®l|f i. H. litU IGthrarg 1 i Nortlj ffiarolina S'tatt llntneraitg QK484 N8H?. '^Sv. NX. STATE UNIVERSITY DH HILL LIBRARY S00255297 U This book IS due on the date indicated below and is subject to an overdue line as posted at the circulation desk EXCEPTION: Date due will be earlier if this item is RECALLED. DEC 6 ^01 s# ^ m^ 4 2002 #..5 APR i ^ ZOOS 200M/09-98-981815 THE WOODS AND TIMBERS OF NORTH CAROLINA By p. M. hale. A Compilation from the Botanical and Geological Re- ports of Drs. Curtis, Emmons and Kerr; to which are added information obtained from the Census Bureau r.nd Accurate Reports fronn the sev- eral Counties. RALEIGH: P. M. HALE, PUBLISHEK. NEW YORK: E. J. HALE & SON. 1883. Copyright, 1883. PUBLISHER'S PREFACE. So abundantly supplied were the older States with na- tive timber growth, that questions relating to its perma- nence appear not to have suggested investigation through a long period. In new States and in the Territories the absence of forests has been felt severely, and the supply of their needs added to home waste has made the forestry question prominent and of practical importance. Sup- plies have been found scarce, and prices have advanced to a degree that is sensibly felt by all classes of the population. The forest wealth of North Carolina, it is believed, ex- ceeds that of any State. Little was known of it, except to Botanists, until a very recent date. The exhibition of woods at the Atlanta Exposition by the State Department of Agriculture and by the Richmond and Danville Rail- road Company attracted universal attention and admira- tion, and made it plain that the time is at hand when the forests of North Carolina, if properly worked, will yield larger income than all her beds of gold. Frequent inquiry from all sections of the country followed, and the exhibition made by the Richmond and Danville Company at the New England Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Institute has stimulated the public desire for information. The publisher hopes that this volume may supply it. In 18G0, the State published as part of the Geological Survey, then under the direction of the distinguished Dr. m^' 4 PUBLISHER S PREFACE. Emmons of New York, a small edition of a volume known to Botanists in this country and in Europe as Dr. Curtis's Woody Plants of North Carolhsta. The publication placed North Carolina among the foremost of the States in respect to the completeness as well as the scientific ac- curacy of the knowledge of her singular botanical wealth, which had engaged the interest and study of the most famous European and American Botanists for nearly one hundred years. Its circulation was confined to scientists, and the volume has been long out of print. It is repro- duced here in full. To these Reports of Dr. Emmons and Dr. Curtis have been added the later observations made by Dr. W. C. Kerr, State Geologist since the death of Dr. Emmons, and now Geologist in charge of the Southern Division of the United States Geological Survey ; such information as was obtained in 1880 by the Census Department for publication in the Census Reports when printed ; and, perhaps more satisfactory than these, reports from the sev- eral counties of the State obtained during the present year. These are entirely trustworthy. An exceptionally large acquaintance throughout the State, and access for this purpose to the lists of correspondents of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, have made it comparativelj^- easy for the publisher to obtain accurate information. The initials at the end of each county letter will be readily recognized as those of citizens well-informed and reliable, and with no private ends to serve. An accurate map of the State, on which are traced all its railroad routes, will be of use to those whom business or pleasure may attract to North Carolina. Raleigh, Dec. 20, 1882. CONTENTS. PART I.— The Woody Plants. Page. Dr. Emmons's Report, 11 Index to Woody Plants, 15 Dr. Curtis's Preface, . . . . . . 19 Trees of North Carolina, ..... 35 Shrubs of North Carolina, .... 134 Vines of North Carolina, 178 Tabular View of Species, . . . . . 194 Minor Plants, 197 PART II.— Forest Statistics. Forests of North Carolina, .... 201 Farms of North Carolina, ..... 255 Population of North Carolina, .... 258 PART III.— Facilities for Travel. The Railroads of North Carolina, . . . .263 Map of North Carolina. PART I. THE WOODY PLANTS OP NORTH CAROLINA, GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP North Carolina PART III.— BOTANY. THE WOODY PLANTS OF THE STATE, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THE TREES, SHRUBS, AND WOODY VINES. BY Rev. M. a. CURTIS, D. D. REPORT OF THE STATE GEOLOGIST, RALEIGH, June 1st, 18G0. To His Excellency^ John W. Ellis, Governor of North Carolina : Sir : I herewith transmit the Report of the Rev. M. A. Curtis, D. D., upon the Woody Plants of this State. The value of this Report is greatly enhanced by the fact that it embodies the labor of more tlian twent}' years. Dr. Curtis, in reviewing the whole subject with a view to a publication of the results of his labor, has felt constrained to furnish descriptions of only the most conspicuous and important plants indigenous to the State ; and of the less important ones a Catalogue simply, noticing, with each species, its geographical range in the State, and, where desir- able, its economical or medicinal uses. ' Notwithstanding the latter portion of his Report may thus appear to consist chiefly of technical names, and thus be of no general practical use, it will be regarded by the scientific public as a contribution of great value, not merely for its indication of tlie veg- etable productions of this State, Init also as contain- ing a large amount of information not elsewhere to be found. The position of this State is such that it jfgffgrr UBiAsr 12 DR. CUETIS TO. THE STATE GEOLOGIST. forms the north and south limits of many interesting productions in Natural History, belonging both to the vegetable' and animal kingdoms ; and it has been regarded an important Avork to fix definitely the true north and south boundaries of species belonging to these kingdoms.* In view of these considerations, together with many others which will, no doubt, be suggested on reflection upon the whole subject, it is hoped that your Excellency, with the Honorable Gentlemen constituting the Literary Board, will give pub- licity to the labors of Dr. Curtis, who has consented to assist me in this part of the State Survey. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, E. EMMONS, State Geologist. Dr. Curtis to the State Geologist. To Prof. E. Emmons, Geologist of the State of Noi'tTi Carolina : Dear Sir : In compliance with your request, that I would furnish, in connection with your general Survey of the natural resources of the State, an ac- count of its vegetable productions, I have prepared the following paper upon the Woody Plants of DR. CURTIS TO THE STATE GEOLOGIST. 13 North Carolina. I have brought these together in one view, because they are the most important, the best known, and can be more intelligibly arranged for general use, than upon a plan strictly scientific. Botanists will of course find fault with it ; but as my sole purpose herein is to make this essay of pop- ular service, and as intelligible as possible to those who know nothing of systems and would not take the time or trouble to master a scientific treatise, I have adopted the present course as the most likely one that occurred to me to accomplish the end pro- posed. It has its difficulties, as you will readily see, but you will at the same time confess, I think, that, though it might be better done, the end could not be so well attained but by some such arrangement. I must therefore crave your indulgence for this de- parture from established usage in this first portion of my Report. I have felt somewhat hampered by the limits to which I was restricted, and, as it is, have unavoid- ably overrun them ; but I hope, nevertheless, that nothing essential has been often omitted, either in the descriptions, or in noticing the valuable uses, of the various Trees, Shrubs, and Vines of the State. In instances where the plant is well known and needed no discrimination from similar or kindred species, I have omitted all description, as being in such cases superfluous. But whenever one is less known, or may be easily confounded with others, I have endeavored to present all the distinctive char- 14 DE. CURTIS TO THE STATE' GEOLOGIST. acters by which it may be discriminated from them. How far I have been successful must be left to the proof by trial ; but I am pretty confident that a per- son wholly unpracticed in this kind of investigation can, by means of the Tabular View given at the end of this Report, very soon learn to discriminate and find the name of most of the Woody Plants of the State. I will state in conclusion, what you were not be- fore aware of, that this Report is one of the fruits of your long continued service in the field of Science. My first knowledge of the elementary terms of Bot- any was derived from yourself and your distinguished Preceptor, Prof. Eaton, at the beginning of your public career. Though I was then too young to be admitted to your course of instruction, an impulse was then given which never abated, and now, forty years afterward, returns back to you with this hum- ble offering. The contribution is, therefore, most appropriately put into your hands by Your friend and servant, M. A. CURTIS. INDEX. [N. B. Names in Italics are synonymes of otliers in the Index.] PAGE. PAGE. Alder, 174 Bursting Heart, . . 165 " Dwarf, 170 Butternut, .... 77 " White, 162 Button Bush, . . . 172 (Andromeda,) 155 Button Wood, . . . 126 Apple, Crab, 115 Cabbage Tree, . . . . 108 Arbor Vitas, 175 Calico Bush, . . . . 160 Arrow Wood, 147 Cane, . 175 (Ascyrum,) . 176 Canoe Wood, . . . 128 Ash, . . . 89 (Cassandra,) . . . 157 " Mountain, 116 Catalpa, 84 " Prickly, 148,166 Cedar, Red 118 " Stinkhig, 89 " White, . . . 49 Aspen,. . , 120 Cherry, 94 (Atragene,) . 193 Chestnut, .... 78 Balsam, . . 46 China Root, . . . 186 Bamboo, . . 186 China Tree, . . . 108 Barberry, . 137 Chinquapin, . . . 79 Bass Wood, 129 Choke Berry, ... 115 Bav, Loblolly, 132 (Cocculus,) .... 188 "■' Red, : 106 Coffee Tree, . . . 84 " Sweet,. 110 Coral Berry, . . . 142 Bearberry, . 140 (Cornus,) .... 101 Bear Grass, . 153 Cotton Tree, . . . 121 Beech, . . 79 Cranberry, .... 142 " Water, 126 Creeper, Virginia, 184 Birch, ... 122 Cross Vine, .... 190 Bittersweet, 191 Cucumber Tree, . . 111 Blackberry, . 143-144 Currant, 138-139 Bladder Nut, 173 Cypress, 51- 53 Box, . . . 172 (Darby a,) .... 170 Box Elder, . . 89 (Deeumaria,) . . . 192 Box Wood, . 101 Deer Berry, . . . 141 Buckeye, 80 Devil's Slioe Strings, . 148 (Buckley a,) 169 Devil Wood, . . . 96 Buckthorn, . 109 Dew Berry, .... 144 Carolina, 150 Dog Wood, .... 101 Buffalo Tree, . . 154 " " Striped, . 88 Burning Bush, . 165 Eglantine, .... 145 16 INDEX. Elder, . . . " Marsh, Elm, . . . Fern, Sweet, Fetter Bush, Fever Bush, Fir, . . . Fish Wood, . Flowering Moss, (Forsteronia,) Fringe Tree, Gall Berry, Goose Berry, Goose Berry, Grapes, - . . Groundsel, . Gum, Black, " Sweet, Hackberry, . Hardhack, . Hazel Nut, . Hazel, Witch, Haw, Black, " Bed, . Heath, False, Hemlock, Hemlock Spruce, Hickory, . . Hobble Bush, Holly, . . . " Dahoon, Honeysuckle, Hop Tree, . Hornbeam, . Hop, Huckleberry, He, (Hudsonia,) Hydrangea, (liex,) . . Indian Physic, Ink Berry, . Iron Wood, . (Itea,) . . Ivy, ... Jessamine, . Jumper, . . Laurel, . . PAGE. 145 174 91 171 155 149 46 165 176 191 154 100 138 139 178-184 174 103 127 103 167 172 170 146 134 162 156 49 71 148 97 98 158-159 172-173 125 125 139-141 169 176 163 97-100 113 100 125 162 160 190 48 157 Laurel, Big, " ^og, . . " High Bush " Sheep, . Leather Wood, (Leucothoe,) Lime Tree, . . Linden, . . . Linn Tree, . . Locust, . . . " Honey, . Loosestrife, . . Magnolia, . . Maple, . . . Meadow Sweet, Mistletoe, . . Mock Orange, . Moonseed, . . Moose Wood, . Mountain Tea, Mulberry, . . " Bermuda, Myrtle, Sand, . Wax, . Nettle Tree, . . Neic Jersey Tea, Nine Bark, . . Oak Oil Nut, . . . Old Man's Beard, Palmetto, . . Dwarf, Papaw, . . . Pellitory, . . Pepper Bush, . " Mountain, " Sweet, . Pepperidge, . Persimmon, Pines, . . . , Planer Tree, Plane Tree, . Plums, . . Poison Oak, Poison Vine, (Polygonella,) JPond Bush, . Poplar, . . PAGE. 110 156 109 161 149 156 129 129 129 82- 83 83 175 110 85- 89 167 143 96,164 189 152 117 143 161 171 103 168 167 53 154 154 107 108 152-153 167 155 162 162 104 116 35- 46 133 126 93- 94 152 71 189 177 149 128 INDEX. 17 PAGE. PAGE. Poplar, Carolina, . . 120 Sweet Brier 145 Pride of ludia, . . 108 Sweet Fern, 171 Privet, 149 Sweet Leaf, 109 Queeu of the Meadow, 167 Sweet Shrub, 173-174 Kaspberry, .... 144 Sycamore, . 126 Pattan, 188 Syriuga, . . 163 PedBud, .... 84 Tangle Legs, 148 Ped Poot, .... 168 Thorn Tree, 135-137 Peed, 176 Toothache Tree, 166 Pock Pose, .... 176 Trailing iArlutus, 176 Pose, 144-145 Trumpet Flower, 189 (Sageretia,) .... 188 Tulip Tree, . . 128 Sarsaparilla, . . . 186 Tupelo, . . . 104 Big, . . 192 Umbrella Tree, 111 Sassafras, .... 105 Virginia Creeper, 184 Service Tree, . . . 114 Virgin's Bower, 192-193 Sheep Berry, . . . 147 Wahoo, . . . 92 Sloe, 94 Walnut. . . . 76- 78 Snow Drop Tree, 132 Wax W^ork, . 191 Sorrel Tree, . . . 131 Wayfarer's Tree, 148 Sour Wood, . . . 131 Wfnte Wood, . 129 Spanish Bayonet, . 153 Wicky, . . . 161 Sparkleberry, . . . . 142 Wild Allspice, . 149 Spice Bush, . . . . 149 Wild Ginger, . . 192 Spruce, . 48- 49 Willow, . . . . 123-124 Staffffer Bush, . . . . 155 Wine Tree, . . . 116 (Stillingia,) .... . 165 Winterherry, . 100 Strawberry Bush, . 165 Wivtergreen, . . 152 (Stuartia,) .... . 166 Woodbine, . . . 185 Sumach . 150-151 Yellow Poot, . . 168 " Mountain, . 116 Yellow Wood, . . 109 Supple Jack, . . . . 188 Yopon, . . . 98 PREFACE. The Plants of North Carolina have long been con- sidered by Botanists as unsurpassed in variety and beauty by those of any States of the Union, except- ing a few of those which lie upon the Gulf of Mexico. The Flora of this State should properly be regarded as forming the transition between the Northern and Southern Botanical Districts, as it is within our boundaries that many of the Northern plants have their Southern limits, and some of those which form a peculiar feature of Southern vegetation commence. Of the latter species are the Pond Pine^ several Magnolias^ Palmetto^ &c. There is still another cir- cumstance which gives a much greater variety to our vegetation than could be derived from mere differ- ence of 2 1 degrees of latitude between her Northern and Southern boundaries. The Mountains on the Western border of the State are several liundred feet higher than any others in the Union, so that tlie dif- ference of elevation between these and our sea-coast occasions a difference of vegetation equal to that of 10 or 12 degrees of latitude. Thus upon tlie higher summits are found species such as belong to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, those in the N. E. part of New York, and to Canada. The inter- 20 ' PREFACE. vening ranges of Virginia and Pennsylvania partake in part only of the same peculiarities, but the greater elevation of some of our summits permits the growth of some species which are unknown between them and the Northern regions above mentioned. In the distribution of Plants over the State we have three distinctly marked Districts, as well char- acterized by their Flora as by their Geological feat- ures. As in the Geology of the State the peculiar formation of one District may penetrate, overlie, or underlie that of another, yet the predominating char- acters of each be sufficiently marked and striking to arrest the notice of the most casual observer; so it is with the vegetation of these Districts. The anal- ogy of distribution between the objects of these sci- ences may be extended still further. For as, in the one case, we often meet with misplaced Rocks, so, in the other, the Botanist is sometimes surprised by meeting with species of Plants quite out of tlieir proper range, and for whose location it is not always easy to account. Thus the Cranberry^ an inhabitant of elevated regions and not uncommon in our Moun- tain Marshes, is also found, to a limited extent, in the low lands of the Northeastern part of the State. The beautiful Calico Bush^ or Ivy^ rarely found but in rocky regions, as in the mountains or along the rocky banks of watercourses, occurs abundantly in the Dismal Swamp, especially along the line of the Canal. The pretty Roanoke Bell (Mertensia Virgin- ica), a native of the Mountains, is scattered along PREFACE. 21 the banks of the river from which, in this State, it derives its name, as far down as Halifax County. In this last case, and perhaps in some others, we may suppose that seeds have been carried down by streams which head in the mountains. But in regard to some species, as the fragrant Wintergreen or Moun- tain Tea (Gaultheria procumbens), they sometimes attain such a Avide distribution in their new (?) posi- tion, and at such a distance from the larger streams, as to suggest a doubt whether they are not truly in- digenous ^to the spots they occupy. Still, as above remarked, the general aspect of the vegetation of either region is no more affected by these rare excep- tions, than is that of the geological features of a dis- trict by a few scattering bowlders. The most care- less observer cannot fail to observe how essentially the vegetation changes, as he passes from our sandy low country into the red clay region of the middle country. The difference is as remarkable as that of the soils. The absence of the Long-leaf Pine marks the transition to the Middle Botanical District. A line drawn from Blakely on the Roanoke, in the direction of Cheraw on the Pee Dee, will very nearly indicate the Western termination of the Lower Dis- trict ; although the actual boundary limit between these two is as irregular as a line of sea-coast, which, very probably, this once was. Occasionally, as before hinted, the vegetation of the LoAver District is found considerably overlapping that of the Middle, and the Long-leaf Pine to occur some miles within the red 22 PREFACE. clay region. Thus a patch of this tree may be seen on the gravelly hills eight miles west of Wadesboro, which is probably the most western limit of its ap- pearance within the State. Not unfrequently also there are found small portions of land in the Middle District, very much resembling the savannas and low pine woods of the Lower, the soil being sandy, turfed with coarse grasses, and shaded with Short-leaved Pines. In these situations, which are met with as far west as Henderson County, will alwaj^s be found some species of plants which, except in such places, are peculiar to the Lower District. The Lower District might easily be divided into three Botanical regions, each characterized by certain species of plants of well defined range. These will be only indicated, as details are unnecessary to the purpose in view. The first region includes only the line of sea-coast which produces maritime species, or those which grow only within the influence of a saline atmosphere. These are not numerous, and the only ones of much note are the Live Oak and Pal- metto. The second region extends inland as far as the Long Moss is produced. The third, from thence to the Middle District. The Middle District reaches westward to the base of the Blue Ridge. In this the forests are character- ized by a predominance of Oahs., as the Lower is by the presence of Pines. It is far less productive of rare and peculiar plants than either of the others. Though it furnishes some that do not belong to the PREFACE. 23 others, the great majority of them are common over a kirge portion of the Southern and IMiddle States. I cannot recall any one species which can be con- sidered as giving a character to this district distinct from that of the States lying north or south of it. There are, indeed, a few of the smaller plants whicn are not found elsewhere, but these are so rare and inconspicuous as not to form a noticeable feature in the vegetation of this district. The Upper or Mountain District is as peculiar and interesting in its vegetable products as it is attractive in its scenery. The ascent of every hundred feet presents new and varying species, until we reach the region of the dark and sombre Firs^ where we have a vegetation almost entirely Northern. There is also a striking peculiarity in the vegetation of these higher regions, which can rarely fail to arrest the eye of a visitor from the Lower or Middle Districts, in the profusion of graceful Ferns and delicate Mosses that cover the earth, and of numerous and various colored Lichens that clothe the rocks and trees. These, for the most part, are identical Avith species found in the mountains of the Northern States, and many are common to similar situations in the Old World ; though there are some which seem to be confined to our own mountains. In these orders of Plants this district abounds much beyond the product of all the rest of the State, and he Avho delights in their study could scarcely find elsewhere a more lux- uriant field for observation or collection. But not 24 PREFACE. less peculiar, and what is still more likely to attract the attention of the common observer, are the variety and beauty of stately trees and ornamental shrubs, whicli are found in no other part of the State. In- deed, in all the elements which render forest scenery attractive, we may safely say that no portion of the Eastern United States presents them in happier com- bination, in greater perfection, or in larger extent, than do the mountains of North Carolina, especially in the counties of Yancey, Buncombe, Burke, and Haywood. From the great elevation and extent of our Moun- tains, supplying many forms of plants proper to much higher latitudes, besides a large number peculiar to the Sor^thern ranges, it is not surprising that these Mountains attracted the early attention of Botanists, and that they have continued to be visited by a larger number of them than has any other portion of our country. A brief account of these Botanists, and of those who have examined other parts of the State, will be an appropriate introduction to the accompanying list and description of the objects by them first brought to public notice. William Bap.tram, of Philadelphia, visited the Mountains of Cherokee in 1776. He also passed through the lower section of the State. An interest- ing volume of his " Travels " was published in Lon- don, but the book has been long out of print. Andre Michaux, under the patronage of the French government, visited the same region in 1787. ft i.ii**^AiO' PREFACE. 25 In the following 3-ear he explored twice the IMoun- tains of Burke and Yancey counties, carrying away in the Fall 2,500 specimens of trees, shrubs, and plants. In 1794 he again visited the same region, ascending Linville, Black, Yellow, Roan, Grandfather, and Table Mountains. In the following year he twice passed over portions of the same. Traditions of this indefatigable and eccentric traveler are cur- rent in the western counties, and persons are prob- ably yet living wdio remember him. The late Col. Davenport, of the Yadkin Valley, was his guide on several occasions, A very large and interesting por- tion of our mountain species w^as first discovered by Michaux, and published in his " Flora Boreali-Ame- ricana," which is yet a standard and classical work in Botanical literature. With rare exceptions his species have been since identified by other explorers. Mr. Fkasee,, a Scotchman, made botanical collec- tions in our mountains between the years 1787 and 1789. Under the patronage of the Russian govern- ment he explored them again in 1799, accompanied by his eldest son. It was on this journey that the splendid Laurel^ or Rhododendron Catawbiense of Botanists, was discovered, which, with tlie varieties obtained by skillful cultivation, was for long the pride of the English ilorists. Both revisited the country in 1807. After the decease of the father in 1811, the younger Fraser returned hither and passed several years in diligent examination of the Moun- tains, annually sending large quantities of ornamental 26 PREFACE. plants and seeds to Great Britain. He is well and respectfully remembered by tliose who made his acquaintance, especially in Burke County. Mons. Delile, French Consul at Wihnington, in the early part of this century, sent valuable collec- tions of plants from the Cape Fear region to Paris, which are acknowledged in the writings of several European authors. Mr. John Lyon, of Great Britain, was an assidu- ous collector of our plants, and contributed very largely of our most interesting species to the English gardens. He probably was in our#nountain region previous to 1802, but of this I have no positive in- formation. He, however, spent several 3^ears there at a subsequent period, and died at Asheville in Sep- tember, 1814, aged forty-nine years. A plain marble stone marks his last resting-place in the graveyard at Asheville. A manuscript Flora, which he seems to have compiled, for convenient use as a manual, from such works as had then been published on American plants, is now in my possession. F. A. MiCHAUX, son of the Michaux mentioned above, and who accompanied his father in some of his visits to this country, traversed a portion of our mountain district in 1802. The result of his explo- rations in various parts of the country is contained in his large work on the " Forest Trees of North America," * illustrated with beautiful colored plates. * An exquisitely beautiful edition of this work was published in 1857, by Rice and Hart of Philadelphia, in five volumes. PREFACE. 27 I am much indebted to this valuable work for infor- mation upon the economical value of our timber trees given in the following description of our Woody Plants. FiiEDERic PuPiSH, a German, author of a valuable " Flora of North America," and who traveled exten- sively in the Northern and Middle States, pretends to have extended his journeyings to North Carolina, but his statement is deemed rather more than doubt- ful. Mr. Kin, a German nurseryman living at Philadel- phia, visited our State in the early part of the present century. He was a man of little cultivation, not properly a Botanist, and his discoveries were pub- lished by others. Thomas Nuttall, an Englishman, but long a resident in this country, a most accomplished Bota- nist, who has contributed as much as any one man to the discovery and elucidation of the floral treas- ures of North America, examined portions of our mountain and lower districts. He is the author of " Genera of North American Plants," and of many important botanical papers in the scientific journals of tliis country. He died in 1859. H. B. Groom, Esq., and Dr. PI. Loomts, made a pretty careful exploration of the vicinity of Newbern, and their observations were published, in 1833, in a Catalogue of Plants of Newbern and vicinity. A second and enlarged Catalogue was printed in 1837 by Mr. Groom. In this the services of Mr. Geo. 28 PREFACE. WiLSOX are acknowledged for valuable contributions to the knowledge of plants around Newbern. In 1833, I published, in the " Boston Journal of Natural History," an Enumeration of the Plants growing around Wilmington, the fruit of diligent examination made during a residence there of two years and a half. Occasional visits since made have increased the number of species known in that most interesting locality, the Flowering Plants and Ferns of which exceed one thousand. Dr. James F. McRee, of Wilmington, has devoted much time to a study of the Plants of that neighbor- hood, and the completeness of the above Enumeration is not a little due to his observation and assistance. The late Rev. Dr. L. D. von Schweinitz, of Sa- lem, has contributed very largely to a knowledge of the Botany of this State, particularly in its lower orders, or those having no proper flowers, as Mosses, Fungi, &c. In these departments he was the most expert and accomplished Botanist that our country has produced. In 1821 he printed at Raleigh a small tract of twenty-seven pages upon the Hepatic Mosses or Livenvorts, most of which he had observed near Salem. In 1820 he published in a scientific journal at Leipsic a paper upon the Fungi of North Carolina, containing descriptions of a large number of species previously unknown, some of which are illustrated by very good figures. A similar paper upon the Fungi of the United States, printed in 1831 in the Journal of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, PREFACE. 29 contains a large amount of North Carolina species not included in the former paper. These were the first treatises of the kind produced in this country, and the list of species given in the following report will embrace a large number derived from them. This learned and most estimable^gentleman, a worthy descendant of the celebrated Count Zinzendorf, de- parted this life, February, 1834, at the age of fifty- four years. The Rev. Dr. Mitchell, during one period of his Professorship at our University, was an assiduous cul- tivator of botanical science, and had made a consid- erable collection of specimens, which he generously shared with Dr. Schweinitz and myself. I am in- debted to him for several species which had other- wise been yet unknown to our North Carolina Flora. A species of Carex, named after him, commemorates his devotion to the beautiful science. This is a petty tribute to his name ; but others have honored it in better proportion to its worth. Mt. Mitchell, the loftiest summit of the Black Mountain range, the witness of his laudable triumph when he first ascer- tained its surpassing height, and which alone saw the sad catastrophe of liis death in the darkness of night and storm, is his noble monument and his tomb. Dr. Cyrus L. Hunter, of Lincoln County, has devoted considerable attention to the study of plants in his vicinity, and I am indebted to him for infor- mation which will be acknowledged in another place. He publislied in the Charlotte Journal (for 1834 ?) 30 PREFACE. a list of such plants as he had observed in his neigh- borhood. Prof. A. Gray, of the University of Cambridge, and John Carey, Esq., of New York, examined the principal mountains of Ashe and Yancey in 1841, and detected several species of plants which had escaped the notice of previous investigators. An in- teresting account of this expedition may be found in an article by Prof. Gray in the American Journal of Science, vol. xlii, to which I am indebted for much of the information here given of the early explorers of our alpine district. The same distinguished Botanist, with Mr. Sulli- VANT of Ohio, in 1843, entered our mountains from Virginia, the former continuing along the range to Georgia ; the latter leaving the State by the French Broad River. The results of this tour have not been formally published. Large collections, however, were made b}^ Prof. Gray for the Botanic Garden at Cambridge ; and two beautiful volumes of specimens of 3Iosses and Liverivorts were prepared by Mr. Sulli- vant, which were gratuitously distributed among Naturalists in this country and Europe. In a subse- quent 3^ear Mr. Sullivant made a botanical recon- noissance in the low country of North Carolina. Mr. S. B. Buckley has also made valuable contri- butions to our knowledge of the Flora of Western Carolina. In 1842 he entered the State by the Hi- wassee River, spending the summer in a careful ex- amination of the principal summits and watercourses PEEFACE. 31 as far as Yancey County. Several new species were detected by this gentleman and j^ublislied in vol. xlv of Silliman's Journal. Since the above date he has made several visits to the same region. Mr. RuGEL, a German collector of plants, spent some time in our mountains in 1842. His discov- eries were published by Shuttleworth and others. Mr. Dow, a young Botanist, traversed the whole length of our mountain range in 1844, but I have never learned if his observations and discoveries have been made public. The writer of this, during a residence near the mountains in 1835-36, had occasional opportunities of visiting the high ranges in Burke and Yancey, as also the counties of Lincoln, Mecklenburg, and Cald- well. In 1839 he spent the summer in traversing the mountains from Ashe to Georgia. A visit of a few weeks was again made to Ashe and Yancey in 1845 ; and another in 1854 to Buncombe and Hen- derson. Besides these, a residence of some 3-ears in various portions of the middle and lower sections of the State, comprising in all about twenty years, has given him opportunities of becoming acquainted with the vegetable productions of the State, of Avhich he has assiduousl}'- availed himself, and the results have been published in various journals in tliis country and England. The accompanying list of species con- tains all that is known of the plants of North Caro- lina, — a longer list than has yet been published of any State in the Union. 32 PREFACE. It may be expected, perhaps, that in enumerating those who have contributed to a knowledge of the natural productions of our State, I should not omit a notice of Lawson's " History of North Carolina," the first printed work devoted to this subject. But, besides that this book is now nearly inaccessible, there being but a single copy in the State, Ave cannot always recognize the objects described in it, the ap- plication of Indian names being lost, and that of English names rather variable and uncertain. So far as I have been able to authenticate species no- ticed by Lawson and other old journalists quoted in Dr. Hawks's " History of North Carolina," I have done so in the April number (1860) of the North Carolina University Magazine. The information upon the natural history of the State contained in their works is now of no scientific or economical value, and their errors in statement are not few. In the following arrangement of our Woody Plants, I shall not be governed by established scientific rules, but shall adapt it, as well as I can, to the com- prehension of those who know nothing at all of Botany as a science. I hope, in this manner, so to present our Trees, Shrubs, and Climbers, that the most, if not all of them, shall be easily recognized with very small expenditure of patience and study. The well-known popular names applied to most of the species and genera will greatly facilitate the suc- cess of this arrangement. The above-mentioned Divisions will be subdivided PREFACE. 33 according to the nature of the fruit in each, some groups having coiieSy like the Pines ; some, mits^ like Oaks and Hickories ; others, flesh?/ or i^'^^lpu fruity like the Apple and Plum. A tabular view of this classification will be given at the end of this Report. *^* The scientific names will in all cases corre- spond with those in Dr. Chapman's "Flora of the Southern United States." THE Trees of North Carolina, TREES BEARING CONES. PINES. — These have their fruit in large scaly cones^ popularly called Z>wrs, and have evergreen nee- dle-shaped leaves, two to five enclosed in a sheath at their base. 1. Yellow Pine. (Pinus mitis, Michx.) — This, with us, is called Short-leaved Pine and Spruce Pine. The first is objectionable, because we have at least two species with shorter leaves ; and the second, be- cause another is more appropriately called by that name. I have, therefore, adopted the name by which it is known in the Middle States, and recommend its use here, as it is much to be desired that there be a greater uniformity in the popular designations of our forest trees. In the great confusion now prevalent, it is often quite impossible to ascertain what is meant by the names of our most common trees and other plants. This is, perhaps, the most widely diftused of all our Pines, it being common from New England to Florida, mostly in light clay soils. With us it is found from the coast to the mountains, but more rarely in the Lower District, and it enters into the composition of most of our upland forests. It is 36 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. from 40 to 60 feet high, with a circumference of 4 or 5 and even 6 feet. The limbs on the upper part of the tree are more inclined towards the trunk than those of our other species, so as to give somewhat of a pyramidal form to the top. The leaves are 2 to 5 inches long, generally two, but sometimes three, in a sheath. The cone or bur is the smallest of all our species, rarely attaining a length of 2 inches, the tips of the scales armed with slender short prickles. The heart-w^ood is fine grained and but moderatel}^ resin- ous ; but the sap-wood soon decays. The timber is extensively used in house and ship building, though not deemed so valuable as that of the Long-leaf, When grown in very rich soils, I believe its timber is coarser than when raised in less fertile land. 2. Jersey Pine. (P. inops, Ait.) — This tree is generally confounded in this State with the preced- ing, and also called Sliort-leaved Pine and Spruce Pine. In some parts of the country it is known also under the names of Cedar ^ River and Scrub Pine. The name which I have adopted, after Michaux, seems to have originated from its being a prevalent tree in New Jersey, where it has its northern limit, and from whence it is found, on barren and gravelly hills, to the upper part of Georgia. In such situa- tions it is found in the Middle and Upper Districts of this State, but nowhere very abundant. It is from 20 to 40 feet high, and 12 to 15 inches in diameter, with rather distant, spreading and drooping branches. The voune branches are smoother in this than in I THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 37 other species. The leaves are two in a sheatli, 1 to 2 inches long, about half the length of those of the preceding species, while the cones are considerably larger than in that, being 2 to 2^ inches long, and armed with longer and stouter sharp prickles. This tree is too small, often crooked, and generally Avith too much sap-wood, to be of any value. 3. Prickly Pine. (P. pungens, Michx.) — The name here given is but a translation of the scientific one, as I could never learn that it was distinguished from the Yelloio Pine by the inhabitants of the region where it grows. In some books it is called Table Mou7itain Pine^ because it was originally supposed to be pretty much confined to that mountain and its immediate neighborhood. But as I have seen it from the mountains of Virginia and Georgia, and from Pilot Mountain in this State, far east of the Blue Ridge, and have found it common on all the eastern spurs of the Blue Ridge (never west of it), in the northern portion of our mountain range, such a name is too local to be at all appropriate. This species is, however, the least widely diffused of any North American Pine. The tree is not very symmetrical, is from 30 to 50 feet high, and 12 to 20 inches in diameter. The leaves are in pair^^ as in the two pre- ceding species, but much thicker and stiller than in those, and about 2^ inches long. But the cones give the chief peculiarity and interest to this Pine. They are of a light yellow color, very compact, 3 inches long and 2 inches broad at the base, the scales armed 38 THE TEEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. with very broad strong sharp spines, which are one- sixth of an inch long and bent toward the top of the cone. In the strength and sharpness of these spines we have no otlier species with which we can compare this. I have never learned that the timber of this tree is of any special value. 4. Pitch Pine. (P. rigida, Mill.) — Generally known by this name, but, according to Michaux, sometimes called Black Pine in Virginia. I think it is, in North Carolina, confounded with the Yellow Pine, as I have not heard any distinctive name for it, though its leaves are in threes (rarely in fours), 3 to 5 inches long, and more rigid than in the latter. The tree is 30 to 50 feet high, with a rough blackish bark, the branches numerous and occupying two-thirds of the trunk, thus rendering the wood very knotty. The cones are 2 or 3 inches long, of a light brown color, often growing in clusters of 3 to 5, and the scales having sharp reflexed prickles. The wood is compact and heavy, filled with resin, though when grown in low grounds it is much lighter and has much more sap-wood. It is a good deal used in some parts of the country, but being inferior to the Yellow Pine, and much less common with us, it is not deserv- ing of much consideration. It is nowhere common in this State, and I have not observed it anywhere east of Lincoln county, though it is probably scat- tered sparingly through the Middle District. It is found northward as far as New England, and south- ward, I think, to Georgia. THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 39 5. Pond Pine. ( P. serotina, Miclix.) — This has considerable resemblance to the Pitch Pine, but is as remarkable for its scattered branches as that is for its crowded ones. They are, however, in no danger of being confounded in this State, as I do not think they are found in the same sections. But it is very frequently confounded in the low country with the Loblolly Pine, though very readily distinguished from that by its cones. It is common in the small swamps or bays of the Lower District, in company with Sweet Bay, Sour Gum, &c., and occasionally in simi- lar situations in the Middle. It sometimes covers pretty large tracts of rich swampy and peaty lands, but never, I think, constitutes any extensive forest. In some localities it is called Savanna Pine. The leaves of this species are in threes, and 5 to 7 inches long. The cones are remarkable for their short form, compared with their size, being about 2^ inches long and 5 in circumference at their base, armed with very short fragile prickles. They grow in clusters, often surrounding the branch, are of shining light brown color, and remain closed until the second year. They are deemed ornamental enough to grace the mantel in some houses. This tree is generally about 40 or 50 feet in height, but in favorable soils rises as high as 60 and even 80 feet. The wood is of better and more durable qualities than that of the Loblolly, and is occasionally used for the masts of small vessels. It is not known to exist north of tliis State. 6. Loblolly or Old Field Pine. (P. Tiuda.) — 40 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. This tree has its northern limit in or near the District of Columbia, gradually becoming more abundant to the southward, until, in this State, it is the most common Pine, next to the Long-leaf^ in the Lower District. It is there found wherever the soil is dry and sandy, as well as in some of the smaller swamps ; but is replaced by the Yellow Pine on clayey and gravelly soils. In exhausted fields out of cultivation it almost invariably springs up, which gives the origin of one, and in this State the most common, of its names. Its leaves are from 6 to 10 inches long, clustered by threes (very rarely 2 or 4), in a sheath. The cones are 3 to 5 inches long, the scales armed with rather strong sharp prickles. The trunk rises to the height of 50 and 70 feet, with a diameter of 2 and 3 feet, and has a spreading top. The wood is sappy and coarse-grained, liable to warp and shrink, and soon decaj^s on exposure. It is among the least valuable of our Pines, but is sometimes applied to inferior uses. It affords a good deal of Turpentine, which is less fluid than that from the Long-leaf. This tree extends somewhat into the Middle District. I am indebted for the knowledge of an important variety of this tree, known as the Swamp or Slash Pine^ and about Wilmington as Rosemary Pine., to some articles in Russell's Magazine, written by Mr. Edmund Ruflin, of Virginia, who has made a careful examination of the characters and habits of our southern Pines. He says : '' This [Slash Pine] tree grows only on low and moist land, and is the better THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 41 for timber, and grows larger in proportion to the greater richness of the hind. It is the principal and largest timber Pine in the original forests of all the low, flat and firm but moist lands bordering on Albe- marle Sound, and also farther South ; and I have seen it growing as well, but much more sparsely, on the rich swampy borders of the Roanoke and in the best Gum lands bordering on the Dismal Swamp, and some on the low bottom lands of Tar River. Among the other gigantic forest trees on the rich and wet Roanoke Swamps (on the land of Henry Burgwyn, Esq.), mostly of Oak, Gum, Poplar, &c., the few of these Pines which yet remain, tower far above all others (20 feet or more) so as to be seen and distinguished at some miles' distance. I have visited several standing trees and the stumps of others which had been cut down, which measured nearly or quite five feet in diameter, and were sup- posed to have been from 150 to 170 feet in height. But the sizes and heights of the trees may best be inferred from the list below of hewn (or squared) stocks, which was furnished to me from ]\Ir. Herbert's* timber accounts. These stocks were cut in Bertie count}^, made the whole of one raft which was tlien (May, 1856,) on its passage through the Dismal Swamp Canal to New York. The stocks were thence to be shipped to Amsterdam for naval construction, under a contract with the Dutch government. * Of Vir-xinia; a large contractor for the supply of timl)er to tlie Navy Yards. 42 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. Length. Inches Square. No. of Cubic Feet. 1 47 25 204 2 66 19 165 3 86 30 537 4 79 31 527 5 88 23 337 6 65 20 181 7 74 26 347 8 80 26 376 9 68 24 272 10 58 22 195 11 86 30 537 12 58 30 363 13 74 26 347 14 74 26 347 15 70 28 381 16 70 27 368 " But even the longest of these stocks do not ap- proach the magnitude of one which was cut at a pre- vious time in Bertie and sold in New York by Mr. Herbert. This Avas 80 feet in length and 36 inches square at the lower end. He sold it to a dealer for $500, and the buyer resold it for |600. This stock did not retain its stated diameter (at the butt) to its upper extremity, but there was from 28 to 30 inches square. All of these stocks were nearly all of heart-wood. Of course this condition permits but little sap-wood, and that only in the angles of the squared stocks. Thence, also, it follows that the proportion of heart-wood in these trees must be very THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 43 large. The timber must be resinous, or it would not be good ; and it must be durable, or it would not serve for the masts and otlier great spars of sliips of war, exposed to alternations of wetting and drying, and for which the best materials only are permitted to be used. The grain of this heart-wood is not gen- erally very coarse, but more so than the Long-leaf^ and still more than the Short-leaf [or] Yelloiv Pine.''' 7. Long-leaf Pine. (P. australis, Michx.) — The invaluable tree by which tlie country, and this State especially, have so largely profited, is generally known among us by the name here given, though it sometimes is called Yellotv Pine. In the navy and dock yards of the country it bears the latter name, though this designation there includes also the Swamp or Rosemary Pine^ as well as the species lirst de- scribed in this list. It begins to appear in the south- eastern part of Virginia, and from thence to Florida it is eminently the tree of the lower districts of the Southern States, occupying nearly all tlie dry sandy soil for many hundred miles. It is from 60 to 70 feet liigh, in favorable situations still higher, and 15 to 20 inches in diameter. The leaves are 10 to 15 in dies long, on young stocks sometimes much longer, and clustered on the ends of the branches like a broom. The cones are 6 to 8 inches long. The wood contains very little sap. The resinous matter is dis- tributed ver}^ uniforml}' through it, and hence the wood is more durable, stronger, and more compact ; which qualities, in addition to its being of fine grain, 44 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. give it the preference over all our Pines. The qual- ity of the wood, however, depends upon the kind of soil in which it is grown, as in a richer mould it is less resinous. This inferior kind is, in some places, distinguished as YeUoiv Pine, — another case in point, illustrating the vague and indiscriminate apjDlication of the popular names of our forest trees. In some soils the wood is of a reddish hue ; and this, in the Northern dock-yards, is denominated Red Pine, and considered better than the others. I am informed that trees Avliich have a small top indicate a stock with the best heart-wood. The great value of this tree in both civil and naval architecture is too well known to justify a full enu- meration of its uses, and statistics of trade in it be- long rather to a gazetteer than to an essay like this. But it is not the wood only that gives value to this tree. The resinous matter, in various forms, is shipped from our ports in large quantities to all parts of the United States and to foreign countries. Turpen- tine is the sap in its natural state as it flows from the tree. When it hardens upon the trunk, and is gotten off by proper implements, it is called scrapings, of very inferior value to the virgin article. Tar is made by burning the dead limbs and wood in kilns. Pitch is tar reduced about one half by evaporation. Spirits of Turpentine is obtained by distillation from turpen- tine, including scrapings. Rosin is the residuum left by distillation. The greater part of these articles in the markets is derived, I believe, from this State. THE TllEES OF XOKTil CAROLINA. 