Ulljp i. it. Hill ffitbrarn Nnrtl) (Earnltna ^tuU Special Collect QK393 H7 This book was presented by THE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY -ma D. ib. (7X % ^"7 ^» ^^ THIS BOOK MUST NOT BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY BUILDING. !y. NIGER FLORA. Sir W^. 3. ^oaktx. ICONES PLANTARUM. Nflu Series. Vols. I— IV. ContainluK eacb lOO Plates, with Explituatious. 8vo. Cloth. London. 1842—47. Each £1 8«. THE LONDON JOURNAL OP BOTANY. %olH. I..VI. YVlth 34 Plates each. 8vo. Boards. London, 1842 — 47. Rednceit to £1. per Vol. l^xaitmox Scf)lEtben. THE PLANT; A IIIOCRAPHY. IN A SERIES OF POPULAR LECTURES ON BOTANT. EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY A. H E N F R E Y, F.L.S. SHitl) JTifae flTolourclJ ^Plntca, anH ilbirtcm ffliSloolJcutg. 8i'o. London, 1848. 15s. /: UNION COLLEGE SCHENECTADY, 7^.^^%^ ^ "^^M^^^Mi^f ii,4 NIGER FLORA: AN ENUMERATION OE THE PLANTS OF WESTERN TROPICAL AFRICA, COLLECTED BY THE LATE DR. THEODORE YOGEL, BOTANIST TO THE VOYAGE OF THE EXPEDITION SENT BY HER BEITANNIC MAJESTY TO THE RIVER NIGER IN 1841, UNDER THE COMMAND OF CAPT. H. D. TROTTER, R.N., &c. INCLUDING SPICILEGIA GORGONEA, By p. B. WEBB, ESQ., AND FLORA NIGRITIANA, By dr. J. D. HOOKER, R.N., F.R.S., and GEORGE BENTHAM, ESQ. WITH A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF DR. VOGEL. EDITED BY SIR W. J. HOOKER, K.H., D.C.L., F.RA. & L.S. VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE LINNJEAN SOCIETY, AND DIRECTOR OF THE ROYAL GARDENS OF KEW. gmitfr g:fan TTfffac;. a fHap, anU iFtftg plates. UNIOX COLLEGE HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE, PUBLISHER, 219, REGENT STREET, PARIS : J. B. BAILLIERE, 13, RUE DE l'eCOLE DE MEDECINE. MADRID : BAILLY BAILLIERE, CALLE DEL PRINCIPE. 1849. L I) N U I) N : Printed by Schiilze and Co., 13, I'oland Street. TO CAPTAIN HENRY DUNDAS TROTTER, R.N. &c., &c., &c. Commander of the Expedition sent by Her Britannic Majesty, Queen Victoria, to tlie River Niger, with the view of obtaining information respecting the adjacent countries, and of forming treaties with the native Chiefs against the Slave Trade, as well as of promoting Agriculture and Commerce; under whose auspices most of the Collections described in the following pages were formed ; — this work is dedicated. With sentiments of the highest regard and respect. By his faithful friend and servant. The Editor. Royal Gardens, Kew, Nov. 1, 1849. PREFACE. The majority of the Plants described in tlie following pages were entrusted to the Editor, for the purpose of publication, by the African Civilization Society, which, as is well known, was formed in London in 1839, through the instrumentality of the late Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton. That enlightened and philanthropic statesman, deeply impressed by the aggravated horrors of the Slave Trade, was extremely anxious to try, what appeared to him to be the only remedy, to put down that iniquitous traffic by the encouragement of lawful trade and the advancement of Africa itself to a condition in which she would no longer find it her interest to furnish the slavers with supplies for their market. Many persons of influence and sound judgment, uniting with Sir Fowell in his views, and Government having taken up the subject cordially, the " Niger Expedition" was dis- patched, under the command of Capt. H. D. Trotter, in 1841. Dr. Theodore Vogel, a German gentleman of high scientific attainments, was selected as chief Botanist to the Expedition, and with him was associated INIr. Ansell, strongly recommended by the Horticultural Society of London. Very great and unusual pains were taken to render the service less dangerous to the health of those engaged in it, than had been the case with former attempts to explore intra- tropical Africa. Indeed, every precaution that could be thought of — every guard against the climate — were, as was believed, employed ; — yet, it cannot be denied, there was a failure, and VIU PREFACE. it would truly appear from this^ and from former voyages of a similar character, that the European constitution is incapable of withstanding the effect of that deadly atmosphere. But while we deplore the loss of so many brave ofl&cers and men, engaged, voluntarily, in this most sacred cause, it would be unjust to shut our eyes to much good that has hereby been accomplished. It has proved to the natives the real intentions of the English, and convinced them of our sincerity in esta- blishing mutual, and beneficial, and a wholesome commerce, and that we have no sinister ends of our own to answer. Of this, too, they were the more convinced, when they saw their friends, who had been rescued from captivity, returning with the Expedition. It further showed, that the only hope of enlightening the sons of Africa is by native agency : and it is with no small pride that the Editor of this Work, in the capacity of Director of the Royal Gardens of Kew, is at this moment giving in charge a considerable collection of useful Tropical plants for introduction into Africa, to two native Missionaries (recently ordained by the Bishop of London), — than whom he knows not any well educated Europeans more competent to estimate the value of such importations, or likely to feel more interest in their successful cultivation and use. Among those who fell victims to the climate of Niger, was Dr. Vogel. Happily for science, he was not among the most early to be attacked by fever. He formed his collections with uncommon energy, while even a slight portion of health and strength remained to him ; and the number of species amassed by him, in a short space of time, and under the most disad- vantageous circumstances, reflects great credit upon his memory; but the condition of the specimens shows, that the climate is as unsuited to the preservation of plants, without greater advan- tages than a small and crowded steamer can afford, as it is to the human constitution. — Mr. Ansell, though he fortunately survived the effects of the climate, was yet too ill, from a very early period of the voyage, to make any extensive or well- preserved collections. These facts must plead the apology for the imperfect nature of many of the descriptions. The work. PREFACE. IX however, the Editor is sure, will be hailed by every friend of Botany, and by every one interested in the vegetable produc- tions of Western Tropical Africa, as a Prodromus of a Flora of that region; — something upon which a more perfect super- structure will be hereafter built : and he begs the particular attention of Travellers in the Niger territories, and coasts adjacent, to the subjoined " Desiderata" in the principal branches of botanical science. In the present brief, general preface it only remains for the Editor to express his grateful acknowledgements to the dis- tinguished Botanists who have aided in bringing out this volume. Dr. J. D. Hooker had volunteered to describe the whole of the plants, but unexpectedly, when considerably advanced in the work, an opportunity offering of exploring regions of a widely different character from those of the present Flora, and which was embraced by him, the assistance of others was rendered essentially necessary. Mr. P. B. Webb, already so familiar with the vegetation of the Canary Isles, and the opposite coasts of Africa, generously undertook to describe all the Cape de Verd Islands Plants, Dr. Miquel the Fici, Mr. Miers the Menispermea, and last, but not least in point of extent of service, it devolved upon our inestimable friend, Mr. Bentham, to publish the majority of the plants of the continent of Tropical Western Africa. Editor. Royal Gardens, Kew, Nov. 1, 1849. DESIDERATA BOTANICAL COLLECTORS IN WESTERN TROPICAL AFRICA. A FIRST glance at the Flora Nigritiana will show how very imperfect our acquaintance yet remains^ not only with the luxu- riant wild vegetation of West Tropical Africa, including the herbs or trees which furnish many of its most valuable pro- ducts, but even with many of the plants in general cultivation there. This circumstance may in a great measure be ascribed to the want of any of those permanent botanical establishments which have afforded us so much useful information on the vegetation of the East and West Indies, and have been the means of effecting so many valuable exchanges of plants res- pectively cultivated in the two hemispheres. Tropical Africa has never even had a resident botanist, and all our knowledge on the subject has been derived from travellers who have either perished there before their mission has been completed, or have hastened home to avoid the effects of the deadly climate. Much is therefore now to be done by a collector who will carefully note down any authentic particulars he can learn, and any observations that occur to him, relating to the plants of which he preserves specimens. Such information will always be the more valuable the more cautiously it is collected, avoiding as much as possible mere hearsay information, and noting down in all cases the sources whence it is derived. It is also important that the memoranda should be on labels attached to the dried specimens, to avoid the numerous mistakes arising from the mismatching memoranda and their specimens by the time they reach the hands XU DESIDERATA. of the working botanist at home. So in regard to the spe<''iraens themselves, an isolated leaf, a separate flower, or even a fruit are insufficient alone to determine the species. A perfect dried specimen includes /o/i«^e, flower , a.ndjruit, with notes on size, colour, and other points which it cannot indicate ; a flowering branch with foliage is generally sufficient to identify a • well known species, but the description of a new one is always imperfect, and often wholly inefficient without the fruit. Where that is too bulky or too succulent to be laid in with the flower- ing and leaf specimens dried flat, and if preserved in spirits, or dried without pressure, portions of the foliage should be inva- riably attached to it as the sole means of future identification with the corresponding flowering specimen. In a purely botanical and systematic point of view, any plants not enumerated in the following Flora, and more espe- cially those mentioned as imperfectly known would be the most valuable. Palms, and other large Monocotyledons, bulbous-rooted and smooth thick-leaved plants of the same class, aquatic plants in general, whether floating or immersed, and cryptogamic productions have hitherto been but seldom collected. So it is also with Artocarpete and other large-fruited trees, Cucurhitacece, and all plants which require a little extra care in drying, and a little extra ingenuity in gathering, such specimens as may supply the requisite information. To the geographical Botanist, Western Tropical iVfrica is of peculiar interest, as being (next to the Arctic Regions), the point where the greatest number of s]:)ecies or forms belonging to the Eastern and Western hemisjiheres are found to meet. It may be consequently expected to furnish many valuable data respecting the migration of species, either naturally or by human aid, and the circumstances which determine the regions of analogous forms among endemic species. The most important information we have on this subject is summed up in Brown's justly celebrated Appendix to Tuckey's Conaro. The facts since collected tend still farther to confirm the supposition that the greater number of cultivated plants have come to the Negroes of Western Africa from the East, DESIDERATA. XUl including even some of American origin, which like the Maize and the Arachis, were so early cultivated in Asia as to give rise to doubts whether they were not known there before the dis- covery of the New Continent. Among those now cultivated in America as well as Africa, and not known, or of recent intro- duction into Asia, the majority (as for example, some species of Panicum, Amommn, &c.) have been carried over to America from Africa; and few only {Manihot?, Indigofera Anil, some species of Dioscorea, &c.) appear to have been introduced from America into Africa, or are among the naturally indigenous species to both countries. Additional facts tending to elucidate these points are much wanted. The weeds of cultivation, and other plants which accompany man in his migrations, are mostly, like the cultivated plants, of Eastern origin, although many are likewise now common in cultivated parts of Tropical America. The principal points to be attended to in respect to this class, are, how far they become really naturalized by maintaining themselves and spreading beyond the crops with which they were originally introduced. The cosmopolite indigenous species are, within the tropics, chiefly aquatic or marshy, or belonging to the glumaceous or cryptogamic orders. The laws which are supposed to regulate their diffusion, being deduced from the number of recorded stations, the collector should never neglect them on the ground of their being common elsewhere. The preserving specimens of widely spread species is the more important, as it is often difficult for the most experienced botanist to be certain of the identity of plants observed at different periods, without an actual comparison of specimens, and it is only by a careful observation of variations of form occasioned by diversity of soil and climate that any satisfactory judgment can be formed of the systematic limits of species and races. The indigenous species common to West Tropical Africa and Tropical America, appear to be chiefly found near the sea, or at any rate do not penetrate beyond the first hills ; few, indeed, of the really maritime species are Asiatic or East African, with the exception of such as are diffused over all Tropical sea coasts. XIV DESIDERATA. in the nterior of the country, Eastern and Asiatic species become much more numerous as the American ones disappear. In regard to all these travelled species, we are in want of trust- worthy data as to the stations they occupy, how far from the sea, from the habitations of man, or from the regions of cultiva- tion, their scarcity or abundance, the limits of the tracts they occupy, and other circumstances tending to elucidate their mode of transmission. The endemic plants of West Tropical Africa are of the greatest interest, as supplying data for speculations on the laws regulating the geographical dissemination of analogous forms. Senegal and other drier northern parts of our region, not only have many identical species, but still more of analogous ones to those which prevail through Nubia and Arabia, eastward to the hot, dry plains and table-lands of India. In the moist, close regions about the mouths and branches of the Niger and the island of Fernando Po, some curious analogies may be observed, with corresponding forms in Madagascar, Ceylon, and the Malayan Archipelago. With these Asiatic forms are mixed, in various parts of the region, African representatives of American genera, which appear to find here their extreme Eastern limits. European and South African forms, genera as well as species, are more completely excluded from this than from any other Tropical region. For all data from which any general conclusions under this head can be formed, we must rely entirely upon the geographical notes supplied by local collectors. The practical, economical and commercial botany of West Tropical Africa is less known, perhaps, than any other branch. Products of the greatest value have been exported during a long course of years, without our being able to form any idea of the plants which supply them. Every collector has sent home a diflferent leaf as that of the " African Teak," or " Oak." The learned researches of Dr. Pereira have not yet, for want of the requisite data, solved the doubts as to what one or more species of Amomum furnish the hot, acrid seeds now imported as Guinea Grains. Similar doubts hang over the species or DESIDERATA. XV varieties of Habzelia, whose seeds were also known as Guinea Grains or Ethiopian Pepper, and of Cubeba, supplying, accord- ing to Tlionning, the Ashantee Pepper. To such points we would particularly direct the attention of the resident Natu- ralist, and in their case more than in any other, we look for personal information. The reports of the natives, as received through Europeans, are scarcely ever to be trusted, and it happens but too frequently that even the local commercial men who deal in them, either through ignorance or from mistaken views of interest, mislead scientific men in their replies to such inquiries. Our best general information on this as on all other import- ant points of the Botany of West Tropical Africa, is contained in Brown's already quoted "Appendix." A few additional notes on edible fruits of Sierra Leone are contained in a paper by Afzelius, in " Sierra Leone Report, 1794," and another of the late Mr. Sabine, in the fifth volume of the " Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London ;" and many valuable memoranda are dispersed through Schumacher and Thonning's description of Isert and Thonning's Guinea plants, in the foiu'th volume of the " Transactions of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Copenhagen." This account, divided between two parts of those Transactions, has also been separately published under the title of '^ Beskrivelse af Guineiske Planter," and has been always quoted in the following Flora, with the paging of this separate edition, the only one that we are in possession of. Dr. VogeFs collection, though full of memoranda on botanical points, which have materially assisted in the determination and description of the specimens, contains but little information on points of economical and practical botany. He was, indeed, for too short a time in the country to enable him to collect authentic data, and he well knew that mere hearsay reports from ignorant natives were of little or no value. The extent and comparative excellence of his collection show that neither zeal nor ability were wanting, so long as his health was spared, in rendering it as botanically serviceable as possible. G. B. lirections for placing tf)£ plates. The View of Clarence Harbour, Fernando Po. — To Face the Title Page. The Plate (Tab. I.) Representing Two Views dpon the Niger. — To Face Page 54 of the " Journal of the Voyage." The Map. — To be placed at the End of the " Journal of the Voyage." Page 72. The Botanical Plates I — L, to be annexed at the end of the Volume. MEMOIR OF THE LIFE DR. J. E. T. V G E L: Amongst the numerous sacrifices consequent on the unfortunate expedition to the Niger, science is not without her pecuHar loss. Whatever reUance may be placed on wealth and a careful choice of means, it must be admitted that little has been accomplished by the numerous and deeply calculated plans for obtaining a more perfect knowledge of the interior of Africa. Amongst many other individuals, one of the naturalists of the expedition, to whose memory the following pages are dedicated, has succumbed to the destructive influence of the climate. If, however, according to the expression of a philosopher, it be the province of eloquence to commemorate illustrious minds, whose labours, owing to an unfortunate concurrence of circumstances, have not been productive of commensurate effects, and so, to com- pensatcf for the want of incident, a more skilful pen than mine is requisite. I must be contented to show what the world and what science have lost, by the simple relation of a few circumstances, and by extracts from the last official records of the deceased. JuHus Rudolph Theodor Vogel, or as he frequently called himself by an abridgement of his baptismal name, Theodor Vogel, was born at Berlin, on the 30th of July, 1812. While yet a boy, he showed a decided inclination for the * Translated from the German of Dr. L. C. Treviranus, in the Zinncea, vol. X, by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley. — Ed. t F, Hemsterhuis, Qiuvres philoKophiques, i. 268. ^r B 2 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE study of history, geography, and the productions of nature. No book was read by him with greater delight than Robinson Crusoe. He knew it almost by heart ; and in all probability its perusal awakened in him that eagerness to visit countries yet unexplored by science, which was hereafter destined never to leave hira. He received his first scientific education at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium at Berlin, of which Spilleke was then the director, from which establishment he was dismissed with the testimonial No. I. The Gymnasium, however, afforded no opportunity of acquiring botanical knowledge ; but, under the guidance of Ruthe, upper master of the Gewerbschule, he commenced studying and collecting plants. With him he went as a pupil weekly to botanize in summer, and if he had leisure for a day or two, it was devoted to more distant excursions. At the beginning of the summer term, 1832, Vogel was a student at the Univer- sity of Berlin, where he attended the philosophic and humanity lectures, but more especially those of Natural History. On the 5th of August, 1837, he was made Doctor of Philosophy : the subject of his inaugural thesis, which has also been published separately, being a Synopsis of the genus Cassia. The year after, he qualified himself as Private Tutor at the Berlin University in the botanical department, and in the first half of 1839, exchanged his situation for a similar one at the University of Bonn, aided by a government allowance, in consequence of which he was obliged, at the same time, after the death of Professor F. Nees von Esenbeck, to perform the duties of his office. During the latter part of his academical course, and after its completion, Vogel turned his attention principally to descriptive botany; for which the collections at Berlin, especially of Brazilian plants, furnished rich materials. His talents were peculiarly applied to Leguminous plants. As early as the year 1837, four treatises by him appeared in the eleventh volume of the Linncea : " De Sivartzeis observa- tion.es/' " Dalbei'giearum Genera Brasiliensia" " De Casal- jnneis Brazilice," and " Synopsis generis Cassice pars altera.'^ OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 3 In these, several new genera are proposed, numerous new species are briefly but characteristically described, and many already known have received important corrections. In the year 1838, in conjunction with Dr. Schleiden, he published some greater and lesser treatises, which, for the most part, have reference to the same family, in the 19th volume of the Acta Acad. Nat. Curiosoriim, entitled " Contributions to the history of the development of the parts of the flower in the Legumhiosde., and on the Albumen, especially of Leguminosce,^^ both accompanied by numerous illustrations ; and in the 46th of Poggendorf's Annalen der Chemie und Physick, on ^'Amyloid, a neiv vegetable substance.'' At the same time appeared, in the 12th volume of the Linnoia, a continuation of his labours on the leguminous plants of South America, in an Essay on Brazilian Hedysarea. In the year 1839, also, he continued his task with his wonted perseverance, and in the 13th volume of Linnaa, we find two treatises connected with it, viz. : on BraziUan Viciece, and observations on American Bauhinice. In 1840, he received, for investiga- tion, the Leguminosce collected by the late Prof. Meyen in his journey through Brazil, Peru and China, and the results of this labour appear in an Essay in the supplement to the 19th volume of the Acta Acad. Nat. Curios. The 15th volume of Linnaea contains three of his treatises ; viz. Remarks on the existence of Amy lum in Cryptogamous plants ; Additions and corrections to the Synopsis of the Genus Cassia; and Remarks on some species of the genera Thymus and Ori- ganum. There is also in Buchner's " Repertorium fiir die Pharmacie, 1840," a Review of the species of the genus Origayiwn and a Description of Thymus coriaceus. Mr. Mar- quardt found this undescribed species of Thymus in many apothecaries' shops and collections of Materia Medica, amongst stores of Origanum Creticum. As Vogel's position in Bonn rendered a perfect know- ledge of the plants in its neighbourhood requisite, pre- parations were commenced for a Flora of Bonn ; to which he devoted much time, and for which he undertook many B 2 4 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE excursions. In August, 1830, he made acquaintance with a member of the African Civilization Society, which had arisen in London under the patronage of Prince Albert, with the view of extending civilization amongst the natives of Western Africa and putting an end to the slave trade, who chanced then to be at Bonn. The British Government fitted out three steamers,* destined to run into the Niger, or Quorra, at its entrance into the Bight of Benin, on the western coast of Central Africa, to penetrate by this vast navigable river, into the interior of this little-known country, to make treaties with the inhabitants, and to establish an emporium at some suitable place. A Botanist was needed, to ascertain the vegetable productions of the country and the capabilities of the soil; and Dr. Vogel was found willing to hold this office, hoping by these means to satisfy his eager desire to explore a rich and almost unknown vegetation. He undertook, there- fore, in September and October of the same year, a journey to England, to make a personal acquaintance with the com- mittee of the society : returned for a few weeks to Germany, to arrange definitively his affairs, and finally left Bonn on the 2nd of December, 1840, to enter upon his journey, having obtained from the proper authorities a two years' leave of absence. The departure of the expedition, which, according to the first plan, was to be in the end of January, 1841, was deferred from various circumstances and impediments to the third week in May; when, finally, the ships left Plymouth harbour and Europe, Dr. Vogel embarking in the Wilber- force. During his four months' residence in England, Vogel prepared himself in every possible way for his new destina- tion, and in the parts for March and July of a Journal entitled " The Friend of Africa," he published an " Essay on the Botany of Western Central Africa ;" in which the hitherto written treatises on the vegetable productions of this part of the world were reviewed. From Madeira he addressed • The Albert, the Wilberforce, and Soudan. OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 5 letters to his relations and friends in Europe ; but they never reached their destination. From Sierra Leone he wrote on the 30th of June, as follows : "We sailed from Madeira by TenerifFe to St. Vincent, one of the Cape de Verd Islands, and from thence came here. At Teneriflfe we remained a day ; but I was able to take only a cursory glance, since I M^as unwell on the passage from Madeira thither, and did not venture to leave the ship. We remained a fortnight off St. Vincent : the island is small, but has an excellent harbour, and was therefore the rendezvous of the ships belonging to the expedition. Anything more comfortless than the view of this island, I never beheld : one might believe that after the formation of the world, a quantity of useless surplus stones was cast into the sea; and that thus the Island of St. Vincent arose. There is nothing but hills and mountains (some of them 2500 feet high) ; with small valleys, which in the broader parts are very sandy, without a plant deserving the name of tree : while the vallies themselves produce scarcely a species ; for in my first excursion, I found in four hours only two species, of which one, a lavander, was completely dried up. What had been wanting here, namely moisture, was in a few days but too abundant. On the part of the coast where we are at present, the rainy season has begun; that is, the first portion of it, which announces itself by single thunder-storms with violent wind (tornados.) Sometimes on the passage my cabin got very wet, and what was worse, my plants. Since we have been at Sierra Leone, the weather is generally clear by day ; but towards evening there comes heavy rain or a thunder-storm, and last night we had one, such as I never witnessed before. "On entering the river at Free Town, the shore, on which the town stands, is bordered at a short distance by a range of hills, exhibiting a very pretty appearance with their gentle swelling summits and insolated lofty trees. A rich vegetation stretches from the shore upwards, which captivates the eye by its soft bright green, such as is only seen in the tropics, and gives the whole an incomparably 6 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE charming character. I rushed eagerly into these woods; and much regret that the short time of our stay did not permit me to do more ; for we were obliged to proceed. The object of the colony here is to teach the Africans active habits and to christianize them : there are, I think, above 40,000 in the colony, and many of their villages are built close to the town ; so that, for miles, there is no cultivation. Since we left St. Vincent, the temperature has been nearly the same. The thermometer there was generally 81° Fahr. in my cabin: here it is about 84°, and sometimes in the middle of the day reaches 86°. This heat is not greater than with us in summer ; but the shghter refrigeration of the atmosphere by night, and the power of the sun, make it seem often more intense than it is. An awning is spread over the deck, under which, when there is a breeze, it is always cool. 1 am very comfortable on board, except when my collections are lying about. When I return laden with plants, I have no where to prepare them ; and when they are dry, the damp insinuates itself to such a degree, that I am compelled to redry them. This is very troublesome ; and on board a ship, especially a man of war, there is no especial place for preparing or preserving plants. I am quite a nuisance to my messmates when I unpack ; and so is the servant who announces breakfast, lunch, &c. ; for the table must be cleared, and I must be oflf. Then I try to work on deck ; but there the wind and rain attack me ; so that I have to contend with all the elements. I am here quite amongst the negroes, for there are few white persons in the town ; and during my excursions I frequently do not see one during the whole day. I cannot, however, say that this seems altogether strange to me: on our voyage outward, we had many black sailors in our ship ; and their number has gradually increased in the course of our progress." From Cape-Coast Castle roads, where the ships belonging to the expedition arrived on the 24th of July, Vogel writes as follows: "Our passage from Sierra Leone hither has been rather tedious. We set out from that port with but OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 7 little fuel, and were therefore necessitated twice after we left Monrovia (Liberia), viz. at Grand Bassa and Cape Palmas, to cause wood to be felled, to enable us to proceed. Our voyage has been constantly along the coast ; so that we have had ample opportunity for observing the remarkable nation of the Kroo : a people who dwell scattered along the coast, and often undertake long coasting voyages in small canoes. These canoes are built almost exactly in the same way as the little skiffs which at Berlin are called Seelen-verkaufer ; but made of a single piece only. The natives sit in them generally naked : they use broad oars and a very small rudder ; and do not trouble themselves when the craft upsets ; for they have commonly nothing to lose, and if they carry garments with them, they are soon dried. They have mostly a piece of cloth, bound round the head, which, when they come on board, they place round the loins, and think them- selves full dressed with great ivory rings round the ankles, and belts or chains round the foot or arm. We had many of their young people on board, for they are tolerably docile, and are therefore hired by the coasters, to perform such hard labours as are considered prejudicial to Europeans. When they have earned so much money by their voyage, as will enable them to buy one or more wives, they return home, establish the women, and leave them for a new expedition, until they get eight or ten more wives, who must support them ; for all field-labour, &c., is performed by females. Including these Kroos and other negroes, "who are employed in various ways about the ship, we are now considerably more than one hundred men strong : frequently, therefore, when I have been for a time at that part of the vessel which they occupy and where alone smoking is allowed, and return to the quarter-deck where only the officers are, I feel quite relieved from the bustle. It is now the rainy season and we have had in Monrovia and Grand Bassa a week of continued rain ; during which the sky has been for many successive days as dark as it can be with us in autumn only. Besides, the African brooks, when they are swollen with 8 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE rain, assume the privilege of making tlieir way down the footpaths ; and I was therefore obliged for hours to wade up to the knees in water. I was indeed, in general, whether at sea or on land, as wet as it was possible to be. One advantage accrued from the rain, it kept the decks water-tight; whereas before, I was regularly soaked by the water when they were washed at five o'clock in the morning ; and frequently part of my collection got damaged. At Cape Palmas we arrived at a spot where an intermission of the rainy season takes place, and from thence to this place we have enjoyed delight- ful weather. The passage, however, was longer than we expected; so that water ran very short; and one day we were absolutely placed on half-allowance : otherwise we should scarcely guess that we were in a foreign zone. As regards meat and drink, we have several times a week salted beef or pork, and in general, other kinds of meat preserved in her- metically sealed cases. Hares, poultry, &c., prepared in this way, often appear at table. These ship-stores are preferred to the fresh provisions which are presented to us on landing. My situation on board is very tolerable. The captain gives me all the liberty possible; and I hope, when we have once arrived at the proper field of action, to meet with every encouragement from him. My health has been very good ; and although tliere cannot but be some irksome hours to men shut up in a ship, I have yet, on the whole, felt happy and contented, and only look forward with impatience to the time when my own peculiar service will begin." The next letter from Vogel was written from Accra, on the 4th of August. " We remain here but a few days, so that I can acquire only a very superficial view of the vegetation of the coast. Real forests lie at some distance in the interior, that is, about thirty English miles : — too long an excursion, even were it not desired that nobody should sleep on shore, for fear of fever. Yet I have been twelve or fourteen miles into the interior, in the district of Aquafim, to inspect a Danish OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 9 settlement. There was a geologist with me, and we were received by the Danish Governor with the greatest civility. Such a journey on foot being considered too difficult for an European, large flat baskets, used here instead of sedan- chairs, were placed at our disposal, and four negroes to carry each basket. There were, besides, a number of negroes, to take charge of our luggage ; so that our caravan amounted to seventeen persons, besides ourselves. At the coff"ee-plan- tation there is a house arranged with European accom- modations, where we were surrounded with all tlie luxury of the civilized world, and had for dinner French asparagus. The spot was lovely, pleasantly varied with hill and dale, mostly covered with savannahs ; where the grass is taller and stronger than in our own meadows, and between the tufts grew little bushes, instead of flowers. I think that I saw BUghia sapida in cultivation, and remarked that Schumacher men- tions it under a name diff'erent from that by which it is known to the natives. The negroes who accompanied us on this excursion were slaves; for the Danes still have slaves, but they seem well off", and were merry and cheerful beings. On the whole, I found in the short periodof my acquaintance with them, no diff"erence in their behaviour or dealing from the free negroes at Cape Coast Castle; except that the latter are shameless in demanding money for drink. At Cape Coast, it is absolutely necessary to keep an immo- derate number of servants ; and on an excursion from thence, our train of attendants consisted of thirty-six persons. There is no difficulty in this, for the blacks go as servants merely for food and clothing, which in this cHmate costs little : or they are sent when boys by their fathers to an Eu- ropean, that they may in this way learn something. The houses of Europeans here are very large, roomy, and well built, raised high above the ground to make them airy, and furnished with open verandahs for the same purpose. Europeans, however, do not in general remain long, since the climate on the coast is not suitable to their constitution. The few who are here seem to lead a miserable life : the 10 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE society is very limited and monotonous, and their wishes are confined principally to making money ; in which many fail. At Cape Coast, the small white shells which we use for orna- menting horses' bridles are given in exchange as coin ; they are called cowries : a thousand of them are worth about a guelder, in the interior they are worth more : we hqve with us whole sacks of them. Gold-dust also appears at first a very curious medium of exchange ; it is used especially in Cape Coast and Accra, where it is washed from the sand of the river banks which flows through the town. Every one of the market people carries a small pair of gold-scales : with which he weighs out for a silver-groschen, or perhaps for a sechser, its worth of gold-dust: they then take these very small grains with them, wrapped up in a piece of rag. All these market people are natives, and sell palm-oil, cocoa-nuts, diflFerent kinds of fruit, fish, home-woven cotton, &c. The clothing of the men consists simply of a napkin round the loins ; or in addition, a long piece of cloth passed under one arm and over the other. They remove it from the shoulder when they meet a white man, and lay bare the heart by way of salutation. The women have these garments, and others in addition. The cloth round their loins is larger, and furnished behind with a monstrous bustle : the bigger this is, the more respectable is the woman, and the larger her family : in many it projects like a saddle. Little children are perfectly naked. So soon, however, as a young girl assumes a piece of cloth by way of clothing, it is furnished with a bustle, which with time is made gradually larger. " Although I have at present had no opportunity of admir- ing the full splendour of tropical vegetation ; yet many objects have fallen in my way which induced me to examine and to gather them. I regret very much that I have so many diffi- culties to overcome, in reference to ray collections, from the scanty room on shipboard, and the humidity of the weather. If not attended to daily, everything is covered with mould ; and even the paper in the chests becomes quite damp. Per- haps, after much pains, I am so fortunate as to get my OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 1 1 plants dry, with the help of the sun and steam-engine ; but I have still to look to them again, and often find cause enough for repeating the process. Notwithstanding all this trouble, the specimens are bad, they fall to pieces and mould con- tinually ; and I must sit down under the sorry consolation, that I have effected with all my zeal as much as circumstances would allow." On the 9th of August, the little fleet, after it had directed its course from Accra straight across the Bight of Benin, reached that mouth of the Niger which is called Nun, and Vogel writes from thence on the day of arrival, as follows : " Last night, without any remarkable wind, there was so strong a rocking of the ship, that I scarcely slept a wink. I was up late for the first time, namely, after eight o'clock, and was not present at the morning prayers ; which a German Missionary, from Sierra Leone, the Rev. Frederick Schon, performs from half past seven to eight. Breakfast comes between eight and nine : to-day we had ham and yams, and as usual, coffee without milk. The atmosphere was so thick that we could often not see half a mile, though when there was for a moment a clear sky, we descried the mouth of a river, which we took for the Nun; therefore we anchored about six miles from the shore. The rain came down in torrents, and the whole of the gun-room was flooded. I betook myself to my cabin, from the window of which I let down the shutter to enable me to see ; but the cabin and bedding were soon so soaked from the entrance of the rain, that I was obliged to fly to the deck in my mackintosh. The awning is not waterproof, and the water stood in many places two inches deep ; nevertheless, I tried to wile away the time there till dinner. This takes place between two and three, and, thanks to preserved meats, yams, pastry, &c., is very comfortable. Afterwards, the carpenter was in requisition to make my cabin water-tight. The window- shutter was closed and the bed dried, as well as circumstances permitted. The stove was again placed in the gun-room J so that we had the pleasant warmth of 12 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE 87^ Fahr. There was enough to occupy me till tea in putting my cabin to rights. At six o'clock we have tea, without milk, and sea-biscuit. At half-past seven, evening prayers. The rain having somewhat abated, my companion and I sought for a tolerably dry place, where wrapped, in my cloak, I might smoke a cigar; and then I took a. seat in the gun-room, where I am writing this letter. The violent rolling of the ship, however, still continues ; and its effect is evidenced in my more than ordinarily bad writing. " August 12. — We lie at anchor in the open sea, two or three miles off Cape Nun : a stately fleet, consisting of the three steamers, with a large transport and a small one, which will accompany us up the river. There is much to be done : the last stores are to be taken out of the transport, which leaves us here, and the ships supplied as much as possible with coal, that we may proceed up the Niger without delay, to its confluence with the Tschadda. *' Sunday f August 15, p.m. — At last we have run into the Nun, after having endured, while at anchor, the most frightful swell, and at the same time scarcity of water. The expedition, in fact, commences to-day ; after long delay, we are at length arrived at the place where our observations are to begin. The vegetation, when viewed from the ship, appears extremely luxuriant, and there is something like a forest. "We shall probably remain some days in this place. I only hope that the rain will permit me to make good use of the time." At length, on the 11th of September, the expedition reached the confluence of the Niger and Tschadda, and on the 18th of September, Vogel thus writes : " We arrived a week since at this place, which I conceived I might consider as an occasional place of rest. We reck- oned on a six days' course hither, with no delay at the mouth of the Nun : instead of this, from our first arrival at the Nun (on the 10th of August), to our coming here, a month has elapsed. At Aboh and Iddah some days were spent; till the desired contracts against the slave trade were concluded with the Kings. This stay was, however, little to my purpose. OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 13 for circumstances hardly allowed me at either place to go on shore ; and at the latter I was unwell, though not extremely so. *' At Iddah, the country which was before low and flat, begins to be elevated and rises in mountains 2000 feet high, which, with occasional interruptions, extend to this place, where they are confined to the right bank of the river. Here and there, spots occur, which remind one of the Rhine: the bed of the river is, however, too broad (generally above half a mile) to be picturesque, and is often broken and enlarged by various islands. The mountains are bare, without any signs of human industry : once only I saw a village on the top of a hill, which appeared very pretty. Mount Patteh, in whose neighbourhood we lie, is a quadran- gular mountain on the right bank, rising precipitously on all sides about 1200 feet high, with many patches of forest, and thickly clothed everywhere with plants. At its foot grow many slender Oil- P alms ; so that the whole picture, painted with the fresh green which the rainy season has produced, is very lovely. As I sit under the awning on the quarter-deck, and look towards that spot, I cannot help being pleased with the view, beholding in the solitary Baobabs, and the OiUPalms, though familiar to me now for weeks, forms which still interest me from their novelty. " We have bought a piece of land on the right bank, extending from Mount Patteh to Beaufort Island, and at this moment are preparing a habitation for the person who is to have the charge of the station at the foot of the mountain. The land is decidedly of bad quality, and a better situa- tion will be sought for : the other bank is far more suitable, but it has been rejected as too low; indeed, it is now under water. It is impossible for me, at present, to say any thing of the nature of the vegetation. We certainly have not here the usual exuberance of the tropics ; perhaps, since I have been on the river, I have collected three hundred species. No single family gives a peculiar character to the vegetation, but this depends on a mixture of many families. 14 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE Yet it is possible I may be deceived ; for scarcely any trees at present are in blossom, many have only fruit, and others are without any characteristic organ. The Baobabs are abun- dant, most of them have the habit of old thick oaks, only they are perhaps proportionally lovv^er, but I have met with none which has answered the expectation raised by Adanson and Golberry. Among Palms, the Oil Palm alone is frequent along the river and in marshy places: the Fern Palm occurs here and there ; and the Cocoa extends as far as Iddah. I believe that I saw through the telescope a Tree Fern. Parasitical Orchidece grow occasionally, though not commonly, lower down the river ; here I have not met with one. A leafless Euphorbia, forming monstrously thick bushes, grows on Mount Patteh. Lianes are abundant; but their tree-like stems aff"ect little the character of the landscape ; they form, with the mother-stem, a thick vegetable mass. The most interesting are the towering and climbing herba- ceous plants, which, especially along the shore, invest the shrubs and trees to a great height, often presenting real vege- table walls, adorned with the sparkling blossoms of Convol- vuli, Cucurbit acea, and AsclepiadecB. There is no fruit here adapted to European palates : the best is the Hoff-Plum, which is worse than our Sloes, and its name indicates its quality. On the coasts grow good Pine-apples, Bananas, &c., but they are introduced : the latter alone are cultivated here, though rarely. Horses are very scarce and not larger than asses ; and the oxen resemble sheep. Butter and milk are rarely or never procurable ; the eggs which are brought are all set upon; we have nothing but old hens for poultry. Bearing these matters in mind, I cannot help exclaiming with Ovid: ' Heu terra felici non adeunda viro.' The natives, who come to us from far and near, behave extremely well ; they have never shewn the slightest sign of enmity, on the contrary, they are rather too confiding. They are not of that deep black hue which is observable in OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 15 Other Africans, and in this neighbourhood they have often very good features. They understand spinning and making cloth : they know how to work in iron, to manu- facture knives, sabres, nails, &c. : they cultivate also the fields with some degree of skill. It is sad, however, to think, that they have possessed the same aptness for these arts, probably from an almost inconceivable time, without making any improvement : they lack that spiritual energy which renders every acquisition a step to further advance- ment. We have a daily market on the shore ; whither the inhabitants of a neighbouring village resort in great numbers, to sell or barter what they possess. Small looking-glasses, framed in paper, meet with very ready purchasers; and I shall never forget the joy which beamed in the eyes of many, when they first beheld their own faces in a mirror. The women, especially, cannot be satisfied with gazing on them- selves, smeared with the powder of a red wood and their short hair standing upright in little tufts, so that they appear more like horned devils than human beings. In general, however, they prefer what is useful to trifles, pro- vided the latter be not too dazzling and enticing; as, for instance, a bright red cap edged with gold. " We brought with us a quantity of articles of female dress, often ornamented absurdly enough, as gauze handker- chiefs, sashes, &c. ; which they accept as presents with suffi- cient indifference; whereas they are very eager after large pocket handkerchiefs, which they wear round the loins. The men are all armed with bows and arrows. They value their arrows very highly, which are strongly poisoned : one of them, however, lately sold me all his implements of war, viz., arrows, quiver and bow, a short wooden arm-plate, a knife and an iron ring, for 2000 cowries, about a dollar and a half, which is however not above half the original price. All these things are made convenient for use, and strong, but generally without much art. The way they string their bow, which is about four feet long, is clever. In the right hand they hold a knife, with a hollow handle, through which they pass 16 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE four fingers and the middle of the hand : on the thumb they have an iron ring, and draw between this and the handle the bowstring; so that they cannot injure the hand. Besides, they are ready, as soon as the arrow is discharged, to use the knife. There is a peculiar custom in the whole of Africa, called " dash." Before a person deals with a stranger, a present is given, called in African-English, "dash." As the Africans expect that strangers or Europeans give far more than they receive, this system is a sort of indirect im- post, and unpleasant to those who are not prepared for it ; and I have seen many a silk handkerchief given away in this manner for nothing. The cotton ones, which I had bought, have done me good service in this way. " The weather has been very pleasant for travelling. The rainy season, which we have had in perfection, bestows at pre- sent only an occasional shower : I expect therefore that the river, now at its height, will soon begin to fall. The heat in the afternoon is generally up to 83° Fahr., seldom so high as 87° or 90°. At night it sinks to 76° or 74°, which feels very cold after the heat of the day. But the sun has peculiar influence here, especially when it bursts forth gradually after a gush of rain : it is then so burning, that I am glad to use an umbrella and a straw hat. ^' The country we have so slowly examined is pronounced unhealthy. It is no wonder then that the African fever, or rather fevers, kept in check during the journey itself by the excitement, has broken out most terribly ; so that the ships are so many lazarettos. At present we have had few deaths ; but what may take place, it is impossible to say ; for no sickness is more deceptive, or undergoes quicker changes, than this fever. Before the evil proclaimed itself so loudly, the plan was as follows : One ship, the Wilberforce, was to go up the Tschadda — this is still to be done. The two other ships were to ascend the Niger, as far as Bussah or higher. If they could not proceed further, two great boats were to be manned, and, if possible, to reach Timbuctoo. Now, however, a plan is arranged for sending the smallest vessel. OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 1 7 the Soudan, down the river, to convey the sick to Fernando Po. I think we shall be back here from the Tschadda in from four to six weeks ; and since the rainy season will then be over, and I hope the alluvium on the shore so broad as to enable us to dwell there with comfort, I trust to be in fixed quarters and able to make wider excursions. Since being unwell a few days at Iddah, I have felt healthy and strong. The climate is, however, very injurious to an European constitution ; and Sierra Leone also is considered unhealthy : I have, however, found myself quite well after strong exercise. I ascended Mount Patteh, which is about 1200 feet high, about six o'clock in the morning, without much fatigue : I was perfectly well ; I botanized, returned at two, took my luncheon and rested. But the whole afternoon I found myself so extremely exhausted and incapable of doing the least thing, as I never was before : with this consolation, however, that I did not experience the shghtest feeling of illness. Every one of us, who is not sick, is plagued with itching on the skin, and eruptions : this affliction, together with the mosquitos, which, however, at present have not been numerous, do not let us sleep at night. In short, it is a wretched existence for a European." The unhappy fate of the Expedition is too well known. Vogel writes on this subject from Clarence Cove, in the island of Fernando Po, on the 22nd of October ; " We were desirous of proceeding farther, to begin a real voyage of discovery; when the tropical fever, which w'e had long feared, but at last considered as left behind, broke out with such a degree of virulence, that in a short time almost all the Europeans were seized, and most of them suffered severely. On the same evening on which I wrote my last letter (18th of Sep- tember), I fell ill of the fever, which assumed a serious aspect. The sea air being considered the best remedy against the malady, we went all together down the river to this place. First, the Soudan Avith the sick ; then our ship, the Wilber- force ; and lastly, the Albert, after it had proceeded up the Niger for some days, was finally compelled to return, and to c 18 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE bring all the Europeans with her. It is now the intention of the conductor of the Expedition to sail to Ascension, which is considered peculiarly healthy, there to await the perfect recovery of the sick, and in March, when a better climate for a European constitution is expected, again to ascend the Niger. 1 heard that I might be allowed to spend the interval at this place. They brought me on shore in a very high fever, and I have been now almost three weeks here. The fever, which on my way was almost always upon me, has left me for the last week and a half; and I am now, as I believe, out of all danger. But my strength returns very slowly, and I shall scarcely be able for these six weeks to resume my botanical investigations. At present I cannot walk, but stumble over my own feet. One of the ships, the Wilberforce, is gone to Ascension : the Albert, which arrived later, is here, and will wait for the recovery of her sick," " Of the Island of Fernando Po itself I can say little : I have not yet been in a condition to look round me. Yet it seems rich in plants, and I hope especially that the examina- tion of the mountains may prove productive ; for they are mainly covered with thick woods ; and the highest point is above 10,000 feet high. The accommodations are but limited and poor. All the houses are merely made of boards, knocked together, and are raised on strong posts, which are obliged to be frequently renewed to keep off the vermin, and to facilitate the current of air. They are constructed, princi- pally, with a view to airiness : the windows, that is the shutters, do not close : the roof is seldom water-tight, and in the walls and floor are great holes, so that during a heavy rain, such as prevailed yesterday, our chamber is almost flooded ; and it is merely the holes in the floor M'hich, allowing the water to escape, give some relief. The German Mineralo- gist belonging to the Expedition, who is somewhat more advanced than myself towards recovery, will remain here ; and we have clubbed together for our housekeeping; but even this is expensive. Anything in the shape of a kitchen is out of the question. To the open space under the house, which OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 19 is beaten hard like a barn-floor, the cook brings every day his iron grate, and prepares, with a monstrous consumption of wood, in four or five iron pots, every thing that can be procured for food. There is, however, no great choice. We have fowls, and beef when ships come, but only then, and occasionally fish. Yams never fail, and they are excellent ; so that I prefer them by far to our potatoes. What a pity that there is no possibility of introducing this plant at home ! We can have them every day ; indeed the poorer people live almost entirely upon yams. Add to this, rice, which however is not cultivated here; and it is almost all that the country can aflord to set a poor invalid on his legs again ; and it is little enough ! If any thing else be wanted, it must be procured from Europe. For our domestic affairs, we are obliged to have two servants, of whom one is cook. Each receives daily a shilling; so that the two cost above three pounds sterling a month, and we have to keep them too. Both together do not accomplish in a day half so much as one European would. Meanwhile, my life passes in eating, drinking and sleeping ; for 1 am fit for nothing else, and am unfit even for that. The Expedition will go up the Niger again in March, and it is hoped will be in a condition to remain there till autumn ; if so, we shall return at the end of next year to Europe. Should I regain my strength by the commencement of the dry season, and be able to devote so many months to this island, I expect to reap such a harvest as will content me for some time." Vogel's last letter is from the same place, dated the 22nd of November, and is as follows : " Since I wrote last, there has been no great alteration. My recovery is tardy, but pro- gressive ; or, rather, I have been well for some time ; only my strength returns very slowly. Yet I am able to under- take moderate excursions : longer ones I must defer ; till the occasional rains cease entirely. I am most desirous of going to the mountains and to lead there for some time a really natural existence ; for here there is a wretched mixture of artificial and natural. For these last five weeks, we have c 2 20 MEMOIR OF THE LIFE had every thing in our domestic arrangements to superintend ourselves ; otherwise we must have engaged more servants, and that is not only expensive, but we have quite enough to do to manage the two we have. An African servant will not listen to orders, but will do every thing out of his own head ; and if his taste does not agree with his master's, the master he thinks must comply with his. If I say to the cook, " this must not be dressed so," he answers quietly, "That is how I like it ;" and if my servant, contrary to my directions, goes out for the whole evening, he says coolly, " When you have got your meal, you have nothing more to do with me." It is often difficult to procure any thing for dinner : we have had no meat for two days, and there was none to be got for money. The same is often the case with bread, and if one has not a stock of ship Ijiscuit, there is great difficulty about it. The light afforded by a palm-oil lamp is worse than that of the lamps which, in Germany, are allowed to servants, and this is very bad when we have any work to do in the evening. What I chiefly dislike is the host of ants, beetles, moths, &c., which swarm every where : they are very destructive to my collections ; and 1 wage constant war with them. Besides the wasps, flies of all sorts, lizards, salamanders and rats pay us constant visits ; so that a Zoologist ought to rejoice in having so good an opportunity to make their acquaintance." While Vogel was busied in this manner with plans and preparations for future exertions, which bade fair to be pro- ductive, and this perhaps too early for his strength, the seeds of the last fatal malady were developed. In December, that is, at the time when the rain ceases to pour down in torrents, cold and damp weather prevailed in the island, which is highly prejudicial to Europeans. In consequence, on the 4th of December, Vogel was seized with a dysentery which confined him to bed, and daily ex- hausted his strength. Dr. Thomson, surgeon of the Soudan, Dr. Mc William, of the Albert, and other pliysicians, paid him the greatest attention ; and Herr Roscher, the companion of his journey, his fellow-lodger and friend, never left the OF DR. J. R. T. VOGEL. 21 bed-side of the patient, who bore all the sufferings conse- quent on his complaint with the strength of mind peculiar to him, and without ever losing heart. In spite of all, on the thirteenth day of his illness he expired, and without pain, about mid-day, on the 17th of December. His death was calm and peaceful. He had spoken daily of the ex- pected wanderings amongst the mountains, and even a few minutes before his death he asked his friend if he had got every thing ready for their excursion. His mortal remains were committed to the earth the same evening by the side of Captain Bird Allen, who departed before him. The ship's company carried the coffin, which was attended by the commander. Captain Fishbourne, Dr. Mc William, Captain Beecroft, Dr. King, Mr. Scott and his wife, and many of his fellow voyagers, by all of whom he was esteemed on account of his benevolent and noble disposition, and his really Chris- tian virtues. His little property, according to contract, came into the possession of the African Civilization Society ; and it is to be hoped that his collections and journals, the precious relics of an activity, which was extinguislied at the moment when a wider and more worthy field of action presented itself, will not be lost to science. Vogel was by nature large and well-formed : his constitu- tion, with the exception of a slight weakness in the chest and a tendency to rheumatism, was excellent : his countenance serious but benevolent, and exciting confidence. Active, without immoderate energy, he rested not till the work he had undertaken was accomplished. As a man, he was a fearer of God, of strict integrity, high-minded, indulgent towards faults ; warm in speech, though with a constant ob- servance of propriety. Towards his friends, he was always true and devoted ; towards his colleagues, upright, disinte- rested and conciliatory. As a teacher, during the short time he was so employed, he excited approbation and love, and much was to be expected from him had he lived longer. What he would have done as a writer, is incontestibly shewn by his publications. JOURNAL VOYAGE TO THE NIGEll.* Wednesday, May 12. — After seven o^clock, p.m., we quitted Devonport. Knowing that I should be attacked with sea- sickness, and not be able to attend with accuracy to many matters, I determined to confine my attention during the voyage to the subject of temperature, and more espe- cially to that of the sea, which I therefore ascertained at noon, and noted in my meteorological journal. The weather being favourable, I suffered less, although never quite free from sea-sickness, than I had expected, and became anxious to extend my observations to the temperature of the air, and to the barometer. Our instrument had not been rectified, and being without a thermometer to mark the temperature of the quicksilver, was rather useless : in our days, such imperfect observations are of little value. Nor could I find on the whole deck a place for my thermometer, without exposing it to many dangers ; and the contrivance proposed by me for that purpose, and approved of by the Captain, is not yet finished. This evening I paid particular attention to the phospho- rescence of the sea. In this latitude it is not seen except in the wake of the ship. Only the waves nearest the vessel * Translated from the original German Journal of Dr. Vogel, in the possession of the African Civilization Society, by the kindness of F. Scheer, Esq., of Kew Green. — Ed. VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 23 were illuminated, and in fact, it appeared to me, that it was solely the case with those actuallj^ in contact with it. If so, the phosphorescence would seem, here at least, to be the result of mere mechanical friction. It did not appear to be much influenced by the moisture or dryness of the atmosphere, for being very strong on Saturday evening, when the psychro- meter showed a diiference of 1.1° (56.1° against 55°). No animals or plants were picked up. At a distance I descried some dolphins, others saw Algae and Nautili; and some tired swallows settled on the ship. Friday, May 21. — We reached Madeira in the morning. The Flora of this island has become of late better known, through Mr. Lowe, who has described many new species. I intended to devote the few days of our stay to the study of the indigenous plants ; but the uncertainty of our departure did not allow of distant excursions, and obliged me to limit myself to the vicinity of Funchal. I took immediately a walk along the south-eastern coast, with Mr. Lowe, who kindly pointed out the habitat of many indigenous species, amongst which were chiefly Mathiola Maderensis, Sideroxylon Marmulana, etc. On Saturday, 32nd, I was early on horse- back, towards the Ribeira Frio ; where, according to Mr. Lowe, the choicest native plants are to be found. The road crossed Mount Church j whose barren precipices are at first covered with Spartium scoparium, higher up with shrubs of Laurus and Erica, and then especially with the magnificent Vaccinium Maderense. On the summit it was dreadfully cold, with fog, sometimes like rain. The valley was filled with mist, clearing occasionally, just enough to see the Laurus trees that hung down from the surrounding steeps. This Laurus, several interesting Ferns, and a few other plants, were, owing to the bad weather, the unexpectedly small produce of this trip. On the succeeding Sunday, I chiefly visited the gardens about the town. The singularly favourable situation of Funchal, enjoying in consequence of the protection af- forded by the surrounding mountains against cold winds, an invariably moderate temperature, has been frequently dwelt 24 JOURNAL OF THE upon. I had plenty of opportunity to perceive this ; for during my stay, the weather was there constantly fine and warm, with, at the utmost, a gentle shower ; but once beyond the mountains, I experienced the most furious winds, and the valleys M'ere filled with thick mists, loaded with as much moisture as heavy rains. It were interesting .to ascer- tain the duration and intensity of these mists, which are remarkably dense, and must be highly beneficial to a barren island and fertilizing to its valleys. Later in the season, the weather is said to be clear and settled in the interior also. The valley of Funchal receives several rivulets, and has not at this time any deficiency of water. Chestnut-trees abound in the valleys, and the lower declivities are frequently covered with patches of Pines. To the gardens at Funchal the pre- vailing state of the atmosphere is highly genial, and they command splendid prospects towards the town and bay. One really may fancy oneself in the East when walking, and still more when riding between these gardens, which are enclosed with stone walls, over which it is easy to behold the nu- merous hedges of roses full of bloom. The singular spectacle of the union oi Bananas and Pine-apples with our European fruit-trees, has been frequently noticed, and is particularly attractive to any new comer. Horticulture, from what I could see, was chiefly practised for profit's sake : though in several gardens there were some choice plants, which struck, on account of their finer growth, the European traveller, who had hitherto only seen them in the greenhouse or stove. Large Dracanas were rare : whether this tree still occurs in an un- cultivated state, I know not : no one collects the Gum-Dragon, except as a curiosity. Dr. Renton showed me some fine Coffee-trees, covered with fruit, of which the quality is said to be good. He regretted, that instead of Festuca Donax, the Bamboo was not more generally grown, as it succeeds so well ; and I agree with him. On Monday and Tuesday I made excursions in the valley called the Corral; and to the great water-fall, which yielded me, besides the common plants of Madeira, a few rare ones, viz.: VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 25 Ranunculus grandifolius, Semjjervivum sp., Sinapidendron fi'utescens, Lowe^ Bystropogon punctatus, Herit., Bupleurum salicifoUum, Sol., Physalis puhescens, &c. According to my limited experience, the Flora of Madeira is of a thoroughly South-European character ; only a very few plants, chiefly Draccena, pointing out an extra-European mixture. I do not speak of the neighbourhood of Funchal : a botanical garden there, established with proper judgment, would lead to brilliant results. A novice in travelling revels in the southern forms here first offered to his view. Of two individual plants I will only here observe, that the indigenous Parietaria is that known in Germany as P. diffusa. Of Cassia I only saw Cassia bicapsularis, L., the true species, flowering, but not in fruit, during my stay. Cassia ruscifolia, which is indigenous, according to Jacquin, in Madeira, Mr. Lowe assures me, certainly does not grow in the island ; and that Cassia occidentalis exists only in a single garden. The history of these species remains therefore still obscure. Tuesday, May 25. — Left Madeira in the evening. I had exposed myself too much during my last excursion to the waterfall, to the soaking rain, burning sun, and wet, in wading through brooks. The guide had committed an error 5 for these people engage to conduct you any where, whether they know the place or not. I was, consequently, several days unable to move ; and when we arrived, on Friday the 28th of May, in the port of Santa Cruz, 1 could do no more than cast a few glimpses on the island. The next day I resumed my observations on the temperature of the sea ; but my illness, which was an entire interruption of the digestive powers, continued till we reached Cape de Verd Islands. Thursday, June 3, we were off St. Vincent. We had mistaken the small adjoining Sta. Lucia for the former, and approached it so closely, that we could examine the nature of its shores, which gave only a prospect of wildness and sterility. Sailing along the high cliffs of the western coast of St. Vincent, I looked anxiously for some traces of vegetation, but only distinguished, far off, a few shrubs, and it was dark 26 JOURNAL OF THE ere we anchored at Porto Grande. I liastened the next morning earl3' on deck, impatient to survey, for the first time, an entirely tropical vegetation. The back of the bay is flat and sandy, with a few cottages on the north-east side : beyond the shore rise hills overtopped in the distance by mountains. I could clearly descry two main valleys, reaching far inland, and exhibiting the same white sand as the beach. Every place was burnt up and bare of vegetation, except a few shrubs in one of the valleys, whither I directed my first walk, and found these were Tamarix Senegalensis, a shrub mostly 6 to 7 feet high, but sometimes a small tree, being the only plant, I might almost say the only object, which in these valleys affords any shadow. After a search of four hours, climbing several hills and crossing as many valleys, I only met with two plants, the same Tamarix, and a low shrub-like Lahiata, {Lavandula formosa ?) almost dried up, with few leaves and some blossoms just opening. I found subsequently, that this plant spreads over the whole island. The Great Desert, whose horrors are so eloquently described by travellers, cannot exhibit a more desolate aspect than this part of St. Vincent. Yet the soil ought to be fertile, for it is a conglomerate of large and small bits of basalt, in a loamy and chalky soil, closely covered in many places with dried grass, forming natural hay and furnishing scanty fodder to cattle and goats, when they have not the Tamarix to nibble at. This soil only wants water, and we may guess, from these remnants of its vegetation, how fertile it must be, when supplied during the brief rainy season with some moisture.* To the above-mentioned plants of the plain, (if I may so express myself, where there is only hill and dale), I could add subsequently very few more. A small Euphorbia, perhaps prostrata or serpyUifolia, but appearing new to me, a few littoral plants, esj^ecially Zygopliijllum album or sim- plex ; and on tlie shore, Cassia obovata^ just then in blossom * According to the natives, the wet season lasts from the beginning of August to the middle of October, jjretty regularly ; but sometimes very little rain falls. VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 27 and fruit, and extending about 600 feet (German ?) up the mountains. This scanty harvest induced me to explore the higher regions for more botanical treasures ; but even there 1 found frequently the same barrenness. The mountain chain, which borders the western side of the chief valley, rismg frequently to 1500 feet, only afforded me a dozen species on its northern declivity. Two spots however were more productive, viz : the highest ridge and the next highest, situated rather more towards the middle of the island. The former is undoubtedly the richest, and hence goes by the name of " Monte Verte." It is a basaltic rock, topping a gradually ascending table-land, according to my barometrical admeasurement, as high as 2500 feet. It is the only moun- tain in the island, having its summit always enveloped in clouds ; consequently there are, on its upper half, many well watered spots, whilst every thing else is burnt by drought. Of the difference between the lower and mountain vege- tation I can hardly speak ; but it seemed clear that many plants, flourishing on the mountain, did also grow in the lower country, though now dried up. With the Tamarix of the plain, grows a shrubby Euphorbia (I believe the only frutescent Ewpliorh'ai of the island) commonly 2 or 3 feet high ; but sometimes a small tree, with twenty or thirty leaves amongst the blossoms at the ends of its branches, it is characteristic of the mountains and gives an agreeable verdure to the clefts, abounding in the upper valleys and reaching to the very top of Monte Verte. It appears to be the same found by Brunner at St. Jago, and mentioned as Euph. genistoides ? I think it is an undescribed species. A spreading, creeping, branching, completely leafless Ascle- piadea, occurred frequently, at 500 feet, on small flats, or pendent from rocks, sometimes with white flowers at the tips of the branches. A handsome Statice, a Camjjamda (related to dulcis) a Labiata with red flowers and coriaceous leaves, {Lavandula?), a Sida, which I am inclined to think new, with a LinarHa, Borago Africana, Echium, Tribulus teiTestris, Achyranthes aspera, Lotus sp., half a dozen Com- 28 JOURNAL OF THE posit(E, a shrubby Urtica, a flowerless Sempervivum, and a few Graminea and Cyperacece, formed in this region a pleasant spectacle ; such as one would hardly have expected on an apparently desert island. The general aspect of vege- tation was very European, enhanced by Samolus Valerandi, Nasturtium officinale, and Plantago mi?ior 7 To these situations were some cultivated plants ; but they looked, at least just now, very poorly : Beans (especially Lablab) Maize, Cucum- bers, a few Bananas, Cotton, Ricinus, and Batatas, seemed to be the chief, but hardly in sufficient quantity for the six or seven hundred inhabitants. The Bananas, fur- nished to us, were said to come from St. Antonio. There were also a few Sycamore figs, and Jatropha Curcas ; there are said to be some Guavas and Papayas. A creeping Convol- vulus is much grown, and in reply to my repeated inquiries, 1 was always assured that it m'es used as thatch. In Cryptogamia this island is proportionally still poorer. Four Ferns, all at above 400 feet, a few Confervas, perhaps three or four Mosses, on the top of Monte Verte, all without fructification, and Alga on the sea coast very sparingly. Of insects, I found chiefly flies and grasshoppers; few beetles. On the whole I have collected here about eighty or ninety Phanerogamia in flower. Wednesday, June 6. — Towards the evening we quitted this, certainly most sterile island, after a stay of thirteen days. I had been most anxious to visit the adjacent island, which from all accounts appeared more interesting ; but this wish could not be indulged, the uncertainty of our departure rendering such an excursion hazardous. However, the Wilberforce had now to go there, (to Terrafal Bay) for water. We anchored off" St. Antonio on the same evening, without exactly recognising the spot where we were. In the morning we descried the green shore, proving to be the valley which was to furnish the water. There is a plantation intersected by a clear brook, full in the upper part, but caught in ponds near the coast, for the purpose of irrigating the grounds ; and as the distance is considerable, the ground very dry, and the VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 29 conduits ill contrived, much valuable water is lost. It would be better to conduct the water in the exact direction of the chief valley, which would shorten its way to the coast considerably. The map of Vidal, however excellent, is not quite correct as regards this valley. Our short stay did not allow me to visit the whole valley. Close to the shore were many plants of Asclepias gigantea, whose shining coriaceous leaves attracted notice, even from on board ship. The plantation consists chiefly of some Sugar-cane, Cotton, Papaya, Citrons, Limes, Guavas, Ricinus, Curcas, and Figs. Higher up the valley Bananas are chiefly grown, with Cassia occidentalis. Cocoa and Capsicum. Amongst the plants on the sandy shore, there were frequently Argemone Mewicana, Heliotr opium, a Sonchus, several Grasses, &c. The other indigenous plants correspond mostly with those of St. Vin- cent, but grow more luxuriantly. The same Sida was common : the usual Euphorbia fprostrata ?), Cassia obovata, Tribulus terrestris, the leafless Asclejjiadea of St. Vincent, Boracjo Africana and Tamarix Senegalensis were also found here : in the part of the plantation nearest the shore grows an Indigofera (near Ind. Anil) a new species of Phaca, [Phaca micrantha) ; and a Plumbago, which if it be P. scandens, mentioned as belonging to St. Jago, must be indigenous on these islands. The brook in the main valley was full of Bamboo, which looked very pretty, especially where inter- twined with Convolvolus near a small cascade. Along the stream there I also noticed an Epilobium, Plantago, Cyperus and Samolus Valerandi. Orchil is chiefly exported from this island. Friday, June 18. — Left St. Antonio at noon. Unfavourable winds and the rolling of the sea made me sick for several days; and I found it not a little disagreeable to be every morning soaked with water, dripping into my cabin ; when the deck was washed overhead. The first days, especially, it poured through in absolute streams, and swamped every thing. Of course, my plants suffered not a little, and many things were so spoiled, that I was absolutely forced to throw them 30 JOURNAL OF THE overboard. If I were a surgeon in the Royal Navy, I would make most humble supplication that more care should be devoted to the construction of ship's decks, and recommend their being water-tight, which surely cannot be difficult; and if I were not attended to, I would add, like a second Cato Censorius, to every report a " ceterum censeo" that the decks be rendered water-tight. It must be surely extremely injurious to health to lie in wet beds.* On my recovery, (Tuesday 22) I recommenced my observations on the tempe- rature of the sea, and was surprised to find it in this latitude still so high. It, however, soon decreased, and towards the coast became very irregular. With regard to the observa- tion of Tuesday, June 22, at half past three, p.m., of 86° 1', I will here especially observe, that every care had been taken to avoid any chance of error. Saturday, June 26. — We anchored towards evening at Free Town, Sierra Leone, which presents a very charming appearance. From the Cape of Sierra Leone to the town, gentle undulations, bordered by a mountain chain, on which one may distinguish isolated trees, run close to the shore of the river ; while the intermediate space, and even far up the ascent, is covered with the most luxuriant vegetation, bril- liantly shining in the full tropical freshness of the rainy season, which has just set in. Between the shrubs, many negro villages, full of closely set cottages with pointed roofs, are sprinkled up to the town, and beyond it along the river. The town itself has a very pleasing appearance : though laid out in regular streets, the houses stand as yet singly amongst trees and shrubs. Probably the aspect of the country may not always Ije so agreeable : we are now at the end of the tornadoes, when the land has been considerably invigorated by rains : a few months earlier it probably looked very dif- ferent. Some turns of the mountain-road afford indeed most splendid prospects. The vegetation of Sierra Leone has been so often described, that my observations, limited * This defect, it is well known, does not occur generally in men-of- war, and seldom except in man-of-war steamers. — (H. D. Trotter). VOYAGE TO THE NIGER, 31 as they were by our short stay, can hardly be worth notice. What may perhaps not be generally known, is the fact, that Orchidacece occur here frequently : at Mr. Whitfield's I saw a collection of more than thirty species, which he means to take to Europe in a living state. The edible fruits, so inte- resting through Sabine's publication of Brown's Remarks in Don's Collection, were not just now to be met with, and it requires, in fact, more local knowledge than can be acquired in a {e\Y days, to get them together. I inquired a great deal after the somewhat mystical Cream-fruit of Afzelius. The name was unknown ; and several persons, even Mr. Whit- field, guessed from my description, that it must be a fruit they called Bird-lime ; of which the said gentleman gave me a dried, nearly ripe specimen. It is not eaten readily by any body. Although there are here discrepancies, I must after all believe, that we have yet to learn whether Cream-fruit, Bird-lime and Don's sweet Pishanin are, or are not, iden- tical. The Oil Palm {Elais Guineensis) is the only one occurring often near Free-Town. It is monoecious ; the male flower growing above the female. It produces fruit (perhaps not always) when only 7 feet high ; and before the lowest ribs have decayed. I also saw a Leguminosa, belong- ing, as far as I could judge from the fruit, to the genus Afzelia, but if so, it would form a separate division. Though a rich flora, it was not, either near the town or in the mountains, by any means so luxuriant as the descriptions had led me to expect. The soil is a close clay, impregnated with iron, and cannot therefore be fertile. It having been soon ascertained that the land near the town could not yield so much as had been expected, the attention of the earlier emigrants was already directed towards other parts of the vicinity ; I know not with what success. It is singular, that this thickly peopled colony should not produce any thing fit for exportation : the trade in teak or camwood seems only a waste of the rich endowments of nature. This surely is a matter worth consideration. The Africans, col- lected here in such multitudes, furnish abundant and cheap 32 JOURNAL OF THE labourers, and yet there is no cultivation on an enlarged scale. Much diligence is used to convert and educate the "liberated Africans;" but without any beneficial influence on the neighbouring tribes. This is not very satisfactory, and shows that if it was intended to extend civihzation to these parts, great faults must have been comnrjitted ; and also proves that the Africans are not inclined to follow a good example. The liberated Africans, on their arrival at Sierra Leone, are apprenticed with a planter till their twentieth year; after that, a piece of land is apportioned to them, from which they raise a scanty maintenance. On the whole, their villages appeared to me, as far as I saw them, clean and cheerful (of course cum grano s(iUs). But the total want of hospitality, for we often found it impossible to get anything to eat, was painful. During the few days that we spent here, the weather was mostly fine : the sky generally bright, with a hot sun, though sometimes clouded : towards evening tornadoes occurred, bringing frequently several hours' rain. After having abun- dantly enjoyed the noise of African tongues and the offen- sive exhalations of their persons, especially on Thursday, when the Kroomen and negroes were engaged, v,e left Free Town on Friday, July 2, about noon. Taking the " Soudan" in tow, we made but slow progress, and only got to Mon- rovia,* on Monday, July 5, and cast anchor in the bay. The few hours wdiich I devoted to a walk towards the head of Cape Mesurado, taught me, that the vegetation is very similar to that of Sierra Leone. Sarcocephalus esculentus grew abundantly ; and the fruit called pomegranate by Don, occurred sparingly. A Poivrea, with beautiful red flowers, seems new. Cassia occidentalis, BotTeria Kohautiana, and an herbaceous Phyllanthus grew in abundance. Around the dwelhngs Coffee-trees had been planted, but left to grow too freely ; Limes, Figs, Curcas, Guavas, Ananas, Anona muricata and also Cytisus Cajan and Arrov)root were * Monrovia is the capital of the American colony of Liberia. — (H. D. Trotter). VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 33 cultivated ; Bananas and Oil Palms occurred of course. The plantations were no doubt extensive, but during my short stay, I could not see more than those of Cotton and Sugar. Anona muricata is much eaten, both here and at Sierra Leone, under the name of Soursop ; and I was assured that it is considered the finest fruit of all ; but I could not taste it without disgust : altogether I cannot join in the praise of African fruit. The land was not very rich. On the shore there is the same iron clay as at Sierra Leone, and somewhat higher up to the Cape it also prevails (according to Rosher), only finer-grained and firm. In several places water (rain?) has percolated, and caused it to assume singular shapes, almost models of mountain ridges. Monrovia Town has a pleasing appearance, many of the houses are large. Few white people are seen. The coloured population, with hardly any of whom I had intercourse, ap- peared inquisitive, obtrusive, and fond of idleness : no traces of hospitality, but an eagerness to make money, and a desire to affect importance. The connection* between Liberia and the United States I could not make out very clearly. There is but one flag flying in Monrovia, that of the United States, viz: on the house of the Governor; professedly because he is the American Consul. The school-house is a large hall, hung with maps of Africa and America; there were also near the raised desk some philosophical instru- ments, used by the missionary, who had some prepared heads of animals, as he told me, to exhibit during his lectures. The boys and girls are taught in the same room ; but as I was there only during the free hours, I could not witness the method of instruction practised. It is singular, that instead, as we hear, of Liberia being on good terms with the natives, it is always at war with them. The last war ended * The settlement of Liberia is under the control of a Society, in the United States : the Superintendent being appointed by the Society and not by the United States' government. By the laws of the United States, the Federal Union cannot possess colonies beyond the seas. — (H. U. Trotter.) B 34 JOURNAL OF THE about six months ago. The inhabitants allege the destruc- tion of the slave factories as the cause. The rainy season had now fairly set in, and my cabin being so damp that I could not dry either plants or paper, to form a collection became impossible, and I carried away but a few single specimens. Near Monrovia, is a Kroo town ; whence fishermen, in their small canoes and with angling lines, came paddling about our ship. Except a slight covering on the head, they were quite naked : in warm weather, this was probably the fittest attire for them. Towards the evening of Tuesday, July 6th, we left Mon- rovia, and until Thursday evening, were in tow of the Albert. We then proceeded, by ourselves, to Grand Bassa, where we anchored on Friday morning, for the purpose of taking in fuel. We stayed several days ; not one of which passed without rain, sometimes most violent throughout the entire day. This, and other circumstances, limited my researches to the immediate vicinity of the shore ; where, however, I found more plants than I was able to preserve. I made a collection of about a hundred specimens, at the risk of losing every- thing by the wet. Many plants, especially the Monocotyle- done, were not yet in flower; and I regretted this most especially in the case of the numerous parasitical Orchidece. The shore is flat and sandy ; and the sand has drifted so far inland, that I never got beyond it. There were no forests, only bushes, intermingled with isolated high trees ; which I could not determine, for they were all without blossom or fruit. The African Bombay appeared amongst them, and the same Spondias as at Sierra Leone, forming a con- siderable tree ; respecting which I feel doubtful whether it be identical with S. Mrjrobalanus. The pride of this coast is the Elais, often growing in clumps of twelve or more, exhibiting under different circumstances a different habit, and giving a considerable variety of aspect to the country. This Palm is of generally moderate height, and constitutes with various FicL the chief masses of wood. The underwood consists of VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 35 close-growing shrubby Rubiaceae, with shining leaves, inter- mingled with Gloriosa superba, Cissi, Leguminosce, Banisterice, as creepers, leaving hardly room for Melastoma and other low plants that peep through with their fine blossoms. It is a very interesting sight, that of a few Oil Palms growing in a clump ; the ribs of the lower leaves still adhering to the stems, which are clothed with a fresh verdure of parasitical Ferns and Orchidacea ; whilst other parasites, such as Ferns, Pothos, AnoncB, Commelince, small Rubiacecs and LeguminoscB, choose the airy shelter of the foliage for their habitation. Of single plants one might specify Sarcocephalus, which occurs frequently, the same Phyllanthus as in Liberia, Schmidelia Africana, a genus of Apocynece, apparently new and near TaberncBmontana, remarkable for its double fruit as large as a child's head, the seeds nestling in the almost woody pulp, wild Sugar-cane, not in blossom, Conocarpus erectus, var. /3. a small shrub, a probably new Cassytha, Scaevola (really different from S. Lobelia}), IndigofercB sp. Cann<2 sp. Cassia occidentalis (culf^.), Borreria Kohautiana, &c. The Stylosanthes forms a close jungle, with its erect and much branched stem, about 1^ foot high, along the sandy shore. A few open spaces amongst the shrubby woods were covered, as if cultivated, with Cyperaceae ; amongst which a species of Eriocaulon is frequent. A few more watered spots showed Gr'asses, with a beautiful Orchidea 2 or 3 feet high. Near the village, I found Euphorbia drupifera, Schum. An excursion to the river enabled me to examine the Mangrove woods, where a Rhizophora (different from R. Mangle r), but not yet in ripe fruit, formed the bulk of the woods : amongst it an Avicennia, Ixxdgxwg by the leaves, different from that at Sierra Leone {nitida ?), was frequent ; and the shrubby Conocarpus racemosus (is it not identical with an American species?), which so far as I know, has not yet been enumerated amongst African plants, but inhabits similar situations at Sierra Leone. Inter- mixed with these, Drepanocarpus lunatus rendered my pro- gress very difficult. Pandanus Candelabrum, without leaves, occurs here for the first time, in swamps. An Anona (a tree D 2 36 JOURNAL OF THE 10 to 12 feet high), in fruit, and apparently very similar to chrysocarpa, Lepr., if not the same, was not uncommon in these swamps. Leguminous trees seem rare, and do not attain a large size : there are no Mimosa or Ccesa/pinicB. Of cultivated plants, the Sweet Cassada is most valued and grown ; also Rice, various sorts of Capsicum, Papaiv and plantains, and Holcus here and there, with Ananas in large quantities amongst the shrubs. Our anchorage was between a town belonging to Lil)eria, called Idine (according to the pronunciation), and the River Keun, but nearer the latter. The jungle begins with the flat shore; and the native villages, consisting of a few huts, are situated amongst it. The Kroomen live near the shore : the natives are of another race. The cottages of the former which I visited, were neat and clean, built of mats, square, with pointed roofs ; and generally a raised floor, 1^ feet above the ground, composed of plaited palm-ribs. The Kroomen themselves appeared rather intelligent; and they pleased me by their straightforward and modest behaviour, touching none of my things witliout permission, which might have served as a good example to the people of Liberia. Wednesday, July 14. — We left in the afternoon, and anchored on Friday, July 16th, about ten o'clock, a.m., ofi" Cape Palmas, to take in a fresh supply of fuel. The Cape is formed bv a narrow projection into the sea; on the foremost part of which, the houses of the American colony have been built. The dwellings of the fishermen are situated on the part nearest the main land. Their huts are very different from those of the Kroomen of Grand Bassa, being without raised floors, and having much more pointed roofs. The buildings of the American colony are straggling, and they extend, I was told, about four miles into the interior. There are none but people of colour at the Cape ; the only whites, if I understood rightly, being a few missionaries, who devote all their attention to the natives. At this colony, the soil is very bad : the rock, frequently protruding through it, consists of hornblende (micaceous slate). The soil is a very VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 37 hard iron-clay, in small clumps, originating, according to RoshePs statement, in the debris of decomposed granite veins traversing the rock ; but to me it appears that the rock itself has much to do with the formation. Further up the stream, the land is said to be good. North of Cape Palmas, the river, according to the statement of the Governor, is navigable for seven miles with canoes, and empties itself into the sea, through several mouths. From a distance, the Cape has an agreeable aspect : the isthmus is well clothed with vegetation, and beyond it the beautiful forms of the Oil and Fan-jjalms are seen. My excursions were limited to the isthmus and nearest parts. On the isthmus grows Phoenix spinosa, Th., a low shrub : beyond the river it is said to produce flowers and fruit. A few Cocoas* had been planted, some years back, and were still small, as were the trees of Arioiia muricata. The plants chiefly cultivated seemed to be Cassava, Sweet-potato, Bananas, Plantains, Indian corn, and Rice ; while Cassia occi- dentalis was seen in every cultivated spot : the same Spondias as before grows also here : Coffee had been introduced from Monrovia : here and there the indigenous species of Cotton had been raised : Arachis hypogaa (Africana ?) I found planted in one place. In the native Flora, which, however, I have hardly seen, Rubiacece, Convolvidacece, Leguminosce were chiefly conspicuous. The same Anona (near chrysocarpa) as in Grand Bassa grew here : Pandanus Candelabrum on dry ground ; several sorts of Figs, amongst which is the small fruited kind of Grand Bassa -.Jatropha Curcas was frequently employed for fences. Amongst the underwood I found a small shrubby tree, related to Belvisia (Napoleona), and probably a distinct genus nearly approaching it, it bore blos- * The inhabitants believe, that whoever plants a Cocoa-palm will die, before it produces fruit (i. e. in about seven years). The Chief of the fishermen yielded at last to the entreaties of the American Governor, and put some Cocoa-nuts on the ground : he then drove cattle over the spot, that he might not incur the consequences of planting and covering them with earth ! 