucleus of spermatozoid ; c, cilia; V, protoplasmic vesicle. Three stages in development of archegoiuum of O. pendulum. X 275. A, basal cell; n'. n-', neck canal cells. Venter of archegonium showing apparently a ventral canal cell, t). n, one of the nuclei of the neck canal cell. X 650. 34-37. Spermatogenesis in B. cirginianum; 38-41, in Koulfussia; 42, 43, in Daniea. All X 950. 44. Nearly ripe spetmatozoids of Angiopleris. X 950. n, nucleus : A/, blepharoplast; c, cilia; V, vesicle. 45. Nearly ripe archegonium of Danaa, showing apparent ventral ell. 46-48 Recently fertilized egg-cells of Da within the egg-nucleus. oid (?) \ A. Six plants ot Ophiogh Builenzorg, Java. B. Ophioglossum {Ophiodcrma) pendulum L. C. 1, 2. Full-grown sporophylcs o( O. pendulum, i-6. Details ol the spotophyll and sporangiophc (OpIiioJcrma) inlcrmedium Hk., reduced cted in the Hanwella Reserve Forest, Ceylon. ich reduced. In 2 the sporangial spike, sp, is forked. Ophioglossum {Cheiroglossa) palmalum L. Collected in Jamaica. I . The whole plant. 2, 3. Sporophylls; in 3 there is a single median spike A. I. small plant o( Danaa jenmani Underwood; 2. rhizome of the same species; 3, apex ot sterile leaf; 4. fertile leaf; 5, sterile leaf of D. Jamaicensis Underwood. B. I. young plant of Dancta MpUca Sm.; 2. sporophyll ot D. Jamaican,),: 3. 4. very young plants of D. jamaicensis (?). All Specimens from Jamaica. Adult sporophyle of Dansa clUptica. Ja Kaultussia oesculifolia Bl. 1, young plant showing the rhizome; 2, sporophyll. Specimens collected near Buitenzorg. Java. ^^n lis 31 g ^ X g Library N". O. State Gollfl«r« INDEX Adder-tongue fern. See Ophioglossuni. Adventitious buds. See Buds. Alternation of generations, 209 Aneura, 120 •Angiopteris, 4, 117, 118, 120, 121, 126, 139, 140, 141, 146, ISO, 152, 153, 154, IS5, 158, 164, 196, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 20s, 207 Figs. 88, 89, 95, loi, 109, no, iii, 112, 124, 130, 134, 180, 181, 182, 183, 187 Plate 13 Angiopteris, species of, 196 Angiopteris evecta (Forst.) Hotfm., 119 Angiopteris pruinosa var. hypoleuca, 122 Annulus of sporangium, 208 Antheridium: Angiopteris, 126 Anthoceros, 42, 122, 211 Botrychium, 18, 24, 21; Danasa, 126, 128 Equisetum, 24 Helminthostachys, 20, 21 Kaulfussia, 127 Lycopodium, 24 Marattia, 126, 128 Marattiaceae, 24, 129 Ophioglossum, 22, 23, 24 .■\nthoceros, Anthocerotes, 42, 122, 210, 211 Apical growth. See Leaf, Root, Stem. Apogamy (in Botrychium), 52 Archangiopteris henryi, 4, 117, 203, 204 Fig. 184 Archegonium: Angiopteris, 131 Botrychium, 30, 31 Danxa, 132, 133, 134 Helminthostachys, 20, 21 Kaulfussia, 13 Marattia, 126 (Iphioglossuni, 28, 29 .Archesporium: Botrychium, 1 15 Helminthostachys, 111; Marattiaces, 206 Ophioglossum, 115 Asplenium nidus L., 10, 13 Blepharoplast, 26, 128, 129 Botrychium, 3, j, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 39. 46, 47. 48, 49. 50, .S2. 