45 Large tracts of tliis Pine are sometimes suddenly destroj'ed, as b}^ a bliglit, to the irreparable injury of the owners, as the forests cannot be reproduced in a lifetime. From the great value of the tree its de- struction has attracted more especial notice ; but our Yellozv Pine (P. mitis) is subject to the same casual- ty. In Europe the same kind of fatality happens to the Firs. The mischief is caused by swarms of a small insect penetrating through the bark into va- rious portions of the stock, and against whicli there is no remedy yet discovered. Other species of insect sometimes attack the Oaks, and effect a simiUir de- struction. 8. White Pine. (P. Strobus, Linn.)— This beau- tiful tree, of such immense value to Canada and New England, extends along the Alleghanies to our own mountains, where it is found in considerable quanti- ties, forming peculiar and handsome forests in the rich elevated valleys, especially of Ashe and Yancey. It is found as far south as Georgia. Though at the North this tree is as important, and its timber as ex- tensively used, as our own Lovij-lcavcd Pine, yet from its inaccessibility in our mountains it lias no marketable value with us, and does not seem to be much used in the ree^ion where it erows. There are peculiarities about this tree which dis- tinguish it at first sight, and at any distance, from all our Pines, in the pale green color of its foliage, the smooth, light bark of the trunk, and the circular disposition of the limbs, which gradually diminish in 46 THE TKEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. length toward the summit, so as to give this the sym- metry of a Fir more than of a Pine. The leaves are also jive in a sheath^ which is the case with'no other of our Pines. In favorable situations at the North, this tree has been known to reach a height of 180 feet, with a diameter of 7 feet. In our mountains it is found from 60 to 70 feet high, with a proportional diameter. The wood is light, soft, free from knots, very easily worked, and durable, though not very strong, and is applied to a far greater variety of eco- nomical uses than that of any other Pine. FIRS AND SPRUCES.— These are distinguished from the Pines by their leaves growing singly upon the branches, (not included by twos, threes, &c., in a common sheath,) and by their cones, which are composed of thin scales without prickles, somewhat like Hops. They are all possessed of singular beauty, and are indispensable to the perfection of artificial groves and parks. It is only in cool and moist situ- ations, however, that they can be fully develoj)ed ; though they thrive and are very ornamental in pri- vate grounds through the Middle District of the State. They are impatient of the heat in the Lower District, and unless well shaded there, are apt to re- main dwarfed, or to die out. 1. Balsam Fir. (Abies Fraseri, Pursh.) — This is the handsomest of our Firs, and is very similar to the Silver Fir of Europe, though every way smaller ; the latter sometimes attaining the height of 150 feet. THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 47 wliile ours seldom readies 40, witli a diameter of 12 to 15 inches. It is an inliabitant of the higher moun- tains from Pennsylvania southward as far as this State. Farther north it is replaced by a larger but very similar species known as the Canada Balsam (A. balsamea). It is not uncommon on our highest summits, but I think is not found upon any which do not exceed 4,000 feet above the sea. Some of these summits appear to be occupied almost exclu- sively with forests of this tree, and the dark color of these and of masses of the next species has probably given its name to the Black Mountain. Several knobs and ranges south of the French Broad River are called Balsam Mountain from the prevalence' of this tree upon them. When not too much crowded, this has a close pyramidal top. The leaves are of a bright green above, and silvery white beneath. When the branches are loaded with cones, (which in this species only stand erect,) the tree is very beautiful. The cones are from 1 to 2 inches Ion or. The timber is of little value, though sometimes sawed or hewed out for mountain cabins ; yet if valuable, it could not, from its location, be available. The turpentine or balsam is a clear thin liquid, obtained from small blisters on the bark of the trunk by means of sliarp horn spoons or scoops inserted into their lower side. It is of an acrid taste, and is much used by the in- habitants on cuts and sores ; but the application is painful, and as likely to promote inllammation as to allay it. 48 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 2. Black Spruce. (A. nigra, Poir.) — Common in our mountains, especially on the Black, but at a lower elevation than the preceding species. It ex- tends from this State along the AUeghanies to New England and Canada. In our mountains it is some- times very improperly called Juniper^ and it is, I be- lieve, what is most commonly and absurdly called He Balsam. With us it is a small tree of darker green foliage than the preceding, but of similar form. In higher latitudes it has a height of 70 or 80 feet, and is there an elegant tree. The wood has strength, lightness and elasticity, and is much used both in the Northern States and abroad, for the yards and topmasts of vessels. The drink so popular at the North, and known as Spruce Beer., gets its name from the use of the small branches, chiefly of this species, which are steeped in the brew. 3. White Spruce. (A. alba, Michx.)— This has about the same range in the United States as the Black Spruce^ but does not extend quite so far to the northward. It is rather rare in our mountainSj but is occasionally met with in similar situations with the other, and with which it is generally confounded by the inhabitants. In one instance I heard it called Lavender^ a name belonging to a garden herb. It is very distinct from the preceding, and its whole aspect is lighter ; the summit of a similar pyramidal form, but less compact, is of less size, with slender and more drooping branchlets, the pale green leaves of more delicate form, and the cones narrower. The THE TIIEES OF NORTH CAIIOLINA. 49 wood is employed for the same purposes as that of the Black Spruce. 4. Hemlock Spruce. (A. Canadensis, IMiclix.) — Universally known in our mountains as Spruce Phu\ though the name here preferred is not unknown. The hitter is a very common appellation of the Yel- low Fine in this State. The Hemlock is found as far north as Hudson's Bay; whether south of North Carolina I have not learned. It is almost entirely confined, in the mountains, to the borders of torrents and cold swamps, but extends down to their very base. This is a larger tree than the preceding Spruces, but does not attain here, as in higher latitudes, the stature of 70 or 80 feet, and a diameter of 2 or 3 feet. In its light spreading spray and delicate foliage it is a more graceful tree than the others. The leaves are light green above and silvery beneath. They spread two ways upon the branches, while in all the other Spruces they spread from every part of them. The cones are i to 1 inch long, and gracefully depend from the ends of the branchlets. The timber is used to some extent at the North, but is of inferior imj)or- tance. The bark, however, is extensively and almost exclusively used for tanning in some parts of New England. Though inferior to Oak bark, it is said that the two united are preferable to either alone. White Cedar. (Cupressus thyoides, Linn.) — In North Carolina, and some other portions of the South, this seems to be known only under the name of Juniper. But as it is not Juniper, I do not hesi- 50 THE TEEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. tate to reject the name. The one above given is in common use in the Middle and Northern States wherever the tree is found. The true Juniper (^Ju- niperus communis) of Europe and the Northern States is related to our Cedm\ and its fruit is an aro- matic berry ; while that of the present species is a small, dry, woody cone, composed of scales which spread open in maturity after the manner of a Pine or Cypress bur. This tree is found from Florida to New England. In our State it is confined to swamps in the Lower District, where, in some places, it is very abundant. It is 70 or 80 feet high, with a diameter of 2 or 3 feet. The various uses to which its wood is applied make it one of the most valuable trees in the country. It is fine grained, soft, light and easily worked, and after seasoning acquires a light rosy tint. It has a strong aromatic odor, and the flavor given to water kept in buckets or piggins of this material is generally esteemed. From the little effect pro- duced upon it by moisture or dryness, as well as for its lightness and freedom from splitting, the shingles made of it are, in . some places, preferred over all others, and last from 30 to 35 years. Where it abounds, it is used in the frames of buildings, it be- ing durable and mostly free from worms. In cooper- work it is extensively used, and has been found very serviceable for vessels in which to preserve oils. Charcoal for gunpowder is made from the young stocks — lampblack, lighter and more deeply colored than that from Pine, is made from the seasoned wood THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 51 — rails for fencintT^, made of tlie young stocks deprived of their outer bark, will last from 50 to GO years. N. B. The Red Cedm\ according to its natural affinit}', should be placed in this Group ; but as its fruit is what is popularly called a herry^ the present mode of arrangement reipiires its transfer to the Group having that kind of fruit. The Arbor Vitce, also belonging here, may be found among the Shrubs. Cypress. (Taxodium distichum. Rich.) — This tree, so well known under this name only, needs no specific description, and I will only remark that it is the only one in this group of trees that has not ever- green leaves. Its range is along the lower region of the Atlantic and Gulf States, from Delaware to Texas. In this State it has about the same range as the White Cedar and Long-leaf Pine^ but is alwaj^s confined to swamps. It is remarkable for its large dimensions as well as for its various uses. Its lieight with us is from GO to 100 feet, with a circumference above the swollen base of 20 to 36 feet, though in the original forests of the country it has still lai-ger dimensions. The wood has much strength and elasticity, is fine grained, lighter and less resinous than that of the Pines. Heat and moisture affect it much less than most of our timbers, and it is therefore particularly valuable in those parts of the State where both these agents have peculiar force. The timber has been much used in some places for the frame and wood- work of liouses, and is said to ])e twice as durable as White Oak or Pine. The shinirles made of it are of 52 THE TKEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. the most valuable kind, and will last 40 years. The business of making these is a very profitable branch of industry in the lower parts of the State. For fencing and for water-pipes the wood is of high value. There are three varieties of this tree recognized by those who deal in its timber — the Red^ Black and White Cypress, characterized by the different color of their heart-wood. The Red Gyijre%%' has its heart of a reddish tint, is preferable to the others for timber, and cannot be split. This variety is easily recognized by its straight trunk (not always having a swollen base), generally with a small top, and by the wounded bark having a reddish tinge. The Black and JVhite Cypress cannot, so far as I know, be discriminated without the aid of the axe. The Black has its wood duskier and heavier than the Wfiite^ which is less resinous. According to Michaux, the latter grows in land constantly inundated, and the former in drier situations ; but I am assured by others, that all three varieties may be found in precisely similar situations. The foliage of this tree usually spreads in only two directions from the branchlets, like that of the Hem- lock Spruce; but there is a variety, not uncommon in some localities, especially upon the wet savannas near Wilmington, on which the leaves are very small, growing upon four sides of the branchlets and pressed down upon them, much like those of the Cedar. Cypress Knees, growing from the roots of the tree to a height corresponding with the usual 'depth of the water, and constituting a singular peculiarity in THE TllEES OF NOllTir CAHOLIXA. 63 Cypress swainps, are, I suppose, tlie result of liyper- tropliy. Wluitever be the economy or final purpose of these excrescences, there are probably few of the present day who will endorse the theory of St. Pierre, that they were designed to j)rotect the trunk against damage from icebergs ! The Cypress has not ordinarily a very attractive form in our swamps; but when standing alone in fa- vorable situations, it has a regular pyramidal top and is of imposing beauty. In the Bartram Garden, near Philadelphia, I have seen a stock (over 100 years old) of such exquisite symmetry, that I could not be per- suaded it was a Cypress, until I had satisfied myself by a close inspection. NUT TREES. Tlie next GROur to be noticed is the most impor- tant, whether considered in reference to its numbers or its economical value, in the whole circle of Forest Trees. There will be included in it all those which bear a fruit popularly called Nuts, without reference to the more restricted scientific meaning of the word. This Group will thus include the Oak, Beech, Chest- nut, Hickory, Walnut, and Buckeye. OAKS. — This genus of trees contains more species than any other in our country ; and of these there is a larger number in Nortli Carolina than in all the 54 THE TREES OF NOKTH CAROLINA. States north of us, and only one less than in all the Southern States east of the Mississippi. Some of the species, however, hardly rise to the dignity of trees, though I shall bring them all together in this place, where they will most naturally be looked for. For the better understanding of the species, they are divided into two Sections. The first is that of the White Oaks — characterized by the acorns being annual,, the foliage of a pale or grayish aspect, and without bristles at the ends of the leaf divisions ; the bark of an ashy hue, and the wood generally lighter colored and of more compact texture than in the other Section. The second Section has acorns hien- nially^ and the leaves (except in the Live Oak) are pointed with a bristle at the end of each division. Section I. is again arranged in two Divisions : — the jirst having for its type the common White Oak,, characterized by the leaves being deeply cut from the margin toward the central nerve. The second has for its type the Sivamp White Oak^ in which Di- vision the leaves are generally larger than in the first, and only scalloped or round-toothed on the edge. The species of the White Oak Section are, then, as follows : Division 1st. Division 2d. White Oak, (Querciis alba.) Swamp White Oak, (Q. Prinus.) Post Oak, (Q. obtusiloba.) Chestnut Oak, (Q. Castauea.) Over-cup Oak, (Q. Ijrata.) Chinquapin Oak, (Q. prinoides.) 1. White Oak. (Quercus alba, Linn.) — This is found from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and ap- THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 55 pears to be universally known by the name here given, — one of the few instances among the Oaks, in which there is not more or less confusion of popular names, so that there is no need of offering a specific description of it. It is found in this State from the coast to the mountains, but is most abundant in the Middle District. In the Lower it avoids the barrens, and is found chiefly on or near the borders of swamps. It is only in the most favorable situations that this tree rises to the height of 70 or 80 feet, with a diam- eter of four or five. It is then, with its light foliage, compact and even head, and straight shaft, one of the most imposing trees in our forests. It is, how- ever, seldom met with in our State having a diam- eter of more than 2 feet, though I have seen stocks here with a diameter of 3 feet. This is probaldy of more general use, and more extensively serviceable, than any other of our Oaks, it being valuable for house frames, for mills and dams, vehicles, agricultu- ral implements, coopers' ware, ship-building, and for all purposes where strength and durability are re- quired. The bark has been deemed bj- some tanners as the best kind for preparing leather for saddles and similar objects. It is sometimes used medicinally as a tonic and astringent. The variety of this species known as tlie Scaly Bark Whlfe Oak is distinguished by the thin plates of bark that scale off from the trunk. I have not learned if its timber differs essentially from that of the other. 56 THE TKEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 2. Post Oak. (Q. obtusiloba, Miclix.) — Tlie northern limit of this is in New Jersey, but it is not abundant and flourishing north of Maryland. From thence southward it enters largely into the composi- tion of the forests which cover the dry and poorer soils of the Middle Districts of the South. In the Lower Districts it is less common, being mostly con- fined to the region of swamps and lands that have gone out of cultivation. With us it does not appear to be know^n under any other name than the one given above, and by which it is most generally desig- nated ; but it is elsewhere sometimes called l7'07i Oak and Box White Oak. The leaves are more coarsely cut than those of the White Oak^ their divisions often enlarged at their outer ends, rather rough on the upper side, and with a gray down underneath. The acorns being very sweet and much eaten by wild turkeys, it is in some localities called Turkey Oak. This tree is rarely found as high as 50 feet, and with a diameter of 18 inches, but I have seen it with a diameter of 26 inches. Hence it cannot be employed for all the purposes for which the Wliite Oak is used, although in fineness of grain, strength and elasticity, it is superior to it. It is serviceable for fence-posts, (hence its name,) for the work of wheelwrights and coopers, and is used advantageously for the knees in ship-building. For the staves of liquor-casks, this and the White Oak supply material far superior to any other of our Oaks. 3. Over-cup Oak. (Q. lyrata, Walt.) — This is THE TREES OF NORTH CAliOLTXA. 57 unknown north of tliis State, and does not seem to be common anywliere. In this State I know of its existence only in the rich swampy lands of the Neuse and Cape Fear and their tributaries as far up the country as Chatham and Orange. The foliage has more resemblance to that of the Post Oak than of any other, for which reason it is, farther south, called /Swamp Post Oak. It is also sometimes called Water White Oak. The acorn is almost wholly enclosed in its cup, (whence its name,) by which character this tree nu\y easily be distinguished from all others. It sometimes attains the lieight of 80 feet and a diam- eter of 2 and 3 feet, and is then a majestic tree. The wood is inferior to that of the two preceding species, yet is sufiiciently compact to be serviceable, if it was more accessible and more extensively diffused. 4. Swamp Chestnut Oak. (Q. Prinus, Linn.) — Not known north of Pennsjdvania, but is pretty com- mon in the maritime parts of tlie Southern States, where it is met with in the rich soils of tlie river swamps. With a height of 80 or 90 feet and propor- tional diameter, a straight truidv and expansive tufted summit, it forms a beautiful and majestic tree. The leaves are 6 to 8 inches long, broader toward the outer end, with coarse rounded teetli on tlie edges, and pale down underneath, and of that ashy hue which distinguishes all the species of this section of Oaks. The acorns are about 1 inch long, nearly hcilf covered by the cup, and with a stem al)out ^ inch long. In economical value this can hold but a 58 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. second or third rank among the White Oaks. The timber has strength and durability, and is therefore employed for various purposes ; but it is more porous than that of White or Post Oak. It has a straight split and shreds easily, and is therefore employed, especially by the negroes, in the making of baskets and brooms. Rails from this tree will last 12 or 15 years, and the fuel is considered valuable. We have two varieties of this tree, so well marked that some botanists have regarded them as distinct species. But our best living botanists now consider them as variations from one type caused by difference of soil and situation. They are as follows : Swamp White OaJc. (Van discolor, Michx.) — It is generally known throughout the United States by this name, and takes the place of the S^vamp Chestnut Oak as we proceed inland from the range of the latter, and is found on the edges of swamps and in- undated banks of rivers, not in the open and drier forests. It is a handsome tree of 70 or 80 feet high, with luxuriant foliage, the silvery whiteness of the underside of the leaves beautifully contrasting with the bright green of the upper surface, when they are stirred by a gentle wind. The leaves are 5 or 6 inches long, in form like the preceding, but with the marginal teeth more unequal. The acorns are sup- ported on a stem 1 to 3 inches long, by which char- acter this variety may be easily distinguished from every other Oak in this section. The wood is strong and elastic, and heavier than IVliite Oak, to which it THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 59 nearly approaches in value ; though, not being com- mon, it is much less used in the arts. Rock Chestnut Oak. (Var : monticola, Michx.) — This is sometimes called Rock Oak and Chestnut Oak^ and is found as far north as New England. It is an inhabitant only of high rocky or gravelly situations, and hence occurs only in the Middle and Upper Dis- tricts of this State. It is a showy, symmetrical tree in favorable situations, with a luxuriant foliage, sometimes attaining a height of 50 or 60 feet, and a diameter of 3 feet ; but, from the usual barrenness of the soil where it grows, it is seldom seen of these dimensions, and is commonly not more than 30 or 40 feet high. In the leaves and fruit it differs very slightly from the Sivamp Chestnut Oak. The timber is valuable but not equal to White Oak^ its pores being more open. In ship-building it is used, in some places, for the lower part of the frame, for knees and ribs. It has a reddish tinge like that of Wiite Oak. For fuel it is inferior only to Hickory. The bark is among the best for tanning. 5. Chestnut Oak. (Q. Castanea, Willd.) — Not uncommon in the Middle and Western States, but it occurs very scatteringly in the Southern. I have not noticed it in North Carolina, but Michaux mentions a single tree seen by him on the Cape Fear, a mile from Fayetteville. He also found it on the Holston and Nolachucky rivers in East Tennessee, and it ma}^ perhaps be found on those streams in the west- ern part of our State. The tree rises to a height of 60 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 70 and 80 feet, with a diameter of 2 feet, the branches rather erect than spreading. It is so sparingly dif- fused, that the value of the wood has never been tested ; but its excessive porousness promises poorly. It has a yellowish tinge, and is therefore known in some localities under the name of Yelloiv Oak. This species is often confounded with the Sivamp Oaks described above, which it certainly resembles ; but its leaves are narrower, shaped more like those of the Chestnut, (whence its popular name,) with the teeth nearly sharp ; and its acorns are only about two-thirds of an inch long. With its fine form and handsome foliage, this would be very ornamental in private grounds. 6. Chinquapin Oak. (Q. prinoides, Willd.) — Sometimes called Dwarf Chestnut Oak. Its foliage is somewhat like that of the Rock Chestnut Oak., and also has some likeness to that of the Chinquapin., which gives it its common name. It is a mere shrub, 2 to 4 feet high, of no value, and is here mentioned only to give a complete view of the genus. It is found very sparingly in the Lower District, but is not uncommon upon poor soils in the upper parts of the State. Section II. contains three distinct Divisions ; the ■first., with leaves narrow and entire ; — the seco7id, with leaves broad, generally entire, and pear-shaped ; the third, with leaves broad and cut into several seg- ments. THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 61 Division 1st. Division 3d. Live Oak, (Quercus virens.) Spanish Oak, (Q. falcata.) Willow Oak, (Q. Phellos.) Black Oak, (Q. tinctoria.) Shingle Oak, (Q. inibricaria.) Scarlet Oak, (Q. coccinea.) Laurel Oak, (Q. laurifolia ) Red Oak, (Q. rubra.) Upland Willow Oak, (Q. cinerea.) Scrub Oak, (Q. Catesbrei.) Bear Oak, (Q. ilicifolia.) Division 2d. Water Oak, (Q. aquatica.) y Black Jack, (Q. nigra.) 7. Live Oak. (Q. virens, Ait.)— Well known under this name wherever it exists, and needing no description. It is found along the sea-shore from near Norfolk, Va., to the coast of Texas. It is com- monly 40 or 50 feet high, and 1 or 2 feet through the trunk. Of all the Oaks this is the most highly prized for ship-building, the timber hardening with age, and being closer grained and more durable than any other. The bark also is excellent for tanning. 8. Willow Oak. (Q. Phellos, Linn.) — This beautiful tree, remarkable for the narrowness of its leaves, which gives the foliage much the appearance of that of a Willotv^ and by which it is easily recog- nized at considerable distance, extends north as far as New Jersey. It aifects cool moist situations, and is not uncommon on the borders of swamps in the Lower District, where it rises to the height of 50 to 60 feet, with a diameter of 2 feet. In the Middle District it is more scatteringly found in similar situ- ations. It is more to be admired for its beauty than its use, as the wood is very coarse grained, and ill 62 THE TEEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. adapted to purposes requiring much strength and du- rability ; though it is said to answer tolerably well, if thoroughly seasoned, for the felloes of wheels. 9. Laurel Oak. (Q. laurifolia, Michx.) — This is a stately tree, of similar dimensions to the preced- ing, which it somewhat resembles, though the leaves are neither so long nor narrow, and are not always entire. It holds a middle place, in its general appear- ance and qualities, between the Willow Oak and nar- row leaved Water Oak. The acorn resembles those of the latter. I am not aware that it has any dis- tinctive name in this State, as it seems to be gener- ally confounded with one or other of the species just mentioned. In South Carolina along a portion of the Pee Dee, it has a local name of Darlington Oak. The English name which I have chosen is only a transla- tion of the botanical name. I believe this tree is not found north of this State, but it is common south- ward to Florida. It is an inhabitant of our Lower and Middle Districts in similar localities with the preceding, but flourishes well in higher and drier grounds, and is a common and much admired shade tree in towns and villages, especially in the lower parts of the State. 10. Shingle Oak. (Q. imbricaria, Michx.) — This takes the place of the preceding Oak in the Upper District, not being found east of Burke and Wilkes. From thence westward it becomes more abundant along the larger water-courses, especially those which flow to the west, as the Pigeon and Hi- THE TEEES OF KOETH CAROLINA. 63 wassee. Its northern limit is in western Pennsyl- vania. It is more common in the Western States, as far north as Illinois, and is there known by the names of Jack Odk^ Black Jack Oak^ Laurel Oak and Shin- gle Oak. In those parts of our State where it occurs, I have heard it called only Water Oak^ a name very generally applied elsewhere to a very different species. This is from 40 to 50 feet high and 12 to 15 inches in diameter, branches low, and casts a thick shade with its dark crowded foliage. The leaves are 3 or 4 inches long, about 1 inch broad, and of a light shin- ing green. The wood is hard and heavy, but porous, and inferior to that of Willoiv Oak, which it resem- bles. In Illinois it has been used for shingles, prob- ably for want of a better material. On the Pigeon River I have noticed a few trees with the leaves more or less cut or lobed, which are probably a cross be- tween the Shmgle Oak and one of the Red Oaks, though their whole appearance and habit were, in other respects, those of the former. This is Q. Leana, •Nutt. 11. Upland Willow^ Oak. (Q. cinerea, Michx.) — Found only in the Pine barrens of the Lower Dis- trict, where it is very generally diffused. It rarely exceeds 20 feet in height and 6 inches in diameter, though I have seen it, when standing alone and in favorable situations, quite a large tree with a circum- ference of 3 feet. As a general thing it may be con- sidered too insignificant to merit more than a passing notice. Its foliage is of an ashy hue. The bark af- 64 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. fords a fine yellow dye ; but the tree is too small and too little multiplied to furnish material for extensive use. In the vicinity of the Pee Dee River this Oak is called Blue Jack. There is a dwarf variety of this, called Running Oak and White Oak Runners (var : pumila, Michx.), which is, I believe, the smallest Oak known. It rarely reaches a height of 3 feet, and bears a profu- sion of acorns at the height of 15 and 20 inches. The foliage is very similar to that of the preceding, but is smaller and becomes smoother in age. It abounds in creeping roots from which its small stocks spring. It is found only in the Lower District, especially near Wilmington, from whence it is sparingly found in the Barrens as far to the south as Florida. 12. Water Oak. (Q. aquatica. Gates.) — This is not found beyond Maryland. It is abundant in our Lower District, and in some parts of the Middle, on the borders of swamps and in the river bottoms, and extends somewhat into the Upper. It is 40 or 50 feet high, and 12 to 20 inches in diameter. The leaves are pear-shaped, as in the Black Jack., being much the broadest at the upper end, but are smaller, smoother and j)aler green than in that species. The bark is seldom used for tanning. The wood, though very tough, is not much employed for economical purposes, being inferior to other kinds of Oak. On the Roanoke I have heard this called Turkey Oak^ a name also given to the Spanish and Post Oaks. The foliage of this tree varies very much in differ- THE TREES OF NOIITII CAROLINA. G5 ent situations, it being sometimes narrow and very little, if at all, broader at the upper than at the lower end, so as to resemble very much that of the Sldnrjle Oak. But any one who is familiar with the common form and habit of the Water Oak will not be easily deceived in its varieties. 13. Black Jack. (Q. nigra, Linn.) — This small and generally unsightly tree, easily recognized at a distance, when it is of much size, by its lower limbs hanging downwards, sometimes to the very ground, is found as far north as New Jersey and extends into the Western States, as well as southward to Florida. In this State we meet with it in various soils and sit- uations from the coast to the mountains, seldom ex- ceeding 30 feet in height and 12 inches in diameter. In the largest stocks the wood is heavy and compact, l)ut coarse grained and porous in the smaller ones. When exposed to the weather it is subject to rapid decay, and is not of any value in the arts. For fuel it is among the best woods we have. The leaves are large (6 to 9 inches long), of a dark green above, and of a rusty color beneath. On young shoots, as is frequent on other trees, tlie leaves are often twice their ordimiry size, and divided into several segments, as in the Red Oaks. ■ We now come to a Division of the Oaks known as that of the Red Oaks^ in which there is such a confu- sion of popular names that they will be of little ser- vice in designating the species. There is no uni- formity in their application in different parts of the 66 THE TREES OF JS^ORTH CAROLINA. State, and within the same neighborhood the same name may be given to different species, or different names to the same species. This is not very surpris- ing, since there is so much resemblance among them, and as there is apparently a tendency to crosses among the members of this Division. It is indeed sometimes rather difficult to determine whether a par- ticular tree belongs to one or other of two or three pretty well marked species. I shall therefore be obliged to describe the following more minutely than I have the preceding, though I shall only notice the most common or typical forms. The names given below are those by which the species are most commonly known in different parts of the United States. 14. Spanish Oak. (Q. falcata, Michx.) — This is generally known in this State, I think, by the name of Red OaJc, though sometimes called as above. It is also, in some parts, denominated Turkey Oak, from a vague resemblance between the form of the leaf (when it has but three divisions) and the track of a turkey. It is to be distinguished, even at some dis- tance, from other species of this section by the gray- ish down on the underside of the leaves and on the young shoots upon which they grow, giving the tree a very different hue from that of the others. The leaves, too, have narrower divisions (3 to 7 in num- ber) than the others, generally entire, and slightly curved backwards. The manner in which the clus- ters of leaves hang down from the ends of the THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 67 branches gives them a phimc-like aspect very unlike those of the other species. The Spanisli Oak is found as far north as New Jersey, and southward to the Gulf of Mexico. In this State it is one of the most common forest trees from tlie coast to the mountains, but diminishes in quantity as we approach the latter. It is often over 80 feet in height, with a diameter of 4 to 5 feet. The bark of the trunk is dark-colored, its outer portion (cellular integument) being of moderate thickness. The wood is reddish and coarse-grained, with empty pores. The staves made of it are only adapted to contain coarse articles, but are said to be more es- teemed in the West Indies than those made from the other Red Oaks. The wood is less durable than that of the White Oaks, and is not much used in building, etc. The bark is held in high estimation for tanning hides, which it renders whiter and more supple than other species. A variety of this species (var : pagodrefolia, Ell.) ha^ larger leaves, cut into 11 to 13 divisions, gradu- ally diminishing in length from the lower to the upper divisions. Another variety (var: triloba, i\Iichx.) has leaves with two or three short and rounded divisions at the outer end, but may always be recognized by the gray down on the underside and its accordance in other respects with the common form. 15. Black Oak. (Q. tinctoria, P)artr.) — A tree 80 to 90 feet high and 4 to 5 feet in diameter. Tlie 68 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. trunlv has a deeply furrowed, dark brown bark, from whence the tree prgbably gets its name. The leaves are cut rather deeply into 5 or 7 divisions, the divis- ions being also somewhat toothed, and each part tipped with a bristle. They have also a thin, rusty down on the underside. The leaf-stem is from 1 to 2 inches long. During the Spring and part of Sum- mer their upper surface is roughened with small glands which are perceptible to the sight and touch. On young stocks they turn dull red in the Fall ; those on old stocks, yellow. When the leaves have fallen, this species may be distinguished from the iSjjajiish Oak by the longer, more acute and more scaly buds, and also by chewing a bit of the bark, which gives a yellow color to the saliva. The wood is reddish and coarse-grained, with empty pores, but is stronger and more durable than any other of the Bed Oaks ; and where White Oak cannot be obtained, is a good sub- stitute for it in buildings. Staves are largely made of it for containing coarse articles. The bark is very rich in tannin, and is in much request. From this bark is obtained the Quercitron^ which is extensively used in dyeing wool, calico, silk, and paper-hangings. The decoction is brownish j^ellow, and is made deeper by an alkali, lighter by acids, and brighter by a solu- tion of tin. This tree is common in the United States east and west of the Alleghanies, reaching north to New Eng- land, and is said to indicate a good soil for agri- culture. It is most abundant in the upper part of THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 69 the State. If it exists in tlie Lower District, it must be sparingly. IG. Scarlet Oak. (Q. coccinea, Wang.) — This is generally confounded with the preceding species, and called Spanish and Red Oak in this State. It can be distinguished from the Black Oak by the leaves being more deejily cut, the divisions narrower and more widely separated, but especially by their being quite smooth on both sides and of a brighter shining green, turning bright scarlet after frost. The leaf-stem is als(3 more slender and twice as long as in tlie Black Oak. The kernel of the acorn seems also to supi)ly a uniform character of distinction, — that of the Scarlet Oak being white, and of the Black Oak, yellowish. Tlie bark, when chewed, does* not, like that of the Black Oak, impart a 3^ellowish tinge to the saliva. The wood is very similar to that of the preceding species, but is not very durable, and is not used for building, etc., when better material can be had. What is known as Bed Oak staves are made from this as well as from the two j)re(.*ediug species. The bark is much inferior for tanning to that of the Black Oak. This tree ranges from New England to Georgia and Florida. In this State it abounds chielly in the Middle and Upper Districts, it not being generall}^ diffused in the Lower. 17. Red Oak. (Q. rul)ra, Linn.)— This, like the preceding species, is sometimes called Spanish Oak, though it is as strongly marked a tree as can be found 70 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. in our forests. The leaves are larger (6 to 9 inches long), than any others in this Division, not so deeply cut, smooth and green on both sides, changing in the Fall to dull red, then to yellow. The acorns in par- ticular furnish a character which at once discrimi- nates this from all the Red Oaks, they being of larger size (1 inch long), and having yevj flat shaUoiv cups. The wood is reddish and coarse grained, and the pores very large. It is strong but not durable, and is much inferior to the other Bed Oaks, though staves are sometimes made of it. The bark is infe- rior for tanning to that of the Black or Scarlet Oak. This tree extends farther north than any other of our Oaks, reaching into Canada. It is tall and wide spreading, sometimes over 80 feet high, and 3 to 4 feet in diameter. For its full development it re- quires a cool arid fertile situation, and hence abounds more in the interior parts of the State. In the Lower District it is found but sparingly. 18. Scrub Oak. (Q. Catesbsei, Michx.) — This grows onl}^ in the sandy barrens of the Lower Dis- trict, but may be found from the coast westward to the counties of Richmond and Moore. I am not aware of its existence north of this State, but it is found southward to Florida. It seldom exceeds a height of 25 feet, and is most commonly from 10 to 15 feet high. Among the Bed Oaks this species is easily recognized, not only by its situation and hum- ble size, but by the very short leaf-stem. In this last particular, as well as in its habit, and in the color, THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 71 texture aiitl weight of tlie wood, it luis a close rela- tion to the Black Jack; and in South Carolina is called Forked-leaf Black Jack. Indeed, when the leaves are fallen, the two are rather difficult to be distinguished. For fuel they hold about the same rank. The bark is said to be valuable for tanning, but is too scanty to be much used. 19. Bear Oak. (Q. ilicifolia, Wang.) — A shrub, ordinarily about 3 to 5 feet high, extending from New York southward through the mountains of Virginia (where it is common) and North Carolina (very rare), to Georgia. The leaves are 2 to 3 inches long, cut about half way to the middle nerve into two divisions on each side, and with a white down on the underside. AVorthless in itself, Init a good indicator of barren soil. HICKORIES. — The general qualities of the wood of these species are so similar, that, to avoid repe- tition, they may as well be indicated here, so far as they belong to the whole genus or to any of its Divis- ions. For weight, strength, and tenacity of fil)re, we have no wood superior ; but its value is impaired by a tendency to rapid decay on ex})0sure, and its pecu- liar liability to injury from worms. Ilcnee it cannot be used in ])uildings. But the wood of the diflerent species is indiscriminately used for axle trees, axe- handles, carpenters' tools, screws, cogs of mill wheels, the frames of chairs, whip handles, musket stocks, rake teeth, flails, etc., etc. For hoops we have noth- 72 THE TPvEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. ing equal to it. These are made from young stocks. For fuel, there is no wood which gives such intense heat and heavy long-lived coals. For this use, although discrimination is seldom made, the Common Hickory is said to be the best, and the Bitter-nut Hickory the poorest. For timber, Shell-Bark and Pig-nut Hickories are reputed the best. It is to be observed upon this genus of trees, that the species are subject to considerable variation both in foliage and fruit, — sometimes apparently from crosses, as well as from difference of situation, — and hence are very difficult of discrimination without long and pa- tient attention. This I have not given them, and am therefore unable to indicate anything like an accurate range of the species enumerated below, which have been carefully examined only in particular localities. The Hickories are peculiar to North America, of which Ave have nine species. In this State I have seen but six, thaugh I give seven in tlie following list. The species are very naturally arranged in three Divisions. The first Division is characterized by the husk falling away from the Nut in four entire pieces, and the bark of the old trunk peeling off in long flakes or plates. These are the Shell-Barks or Shag-Barks. The second has a husk which does not divide dow^n to its base, and the bark of the trunk is not shaggy. These two, especially the first, have Nuts with a sweet eatable kernel. The third Divis- ion has Nuts with a thin shell and husk, and an astringent bitter kernel. THE TREES OF NOUTH CAROLINA. i6 Din'sion l.s7. Sliell-biii-k Hickory, (Carya alha.) Thick Shell-bark Hickory, (C. sulcata.) Division 2d. Common Hickory, (C. tomentosa.) ri<;-mit Hickory, (C. glabra.) Small-nut Hickory, (C. microcarpa.) Division 3d. Bitter-nut Hickory, (C. amara.) Water Bitter-nut Hickory, (C. aquatica.) 1. Shell-Babk Hickory. (Caiya alba, Nutt.) — Tliis is not abundant in any part of the State, and least of all in the Lower District. It grows upon the rich lands on and near watercourses. It is much more common in the Northern States than in the Southern. It is GO to 80 feet higli, with a dispropor- tionate diameter of 15 to 20 inches for three fourths of its length. The narrow strips of outer bark loos- ened from the trunk, attached only l)y tlie middle, while the two ends are bowed outwards, wliich char- acterize this and the next s})ecies, are observable only on stocks that exceed 10 inches in diameter and are 8 to 10 years old. But the leaflets are almost uniformly in two pairs, (rarely three,) witli an odd one at the end of the common leaf-stem. Tlie nuts are nearly pointless, and witli a tliin wliite shell. They are the finest nuts we have, excepting perhaps the Pecan Nut (C. oliva'formis), of the Soutliwestern States. 2. Thick Shell-Bakk Hkkoky. {Q,. sulcata, 74 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. Nutt.) — Most common in the Middle and Western States. I have not met with it in this State, and it is introduced here on the authority of others. It may be looked for only in the extreme western part of the State, especially along the rivers flowing west- ward. This ma}^ be distinguished from the preceding spe- cies by its three pairs (sometimes four) of leaflets on the common leaf-stem, and by the thick yelloivish shell of the nut, which is also ribbed on its upper half, and has a strong point. The kernel is smaller, and hardly so sweet as in the preceding. 3. Common Hickory. (C. tomentosa, Nutt.) — Found in all the States, and common in our own for- ests from the coast to the mountains, the only one which occurs in the barrens. All the Hickories are generally characteristic of a good soil, and this is no exception only when it grows in the barrens, as it is most vigorous in rich soils. It is about 60 feet high and 18 to 20 inches in diameter. This species is white to the heart, for which reason, probably, it is called White Hickory in some parts of the State. The other species have their wood more or less reddish. The leaflets are from 7 to 9 (generally 7). The fruit has a thick husk, splitting nearly to the base. The nut is of various forms, but is somewhat six-angled, of a light browo color, with a very thick shell and small kernel. 4. Pig-Nut Hickory. (C. glabra, Torr.)