38 JOURNAL OF THE som and fruit ; the latter convinced me that I had seen the same, and a species but little differing from it, at Grand Bassa. Sunday, July 18. — We left Cape Palmas about 2 p.m., and were off Cape Coast Castle on the evening of Saturday, the 24th. On Sunday, Captain Trotter issued a circular, prohibit- ing any one belonging to the expedition from remaining all night on shore : the unhealthy season here having begun. The Gold Coast was of the greatest importance to me, the plants described by Schumacher forming a sort of standard for the African Flora ; but I deemed it best to be careful, and to decline all friendly invitations to stay on land; although this would have been of infinite advantage in collecting, and in fact was almost indispensable. The vicinity of the town exhibits no great fertility : granite and gneiss, often naked, extending to the coast. A few miles inland, a fine black loam prevails, apparently very favourable for cultivation ; and further inland still, the soil is said to be extremely fertile, consisting probably of vegetable mould. On account of the heavy surf, it is impossible to land, other- wise than in canoes ; and in this and every case where you are obliged to depend on negroes, punctuality is out of the- question ; and much time was always lost. A trip to the Model Farm, five miles inland, now under the superintendence of Mr. Wilson, promised to make this place very interesting. The major part of this plantation lies on the declivity of a hill, consisting of indifferent soil, (decomposed granite) ; whilst before and beyond it, the land is excellent. They call this plantation " Napoleon.'^ The dwelling-house is on the top of the hill, and commands a very interesting prospect. The plantations consist chiefly of Coffee-trees, only a few years old : some, covered with fruit, were, according to Mr. Wilson, of only seven months growth, which seems truly wonderful, for in the West Indies, Coffee bears no fruit even in the best soils under eighteen months. Besides Coffee, Bananas, Plantains, Arrow-root, Yams, Lhnes, Lemons, Oranges and Indian corn were much cultivated. In the grounds of the natives, Indian VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 39 corn^ Bananas, Plantains and Yams, were conspicuous, but no Holcus (!) From the Indian corn they prepare a very sour bread, which with Banatias, constitutes their chief food. Palm-soup, a native dish, when made of boiled Palm-nuts only, is very well flavoured. They pick the nuts off those young stems of the Elais Gnineensis which have not yet lost any of the leaves, and consider these as superior to the fruit of older plants, and cut them also down, to collect palm-wine. Besides this Palm, there is the Cocoa; which frequently assumes a singular aspect from the multitude of birds^ nests appended to the mid-rib of the leaves, and which might be taken at a distance for fruit, and had formerly puzzled me in drawings. The birds hang their nests in this position to protect them against the cats ! The Fan-palm grows too at Cape Coast Castle, but apparently is less frequent. To judge by parts of the stems which I met with, Calamus must occur further in the interior. Another excursion was about six or seven miles inland, to Orange Town and Quowprath. Here the soil was fertile, with good vegetable mould and extensive plantations of /wc?«aw corn; Bromelias skirting the former plantations. The best habitations of the natives resemble those of the Ashantees, and have a square court in the middle, its four sides surrounded by buildings. It is almost impossible to travel in European clothes ; espe- cially during this season, when the water collected in the roads reaches often up to the middle. Besides, great exer- tion or exposure to the sun is dangerous, and occasionally fatal to new comers. The residents go out in smajl carriages, drawn by four negroes, or travelling-chairs carried by two. The former can only be used on tolerably good roads, and the latter have also their inconveniences. For instance, I was myself upset in the middle of a puddle ; because my bearers slipped ; but I happily fell on an adjacent dry grass-plot. It is a great inconvenience for persons who, like me, travel ex professo, that at such places as Cape Coast Castle, it is impossible to hire the necessary vehicles, but you must be dependant on 40 JOURNAL OF THE the kindness of others. I had the good fortune to find, in Mr. Henry Smith, a man who anticipated all my wants with the utmost affability, assisting me, in fact, in every possible manner. There is much less of botanical interest near the town than I had expected, the number of plants increasing materially with the distance from it. The present season, immediately subsequent to the rains, is not very favourable: the rain had nearly ceased on the coast, and only a few showers fell now and then; but a few miles inland, much rain prevails about this time ; and on my trip to Quowprath, about six miles, I got thoroughly soaked. I saw many plants without flowers or fruit; but not one that was Monocotyledonous, though many are said to occur with splendid flowers. The difference of the vegetation from what we had last visited, was very striking. Here Leguminosoi were predominant, and RubiacecB less so ; Mimosoi, with their characteristic foliage, which I had hitherto seen but rarely, became conspicuous. The country is varied with hill and dale, and covered with shrul)s 6 or 7 feet high, intermingled with single lofty trees^ particularly Bombax, in leaf, but without blossom or fruit, which the inhabitants call Iron-wood. I found another single tree of considerable height, with flowers and fruit : it seems to be a new genus related to Crescentia. The fruit is filled M'ith solid firm pulp, 2 feet long, 1| foot broad hanging downwards, as also does the flower, by a long pedicel. About the town, and in its vici- nity, grows a half-shrubby Cassia, similar to occidentalis, but with a round divided fruit which might be taken for that of C. Sophora. The true Cassia occidentalis occurs likewise. Poinciana pulcherrima, just coming in flower, prettily lined the roadsides ; and in the jungle grows a yellow Coniposita (I only saw two Compositce in flower) which often adorned great parts of the way, and seems diff'used over the whole coast. Sarcocephalus was seen in blossom and fruit. The new genus of Apocynece, with large fruit, did not occur. A beautiful avenue of Hibiscus populneusQ) planted at the west VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 41 end of the town, forms one of the marked features of Cape Coast Castle. As we were about to proceed to Accra, I thought it important to avail myself of the opportunity and to visit, if possible, the Danish settlements, founded in the interior by Isert, and to obtain information respecting them, which had not been received at all of late. The Wilberforce was not ready for sea ; but the Albert left on Friday, the 30th July ; and Captain Trotter allowed me to make the passage in this vessel, thus saving much of my time. We anchored on Saturday afternoon, at British Accra ; but it was late before I got on shore ; for the surf would not let us land without canoes, which, as at Cape Coast Castle, are made pointed at one end, and provided with a high bulwark. As my excursions led into the mountains. Dr. Stanger offered to accompany us ; and Mr. McLean, who went with us on shore, kindly provided us with quarters for the night, it being too late to proceed to Danish Accra. Sunday morning, the 1st of August, we set out in two little carriages, each drawn by four negroes, (here also the common way of travelling for Europeans) for Danish Accra ; where we called on Mr. Richter, a Danish merchant, and accompanied by him visited the Danish Governor, Mr. Dall; to whom Mr. Richter and Mr. McLean introduced us. The fortifications here are not important : they consist of a few large houses, with loftj", airy rooms surrounded by a wall and breastwork, and are inhabited by the Europeans. They are white-washed and conspicuous at a great distance. The Danish fort is classic ground for a botanist, for here Isert and Thonning made the collection, through which we became acquainted with this Flora. The humane spirit of Isert, so warmly expressed in his writings on behalf of the negroes, rendered this place highly interesting to me ; and the more so, as we were engaged in an enterprize, aiming at the objects which he had endeavoured to attain during the latter years of his life. I inquired anxiously after his esta- blishments in the interior, but could obtain no official infor- mation about them. After Isert's decease, they had gone 42 JOURNAL OF THE to decay. Mr. de Khon, who is said to have assumed the management, and introduced the plough, and is represented in various works which I have read, to have effected so much, never came here, as Mr. Richter and the Danish Governor positively assured me ! Since his time, indeed, no one took any trouble about these plantations ; and about 1808, they were altogether given up. Every thing is now a wilderness, and the place not to be recognised. Flindt esta- blished about this time, another plantation on the River Volta near the Fort, the main object being distillation : but this was soon discontinued. About ten years ago, I believe another plantation was formed at the foot of the mountain in Aquafim, named " Frederic's Gau ;" and as we wished to visit it, Mr. Dall had the kindness to indulge us ; but he told us it was not extensive, and the superintendent being ill, it could not be in a very satisfactory state. The distance is fourteen or fifteen miles : the only mode of getting there is in a sort of palanquin or basket, carried by two poles, on the head of two or four negroes. Mr. Dall, by providing abundantly for all our wants, caused our cortege to amount to about sixteen persons. The direction, accord- ing to compass, was almost exactly N. by E. We started, at half past eleven o'clock. The first and greatest part of the way leads through Savannahs, covered with Grasses and Cyperacea, intermixed with many species of shrubby and half- shrubby Leguminosce, besides a few Mulvacea, and some tall, but more generally only moderately high trees, viz : Bombax, the genus which I mentioned at Cape Coast as perhaps related to Crescentia,^ Ficus, Fan-palms, Euphorbia drupifera, very conspicuous from its naked spur-like branches, bearing only a few stiff inversely spathulate leaves at the extreme points, and near the villages and huts Tamarinds and Hibiscus populneus. Towards the coast, the soil is sandy like decomposed sandstone ; but soon improves, from the culture of Indian Corn, Cassava, Yams, Arachis, various sorts of Cucumbers, and Bananas, Cocoas are little culti- * May it not be the Bignonia tulipifera, Scliumacher ? VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 43 vated here ; or in any part of Africa, which I have seen. We crossed several ridges of hills affording pleasant views over the surrounding country, covered with fresh green, and struck then into the jungle; where the shrubs, common on this coast, grew abundantly, about a man's height, and closely interwoven with creepers. Leguminosa dimi- nished, and Rubiacea increased. Sarcocephalus, described by Schumacher as Ceplialina esculenta, Th., is not uncommon. We arrived at the settlement towards six o'clock, p.m., too late to see much. The house of the superintendent lies half-way up the mountain ridge, and is roomy and comfortable, and being white-washed is conspicuous far off. At the foot of the mountain is a negro village and the plantation. Monday, August 2nd, having passed the night, in consequence of the friendly care of Mr. Dall, most comfortably, and supplied with every convenience, we were off at dawn of day ; thermom. 73^° Fahr. The mountain is a quartz rock, covered in many places, and often to the depth of several feet, with vegetable mould, overgrown, where not cultivated, with Brushwood. The site of the house was at an elevation of about 1000 feet, and 100 above it grew a high Oil Palm. The brushwood consisted chiefly of Rubiacece, interwoven with Convolvulus : few in flower and none remarkable. In the plantation were the usual edible plants of this country :. the settlement consists of a coffee ground, of no great extent. Governor Dall told us that about three years back, the trees had been destroyed by an insect, and they were now very small, 3 to 4 feet high, but thriving and bearing abundantly. The soil is excellent and rich ; but the esta- blishment looked neglected, which must be ascribed to the absence of the superintendent. Close by is another coffee ground belonging to Mr. Richter ; but none of our compa- nions speaking English, I only heard of it after our return. Near these grounds is an avenue of Soursojjs {Anona muri- cata) and Oranges, and close by several trees just now bearing ripe fruit, clearly the Akee, or Blighia sapida. They seem to have been planted ; but on looking into Schumacher^s 44 JOURNAL OF THE description of Guinea plants, I found a Cupmiia edulis, men- tioned as an indigenous tree, which I dare say, is identical with the above. As we had only leave of absence until sunset of this day, we were obliged to content ourselves with the slight survey of a few hours, and after enduring an hour's heavy rain, we started at eleven o'clock and came back by the same road, though being down-hill, we got on faster ; and having returned sincere thanks to Governor Dall and Mr. Richter for their obliging and liberal assistance, we arrived in good time at British Accra ; where we found that the hour of departure had not yet been fixed. As soon as I got on board the Wilberforce, my first care was to shift my entire collection, especially the plants gathered since we arrived at Cape Coast Castle ; but though I had taken all possible care, much was spoilt and almost everything in a bad state. It has been my lot with almost all my collections on this coast, that after endless labour, I could only get together ill-conditioned plants ; for dampness and want of room are obstacles impossible to be overcome, and which forced me at last to satisfy myself with the mise- rable consolation, that I have done all the circumstances - would admit. I mention this, on purpose, that in case my collection comes into other hands, I may not be accused of negligence. I have sacrificed every convenience to gain room, and spared no trouble to overcome the dampness of the ship and of the atmosphere, but without success. The general arrangements of a man-of-war do not give much opportunity for such experiments. When will the time arrive, that expeditions, whose result must depend on the observations of naturalists, will afford them, from the outset, the appropriate and necessary accommodation ? At present, the vessels are fitted up for other purposes, and it is left to chance, to discover a little nook for the philosopher. I was now obliged to devote the two days remaining which we spent at Accra, to the drying of my collection ; that all might not be lost. VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 45 Thursday, August 5. — We left Accra after midnight, and cast anchor on Sunday, the 9th, at the mouth of a river, supposed to be the Nun. The weather was gloomy, and a dense rain falling all day, caused the wet to make its way through the shutters, so that it was difficult to find a dry place, even for standing room. We stayed there the whole day, and sailed next morning for the mouth of the Nun, anchoring about nine miles off it, alongside the Albert. Friday, August 13. — The want of water, already felt the day before, was now more severely experienced ; although we had collected some rain on Monday. How such an Expedition came to be unprovided with water, especially when we consider that, on no account, ought we to have made use at first of the Niger water, is incomprehensible to me ! It had been easy to obtain abundance of good water at Danish Accra. Sunday, August 15. — We quitted our anchorage at half past eleven, a.m., and crossed without difficulty the bar; beyond which we cast anchor beside the Albert, at about a quarter to two, p.m. Here we stopped four days; during which I could only examine the right bank of the river, because I had no boat to get to the opposite side ; where the greater extent of land and a village seemed to offer more interest. The river is here perhaps 10,000 yards wide ; and the stream carries down a great deal of sand. The tide showed itself very distinctly, running perhaps three or four knots an hour, and the current seeming to set more on the left shore, which appears to be a mere sandbank, or sandy foreland, than on the right, which is covered with jungle, immediately beyond the sandy strand. The mouth of the Nun looks like a Delta, on a small scale ; at least now, during the rainy season, being intersected by many shallow watercourses, forming, further on, low lands covered with Mangroves, similar to what I observed at Bassa Cove (Grand Bassa). The Avicennia appeared to prove, that the one hitherto seen, with quite naked leaves (A. nitida ?) at Grand Bassa, is but a variety of that at Sierra Leone. In these 46 JOURNAL OF THE Mangrove swamps, the Oil palm often grew, covered with parasitical Ferns, (I found only two species of Ferns besides those, which are terrestrial), and on somewhat higher ground, Drejjanocarpus lunati/s, Ormocarpus verrucosus^ a few shrubby RubiacecB, and a few Mimosea. Of the trees, intermixed with the Mangroves, little can be said : they were not many, and all covered, to the very top, with parasites. Some belonged to the genus Bombax. This land, if it can be so called, was but a few feet above high-watermark, and consisted of sea-sand and vegetable remains. The beach was quite flat, hardly higher than the sea, covered in many places with water, and formed of sand, mixed with mica, probably carried down by the Niger, and giving its shores a shining and peculiar appearance. In some places, the strand is clothed with jungle close to the sea, consisting of Chrysobalanus Icaco and Ecastophylluin Broivnei ; the fruits of the former, of a beautiful red, were very conspicuous. Intermingled with these grew Melastomace(S, Diodia maritima, Th., some other small Rubiacea, and Sco- paria dulcis ; while the border, towards the higher woods, was frequently ornamented with the beautiful yellow flowers of Hibiscus tiliaceus. Amongst these shrubs, spots might be seen, here and there, covered with tall rough Grass and Cijperace(Bj to the height of a man, and higher, bound together by Con- volvuli, Cassytha, and other Lianes, rendering them perfectly impenetrable. I found several places closely matted with Stylosanthes Guineensis, forming carpets ; upon which one might cross pools without observing them. The most barren and sandy places were much overgrown with a Te- leianthera, R. Br., {Illecebrum obliquum, Schum. ?) an Euphor- bia {trinervia, Schum.?) but especially with a yellow-flowered creeping Dolichos and Convolvulus Pes Caprts, {rotundifol. Schum ), which latter is diff'used over the whole coast from Monrovia. An Umbellifera {Hydrocotyle interrupta, l3. platyph. DC), grew every where on the beach amongst the Mangroves, and seems to overspread the whole coast. A species of Malaghetty Pepper, differing from that in Grand Bassa by the long beak of the fruit, was frequent. VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 47 On one spot, amongst the Mangroves, I noticed, on the de- caying roots, a delicate white plant, having white scales instead of leaves, and three flowers : it was a parasite on the roots, but sent forth roots of its own. I have preserved a few specimens in spirits. Upon the whole, I have seen too little of the vegetation here, to compare it with that of any place hitherto visited on the coast. On the opposite shore, they cultivate Cocoa Palms, of which the natives brought us the nuts : on the right bank, where we did not now see any inhabitants, the Cassada showed traces of abandoned plan- tations. The scenery is not remarkable. At the entrance, the left side presented a pleasant prospect, from the familiar forms of the forest and Cocoa Palm : on the opposite shore, beyond the forest and brushwood, there appeared a sort of lagoon ; while behind that, the Mangroves rose into an erect and lofty- stemmed wood. Of the natives, I saw only few, and none very near. They seemed to be well-formed, robust men, with their hair frequently shorn in a crest shape, but having nothing par- ticular in their dress. I was told that they have a language of their own (Bassa language). The weather was changeable, al- ternate rain and sunshine, the former moderate and the heat never oppressive. By day and night, but especially during the day, a fresh sea-breeze prevailed. Fridaij, August 20. — At break of day, we proceeded up the rivei', and although it rained violently, every one was in high spirits at our at last moving onwards, and beginning, after so much detention, the Expedition itself. A little above the bar, the river, dividing into creeks and branches, is very wide ; resembling a lake ; but the only branch deep enough for the steamers, at present known to unite with the upper part, called " Louis Creek," is narrow in proportion, at one part only sixty to eighty English yards wide. So far, the shore is covered with Mangrove {Rhizophora), which, with its roots descending from the branches, has a singular appearance ; but this is only the case with old trees ; for the young Mangroves often form woods of dense 48 JOURNAL OF THE foliage, now in the full splendour of green leaves — a glorious sight ! Only in a few places, I saw Ferns spring out of the water amongst the Mangroves. A little beyond Louis Creek, the character of the vegetation underwent a marked change : although the country was still much covered with Mangroves, they receded to the back-ground, and the stream itself was lined with young, still bushy, Oil-Palms : Pandanus Candelabrum showed, not seldom, its grass-like leaves; while, here and there, other trees mixed with them ; until, near Sunday Island,* (about thirteen English miles from the sea), the Mangroves and Pandanus disappear. Then the shore was lined with small trees and shrubs, with fresh glossy foliage, backed by the tall and elegant forms of fully grown Oil palms, a view which can never tire our sight. These Palms are 60-80 feet high. The stems are thickest in the middle; but the contraction towards the bottom is hardly perceptible. The top is rounded. The leaves are long, their tips somewhat pendent ; the lower leaves more so, which causes the cylindrical shape. Hitherto we had met few natives ; but they now began to show themselves, more and more numerous, in their small canoes. Their thatched huts, close to the river, were sur- rounded by plantations of Pisang, descending apparently into the water. I saw occasionally Bombax trees, or Leguminosa and Mimosea, easily distinguishable by their peculiar foliage; and some other trees, which might have been taken for species of Ficus. The trees increased in number : towards evening, we passed shores covered with tall Reeds, beyond which thick forests extended ; but under no circumstances was there a deficiency of Oil Palms. Alternating with reeds, we observed plantations of Pisang and Sugar-cane, completely in water ; close to small villages which became very numerous. After sunset, we anchored in the midst of the stream. From Alburka Island we reckon to have made thirty-five English miles, (or forty from the sea.) * The influence of the tide extends only as far as " Sunday Island." — (H. D. Trotter.) VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 49 Saturday i August 21. — We proceeded, the three ships in company, at day-break. The vegetation resembled, on the whole, what we had seen yesterday : the trees often descend- ing close to the water, and exliibiting a mass of parasites of most singular forms. Sometimes I saw flowers, and fruit, which only made me regret, that I could not examine them closer. In Madeira I botanized on horseback, at Cape Coast Castle out of a carriage, and at Accra in a basket ; but from a steam-ship it was impracticable. The villages became very frequent : in the plantations we saw (through the telescope) besides Pisang and Sugar, occasionally Cassada, Maize and Yain ; to which may be added the Oil palm and the Cocoa, similar to the latter, but (here at least) not so slender, being rather short and of vigorous growth. But whilst the Oil palm grew every where, the Cocoa showed itself only near villages : a sure proof of its not being indigenous. Soon after noon, an attempt was made to proceed by another than the usual branch of the river, round an island ; but we found that it did not speedily join the main stream ; and we were separated from the other vessels, which had taken the eastern branch. After sunset we anchored, having come about thirty - six miles. Soon after entering the western branch, we perceived on the right shore a village of clay cottages, from whence a chief came off to us : the village was called Otuo. The men in the canoes were a robust race, and, like others who visited us in the course of tlie day, had a line or mark drawn over the forehead down to the nose. Their clothes showed nothing remarkable ; but the hair of some was divided into squares, like a chess-board ; while others wore it plaited, in numerous little tails, which stood erect on the head like so many horns. They spoke the Bassa language. The shore was generally very low, rising but little above the river, at the most elevated part perhaps 4 feet; while the bared roots of plants made me think that the water is sometimes higher than at this time. Sunday, August 22. — Proceeding at break of day, we soon E 50 JOURNAL OF THE perceived on the left side a town : the first we had yet seen, situated on an elevation of 6 to 10 feet above the river, and containing clay cottages, each with a covered court-yard ; while higher up were some magazines or warehouses. I saw here no Cocoa j^alms ; but in the course of the day a few single ones occurred. The natives, M'ho assembled on the shore, to the number of several hundreds, it M^as fancied, men- tioned the name of the town as " Amasuma" and that of the river as " Oguberri." Further on we came to two equally wide branches of the river, with equally strong currents, joining together : after some consideration, the easternmost was chosen, and at two o'clock we arrived at a similar place, but where the western channel was very narrow. We pro- ceeded a short way upwards ; and Captain Allen caused two plants to be fetched by the boat, which was towing. One is probably a new Dalbergia, and one a Creeper, which I had watched eagerly ever since " Sunday Island.^' It climbs up the trees along the shore, to their very summits, and then drops many thread-like stalks, 6 feet long, covered at the top with bundles of yellow flowers, which often reach the ground. It appears a new genus, closely aUied to Mucuna; and I call it provisionally Mucuna flagelUpes. Both plants were unfortunately without fruit. Returning down this branch, we saw, close to the fork on the left side, a village, the name of which we understood to be Haddi, i. e. small box. Towards sunset, we arrived again at the eastern or main branch, left on Saturday, which is, at the place of sepa- ration, a river of 3 to 4000 feet wide : its shores are elevated some feet and covered with reeds and shrubs : on the left bank, immediately opposite to the fork, stands a village, or rather three small ones, somewhat apart and consisting of clay huts, and magazines, raised on posts. The name of the last of the three sounded like " Obokriga.^' Not far beyond this we anchored, when it got dark. The general character of the country was the same as yesterday ; but the shores being somewhat higher, I was able generally to see the soil. VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 51 though frequently the shrubs and plants were immersed up to their lower leaves. The vegetation appeared the same as before. Monday, August 23. — Again in movement at break of day. On the shore, which was lower than on the previous day, we noticed a few villages ; and some negroes came alongside in canoes and on board. They wore not only the streak down the forehead, but mostly three parallel hnes on each cheek-bone. Towards ten o'clock we arrived at a village on the right shore, named in Laird's expedition " Ibu," and "Little Ibu" in Allen's chart :* the inhabitants called it Ocro- tombi or Korotumbij but it was some time, before we could clearly hear the name. The chief, who came on board, wore an old blue European jacket, and a perfectly new green cap, with tassel strings. It had rained in the morning : towards noon the weather cleared, and a boat going on shore to take the sun's meridian, I joined it, and we landed at a plantation, where the ground, about 4 or 5 feet above the level of the water, consisted of good vegetable soil, mixed with clay and sand, and cultivated with Cocoa trees, Yams, and Capsi- cum. Sorghum {7'ubrum ?) grew apparently indigenous, and formed grassy forests, 10 or 11 feet high. The geographical latitude was found to be 5^ 14' N. The spot was a little lower down than that called Ofitulo on Allen's map. Towards ten o'clock we approached Stirling's Island, and on account of the violent rain, we cast anchor there for a short time : the rain felt very cold (refer to my Meteorol. Journal). We proceeded about three o'clock ; the rain continuing till night, with variable violence. Shortly before dark we passed a place on the right shore, called, according to * Lieut. Allen's chart of the River Niger or Quorra, published by- Bate, in the Poultry, London. — Lieut. AVilliam Allen, who surveyed the river in 1832 — 3, in the Alburka steamer, under Messrs. Lander and Laird, was second in command on the Niger Expedition, and Comman- der of H.M. Ship Wilberforce, the steamer in which Dr. Vogel ascended the river.— (H. D. Trotter). E 2 52 JOURNAL OF THE Mr. Brown, " Ingliana." Near it I noticed an extensive plan- tation of Bananas ; and soon after this, we cast anchor. The borders of the rivers were every where covered with forests, reaching to the water's edge, or with intervening high grass, {Sory/mm saccharinuni ?) Amongst these, there were" frequently places cleared for plantations, or they might be natural open spots in the forests, where high trees would stand singly. A great inconvenience and misfortune it is that we are obHged to drink such bad water: it has not only a dirty colour, but owing to its being saturated with decom- posed vegetable and animal matter, a sickening taste, which, though somewhat lessened, is not removed by filtration. Tuesday, August 24. — At eight o'clock we passed so near the shore, that I could botanize ; and I observed the blos- soms of a high tree {Mimosa) and of a climber, a Tetracera, perhaps not different from T. Senegalensis {obovata ?) Towards ten o'clock we came to the Benin (Warree) branch. On the point of land, between the two arms of the river, a signal-post Avas erected, and this gave me the opportunity of visiting the shore for a few minutes, and I found it covered with the Sorghum, previously noticed. An j^schynomene, Cassia mimosoides and a Malvacea, were all I could pick up in the hurry. Thougli, from on board ship, the shore had appeared swampy, it proved firm to the water's edge ; and I am inclined to believe that spots, looking marshy at a distance, are not really so. Perhaps some swamps may be formed in dry weather by the receding of the waters; but since our quitting the Mangrove country, I have not observed any absolute morasses : on the contrary, the land appears every where to rise 2 or 3 feet above the water, though what are now creeks may become swamps in the dry season. We descended the Benin (Warree)* branch for a few * ITie brancli is erroneously called the Benin branch in Allen's Chart. It leads to Warree or Warri, and oiight therefore to be called the Warree branch. — (H. D. Trotter). VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 53 miles : it nowise differs from the main river, except that the stream is somewhat narrower. By four o'clock we returned to the point of junction ; and during our short stay, a great many canoes assembled about us. Some were large and carried twelve or sixteen persons, others fewer; and some had only one in them. The canoes are the same as l^efore, with a high and broad stern. One man stood steering with a paddle. There were perhaps sixteen canoes, containing about one hundred and ten people, who had come mostly from Obiah, on the right shore of the river. Their dress had nothing very peculiar. The main difference consisted in the various coral and pearl strings, or ivory and brass rings, which they wore on arms and legs, and in the manner of dressing the hair. The latter struck us particularly, now that so many individuals had collected, and we could look down on their heads, from the deck of our ship. Some had cut their hair so round and formally, that it bore the most deceptive semblance to a wig : some shaved their heads quite bald; while others only kept a portion of hair behind, or a large portion forming a narrow ridge across, or it was allowed to grow high in the middle of the head, like a small steeple. Some whimsical fellows exhibited merely a narrow strip of hair from behind to the front, looking like the crest of a helmet, or perhaps an oblong square ; or it was cut in chequers, and the remaining portion twisted into numbers of little tails ; while others wore their hair like our European dandies, arranged in various ways on the sides of the head. The river,* at the separation of the Benin (Warree) branch, * The branch which here separates from the Nun or main branch of the Delta of the Niger, runs to the sea by the town of Warree or Warri, falling into the Bight of Benin to the north-west of the mouth of the Nun river. Captain Becroft of the Ethiope, Mr. Jamieson's steamer, was the first to ascend the Niger by this branch, in 1840. Lieutenant Allen had previously conjectured it to be the Benin river, with which, however, there is only a communication by creeks. This accounts for Dr. Vogel calling it the Benin branch in his Journal. Above the separation of these two branches, the river may be properly 54 JOURNAL OF THE is about a mile wide : the commencement of this branch measured 696 yards. At five o'clock we quitted the Benin (Warree) branch, returning into the main stream, which has here a lake-like appearance, surrounded with high trees: many of the canoes followed, spreading over .the water, and greatly enlivening the scene by zealously rowing to keep up with us. Towards sunset we cast anchor. The weather was very cheerless, being generally rainy, except at noon. Wednesday, August 25.— Proceeded at the usual time. Much rain and therefore several stoppages. At noon we reached a place, marked on Allen's map, Egaboh, but now called " Ulok." The sun showing itself, and an attempt to make observations following, I was enabled to land for a short time. The grass along the shore was not a Sorghum, but some other genus. Close to the water-side grew a fig- tree, with very small fruit. The neighbouring chief, an old leprous man, came on board : he wore a drummer's jacket given him at the time of Laird's expedition (he seemed to have taken great care of it) and carried an iron staff divided at the top and ornamented with brass rings. After some deten- tion, occasioned by heavy rains, we pursued our course, the stream being generally about half a mile wide, and the vege-> tation the same as heretofore. Approaching the creek that leads to Ibu (Aboh)* the current proved so strong, that we called the Niger, the name by which it has been so long known in the civilized world. The natives have no name for the river, excepting the general appellation of " Water," which varies with the different languages spoken on the banks. Mungo Park found it called " Joliba" in the higher parts of the river. In the Houssa country it is called " Quorra."— (H. D. Trotter). * Schijn says the proper name of this town is not Ibu, but " Aboh." The town had hitherto been called by Europeans " Ibo" or " Eboe," and was generally supposed to be the capital of the whole of the Ibo country ; but we ascertained that its proper name is " Aboh," and that it is the principal town of the territory of the same name, which forms a part only, and that probably the most western, of the Ibo country. (H. D. Trotter).— See Captain Trotter's Report to Lord Stanley; Parlia- mentarj' Papers relating to the Niger Expedition, p. 91. JjS^r^ • r'-^fi'^tif^ VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 55 could hardly make way against it : on the preceding day it had only been one and a half or two knots an hour. Towards half past seven we cast anchor at the Ibu (Aboh) creek, abreast of the creek leading to the town of Aboh. Thursday, August 26. — Early in the morning, the Captain and myself rowed about in the Ibu (Aboh) creek, and col- lected a {q\v plants. This creek, at present very wide, is without a current : the main channel measures perhaps 100 yards. The right shore is now inundated; the shrubs being altogether covered with water, and the grasses immersed to their ears, on which snails, ants and small beetles had settled, by way of refuge, in great numbers. We had taken on board, on the previous day, a man who wanted to go as pilot to Aboh : he seemed to be a careful and clever person. Granby, our interpreter " for Brass and Ibo," recognised him as an old acquaintance, he (Granby) having lived here a long while before being sold to the Europeans. The Ibo man was rejoiced to see him again, and expressed his astonishment, that a man sold to the Europeans should return; it being the general opinion that such slaves were used for food ! Large canoes were fastened in the jungle : they had come from the Brass country, chiefly to purchase palm oil, for which purpose, large casks lay on board, under roofs of matting. Aboh is on the opposite side of the shore, here intersected by several small creeks : otherwise it is covered to the water's edge with brushwood, behind which are the huts. I gathered on this occasion a few MimosecB, Sapinda- cece, and Ruhiacece ; but the most interesting was a shrub {Polyand. Pentag., fruct. placentis 5 parietalibus) apparently a new genus of BixacecB. In the main stream, and even in the smaller creeks was a Pistia, perhaps Pistia Stratiotes : it does not, however, seem to grow here, but to float down the Niger, where it may be seen drifting in large masses. Some specimens were in flower : fruit I could not discover. In the morning we had a visit from King Obi's son : towards noon he came himself, with a lot of noisy followers, and 56 JOURNAL OF THE henceforth we were constantly surrounded by many canoes. These people wear either a piece of cloth round the loins, or portions of European dresses ; only King Obi had both coat and trowsers. Obi is between fifty and sixty, with a true Negro face, but cunning. The son is a finely formed, strong, powerful young man. King Obi brought with him one of his wives, a very young person, and a daughter, dressed in African style, i. e. scms g^ne. When this was observed. Commissioner Cook gave to the wife a red, and Captain Allen to the daughter, a coloured gown ; but the latter was not pleased with hers. One might mention several peculiarities about their attire ; but such things, and their smoking pipes, &c., did not particularly interest me. Several women wore enormous ivory rings round the legs. The account I have before given of the various ways of dressing their hair might be extended. The desire to possess what- ever they saw, was unequivocal ; but I heard of no thefts. There were a good many tools scattered about on deck, which in the confusion might easily have been taken. The weather was rainy and very uncomfortable. Friday, August 27. — Through incessant rains the ground got swampy, in fact so muddy, that it became impossible ta make any extensive excursions. Besides some plants pre- viously mentioned, I collected Cucurbitacea, Apocynece, a Ficus and a species of Malaghetty pepper, which, judging by the leaves and fruit, is identical with that at the mouth of the Nun River : a fine Costus was very common : a Salvinia, not rare in the creeks, and a Ceratophyllum, which I had seen before in Aboh creek. On the stems of trees grew three species of Mosses : on the ground none. Whoever may have the good fortune to investigate these creeks in a boat, would probably find many Cryptogamia, new to the African Flora. Saturday, August 28. — I had yesterday seen a tree, about thirty feet distant from the water's edge, of moderate height, with three long straight branches, closely appressed at the top,. VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 57 and bearing a corymb of rose-coloured blossoms, rising from the terminal cluster of leaves. Having noticed this object through the telescope from the deck, I of course wished to obtain the flower, and landing, I asked two negroes (from Sierra Leone) who accompanied me, whether they would procure it; but they both declared it impracticable, because of the high grass. I therefore cut a way with my knife ; but on reaching the tree, I found it too lofty for me to get to the top without loss of time ; the period for which the boat was lent me having expired. To-day, I succeeded again in obtaining the boat for a short while; and I found fortunately one amongst the negroes who climbed the tree, about 16 feet high, and gathered a few branches with an iron hook. I record this circumstance here intentionally, as an instance of my nearly daily difficulties. Amongst the few plants which I collected, there were many that occur along the wliole coast ; as, for instance, Sarcocephalus. According to what Mr. Schon told me, the name of this place, which I had considered to be Ibu, is Aboh. In the afternoon we left Ibu (Aboh,) and steamed it by moonlight till eleven o'clock, when we cast anchor. Sunday, 29th, we did not move. Weather very bad. Monday, August 30. — Started by day-break. Neither the country nor the river offered any thing new. Tuesday, August 31. — I had twice an opportunity of visiting the shore for a short while. The first time, I found a terrestrial Orchidea, 4 feet high : a great part of the jungle on the right shore consisted of a Fig-tree, with long branch- lets, covered with fructification shooting out from the old wood : its white bark was visible at a great distance. The ants were here dreadfully troublesome. At two o'clock, when passing an island, we perceived a strong very sweet smell, (almost like the Tetracera which I had collected on the 24'th), but I could not descry any flowers through the telescope. In the afternoon we saw, at a distance, on the left shore, the first low hills, and soon afterwards a water-course on the 58 JOURNAL OF THE same side ; apparently quite still, for the current of the Niger ran in a sharply distinct line athwart it. This part, including the hills and river, is said to be called "Oredtha;'^ it is opposite Kirro market, (so named in Allen's chart.) In this branch of the river grew many Pistue ; but higher up the Niger, we also met them floating in large quantities. This plant appears to have been displaced, by rising waters, from its tranquil domicile, as is frequently the case with others : for we pass many small floating islands of grass and other plants, clumps of rolled-up grass, and stems of huge trees, appearing in the distance, with their roots and branches partly emerging from the water, exactly like canoes. The river, since we left Ibu, (Aboh), continues about half-a-mile in width, sometimes more : the water very muddy, and of a clay colour : the shores low, covered with brushwood, inter- twined with so many creepers as to form, sometimes for great distances, a vegetable wall. This wall was particularly remarkable on the left side of the said still water ; behind it rose a few hillocks, with much cultivation, {Sorghum vul- gare ?) amongst which single trees were interspersed. A peculiar feature of this part consists in the small huts raised on poles along the shore ; from which the natives, according, to Brown, drop their fishing-lines into the river. Wednesday, September 1. — This morning the river was very wide, in one part above a mile, and covered with Pistice. There were hills, especially on the left side, but they ceased before we reached Damugu.* Of this place we only discerned a few huts, the first round ones, with a pointed overhanging grass roof. On the whole we saw to-day but few villages : if there are more, they must lie beyond the jungle. Nor did we observe any Cocoa palms, which had occurred in several places on the previous day. About Damugu, the country seems covered with high forests : hitherto, there had been only low woods. Towards evening, we saw isolated high trees, apparently covered with blossoms ; but through the * Or Adda-Mugu.— (H. D. Trotter.) VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 59 telescope we descried these fancied flowers to be white birds, {Egrets?) of which several stalked, here and there, along the shore. Thursday, September 2. — Beyond Damugu, the land appears again lower and covered with jungle. I think that the shores of the main river are mostly lined with forests, and the islands covered with grass and underwood. To- wards noon we came to finely wooded hills ; and in the evening, King William's Mountain appeared, (see Allen's chart.) I had twice the opportunity of going for a short time on shore. First to an open place, covered with grass ; where I found Cassia Absus, mimosoides ? a Psoralea, some Gramhiece, Malvacea and Schmidelece : a Sarcocephalus grew likewise here. The second time was near a village ; where the cottages are round, and plaited of palm-leaves and grass. Storehouses, raised on poles, are filled with Indian corn. A Tephrosia (toxicaria), almost arborescent, was planted about the huts, which a Krooman told me, was used to benumb the fish. A fine red flower, on a high tree, could not be procured : it appeared to be Beauvois' Spathodea ; and I fancied I had seen it several times in the Delta. Friday, September 3. — We can quite overlook the country from on board our vessel. On both sides, the river is mar- gined at some distance with hills : further off", towards the north, rise mountains, enveloped with blue mist. Only on the left side, the hills approach the shore, and are, for the space of about a quarter of a mile, quite abrupt to about 100 feet high, of red sandstone, visible, because of its bright colour, at a great distance. The top is often covered with overhanging vegetation. On this hill stands the town of Attah*, (Iddah), surrounded by cultivated grounds. In the distance grow Cocoa palms and Baobab trees, the latter bearing long pendent fruit. This morning I had another * Attah is the name of the chief, and not of the town ; or rather, Attah is the title of the chief, who is styled the Attah or King of Egarra, or more generally "the Attah." The town is called Iddah. — (H. D. Trotter.) CO JOURNAL OF THE opportunity of going on shore. The ground in front of the hill, and down the river, is now quite covered with water. Some way up, I found a Baobab tree, apparently con- sisting of several steins joined : it was by no means low, per- haps 30 feet high to the branches, and altogether 70 to 80 feet high. The fruit is remarkable, suspended from stalks li foot long ; but I could only collect a few specimens, being obhged to return. We moved to the right shore, where the " Sou- dan" already was, to cut fire-wood, the " Albert" remaining behind, and lay close to the shore; of vA'hich a considerable breadth was inundated. In the afternoon, a number of natives arrived to see what we were doing ; especially, (as they said), because the people of the Attah sometimes come here to make slaves. They appeared never yet to have been in contact with Europeans : they wore the country cloth round their loins, and were armed with bows and arrows, the latter with only wooden points. The quivers seemed to be formed of goatskins. Their town is said to be five miles inland, and is called ^' VVaapa.^' The country is called Angori, and is under the chief of this town. According to one of our free negroes, a native of these parts, this district belongs to " Benin Country,'^ which extends to the sea. The " Great King" of it sacrifices daily three human beings. (!) It was singular that none of the Angori people had canoes, although their plantations came down to the edge of the river. One, of Yams [Dioscorea saliva) and Maize, was situated close to our vessel : amongst these plants grew a few Tephrosice, which, a " Nufi man" told me, were used in his country for catching fish, and are seen both wild and cultivated. The brushwood near the river consisted chiefly of Quisqualis obovata, (Schum.), which, whether bearing white or red flowers, had a beautiful appearance ; — and a Poinna, Sjjondias, Sarcocephalus, a few Oil palms, Lonchocar/ms formosa, &c. Saturday, September 4. — A trip into the interior showed me that the soil on the hills is much mixed with sand, owing to the decomposed sandstone. I could not get far; the VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 61 land being chiefly savannahs, the remnants of decayed forests : Tamarinds, and other Le gummosa, a Banisteria, (?) and Bombaw were conspicuous, besides other trees, ah-eady men- tioned. Of herbaceous and shrubby plants I found, amongst the Cypei^aceae and Grasses, chiefly Leguminosce^ Desmodium, Cassia, Malvacece, Eiqjhorblacece, {Phyllantkus, Tragia). Near the shore, in water-holes, grew frequently a Lemna,^ now in flower. A flowering Loranthus, with verdigris-co- loured fruit, was parasitical on a Legumhiosa, now almost under water. The burning sun, which came out after rain, gave me a violent head-ache. Towards evening, we proceeded a few miles up the river, and staid there during Sunday the 5th of September, in company with the other vessels, keeping the Sabbath as a day of rest. The current ran here extremely strong, about three knots and a half per hour. Monday, September 6. — I felt very unwell ; and towards noon slight fever came on, which exhausted me much. In the evening we followed the "Albert" to Iddah, and grounded near the eastern inundated part of English Island. Here we remained till Wednesday, September 8, in the evening, when we succeeded in getting afloat again, and proceeded a few miles upwards. Thursday, September 9. — Till mid-day I felt unwell and weak, but then got better. We approached the mountains, which proved to consist of small ridges, 1,000 to 2,000 feet high ; and the scenery was sometimes very pretty, the mountains being overgrown with trees to the top. The hills, which we passed first, and then the mountains, seemed to form several (more than two ?) basins ; through which the river had forced its way, as is frequently the case with mountain streams. We proceeded along the eastern branch, to the Bokweh Island. The foremost mountains of King's Peak (so called in AUen^s chart) came down to the river, and we could clearly distinguish large strata in the declivity * Is it different from L. minor, of Europe ? The leaves are distinctly striated ; whicli, so far as I recollect, is not the case in our plant. 62 JOURNAL OF THE and down to the bottom. At the northern end of the island, a beautiful prospect was suddenly disclosed, upon the mountains on the right shore, from Mount Jervis to Mount Saddleback, (see Allen's chart), contrasting, at th6 moment we came out of the channel, most distinctly with the horizon, then strongly illuminated by the setting sun. I observed no great change in the vegetation ; unless perhaps less grass prevailed on the right shore. AVe never before saw so many canoes descending the river as to-day : some very large : all had a small scaffolding in the middle ; and in some of them were horses, no bigger than donkeys. The current, where we anchored a little above Bokweh Island, was three knots and a half. Friday, September 10. — To-day we passed the mountains, most of which rise in elongated ridges; but others are isolated, their slopes covered with large boulders, between which is a thick brushwood. The scenery is very pretty : mountains often like those of the Rhine ; but castles and vineyards are wanting, and the rivers too wide and full of island and swamps. About noon, we stopped near a small island, beyond Mount Soracle (in Allen's chart) ; the name of ■which, according to some natives who came on board, was Dagore. I was again unwell and could not go on shore ; but Roscher, who did, found the island of granite formation, and he brought me a few plants. Between Mount St. Michael and Mount Franklin in Allen's chart, stood a village, situated on a partly isolated hill ; the first, which I had observed here, built on a considerable elevation ; most of the villages being close to the river, so that, because of the unusual rise of water, a portion of the huts are under water. A Leginninosa with the habit of Robinia, and violet blossoms now in full splendour, struck me : I also saw here and there a Baobab with fruit : yesterday I noticed many Cocoas, to-day none. Near a village, on the right shore, a little above Maconochie island, grew some Fan palms ; and we subsequently met with more : before this, I had only seen one in the Delta. We anchored about half-wav between Mount Franklin and the VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 63 confluence of the Niger and Chadda. The current runs two and a half knots. Saturday, September 11. — Before eight o'clock we cast anchor off Adda-Kuddu, the place which had been prelimi- narily fixed upon for the model-farm. The river expands here to a lake ; while, to the extreme left, the confluence with the Chadda is seen. Mountains above 2000 feet high are visible in every direction at a distance. The landing-place was remarkable for the many boulders, lying one over the other, surrounded and partly overgrown with shrubs and trees. In one conspicuous place I found a Baobab, looking much like an old Oak. Close by, were several others, one quite denuded, the rest with a little foliage, but all showing their characteristic pendent fruit. Being still poorly, I took Captain Trotter's advice and went on shore. The ruins of Adda-Kuddu surrounded the place, and were already covered with vegetation. Cylindrical holes, several feet deep, and 2 feet in diameter, and bricked for making dyes, were still visible. The ruins of African towns offer nothing picturesque. We hurried to some spot ; from whence we might survey the country. About the town, the habitations of which had been round clay huts, lies a level valley bounded by low hillocks, which promised the territory best fit for cultivation. To get at it, we had to pass a place, where seemed to have been something like a ditch and wall. The valley itself had evidently been culti- vated at one time, but is now covered with Graminea, Cyperacede, a {q\y small Euphorbice, Malvacea, and particularly Leguniinosoe ; amongst which two Tephrosia, one 5 or 6 feet high, were the most remarkable plants, rendering our pro- gress very difficult by their woody stalks. The valley was nearly dry, with only a few puddles of rain water ; and the ground is pretty well cleared, with here and there a few large pieces of broken rock. The soil consisted of decom- posed granite, and if it ever had been mixed with vegetable earth, it is exhausted by former cultivation. Quartz remained abundantly in it, in the shape of coarse sand, and I could 64 JOURNAL OF THE not help condemning the soil as extremely indifferent. The inhabitants of Adda- Kuddu, upon their town being destroyed by the Felahtis, removed to the opposite side of the river, and built there the town called " Schimri," (afterwards I heard other names for the new Adda-Kuddu) close to the shore. It is now, by reason of this year's unusually high water, quite inundated ; and therefore the people have erected another new city. The chief or governor (or Aneidjo) ap- pointed by the King of Iddah, paid us a visit. His compa- nions wore the Nufi Toba, an under-dress with wide sleeves, reaching to the knuckles. He was decorated with large bells on the wrists ; and a slave fanned him with a leathern fan. In the afternoon we proceeded up the Niger, to Stirling Hill, to examine the country : it was difficult to learn at whose disposal it was ; but at last we were assured, that an inde- pendent tribe, said to be very savage, dwelt on the mountain. I was requested, towards sunset, to examine the soil in the valley, and found it no better, than at Adda-Kuddu. There were plantations of Maize and Yams. Mr. Carr had, in the meantime, been on the hill, and detected a rich vege- table soil. We returned immediately to Adda-Kuddu, which we reached at dark. The current here is two knots. The natives had brought cocoa-nuts on board, and on my inquiry, they said, the tree grew on the other shore ; but afterwards they asserted, that it was not found here at all. Mr. Brown had brought me from thence a Unona (!) and an apparently entirely new genus of the family of Legum'mosce, with a fruit similar to Swartzia, and I subsequently found this little tree every where on the shore about Stirling. Snnday, September 12. — We remained quietly at anchor. Monday, September 13. — I went on shore to botanize amongst the ruins of Adda-Kuddu ; but the hot sun quickly forced me back. Papaws are here still frequent ; also some sorts of Cucurbitacece, which, with Asclepiadea and Creejjers, have overgrown the ruined huts. A Lemna growing in a puddle was the same as I had seen at Iddah. I observed here but a single Pistia float by ; whilst the day before, we VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 65 met with them in abundance, floating on the Quorra (Niger). In the afternoon I went again to Stirling hill, and explored it for a short time; but found the soil to consist of sand- stone, impregnated with iron, and therefore bad. A few spots only exhibited vegetable soil, formed of decomposed plants. Tuesday, September 14<. — At six o'clock we climbed Mount Patteh. It is rather steep, difficult of ascent, and covered with many boulders of red iron sandstone. The pea-like formation is remarkable. There were single strata of quartz. The cultivation of Yams, Capsicum, Gvinea-grain, (now without blossom or fruit) a bean or Dolichos, and a few Bananas, continued to the summit. A streamlet, running down from somewhere about midway of the mount, had a bed of clay, which is also more or less mixed with the soil generally ; and along this channel the chief brushwood grew. Largish isolated trees are met over the whole declivity, pro- bably remnants of former forests. It looks as if the useful trees had been preserved. Four species occurred particularly often ; Baobab ; Parkia, now without fruit or blossom, but with foliage ; Sarcocephalus, sometimes a stately tree, but with long branches showing a disposition to climb ; and the Hog-plum {Spondias), but this chiefly at the summit. The barometer gave 1200 feet, according to a hasty calculation, (subsequently 1150), above the level of the Niger. On the top is table-land (level plateau) much cultivated, and covered often with brushwood and a tree with yellow flowers, I think Beauvois' Spathodea ;* another tree, of which blossomf and fruit are preserved in acid, a shrubby Mimosa and species of Ficus, without fructification. A species of Tephrosia was fre- quently cultivated. I saw no Palm. The natives appeared, as yet, to have had no communication with Europeans : they were armed with bows and arrows, much like those of the country * A handsome tree, with dark scarlet flowers, of the same genus, was frequent on the declivity. f A high, much branched, leafless Euphorbia, the juice of which is said to cause blindness. F 66 JOURNAL OF THE near Angori : their arrows are said to be poisoned ; and their clothes consisted of stuffs, manufactured by themselves. They were of a gentle nature ; and the mere word " scanu*' was sufl&cient to conquer their diffidence. For some presents which we gave them, they expressed their thanks by bowing to the ground, and strewing repeatedly dust on the forehead, perhaps tM^elve times : the women uncovered the bosom and put dust on it. Decency amongst the women seemed to require, that the upper garment should be tightly fastened above the bosom, so as to cover it completely. The boys we saw were circumcised. Towards two o'clock I returned, not feeling well, for I had exerted myself too much. The sun had been clouded, and I had latterly protected myself with an umbrella ; never- theless in the afternoon and evening I felt so tired, and yet so heated and restless, that I cannot recollect ever having been so uncomfortable and disabled, without absolute ill- ness. Every exertion seems now to produce more or less this effect. Restlessness and exhaustion, burning of the skin and eruptions, become quite insufferable. Tuesday, September 14. — To-day I had to take care of the' plants, which I gathered yesterday, and wished to arrange my collection, for which purpose I had been unable to obtain either room or a case, and was therefore obliged to preserve them, as best I could, in bundles in my cabin : a plan which was good neither for them, nor for myself. My assistant, now somewhat trained, was unfortunately the best linguist, and our intercourse with the natives being very great, I could hardly ever avail myself of his aid. At a distance this all appears trivial ; but to a traveller in my situation the frequent repetition of such trials is extremely disheartening. The natives, perceiving our wishes, brought chiefly arms on board, some apparently made in a hurry for the occasion; also calabashes, mats and sacks of plaited grass, honey, palm-wine, stuffs of their own manufacture, reels of cotton, earth-nuts, yams, goats, sheep, poultry and fat. In return they took cowries, cloth, wearing-apparel and particu- VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 67 larly looking-glasses : the latter being chiefly bought by the women. The women are often beautifully painted with red Camwood (?) pulverized and made into balls as large as a fist, and thus sold : the eyelids they paint with antimony, which they brought with them on board in very neat cylindrical cases made of skins. Wednesday, September 15. — The intercourse with the natives continued. They bring, besides the things mentioned, tobacco, which they call taba, in flat rolled disks ; also a chalk- like substance, prepared from burnt bones, with which they rub the fingers when spinning, it is called Eflfu in the Aku language, Alii in Houssa; they kept this in small calabashes, or in masses like elongated dice : whips of hippopotamus skins, called Uoji : some rice, grown on the left shore, and a few Limes. The process for discharging their arrows seemed to me ingenious. They have a knife with a some- what broad handle into which they insert the hand,* and pull up the string of the bow with the back of the handle, being thus sure not to hurt the hand, and are thus ready to kill with the knife whatever the arrow may have hit. On the left upper arm they carry arrows for their immediate use in a wooden quiver. Thursday, September 16. — Captain Trotter wished me to visit the left shore. The current on the right side, where we were at anchor, was 1 and li knots ; but towards the middle it ran much stronger ; and in some places the boat could hardly make way against it. We kept therefore, after reaching the left bank of the Niger, close to the jungle, (I must not say shore; for every thing was under water). Amongst different things, 1 noticed a rather thick tree, 30 feet high, which attracted my attention by its large fruit : * In Treviranus' Memoir occurs the following quotation from a letter of Dr. Vogel's, more clearly showing their manner of using the bow. " In the right hand they hold a knife with a hollow handle, through which they place four fingers in the middle of the handle. On the thumb they have an iron ring, and draw between this and the handle the bowstring, so that they cannot injure the hand." — (See Memoir, p. 15.) F 2 68 JOURNAL OF THE it is apparently an Artocarpus. The Kroomen call it Oqua, and told me that they eat the boiled seed. I saw only fruit and female blossoms : no male flowers. The tree contained much milky juice. Besides this I found here a seeniingly new species of ^MOw«, and the above-mentioned genus of Lc^m- minos(B, occurring often as a small branchy tree, with white flowers, remarkable for its bright red terminal leaves. In those nooks, where the current was weak, the Pistia grew in large quantities, mixed with Ceratophyllum, without fructifi- cation, and the Salvinia, and Jimgermannia {?) of Ibu. At last we reached a bit of dry land, deep in the bush ; where some negroes had pitched their tent-like straw huts for temporary dwellings. They told me that they had come from the opposite side (from Dgaggu ?) to plant this place, against the rainy season ; but they had not yet begun. The ground, now inundated, would be cultivated in the dry season, for it all consisted of rich vegetable soil. On my return, I could find no place but the deck for my plants. I then went on board the " Albert," to make my report to Captain Trotter, but was obliged to stop there a long time, for want of a boat to return. In the meantime, we had a heavy shower of rain, and on my subsequent arrival in the " Wilberforce" I found not a few of my plants spoiled, or quite lost, amongst them the Anona ; and I was unable to care for the rest, every nook that I could use havang been filled long since, and my cabin was crammed nearly full. During the last four weeks, for want of suitable boxes in which to preserve my collections, I was unable to do almost any- thing in Botany. Friday, September 17. — I bought to-day a complete set of arms of Adgho for 2000 cowries. Captain Allen purchased an ox for 30,000 cowries, from the son of a former chief of Adda- Kuddu, whom he called Mallen Katab, and who had poisoned old Pascoe and the Kroomen. This son, Machmakal, was one of the handsomest negroes I ever saw ; but he wanted to give his father's name differently. He made me a present of a pair of shoes of antelope hide, very well made. He under- VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 69 Stood a little Arabic, though he could not pronounce it according to Miiller's notions, but he wrote it; and singularly enough, he put the paper not in the customary oriental manner before him, nor writing the letters from the top downwards, but so, that they must be read in the usual manner. 1 have his name and mine written by him. I had understood his name as Makola. According to Miiller, what he wrote, is in the Algerine dialect, meaning : Machmakal.*^ Saturday, September 18. — The number of sick increases considerably ; and the " Soudan" is to take them to-morrow down to the sea. I, therefore, lorote letters to-day. I continue unwell ; head-ache and fever. WRITTEN LATER, AT FERNANDO PO. Sunday, September 19. — Decided, but slight fever. The " Soudan^' leaves for the sea. Monday, September 20. — It is settled that the " Wilber- force" shall also proceed to sea with the sick, which have much increased in number; and my first resolve was to remain here ; but our circumstances on shore were such, that as an invalid, I could hardly hope to be comfortable, and I therefore take Captain Allen's advice, which is to go down to sea in the " Wilberforce," and stop at Fernando Po. Tuesday, September 21. — At six o'clock in the morning we proceeded down the river, I becoming daily worse. We arrived at Fernando Po on the 1st of October, and I earnestly entreated to be put on shore ; for the vessel was to pro- ceed to Ascension Island, and stop there several months; which would have been for me worse than a prison. On leaving the ship I had still violent fever, which only quitted me after a week and a half. In the landing of my collection I was kindly assisted by Mr. Forster. Of several of the most interesting fruits, however, which, until disabled, I had kept on deck to dry, nothing Avas to be seen. I regret espe- cially the fruit of Adansonia, ripe fruit of Artocarpus, a fruit, * Vocrel's Private Journal. 70 JOURNAL OF THE the blossom of which I have never seen, from Mount Patteh, being amongst the most interesting, with many more. Captain Allen had the goodness to order us a lodging at Mr. White's, the agent of the West African Company ; and Mr. Roscher having also determined to remain here, he and I agreed to live together. The house intended for us not being quite ready, Mr. White was so kind as to give us, in the mean time, quarters in his own dweUing. We found soon how difficult it was to procure on this island the necessary provi- sion ; and as we had to be our own housekeepers, we asked for some articles from on board ship, that we might not at the outset be quite bare. On the 5th of October we landed. They sent us from our mess a few necessary utensils, cups, plates, &c., which were not to be obtained any how at Fernando Po, and for which we felt very grateful; but time forbade their fur- nishing us with the least provisions, the " Wilberforce" sailing on Saturday. On Monday, October 18, we quitted Mr. White's house ; to make room for the sick which had arrived on the previous day, by the " Albert." I had to be carried to our new residence, for we were in miser- able plight J and to get a piece of bread for money on the island, was actually impossible. If acquaintances had not obligingly supplied us in some degree, we should have had to fast this and the next day, in the strictest sense of the word. We, therefore, addressed Captain Trotter, who made arrangements, by which we were at least spared the necessity of running about in the heat of the day for provisions ; as all those, who have no stores of their own, are obliged to do. Here I stop. My recovery proceeds but slowly; to-day (October 25), I am not yet able to walk for half an hour. What concerns our stay at Fernando Po must be written hereafter. These are the concluding words of the Botanical Journal. In Dr. Vogel's private Journal there are some few entries after VOYAGE TO THE NIGER. 71 this date, referring mostly to personal affairs, despatches, provisions, and the like. It would appear that, towards the end of November, he felt strong enough to begin his botanical excursions, and says : " The heat is too great to allow convalescents who are still very weak, to work much. Besides plants, I have now taken to collecting insects. Roscher has quite a mania for sporting ;" — and again : — December 2. — " We had intended to proceed this week into the mountains, to the tent which had been erected for Cap- tain Trotter ; but ever since Sunday, Roscher has been ill, probably in consequence of his sporting, often in the heat of the sun ; and Thomson, who during the absence of the " Albert,'^ remains here as doctor, attends him. There are several cases of fever : amongst them White, the store- keeper, and the doctor : all people who have been here for some time ! The weather is certainly not genial to European constitutions. Mornings and evenings are dull and foggy; though not so thick but that one can see the country : noon and afternoon changeable, a few hot hours, with west and south wind. Because of Roscher's illness I must attend to our housekeeping, which comes rather awkward to me. In the meantime, I continue my previous way of living, i. e. I make excursions from three o'clock till dusk (6 o'clock), but am very anxious to get into the mountains. Yesterday I went towards the farm ; to seek for the Calamus which Roscher had seen, but could not find it." With these words Dr. Vogel's private Journal ends ; and we may here introduce an extract from the Report of Captain Trotter, addressed to the Right Honourable Lord Stanley, Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated March 15, 1843. " We found at Clarence Cove, Fernando Po, on our return in the Albert from the Niger, Dr. Vogel and Mr. Roscher. These indefatigable gentlemen, of whose zeal on BOTANY NIGER EXPEDITION.* NOTES ON MADEIRA PLANTS." So great was Dr. Vogel's zeal in the cause of Botany, that his collections were commenced before leaving England, during the few days spent by the Niger Expedition in Plymouth Sound. The plants in question consist princi- pally of Alffce, and being only the common South of England species, and foreign to the object of this Memoir, need no further notice. During his four days' stay at Madeira, although unable to make any distant excursions, Dr. Vogel formed a very ex- cellent Herbarium, having been assisted in his investiga- tions by the Rev. Mr. Lowe. These plants we deem worthy of enumeration ,• as shewing what future voyagers may expect to obtain during an equally short visit; and facilitating the troublesome task of determining their names by those general works on Botany in which alone the Madeira plants are de- scribed. The names of those collected by the Antarctic Expedition! on its outward voyage are added to this list : the majority of which, having been gathered (in October) at a very diiferent season, were not met with by Dr. Vogel. All the species have been determined by Dr. Lemann ; • By Sir W. J. Hooker and Dr. J. D. Hooker. t The smallness of this collection is to be attributed to the temporary ill health of the Botanist of the Antarctic Expedition during the ships' ten days' sojourn at Madeira. 74 BOTANY OF THE whose botanical accuracy and acquaintance with the Floras of S. Europe, Madeira, and the Canaries, entitle us to place great reliance on the authenticity of the nomenclature. That gentleman has also favoured us with some notes on the Botany of Madeira, as compared with other neighbouring islands, which we beg to acknowledge most heartily, and which are embodied in the following remarks. The Island of Madeira contains 672 species of flowering plants and Ferns, of which 85 are absolutely peculiar, and 480 common to Europe ; 280 are common to Madeira and the Azores (whose Flora is estimated at 425 sp.) ; 312 (or probably more) to Madeira and the Canaries ; and 170 to the neighbourhood of Gibraltar (where 456 have been collected.) It is remarkable that out of 400 European, and these Me- diterranean species, indigenous to Madeira, not more than 170 occur in Gibraltar : for it were natural to suppose that the majority of 480 species are very widely dispersed throughout the S. Europe, and must have migrated by way, as it were, of Gibraltar, if transported across the ocean to Madeira. It is further worthy of observation, that the Azores, though very far to the westward, and the Canaries to the south, both contain many more of the Mediterranean plants seen in Madeira, than does Gibraltar. A considerable number of the Madeira plants belong to genera not found in the adjacent continent,* but in the Canaries, Azores, or Cape de Verd Islands; thus indicating a botanical affinity between these groups and confined to them.f * Except, possibly, on the hitherto unexplored Atlas Mountains on the Morocco coast. t The following are some of the leading features of the N. Atlantic Island Flora, as distinguishing it from the continental. 1 . Genera confined to the four groups, and represented in two or more of the islands, are : — Melanosdiiium, (Madeira and Azores.) AicT^on}^^^-'^'^''^ ^"'l Canaries.) Sinapidendron, (Madeira and Cape de Verd Islands.) NIGER EXPEDITION. 75 The evidence of this relationship is very decided, from the pecuharity of the genera or species giving rise to it. Though comparatively few in number, their characters are so prominent and so widely dififerent from the Mediterranean plants which accompany them, that the latter, though nume- rically much the greatest, seem superadded, and, as it were, intruders on the former. The Canaries and Madeira, from their central position and various other causes, are the centre of this Botanical region, called by Mr. Webb the " Macaronesian," and exhibit more peculiarity than the Cape de Verds, (as far as they are at present known), or the Azores. There can be little doubt Madeira was even more peculiar in its vegetation than now, previous to the destruction by fire of the luxuriant forests, of which, almost clothing the lower parts of the island, we have historic_l evidence. Not only does such a catastrophe de- stroy species, but their place is afterwards occupied by strong- growing imported weeds, which prevent the re-appearance of the native plants by monopolizing the soil. With very few exceptions, the Mediterranean are the only plants found in Madeira and the Canaries besides what are confined to those islands : in the Azores, on the other hand, more Northern European species are associated with PhTlis'"'''' } (Madeira and Canaries.) Campylanthus, (Canaries and Cape de Verd Islands.) 2. Orders represented by closely allied, but peculiar genera : — SCROPHULARINE^, Isoplexis, (Madeira,) and Callianassa, (Canaries.) Campanulace^. Musschia, (Madeira,) and Canarina, (Canaries.) which are further represented by the singular Campanula Vidalii in the Azores, and the equally distinct C. Jacohasa in the Cape de Verd Islands. Other instances of representation by peculiar species are found in the Seneciones and Sonchi, and in the curious EuphorhicB of the Canaries and the Cape de Verds, and several other genera. 76 BOTANY OF THE them. In the Cape de Verds, far to the south, W. African and W. Indian plants replace those of the Mediterranean. The Island of Madeira participates in the Flora of the W. Indies to a much greater degree than does any part of the adjacent continent : — that this is in a great measure due to the dampness of its insular chmate, is clear, from the plants in question being almost entirely Ferns, viz. : — Acrostichum squamosum, Sw. Aspidium moUe, Siv, Asplenium monanthemum, Sw. „ furcatum, Sw. Trichomanes radicans, Sw. species found nowhere on the continent of Europe, or in N. Africa. The presence of a plant belonging to the other- wise exclusively American genus, Clethi'a, is striking, be- cause indicating a further relationship with the Flora of the New World, but of a very different character from the above. The Helichrysa of Madeira are allied in rather a remarkable degree to the S. African species of that genus : a fact which reminds us that the Myrsine Africana^ a Cape of Good Hope plant, is a native of the Azores, but of no intervening latitude on the West coast of Africa or the Atlantic Islands, nor indeed anywhere else but Abyssinia. Though not a subject falling immediately within the province of the pure Botanist, it may not be amiss here to state, that the four Island-groups in question have been conceived by my friend. Professor Forbes, to be the exposed remains of one continuous and extended tract of land, which formed the western prolon- gation of the European and African shores. He points to the specific identity of these islands and Europe, as affording Botanical evidence of this ingenious theory, which, however, he chiefly rests on geological grounds. Regarded in this light, the question Avill resolve itself, in the opinion of most Botanists, into one concerning the power of migration, and the probability of transport having taken place, to a verv NIGER EXPEDITION. 77 great extent, over the Atlantic Ocean, and against the pre- vailing direction of the winds. It may be contended that such a migration would have peopled these islands solely, or mainly, with certain of the more transportable classes of plants; and that the result must be, that the number of species belong- ing to each natural order would be great in proportion to the facility with which they bear transportation : while only those orders could be numerous, which possess that faculty in an eminent degree. But such are not the characteristics of the Mediterranean plants found in Madeira. On the other hand, the existence of such a continent, during the period when these islands bore the plants which they now produce, would argue the former presence of a very large Flora belonging to the type which now distin- guishes the islands in question from the Mediterranean ; and of whose previous existence the remaining species, peculiar to them, are the indication. Against this theory it might be urged, that more specific identity between the plants of the several insular groups, would then be the natural consequence, than now is seen : for the affinity of vegetation between the different islands consists, not in identical species, but in representatives. The same agent, in short, which effected the peopling of the several groups with the plants of continental Europe, would also have distributed more equally the non-European species over the same area. It is, however, to the lofty peaks of Atlas that we must look, if any where, for the continental representatives of those peculiar plants which mark the North Atlantic Insular Floras. Thus, we expect to find the productions of the Galapa- gos Archipelago on the higher levels of the Cordillera; and the mountains of St. Thomas, Fernando Po and the Cameroons, on the west coast of Tropical Africa, may yet exhibit to us the Botanical features of St. Helena. Outlying and high islands commonly partake in the peculiar vegetation of a climate cooler than belongs to the low lands of the adjacent continent ; though, in the case of Juan Fernandez, they sometimes exhibit genera equally isolated in botanical affinities as their habitats are in geographical position. 78 BOTANY OF THE CATALOGUE OF " MADEIRA PLANTS."* 1. Ranunculus grandifolius, Loive. — Ribiera Yr\o,'Vogel. 2. R. repens, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 3. Papaver dubium, L. — Curral, Vogel, 4. Fumaria media, Loisel. — Curral, Vogel. 5. Matthiola Maderensis, Lowe. — Funchal, Vogel & J. D. H. 6. Cheiranthus mutabilis, UHer. — Curral, Vogel. 7. Nasturtium officinale, R. Br. — Funchal, J. D. H. 8. Arabis albida, Stev. — Ribiera Frio, and Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 9. Cardamine hirsuta, L. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 10. Teesdalia Iberis, DC. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 11. Sinapidendron frutescens, Lowe. — Curral, Vogel. 12. Raphanus Raphanistrum, L. — Funchal, Vogel. 13. Viola Maderensis, Lowe. — Road to the Curral, /. D. H. 14. V. sylvestris, Lam. — Ribiera Frio and Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 15. Linum angustifolium, Huds. — Funchal, Vogel & J. D. H, 16. Malva parviflora, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 17. Sida carpinoides, DC. — Funchal, /. D. H. 18. S. rhombifolia, L.— Funchal, J. D. H. 19. Hypericum humifusum, L. — Funchal, /. D. H. 20. H. perforatum, L. — Funchal, Vogel & J. D. H. 21. H. glandulosum, ^i^. — Curral, Vogel. 22. H. grandifolium, Chois. — Curral, J. D. H. 23. Erodium Botrys, Bertol. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 24. Geranium rotundifoHum, L. — Curral and Grand Water- fall, Vogel. 25. Oxalis corniculata, L. — Funchal, J. D. H. 26. Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum, L. — Funchal, J. D. H. 27. Polycarpon tetraphyllum, L.fil. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 28. Cerastium glomeratum, Thuill. — Curral and Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. * Collected by the Botanist of the Niger Expedition ; to which are added those of the Antarctic Expedition, drawn up by C. Lemann, Esq., Cantab. F.L.S. &c. &c. NIGER EXPEDITION. 79 29. Cerastium trivial e, Link. — Curral, Voffel, J. D. H. 30. Stellaria uliginosa, Murr. — Curral, Vogel, J, D. H. 31. S. media, Sin. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 32. Silene Gallica, X.— Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 33. Ulex Europaeus, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel, 34. Genista virgata, DC. — Curral, Fogel, J. D. H. 35. G. Maderensis, Webb. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 36. Lathyrus spheericus, Retz. — Curral, Vogel. 37. Lotus glaucus, ^i^.— Funchal, /. D. H. 38. Medicago tribuloides, Lam. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 39. Psoralea bituminosa, L. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 40. Vicia sativa, L. — Curral, Vogel. 41. Scorpiurus subvillosus, L. — Funchal, Vogel. 42. Ornithopus perpusillus, L. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 43. Cassia bicapsularis, L. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. (intro- duced ?) 44. Acacia Farnesiana, Willd. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. (introduced ?) 45. Chameemeles coccinea, Lindl. — East Coast, Vogel. 46. Alchemilla arvensis. Scop. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel, J. D. H. 47. Poterium verrucosum, Ehr, — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 48. Fragaria vesca, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel ; Curral, /. D. H. 49. Lythrum Graefferi, Tenore. — Curral, /. D. H. 50. Sempervivura glutinosum. Ait. — Funchal, Vogel. 51. S. villosum, Ait. — Curral, Vogel, J. D. H. 52. S. aizoides, Lam. — Funchal ? Vogel. 53. Umbilicus pendulinus. — Hab. ? Vogel. 54. Saxifraga Maderensis, Don. — Curral, Vogel. 55. Bupleurum salicifolium, Solander. — Curral, Vogel. 56. Crithmum maritimum, L. p. latifolium. — East Coast, J. D. H. 57. Sambucus nigra, L, — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 58. Galium Aparine, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 59. Sherardia arvensis, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel, J. D. H. 60. Phyllis Nobla, L.— Curral, Vogel. 61. Ageratum conyzoides, L. — Funchal, /. D. H. 62. Phagnalon saxatile, DC. — Hab. ? Vogel. 80 BOTANY OF THE 63. Eclipta prostrata, L.} — Funchal, /. D. H. 64. Bidens leucantlia, WillcL — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 65. Chrysanthemum pinnatifidum,Zy.^/. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 66. Artemisia argentea, L'ii/er. — Hab. ? Vogel. 67. Helichrysum obconicuin, DC. — Sea-coast, /. D. H. 68. H. melanophthahnum, Lowe. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 69. Gnaphalium luteo-album, L. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 70. Calendula arvensis, L. — Curral, Vogel, J. D. H. 71. Galactites tomentosa, il/te/jc/i. — Hab.? Vogel. 72. Tolpis pectinata, DC— Funchal, /. D. H. 73. T. crinita, Lowe. — Hab. ? Vogel. 74. T. umbellata, i^er^o/.— Curral, Vogel, J. D. H. 75. Thrincia nudicaulis, Lowe. — Curral, Vogel; Funchal, /. D. H. 76. Sonchus ustulatus, Lowe, (leaves.) — South-east coast, /. D. H. 77. Campanula Erinus, L. — Curral, Vogel, J. D. H. 78. Centranthus Calcitrapa, Diifr. — Curral, Vogel. 79. Vaccinium Maderense, Lm/<:. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel; Pico Ruivo, ./. D. H. 80. Erica arborea, L. — Curral, /. 7). H. 81. E. scoparia, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel; Pico Ruivo, /. D. H. 82. Clethra arborea. Ait. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 83. Heberdenia excelsa, DC fil. (leaves.)— Curral, J. D. H. 84. Sideroxylon Marmulana, C. Sm. — Funchal, Vogel. 85. Convolvulus altheeoides, L.— Hab. ? Vogel. 86. C. solanifolius, Lowe. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 87. Plautago Lagopus, Hall. a. ft. Lusitanica. — a. Grand Waterfall, ft. Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 88. P. Coronopus, Z..— Funchal, J. D. H. 89. P. arborescens, Poir. — South-east coast, J. D. H. 90. Globularia longifolia, Ait. — South-east coast, Vogel ; Funchal, J. D. H. 91. Echium plantagineum, L. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 92. E. fastuosum, Jacq. — llab ? Vogel. 93. Myosotis repens, Don. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. NIGER EXPEDITION. 81 94. Lavandula viridis, AiL — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 95. L. pinnata, L.fil. — Hab. ? Vogel. 96. Bystropogon punctatus, UHer. — Hab. ? Vogel. 97. Origanum virens, Link. — Curral, J. D. H. 98. Micromeria varia, Benth. — Curral, /. D. H. 99. Melissa Calamintha, L. /S. villosissima, Benth. — Curral, /. D. H. 100. Prunella vulgaris, Mcench. — Grand Waterfall and Ri- biera Frio, Vogel. 101. Cedronella triphylla, Mcench. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 102. Stachys hirta, L. — Curral, Vogel. 103. S. arvensis, L. — Curral, Vogel. 103. S. Betonica, Benth.^Uab. ? Fogel. 103. Clinopodium vulgare, L. — Curral, Vogel, J. D. H. 104. Sideritis Massoniana, Benth. — Curral, Vogel. 105. Teucrium abutiloides, UHer. — Curral, /. D. H. 106. Lantana aculeata. Ait. — /. D. H. 107. Antirrhinum Orontium, L. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 108. Sibthorpia peregrina, — Hab. ? Vogel. 109. Veronica acinacifolia, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 110. V. Anagallis, L. — Curral, Vogel, 111. V. arvensis, L. — Hab.? Vogel. 113. Odontites Holliana, 5ew^/i. (fruit.) — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 113. Physalis pubescens, L. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 114. Hyoscyamus Canariensis, Ker. — Funchal,/. D. H. 115. Vinca major ? not wild. — Funchal, Vogel. 116. Olea (Phillyrea, B.C.) Lowei, DC. — Maritime spots, J. D. H. 117. Jasminum odoratissiraum, L. — Funchal, Vogel. 118. Chenopodium ambrosioides, L. — Funchal, /. D. R. 119. Suseda laxifolia, Lowe. — East coast, J. D. H. 120. Ruraex Maderensis, Lowe. — Curral, Vogel. 131. R. Acetosella, L.— Hab. ? Vogel 133. R. aculeatus, L. — Curral and Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 123. Polygonum maritimum, L. — East coast, /. D. H. 134. Mercurialis annua, L. var. jB, (M. ambigua, L. fil.) — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. G 82 BOTANY OF THE 125. Euphorbia Peplus, L. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 126. E. hypericifolia, L. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 127. Persea Indica, Sp)'. — Curral, Vogel, J. D. H. 128. Oreodaphne foetens, Nees. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 129. Apollonia Canariensis, Nees. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 130. Myrica Faya, Mr.— Mr. Veitch^s garden, /. D. H. 131. Parietaria Lusitanica, L. ? (P. Maderensis, Rchb.) — Funchal, /. D. H. 132. Ephedra alata. Dene. — Funchal, /. D. H. 133. Peristylus cordatus, Lindl. — Hab. ? Vogel. 134. Himantoglossum secundiflorum, Lindl. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 135. Amaryllis Belladonna, L. — Road to Curral, J. D. H. 136. Ruscus Hypoglossum, L. — Hab. ? Vogel. 137. Commelina communis, L. — Funchal, /. D. H. 138. Juncus glaucus, Sm. — Hab.? Vogel. 139. J. filiformis, Z.— Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 140. Isolepis Saviana, Schult. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 141. Carex divulsa, Gooden. — Curral, Grand Waterfall, Ri- biera Frio, Vogel. 142. Panicum vaginatum, Swtz. — Funchal, J. D. H. 143. P. repens, i.— Funchal, J. D. H. 144. Pennisetum cenchroides. Rich. — Funchal, /. D. H. 145. Lagurus ovatus, L. — Curral, Vogel. 146. Cynosurus echinatus, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel, 147. C. elegans, Desf. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 148. Dactylis glomerata, L. ? — Hab. ? Vogel. 149. Melica ciliata, L. — Curral and Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 150. Poa megastachya, Koel. — Funchal, /. D. H. 151. Briza minor, L. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 152. B. major, L. — Curral and Ribiera Frio, Vogel, J. D. H. 153. Aira prajcox, L. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 154. A. caryophyllea, L. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 155. Avena hirtula, Lag. — Curral, Vogel. 156. Bromus maximus, L. — Curral, Vogel. 157. Festuca bromoides, L. — Curral, Grand Waterfall and Ribiera Frio, Vogel, J. D. H. NIGER EXPEDITION. 83 158. Festuca jubata, Z/Owe. — Curral, Vogel. 159. Andropogon Halepensis, Sibth. — Funchal, /. D. H. 160. A. hirtus, X.— Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 161. Polypodium vulgare, L. — Curral, Vogel. 162. Gymnogramraa Lovei, Hook, and G?'ev. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 163. Notholcena lanuginosa, Desv. — Funchal, /. D. H. 164. Grammitis Ceterach, L. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 165. Adiantum renifornie, L. — Hab. ? Vogel. 166. A. Capillus Veneris.— Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 167. Pteris aquilina, L. — Curral and Ribiera Frio, Vogel, J. D. H. 168. P. arguta, Vahl. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 169. Lomaria Spicant, Desv. — Grand Waterfall, Vogel. 170. Athyrium Filix-foemina, Rol/i. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 171. Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum, L.{A..productum,'Lowe). Curral, Vogel ; Funchal, /. D. H. 172. A. monanthemum, Sm. — Ribiera Frio. Vpgel. 173. A. anceps, Soland. — Curral, Vogel. 174. A. palmatum, Sivtz. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 175. Cystopteris fragilis, Bernh. — Funchal, Vogel, J. D. H. 176. Nephrodium moUe, Br. — Funchal, /. D. H. 177. Aspidium angulare, Sm. — Curral, Vogel. 178. A. elongatura, Swtz. — Ribiera Frio, Vogel. 179. A. falcinellum, Swtz. — Ribiera Frio and Curral, Vogel, J. D. H. 180. Davallia Canariensis. — Ribiera Frio and Curral, /. D.H. 181. Lycopodium denticulatum, Willd. — Curral, Vogel, J. D. H. TENERIFFE. The next point visited by the Niger Expedition, after leaving Madeira, was the island of TenerifFe : where the vessel in which Vogel had embarked remained but a few hours. The same island, and the same port, Santa Cruz, had been touched at by the Antarctic Expedition during the previous winter. Teneriffe is always held to be classic g2 84 BOTANY OF THE ground by the Naturalist, as the opening scene of the labours of Humboldt, who there first appreciated, in their full extent, the laws governing the geographical distribution of plants. His life-like pictures of the natural phenomena,- observed during an ascent of the famous Peak, have given to many succeeding scientific travellers that impulse which has turned their thoughts and steps from closet studies and the pursuit of Natural History at home, and induced them to seek far distant scenes, in the West, the East and the South. The Peak itself is seldom descried : one hurried glimpse of its very apex, from upwards of sixty miles' distance, was all we obtained : it then appeared like a little short and broad cone high in the clouds, or rather as an opaque triangular spot on the firmament. It is difficult to imagine this to be the " culminating point ;" that mighty mass, at whose base the toil-worn traveller pauses ; who, having surmounted four- fifths of the mountain, finds his heart quail at beholding a " Pelion upon Ossa piled," so stern, so stony and so steep. Much and deeply did the officers of Captain Ross^ and Trotter's Expeditions deplore the necessity of hurrying from this spot, most interesting to the sailor; being the point for which every circumnavigator first steers, and from whence, with chronometers carefully corrected at its well- determined position, he takes his departure. For years, too, this was the prime Meridian, distance in longitude at sea having been at one period reckoned from Tenerifte, as zero, by all the seafaring nations of Europe ; and by some it is so still. From the days of the earliest circumnavigators, to the present, the words •' we sighted the Peak of Teneriffe," indicate that page in the narrative, from which all that is interesting in the voyage commences. In the History of Geology, the Canary Islands hold a conspicuous position. Von Buch developed his theory of craters of elevation from what he there observed : his name too recalls, and most appropriately, that of his fellow-la- bourer on the same shores, Christian Smith, the amiable and gifted Swede, who first, after Humboldt, explored their NIGER EXPEDITION. 85 Botany. Christian Smith returned to Europe to embark in the ill-fated Congo Expedition : when he again saw the Peak of Teneriife, he welcomed it as a familiar object, and bade it adieu, rejoicing that a still more novel field of inquiry was opened to him, beyond this scene of his early exertions. A few short months terminated his life and hopes : like Vogel, he fell a victim to the dread fever of the pestilential coast of Africa : like him, too, he was a martyr in the cause of Bo- tanical Science. Fraught with so many and such touching associations, no naturalist-voyager can see the Fortunate Isles rising, one by one, on the horizon of the mighty Atlantic, without a feeling of melancholy, while he reflects on the fate of these his two predecessors — both accomplished Naturalists of their age and day — whose prospects and hopes were in every respect as bright, perhaps brighter, than his own. The excellent and beautiful work of Mr. Webb, on the Natural History of the Canaries, leaves little to be said, especially of their Botany, and renders even an enumeration of the few species gathered by Vogel and the Botanist of the Antarctic Expedition unnecessary ; for they were all collected within a very few miles of Santa Cruz, during a very hurried walk, and scarcely include a dozen kinds. This locality is one of the most barren of the whole group, especially in the immediate neighbourhood of the sea. The broad frontage of cliff and mountain, reaching upwards for several thousand feet above the town, and fore-shortened to the view from seaboard, presents a progressive increase of verdure from the water's edge to the mountains. At this season, when the vines are out of leaf, nothing green meets the eye. The trees, either standing singly or in very small clumps, dot the alternate ridges and steep gullies with which the slopes are everywhere cut like the edge of a saw, producing that spotty effect in the landscape so admirably rendered in the phytographical illustrations of Mr, Webb's work, and which is eminently characteristic both of the Canaries and Madeira. 86 BOTANY OF THE The Kleinia, Euphorbia and Plocama are three plants which the voyager recognizes long before reaching the shore ; and they are so singular, whether as regards habit, locality, or botanical characters, that the opportunity of seeing them in a wild state, even from the sea, must be deemed a privi- lege by the Botanist. CAPE DE VERB ISLANDS. The voyage, from the Canaries to the Cape de Verd Islands, generally presents a hiatus in the journals of those sea-faring Naturalists who have followed this route. Before arriving at the Canaries, landsmen have scarcely recovered from the novelty of ship-board and its eflfects ; nor has there been time, since leaving those islands, to become thoroughly inured to the monotony of a sailing life. At first sight, the Cape de Verd Islands are very disappointing. It is true that we had passed from an extra-tropical latitude to far within the tropics J but the change in position was not accompanied with a corresponding difference, still less with luxuriance, in the vegetation and scenery. Yet these apparently barren islands have associations of great interest ; and their exami- nation yields both pleasure and profit. They afforded us the first glimpses of the fever-smitten coast of Africa, and of slavery. Even here the black man, deprived of freedom, and an alien to the land in which, though guiltless, he is a prisoner for life, is apt to be regarded as a mere object of Natural History by his Caucasian fellow-creature; who, before he has time for reflection, may perhaps be excused for pausing to consider, whether a being so different in features and social position, be really of the same origin as himself; whether, in short, the poor African is a race of the same stock, or a species ajiart. There are many other circumstances, connected with these islands, which keep the mind busy while in their neighbourhood. They form the western extreme of the Old World, of what was the whole world to civilized man, till NIGER EXPEDITION. 87 within the last very few hundred years ; and hence, with the North Cape and Cape of Good Hope, they constitute the three saUent points in the geography of the eastern Atlantic. In many of their physical features, they form a continuation of the great Sahara desert, that mysterious blank on our maps, upon whose sea of sand so many of our venturous countrymen have embarked, to be heard of no more. The hitherto unex- plored mountains of the Cape de Verds rise 8000 feet and upwards above the sea, in serried ridges and isolated peaks ; promising a rich harvest to some Botanist, who may in those higher and cooler parts of the islands rely on immunity from disease and a temperate climate. There he may expect to find new types of plants; for the Mountain Flora of Western Tropical Africa is wholly unknown ; and of its probable nature even we can form no guess. To conclude, the Lin- naean axiom of "semper aliquid novi ex Africa" has never yet proved false. A Naturalist cannot see the shores of that continent without feeling that no other spur is required to exertion, in a field to which such a motto still applies with so much force. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA; OR A CATALOGUE OF ALL THE PLANTS AS YET DISCOVERED IN THE CAPE DE VERD ISLANDS. FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF J. D, HOOKER, ESQ. M.D. R.N., DR. T. VOGEL, AND OTHER TRAVELLERS. BY P. BARKER WEBB. vaiuai Triprjy fcXura 'ClKiayoio 'Eff^an^ irpos yv^ruQ. HESIOD. THEOG. 27 J. PREFACE* The collections from which the following catalogue was composed were formed in a hurried manner by diflFerent Botanists while on their way to more fertile regions, during the short stay made by the vessels in which they sailed, at one or the other of the Cape de Verd Islands. They were confided to me for publication by Dr. J. Dalton Hooker, on account of the supposed affinity of the Flora of these islands to that of the Canarian Archipelago. They do not probably contain more than a small portion of the coast vegetation, with a sprinkling of that of the neighbouring hills, to the height, in general, of less than 3000 feet. The mountains of the interior of the larger islands and the lofty Island of Fogo, supposed to attain nearly 8000 feet, still remain unvisited, and are, botanically speaking, unknown. It may be added, as some palliation for possible errors in this list of names, that a portion of the materials were in a state which almost defied the powers of the most intrepid nomenclator : those, for example, of the Sapotece, from which, through his intimate knowledge of the Order, M. Decaisne was enabled to elicit a new species, contained * The Introduction to the following Florula of the Cape de Verd Islands, drawn up by the author of the Florula itself, explains the nature of the collections and the motives that induced us to request his aid in this portion of the " Flora of the Niger Expedition." We here tender our sincere thanks for the generous manner in which he undertook the task, and for the extreme care he has devoted to the accurate determination of the plants. Tlie ability Mr. Webb has displayed, and the classical polish with which the whole is executed, speak for themselves. — W. J. H. 92 PREFACE. but a single flower. Such a result, derived from so much previous experience, cannot have existed in every case ; and some perhaps of our new species, founded upon imperfect materials, or even those assimilated to species already known, may not carry with them equal authenticity. But so much care has been taken in ascertaining their identity, essential for botanico-geographical data, that it is hoped that no grave errors have occurred. Collected, too, in diflferent seasons, deficiencies of one set were occasionally made up by the better state of those supplied by other tra- vellers. The most complete collections were those of Dr. J. D. Hooker and the much lamented Theodore Vogel. They may be said to form the groundwork of the Spicilegia : though both were formed in the dry season, that of Dr. Hooker in November 1839, and that of Vogel in June 1841. Another very interesting set, gathered by Forbes, in a much better season, March and April 1822, and most liberally communicated by the Horticultural Society, has afforded many species in the best order. To these must be added a small collection made by that accomplished naturalist, Mr. Darwin, (the property of the Cambridge University Museum) and generously confided for pub- lication to Dr. Hooker by Professor Henslow : it has added some interesting species to the catalogue. The rules of the British Museum forbid the loan of the treasures contained within its walls ; and it is through the collation by Dr. J.^D. Hooker of the specimens of the other herbaria with^that of Christian Smith, preserved in that establish- ment, that 1 have been enabled to cite his plants and to quote the catalogue, contained in his journal, published in Captain Tuckey's Voyage to the Congo. Those of Forster I have not been able to see. The late Dr. Brunner, of Berne, on his return from Senegal, visited several of the Cape de Verd Islands. The species he there gathered appeared in his Ergehniss, originally published in the " Flora od. Bot. Zeitung." I was obligingly furnished PREFACE. 93 by him with a nearly complete set of his plants, and by this means have been enabled to cite his synonomy with certainty. Lastly, the Professor Administrators of the Museum of Natural History of Paris, confided to me, with their well- known liberality, a collection, formed probably for the Por- tuguese government, and brought from Lisbon in 1808 by M. Geoffrey St. Hilaire. This was accompanied by no written document by which the native country of the plants could be ascertained ; but the identity of the very great majority of the species with those of the British collections from the Cape de Verd Islands, leaves no reasonable doubt of its origin. The specimens are generally satisfactory, and were evidently picked up at a moment when vegetation was starting into life and in its most florid state. It has added some highly interesting and characteristic species to our list. With this collection, there was brought at the same time from Lisbon, another, supposed to have come from Brazil. The following circumstance, which might lead us to imagine that some confusion may have taken place between these two sets of plants, has been pointed out to me by M. Adrien de Jussieu. The genus Asteranthos, taken from the latter set by Desfontaines, belonging as it does to the strange African Order of the Napoleonece beautifully illustrated by the descriptions and drawings of this dis- tinguished naturalist, never having since been met with in America may very possibly have wandered to the Brazilian set from that formed in the Cape de Verd Islands, and thus be in reality, what from analogy might be supposed a denizen, not of America, but of Africa. At any rate it is useful to call the attention of travellers to the existence of this geographical doubt, in order that it may be investi- gated and cleared up. The present catalogue, compiled from these several sources, owing to the causes referred to above, contains only 250 species of ferns and flowering plants. Of these 204 belong to the Dicotyledonous orders, only 31 to Monocotyledones, and 13 to Eqmsetacece and Ferns. It is probable, however, that 94 PREFACE. the proportion of Dicotyledons to Monocotyledons cannot be entirely depended upon, as it stands in this list ; but that the latter should be rated somewhat higher ; because Professor Parlatore, who kindly undertook to describe the grasses, left several in the English collections untouched, and did not inspect those contained in the Cape de Verd collec- tion of the Museum of Paris. Add to this, the fugacious nature of many Monocotyledonous genera renders their collection by a casual visitor doubtful; whereas of many Dicotyledons and Ferns some remains may be found at all seasons. Of our 250 species, upwards of 48, or nearly a fifth, are either found in the Canaries or belong to decidedly Canarian genera and forms : about 25, or a tenth, belong to the Arabico-Nubian region : the Mediterranean series is represented by about a twelfth. The remainder are either common to most tropical regions, or Senegambian, or belonging to the islands. It is singular that in a country contiguous to the Old World, and amongst so restricted a number of plants, nearly a third should turn out to be species previously undescribed ; although Mr. Bentham had already published two Lahiatce and three Scrophularmea from the collections of Forbes and Brunner. These prefatory remarks may be terminated with one word in justification of our title oi Spicilegia Goryonea. It must certainly be conceded, of all that lay that beyond the " Fortunate Isles" the geogra- phical knowledge of the ancients was exceedingly vague. Nevertheless the text of Pliny shows that they had a competent notion even of the Niger, its divergence into many streams or cKTroTray, as mentioned by Ptolemy, and its gradual rise, like that of the Nile, after the tropical rains, which is recorded by Pliny. After the Canaries, Ptolemy speaks of the promontory called Gannaria or Cape Blanco : near it is the island of Arguin, supposed to be the Cerne of Pliny. The next promontory mentioned is the Hesperian Ceras, which can hardly be any other than that of Cape Verd, where the continent is most protruded PREFACE. 95 towards the west ; and the isles opposite to it will be the Gorgadesj or Isles of the Gorgons. " Contra hoc promon- torium Gorgades insulse narrantur, Gorgonum quondam domus, bidui navigatione distantes a continente."* It is right however to mention, that D'Anville places the Gorgades at the Bissagos, probably too far to the south, opposite to no promontory, and close to the continent. P. B. W. * Plin. lib. VI. c. 36. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. I. Anonace^, Juss, 1. Anona squamosa, Linn, Sp. PI. p. 757. Dun. Monogr.p. 69. DC. Sijst. \.p. 472. Prodr. \. p. 85. Brunn. Ergehn.p. 15, — Ic. Rumph. Amh. 1. t. 46. Sloane, H'cst. Jam. t. 221. Rheed. Mai. 3. t. 29. Jacq. 0^5. ^. 6./. 1. FIab. Arbor 20-pedalis, quae in ins. S. Jacobi, sylvis ut pluriraum destituta, nemora ad summitatem collium vallis S. Dominici efficit. (/. Dalton Hooker, n, 131. November, 1839. sp. fructifera.) 2. Anona Senegalensis, Pers. Syn. 2. p. 95. Guill. et Perr. Fl. Sen. Tent. p. 5. Brunn. Ergebn. p. 14. — Ic. Deless. /. Hooker, in litt.) Ad sinum Tarrafal sive Tamaricum ins. S. Antonii {Forbes, n. 12. die 2 April, 1822, spec, flor. et fruct.) In eadem ins. ^S^. Antonii et in Monte Verede ins. S. Vincentii {Th. Vogel, n. 55 et 5. Junio, 1841, spec. flor. et fruct.) 24. Malva spicata, Linn. Sp. PL p. 967. Cav. Diss. 2. p. 80. Malva ovata, ejusd. ibid. p. 81. — Ic. Cav. L c. t. 20. f. 2 et4. In ins. S. Jacobi {Chr. Smith ! in herb. Mus. Brit. /. Dalton Hooker in litt.) In valle S. Dominici et in planitie oppidi ejusd. ins. {J. D. Hooker, n. 185 et 187. November, 1839, spec. flor. et fruct.) 25. Sida spinosa, Linn. Sp. PL p. 960. DC. Prodr. \.p. 460. — Ic. Pluk. Phytogr. t. 9./. 6. /3. Foliis ovato-subrotundis. — Sida alba, Linn. L c. DC. L c. GuilL et Perr. FL Sen. Tent. p. 74. Wight et Am. FL Pen. Ind. or. p. 58. Sida repens, Chr. Smith, in Tuck. voy. p. 250 ! (Herb. Mus. Brit. fid. /. D. Hooker, in litt.) Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi {Chr. Smith) ibid. (/. D. Hooker, n. 189. et /8. n. 194. November, 1839, spec. flor. et fruct.) 108 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 26. Sida stipulata, Cav. Diss. 1. p. 22. DC. Prodr. \. p. 460. — Ic. Cav. I. c. t.S.f. 10. Hab. In arvis Gossypio consitis ad sinum Tarrafal ins. S^. PL p. 963. DC. Prodr. 1. p. 465. Guill. et Perr. FL Sen. Tent. p. 73. Sida micans, Chr. Smith, in Tuck. Journ. 250! (/. D. Hook, in litt.) — Ic. Cav. Diss. l.t.2.f. 7. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 188. November 1839, sp. fl. et fruct.) et in herb. ins. Cap. Virid. {Mus. reg. Par.) 30. Abutilon jt?enj9Zoc

. DC. I. c. Brunner, Ergebn. p. 37 ! — Ic. Plum. ed. Burm. t. 76. f. 1. Jacq. Fragm. t. 58. et Ic. rar. 1. t. 170. Hab. In ins. Brava {Brunner in herb, nostro !) 83. Cassia obovata, Collad. Monogr. p. 92, DC. Prodr. 2. p. 492. Guill. et Perr. Fl. Sen. Tent. p. 260. Vog. Syn. p. 36.— Ic. Burm. Fl. Ind. t. 33./. 2. C. Senna, Nect. Voy. Eg. t. 1. Hayne, Arzneigew. t. 42. Hab. In alveis siccis rivorum ins. Salis {Forbes, n. 4. 26 Maii, 1822, spec, florida.) Ad oram maritimam et in montibus ins. S. Vincentii usque ad altitudinem 500 ped. {Vcgel, n. 6. Junio, 1841, sp. florida, fructu immature.) 84. Cassia jnicrantha, Guill. et Perr. Fl. Sen. Tent. 1. p. 262. Walp. Repert. 1. p. 834. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) 85. Cassia microphylla, Willd. Sp. PI. 2. p. 529. DC. Prodr. 2. p. 505. Cassia geminata, Vahl, herb. Schum. Beskr. Guin. Plant. 2. p. 228. Guill. et Perr. Fl. Sen. Tent. 1. p. 263. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. fMus. reg. Par. J 86. Dicrostachys nutans, Benth. in Hook. Journ of Bot. 4. p. 352. Caillea Dichrostachys, Guill. et Per. Fl. Sen. Tent. 1. p. 240. Desmanthus trichostachys et nutans, DC. Prodr. 2. p. 445 — 6. Brunn. ! Ergebn. p. 54. — Ic. DC. Legum. t. 67. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi montosis (Brunner in herb, nostro). 87. Acacia dlbida, Guill. et Perr. FL Sen. Tent. 1. 245. Brunn. Ergebn. p. 4. A. albida ^, Senegalensis, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ of Bot. \. p. 505. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi (Brunner, 1. c.) 88. Acacia Arabica, Guill. et Perr. FL Sen. Tent. 1. p. 250. A. Arabica, a toraentosa, Benth. I. c. p. 500. 128 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, arbor 30-pedalis (/. D. Hooker^ n. 145, November, 1839, sp. sine flore et fructu.) 89. Acacia Farnesiana, Willd. Sp. PL 4. j). 1083. Benth. 1. c. p. 494. Mimosa Farnesiana, Linn. Sp. pi. p. 1506. Va- chellia Farnesiana, Wight et Am. Prodr. Ft. Pen. Ind. or. 1. p. 272. Farnesia odora. Gasp. Descr. di uno nuov. gen. p. 5.— Ic. Aid. Hort. Farn. p. 2 et 7. Pluk. Phyt. t. 73. f. 3. Descourt. Ft. des Antil. t. 1. Gasp. /. c. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi (J. D. Hooker, November, 1839) circa Portum Praya et in valle S. Dominici fBrunner, Ergebn. p. 5.) XXI. Tamariscine^, a. de St. Hil. 90. Tamarix Gallica, Linn. Sp. PI. Webb, Obs. in Hook. Lond. Journ. of Bot. 3. (1840) jo. 429, et in Ann. Sc. Nat. 2eme ser. 16. (1841) p. 264. T. Canariensis, mild. Act. Ber. (1812—13) ed. 1816. p. 77. ex DC. Prodr. 3. p. 96. Webb, Phyt. Can. I. p. 171. T. Senegalensis, DC. I. c. Guill. et Perr.! Fl. Sen. Tent. 1. p. 309.— Ic. Phyt. Can. t. 25. Webb in Hook. Lond. Journ. I. c. t. 15. Hab. In ins. S. Vincentii ubi ssepe arbor fit mediocris fTh. Vogel, n. 7. Junio, 1841, sp. fl. et fr.) In ins. S. Jacobi (C. Darwin, Thomson, in herb. ins. Cap. Vir. Mus. Brit. J. D. Hooker, in litt.) In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) XXII. Onagrarie^e, Juss. 91. Epilobium parviflorum, Schreb. Spic. p. 146. Mert. et Koch, Deutschl. Fl. 3. p. 14. Phyt. Can. 2. p. 7.— Ic. Fl. Dan. t. 347. Engl. Bot. t. 795. Hab. Ad rivulos in ins. S. Antonii {Th. Vogel, n. 24. Junio, 1841, sp. floriferum.) In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) (sp. procera valde hirsuta.) XXIII. CuCURBITACEiE, JuSS. 93. CitruUus Colocynthis, Schrad. in Eckl. et Zeyh. enum. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 129 p. 279. Linneea, 12. p. 414. PhyL Can. 2. p. 3. Cucumis Colocynthis, L. Sp. PL p. 1435. DC. Prodr. 3. p. 302. Chr. Smith in Tuck. Voy. p. 251. Wight et Am. Prodr. Ft. Pen. Ind. or. 1. p. 342. Brunn. Ergebn. p. 50. — Ic. Nees, PI. off. 12. ^.11. Turp. Fl. mid. t. 128. Wight, Ic. 2. ^. 498. Hab. In arvis Gossypio satis ins. ;S^. Jacobi, (Forbes, n. 12. die 5 April, 1822.) Ibid. (/. D. Hooker, n. 133 et Darwin) in ins. S. Antonii, (Th. Vogel, n. 23.) 93. Momordica Charantia, L. Sp. PI. p. 1433. DC. Prodr. Z.p. 311. Wight et Am. Prodr. Fl. Pen. Ind. or. p. 348. Brunn. Ergebn. p. 90. Momordica Senegalensis, Lamck. Encycl. 4. p. 239. Chr. Smith in Tuck. Journ. p. 249. Momordica muricata, IVilld. Sp. PL 4<. p. 602. — Ic. Rumph. Amb. 5. ^. 151. Rheed. MaL 8. t. 10. Hill. Sex. syst. class 21. ord. 10.— Ic. Wight, Ic. 2. t. 504. Hab. In sylvis Phcenicis dactylifera, ins. S. Jacobi {Forbes, n. 9. die 5 April, 1822, sp. fl. et fruct.) Ibid. {Chr. Smith, in herb. ins. Cap. Vir. Mits. reg. Par.) in valle S. Domi- nici ins. S. Jacobi {J. D. Hooker, n. 162. November, 1839, sp. fl. et fructifera.) XXIV. PORTULACACEJS, JuSS. 94. Portulaca oleracea, Linn. Sp. PL p. 638. Phyt. Can. 1. p. 169.— Ic Lob. Ic.p. 388. Turp. Fl. med. 5. t. 283. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi {J. D. Hooker, n. 109. November, 1839, sp. jam diu fructifera.) Ibid. {Chr. Smith, in herb, ins. Cap. Vir. Mus. Brit, et in herb. Mus. reg. Par.) 95. Aizoon Canariense, Linn. Sp. PL p. 700. DC. Prodr. 3. p. 453. Phyt. Can. 1. p. 207.— Ic. Pluk. Phyt. t. 503. /. 4. Niss. Acta Act. Par. 1711. i. 13. /. 1. DC. PL grasses t. 136. Hab. In campestribus ins. Salis {Forbes, n. 5. die 26 Martii, 1822, sp. juniora). In ins. S. Jacobi {C. Darwin sp. fruc- tifera). 96. Umbihcus horizontalis, DC. Prodr. 3. p. 400. Cotyledon horizontalis, Guss ! Ind. sem. in Bocc. 1826. Prodr. FL K. 130 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. sice. 1. p. 517. Presl, Fl. sice. 1. p. 517.— Ic. Ten. Fl. Neap. t. 234/ 1. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. fMus. reg. Par.) XXV. Melastomace/e. OsBECKiA, L. Char. gen. reformatus.* — Ca/ya; campanulatus, 4 seepius 5-fidus ; divisuris simplicibus (id est interiore membrana non duplicatis ut in plurimis Melastomacearum generibus) ovatis vel triangularibus, acutis ; tubo birsuto vel piloso. Corolla petala 4-5, obovata, mucrone piliformi vel setis aliquot fasciculatis baud raro terminata inter- dumque ciliolata. Stamina 8-10, alternative majora et minora ; filamentis glabris ; antberis lineari-subulatis, apice uniporosis; connectivo infra loculos longe producto et in insertione filamenti varie conflato, srepius biauriculato. Ovarium 4-5-loculare, ovatum, ad medium usque tubo calycino vittis 8-10 antheras in pracfloratione intus reflexas separantibus adbeerens, apice setis styli basin cingentibus coronatum. Stylus filiformis vel utrinque subulatus. Stigma subcapitellatum aut punctiforme. Ovula nume- rosa, placentis 4-5 subtriquetris centralibus affixa. Cap- sula calyce persistente vestita, loculicide 4-5-valvis. Se- mina minuta cocbleata. — Osbeckise omnes frutices siijfru- ticesve 1-3-pedules, ealicliorum partium America; australis, Africsc, Indiae nee non insularum quarumdam Oceani Atlan- tici Indicique incola, nee, quod tnirum est, e Nepaliee mon- tibus temperatis omnino exules. 97. Osbeckia Princeps, Dec. ; fruticosa, ramis dense hirto- tomentosis rufescentibus, foliis 1-3-pollicaribus petiolo 4-8 lineas longo instructis. DC. Prod. 3. 7;. 110. Rhexia Princeps, Bonpl. Rhex. tab. 45. The genus Osbeckia is probably the only one in the family of Melastomaceee which is found both m the New and the Old World ; unless botanists prefer, which is fre- * We are indebted to M. Ch. Naudin, wlio has paid much attention to the difficult family of the Melastomacece, for the description of this species of Osbeckia. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 131 quently the case, to divide it into as many genera as there are parts of the globe or even islands wherein it occurs ; though I doubt whether there are sufficient characters for doing so. But if the genus itself is cosmopolite, such is not the case with its species, which seem generally to be included in restrained limits ; yet, the group being widely disse- minated it is not surprising that in the present instance, contrary to the usual rule, our plant differs from the few species hitherto found on the neighbouring continent of Africa. However this may be, it certainly does not differ from the O. Princeps of Bonpland and DecandoUe found in Brazil. This we have ascertained by attentively examining the specimen from the same country in the herbarium of the Museum of Paris. We have grounds to suppose its true native country to be Africa, whence it may have been brought into the New World by the negroes. XXVI. Umbellifer^, Juss. Trib. nov. TdrapleurecB, Pari. Fructus a dor so lenticulari-compressus. Mericarpiorum ^'w^a 4 prominentia, (Equalia. — Tribus ad Umbelliferas orthos- permas pertinens, fructus forma ad Angeliceas et Peuce- dineas accedit, sed ab utrisque omnino differt jugis 4 pro- minentibus, quorum 2 ex secundariis formata, nee margi- nalia in alam expansa. — Pari. Tetbapleura, Pari. ; Calyx . . . Petala . . . Mericarpia jugis primariis 5, lateralibus marginantibus prominentibus, duo- bus aliis dorsalique obsoletis fere nullis, secundariis 4, duobus dorsali proxirais elevatis marginantium magnitu- dine, duobus aliis subnuUis, unde mericarpia quadrijugata. VittfB solitarise sub jugis quatuor prominentibus, commis- sura 2 vittata, vittae omnes filiformes. Carpophorum bi- partitum. /Semen complanatum. -^/^wmew carnosum, car- nosum, planiusculum. — Pari. 98. Tetrapleura insularis, Pari. Hab. In insula S. Vincentii [Tli. Vogel.) 132 SPICILEGTA GORGONEA. Hujus species ramum pessimurn tantum possideo, sic ejus descriptionem mihi ullo modo non licet adumbrare. Pari. 99. Tetrapleura . , . . sp. ? Hab. In raontosis ins. S. Jacobi [J. D. Hooker.) XXVII. RUBIACE^, Juss. 100. Hedyotis (Oldenlandia) Burmanniana, R. Br. in Wall. Cat. n. 868. Wight et Arn. Prodr. Fl. Pen. Ind. Or. I. p. 415.— Ic. Rheed. Mril. 10. t. 35. Burm. Thes. Zeyl. t.U. Hab. In umbrosis ins. S^ Jacobi, (J. Dalton Hooker, spec. duo florida et fructifera cum sequente sub eodem numera commixta.) It is not without much hesitation that I introduce the present species here ; but I cannot find any perceptible difference between the two specimens named above, and others from India, under the same name, sent either by Roxburgh or Wallich to Lambert. Our plant may perhaps prove not distinct from the H. long'ifolia, Schum., a little known species. From the following it differs, not only in having its peduncles two-flowered, but likewise by its much larger fruit and the wider lanceolate teeth of its calyx, which are more subulate at their apex. 101. Hedyotis (Oldenlandia) corymbosa, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 274. DC. Prodr. 4 p. 426.--Ic. Plum. ed. Burm. t. 212. /. 1. ex DC. I. c. Hab. In locis umbrosis circa Portum Praya, ins. S. Jacobi, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 172. Nov. 1839, sp. fructifera.) Christian Smith cites in his catalogue (Tuck. voy. p. 252) the Hed. Capensis : no specimen, however, of this plant is found in his herbarium at the British Museum, (/. Dalton Hooker in litt.) 102. Hedyotis (Oldenlandia) i7r^«^a,Willd. Sp.Pl.l.p. 567. DC. Prodr. 4. p. 425. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) 103. Hedyotis (Kohautia) stricta, Smith in Rees Cycl. 17. n. 21. DC. Prodr. 4. jo. 430. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. (Mus. reg. Par.) SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 133 104. Borreria Kohautiana, Cham, et Schlect. in Limusa, 1828. p. 311. DC. Prodr. 4. p, 541. Sperraacoce verticillata, Linn. Sp. PL p. 148. quoad plantam Africanam Chr. Smith I. c. p. 249. (ex cl. /. D. Hooker in litt.)— Ic. Dill. Hort. Elth. t. 277. f. 358. Hab. In arvis Gossypii, {Forbes, n. 1. die 1 April, 1822, spec, fructifera.) In campis apertis ins. eadem, fruticulus parvus, floribus albis capitatis. (/. Dalton Hooker, n. 174. Nov. 1839, sp. florida et fruct.) Spermacoce " diversi generis videtur," Chr. Smith, 1. c. p. 249, (in herbario suo deest J. D. Hooker, in litt.) 105. Mitracarpum* /S'ewe^a/ew^e, DC. Prot^r. 4. JO. 572. Stau- rospermura verticillatura, Thonn. ex Schum. Act. Hafn. 2. ;?. 93. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) 106. Galium Aparine, Linn. y. scaberrimum, Webb, Phyt. Can. 2. p. 183. G. hispidum, TVilld. Enum. 1. p. 154. G. scaberrimum, Hornem. Hort. Hafn. \.p. 135. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) 107. Galium rotundifolium, Linn. var. villosum, Webb, Phyt. Can. 2. p. 185. G. rotundifolium, a. Linn. Sp. PI. 1. p. 156. G. hirsutum, Nees, et Bach. Hor. phys. Ber. p. 113. G. Neesianum, Req. in DC. Prodr. 4. p. 600. — Ic. Bocc. Sice. t. 9. f. 1. Moris. Hist. 2. s. 9. t. 21. /. 3. Barr. Ic. 304. Nees, /. c. t. 22. Hab. Prope apicem Montis Gurdo, ins. S. Nicolai, {Forbes, d. 30 Martii, 1822, spec, florida cum fructu juniore.) XXVIII. Globularie^, DC. 108. Globularia amygdalifolia, Webb ; caule fruticoso, follis lanceolatis ovato-lanceolatisque in petiolum brevem atte- nuatis 1-nerviis divaricato-nervulosis, capitulis ad apicem ramulorum axillari1)us approximatis subumbellatis, pe- dunculis folio vix brevioribus pilosis, bracteis paucis oblongis distantibus, involucri squamis oblongis acutis ciliatis, calycis tubulosi dentibus basi lanceolatis apice * Mitracarpum, sed non bene, scripsit generis cl. auctor. 134 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. subulatis ciliatis bracteola sublongioribus, corolla3 calycem paullo excedentis labio superiore subnullo inferiore trifido laciniis linearibus, genitalibus corollce longitudine vel breviter exsertis. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) This plant approaches very nearly the G. salicifolia, Lamck. but differs in the shape of its leaves, in the length of its peduncles, in the form of the teeth of the calyx, and its much shorter stamens and style. In none of the speci- mens from Madeira, or from the Canary Islands, is there any approximation towards the Cape de Verd plant : this identity of form is so remarkable that I am induced to consider it specifically different. XXIX. Composite, Jiiss. 109. Vernonia cinerea, Less. inLinncea, 1829, p. 291. et 1831, ji. 673. DC. Prodr. 5. ^j. 24. Conyza cinerea, Linn. Sp. PL p. 1208. Chrysocoma violacea, Schum. PL Guin. 158, ex DC— Ic. Pluk. Phyt. t. 243./. 3. Rumph. Amb. 6. t. 14. /. 1. Burm. Thes. ZeyL t. 9Q>.f. 1. Hab. In campis Gossypio consitis ad sinum Tarrafal, ins. S. Antonii, {Forbes, n. 10. die 2 April. 1822.) In vallibus umbrosis ins. S. Jacobi, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 200. Nov. 3 839.) In cultis ins. S. Antonii, {Th. Voyel, n. 35. Jun. 1841.) Spec, omnia florida et fructifera. 110. Erigeron mn'mw, Webb ; suffrutex, ramis divaricatis vel rectis pubescentibus, foliis ovatis lanceolatis oblongisve dentato-serratis serraturis apiculatis utrinque pubescenti- bus in petiolum brevem basi attenuatis, panicula laxa vel conferta, pedicellis filiformibus hispidis, capitulis parvis, involucri squamis linearibus pubescentibus, pappo rufo denticulate, ligulis brevissimis discum baud superantibus 2-3-dentatis, florum hermaphroditorum styli ramis lineari- lanceolatis acutis. Hab. Passim in ins. S. Nicolai, forma major, foliis ovatis, {Forbes, n. 36. die 27 Martii, 1822.) In ins. S. Antonii, forma eadem sed panicula valde conferta {Forbes, sine n.) In ins. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 135 S. Vincentii, a medio ad apicem Montis Verede, {TJi. Vogel, n. 48 et n. 49, forma parva, foliis oblongis.) In ins. S. Antonii, {Th. Vogel, n. 9. foliis fere linearibus apice tantum dentatis, capitulis minimis.) 111. Conyza. pannosa, Wehh; caule lignescente erecto piloso, ramis junioribus setosis, foliis ovatis obtusis grosse crenato- dentatis inferioribus petiolatis superioribus basi attenuatis sessilibus dentibus usque ad caulem protractis, panicula corymboso-cymosa, pedunculis pedicellisque hirsuto-pube- scentibus, involucri squamis linearibus vel lineari-lanceo- latis apice apiculatis margine scariosis glabrescentibus pappo rufulo subscabro brevioribus, floribus radii foemineis filiformibus, corolla apice minutissima denticulata denticulis insequalibus, stigmate corollam duplo excedente, antberis acutis ecaudatis, styli ramis lanceolatis dorso papillosis, achaenio sub-complanato ad peripherium papilloso parce piloso albido. Hab. In ins. S. Vincentii ad partem tertium superiorum Montis Verede, ubi copiosissima, {Vogel, n. 52. Jun. 1841. spec, fructifera et florifera.) 112. Conyza odontoptera, Webb ; caule elato tenuiter pube- scente cum ramis per totara longitudinem alls runcinato- dentatis, foliis oblongis dentatis acutis glanduloso-puberulis, panicula racemosa patula, capitulis amplis, involucro pauci- seriali squamis linearibus acutis punctulato-glandulosis, receptaculo piano punctulato nudo, pappo albido sub- scabro, floribus radii plurimis filiformibus denticulato- truncatis, disci S-dentatis, stylo papilloso, achenio4-angulo subcompresso. Hab. In herb. Mus. reg. Par. sp., floridum et fruct. Though this species has all the appearance of the section Pterocaul(B of the genus Blumea, and comes near thei?. odo7i- toptera (male Pterodonta) of De Candolle, its anthers, entirely without Cauda or appendices, necessitate its being placed in the genus Conyza. These artificial sections, however, of very similar plants, require revision. 113. Phagnalon melanoleiicum, Webb; fruticulus, ramis te- 136 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. nuibus incurvis tomento pannoso albo vestitis, foliis alternis lanceolatis majoribus ssepe poUicaribus 4 fere lin. latis margine revoluta undulata in petiolum brevem atte- nuatis, junioribus ssepe in axillis fasciculatis supra tomento albo araneoso deciduo tectis mox atrovirescentibus subtus albo-tomentosis, pedunculis ad apicem ramorum vel in axillis supremis vel oppositifoliis solitariis vel geminatis 2-3-chotomis filiformibus tomentosis apice nudis, involucri campanulati glaberrimi nigrescentis squamis 5-serialibus exterioribus ovatis mediis oblongis interioribus linearibus margine scariosis denticulatis apiculatis, capitulis pauci- floris heterogamis, floribus omnibus tubulosis, foemi- neis pluriserialibus filiformibus 5-dentatis, stylo exserto ramis elongatis obtusis, hermaphroditis sub 8 campanu- latis glabriusculis, antheris basi attenuatis ecaudatis, styli ramis exsertis superne claviformibus apice subtruncatis stigmatoso-papillosis, receptaculo angusto, acheniis oblongis subcompressis erostris, pappo albo pilosiusculo florura foemineorum 3-4-setoso hermaphroditum 5-setoso. — Ic. (Tab. IX.) Hook. Ic. Plant, t. 759. Hab. In Monte Ve^'ede, ins. S. Vincentii, ultra alt. 1000 ped. usque ad apicem, {T/i. Vogel, n. 37. Junio 1841, spec, florida et fructifera.) Tab. IX. Fig. \. hermaphrodite ;/. 2. female flower, both magnified. 114. Phagnalon luridum, Webb; fruticulus lignosus durus multirameus foliosus, ramis fuscis nigrisque striatis supe- rloribus gracilibus tomento parco fusco indutis, foliis alternis lineari-lanceolatis basi attenuatis saepe 2-pollicaribus 2-3 lin. latis inferioribus petiolatis petiolo tenui margine re- volutis eroso-dentatis, junioribus pube fusco-cinerea parca obsitis demum glabratis lucidis nigris, pedunculis termi- nalibus 2-3-chotomis filiformibus nigris junioribus fusco- puberulis apice parce squamigeris, involucro turbinato- campanulati glaberrimi nigrescentis squamis scariosis inferioribus ovato-oblongis mediis lineari-oblongis inte- rioribus linearibus angustissimis acutis apice subfimbriato- SPICILEGI.\ GORGONEA. 137 ciliatis, capitulis paucifloris heterogamis, floribus foemineis pluriserialibus filiformibus apice setoso-denticulatis styli ramis elongatis setaceis obtusis, hermaphroditis paucis cylindraceo-campanulatis laciniis glabris acutis stylo sub- exserto ramis cylindraceis apice subclavatis truncatis stig- matoso-papillosis, receptaculo piano foveolato, acheniis ova- to-oblongis compressiusculis erostris pilosis, pappo albo superne scaberulo fl. foem. 2-3-setoso herm. 5-setoso. Hab. In Monte Verede, ins. S. Vincentii, ultra alt. 1000 ped. {Vogel, n. 51. Junio 1811, spec, fructifera et quodam florida.) 115. Pluchea ovalis, DC. Prodr. 5. p. 450. Pers. Syn. 2. p. 424. Hab. In ins. S. Vincentii, ubi austrum et favonium spectat ad alt. 500 circiter pedum, frutex ramosus 2-3-pedalis, {Vogel, n. 45. Junio 1841, spec, florida et fructifera.) 116. Inula (Limbarda) leptoclada, Webb; caule erecto, ramis gracilibus, pilis crispulis superne hirtulis fuscis, foliis distantibus oblongis lingulatis acutis basi auritis semi- amplexicaulibus margine dentatis pubescentibus dentibus quandoque subobsoletis, capitulis ad apicem ramulorum confertis subcymosis, pedunculis filiformibus, foliis minimis stipatis, involucri squamis anguste linearibus acuminatis glanduloso-puberulis, receptaculo subplano, floribus om- nibus hermaphroditis, radii 3-dentatis aliquando subligu- latis, disci 5 -dentatis, dentibus brevibus ovatis subacutis, genitalibus inclusis, styli ramis brevibus, antheris 2-setis, acheniis (immaturis) cylindraceis leviter apice constrictis hirsutis, pappo denticulate albo basi libero. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap, Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) Valde affinis est sp. nostra plantas ^thiopicae a cl. Kotschyo olim lectoe (1839 — 38, n. 26), sed folia habet raagis denti- culata, ramos decumbentes, capitula in paniculo laxiore disposita, involucri squamis loevioribus, acheniis compres- siusculis et sub apice vix ac ne vix constrictis. PuUcariam quoque Arabicam refert sed pappus duplex et aliee a Pull- caria notae differentiales. 138 SPICILEGIA CxORGONEA. 117. Pegolettia Senegalensis, Cass. Did. 38. p. 230. DC. Prodr. 6. p. 481. Brunn. Ergehn. p. 97. Hab. In ins. Salis^ {Brunner, 1. c.) 118. Francoeuria crispa, Cass. Diet, des Sc. Nat. p..4'i, 38 et 374. DC. Prodr. 5. p. 475. Schultz, Bip. in Phyt. Can. 2. p. 222. Aster crispus, Forsk. Fl. JEg. Arab. p. 150. Inula crispa, Pers. v. 2. j9. 450 (excl. syn. Vent.) Fran- coeuria diffusa, Shuttleiv. in Brunner Ergebn. p. 72, — Ic. Inula crispa, Del. ! Fl. d'Eg. t. 45. f. 2. Hab. In ins. Salts planitiebus siccis {Forbes, n. 3, die 26 Maii, 1822). Provenit magna copia in lapidosis ins. Sal. {Brunner, ms. in herb, nostro.) Our plant, described by Shuttleworth as a distinct species, is identical with the Senegambian specimens in the herb, of Desfontaines, and of M. Gay, described by Cassini in the Diet, des Sc. Nat. vol. 38, as F. crispa. It is undoubtedly of stronger growth than the Egyptian plant: the capitules are much larger; and, instead of being merely ciliated, the scales of the involucrum are covered with down. This is likewise the case with the Canarian specimens ; but their capitules are not larger than those of the Egyptian plant ; and as after a minute inspection of the inflorescence and fruit no other tangible difference is discernible, this plant can scarcely be considered specifically distinct. 119. Odontospermum, Neck. C. H. Schultz, Bip. in Phyt. Can. 2. p. 231. We formerly remarked to our friend and collaborator, Dr. C. H. Schultz, of Deux Fonts, that Lessing, and after him De Candolle, by adopting the errors of Moench, who misunderstood the genus Asteriscus of Tournefort, and by giving that name to the well assorted group called Nauplius by Cassini, had been the unintentional cause of considerable confusion. The Asteriscus of Tournefort belongs in reality to the genus Pallenis, Cass. ; since from Buphthalmum spino- sum, Li., its sole occupant, both the character and the figure of that genus were taken by him ; to which he appended two other species, Buph. maritimum and aquaticum, which do not SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 139 accord either with the character or figure of his genus. One of these was unadvisedly considered by Moench to constitute the Tournefortian genus, and to it he attaches the name and cites the figure of that author. Dr. Schultz adopted our views and has shewn besides that the Odontospermum of Necker, composed of the two species wrongly appended by Tournefort to his genus Asteriscus, is identical with Nauplius, and not with Borrichia as De Candolle imagined. It might have been preferable to retain the names of Cassini for genera he has so well defined ; but the question having been once mooted and more ancient names erro- neously applied, the law of priority must now be fully carried out. Pallenis, Cass, must reassume its name of Asteriscus, Tourn., and Nauplius that of Odontospermum and the two genera will stand thus : Asteriscus, Tourn. non Moench, nee Less., nee DC. Pallenis, Cass. Odontospermum, Neck. Asteriscus, Moench, Less. DC, non Tourn. Nauplius, Cass. We here give three new species of the latter genus. The first, 0. Smithii, resembles so closely in appearance the O. sericeum, C. H. Sch. Bip. as to be easily taken for it ; but the pappus and the teeth of the corolla are perfectly distinct. The second, O. Daltoni, has very much the aspect of 0. inter- medium, ejusd. ; the third, O. Vogelii, that of some forms of O. stenophyllum, ejusd. ; but they are in reality quite different plants. 120. Odontospermum Smithii, Webb ; fruticulus robustus, ramis crassis fuscis, foliorum cicatriculis rugulosis juniori- bus sericeo-albidis, foliis latis ad apicem ramorum con- gestis spathulato-lanceolatis in petiolum dilatatura atte- nuatis sericeis albis, involucri foliolis spathulatis, interiori- bus oblongis basi concretis, capitulis amplis, floribus exte- rioribus ligulatis, ligulis elongatis apice 3-dentatis, denti- bus ovatis acutis, floribus disci tubo cylindraceo medio constricto basi coriaceo albido laciniis lanceolatis acutius- culis subtus papillosis membrana marginali destitutis. 140 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. antlieris basi caudatis caudis laceris, styli raniis elongato- lanceolatis, fl. radii acheniis triquetris angulis pubescen- tibus, pappo illic sublongiore, disci 4-angulatis, pappo eequali paleis achenia amplectentibus concavis (^orso cari- natis carina denticulata superne hirsutis apice in setam fuscam productis. Had. In rupibus ins. S. Nicholai (Forbes). 121. Odontospermum Daltoni, Webb ; fruticulus erectus, ramis virgatis dichotomis inferioribus rufis superioribus pubescenti-hirtis subalbidis, foliis sparsis distantibus li- neari-spathulatis in petiolum longiusculum sensim atte- nuatis, involucri oblongi squarais exterioribus basi atque interioribus totis inter se concretis, capitulis mediocribus, floribus exterioribus ligulatis, ligulis linearibus apice breviter ovato S-dentatis, disci tubulosis, tubo cylindraceo superne constricto laciniis lanceolatis acutis margine mem- brana denticulato-fimbriata auctis, antheris basi caudatis, caudis breviusculis basi sublaceris, styli ramis spathulatis obtusiusculis, acheniis setosis, ligularum triquetris, pappo setaceo vix denticulate subsequali ad angulos vix longiore, paleis achenia amplectentibus concavis dorso acutis integris, apice glabellis denticulatis obtusiusculis cum acumine. Hab. In rupestribus sinus Tarrafal ins. S. Anionli [Forbes, die 2 April. 1822, sp. juniora florida). In collibus alt. 1000 ad 2000 ped. que vallem S. Dominici obvallant in ins. S. Jacobi (J. D. Hooker, n. 201, November, 1839, sp. fl. et fructifera.) 122. Odontospermum Voyel'd, Webb ; fruticulus difFusus, ramis dichotomis albis, foliis sparsis lineari-spathulatis in petiolum attenuatis utrinque sericeis, capitulis parvis ovatis, involucri squamis lanceolatis imbricato-appressis inter se concretis. Var. ^, Darwini, foliis elongato-linearibus confertis, capitulis majoribus rotundatis, corollae dentibus hirsutioribus ligulis longiusculis valde papillosis breviter et acute dentatis. Flares disci tubulosi, tubo cylindraceo medio vix constricto basi crasso colorato, laciniis lanceolatis obtusiusculis mem- SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 141 brana margine subintegerrima auctis. Anthe?'^ breviter caudatse, caudis basi laceris. Styli rami ovato-claviformes obtusi. Achenia exteriora 3-quetra pappo ad angulos multo longiore, disci 4-gona, striata, subglabra, ad angulos setosa. Pappus setaceo-paleaceus, basi dilatatus, distans, brevis, seta unica ad angulum internum longe producta. PalecB achenia amplectentes concavae, apice acutee setoso- hirtse dorso carinatse, carina fimbriata. Hab. In ins. S. Vincentii {Forbes, n. 2. die 1 Aprilis, 1822, sp. unicum floridum.) Inter rupes Montis Verede, ins. >S. Vincentii ab alt. 800 circiter ped. usque ad cacumen. ' Fruticulus pulcher, ramis decumbentibus, ramulis arrectis.' {Th. Vogel, n. 46 et 80. Junio, 1841, sp. fl. et fruct.) /S. Da?'wini, in ins. S. Jacobi {Darwin, sp. florida.) 123. Blainvillea Gayana, Cass! Diet. 47. p. 90. DC. Prodr. 5.J9. 492. Hab. In rupestribus ins. S. Jacobi vulgaris {J. D. Hooker, n. 182. November, 1839, sp. flor. et fruct.) Cassini, in his description of this plant (1. c. p. 91), says that the pappus is formed of three squamules, between which there exist some rudiments of smaller imperfect squamellules. The fact is that the pappus is biserial, the exterior composed of two or three aristae continuous with the nerves of the angles of the achenium, the interior shorterj of many aristae fringing the margin of the disk {puivillus, Cass.), which surrounds the base of the corolla and nectarium. This latter organ is slightly elongated in the form of a beak, more so indeed in this species, than in any other of the genus. 124. Zinnia pauciflora, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1269. Rudbeckia foliis oppositis hirsutis ovato-acutis, Zinn. hort. G(stt. p. 409. Zinnia lutea, Gcertn. 2. p. 459. — Ic. Zinn. L c. t. 1. Gaertn. /. c. t, 172. Var. /S. multiflora. Zinnia multiflora, Uvnn. Sp. PL p. 1269.— Ic. Linn. fil. Dec. t. 12. Hab. Var. a. in ins. S. Jacobi {Darwin). Var. /S. ad apicem coUis alt. 2000 ped> in valle S. Dominici ins. S. Jacobi (/, D. Hooker, n. 206. November, 1839. sp. flor. et fruct.) 142 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. Ambse ut credibile est formae cum Tagete patula, Linn, ex hortis urbanis olim erant transfugee et nunc e civibus Americanis Africse metoecee factee sunt. 125. Sclerocarpus Africanus, Jacq. Act. helv. 9. (1786) p. 31. DC. Prodr. 5. p. 566.— Ic. Jacq. l. c. t. 2. f. 1. et Ic. rar. 1. t. 176. Hab. In petrosis ins. S. Jacohi {J. D. Hooker, n. 183. Nov. 1839. sp. fruct.) In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) sp. florifera. 126. Bidens bipinnata, Linn. Sp. PL p. 1166. DC. Prodr. 5. p, 603.— Ic. Moris. Hist. s. 6. /. 7. /. 23. Herm. Parad. t, 123. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) 127. Viidens pilosa, Linn. C. H. Schultz. Bip. in Phyt. Can. 2. p. 212. Var. a. radiata, C. H. Sch. Bip. I. c. Coreopsis leucantha, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1282. Bidens leucantha, Willd. Sp. PL 3. p. 1719. DC. Prodr. 5. p. 598. Bru7m. Ergebn. p. 26. Var. yS. discoidea, C. H. Sch. Bip. L c. Bidens pilosa, Linn. Sp. PL p. 1166. Willd. Sp. PL V. S. p. 1719. DC. Prodr. 5. p. 1597. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi vulgatissima, ubi achenia uncis armata ambulantibus mense Novembre valde niolesta (J. D. Hooker, n. 201. Nov. 1839, sp. florida et fruct. discoidea, unicum radiatum). In ins. S. Vincentii et S. Antonii (Th. Vogel,) spec, discoidea et radiata in speciminibus autem Viriden- tibus radius et quasi exstincturus nee pulchre et conspicue explicatus ut in Canariensibus et Maderensibus. 128. Tagetes patula, Linn. Sp. PL p. 1249. DC. Prodr. 5. p, 613.— Ic. Dod. Pemph. p. 255. Dill. Hort. Elth. t. 279. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi [Darivin). In planitie Porto Prayensi {J. D. Hooker, n. 205. Junio, 1839, specimina florifera). 129. Artemisia (Absinthium) Gorgonum, Webb ; caule fru- tescente, ramis robustis fulvo-tomentosis, foliis flavide tomentosis, supra sulcatis subtus 1-nerviis 2-3-pinnati- partitis, pinnis latis oblongis versus apicem 3-5-dentato- lobatis, paniculis thyrsoideis, capitulis raediocribus nutan- SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 143 tibus, involucri squamis late ovatis apice rotundatis margine scariosis laceris dorso leviter tomentosis, recep- taculi convex! setis brevibus latis acutis, floribus glabris tubulosis laciniis lanceolatis acutis, radii paucis foernineis, disci hermaphroditis, genitalibus inclusis, antheris oblongis apice longe acuminatis acutissimis loculis basi subacutis, styli ramis truncatis apice breviter et parce papilloso-peni- cellatis. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {3Ius. reg. Par.) Ramis robustis, involucri squamis, corollte antherarum et stigmatum forma, ab affini A. Canariensi differt. Generis borealis conturmalis extremus sequinoctii eestus subit. 130. Gnaphalium luteo-fuscum, Webb ; herbaceum, totum albido-tomentosum, radice lignescente nigro, foliis infe- rioribus spathulatis petiolatis superioribus oblongis apice spathulatis sessilibus subamplexicaulibus obtusiusculis, capitulis coryraboso-cymosis heterogamis, floribus foernineis multiserialibus, hermaphroditis paucis, involucri squamis scariosis glabris acutissimis fusco-luteis demum sordide fuscis, acheniis nigris ovatis costatis glabris. Hab. In petrosis supra medium Montis Verede ins. S. Vin- centii {Vogel, n. 38. 55. 56. Junio, 1841, sp. florida et fructifera.) 131. Gnaphalium luteo-album, L. Sp. PL 1196. DC. Prodi'. 6. p. 230.— Ic. Engl. Bot. t. 1003. Fl. Dan. t. 1763. Hab. In declivibus umbrosis ins. S. Nicolai {Forbes, n. 26. die 27 Martii, 1822) et in arvis Gossypinis sinus Tarrafal ins. ;S^. Antonii (Id. n. 5, die 2 ApriUs, 1822, spec, florida.) 132. Centaurea Melitensis, Linn. Sp. PL p. 1297. Var. a. conferta, C. H. Schultz, Bip. Phyt. Can. 2. p. 360. — Ic. Bocc. PL sic. et MeL t. 35. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) Spec, flori- dum. 133. ^chm'idtin fai'inulosa, Webb; caule fruticoso brevi crasso, foliis lanceolatis et lineari-lanceolatis sessiUbus margine sparse dentatis apice attenuatis integerrimis cum panicula juniore tomento albo deciduo farinoso coronata, panicula 144 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. brevi subumbelliformi nuda squamigera, involucri squamis exterioribus brevissimis, interioribus filiformibus glabres- centibus margine scariosis, acheniis turbinatis costulatis subpapillosis, pappo 4-5-setoso, squamulis iutermediis plurimis interjectis. Hab. In summo cacumine Montis Verede ins. S. Vincentii [Th, Vogel, n. 53. Junio, 1841, spec. 2. florifera et fructi- fera) . 134. Urospermum picroides, Desf. Cat. hort. Par. ed. 1. p. 90. DC. Prodr. 7. p. 116. Tragopogon picroides, L. Sp. PL 1111.— Ic. Lamck. ///. t. 640./. 3. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) 135. Lactuca nudicautis, Murr. N. comm. Goett. 3. p. 74. C. H. Schultz, Bip. in Linruea, \h.p. 725. Chondrilla nudi- caulis, Linn. Mant. p. 278. Microrbynchus nudicaulis, Less. Syn.p. 139. DC. Prodr. 7. p. 180. excl. var. /S.— Ic. Murr. I. c. t. 4. Hab. In saxosis ins. S. Jacohi [J. D. Hooker, n. 202. Nov. 1839. spec, fructifera.) Dr. Schultz rightly observes that the original M. nudi- caulis, Less, is a mere section of Lactuca, distinguished solely by its achenia having a beak shorter than in the other species. We shall show hereafter that the remaining species, placed by DC. in this genus, together with his variety /3. of the original species, belong to the genus Rhabdotheca, Cass. Microrhynchus therefore must be entirely abandoned. 136. Sonchus oleraceus, a. et /S. Linn. Sp. PL p. 1110. Sonchus oleraceus, Koch, Syn. {ed. 2.) 2. p. 497. — Ic. Hayne, Arzjieigen, t. 48. Hab. Ad apicem montis cujusdam in valle S. Dominici ins. S. Jacobi (J. D. Hooker, n. 203. Nov. 1839, spec, fructi- ferum) in cultis ins. S. Vincentii ad alt. 500 ped. {Th. Vogel, n. 08. sp. flor.) et in cultis ins. S. Antonii {Th. Vogel, n. 30. sp. fructiferum, Junio, 1841.) 137. Sonchus Daltoni, Webb ; caule brevi crasso lignoso apice foliosissimo, foliis anguste lanceolatis apice atte- nuatis runcinato-lobatis lobis latis rotundatis denticulatis SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 145 glabris utrinque viridibus, petiolo basi iacrassato coriaceo amplexicauli, caulinis oblongis acutis basi in appendicem rotundato-cordiformem aniplexicaulem dilatatis, inflores- centia unibelliformi, capitulis rotundatis, iavolucri ovatO' rliomboidei squamis acutis glabris margine minutissime denticulatis. Sonchum congestum, Link, refert sed involucri squamae valde diversse. — Ic. Tab. nost. X. Docto atque indefesso Josepbo Dalton Hooker orbem An- tarcticam jam visuro ejusque floram illustraturo stirpem inter primas quas Britannia relicta compulit sacram dica- tamque voluimus. Hab. In cacumine coUis abrupti alt. 1500 ped. in valle S. Dominici ins. S. Jacobi {J. D. Hooker, n. 199. Nov. 1839) et in ins. S. Vincentii copiosus ad apicem Montis Verede {Th. Vogel, Junio, 1841. sp. flor.) Tab. X. Fig, 1. floret ; /. 2. achsenium : — both magnified. Rhabdotheca, Cass. Great confusion has all along existed in the classification of the plants attributed by DC. to the genus Microrhynchus, founded originally by Lessing on the second species of Lomatolepis, Cass. viz. L. {Chondrilla, L.) nudicaulis, Cass. To the genus thus constituted by Lessing from this single plant, De Candolle appended in his first section three others, Sonchits divaricatus, Desf,, as a mere var. of M. nudicaults, Less., (we made the same mistake in the //. Hisp.), M. patens, DC. and M. asplenifoHus, ejusd. The original M. nudi- caulis, and perhaps M. patens, alone truly belong to the genus. M. nudicaults, yS divaricatus {S. divar. Desf.) is in reality a very distinct species, in which, as in the cognate species, M. asplenifoHus, the pappus is entirely sessile, there being at no time any appearance of beak either in the ovary or fruit. These plants, therefore, require to be removed from their present position ; and we must see to what genus they can be conveniently attached. The first was erroneously supposed by De Candolle L 146 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. to be the plant described by Cassini as his Rhnbdotheca sonchoides. He was led astray probably by the article itself of the Diet,, in which the genus Rhabdotheca is described ; M'here the author says that the plant on which it is founded was ticketed S. divaricatus in the herbarium of M. Gay. By an inspection, however, of the plant itself, I find it to be the Sonchus chondrilloides, Desf. [Zollikoferia chondril- loides of DC), and it is the type of his genus Zollikqferia, as well as of the more ancient genus Rhabdotheca, Cass. This latter name must therefore prevail. Under this genus 1 consider that our present plants ought to be placed. It is distinguished from Sonchus, by its aspect approaching more to that of the Lactucece than the Sonchece, by its capitulum not swelled at the base, by the scales of the involucrum being usually bordered by a wide scarious margin, the outer ones remarkably shorter, and by its tetragonal or rarely sub-5- gonal, sharp or rounded, not compressed achenia, rarely though sometimes attenuated towards the summit or base, and more or less papillated or scabrous. The following are the species which compose the genus Rhabdotheca thus considered. R. chondrilloides, — R. sonchoides, Cass., Zollikoferia chon- drilloides, DC, and probably likewise his second species Rhabdotheca {Zollikoferia) pumila. R. divaricata, — Sonchus divaricatus, Desf. Ann. Mus. 2. p. 212. t. 46. M. nudicaulis, Webb, It. Hisp. excl. syn. non Less. Microrhynchus nudicaulis, ^ divaricatus, DC. R. asplenifolia ! — Prenanthes asplenifolia, Willd. Mici'or- hynchus asplenifolius, DC To these I add two new species and the Sonchus spinosus, DC, which cannot remain with the section Atalanthus of Sonchus where De Candolle has placed it, with which it has so little affinity. Its capitulum, achenia, and general aspect, approach much more closely those of our present group ; though its admission renders the genus less uniform. 138. Rhabdotheca picridioides, Webb ; caule basi suffru- tescente foliorum cicatricibus superne annulato apice sub- rosulato-folioso, foliis oblongis in petiolum basi dilatatum SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 147 amplexicaulem angustatis apice rotundato-obtusis margine spinulosis glaberrimis, scapo longissimo terminali tereti striato glabro fusco apice vel rarius per totam longitudinem ex axillis squamaruin floriferis, iuflorescentia subramosa, pedicellis squamis sessilibus ovatis acutis margine undu- lato-scariosis cum involucro continuis dense obsitis, invo- lucri squamis inferioribus brevissimis conformibus ovato- lanceolatisque interioribus elongatis subscariosis capitulum cylindraceum efFormantibus, flosculis inferne pilosis, antheris basi caudatis, pappo pluriseriali exteriore simplici interiore denticulate, acheniis elongatis 4-gonis angulis obtusis apice vix attenuatis interioribus sublaevibus exterioribus squa- moso-scabridis. — Ic. Tab. nostr. XI. The achenia of this species are somewhat longer than those of the original R. diondrilloides, with the angles blunt, or as Cassini expresses it subcylindraceous ; but the granulation is nearly the same. Hab. In fissuris rupium ins. S. Nicolai, {Forbes, n. 34. die 27 Martii, 1822, spec, florida et fruct.) In Monte Verede ins. S. Vincentii ab alt. 1000 ped. usque ad apicem [Th. Vogel, n. 43. 44. Junio, 1841 spec, florifera et fruct.) To this species the description of another, though not within the province of our Flora, may be appended.* Tab. XI. Fig. 1. floret; /. 2. ach senium : — both magnified. 139. Rhabdotheca spinosa, Webb ; " Thorny shrub sow- thistle of Africa." Parkins, Theatr. p. 804. Prenanthes spinosa, Forsk. Fl. Mg. Arab. p. 144, Brunner, Erg. p. 104. Lactuca spinosa, Lamk. Encycl. 3. j). 408. Sonchus spi- nosus, DC. Prodr. 7. p. 189. — Ic. Parkinson, /. c. Phytogr. Can. 2. t. 125. * Rhabdotheca Brunneri, Webb ; fruticulosa, ramis glabris horizontahbus, foliis ramorum oblongo-linearibus linearibusque elongatis integerrimis, inflorescentia corymbosa, pedicelli squamis ovatis, capitulis subcyhn- draceis squamatis, involucri glabri foUolis exterioribus lanceolatis anguste scariosis, acheniis 4-gonis elongatis apice baud attenuatis angulis subacutis striatis interioribus dense squamulosis. — Sonchus "ex ins. Sor et palude Limnutt," Brunn. Ergehn. p. 116. Sonchus an Prenanthes ? ex siccis juxta paludem Limnutt ; ejusdem in herh. nostro ! L 2 148 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. Hab. In siccis ins. Boa Vista {Brunner in scbedis herb, nostri.) Achenia queedam 4-gona, plura nunc obsolete nunc omnino 5-gona, angulis obtusiusculis, transverse rugulosis, spatio inter angulos sulcato. — Planta est quoad ordinationem difficilis neque Soncho nee Pi'enanthi uti nunc consti- tuentur conjungenda, atque hue potius inter concives Africanos facie et patria similes melius collocanda est, quanquam achenia potius Sonchorum habeat virorum, sed involucrum Rhabdothecce. XXX. Campanulace^, Juss. 140. Campanula (Medium) Jacobcea, Chr. Smith, in Tuck. Voy. p. 251. (Herb. Mus. Brit, ex /. D. Hooker) ; fruticu- losa, caule noduloso lignescente cavo, ramis diffusis albidis junioribus fuscis strigoso-hirtis foliosis, foliis spathulato- ovalibus lanceolato-ovatis obtusiusculis strigoso-hirtis sub- tus pallidis nervosis basi attenuatis caulinis breviter petio- latis superioribus semiamplexicauhbus, calycis tubo brevi cyathiformi laciniis anguste lanceolatis strigoso-ciliatis, corolla campanulata tequali calycis laciniis 3-plo longiore, iilamentis plano-filiformibus basi dilatatis glaberrimis, cap- sula depressa, seminibus ovatis. Variat floribus coeruleis albisve. — Ic. nost. tab. XII. Hab. In ins. S. Nicolai fissuris rupium {Forbes, n. 35. die 27 Martii, 1822, spec, florida.) In ins. S. Antonu {Forbes, n. 4. April, /8 alba spec, flor.) In rupibus collis acuti Campanula sp. n. perpulchra in vallis /S. Dom., ins. S. Jacobi ad alt. 2000 ped. {J. D. Hooker, November, 1839, spec. flor. et fruct.) In monte Verede, ins. S. Vincentii ah alt. 1500 ped. usque ad summitatem {Th. Vogel, n. 73. Junio 1841, specimina adusta.) In ins. S. Jacobi {Darwin.) Tab. XII. Fig. 1. stamen;/". 2. pistillum : — both magnified, XXXI. Cyphiace^, D.C. 141. Cyphia Stheno, Webb; caule elongato sarmentoso tenui flexuoso herbaceo glaberrimo vel superne parcissirae SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 149 piloso basi squamulato, foliis distantibus glabris sparsim glanduloso-dentatis acutis inferioribus 3-angularibus, supe- rioribus linearibus, floribus axillis foliorum sumraorura solitariis pedicellatis, pedicello filiformi puberulo supra medium bibracteolato, bracteolis lineari-spathulatis inte- gerrimis vel denticulatis, calyce turbinate 5-fido, tubo brevi inter costulas pubescente, laciniis tubo duplo lon- gioribus lineari- oblongis obtusis infra medium laciniato- dentatis glabratis, corolla calyce 3-plo longiore apice purpurea subtus lutescente ultra medium tubulosa, tubo leviter incurvo 2-labiato, laciniis agqualibus, 3 superioribus arrectis lanceolatis acutis extus glabris pilis albidis pubes- centibus venosis, petalis mox basi solutis, staminibus 5, tubo corollse inserta subdimidio breviora, filamentis liberis basi latioribus, superioribus apice pilosulis, stylo stamini- bus breviore crasso glabro complanato stigmate simplici rotundato sublaterali, ovulis a placentis ad apicem loculi cujusque sitis pendulis. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) XXXII. AsCLEPIADEiE, JuSS. 142. Sarcostemma Dalloni, Dene. ; ramis teretibus aphyl- lis, umbellis terminalibus, pedicellis glabris, corollee laciniis ovatis ex oblique acuminatis glaberrimis, coron. staininea exter. plicata sinubus subsequalibus obtusis, folior. coronas inter, basin aequantibus, fol. coronas inter, rotundato-ovatis gynostegio incumbentibus, stigmate pentagono medio ma- milloso, folliculis lineari-lanceolatis glabris. Decaisne, MSS. — Ic. Tab. nostra XIV. Sarcostemma nudum, Chr. Smith, in Herb. Mus. Brit, (ex cl. /. D. Hooker.) Hab. Ad apicem co Ilium et in rupestribus maritimis \r\s. S. Ja- cobi, " caulis baud volubilis" (/. D. Hooker, Nov. 1839, sp. fl. et fruct.) Ibid. {Forbes, n. 11. die 5 Aprilis, 1822.) In ins. S. Antonii (Th. Vogel, n. 22. Junio, 1841.) In ins. S. Vincentii, " Asclepias, caule basi lignoso, ramis difFusis teretibus viridibus procumbentibus vel pendulis. Latex 150 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. albus, flores rari, folia nulla vel pauca marcida." [Th. Vogel) Tab. XIV. Fig. 1. flower; /. 2. corona: — both magnified. 143. Calotropis procera, R. Br. in Hort. Keio. ed, 2. p. 78. Decaisne, in DC. Prodr. 8. p. 535. — Ic. Apocynum Syria- cum, Clus. Hist. 2. p. 87. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1792.] Hab. In insula parva Coturnicum Partus Praya, ins. S. Ja- cobi {J. D. Hooker, n. 207. Nov. 1839.) Ibid. [Chr. Smith,) in Herb. Mus. Brit, (ex cl. J. D. Hooker.) In ins. S. An- tonii, {Th. Fo^e/, sine num.) 144. Periploca lavigafa, Hort. Kew. 1. p. 301. — Ic. Periploca punicsefolia, Cav. Ic. 3. p. 91. t. 217. Periploca angusti- folia, La Billard. Dec. 2. t. 7. Periploca rigida, Viv. PI. lib. spec. t. G.f.f. 3. 4. h. Had. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) XXXIII. Gentiane^e, Juss. 145. Erythreea ramosissima, Pers. Syn. 1. p. 283. " Cen- taurium minus palustre ramosissimum, flore purpureo." Vaill. Bot. Par. p. 32. Gentiana pulchella, Swartz, Act. Holm. 1783.— Ic. Vaill. /. c. t. 6./. 1, Swartz, I. c. t. 3./. 8 et 9. Fl. Dan. t. 1637. Engl. Bot. t. 458. Hab. In ins. S. Jacohi {Chr. Smith ex sp. Mus. Brit, a cl. J. D. Hooker, viso.) XXXIV. BlGNONIACE^E, JuSS. 146. Sesamuni radiatum, Schum. Guin. 282, ex DC. Sesa- mopteris radiate, DC. Prodr. 10, p. 251. excl. syn. Endl. Heudel. exsicc. Seneg. n. 547 ! Nolo hue S. gracilis, Endl. iconem cum celeb. DC. adducere, nam plantcE nostrse caulis nee gracilis, dense villosus nee glaberrimus, folia nunquam trisecta aut glabra, calyx corolla capsula hirsutissima. Caulis superne 4-gonus, pilis crispis villosissimus, foliosus. Folia villoso-pubescentia, subtus glaucescentia, inferiora rotundato- vel ovato-rhom- boidea irregulariter et grosse dentata, superiora lanceolata subintegerrima acuta. Calyx persistens laciniis lineari- lanceolatis extus villosis. Corolla conspicua, purpurascens, SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 151 villosa. Capsula crassa 4-gona, pollicaris vel poUice brevior, 2 vel 2i lin. lata brevissime acuminata. Semina nigra, testudinea, hinc plana illinc convexa, pyriformia, sulcis e medio ad marginem radiantibus ornata. Testa Crustacea per totum marginis peripherium in laminas binas quarum altera plana, altera testudinis modo gibba, solubilis ; tegmen chartaceum albescens, apice chalaza basi ]n\o notatum. Cotyledones ovato-rotundatee, compressse, carnosee ; radicula cotyledonibus triple brevior. XXXV. CONVOLVULACE^, JuSS. 147. Rivea tilicefolia, Chois. Conv. Or. p. 25, et in DC. Prodr. 9. p. 325. Convolvulus tilieefolius, Desrouss. Encycl. 3. p. 544. Hab. In ins. S. Vincentii. "Caulis sarmentosus et volu- bilis, ssepe quoque colitur tantum modo sicut visum est ut sarmenta ad tecta straminis modo tegenda inserviant." {Th. Vogel, n. 27. Junio, 1841, sp. florida). 148. Batatas panicidata, Chois. in DC. Prodr. 9. p. 339. a lobata. Convolvulus paniculatus, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 223. Ipomoea Mauritiana, Jacq. Hort. Schcenb. 11. p. 73. Ipomoea gossypiifolia, Willd. enum. p. 208. Ipomoea pani- culata, R. Br. Prodr. p. 486. Convolvulus roseus, KuntJi, Syn. p. 222.— Ic. Jacq. /. c. t. 200. Ker, Bot. Mag. t. 62. Hab. Ad dimidiura et inde ad apicem usque Montis Verede, ins. S. Vincentii, caulis prostratus. {Th. Vogel, n. 64. Junio, 1841, spec florida cum ramis aliis jam diu fructi- feris.) 149. Batatas pentaphylla, Chois. Conv. Or. p. 54. et in DC. Prodr. p. 339. Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Or. p. 3. Convolvulus pentaphyllus, Linn, Sp. PL p. 223. Ipomoea pilosa, Cav. Ic. 4. p. 11.— Ic. Cav. /. c. t. 353. Jacq. /. c. t. 319. Wight, /. c. t. 834. Hab. In rupestribus ins. S. Jacohi {J. D. Hooker, n. 138. Nov. 1839, flores albi, spec, fructifera apice florida.) Ibid. {Ckr. Smith, in herb. Mus. Brit, ex cl. /. D. Hooker.) 150. Ipomcea Pes-caprce, Sweet, Hort. sub Lond. ed. 2. p. 289. 152 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. Cbois. in DC. Prodr. 9. p. 319. Convolvulus Pes-capree et Convolvulus brasilianus, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 226. Ipomoea maritima et Ipomoea carnosa, R. Br. Prodr. p. 486. Con- volvulus retusus, Coll. hort. nip. app. 3. /;. 31. — Ic. Ipomoea maritima, Curt. Bot. Mag. t. 319. Coll. I. c. t. 8. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi ad pagum Villa do Rio {Forbes, n. 10. d. 5 April. 1822, spec, florida.) Ad littora ins. >S. Jacobi frequens {Brunn. sp. flor. in herb, nostro.) Ibid. {Darwin, sp. sine fl. et fruct.) In ins. S. Jacobi {Chr. Smith, in herb. Mus, Brit, ex cl. J. D. Hooker.) 151. Ipomoea leucantha, Jacq. Coll. 2. p. 280. Chois. in DC. Prodr. 9. p. 382. Convolvulus leucanthus, Desrouss. Encycl. 2>. p. 541.— Ic. Jacq. Ic. rar. 2. /. 318. Hab. In rupestribus ins. S. Jacobi, flores dilute carnei {J. D. Hooker, n. 137. November, 1839, spec, fructifera et juniora florida.) 152. Ipomoea Coptica, Roth, n. sp. p. 110. Chois. in DC. Prodr. 9. p. 384. Convolvulus copticus, Linn. Mant. p. 559. Hab. In valle S. Dominici, ins. S. Jacobi, {J. D. Hooker, n. 161. Nov. 1839. spec. fl. et fruct.) 153. Ipomoea Cairica, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 222. (sub Convolvulo). Ipomoea palm ata, Forsk. Fl. yEg. Arab. p. 43. — Ic. C. Bauh. Prodr. p. 134. Moris, Hist. s. 1. t. 4./. 5. (cum ic a C. B. mutuata.) Barrel. Ic. t. 319 (cum ic. eadem Bauhiniana) et t. 320 (cum ic. propria). Convolvulus ^Egyptius, Vesling. Obs. t. 74. Bot. Mag. 699. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi {J. D. Hooker.) Ibid. {Chr. Smith, in herb. Mus. Brit, ex cl. /. D. Hooker.) 154. Ipomoea sagittata, /3 diversifoha, Chois. in DC. Prodr. 9. p. 372. Convolvulus diversifolius ! Vahl, MSS. in herb. Desf. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) sp. unicum sine flore et fructu. The leaves of our plant are softly downy and the auricles somewhat rounded at the point. It is perhaps distinct; but in the absence of flower and fruit it is not possible to decide SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 153 this. The plant of Vahl has no hairs, like those of Desfon- taines and Michaux ; but more than two species are probably confounded under this name. 155. Ipomoea muricata, Ker, Bot. Reg. in notulis ad cole. v. 4. Convolvulus muricatus, Linn. Mant. p. 44. I. bona-nox, var. /3 purpurascens, Ker, Bot. reg. t. 290. Calonyction speciosum, /3 muricatum, Chois. in DC. Prodr. 9. p. 345. Notwithstanding the admonitory note of Linnaeus, repeated by Ker, this plant is still referred by M. Choisy to his Calo- nyction bona-noxj of which the /. muricata, Jacq. is really a variety. Not so our plant ; if we rightly refer to this species, on account of its annual stem and small capsules, a fragment collected by Vogel, and of which there exists a specimen in the herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) 156. Evolvulus linifolius, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 392. Chois. iti DC. Prodr. 9. p. 449. Convolvulus herbaceus erectus &c. P. Br. Jam. p. 152. — Ic. P. Browne, I. c. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) et ex ins. S. Jacobi, {Chr. Smith, in herb. Mus. Brit, ex cl. /. D. Hooker.) In ins. S. Jacobi, [Darwin.) XXXVI. BORAGINE^, JUSS. 157. Pollichia africana, Med. Bot. Beobacht. (1784) p. 248, num. 223. Philosophisch. Bot. pars 1. p. 32. "Cynoglos- soides Africana verrucosa et hispida." Isn. act. ac. Par. ("1718) p. 256. Borraginoides angustifolia, flore palles- cente, cseruleo. Boerhaav.ind. alt. p. 188. Borrago africana, LAnn. Sp. PI. p. 197. Trichodesma africana, R. Br. Prodr. p. 496. Borago, Chr. Smith, in herb. Mus. Brit, ex cl. J. D. Hooker, Borago gruina, ejusd. Tuck. Voy. p. 250. — Ic. Isnard. /. c. /. 11. Boerhaav. I. c. t. 9. sed sine numero, Hab. In rupestribus sinus Tarrafal sive Tamaricum ins. S. Antonii, {Forbes, n. 17. d. 2 April. 1822, spec, florida et fructifera.) In eadem ins. {Th. Vogel, n. 20. sp. floridum.) In ins. S. Vincentii ad alt. 500 ped. {Th. Vogel, n. 67. Junio, 1841, sp. florida et fructifera.) Ut Medorum et Persarum ita Botanicorum leges stabiles 154 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. firm?eque servandse ; hoc tantum modo inextricabilis fu- gienda confusio. Nulla autem jure antecessionis sive ut dicitur ^jnon^a^w sacriorem fuisse legem necesse est. Hoc lege Pollichia Medici, jam diu a celeberrimo • Roberto Brown deletse, pristini honores reparandi, Solandriana delenda. Hoc ill. Brownium eflfugisse videtur cum Tri- chodesmam suam, nunc ex albo eradendam, designaverit. Oculatus enim Medicus non tantum in opere, cui titulus, non plane immeritus, Philosophische Botanik, magno scru- tatore citatum, anno 1789 divulgatura (eodem scilicet quo in Hort. Kew. suam Solander) sed jam ab anno 1783 in observationibus suis {Botanische Beobachtungen,) uti ipse advertit pro Boraginibus Indica et Africana constitutam, PollicJtiam omnium primus juris publici anno 1784 fecerat et species fusius descripserat, quod ex libro facile viden- dum. Pro Pollichia Sol. Meerburgia campestris scribenda quod nomen setate provectius. 158. Heliotropium hispidum, Forsk. (sub Lithospermo.) Fl. Mg. Arab. p. 38. Heliotropium undulatum, Vahl, Symb. p. 13. Heliotropium crispum, Desf. ! Fl. ail. 159. Heliotropium undulatum, (3 ramosissimum, Lehni. ! As- perifol. \. p. 57. Ic. et Descr. p. 24. forma elongata macra. Schutt. Syst. 4. p. 30. et 728. Heliotropium plebeium, Chr. Smith, in herb. Mus. Brit, (ex cl. /. D. Hooker.) — Ic. Desf. I. c. Lehm. I. c. t. 40. Hab. In rupibus sinus Tarrafal sive Tamaricum ins. S. Antonii, [Forbes, n. 21. d. 2. April. 1822. spec. flor. et fruct.) In ins. S. Vincentii (Idem, n. 3.) In rupibus prope Portum Praya in ins. ;S. Jacobi, flores pallide purpurei (/. D. Hooker, n. 124. Nov. 1839, spec. flor. et fruct.) In cultis S. Vincentii et S. Antonii [Th. Vogel, n. 23. 33. et 69. Junio, 1841, sp. fl. et fruct.) In ins. S. Jacobi, [Darivin.) Flores quanquam hujus speciei pallide caerulescentes scrip- serit cl. J. D. Hooker, albos Forskahl et Desfontaines, non aliam credemus nostram, nulla enim apparet diff'e- rentia nisi cocca forsan raagis angusta ac rugosiora, sed et SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 155 hoc variabile, extant enim specimina quae iEgyptiaca ex toto referant. 160. Echium stenosiphon, Webb ; caule fruticoso strigoso, ramis fuscis pilis aculeatis strigosis foliis strigosissimis ovato- vel rhomboideo-rotundatis margine sinuatis acutis vel obtusis inferioribus sinuato-lobatis breviter petiolatis superioribus sessilibus, spicis ramosis foliosis basi nudis apice floridis, floribus densis secundis, bractea oblonga calycis laciniis oblongis vel linearibus subeequalibus lon- giore, corolla hirsuta coerulescente calyce 4<-plo vel 5-tuplo longiore tubo cylindraceo subarcuato ima basi squamarum annulo instructo, fauce vix ampliato, lobis brevibus ; sta- rainibus exsertis infra medium tubi insertis, stylo sta- minum longitudine apice glabro sub apice usque ad basin pilosissimo, ovarii lobis angustis acutis glabris. — Ic. Tab. nostra XV. Hab. Undique in insula S. Nicolai {Forbes, n. 32. die 29 Martii, 1822, spec, floridum minus scabrum.) In monte Verede, ins. S. Vincentii ultra 1000 ped. alt. frutex bipe- dalis ramosus {Th. Vogel, n. 81. Junio, 1841, spec, florida.) Tab. XV. Fig. 1. flower: — magnified. 161. Echium hijpertropicum, Webb; caule fruticoso, ramis robustis fuscis cicatricibus foliorum notatis, ramulis pilis strigosis appressis cinereis, foliis ovato-lanceolatis basi attenuatis sessilibus utrinque pilis crebris brevibus tenui- bus appressis e bullio lato piano prodeuntibus strigoso- incanis nervis prominentibus margine planis ciliatis, pani- cula thyrsoidea ramosa, bracteolis oblongis subfalcatis calycis longitudine cinereo-hirsutis apice strigosis, floribus carneis vel albidis. calycis tubo brevissimo laciniis 4 lineari- lanceolatis quinta lanceolata, corolla calyce subduplo lon- giore campanulata vix incurva extus pilosiuscula, tubo crasso, lobis ovato-lanceolatis acutis, lacinia infima minore, staminibus exsertis subincurvis glabris purpureis(?) stylo leviter piloso. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) Affinis est E. giganteo differt tamen foliorum forma et pubes- centia et floris characteribus. Non minus ab E. Descaisnei 156 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. diversum est cui flores lactei nee coerulescentes ut in Phyt. Can. (v. 2. p. 49.) falso diximus quod nuper ex specimi- nibus, insulse Lancerottse pulchre florescentibus cl. Bour- geau cognovimus. XXXVII. Labiate, Juss. 162. Ocymum Basilicum, Linn, (1764<, ed. 3.) 2. p. 833- Benth. Lab. Gen. et Spec. (1832-36.) p. 4. Basilicum in- dicunij Burm. Herb. Amboin. (1747) ^>ar5 5.j!?. 266. Soladi Tirtava. Rheed Hort. Malab. (1690) pars 10. js. 171. Ocy- mum Americanum, Jacq. Hort. Vind. (1766) 3. — Ic. Burm. I. c. t. 93. mediocris. Rheed, /. c. t. 87. mediocris. Jacq. /. c. t. 86. bona. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi in valle S. Dominici, {J. D. Hooker^ n. 121. November, 1839, spec, fructifera.) Hab. haec species in regionibus calidioribus orbis veteris et novi sed illic si indigena incertum. Occurrit in oris utris- que Lybiae calidioris (ex Benth.) in insula Mauritii (ex Benth.) in regionibus Indise intra Gangem Mace ! Wight ! in insula Taprobana, (ex Benth.), in insula Java Commer- son ! in insulis Philippianis Commerson ! ad insulas An- tillicas in ins. Jamaica, Murray ! in Brasilia, Martins ! Calycis tubus intus pilosus. Mericarpia oblonga, laevia, ni- grescentia, humectata mucilaginosissima. Cotyledones ob- longae, obtusee, cordatse, radicula parva, crassiuscula. 163. Ocymxxm suave, Willd. Enum. (1809) 2.^j. 629. Benth. Lab. Gen. et Sp. (1832-36) p. 7. Hab. In insula S. Jacobi, [Dartvin, n. 276. specimen flo- ridum.) Legitur haec planta in Senegambia prope urbem Kandoniae, Heudelot ! (exsicc. n. 769 in herb. Delessertiano) atque inde in insulam Madagascarice, (ex Benth.) in insulam Sanctse Mariee, Richard! (exsicc. n. 23. in herb. Deles- sertiano), et in insulam Anjouan, Richard ! (exsicc. n. 239. in herb. Delessertiano) procurrit. Calycis tubus intus nudus. Mericarjna rotundato-ovata, excavato-punctata, fusca, humectata non muciiaginosa. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 157 Cotyledones mericarpio conformes cordatae, radicula parva crassiuscula. 164. Hyptis spicigera, Lamk. Diet. 3. />. 185. Benth. Lab. Gen. et Spec. (1832-36) p. 78. Nepeta maxima, Sloane Hist, of Jam. (1707) t. 8. bona. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) Occurrit bsec species sed infrequens in vetere orbe et in novo in Senegambia per ripas Casamancse, Le Prieur et Per- rottet ! in berb. Delessertiano in Madagascaria, (ex Benth.), in ins. Lu9on, prope Manillam, (ex Benth.) ; in ins. Antil- licis in berb. Desf. ! in ins. Jamaica in uUginosis circa urbem St.- Jago de la Vega, (ex Sloane) ; in Peruvia et Brasilia, (ex Benth.) In hac specie folia floralia parva primum ovata, integra, mox 3-4 lineari-partita et ab banc causam bracteolas esse plures celeb. Bentham apparuit. Calyx (8 m. metr. longus) tu- bulosus, 10-striatus, 5-dentatus ; dentibus tubo dimidio brevioribus. Corolla apice villosa. Filamenta parum ex- serta, exteriora longiora. Stylus inclusus. Stamina in- trorsa adsequans. Mericarpia oblongo-ovata, obtusa, ad basin exteriorem cicatricula minuta fungosa notata. Co- tyledones ovatse, obtusse, cordatse, radicula parva crassius- cula. 165. Lavandula rotundifolia, Benth. Lab. Gen. et Sp. Hab. Ubique in insula *S^. Nicolai, {Forbes, n. 33. die 27 Martii, 1822, sp. florida et fructifera) ; ad medium montem Verede, ins. S. Vincentii, (Vogel, n. 77. Junio, 1841, spec, fructifera et florida.) In ins. S. Antonii, {Vogel, n. 5.) et in herb. Mus. reg. Par. Frutex ramis lignosis, glabris, elongatis, basi foliosis. Folia petiolata, late oblongo-ovata, laciniato-dentata, basi cu- neata, glabra, coriacea, rugoso-nervosa ; floralia scariosa, ovata, acuta, 5-striata, cinereo-puberula, calyce breviora, in spicara adpressam crassiusculam ramosam disposita. Cymulce uniflores. Calyx sub 2-labiatus, tubuloso-ovatus, 15-striatus, 5-dentatus, dentibus ovatis acutis subsequali- bus, fructiferis recurvis. Corolla calycem sub 2-plum 158 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. superante ; tubo angusto, pilis reflexis intus piloso, labio superiore bifido, inferioris 3-lobi lobo medio multo majore. Antherae ciliatffi. Stylus glabrescens, lobis stigmatosis ovatis latiusculis. Mericarpia atro-purpurascenta, dorso basi cicatricula magna notatis, humectata dense mucila- ginosa, 166, Lavandula coronopifolia, Poir. ! Did. Supjjl. (1813) 111. p. 308. De Gingins, Hisi. Nat. des Lav. (1827) p. 160. t. 9. bona. Benth. Lab. Gen. et Spec. (1832-36) p. 151. Lavandula multifida, Burm. Fl. Indie. (1768) ic. 38. [mala) Lavandula stricta, Delile ! Fl. Mgypt. (1813) 1. p. 9-1. ic. 32. y. 1. [optima.) Hab. In ins. S. Antonii, [Vogel, n. 48.); et in collibus et declivitatibus in S. Vincentii, [Vogel, n. 24. Junio, 1841.) In ^gypto ad sinum arabicum, Delile ! in herb. Mus. Paris. In Arabia Petrsea, prope montem Sinai, N. Bove ! exsicc. n. 59. prope Wadi Hebran, W. Schimper ! exsicc. n. 141. prope Djeddam Botta ! in herb. Mus. Paris. This plant certainly is the L. coronopifolia of Poir. and the L. stricta of Delile. Although the spikes are more ramified, its general appearance agrees with what Delile mentions in his description, " cette espece est principalement caracterisee par ses longs epis lineaires." The Baron Gingins de Lassaraz, in his clever " Histoire Naturelle des Lavandes,'* has attached great importance to the forms of the lobes of the style ; and I firmly believe with this botanist that they form good specific characters. 167. Lavandula dentata, Linn. (^;ec. (1764) 11. jj. 800. Desf. Flor. Atl. (1796) \\. p. 14. Ging. de Laz. Hist. Nat. Lav. (1826) p. 138. Benth. Lab. Gen. et Spec. (1832-36) p. 148. Webb. Phyt. Can. (1845) p. 57.— Ic. Ging. de Laz. /. c. t. v.f. i. (ic. pulchr.) Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. [Mus. reg. Par.) Occurrit hsec species in Europa per regiones maris interni et in plagis rupestribus Africpe occidentalis inde per insulas Maderensem Fortunatosque usque ad insulas Cap. Viridis devenitur. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 159 Observandum corollam calyce vix longiorem, filarnentis pilo- sulis, stylo apice piloso, lobis oblongis, obtusis, meri- carpiis oblongis, obtusis, cotyledonibus cordatis, radicula parva crassiuscula. 168. Salvia ^gijptiaca, Linn. Spec. (1762) p. 33. Desf. F/or. Atl. (1796) \. p. 19. (ubi perperani annua dicitur.) Delile, Flor. Mgypt. illustr. (1812) p. 49. Benth. Lab. Gen. et Sp. (1832-36) p. 309. De Noel, in Phytog. Canar. (1845) 2. p. 6. Salvia pumila, Benth. I. c. p. 726. Cambess. Voy. de Jacquemont, Bot. p. 128. — Ic. Cambess. /. c. t. 133. De Noe, I. c. bona. Hab. In insula S. Vincentii, in arenosis {Forbes, specimina n. 1. fructifera, 1° die Aprilis, 1822.) In campis siccis insulfe S. Jacobi frequens, (/. D. Hooker, specimina fruct. n. 123. November, 1839.) In insula S. Antonii, [Vogel, specimina n. 29.) nee non in vallibus arenosis S. Vincentii, (n. 9. Junio, 1841.) Ab Oceano Atlantico stirps usque ad Pentapotamidem Indise Borealis tractum agri Cachemyriani confinem. Per trans- versam Africam Asiamque excurrit inter lat. bor. grad. 22 et 33 ubique inclusa occurrit. In agro Tunetano interiore circa Cafsam (Desf. I) In collibus magnre Syrteos (ex Viviano, sub nomine Thymi hirti.) In insula Teneriffse, (Webb !) In desertis ^gypti Inferioris circa Cahiram, (Forsk. et Delile) et Suez (Delile !) In Arabia circa Djeddam (Schimper ! exsicc. n. 820.) Ad sinum Persicum, (Aucher ! exsicc. n. 5216.) In collibus gypsaceis et salinis Indife Borealis ad Hydaspem Flumen, circa Pen- dadenkhan, ad viam inter Lahore et Cachemyr, (Jacque- mont! herb, quae S. pumila, Benth.) 169. Micromeria Forbesii, Benth. ! Lab. Gen. et Spec. (1832- 36) p. 376. Hab. In insula S. Nicolai, in saxosis montis Gourdo, (die Martii 30, 1822, Forbes, n. 5. spec, florida et fruct.) In insula S. Antonii, in rupestribus ubi ex alto desilit aqua (Junio, 1841, Th. Vogel, n. 93. spec, florida et fruct.) Radix robusta. Caules difFusi, hirtuli. Folia breviter petio- 160 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. lata, rotundato-ovata, acuta, Integra, utrinque hirtula, su- periora elliptica. Ci/mula pedunculatse, folio breviores, bracteolatee ; bracteis linearibus, 3-6 floribus. Calyces tu- bulosi, hirtuli, IS-striati, intus ad basin dentium pilosi. Corolla extus pilosa, calyce subduplo longior, labium superius bifidum, inferius longius, lobis rotundatis, medio aliquando emarginato. Mericarpia oblonga, obtusa. fusca, humectata parum mucilaginosa. 170. Stachys arvensis, Linn. (1764) 1. p. 814. Benth. Lab. Gen. et Spec. (1832-36) p. 550.— I c. Curt. Flor. Land. 1817, 1. bona. Reich. Icon. Bot. (1832) tab. 967. bona. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Viridis, {Mus. reg. Par.) 171. Leucas Mariiuicensis, Br. Prod. Flor. Nov. Holl. et ins. Van Diem. (1810) 1. p. 504. Benth. Lab. Gen. et Spec. (1832-36) p. 617. Leucas Schimperi, Hochst. ! exsicc. Ab. n. 15. — Ic. Clinopodium Martinicense, Jacq. Stirp. Americ. Hist. (1763) p. 173. t. 177. f. 75. (calyx solus).) Phlomis Caribsea, /«cg. Ic. Plant. Rar. (1781-86) I. p. 11. t. 110. pulch. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) Occurrit hsec species ad oras utrisque Africse calidioris in Senegambia prope Bakel (Heudelot ! exsicc. n. 121.) In insula Madagascarioe, per provinciam Emirnensem, (Bojer !) Ad Adoam, in Abyssinia, (Schimper! (exsicc. n. 15.) In regionibus Birmanicis, prope montem Toang Dong, (ex Benth.) Ad insulas AntiUicas, in insula Martinense, (Goudot !) In insula Hispaniola, (Poiteau !) Ad plagos Boreales Australesque Americae. Rio Janeiro, (Commer- son !) etiam in Canada, (herb. Vaillant !) [Herb. Mus. reg. Par.) Corolla apice incurva, dentes calycis subaequans, labium su- perius emarginatum, extus et intus hirsutissimum, inferius vix longius, 3-lobum, lobis lateralibus oblongis truncatis emarginatisve, medio majore latioreque bifido. Filamenta longe viscoso-pilosa, inclusa. Stylus longitudine staminum introrsorum. Mericarpia oblongo-ovata, obtusa, dorso superne glandulosa, ceterum Isevia, atro-fusca. Cottjledones SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 161 oblongfe obtusse cordatse, radicula longiuscula crassius- cula. 172. Ajuga Iva, Schreb. Plant. Vert, unilab. Gen. et ^pec. {1774) p. XXV. Benth. Gen. et Sp. (1832-36) p. 698. Teu- crium Iva,' Linn. Spec. (1764) j9. 787. Desf. FL Atl. (1796) 11. p. 3.— Ic. Lobel. Plant. Hist. (1576) p. 208. bona. Sibth. Flor. Grcec. t. 525. ^optima.) Hab. In insula S. Vincentii, ad montium basin, {Vogel, n. 20. Junio, 184<1, spec, macilenta.) Hsec planta in Europa a gradu boreali 45, usque in insulas Cap. Viridis. In Gallia, (Maille !) In Dalmatia, (Petterl) In Lusitania, (Welwitsch !) In Hispania, (Chaubord !) In Grsecia, (Despreaux !) In Algeria, (Durieu !) In insulis Canariensibus, (Webb !) XXXVIII. Verbenace^, Juss. 173. Verbena officinalis, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 29. — Ic. Fl. Dan. t. 628. Engl. Bot. t. 767. Turp. Fl. Med. Savi, Mat. Med. Tosc. t. b2,fig. dextra. Hab. In valle S. Doininici, ins. S. Jacobi, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 120. Nov. 1839, spec, floriferum.) Ad rivulos vallis Pico {Brunner, Ergebn. p. 123.) XXXIX. Solanace^, Juss. 174. Physalis Alkekengi, Linn. Sp. PL p. 262.— Ic. Matth. {ed. Valgris, 1665) p. 1070. Blackw. Herb. t. 161. Savi, Mat. MM. Tosc. t. 59. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, {Darwin.) 175. Physalis somnifera, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 161. Physalis flexuosa, ejusd. ibid. — Ic. Matth. {ed. Valgris, 1685) ]). 1071. Clus. Hist. 2. p. 85. Barr. Ic. 149. Cav. Ic. 2. t. 103. Sibth. Fl. Grcec. t. 233. Hab. In arvis Gossypii, ins. S. Jacobi, et circa sinum Tar- rafal, ins. S. Antonii, {Forbes, n. 2 et 27. d. 2 et 5 Aprilis, 1822, spec. flor. et fruct.) Ad radices montium S. Vin- centii, et in vallibus, arbustura pedale, {Th. Vogel, n. 29 et M 162 SPICTLEGIA GORGONEA. 59. Junio, 184'1, spec. flor. et fruct.) Circa Porto Praya, ins. S. Jacobi, [J. Dalton Hooker, n. 119. Nov. 1839.) In ins. S. Jago et Brava, {Brunner, in herb, no^r.) 17G. Cdi'^sicxxvci frutescens, var. a. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 271. Cap- sicum frutescens, IVilld. \. p. 1052. F'mgerh. Monog.p. 17. Brunn. Er'gebn. p. 35. — Ic. Ruraph. Amb. 5. t. 88. f. 3. Fingerh. /. c. t. 4./. d. Hab. In ins. S. AntoniU " sufFrutex, ramis ascendentibus vel procumbentibus," [Th. Vogel. n. 16. Junio, 1841, spec, flor. et fruct.) 177. Capsicum microcarpum, DC. Cat. Hort. Monsp. p. 86! (ex specim. CandoUeano, herb. Mercier.) Fingerh. Monogr. p. 19 — Ic. Fingerh. /. c. t. 4./. b. Hab. In valle S. Doininici, ins. S. Jacobi. " Flores albi, rami sarmentosi arbuscuHs dependentes." (/. D. Hooker, n. 116. Nov. 1839, sp. fl. et fr.) 178. Datura Stramonium, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 225. — Ic. Turp. Fl. Med. 6. t. 332. Hab. In valle S, Dominici, ins. S. Jacobi, J. Dalton Hooker, n. 1]8. Junio, 1839, spec, florida. 179. Datura Metel, Linn. Sp. PL 256.— Ic. Fuchs. Hist, p. 690. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, (Darwin.) 180. Lycopersicum cerasiforme, Dunal, Hist, des Solan, p. 113. Solanum pomiferum, fructu rotundo parvo molli, nunc luteo, nunc rubro, Moris. Hort. H. bles. p. 195. — Ic. Dun. /. c. t. 3. B. Hab. In valle S. Dominici, ins. S. Jacobi, [J. Dalton Hooker, n. 164. Nov. 1839, spec. flor. et fruct.) In raonte Verede, ins. S. Vincentii, ab alt. 1000 pedum et superne [Th. Vogel, T). 36. Junio, spec. flor. et fruct.) 181. Solanum nigrum, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 266. Koch, Syn. Fl. Germ. ed. 2. p. 584. Solanum Guianense, Brunn. .' Ergebn. p. 115. lion Lamck. — Ic. Reichb. PI. Crit. t. 954. et Solanum pterocaulon, t. 955. Hab. In arvis Gossypii, sinus Tarrafal, ins. S. Antonii, {Forbes, n. 16. d. 2 Aprilis, 1822, spec, florida.) In ins. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 163 5. Antonii, (Th. Vogel, n. 8. Jun. 1841, sp. fl. et fr.) In ins. S. Jacobi, [J. Dalton Hooker, n. 130. November, 1839, spec. flor. et fruct.) In umbrosis ins. Boa Vista, (Brunner, in herb, nostro spec, vegetum procerum.) 183. Solanum fuscatum, Jacq. Coll. 1. p. 51. — Ic. Jacq. Ic. rar. t. 42. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, valle S. Antonii, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 117. Nov. 1839, spec, fructifera,) ibid. Chr. Smith, in herb. Mus. Brit. (cl. /. D. Hooker.) XL. SCROFULARINEiE, JuSS. §. Campylantliecs, Webb, in Ann. Sc. Nat. Seme Ser. 3. ^. 33. Phyt.Can. Z. p. 1.25. Character tribus reform. Calyx 5-fidus ; laciniis festivatione imbricatis, subgequalibus, 2 superioribus paululum majoribus. Corolla tubus infun- dibuliformis, laciniis planis, 2 anticis minoribus, pestivatione interioribus. Stamina 2, postica anticorum vestigio nullo, declinata, antheris arete appressis, loculis acutis, confluen- tibus. Stylus clavatus, integer. Capsula coriacea, septi- cide bifida, valvis mox bipartitis quadrifida, columna pla- centifera tota libera. Semina plurima, plana, campylo- tropa, chalaza hiloque approxirnatis ; testa reticulata, appressa, in alam periphericam producta. Embryo peri- phericus vel hippocrepidoideus. — Frutices regionis Maca- ronesiacse desiccatione nigrescentes ; foliis crebris sparsis, superioribus alternis, scspe crassis. Flores spicati, bracteati, piedicellis basi bibracteolatis. — Campylantheas nee Salpiglot- tideis uti nunc in lucidissima coordinatione reconstituuntur, nee Gerardeis ipsis convenientes in tribulum iterum suam reducere maluimus. 183. Campylanthus Benthami, Webb. Campylanthus sal- soloides, ejusd. Phyt. Can. 3. p. 126. quoad plan tarn Gor- goneam non Roth. Var. a. glaber, foliis filiformibus glabris, calycis laciniis gla- bellis ciliatis. Campylanthus glaber, Benth. in DC. Prod. M 2 164 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 10. p. 508 et 596. Eranthemum salsoides, Chr. Smith, I. c. p. 251. herb. Mus. Brit.! ex d. J.Dalton Hooker.— Ic. Tab. XV. Var. /3. hirsutus, foliis planis oblongis, superioribus filiformi- bus cum ramulis hirsutissimis, calycis laciniis puberulis demum glabrescentibus. IIab. In rupestribus totius montis Gurdo, ins. S. Nicolai, {Forbes, n. 9. var. a; n. 17. planta junior, foliis hirsutis, var. floribus albis, sine num., die 30 Martii, 1822, sp. flor. et fruct.) Ad apicem montis abrupti vallis S. Dominicij ins. S. Jacobi, ad alt. 1200 ad 2000 ped. (J. Dalton Hooker, n. 128. Junio, 1839, sp. var. a. florida et fruct.) In ins. S. Antonii, {Th. Vogel, n. 35. b. sp. procera fructifera.) In montibus ins. S. Vincentii, ad alt. 800 ped. " Fnitex par- vus. Caulis digiti crassitie ramis pluribus (srepe depen- dentibus) depressis. Folia crassiuscula, subcarnosa, fructus juglandis olent. Flores secundi. Corollce tubus luteus ; limbus violaceus. Stamina medio corolla? tubo inserta, loculo altero superiore, altero inferiore. /S/«7??za perforatum, ovarium multiovulatum." [Th. Vogel, n. 72. Junio, 1811, spec, macra. var. /3. florida et fructifera.) Frutex duriusculus ; ramis tenuibus, albidis, foliorum cica- tricibus crebris nodulosis. Folia sparsa, stirpis junioris (sive formse |3.) plana, oblongo-spathulata, acuta, basi in petiolum attenuata, dense glanduloso-tomentosa : var. a. filiformia, elongata, glabra, basi tantum et in axillis parce pubescentia. Raniorum apices in forma /3. liirsutissimi, sed jam ad spicas floriferas glabrescunt. Spic(E rectius- culffi, 3 vel plures aggregatse, foliosse, secundre. Bractea filiformis, bracteolis basalibus vel sub dimidio pedicelli filiformis gracillimi nutantis sitis. Calyx ]\Jimor subglabra- tus, laciniis 2 inferioribus longioribus recurvis, gland uloso- pubescens vel glaber, laciniiis lanceolatis acutis margine in varietatibus ambabus ciliatis, corollse tubo subduplo bre- vioribus. Corolla ex cl. Forbes, (in var. a. aliquando alba,) ccerulea, secundum cl. Th. Vogel in var. /3. limbus vio- laceus, tubus luteus, ex cl. /. Dalton Hooker, (var. a.) SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. J 65 carnea, glabra, tubo crassiusculo sequali, medio circiter su- perne flexo, laciniis ovato-lanceolatis acutis. Stamina 2, sub medio tubi inserta; antberis oblongo-ovatis vel subreni- formibus, glanduloso-pubescentibus, loculis junioribus basi acutiusculis, divaricatis, superne confluentibus. Capsiila elongato-ovata, glabra, nervosa, nitidiuscula, apice rotun- data, subcrenata, calyce persistente longiora. Se7ni7ia ro- tundata, vel subreniforniia, nigra, ala membranacea alba cincta. Differt a C. salsoloide, Roth^ foliis junioribus sfepe planis, liirsutissimis var. a. tenuioribus, spicis rectis, calycis la- ciniis lanceolatis, ciliatis glabris vel glabrescentibus, corollse glabrae tubo crassiore, laciniis lanceolatis, antheris lon- gioribus, acutioribus, capsula obtusiore calyce longiore, seminibus nigris. Tab. XVI. Fig. 1. flower; /. 2. anthers; /. 3. germen ; y. 4. capsule : — all magnified. 184. Celsia betonicoefolia, Desf. Fl. All. 2. p. 58. Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10. p. 245. Chr. Smith, I. c. p. 251. Celsia arborescens, ejusd. in herh. Mus. Brit. Hab. Ad apicem montis abrupti, alt. 2000 ped. in valle S. Dominici, ins. ;S^. Jacobi, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 128. November, 1839, spec, glabra vegeta fructifera.) In di- midio superiore Monies Verede, ins. S. Vincentii, [TJi. Vogel, n. 82. Junio, 1841, spec, deusta glutinoso-tomen- tosa florida et fructifera.) 185. Linaria dichondrcsfolia, Benth.; ramis rectiusculis ri- gidis albido-tomentosis, foliis utrinque dense pubescen- tibus albidis demum desicc. nigrescentibus inferioribus rhomboideo-cordatis superioribus rotundato-cordatis vel basi truncatis, petiolo tenui, pedunculis filiformibus de- curvis petiolo longioribus, calycis laciniis lineari-lanceo- latis linearibusque acutis tomentosis, corolla calyce sub- duplo longiore pubescente labio sup. 2-lobo inferiore elon- gato laciniis ovatis obtusis, calcare brevi recurvo, capsula ovata calyce sublongiore pubescente duriuscula ab apice usque ad medium valvatim dehiscente. — Linaria dichon- drgefolia, Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10. /;. 270. 166 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. Hab. In declivibus umbrosis, ins. S. Nicolai, [Forbes, n. 16. die 27 Martii, 1822, sp. fructifera et florida.) In ins. ;S7. Vincentii, [Th. Vogel, n. 13, 15, et 16, Junio, 1811, sp. fruct.) 186. Linaria Brunneri, Bentli. in DC. Prodr. 10. p. 270. L. alsinsefolia, Brunn. Ergebn. p. 84. non Sprevg. Var. a. vera; ramis elongatis rectiusculis rigidulis,pilis densis longis patulis pilosis, foliis nigricantibus lanato-hirtis de- mum glabris, inferioribus rotundatis acutis basi subcor- datis aliquando subsagittatis petiolis gracillimis, superiori- bus ovatis lanceolatisque basi cordatis vel rotundatis ob- solete crenatis, pedunculis filiformibus, calycis laciniis ob- longo-lanceolatis acutis hiitis, corolla calyce duplo longiore, labio superiore bifido, inferiore latiusculo 3-fido, laciniis ovatis, calcare brevi sacciformi leviter incurvo, capsula ovato-rotundata duriuscula pilosa calyce longiore ab apice usque ad medium valvatim dehiscente, seminibus oblongo- rotundatis, angulatis tuberculatis. Var. /3. parietaricefolia ; ramis filiformibus pilis deflexis den- siuscule pilosis, foliis tenuibus viridibus desiccatione sub- nigrescentibus pubescentibus demum glabris ciliatis infe- rioribus rbomboideo-rotundatis acutis b^si cordatis soepe auriculatis vel subsagittatis, superioribus ovato-rotundatis basi truncatis vel subcordatis eroso-crenatis, summis in- tegris, calycis laciniis linearibus acutis, corolla calyce sub- duplo longiore, labio superiore 2-fido, inferiore 3-fido angusto elongato laciniis lanceolatis, calcare brevi angusto uncinatim recurvo, capsula magis cliartacea. Hab. In declivibus umbrosis et in rupestribus ad sinum Tarrafal, ins. S. Antonii, {Forbes, n. 22. d. 22 April. 1822, et n. 15. d. 2 April, sp. fl. et fruct.) Vulgaris preesertim in rupibus ins. S. Jacobi, (J. Da/ton Hooker, n. 126. Nov. 1839, sp. fl. et fr.) In ins. S. Vincentii, [Th. Vogel, n. 9, 10, 11, 12 et 14. Junio, 1839, sp. fl. et fruct.) In ins. S. Antonii, TJi. Vogel, (p. 26. sp. flor. et fruct.) In ins. S. Jacobi, (Dartrin.) In insulis Salis et S. Jacobi, {Brunner, in herl). nostro.) 187. Scrofularia arguta, Hort. Kew. p. 302. Pliyt. Can. 3. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 167 p. 131. Auch. exsicc. 5057. S. peregrina, var. ? Wydl. Scrof.p. 28. Walp. Repert. 3. p. 106. 188. Doratanthera linearis, Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10. p. 347. Anticharis Arabica, Hochst. in Sched. Kotsch. PL Nub. exsicc. n. 90 ! non Endl. Hab. In ins. S. Antonii, {Th, Vogel, n. 53. Junio, 1841, spec, unicum adustum fructiferum.) XLI. Orobanche2e. 189. Phelypcea Brunneri, Webb ; scapo simplicissimo lon- gissimo, florum squamis bractealibus oblongis navicula- ribus in apicem longe attenuatis laceris acutis calycem excedentibus, bracteolis linearibus, calycis dentibus lan- ceolatis acutis, coroUis magnis luteis arcuato-tubulosis, fauce ampliata, lobis subfequalibus acutis, genitalibus sub- exsertis, filamentis basi cum corollee tubo pilosis, antheris sagittatis parce pilosis. Phelypsea lutea, Brunner ! Eryebn. p. 100, pro parte., non Desf. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Miis. reg. Par.) et in ins. Salts, {Brunner.) The above description is taken principally from Brunner's specimen. With this plant he sent at the same time what he believed perhaps to be a younger specimen of the same, but which is quite distinct, perhaps from N. Boro in Senegal, of which we subjoin a description.* * Phelypsea Hesperugo, Webb ; scapo simplicissimo juniore obtuso brac- tearum appendicibus exsertis comato, bracteis calyce longioribus-^basi lineari-lanceolatis apice in appendicem crassum linearem protensis, bracteolis sublinearibus, calyce fisso lobo axili lineari posteriore basin corollcE amplectente 4-dentato, dentibus lanceolatis margine subscariosis acutis, corolla tubulosa tubo elongato calycem bis vel ter excedente leviter arcuato cylindraceo fauce augusta vix dilatata glaberrima, lobis superioribus lanceolatis basi ovatis cucullatis, lateralibus lanceolatis acutis, inferiore longiore angustiore lingulata acuta, staminibus cum corollac tubi basi glabris, antheris sagittatis calvis, stylo glaberrimo, stigmate lato cyathiformi. Phelypcea lutea, Brunn. ! 1. c. pro parte ex specimine ab indefesso inventore cum planta anteriore misso : non Desf. 168 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. XLII. ACANTHACE^, JuSS. 190. Dicliptera verticiUaris, Juss. ; in Ann. Mus. 9. j). 208, (excl. synon. prseter Lamck. omnibus, ex scheda Jussiaeana autographa herb. Desf.) Justicia verticiUaris, Lamck. III. p. 40 (ex autopsia facta herb. Lamck. a celeb, a L. de Jussieu, non Linn. fil. nee Vahl, excl. syn. et patria Prom. Bon. Sp.) Hab. In valle S. Dominici ins. S. Jacobi {J. D. Hooker, n. 122. Nov. 1839, spec, florida et fruct.) It appears that Lamarck confounded a specimen of our plant, which he had received from Sierra Leone, with the Justicia verticiUaris , Linn. fil. On this erroneous /. verti- ciUaris the illustrious Jussieu founded his Dicliptera ver- ticiUaris, as is evident from the following note, in his own handwriting, attached to a specimen of our present plant from the West Indies in the herb. Desf., verbatim as follows : *' Justicia verticiUaris, Lam. ill., sic in herb. Lam., specimen ex Sierra Leone. — Dicliptera verticiUaris, J." As the true J. verticiUaris, L. fil. belongs to another genus, the name equally applicable to our species may remain. But should it be thought necessary to change it, the plant might be called D. Jussiaei. 191. Peristrophe bicalyculata, Nees ab Esenb. Dianthera bicalyculata, Retz. Act. Holm. 1775. p. 297. Dianthera Malabarica, Linn. fil. Suppl. p. 85. (ex cl. Syn. Rheed.) Dianthera paniculata, Forsk. Fl. ^^g. Arab. p. 7. Justicia ligulata, Lamck. III. p. 40. Cav. Ic. 1. p. 52. Justicia Mala- barica, Chr. Smith, herb. Mus. Brit, (ex cl. J. D. Hooker.) — Ic. Retz, t. c. t. 9. Lamck. III. t. 12./. 2. Cav. /. c. t. 71. Hab. In vallibus ins. S. Jacobi non infrequens (/. D. Hooker, n. 171. Nov. 1839, spec. flor. et fruct.) 192. Dicliptei'a iinibeUata, Juss. I. c. Justicia umbellata, Vahl, Enum. 1. ^;. 111. 11 A B- In arvis ins. Brava, {Brunner, Ergebn. p. GO.) The fragments of two other species of Acanthacae are SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 169 found in the herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) but not in a state to be described. XLIII. PRIMULACEiE, JuSS. 193. Samolus Valerandi, Linn. Sp. PL 1. p. 243. — Ic. Gsertn, 1. t. 30. Lamck. III. 2. t. 101. FL Dan. t. 198. Encfl. Bot. t. 703. Schkuhr, Handb. t. 40. Hab. In ins. S. Vincentii aquosis montanis ab alt. 500 ped. {Th. Vogel, n. 83. Junioj 1841. spec. flor. et fruct.) in ins, S. Jacobi {Darivin.) 194. Anagallis ccerulea, Schreb. Spic. FL lijjs. p. 5. Chr. Smith, /. c. p. 252 !— Ic. EngL Bot. t. 1823. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, {Chr. Smith, in herb. Mus. Brit, ex cl. J. D. Hooker.) XLIV. Sapote^, Juss. 195. Sapota margijiata, Due. ; ramulis glabratis novellis to- mentosis, foUis obovatis obtusis supra glabris subtus petio- lisque tomentosis raarginatis coriaceis dein glabratis, flori- bus axillaribus paucis glabris, pedicellis petiolum superan- tibus, foliolis calycinis rotundatis glabris, corollre laciniis calycem parum superantibus rotundatis ciliolatis, squamis ligulatis obtusis, filamentis dilatatis, ovario superne piloso 6-loc\ilare, loculis uniovulatis. {Decaisne, MSS. nobiscum benevole comm.) — Ic. nostra Tab. XIII. Hab. Hujusce arboris individua duo tantum viva ad ped. 20 alt. accedentia, scopulo ad apicem montis abrupti alt. circiter 2000 ped. vallis S. Dondnici protecta, in ins. S. Jacobi. Fructus junior ramique succo albo lactescente scatent. Flores pauci. {J. D. Hooker, n. 114. Nov. 1839. sp. fructus juniores et florem unicum gerentia.) Tab. JLlll.' [Fiff. 1. flower; /. 2. portion of corolla, stamens and scales ; /. 3. hair case to it. XLV. Plumbagine^, Juss. 196. Plumbago occidentalis, Sweet, Hort. sub. p. 428. Plum- bago Zeylanica, var. Hornem. Hort. hafn, \. p. 190. Plum- bago Zeylanica, (3. Roem. et Schult. Syst. 4. p. 4. 170 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. Hab. In coUibus vallis S. Dominici, ins. S. Jacobi baud frequens, iiores candidi (/. D. Hooker, n. 181. Nov. 1839. spec. flor. et fruct.) 197. Plumbago scandens, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 215. — Ic^ Sloane, Hist, of Jam. 1. t. 133./. 1. Jacq. Stirp. Am. t. 13. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) 198. Statice Brunneri, Webb ; foliis rosulatis rotundatis obcordatisque in petiolura attenuatis, scapo erecto aphyllo, ramulis secundis elongatis ramis abortivis pungentibus adnatis creberrime papillatis, bracteis exterioribus rotun- dato-ovatis interioribus oblongis vel rotundato-oblongis dorso hirsuto-pubescentibus, calycis tubo hirsuto. Statice pectinata, Brunner, Ergebn. non Hort. Kew. Hab. In ins. Salis lapidosis [Brunner, in schedis herb. nostri.) This plant is certainly nearly allied to >S. pectinata, Hort. Kew. ; its inflorescence, however, is very different, its abor- tive branchlets recalling, though in a slighter degree, the S. articulata, Lois. The papillated branches and the broad bracteal scales give it something the look of S. pruinosa, Del., in place of the light appearance of S. pectinata, Hort. Kew. 199. Statice Jovi-barba, Webb; caule lignoso brevi, foliis dense imbricato-rosulatis oblongo-spathulatis margine ad apicera undulatis basi attenuatis infimis breviter petiolatis amplexicaulibus coriaceis glabris, scapo e foliorum rosula protruso gracili ancipite glabro apice subulato, spiculis secundis eleganter recurvis, bracteis exterioribus ovatis acutis interioribus elongato-lanceolatis acutis glabris, brac- teola hyalina 1-nervi obliqua, calyce profunde 5-partito, laciniis lineari-lanceolatis acutis, tubo gracili 5-costato glabro, corolla zygopetala versus apicem campanulata bre- viter 5-fida, antheris ovatis papillatis, stylis apice clavatis stigmatoso-papillosis. Hab. Copiosa in rupibus montis Verede ab alt. 1500 ped. usque ad apicem nee non in aliis montibus ins. S. Vin~ centii [Th. Voyel, n. 30. Junio, 1841, spec, florida.) SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 171 XLVI. Plantagine.e, Juss. 200. Plantago major, Linn. Sp. PL p. 163.— Ic. FL Dan. 461. Eiiffl. Bot. t, 1558. Schkuhr, Handb. t. 23. Hab. In aquosis Montis Verede, ins. S. Vincentii ad alt. 1500 ped. et in ins. S. Antonii {Th. Vogel, n. 28 et 34. Junio, 1841, sp. flor. et fruct.) 201. Plantago Psyllium, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 167.— Ic. Sibth. Fl. GrcEc. t. 149. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) XLVII. Nyctagine/e, Juss. 202. Boerhaavia ereda, Vahl, Eniim. 1. p. 284. — Ic. Jacq. Hort. Vind. 1. ^. 5. 6. Hab. In vallibus arenosis ins. S. Vincentii, boreee et Favonio conversis (Th, Vogel, n. 21. Junio, 1841. sp. mancuni sine fiore et fructu sed hue referendum.) 203. Boerhaavia joawicwZtf^a, Lamck. ///. \. p. 10/ In Boerhaaviarum cognitione incerti multum adest; CEdipo suo egent nee hie synonymiano ullam adducere ausus sim. Planta nostra eadem est certo ac species Lamarckiana indi- cata, ex specimine herbarii Desf. ab ipso cum Lamarckii planta collato. A Boerhaavia erecta, cui fructu glaber folia punctata foliis impunctatis et fructu pilis glandulosis vestito difFert. Hinc videtur Poiretiura {Encycl. 5. p. 53) has plantas mutuo confudisse. Plantae nostras valde affinis est B. jjrocumbens, Roxb., sed hujusce fructus magis elon- gatus pilis albidis vix viscosis hirtus, ex spec. herb. Lambert. Hab. In ins. S. Antonii: caules plures procumbentes, suf- frutescentes, 3-pedales, flores rubri (77*. Vogel, n. 24. Junio, 1841. sp. fl. et fruct.) 204. Boerhaavia c?icAo/omc, Vahl, Enum. \. p. 290. Valeriana scandens, Forsk. Fl. jEg. Ar. p. 12. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) 205. Boerhaavia repens, Linn. Sp. PL p. 5 ? Del. Fl. d'Eg. 172 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. J). 2. Cent, des pi. d'Afi\ p. 93. Vis. Fl. d'Eg. et Nub. p. 4. Boerhaavia vulvarifolia, Poir. Encycl. 5. jo. 55. Bocrhaavia suberosa, Chr. Smithy I. c. p. 249. Herb. Mus. Brit, (ex cl. /. D. Hooker.)— \c. Del. I. c. t. 3./. 1. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi prope Porto Praya locis umbrosis vulgaris et in rupestribus (/. D. Hooker^ n. 1G7. Nov. 1839, spec. flor. et fructif.) XLVIII. Amarantace^, Juss. 206. Alternanthera sessilis, R. Br. Prodr. 1. p. 417. Ille- cebrum sessile, Linn. Mant. p. 345. — Ic. Pluk. Phytogr. t. 133./. 2. Burm. Zeijl. t. 4. Rumph. Amb. G. t. 15./. 1. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi {Darivin.) 207. Achyrantbes argentea, Willd. Sp. PI. 1. p. 1191. Acbyrantbes aspera, a. Sicula, Linn. Webb, Phytog. Can. p. 194. Acbyrantbes virgata, Poir ! Encycl. Suppl. 2. p. 10. — Ic. Bocc. PI. Par. t. 9. Lamck. III. t. 168./ 1. Sibtb. Fl. GrcBC. t. 244. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi vulgatissiraa (/. D. Hooker^ n. 170. Nov. 1839. spec, fructifera, gracilia, caule albido, foUis tenuibus pilosis vix appressis nee sericeis.) 208. Acbyrantbes G6rj»em, Willd. Sp. PI. I. p. 1191. Acby- rantbes aspera, /3. indica, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 295. Acbyrantbes obtusifolia, Jjumck. Encycl. \. p. 545. Acbyrantbes crispa, Poir ! Encycl. Suppl. 2. p. 10. — Ic. Pluk. Phytogr. t. 10. / 4. Burm. Zeylan. t. 5./ 3. Hab. In collibus, ins. S. Jacobi {J. D. Hooker, n. 169. Nov. 1839. spec. flor. et fruct.) Ibid. {Brunner, \. c.) 209. ^rua Javanica, Juss. Gen. p. 88. ^rua, Forsk. Fl. ^g. Ar. p. 170. Illecebrum Javanicum, Linn. Syst. ed. Murr. p. 266. Acbyrantbes, Chr. Smith, in herb. Mus. Brit, (ex cl. J. D. Hooker.) This is a very variable plant, tbe forms it assumes may be tbus cbaracterised. Var. a, Forskalii, fobis oblongis vel ovatis obtusis, sjHca SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 173 crassiuscula, floribus majoribus, perigonii laciniis lanceo- latis acutis. — Hue spectat varietas latifolia Vahl et JE. JEgyptiaca, Gmel. — Habitat in ^gypto, Senegalia et ins. Gorgoneis. Var. /3. Bovei, foliis lineari-lanceolatis utrinque albescen- tibus, spica tenuiore, floribus minoribus rotundatis spisse lanatis, perigonii laciniis ovatis seepe obtusis. — Habitat in Arabise monte Sinai {Bove), Kenne in desertis, (Sieber.) The flowers of our specimens, as well as of those collected by Perrottet^ Heudelot and Brunner in Senegal, are some- what less woolly than those of the Egyptian plant, and the leaves are always oblong; but I can perceive no specific diff'e- rence. Hab. In rupestribus sinus Tarrafal ins. /S. Antonii {Forbes, n. 25). In ins. S. Jacobi prope Portum Praya {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 107. Nov. 1839.) In ins. S. Vincentii rupes- tribus {Th. Voyel, n. 79.) 210. Lestiboudesia trigyna, R. Br. Celosia trigyna, Linn. Mant. p. 212.— Ic. Jacq. Hort. Vinclob. 3. t. 15. Hab. In valle S. Dominici, ins. S. Jacobi {J. D. Hooker, n. 108. Junio, 1839, spec. flor. et fruct.) 211. Amaranthus gracilis, Desf., Tabl. de VEcole Bot. ed. 1. [im^p. 43. Poir. Encijcl. Suppl. 1. p. 312. JVebb, Phyt. Can. 3. ^.191. Amaranthus viridis, Linn. Sp. PL 2. p. 1407. quoad syn. Sloanii et Pisonis. Chenop. caudatum, Jacq. Coll. 2. p. 325. Amaranthus oleraceus, Lamck. Encycl. 1. p. 116. Hab. In valle S. Dominici, ins. S. Jacobi, (J. D. Hooker, n. 109. Nov. 1839, spec, fructifera.) In eadem ins. {Dar- win) in ins. >S^. Antonii usque ad apicem montis Verede {Th. Vogel, n. 12. 13 et 87. Junio, 1841, spec, fructifera et flor.) 212. Amaranthus spinosus, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1407. — Ic. Herm. H. lAigd. Bot. t. 33. Hab. In ins. Boa Vista {Brunner, 1. c.) 174 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. XLIX. CHENOPODIEiE, DC. 213. Chenopodium murale, Linn. Sp. PL p. 318. Moq- Tandon, Monog. p. 32.— Ic. Curt. Fl. Lond. t. 20. Engl Bot. t. 1722. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 110. Nov. 1839. spec, florida et fruct.) In ead. ins. {C. Darwin.) In ins. S. Vincentii, (Th. Vogel, n. 86. Junio, 1841, sp. fructifera sicca.) 214. Ambrina ambrosioides, Spach, Suites a Buff'. 6. p. 297. Moq. Tandon, Monog. p. 40. Chenopodium ambrosioides, Linn. Sp. PL p. 320.— Ic. Barrel, t. 1185. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, (J. Dalton Hooker, n. 111. Nov. 1849, spec, florida.) In eadem ins. (C. Darwin.) 215. Suffida maritima, Moq. Tandon, Mo^io^r. ^;. 127. Che- nopodium maritimum, Linn. Sp. PL p. 321. — Ic. Fl. Dan. t. 489. EngL Bot. t. 633. Hab. In ins. S. Antonii, {Th. Vogel, sine num. Jun. 1841. spec, florida et quaedam fruct.) L. POLYGONE^, JUSS. 216. Persicaria serrulata, Webb et Moq. Tandon, Phytog. Can. 3. 219. Polygonum serrulatum, LaGasc. Nov. Gen. Sp. p. 14. Hab. In valle S. Dominici, ins. S. Jacobi, [J. Dalton Hooker, n. 104. Nov. 1839, spec, fructiferum.) In eadem insula, (C Darwin.) " Rumicem quendam quern maximum vocat in ins. S. Jacobi, ad rivulos vallis Pico vidit Brunner." {Ergebn. p. 110.) LI. EUPHORBIACE^, JuSS. 217. Dalechampia Senegalensis, A. L. ; caule volubili pu- bescente substriato, stipulis ovato-lanceolatis hirsutis acutis integerrimis, foliis fere ad basin 3-lobis, lobis lanceolatis acutis margine argute denticulatis, subtus grosse nervoso- SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 175 reticulatis pube spissa utrinque tomentosis inferioribus saepe lobulatis, involucri foliolis rotundato-ovatis apice breviter 3-lobato-dentatis dentibus ovato-lanceolatis denti- culatis utrinque tomentosis grosse 5-nerviis, appendiculis stipulaceis 4 lanceolatis acutis tomentosis, florum mascu- lorum involucello longe pedunculato cyathiformi truncate grosse crenulato, floribus masculis pedicellatis, pedicello flore longiore glanduloso basi bracteato, bractea lanceolata acuta, antherarum subsessilium fasciculo longe stipitato calj^cis lacinias lanceolatas excedente, florum fern, invo- lucelli diphylli foliolis late ovatis fimbriatis, floris inter- medii longius pedicellati calycis 9-laciniati lateralium 6- laciniatorum laciniis lanceolatis pinnatis, pinnis glanduloso- hirsutis, ovario orbiculari-depresso cum stylo glanduloso- hirto, stigmate obtuso obsolete triangulari, florum pedicellis cum calycis laciniis papposis longe accretis, capsula orbi- culari-trigona depressa hirta. Nostras valde affinis est Dalechampia papposa, Endl. (Atakt.) sed foliis dentatis aliisque notis distincta, sed afiinior Dalechampia qusedam Nubica quam ad Montem Arasch- Kool legit sedulissimus Kotschy (d. 30 Sept. 1839) quam- que sub num. 84 fautoribus suis misit associatio itin. adjecto in Schedis nomine D. Cordofana, Hochst., sed nullibi a cl. viro descriptam invenio. Diflert involucro longiore florum femineorura (quos unicos vidi) involucello latiore calycibus multo magis hirsuto-papposis ovarioque strigosiore sed ulterius examinanda et forsan vix diversa. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, {Darwin,) et in herb. ins. Prom. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) Specimina sua habuit celeb. Jussiaeus ab Adansonio et a cl. Geoff'roy, anno 1788. 218. Phyllanthus scabrellus^ Webb; caule annuo difl'uso, ramulis debilibus 4-gonis angulis pilis dentiformibus sca- bris, stipulis apice filiformibus basi lanceolatis, foliis bre- vissime petiolatis ovatis vel suborbiculatis pallidis subtus scabrellis mox glabris, margine obsolete denticulatis, nervis evanidis, floribus in axillis foliorum solitariis erectiusculis, calycis laciniis saepe 5 ovatis vel lanceolato-ovatis late 176 SPICILEGIA GORGONE\. scariosis medio dorso tantum herbaceis, ovario disco obsolete subcrenato stipato, capsula complanata glaberrima lucida. — Phyllanthus, (n. 987), Schimper exsicc. Arab. Associatiouw itin. 1837, in arena prope Djeddam, et hujus videtur esse var. glabrescens, Phyllanthus, (n. 89), Kotsch. It. Nub. a Monte Arasch-Kool. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 105. spec, fructiferum.) In ins. S. Antonii, [Th. Vogel, n. 17. Junio, 1841, spec, macrura adustuni.) Extat quoque in herb. Mus. reg. Par. cum priore in Senegambia ab indefessis Perrottet et Leprieur lectus. 219. Phyllanthus Thonningii, Schum. ! Beskriv. Af. Gtcin. PL p. 192. Phyllanthus virgatus, Vahl MSS. in herb. Jnss. ! caule lignoso, ramis virgatis 4-gonis glabris, stipulis basi dilatatis apice acutis, foliis breviter petiolatis oblongo- lanceolatis apice latioribus apiculatis basi subattenuatis margine minutissime denticulatis subtus subglaucescen- tibus nervosis, floribus in axillis foliorum solitariis pen- dulis, calycis laciniis sajpissime 6 apice orbiculatis basi attenuatis glabris margine scarioso angusto cinctis, ovario glandulis 5-6 oblongis stipato, capsula pomiformi glabra. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 103 et 107. Nov. 1839, specimina floribus femineis etfructibus onusta.) 220. Euphorbia Chamasyce, Linn. Sp. Pi. p. 652. — Ic. Clus. Hist. 2. p. 187. Hab. In vallibus arenosis ins. S. Vincentii sub Tamarice, {Th. Vogel, n. 57. Junio, 1841, spec, fruct.) 221. Euphorbia Forskdlii, Gay, in Phytog. Can. 3. ined. Euphorbia thymifolia, Forsk. Fl. JEg.-Ar. p. 94. Del. ! Fl. JEg. Til. p. 63. non alior. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 105. Nov. 1839, sp. fl. et fruct.) In eadem ins. [Darwin.) In herl). Mus. reg. Par. spec, florida et fructifera. Frequens in ins. S. Antonii, {Th. Vogel, n. 17.) et in rupibus S. Vin- centii, ad alt. circiter 500 ped. {Th. Vogel, n. 18. Junio, 1841, spec, fruct.) 222. Euphorbia hypericifolia, Linn. var. piisilla, glaberrima. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 177 prostrata, foliis integerrimis vel obsolete serruiatis, capsulis glabris. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) specimen unicum, ubi vulgo ex scheda vocatur " TerhinaP 223. Euphorbia Braslliensis, Lamck, Encycl. vol. 2. p, 423. Euphorbia hypericifolia, Linn. var. (excl. Gay, in schedis herb, nostr.) Hab. In herb. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) forma gracilis, foliis parvis vix serrulatis, capsulis hirtulis. 224. Euphorbia 5corc?^/b/^«, Jacq. Coll. p. 113. Willd. Sp, PI. vol. 2. p. 896. Euphorbia tomentosa, Pers. Enchir. 2. p. 13.— Ic. Jacq. Ic. rar. 9. /. 476. Hab. In herb. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) spec, florida. 225. Euphorbia Tuckeyana, Steud. Nomencl. Bot. p. 615. i^nomen sine descript.) E. arborea, Chr. Smith, in Tuck. Voy. p. 251, {nomen sine descript.) Herb. Mas. Brit. ! {excl. J. D. Hooker) ; arborescens, ramis crassis fuscis cica- tricibus fol. not., foliis ad apicem ramorum oblongis vel oblongo-lanceolatis obtusiusculis vel subacuminatis mar- gine membranaceis obsolete sinuatis, basi in petiolum attenuatis vel subsessilibus glabris floralibus amplis ob- cordato- vel tetragono-ovatis, involucri campanulato-tubu- losi hrabo 4-fido laciniis oblongis apice bitidis glandulis quadratis ad angulos brevissime 2-dentatis vel sublunatis bidentatis, staminum bracteis (perianthii masculi rudi- mentis) basi inter se connatis, laciniis filiformibus pecti- nato-dentatis, ovario ovato, capsula triquetro-pomiforrai vel elongato-ovato, semine fusco raarmorato, epistomio me- diocre pileato. Hab. Per totam ins. >S'. Vincentii communis ab alt. 200 ped. usque ad montium cacumina et alt. 2500 ped. frutex saepius 2-3-pedalis sed aliquando arbor 6-pedaUs, rami glabri, sub apice foliis circa 20 vestiti. {Th. Vogel, n. 122, Junio, 1841, spec. flor. et fruct.) nee non in alia scheda specimina vidimus non aliter diversa sed brevioribus invo- lucri squamis apice lunatis et conspicue dentatis. Ad basin mentis cujusdam abrupti vallis S. Dominici, ins. S. Jacobi, N 178 SPICTLEGIA GORGONEA. frutex 5-8-pedalis, succo lacteo scatens; larvam perpulchram Sphingis Euphorbioi? quee foliis hujus specie! vescebatur observavi, (/. Dalton Hooker, n. 115, Nov. 1839, spec, fructifera.) In herb. Mus. reg. Par. specimen floridura. Christian Smith says of this species in his journal, 1. c. p. 243 : " I found at last an Eiqjhorbia, which bore so near a resemblance to E. piscatoria, as scarcely to be distinguished from it." Again, p. 27, in Tuckey's Journal, he says : " At the height of about 1600 feet I at length found the hills and small valleys covered with large bushes of a Tithymalus re- sembling E. piscatoria, but the identity difficult to be esta- Mished." 226. Ricinus communis, Linn. ; Sp. PI. p. 1430. — Ic. Lob. Hist. p. 392. Blackw. herb. t. 148. Turp. Fl. Med. t. 298. Schkuhr, Handb. t. 312. Nees ab Es. Gen. germ. 2. t. 38. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, (J, Dalton Hooker, n. 74. Nov. 1839, spec, fruct.) 227. Dalechampia Cordafana, Hochst. in Kotsch. exsicc. It. Nub. n. 84 ! Dalechampia inedita Senegalensis, A. de Juss. Euphorb. p. 56. D. trijoartita, R. Br. in Salt, Abyss. ? Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi, {Darwin, n. 287 et 288, sp. flor. et fruct.) Our specimens of this singular plant would resemble en- tirely the D. papposa, Endl. {Atakt. t. 20 et 21.) were its leaves not always dentate. I can see no difference whatever between this and Kotsch y's plant : it is therefore a native of either Ethiopia. LII. MoREiE, Endl. 228. Ficus Lichtensteinii, Link, Enum. Hort. Bei'. 2. p. 451. Hab. In vallibus ins. S. Nicolai, {Forbes^ n. 20. d. 29 Martii, 1822, sp. fructifera.) The young fruit of our species is turbinate, but when ripe lemon-shaped, or nearly round (globuliform), about the size of a small playing marble. The plant corresponds perfectly with F. Lichtensteinii formerly cultivated at the Jardin du Roi at Paris, and which probably came from Berlin, as it is SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 179 named thus without doubt by Desfontaines in his herbarium. Sprengel unites the species with Ficus Capensis, Thunb. LI II. Urtice^, Juss. 229. ForskahUa procridifolia, Webb ; ramis lignosis pilis patuUs strigosis, foliis lanceolatis acutissimis basi atte- nuatis scabris supra viridibus subtus cinereo-tomentosis subtriplinerviis nervis ascendentibus margine argute ser- rato-dentatis dentibus spinosis, bracteis lanceolatis scariosis, involucro amplo turbinate tubo parce piloso, laciniis ob- longis acutis nudis, antheris rotundatis, stylis pilosissimis longe exsertis, fructu elHptico subconvexo basi in pedi- cellum brevem attenuate. 230. YoYsVkhXm Candida, Chr. Smith ! I.e. etherb. Mus. Brit. (ex cl. /. D. Hooker) non Linn. fil. This plant is nearly aUied to Forsk. tenacissima, L., from which it differs in the shape and sharper teeth of its leaves, its larger and more decidedly funnel-shaj)ed involucrum, by its styles much longer and more hairy, and by the shape of its fruit. Hab. In petrosis et in declivibus aridis vallium ins. S. Ni- colai {Forbes, n. 19 et 39. d. 27 et 29 Martii, 1822, sp. . fructifera.) Circa Portum Praya, ins. S. Jacobi {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 113.) Specimina vix dum florida. In ins. S. Antonii {Th. Vogel, n. 51.) et in ins. S. Vincentii frutex dumosus ssepe 2-pedalis {Th. Vogel, n. 71. Junio, 1841, spec, fructifera et florida.) 231. Forskahlia viridis, Ehrenb. ; caule basi lignoso, ramis pilis ascendentibus hirtis vel glabrescentibus, foliis ovato- lanceolatis basi attenuatis subscabris utrinque viridibus vel tomento cinereo sordide albidis triphnerviis nervis divari- catis margine vix revolutis crenato-dentatis dentibus ssepe irregularibus vel subobsoletis, involucro turbinate apice dilatato tubo ad angulos piloso, laciniis late ovatis foliaceis obtusis vel obtusiusculis, stylo breviusculo pubescente, fructu ovali. Forskahlia viridis, Ehrenb. ex hart. Berol. Desf. Cat. Hart. Par. ed. 3. p. 347. Hab. In vallibus altioribus circa Portum Praya, ins. S. Ja- N 2 180 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. cobi, {J. D. Hooker^ n. 113. Nov. 1839, spec, vix dum florida.) In herb. Mus. reg. Par. spec, florida. LIV. Orchide^, Juss. 232. Habenaria Petromedusa, Webb ; petalis 3 exterioribus ovato-lanceolatis 3-nerviis acutis, 2 interioribus profunde 2-partitis exteriorum fere longitudine lacinia superiore oblonga paullulum breviore, inferiore setaceo, labello pe- talis exterioribus parutn longiore usque ad medium 3-fido laciniis filiformibus medio breviore lateralibus divergen- tibus, calcare germine breviore filiformi basi gracillimo apicem versus sub latiore supra labellum incurve, anthera rotundata incurva subtus in cornua 2 horizontalia pro- ducta appendicibus 2 ipsa excedentibus (antheris abortivis) horizontaliter porrectis apice deflexis crassis glandulosis subtensa, germine gracili in pedicellum longum desinente. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. {Mus. reg. Par.) Radix Caulis sesquipedaUs, ei-ectus, gracilis, foliosus. Folia ovato-lanceolata, divergentia, 4 poll, longa, 1^ poll, lata. Spica tenuis, sub-3-pollicaris, floribus circiter 15 laxis. Bractece lineares, germine 4 lin. long, metiente multo breviores. Petala exteriora circiter \\ lin. longa, I lin. lata. This may perhaps be identical with the species described by Swartz in Persoon's Synopsis as Orchis ichneumonea {Habenaria ichneumonea, Lindl.) found by Afzelius at Sierra Leone ; but it is not possible to decide this from his short description. Two other Orchideous plants, apparently of the Epiden- drous tribe, occur in the Portuguese collection, but unfor- tunately without flower or fruit. LV. ASPARAGINE^, Juss. 233. Asparagus scoparius, Lowe, Prim. Mad. p. 11. As- paragus plocamoides, Webb, in Steud. Nomencl. p. 150. A. stipularis, Brunn. Ergebn. p. 20 ? Hab. Fruticulus facie et magnitudine A. officinalis, Linn. SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. 181 Ad apices monticulorum circa Porto Praya et mentis abrupti in valle >S. Dominici, ins. S. Jacobi : cortex argen- teus, {J. Dalton Hooker, n. 10. 2 Nov. 1839, spec, sine flore et fructu, pedicellis solis superstitibus.) This species is common in TenerifFe, on dry rocks, in the lower, or African region, where it acquires the height of 8 feet, or more. It differs from A. officinalis in having very numerous fasciculated flowers. Asparagus ? A parte media usque ad apicem montis Verede, ins. /S. Vin- centii : frutescens, ramis longis divaricatis dependentibus reclinatis, [Th. Vogel, n. 4. Junio, 1841, spec, foliis fere destituta sine fl. et fruct.) The young branches of this plant are green and striated, like those of A. amarus, but the leaves are more aciculated and the bracteee subtended by a stronger and longer prickle. There exists in the herb. Mus. Par. a single specimen of a species of Smilax very nearly allied to /S. Canariensis, Willd., but evidently diflfering from it. LVI. JuNCE^, Juss. 234. Juncus«CM/M5, Lamck. £7^c^/c?. 3.J0. 268. Juncus acutus, a. Linn. Sp. PI p. 463.— Ic. Engl. BoL 1614. Hab. In aquosis sub apice montis Verede, ins. S. Vincentii. {Th. Vogel, n. 42. Junio, 1841, spec, fructifera.) LVII. COMMELYNE^, R. Br. 235. Commelyna canescens, Vahl, Enum. 2. p. 73. Roem. et Schult. Syst. I. p. 535. Mant. 1. p. 338. Kunth, Enum. 4. p. 50. Hab. In valle S. Dominici ins. S. Jacobi (J. Dalton Hooker, n. 101. Nov. 1839, spec, flor.) LVIII. NAIADE.E, Juss. 236. Votamogeton pusillus, L. Sp. Pl.p.184. Smith, Fl. Brit, p. 95.— Ic. Engl. Bat. t. 215. El Dan. t. 1451. Nees ab Esenb. fluvial, t. 4. /. 9. et seq. Hab. In ins. S. Jacobi {Darwin, spec. flor. et fructifera.) 182 SPICILEGIA GORGONEA. LIX. Cyperace^, Jusa. 237. Cyperus alojjecuroides, Rottb. Descr. et Ic. p. 38. /. 8. /. 2. Kunth, Enum. 2. p. 19. Hab. In valle -S^. Dominici ins. S. Jacobi Cyperum hunc unicum stirpemque aquaticam unicam inveni (/. D. Hooker, n. 100. Nov. 1839, spec, fructifera.) 238. Cyperus mucronatus, Rottb. /Q. albidus, Vahl, Enum. 2. jy. 348. K\xnth,Enu7n.p. 17. Cyperus Isevigatus, Zi?m. Ma7it. p. 179. Rottb. Gram. p. 19. C. lateralis, Forsk. FL JEg.- Arab. p. 13. Cy^tv\xs\Xiono%i?ic\\y\x&, Link iti Buck, Beschr. Can. Ins. p. 138.— Ic. Rottb. /. c. t. 16./. 1. Hab. In monte Verede ins. S. Vincentii ad alt. 500 et 600 ped. {Th. Vogel, n. 113) et ad rivulos ins. S. Antonii {id. n. 64, 75 et 99. Junio, 1841, spec. flor. et fruct.) 239. Cyperus jEgyptiacus, Glox. Obs. p. 20. Kunth, Enum. 2. p. 48. Schoenus mucronatus, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 63. Scbeucbz. Gram. p. 367. — Ic. Glox, /. c. t. 3. Scheuchz. /. c. t. 8. / 1. Mert. et Koch, Deutschl. Fl. 1. p. 450. Hab. In herb. ins. Cap. Vir. Mus. reg. Par. 240. Cyprus artiailatus, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 66. Kunth, Enum. 2. JO. 53.— Ic. Sloan. Hist. Jam. 1. /. 81./. 1. Hab. In rivulis ins. ica, Alph. DC. Mem. Anon. p. 31. — West coast of Africa, from Senegambia to the Bight of Benin. It was with considerable anxiety that this, the " Guinea" or " Malaghata pepper," was sought for, but in vain, amongst the collections of the Niger Expedition, for it is a plant of which we know but little botanically ; though its seeds were an article of export for upwards of two centuries, and were once highly prized as a condiment, it is now never seen and seldom heard of, except by the curious. So important an article of commerce was it, that the name of " Grain Coast" was given to a long tract of land in the Bight of Benin, and the establishment of the towns of Grand Bassa and Cape Pal mas was due to its importance. Up to the close of the 18th century, the Guinea pepper was in great request ; when the still more aromatic and pungent grain of the Eastern FLORA NIGRITIANA. 20 7 Archipelago di'ove the milder condiment from the table and market. It was a plant very early known to the Arab physicians ; Serapim calls it " fulful alsuaden," that is. Pepper of the Black people, whence our name of iEthiopian pepper. The French, " Grain de Zelim," is derived from the Arabic name of " Azelim/' given to it by Avicenna. Alphonse De Candolle cites this genus as confined to Western Africa and the Western Indies. The only other African species is H. undulata, A. DC, {Xylopia undulata, Pal. Beauv.) from Benin. 1. Coelocline parviflora, A. DC. /. c. Uvaria parviflora, A. Rich, in Fl. Seneg. p. 9, t. 3, f. 1. — Senegambia, Perrottet ; Quorra, Vogel. Flores plerumque solitarii, axillares, \-^ unc. longi. Sepala 3, late ovata, acuta. Petala linearia, sepalis quintuplo lon- giora. Ovaria 4. A veiy similar species, or probably variety of this, from the Congo River, {Christ. Smith), has the leaves narrower and sharper at the base ; whilst a third, also in the British Museum, and gathered by Smeathman, has villous and hairy ramuli, with longer and still more acuminate leaves. The flowers and fruit of all are very similar. To these three species, as many other W. African ones may be added ; C. acutiflora, A. DC, C. po- ly carpa, A. DC, and C oxypetala, A. DC, all from Sierra Leone. 1. Artabotrys macrophylla, Hook. fil. ; glabra, foliis amplis late ovatis V. elliptico-oblongis utrinque rotundatis et apice abrupte acuminatis subcoriaceis super nitidis, pedunculis oppositifoliis lateralibusve uncinatis ramosis multifloris, pedicellis brevis- simis crassis, sepalis e basi lata acuminatis, petalis ovato- lanceolatis calyce duplo longioribus. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Arbor parva, apice ramosa. Rami diam. pennse anserinse, teretes; cortice atro, striato. Folia brevissime petiolata, fere pedalia, 8-10 unc. lata, svibcoriacea, super splendentia, subter pallida, opaca, costa muricata, venis prominulis. Panicula 2 unc. longa, lignosa ; pedunculo primario caule continuo et ejusdeni 208 FLORA NIGRITIANA. diametro, statim ramoso ; ranio altero uucinato-recurvo, ramulis brevibus multifloris bracteatis pubescentibus ; bracteis ovatis v. obovatis, extus velutinis. Pedicelli vix 2 lin. longi, infra florem incrassati ; floribus pro planta parvis. Sepala crassa_, patentia, 3-4 lin. longa, basi 3 lin. lata^ tumida, extus velutina^ in acumen lineare recurvum producta. Petala 6, coriacea, inter se subsequalia, extus velutina, basi dilatata et intus lamina car- nosa aucta^ supra laminam pauUo constiicta ed divergentia. Stamina numerosa, multiseriata. Ovaria plurima. The specimens are imperfect^ but the inflorescence as well as the flowers, in so far as we have been able to ascertain their structure, sufficiently indicate their close affinity to the genus Artabotrys, of which the species hitherto described are all from the East Indian Archipelago, or from the south-eastern parts of the Asiatic continent. 1. Uvaria? Vogelii, Hook. fil. ; glabi'a, foliis breviter petiolatis anguste obovali-oblongis breviter acuminatis margine subun- dulatis basi rotundato-subcordatis subter glaucis, pedicellis unifloris solitariis geminisve, calyce obtuse repando-trilobo, petalis ovatis obtusis crassis extcrioribus latis calyce duplo longioribus interioribus oblongis minoribus, staminibus glan- dulosis, carpellis (v. carpellorum articulis ?) breviter stipitatis oblongis monospermis. (Tab. XVII.) — On the Quorra, at "Sterling/' Vogel Rami validi ; ramuli horizontals, patentes, dein erecti, elongati et hinc inde semel in spiram torti, unde verosimiliter scau- dentes, epidermide atra, punctis albis conspersa. Folia sub- membranacea, 3-6 unc. longa. \\ unc. lata, petiolo 2 lin. longo, super in sicco nitidula, subter pallidiora glaucescentia v. rubescentia. Pedicelli semiunciam longi, fructiferi in parte inferiore denudata ramulorum siti, ad axillas foliorum delapsorum. Flores quorum fragmenta tantum adsunt, pani. Calijcis lobi brevissimi, obtusi. Petala cxteriora, (forte non- dum perfecte accreta), li lin. longa, crassa, glabra, sestiva- tione verosimiliter anguste imbricata. Stamina pauca, (sub- definita ?) ; filamentum breve, crassum ; councctivum fila- mento subsequalc et sicut illius apex, glandulis conspersuni, FLORA NIGRITIANA. 209 subquadratus ; loculi oblongi marginales. Carpella (v. car- pelloriim moniliformium articuli inferiores ?) circa 6, 3^-4 lin. longa, siccitate nigra, Isevia et glabra, oblonga, obtusa cum mucrone parvo, sed ex speciniinibus baud patet si mucro e styli reliquiis superest, vel stipitem indicat articulorvim supe- riorum arbortientium seu delapsorum. Pericarpium teimiter carnosum, semini arete adbserens. Semen in carpello (seu articulo) unicum, loculum arete implens, exarillatum, raphe completa pereursum. Testa tenuiter coriacea, integumentum interius membranaceum, cum exteriore conferruminatum, intus productum in plicas numerosas transversales parallelas, cum illas albuminis alternantes et juxta rapbin plica angusta verticali inter se connexas. Albumen corneum, ruminatum, laminas format borizontales numerosas cum plicis integumenti alternantes, et irregulariter inter se connexas, lamina verticali fere continua rapbi opposita ad perij)heriam tamen baud attingente; lamina altera verticali cum priore ad angulam rectam disposita bine inde laminas duo v, plures connectente. Plate XYII. Fig. 1. flower; /. 2. one of tbe outer petals; /. 3. stamen ; /. 4. vertical, and /. 5. transverse section of tbe carpel and seed, (in wbicb, bowever, by an error of tbe artist, tbe vertical plates of tbe albumen are represented as continuous witb tbe pericarp) ; /, 6. portion of tbe surface of tbe connectivum sbowing tbe glands ; all magnified, espe- cially the last.^ * The sketch made by Dr. Hooker of the only tolerably complete flower that he could find, shows that the number of stamens is much fewer than in most Uvarice : this circumstance, together with the form of the anthers and the apparently monospermous carpels, induced Dr. Planchon to suggest that this plant should constitute a distinct genus, under the name of Clethrospermum, allied to Oxandra. The state of the flower examined was such, however, that it was not pos- sible to ascertain whether the number of stamens was really definite, nor yet to investigate the structure of the pistils ; and although the carpels look as if they were complete and constantly monospermous, yet precisely the same appearance is often assumed by the moniliferous fruits of some Uvarice, when reduced by accident or by abortion to a single articulation, and it is therefore impossible, without further materials, P 210 FLORA NIGRITIANA. 3. Uvaria gracilis, Hook. fil. ; glabra, ramulis gracilibus ul- timis pubescentibus, foliis breviter petiolatis submembra- naceis obovato-lanceolatis longe et obtuse acuminatis basi subangustatis et juxta petiolum obscure cordatis subter pal- lide glaucis venis rubris, pedunculis axillaribus solitariis, sepalis patulis obovatis obtusis, carpellis glaberrimis breve eylindraceis Isevibus subglaueescentibus longe stipitatis (an nunc moniliformibus ?) toro parvo capitato insertis mono- spermis. — Sierra Leone, Don. Rami crassit. pennse corvinse, parce ramulosi ; cortice cinereo, striate, nunc albo-puuctato. Folia 3 unc. longa, 1^ lata, ima basi emarginata v. cordata, supra medium gradatim latiora, deinde angustata, apice subobtusa v. acuminata, super pallide viridia vix nitentia, subter alba, glauca; petiolo 2 lin, longo. Pedicellus fructus uncialis. Lobi calycini \ unc. longi, coriacei, persistentes. Torus parvus, I5 lin. lat., apice planus. Carpella parva, patentia, f unc. longa, pedicello sequilongo sufFulta, utrinque obtusa, apiculata. Specimens rather imperfect, but belonging to a very distinct species. Some of the carpels are distinctly monospermous, while others appear to be the lowest loculus of a monihform carpel. Seeds very aromatic. 3. Uvaria globosa, Hook. fil. ; ramis gracilibus, ramulis velu- tinis, foliis breviter petiolatis oblongo-ellipticis lanceolatisve basi rotundatis apice angustatis utrinqiie nitidis ad venas subter pracipue pubescentibus marginibus tcnuiter recurvis, floribus axillaribus solitariis v. binis brevissime pedicellatis to give any character to distinguish this species from Uvaria, as generally extended to include Uiiona, or even from those species of true Uvarice, which Blume includes in his group Ambigua. The vertical laminae of the seed are by mistake described by Dr. Planchon as folds of the integu- ment almost meeting in the axis ; when in fact they are the continuous portions of the albumen itself, by which the horizontal plates are more or less connected together. They are continuous with each other, occa- sionally forming a cross in the centre, and extend nearly to the circum- ference, the most complete of them being opposite to the rajjhis, from whence a narrow vertical fold of the integument projects into a slight furrow in the albumen. — ((i. B.) FLORA NIGRITIANA. 211 velutinis, carpellis 3-4 breviter stipitatis globosis dense fer- rugineo-pubescentibus toro capitato insertis, seminibus bise- riatis. — Accra ; Vogel. Rami graciles, teretes, ramulosi, erassitie peunse anatinse ; cor- tice atro tenuiter striate albo-punctato ; ramulis patentibus, ascendentibus, piibe rufa velutinis. Folia 2-4-uncialia, |-1 unc. lata, forma varia, pleraque lanceolata, rarius ovalia v. oblonga, e basi semper rotundata, ad | longit. sensim latiora, deinde angustata, summo apice acuminata v. obtusa, utrinque siccitate kiride rufo-fusca; petiolo 1 lin. longo. Pedunculi 1-2-llori, 1 liu. longi, validi, velutini. Flores parvi, extus dense sericei, pilis rufis nitidis. Sepala late ovato-triangu- laria, basi connexa, 2 lin. longa. Petala (in flore manco observata) exteriora late ovata obtusa, calyce paullo lon- giora, sestivatione verosimiliter imbricata, interiora baud visa. Stamina baud numerosa, lineari-clavata ; antherfe filamento sequilongse, connectivo incrassato, loculis linearibus lateralibus. Carpella pauca, singula 3-4 lin. diametro, stipite linea bre- viori, rufo-velutina, vertice obtusissima v. depressa et notata cicatrice styli. Semina 4-7, borizontalia, laminis endocarpii separata, exai'illata, mutua pressione variis modis verticaliter compressa, testa nitida coriacea, integumento interiore more plerumque Anonacearum intra plicas albuminis producto, costa verticali interiore vix in laminam producta. This species is evidently congener with several of the Eastern Uvariee retained in the genus by those who confine it within the naiTowest limits, although the stamens appear to be less numerous than they usually are. It is very nearly allied to, if not identical with an undescribed Cape Coast specimen, which has rather broader, less acuminated leaves, almost cordate at the base, and somewhat larger flowers. Four other West African species of Uvaria are enumerated ; two by DC, U. macrocarpa and U. ovata ; and two by Schu- macher, U. cordata and U. cylindrica, which may belong to some of the above or following species. There are further, four undescribed in the British Museum, two of them from Sierra Leone, one from the Congo River, and the fourfh from Cape p 2 212 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Coast Castle, making in all eleven species of this or closely allied genera. Tlie difficulty, however, of ascertaining even the generic characters is very great, without the presence of very good specimens, both of the flower and fruit ; the relation between the carpological and floral characters not having yet been sufficiently made out by the monogi'aphists who have studied the Anonacea.^ Another West African genus oi Anonacea, Hexalobus, A.D.C. including two species, completes the Order as existing on that coast, which thus enumerates upwards of twenty native species, a very large proportion for a Flora so little known, and so defective in number of species. In the predominance of Afionacea, this Flora resembles that of the islands of the Indian Archipelago, to which the whole coast is related more markedly in its botany, than to the continent of America. IV. MENISPERMACE^.f Gen. Nov. Jateorhiza. — Fl. dioici. — Masc. Sepala 6, ovata, biseriata, exteriora paulo minora, sestivatione irabricata. Petala 6, ovata, sepalis breviora, apice truncata, lateribus introflexis stamina tegentibus. Stamina 6, petalis opposita : filamenta crassa, apice arete refracta, et in connectivum aniplum car- • The aestivation of the corolla especially has been little attended to, and is likely to afford valuable auxiliary characters. In most general works, as in Endlicher's " Genera" and Lindley's " Vegetable Kingdom," the petals are said to be valvate in each series ; and although, in the most recent work on the subject, Martius and Endlicher's " Flora Brasiliensis," the imbricate aestivation of the petals of Duguetia is noticed, yet even in that work the valvate festivation is included, as well in the ordinal cha- racter, as in the generic character of Guaiteria ; whereas in most, if not all species of true Guatterice, Uvarice, Unonce, and some others, the petals will be found more or less to overlay each other in the bud, as readily indicated by the rounded form of their apex. In Anona, and all others where they are truly valvate, that arrangement naturally occasions them to terminate in a point, at least in the young state. — (G. B.) t The MS. of this order has been entirely drawn up by Mr. Miers, from whose able pen we may shortly hope for a complete monograph, where the species, here only alluded to, will be fully described. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 213 nosuin terminata : antheree extrorsse, dorso affixse, 4-lob8e, 2-valv8e, rima transversali hiantes, Ovaria rudimentaria 3, centralia^ punctiformia. — Fl. fosm. Sepala ut in masc. Petala 6, cuneato-obovata, crassiuscula, apice emarginata, lateribus introllexis stamina volventibus. Stamina sterilia 6, petalis dimidio breviora ; filamenta tenuiora, compressa, lobo rotun- dato apiculata. Ovaria 3, libera, erecta, oblonga, gibba, extus dense glanduloso-pilosa, supra gynophoram sub-3- gonam imposita, 1-locularia, ovulounico fuuiculo brevi angulo interne supra medium appenso. Stylus brevis, crassus, sub- excentricus. Stigma 3-partitum, laciniis 2-3-fidis, reflexis. Drupa S, abortu paueiores, ovatae, earnos?e, l-spermse. Nux ovata, dorso convexa, tuberculata, pilis fibrillosis densissime plexis indutaj ventre l?evis, concava. Semen loculo con- forme, meniscoideum. Embryo intra albumen carnosum quasi 2-laminare fere rectus, lamello exteriori simplici, tenui, interiori crassiori, et in rugis plurimis transversalibus profunde ruminatis, testa tenui in plicis insinuata, cotyledo- nibus membranaceo-foliaceis, spathulato-oblongis, lateraliter divaricatis, et in locellis sejunctis utrinque positis, radicula supera, brevi, tereti, ad apicem spectanti, centrifuga. — Suf- frutices Africse tropicse debiles, volubiles, setis rigidis, vel pilis setosis vestitce ; folia alterna, magna, petiolata, cordata, rotundata, palmatim 3-5-7 -loba ; racemi axillares, elongati, pedicellis laxis, S-7-floris, floribus vagis, pro ordine majusculis, bracteatis, sessilibus, bracteis longissime setoso- ciliatis. Jateorbiza strigosa, Miers. Cocculus ? macrantbus, Hook.fil. in Hook. Ic. PL 759 (Tab. nostr. XVITI) ; foliis rotundato-3-lo- batis, basi profunde inciso-cordatis, lobis 3-angularibus acutis mucronatis auriculis basalibus rotundatis, marginibus parallelis fere approximatis, submembranaceis reticulatis supra nitidis subtus pallidioribus 7-nervibus nervis utrinque setoso-strigosis, setis adpressis rigidis rufulis longiusculis, margine dense setoso-ciliatis ; petiolo striato auriculis basalibus duplo lon- giore arete setoso-strigoso ; racemo axillari. — Clarence Cove, Fernando Po, Vogel ; Congo, Tuckey in Herb. Mus. Brit. 214 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Tliis is very distinct from the two other well-known species ;* and I have retained for it the more appropriate specific name of strigosa, previously given by me to the Congo specimen : this point, however, would certainly have been ceded in favour of the distinguished author of the Flora Antarctica, did not the name of macrantha convey a very incorrect idea of the species, for its flowers, when expanded, are scarcely more than 2 lines in diameter, and although large for the order, they are not greater than those of /. palmata, or the flowers of some other genera, and are assuredly diminutive when compared with those of plants in general. The leaves, from the insertion of the petiole, to the summit of the middle lobe, are 7\ inches long, the lateral lobes measure 6 inches, the depth of the basal lobes is 2 J inches, so that the total length is 9^ inches, their extreme breadth being 9 inches, and the length of the petiole 5^ inches. Plate XVIII. Fig. 1. Masc. flower, forced open ; /. 2. three of the six stamens ; /. 3. female flower ; /. 4. one of the petals of the female flower, with three sterile filaments ; f. 5 . ovaria and styles. 1. Cissampelos Vogelii, Miers ; ramulis dcmum glabris; foliis $ palatis, $ subpeltatis, cordatis deltoideo-obovatis apice obtusiusculis emarginatis sinu mucronatis, supra sparse pubes- centibus, subtus griseo-glaucis et pubescentibus 5-7-nervibus, pctiolo tomentoso ssepe refracto limbo fere sequilongo; ra- cemis ,1 ternis petiolo 4-plo brevioribus, ? axillaribus solitariis rarius binis scorpioideo-flexuosis gracilibus folio longioribus, floribus pedicellatis 7-9 fasciculatis folio reconditis, sepalo oblongo extus piloso, petalo obcordato miuimo ovarioque glabris. — On the Quorra Kiver ; Vogel. A very distinct species : the leaves of the male plant are larger than those of the female, being 2\ inches long, including the basal lobes, and 2j inches from the petiole at the sinus, they are 2\ inches broad, the petiole being 1^ to 2 inches long> and its insertion half a line within the margin. The female inflo- « 1. Jateorhiza palmata, Miers, (Coccnlus palmatus, DC. Hook. Bot. Mag. tab. 29/0-2971) ;— and 2. J. Columba, Miers, C. palmatus. Wall. Cat. n. 4953, (in hort. Bot. Calcutta' cult.) FLORA NIGRITIANA. 215 rescence consists of axillary, slender, lax, scorpioid spikes, 2| inches long, with very small bracteiform mucronate leaflets, each enclasping about 7 minute pubescent flowers. 2. Cissampelos comata, Miers ; foliis suborbicularibus cordatis apice emarginatis mucronatis, petiolo sub-brevi, race- mulis 3-4 in axillis junioribus fasciculatis dichotome divisis, pedicellis capillaceis, petalo glabro margine crenato, anthera 8-loba. — On the Quorra ; Vogel ? The specimen consists only of a floriferous branchlet about 10 inches long, with a single basal leaf of the parent stem, about 1 J in diameter, on a short petiole only ^ of an inch ; the axils of the floriferous branch exhibit leaflets of similar form, the lower ones being half an inch diameter and expanded, di- minishing upwards to the size of 2 lines; there are generally 3 capillary racemules about 1 inch long ; the sepals are pilose outside, the petals quite glabrous Is it the female of C. Vo- gelii ? — but the shape of its leaves does not accord with the suppo- sition. The other Tropical W. African species of Cissampelos are C. Owariensis, Beauv., from Cape Coast and Oware, C. mucronata, A. Rich., extending across from Senegambia to Abyssinia and the Island of Bourbon, and three unpublished species, of which two from Congo, are in the British Museum, and one from Senegambia in the Hookerian herbarium. The Cocculus Cebatha, DC, (which includes C. Leaba, epiba- terium and ellipticus, DC), mentioned under the first of these names above, (Spicil. Gorgon, p. 97), extending from Senegambia, and Cape Verd, to Egypt, Abyssinia and Arabia ; and Tinospora Bakis, Miers, or Cocculus Bakis, A. Rich., found also both in Se- negambia and Abyssinia and a new species of my genus Holopeira, (founded on Cocculus villosa, DC, and its allies), complete the list of Tropical W. African Menispermacece, (J. Miers.) V, Nymph^ace^. 1. Nymphsea cmrulea, Savigny; DC. Prodr. \. p. 114. — Sene- gambia, Perrottet ; Cape Coast, Don. 216 FLORA NIGRITIANA. The liiiiited aeconmiodation under which Dr, Vogel suffered, probably prevented him from preserving the species of this genus, which appears to abound in Western Tropical Africa. Three other species inhabit Senegambia, N. rufescens, micrantha and abbreviata (all of Guill. and Perr.) ; whilst a fourth abounds along the coast, N. dentata, Schum. and Thonn. {N. Lo- tus, Pal. de Beauv.) ; and two additional ones, N. maculata and N. Guineensis, Schum. and Thonn , have been described from Guinea. VI. Papaverace.e. The widely diffused Argemone Mexicana is included by Guillemin and Pen-ottet in the Flora of Senegambia. VII. Ckucifer.e. An Order as impatient of hot, low and humid climates as are the Ranunculacece. One species of Nasturtium is enumerated by De Candolle as a West iVfrican plant. Crucifera in genei-al appear to be in a great measure represented by the following order. VIII. Capparide/E. 1. Ritchiea erecta, Hook, fil.; (Tab. XIX et XX.) fruticosa, erecta, ramosa, ramis verrucosis, foliis patulis longe petiolatis 3-f()li()latis, foliolis oblongo-lanceolatis breviter acimiinatis basi angiistatis integerrimis, racemo terminali nuiltifloro, scpalis lanceolatis acuminatis, petalis lineari-ligulatis, staminibus numerosis calyce longioribus, antheris parvis. — Fernando Po, Vugel. Frutex glaberrimus. Petioli teretes, 3-4-unciales, stricti. Fo- liola pctiolo sequilonga vel longiora, nunc 6-8 unc. longa, breviter petiolata. Racemus terminalis, 2-3-uncialis, cicatri- cosus ; pedicellis \ unc. longis, erectis, basi utrinque bracteo- latis. Sepa/a ^-poUicaria, acuminata, marginibus puberulis. Petala anguste linearia filamentaque albida. Atithera parvse, nigrescentes. A very handsome species, and quite distinct from the following in the erect, branching and not climbing habit, the much longer petioles, smaller flowers and differently shaped leaflets and petals. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 217 2. Ritchiea fragrans, Br. App. Clapperton^ p. 225. — Sierra Leoue^ Afzelius, Don. From Brown's observations in the paper referred to^ it appears that there are other African species of the same genus known to him. 1. Capparis linearifolia, Hook. fil. ; glaberrima, caule gracili scandente ? tereti parce ramoso, stipuhs aculeiformibus mi- nutis vix recurvis, foUis breviter petiolatis Hneari-oblongis muticis subcoi'iaceis arete condupUcatis integerrimis aveniis, peduncuHs multifloris axillaribus soKtariis foHo sequilongis brevioribusve patentibns interdum ramosis^ floribus parvis eorymbosis pedicellatis, alabastris globosis, sepalis ovalibus concavis, petalis calycem vix superantibus obovatis^ stamini- bus circa 15, petahs sequilongis toro brevissimo insertis. — Sierra Leone, Forbes. Caulis crassitie pennse corvinse, subflexuosus; internodiis ^-l unc. longis. Petioli 2 lin. longi. Folia 2-pollicaria, 4 unc. lata, siccitate viridia. Pedunculi patentes, in axillis foliorum omnium solitarii, horizontals, teretes, glaberrimi. Flores 5-8 apicem versus pedunculi, circiter 4 lin. diametro. An- ther<2 majusculse. — An planta dioica ? This is a remarkably distinct species. 2. Capparis erythrocarpa, Isert. Berl. Nat. 9, j). 339, /. 9. DC. Prodr. \. p. 246. — An C. Afzelii, DC. I. c.'i — Accra, Vogel ; Guinea. The descriptions in DC. Prod, do not serve to distinguish C. erythrocarpa from C. Afzelii, though the latter agrees best with VogePs plant, simply from its meagreuess. The apices of the leaves are obtuse in this specimen. There are several other pubHshed W. African species of Cap- paris, some of which extend over a remarkably wide range, viz. : C. polymorpha, A. Rich, from Senegambia and Abyssinia ; C. corymbosa, Lam., from Senegambia and Sennaar ; C. tomen- tosa, Lam., from Senegal and Delagoa Bay (Forbes) ; C.puberula, DC, from Cape Coast, (Brass) ; and Gambia, (Don) ; C. Brassii, DC, and C. fascicularis, DC, both from Cape Coast (Brass) ; C. Thonningii, Schum. and C. reflexa, Schum., both from 218 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Guinea ; but possibly these may be the same as some of those previously named, though very imperfectly described. 1. Mferua Currori, Hook. fil. ; glabcrrima, caule tereti, cortice pallido albo-punctato^ foliis ad apices ramulorum sparsis bre- viter petiolatis oblongo-obovatis obtusis apiculatis basi angus- tatis integerrimis aveuiis subeoriaceis, corymbis axillaribus terminalibusque paucifloris, pedicellis flore brevioribus, calyce basi anguste-cylindi'aceo, corona petaloidea subbipartita. — Elephants' Bay, Dr. Curror. Rami crassitie pennse anserinse, hinc inde timiidi ; cortice Isevi, pallide rufa, punctis albidis aspersa ; ramulis cicatricosis. Folia uncialia, plana, siccitate subcoriacea, (an carnosula?), obtusa V. emarginata, apicula acuta, costa vix prominula. PediceUi 3 lin. longi. Alabastra ^-uncialia. Calycis tubus segmentis acutis longior. A very curious species, but the specimens are far from good. There are four other W. African species of Mcerua, viz. M. An- golensis and M. Senec/alensis, from Angola and Senegal, M. rigida, Br., common to Senegal and Central Africa, and an un- described species found both in Sennaar and Senegal. 1. Cleome peniajihylla, Linn. Sp. PL 938. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, and elsewhere along the coast, abundant. 2. Cleome Gnineensis, Hook. fil. ; caule erecto simplici v. e basi ramoso sparse piloso folioso, foliis 3-foliolatis, floralibus breve petiolatis, foliolis ellipticis utriuque acutis integerrimis pilo- siusculis ciliatis, pedicellis axillaribus gracillimis glandidoso- pilosis, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis, petalis anguste spathulatis, staminibus 6 toro brevi insertis, capsulis stipitatis linearibus, stylo gracili, valvis glaberrimis reticulatim venosis, seminibus rufis biseriatis orbiculatis profunde transversim sulcatis. — - Gynandropsis triphylla, DC. in part. ? — Sierra Leone, Cape Coast, Grand Bassa and Stirling, Vogel; Senegal and Guinea. Herba bipedalis. Caulis sulcatus, superne hispidulus. Folia inter se conformia ; foliolis |-pollicaribus, petiolo sequilongis, latitudine variis. Flores 4 lin. longi, petalis pallide purpureis, ovario staminibusque inclusis. Pedicellus fructifer ^ unc. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 219 longus. Slliqua suberecta, 1| unc. longa, valvis planis j uuc. latis. 3. Cleome /o/io5a. Hook. til. ; caule prostrato basi lignoso, ramis erectis foliosis petiolis pediinculisque dense glanduloso-pube- scentibvis, foliis 5-foliolatis supremis 3-foliolatis, foliolis bre- vissime petiolulatis late obovatis obtusis apiculatisve iitrinque pubescentibus integerrimis subcoriaceis, floi'ibus in axillis supremis pedunculatis, sepalis anguste lineari-lanceolatis glan- dulosisj petalis late obovato-spathulatis, toro brevissimo, sta- minibus 6 basi monadelphis, tbecaphoro valido glanduloso, siliquis stij^itatis linearibus in stylimi crassiusculum obtusum angustatis. — Elephant^s Bay, (South of the Line), Dr. Curror. Caulis basi lignosus, cortice pallido. Rami pedales, stricti, parce ramosi, foliosi, teretes, stviati. Folia inter se conformia, petiolis \ unc. longis. Foliola petiolis gequilonga. Pedunculi \ unc. longi. Sepala submenibranacea, j-pollicaria. Petala (sicca) pallide rufo-purpurea, calyce duplo longiora. Stamina vix exserta. Capsulce 2-pollicares, vix 2 lin. latse, pedicello ^ uuc. suffultse ; valvis paulo concavis. Semina perplurima, iramatura minuta, rufa. A species closely resembling Polanisia viscosa (an abundant tropical, and even African plant, though not in Herb. Vogel), but differing in the obsolete torus and pedicellate capsules. Foliage resembling C. pentaphylla. The other W. African species of Cleome, are C. monophylla, Linn., and C. angustifolia, Forsk., from Senegambia, and C. acuta, Schum., from Gviinea. There are also two other West African genera of Capparideee, which, however, appear contined to the dryer and more desert latitudes of the North Tropic, and these range from Western Asia westward ; these are Cadaba, of which C. farinosa is com- mon to Senegal, Sennaar and Arabia, and Boscia, containing two species, B. Senegalensis, A. Rich., and B. angustifolia, A. Rich, both Scnegambian plants. The Streblocarpus angusti- folia of Senegal, and Cratoeva Guineensis, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, together with Stroemia trifoliata, Schum. ct 220 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Thonn. (probably the same plant as Cadaba farinosa, complete the list of W. xVfrican Capparidea known ; the Calycandra pinnata of A. Kichard being a leguminous plant. IX. FLACOURTIANEiE. 1 . Flacourtia Vogelii, Hook. fil. ; arborea, dioica, ramis nunc spinescentibus, foliis alternis petiolatis elliptico-lanceolatis apice angustatis obtusis serratis nitidis transverse reticulatis, racemis axillaribus brevibus puberulis petiolo paulo longiori- bus 6-8-floris, floribus 4-meris, sepalis late ovatis obtusis ciliatis, stigmatibus 5-6. — Niger River^ at Aboh, Vogel. Rami validi, teretes, cortice rufo-brunneo, punctis albidis no- tato ; ramulis sub lente puberulis. Folia 3-4 unc. longa, 1 2 lata, basi subacuta, apice obtusa, obtuse serrata, utrinque nitida ; petiolo \ unc. longo, glabro v. puberulo. Pedunculi erecti. Fl. $ pedicellati ; pedicello 1-2 lin. longo calyce basi intruso. Ovarium sub 6-loculare. Fructus carnosus, ruber. Closely resembling the Indian F. sapida, but the leaves arc longer, narrower, more beautifully shining, reticulated and regu- larly serrated, and the female flowers are very different. There is a new species of this genus from Senegal in the Hookerian Herb. ; and two others from Guinea, F. edidis, Schuni., and F.flavescens, Willd., are described by Thonning. 1. Oncoba ^/ffMca, Hook. fil. — Ventenatia glauca, Pal.de Beauv. FL Ow. et Ben. 1. p. 29. t. 17.— Fernando Po, Vogel; Benin, Pal. de Beauv. The identity of the genera Oncoba, Forsk., Heptaca, Lour., Ventenatia, Pal. de Beauv., Lundia, Thonn. et Schum., and Xylotheca, Hochst., is shown by Dr. Planchon in the sixth vol. of the London Journal of Botany, p. 295, where also he has given the distinctive characters of the several species. Among them, a second W. African species is the O. spinosa, Forsk., extending apparently from Sencgambia to the Yemen. 2. Bixa Orellana, Linn. — Grand Bassa, Vogel; Sierra Leone and Accra, Don. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 221 X, VlOLARI^. 1. lonidium thesiifolium, DC. Prod. 1. p. 309. — I. rhabdo- spermum, Hochst. in Herb. Un. Itin. — Senegal, Heudelot ; Accra, Vogel, Don. Var. /3. chenopodiifolia, Guill. et Perr. — Senegal, Heudelot ; Cape Coast, Don. Also a native of Upper Egypt. 2. lonidium siiffruticosum, Ging. in DC. Prod. 1. p. 311. — Accra, Vogel, Don. A protean plant, and probably only a large var. of the pre- ceding, owing its stature to the more humid atmosphere of the Bight of Benin. /. linifolium, DC, is probably another variety, as well as I. enneaspermum, Vent,, and Viola Guineensis and V. lanceifolia, Schuni. et Thonn. The species has a very wide range, extending through Nubia and Upper Egy])t to Eastern Tropical Africa, Madagascar, East India and Tropical Australia. Some American species are hardly to be distinguished from the African, except by their smooth, not striated seeds.* The two Oware species of Ceranthera, described by Palisot de Beauvois, and two other Senegal ones (in Herb. Hook.) com- plete the small catalogue of known W. African Violarice. XI. SAUVAGESIACEiE. 1. Sauvagesia erec^a, Linn. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don; Senegal, and abundant throughout Tropical America. XII. PoLYGALEyE. 1. Polygala arenaria, Willd. Sp. 3. p. 880. — On the Quorra, Vogel and Ansell; Guinea. Allied to the P. Vahliana (of East India), but the foliage is very different. Flowers about 20, deflexed, densely imbricated into a sort of strobilus. * This appears, however, to be a constant, and therefore important character. — (G. B.) 222 FLORA NIGRITIANA. 2. Polygala nutans, Hook. fil. ; annua, pubcscens, caulc erecto parce ramoso, foliis oppositis patulis subsessilibus linearibus V. lineari-lanceolatis obtusis utrinque pilosis, racemis axillari- bns crectis 8-10-floris foliis dimidio brcvioribus, floribus im- bricatis deflexo-nutantibus, sepalis ext. liberis int. late elliptico- ovatis hirsutis ciliatisque capsula pilosa brevitcr oblonga ])ro- funde emarginata ^ longioribus, carina dorse longe cristata. — Accra, Vogel. Caulis gracilis, 6-uncialis, patentim pubescens. Folia uncialia, 2-4 lin. lata. Racemi ^ unc. longi. Flores albidi v. vi- rescentes, 2-3 lin. longi, alis obtusis. Also an Abyssinian plant, and closely allied to P. erioptera and P. arenaria. The flowers are similar in all, but are not so densely imbricated in this as in the latter, from which it further differs in the narrower foliage ; a variable character however. 3. Polygala rarifolia, DC. Prod. 1. p. 332. — Sierra Leone, Don. Suffrutex bipedalis, glaberrima. Rami stricti, graciles, diam. pennse corvinse, virgati, nudi, profunde sulcati, cortice viridi. Folia per-pauca. Racemi axillares, scd e lapsu foliorum quasi ramei, unciales, stricti, erecti, multiflori. Flores lactei, majus- culi, \ unc. longi, breviter pedicellati ; sepalis parvis, concavis, 2 anticis coalitis, apicibus libei'is, interioribus liberis, oblongis, subcoriaccis, valde concavis ; carina cristata. Stigma peta- loideum, concavum ; bracteolis floralibus 3, minimis. 4. Polygala Donii, Hook. fil. ; caule subcrecto, gracili, puberulo, foliis plurimis alternis linearibus utrinque angustatis sub- acutis V. obtusis obscui'e puberulis 1-nervibus marginibus vix rccurvis, racemis terminalibus gracilibus multifloris, pedi- ccllisbasi 3-bracteolatis, floribus majusculis nutantibus, sepalis ext. liberis, alis oblique obovato-rotundatis basi angustatis ciliatis capsula quadrata emarginata pilosa duplo longioribus, carina dorso cristata. — Sierra Leone ? Don. Caulis in exempl. solitario simplex, 5-uncialis, teres. Folia omnia conformia, erecta, poUicaria, 2 lin. lata, obscure puberula, subter uni-costata; internodiis ^ unc. longis. Racemi 3, FLORA NIGRITIANA. 223 terminales, intermedio 2-unciali 20-floro, lateralibus abbre- viatis. Florum pedicelli gracillinii. Ala 3 lin. longse^ ciliatse. Capsula subquadrata^ angulis ro-tundatis. Apparently a very distinct species, easily recognized by the form of the alee, 5. Polygala Guineensis, Willd. Sp. 3. p. 882. — P. multiflora, Poir. Diet. 5. p. 497? — Accra, Ansell. Hei'ba bipedalis, di-trichotome ramosa. Rami gracillimi, erecti, virgati. Folia \\-2 unc. longa, filiformia, vix \ lin. lata, subflexuosa, erecta, viridia. Racemi terminales, erecti, 4-5 unc. longi. Flores secundi, parvi, bracteolis setaceis valde caducis sufFulti, pedicellati, patentes v. nutantes, coerulei, pedicellis 1 lin. longis, subclavatis. Sepala 2 exteriora coalita, apicibus liberis. Alee obovatfe, glaberrimje, concavse, 1| lin. longse. Cat'ina longe cristata. Capsula obovato-quadrata, glaberrima, apice biloba. A remarkably distinct, and singularly slender species. The remaining W. African species known to me are, 1 P. erioptera, DC, a species common to Senegal, Egypt and Arabia : it is probably identical with P. triflora and linearifolia, Roth, (non auct.) in which the leaves are sharp ; in all the carina is crested, though P. triflora is placed erroneously in the group *' carina nuda." 2. P. paniculata, Lin. var. Africana, DC, from Senegal, a species widely diffused in Amexnca, some specimens from the Plata River have the flowers as small as the African, but white, and it is possibly further identical with the P. capillaris, E. Meyer, from South Africa ; and, lastly, 3. P. obtusata, Guill. et Perr., from Senegal, which completes the list of W. African Polygalce. 1. Lophostylis oblongifolia, Hochst. in Ratisb. Flora, 1842, n. 15. — On the Quorra, Vogel, who describes it as a middle- sized tree ; Senegal. Dr. Vogel's specimen is imperfect, and in fruit onlv, but I think referable to this species, which has a wide range, being found also in Abyssinia. The propriety of separating this from Securidaca is perhaps doubtful. 224 FLORA NIGRITIANA. 1. Carpolobia lutea, Don, Gen. Syst. 1. p. 370. — Sierra Leone, Don; Senegambia, Heudelot. Rami gracilcs, virgati, puberuli, teretes, ilexuosi, patentes. Folia alterna, subdisticha, breve petiolata, obovata, in acumen elon- gatum apice obtusum angustata, glaberrima, integerrinia, submembranacea, reticulatim venosa, vii*idia, 2-4 unc. longa. Racemi axillares^ solitarii, breves, 2-5-flori, infra folia orti et iis tecti, graciles, j unc. longi, pubescentcs. Flores erecti, \ unc. longi, brevissime pedicellati ; pedicellis basi bracteolatis. Sepala 5, ciliata; 3 longioribus ovato-lanceolatis, obtusis, cseteris oblongis. Petala calyce ter longiora, in tubum fissum basi coalita ; 4 subsequalia, oblongo-spathulata, venosa ; quinto carinseformi, duplo majore. Stamina 5 ; filamentis ad me- dium monadelphis. Stylus gracilis ; stigmate parvo, capi- tato. A very handsome plant, ill described by its discoverer. The calyx and corolla are both irregular, and formed of five pieces, of which one of the latter resembles the ala of a papil- ionaceous flower. This explains the structui'e of the flower of those Polygal?rfa, Keen. Ann. Bot. 1806. v. 2. p. 571 — Cupania edulis, Schum. et Thonn., Beskr. p. 190. — 'Cultivated at Frederiksgaue, Vogel ; found wild on the plains of Guinea, according to Thonning. Lecaniodiscus, Planch.* (nov. gen.) Calyx 5-partitus. Petala 0. Discus calycis fundum occupans • From Vogel's imperfect specimens, Dr. Hooker was unable to make FLORA NIGRITIANA. 251 obscure 10-crenatus. Stamina 10, intra disci marginem in- serta, antheris oblongis. Ovarium villosum, apice vix in styluiu brevissimura attenuatunij intus triloculare. Stigma crassum, reflexo-trilobum. Ovula in loculis solitaria erecta. Drupa obovoidea v. globosa, styli reliquiis apicalibus, intus abortu unilocularis. Semen arillo mucoso involatum. Em- bryo rectus, cotyledonibus crassis conferruminatis, radicula parva. — Frutex ? Africse occidentalis tropicse, habitu Cupanice. Folia impari-pinnata, foliolis oppositis v. alternis integer- rimis. JRacemi breves axillares, floribus secus rhachin fas- ciculatis, bre\dter pedicellatis. 1. Lecaniodiscus cupanioides. Planch. MS. — Accra, Vogel ; Sierra Leone, Don ; also Senegambia, Heudelot, in the Hookeriau Herbarium. Frutex v. arbor, ramulis sulcatis pubescenti-tomentosis. Folio- rum petiolus communis 3-6-pollicaris, sulcatus, puberulus. Foliola 6-11, breve petiolulata, obovata obtusa v. brevissime ob- tuso-acuminata, basi breviter angustata, margiue integerrima, at obscure undulata, submembranacea, supra siccitate fusco- brunnea, subtus pallidiora, glabra v. subtus ad costas pube- rula, penninervia, venulis inter nervos reticulatis. Racemi l|-2 poll, longi, rhachide rufo-tomentello. Bradece parvse, caducissimse. Pedicelli solitarii v. 2-3-ni, puberuli, 2 lin. longi. Calycis lacini?e fere 2 lin. longse, oblongse, obtusse, crassiusculje, intus extusque pubescentes, per anthesin re- flexse. Discus I5 lin. diametro, piano- patellseformis, crena- turis vix conspicuis et fere usque ad marginem calycis fun do adnatus. Stamina glabra, ovario vix longiora. Anthera filamento paullo breviores, biloculares, rimis longitudinalibus dehiscentcs. Ovarium sessile, ovoideo-globosum, dense villo- sum. Stylus brevissimus in lobos latos crasse stigmatosos ovato-hippocrepideos deflexos brevissime divisus. Drupa out the genus of this plant, and had referred it with doubt to Cupania, of which it has the habit. Dr. Planchon having since found a flowering specimen in Heudelot's collection, and ascertained that they belonged to an entirely new genus, I have drawn up the abbreviated character from the two specimens. — (G. B.) 252 FLORA NIGRITIANA. semi-unciam longa, extus tomentosa et in vivo (ex Vogel) lutea, pericarpio tenuiter carnosa, endocarpio tcnui. Semen cavitatem fructus impleus, arillo mucoso (cujus rudimentum jam sub ovulo ante anthesin apparet) involutum. • The apetalous flowers^ and the remains of the stigmate at the summit of the fruit, and not lateral, distinguish this genus from Sapindus, and bring it nearer to Schleichera, from which it is readily distinguished by the calj^, the anthers, and the embryo. 1. Dodonsea viscosa, Linn. — On the Gambia, Don; Senegal, Sieber. Don's specimens, in excellent fruit, are undoubtedly identical with the Jamaica plant, which Schlechtendahl, with reason, considers as the best entitled to retain the Linnaean specific name. Sieber's specimens, which the same botanist establishes as a distinct species, under the name of D. Kohautiana, appear to be only a slight variety, partly accidental, from the manner in which the resinous exudation has dried, so as to give them a scaly appearance. D. repanda, of Schum. and Thonn., from Guinea, is evidently closely allied, but may be distinct. The Erioglossum caulifiorum, Guill. et Perr., from Senegam- bia, referred by Arnott to the Cupania canescens, Pcrs., is the ■ only other W. African Sapindacea known to me besides the following, considered by Plauchon as forming with Melianthus and Bersama, a distinct Order, Melianthece, but which undoubt- edly bears considerable afiinity to, if it be not a mere tribe of, Sapindacea. 1. l>iata\ia. paullinioides, Planch. (Tab. XXIX) ; foliis cum impari 7-10-jugis, foliolis oppositis v. passim alternis petiolatis lan- ceolatis breviter cuspidatis utrinque acutis glabriusculis (nervis subtus tantum pilosulis) remote serrulatis serraturis incurvis, supra siccitate nigrescentibus subtus pallidis, racemo oppositifolio pedunculato plurifloro, bracteis parvis subulatis, pcdicellis calyce brevioribus v. eum sub?equantibus, petalorum lamina lineari-oblonga cristulis parvulis basi ornata v. uuda, ungue pro parte sericeo-albido, stylo inferne piloso stamini- busque exsertis. — Sierra Leone, Vogel. Frutex (vcrosimiliter scandens) facie Paullinia. Ramu/i pe- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 253 tiolique communes rliachidesque racemi sulcati et pube de- tersibili primum hinc inde sparsi, demum glabrati. Stipulce in unam extra-axillarem brevem, ovatam, dorso sericeam con- cretse. Racemus 7-pollicaris, inferne nudus, medio cicatrici- bus pedicellorum notatus, apice confertiflorus. Flores illis JEsculi Hippocastani minores, leviter irregulares. Calyx profunde 4-fiduSj lacinia infera (antica) apice bidentata (e 2 constante). Petala o, sestivatione imbricata, infimo emar- ginaturse lacinise infimse calycis respondente^ inde sepalis 2 connatis alterno^ cseteris angustiore. Stamina 4. Fila- menta basi dilatata, duorum petalorum infimorum connata, 2 lateralium libera. Glandula carnosa, brevis, sepalo postico opposita, propter stamina externa. Ovarium 4-loculare pilis rufis vestitum. Stigma pyramidato-truncatum. {Planchon). Plate XXIX. Fig. 1. bud, side view; /. 2. flower; /. 3. the same, with only the stamens, pistil, gland, lower petal and one of the posterior petals ; f. 4. stamens, gland, and pistil, back view ; /. 5. gland ; f. 6. ovary, vertical section ; f. 7. summit of the style ; all more or less magnified. XXIX. Meliace^.* 1 . Turrpea Vogelii, Hook. fil. ; ramulis pubescentibus, foliis elliptico-ovatis acuminatis integerrimis ad venas pubescenti- bus, floribus pedicellatis pentameris, calyce brevissime den- tato, tubi staminei dentibus 10 setaceis demum patentibus, ovario 12-loculari, styli parte inflata apice tantum stigmatosa petala non excedente. — Sea Coast, Fernando Po, Vogel. Frutex (fide Vog.) ramosissimus, ramis elongatis sarmentosis, pube brevi subvelutina obtectis. Folia 4-6 poll, longa, 2-3 poll, lata, acumine obtusiusculo, margine integerrima subun- dulata, insquilatera et basi s?epius obliqua, ima basi obtusa et rotundata v. brevissime aculata, membranacea, penniner\ia et * The characters and descriptions in this and the two following Orders are drawn up by myself Irom Dr. Hooker's memoranda, as well as from my own examination of the specimens. (G. B.) 254 FLORA NIGRITIANA. reticulata, costis et venis primariis pi'cTsertim subter pube brevi tomentellis, petiolo circa 3 lin. longo pubesccntc ; folia novella venis dense hirtis flavicant. Pediinculi in axillis su- perioribus bipollicares, apicc umbellam fcrunt pluri- (8-10?) floram. Pedicelli toraento minimo canescentes, 4-o lin. longi, basi bracteis parvis sericeis confertis stipati. Calyx cupuli- formis, tomentellus, lineam longiis. Petala 10-11 lin. longa, lineari-oblonga, basi longe angustata, extus in sicco vix tomento tenuissimo leviter canescentia, in vivo fide Vogel intus albida et patentia. Tubus siamineus dimidio petalorum longior, tenuiter cylindracea, intus infra apicera pilosulus, cseterum glaber; dentes apicales setacei, antheris vix brevioreSj superue integri v. bifidi et papilloso-serrulati, in alabastro erecti et inter antberas stylo appressi, per anthesin reflexo-patentes.* Antherce ad apicem tubi subsessiles, ob- longo-lineares, connective in apiculam uncinato-inflexam pro- duct©. Stylus usque ad apicem antherarum tenuis, dein inflatus, oblongo-linearis, glandula stigmatosa crassa sub- integra depressa coronatus. Ovarii loculi 12 vidi in flores paucos quos examinavi. 2. Turrsea propinqua, Hook. fil. ; ramulis glabriusculis, foliis elliptico-oblongis obtusis v. vix acuminatis integerrimis (v. apice lobatis ?) basi angustatis glabris v. vix ad venas minute puberulis, floribus pedicellatis pentameris, calyce brevissime dento; tubi staminei dentibus 20 setaceis demum patentibus, ovario 12-loculari, styli parte inflata apice tantum stigmatosa, petala superante. — St. Thomas, Don. Rami quam in prsecedente tenuiores, nonnisi juniores tenuissime puberuli. Folia minora et angustiora, majora in specimine vix tripollicaria, semelque in specimen folium apice lobatum occurrit. Pedunculi pollicares, pedicellis in umbella semi- * The arrangement of these curious appendages in the bud, as well as the texture of the upper portion of them, seem to indicate that they are destined, as well as the hooks on the top of the anthers, to perform some function at the time of fecundation, perhaps analogous to that of the collecting hairs found in so many plants at the same period on the style or other contiguous parts. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 255 poUicaribiis 6-10-uis bracteolis paucis parvis basi stipatis. Flores minores quam in T. Vogelii, albi, fragrantissimi (ex Don). Petala semipollicaria crassiuscula, extus siccitate canescentia. Calyces et genitalia T. Vogelii in omnibus nisi stylo ratione calycis longiore et dentibus tubi staminei (in flore unico a me examinato) 20 nee 10. Ovarii loculi 12. The T. heterophylla, Sm., the only species mentioned by Bennett in his review of the genus as from West Tropical Africa, is different from either of the above. Don has likewise published (Gard. Diet. 1. p. 678) a T. quercifolia from Sierra Leone, which may possibly be the same as T. lobata, since published and figured by Lindley (Bot. Reg. 1844, t. 4.) from the some country. This belongs to Bennett's first division, although Roemer, on geographical grounds, places it in his genus Rutaa, founded on Bennett's second division. 1. Melia Azederach, Linn. — M. augustifolia, Schum. Thonn. Beskr.,p. 212. — Sierra Leone, Don, probably cultivated. 1. Trichilia emetica, Vahl, Symb. 1. p. 31. — Goniostephanus tomentosus, Fenzl, Flora, 1844, p. 312. — Elkaja emetica, Forst. Rcem. Syn. Mon. Hesperid. p. 116. — Sierra Leone, Herb. Hook. ; Senegambia, Heudelot. Also a native of Nubia and Arabia. The T. Prieuriana, A. Juss., from Senegambia (to which T. Ruppeliana, Fresen., from Abyssinia, appears closely allied) and an undescribed one from Senegambia are the only other West African species known to me, but Dr. Planchon suggests that the Limonia ? monadelpha, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 217. is probably also a Trichilia. 1. Carapa Guineensis, Sweet, Hort. Brit, et in A. Juss. Mem. Mel. p. 90. — C. Touloucouna, Guill. et Perr. Fl. Seneg. 1. p. 128. — Touloucouna gigantea, Roem. Syn. Mon. Hesperid. 