66, 82, 83, 99, loi, 102, 103, 109, no, 136, 142, 213 Classification of, 99 Botrychium lanuginosum Wall., 99, loi, 10? Fig. 74 I Botrychium lunaria (L.) S\v., 6, 16, 17, 28, 34, 46, 48, 50, 52, 65, 83, 99, m Fi<;s. 8, 36, 71 Plate 6 B. matricari;cfolium A. Br., 16 B. obliquum Muhl., 16, 34, 39, 53, 54, 103, 136, 142 Plate 6 B. silaifolium Pr., 99 Plate 7 B. simplex Hitchcock, 5, 6, 16, 83, 99, 100, 109, IIS Fig. 71 B. ternatum (Thbg.) Sw., 100, 103 Fig. 71 B. virginianum (L.) Sw., 6, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28, 32, 34. 46. 47. 50. 52, 53, 54. 59. 60, 61, 63, 67, 69, 83, 99, 100, loi, 103, no, 112, n4 Figs, 7, 14. IS. 17. 28, 29, 32, 33. 40, 41. 42, 43, 44. 71. 72, 74. 76, 77. 85 Plate 6 Botryopterideiv, 3, 214 Bryophytes (see also Mosses, Liverworts), 212 Buds: in Botrychium, loi on leaf of Dan.-ea sintensis, 178 on gametophyte of Marattiace*, 121 on gametophyte of Ophioglossum, 14 on primary root of Ophioglossum, 40 root buds in Ophioglossum vulgatum, 58, 59 Calcium pectate in Marattiaceae, 204 Calcium oxalate crystals in Marattiacea?, 204 Cambium, 65, 82 Canal, so-called "canal" in Helminthostachys, 74. 79 Cauline fibro-vascular bundles (see also Commis- sural strand), 174, 175, 184, 191, 197 Cheiroglossa (see also Ophioglossum palmatum), 5.88 Fig. 70 Plate 5 Chlorophyll in gametophyte of Ophioglossum, 9, Christensenia = Kaulfussia, 122 Collateral bundles, Primitive nature of, 214 CoUenchyma in: Angiopteris, 202 Kaulfussia, 186 Marattia, 194 Commissural vascular bundles in — Angiopteris, 197 Dan:ca, 174, 175 226 Commissural vaseular bundks in — Marattia, 191 Kaulfussia, 184 Commissure (of stipules), 187 Completoria complens, 22 Corallorhrza, }} Cotyledon of — Angiopteris, 146, 147, 151 Botrychium, 50, 51, 52, 64, 67, 8j Danaea, 148, 150 Helminthostachys, 54, 69 Kaulfussia, 1 47, 149 Marattia, 138, 147, 150, 151 Ophioglossum, 35, 42 Crystals. See Calcium oxalate. Cycads, 30 Dana?a, 47, 53, 82, 84, 117, iiS, 124, 125, 128, 135, 142, 151, 154, 160, 164, 205, 212 Danaea elliptica Smith, 124, 125, 126, 132, 142, 148, 154 Figs. 92, 93, 103, los, 117, 125, 131, 147, 151, 152, 161. Plates 9, D. jamaicensis Underwood, 124, 126, 136, 144, 146, 148, 154, 155, 156 Figs. 91, 93, 98, 99, 100, 104, 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 125, 138, 140, 143, 144, 145, 146, 149, 150, 153, 160, 161, 189 Plate 9 D. jenmani Underwood, 124 Figs. 91, 154, 15s, 156, 137, 162 Plate 9 D. simplicifolia Rudge, 124, 127, 136, 142, 160, 175, 176, 206 D. sintensis, 178 D. trichomanoides Spruce, 178 Dehiscence of — Antheridium, 24, 2;, 129 Sporangium, 109 Synangium of Marattiaceae, 207 Dichotomy of — Prothallium in Marattiacea", 121 Root in Ophioglossum, 93 Dicotyledons, 65 Dictyostele in — Angiopteris, 197 Dana;a, 175 Kaulfussia, 185 Marattia, 192 Drosera, 32 Embryo of — Angiopteris, 139 Botrychium, 46, 47, 48, 51. 