— Found in most of the States. It is 70 to 80 feet high, scat- THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 75 teringly disseminated among the other Hickories throughout North Carolina. It can be distinguished in Winter by the shoots of the preceding Summer, whicli are brown, and not half the size of those of the preceding species. These are exceedingly tough and of the best quality for Hickory withes. The leaf- lets are smooth on both sides, 5 to 7 in number. The fruit is generally pear-shaped, the husk thin and green, the shell of the nut very hard and smooth, and the kernel small and sweetish. 5. Small-Nut Hickory. (C. microcarpa, Nutt.) — This is more common in the Northern States than with us. I'have observed it only in Caldwell County, though it probably exists in most of the western counties, intermingled with the Common Hickory. It is of similar dimensions with the latter, but the 'bark of the trunk is much more even. The foliage is much like that of tlie Pig-nut. The nut is roundish, not much larger than a nutmeg, with a thin shell. 6. Bitter-Nut Hickory. (C. amara, Nutt.) — Not uncommon from the coast to the mountains, pre- ferring rich and cool soils, where it rises to the height of 70 to 80 feet, with a diameter of two or more. It is sometimes called Stvamp Hickory. The foliage ap- pears later than that of the other species. The leaf- lets are 7 to 11 and smooth. It can be recognized in winter by its small, yellow buds. The fruit has a thin husk which has prominent seams opening about half-way to the base, and a nut with a thin shell that can be crushed with the fingers. The kernel is ex- 76 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. cessively bitter and astringent, not likely to be for- gotten by any who liave eaten it. The timber is inferior to that of the others. 7. Water Bitter-Nut Hickory. (C. aquatica, Nutt.) — This is 40 to 50 feet high, found only in the swamps and river bottoms from North Carolina south- ward. It is generally confounded with the preced- ing, from which it can be distinguished at some dis- tance by the more numerous (9 to 13) and more slender leaflets, which are shaped very much like the leaves of the Peach, though larger. Fruit with a thin husk parted nearly to the base ; a nut with thin shell and of a reddish color, and the kernels bitter as in the preceding. The timber is rather inferior, even to that of No. 6. WALNUTS.— 1. Black Walnut. (Juglans ni- gra, Linn.) — This tree is well known throughout the State by this name, and needs no particular descrip- tion. With us it is 40 to 50 feet high; but in the richer lands of the Western States it is often 70 feet, with a diameter of 6 and 7. It is most abundant in our Middle District. The timber is much used in cabinet work, is of a dark brown color, strong and tenacious, the grain fine and compact enough for receiving a polish, and when well seasoned does not warp and split. It is also exempt from attacks of worms. The Nut is globular, and its kernel sweet and agreeable to most persons, though inferior to the European Walnut (J. regia.) The young fruit is THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 77 highly esteemed for pickles and catsup. The hnsk is employed in domestic use for dyeing woollens. This is a pleasant shade-tree, and mingles well with others about a residence. 2. White Walnut. (J. cinerea, Linn.) — This is the common name of the tree in the section of State where it grows, though that of Butternut^ applied to it in the Northern States, is not unknown. It is found upon bottom lands and river banks in the valleys of the Mountains. I have not met with it east of Wilkes, but am informed that it is occasion- ally found as far down the country as Orange and Randolph. Its general aspect is very much that of the Black Walnut^ but it is a smaller tree, and when in fruit can be at once recognized by the Nuts, which are about twice as long as broad. When not in fruit, the pitchy clamminess of the leaf-stems and young branchlets, together with the smooth gray bark of the branches, will readily distinguish it. In favorable localities at the North, this tree attains the height of 50 feet, with a diameter of 3 or more ; but with us it is rather smaller. The timber is of a red- dish hue, not of much strength, but durable and free from attacks of worms. It is used in lioht cabi- net work and in the panels of carriages, as it is light, not liable to split, and receives paint remarkably well. It is also used somewhat in the lower frame- work of buildings and for the various purposes in rural economy which require material not easily affected by heat and moisture. The bark is some- 78 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. times used for dyeing woollens a dark brown, though not equal for this purpose to that of Black Walnut. It is also a domestic remedy for cases where a sure but safe and gentle cathartic is needed. The kernel of the Nut is more oily than in the Black Walnut^ but is palatable. The young fruit is used for Pickles. The sap of the tree is slightly saccharine, and sugar has been made from it, but not equal to that from the Maple. CHESTNUTS.— 1. Chestnut. (Castanea vesca, Linn.) — This is an inhabitant of all the cooler parts of the United States. With us i^ is chiefly confined to the mountains from Ashe to Cherokee, and is found but sparingly on hills in the Middle District as low down as Guilford and Randolph. It finds its proper soil and temperature on the sides of our high mountains, where it probably acquires as large dimen- sions as anywhere in the Union ; stocks being some- times met with which, at 6 feet from the ground, measure 15 to 16 feet in circumference. Its usual height is from 50 to 70 feet, but is sometimes 90, with a capacious and well formed top. The wood is light, tolerably strong, elastic, and capable of resist- ing the effects of atmospheric changes. Its dura- bility gives it great value for fencing, and the rails, which are split out straight and easily, are said to last 50 years. For shingles it is superior to the Oaks, but is liable to warp. It is sometimes used for cooperage, but is too porous for anything but dry THE TKEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 79 wares. For fuel it is little esteemed, as it snaps most intolerably, almost as much as Hemlock Spruce. But for charcoal it is well adapted, and in this form is extensively used in forges and smithies. Botanists deem our Chestnut to be onl}^ a variety of the European. The wood is not quite so fine grained, and the nuts are only about half the size of the European, but they are much sweeter and more palatable. On Mt. ^tna is a Chestnut tree (but apparently of five united trunks), 53 feet in diameter, and with a spread of branches sufficient to shelter 100 men on horseback ! There are several, trunks near this which are 75 feet in circumference. 2. Chinquapin. (C. pumila, Michx.) — This ex- tends from the Delaware throughout the South. In this State it is known from the seaboard to Cherokee, and in great varieties of soil. It is usually a shrub from 6 to 12 feet high, but in cool fertile situations it is sometimes 30 or 40, and 12 or 18 inches in diame- ter. The wood is finer grained than the Chestnut and equally durable; but the stock is too small for extensive use. There is a distinct variety of this (var : nana) in our poor forests with slender shoots and extensive runners, bearing fruit at the height of a foot. BEECH. (Fagus ferruginea. Ait.) — Common throughout the United States, and the .only species in the country. It is a very handsome tree, though rarely seen in cultivation. In the Lower District of 80 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. the State it occurs rather sparingly and of no great size. In the Middle District it is more common and luxuriant ; but it is in the Mountains that it is found in greatest abundance and of proper dimensions, be- ing there from 50 to 80 and even 100 feet high, with a diameter of 2 to 3 feet. The wood is compact and tough, and of very uniform texture, by which it is well adapted for plane-stocks, shoe-lasts, and the handles of mechanical implements. When perfectly seasoned it is not liable to warp. " It is easily affected by variations of moisture and dryness, but is very durable, when kej)t constantly dry, or when perma- nently immersed in water. The bark is sometimes used for tanning, but is not equal to that of Oak, The nuts are a fine mast for hogs, and a valuable oil can be expressed from them. The old Saxon word for Beech is BucJi or Buck, and hence our' word Buckwheat (i. e. Beechwheat) from the similarity of their triangular fruit. BUCKEYES. — These handsome productions, ad- mired both for their foliage and blossoms, as well as for general elegance of form, are of the same genus with the Asiatic Horse Chestmit {M. Hippo castanum), so much prized as an ornamental tree in Europe and parts of this country. The leaves are what is called digitate; i. e. the leaflets spread, like the fingers of a hand, from the end of a common leaf-stem, a character which belongs to no other of our forest trees. There are four species in the United States, THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 81 of which two are native witliin our limits. Possibly a third species (^JE. parviflora) exists in the upper part of the State adjoining South Carolina and Georgia. 1. Yellow Buckeye, (^sculus flava, Ait.) — More abundant in the Western than in the Atlantic States ; in the latter it is not found north of Virginia. In this State it is most abundant upon the sides of our high mountains, and is nowhere of larger size. It here reaches a height of 60 to 80 feet, with a diameter of 3 to 4, and with its tapering straight trunk is a very imposing tree. There is no better indicator than this of a deep, rich, fertile soil. The flowers are in large clusters, yellow (or occasionally with a reddish tinge), and very showy. In the Mid- dle District this species is found along streams and in river bottoms as far down as Orange, but is here a mere shrub 3 to 6 feet hiofh. 2. Red Buckeye. (^. Pavia, Linn.) — This grows only in the Southern and Western States. It is dis- tinguished by its dull red flowers, and is what is chiefly known in our Lower and Middle Districts under the name of Buckeye. It is usually 8 to 12 feet high, but sometimes becomes a small tree. The root of this species is sometimes used as a substitute for soap in washing woollen cloths. The powdered seeds and bruised branches, if thrown into small ponds and stirred a while, will so intoxicate fish that they rise to the surface and may be taken b}^ hand. 82 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. POD-BEAEING TREES. The next Group of trees is that whose fruit is con- tained in Pods, or seed-vessels, which are longer than broad, like those of the Bean and Pea. It includes the Locust^ Red Bud, etc. 1. Locust. (Robinia Pseudacacia, Linn.) — Li the Atlantic States this well known ornamental tree first appears in southern Pennsylvania, and extends thence along the Alleghanies to their southern ter- minus. It is more common in the Western States. In North Carolina I have met with it in a wild state only on the lower ridges of the mountains, but prob- ably it is, or was, native for some distance east of the Blue Ridge. The w^ood is hard, compact, and takes a high polish. It resists decay longer than al- most any other, and hence is exceedingly valuable for posts and fences. There are differences, however, in the quality of the trees which it is important to keep in mind. Those with a 7^ed heart are deemed the best; those with ^greenish-yellow heart^ihe next; and those with a white heart, the least valuable. In civil architecture the timber is not extensively used in buildings, but is employed for railroad ties and sleepers, whenever it can be had. In naval archi- tecture it is used to as great an extent as the supply will permit. For trunnels (the wooden pins that fasten the planks to the frame of vessels) it is of the highest value, as, instead of decaying, it grows harder with age. The wood is also used by turners instead THE TPtEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 83 of Box^ for the manufacture of small articles, such as bowls, salad spoons, etc., for which it is well adapted by its hardness, durability, and capability of polish. 2. Clammy Locust. (R. viscosa. Vent.) — A very ornamental tree, smaller than the foregoing and much less known, it being chiefly confined to the southern range of our mountains and the adjoining ones in South Carolina and Georgia. It does not exceed 40 feet in height. The young branches are covered with a clammy matter, and the flowers are of a beautiful rose color, — characters which will al- ways distinguish it from the preceding. The wood is similar. 3. Rose Locust. (R. hispida, Linn.) — A well- known ornamental shrub of our gardens, (sometimes known by the singular misnomer of Rose of Sharofi,) with large, deep rose - colored blossoms, bristly branches, flower-stems, and pods. It is indigenous to the rocky summits of mountains and hills in the Upper and Middle Districts ; and a dwarf variety, in the Pine barrens of the Lower. Honey Locust. (Gleditschia triacanthos, Linn.) — Found in all the States from Pennsylvania and Illinois southward. It is diffused over this State, but is nowhere very abundant. It is from 30 to 50 feet high, and 2 or 3 feet through. The heart much resembles that of Locust, but is coarser, and the pores are quite open like those of Ited Oak. It is there- fore used only wliere other material cannot be con- veniently had. The large pods, 12 or 18 inches long, 84 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. contain a sweet pulp from which a very palatable beer is made. This thorny tree has been occasionally employed for hedges, but, in all the cases I have seen, without success, the stocks having all run up into trees, possibly from not having been kept down by persevering attention to cutting in. Red Bud. (Cercis Canadensis, Linn.) — Common over the United States, and found in the Lower and Middle Districts of this, most abundantly in the latter. It is from 15 to 25 feet high, but when the main stock is cut generally shoots up into a cluster of shrubs. As it blossoms early, before the develop- ment of its leaves, and is covered with a profusion of bright purplish-red flowers, it is a very striking object in the forests in early Spring. Catalpa. (Catalpa bignonioides, Walt.) — This is so common around settlements as to merit a passing notice, though it is nowhere native in the Atlantic States north of the Savannah River. Further south, and at the West, it is not an uncommon forest tree near rivers, especially those that empty into, the Mississippi. Kentucky Coffee Tree. (Gymnocladus Cana- densis, Lam.) — A native of the Western States, but occasionally cultivated about houses as a handsome shade-tree in our Middle District, and spontaneously multiplying from the seeds. It has a general aspect like that of Locust^ for which it is often mistaken. The pods are thick-shelled, 6 to 10 inches long and 2 broad, containing seeds i inch broad. THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 85 FLAT-WINGED FRUIT TREES. The next Group coinjDrises trees with a flat-winged- fruit, as the Maple, Ash, and Elm. MAPLES. — These are stately and beautifal trees, as much prized for ornament as for their value in art. We have five species of Maple, all that are known in the United States, two of which are mere shrubs. 1. Red Maple. (Acer rubrum, Linn.) — Well known throughout the State, being found in swamps and low grounds from the coast to the mountains. It is among the first trees to throw out its blossoms in early spring, (as early as February in the Lower District,) and with its bright scarlet flowers then gives a peculiarly pleasing aspect to the otherwise naked forest. In autumn, the brilliant crimson of its dying foliage again makes it a conspicuous object, though accompanied by others which vie with it in contributing to the splendor of our autumnal scen- ery. It does not appear to be so large here as farther north, where it is sometimes 70 feet higli and 3 to 4 feet through. The wood is of close and fine grain, and susceptible of brilliant polish. It is extensively used in the manufacture of chairs, saddle-trees, yokes, and various articles of wooden ware. It is not suffi- ciently solid, however, for heavy work, and speedily decays if subjected to variations of heat and moist- ure. When the grain of this wood has a winding 86 THE TPvEES OF XORTH CAEOLINA. direction, it furnishes the material called Curly Maple ^ which is much used for cabinet work and sometimes for the mouldings of houses. Bedsteads and gun- stocks of much beauty are made of it, and it is some- times employed for inlaying mahogany. The varied effects of light and shade upon the tortuous veins can be much enhanced by rubbing with sulphuric acid, and afterwards with linseed oil. The bark of this tree is said to afford a dark blue dye, and a good black" ink. The sap is somewhat saccharine, but is rarely nsed for making sugar. Tliis tree in some situations has yellowish flowers and fruit, and is then called Yellow Maple. 2. White or Silver Maple. (A. dasycarpum, Ehrh.) — This is generally confounded with the fore- going, but is a much rarer tree, in this State. I do not remember to have seen it except in the Moun- tains. It is 30 to 50 feet high and 1 to 2 in diame- ter ; though in the Western States sometimes 8 or 9 feet through. The top is more spreading than in the Red Maple. The leaves are bright green above, and of a silvery whiteness beneath, which gives a pleas- ing effect to their play in the sunlight, and helps to render the tree a desirable addition to ornamented grounds. The flowers are greenish-yellow, and the fruit (woolly when young) has large spreading wings. The Avood is very white and fine grained, but much softer than in the other Maples; and hence is little used in cabinet work where the others can be had. The sap is sometimes converted into THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 87 sugar, which is of superior whiteness aud flavor to that of the Sugar Maple; but twice the quantity of sap is required to give an equal quantity of sugar. 3. Sugar Maple. (A. saccharinum, Wang.) — This is found from Canada to Georgia, and is the most interesting and valuable of our Maples. It has a height of 50 to 80 feet, a diameter of 2 to 3, and a very symmetrical oval top of compact branches, which make it one of the most desirable trees for streets and avenues. It is very abundant in our mountains, and occurs also in the Middle and Lower Districts. The wood is wdiite when freshly cut, but becomes of a faint rosy hue on exposure. It has a fine close grain, takes a fine polish, and is heavy and strong. It is not as durable as Oak, and is not much used in Civil or Naval Architecture. When well seasoned, it serves for axles and spokes of wheels, chairs, &c. This tree produces a curled variety of wood like the Red 3Iaj)le. But there is yet another and more beautiful variety, called Bird's Eye^ which is much used for ornamental wood work. The wood makes excellent fuel. The ashes abound in alkali, and they furnish the largest part of the potash shipped from Northern ports. It is the production of sugar from tlie sap of this tree, which gives it its highest value. In some of the Northern States, particularly in Vermont, it is made to an extent that constitutes them almost as much a sugar producing country as Louisiana. In our Mountains, which are too remote from a markiet 88 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. to permit any effort to produce this article in suffi- cient quantity, and of suitable quality, for purposes of commerce, it is annually made to some extent for home use, but not enough for the " sweetening " required even in the Mountains. It is only in the colder regions that the tree can be used for this pur- pose. In our low country sugar cannot be made from it. 4. Striped Maple. (A. Pennsylvanicum, Linn.) — This grows in the colder parts of the country from Canada to Georgia, and is known under the names, besides the one already given, of Mooseivood and Striped Dogwood. In North Carolina it is confined to the Mountains. It is but a shrub, rarely over 10 feet high. The bark is smooth and green, with longitudinal dark stripes, which distinguishes it at all seasons, and makes it an object of some curiosity and interest in shrubberies. The fruit is like that of other Maples, and of greenish color. 5. Mountain Maple. (A. spicatum. Lam.) — This has nearly the same range in the country with the preceding one. In this State it is found only in the Mountains, and is also a shrub 6 to 10 feet high. From its insignificance it does not seem to have attracted sufficient attention to acquire a popular name; but is known farther north by the above, and also as Loiv Maple. Europeans, who have paid far more attention than ourselves to the uses and capaci- ties of our forest productions, have ascertained that this and the Striped Maple acquire double their THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 89 natural size when engrafted on other species of Maple. Its leaves and fruit have the common charac- ters of a Maple, the latter being rather small. Ash-leaved Maple. (Negundoaceroides,M(Bnch.) — I have not learned the name by which this is known in North Carolina, and have adopted the one very appropriately used in other parts of the United States. In the Western States, where it is more common, it is called Box Elder. In South Carolina I have heard it called Stinking Ash. It has the leaves of an Ash., and the fruit of a 3Iaple. It is rare in the Lower District, but is common on the borders of streams in the Middle District to the IMoun tains. Its ordinary height is from 15 to 25 feet, a rather handsome tree, of light green- branches and trunk, and the bark of rather disagreeable odor. Tlie wood, though fine-grained, is not much used, as it is liable to rapid decay. In the West it is sometimes em- ployed for inlaying furniture made of mahogany and cherry. ASHES. — This is a genus of handsome trees, and next to the Oaks, furnishes the most valuable timber of our forests. The distinguishing properties of the wood are strength and elasticity. The species have a great similarity of general aspect, and are subject to considerable variation in different soils, so that their discrimination requires some attention and ex- perience. In this State they are all called simply Ash.) without any discriminating adjuncts, and I have 90 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. not the advantage of names, therefore, to assist me in pointing out the species. None of them are very abundant. 1. Water Ash. (Fraxinus platycarpa, Michx.) — This is a Southern species, peculiar to the marshy borders of creeks and rivers in the Lower Districts, and where, so far as I have learned, there is no other species. It is the only one in the State in which the wings of the fruit extend down to the bottom of the seed, and is sometimes even three-winged. The lo- cality and the fruit will therefore readily determine this species. The tree is 30 to 40 feet high, its tim- ber probably less valuable than some of the others, though partaking of the same general qualities. 2. Green Ash. (F. viridis, Michx.) — I have seen this only in the Middle and Upper Districts, upon the banks of rivers. The fruit is gradually dilated from the base- upward. The leaflets (5 to 9) are more or less toothed, smooth and green on both sides. This is a middle-sized tree, with greenish branchlets. The timber is much like that of the others, but hardly equal to White Ash. 3. Red Ash. (F. pubescens. Lam.) — I have seen this only in Lincoln, but it is doubtless an inhabitant of rich swampy grounds in other counties of the Middle District. It is 50 to 60 feet high, the under- side of the leaves, and also the young shoots, clothed with a thick whitish down, which changes, in the Fall, to a reddish tint, from whence is probably derived its common name. The leaflets (7 to 9) are but THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 91 slightly notched. The fruit is very much like that of the Green Ash. The wood is redder than in the White Ash, is harder and less elastic, but used for the same purposes. 4. White Ash. (F. Americana, Linn.)— Diffused through the United States. With us it is not very abundant, but occurs along streams and the borders of low grounds in the Middle and Upper Districts. It is 50 to 70 or 80 feet high, and 2 to 3 feet through. It has a straight trunk, with grayish furrowed bark, and smooth bluish-gray branchlets and shoots. The leaflets, in Summer, are very smooth, of a light green above and whitish beneath, very slightly toothed on the edges. The fruit is about li inch long, narrow, and with a long slender base, the Aving springing from near the summit of the seed. The heart-wood is reddish, and is considered superior to the other Ashes in strength and elasticity. For all the pur- poses which require these properties, it is employed by carriage-makers, wheelwrights, shipwrights, turn- ers, and coopers. There are but few trees of the American forests more valuable and more extensively used than this. It is withal a very showy tree in private grounds. ELMS.— A genus of trees too well known to need a particular specification of their characters. The fruit is small, flat, and with a thin wino-ed maririn. 1. Elm. (Ulmus Americana, Linn.) — This mag- nificent shade tree is well known throughout the 92 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. country. In the most favorable situations with us, it is not often seen above 60 or 70 feet high ; but in some sections, as in the Middle States, it reaches the height of 100 feet, and a diameter of 4 or 5 feet. The timber of this tree is not in much demand, but is occasionally used by wheelwrights for the naves of wheels, where other material cannot be obtained. There is a difference in the spread of this tree, the form with drooping branches being much more grace- ful and showy than the one with more erect branches. It is much to be regretted that this is generally so crowded in our streets as to prevent its attaining its widest spread, and its most natural and attractive form. 2. Small-Leaved Elm. (U. alata, Michx.) — Gen- erally known in this State by this name, but more commonly known elsewhere, perhaps, as Wahoo. It is not uncommon with us, except on the higher mountains. Its Northern limit is in lower Virginia. It is only 30 to 45 feet high, not only smaller, but of much less graceful form than the preceding, though often seen as a shade tree in our streets. It is readily distinguished by its much smaller leaves, and by the corky excrescences which, as in the Sweet Gum^ wing the smaller branches. The wood is more compact and finer grained than in the former species, and is used for the naves of wheels, for which some prefer it to Black Gum. A variety of this occurs, in which the excrescences are wanting, and the branches more slender and THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 93 flowing. The small leaves, however, determine the species. 3. Slippery Elm. (U. fulva, Michx.)— Widely diffused over North America, but in no localities so abundant as either of the preceding. It is occasion- ally met w^ith in our Lower District, but more fre- quently in the Middle, and to some extent in the Upper. It is from 30 to 50 feet high, and 12 to 18 inches through. The wood is coarser than that of the other species, but is stronger and more durable, when exposed to the weather, than the common Elm, and is sometimes used in the Western States in build- ings and vessels. For ship blocks it is said to be of the highest value. As the trunk splits well, it is convenient for the making of rails, which are very durable. The inner bark of this tree, es]3ecially of the branches, contains a large amount of mucilage which is serviceable in colds and bronchial affections, and for emollient plasters. TREES BEARING FLESHY FRUIT. The next Group comprises those trees which have a fruit more or less fleshy^ whether sto7ie fruit like Plums and Cherries, or those which contain seeds like the Crab Apple, and those smaller forms which would popularly be called Berries. 1. Red Plum. (Prunus Americana, Marsli.) — A small tree or shrub not uncommon from Canada to 94 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. Louisiana ; and in this State from the coast to Chero- kee, especially in the Upper District, along streams and on the border of woods. The leaves are quite veiny and coarsely toothed. The fruit is red, orange or yellow, with a rather tough skin, generally acerb and uneatable, but occasionally of good flavor and then makes an excellent preserve. Some very good varieties have been produced by cultivation. 2. Chickasaw Plum. (P. Chicasa, Michx.) — A shrub very common in old fields and about settle- ments throughout the State, sometimes becoming a small tree. It has every appearance of being ^n introduced plant, and it was a tradition of the Indians tliat they brought this fruit from beyond the Mississippi, where it is now known to be indigenous. The leaves are smooth, not very veiny, and finely toothed. The fruit varies very much both in color and flavor, but generally quite pleasant, and is much improved by cultivation. 3. Sloe. (P. spinosa, Linn.?) — I have seen this only in Lincoln County, where it was pointed out to me by Dr. Hunter, and called by the above name. As I have no notes upon this small tree, I am now in uncertainty whether it be identical with the English Sloe or Blackthorn^ which is naturalized in some parts of the country, and is considered by the best Botanists to be the parent of the common cultivated Plum (P. domestica, Linn.). 4. Wild Cherry. (P. serotina, Ehrh.) — This ranks among the largest and finest trees of the THE TEEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 95 American forest, and is very widely diffused through the United States. In this State it is found through all the Districts, but is less common in the Lower, where the soil and climate are not so favorable to its growth. It is on the rich and cool declivities of our mountains that it acquires its full dimensions and attains a height of 60 to 80 feet, and a diameter of 2 to 3 feet. The smooth straight shaft, symmetrical summit, bright green leaves and profuse spikes of white flowers, give it a character of much beauty. The fruit is nearly black (from which the tree is often called Black Cherry)^ slightly bitter, but with a pleasant vinous flavor, and was formerly much used as a cordial in spiritous infusion. The wood is of a light red tint which deepens wdth age, is compact and fine grained, and not liable to Avarp when prop- erly seasoned. If selected from the part of the trunk near the branches, it is almost equal to Mahog- any in appearance. It was once extensively used in nearly all kinds of cabinet Avork, but has been pretty much superseded by Mahogany and Rosewood. The bark of this tree is a valuable tonic, and forms the basis of some quack medicines. 5. Wild Red Cherry. (P. Pennsylvanica, Linn.) — Chiefly found at the North, but within our limits grows sparingly upon Black, Grandfather, and a few others of our highest mountains. I have but once heard it designated by au}^ distinctive name, viz., Macnoly^ which may possibly be a corruption of Magnolia^ and so a misapplication. It is 20 to 30 96 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. feet high. The flowers grow in clusters from lat- eral buds, and not in racemes from the end of the branchlets, as in the preceding. The fruit is small and red, with a thin, sour flesh. The bark of the trunk is a light red. The wood is reddish and fine- grained, but the tree is too small to admit of much use. 6. Mock Orange. (P. Caroliniana, Ait.) — This much admired species is confined to the neighbor- hood of the Ocean, and is not native, I think, much, if any, north of the Cape Fear. From thence south- ward it is rather common along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. It is 20 to 30 feet high, in proper soil farther south becoming 40 to 50, with thick oval summit, clothed with evergreen leaves and casting a deep shade. The racemes of white flowers (growing from the fork of the leaves) are numerous and showy. The fruit is black, globular, not eatable, and remains all Winter on the tree. The wood is rose-colored and fine-grained, rather brittle, I think, but is not abun- dant enough to be of use in the arts, and is not supe- rior to others more easily obtained. The chief value of the tree is as an ornament, for which it is very extensively cultivated about houses, either singly or as borders and hedges to private grounds throughout the Lower Districts of the Southern States, thriving very well in sandy soils. Devil Wood. (Olea Americana, Linn.) — This has about the same range with the Live Oak^ and, like that, is found but a short distance from the coast. THE TREES OF NOETH CAKOLINA. 97 I am not informed of any popular name by which it is designated in this State, and have above given the one appropriated to it farther south. As it is an Olive, it might properly be called American Olive, It is commonly about 10 to 15 feet high, but is some- times 30 and more. The leaves are evergreen, entire, thick and very smooth, and give the tree a very pleasing aspect. The fruit is rather larger than a buckshot, of a bluish-purple color, presenting a pleas- ant contrast to the foliage. The flesh is rather thin over a hard stone, and not eatable. The bark is of a whitish green. The wood has a fine grain, and when dry is exceedingly hard, and very difficult to cut or split, which may furnish a clue, perhaps, to the origin of its name. Tliis tree is well worthy of culture. I have seen it in private grounds under the name of Dahoon Holly ; but the latter is a very dif- ferent thing, being a true Holly or Ilex. The remainder of this Group, with the exception of the Crab Apple and Persimmon, have fruit which would popularly be called Berries, and I therefore bring them together, though the first eiyU succeed- ing genera would not be so called by Botanists. 1. Holly. (Ilex opaca, Ait.)— Common south of New York, and well known through the whole of our State. It is 30 to 40 jfeet high, and 12 to 15 inches in diameter. The wood is heavy, with a fine, com- pact grain, and takes a brilliant polish. When dry it is very hard, anci serves well for pulleys, screws, 98 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. etc. The black lines inlaid in mahogany furniture are often the dyed wood of this tree, intended to simulate ebony. The berries are purgative, and 15 or 20 of them will produce vomiting. The fine form of this tree, with its evergreen leaves and scarlet ber- ries, gives it much beauty, especially in Winter ; but it is said to be less attractive than the European Holly. For avenues and hedgerows we have few trees superior to it. 2. Dahoon Holly. (I. Dahoon, Walt.") — A shrub or small tree from 6 to 25 feet high, growing on the borders of the Pine-barren ponds and sAvamps of our Low Country, from Virginia to Florida. The leaves are 1 to 2 inches long, ^ to i inch wide, entire, or with a few sharp teeth near the upper end, evergreen. The berries are red, as in the Holly and Yopon, and the plant is well worthy of cultivation. 3. Yopon. (I. Cassine, Linn.) — An elegant shrub, 10 to 15 feet high, but sometimes rising into a small tree of 20 to 25 feet. Its native place is near salt water, and it is found from Virginia southward, but never far in the interior. Its dark evergreen leaves and bright red berries make it very ornamental in yards and shrubberies. The leaves are small, i to 1 inch long, very smooth, and evenly scalloped on the edges Avith small rounded teeth. In some sections of the Lower District, especially in the region of the Dismal Swamp, these are annually dried and used for tea, which is, however, oppressively sudorific, — at least to one not accustomed to it. The Mate, or THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 99 Paraguay Tea, of South America, is of the same genus as this, (the I. Paraguayensis,) but a very dif- ferent species. Our Yopon is the article from which the famous Black Drink of the Southern Indians was made. "At a certain time of the year they come down in droves from a distance of some hundred miles to the coast for the leaves of this tree. They make a fire on the ground, and putting a great kettle of water on it, they throw in a large quantity of these leaves, and setting themselves around the fire, from a bowl that holds about a pint they begin drinking large draughts, which in a short time occa- sions them to vomit freely and easily. Thus they continue drinking and vomiting for the space of two or three days, until they have sufficiently cleansed themselves ; and then every one taking a bundle of the tree, they all retire to their habitations." 4. (I. decidua, Walt.) — This and the next three have deciduous leaves, and have not been honored in this State, as far as I know, with popular names. This is common along shaded ravines and branches throughout the Middle District, and is from 6 to 15 feet high. The leaves are 1 to 2 inches long, with rounded teeth on the edges, narrow and tapering down into a short stem, somewhat hairy on the veins of the underside, otherwise smooth. Berries red, in clusters, each containing 4 to 6 bony seeds, that are ribbed on the back. 5. (I. ambigua, Chapm.) — A shrub or small tree confined to our mountain region in this State, though 100 THE TEEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. found elsewhere to the North and South, and from 8 to 20 feet high. The leaves are 3 to 5 and sometimes 6 inches long, about half as broad, with fine sharp teeth on the edges, smooth on both sides, and taper- ing at the upper end. The berries are red, not in clusters, and with seeds as in No. 4. 6. (I. verticillata, Gray.) — This occurs in all the Districts, and in various soils, 2 to 10 feet high, and has clusters of bright scarlet berries which hang on through the Winter. In some States it is called Winterherry. The leaves are about 2 inches long, of varying width, but generally broader toward the upper end, coarselj^ toothed, paler and somewhat downy on the underside. The seeds are smooth and even. A decoction of the bark is a popular application to old sores. T. Gallberry. (I. glabra, Gray.) — This and the next species are evergreen shrubs, indiscriminately called by the above name, sometimes Galls, more rarely LMerries, names apparently derived from their black bitter berries. This is from 3 to 5 feet high, very ^common in the Branch sw^amps of the Lower District, and giving its name of Galls or Gall- bays to the low places chiefly occupied by it. The leaves are very smooth and green, sparingly toothed, 1 to li inch long, and about half that Avidth. 8. Tall Gallberey. (I. coriacea, Chapm.) — This grows in similar situations with the preceding, having the same habit and appearance, but full twice as large, the leaves also much larger, and either entire or with scattered sharp teeth. THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. lOl 1. Dogwood. (Cornus florida, Linn.) — Common tliroiighoiit the United States, and mostly known by this name, but sometimes called Boxwood. From the showiness of its flowers, and the value of its wood and bark, it possesses considerable interest. Its usual height is from 12 to 20 feet, but is sometimes 30 and 35. The wood ._is heavy, hard, and fine grained, and takes a fine polish. Pieces cannot be had of sufficient size for large work; but for the smaller sorts of mechanical and agricultural imple- ments, such as cogs of mill wheels, harrow teeth, mallets, wedges, hames, etc., the well seasoned wood is well adapted and much used. The young shoots are used for light hoops. The inner bark is an excel- lent substitute for Peruvian Bark in intermittent fevers. The fresh article is apt to produce pain, which can be prevented, however, by mixing it with Virginia Snake Root. After being dried for a year, this precaution is unnecessary. A very good Ink can be made of this bark in place of Galls. A pretty variety of this tree with reddish flowers is occasion- ally met with. 2. Swamp Dogwood. (C. sericea, Linn-) — This and the remaining species of the genus are only shrubs, but are placed here for the purpose of having all the species of a genus together, as I liave done in other genera. With the exception of the last species, they all have their leaves opposite^ as in the Dogwood. This is the only one of them which has received notice enough in this State, so far as I have discov- 102 THE TREES OF XORTII CAROLIXA. erecl, to get a name. It is found in low woods in tlie Middle and Upper Districts, has purplish branches, is from 6 to 10 feet high, and having rather broad, pointed leaves, which are smooth above and with a silky down beneath. The flowers are white, in flat- topped clusters, succeeded by pale-blue berries. 3. (C. stricta, Linn.) — This is 6 to 15 feet high, with brownish or reddish branches, found only in the wet lands of the Lower District. The leaves are about 3 inches long and 1 inch wide, tapering to a point at the upper end, the edges slightly uneven, smooth on both sides, paler and with prominent veins on the underside. The flowers and pale-blue berries are much as in No. 2. 4. (C. paniculata, L'Her.) — A branching shrub, 4 to 8 feet high, with gray branches, found in this State onl}^ in our mountain counties. The leaves are only 2 to 3 inches long, with a tapering point, smooth, whitish on the underside. The white flow- ers are in longer and looser clusters than in the two preceding, and the berries white. 5. (C. alternifolia, L'Her.) — I have met with this only on the higher mountains. It is the only one of this genus of Cornels — this being the common name of the shrubby Dogwoods — which has the leaves alternating on the branches, instead of being oppo- site to each other in pairs. It is 10 to 15 and 20 feet high, the branches also alternate, greenish, streaked with white. The leaves are about 3 inches long, hoary and slightly hairy beneath, and pointed at the THE TllEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 103 end. The flowers are whitisli, in a loose flat topped cluster ; the berries dark blue or bluish black. Hackberry. (Celtis occidentalis, Linn.) — Com- mon over the United States, sometimes called Nettle Tree^ and scatteringly found in all parts of North Carolina. It is occasionally seen as a shade tree in our streets, and is admired by some for its dark green foliage, deep shade and rather graceful branches. The bark of the trunk and larger branches is rough- ened by small, ridged excrescences. The leaves are about 2 inches long, and rather peculiar in having one side perceptibly smaller than the other. The berries are about 4 or J of an inch in diameter, of a mahogany color, with a sweetish but thin flesh, enclosing a globular nut. This tree is from 50 to 70 feet high, and 18 to 20 inches in diameter. The wood does not appear to be used for any important purpose. There is a shrubby form of this (var : pumila) occasionally met with in the Lower and Middle Dis- tricts, 3 to 10 feet high, and with smaller, thinner leaves, but easily recognized by those who are famil- iar with the larger form. 1. Black Gum. (Nyssa aquatica, Linn.) — Com- mon in swamps and shallow ponds of the Lower and Middle Districts, often called Sour Gum or Gum Tree. It is from 30 to 45 feet high, 12 to 18 inches in diameter. The leaves are 1 to 2 inches long, of a dark green and shining above, and somewliat downy underneath when young. The fruit is commonly in 104 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. pairs, of a dark blue color, borne on a common stem from i to 1 inch long. The \yooc1 of this tree has its fibres so interwoven in various directions as to make it nearly impossible to be split, and it is therefore used (especially the yellow variety, known as the Yellow Gum) for the hubs of wheels. It is also employed for making hatters' blocks, the cogged cylinders in mills for beating rice, and for caps to masts. The roots are in domestic use for large corks, for which, on account of their compressibility and lightness, they answer very well. The crimson hue of the foliage, after frost, of this and the next species, contributes much, with that of the Red Maple^ Sassafras^ etc., to give that peculiar brilliancy to our autumnal scenery so often noticed by for- eigners. 2. (N. multiflora, Wang.) — With us this tree seems to be entirely confounded with the preceding, and is also called Black or Sour Gum, In some of the States it is also called Tupelo or Pepijeridge. This tree, however, grows mostly in the uplands in rich, generally moist, soils, and is larger every way. It is from 30 to 60 feet liigli, and 1 to 2 feet in diame- ter. The leaves are 2 to 6 inches long, with a white down underneath, especially when young, rather thick, and shining. The berry is about \ inch long. The wood is like that of No. 1. 3. Cotton Gum. (N. uniflora, Walt.) — This is a Southern tree, having its Northern limit in South- eastern Virginia, and confined to the deep swamps of THE TREES OF NOllTH CAKOLINA. 105 the Lower Districts. It is GO to 80 feet high. The leaves are 5 to 8 inches long, with a few large teeth on the edges, and a soft whitish clown underneath. The fruit is an inch or more long, and of a deep blue color. The Avood is like that of the two preceding, but is softer, and is indeed the softest wood we have. As it does not split and is very easily worked, it is manufactured into light bowls and trays. The roots are used for making floats to buoy seines, and are a very fair substitute for cork where elasticity is not important. Sassafras. (Sassafras officinale, Nees.) — No plant in the United States is perhaps more exten- sively diffused than this. In favorable soils it is 40 to 50 feet high, while in poor ground and in the bor- ders of old fields it flowers at the height of 4 to 6 feet. It is common in the Lower and Middle Dis- tricts, but is rare in the more elevated parts of the Upper. It is found of largest dimensions in the Middle District. What is known as the White Sassafras prevails in the Lower District, the Med Sassafras in the others, their differences depending apparently upon a difference of soil. The wood is said to be durable, and is used for fence posts as well as for the rafters and joists of buildings. It is said also to be free from attacks of worms, and that bedsteads made of it are never infested by insects. The roots, and also the flowers, are the basis of some diet drinks which are thought by some to be service- able to the Imman system in Spring and Summer. 