1. p. 123. — Senegal, Sierra Leone, Don? This tree produces an oil employed in making soap for anointing the body, as is the case with the C. Guianensis, of which species Ad. Juss , and others who have examined the two plants, suspect that the African one may be a mere variety. 256 FLORA NIGRITIANA. The number of parts of the flowers, although usually different in he two, is expressly stated by Jussieu not to be so constant in C. Guianensis as to warrant the making use of it as a specific distiction, still less as a generic one, as proposed by Roemer, apparently without re-examination of specimens. 1. Khaya Senegalensis, Guill. et Perr. Fl. Seneg. \.p. 130. /. 32. — Senegal, Brunner ; Sierra Leone, Don. Wood like Mahogany, and very useful for various purposes. The Ekebergia Senegalensis is the only other West African plant of this order known to me. (G. B.) XXX. AURANTIACEiE. 1. Glycosmis ? Africana, Hook, fil.; foliolis solitariis oblongo- ellipticis breviter acuminatis margine recurvis coriaceis, drupis obovoideo-oblongis (abortu ?) monospermis. — St. Thomas, Don. Specimen unicum fructiferum, formis unifoliolatis latifoliis G. citrifolia: {lAmonia parviflora, Sims, L. citrifoUa, Willd. et DC. non Roxb. quae Glycosmis ? citrifolia, W. et Arn. ct Roem. Syn ) simile, sed baccarum forma certe diversa. Petioli teretes, 3-4 lin. longi, apice articulati. Foliolum 4-6 poll, longum, 2-2| poll, latum, coriaccum, nitidum, pellucido- punctatum, vcnulis a costa divergentibus tenuibus crebris parallelis reticulatisque. Inflorescentia omnino G. citrifolicp. Flores desunt sed ex calycis vestigiis pentameri videntur. Drupoi 4-5 lin. longse, stigmate subsessili disciformi coronatae, pericarpio carnoso cellulis oleiferis numerosis, endocarpio membranaceo ; pulpa in sicco nulla apparet. Semenvimcnm, ex apicem pendulum, cavitatem implens j testa rigide mem- branacea ; embryo ad hilum spectans ; cotjdedones crassa?, carnosae, basi integrre, cellulis oleiferis numerosis ; radicula brevissima, plumula minima. 1. Claussena anisata, Hook. fil. — Amyris anisata. Wild. Spec. 2. p. 337.— Fagarastrum anisatum, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 2. p. 87. — Cape Coast, Vogel. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 257 The genus Amyris had already been restricted to American plants by Kimth and others ; Wight and Arnott showed that the Indian ones at least belonged to Avrantiacea, and chiefly to Claussena. Don, however, in establishing the genus Fa- garastrum for the African species, retained them among Tere- binthacea, without alluding to Aurantiacea. Presl has since perceived the affinity to the latter order of the South African species, but -nithout comparing it either with Claussena or with Willdenow^s A. anisata, (from which it is separated by characters so slight as possibly not even to be specific), created a new genus under the name of Myaris. Both African species, C. anisata and C. infrqnalis, are very near in habit and cha- racter to the C. WiUdenoivn, but differ, not only in the form of the leaves and other minor points, but also in what at first might appear more important, that the ovules are usually, especially in C. i?iaqualis, collateral and not superposed. It must be observed, however, that even in the Indian species the o\Tiles are collaterally inserted, although from the form of the cell they place themselves one above the other as they are developped, the placenta becoming slightly elongated into an umbilical cord. In C. anisata and inaqiialis, the number, form and size of the cells is variable ; they arc usually small, and according to that form, the ovules at the time of flowering lie either more or less superposed, or absolutely side by side, especially in C. inaqualis. 1. Citrus aurantium, Linn. — C. articulata, Willd. in Spreng.Syst. 3. p. 334 ? — Cape Palmas and Isle of S. Antonio, Vogel, (pro- bably cultivated.) The only other W. African Aurantiacea published is Citrus paniculata, Schum. and Thonn., from Guinea, which, however, from the character given, can scarcely be a true Citnis. — (G. B.) XXXI. OLACINEiE. 1. Heisteria parvifolia, Sm. in Bees' Cycl. v. 17; ramulis an- gulatis, foliis ovatis oblongisve acuminatis coriaceis, calycis fructiferi profunde lobati lobis subcordato-ovatis acutiusculis s 258 FLORA NIGRITIANA. V. obtusis post fructus delapsos patentibus sinubus reflexis. — Sierra Leone, Whitfield; Grand Bassa and Fernando Po, Vogel; Senegal. The specimen described by Sir J. Smith was a small-leaved one, hence his name is not very appropriate although there do not appear to be sufficient grounds for changing it. The species is so closely allied to a common, although hitherto undcscribcd Brasilian species,* that one is almost tempted to consider it as a mere variety. The leaves are, however, usually rather smaller, narrower and thinner, and the divisions of the enlarged calyx not so blunt, with the sinus more rellexed. Both, however, may be mere forms of H. cauliflora, Sm.f Some specimens, in leaf only, gathered by Vogel in the woods of Fernando Po, and stated by him to be those of a shrub bearing a bitter fruit called Kola, of which the seeds are chewed by the natives, are conjectured by Dr. Planchon to belong to a new species of Heisteria, but there is no evidence to confirm the supposition, and some remains of flower-stalks seem to show an inflorescence very diff'erent from that of Heisteria. 1 . Strombosia ? grandifolia^ Hook. fil. ; foliis amplis obovali- v. elliptico-oblongis acuminatis, floribus axillaribus congestis bre- viter pedicellatis, calycis brcvissime adhserentis limbo profunde 5-fido, ovario sublibero triovulato, stigmate obsolete trilobo. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Frutex arborescens (ex Vog.) Rami teretes, Iseves, graciles, uti tota planta glaberrimi. Folia 5-7 poll, longa, 3-4 poll, lata, petiolo semipollicari, apice in acumen subsemipollicave pro- ducta, margiue integerrima v. undulato-sinuata, basi rotundata v. cuneato-acutata, submembranacea, nitida, costa valida et • H. Raddiana, (Benth MS.) 'ramulis subangulatis, foliis ovatis oblon- gisve obtusis v. breviter acuminatis crasso-coriaceis nitidis, calycis fruc- tiferi profunde lobati lobis ovato-orbicularibus obtusissimis post fructus delapsos patentibus, sinubus subreflexis. — Rio Janeiro, Raddi, Gardner, 5379 and 5378 ? t To this I should refer, besides Cayenne specimens, Hostmann's n. 194, from Surinam, and Gardner's n. 2516, 2787, and 5974, from Tropical Brasil. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 259 nervis primai'iis pinnatis subtus prominulis percursa, et venulis transversis creberrimis avcuato-subparallelis reticulata. Nodi tloriferi axillares, flores plures parvos inconspicuos bre- viter pedicellatos ferunt. PediceUi apice incrassati, carnosuli, cum toro et calycis tiibo continui. Calyx minimus, subcam- panulatus, tubo brevissimo fere omnino adhserente, lobis bre- vibus ovatis obtusis. Petala 5, oblonga, restivatione valvata, apice inflexa, basi inter se cohferentia, superne intus villosa. Filament a ipetalis opposita, numero iis scqualia et alte adnata. Anthera ovato-oblongfe. Ovarium crasso-carnosum apice pulvinato-depressum et (pressione petalorum) 5-angulatum, prope basi intus excavatum in loculos tres spurios apice confluentes. Ovula 3, e parte uniloculare pendula. Stylv.'^ brevissimus, apice crasse stigmatosus et obsolete trilobns. Fructus non vidi. There is little doubt, even M'ithout having seen the fruit, that this plant is referable to Blume's genus, Strombosia, as characterized by Gardner, although in the Ceylonese plant, and probably also in the Javanese, the ovary is pentanierous, and the calyx adheres rather higher up. Dr. Gardner is evidently correct in his views of the affinities of the genus, although we can scarcely agree with him and Blume in describing the ovary as immersed in a fleshy disk. The thick fleshy mass at the base of the style appears to us to be perfectly continuous with, and to form part of the ovary itself, which in most Ola- cinecB is very fleshy and thick compared with the ovulifei'ous cavity. Rhaphiostylis, Planch, (nov. gen.) Flores hermaphroditi. Calyx parvus, liber, 5-partitus. Petala 5. Stamina totidem, iis alterna, sterilia nulla- Ovarium uni- loculare, ovulis 2, hinc ab apice pendulis collateralibus. Stylus excentricus, basi postice gibbus, gibbo sulcato. Fructus .... Inflorescentia axillaris. — Frutices Africje tropicis glabri. Folia alterna integerrima perennantia. Flores in nodos axillares plures pedicellati, iis Apodytis similes. 1. Rhaphiostylis Beninensis, Planch. MSS. — Apodytes Beni- s 2 260 FLORA NIGRITIANA. netisis, Hook. fil. in Ic. PI. t. 778. et tab. nostr. 28. — Cape PalmaSj Vogel. Frutex (ex Vog.) glaberrimus. Ramuli teretes v. striati. Folia pctiolataj ovali- v. elliptico-oblonga, breviter et obtuse acumi- nata, integerrimaj margine recurvo, basi obtuse angustata, rigicle mcmbraiiacea v. subcoriacca, costa venisque paucis pri- mariis validis, rete venarum tenui; 2-4 poll, longa, f-H poll, lata, petiole bilineari canaliculato. Pedicelli in nodos axil- lares per 10-12 aggregati, teuues, erecti, uniflori, 2-3 lin. longi, ima basi minute bracteolati. Alabastra oblonga, 3 lin. longa. Calyx minutus, fere ad basin 5-partitus, laciniis ovato- triangularibus acutis basi leviter imbricantibus. Petala li- ncaria, (teste Vog. albo-viridia), apice uncinato-inflexa, intus glaberrima. Filamenta tenuissime ciliata, a basi ultra medium concavo-dilatata, superne filiformia. Anthera oblongse, pol- iine trigono. Ovarinm sessile, ovatum, compressum, giabrum, obliquuin. Stylus cxcentricus, filiformis, incurvus, basi postice dilatatus in gibbum superne sulcatum, sulco fere ad medium styli obscure continue ; styli apex clavato-stigmatosus obli- quus. The characters derived from the flower are so nearly those of Apodytes, that in the absence of the fruit. Dr. Hooker had described it as a new species of that genus. Dr. Planchon has, however, named it as a new genus, and in this I should be dis- posed to agree with him, chiefly on account of the inflorescence, which in Olacinece appears very constant. The character de- rived from the ovary and style is also remarkable, and forms a positive distinction from those of Apodytes. The fruit remains unknown. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 1. flower, before expansion ; f. 2. stamen; /. 3. ovary and calyx ; /. 4. vertical section of the ovary ; /. 5. transverse section of the same; f.Q. ovule, which should have been drawn in the inverse position, as in/. 4. A fine specimen, also in flower only, from Heudelot's Sene- gambian collection, is considered by Dr. Planchon as a second species, but I do not see any character to distinguish it by. Dr. Hooker observes that in Rhnphiolepis the base of the corolla FLORA NIGRITIANA. 261 (so called) is inserted on the apex of the pedicel, but not imme- diately within the calyx, whose true nature is probably that of an involucre, as suggested by Brown. Olacinece, considering the smallness of the Order, rather abound in Western Tropical Africa, there being besides the above, four other species known belonging to other genera, viz. : Ximenia Americana, L., common to both the New and. the Old World ; Groidia celtid'ifoUa, Guill. et Perr., a Senegal plant closely allied to an Abyssinian congener ; Icachia Senegalensis, Juss , and another undescribed species of Icacina, gathered by Heudelot in Senegambia. — (G. B.) XXXII. VlNIFER^. 1. Cissus casia, Afz. in DC. Prod. 1. p. 628; caule glaberrimo terete glauco, foliis petiolatis late cordatis obscure angulatis subacutis ciliato-denticulatis super glabratis subter puberulis reticulatim venosis,»pedunculis gracilibus superne pedicellis- que elongatis puberulis paucifloris, floribus parvis, drupis late obovatis. — Guinea, Afzelius; Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don, (Countiy Grapes.) Rami crassitie pennse oloringe, pulchre glauci. Folia 5 unc. longa, super pube fulva sub lente subtilissime couspersa, luride viridi-fusca, subter pube tenui grisea ornata ; petiole puberulo, sub | unc. longo. Cirrhi validi, bi-multifidi. Pe- dimculus 2-pollicaris, di- trichotomus, gracilis, pedicellis 5 unc. longis, floribus triplo longioribus; alabastris breviter cylindraceis, obtusis ; petalis 4, solutis. This differs from C. rufescens in the longer and more slender pedvmclcs, in the fewer, smaller and less crowded flowers, and in the glaucous stems. The nerves of the leaf are not rufescent in any of Vogel's specimens : those of Don's Herb, are between the Senegalese and Dr. Vogel's in this character. 2. Cissus argute, Hook. fil. ; glaberrima, caule subgracili ob- scure tetragono basi subpolygono, foliis sublonge petiolatis ovatis acuininatis basi profunde cordatis argute serratis den- tibus erectis, stipulis late ovatis, cirrhis gracilibus, pedun- 262 FLORA NIGRITIANA. culis petiolo subsequilongis plerisque trichotomis puberulis, cymis subumbellatis S-lO-floiis. — Oii the Quorra^ at Ibu, Vogel. /8. Foliis paulo majoribus magis angustatis, floribus.majoribus, petalis nou cohpcrentibus. — On the Quorra, Vogel. Rami fusco-virides, crassitie pennse anserinte. Folia utrinque glaberrima, siccitate rugulosa et crispata, 2-3 unc. (in /3. 4 unc.) longa; 2\ lata^ basi profunda cordata, pleraquc late ovata, abrupte acuminata^ superiora angustiora; petiolo |-| longit. folii. Stipules late ovatse. Pedunculi subgraciles, puberuli ; ramis pediccllisque pube fiilva tectis. Calyx cyathiformis ; margine integro. Petala 1 lin. longa, apice cohserentia v. soluta ; stamina basi glandulis aucta. Easily to be recognized by the crisp, smooth, and sharply- toothed leaves. 3. Cissus uvifera, Afz.? DC. Prod. 1. }?. 028; glaberrima, caule valido obscure tetragono, foliis sublonge petiolatis co- riaceis late ovatis acuminatis basi obtuse cordatis retusisve remote serratis subter nervosis, cirrhis validis, baccis longe pedicellatis globosis 1-locularibus 1-spermis, petalis 4 apice cohserentibus. — An C. populnea, Guill. et Perr. Fl. Seneg. p. 134 ? — Sierra Leone and Fernando Po, Vogel. Caules validi, diam. pennse olorinse, 4-goni v. obscure polygoni, angulis siccitate nunc tubcrculatis, striatis sulcatisve. Folia 3-5 unc. longa, 2-3^ lata, basi truncata v. cordata, sinu la- tissimo ; petiolo i-2-pollicari subpeltatini affixo. Cym(B pau- ciflorfC ? ramis puberulis; pedicellis ^-uncialibus. Specimens very imperfect, and differing from the descriptions of C. uvifera in the leaves not being entire. 4. Cissus pctiolata, Hook. fil. ; glaberrima, caule suberoso ob- tuse tetragono striato glabcrrimo, foliis longissime petiolatis pallide viridibus subeoriaccis opacis late ovatis obtusis basi 5-nerviis latissime cordatis obscure sinuato-denticulatis, pe- dunculis ramisque cyma? elongatis diehotomis paucifloris, stylo elongato, baccis majusculis oblongis.— Aguapim, Vogel. Caules siccitate pallide flavi, fragiles, suberosi, striati, ranudique FLORA NIGRITIANA. 263 profunde 4-sulcati, angulis obtusis. Folia 3-4 unc. longa, ovata^ lobis basi rotundatis, utrinque fusco-viridia, opaca, nervis non pvomiuulis ; petiolo foliis longiore^ gracili ; sti- pulis caducis. Racemi petiolo subsequilongi, trichotome ra- mosi ; rauiis glabeiTimis, gracilibus, fructiferis divaricatis. Bacccs paucse, virides, 4 unc. longse. A most distinct species^ though in an imperfect state. It is alHed to an Abyssinian plant^ and also to the Cape C. fragilis, E. Mey., but the remarkable length of the petioles and pedicels will at once distinguish this. 5. Cissus jyroc?wc/«, Afz. ? DC. Prod. 1. jj. 629 — Sierra Leone, Don. Folia integra, lauceolata, acuminata, obscure serrata, glaberrima, basi rotundata, baccis obovatis. Specimens too imperfect for determination. 6. Cissus glaucophylla, Hook. fil. ; caule erecto ? glaberrimo tereti Iffivi subglauco, foliis longe petiolatis late ovatis acumi- natis profunde cordatis lobis rotundatis integerrimis v. sinuato- dentatis coriaceis super Isevibus aduitis coeruleo-glaucis, nervis subter prominulis obscure puberiilis, stipulis late ovato- rotundatis, cirrhis nullis, paniculis terminalibus triphotomis multifloris, petalis 4 cohserentibus. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Ramuli obsciu'e 4-goni. Folia late ovato-cordata v. suborbi- culata, subpeltatim petiolata, 3-5 unc. longa, 2-3^ lata, in acumen elongatum producta, super Irevia, juniora atro-fusca, senioi'a pulchre glauca, subter castauea, opaca ; petiolo folio breviore. Racemi 2-3-unciales, compositi, subcymosi, multi- fiori, pedicellis ramisque puberulis. Flores umbellati, parvi, 1 lin. longi. Calyx cyathiformis, depressus. Petala 4, ca- lyptratim cohserentia, basi calyce latiora. Stamina 4. Stylus gracilis, breviusculus. 7. Cissus tetraptera, Hook. fil. ; glaberrima, ramis crassis car- nosis tetrapteris ad nodos constrictis striatis, foliis breve petiolatis late reniformi-rotundatis profunde cordatis 5 -lobis carnosis utrinque sub lente (e rhaphidibus perplurimis) cre- berrime punctato-striatis subargute serratis, cirrhis crassis clongatis, pedunculo tcrminali brcvi apice umbellato, pedicellis 264 FLORA NIGRITIANA. elongatis, floribus niajusculis 4-petalis. — Elephant's Bay, (S. of the Line), JDr. Curror. Rami crassitie digiti minoris, striati, valde caniosi, tetraquetri, angulis alatis, alis undulatis, pallide virides. Stipulcc trans- verse elongatse, breves. Petiolus 3-4-uncialis. Folia 2 unc. lata, crassa, carnosa, siccitate viridia, subtiliter reticulata, subpellucida, fasciculis rhaphidium valde conspicuis. Pedun- culus oppositifolius, pollicaris, striatus, \ unc. diametro, apice 5-radiatus. Rami f unc. longi, unibellulam sub 7-florem gereutes; pedicellis 4 Im. longis. F/o?*e5 majusculi. Calyx brevis. Petala breviter ovato-oblonga ; staminibus 4 ; stylo cylindraceo stigmate sitnplici. Possibly a young branch of C. Currori, but in that plant I find no trace of an alate stem ; the panicle is different, as are the toothed lobes of the leaves. The raphides are in both so conspicuous as to cause a projection of the cuticle over the crystals, and give the semblance to the whole plant of being pubescent. 8. Cissus Leonensis, Hook. fil. ; caule robusto tereti puberulo et setoso, foliis late orbiculatis cordatis palmatim 5-lobis super pubescentibus subter rufo-lanatis, lobis ovato-oblongis acumi- natis argute serratis, cirrhis multifidis, panicula vage decom- posite ramosa, ramis alternis, corolla pentapetata calyptrseformi. — Sierra Leone, Vogel. CauUs herbaceus, crassus, teres, fuscus, pubescens, setisque patentibus sparsis instructus. Folia 8 unc. lata, submem- branacea, late cordata, supra medium lobata, super luride fusca, sub lente subarachnoidea et puberula, subter lana tenui rufa subappressa instructa ; nervis 5, validis, radianti- bus, pubescentibus ; petiolo 4 unc. longo, pubesccnti ; stipulis deciduis. Panicula brevis, pubescens, 2 unc. longus ; pedi- cellis brevissimis. Flores parvi, fere lineam longi, globosi. Calyx cyathiformis, margine integro submembranaceo. Pe- tala breviter ovata, crassiuscula, apice arete cohserentia. Sta- mina 3. Ovarium depressum, pentagonum, angulis sulcatis, filamenta foventibus ; stylo brevi, conico, crasso, truncato, 10-sulcato, apice depresso v. subinfundibuliformi. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 265 This should probably be referred to Vitis, from the decom- posed panicle^ with always alternate branches, characters which would afford better characters for distinguishing these genera than thos'e now in use. 9. Cissus Currori, Hook. fil. ; glaberrima, foliis amplis 3-folio- latis, petiolo valido, foliolis petiolulatis ovatis obtusis basi cordatis grosse et obtuse subduplicato-crenatis carnosis punctis prominulis (raphidibus) notatis, stipulis ovatis acutis, panicula effusa, pedunculo elongato ramis dichotoniis divaricatis, flori- bus majusculisj petalis 4 non cohgerentibus. — Elephant's Bay, (S. of the Line), Dr. Curror. Species omnium e sectione trifoliolata ornatissimus, arborescens, ramosus, carnosus. Rami crassitie digitis majoris, profunde striati, glabrati. Stipulce ramo angustiores, \ unc. longse. Petiolus 3-4-uncialis, striatus. Foliola 6 une. longa, 4 lata, plana, siccitate pallide flavo-viridia, pellucida, basi cordata, sinu angusto, petiolulo folioli intcrmedii fere unciali. Pedun- culi axillares v. terminales, 3-4 unc. longi, erecti, stricti, petiolo graciliores, dichotome ramosi ; ramis divaricatis, pluries divisis ; pedicellis brevibus ci'assis. Cirrhi nulli ? Flores 4 unc. longi. Calyx parvus, cyathiformis. Corolla calyce latior; petalis breviter ovato-oblongis, obtusis. Stamina 4 ? Ova- rium depressum, latum, 4-gonum, profunde 4-sulcatum, stylo valido, subelongato, stigmate simplici. Bacca junior ovoidea. A noble species, to which I have attached the name of its lamented discoverer. It is described by him as a much branched and very succulent tree. 10. Cissus Tbuensis, Hook. fil. ; parce pubescens, caule gracili te- reti obscure angulato apice subtomentoso, foliis breve petiolatis 3-foliolatis, foliolis petiolulatis elliptico-ovatis ovato-lanceola- tisve acuminatis argute serrato-dentatis utrinque sed subter prsecipue puberulis, cirrhis filiformibus divisis, pedunculis elongatis alterne ramosis pubescentibus, ramis pedicellisque brevissimis, floribus parvis, petalis 4 apice dcmum liberis, obovatis. — Ibu and Nun River, Vogcl. Species gracilis, scandens. Caules crassitie pennae corvinse. 266 FLORA NIGRITIANA. pube teuui superne deusiore sparsa. Stipul(B parvee, ovatae. Petiolus uncialis. Foliola patula^ intermedio paulo longiore, H-2 unc. longa, |-| lata, basi rotuudata, utrinque fusca, opaca, petiolulo \-^ unc. longo. Pedunculus 2-4:-uncialis, tenuis, ramis alternis divaricatis. Calyx breviter cyatbiformis. Petala 4, ovata, apice non coba^rentia. Stamina 4. Stylus brevissimus. Inflorescence imperfect in tbese specimens. Closely allied to Vitis carnosa, Wall., but tbe wbole plant is less hairy. 11. Cissus tenuicaulis, Hook. fil. ; caule gracili striate parce piloso, foliis longe petiolatis 5-foliolatis, foliolis petiolulatis in- termedio majore lateralibus geminis lanceolatis acuminatis basi rotuudatis grosse serratis membranaceis utrinque pilosis, cirrhis elongatis gracillimis, racemis folio sequilongis, fruc- tiferis dicbotome ramosis, ovario disco carnoso immerso, baccis late pyriformibus. — Sierra Leone, Vogel. Caulis crassitie pennse passerinse, glabratus v. superne precipue parce pilosus, obscure striatus. Stijjula late ovatae, obtusse. Petiolus gracilis, glaberrimis, 2-pollicaris. Foliola l|-2 unc. longa, super fusco-viridia, subter pallidiora, utrinque pilis albidis sparsa, petiolulo subhispido-pubescente. Flores mi- nimi. Calyx breviter cyatbiformis. Petala 4, apice cobse- rentia. Stamina 4. Discus urceolaris. Stylus crassus, brevis ; stigmate capitato. Baccce sub 3-liu. longse. Except in the pubescent leaves, this hardly differs from C. Japonica. It is also very near the E. Indian C. capreolata, which is hoAvever a densely pubescent plant. 12. Cissus membranacea, Ilook. fil. ; glaberrima, flaccida, caule gracillimo tereti striato, foliis petiolatis trifoliolatis, foliolis petiolulatis lateralibus longioribus ovatis ovato-lanceolatisve acuminatis basi valde insequalibus serrato-dentatis membra- naceis, cirrhis gracillimis, pedunculis trichotomis paucifloris fructiferis elongatis petiole sequilongis, floribus minimis. — Among Voxel's plants, without the precise station. Caulis diametr. pennse passerinse. Petioli 2-3 unc. longi ; sti- pulis parvis, membranaceis, late ovatis, obtusis. Foliola 2-3 unc. longa, 1-1^ lata, subpellucida, summa obscure puberula. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 267 iutermedio plerumqiie basi obtuso v. in petiolulura augustato, lateralibus geminis basi valde insequalibus, latere exteriore deorsum angustato, interiore rotundato, v. in lobvim producto; petiolulo intermedio elongate, nunc pollicari. Flores ut in C. tenuicauli. The oblique bases of the more regularly and conspicuously serrated leaflets, and smaller flowering panicle, will at once dis- tinguish this from the C. Japonicus. 13. Cissus Vogelii, Hook. fil. ; setoso-pubescens, caule her- baceo tereti crassiusculo profunde striato, stipulis orbiculari- ovatis acuminatis, petiolis pubescentibus elongatis 5-foliolatis, foliolis obovato-lanceolatis in petiolulum angustatis acuminatis dentatis membranaceis super glaberrimis subter ad nervos prsecipue pubescentibus, panicula efi'usa axillari ampla alterne et dichotome ramosa, ramis niultifloris, floribus pedicellatis cylindraceis pubescentibus, petalis linearibus apice fornicatis dorso setis glanduloso-capitatis ornatis. — Fernando Po, on the sea shore, Vogel. Caules prostrati, ramosissimi, sarmentosi. Rami herbacei, pallide flavi, profunde sulcati, pubescentes et setis sparsis ornati. Stipula niajusculse, late ovato-rotundatse, acumi- natse. Petioli 4-6 unc. longi, graciles, pubescentes. Fo- liola omnia plana, 2-3 unc. longa, 1-1 1 lata, basi in petiolulum \ unc. longum pubescentem angustata, super glabrata v. glaberrima, subter puberula, nervis discoloribus rufo-pubescentibus. Panicula composita 6-8 unc. lata ; pe- dunculo stricto 4 unc. longo, pubescente, setoso et striato, ad axillas bracteolato, bracteolis oblongis ligulatisve, pedicellis insequilongis. Calyx breviter cyathiformis, pubescens, sub 4-lobus. Petala erocta, pubescentia, linearia. Ovarium ob- longum, profunde 4-sulcatum ; stylo elongato ; stigmate sim- plici. In the unusual form of the flower this is related to the C. cymosa, but the stipitate glands, or glandular haii's of the petals, form a prominent and beautiful diagnostic character, and the whole plant is much less pubescent. 268 FLORA NIGRITIANA. It is allied to the Abyssinian C. mollis, Steud , but the leaflets are smaller and more delicate^ less pubescent and broader; the stipules smaller; panicles much larger^ and of a different form. All these three species have the four or five glands of the disc firmly cohei'ing with the ovarium, which thus appears deeply 4-grooved. 14. Cissus cymosa, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 82. — Guinea, Thonning ; Accra, Vogel. Flores clavati. Petala 4>, erecta, apice fornicata, cucullata, dorso gibboso-incrassata, pubescentia. The predominance of this genus in Western Africa is highly indicative of its humid atmosj^herc and jungly coast. Four other species are described as inhabiting the same country : C. rufescens, Guill. et Perr., of Senegambia (very closely allied to C. casia) ; C. quadrangularis, Wall. (C. triandrus, Schum.), a plant also common to Arabia and the continent of India; C. gracilis, Guill. et Perr., and C. bifida, Schum. et Thonn. 1. Leea Guineensis, Don. — Sierra Leone, Cape Palmas, St. Thomas, and Fernando Po, Vogel, Don. XXXIII. CoCHLOSPERME.E.* 1. Cochlospermum PlancJioni, Ilook. fil. ; caulc subarbore- scente, raniis puberulis striatis foliosis, ramulis petiolis foliis- que subter subvelutino-tomentosis, foliis late orbiculari-reni- formibus profunde cordatis 5-lobis, lobis rotimdatis obtusis * See Lond. Journ. Bot. 6, p. 294, where Dr. Planchon has, with great sagacity, pointed out the affinities of Cochlospermum and Amoreuxia, and I perfectly agree with him in their separation from TenistroemiacecE, although I cannot subscribe to all his speculations on the grouping of this and several of the following Orders. Their real relative positions appear to me to be far from being, as yet, satisfactorily ascertained, I therefore leave them, for the present, nearly in the order in which De Candolle had placed them, however Convinced I am that several of the smaller groups might be advantageously united as tribes of larger Orders. — (G. B.) FLORA NIGRITIANA. 269 obscure sinuato-dentatis, floribus in ramulos ultimos axillari- bus, sepalis 5 insequalibus rotundatis pubescentibus 2 ex- terioribus minoribus. — Quorra Eiver, in savannahs^ Vogel. Arbuscitla 6-pedalis. Rami crassitie pennse olorinse, pube grisea. Petioli |-1 unc. longi. Folia coriacea, 2^-3 unc. longa, 3-4 lata, super atro-fasca, (siccitate) nitida, subter pube densa grisea; venis primariis palmatim radiatis, venulis obscuris. Alahastra \ unc. longa. Flores lutei. This and the C. tinctorium, A. Rich., are the only W. Afri- can species known to me. XXXIV. Geraniace.^. Though S. Africa may be considered as the head-quarters of Geraniaceae, and the N. shores of the same continent are not deficient in species, yet one species only exists within the Tropic, the Monsunia Senegalensis, Guill. et Perr. XXXV. OXALIDE^. 1. Biophytum sensitivum, D.C. Prod. 1, p. 690. — On the Quorra at Attah, Vogel. An abundant E. and W. Indian plant. It is remarkable that no species of Oxalis, not even the else- where ubiquitous 0. corniculata, or O. stricta, appears to be found on the West Intertropical African coast. A species, apparently of Averrhoa, is in the Hookerian Her- bariau , collected in Senegambia by Heudelot. XXXVI. Zygophylle^e. 1. Kallstroemia minor, Hook. fil. ; subsericeo-pilosa pube- sccnsve, foliolis 3-jugis oblique ovato-oblongis obtusis v. mucronulatis, pedicellis petiolo brevioribus, floribus parvis, coccis dorso muricatis ] -locularibus 1-spermis. — Tribulus pubescens, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 1, p. 669. — Cape Coast, Don, Vogel. A. Tribulo cistoidi differt capsula lO-cocca, a Kallstroemia maxima statura, foliolisque paucijugis. 270 FLORA NIGRITIANA. 1 have separated this from K. maxima, on the grounds of its constantly smaller size, and the few leaflets. 1. Tribulus cistoides, Linn. — Sierra Leone? Don. This is one of the very few plants common to the West Indies and Pacific Islands, being found in Oahu. It varies much in the size of the fruit, which in these AV. African speci- mens is particularly large. The D'ibulus terrestris is a native both of Senegal and Guinea. 1. Zygophyllum simplex, Linn. — Benguela, Dr. Curror. A plant common to the shores of the Red Sea, the banks of the Nile, and the Cape de Verd Islands, but not that I am aware of to any other part of the W. coast of Africa, except Benguela. Fagonia Arabica, a native of Arabia, as well as of N. Eastern Africa, is also a Senegal plant. 1. Balanites Mgyptiaca,^ Del. Fl. Mg. p. 77, t. 28,/. 1. — Senegal, Sierra Leone, Whitfield. Also a native of Abyssinia, and a variety of it, by some considered as a distinct species, extends to the dry plains of Bengal. XXXVII. Zanthoxvle.t:. 1. Zanthoxylum ruhescens. Planch, in Herb. Hook. ; ramis aculeatis, foholis circa 11 suboppositis ovali-oblongis longe acuminatis basi acutis crebre pellucido-punctatis petiolo acu- leato supra canaliculato, floribus diclinis, masculis paniculatis parvis tetrameris. — Cape Coast, Vogel. Frutex orgyalis, ramidis rubentibus, aculeis validis conicis recte reflexis v. recurvis. Foliorum petiolus 8-9-pollicaris, Foliola 2-3 poll, longa, pollicem lata, glabra, membranacea. Pani- cula ampla, bis terve racemoso-ramosa, ebracteata. Flores in * Brown removes Balanites from Zygophyllem, but as I am not aware that he has published his ^aews of its real affinities, and as, at any rate, it is in some measure related to Zygophyllea, I have left it here at the end of the Order.— (G. B.) FLORA NIGRITIANA. 271 specimine omnes abortu masculi, parvi, albidi, per 2-3 e tiiberculis secus ramos sessilibus v. pedunculatis orti, pedi- cello lineam longo fulti. Sepala 4, minima, orbiculata. Petala 4, ovato-oblonga, lineam longa. Stamina 4, petalis subsequilonga. Ovarii rudimentum carnosum. This agrees in so many respects with the description given in the Flora Senegambise of the Z. Leprieurii, which is drawn up from imperfect female plants, that our plant might be taken for the male of the same species, were it not that the number of parts of the flower appear to be constantly quaternary, not quinary. 2. Zanthoxylum ? a very bad specimen, affording no materials to distinguish it from the American Z. pterota. — Cape Pal- mas, AnselL The Z. Senegalensis, D.C., and the above-mentioned Z. Le- prieurii, Guill. et Perr., both from Senegal, are the" only other W. African species known ; the Z. polygamum of Schum. and Thonn. being probably the same as the Z. Senegalensis. XXXVIII. SlMARUBE^. 1. Brucea paniculata, Lam. Did. 1, p. 472. — Sierra Leone, Don. The only other W. African species of this Order known, is the Hannoa undulata, Planch. {Simaba ? undulata, Guill. et Perr.) from Senegal. XXXIX. OCHNACE^. 1. Ochna dubia, Guill. et Perr. Fl. Seneg. \. p. 137. t. 35. — Sierra Leone, Don. Another W. African Ochna has been published, the O. mul- tijiora, DC, fi'om Sierra Leone. 1. Gomphia glaberrima, Pal. Beauv. Fl. Ow. et Ben. 2. p. 22. t. 71. — Oware, Beauvois ; Sierra Leone, Whitfield, Don. The slender panicles, and smaller, broad, nearly globose carpels, are the best characteristics of this species. The nei-ves. 272 FLORA NIGRITIANA. which are defined on the leaf, form a more or less oblique angle with the costa. 2. Gomphia reticulata, Pal. Bcauv. /. c. t. 72. — Benin, Beau- vuis ; Sierra Leone, Forbes, Vogel. It is not easy to distinguish this from G. glaberrima, without the flowers. The whole plant is more robust, much darker in colour when dry, the leaves have stronger and better defined nerves, forming a right-angle with the costa. The foliage varies much in breadth, and is more or less (but never sharply) serrated. Judging from the buds, the flowers are smaller. Panicles simple or branched in both. Neither Bcauvois' figures or descriptions assure me that these two are the plants he describes, nor that the latter are distinct from one another. 3. Gomphia Vogelii, Hook. fil. ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acu- minatis basi in petiolum brevem angustatis obscure sinuato- dentatis coriaceis utrinque lucidis venis e costa ascendenti- bus, panicula robusta ramis infimis elongatis ascendentibus, calycc fructifero majusculo, carpellis 3-4 globosis calyce in- clusis lobis dimidio brevioribus. — Grand Bassa, Vogel. Frutex ramosus. Rami teretes ; cortice pallide brunneo. Folia 4-6 unc. longa, 1^-2 lata, siccitate utrinque pallide flavo- brunnea, costa valida; venis primariis ^-| unc. distantibus, prominulis; venulis creberrimis, parallelis. Panicula 3 unc. longa ; pediccllis calyce sequilongis longioribusve. Calyx fructifer majusculus ; lobis non reflexis, suberectis, sub- coriaceis, fere ^ unc. longis. Carpella maguitudine grani piperis. This I distinguish from G. reticulata by its more coria- ceous leaves, remote ascending veins, which run obliquely, and are united by venules of extreme tenuity and regularity. The much larger, broader, calycine segments distinguish it from G. glaberrima. 4. Gomphia/ara, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 216. (fide Planch.) — G. macrocarpa, Hook. fil. MSS. Planch, in Lond. Journ. Bat. V. 6, p. 2 ; foliis anguste elliptico-oblongis acuminatis in petiolum angustatis argute serratis coriaceis planis reticu- latim vcnosis, venis primariis subremotis ascendentibus pani- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 273 Cilia basi ramosa, carpellis calyce reflexo longioribiis teretibus utviuque obtusis. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Rami teretes. Folia subnitida, 6-pollicaria, 2 unc. lata, super fusco-viridia, subter jiallidiora, utrinque reticulatim venosa; veuis e eosta ascendentibus, deinde margine parallelis, re- motis, \i\ prominulis ; venulis transversis conspicuis reti- culata; supra basin ad apiceui serrata; petiolo \\ unc. longo. Panicula terminalis ; florifera 4 unc. longa ; fructifera elou- gata; pedicellis \-^ unc, loiigis. Calycis lobi pedicellum fequantes v. breviores, post anthesin reflexi. Carpella 1-3, ^ unc. longa, teretia, breviter cylindracea, utrinque rotun- data. Readily to be distinguished by tbe sharply serrated leaves, which are very coriaceous, and especially by the large cylin- drical carpels. The veins and venules are not distant from one another, as in the following, the former ascend from the costa, and on approaching the margin run parallel to it for a conside- rable distance. 5. Gomphia Turnercs, Hook, til.; foliis elliptico-oblongis v. anguste lineari-lanceolatis in apicem longe acuminatis et in petiolum angustatis, valde coriaceis, obscure crenatis integer- rimisve, utrinque lucidis Ifevibus, venis inconspicuis, pani- cula elongata ramosa, ramis patentibus gracilibus, floribus ternis subfasciculatisve, pedicellis calyci fequilongis. — Sierra Leone, Miss Turner, Don, Vogel. Rami teretes, subgraciles ; cortice pallido. Folia elongata, utrinque fusco-castanea v. viridia, nitida, subter pallidiora, 4-6 unc. longa, lj-2 lata, in petiolum \ unc. longum angustata, apice in acumen gracile producta ; costa valida ; venis pri- mariis subremotis, ascendentibus ; venulis valde inconspicuis ; folia juniora margine obscure crenulata. Panicula 6-8 unc. longa, ramis elongatis gracilibus. Flores bini, terni v. sub- fasciculati, nutantes, | unc. lati ; pedicello \-^ unc. longo. Petala late obovata, orbiculata, subunguiculata, intense lutea. The flowers of this plant entirely resemble those figured by Beauvois as G. reticulata, from which the compound panicle, T 274 FLORA NIGRTTIANA. very narrow, coriaceous, and plane (never undulate) leaves, at once distinguish the present species. 6. Goniphia calophylla, Hook. til. ; foliis obovato-lanceolatis basi gradatim angustatis, abrupte acuminatis rarius apice angustatis marginibus undulatis venis parallelis confertissi- mis creberrime striatis subnitidis, racemo laterali foliis sub- sequilongo v. breviore, pedunculo compresso v. ancipiti, pedi- cellis gracilibus, laciniis calycinis post anthesin patulis, car- pellis subglobosis. — Sierra Leone, Don, Vogel j Cape Coast and Fernando Po, Vcf/el. Rami teretes ; cortice cinereo, raniulis compressis. Folia 5-7 unc. longa 14-2^ lata, basi ad petiolum brevem cuneata, deinde gradatim dilatata, apicem versus rotundata v. angus- tata et acuminata, margine undulata v. subcrispato-incras- sata, venis transversis perplurimis parallelis ; stipulis brevi- bus, ovato-triangularibus. Racemi basi nndi, supra medium densiflori ; pedunculo compresso ancipiti ; pedicellis solitariis binis ternisve gracilibus \ unc. longis. Cahjcis laciniae post anthesin patentes, lineari-oblongse. Carpella parva, globosa, laciniis calycinis breviora. A very handsome species, of which the flower is unknown to me. The nervation of the foliage exactly resembles that of Elvasia Hostmannia, Planch. 7. Gomphia offinis, Hook. fil. ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acumi- natis basi angustatis submembranaceis nitidis majoribus un- dulato-crispatis integerrimis, nervis parallelis confertissimis transversis, panicula terminali, ramis gracilibus augulatis, pedicellis subelongatis, carpellis calyce longioribus globosis. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Rami teretes ; cortice pallido subrugoso striato. Folia apices versus ramulorum, 3-4 unc. longa, 1-1 1 lata, submembra- nacea, utrinque nitida. Panicula 2-3 unc. longa ; ramis strictis paucifloris gracilibus ; pedicellis fructiferis § unc. longis, gradatim incrassatis. Calycis lacinise parvse, pedi- cellis ^ breviores. Allied to the G. calophylla in the nervation of the leaves, which are, however, smaller, more membranous and glossy, and FLORA NIGRITIANA. 275 narrower above the middle. The inflorescence, too, is pa- niculate, not I'acemose, the peduncle angular and not so compressed, the calycine segments smaller, and the carpels larger. XL. Rhamne^. 1. Zizyphus Baclei, DC. Prod. 2. p. 20. — Guill. et Perr. FI. Seneg. t. 37. — Attah and Quorra, Vogel; Senegal. Z. orthacantha, DC, which is possibly a variety of Z.jujuba, is a native of Senegambia. The true Z. jujuba is found at Mozambique, and thence eastward through the Peninsula of India to the Indian Archipelago. 1. Ventilago denticulata, Willd., DC. Prod. 2. p. 38. — V. ma- deraspatana /3, W. et Am. Prod. Fl. Pen. Ind. Or. 1. p. 164. — Celastrus difFusus, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 2. p. 6. — St. Thomas, Don. The disc of the flower is smooth, or only very slightly hairy, in other respects I am unable to distinguish these specimens from some of the forms from the Indian Peninsula. I have not, however, seen the fruit. XLI. Chailletiacee.* 1. Chailletia toxicaria, Don, DC. Prod. 2. p. 57; folus petio- latis ovato-oblongis v. oblongo-sublanceolatis obtuse acumi- natis basi acutis rotundatisve subcoriaceis glabris, cymulis contractis raro foliiferis in pedunculo axillari vix ramoso solitariis paucisve, petalis bifidis, stylo breviter trifido, drupis canescentibus. — Sierra Leone, Don, Vogel ; and, apparently the same species, Senegambia, Heudelot. Frutex dumosus, inflorescentia partibusque novellis canescenti- bus, cseterum glaber. Folia 3-4-pollicaria, sa?pe obliqua, acumine brevi obtuso v. retuso, margine ssepius undulata, * By G. Bentham. T 2 276 FLORA NTGRITIANA. adulta utrinque glabra, supra opaca, subtus siccitate sub- rubentia, ad axillas veuaruin foveolata, reticulato-vennlosa, petiolo crassiusculo 3-4 lin. lougo fulta. Stipula minutee, caducse. Pedunculi in axillis superioribus solitarii, nunc breves cymulam unicam ferentes, nunc 1-3-pollicares, cymulis pluribus scssilibus v. breviter pedicellatis, uudis v. bractea foliacea fultis ; cymula infinia ssepe ex ima basi pedunculi orta ; omnes in glomerulum contractje v. rarius leviter evo- lutse, cano-tomentospe. Pedicelli florentes vix lineam longi, fructiferi longiores, incrassati. Sepala 5, ovata, extus tomen- tosa, fere 1^ lin. longa, a^stivatione imbricata. Petala ob- longo-linearia, calyce pauUo longiora, apicc breviter bifida, extus pubcrula, intus glabra et linea elevata a sinu loborum decurrente carinata. Stamina petalis aquilonga. Squamoe hj^iogynfe petalis opposita;, breves, emarginatse, tomentosfe, inter se liberie sed continuee. Ovarium dense tomeutosum, conicuin, triloculare. Styli glabri fere ad apicem coaliti v. rarius demuni ad medium soluti. Ovula in loculis gemina. Drupa ovoidea v. subglobosa, pollicem longa, obtusa v. acu- minata, extus tomentosa, abortu monosperma v. rarius dis- pernia. One of G. Don's Sierra Leone specimens has narrower leaves, and may possibly be the plant described by D. Don under the name of C ere.cta. If so, it would appear not to be specifi- cally distinct from C. toancaria. The form of the fruit is very variable in the dry specimens, owing perhaps to its being gathered at different stages of maturity. 2. Chailletia affinis, Planch, in Herb. Hook. ; foliis longiuscule petiolatis ovali-ellipticis obovatisve obtuse acuminatis basi acutis rotundatisve subcoriaceis glabris, cymis laxiusculis in pedunculo axillari libero v. petiolo adnato solitariis paucisve, drupa glabrata. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Closely resembling C. toxicaria in the colour, venation and consistence of the leaves ; it appears, however, to differ in the longer petioles, broader leaves ; looser infiorcscence and smooth fruits, and from some remains of petals and stamens, the flowers appear to have been larger. There are, however, neither per- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 277 feet flowers nor mature fruits to admit of determining whether it be really specifically distinct, or a mere variety of C. toxi- caria, 3. Chailletia snbcordata, Hook. lil. ; foliis breviter petiolatis late-ovatis vix acuminatis basi subcordatis glabris v. ad costas puberulis, cymis in pedimculo brevi axillari libero solitariis multifloris, ramulis evolutis, petalis profunde bifidis, stylo breviter trifido. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Frutex raraosus, orgyalis et altior, ramulis tomentellis. Folia 3-4 poll, longa, 2|-3 poll, lata, nunc obtusissima, nunc acumine brevi acutiusculo terminata, margine integerrima v. obsolete sinuata, basi late rotundata obtusissima v. ad petiolum ssepius cordato-emarginata, novella tomentella, adulta glabrata, rigide membranacea v. subcoriacea, venis primariis subtus puberulis, axillis venarum baud foveolatis, sed glandulse ad- sunt scutelliformes hinc inde per paginam inferiorem sparsse. Petioli 2 lin. longi. Stipulce angustse, acut?e, petiolo bre- viores. Pedunculi petiolo longiores. Cymce juniores densse, mox dichotome evolutse, ramulis vulgo 4 demum semipolli- caribus. Pedicelli vix semilineam longi, bracteola parva sub- tensi, sub flore articulati et infra articulationem post flores delapsos persistant. Flores ut videtur exsiccatione cadusis- simi, alabastra juniora tantum in speciminibus super sunt, globosa, tomentosa, vix lineam diametro. His sepala sesti- vatione imbricata ; petala brevia, lata et fere bipartita ; ova- rium et stylus C. toxicaria. 4. Chailletia oblonga, Hook. fil. ; foliis petiolatis oblongis acu- minatis basi acutis ramulisque glabris, cymis laxis in pedun- culo brevi libero axillaribus v. terminalibus subpaniculatis, pedicellis calyce sublongioribus, sepalis lanceolatis, petalis calyce dimidio longioribus stamina s\ibfequantibus, stylo elon- gato apice breviter bifido, drupa obovali-oblonga tomentosa. — Fernando Po, Vogel, Ansell. Arbor, ranmlis tenuibus foliisque glabris v. novellis vix to- mentellis. Folia ramulorum florentium 2-3 poll, longa, 1-1 i poll, lata ; inferiora tamen et ramorum sterilium duplo ma- 278 FLORA NIGRITIANA. jora ; etiaui iu sicco viventia, apice in acuuieu breve latum producta, basi acuta, petiolo 1-2-lineari fulta; foveolaj paginse inferioris omnino deesse videntur. Stipula minutse. Cymee leviter tomentellre, graciles et laxe dichotomjx^j folio tatpen multo breviores. Bructece minuta? v. obsolette. Pedicelli 2-2\ liu. longi, supra medium articulati. Sepala augusta, 1| lin. longa, extus tomentosa, sestivatioue valde irabricata. Petala glabra, anguste linearia, fere 3 lin. longa, ad duas tertias integra, dein biloba, lobis vix divergentibus, sinu acuto intus carinato- prominente. Stamina petalis Adx longiora. Glandulce b\q3o- gynse basi brcvissime connatse. Ovarium breve, tomentosum, biloculare. Stylus staminibus longior, glaber v. basi leviter pubescens, apice brevitcr bitidus. Drupa ultrapoUicaris, fulvo-tomentosa, ssepins bilocularis, disperma. Seminis testa membranacea ; cotyledoues crassse, carnosrc ; radicula supera, brevissima. 5. Chailletia^oWZ»imf/«, Planch, in Hook. Ic. t. 792. (Tab. XXX); ramulis cinereo-tomentellis, foliis petiolatis amplis ovali- oblongis basi acutis glabris, cymis amplis multifloris in pe- dunculo brevi libcro axillaribus, pedicellis brcvissimis, sepalis oblongis, petalis calyce plus dimidio longioribus quam stamina brevioribus, stylo elongato apice bveviter bifldo, drupa obo- voidea tomeutosa. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Ramuli tomcuto diu persistente ciucrei, crassiores ac iu prsece- dente. Folia 6-9 poll, longa, 2^-4 poll, lata, acumine obtuso v. acuto interdum brevissimo, margine integerrima v. obsolete sinuata, siccitate fusco-rubentia, ad costas pilis raris puberula, cseterum glabernma, petiolo 4-6 liu. longo fulta. Stipulce parvjE, decidupe. Cyma pluries dichotomse, usque ad 3 poll, dia- metro, nuuc pedunculo ima basi bifido geminae videntur, nunc peduuculo communi bren fult?e. Bracteofa minutte. Pedicelli vix semiliueares, articulati. Sepala linea paullo longiora, obtu- siuscula, extus tomcntosa, distincte imbricata. Petala et geni- talia C. oblonga, sed stamina longiora. Drupa etiam pariter dense tomentosa sed latior et brevior, maturam tamen non vidi. Plate XXX. F/\\vo%\K fasciculata, Hook, fil.; fruticosa, ramis validis tcretibus pubescentibus, petiolis elongatis, stipulis ovato-lan- ceolatis, foliolis 6-9-jugis linearibus cmarginato-bilobis supra glabratis subtus albo-sericeis, racemis terminalibus erectis brevibus, pedicellis brevissimis, floribus erectis fasciculatis, legumine lineari compresso velutino. — On the Quorra, Vogel. Frutex erectus, orgyalis. Stipults infimse foliaceje, 3-4 lin. longse. Petiolus 6-8-pollicaris. Foliola 2 poll, longa, 3 lin. lata. Racemi ut videtur densiflori, soli fructiferi milii noti. Flores delapsi iis T. elongates similes. Legumina fas- ciculata, patula, 2j poll, longa, \ poll, lata, sub-11-sperma, FLORA NTGRITIANA. 299 faciebns pilis flavo-fuscis pubescentibus, marginibus incras- satis. Most nearly allied to" T. elongata, but the leaves are longer, the stipules very different, and the pod broader and fewer- seeded. 6. Tephrosia^e-TMOsa, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 2. p. 232 ; caule erecto sublignoso flexuoso superne ramulisque pubescenti- pilosis, stipulis iiliformi-subulatis, foliolis 4-5-jugis lineari- lanceolatis subacutis supra pubescentibus subtus argenteo- sericeis, racemis terminalibus abbreviatis sericeo-villosis, flo- ribus confertis, bractcis svibulatis, calyce brevissimo, legumine late-lineari subtoruloso sub-8-spermo. — St. Thomas, Don. Fruticulus l-l|-pedalis, caulibus ssepe angulatim flexuosis basi denudatis stipulis pollicaribus solis persistentibus. Petioli molliter flavo-pubescentes. Foliola supra grisea, subtus pilis rufesceutibus tecta. Racemus florens sesquipollicaris, fruc- tifer parum elongatus. Legumen suberectum, vix arcuatum, faeiebus torulosis sericeo-pubescentibus, marginibus incras- satis fulvo-tomentosis. Semina late oblonga, testa nitida, nigra, flavo-irrorata. 7. Tephrosia elegans, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 376. — Sa- vannahs on the Quorra, Vogel; Guinea. Simillima T. brevipedi, e Guiana ; differt foliolis plerisque bi- jugis, floribus minoribus, calycis laciniis latioribus petalisque obtusioribus. 8. Tephrosia pulchella, Hook. fil. ; caule erecto simplici basi lignoso superne subfastigiatim ramoso, ramis petiolisque gi'a- cilibus adpresse puberulis, foliolis 4-5-jugis anguste lineari- cuneatis retusis emarginatisve supra glabratis subtus argenteo- sericeis, floribus axillaribus solitariis parvis brevissime pedi- cellatis, calycis segmentis subsequalibus subulatis, legumine erecto dense villoso. — On the Quorra, at Stirling, Vogel. Buffrutex gracilis, tripedalis, ramulis erectis virgatis. Stipules minimse. Petiolus 4-9 lin. longus. Foliola sensim e basi angustata, |-| poll, longa, |-1 lin. lata, inferiora raro sesqui- pollicaria, supra obscure griseo-puberula subtus argentea costa ferruginea. Flares parvi, pcdicello 1 lin. longo bracteam sub- 300 FLORA NIGRITIANA. ulatam exccclcntc. Calyx dense scrieeus, ad medium 5-fidns. Vexillum orbiculari-oblongum, unguiculatum ; ahc cum carina vix adliserentes, medio obscure tranvcrsim reticulatse. Ova- rium dense sericeo-pilosura, sub-12-ovulatum. 9. Tephrosia linearis, Pers. Syn. 2. j)- 330. — Senegal ; Accra, Vogel ; also a native of Cordofan. The genus Tephrosia seems peculiai'ly abundant towards the northern or drier regions of West Tropical African Flora, all but one of the following additional known species being found in Senegambia, viz. : 1. 7". bracteolata, Guill. et Perr., and 2. T. platycarpa, Guill. et Perr., both from Senegal ; 3. T. humilis, Guill. et Perr., from Senegal and Cape Vcrd; 4, T. apoUinea, DC, from Senegal ? Nubia and Arabia ; 5. T. leptostachya, DC, from Senegal and Nubia ; 6. T. lineata, Sebum, et Thonn. (perhaps the same as T. leptostachya, DC, and T. purpurea, Pers.) from Guinea; 7. T. gracilipes, Guill. et Perr., from Se- negal; 8. T. uniflora, Pers. (to this may possibly belong the Senegambian T. apollinea, as well as the T. anthylloides, Hochst.; the true Galega apollinea, Delille, being probably a veiy different species), Senegal and Nubia ; 9. T. lathyroides, Guill. et Perr., from Cape Verd ; 10. T. hirsuta, Schum. et Thonn. (perhaps, as well as T. lathyroides, the same as T. uniflora) from Guinea ; 11. T. diyitata, DC, from Senegal; and one, or perhaps two, unpublished species from Senegambia. The T. toxicaria, presumed by Tussaud to have been intro- duced into the West Indies from West Africa, docs not aj)j)car in any of the collections from the latter country, where other species are cultivated for the same purpose of poisoning fish. It may also be stated, as further evidence that T. toxicaria is really American, not African, that the American Continent pos- sesses other indigenous species much nearer allied to that one than to any African ones. 1. Scsbania aculeata, Pers. — Accra, Vogel; Senegambia, and widely diffused over Africa and the East Indies, and intro- duced into the West Indies. 3. Scsbania yEgyptiaca, Pers. — S. punctata, DC. — Sierra Leone and Quorra River, at Attah, Vogel; Senegambia, and, like FLORA NIGRITIANA. 301 the preceding species, diffused over Africa and East India as far as the Philippine Islands. Three other Senegambian species have been described, S. lep- tocarpa, DC, S. pachycarpa, DC. and S. pubescens, DC, of which two at least, if not all three, are also found in Nubia. 1. Agati grandiflora, Desv., DC. Prod. 2. p. 266. — Sierra Leone, Don. — Introduced from E. India, where also it appears to be generally, if not always, more or less in a state of culti- vation. No other genus of true GalegecB, nor yet any of the large tribes of Astragalea or Vicece, have as yet been found in West Tropical Africa, although a few have been gathered in Nubia. 1. Stylosanthes Guineensis, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr.p. 351, et G. Don, Gard. Diet. 2. p. 381 ? — S. erecta, Pal. de Beauv. Fl. Ow. et Ben. 2. p. 28. t. 77. — Vog. Linncea, 12. p. 68.— Senegambia to Guinea ; Cape Coast Castle, Grand Bassa and Nun River, Vogel ; Whydah, Don. Certainly very closely allied to the West Indian S. procum- bens, and perhaps only a luxuriant variety. It is usually a much larger plant, thickly covering large patches of ground, and rising to the height of a foot and a half, but not really erect, on which account it may be better to adopt Schumacher's name than Palisot de Beauvois's. The flowers are usually more nu- merous than in S. procmnbens, but not always so. The East Indian S. mucronata, Willd., slightly differing from the preceding, has also been found in Senegal. 2. Stylosanthes viscosa, Sw., Vog. Linnosa, 12. p. 66. — Sieri'a Leone, Don. The specimens are precisely similar to the common American form. 1. Arachis hypoycea, Linn. — Abundantly cultivated in West Tropical Africa. In addition to Mr. Brown's observations (App. Cong.) on the probable country and migrations of this plant, it may be stated that the discovery of several other species of the same genus in Bi*azil is additional evidence of the American origin of the A. hypogtea. 1. Zornia diphyllu, Fcrs,, var. ylochidiata.—Z. glochidiata, 302 FLORA NIGRJTIANA. Reich. DC. Prod. 2. p. 316.— Z. biarticulata, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 2. }J. 288. — Accra, Vogel, Don ; Scnegambia. The distinctions between the common American, Asiatic and African forms of this widely diffused plant prove to be very inconstant, as already observed by Vogel ; and it is now no longer possible to view them as forming more than one species, found in almost every hot country visited by botanists, A new species of Geissaspis, remarkable for its entire, not ciliated bracts, is amongst Heudelot^s Senegambian })lants. The same Senegambian collection includes the Herminiera elaphroxylon, Guill. et Perr., which must be removed to Hedy- sareae, the pod being certainly articulated when quite ripe, and an allied plant, which appears to be the same as the Abyssinian Acrotaphros bibracteata, Steud. 1.. Ormocarpum verrucosum, Pal. de Beauv. Fl. Oiu. et Ben. 1. p. 96. t. 58. — Grand Bassa, in marshy places and in maritime sands on the Nun River, and in the island of Fernando Po, Vogel; Oware. 2. Ormocarpum coronilloides, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 2. p. 279 ; foliis impari-pinnatis, foliolis multijugis oblongis utrinque obtusis niucronulatis, leguminis articulatis striatis glabris v. pilis glanduliferis raris instructis. — Rathkea glabra, Schuni. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 355 j — var. a. petiolis pedicellisquc glauduloso-puberulis, St. Thomas, Don ; — var. /S. petiolis pedicellisque glabrioribus, on the Niger, Mc William. Very similar to a Philippine Island plant, which appears to be the ^schynomcne colutoides of A. llichard, and which as well as our plant, may be mere varieties of the East Indian O. sennoides, the degree of glandular hairiness of the inflorescence and pods being evidently very variable. 1. iEschynomene aspera, Linn. DC. Prod. 2. p. 320. — Nun and Quorra llivers, Vogel; Accra, Don. These specimens differ but slightly from the common East Indian form in the bracts and calyxes being more acuminated and smooth, but do not appear to be specifically distinct. The /E. Indica, Linn., which probably includes ^. macro- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 303 •poda, DC, JE. quadrata, Schum. ct Thonn., and ^. sensitiva, Pal, de Beauv.j a common East Indian plant, is found in Senegal and Guinea, extending also to Covdofan ; and the American ^. sensitiva, Sw., as well as an apparently new species, are in Heudelot^s Senegambian collection. Sprengel, under the name of Smithia spicata, has described a presumed Senegambian plant, which must remain a puzzle until it has been seen by some more accurate botanist. No true Smithia has as yet been found to our knowledge in Western Africa, athough one species [Kotschya Africana, Endl.) is a native of Upper Egypt. 1. Uraria j^ic/a, Desv., DC. Prod. 2. p. 324?. — Cape Palmas and Quorra River, at Addanda, Vogel ; St. Thomas, Don. — A common East Indian species, also recorded as a native of Guinea by Schumacher and Thonning, whose plant is erro- neously referred by Walpers to Desmodium. 1. Desmodium (Pleurolobium) oxybracteatum, DC. Prod. 2. p. 334 ?— D. grande, E. Mey. Comm. PI. Afr. Austr. p. 124. — D. paleaceum, Guill. et Perr. Fl. Seneg. p. 209. — Aboh, Vogel; Senegambia; also S. East Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius. VogeFs specimens closely resemble the eastern ones, Heudelot's are rather less vigorous, but all appear to belong to one species, varying very much in the hairiness of the fruit, as is the case with so many Desmodia. 2. Desmodium (Chalarium) latifolium, DC. Prod. 2. p. 328. — D. lasiocarpum, DC. I. c. — Hedysarum deltoideum, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 361. — Accra and Quorx'a River, Vogel; St. Thomas, Don ; Senegambia and Guinea. A very common East Indian plant extending as far as the Philippine Islands. 3. Desmodium (Heteroloma) Mauritianum, DC. Prod. 2. p. 334. — H. fruticulosum, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 363. — D. linearifoliura, D. ramosissimum et D. tenue ? G. Don, Gard. Diet. 2. p. 294. — St. Thomas and Sierra Leone, Don ; Grand Bassa, Cape Palmas, &c., Vogel. — A Mauritius plant, extending probably all across the African continent. 4. Desmodium (Heteroloma) incanwa, DC. Prod. 2. p. 332. — D. sparsiflorum, G. Don, Gard. Did. 2. p)- 2^^. — Sierra 304 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Lconc and St. Thomas, Don ; rernando Po, Vogel. — A common American s})ecies, said to be found also in the Mauritius 5 Desmodiuni (Ileteroloma) oxalidifolium, G.Don, Gard. Diet. 2. p. 295. — St. Thomas, Don ; sandy shores of the Nun River, near the sea, Vogel. Caules e basi radicante ^-2-pedales, prostrati, gracilcs, apicibus adscendentibus, parce subsericeo-pilosi. Stiptdee 3 hu. long?o, persistcntes, lanceolatse, setaceo-acuminatae. Petioii \-\ poll, longi. Foliola late obovato-orbiculata, l-l|-pollicaria, mem- branacea, pallide viridea, supra sparse puberula. Pedunculi terminales, elongati, pauciflori, pcdicellis subgeminis filifor- mibus semipollicaribus. Bractea lanceolatse setaceo-acumi- natje. Flores 2 lin. longi. Calyx pubescens, profunde par- titus, seguientis subulatis. Legumen pollicare, articulis 4-5 longioribus quam latis, bine fere rectis, illinc convexis, faciebus planis glochidiato-pubescentibus. Apparently allied to D. ccespititium, DC, and closely re- sembling a Javanese species. Besides the above, there are three described Desmodia from W. Tropical Africa, viz. : D. lanceolatum, Schum. ct Thonn., from Guinea, D. ovalifolium, Guill. et Perr., and Z>. terminule, Guill. et Perr. (referred by Webb to the common W. Indian D. toi'tuosum), both from Senegambia, and a fourth apparently new one in Heudelot's collection. 1. Nicholsonia reptans, Mcissn. Linnaaf 21. p. 260. — Des- niodium triflorum, DC. Prod. 2. p. 334. —D. Bullamense, G. Don, Gard. Did. 2. p. 291. — Hedysarum granulatum, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 362. — Accra, Vogel. — A very common weed in hot damp climates within the Tropics, both of the New and the Old AYorld. Meissner is quite right in transferring it from Desmodium to Nicholsonia, to which genus belong four or five other E. Indian and Mauritius species ])ublished as Desmodia. 1. Alysicarpus vaginalis, DC. Prod. 2. p. 353. — Stirling, at the continence, Ansell ; also Senegal, Cordofan, and very abun- dant in East India, as far as the Philippine Islands. FLORA NTGRITIANA. 305 A second species, A. rugosiis, DC, to which probably belong- also Hedysarum rugosum and H. ovalifolium, Schuni. et Thonn., is a native of Senegal and Guinea, extending to Cov- dofan. Of the genus Abrus, which connects Viciecc with Phaseolece, one species, the common A. py-ecatorius , is included in the Senegambian Flora. It is found abundantly within the Tropics, both in the New and the Old World, bvit in many places evidently introduced. 1. Centrosema decumbens, Mart. — Benth. in Ann. Mus. Vind. 2. p. 120. — Cape Coast, Vogel. — A common South American plant, ranging from the West Indies to South Brazil. The genus is also, with this exception, exclusively American. Clitoria Ternatea, a common East Indian plant, introduced into many parts of America, is found also in Senegambia, and over a great portion of Tropical Africa. 1. Glycine labialis, Linn. — TVight et Am. Prod. Penins. hid. Or. 1. p. 200. — St. Thomas, Don. — A common Tropical plant, both in the New and the Old World. The G. Senegalensis, DC, is generally supposed to be a mere variety of G. parvifiora, Lam., (which latter is correctly referred to G. labialis) ; but some specimens in Heudelot^s Senegambian collection, agreeing well with De Candolle^s character, are certainly distinct. Besides the longer racemes, and longer and smoother pods, the calyx is essentially different, being divided into four instead of five teeth, and each tooth is broader. Hoch- stetter's Kennedya Ai'abica, from Cordofan, appears to be the same as the Senegambian plant. 1. Johnia IFilldenoivii, Hook. fil. — Glycine hedysaroides, Willd. Spec. 3. p. 1060. — Accra, Don ; in Vogel's collection without the precise locality. This species, well described by Thonning under Willdenow's name, is certainly congener to the Johnia Wightii, Arn., and to the Bujacia anonychia, E. Mey., which is scarcely specifically distinct from the Indian plant. In all I find the stamens mo- nadelphous, and all bearing anthers, the upper stamen being free only at the base. In the Johnia vestita, Arn., however, X 306 FLORA NIGRITIANA. the u])pcr stamen is entirely free. All these small genera, allied to Ghjcine, require a general revision. Another Guinea plant, the Glycine bijlora, Schum. et Thonn., may possibly be a Johnia, but is at present insufficiently de- scribed to determine the genus. 1. Dioclea (Pachylobium) reflexa, Hook. fil. ; ramulis petiolis- que patentim pilosis, foliolis ovatis brevissime acuminatis tenuiter eoriaceis supra glabris subtus hirsutis, infloreseentia rufo-tomentosa, floribus confertis brevissime pedicellatis, brac- teis lanceolatis persistentibus reflexis, calycis eampanulati laeinia infima tubo vix breviore, carina rostrata alis breviore, legumine ovato-oblongo planiusculo I'ufo-villoso. — Dolichos coriaeeus, Gi'ah. in Wall. Cat. Herb. Ind. n. 5563. — Cape Palmas, near the sea-coast on the Quorra, and Fernando Po, Vogel. Frutex scandens, ramis teretibus glabratis ad nodos ramulisque patentim pilosis. Stipuke medio affixfe, lanceolato-subulatae, reflexje. Petioli 3 poll, longi, pilis flaccidis patentibus fulvis obsiti, stipellis setaceis. Foliola 3-5 poll, longa, 2-3 lata, breve petiolulata, reticulato-venosa, supra nitida, subtus pal- lidiora. Pedunculi bipedales, inferne glaberrimi, siipra me- dium pubescentes et dense tlorigeri. Bractea semipollicares, ligulatfe, acuminatse, rufo-velutin?c, reeurvse. Flores per 2-4 ad quemquam nodum brevissime pedieellati, splendide rubro- purpurei. Calyx rufescenti-sericeus, 4 lin. longus, basi bi- bracteolatus, tubo late ovato-hemisphserico, ore 5-lobo, lobis lateralibus late oblongis obtusis, summis paullo brevioribus, infimo angustiore longiore. Vexillum glaberrimum, calyee bis longius, ungue late lineari, lamina latissime obcordata ; alro vexillo paullo longiores, obovato-quadrata?, basi auricula reflexa appendiculataj ; carina coriacea. Ovarium villosissi- mum. Legumen planum, crasso-coriaceum, in specimine adhue immaturum sed jam 5 poll, longum, 2 poll, latum, sutura seminifcra valde incrassata. A species, as far as hitherto known, only found in East India, and some other parts of the Old World, although belonging to an otherwise exclusively American genus. It closely resembles the FLORA NIGRITIANA. 307 Brazilian D. violacea, whose violet-coloured bracts are straight and erect, whilst in the West African one they are always reflexed, as in another yet unpublished Brazilian species, (Gardner, n. 2117), in which however the flowers are very different. Two species of Canavalia are mentioned as inhabiting W. Tropical Africa, the C. obtusifolia, DC, common on the sea-coast of Senegal and Guinea, and of East Tropical Africa, Asia and America, and C. gladiata, DC, from Guinea, a commonly cultivated East Indian species. The first of these is described by Schumacher and Thonning under the name of Dolichos obovatus ; and that species is followed by a D. ovali- folius, which is unknown to us, but judging from the ex- pression "csetera uti in prsecedenti,'' it may be another Cana- valia. 1. Mucuna urens, DC, Prod. 2. p. 405. — Fernando Po, Vogel; Accra, Don; also Guinea. — Apparently identical with the West Indian plant figured by Plumier. 2. Mucuna flagellipes, Vogel, MS. ; caule foliisque glabris, foliolis oblique ovatis subcordatis apice abrupte acuminatis membranaceis nitidis, pedunculis longissimis apice racemosis, bracteis late ovato-cymbaformibus sericeis, calycis late hemi- sphserici dentibus 3 ajquilongis obtusis. — On the banks of the Niger, most abundant, Vogel. Caulis lignosus, scandens, arbores altissimas superans (fide Vogel) . Ramuli teretes. Petioli 3-4 poll, longi, sulcati. Foliola 5 poll, longa, 3 poll, lata, basi valde oblique rotundata v. plc- rumque plus minusve cordata, apice in acumen 4-5 lin. longum obtusum producta, petio]u.lis 2 lin. longis. Pedunculi 3-6 pedes longi, funiformes, nudi, apicibus floriferis incrassatis pu- bescentibus, parte florifera tripollicari geniculatim flexuosa, nodis florigeris 12-16. Bracteca \\ poll, longae, latissimre, pilis fulvis pungentibus obsitse, tridentatse. Vexillum \\ poll, longum, viridi-lutescens ; alse obtusse, vexillo fequilongse, basi lineis sericeis percursse, cum carina breviore subacuta connatse. 1. Erythrina Vogel'n, Hook. fil. ; inermis ? subglabra, caule sul- cato, foliolis ovato-oblongis oblongisve obtusis coriaceis reti- x2 308 FLORA NIGRITIANA. culatim venosis, racemis terminalibus strictis multifloris, calyce spathaceo vix jjuberulo apicc rcflcxo obscure tvidcntato, vexillo calyce multo breviore^ alls calyccin a-quautibus, carina triente lougiore. — Fernando Po, Voyel ; Accra, Den. Caulis lignosus, cortice albido. Petioli 2-3-pollicares, infra pc- tiolulos 1 lin. longos gland uligeri. Foliola 4 })oll. longa, latc- ralibus minoribus, supra viridia, subtus pallidiora. Pedunculi 8-12-poliicareSj stricti, multiflori, dense pubescentes. F/ores Ij poll, longi, solitarii v. gemini, brevissime pedicellati. Calyx 4< lin. longus, coriaceus. VexiUum paullo curvatuni. Legumen deest. Vogel cites this as a medicinal plant. Don's specimens are hardly determinable : their flowers appear rather larger than Vogers. 2. Erythrina Sejiegalensis, DC. Prod. 2. p. 413. — E. Guineensis, G. Don, Gard. Did. 2. p. 371. — Sierra Leone, Do7i. Scnc- gambia to Guinea, extending, according to A. Richard, as far as Abyssinia. 1. Phaseolus lunatus, Linn. — Fernando Po, Vogel. — A plant extensively cultivated in Tropical countries, especially in Asia and Africa. The P. vulgaris is enumerated by Schumacher and Thonning as being in cultivation in Guinea, and Guillemin and Perrottet have described another species, P. Senegalensis, as a nati\e of Senegambia. 1. Vigna oblonga, Benth. Bot. Sulph. p. 86. — Sandy banks of the Nun River, near the sea, and Fernando Po, Vogel. An American sea-coast plant, very near V. glabra, but the leaflets are always remarkably blunt, besides some difierences in the flowers. 2. Vigna multiflora, Hook. fil. ; pilosula v. glabra, stipulis breviter auriculatis, foliolis membranaceis ovato-rhombeis, pedunculis folio longioribus supra medium multifloris, pedi- cellis calyce subbrevioribus, calycis late campanulati dentibus tubo brcvioribus supremo latissimo integro latcralibus obtusis infima angustiore, carina nuda erostri, leguminibus glabris levitcr falcatis. — Fernando Po, on the sea-coast, Vogel. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 309 Herba volubilis^ V. gracUi affinis^ seel omnibus partibus major. Rami bine incle pilis reflcxo-patentibus liirti v. omnino gla- brati. Stipules 1-3 lin. longpe, late lanceolatsie^ acutse, striatse^ basi in auriculam brevem acutam infra insertionem productse, glabrae v. piloso-ciliatfe. Petioli infra foliola 2-3 poll, longi, inter foliola semipollicareSj bine incle prsesertim prope basin patentim pilosi. Stipellce parvse, obtusse, fere glanduliformes. Petiohdi 1-1| lin. longi, villosi. Foliola 14-3-pollicaria ; terminale late rbombeum^ lateralia valde insequilatera^ basi truncata v. subeordata^ omnia apice breviter acuminata, utrin- que viridia, margine ciliata, ad costas jiilis nonnullis utrinque Inspidula et in pagina superiore pilis raris conspersa. Pe- dunculi infra flores 3-5-pollicares, parte florida 1^-2-polli- cari. Pedicelli ad quemquam nodum gemini v. rarius 3-4-ui, per antbesin calyce ssepius breviores, fructiferi paullulum elon- gati. BractecE et bracteolte parvse, oblongo-lineares. Calyx fere V. glabrce nisi dentibus latioribus raulto obtusioribus. Petala glabra, iis V. glahrcB subsimilia. hegumenXh-V^ lin. Ion gum, vix 2 lin. latum. Like tbe V. gracilis, tbis species cannot be generically sepa- rated from tbe V. glabra of Savi, wbicb is mucb nearer to tbe true Dolichos tban some of tbe following. Unfortunately, tbe very indifferent specimens existing in herbaria, scarcely admit as yet of any exact limitation of tbis and tbe allied genera. 3. Vigna ? sp., apparently near V. multiflora, but tbe specimen is too bad to determine. — Near tbe town of St. Ann de Chiaves, Don. 4. Yigna unguiculata, Walp. Rep. \. p. 779. — Dolichos ungui- culatus, Linn, et Auct. — Cape Coast, Vogel. — Extensively cultivated in W. Tropical Africa, as it is in other parts of Africa, Asia and America. 5. Vigna linearifolia, Hook, fil.; caule volubili scabro v. piloso, stipulis lanceolatis acuminatis pilosis, petiolis hispidis, foliolis longe lineari-lanceolatis bispidulis transverse reticulatis, pe- dunculis pilosis apice 2-3-floris, calycis laciniis 5 longe lan- ceolato-setaceis, legumine densissime velutino-villoso. — Sa- vannahs of the Quorra, Vogel. 310 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Caules pluri-pedales, inter graniina volubiles^ rigiduli, teretes, infcrnc glabvati, supcrne scabri ct pilosi, internodiis elongatis, Stipulce 3-4 liii. longse, basi in auriculam brevem obtusissi- mam adnatam infra insertioncm productfe. Pelioli 11-2- pollicares, petiolulique pilis rigidulis bispidi. Foliola rigi- dula, 6-8 poll, longa, vix semipolliccm lata, utrinque scabrida et pilosnlaj penninervia ct lineis parallelis crebris transversis pulcbre reticulata. Pedunculi oppositifolii, validi, 1-1 4 poll, lougi, apice incrassati. Flores niajusculi^ sessiles v. brevis- simc pedicellati. Calyx semipollicaris, tubuloso-campanu- latus, tube brevi basi obtuse, laciniis plus duple tubi longi- tudine, subulato-acnminatis. Vexillum late obcordatum, bre- viter unguiculatum, lamina basi utrinque hamata, extus lutea, intus purpurascens ; alse purpui'ese, carinre cohserentes, basi hinc calcaratse. /S^^/^walateralcvix productum. Legumen 1| poll, longum, 2 lin. latum^ sub-10-spermum, pilis rigidis atropurpureis vestitum. 6. Vigna reticulata, Hook. fil. ; caule volubili supcrne foliis pedunculisque setosis, stipulis ovato-lanccolatis acuminatis, foliolis anguste ovato-lanceolatis acutis creberrime transversim reticulatis, pedunculis apice sub-2-floris, calycis laciniis 5 subulato-setaceis, legumine vclutino-tomentoso pilis fulvis con- sperso. — Savannahs at Accra, Voyel. V. linearifolicB simillima, sed duplo major, pilis fulvis rigidiori- bus, foliolis stipulisque latioribus, legumine fere 2^-pollicare, indumcnto diverso. The beautiful tranverse reticulations on the leaflets of this and the preceding species distinguish them from any of their congeners. 6. Vigna Nigritia, Hook. fil. ; caule volubili sparse piloso, sti- pulis ovato-lanceolatis basi in auriculas 2 productis, petiolis hispidis, foliolis ovato-lanceolatis utrinque pilosis, pedunculis pilosis folio longioribus apice multifloris, calycis glabri brevius campanulati dentibus 5 obtusis, legumine glabrato apice hamato-nuicronato. — On the Quorra, Vogel. Caulis pallide flavo-fuscus, scabcrulus, supcrne pilosus. Stipidee 2\ lin. longtP, striata, glabriuscuUic, ciliatrc, auriculis infra FLORA NIGRITIANA. 311 insertionem brevibus acutis. Petioli pollicares. Foliola 2 poll, longa, i-2^ lata, basi rotundata truncata v. cuneata, triuervia, reticulatim venosa, pallide viridia, lateralia obliqiia. Pedunculi 2-4-pollicares, validi, sulcati, pilis retrorsis. Flores brevissime pedicellati. Calyx 1 liu. longus, glaberrimus. Vexillum 4 lin. longum, latissimuni, recuwiim, pallide ro- seum, uugue brevissimo, lamina basi utrinque auriculata ; alse intensius coloratse, basi hiuc auriculatse. Legumen sub lente minutissime puberulum, leviter curvatuiii, 1^ poll. Ion- gum. Semina oblonga, rufo-fusca. A most distinct species, of which the specimen is very im- perfect. 8. Vigna Thonningii, Hook. fil. — Plectrotropis hirsuta, Schwn. et Thann. Beskr. p. 339. — Cape Coast and Fernando Po, Vogel. This answers very well to Thonning's description of the plant he gathered at Aguapim. It comes very near to the American V. carinalis, Benth. Bot. Snlph., and like that species, the V. angustifolia, and some other African and Asiatic species, is remarkable for the much-curved oblique keel with a lateral spur on one side only, on which character Schumacher and Thonning founded their genus Plectrotropis. Although they can scarcely be admitted to the generic rank thus accorded, they will probably be found to constitute a good sectional group in the now extensive genus Vigna. Besides the above eight species, West Tropical Africa pos- sesses at least three others, viz. : V. gracilis, Hook. fil. {Do- lichos, Guill. et Perr.), from Senegambia; V. Nilotica, Hook, fil. [Dolichos, Delile), from Senegambia, Nubia and Egypt ; and V. angustifolia, Hook. fil. {Dolichos, Vahl, Plectrotropis, Schum. et Thonu.), from Senegambia and Guinea. Of the genus Dolichos, although it be essentially African, no true representative appears to have been found within the West Tropical region, the D. nervosus, Schum. et Thonn., being probably the Lablah vulgaris, Savi, which is common over a great part of Africa, and exists in Senegambia and Guinea, either wild or cultivated, as well as Pachyrrhizus angulatus, Rich., 312 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Voandzeia subterranea, Dup. Thou., and Cajanus Indicus, Spr.^ to which last must probably be referred the Cytisus Gvineensis, Schuiii. ct Thonn. — A Senegainbian plant, supposed to be a Psophocarpus, but of which only the fruit and foliage are known, has been published by Desvaux under the name of P. palustris, and by Guillemin and Perrottet under that of P. palmettorum. It appears, however, to be at least as nearly allied to the Brazilian Diedngia as to the Asiatic Psopho- carpus. 1. Cyanospermum ccilycinum, Hook. fil. — llhynchosia calycina, Guill. et Peri'. Fl. Seneg. 1. p. 214. — Sierra Leone, Don, Vogel. Although the caruncle of the seed is exti'emely small in this species, yet the general habit, the calyx and corolla are those of Cyanospermum rather than Rhynchosia, and it has also the peculiar blue seed of the former genus. The constricted pod occurs also in Rhynchosia phaseoloides, which is in every other respect a true Rhynchosia. 1. llhynchosia Memncniu, DC. Prod. 2. p. 38G. — St. Thomas, Don ; Senegal, Nubia, and Upper Egypt. 2. llhynchosia f/e/zi/is. Hook. fil. ; prostrata v. volubilis, pubes- cens, stipulis parvis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis subulatisve, foliolis mcmbranaceis rhombeo-orbicularibus abrupte acumi- natis lateralibus insecpiilateris, raceniis axillaribus densifloris j)etiolo multo brevioribus, bractcolis lineari-lanceolatis pedi- cello longioribus, calycis laciniis lanceolato-subulatis infima clongata, leguniine patcntim piloso rufo. — Dolichos debilis, Don, MSS. — Glycine macrophylla, Schurn. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 318 ?— St. Thomas, Don. Caulis gracilis 2-3-pedalis. Siipnlce decidu?e, 2 lin. longa^, striata;. Petioli 2-pollicares, graciles, canaliculati. Folio- turn terminale 2| poll, longum, lateralia minora, omnia utrin- que pubcrula et subtus glandulis miminis creberrime punc- tata. Racemi l-l|-pollicares, dcnsillori. Bracteolce stipulis angustiores, sEepius rufescentes et rigiduli ; pedicelli suberecti, 1-2 lin. longi. Crt///.r 3 lin. longus, anguste campanulatus, ])ubescens et glandulosus, laciniis subulatis tubo longioribus, FLORA NIGRITIANA, 313 inferiore cseteris triente majore. Vcxillum calycem superans, oblungum^ basi biauriculatum ; alaj angustse, vexiilo bre- viores, carinse breviori coh?ei*entes. Closely allied to the East Indian R. densiflora, it differs chiefly in its much smaller calyces. The other W. Tropical African species are: 1. R. minima, DC. from Senegambia and Guinea^ a common Tropical plant in both hemispheres; 2. R. caribcea, DC, a West Indian plant, found also in Senegal and Guinea, unless the species alluded to under that name in African Floras, be rather the R. Me.mnonia ; 3. R. faginea, Guill. et Perr., from Senegambia, a species which should perhaps be transferred to Eriosema or Arcyphyl- lum ; and 4. R. argentea, Desv., from iVngola, which is entirely unknown to me. 1. YiVioB&mdi glomeratum, Guill. et Perr. FL Seneg. 1, p. 216, (sub. Rhynchosia). — Sierra Leone, Don; Cape Palnias and Quorra River, Vogel; Senegal and Guinea. /Q. minor, ramis laxe \dllosis, foliolis vix pollicaribus. — Sierra Leone, Don. 2. Eriosema spicatum, Hook. fil. ; molliter rufo-pubescens v. glabrescens, caule suberecto, stipulis liberis lanceolatis vix acuminatis, foliolis elliptico-ovatis obtusis, pedunculis folio pluries longioribus apice racemum spiciformem ferentibus, floribus reflexis, bracteis minimis, calyce obtuse 5-dentato, legumine oblongo-obovato rufo-tomentoso. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Senegal. Fruticulus pedalis, parce ramosus. Stipulce 2 lin. longse. Fetioli poUicares. Foliola rigidula, sesquipollicaria, minute glandu- loso-punctata, reticulato-venosa, nervis venulisque subtus prominulis, lateralia terminali minora. Pedunculi semi- pedales, stricti ; parte florifera 1-2-pollicari. Flores brevis- sime pedicellati, arete reflexi, 4 lin. longi. Calyx breviter campanulatus, 1 lin. longus, puberulus, sub lente glandulosus. Vexillum oblongo-obcordatum, lamina basi biauriculata et biappcndiculata, ungue brevi ; aire carinam subsequautes. Legumen fere semipollicem longum, 2 lin. latum, tomento niolli rufo subsericeum. 314 FLORA NIGRITIANA. 3. ^riosema, podostachyuniy Hook. fil. ; caule erecto piloso v. glabrato, stipulis liberis lanceolatis acuminatis, foliolis ovatis acutis V. obtusiusculis pubcrulis v. supra glabratis, pcduncu- lis folio pluries longioribus puberulis apicc raceiiium spici- formem ferentibus, floribus reflexis, bracteis lanceolato-subu- latis, calycis 5-fidi dentibus late ovatis acutis, leguminc patentim sericeo-piloso. — Grand Bassa, Vogel, Ansell. Caulis tripedalis, strictus, basi perennis, rufo-fuscus, supernc prsecipue patentim et retrorsum pilosus. Stipiilce 4 lin. longse. Petioli pollicares, ssepius patentim pilosi et rufo-pubescentcs. Foliola bipollicaria, viridia, subtus pallidiora, ad nervos pube- rula, punctis glandulosis minutis confertis. Pedunculi 8-10- pollicares, stricti, pilosi v. glabrati. Flores iis E. spicati similes, vexillo absque apice rubris. Legumen late oblongum, semipollicare, pilis patentissimis subsericeis villosum. Semina nitida, ilavo nigroque irrorata, hilo elongato. Near E. sjncatum, but a much larger plant, more or less clothed with spreading hairs, longer peduncles, larger stipules and bractere, and more pointed teeth to the calyx. The E. cajanoides, (E,hynchosia Gidll. et Perr.) from Sene- gambia, is the only other species of the genus known to be a native of W. Tropical Africa. Don has also described a Flemingia Guineensis, from Guinea, but there do not appear any specimens in his collection. 1. Ecastaphyllum Broivnei, Pers, — DC. Prod. 2. j)' 211. — Grand Bassa and Nun River, Vogel ; Senegal and Guinea. — A plant widely diffused over Tropical America, from the West Indies to Brazil. 1. Dalbergia saxatilis, Hook. fil. ; inflorescentia excepta glabra, foliolis 4-jugis oblongis utrinque rotundatis emarginatis venoso-reticulatis terminali obovato, paniculis folio ter brevio- ribus pilosiusculis, bracteolis parvis lineari -oblongis, calycis late campanulati glabrati vix striati dentibus lateralibus bre- vibus obtusis inferiore elongato, legumine elliptico-lincari graciliter stipitato. — Sierra Leone, Do7i ; Senegambia, Heu- delot. Bamuli nitidi, obscure striati. Petioli 3-4-pollicares, gracilcs. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 315 Fuliola pollicaria, subtus glaucescentia. Calyx basi rotuii- datuSj medio coustrictus. Stamina ut in congeueribus. Oviila 2-3. Legumen 4-4^ poll, longum, 1-lj poll, latum, breviter et laxe reticulatum^ membraiiaceum^ albidum, sti- pite subpiloso 4 lin. longo. Semen in parte centrali suberosa uniciim. There are two other specimens in a very imperfect state, which are either varieties of the preceding, or distinct species, differing apparently in the calyx as follov/s : /3. Donii, calycis glabriusculi basi obtusi dentibus lateralibus longioribus obtusis. — Sierra Leone ? Don. y. Ansellii, calycis puberuli basi acutiuscnli dentibus latera- libus brevioribus acutiusculis. — Cape Palmas, AnselL 2. Dalbergia pubescens, Hook. fil. ; rufo-pubescens, foliolis 5-jugis oblongis v. obovato-oblongis utrinque obtusis basi ssepe insequalibus, racemis axillaribus terminalibusque folio brevioribus, bracteolis parvis, calycis late campanulati vclu- tini dentibus latis acutis, ovario hirsuto. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Senegambia, Heudelot. Rami lignosi, cortice fusco, ramulis obscure angulatis. Petioli 3-4 poll, lougi, stricti. Foliola 1-2-pollicaria, coriacea, obtusa V. emarginata, basi rotundata v. rarius superiora angiistata, supra pilis sparsis puberula, subtus pilis rufis densius vestita. Racemi l-ll-pollicares. Pedicelli l^-lineares. Calyx 1 lin. longus, latiusculus, 4-dentatus, dente supe- riore latiore emarginato, lateralibus latis brevibus subacutis. Vexillum late oblougum, emarginatum, ungue gracili laminae fequilongoj alse liueari-oblougai obtusse basi hinc hamato- auriculatse ; carina bis latior. Filamentorum tubus more generis bipartitus, antheris basifixis didymis. Ovarium longe stipitatum, pedicello piloso. Two other species of Dalbergia occur in Senegambia, the D. melanoxylon, Guill. et Perr., and an a])parently undescribed one in Heudelot's collection. 1. Drepanocarpus lunatus, Meyer. — DC. Prod. 2. p. 420. — Grand Bassa and Nun River, Vogel; Senegal and Guinea. 1. Pterocarpus esculent us, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 330. 3 1 6 FLORA NIGRITIANA. ■ — Quorra Ri\'ci", at Aboh^ Vogel, who remarks that the fruit is eaten by the negroes, and that the tree forms a thicket along one side of the creek. It is found also in Senegal and in Guinea. The Senegambian collections contain also the P. erinuceus, Poir. ; the P. lucens, Lepr., and a fourth apparently undcscribed species. OsTRYOCARPUs, Hook. fil. (nov. gen.) Calyx breviter campanulatus, basi contractus, ore obscure 5-den- tato. Vexillum late rhomboideum, ungue brevissimo lato, glabrura, recurvum. Alee vexillum pequantes, oblongo-cultri- formes, basi hiuc auriculata?, ungue gracili. Carina petala alis conformia. Stamina 10, diadelpha, antheris ovatis. Ovarium sessile, sericeo-pubescens, triovulatum, stylo glabriusculo filiforme apice stigmatoso. Legumen orbiculare, plano-com- pressum, coriaceum, margine seminifero incrassato canalicu- lato, abortu monospermum. Frutex sarmentosus, foliis impari-pinnatis, floribus paniculatis. 1. Ostryocarpus riparius, Hook. fil. — Sierra Leone and Fer- Po, Vogel ; Sierra Leone, Don ; Senegambia, Heudelot. Rami lignosi, cortice pallido verrucoso, uti folia glaberrimi. Petioli stricti, teretes, supra sulcati, 4-8 poll, longi. Foliola bijuga cum impari, opposita, 6-8-pollicaria, coriacea, petio- lulata, oblonga, utrinqnc rotundata v. subacuta, reticulatim venosa. Paniculce axillares terminalesque, petiolo requi- longfe V. longiores, ramosse, ramis pubescenti-sericcis multi- floris. Flores ilavidi, in ramulis propriis glomerati, pedi- cellis ^ lin. longis. Calyx pubescens 1^ lin. longus, brac- teolis parvis rotundatis appressis. Petala 3 lin. longa. Legume?i in sicco atrum, 2 poll, longum, ut videtur inde- hiscens, valvis planis obscure reticulatis. Semen immaturum 1 poll, longum, oblongum, in medio legumine situm. This plant has the habit of some of the smaller-flowered Lonchocarpi, but the stamens are distinctly diadelphous, and the pod is remarkable. 1. Lonchocarpus Formosianus, DC. Prod. 2. p. 2G0. — Robinia FLORA NIGRITIANA. 317 argcntiflora, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 353. — St. Thomas, Don ; on the Quorra, Cape Pahnas, Graud Bassa, &c., Vogel. From Senegal to Guinea, and thence to the east coast, where it is said to be planted ; and if, as is probable, this be but a mere variety of the R. sericeus, DC, it is an American species not uncommon both in the West Indies and in Brazil. Am(mg the numerous species which have been collected under Lonchocarpus, but very few have as yet been described in fruit, and in those few so many differences are observable in the pod, that almost each has been proposed as the type of a separate genus. The present species, although one of those on which Kunth^s Lonchocaiyus was originally founded, has not the membranous wingless pod of L. latifolius and macropJiyllus, which he described, nor the coriaceous wingless one of Sphinctolobium virgiUoides, nor yet the curiously winged one of Neuroscapha GuiUeminiana, but one in some measure intermediate between those of the two latter. With the habit and flowers of Neuroscapha, and a pod in general form like that of the same genus, the broad wings are replaced by a slightly prominent longitudinal nerve on each side of the seminal suture. It is, therefore, safer for the present to leave the genus Lonchocarpus entire, until a sufficient number of fruits shall have been observed, to show whether these slight modifications correspond with any real difierences in habit or in flower. 2, Lonchocarpus ? macrostachyvs, Hook. fil. ; ramis foliisque glabris, foliolis 5-7 oblongis obtuse acuminatis basi rotun- datis coriaceis, panicula ampla multiflora, ramulis pedicel- lisque brevibus velutinis, calycis velutini dentibus 5 brevibus, bractcolis late ovatis, vexillo glaberrimo. — On the Quorra, at Ibaddi, Vogel. Rami ramulique lignosi, teretes, cortice pallide fusco verrucis pallidis notato. Petioli 5-8 poll, longi, stricti, Foliola 6-8 poll, longa, 2\ poll, lata v. inferiora minora, basi inter- dum subcordata, apice abrupte acuminata, acumine brevi 318 FLORA NIGRTTIANA. obtiiso, supra nitida, subtus sub lente interdum pills adpres- sis subtilissimc sericca, nervis primariis subtus prominenti- bus et reticulatim vcnulosa^ petiolulo 2 lin. lougo. Pani- cul(E terminales v. laterales, ssepe pedales. Floras conferti albo-virides, pedicellis 1 liu. longis. Calyx campanulatus, curvatusj 2 lin. longus, deatibus obtusis. Vexillum late obovatum, reflexum, basi biauriculatum, ungue gracili ; aire vexillo a^quilong?e, lincari-oblongse, obtuspe ; carina paullo major, obtusa. Filamentum vexillare ima basi liberuni. Stylus fere ad apicem scriceus. Ovarium dense sericeuni, 4-ovulatum. A very handsome plant, the racemes and calyxes nearly black, with a velvety pubescence. The pod is unknown, and it is, therefore, doubtful whether it belongs to Lonchocarpus or Milletia. 1. Milletia macropJiylla, Hook. fil. ; (Tab. XXXII. XXXIII), fo- liolis 11-15 oblongis subtus ferrugineo-pubescentibvis, stipellis subnullis, racemo elongato thyrsoideo ferrugiueo-tomentoso, calycis ore truncato vix dcntato, vexillo alisquc cxtus glabris, carina apice villosa, filamento vexillari hinc ad medium adna- to, legumine tomento brevissimo rufo-sericeo. — Fernando Po, (cultivated), Vogel. Arbor parva. Folia 1-2-pedaHa ; foliola opposita, 3-G poll, longa, \\-2\ poll, lata, acuminata, basi angustata v. cuncata, petiolulo S-J; lin. longo, nervis primariis subtus parallelis prominentibus rufis. Pedunculi jam infra medium florifcri, ramulis nodiformibus v. vix evolutis pluritloris inferioribus remotis, summis approximatis. Flores quam in cajtcris spc- ciebus niajores, purpurei, pedicellis 1-2 lin. longis. Calyx ferruginco-velutinus, basi bracteolis 2 parvis appressis stipa- tus. Fexillum pollicare, fere orbiculatum, basi late trunca- tum, crassum, glabrum ; alae lineari-oblongfe, longe unguicu- latje, vexillo paullo brenores ; carina petala alis subsimilia, paullo latiora. Filamentum vexillare versus medium cum cseteris connatum, basi apiceque liberum. Legumen lineare V. lineari-lanceolatum, basi angustatum et brevdter stipitatum, FLORA NIGRITIANA. 319 plano-compressum, coriacco-lignosuni, ad suturam iitramque prresertim seminiferam iucrassatum, 3-6-spermum. Semina orbiculata, funiculo basi carunculato. Notwitlistanding the colierence of the tenth stamen, we have no hesitation in referring this plant to MiUetia, an Asiatic and African genus, numerous in species, including the two which Hochstetter has endeavoured to distinguish under the name of Berrehera. The pod, of all the species where it is knoMTi, is intermediate between that of the shrubby TephrosicB of the section Mundulia, and that of Sphinctolobium virgilioides : the valves adliere closely round the seeds till perfect maturity, when the pod, in drying up, opens sometimes, if not always, in two valves. Plate XXXII. XXXIII. Fig. 1. wing of the corolla; / 2. keel ; /. 3. stamens and pistil ; /. 4. pistil : all magnified. jB. Aboensis, pube copiosiore, foliolis angustioribus, bracteolis majoribus ramulis floriferis magis evolutis. — Aboh, Ansell. — Very near the Fernando Po form, and not distinguishable as a species. The specimens are, however, incomplete and without fruit. Besides the above, the Senegambian collection contains several species of this and allied genera. Among them two, or perhaps three, have every appearance of Mil etice, though without fruit : a fourth, agreeing with Schumacher's and Thon- ning's Robinia cyanescens, has a somewhat different habit : a fifth, the Lonchocarjms laxiflorus, Guill. et Perr., appears to be congener with the Abyssinian and Nubian Philenoptera ; and a sixth, in flower only, is evidently the type of a new genus. To some of the above may possibly be referable the Robinia multi- flora, Schum. et Thonn., R. Thonningii, Schum., and R. Gui- neensis, Willd., all three Guinea plants. There is likewise one W. Tropical African species described of the American genus Andira, viz. A. Africana, Guill. et Perr. from Seneganibia. Baphia, Afzl. Char. Gen. ref. — Calyx spathaceus, antice fissus, postice integer vel 3-5-denticulatus. Corolla restivatio papi- lionacea ; vexillum orbiculatum ; alpe ovato-oblongfe ; carina 320 FLORA NIGRITIANA. falcata. Stamina 10, libera, omnia fertilia, anthcris ob- longis. Ovarium subsessile, pluriovulatuiii, stylo lncur\() brevi apicc stigmatifero. Legumea oblongo-lineare, plano- compressum, rectum (v, falcatum ?), valvulis coriaceis matu- ritate dehisceutibus, mavginibus leviter incrassatis. — Frutices V. arbores Africaure, Dalhousice affines, foliolis ad apicem petioli solitariis, pedicellis axillaribus fasciculatis brevibus unifloris apice bibracteolatis. 