136 Danaea, 118, 136, 142 Helminthostachys, 54, 67 Kaulfussia, 141 Marattia, 13;, 136, 137 Marattiacea?, 118, 135 Ophioglossum, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 43 Endodermis: Angiopteris, 164, 201 Dan^a, 163, 167 Helminthostachys, 72 Kaulfussia, 164, 182, 183 Marattia, 164, 193 Ophioglossum, 92 Endarch bundles in Helminthostachys, 77 Endophyte. See Mycorrhiza. Entomophthoreie, 22 Eqiiist tLim, KiiuisL-tinea", 26, 27, 39, 132, 139 Eubotrychiuni (see also Botrychium), 100 Euophioglossum (see also Ophioglossum), 83, 86, 89, 91, 93 Eusporangiatae, 3 Comparison with Bryophytes, 209, 210, 212 Nature of vascular system, 214 Relation to Leptosporangiatx, 217 Fegatella, 33 Ferns, origin of, 209 Fertilization: Botrychium, 32 Marattiaceae, 134 Ophioglossum, 31 Fibro-vascular system (see also Leaf-trace, Stele) : Angiopteris, 196, 198, 199, 201 Botrychium, 60, 62, 66 Danxa, 160, 162, 163, 164, 166, I.72, 174, .76 Helminthostachys, 73, 76, 77, 78, 106 Kaulfussia, 181, 182, 184, 185 Marattia, 189, 191, 193 Fossils: Bryophytes, 209 Ferns, 3 Marattiaceae, 117 Gametophyte: Angiopteris, 121 Botrychium, 16, 17, 18 Danaea, 124, 125 Helminthostachys, 20, 21, 22 Kaulfussia, 122, 123 Marattia, 119, 121, 122, 210 Ophioglossum, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 211 Germination of spores: Marattiace;e, 119, 1 20 Ophioglossaceae, 7, 8, 9 Gleichenia, mycorrhiza in, 33 Gymnogramme, 26 Hairs: Marattiaceae, 1 50 Ophioglossum palmatum, 99 Helminthostachys, 5, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21, 25, 31, 32, 54, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 104, 103, 106, 107, 108, 112, 115, 116, 213. 214 Figs. 10, 1 1, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 78, 79, 80, 86 Plate 8 227 Horned liverworrs (sec also Antliocerotes) 209 Indusium, 204 Isoetes, 205, 206 Kaulfussia, 4, 82, 84, 117, 118, 119, 122 123 132, 141, 147, 149, 152, 153, 154. iSS, 157, 158. 164. 178, 179. 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 206 208 Fifts. 90, 96, 102, 113, 123, 128, I3f', 141, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 1S8 I'l ire 1 I Laeiin;c: Intcrnodal in 1 lelniinrliostaelns. 75 Inrernodal ,n Kaulfussia, .84 Leaf; Ansiopf^ii^. -01 l^otrychium, 61, loi Danaea, 176, 178 Helminthostachys, 67, 70, 74 Kaulfussia, 185 Marattia, 194 Marattiaceae, 118, 157, 159, 214 Opliioglossum, 57, 84, 87, 88 Leaf, anatomy: Angiopteris, 202 Botrvchium, 102 Danxa, 160 Helmintliostacl)\s, 107 Kaulfussia. 187 Marattia, 194, 195 Opliioglossum, 93, 96 Leaf, ferrile (see also Sporopliyll), 5, 85, 109, 204, -:i,l Leaf, gaps, 78, 173 Leaf, trace, 66, 72, 80, 173, 186, 191, 197 Leptosporangiata?, 3, 217 Liverworts, mycorrliiza in, 33 Lycopodium, 9, 10, 24 L. cernuum, 9, 10 Mantle cells (of antheridium), 24, 129 Marattia, 117, 119, 120, 122, 126, 128, 132. I3S. 136, 137, 147. 149, 152. IS3. 15 s. 156, 164, 188, 189, 192, 193- 194. 195, 204, 206 M. alata Swartz, 138, 188, 191, 192, 193. 