106 THE TREES OF NOETH CAROLINA. The reputed virtues of the root caused it to become one of the first of our native products introduced into Europe, and ship loads were carried thither in the earlier settlement of this country. The bark of the root is a powerful aromatic stimulant, and has been used in medicine more than 200 years. The young buds and ends of branches contain a good deal of mucilage, and are sometimes used as a substitute for Okra in soups, — where the latter cannot be had. Red Bay. (Persea Carolinensis, Nees.) — This extends from Virginia through the Lower Districts of the Southern States to Louisiana, appearing to be confined to the branch swamps within the range of the Long-leaved Pine. It is a small tree or shrub here, but in the vicinity of the Gulf it reaches a height 50 and 70 feet. The evergreen leaves are 2 to 4 inches long, 1 or more wide, smooth and green above, pale beneath. The shrubby form has the leaves larger and the underside clothed with a gray down. They have a strong aromatic odor very like that of the European Laurel and may be used in the same manner in cookery and medicine. An aromatic distillation like the Bay Rum of the West Indies could doubtless be obtained from them. The wood is of a beautiful rose color, strong and durable, with a very fine compact grain, and is susceptible of a brilliant polish. Before Mahogany came into such extensive use, articles of furniture of great beauty were made from it at the South, the best having the appearance of watered satin, and they are still found THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 107 ill the houses of some of the older families of the country. I have heard of a single log in Florida sawed into veneering and sold for 1400. In this State it is seldom found of sufficient size for any very important uses. Palmetto. (Sabal Palmetto, R. & S.) — Cape Hatteras is, or was, the northern limit of this Palm, from whence southward it becomes more abundant in the vicinity of the Ocean. This is the only repre- sentative in the United States of a large and remark- able class of trees mostly confined to the Torrid Zone. A trunk 40 or 50 feet in height, of uniform diameter, with a tufted summit of large brilliant green, fan- shaped leaves, and so wholly different in structure and aspect from all our other forest trees, is a very noticeable and attractive object on our coast. The trunk of this tree is of great value in the con- struction of Avharves, as they are not subject to injury from sea-worms. They have been found ser- viceable in structures for defence, since balls pass with difficulty through the w^ood as through cork, and the w^ood closes upon the perforation instead of splitting. The rarity of the tree in this State ren- ders it of little economical importance here. It is to be deeply regretted, however, that a reckless indiffer- ence to the future, which has been charged as a char- acteristic of Americans, is likely to efface, at no very distant time, every vestige of this interesting orna- ment of our coast. The inner portion of the young plant is very tender and palatable, somewhat resem- 108 THE TREES OF KORTH CAHOLINA. bling tlie Artichoke and Cabbage in taste (lience its name of Cahhage Tree)^ and is often taken for pick- ling, and the stock is ruined by the process. Thus for a pound or two of pickles, no better either than man}^ other kinds, the growth of half a century is destroyed in a moment, and posterity left to the wretched inheritance of vain mourning for the loss of the greatest beauty of our maritime forest. 2. DwAEF Palmetto. (S. Adansonii, Guerns.) ^ — This is but 3 or 4 feet high, never forming a trunk like the preceding, and found only in the Lower Dis- trict. The leaves of both these species are employed in the manufacture of palm-leaf hats. Peide of India, or China Tree. (Melia Azed- arach, Linn.) — Is a common shade tree of streets and yards in the Lower District, and occasionally is seen in the lower part of the Middle District. It is quite naturalized in the former region, to which it is well adapted by its free growth in sandy soil. It is from 25 to 40 feet high, with a spreading top, and its dark green compound leaves and large loose clusters of fragrant lilac-colored flowers make it quite ornamen- tal. The timber is of a reddish hue, and said to be strong and durable ; but is seldom used. The leaves pounded and mixed with lard constitute a Persian remedy for a cutaneous disease, better treated, per- haps, with sulphur. The berries are reputed poison- ous, as well as most other portions of the tree. Robins feeding upon them in the Spring are so stupefied as to be easily caught. THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 109 Buckthorn. (Bumelia lycioides, Gsert.) — A small tree from 15 to 25 feet high, found from North Carolina to Louisiana, rather sparingly in this State from the coast to Lincoln County. Its leaves are entire, smooth on both sides, about 2 inches long and I of an inch wide, with short stems. The flowers are whitish and small, growing in a thick cluster in the fork of the leaves, succeeded by a black, cherry-like fruit, about the size of a pea. The wood is exceed- ingly hard and heavy, with an irregular grain, and would doubtless be useful for mechanical purposes, were it not too rare to attract much attention. Yellow Wood. (Symplocos tinctoria, L'Her.) — Also called Sweet Leaf and High Bush Laurel. It does not extend much, if any, north of James River. In this State it occurs from the coast to the moun- tains, but is most multiplied in the Lower District. In poor soils it is only a shrub 2 to 6 feet high ; but in those which are fertile, as on the borders of swamps, it becomes a small tree, 20 to 25 feet high and 6 to 8 inches in diameter. If the trunk be wounded in Spring, it exudes a milky, offensive juice. The leaves, which are 3 to 5 inches long, are sweet to the taste but rather dry, and greedily eaten by cattle and deer in Winter. They afford, by decoc- tion, a beautiful yellow color, which is fixed by a lit- tle alum, wherewith cotton, woollen and silk, are dyed. It is not much used, however. The fruit is a small one-seeded berry. The wood is soft and value- less. 110 . THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. MAGNOLIAS. — Of this universally and deserv- edly admired genus there are seven species in the United States, all of which are found within our borders. They all have an aromatic and somewhat bitter bark. The fruit is a fleshy cone, from the cells of which the scarlet berries are expelled and hang for some days by elastic cords. The berries of most become quickly corrupted, but may be pre- served for use in damp moss. 1. Magnolia. (Magnolia grandiflora, Linn.) — I retain the common designation of this tree, though we have six others equally entitled to the name. Farther south it is often called Big Laurel. The northern limit of this tree is in Brunswick County, south of the Cape Fear ; but it flourishes vigorously in cultivation through all the lower part of the State. Its usual height in the forests is from 50 to 70 feet, but has been found 90 feet high, and has a handsome form. The leaves are 6 to 10 inches long, evergreen, very thick and leathery. The white fragrant flow- ers, 6 to 8 inches broad, contrasting strongly with the dark green foliage, make this perhaps the most beautiful tree in the United States. The timber of this tree is soft and very white, but is little used. 2. Sweet Bay. (M. glauca, Linn.) — The small- est and most widely diffused of our Magnolias, it being common in the maritime districts from Louis- iana to New Jersey, and in a single locality north of Boston. In this State it is seen along branches and bays throughout the Lower District, and in similar THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. Ill situations, tliough not common in the Middle Dis- trict. It is from 12 to 25 and 30 feet high, some- times flowering at the height of 5 to 6 feet. The leaves are small, the white under-surface contrasting pleasantly with the pale green of the upper. The flowers are 2 to 3 inches broad, pure white, and of powerful but grateful odor. 3. Umbrella Tree. (M. Umbrella, Lam.) — This is common in the Middle and Western States as well as in the Southern. In this State it is met with in shaded deep rich soils from the coast to Cherokee, and is mostly called Cucumber Tree^ a name more generally and properly given to the next species. It is from 25 to 35 feet high. The leaves are 18 to 20 inches long, 6 to 7 broad, and acute at each end. The flowers are 7 to 8 inches broad, white, and not of pleasant odor. Though inferior in beauty to some others, it is an ornamental tree and deserving of cul- tivation. 4. Cucumber Tree. (M. acuminata, Linn.) — This seems to be universally known by the name here given, and is so designated from the form of its cone or fruit, which, in this species, is narrower than in the others, and when green is not unlike a cucum- ber about 3 inches long. The tree is found from the Northern Lakes to the mountains of Georgia. In this State it grows onl}^ on tlie mountains, particu- larly of Ashe, Yancey and Burke, in moist fertile soil of declivities and on the banks of torrents. It is from 60 to 80 feet high, and 4 to 5 in diameter, com- 112 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. paring well in dimensions with No. 1. The leaves are 6 to 8 inches long, 3 to 4 broad, and rounded at base. The flowers are 4 to 5 inches broad, white, with a bluish or yellowish tinge, and very slightly odorous. The wood is somewhat similar to that of the Tulip Tree^ is fine grained and takes a good polish, but is not so strong and durable. As an ornamental tree it is much admired. 5. Large-Lea VED Umbrella 'Tree. (M. mac- rophylla, Michx.) — This and No. 3 derive their names of Umbrella Tree from the mode in which their leaves spread from the ends of the branches. It is a rare product east of the Alleghanies, having been found only on the Chattahoochie in Georgia, in Middle Florida, and in Lincoln County of this State. West of the mountains it is more common, though in scattering groups and at wide intervals. Li Lincoln it occurs in several places not far from the road between Lincolnton and Tuckaseegee Ford ; as near Smith's, the Moore Mine, and Huntersville, six, ten, and eighteen miles from the former place. It chooses cool, rather moist and fertile situations, is from 15 to 30 feet high, and without any beauty of form. But its leaves and flowers surpass in size those of any tree or shrub in this country. The former are from 20 to 30 inches long, occasionally even longer, clustered at the ends of the branches and spreading from them like an umbrella, their two sides rounded at the base and diverging like ears from the leaf-stem. The flowers are 12 to 14 inches broad, white, with a THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 113 broad purple spot on the inner base of the petals, and fragrant. It bears cultivation very well in our Middle District. In the Lower District it is not so manageable, but can there be grafted on the native Umbrella Tree, as was successfully done by the elder Michaux in his garden near Charleston. 6. Long-Leaved Cucumber Tree. (M. Fraseri, Walt.) — Found only in ravines of the mountains, where it is known by this name, and also as Wahoo and Indian Physic. It is confined chiefly to the mountains of the Southern States, and is nowhere more abundant than in Ashe, Yancey and Burke. It is 40 to 45 feet high, with a diameter of 12 to 15 inches. The leaves are 8 to 9 inches long, 4 to 6 broad, and though a third smaller, are very much like those of No. 5 in form ; the base in this, as in that, being divided into rounded lobes or ears. The flowers are 3 to 4 inches broad, pure white, and of agreeable fragrance. The cones are 3 to 4 inches long, and, like those of the Umhrella Tree., of a beau- tiful rose color when ripe. This tree bears removal remarkably well, it having been cultivated in the open air near Philadelphia, but it would probably require the protection of shade in our low country. 7. Heart-Leaved Cucumber Tree. (M. cor- data, Michx ) — Often confounded with the Cucumber Tree^ to which it bears a general resemblance, though it is a very distinct species. It is confined to declivi- ties of the mountains from Ashe County to Georgia. It has a regular oval summit, is 30 to 50 feet higli, 12 114 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. to 18 inches thick, with a straight trunk, the bark of which has some resemblance to that of Sweet Gum or of a young White Oak. The leaves are roundish and heart-shaped, 4 to 6 inches long, 3 to 5 wide. The flowers are yellow, the inside faintly streaked with red, and nearly 4 inches broad. The cones are about 3 inches long and 1 thick. This is smaller than the Cucumber Tree^ but is equally desirable in private grounds as well for its symmetrical form as for the beauty of its flowers and its luxuriant foliage. Service Berry. (Amelanchier Canadensis, Torr. and Gr.) — Universally known in our mountains under the name of Sarvices. In the Lower District it is called Service Tree and Wild Currant. In the latter section of the State, it is hardly more than a shrub, and is common along branches and swamps. In the former, it inhabits the shaded sides of the mountains, and is 15 to 25 feet high. The fruit is here much sweeter, more juicy and palatable, like the Medlar^ than in other parts of the State, and trees are sometimes recklessly cut down to obtain it. It is purplish and about the size of some of our Red Haws. This shrub or tree, when displaying its j)ro- fusion of clustered white blossoms in early Spring, is not without beauty, and is found enumerated in the catalogues of some northern nurseries as The Snowy Medlar. A name so promising has occasion- ally led to its importation into the State for the adornment of a garden or shrubbery ; but I have never known it preserved over one season's exhibi- THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 115 tion, the owners apparently depreciating a beauty so common. 1. Crab Apple. (Pyrus coronaria, Linn.) — Most common in the Northern and North-western States, but extending southward along the mountains, where alone it is seen in this State. In Yance}^ and Hay- wood Counties it is very abundant, usually about 15 to 20 feet high, and 5 to 8 inches through ; but in some situations considerably larger. The leaves are cut or lobed, not unlike those of the Red Maple. The flowers' are of great beauty and diffuse their grateful fragrance to a long distance. The fruit is too austere for eating, but makes excellent preserves and jelly, though requiring much sugar. A celebrated Cider Apple, known as Hughes's Crah^ I suppose is a seedling from this species. 2. Narrow-Leaved Crab Apple. (P. angusti- folia. Ait.) — This extends from Pennsylvania south- ward, chiefly in those regions not occupied by the former. It is rather common in our Lower and Mid- dle Districts, and reaches into the lower part of the Upper. It is of about the same height with No. 1, but the fruit and leaves are much smaller, the latter being narrow and merely toothed on the edge. The flowers are beautiful and fragrant, as in the other species. 3. Choke Berry. (P. arbutifolia, Linn.) — A mere shrub 2 to 3 feet high, introduced here only to complete an account of the genus. The fruit is berry- like, as in the Mountain Ash, but has the same struc- 116 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. ture as an apple, with seeds of the same appearance and taste. It grows in small clusters, and is rather dry and astringent. We have two varieties of this : — one, with a red or purple fruit, found on the bor- ders of branches and bays in the Middle and Lower Districts ; — the other, in the mountains, and having a purplish-black fruit. 4. Mountain Ash. (P. Americana, D. C.) — This charming tree is but little known in this State, even in the mountains where it grows. At the North it is highly prized as an ornament in yards, especially for the beauty of its large clusters of scar- let berries, which hang upon the tree through the Winter. It is scarcely distinguishable from the Moun- tain Ash or Rowan Tree of Great Britain. It is not very rare on our higher mountains, from Ashe to Macon, where it is called Wine Tree (from a kind of liquor said to be made from it) and Mountain Sumach. The foliage is more like that of a Sumach than of any other of our trees ; and in this respect, as indeed in every other, the general aspect of the tree is so unlike that of an Apple Tree., that none but a Botanist would suspect a relationship. The flowers are of a dirty white, in spreading clusters like those of the Elder, succeeded by berry-like scarlet fruit. In favorable soil this is from 12 to 20 feet high ; in rock}^ ground, often a mere shrub. Persimmon. (Diospyros Virginiana, Linn.) — Common in the United States from Rhode Island and New York southward, and in all the Districts THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 117 of this State. It varies much in height accordiug to situation and soil, but is usually from 30 to 40 feet, though sometimes as high as 60, with a diameter of 18 to 20 inches. When standing alone it has a very symmetrical form and is a handsome tree. The heart-wood is of a brownish tint, hard, compact, strong and elastic, but is said to be liable to split. It has been used for large screws, mallets, shoe-lasts (con- sidered equal to those made of Beech), and for the shafts of vehicles, which are said to be better than those made of Ash. With us the wood does not appear to be much used. The inner bark is astrin- gent and tonic, and has had some reputation for being useful in intermittent fevers. The intolerable astringency of the green fruit is well known. When ripe it is liked by many, and is the basis of a bever- age, by no means despicable, called ''Simmoyi Beer. It is sometimes pounded up with bran, and the cakes, dried in an oven, preserved for making beer with the addition of hops and yeast. Brandy has been dis- tilled from the fermented fruit, which is said to become good with age. Mulberry. (Morns rubra, Linn.) — Well known throughout the Union, but most abundant in the Western States. It grows in all parts of this State, but is least abundant in the Lower District. It is from 50 to 70 feet high, and 1 to 2 in diameter. When in proper soil, and unobstructed in its lateral expansion by surrounding trees, this becomes a tree of line form and casts a very thick shade. The 118 THE TREES OF NOKTH CAROLINA. heart-wood is yellowish, fine grained and compact, but lighter than White Oak. It has much strength and solidity, and is thought by many to be as dura- ble as Locust. It is much used in fencing and in ship and boat building. The leaves are too thick and rough for feeding silk-worms, though they have been used for the purpose in the absence of better. The fruit is deep red or purple, of a sweet and acidu- lous flavor quite agreeable to the taste. Though gently laxative, it is probably a wholesome fruit. The White Mulberry (M. alba), a native of Asia, is occasionally seen about houses, and is the tree chiefly used on the old Continent for rearing silk- worms. The Chinese Mulhen^y (M. multicaulis) is only a variety of the White, of smaller size and larger leaves. The Black Mulberry (M. nigra) of Europe is sometimes cultivated in this country, but I have not observed it in this State. The Otaheite or Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera), a native of the Pacific Islands, is common in our yards, and is com- mendable for its rapid growth and heavy shade, but becomes a nuisance from the numerous shoots spring- ing everywhere from its spreading roots. Cedar, or Red Cedar. (Juniperus Virginiana, Linn.) — Not uncommon throughout the country from New England to the Gulf of Mexico, but the soil and climate of the South are most favorable to its com- plete development. It is from 30 to 40 feet high, with a diameter of 10 to 12 inches, but is smaller in the mountains and western parts of the State than THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 119 in the Lower District. In old fields solitary trees are sometimes seen of larger dimensions than are above given. It is not abundant enough, however, in any part of the State, to be used in the arts.*'' The heart-wood is of a red color, but the sap is white. It is odorous, compact, fine grained and very light, but heavier and stronger than Cyi^ress or White Cedar. It possesses durability in an eminent degree, and is applied to all purposes which require this quality. That which is grown near the coast is of better quality than what is produced farther inland. This tree varies so much in the color, length and spread of the leaves in different situations and at different ages, that some persons make two species of it, one of which they call Savin. They are, however, but one species. The berries of this tree have been a little employed in the United States in the prepara- tion of gin, as those of the Juniper are used in Europe. Boxes and cabinets made of the wood are exempt from insects, its odor being offensive to them. MISCELLANEOUS. The remaining trees have all a dry fruit., but of various kinds, and no very intimate relationship — to be arranged in two Groups. The first Group includes those trees which have either flowers or fruit in somewhat the form of tas- sels, as in the Willow, Cottonwood and Birch. 120 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. POPLARS OR COTTONWOODS.— These are generally designated by the latter name in this coun- try, but they are true Poplars. Those of them called Aspens are remarkable for the easy vibration of the leaves when scarcely a breath of air is perceptible. This results from one end of the leaf-stem being flattened contrary to the plane of the leaf. The con- stant motion of the leaves is supposed to have been the reason for giving these trees the name of Popu- lus or Poplar, because they, like the populace^ are never at rest. It is a more malicious spirit of slan- der that has given them the name of Women s Tongues. The wood of all the species is soft and brittle, but some of them are used in various kinds of light wood-work. 1. Carolina Poplar. (Populus angulata, Ait.) — This does not reach northward farther than south- ern Pennsylvania. It becomes more abundant in the low country of all the Southern States upon the marshy banks of rivers, in company with Cypress., Red Maple, etc. It is rare in the Middle District, but is sometimes cultivated there about houses. It is 60 to 80 feet high, with an expanded summit and pleasing foliage. The leaves are 3 to 5 inches long (on young shoots 6 to 8), thin, always smooth and bright on both sides, and their edges have small scalloped teeth. They are rounded at the base, and are marked with yellowish nerves. The buds are short, deep green, and not covered with gum. The young branches and annual shoots are angular, from THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 121 which character its botanical name of angulata is derived. The wood does not appear to be used. This is very similar to the Cottonwood or Cotton Tree so common on the Western rivers. 2. Cotton Tree. (P. heterophylla, Linn.) — A native of the Middle, Western and Southern States, yet is so rare as to escape general notice. I do not remember to have met with it in this State, except in rich swamp lands on the lower course of the Cape Fear ; but it probably occurs in similar ground else- where. It is a majestic, shoAvy tree, 70 to 80 feet high, 2 to 3 in diameter, with a very thick, deeply furrowed bark. The young branches and shoots are round. The leaves, 3 to 5 inches long, and with, rounded teeth, are covered on the underside with a thick soft down, which partially falls off with age. The wood is much like that of the preceding. 3. Large Toothed Aspen. (P. grandidentata, Michx.) — Not so common in the Southern as in tlie Middle and Northern States. With us it belongs to the upper part of the Middle District, is about 40 feet high, and has a smooth gray bark that seldom cracks. The leaves are 3 to 5 inches long, about the same breadth, with Large open teeth on the edges, and the underside clothed when young with a thick white down which wholly falls away before the end of Summer. This tree is occasionally seen adorning the streets of our villages. The Lomhardy Poplar (P. dilatata, Ait.), a native of Italy, is common in cultivation about old settlements. 122 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. BIRCHES.— These are products chiefly of high latitudes, both on the Eastern and Western Conti- nents. In this State we have but a single species below the mountains. 1. Red Birch. (^Betula nigra, Linn.) — Common on the banks of rivers from the coast to the moun- tains, and known here only as Birch. This is sufficient designation where no other species occurs, but it is called Red Birch in those States and regions where it is accompanied by others. It is from 40 to 60 feet high, and 1 to 2 in diameter. It has wood of com- pact grain, and light reddish tint, but not of very high value, nor is it much used. It is sometimes em- ployed in this State for the railing of balustrades, and the like purposes. Hoops for casks may be made from the branches and shoots, but of inferior quality. 2. Black Birch. (B. lenta, Linn.) — In our mountains, where alone this tree is found within this State, it is simply called Birch. The most common name -for it in the United States is the one above given. In the mountains of Virginia it is called Mountain Mahogany ; in New England Stveet Birch and Cherry Birch. It is from 30 to 50 feet high, with a smoothish trunk, resembling that of a Cherry tree. The wood, freshly cut, is of a rosy hue, which becomes darker by exposure, and similar to that of Wild Cherry^ and is used, like that, for several sorts of cabinet work. It has considerable strength, is of fine close grain, and susceptible of a brilliant polish, and is the most valuable of all the Birches known. THE TREES OF NOPwTH CAROLINA. 123 though hardly equal to Wild Che^^ry. Furniture made of it, as chairs, tables, etc., will, in time and by careful use, acquire very much the appearance of Mahogany. The leaves and blossoms liave consider- able fragrance, and the bark of the young shoots has a delightful spicy flavor like that of the Mountain Tea or Spicy Winte7^green. The tree is one of much beauty, with dark graceful foliage, and a symmetrical form. 3. Yellow Birch. (B. excelsa. Ait.) — This is a northern tree, as south of the mountains of New York, with the exception of small patches in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and the three or four stocks which I found near the (highest) summit of Black Mountain, it is unknown. Its yellowish-silvery bark, scaling off in thin sheets, like that of the Paper or Cayioe Bircli^ will at once distinguish this from the two preceding. It is about 25 feet high. The tim- ber is rather inferior to that of Black Birch. It is a handsome tree, and its twigs slightly aromatic. WILLOWS.— There are 20 or 30 species of these in the United States, nearly all of which belong ex- clusively to the North. A few, though they are of no importance, extend to this State and farther south. The value of some species in wicker-work is generally known. The articles manufactured from them are made from the young, slender and flexible twigs and shoots. 1. Black Willow. (Salix nigra. Marsh.)— This is the only native Willow in the State that becomes 124 THE TP.EES OF NORTH CAROLINA. a tree. It is 15 to 25 feet liigh, with a rough dark- brown bark, very common along streams from the coast westward. The wood is soft and of little use ; but when the stocks are of sufficient size, they are said to make durable light timbers for boats. The roots give an intensely bitter decoction, which is thought by some to be good for purifying the blood, and a remedy for intermittent fevers. 2. Gray Willow. (S. tristis, Ait.) — A shrub 1 to 2 feet high, very much branched, of a dull gray aspect on account of the young branches and leaves being covered with an ash-colored down or wool. The leaves are from 1 to li inch long with a hardly perceptible stem, narrow, sharp at each end, but ta- pering from the base towards the upper end, and with the veins prominent on the underside. I have met with this insignificant plant only in the mountain counties. 3. Bush Willow. (S. humilis, Marsh.) — Larger than the preceding, 2 to 4 feet high, but of similar general aspect, the leaves two or three times longer and broader, and found both in the Middle and Up- per Districts, rarely in the Lower. During Summer the branches of this and No. 2 have cone-like excres- cences on their ends. . 4. Silky-Leaved Willow. (S. sericea. Marsh.) — This is 3 to 6 feet high, with leaves 2 to 3 inches long, borne on conspicuous stems, pale, and with silky hairs on the underside. The Weeping Willow (S. Babylonica) is common, THE TREES OF KORTII CAROLINA. 125 and the Yellow Wllloiv (S. vitellina), occasionally seen in cultivation. Hornbeam. Ironwood. (Carpinus Americana, Michx.) — Among the commonest productions of the country and Avell known by one or other of these names. It is found on the banks of streams in all parts of the State, generally 12 to 15 feet high, but sometimes 25 to 30, with a diameter of 5 to 6 inches. The trunk has a smooth gray bark, and at the base is irregularly fluted or ridged. The wood is white, ex- ceedingly hard, compact and fine grained, but the small size of the tree forbids its use except for inferior purposes. Hop Hornbeam. (Ostrya Virginica, Willd.) — This and the preceding have characters and qualities so very similar that they are generally called by the same names. But the bladdery fruit of this looks so much like Hops that it can very easily be distin- guished through the Summer. It is only in the Up- per District that I have met with it, and very rarely there. It is 20 to 30 feet high, with a brownish finely furrowed bark, the trunk not ridged at tlie bottom like the preceding. The wood is like that, and also used for levers, &c., for which we have noth- ing better adapted, on account of its great strength and toughness. For mill-cogs, wedges, mallets and the like, both these species would, doubtless, answer well. The remaining Group includes a heterogeneous mass of dry-fruited Trees, but fortunately nearly all 126 THE TEEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. are so well known, that they will need no particular description. Sycamore. (Platanus occidentalis, Linn.) — This is the name generally given, I believe, to this tree in North Carolina ; but it is more extensively known in the United States as Buttonwood. In some sections it is called Water Beech and Plane Tree. The last would be most appropriate, if we were governed in our choice by the application of the names of kindred species in Europe. The Sycamore of Europe is a species of 3Iaple^ having no relationship with what we call by that name. This tree, like the Planes of the old Continent so much celebrated by the ancients, is among the largest in the Temperate Zones. It is common over the United States on the borders of streams, where the soil is moist and fertile, conspicuous for its white bark and the stately size of its trunk. In such situ- ations it is found throughout the State, but is least abundant in the Lower District. Although occa- sionally found here of large dimensions, it is not of such size as in the virgin forests of the West, where this tree has its peculiar home, and where it is some- times seen without branches to the height of 60 to 70 feet, and with a circumference of 40 to 50 feet. A hollow section of a trunk was once used in Ohio as a bar-room ; — the same, I believe, now exhibited in a New York Museum. This reminds us of the famous Plane tree of Lycia, mentioned by Pliny, whose hollow trunk gave shelter for a night to Licin- THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 127 ius Mutianus and a retinue of eighteen persons. Its interior was 75 feet in circuit. The wood of our tree becomes reddish in seasoning, of a fine close grain, and takes a better polish than Beech^ to which it bears some resemblance. As it is liable to warp, it is not much used in cabinet work, except for bedsteads. It decays rapidly by exposure to the weather, and is therefore suitable for such articles only as are thoroughly sheltered. The rapid growth, great size, and thick shade of this tree, render it valuable for avenues and shaded grounds. Sweet Gum. (Liquidambar Styraciflua, Linn.) — One of the most extensively diffused trees in North America, it being found from Southern New England to Mexico. It is from 40 to 70 feet high, and 2 to 3 in diameter. The wood is reddish, compact, fine grained, and takes a fine polish. Though inferior to Oak, it is suitable for objects requiring toughness and solidity. When properly seasoned, it serves w^ell in the upper frame-work of buildings, and lasts better than any of the Red Oaks. It is sometimes employed for lining the inside of Mahogany furniture, to which it is well adapted by its color, lightness, and fine grain. Though inferior to Black Walnut and Cherry^ it is sometimes used for similar purposes in the manufacture of furniture ; but is not durable un- less sheltered from the air. The bruised leaves have a resinous fragrance, and fresh ones are successfully used in cases of dysentery. The dusty matter in the ripe burs is only the abortive seeds. The fragrant 128 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. gum is the hardened juice. This is a beautiful tree, especially in Autumn when the dying foliage has taken its hue of deep crimson, and should be oftener seen in private grounds. Tulip Tree, or Poplar. (Liriodendron Tulipi- fera, Linn.) — This tree is rarely surpassed in elegance of form, in size, beauty of foliage, or showiness of blossom, by any tree of the American forests. In some of the Northern States it is called White Wood and Canoe Wood. In Europe, where it has been long and extensively introduced, it bears the name of Tu- lip Tree (which has been adopted to some extent in this country), from the resemblance of its flower to that of a Tulip. This is much preferable to that of Poplar (which it bears in this and the Western States), because it has but little resemblance in any particular to the true Poplars. It is native in all parts of the State, but is not so common in the Lower District as in others. It is from 60 to 100 feet high, with a very straight tapering trunk, and has a diam- eter of 2 to 3 feet. There is a stock on the South Fork of Toe River, which is near 9 feet in diameter. The wood is fine grained, works easily and takes a ^ood polish. It is heavier and more compact than that of the Poplars, The heart is yellowish, and the sap-wood white, though when grown in dry gravelly soils the whole wood is white and coarser. These are distinguished as Yellow and White Pojjlar, the former being most valuable. For the rafters and joists of buildings the timber is the best substitute THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 129 for Pine, Cedar and Cypress. The boards are often used for the exterior and interior work of houses, even for shingling, as they are durable and not liable to split from the influences of heat and moisture. . They are much used by coach, chair and trunk makers, and are very valuable for all kinds of wood- work requiring lightness, strength and durability. The bark of the root, mixed with equal parts of Dogivood bark, is a domestic remedy in intermittent fever. Some physicians have employed it success- fully alone, or accompanied with laudanum, in re- mittent and intermittent fevers, cholera infantum, hysterical afl'ections, and for worms ; but others have denied its efiicacy. Dr. Darlington says that the bark of the root and young tree is a valuable aromatic bitter. LINN OR LIME TREES.— These are handsome trees, as well for their form as for the pleasing hue and fine shade of their foliage. They are known in the Northern States by the names of Lime. Tree and WJiite Wood, but more generally by that of Bass Wood. In Europe the species of this genus are called Linden and Lime Trees. The wood is white and soft, and is used for similar purposes with that of the Tu- Up Tree, where the latter is not found, but is softer and splits more readily. It is well adapted for turn- ers' work, and is extensively used in the manufacture of wooden ware. The inner bark, when macerated, separates into broad fibres, which are used for making 180 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. coarse cordage and matting. In Europe this kind of stuff is called Bast (whence the name of Bass Wood)^ and large quantities are exported from Russia. The bark also contains a good deal of mucilage, from which liniments are prepared for burns and scalds. In Europe, the honey made from the flowers of the Linn is considered the best in the world, and when made exclusively from them, sells for more than double the price of any other. The flowers of our American species would very likely serve as well in improving the quality of honey. There are but 3 species of Linn in the United States, and all are found in North Carolina. The flowers of the Linn are small, cream-colored, growing in loose clusters upon a common stem which is attached to the middle of a narrow, strap-like leaf or bract; — a character that will distinguish these trees from all others. 1. American Linn. (Tilia Americana, Linn.) — This is found from Canada to Georgia ; in this State confined to the mountains and the upper part of the Middle District. It is a handsome tree, 50 to 80 feet high, 1 to 4 in diameter. The leaves are 8 to 4 inches broad, heart-shaped, but one side smaller than the other at the base, smooth or nearly so, and paler green on the underside. The timber of this species is considered more valuable than that of the others. 2. White Linn. (T. heterophylla. Vent.) — More abundant in the Middle and Western States than elsewhere. In this State it is most common in the Upper District, but occurs sparingly in the Mid- THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 131 die and Lower. It seldom exceeds 40 feet in height, with a diameter of 12 to 18 inches. The young branches have a smooth silver-gray bark, by which it can be distinguished in Winter from the other species. The leaves are quite large, 6 to 8 inches broad, deep green above, and with a silver-white down under- neath. 3. Southern Linn. (T. pubescens. Ait.)— This is confined to the Lower Districts of the Southern States, choosing cool fertile soils upon the borders of swamps and rivers. It is 40 to 50 feet high, resem- bling No. 1, of which it may be only a variety. The leaves are 2 to 4 inches broad, shaped as in No. 1, the edges with fewer and more distant teeth than in No. 2, and with a rusty, thin, vanishing down on the underside. Sour Wood. Sorrel Tree. (Oxydendrum ar- boreum, DC.) — This extends from Pennsylvania southward, especially along the mountain valleys. In our Lower District it is rare, not uncommon in the Middle, but is most abundant in the lower parts of the mountains. It is usually a small tree, but in some localities, as on the upper waters of the Ca- tawba, it attains a height of 50 to 60 feet, and a diameter of 12 to 15 inches. The wood is of no value. The leaves, which are not unlike those of the Peach, are acid like Sorrel, from whence its names are de- rived. These, in the absence of Sumach, are some- times used for dyeing wool of a black color. The small flowers, about the size and form of those of our 132 THE TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA. swamp Huckleberry, are in large loose clusters, which hang in profusion over the branches with somewhat of a plume-like grace, and make this tree one of the ornaments of our woods. Loblolly Bay. (Gordonia Lasianthus, Linn.) — This pretty tree, belonging to the family of the Ca- mellias^ belongs within the range of the Long-leaved Pine, and is there confined, I think, to the branch- swamps and bays w^ithin 100 miles of the coast. It is from 50 to 70 feet high, with a diameter of 18 to 24 inches. When young, it is of a fine pyramidal form; but with age the branches spread irregularly, and the top, owing possibly to the brittleness of the wood, seems subject to early decay. The leaves are evergreen, with sharply toothed edges. The flowers are about 2 inches broad, white, and somewhat fra- grant, and young trees in blossom are very attractive. The wood is of rosy hue, of fine texture and silky lustre, but is light and brittle, and subject to rapid decay, unless kept perfectly dry. The bark is valua- ble for tanning, but is not abundant enough for ex- tensive use. The fruit is a small, dry, woody capsule, i to I inch long. Snow Drop Tree. (Halesia tetraptera, Linn.) — Found but a short distance beyond the northern line of this State. In our Lower District it is very spar- ingly distributed. In the Middle District I have not seen it east of Surry and Mecklenburg, but from thence westward to Cherokee it is not uncommon along water courses, especially above that part of THE TKEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 133 their course where they are generally turbid. It is ordinarily a small tree, from 10 to 25 feet high; but upon some of our mountain streams it acquires nearly double these dimensions. It is not of handsome form ; but its clusters of white bell-shaped flowers (similar to those of the garden Snoiv Drop) about half an inch long, give it an aspect of much beauty when in blossom. I have never seen it in cultivation, but it deserves a conspicuous place in the cool moist parts of ornamented grounds. The fruit is greenish and slightly juicy when young, becoming dry. It has 4 winged angles, is about li inch long, with a bony nut inside. Planer Tree. (Planera aquatica, Gmel.) — This tree, closely related to the Elm and the Hackherry^ is rare in the Atlantic States and unknown north of the Cape Fear River. From thence southward it is found on the borders of streams and swamps, and may very easily be mistaken, at a little distance, for tlie Hornbeam. It is from 20 to 40 feet high, and 8 to 15 inches in diameter. The wood is said to be hard and strong, but is too rare with us to be 6f any use. The leaves are about 1^ inch long, and much like those of our Small-leaved Elm. The flowers are in a small, round greenish cluster about the size of small Peas and appearing before the leaves. The fruit is a nut covered with warty scales, quite small. THE Shrubs of North CaroHna, Under this head will he included those woody plants which do not ordinarily exceed 20 feet in height, whatever may be their form. So many of these are without names, and there is such a variety in their fruits or seed-vessels, that I cannot make so intelligible an arrangement of them for popular use as I have done for the Trees. Still, I hope that most of them, and all that are of any importance, can be identified without much difficulty. They Avill be ar- ranged, like the Trees, according to the character of their fruit, under the two primary divisions of the Fleshy Fruited and Bry Fruited^ beginning with the former. Quite a number of shrubs have been already de- scribed under the class of Trees, wherever a genus included both classes. RED HAWS. — Thorny shrubs, sometimes tree- shaped, with white flowers, mostly in flat topped clusters, and colored (generally red) fruit containing 1 to 5 bony seeds. 1. Scarlet Haw. (Cratsegus coccinea, Linn.) THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 135 — Grows in the Middle and Upper Districts, 6 to 12 feet high, with stout thorns 1 and 2 inches long. The leaves are smooth and thin, about 2 inches long and broad, cut into several small segments on each side. The fruit is bright red, ^ inch or more long, and eatable. 2. Washington Thorn. (C. cordata. Ait.) — I have seen this only in the Middle District. It is a very beautiful shrub when in blossom, as may be seen on the Cape Fear near Averasboro in May. It is from 10 to 20 feet high, the thorns about 2 inches long, and rather slender. The leaves are 2 to 3 inches long, cut into 3 divisions somewhat like those of the Red Maple. The fruit is bright crimson, about i inch long. 3. Parsley-Leaved Haw. (C. apiifolia, Michx.) — This, so closely resembling the ffaivthorn of Eng- land, is found in the Lower and Middle Districts. The leaves are about 1 inch long, and much cut up into small divisions, from which this handsome shrub or small tree derives its name, and by which it is easily distinguished from all the other species. The fruit is red and about i inch long. 4. CocKSPUR Thorn. (C. Crus-galli, Linn.) — The most abundant of our Thorns or Rmvs^ and found in all the Districts. It is 10 to 20 feet high and armed with sharp thorns 2 inches or more long. The leaves are about 2 inches long, rather thick and stiff, shin- ing green above, somewhat tapering from the upper part downward, and toothed above the middle. The ^ 136 THE SHKUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. fruit is red, about i inch long. This is our best species for hedging. But it shoukl be remembered that none answers well if left at random to an up- ward growth, and is not well laid and so regularly trimmed or cut in as to take a lateral growth and to branch freely near the ground. 5. Black Thorn. (C. tomentosa, Linn.) — A shrub or small tree in the Middle and Upper Districts, with large clusters of flowers, which are I inch or more broad, and a round or pear-shaped, edible fruit, which is orange-red and about I inch long. The leaves are 3 to 5 inches long, of an oval or oblong form, finely toothed and sometimes cut at the summit, somewhat hairy on the underside, and more or less furrowed along the veins above. There is a form of this (var : punctata, Gray) very common on the tops of our mountains, with the leaves smaller, more narrowed towards the base, and the furrows on the upper surface deeper, and the veins more prominent beneath. The fruit is rounds 3^ellowish or dull red, sprinkled with whitish dots. 6. Narrow-Leaved Thorn. (C. spathulata, Michx.) — Not uncommon in the Lower and Middle Districts, 10 to 15 feet high, with quite small flowers and fruit, but rather ornamental. The leaves are smooth and shining, 2 to I2 inch long, i to i inch wide, toothed at the upper end and tapering from near the top down to the stem. The fruit is red and in numerous clusters. 7. Summer Haw. (C. flava, Ait.) — A small tree THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 137 15 to 20 feet high, in sandy woods, with fruit i to | inch thick, pear-shaped, and greenish-yellow. The leaves are 2 to 3 inches long, wedge-shaped, the lower part tapering into a short stem with small dark glands on the edges. The flowers but from 2 to 5 in a cluster. -^ 8. Hairy Thorn. (C. glandulosa, Michx.) — A small tree with coarse bark and spreading branches, and the leaves, branchlets and flower stems covered with soft hairs, especially when young. The leaves are about 1 inch long, rather thickish, wedge-shaped, the edges generally dotted with dark glands. The fruit is small, round, and red. The flowers are 3 to 6 in a cluster. 9. Dwarf Thorn. (C.parvifolia, Ait.) — A small shrub 2 to 5 feet high, very common in sandy woods throughout the Lower and Middle Districts, and with a whitish down on most of its parts. The leaves are i to li inch long, broad, wedge-shaped, toothed, with hardly an}^ stem. Flowers solitary, or 2 or 3 together. Fruit round or pear-shaped, greenish-yellow, rather large and dry. ^ Barberry. (Berberis Canadensis, Pursh.) — Found in Lincoln, thence westward, especially in Buncombe, Haywood and Macon Counties. It is not known to exist north of Virginia, and is the only na- tive Barberry in the United States. The European species (B. vulgaris) is thoroughly naturalized in New England. Ours is a pretty shrub, 2 to 4 feet high and somewhat prickly. The fruit is an oblong, 138 THE SHRUBS OF NOETH CAROLINA. red and acid berry, which makes an agreeable con- serve, and a cooling drink in fevers. The leaves are also slightly acid. It is probable that this, like the European species, which it closely resembles, would furnish a yellow color by boiling the roots in lye ; and that the inner bark of the stems would dye linen of a fine yellow with the assistance of alum. GOOSEBERRIES AND CURRANTS.— These belong to one genus, but are distinguished — the former, by the small sharp thorns at the base of the leaves, sometimes the fruit being prickly, and gener- ally (al\va3'S in the North Carolina species) by the flower stems having from 1 to 3 flowers ; the latter, by the absence of thorns, smaller fruit (never prickly), and the flowers numerous in long clusters. They are found only in the mountains. -^ 1. Prickly Gooseberry. (Ribes Cynosbati, Linn.) — Distinguished from the others by its prickly fruit, which is brownish when ripe, and eatable. 