1. B. spathacea, Hook. fil. ; foliolis oblongis acuminatis caule- que glabris, calyce subcoriaceo ferrugineo-puberulo, brac- teolis ovatis. — Bassa Cove, Ansell. Rami ramulique virgati, superne interdum leviter puberuli. Foliorum petiolus semipollicaris, basi et apice leviter incras- satus et articulatus, foliolum 3-4 poll, longum, 1| latum, acuminatum, basi rotundatum, coriaceum, supra nitidulum et obscure reticulatum, subtus pallidius, venis prominulis retieulatum. Folia floralia supei'iora minora et caduca, et flores in racemum bracteatum dispositos apparent. Pedicel/ i per 2-4 fasciculati, 2 lin. longi. Bracteolte lineam longae, calyci adpressa?. Calyx% emipollicaris, recurvo-adscendens, acuminatus, apice obtusiusculus et integer, antice usque ad basin fissus, extus pube ferruginea subsericeus. Petala tenuia, glabra; vexillum calycem vix ?cquans, orbiculatum, emarginato-bifidum, brevissime unguiculatum ; alai vcxillo paullo breviorcs; carinse petala alis fequilonga sed latiora. Ovarium villosum, apice attenuatum. 2. B. pubescens, Hook. fil. ; ramulis pediccllisqiie ferruginco- pubescentibus, foliolo obovato-oblongo acuminato supra glabro nitido subtus pubescente v. glabrato, calyce subcoria- ceo puberulo, bracteolis orbiculatis. — In VogeVs collection, without the precise station. Rami teretes, superne praesertim parce pubescentes. Foliolum 2-3 poll, longum, 1-1^ poll, latum, apice in acumen lineare obtusum productum, basi svibacutum ; in petiolo 2-3 lin. longo articulatum. Infloresceniia B. spathacea, pedicellis plurimis 4-5 lin. longis sessilibus v. rarius pedunculo coni- muni brevissimo fultis. Calyx oblique obovato-oblongus FLORA NIGRITIANA. 321 apice obtusus, tenuissime puberulus. Vexillum sessile, or- biculatuiiij emargiuato-bifidum, calycem sequans; alse lineari- oblongpe, vexillo sublongiores ; carinfe petala alls consimilia nisi paullo latiora. Legumen (vbc maturum) 3 poll, longum, 9 lin. latum, rectum, stylo acuminatum, valvulis planis coriaceis glaberrimis. Semina circa 3. Differs from the preceding species in its smaller flowers, with a less coriaceous calyx shorter in proportion to the petals, besides the general pubescence of the branches. 3. Baphia hoematoxylon, Hook. fil. ; glabra, foliolis ovali- oblongis acuminatis, calyce membranaceo glabro tridentato. — Podalyria hoematoxylon, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 202. — Carpolobia versicolor, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 1. p. 370? — Cape Coast, Don, Vogel ; also Guinea, Thonning. Although we have no hesitation, at the suggestion of Dr. Planchon, in referring the above three plants to the genus Baphia of Afzelius, so imperfectly figured and described by Loddiges (Bot. Cab. t. 367) ; yet we do not feel justified in identifying the B. hoematoxylon as a species with the original B. nitida, which is said to have pinnate leaves. Brunner (Flora 1840, v. 2. Beibl. p. 22), describes a plant which he supposes may be B. nitida, which is evidently the Dialium nitidmn, and can hardly be the one Afzelius had in view. Desvaux has described, under the name of Delaria pyrifolia, a Guinea plant which must belong either to the present or to one of the two following genera. The calyx and inflorescence described by him are those of Baphia, but the broad leaves and stipitate ovary refer rather to Leucomphalus . The same author's Delaria ovalifolia is probably very different. We know of no Brazilian plant at all like it. Bracteolaria, Hochst. Char. Gen. Calyx spathaceus antice fissus, demum bipartitus, segmentis reflexis, sestivatione val- vatis, integris v. postico bidentato. Petala subsequilonga, calycem superantia ; vexillum orbiculatum, alee et carinse petala ovata. Stamina 10, libera, omnia fertilia, antheris oblongis. Ovarium subsessile, villosissimum, biovulatum, 322 FLORA NIGRITIANA. stylo incurvo glabro apice stigmatifero. — Frutices v. arbores Africanpe^ Baphice similes, foliolis ad apicem petioli solitariis, floribus pcdiccllatis ad axillam bvactea; solitariis in racemos axillares v. ad apicem caulis paniculatos dispositis. Though closely allied to Baj)hia, and like that genus very near to Dalhousia, the differences in the calyx and inflorescence induce us to maintain these genera as distinct, at any rate until the fruit shall be known. 1. Bracteolaria jt>o/y^a/ace«, Hook. fil. ; puberula, foliolis ovali- ellipticis acuminatis basi rotundatis cuneatisve supra glabra- tis, calycis segmentis integris, bracteolis orbiculatis. — Carpo- lobia dubia, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 1. p. 370. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Grand Bassa, Vogel. Frutex scandens, ramulis puberulis, striatis. Petioli 1-2-pol- licares, pilosiusculi. FoUolum 3-5 poll, longum, 11-2 poll, latum, acuminatum, basi rotundatum v. subcor datum, pallide virens. PaniciiIcB axillares et terminales, compositse e race- mis gracilibus 2-3 poll, longis, puberulis. Bractece minutse. Pedicelli sparsi, 1-2 lin. longi. Calyx 2 lin. longus, ante anthesin ovoideus, obtusus, per anthesin fissus in segmenta 2 reflexa, membranacea, ovata, concava, extus puberula. Brae- teolce calyci appressse, parvse, ciliatse. Petala subsequilonga, calyce dimidio longiora ; vexillum sessile, late obcordatum, reflexum, maculis luteis notatum ; alse patentes, late oblongse obtusse, brevissime unguiculatse. Ovarium villosum, stylo glabro. There is another unpublished species of Bracteolaria amongst Heudelot's Senegambian plants. Leucomphalus, Benth. (nov. gen.) Calyx demum bipartitus, segmentis reflexis, sestivatione valva- tis integris. Petala subsequilonga, calycem superantia ; vexillum late obovatum integrum; alse lineari-oblongaj ; carinae petala alis similia nisi latiora. Stamina 10, libera, omnia fertilia, antheris linearibus. Ovarium longe stipita- tum, pluriovulatum. Legumen longe stipitatum oblique FLORA NIGRITIANA. 323 semi-orbiculatum, subfalcatum, valvulis coriaceis convexis, margiuibus vix incrassatis. Semina pauca vel solitaria, funiculo in carunculum incrassato. — Frutex Africse tropicse, Baphiae et Bracteolaria habitu similis. 1. Leucomphalus capparideus, Benth. — Planch, in Hook. Ic. t. 784. (Tab. XXXI.) Fernando Po, in woods, Vogel. Frutex e basi plerumque vamosus, ramulis gracilibus glabris Isevibus. Folia glabra, unifoliolata. Petiolus |-l-pollica- ris. Foliolum ovatum v. ovato-oblongum, acuminatum, basi acutum V. rotundatum, 3-5 poll, longum, l|-3 poll, latum, rigide chartaceum, nitidulum, reticulatum. Racemi v. pani- culse axillares et terminales, ramis brevibus. Pedicelli breves, secus ramos solitarii, sparsi. Bracteola; sub calyce parvse orbicidatse. Flores niagnitudine Bracteolari. 20. — Sierra Leone, Don. The bases of the petioles remain on the branches, and harden into thorns, as in most Poivrea ; but the flowers are tetramerous, and the cotyledons fleshy and not convolute. As in all the Combreta and Poivrea I have examined, the seed is marked with as many angles as the fruit has wings, and even the embryo is moulded as it were into the same form, for the angles retain their position with regard to the seed, whatever be the texture or arrangement of the cotyledons. 2. Combretum racemosum, Pal. de Beauv. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 20. — To the synonyms adduced by Guillemin and Perrottet (Fl. Seneg. p. 285) must be added that of C. leucophyllum, Don, DC. 1. c. — Sierra Leone, Don. 3. Combretum fuscum, Planch, in Herb. Hook. ; scandens, inermis, ramulis inflorescentiaque ferrugineo-puberulis, foliis oppositis oblongis ellipticisve breviter acuminatis basi rotun- datis demum glabratis, spicis brevibus densis paniculatis, bracteis minimis, calycis limbo tubuloso-campanulato, petalis spathulatis limbo calycino pluries brevioribus. — Sierra Leone, Vogel ; Grand Bassa, Ansell. Frutex scandens, ramis teretibus v. ad nodos compressius- culis. Folia majora 6-8 poll, longa, 24-3 poll, lata, apice in acumen breve angustata, utrinquc siccitate fusca et z 2 340 FLORA NIGRITIANA. glabra, superiora minora, floralia uumerosa parva, in vivo ex Vog. alba et e longinquo nitentia, siccitate tamen pariter ac cauliua fusca et opaca. PetioU omnino decidui, 2-4 lin. longi. Paniculce breves, floribundse ; spicse ultimse peduncu- latte, 6-8 lin. longre, floribus confertis. Bracteolx lineares, crassse, 1-2 lin. longge, caducissirase. Flores tetvamcri. Ca- lycis tubus adnatus brevissiinus, limbus 1| lin. lougus, disco staminigero tomcntoso usque ad medium limbi attingente, dentibus triangularibus acutis. Petala minima, glabra. Ovula 2. This agrees in many respects with Don's description of C. mic7'anlhutn from the same country ; but he describes the flower spikes as simple and axillary ; and if the Senegal plant referred to Don's species in the Flora Senegambiaj be really his, it is very different from ours in the petals and other details of the flower. 4. Combretum cuspidatum, Planch, in Herb. Hook. ; scandens, inermis, ramulis infloresccntiaque ferrugineo-puberulis, foliis oppositis ovali-ellipticis acuminatis basi rotundatis demum glabris, spicis paniculatis, bracteis minimis, calycis limbo cya- thiformi minute dcntato, potalis orbiculatis concavis integerri- mis limbo calycis multo bvovioribus. — Sierra Leone, Vogel. Frutex scandens, ramuli ad nodos compressiusculi, novelli uti petioli et pedunculi fei-rugineo-pubescentes, demum glabrati. PetioU 3- i lin. longi, cum foliis ex toto decidui. Folia nia- jora semipedalia, 3 poll, lata, summa minora, omnia siccitate supra fusca ct glabra, subtus pallidiora, glabra sed creberrime glanduloso-punctata, apice in acumen semipollicare obtusum abrupte producta, basi rotundata. Paniculce axillares v. terminales, basi foliatse, apice nudse, semipedales v. longiores, pluries ramosse, spicis ultimis 1-2-pollicaribus laxis. Brac- teolce perpaucse adsunt lineares, parvse, crassse. Flores 4- meri, parvi. Calycis tubus adnatus semilineam longus, hir- sutus, limbus (seu fauces) cyathiformi-cam})anulatus, | lin. longus, dentibus brevissimis. Petala semilinea breviora, reflexa, glabra, concava, integerrima, vix unguiculata. Stamina fere 2 lin. longa. Ovula 2. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 341 5. Combretum sericeum, Don. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 21. — C. her- baceum, Don, I. c. — Sierra Leone, Don. Stems herbaceous, simple, a foot, or a foot and a half high, proceeding from a woody trunk, approaching in that respect to the habit of the East Indian C. nanum. The flowers are gene- rally tetramerous, but probably sometimes pentamerous, as Don places the species in the decandrous division of the genus, and I have occasionally seen one of the petals much broader than the other, or even divided into two, with a very small calycine tooth between the two ; but I have never observed more than eight stamens. Besides the above species, nine Combreta have been described from W. Tropical Africa, viz. : C. mucronatum, Thonn., from Senegal and Guinea, from which however must be excluded C. intermedium, Don, which is a mere variety of Poivrea co- mosa ; C. micranthum, Don, from Senegal and Sierra Leone ; C. paniculatum, Vent., from Senegal, which is certainly distinct from Poivrea comosa, referred to it by Guillemin and Perrottet; C. ahum, Perr. ; C. glutinosum, Perr. ; C. chrysophyllum, Guill. et Perr., and C. ni(/ricans, Lepr., all from Senegal ; C. tomen- tosum, Don, from Sierra Leone ; and C. macrocarpon, Beauv., from Oware. 1. Quisqualis ebracteuta, Pal. de Beauv. — DC. Prod. S. p. 23. — Q. obovata, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 218. — On the Quorra, Vogel ; Senegal and Guinea. XLIX. Rhizophore^. 1. Rhizophora Mangle, Linn. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 32. — Sene- gambian coast, Don, and others. 2. Rhizophora racemosa, Mey. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 32. — Sierra Leone and Grand Bassa, Vogel ; Guinea Coast, Herb. Hook. Both these are American species, at least as far as the speci- mens show, I can detect no diflferences. The Asiatic species, some of which are found on the eastern coasts of Africa do not appear any of them to have spread to the western coast. 1. Cassipourea Africana, Benth. ; glabra, foliis obovali-ellipticis oblongisve apice rotundatis vel brevissime obtuseque acumi- 342 FLORA NIGRITIANA. natis integerrimis v. pauciserratis coriaceis. — Ou the Quorra, opposite Stirling, Vogel. Folia 2 V. raro 3 poll, longa. Inflorescentia C. ellipticce. Flores desunt. Pedicelli fructiferi lineam longi. Ca/y^" persistens, 2^ liu. longus, coriaceus, glaber, ultra medium in lacinias 5 ob- longas valvatim fissus. Capsula glabra, calyce brevior, obtuse trigona, apice depressa, trivalvis, trilocularis, dissepimentis membranaceis. Semina in loculis solitaria, (adjecto tamen ovule abortivo) pendula, ovoidea: testa chartacea; albumen carnosum; embryo albumini fere sequilougus, rectus ; cotyledones foliace», late ovatfe ; radicula cotyledonibus sequilonga, ad hilum spec- tans. Stylus in fructu persistens, flexuosus, apice incrassatus. This may possibly be the species alluded to by Brown in the Appendix to Tuckey's Congo, and named by De Candolle C. Conge7isis, but not described. Without the flowers, (of which the buds in the specimen are still in the earliest stage), this plant can only be distinguished from the "West Indian C. ellip- tica by the smaller and more coriaceous leaves. Anisophyllum, Don, (gen. nov.) Calyx liber v. basi breviter adnatus, cyathiformis, 4-fidus, lobis pestivatione valvatis. Discus carnosus fundum calycis occu- pans, inter stamina et ovarium glandulosus. Petala 4, lobis calycinis alterna, disco inserta, biloba, lobis laciniato- flmbriatis, laciniis subulatis apice inflexis. Stamina nu- mcro petalorum dupla, disco inserta ; antherse versatiles, bi- loculares, loculis longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Ovarium tri- lobum, triloculare, in speciminibus a me visis semiabortivum. Frutices v. arbores, foliis stipulatis alternis integerrimis co- riaceis, 5-nervibus, floribus secus pedunculos supra-axillares sessilibus parvis. 1 . Anisophyllum laurinum, Don MS. ; foliis quintuplinervibus, spicis ebracteatis. — Sierra Leone, Don; Senegambia, Le- prieur, ex Herb. Hook. Frutex v. arbor, partibus novellis pube rara minuta appressa conspersis, demum glabratus. Stipulce lanceolatse, alise mi- nim^e, aliw 2-3 lin. longse, caducissinuc. Folia adulta 3-4 poll, longa, 1-1 1 poll, lata, ovata v. oblonga, acuta, basi FLORA NIGRITIANA. 343 ciineata, coriacea, siccitate flavescentia, opaca et impunctata, costis 5 subtus prominentibus, quarum 2, ad basin attin- gentes, ssepe fere marginales sunt v. cum margine confluunt et vix conspicuse, 2 cum costa media paullo altius et insequa- liter confluunt, venulis transversis numerosis. Pedunculi prope basin innovationum supra axillas inferiores solitarii, 2-3-pollicares, tenues, jam infra medium usque ad apicem interrupte floriferi. Bi'actece omnino deesse videntur. Flores arete sessiles, 1^ lin. diametro. Calyx glaber v. minute pu- berulus, ultra medium fissus in lobos 4 late ovato-triangulares, sestivatione valvatos. Petala calyce paullo longiora, glabra, ad medium biloba. lobis irregulariter fissis in lacinias subu- latas quarum plerseque apice inflexse. Stamina petala sub- jequantia, glabra, filamentis apice inflexis, antheris ovatis. Ovarium disco impositum, villosum, depresso-trilobum et obsolete triloculare ; nee ovula nee stylum detexi. A remarkable plant, evidently allied to Cassipourea, not- withstanding its alternate leaves and apparently polygamous flowers. Its exact affinity cannot however be determined, until the perfect ovary and fruit shall have been seen. A second species,* with the same foliage and structure of flowers, but unfortunately with the like imperfection in the ovaries in the only flower I could examine, is among Mrs. General Walker^s Ceylon plants. It difiers specifically from the African one in the presence of small bracts, in the form of the petals and some other slight points. L. ONAGRARIiE. 1. Jussisea villosa, Lam. — W. et Am. Fl Penins. 1. p. 336. — St. Thomas, Don. — A common East Indian plant. 2. Jussisea acuminata, Sw. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 54. — On the Quorra, at Attah, Vogel ; St. Thomas, Don. — A West Indian species. 3. Jussisea linearis, Willd. — DC. Pi'od. S.p. 55. — Grand Bassa, Voffel ; Senegal and Guinea. * Anisophyllum Zeylanicum ; foliis fere a basi 5-nervibus, spicis te- nuiter bracteolatis. 344 FLORA NIGRITIANA. The remaining Onagrariede described as West Tropical African are Jussicca stolomfera, Lepr. et Perr., and J. altissima, Lepr., Prieurea Senegalensis, DC, considered by Guillemin and Per- rottet as another species of Jussicea, and Isnardia ^multiflora, Guill. et Perr., all from Senegal. LI. Lythrarie^. There are no specimens belonging to this Order either in the Niger collection or in those of Don from West Tropical Africa, although no less than fifteen species are enumerated in the Senegambian Elora, viz. : Ameletia tenella and elatinoides, (both described under Ammannia), Ammanma filiformis,J)C, A. Se- negalensis, Lam., A. aiiriculata, Willd., A. gracilis, Guill. et Perr., A. salsuginosa, Guill. et Perr., A. floribunda, Guill. et Perr. J A. pruinosa, Guill. et Perr., A. crassicauUs, Guill. et Perr., A. aspera, Guill. et Perr., Nesea erecta, radicans and Candollei, Guill. et Perr., and Laiusonia alba, Lam. LIL Tamarisein,e. This small Order or genus is also, in West Tropical Africa, as far as hitherto known, confined to Senegambia, from whence a species has been described under the name of Tamarix Se7ie- galensis, but which is probably, as suggested by Webb, a mere variety of the T. Gallica, so widely diffused over South Europe, North Africa, and the temperate regions of Asia. LIIL Melastomace.e. Nearly the whole of the West African plants of this Order belong to the tribe Osbeckiece, and though hitherto chiefly referred to the two Asiatic genera, Osbeckia and Melastoma, a closer examination shows them to belong to groups, generic or sectional, perfectly distinct from both the Asiatic and Ameri- can ones, although perhaps nearer allied to the former. The chief characters which separate them from Osbeckia and Melas- toma, as now limited, will be best seen from the following eynopsis : FLORA NTGRITIANA. 345 Osbeckia.^ Calycis lacinise deciduse, appendicibus squamse- formibus setosis in tiibo sparsis. Antherfe uniformes. Cap- sula loculicide dehiscens. — (Sect. 1. Osbeckia. Species AsiaticEBj antheravum loculo in filameutum subsessili connec- tive ad insertionem biauriculata. — Sect. 3. Podocalia. Species Africanse, antherarum loculo in filamentuin stipitato mediante connectivo basi breviter producto.) Dissoiis. Calycis lacinipe deciduse, appendicibus squamseformi- bus setosis in tubo sparsis. Antherse biformes. Capsula loculicide dehiscens. Species Africanse. Heterotis. Calycis lacinise persistentes, appendicibus squamse- formibus vel in tubo sparsis vel sub limbo numero definite in annulum dispositis v. omnino nullis. Antherse biformes. Capsula loculicide dehiscens. Species Africanfe. Tristemma. Calycis lacinise persistentes, tubo ciliaruni annulis 1-5 cincto V. nudo. Antherje uniformes. Capsula irregula- riter disrupta. Species Africanse. Melastoma. Calycis lacinia? decidu?e^ tubo squamis paleaceis setisve imbricatis obtecto. Antherse biformes. Capsula irre- gulariter disrupta. Species Asiaticse. In all the African species of the above genera, excepting the Senegambian plants of doubtful affinity mentioned below, I have always found the flowers pentamerous; in several of the Asiatic ones, especially among the Osbeckia, they are tetramerous or variable. 1. Osbeckia tubulosa, Sm. in Rees' Cycl. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 143. Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don. Caulis adscendens, 1-2-pedalis, annuus (nee fruticosus). Flores pauci, subsessiles, ssepe in spicam interruptam unilateralem aphyllam dispositi. Bractea ovatse, acutse, membranaceo- scariosse v. coloratse, calyce multo breviores, deciduse. Squamce calycis breves, apice palmatim setosse, duas tertias calycis ob- * It will be observed that I do not concur entirely with M. Ch. Naudin in his generic character of Osbeckia, given above, p. 130, which in several points is not applicable to the majority of the Asiatic species. These, whether as genera or sections, must surely be distinguished from the majority at least of the American ones. 346 FLORA NIGRITIANA. tegentes, calycis collo subnudo. Lacinia calycinee, petala, et stamina caducissima. Anthera erostres, uniporosse, uni- formes, connectivo infra loculum breviter producto, in fila- nientum articiilato, ad insertionem subintegro. Although, as ah-eady stated, this plant may be separated from the Asiatic Osbeckice by the form of the connectivum of the anther, yet this character is so slight, and the anthers of some of the Asiatic species are as yet so little knowTi, that I have preferred considering it as forming with the following species a section of Osbeckia to establishing it as a distinct genus. The form of the calyx brings it nearest to those species which Korthals proposes to separate under the name of Ceramiocalyx, on account of characters which do not appear to me to be either definite or constant enough to found a genus. 2. Osbeckia multijiora, Sm. in Rees' Cycl. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 143. — ]\Ielastoma Afzelianum, Don, in Trans. Wern. Soc. — DC. I. c. p. 147. — Sierra Leone, Do7i. Tlie stem of this species, although hard, is probably herba- ceous, not frutescent. I have been able to examine the anthers but very imperfectly, on account of the insufficiency of the specimens. The Osbeckia Senegambiensis, Guill. et Perr,, from Sene- gambia, if the anthers are really all equal and similar, is pro- bably a third species of this group, the two small appendages, mentioned as being on the filaments near the summit, being probably the extremity of the connectivum where it is inserted on the filament. DissoTis, (gen. nov.) Calyx ovoideo-tubulosus, ovario mediantibus costis adnatus v. demum liber, limbi lacinise 5, deciduse, apice pluri-setosse ; squamse palmatim setosse in tubum sparsse v. subseriatim dis- posita. Petala 5, ampla. Stamina 10, anthcris lineari-fal- catis rostratis uniporosis, 5, petalis opposita, connectivo lon- gissimo filiformi postice in appendices 2 tenues producto, 5, laciniis calycinis opposita, anthcris dimidio minoribus connec- tivo brc\i sed paritcr filiformi et bicalcarato. Ovarium disco FLORA NIGRITIANA. 347 setoso coronatum, 5-loculare. Stylus sequalis v. superne le- viter incrassatus, apice truncato-dilatatus et stigmatosus. Cap- sula calyce inchisa, fere libera, 5-locularis, valviilis 5 loculi- cide dehiscens. Semina numerosa, eochleata. — Herba Afri- cana, erecta, habitu Choetogastris Americanis approximans. 1. Dissotis grandiflora, Benth. — Osbeckia grandiflora, Sm. in Rees' Cycl. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 143. — Melastoma elongatuui, Don, in Mem. TVern. Soc. — DC. I. c. p. 147. — Sierra Leone, Don; and apparently the same species in Heudelot's Sene- gambian collection. Radix ex Don tuberosa. Caules stricti, parum ramosi, 1-1|- pedales. Bradece scarioso-membranacere, calyce multo bre- viores. Calycis tubus 4 lin. longus, squamis vix seriatis ; lacinise 3 lin. longse, anguste oblongse, rigidule subscariosse, margine ciliolatse, apice stellato-setosse. Flores ampli. An- therarum majorum loculus fere 5 lin. longus, connective semipollicari sustensus. The very long connectivum and dissimilar anthers are the chief points which distinguish this plant from Osbeckia. Heterotis, (gen. nov.) Calycis tubus ovatus v. oblongus, ovario mediantibus costis adnatus v. demum liber ; limbi lacinise 5, persistentes, mem- branacete, reflexse, apice uni- pluri-setosse ; squamse seti- ferse in tubo sparsse, vel sub limbo numero definito (calycis laciniarum tequali v. duplo) in annulum dispositse v. omnino deficientes. Petala 5, ampla. Stamina 10, antheris lineari- falcatis subrostratis uniporosis, 5, petalis opposita, connective elongato filiformi postice in appendices 2 obtusas v. in unam biiidam producto, 5, laciniis calycinis opposita, antheris mi- noribus, connectivo brevi postice leviter emarginato. Ovarium disco setoso coronatum, 5-loculare. Stylus sequalis v. su- peiTie leviter emarginatus, apice truncatus stigmatosus. Cap- sula calyce inclusa, fere libera, 5-locularis, valvulis 5 loculicide dehiscens. Semina numerosa, eochleata. — Herbce suffruti- cesve Africanse, procumbentes v. ascendentes, rarius crectse. Flores terminales, solitarii v. capitati. 346 FLORA NIGRITIANA. §. 1. Floribus solitariis v. distinclis, intra bracteas parvas sape deciduas breviter pedicellatis, squamis in tubo calycis sparsis. — Heterotis. 1. Heterotis Icevis, Benth. ; glabra, procumbens, folii^ ovatis or- biculatisve, floribus solitariis, calycis squamis sparsis paucis parvis 1-3-setosis, snmmis cum laciniis calycinis alternantibus. — On the Nun, Vogel. Caules l-2-i}eclales, basi humifusi et radicantes, ramis breviter adscendentibus, prseter cilias interpetiolares glaberrimis. Folia semipollicaria vel raro fere pollicaria, acutiuscula, basi acuta rotundata v. subtruncata, integerrima, membranacea, glabra, trinervia v. rarius sub-5-nervia, petiolo gracili 3-6 lin. longo glabro nudo v, parce setoso, linea setarum utrinque cum petiolo opposito juncto more plerumque Osbeckiai'um. Flores ad apices ramulorum solitarii, majusculi, intra folia summa approximata et bractearum par par\ um pedicello lineam longo fulti. Calycis tubus ovoideus, 4 lin. longus, basi attenuatus, sub limbo leviter contractus, membrauaccus ; squam?e in tubo sparsffi paucse, plerjeque ad setam simplicem v. tripartitam reductse, 5 summse laciniis calycinis alternantes paullo ma- jores palmatim trisetiferpe ; lacinise limbi anguste lanceolatpe, tubo fere pequilongse, reflexse, margine minute ciliolata', apice unisetse. Petala late obovata, purpurea, (8-9 lin. longa). Stamimim filameuta laciniis calycinis subncquilonga ; connectiva majorum loculo sequilonga, appendicibus posticis dilatatis | lin. longis, minorum vix latitudine loculi longiora; loculus ipse 4 lin. longus. Capsula calyce paullo aucto inclusa, supra medium sparse pilosa et annulo pilorum seu setarum coronata, basi plus minus calyci adhserens, superne loculicide dehiscens. 2. Heterotis J»/^^mo5a, Benth.; procumbens, foliis ovatis subor- biculatisve cauleque pilosis, floribus solitariis, calycis squamis sparsis numerosis plumoso-setosis summis cum laciniis caly- cinis alternantibus. — Melastoma plumosum, Don, in Mem. Wern. Soc. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 147. — Osbcckia rotundifolia, Sm. in Rees' Cycl. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 143. — Sierra Leone, Vogel; Accra, Don. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 349 Habitus et foliorum forma H. lavis, sed tota planta piloso- setosa, calyces breviores, squamae numerosse setis numerosis plumosse quarum summse stellatim dispositse, lacinise limbi longius ciliatre. Flores rubri. 3. Heterotis prostrata, Benth. ; caule procumbente strigoso- pubescentCj foliis ovatis oblongisve glabriusculis, floribus solitariis, calycis squamis numerosis sparsis ciliatis apice stel- lato-setosis, summis cum laciniis calyciuis alternantibus. — IMelastoma prostrata, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 220, — On the Quorra, at Patteh, Vogel ; Guinea. JRami elongati, pube in parte inferiore fere pulveracea, superne strigosa. Folia l-ll-pollicaria, utrinque acutiuscula, mem- branacea, trinervia v. rarius 5-nervia, nervis basi petioloque tenui strigoso-setosis, cjeterum glabra. Calyces magnitudine eorum H. Icevis, sed obtecti squamis numerosis linearibua plumoso-ciliatis. Petala (ex Vog.) carnea. The Melastoma decumbens, Pal. de Beauv. Fl. Oiv. et Ben. v. 1, p. 69. t. 21, or Osbeckia decumbens, DC, is evidently another species of Heterotis, belonging probably to the present section, but the details of his figure and description are too vague and too little to be relied on to establish the characters satisfactorily without seeing his specimens. §. 2. Floribus solitariis v. distinctis intra bracteas parvus bre- vissime pedicellatis, calycis squamis 10 sub limbo in annulum dispositis. — Cyclostemma. 4. Heterotis antenn'ma, Benth. ; caule decumbente setoso-ci- liato, foliis laaceolatis ovatisve, petiolo dilatato longe ciliato, floribus paucis distinctis, calycis squamis 10 sub limbo in annulum dispositis longe pectinato-ciliatis. — Osbeckia an- tennina, Sm. in Bees' Cycl. — DC. Prod. d. p. 143. — Sierra Leone, Don. Caulis ut videtur humilis, basi decumbens, superne divaricato- ramosus, setis longis prsesertim ad nodos ciliatus. Folia 1-3- pollicaria, supra setis longis hirsuta, subtus glabriora. Flores ssepius gemini v. terni, intra bracteas parvas et folia summa approximata brevissime pedicellati. Calycis tubus prseter 350 FLORA NIGRITIANA. squamanim annulum omnino glaber et Isevis, membranaceusj fere omnino ab ovario libei* ; squamse lineares, basi dilatatse, lacinias calycinas sfcpius sequantes v. superantcs ; lacinijc parce ciliatse, apice paucisetre. Stamina et fructus omnino prsecedentium. §. 3. Floribus solitarits v. distinctis singulis hracteis scariosis in- volutis, calyce Icevi nuilo. — Leiocalyx, Planch, in Herb. Hook. 5. Hcterotis segregata, Benth. ; sufFruticosaj appresse strigil- losa, foliis oblongis subovatisve 5-nei'vibus, floribus ad apices ramulorum 1-3-nis distinctis, singulis bracteis scariosis invo- lutis, calyce la?vi nudo. — On the Nun and at Aboh, Vogel ; at the confluence, Ansell. Caulis basi frutescens subbipedalis ; rami (erecti ?) tetragoni, uti folia strigis arete appressis adnatisque* parum conspicuis obtecti ; cilise intrapetiolares breves v. obsolete. Folia 2-4 poll, longa, 8-18 lin. lata, acutiuscula, v. breviter acumi- nata, basi rotundata v. acutiuscula, rigidule membranacca, strigis paginse superioris longioribus arcuatis, inferioris ra- mealibus similibus ; costse subtus valde prominentes. Flores ad apices ramulorum 1-3, singuli brevissime pedicellati v. sessiles, at non capitati. Bracteee 4, scariosse, brunnese, per paria opposite et imbricantes, calycis tubum aequantes v. paullo breviores et eum arete includentes, obovatse, concavai, truncatfe, glabrae, Iseves; adsunt etiam interdum 2 extcriores angustiores longiores et laxiores subfoliacese et dorso strigil- losse. Intra bracteas ciliee nonnull?e observantur ut in pie- risque affinibus, calycis basin cingentes sed e receptaculo seu pedicelli summitate nee e calyce ipso ortre. Calyx cseterum omnino nudus, tubus oblongo-ovoideus fere semipoUicaris, sub limbo contractus ; limbi lacinise lanceolatae, acutae, mar- gine ciliolata?, reflexse, vix 3 lin. longse. Petala perfecta mihi desunt, sed ex alabastro ampla videntur, et sec. Vog. ])ur- * In a large number of Mdastomacecc, the hairs of the up})er side of the leaves and of other parts, where they appear to be appressed, are in fact adnate in the greater part of their length. FLORA NIGRTTIANA. 351 purea sunt. Capsula calyce parum aucto inclusa, loculicide dehiscens, calycis tubo membranaceo irregulariter disrupto obtecta. Semina numerosissima, minuta. §. 4. Florihus capitatis, cum bract eis scariosis calyces includen- tibus intermixtis, calyce tubo nudo v. squamis paucis stellato- setosis in tubo sparsis. — Wedeliopsis, Planch, in Herb. Hook. 6. Heterotis thene duplici scric imbricata, per anthesin connivcntia. Stamina plurima in phalanges 8 petalis oppositos (singulis 6-andris) disposita; antherae subglobosae, connectivo crasso carnoso, loculis introrsis longitudinaliter dchiscentibus. Ovarium fere omnino liberum, unilocularc. Styli 4, rarius 3, fili- formes, apice minute stigmatosi. Ovula ex apice cavitatis ovarii pcndula, placentis tot quot styli parvis vix distinctis, singulis 3-4-ovulatis. Capsula indehisccns, crasso-coriacea, seminibus abortu solitariis v. paucis. — Frutex ? foliis alternis stipulatis, spicis axillaribus interruptis. 1. Dissomeria crenata, Hook. fil. — At the Confluence, on the banks of the Niger, Ansell. Frutex ? ramulis verrucosis, novellis inflorescentiaque puberulis. Folia altcrna, breviter petiolata, ovata, irregulariter crenata et hinc inde sinuato-lobata, crcnaturis sa;pe minute glandu- losis, basi acuta v. obtusa, subcoriacca, pennincrvia et rcticu- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 363 hito-venosa, axillis venarum subtus fasciculum pilorum fo- veutibus, cfBterum glabra v. juniora minute puberula. Stipulce liucares, foliacese, 3 lin. longs, valde caducse. Spicce in axillis superioribus cum pedunculo 3-5-pollicares, jam infra medium interrupte floriferse, floribus arete sessilibus, iufe- rioribus dissitis, superioribus approximatis, singulis subglo- bosis fere 5 lin. diametro. Bracteae 3, fusco-membranacea;, una exteriore (bractea subtendens), duse (bracteolee) interiores oppositse. Sepala 3 lin. longa, lato-ovata, obtusissinia, basi breviter connata, margine ciliolata, membranacea, venulosaj dorso puberula. Petala consistentia et pube sepalis similia sed duplo majora, basi angustata et distincta, circa fructum persistentia et globoso-conniventia. Glariduke breves, latse, cum petalis discum hypogynum et subperigynum margi- nantes. Stamina intra petala fasciculatim inserta, ssepissime ad quoddam petalum sex, rarius 5 ; filamenta filiformia, pilis longis patentibus barbata, petalis sequilonga v. vix longiora. Ovarium dense hirsutum. Sty It exserti, ultra medium pilis longis barbati, apicem versus fere glabri. The almost entirely free ovary, and the number of petals, as well as that of the glands and of the bundles of stamens, being double that of the calycine segments, sufficiently dis- tinguish this genus from Blackwellia and Homalium, inde- pendently of the remarkable size and form of the flowers. R. Brown mentions a Madagascar genus with a free ovary, but without any further indications to show how far it differs from ours. Two other Homalinece have been described from W. Tropical Africa ; Homalium anyustifolium, Sm., from Sierra Leone, (of which the true genus is doubtful), and Byrsanthus Broivnei, Guillem., from Senegambia. The generic name of the latter has been changed by Endlicher to Anetia, on account of the pre-existence of PresFs Byrsanthus among Lobeliacea ; but if, as is suspected, with every probability of correctness, by A. De Candolle, the latter should prove to be really not different from Siphocampylos, the name of Byrsanthus should be re- tained for Guillcmin's plant. 364 FLORA NIGRITIANA. The close affinity^ so well pointed out by Brown between this Order and Passifloreca, has been objected to by Lindley, (Veg. Kingd. p. 742), on account of their " inferior ovary, to say nothing of their want of stipules and glands on the "leaves, of the presence of glands at the base of the floral envelopes, and of their erect and very different habit \' but besides Dissomeria and the Madagascar plant alluded to by Bi'own, in which the ovary is truly free, the other genera off'er, as observed by Brown, very difierent degrees of adherence, and in almost all cases the summit, which is the only ])lacentiferous portion, is free ; stipules, though very deciduous, may be found on the young branches of most, if not all the species ; glands exist in the crenatures of the leaves of several species, and are not universal in Passiflorece ; and the habit is surely much nearer to that of Smeathmannia and the allied genera than to any Cactece or Loasece. The glands of the flower, combined with the insertion of the stamens, remain the only essential characters which pre- vent the actual union of Homalinece with Passiflorece. LVI. PASSIFLOREiE. 1, Smeathmannia j9M6escens, Sol. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 323. — Bu- lowia insignis, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 247 ? — Sierra Leone, Don; Aboh, Vogel. 2. Smcathmannia laviyata, Sol. — DC. I. c. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don ; Senegambia. Brown has described a third species, a variety of S. laevigata, from Sierra Leone, under the name of S. media. Crossostemma, (gen, nov.) Calycis tubus brevissimus patelliformis, laciniaj 5, ovatse, ob- scure uninerves, sestivatione valde imbricata. Petala 5, tubo calycino inserta, sepalis subconformia sed majora et magis colorata, et distincte 3-5-nervia. Corona e filamentorum serie unica ad basin petalorum composita. Gt/nojjhorum bre- vissimum, expansum in discuni dcprcssum, dentibus seu ap- pendicibus marginalibus 5 brevibus crectis acutis cum sta- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 365 minibus alternantibus. Stamina 5, ad marginem disci inter dentes iuserta, filamento in alabastro brevissimo, anthera magna oblongo-lineari. Ovarium in medio disco sessile, oblong o-triquetrum, superne in stylum brevem attenuatum, stigmate magno dilatato integro coronatum, intus uniloculare, placentis 3 parietalibus, ovulis in quaque placenta plurimis biseriatis. 1. Crossostemma laurifolium, Planch, in Herb. Soc. Hurt. Land. — Sierra Leone, Don. Frutex scandens, glaberrimus. Folia alterna, petiolata, ob- longa, brevdter acuminata, integerrima, basi acuta, 3-4 poll, longa, subcoriacea, nitidula, utrinque venosissima, eglandulosa V. ad apicem petioli obscure biglandulosa. Cirrhi ex axillis sterilibus orti. InflorescenticB axillares, solitarise, pedunculo communi semipollicare cymam ferente laxe paucifloram flexuosam, ramis ultimis 3 lin. longis, medio articulatis (pedi- cellis unifloris terminatis). Bracte(B minutse setacese v. nullse. Flores ex sclieda Doniana lutei, (semipollicem diametro ?) in specimine nondum aperti. Sepala et petala in alabastro subsimilia late ovata, obtusa, concava, et crebre lineato-punc- tata, hsec vero evidentius coloi'ata et venis 3-5 percursa, ilia viridiora, extima minora, et vena unica brevi additis rarius 2 brevissimis lateralibus notata. Fructum baud vidi. Though closely allied to some of the numerous forms of Passiflora, this genus is at once distinguished by the very short gynophorum, and the entire style. The collection con- tains but a single specimen, with few buds in a perfect state. In the only one- 1 dissected I could not ascertain very precisely whether the delicate ring of filaments forming the corona at the base of the petals was continuous or interrupted opposite each petal. 1. Modecca cissampeloides, Planch, in Herb. Hook. ; foliis cor- dato-orbiculatis 5-nervibus obsolete 5-lobis integerrimisque membranaceis glabris subtus albidis, petiolo apice glandu- lifero, fl. foem. petalis linearibus ad basin loborum calyci- norum insertis et iis brevioribus. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Tota planta glaberrima. Ramuli teretes, cinerascentes v. albidi. 366 FLORA. NIGRITIANA. Cirrhi axillares, simplices v. ramosi, interdum floriferi. Folia 2-3 poll, longa et lata, petiolo subpoUicari, glandula niajiis- cula ad summum apiccm petioli in facie superiori. Panicnla; vel terminales vel axillares supra cirrhos enatfe, laxae, e cymis paucis secus rhacliin altcrnis brcviter pedunculatis compositfc, rliachi interdum in cirrliuui abeunte. Flores foeminei tantum adsunt, 5-6 lin, diametro, tubo late hemisphserico, laciniis calycinis ov ato-lanceolatis acutis integerrimis, ajstivatione sub- valvatis, lineis coloratis crcbris pcrcursis. Petala fere di- midio breviora, ad basin laeiniarum inserta et cum iis alter- nantia, anguste linearia, persistentia, consistcntia calyci siniilia V. paullo tenuiora. Corona pilorum brevissimorr.m sub petalorum insertione vix conspicua. Squamce (seu stamina abortiva ?) 5, breves, acutse, disco hypogyno tenui in finulo calj^cis inserts. Ovarium fere sessile, ovato-globosum, sub- triquetrum, glaberrimum. Stigmata 3, subsessilia, flabellata, crenata. Placenta 3, parictales, pluriovulatge. 2. Modecca cynanchifolia^ Bentb. ; foliis cordato-ovatis oblon- gisve acuminatis vix sinuatis membranaceis concoloribus, petiolo apice glandulifero, fl. masc. petalis oblongo-linearibus niargine fiuibricatis ad basin loborum calycinoruni insertis et eos subffiquantibus. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Tota planta glabcrrima. Rami tenues. Cirrhi et inflorcscentia M. cissampeloidis. Folia l0ete\irentia, 2-4 poll, longa, 1-2 poll, lata, basi late cordata, subtrinervia, margine intcgerrima V. obsolete sinuata. Glandula nunc ad apicem petioli, nunc in limbo ipso ad insertionem petioli sita. Floi'es quam in M. cissampeloidi minora videntur, scd in specimine unico mascula et vix aperta. Calycis laciniae anguste ovato-oblongpe, lineato-punctatse, margine membranacco-hyalina?, integral, ffistivatione valvatai v. vix angustissime imbricate. Petala membranaceo-alba, tenuia et vix punctata, ol^tusa, marginibus breviter lacero-fimbriatis. Corona e filis paucis brevissimis composite. Antherce 5, majuscula^, oblonga^, filamentis bre- vissimis. Ovarii rudimcntum minimum. 3. Modecca? tenuifolia, Planch, in Herb. Hook; foliis cordato- ovatis acuminatis integris v. sinuato-lobatis membranaceis FLORA NIGRITIANA. 367 concoloribus, petiolo sub apice biglanduloso, fl. masc. petalis ovatis finibriatis prope basin tubi calycini insertis et calyce plus duplo brevioribus. — Sierra Leone, Vogel. Planta tota glaberrima. Folia ampla, majora semipedalia, 3-5- nervia, glandulis petioli niajusculis, a limbo distinctis. Cirrhi floriferi, cymis in medio cirrho 2-3 alternis brevitcr peduncu- latis laxifloris. Flores quam in prsecedentibus majores; calyx 8 lin. longus, tubuloso-campanulatus, ad tertiara partem 5- lobus, laciniis ovatis obtusis sestivatione leviter imbricatis ; 2 exteriores margine integerrimse, tertia hinc integerrima hinc inflexa membranacea et leviter fimbriata, 2 interiores ad mar- ginem utrumque inflexa et leviter fimbriata. Petala 5^ prope basin calycis inserta, tubo calycino subbreviora, breviter un- guiculata, margine pectinato-lacera. Corona e filamentis brevibus composita ad basin petalorum. Antherce 5, oblongje, filamentis bi'evissimis. Ovarii rudimentum parvum. A second specimen from Grand Bassa appears to belong to the same species. It is a female, of which the fruit is fallen off, which, according to Vogel, w'as a berry with three parietal placentae. The only other West Tropical African Passiflorece known arc Modecca diversifolia, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, and M. lobata, Jacq., from Sierra Leone, and the very imperfectly described Kolbia elegans, Pal. de Beauv., from Benin. LVII. CUCURBITACE^. 1. Melothria triangularis, Benth.; foliis late deltoideis acutis denticulatis membranaceis scabris, floribus longe pedicellatis in eadem axilla solitariis v. geminis monoicis, corolla glabra lobis integris, fructibus globosis glabris. — Aboh and Fer- nando Po, Vogel. Caules filiformes, glabri v. scabrelli. Cirrhi apice sfepius bifidi. Folia exacte triangularia v. basi subangulata, lateribus 1^-2 poll, longis, 5-nervia, utrinque glabra sed tuberculis crebris scabra, denticulis marginalibus irregularibus remotis. Pedicelli filiformes, ex eadem axilla s^epius gemini, alter masculus 8-10 368 FLORA NIGRITIANA. lin. longus, alter foemineus duplo longior. Flores mascuH lincam longi, campanulati, tubo calycis corolla'que in ununi arete connato, dentes calyeini minuti, eum lobis corollinis ovatis integris albis tubo suo paullo longioribus alternantes. Stamina 3^ medio tubo inserta; iilamenta brevia; antherpe bilocularcs, loculi duarum magis discreti conuectivo apiculato, tertise magis approximati connectivo crassiore mutico, omnes dorso minute ciliolatse. Glandula in fundo corollsemajuscula, globosa. Flores fmminei : ovarium subglobosum, pedicello apice incrassato-ealloso insidens, apice in collum brevem acuminatum. Calyx et corolla quoad pars superior fere maris. Stamina nulla. Discus ut in mare globosus^ stylum fcrt corollam fere fequan- tem apice trifidum, lobis crasse dilatato-stigmatosis. Baccce globosse, 3-4 lin. diametro, seminibus 1^ lin. longis com- pressis, et forma iis Cucumeris subsimilibus. 2. Melothria deltoidea, Benth. ; foliis late deltoideis subacutis sinuato-dentatis membranaceis scabriusculis, pedunculis pe- tiolo brevioribus ex eadem axilla geminis monoicis v. solitariis, corolla glabra lobis integris^ fructibus (ovoideis ?) subglabris. — Bryonia deltoidea, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 429? non Am. — Aboh, Vogel, and Guinea, if I am correct in referring Vogcl's specimen to Thonning's species. Specimen cum illis M. triangularis intermixtum, sed certc diversum. Caulis multo firniior, costis elevatis angulatus. Folia usque ad 3 ])oll. lata, evidontius dcntata. Pedicelli multo breviores. Flores masculi paullo majores, dentibus calycinis setiformibus dimidium limbi corollini fpquantibus. Anthera latiores, breviores. Ovarium pilosiusculum. Fructus nondum maturus jam longior et apice attenuatus nee globosus, demum glabratus. 1. Bryoniae sp. ? — Fernando Po, Vogel. The male flowers, so far as I can judge from very young buds, are those of a Br-yonia ; but the inflorescence is difl'erent, and there are no female flowers : I therefore refrain from de- scribing the plant. 2. Bryonire sp. ? — Fernando Po, Vogel. A small fragment, with the remains of fruitstalks, but no flowers. FLORA NIGRTTIANA. 369 There are three sixpposed species of Bryonia described from West Tropical Africa, viz. : B. Perrottetiayia, Scr., from Senegal, and B. fmtidissima, and B. capillaris, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea. None of them agree with either of the above. 1. iEchmandra? ? v. Rhynchocarpse ? sp. — A very imperfect specimen in fruit, gathered south of the Line by Curror, and not in a state to be described. The Rhynchocarpa fcetida, Schrad., is a Guinea plant, not in the collections before us. 1. Momordica Vogelii, Planch, in Herb. Hook.; foliis ample cordato-ovatis integris sinuato-dcntatis, floribus monoicis ex diversis axillis, masculis umbellatis in involuci-o longius- cule pedicellatis, corolla calyce triplo longiore, tubo echinato, foemineis solitariis geminisve, fructibus ovato-acuminatis echi- natis. — Fernando Po, VogeL Caulis glabcr et Ifevis. Folia pleraque 4 poll, longa et lata, remote denticulata et subsinuata, basi late cordata et in petiolum angustissime decurrentia, Isetevirentia, membranacea, pedatinervia, ad venas marginesque minute puberula, cseterum glabra. Cirrhi simplices v. bifidi. Pedunculi petiolum sub- sequantes. Involucrum orbiculatum, apice srepius dentatum, 3-4 lin. longum, coloratum. Pedicelli masculi ssepius 3-5, semipollicares. Calyx profunde 5-fidus, tubo brevi costato parce echinato, lobis 2 lin. longis ovatis obtusis medio crassis et parce piiberulis margine membranaceis. Corolla lutea, petalis obovatis, 8-9 lin. longis. Antherce (exsiccationc valde compressse) vel distinctse vel facile separabiles. Flores foe- minei brevius pedicellati ; ovarium oblongum, 3 lin. longum, echinulatum, in collum attenuatum, intus uniloculare, pla- centis parietalibus membi'anaceis ovula involveutibus. Calyx et corolla quam in mare minores. Fructus in specimine im- maturus poUicaris, utrinque acutus, squamis longis muricatus, ex Vog. maturus ruber et trilocularis. The description of Momordica foetida, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, agrees so well in most respects with the above plant that I should have considered it the same, but that Thonning expressly says that the calycine segments are acute. B B 370 FLORA N1GRTTI.\NA. 2. Moniortlica Senegalensis, Lam. — DO. Prod. 3. p. 311. — On the Gambia, Boteler ; a very bad specimen. The species altogether may be a mere variety of M. Charnntium. 3. Momordica cissoides, Planch. iw//er6. Hook.; foliis trisectis, segmentis petiolulatis denticulatis, intermedio ovato, laterah- bus oblique ovato-rhombeis breviter subbilobis, floribus mas- culis umbellulatis, pedicellis involucre brevioribus, calycis la- ciniis oblongis uncinato-mucronatis corolla dviplo brevioribus. — In hedges, at Aboh, Vogel. Planta dioica videtur, tota glabra excepta pube rara minima ad venas foliorum vel inflorescentiam. Pefioli snb])ollicares, apice trifidi, petiolulis 2-4 lin. longis, scgmentum intermedium bipollicare, lateralia breviora et valde obliqua, omnia mucro- nulata, margiiie remote denticulata, basi aciita v. truncata, membranacea, glabra et punctis minutis scabrella. Peduiiculi pctiolo longiores, floribus in speciminibus nostris omnibus masculis. Involucrwn reniforme, 9 lin. latum, breviter cre- nulato-dentatum v. integerrimum, scabro-puberulum, glan- dulis paucis scutellatis per paginam interiorem dispersis, pr?ecipue versus marginem. Pedicelli 5-G, puberuli. Calyx fere 5-partitus, laciniis ovali-oblongis pubcsccntibus. Petala 5 lin. longa, papulosa, alba, basi intus purpurco-maculata. Antherce flexuospe, vel distinctce vel facillime separabiles. 4. Momordica maculata, Planch, in Herb. Hook. ; foliis tri- sectis, segmentis petiolulatis obovali-oblongis sinuato-dentatis lateralibus bipartitis, floribus foemineis in involucre solitariis, calycis tubo glabro laciniis subulato-acuminatis. — On the Quorra, opposite Adda, Vogel. Planta dioica ? caule angulato glabro v. ad nodos villosulo. Petioli crassi, striati, poUicares, apice trifidi uti petioluli (3-G lin. longi) pube brevi scabridi. tegmentum intermedium 3-3i poll, longum, \\ poll, latum, apice obtusum irregulariter sinuatum et dentibus paucis calloso-mucronatis notatum, basi acutum, membranaceum, Iseviusculum ; lateralia minora, usque ad basm in duo divisa, at lobi non v. vix petiolulati. Pedunculi petiolum subsequantes. Involucrum orbiculatum. Flores examinare nequivi, alabastrum enim unicum tantum FLORA NIGPxITIANA. 371 vidi foeitiineum, breviter pediccllatum, ovario ovoideo, laciniis calycinis loiigius acmiiinatis quam in affinibus. 5. Momordica guttata, Planch, in Herb. Hook. ; foliis trisectis, segmentis petiolulatis ovatis acutis v. acuminatis sinuato- dentatis lateralibus bipartitis, iioribus masculis umbcllatis, pedicellis involucro brevioribus^ calycis laciniis lanceolatis subulato-acutis. — Fernando Po, Vogel ; Sierra Leone, Don. M. maculate valde aiiinis, scd diversa videtur foliis acutioribus, involucris majoribus reniformibus. Flores masculi in uni- bella 5-6, pedicellis cal3'Ce brevioribus. Calycis lacinise 24 lin. lougse. Petala multo majora, basi maculata, in speci- mine tamen nostro nondum aperta. Stamina cobserere vi- dentur in phalanges duo. Dr. Planchou considers Don's plant to belong to a different species ; but I can find no essential difference in the very unsa- tisfactory specimens in the collections. I have indeed conside- rable doubts whether M. macukita may not be merely the male individual of M. guttata. Both these species, as well the M. cissoides, differ in some respects from the more usual forms of Momordica. They are to all appearance dioecious, the leaves decompound, the flowers very shortly pedicelled in the involucre, the petals yellowish-white with purple spots at the base, and the anthers, if not quite free, yet more distinct than in most species. I have not seen the fruit of either, nor yet been able to examine any female flower. The scutclliform glands on the upper surface of the involucres are very irregular in number and in arrangement, and are often wholly wanting. The only other known West African species, the M. anthel- mintica, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, is described as having still more divided leaves than either of the foregoing. 1. huSdiScabra, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 405. — Aboh, Vogel; Accra, Don ; Fernando Po, very abundantly in hedges, Vogel. Dr. Planchon considers the Fernando Po plant to be speci- fically distinct, but it agrees as well as the other with Thonning's description ; and although at first sight there appear to be some differences, it is probably owing to the Fernando Po specimens being all females, and the Continental ones in the collections B B 2 37'2 FLORA NIGRITIANA. before us, all males. Possibly, indeed, the original L. scabra itself may be but a variety of the common East Indian L. acu- tangula. The rudimentary stamens in the female flowers vary in number, according to Vogel. In the flowers I opened there were five. Adenopus, (gen. nov.) Flores (dioici ?) masculi : Calyx tubulosus 5-dentatus. Petala 5, ad apicem tubi calycis inserta, margine integra v. leviter crispata. Stamina 5, medio tubo calycis inserta, filamentis brevissimis, antheris longe linearibus flcxuosis diadelphis. Floi'es fceminei Herba; Africanje hinc Luffcn hinc Tri- chosanthi affincs. Folia palmatim lobata, petiolo apice bi- glanduloso. Flores masculi raccmosi. 1. Adeno])ns longiflorus, Benth. ; foliis 5-lobis vix scabriusculis, calycis tubo petalis longiore infra medium longe attenuato basi dilatato. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don. Caulis tenuis, striatus, glaber. Cirrhi stipulares unilaterales ; stipula altera parva glanduliformis. Foliorum petiolus 6-10 lin. longus, sub lamina auctus glandulis 2 oppositis linearibus divaricatis; lamina 3 poll, longa et lata, angulato-5-loba, lobis 1-3 intermediis productioribus, omnibus acutis et mar- gine sinuato-dcntatis, dentibus mucronatis, utrinque sub- glabra et punctato-scabriuscula, trincrvis, ncrvis lateralibus bifurcatis. Flor. masc. ; pedunculi axillares, folio multo breviores, breviter 3-5-flori. Bractea parvre, dentatae. Pe- dicelli 2-3 lin. longi. Calycis tubus If poll, longus, in- curvus, junior puberulus, demum glaber, apice 2 lin. latus, sub staminum insertione gradatim contractus, prope basin abrupte dilatatus ; limbi lacinife lineari-lanceolatre, glandu- loso-dentatse, vix 2 lin. longae. Petala pollicaria (v. majora ?) obovata, et, tanquam e specimine male siccato apparet, margine ci'ispa sed integra. Antheree 8-9 lin. longse, ex- trorsse, mediantibus connectivis in corpuscula 2 connexse, loculis a basi ad apicem flexuosis. 2. Adenopus breviflorus^ Benth. ; foliis 5-lobis scabris, calycis FLORA NIGRITIANA. ' 373 tiiho })etalis niulto breviore basi vix attenuato. — From the Niger Expedition, without the precise locahty. Habitus A. longiflora, sed foha profundius lobata, majora et scabra, glandulis petiolaribus crassis conicis. Stipula cirrho opposita foliacea, subreniformis, denticulata, 3-4 lin. longa. Pedunculus florum masculorum crassus, foha subsequans, apice raceinoso-lO-12-florus. Bractea foliacese, cuneat^ v. ovatse, acutaj, denticulatse, 2-5 liu. longse. Pedicelli semi- polHcares. Calycis tubus 9 liu. longus, a basi ad apicem gradatim latior. Antheroi infra medium tubi insertse^ ut videtur diadelphse. Petala pollice longiora, ovata, basi in unguem brevem contracta, margine crispa. It is with great reluctance that I have established this genus upon a knowledge of the male flowers only; but the two species were so evidently congeners, and so remarkable in the peculiar glands of the leaves, that I was unwilling to pass them over, and they could not be united with Litffa, Trichosanthes or Gymnopetalum, with all of which they have more or less of affinity. There remain two Cucurbit ace(je in the collection which I am compelled to leave undetermined ; the one, from Fernando Po, appears to be a Cucumis with the hairiness of Benincasa : the flowers, according to Vogel, are white, but in the specimens are not in a state to be examined. The other, also from Fernando Po, with deeply palmately lobed leaves and long male racemes, has only a few young buds, which in their structure resemble those ojF Laiffa ; yet I can scarcely believe the plant to belong to that genus. The Cucumis arenarius qxiA. C. chrysocoma, Schum. et Thonn., both from Guinea, complete the list of known Cucurbitacece from West Tropical Africa. LVIII. PORTULACE^. 1. Portulaca oleracea, Linn. — Accra and Fernando Po, Vogel. A common sea-coast plant, a[)pearing very early on newly formed islands. 374 . FLOKA NIGRITIANA. 2. rovtn]nca foliosa, Kcr. — DC. Prod. v. 3. p. 353. — P. pro- lifcra, Schum. ei Thonn. Beskr. p. 239. — On the Quoira, at Attah, and sandy shores of the Nun, Vogel ; Guinea, 1. Talinum a-assi/olium, Willd. ?— Z>C. Prod. v. S.-p. 357?— Accra, Vogel. — A very bad specimen, which appears to be either this or the T. triangulare, both of them American mari- time plants. I. Trianthema obcorduta, Roxb. Fl. hid. v. 2. p. 4i5. — Cape Coast, Vogel. — A common East Indian plant. The Sesuvium Portulacastrum, Linn., a common Tropical maritime plant, is also a native of Senegal ; and S. brevifuliwn, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, may not be specifically distinct from it. LIX. Paronychie.e. 1. Polycarpa'a stellata, DC. Prod. 3. p. 374. — Accra, Vogel, Ansell; on the Quorra, Vogel. This species varies much in the calyx, which is more or less acuminated, and often more or less covered with longish hair. 2. Polycarpa^a glubrifolia, DC. Prod. 3. p. 374. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Grand Bassa, Vogel ; Senegal. 3. Polycarpfca linearifolia, DC. Prod. 3. p. 374. — On the Quorra, Vogel, Ansell ; Whydah, Do7i ; Senegal. De Candolle describes a fourth species from Senegal, P. te- nuifolia. LX. CaASSULACEiE. There are no species belonging to this Order in the collections before us, and the only one published from West Tropical Africa is the Kalanchoe crenata, Haw., from Guinea. LXL SAXlFRAGEiE. 1. Vahlia silenoides, A. DC. Prod. 4. p. 54. — On the Gambia, Don. Two other species of Vahlia, V. ramosissima, A. DC, and V. tomentosa, A. DC, are also natives of Scnegambia. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 375 LXII. Umbelliferje. 1. Hydi'ocotyle petiolaris, DC. Prod. 4. p. 60. — Cape Palmas, Grand Bassa, and on the River Nun, Vogel, Ansell ; also East Tropical Africa and Madagascar. Both this plant and the South African H. Caffra, INIeissn,, are very variable in the length of the petioles and in the crena- tures of the leaves, as well as in inflorescence ; and there is considerable doubt whether either is really distinct from the South American H. Bonariensis, Lam. 3. Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Linn. — DC. Prod. 4. p. 6L — St. Thomas, Don. — A common plant within and south of the Tropics in both hemispheres. LXIIL LORANTHACE^. 1. Loranthus Pentagonia, DC. Prod. 4. p. 303. et Coll. Mem. 6. /. 8. — On the Gambia, Don. 2. Loranthus Belvisii, DC. /. c. — L. lanccolatus. Pal. Beauv. Ft. Ow. et Ben. t. 69. — Aboh, Cape Coast and Sierra Leone, Vogel, who gathered it at the latter station on Psidiuui py- riferum, and observes that the flowers are red, striped with white and tipped with brown, and the fruit red, assuming a greenish tinge when quite ripe ; Grand Bassa, Ansell ; Sierra Leone, Don. 3. Loranthus |(Scurrula) leptolobus, Benth. ; glaber, ramis vbc compressis, foliis petiolatis ovatis obtusis basi rotundatis, pe- dunculis breWssimis fasciculatis umbellatim pavicifloris, bracteis parvis appressis, corolla tenui scabra basi Eequali hinc fissa limbi' lobis 5 angustissime linearibus. — On the Quorra, at Attah, Vogel. Rami crassiusculi, teretes v. ad nodos leviter compressi, verru- culoso-punctati. Folia opposita, magnitudine et forma varia, pleraque lato-ovata, 3 poll, longa, 2 poll, lata, apice obtu- sissima, basi rotundata, crassa, penninervia, glabra vel sicci- tate scabra, superiora ssepe angustiora ; petioli semipollicares vel pauUo longiores. Flores numerosi, ad axillas congesti, fere sessiles ; pedicelli nempe rarissime lineam excedunt. 376 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Bructeola ovata, concava, crassa, calyce brevior et ci adnata. Calyx vix linea longior, margine breviter libero undulato. Corolla sesquipollicaris, tenuis, extus leviter papulosa, basi baud dilatata, apice paullulum clavata, fere usque ad medium fissa in laminam profunde 5-fidam lobis angustissimis ; color (ex Vogel) luteus apice ruber. Ovarium per anthcsin basi cum pcdunculo continuum et infra apicem in discum cum calyce connatum expansum, cseterum a calyce liberum. Bacca (ex Vog.) cupreo-viridis. 4. Loranthus Nigritanus, Hook. fil. ; ramis ferrugineo-villosis, foliis ovali-ellipticis oblongis sublanceolatisve supra glabris subtus ferrugineo-tomentosis, pedunculis brevissimis umbel- latim 3-5-floris, bracteis orbiculatis patentibus ovario lon- gioribus, corollse ferrugineo-hirsutae basi gibbfe apice bine tissa? laciniis 5 lineari-cuneatis. — On the Quorra, at Patteli, Vogel ; on the Niger, Mac William. Hamuli teretes v. ad nodos leviter compressi, tomento sub- floccoso rubro-ferrugineo vestiti^ novelli pilis lougioribus vil- losi ; rami vetustiores denudati. Folia 1^-3-pollicaria, cras- siuscule membranacea, novella utiinque tomentosa, adulta supra glabrata, subtus tomento subfloccoso ferruginea. Flores fere sessiles, in axillis congest!, piUs longis rubro-ferrugineis dense vcstiti. Braclece extcriores 2 lin. latse, crassiusculse, uudulatse, pateutes, orbicuiatie, basi angustata?, interiores minorcs angustiores apice breviter patentes. Calyx Ij lin. longus, basi ovario adnatus, limbo libero truncato integro quam ovarium longiore. Corolla 15-16 lin. louga, supra calyccm inflata, dcin abrupte contracta, fei'e ad medium fissa, lobis liuearibus acutis basi angustatis. The ovary of this s])ecies is similar in general structure to those described by Griffith, in his paper on Loranthus and Viscum, in the 18th vol. of the Linnrcan Transactions. In that of L. leptolobus, however, the ovary at the time of flowering, enclosed within the calyx, appears to be free from it, excepting in a transverse line a little below the top, corresjjonding with the commencement of the epigynous disc, common to so many calvciflorous Orders. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 377 The remaining West Tropical African Loranthi are L. cupu- latus, DC, and L. dodoneccfolius, DC, from Senegal, L. Thon- n'utgii, DC, from Guinea, and L. sessilifolius, Beauv., from Oware. It is perhaps the only extensive geographical region, especially in warm climates, from which no species of Viscum appears to have as yet been brought. LXIV. RUBIACE^. This large Order, so natural and well defined, and yet so diversi- fied in detail, is very abundant in Tropical countries, and more especially so in West Africa. Its tribes, as successively proposed by De Candolle, Jussieu and A, Richard, and finally adopted in the Prodromus, are generally easy of determination, but in some of the details perhaps too artificial, and a few slight changes and transpositions might render them more conformable to nature, without interfering with their practical utility. Too much reliance has perhaps been placed on the number of car- pellary parts, and not enough on placentation (insertion of ovules), which, with the sestivation of the corolla, might in many instances better serve, both for the definition and for the grouping of genera. The Nauclece, well marked by their in- florescence and seeds, form an excellent tribe, if made to include Sarcocephahis, Anthocephalus and Cephalanthus.^ In the Cinchonea there is little to alter ; although the line of de- marcation between them and the Rondeletiece is at present very ill defined. The remainder of the many-ovuled tribes require some re-arrangement. The two-celled genera often present a third cell, and the many-celled are not unfrequently reduced to two. Gardenia itself has not the characters assigned to the * The seeds of Cephalanthus, although sohtary in each cell, are inserted on a pendulous placenta, as in Stepheyyne, and have, like the rest of Naiiclece, a wing-like expansion at their apex, although it be so small as to have escaped the notice of most botanists. It appears to me also, that in the young ovary there are a few additional minute abortive ovules, but of that I do not feel certain. 378 FLORA NIGRITIANA. tribe to whicli it gives its name, and the hardening of the endocarp, which distinguishes the polypyrenous from tlie muhi- locidar berry, is but a vague character. It might be better to suppress the two last tribes {Isertiea and Hameliea), and re-distribute the whole into three : Gardtniea, with fleshy indeliiscent fruits; Ro)ideleti(B, with dehiscent or pluricoccous fruits and interpetiolar stipules; and Hedi/otea, with dehiscent or pluricoccous fruits and conpetiolar stipvdes. For the subdivision of Gctt'deniece, the placentation appears to afford good characters, although I have not as yet examined with this view the whole of the genera. Probably three distinct forms will be found : Eugar- deniece, with parietal placentae not reaching the axis ; Randiea, with the ovules more or less immersed in thick fleshy placentse ; and Bertierea, (or say Hameliea ?) with thinner placentre, superficial ovules, and little or no pulp to the berry. Some genera of the last group come into close connection with some Rondeletiets, and from the latter the passage is very gradual into Hedyotece ; yet I am unable to suggest any better distinction between them than those generally adopted. Of the tribe Isertiece, DC, Mttabolos would take its place among HedyotecB, next to Hedyotis {Euhedyoiis, Arn.), from which it differs but slightly as a genus ; Gonzalea among Rondeletiea, close to Lerchea ; Isertia and Bruhismania among Gardeniece {Ber- tierece) . The greater part of the Hameliece would also range in the last-mentioned subtribe ; for which, on that account, the name Hameliea might be retained. Morelia, however, as well as Alibertia, Schradera, and perhaps one or two more, would be classed in the subtribe Randiea. To the same sub- tribe I should refer Cordlera, and a few imperfectly known genera allied to it, in which the ovules are said to be large, fleshy and peltate, but which have most probably large fleshy peltate placentse, with one or more ovules immersed therein, but not easily distinguishable in dried specimens. Among the solitary-ovulated tribes, the only alteration of im- portance which suggests itself is the consolidation of the two tribes of Guettardiece and Coffecece into one, as neither the two- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 379 or many-celled ovai-y, nor the drupaceous or baccate fruit appear to be sufficiently absolute distinctions to separate tlieni as tribes. The whole might take the name of Coffetea, and be divided into four or five subtribes, chiefly according to the {estivation of the corolla* and insertion of the ovules, viz. : Vanguericce, (including Morindea and Canthium), yviih. a valvate {estivation and pendulous ovules ; Guettardece, with an imbricate aestivation and pendulous ovules ; Ixorece, with an imbricate sesti- vation and laterally attached ovules; Pstjchotriew, (including CejjhaelidecB), with a valvate aestivation and erect ovules. Possibly a fifth might be inserted between Guettardea: and Ixorece, with an imbricate aestivation, like in those two tribes, but diff"ering from Guettardea in the baccate, not drupaceous fruit, and from Ixorece in the ovules suspended from the apex, or nearly so, but I am not acquainted with the fruits of a sufficient number of species of Chomelia, Chiococca, Kraussia, &c., to ascertain whether they can be really so separated from Guettardece even as a subtribe. I am doubtful also whether the few genera wdth an imbricate aestivation, and ovules erect or ascending, should be reckoned among IxorecB, or form an intermediate subtribe between them and Psychofriece. They are chiefly South Ameri- can, and require further examination. 1. Sarcocephalus esculentus, Sab. — DC. Prod. 4. p. 368. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don ; Senegal and Guinea. The fruit of this plant appears to me to be improperly described as an agglomeration of berries. The syncai'pium, especially the upper portion, consisting chiefly of the e])igynous discs and summits of the calyxes, is indeed fleshy; but the divisions, formed of the combined parietes of adjoining fruits, are scarcely so ; the two cells of each fruit have no pulp, and the dissepiment which separates them is membranous. The placentae are adnate : the seeds (as yet unripe in the fruit I * The imbricately aestivated corollse of Ruhiacece are usually convolute as in Apocyneee ; but since it is frequently difficult, if not impossible to as- certain whether it is so constantly, I have preferred using the more general term imbricated (of which the convolute is a modification) in opposition to valvate. 380 FLORA NIGRITIANA. examined) are short, orbicular, flattened, with a narrow wing at their apex, and are suspended by tiliforni funi- cuh, sometimes very short, sometimes twice as long as the seed. A second species of this genus, with broader leaves and larger stipules, was found by Kotschy in Nubia. 1. Stephegyne Africana, Korth. — Nauclea Africana, Willd. — DC. Prod. 3. p. 345. — Nauclea platanocarpa, Planch, in Hook. Ic. PI. t. 787. — Platanocarpum Africanum, Hook. fil. MS. (Tab. XXXVII.)— On the Quorra, at Attah, where it forms a handsome tree of 30 feet high, and at Accra, where it is a bush of little more than a man's height, with white flowers, turning yellowish, Vogel; Sierra Leone, Don ; Senegal and Guinea. The confusion which has crept into our synonymy of this plant is owing to Vogel's specimens having been mixed with those of Sarcocephalus, and Dr. Planchon having unfortunately examined a fruit of the latter plant as belonging to the Ste- phegyne. The heads of the true Stephegyne are not far ad- vanced towards maturity ; but the young capsules are precisely as described by Korthals in his generic character, perfectly distinct, though closely connected in a head, with linear pendu- lous placenta;, each bearing several ascending imbricated ovules. I cannot either agree with Dr. Planchon in considering this plant and Sieber's Senegal specimens as specifically distinct from Willdcnow's. The receptacle in all our specimens is certainly pilose, and VVilldenow corrected his first character of " capitulis sessilibus^' to that of " subsessilibus," the peduncle being usually very short beyond the last pair of leaves. Tab. XXXVII. Fig. 1. flower with two bracteolre;/. 2. the same in a more advanced stage ; J". 3. young fruit. There is among Vogel's Fernando Po specimens, one without flowers or fruit, but which has the appearance of a species of Sarcocephalus or Stephegyne. It is a tree, with large leaves and A cry large foliaceous stipules, thus far agreeing with Nauclea stipulosa, DC, a Senegambian ])lant, which may very possibly be rcfernble to Stephegyne. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 381 1. Uncaria Africana, G. Don, Gard. Did. S. p. 471. (Tab. XLII.) — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don. Tab. XLII. Fig. 1. ripe capsule ; /. 2. the same, with one valve (one half of the calycine tube ?) removed, showing the endocarp (or real capsule ?) and columella ; /. 3. unripe cap- sule ; /. 4. seeds : all more or less magnified. 1. Crossopteryx /einyM^ff, Benth. ; foliis ovatis glabratis, co- rollse tubo limbo suo triplo longiore, staminibus semiexsertis. — Rondeletia febrifuga, Afz. ex G. Don, Gard. Did. 3. j9. 516. — Sierra Leone, Don. The generic character of Crossopteryx may be completed as follows : Calycis limbus 5-partitus, lobis dentiformibus crectis. Corolla hypocrateriformis, extus villosa, tubo tenui, limbo 5-lobo, laciniis oblongis obtusis festivatione imbricatis, fauce iutus nuda. Stamina ad apicem tubi inserta, antheris oblongis apiculatis plus minus exsertis. Stylus filiformis apice clavato- bilobus. Ovarium biloculare, placentis dissepimento adnatis, ovulis imbricato-appressis. Heudelot^s Senegambian collection contains specimens, both in flower and fruit, of C. Kotsdiyana, a species which extends into Nubia, and specimens, in flower only, of a new species. In Don's Sierra Leone collection is an imperfect specimen, in fruit only, of a plant belonging to the tribe Cinchonece, which it is impossible to determine for want of flowers, more especially as from the capsules it would appear to form a new genus allied to Cascarilla or Remijia. 1. Gardenia (Macrotheca) Vogelii, Hook. fil. (Tab. XXXVIII. XXXIX.) ; inermis, glabra, foliis membranaceis acurainatis subrepandis, floribus sessilibus, calycis dentibus limbo tubu- loso multo brevioribus strictis acutis, corollse tubo longissimo, limbi lobis oblongo-linearibus, fructu cylindraceo-fusiformi. — Near Aboh, Vogel. Folia oblonga, 6-10 poll, longa, alia basi acuta petiolo 5-8 lin. longo sustenta, alia, prsecipue prope basin ramulorum, petiolo brevissimo basi subcordata, omnia in acumen breve obtusum v. acutiusculum apice producta, rigide membranacea, costa 382 FLORA NIGRITIANA venisque primariis ntrinque proiiiinulisj retc venularum subter pra;cipuc conspicua. Stipulce in vaginam brevcm irregu- lariter fissam coalitse. Flores ad apices ramulorum solitaiii. Calycis limbus fere pollicaris. Corolla alba, tubo 5-G poll. longOj limbi laciniis sesquipollicaribus leviter obliquis paten- tibus. Frucius cylindraceo-fusiformis, tripollicaris, crassitie digitis niiuoris, sed uiatuvus verosimilitei* major, calycis limbo persistente coronatus, intus unilocularis, placentis 3 parieta- libus stipitatis sed baud ad medium loculi attingcutibus. Semina compressa, pulpa mixta, in specimine noudum nia- tura. The Gardenia lutea, Fresen., an Abyssinian and Nubian plant, is also contained in Heudelot's collection ; and tbere is a G. nitida, Hook., from Sierra Leone, which I have not seen, and of which the ovary is undescribed, but which is never- theless most probably a genuine species of the same genus. The three ternate-leaved species enumerated in the Prodromus, G. triacantha, DC, from Senegambia, and G. fernifolia, Thonn., and G. ■medicinalis, Vahl, from Guinea, are entirely unknown to me. This genus. Gardenia, well characterised by De Candolle, and subsequently by Wight and Arnott, belongs exclusively to the Old World. It is readily distinguished by its unilocular ovarium and parietal placentae from all others, except perhaps some American Amaiouce and Genipcp, which require further examination. De Candolle, however, in his Prodromus, was obliged to retain under Gardenia many anomalous species which he found there, and of which he had no opportunity of examining the ovary, removing to Randia only such species as he had ascertained to be bilocular. Thence arose the confusion into which these genera have been again thrown by subsequent botanists. Amongst the bilocular species collected by authors under Randia, may be observed at least five groups, wliich may be either considered as distinct genera, or as sections of Randia, viz. : 1. Rothmannia, remarkable for its long funnel-shaped corolla. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 383 contains several African and one East Indian species. Amongst tbeni, R. Bowieana differs from the others by the calycine limb divided to the base. 2. Randia [Ceriscus). Lobes of the calyx not divided to the base of the limb, and often foliaceous. Corolla of a thick consistence, with a short thick tube, and broad, blunt, often undulate lobes. These species are all African or Asiatic, and include, amongst others, R. dumetorum and its allies, as well as Lachnosiphonium, Hochst., in my specimen of Vv^hich at least the ovary has certainly two cells only. 3. Randia {GenipantJia) . Calycine limb tubular or campanu- late, with short teeth. Tube of the corolla cylindrical, not twice as long as the calyx, lobes pointed. — African species, connecting- Randia with Oxyanthiis. 4. Randia {Oxyceras). Calycine lobes long and narrow, usually divided to the base. Tube of the coi'olla slender and cy- lindrical, not much longer than the calycine lobes. — All American species. 5. Randia {Euclinia). Calycine lobes usually short and not divided to the base. Tube of the corolla considerably longer than the calycine lobes, and slightly dilated under the limb. — The genuine species are all American, excepting perhaps one vmdescribed one from Seneganibia, which comes very near to them, and the R. longistyla, differing rather more in the remarkable style, which may probably hereafter be consi- dered as the type of a sLxth group. Oxyanthus, with its very slender tubed corolla and small calyx, and Griffithia, with a very deciduous limb of the calyx are, again, in close connection with the above groups. 1. Rothmannia Stanley ana, Hook.; foliis subcoriaceis nitidis glaberrimis, calycis laciniis subulatis strictis tubo suo multo brevioribus, corollse subglabrse v. vix puberulse tubo longis- simo. — Gardenia Stanleyana, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4185. — Sierra Leone, Whitfield. A specimen in fruit in the Hookerian Herbarium, gathered by Captain Boteler on the Gambia, appears to belong to the 384 FLORA NIGRITIANA. same species. This fruit, the size of R. Buwieana, is distinctly ribbed. The Rothmannia longiflora, Salisb., may possibly be the same as R. Stanleyana ; yet it were better to retaip Hooker's specific name, in order to avoid confusion with the R. Boivieana, which was called Randia loyigijiora by Salisbury. 3. Rothmannia malleifera, Hook. ; foliis coriaceis subnitidis glaberrimis, calycis laciniis subulatis strictis tubo suo lon- gioribus, corolla extus dense tomentosa. — Gardciiia malleifera, Hook. Bat. Mag. t. 4307.— Gardenia Whitfieldi, Lindl. Bat. Reg. 18i5 sub t. 47. — Sierra Leone, Don, Whitfield, Mi.ts Turner. Fruit globose, larger than in R. Bowieana, and not ribbed. Lindlcy's synonym, not being taken up in the indexes to the Register, had been nearly overlooked by myself, as it has been by other botanists. 3. Rothmannia Boivieana ; foliis membranaceis, novellis hirtellis demum glabratis, calycis limbi 5-partiti laciniis linearibus subddatatis patentibus, corolla glabra. — Gardenia longiflora, Ait. — Randia longiflora, Salisb. — Gardenia macrantha, Roem. Schult. Syst. 5. p. 237. — Randia macrantha, DC. Prod. 4. p. 388. — Randia Bowieana, Hook. But. Mug. t. 3409. — Gardenia longifolia, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 499. — Sierra Leone, Don, Whitfield, and others. Fruit globose, or somewhat pear-shaped, not ribbed, and nearly an inch and a half in diameter. For the history of the synonymy of this plant sec Hook. Bot. Mag. sub t. 4307 ; to which I would only add that the Gardenia Devoniana, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1846, t. (53, appears to be (from the figure) a well-marked, broad-leaved variety at least, if not a good species ; and that although both R. malleifera and R. Boivieana are in Don's Herbarium, it seems to be the latter species only, with membranous leaves, to which he gave the name of longifolia. The completely bilocular ovary readily distinguishes the genus from Gardenia, and the long funnel-sha])ed throat FLORA NIGRJTIANA. 385 of the corolla from Rundla. Among the preceding species, R. Bowieana and Devoniana differ from the others in their calyx ; all agree in their ovules more or less immersed in a fleshy placenta, which is either adnate to the dissepiment, or sessile and peltate. In the East Indian R. maci'ophylla, Br., the pla- centae of the ovary are stipitate and bifid, nearly as in Mussaenda. I have not had an opportunity of examining the South African species. 1. Randia (Ceriscus) Sherbormce,\io6k. — Gardenia Sherbornise, Hook. Boi. Mag. t. 40 i4; volubilis, foliis glabi'is coriaceis, pedicellis solitariis axillaribus petiolo. brevioribus bracteatis unifloris, calycis lobis lato-cuneatis foliaceis obtusissimis, corolla infundibuliformi-campanulata calyce duplo longiore, stylo staminibusque inclnsis. — Sierra Leone, Herb. Hooker. 2. Randia (Ceriscus) Doniana, Benth. — Gardenia calycina, G. Don. Gjard. Diet. 3. p. 497, (non Randia calycina, Cham. Schl.) subscandens ? foliis glabris coviaceis, pedicellis axillari- bus solitariis petiolo brevioribus bracteatis unifloris, calycis lobis lato-oblongis cuneatiave foliaceis acutiusculis, corolla infmidibuliformi-campanulata calycem breviter superante, stylo staminibusque inclusis. — Sierra Leone, Do7i. I had some doubts whether this might not be the same as R. SherbornicB, but the leaves are narrower and more pointed, and the corolla considerably smaller. 3. Randia (Genipantha) acuminata, Bcuth. ; glabra, foliis sub- sessilibus longe cuueato-oblongis acuminatis, corpiibis axilla- ribus breviter pedunculatis, calycis limbo tubuloso minute dentato, corollse tubo cylindrico brevi, lobis acutis. — Gardenia acuminata, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 499. — Pomatium dubium, G. Don, ibid. p. 505. — Sierra Leone, Don; on the Nun River, Vogel. Arbor parva. Folia 8-9-pollicaria v. fere pedalia, superne 8-4 poll, lata, a medio ad basin angustata, ibidem oblique sub- cordata, apicc abrupte acuminata, rigide membranacea v. char- tacea. Stipula latse, breviter cuspidatae. Peduncidi solitarii, axillarcs, ^-1 poll, longi, apice divisi in ramos breves cymoso- plurifloros. Braclea parvse. Pedicelli brevissimi. Ovarium c c 386 FLORA NIGRITIANA. lineam longum ; calycis limbiis tubulosus 3 lin. CoroUam apcrtam non vidi, scd alabastrum mox florendum tubum ostcndit calycc paullo longiorcm, ct lacinias iis R. genipoifiorde simillimas. Ovarium biloculare ; placentse stipitatse loculos iterum fere dividunt. Ovula numerosa, placentis semiimincrsa. Bacca ovoidea bipollicaris, utrinque subacutata^ longitiidi- naliter costis numerosis obtusis percursa. Sernina compressa, horizontalia, placentis pulposo-carnosis immersa. This s])eciesj if I have made no error in matching the flower- ing and fruiting specimens, differs remarkably from the three following in the size of the fruit, which resembles in some particulai's that of Oxyanthits, of which, however, it has not the flowers. The habit is, in some respects, intermediate between the two genera. 4. Ilandia (Genipantha) genipaflora, DC. Prod. 4, j)- ^^9. — Niger Expedition, Vogel, without the precise locality ; Sene- gambia, Heudelot. The fruit .i« about 4 lines diameter, very much like that of Morelia in appearance, but that it is two-celled only. It is crowned with the tubular limb of the calyx till very nearly ripe, when that part usually falls off. 5. Ilandia (Genipantha) reticulata, Benth. ; foliis ovali-oblongis acuminatis inter venas transversim reticulatis, floribus axil- laribus breviter pedicellatis fasciculatis, bracteolis in cvipulam connatis, calycis limbo tubuloso breviter dentato. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don ; Senegambia, Heudelot. Ramuli et folia novella minutissime puberula, planta cjcterum glabra. Folia breviter petiolata, 3-4-pollicaria, basi acuta, co- riacea, iis R. genipaflora primo intuitu simillima, sed venulse transversse crebrse utrinque prominent dum in R. genipcefloree evanescunt. Stipulce brevissinise, latfe, breviter setacco-cuspi- datse. Flores in cymas contractas dispositi, ad axillas con- gesti, vix petiolum superant. Bractea lineam longje, in cupulam brevem connatte. Calyx 2 lin. longus, truncatus, dcntibus 5-6 brevissimis, in speciminibus floriferis vix con- spicuis, in fructiferis evidentioribus. CoroUae tubus breviter exsertus, faux leviter dilatata, lacinise 5-7, oblongo-lineares. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 387 acutse, 2 lin. longse, sestivatioue imbricata. Anthera liiieares, acutse, corollam subsequantes. Ovarium biloculare (rarius 3-loculare ?) placentis peltatis, ovulis in quoque loculo circa sex immersis. Fructus pisi magnitudine, calycis limbo co- ronatus. 6. Randia (Genipantha) coriacea, Benth. ; glabra, foliis ovatis oblongisve brevissirae acuminatis crasso-coriaceis vix venosis, floribus axillaribus confertis sessilibus, bracteolis in cupulam connatis, calycis limbo cupulato vix dentato. — Grand Bassa, Vogel. Tota planta glaberrima videtur. Folia breviter petiolata, 3-4- pollicaria, basi ssepius acuta, penninervia, rete venularum vix conspicua. Stipulce breves, latpe, longe setaceo-cuspidatae. Flores fere R. reticulata et pariter 5-7-mei-se, sed sessiliores, calycis limbo latiore. Ovarium biloculare. Ovula placentis immersa, in quoque loculo ssepius 4. Fructus ovato-globosus, Isevis, 3 lin. longus. Semina in quoque loculo 1-3, omnino Randia. This and the preceding species have much the habit and flowers of Coffea Arabica and its allies, although the structure of the ovary is so different. 7. Randia longistyla, DC. Prod. 4. p. 388.— Gardenia longi- styla, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4322. — Oxyanthus villosus, G. Von. Gard. Diet. 3. p. 494. — Sierra Leone, Don, Whitfield; Senegambia. In the single ovary I examined, the placentae appeared scarcely to cohere in the axis, and I have not seen the fruit. Possibly this plant may form the type of a distinct genus. There is in Heudelot's Senegambiau collection an unpublished species of Randia {Genipantha) allied to R. reticulata. 1. Oxyanthus speciosus, DC. Prod. 4. p. 376. — Sierra Leone, Don. — Folia coriacea, basi acuta et subsequalia. 2. Oxyanthus /ormo^MS, Hook. fil. (Tab. XL. XLL) ; glaber- rimus, foliis amplis oblongis basi obliquis, corymbis multi- floris, calycis dentibus brevissimis acutis, corollse tubo foliis vix breviore. — Cape Palmas, Vogel. c c 2 388 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Caulis subherbaceus, erectus, subsimplcx, ramis tetragonis ad nodos supcriores compressiusculis. Folia breviter pctiolata, majoni 8-10 poll, longa, 2^-3 poll, lata, apice breviter acu- minata V. acutiuscula, basi oblique obtusa v. cordata; coriacea, penninervia. Stipulce lato-lanceolatir, interdum fere polli- eares. Corymhus axillaris, breviter pedunculatus, divisus in ramos plures 2-4-floros et fere in paniculam elongatus. Pe- dicelli ebracteati, circiter semipollicares. Calycis tubi pars adnata (sen ovarium) lineam longa, limbus ovario fere jequi- longus. Corollce tubus tenuis, 4-5 poll, longus, limbi lobis angustis pollice brevioribus, a-stivatioue imbricata. Antherce paullo infra apicem tubi subscssiles, lineares, apiculo brevi terminatse. Ovarium biloculare ; placentis peltatis, ovulis numerosis baud immersis. Stylus tubum corollfe subsequans, apice fusiformis et acute brevissimeque bifidus. 3. Oxyanthus Tiionnbigii , Bcnth. ; pubescens, foliis oblongis basi valde obliquis truncatis, racemis brevibus plurifloris, calycis dentiljus acuminatissimis. — Ucriana racemosa, Schwn. et Thonn. BesJcr. p. 107. — Accra, Vogel. Although the specimen is only in young fruit, without flowers, I have no hesitation in referring it to Thonning's plant, both from its description, and from the identity of the station. The calyx and the form of the leaves at the base prevent the uniting it with 0. hirsutus, and the pubescence distinguishes it from O. speciosus. 3. Oxyanthus breviflorus, Benth. ; glaberrimus, ramis ad nodos comprcssis, foliis amplis oblongis basi obliquis, corymbis multifloris, calycis dentibus brevissimis obsoletisve, corolla? tubo brevi. — Fernando Po, Vogel. The leaves and inflorescence are exactly those of O. formosus, the flowers ai'c too young to judge of their exact size, but they are evidently so very much shorter than those of O. formosus, and the teeth of the calyx so small or so nearly obsolete, that the specimens cannot belong to that species, nor yet to either of those described in the Prodromus. The branches are also much more compressed under the leaves, and the stipules FLORA NIGRITIANA. 389 smaller. One specimen is in fruit, which is a hard, almost dry, pear- shaped berry, and about an inch long, with two cells separated by a thin dissepiment almost obliterated in the pulpy placentae. Two other described species, O. tubiflorus, DC, and O. hir- sutiis, DC, are both from Sierra Leone, and there is an unpub- lished one in Heudelot's Senegambian collection. The Megacarpha pyriformis, Hochst. Flora, 1844, p. 551, from Port Natal, is evidently an Oxyanthus, closely alhed to 0. breviflorus. 1. Morelia Senegalensis, A. Rich. — DC. Prod. 4. p. 617. — Aboh, Vogel ; Sierra Leone, Don ; Senegal. This genus has considerable affinity with the small-fruited Randice of the section Genipantha, from which it chiefly differs in the ovary being completely divided into four perfect cells. The ovules, of the shape of those of Randia, are two or three in number in each cell, and more or less immersed in a fleshy placenta, peltately attached to the internal angle of the cell. The seeds are precisely those of Randia, 1. Stylocoi-yne conferta, Benth, ; foliis obovato-oblongis acu- minatis basi acutis subtus ad venas ramulisque minute jjube- rulis cseterum glabris, corymbis terminalibus subsessilibus densis, calycis pubescentis limbo acute 5-dentato, corollse lobis linearibus tubo suo sublongioribus. — On the Nun River, Vogel. Frutex humanse altitudinis. Ramuli juniores compresso-tetra- goni, pilis minutis appresse puberuli, demum glabrati sub- teretes. Stipulce persistentes, latfe, rigide membranaceae, cus- pidatse integr?e v. summse bicuspidatse. Folia 3-4-pollicaria, pleraque obovata cum acumiue seraipoUicari, rarius anguste oblonga, omnia basi acuta, petiolo 5-6-lineari, siccitate nigri- cantia, consistentia rigidule chartacea, supi-a nitidula. Co- rymbus intra folia summa tripartitus, ramis brevibus apice dense cymiferis, cymis singulis 10-20-floris, pedunculis com- pressis bracteisque minutis pubesccntibus. Calycis tubus (seu ovarium) semilineam longus, limbus lineam longus, ad medium divisus in dentes 5 acutos subpatentes, in fructu juniore persistens, in maturo obliteratus. Corolla extus 390 FLORA NIGRITIANA. glabra, alboviridis ex Vogcl ; tubus tenuis, 2^ lin. longus, intus superne leviter pubcscens ; limbi lacinire 3 lin. longre, acutje, festivatione valde inibricata;. Antherae lineares, ad faucem mediante filamento brevissimo insertae, coroUse laciniis paullo breviores. Stylus corolla paulio longior, apice longe subclavatus, integei-, medio minute papuloso-pubescens. Bacca junior calyce coronata, matura nuda, globosa, 4 lin. diametro, ])ericarpio teuuiter carnoso. Semina in quoque loculo plu- rima, irregulariter Lemispliferica, hilo lato ovato, placeutse peltatim affixa. 2. Stylocoryne nitidula, Benth. ; ramis glaberrimis, foliis ob- longis longe acuminatis basi acutis ad axillas venarum subtus barbulatis cseterum glaberrimis, corymbis laxis terminalibus V. demum axillaribus, calycis glabri v. apice minute puberuli limbo acute 5-dentato, corollse- lobis oblongo-linearibus tubo sue sublougioribus. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, IVhitfield. Primo intuitu S. confertcB simillima, sed folia angustiora, longius acuminata, axillse venarum plerreque minute foveolatje v. bar- batse; pubes venarum et ramulorum omnino deest, et vix in inflorescentia apparet, et inflorescentia laxior. Calyces puberuli, lineam longi, dentibus brevissimis. Corolla fere S. coiiferta. Bacca juniores calyce coronatae, demum sub- nudse. 3. Stylocoryne grandiflora, Bentb. ; glaberrima, foliis oblongis ellipticisve acuminatis basi acutis, corymbis laxis terminalibus sessilibus, calycis glabri limbo truncato obsolete dentate. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Tota planta vel omnino pilis destituta, v. paucissimis munita in ramulos inflorescentise. Ramuli Iseves, teretes v. vix com- pressi. Stipul(B brevissima?, truncatne, margine subciliata? v. brcvissime cuspidatse. Folia 4-6-pollicaria v. etiam longiora, basi longiuscule angustata, apice breviter acuminata, mem- branacco-chartacea, utrinque viridia, Irevia, Corymbi intra folia summa v. in axillis supremis sessile.s, laxe tricbotomo- ramosi, foliis multo breviores. Calyx \\ lin. longus, turbi- nato-globosus, vix obsolctissimc dcntatus. Corollce tubus vircns, poUicc paullo longior, consistcntia quam in affinibus FLORA NTGRITIANA. 391 crassiore, vix superue latior ; limbi lacinise 4 lin. lougse, ob- longae, obtusae, albidfe, extus viresceutcs, sestivatioiie valde imbricata. Aritherce ad faucem subsessiles, linearesj lacinias subsequautes. Stylus brevitcr exsevtus, superne leviter in- crassatus. Ovarium ^-loculare, ovulis in quoque loculo Q, placenta membranacea v. vix carnosa immersis. Bacca de- presso-globosa. The three preceding species, as indeed the whole genus Stylocoryne, are closely allied to Pavetta in habit as well as in flowers, although so far removed by the many-ovulated cells of their ovary. 