194 Figs. 175, 176, 177. Plate 12 M. cicutasfolia Klf., 119, 132, 136 M. douglasii (Pr.) Baker, 119, 120, 122, 126, I3S, 136, 137, 147, 149, 151, 53, 56, 188, 189, 190, 205, 210 Figs. 87, 88, 94, 106, 107, 108, 122, 27. 1 13^ 13.3. 14'' "7i. 171. 74- 77. IS:;, 190, 191 M. fraxinea Sniiih, 120, 18S, igi, i,,. Figs, 87. 186 M. salicifolia Schrad., 193 M. sanibucina Blunie, 120, 188 FiK. 87 M. weinmannixfolia Liehm., 136 Marattiacea?, 3, 35, 39, 48, 53, 61, 83, 84, 117, 129, 130, 134, 135, 209, 212, 214, 215 Macroglossum, 117, 204 M. alidie Copeland, 204 Mesarch vascular bundles in I lelininrliosraclns, 78 Monotropa, 33 Mosses, 209 Mucilage cells, 168, 170, 173, 177, 182, 185, 187, I 190 j Mucilage ducts, 168, 170, 173, 177, 182, 185, 187, 190 Mycorrliiza, 6, 9, II, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 32, 33,127,179,181,212 Operculum (of antheridium), 24, 25, 128, 129 j Ophioderma (see also Opliioglossum), 5, 87, 94 I Ophioglossacea;, 3, 5, 6, 7, 34, 82, 86, 108, 109, 208, 213, 214 Ophioglossum, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 35, 39, 42, 43, 56, 60, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 207, 209,210,213,214,215 O. bergianum Schlecht, 5, 87, 92 O. capense Sw., 92 O. californicum Prantl., 5 O. ellipticum Hk., 92 O. intermedium Hooker, 88, 97, Fig. 69 Plate 4 O. lusitanicum L., 86, 87 O. moluccanum Sclilecht., 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 26, 28, 34- 35- 36, 38, 39. 40, 42. 45. 55. 56. 57. 59- 86, 90, 94, 1X2, 210, 212 Figs. 2, 4, 12, 18, 22, 23, 24, 2c;, 26, 27, 37. 38, 39, 55. 56, 57. 58. 59. 60, 61. 62, 81, 83, 192 Plates I, 3 O. palniatum L., 88, 89, 98, 99 Fig. 70 Plate 5 O. pedunculosuni l)es\-., 10. n. 13, 34, 36. 39. 40, 42. 57 Fig, 3 O. penduhuii L., 5. 6. 7. 9, 10. 14. 18, 26. 28. 29, 36, 37, 38. 40, 42, 44, 56, 88, 95, 96, 109, 112 Figs. I. 3, 4, 13, 16, 20, 21, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 82, 84 Plates I, 2, 4 O. reticulatum L., 6, 40, 90 O. simplex Ridley, 88. 98, 109 Fig. 71 O. vulgatum L.. 3. 5. 6. 10. 13. 15, 27, 28, 2<>, 34, 43.44,57.58,59.86,87,92 Figs. 3, 5, 19 Orchids as humus saprophytes, 33 Osmunda, Osmundaceae, 121, 123. 207 Osmundopteris. See Botrychium \irginianum. Pali.sade tissue, 107, 178. 195, 202 228 Pellia, 122 Periderm, 66, 8o, 193 Peronosporeae, 22 Phyllotrichium (see also Botrychium), 100, 102 Pith, in Helminthostachys, 76, 79 Polypodium quercifolium, 10 Prothallium. See Gametophyte. Pro-ophioglossum, 211 Protocorm, 53 Protophloem in Angiopteris, 201 Protostele, 175, 188 Protoxylem: Angiopteris, 201 Helminthostachys, 79, 82 Kaulfussia, 185 Pteris cretica, 53 Pythium, 22 Rhizoids: Botrychium, 18 Danrea, 127 Helminthostachj's, 20 Kaulfussia, 123 Ophioglossum, 12 Rhizome (see also Stem) : Botrychium, loi Dansa, 175, 176, 177 Helminthostachys, 106 Kaulfussia, 186 Ophioglossum, 91, 94 Root: Angiopteris, 140, 202, 203 Botrychium, 47, 51, 64, 103, 104 Danaea, 157, 164, 177, 179 Helminthostachys, 70, 80, 81, 105, 