2. Smooth Gooseberry. (R. rotundifolium, Michx.) — This is 3 .to 4 feet high, the leaves 1 to 2 inches broad, about half the size of the preceding, the fruit small, purple when ripe, and of fine flavor. ^- 3. Slender Gooseberry. (R. gracile, Michx.) — Very similar to No. 2, but every way more slender and delicate, and quite rare. 4. Fetid Currant. (R. prostratum, L'Her.) — - Occurring chiefly upon rocks on our highest moun- tains and generally spreading on the ground. The THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 139 berry is covered with bristles and is not pleasant flavored. The wliole plant exhales a disagreeable musky odor, which will readily distinguish it. 5. Bristly Currant. (R. resinosum, Pursh.) — This was discovered in our mountains by Fraser, I have not myself met with it. It is covered in every part, not excepting the fruit, with resinous glandular hairs, by which it may be recognized. HUCKLEBERRIES.— The fruit so called in this State is comprised in two genera ; the first (Gaylus- sacia) including those Avhich have a black or blackish berry, and leaves generally covered with small gland- ular dots ; the second (Vaccinium) including those with a blue^ red or gree7iish berry. The blue ones are known in some States as Blueberries or Bilberries, The red are Cranberries. The greenish one is in this State called Gooseberry/ and Beerberry, 1. Blue Huckleberry. (Gaylussacia frondosa, Torr. and Gr.) — Common in the Lower and Middle Districts on the borders of low grounds, 2 to 3 feet high, with pale, somewhat wrinkled leaves, which are whitish underneath, and 1 to 3 inches long. The berries are dark blue, large and sweet, perhaps the finest flavored we have, ripening in June. 2. Dwarf Huckleberry. (G. dumosa, Torr. and Gr.) — A low species about a foot high, with creeping roots, very common in dry Avoods of the Lower and Middle Districts. It is somewhat hairy and glandu- lar, the leaves broad, wedge-shaped, green on both 140 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. sides, and the fruit smooth, black and insipid. A larger form of this (var : hirtella) has the berries also hairy. 3. Black Huckleberry. (G. resinosa, T. and Gr.) — Belongs to the Middle and Upper Districts, 2 to 3 feet high and much branched. The leaves are 2 to 3 inches long, and thickly sprinkled with resin- ous atoms. The berries are black, shining and very pleasant. There is a white variety of this, found in the mountains by Mr. Buckley. 4. Bear Huckleberry. Bearberry. (G. ur- sina, Gray.) — Found on the sides of the mountains south of the French Broad River, 2 to 3 feet high, and resembling No. 3. But in the latter the flowers are cylindrical ; in the Bearberry cup-shaped. The berry is purplish or dark red, insipid and dry, ripening in July and August. 1. Swamp Huckleberry. (Vaccinium corym- bosum, Linn.) — Abundant in swampy grounds of the Lower and Middle Districts, and probably extending into the Upper. It is from 5 to 10 feet high, with very variable leaves, but generally thin, pale and smooth. The berries are large, deep blue, subacid and pleasant, ripening in May and June. There is a variety of this (var: atrococcum. Gray), having a similar range and locality and size, but much less common, with thicker leaves, which are white-downy underneath, and with berries dark blue. Dr. Hunter finds this variety with a white berry in Lincoln and Burke Counties. THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 141 ^ 2. Pale Dwarf Blueberry. (V. ConstabLTi, Gray.) — About 1 foot higli, abundant on the bald summit of Roan Mountain (where it was first dis- criminated by Prof. Gray,) and not unlikely on others. It is of a pale whitish aspect, with leaves 1 to 2 inches long, and blue sweet berries. 3. (V. tenellum, Ait.) — Common on the borders of small swamps in the Lower District and extending somewhat into the Middle ; about 2 feet high, with green, angled branches. The leaves are 2 to 1 inch long, narrow, wedge-shaped, slightly toothed at the top, and of a bright green. Berries black, small, of little worth. -M:. Bristly Huckleberry. (Y.hirsutum, Buck- ley.) — Discovered in the Cherokee Mountains by Mr. Buckle}^ and easil}^ recognized by its bristly branches, leaves, flowers and fruit. "' 5. Deerberry. Gooseberry. (V. stamineum, Linn.) — Very common all over the State in dry woods, 1 to 4 feet high, and very pretty when in blossom. The berries are greenish-white, sour and astringent, larger than any other of our Huckle- berries. -^ 6. (V. erythrocarpon, Michx.) — A shrub 2 to 4 feet high, found upon Grandfather, Flat Top and Roan Mountains. The leaves are rather liairy and with small teeth on the edges. The flowers liave long divis- ions that are rolled backwards precisely like those of the Cranberry. The fruit is small, reddish or purplish, and insipid, somewhat like that of the Bearherry. 142 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 7. Sparkleberry. (V. arboreum, Miclix.) — Found from the coast to Cherokee, 8 to 20 feet high, the leaves smooth, rather stiff and shining. They are evergreen, at least in the Lower District. The fruit is black and small, dry, granular and slightly astringent, but of pleasant flavor, ripening in Octo- ber. When in blossom it is quite a showy shrub. The bark of the root is very astringent, and is used in chronic dysentery. 8. Creeping Huckleberry. (V. crassifolium, Andr.) — A small species Avith stems (1 to 2 feet long) creeping close upon the earth in wet savannas of the Lower District. The leaves are small, i to i inch long, evergreen, thick and shining. The fruit is red, becoming black, tasteless. -- 9. Cranberry. (V. macrocarpon. Ait.) — A small trailing plant with pale evergreen leaves, common in the mountain swamps of Ashe and Yancey, and also in Pasquotank, Hyde and other counties in the north-eastern part of the State. The fine acid fruit of this plant is well known and universally esteemed. Coral Berry. (Symphoricarpus vulgaris, Michx.) — A small shrub, 2 to 3 feet high, frequent in arid gravelly soils, especially by road sides, throughout the Middle District. The leaves are rather stiff, about 1 inch long, downy beneath. The flowers are of no beauty, but the compact clusters of dark red berries in the fork of nearly all the leaves, and which hang on through the Winter, have made it an object of attention among gardeners and florists. This is THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 143 sometimes so much of a nuisance on plantations, on account of its creeping tangled roots, as to have gained the uncouth name of DeviVs shoe-strings. Bermuda or French Mulberry. (Callicarpa Americana, Linn.) — Quite common in light soils and dry, open woods of the Lower District, especially along fence-rows and the borders of settlements. It is 3 to 6 feet high, with coarse, rough, grayish unsightly leaves, which are 4 to 5 inches long and round- toothed on the edges. But in Winter the numerous clusters of light-purplish berries which encircle the summit of the branches at regular intervals for 12 or 18 inches, give it a very striking and pleasing appear- ance. These berries are juicy, slightly aromatic and sweetish, and are sometimes eaten, but are probably not very wholesome. ""^^ Mistletoe. (Phoradendron flavescens, Nutt.) — Well known throughout the State, and needing no description. With us it seems to prefer the Oaks and Locust^ but at the North and West, Elms and Hickories, Deer are very fond of this plant. This is a different plant from the European Mistletoe, the aureus ramus of Virgil. 1. High Blackberry. (Rubus villosus, Ait.) — This is our common Blackberry of the swamps and fallow lands, 4 to 10 feet high, and the leaves slightly hairy or smooth, and green on both sides. It is found throughout the State. The root of this is slightly astringent, and is a popular remedy for diarrhoea. n 144 THE SHRUBS OF ^"ORTH CAROLINA. 2. Low Blackberry. (R. cuneifolius, Piirsli.) — Common in old fields and by road sides in the Lower and Middle Districts, 2 to 4 feet high, the leaves white and downy beneath. Smaller in all parts than No. 1, the berries generally sweeter. 3. Dewberry. (R. trivialis, Michx.) — Generally well known under this name, but most abundant in the Middle District. This is a trailing species with smooth green leaves, growing mostly in dry soils, and with larger, sweeter fruit than the preceding. 4. Swamp Blackberry. (R hispidus, Linn.) — A prostrate species like the preceding, found in the mountain swamps, but every way more delicate, with thinner leaves, and with weak prickles that hardly deserve the name. Fruit black, small and sour. 5. Black or Purple Raspberry. (R. occiden- talis, Linn.) — Grows on the borders of woods and in thickets through the Middle District. The fruit is very pleasant but rather dry, and much inferior to the cultivated species. 6. Flowering Raspberry. (R. odoratus, Linn.) — Found only in the mountains along rivulets and in cool, shaded ravines. This is without prickles, but is covered with clammy hairs, is 4 to 5 feet high, and has leaves 6 to 7 inches long, divided into about 5 short segments. The flowers are quite ornamental, about 2 inches broad and looking like a small single Rose. The fruit is broad, red and dry, but pleasant flavored. ' 1. Swamp Rose. (Rosa Carolina, Linn.) — This THE SHKUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 145 is from 3 to 6 feet high, is generally confined to low damp grounds, and has stout, Jioohed prickles. \^ 2. Wild or Dwarf Rose. (R. lucida, Ehrh.) — f\ Generally prefers dry soils, and is found in all the Districts. It is about half the size of No. 1, has the leaves shining on the upper side, and has straight prickles, which will distinguish it from the preceding. 3. Sweet Brier. (R. rubiginosa, Linn.) — Ex- tensively naturalized along roads and about settle- ments, especially in the Middle District, and easily recognized by the pleasant fragrance derived from the rusty colored glands on the underside of the , leaves. This is sometimes known as the Eglantine. ^ 4. Cherokee Rose. (R. hievigata, Michx.) — Cul- ' tivated in the Lower and Middle Districts, often trained over fences, and, if well managed, serves well for hedging. It is remarkable for its smooth, dark, evergreen leaves and white single flowers. It is singular that the native region of this Rose is unknown. ^ 1. Elder. (Sambucus Canadensis, Linn.) — There is no portion of the State, except the higher parts of the Mountains, where this shrub is not found. Its leaves are smooth and its berries dark purple. Tlie inner bark is of popular use in ointments for sores. An infusion of the leaves is sometimes used for ex- pelling insects from vines, &c. An infusion of the dried flowers is a domestic remedy for colds. The* ripe berries afford a delicate test for detecting acids and alkalies. ff' ^ 146 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 2. Red-Berried Elder. (S. pubens, Michx.) — Grows only on the higher Mountains above the range of the preceding, from which it is at once dis- tinguished by its red berries and the downy under- side of its leaves. It belongs chiefly to a high lati- tude. 1. Black Haw. (Viburnum prunifolium, Linn.) — Common in rather dry rich soils from the coast to 'jy. the lower part of the Upper District, 8 to 15 feet high, handsome when in flower. The blossoms are small, white, in flat clusters, which are two or three inches broad, and destitute of a common stem. The leaves, 1 or 2 inches long, are smooth and shining above. The fruit is about half an inch long, bluish- black, sweetish and eatable. y 2. Possum Haw. (V. nudum, Linn.) — Has a similar range with No. 1, and grows in cold swampy grounds, 6 to 12 feet high. The flower-clusters in this are supported on a short common stem. The leaves are larger and of thicker texture than in the former, dull green above, and covered with rusty scales beneath. The fruit is a deep blue. In the Mountains I have heard this called Shawnee Haw. There is a form of this (var: angustifolium), with smaller, narrower, and brighter leaves, which I have met with in Henderson County. . 3. (V. obovatum, Walt.) — A shrub or small tree, growing on the banks of streams, but not common in this State. The leaves are i to 1 inch long, rather thick, smooth, broader at the upper end, and faintly THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 147 toothed. The flower-clusters are without a general stem. The fruit is black. 4. Sheep Berry. (V. Lentago, Linn.) — Found only in the Mountains, 10 or 15 feet high. The leaves are rather thin, 3 to 4 inches long, smooth, with a tapering point, sharply toothed, their stem and middle nerve beneath, together with the flower branches, sprinkled with rusty atoms. The fruit is first red, then bluish-black, and is eatable when fully ripe. 5. Arrow-wood. (V. dentatum, Linn.) — Grows in low grounds of the Lower and Middle Districts, but is not very common. It is 8 to 12 feet high, with ash-colored bark, and by the flowers and fruit would be at once recognized as belonging to the same genus as Nos. 1 and 2. The leaves are round- ish, 2 or 3 inches long, coarsely and sharply toothed, thin and smooth, the lateral veins quite straight, and deeply impressed above. The fruit is roundish and deep blue, and slightly rough. The young straight branches of this were used by the Lidians for mak- ing arrows. 6. Downy Arrow-wood. (V. pubescens, Pursh.) — Very similar to No. 5, but smaller, 3 or 4 feet high, the underside of the leaves down}', and grow- ing only in the rocky soil of the Mountains. 7. Maple-leaved Arrow- wood. (V. acerifo- lium, Linn.) — A shrub 2 to 5 feet liigh, found in the Mountains and on rocky liills of the Middle District, as low down as Orange, with leaves 3 or 4 inches long. 148 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. shaped like those of a Maple. The berries are whitish, becoming purplish-black. The slender stems, by re- moving the pith, make good fuse-sticks for blasting, and will serveeqnally well for blasts'of tobacco-smoke. 8. HoBBLE-BusH. Tangle-Legs. (V. lantanoides, Michx.) — A small straggling shrub found in cold, damp places in the Mountains. The branches spread upon the ground, and, taking root at their ends, form well secured loops for tripping the feet of inexperi- enced wayfarers; a habit which has been revenged upon by the unlucky, in the names imposed upon it of American Wayfarer s Tree and the DeviVs Shoe- strings. The leaves are 3 to 6 inches broad, heart- shaped, very veiny, the underside having a rusty down. The berries are first crimson, then black. The flowers on the margin of the broad clusters of this species are very large (by abortion), like those of the well-known Snow-ball of our Gardens, which is a species (V. Opulus) of this genus. ^ Prickly Ash. (Aralia spinosa, Linn.) — Found in tolerably rich soil from the coast to Cherokee, but not very abundant in any locality. It is seldom 20 feet high with us, and is remarkable for its straight, club-shaped, prickly stem or trunk, with the com- pound leaves spreading like those of a Palm from its summit. An infusion of the fresh bark of the root is emetic and cathartic, and is employed, as are also the berries, in spiritous infusion, in rheumatic affec- tions. These are thought by some to be also a valu- able remedy for the bite of a rattlesnake. THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 149 ' Privet. (Ligustrum viilgare, Linn.) — Occasion- ally naturalized about settlements. Berries black. This is suited for low hedges. 1. Spice Bush. (Benzoin odoriferum, Nees.) — Known also as Spice Wood, Wild Allspice., and Fever Bush. Grows in damp woods throughout the State, and, wherever found, known under one or other of these names. It is a strongly scented shrub, smooth, 3 to 6 feet high, with dark red berries, and leaves 3 or 4 inches long. An infusion of the twigs is some- times used in country fevers, and for sickly cattle in the Spring. 2. (B. melissaefolium, Nees.) — Belongs to tlie Lower and Middle Districts in low grounds and on the borders of shallow ponds, 2 or 3 feet high, leaves silky on both sides, 1 or 2 inches long, slightly heart- shaped ; berries red. I am indebted to Dr. McRee and Prof. Mitchell for my knowledge of this species. Pond Bush. (Tetranthera geniculata, Nees.) — Occupies small ponds in the Lower District, giving a gray smoky aspect to these localities. It is rarely met with in the lower part of the Middle District. It is 10 or 15 feet high, with smooth, zigzag branches, and small oval leaves, i to 1 inch long, and red berries. This and the genus next preceding are closely related to the Sassafras, and, like it, have small 3'el- lowish flowers which appear before the leaves. Leather-wood. (Dirca palustris, Linn.) — Widely diffused over the country, but in this State occurring 150 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. sparingly upon shaded rivulets in the Middle and Upper Districts. It is 3 to 5 feet high, and the branches have such a tough and pliable bark that they make excellent ligatures, for which they were used by the Indians, and from which the shrub de- :; rives its name. The fruit is a small reddish berry. Carolina Buckthorn. (Frangula Caroliniana, Gray.) — A thornless shrub, 4 to 6 feet high, belong- ing to moderately fertile soils in the Middle and Lower Districts, but rare in the latter. The leaves are 3 or 4 inches long, 1 or 2 wide, dark green, smooth and shining, and ribbed with very straight parallel veins. The berry is blackish, of the size of a small pea. V 1. Sumach. (Rhus copallina, Linn.) — Very com- mon throughout the State, usually 6 to 10 feet high, sometimes a small tree 15 feet high, readily distin- guished by its common leaf-stem being margined or winged between the leaflets. The crimson hairs on the berries possess a strong acid, (said to be Malic,) an infusion of which, with sugar, makes an agreeable cooling beverage, and, without sugar, is a very use- ful gargle for weak or sore throats. 2. Smooth Sumach. (R. glabra, Linn.) — This is 6 to 10 feet high, growing in the Middle and Upper Districts, and is remarkably smooth in all its parts. A milky juice issues from the wounded bark. The large clusters of red fruit are more compact than in No. 1, having an acid secretion as in that. The branches and leaves are astringent, and are used for tanning. 3. Staghorn Sumach. (R typhina, Linn.) — Be- THE SHRUBS OP NORTH CAROLINA. 151 longs to the Upper District, 10 to 20 feet high, the branches and flower stalks densely and rather softly hairy, soniewhat like a Deer's horn " in the velvet." The leaflets are narrow and tapering. The bark issues a milky juice, and the berries are acid, as in No. 2. The wood is orange colored and aromatic. The bark and branches are used for tanning. The large clusters of purple fruit, and a fine foliage, render this species quite ornamental. 4. Dwarf Sumach. (R. pumila, Michx.)— This has a general resemblance to No. 3, especially in the dense hairiness of the young branches, but the leaflets in this are much shorter, broader and more coarsely toothed, and the plant is only 1 to 3 feet high, mostly spreading over the ground. It is rather rare, but oc- curs in the Lower and Middle Districts, especially in Mecklenburg, where it was originally discovered by the elder Michaux. Pursh has represented it as be- ing very poisonous, but it is perfectly harmless, as are all the preceding species. 5. Poison Sumach. (R. venenata, DC.) — Found in all the Districts in cool swampy situations, where it is somewhat conspicuous by its smooth green bark and pink-colored leaf-stems. To most persons it is exceedingly poisonous, some even being aflected by proximity to it, especially while rain or dew is evap- orating from it. Others, however, can handle it with safety. The juice of this is a good varnish, like tliat of the Japan Sumach (R. vernicifera), which is a very similar and was once supposed to be the same species. 152 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 6. Poison Oak. (R. Toxicodendron, Linn.) — A small shrub, 1 to 2 feet high, well known by this name from the. coast to the lower part of the Upper District. It is less poisonous than No. 5, but is too mischievous to be meddled with by persons who are sensitive to this chiss of poisons. The juice is an indelible ink upon linen. It has been stated very positively in some quarters that the dreaded disease, known in our Mountains and at the West by the name of Milk Sickness, is caused by the cattle eating of this Poison Oak. But our Lower and Middle Districts abound in this plant, where this disease is not now heard of, while in those portions of the Mountains where cattle are affected with it, and which I have examined with special ref- erence to ascertaining its origin, this plant is not found, nor any other poisonous plant which is not common elsewhere. Besides, it is well known that cattle do not take the disease if kept from those grounds till the dew has evaporated. Its cause is yet a mystery, but I am satisfied it is telluric. The Mountain Tea or Wi^itergreen^ (Gaultheria procumbens, Linn.) so well known in the Mountains, rarely in the other Districts, for its aromatic spicy leaves and berries, is an evergreen shrub, but so small that it would not generally be considered such. The next two genera have a fleshy fruit, but too large to come under the class of Berries. They are well known by their names. 1. Papaw. (Asimina triloba, Dunal.) — Not un- THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 153 common in rich bottom lands of the Middle District, 10 to 15 feet high, but in the primitive soil of the Western States sometimes 30 feet. The flowers are dull dark-purple, over an inch wide. The fruit is about 3 inches long by 1^ thick, yellow, and filled with a soft sweet pulp which is edible, but does not seem to be agreeable to most persons. The bark of the trunk and root exhales a very heavy unpleasant odor. The wood is remarkably light and spongy. 2. Dwarf Papaw. (A. parviflora, Dunal.) — A small shrub similar to No. 1, but smaller every way, found in waste grounds in the Lower District, and in thin woods of the Middle and lower part of the Up- per District. It is from 2 to 5 feet high, the leaves 4 to 6 inches long, (about half the size of the pre- ceding,) the greenish-purple flowers i inch long and of unpleasant odor. Fruit in clusters, about an inch long. 1. Spanish Bayonet. (Yucca aloifolia, Linn.) — A native of the coast from North Carolina south'^vard, frequently cultivated in the Lower District, and very showy when capped by its large cluster of white bell- shaped flowers. It is 4 to 8 feet high, its stiff leaves (12 or 18 inches long) tipped with a very sharp thorny point, and their edges very rough. 2. (Y. gloriosa, Linn.) — Found also on the sand}^ coast, similar to the preceding, but smaller, and the leaves smooth on the edges. V 3. Bear Grass. (Y. filamentosa, Linn.) — Com- mon in sandy fields nearly throughout the State, well 154 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. known bj the tliread-like filaments on the edges of the leaves, and admired for the beauty of its flowers, borne in clusters upon a naked stem 4 to 6 feet high. The two next genera w^ould be most generally ranked among Stone-fruit^ though the shell of tlie second is very thin, and covered by a very thin flesh. Fringe Tree. (Chionanthus Virginica, Linn.) — - Sometimes called Old Mans Beard. We have no shrub of softer and more delicate beauty than this, when draped in its clusters of snow-white, fringe-like flowers. It is found northward to southern Pennsyl- vania. In this State it grows in all the Districts, but most abundantly in the Middle. It is sometimes 15 to 20 feet high, but flowers at the height of 2 or 3 feet. Its fruit has the appearance and odor of a green plum, but I have never seen it produce fruit in the Lower District. An infusion of the roots is a favor- ite remedy in long standing intermittents and other chronic diseases. -4 Oil-nut. Buffalo Tree. (Pyrularia oleifera, Gray.) — A bush 3 to 6 feet high, abundant through our mountain range, and reaching north to the mountains of Pennsylvania. The leaves are 8 to 4 inches long, becoming smooth, rather acrid to the taste, and oily. The fruit is an inch or more long, pear-shaped or roundish, with a thin ghell and large oily kernel. The root has an unpleasant odor. The remaining Shrubs, including those with Nuts, are Dry-fruited and very various. The first Group will include such as have^ dry seed-covers, containing THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 155 small seeds and opening by partitions. The first three genera have tubular small flowers like those of the Huckleberry and Sorrel Tree. 1. Fetter-Bush. (Andromeda nitida, Bartr.) — Found only in the Lower District in low Pine bar- rens. It is 2 to 5 feet high, with the branches three- angled, smooth throughout ; the leaves evergreen and shining and rather thick, 1 to 2 inches long, not toothed; the flowers clustered in the forks of the leaves, white or reddish, with a sort of honey odor, opening in March and April. L^ 2. Stagger-Bush. (A. Mariana, Linn.) — Grows "'^ in the Lower and Middle Districts, on the margin of low grounds. It is 2 to 3 feet high and smooth. The leaves are 1 to 2 inches long, not toothed, dull green ; the flowering branches generally destitute of leaves; the flowers in clusters along the branches, near i inch long, white and showy, opening in April and May. 'jL 3. (A. speciosa, Michx.) — A very handsome shrub \^ growing in low wet grounds of Pine barrens in the Lower District, 2 to 5 feet high and smooth. The leaves are 1 to li inch long, toothed, dull green, sometimes covered on the underside with a very white bloom. The flowering branches are free from leaves, 6 to 12 inches long and very showy. The flowers are larger than in No. 2, more bell-shaped, opening in I ^ May. ^ 4. Pepper-Bush. (A. ligustrina, Muhl.) — This occurs in all the Districts, but only in the lower part ■i 156 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. of the Upper. It is 3 to 4 feet high, somewhat hairy. The leaves are about 2 inches long, sharp pointed, finely toothed, paler underside. The flowers are small, almost globular, scurfy, in small clusters that are leafy. ^ 5. (A. floribunda, Pursh.) — Rather rare, and be- longing to the mountains, 4 to 8 feet high, the younger branches reddish and covered with scattered stiff hairs and glandular dots. The leaves are 1 to li inch long, evergreen and rigid, rounded at base, sharp at top, minutely scalloped, the youngest with short hairs on the margin ; flowers in crowded leafy clusters. -^ 1. Dog Laurel. (Leucothoe Catesbsei, Gray.) — Found only in the mountains, where it is also called Hemlock, growing on the cool margins of streams. It is 2 to 4 feet high, the leaves evergreen, 3 to 5 inches long and 1 inch broad, with a long tapering point, prickly-toothed on the edges. Clusters of flow- ers in the forks of the leaves. A very pretty shrub. 2. (L. axillaris, Don.) — On the borders of streams and wet places in the Lower District, and very much like No. 1. But the leaves are less prickly-toothed, less tapering, 2 to 3 inches long, broader than in the preceding, the clusters of flowers longer, and the flowers longer. -iw 3. (L. racemosa. Gray.) — Grows from the coast to the base of the mountains, 4 to 8 feet high, on the borders of wet places. The leaves are rather thin, acute, finely toothed, 1 to li inch long. The flowers THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 157 (i inch long) are on terminal straight branchlets, all hanging to one side, and looking like rows of teeth, the rows being 2 or 3 inches long. -^4. (L. recurva. Gray.) — Discovered by Mr. Buckley in the mountains near Paint Rock. It is 3 to 4 feet high, the leaf and flower-branches recurved; the leaves broader and more hairy than in No. 3, rounded at base, finely toothed, scarcely tapering, 2 to 3 inches long, deciduous as in No. 3. (Cassandra calyculata, Don.) — A small shrub, 2 to 3 feet high, growing in damp grounds of the Lower District, and not unlikely in the others. The ever- green leaves are about 1 inch long, J inch wide, finely toothed, rather stiff, and covered, like the young branches, with small white scales. The flowers are on terminal branchlets, quite small, solitary in the forks of small leaves. 1. Laurel. (Rhododendron maximum, Linn.) — This is rare north of Pennsylvania, but becomes abundant southward in the Alleghanies, and is com- mon through their whole range in this State, where it often forms impenetrable thickets, many acres in extent. It also grows upon rocky hills in the Mid- dle District as far east as Orange. Its usual height is 8 to 10 feet, but is sometimes as high as 20 feet. This is a production of great beauty and universally admired. The flowers, about an incli broad, grow in compact clusters on the ends of the branches, and are generally of a pale rose color, but sometimes whitish, dotted with green and yellow on the inside. Thef^e 158 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. contrast pleasingly with the large thick evergreen leaves. The leaves and flowers are reputed poison- ous. The wood is very hard and fine grained, but not equal to that of Ivy. 2. Oval-Leaved Laurel. (R. Catawbiense, Michx.) — This splendid Laurel is chiefly confined to the highest summits of our mountains, but is said to extend somewhat into Virginia. It is often con- founded with the preceding, but besides its different locality, growing only on the tops of such mountains as the Roan in Yancey and Negro Mountain in Ashe, it blossoms earlier than the other, though at a higher elevation, has larger and more intensely colored flow- ers, and shorter and broader leaves. It is 6 to 8 feet high, and handsomer than No. 1. It stands cultiva- tion pretty well in the Middle District. , 3. Dwarf Laurel. (R. punctatum, Andr.) — A rusty looking shrub, 1 to 2 feet high, chiefly confined to the mountains of North Carolina and Georgia. It has a strong family likeness to the other species, but is too inferior to them in every respect to attract or deserve much attention. I have met with it only on Table Rock, Jonas' Ridge and Whiteside Mountain. 1. Smooth Honeysuckle. (Azalea arborescens, Pursh.) — Found only along water courses in the lower part of the Upper District, and is 4 to 10 feet high. It is similar to the next, a common and well known species ; but this has smooth branchlets, leaves of brighter green above, and long calyx ap- pendages at the base of the flower. The flowers are THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 159 white and roseate, and their odor may be perceived at a great distance ; this being the most powerfully fragrant of our Honeysuckles. For cultivation this will rank next in beauty to the Yellow Honeysuckle. I-^TK^ 2. Clammy Honeysuckle. (A. viscosa, Linn.) ^^ — Very common through the State, 2 to 6 or 8 feet high, the branchlets bristly, and the flowers covered with clammy hairs. The flowers are white or flesh- colored and very fragrant. In this and No. 1 the flowers appear after the leaves have expanded. In the next two species they appear before or with the leaves. A variety of this (var : glauca) occurs with paler and rougher leaves, their underside covered with a white bloom. p-r "^^ 3. Purple Honeysuckle. (A. nudiflora, Linn.) V — Very common in great varieties of soil through the State, 2 to 6 feet high, but usually very small in poor dry soils. The flowers vary from a flesh-color to pink or purple, and are sometimes quite white. They are destitute of fragrance. ^ 4. Yellow Honeysuckle. (A. calendulacea, Michx.) — This is found only at a considerable eleva- tion on our mountains, where it is abundant and well known by the name here given. It is com- monly from 3 to 6 feet high, and varies very much in the color of its flowers, but most frequently they are some shade of yellow. Bartram, in his " Travels," calls this the Fieri/ Azalea, and says : " This epithet Fieri/ I annex to this most celebrated species of 160 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Azalea^ as being expressive of the appearance of its flowers, which are in general of the color of the finest red lead, orange and bright gold, as well as yellow and cream color. These various splendid colors are not only in separate plants, but frequently all the varieties and shades are seen in separate branches on the same plant, and the clusters of blossoms cover the shrubs in such incredible profusion on the hill- sides, that suddenly opening to view from dark shades, we are alarmed with the apprehension of the woods being set on fire. This is certainly the most gay and brilliant flowering shrub yet known." 1. Ivy. ' (Kalmia latifolia, Linn.) — A beautiful shrub known from New England to Georgia, either by the above name, or as Laiu^el, Mountain Laurel and Calico Bush. In this State it is known under the first and last names, the first being most in use. It is most abundant in the mountains, but is found along streams and on rocky hills of the Middle Dis- trict, extending somewhat into the Lower, even into the Dismal Swamp. This, in combination with the Laurel^ which often accompanies it and blossoms at the same time, presents a scene of floral beauty rarely equaled in this country. Like the Laurel, this is an evergreen, and forms also impenetrable thickets, but its leaves are shining, much darker and smaller. It is 10 to 15 and even 20 feet high. The leaves are poisonous to cattle, and a snuff made from them is a powerful sternutatory. An ointment made from the powdered leaves has been THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 161 successfully used for scald heads. The wood, par- ticularly of the roots, is exceedingly hard, fine- grained, marked with red lines, and capable of a good polish. We have hardly any wood better adapted for the handles of tools, small screws, and similar articles. This and the Laurels can be raised from seeds. 2. WiCKY. (K. angustifolia, Linn.) — This has an extensive range over the United States. In this State it is common on the small Pine-barren swamps of the Lower Districts, but is rare in the others. It is 1 to 3 feet high ; the leaves are 1 to 2 inches long and i inch wide, pale green, paler underneath ; the flowers roseate or crimson, about i inch broad, being one-third the size of the preceding, but of the same elegant form, and growing in clusters along the branches. This is a beautiful undershrub and is greatly improved by cultivation. It is a poisonous plant, especially to sheep, and is in some places called Sheep Laurel. A decoction' of the leaves is a domes- tic remedy for cutaneous diseases in man and beast. •^"3. (K. cuneata, Michx.) — Similar to the Wichy^ found in the Lower District, but very rare. It may be distinguished from that by the flowers being white at top and red at bottom, and by the leaves being scattered along the branches, instead of grow- ing in circles of three, as in No. 2. ^ Sand Myrtle. (Leiophyllum buxifolium. Ell.) — A small evergreen shrub, 6 to 12 inches liigh, looking somewhat like the Garden Box., with small, 162 THE SHRUBS OF KORTH CAROLINA. dark green leaves, and small white flowers clustered on the ends of the branches. It grows in sandj woods of Brunswick County, and on the rocky sum- mits of our mountains, from the Grandfather to Whiteside. '> False Heath. (Menziesia globularis, Salisb.) — Common on the higher mountains, 3 to 6 feet high, with thin, hairy, deciduous leaves, and small, reddish, bell-shaped flowers, like those of a Huckleherry^ and a small, woody seed-vessel, like those of Andro- meda^ etc. 1. White Alder. Sweet Pepper-Bush. (Cle- thra alnifolia, Linn.) — Grows near damp places in the Lower and Middle Districts, 2 to 4 feet high. The leaves are a little like those of the common Alder^ but are smaller and narrower. The flowers are small, white, and very fragrant, terminating the branches in racemes which are 2 to 3 inches long. A form of this (var : tomentosa) has leaves with a white down on the underside. "< 2. Mountain Pepper-Bush. (C. acuminata, Michx.) — Quite an ornamental shrub, 10 to 15 feet high, growing in the mountains from Ashe to Chero- kee. Its leaves are thin, pointed, fine-toothed, and 5 to 6 inches long. The racemes of white flowers are larger than in No. 1, and drooping. '^»(Itea Virginica, Linn.) — At a little distance this has some resemblance to the White Aldei\ but with a smoother aspect, and the flowers are not fragrant. It belongs to the borders of wet places from the THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 163 coast to Lincoln, is 4 to 8 feet high, and has small white flowers in drooping racemes, which are 3 to 5 inches long on the ends of the branches. 1. Wild Hydrangea. (Hydrangea arborescens, Linn.) — A smooth shrub, 2 to 5 feet high, growing along streams and on mountain and hill sides of the Upper and Middle Districts. The leaves are 3 to 5 inches long, heart-shaped, pointed, toothed. The flowers are whitish, in flat-topped clusters, some of those on the margin being large and showy like those of the cultivated Hydrangea. V 2. Snowy Hydrangea. (H. radiata, Walt.) — Found only on the mountains west of the Blue Ridge from Yancey to Georgia. North of this it has not, I think, been detected. It is from 3 to 6 or 8 feet high. The leaves are heart-shaped, 4 to 6 inches long, the underside clothed with a thick, silvery- white down. The barren flowers, which give this genus the peculiarity for which it is admired, are in this species found only around the border of the flat- topped cluster, but are said to become much more abundant in cultivation. They are of a pure white, an inch or more broad. This pretty shrub would be much prized in gardens, if there were not some more showy species in cultivation. n: 1. Syringa. (Philadelphus grandiflorus, Willd.) — This very ornamental shrub, now common in our yards and gardens, prized for its graceful, slender branches and snow-white flowers, does not appear to be abundant in this State. I am acquainted with 164 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. but a single locality of it, which is in Hickory Nut Gap ; though it is doubtless to be found along other streams in the upper part of the State. It is 6 to 10 feet high, the. leaves about 2 inches long, pointed, with few distant teeth, rather soft and hairy, and tasting somewhat like Cucumbers. The flowers are an inch or more broad. >^ 2. Rough Syringa. (P. hirsutus, Nutt.) — Every way smaller than No. 1, the leaves quite rough on the upper side and whitish-downy beneath. This grows on the French Broad River, a few miles below Asheville. 1. Mock Orange. (Styrax grandifolia, Ait.) — A very beautiful shrub, 3 to 12 feet high, with rather large leaves, 3 to 6 inches long, and of a grayish aspect from the presence of a whitish down on their underside. The flowers are from 15 to 20 on loose nodding racemes, white, very fragrant, in size and form very similar to those of the Orange. It grows on light rich soils in the Lower and Middle Districts, as far west as Lincoln. This is well worthy of a place in shrubberies, but has received but little attention. < 2. (S. Americana, Lam.) — Distinguished from No. 1 by its smooth, green leaves, 1 or 2 inches long, and smaller flowers, only 3 or 4 on a raceme. It is 4 to 8 feet high, not inelegant, but of inferior beauty to the other, and grows on the borders of swamps in the Lower Distiict. r 1. Bush Honeysuckle. (Diervilla trifida. THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 165 Msench.) — A small, rather delicate shrub, 3 to 5 feet high, with pointed toothed leaves which are 3 or 4 inches long, and have short foot-stalks. The flowers are in clusters of (generally) 3 in the forks of the upper leaves, greenish yellow, and funnel-shaped, like those of the Woodbine, This is found only in the mountains. ^ 2. (D. sessilifolia, Buckley.) — Like the preceding, but larger in several particulars, and the leaves clasp the branches, being destitute of a foot-stalk. Found in the mountains. /i-' 1. Strawberry Bush. (Euonymus Americanus, Linn.) — A shrub 2 to 5 feet high, found in all the Districts, and known by the names of Burning Bush, FisJi-ivood, and Bursting Heart, besides the one first given. The branches are square, straight but flex- ible, very smooth, and about as green as the leaves. The flowers are small, purplish or greenish, and un- attractive. The fruit gives the plant a peculiar beauty, for which chiefly it is prized in shrubberies. This is of a bright crimson color when mature, and covered with small w\irts which give it somewhat the aspect of a small strawberry. This finally bursts open, exposing its bright scarlet seeds. v- 2. Burning Bush. (E. atropurpureus, Jacq.) — Every way larger than the preceding, its flowers dark purple, and the fruit smooth. I have not met with it, and am indebted to Prof. Mitchell for my knowledge of it as an inhabitant of this State. ^^^Stillingia ligustrina, Michx.) — A shrub with slen- 166 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. der spreading branches, 6 to 12 feet high, very rare in this State, and not found, I think, north of Cape Fear River. The leaves are 1 to 3 inches long, not toothed, the upper end obtuse, tapering at tlie lower end, and with a short foot-stalk. For my knowledge of this plant I am under obligations to Dr. McRee. The Talloiv Tree (S. sebifera), cultivated farther south, and the Queen's Delight (S. sylvatica), an her- baceous plant of the Pine barrens, are members of this genus. 1. (Stuartia Virginica, Cav.) — This and the Lob- lolly Bay are the only representatives in this country of the admired Camellia family, and the still more important Tea Plant. It is one of our most beauti- ful shrubs, and yet has nowhere, so far as I know, obtained a popular name. It is found in rich soils in the eastern half of our Lower District, extending north into Lower Virginia, and southward to Flor- ida. It is 6 to 15 feet high, blossoming in April and May. The flowers are white, about the size of the Cherokee Rose, silky on the outer side, covered on the inner with a circle of stamens with bright purple filaments and blue anthers. 2. (S. pentagyna, L'Her.) — Like the preceding, without a name. It is similar to the preceding, only its flowers are cream-colored and its staminate fila- ments are white. Found in the Middle and Upper Districts, from Wake to Cherokee. The seed-vessel in these two is an ovoid woody capsule. ^/^OOTHACHE Tree. (Zanthoxylum Carolinianum, THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 167 Lam.) — Known also by the names of Pellitory and Prickly Ash. The last name, though more legitimate in this application, is generally appropriated in this State to another plant before described. It is a small branching tree, 12 to 20 feet high, the old bark covered with prickles, and peculiar to the southern sea-coast. The bark, leaves, and fruit are aromatic and intensely pungent, producing a rapid secretion of saliva, and are a popular and useful application for toothache. They would probably be generally serviceable as a counter irritant. 1. Hardhack. (Spiraea tomentosa, Linn.) — An erect branching pretty shrub, 2 or 3 feet high, com- mon in low wet places of the Lower and Middle Districts, and the lower part of the Upper. The leaves are 1 to li inch long, oblong, coarse-toothed, the under -side coated with a rusty-white down. The flowers are rose-colored, small, clustered on the ends of the branches in a compound raceme 3 or 4 inches long. 2. Queen of the Meadow. (S. salicifolia, Linn.) — This is similar to No. 1, and sometimes called Meadow Sweety but is taller and the flowers generally white. The leaves are larger, smoother and thinner. It belongs to damp bushy places in the Middle Dis- trict, and in valleys and along streams in the lower part of the LTpper. ^ Nine Bark. (S. opulifolia, Linn.) — This is found upon river banks in the western part of the State, 6 to 10 feet high, with slender curved branches. 168 THE SHRUBS OF NOETH CAROLINA. often spreading like a vine over other shrubs, and covered with a profusion of fiat clusters of small, white, but not showy flowers. Leaves about 2 inches long and broad, divided into 3 segments, and coarsely toothed. The reddish fruit is membranaceous, com- posed of 3 to 5 sacs united at base. The old bark peels off in thin layers. Yellow Ro(^t. (Zanthorhiza apiifolia, L'Her.) — A small shrubby plant, 1 or 2 feet high, generally spreading on the ground, found on moist rocky hill- sides of the Middle and Upper Districts. The leaves are dark green and divided somewhat like those of Parsley. The flowers are small, dark purple, in loose slender clusters, appearing before the leaves. The- roots are intensely bitter, of a yellow color, and were used by the Indians in making a yellow dye. -s^ Red Root. (Ceanothus Americanus, Linn.) — Common in dry woods from the coast to the moun- tains, 1 to 3 feet high, and the ends of the numerous small branches having loose clusters (1 or 2 inches long) of small white flowers supported on white foot- stalks. The leaves are 1 or 2 inches long, sharply toothed, and have 3 prominent veins. The root is dark red and quite astringent, and is frequently used in infusion, tincture, or powder, where astringency is required. It is said also to furnish a dye of a cin- namon color. The dried leaves served as a substi- tute for Tea during the Revolution, and hence got the name of New Jersey Tea. It is said to be quite as good as some of the Black Teas. THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 169 1. Indigo Bush. (Amorpha fruticosa, Linn.) — A very pretty shrub, 6 to 15 feet high, growing upon streams in all the Districts, but more frequent in the • Lower. The flowers are small, dark purple, crowded on spikes Avhich are 3 or 4 inches long and clustered together. It is said to have been used for the manu- facture of Indigo, but, I imagine, with not much profit. 2. Dwarf Indigo Bush. (A. herbacea, Walt.) — Like No. 1 in its whole habit, but only 2 or 3 feet high, of a grayish aspect, and with the flowers whit- ish or pale-blue. It is frequent in the barrens of the Lower District. The leaves in these two species are pinnate^ like those of the Locust and Hickory. The fruit is a very small pod, sprinkled Avith glands. He Huckleberry. (Cyrilla racemiflora, Walt.) — This is an absurd name, but I have never heard any other. This smooth shrub inhabits the borders of swamps and branches in the Lower District, and is 10 to 15 feet high. The leaves are oblong, shining, 2 to 3 inches long. The small white flowers grow on racemes that are 3 to 5 inches long, and that are clus- tered on the ends of the previous year's growth, and make this quite ornamental. The bark at the base of the trunk pulverizes naturally, and is much used as a styptic and in applications to old ulcers. v^' (Buckleya distichophylla, Torr.) — A smooth shrub, about 6 feet high, with slender grayish branches, known only u})on the streams of this State that flow westward, as the Pigeon and French Broad Rivers. L 170 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Its thin delicate foliage reminds one by its general aspect of the English and Catalonian Jasmine of our gardens. The flowers are greenish and inconspicuous. The fruit is about i inch long, growing solitary on the end of a branch. .^ (Darbya umbellulata, Gray.) — Like the preceding, a very rare plant, as yet known only in two or three localities in Georgia, and in the bend of the Catawba, near Lincolnton, in this State. It is 1 to 2 feet high, with opposite branches and leaves, the latter ovate, acute, entire, 1 to 2 inches long, 1 to li wide, rounded at base, and with short foot-stalks. The flowers are small, greenish, in a cluster of 3 to 8, which is borne on a foot-stalk in the forks of the leaves. -< Witch Hazel. (Hamamelis Virginica, Linn.) — Well known by this name through the State It has the peculiarity of flowering late in the Fall after the leaves have dropped, and maturing its fruit in the following Spring. Its popular name is derived from the use made of its branches in discovering hidden springs of water, minerals, etc. Other kinds, as of the Peach, are indeed sometimes used fortius purpose, but I venture to affirm that none in the whole veget- able kingdom are better than those of Witch Hazel. ^ Dwarf Alder. (Fothergilla alnifolia, Linn.) — Unknown north of Virginia. In this State it is found from the coast to Lincoln. In the Lower Dis- trict it is 1 to 2 feet high, often but a single un- branched stem, terminated by a tuft of small white flowers before the leaves appear. It grows here upon THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CxVROLINA. 