1. MQmi\?LJasminiJlora, DC. Prod. 4<. p. 390. — Sierra Leone, Don, Vogel, and others; Fernando Po, Vogel. — A plant very nearly allied to the Mussaenda of the section Landia, es- pecially to M. elegans. The flowers, according to Vogel, are white with a yellow eye. 1. Mussaenda 4/^e/e7, G.Don, Gard. Diet. S. p. 490 ; abortu dioica, ferrugineo-pubescens v. villosa, foliis petiolatis ellip- tico-oblongis breviter acuminatis basi subobtusis, cymis densis masculis niultifloris corymbosis, foeminies solitariis paucifloris, sepalo bracteajformi amplo albido villoso, calycis limbi lobis ovatis foliaceis ovario foemineo niulto brevioribus, corolla dense villosa. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Aboh, Vogel ; South of the Line, Curror. Frutex videtur subscandens. Ramuli teretes, pilis brevibus ferrugineis plus minus vestiti. Siipulce lat?e, bifidfe, caducse. Folia 3-5-pollicaria v. raro longiora, latitudine varia, ad venas utrinque ferrugineo-pubescentia et inter venas pilis parvis conspersa, supra siccitate fusca, subtus pallida, veuis paral- lelis prominentibus ; petioli 3-5 lin. longi. Cynice ad apices ramorum deusiflorse, pilis aureis v. ferrugineis dense vestitse, masculpe ssepius 3-4 in corymbum brevem dispositse, foerainese fere semper solitarife videntur. Bractece parvse. Calycis tubus per anthesin in fl. masculis 1| lin. longus, turbinatus, ovarium 2-3-loculare semiabortivum includens ; limbus stel- lato-patens, 4-5 lin. diametro, lobis ovatis acuminatis utrinque villosis ; calycis extimi lobus bractcseformis sajpe 3-pollicaris, 392 FLORA NIGRITIANA. in vivo (ex Vogel) albiis, in sicco flavicans ; floris foeniinei calycis tubus 5-6 lin. longus, ovarium pcrf'cctum 2-3-loculare multiovulatum fovens. Corolla tubus pollicaris, basi tenuis, supra medium amplior, extus pilis reflexis dense, vcstitus, intus superne pilis longis aureis reflexis elausus. Antherce inelus?e, linearcs, in flore foeminco minores. Discus parvus glaber. St?/lus apice 2-3-fidus, in flora masculo abbreviatus, nune brcvissimus. Fructus oblongo-fusiforaiis, 1;^ poll, lon- gus^ calycis vestigiis coronatus^ durus, siccus, indeliiscens^ extus dense villosus. 2. Mussaenda ^ra>«^?^ora, Ben th. ; (abortu dioica ?) ferrugineo- villosa, foliis brevissime pctiolatis ovatis oblongisve acumi- natis basi obtusis, cymis (masculis ?) confertis corynibosis, calycis laciniis maximis ovato-oblongis acuminatis foliaceis tubo (masculo ?) pluries longioribus, extima bractea^formi maxima villosa, corolla villosissima. — Sierra Leone, Don. Ramuli teretes, superne prsesertim pilis longis ferrugineis re- flcxo-patentibus dense vestiti. Folia 3-4-pollicaria, utrinque prsecipue ad venas ferrugineo-pilosa. Cymce in specimine plures, dense 5-6-flora3. Braclea lineares 3-5 lin. longse. Calycis tubus 1^ lin. longus, limbi lobi 9 lin. longi, 3 lin. lati, basi angustiores, apice acute acuminati mcmbranaceo- foliacei (colorati?) utrinque villosi. CoroUam apertam non vidi, alabastra jam calyces excedunt, villosissima sunt, tubo medio dilatato, pili intcriorcs, stamina ct stylus omnino florum masculorum M. Afzelii. 3. Mussaenda tenuiflora, Benth. ; abortu dioica, scabro-hirtella, foliis pctiolatis oblongo-ellipticis basi acutis, cymis multifloris masculis pluribus pedunculatis foemineis paucioribus, calycis laciniis subulatis tubo sublongioribus, corolla calycc pluries longiore tenui extus villosa, fructu oblongo villoso ecostato calycis laciniis coronato. — Fernando Po, on the sea coast, Vogel. Rami ct folia pilis brcvibus rigidis plus minus conspersa v. vestita. Folia 3-5-poIlicaria, brcviter ct acute acuminata, concoloria v. subtus pallida, p(;tiolo brevi rarius ])ollicari. Stipulve ucutcP^ bifldse. Flores masculi in cymas dcnsas con- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 393 gesti, sessiles. Bractea parv?e. Calycis tubus turbinatus^ 1^ lin. lougus, villosus^ laciniis subulatis basi subdilatatis 2 liii. longis demum stellato-pateutibus ; lacinia bracteseforrais longe petiolata 2-3-pollicaris, pubescens, albovirens. Corolla pollicaris, tubus tenuis, medio ampliatus, extus vii-idis, iutus a medio ad apicem pilis Havis clausus; limbi lacinise 1^ lin. longse, cuspidatje, reflexo-patentes, aurantiacse. Anthera lineares, inclusfe. Stylus brevis, nunc brevissimus. Ovarium biloculare, multiovulutum, sed post anthesin non grandescit et ovula abortiunt, Flores fceminei in corymbum laxiusculum sinipliciorem dispositi, singuli breviter pedicellati, ovario seu calycis tubo per anthesin ovato-oblongo jam 2-3 lin. longo. Calycis lacinise quam in mare tenuiores. Corolla maris sed in medio minus ampliata, antberis minoribus. Stylus tubo corollse sequilongus, apice breviter bifidus. Fructus coriaceus, exsuccus, bilocularis, semipollicaris. 4. Mussaenda Isertiana, DC. Prod. 4. p. 371. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Fernando Po, Vogel. Though generally smooth, or nearly so, this plant appears to be occasionally hairy. The flowers are like those of M. tenui- flora, from which however it is readily distinguished by the very small, broadly-lanceolate, pointed divisions or teeth of the calyx. /3 ? laxijlora, pilis longis hispida, inflorescentia laxa. — Sierra Leone, Vogel. — A single specimen, with a few leaves and two fruits remaining on it. These are about 9 lines long, hairy, without ribs, and crowned by the very short teeth of the calyx. It may possibly be a distinct species, or, on the other hand, the mere female individual of M. Isertiana. 5. Mussaenda (Landia) elegans, Schum. — DC. Prod. 4. p. 372. — Bertiera coccinea, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 506. — Sierra Leone, Aguapim, and Accra, Vogel, Don, and others ; Senegal and Guinea. A beautiful plant, with fiery red flowers, near 2 inches diameter when expanded, apparently variable in the hairiness and form of the leaves. The calycine lobes are usually slightly dilated above the middle, and occasionally one of them shows a tendency to expand into a green leaf. 394 FLORA NIGRITIANA. The M. erythrophylln, Sclium. et Thonn., from Guinea, is the only remaining West African species of Mussaenda pub- lished. 1. Bcrticra Pomatium, Benth. — Pomatium spicatura, Gcertn. — DC. Prod. 4. p. 391. — Wendlandia pilosa, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 519. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don ; Senegal. I cannot find the slightest character to distinguish Pomatium as a genus from Bertiera. The teeth of the calyx are not really deciduous, but, originally very short, they become worn away as the fruit ripens. 2. Bertiera laxa, Benth. ; ramulis inflorescentiaque puberulis, foliis oblongis acuminatis basi angustatis supra glabris subtus minute puberulis, thyrsis laxis flexuosis, floribus secus ramos paucis sessilibus, dentibus calycinis minimis, fructibus ])uberulis obscure striatis. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Ramuli novelli pube minuta subferruginei, rami annotini gla- brati. Stiptda foliacese, utrinque solitaripe, et inter se basi brevissime connate, vaginantes, semipollicares, oblongo-lan- ceolatse, acutse, ferrugineo-puberulse. Folia -i-? poll, longa, li-2 poll, lata, membranacea v. demum subcoriacea, petiolo 3-6 lin. longo, Paniculce thyrsoidese, terminales, solitarise V. geminse, foliis summis ssepius breviores, rhachide flexuosa comprcssa ferrugineo-pubescente, bracteis parvis subulatis acutis, ramis paucis simplicibus v. bifidis 3-8-floris. Flores solitarii, secus ramos sessiles v. ramos terminantes. Calyx ])ubcscens, lineara longus, dentibus minutis obtusiusculis vix discum floris superantibus. Corolla (quam ipse non vidi) ex icone a J. D. Hookero ad florem unicum dcpicto, calyce 5-ies longior, infundibuliformis, extus villosa, tubo tenui, limbo 5-lobo, festivatione imbricata. Antherce lineares, basi sagit- tatse. Fructus eo B. Guianensis paullo major, costis minus prominentibus, cpeterum oranino conformis, bilocularis, disse- pimento tenui, seminibus angulatis placentse parvis affixis. 3. Bertiera ? macrocarpa, Benth. — Wendlandia racemosa, G. Don, Gard. Diet. S. p. 519. — Siei'ra Leone, Don. The fruit, on Don's specimen, is not a capsule, but fleshy and indehiscent, ovate, about 4 lines long, crowned with the remains FLORA NIGRITIANA. 395 of a small cup-sha])cd calycine limb ; it is two-celled, witli stipitate biiid placenta?, and innumerable small flat angular seeds, not imbedded in pulp. The plant is therefore not a Wendlandia any more than the other West African species referred to that genus by Don. The specimen is without flowers, the habit and inflorescence are those of Bertiera, the leaves are 8 or 10 inches long, the branches of the thjTsus very short. The fruit, however, is much larger, and difl"erently shaped from that of any Bertiera I am acquainted with ; the genus must therefore remain in some measure doubtful. 1. Pouchetia Africana, DC. Prod. 4. p. 393. — Wendlandia virgata, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 519. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don ; Senegal. Pedicelli calyce duplo longiores. Ovula in quoque loculo plu- rima, ab apice loculi pendula. 2. Vo\xchei\2L pai'viflora, Benth. ; foliis ovatis acuminatis, stipulis petiolo sublongioribus, floribus sessilibus in paniculis axilla- ribus fasciculatis. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Arbor parva, ramis horizontalibus foliisque distichis ex Vog. folia pinnata siraulantibus, tota glaberrima excepta pube in inflorescentia parca, ramulis teretibus ad nodos compressis. Folia breviter petiolata, 3-4-pollicaria, acumine sa^pe semi- pollicari v. longiore, basi acuta^ chartacea, siccitate fusca, subtus pallida. Stipula latse, longiuscule acuminatfe, ca- riuatse, integrse, 2-4 lin. longse. Panicula oppositse, folia subsequantes, parum ramosne, floribus interrupte fasciculatis sessilibus quam in P. Africana multo minoribus. Bractecc minutse. Calyces semilineam longi, dentibus 5 acutis. Corolla alba, infundibuliformis, tubo | lin. longo, limbo tubo requilongo 5-fido, laciniis oblongis patentibus, jestivatione im- bricatis. Stamina ad faucem inserta, filamentis brevissimis, antheris oblongo-linearibus exsertis. Stylus supra medium bifidus. Ovarium biloculare, ovulis in quoque loculo ge- minis, ab apice loculi pendulis. Fructus non vidi. Wendlandia sulcata, of Don, from Sierra Leone, may be another Bertiera or Pouchetia, Ijut there is no specimen in his collection which I can identify with his description. The labels 396 FLORA NIGRITIANA. " Iledyotis sulcata" and " Hedyotis ])ilosa" were both with the speciuicus of Bertiera Pomatiwn, the former, however, had evidently been misplaced. 1. Urophyllum riibens, Benth. ; foliis petiolatis elliptico-oblongis vix acuminatis basi acutis coriaceis nitidis ramisque gla- berrimis, cymis multifloris petiolos vix fequantibus, calycis limbo integerrimo. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Frutex orgyalis, ramis teretibus v. vix compressis. Stipulos foliacese, lineari-oblongfe v. obovatse, 4-6 lin. longre. Folia 4-5 poll, longa, 2-24 poU- ^^ta, margine leviter revoluta, coriacea, nitidula, penninervia, siccitate rubentia, in vivo titrinque viridia; petiolo semipollicari v. paullo longiore. Pedunculi axillares^ 3-4 lin. longi, minute puberuli, apice cymam ferentes 10-20-floram. Flores fere U. glabri. Calyx brevis, limbo cyathiformi truncato edentulo. Corolla \\ lin. longa, extus glabra, tubo brevi, intus ad faucem villosissimo, laciniis 5 JEstivatione valvatis. Ovarium 4-loculare, disco crasso umbilicato radiatim sulcato coronatum. Styhis 5-sul- catus, apice fusiformis acutiusculus subbilobus. Ovula in loculis numerosa, placentis axilibus vix carnosis affixa. There is no doubt that this plant is congener with Uro- phylluin, Wall., (1824), which includes Axanthes, Blum., (1825), and in many respects allied to U. glabrum, although the ovary is only four- celled in the flow'ers I have examined, and the style entire, but apparently divisible into two lobes. The number of cells varies in some of the Eastern species from four to five, in others I find, as in this species, 4 cells w-ith a two- lobed style, and sometimes two of the dissepiments have ap- })eared to me to be not quite complete. The external furrows, in this, as in other thickened styles, depend, not on the number of its divisions, but upon the pressure of the external organs — the stamens or the edges of the petals, with w^hich they generally agree in number. The genus extends over the whole of the East, from Madagascar to the Philippine Islands, and is apparently numerous in species ; it corresponds among mul- tiovulatc Rubiacece to Lasiantlms and Vanguerin among the uuiovulate genera. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 397 2. Uropliylluni h'lrtellum, Bentli, ; ramis pubcrulis, foliis ainplis obovali-ellipticis subacmninatis basi acutis chartaceis subtus hirtis, cymis multifloris fructiferis laxis petiolos siibsequanti- bus, calycis limbo integro. — Aboh, Vogel. Ramuli obscure quadrilaterales. Folia 8-10 poll, longa, 3-4 poll, lata^ acumine brevi acutissimo^ basi longe angustata in petiolum 1-2-pollicarem, cousistentia cbartacea_, supra minute et sparse puberula, subtus pilis sparsis hirta, venis parallelis more fere Dilleniacearum subtus valcle prominentibus. Nee stipulas nee flores vidi. Baccce magnitudine Ribesios rubrce, juniores limbo calycino tandem fere obliterato coronatse, 4-5- loculares. Semina niunerosa, ut in cseteris speciebus foveo- lato-exculpta. 1. Sabicea ferruginea, Benth.; ramulis villosis, foliis ovatis oblougisve subtus ferrugineo-tomentosisj stipulis subcordato- ovatis magnis, floribus in capitulo longe pedunculato involu- crato numerosis sessilibus, calycis laciniis lineari-subulatis tubo subduplo longioribus. — Cepbaelis ferruginea^ G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 605. — Sierra Leone, Don. Rami scandentes ?, ramuli teretes, uti petioli et nervi foliorum pilis ferrugineis appressis dense vestiti. Folia 3-5-pollicaria, petiolo semipollicari, latins v. angustius ovata, acuminata, basi obtusa, supra siccitate nigricantia, ad venas birtellu et pilis paucis parvis conspersa, subtus dense obtecta tomento ferru- gineo molli. Stipulce petiolo sequilongse v. longiores, foliacese, intus glabrae, extus pilosfe, 3-5-costat8e, integrte et acutius- culse V. superiores bicuspidatrc. Pedunculi in axillis solitarii, 3-4-pollicares, ad apicem capitulum ferunt depresso-globosum, 1^-2 poll, diametro, 30-50-florum. Bractece involucrantes 6-10, foliacese, ovato-lanceolatse, acute acuminatse, flores sub- sequantes, uninerves, pilosse, extimse latiores intima3 angustse. Flores subsessiles, omnino Sabicea, 4-5-meri. Calycis pilosi tubus adbserens 1 lin. longus, pars limbi tubulosa 1 lin., lacinise subulatse molles pilosse 4 lin. longse. Corolla seini- pollicaris, tubulosa, extus basi glabra superne appresse pilosa, intus basi glabra supra medium pilosa, laciniis extus villosis intus basi glaberrimis, sestivationc valvatis. Stamina infra 398 FLORA NIGRITIANA. mediam tubi inserta, inclusa, filamcntis brevissimis, antherls oblongo-lincavibus. Stylus corollain sequans, apice 4-5-fidus, lobis spatliulatis intus stigmatosis. Ovarium 4-5-loculare, loculis multiovulatis. 2. Sabicca capitelluta, Benth. ; ramulis villosis, foliis ovatis oblongisve subtus dense albido-tomentosis, stipulis brevibus late rotundatis, floribus in capitulis oppositis breviter pedun- culatis pluribus sessilibus, calycis laciniis linearibus tubo vix longioribus. — Fernando Po, on the sea shore, Vogel. Frutex sarmentosus S. cinerece, Aubl., siminima. Folia 3-4- polUcaria, late v. anguste ovata, plus minus acuminata, basi rotundata v. superiora angustata, supra pilis brevibus raris conspersa, subtus tomento albido v. leviter ferrugineo vestita, petiolo semipoUicari v. longiore. Stipulce (saltem supcriores) latiores quam longre, obtusissimse, undulatai. Capitala 6-10- flora, pedunculo 1-3 lin. longo t'ulta, globosa, semipollicem diametro. Bractece involucrantes 4-6, ovatse, acutte, villo- sissimse, exteriores latse concave. Flores 5-meri. Calycis villosissimi laciniae demum stellato-pateutes. Corolla 5 lin. longa, extus superne villosa, laciniis patentibus crassiusculis intus glabris, eestivatione valvata. Fructus pisi magnitudinis, globosus, villosissimus, calycis limbo coronatus, 5-locularis, polyspermus. 3. Sabicea Vogelii, Benth. ; foliis ovatis oblongisve utrinque viridibus ramulisque hirtis, stipulis ovatis, umbellis breviter pedunculatis multifloris, calycis laciniis linearibus submem- branaceis tubo suo pluries longioribus. — Sierra Leone, Vogel. Frutex sarmentosus, habitu et foliis S. hirtcB, S\v., simil- limus. Ramuli tenues, nunc dense hirsuti, nunc fere glabri. Folia 2-3-pollicaria, rarius longiora, plus minus acuminata, basi rotundata v. acuta, utrinque pilis longiusculis hirta, subtus pallidiora, at minime albida nee tonientosa. Stipules quam in S. hirta minus dilatatse. Pedunculi 2-6 lin. longi, apice 10-20-flori. Bracteoi involucrantes 2 v. 4, oblongffi. Flores omnes pedicellati, pedicellis valde inrequa- libus (1-4 lin. longis) hirtis. Calycis tubus hirsutissimus, FLORA NIGRITIANA. 399 vix lineam longus, lacinife 3-4 lin. longse, subfoliacese, supra glabra?, subtus hirsut?e, |-| lin. latae. Corolla calycis laciuias fequans (v. breviter superans ?), lacinise 5, extus villosse, intus glabrae, restivatione valvata. Ovarium 5-loculare, multiovu- latum. Frudus globosus, 1^ lin. diametro, calycis limbo coronatus. /3. villosior, floribus in capitulo [subsessilibus. — Sierra Leone, Don. 4. Sabicea venosa, Bentli. ; foliis ovatis utrinque viridibus ra- mulisque liirsutis, stipulis ovatis, corymbis breviter peduncu- latis oppositis laxe multifloris, calycis laciniis lineari-lancco- latis tubo suo duplo longioribus corollse tubo niulto breviori- bus. — Virecta lutea, G. Don, Gard. Did. 3. p. 531 ? — Sierra Leone, Don ; Senegarabia, Heudelot. Prsecedenti et S. hirtce quoad habitus et folia similis ; bsec vero subtus magis villosa, venis parallelis uumerosis in pagina inferiore prominentibus. Pedunculi 2-4 lin. longi. Flores nee in capitulum nee in umbellam conferti, sed pedunculi ramuli plus minus evolvuntur et cymam formant petiolo sublongiorem. Bradece pauca?, parvse, lanceolatae. Pedi- celli ultimi calycis tubo breviores. Calycis tubus villosus, f lin. longus; lacinise 4 v. 5, insequales, majores 1^ v. raro 2 lin. long?e. Corolla tubus villosus, 4 lin. longus, lacinise 4-5, intus glabrse. Frudus 1^ lin- diametro, 4-5-locularis. 5. Sabicea calycina, Benth. ; foliis ovali-oblongis cordatis utrin- que viridibus ramu^lisque hirtellis, stipulis ovatis, umbellis longe pedunculatis multifloris, calycis laciniis majoribus ovatis coloratis tubo multoties longioribus, — Fernando Po, Vogel. Rami volubiles, pilis appressis plus minus hirti. Folia 3-4- pollicaria, acuminata, basi auriculis rotundatis cordata, mem- branacea, utrinque viridia, ad venas liirsuta et inter venas pilis paucis conspersa. Petioli ssepe pollicares. Stipulce fo- liacese, 3-4 lin. longse. Pedunculi fere glabri, 2-3-pollicares, apice 10-20-flori. Bradem involucrantes semipollicares, ob- tusse, 4 exteriores latissime subcordatse, interiores ovatse, membranacese, virentes v. subcolorataj. Pedicelli valde ina3- quales, uti calyces fere glabri. Calycis tubus lineam longus. 400 FLORA NIGRITIANA. lacinise 3-5, valdc inscqualcs, iiicmbranacea?, foliacejp, rubi- cuudffi, majores 6-7 lin. longre, 3 lin. latse. Corolla 8-9 liii. loiiga, alba, sJBpius pentamera, glabra, laciniis brevibus ovatis, jestivatione ut videtur valvata. Fructus \\ lin. Igngus, car- nosulus, 4-5-localaris. Peltospermum, (gen. nov.) e tribu Rondeletiarum. Calycis dentes 5, breves, persistentes. Corolke infundibuli- formis faux intus villosa, linibi lobi 5, subpatentes, sesti- vatione valvata. Stamina versus apiceni tubi inscrta, fila- mentis brevibus. Ovarium biloculare loculis pluriovulatis, disco crasso coronatum, stylo apice oblongo-clavato subin- tcgro. Capsula dicocca, coccis apice loculicidc delusccntibus. Seniina plurima, placent?e carnosa^ peltatiiu affixa, orbiculata, mavgine hyalina at non alata. — Frutex Africanus. Stipuhe utrinque solitarire lata? cuspidat?e. Panicula terminalis, raniis oppositis bifidis, tloribus secus ramulos sessilibus. 1. Peltospermum ^anicw/a^Mm, Benth. — Fernando Po, on the sea coast, Vogel ; Senegambia, Heudelot. Frutex ex Vog., arborcscens, ramis teretibus v. comprcssius- culis. novellis minute bifariam puberulis, adultis glabratis. Stipulce breves, latae, herbacere, acumine subulato brcvi cuspidatse, glabra;, deciduse v. ])otius setate obliteratfe. Folia ovato-lanceolata v. oblonga, acuta, basi cuneata, 3-4 poll, longa, merabrauacea, pennineivia, glabra v. ad venas subtus pubcrula, petiolo 3-6 lin. longo. Panicula ter- minalis, laxe thyrsoidea, semipcdalis ad pedalem, glabra v. minute pubcrula, ramis oppositis inter se distantibus vigidis 2-4-pollicaribus infra medium bifidis v. inferioribus iteruni paniculatis. Folia floralia infima interdum caulinis sub- similia, cffitcra ad bracteas rcducta. Bractea vamulorum minuta;. Flores secus ramulos 1-3-natim sessiles, uno srepc in bifurcatione alari. Calyx | lin. longus, tubo omnino adnato, limbo in dentes 5 parvos acutos Eequales diviso. Corolla 4 lin. longa, extus glabra, intus ^upra medium pilosa, tubus tenuis supra medium in faucem ampliatus; limbi FLORA NIGRITIANA. 401 lacinise breves, acutfe, vix patenteSj intus extnsque glabrse, apice brevissirae inflexo-mucvonatse. Anthera parvfe, versus apicera tubi (ad basin faucis) subsessiles, omnino inclusse. Stylus apice dilatatas in massam oblongam vix brevissirae emargi- natam. Cajisnla subglobosa, dura, 1^-2 lin. longa, dentibus calycinis coronata, maturitate septicide bipartita, coccis apice breviter transversim deliiscentibus. Placetifa dissepimento peltatim affixse, crassse, carnos?e. Semina in quaque placenta circa 15, semiimmersa, irregulariter orbiculato-depressa, testa membranacea in niarginem periphericam hyalinam sed crassi- usculam nee vere alseformem dilatata. Embryo brevis. The affinity of this genus with Lerchea is evident, but independently of the great difference in habit and inflo- rescence, the fruit of Lerchea consists rather of the in- dehiscent cocci of Metabolos and Gonzalea than of the dehiscent capsules of the majority of Rondeletiecs, and the included stamens, the seeds and placentation will supply suf- ficient distinctive characters between the two genera; whilst those indicated by Bennett as separating Lerchea from TVend- landia and other Rondeletiea, M'ill also serve to separate Pelto- spermum from them. The margin of the seed shows (at least in the dry state) an approach to the wings of some Cinchoneous seeds, but less decided than in several plants retained among Rondeletiea. The inflorescence of our genus is that of Bertiera, but the carpological, as well as floral characters, are very different. 1. y'lYecidi procumbens, Sm. — Sierra Leone, Don. Of the Virecta muWflora, Sm., I have a Sierra Leone spe- cimen, but not from either of the collections now described. The V. paniculata, Don, from Sierra Leone, is not in his her- barium under that name, and probably does not belong to the genus. V. ela/ior, DC, from Angola, is unknown to me, and may possibly be a Pentas. The Argostemma pumilum, Benn., from Sierra Leone, is not in our collections. 1. Tenths parviflora, Benth. in Bot. Mag. sub t. 4086. — Accra, VogeL D D 402 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Rami volubiles, novelli pilis paucis brevibns siibglandulosis bir- tellij demum glabrati. Stipules brevitcr vaginantes, setis utrinque 2-3 glandulosis. Folia 2-3 poll, longa^ circa pol- licem lata, acutiuscule acuminata, basi in petiolum brevem angustata, membranacea, utrinque \aridia, subtus pallidiora, supra pilis brevibus raris conspersa, subtus ad costas pinnatas elevatas pubescentia, inter costas subavenia, glabra. Cym<2 terminales, pedunculatse v. rarius foliis floralibus 2 stipatse quam folia caulina niulto angustioribus. Flores secus cymse ramos breves subfasciculatos subsessiles. Bractece parvse, lanceolatse. Calycis extus glanduloso-hirtelli tubus semi- lineam longus, limbi laciuice 6, lineares, subfoliacese, ina?- quales, majores lineam longse. Corolla, ex Vog. coerulescens, extus glabra; tubus 3 lin. longus, intus supra medium bar- batus, cseterum glaber ; lacinise 5, vix | lin. longa), acutius- culse, utrinque glabrae, sestivatione valvata v. vix leviter imbri- cata. Stamina tubo inclusa, in parte superiore intra pilos inserta, filamentis brevibus, antheris linearibus medifixis. Ovarium biloculare, placentis peltatis, ovulis numerosis non immersis. Stylus apice clavatus, bifidus. Capsula septicide breviter divisa, coccis intus apice debiscentibus. Semina angulata. This genus was founded on the Pentas carnea of our gardens, the origin of which is unknown, but is most probably Tropical African. Two other W. African species, Vireda elatior, DC, from Angola, and Hedyotis pentandra, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, have been referred to the same genus, though with some doubt. 1. Kohautia n^irfa, Benth. ; ramis trichotomis fasciculatis di- varicatis, foliis anguste linearibus obtusis, stipulis vaginanti- bus breviter setiferis v. nudis^ floribus trichotome corymbosis, corollse lobis oblongo-linearibus, capsula dentes calycinos su- perante. — West Africa, south of the Line, Curror. Caules rigidi, cphedroidei, ramuli sfepe fasciculati, foliis abortivis intermixtis. Folia pauca, distantia, l-l^-poUicaria, crassius- cula, avenia. Inflorescentia K. grandiflora, sed flores minores K. strictce. Calyx turbinatus, semilineam longus, dentibus FLORA NIGRITIANA. 403 latis obtusiusculis. Corolla intus extusque glabra; tubus fere 5 lin. longus, tenuis, superne abrupte ampliatus et sub limbo constrictus ; limbi laciuite 1 \ lin. longse, sestivatione levissinie imbricatse. Capsula compresso-globosa, calycis tubo omniuo adnato fere duplo longior, apice loculicide dehiscens, ad medium deutibus calycinis parvis circumdata. Semina plurima (in quoque loculo 8-10), placentis crassius- culis semiimmersa, ovoidea, lateraliter affixa. 2. Kohaut'ia parvijlora, Benth. ; foliis lineari-subulatis margine subrevolutis, stipulis vaginantibus utrinque bisetis, floribus secus ramos paniculse 2-3-cliotomos breviter pedicellatis sub- fasciculatis, corollae parvse laciniis oblongis, calycis dentibus acutissimis capsulam superantibus. — Attah and Accra, Vogel, Ansell, Don. Caules ramosissimi, erecti, virgati, graciles, glabri. Folia tenuia, rigidula, majora pollicaria, pleraque multo minora. Inflo- rescentia irregulariter fasciculato-corymbosa, pedicellis ultimis ssepius calyce brevioribus v. paullo longioribus. Denies ca- lycini tubo calycis florentis turbinato longiores, acutissimi. Corolla vix 2 lin. longa, laciniis limbi sestivatione subvalvatis, cseterum uti antherse et stylus omnino Kohautics. Capsula compressa-globosa, subdidyma, vix apice brevissime libera, dentibus calycinis acutissimis distantibus coronata, loculicide bivalvis. Placenlce crassiusculse, seminibus numerosis angu- latis semiimmersis. This may possibly be the Hedyotis strida, Sm., from Sierra Leone, but it certainly is not the Kohautia stricta, DC, from Senegal, which that author describes as having the tube of the corolla 5 lines long. Besides the K. stricta, there are three other W. African species known, all from Senegal, viz. : K. grandiflora, DC, K. Senegalensis, Cham. Schl,, and an undescribed small-flowered one. 1. Oldenlandia virgata, DC Prod. 4. p. 425. — Accra, Don; Sierra Leone. 2. Oldenlandia herbacea, DC Prod. 4. p. 455 ? var. csespitosa, D D 2 404 FLORA NIGR1TIA.NA. procumbens. — Cape Pahnas, Voyel. — A small plant, with the habit of O.pumila, but with the capsules of O. het'bacea and corymbosa. I have not been able to find any flowers. The «pecies to which I have referred it is apparently £i common one in Tropical countries. 3. Oldenlandia corymbosa, Lam. — DC. Prod. 4. p. 426. — In various parts along the coast and on the Niger. — It is another of the common Tropical weeds. The lower part of the plant in the African specimen is sometimes hairy, and the stipules vary much in length. 4. Oldenlandia laxijlora, Benth. ; glaberrima, caule elongato, foliis subsessilibus oblongis lanceolatisve uninervibus flaccidis, pedunculis axillaribus elongatis apice laxe dichotomis, calycis fructiferi truncati dentibus 4 parvis remotis. — On the Nun Rivei', Vogel. Caules flaccidi, pluripedales. Folia 2-3 poll, longa, \-\ poll, lata, tenuia, Isetevirentia. Stipule vaginantes, truncatfe, nud^e V. utrinque 1-2-seta?. Pediinculi axillares, 5-2-polli- cares, apice dichotomi, ramis divaricatis, pedicellis ultimis 3 lin. longis unifloris. Corollas non vidi. Calyces fructiferi 1^ lin. longi, paullo latiores, lateraliter compressi, apice trun- <;ati, dentibus parvis acutis. Capsida calyce paullo brevior, apice rima loculicida dehiscens. This appears to have some affinity with 0. macrophylla and 0. pentandra, but the former is described as having the pe- duncles racemiferous, with opposite pedicels, and the latter as being pentamerous, on which account it may possibly be a species of Pentas, although the number of parts is not the character to be relied on for the distinction of the latter genus. Besides the four species above enumerated, seven species of Oldenlandia are described as West African, viz. : O. sabulosa, DC, O. riparia, DC, O. linearis, DC, and 0. macrophylla, Lepr. Perr., from Senegal ; 0. lancifolia, DC, O. longifolia, DC, and 0. pentandra, DC, from Guinea ; but these annual weeds vary so much in appearance, according to age, season, or station, that it is very probable a more careful investigation would much reduce the supposed number of species. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 405 There is also one true Hedyotis, from Senegambia; H. Goreensis, DC. Otomeria, (gen. nov.) e tribu Hedyotidearum. Char. Gen. — Calycis tubus oblongus, limbus 4-5-partitus, la- cinia altera foliacea cseteris multo longiore. Corolla tubus filiformis, apice paullo dilatatus, ad faucem intus pilosus, limbi laciniis 5 lineari-oblongis, gestivatione imbricata. An- thers lineares, intra villos faucis subsessiles. Stylus disco carnoso impositus, filiformis^ apice vix brevissime bifidus. Ovarium biloculare^ loculis multiovulatis. Capsula oblonga, calycis laciniis coronata^ submembranaceo-dicocca, coccis intus longitudinaliter dehiscentibus placentas lineares denudanti- bus. Semina plurima ovoidea v. angulata. — Habitus Otio- phora. 1. Otomeria Guineensis, Benth. — Grand Bassa^ Vogel, Ansell. Svffrutex ramosus, bipedalis; ramis herbaceis teretibus v. obsolete tetragonis^ prsesertim ad nodos pilosis, demum gla- bratis. Vagince stipulares brevissimse, divisse in lacinias ciliseformes pilosas utrinqiie circa 6. Folia petiolata, 1-1 1- poUicaria, ovata, acutiuscula, basi cuneata, membranacea, penninervia, ad costas petiolosque parce pilosa, caeterum glabra. Spicce terminales, solitariae v. ternse, semipedales, glabrse v. minute puberulse, interrupte multiflorse. Flares secus rhachin geminatim sessiles, fasciculis alternis, in spica juniore ap- proximatis, demum remotis, bracteis minutis fultis. Calycis tubus glaber, per anthesin lineam longus, lacinia maxima 2 lin. longa, oblonga v. lanceolata, viridis, glabra, cseterse multo minores, dentiformes, inter se insequales, una ssepe deficiente. Corolla tubus tenuissimus, 3 lin. longus, extus subglaber; limbi lacinise vix lineam longse, extus hir- tellse, intus glabrae. Capsula 2 lin. longa, lateraliter sulcata. Semina in quoque loculo ]0-20, mutua pressione difFormia, testa tenui foveolato-exculpta, albumine carnoso, embiyone recto. This curious genus has so exactly the peculiar inflorescence 406 FLORA NIGRITIANA. and flowers of Otiophora, Zucc, (from Madagascar), that I could scarcely convince myself that it was really distinct without the examination of a considerable number of ovaria and capsules of both plants, the one being constantly polyspermous, and therefore a Hedyotidea, whilst the other has the monospcrmous cocci of Spermacoceoi. 1. Morinda quadrangularis, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 545. — Sierra Leone, Do7i, Vogel. This is a true Morinda, with the leaves nearly of M. citrifolia, and is allied to that species, but is remarkable by the quadran- gular branches and compressed peduncles. The heads of flowers are also much smaller than in M. citrifolia. 2. Morinda lucida, Benth. ; arborea, glaberrima, ramis subte- retibus, foliis brevissime petiolatis ovalibus nitidulis, stipulis abbreviatis, pedunculis oppositifoliis subternis compressius- culis, capitulis parvis globosis. — On the Quorra and Fernando Po, Vogel. Folia fere M. citrifolia, 5-6-pollicaria, sed petiolus vix 2-2^ liu. longus et consistentia forte subcarnosa. Stipulce in ramulis novellis brevissimsc, lat?e, subbifidse, mox fere oblite- ratas, Pedunculi tenues, sesquipollicares. Capitula quam in M. citrifolia multo minora. Baccce in capitulo paucae, omnino connata^ in syncarpium subglobosum 8-9 lin. dia- metro, singulse 4-pyrcnse, pyrenis monospermis. 3. Morinda longifiora, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 555. — Sierra Leone, Don. Frutex scandens, ramulis floriferis supra-axillaribus oppositis. Pedunculi in axillis oppositi, et ad apices ramulorum terni, breves, 3-5-flori. Ovaria connata, 4-loculariaj loculis uni- ovulatis. Calycis limbus cupularis, truncatus, ovario a3qui- longus. Corolla fere bipollicaris. Another specimen, gathered by Vogel in Fernando Po, looks very much like Don's plant, but it is in leaf only, with the remains of fruit-bearing peduncles. One of these peduncles has at its extremity a singular peltate expansion, the nature of which does not clearly ajipear. Three other published Morinda are from W, Tropical Africa: FLORA NIGRITIANA. 407 M. geminata, DC, from Senegal, which appears to diflfer from M. lucida chiefly by its pubescence ; M. palmetorum, DC, from Senegal, and M. chrysorhiza, DC, from Guinea, which latter is very near to M. quadrangularis. 1. Cuviera acutiflora, DC Prod. 4. p. 468. — Sierra Leone, Don, Whitfield; Grand Bassa, Vogel. Folia alia 4-6 poll, lata, subsessilia ; alia longiora, angustiora, distincte petiolata, omnia coriacea, basi subsequalia et acuta. Cymce dichotomse, paniculseformes, multiflorse, in axillis su- perioribus v. ad apices ramulorura opposita?, breviter pedun- culatse. Br acted lineares, basi angustatfe, 3-6 lin. longse. Flores sessiles. Calycis lacinise 3-4 lin. longse, bracteis similes. Corolla tubus 2 lin. latus, late turbinatus, intus extusque glaber nisi intus medio pilis paleaceis reflexis densis annulatus; lacinise 4 lin. longse, lanceolatse, subulato- acutissimse, rigidulse, aestivatione valvata, per anthesin reflexse. Antherce parvse, oblongse, mediantibus filamentis brevibus ad sinus laciniarum corollse affixse, per anthesin extus reflexfe. Ovarium 5-loculare, ovulis solitariis, infra apicem affixis, pendulis. Drupa ovoidea, 9-10 lin. longa, obtuse pentagona, calycis laciniis coronata, intus pentapyrena. 2. Cuviera subuliflora, Benth. ; foliis oblongis basi obliquis subcordatis, cymis axillaribus subsessilibus floribundis, corollse laciniis longissime subulato-acuminatis. — Fernando Po, on the sea shore, and, apparently the same species, at Aboh, growing in the water, Vogel. Frutex arborescens, totus glaber, ramulis Isevibus subteretibus. Folia subsessilia, semipedalia ad pedalia, breviter acuminata, basi valde obliqua lata v. angustata et plus minus semicor- data, consistentia chartacea v. vix coriacea. Stipula latae, connatse, in specimine plerseque jam detritse. Cymce panicu- Iseformes, bre\iores confertiores et sessiliores quam in C. acu- tiflora. Bractece et lacinise calycinse multo longiores et acutiores, post anthesin accretse ; lacinias vidi calycinas usque ad pollicem longas et bracteas sesquipollicares, per anthesin tamen breviores et angustiores sunt. Corolhe, in specimiui- bus male desiccatse, iis C. aculifloroi paullo minorcs sunt, 408 FLORA NIGRITIANA. laciniis tamen acuuiine subulato 3-4 lin. longo terminatis. Annulus interims tubi e paleis brevibus retlexis constat. Stamina versus apicem tubi inserta, antheris ovato-oblongis connective acuminatis. Ovarium S-loculare^ ovulis solitariis pendulis. Stigma C. acutiflorce. The Pachystiyma venosum, Hochst., from South-east Africa, appears to be a third species of Cuviera, a genus which comes very near to Vangueria and Canthium, as well in inflorescence, aestivation, style and ovules, as in the curious ring of reflexed, often scaly hairs, in the tube of the corolla. The Ancylanthus rubiginosus, Desf., from Angola, is not among our collections. 1. Vangueria? canthioides, Benth. ; incrmis, pubescenti-hirta, foliis ovatis oblongisve acuminatis basi rotundatis, cymis bre- vissime pedunculatis subtrifloris, corollfe pentamerse tubo supra medium annulato. — Sierra Leone, Don. Habitus fere Canthii discoloris, sed ovarii loculi 4 v. rarius 3. Ramuli pihs brevibus rufis hirti. Folia vix bipollicaria, ob- tuse acuminata, subtus paUida, utrinque pilis brevibus hirtella. Flores breviter pedicellati. Calyx hirtellus, f lin. longus, limbo brevissimo 5-dentato. Corolla extus glaber; tubus calyce duplo longior, intus supra medium pilis longis reflexis paleaceis annulatus ; limbi lacinife glabrae, reflexae, tubo vix breviores. Stylus apice globoso-capitatus, obsolete 4-den- tatus. As Vangueria and Canthium are only known from each other, when in flower, by the number of cells of the ovary, this plant must, in the absence of fruit, be referred to the former genus, although in habit it comes so very near to some Canthia. 1. Canthium horizontale, Benth. — Phallaria horizon talis, Schum. et T/ionn. Beskr. p. 112. — Cape Coast, Vogel ; Guinea. Although I have not seen Thonning's specimens, his descrip- tion indicates most clearly a Canthium, and Vogel's single specimen, although in fruit only, agrees with it as far as it goes. Like the rest of the genus, the fruit is generally very oblique, and reduced to a single cell, although occasionally a perfect didymous two-celled berry is met with. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 409 2. Canthium discolor, Benth. ; inerme v. rarius spinosum, foliis ovatis oblongisve acuminatis basi cuneatis subtus pallidis ad venas raruulisque novellis riifo-pubescentibus, cymis pedun- culatis ramosis multifloris, corollse pentamerse tubo ad me- dium anniilato. — Sierra Leone, Don, Vogel. Specimina inermia, ramo vmico vetustiore excepto^ cui spinse axillares oppositse divaricatse 8-10 lin. longse (pedunculi abor- tivi ?) ; partes novelli pube brevi rufescunt, adulti glabrati. Folia subbipollicaria v. raro longiora, acumine brevi obtuso, basi acuta v. obtusiuscula at minime cordata, consistentia membranaceo-cbartacea^ supra siccitate fusca, subtus pallida sublutescentia, reticulato-venosa ; petiolo bilineari. Stipulce e basi latiuscula subulatse, 1-3 lin. longse. Cym(e breviter pe- dunculatfe, multiflorse^ dimidium folii sub?equantes. Calycis limbus 5-fidus, lobis parvis ovatis obtusiusculis patentibus. Corolla 2 lin. longa, tubuloso-campanulata, intus versus medium pilis reflexis subpaleaceis annulata, caeterum intus extusque glabra, lobis 5 reflexis dimidium tubi sequantibus, sestivatione valvata. Stylus exsertus, apice nodoso-incrassatus, summo apice minute bifidus et stigmatosus, sub stigmata ap- pendice mitrseformi auctus. Fructus ut in affinibus nunc didymus, nunc loculo altero abortiente dimidiatus, obliquus. I should have taken this for the Phallaria spinosa, Schum. et Thonn.j but that the two branches of each cyme are said to be in that plant simplicissimi, and the leaves are described as larger. 3. Canthium hispidum, Benth. ; foliis brevissime petiolatis cor- dato-ovatis oblongisve ramulisque pilis longis sparsis hispidis, cymis brevissime pedunculatis dense multiiloris, calyce trun- cato vix dentato, corollse tubo laciniis longiore. — Sierra Leone, Don. Ramidi volubiles, pilis longis fuscis patentibus hirti. Folia ma- jora 4-pollicaria, late cordato-ovata, ramealia ssepe vix pollice longiora, basi leviter cordata v. rotundata, omnia acuminata, supra siccitate nigricantia, pilis longis conspersa, subtus pallida pilis rarioribus. Stipulae breves, cuspidatse, hir- 410 FLORA NIGRITIANA. sutse, caducse. Inflorescentia C. Cornelia, v. cynije brevius pedunculatse. Calyces parvi^ dense villosi. Corolloi 3 lin. longse, S-merse, extus glabrae, intus more affinium pilis longis paleaceis reflexis annulatse. Ovarii loculi 2. Fructus non vidi. 4. Canthium anomocarpum, DC. Prod. 4. p. 475. — Niger Ex- pedition, without the exact locality, Vogel; Senegal. Vogel's specimens have smaller and more shining leaves than the Senegambian ones, but both appear to belong to one species, both agreeing with De Candolle's characters, and having the young shoots compressed, the stipules narrow, rigid and acute, the cymes reduced to a head or umbel, either all but sessile, or borne on a peduncle about a line long. The fruit- bearing pedicels are from half an inch to an inch long, but from the remains of flowers, it is evident that they were much shorter at an earlier stage. The fruit is usually dimidiate, as described by De Candolle, yet occasionally a perfect didymous one may be observed. The remaining W. Tropical African species of Canthium are : C. Cornelia, Cham. Schl., C. subcordatum, DC, and C. Sene- galense, A. Rich., {Plectronia hirsuta, DC.) from Senegambia ; C. Thonningii, {Phallaria spinosa, Schum. et Thonn.), from Guinea, and two undescribed species in Heudelot's Senegambian collection. The genus Canthium should without doubt be placed next to Vangueria and Cuviera, in the subtribe for which I have pro- posed the name of Vanguieriea ; as a genus, it should probably include (as partly suggested by Arnott and others) Plectronia, Linn., Psydrax, G?ertn., Dondisia, DC, Phallaria, Schum. et Thonn., Mitrastigma, Harv., Psilostema, Klotzsch., and Chio- cocca barbata, Forst. On the other hand, Kraussia, Harv., {Carpothalis, E. Mey.), referred to Canthium by Endlicher, is very different, both in the estivation of the corolla and the form of the fruit. Mitriostigma, Hochst., again, diflfcrs still more widely, being a Gardenieous genus, closely allied to Fernelia, notwithstanding the character assigned to it bv FLORA NIGRITIANA. 411 Hochstetter, which can only be explained by the supposition that he had unfortunately examined flowers and fruit belonging to widely different genera. Craterispermum, (nov. gen.) e subtribu Vanguieriearum. €har. Gen. — Calycis linibus brevis, subsinuatus. Corollte tubus brevis, limbi lacinise 5, inflexo-acuminatre, sestivatione indu- plicato-valvata. Stamina ad faucem inserta ; filamenta brevia, antherse oblongse, subexsertse. Stylus apice clavatus sub- integer. Ovarium biloculare, ovulis solitariis ab apice loculi pendulis. Bacca globosa, Isevis, abortu (an constanter ?) unilocularis, monosperma. Semen pendulum, hemisphseri- cum, extus Iseve, intus excavatum fere pateriforme, albumine carnoso-subcorneo, embryone parvo. — Frutex Africanus, cy- mis densis multifloris axillaribus pedunculatis. 1 . Craterispermum laurinum, Benth. — Coffea laurina, Smeathm., DC. Prod. 4. p. 499. — Sierra Leone, Don, Vogel. Frutex glaberrimus, siccitate flavicans. Ramuli crassi, novelli compressiusculi. Folia 5-6-pollicaria, obovali-oblonga, bre- vissime et obtusa acuminata, basi in petiolum longe angus- tata, rigida, coriacea, reticulato-venosa. Stipula latse, sub- connatse, acutiusculse, cauli adpressse. Pedunculi axillares v. supra-axillares, ancipites, \-\ poll, longi, apice cymam densam subcapitatam ferentes, ramis brevissimis crassis compressis. Flares arete sessiles, ad apices ramulorum cymse dense aggre- gati. Calyx semilineam longus. Corolla fere Psychotrice, li lin. longa, (apertam tamen non vidi) ; tubus brevis, intus fere usque ad faucem glaber et nudus, fauce laciniisque intus villosulis. Bacca subexsucca, pisiformis, siccitate viridi-fla- vescens, 2-3 lin. diamctro, calycis vestigiis oblique umbilicata. Semen loculum fere implens ; albumen sectione transversali hippocrepicum. With the flower of a Psychotria, and the fruit nearly that of Chasalia, this plant has the axillary inflorescence and pendulous ovules of the Vanguieriece. From Coffea, to which it had been referred from imperfect examination, it differs in several es- sential characters, both in the flower and fruit. 412 FLORA NIGRITIANA. * Cremaspora, (geu. nov.) Char. gen. — Calycis limbus campanulatus, 5-dentatus. Corolla hirta, intus ad faucem leviter pilosa ; tubus brevis ; limbi patentis lacinise 5, oblongse, ^estivatione imbricata. Stamina ad apicem tubi inserta, filameutis brevibus, antheris oblongo- lincaribus. Stylus birtellus apice (integer?) acutiusculus. Ovarium biloculare, ovulis solitariis ex apice loculi pendulis. Bacca ovoidea^ Isevis. Semen abortu (an constanter ?) soli- tarium, Iseve, raphe distincto percursum, albumiue corneo baud excavato, embryone parvo. — Frutex ? Africana, floribus parvis, in capitula axillaria subsessilia confertis, bracteis in- termixtis. 1. Cremaspora Africana, Benth. — Coffea hirsuta, G. Don, Gard. Did. 3. p. 581.— Sierra Leone, Don; also apparently the same species in the Island of Zanzibar, on the S. E. coast of Africa, Helsing. and Bojer. Ramuli pubescentes v. hirtelli. Stipules utrinque solitariae, e basi dilatata subulatse, deciduse, 1-3 lin. longse. Folia ovata V. oblongo-elliptica, 3-4 poll, longa, breviter acuminata, basi rotundata v. acutata, supra glabra, nitidula, subtus praesertim ad venas hirtella, petiole brevi hirtello v. pubescente. Flores vix petioles exccdunt, uti bractcte dense sericeo-villosi. Calyx vix 2 lin. lengus, dentibus acutis erectis. Corolla calyce subduplo longior, Antherce corolla brevieres. Bacca 4 lin. longa, calycis vestigiis coronata, abortu (in specimine exami- nato) unilocularis, monosperma. Semen Iseve, ad latus in- terius raphe tenui percursum. Although Don's specimens are very imperfect, they are suffi- cient to show great discrepancies from the character of Coffea^ to which genus he had referred them. The structure of both flower and fruit, confirmed by very good Zanzibar flowering specimens in the Hookerian Herbarium of what appears to be the same species, shows great affinity to Kraussia, also a S. African plant, but the form of the fruit, as well as some peculiarities in the calyx and style, and the general habit, have induced me to establish it as a distinct genus. It is not im- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 413 posible, however, that the discovery of other species, or a better knowledge of the present one, may hereafter render it necessary to unite Cremaspora with Kraiissia. 1. Baconia corymhosa, DC. Prod. 4. p. 485. — Sierra Leone, Whitfield; Senegal. The Senegambian collection contains also a second unpub- lished species, with nearly sessile leaves. The genus has the imbi-icate aestivation and terminal inflorescence of Ixora and Pavetta, but the ovules are attached much higher up in the cells, so as to be nearly pendulous, besides the slight differences in the flower pointed out by De Candolle. 1. Coffca Arabica, Linn. — C. stenophylla, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 581. — Commonly cultivated along the coast, and also perhaps indigenous. The Coffee plant appears to be very variable in the size and form of its leaves. A specimen of VogeFs, cultivated at Cape Palmas, (with the observation that it is wald in Monrovia), has the leaves 10 inches long and 4 inches broad. In Don's C. ste- nophylla, from Sierra Leone, they are 4 or 5 inches long, by about 1^ broad, with rather long points. Other specimens are intermediate, and some even have them still narrower than Don's. The genus, confined to its proper limits, has the sesti- vation and placentation of Ixora and Pavetta, with an axillary inflorescence and a peculiar seed. The Coffea microcarpa, DC, from Senegambia, if a true Coffea, is unknown to me. 1. Ixora brachypoda, DC. Prod. 4. p. 488. — Sierra Leone, Grand Bassa, Cape Palmas, &c., Vogel, Don, and others ; Senegal. Folia valde variabilia, pleraque descr. CandoUei conforniia, summa ssepe minora, subsessilia, basi late rotundata, ramealia interdum angusta, basi et apice acuta, longius petiolata. Co- rymbus laxus, terminalis, pedunculo foliis breviorev. longiore. Calycis denies brevissimi. Corolla alba, apice rosea ; tubus 9-10 lin. longus, limbi lacinise acutiusculse, oblongo-lineares, glabrae v. vix pilis paucissimis hirtella;, more generis sestiva- tione contorto-imbricatse. Fructus globosus, pisiformis. 414 FLORA NIGRITIANA. The Lvora laxiflora, Sm., which I have from an old Sierra Leone collection, is very much like the above, but the stipules are much smaller, and the lobes of the corolla are more or less haiiy on the upper side. 2. Ixora Gumeensis, Benth. ; glabra, foliis breviter pctiolatis elliptico-oblongis vix acuminatis subcoriaceis laevibus, co- rymbo subsessili foliis multo breviore, calycis limbo truncato subintegerrimo, corollse laciniis tubi dimidio subbrevioribus. — Guinea coast, [Herb. Hook.) Specimen imperfectum, Pavettis nonnullis simile, sed stylus apice bifidus. Stipula breviter vaginantes, in speciraine fere destructse. Folia 5-6 lin. longa, 2 poll, lata, consistentia coriacea, et minus venosa quam in plerisque locoris. Petioli marginati, 3-4 lin. longi. Corijmbus trichotomus, ramis com- pressis. Corolla tubus 7 lin. longus, lacinise glabra3 3 lin. longfe, Fructus non vidi. 1. Pavetta Oioariensis, Pal. de Beauv. ? Fl. Oiv. et Ben. \. p. 87. t. 52. — On the Quorra, Vogel ; Oware, Beauvois. Specimina fructifera tantum adsunt, tota siccitate luride virentia. Ramuli juniores compressi. Stipiilce latfe, acuminat?e, cras- siusculffi; paucissimse tamen in speciminibus supersunt. Folia 4-6 poll, longa, 2-3 poll, lata, basi in petiolum sub- pollicarem augustata, subcoriacea, la^via, pennincrvia, obscure venulosa. Corymbus foliis summis multo brevior, pcdunculo 3-6 lin. longo compresso, ramulis trichotomis pariter com- pressis, pedicellis ultimis superne incrassatis (fructiferis) 2-3 lin. longis. BacccB ovoideo-oblongse, 3-4 lin. longre, encrves, calyce minuto coronatse, at nondum maturse. Flares non vidi. 2. Pavetta neurocarpa, Benth. ; glabra, stipulis caducis, foliis pctiolatis elliptico-oblongis anguste acuminatis basi acutis, corymbis terminalibus subsessilibus, baccis depresso-globosis tenuiter costatis. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Specimina omnia fructifera, primo intuitu iis P. Owariensis simillima, sed fructus forma distincta. Folia 6-8 poll, longa, circa 3 poll, lata, apice abrupte producta in acumen angustum acutissimum 6-8 lin. longum, basi srepius imeqiialia sub- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 415 coriacea nitidula, nervis pinnatis subtus prominulis, petiolo 1-1 poll, longo. Stipule ovatffi^ cito deciduse. Inflorescentia P. Owariensis, at pedunculas brevior, interdum subnullus. Flores desunt. Baccce exsuccse, fere 4 lin. diametro^ latera- liter subcompressse, in vivo ex Vog. albidse^ calycis vestigiis umbilicatse, costis 8 tenuibus percursse, pericarpio tenui, intus biloculares dispermse. Semina hemispha3rica, intus plana et medio dissepimento affixa, extus convexa Irevia, testa tenui, albumine carnoso-corneo intus excavato. Embryo parvus. 3. Pavetta genipafolia, Sebum, et Tbonn. Beskr. p. 78. — Sierra Leone and Cape Coast, Vogel -, Guinea. These specimens also are in fruit only, they agree, however, with Tlionning's description. The old leaves become smooth even underneath in some specimens, in others they are pubescent underneath. The corymb is dense, but when in fruit cannot be called globose. The seeds are hemispheerical, plane on the inner surface, with the albumen hollowed out as in P. neuro- carpa. 4. Pavetta ? Icevis, Benth. ; glaberrima, foliis longiuscule petio- latis ellipticis oblongisve breviter acuminatis basi longe an- gustatis coriaceis Isevibus, pedunculis axillaribus petiolo lon- gioribus laxe trichotomis multifloris. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Frutex in omni parte glaberrimus, Isevis ; ramulis teretibus v. ad nodos compressis. Stipulee triangulares, acutse v. biden- tatse, cito destructse. Folia 6-8-pollicaria, paucivenia, cras- siuscula, costa media subtus lata prominula, marginibus sub- tus recurvis. Pedunculi ssepius ex una tantum axilla orti, (an potius terminales ramo axillari excurrente ?) 2-3-pollicares, angulati, apice in ramos tres laxe plurifloros divisi. Flores mihi desunt. Baccce in vivo rubrse, magnitudine Pisi, semi- nibus hemisphsericis, albumine intus non excavato. 5. Pavetta ? ienuifolia, Benth. ; glaberrima, foliis petiolatis ovalibus v. oblongo-ellipticis breviter et obtuse acuminatis basi angustatis membranaceis, pedunculis axillaribus petiolo bre- vioribus trichotomis multifloris. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Prsecedenti affinis, sed folia membranacea, petiolis brevioribus. 416 FLORA NIGRITIANA. venis magis approximatis ; pedunculi raulto breviores et flores confertiores. Baccce ex Vog. pariter rubr?e. The two last species differ in some respects from the gene- rality of the genus, for the inflorescence is apparently axillary, and the albumen is not excavated on the inner face. There are no flowers to enable me to ascertain whether there may not be other differences. The other West Tropical African species known are : P. Smeathmanni, DC, from Sierra Leone, which appears to be nearly allied to the two last, P. pnrviflora, Afz., and P. siib- glabra, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, and P. canescens, DC, from Angola. Some of these plants may, howevez-, possibly be referrible to Stylocoryne. 1. Rutidea parviflora, DC. Prod. 4. p. 495. — Sierra Leone, Don, IVhitfield ; Cape Palmas, Vogel ; Senegal. Frutex scandens. Folia 2-4-pollicaria, acuminata, infra medium angustata, basi obtusa v. subcordata, breve petiolata. Corolla sestivatio imbricata. Ovarium uniloculare, o\'ulis geminis e basi cavitatis ascendentibus. Fructus luteus, magnitudine Pisi. AVith the flowers nearly of a Pavetta, but pentamerous and smaller, this plant has the ovary of a Faramea, and an albumen much more ruminate than in any Grumilia. 1. Grumilia psychotrioides, DC. Prod. 4. p. 495. — On the Niger, at Aboh, V^ogel ; Senegal. — These specimens, like those described by De Candolle, are in young fruit only, and afford no farther illustration of the real affinity of the plant. 1. Chasalia ? laxiflora, Benth. ; glabra, (scandens?), stipulis brevibus truncatis subconnatis, foliis oblongis acuminatis basi acutis, panicula laxa terminali pauciflora, bracteis sub- nullis, calycis limbo minute dentato disco oblongo multo breviore. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Grand Bassa, Ansell. Frutex videtur, ex omni parte glabcrrimus, ramis volubilibus teretibus Isevibus. Stipulce brevissimse, membranacese, cauli appressse, cito decidure v. destructor. Folia 3-4-pollicaria, nunc anguste oblonga, nunc elliptica, v. fere ovata et obovata, longiuscule acuminata, basi angustata, petiolo subsemipollicari. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 417 Panicnla terminalis^ pedunculata, foliis paiillo longior v. brevior, glabra, raraulis brevibus oppositis subcompressis cymoso-paucifloris. Bractece ad squamas minimas reductse, V. rarius par foliorum floralium adest sub ramis infimis pani- culfe. Pedicelli liueam longi, cum ovario et calyce continui. Calycis limbus minutus, deutibus acutis vix conspicuis. Corollee tubus 4-5 lin. longus, angulatus, extus glaber, intus basi glaber, ad faucem pilis paucis viUosulus ; limbi lacinise oblougse, crassiusculse, apice inflexse, sestivatione induplicato-valvatse. Stamina supra medium tubi inserta; filamenta brevia ; antherse longe lineares, medifixje, tubo inclusse v. vix exsertse. Discus epigynus oblougus, trun- catus, fere | lin. longus. Stylus apice bifidus, lobis com- planatis summo apice triangularibus stigmatosis. Ovarium biloculare, ovulis e basi loculorum erectis solitariis. Altbougb I have not seen the fruit of this species, I have little hesitation in referring it to that group of Chasalice which includes a number of East Indian plants hitherto placed in Psychotria, although differing both in flower and fruit from the genuine Psycliotrice, whether East Indian or American. They all agree with Chasalia in the lengthened tube of the corolla, and the smooth fruit, with the albumen exceedingly hollowed out on the inner face : they only differ, indeed, from the Mau- ritius specimens by their laxer habit and more slender flowers.* 2. Chasalia parviflora, Benth. ; glabra, stipulis brevibus con- natis brevissime acuminatis, foliis oblongis acuminatis basi acutis, corymbo terminali multifloro, floribus aggregatis. • Amongst the East Indian species which should be thus transferred to Chasalia may be mentioned Psychotria ophioxy hides. Wall., P. ctcrvi- Jlora, Wall., P. ambigua, Weight et Am., n. 8358, 8361, 8363 and 8390, of WaUich's Catalogue, and n. 2317 of Cuming's Malacca plants. The P. adenophylla. Wall., and n. 8345 of his Catalogue are Grumilice, but P. elliptica, Roxb., (P. Reevesii, Lindl.), appears to me to be rather a true Psychotria. Ptederia ternata. Wall., Psychotria oxyphylla. Wall., and n. 8342 and 8389 of Wallich's Catalogue, seem to be species of Geertnera. E E 418 FLORA NTGRITIANA. calycis limbo brevissimo truncate disco late depresso breviore. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Frutex mediocris, ramis debilibus. Stipulce in cupulam latam brevem et brevissime bifidam connatse^ ramo haud-appressse. Folia 2-3-pollicaria, membranacea, acumiue vulgo brevi, basi in petiolum 3-6 lin. longum angustata. Peduncidi termi- nales, pollicares, trichotomi, ad ramos inferiores sjepius fo- liorum floralium pare unico bracteati^ ramulis brevibus, flo- ribus ad apices ultimorum subcapitato-congestis, corjanbo toto foliis multo breviore. Corolla tubus 1^ lin. longus, limbo 5-partito, lobis late oblongis glabris tubo suo duplo breviori- bus, sestivatione ut videtur valvata, flores tamen vix perfectos vidi. Bacca, adbuc immatura, globosa, Isevis, 2 lin. dia- metro, calycis vestigiis umbilicata, dipyrena. Semina ut in speciebus Asiaticis hemispbferica videntur et albumine excavato concavo-pateriformia, sed matura milii desunt. 1. Psychotria? reptans, Bentli. ; caule lignoso reptante v. scandente, ramis brevibus erectis birsutis, foliis oblongis acuminatis subglabris, stipulis utrinque in unam magnam cordatam bifidam subconnatis, paniculis pedunculatis multi- floris axillaribus subterminalibusque, corollje laciniis tubi dimidium vix supcrantibus apice dorso appendiculatis. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don. Caules prostrati radicantes v. subvolubiles, lignosi, apliylli. Ramuli crecti scmipedales v. vLx longiores, uti petioli et pe- dunculi pilis ferrugineis dense vestiti. Stipula 4-6 lin. longse, utrinque solitaria^ et bifidpe v. fere ad basin divisse, lobis stipulisve singulis semicordatis basi bre%dter adnatis apice acuminatis margine undulatis. Folia 2-4-pollicaria, breviter petiolata, basi acuta v. rotundata, membranacea, glabra v. ad venas subtus hirtclla. Panicula ovatse v. co- r)'mbiformes, pedunculatse, foliis breviores, ramis oppositis apice breviter trichotome cymosis. Bractea ad ramos pri- maries opposita?, angustse, acutse, ramis breviores. Flores in cymis conferti, parvi. Calyx vix semiliueam longus, dentibus 4 triangularibus acutis. Corolla tubus glaber, 1^ lin, longus j FLORA NIGRITIANA. 419 faux intus villosa ; lacinise lanceolatse, acutse, extus versus apicem tuberculo cristaeformi appendiculata?, iutus fere glabrte. Stamina inclusa. Stylus exsertus, lobis subteretibus longius- culis apice subcapitato-stigmatosis. Not having seen the fruit, I am rather doubtful whether this may not be another species of Chasalia, but the general ap- pearance is that of Psychotria, and it is evidently allied to the following : 2. Psychotria obscura, Benth. ; glabriuscula, scandens, foliis breviter petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis oblongisve acuminatis, stipulis magnis utrinque geminis v. subconnatis singulis ovato- lanceolatis acuminatis, paniculis pedunculatis laxis axiUaribus, cymis ultimis ebracteatis, corollse laciniis tubi dimidium sub- seqantibus apice dorso appendiculatis. — Accra, Vogel. Frutex ramulis elongatis scandentibus glabris v. minute pube- rulis. Stipules fere semipollicares, caducse. Folia subtri- pollicaria, membranacea, glabra v. subtus minute puberula, petiolis 1-2 lin. longis. Pedunculi 1^-2-pollicares, ramis oppositis apice cymiferis. Bractea angustse acutse ad ramos primarios. Flores P. reptantis, sed paullo majores, tubo fere 2 lin. longo. Stamina (in specimine) exserta. Stylus in- clusus. Bacca rubra, putamine 10-costato dipyreno. Semina dorso sulcata, sulcis costisque illis endocarpii oppositis, at albumen non ruminatum ut in Grumiliis. 3. Psychotria Doniana, Benth. ; ramis pubescentibus, foliis amplis oblongo-lanceolatis basi longe angustatis, stipulis latis apice bidentatis, pedunculis axillaribus brevibus apice tricho- tomis, cymis ultimis subcapitatis ebracteatis, pyi'enis obtuse costatis. — St. Thomas, Don, a single specimen with a single fruit and remains of abortive flowers. Rami juniores compressi, demum teretes, pube brevissima scabri. Folia 7-8 poll, longa, 2 poll, lata, Isetevirentia, subtus pallida, membranacea. Stipula 2 lin. longse, membranacese v. sub- cartilaginese, deciduee, Pedunculus petiolo brevior ; cymis ultimis capitato-multifloris. Bacca 3 lin. diametro. 4. Psychotria latistipula, Benth. ; subglabra, foliis amplis E E 2 420 FLORA NIGRITIANA. ovatis ellipticisve breviter acuminatis, stipulis late obovato- orbiculatis acutis bifidisve deciduis, paniculis axillaribus bre- viter pedunculatis cymis ultimis umbellatis, bracteis ovato- lanceolatis involucrantibus, baccis subglobosis pedicellatis acute costatis. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Fi'utex videtur ex omni parte glaber v. tomento ferrugineo parco in inflorescentia parti'busque novellis pubescens. Folia 5-6 poll, longa, 2-3 poll, lata, membranacea, glabra, basi in petiolum semipoUicarem angnstata. Stipula semipollicares, margine iimbriatse. Pedunculus communis vix petiolum sequans, ramis paniculse oppositis trichotomis. Bractece fo- liacefe, oblongo- v. ovato-lanceolatse, inferiores ad ramos pani- culse semipollicares, interiores sub cymis ultimis 2-4 lin. longse, acutse. Flores desunt. Pedicelli fructiferi 1-li lin. longi, subumbellatim aggregati. Baccce 2 lin. diametro, in sicco insigniter costatse. Semina dorso Isevia, nee sulcata. 5. Psychotria Vogeliana, Benth. ; ramis pubeseentibus, foliis ovali-ellipticis utrinque angustatis chartaceis supi'a nitidulis subtus pubeseentibus, stipvilis latis utrinque acutis bitidis lacerisve, paniculis axillaribus longiuscule pedunculatis tri- chotomis, cymis ultimis subcapitatis, bracteis lato-ovatis, baccis ovoideis costatis. — On the Quorra, at Aboh, Vogel. Frutex 3-5-pedalis. Bami novelli compressi, demum teretes, breviter pubescentes. Stijmlce 3-4-lineares videntui', sed fere omnes jam delapsfe. Folia 4-5-pollicaria, rigidiora quam in prsecedentibus, siccitate ferruginea, costis subtus valde pro- minentibus pubeseentibus, inter costas fere glabra. Pedvnculi 2-3-pollicares. Bracte(B lata?, margine lacerse, 2 lin. longa?, ultimse sub cymis ultimis subconnatfe. Flores non vidi. BacccB 3 lin. longa?, brevissime pedieellatse, endocarpio 10- costato, seminibus leviter sulcatis. This species is nearly intermediate between Psychotria and Cephaelis, but cannot be separated generically from P. latifolia. Six species of Psychotria are enumerated by Schumacher and Thonning from Guinea, none of which I am able to identify, and probably some of them do not belong to the genus as now limited. Amongst them, P. multifiora must be near to my P. oh- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 421 scura, differing in the entire stipules and short peduncles ; P. obvallata is probably a Geophila, P. cltrysorhiza, a Morinda, and P. KoUy, possibly, an Ixora ; P. umbellata and P. triflora, if true Psychotrice, arc very different from any species known to me. P. anyustifolia, G. Don, from Sierra Leone, is probably either a Pavetta or a Stylocoryne. 1. Cephaelis coriacea, G. Don, Gard. Diet. 3. p. 606; glabra, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis utrinque angustatis tenuiter coriaceis nitidulis, stipulis amplis bitidis bipartitisve, pedunculis mo- nocephalis, bracteis pluribus subconnatis flores tequantibus, calycibus glabris breviter dentatis. — Sierra Leone, Don. Ramuli juniores et pedunculi compressi, demum teretes. Folia 3-4 poll, longa, 1-1^ poll, lata, basi in petiolum brevem an- gustata, venis pinnatis subtus prominentibus, utrinque ni- tidula, subtus pallida. Stipules foliacete, semipoUicares, de- ciduse, summse angustse. Pedunculi foliis breviores. Capi- tulum hemisphsericum, multiflorum. BractecB circa 8, majores fere semipoUicares, ovato-lanceolatse, interiores minores, omnes foliaceee. Calyx brevis, limbo cupulato irregulariter dentato non ciliato. Corolla glabrae tubus 3 lin. longus, limbi lacinise linea breviores, sestivatione valvatse ; faux pilis paucis annulata. A?it.her(e exsertse. 2. Cephaelis bidentata, Thunb. in Rcem. et Schult. Syst. 5. p. 214 ? abortu dioica, glabra, foliis ovatis oblongisve char- taceis nitidulis, stipulis amplis bidentatis, pedunculis 1-3- cephalis, bracteis 2-4 latis connatis floribus brevioribus, calycis dentibus ciliatis, baccis ovoideis costatis. — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don ; Grand Bassa and Cape Palmas, Vogel ; Sene- gambia, Heudelot. Arbor parva v. frutex elatus ramosus, v. interdum reptans v. subscandens. Ramuli novelli compressi, mox teretes. Stipulce latse, subsemipollicares, apice acute bidentatse v. breviter bifidse, margine undulate, basi cordato-adnatse. Folia nunc 3-4-pollicaria, nunc duplo majora, venis parallelis pinnatis prominulis, basi angustata, petiolo nunc vix 2-3 lin., nunc pollicem longo. Pedunculi axillares, ancipites, 3-6 poll, longi ; foeminei 1-cephali v. rarius 2-cephali, masculi srepius 3- 4 '22 FLORA NIGRITIANA. cephali. Brudece in involucrum bifidum lobis bidentatis connatae, crassiusculse, subcamosfe^ in capitulo foemineo flores fere ajquantes, in masculo iis multo breviores. Capitula be- misphserica, dense multiflora, floribus subsessilibus-, recepta- culo carnoso. Culycis limbus cupulatus, lineam longuSj den- tibus 5 longe et irregulariter ciliatis. Corolla glabra, alba, 3 lin. longa, fauce ampla, lobis 5 brevibus. Stamina in masculis, stylus in foemineis, exserta. Pedicelli fructiferi plus minus evoluti, interdum lineam longi. Baccic« circa seniipollicem longse. Bractece l^\in. longse, late obovatse, obtusissimse, integerrimse v. eroso-denti- culatge, membranaceae, pallida \drentes et venulosse, basi an- gustatse et paullo induratse, in spica oblique imbricatse, alternfe florem solitarium foventes et superantes, alternse paullo minores et steriles. BradeolcB et calycis lacinise subulatse, basi parum latiores et byalinse, lacinia summa vix tertiam partem longitudinis fequans. Corolla et stamina omnino Rostellaria. Capsula basi sterilis, a medio ad apicem tetrasperma. This plant seems to connect the genera Rostellaria and Anisostachya, having the inflorescence of the latter, with the calyx of the former. The Rostellaria tenella, N. ab E., is common to Senegal and Madagascar ; Leptostachya virens, N. ab E., was gathered on the Gaboon Coast, by Captain Middleton, in 1787; Schivabea ciliaris, N. ab E., extends from Senegal to Nubia and Abyssinia. 1. Adhatoda (Amblyanthus) 2J(^niculata, Benth. ; foliis amplis oblongo-ellipticis glabris v. subtus ad venas puberulis, cymis laxis oppositis in paniculam pyramidatam dispositis, bracteis calycisque laciniis herbaceis oblongo-linearibus, anthcrarum loculis connectivo lato sejunctis subparallelis, inferiore basi mucronato. — Fernando Po, Voffel. Frutex ramosus, 4-5-pedalis. Ramuli uti petioli, costse foliorum et inflorescentia pube minuta tomentelli ; planta crcterum glabra. Folia semipedalia, acuminata, versus basin angustata, ima basi Stiepius obtusa, v. emarginata, rarius in petiolum decurrentia, supra nitidula, petiolo 1-2-pollicari; floralia sub cymis minora, ovata, subsessilia, usque ad apicem paniculse decrescentia ; summa scmipollicaria. Cyma opposita;, dicho- tomy, patentes, floribus ad dichotomias et apices ramulorum sessilibus erectis. Bracteolds inferiores calyce paullo Ion- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 483 giores, summse breviores angustiores. Calyces 3 lin. longi, laciniis apice rotundatis et brevissime mucronulatis inter se subsequalibus. Co7'olla viridis fundo rubescente; tubus (tubus cum faucibus N. ab E.) 2^ lin. longus^ intus basi brevissime glaber, dein antice gibbus, intus lineis 5 elevatis pilosis notatus, labia inter se et tubo subsequalia, palato callis 2 brevibus elevatis glabris ad faucem conniventibus notato. Stamina galeam suba^quantia. Ovarium supra medium 4- ovulatum, basi annulo carnoso cinctum. Capsula coriacea, 8-9 lin. longa, a basi ad medium sterilis, supra medium 2-4-sperma. Of the five elevated, bairy, longitudinal lines in the tube of the corolla^ the upper one branches into the two middle nerves of the upper lip of the corolla, the two lateral ones terminate in the filaments of the stamens, the two lower converge to a point where they meet the two callosities of the palate. 2. Adhatoda Kotschyi, N. ab E. in DC. Prod. W. p. 397.— A Senegalese and Nubian plant, of which there appears to be a fragment in Don^s collection, without any indication of the station. 3. Adhatoda (Tyloglossa) diffusa, Benth. ; caule elongato her- baceo diff'uso ramoso piloso, foliis distantibus ovali-oblongis pilosulis, floribus verticillato-subsenis sessilibus, bracteis obo- vatis orbiculatisve ciliatis, bracteolis exiguis, laciniis caly- cinis lineari-lanceolatis subciliatis, capsulis glabris calyce duplo longioribus. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Affinis A. Rostellaria, imprimis bracteis distinguitur. Caulis pluripedalis, basi radicans, ramis floriferis adscendentibus pilis patentibus rigidulis ; internodia infcriora valde elongata. Folia petiolata, 1^-3 poll, longa, utrinque acutata, membra- nacea, pilis utrinque paucis conspersa, cujusve paris ssepius insequalia. Bractea petiolo multo breviores, membranacese, margine longe ciliatse, calyces sfepius excedentes. Bracteolm minutse. Calyx 2 lin. longus, laciniis parum insequalibus mar- gine subscariosis et plus minus ciliatis. Corolla Q-7 lin. longa (rosea ?), extus apice pilosa ; forma floris et genitalia fere A. Kotschyi. I I 2 484 FLORA NIGRITIANA. 4. Adliatoda plicata, N. ab E. in DC. Prod. \\. p. 401.— On the Quorra and Nun Rivers^ Vogel; Guinea. 5. Adhatoda Anselliana, N. ab E. in DC. Prod. II. p. 403. — Cape Palmas, Ansell, Vogel ; at Abob, Vogel. 6. Adhatoda tristis, N. ab E. in DC. Prod. 11. p. 404.— Fer- nando Poj Vogel. 1. Eranthemum hypocrateriforme, Br. — N. ab E. in DC. Prod. 11. jw. 454. — Accra^ Don; Sierra Leone, Vogel. Foha l|-3-polHcariaj in specimine Vogehano subtus glauca, in Doniano subtus pallida. 2. Eranthemum hispidum, N. ab E. in DC. Prod. 11. p. 156. — Sierra Leone, Don, who says it is a small trailing plant, with yellow and white flowers. The specimens are about a foot long. A third species, E. elegans, Br., is from Oware. Senegal contains two species of DicUptera, D. umbellata, N. ab E., and D. maculata, N. ab E,, the latter of which is also found in Abyssinia ; and one species of Pei'istrophe, the com- mon East Indian and East African P. bicalyculata, N. ab E. 1. Hypoestes rosea, Pal. de Beauv. Fl. Ow. et Ben. 2. p. 69. t. 100. /. \.—N. ab E. in DC. Prod. \\. p. 506, where the reference to Beauvois is accidentally omitted. St. Thomas, Don ; Oware. Don's specimen is not in flower, and some- what doubtful. The other W. African species are H. cancellaia, N. ab E., from Sierra Leone, and H. latifolia, Hochst., from Senegal and Nubia. There remain, as Acanthacece of doubtful genera, Justicia tunicata, Vahl, from Sierra Leone, and a Sierra Leone plant in Don's collection, unlike any I am acquainted with, but so much pressed in drying as to preclude all examination. LXXXII. Verbenace.e. 1. Stachytarphcta Jamaicensis, Vahl. — Schauer, in DC. Prod. II. p. 564. — Cape Coast, Vogel. I am unable to distinguish the common E. Indian S. Indica FLORA NIGRITIANA. 485 from the American >S^. Jainaicensis : in both, the angles of the stem are blunt and often obliterated with age, and the form of the leaves is variable. This African plant has more of the aspect of the generality of the American than of the Asiatic specimens. Another species, S. angustifolia, Vahl, is found in Sene- gambia. 1. Lippia nodiflora, Rich. — Schau. in DC. Prod. \\. p. 585. — On the Gambia, Don ; south of the Line, Curror ; and throughout the Tropics and warmer regions of both hemi- spheres. 1. Lantana antidotalis, Schum. et Thonn, — Schau. in DC. Prod. 11. p. 598.— Cape Coast and^ Accra, Vogel ; Senegal and Guinea. The leaves are opposite, not ternately verticillate ; but in all other respects these very bad specimens agree better with the character of L. antidotalis than with that of the common L. Camara, which they resemble. The bractea3 are linear, not subulate, but the exterior ones are fully as long as the tube of the corolla. 1= Premna quadrifolia, Schum. et Thonn. — Schau. in DC. Prod.W. p. 633. — Variat foliis basi obtuse rotundatis v. etiam acutiusculis. — Accra, Don ; in VogeFs collection with- out the precise station. 2, Premna (Premnos) hispida, Benth. ; ramulis cymis foliisque piloso-hispidis, foliis obovatis oblougisve acuminatis basi an- gustatis, panicula cymosa terrainali subsessili, calyce 5-dentato, coroUse tubo calyce longiore. — Sierra Leone, Don; Sene- gambia, Heudelot. Pili longi ferruginei ad apices ramulorum costas foliorum inflo- rescentiamque copiosi, in utraque pagina foliorum sparsi. Folia ad apices ramorum conferta, 3-5-pollicaria, integerrima, chartacea, glandulis paginal inferioris crebris. Ci/ma foliis multo brevior, multiflora. Flores extus hirti et glanduliferi. Calyw vis semilineam longus, dentibus 5 mucronulatis v. muticis parum insequalibus. Corolla tubus linea paullo lon- gior, limbus subbilabiatus, labium superius integrum, laciniis 486 FLORA NIGRITIANA. inferioribus majus, et certo sestivatione intimum. Stamina e tubo vix exserta. Fructus nou vidi. The Volkameria aculeata, Linn., is in some Senegalese col- lections, but only from gardens. 1. Clerodendron volubile, Beauv. — Schauer in DC. Prod. 11. p. 661. — C. multiflorum, G. Don, in Edinh. Phil. Journ. 1824. p. 350. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Oware. Don^s specimen is in fruit only, and the panicle is rather larger and fuller than represented in Beauvois' figure, but it appears to belong to the same species. 2. Clerodendron scandens, Beauv. — Schau. in DC. Prod. 11. p. 662. — Bot. Mag. t. 4354. — Cape Palmas and Fernando Po, Vogel ; Sierra Leone and Oware. — Ejusdem var. pu- bescens. — C. hirsutum et C. simplex, G. Don,in Edinb. Phil. Journ. 1824. p. 349. — Sierra Leone, Don, Miss Turner ; Senegambia, Heudelot. 3. Clerodendron splendens, G. Don. — Schau. in DC. Prod. 11. p. 662. — C. aurantium, G. Don, I. c. — Sierra Leone, Don. 4. Clerodendron sinuatum, Hook. — Schau. in DC. Prod. 11. p. 665. — Sierra Leone, Whitfield. 5. Clerodendron capitatum, Schum. et Thonn. — Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4355. — Cape Coast and Aguapim, Vogel; Sierra Leone, Whitfield. 1. Vitex (Chrysomallum) chrysocarpa. Planch, in Herb. Hook. ; foliolis 3-5 obovatis oblongisve supra glabris subtus ramulis pctiolis inflorcscentiaque ferrugineo-tomentosis, cymis pedun- culatis axillaribus, calyce fructifero brevissime pcdicellato late cyathiformi, drupa dense tomentosa. — On the Quorra, Vogel. Tomentum breve. Foliolum intermediiim 2-4-pollicare, lateralia minora, petiolo communi l|-2-pollicari. Flores desunt. Fructus pedunculus petiolo paullo brevior, calyx amplus in specimine fere destructus ; drupa magnitudine Nucis Avel- lana cxtus dense aureo-tomentosa, putamine lignoso 4- loculari. 3. Vitex sp. — Either a variety of V. cuneata, Schum. et Thonn., or a species closely allied to it, but the specimen insufficient FLORA NIGRITIANA. 487 to determine. — Sierra Leone, Don ; and apparently the same species from Senegambia, Heudelot. 3. Vitex sp. — A single leaf, brought by a native from the River Saun to Captain Trotter as the African Oak or Teak. The wood, so well known in our Navy under the name of African Oak or African Teak, is a remarkable instance of a highly valuable and most extensively used timber, of which the tree that supplies it is wholly unknown to science. Botanical collectors have frequently made it the object of their researches and inquiries ; but ,on the one hand, no botanist appears to have actually visited the forests which furnish it ; and on the other, the natives who have brought leaves as from the trees, either by ignorance or carelessness, or more probably from ill-judged interested motives, have evidently in most cases deceived us. Thus we have heard that among various leaves brought to Mr. Bro\vn, as found amongst the timber, the principal part appeared to be those of a Laurinea. The plant, brought home by the Earl of Derby's collector, and now in Kew Gardens, is too young to determine, but looks more like a Sapotaceons plant. The greater probability, however, is in favour of the Vitex-looking leaf, given to Captain Trotter : it is perfectly smooth, palmately compound, with six (probably seven, of which one is lost) folioles, of which the longest are above 5 inches long, and much narrowed at both ends. With every appearance of a Vitex, it is quite distinct from any described species. Besides the above, there is a Vilex ferruginea, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, and a species apparently allied to it, thoiigh distinct, in Heudelot^s Senegambian collection. 1. Avicennia Africana, Beauv. — Schau. in DC. Prod. W. p. 6G9. — Grand Bassa and Cape Palmas, Vogel ; Sierra Leone, Don ; Senegal to Benin. Probably not distinct from the American A, nitida, Jacq. LXXXIIL Labiate. 1. Ocymum canum, Sims. — Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 32. 488 FLORA NIGRITIANA. — Fernando Po, Vogel ; Guinea, and all over Tropical Africa and Asia, and even in some parts of South Ame- rica. 2. Ocymum Basilicum, Linn. — Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 32. — Sierra Leone and St. Thomas, Don; frequently sent from Tropical and warm countries, but so generally cultivated that it is difficult to say whether the African specimens are in- digenous or not. 3. Ocymum viride, Willd. — Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 34. — Sierra Leone and Fernando Po, Vogel; St. Thomas, Don; Benin. 4. Ocymum tereticaule, Poir. — Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 41. — Accra, Don ; Senegal and Guinea. 5. Ocymum sp. — A single specimen, not in a state to be de- termined; Accra, Don. The other West African species are 0. bracteoswn, Benth., from Senegal; and O. membranaceum, Benth., and 0. ri- gidum, Benth., from Angola. 1. Platostoma Africanum, Beauv. — Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 47. — Fernando Po, Vogel ; Benin. Ejusdem var. glabrior. — Confluence of the Nigei', Vogel, Ansell ; Guinea and Congo. 1. Moschos ma j5oZ?/5^ac%Mm, Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. jo. 48. — Cape Coast, Vogel; common in Tropical Africa and East India. The M. dimidiatum, which I formerly described as distinct from Thonning's specimen of his Ocymum dimidiatum, is pro- bably a mere variety of M. polystachyum. The Orthosiphon glabratus, Benth., an East Indian, Arabian and ]\Iadagascar plant, is also found in Guinea. 1. Hoslundia opposita, Vahl. — Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 54. — Cape Coast and Aguapim, Vogel; Guinea. The H. verticillata, Vahl, is from Senegal, and, apparently the same species was also found in Mozambique by Foi'bes. 1. Coleus? Africunus, Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 74.— Plec- tranthus ? Palisoti, Benth. I. c. p. 69. — Grand Bassa and on the Nun, Vogel; Sierra Leone and St. Thomas, Don; FLORA NIGRITIANA. 489 Benin ; Bahia in Brazil, where however it is probably introduced. In luxuriant specimens the stems are two to three feet high, the leaves as much as four inches long and three broad, and the flowers numerous. All that I have seen are very badly dried, but as far as they go, I feel now convinced that the two species I had formerly distinguished were but forms of one, which varies in the number of flowers in the cymes, and in the lower lip of the calyx, entire or more or less toothed. I still, however, find no flowers in a state to decide whether it be really a Coleus or a Plectranthus. 1. Mo\?in.ih.\xs, puhescens, Benth. in DC. Prod, \2. p. 80. — On the Quorra, at Patteh, Vogel. 1. Hyptis brevipes, Poit. — Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 107. — Fernando Po, Vogel. 2. Hyptis atrorubens, Poit. — Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 108. — Sierra Leone, Don. Both the above species, as well as H. pectinata, Poit., and H. spicigera^ Lam.,* are American plants which have spread into Tropical Africa and Asia : the only Hyptis hitherto indi- cated as exclusively African is the H. lanceafolia, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea ; but that again may be a mere variety of the common H. brevipes. The Leonuriis Sibiricus, Linn., and Leucas Martinicensis, Br., common Tropical plants, and both probably of Asiatic origin, notwithstanding the specific name of the latter, are also found in Senegal and Guinea. 1. Leonotis nepetafolia, Br. — Benth. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 335. — Sierra Leone, Vogel. — A common Tropical species. * I cannot subscribe to the statement in the Spicilegia Gorgonea, (supra, p. 157), that the floral leaves in this species are at first ovate and entire, and afterwards divided into three or four linear partitions, which I am said to have mistaken for bracts. The ovate and entire floral leaves are inserted on the main axis of the spike, and often fade and disappear as the spike advances in age. The linear bracts are inserted in the cymes themselves, at the basis of their branches, and may be seen at the very earliest stage of inflorescence. 490 FLORA NIGRITIANA. 2. Jjeonotis pallida, Benth. in DC. Prod. 13. p. 535. — Cape Palmas, Voffel ; Senegal to Benin ; Nubia and Abyssinia. LXXXIV. Plumbagine.e. 1. Plumbago Zeylanica, Linn. — Boiss. in DC. Prod. 12. p. 692. — Senegal to Benin and Fernando Po, Vogel, Don and others : a common species in Tropical Asia and Africa. LXXXV. PHYTOLACCEiE. I find no specimens in the collections before me belonging to this Order, but the following seven species are recorded as having been found in West Tropical Africa : Mohlana Gui- neensis, Moq., from Guinea ; Semonvillea pterocarpa, Gay, Senegal ; Limeum viscosum, Fenzl, Senegal, Nubia and South Africa ; L. linifolium, Fenzl, Senegal and South Africa ; Gisekia linearifolia, Schum. et Thonn., Guinea ; G. pharnaceoides, Linn., Senegal and Guinea, and over nearly all Africa and East India, and G. congesta, Moq., from Senegal. LXXXVI. Chenopodie^.* 1. Chenopodium album, Linn. — Moq. in DC. Prod. 2. IS. p. 70. — St. Thomas, Do7i. This is stated by Don to be a shrub 10 feet high ; but it is a very common mistake among collectors to describe hard- stemmed, tall-growing annuals as shrubs ; and in every other respect the specimens agree perfectly with the universally dif- fused C. album. 2. Chenopodium ambrosioides, Linn. — Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 70.— St. Thomas, Don. This is another weed diffused over a great portion of the globe, as well as C. murale, Linn., which is also found in Senegal. * We know of no adequate reason for changing the name of this Order to that of Salsolace^, as now first projiosed by Moquin. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 491 The remaining Chenopodieoe, quoted as West Tropical African, are, Arthrocnemum fruticosum, Moq., from Senegal, a Euro- pean and African plant, which has found its way to Timor and California ; A. Indicum, ]\loq., from Senegal, an Egyptian and East Indian species ; and Suada Jrulicosa, Forsk., also from Senegal, a South European and North African plant, seen occasionally in the American colonies. LXXXVII. Amarantace.e. 1. Celosia (Lestibudesia) leptostachya, Benth. ; caule herbaceo (diffuse ?) glabro, foliis petiolatis ovatis acutiusculis glabris, spicis elongatis gracilibus interruptis, floribus per 3-5 glome- ratis trigynis, sepalis vix acutiusculis uninervibus, u^triculis ovoideo-globosis. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Caules parum ramosi, tenues, 2-3-pedales, internodiis elongatis. Folia 1-2-pollicaria, nunc acute acuminata, nunc fere obtusa, basi angustata rotundata v. etiam sub cor data, tenuiter mem- branacea. Spicce demum semipedales et longiores, glomerulis inferioribus valde remotis. Flores parvi, siccitate pallide brunnei. Stylus apice in ramos stigmatiferos ssepius (an constanter ?) 3-divisus. Utriculus viridis, calyce dimidio longior. Semina pauca (8-10). 2. Celosia trigyna, Linn. — Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 241. var. parviflora, Fernando Po, Vogel; — var. fasciculiflora, Moq., Accra, Don, Ansell ; on the Quorra, Vogel, Ansell. 3. Celosia laa^a, Schum. et Thonn. — Moq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2. p. 241. — Accra, Grand Bassa, and Fernando Po, Vogel; Senegambia, Heudelot. These specimens agree w^ell with Thonning^s description, and some of them are from the locality where he says the C. laxa is common. They differ chiefly from C. trigyna, in the size of the flowers, the calj^ being nearly two lines long, and about twice the length of the bracts. The Senegambian specimen is, however, marked by Moquin, C. trigyna, var, densiflora. 4. Celosia argentea, Linn. — Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 242. 492 FLORA NIGRITIANA. — Accra, and on the Quorra, Vogel; St. Thomas, Don; East Africa and East India. 1. Amarantus paniculatus, Linn. — Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 257. — On the Quorra, Vogel. — A common East Indian species, to whicli belongs the variety cultivated there for the grain, originally named by Roxburgh A.farinaceus, though afterwards published by him as A. frumentaceits. 2. Amarantus spinosus, Linn. — Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 260. — Sierra Leone and Fernando Po, about dwellings and cultivated places ; Senegal and Tropical and warmer regions of both hemispheres. Another common Tropical weed, Amblogyne polygonoides, Raf., is also found in Senegal. 1. Euxolus polyyamus, Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 272. — Accra, Vogel ; Senegal, Eastern Africa and East India. 2. Euxolus viridis, Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 273. — On the Nun, Vogel i common over a great portion of the globe. The Euxolus caudatus, Moq., fi-equent throughout the Tropics, is found in Senegal and Sierra Leone ; and two other common African and East Indian plants, JEi'ua Javanica, Juss., and ^. brachiata, Mart., are also in Senegal. 1. Achyranthes involucruta, Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 310. — On the Quorra, at Stirling and Pandiaki, Vogel, Ansell. 2. Achyranthes (Pandiaka) angustifolia, Benth. ; caule her- baceo elongato subramoso apprcsse pubcscente, foliis lincari- sublanceolatis strigoso-])ubescentibus viridibus subtus pallidis, capitulis ovatis oblongisve obtusis, floribus albidis, sepalis bracteas laterales suba^quantibus enervibus dorso dense pi- losis. — On the Quorra, Vogel. Pluribus notis cum descriptione A. Heudelotii convenit. Herba videtur annua, ejusdem staturse. Folia longiora et angus- tiora. Capitula ejusdem forma et magnitudiue, intra folia 2-2i-pollicaria sessilia. Bractece alb^, nitidulse, aristato- mucronatse, infima glabra, laterales ad costam dorsalem longe ciliatse. Sepala in mucronem rigidum producta, quam arista bractearum breviora (bracteam ipsam arista neglecta supe- FLORA NIGRITIANA. 493 rantia), dorso dense obtecta pilis longis, cartilaginea, albida V. subvirentia. Filamenta baud ciliata, staminodiis quam filameuta multo brevioribus, plano-depressis, quadratis, ad augulos in appendiculos breves obtusas productis. Anther (B oblongse. The A. Heudelotii, Moq., from Senegal^ and A. nodosa, Vabl, gathered by Isert at Whydah, in Guinea, belong to the same section. Of the section Cadelari there are two species in Senegal, the A. aspera, Linn., a common African and East Indian plant, and A. argentea, Lam., a North African and South European species. The Centrostachys aquaiica. Wall., an East Indian plant, is also in Senegambia. 1. CyathulsL prostrata, Bl—Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 326. — Achyranthes Thonningii, Schum. Beskr. p. 139. — Sierra Leone to Fernando Po, Vogel, Don and others. A common Tropical African and East Indian plant, found also in Tro- pical America. I am disposed to agree with Vogel in considering this as the A. Thonningii of Schumacher, although Thonniug omits all mention of the staminodia, on which account Moquin enumerates his plant among doubtful Pupaliee. In all other respects our specimens, which undoubtedly belong to the common C. prostrata, agree perfectly with Thonning's description, in which, moreover, the stamens are not expressly said to be without staminodia. In the generic characters assigned to this and allied genera, there appears to be a slight inaccuracy in the expression " Flores subternati, intermedins fertilis, laterales steriles demum in aristas uncinatas (glochides) mutati." Whereas, in Cyathida prostrata, the total number of glochides is usually from 14 to 20 on each side of the fertile flower, the number of flowers, perfect or rudimentary, forming the fascicle, is at least seven ; the central one is perfect and fertile ; the next in order, one on each side, are sometimes complete in their parts, although sterile, sometimes more or less reduced, occasionally with the sexual organs rudimentary or obsolete, and the sepals reduced to two or three glochides ; the remaining four flowers, one on each side of each of these lateral flowers, are without sexual 494 FLORA NIGRITIANA. organs, with all their sepals, as well as the bract, reduced to glochides. In the luxuriant West African specimens, most of the fascicles consist of one perfect fertile flower, two perfect sterile ones, and four reduced to glochides, and this is the state described by Thonning. In the East Indian specimens', all the lateral flowers are usually reduced to glochides, with the ex- ception of two or three sepals, and occasionally a small ovary and androecium in the centre. But I have observed all these states in difi"ereut parts of one spike. The South i\.frican Cyathula cylindrica affords a very good example of many-flowered fascicles, with a number of sterile flowers in diff"erent degrees of abortion. 2. Cyathula ^emma^a, Moq. in DC. Prod. 13.2. jo. 330? — Fernando Po, Vogel. Near C. prostraia, but the spikes are shorter and more dense, and the flowers nearly as large as in Achyranthes aspera, the sepals being from 1^ to 1| lines long. The fascicles usually consist of one perfect and fertile flower, a sterile one (on one side of it), more or less complete in its parts, with a rudimentary one on each side, reduced each to two or three glochides ; on the other side of the fertile flower are usually two or three glochides only. The staminodia are rather more conspicuous than in C. pros- traia. The lateral spikes are occasionally unequal, one being nearly sessile, the other on a longish stalk, as described by Thonning ; but more frequently they are equal, and both nearly sessile. In other respects his description agrees. 1. Pupalia lappacea, Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 331. — Cape Coast, Vogel ; Senegal, Nubia, Abyssinia, and East India. The P. atropurpurea, ]\Ioq., extends likewise from Senegal and Guinea over East Africa and East India. 