107, 108 Kaulfussia, 187' Marattia, 138, 156, 192, 195 Ophioglossum, 35, 39, 43, 56, 83, 87, 89, 93, 97>98 Root apex: Botrychium, 49 Danaea, 178 Helminthostachys, 72, 80 Marattia, 138, 156, 195 Ophioglossum, 94 Root hairs, multicellular, of Kaulfussia, 183, 187 Scales, epidermal: Danaea, 151 Helminthostachys, 74, 75 Kaulfussia, 180 Marattiaceae, 150 Sceptridium. See Botrychium obliquum. Sclerenchyma, 170, 171, 194 Secondary wood: Angiopteris, 204 Botrychium, 65, 82 Helminthostachys, 78 Sex-organs. See Antherldium, Archegonium. Sieve tubes, 151, 163, 201, 202 Siliceous deposits in Marattiaceae, 204 Siphonostele: Angiopteris, 197 Kaulfussia, 184 Marattia, 188 Spermatogenesis: Botrychium, 28 Marattiaceae, 129, 130 Ophioglossum, 26, 27 Spermatozoids: Botrychium, 28 Marattiaceae, 130 Ophioglossum, 26, 27 Spike of Ophioglossaceae. See Sporangiophore. Sporangium (see also Synangium): Angiopteris, 205 Botrychium, 109, III, 1 14, 1 15 Danaea, 205, 206, 207 Helminthostach)'s, iii, 116 Kaulfussia, 207 Marattia, 205 Ophioglossum, 109, in, 113 Sporangiophore: Botrychium, 109, no Helminthostachys, 105, 106 Ophioglossaceae, 5, 85, 108, 109, 208 Ophioglossum, 109, no Spore: Marattiaceae, 208 Ophioglossaceae, 6, 7 Spore division, 114 Sporophyll: Angiopteris, 204, 206 Archangiopteris, 204 Botrychium, 100, 102 Dan«a, 204 Helminthostachys, in, 116 Kaulfussia, 204, 208 Marattia, 204 Marattiaceae, 204, 208, 214 Ophioglossum, 85, 88, 93, 109, no, 112, 214 Sporophyte (see also Embryo) : Angiopteris, 196, 198, 199, 20l Botrychium, ji, 59, 60, 62, 63, 99 Danaea, 163, 178 Helminthostachys, 54, 67, 68, 77, 104, 105 Kaulfussia, 179, 180, 186 Marattia, 188, 189 Ophioglossaceae, comparison of young spor- ophyte, 82 Ophioglossum, 38, 39, 44, 45, 55 Staubgrijbchen of Marattiaceae, 204 Stele: Botrychium, 82 Helminthostachys, 52, 75, 82 Stem, stem apex: Angiopteris, 153, 198, 199 Botrychium, 49, 53, loi, 103 Danaea, 118, 136, 156, 170 Helminthostachys, 70, 71, 74 Kaulfussia, 185, 187 229 Stem, sttm apex: Marattia, 192 Marattiaceae, 154, 162 Ophioglossum, 42, 50, 56, 89, 91, 94, 97. 99 Sterilization of sporogenoiis tissue, 209 Stipule, stipular sheath: Botrychium, 6l, loi Dan;ea, 170 Helminthostachys, 71, 73. 105 Kaulfussia, 185, 187 Marattia, 195 Marattiacex, 118 Ophioglossaceae, 83, 84 Ophioglossum, 91 Stomata: Botrychium, loi Dan^ca, 151 Helminthostachys, 106 Kaulfussia, 152, 187 Marattia, 195 Ophioglossum, 96 Suspensor: Botrychium, 47, 48, 53, 136 Danaea, 118, 136 Synangium, 204, 205, 206, 207, 20 Tannin cells: Angiopteris, 146 Dannea, 165, 169, 171 Helminthostachys, 79, 84 Kaulfussia, 185 Marattia, 189 Marattiaceae, 150 Tapetum, ill, 116, 206 Trabeculae, 207 Tracheary tissue: Angiopteris, 201 Botrychium, 66 Helminthostachys, 68, 79, 82 Kaulfussia, 185 Marattia, 189 Ventral canal-cell, 30, 31, 133. I34. 201, 213 Vestigial leaves: Botrychium lunaria, 51 Helminthostachys, 69, 81 Ophioglossum vulgatum, 35 176, 187, 194,