171 the borders of Pine-barren swamps, and is rarely much branched. In the Middle District it is found upon rocky hills, is 3 to 5 feet high, forming a branched straggling shrub. The foliage varies a good deal, so that several species have been made of it by some authors; but the leaves are generally not unlike those of Alder. The fruit is a hard capsule, like that of Witch ITazel, and, like that, bursting elastically and expelling the hard bony seeds to a considerable distance. Sweet Fern. (Comptonia asplenifolia. Ait.) — A small shrubby plant, 1 or 2 feet high, with leaves (3 or 4 inches long) much resembling some of the Ferns, and possessing a grateful aromatic odor like that of the Wax 3Tyrtle. It is found chiefly on rocky or gravelly hills of the Upper and Middle Districts, but is occasionally found in dry and sandy Avoods in the upper part of the Lower. An infusion of this plant i^ a popular remedy for dysentery. Wax Myrtle. Candle-berry Myrtle. (Myrica cerifera, Linn.) — A well-known shrub with fragrant leaves, common in the Lower restrict, and found in fruit from 1 to 18 feet in height. The small berry- like nuts, which often hang two or three 3"ears on the branches, are covered with a fragrant wax which has been used in the manufacture of soap and can- dles. The latter burn long and diffuse an agreeable odor. A decoction of the berries has been used for tetters and similar affections. The root is said to be a specific for tooth-ache. 172 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. ^ 1. Hazel Nut. (Corylus Americana, Walt.) — A shrub 4 to 8 feet high, found in our mountains, and extending north to New England. The nut is much esteemed, but is smaller and harder shelled than the European Hazel or Filbert (C. Avellana). 2. Beaked Hazel Nut. (C. rostrata, Ait.) — Of similar size and range with the preceding; but this has the husk of the fruit prolonged into a beak or horn, and it extends into the Middle District as far down as Orange. The remaining shrubs are so various in their fruit and general habit, that, to save space, they are here grouped miscellaneously together, most of them being well known by their popular names. Button Bush. Box. (Cephalanthus occiden- talis, Linn.) — Common on the borders of streams and swampy grounds in the Lower and Middle Dis- tricts, always easily recognized by its round head of small white flowers, which is about an inch in diame- ter. It is 3 to 4 feet high, and very pretty when in blossom. TheJnner bark of the roots is an agreeable bitter, and is used for relieving obstinate coughs. 1. Shrubby Trefoil. Hop Tree. (Ptelea tri- foliata, Linn.) — A shrub 4 to 8 feet high, belonging to the upper part of the Middle District, with tri- foliate leaves like those of Clover, the leaflets 2 to 3 inches long, somewhat hairy when young, pale on the underside. The flowers are small, greenish-white, in rather flat clusters, heavy-scented, which are suc- ceeded by a flat, winged fruit, like that of the Elm, THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 173 but an inch broad. The fruit is bitter, and used as a substitute for Hops. 2. Downy Hop Tree. (P. mollis, M. A. C.)— Every way smaller tlian No. 1, and found only in the Lower District. Its leaves are more rigid, and the underside covered with a permanent, wdiite, soft, silky down. Bladder Nut. (Staphylea trifolia, Linn.) — An interesting shrub, 5 to 10 feet high, with greenish, striped branches, trifoliate leaves, the leaflets 2 to 4 inches long, taper-pointed, finely toothed, and smooth. The small white flowers are gathered into loose pen- dulous clusters, which are succeeded by 3-angled bladder-like pods about two inches long. I have met with this only near Hillsborough and Chapel Hill, but it is probably to be found along streams through the Middle District. ; 1. Sweet Shrub. (Calycanthus floridus, Linn.) — This plant, now so extensively cultivated, and admired for the rich Strawberry odor of its flowers, is a native of the southern Alleghanies. This spe- cies may be known by the soft down on the under- side of the leaves, and on the branchlets, etc. The fruit of this genus is a sort of thick-skinned, bladdery sac, li inch long, containing large seeds. 2. (C. Isevigatus, Willd.) — The leaves of this are taper-pointed, smooth and green on both sides, some- times a little rough above and pale beneath. This is found in the mountains, and in the Middle Dis- trict as low down as Orange. 174 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. ^ 3. (C. glaucus, Willd.)— This is found from Lin- coln westward, and may be recognized by the white under-surface of the leaf; a little rough on the upper. v^ 1. Alder. (Alnus serrulata, Ait. — Common on small streams all over the State, and too well known by the above name to need a description. "< 2. Mountain Alder. (A. viridis, DC.) — Like the above in habit and general characters, but the underside of the leaves covered with a soft gray down. It is known at the South, only upon the top of Roan Mountain, from whence to northern New York it is not found. It occurs in Europe. 1. Groundsel. (Baccharis halimifolia, Linn.) — Grows in both brackish and fresh swampy grounds of the Lower District. It is 6 to 12 feet high, of an ashy hue from the whitish scales that cover the bark and leaves. The small flower-heads are solitary, or a few clustered together, borne on a foot-stalk. The long, white, silky hairs of the seeds emerging from the heads give the plant a pleasing appearance in the Fall. 2. (B. glomeruliflora, Pers.) — Like the preceding, but rarer and less showy, and has larger clusters of flower-heads, destitute of the foot-stalk. 3. (B. angustifolia, Michx.) — Found in brackish marshes, 4 to 8 feet high. The leaves, which in the other species are half as broad as long, and toothed, are in this linear and entire. 1. Marsh Elder. (Iva frutescens, Linn.) — A THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 175 coarse unsiglitly shrub of our salt marshes, 4 to 6 feet high. The whole plant is smoothish, and its leaves lance-shaped, toothed, and about 2 inches long. The flower-heads are greenish and unsightly in the forks of the small leaves on the terminal branchlets. 2. (I. imbricata, Walt.) — This grows upon the sea-beach, and is but partly shrubby, 3 or 4 feet high. The leaves are very thick and ileshy, 1 to li inch long, rarel}^ toothed, and wedge-shaped. The plant has a strong odor like old honey. Swamp Loosestrife. (Nessea verticillata, H. B. K.) — A half shrubby plant found in branch swamps of the Lower District, 4 to 6 feet high, with slender, curved, 4 to 6-sided stems. The leaves are 3 or 4 inches long, narrow like those of a Willow, generally growing around the stem in a circle of three. The flowers are clustered in the forks of the leaves, about i inch wide, purple or roseate, very pretty, remind- ing one of the blossoms of the Lagerstrcemia or Crape Tree. \l Arbor Vit^e. (Thuja occidentalis, Linn.) — This has its southern limit on the mountains in the north- western part of the State. From thence through the mountains of Virginia it becomes more common. It is but a shrub or small tree at the South, but farther north it attains a height of 50 feet, and its timber is used in building and for cabinet work. \/ 1. Cane. (Arundinaria gigantea, Chapm.) — This belongs to the (rrass family, but, being of woody texture, falls within odr arrangement. It is 10 to 15 176 THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. or 20 feet high, found along the river bottoms of the Cape Fear. I am not aware of its existence north of that limit. According to Dr. Chapman, " it is simple the first year, branching the second, after- wards at indefinite periods fruiting, and soon after decaying." The value of the stems for fishing-rods is well known. 2. Reed. (A. tecta, Muhl.) — This is the common smaller form, 2 to 10 feet high, and found in low grounds in each District. This completes the list of the Shrubs of North Carolina, so far as they are known to me, with the exception of the following, which are too small and obscure to merit more than a bare enumeration. '< Hypericum. Of this we have five woody species, all with yellow flowers, one of which (H. prolificum) is occasionally cultivated under the name of Rock Rose, \ AsCYRUM. Much like the preceding, also with yellow flowers. Floavering Moss. (Pyxidanthera barbulata, Michx.) — A very pretty, small, trailing evergreen, with white flowers which appear in early Spring, and looking somewhat like a Moss in the absence of blos- soms. Belongs to the damp Pine-barrens and Sa- vannas of the Lower District. HuDSONiA. Only 3 or 4 inches high, also with yellow flowers, of which no locality is anywhere known but on Table Rock, N. C. < Trailing Arbutus, or Ground Laurel. (Epi- gsea repens, Linn.) Common-. THE SHRUBS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 177 ^ PoLYGONELLA. Ill the saiidy Barrens about Wilmington. It may be interesting to append here a comparative view of the Flora of North Carolina with that of the Northern and Southern States east of the Mississippi. In Prof. Gray's " Manual of Botany," which includes the States north of North Carolina and Tennessee, I find described 130 Trees, 183 Shrubs, and 30 Vines. In Dr. Chapman's '' Flora of the Southern States " are described 126 Trees, (of which there are 112 in North Carolina,) 224 Shrubs, (176 of them in North Carolina,) and 46 Vines (32 in this State). THE Vines of North Carolina These will be grouped according to the character of their fruit : the first nine genera having Berries ; the next five, Pods ; the next three, d7y Capsules ; and the remaining two, naked Feathered Seeds. GRAPES. — 1. Summer Grape. [Yitis sestivalis, Michx.] — Common, as are the other species, except- ing the Muscadine, in most parts of the United States. In this State it is found in all the Districts, generally near streams, but sometimes in dry woods, climbing over trees from 30 to 50 feet. The leaves are 4 to 6 inches broad, cut into 3 or 5 divisions, the underside clothed with a reddish, cobweb-like down when young, which mostly falls away in the course of the season. The bunches of fruit are compound, 6 to 8 inches long, the berries i to i inch thick, purplish, blackish or bluish, w^ith a bloom ; very varying in flavor, frequently very fine. According to H. W. Ravenel, Esq., of Aiken, South Carolina, who is a good Botanist, as well as a suc- cessful cultivator of Grapes, the following cultivated varieties are descended from this species : The War- THE VINES OF NOKTH CAROLINA. 179 ren^ Pauline^ Herhemont^ Gidgnard^ Clinton^ Ohio, Marion, Treveling, Long Grape or Old House, Elsin- horough, Seahrook, and Lenoir. With this last he identifies the Black July, Devereux, Thurmond, Sum- ter, and Lincoln Grapes. I find, however^ that there is a difference of opinion in regard to the identity of the Lenoir and Lincohi varieties ; some maintaining a perceptible difference, the latter being deemed superior to the other. Dr. C. L. Hunter, of Lincoln, who is paying much attention to Grape culture, especially of our native varieties, pronounces the Lenoir " one of the very best table Grapes," and recommends its general cultivation. He informs me that this, as well as the Warren, came from Georgia. I learn from the same gentleman that the Lincoln Grape was discovered about the beginning of this century, near the junction of the South Fork and Catawba, by Dr. Wm. McLean, and that he trans- planted the whole vine near his house. From this stock Mr. John Hart, of Mecklenburg, derived his, which is still in vigorous existence. From this last. Dr. Butt, of Lincolnton, obtained his cuttincrs, and sent some of the fruit to Longworth, who gave it the name, now most in use, of the Lincoln Grape, though it was previously known as the Hart Grape, and McLean Grape. 2. Fox Grape. (V. Labrusca, Linn.) — I have met with this only in the Middle District, where it is found in damp thickets, running from 15 to 25 or 30 feet. The leaves are roundish, about the same size 180 THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. as those of No. 1, but not so mnch divided, and cov- ered underneath with a permanent thick down, which is generally white or gray, rarely of a faint rusty hue. The berries are larger than in that, being i to | inch in diameter, in small bunches, commonly dark purple, but sometimes amber-colored or whitish, and of va- rious quality, mostly with a musky and rather hard pulp. The cultivated varieties of this are, according to Mr. Ravenel, the Isabella^ Cataivha, Bland's Madeira^ Concord^ Diana, Rebecca, To Kalon, Anna, Mary Isa- bel, Ontario, Northern 3Iuscadine, Hartford Prolific^ Catawissa, Garrigues, Stetson's Seedling, York Madeira^ Hyde's Eliza, Union Village, Early CJiocolate, Harvard, Early Black, Green Prolific Kilvington. The first two in the list are, I believe, the most approved, and most extensively cultivated ; both of which are said to have originated in this State. A foreign origin has been claimed for the Isabella, but this is an evident error, proved in the fact that seedlings of the Isabella sometimes revert to our Fox Grape in every particular of leaf and fruit. This has been tested by Mr. Caradeuc, of South Carolina, as I learn from Mr. Ravenel. But what is regarded as a scientific demonstration of its American origin, is the fact that its seedlings sometimes have barren stocks, like all our American species, which is not the case with any European Grapes. Besides, the Isabella, in its specific characters, comes nearer to our Fox Grape than to any other. THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 181 Dr. Hunter, wlio has given mncli attention to the Iiistory of our Grapes, has communicated most of the foUowing items in regard to the Isabella. Dr. Las- peyre was probably its first cultivator in the United States, probably as early as 1805, as he sold it in the Wilmington Market in 1810. Judge Ruffin culti- vated it in Orange County in 1811, under the name of Laspeyre G-rape. It is a tradition that Gov. Smith brought it to Smithville in 1809. About the year 1810 Mrs. Isabella Gibbs took a rooted cutting from Gov. Smith's garden to Brooklyn, New York, accord- ing to a current account. According to Dr. Las- peyre, she got the vine from Mm. These statements may, in a sort, be reconciled, if Gov. Smith obtained lih stock from Dr. Laspeyre. In 1819, Gen. Swift bought the Gibbs place, and it was there the elder Prince first saw and obtained this Grape, which he named the Isabella in compliment to Mrs. Gibbs. Dr. Hunter has some of these- statements from Gen. Swift. Dr. Laspeyre was under the impression that this, which he called the Black Cape., was one of the vines which he brought from St. Domingo, but it was probably the accidental introduction of an Amer- ican among his foreign stocks. Dr. Hunter seems to be of opinion that it came to the Cape Fear region from South Carolina, according Avith the tradition mentioned in Dr. Hawks's History. The Catawba G-rape., as I am informed by Dr. Hunter, originated in Buncombe County on Cain Creek, an affluent of the French Broad. His views 182 THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. on " The Origin of the Catawba Grape " were given last year (1859) in an article for the American Farmer. 3. Muscadine. (V. vulpina, Linn.) Known also as Bullace^ Bull Ciraiye^ and Bullet Grafe^ and far- ther south as Fox Grape; in Florida, as 3Iustang Grape. It extends northward as far as jMarj'land and Kentucky, from whence southward it is one of the most common vines. In tliis State it is found, in various soils, from the coast to Cherokee, but most luxuriant in light soils of the Lower District, cover- ing the loftiest trees. The bark is pale and smooth, that of the smaller branches dotted with minute warts. The leaves are about 3 inches long, thin, smooth and shining, coarse-toothed, and nearly round and heart-shaped. The berries are in small bunches, larger and thicker skinned than an}^ of our other Grapes, varying in color from whitish through differ- ent shades of red and-pur[)le to ebony black. The quality of the fruit varies as much as its color, being now of a sharp acid flavor, and again of luscious sweetness. The Sciippernong^ now so famous as a Table and Wine Grape, is a variety of this species. There are still found in the Lower and Middle Districts, espe- cially in the former, wild vines bearing a whitish or amber berry, like the original Scuppernong^ but of various qualities, as in the case with the colored kinds. Some of them are no better than the com- monest Muscadines ; and no one is superior, if equal, THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 183 to the well known cultivated variety. Some of the dark Muscadines are very nearly as luscious as the ScuiJfernong^ and have been brought under culture, as the MUh G-rape^ and Alexander s Grape^ which are black, and also the BulVs Eye^ so named from its superior size. The Hickman Grape I take to be identical with the true Scuppernong and derived from Tyrrell County, the home of the original. For some of this information, as well as for the following history of the Scuppernong (proper), I am indebted to Rev. E. M. Forbes, who has resided in the region and has taken much pains to obtain an authentic account of this vine. Two men, of the name of Alexander, while clearing land near Columbia, the county seat of Tyrrell, which stands on the east side of Scupper- nong River, discovered this Grape, and were so much pleased with it that they preserved the vine and the tree upon which it grew. " That was the vine which I saw," says Mr. Forbes, "and from which other vines were propagated." They called it the " White Grape," and from it made what they called "Country Wine" At the suggestion of a relative, who had been in the Mediterranean, and knew the indefiniteness of such names as these, they subse- quently named the Grape from the river upon which it was found. " This is the history given b}" a grand- daughter of one of the discoverers, who was alive when I first went to Scuppernong." A tradition is furnished me by Dr. Hunter, that. 184 THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. " about the year 1774, the Rev. Charles Pettigrew found it on the low grounds of Scuppernong River, and planted out several vines." My limited space will not permit an exhaustive discussion of this mat- ter here, and I will, therefore, only remark further upon it, that the notion of its origination on Roanoke Island seems opposed by the name of the Grape. I have also been told by those who have been on the Island, that there are no vines of it there which were not evidently transplanted there. 4. Frost Grape. Winter Grape. (V. cordi- folia, Michx.) — Common in thickets along streams through the Middle District. The leaves are 3 to 5 inches broad, thin, smooth, toothed, and sometimes cut into three segments. The berries are nearly black, small, i inch thick, and very sour until dead ripe. The berries are sometimes greenish-white, and Lawson mentions a white [whitish?] variety. I have not heard of this being cultivated. 5. (V. bipinnata, Torr. & Gr.) — This would not generally be taken for a member of this genus, either from its leaves, which are compound, like those of the China Tree, or from its fruit, which is uneatable. The berries are blackish, slightly hairy, and about the size of a small pea. It is found in the Lower and Middle Districts, growing in rich soils, climbing (without tendrils) over shrubs and small trees. Virginian Creeper. (Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx.) — This pretty vine, sometimes cultivated, is found along fence-rows and borders of woods in all THE VINES O-F NORTH CAROLINA. 185 parts of the State. It may be known by its leaflets growing in jives from the end of a common leaf-stalk, as in the Buckeye, which is the case with no other of our Climbers. The foliage becomes crimson in the Fall. The berries are dark-blue, about the size of a small pea, borne on bright crimson foot-stalks. The rapidity of its growth renders this Creeper use- ful for covering old w^alls, etc., like the English Ivy. It is, indeed, sometimes called American Ivy. This is often confounded with the Poison Vine, though having very little likeness to it, and is hence avoided, though it be quite innocent. 1. Woodbine. (Lonicera sempervirens, Ait.) — This beautiful vine, now common in cultivation, grows from the coast to the mountains. The flow^ers are tubular, 1 to 2 inches long, scarlet without and yellow within. In rich soils it has a very luxuriant growth, climbing high into forest trees. 2. Yellow Woodbine. (L. grata, Ait.)— Tins belongs to the mountains, and has a flower 1 to IJ inch long, reddish on the tubular part, whitish at top, then changing to yellow, somewhat fragrant. The young branches are often hairy. 3. Small Woodbine. (L. parviflora, Linn.) — Found in the mountains, less climbing than the others, with flowers about § inch long, somewhat swollen at the base of the tube, and greenish-yellow tinged with purple. I have heard of a yellow species in Gates County, but have never seen any specimens. 186 THE VINES OF NOKTH CAROLINA. 1. Common Bamboo or Green Brier. (Smilax rotunclifolia, Linn.) — Very common in all the Dis- tricts, generally in thickets where the soil is rather fertile, 20 to 40 feet long, the stems and branches of a yellowish-green color, round, and armed with strong prickles, the branchlets slightly angled. The leaves are deciduous, 3 or 4 inches long, roundish and heart- shaped. The berries, as in most of the species, are bluish-black, borne in bunches upon a common stalk in the fork of the leaves, and which is about the same length with the leaf-stalk. 2. (S. tamnoides, Linn.) — A stout prickly vine with angled branchlets, occurring in the Lower and Middle Districts. The leaves are somewhat fiddle- shaped or contracted in the middle, the base some- times spreading into rounded projections. The gen- eral fruit-stalk is a little flattened, about li inch long, and twice the length of the leaf-stalk. 3. China Root. (S. Pseudo-China, Linn.)— Stout and prickly like No. 2, 10 to 15 feet long, the branches roundish and not prickly, and the roots tuberous. The leaves are large, 4 to 7 inches long, ovate, green both sides, the edges and nerves on the underside roughened with minute prickles. The gen- eral fruit-stalk is flat and 2 or 3 inches long. The berries are blackish and larger than in the preceding species. 4. Sarsaparilla. (S. glauca, Walt.) — Not un- common in all the Districts in cultivated grounds near streams. The stems are prickly and 2 to 4 feet THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 187 long. The leaves are ovate, and covered, especially on the underside, with a white bloom that rubs off under the linger. The berries are black. The com- mon fruit-stalk is 2 or 3 times longer than the leaf- stalk. The root of this is sometimes used in the composition of diet drinks. It is not the Sarsaparilla of the druggists, but is said to be often mixed with it. 5. (S. Walteri, Pursh.) — Stem dark green, angled, 10 to 15 feet long, having prickles only to^vards the bottom, running over bushes and up small trees in branch sw^amps of the Lower District. Leaves de- ciduous, ovate, heart-shaped, smooth, dark shining green above, paler beneath, terminating in a small, almost prickly point, 3 to 4 inches long, 2 to 3 wide, and having 3 distinct and 2 obscure nerves. The berries are scarlet and very conspicuous in Winter. This has a creeping root. 6. (S. lanceolata, Linn.) — This and No. 5 are the only species with red berries. But this has ever- green leaves, narrower than in the preceding and acute at base. The branches, too, are not angled, and the root is tuberous. I have not myself met with it, and give it on the authority of otliers. 7. (S. laurifolia, Linn.) — This is a showy species, and like Nos. 6 and 8, has evergreen leaves. It runs to a great length over bushes and up lofty trees, the lower part only being prickly. The leaves are thick and shining, lance-shaped or oblong. The general fruit-stalk is equal to the leaf-stalk, J to i inch long. 188 THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. Berries black. This seems confined to wet places in the Lower District. 8. (S. auriculata, Walt.) — Similar to No. 7, slightly or not at all prickly, growing over small shrubs on the coast, flowers fragrant. The leaves are peren- nial, 1 to 2 inches long, narrowly ovate, 3 to 5 nerved, with conspicuous cross veins, especially beneath, ter- minated by an abrupt almost prickly point. Com- mon fruit-stalk rather shorter than the leaf-stem. Berries black. Rattan. Supple Jack. (Berchemia volubilis, DC.) — A very tough flexible vine running up trees. The leaves are alternate, 1 to 2 inches long, ovate, dark green, very smooth, not toothed, having promi- nent parallel unbranched straight veins running ob- liquely from the midrib to the margin. The berry is dark purple, about i inch long, with a thin coat and a hard smooth nut. Grows from Virginia southward through our Lower District. (Sageretia Michauxii, Brogn.) — Grows upon the sandy soil of the coast, 6 to 18 feet long, with thorn- like spreading branches. Leaves 1 inch long, ovate, opposite, smooth and shining, finely toothed. Flow- ers very small, in loose clusters. The berry is small and round, dark jDurple, and pleasantly acid. I have not met with this, and have introduced it here on the authority of Michaux. (Cocculus Carolinus, DC.) — This runs exten- sively over shrubs and small trees on the borders of damp woods and streams, from the coast to Lincoln. V THE VINES OF NORTH CAllOLINA. 189 The leaves are 2 to 4 inclies long, broadly ovate and heart-shaped, sometimes 3 lobed, smooth above, v^^ith a soft gray down underneath. The ripe berries are red, about the size of a small pea, growing in small clusters, containing a hard flat nut which is curved nearly into a ring. Moon Seed. (Menispermum Canadense, Linn.) — This is 6 to 12 feet long, and woody only in the lower part. It is the only one of our woody Climb- ers that has the leaf-stalk inserted into the plate of the leaf instead of the lower edge. The berries are black and contain a flat nut, as in the preceding- species, curved into the form of a horse shoe. Rare in the Lower District, not uncommon elsewhere. Poison Vine. (^Rhus radicans, Linn.) — Now con- sidered by Botanists as only a variety of Poison Oak, but necessarily separated in the arrangement I have adopted. It is the only trifoliate woody Climber we have. Like Poisoyi Oak and Poison Sumach^ very poisonous to some people. Common throughout the State. The next Group of Climbers, comprising Ave genera, have their fruit in dry pods. All of the spe- cies are ornamental. Trumpet Flower. (Tecoma radicans, Juss.) — This splendid Climber, ascending the loftiest tree, is found from the coast to the lower part of the moun- tains, preferring damp rich soils. Its dark green compound leaves, and scarlet tubular flowers which 190 THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. are 2 to 3 inclies long, make it an attractive orna- ment in yards and gardens. This harmless plant has the reputation, with some, of being poisonous. Cross Vine. (Bignonia capreolata, Linn.) — This, like the preceding, is sometimes called Trumpet Floiver. The flowers are of similar form, about 2 inches long, but are of a duller red on the outside and yellow within. Tlie leaves are of a dull green, growing in pairs from the end of a common foot- stalk, each leaflet also having its own stalk. This does not climb to so great a height as the other. A cross section of the stem exhibits a portion of its inner structure in the form of a Maltese cross, which gives the name to this plant. Not uncommon in the Lower and Middle Districts. Virgin's Bower. (Wistaria frutescens, DC.) — This luxuriant, much admired Climber is found, I think, only in damp rich soils of the Lower District. It stands cultivation remarkably well in the Middle District. The leaves are pinnate, like those of the Locust; and the flowers are of the size and structure of the Garden Pea, purplish-blue, in large pendent compact clusters 4 to 6 inches long. We have no other woody Vine answering to these characters. The stem is exceedingly tough and serves well for withes or ligatures. Carolina Jessamine. (Gelsemium sempervi- rens. Ait.) — No plant is more common in the Lower District, but it reaches very little into the Middle. It extends northward into Virginia, but becomes THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 191 much more luxuriant as we go south. Its graceful evergreen leaves, the profusion of its large, bright 3"el- low and deliciously fragrant blossoms, render this vine the pride of our forest. The odor of the flowers in a close room sometimes induces headache. Most of the plant, especially the root, taken internally, is narcotic and poisonous. A tincture of the root, judiciously administered^ is useful in rheumatic affections ; but in the hands of quacks death has been caused by it. (Forsteronia difformis, A. DC.) — A smooth twin- ing plant, 6 to 12 feet long, found chiefly in the Lower District, but extending into the interior as far at least as Wake County. It is sometimes mis- taken for the Yelloiv Jessamine^ but the flowers are tubular and smaller, more like those of a Wood- bine, about 1-3 inch long, and greenish-yellow. The fruit is a slender pod, containing seeds that have a tuft of down. The next GROur of three genera have their seeds in small dry capsules. WAx-^^^ORK. Bittersweet. (Celastrus scandens, Linn.) — Tliis is to me the rarest plant in the State, as I have seen but a single stock, near Liucolnton. This is its most southern known limit. It ascends trees to the height of 12 or 15 feet. The leaves are about 3 inches /ong, taper pointed, smooth, toothed. The berry -like capsule is orange-red, clustered on the ends of its short branches, of the size of a large pea, bursting when mature and disclosing 3 to 6 scarlet seeds. In this state it is quite an ornamental vine. 192 THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. (Decumaria barbara, Linn.) — A pretty vine as- cending trunks by means of rootlets insinuated into the bark, after the manner of the Poison Vine. The leaves are 3 to 4 inches long, broadly ovate, opposite, rather thick and shining, generall}^ with scattered teeth towards the upper end. The flowers are small, white and fragrant, in showy compound clusters on the ends of the branches, opening in May. This is found in the Lower District only, and is unknown north of this State. Wild Ginger. Big Sarsaparilla. (Aristolo- chia Sipho, L'Her.) — Found in rich soils all along our mountain rivulets, climbing over bushes, and sometimes ascending trees. The stems are occasion- ally 2 inches thick. The leaves are roundish, heart- shaped, 8 to 12 inches broad, and slightly downy on the underside. The flower is coarse, brownish-pur- ple, I2 inch long, somewhat tubular, with top cut into three segments, below which it is contracted and curved like a Dutch pipe, from which, in some parts of the United States, it has gotten the name of Dutchman's Pipe, The root is very aromatic and stimulant, like Ginger, and would serve as a medi- cine wdiere these properties are indicated. The tAVO remaining genera have naked seeds, which are remarkable for their long feathered tails. Virgin's Bower. (Clematis Virginiana, Linn.) —A partly woody vine, 10 to 15 feet long, climbing over thickets and fences. It is found from the coast to the mountains, generally near streams, but is less THE VINES OF NORTH CAROLINA. 193 common in the Lower District. The leaves are com- posed of 3 ovate leaflets which are a little cut. The flowers are in loose clusters, i to f inch broad, and clothing the upper part of the vine with a flowing mantle of white. The flowers are succeeded by heads of feathered seeds which are still more orna- mental than the blossoms. (Atragene Americana, Sims.) — This is accredited by others to the mountains of North Carolina, but it has escaped my own observation. It is a very showy vine, both in fruit and flower, and, like the preced- ing, is woody only in its lower parts. It climbs over rocks and bushes by means of its leaf-stalks. The leaves are in pairs on opposite sides of the stem, making 4 in a circle, each long leaf-stalk bearing 3 leaflets. The flowers are bluish-purple, 2 to 3 inches broad, followed by heads of seeds which have long feathered tails. A TABULAR Viev/ of the Species, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE CHARACTER OF THEIR FRUIT. I.— TREES. Fleshy Fruit. — Stone Fruit. — Plums, Cherries, Mock Orange, Devil Wood. Pulpy Fruit. — Apples, Persimmon. Berries. — Red. — Holly, Service Tree, Dogwood, Mountain Ash, Magnolias, Yellow "Wood, Hackberry. Black or Blue. — Mulberry, Palmetto, Buckthorn, Black Gum, Cedar, Sassafras, Red Bay. Whitish. — China Tree. Dry Fruit. — Nuts. — Oaks, Hickories, Walnuts, Chestnut, Chinquapin, Beech, Buckeye. Cones, — Pines, Firs, Spruces, White Cedar or Juniper^ Cy- press. Pods — Locust, Honey Locust, Catalpa, Coffee Tree, Red Bud. Tassels. — Willows, Poplars or Cot- tonwoods. Birches, Hornbeam, Iron Wood. Bur. — Sweet Gum. Nutlets. — Sycamore, Planer Tree. Flat and Winged. — Maples, Ash-leaved Maple, Ashes, Elms. Capsules., Large. — Tulip Tree or Poplar^ Loblolly Bay. Small. — Linn Tree, Sorrel Tree. Winged Nuts. — Snow Drop Tree. A TABULAR VIEW OF THE SPECIES. 195 II.-SHRUBS. Fleshy Fruit. — Stone Fruit. — Plums, Fringe Tree, Oil Nut. Large Fleshy. — Papaws, Spanish Bayonet, Bear Grass, Roses. lied. — Red Haws, Bar- berry, Bermuda Mulberry, Huckleberry, Creeping Huckleberry, Bearberry, Cranberry, Elder, Coral Berry, Chokeberry, Yopon, Dalioon Holly, Sumach, Poison Oak, Flowering Raspberry, Mountain Tea, Spice Bush, Pond Bush, Leather Wood, (Ilex.)* Berries.— i^/a^A: or Blue .— l^Vdck Haws, Gallber- ries, Dogwoods, Privet, Carolina Buckthorn, Prickly Ash, Elder, Dwarf Palmetto, Gooseberries, Currants, Huckleberries, Sparkleberry, Blackberries, Dew- berry, Raspberry. Whitish. — Mistletoe, Deerberry, Dogwoods. Dry Fruit. — Nuts. — Hazel, Buckeye. Nutlets. — Witch Hazel, Button Bush, Dwarf Alder, Wax Myr- tle, Sweet Fern. Tassels and Cones. — Willows, Al- der, Arbor Vitae. Bladdery. — Bladder Nut, Sweet Shrub. Flat and Winged. — Maples, Hop Tree. Naked Seeds. — Marsh Elder, Groundsel. Grass-like. — Reed or Cane. Dry Capsules. — Laurel, Ivy, Wick3% Hone}^- suckles. Dog Laurel, Fetter Bush, Pepper Bush, Stagger Bush, (Andromeda), (Cassandra), (Leuco- thoe), Sweet Pepper Bush, (Itea), Sand Myrtle, He Huckleberry, False Heath, Syringa, Hydrangea, *N. ]}. Plants without a popular name are enclosed in parentheses, and will be found also in the Index. 196 A TABULAR VIEW OF THE SPECIES. Hardback, Queen of the Meadow, Bush Honey- suckle, Strawberry Bush, Burning Bush, Trailing Arbutus, (Hudsonia), Swamp Loosestrife, Toothache Tree, Indigo Bush, Mock Orange, (Stuartia), (Stil- lingia), (Darbya), (Buckleya), Red Root, Yellow Root, Rock Rose, (Ascyrum), Flowering Moss. III.— VINES. Berries. — Reddish. — Grapes, Woodbine, Bamboo, Poison Vine, (Cocculus). Blackish. — Grapes, China Root, Bamboo, Sarsaparilla, Virginia Creeper, Rattan, Moonseed, (Sageretia), (Berchemia). Pods. — Trumpet Flower, Cross Vine, Jessamine, Virgin's Bower, (Forsteronia). Capsules. — Bittersweet, Wild Ginger, (Decumaria). Naked and Feathered Seeds. — Virgin's Bower, (Atragene). THE MINOR Plants of North Carolina, In 1867 the State printed the Second Part of Dr. Curtis's report to the State Geologist, being "a cata- logue of the indigenous and naturalized plants of the State." The catalogue, says Dr. Curtis in his preface, is of " interest to scientists as determining the localities and range of our vegetation, and as being much the most extensive local list of plants ever published in North America." It is not reprinted here, because those interested can obtain copies on application to tlie State authori- ties at Raleigh. It is a pamphlet of 156 pages, 8vo. For the general reader, it is sufficient to give here L Dr. Curtis's SUMMARY. Flowering Plants. Exogenous, . . . 1,362 species. Endogenous, . . . 511 1,873 198 THE MINOR PLANTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Flowerless Plants. Equisetacese, Filices, •. . . Lycopodiaceae, . * Hydropterides, Musci, . . . Hepaticese, . . Lichenes, . . Fungi — Hymenomycetes, Gasteromycetes, Coniomycetes, Hyphomycetes, Ascomycetes, . Physomycetes, Doubtful Genera, Characese, Algae, . 1 species. 37 9 1 198 69 217 935 150 341 188 715 21 42 2 50 632 2,392 52 Total species, 4,849 PART II. Forests, Farms, Population, OF NORTH CAROLINA. » I THE Forests of North Carolina. LOCATION AND EXTENT. Dr. Curtis's Woody Plants of North Caro- lina, reprinted in Part I. of this book, furnishes in- formation complete and accurate of a Flora which is the wonder of the botanist. Part II., it is believed, conveys knowledge as com- plete and accurate of the location and extent of standing forests. Fh'st^ is reprinted the Botanical Chapter from Dr. Kerr's Geological Survey of North Carolina, Volume I. ; and. Second^ reports from the several counties of the State, obtained by the publisher and compiler of this volume from citizens esteemed the best informed. DR. KERR'S BOTANICAL REPORT. It has long been known to botanists that the terri-' tory of North Carolina presents one of the finest fields in the United States for collection, on account of the great variety and interest of its vegetable 202 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. productions. Many plants of northern habit, such as are common in the White Mountains, for example, and along the northern lakes, find their southern geographical limit in the mountains of this State ; and quite a number of others spread from the Gulf and the Mississippi Valley to the Cape Fear, and even to Pamlico Sound. So that the flora of this State is continental in character and range, combining the botanical features of both extremes as well as of the intermediate regions. The results of the preceding discussion of ^ the climatology of the State furnish ample explanation of the fact. The close connection between climate and organic life, and the decisive control which meteor- ological conditions 6xert over the whole character and range and form of its development, render it practi- cable to infer the latter from the former, at least as to general outlines. But it happens that the botany of North Carolina has received much earlier attention and a far greater amount of study, and has been much more fully worked out than its climatology, so that the inferen- tial process has needed to be reversed, and the range and character of the climate to be deduced from botanical data. This is due in large part to the at- tractive nature of the field to the botanical explorer, which has engaged the interest and study of some of the most famous botanists of both Europe and Amer- ica, from the time of Bartram's tour, in 1776, and of the elder Michaux, 1787, and of the younger, an THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 203 equally distinguished botanist, in 1802, to the later explorations of Nuttall, and of Dr. Gray and Mr. Carey, who traversed the higher ranges of our moun- tains in 1841, and especially of the Rev. Dr. Curtis, to whom the State owes a debt, in this regard, which she does not yet fully appreciate. It is due to him more than to any one else, — to his skill and zeal in his favorite science, that North Carolina stands among the foremost of the States in respect to the completeness as well as the scientific accuracy of the knowledge which the world possesses of her singular botanical wealth. In witness of the remarkably wide range of veget- able forms, corresponding to the variety of climatic conditions, may be cited the fact of the occurrence within the limits of the State on the one hand, of the white pine (pinus strohiis) and the black spruce (ahies nigra)^ which are found along the Appalachi- ans from North Carolina to the White Mountains and Canada, and of the hemlock spruce {ahies Canadensis)^ whose range reaches from our mountains to Hudson's Bay ; and on the other, of several species of magno- lia and the palmetto, which have their northern limit in the southeast part of the State and spread thence to the Gulf. And the same point might be illustrated even more strongly to tlie botanist, by the mention of other but inconspicuous species among the lower orders of plants, as the mosses, lichens, etc. And as concerns the variety of plants which char- acterizes the flora of the State, it is sufficient to men- 204 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. tion the fact that Dr. Curtis's Catalogue contains nearly 2,500 sj^ecies, leaving out the mushrooms (^fungi)^ of which there is about an equal number, o^ almost 5,000 in all. Dr. Cooper in his general description of the " For- ests and Trees of North America " in the Smithsonian Report for 1858, says : '' Coming next " (from the Canadian) " to the Appalachian province, we find a vast increase in the variety of our forest trees. In fact, looking at its natural products collectively, one of the most striking, as compared to the rest of the world between the 30th and 45th degrees of north latitude, is its richness in trees, Avhich will compare favorably with almost any part of the tropics. It contains more than 20 species which have no repre- sentatives in the temperate climates of the old world, and a far greater number of species of the forms found there." Some of our most valuable timber trees are wholly wanting, as the hickory. And while there are not 50 indigenous species of trees in Europe which attain a height of 50 feet, there are above 140 in the United States, and more than 20 of these exceed 100 feet. Says Dr. Curtis, "In all the ele- ments which render forest scenery attractive, no por- tion of the United States presents them in happier combination, in greater perfection, or in larger extent than the mountains of North Carolina." And in order to realize the extent to which this richness of forest development is concentrated within the area of this State, it is only necessary to call at- THE FORESTS OF NOIITH CAROLINA. 205 tention to the distribution of a few kinds which are dominant and characteristic. Of species found in the United States (east of the Rocky Mountains), there are Oaks, 22, an d 19 in North C Jarol Pine^ (trees), 8, 8 Spruces, 5, 4 Ehns, 5, ' 3 Walnuts, 2, 2 Birches, 5, 3 Maples, 5, 5 Hickories, 8, 6 (( Magnolias, 7, 7 u And as to the first and most important group of the list, Dr. Curtis has called attention to the very striking fact that there are more species of oaks in this State " than in all of the States north of us, and only one less than in all the Southern States, east of the Mississippi." It will be observed that the kinds of trees which characterize this flora include chiefly such as are most valuable in the arts. The long-leaf pine alone is the basis of industries whose annual products in this State are not less than 83,000,000. The juniper and cypress have long been a source of large revenues to the whole eastern region. And it is worthy of men- tion in this connection, that, besides the present crop of trees, there are over large areas of the swamp lands several successive generations of buried forests, 206 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. whose timber is in good preservation, ready to be ex- humed when the present growth shall have been exhausted. The most characteristic and prevalent species of the middle region are the oaks. Several kinds of white oak, so much in demand, and so highly prized in ship building and numerous domestic arts, are abundant in all parts of this division and especially in the mountains. There are also large tracts of white pine on both sides of the Blue Ridge. The hickories are found everywhere, and the black walnut is plentiful in the river bottoms and on the fertile slopes of the mountains, so common as to be used for fencing ; and the wild cherry, mahogany {hlach MrcJi), and several species of maple furnish abundant cabi- net materials; and to these should be added the extensive forests of holly in the eastern region. Nearly every one of the 20 kinds of timber admit- ted to the New York ship-yards as suitable for build- ing vessels is found in this State in abundance ; and since the forests of the North Atlantic States are very nearly exhausted, and timber for ship building is brought to the coast from the upper Mississippi, and even foreign governments are exporting large supplies for their navy yards from the interior of the continent, it is evident that our forests have a value and are entitled to a consideration which they have never received among us. We have still some 40,- 000 square miles of forests of which the larger part is as yet .unviolated by the woodman's axe. And I THE FOllESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 207 tliink it safe to say that the intrinsic value of this heritage alone is such, that within ten years it will be seen, that it exceeds the present total valuation of the entire property of the State. And it is time for the people of the State, and its legislators especially, to begin to realize and take account of the fact, that here is one of the most valuable, as it is also one of the most undeveloped and little considered of her natural resources. And its value is appreciating more rapidly than that of any other kind of property in the State ; and this from two causes, the operation of which is incessant and rapid, and the results inev- itable and soon to become actual, viz. : the rapid ex- haustion of the more accessible forests of the conti- nent and the constantly accelerating consumption of their products, and the increase and cheapening of the means of transportation to those parts of the world where the demand is greatest. COUNTY REPORTS. Alexander. (Area, 318 sq. miles.)