1. Iresine (Philoxcrus) vermicularis, Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 339. — Sands of the sea-shore, from Senegal to Benin, Vogel, Don and others ; also in Tropical America. The /. aggregata, Moq., from the same localities, does not appear to have any character to distinguish it, the breadth and thickness of the leaves being very variable. 1. Alternanthera nodiflora, Br. — Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 495 p. 356. — Cape Coast, Vogel; Senegal, Nubia, Abyssinia and East India. 2. Alternanthera sessUis, Br. — Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 357. — Cape Palmas, Aboli and Fernando Po, Vogel; Sierra Leone, Don; over a great portion of Africa, Asia, America and Australia. The A. deniiculata, Br., from the same localities, is probably a mere variety of A. sessilis. The Illecehrum obliquum, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, would appear from Thonniug^s descrip- tion to be the Alternanthera Achyrantha, an American species, which has spread to the Canary Islands and to some parts of Europe. 1. Telanthera maritima, Moq. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 364. — On the sands of the sea-coast, from Senegal to Benin, Vogel, Don and others ; eastern sea-coast of Tropical America. LXXXVIII. Nyctagine^. 1. Boerhaavia ascendens, Willd. — Chois. in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 451. — On the Quorra, Vogel (both the smooth and the hirsute forms) ; St. Thomas, Don ; an African species. 2. Boerhaavia paniculata, Rich. — Chois in DC. Prod. 13. 2. p. 450. — On the Quorra, at Stirling, Vogel, Ansell; a species chiefly from Tropical America. This genus, so unattractive to the botanist in a dry state, notwithstanding the elegance of some of the species when fresh, had been in a lamentable state of confusion, till recently worked up with great care by Choisy, in the last part of the Prodromus. His characters derived from the fruit are excellent, although some of the species may not be so strictly geographical as he supposes. Our specimens of B. paniculata agree precisely with the generality of what we have seen from America, although some of those included under the name by Choisy (as, for instance, Gardner's n. 2292, from Brazil), have the fruit not rounded at the extremity, but truncate, with the ends of the ribs slightly prominent. The Boerhaavia verticillata, Poir. and B. dichotoma, Vahl, 496 FLORA NIGRITIANA. both of them Nubian and Abyssinian species, are also quoted from Senegal. Vogel has also in his collection a specimen of Mirabilis Jalapa, Linn., from Sierra Leone, but probably from some garden there. LXXXIX. PoLYGONACEiE.* 1. Polygonum Senegalense, Meisn. Monogr. Polyg. p. 54. — St. Thomas, Don; Senegal. This species has, at first sight, much the appearance of the Asiatic P. glabrum and the American P. acuminatum, but the cotyledons are certainly incumbent, not accumbent, besides some slight differences in other points. The leaves are remark- able for their very long points. The ochrese have occasionally a few very small cilise on their edge. The only other West Tropical African Polygonaceous plant known, is the Polygonum exiguum, Meisn., from Senegal. XC. THYMELEiE. DiCRANOLEPis, Planch, (gen. nov.) Flares hermaphroditi. Perianthium hypocrateriforme, tubo longo, limbo 5-partito, laciniis oblongis, sestivatione imbri- catis. Squamae 5, petaliformes, fauci insertfe, laciniis pe- rianthii oppositse, profunde bifidse. Stamina 10, fauci inserta, 5 longiora, squamis opposita; filamcnta brevia, filiformia; anthcrte lineari-oblougfe, basitixre, loculis conncctivo aduatis, rima introrsa dehiscentibus. Discus cupuliformi-tubulosus ovarii stipitem includens, apice leviter 5-lobus. Ovarium * In this and several of the following Orders, which the Prodromus has not yet reached, and which have not been the subject of any recent monograph, the geographical indications are necessarily very imperfect, and I have been obliged to leave many more species either doubtful or in genera to which they may not properly belong ; neither time nor space admitting of the monographical labour which has been bestowed on the preceding Orders by the authors of the corresponding portions of the Prodromus. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 497 brevi-stipitatiim, hinc gibbosum, uailoculare, ovulo unico ex apice lociili pendulo. Stylus filiformis, in stigma lineari- clavatum desinens. Driqja ? exsucca^ brevistipitata, meso- carpio e filamentis niteatibus contexto. Semen suspensum, globosum, anatropimi, integumento membranaceo ; embryonis recti cotyledones hemisphsericse carnosse, radicula semi-exserta niinutissima. (Planchon). 1. Dicranolepis disticha, Planch, in Hook. Ic. t. 798. (Tab. XL VIII). — Sierra Leone, Don. Frutex^ ramnlis teuuibus virgatis foliisqiie distichis, gemmis ramulis novellis petiolis perianthiisque extus pilis adpressis v. patentibus subsericeis v. hispidulis. Folia crebra, alterna, oblique subtrapezoidea-lanceolata, cuspidata, integerrima, brevissime petiolata, 1-1^-pollicaria, rigide membranacea, nervis lateralibus tenuibus sat crebris, glabra^ nitida, supra in sicco Isete viridia, subtus viridi-flavescentia. Stipulce nullse. Flares axillares, solitarii, subsessiles, folio non multo breviores. Fructus mole seminis Coryli Avellana, prseter styli basin persistentem mamilliformem pilosulum glaberrimus. {Plan- chon). Plate XL VIII. Fig. 1. flower;/. 2. stamen ;/. 3. pistillum with the disk sheathing its base ; /. 4. ovary and sheath, vertical section; /. 5. fruit;/. 6. seed: — all, hit the fruit, more or less magnified. XCI. Laurine^. 1. Cassyta Guineensis, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 199. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Grand Bassa, on the Nun and the Quorra, Vogel ; Guinea. This species has been accidentally overlooked by Nees in his elaborate monograph. It appears scarcely distinguishable either from the common Brazilian and Guiana species, well described by Nees as C. Brasiliensis, Mart., or from the South African specimens distributed by Drege as C. jmbescens, Br. ; but it does not quite agree with Brown's short character of his South-east Australian C. pubescens, nor yet with Schlechten- K K 498 FLORA NIGRITIANA. dahPs C. pubescens, from South-west Australia. Brown him- self, however^ observes that the Congo species can scarcely be distinguished either from the West Indian one or from his own C pubescens. The stems of the West African plant are some- times thickly pubescent, sometimes nearly smooth, the flowers visually distinct and rather distant, occupying the upper half of the peduncle, and agreeing in structure with those of the Bra- zilian plant. No species of true Laurinece has been hitherto recorded from West Tropical Africa; nor have I seen any specimen from thence, excepting one in leaf only of the Cinnamon {Cinnamo- mum Zeylanicum), in Don^s collection, from St. Thomas. But this is evidently a cultivated plant, as is also a specimen, in leaf only, in the same collection, of Myristica sebifera, Sw., no species being known from this region of the Order of MyristicecB. XCII. EuPHORBIACEiE. 1. Euphorbia prostrata, Ait. — Willd. Spec. 2. p. 895. — Sierra Leone, Don, Vogel; Grand Bassa and Fernando Po, Vogel ; also West Indies and South America. This may be the Guinea plant referred to E. Chamcesyce by Schumacher and Thonning, and is certainly very near that species. The leaves are, however, more oblique, the flowers very much smaller, and usually two or more together in each axilla, although often, in reality, solitary in the axillae of very much reduced floral leaves, on axillary flowering branches much shorter than the subtending leaf. The capsule is much smaller than in E. Chamcesyce, always ciliate on the dorsal ribs, and generally without hairs on the sides of the carpels. The African specimens precisely correspond with the South American ones. The E. scordifolia, Jacq., to which Planchon refers E. tomen- tosa, Poit., extends from Senegal to Nubia and Arabia. 2. Euphorbia ti'inervia, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 253. — E. glaucophylla, Sieb. PI. Seneg. Exs., nan Pers. — Common FLORA NIGRITIANA. 499 on the sandy shores from Senegal to Benin, Don, Vogel and others ; and extending south of the Line, Curror. The leaves are more frequently blunt than pointed : in every other respect, Thonning^s description is very accurate. 3. Euphorbia (Anisophyllum) convolvuloides, Hochst. in Kotsch. PL Nub. Exs. n. 242 ; herbacea, stipulata, prostrata, ramis villosis, foliis oppositis sessilibus ovatis oblongisve basi valde obliquis crassiusculis supra viridibus parcc pilosis subtus appresse tomentosis, floribus in capitula axillaria sessilia nunc in ramulos breves foliatos abeuntia confertis, involucri dentibus exterioribus orbiculato-reniformibus parvis, capsula dense tomentosa, seminibus subtetragonis transverse rugosis. — On the Quorra, at Attah, Vogel; at the Confluence, Ansell. Habitu E. piluliferce accedit, foliorum consistentia et indumento facile distincta. Folia ^-1 poll, longa, 3-4 lin. lata, margine interdum obscure deuticulata, basi valde insequalia et oblique truncata v. subcordata ; pagina sviperior oculo nudo glabra videtur, sub lente pili appressi sparsi apparent, pagina in- ferior tomento arete appresso canescit v. rubescit. Flores nunc in capitulum densum subaphyllum dispositi, nunc ad axillas foliorum plus minus evolutorum sessiles, spicas for- mant unilaterales foliatas ad axillam folii majoris. Involucra semilineam longa, dense tomentosa, dentibus exterioribus nunc fere obsoletis v. quam glandulse interiores brevioribus, nunc eas duplo triplove superantibus subpetaloideis albis v. rubentibus. Capsula quam in E. Chatnasyce paullo major, obtusangula, tomento albido v. rubescente dense vestita. I am not aware that Hochstetter's name has been otherwise published than on Kotschy's labels. In order, however, to avoid confusion, I adopt it ; although the fancied resemblance to a Convolvulus does not strike me. In Ansell's specimens the flowers are all capitate ; in Kotschy's they are arranged in leafy, axillary spikes ; in VogeFs, both inflorescences may be seen on the same stem. 4. Euphorbia pilulifera, Linn. — E. purpurascens, Schum. et K K 2 500 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Thonn. Beskr. p. 253. — Senegal to Benin, and over most Tropical regions. 5. Euphorbia hypericifolia, Liuu. — E. glaucophylla, Poir. Diet. Suppl. 2. p. 613 ? — Cape Palmas, Ansell ; St. Thomas, Don ; a species nearly as common as the last, in Ti'opical countries. Two other species of Euphorbia from Guinea, JL. lateriflora and E. drupifera, are published by Schumacher and Thonuing ; and two are quoted from Sierra Leone, E. toxicaria, Afz., and E. grandifolia, Haw. One or two of the above may be that alluded to by Brown, as being frequently planted over graves by the natives. The Anthostema, of Jussieu, is only known from Senegal; unless it be the same as the new Congo genus alluded to by Brown, as explaining the structure of Euphorbia. 1 . Dalechampia ipomoeaefolia, Benth. ; foliis cordatis integris trilobisve membranaceis subtus ad costas petiolis caulibusque pilosulis, stipulis lineari-lanceolatis, involucri foliolis inte- gris acuminatis subglabris, stylis apice clavatis. — On the Quorra, Vogel. Caules scandentes, striatuli, pilis brevibus mollibus plus minus vestiti. Stipules angustse, fere semipollicares. Petioli 1-2- pollicares, prsesertim apice hirsuti. Folia 2i-3| poll, longa, 2-21 poll, lata, apice acuminata, margine irregulariter sinuato- dentata, basi auriculis rotundatis cordata, prseter venas fere glabra, ad pctiolum 5-nervia et in pagina supei'iore glandulis 2 linearibus nmnita, pleraque iudivisa, nonnulla irregulariter triloba. Pedunculi graciles, folio paullo breviores. Involucri foliola membranacea, non colorata, late cordato-ovata, venis vix prominulis, basi bistipulata. Flores in capitulo unico juniore vix aperti nee rite examinare potui ; stamina tamen et styli omnino Dalechampia vidi. In the form of the leaves this plant approaches the D. hetero- phylla, Poir., from Guiana ; but independently of some diffe- rences in the flowers, which I was unable very accurately to ascertain, the want of the thick, whitish down on the leaves and FLORA NIGRITIANA. 501 stems, and of the remarka})ly prominent ribs on the involucre of D. heterophijlla, will at once distinguish our plant. The D. Senegalensis, A. Juss., (supra p. 174) is probably, from its name^ a Senegalese as well as a Cape Verd plant. 1. Stillingia Guineensis, Benth. ; fohis ovali-oblongis ellipticisve acuminatis integerrimis paucidentatisque basi rotundatis an- gustatisve, spicis subsimplicibus, floribus masculis plerisque solitariis trifidis triandris. — Sierra Leone, Don. Frutex videtur glaberrimus, ramulis novellis angulato-compres- sis demum teretibus. Folia breviter petiolata, forma et mag- nitudine varia, nunc bipollicaria basi rotundata, nunc semi- pedalia, basi longe angustata, pleraque dentibus paucis obtu- sis pr?esertim apicem versus notata, basi supra petiolum 1-2- glandulosa. Sti^mlo) minutse v. obsolet?e. GemmcB axillares V. supra-axillares constantes e squamellis pluribus, secus caulem linea verticali suprapositis, acuminatis et spiraliter tortis. Spicce terminales, solitarise v. geminse, simplices (v. basi ramosse ?), 1-2-pollicares. Bractee5, Benth. ; culmo ramoso foliato, foliis supra vaginam brevissime petiolatis ovatis v. ovato-lanceolatis cuspi- datis, racemis gracilibus paniculato-ramosis paucifloris, pe- dunculis bracteas superantibus, floribus parvis, ovario pube- scente, sepalis lanceolatis, staminodiis omnibus apice concavis cucullatisve, 2 obovatis, tertio valde difformi bilobo, intimis angustis, antherre filamento sublibero. — Fernando Po, Vogel. Rhizoma e tuberibus pluribus horizontaliter dispositis compo- situs, fibris elongatis intermixtis. Culmi herbacei, suberecti, brachiato-ramosi, 2-4-pcdales, vaginis foliorum fere obtecti. Folia 4-5 poll, longa, cuspide ssepe semipollicari ; petiolo FLORA NIGRITIANA. 533 supra vaginam longam 1-2 liu. longo. Panicula ex apice vaginse foliis sunimi exserta, folio brevior. Bractece au- gustse, pollicares, patentes. Pedunculi filiformes^ plerique biflori. Flores omnium minimi. Sepala 1^ lin. longa, acuta, striata. Petala tubo stamineo breviter adnata, sepalis subdimidio longiora. Tubus stamineus lineam lon- gus. Siaminodia 2 exteriora obovata, breviter unguicu- lata, obliqua, apice concava subcucullata, uno altero paullo majore; tertium carinato-concavum, lobo majore apice con- cavo, minore piano intus tamen sub apice transverse ap- pendiculato, 2 interiora valde insequalia, lineari-cuneata, altero apice cucullato. Anthera unilocularis, filamento ad apicem tubi staminei inserto. Stylus columnaris, apice cu- cullato-incurvTis. Capsula obovoideo-triquetra, pallide lutea, trilocularis, trivalvis, rarius loculo uno alterove abortiente. Seniina in loculis solitaria, globoso-triquetra, badia, Isevia, breviter arillata. The genus Phrynium, to include the above three species, must also comprehend the greater number of the Calathea of modern authors, though perhaps not the original Calathea of G. F. W. Meyer, if correctly described. The petaloid sterile stamens or siaminodia of Nees (inner corolla, nectarium and labellum of other authors) are always very irregular in their form, size and degree of connection with each other and with the fertile stamen, very difficult to observe accurately in dried specimens, and consequently only well known in a very few species, scarcely ever similar in two different species, and appa- rently variable in some cases, in different flowers in one species. These differences cannot therefore be available for generic dis- tinctions, and all the Cantiece with 3-celled ovaries, solitary ovules, columnar style and 3-valved capsule may be referred to Phrynium. The inflorescence, which will be most probably found to be connected with other differences, will characterize the most natural sectional groups. There are two other specimens without flowers which may possibly be species of Phrynium, one from Sierra Leone in Don's collection, in leaf only ; the other, gathered at Aboh 534 FLORA NIGRITIANA. by Vogelj has a three-valvcd, three-celled capsule, echinate, like those of a Carina, but with single black arillate seeds iu each cell. 1. Costus afer, Ker. Bot. Reg. t. 683. — C. Arabicus, Schimi. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 394 ? — Sierra Leone, Vogel, Don ; Aboh, Vogel ; both the smooth and the hairy varieties from both localities. 1. Amomum grana-paradisi, Linn. — Afz.inRcem. Schult. Syst. Mant. 1. j9. 36 ? Grand Bassa and Aboh, a common plant, Vogel. (Guinea Pepper).* These specimens, as far as can be ascertained in the dried state, where the texture of the flowers is so very delicate, agree with the plant which Afzelius describes under the above name as the common Amonum of the Guinea Coast, except that the flowering scape varies from an inch to near a foot in height, bearing at its summit several large white flowers, tinged with purple towards the apex, and the pulpous fruit (perhaps not yet ripe) is not above 1^ in. long. The other West Tropical African Scitaminea are : Amomum grandijlorum, Sm., A. Afzelii, Rose, A. latifolium, Afz., and Zingiber dubium, Afz., all from Sierra Leone ; and Schumacher and Thonniug mention the Zingiber officinale, Rose, and Cur- cuma longa, Willd., as cultivated. CVL Iride^. Of this Order there are not as yet, as far as I am aware, any species published from West Tropical Africa, and I have seen specimens of but one species, gathered south of the Line by Curror. It belongs apparently to some unpublished genus allied to Gladiolus, but the flowers are too rotten for exami- nation. There is also in Don^s Sierra Leone collection a frag- ment of another plant, but it has the appearance of a Cape species, probably from some garden. CVTL Amaryllide^. There are no specimens in the collection, and the following are the only species recorded from the region. Hcemanthus * See below a note in the Addenda. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 535 multiflorus, Mart, et Nodd., from Sierra Leone ; H. cruentatus* Schum. et Thonn,, from Guinea, very probably the same species ; Crinum purpurascens. Herb., from Fernando Po, C. Broussoneti, Herb., and C. distichum, Herb., from Sierra Leone ; C. petiolatum spectabile, Herb., from St. Thomas ; Amaryllis nivea and A. trigona, Sebum, et Thonn., from Guinea, both evidently Crina, and possibly the same as some of Herbert's species, and lastly, Gethyllis pilosa, Schum. et Thonn., which from the description must be a Curculigo, or some allied plant. CVIII. Bromeliace^. The Pine-api3le is said to be common on the Guinea Coast, wild as well as cultivated. CIX.? Taccace^. 1. Tacca involucrata, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 177. — Cape Coast, Don. This species is very near to T. pinnatijida, it only differs from the ordinary forms of that species by the admixture of a number of small round or blunt oval segments of the leaves amongst the larger ones, and even these are less pointed than usual. A similar form, but with much larger and more divided leaves was gathered in the Mozambique by Forbes. ex. DlOSCORIDE^. 1. Dioscorea (Amphistemon) latifolia, Benth. ; glabra, bulbi- fera, foliis alternis sinu lato cordatis longe cuspidatis 7-9- nervibus transverse venulosis punctis oblongis pellucidis, spicis gracillibus subfasciculatis masculis subramosis, floribus solitariis sessilibus bracteatis unibracteolatisque, perianthio sexpartito, antheris filamento pequilongis. — On the Nun River, Vogel, (male specimens) ; and probably the same species. Sierra Leone, Don, (female specimen.) Caules teretes, inermes, volubiles. Folia longiuscule petiolata, circa 3 poll, longa et sajpius longitudine sua latiora, auriculis 536 FLORA NIGRITIANA. baseos rotundatis sinu late aperto^ cuspide apicis 6-12 lin. longo. Sfiicce masculce folia vix superantes, fere a basi fioriferse. Bractea perianthio brevior^ basi dilatata, acute cuspidata. Bracteolam unicam tantum vidi ad unum latus perianthii et bsec ad flores ultimos minima est. Perianthium lineam Ion- gum, tubo brevissimo, laciniis angustis, exterioribus paullo latioribus, interiores taraen non omnino occultantibus. Sta- mina laciniis breviora, ad basin perianthii inserta. Ovarii rudimentum parvum. Spicce fceminece, (in specimine Doniano ut videtur ejusdem specie) 8-10 poll, longse^ floribus dissitis solitariis axi fere appressis, perianthii laciniis iis marium si- milibus. Ovarium per anthesin vix lineam longum, mox elongatur, fructum tamen non vidi. 2. Dioscorea (Amphistemon) prcehensilis, Benth. ; glabra, acu- leata, ramulis subteretibus, foliis plcrisque oppositis ovatis ro- tundatisve cuspidatis basi sinu lato hastato-cordatis v. summis rotundatis 5-7-9-nervibus, venis rcticulatis paucisve trans- versis, adultis opacis impuuetatis, spicis masculis simplicibus fasciculatis folium raro superantibus, floribus sessilibus soli- tariis, perigonii laciniis lato-ovatis. — Sierra Leone, Don, Vogel. Fruiex scandens, I'amulis hinc inde compressis, demum striatulis, ssepe glaucis, aculeis rccurvis crebris rarisve. Folia forma variabilia, sed uunquam profunde cordata et ssepe basi in formam hastatam vergentia, 2-3 poll. v. rarius fere 4 poll, longa, novella punctis paucis oblongis pellucidis mox evanidis notata, rigidule membranacea; venulse inter costas nunc omnes reticulato-ramosse, nunc paucse a costa ad costam transversa; ; petiolus longiusculus limbo tamen brevior, ima basi auriculato-deutatus v. nudus. Spiae masculce tenucs, bipollicares, omnes simplices et fasciculatse, sed interdum (ramulo florifero axillari aphyllo) in paniculas axillares dispo- sitaj. Bractea ovata acuta, perianthio brevior, bracteola adhuc minor. Perianthium | lin. diametro, laciniis 3 exterioribus orbiculato-concavis ajstivatione valde imbricatis, interiores om- nino occultantibus, his lato ovatis, aistivatione subvalvatis v. angustissime imbricatis. Stamina in centro floris biseriata, FLORA NIGRITIANA. 537 perianthii dimidium sequantia, antheris ovato-oblongis con- tiguis erectis filamento sublongioribus. Stirps foeminea non visa. 3. Dioscorea Cayennensis, Lam. — Griseb. in Endl. et Mart. Fl. Bras. Diusc. p. 33 ? — Cultivated on the Nun and Quorra riversj where the bulbs (tubers ?) are the size of a Horse- chestnut, but compressed, {Vogel.) These specimens, nearly allied to the preceding species, have however longer male spikes always solitary in the axils, and the stems scarcely prickly or only in the lower part. They agree with some old West Indian specimens of a Dioscorea, which appears to me to be the D. rotundata, Poit. Diet. Suppl. 3. p. 139, and answer in every respect to Grisebach's more accurate character of D. Cayennensis, except that, as in other allied species, I find only one bracteola besides the subtending bract to each flower, or two in the whole, not three. 4. Dioscorea hirtiflora, Benth. ; caule striato puberulo, foliis alternis cordato-orbiculatis subreniformibusve acute cuspidatis membranaceis 5-7-nervibus reticulato-venosis supra glabris subtus stellato-pubescentibus, spicis masculis laxis subsimpli- cibus fasciculatis hirtis, floribus solitariis subpedicellatis, pe- rianthio 6-partito, staminibus fertilibus 3 brevibus, sterilibus 3 filiformibus ovarii rudimentum trifidum sequantibus. — On the Quorra, opposite Stirling, Vogel. Ramuli tenues, ut videtur inermes, pilis brevibus fuscis fascicu- latis ramosisve conspersi v. glabrati. JFb/m longiuscule petio- lata, 1^-2 poll, longa, et stepe longitudine sua latiora, cuspide apicis acutissimo, auriculis baseos rotundatis, sinu in novellis angusto in adultis lato ; vense parum conspicuse ; punctse pellucidse in junioribus lineares, demum obscurata^. Spicce masculce graciles, l|-2-pollicares, rhachide floribusque pilis stellulatis canescentibus. Flares demum dissiti, bractea an- gusta acutissima, bracteola minuta, apertos non vidi, ala- bastrum f lin. longum. Perianthii lacinise 3 extei'iores ovatse, extus hirtse ; 3 interiores angustse, glabrae, consistentia multo tenuiore. Stamina fcrtilia ad basin perianthii cum laciniis interioribus alter nantia, filamentis brevissimis, an- 538 FLORA NIGRITIANA. theris subglobosis ; sterilia inteviora liliformia, fertilibus lon- giora, infra apicem articulata. Ovarii rudimeutum divisum in lacinias tres filiformes staminodia sequantes et iis sub- similes nisi continuas. In parte inferiore spicarum adsunt interdum llores nonnulli imperfecte hermaphroditi, ovario infero, ovula nonnulla contineute, perianthii laciniis stami- nibus stylisque imperfectis coronato. Stirpsfoeminea baud visa. Tbe species is not referrible to any of GrisebacVs S. American sections. 5. Dioscorea rubiginosa, Benth. ; foliis altcrnis late cordatis subcuspidatis 7-9-nervibus supra glabris subtus caule inflo- rescentiaque ferrugineo-tomentosis, spicis foemineis fascicu- latis. — Sierra Leone, Don. Specimen unicum fcemineum ab omnibus a me cognitis tomento brevi ferrugineo (e pilis stellatis composite) distinctum. Folia caulina 3-4-pollicaria, floralia dimidio minora. Spicce 3-4- pollicares. Flores dissiti, sessiles, bractea parva lata cuspi- data, bracteola minima oblonga. Ovarium per anthesin 1^ lin. longum, obtuse trigonum, intus incomplete triloculare, placentis 3 linearibus utrinque uniovulatis perianthii laciniis interioribus oppositis. Stylus basi breviter simplex erectus, dein divisus in lobos 3 cum placentis altemantes recurvos breves canaliculato-dilatatos apice emarginatos laciniis pe- rianthii breviores. Pei^ianthii lacinise extus tomentosse, exteriores ovatse, interiores angustiores. 6. Dioscorea daemona, Roxb. Fl. Tnd. 3. p. 805. — Wight, Ic. t. 811. — D. virosa, Wall.? — Aguapim, Vogel ; a single spe- cimen, with young male inflorescence, apparently the same as the wdely diffused East Indian plant. 7. Dioscorea vespertilio, Benth. ; glaberrima, foliis trisectis seg- mentis petiolulatis obovali-oblougis obtusissimis subcoriaceis nitidis, fructus alis 2 latissime expansis transverse ovato- oblongis rigide membranaceis, tertia angustissima v. costse- fornii. — Sierra Leone, Don ; a single specimen, in leaf, with a few loose fruits. Tota glaberrima et Isevis, siccitate glauco-nigricans, quodam- modo Stauntoniam refercus. Petioli alterni, subtripollicares. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 539 apice divisi in petiolulos tres semipollicares ; infra petiolura adest ssepe mucro brevis recurva. Foliorum segmenta 3-3 poll, longa, supra medium 1-li poll, lata^ basi et apice obtusa^ margine recurva, sub lente minutissime et creberrime pellucido-punctata : costa media venseque ab ea divergeutes 1-2, alternse, subtus prominentes ; venae 2 oppositse tenuiores ad basin costse medise convergentes ; venulse reticulatse sub- transversseque. Inflo7'escentia eijlores desunt. Capsulce axis 1-1 5 poll, longa; alse horizontaliter divergentes, 1^ poll. longaj, parallele venosse. Semina non vidi. There are besides, in Don^s collection from Sierra Leone, some bunches of capsules of a Dioscorea, possibly one of those above-described, but there are no leaves to identify them ; and the D. alata, Linn, and D. sativa, Linn, are both, according to Thonning, in cultivation. CXI. LiLIACEiE. 1. Gloriosa superha, Linn. ; var petalis apice tantum undulatis. — Grand Bassa, Vogel. The foliage is exactly like that of the Indian G. superha, and of the Mascarene (not W. African) G. virescens, Lindl. The flower is fully as large as in G. superha, yellow when young, red after it is fully out, according to Vogel. Forbes^s Mada- gascar specimen of G. virescens is bad, and has two flowers, the one young, apparently about the size represented in the Bota- nical Magazine, the other, more developed, fully as large as the East Indian ones, but not so undulate. Lamark describes a Senegalese form, with petals broader than any I have seen. Schumacher and Thonning describe a G. angulata, from Guinea, with petals pubescent at the apex, his other character, the angularly compressed stem, frequently occurring in all the varieties. There is, moreover, a South African form, gathered by Drege, and referred to G. virescens by Kunth, which I have not seen. Whether all these be mere varieties of G. superha, or whether any or all the African ones may belong to a distinct species, and if so, what are its geographical limits, can only be determined from better materials than we possess at present. 540 FLORA NIGRITIANA. Of the tribe of Asphodelece there are but two specimens, both without flowers, in the collections ; one from Sierra Leone, Don, may be the Chlorophytum orchidastrum, Lindl., the other from Grand Bassa, Vogel, is wholly indeterminable. The pub- lished West Tropical African species arc : Urginea Senegalensis, Kunth., Senegal ; Chloroj)hytum inornatum, Ker., and C. or- chidastrum, Lindl., Sierra Leone; Allium Guineense, Schura. et Thonu., Ornithogatum ensifolium, Schum. et Thonn., Aloe picta, Thunb., and Sanseviera Guineensis, Willd., all from Guinea. There are two specimens of Asparagus in VogePs collection, both without flowers or fruit, and almost all the leaves loose; the one appears to be the East Indian A. falcatus, Linn., or a species closely allied to it; the other is very near to the A. retrofracta and A. Asiatica. The Dracaena fragr arts, Ker., from Sierra Leone and Guinea, D. ovata, Ker., from Sierra Leone ; and Dianella triandra, Afz., {Duchekia, Kostel,), from Sierra Leone, complete the list of known W. African species of this generally extensive Order, which w^ould probably have furnished us with many more from this country, were they easier to collect and to dry. CXIL Melanthace^. Schumacher and Thonning have published a Helonias Gui- neensis, not taken up by subsequent authors. Judging from the description, it is not a Helonias, but belongs to some genus, perhaps new, of the tribe Melanthiece. CXIIL JuNCEiE. 1. Flagcllaria Indica, Linn. — Kunth, Enum. 3. p. 370. — F. Guineensis, Schum. et Thonn. Beskr. p. 181. — Cape Coast, Vogel, Don ; a common East Indian and Tropical African plant. FLORA NIGRITIANA. 541 CXIV. CoMMELYNEiE. 1. Commelyna communis, Linn. — Kunth, Enum. 4^. p. 36, — On the Quorra, at Stirling, AnselL — This single specimen is the only one agreeing with the Eastern form described with unilateral pubescence on the stem. 2. Commelyna agraria, Kunth, Enum. 4. p. 38, — Sierra Leone, and on the Quorra, Vogel ; St. Thomas, Don ; agreeing well with Kunth^s description as well as with American specimens, and apparently as common in West Tropical Africa as in Tropical America.* 3. Commelyna sp. — A single specimen, without any station given, but a memorandum of VogeFs stating that the flowers are yellowish. The sheaths of the leaves are covered with long hairs ; in other respects it agrees with C. agraria. 4. Commelyna Bengalensis, Linn. — Kunth, Enum. 4. p. 50. — On the Quorra, at Stirling, AnselL 5. Commelyna capitata, Benth. ; caule repente minute scabro- puberulo, foliis subsessilibus ovato- v. oblongo-lanceolatis puberulis glabratisve, vaginis ore rufo-ciliatis, spathis turbi- nato-cucullatis in capitulum terminalem aggregatis margine rufo-ciliatis, pedunculis geminis altero incluso 3-4-floro, al- tero exserto unifloro. — Cape Palmas, Vogel. Ab affinibus distinguitur pilis ad margines spatharum nume- rosis et in spathas ipsas sparsis, et spathis 4-5 in capitulum sessilem v. pedunculatum confertis. Folia dissita, latitudine varia. Sepala lata, tenuiter membranacea, eglandulosa. Pe- talum impar late ovatum. Capsulee valvule crassiusculse nee nitidse nee striatse. 6. Commelyna sulcata, Willd. — Kunth, Enum. 4. p. 56. — Sierra Leone, Don ; Accra and Fernando Po, Vogel. Flowers blue or white. 7. Commelyna nigritana, Benth. ; caulibus basi repentibus mi- nute puberulis glabratisve, foliis sessilibus lineari-lanceolatis, vaginis ore hirtellis, spathis oppositifoliis breviter pedunculatis * Since the above was written I have had before me a number of East India specimens, which lead me to doubt whether the C. agraria be really distinct from C. commvnis. 542 FLORA NIGRITIANA. cucullatis acuminatis hirtellis, pcduuculis solitariis 3-4-floris (sterili nullo ?), sepalis glanduloso-lineolatis, (petalo imparl ob- longo ?) — On the Quorra, at Attah, Vogel. Caules semipedales ad pedalcs. Folia 2-3 poll, longa, circitcr 2 liu. lata. Pedunculi puberuli, 3-4 lia. longi. Spaiha re- flexae, semipollicares, extus pilis minutis hirtellse et prope basin aliis majoribus subpaleaceis hispidce. Flores inclusi, parvi. Petala 2, longe unguiculata, calyce subtriplo longiora, angusta ; tertium breve sessile. The specimens are very rotten, and I could only examine one imperfect flower. 8. Commelyua aspera, G. Don, in Herb. Soc. Hort. Lond. ; caulibus repentibus glabris, foliis lanceolatis v. lineari-lanceo- latis supra v. utrinque scabro-hirtellis, spathis subsessilibus ad apicem caulis confertis turbinato-cucullatis acuminatis extus pilosis, sepalis glabris, (petalo imparl ovato ?) — Accra, Don ; Confluence of the Niger, Vogel. This may possibly be a mere variety of the American C. ele- gans, Kunth. There are two other West African species described, C um- bellata, Schum. et Thonn., from Guinea, which must be very near our C. Nigritana, although the description does not quite agree, and the Arabian C. Forskalei, which is indicated also from Senegambia. 1. Cyanotis lanata, Benth. ; foliis lanceolatis linearibusve in- florescentiis caulcque laxe sericeo-lanatis, spicis latcralibus ter- minalibusque subgeminis, bracteolis falcato-lanceolatis, se- palis pilosissimis, corolla infundibulari triloba, staminibus vix exsertis. — Savannahs on the Quorra, at Addaenda and Patteh, Vogel. Caules pedales v. longiores, difi'usi, subramosi. Pili molles, albidi, laxe sericei, ad nodos et vaginas copiosi, in caule foliisque rariores, demum subevanidi. Folia 2-3-pollicaria. Capitula e spicis geminis formata, pleraquc terminalia, ad- jecto nonnunquam altero axillari. Folia floralia coiuplicata, inferius ssepe caulinis conformc, alterum brevius, Injiores- centia C. cristata, sed bractefc angustiorcs valde falcat. . Ifcf/jfj. Titcn^ eieL Si4UXpi '■ I.nhr.'^ /trtryirtrrr., Uthh . J&eUUi', ??/*-.•.>. ^i*''"^ ^'i^f I'SirUTi/i. Jiv-ui-cumt J^ep/'tiUvrri , H'f^b. (Vl^VfiJKii'iW,. <:f 1;^ 6" K 1^, lfe. li^ I ? ? MaAeUylWu) iV-'iUj^ii'jrr'^' ->'-;»'<<* Melh^cunzrU Lepri^^ru^^ J1^6l> Fciah, oLe.1. rt iith^ Ziotix^ ptviyowt'etzSj iVedi'. Mou/ilcj'iiMic J K'Mtnyton S^Strtm^ FhaccLy YoqcZci^ , W^ib . ^AJl'il^^vntia'SyFttdLr.^r&^vS^tStrtKn^ Jervohu^ Dw6t>utr3fKUt>tgan. S^Str'O-ui Apcc(jtc>s Benztve^szs . Hook, . fd/ . yt>jlde;fFrinar^Wi(hngu>n.y JVataHa. T'aJuMiyafi'icS Fla^irJi. , i> A*tf ^7Vr t(^~ -y Wm'& fytiv-. ChoaL'eJi.€i^- flxrr'hhTjmin Plonch Zen-c-crrrcpTiaZos cappo^rfd,&vcs Jieri.t/iy . INSERT FOLDOUT HERE INSERT FOLDOUT HERE Ma^ZeyJrtn/^er ^Wt^/tiaur' -j^or^nru/. W/vCOn CiisuuttJ^uis Tc^sta^cA^io-s Fltvtcuwcicrpicr/v Afrie^inJi^jv, Hook fi/y . INSERT FOLDOUT HERE INSERT FOLDOUT HERE Mitdi^eylu^37rUtinfrtcri -S'-Jtrcui^ UwoarCay AfrwiUvio.G .DoRy '^iTiA^J^ cUl^ INSERT FOLDOUT HERE 4-^ muUleyT^ir.w, 'TTii&njui i?*J>-tw-< rrj^axi, ^ f/steruL. GtJjTi/.tngiJ, WtWl ■if> W.FKrh ,U Cbndenoi/ttha^ altenu/blicL- I'lccnc/v 49 INSERT FOLDOUT HERE %{[xt ntiii l^nltinlilt ^Mi t a n i r It I 1^ d r k 0, TO BE HAD OF HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE, 219, REGENT STREET, LONDON. Amerikanische Gewaeehse nacli Linneischer Ordnung. 200 coloured plates. Niirnberg, 1786—89 . . . . . Berehthold und Opitz (P. M.) Oekonomisch-technische Flora Bohmens. 4 vols. Bvo. Prag, 1839 Bertolini (A.) Flora Italica. 5 vols. 8vo. Bononia, 1833 — 46 Bischoff (Gr. W.) Handbuch der Botanischeu Terminologie und Systemkunde. 2 vols. 4to. with 100 plates. Niirnberg, 1830—1844 Boissier. Voyage Botanique dans le Midi de I'Espagne pendant I'annee 1837. 4to. avec 178 planches tig. noires Paris, 1839 — 43 Brisseau-Mirbel. Ilistoire Generale et Particuliere des Plantes. 18 vols. 8vo. tig. noires. Paris, 1802—1808 .... Bruch. et Schimper. Bryologia Europsa, seu Genera Muscorum Euro- pseorum Monographiae illustrata. 4to. with plates. Stuttgart, 1840 — 4 7. 40 numbers, price of each ..... Burmanni. Thesaurus Zeylanicus exhibens Plantas in insula Zeylana nas- centes. 4to. with 110 plates. Amstelodami, 1737 . Rariorum Africanarum Plantarum Decas Decima. Avec 100 graviu-es. 4to. Amsterdam, 1738 ...... Buxbaum. Plantarum minus cognitarum, centuria, i. ii. iii. Completens plantas circa Byzantium et in Oriente observatas. 72 plates. 4to. Petropoli, 1728—29 ....... De Candolle (M. A. P.) Prodromus Systematis Natiu-alis Regni Vegetalis. Vols. 1 a 12 et 13, 2&me partie. 8vo. Paris, _ 1824—49 . Astragalogia nemple Astragali Biserulse et Oxytropidis nee non Phacae, Colutffi et Lessertiae, historia iconibus illustrata. folio et 50 pi. Parisiis, 1802. Regni Vegetabilis Systema Naturale sive ordines Genera et Species, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818—21 ..... Delessert. Icones selecta; Plantarum, descripsit De Candolle. 5 vols. 4to. figures ....... Desfontaines. Fiona Atlantica, sive Historia plantarum quse in Atlante agro Tunetono, et Algeriensi. 2 vols. 4 to. avec 361 planches. Paris, 1798 Dietrich (D.) Synopsis Plantarum scu enumeratio systematica, 4 vols. 8vo. Vim. 1840—46 ...... • Lichenographia Germanica oder Deutschlands Flechten in Naturge- treuen Abbildungen, nebst kurzen Beschreibungen. 4to. 225 col. plates. Jena, 1839 ....... Deutschlands Kryptogamische Gevpachse, Farrnkr'duler, Laubmnose und Lebermoose. With 296 coloured plates, 8vo. Jena, 1846 Dozy (P.) et Molkenboer (T. H.) Musci Frondosi inediti Archipelagi indici sive descriptio et adinnesatio muscorum frondasicum in usilis Java, Borneo, Sumatra, Celebes, Amhoma, nee non in Japonica nuper delectorum minusve cognitorum. 4 parts. 40 plates. Lugduni Calavorum, 1840 Dreves et Hayne. Choix de Plantes d'Europe, decrites et dessinees d'aprcs Nature. 5 vols. 4to. with 123 coloured plates. Leipzig, 1802 £ s d 1 10 1 4 5 5 3 8 8 3 3 10 10 18 12 8 10 1 10 1 4 8 15 3 10 5 3 10 6 3 2 HIPPOLYTE BAIM-IERK, 219, REGENT STREET. £ s d Dutrocliet. Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire Anatomique et Physiologique des Vegetaux et des Animaux. Avec cette epigraphe : " Je considcre couime nou avcuu tout ce que j'ai publii'- precedemnient sur ces matieres, et qui ne se tvouve point reproduit dans cette collection." 2 vols. 8vo. et atlas de 30 planches. Paris, \KM . . . . . .14 Fielding and Gardner. Sertum Plantarum ; or Drawings and Descrip- tions of Rare and Uudescribed Plants, from the Author's herbariuip. 8vo. v.ith 75 plates. London, 1844 . . . . ' .110 Flore Medicale. Decrite par F. P. Chaumeton, M.D. peinte par Turpin. 8 vols. 8vo. boards, with coloured i)lates. Paris, 1824 . . .600 Gaertner. De Fructibus et Semiuibus Plantarum. 3 vols. 4to. with 225 plates. Stuttgart, 1788—1805 . . . . .660 Gaudin. Flora Helvetica. 7 vols. 8vo. rel. cum 28 tabula. Turici, 1828—33 5 Gesneri. Opera Botanica, edit. D. C. C. Schmiedel. 2 vols, foho, colom-ed plates. Nuremberg, 1751 — 71 . . . • , 2 10 • TabulcC Pliytographicffi analysin generum Plantarum exhibentes cum commentatione. Edit. C. S. Schinz. Folio, avec 31 planches. Turici, 1795 . 18 Gleichen. Observations Microscopiques sur les parties de Generation des Plantes renfcrmt-es dans les Fleurs. folio, avee 30 planches coloriees. Nu- remberg, 1790 . . . . . .200 Gmelin (J. F.) Flora Sibirica, sive historia Plantarum Sibiria;. 4 vols. 4to. and atlas of ])latcs, bound. Petropoli, 174 7 — 59 . . .200 Grenier et Godron. Flore de France, on Description des Plantes qui croissent naturellement en France et en Corse. Vol. 1, in 2 Parts. 8vo. Paris, 1848 . . . . . . . 14 l! ouvrage sera complvt en 4 vols. Hayne et Dreves. Termini Botanici Iconibus illustrati, oder Botanische Kunstspracbe durch Abbildungen erliiutert. Edeut Willdeuow, 69 plates. 4to. col. Berlin, 1807 . . . . . .110 Hedwig (R. A.) Filicum Genera et Species recentiore methodo accomrao- data; analytice descri])tre. Folio, with 6 coloured plates. Lipsia?, 1799 . 8 q Eoflfmann (Dr. G. F.) Descrijjtio et Adumljratio Plantarum e Classe Cryp- togamica Linnaji qua' Lichenes dicuntur. 3 vols, folio, containing 72 coloured plates. Leipzig. 1790—1801 . . . . .200 Hooker (Sil' W. J.) Icones Plantarum, New Series. Vols. I. — IV. con- taining each 100 plates, with explanation. 8vo. cloth. London, 1842 — 47. Each 18 The London Journal of Botany, New Series. Vols. I — VI. with 24 ])latcs each, boards. 1842 — 7. Now reduced to each vol. . .10 Botany of the Niger Expedition, 8vo. with 50 plates. London, 1849 .110 Icones Lignorvun Exoticomm et Nostratium, in English, French, Latin, Dutch and German, containing 100 coloured plates, 2 vols. 4to. Amster- dam, 1773—91 . . . . . .400 Jacqnin. Collectanea ad Bolanicum, Chcminm, IlistoriamNaturalem Spectantia, cum figuris. 4 vols, et suppl. 4to. 178G — 96 . . .600 Jaume St. Hilaire. Exposition des families Naturelles et de la Germination des Plantes. 2 vols. 4to. avec 112 planches. Paris, 1805 . . 2 10 Fig. col. 2 vols. 4to. bound . . . .400 Jung et Berlese. Iconographie du genre Camellia, ou Description et Figures des Camellias les plus beaux et les plus rares. Peints d'apres nature. 3 vols. 4to. liOO planches colorices avec soin. Paris, 1843 . . . 22 Koch (G. D. J.) Svnopsis Flora; Germaniea; et Ilelveticae. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1843—5 . . . . . 1 10 Labilladiere (J. J.) Nova; Ilollandia: Plantarum Specimen. 2 vols. 4to. bound, with 205 plates. Parish, 1804 . . . .500 Lecoq et Juillet. N'ouveau Dictionnaire raisonne des Termes de Botanique et des Families naturelles, contenant I'Etymologie et la Description detaillee de tons les Organes, leur Synomie, et de la Definition des Adjectifs, 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841 . " . . . . .090 IIIPPOLYTK BAILLIERE, 219, REGENT STREKT. £ s d Leers (J. D.) Flora Herbornensis exhibens Plantas circa Herboram Nassovio- rum crescentes, 8 vo. with 16 plates. Berlin, 1789 . . .060 L'Heritier. Stirpes Nova; Descriptionibus et Iconibus illustrata;. Large fol. avec 84 planches. Paris, 1784 . . . . . 1 10 Linnsea. Ein Journal fiir die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange. Herausge- geben von Schlechtendal. From the commencement, in 1826 — 1839. 13 vols. 8vo. boards . . . . . . .900 Loiseleur-Deslongchamps. Flora Galhca, sen enumeratio Plantarum in Gallin sponte nascentium, secundum Linnjeum disposita addita familiarum naturahura svnopsi. Nova editio, emendata, aucta. Parisiis, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. cum TabuUs XXXI. . . . . . 16 Martius und Endlicher. Flora Brasiliensis, sive Enumeratio Plantamm in Brasilia. Folio. Parts I. II. et III. avec 34 planches, fig. noires. Vindo- bonae, 1840—44 . . . . . . 5 16 et Spix. Icones Plantarum, Crvptogamicarum, ciir. C. F. P. Mai-tius. Cum 76 tab. col. 4to. Monachii, 1827—34 . . . . 15 Genera et Species Palmarum. cur C. F. P. Martius. Cum 177 tab. col. grand in-fol. Monachii, 1823—36 . . . . . 40 Nova Genera et Species Plantarum, coll. et descr. C. F. P. Martius et J. G. Zuccarini. 3 vols. 4to. cum 300 tab. col. Monachii, 1824— 31 . 40 Miehaux. Flora Boreali- Americana. 2 vols. 4to. tabulis aeneis 51 ornata. Paris, 1803 . . . . . . .15 Miers. Illustrations of South American Plants. Parts 1 — 4, 4to. each containing 8 plates. London, 1846 — 9. Per part . . .070 Wees at) Esenbeck. Sammlung schonbliihender Gewachse. Text 4to. and atlas foho, with 100 coloured plates. Dusseldorf, 1831 . .500 Genera Plantarum Florag Germanicse. 24 hvraisons, 8vo. containing 20 plates each. Bonn, 1838—43. Per livraison . . .040 CEder et Muller. Flora Danica. 7 vols. foho. coloured plates. Copen- hagen, 1766—92 . . . . . . 15 Plumier. Descriptions des Plantes de I'Amerique, avec 108 planches, folio. Paris, 1693 . . . . . . 1 10 Pritzel. Thesaurus Literature Botanicae omnium gentium inde a rerum bota- nicarimi initiis ad nostra usque tempora, quindecim millia opera recensens. Parts 1 — 4, 4to. To be completed in 8 parts. Lipsiae, 1847 Each part .0 80 Schkuhr. Beschreibung und Abbildung der theils Bekaunten, theils noch nicht beschriebenen Arten von Riedgrasern. 8vo. with 92 coloured plates. Wit- tenberg, 1801 . . . . . . . 2 10 Traduction Franfaise, par Delavigne, 8vo. avec 54 planches. Leipzig, 1802 . . . . . . .200 Botanisches Handbuch, 4 vols. 8vo. boards, with 350 weU coloui-ed plates. (No Text.) Wittenberg, 1791— 1808 . . .5 00 Sehleiden (M. J. M.D.) The Plant ; a Biography. In a Series of Lectures on Botany. Translated by Arthur Henfrey, F.L.S. 8vo. plates. London, 1848 15 Soh.nitzlein. Iconographia familiarum natmalium regni Vegetabihs. Livrai- sons 1 to 8. 4to. 60 planches. Bonn, 1843—48 . . .200 Schwegman. Icones Plantarum rariorum. Edidit et Descriptiones, G. V. Schneevogt. foho, with 36 col. plates. Harlaam, 1793 . .15 Sickler. Der deutsche Obstgartner. 24 vols. 8vo. with 250 colom-ed plates. Weimar, 1794—1804 . . - • • .500 Sprague and Gray. The Genera of the Plants of the United States. Illus- trated bv Figures and Analyses from Nature. 2 vols. 8vo. with 200 plates. Boston, '1848—49 . • • • • .300 Sprengel. Von dem Bau xind der Natur der Gewachse. 8vo. with 14 coloured plates. Halla3, 1812 . • • • • . 16 Das Entdeckte Geheimniss der Natur im Bau und der Befriichtung der Blumen. 4to. mit 25 Tafeln. Berlin, 1793 . • • . 16 Trattinnick. Flora des osterreichen Kaiserthuraes. 2 vols. 4to. bound, with coloured plates. Wien, 1814—24 . . • • . 12 10 HIPPOLTTE BAILLIERE, 219, REGENT STREET. [^1^1 i^m© wALy^iBLg ©©TAii^fleAL w®^m Trattinnick. Svmodus Botanica. Monographia Rosacearum. 4 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1823 '. . . . . . .14 Trew. Die Kahrungs-Gefase in den Blattern der Baume. Folio, with 25 co- loured plates. Nuremberg, 1748. — PlantJE Rariores, Edent, Keller, with 20 plates coloured. 1763 — 79. — Hill. A Decade of curious and elegant Trees and Plants, drawn after specimens received from the East Indies and America, folio, with 10 plates coloured— Robert. Flowers. 12 plate§. These four works are bound in 1 vol. foUo . . . .300 Plants: Selectas, Ehret et Haid. Decuriae I to VIII., with the por- traits of Trew, Haidens and Ehret. FoUo, 100 coloured plates et Supple- mentum Selectarum. Folio, with 20 plates. 2 vols. Nurenberg, 1750 . 2 10 Trinius. Species Graminum Iconibus et Descriptionibus illustravit. 3 vols. 4to. with numerous plates. Petropoh, 1846 . . . .900 Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Beforderung des Gartenbaues in den Kiinig- hch-Preussischen Staaten. 10 Bde. 4to. ilium. Kupf. Berhn, 1824—34 .500 Volkamer (J. C.) Niimbergische Hesperides, oder Griindliche Beschreibung der Edlen Citronat, Citronen, und Pomerantzen Friichte. 2 vols. foUo, ^sith a great number of finely engraved plates. Niirnberg, 1708 — 14 . . 1 10 Wahlenberg (G.) Flora Suecica. 2 vols. 8vo. Upsaliae, 1826 . .10 Waldstein et Kitaibel. Descrijitio et Icones Plantarum rariorum Hungaria, 3 vols, foho, with 280 coloured plates. Yindobona, 1802—12 . . 22 10 WaJlich. Plantae Asiaticae Rariores ; or Descriptions and Figures of a select number of unpublished East Indian Plants. 3 vols, foho, hf. cf. with 300 coloured plates. London, 1830—32 . . . . 20 Walpers (G-. G.) Annales Botanices Systematicae, "Vol. 1. in 6 Parts. 8vo. Leipzig, 1848 . . . . . . .18 • Repertorium Botanices Systematices. 6 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1842 — 1849 . . . . . . . 5 16 Wight. Illustrations of Indian Botany ; or. Figures Illustrative of each of the Natural Orders of Indian Plants, described iu the Author's Prodromus Floraj Peninsula In(Use Orientalis ; but not confined to them. By Dr. R. Wight, F.L.S., Surgeon to the Madras Establishment. Vol. 1, published in 13 Parts, containing 95 coloiu-ed Plates. Madras, 1838 — 40 . . , 4 17 6 — Vol. 2, Part 1, containing 39 coloured Plates. Madras, 1841 . . . . . . .15 Odd Parts may be obtained to complete Sets. Icones Plantarum India Orientahs ; or, Figures of Indian Plants. By Dr. Robert Wight, F.L.S., Surgeon to the Madras Establishment. Vol. 1, 4to. consisting of 16 Parts, containing together 318 Plates. Madras, 1838—40 .400 Vol. 2, consisting of 4 Parts, containing together 318 Plates. Madras, 1840—42 . ... . . .550 Vol. 3, Parts 1 to 4, with 509 Plates. Madras, 1843—47 .600 Vol. 4, Part 1, with 125 Plates. Madras, 1848 . . 1 10 Odd Parts may he obtained to complete Sets. Contributions to the Botany of India. By Dr. Robert Wight, F.L.S., Surgeon to the Madras Establishment, 8vo. London, 1834 Spicilegium Neilgherrense ; or, a Selection of Neilgherry Plants, Drawn and Coloured from Nature, with Brief Descriptions of each ; some General Remarks on the Geography and Affinities of Natural Families of Plants, and Occasional Notices of theh Economical Properties and Uses. By Dr. Robert Wight, F.L.S., Surgeon to the Madi-as Establishment, 4to. with 100 coloured Plates. Madras, 1846 . . . . . .350 Prodromus Flora: Peninsula; India; Orientalis; containing Abridged Descriptions of the Plants found in the Peninsula of British India, arranged according to the Natural System. By Drs. Robert Wight, F.L.S., and Walker Arnott. Vol. 1, 8vo. London, 1834 . . . 16 HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE, 219, REGENT STREET. |fini&«r& Iriniiifir Wnh. PUBLISHED BY HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE, 219, REGENT STREET, LONDON. £ s d Boussingault. Rural Economy ; in its Relations with Chemistry, Physics, and Meteorology. By J. B. Boussingault, Member of the Institute of France. 2nd Edition, with Notes, carefully rerised and corrected, 1 vol. 8vo. cloth boards, London, 1845. . . . . 18 Campbell. A Practical Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry, including the Preparations of Substances, and their Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses, with Organic Analysis. By Dugald Campbell, Demonstrator of Practical Chemistry to the University College, London . . . . 5 6 Chapman. A Brief Description of the Characters of Minerals ; forming a familiar Introduction to the Science of Mineralogy. By Edward J. Chapman, 1 vol. 12mo. with 3 plates, London, 1844 . ' . . .040 Practical Mineralogy ; or, a Compendium of the distinguishing Cha- racters of Minerals : by which the Name of any Species or Variety in the Mineral Kingdom may be speedily ascertained. By Edward J. Chapman, 8vo. illustrated with 13 engravings, showing 270 specimens, London, 1843. .070 IDana. Manual of Mineralogy, including observations on Mines, Rocks, reduction of Ores, and the Application of the Science to the Arts. With 260 Illus- trations. Second Edition. Newhaven, 1849 . . . . 12 G Davy (Sir H.) Elements of Agricultural Chemistry ; a New Edition, with Instructions for the Analysis of Soils. By John Shier, Illustrated with Wood- cuts, 8vo. London, 1846 . . . . . .050 Draper. A Treatise on the Forces which Produce the Organization of Plants, with an Appendix containing several Memoirs on Capillary attraction, Elec- tricity, and the Chemical action of Light. By John W. Draper, M.D., Pro- fessor of Chemistry in the University of New York, second edition with addi- tions and emendations, 4to. New York, 1845 . . . .0150 Duxnas and Boussingault. The Chemical and Physiological Balance of Organic Nature : an Essay. By J Dumas and J. B. Boussingault, Members of the Institute of France," 1 vol". 12mo. London, 1844 . . .040 Fau. The Anatomy of the External Forms of Man (for Artists). Edited by R. Knox, M.D., with Additions, 8vo. and 28 4to. plates. 1849. Plain .140 Coloured . . . . .220 The Text separately with the four additional Plates, for Persons possessing the French edition. Plain . . . .0120 Coloured. . . . . . 14 Gordon (L.) Treatise on the Steam Engine, and on the Motive Power of Heat, with every improvement to the present day. By L. Gordon, Professor of Engineering in the University of Glasgow, 8vo. Illustrated with Wood Engravings and Steel Plates. In the Press. • A Synopsis of Lectures on Civil Engineering and Mechanics, 4to. London, 1849 . . • • • • .070 Graham. Elements of Chemistry ; including the Apphcation of the Science in the Arts. By T. Graham, F.R.S. L. & E. ; Professor of Chemistry at Uni- versity College, London, 2nd Edition, entirely revised and greatly enlarged, copiously illustrated with Woodcuts, vol. 1. 1849 . . .110 Part IV. Humboldt. Kosmos : a General Survey of the Physical Phenomena of the Universe. By Baron A. Humboldt. The original EngUsh Edition, 2 vols, post 8vo. London, 1848 . • • • • .12 Vol. II. separately, 1848 . . . . 12 HirpoLYTE bailliehe's publicatioxs. 5T/2Mi^[2)A[^© geaiiiMTBi?]© w©^m £ s d Johnston. Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geologj-. 2nd Edition, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1847 . . • • . .14 Ksemtz. A Complete Course of Meteorology. By L. F. Kaemtz, Professor of Physics at the University of Ilalle. With Notes by Ch, Martius, and an Appendix by L. Lalanne. Translated, with Ad(Mtions, by C. V. Walker, Editor of " The Electrical Magazine." 1 vol. post 8vo. pp. 624, with 15 Plates, cloth boards, 1845 . . • . . 12 6 Knapp. Chemical Technology, or Chemistry applied to the Arts and to Manufactures. By F. Knapp, Professor at the University of Giessen. Edited, whh numerous Additions, by Dr. E. Ronalds, Lecturer on Che- mistry at the Middlesex Hospital; and Dr. Thomas Richardson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Illustrated with 500 large Woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848 . . . . . .220 Vol. II. separately . . . . .110 Knipe. Geological Map of the British Isles ; in a case. London, 1848 .440 Liebig. Chemistry and Physics, in relation to Physiology and Pathology. By Baron Justus Liebig, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Giessen. 2nd Edition, 8vo. Loudon, 1847 . • • • .030 Low CD.) An Inquiry into the Nature of the Simple Bodies of Chemistry, 2nd Edition, 8vo. London, 1848 . • • • .090 Mansfield. Benzole ; its Nature and Utility, 8vo. London, 1849 . .010 Mitchell (J.) Manual of Practical Assaying, intended for the use of Metallurgists, Captains of Mines and Assayers in General. With a copious Table, for the purpose of ascertaining in Assays of Gold and Silver the precise amount, in Ounces, Pennyweights, and Grains, of noble Metal contained in one ton of Ore from a given quantity. 1 vol. post 8vo. London, 1846 . . . . • • . 10 6 Treatise on the Adulterations of Food, and the Chemical Means em- ployed to detect them. Containing Water, Flour, Bread, iMilk, Cream, Beer, Cider, Wines, Spirituous Liquors, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Sugar, Honey, Lozenges, Cheese, Vinegar, Pickles^ Anchovy Sauce and Paste, Catsup, Ohve (Salad) Oil, Pepper, Mustard. By J. Mitchell, F.C.S. Author of " Manual of Practical Assaying." 12mo. London, 1848. . . .060 Muller. Principles of Physics and Meteorology. By J. Muller, M.D. Illustrated with 530 Woodcuts, and 2 Coloured Plates.'Svo. London, 1847 . . 18 Nichol. Astronomy Historically and Scientifically developed, shewing the Rise of the Science from its Growth, and the Character of the illustrious Men who have contributed to it. By J. P. Nichol, Professor of Astronomy in the University of Glasgow, 2 vols. 8vo. Illustrated by Plates and Woodcuts. In the Press. Quarterly (the) Journal of the Chemical Society of London, 8vo. Vol. I. 1848 . . . . . • . 13 Vol. 2. Parts 1 — 3, Pubhshed regularly Quarterly. Each .030 Quekett (J.) Practical Treatise on the Use of the Microscope. Illustrated with Steel and Wood engravings, 8vo. London, 1848 . . .110 A few copies, with the plates coloured . . .220 Regnault. An Elementary Treatise on Crystallography, Illustrated with 108 Wood engravings, printed on black ground, 8vo. London, 1848 . .030 Richardson. Geology for Beginners ; comprising a FamiUar Exposition of the Elements of Geology and its Associate Sciences, Mineralog>', Fossil Con- chology. Fossil Botanv, and Paleontology. By G. F. Richardson, F.G.S., 2ud Edition, post 8vo. with 251 Woodcuts, 1843 . . . . 10 6 Richardson and Ronalds. Metallurgy ; and the Chemistry of the Metals : in 3 vols. 8vo. Illustrated with numerous Wood engravings. In the Press. Stars and the Earth. The Stars and the Earth ; or. Thoughts upon Space Time, and Eternity. 3rd Edition, Seventh thousand, 2 Parts in 1, 18mo. London, 1849 . . . • • • .020 Stephens. Manual of Practical Draining. 3rd Edition, with Woodcuts, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1848 . . . • • .050 HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE's PUBLICATIONS. )ir/^B^iD/2\[^© §(gfli[MiTa^ii(g w(2)[^K$ Taylor. Statistics of Coal. The Geographical and Geological Distributiou of Fossil, Fuel, or Mineral Combustibles, employed in the Arts and Manufac- tures. Their Production, Consumption, Commercial Distribution, Prices, Duties, International regulations in all parts of the World, including 400 Statistical Tables and 1100 Analyses of Mineral Bituminous Substances, with incidental statements of the Statistics of Iron Manufactures. By Richard Cowling Taylor, F.G.S., 8vo. London, 1848 . . . . 1 10 Thomson. Chemistry of Organic Bodies — Vegetables. By Thomas Thomson, M.D. F.R.S. L. & E. ; Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow, Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Paris. 1 large vol. 8vo. pp. 1092, boards, London, 1838 . . . .14 Heat and Electricity. 2nd Edition, 1 vol. 8vo. Illustrated with Wood- cuts, London, 1839 . . . • • . 15 Chemistrvof Animal Bodies, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843 . .0150 Thomson. British Annual and Epitome of the Progress of Science. By R. D. Thomson, Assistant Professor in the University of Glasgow, 3 vols. 18mo. cloth boards, lettered, each . . . . .036 First Year, 1837. Contains numerous Practical Tables of Weights, Measures, and Coins. The Popular Papers are by the Rev. B. Powell ; C. Tomlmson, Esq. ; W. S. B. Woolhouse, Esq. ; T. S. Daxies, Esq. ; R. D. Thomson, M.D. Second Year, 1838. The Popular Papers are by T. Thomson, M.D., Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow ; R. E. Grant, M.D. Professor of Comparative Anatomy in the University College, London ; R. D. Thomson, M.D. ; Life of James Watt, illustrated with a Portrait ; H. H. Lewis, Esq. Third Year, 1839. The Popular Papers are by J. S. Russell, Esq. ; Professor R. E. Grant ; H. Gamier, Esq. ; R. D. Thomson. Weisbaeh (J.) Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. Illustrated with 200 Wood engravings, London, 1848 . .119 Vol. II. separately . . • . 18 ^natomj), i^etrtcmr, Sttrgcrg, antr Natural ^mv^* Cotirtenay. Pathology and Rational Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra in all its Varieties and Complications, with Observations on the Use and Abuse of Urethral Instruments. The whole illustrated by numerous Cases. By F. B. CouRTENAY, M.R.C.S., &c. 4th Edition, 8vo. London, 1848 .050 Practical Observations on the Chronic Enlargement of the Prostate Gland in Old People : with Mode of Treatment. By Francis B. Courtenay, 8vo. with numerous Cases and Plates, boards, London, 1839 • .076 Cruveilhier and Bonamy. Atlas of the Descriptive Anatomy of the Human Body. Bv J. Cruveilhier, Professor of Anatomy to the Faculty of MetUcine, Paris. With Explanations by C. Bonamy. Containing 82 Plates of Osteology, Syndemology, and Myology. 4to. London, 1844. Plain . ^^^ Coloured . . . • . • .5150 Dunglison. A Dictionary of Medical Science, containing a Concise Account of the various Subjects and Terms, with the French and other Synonymes, Notices of Climate and of celebrated Mineral Waters, Formula for various officinal and empirical preparations. By Robley Dunglison, M.D., sixth edition, greatlv enlarged, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846 . ' -pk i ' Eberle. A Treatise on the Materia Medica and Therapeutics. By John Eberle, M.D., 2 vols, in 1, sixth edition, 8vo. 1847 - A Treatise on the Practice of Medicine. By John Eberie, M D., with Notes and Additions, by George M'Clellan, 1\LD., 2 vols, in 1, seventh edi- tion, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849 . • • • * IG 1 2 HirroLYTE bailliere's publications. )TA[ME)A1^[D §(gfl[l[i^T01Fa© W©^^^. Eberle. A Treatise on the Diseases and Physical Education of Children, by John Eberle, M.D. Third Edition, 8vo. 1848 . . .0150 Fau. The Anatomy of the External Forms of Man (for Artists). Edited by R. Knox, M.D., with Additions. 8vo. Text, and 28 4to. Plates, London, 1849. Plain . . . . . . .14 Coloured. . . . .220 The Text separately -with the four additional Plates, for Persons possessing the French edition. Plain . . . .0120 Coloiu-ed . . . . . . 14 Gerber and GrUlliver. Elements of the General and Minute Anatomy of Man and the MammaUa; chiefly after Original Researches. By Professor Gerber. To which is added an Appendix, comprising Researches on the Anatomy of the Blood, Chvle, Lvmph, Thymous Fluid, Tubercle, and Addi- tions, by C. Gulliver, F.R.s! In 1 vol. 8vo.' Text, and an Atlas of 34 Plates, engraved by L. Aldous. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth boards, 1842 . .14 G-rant. General View of the Distribution of Extinct Animals. By Robert E. Grant, M.D. F.R.S. L. & E. ; Professor of Comparative Anatomy at the Universitv College, London. In the " British Annual," 1839. 18mo. Lon- don, 1839 . . . . . . .036 On the Principles of Classification, as appUed to the Primary Di\-isions of the Animal Kingdom. In the " British Annual," 1838. 18mo. Illustrated with 28 Woodcuts, London, 1838 . . . . .036 Outlines of Comparative Anatomy. 8vo. Illustrated with 148 Woodcuts, boards, London, 1833—41 . . . . .18 Part VII. with Title-page . . . .016 Gross. Elements of Pathological Anatomy. Illustrated by coloured engra^•ings and 250 Woodcuts, by Samuel D. Gross, M.D. Professor of Surgery in the Medical Institute of Louisville, second edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845 , 1 12 Hall (Marshall), On the Diseases and Derangements of the Nervous System, in their Primary Forms, and in their modifications by Age, Sex, Constitution, Hereditary Predisposition, Excesses, General Disorder and Organic Disease. By Marshall Hall, M.D. F.R.S. L. & E. 8vo. with 8 engraved Plates, Lon- don, 1841 . . . . . . 15 ^s an Appendix to the above Work, — On the Mutual Relations between Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Therapeutics, and the Practice of Medicine ; being the Gulstonian Lectures for 1842. 8vo. with 2 coloured Plates and 1 plain, London, 1842. .050 New Memoir on the Nervous System, true Spinal Marrow, and its Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, and Therapeutics. 4to. with 5 engraved Plates, London, 1843 . . . . • .10 Harris. The Principles and Practice of Dental Surgery. By Chapin A. Harris, M.D. Third edition, with 156 illustrations, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. 110 Henriques. Etiological, Pathological and Therapeutical Reflections on the Asiatic Cholera, as observed in Europe, Asia Minor, and Egvpt, 8vo. London, 1848 . . . . . ' . .016 Hufeland. Manual of the Practice of Medicine ; the result of Fifty Years' Experience. By W. C. Hufeland, Physician to the late King of Prussia; Professor in the University of BerHn. Translated from the Sixth German Echtion, by C. Bruchhausen and R. Nelson, 8vo. bound. London, 1844 . 15 Jones (W.) An Essay on some of the most important Diseases of Women, with a Description of a Novel Invention for their Treatment and Relief, 8vo. London, 1849 . . . . . .010 Laennec. A Treatise on the Mediate Auscultation, and on Diseases of the Lungs and Heart. By R. T. H. Laennec, Professor to the College of France, and to the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. With Notes and Additions by M. Laennec, and M. Andral, Professors to the Faculty of Medicine, Paris. Translated from the last edition by a Member of the College of Physicians. Edited by Theophilus Herbert, M.D. ; with Practical Notes, condensed from the Lectiues of F. H. Ramadge, M.D. , O.von. 8vo. with plates. London, 1846 18 HlPrOLYTE BAILLIERe's rUBLICATIONS. )TA!J^©^[^E) ggDKMlTQIFD© W®[^BS( £ s d Lebaudy. The Anatomy of the Regions interested in the Surgical Operations performed upon the Human Body ; with Occasional Views of the Patholo- gical Condition, which render the interference of the Surgeon necessary. In a Series of 24 plates, the Size of Life. By J. Lebaudy, folio. London, 1845 14 Lee. The Anatomy of the Nerves of the Uterus. By Robert Lee, M.D. F.R.S. Folio, with 2 engraved plates. London, 1841 . , .080 Maddock. Practical Observations on the Efficacy of Medicated Inhalations in the Treatment of Pulmonary Consumption. By Dr. Maddock. 3rd Edition, 8vo. with a coloured plate. London, 1846 . . .056 Cases of Pulmonary Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Chronic Cough, and various Diseases of the Lungs, successfully treated by Medicated Inhala- tions, 8vo. London, 1847 . .' . ' . .020 Martin. A General Introduction to the Natural History of Mammiferous Ani- mals : with a particular View of the Physical History of Man, and the more closely allied Genera of the Order " Quadrumana," or Monkeys. Illustrated with 296 Anatomical, Osteological, and other engravings on wood, and 12 full-plate Representations of Animals, drawn by W. Harvey, 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1841 . . . . . . 10 Miner. The American Bee Keeper's Manual ; being a Practical Treatise on the History and Domestic economy of the Honey Bee, embracing a full illustra- tion of the whole Subject, with the most approved Methods of Managing this Insect through every Branch of its Culture, the Residt of many Years' Experience. By T. B. Miner, 12mo. London, 1849 . . .0 86 Morton. An illustrated System of Human Anatomy, Special, General and Mi- croscopic. Bv Samuel G. IMorton, M.D., with 391 wood-engravings, 8vo. Philadelphia, ' 1849 . . . . . . 1 12 Natural History of New York. Zoology ; or. The New York Fauna. Comprising Detailed Descriptions of all the Animals hitherto observed within the State of New York, x\'ith Brief Notices of those occasionally found near its Borders, and accompanied by appropriate Illustrations. General Intro- duction and ilammalia. By James E. De Kay, with 33 beautifully executed engravings on steel, 4to. Albany, 1842 . . . . 1 16 Ornithology. By James E. De Kay, with 141 beautifully executed engi-avings on steel, coloured, 4to. Albany, 1843 . . . 3 10 Mollusca and Crustacea. By James E. De Kay, with 40 beautifidly exe- cuted engrav. on steel of the Mollusca and 13 of the Crustacea, all coloured. 4to. Albany, 1844 . . . . . . 2 10 Geologv'. Comprising the Geology of the first Geological District. By William W. Mather, Professor of Natural History in the Ohio Universitj', with 46 engraved plates, 4to. Albany, 1843 . . . 2 10 Owen. Odontography ; or, a Treatise on the Comparative Anatomy of the Teeth, their Physiological Relations, Mode of Development, and Microscoiiical Structure in the Vertebrate Animals. By Richard Owen, F.R.S. , Correspon- dent of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Paris and Berlin ; Ilunterian Pro- fessor to the Royal College of Surgeons, London. This splendid Work is now completed, 2 v. royal 8vo. contg. 168 plates, hf.-bd. russia. London, 1840-45 6 6 A few copies of the plates have been printed on IncUa paper, 2 vols. 4to. 10 10 Phillips. Scrofula : its Nature, its Prevalence, its Causes, and the Principles of Treatment. By Benjamin Phillips, F.R.S. Surgeon and Lecturer on Surgery to the Westminster Hospital, 1 vol. 8vo. with an engraved Plate. London, 1846 12 ■ A Treatise on the Urethra ; its Diseases, especially Stricture, and their Cure, 8vo. boards. London, 1832 . . . .080 Prichard. The Natural History of Man ; comprising Inquiries into the Modi- fying Influence of Physical and Moral Agencies on the different Tribes of the Human Family. By James Cowles Prichard, M.D. F.R.S. M.R.I. A. Cones- ponding ^lember of the National Institute, of the Royal Academy of Medi- cine, and of the Statistical Society of France ; Member of the American Philosophical Society, &c. &c. 3rd Edition, enlarged, with 50 coloured and 5 plain Illustrations," engraved on steel, and 97 engra\'ings on wood, royal 8vo. elegantly bound in cloth. London, 1848 . . . . 1 16 HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERe's TUBLICATIOXS. 5Ti2\iMi©^^© geoiij^TfliP'a© w©^m Prichard. Appendix to the First and Second Editions of the Natural History of Man, large 8vo. with 6 coloured Plates. London, 1845 & 1848. Each -036 Six Ethnographical ^laps, as a Supplement to the Natural History of Man, and to the Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, folio, coloured, and 1 sheet of letter-press, in cloth boards. London, 1845 .14 Illustrations to the Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. Atlas of 44 coloured and 5 plain Plates, engraved on steel, large 8vo. half- bound. London, 1841 . . . . . . 18 On the Different Forms of Insanity, in relation to Jurisprudence. (De- dicated to the Lord Chancellor of England), 12mo. London, 1842 .0 50 Eayer. A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Skin. By P. Raver, M.D., Physician to the Hopital de la Charite. Translated by R. Willis, M.D. 2nd Edition, remodelled and much enlarged, in 1 thick vol. 8vo. of 1300 pages, with Atlas, royal 4to. of 26 Plates, finely engraved, and coloured with the greatest cai'e, exhibiting 400 Varieties of Cutaneous Affections. London, 1835 . . . . .480 The Text separately, 8vo. in boards . . .18 The Atlas 4to. separately, in boards . . . 3 10 Robinson. Surgical, Mechanical, and Medical Treatment of the Teeth, includ- ing Dental Mechanics, with 139 Engravings. By James Robinson, Surgeon Dentist to the Metropolitan Hospital, post 8vo. cloth. London, 1846 . 10 Ryan. The Philosophy of Marriage, in its Social, Moral, and Physical Rela- tions ; with an Account of the Diseases of the Genito-Urinarj' Organs, with the Physiology of Generation in the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms. By M. Ryan, M.D. 4th Edition, greatly improved, 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1843 ■ . . . . . . .060 Shuckard. Essay on the Indigenous Fossorial Hymenoptera; comprising a Description of the British Species of Burrowing Sand Wasps contained in all the Metropolitan Collections ; with their habits, as far as they have been observed, 8vo. with 4 Plates. London, 1837 . . . 10 Plate I. is wanting. Syme. Principles of Surgeiy. By J. Syme, Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University of Edinburgh. 3rd Edition, much enlarged, and illustrated with 14 Plates on IncUa paper, and 64 Woodcuts, 1 vol. 8vo. Loudon, 1842 .110 Vogel and Day. The Pathological Anatomy of the Human Body. By Julius Vogel, M.D. Translated from the German, Avith additions, by George E. Day, M.D. Illustrated with upwards of 100 plain and coloured Engravings, 8vo. cloth. London, 1847. . . . . . 18 Wardrop. On Blood-letting ; an Account of the Curative Effects of the Abstraction of the Blood ; with Rules for employing both local and general Blood-Letting in the treatment of Diseases, 12mo. London, 1835 . .040 Waterhouse. A Natural History of the Mammalia. By G. R. Waterhouse, Esq., of the British Museum. Vol. I, containing the Order Marsupiata, or Pouched Animals, witli 22 Illustrations, engraved on steel, and 18 Engrav- ings on wood, royal 8vo. elegantly bound in cloth, coloured Plates . 1 14 6 Plain . . . . . .19 Vol. II. containing the Order Rodentia; or, Gnawing Mammalia : with 22 Illustrations, engraved on steel, and Engravings on wood, royal 8vo. elegantly bound in cloth, coloured Plates. London, 1848 • . 1 14 6 Plain . , . . . .19 Tne Natural History of Mammalia is intended to embrace an account of the struc- ttire and habits of all the known species of Quadrupeds, or Mammals ; to which will be added, observations upon their geographical distribution and classifica- tion. Since the fossil and recent species illustrate each other, it is also in- tended to include notices of the leading characters of the extinct species. The Genera, and many of the species, are illustrated by Engravings on steel, and by Woodcuts. The modifications ohservable in the structure of the skulls, teeth, feet, and other parts, are almost entirely illustrated by steel En- gravings. HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE S PUBI.ICATIONS. §T^[i^©/Sv[^[e) g(gQl[^TQ[F'Q(g W©^m Williains. Elements of Medicine : Morbid Poisons. By Robert Williams, M.D. Physician to St. Thomas's Hospital. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836 — 41 .18 6 Vol. II. separately. 1841 . . . . 18 Willis. Illustrations 'of Cutaneous Disease : a Series of Delineations of the Affections of the Skin, in their more interesting and frequent forms ; with a Practical Summary of their Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment, including appropriate Formulfe. By Robert Willis, M.D., IMember of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians. The Drawings are after Nature, and Lithographed by Arch. Henning. These Illustrations are comprised in 94 Plates, foho. The Dra^^^ngs are Originals, carefully coloured. Bound in cloth, lettered. Lon- don, 1843 . . . . . . .600 On the Treatment of Stone in the Bladder by Medical and Mechanical IMeans. London, 1842 . . . . ..050 Wood. A Treatise on the Practice of Medicine, by George B. Wood, M.D., second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849 . . . 1 10 Venables. The Nature and Treatment of the Epidemic or Asiatic Cholera with Simple Directions for the Suppression and Prevention of the Disease, 4th Edition, 12mo. London, 1848 . . . .026 Botany* Babington. Primitiae Florae Sarnicae; or, an Outline of the Flora of the Chan- nel Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Serk, 12mo. London, 1839 . . . . . . .040 Fielding and Gardner. Sertum Plantarum ; or, Drawings and Descrip- tions of Rare and undescribed Plants from the Author's Herbarium. By II. B. Fielding ; assisted by G. Gard ner, Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Ceylon, 8vo. London, 1844 . . . ,110 Gray and Sprague. Genera Florae Americas Boreali Orientalis, illustrata 200 Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1848—1849 . . .400 Hooker. Icones Plantarum. By Sir W. J. Hooker, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. New Series, Vols. I — IV, containing 1 00 Plates with Explanations, 8vo. cloth. London, 1842 — 1844. Each vol. . .180 Vol. IV. Part 2. London, 1848 . . . 14 The London Journal of Botany. Vols. I — VI, with 24 Plates each, boards. 1842—47 . . . . . .10 Noiv reduced to 20 ShilUngs each Vol. Notes on the Botany of the Antarctic Voyage, conducted by Captain James Clark Ross, R.N. F.R.S., in H.M.SS. Erebus and Terror; with Observations on the Tussac Grass of the Falkland Islands, 8vo. with 2 coloured Plates, London, 1843 . . . . .040 Botany of the Niger Expedition, 8vo. with 100 Plates, 1849. In the Press. Mather (W.) Outlines of Botany. Part 1, with 7 Plates, 12mo. cloth boards. London, 1848 . • . . • .026 Miers (J.) Illustrations of South American Plants, 4to. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, with 28 Plates. London, 1847—49 . . . . .18 Schleiden. The Plant ; a Biography, in a Series of Popxdar Lectures on Botany. Edited and Translated by A. Henfrey, F.L.S. 8vo, with 5 coloured Plates", and 13 Wood-cuts. London, 1848 . . . . 15 Wight. Illustrations of Indian Botany ; or. Figures Illustrative of each of the Natm-al Orders of Indian Plants, described in the Author's Prodromus Florae Peninsula; Indiae Orientalis ; but not confined to them. By Dr. R. Wight, F.L.S. , Surgeon to the Madras EstabUshment. Vol, 1, published in 13 Parts, containing 95 colom-ed Plates. Madras, 1838 — 40 . . , 4 17 6 Vol. 2, Part 1, containing 39 coloured Plates. Madras, 1841 . . . . . . .15 Odd Parts may be obtained to complete Sets. HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERK S PUBLICATION.^. 5TAli^©A[^l) SgOlO^TfllFD© w©^m Wight. Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis ; or, Figures of Indian Plants. By Dr. Robert Wight, F.L.S., Surgeon to the Madras Establishment. Vol. 1, 4to. consisting of 16 Parts, containing together 318 Plates. Madras, 1838 — 40 .400 Vol. 2, consisting of 4 Parts, containing together 318 Plates. Mackas, 1840—42 . . . . . .550 Vol. 3, Parts 1 to 4, with 509 Plates. Madras, 1843—47 .600 Vol. 4, Part 1, with 125 Plates. Madras, 1848 . . 1 10 Odd Parts may be obtained to complete Sets. Contributions to the Botany of India. By Dr. Robert Wight, F.L.S., Surgeon to the Madras Establishment, 8vo. London, 1834 . .076 Spicilegium Neilgherrense ; or, a Selection of Neilgherry Plants, Drawn and Coloured from Nature, with Brief Descriptions of each ; some General Remarks on the Geography and Affinities of Natural Families of Plants, and Occasional Notices of their Economical Properties and Uses. By Dr. Robert Wight, F.L.S., Siu-geon to the Madras EstabUshmeht, 4to. with 100 coloured Plates. Madras, 1846 . . . . . ,350 Prodromus Florae Peninsulas Indiae Orientalis; containing Abridged Descriptions of the Plants found in the Peninsula of British India, arranged according to the Natural System. By Drs. Robert Wight, F.L.S., and Walker Arnott. Vol. 1, 8vo. London, 1834 . . .0160 2 6 1 9 5 6 5 1 12 Arnica and Rhus, with directions for their use in Mechanical Injuries and iu other Affections, 18mo. London, 1848 . . . .010 Belluomini (J., M.D.) Scarlatina ; its Treatment Homoeopathically, 8vo. London, 1843 . . . . . .010 BC8nninghausen. Manual of Homoeopathic Therapeutics, intended as a Guide to the Study of Materia Medica Pura. Translated, with Additions, by S. Lamie, M.D. 8vo. 1848 . . . . . . 12 ■ Essay on the Homoeopathic Treatment of Intermittent Fevers, 8vo. New York, 1845 ...... Black. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Cholera, Svo. 1847 A Treatise on the Principles of Homoeopathy, Svo. London, 1842 Chepmell (Edward C, M.D.) Domestic Homoeopathy, Restricted to its Legitimate Sphere of Practice ; together with Rules for Diet and Regimen, 18mo. Loiidon, 1849 . Curie (P. F., M.D.) Practice of Homoeopathy, 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1838 Principles of Homoeopathy, 1 vol. Svo. London, 1837 Jahr's Homoeopathy. New Edition, 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1847 ^e Jahr. A Treatise on Cholera, English and Asiatic, with Directions for the Homoeopathic Treatment, Svo. London, 1849 . . .010 Dunsford (Harris) . The Pathogenetic Effects of some of the Principal Ho- moeopathic Remedies, Svo. London, 1838 . . . .060 • The Practical Advantages of Homoeopathy, illustrated by numerous Cases. Dedicated, bv permission, to Her Majesty Queen Adelaide. 1 vol. Svo. boards. 1841 " , . . . . .060 Epps. Domestic Homoeopathy ; or, Rules for the Domestic Treatment of the Maladies of Infants, Children, and Adults, and for the Conduct and Treat- ment during Pregnancv, Confinement, and Suckling. 4th Edition, 12mo. London, 1844 ' . . . . . .046 Everest (T. R.) A Popular View of Homoeopathy ; exhibiting the Present State of the Science. 2nd Edition, amended and much enlai-ged, Svo. Lon- don, 1836 . . . . . . .060 A Letter addressed to the Medical Practitioners of Great Britain on the Subject of Homoeopathy, Svo. London, 1834 . . .016 HirrOLYTE BAILLIERE S rUBLICATIONS. jT^lME)^!^© ggOHlMTfllFlKg W@^m £ s d Guntlier. New Manual of Homoeopathic Veterinary Medicine ; or the Ho- moeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Dog, and other Domestic Animals. Translated from the 3rd German Edition, with considerable Addi- tions and Improvements, post 8vo. cloth. London, 1847 . . 10 6 Halinemann. Materia Medica Pura. Translated and Edited by Charles J. Hempel, M.D. Vols. 1 to 4, 8vo. New York, 1846. Per vol. . .080 Organon of Homoeopathic Medicine, 8vo. London, 1849 . . 10 The Chronic Diseases, their Specific Nature and Homoeopathic Treat- ment. Translated and Edited by Charles J. Hempel, M.D., 5 vols. 12mo. New York, 1846 . . . . . .200 Harailton. A Guide to the Practice of Homoeopathy. Translated and compiled, in Alphabetical order, from the German of Ruoflf, Haas, and Riickert, with Additions. 12mo. Leipzig, 1844 . . . . .050 Harral (P. Blagdon). Popular Outlines of Homoeopathy. 24mo. Lond. 1840 10 Hartmann (F.) Practical Observations on some of the Chief Homoeopathic Remedies. Translated from the German, with Notes, by Dr. Okie. 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1846 . . . . . . 15 Theory of Acute Diseases and their Homceopathic Treatment. Trans- lated by C. HempeL 2 vols. 12mo. New York, 1848 . . .0180 Theory of Chronic Diseases and their Homoeopathic Treatment, Svo. New York, 1849 . . . . . .080 Hayle. An Address on the Homoeopathic System of Medicine. 8vo. 1843 .010 Hempel. Homoeopathic Domestic Physician, 12mo. New York, 1846 .050 Hering (of Philadelphia). The Homoeopathist ; or, Domestic Physician, 2nd Edition, 12mo. London, 1845 . . . . .070 Homoeopathic Examiner (the). By Drs. Gray and Hempel. New Series. Vols. I. and II. New York, 1846—1847. Each . . 1 10 Homoeopathic Times (the). Review of British and Foreign Medical Science and Literature. Published Weekly, 8vo. Commenced August 4, 1849 03 Per Post . . . . . . .004 Jahr. Manual of Homoeopathic Medicine. In 2 Parts. Part 1. — Materia Medica. Part II. — Therapeutical and Symptomatological Reposi- tory. Translated from the 4th Edition, and Edited, with Additions, by P. F. Curie, M.D. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847 . • .112 The most complete Work on the subject. The American Edition. Translated with extensive additions from various sources, by C. J. Hempel, M.D., and J. M. Quin, M.D., the Materia Medica only. 2 large vols. Svo. New York, 1848 . . • .330 This Work is intended to facilitate a comparison of the parallel symptoms of the variotis Homceopathic agents, thereby enabling the Practitioner to discover the characteristic symptoms of each drug, and to determine with ease and correctness the remedy. Short Elementary Treatise upon Homoeopathy and its Practice ; with some of the most important Effects of Ten of the Principal Homoeopathic Remedies. Translated by E. Bayard, M.D. 18mo. London, 1846. .026 Laurie (J., M.D.) An Epitome of Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. 12mo. London, 1848 .....•• Elements of Homoeopathic Practice of Physic. 8vo. 1847 . Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. 4th Edition, 12mo. London, 1849. The Parent's Guide, a Treatise on the Method of Rearing Children from their Infancy ; Comprising the essential Branches of Moral and Physical Edu- cation. 12mo. London, 1849 . . . . • Marsden. Notes on Homoeopathy. 8vo. London, 1849 . Newm.an (George). Homceopathic Family Assistant. 2nd Edition, 1847 . A Concise Exposition of Homceopathy ; its Principles and Practice with an Appendix . . • • • • .016 Rau. Organon of the Specific Healing Art. Translated by C. Hempel. 8vo. New York, 1847 . • • • • .080 5 16 12 6 3 6 5 HirroLYTE bailliere s publications. 10 §Ti^[i^®A[^© g(g0[l!i^ir3[F0(g w@]^m 10 6 10 6 6 6 2 6 5 6 6 Rosenstein (J. G.) The Comparative Merits of Allceopathy ; the old Medical Practice, and Homceopathy, the reformed Medical Practice ; particularly illus- trated. 8vo. Montreal, 1846 . . . . .080 Rueckert. Therapeuticus ; or, Successful Homoeopathic Cures, collected from the best Homoeopathic Periodicals. 8vo. New York . . . 15 Ruofif. Reperton,- of HomcEopathic Medicine, Nosolog:ically arranged. Trans- lated from the German by A. H. Okie, with Additions and improvements by G. Humphrey, M.D. 12mo. New York, 1843 . . .070 Russell. A Treatise on Epidemic Cholera, with a Map showing the Course of the Cholera from India to Britain. 8vo. London, 1849 . Simpson (M. D.) Practical View of Homceopathy. 8vo. London, 1836 Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. 8vo. NewYork, 1846 Whitefield. Homoeopathy. The True Art of Healing. 18mo. Brighton, 1845. Williamson. Short Domestic Treatise on the Homoeopathic Treatment of the Diseases of Females and Children. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Wilson (D.) A Treatise on Scrofulous Disease in general, and that form of it called Pulmonary Consumption, Homoeopathically treated. 8vo. London, 1849. Yeldham (S.) Homoeopathy in Acute Diseases. 8vo. London, 1849 Ashburner (J.) Facts in Clainoyance, with Observations on Mesmerism, and its AppUcation to the Philosophy of Medicine, and to the Cure of Diseases. 8vo. London, 1848 . ' . . . . .010 Earth. The Principle of Health Transferable, 18mo. London, 1848 .0 06 . A Manual of jMesmeric Practice, intended for the Instruction of Beginners. Iti the Press. Baumann. Curative Results of Medical SomnambuUsm, consisting of several Authenticated Cases, including the Somnambule's own Case and Cure. 8vo. London, 1849 . . • • • • .016 Davis. The Principles of Nature, her Divine Revelations and a Voice to Man- ' kind. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847 . . . . 18 Early Magnetism, in its Higher Relations to Humanity ; as veiled in the Poets and the Prophets. By GYOS MAGOS. 8vo. cloth. London, 1846 .050 Elliotson. The Han-eian Oration, delivered before the Royal College of Phy- sicians, London, June 27, 1846. By John Elliotson, M.D. Cantab, F.R.S. ; Fellow of the College. 8vo. with an English Version and Notes. Loudon, 1846 2 Niunerous Cases of Surgical Operations without Pain in the Mesmeric State ; with Remarks upon the Opposition of many Members of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, and others, to the reception of the inestimable blessings of Mesmerism. By John EUiotson, M.D. Cantab. F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1843 . • ' • • • • .026 A Fine Portrait of. Engraved on stone, London, 1844 . .046 Haddock. Somnolism and Psycheism, otherwise Vital Magnetism or Mes- merism. 18mo. London, 1849 . . . . .016 Hall (Spencer T.) Mesmeric Experiences. 12mo. 1845 . .026 Jones. The Curative Power of Vital ^lagnetism ; verified by Actual AppUcation to numerous Cases of Diseases. 12mo. London, 1845 . . .010 Kiste. Mesmerism ; or, Facts against Fallacies. In a Letter to the Rev. George Sandbv. 18mo. London, 1845 . . . . .010 Sandby. Mesmerism and its Opponents. 2nd Edition, 12mo. 1848. .0 50 Scoresby (the Rev. W.) Zoistic Magnetism, 8vo. . . .060 Teste. A Practical Manual of Animal Magnetism ; containing an Exposition of the Methods employed in producing the Magnetic Phenomena, with its Application to the Treatment and Cure of Diseases. By A. Teste, M.D. Translated from the 2nd EtUtion, by D. Spillan, M.D. Dedicated, with pennission, to John Elliotson, M.D. Cantab., F.R.S., 1 vol. post 8vo. London, 1843 . . • • • • .060 HirrOLYTE BAILLIERE S PUBLICATIONS. £ s d Topham and Ward. Account of a Case of successful Amputation of the Thigh during the Mesmeric State, without the knowledge of the Patient. Read to the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society on the 22nd of November, 1842. 8vo. . . . . . . .010 Townsend. Facts in Mesmerism, with Reasons for a Dispassionate Inquiry into it. By the Rev. Ch. H. Townsend, second edition, with a New Preface, and enlarged, Svo. London, 1844 . . . . .090 The most Philosophical Work published on the subject. Zoist. A Journal of Cerebral Physiology and Mesmerism, and their Application to Human Welfare. Published Quarterly, each Number . . .026 *^* This Journal contains papers by Drs. Elliotson, Engledue, Ashburner, &c. Ttventy-seven Numbers have already appeared. Nos. I to 24, forming 6 vols. Svo. cloth boards. Each vol. . 110 Vol. I., being nearly out of Print, is £\. Commenced April 1, 1843. Bulwer Lytton (Sir E.) Confessions of a Water Patient, third edit, 1847. 10 Wilson. Practice of the Water Cure, with authenticated Evidence of its Efficacy and Safety. Part I. containing 70 authenticated Cases, the Opinions of English Medical Practitioners, a Sketch of the History and Progress of the Water Cure, and an Account of the Processes used in the Treatment, 8vo. London, 1844 . . . . . . .016 The Water Cure, Stomach Complaints, and Drugs, Diseases, their Causes, Consequences, and Cure by Water, Air, Exercise and Diet, Svo. tMrd edition, 1843 . . . . . .046 Johnson. The Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, with 15 engraved iUustra- tious of important subjects. By Edward Johnson, M.D., Svo. London 1849 . 12 Bernstein (L.) Selections from the best German Authors in Prose and Poetiy; also some Commercial Letters, 12mo. London, 1842 . .0 60 Boniface. Modern English and French Conversation ; containing Elementary Phrases and New Easy Dialogues, in French and EngUsh, on the most fami- liar Subjects : for the use of the Traveller and Student. By M. Boniface. Sixteenth edition, ISmo. London, 1845 . . . .030 Ollendorff. A new Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the German Language in Six Months. By H. G. Ollendorff. Translated from the Fifth French Edition. By G. J. Bertinchamp, A.B. Third edition, revised and considerably improved, 12mo. bound, 1848 . . .090 A Key to the Exercises, 12mo. bound, 1848 . . .046 Troppaneger. German Grammar ; with Reading Lessons, systematically arranged to show the affinity existing between the English and German Language and Progressive Exercises. Fourth edition, 12mo. London, 1849 .060 Raymond de Vericotir. Principles of History, 12mo. London, 1845 1 6 Wiglesworth (Thomas). Tables of the Logarithm of the Probability of a Life of any assigned age living to any other age, according to the experience of the Carlisle Table of Mortality, Svo. London, 1848 . . .0 50 Vital Statistics. An Essay on the rate of Mortality among Children, Svo. London, 1847 . . • • • .026 Wellesley (W.) De la France Contemporaine et de ses divisions Hierarchiques, Reponse k rou\Tage de M. Guizot, de la " Democratic en France," Svo. Londres, 1849 . . • • • .060 HIPPOLYTE BAILLIEKE S PUBLICATIONS. IMPORTANT %VORKS PUBLISHED BY HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE. Vol. I. Svo., 1848, 13*. Vol. II., Nos. 5, 6, 7, each Zs. ^\^t dEuattetlg Journal OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. EDITED FOR THE SOCIETY BY EDMUND RONALDS, Ph.D. natural liistart) nf tjje JHammalra, BY G. R. WATERHOUSE, CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE PHILOMATIC SOCIETY OF PARIS; AND ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 2 Vols. Svo. with Illustrations on Steel and Wood, each Vol. Col. £\. 14s. 6rf. Plain, £\. 9«. Vol. I.— MARSUPIATA. Vol. II.— RODENTIA. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN. COMPRISING INQUIRIES INTO THE MODIFYING INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL AND MORAL AGENCIES ON THE DIFFERENT TRIBES OF THE HUMAN LIFE. BY JAMES COWLES PRICHARD, M.D. F.R.S. M.R.I.A. CORRESPONDING MEMBER TO THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE, OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, AND OF THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY OF FRANCE; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPniCAL SOCIETY, ETC. Third Edition, enlarged, with .'JO coloured and 6 plain illustrations, engi'avc'l on Steel, and 97 engravings on Wood, royal Svo. elegantly bound in cloth. iSl. 16s. London, 1848. APPENDIX to the FIRST and SECOND EDITIONS of the NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN. Large Svo. with 6 coloured plates, each 3s. ^d. London, 1845 and 1S48. SIX ETHNOGRAPHICAL MAPS, as a Supplement to the Natural History of Man, and to the Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. Folio coloured and 1 sheet of Letter-press, 21«. bound in cloth boards, 24s. London, 1845. ILLUSTRATIONS to the RESEARCHES into the PHYSICAL HISTORY of MANKIND. Atlas of 44 coloured and 5 plain plates, engraved on Steel, large Svo. half-bound, 18s. London, 1841, Z\it i^lant; ^ IS to g tap fig* IN A SERIES OF POPULAR LECTURES ON BOTANY. BY M. J. SCHLEIDEN, M.D. PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF JENA. TRANSLATED WITH NOTES BY ARTHUR HENFREY, F.L.S. LECTURER ON BOTANY AT ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL. With 5 Coloured Plates and 13 Illustrations on Wood. Svo. 15s. '' As an introduction to the philosophical study of the vegetable kingdom, we can cordially recommend this volume. * * * * No one can for a moment doubt that this is the work of a man of genius, a profound thinker, thoroughly imbued with the spirit that should actuate all who would seek or apply the truth wherever it may be found. « * * • The translation, on the whole, demands our warm commendation."— j4