— Taylorsville, Oct. 13, 1882. — We have in this county white oak, post oak, red oak, black oak, Spanish oak, and chest- nut oak ; black and yellow pine, and some white pine ; cedar, poplar or tulip tree, maple, beccli, birch, mahogany, hickory, dogwood, walnut, cherry, chest- nut, ash, black and sweet gum, cucumber tree, elm, etc. The prevailing growth is the different varieties 208 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. of oak and pine. At least one half of the county is covered with native forest, to say nothing about what is covered with old-field pine. — J. P. M. Anson. (525 square miles.) — Raleigh, Sept. 29, 1882. — Anson produces as great a variety of timbers, perhaps, as can be found in any one county in the State. It is bounded on the east and north by the Pee Dee and Rocky rivers, into which flow numerous small streams that traverse the county, and along which are broad areas of rich bottom lands that are covered with heavy growth of the finest timbers. The western boundary of the Long-leaf Pine region passes across the eastern end of the county, covering perhaps one fourth of its area with timber of very superior quality. On the uplands the predominant growth is pine, oak, and hickory, each of which is represented by several species; but everywhere al- most are to be found dogwood, ash, poplar, gum, black jack, birch, beech, elm, maple, and persimmon. Along the streams the haw and yellow willow abound. The wooded acreage is about one third of the entire area of the county. — L. L. P. Ashe. (468 square miles.) — Jefferson, Sept. 2, 1882. — There is no pine in this county except white pine and tamarack, and not very much of the latter, — perhaps 1,000 acres. There is perhaps 5,000 acres of white pine forest in this county of good quality and of good stand. The prevailing growths of other timber are chestnut, white oak, black oak, chestnut oak, water oak, and Spanish oak or red oak, hickory. THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 209 walnut, poplar, asli, sugar maple, silver maple, etc. There is a large acreage of spruce pine, and there are large quantities of birch, beech, mahogany, cu- cumber, locust, wild cherry, buckeye, etc. The wooded acreage is about seventy per cent. — J. W. T. Bladen. (1,000 sq. miles.) — Elizabethtown, Sept. 7, 1882. — Long-leaf pine is the prevailing growth, except on the river and creeks, where there are hickory, different kinds of oak, some walnut, ash, etc. My estimate is that nine tenths of the county is in timber. — J. A. M. Brunswick. (975 sq. miles.) — Town Creek, Sept. 11, 1882. — All of our uplands are long-leaf pine and scrub oaks. Our bays and swamps abound with cy- press, ash, poplar, juniper, and gum. On the sea-coast from Cape Fear to the South Carolina line there is live- oak and cedar, valuable for ship-building. — E. W. T. Brunsw^ick,Columblts, Bladen, Robeson, Rich- mond, Anson, Union, Mecklenburg, Lincoln, Gaston, Cleveland. (Area, 7,675 sq. miles.) Route of Carolina Central Railroad. — Shoe Heel, Aug. 24, 1882. — Brunswick County has a wood acreage of about two thirds. Prevailing growths are pine, cypress, and oak, of which one half is pine. Columi)us County has a wood acreage of about two thirds. Prevailing growths are pine, oak, and cypress, of Avhich one half is pine. Bhuh'n County has a wood acreage of about two thirds. Prevailing growths are pine, oak, and cy- press, of which one half is pine. 210 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLIKA. Robeson County has a wood acreage of about two thirds. Prevailing growths are pine, oak, and cy- press, of which one half is pine. Richmond County has a wood acreage of about two thirds. Prevailing growths are pine, juniper, and oak, of which one half is pine. — W. B. S. Charlotte, Aug. 28, 1882. — Cleveland: white, post, black, red, Spanish, water, and some chestnut oak; hickory, ash, walnut, and some poplar, and short- leaf pine. Oaks are the prevailing growth in this county. Gaston : About same as above, except that more pine is found in this county. Lincoln : Same. Mecklenburg : All the oaks grow here ; also hick- ory, ash, maple, birch, elm, poplar, and short-leaf pine and some walnut. Oak and hickory is the pre- vailing growth. Union : All the different oaks grow in this county, but not so abundant as in the counties named above. Short-leaf pine is the most abundant. Anson : White oak ; post, black, red, Spanish and water oak ; hickory, poplar, ash, elm, sweet gum ; birch, short-leaf pine. South-east part of county has some long-leaf pine. — T. W. W. Caldwell, Wilkes, Alleghany, Ashe, Wa- tauga, Mitchell, Yancey, Burke. (Area, 3,468 sq. miles ) — Patterson, Aug. 29, 1882. — .... I now address myself to your questions, and give first a list of all the trees that I can now remember as native THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 211 here. 2d. Such as are of commercial value. 3d. Acreage and location. Native forest growth of Caldwell County. — Oaks ; White, black, red, Spanish, chestnut, water, post, scrub, black jack. Chestnut, one kind. Pine : Yel- low, white, spruce or hemlock, black, alligator (?), old-field, balsam or fir. Hickory : White, red, scaly- bark. Maple : Sugar, bird's-eye, white, curly, black. Holly, one kind. Red elm. Red cedar. Locust: White, yellow, and black. Botanists may not admit this distinction, but there is a difference. Walnut : Black, Avhite. Poplar : Yellowy white. Beech, one kind. Sycamore, one kind. Birch: White. Ash, one kind. Linn, one kind (spelling not vouched for). Cucumber (Magnolia cucumifera). Dogwood. Per- simmon. Mulberry: White, yellow. Wild Cherry. Mahogany, or Mountain Birch (local name). Wahoo (spelling doubtful). Slippery Elm. Catalpa. Aspen. Willow : White, golden, weeping. Buckeye. Such as are of commercial value, and their uses. — White Oak ; (ship timber, wagons, staves.) Chest- nut ; (furniture panels, etc.) YelloAv Pine ; (lum- ber.) White Pine; (lumber, sash, doors, blinds.) Hickory ; (wagon material, handles, etc. All these kinds used, but white the best). Maple : Bird's-eye, Curly; (furniture, panels, etc. White and Black used for heavy frame-work for machines requiring strength and durability.) Holly; (to some extent for furniture, but more for spools, bobbins, etc.) Locust, yellow; (ship pins and posts.) Walnut, 212 THE FOEESTS OF NORTH CAEOLINA. black ; (furniture, ornamental work.) Poplar, yellow ; (shingles and lumber.) I think this wood would be excellent for patterns for foundries, but is as yet un- tried. Ash ; (wagons, handles, panels.) Dogwood ; (shuttles.) Persimmon ; (shuttles.) Wild Cherry ; (furniture and ornamental work.) In addition to the above, the chestnut oak is valuable for its bark for tanning purposes, for which it is more valuable than all other trees. Remarks. — The southern one-third of the county of Caldwell, or that part drained by tiie Catawba River, has a uniform and heavy growth of yellow pine, to the exclusion of every other growth. This covers an area of perhaps one hundred square miles, in forest. North of this, on the spurs and in the valleys of the Brushy Mountain range, is a forest growth of great and remarkable variety, embracing all the oaks, poplars, and to some extent nearly all the trees enu- merated above, with the exception of the balsam or fir. The prevailing growth, however, is oak, hickory, and chestnut. Still north of this, and between the* Yadkin River and the top of the Blue Ridge, come in the walnut and cherry, cucumber, locust, maples, and white pine ; and in the extreme north, along the high peaks of the Blue Ridge, the balsam, which is only valuable for the aromatic and medicinal gum found in blisters on its outer bark. As I have already remarked, our forests are greatly THE FORESTS OF KORTH CAROLINA. 213 diversified except in the southern part of the county, where the yellow pine prevails. In order to give you an approximate idea of the location of these forests, I will say that in the southern part of the county there is an area of yellow pine covering 65,000 acres. In the central part of the county, from west to east, is the oak, hickory, chestnut, etc., em- bracing about 102,000 acres. * North of this, toward the top bf the Blue Ridge, comes in all the white pine, walnut, cherry, etc., that we have ; and I suppose we might say that here the white pine was the prevailing growth, covering at a rough estimate 122,000 acres. So that we have a total wooded area as follows : Yellow pine, 65,000 acres Oak, hickory, etc., • - • 102,000 " White pine, 122,000 " Total forest area, .... 289,000 acres What has been said of Caldwell applies equally, except perhaps as to geographical location of the forests, to the counties of Wilkes, Alleghany, Ashe, Watauga, Mitchell, Yancey, and Burke, except that in Caldwell alone will you find au}^ considerable quantity of yellow pine, and in all the others men- tioned, except Wilkes and Burke, there is more white pine than we have. Outside of these north- western counties above mentioned you will find no white pine in North Carolina worth mentioning. There is also more clierr}', walnut, and ash in 214 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Ashe, Watauga, Mitchell, and Yancey than we have, and this valuable timber extends on west to Duck- town in large quantities and great perfection. Of the other north-western counties noted above, I estimate the wooded areas as follows : Wilkes, 480,000 acres Alleghany, 179,200 " Ashe, 216,000 " Watauga, 245,400 " Mitchell, 260,000 " Yancey, 234,000 " Burke, 302,000 " E. J. Cat^iden. (280 square miles.) South Mills, Aug. 24, 1882. — There is considerable Long-Leaf Pine (Lob- lolly) in this county. Half of our lands are in the primitive forest, and at least 20 per cent, of the growth of timber now standing is this kind of pine. Our swamps, which cover at least one-fifth of the area of Camden, abound in juniper and cypress (both kinds very valuable), of which 60 to 75 per cent, have been removed. Some oak is still standing, but has mostly been cut, not over 10 per cent, remaining. No other kinds of valuable timber remaining in the county. — F. N. M. Carteret. (525 square miles.) — Sanders' Store, Sept. 26, 1882. — The timber in our forests consists of long-leaf and short-leaf pine, as the principal and most abundant kinds ; the various kinds of oaks, the THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 215 most abundant kinds being the red and black-jack va- rieties. Our swamps abound with oak and cypress. We have some hickory, but of smaller size. — J.W. S. Cabarrus. (400 square miles.) — Pioneer Mills, Aug. 26, 1882, — We have short-leaf (yellow) pine, hick- ory, post, black, red, white and Spanish oaks. Oaks of the different varieties (interspersed with pine in cer- tain sections) are the prevailing growth. But little walnut or finer woods. In the better sections of lands timber is very scarce. In the poorer sections timber more abundant and of but little value now. — J. C. B. Catawba. (375 square miles.) — Hickory, Sept. 6, 1882. — We have very little walnut and hickory. Our forests are of yellow pine, white, post, black and red oaks. Pine is the principal growth. — H. . Chatham. (825 square miles.) — Pittsboro, Sept. 11, 1882. — Our forests consist of oaks, hickory, dog- wood, walnut, old-field pine. The different varieties of oak, the prevailing growth. — J. A. A. Caswell. (400 square miles.)— Leasburg, Aug. 22, 1882. — In quantity the oak predominates ; white, red, post oak, Spanish, black and willow oak, are found in abundance in all original forests, in every part of the county, and in the western portion the chestnut oak is abundant. Hickory is next most abundant. The pine is in all the original forests fast passing away, though there are sections of the county in which this valuable tree is abundant. There is little or no walnut now in our forests, but there are 216 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. many large old walnuts, that, though scattered, would afford large quantities of valuable timber. The dog- wood is abundant, and is in all parts of the county ; so is the persimmon. The poplar (tulip) is not abun- dant, yet there is a good quantity of this valuable tim- ber in all our forests. The gums (both sweet and black) are common ; so is the sycamore. Apart from our original forests there are large tracts of country covered with forests of pines, which is a valuable local timber used in the construction of tobacco houses and log dwelling houses and other buildings important to the husbandman and cultivator of the soil. So much of the land of Caswell is now covered with a growth of trees, called here the "second growth," of a mixed character, with oak, hickory, pine, gum and dogwood, etc., prevailing, that it sometimes proves difficult to ascertain the end of the second growth and the beginning of the original forest ; and there are such extensive tracts grown up in young pine, which if left alone a few years will become forests indeed, that it would not be an over estimate to say that one-half of the land of Caswell county was either in original forest or in process of making forests. — G. N. T. Cleveland. (425 square miles.) — Cleveland Mills, Aug. 25, 1882. — Our forests are composed principally of the usual variety of oaks, black, red, Spanish, wdiite and post oak, with some chestnut oak on the high ridges and mountains, yellow pine, hickory ; and on the low lands and streams white maple, beech, birch THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 217 and sycamore. Chestnut is abundant in the moun- tain j)ortion of the county, and a considerable amount of wild or black locust. Our woods, especially " old fields," as they are called here, also abound in dog- wood. When our ancestors '^tvore out'' a piece of land and abandoned its cultivation it never failed to bring an abundant crop of ••' old field " pine. It has very little heart, and for exposed parts is not durable, but still it is quite valuable for many purposes, grow- ing very tall and thick on the ground. We also have the persimmon, a very hard wood. Walnut is scarce here, though there is a little black walnut in the mountains, and a few domestic trees around the farms. The prevailing growth is yellow pine, a vari- ety of oaks and hickory. Taking the whole county over there is about 50 per cent, in virgin forest. With the lands covered with second or old field growth there may be 60 or 65 per cent, in timber. — H. F. S. Cumberland. (950 square miles.) — Fa3^etteville, Aug. 25, 1882. — I have, with the aid of others, with some care made an approximate estimate of the prin- cipal woods of this county, statement appended : Number of acres, 4*^5,000 Long-leaf Pines, 350,000 Converted into lumber would make, 350,000,000 ft. On same lands Short-leaf in bottoms and swamps, 50,000,000 " Poplars, 150,000,000 " Cypress, 400,000,000 " 218 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Black, sweet and other gums, . . 300,000,000 £t. Juniper, 60,000,000 " Beech, 50,000,000 " White, water and red oak, . . . 50,000,000 " Besides considerable quantities of dogwood, hick- ory, bull bay, mulberry ; and in river bottoms and adjacent, sycamore and black walnut. — J. D. W. Cumberland, Harnett, Moore, Chatham, Randolph, Guilford, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Yadkin, Wilkes, Caldwell, Mitchell. (Area 7,656 square miles.) Route of Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Hailroad. — Extracts from Special Report of State Creologist Kerr. — " The above facts — the variety of soils, the wide range of temperature, and the abundant rainfall, have, of course, found expression in a correspondingly great range of natural products, the flora having a really continental breadth and va- riety, from the palmetto and live oak on the one hand, to the white pine and Canadian fir on the other, so that what I have said in the geological report of the variety and richness of the forests of the entire State may be applied with scarce a modification to this tract, which includes both the extremes that gave its unique breadth of climatic and botanical character- istics to the whole. That is, there are about one hundred species o:^ woods — more than in all Europe ; of twenty-two species of oaks in the United States (east of the Rocky Mountains), nineteen are found here ; all (eight) of the pines ; four out of five spruces ; all (five) of the maples ; both of the wal- THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 219 nuts ; three of the five birches ; six- of the eight hick- ories ; and all (seven) of the magnolias ; more spe- cies of oaks than in all the States north of us. It goes without saying that here is a source of business, of freights and manufactures capable of immediate and indefinite expansion and development. Of the tvi^enty kinds of timber admitted to the ship-yards of New York, nearly all are found here. The following is a partial catalogue of the commercial tind)ers com- mon to one or another section along this tract : Pine, six species ; white pine ; fir, three species ; hemlock ; juniper; cypress; red cedar; oak, fourteen species; hickory, six species ; walnut, two species ; chestnut ; beech ; black locust ; maple, three species ; ash, four species ; elm, three species ; cherry ; holly ; dogwood ; gum, two species ; sassafras ; palmetto ; magnolia (cucumber tree) ; persimmon ; poplar ; birch, two species ; sycamore ; tulip tree (poplar) ; linn (bass- wood) ; sixty-four species, valuable for their timber. Among these, a single species, the long-leaf pine, yields in timber and naval stores, products of 83,000,- 000 value annually; and the long-leaf pine belt is traversed by more than fifty miles of tlie C. F. & Y. V. R. R. There are many other trees and shrubs of less importance, or whose value consists less, or not at all, in their timber, but in their leaves or bark, as the sumac, sweet gum, cane, etc. ; and in addition to these, several hundred species of medicinal plants are gathered for export to all parts of the world (such as ginseng, hellebore, etc.), amounting to many thou- 220 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. sand tons a year, chiefly from the mountain section. Thus it will be Seen, that in these indigenous forest products are found the means and materials for large businesses and freights for an indefinite time ; and the value of these resources, and the demand for them, increases rapidly year by year, as the accessible forest regions of the continent are more and more rapidly suffering exhaustion. The shops of Pitts- burg, with their annual consumption of 50,000,000 cubic feet of timber, having exhausted the forests of several States, are already turning this way for their future supply ; and so of Cincinnati and of Chicago, as the forests of Michigan and Upper Wisconsin swiftly disappear. '•'Cape Fear Section of Route. — From the upper Cape Fear, above Fayetteville for 50 miles, will come large shipments of timber and naval stores, as heretofore. There are many hundreds of square miles of the long-leaf pine forests in this section yet to be opened to commerce. It will be seen, by refer- ence to the United States Census, that this trade amounts to more than three millions per annum, and a large part of it is concentrated along the Cape Fear. The returns for 1879 give the shipments of naval stores from Fayetteville as aggregating 96,000 barrels. ■''-Deep River Section. — In this section the long leaf pine and oak forests meet. There are some fine bodies of the latter along the river bottoms and those of its tributaries, and all over the intervening ridges and hills, for a dozen miles above the Gulf; and with THE FORESTS OF NOIITH CAROLINA. 221 the various species of oak are foiiiid other valuable woods — Avaliiut, hickory and dogwood, etc., in abun- dance. A company from Baltimore are making ar- rangements to ship large quantities of the two latter woods this season. ^'•Midland Section, — This portion of the tract in- cludes the upper part of Randolph and Chatham, a large part of Guilford and Forsyth, Stokes, Yadkin, Surry, Wilkes and Caldwell — a region of nearly as great extent, and of more varied and abundant re- sources, than some entire States. It contains wide stretches of the finest forests in their primeval state. They abound, in extraordinary richness, along the streams in the southern part of Guilford and along many of the intervening ridges, and on the upper waters of Haw River in the western and northern portions of the county ; and again on the head streams of the Dan, on the flanks of the Sauratown Mountains, and in the vallej'S of the Yadkin and its numerous tributaries that come down from the slopes of the Blue Ridge. These will furnish immense quantities of white oak, and other species of oak, hickory, walnut, poplar, while the uplands and ridges and the spurs of the mountains abound in hickory, dogwood, yellow pine, chestnut and black locust. And above Patterson there are large forests of white pine. '"'' Mountain Section. — The timber produrts of this section are also of immense extent. The largest and finest cherry and walnut timber grows in these moun- 222 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. tain coves, with curled maple and black birch (or mahogany). I have seen here forests of cherry, and have measured trees of more than three feet in diam- eter, and clear of limb for 75 feet. And almost un- broken forests of the heaviest oak timber ; and chest- nut, poplar, hemlock, white pine, linn, black locust and birch, mantle cove, ridge and mountain slope, to the highest summits." Currituck. (200 sq. miles.) — Baelie, Aug. 28, 1882. — The navy yard at Portsmouth, Va., has long since absorbed all the valuable oak. The avaricious and insatiable saw mills, together with the desire of every man who could buy a pair of oxen and " Car- ry-Log," have demolished and transported nearly all of our pine ; to such an extent have they carried on lumbering that many pieces or sticks will not measure 100 feet board measure. Holly all gone to the north- ern cities. Some cypress yet remains in inaccessible swamps. Juniper very scarce, but cheap buckets in abundance. This certainly looks like a gloomy re- port, but more truth than poetry. It is true we have some scattering small tracts of fair pine, but few in- deed. The prevailing growth now that reaches the vision is pine — pine saplings, sweet and black gum, and occasionally some poplar and hickory. I cannot inform you with accuracy of the wooded acreage, but I presume I would not be far from correct to say three-fifths.— W. H. C. Davie. (300 sq. miles.) — Farmington, August 29, 1882. We have the different kinds of oaks, white. THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 223 post, black and red oaks, hickory, popL^r, pine, ash, gum, wahiut, chestnut, dogwood, persimmon, etc. The prevailing growth is oak and short-leaf pine. The wooded acreage is about one-third — covered with oak and short-leaf pine. — G. W. J. Davidson. (600 sq. miles.) — Lexington, Sept. 30, 1882. — We have in our forests oaks, pine, persim- mon, walnut, and all the hard woods. The oaks pre- dominate, though pine is very abundant. Two thirds of the county in woodland. — J. H. W. Duplin. (725 sq. miles.)— Faison, Sept. 2T, 1882. — We have very little long-leaf pine left in the upper section of the county ; steam mills and forest fires have thinned it out. In a few years we can with much difficulty get timber enough to keep up fences and furnish firewood. Ours is the cotton section of the county. There is a good deal of timber in the lower part of the county away from the railroad. We have quite a number of large swamps in the county, well timbered with short-leaf pine, ash, pop- lar, maple, cypress, etc., — by estimation over 55,000 acres of good unimproved swamp land. Since the long-leaf pine has been used and burnt, the forest is covered with short-leaf pine, small oaks, and black jack.— W. E. 11. Edgecombe. (500 sq. miles.)— Old Sparta, Aug. 22, 1882. — Our forests are of long-leaf pine and cypress, the former largely predominating. Probably fifty per cent, of the land is in woods, but generally poorly timbered ; yet there is a sufficiency of both 224 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. pine and cypress for home consumption. The Sea- board and Raleigh Railroad, now building a bridge across the Tar at Tarboro, have imported a large portion of their timbers from South Carolina, not that such stuff could not be had in this section, but it is not now so accessible. — E. C. Franklin. (425 sq. miles.) — Louisburg, Sept. 9, 1882. — We have oak — many varieties, pine, hickor}^, ash, willow oak, maple, elm, beech, birch, gum — several kinds, sycamore, cedar, holly, locust, mul- berry, sassafras, some walnut — though not abundant, some cypress, and in fact all the varieties of forest groAv'th found in the central portion of the State. The prevailing growth in the original forests in the northern and western portion of the county is oak, hickory, yellow pine, dogwood, etc. ; in the southern and south-eastern portion of the county, added to these is the long-leaf pine. Old-field pine is abun- dant all over the county. About ten per cent, of the area of the county is in original forest of pine, oak, hickory, etc. There is a much larger acreage of old-field pine. — J. J. D. Forsyth. (350 sq. miles.)— Salem, Aug. 22, 1882. In some sections of our county there is considerable short-leaf pine, but the prevailing growth is oak, mixed with hickory and dogwood. We have some poplar, persimmon, etc. The chestnuts are dying out fast. Probably one third of the county is in forest, one third cut over and growing up in brush, old fields thrown out, and old-field pines, and one THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 225 tliird actually in cultivation. In these last years, timber has been cut very fast for building material, tobacco boxes, spokes and handles, and shuttle blocks, and especially as fuel for our growing towns, but I am happy to add that our " fence law " area is widening too, and tlie young growth on many an old hillside gives cheering promise for the future. — J. W. F. Gates. (375 sq. miles.) — Gatlington, Sept. 20, 1882. — Our forests contain pine, three varieties : long-strawed, medium-strawed or ordinary, and the short-strawed or rosemary; oak, several varieties, named in order of the prevailing varieties — red, wdiite, post, black jack, water, Spanish, turkey, chin- quapin, and the over-cup ; ash ; gum, sweet, black, and papaw; poplar, persimmon, juniper, cj^press, cedar, a sprinkling of mulberry, holly, maple, dog- wood, sour-wood, elm, beech, birch, and some few others. The long-leaved pine is confined mostly to the sand banks bordering the Chowan River, though it is found to some extent wherever the land is sandy. It has all been cut, or nearly so. The prevailing varieties are the ordinary pine, oak (red and white), gum (sweet and black), ash, hickory. I suppose fully three fourths of the area of this county is covered by forest, including old fields. There is a large quantity of pine timber and a good deal of oak. The pine, oak, and cypress are being rapidly cut and in a few years will all be gone. — J. J. G. 8 226 THE FORESTS OF NOETH CAROLINA. Gaston. (350 sq. miles.) — Gastonia, Aug. 23, 1882. — As to the kinds of timber in our forests, pine is the most numerous, both yellow and white. No long-leaf grows in our section. Our forests are about an equal mixture of all the different kinds of oaks, such as white, black, red, chestnut, Spanish, post, etc. There are also the pin and water oaks, which grow along the swamps and Avatercourses. The gum and black jack are found occasionally, but the larger portion of our forests is pine, and for the most part on the ridges. The most valuable land consists of hickory and dogwood, and occasionally the walnut. In the swamps, maple, ash, and birch are found. About three fifths of our land is yet forest, and a great portion of our poorest, worn-out old fields have grown up in old-field pines, and when cleared up produce cotton and wheat as well, if not better than new forest land. The supply of firewood timber is very plentiful, but valuable timber for rails, planks, shingles, etc , is becoming very scarce, and especially heart timber. Sap timber is inex- haustible, but the heart for rails, etc., is becoming so scarce that our county demands the fence law. — D. A. J. Graham. (250 sq. miles.) — Robbinsville, Aug 27, 1882. — Our forest woods are walnut, poplar, chest- nut, white oak, black oak, chestnut oak, red oak, Spanish oak and post oak, hickory, cherry, birch, linn, spruce pine, some yellow pine, and much white pine. Laurel and ivy are plenty in the mountain THE FOllESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 227 section. The timber I have named is of a good and large healthy growth, from 30 to 70 feet to the first limbs, from 2 to 6 feet in diameter. — J. J. C. Greene. (300 sq. miles.) — Hookerton, Aug. 24, 1882. — Our forests consist mainly of pine. On the high dry lands the original growth is pitch or long- strawed pine ; most of it has been boxed or bled, and consequently more or less damaged for lumber, but makes excellent fence. The slashes and low, flat lands have what we call slash or ehort-straw^ pine, which makes excellent building lumber for all pur- poses not too much exposed. The under or second growth on the ridges is oak. Our swamps have oak, ash, cypress, sweet gum, black gum, some hickory. Oak for timber is not very abundant. Cypress, pine, and gum are in abundance, though the cypress is not of the best quality. Walnut is very scarce. Our wooded acreage is about equal to the arable land. Say one-half our area is in wood ; about two-thirds of this is covered with pine, mostly long-leaf. All of the second growth of pine is short-leaf ; some of that makes good timber. — W. P. O. Granville. (750 sq. miles.) — Sassafras Fork, Aug. 26, 1882. — In this county the prevailing growth is white and post oak, hickory, and pine. In the northern part of the county about three-fourths is in original growth ; the balance about one-half. — R. O. G. Halifax. (710 sq. miles.) — Scotland Neck, Sept. 18, 1882. — The timber in our forests consists of long 228 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. and short-leaf pine, cypress, oak, maple, ash and hickory. The prevailing growth is long and short- leaf pine, and the different varieties of oak. The wooded acreage is about two-thirds of the county, say about 270,000 acres, covered with every variety of pine, oak, maple, cypress, ash and dogwood. The number of acres in original forest growth of the dif- ferent varieties of timber is believed to be about one- fifth or one-sixth of the wooded acreage. — R. H. S. Harnett. (550 sq. miles.) — Lillington, Oct. 10, 1882. — Long-leaf pine is the principal growth of our forests. We have some oak and hickory ; very little walnut. On the west side of the county there are 40,000 acres (in large tracts) of large, merchantable pine, what we call " ship timber." At present it is not near enough the railroad to be very profitable, but the proposed road from Goldsboro to Salisbury will make it so. Besides this, we have 100,000 acres of pine suitable for saw mills. — B. F. S. Henderson. (375 sq. miles.) — Edneyville, Sept. 16, 1882. — I send you a statement of the timber in this county. Common pine, white and spruce pine, oak, walnut, hickory, ash, chestnut, poplar, beech and locust. These timbers are all fine, large and tall. There has been in the last six months a large amount of locust pins shipped from this county and they are still shipping them. — R. E. Haywood. (750 sq. miles.) — Waynesville, Aug. 28, 1882. — We have an abundance of the following timbers ; Black walnut, white oak, red and black oak, THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 229 poplar, ash, chestnut, hickory, cherry, linden, buck- eye, birch, black gum, dogwood, maple, and a great variety of other species. We have also an abun- dance of laurel and ivy, from which very fine rustic work has been and is being made. As to pine timber, we have quite an abundance of spruce pine, some yellow pine, and an enormous quantity of balsam. The prevailing growths of the county are white oak, chestnut, hickory and poplar. — E. P. H. Iredell. (600 sq. miles ) — Statesville, Aug. 26, 1882. — The kinds of timber in our forests are, oak (white, black, red, post, Spanish, chestnut and indeed all varieties), short-leaf pine (white, soft and yellow heart), hickory, dogwood, sour-wood, poplar, maple, beech, walnut (white and black), etc. The forests of this county show a very great variety of timber. The prevailing growth is oak, pine and hickory. About one-third of the county is woodland. Of the timber land about one-half is covered by oak timber of the different varieties. — J. P. C. Johnston. (700 sq. miles.)— Smithfield, Sept 7, 1882. — Of timber in our forests the principal kinds are pine, oak, hickory, ash, maple and gum. The long-leaf pine is the prevailing growth. The acreage covered by the prevailing species is, I suppose, about two-thirds.— J. P. W. Jackson. (925 sq. miles.)— Webster, Sept. 12, 1882. — At least four-fifths of this county is yet forest. The prevailing growth is oak. The varieties are red oak, Spanish oak, black oak, white oak and post oak. 230 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Locust is found anywhere in the county and in great quantities in some places. Hickory grows promiscu- ously over the county, and it is very fine. Fine pop- lar is found in various parts. Buckeye, beech, birch, dogwood, ash, cucumber and others are found in the county.— W.H. H. H. Lincoln. (275 sq. miles.) — Macpelah, Aug. 28, 1882. — The timbers of our forests are short-leaf and old-field pine, all oaks of this region, dogwood, hick- ory, poplar, maple, cherry, walnut, beech and birch, linden, elm, ash, chestnut (mostly dead), sour-wood, sassafras. The prevailing growth is a mixture of pine and oak, with hickory in places ; bottoms have poplar and maple. In places, dogwood and sour- wood are largely intermixed with prevailing growth. Two-thirds of the county is in woods; much of it second growth, having been cut for charcoal. Amount of pine lumber for building sufficient for present, but not over-abundant. Shingle timber is already scarce, and oak much used for this purpose. — W. A. G. Moore. (825 sq. miles.)— Sanford, Sept. 8, 1882. — The kinds of timber in the forests of this county are as follows : Long and short leaf pine ; white, red, and post ook ; hickory, dogwood, with smaller quantities of juniper and ash. The prevailing growth is long-leaf pine. The wooded acreage is about 50 per cent. ; about 40 per cent, long-leaf pine, and about 10 per cent, of all others mentioned above. — J. D. McL Montgomery. (575 sq. miles.) — Troy, Aug. 30, THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 231 1882. — The timbers of our forests are : Pine, long and short leaf, oak, hickory, dogwood, maple, ash, poplar, and walnut. Long-leaf pine, oak, hickory, and dogwood prevail. The wooded acreage is 250,000, of which the long-leaf pine occupies about 80,000, the rest being taken up by oak, hickory, and dog- wood, with the other minor kinds mentioned. — C. c. w. Madison. (450 sq. miles.) — Marshall, Aug. 25, 1882. — The kinds of timber are poplar, white oak, white pine, hickory, ash, walnut, and some red oak and yellow pine. The prevailing growths are hick- ory, poplar, white oak, and ash. The wooded acre- age is about 80 per cent., and the acreage as covered by the prevailing growth about 75 per cent. In the mountains you find many parts covered w^ith buck- eye, linn; beech, dogwood, and cherry. The Avalnut and cherry are being cut very fast and sliipped to eastern markets. — W. W. R. Macon, Clay, Cherokee, Graham, Hayavood, Jackson, Swain. (3,910 sq. miles.) — Franklin, Aug. 26, 1882. — I give statement of timbers growing in IVIa- con County. Black oak, Spanish oak, white oak, post oak, chestnut oak, water or shingle oak ; chestnut, hickory (both red and white), poplar, linn, ash (both black and white), cucumber (two varieties), maple, black and white walnut, cherry, spruce pine or hem- lock, common black pine, white pine, black jack, sycamore, birch, holly, Peruvian tree, dogwood, sour- wood, persimmon, sarvis, black locust, yellow locust, 232 THE rORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. cedar (scarce), buckeye, black gum, slippery elm, beech, iron-wood, wild plum, sassafras, chinquapin, crab-apple. Of these timbers, the oaks are more generally distributed through our forests than any other; then chestnut, the hickory and poplar, etc. I have not the means at command to determine the percentage of uncleared forest as compared with the lands cleared and in cultivation, but I am inclined to believe that five-sixths of the whole area of the county are in unbroken forests. The oaks prevail throughout the whole territory of the county. Clay, Cherokee, Graham, Swain, Jackson, and Haywood produce similar growths ; and to the list herein given you may add balsam for the counties of Swain, Jack- son, and Haywood. — C. D. S. Hayesville, Clay County, May 8, 1882. — Five counties in the extreme western corner of North Carolina have since the Atlanta Exposition become centres of attraction to geologists, to metallurgists, and to all who have either a scientific or a practical knowledge of mines and mining. These are Swain, with its beautiful marbles of many colors ; Graham, abounding in free gold precipitated next the soft slate ; Cherokee, with its belts of iron, limestone, marble, and steatite, and its mines of gold, lead, silver, and mineral paint. The remaining two are Clay, in Avhich gold, corundum, mica, asbestos, soap- stone, and many gems are found ; and Macon, with its ores of copper and its mines of corundum, mica, asbestos, graphite, limestone, and a large variety of THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 233 precious stones. These are the most abundant min- erals of this district. Associated with them are many others belonging to the curiosities of geology, but without commercial value. Iron is much more abundant than any other of the useful metals, but gold is much more widely disseminated In a former letter some reference was made to the timbers of this country. An extended tour among these mountains since then has more than confirmed my opinion of the extent and vakie of these forests. I have seen colossal pines, chestnuts, and oaks ; hick- ory, maple, and beech trees four feet in diameter, and poplars thirty-six feet in circumference. There are spots in these mountains where the wild cherry attains a diameter of six feet and the sassafras four. The yellow locust also grows to be a large tree. A log of it lying across a branch where it has been used as a foot log the last thirty years seemed to be as sound at the heart as when it was felled. Persim- mons and dogwoods large enough for shuttle blocks are to be seen near all the streams. The local con- sumption of timber is inappreciable except where land is cleared for cultivation ; then the wasteful practice of girdling and subsequent burning is em- ployed. When track-laying begins, cross ties will be in demand. A market will be opened for timber suitable for trestles and bridges, and the work of forest destruction will be fairly inaugurated. When the road is completed, iron furnaces will be built and charcoal pits started. The bark of the chestnut and 234 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. oak will be sent to the Chattanooga tannery, the hickory will be turned into spokes and tool handles, and the poplar sawed into planks. At jDresent prices, and Avith the certainty of an early demand, no more profitable investment offers for idle capital than the forest land contiguous to these railroads in Swain and Cherokee counties. I have not seen a tract on the line indicated that will not be worth at least double its cost within the next two years, and many of them will bring a much higher percentage, because of their location and their adaptation to tillage.— Mn.F AV.DBB,UcUtorMio Haven CCo7m.-) Palladium, Mitchell. (250 sq. miles.)— Bakersville, Sept. 8, 1882.— We have in this county the following kinds of timber of importance : White oak, walnut, poplar, asli, hickory, cherry and white pine. The latter ex- clusively in the eastern part of the county. The greater part of the county is timber land. The acre- age of the different kinds would be in about the fol- lowing order; first, white oak; second, white pine; third, poplar ; fourth, ash ; fifth, liickory : sixth, wal- nut; seventh, cherry. — J. W. B. Nash. (525 sq. miles.)— Nash County, Sept. 11, 1882.— Northern and western portions of Nash : black, post, Spanish and white oaks, short-leaf pine. East- ern and Southern parts: long-leaf pine. Low lands : cypress, gum, poplar and maple — undergrowth, dog- wood, principally. I have no means to ascertain the wooded acreage. It is very different in different por^ tions. Generally about one-fourth to one-half under THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 235 fence, except in large tracts, then a much less per cent, under fence. Small tracts more under fence. The remainder is in old worn-out fields with the original growth about half and half. In some sec- tions large bodies in original growth ; some of oaks and some of pine ; but every year the acreage under fence is rapidly increasing and land rising in value. — J. W. B. New .Hanover, Pender, Duplin, Wayne, Wil- son, Edgecombe, Nash, Halifax. (Area, 4,360 sq. miles.) Route of Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, — Wilmington, Sept. 8, 1882.— The prevailing growth of timber from Wilmington to the Neuse river is long-leaf pine on the high lands, slash pine, with a sprinkling of scrub gum and maple, on the flats or low lands, with a little white oak. On the higher ridges there is a little red oak. The long-leaf pine in the neighborhood of the railroad has been used for tur- pentine and tar, and most of the oak timber has been gotten for staves. In the swamps there is a great deal of black gum, sweet gum, maple, ash and hickory, some little oak, the greater part being black gum, with occasional low places of cypress. Very little walnut. The same may be said from Neuse river to Fishing Creek, with an increased growth of red oak and hick- ory. Most of the long-leaf pine has, like the lower part, been exhausted. From Enfield to Weldon is short-leaf pine, in the swamps a good deal of beech, papaw, gum, and a considerable amount of small oak and hickory. 236 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. I understand that on the west side of the road from Wihiiington to Goldsboro, after a few miles, there are large quantities of valuable pine which has been bled for turpentine, and after you pass Goldsboro a great deal of very valuable timber a few miles from the road (long-leaf pine). As soon as you strike the red lands in Wilson, Nash and Halifax, you find considerable quantities of oak. Running from Fishing Creek in the direction of Raleigh there is a very large belt of long-leaf pine of first-class quality, varying from 3 to 6 or 8 miles wide, running in the direction of Raleigh. When it reaches the Little River country it seems to run in a direction further south, passing below Clayton, thence through the State, passing the lower edge of Wake and through Johnston county, through the most of Harnett, Cumberland, eastern part of Richmond and Robeson, being a great deal of valuable saw-mill tim- ber, some of which has been bled, some not. How far the line goes west of this I do not know, but my recent explorations of the line from Wilson to Shoe Heel show a great deal of valuable pine timber and some valuable white oak. The belt of timber running from Fishing Creek up towards Peach Tree, on towards Watson's Mill on the Neuse, is one of the finest sections of timber I know. In the Scotland Neck country, in the dividing ridge between Beach Swamp and the waters of the Roa- noke, thence continued on to a point between Tarboro THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 237 and Williamston, there is another valuable belt of long-leaf pine timber. On the Roanoke there are localities in which young walnut seems to spring up along the hedge rows as old-field pine does in other localities. I judge from the manner in which it springs up that it could be grown with ease in this district. Also in many other sections walnut could be grown. It is not in my power to give you the wood acreage and the acreage covered by prevailing species. You will find the timber indicated more by geological for- mation. As soon as you get into red or rocky lands the long-leaf pine disappears, and oak and hickory take its place. As you pass the Granite Falls there are gum swamps and cypress swamps. A description of one is a description of all. A description of one section of long-leaf pine country is nearly a description of all. The long-leaf pine extends above the line of Gran- ite Falls on Fishing Creek, Neuse River, Smiley's Falls, and the Falls in the Yadkin, varying at different points. Not a great deal of long-leaf pine in the secondary formation — it is principally confined to the tertiary. The various river bottoms of the Neuse, the Cape Fear, the Tar and the Roanoke, never had long-leaf pine on them. This soil seems to have been made from settlings from the up country. What there is in the tertiary formation tliat produces long- leaf pine, and what there is in the secondary forma- tion that precludes its growth except on the ridges, I cannot tell. — R. R. B. 238 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Northampton. (525 sq. miles.) — Rich Square, Sept. 7, 1882. — We have here almost every tree known, but principal growth is pine and oak on the high lands, with gum and cypress in the swamps. The hills or high lands are also interspersed with hickory, walnut, dogwood, and maple, and many other varieties in less quantity. I suppose one half the county is in forests, and one half that is thickly set in long-leaf pine. In the lower end of the county we have large quantities of the various kinds of oak and hickory, some walnut, sap pine (known as short- leaf), maple in abundance, etc. Then there are three large swamps in or partly in the county, which abound in magnificent C3^press trees and the different kinds of gum. — J. C. J. Orange. (675 sq. miles.) — Hillsboro, Sept. 8, 1882. — Our forest timbers are oak, hickory, gum, cedar, pine, elm, maple, walnut, sycamore, beech, birch. The prevailing growth is oak. One third of Orange is in forest, mostly oak. — J. W. Onslow. (725 sq. miles.) — Richlands, Aug. 22, 1882. — The long-leaf pines are the principal growth. There is a large quantity of waste or barren poor piney woodland, interspersed with strips of pocoson which have cypress and juniper. On the rivers and creeks are fine poplar, dogwood, holly, beech, maple, and sweet gum. The old fields are covered with spruce or short-straw pines. Elm, white oak, red oak, and hickory abound in the swamps and low ground, and the plantations have on their edges per- THE FORESTS OP NORTH CAROLINA. 239 simmon trees, plum and mulberry. There are some walnut trees, on the farms principally, and a few in the woods. There is at least sixty per cent, of the acreage of forest in the pine woods, — in many places splendid timber of the yellow long-leaf pine for saw- mills. The cedar tree also is interspersed all over the county, and may be found in the swamps and on plantations. Ash of the finest quality and in great abundance prevails in the low grounds and on the creeks and rivers, with a large quantity of sugar maple. New River, in Onslow, has timber in abun- dance on it, and steam saw-mills would do a good business ; could saw pine, cedar, gum, juniper, oak, ash, hickory, holl}^ beech, dogwood. There is an abundance of willow in the low grounds. — J. H. F. Pamlico. (875 sq. miles.) — Stonewall, Sept. 1, 1882. — We have all kinds of trees in our forest that are known in the State except chestnut. The pre- vailing growth is on our outlands, long and short straw pine, with oak (red and white), hickory, holly, etc. ; and in the swamp, yellow poplar, sweet and black gum, ash, juniper, and the over-cup and chest- nut oak, etc. The wooded acreage of our county is at least nine-tenths of the whole. — J. S. L. Pasquotank. (240 sq. miles.) — Elizabeth City, Aug. 30, 1882. — There are two distinct classes of timber in north-eastern North Carolina — swamp tim- ber and upland timber. The most valuable swamp timber is juniper and cypress, vast quantities of which have been and are still being cut and carried 240 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. to market. Most of it is manufactured out of the State. The prevailing growth on the highlands is pine. Immense quantities of this have also been cut and moved out of the State to be manufactured, but no inconsiderable quantity is manufactured in the State. In this county there are about fifteen mills for the manufacture of pine lumber. There are large quantities of timber still standing on the low and high lands, great as has been the drain during the past fifteen years. We have an abundance of wood of different kinds — oak, maple, sweet gum, ash, hick- ory, holly, poplar, etc., on the uplands, and bay, black gum, laurel, etc., in the swamps. Nearly or quite one-half of the area east of Roanoke River in this State is still wild ; probably one-fourth of that whole territory is swampy and not susceptible of cultivation. — F. V. Pender. (917 sq. miles.) — Burgaw, Aug. 21, 1882. — We have pine, oak, hickory, maple, sweet and black gum in abundance, and in several sections birch, willow, and walnut in quantities. The pre- vailing growth is long-leaf pine, oak, hickory, and maple. The wooded acreage is about two-thirds of the entire quantity. Number of acres in the county, 353,794, two-thirds of which is wooded land. The long-leaf pine covers about one-third of entire num- ber of acres, or half of the wooded land, amounting to 117,931 acres. The other half is about equally divided in the other growths, such as hickory, gum, etc.— W. T. E. THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 241 Perquimans. (225 sq. miles.) — Hertford, Sept. 29, 1882. — We have in this county pine, cypress, juniper, gums, oak, ash, beech, Avith a sprinkling of hickory, walnut, maple, dogwood, holly, and poplar. Long-leaf pine is the prevailing growth of the higli lands, and cypress and juniper of the swamp lands. Our pine lands have been in a large measure denuded of late years ; 400,000,000 feet of pine timber have been carried from this county to Norfolk and Balti- more in the log in the last ten years. There still remain about 10,000 acres uncut of pine, and about the same quantity of cypress and juniper. — T. G. S. Person. (400 sq. miles.) — Winstead, Sept. 20, 1882. — We have in our original forest in this county all of the oaks, hickory, short-leaf pine, poplar, some walnut, beech, birch, sweet and black gum, sour- wood, dogwood, etc. Our second growth consists mainly of pine, the gums, persimmon, elm, etc. This county is twenty miles square, and I suppose the original wooded acreage to be one-eighth of the whole ; the second growth, one-lialf of the whole. Original growth divided about as follows: pine, one- fourth ; oak, one-third ; hickory, one-eighth ; the re- mainder being poplar, beech, birch, walnut, etc. ; the second growth mainly pine, which makes fine build- ing material, etc. — A. J. H. Pitt. (825 sq. miles.)— Pitt County, Oct. 16, 1882. — The kinds of timber are pine, cypress, oak, gum, poplar ; the prevailing growth, pine and cypress. The wooded acreage I can only estimate from the lands 242 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. under my control — 8,000 acres, divided into three distinct farms. One-fourtli is cleared ; three-fourths in woods. Of the wood, one-half, perhaps three- fourths, is pine. — J. H. S. Polk. (300 sq. miles.) — Lynn, Aug. 28, 1882.— Polk County is rich in timber. Her lands on the south side of the mountains are very fine. On all low and flat lands, native short-leaf pine predomi- nates; some oak and hickory. On the mountain sides we have fine walnut, ash, chestnut, poplar, maple, locust, buckeye. One-half of the county is mountain or fine kinds of wood. One fourth of the land in Polk is cut off and cleared. — D. B. M. Randolph. (728 sq. miles.) — Ashboro, Sept. 12, 1882. — Kinds of timber are oak, pine, hickory, dog- wood, cedar, maple, gum, walnut, ash. The prevail- ing growth is oak and short-leaf pine. Wooded acre- age, two-thirds of the county. About five-sixths of the wooded acreage is covered by oak and pine in very nearly equal proportions. The northern part of the county is chiefly oak, and in the southern part pine prevails. — J. A. B. Richmond. (875 sq. miles.) — Rockingham, Aug. 25, 1882. — I estimate the area, in acres, as 500,000. Of this, probably 160,000 are devoted to agriculture. Nine-tenths of the original growth was long-leafed pine. Indeed all the county, except a narrow strip on the Pee Dee — in all not over sixty square miles — was of that species. In that small territory, and in the immediate vicinity of the streams which flow into THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 243 that river, there is still left some oak and hickory, but not enough for commercial purposes. It may be said, therefore, that our only timber in excess of local demand is the long-leafed pine. Most of this — say nine-tenths — has been boxed for turpentine, and thus to some extent damaged in its timber and lum- ber qualities. We have yet, especially off the line of the railroads, enough to make hundreds of millions of feet. The best and most extensive body of long- leafed pine, within my knowledge, is in Montgomery County, too far yet from transportation to be of much commercial value. — W. L. S. Rowan. (495 sq. miles.) — Salisbury, Aug. 21, 1882. — We have in our forests oak of all kinds, hick- ory, short-leaf pine, ash, black walnut, poplar, soft maple, elm. The prevailing growths are post, red, and Spanish oak ; plenty of short-leaf pine for home use ; other kinds of timber mixed very generally ; black walnut and hickory in abundance. One-third to one-fourth of the county is in timber, of which the different kinds of oak will make from one-half to two- thirds ; pine, one-half of the balance. — L. B. Rockingham. (550 sq. miles.) — Leaksville, Sept. 9, 1882. — Our county abounds in oak, pine(short-leaf), hickory, walnut and dogwood. One-third of the county is in cultivation ; one-third in original forest ; one-third waste land, being rapidly improved by old- field pine.— J. P. D. Robeson. (1150 sq. miles.) — Shoe Heel, Sept. 25, 1882. — The prevailing growth of our forests is long- 244 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. leaf pine, botli yellow and pitch pine. In our swamps (of which w^e have a considerable quantity) black gum and cypress prevail, with some oak and ash. The large timber accessible to the navigable streams and railroads has been cut off, but there is still a very large amount of timber suitable for lumber all over the county. There are many large areas of large pine timber remote from the streams and railroads yet untouched, that will, when we have railroad fa- cilities, afford an immense amount of timber and lumber.— M. M. Rutherford. (475 square miles.) — Island Ford, Sept. 11, 1882. — We have in this county white oak, red oak, black oak, post oak, live oak, chestnut oak, in fact nearly all the oaks ; two kinds of hickory — white and the common hickory, black walnut, short- leaf or yellow pine and (as fine as you ever saw and a plenty of it) hemlock near the mountains, poplar, ash, birch, beech, locust. About three-fourths of the acreage of the county is in timber yet. — J. L. M. Sampson. (850 sq. miles.) — Clinton, Oct. 20, 1882. — The kinds of timber are long and short-leaf pine; water, red, Spanish, white, black-jack oaks; hickory, poplar, gum — sweet and black, dogwood, persimmon, cedar, elm, juniper, cypress, walnut. The prevailing growth is long-leaf pine. The wooded acreage about 65 per cent., and about the same per cent, of that covered by long-leaf pine. — E. T. B. Surry. (500 sq. miles.) Elkin, Sept. 11, 1882. The prevailing growth is white, red, black, Spanish THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 245 and chestnut oaks, yellow or short-leaf pine, ash, wal- nut, hickory, beech, birch, mahogany, cliestnut, ma- ple, poplar, etc. Wooded acreage is about three- fourths of the county, and one-half of whole county is in oaks, pine, hickory, etc. — R. R. G. Transylvania. (440 square miles.) — Zachary's, Sept. 14, 1882. — This county from north to south is 34 miles ; from east to west, 29 miles. The valley of the French Broad is from one to five miles wide, and about 20 miles long within this county. With the exception of said valley (and it has a great deal of young oak timber), the county is almost one unbroken forest. There is an abundance of the various kinds of oak, chestnut, hickory, poplar, white and spruce pine, and in some portions good yellow pine, some walnut, cherry, beech, mountain birch, locust (in abundance), linn, buckeye, etc., with all the various kinds of small timber peculiar to a ridge country. — J. Z. Tyrrell. (325 sq. miles.)— Tyrrell County, Oct. 3, 1882. — Our forests are of long-leaf pine, oak, juni- per, gum, ash and cypress. The wooded acreage is at least 75 per cent., 50 per cent, of juniper and c}^- press ; 25 per cent of pine and oak. — W. 11. H. C. Wake. (1,050 sq. miles.)— Ralcigli, Oct. 27, 1882. — A greater variety of timber trees are to be found in Wake County than in any other county in the State. In point of value the long-leaf pine comes first, covering at least one-third of the area of the county, and extending from the Johnslon to the Chatham line, 246 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. and from Harnett to within three miles of the City of Raleigh. Short-leaf pine is the prevailing growth in nearly every other part of the county. Cedar pine grows on Buffalo Creek, and cypress and juniper abound on Little River, Buffalo and Moccasin. Syc- amore, walnut, oak and hickory are the spontaneous growth of all parts of the county. Every known variety of oak is to be found in its borders. Large white oaks suitable for ship building are abundant on all the tributaries of the Cape Fear and the Haw. Every known variety of oak can be found in its borders. Hickory, black and red oak grow spontaneously. I was once riding in a park of three hundred acres belonging to an English member of Parliament ; I observed that all the oaks were post oaks, and so re- marked to him. He replied, "Oh! I can show you three varieties." I told him in my town in America I could point him out twenty varieties of red oak alone. This he evidently thought a mistake, and on my return I sent him twelve varieties of red oak acorns found in the yard of Dr Hogg and in Capitol Square. I sent in the same package, also, acorns of the chestnut and white oaks, and in acknowledging the receipt of the same he said : " The great variety of Qaercus Rubra is marvellous, some of them must be hybrids, but the acorns of the chestnut and white oaks have attracted the most attention on account of size. I have divided them with the Earl of EUesmere, who has caused them to be carefully planted." THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 247 Many trees, such as olives, English walnuts and pecans, grow well in North Carolina. The pecan grows luxuriantly, and every farmer in the State ought to plant the nuts on his farm. They grow very vigorously in all parts of the State, and particularly so in the alluvial soil of the east, and every nut planted in November or December w^ll germinate. The trees are much valued on the Mississippi for fat- tening hogs. I have a tree in my yard that at eigh- teen years of age bore five bushels of nuts. The nuts sell readily for twenty cents a pound, and as a crop for profit I think them well worthy of consid- eration. — R. B. H. Warren. (450 sq. miles.) — Ridgeway, Sept. 9, 1882. — The prevailing grow^ths of our forests are pine (short-leafed), and oak (white, red, Spanish and post) ; other growths are dogwood, hickory, gum, walnut, etc. The acreage in forest is 55 per cent., as follows ; pine 30 per cent., oak 25 per cent. — P. 11. A. Wayne. (550 sq. miles.)— Fremont, Sept. 6, 1882. — We have in this county, oaks, hickorj^ gum, ash, mulberry, dogwood, walnut, etc., in small quantities ; long-leaf and short-leaf pine the prevailing growth. About 40 per cent, of the county is woodland, 25 per cent, in pine timber. — W. E. F. Wilson. (350 sq. miles.) — Stantonsburg, Sept. 4, 1882. — Our forests are principally pine, witli oak, hickory, poplar, and some walnut. The prevailing growth is the long-leaf pine, except on Toisnot Swamp and Big Contentnea Creek, where are oak. 248 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. hickory, poplar, and some short-leaf pine. There is also sweet gum, black gum, and dogwood, ash, etc. I think about sixty per cent, of the county is in forest, forty per cent, cleared. Of the sixty per cent, in forest, the long-leaf pine covers seventy, and the other kinds mentioned the remainder. The timber sawed into lumber is ninety per cent. pine. The same remarks would apply to the counties of Greene, Wayne, a part of Nash, Johnston, and Edgecombe, except that the latter is about equally divided in forestry and cleared. — G. W. S. Watauga. (475 sq. miles.) — Shull's Mills, Aug. 31, 1882. — The forests of Watauga County are very heavily wooded, and originally covered the whole surface except the rock cliffs on the mountains and the beds of the rivers. They now include about four- fifths of the acreage of the county. The prevailing growths are oak, chestnut, poplar, hickory, maple, sugar tree (or sugar maple), hemlock (or spruce pine), white pine, cherry, ash, linden, cucumber, buckeye, gum, birch (or mountain mahogany), beech, walnut, sour-wood, dogwood, etc. The first eight are the most abundant. All the forest growths of the county are so mixed together that I cannot give a reliable estimate of the acreage of each. Tlie pre- vailing growth depends very much on the exposure and elevation of the surface, and the surface is so varied that almost every square mile of the county has a considerable variety of elevation and exposure, and consequently of prevailing growths of timber THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 249 on the different portions of it. Since the railroad reached Cranberry the lumbermen have invaded the county, and secured most of the cherry trees at al- most nominal prices. But there will be enough val- uable timber of many kinds in the county to furnish heavy railroad freights for many years. — W. W. L. Wayne, Johnston, Wake, Durham, Orange, Alamance, Guilford, Davidson, Ro^yAN, Ca- barrus, Mecklenburg. (Area, 6,351 sq. miles.) Route of the North Carolina Railroad. — N. C. R. R., Sept. 25, 1882. — Beginning at Goldsboro, the upper edge of Wayne, through Johnston to the lower edge of Wake County, you will find the long-leaf pine to be the prevailing species of timber on the uplands, mixed with some oak and hickory, mostly red oak and Spanish oak. On the rivers and creeks you will find it more extensively grown with white oak, sweet gum, black gum, poplar, and cypress of large size. Through this section about one-half the acreage is yet in forest, mostly of the original growths. Upon some of the uplands once in cultivation and since turned out, has grown up the old-field pine, which soon covers the lands with a thick growth of timber. From the lower edge of Wake County, through Durham County, to the lower edge of Orange County, you will find the white oak and post oak, mostly on uplands, to be the prevailing growtli, mixed witli what is termed the rosemary pine, with a sprinkling of the long-leaf pine, in some places as far up as sixt}-- five miles from Goldsboro. Tlie rosemary pine ex- 250 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. tends as far up as eighty miles from Goldsboro. On the uplands and on the rivers and creeks through this section you find it more extensively grown with poplar, sweet gum, maple, cypress, hickory, and some black walnut, ash, etc. The acreage in this section is about half in forest, mostly of the original growths. Dogwood and sour-wood grow very extensively in some parts of this section on the uplands, creek and ^ river bottoms. From the lower edge of Orange County to the upper edge of Alamance County to Company Shops, you will find the post oak and white oak still in most places to be the prevailing species both on up and lower lands, mixed with red oak, black oak, hickory, ash, maple, sweet gum, walnut, dogwood, and sour- wood. Cedar grows somewhat in this section, though not generally of very large size. The acreage is not quite half in the original forest, the lands having been more extensively cleared, and the old-field pine not growing up so readily on these red lands as in more sandy sections. — W. P. R. Greensboro, October 14, 1882. — In Alamance County, west of Shops, the kinds of timber are oak, short-leaf pine, hickory, sweet and black gum, dog- wood, maple, and poplar. The prevailing growth is of oak and hickory. The wooded acreage is about one-half of the original entire acreage. The acreage covered by prevailing growth is about three-eighths of original entire acreage. In Guilford County the kinds of timber are oak. I THE FORESTS OF NOllTH CAROLINA. 251 black jack, liickoiy, poplar, sweet and black gum, maple, and second growth pine. The prevailing growth, oak, black jack, hickory. The wooded acre- age is about three-eighths of the original acreage of forest. The acreage covered by prevailing growth is about one-fourth of the original acreage of forest. In Davidson County the kinds of timber are oak, black jack, short-leaf pine, hickory, gum (sweet and black), maple, elm, poplar, and dogwood. The pre- vailing growth, oak, short-leaf pine, and black jack. The wooded acreage, about one-half of the original forest acreage. The acreage covered by prevailing growth is about one-fourth of original acreage of forest. In Rowan County the kinds of timber are oak, hickory, second growth pine, short-leaf pine, dog- wood, maple, sweet and black gum, poplar, and elm. The prevailing growth, oak and short-leaf pine. The wooded acreage is about one-fourth of original forest acreage. The acreage covered by prevailing growth is about one-eighth of original forest acreage. In Cabarrus County the kinds of timber are oak, short-leaf pine, hickory, second growth pine, dog- wood, maple, sweet and black gum, elm, poplar, and persimmon. The prevailing growth, short-leaf pine, oak, and second growth pine. The wooded acreage is about one-half of the original forest acreage. The acreage covered by prevailing growth is about one- fourth of original forest acreage. In Mecklenburg County, the kinds of timber are 252 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. oak, black jack, and second growth pine. The pre- vailing growth, black jack and second growth pine. The wooded acreage is about one-fourth of original forest acreage. The acreage covered by prevailing growth is about one-eighth of the original forest acreage. — W. H. P. Wake, Chatham, Moore, Richmond. (Area, 3,575 sq. miles.) — Route of Raleigh and Augusta Rail- way. — Gary, Aug. 9, 1882. — Wake County. Kind of trees are pine, oak, hickory, gum, maple, poplar, and dogwood. The prevailing growth is about equally divided between pine and oak. Acres covered by the prevailing growth, about one-fourth. Chatham County. Kind of trees about the same as in Wake. Prevailing growth, pine, oak, and hick- ory. Acres covered by prevailing growth, about one- third. Moore County. Kind of trees, pine, a few oaks, and hickory ; gam, poplar, cypress, junijDer, and black jack. Pine largely prevailing. Acres covered by prevailing growth, three-fourths. Richmond County. Kind of trees, oak, poplar, gum, cypress, juniper, black jack, and pine: the last- named largely prevailing. Acres covered by pre- vailing growth, about two-thirds. — H. P. G. Union. (650 sq. miles.)— Monroe, Sept. 8, 1882.— Our forests abound in short-leaf pine, hickory, black, red, and white oak, with some walnut. The wooded acreage is about one-third of the county. — J. D. S. Vance. — Henderson, Aug. 25, 1882, — Pine (short- THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 253 leaf), oak, liickory, poplar, gum, and dogwood in our forests. In original forest, about ten per cent, of the county ; in pine, twenty per cent. — E. G. B. Yadkin. (328 sq. miles.) — Huntsville, Sept. 4, 1882. — The kinds of timber in our forests are prin- cipally white, black, post, red, and Spanish oak, hick- ory, pine, black and sweet gum, some maple and sycamore, some black walnut, poplar in abundance ; also ash, dogwood, sour-wood, and different varieties of elm. Oak is the prevailing growth. Fifty per cent, of the land is in woods. Worn-out lands are covered with old-field pine. Lands that were worn out thirty years ago, which were grown up in pine, are now growing up in oak, the pines dying out. Plenty of all kinds of timber named in this county for all purposes for which such timber is used. — T. L. Long-leaf Pine Supply. — Forestry Bulletin No. 8, from the United States Census Office, gives the amount of merchantable pine — Long-leaved Pine (Pinus Australis) — standing in fifteen counties as follows: Bladen, .... 288,000,000 feet Brunswick, Chatham, Columbus, . Cumberland, Duplin, Harnett, . Johnston, . Moore, . 141,000,000 448,000,000 288,000,000 806,000,000 21,000,000 486,000,000 563,000,000 504,000,000 254 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. New Hanover, Onslow, . Robeson, Sampson, Wake, Wayne, . Total, . 96,000,000 feet 34,000,000 864,000,000 . 602,000,000 48,000,000 40,000,000 5,229,000,000 feet i APPENDIX A Swamp Land Timber in Duplin and Pender. — Kenansville, April 4, 1883. — Without doubt, Du- plin and Pender Counties have the largest known bodies of cypress timber this side of the lower Mississippi bottoms. Citizens own in Duplin County of pure mud swamps in square miles, 80 State owns in Duplin County of pure mud swamps in square miles, 25 Making in all, 105 At least 30 miles square of this swamp land may be considered as cypress timber ; and about the same amount is gum ; there are about 5 miles square, each, of sweet gum and ash. The remainder is made up of a growth of poplar, maple, spruce pine, hickory, birch, holly, elm, oak and hornbeam. In this county (Duplin) there are large bodies of cork gum, known as " tasteless wood^^ very valuable for packing-boxes for bread, cakes and candies ; it is similar to the Mississippi river bottom gum, used in St. Louis, Mo., for packing crackers for shipment to India. A portion of the swamps of Duplin and Pender are remarkable for being underlaid with marl ; and 2545 THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. in some instances it is only two or three feet below the surface. In Pender County, east of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, owned by citizens, of overflowed land, in square miles, 31 Owned by the State, 175 206 In the interior of Holly Shelter Pocoson there are known to be drain bottoms or basins extending nearly across the entire length of the pocoson, which is 40 miles long ; these basins are covered by a fine growth of cypress timber. About two thirds of this pocoson is in Pender County, the remainder in Onslow. But it would be impossible to give a correct estimate of the area of this great interior basin of timber ; as this- pocoson has never been fully explored, nor even crossed except at the most accessible points. There are also great bodies of timber, viz. : cypress,, oak, ash, poplar, maple, sweet gum, holly and sour gum, in the basins of Angola Pocoson and the North- East River Swamp ; this river swamp extends across the entire County and is from one to two miles wide. In this swamp, maples 3 feet through are common ; holly is found 2i feet in diameter ; sweet gums from 8 to 9 feet through are found, and occasionally swamp pines are found that are from 5 to 7 feet in diameter. It is more than probable that if all the cypress timber in Pender County was separated and laid down in one body that it would make (60) sixty square THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 234:0 miles of this one kind of timber that is so valuable. And yet, all this great mine of wealth is almost liter- ally hermetically sealed to the outer world by reason of overflow and the perpetual miry condition of the swamps ; although so easily reached by only a little labor and effort. From time immemorial it has been known as a re- markable fact that hogs raised and kept in Holly Shel- ter and Angola Pocosons are always free from all kinds of diseases, even the fatal hog cholera : they feed upon a starchy, tuberous root, called by the natives tuckahoe, and get very fat in the fall when the root fully matures ; it is supposed by many that this root being eaten by the hogs prevents cholera. In an isolated spot in east Du2:)lin, a beautiful speci- men of climbing fern has been found, which is an ev- ergreen and grows to the height of 4 feet ; it belongs to the family of climbing ferns found in the moun- tains of Japan. There has been found in Pender County a tree or- chid new to North Carolina. In the same county, in the interior of Holly Shelter Pocoson, there has been found a floating plant heretofore only found in Aus- tralia. It is more than probable that there are yet other strange and rare plants to be found in tlie North-East River basin. Dr. A. E. Anderson of Wilmington first used Creep- ing Huckleberry, V. crassifolium, [see Hale's For- estry, page 142,] in the practice of medicine; but 254c? THE FORESTS OF NORTH CAEOLINA. now some of the largest druggists in the United States are using an extract from this plant in a preparation they put up for the dropsy. The medical virtue of this plant corresponds with that of buchu ; and could very properly be termed North Carolina buchu. — W. L. Y. THE Farms of North Carolina. ACRES OF LAND IN FARMS IN EACH COUNTY OF NORTH CAROLINA, ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF 1880. County. Improved. Unimproved. The State, . . . 6,481,191 15,882,367 Alamance, .... 77,799 129,269 Alexander, 48,985 97,680 Alleghany, .... 74,747 75,278 Anson, 90,001 192,787 Ashe, 117,174 169,988 Beaufort, 44,887 228,538 Bertie, 85,504 202,533 Bladen, 40,563 310,501 Brunswick, .... 19,399 307,680 Buncombe, 99,603 241,940 Burke, 44,496 140,623 Cabarrus, 90,514 110,129 Caldwell, 47,405 160,174 Camden, 36,757 66,901 Carteret, 22,472 69,660 Caswell, 89,885 147,249 Catawba, 78,080 141,593 Chatham, 126,940 302,306 Cherokee, .... 30,668 152,041 Chowan, 36,052 49,180 Clay, 17,691 71,954 Cleveland, 87,691 176,248 256 THE FARMS OF NORTH CAROLINA. County. Improved. Unimproved. Columbus, .... 39,031 363,443 Craven, 52,392 199,199 Cumberland, .... 59,639 314,948 Currituck, 41,170 56,846 Dare, 2,553 23,436 Davidson, 129,664 209,331 Davie, 66,810 85,607 Duplin, 73,061 307,473 Edgecombe, .... 136,015 135,422 Forsyth, 79,350 135,773 Franklin, 90,118 175,132 Gaston, 70,672 130,673 Gates, 49,984 107,702 Graham, 8,551 53,892 Granville, .... 150,127 240,186 Greene, 75,942 86,828 Guilford, 148,392 208,261 Halifax, 137,245 217.,754 Harnett, 42,927 186,107 Haywood, 52,132 118,170 Henderson, .... 45,445 114,818 Hertford, 55,857 130,261 Hyde, 33,153 42,772 Iredell, 112,365 211,716 Jackson, 32,853 140,413 Johnston, 107,585 315,235 Jones, 53,605 139,324 Lenoir, 85,809 128,034 Lincoln, 57,523 112,832 McDowell, 38,795 126,993 Macon, 39,370 178,679 Madison, 69,087 164,488 Martin, 57,030 184,883 Mecklenburg, .... 146,243 147,164 Mitchell, 42,572 108,687 Montgomery, .... 48,117 192,952 THE FARMS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 257 County. Moore, . Nash, . . . New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, . . Orange, . Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, . . Perquimans, Person, Pitt, . . . , Polk, . . . Randolph, . Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, . . , Rutherford, . Sampson, . . Stanly, Stokes, . . . Surry, . Swain, . . . Transylvania, Tyrrell, . . . Union, . . Wake, . . . Warren, Washington, . Watauga, Wayne, . Wilkes, . . Wilson, . . . Yadkin, . . Vancey, . 9 Improved. 70,922 85,085 7,715 99,885 56,768 86,401 17,525 51,770 38,699 54,433 76,797 107,255 21,762 100,888 76,067 120,480 84,188 110,178 66,698 121,469 61,279 57,393 81,690 14,275 20,369 19,801 86,428 161,272 87,183 31,695 69,999 123,629 100,151 66,027 60,170 45,689 Unimproved. 294,240 214,716 43,057 172,763 215,932 190,192 90,397 46,464 290,654 63,994 141,884 227,150 77,052 292,996 235,990 403,842 211,458 174,553 205,612 396,479 155,775 168,780 201,616 108,466 80,219 60,293 216,832 316,814 168,553 77,360 139,993 195,664 292,205 118,885 138,011 113,790 THE Population of North Carolina, The following statement shows the population of each county in North Carolina, classified as white and colored, and also the number of males of 21 years of age and over in each county, classified as native white, foreign white, and colored, according to the United States Census of 1880. In the column entitled " colored " are included the very few Chinese, Japanese, and Indians. Population. Males of 21 years of age and over. COUNTIES. i o 6 White. 'A a be 1 1 o The state 1,399,750 867,242 532,508 187,637 2,095 105,018 14,613 8,355 5,486 17,994 14,437 17,474 16,399 16,158 9,389 21,909 12,809 14,964 10,291 6,274 9,784 17,825 14,946 9,997 7 458 4,967 8,790 13,471 10,022 6,815 7,598 5,337 18,422 10,088 9,849 8,691 3,791 7,107 7,169 12,469 4,616 897 519 9,204 966 7,452 9,584 8,560 4,052 3,487 2,721 5,115 1,600 2,483 2,677 10,656 2,477 2,174 1,490 1,078 1.901 2,635 2,381 1,576 1.688 1,183 3 783 2,042 2,119 1.732 874 1,700 1,750 2,565 19 4 2 13 23 34 3 7 29 69 13 22 6 12 22 6 23 873 101 1,654 246 Ashe 1,628 1,848 1,570 922 Bertie Bladen Brunswick Buncombe 771 Burke 448 Cabarrus 1 031 Caldwell '263 505 Carteret 485 Caswell 2,157 449 Catawba THE POPULATION OF NORTH CAROLINA. 259 COUNTIES. Population. Males of 21 years of age and over. White. Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus Craven Cumberland.... Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Edgecombe.. . Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hyde Iredell......... Jackson Johnston Jones Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon Madison Martin Mecklenburg. . Mitchell Montgomery,.. Moore Nash New Hanover.. Northampton . Onslow Orange Pamlico 23,453 8,182 7,900 3,316 16,571 14,439 19,729 23,836 6,476 3,243 20,333 11.096 18,773 26,181 18,070 20,829 14,254 8,897 2,335 31,286 10,037 23,585 30,300 10,862 10,271 10,281 11,843 7,765 22,675 7,343 23,461 7,491 15,344 11,061 9,836 8,064 12,810 13,140 34,175 9,435 9,374 16,821 17,731 21,;<76 20,032 9,829 23.698 6,323 15,500 7,796 3,633 3,175 13,700 8,926 6,664 12.594 4,495 2,875 16,341 7,770 10,587 7,968 13,441 9,476 10,188 4,973 2,123 13,603 4,652 16,885 9,137 7,092 9,787 8,893 5,122 4,424 16,752 6,591 15.996 3.212 7,277 8,180 7,939 7,395 12,351 6,661 17,922 8,932 6,857 11,485 9,417 8.159 7,9S7 6.600 14.555 4,207 7,953 386 4,267 141 2,871 5,513 13,065 11.242 1,981 368 3,992 3,326 8,186 18,213 4.629 11,353 4,066 3,924 212 17,683 5,385 6,700 21,163 3,770 484 1,388 6,721 3,341 5,923 752 7,465 4,279 8,067 2.881 1,897 669 459 6.479 16,253 503 2,517 5,336 8,314 13,217 12.045 3.229 9,143 2.116 3,.383 21 1,490 4 806 5 655 2,832 11 1,864 15 1,634 65 2,669 57 1,063 2 670 1 3,556 18 1,715 3 2,360 14 1,797 27 3,098 32 2,137 8 2 054 44 1,103 4 411 2 3,161 40 1,096 2 3,882 80 2,196 40 1,552 12 1.870 4 1,770 24 1,200 9 1,088 11 3,510 20 1.248 10 3,382 22 771 1 1,588 13 1,719 9 1,566 8 1,476 12 2.401 9 1.514 14 4,006 173 1,696 5 1,469 7 2,527 26 2,068 8 1,802 331 1,815 4 1.492 11 3,310 25 1,00S 6 260 THE POPULATION OF NOllTH CAROLINA. Population. Males of 21 years of age and over. o 8 White. COUNTIES. 6 > d bJD j Pa^nnotanlc . -.... 10,369 12,468 9,466 13,719 21,794 5,062 20,836 18,245 23,880 21,744 19,965 15,198 22,894 10,505 15,353 15,302 3,784 5,340 4,545 18,056 47,939 22,619 8,928 8,160 24,951 19,181 16,064 12,420 7,694 4,855 5,509 4,795 7,206 10,704 3,918 17,758 8,141 11,942 12,431 13,621 11,910 13,347 9.166 11,730 13,227 3.234 4,823 3,110 13,520 24,289 6,386 4,554 7,746 12,827 17,257 8,655 10,876 7,369 5,514 6,959 4,671 6,513 11,090 1,144 3,078 10.104 11,938 9,313 6,344 3,288 9,547 1,339 3,623 2,075 550 517 1,435 4,536 23,650 16,2.33 4,374 414 12,124 1,924 7,409 1,544 325 1,118 1,318 1,131 1,639 2,468 808 3,854 1,844 2,675 2,787 3,012 2,397 2,884 1,779 2,442 2,778 648 939 730 2,677 5,691 1,424 1,076 1,522 2.884 3,375 1,948 2,197 1,416 18 19 1 4 12 2 4 27 30 39 28 11 13 1,148 1,382 PerQuinians . 891 1,275 Pitt 2,089 Polk 223 582 Iticlimoiid 1,844 2,131 Kockin2h.a.in 1,853 1,329 Kutlierf ord. 567 gampson 1,647 Stanly 253 Stokes 631 399 116 7 12 149 64 10 95 Tyrrell 279 U nion 794 Wake 5,128 Warren 2.995 924 78 52 2 10 1 1 2,382 Wilkes 367 1,479 Yadkin 263 Yancey 67 PART III. THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA. i THE Railroads of North Carolina, The forestry interest has latterly become so impor- tant in this country, tliat (since this volume went to press) it has been suggested that some readers may wish to know something of the people who inhabit and to see for themselves the territory in which so great forest wealth has been permitted to remain ; where also the climate is excellent, the soil fertile, the mineral wealth inexhaustible, the water power unlimited. To this end, the information obtained from the Census Department in regard to the people and their occupations has been added to Part II. ; and Part III. compiled that those who wish may know existing facilities for travel and transportation. The State of North Carolina covers an area of 52,286 square miles. Its land surface is 48,666 square miles ; that under water (sounds and bays), 3,620 square miles. Thirty railroads, 2,040 miles in length within the State, make sixty-two counties which they enter or traverse easy of access. Of the other thirty-four counties seventeen will soon be reached by roads now in process of construction. Nine hundred miles of inland steam navigation on the Cape Fear, Neuse, Tar, Roanoke and Chowan Rivers, and on the Sounds and Swamp Canals, add to the facilities for travel and transportation. 264 THE EAILROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA. On the very accurate map of North Carolina, pre- pared for Maury's excellent series of geographies (adopted by the State for use in its Public Schools), the several railroad routes are distinctly traced, and the University Publishing Company of New York, by which these geographies are issued, has kindly permitted the use of the plates from which the accompanying map is printed. The traveller with the aid of this map and the following notes need have no difficulty in "finding his way" through North Carolina, or into any part of it which may invite his examination. Forty-eight hours of railroad travel will suffice to convey one from the most distant points of far New England to almost any county in North Carolina. Annexed is a list of the RAILROADS IN NORTH CAROLINA, 1882. NAMES. BETWEEN Asheville and Spartanburg, Hendersonville, N. C, and Spartan- Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line, Charlot^tef N." C.*, and Atlanta. Ga. Atlantic and North Carolina, Goldsboro and Morehead City. Atlantic, I ennessee and Ohio, Charlotte and Statesville. Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley, Fayetteville and Gulf. Carolina Central Wilmington and Shelby. r!!!vf Tf """^^ VVadesboro Cheraw, S.C , and Wadesboro, N.C. Chailotte, Col.iinbia and Augusta, Charlotte, N. C. and Augusta, Ga. SfiML^'^i' ^^"''.V;' . c I^^"^''-- N. C, and Chestlr. S. C. mnville, .MocksvilleandSouthwes'n, Danville, Va., and Leaksville N C 5fitn>in"r--^/''^ and Western N.C, Johnson C'y,Tenn.,and Cranberry.N.C. Elizabeth City and Norfolk, Edenton, N. C . and Norfolk, Vaf Halifax and Scotland Neck, Halifax and Hill's Ferry Jamesville and Washington, Jamesville and Washington. S.^"o "'^'^^^^•^^'''"'• Milton, N. C. and Sutherlin, Va. ^orth Carolina Goldsboro and Charlotte. Northwestern North Carolina, Greensboro and Salem. North Carolina Midland, Goldsboro and Smithfield. Oxford and Henderson, Oxford and Henderson. Petersburg, Petersburg, Va., and Weldon, N. G. ^oi ™i! '^ A . .... Greensboro. N.C, and Danville, Va. Kaleigh and Augusta Air-Line, Kaleigh and Hamlet. Kaleigh and Gaston, Raleigh and Weldon. THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 265 NAMES. BETWEEN Seaboard and Kaleigh, "Williamston and Tarboro, Seaboard and Koauoke, Portsmouth, Va , and Weldon, N. C. Tarboro Branch, Kocky Mount and Tarboro. University, University Station and Chapel Hill. Wiliniugton and Weldon, Wilmington and Weldon. Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta, Wilmington, N. C, and Columbia, S. C. Western North Carolina, Salisbury and Paint liock. The Asheville and Spartanburg Railroad has its present terminus at Henderson ville, N. C. Twenty miles of track are yet to be laid to complete it to Asheville, where it will make connection with all the North Carolina Roads and with Roads to the north and west; at Spartanburg, S. C, it already connects with the through lines of travel. Its pres- ent completed length is 49 miles, passing from Spar- tanburg, S. C, into Polk and Henderson counties, N. C. The Richmond and Danville Company controls it, and the Asheville connection will soon be made. The Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Rail- road, 269 miles in length, reaches Charlotte, N. C, from Atlanta, Ga., through Cleveland, Gaston and Mecklenburg counties, N. C. At Charlotte, a thriv- ing railroad centre, the traveller finds railroad con- nections north, south, east and west. The Road is the property, by lease, of the Richmond and Danville Company. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, 95 miles in length, passes from Morehead City (Beau- fort Harbor) on the Atlantic coast, through the counties of Carteret, • Craven, Jones and Lenoir to the thriving town of Golclsboro in Wayne county, where it connects with the great lines of railway north, south and west. 266 THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA. The Atlantic, Tennessee a^^d Ohio Railroad, 47 miles long, connects Charlotte with the Western North Carolina Road at Statesville, passing through the northern half of Mecklenburg and the southern half of Iredell county. It is leased to the Richmond and Danville. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad is in operation from Fayetteville, the prospering head of steam navigation on the Cape Fear River, to Gulf, Chatham County — a distance of 47 miles — passing through Cumberland, Harnett and Moore into Chat- ham. Its further route is graded and bridged from Gulf through Chatham and Randolph to Greensboro in Guilford county, 52 miles ; and is graded from Greensboro to Walnut Cove in Stokes County, 30 miles beyond. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Road also owns the graded route of the Fayetteville and Florence Road from Fayetteville to the South Carolina line, 48 miles. The whole route will be rapidly completed after a slight change in the charter, to be made by the Legislature in January, 1883, and when finished will pass from a point on the Carolina Central Railroad through the counties of Robeson, Cumberland, Harnett, Moore, Chatham, Randolph, Guilford, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Yadkin, Wilkes, Caldwell and Mitchell. The Carolina Central Railway passes from Wilmington, the largest city of the State and a sea- port of great and growing foreign and domestic trade, 242 miles to Shelby. It traverses the counties of THE IIAILRO.VDS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 267 New Hanover, Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen, Robe- son, Richmond, Anson, Union, Mecklenburg, Gaston, Lincoln and Cleveland. At Wilmington, it connects with roads leading north and south and with the Cape Fear River and Ocean steamers ; at Hamlet with the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line, which is under the same management ; at Wadesboro with the South Carolina Roads; and at Charlotte with roads in every direction. The Cheraw and Wadesboro Road connects Anson county with the South Carolina Roads, and the Carolina Central at Wadesboro gives it an outlet to all parts of North Carolina. Its present length in North Carolina is 11 miles. Its projected northern terminus is at Salisbury, Rowan county. The Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Rail- road is another of Charlotte's connections with the outside world. Its length is 191 miles, 14 of which are in Mecklenburg county. It is part of the Rich- mond and Danville System. The Chester and Lenoir is a narrow gauge railroad, at present 63 miles long, passing from Ches- ter, S. C, on the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Road, through Gaston and Lincoln counties, N. C, to Lincolnton. Twenty-seven miles remain to be built to its terminus at Lenoir, Caldwell county. The Danville, Mocksville and Soi^thwest- ERN Railroad is completed from Danville, Va., to Leaksville, Rockingham county, N. C. It is part of the North Carolina Extension of the Virginia Mid- 268 THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA. land, is controlled by the Richmond and Danville, and will be completed across the State to its southern border at Charlotte. The East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad, 34 miles long, connects the celebrated Cranberry mines in Mitchell county, N. C, with the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Road, at Johnson City, Tennessee. The Elizabeth City and Norfolk Railroad is in operation for 75 miles, passing from Norfolk, Va., through Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans and Chowan counties, N. C, to Edenton on the Al- bemarle Sound. The Road will probably be contin- ued across the State through the eastern counties. At present, Edenton's other connections are by in- land steam navigation on the rivers and sounds. The Halifax and Scotland Neck is a branch road from the Wilmington and Weldon at Halifax to Scotland Neck, Halifax county. Its length is 20 miles and it connects with Roanoke River steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore, etc. The Jamesville and Washington Road, 29 miles long, connects Jamesville, in Martin county, with inland and ocean navigation at Washington, Beaufort county. The Midland North Carolina Railroad, a road projected from Goldsboro to Salisbury, is in operation from Goldsboro, in Wayne county, to Smithfield, Johnston county, 22 miles. The Milton and Sutherlin Narrow Gauge Rail- THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 2G9 road, 9 miles long, connects Milton, Caswell county, with the Richmond and Danville Road at Sutlierlin,Va. The North Carolina Railroad, 223 miles in length, passes from Goldsboro through Wayne, John- ston, Wake, Durham, Orange, Alamance, Guilford, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, to Char- lotte. At Goldsboro it connects with the great lines of travel north and south by the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad ; at Raleigh by the Raleigh and Gaston (north) and the Raleigh and Augusta Air- Line (south) ; at Greensboro with the Richmond and Danville System by its junction wdth the Piedmont Road ; at Charlotte with the Carolina Central, east and west, and with the Richmond and Danville Roads, heretofore noted, going south and west. It also forms part of a line of completed road, 526 miles in length, reaching from the Atlantic coast at Morehead to Paint Rock on the western State line and to Pig- eon River in Haywood county, and traversing the twenty counties of Carteret, Craven, Jones, Lenoir, Wayne, Johnston, Wake, Durham, Orange, Alamance, Guilford, Davidson, Rowan, Iredell, Catawba, Burke, McDowell, Buncombe, Haywood, Madison. The Road is leased to the Richmond and Danville, which also owns the Road from Salisbury to Paint Rock and Pigeon River. The Northwestern North Carolina Road is a branch of the North Carolina Road, owned l)y the Richmond and Danville Road, and passing from the im- portant and prosperous town of Greensboro, through 270 THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Guilford and Forsyth, to the thriving manufacturing centre at Salem-Winston. Its length is 25 miles. The Oxford and Henderson Railroad is 13 miles long. It runs from Henderson, the rapidly growing county seat of Vance, on the Raleigh and Gaston Road, to Oxford, the prosperous county town •of Granville. The Piedmont Railroad, 49 miles, passes from Danville, Va., through Caswell, Rockingham and Guilford counties to Greensboro, where it makes con- nection with the whole system of North Carolina Roads. It is owned by the Richmond and Danville, and is part of one of the great through routes from north to south. The Petersburg Railroad, 63 miles long, passes from Virginia through Northampton county, N. C, to the noted railroad centre, Weldon, in Halifax county, where it connects with the Raleigh and Gas- ton and Wilmington and Weldon through routes. The Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line Railroad, 99 miles in length, passes from Raleigh, the State Capital, through Wake, Chatham, Moore and Rich- mond counties, to Hamlet, where its connection with the Carolina Central (under the same management) makes a through route east and south by Wilming- ton and west and south by Charlotte. At Sanford, Moore county, it crosses the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Road, thus connecting with Fayetteville and the river steamers on the Cape Fear. The Raleigh and Gaston Railroad is 98 miles long. It runs from Weldon through Halifax, War- THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA. 271 ren, Vance, Franklin and Wake counties to Raleigh, where it connects with the Raleicfh and Auofusta (under the same management) and with the North Carolina Road east and west. At Weldon it con- nects with the Wilmington and Weldon, going south, and with the Petersburg Road and the Seaboard and Roanoke Road, going north. The last named is under the same management, which owns a line of travel from Baltimore to Wilmington and Charlotte. The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad is 80 miles long. Coming from Norfolk, Va., it passes through Northampton count}', N. C, to Weldon, where it makes connection Avith the Wilmington and Weldon and Raleigh and Gaston Roads. The Seaboard and Raleigh Railroad is in op- eration for 45 miles, from Tarboro, through Edge- combe, Pitt and Martin counties, to Williamston on the Roanoke. At Williamston it finds deep water and steam navigation ; at Tarboro, railroad connec- tion with The Tarboro Branch, which passes through Edgecombe, 17 miles, to Rocky Mount on the Wil- mington and Weldon through line. The University Railroad, 11 miles long, is owned by the Richmond and Danville, and runs from Uni- versity Station on the North Carolina Railroad to the immensely valuable iron mines near the State Uni- versity at Chapel Hill, Orange county. The Western North Carolina Railroad, now the property of the Richmond and Danville, is in operation from Salisbury through Rowan, Iredell, iiY^ THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Catawba, Burke, McDowell, Buncombe and Madison counties to Paint Rock — a distance of 189 miles. At Salisbury, the eastern terminus, it connects with the North Carolina Road; at Paint Rock with the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Road. The Ducktown Branch is completed from Asheville to Pigeon River, Haywood county, and rapid progress is made in grading the remainder of the route through Jackson, Swain, Macon and Cherokee counties. The Wilmington and Weldon Railroad trav- erses the State from north to south. It passes, 163 miles, from Weldon through Halifax, Nash, Edge- combe, Wilson, Wayne, Duplin, Pender and New Hanover counties to Wilmington. It owns and ope- rates a branch road from Halifax to Scotland Neck, 20 miles ; another from Rocky Mount to Tarboro, 17 miles ; and is now locating a road from Wilson to Florence, S. C, which will pass thrqugh the North Carolina counties of Wilson, Johnston, Harnett, Cumberland and Robeson, and connect with river and rail at Fayetteville. This road connects at Wel- don with the Raleigh and Gaston, the Petersburg, and the Seaboard and Roanoke Roads ; at Goldsboro with the North Carolina and the Atlantic and North Carolina; at Wilmington with the Cape Fear River and Ocean steamers, the Carolina Central Railway, and The Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, which is 189 miles in length and^part of the great Seaboard through route. It passes from Wilmington into South Carolina through Brunswick and Columbus counties, N. C. m^C Stai^ College JAN 7 4 W^iMr N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA